
Sample records for identity log det

  1. LogDet Rank Minimization with Application to Subspace Clustering

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhao Kang


    Full Text Available Low-rank matrix is desired in many machine learning and computer vision problems. Most of the recent studies use the nuclear norm as a convex surrogate of the rank operator. However, all singular values are simply added together by the nuclear norm, and thus the rank may not be well approximated in practical problems. In this paper, we propose using a log-determinant (LogDet function as a smooth and closer, though nonconvex, approximation to rank for obtaining a low-rank representation in subspace clustering. Augmented Lagrange multipliers strategy is applied to iteratively optimize the LogDet-based nonconvex objective function on potentially large-scale data. By making use of the angular information of principal directions of the resultant low-rank representation, an affinity graph matrix is constructed for spectral clustering. Experimental results on motion segmentation and face clustering data demonstrate that the proposed method often outperforms state-of-the-art subspace clustering algorithms.

  2. Om det moderne hus - og det klassiske

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hauberg, Jørgen


    I tekst og illustrationer beskrives det klassiske hus og den klassiske by, repræsenteret ved Andrea Palladio (1508-80) og det moderne hus, den moderne by og byggeopgave, repræsenteret ved Le Corbusier (1887-1965).......I tekst og illustrationer beskrives det klassiske hus og den klassiske by, repræsenteret ved Andrea Palladio (1508-80) og det moderne hus, den moderne by og byggeopgave, repræsenteret ved Le Corbusier (1887-1965)....

  3. Det Ambiente

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schmidt, Ulrik

    Det ambiente er iscenesættelsen af en karakteristisk sanseoplevelse, der er kendetegnet ved fornemmelsen af at være omgivet. I dag bliver begrebet om det ambiente mest anvendt i forbindelse med musikgenren ’ambient musik’. Det ambiente er dog ikke essentielt knyttet til det musikalske, men må...... forstås som et betydeligt bredere fænomen i den moderne æstetiske kultur, der spiller en væsentlig rolle i oplevelsen af moderne transportformer, arkitektur, film, lydkunst, installationskunst og digitale multimedieiscenesættelser. En forståelse af det ambiente er derfor centralt for forståelsen af en...... moderne æstetiseret oplevelseskultur i almindelighed. Da det ambiente ikke hidtil har været gjort til genstand for en mere indgående teoretisk behandling, er der dog stor usikkerhed omkring, hvad fænomenet overhovedet indebærer. Hovedformålet med Det ambiente – Sansning, medialisering, omgivelse er derfor...

  4. Det ambiente

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schmidt, Ulrik

    Om begrebet "det ambiente", der beskriver, hvad der sker, når vi fornemmer baggrundsmusikkens diskrete beats, betragter udsigten gennem panoramavinduet eller tager 3D-brillerne på og læner os tilbage i biografsædet. Bogen analyserer, hvorfan ambiente oplevelser skabes, og hvilke konsekvenser det...

  5. Det levende og det levede

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Binder, Thomas


    Katalogtekst til udstillingen 'Honey, I'm home' på DDC, Dansk Design Center d. 02.03.2006-18.06.2006. En diskussion af de unges designeres tilgang til designrollen og det designede objekt.......Katalogtekst til udstillingen 'Honey, I'm home' på DDC, Dansk Design Center d. 02.03.2006-18.06.2006. En diskussion af de unges designeres tilgang til designrollen og det designede objekt....

  6. Nyd det! Nyd det!

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jantzen, Christian; Østergaard, Per


    utilsigtet konsekvens af en række faktorer, der i fællesskab bibringer det indtryk, at det er godt at nyde. Vekselvirkningen mellem modernitetens strukturelle vilkår og oplevelsesorienteringen er, at der er frembragt en teknik, et sprog og en ideologi for den ønskværdige måde at nyde på.......Artiklen behandler de mentalitetshistoriske forudsætninger for den moderne hedonisme, som er kendetegnet ved forbrugere, der kyndigt manipulerer med deres sanser, fantasier og behovstilfredsstillelse for at opnå maksimal nydelse. Den moderne oplevelsesorientering skal ses som en dybest set...

  7. For det kommende i det tidlige

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grønbæk, Niels


    . Man kan sige at fortroligheden er enten medieret - fx gennem sprog, skrift, håndtering af værktøj osv., eller opstår i og med de stabile formationer - som fx det vi i fremskredne stadier kender som vaner. Vaner kan opfattes som stabile formationer, som mønstre; men det kan de 'medierede fortroligheder......' også, hvis man i stedet for at lægge vægten på værktøjet eller mediet, lægger den på teknikken - og dermed på en praksis eller en kunnen. I min afhandling fører det til et radikalt materiale-begreb: 'egentligt' materiale kan ikke være nærværende - nærværende véd vi ikke andet om det end at der er noget...... Udgangspunktet for afhandlingens kulturkritiske dimension, er dén påstand eller dobbelt-tese at: 1) kulturen (for tiden) foretrækker visse teknikker frem for andre. Her er min overordnede påstand at epistemet er kendetegnet af en orientering mod tegnene - hvilket egentlig vil sige: mod sit kulturelle indre. Et...

  8. Det fleksible arbejde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Csonka, Agi Eva

    Det er en udbredt antagelse, at arbejdet er under forandring i disse år. Det forventes, at flere og flere lønmodtagere får et mere fleksibelt arbejde kendetegnet ved større selvbestemmelse, mere varierede arbejdsopgaver og flere faglige og personlige udviklingsmuligheder. Men er det fleksible arb...

  9. Stop det transatlantiske frihandelsmonster!

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holten-Andersen, John


    Hvis EU og den danske regering indgår en frihandelsaftale med USA og Canada, viser det, hvor tom deres grønne retorik er. Frihandel rimer lige så dårligt med grønne hensyn, som det gør med røde. En grøn økonomi er lokal – og det er en social og demokratisk økonomi også!......Hvis EU og den danske regering indgår en frihandelsaftale med USA og Canada, viser det, hvor tom deres grønne retorik er. Frihandel rimer lige så dårligt med grønne hensyn, som det gør med røde. En grøn økonomi er lokal – og det er en social og demokratisk økonomi også!...

  10. Det kvalitative interview

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brinkmann, Svend

    Bogen begynder med en teoretisk funderet introduktion til det kvalitative interview gennem en skildring af de mange forskellige måder, hvorpå samtaler er blevet brugt til produktion af viden. Opmærksomheden henledes specielt på de komplementære positioner, der kendetegner det oplevelsesfokuserede...... interview (fænomenologiske positioner) og det sprogfokuserede interview (diskursorienterede positioner), som henholdsvis fokuserer på interviewsamtalen som rapporter (om interviewpersonens oplevelser) og redegørelser (foranlediget af interviewsituationen). De følgende kapitler omhandler forskellige måder...... forskningsresultater baseret på kvalitative interview....

  11. Fri os fra det onde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frandsen, Johs. Nørregaard


    Anmeldelse af Ole Bordedals film: Fri os fra det onde. Filmen bruger provinsen som metafor for de menenskelige udkanter og eksistentielle randområder, ligesom han skildrer det ondes princip Udgivelsesdato: maj......Anmeldelse af Ole Bordedals film: Fri os fra det onde. Filmen bruger provinsen som metafor for de menenskelige udkanter og eksistentielle randområder, ligesom han skildrer det ondes princip Udgivelsesdato: maj...

  12. Det kritiske interview

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerg, Lars

    Bogen indkredser, hvad der gør et interview kritisk og udleder derfra det kritiske interviews overordnede mål og spilleregler.......Bogen indkredser, hvad der gør et interview kritisk og udleder derfra det kritiske interviews overordnede mål og spilleregler....

  13. Det sentimentalt moderne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thule Kristensen, Peter


    Romantikken er blevet afskrevet som en mørk epoke, hvor en hang til mystik og tvetydighed ikke passer til det moderne oplysningsprojekts mål om klarhed og orden. Afhendlingen viser imidlertid, hvordan dele af arkitekturen i det 20. århundrede er fyldt med romantisk tankegods, og hvordan romantisk...... nøglemotiver som f.eks. fragment, arabesk, krystal, symbol eller poesi kan bruges i en analyse - også af moderne arkitektur. det ses i bogens nyfortolkninger af værker og teorier hos arkitekterne Erik Gunnar Asplund, Josef Frank, Rudolf Schwarz, Aldo Rossi og Daniel Libeskind...

  14. Det sentimentalt moderne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Peter Thule


    Det er muligt at bruge et romantisk begrebsapparat meningsfuldt, når man analyserer arkitektur fra det 20. århundrede. Med denne konklusion indskriver ph.d.-afhandlingen sig i de seneste årtiers nyvurdering af romantikken, der især er pågået inden for litteratur- og kunsthistorien, men ikke i sam...

  15. Studerende svigter ældreområdet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schrøder, Margit; Larsen, Conny Lilian


    I to undersøgelser af sygeplejestuderendes interesse i plejen af svækkende gamle mennesker viser det sig, at kun få finder det attraktivt at arbejde steder, hvor disse mennesker er i overtal. På hospitalet drejer det sig om geriatriske og medicinske afdelinger, og i kommunen er det især plejehjem...

  16. Turisten og det mobile medie

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Jens F.


    Gennem det sidste årti har de mobile medier - og ikke mindst mobiltelefonen - udviklet sig med stor hast. Mobiltelefonen er ikke alene det medie, der har haft den hurtigste vækst i verdenshistorien, den er også allerede det mest udbredte medie med over 4 milliarder mobiltelefoner på verdensplan....

  17. Fra det gamle danske landkøkken til det nye nordiske

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kærgård, Niels


    Det nye nordiske køkken er i dag et højtprofileret begreb i den gastronomiske verden, og der er udsendt et manifest med de bagvedliggende ideer. Begrebet forbindes blandt andet med restauranten Noma, der er kåret til verdens bedste spisested. I artiklen beskrives retningens ideer, og det analyser...

  18. Det Hellige Rum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boelsbjerg, Hanne Bess


    ). Dette suppleres med en kort deltagerobservation. Der gøres rede for de begrænsninger, som var forbundet med udførelsen af feltarbejde, hvilket indgår som en del af analysen af ’det hellige rum’. Ved at inddrage Batesons forståelse af ’det hellige’ samt Turners ritual-forståelse, udskilles de elementer...

  19. Det geniales biologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clausen, Lars


    I de senere år har der igen været tale om eliter og højtbegavede, uden at konnotationerne fra nazi-Tysklands håndtering af ordene har klinget med. Det paradigmatiske brud, der er ved at aftegne sig i forhold til anden halvdel af det 20. århundredes fremherskende paradigme om hjerners generelle 'e...

  20. Vi snakker jo mye om det, hva er det du kjenner på nå, hvor er det det oppstår?


    Meek, Nina Persson


    Bakgrunn og formål Forskning har vist at ungdom som stammer opplever i stor grad negative følelser og tanker omkring egen stamming (Menzies, Onslow, Packman and O´Brian, 2009; Helliesen, 2006). Ettersom det er en bred enighet på feltet om at en individuell oppfølging og tilrettelegging er viktig for å møte de utfordringene ungdommene som stammer har (Manning & DiLollo, 2007; Howie, 2011; Hearne, Packman, Onslow & Quine, 2008), var det av interesse å undersøke om ungdom opplever at behandling ...

  1. Det betydningstomme kulturmøde:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rud, Søren


    Gennem en analyse af Hernan Cortés 2. brev vises det, at forestillingen om europæernes kulturelle overlegenhed ikke kan bekræftes i brevet. Snarrere lader det til at vidne om den kulturelle uoversættelighed, der synes at have præget mødet mellem indianere og spaniere. Udgivelsesdato: Marts...

  2. Det tyske skyldkompleks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clemmesen, Michael Hesselholt


    Tysklands ledes af en idealistisk, lutheransk præstedatter, hvis administration af landets skyldkompleks drevet af Facebook lammer Europas reaktion ved det begyndende jordskred, der begraver et halvt århundredes fremskridt.......Tysklands ledes af en idealistisk, lutheransk præstedatter, hvis administration af landets skyldkompleks drevet af Facebook lammer Europas reaktion ved det begyndende jordskred, der begraver et halvt århundredes fremskridt....

  3. Det Maritime Hus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Albrechtsen, Thomas Rohde Skovdal


    Denne rapport er en slutevaluering af udviklingsprojektet Det Maritime Hus, og består af en analyse og diskussion af en spørgeskemaundersøgelse foretaget i perioden efterår 2014 til forår 2017. Evalueringen besvarer følgende tre spørgsmål og målsætninger med projektet: 1. På hvilke måder formåede...... lærere undervisningsforløbet som brugbart i forhold til egen undervisning? Konklusionen på evalueringen er, at Det Maritime Hus har formået at understøtte de deltagende elevers interesse og læring inden for science-området gennem de designede undervisningsforløb, som er blevet udbudt og gennemført i...

  4. Det ambientes fænomenologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Walther-Hansen, Mads


    Det ambiente: sansning, medialisering, omgivelse er et aktuelt og ambitiøst værk. Bogen skildrer hvordan ambiente fænomener har fået en stigende betydning i den moderne verden, og redegør for måden hvorpå det ambiente virker ind på hele vores oplevelseskultur. Det er en levende, uprætentiøs og frem...

  5. Det ubevidstes etik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rösing, Lilian Munk


    Kapitlet tager udgangspunkt i Jacques Lacans hævdelse af, af det ubevidstes status er etisk og argumenterer herudfra for en forståelse af psykoanalysen som en etik, der går ud på at møde den anden og det andet med en lydhør åbenhed. Denne lydhøre åbenhed tager sin begyndelse med Freuds lytten til...

  6. Det foto-eliciterede interview

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Kim


    Det foto-eliciterede interview fremkalder informationer og fortællinger ud af fotografier, og støtter børn i at ytre sig.......Det foto-eliciterede interview fremkalder informationer og fortællinger ud af fotografier, og støtter børn i at ytre sig....

  7. Det Spirituelle Menneske

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Viftrup, Dorte Toudal


    Bøn, meditation, ritualer og kirkegang har ikke monopol som adgangsveje for det spirituelle menneske. Den åndelige søgen kan rette sig mange steder hen – også i de situationer, hvor psykologen inddrages.......Bøn, meditation, ritualer og kirkegang har ikke monopol som adgangsveje for det spirituelle menneske. Den åndelige søgen kan rette sig mange steder hen – også i de situationer, hvor psykologen inddrages....

  8. Grå strækninger på det overordnede vejnet i det åbne land

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Michael


    udviklet konkrete metoder til udpegning, analyse og udbedring af grå strækninger. I ph.d.-afhandlingen “Grå strækninger i det åbne land – Udvikling, anvendelse og vurdering af alvorlighedsbaseret metode til udpegning, analyse og udbedring af grå strækninger” er der derfor blevet formuleres en overordnet...... filosofi for det grå strækningsarbejde samtidig med, at der med fokus på udpegning udvikles metoder til udpegning, analyse og udbedring af grå strækninger på det overordnede vejnet i det åbne land. Formålet har specifikt været at udvikle metoder, som er både uheldsteoretisk velfunderede og anvendelige i...

  9. Historiemisbrug - giver det mening?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Peters, Rikke Louise Alberg; Brunbech, Peter Johan Yding


    Giver det mening at tale om ”historiemisbrug” i en undervisningssammenhæng, eller er misbrug en uklar moralsk motiveret dom, vi fælder over det, vi tager afstand fra? Denne artikel er en redigeret diskussion af dette spørgsmål mellem Rikke Alberg Peters og Peter Brunbech....

  10. Det danske realkreditsystem og SDO-lovgivningen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grosen, Anders; Jakobsen, Svend


    De senere års store succes for rentetilpasningslån og afdragsfrie lån har betydet, at det danske realkreditsystem er blevet mere eksponeret over for rentestigninger og faldende priser på ejerboliger. På denne baggrund er det overraskende, at Realkreditrådet og Danmarks Nationalbank i aktuelle ana...

  11. Internettet - det demokratifremmende medie?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Taulø-Jacobsen, Emilie Tinne


    for civilsamfundet og generere civilsamfundsroller. Gennemslagskraften synes dog minimal i det stærkt hierarkiske samfund, hvor den almindelige befolkning fortsat mangler incitament til at ville ændringer, så længe det kommunistiske styre sikrer økonomisk vækst og forbedrede levevilkår. Selv om internettet i visse...

  12. Det sorte USA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brøndal, Jørn

    Bogen gennemgår det sorte USAs historie fra 1776 til 2016, idet grundtemaet er spændingsforholdet mellem USAs grundlæggelsesidealer og den racemæssige praksis, et spændingsforhold som Gunnar Myrdal kaldte "det amerikanske dilemma." Bogen, der er opbygget som politisk, social og racemæssig histori......, er opdelt i 13 kapitler og består af fire dele: Første del: Slaveriet; anden del: Jim Crow; tredje del. King-årene; fjerde del: Frem mod Obama....

  13. Det filosofiske liv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Finn Thorbjørn

    Ph.D afhandlingen "Det filosofiske liv - et dannelsesideal for eksistenspædagogikken" er en idéhistorisk undersøgelse af, hvilken betydning den pragmatiske vending i filosofien (Foucault, Rorty, Wittgenstein, Schanz) kan have for den pædagogiske teori og praksis. Med ideen om "det filosofiske liv...... af den filosofiske praksis, når man i pædagogisk sammenhæng ønsker at arbejde med den værdimæssige og eksistentielle dimension i voksenundervisning og voksenvejledning....

  14. Det tematiske grundlag for unikke koncepter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jantzen, Christian


    Artiklen vedrører fortællingens indholdsaspekter: dvs. det der fortælles om og det materiale der fortælles med. Disse tematiske forhold ved fortællingen anvendes på en konkret case (et hotel) for at vise, hvordan de kan nyttiggøres i design af oplevelser.......Artiklen vedrører fortællingens indholdsaspekter: dvs. det der fortælles om og det materiale der fortælles med. Disse tematiske forhold ved fortællingen anvendes på en konkret case (et hotel) for at vise, hvordan de kan nyttiggøres i design af oplevelser....

  15. Mellem det globale og det lokale

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pristed Nielsen, Helene


    offshore branche, nemlig opgraderingerne af olieboreriggene Mærsk Guardian og Mærsk Giant, der blev trukket i land til Hirtshals Havn hhv. i foråret 2011 og sommeren 2012. De ni fortællinger danner basis for en mere generel diskussion om behovet for og erfaringerne med mobilitet og fleksibilitet på det...

  16. Det stedløse fællesskab

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andreasen, Torsten Arni Caleb


    Det værkløse, det uvedgåelige, det kommende fællesskab. I nr. 4 af tidsskriftet Aléa (1983) udkom første udgave af den franske filosof Jean-Luc Nancys artikel "La communauté désœuvrée" (Det værkløse fællesskab), der senere udkom med tilføjelser i bogen af samme navn (1986). Via en analyse af...

  17. Det gående interview

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Kim


    Det gående interview understøtter børns aktive deltagelse, og giver indblik i den materielle og kulturelle kontekst......Det gående interview understøtter børns aktive deltagelse, og giver indblik i den materielle og kulturelle kontekst...

  18. Embedsmandsdyderne og det ministerielle hierarki

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Jørgen Grønnegård; Wang, Julie Grunnet; Opstrup, Niels


    Flere sager har rettet opmærksomheden mod samspillet mellem ministrene og ministeriernes embedsmænd. Det er grundlæggende et principal-agent-problem. Det har to sider: agentens (embedsværkets) tilraning af magten fra principalen (ministeren), og principalens (ministerens) misbrug af agenten til...

  19. På afgrundens rand vokser en blomst: Det små og det store i Virginia Woolfs "The Waves"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klitgård, Ida Birthe


    Virginia Woolf, billedsprog, The Waves, det sublime, detaljen, modernisme, Edmund Burke, Immanuel Kant......Virginia Woolf, billedsprog, The Waves, det sublime, detaljen, modernisme, Edmund Burke, Immanuel Kant...

  20. Menneskerettigheder - det almenmenneskelige og det kulturelt bestemte

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindhardt, Eva


    Med inddragelse af en skelnen mellem borgerrettigheder og menneskerettigheder søger kapitlet at afdække det værdisæt, der ligger bag tanken om universelle menneskerettigheder bl.a. med inddragelse af Thomas Hobbes og John Lockes naturretstænkning. Herefter gives et historisk vue over udviklingen af...

  1. Digitalisering af det eksisterende byggeri

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Nils Lykke; Øien, Turid Borgestrand


    Digitalisering af det eksisterende byggeri er en vanskelig og uendelig opgave. Det giver kun mening at digitalisere eksisterende byggeri, når man har et konkret behov, og da kun at indhente og lagre de informationer, som man strategisk eller konkret har behov for. Erhvervs og Byggestyrelsen har i...

  2. Må de gamle det nye?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mortensen, Frands


    Det er ikke EU, der forhindrer, at DR og andre traditionelle public service-stationer kan inddrage nye audiovisuelle medietjenester i løsningen af deres public service-opgave. Det er alene Medlemsstaterne, der har denne ret, og nogle har i de seneste år i samarbejde med Kommissionen anvendt den...

  3. Det enogtyvende århundredes kompetencer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bundsgaard, Jeppe


    indflydelsesrige Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills, det er årsagen til testen der anvendes i ICILS 2013, og ligger også delvis bag PISA-testene. Men hvad er det 21. århundredes kompetencer, hvordan udvikler eleverne dem og hvordan måles de. Demonstrationsskoleforsøgsinterventionerne handlede om...

  4. Æstetisk iscenesættelsen af det postindustrielle bylandskab

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kiib, Hans


    det naturskønne, det ruinøse og de pittoreske billede af byen og landskabet spiller en vigtig rolle. Men samtidig iscenesætter den eleverede parkbro byen på en sublim måde forstået som opbyggelse af spændingsfelter mellem den nære og kendte og det fremmede og farlige i en af verdens spektakulære...... kortlægning af parkbroens rolle i bydelens dekonstruktion og nyiscenesættelse i en fremadskuende montage. Det omfatter en æstetisk modstilling af arkitektoniske virkemidler for det skønne, det pittoreske og det sublime og tilsvarende en tregrenet oplevelsespallete hos den besøgende: Den konplemtative væren i...

  5. Den rette tale på det rette tidspunkt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Jette Barnholdt


    Artiklen har form som en teoretisk klumme, der gør rede for det klassiske retoriske begreb kairos ved hjælp af eksempler fra kendte taler fra det 20. årh.......Artiklen har form som en teoretisk klumme, der gør rede for det klassiske retoriske begreb kairos ved hjælp af eksempler fra kendte taler fra det 20. årh....

  6. Hvad koster det en forsker at svare en journalist?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Emmeche, Claus


    Er det en journalist fra Børsen koster det 12.000 kr. Det er i al fald den pris, som det nu kommer til at koste filosofiprofessor Vincent F. Hendricks, hvis det står til avisen selv, efter at han sidste år havde være i kontakt med to journalister fra Børsen og besvaret deres spørgsmål i forbindel...

  7. Med det sociale som designmateriale

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brandt, Eva; Binder, Thomas


    Samarbejde, samskabelse og social nysgerrighed er i dag en præmis for den nyskabende designer. Det sociale er det nye designmateriale som unge designere giver sig i kast med når f.eks. Emmy Linde samarbejder med plejehjemsbeboere, deres pårørende, plejepersonale og fysioterapeuter for at designe ...

  8. Det rent menneskelige

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Togeby, Ole


    Omtale af Michael Tomasellos teorier om at sproget som det rent menneskelige er baseret på en empati og tillid, som kommer til udtryk i at selv små børn forstår når en anden peger, hvad aber ikke gør. Udgivelsesdato: 12.april 2006......Omtale af Michael Tomasellos teorier om at sproget som det rent menneskelige er baseret på en empati og tillid, som kommer til udtryk i at selv små børn forstår når en anden peger, hvad aber ikke gør. Udgivelsesdato: 12.april 2006...

  9. Det faderløse samfund

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Henrik

    Det faderløse samfund er en kulturhistorisk afdækning af fader- og autoritetstabet i det 20. århundredes Europa, med fokus på fader-søn-forholdet og fortalt gennem skikkelser som Max Weber, Freud, Jung, Kafka - og ’den uregerlige søn’ over dem alle, psykologen og anarkisten Otto Gross. Den er...

  10. Det edukative

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lieberkind, Jonas

    forskyder grundlaget for de traditionelle politiske, sociologiske og psykologiske diskurser, der almindeligvis henvises til, når man ønsker at forstå og begrunde samfundets udfordringer. Med udgangspunkt i Emile Durkheims forfatterskab udvikler afhandlingen en analytisk kategori for det edukative....

  11. Arkitektur i "det offentlige billede"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Annette Svaneklink


    Igennem de seneste år er visuelle medier blevet en stadig større del af det samlede udtryk der møder os i byer og i bygninger. I asiatiske og i amerikanske storbyer er urbane skærme og medierede facader en almindelig del af det kommercielle og pulserende liv, mens man i Danmark, og resten af Euro...

  12. Hvad litteraturen kan, er ofte det rigtige ..

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bundsgaard, Jeppe; Kühn, Lisbet


    Læsning i dansk handler i første omgang om at blive god til at læse, men på mellemtrinnet er det ved at være tiden til også at bruge skønlitteraturen til det, den er god til, nemlig til at få indsigt i menneskelivets kompleksitet. I dette kapitel anbefales det at gøre noget med litteraturen, fx f...

  13. Regulering af det psykiske arbejdsmiljø

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Klaus T.

    nationale informationer om reguleringen af det psykiske arbejdsmiljø. Rapport er bygget op med ◊ et internationalt overblik over regulering af psykisk arbejdsmiljø ◊ en bredere diskussion af reguleringens dilemmaer ◊ en gennemgang af den aktuelle danske udvikling ◊ udfordringerne på området...

  14. Det nordiske som brandværdi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermansen, Judy


    Kommunikation spiller en vigtig rolle for, hvilke associationer forbrugeren har til brandet. Og da brand image består af summen af alle corporate aktiviteter, er der ifølge Roncha især én fællesnævner, som styrker strategierne bag nordisk brand management: Opbygningen af et globalt og konsistent...... brand under en nordisk designparaply, fordi design i mange år reelt har været en integreret del af det kulturelle og samfundsmæssige liv i Skandinavien. Men ikke alle nordiske designere, er tilfredse med de stilistiske associationer og begrænsninger, som er vokset op omkring det nordiske brand. Derfor...... er det også vigtigt at arbejde aktivt på at udvikle dets symbolske værdi. Der er ifølge Roncha en unik chance for at skabe et bæredygtigt brand, som ikke kun handler om bestemte stilarter eller kunstneriske værdier, men også om kvalitet og innovation. Udgivelsesdato: April...

  15. Strategisk ledelse i det offentlige

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klausen, Kurt Klaudi

    Bogen opsamler 10 års forskning og undervisning i strategisk ledelse i det offentlige og udvikler en ny koncepttænkning om at se ind i fremtiden og foregribe den gennem de tre F'er......Bogen opsamler 10 års forskning og undervisning i strategisk ledelse i det offentlige og udvikler en ny koncepttænkning om at se ind i fremtiden og foregribe den gennem de tre F'er...

  16. Sociale medier & det nye undervisningsmiljø

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tække, Jesper; Paulsen, Michael Eric


    Det store gab Ny forskning i de danske gymnasier viser, at onlinespil og sociale medier som Facebook indtager førstepladsen, som opmærksomhedsafleder fra det som foregår i undervisningen. Samtidig viser international forskning, at der er store potentialer ved at lade undervisning foregå i sociale...

  17. Det indre og ydre liv på arbejde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lundgaard Andersen, Linda


    I denne artikel introduceres to psykoanalytiske positioner – den engelske Tavistock tradition og den tyske psykoanalytiske socialpsykologi. De repræsenterer avancerede analyser af det moderne ar-bejdsliv og har en væsentlig indflydelse i den danske forskningsverden, i praktisk organisationsar......-skridende forståelser af det moderne arbejdsliv? I begge teorier tages livtag med det komplicerede samspil mellem individ, arbejdsliv og samfund, som forstås som inter-subjektive og intra-subjektive processer under påvirkning af det ubevidste. Tavistock traditionens styrke er et stærkt fokus på or-ganisationen og...

  18. Det store nordiske rum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Breitenbauch, Henrik Ø.


    Valget af Donald J. Trump som USA’s 45. præsident skabte uhørt tvivl om det transatlantiske forhold. Substansen, formen og timingen af Trumps politikudmeldinger varslede en på mange måder radikal omkalfatring af den mest grundlæggende relation i den liberale verdensorden siden Anden Verdenskrig....... Ville USA helt holde op med at afstive fundamentet for den nordeuropæiske sikkerhed? For at forstå den eksistentielle betydning af den tvivl som Trump har vakt med sine tilsyneladende improviserede bemærkninger, er det nødvendigt at betragte dybt sedimenterede strukturer i sikkerhedspolitikken. Hverken...

  19. Det man tænker er man selv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rosenbaum, Philip


    I en tid, hvor ”det postfaktuelle samfund” er det mest populære udtryk øst for Valby bakke, er det vigtigt for de profaktuelle fanebærere at forstå, at fakta og evidens ikke i sig selv ændrer på folks opfattelse og holdninger. For at evidensbaserede argumenter skal få en vigtig position i samfund...

  20. "... Formanden dog det dobbelte"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Werlauff, Erik


    Artiklen analyserer, hvorvidt den traditionsbestemte honorargrundsætning i aktieselskaber ”... formanden dog det dobbelte” gennemsyrer både ret- og pligtsiden for formanden, således at forstå, at ikke blot rettighedssiden med retten til honorar og andre goder forøges for en formand, men også...... næppe er urimeligt at genbruge talemåden ”... formanden dog det dobbelte”, her forstået som: en generelt øget ansvarsrisiko, uanset om dette udspringer af ansvarsstandarden, af den bevismæssige nærhed ved beslutningerne eller en kombination af begge disse faktorer. Artiklen foretager en gennemgang af de...

  1. Work-life balance - hvad betyder det egentlig?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Vivi Bach


    Med afsæt i en beskrivelse af vores samtid og de mest centrale tilgange repræsenteret i Work-Life litteraturen, søger denne artikel at nå frem til en forståelse af, hvad det vil sige at have ’balance’ mellem arbejdsliv og privatliv. Der sættes fokus på, hvad der betinger individets muligheder...... for at skabe ’balance’ i en travl og omskiftelig hverdag. Det afgørende spørgsmål er, hvad skal der til, for at den enkelte kan få det hele til at hænge sammen? Udgivelsesdato: Juni...

  2. Det var, som om de havde en slags kærlighed til det, de gjorde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Finn Thorbjørn

    Dette er en videnskabelig rapport bestilt af Folkehøjskolernes Forening i Danmark (FFD) med det formål at undersøge, den eksistentielle dimension i højskolens uddannelses- og erhvervsvejledning. På baggrund af tre empiriske studier på tre forskellige folkehøjskoler og teoretiske (pædagogisk-filos......-filosofiske) studier omkring begrebet "det eksistentielle" og "filosofisk vejledning" gøres der rede for og diskuteres, hvorledes man kan tænke og praktisere "eksistentiel vejledning" i højskolens uddannelses- og erhvervsvejledning....

  3. Det skadelige 'rum'

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Lars Axel


    kortlagt. Ud over Hitlers magtfulde politiske retorik er det i Hans Grimms roman Volk ohne Raum, Karl Haushofers geopolitiske rumstudier, Konrad Meyers rumforskning, Carl Schmitts udkast til en ’folkeretslig storrumsordning’ samt i Werner Bests maximer for en etnicistisk storrumsforvaltning, at rum...

  4. Det sunde, overvægtige barn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    From, Ditte-Marie


    Kommunale sundhedskurser for overvægtige børn har til formål at knække fedmekurver, men risikerer med deres fokus på mangler i stedet for at knække selvværd, når de sundhedspædagogiske metoder møder det levede hverdagsliv. Korrekt kost og forøget motion er det biomedicinske svar på en sund og sla...

  5. Digitalisering af det historiske jernbanenetværk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fertner, Christian


    Centret for Strategisk Byforskning startede i marts 2012 et nyt forskningsprojekt, der omhandler udfordringer hos og fremtiden for danske stationsbyer. Som datagrundlag digitaliserede vi bl.a. det danske jernbane netværk, normal- og smalspor, siden 1847 i grove træk. Denne opgørelse vil vi i det ...

  6. Detroit District Laboratory (DET) (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — Program CapabilitiesDET-DO Laboratory is equipped with the usual instrumentation necessary to perform a wide range of analyses of food, drugs and cosmetics. Program...

  7. Betyder modellering det samme i naturfag som i matematik?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ejersbo, Lisser Rye


    Med de nye målformuleringer og læseplaner bruges udtrykket modellering nu både indenfor naturfag og matematik. Matematiklærere, som er vant til at arbejde med modellering tror måske, at det betyder det samme begge steder, men det behøver slet ikke at være tilfældet. Måske vi trænger til en...

  8. Æblet i det japanske mobil-paradis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brynskov, Martin


    Igennem et årti har vi været vant til, at i Japan er man først med det nyeste på mobiltelefonen. Det er stadigvæk rigtigt, lang hen ad vejen, men en flad, globaliseret verden har frembragt nogle interessante brudflader. Denne analyse viser – med udgangspunkt i dugfriske eksempler fra Japan...

  9. Det monstrøse i Ezekiels vision

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Kirsten


    Artiklen viser, hvordan det monstrøse introduceres i Ezekiels Bog kap. 1 i form af nogle sammensatte levende væsener, der har træk hentet fra både menneske- og dyreverdenen. Det monstrøse består i denne overskridelse af de gængse grænser og problematiserer dermed de velkendte klassifikationer. Og...

  10. At stå i det åbne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Finn Thorbjørn

    Bogen At stå i det åbne: Dannelse gennem filosofisk undren og nævær er en pædagogisk-filosofisk undersøgelse af, hvad det vil sige at stå i et "undringsfællesskab" i en undervisnings- og vejledningssituation. Ved at trække på den eksistentiel-fænomenologiske og filosofisk-hermeneutiske forskning ...

  11. Det man hører, er man selv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svømmekjær, Heidi Frank


    Katalog til udstillingen "Det man hører, er man selv" på Mediemuseet i Odense 7. september 2012 - 15. januar 2013.......Katalog til udstillingen "Det man hører, er man selv" på Mediemuseet i Odense 7. september 2012 - 15. januar 2013....

  12. Involverende ledelseshåndtering af det flerkulturelle forældregrundlag

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Padovan-Özdemir, Marta


    Forældresamarbejde i dagtilbud og skole er ikke hvad det har været – og det bør det heller ikke være, når forældregrundlaget ændrer sig i takt med globalisering og grænseoverskridende migration. Ledelsen spiller en afgørende rolle i at facilitere involverende og anerkendende forandringsprocesser,...

  13. Wittgenstein og respekten for det religiøse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Albinus, Lars


    Fremstilling af den tidlige og den sene Wittgensteins forhold til det religiøse med særligt henblik på tabet af umiddelbarhed.......Fremstilling af den tidlige og den sene Wittgensteins forhold til det religiøse med særligt henblik på tabet af umiddelbarhed....

  14. Private sundhedsforsikringer og holdninger til det universelle skattefinansierede sundhedssystem

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dejgaard, Thomas Engel; Pedersen, Jesper Møller

    Vi kender historien: Antallet af borgere med en privat sundhedsforsikring er eksploderet siden 2002. Over 1.000.000 danskere har nu et regulært alternativ til behandling i det offentlige. Men er der tegn på, at borgerne også vælger den offentlige sundhedssektor fra? Vi tager temperaturen på...... borgernes holdninger til det danske sundhedssystem, der er blevet forandret væsentligt det sidste årti. Vi ønsker at undersøge, om de nye private forsikringsordninger har udkrystalliseret sig i forandringer i borgernes holdninger. For en lang række danskerne har nu et reelt alternativ til behandling i det...... offentlige. Vi bruger ISSP 2006 Role of Government (indsamlet 2008) til at undersøge forsikrede og ikke-forsikrede borgeres holdninger til sundhedssystemet....

  15. Det Medicinske Politi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bonderup, Gerda

    Fattigdom og sygdom hang nøje sammen, opdagede man i oplysningstiden. Læger udarbejdede et koncept - Det Medicinske Politi: Sygdomme skulle ikke længere blot bekæmpes, men også forebygges. Den danske regering var stort set med på forslagene, og resultatet blev i første omgang ansættelse af embeds...

  16. Reguleringen af whistleblowerordninger på det private arbejdsmarked

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjaltason, Peter Kristian


    Afhandlingen belyser retsstillingen for ansatte på det private arbejdsmarked i forbindelse med, at arbejdsgiveren efterforsker indberetninger om dem, som arbejdsgiveren har modtaget fra en whistleblower.......Afhandlingen belyser retsstillingen for ansatte på det private arbejdsmarked i forbindelse med, at arbejdsgiveren efterforsker indberetninger om dem, som arbejdsgiveren har modtaget fra en whistleblower....

  17. Lege i det fri

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ravn, Jakob Iversen


    At være et legende menneske fordrer en rettethed mod noget, man kan være legende i forhold til. Eksempelvis en aktivitet, hvor det legende menneske går op i aktiviteten for aktivitetens egen skyld. Overvejelser over friluftslivets legende muligheder...

  18. dets fornuft

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Busk, Malene


    Der redegøres for nødvendigheden af i det 21. årh. at gentænke begreber om følelse og fornuft og eksperimentere med deres rækkevidde, så følelse ikke bliver subjektivisme og overtro og fornuft ikke bliver kynisme og instrumentalisering, sådan som arven fra de foregående århundreder ellers lægger ...

  19. "Det man hører, er man selv"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bonde, Lars Ole


    Det man hører, er man selv” er Danmarks Radios P3s yderst velkendte slogan. Det dukkede op i begyndelsen af (20)00erne som opfindsom og populær afspejling af en moderne forståelse af den rolle musik og medieforbrug spiller for den voksne dansker. Denne artikel handler ikke om P3 som musikkanal...

  20. Det tværprofessionelle arbejde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tofteng, Ditte Maria Børglum; Bladt, Mette


    Tværprofessionelt samarbejde er tidens løsen på komplekse sociale problemstillinger. Den moderne velfærdsstats borgerindsatser synes at kræve et særligt samkoordineret arbejde mellem professioner. Men nogle gange ser det ud til, at det tværprofessionelle ender med at stå i vejen for en sagsgang o....... The article shows that the inter-professional sometimes become the systems answer to problems created by the organizational structures of the system....... it looks like, the inter-professional work end up being in the way of an administration and effort, which is timely and professional sound. Based on a long term action research project the article will, be focused on how the inter-professional work sometimes becomes a trip up for problem solving...

  1. Skulle det være en Foster eller en Toyota?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vibæk, Kasper Sánchez


    Japanske husproducenter leverer nøglefærdige huse fra fabrik. De styrede produktionsforhold og det at der produceres ud fra en katalog tankegang har betydning for det arkitektoniske udtryk. Artiklen beskriver og analyserer konsekvenserne af dette....

  2. Det gode budskab - om patientnetværksvirke på portalen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wentzer, Helle; Bygholm, Ann


    "Det gode budskab om frelserens fødsel og det evige liv blev før dets nedskrift i evangelierne fortalt fra mund til mund. Analogien mellem patientfora og Biblen kan synesprovokerende for hvad er mere forskellige fra hinanden end videnskab og tro, endsige www og Messias? Artiklens analyser af borg...

  3. Digital literacy som læringsoptik i det senmoderne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grevy, Carlo


    indledes med en redegørelse for de aktuelle potentialer for folkeskolen i dag. Herefter følger et generelt koncept for digital literacy. I det tredje afsnit opstilles på baggrund af projektets undersøgelser udfordringer for den nye optik, og i det sidste afsnit gives et udblik, hvor konceptets muligheder...

  4. Det protestantiske selv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dalsgaard, Matias Møl

    tænkere som Charles Taylor og Max Weber har gennemført. Men undersøgelsens fokus er i højere grad på selvets liv end på moralitet og økonomi som det er tilfældet hos Taylor og Weber. Primært gennem en læsning af Søren Kierkegaard og sekundært gennem en analyse af nyere æstetiske produktioner forsøger...

  5. Det diskursiva skrivandets funktion – en läromedelsanalys

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jenny Magnusson


    Full Text Available Flera forskare har visat att lärare i skolan inte undervisar tillräckligt mycket och tillräckligt tidigt i diskursivt skrivande, ett skrivande som elever behöver för att klara sig i samhället. Som en följd av detta har det diskursiva skrivandet under de senaste åren blivit allt mer uppmärksammat i nya styrdokument och i nya läromedel. Utgångspunkten i den här artikeln är att undersöka vilket stöd lärare får för att klara den uppmärksamheten, alltså de nya kraven som styrdokumenten ställer när det gäller diskursivt skrivande.Det diskursiva skrivandets funktion undersöks här i skrivuppgifter i 19 läromedel i svenska för lågstadiet, där utgångspunkten är den stora betydelse som funktionen har när det gäller skolskrivande, i form av ett tydligt syfte, kontext och mottagare. Ivaničs skrivdiskurser är det analysverktyg som används, och skrivuppgifterna har kategoriserats utifrån dessa diskurser.Det analysen visar är framförallt att variationen är liten i skrivuppgifterna. Eleverna får träna genreform och process, men inte mycket som har med funktion i en samhällskontext utanför skolan att göra. Därutöver visar resultaten att tydliga kontexter och tydliga mottagare är ovanligt i skrivuppgifterna, och i relation till tidigare forskning kan detta ses som problematiskt, då dessa aspekter har visat sig vara avgörande för ett framgångsrikt skrivande.

  6. Helligt og profant rum i Det Gamle Testamente

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Hans Jørgen Lundager


    Helligstedets kulturevolution illusreret emd scener fra Det Gamle Testamente: Moses og tornebusken; Jakob i Betel; templet i Jerusalem. Markering af helligstedet ved indeksikale tegn for at vække opmærksomhed og fastholde i hukommelse......Helligstedets kulturevolution illusreret emd scener fra Det Gamle Testamente: Moses og tornebusken; Jakob i Betel; templet i Jerusalem. Markering af helligstedet ved indeksikale tegn for at vække opmærksomhed og fastholde i hukommelse...

  7. Virtual reality - ja det er virkelig allerede en realitet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Tem Frank


    Allerede tilbage i 1980’erne kunne forskningen i medier og informationsteknologier fremvise de første prototyper på 3D virtual reality. Man kan spekulere længe over, hvad der egentligt motiverede forskningen på det tidspunkt. En motivation kunne være den ingeniørmæssige: Er det muligt at skabe en...

  8. Det entreprenante universitet er i stærk fremmarch

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Mogens Ove


    Der sker en usædvanlig omfattended omvæltning af universiteternes vilkår i disse år. Der stilles mange krav fra det omgivende samfund om, at universiteterne skal indskibe sig med en central rolle i det såkaldte videnssamfund. Universiteterne skal på enhver måde være langt mere entreprenante...

  9. Følelser for farver i det 20. århundrede

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skude, Flemming


    Grundtræk i arkitekternes farvesyn i det 20. århundrede med vægt på Le Corbusiers indflydelse og den senere postmoderne pluralisme i farvesætningen.......Grundtræk i arkitekternes farvesyn i det 20. århundrede med vægt på Le Corbusiers indflydelse og den senere postmoderne pluralisme i farvesætningen....

  10. En fascinerende fortælling om det 20. århundredes musik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bonde, Lars Ole


    Anmeldelse af Karl Aage Rasmussen: Musik i det tyvende århundrede: En fortælling. Gyldendal 2011.......Anmeldelse af Karl Aage Rasmussen: Musik i det tyvende århundrede: En fortælling. Gyldendal 2011....

  11. Det ustadige i arkitekturen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ryborg Jørgensen, Thomas

    dermed også en højere grad af selvbesindelse og refleksiv frihed, som måske kan føre os videre og åbne for alternativer. Det er en af min afhandlings væsentlige pointer og anfægtelser, at dette ikke kan ske på baggrund af neutrale, ikke-kvalificerede rum, eller rum determineret af/i en simplificeret...

  12. 100 år med Det religiøse livs elementære former

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jacobsen, Brian Arly


    2012 markerer 100 års jubilæet for udgivelsen af en af de vigtigste publikationer i studiet af religion – den franske sociolog Emile Durkheims (1858-1917) Det religiøse livs elementære former: det totemiske system i Australien.......2012 markerer 100 års jubilæet for udgivelsen af en af de vigtigste publikationer i studiet af religion – den franske sociolog Emile Durkheims (1858-1917) Det religiøse livs elementære former: det totemiske system i Australien....

  13. Risiko i det nordiske kraftmarkedet : utfordringer for risikostyring


    Solheim, John Ola; Erlandsen, Kristian Ingemann


    Masteroppgave om utfordringer for risikostyring i det nordiske kraftmarkedet. Det nordiske kraftmarkedet er preget av svært volatile priser, som byr på mange problemer ved risikostyring for aktørene i markedet. Risiko i kraftmarkedet kan ikke uten videre analyseres og styres på samme måte som for eksempel aksjemarkedet. Dette fordi kraftmarkedet innehar større og hyppigere prissvingninger enn de fleste andre markeder. Risiko er uforutsette hendelser, mens volatilitet er mer knyttet til spr...

  14. Svingdøre og blindgyder på det danske arbejdsmarked

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Flemming; Bredgaard, Thomas

    Det er et grundliggende paradoks på det danske arbejdsmarked, at dem på arbejdsmarkedet løber stærkere og stærkere med stress-relaterede sygdomsproblemer, forringet livskvalitet og eksklusion til følge, mens en tilsyneladende næsten uforandret gruppe af mennesker står mere eller mindre permanent......, hvordan disse paradoksproblemer på nutidens arbejdsmarked kan forstås, samtidig med at der gives et muligt bud på løsningsforslag. Det gøres ud fra begrebet om transitionelle arbejdsmarkeder (Transitional Labour Market - TLM), som er lanceret af den tyske professor i økonomisk politik Günther Schmid...

  15. "Kven er det som skriv?" Skriveren i romanen Naustet av Jon Fosse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natascha Reinhoff


    Full Text Available Når det gjelder romanen Naustet av Jon Fosse er det ikke tvil om at det blant annet – og kanskje hovedsaklig – er „dette noko / skrifta berettar om“. Det er derfor denne romanen også kan kalles for en metaroman. Tematiseringen av skriveren og skriveprosessen i romanen tar ikke bare mye plass på historienivå: Den gjennomsyrer romanen. Nært forbundet med denne tematikken er et fenomen jeg ville kalle for „dobbeltperspektivet i romanen“, og det er dette jeg vil se litt nærmere på her. Selv om romanen Naustet – i god postmoderne tradisjon – i siste – og kanskje allerede i første – instans unndrar seg en fast og entydig tilskrivning av betydning – og slik bevarer sin magi – skal jeg prøve å nærme meg skriveren og dobbeltperspektivet „eit stykke på veg“. Men først et par ord om begrepet skriver.

  16. Mentaliseringsbegrebet og dets arv fra Freuds begreb om binding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Signe Holm


    Artiklen undersøger og diskuterer forskelle og ligheder mellem mentaliseringsbegrebet og Freuds bindingsbegreb. Begrebet mentalisering, som betegner en evne til at forholde sig refleksivt til egne og andres mentale tilstande, har indenfor de sidste fem- ti år vundet en central placering i klinisk...... psykologiske teoridannelser. Dets ophavsmænd Fonagy et al. forsøger imidlertid ikke at tage patent på begrebet, men peger på, at en række teoretikere har understreget betydningen af en refleksiv funktion. Alle disse begreber kan ifølge Fonagygruppen føres tilbage til Freuds begreb om binding. På baggrund af en...... udlægning af det oprindelige bindingsbegreb hos Freud, ønskes det i denne artikel at tydeliggøre den grundlæggende forskel på Freuds – og Fonagys subjektopfattelse....

  17. Elevation of Transfection Efficiency by Conjugation of Poly(amindoamine)-diethylenetriamine (PAM-DET) with Dexamethasone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Yunseong; Park, Jihye; Jin, Geunwoo; Park, Jongsang


    We successfully conjugated hydrophobic group, dexamethasone onto the surface of PAM-DET to synthesize PAM-DET-DX to form polyplexes with enhanced stability against ionic strength. We evaluated its stability by measuring the size of its polyplexes; the conjugated PAM-DET polyplex showed decreased growth compared to the PAM-DET polyplex in an environment with increased ionic strength, which implies that the conjugated PAM-DET has enhanced stability against increased ionic strength. Furthermore, conjugation of hydrophobic group caused a slight increase in the transfection efficiency without inducing toxicity. Of course, it isn't a neglectable factor that nuclear localization effect of DX can drive the advanced transfection efficiency of PAM-DET-DX polyplex. It means that the hydrophobic moieties which have some other positive properties in transfection are good candidates that can be introduced to non-viral polymeric gene delivery carrier. This strongly indicates that the introduction of hydrophobic moiety on PAM-DET is a good method to enhance polyplex stability against ionic strength without diminishing its advantageous properties, such as high transfection efficiency and low cytotoxicity

  18. Gymnasieelever vil det samme på tværs af etniske skel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moldenhawer, Bolette; Kamp, Mikkel


    Gymnasieelever, der ikke er fødte Danmark, har nogenlunde det samme syn på, hvad de fagligt og socialt skal have ud af at gå på gymnasiet, som deres kammerater med pæredanske forældre. Der er dog mindre forskelle, som det er vigtigt at tale om i klasseværelset, mener forskere.......Gymnasieelever, der ikke er fødte Danmark, har nogenlunde det samme syn på, hvad de fagligt og socialt skal have ud af at gå på gymnasiet, som deres kammerater med pæredanske forældre. Der er dog mindre forskelle, som det er vigtigt at tale om i klasseværelset, mener forskere....

  19. Kapitalformidling, kreditrisiko og det finansielle system

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grosen, Anders


    I artiklen beskrives det, hvorledes ventureselskaber, banker, ratingbureauer, kapitalfonde, realkreditinstitutter mv. på hver deres måde medvirker til at løse de problemer, som asymmetrisk information skaber i forbindelse med kapitalformidlingen....

  20. Teknologi og det fysiske miljø

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heiselberg, Per


    Kapitlet indeholder en generel introduktion til indeklima, komfort og teknologiens betydning for ældres trivsel. Det indeholder tillige en beskrivelse af, hvordan mennesker opfatter det fysiske miljø og de karakteristika, der giver komfort og et godt indeklima, ligesom ældre og plejekrævendes spe...... individuel behovsstyring gennemgåes. Smart-home teknologien beskrives sammen med de muligheder denne giver for opførelse af en intelligent ældrebolig, der både sikkerhedsmæssigt og funktionsmæssigt er tilpasset den ældres behov....... specielle behov diskuteres. Sammenhængen mellem indeklima, bygningsudformning og tekniske installationer beskrives med fokus på de sammenhænge, der erfaringsmæssigt er problematiske. Muligheder for reduktion af energi- og ressourceforbrug ved optimal bygningsudformning, valg af tekniske installationer og...

  1. Det store sammenhængskollaps på Facebook

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tække, Jesper


    Det store sammenhængskollaps på Facebook: Politik og massemedier erstatter mere og mere de private billeder og statusopdateringer på Facebook. Vi er blevet mere og mere upersonlige og mindre og mindre private, når vi deler på Facebook. Dette viser fortrolige oplysninger fra medarbejdere på Facebook...... ifølge teknologimediet The Information. En stor krise og et kollaps truer Facebook, som nu prøver at løse problemet ved eksempelvis at gøre det lettere at dele personlige og private oplevelser....

  2. Hvad er selvledelsesværdien ved det åbne kontorlandskab?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Amhøj, Christa Breum


    Artiklen handler om det åbne kontorlandskab og hvordan dette kan føre til at medarbejderne leder sig selv. En gennemgående pointe i artiklen er at de forskellige måder hvorpå virksomheden vælger at iagttage og tale om det åbne kontorlandskab, skaber værdierne for forholdet mellem organisation/led...

  3. Fosfortab fra det dyrkede areal til Stevning Dam, Hindemaj og Haderslev Dam

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Hans Estrup; Heckrath, Goswin; Thodsen, Hans

    Størrelsen af dyrkningsbidraget til søerne i Haderslev Dam-systemet er vurderet med to forskellige metoder til at udgøre ca. 42 % af den samlede tilførsel. En risikokortlægning med det nye, danske P-indeks viser, at i alt 15 % af det dyrkede areal er i højrisiko mht. fosfortab. P-indeks-kortlægni......Størrelsen af dyrkningsbidraget til søerne i Haderslev Dam-systemet er vurderet med to forskellige metoder til at udgøre ca. 42 % af den samlede tilførsel. En risikokortlægning med det nye, danske P-indeks viser, at i alt 15 % af det dyrkede areal er i højrisiko mht. fosfortab. P...

  4. Vilkår og muligheder i det sociale web

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Dette podcast gengiver et indlæg på Forskningsnetkonferencen 2007 om muligheder og vilkår i det sociale web med særligt henblik på e-læring. Fysisk medie: Flash-fil......Dette podcast gengiver et indlæg på Forskningsnetkonferencen 2007 om muligheder og vilkår i det sociale web med særligt henblik på e-læring. Fysisk medie: Flash-fil...

  5. Betaler det sig? Fleksibilitet og løn i den danske flexicurity-model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ibsen, Flemming


    Indkomstsikkerhed er at bevæge sig fra et job til at andet og få en højere løn, men er det tilfældet i dan danske flexicurity-model, betaler det sig at være fleksibel? Belønnes numerisk ekstern fleksibiblitet højrere end intern funktionel fleksibilbitet? Artiklen viser, at det bedst kan betale si...

  6. Det moderne projekt – og portfolioen som en af mange succesteknologier

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helms, Niels Henrik


    I artiklen diskuteres portfolioen i lyset af den canadiske fi losof Taylors begreber om rationel selvkontrol og ekspressiv artikulering som forskellige udtryk for det moderne. En række pædagogiske succesteknologier problematiseres og afsluttende foreslås en kommunitarisk forståelse af det...

  7. RISK-DET : ICT Security Awareness Aspect Combining Education and Cognitive Sciences

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schaff, Guillaume; Harpes, Carlo; Aubigny, Matthieu; Junger, Marianne; Martin, Romain; Leist, Arno; Pankowski, Tadeusz


    This paper explains the main innovation of a risk assessment tool, called RISK-DET, which will include an ICT risk awareness aspect supported by a specific application: Voozio 2.0. The design of the RISK-DET tool considers the implementation of the emergent ICT (Information and Communication

  8. Tre strejker i det offentlige

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stamhus, Jørgen; Scheuer, Steen; Chrstensen, Ellen Susanne


    Fra april til juni 2008 gik tre grupper af offentligt ansatte (sosu-assistenter, sygeplejersker m.fl. og børnehavepædagoger) i strejke for at opnå forbedrede relative løngevinster. Kunne dette betale sig? På grundlag af en investeringskalkule påvises det, at kun en velforberedt og relativt kort s...

  9. Role of Arabidopsis ABF1/3/4 during det1 germination in salt and osmotic stress conditions. (United States)

    Fernando, V C Dilukshi; Al Khateeb, Wesam; Belmonte, Mark F; Schroeder, Dana F


    Arabidopsis det1 mutants exhibit salt and osmotic stress resistant germination. This phenotype requires HY5, ABF1, ABF3, and ABF4. While DE-ETIOLATED 1 (DET1) is well known as a negative regulator of light development, here we describe how det1 mutants also exhibit altered responses to salt and osmotic stress, specifically salt and mannitol resistant germination. LONG HYPOCOTYL 5 (HY5) positively regulates both light and abscisic acid (ABA) signalling. We found that hy5 suppressed the det1 salt and mannitol resistant germination phenotype, thus, det1 stress resistant germination requires HY5. We then queried publically available microarray datasets to identify genes downstream of HY5 that were differentially expressed in det1 mutants. Our analysis revealed that ABA regulated genes, including ABA RESPONSIVE ELEMENT BINDING FACTOR 3 (ABF3), are downregulated in det1 seedlings. We found that ABF3 is induced by salt in wildtype seeds, while homologues ABF4 and ABF1 are repressed, and all three genes are underexpressed in det1 seeds. We then investigated the role of ABF3, ABF4, and ABF1 in det1 phenotypes. Double mutant analysis showed that abf3, abf4, and abf1 all suppress the det1 salt/osmotic stress resistant germination phenotype. In addition, abf1 suppressed det1 rapid water loss and open stomata phenotypes. Thus interactions between ABF genes contribute to det1 salt/osmotic stress response phenotypes.

  10. Fair nok, vi kalder det hiphop og retfærdiggør det med en anmeldelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krogh, Mads


    kritikkens diskurs fra en forståelse af genren som en ny og eksotisk modedille og et virkemiddel i fx rock og jazz; til en forståelse af hiphop som en selvfølgelig side af populærmusikkulturen og af begrebet som samlebetegnelse for et stigende antal 'undergenrer'. Disse processer afdækkes gennem...... hiphop i den på det tidspunkt etablerede rock og jazzkritik; mens 'anden bølge' (perioden 1987-94) ser ansættelsen af de første kritikere med et personligt forhold til og en specialviden om hiphopkulturen i kritikken (insidere) - i modsætning til en gruppe af kritikere, som på det tidspunkt viderefører...... informerede. Kapitlet diskuterer i forlængelse heraf forskellige former for intertekstualitet, hvor i særdeleshed 'lokalitetsbestemt' og såkaldt institutionaliseret intertekstualitet spiller en betydelig rolle som begrundelse for insidernes status i hiphopkritikkens felt. I læsningen af kritikkens forhandling...

  11. Oplevelser i lokalområdet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kvistgaard, Peter


    Præsentationen tager udgangspunkt i Mou Skoles flex-uge. Ugen havde som hovedtema, at eleverne skulle finde nye oplevelser i deres lokalområde, så lokalområdet bedre kunne tiltrække turister i fremtiden. Præsentationen er derfor et oplæg, der skal inspirere eleverne til selv at finde og lave nye...

  12. Mot et europeisk regnskapsreguleringsregime : IASB-regelverket og det balanseorienterte konseptuelle rammeverket


    Lundesgaard, Jon


    Norsk: Med tusenårsskiftet fikk vi også et skifte i hvordan en i Europa går videre i møtet med utfordringene på regnskapsreguleringsområdet. I stedet for å satse på en “har-monisering” ved direktiver (som det enkelte land i noen grad står fritt i forhold til) går en over på det som er omtalt som en forordningslinje. Dvs. retningslinjer som har karakteren av lov, og med dette får en i Europa et felles regnskapsreguleringsregime for “større” foretak (først og framst gjelder retningslinjene kons...

  13. Ligestillingstendenser og muligheder i det pædagogiske felt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tireli, Üzeyir


    første position overser børnenes forudsætninger, den anden position kan føre til en fastlåsning af etniske minoritetsbørn i stereotype, stivnede og længst forandrede forhold. Den danske tradition for at tage udgangspunkt i det enkelte barns forudsætninger er en af de vigtigste metoder i denne sammenhæng...... for at udvikle et interkulturelt perspektiv, men det skal gøres på en refleksiv måde....

  14. Eksperimentelt design og dets konsekvenser for fortolkningen af stimuli

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Marie Herget


    Ved hjælp af text change-¬paradigmet kan man teste hvorvidt læsere bemærker ændringer i allerede processeret tekst når de præsenteres for den igen (Sturt et al. 2004). Som udgangspunkt har vi tilbøjelighed til at overse mindre ændringer i tekststimuli, men sproglige faktorer så som fokus og...... de udfordringer der er ved konstruering af relevante items til sådan et forsøg. Jeg vil koncentrere mig om de strukturelle forhold i dansk der giver udfordringer når man vil undersøge hvilken rolle artikler spiller i processering af tekster. I særdeleshed giver det udfordringer at forsøge......teori om grammatisk status. Master, Københavns Universitet. HANSEN, E. & HELTOFT, L. 2011. Grammatik over det danske sprog. Bind 2 : Syntaktiske og semantiske helheder, København: Det danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab. HARDER, P. 2008. Determiners and definiteness. Essays on Nominal Determination: From...

  15. Den onde eller det onde?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Kirsten


    Artiklen handler om brugen af billeder for den onde (djævelen) og det onde i moderne salmer. Der er en klar tendens til at foretrække et naturbillede som mørket frem for personbilleder. Mørket kan som billede bruges forholdsvis nuanceret og vil i mange tilfælde ikke forudsætte et dybere kendskab ...

  16. (Bi)literacy i det flersprogede klasserum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laursen, Helle; Lundqvist, Ulla; Orluf, Birgit

    I dette og et foregående paper præsenteres programmet Tegn på sprog - tosprogede børn lærer at læse og skrive og de foreløbige resultater heraf. I dette paper sættes særligt fokus på (bi)literacypraksisser i klasserummet og på børns brug af literacy, som det kommer til udtryk gennem deres...... information, der er tilgængelig for dem i de sociale fællesskaber, de indgår i (Kress 1997, 2000, Kenner 2004). For børn, der vokser op i flersprogede omgivelser, vil mødet med skriftsprog omfatte møder med skrift på flere sprog. Dataindsamlingen omfatter i 2008/2009 klasserumsobservationer i de fem 0...... skabes i klasserummet. Derudover diskuteres forståelsen af literacy og literacyunder-visning i lyset af den sproglige diversitet, man finder i mange klasserum....

  17. Produktudvikling og afsætningsøkonomisk forskning: Hvad har det med hinanden at gøre?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harmsen, Hanne


    Lad det være sagt med det samme. Produktudvikling er ikke et afsætningsøkonomisk kerneområde, hverken forsknings- eller undervisningsmæssigt på samme måde som eksempelvis forbrugeradfærd, reklameforskning eller industriel købsadfærd. Det skyldes blandt andet, at det er en ung forskningsretning, der...

  18. Effect of deoxycholate conjugation on stability of pDNA/polyamidoamine-diethylentriamine (PAM-DET) polyplex against ionic strength. (United States)

    Jeong, Yunseong; Jin, Geun-Woo; Choi, Eunjung; Jung, Ji Hyuk; Park, Jong-Sang


    Polyplexes formed from cationic polymer/pDNA have been known to be vulnerable to external ionic strength. To improve polyplex stability against ionic strength, we attempted the chemical conjugation of the hydrophobic deoxycholate (DC) moiety to the polyamidoamine-diethylenetriamine (PAM-DET) dendrimer. Dynamic light scattering studies showed that the tolerance of the resulting PAM-DET-DC against ionic strength is higher than that of PAM-DET. In addition, we confirmed that the stability of polyplex has a strong relationship with the degree of conjugation of the DC moiety to the PAM-DET dendrimer and the charge ratio of PAM-DET-DC. Furthermore, the transfection efficiency of the PAM-DET-DC polyplex is higher than that of PAM-DET but its cytotoxicity remains the same. Therefore, the chemical conjugation of DC is a safe and effective method for increasing the stability of supramolecules formed from electrostatic interaction. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Fremtidens forbrugere vil have det hele

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Niels Asger


    Vi kan af gode grunde ikke vide, hvordan forbrugernes efterspørgsel efter svinekød vil udvikle sig i fremtiden, men vi kan med udgangspunkt i forskning give nogle kvalificerede og velunderbyggede ud på nogle overordnede udviklingstendenser - også kaldet megatrends - der vil præge markedet i det k...

  20. Når det er svært at være ung i DK

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Jens Christian; Sørensen, Niels Ulrik; Grubb, Ane

    I rapporten Når det er svært at være ung i DK – unges beretninger om mistrivsel og ungdomsliv præsenteres resultaterne af et kvalitativt studie af mistrivsel og ungdomsliv blandt 15-24-årige unge i Danmark. Studiet bygger på dybdegående interviews med 33 unge fra forskellige dele af landet, der...... fortæller om deres erfaringer med diverse mistrivselsformer, som ensomhed, selvskadende adfærd og mobning, og om deres besvær med at håndtere de krav, udfordringer og muligheder, der i øvrigt præger det moderne ungdomsliv. Studiet indgår i det treårige forskningsprojekt Når det er svært at være ung i DK...

  1. Det afghanske præsidentvalg 2014

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestenskov, David

    Om lidt over en måned skal den afghanske befolkning til stemmeurnerne. Mange observatører og analytikere vil utvivlsomt se valget som en lakmustest af det internationale engagement i landet siden 2001, og især den militære indsats berettigelse vil blive vurderet ud fra selve valgakten og ikke min...

  2. Med Wacquant i det ghettopolitiske felt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schultz Larsen, Troels


    og de danske forsømte boligområder indtager samme position i det (bolig)sociale hierarki og dermed kan betegnes som homologe, er de historisk, socialt, politisk og strukturelt betinget af væsentligt forskellige årsager. Som erstatning for ”ghetto”-begrebet anføres i stedet begrebet ”de forsømte...

  3. Tilblivelselsen af det Ny Nordiske Køkken

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nickelsen, Niels Christian; Scheuer, John Damm


    aktørens skabende sider eller reducerer aktørens aktive skabende sider til "utilitaristisk mekanik", nuancerer artiklen det handlerum, som findes mellem forenklede forestillinger om fri handling og social determinerethed. Dette finder sted via analyse af nogle empiriske observationer, samt via en...

  4. Et nyt perspektiv på magt i det sociale arbejde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Prieur, Annick; Henriksen, Lars Skov


    Artiklen er et reviewessay af to bøger: M. Järvinen, J. E. Larsen og N. Mortensen (red.): Det magtfulde møde mellem system og klient (2002) og M. Järvinen og N. Mik-Meyer (red.): At skabe en klient (2003).......Artiklen er et reviewessay af to bøger: M. Järvinen, J. E. Larsen og N. Mortensen (red.): Det magtfulde møde mellem system og klient (2002) og M. Järvinen og N. Mik-Meyer (red.): At skabe en klient (2003)....

  5. Det sociale bånd og følelser i menneskers interaktion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bo, Inger Glavind


    forekommende og mest centrale følelse, og det er denne argumentation, der udfoldes i artiklen ved at se på tre af Scheffs centrale inspirationskilder: 1) E. Goffman og dennes blik for følelsesdynamikker i interaktionen, 2) C.H. Cooleys teori om det sociale spejlselv og 3) H. Lewis' begreb om følelsesfælder og...

  6. "Det man siger er man selv..."

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Næsby, Torben; Nørgaard, Britta; Uddholm, Mats

    forhold, der er hermeneutisk, strukturelt og relationelt bestemt. Praksisviden kan ikke være objektiv i gængs forstand, men det behøver ikke at diskvalificere denne viden. Forståelse er altid knyttet til den sag og bundet til den situation man står overfor og i som professionel og som menneske....

  7. Doing 21st Century Skills - om Dewey og det 21. århundredes kompetencer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lorentzen, Rasmus Fink


    Men hvordan hænger det sammen med ideen om det 21. århundredes kompetencer? Jeg vil i det følgende pege på flere sammenhænge mellem synet på læring, pædagogik og fag hos Dewey og udvalgte elementer i 21CS. Begrundelsen for dette er, at 21CS kun er et meget overordnet begreb, der ikke rummer...... at udvikle konkrete og praksisnære didaktiske design. At pege på Deweys tilgang som et fundament er et bud på ét svar i denne sammenhæng....

  8. Twilight og det gode monster

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Kim Toft


    bevægelse af tusmørket, men samtidig ved vi også, at fuldmånen er forbundet med lunefuld opførsel. Ordet ’lune’ kommer også af det latinske ord ’luna’ for måne. Tredje film fra 2010 hedder Eclipse, hvilket betyder ’formørkelse’, hvilket i ny og næ sker for både måne og sol. Med andre ord signalerer de...

  9. Koolipärimuse kogumisest Noarootsis ja Vormsis 2006. aasta kevadel : Rootsi-Eesti lastenaljade kogumik Det var en ko och det var poängen / Piret Voolaid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Voolaid, Piret, 1971-


    Autor käsitleb artiklis Ahvenamaa Põhjamaade Instituudi (Nordens Institut på Åland) eestvedamisel korraldatud lastepärimuse projekti, mille käigus koguti koolipärimust Soomest Ahvenamaalt ja Rootsist Gotlandilt ning Eestist endistelt rannarootsi aladelt. Kogutu põhjal ilmus rootsikeelne antoloogiline naljakogumik Det var en ko och det var poängen. Artiklis keskendutakse välitööde kogumismetoodikale ja tulemustele Eestis. Välitööd toimusid Noarootsi Koolis ja Vormsi Põhikoolis

  10. Det er systemet den er gal med

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bryld, Claus


    Anmeldelse af Klaus Buster Jensen og Jakob Mathiassen: Kamppladser. Østarbejdere og social dumping i byggeriet. Informations forlag. En fremragende bog om social dumping evner at udfolde det store problem uden at gøre hverken østeuropæerne eller arbejdsgiverne til karikerede skurke...

  11. Tigere og det menneskelige fællesskab

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjærgård, Jonas Ross


    Med udgangspunkt i de radikale jacobineres forslag om at Louis XVI skulle henrettes øjeblikkeligt og uden rettergang, argumenteres der i artiklen for, (i) at dyremetaforik kan fungere som effektivt middel til at ekskludere politiske fjender fra det menneskelige fællesskab, hvilket betyder, (ii) a...

  12. Med åben gestus mod det kommende

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Thomas Bo


    Inger og Johannes Exner har i al stilfærdighed udviklet og fulgt en faglig diskurs uden sidestykke i dansk arkitektur. Meget tyder på, at denne diskurs nu har indhentet vores samtid, hvor krav om ressourceansvarlighed, genanvendelighed og det man kunne kalde bygningskulturel bæredygtighed presse ...

  13. Det jordløse landbrug i industrikvarteret

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rentz-Petersen, Nee


    Forskningsprojektet 'Det Jordløse Landbrug i Industrikvarteret' undersøger muligheder og konsekvenser ved at placere større landbrugsanlæg nær bynære industrikvarterer i Danmark. Projektet opstiller fire konkrete scenarier for fremtidens agro-industrikvarter, hvor fødevareproduktion kobles med bl...

  14. Handelsbankens användande av CRM -Är det lönsamt?


    Salman Kanbar, Ahmad


    Frågeställning: På vilket sätt används CRM av Handelsbanken och hur påverkar det bankens lönsamhet? Syfte: Syftet med detta arbete är att kunna öka kunskapen om hur Handelsbanken tillämpar CRM och för att undersöka om användandet av CRM i bankens verksamhet är lönsamt eller inte. Metod: För att svara på studiens syfte blev en intervju utförd med Handelsbanken. Ännu en anledning till varför en intervju gjordes var på grund av att det var nödvändigt för att få det primärdata som behövdes och fö...

  15. Det afviste manuskript II i Ajos-debatten

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Ruth; Tvarnø, Christina D.


    I artiklen konfronteres Højesterets domme i Skibby Supermarked-sagen (U 2015.3827 H) og Ajossagen (U 2017.824 H, som Højesteret – uanset de betydelige ligheder mellem de to sager -afgjorde meget forskelligt med hensyn til retskilder, argumentation og resultat. Der argumenteres for, at det er Høje...

  16. Pædagoger og Perkere – etniske minoritetsbørn i det sociale system

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vitus, Kathrine

    : hvad gør mødet med en socialpædagogisk institution ved og for etniske minoritetsbørn? Hvilke praksisser, manøvremuligheder og handlerum har pædagoger? Hvorfor er mødet mellem danske velfærdsinstitutioner, deres professionelle og etniske minoritetsbørn, unge og deres familier tilsyneladende så svært? I...

  17. Er internethandel kommet for at blive? Eller er det bare krisen som kradser?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ivang, Reimer


    I de seneste dage har Jyllandsposten sat fokus på, at omsætningen i den danske detailhandel falder, der fyres, der spares, og det bliver endnu værre i de kommende måneder og år. I artiklen udråbes finanskrisen, som den store skurk, men er det nu den fulde sandhed?...

  18. Til forsvar for det kontrafaktiske og andre sære begreber

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schaumburg-Müller, Sten


    Om vigtigheden af at forstå retten som kontrafaktisk, dvs med en spænding mellem det faktiske og det ide-mæssige eller forestillede i modsætning til 'rettens lykkelig øjeblik' hvor der er sket en totral sammensmeltning. Endvidere en advarsel om 'hyperboler' der så ofte forekommer i retsfilosofien...... retsfilosofien, dvs rigtige indsigter der udstrækkes langt ud over deres gyldighedsområde. Og endelig en drøftelse af retsbegrebet, inklusive analytisk vs pragmatisk definition Udgivelsesdato: 2010...

  19. Det illegale stofmarked i Århus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindholst, Christian; Andreasen, Mette Findal; Kaa, Elisabet


      Det illegale stofmarked i Århus er en beskrivelse af udbuddet og aktørerne på stofmarkedet i Danmarks næststørste by. Undersøgelsen bygger på materiale beslaglagt af Østjyllands Politi i årene 2002 og 2003 som efterfølgende er undersøgt på Retskemisk Afdeling i Århus. Der fokuseres primært på d...

  20. Kampen om det sibiriske smør

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Inge Marie


    Afhandlingen følger opbygningen af og udviklingen i den vestsibiriske smørsektor og den internationale handel med sibirisk smør. Hvordan gik det til, at Rusland blev verdens næststørste smøreksportør? Indfaldsvinkelen er lokal sibirisk, national russisk og global, idet danske og engelske firmaers...

  1. Nitrogenfiksering som en episodisk proces i opstrømnings-området i det østlige tropiske Stillehav

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Jens Tang

    organismer i en lang række områder, hvor man hidtil ikke troede nitrogenfiksering forekom, og det globale kvælstofregnskab er kommet i bedre balance. Næringsrige opstrømnings-områder, som Humboldt-strømmen langs Chile og Peru, har indtil for nylig ikke været steder, hvor man anså denne proces...

  2. Er det økologisk madordninger ofte sundere?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    He, Chen

    Det europæiske skolemad system er under forandring, en forandring der er blevet kaldt den europæiske skolemad revolution af Morgan & Sonnino (2008). Forandringen består af to afgørende søjler/indsatsområder; 1) Krav til sundere kostvaner; 2) Flere økologiske fødevarer. Denne forskning harundersøg...

  3. Kontra-intuitive agenter i Det Nye Testamente

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hallbäck, Geert


    Kontra-intuitive agenter er Pascal Boyers betegnelse for guder, ånder og forfædre. De er kontra-intuitive, fordi de overskrider de intuitive kognitive domæner; de er dog også genkendelige. Disse to egenskaber gør dem velegnede at huske. Der er mange eksempler på kontra-intuitive agenter i det Nye...

  4. Sådan får du frigjort energi til alt det sjove

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    von Bülow, Cecilie


    altid energi tilbage til at lave det, man synes er sjovt. Gå i teatret eller i biografen. At gå til foredrag eller måske bare gå på café med veninderne – eller ud og få en øl med gut- terne. Men meget kan ændres med planlæg- ning og ved at tænke anderledes om hvor- dan hverdagen med fibromyalgi......Du kender det fra din egen hverdag. Det kan være svært at finde energien til alle de praktiske gøremål. Vaske tøj, lave mad, gøre rent osv. Når du har fibromyalgi bliver tingene bare mere besværlige, giver smerter og gør dig træt. Og når man bruger alle kræfterne på pligterne, så er der ikke...

  5. Retten til privathed i det danske sundhedsvæsen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hanne Pihl Bjerre


    Full Text Available Formålet med nærværende oversigtsartikel er at undersøge den stigende digitalisering og deling af personlige informationer i sundhedsvæsenet, samt hvilke etiske udfordringer denne udvikling har for den enkelte borger. Mere præcis vil vi rammesætte denne diskussion i en dansk kontekst eksemplificeret ved Det Fælles Medicinkort. Det Fælles Medicinkort er en obligatorisk database for danske borgere indeholdende informationer om patienters medicinske historie to år tilbage. Denne database kan tilgås af en bred vifte af sundhedsprofessionelle i Danmark (Bekendtgørelse om Lægemiddelstyrelsens elektroniske registrering af de enkelte borgeres medicinoplysninger 2011.På trods af lovede sundhedsmæssige fordele, såsom en højere grad af sikkerhed i forbindelse med medicinering, en øget effektivisering af sundhedsvæsenet og dermed besparelser på de offentlige budgetter, plæderer vi i artiklen for, at implementeringen af Det Fælles Medicinkort kompromitterer den enkeltes privathed. Den enkelte borger er ikke i tilstrækkelig grad informeret om brugen af Det Fælles Medicinkort. Ydermere finder vi ikke, at borgerens autonomi i forhold til indholdet af personlige oplysninger i Det Fælles Medicinkort er opretholdt på en tilfredsstillende måde.Artiklens primære perspektiv er deontologisk, men for at nuancere vores diskussion inddrages lejlighedsvist også utilitaristiske argumenter. Endvidere inddrages i artiklen Helen Nissenbaum, Tom L. Beauchamp og James F. Childress samt John Rawls. I artiklen vil tre konkrete problemstillinger blive diskuteret i relation til Det Fælles Medicinkort: (1 Deler vi relevante og passende data? (2 Er distributionen af disse data til en så bred vifte af sundhedsprofessionelle på sin plads? Og slutteligt: (3 Er den enkelte borgers beslutningsdygtighed, og dermed mulighed for autonomi i forhold til personrelaterede informationer, tilstrækkelig.Nøgleord: digitalisering, privathed, Danmark, sundhedsv

  6. Samarbejdet mellem amter og kommuner om regionplanlægningen og det åbne land

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Jørgen; Sørensen, Esben Munk; Jørgensen, Lars Overgaard

    kommuner er klar til at tage udfordringerne omkring udviklingen i det åbne land op med behørigt hensyn til beskyttelses- og benyttelsesinteresserne i en dialog  med amterne og under indtryk af de meldinger og signaler, der kommer fra Miljøministeriet om god gedigen planlægning. Vi anser det for givet...

  7. Kunst og Filosofi i det 20. Århundrede

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Indhold: Dan Zahavi: Edmund Husserl : fænomenologi og kunst. Kasper Nefer Olsen: Croce : en hegelianer uden sorger ; Wittgenstein : det æstetiske er nu. Carsten Juhl: Paul Valérys introduktion til Leonardo da Vincis metode. Peer F. Bundgård: Den formelle frigørelse : om Ernst Cassirers bestemmelse...

  8. Send hele det "fejlslagne" Skat i udlicitering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Kim Normann


    En pendant til udbetaling Danmark er løsningen på Skats problemer med at få pengene indbetalt. ... Det vil løsne de snævre bånd som de offentlige myndigheder har, når de skal købe digitale løsninger. De private kan vælge bedst og billigst med langt kortere tidshorisont og uden at gamble med...

  9. Det offentliges snævre syn på konkurrence

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ritter, Thomas


    Det er et mantra, men et stærkt funderet mantra, at velfungerende konkurrence på markeder er et godt fundament for virksomhedernes udvikling af deres konkurrenceevne - og dermed er konkurrence godt for velfærd og vækst....

  10. Å innovere i offentlig sektor med Lean StartUp : hvordan fungerer det?


    Fossaas, Anna Merethe; Simonsen, Terje


    Det norske samfunnet står overfor flere store utfordringer. En av disse er økt befolkningsvekst og økt levealder, som blant annet setter press på helsevesenet. I stortingsmeldinger og andre utredninger anbefales det at helsevesenet må innovere og jobbe smartere for å klare å ta hånd om de utfordringene som kommer. Digitalisert kommunikasjon mellom pasienter og helsevesen er spådd som en av løsningene på helsevesenets utfordringer. Vi har i denne masteroppgaven brukt metodikken fra Lean StartU...

  11. Det Gamle Testamente på gudstjenestens betingelser I

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jeppesen, Knud; Ehrensvärd, Martin Gustaf

    Indførelsen af faste gammeltestamentlige læsninger i gudstjenesten har skabt et øget behov for litteratur om Det Gamle Testamente og om de gammeltestamentlige tekster, der læses ved gudstjenesterne. Med denne bog har Knud Jeppesen og Martin Ehrensvärd taget denne udfordring op. Bogen er en metodisk...

  12. Forskel og lighed - Hannah Arendts bidrag til uddannelsespolitik og pædagogik i det multikulturelle samfund

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Kirsten


    Artiklen analyserer de to tekster Hannah Arendt har skrevet om uddannelsespolitik og pædagogik. På baggrund af den ene af teksternes forsvar for racesegregering og - diskrimination i den offentlige grundskole, stilles spørgsmålet om det er muligt at være både racist og, som Arendt, jøde flygtet fra...... nazismen. Svaret er ja; ved at skelne skarpt mellem på den ene side filosofi og på den anden side både egen livshistorie og praktisk (uddannelses)politik og pædagogik, er det muligt for Arendt at tænke racialiserende og socialt og institutionelt at racediskriminere. Men artiklen peger også på at der andre...... steder i Arendts værk kunne være inspirationer til en mangfoldig skole i det senmoderne multietniske og multikulturelle samfund, også det aktuelle danske...

  13. Hvorfor støtter det eleverne at bevæge sig fysisk på en tallinje?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ejersbo, Lisser Rye


    Som reaktion på min forrige blok, vil jeg her uddybe og begrunde, hvorfor det er en god ide, at lade eleverne få kropslige oplevelser med tallinjen. Det drejer sig bl.a. om fænomenet SNARC, der er en forkortelse for ‘Spatical Numerical Association of Response Codes’, og som på godt dansk betyder,......, at venstre hånd er hurtigere til at reagere på små tal i forhold til at placere dem på en tallinje, mens højre hånd er hurtigere, når det drejer sig om større tal...

  14. Når det er svært at være ung i DK

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Jens Christian; Sørensen, Niels Ulrik

    Når det er svært at være ung i DK – viden og råd om unges trivsel og mistrivsel er afslutningen på et større forskningsprojekt om unges trivsel og mistrivsel. Hæftet præsenterer forskningsprojektets hovedkonklusioner og giver desuden en række råd og ideer til, hvordan voksne kan hjælpe unge med...... at håndtere mistrivsel. Hæftet er udarbejdet af forskerne Jens Christian Nielsen og Niels Ulrik Sørensen fra Center for Ungdomsforskning. Det er den sidste publikation i forskningsprojektet Når det er svært at være ung i DK, der fra 2008-2011 har belyst unges trivsel og mistrivsel. Projektet bygger både på en...

  15. Når det er svært at være ung i DK

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Jens Christian; Sørensen, Niels Ulrik; Ozmec, Martha Nina

    I rapporten Når det er svært at være ung i DK – unges trivsel og mistrivsel i tal offentliggør Center for Ungdomsforskning resultaterne af en stor videnskabelig spørgeskemaundersøgelse om trivsel og mistrivsel blandt 15-24-årige unge i Danmark. Rapporten indgår i det treårige forskningsprojekt Når...... det er svært at være ung i DK, som Center for Ungdomsforskning udfører med støtte fra Egmont Fonden. Rapporten bygger på telefoninterviews med 3.481 unge, der udgør et repræsentativt udsnit af alle 15-24-årige unge i Danmark. I rapporten forfølges de unges trivsel og mistrivsel gennem to spor: 1) Et...

  16. Donnan effects in metal speciation analysis by DET/DGT

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Yezek, L.P.; Veeken, van der P.L.R.; Leeuwen, van H.P.


    Cross-linked polyacrylamide gels have found wide application in analytical techniques, such as diffusional equilibration in thin film (DET) and diffusive gradient in thin film (DGT). In these applications, the assumption is made that the gel matrix is effectively uncharged and chemically inert with

  17. Det utilstrækkelige subjekt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Plessis, Erik Mygind du


    Denne artikel undersøger, hvordan bestemte personlighedstræk søges problematiseret og kultiveret i moderne selvhjælpslitteratur. Undersøgelsen, som har et særligt fokus på autonomi, trækker teoretisk på Michel Foucaults begreb problematisering samt Foucaults tanker om governmentality og selvstyring...... for autonomi som problem, og i artiklens anden halvdel vises det, hvordan den allestedsnærværende ufuldendthed ved subjektet manifesterer sig i paradokset, hvor subjektet bør være selvstændigt, autonomt og handle ud fra sin egne overbevisninger, men samtidig udleder denne evne til at handle autonomt fra de...

  18. Livsbalans i det nya arbetslivet : En kvantitativ studie om chefer och övriga anställda


    Eltell, Maria; Nordin, Matilda


    Syfte: Det nya arbetslivet har inneburit en rad förändringar för den lönearbetande populationen i Sverige, gällande allt ifrån tid, rum och tillgänglighet i de alltmer flexibla arbetsvillkoren. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka ett antal faktorer i det nya arbetslivet som kan ha inverkan på den lönearbetande populationens livsbalans. Studien undersöker också om det finns skillnader mellan chefers och övriga anställdas livsbalans samt även om chefens nivå i hierarkin påverkar liv...

  19. Det særlige ved at lave et projekt i Nationalt Videncenter for Læsning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Henriette Romme


    Nationalt Videncenter for Læsnings kommunikationskonsulent har interviewet projektdeltagere om, hvor de så det særlige i at lave et projekt i regi af Nationalt Videncenter for Læsning......Nationalt Videncenter for Læsnings kommunikationskonsulent har interviewet projektdeltagere om, hvor de så det særlige i at lave et projekt i regi af Nationalt Videncenter for Læsning...


    Jagielski, J. M.


    The DET/MPS programs model and simulate the Direct Energy Transfer and Multimission Spacecraft Modular Power System in order to aid both in design and in analysis of orbital energy balance. Typically, the DET power system has the solar array directly to the spacecraft bus, and the central building block of MPS is the Standard Power Regulator Unit. DET/MPS allows a minute-by-minute simulation of the power system's performance as it responds to various orbital parameters, focusing its output on solar array output and battery characteristics. While this package is limited in terms of orbital mechanics, it is sufficient to calculate eclipse and solar array data for circular or non-circular orbits. DET/MPS can be adjusted to run one or sequential orbits up to about one week, simulated time. These programs have been used on a variety of Goddard Space Flight Center spacecraft projects. DET/MPS is written in FORTRAN 77 with some VAX-type extensions. Any FORTRAN 77 compiler that includes VAX extensions should be able to compile and run the program with little or no modifications. The compiler must at least support free-form (or tab-delineated) source format and 'do do-while end-do' control structures. DET/MPS is available for three platforms: GSC-13374, for DEC VAX series computers running VMS, is available in DEC VAX Backup format on a 9-track 1600 BPI tape (standard distribution) or TK50 tape cartridge; GSC-13443, for UNIX-based computers, is available on a .25 inch streaming magnetic tape cartridge in UNIX tar format; and GSC-13444, for Macintosh computers running AU/X with either the NKR FORTRAN or AbSoft MacFORTRAN II compilers, is available on a 3.5 inch 800K Macintosh format diskette. Source code and test data are supplied. The UNIX version of DET requires 90K of main memory for execution. DET/MPS was developed in 1990. A/UX and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. VMS, DEC VAX and TK50 are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. UNIX is a

  1. Det «overbestemte» livet?: Balansering av arbeid og familieliv i IT-bransjen i Norge, Malaysia og California


    Singstad, Birgit Nestvold


    Det “overbestemte” livet? Balansering av arbeid og familieliv i IT-bransjen i Norge, Malaysia og California. Denne avhandlingen undersøker hvordan ansatte i IT-bransjen balanserer arbeid og familieliv i Norge, Malaysia og California. Jeg har valgt å undersøke dette i en gruppe høyt utdannede arbeidstakere, og har spurt: Er det slik at et interessant, morsomt og fleksibelt, men krevende arbeidsliv skaper tidsklemmer og balanseproblemer? Eller er det vårt senmoderne samfunn som skaper for m...

  2. Vi kan ikke afskaffe det ubærlige ved lov

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Post, Bettina


    Man bliver ikke rask af beskæftigelsesindsats. Heller ikke når man har en psykisk sygdom. Alligevel er det langt hen ad vejen forestillingen hos de politikere, som beslutter reglerne omkring fleksjob og førtidspension....

  3. Språkpolitikk og (usynleggjering i det semiotiske landskapet på Universitetet i Tromsø

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Åse Mette Johansen


    Full Text Available I denne artikkelen analyserer vi det semiotiske landskapet som famnar om og er ein del av staden Universitetet i Tromsø (UiT, inkludert Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge (UNN. Analysen bygger på eit todelt datamateriale som om­fattar fotografi frå universitets­området i tillegg til relevante dokument om språk­lovgjeving og andre offisielle vedtak om språkbruk. Dei aktuelle språka er norsk (bokmål og nynorsk, nord­samisk, engelsk og kvensk/finsk. I tillegg blir ymse slag visuelle symbol under­kasta analyse. Også kunstnarleg utsmykking blir kort omtala. Vi viser korleis synleggjering av ulike språk på UiT er eit resultat av språkpolitikk på ulike nivå, men også er påverka av meir implisitte faktorar som lokale og nasjonale språkhierarki og, ikkje minst, konstruksjonen av ein regional institusjons­identitet som blir uttrykt gjennom det semiotiske landskapet meir generelt. Som ramme rundt denne analysen gjer vi dessutan ein ekskurs til det som i 2011 utløyste ein intens debatt i Tromsø kommune, nemleg spørsmålet om kommunen burde eller ikkje burde bli innlemma i forvaltningsområdet for samisk språk. Den måten denne problemstillinga er blitt takla på av politiske organ i kommunen, og ikkje minst debatten om den i medieoffentlegheita, står i skarp kontrast til den fleirspråklege freden som omgjev universitetet og universitets­sjukehuset.

  4. Identitetsdannelse via selvfortælling i det sociale rum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bo, Inger Glavind; Warming, Hanne

    Formålet med dette paper er at etablere en sociologisk forståelse af sammenhængen mellem identitetsskabelse og selvfortælling. Via inddragelse af Goffman og Bourdieu etableres en kontekstualiseret og relationel sociologisk forståelse af sammenhængen mellem identitetsskabelse og selvfortælling. Det...

  5. Flavours – det smakar doft : Upplevelsen av mat och vin i kombination


    Hult, Jonas; Lagnetoft, David; Nygren, Nadia


    Inledning: Den vetenskapliga förankringen om mat och vin i kombination är låg. Upplevelsenav en måltid involverar alla de mänskliga sinnena, vilket således har gjort den svår att mäta.Hur stor roll spelar egentligen grundsmakerna och krävs det ytterligare element för att lyfta enkombination av mat och vin till högre höjder?Bakgrund: Förutom smaklökarna på tungan som bildar den grundläggande uppfattningen avdet vi stoppar i munnen, är det främst munkänsla och flavours som bidrar till helheten ...

  6. Det konserverende konservatorium

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frej, Maria


    anspore, animere eller motivere studerende til at finde inspiration uden for dette. Lærerne kan på deres side have den fornemmelse, at de studerende er for passive når det gælder debat om kompositoriske og æstetiske spørgsmål. Her må man så spørge om hvorfor de studerende ikke gør oprør mod konservatismen...... øvelser de har været igennem og finde et personligt udtryk. De understreger også, at de forventer uddannelsen vil være nyttig for dem, fordi den initierer dem til komponistmiljøet og til hvordan musikkulturen fungerer. De studerende møder lærere som selv er dn del af konservatoriekulturen og samtidig en...... del af koncertlivet. Desuden møder de musikere, koncertarrangører, foreninger, institutioner og publikum. Således trænes de i at blive dn del af den ny musiks kultur og, i sidste ende, til at blive anerkendt og akcepteret i den. Nogle studerende, især yngre, udtrykker irritation over at disse...

  7. Evaluering av det Nasjonale kvalitetsvurderingssystemet for grunnopplæringen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Allerup, Peter; Kovac, Velibor; Kvåle, Gro

    Det Nationale kvalitetsvurderingssystem (NKVS) i Norge består af et sammenhængende prøve- og vurderingssystem, herunder nationale prøver, kortlægningsprøver, brugerundersøgelser og netstedet Evalueringen omfatter brugen af NKVS i grundskolen og videregående skole samt en beskrivel...

  8. Kommunikationssvårigheter inom autismspektrumtillstånd : En fallstudie om användningen av det alternativa kommunikationsverktyget PECS


    Larsson, Beatrice


    Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka användningen av det alternativa kommunikationsverktyget PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System), som är vanligt förekommande hos personer inom autismspektrumtillstånd (ASD). Hos människor inom ASD är det vanligt med kommunikationssvårigheter samt utpräglade beteendeproblem. Genom intervjuer med skola, habilitering och boende har PECS studerats utifrån olika aspekter. Hur går inlärningen till? Hur används verktyget i det dagliga livet? Vilka för- o...

  9. Molerområdets geologi – sedimenter, fossiler, askelag og glacialtektonik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Gunver Krarup; Pedersen, Stig A. Schack; Bonde, Niels Christensøn


    I den vestlige del af Limfjorden findes en række kystklinter, hvor eocæne lag er blottet. Moler er en ca. 55-56 millioner år gammel diatomit, som indeholder lag af uforvitret vulkansk aske samt et stort antal velbevarede marine og terrestriske fossiler. Stolleklint Leret og Fur Formationen har et...... lavt vand i den nydannede oceanbund. For ca. 25.000 år siden dannede fremrykkende iskapper folder og overskydninger i moler, askelag og glaciale sedimenter. Molerområdets geologi kan sammenfattes i følgende citat: ”…talrige tynde lag af sort vulkansk Aske … træde selv på lang Afstand tydelig frem i det...... hvide Moler … [Da de] ofte danner store Bugter og Folder, vil man forstaa, at de høje lyse Molerklinter i Solskin frembyde et malerisk og ejendommeligt Skue.” (N. V. Ussing i ’Danmarks Geologi’ 1904, s.143)....

  10. "Vi har ikke noget at sige, men vi gør det så koncentreret som muligt"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Kamma Overgaard

    mellemposition mellem på den ene side Arthur C. Dantos udråbelse af postmodernismen som The End of Art og Fredric Jamesons kritiske udlægning af den postmoderne kunst som simulerende og hans begrædelse af en tabt autenticitet - og på den anden side Linda Hutcheons langt mere positive definering af det...... postmoderne som ironisk og parodisk og dermed nytænkende og metareflekterende. Herudfra karakteriserer jeg De Unge Vilde som ironikere ud fra Søren Kierkegaards karakteristisk af ironikeren som en mellemfase mellem det æstetiske og det etiske livsstadie. Videre argumenterer jeg for, at Dantos ’end of art...

  11. Hvorfor standser det internationale samfund ikke krigen i Syrien?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Peter Viggo


    kapitlet anvender en analysemodel bestående af 6 forklaringsfaktorer til at forklare hvorfor det internationale samfund ikke magter at standse krigen i Syrien: 1. Støtte fra globale stormagter (FN Sikkerhedsråd). 2. Støtte fra naboer og regionale stormagter 3. Parterne anser en militær sejr for u...

  12. Selvfølgelig har Bernie Sanders russiske forbindelser – det står jo på nettet!

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hendricks, Vincent Fella; Vestergaard, Mads


    Der er store penge at tjene og meget magt at vinde ved at sprede fake news. Internettet og robotter gør det nemt og hurtigt at cirkulere historierne, og vores forkærlighed for information, der understøtter vores verdensbillede, betyder, at mange villigt medvirker til spredningen. Det ligner en...

  13. Hvor vigtigt er det danske veterinære beredskab?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Henning Otte; Christensen, Tove; Denver, Sigrid


    formålet at få belyst vigtigheden af det veterinære beredskab og markedsføringen heraf for henholdsvis adgang til eksportmarkeder (inden for og uden for EU), og for genetablering af markedsadgang efter et udbrud af mund- og klovesyge (MKS). Baseret på interviews m.m. med en række nøglepersoner belyses...

  14. Reducing the risk of cyber threats in utilities through log management

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Patnaik, A. [ArcSight, Cupertino, CA (United States)


    Electrical blackouts caused by terrorists hacking into targeted control systems have already occurred in Brazil. A patchwork of security tools is needed to reduce potential threats. The continuous collection and analysis of data is also needed to detect cyber threats. The real time correlation of logs across all systems, applications and users is needed to ensure the reliability and security of the power grid. Solutions must also integrate well with identity management sources in order to prevent remote access account hijacking. Effective log management can be used to detect threats and reduce the risk of power outages. 1 fig.

  15. Gristhorpe Man: an Early Bronze Age log-coffin burial scientifically defined

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Melton, Nigel; Montgomery, Janet; Knüsel, Christopher J.


    A log-coffin excavated in the early nineteenth century proved to be well enough preserved in the early twenty-first century for the full armoury of modern scientific investigation to give its occupants and contents new identity, new origins and a new date. In many ways the interpretation is much ...

  16. Det digitale interaktive fjernsyn i hverdagslivet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjørner, Thomas


    , at den digitale teknologi indpasses i eksisterende mønstre for tv-sening. Med baggrund i forsøgskanalen TV2/Nord-Digital, som var den første kanal der udsendte digitalt interaktivt tv i Danmark, vil denne artikel give nogle svar på, hvad der sker når digitalt tv (med de øgede interaktive muligheder......Digitaliseringen af tv-mediet er allerede i fuld gang, og der er i Danmark fastlagt en analog slukdato for public servicekanalerne i 2009. I forlængelse heraf leverer denne artikel en række indsigter i, hvordan den nye teknologi potentielt forandrer hverdagen, men samtidig er det også en pointe...

  17. Udvikling af arbejdet i callcentre - sådan gik det

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wiegman, Inger-Marie; Møller, Niels

    Et treårigt projekt om arbejdet i callcentre blev afsluttet i 2006. Projektet startede i 2003 og gennemførte udvikling af arbejdet, organisationen og kompetencerne i tre store danske virksomheder. Det var Nykredit, Danske Bank og TDC, som har deres egne callcentre. 700 medarbejdere og ledere deltog...

  18. Hvordan føles det at tabe i OECD?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Staunæs, Dorthe; Pors, Justine Grønbæk


    Når OEDC rapporter sammenligner skolesystemer på tværs af nationale grænser, aktiveres følelsesregisteret hos såvel politikere som forskere. I Danmark og en række andre Europæiske lande er det særligt bekymringer og følelser som skuffelse, frygt for den Østasiatiske tiger og skam på nationens vegne...

  19. Den danske stat og det naturlige fædreland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Glenthøj, Rasmus


    forsøgte på engang at være loyale over for både det statsborgerlige fædreland, der inkluderede hele den danske stat, og deres naturlige fædreland Norge, som de følte sig forbundet til gennem deres nationalitet og opvækst. Danskerne opererede med den samme dualistiske fædrelandsopfattelse, hvor de både...

  20. Aluminiumsmelter og vandkraft i det centrale Vestgrønland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Poul; Aastrup, Peter; Boertmann, David

    . Landskabsoplevelsen, herunder stilheden og uberørtheden, tiltrækker mange turister og bruges til at markedsføre området. Transmissionslinjer og andre anlæg vil påvirke naturoplevelsen på en måde som de fleste vil opfatte som negativ. Nogle lokale turistaktører ser dog muligheder for at tiltrække flere turister i...


    Jagielski, J. M.


    The DET/MPS programs model and simulate the Direct Energy Transfer and Multimission Spacecraft Modular Power System in order to aid both in design and in analysis of orbital energy balance. Typically, the DET power system has the solar array directly to the spacecraft bus, and the central building block of MPS is the Standard Power Regulator Unit. DET/MPS allows a minute-by-minute simulation of the power system's performance as it responds to various orbital parameters, focusing its output on solar array output and battery characteristics. While this package is limited in terms of orbital mechanics, it is sufficient to calculate eclipse and solar array data for circular or non-circular orbits. DET/MPS can be adjusted to run one or sequential orbits up to about one week, simulated time. These programs have been used on a variety of Goddard Space Flight Center spacecraft projects. DET/MPS is written in FORTRAN 77 with some VAX-type extensions. Any FORTRAN 77 compiler that includes VAX extensions should be able to compile and run the program with little or no modifications. The compiler must at least support free-form (or tab-delineated) source format and 'do do-while end-do' control structures. DET/MPS is available for three platforms: GSC-13374, for DEC VAX series computers running VMS, is available in DEC VAX Backup format on a 9-track 1600 BPI tape (standard distribution) or TK50 tape cartridge; GSC-13443, for UNIX-based computers, is available on a .25 inch streaming magnetic tape cartridge in UNIX tar format; and GSC-13444, for Macintosh computers running AU/X with either the NKR FORTRAN or AbSoft MacFORTRAN II compilers, is available on a 3.5 inch 800K Macintosh format diskette. Source code and test data are supplied. The UNIX version of DET requires 90K of main memory for execution. DET/MPS was developed in 1990. A/UX and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. VMS, DEC VAX and TK50 are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. UNIX is a


    Jagielski, J. M.


    The DET/MPS programs model and simulate the Direct Energy Transfer and Multimission Spacecraft Modular Power System in order to aid both in design and in analysis of orbital energy balance. Typically, the DET power system has the solar array directly to the spacecraft bus, and the central building block of MPS is the Standard Power Regulator Unit. DET/MPS allows a minute-by-minute simulation of the power system's performance as it responds to various orbital parameters, focusing its output on solar array output and battery characteristics. While this package is limited in terms of orbital mechanics, it is sufficient to calculate eclipse and solar array data for circular or non-circular orbits. DET/MPS can be adjusted to run one or sequential orbits up to about one week, simulated time. These programs have been used on a variety of Goddard Space Flight Center spacecraft projects. DET/MPS is written in FORTRAN 77 with some VAX-type extensions. Any FORTRAN 77 compiler that includes VAX extensions should be able to compile and run the program with little or no modifications. The compiler must at least support free-form (or tab-delineated) source format and 'do do-while end-do' control structures. DET/MPS is available for three platforms: GSC-13374, for DEC VAX series computers running VMS, is available in DEC VAX Backup format on a 9-track 1600 BPI tape (standard distribution) or TK50 tape cartridge; GSC-13443, for UNIX-based computers, is available on a .25 inch streaming magnetic tape cartridge in UNIX tar format; and GSC-13444, for Macintosh computers running AU/X with either the NKR FORTRAN or AbSoft MacFORTRAN II compilers, is available on a 3.5 inch 800K Macintosh format diskette. Source code and test data are supplied. The UNIX version of DET requires 90K of main memory for execution. DET/MPS was developed in 1990. A/UX and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. VMS, DEC VAX and TK50 are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. UNIX is a

  3. Det retlige sprog som virkelighedsskabende - graviditetsvært kontra surrogatmoder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Frank Høgholm


    I dag er det undtagelsen, at kvinden, der bærer graviditeten og føder barnet i et surrogati-arrangement, er genetisk relateret til barnet. I artiklen foreslås som en supplerende betegnelse til surrogatmoder derfor betegnelsen: graviditetsvært. Valget af en retlig betegnelse til beskrivelse af fak...

  4. Det Digitale Nærvær

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heilesen, Simon

    Computer-medieret kommunikation (CMC – via intranet- og internet, ”allestedsnærværende computing” mm. ), er grundlaget for det informations- og videnssamfund, der begynder at tage form i disse år. CMC er blevet kolossalt udbredt de seneste 10 – 15 år og har forandret den måde vi udsender og søger...... information, kommunikerer med hinanden både privat og i organisationer, samarbejder, underviser og tilegner os viden. Denne bog går tæt på tre udvalgte områder inden for den computer-medierede kommunikation: · Videndeling i formelle og uformelle organisationer, · Netbaseret samarbejde og læring, · Design af...

  5. LogScope (United States)

    Havelund, Klaus; Smith, Margaret H.; Barringer, Howard; Groce, Alex


    LogScope is a software package for analyzing log files. The intended use is for offline post-processing of such logs, after the execution of the system under test. LogScope can, however, in principle, also be used to monitor systems online during their execution. Logs are checked against requirements formulated as monitors expressed in a rule-based specification language. This language has similarities to a state machine language, but is more expressive, for example, in its handling of data parameters. The specification language is user friendly, simple, and yet expressive enough for many practical scenarios. The LogScope software was initially developed to specifically assist in testing JPL s Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) flight software, but it is very generic in nature and can be applied to any application that produces some form of logging information (which almost any software does).

  6. Effektregnskab for projektet Digitales ll – Det svære valg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mark, Stine

    Effektregnskabet for projektet Digitales ll – Det svære valg er udarbejdet af forskningscenteret INCEVIDA, Aalborg Universitet 2012. Rapporten er gennemført i et samarbejde mellem INCEVIDA, KulturarvNord og Bangsbo Museum. Effektregnskabet tager udgangspunkt i en model for oplevelsesøkonomisk...

  7. 'Vi kan rejse og pille lige så godt som de derude.' Kartoffelavlerdansk i det østlige Canada

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kühl, Karoline


    Citatet i overskriften vil sandsynligvis efterlade læseren i tvivl om hvad denne artikel handler om. Ytringen er nordamerikansk dansk som det tal(t)es i den lille by New Denmark i provinsen New Brunswick i det østlige Canada, og den handler såmænd om kartoffelavl. New Denmark er et enestående eks...

  8. Transcriptome analysis of Carica papaya embryogenic callus upon De-etiolated 1 (DET1 gene suppression

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diyana Jamaluddin


    Full Text Available Papaya is considered to be one of the most nutritional fruits. It is rich in vitamins, carotenoids, flavonoids and other phytonutrient which function as antioxidant in our body [1]. Previous studies revealed that the suppression of a negative regulator gene in photomorphogenesis, De-etiolated 1 (DET1 can improve the phytonutrient in tomato and canola without affecting the fruit quality [2,3]. This report contains the experimental data on high-throughput 3′ mRNA sequencing of transformed papaya callus upon DET1 gene suppression.

  9. Kritiske refleksjonar om praksiskunnskapens stilling i det obligatoriske grunnskuleløpet – Ein fenomenologisk analyse av møtet mellom pensum og elev

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Grethe Nina Hestholm


    Full Text Available Både fenomenologisk filosofi og teoriar om praktisk kunnskapsrasjonalitet formulerer erkjenningar som løftar fram det livsverdslege som materialgrunnlag for valid kunnskap. Det som særkjenner livsverda er det temporære, subjektive, fleirtydige og historisk situerte. Difor må, i følgje Edmund Husserl, ingen førpredikative premiss stå som kunnskapens udiskutable grunn. Han oppfordrar oss til å stille spørsmål ved tradisjonar som er så integrerte i kulturen at vi oppfattar dei som opphavelege. I ein pedagogisk samanheng er det aktuelt å undersøke om den sterke representasjonen av teoretisk pensum i grunnskulen er etablert i oss som eit dogme vi ikkje stiller spørsmål ved. For når vi spør kva elevgrupper som lir mest under situasjonen, er det tilsynelatande opplagte svaret at det er dei elevgruppene som ikkje «meistrar» teorien. Men finst det vinnarar i eit kunnskaps-udemokratisk system? Er ikkje alle som ikkje får tilgang til den rike praksiskunnskapen taparar? I denne artikkelen brukar eg fenomenologisk filosofi til å argumentere for ei pensumfornying der den tradisjonelt nedvurderte praksiskunnskapen blir gitt ein jamstilt plass. Med i analysen har eg refleksjonane til to ungdomar som begge går på ei yrkesfagleg linje i Noreg.

  10. Risiko i det nordiske kraftmarkedet : utfordringer for risikostyring


    Solheim, John Ola; Erlandsen, Kristian Ingemann


    Det nordiske kraftmarkedet er preget av svært volatile priser, som byr på mange problemer ved risikostyring for aktørene i markedet. Risiko i kraftmarkedet kan ikke uten videre analyseres og styres på samme måte som for eksempel aksjemarkedet. Dette fordi kraftmarkedet innehar større og hyppigere prissvingninger enn de fleste andre markeder. Risiko er uforutsette hendelser, mens volatilitet er mer knyttet til spredning i en fordeling. Tidssystematikk kan sies å kunne forutsees, og en risikost...

  11. Dynamic Planar Convex Hull with Optimal Query Time and O(log n · log log n ) Update Time

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brodal, Gerth Stølting; Jakob, Riko


    The dynamic maintenance of the convex hull of a set of points in the plane is one of the most important problems in computational geometry. We present a data structure supporting point insertions in amortized O(log n · log log log n) time, point deletions in amortized O(log n · log log n) time......, and various queries about the convex hull in optimal O(log n) worst-case time. The data structure requires O(n) space. Applications of the new dynamic convex hull data structure are improved deterministic algorithms for the k-level problem and the red-blue segment intersection problem where all red and all...

  12. Medierne tager stilling: De amerikanske mediers rolle under USA’s krige i det tyvende århundrede

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carl Pedersen


    Full Text Available Aviskongen William Randolph Hearst støttede varmt den spansk-ameri- kanske krig i 1898, der af USA’s ambassadør John Hay blev kaldt “en vidunderlig lille krig.” Til gengæld vendte medierne sig imod krigen i Viet- nam, som tv-journalisten Walter Cronkite på åben skærm kritiserede med ordene: “Det synes mere sikkert end nogensinde, at den blodige Vietnamkonflikt ender i skakmat.” “Har jeg mistet Cronkite, har jeg mistet gennemsnitsamerikaneren,” konkluderede Johnson derefter. Og det havde præsidenten ret i. Artiklen diskuterer mediernes stillingtagen til og dækning af de krige, USA har ført i det tyvende århundrede fra Hearsts opfordring til krigsdeltagelse til brugen af ‘embedded’ journalister under krigen i Irak. Artiklen viser, at amerikanske medier ikke er upartiske i formidlingen af informationer, men opfatter sig selv som aktive medspil- lere i krigens udvikling på hjemmefronten.

  13. Det-WiFi: A Multihop TDMA MAC Implementation for Industrial Deterministic Applications Based on Commodity 802.11 Hardware

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yujun Cheng


    Full Text Available Wireless control system for industrial automation has been gaining increasing popularity in recent years thanks to their ease of deployment and the low cost of their components. However, traditional low sample rate industrial wireless sensor networks cannot support high-speed application, while high-speed IEEE 802.11 networks are not designed for real-time application and not able to provide deterministic feature. Thus, in this paper, we propose Det-WiFi, a real-time TDMA MAC implementation for high-speed multihop industrial application. It is able to support high-speed applications and provide deterministic network features since it combines the advantages of high-speed IEEE802.11 physical layer and a software Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA based MAC layer. We implement Det-WiFi on commercial off-the-shelf hardware and compare the deterministic performance between 802.11s and Det-WiFi under the real industrial environment, which is full of field devices and industrial equipment. We changed the hop number and the packet payload size in each experiment, and all of the results show that Det-WiFi has better deterministic performance.

  14. Hardwood log grades and lumber grade yields for factory lumber logs (United States)

    Leland F. Hanks; Glenn L. Gammon; Robert L. Brisbin; Everette D. Rast


    The USDA Forest Service Standard Grades for Hardwood Factory Lumber Logs are described, and lumber grade yields for 16 species and 2 species groups are presented by log grade and log diameter. The grades enable foresters, log buyers, and log sellers to select and grade those log suitable for conversion into standard factory grade lumber. By using the apropriate lumber...

  15. Det er på tide at begynde et dansk pilotprojekt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schrøder, Niels


    Det er velkendt, at CO2 kan bruges i oliefelter til at øge den mængde olie, man kan udvinde. Erfaringer fra Canada og USA viser, at brugen af CO2 i Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), kan øge olieudvindingsgraden med ca. ti pct. Af Energistyrelsens reseveopgørelse pr. 1. januar 2008 fremgår, at ved en...

  16. NATO topmødet i Warszawa: Højdespring eller limbo?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Peter Viggo


    Hvis USA fortsat skal gå forrest i afskrækkelsen af Rusland og bekæmpelsen af truslerne i syd, skal europæerne til gengæld hæve deres forsvarsudgifter. Det er hovedkompromiset, som NATO landene skal have forhandlet på plads i Warszawa. Resultatet afgør, hvor mange penge forsvaret får i næste...

  17. Reclaiming urban youth identity through language in Kenya: the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Reclaiming urban youth identity through language in Kenya: the case of Koch FM radio. ... Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads. ... a new constitution that has expanded the democratic space and created broader awareness of ...

  18. Logging Concessions Enable Illegal Logging Crisis in the Peruvian Amazon


    Finer, Matt; Jenkins, Clinton N.; Sky, Melissa A. Blue; Pine, Justin


    The Peruvian Amazon is an important arena in global efforts to promote sustainable logging in the tropics. Despite recent efforts to achieve sustainability, such as provisions in the US?Peru Trade Promotion Agreement, illegal logging continues to plague the region. We present evidence that Peru's legal logging concession system is enabling the widespread illegal logging via the regulatory documents designed to ensure sustainable logging. Analyzing official government data, we found that 68.3%...

  19. Processer og metoder i det fejlfrie byggeri

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Kirsten; Schultz, Casper Siebken; Bonke, Sten

    -sjusk. I 2006 kunne BEC, Byggeriets Evaluerings Center, vise den første reelle opgørelse over registrere-de mangler ved aflevering blandt de evaluerede byggerier. Det førte til en offentlig debat og en del reaktioner fra byggeriets parter. I en efterfølgende dialog mellem Sven Bertelsen fra Lean Construc...... erfaringsbaseret for-ståelsesgrundlag for, ”hvordan de bedste projektledere gennemfører den gode byggeproces”. Med andre ord en beretning om ’best practice’, set ud fra et bestemt aktørperspektiv. Undervejs kom der øget fokus på betydningen af forskellige entrepriseformer, hvilket gav anledning til inddragelse af...

  20. Accumulation of humic acid in DET/DGT gels

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Van der Veeken, P.L.R.; Chakraborty, P.; Van Leeuwen, H.P.

    , but it is practically negligible above an ionic strength of 10 mM (22, 33). The SRFA is expected to be negatively charged at pH 6.1, which would explain the lower FA concentrations in the gel in the presence of a negative Donnan potential, although this effect... thickness in solution κ -1 m, Debye length τ s, elementary diffusion time constant τ acc s, time scale for DET accumulation Literature Cited (1) Morel, F. M. M. Principles of Aquatic Chemistry; John Wiley: New York, 1983. (2) Wilkinson, K. J.; Slaveykova, V...

  1. Evidence for a Ustilago maydis Steroid 5α-Reductase by Functional Expression in Arabidopsis det2-1 Mutants1 (United States)

    Basse, Christoph W.; Kerschbamer, Christine; Brustmann, Markus; Altmann, Thomas; Kahmann, Regine


    We have identified a gene (udh1) in the basidiomycete Ustilago maydis that is induced during the parasitic interaction with its host plant maize (Zea mays). udh1 encodes a protein with high similarity to mammalian and plant 5α-steroid reductases. Udh1 differs from those of known 5α-steroid reductases by six additional domains, partially predicted to be membrane-spanning. A fusion protein of Udh1 and the green fluorescent protein provided evidence for endoplasmic reticulum localization in U. maydis. The function of the Udh1 protein was demonstrated by complementing Arabidopsis det2-1 mutants, which display a dwarf phenotype due to a mutation in the 5α-steroid reductase encoding DET2 gene. det2-1 mutant plants expressing either the udh1 or the DET2 gene controlled by the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter differed from wild-type Columbia plants by accelerated stem growth, flower and seed development and a reduction in size and number of rosette leaves. The accelerated growth phenotype of udh1 transgenic plants was stably inherited and was favored under reduced light conditions. Truncation of the N-terminal 70 amino acids of the Udh1 protein abolished the ability to restore growth in det2-1 plants. Our results demonstrate the existence of a 5α-steroid reductase encoding gene in fungi and suggest a common ancestor between fungal, plant, and mammalian proteins. PMID:12068114

  2. Kultur, privatliv og offentlighet: Religionens plass i det sekulariserte samfunnet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bjørn Myskja


    Full Text Available Den dominerende oppfatningen i den politiske og moralfilosofiske tenkningen de siste tiår har vært at religion ikke bør spille noen avgjørende politisk rolle i det moderne sekulariserte demokrati. Religion tilhører privatsfæren, og politiske avgjørelser må fattes på et felles grunnlag, uavhengig av livssyn. De mest sentrale tenkerne i vår tids politiske filosofi, John Rawls og Jürgen Habermas, har begge i tidlige arbeider gitt uttrykk for at dette er en oppfatning som vil få en allmenn, global tilslutning, for de ser modernisering og sekularisering som to sider av samme sak. Det er nærmest to uunngåelige fenomen ettersom globalisering og modernisering vil føre til svekkelse av tradisjonelle kulturer og utbredelse av individualisme og demokratiske idealer. Bakgrunnen for dette temanummeret er at en rekke erfaringer fra de siste tiår har ledet til en gjenåpning av spørsmålet om religionens plass i sekulariserte samfunn.

  3. Architecture and identity in a globalized society beyond tradition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stylsvig Madsen, Ulrik


    Papiret diskuterer arkitekturens særlige potentiale, som en særlig måde at skabe betydning på, som kan bidrage til at skabe identitet både for det enkelte individ og for samfundets institutioner? Jeg tager udgangspunkt i en tese om, at arkitektur opstår i spændet mellem det ubevidste og det refle...

  4. http Log Analysis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bøving, Kristian Billeskov; Simonsen, Jesper


    This article documents how log analysis can inform qualitative studies concerning the usage of web-based information systems (WIS). No prior research has used http log files as data to study collaboration between multiple users in organisational settings. We investigate how to perform http log...... analysis; what http log analysis says about the nature of collaborative WIS use; and how results from http log analysis may support other data collection methods such as surveys, interviews, and observation. The analysis of log files initially lends itself to research designs, which serve to test...... hypotheses using a quantitative methodology. We show that http log analysis can also be valuable in qualitative research such as case studies. The results from http log analysis can be triangulated with other data sources and for example serve as a means of supporting the interpretation of interview data...

  5. "Det man hører, er man selv" - musik og identitet set gennem musikforskningens briller

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lars Ole Bonde


    Full Text Available ”Det man hører, er man selv” er Danmarks Radios P3s yderst velkendte slogan. Det dukkede op i begyndelsen af (2000’erne som opfindsom og populær afspejling af en moderne forståelse af den rolle musik og medieforbrug spiller for den voksne dansker. Denne artikel handler ikke om P3 som musikkanal, men går bag om det populære slogan og undersøger hvordan musik og identitet spiller sammen. Hvilke (musikpsykologiske teorier belyser musikkens rolle i identitetsdannelsen? Hvordan forskes der i emnet, og hvilke resultater kan der peges på? Forskningen dokumenterer bl.a., at musik bruges aktivt af mange mennesker som en ressource til at konstruere selv-identitet og gruppe-identitet, og til at skabe, opretholde og regulere en mangfoldighed af følelser. Denne oversigtsartikel giver via præsentation af udvalgte teorier og konkrete undersøgelser en bred introduktion til emnet og viser, hvordan musikforskere gennem arbejde med interviews, dagbøger og (musikalske selvbiografier samt feltarbejde kan beskrive musik som en ofte meget vigtig brik i identitetsdannelsen.

  6. Digitale teknologier på det specialpædagogiske område

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dupret, Katia


    Denne artikel handler om, hvordan forsøgsvis indførelse af digitale teknologier (tablets til kommunikation og kognitiv træning, virtuelle tavler og virtuel dagbog) på det specialpædagogiske område ændrer på grundlaget for brugernes livskvalitet, herunder autonomi og vilkår for social nærhed...

  7. Guds død - et tema i det 19. århundrede

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Jes Fabricius


    Guds død er ikke Nietzsches opfindelse, men Hegels. Det er hans forestilling om, at påskens historie gentager sig i verdenshistorien som religionens død og genopstandelse i skikkelse af filosofien. Tager man de forskellige betydninger af Guds død indebærer de implicit, at Gud dog har eksisteret...

  8. Det europæiske Model Company Law Act Project

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Paul Krüger; Baums, Theodor


    På initiativ af forfatterne til det følgende blev der i 2007 dannet en europæisk gruppe af fremtrædende selskabsretseksperter med henblik på at udforme en »European Model Company Law Act« (EMCLA). Gruppen holdt sit første møde i Århus i september 2007.  ...

  9. Nitrogenfiksering i opstrømningsområdet ud for tropisk Sydamerika

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Jens Tang; Bruhn, Annette; Pedersen, Jens Brøgger

    følge af nitrat-assimilation. Vi ser dette som effekten af nitrogen-fiksering. Tab af biologisk tilgængeligt kvælstof i den ilt-fattige del af vandsøjlen, synes primært at finde sted gennem anammox, den kemolitoautotrofe syntese af organisk stof fra CO2, drevet af oksidering af ammonium med nitrit og......Vi har anvendt koblede målinger af ilt- og kvælstof-isotoper i nitrat fra de vandmasser, som ligger over de iltfattige zoner i det tropiske Stillehav ud for Chile og Peru, til at påvise forekomsten af nitrogen-fiksering. Vi supplerer disse målinger med analyse af nifH-gener i mikroorganismer...... filtreret fra disse vandmasser. Algers assimilation af nitrat ledsages af en isotop-effekt, som påvirker 15N/14N-forholdet i nitratpuljen. I laboratoriestudier varierer denne effekt betydeligt med en 15ε i området 0 ‰ – 20 ‰. Studier af 15N/14N i nitrat i de øvre oceaner antyder snævrere grænser for denne...

  10. Log quality enhancement: A systematic assessment of logging company wellsite performance and log quality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Farnan, R.A.; Mc Hattie, C.M.


    To improve the monitoring of logging company performance, computer programs were developed to assess information en masse from log quality check lists completed on wellsite by the service company engineer and Phillips representative. A study of all logging jobs performed by different service companies for Phillips in Oklahoma (panhandle excepted) during 1982 enabled several pertinent and beneficial interpretations to be made. Company A provided the best tool and crew service. Company B incurred an excessive amount of lost time related to tool failure, in particular the neutron-density tool combination. Company C, although used only three times, incurred no lost time. With a reasonable data base valid conclusions were made pertaining, for example, to repeated tool malfunctions. The actual logs were then assessed for quality

  11. "Det er sprogligt - selv hvor du ikke lægger mærke til det"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laursen, Katja Årosin


    gavn af kombineret sproglig-faglig støtte. I så fald bør støttetiltagene ikke udelukkende målrettes studerende med dansk som andetsprog. Det vigtigste er dog, at både undervisere og studerende bliver opmærksomme på vigtigheden af at kunne formulere deres faglige viden sprogligt klart og forståeligt, og......I denne bog undersøges de udfordringer, som nogle af de studerende med dansk som andetsprog på School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (PharmaSchool) ved Københavns Universitet oplever. I efteråret 2011 afholdt Center for Internationalisering og Parallelsproglighed (CIP) i samarbejde med PharmaSchool et...... kursus med titlen "Sprogstøttende undervisning for studerende med dansk som andetsprog" som et pilottiltag under projektet Den gode uddannelse. En stor del af de studerende på PharmaSchool har dansk som andetsprog, og interessen for kurset var stor. Med udgangspunkt i dette kursus undersøger bogen...

  12. Outsourcings økonomiske indflydelse på det danske samfund


    Øhrgaard, Amalie; Stisen, Josefine Linding; Svarrer, Olivia Lutz; Crillesen, Rasmus Grevit; Condrup, Mette Grube; Nielsen, Sebbe Hodal


    Dette projekt har til formål at belyse virksomhederne Novo Nordisk og Lundbecks motiver for outsourcing og hvilke konsekvenser det har for den danske samfundsøkonomi. Virksomhedernes forretningsmodeller analyseres ud fra Business Canvas modellen, for at kunne give indsigt i de bagvedliggende strategier, der er med til, at øge virksomhedernes vækst og konkurrenceevne. Med afsæt i analyserne af virksomhederne, udføres en Cost-benefit analyse, hvor Business Canvas modellens output sammenholdes m...

  13. Log N-log S in inconclusive (United States)

    Klebesadel, R. W.; Fenimore, E. E.; Laros, J.


    The log N-log S data acquired by the Pioneer Venus Orbiter Gamma Burst Detector (PVO) are presented and compared to similar data from the Soviet KONUS experiment. Although the PVO data are consistent with and suggestive of a -3/2 power law distribution, the results are not adequate at this state of observations to differentiate between a -3/2 and a -1 power law slope.

  14. Encyclopedia of well logging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Desbrandes, R.


    The 16 chapters of this book aim to provide students, trainees and engineers with a manual covering all well-logging measurements ranging from drilling to productions, from oil to minerals going by way of geothermal energy. Each chapter is a summary but a bibliography is given at the end of each chapter. Well-logging during drilling, wireline logging equipment and techniques, petroleum logging, data processing of borehole data, interpretation of well-logging, sampling tools, completion and production logging, logging in relief wells to kill off uncontrolled blowouts, techniques for high temperature geothermal energy, small-scale mining and hydrology, logging with oil-base mud and finally recommended logging programs are all topics covered. There is one chapter on nuclear well-logging which is indexed separately. (UK)

  15. Interpretation of horizontal well production logs: influence of logging tool

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ozkan, E. [Colorado School of Mines, Boulder, CO (United States); Sarica, C. [Pennsylvania State Univ., College Park, PA (United States); Haci, M. [Drilling Measurements, Inc (United States)


    The influence of a production-logging tool on wellbore flow rate and pressure measurements was investigated, focusing on the disturbence caused by the production-logging tool and the coiled tubing on the original flow conditions in the wellbore. The investigation was carried out using an analytical model and single-phase liquid flow was assumed. Results showed that the production-logging tool influenced the measurements as shown by the deviation of the original flow-rate, pressure profiles and low-conductivity wellbores. High production rates increase the effect of the production-logging tool. Recovering or inferring the original flow conditions in the wellbore from the production-logging data is a very complex process which cannot be solved easily. For this reason, the conditions under which the information obtained by production-logging is meaningful is of considerable practical interest. 7 refs., 2 tabs., 15 figs.

  16. A Glitch-Free Novel DET-FF in 22 nm CMOS for Low-Power Application

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sumitra Singar


    Full Text Available Dual edge triggered (DET techniques are most liked choice for the researchers in the field of digital VLSI design because of its high-performance and low-power consumption standard. Dual edge triggered techniques give the similar throughput at half of the clock frequency as compared to the single edge triggered (SET techniques. Dual edge triggered techniques can reduce the 50% power consumption and increase the total system power savings. The low-power glitch-free novel dual edge triggered flip-flop (DET-FF design is proposed in this paper. Still now, existing DET-FF designs are constructed by using either C-element circuit or 1P-2N structure or 2P-1N structure, but the proposed novel design is designed by using the combination of C-element circuit and 2P-1N structure. In this design, if any glitch affects one of the structures, then it is nullified by the other structure. To control the input loading, the two circuits are merged to share the transistors connected to the input. In the proposed design, we have used an internal dual feedback structure. The proposed design reduces the delay and power consumption and increases the speed and efficiency of the system.

  17. Enhanced DET-Based Fault Signature Analysis for Reliable Diagnosis of Single and Multiple-Combined Bearing Defects

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    In-Kyu Jeong


    Full Text Available To early identify cylindrical roller bearing failures, this paper proposes a comprehensive bearing fault diagnosis method, which consists of spectral kurtosis analysis for finding the most informative subband signal well representing abnormal symptoms about the bearing failures, fault signature calculation using this subband signal, enhanced distance evaluation technique- (EDET- based fault signature analysis that outputs the most discriminative fault features for accurate diagnosis, and identification of various single and multiple-combined cylindrical roller bearing defects using the simplified fuzzy adaptive resonance map (SFAM. The proposed comprehensive bearing fault diagnosis methodology is effective for accurate bearing fault diagnosis, yielding an average classification accuracy of 90.35%. In this paper, the proposed EDET specifically addresses shortcomings in the conventional distance evaluation technique (DET by accurately estimating the sensitivity of each fault signature for each class. To verify the efficacy of the EDET-based fault signature analysis for accurate diagnosis, a diagnostic performance comparison is carried between the proposed EDET and the conventional DET in terms of average classification accuracy. In fact, the proposed EDET achieves up to 106.85% performance improvement over the conventional DET in average classification accuracy.

  18. Analysis of RIA standard curve by log-logistic and cubic log-logit models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamada, Hideo; Kuroda, Akira; Yatabe, Tami; Inaba, Taeko; Chiba, Kazuo


    In order to improve goodness-of-fit in RIA standard analysis, programs for computing log-logistic and cubic log-logit were written in BASIC using personal computer P-6060 (Olivetti). Iterative least square method of Taylor series was applied for non-linear estimation of logistic and log-logistic. Hear ''log-logistic'' represents Y = (a - d)/(1 + (log(X)/c)sup(b)) + d As weights either 1, 1/var(Y) or 1/σ 2 were used in logistic or log-logistic and either Y 2 (1 - Y) 2 , Y 2 (1 - Y) 2 /var(Y), or Y 2 (1 - Y) 2 /σ 2 were used in quadratic or cubic log-logit. The term var(Y) represents squares of pure error and σ 2 represents estimated variance calculated using a following equation log(σ 2 + 1) = log(A) + J log(y). As indicators for goodness-of-fit, MSL/S sub(e)sup(2), CMD% and WRV (see text) were used. Better regression was obtained in case of alpha-fetoprotein by log-logistic than by logistic. Cortisol standard curve was much better fitted with cubic log-logit than quadratic log-logit. Predicted precision of AFP standard curve was below 5% in log-logistic in stead of 8% in logistic analysis. Predicted precision obtained using cubic log-logit was about five times lower than that with quadratic log-logit. Importance of selecting good models in RIA data processing was stressed in conjunction with intrinsic precision of radioimmunoassay system indicated by predicted precision. (author)

  19. Hvordan kan jeg ane det jeg gør er rigtigt?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Anders


    Dømmekraft er i vælten. Men hvad er dømmekraft, og hvordan er det muligt at udvikle sin dømmekraft i en virkelighed, hvor målstyring fylder stadigt mere? Artiklen tager med dømmekraftbegrebet afsæt i den nye pædagoguddannelse. Bekendtgørelsen er præget af en opfordring til at have mere opmærksomh...

  20. Att vara "container" för patienten : En studie om hur sjukhuskuratorer upplever att de påverkas av det patientnära arbetet


    Eriksson, Oskar; Holmstedt, Markus


    Sjukhuskuratorer har samtal med patienter som lider till exempel av depression, ångest eller andra besvär orsakade av psykosociala faktorer så som stress, livskriser eller alkohol. I denna studie ställdes frågan vilka effekter det patientnära arbetet kan ha för sjukhuskuratorn. Syftet var att utifrån ett emotionsteoretiskt perspektiv undersöka hur sjukhuskuratorer upplever att de påverkas av det patientnära arbetet. I studien ställdes frågan vad sjukhuskuratorer upplever att det patientnära a...

  1. Notat vedr. muligheder for at styrke det faglige niveau i matematik og naturfag

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Busch, Henrik; Horst, Sebastian

    Dette notat er i foråret 2005 udarbejdet af Henrik Busch og Sebastian Horst for Undervisnings-ministeriet i forbindelse med forberedelsen til Globaliseringsrådets arbejde i efteråret 2005. Notatet er i november 2005 gjort offentligt tilgængeligt efter aftale med Undervisningsministeriet. I den fo...

  2. Generalized localization for the double trigonometric Fourier series and the Walsh-Fourier series of functions in L log +L log + log +L

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bloshanskaya, S K; Bloshanskii, I L; Roslova, T Y


    For an arbitrary open set Ω subset of I 2 =[0,1) 2 and an arbitrary function f element of L log + L log + log + L(I 2 ) such that f=0 on Ω the double Fourier series of f with respect to the trigonometric system Ψ=E and the Walsh-Paley system Ψ=W is shown to converge to zero (over rectangles) almost everywhere on Ω. Thus, it is proved that generalized localization almost everywhere holds on arbitrary open subsets of the square I 2 for the double trigonometric Fourier series and the Walsh-Fourier series of functions in the class L log + L log + log + L (in the case of summation over rectangles). It is also established that such localization breaks down on arbitrary sets that are not dense in I 2 , in the classes Φ Ψ (L)(I 2 ) for the orthonormal system Ψ=E and an arbitrary function such that Φ E (u)=o(u log + log + u) as u→∞ or for Φ W (u)=u( log + log + u) 1-ε , 0<ε<1

  3. "Det skete ved et under, at Israels børn blev ført ud af Ægypten og kom tørskoet gennem havet"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sortkær, Allan


    1700-tallet betyder en øget skepticisme vendt mod det forunderlige. Det betyder både at ældre rejselitteratur forkastes, men også at nye ekspeditioner planlægges og finder sted. Udgivelsesdato: 2009...

  4. Borehole logging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olsen, H.


    Numerous ground water investigations have been accomplished by means of borehole logging. Borehole logging can be applied to establish new water recovery wells, to control the existing water producing wells and source areas and to estimate ground water quality. (EG)

  5. Sull’equazione det Du = f senza ipotesi di segno

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giovanni Cupini


    Full Text Available We consider the nonlinear problem det?u (x = f (x x ? u (x = x x ? ? where k ? 1 is an integer, is a bounded smooth domain in Rn and f ? Ck ???? satisfies Zf (x dx = meas. The positivity of f is a standard assumption in the literature. In a recent joint paper with B.Dacorogna and O.Kneuss (EPFL we prove the existence of a solution u ? Ck ???? ;Rn with no assumptions on the sign of f. Here we state this theorem together with some related results and we outline the main features of the problem.

  6. Logging Concessions Enable Illegal Logging Crisis in the Peruvian Amazon (United States)

    Finer, Matt; Jenkins, Clinton N.; Sky, Melissa A. Blue; Pine, Justin


    The Peruvian Amazon is an important arena in global efforts to promote sustainable logging in the tropics. Despite recent efforts to achieve sustainability, such as provisions in the US-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement, illegal logging continues to plague the region. We present evidence that Peru's legal logging concession system is enabling the widespread illegal logging via the regulatory documents designed to ensure sustainable logging. Analyzing official government data, we found that 68.3% of all concessions supervised by authorities were suspected of major violations. Of the 609 total concessions, nearly 30% have been cancelled for violations and we expect this percentage to increase as investigations continue. Moreover, the nature of the violations indicate that the permits associated with legal concessions are used to harvest trees in unauthorized areas, thus threatening all forested areas. Many of the violations pertain to the illegal extraction of CITES-listed timber species outside authorized areas. These findings highlight the need for additional reforms.

  7. Logging concessions enable illegal logging crisis in the Peruvian Amazon. (United States)

    Finer, Matt; Jenkins, Clinton N; Sky, Melissa A Blue; Pine, Justin


    The Peruvian Amazon is an important arena in global efforts to promote sustainable logging in the tropics. Despite recent efforts to achieve sustainability, such as provisions in the US-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement, illegal logging continues to plague the region. We present evidence that Peru's legal logging concession system is enabling the widespread illegal logging via the regulatory documents designed to ensure sustainable logging. Analyzing official government data, we found that 68.3% of all concessions supervised by authorities were suspected of major violations. Of the 609 total concessions, nearly 30% have been cancelled for violations and we expect this percentage to increase as investigations continue. Moreover, the nature of the violations indicate that the permits associated with legal concessions are used to harvest trees in unauthorized areas, thus threatening all forested areas. Many of the violations pertain to the illegal extraction of CITES-listed timber species outside authorized areas. These findings highlight the need for additional reforms.

  8. «Det er stort sett retorikk og ikke så mye realitet»: En kvalitativ studie av norske idrettsbistandsorganisasjoner sitt forhold til formelle retningslinjer/Norad


    Moen, Astri Tangen


    I nyere tid har det skjedd store endringer innen norsk og internasjonal utviklings- og bistandspolitikk. Fokuset har gått fra å legge vekt på økonomisk utvikling til å legge mer vekt på sosial utvikling. Norad mener det er mer fokus på sivilt samfunn, utviklingslandenes evne til å bygge seg opp, bekjempe korrupsjon, samt god forvaltning av ressurser i dagens bistandspolitikk. De siste 10-15 årene har det dessuten vært økende interesse for idrett som bistand, både i Norge og internasjonalt. Id...

  9. CILogon: An Integrated Identity and Access Management Platform for Science (United States)

    Basney, J.


    When scientists work together, they use web sites and other software to share their ideas and data. To ensure the integrity of their work, these systems require the scientists to log in and verify that they are part of the team working on a particular science problem. Too often, the identity and access verification process is a stumbling block for the scientists. Scientific research projects are forced to invest time and effort into developing and supporting Identity and Access Management (IAM) services, distracting them from the core goals of their research collaboration. CILogon provides an IAM platform that enables scientists to work together to meet their IAM needs more effectively so they can allocate more time and effort to their core mission of scientific research. The CILogon platform enables federated identity management and collaborative organization management. Federated identity management enables researchers to use their home organization identities to access cyberinfrastructure, rather than requiring yet another username and password to log on. Collaborative organization management enables research projects to define user groups for authorization to collaboration platforms (e.g., wikis, mailing lists, and domain applications). CILogon's IAM platform serves the unique needs of research collaborations, namely the need to dynamically form collaboration groups across organizations and countries, sharing access to data, instruments, compute clusters, and other resources to enable scientific discovery. CILogon provides a software-as-a-service platform to ease integration with cyberinfrastructure, while making all software components publicly available under open source licenses to enable re-use. Figure 1 illustrates the components and interfaces of this platform. CILogon has been operational since 2010 and has been used by over 7,000 researchers from more than 170 identity providers to access cyberinfrastructure including Globus, LIGO, Open Science Grid

  10. Learning from your mistakes: The functional value of spontaneous error monitoring in aphasia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Erica L. Middleton


    Ex. 4.\t(T = umbrella “umbelella, umbrella”: Phonological error; DetCorr We used mixed effects logistic regression to assess whether the log odds of changing from error to correct was predicted by monitoring status of the error (DetCorr vs. NoDet; DetNoCorr vs. NoDet; whether the monitoring benefit interacted with direction of change (forward, backward; and whether effects varied by error type. Figure 1 (top shows that the proportion accuracy change was higher for DetCorr, relative to NoDet, consistent with a monitoring benefit. The difference in log odds was significant for semantic errors in both directions (forward: coeff. = -1.73; z= -7.78; p < .001; backward: coeff = -0.92; z= -3.60; p < .001, and for phonological errors in both directions (forward: coeff. = -0.74; z= -2.73; p=.006; backward : coeff. = -.76; z = -2.73; p = .006. The difference between DetNoCorr and NoDet was not significant in any condition. Figure 1 (bottom shows that for Semantic errors, there was a directional asymmetry favoring the Forward condition (interaction: coeff. = .79; z = 2.32; p = .02. Phonological errors, in contrast, produced comparable effects in Forward and Backward direction. The results demonstrated a benefit for errors that were detected and corrected. This monitoring benefit was present in both the forward and backward direction, supporting the Strength hypothesis. Of greatest interest, the monitoring benefit for Semantic errors was greater in the forward than backward direction, indicating a role for learning.

  11. Regeringserklæringen og PET's registreringer på det politiske område 1968-1989

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Den 30. september 1968 udsendte VKR-regeringen en erklæring, hvis hovedsynspunkt var " registrering af danske statsborgere ikke længere må finde sted alene på grundlag af lovlig politisk virksomhed." Det fremgik ydermere af erklæringen, at såfremt tjenesten lå inde med sådanne registreringer......, ville de blive slettet og de underliggende oplysninger tilintetgjort. Der er i den offentlige debat forud for Kommissionens nedsættelse rejst en mistanke om, at PET's registreringspraksis efter den 30. september 1968 er foregået i strid med regeringserklæringen. Et centralt spørgsmål i denne debat har...... danske ambassade i Washington. Dette bind er en tilbundsgående undersøgelse af PET's registreringer på det politiske område i perioden 1968-1989....

  12. Relevansen af nyere psykodynamisk teori for det klinisk musikterapeutiske arbejde med psykiatriske patienter med personlighedsforstyrrelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hannibal, Niels


    Denne artikel beskriver et rationale for anvendelse af musik i en psykoterapeutisk kontekst. Det eksplicitte og implicitte forandringsniveau i psykoterapi med patienter med borderline-personlighedsforstyrrelse (BPF) diskuteres herpå med henvisning til to forskellige syn på terapeutisk forandring:...

  13. Gristhorpe Man: an Early Bronze Age log-coffin burial scientifically defined

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Melton, Nigel; Montgomery, Janet; Knüsel, Christopher J.


    A log-coffin excavated in the early nineteenth century proved to be well enough preserved in the early twenty-first century for the full armoury of modern scientific investigation to give its occupants and contents new identity, new origins and a new date. In many ways the interpretation is much ...... the same as before: a local big man buried looking out to sea. Modern analytical techniques can create a person more real, more human and more securely anchored in history. This research team shows how....

  14. Gristhorpe Man : an early Bronze Age log-coffin burial scientifically defined.


    Melton, N.; Montgomery, J.; Knusel, C.J.; Batt, C.; Needham, S.; Pearson, M.P.; Sheridan, A.; Heron, C.; Horsley, T.; Schmidt, A.; Evans, A.; Carter, E.; Edwards, H.; Hargreaves, M.; Janaway, R.


    A log-coffin excavated in the early nineteenth century proved to be well enough preserved in the early twenty-first century for the full armoury of modern scientific investigation to give its occupants and contents new identity, new origins and a new date. In many ways the interpretation is much the same as before: a local big man buried looking out to sea. Modern analytical techniques can create a person more real, more human and more securely anchored in history. This research team shows how.

  15. Kunnskapsgrunnlag for forslaget om et forbud mot synlig oppstilling av tobakksvarer. Evaluering av det offentlige tobakksforebyggende arbeid i Norge 2003-2007


    Lund, Karl Erik; Rise, Jostein


    - I nasjonal strategiplan for det tobakksforebyggende arbeidet 2006-2010 ønsket Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet å få utredet forslaget om forbud mot synlig oppstilling av tobakksvarer. Departementet har allerede hatt forslaget på høring, og represen tanter fra tobakksindustrien og handelsnæringen hevdet i sine svar at tiltaket bl.a. var i strid med EØS- reglene og at det ikke kunne dokumenteres effekt. Før departementet eventuelt skal arbeide videre med et lo vfor...

  16. Det digitale interaktive fjernsyn i hverdagslivet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Bjørner


    Full Text Available Digitaliseringen af tv-mediet er allerede i fuld gang, og der er i Danmark fastlagt en analog slukdato for public servicekanalerne i 2009. I forlængelse heraf leverer denne artikel en række indsigter i, hvordan den nye teknologi potentielt forandrer hverdagen, men samtidig er det også en pointe, at den digitale teknologi indpasses i eksisterende mønstre for tv-sening. Med baggrund i forsøgskanalen TV2/Nord-Digital, som var den første kanal der udsendte digitalt interaktivt tv i Danmark, vil denne artikel give nogle svar på, hvad der sker når digitalt tv (med de øgede interaktive muligheder vinder indpas i husstanden. Hvem skal bestemme i forhold til hvad der skal ses af interaktivt indhold? Vil digitaliseringen dermed fremme den stigende tendens til at vi ser mere tv hver for sig? Og ønsker seerne overhovedet at være interaktive med deres fjernsyn – og i givet fald om hvad og hvorfor?

  17. Surrogate Model for Recirculation Phase LBLOCA and DET Application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fynan, Douglas A; Ahn, Kwang-Il; Lee, John C.


    In the nuclear safety field, response surfaces were used in the first demonstration of the code scaling, applicability, and uncertainty (CSAU) methodology to quantify the uncertainty of the peak clad temperature (PCT) during a large-break loss-of-coolant accident (LBLOCA). Surrogates could have applications in other nuclear safety areas such as dynamic probabilistic safety assessment (PSA). Dynamic PSA attempts to couple the probabilistic nature of failure events, component transitions, and human reliability to deterministic calculations of time-dependent nuclear power plant (NPP) responses usually through the use of thermal-hydraulic (TH) system codes. The overall mathematical complexity of the dynamic PSA architectures with many embedded computational expensive TH code calculations with large input/output data streams have limited realistic studies of NPPs. This paper presents a time-dependent surrogate model for the recirculation phase of a hot leg LBLOCA in the OPR-1000. The surrogate model is developed through the ACE algorithm, a powerful nonparametric regression technique, trained on RELAP5 simulations of the LBLOCA. Benchmarking of the surrogate is presented and an application to a simplified dynamic event tree (DET). A time-dependent surrogate model to predict core subcooling during the recirculation phase of a hot leg LBLOCA in the OPR-1000 has been developed. The surrogate assumed the structure of a general discrete time dynamic model and learned the nonlinear functional form by performing nonparametric regression on RELAP5 simulations with the ACE algorithm. The surrogate model input parameters represent mass and energy flux terms to the RCS that appeared as user supplied or code calculated boundary conditions in the RELAP5 model. The surrogate accurately predicted the TH behavior of the core for a variety of HPSI system performance and containment conditions when compared with RELAP5 simulations. The surrogate was applied in a DET application replacing

  18. Study of the reservoirs of Jurassic and Cretaceous periods in the south-cast slope of Central Kara-Kum vault using combination of acoustic logging, neutron-gamma logging, gamma logging, and electrical logging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meredov, T.M.; Baranov, M.I.


    Considered is the possibility of application of the combination of neutron-gamma logging, gamma logging al partitioncoustic logging and electrical logging to lithologica of sections, discovery reservoir layers in carbonate and terrigeneous sections as well as quantitative estimation of the porosity coefficients values at prospecting areas in the south-east slope of Central Kara-Kum vault. Neutron-gamma logging mostly makes it possible to partition carbonate rocks into limestones, dolomites and their interstitial variaties and to indicate sand stone layers with different degree of carbonate content

  19. Quantifying diagnostic performance: The log odds method as a practical option

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haslam, Maxine; Manning, David


    Purpose: To investigate the most practical option available when statistically analysing small sample size studies. Method: The log odds ratio was applied to a study which took a retrospective approach and involved 50 patients who had undergone a ventilation and perfusion scan in the period between 01 January 2002 and 31 December 2002. Radiology reports and the patients' medical records were obtained, so that the clinical indications for the examination and the patients' medical history could be transferred onto the report form. Four radiographers who are routinely rotated into the Nuclear Medicine Department independently reported the same 50 ventilations and perfusion scans under identical conditions to the reporting radiologist. Results: Taking the radiologist reports as the gold standard the radiographers had an accuracy rate of 78%. The radiographers recorded an average sensitivity value of 94% and specificity value of 63%, with an A z reading of 0.71. Conclusion: As the sample size was too small for a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve to be drawn, the log odds ratio provided a value, which represents an area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, which in turn ensured the results were statistically reliable. The log odds ratio enables researchers to carry out small-scale research without harbouring the data collected by unreliable analysis

  20. Budapest Gay Pride og mødet med højreekstremismens grimme ansigt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ginnerskov Hansen, Mette


    Den årlige Gay Pride Parade i Ungarns hovedstad Budapest blev afholdt den 6. juli 2013, og med knap 8000 deltagere blev begivenheden den største i sin 16 årige levetid. Trods det imponerende opbud blev paraden dog ikke kun en fejring af menneskelig mangfoldighed, men bød også på et skræmmende møde...

  1. The Meaning of Logs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Etalle, Sandro; Massacci, Fabio; Yautsiukhin, Artsiom


    While logging events is becoming increasingly common in computing, in communication and in collaborative work, log systems need to satisfy increasingly challenging (if not conflicting) requirements.Despite the growing pervasiveness of log systems, to date there is no high-level framework which

  2. The Meaning of Logs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Etalle, Sandro; Massacci, Fabio; Yautsiukhin, Artsiom; Lambrinoudakis, Costas; Pernul, Günther; Tjoa, A Min

    While logging events is becoming increasingly common in computing, in communication and in collaborative environments, log systems need to satisfy increasingly challenging (if not conflicting) requirements. In this paper we propose a high-level framework for modeling log systems, and reasoning about

  3. NOVANA. Det nationale program for overvågning af vandmiljøet og naturen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svendsen, L. M.; Bijl, L. van der; Boutrup, S.

    -kilder, landovervågning, grundvand, vandløb, søer, hav og fjor, arter og terrestriske naturtyper samt det landsdækkende luftkvalitetsprogram i byerne. For de en-kelte delprogrammer gives bl.a. en baggrund baseret i nationale behov og internationale overvågningsforpligtigelser, formål og strategi og en mere detaljeret...

  4. Response diversity, functional redundancy, and post-logging productivity in northern temperate and boreal forests. (United States)

    Correia, David Laginha Pinto; Raulier, Frédéric; Bouchard, Mathieu; Filotas, Élise


    The development of efficient ecosystem resilience indicators was identified as one of the key research priorities in the improvement of existing sustainable forest management frameworks. Two indicators of tree diversity associated with ecosystem functioning have recently received particular attention in the literature: functional redundancy (FR) and response diversity (RD). We examined how these indicators could be used to predict post-logging productivity in forests of Québec, Canada. We analysed the relationships between pre-logging FR and RD, as measured with sample plots, and post-logging productivity, measured as seasonal variation in enhanced vegetation index obtained from MODIS satellite imagery. The effects of the deciduous and coniferous tree components in our pre-disturbance diversity assessments were isolated in order to examine the hypothesis that they have different impacts on post-disturbance productivity. We also examined the role of tree species richness and species identity effects. Our analysis revealed the complementary nature of traditional biodiversity indicators and trait-based approaches in the study of biodiversity-ecosystem-functioning relationships in dynamic ecosystems. We report a significant and positive relationship between pre-disturbance deciduous RD and post-disturbance productivity, as well as an unexpected significant negative effect of coniferous RD on productivity. This negative relationship with post-logging productivity likely results from slower coniferous regeneration speeds and from the relatively short temporal scale examined. Negative black-spruce-mediated identity effects were likely associated with increased stand vulnerability to paludification and invasion by ericaceous shrubs that slow down forest regeneration. Response diversity outperformed functional redundancy as a measure of post-disturbance productivity most likely due to the stand-replacing nature of the disturbance considered. To the best of our knowledge

  5. SDSS Log Viewer: visual exploratory analysis of large-volume SQL log data (United States)

    Zhang, Jian; Chen, Chaomei; Vogeley, Michael S.; Pan, Danny; Thakar, Ani; Raddick, Jordan


    User-generated Structured Query Language (SQL) queries are a rich source of information for database analysts, information scientists, and the end users of databases. In this study a group of scientists in astronomy and computer and information scientists work together to analyze a large volume of SQL log data generated by users of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data archive in order to better understand users' data seeking behavior. While statistical analysis of such logs is useful at aggregated levels, efficiently exploring specific patterns of queries is often a challenging task due to the typically large volume of the data, multivariate features, and data requirements specified in SQL queries. To enable and facilitate effective and efficient exploration of the SDSS log data, we designed an interactive visualization tool, called the SDSS Log Viewer, which integrates time series visualization, text visualization, and dynamic query techniques. We describe two analysis scenarios of visual exploration of SDSS log data, including understanding unusually high daily query traffic and modeling the types of data seeking behaviors of massive query generators. The two scenarios demonstrate that the SDSS Log Viewer provides a novel and potentially valuable approach to support these targeted tasks.

  6. Batman: Film, fortælling: Det hyperbevidste

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jim Collins


    Full Text Available Populærtekster har fra 1980'erne og frem udviklet sig til at være hybrid- tekster, der med udgangspunkt i mobile betydningsbærere som Batman figuren bevæger sig på tværs af diskursformer og genreskel, samtidig med at de aktivt inddrager tidligere aktiveringer af de mobile betydnings- bærere fra populærkulturens historie. 'Handlingen' kan derfor ikke ad- skilles fra dens kodificerede repræsentation, og de mange lag af inter- tekster undergraver ideen om 'teksten i sig selv.' Med eksempler fra Tim Burton's film Batman, Frank Millers grafiske roman The Dark Knight Returns og Alan Moore's Watchmen argumenterer Jim Collins i denne artikel for, at såvel forfattere som publikum til populærtekster er blevet semiotisk sofistikerede og derved hyperbevidste om populærteksternes intertekstualiteter. Dette har betydning for det generelle mediebillede, og ikke mindst for den måde vi bruger medier på.

  7. Interkulturell kommunikation i en kinesisk kontext : En undersökning av svenska och kinesiska företagsrepresentanters upplevelser av det interkulturella mötet. Ett teoretiskt perspektiv på en praktisk utmaning.


    Hjalmarsson, Ida


    Jag har genom en förberedande fältstudie, litteraturgenomgång och enkätintervjuer undersökt svenska och kinesiska företagsrepresentanters upplevelser av det interkulturella mötet, med utgångspunkt i svenska företag som opererar på den kinesiska marknaden. Det var uppsatsens syfte och jag har utgått ifrån frågeställningen: Hur upplever svenska och kinesiska företagsrepresentanter det interkulturella mötet? Subfrågor till denna är: Vilka kulturella faktorer skapar det kinesiska sättet att kommu...

  8. Static dictionaries on AC0 RAMs: query time (√log n/log log n) is necessary and sufficient

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersson, Arne; Miltersen, Peter Bro; Riis, Søren


    ) on the time for answering membership queries in a set of size n when reasonable space is used for the data structure storing the set; the upper bound can be obtained using O(n) space, and the lower bound holds even if we allow space 2polylog n. Several variations of this result are also obtained. Among others......, we show a tradeoff between time and circuit depth under the unit-cost assumption: any RAM instruction set which permits a linear space, constant query time solution to the static dictionary problem must have an instruction of depth Ω(log w/log log to), where w is the word size of the machine (and log...

  9. Processing well logging data, for example for verification and calibration of well logs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suau, J.; Boutemy, Y.


    A method is described of machine processing well logging data derived from borehole exploring devices which investigate earth formations traversed by boreholes. The method can be used for verifying and recalibrating logs, reconstructing missing logs and combining the data to form a statistical model of the traversed earth formations. (U.K.)

  10. La logística integral como ventaja competitiva y sistema logístico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mario Anselmo Martínez gallardo


    Full Text Available Esta investigación analiza la logística integral como una ventaja competitiva y el sistema logístico. Es opinión de los autores que la logística integral es esencial para el intercambio de mercancías, toda vez que reduce costos y hace más ágil la actividad comercial. La utilización de esta logística representa una ventaja competitiva con respecto de otras empresas por la optimización del capital y ahorro de tiempo.

  11. Makt og avmakt i cyberspace: hvordan styre det digitale rom?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lilly Pijnenburg Muller


    Full Text Available Et sikkert cyberspace er nødvendig for en fungerende samfunnsstruktur, økonomisk, politisk og sosialt. Med samfunnets økende avhengighet av cyberspace for å kunne fungere normalt, har sikringen av cyberspace blitt stadig viktigere. For å løse sikkerhetsutfordringene knyttet til utviklingen av cyberspace har stater søkt støtte fra private aktører gjennom såkalte multistakeholder-initiativer. Med slike initiativer mener man en åpen form for samarbeid mellom interessenter, basert på en idé om likeverdige partnere. Stater iverksetter slike initiativer ut fra en tanke om at et samarbeid mellom private og offentlige aktører gir den beste formen for styring og sikring av aktiviteter i cyberspace. Implementeringen foregår imidlertid uten at de nødvendige forutsetningene for at en slik styringsform skal fungere er til stede. Selv om mange i dagens akademiske debatt stiller spørsmål ved om disse initiativene fungerer, er det få som har stilt spørsmål ved hvordan cybersikkerhet kan utøves i praksis. Dette fører til at man overser det sentrale spørsmålet om hvordan maktdynamikken mellom offentlig og privat sektor fungerer med henblikk på sikkerhet i cyberspace. Denne artikkelen diskuterer hvorvidt multistakeholder-initiativene faktisk fungerer som en kontroll- og styringsmekanisme i cyberspace. Ved å se nærmere på offentlig-privat samarbeid om cybersikkerhet i Norge er hensikten å gi en bedre forståelse av årsakene til at multistakeholder-initiativer ofte ikke fungerer i praksis.

  12. Tilblivelsen af det ny nordiske køkken

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scheuer, John Damm; Nickelsen, Niels Christian


    Denne artikel er en analyse af en organisatorisk transformations indledende fase. Konkret den fase, hvor en institutionel entreprenør undfanger en idé, der bryder med eksisterende logikker i et organisatorisk felt og derved skaber et potentiale for forandring ved at udfordre eksisterende logikker...... institutionel entreprenør kan initiere forandring i et organisatorisk felt, samt en afprøvning af et begrebsapparat opstillet af Svejenova et al. (2007). Analysen knytter an til agens/struktur problematikken. Hvor neo-institutionelle analyser samt andre sociologisk orienterede analyser enten undereksponerer....... Analysens gennemgående empiriske forankringspunt er det gastronomiske felt i Danmark og i Norden og mere specifikt; kokken og entreprenøren Claus Meyers ambitioner om at virkeliggøre en madpolitisk vision. Artiklens teoretiske bidrag er en begrebsliggørelse, præcisering og nuancering af, hvordan en...

  13. The log S -log N distribution of gamma ray brust

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamagami, Takamasa; Nishimura, Jun; Fujii, Masami


    The relation between the size S and the frequency N of gamma ray burst has been studied. This relation may be determined from the celestial distribution of gamma ray burst sources. The present analysis gives that the log S - log N relation for any direction is determined by the celestial distribution of gamma ray burst sources. The observed bursts were analyzed. The celestial distribution of gamma ray burst sources was observed by the satellites of USSR. The results showed that the distribution seemed to be isotropic. However, the calculated log S - log N relation based on the isotropic distribution wasF in disagreement with the observed ones. As the result of analysis, it was found that the observed bursts missed low energy part because of the threshold of detectors. The levels of discrimination of detection were not clear. When a proper threshold level is set for each type of burst, and the size of bursts is determined, the above mentioned discrepancy will be deleted regardless of luminosity and the spatial distribution of bursts. (Kato, T.)

  14. Digital mineral logging system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    West, J.B.


    A digital mineral logging system acquires data from a mineral logging tool passing through a borehole and transmits the data uphole to an electronic digital signal processor. A predetermined combination of sensors, including a deviometer, is located in a logging tool for the acquisition of the desired data as the logging tool is raised from the borehole. Sensor data in analog format is converted in the logging tool to a digital format and periodically batch transmitted to the surface at a predetermined sampling rate. An identification code is provided for each mineral logging tool, and the code is transmitted to the surface along with the sensor data. The self-identifying tool code is transmitted to the digital signal processor to identify the code against a stored list of the range of numbers assigned to that type of tool. The data is transmitted up the d-c power lines of the tool by a frequency shift key transmission technique. At the surface, a frequency shift key demodulation unit transmits the decoupled data to an asynchronous receiver interfaced to the electronic digital signal processor. During a recording phase, the signals from the logging tool are read by the electronic digital signal processor and stored for later processing. During a calculating phase, the stored data is processed by the digital signal processor and the results are outputted to a printer or plotter, or both

  15. Late Lessons from Early Warnings: Er det umuligt at lære af historien?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Steffen Foss


    Frygten for overregulering er stærkt overdrevet og bør ikke være en begrundelse for at undlade at implementere risikoreducerende tiltag, når der er videnskabelig usikkerhed. Vi begår nemlig de samme fejl igen og igen, når det gælder regulering af miljø og sundhed. Vi glemmer tilsyneladende tidlig...

  16. Biologiske beskyttelsesområder i Nationalparkområdet, Nord- og Østgrønland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aastrup, Peter; Boertmann, David

    Denne rapport er et supplement til og en opdatering af en tidligere udsendt rapport (Aastrup et al. 2005). Opdateringen har til formål at præsentere den viden som er fremkommet siden den første rapport, samt at behandle en række spørgsmål som er fremkommet i forbindelse med det videre arbejde med...

  17. Estimation of the non records logs from existing logs using artificial neural networks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mehdi Mohammad Salehi


    Full Text Available Finding the information of the hydrocarbon reservoirs from well logs is one of the main objectives of the engineers. But, missing the log records (due to many reasons such as broken instruments, unsuitable borehole and etc. is a major challenge to achieve it. Prediction of the density and resistivity logs (Rt, DT and LLS from the conventional wire-line logs in one of the Iranian southwest oil fields is the main purpose of this study. Multilayer neural network was applied to develop an intelligent predictive model for prediction of the logs. A total of 3000 data sets from 3 wells (A, B and C of the studied field were used. Among them, the data of A, B and C wells were used to constructing and testing the model, respectively. To evaluate the performance of the model, the mean square error (MSE and correlation coefficient (R2 in the test data were calculated. A comparison between the MSE of the proposed model and recently intelligent models shows that the proposed model is more accurate than others. Acceptable accuracy and using conventional well logging data are the highlight advantages of the proposed intelligent model.

  18. “Who you know affects what you know” : En kvalitativ studie om det sociala kapitalets roll i ett familjeföretag


    Fatrous, Joelle; Bergdahl, Johan


    Vi har noterat att forskningen om socialt kapital inom familjeföretag är begränsad. Syftet med uppsatsen är att bidra till att utöka den forskning som sedan tidigare existerar om ämnet socialt kapital. Därför har vi valt att studera hur det sociala kapitalet nyttjas vid ett ägarskifte mellan två generationer inom ett familjeföretag. Studien behandlar också hur företaget nyttjar familjens och de anställdas sociala kapital när behovet av arbetskraft uppstår, samt hur det sociala...

  19. ”Giv vold mod kvinder det røde kort” - En kampagneanalyse


    Dührr, Tine; Jeberg Kjær, Cecilie; Lassen Jørgensen, Katrine; Linea Pohl, Dina


    This project investigates if the campaign “Giv vold mod kvinder det røde kort” is successful in reaching its target audience. We keep a strict focus on the campaign’s Facebook page, because of its obvious role as the primary place where the target audience will encounter the campaign. We examine the Facebook page through a discourse analysis, to get a clear sense of the difficulties with reaching the target audience. Afterwards we examine the target audience, with a focus group interview to g...

  20. Der er én eller anden mening med tingene, hvis man bare tror på det

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Jan Brødslev


    udgangspunkt i et kort stykke livsfortælling, fokus på meningsbegrebet i eksistentiel belysning. Det sker indledningsvist ud fra den amerikanske psykolog Jerome Bruner og efterfølgende to centrale skikkelser i eksistenspsykologien, østrigske Viktor Frankl og amerikanske Irvin Yalom. Sigtet er at skabe et bud...

  1. Geophysical well logging operations and log analysis in Geothermal Well Desert Peak No. B-23-1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sethi, D.K.; Fertl, W.H.


    Geothermal Well Desert Peak No. B-23-1 was logged by Dresser Atlas during April/May 1979 to a total depth of 2939 m (9642 ft). A temperature of 209/sup 0/C (408/sup 0/F) was observed on the maximum thermometer run with one of the logging tools. Borehole tools rated to a maximum temperature of 204.4/sup 0/C (400/sup 0/F) were utilized for logging except for the Densilog tool, which was from the other set of borehole instruments, rated to a still higher temperature, i.e., 260/sup 0/C (500/sup 0/F). The quality of the logs recorded and the environmental effects on the log response have been considered. The log response in the unusual lithologies of igneous and metamorphic formations encountered in this well could be correlated with the drill cutting data. An empirical, statistical log interpretation approach has made it possible to obtain meaningful information on the rocks penetrated. Various crossplots/histograms of the corrected log data have been generated on the computer. These are found to provide good resolution between the lithological units in the rock sequence. The crossplotting techniques and the statistical approach were combined with the drill cutting descriptions in order to arrive at the lithological characteristics. The results of log analysis and recommendations for logging of future wells have been included.

  2. Theoretical and Numerical Study of Seismoelectric Logs for Logging While Drilling (LWD

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sun Xiang-Yang


    Full Text Available When the acoustic field propagates in the porous medium, the electromagnetic wave can be induced by the seismoelectric effects which can be used in the logging. This paper studies the seismoelectric wave field and deduces the formulations of the acoustic and electromagnetic field of the liquid in the well, and gives the acoustic and electromagnetic boundary conditions between the driller collar and the log liquid, when the driller collar is added. We also do the numerical simulation of the seismoelectric wave field excited by monopole source, study the velocity dispersion characteristics of the acoustic and electromagnetic field, and investigate the detective depth of the seismoelectric logs. Through the simulation we know the seismoelectric logs can avoid the interference of drill collar wave. This paper also provides theoretical guidance for the design of receiving antenna.

  3. Face logging in Copenhagen Limestone, Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Lisa; Foged, Niels Nielsen; Erichsen, Lars


    tunnel in Copenhagen more than 2.5 km face logs were made in 467 locations at underground stations, shafts, caverns and along bored tunnels. Over 160 geotechnical boreholes, many with geophysical logging were executed prior to construction works. The bedrock consists of Paleogene "Copenhagen limestone......The requirement for excavation support can be assessed from face logging. Face logs can also improve our knowledge of lithological and structural conditions within bedrock and supplement information from boreholes and geophysical logs. During the construction of 8 km metro tunnel and 4 km heating....... The induration degrees recorded in face logs and boreholes are compared and correlated. Distinct geophysical log markers are used to divide the limestone into three units. These marker horizons are correlated between face logs and geotechnical boreholes. A 3D model of the strength variations recorded within...

  4. Naturudnyttelse i det Færøske ø-samfund gennem tusind år - set i humanøkologisk perspektiv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brandt, Jesper


    Færøerne er på mange måde spændende og exotiske. Det er jo i sig selv en motivation til at studere dem. Men der er også nogle gode faglige grunde til at foretage geografiske og humanøkologiske studier af øerne. Den isolerede beliggenhed, de i hovedtrækkene typiske sammenhængende fysisk-geografisk......Færøerne er på mange måde spændende og exotiske. Det er jo i sig selv en motivation til at studere dem. Men der er også nogle gode faglige grunde til at foretage geografiske og humanøkologiske studier af øerne. Den isolerede beliggenhed, de i hovedtrækkene typiske sammenhængende fysisk...

  5. Derivation of an expression for the roundoff noise determinant det (KW)^{1/2} for digital filters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørsboe, Helge


    The minimal roundoff noise in fixed point digital filters is determined by a certain determinant, generally denoted by det(KW)^{1/2}. This determinant may be expressed by the poles and zeros of the filter transfer function H(z). This paper presents a simple and direct derivation of this expression...

  6. Lærer- og elevmangfold i det livstolkingsplurale norske klasserommet – utfordringer og muligheter for lærerutdanningen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sidsel Lied


    Full Text Available Med denne artikkelen ønsker jeg å gi et bidrag til diskusjonen om hvordan lærerutdanningen kan møte utfordringene fra et økt kulturelt mangfold i samfunnet. Siden mitt forsknings- og interessefelt er knyttet til mangfoldet på feltet livstolking, er artikkelens forskningsspørsmål og overordnede problemstilling: Hvordan kan lærerutdanningen møte de utfordringer og muligheter som det livstolkingsplurale norske klasserommet representerer? Delspørsmål jeg utforsker for å svare på dette, er: Hvordan kommer en livstolkingsplural virkelighet til uttrykk i grunnskolens og lærerutdanningens religions- og livssynsfag? Og: Hvordan kan lærerstudenters medvirkning i forskning bidra til å øke deres forståelse for de kravene det livstolkingsplurale norske klasserommet stiller til sine lærere? De empiriske prosjektene som inngår i arbeidet med å besvare forskningsspørsmålene, er utført i norsk offentlig grunnskole og allmenlærerutdanning. Det er naturlig å holde disse prosjektene sammen fordi all norsk lærerutdanning kvalifiserer sine studenter til å arbeide i grunnskolen. Ved å se på hvordan en livstolkingsplural virkelighet kommer til uttrykk i grunnskolens religions- og livssynsfag, vil en følgelig kunne si noe om hvordan deler av den skolehverdagen som norsk lærerutdanning kvalifiserer sine studenter for, ser ut. Dessuten vil en, ved å utforske hvordan en livstolkingsplural virkelighet kommer til uttrykk i lærerutdanningen, kunne si noe om hvordan utdanningen forventes å forberede sine studenter for denne yrkesutfordringen.

  7. Log4J

    CERN Document Server

    Perry, Steven


    Log4j has been around for a while now, and it seems like so many applications use it. I've used it in my applications for years now, and I'll bet you have too. But every time I need to do something with log4j I've never done before I find myself searching for examples of how to do whatever that is, and I don't usually have much luck. I believe the reason for this is that there is a not a great deal of useful information about log4j, either in print or on the Internet. The information is too simple to be of real-world use, too complicated to be distilled quickly (which is what most developers

  8. A colorimetric DET technique for the high-resolution measurement of two-dimensional alkalinity distributions in sediment porewaters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bennett, William W.; Welsh, David T.; Serriere, Antoine


    Measurements of porewater alkalinity are fundamental to the study of organic matter mineralization in sediments, which plays an essential role in the global cycles of carbon and nutrients. A new colorimetric diffusive equilibration in thin film (DET) technique is described for measuring two-dimen...

  9. Unsupervised signature extraction from forensic logs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Thaler, S.M.; Menkovski, V.; Petkovic, M.; Altun, Y.; Das, K.; Mielikäinen, T.; Malerba, D.; Stefanowski, J.; Read, J.; Žitnik, M.; Ceci, M.


    Signature extraction is a key part of forensic log analysis. It involves recognizing patterns in log lines such that log lines that originated from the same line of code are grouped together. A log signature consists of immutable parts and mutable parts. The immutable parts define the signature, and

  10. A fast simulation method for the Log-normal sum distribution using a hazard rate twisting technique

    KAUST Repository

    Rached, Nadhir B.


    The probability density function of the sum of Log-normally distributed random variables (RVs) is a well-known challenging problem. For instance, an analytical closed-form expression of the Log-normal sum distribution does not exist and is still an open problem. A crude Monte Carlo (MC) simulation is of course an alternative approach. However, this technique is computationally expensive especially when dealing with rare events (i.e. events with very small probabilities). Importance Sampling (IS) is a method that improves the computational efficiency of MC simulations. In this paper, we develop an efficient IS method for the estimation of the Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) of the sum of independent and not identically distributed Log-normal RVs. This technique is based on constructing a sampling distribution via twisting the hazard rate of the original probability measure. Our main result is that the estimation of the CCDF is asymptotically optimal using the proposed IS hazard rate twisting technique. We also offer some selected simulation results illustrating the considerable computational gain of the IS method compared to the naive MC simulation approach.

  11. A fast simulation method for the Log-normal sum distribution using a hazard rate twisting technique

    KAUST Repository

    Rached, Nadhir B.; Benkhelifa, Fatma; Alouini, Mohamed-Slim; Tempone, Raul


    The probability density function of the sum of Log-normally distributed random variables (RVs) is a well-known challenging problem. For instance, an analytical closed-form expression of the Log-normal sum distribution does not exist and is still an open problem. A crude Monte Carlo (MC) simulation is of course an alternative approach. However, this technique is computationally expensive especially when dealing with rare events (i.e. events with very small probabilities). Importance Sampling (IS) is a method that improves the computational efficiency of MC simulations. In this paper, we develop an efficient IS method for the estimation of the Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) of the sum of independent and not identically distributed Log-normal RVs. This technique is based on constructing a sampling distribution via twisting the hazard rate of the original probability measure. Our main result is that the estimation of the CCDF is asymptotically optimal using the proposed IS hazard rate twisting technique. We also offer some selected simulation results illustrating the considerable computational gain of the IS method compared to the naive MC simulation approach.

  12. Hvad er inklusion, og hvordan leder man det?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Næsby, Torben; Qvortrup, Lars


    En fundamental forudsætning for at inklusion både kan gøres til et centralt tema og at medarbejdernes kompetencer kan styrkes, er, at alle medarbejdere ved, hvad man snakker om, og at man har en fælles, operationaliserbar forståelse af, hvad inklusion er. Der skal formuleres en definition af...... definition, som både er bredt, præcist og operationaliserbart. Derefter fremlægges forslag til, hvad man kan gøre som ledelse for at få inklusionsindsatsen til at lykkes....... inklusion i det enkelte dagtilbud, der både kan anerkendes af alle, så den gøres til et fælles anliggende, og kan operationaliseres, så alle kan se, hvad de skal gøre for at få indsatsen til at lykkes. Artiklen indledes med at diskutere de gængse definitioner af inklusion og præsentere et nyt forslag til en...

  13. Log-balanced combinatorial sequences

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tomislav Došlic


    Full Text Available We consider log-convex sequences that satisfy an additional constraint imposed on their rate of growth. We call such sequences log-balanced. It is shown that all such sequences satisfy a pair of double inequalities. Sufficient conditions for log-balancedness are given for the case when the sequence satisfies a two- (or more- term linear recurrence. It is shown that many combinatorially interesting sequences belong to this class, and, as a consequence, that the above-mentioned double inequalities are valid for all of them.

  14. Kortlægning af it-kompetenceudviklingsmuligheder i det ikke-formelle it-undervisningssystem for voksne i Danmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rattleff, Pernille; Duus Henriksen, Thomas

    Formålet med denne kortlægning er ”at tilvejebringe et retvisende og fyldestgørende overblik over de eksisterende muligheder for it-kompetenceudvikling i det ikke-formelle it-undervisningssystem for voksne i Danmark” (jf. udbudsmaterialet, p. 51). Kortlægningen skal klarlægge, i hvilken udstrækni...

  15. Fortællinger om sorg og tab – når det personlige bliver socialt?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Dorthe Refslund; Sandvik, Kjetil


    Vi fortæller om døden, om det at miste og føle sorg. Kulturhistorisk er litteratur, teater og malerkunst scener for netop dette emne. Som socialt fænomen ser vi dog ikke i samme omfang fortællinger om død, tab og sorg, eftersom emnet typisk har været anskuet som et privat anliggende. Bestemte...

  16. LOG2MARKUP: State module to transform a Stata text log into a markup document

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    log2markup extract parts of the text version from the Stata log command and transform the logfile into a markup based document with the same name, but with extension markup (or otherwise specified in option extension) instead of log. The author usually uses markdown for writing documents. However...

  17. First green kit : ett inredningsprojekt för det offentliga uterummet


    Danielsson, Ida


    Projektet omfattas av ett parkprojekt med analyser och gestaltning av grönstrukturer i Nynäshamns stad. Inriktningen är utformning av allmänna utrymmen i det offentliga uterummet med fokus att öka tillgängligheten och tillgången av grönytor och parker. Projektet syftar i att skapa värdefulla platser för ökad trygghet och trivsel. Målsättningen är också att visualisera en vision om rum för upplevelser och aktiviteter. Rum i vilka allmänheten frivilligt vistas om den fysiska miljön är god. Stad...

  18. Radiometric well logging instruments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davydov, A.V.


    The technical properties of well instruments for radioactive logging used in the radiometric logging complexes PKS-1000-1 (''Sond-1'') and PRKS-2 (''Vitok-2'') are described. The main features of the electric circuit of the measuring channels are given

  19. Hardwood log supply: a broader perspective (United States)

    Iris Montague; Adri Andersch; Jan Wiedenbeck; Urs. Buehlmann


    At regional and state meetings we talk with others in our business about the problems we face: log exports, log quality, log markets, logger shortages, cash flow problems, the weather. These are familiar talking points and real and persistent problems. But what is the relative importance of these problems for log procurement in different regions of...

  20. Semi-automatic logarithmic converter of logs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gol'dman, Z.A.; Bondar's, V.V.


    Semi-automatic logarithmic converter of logging charts. An original semi-automatic converter was developed for use in converting BK resistance logging charts and the time interval, ΔT, of acoustic logs from a linear to a logarithmic scale with a specific ratio for subsequent combining of them with neutron-gamma logging charts in operative interpretation of logging materials by a normalization method. The converter can be used to increase productivity by giving curves different from those obtained in manual, pointwise processing. The equipment operates reliably and is simple in use. (author)

  1. Power to the logs!

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva; MACMAHON, Joseph


    Are you tired of using grep, vi and emacs to read your logs? Do you feel like you’re missing the big picture? Does the word "statistics" put a smile on your face? Then it’s time to give power to the logs!

  2. A method of estimating log weights. (United States)

    Charles N. Mann; Hilton H. Lysons


    This paper presents a practical method of estimating the weights of logs before they are yarded. Knowledge of log weights is required to achieve optimum loading of modern yarding equipment. Truckloads of logs are weighed and measured to obtain a local density index (pounds per cubic foot) for a species of logs. The density index is then used to estimate the weights of...

  3. California-Nevada uranium logging. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The purpose of this project was to obtain geophysical logs of industry drill holes to assess the uranium resource potential of geologic formations of interest. The work was part of the US Department of Energy's National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) Program. The principal objective of the logging program was to determine radioelement grade of formations through natural gamma ray detectors. Supplementary information was obtained from resistivity (R), self-potential (SP), point resistance (RE), and neutron density (NN) logs for formation interpretation. Additional data for log interpretation was obtained from caliper logs, casing schedules, and downhole temperature. This data was obtained from well operators when available, with new logs obtained where not formerly available. This report contains a summary of the project and data obtained to date

  4. Deliberating collective action and identity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rønlev, Rasmus


    I Lunds Universitets database - hvor redaktøren sidder - er udgivelsesåret angivet til 2011: Så det tænker jeg er bedst at holde fast i....

  5. 32 CFR 700.846 - Status of logs. (United States)


    ... Officers Afloat § 700.846 Status of logs. The deck log, the engineering log, the compass record, the bearing hooks, the engineer's bell book, and any records generated by automated data logging equipment...

  6. Identity's identities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Kim Ebensgaard

    -specialized language in which it also serves a number of functions – some of which are quite fundamental to society as such. In other words, the lexeme identity is a polysemic word and has multiple, well, identities. Given that it appears to have a number of functions in a variety of registers, including terminologies...... in Academic English and more everyday-based English, identity as a lexeme is definitely worth having a look at. This paper presents a lexicological study of identity in which some of its senses are identified and their behaviors in actual discourse are observed. Drawing on data from the 2011 section...... of the Corpus of Contemporary American English, a behavioral profile of the distributional characteristics of identity is set up. Behavioral profiling is a lexicographical method developed by the corpus linguist Stefan Th. Gries which, by applying semantic ID tagging and statistical analysis, provides a fine...

  7. Palm distributions for log Gaussian Cox processes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Coeurjolly, Jean-Francois; Møller, Jesper; Waagepetersen, Rasmus Plenge


    This paper establishes a remarkable result regarding Palm distributions for a log Gaussian Cox process: the reduced Palm distribution for a log Gaussian Cox process is itself a log Gaussian Cox process that only differs from the original log Gaussian Cox process in the intensity function. This new...... result is used to study functional summaries for log Gaussian Cox processes....

  8. Systematic logging utilizing a log sheet designed for drill core descriptions. An example in uranium exploration activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sasao, Eiji; Tsuruta, Tadahiko; Iida, Yoshimasa


    We describe the log sheets used during uranium exploration activities for unconformity-related uranium deposits by JNC. The purpose of using the logging sheets is to standardize the objects which all geologists must observe and for data quality assurance. The log sheets are a three-part set describing basement lithology, sandstone lithology and geotechnics. We devised our own log sheets to describe both the sandstone and the underlying basement rock when we started exploration in Athabasca Basin, Canada. We modified the sheets to gain a better understanding of the geological features related to uranium mineralization, and made final improvements to satisfy required quality based on the criteria of descriptive objects and accuracy. Use of the log sheets resulted in effective performance of core logging and improvement in the display of data. (author)

  9. Log-binomial models: exploring failed convergence. (United States)

    Williamson, Tyler; Eliasziw, Misha; Fick, Gordon Hilton


    Relative risk is a summary metric that is commonly used in epidemiological investigations. Increasingly, epidemiologists are using log-binomial models to study the impact of a set of predictor variables on a single binary outcome, as they naturally offer relative risks. However, standard statistical software may report failed convergence when attempting to fit log-binomial models in certain settings. The methods that have been proposed in the literature for dealing with failed convergence use approximate solutions to avoid the issue. This research looks directly at the log-likelihood function for the simplest log-binomial model where failed convergence has been observed, a model with a single linear predictor with three levels. The possible causes of failed convergence are explored and potential solutions are presented for some cases. Among the principal causes is a failure of the fitting algorithm to converge despite the log-likelihood function having a single finite maximum. Despite these limitations, log-binomial models are a viable option for epidemiologists wishing to describe the relationship between a set of predictors and a binary outcome where relative risk is the desired summary measure. Epidemiologists are encouraged to continue to use log-binomial models and advocate for improvements to the fitting algorithms to promote the widespread use of log-binomial models.

  10. Comparative analysis of nuclear magnetic resonance well logging and nuclear magnetic resonance mud logging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yuan Zugui


    The hydrogen atoms in oil and water are able to resonate and generate signals in the magnetic field, which is used by the NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) technology in petroleum engineering to research and evaluate rock characteristics. NMR well logging was used to measure the physical property parameters of the strata in well bore, whereas NMR mud logging was used to analyze (while drilling) the physical property parameters of cores, cuttings and sidewall coring samples on surface (drilling site). Based on the comparative analysis of the porosity and permeability parameters obtained by NMR well logging and those from analysis of the cores, cuttings and sidewall coring samples by NMR mud logging in the same depth of 13 wells, these two methods are of certain difference, but their integral tendency is relatively good. (authors)

  11. Universets byggesten moderne partikelfysik : fysik i det 21. arhundrede

    CERN Document Server

    Cramer Andersen, Michael; Facius, Katrine; Moller, Rasmus


    I Universets byggesten - moderne partikelfysik, beskrives de fundamentale partikler, som alting er opbygget af, samt de vekselvirkninger, som virker imellem partiklerne. Bogen introducerer nogle grundlæggende egenskaber ved de fundamentale partikler og viser, hvordan målinger af partikelkollisioner frembringes og fortolkes. Den beskriver, hvordan det eksperimentelle udstyr fungerer og gennemgår metoder til at regne på hyppigheden af forskellige begivenheder, hvilket muliggør identifikation af interessante begivenheder. Teorien udbygges med en gennemgang af vigtige egenskaber ved de fundamentale vekselvirkninger og hvilke størrelser, der er bevarede ved partikelreaktioner. Fundamentale begreber som kraft, energi og bevægelsesmængde diskuteres og udvikles, så de kan anvendes i partikelfysikken, og beskrives teknikker til at regne med både relativitetsteori og kvantefysik. Bogen afsluttes med en række eksempler på områder, hvor partikelfysikken anvendes sammen med astrofysik og kosmologi...

  12. DOE-Grand Junction logging model data synopsis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mathews, M.A.; Koizumi, C.J.; Evans, H.B.


    This synopsis provides the available data concerning the logging models at the DoE-Grand Junction facility, to date (1976). Because gamma-ray logs are used in uranium exploration to estimate the grade (percent U 3 O 8 ) and the thickness of uranium ore zones in exploration drill holes, logging models are required to calibrate the gamma-ray logging equipment in order to obtain accuracy, uniformity, standardization, and repeatability during logging. This quality control is essential for accurate ore reserve calculations and for estimates of ore potential. The logging models at the DoE-Grand Junction facility are available for use by private industry in calibrating their gamma-ray logging equipment. 21 figures, 26 tables

  13. SNG-logs at Skjern

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Korsbech, Uffe C C; Petersen, Jesper; Aage, Helle Karina


    Spectral Natural Gamma-ray logs have been run in two water supply borings at Skjern. The log data have been examined by a new technique - Noise Adjusted Singular Value Decomposition - in order to get a detailed and reliable picture of the distribution of uranium and thorium gamma-rays from heavy...

  14. Influence of borehole-eccentred tools on wireline and logging-while-drilling sonic logging measurements

    KAUST Repository

    Pardo, David; Matuszyk, Paweł Jerzy; Torres-Verdí n, Carlos; Mora Cordova, Angel; Muga, Ignacio; Calo, Victor M.


    We describe a numerical study to quantify the influence of tool-eccentricity on wireline (WL) and logging-while-drilling (LWD) sonic logging measurements. Simulations are performed with a height-polynomial-adaptive (hp) Fourier finite-element method

  15. Nuclear well logging in hydrology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The optimum development of regional and local groundwater resources requires a quantitative evaluation of its aquifers and aquicludes, and of the physical and chemical properties relevant to the recharge to and withdrawal of water from them. If an understanding of the groundwater regime is to be obtained, geological observations at outcrop must be augmented by subsurface measurements of the strata and the waters they contain. Measurements of many hydrological and geological parameters can be made in situ by nuclear geophysical well-logging methods. Very simply, well logging consists of lowering a measuring probe into a well and making a continuous record of the variations of a particular parameter with depth. In most circumstances, repetition of the measurements under differing hydrodynamic conditions results in a better definition of the flow regime in the aquifer. Nuclear well-logging techniques have for some years been capable of solving a number of the sub-surface measurement problems faced by hydrogeologists. However, the present usage of these methods varies from country to country and the literature concerning applications is scattered in the professional journals of several disciplines. The objective of this report is to include in a single reference volume descriptions of the physical principles of nuclear logging methods, their applications to hydrogeological problems and their limitations on a level suitable for the practising hydrologists with a limited knowledge of nuclear physics. The Working Group responsible for compiling the report recommended that it should cover a broad spectrum of hydrogeological investigations and problems. For example, it saw no valid reason to distinguish for the purposes of the report between well-logging applications for water-supply purposes and for water-flooding studies in the petroleum industry. Neutron measurements made for soil-moisture determinations in the unsaturated zone have been specifically omitted, however, as

  16. A Universal Logging System for LHCb Online

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nikolaidis, Fotis; Brarda, Loic; Garnier, Jean-Christophe; Neufeld, Niko


    A log is recording of system's activity, aimed to help system administrator to traceback an attack, find the causes of a malfunction and generally with troubleshooting. The fact that logs are the only information an administrator may have for an incident, makes logging system a crucial part of an IT infrastructure. In large scale infrastructures, such as LHCb Online, where quite a few GB of logs are produced daily, it is impossible for a human to review all of these logs. Moreover, a great percentage of them as just n oise . That makes clear that a more automated and sophisticated approach is needed. In this paper, we present a low-cost centralized logging system which allow us to do in-depth analysis of every log.

  17. Model wells for nuclear well logging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tittle, C.W.


    Considerations needed in the design and construction of model wells for nuclear log calibration are covered, with special attention to neutron porosity logging and total γ-ray logging. Pulsed neutron decay-time and spectral γ-ray logging are discussed briefly. The American Petroleum Institute calibration facility for nuclear logs is a good starting point for similar or expanded facilities. A few of its shortcomings are mentioned; they are minor. The problem of fluid saturation is emphasized. Attention is given to models made of consolidated rock and those containing unconsolidated material such as Ottawa sand. Needed precautions are listed. A similarity method is presented for estimating the porosity index of formations that are not fully saturated. (author)

  18. Hard Identity and Soft Identity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hassan Rachik


    Full Text Available Often collective identities are classified depending on their contents and rarely depending on their forms. Differentiation between soft identity and hard identity is applied to diverse collective identities: religious, political, national, tribal ones, etc. This classification is made following the principal dimensions of collective identities: type of classification (univocal and exclusive or relative and contextual, the absence or presence of conflictsof loyalty, selective or totalitarian, objective or subjective conception, among others. The different characteristics analysed contribute to outlining an increasingly frequent type of identity: the authoritarian identity.

  19. Artificial intelligence approach to interwell log correlation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lim, Jong-Se [Korea Maritime University, Pusan(Korea); Kang, Joo Myung [Seoul National University, Seoul(Korea); Kim, Jung Whan [Korea National Oil Corp., Anyang(Korea)


    This paper describes a new approach to automated interwell log correlation using artificial intelligence and principal component analysis. The approach to correlate wire line logging data is on the basis of a large set of subjective rules that are intended to represent human logical processes. The data processed are mainly the qualitative information such as the characteristics of the shapes extracted along log traces. The apparent geologic zones are identified by pattern recognition for the specific characteristics of log trace collected as a set of objects by object oriented programming. The correlation of zones between wells is made by rule-based inference program. The reliable correlation can be established from the first principal component logs derived from both the important information around well bore and the largest common part of variances of all available well log data. Correlation with field log data shows that this approach can make interwell log correlation more reliable and accurate. (author). 6 refs., 7 figs.

  20. DetOx: a program for determining anomalous scattering factors of mixed-oxidation-state species. (United States)

    Sutton, Karim J; Barnett, Sarah A; Christensen, Kirsten E; Nowell, Harriott; Thompson, Amber L; Allan, David R; Cooper, Richard I


    Overlapping absorption edges will occur when an element is present in multiple oxidation states within a material. DetOx is a program for partitioning overlapping X-ray absorption spectra into contributions from individual atomic species and computing the dependence of the anomalous scattering factors on X-ray energy. It is demonstrated how these results can be used in combination with X-ray diffraction data to determine the oxidation state of ions at specific sites in a mixed-valance material, GaCl(2).

  1. Processing of gamma-ray spectrometric logs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Umiastowski, K.; Dumesnil, P.


    CEA (Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique) has developped a gamma-ray spectrometric tool, containing an analog-to-digital converter. This new tool permits to perform very precise uranium logs (natural gamma-ray spectrometry), neutron activation logs and litho-density logs (gamma-gamma spectrometric logs). Specific processing methods were developped to treate the particular problems of down-hole gamma-ray spectrometry. Extraction of the characteristic gamma-ray peak, even if they are superposed on the background radiation of very high intensity, is possible. This processing methode enables also to obtain geological informations contained in the continuous background of the spectrum. Computer programs are written in high level language for SIRIUS (VICTOR) and APOLLO computers. Exemples of uranium and neutron activation logs treatment are presented [fr

  2. Nondestructive evaluation for sorting red maple logs (United States)

    Xiping Wang; Robert J. Ross; David W. Green; Karl Englund; Michael Wolcott


    Existing log grading procedures in the United States make only visual assessments of log quality. These procedures do not incorporate estimates of the modulus of elasticity (MOE) of logs. It is questionable whether the visual grading procedures currently used for logs adequately assess the potential quality of structural products manufactured from them, especially...

  3. SNG-logs at the Bagsvaerd Lake

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Korsbech, U.


    Spectral Natural Gamma-logs (SNG) were taken in old boreholes around Bagsvaerd Lake (Zealand). The purpose of this investigation was to clarify the geologic/lithologic conditions in this region and the potential risks of waste penetration into ground water. Relationship curves for thorium, uranium and potassium concentrations are given. Some special logs which can be useful for evaluating concentration variations or transition forms among various lithological layers are collected. Appendices contain technical information on the boreholes and discussion of differences between results of SNG-logging and the conventional gamma-logging. (EG)

  4. LHCb Online Log Analysis and Maintenance System

    CERN Document Server

    Garnier, J-C


    History has shown, many times computer logs are the only information an administrator may have for an incident, which could be caused either by a malfunction or an attack. Due to the huge amount of logs that are produced from large-scale IT infrastructures, such as LHCb Online, critical information may be overlooked or simply be drowned in a sea of other messages. This clearly demonstrates the need for an automatic system for long-term maintenance and real time analysis of the logs. We have constructed a low cost, fault tolerant centralized logging system which is able to do in-depth analysis and cross-correlation of every log. This system is capable of handling O(10000) different log sources and numerous formats, while trying to keep the overhead as low as possible. It provides log gathering and management, Offline analysis and online analysis. We call Offline analysis the procedure of analyzing old logs for critical information, while Online analysis refer to the procedure of early alerting and reacting. ...

  5. Modeling Precipitation Extremes using Log-Histospline (United States)

    Huang, W. K.; Nychka, D. W.; Zhang, H.


    One of the commonly used approaches to modeling univariate extremes is the peaks-overthreshold (POT) method. The POT method models exceedances over a (sufficiently high/low) threshold as a generalized Pareto distribution (GPD). To apply this method, a threshold has to be chosen and the estimates might be sensitive to the chosen threshold. Here we propose an alternative, the "Log-Histospline", to explore modeling the tail behavior and the remainder of the density in one step using the full range of the data. Log-Histospline applies a smoothing spline model on a finely binned histogram of the log transformed data to estimate its log density. By construction, we are able to preserve the polynomial upper tail behavior, a feature commonly observed in geophysical observations. The Log-Histospline can be extended to the spatial setting by treating the marginal (log) density at each location as spatially indexed functional data, and perform a dimension reduction and spatial smoothing. We illustrate the proposed method by analyzing precipitation data from regional climate model output (North American Regional Climate Change and Assessment Program (NARCCAP)).

  6. Log-Log Convexity of Type-Token Growth in Zipf's Systems (United States)

    Font-Clos, Francesc; Corral, Álvaro


    It is traditionally assumed that Zipf's law implies the power-law growth of the number of different elements with the total number of elements in a system—the so-called Heaps' law. We show that a careful definition of Zipf's law leads to the violation of Heaps' law in random systems, with growth curves that have a convex shape in log-log scale. These curves fulfill universal data collapse that only depends on the value of Zipf's exponent. We observe that real books behave very much in the same way as random systems, despite the presence of burstiness in word occurrence. We advance an explanation for this unexpected correspondence.

  7. Geophysical borehole logging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCann, D.; Barton, K.J.; Hearn, K.


    Most of the available literature on geophysical borehole logging refers to studies carried out in sedimentary rocks. It is only in recent years that any great interest has been shown in geophysical logging in boreholes in metamorphic and igneous rocks following the development of research programmes associated with geothermal energy and nuclear waste disposal. This report is concerned with the programme of geophysical logging carried out on the three deep boreholes at Altnabreac, Caithness, to examine the effectiveness of these methods in crystalline rock. Of particular importance is the assessment of the performance of the various geophysical sondes run in the boreholes in relation to the rock mass properties. The geophysical data can be used to provide additional in-situ information on the geological, hydrogeological and engineering properties of the rock mass. Fracturing and weathering in the rock mass have a considerable effect on both the design parameters for an engineering structure and the flow of water through the rock mass; hence, the relation between the geophysical properties and the degree of fracturing and weathering is examined in some detail. (author)

  8. Selective logging in the Brazilian Amazon. (United States)

    G. P. Asner; D. E. Knapp; E. N. Broadbent; P. J. C. Oliveira; M Keller; J. N. Silva


    Amazon deforestation has been measured by remote sensing for three decades. In comparison, selective logging has been mostly invisible to satellites. We developed a large-scale, high-resolution, automated remote-sensing analysis of selective logging in the top five timber-producing states of the Brazilian Amazon. Logged areas ranged from 12,075 to 19,823 square...

  9. Linking log quality with product performance (United States)

    D. W. Green; Robert Ross


    In the United States, log grading procedures use visual assessment of defects, in relation to the log scaling diameter, to estimate the yield of lumber that maybe expected from the log. This procedure was satisfactory when structural grades were based only on defect size and location. In recent years, however, structural products have increasingly been graded using a...

  10. Logística del transporte


    Robusté Antón, Francesc


    La logística se ha conformado como un proceso estratégico para organizar las actividades de producción y de distribución de las empresas. El concepto de sistema logístico ha incluido un amplio espectro de operaciones que condicionan la eficiencia y la competitividad empresarial en el actual contexto de globalización de la economía. En este sentido, este libro afronta y analiza los distintos aspectos que inciden en los procesos de planificación y gestión de los procesos logísticos relacionados...

  11. Engineering aspects of radiometric logging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huppert, P.


    Engineering problems encountered in the development of nuclear borehole logging techniques are discussed. Spectrometric techniques require electronic stability of the equipment. In addition the electronics must be capable of handling high count rates of randomly distributed pulses of fast rise time from the detector and the systems must be designed so that precise calibration is possible under field operating conditions. Components of a logging system are discussed in detail. They include the logging probe (electronics, detector, high voltage supply, preamplifier), electronic instrumentation for data collection and processing and auxiliary equipment

  12. Udpegning af risikolokaliteter på det tosporede vejnet i åbent land baseret på data om vejens karakteristika

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Camilla Sloth

    I det stedbestemte trafiksikkerhedsarbejde har udpegning og udbedring af sorte pletter (identificering, analyse samt udbedring af risikolokaliteter på vejnettet) siden 1970’erne været en af de primære aktiviteter. Imidlertid er sortpletarbejdet med årene blevet vanskeligere af to grunde: Dels er ...

  13. Data logging system upgrade for Indus accelerator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mishra, R.; Merh, B.N.; Agrawal, R.K.; Fatnani, P.; Navathe, C.P.; Pal, S.


    An accelerator has various subsystems like Magnet Power Supply, Beam Diagnostics and Vacuum etc. which are required to work in a stable manner to ensure required machine performance. Logging of system parameters at a faster rate plays a crucial role in analysing and understanding machine behaviour. Logging all the machine parameters consistently at the rate of typically more than 1 Hz has been the aim of a recent data logging system upgrade. Nearly ten thousand parameters are being logged at varying intervals of one second to one minute in Indus accelerator complex. The present logging scheme is augmented to log all these parameters at a rate equal to or more than 1 Hz. The database schema is designed according to the data type of the parameter. The data is distributed into historical table and intermediate table which comprises of recent data. Machine control applications read the parameter values from the control system and store them into the text files of finite time duration for each sub-system. The logging application of each sub-system passes these text files to database for bulk insertion. The detail design of database, logging scheme and its architecture is presented in the paper. (author)

  14. Rill erosion in burned and salvage logged western montane forests: Effects of logging equipment type, traffic level, and slash treatment (United States)

    Wagenbrenner, J. W.; Robichaud, P. R.; Brown, R. E.


    Following wildfires, forest managers often consider salvage logging burned trees to recover monetary value of timber, reduce fuel loads, or to meet other objectives. Relatively little is known about the cumulative hydrologic effects of wildfire and subsequent timber harvest using logging equipment. We used controlled rill experiments in logged and unlogged (control) forests burned at high severity in northern Montana, eastern Washington, and southern British Columbia to quantify rill overland flow and sediment production rates (fluxes) after ground-based salvage logging. We tested different types of logging equipment-feller-bunchers, tracked and wheeled skidders, and wheeled forwarders-as well as traffic levels and the addition of slash to skid trails as a best management practice. Rill experiments were done at each location in the first year after the fire and repeated in subsequent years. Logging was completed in the first or second post-fire year. We found that ground-based logging using heavy equipment compacted soil, reduced soil water repellency, and reduced vegetation cover. Vegetation recovery rates were slower in most logged areas than the controls. Runoff rates were higher in the skidder and forwarder plots than their respective controls in the Montana and Washington sites in the year that logging occurred, and the difference in runoff between the skidder and control plots at the British Columbia site was nearly significant (p = 0.089). Most of the significant increases in runoff in the logged plots persisted for subsequent years. The type of skidder, the addition of slash, and the amount of forwarder traffic did not significantly affect the runoff rates. Across the three sites, rill sediment fluxes were 5-1900% greater in logged plots than the controls in the year of logging, and the increases were significant for all logging treatments except the low use forwarder trails. There was no difference in the first-year sediment fluxes between the feller

  15. Intelligent approaches for the synthesis of petrophysical logs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rezaee, M Reza; Kadkhodaie-Ilkhchi, Ali; Alizadeh, Pooya Mohammad


    Log data are of prime importance in acquiring petrophysical data from hydrocarbon reservoirs. Reliable log analysis in a hydrocarbon reservoir requires a complete set of logs. For many reasons, such as incomplete logging in old wells, destruction of logs due to inappropriate data storage and measurement errors due to problems with logging apparatus or hole conditions, log suites are either incomplete or unreliable. In this study, fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks were used as intelligent tools to synthesize petrophysical logs including neutron, density, sonic and deep resistivity. The petrophysical data from two wells were used for constructing intelligent models in the Fahlian limestone reservoir, Southern Iran. A third well from the field was used to evaluate the reliability of the models. The results showed that fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks were successful in synthesizing wireline logs. The combination of the results obtained from fuzzy logic and neural networks in a simple averaging committee machine (CM) showed a significant improvement in the accuracy of the estimations. This committee machine performed better than fuzzy logic or the neural network model in the problem of estimating petrophysical properties from well logs

  16. A Generally Applicable Computer Algorithm Based on the Group Additivity Method for the Calculation of Seven Molecular Descriptors: Heat of Combustion, LogPO/W, LogS, Refractivity, Polarizability, Toxicity and LogBB of Organic Compounds; Scope and Limits of Applicability

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rudolf Naef


    Full Text Available A generally applicable computer algorithm for the calculation of the seven molecular descriptors heat of combustion, logPoctanol/water, logS (water solubility, molar refractivity, molecular polarizability, aqueous toxicity (protozoan growth inhibition and logBB (log (cblood/cbrain is presented. The method, an extendable form of the group-additivity method, is based on the complete break-down of the molecules into their constituting atoms and their immediate neighbourhood. The contribution of the resulting atom groups to the descriptor values is calculated using the Gauss-Seidel fitting method, based on experimental data gathered from literature. The plausibility of the method was tested for each descriptor by means of a k-fold cross-validation procedure demonstrating good to excellent predictive power for the former six descriptors and low reliability of logBB predictions. The goodness of fit (Q2 and the standard deviation of the 10-fold cross-validation calculation was >0.9999 and 25.2 kJ/mol, respectively, (based on N = 1965 test compounds for the heat of combustion, 0.9451 and 0.51 (N = 2640 for logP, 0.8838 and 0.74 (N = 1419 for logS, 0.9987 and 0.74 (N = 4045 for the molar refractivity, 0.9897 and 0.77 (N = 308 for the molecular polarizability, 0.8404 and 0.42 (N = 810 for the toxicity and 0.4709 and 0.53 (N = 383 for logBB. The latter descriptor revealing a very low Q2 for the test molecules (R2 was 0.7068 and standard deviation 0.38 for N = 413 training molecules is included as an example to show the limits of the group-additivity method. An eighth molecular descriptor, the heat of formation, was indirectly calculated from the heat of combustion data and correlated with published experimental heat of formation data with a correlation coefficient R2 of 0.9974 (N = 2031.

  17. Log canonical thresholds of smooth Fano threefolds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheltsov, Ivan A; Shramov, Konstantin A


    The complex singularity exponent is a local invariant of a holomorphic function determined by the integrability of fractional powers of the function. The log canonical thresholds of effective Q-divisors on normal algebraic varieties are algebraic counterparts of complex singularity exponents. For a Fano variety, these invariants have global analogues. In the former case, it is the so-called α-invariant of Tian; in the latter case, it is the global log canonical threshold of the Fano variety, which is the infimum of log canonical thresholds of all effective Q-divisors numerically equivalent to the anticanonical divisor. An appendix to this paper contains a proof that the global log canonical threshold of a smooth Fano variety coincides with its α-invariant of Tian. The purpose of the paper is to compute the global log canonical thresholds of smooth Fano threefolds (altogether, there are 105 deformation families of such threefolds). The global log canonical thresholds are computed for every smooth threefold in 64 deformation families, and the global log canonical thresholds are computed for a general threefold in 20 deformation families. Some bounds for the global log canonical thresholds are computed for 14 deformation families. Appendix A is due to J.-P. Demailly.

  18. Limitations and developing directions of pulsed neutron logging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Wensheng; Xiao Lizhi


    The paper explains briefly the principle of pulsed neutron logging method, summarizes the system and uses of the method in petroleum logging. The paper points out the limitations of pulsed neutron logging such as low precise measurements, low logging speed, plenty of influence factors, low vertical resolution, bad adaptability, difficult logging interpretation and so on, and expounds its developing directions in hardware, software, method and principle. (authors)

  19. Elephant logging and environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The natural environment comprises non-biological elements such as air, water, light, heat and biological elements of animal and plant life; all interact with each other to create an ecosystem. Human activities like over-exploitation of forest results in deforestation and desertification. This consequently changes ecological balance. Topics on: (1) history of elephants utilization; (2) elephant logging; (3) classification of elephants; (4) dragging gear; (5) elephant power; (6) elephant logging and environment, are discussed

  20. Well logging with natural gamma radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ellis, D.V.


    An invention is described for use in natural gamma radiation well logging in which measurements taken in a borehole are used in the search for valuable underground resources such as oil or gas. The invention comprises deriving a log of natural gamma radiation detected in selected energy windows for a selected borehole depth interval and converting it into a log of the selected subsurface materials, e.g. Th, U, K. This log is corrected for the effects of 1) either a gamma ray emitter in the borehole fluid, e.g. potassium salts and/or 2) a gamma ray attenuator in the borehole fluid, e.g. a strong attenuator such as barite and/or hematite. The Th, U, K log is particularly useful in the exploration of oil and gas resources since the Th, U, K concentrations are a good indication as to the presence, type and volume of shale and clay in the formations surrounding the borehole. (U.K.)

  1. Financial feasibility of a log sort yard handling small-diameter logs: A preliminary study (United States)

    Han-Sup Han; E. M. (Ted) Bilek; John (Rusty) Dramm; Dan Loeffler; Dave Calkin


    The value and use of the trees removed in fuel reduction thinning and restoration treatments could be enhanced if the wood were effectively evaluated and sorted for quality and highest value before delivery to the next manufacturing destination. This article summarizes a preliminary financial feasibility analysis of a log sort yard that would serve as a log market to...

  2. Pembangkitan Data dari Distribusi Log-logistik

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aceng Komarudin Mutaqin


    Full Text Available Distribusi log-logistik merupakan salah satu distribusi yang dapat diaplikasikan untuk data mutu lingkungan. Makalah ini membahas pembangkitan data dari distribusi log-logistik mulai dari pembangunan algoritme sampai pembuatan program komputer pada perangkat lunak MATLAB. Metode pembangkitan datanya menggunakan metode inverse transform. Ada dua jenis data yang dibangkitkan, yaitu data lengkap dan data tersensor kiri. Dalam makalah ini diberikan contoh data yang dibangkitkan dari distribusi log-logistik.

  3. Holocaust Literature and the Shaping of European Identity after the Second World War

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simonsen, Karen-Margrethe


    Artiklen handler om, hvilken rolle holocaust litteratur spiller for udviklingen af en fælles europæisk identitet. Handler det primært om, at den hjælper os med at besinde os på et fælles etisk anliggende og evt. en fælles skyld eller handler det om, at vi igennem holocaust og fortællingen herom h...

  4. Pulsed neutron logging - a modern approach to petroleum exploration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Navalkar, M.P.


    As hydrocarbons have strikingly different properties for neutrons as compared with rocks, neutronic methods are useful to prepare logs of bore holes drilled for petroleum exploration. The earlier neutron logs were based on steady neutron sources, but the superior logs, namely, neutron life time log and neutron induced spectral log are based on pulsed neutron sources. The methods of obtaining these logs, their limitations and the field equipment required are described briefly. As the two logs are complementary, a plea has been made to develop field equipment which can obtain two logs in a single run. (M.G.B.)

  5. Aggregation of log-linear risks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Embrechts, Paul; Hashorva, Enkeleijd; Mikosch, Thomas Valentin


    In this paper we work in the framework of a k-dimensional vector of log-linear risks. Under weak conditions on the marginal tails and the dependence structure of a vector of positive risks, we derive the asymptotic tail behaviour of the aggregated risk {and present} an application concerning log...

  6. Vannmagasinet er ikke fullt før det renner over : en analyse av effekten av redusert etterspørsel i et vannkraftsystem, eksemplifisert med energieffektivisering i bygninger


    Siljan, Marte


    Energieffektivisering i bygninger regnes som et av de mest kostnadseffektive tiltakene for å redusere forbruk av energi, samt bidra til reduksjon i klimagassutslipp. I følge rapporter fra blant annet Lavenergiutvalget (2009) og Klimakur 2020 (2010), vil det være mulig å frigjøre rundt 10 TWh elektrisitet fra norske bygninger i løpet av de neste ti årene. Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg følgene av en tilsvarende etterspørselsreduksjon i det norske kraftsystemet. Norge har et kraftsystem med n...

  7. Improved analysis of bacterial CGH data beyond the log-ratio paradigm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aakra Ågot


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Existing methods for analyzing bacterial CGH data from two-color arrays are based on log-ratios only, a paradigm inherited from expression studies. We propose an alternative approach, where microarray signals are used in a different way and sequence identity is predicted using a supervised learning approach. Results A data set containing 32 hybridizations of sequenced versus sequenced genomes have been used to test and compare methods. A ROC-analysis has been performed to illustrate the ability to rank probes with respect to Present/Absent calls. Classification into Present and Absent is compared with that of a gaussian mixture model. Conclusion The results indicate our proposed method is an improvement of existing methods with respect to ranking and classification of probes, especially for multi-genome arrays.

  8. Log-inject-log in sand consolidation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murphy, R.P.; Spurlock, J.W.


    A method is described for gathering information for the determination of the adequacy of placement of sand consolidating plastic for sand control in oil and gas wells. The method uses a high neutron cross-section tracer which becomes part of the plastic and uses pulsed neutron logging before and after injection of the plastic. Preferably, the method uses lithium, boron, indium, and/or cadmium tracers. Boron oxide is especially useful and can be dissolved in alcohol and mixed with the plastic ingredients

  9. 29 CFR 1918.88 - Log operations. (United States)


    ...) SAFETY AND HEALTH REGULATIONS FOR LONGSHORING Handling Cargo § 1918.88 Log operations. (a) Working in..., the employer shall ensure that employees remain clear of areas where logs being dumped could strike...

  10. Det digitale imperativ: En epistemologisk bestræbelse [The Digital Imperative: An Epistemological Endeavour

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sisse Siggaard Jensen


    Full Text Available I denne artikel argumenteres der for, at forskning inden for feltet tredje-bølge digital humaniora er væsentlig for vores forståelse af, hvordan de sociale netværksmediers digitale infrastrukturer og datastrømme – status-opdateringer, selv-profilering, mikro-koordinering, mikro-blogging og vlogging – i stigende grad påvirker menneskelige relationer og ‘the structure of feeling’ (Berry, 2012. Som led i at underbygge dette synspunkt analyseres fire emergente temaer baseret på Facebook-data: Facebook-venner, Events, Self-profilering og Stalking. Analyserne tager afsæt i data, der er tilvejebragt gennem kondensering af design-konceptformuleringer fra 73 unge studerende (alder 20-24 som led i et universitetskursus inden for feltet digital humaniora (2013. To begrebspar er centrale for analyserne: ‘Forbundethed og forbindelser’ (van Dijck, 2013 og ‘synlighed og overvågning’ (Bucher, 2012. Der identificeres en række spændingsfelter mellem interpersonelle normer og påvirkningerne fra Facebook-datastrømme i forhold til: Venskab, troværdighed, ansvarlighed, prestige, selvpromovering og fælles interesser. Det konkluderes, at en væsentlig erkendelsesteoretiske bestræbelse for forskning inden for tredje-bølge digital humaniora må være at producere viden, der kan bidrage til vores individuelle såvel som kollektive forståelse af de mange spændingsfelter, der opstår i datastrømmenes og de menneskelige relationers gensidige påvirkning. Denne bestræbelse er sammenfattet i artiklens titel ‘det digitale imperativ’.

  11. Logging utilization in Idaho: Current and past trends (United States)

    Eric A. Simmons; Todd A. Morgan; Erik C. Berg; Stanley J. Zarnoch; Steven W. Hayes; Mike T. Thompson


    A study of commercial timber-harvesting activities in Idaho was conducted during 2008 and 2011 to characterize current tree utilization, logging operations, and changes from previous Idaho logging utilization studies. A two-stage simple random sampling design was used to select sites and felled trees for measurement within active logging sites. Thirty-three logging...

  12. Method and apparatus for logging inclined earth boreholes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Youmans, A.H.


    An improved technique is provided for comparing the velocity of an elongated well logging instrument traversing an inclined earth borehole with the playout velocity of the well logging cable at the earth's surface to control both the cable hoist drum rotation and the rate of movement of the subsurface instrument and thus insure cable playout is in equilibrium with the logging instrument movement. Method and apparatus are described for detecting any reduction in movement of the logging instrument through the borehole and for reducing the velocity of the logging cable playout in response thereto by reducing drum rotation. Further, when the velocity of cable playout slows to a preselected value, a monitoring circuit generates control signals which actuate a means of power attached to or integral with the logging instrument which, upon initiation, apply a force to move the logging instrument upward or downward within the borehole

  13. Log-concavity property for some well-known distributions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. R. Mohtashami Borzadaran


    Full Text Available Interesting properties and propositions, in many branches of science such as economics have been obtained according to the property of cumulative distribution function of a random variable as a concave function. Caplin and Nalebuff (1988,1989, Bagnoli and Khanna (1989 and Bagnoli and Bergstrom (1989 , 1989, 2005 have discussed the log-concavity property of probability distributions and their applications, especially in economics. Log-concavity concerns twice differentiable real-valued function g whose domain is an interval on extended real line. g as a function is said to be log-concave on the interval (a,b if the function ln(g is a concave function on (a,b. Log-concavity of g on (a,b is equivalent to g'/g being monotone decreasing on (a,b or (ln(g" 6] have obtained log-concavity for distributions such as normal, logistic, extreme-value, exponential, Laplace, Weibull, power function, uniform, gamma, beta, Pareto, log-normal, Student's t, Cauchy and F distributions. We have discussed and introduced the continuous versions of the Pearson family, also found the log-concavity for this family in general cases, and then obtained the log-concavity property for each distribution that is a member of Pearson family. For the Burr family these cases have been calculated, even for each distribution that belongs to Burr family. Also, log-concavity results for distributions such as generalized gamma distributions, Feller-Pareto distributions, generalized Inverse Gaussian distributions and generalized Log-normal distributions have been obtained.

  14. Pulsed neutron generator for logging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thibideau, F.D.


    A pulsed neutron generator for uranium logging is described. This generator is one component of a prototype uranium logging probe which is being developed by SLA to detect, and assay, uranium by borehole logging. The logging method is based on the measurement of epithermal neutrons resulting from the prompt fissioning of uranium from a pulsed source of 17.6 MeV neutrons. An objective of the prototype probe was that its diameter not exceed 2.75 inches, which would allow its use in conventional rotary drill holes of 4.75-inch diameter. This restriction limited the generator to a maximum 2.375-inch diameter. The performance requirements for the neutron generator specified that it operate with a nominal output of 5 x 10 6 neutrons/pulse at up to 100 pulses/second for a one-hour period. The development of a neutron generator meeting the preliminary design goals was completed and two prototype models were delivered to SLA. These two generators have been used by SLA to log a number of boreholes in field evaluation of the probe. The results of the field evaluations have led to the recommendation of several changes to improve the probe's operation. Some of these changes will require additional development effort on the neutron generator. It is expected that this work will be performed during 1977. The design and operation of the first prototype neutron generators is described

  15. An innovative OSCE clinical log station: a quantitative study of its influence on Log use by medical students

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    Hudson Judith N


    Full Text Available Abstract Background A Clinical Log was introduced as part of a medical student learning portfolio, aiming to develop a habit of critical reflection while learning was taking place, and provide feedback to students and the institution on learning progress. It was designed as a longitudinal self-directed structured record of student learning events, with reflection on these for personal and professional development, and actions planned or taken for learning. As incentive was needed to encourage student engagement, an innovative Clinical Log station was introduced in the OSCE, an assessment format with established acceptance at the School. This study questions: How does an OSCE Clinical Log station influence Log use by students? Methods The Log station was introduced into the formative, and subsequent summative, OSCEs with careful attention to student and assessor training, marking rubrics and the standard setting procedure. The scoring process sought evidence of educational use of the log, and an ability to present and reflect on key learning issues in a concise and coherent manner. Results Analysis of the first cohort’s Log use over the four-year course (quantified as number of patient visits entered by all students revealed limited initial use. Usage was stimulated after introduction of the Log station early in third year, with some improvement during the subsequent year-long integrated community-based clerkship. Student reflection, quantified by the mean number of characters in the ‘reflection’ fields per entry, peaked just prior to the final OSCE (mid-Year 4. Following this, very few students continued to enter and reflect on clinical experience using the Log. Conclusion While the current study suggested that we can’t assume students will self-reflect unless such an activity is included in an assessment, ongoing work has focused on building learner and faculty confidence in the value of self-reflection as part of being a competent

  16. La competitividad logística en Latinoamérica: índice logístico vs. propuesta metodológica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Alberto Valenzo Jiménez


    Full Text Available Este artículo muestra la situación actual de la competitividad logística en los países latinoamericanos, tomando como base el informe denominado “Connecting to Compite” (Trade Logistics in the Global Economy, 2007 del Banco Mundial. Este informe muestra el ranking de las posiciones que tienen los países latinoamericanos en materia de logística y en el cual se analizan las variables —aduanas, infraestructura, embarques internacionales, competencia logística, trazabilidad y seguimiento, costos logísticos domésticos y tiempo de entrega— que contiene la metodología utilizada por el Banco Mundial. La plataforma de estudio de este artículo parte del índice de competitividad logística, que, mediante la aplicación de la metodología “Valenzo – Martínez” permite analizar la base de datos de una manera más profunda, y da como resultado una escala de competitividad logística que nos muestra el nivel general de la competitividad logística en Latinoamérica, así como también el nivel de competitividad por variable, para, de esta manera, permitir una fácil interpretación de los resultados.

  17. Selective logging and its relation to deforestation (United States)

    Gregory P. Asner; Michael Keller; Marco Lentini; Frank Merry; Souza Jr. Carlos


    Selective logging is a major contributor to the social, economic, and ecological dynamics of Brazilian Amazonia. Logging activities have expanded from low-volume floodplain harvests in past centuries to high-volume operations today that take about 25 million m3 of wood from the forest each year. The most common high-impact conventional and often illegal logging...

  18. Mud Logging; Control geologico en perforaciones petroliferas (Mud Logging)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pumarega Lafuente, J.C.


    Mud Logging is an important activity in the oil field and it is a key job in drilling operations, our duties are the acquisition, collection and interpretation of the geological and engineering data at the wellsite, also inform the client immediately of any significant changes in the well. (Author)

  19. Well logging. Acquisition and applications; Diagraphies. Acquisition et applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Serra, O.; Serra, L.


    This reference book on wire-line and LWD well logging covers all geophysical methods of underground survey in a synthetic, visual and dynamical way. It treats of: the physical principle of well logging measurements, the different types of existing probes, the factors that can influence the measurements, and the applications of these measurements. The following well-logging methods are reviewed: resistivity; electromagnetic wave propagation; magnetic susceptibility and magnetic field; spontaneous potential; nuclear logging: natural gamma radioactivity, density logging, photoelectric index, neutron emission probes, hydrogen index or neutron porosity, neutron induced gamma spectroscopy, neutron relaxation time, NMR; acoustic measurements: sonic logging, seismic profiles; texture, structure and stratigraphy data acquisition; borehole diameter measurement; temperature measurement; wire sampling methods; place and role of well-logging in petroleum exploration; well-logging programs. (J.S.)

  20. Mariners Weather Log (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Mariners Weather Log (MWL) is a publication containing articles, news and information about marine weather events and phenomena, worldwide environmental impact...

  1. Pacific Rim log trade: determinants and trends. (United States)

    Donald F. Flora; Andrea L. Anderson; Wendy J. McGinnls


    Pacific Rim trade in softwood logs amounts to about $3 billion annually, of which the U.S. share is about $2 billion. Log exporting is a significant part of the forest economy in the Pacific Northwest. The 10 major Pacific Rim log-trading client and competitor countries differ widely in their roles in trade and in their policies affecting the industry.

  2. Log Analysis Using Splunk Hadoop Connect (United States)


    23 A. INPUT SELECTION ...Conversion Resource Consumption .............................................. 28 Figure 8. Distribution of Events in Years...running a logging service puts a performance tax on the system and may cause the degradation of performance. More thorough 8 logging will cause a

  3. På kant med naturen - om byøkologien og det åbne land

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schjerup Hansen, J.(red.); Hjortholt Madsen, S.(red.)

    Den erkendelse, at vores produktionsmåde og levevis i høj grad har bragt os på kant med naturen og på lidt længere sigt på kant med vort eget eksistensgrundlag, breder sig. En samfundsmæssig selvreflektion har allerede udmøntet sig i begreber som renere teknologi, byøkologi og bæredygtig adfærd. I...... tidens selvreflektion ligger, at vort forhold til naturen i høj grad er et "indre anliggende": Vi er selv natur, og det er vores egen måde at tænke og handle på i forhold til naturen, der har bragt os på kant med naturen - og os selv....

  4. Log and tree sawing times for hardwood mills (United States)

    Everette D. Rast


    Data on 6,850 logs and 1,181 trees were analyzed to predict sawing times. For both logs and trees, regression equations were derived that express (in minutes) sawing time per log or tree and per Mbf. For trees, merchantable height is expressed in number of logs as well as in feet. One of the major uses for the tables of average sawing times is as a bench mark against...

  5. Pulsed radiation decay logging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mills, W.R. Jr.


    There are provided new and improved well logging processes and systems wherein the detection of secondary radiation is accomplished during a plurality of time windows in a manner to accurately characterize the decay rate of the secondary radiation. The system comprises a well logging tool having a primary pulsed radiation source which emits repetitive time-spaced bursts of primary radiation and detector means for detecting secondary radiation resulting from the primary radiation and producing output signals in response to the detected radiation. A plurality of measuring channels are provided, each of which produces a count rate function representative of signals received from the detector means during successive time windows occurring between the primary radiation bursts. The logging system further comprises means responsive to the measuring channels for producing a plurality of functions representative of the ratios of the radiation count rates measured during adjacent pairs of the time windows. Comparator means function to compare the ratio functions and select at least one of the ratio functions to generate a signal representative of the decay rate of the secondary radiation

  6. A history of nuclear well logging in the oil industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tittle, C.W.


    Spurred by an interest in logging through steel casing γ-ray logging began in the late 1930s followed soon by neutron logging for porosity. These were the first two nuclear well logs. Gamma-gamma density logging was developed during the 1950s. Pulsed neutron lifetime logging appeared in the 1960s; the slim tools came in the early 1970s. Developments since then have included dual detector devices of several types which offered improved measurements or interpretation, γ-ray spectrometry logging (natural and neutron-induced) which identifies certain chemical elements, induced radioactivity logging, and the photoelectric absorption log, which, combined with the density log in a single tool, is known as litho-density logging. A combination of several γ-ray spectrometers in one tool, designed to determine 10 formation elements, was recently introduced, and a new neutron porosity tool measuring epithermal neutron die-away time has been developed. Digital transmission of logging data was a step forward in about 1975. Also, log interpretation techniques have greatly expanded since the advent of digital computers, and the microcomputer has had a distinct impact. It is now practical and economical to do iterative analysis on a suite of logs to obtain an optimum overall interpretation. (author)

  7. Review of the Czubek--Jonas gamma-log program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matthews, M.


    Several gamma-ray logs were computer processed using the Czubek--Jones and DOE's MDDAT gamma-log programs. Both of these programs convert counts per second from the gamma-ray logs to percent eU 3 O 8 . The results of these programs were compared to each other and to the core analysis (percent U 3 O 8 ) of the logged boreholes. The two gamma-log programs produced similar results. The core analysis did not compare favorably with the results of either gamma-log program. This unfavorable comparison is probably due to an incorrect assumption of secular equilibrium for the ore surrounding the boreholes. The Czubek--Jonas program requires a knowledge of the linear attenuation coefficient of the rocks surrounding a borehole. This limits the usefulness of the program because this coefficient is generally not known and varies for different gamma-ray energies. It is recommended that the MDDAT program continue to be used for estimating the grade (percent eU 3 O 8 ) from gamma-log data and not be replaced by the Czubek--Jonas program

  8. CMLOG: A common message logging system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, J.; Akers, W.; Bickley, M.; Wu, D.; Watson, W. III


    The Common Message Logging (CMLOG) system is an object-oriented and distributed system that not only allows applications and systems to log data (messages) of any type into a centralized database but also lets applications view incoming messages in real-time or retrieve stored data from the database according to selection rules. It consists of a concurrent Unix server that handles incoming logging or searching messages, a Motif browser that can view incoming messages in real-time or display stored data in the database, a client daemon that buffers and sends logging messages to the server, and libraries that can be used by applications to send data to or retrieve data from the database via the server. This paper presents the design and implementation of the CMLOG system meanwhile it will also address the issue of integration of CMLOG into existing control systems. CMLOG into existing control systems

  9. Nuclear log interpretation by first principle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oelgaard, P.L.


    A weakness connected to the present interpretation of nuclear borehole logs is that the interdependence of the various logs and physical effects of importance for the tools are not always taken into account in a correct way. Therefore a new approach to the interpretation of nuclear borehole logs is considered. It is based on the logs obtained with the natural gamma, the neutron porosity, the gamma density, and the pulsed neutron tools. For each of these tools a model, taking into account the important physical effects, is established. These models are incorporated into a computer programme which from the tool signals calculates, by use of iteration, a consistent set of the corresponding formation properties. In the paper the models developed for the four tools and the interpretation programme are briefly described. An example of the use of the interpretation programme is given and compared with a conventional interpretation. (author)

  10. Well log characterization of natural gas-hydrates (United States)

    Collett, Timothy S.; Lee, Myung W.


    In the last 25 years there have been significant advancements in the use of well-logging tools to acquire detailed information on the occurrence of gas hydrates in nature: whereas wireline electrical resistivity and acoustic logs were formerly used to identify gas-hydrate occurrences in wells drilled in Arctic permafrost environments, more advanced wireline and logging-while-drilling (LWD) tools are now routinely used to examine the petrophysical nature of gas-hydrate reservoirs and the distribution and concentration of gas hydrates within various complex reservoir systems. Resistivity- and acoustic-logging tools are the most widely used for estimating the gas-hydrate content (i.e., reservoir saturations) in various sediment types and geologic settings. Recent integrated sediment coring and well-log studies have confirmed that electrical-resistivity and acoustic-velocity data can yield accurate gas-hydrate saturations in sediment grain-supported (isotropic) systems such as sand reservoirs, but more advanced log-analysis models are required to characterize gas hydrate in fractured (anisotropic) reservoir systems. New well-logging tools designed to make directionally oriented acoustic and propagation-resistivity log measurements provide the data needed to analyze the acoustic and electrical anisotropic properties of both highly interbedded and fracture-dominated gas-hydrate reservoirs. Advancements in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) logging and wireline formation testing (WFT) also allow for the characterization of gas hydrate at the pore scale. Integrated NMR and formation testing studies from northern Canada and Alaska have yielded valuable insight into how gas hydrates are physically distributed in sediments and the occurrence and nature of pore fluids(i.e., free water along with clay- and capillary-bound water) in gas-hydrate-bearing reservoirs. Information on the distribution of gas hydrate at the pore scale has provided invaluable insight on the mechanisms

  11. Advanced of X-ray fluorescence logging technique in China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Sichun; Ge Liangquan; Lai Wanchang; Yang Qiang


    The paper discuses principle of X-ray fluorescence logging, and introduces advanced of X-ray fluorescence logging technique in China. By 2009, third generation XRF logging instrument has been developed in China, and good logging result has been obtained in Lala copper mine. (authors)

  12. One less trip : logging with less tripping, more protection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Byfield, M.


    New logging technology by Datalog Technology Inc. was described. Logging-while-tripping (LWT) technology uses a slim petrophysical sensor package that is moved to the targeted geological formation through a drill pipe, which reduces the exposure to vibration and shock involved in logging-while-drilling (LWD). The equipment features standard components in a patented configuration and comes in 2 segments: the receiver sub and the sensor package electronics. A receiver sub is inserted into the bottomhole assembly at the end of the drill string. Drilling progresses with the LWT sub in the bottomhole assembly until the borehole approaches the logging depth. The sensor package and electronics are then lowered into the drill string. If the well is horizontal, rig pumps push the package into the drill string until it lands in the LWT sub. Drill pipes are moved across the zone of interest and logs are recorded on downhole memory contained within the LWT package. As the logging operation progresses, a depth recorder at the surface records depth information along with the downhole recorders. When logging is completed, downhole tools are retrieved, and data downloaded from the LWT onboard memory is merged with the surface depth information to generate well logs. Retrieval via the drill string greatly reduces the risk of losing the logging gear, which contains radioactive material. Federal officials now routinely insist on extensive fishing operations to retrieve lost tools. If a well gets a gas kick while logging is in progress, the operator can still pump down mud or close the blowout preventer rams if necessary, and save time in determining where to perforate shallow gas wells. Compensated neutron logs, gamma rays, spectrum gamma rays, and induction have been tested with the LWT system. It was concluded that Petro-Canada has deployed the logs recently and has achieved results that compared satisfactorily with conventional logs. 2 figs.

  13. Involvering af medarbejdere med henblik på kompetenceudvikling i relation til elforbrug og bæredygtig udvikling på hotel- og restaurantområdet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Læssøe, J.; Carlsson, Monica; Jensen, B. B.


    Modellen præsenterer resultaterne af det forskningsbaserede udviklingsprojekt "Elforbrug, medarbejderinvolvering og kompetenceudvikling" Oversigtsmodellen giver dels en mulighed for at differentiere mellem forskellige kulturer og involveringsstrategier, dels en mulighed for at differentiere melle...

  14. Rill erosion in burned and salvage logged western montane forests: Effects of logging equipment type, traffic level, and slash treatment (United States)

    J. W. Wagenbrenner; P. R. Robichaud; R. E. Brown


    Following wildfires, forest managers often consider salvage logging burned trees to recover monetary value of timber, reduce fuel loads, or to meet other objectives. Relatively little is known about the cumulative hydrologic effects of wildfire and subsequent timber harvest using logging equipment. We used controlled rill experiments in logged and unlogged (control)...

  15. Applicability estimation of flowmeter logging for detecting hydraulic pass

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyakawa, Kimio; Tanaka, Yasuji; Tanaka, Kazuhiro


    Estimation of the hydraulic pass governing hydrogeological structure contributes significantly to the siting HLW repository. Flowmeter logging can detect hydraulic passes by measuring vertical flow velocity of groundwater in the borehole. We reviewed application of this logging in situ. The hydraulic pass was detected with combination of ambient flow logging, with pumping and/or injecting induced flow logging. This application showed that the flowmeter logging detected hydraulic passes conveniently and accurately compared with other hydraulic tests. Hydraulic conductivity by using flowmeter logging was assessed above 10 -6 m/sec and within one order from comparison with injection packer tests. We suggest that appropriate application of the flowmeter logging for the siting is conducted before hydraulic tests because test sections and monitoring sections are decided rationally for procurement of quantitative hydraulic data. (author)

  16. The nuclear magnetic resonance well logging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Yumin; Shen Huitang


    In this paper, the characteristic of the nuclear magnetic resonance logging is described at first. Then its development and its principle is presented. Compared with the nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer, the magnet techniques is the first question that we must solve in the manufacture of the NMR well logging

  17. Pulsed neutron uranium borehole logging with prompt fission neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bivens, H.M.; Smith, G.W.; Jensen, D.H.


    The gross count natural gamma log normally used for uranium borehole logging is seriously affected by disequilibrium. Methods for the direct measurement of uranium, such as neutron logging, which are not affected by disequilibrium have been the object of considerable effort in recent years. This paper describes a logging system for uranium which uses a small accelerator to generate pulses of 14 MeV neutrons to detect and assay uranium by the measurement of prompt fission neutrons in the epithermal energy range. After an initial feasibility study, a prototype logging probe was built for field evaluation which began in January 1976. Physical and operational characteristics of the prototype probe, the neutron tube-transformer assembly, and the neutron tube are described. In logging operations, only the epithermal prompt fission neutrons detected between 250 microseconds to 2500 microseconds following the excitation neutron pulse are counted. Comparison of corrected neutron logs with the conventional gross count natural gamma logs and the chemical assays of cores from boreholes are shown. The results obtained with this neutron probe clearly demonstrate its advantages over the gross count natural gamma log, although at this time the accuracy of the neutron log assay is not satisfactory under some conditions. The necessary correction factors for various borehole and formation parameters are being determined and, when applied, should improve the assay accuracy

  18. Latent log-linear models for handwritten digit classification. (United States)

    Deselaers, Thomas; Gass, Tobias; Heigold, Georg; Ney, Hermann


    We present latent log-linear models, an extension of log-linear models incorporating latent variables, and we propose two applications thereof: log-linear mixture models and image deformation-aware log-linear models. The resulting models are fully discriminative, can be trained efficiently, and the model complexity can be controlled. Log-linear mixture models offer additional flexibility within the log-linear modeling framework. Unlike previous approaches, the image deformation-aware model directly considers image deformations and allows for a discriminative training of the deformation parameters. Both are trained using alternating optimization. For certain variants, convergence to a stationary point is guaranteed and, in practice, even variants without this guarantee converge and find models that perform well. We tune the methods on the USPS data set and evaluate on the MNIST data set, demonstrating the generalization capabilities of our proposed models. Our models, although using significantly fewer parameters, are able to obtain competitive results with models proposed in the literature.

  19. Neutron logging reliability techniques and apparatus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnstone, C.W.


    This invention relates in general to neutron logging of earth formations, and in particular, to novel apparatus and procedures for determining the validity, or reliability, of data derived at least in part by logging neutron characteristics of earth formations and, if desired, for affording verifiably accurate indications of such data

  20. Neutron logging reliability techniques and apparatus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnstone, C.W.


    This invention relates in general to neutron logging of earth formations, and in particular, to novel apparatus and procedures for determining the validity, or reliability, of data derived at least in part by logging neutron characteristics of earth formations and, if desired, for affording verifiably accurate indications of such data. (author)

  1. Towards an entropy-based analysis of log variability

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Back, Christoffer Olling; Debois, Søren; Slaats, Tijs


    the development of hybrid miners: given a (sub-)log, can we determine a priori whether the log is best suited for imperative or declarative mining? We propose using the concept of entropy, commonly used in information theory. We consider different measures for entropy that could be applied and show through...... experimentation on both synthetic and real-life logs that these entropy measures do indeed give insights into the complexity of the log and can act as an indicator of which mining paradigm should be used....

  2. Towards an Entropy-based Analysis of Log Variability

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Back, Christoffer Olling; Debois, Søren; Slaats, Tijs


    the development of hybrid miners: given a log, can we determine a priori whether the log is best suited for imperative or declarative mining? We propose using the concept of entropy, commonly used in information theory. We consider different measures for entropy that could be applied and show through...... experimentation on both synthetic and real-life logs that these entropy measures do indeed give insights into the complexity of the log and can act as an indicator of which mining paradigm should be used....

  3. Inversion of a lateral log using neural networks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia, G.; Whitman, W.W.


    In this paper a technique using neural networks is demonstrated for the inversion of a lateral log. The lateral log is simulated by a finite difference method which in turn is used as an input to a backpropagation neural network. An initial guess earth model is generated from the neural network, which is then input to a Marquardt inversion. The neural network reacts to gross and subtle data features in actual logs and produces a response inferred from the knowledge stored in the network during a training process. The neural network inversion of lateral logs is tested on synthetic and field data. Tests using field data resulted in a final earth model whose simulated lateral is in good agreement with the actual log data

  4. Ordinal Log-Linear Models for Contingency Tables

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brzezińska Justyna


    Full Text Available A log-linear analysis is a method providing a comprehensive scheme to describe the association for categorical variables in a contingency table. The log-linear model specifies how the expected counts depend on the levels of the categorical variables for these cells and provide detailed information on the associations. The aim of this paper is to present theoretical, as well as empirical, aspects of ordinal log-linear models used for contingency tables with ordinal variables. We introduce log-linear models for ordinal variables: linear-by-linear association, row effect model, column effect model and RC Goodman’s model. Algorithm, advantages and disadvantages will be discussed in the paper. An empirical analysis will be conducted with the use of R.

  5. Major identity transformations - movements beyond criminal life and the biker gang environment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mørck, Line Lerche; Hansen, Peter


    . Empirically the paper illustrates these transitions and transformations with an empirical case of a young man, called Peter, changing his life conduct becoming less of a criminal member of the (biker) gang environment becoming more of a member of academia. The paper explore the action reasons of Peter...... logs, biographical documentaries and life story presentations to reflect identity change, which also becomes reflected part of the moment-movement research. The paper explore the struggles to move beyond marginal positions and how collective processes of recognition and reification might help about...

  6. Mechanics of log calibration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Waller, W.C.; Cram, M.E.; Hall, J.E.


    For any measurement to have meaning, it must be related to generally accepted standard units by a valid and specified system of comparison. To calibrate well-logging tools, sensing systems are designed which produce consistent and repeatable indications over the range for which the tool was intended. The basics of calibration theory, procedures, and calibration record presentations are reviewed. Calibrations for induction, electrical, radioactivity, and sonic logging tools will be discussed. The authors' intent is to provide an understanding of the sources of errors, of the way errors are minimized in the calibration process, and of the significance of changes in recorded calibration data

  7. Data Cleaning Methods for Client and Proxy Logs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Weinreich, H.; Obendorf, H.; Herder, E.; Edmonds, A.; Hawkey, K.; Kellar, M.; Turnbull, D.


    In this paper we present our experiences with the cleaning of Web client and proxy usage logs, based on a long-term browsing study with 25 participants. A detailed clickstream log, recorded using a Web intermediary, was combined with a second log of user interface actions, which was captured by a

  8. Financial and Economic Analysis of Reduced Impact Logging (United States)

    Tom Holmes


    Concern regarding extensive damage to tropical forests resulting from logging increased dramatically after World War II when mechanized logging systems developed in industrialized countries were deployed in the tropics. As a consequence, tropical foresters began developing logging procedures that were more environmentally benign, and by the 1990s, these practices began...

  9. Using Web Server Logs in Evaluating Instructional Web Sites. (United States)

    Ingram, Albert L.


    Web server logs contain a great deal of information about who uses a Web site and how they use it. This article discusses the analysis of Web logs for instructional Web sites; reviews the data stored in most Web server logs; demonstrates what further information can be gleaned from the logs; and discusses analyzing that information for the…

  10. Tucker Wireline Open Hole Wireline Logging; FINAL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Milliken, M.


    The Tucker Wireline unit ran a suite of open hole logs right behind the RMOTC logging contractor for comparison purposes. The tools included Dual Laterolog, Phased Induction, BHC Sonic, and Density-Porosity

  11. Monte Carlo Numerical Models for Nuclear Logging Applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fusheng Li


    Full Text Available Nuclear logging is one of most important logging services provided by many oil service companies. The main parameters of interest are formation porosity, bulk density, and natural radiation. Other services are also provided from using complex nuclear logging tools, such as formation lithology/mineralogy, etc. Some parameters can be measured by using neutron logging tools and some can only be measured by using a gamma ray tool. To understand the response of nuclear logging tools, the neutron transport/diffusion theory and photon diffusion theory are needed. Unfortunately, for most cases there are no analytical answers if complex tool geometry is involved. For many years, Monte Carlo numerical models have been used by nuclear scientists in the well logging industry to address these challenges. The models have been widely employed in the optimization of nuclear logging tool design, and the development of interpretation methods for nuclear logs. They have also been used to predict the response of nuclear logging systems for forward simulation problems. In this case, the system parameters including geometry, materials and nuclear sources, etc., are pre-defined and the transportation and interactions of nuclear particles (such as neutrons, photons and/or electrons in the regions of interest are simulated according to detailed nuclear physics theory and their nuclear cross-section data (probability of interacting. Then the deposited energies of particles entering the detectors are recorded and tallied and the tool responses to such a scenario are generated. A general-purpose code named Monte Carlo N– Particle (MCNP has been the industry-standard for some time. In this paper, we briefly introduce the fundamental principles of Monte Carlo numerical modeling and review the physics of MCNP. Some of the latest developments of Monte Carlo Models are also reviewed. A variety of examples are presented to illustrate the uses of Monte Carlo numerical models

  12. PUMA Internet Task Logging Using the IDAC-1

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. N. Tarchanidis


    Full Text Available This project uses an IDAC-1 board to sample the joint angle position of the PUMA 76 1 robot and log the results on a computer. The robot is at the task location and the logging computer is located in a different one. The task the robot is performing is based on a Pseudo Stereo Vision System (PSVS. Internet is the transport media. The protocol used in this project is UDP/IP. The actual angle is taken straight from the PUMA controller. High-resolution potentiometers are connected on each robot joint and are buffered and sampled as potential difference on an A/D converter integrated on the IDAC-1. The logging computer through the Internet acting as client asks for the angle set, the IDAC-1 responds as server with the 10-bit resolution sampling of the joint position. The whole task is logged in a file on the logging computer. This application can give the ability to the Internet user to monitor and log the robot tasks anywhere in the Word Wide Web (www.

  13. Neutron--neutron logging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allen, L.S.


    A borehole logging tool includes a steady-state source of fast neutrons, two epithermal neutron detectors, and two thermal neutron detectors. A count rate meter is connected to each neutron detector. A first ratio detector provides an indication of the porosity of the formation surrounding the borehole by determining the ratio of the outputs of the two count rate meters connected to the two epithermal neutron detectors. A second ratio detector provides an indication of both porosity and macroscopic absorption cross section of the formation surrounding the borehole by determining the ratio of the outputs of the two count rate meters connected to the two thermal neutron detectors. By comparing the signals of the two ratio detectors, oil bearing zones and salt water bearing zones within the formation being logged can be distinguished and the amount of oil saturation can be determined. 6 claims, 2 figures

  14. Synthetic rope applications in Appalachian logging (United States)

    Ben D. Spong; Jingxin Wang


    New ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene rope has shown good results as a replacement for wire rope in logging applications in the western United States. A single case study trial was performed in Appalachian forest conditions to assess the appropriateness of this technology for hardwood logging applications. The study focused on use of the rope in West Virginia...

  15. Islamic Identity and Competitive Identities (Global, National and Ethnic Identity; A Case Study of Shiraz University Students

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammadtaghi Iman


    Full Text Available The verse of holy Koran "verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is [he who is] the most virtuous of you" directly shows that in god's willing there is no superiority of a man or a group than others except those who have piety to god. In fact, the Islamic identity focuses on the superiority of piety among humans and does not focus on superiority of a man or a group that causes Islamic identity theoretically be against other competitive identities such as ethnic, global and national identity. Therefore, this research aims to study the relationship between Islamic identity and competitive identities (ethnic, national and global. In this way based on Sheldon Stryker theory and survey method, 431 students have elected and have analyzed. The results have shown that there was positive significant relationship between Islamic identity, national and ethnic identity, and negative significant relationship between Islamic identity and global identity. In addition, multivariate regression results have shown that the variables national and global identities have explained 45 percent of the variation of Islamic identity variable. The results shows that national and ethnic identity amplify the Islamic identity and they have positive relationship with it and in fact they are not a competitive identity for Islamic identity but global identity has negative relationship with Islamic identity and therefore it is a competitive identity for Islamic identity.

  16. A survey of animal-powered logging in Alabama (United States)

    Christopher W. Toms; Mark R. Dubois; John C. Bliss; John H. Wilhoit; Robert B. Rummer


    In a state with a very large, highly mechanized timber harvesting industry, animal-powered logging still occupies a niche in Alabama as a small-scale harvesting alternative. This article summarizes the results from a study that examined the extent of animal logging in Alabama. We investigated this topic by asking who is logging with animals, where are they working,...

  17. Sediment transport and soil disturbance after postfire logging. (United States)

    James D. McIver


    Recently there has been considerable debate on the practice of postfire logging, in which burned forests are entered soon after fire to recover commercially valuable trees. Proponents of the practice argue that postfire logging is part of a 'restoration package' that can be used to control erosion (e.g., contour logging) and can help to mitigate costs of...

  18. Use of pulsed neutron-neutron logging, thermal neutron-neutron logging, and gamma logging methods in classification for sand-clay sediments of Lower Cretaceous in Prikumsk oil-and-gas region according to filtration-capacitance characteristics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maksimenko, A.N.; Basin, Ya.N.; Novgorodov, V.A.


    To isolate reservoirs, the formation and deformation penetration zone parameters are used. They are estimated according to the false oil saturation factor and the time of the penetration zone deformation which are determined from the complex exploration of cased wells using the pulse neutron logging, thermal neutron-neutron logging and gamma logging techniques

  19. Supply of Rubber Wood Log in Malaysia


    Noraida, A. W.; Abdul-Rahim, A. S.


    Issue on shortage of raw material for wood processing solved by discovery of rubber wood log as one of the substitutes the natural log. This paper examines the supply of rubber wood log in Malaysia. We employ ARDL Bound Approach Test and time series data from 1980 to 2010 which represented the whole Malaysia are used to achieve the established objectives. The result shown, in the long run harvested area and wages have 1% and 10% significant level respectively. While in the short run, there wa...

  20. Screening efficacy of a simplified logMAR chart

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Naganathan Muthuramalingam


    Aim: This study evaluates the efficacy of a simplified logMAR chart, designed for VA testing over the conventional Snellen chart, in a school-based vision-screening programme. Methods: We designed a simplified logMAR chart by employing the principles of the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS chart in terms of logarithmic letter size progression, inter-letter spacing, and inter-line spacing. Once the simplified logMAR chart was validated by students in the Elite school vision-screening programme, we set out to test the chart in 88 primary and middle schools in the Tiruporur block of Kancheepuram district in Tamil Nadu. One school teacher in each school was trained to screen a cross-sectional population of 10 354 primary and secondary school children (girls: 5488; boys: 4866 for VA deficits using a new, simplified logMAR algorithm. An experienced paediatric optometrist was recruited to validate the screening methods and technique used by the teachers to collect the data. Results: The optometrist screened a subset of 1300 school children from the total sample. The optometrist provided the professional insights needed to validate the clinical efficacy of the simplified logMAR algorithm and verified the reliability of the data collected by the teachers. The mean age of children sampled for validation was 8.6 years (range: 9–14 years. The sensitivity and the specificity of the simplified logMAR chart when compared to the standard logMAR chart were found to be 95% and 98%, respectively. Kappa value was 0.97. Sensitivity of the teachers’ screening was 66.63% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 52.73–77.02 and the specificity was 98.33% (95% CI: 97.49–98.95. Testing of VA was done under substandard illumination levels in 87% of the population. A total of 10 354 children were screened, 425 of whom were found to have some form of visual and/or ocular defect that was identified by the teacher or optometrist. Conclusion: The simplified logMAR testing algorithm

  1. National logging program for the National Uranium Resource Evaluation. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    The Mineral Engineering Division (MED) of High Life Helicopters, Inc., operated from May, 1979, through August, 1981, as a subcontractor to the Department of Energy (DOE) to acquire downhole geophysical log information in support of the National Uranium Resource Evaluation program (NURE). MED acquired downhole geophysical log information in 26 1 0 x 2 0 NTMS quadrangles in Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. MED obtained the log information by gaining permission to log oil and gas wells, water wells, and coal exploration holes. Actual geophysical logging was subcontracted to Century Geophysical Corporation. After logging of each well and completed, MED submitted the log information and other pertinent data to Bendix Field Engineering Corporation (BFEC) for evaluation. MED collected over 700,000 feet of geophysical logs. Additionally, MED conducted a search of log libraries for existing log data for twelve of the quadrangles included in the program. It should be noted that ERTEC, Inc. conducted geophysical logging and a log library search to five quadrangles in Wyoming. These areas were later assigned to MED. The location of all wells logged by MED and ERTEC and the location of other log data is shown on the enclosed maps. Detailed information that pertains to each well is provided following each map

  2. Effects of reduced-impact logging on fish assemblages in central Amazonia. (United States)

    Dias, Murilo S; Magnusson, William E; Zuanon, Jansen


    In Amazonia reduced-impact logging, which is meant to reduce environmental disturbance by controlling stem-fall directions and minimizing construction of access roads, has been applied to large areas containing thousands of streams. We investigated the effects of reduced-impact logging on environmental variables and the composition of fish in forest streams in a commercial logging concession in central Amazonia, Amazonas State, Brazil. To evaluate short-term effects, we sampled 11 streams before and after logging in one harvest area. We evaluated medium-term effects by comparing streams in 11 harvest areas logged 1-8 years before the study with control streams in adjacent areas. Each sampling unit was a 50-m stream section. The tetras Pyrrhulina brevis and Hemigrammus cf. pretoensis had higher abundances in plots logged > or =3 years before compared with plots logged fish composition did not differ two months before and immediately after reduced-impact logging. Temperature and pH varied before and after logging, but those differences were compatible with normal seasonal variation. In the medium term, temperature and cover of logs were lower in logged plots. Differences in ordination scores on the basis of relative fish abundance between streams in control and logged areas changed with time since logging, mainly because some common species increased in abundance after logging. There was no evidence of species loss from the logging concession, but differences in log cover and ordination scores derived from relative abundance of fish species persisted even after 8 years. For Amazonian streams, reduced-impact logging appears to be a viable alternative to clear-cut practices, which severely affect aquatic communities. Nevertheless, detailed studies are necessary to evaluated subtle long-term effects.

  3. Constructing nurses' professional identity through social identity theory. (United States)

    Willetts, Georgina; Clarke, David


    The profession of nursing continues to struggle with defining and clarifying its professional identity. The definitive recognition of nursing as a profession was the moving of training from the hospital apprentice model to the tertiary sector. However, this is only part of the story of professional identity in nursing. Once training finishes and enculturation into the workplace commences, professional identity becomes a complicated social activity. This paper proposes social identity theory as a valuable research framework to assist with clarifying and describing the professional identity of nurses. The paper outlines the key elements of a profession and then goes on to describe the main concepts of social identity theory. Lastly, a connection is made between the usefulness of using social identity theory in researching professional identity in nursing, recognizing the contextual nature of the social activity of the profession within its workplace environment. © 2013 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  4. Der er faresignaler her - om ret og heuristik i det almindelige, kommunale tilsyn med børn og unge

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svendsen, Idamarie Leth


    KORT RESUME Kommunerne underlægges i stigende grad krav om at føre et aktivt og opsøgende tilsyn med børn og unge. Kravene fremgår af serviceloven med tilhørende forskrifter. Disse regler har sammenhæng med en række andre regler på det sociale og velfærdsretlige område i øvrigt, men også med forv...

  5. Nonblocking and orphan free message logging protocols (United States)

    Alvisi, Lorenzo; Hoppe, Bruce; Marzullo, Keith


    Currently existing message logging protocols demonstrate a classic pessimistic vs. optimistic tradeoff. We show that the optimistic-pessimistic tradeoff is not inherent to the problem of message logging. We construct a message-logging protocol that has the positive features of both optimistic and pessimistic protocol: our protocol prevents orphans and allows simple failure recovery; however, it requires no blocking in failure-free runs. Furthermore, this protocol does not introduce any additional message overhead as compared to one implemented for a system in which messages may be lost but processes do not crash.

  6. Logging methods and peeling of Aspen (United States)

    T. Schantz-Hansen


    The logging of forest products is influenced by many factors, including the size of the trees, density of the stand, the soundness of the trees, size of the area logged, topography and soil, weather conditions, the degree of utilization, the skill of the logger and the equipment used, the distance from market, etc. Each of these factors influences not only the method...

  7. ”Hvad angår det mig som jurist?” - refleksion over jurastuderendes møde med nye fagligheder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Louise Victoria Johansen


    Full Text Available Jurastuderende på danske universiteter bliver i stigende grad introduceret for tværfaglig undervisning, som giver dem mulighed for at kunne reflektere over deres fag udefra. Mange jurastuderende møder dog disse kurser med en stærk monofaglig forståelse opnået gennem deres hidtidige jurastudium. Deres læreproces i løbet af kurserne er derfor afhængig af undervisers håndtering af denne allerede etablerede jurafaglige identitet. Med udgangspunkt i Steen Becks sammentænkning af læringsteoretikerne Jean Piaget og Lev Vygotsky argumenterer denne artikel for, at tværfaglig undervisning på jurastudiet indebærer mere end blot at lære ny teori og nye metoder; den forudsætter også aflæring af de faglige forståelser, som særligt skygger for at kunne inddrage andre discipliner end den juridiske. Artiklen beskriver denne balance mellem aflæring og nylæring gennem en refleksion over min undervisning på et obligatorisk bachelorfag samt et kursusfag på kandidatuddannelsen ved Det Juridiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet. Disse kurser har forskellige betingelser i forhold til den undervisningstid, der kan allokeres til de studerendes arbejde med nye metodiske tilgange. Ud over disse organisatoriske forskelle har det dog også vist sig, at undervisers anvendelse af de første undervisningsgange kan være afgørende for de studerendes læreproces, samt at metakommunikation om aktiviteterne bør være meget tydelig. Law students at Danish universities are increasingly being introduced to interdisciplinary teaching that allows them to reflect on their subjects from an outside perspective. Many law students, however, approach these courses with a strong mono professional understanding obtained through their law studies. Consequently, their learning process during these courses is dependent on the teacher's handling of this already established legal professional identity. Based on Steen Beck's fusion of educational theorists Jean Piaget and

  8. Construction and validation of a Tamil logMAR chart. (United States)

    Varadharajan, Srinivasa; Srinivasan, Krithica; Kumaresan, Brindha


    To design, construct and validate a new Tamil logMAR visual acuity chart based on current recommendations. Ten Tamil letters of equal legibility were identified experimentally and were used in the chart. Two charts, one internally illuminated and one externally illuminated, were constructed for testing at 4 m distance. The repeatability of the two charts was tested. For validation, the two charts were compared with a standard English logMAR chart (ETDRS). When compared to the ETDRS chart, a difference of 0.06 +/- 0.07 and 0.07 +/- 0.07 logMAR was found for the internally and externally illuminated charts respectively. Limits of agreement between the internally illuminated Tamil logMAR chart and ETDRS chart were found to be (-0.08, 0.19), and (-0.07, 0.20) for the externally illuminated chart. The test - retest results showed a difference of 0.02 +/- 0.04 and 0.02 +/- 0.06 logMAR for the internally and externally illuminated charts respectively. Limits of agreement for repeated measurements for the internally illuminated Tamil logMAR chart were found to be (-0.06, 0.10), and (-0.10, 0.14) for the externally illuminated chart. The newly constructed Tamil logMAR charts have good repeatability. The difference in visual acuity scores between the newly constructed Tamil logMAR chart and the standard English logMAR chart was within acceptable limits. This new chart can be used for measuring visual acuity in the literate Tamil population.

  9. Dual detector neutron lifetime log: theory and practical applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Serpas, C.J.; Wichmann, P.A.; Fertl, W.H.; DeVries, M.R.; Rndall, R.R.


    The Neutron Lifetime Log instrumentation has continued to evolve and now is equipped with dual detectors for increased ease in gas detection and also a ratio response for a simultaneous porosity determination. A good deal of experimentation was involved to minimize both lithology and salinity effects on the porosity indication. This paper contains a discussion of the theory and concepts related to the application of the Dual Detector Neutron Lifetime Log (DNLL). It is important to note that with these advances the recording of thermal neutron capture cross section (Σ) remains consistent with the past measurements of earlier generations of instruments as the most accurate determination of this parameter. A number of field examples of the newly logged results are shown. These field cases include Dual Detector NLL's run thru the drill strings of highly deviated holes when difficulties were encountered in getting conventional open hole logs to bottom, logs thru open perforations and hot radioactive zones, comparisons of the large and small diameter instruments, logs with anomalous fluids in the annulus, logs thru multiple casing strings, and a number of other examples

  10. Extracting the Textual and Temporal Structure of Supercomputing Logs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jain, S; Singh, I; Chandra, A; Zhang, Z; Bronevetsky, G


    Supercomputers are prone to frequent faults that adversely affect their performance, reliability and functionality. System logs collected on these systems are a valuable resource of information about their operational status and health. However, their massive size, complexity, and lack of standard format makes it difficult to automatically extract information that can be used to improve system management. In this work we propose a novel method to succinctly represent the contents of supercomputing logs, by using textual clustering to automatically find the syntactic structures of log messages. This information is used to automatically classify messages into semantic groups via an online clustering algorithm. Further, we describe a methodology for using the temporal proximity between groups of log messages to identify correlated events in the system. We apply our proposed methods to two large, publicly available supercomputing logs and show that our technique features nearly perfect accuracy for online log-classification and extracts meaningful structural and temporal message patterns that can be used to improve the accuracy of other log analysis techniques.

  11. Cased-hole log analysis and reservoir performance monitoring

    CERN Document Server

    Bateman, Richard M


    This book addresses vital issues, such as the evaluation of shale gas reservoirs and their production. Topics include the cased-hole logging environment, reservoir fluid properties; flow regimes; temperature, noise, cement bond, and pulsed neutron logging; and casing inspection. Production logging charts and tables are included in the appendices. The work serves as a comprehensive reference for production engineers with upstream E&P companies, well logging service company employees, university students, and petroleum industry training professionals. This book also: ·       Provides methods of conveying production logging tools along horizontal well segments as well as measurements of formation electrical resistivity through casing ·       Covers new information on fluid flow characteristics in inclined pipe and provides new and improved nuclear tool measurements in cased wells ·       Includes updates on cased-hole wireline formation testing  

  12. Toward an Automated Labeling of Event Log Attributes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Abbad Andaloussi, Amine; Burattin, Andrea; Weber, Barbara


    information systems often do not comply with the required maturity level, since they lack the notion of process instance, also referred in process mining as “case id”. Without a proper identification of the case id attribute in log files, the outcome of process mining algorithms is unpredictable. This paper...... proposes a new approach that aims to overcome this challenge by automatically inferring the case id attribute from log files. The approach has been implemented as a ProM plugin and evaluated with several real-world event logs. The results demonstrate a high accuracy in inferring the case id attribute.......Process mining aims at exploring the data produced by executable business processes to mine the underlying control-flow and dataflow. Most of the process mining algorithms assume the existence of an event log with a certain maturity level. Unfortunately, the logs provided by process unaware...

  13. Determinate growth in Pisum: 'det' a new mutant gene on chromosome 7

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Swiecicki, W.K.


    Full text: A characteristic feature of the growth of legume plants is the absence of a clear border between vegetative and generative phase. By contrast in cereals, the growth of the vegetative mass ceases with flowering and assimilates are destined for filling grains. With regard to this feature in breeding of legume crops the ideotype of 'the self-completion variety' has been conceived. In the broad sense, this term means a plant with a clear end of vegetative growth, after which assimilates should be transported to seeds resulting in more uniform maturity and higher seed yield. Such self-completion can be achieved in different ways, even in the same species. In white lupin, e.g. the cultivar 'Wat' drops its leaves in the stage of pod filling. Moreover, in white lupin as well as in yellow and narrow-leaved lupins unbranched genotypes have been selected in which only one, the main stem develops with the inflorescence on top. Additional nodes with a single flower appear instead of branches. The field bean Vicia faba similar to the pea produces inflorescence on nodes and consecutive nodes develop continuously from the apical meristem. But in the mutation type 'determinate growth', controlled by a single gene, the stem is ended by the inflorescence. A comparable gene was found in pea in 1980 as an effect of seed treatment of the line Wt 3527 by the combined dose 200r Nf+0.014% NEU. Plants are characterized by inflorescence on the top of the stem and smaller number of flowering nodes. Sometimes apical flowers are abnormal, open, but fertile. The mutant was included in the gene bank under number Wt 16100. A phenotypically similar line was found at the John Innes Institute, Norwich (UK). According to the locus allelism test (Wt 16100 x Jl 1358) both mutants are controlled by the same gene. The suggested symbol for this monogenic inherited character is det determinated growth. For the linkage test, the tester line Wl 1238 was crossed with the mutant Wt 16100. The

  14. Determinate growth in Pisum: 'det' a new mutant gene on chromosome 7

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Swiecicki, W K [Plant Breeding Station, Wiatrowo (Poland)


    Full text: A characteristic feature of the growth of legume plants is the absence of a clear border between vegetative and generative phase. By contrast in cereals, the growth of the vegetative mass ceases with flowering and assimilates are destined for filling grains. With regard to this feature in breeding of legume crops the ideotype of 'the self-completion variety' has been conceived. In the broad sense, this term means a plant with a clear end of vegetative growth, after which assimilates should be transported to seeds resulting in more uniform maturity and higher seed yield. Such self-completion can be achieved in different ways, even in the same species. In white lupin, e.g. the cultivar 'Wat' drops its leaves in the stage of pod filling. Moreover, in white lupin as well as in yellow and narrow-leaved lupins unbranched genotypes have been selected in which only one, the main stem develops with the inflorescence on top. Additional nodes with a single flower appear instead of branches. The field bean Vicia faba similar to the pea produces inflorescence on nodes and consecutive nodes develop continuously from the apical meristem. But in the mutation type 'determinate growth', controlled by a single gene, the stem is ended by the inflorescence. A comparable gene was found in pea in 1980 as an effect of seed treatment of the line Wt 3527 by the combined dose 200r Nf+0.014% NEU. Plants are characterized by inflorescence on the top of the stem and smaller number of flowering nodes. Sometimes apical flowers are abnormal, open, but fertile. The mutant was included in the gene bank under number Wt 16100. A phenotypically similar line was found at the John Innes Institute, Norwich (UK). According to the locus allelism test (Wt 16100 x Jl 1358) both mutants are controlled by the same gene. The suggested symbol for this monogenic inherited character is det determinated growth. For the linkage test, the tester line Wl 1238 was crossed with the mutant Wt 16100. The

  15. Log-concave Probability Distributions: Theory and Statistical Testing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    An, Mark Yuing


    This paper studies the broad class of log-concave probability distributions that arise in economics of uncertainty and information. For univariate, continuous, and log-concave random variables we prove useful properties without imposing the differentiability of density functions. Discrete...... and multivariate distributions are also discussed. We propose simple non-parametric testing procedures for log-concavity. The test statistics are constructed to test one of the two implicati ons of log-concavity: increasing hazard rates and new-is-better-than-used (NBU) property. The test for increasing hazard...... rates are based on normalized spacing of the sample order statistics. The tests for NBU property fall into the category of Hoeffding's U-statistics...

  16. Stand structure, composition and illegal logging in selectively logged production forests of Myanmar: Comparison of two compartments subject to different cutting frequency

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tual Cin Khai


    Full Text Available Appropriate cutting cycles and annual allowable cuts are crucial to ensure sustainability of tropical selective logging, but there have been limited field data to verify long-term effects of different cutting cycles. This study reveals some evidence of forest degradation in selectively logged production forests of Myanmar, which are subject to inappropriate cutting frequency. We compared stand structure, commercial species composition, and incidence of illegal logging between two compartments with low (LCF; 1 time and high (HCF; 5 times cutting frequency over a recent 18 years. Prior to the latest cutting, LCF had 176 trees ha−1 with an inverted-J shape distribution of diameter at breast height (DBH, including a substantial amount of teak (Tectona grandis and other commercially important species in each DBH class. HCF prior to the latest cut had only 41 trees ha−1 without many commercially important species. At HCF, nearly half the standing trees of various species and size were illegally cut following legal operations; this was for charcoal making in nearby kilns. At LCF, two species, teak and Xylia xylocarpa, were cut illegally and sawn for timber on the spot. More extensive and systematic surveys are needed to generalize the findings of forest degradation and illegal logging. However, our study calls for urgent reconsideration of logging practices with high cutting frequency, which can greatly degrade forests with accompanying illegal logging, and for rehabilitating strongly degraded, bamboo-dominated forests. To reduce illegal logging, it would be important to pay more attention on a MSS regulation stating that logging roads should be destroyed after logging operations.

  17. Western tight gas sands advanced logging workshop proceedings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jennings, J B; Carroll, Jr, H B [eds.


    An advanced logging research program is one major aspect of the Western Tight Sands Program. Purpose of this workshop is to help BETC define critical logging needs for tight gas sands and to allow free interchange of ideas on all aspects of the current logging research program. Sixteen papers and abstracts are included together with discussions. Separate abstracts have been prepared for the 12 papers. (DLC)

  18. Resolving an identity crisis: Implicit drinking identity and implicit alcohol identity are related but not the same. (United States)

    Ramirez, Jason J; Olin, Cecilia C; Lindgren, Kristen P


    Two variations of the Implicit Association Test (IAT), the Drinking Identity IAT and the Alcohol Identity IAT, assess implicit associations held in memory between one's identity and alcohol-related constructs. Both have been shown to predict numerous drinking outcomes, but these IATs have never been directly compared to one another. The purpose of this study was to compare these IATs and evaluate their incremental predictive validity. US undergraduate students (N=64, 50% female, mean age=21.98years) completed the Drinking Identity IAT, the Alcohol Identity IAT, an explicit measure of drinking identity, as well as measures of typical alcohol consumption and hazardous drinking. When evaluated in separate regression models that controlled for explicit drinking identity, results indicated that the Drinking Identity IAT and the Alcohol Identity IAT were significant, positive predictors of typical alcohol consumption, and that the Drinking Identity IAT, but not the Alcohol Identity IAT, was a significant predictor of hazardous drinking. When evaluated in the same regression models, the Drinking Identity IAT, but not the Alcohol Identity IAT, was significantly associated with typical and hazardous drinking. These results suggest that the Drinking Identity IAT and Alcohol Identity IAT are related but not redundant. Moreover, given that the Drinking Identity IAT, but not the Alcohol Identity IAT, incrementally predicted variance in drinking outcomes, identification with drinking behavior and social groups, as opposed to identification with alcohol itself, may be an especially strong predictor of drinking outcomes. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Pulsed neutron porosity logging system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, H.D. Jr.; Smith, M.P.; Schultz, W.E.


    An improved pulsed neutron porosity logging system is provided in the present invention. A logging tool provided with a 14 MeV pulsed neutron source, an epithermal neutron detector, and a fast neutron detector is moved through a borehole. Repetitive bursts of neutrons irradiate the earth formations and, during the bursts, the fast neutron population is sampled. During the interval between bursts the epithermal neutron population is sampled along with background gamma radiation due to lingering thermal neutrons. The fast and epithermal neutron population measurements are combined to provide a measurement of formation porosity

  20. Specific features of well logging of boreholes drilled on electrical nonconducting solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruchkin, A.F.; Fomenko, V.G.


    Methods for identification of permeable strata and determination of their porosity and oil-gas saturation using standard combination of geophysical investigations in the boreholes drilled with nonaqueous and inert drilling fluids are considered. Geophysical combination consists of the methods indications of which are independent on electrical conductivity of drilling fluids. They are all modifications of radioactivity logging (gamma logging, neutron logging, neutron-gamma logging, gamma-gamma logging, pulsed neutron logging, nuclear-magnetic logging), acoustic logging and thermal logging

  1. A cement channel-detection technique using the pulsed-neutron log

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Myers, G.D.


    A channel-detection technique has been developed using boron solutions and pulsed-neutron logging (PNL) tools. This technique relies on the extremely high-neutron-absorption cross section that boron exhibits relative to other common elements, including chlorine. The PNL tool is used to detect movement of a boron solution in a log-inject-log procedure. The technique has identified channels in such difficult applications as logging through two strings of pipe and in highly deviated wellbores. Logging procedures are simple and cement channels can be readily identified. The boron solutions are relatively inexpensive, safe to handle, and nonradioactive. Additional PNL information for reservoir performance evaluation is collected simultaneously during channel-detection logging. This paper describes the theory, development, field application, and limitations of this channel-detection logging technique

  2. Water saturation in shaly sands: logging parameters from log-derived values

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyairi, M.; Itoh, T.; Okabe, F.


    The methods are presented for determining the relation of porosity to formation factor and that of true resistivity of formation to water saturation, which were investigated through the log interpretation of one of the oil and gas fields of northern Japan Sea. The values of the coefficients ''a'' and ''m'' in porosity-formation factor relation are derived from cross-plot of porosity and resistivity of formation corrected by clay content. The saturation exponent ''n'' is determined from cross-plot of porosity and resistivity index on the assumption that the product of porosity and irreducible water saturation is constant. The relation of porosity to irreducible water saturation is also investigated from core analysis. The new logging parameters determined from the methods, a = 1, m = 2, n = 1.4, improved the values of water saturation by 6 percent in average, and made it easy to distinguish the points which belong to the productive zone and ones belonging to the nonproductive zone

  3. Leadership identities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holmgreen, Lise-Lotte


    Questioning the assumption that identities can be controlled through a shared organisational culture, the article explores the inculcation of a discourse of diversity into leadership identities in a Danish bank and building society. Thus, it intends to demonstrate that, on the one hand, discourse...... plays a significant role in identity construction and, on the other, that leaders’ constructions may have many sources of inspiration within and outside the organisation, emphasising that identity construction is a complex process in which organisational efforts to promote a common leadership identity...... to construct their leadership identities. While the respondents present comparable identities to the interviewer, the analysis reveals that the they draw on different discourses and employ a number of different discursive means to present this identity. This, the article argues, may be the result of a number...

  4. Use of pulsed neutron logging to evaluate perforation washing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dimon, C.A.


    This invention relates to the use of pulsed neutron logging techniques before and after perforation washing operations are performed to evaluate the degree of success of the perforation washing operations. Well logging operations of a type designed to respond to the difference between a formation immediately behind the well sheath and voids in the formation are performed both before and after the perforation washing operation. differences between the two resulting logs are then indicative of voids created by perforation washing. In a preferred embodiment, pulsed neutron logging is used as the logging technique, while a weighted brine having a high absorption cross section to pulsed neutrons is used as the perforation washing fluid

  5. Development of an Intelligent System to Synthesize Petrophysical Well Logs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Morteza Nouri Taleghani


    Full Text Available Porosity is one of the fundamental petrophysical properties that should be evaluated for hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs. It is a vital factor in precise understanding of reservoir quality in a hydrocarbon field. Log data are exceedingly crucial information in petroleum industries, for many of hydrocarbon parameters are obtained by virtue of petrophysical data. There are three main petrophysical logging tools for the determination of porosity, namely neutron, density, and sonic well logs. Porosity can be determined by the use of each of these tools; however, a precise analysis requires a complete set of these tools. Log sets are commonly either incomplete or unreliable for many reasons (i.e. incomplete logging, measurement errors, and loss of data owing to unsuitable data storage. To overcome this drawback, in this study several intelligent systems such as fuzzy logic (FL, neural network (NN, and support vector machine are used to predict synthesized petrophysical logs including neutron, density, and sonic. To accomplish this, the petrophysical well logs data were collected from a real reservoir in one of Iran southwest oil fields. The corresponding correlation was obtained through the comparison of synthesized log values with real log values. The results showed that all intelligent systems were capable of synthesizing petrophysical well logs, but SVM had better accuracy and could be used as the most reliable method compared to the other techniques.

  6. Det gränslösa arbetslivets genomtränglighet i Spotify-rekryterarnas sfärer : hur flexibilitet och tillgänglighet påverkar work-life balance


    Andersson, Emelie; Hallgren, Malin


    Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med en förståelse för hur rekryterare upplever och hanterar flexibilitet, tillgänglighet och work-life balance i en multinationell och expanderande organisation präglad av det gränslösa arbetslivet. Denna förståelse är betydelsefull då det gränslösa arbetslivet innebär ett stort eget ansvar för individen, vilket skapar en utmaning för individen själv att måna om sin work-life balance och upprätthållandet av ett långsiktigt välmående. För att uppfylla studi...

  7. Stress wave sorting of red maple logs for structural quality (United States)

    Xiping Wang; Robert J. Ross; David W. Green; Brian Brashaw; Karl Englund; Michael Wolcott


    Existing log grading procedures in the United States make only visual assessments of log quality. These procedures do not incorporate estimates of the modulus of elasticity (MOE) of logs. It is questionable whether the visual grading procedures currently used for logs adequately assess the potential quality of structural products manufactured from them, especially...

  8. Performance of sampling methods to estimate log characteristics for wildlife. (United States)

    Lisa J. Bate; Torolf R. Torgersen; Michael J. Wisdom; Edward O. Garton


    Accurate estimation of the characteristics of log resources, or coarse woody debris (CWD), is critical to effective management of wildlife and other forest resources. Despite the importance of logs as wildlife habitat, methods for sampling logs have traditionally focused on silvicultural and fire applications. These applications have emphasized estimates of log volume...

  9. Borehole logging in uranium exploration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kulkarni, N.H.


    The ultimate objective of exploration by drilling as far as Atomic Minerals Division is concerned is to locate the ore zone in the subsurface, draw samples and analyze them for their metal content. The presence of the ore zone is also indicated by gamma-ray logging of the borehole. A gamma-ray detector is lowered in the borehole and precise depth and grade of the ore zone is established. This helps the geologist in correlating the ore horizon with the surface outcrop or the ore zone intercepted in adjoining boreholes and in deciding about further drilling and location of boreholes. Most commonly, total gamma measurements are made although some units capable of measuring the gamma-ray spectrum are also in use. It is possible to know if the mineralization is due to uranium without waiting for the laboratory results. The present write up gives a brief account of the principles, equipment and methods of borehole gamma-ray logging including density and self-potential logging. (author). 8 refs., 5 figs

  10. Secure Audit Logging with Tamper-Resistant Hardware

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Chong, C.N.; Peng, Z.; Peng, Z.; Hartel, Pieter H.; Gritzalis, D.; De Capitani di Vimercati, S.; Katsikas, S.K.; Samarati, P.

    Secure perimeter schemes (e.g. DRM) and tracing traitor schemes (e.g. watermarking, audit logging) strive to mitigate the problems of content escaping the control of the rights holder. Secure audit logging records the user's actions on content and enables detection of some forms of tampering with

  11. Palm distributions for log Gaussian Cox processes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Coeurjolly, Jean-Francois; Møller, Jesper; Waagepetersen, Rasmus

    This paper reviews useful results related to Palm distributions of spatial point processes and provides a new result regarding the characterization of Palm distributions for the class of log Gaussian Cox processes. This result is used to study functional summary statistics for a log Gaussian Cox...

  12. Mammalian evolution: timing and implications from using the LogDeterminant transform for proteins of differing amino acid composition. (United States)

    Penny, D; Hasegawa, M; Waddell, P J; Hendy, M D


    We explore the tree of mammalian mtDNA sequences, using particularly the LogDet transform on amino acid sequences, the distance Hadamard transform, and the Closest Tree selection criterion. The amino acid composition of different species show significant differences, even within mammals. After compensating for these differences, nearest-neighbor bootstrap results suggest that the tree is locally stable, though a few groups show slightly greater rearrangements when a large proportion of the constant sites are removed. Many parts of the trees we obtain agree with those on published protein ML trees. Interesting results include a preference for rodent monophyly. The detection of a few alternative signals to those on the optimal tree were obtained using the distance Hadamard transform (with results expressed as a Lento plot). One rearrangement suggested was the interchange of the position of primates and rodents on the optimal tree. The basic stability of the tree, combined with two calibration points (whale/cow and horse/rhinoceros), together with a distant secondary calibration from the mammal/bird divergence, allows inferences of the times of divergence of putative clades. Allowing for sampling variances due to finite sequence length, most major divergences amongst lineages leading to modern orders, appear to occur well before the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary. Implications arising from these early divergences are discussed, particularly the possibility of competition between the small dinosaurs and the new mammal clades.

  13. Nuclear borehole logging for oil exploration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oelgaard, P.L.


    Reactor physics can be applied to the logging of boreholes for the exploration of oil and gas and the results obtained can be interpreted more correctly by use of reactor physics models, e.g. one-dimensional multi-group diffusion theory adapted for gamma quanta. The standard nuclear logging tools are: natural gamma, gamma density, neutron porosity and the pulsed-neutron tool. The models and interpretation procedures are discussed. 1 fig

  14. Geophysical logging of the Harwell boreholes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brightman, M.A.


    A comprehensive geophysical borehole logging survey was carried out on each of three deep boreholes drilled at the Harwell research site. KOALA and PETRA computer programs were used to analyse and interpret the logs to obtain continuous quantitative estimates of the geological and hydrogeological properties of the sequences penetrated at the Harwell site. Quantitative estimates of the mineral composition and porosity of the cores samples were made. (UK)

  15. An artificial intelligence approach to well log correlation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Startzman, R.A.; Kuo, T.B.


    This paper shows how an expert computer system was developed to correlate two well logs in at least moderately difficult situations. A four step process was devised to process log trace information and apply a set of rules to identify zonal correlations. Some of the advantages and problems with the artificial intelligence approach are shown using field logs. The approach is useful and, if properly and systematically applied, it can result in good correlations

  16. Anomalous self potential (sp) log signatures observed in a water ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Geophysical logging was done after drilling had been completed in a water well at Okwudor, South Eastern Nigeria. Three electric logs were run viz: Self Potential (SP), Resistivity N16″ and N64″ logs. An anomaly was observed in the SP log. The SP results from this well show some deviation from the standard norm.

  17. LongLine: Visual Analytics System for Large-scale Audit Logs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seunghoon Yoo


    Full Text Available Audit logs are different from other software logs in that they record the most primitive events (i.e., system calls in modern operating systems. Audit logs contain a detailed trace of an operating system, and thus have received great attention from security experts and system administrators. However, the complexity and size of audit logs, which increase in real time, have hindered analysts from understanding and analyzing them. In this paper, we present a novel visual analytics system, LongLine, which enables interactive visual analyses of large-scale audit logs. LongLine lowers the interpretation barrier of audit logs by employing human-understandable representations (e.g., file paths and commands instead of abstract indicators of operating systems (e.g., file descriptors as well as revealing the temporal patterns of the logs in a multi-scale fashion with meaningful granularity of time in mind (e.g., hourly, daily, and weekly. LongLine also streamlines comparative analysis between interesting subsets of logs, which is essential in detecting anomalous behaviors of systems. In addition, LongLine allows analysts to monitor the system state in a streaming fashion, keeping the latency between log creation and visualization less than one minute. Finally, we evaluate our system through a case study and a scenario analysis with security experts.

  18. A semantic perspective on query log analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hofmann, K.; de Rijke, M.; Huurnink, B.; Meij, E.


    We present our views on the CLEF log file analysis task. We argue for a task definition that focuses on the semantic enrichment of query logs. In addition, we discuss how additional information about the context in which queries are being made could further our understanding of users’ information

  19. Explorations in statistics: the log transformation. (United States)

    Curran-Everett, Douglas


    Learning about statistics is a lot like learning about science: the learning is more meaningful if you can actively explore. This thirteenth installment of Explorations in Statistics explores the log transformation, an established technique that rescales the actual observations from an experiment so that the assumptions of some statistical analysis are better met. A general assumption in statistics is that the variability of some response Y is homogeneous across groups or across some predictor variable X. If the variability-the standard deviation-varies in rough proportion to the mean value of Y, a log transformation can equalize the standard deviations. Moreover, if the actual observations from an experiment conform to a skewed distribution, then a log transformation can make the theoretical distribution of the sample mean more consistent with a normal distribution. This is important: the results of a one-sample t test are meaningful only if the theoretical distribution of the sample mean is roughly normal. If we log-transform our observations, then we want to confirm the transformation was useful. We can do this if we use the Box-Cox method, if we bootstrap the sample mean and the statistic t itself, and if we assess the residual plots from the statistical model of the actual and transformed sample observations.

  20. Why, What, and How to Log? Lessons from LISTEN (United States)

    Mostow, Jack; Beck, Joseph E.


    The ability to log tutorial interactions in comprehensive, longitudinal, fine-grained detail offers great potential for educational data mining--but what data is logged, and how, can facilitate or impede the realization of that potential. We propose guidelines gleaned over 15 years of logging, exploring, and analyzing millions of events from…

  1. Biological legacies buffer local species extinction after logging. (United States)

    Rudolphi, Jörgen; Jönsson, Mari T; Gustafsson, Lena; Bugmann, H


    Clearcutting has been identified as a main threat to forest biodiversity. In the last few decades, alternatives to clearcutting have gained much interest. Living and dead trees are often retained after harvest to serve as structural legacies to mitigate negative effects of forestry. However, this practice is widely employed without information from systematic before-after control-impact studies to assess the processes involved in species responses after clearcutting with retention. We performed a large-scale survey of the occurrence of logging-sensitive and red-listed bryophytes and lichens before and after clearcutting with the retention approach. A methodology was adopted that, for the first time in studies on retention approaches, enabled monitoring of location-specific substrates. We used uncut stands as controls to assess the variables affecting the survival of species after a major disturbance. In total, 12 bryophyte species and 27 lichen species were analysed. All were classified as sensitive to logging, and most species are also currently red-listed. We found that living and dead trees retained after final harvest acted as refugia in which logging-sensitive species were able to survive for 3 to 7 years after logging. Depending on type of retention and organism group, between 35% and 92% of the species occurrences persisted on retained structures. Most species observed outside retention trees or patches disappeared. Larger pre-harvest population sizes of bryophytes on dead wood increased the survival probability of the species and hence buffered the negative effects of logging. Synthesis and applications . Careful spatial planning of retention structures is required to fully embrace the habitats of logging-sensitive species. Bryophytes and lichens persisted to a higher degree in retention patches compared to solitary trees or in the clearcut area. Retaining groups of trees in logged areas will help to sustain populations of species over the clearcut phase

  2. Identity at work: Exploring strategies for Identity Work

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Byron G. Adams


    Full Text Available Orientation: This study explored strategies for identity work that are central to the negotiation and regulation of employee work identity.Research purpose: The main aim of this study was to explore employee narratives and identify the strategies available to them in the process of identity work, as they defined themselves at work.Motivation for the study: As there is a scarcity of research on identity work in South Africa, this study wanted to advance knowledge about identity work and the strategies used for regulating and negotiating an identity at work by exploring these constructs in this context.Research design, approach and method: A qualitative research process formed the basis for this study. Nineteen employees from a global manufacturing company participated in two semi-structured in-depth interviews. Grounded theory was applied to analyse and interpret the data.Main findings: Nine strategies for identity work were identified and categorised into four broad themes (personal philosophies; relationships; career management and negotiating balance.Practical/managerial implications: Employees followed various strategies for defining themselves at work and this may have some implications for employee work engagement and productivity.Contribution/value-add: This study expands on current theoretical knowledge of identity work, and provides insights into the strategies people use to regulate and negotiate their identities at work. 

  3. Real Time Face Quality Assessment for Face Log Generation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kamal, Nasrollahi; Moeslund, Thomas B.


    Summarizing a long surveillance video to just a few best quality face images of each subject, a face-log, is of great importance in surveillance systems. Face quality assessment is the back-bone for face log generation and improving the quality assessment makes the face logs more reliable....... Developing a real time face quality assessment system using the most important facial features and employing it for face logs generation are the concerns of this paper. Extensive tests using four databases are carried out to validate the usability of the system....

  4. Climate change adaptation: What does it mean for me?; Klimatilpasning: hva betyr det for meg?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    O' Brien, Karen; Mittet, Siri; Bakkeslett, Eva; Eriksen, Siri; Hansen-Bauer, Inger; Hovelsrud, Grete; Inderberg, Tor Haakon; Ruud, Cathrine; Saglie, Inger-Lise; Sygna, Inger Lise


    The book 'Climate Change Adaptation: What Does it Mean for Me?' is written as a collective endeavor in the PLAN project (link this to the webpage), an interdisciplinary research project that focuses on climate change adaptation in Norway. With contributions from multiple disciplines, including arts, the book introduces a variety of perspectives and interpretations on adaptation. Focusing on climate change adaptation as a social, cultural and human process, this book recognizes that adaptation is more than a technical problem that can be addressed through technology, management and expertise. It is also an adaptive challenge that calls for attention to the values, beliefs, habits, loyalties and interests that sustain behaviors, systems, structures, and institutions in a changing climate. Confronted with complex and non-linear risks associates with climate change, and the interactions by other processes of change, this book call for a more comprehensive interpretation of adaptation, where both subjective and objective aspects are considered. This book thus goes beyond most contemporary understandings of adaptation, by focusing on the personal dimensions of adaptation. Arguing that the greatest adaptation of all may be the realization that humanity is in fact changing the climate and that we as individuals can do something about it, that we can {sup c}hange the change{sup ,} the book discusses the role of the arts, engaged individuals and different forms of leadership in levering change towards a more sustainable future. Full reference to the book: Karen O'Brien, Siri Mittet, Eva Bakkeslett, Siri Eriksen, Inger Hansen-Bauer, Grete Hovelsrud, Tor-Haakon Inderberg, Cathrine Ruud, Inger-Lise Saglie, and Linda Sygna (2012) Klimatilpasning: Hva betyr det for meg/ Climate Change Adaptation: What Does it Mean for Me?, Unipub forlag, 108 pages (in Norwegian). Online. Available HTTP: <>.(auth)

  5. Tradeoffs and interdependence in the Alaska cant and log markets. (United States)

    Donald Flora; Una Woller; Michael. Neergaard


    During the 1980s, log exports from Alaska have risen while cant (lumber) exports have declined. Eight explanations for the difference between cant and log market behavior are explored. It seems that declining demand for wood products in Japan and a surge of private-sector log harvests in Alaska are enough to account for the apparent substitution of logs for cants. It...

  6. AML (Advanced Mud Logging: First Among Equals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    T. Loermans


    Full Text Available During the past ten years an enormous development in mud logging technology has been made. Traditional mud logging was only qualitative in nature, and mudlogs could not be used for the petrophysical well evaluations which form the basis for all subsequent activities on wells and fields. AML however can provide quantitative information, logs with a reliability, trueness and precision like LWD and WLL. Hence for well evaluation programmes there are now three different logging methods available, each with its own pros and cons on specific aspects: AML, LWD and WLL. The largest improvements have been made in mud gas analysis and elemental analysis of cuttings. Mud gas analysis can yield hydrocarbon fluid composition for some components with a quality like PVT analysis, hence not only revolutionising the sampling programme so far done with only LWD/WLL, but also making it possible to geosteer on fluid properties. Elemental analysis of cuttings, e.g. with XRF, with an ability well beyond the capabilities of the spectroscopy measurements possible earlier with LWD/WLL tools, is opening up improved ways to evaluate formations, especially of course where the traditional methods are falling short of requirements, such as in unconventional reservoirs. An overview and specific examples of these AML logs is given, from which it may be concluded that AML now ought to be considered as “first among its equals”.

  7. Rock mass characterization for Copenhagen Metro using face logs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Sanne Louise; Galsgaard, Jens; Foged, Niels Nielsen


    An extension of the existing Metro in central Copenhagen is currently under construction. We present a comparison of the different field logging techniques available from a large number of borehole logs and face logs carried out during the construction in cooperation with the constructor and client......, describing rock mass characteristics using detailed face logging with geological description and recording of induration and fracturing, giving a field RQD value during excavation, combined with televiewer logs, when available, has shown to be a valuable tool for rock mass characterization compared......’s representatives, which illustrate and approve the applied methods. The new ‘Cityringen’ Metro will consist of two 16 km single track tunnels, with 17 stations and 3 construction and ventilation shafts. The geological ground conditions are dominated by glacial and postglacial deposits overlying Paleocene Greensand...

  8. A comparison between elemental logs and core data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kerr, S.A.; Grau, J.A.; Schweitzer, J.S.


    Neutron-induced gamma-ray spectroscopy, of prompt capture and delayed activation, together with natural gamma-ray measurements, provides a borehole elemental analysis to characterize rock matrix composition. This study involved extensive core and log data in two wells. One well was drilled with a barite-weighted oil-based mud through a shallow marine sand. The other was drilled with fresh water-based mud through a channel sand, mudstone sequence overlying limestone. The results illustrate the importance of a suitable core sampling strategy and the problems associated with matching core to log data. Possible inaccuracies from the modelling of Ca-, Fe- and S-bearing minerals have been determined. A method for correcting the total measured aluminium concentration for that due to the borehole mud has been successfully tested against aluminium concentrations measured in the cleaned core samples. Estimates of the overall accuracy and precision of the elemental logging concentrations are obtained by comparing the log results with those obtained from the laboratory core analysis. A comprehensive core elemental analysis can also provide useful insight into the way other logs, such as the photoelectric factor or formation thermal neutron macroscopic absorption cross section, are influenced by minor and trace elements. Differences between calculated values from elemental logs and measured macroscopic parameters provide additional data for a more detailed understanding of the rock properties. (Author)

  9. Analysis of log rate noise in Ontario's CANDU reactors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hinds, H.W. [Dynamic Simulation and Analysis Corp., Deep River, Ontario (Canada); Banica, C.; Arguner, D. [Ontario Power Generation, Ajax, Ontario (Canada); Scharfenberg, R. [Bruce Power, Tiverton, Ontario (Canada)


    In the fall of 2003, the operators noticed that in the recently-refurbished Bruce A Shutdown System no. 1 (SDS1) the noise level in Log Rate signals were much larger than before. At the request of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), all Canadian CANDU reactors took action to characterize their Log Rate noise. Staff of the Inspection and Maintenance Services division of Ontario Power Generation (OPG) has collected high-speed high-accuracy noise data from nearly all 16 Ontario reactors, either as part of routine measurements before planned outages or as a dedicated noise recording. This paper gives the results of examining a suitable subset of this data, with respect to the characteristics and possible causes of Log Rate noise. The reactor and instrumentation design is different at each station: the locations of the moderator injection nozzles, the location of the ion chambers for each system, and the design of the Log Rate amplifiers. It was found that the Log noise (source of Log Rate noise) was much larger for those ion chambers in the path of the moderator injection nozzles, compared to those which were not in the path. This 'extra' Log noise would then be either attenuated or amplified depending on the transfer function (time constants) of the Log Rate amplifier. It was also observed that most of the Log and Log Rate noise is independent of any other signal measured. Although all CANDU reactors in Ontario have Log and Log Rate noise, the Bruce A SDS1 system has the largest amount of Log Rate noise, because (a) its SDS1 (and RRS) ion chambers are at the top of the reactor in the path of the moderator injection nozzles, and (b) its SDS1 Log Rate amplifiers have the smallest time constants. (author)

  10. 14 CFR 125.407 - Maintenance log: Airplanes. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Maintenance log: Airplanes. 125.407 Section... OPERATIONS: AIRPLANES HAVING A SEATING CAPACITY OF 20 OR MORE PASSENGERS OR A MAXIMUM PAYLOAD CAPACITY OF 6... Maintenance log: Airplanes. (a) Each person who takes corrective action or defers action concerning a reported...

  11. The application of radiation logs to groundwater hydrology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scott Keys, W [United States Geological Survey, Denver, CO (United States)


    The drilling of exploratory holes to determine the availability of groundwater and to plan the most economical methods of water development is expensive. The only technique available at present for obtaining geological and hydrological information through the casing of pre-existing water wells and other boreholes is by radiation logging. Up to now these logging techniques have been little used in groundwater hydrology. This report describes inexpensive portable radiation logging equipment that is available or has been developed for groundwater studies in connection with a general research project on the application of borehole geophysics in groundwater hydrology. It is possible to obtain data on the following: the source, velocity, and chemical quality of groundwater; the location, extent, geometry, bulk density, porosity, permeability, and specific yield of aquifers and associated strata; and the position of casings, casing collars, leaks, perforations, and cement. The radiation logs employed include natural gamma, gamma-gamma, neutron-gamma. neutron epithermal-neutron. and radioactive tracer. The following radioisotopes are utilized: cobalt-60, plutonium-239, americium-241, and iodine-131. Typical radiation logs obtained by the various techniques are described and examples are given of practical applications of radiation logging to groundwater investigations. The applications cited are studies of perched water in basaltic rocks and associated sedimentary strata; the porosity, moisture content, and position of zones into which water was injected in volcanic tuff; the position of the interface between brine and fresh water in fine-grained carbonate rocks and associated fine clastic rocks; the interpretation of porosity from a neutron log; and the location by means of a radioactive tracer of the more permeable fracture zones in a well penetrating crystalline rock. (author)

  12. Characterization of reservoir fractures using conventional geophysical logging

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paitoon Laongsakul


    Full Text Available In hydrocarbon exploration fractures play an important role as possible pathways for the hydrocarbon flow and bythis enhancing the overall formation’s permeability. Advanced logging methods for fracture analysis, like the boreholeacoustic televiewer and Formation Microscanner (FMS are available, but these are additional and expensive tools. However,open and with water or hydrocarbon filled fractures are also sensitive to electrical and other conventional logging methods.For this study conventional logging data (electric, seismic, etc were available plus additional fracture information from FMS.Taking into account the borehole environment the results show that the micro-spherically focused log indicates fractures byshowing low resistivity spikes opposite open fractures, and high resistivity spikes opposite sealed ones. Compressional andshear wave velocities are reduced when passing trough the fracture zone, which are assumed to be more or less perpendicularto borehole axis. The photoelectric absorption curve exhibit a very sharp peak in front of a fracture filled with bariteloaded mud cake. The density log shows low density spikes that are not seen by the neutron log, usually where fractures,large vugs, or caverns exist. Borehole breakouts can cause a similar effect on the logging response than fractures, but fracturesare often present when this occurs. The fracture index calculation by using threshold and input weight was calculatedand there was in general a good agreement with the fracture data from FMS especially in fracture zones, which mainlycontribute to the hydraulic system of the reservoir. Finally, the overall results from this study using one well are promising,however further research in the combination of different tools for fracture identification is recommended as well as the useof core for further validation.

  13. Borehole logging system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allen, L.S.


    A radioactive borehole logging tool employs an epithermal neutron detector having a neutron counter surrounded by an inner thermal neutron filter and an outer thermal neutron filter. Located between the inner and outer filters is a neutron moderating material for extending the lifetime of epithermal neutrons to enhance the counting rate of such epithermal neutrons by the neutron counter

  14. Closed expressions for $\\int_{0}^{1} t^{-1} log^{n-1}t log^{p}(1 - t) dt$

    CERN Document Server

    Kölbig, Kurt Siegfried


    Closed expressions for the integral integral /sub 0//sup 1/ t/sup -1/ log/sup n-1/t log/sup p/(1-t)dt, whose general form is given elsewhere, are listed for n=1(1)9, p=1(1)9. A formula is derived which allows an easy evaluation of these expressions by formula manipulation on a computer. The majority of the above expressions are given in a microfiche supplement to the paper.

  15. Multivariate log-skew-elliptical distributions with applications to precipitation data

    KAUST Repository

    Marchenko, Yulia V.


    We introduce a family of multivariate log-skew-elliptical distributions, extending the list of multivariate distributions with positive support. We investigate their probabilistic properties such as stochastic representations, marginal and conditional distributions, and existence of moments, as well as inferential properties. We demonstrate, for example, that as for the log-t distribution, the positive moments of the log-skew-t distribution do not exist. Our emphasis is on two special cases, the log-skew-normal and log-skew-t distributions, which we use to analyze US national (univariate) and regional (multivariate) monthly precipitation data. © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  16. Multivariate log-skew-elliptical distributions with applications to precipitation data

    KAUST Repository

    Marchenko, Yulia V.; Genton, Marc G.


    We introduce a family of multivariate log-skew-elliptical distributions, extending the list of multivariate distributions with positive support. We investigate their probabilistic properties such as stochastic representations, marginal and conditional distributions, and existence of moments, as well as inferential properties. We demonstrate, for example, that as for the log-t distribution, the positive moments of the log-skew-t distribution do not exist. Our emphasis is on two special cases, the log-skew-normal and log-skew-t distributions, which we use to analyze US national (univariate) and regional (multivariate) monthly precipitation data. © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  17. Development of regional stump-to-mill logging cost estimators (United States)

    Chris B. LeDoux; John E. Baumgras


    Planning logging operations requires estimating the logging costs for the sale or tract being harvested. Decisions need to be made on equipment selection and its application to terrain. In this paper a methodology is described that has been developed and implemented to solve the problem of accurately estimating logging costs by region. The methodology blends field time...

  18. Teaching an Old Log New Tricks with Machine Learning. (United States)

    Schnell, Krista; Puri, Colin; Mahler, Paul; Dukatz, Carl


    To most people, the log file would not be considered an exciting area in technology today. However, these relatively benign, slowly growing data sources can drive large business transformations when combined with modern-day analytics. Accenture Technology Labs has built a new framework that helps to expand existing vendor solutions to create new methods of gaining insights from these benevolent information springs. This framework provides a systematic and effective machine-learning mechanism to understand, analyze, and visualize heterogeneous log files. These techniques enable an automated approach to analyzing log content in real time, learning relevant behaviors, and creating actionable insights applicable in traditionally reactive situations. Using this approach, companies can now tap into a wealth of knowledge residing in log file data that is currently being collected but underutilized because of its overwhelming variety and volume. By using log files as an important data input into the larger enterprise data supply chain, businesses have the opportunity to enhance their current operational log management solution and generate entirely new business insights-no longer limited to the realm of reactive IT management, but extending from proactive product improvement to defense from attacks. As we will discuss, this solution has immediate relevance in the telecommunications and security industries. However, the most forward-looking companies can take it even further. How? By thinking beyond the log file and applying the same machine-learning framework to other log file use cases (including logistics, social media, and consumer behavior) and any other transactional data source.

  19. Identity, identity politics, and neoliberalism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wrenn Mary


    Full Text Available With the intensification of neoliberalism, it is useful to examine how some individuals might cope with the irrationality of the system. Neoliberalism cloaks the execution of the corporate agenda behind rhetorical manipulation that advocates for limited government. The corollary absence of government involvement on behalf of the citizenry writ large disarms the means of social redress for the individual. Democracy funded and fueled by corporate power thereby disenfranchises the individual, provoking some to search for empowerment through identity politics. The argument set forth suggests that individuals construct, reinforce, or escalate allegiance to identities as a coping mechanism, some of which manifest in violent identity politics.

  20. Log ASCII Standard (LAS) Files for Geophysical Wireline Well Logs and Their Application to Geologic Cross Sections Through the Central Appalachian Basin (United States)

    Crangle, Robert D.


    Introduction The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) uses geophysical wireline well logs for a variety of purposes, including stratigraphic correlation (Hettinger, 2001, Ryder, 2002), petroleum reservoir analyses (Nelson and Bird, 2005), aquifer studies (Balch, 1988), and synthetic seismic profiles (Kulander and Ryder, 2005). Commonly, well logs are easier to visualize, manipulate, and interpret when available in a digital format. In recent geologic cross sections E-E' and D-D', constructed through the central Appalachian basin (Ryder, Swezey, and others, in press; Ryder, Crangle, and others, in press), gamma ray well log traces and lithologic logs were used to correlate key stratigraphic intervals (Fig. 1). The stratigraphy and structure of the cross sections are illustrated through the use of graphical software applications (e.g., Adobe Illustrator). The gamma ray traces were digitized in Neuralog (proprietary software) from paper well logs and converted to a Log ASCII Standard (LAS) format. Once converted, the LAS files were transformed to images through an LAS-reader application (e.g., GeoGraphix Prizm) and then overlain in positions adjacent to well locations, used for stratigraphic control, on each cross section. This report summarizes the procedures used to convert paper logs to a digital LAS format using a third-party software application, Neuralog. Included in this report are LAS files for sixteen wells used in geologic cross section E-E' (Table 1) and thirteen wells used in geologic cross section D-D' (Table 2).

  1. Utilization and cost for animal logging operations (United States)

    Suraj P. Shrestha; Bobby L. Lanford


    Forest harvesting with animals is a labor-intensive operation. Due to the development of efficient machines and high volume demands from the forest products industry, mechanization of logging developed very fast, leaving behind the traditional horse and mule logging. It is expensive to use machines on smaller woodlots, which require frequent moves if mechanically...

  2. The Process of Identity Work: Negotiating a Work Identity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Crafford, A.; Adams, B.G.; Saayman, T.; Vinkenburg, C.J.; Jansen, P.G.W.; Roodt, G.


    Identity work is an important process in negotiating, regulating and maintaining a coherent sense of self-(identity). In this chapter we discuss how identity work is particularly useful in establishing a work identity. The crux of the discussion in this chapter is based on the qualitative phase of

  3. High-resolution metal gradients measured by in situ DGT/DET deployment in Black Sea sediments using an autonomous benthic lander RID G-2489-2010 RID A-4901-2009

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fones, GR; Davison, W.; Holby, O.


    DET (Diffusive equilibration in thin films) and DGT (diffusive gradients in thin films) have been deployed in situ using an autonomous benthic lander to measure concentrations and induced fluxes of Fe and Mn (DET/DGT) and trace metals (DGT) in pore waters at millimeter spatial resolutions....... The newly developed deployment system is described, and based on these first results, its strengths and weaknesses are discussed. Deployments were made in the Western Black Sea in shelf sediments overlain by well-oxygenated water at a water depth of 77 m. Maxima of the redox-sensitive metals at 4 and 8 cm...... elements by several millimeters. Detection of this functional discrimination between Fe and Mn as regulators of trace metals would not have been possible using more conventional sampling procedures....

  4. La logística y sus componentes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Deyanira Elizabeth Argumedo Sánchez


    Full Text Available Hoy en día el tema de la logística es un tema de suma importancia para las empresas ya que estas se han dado a la tarea de crear áreas especificas para su análisis se ha ido desarrollando a través del tiempo y en la actualidad se ha convertido en un aspecto de suma importancia para lograr que la empresa se posicione como del primer mundo. Antes se entendía como logística el tener el producto en el lugar indicado en el tiempo justo al menor costo posible pero ahora esas actividades han llegado a ser mejoradas que no solo se trata de eso ahora son todo un proceso. La logística determina y coordina en forma óptima el producto correcto, el cliente correcto, el tiempo y lugar correctos por lo tanto la logística no es una actividad funcional si no un modelo que permitirá reducir la incertidumbre de un futuro desconocido.

  5. Att veta när man ska göra det man vet att man ska göra : om barn med ADHD, uppfattning av tid och att komma ihåg att göra det man har planerat


    Hillertz, Anna


    I den här studien undersöks om det är bristande tidsuppfattning som orsakar sämre prospektivt minne hos barn med diagnos ADHD. Studien syftar även till att utreda vad prospektivt minne har för relation till arbetsminne och exekutiva funktioner. Studien har genomförts genom att två grupper, en grupp barn med diagnos ADHD och en kontrollgrupp, har utfört uppgifter som ger mått på prospektivt minne, tidsuppfattning, arbetsminne och exekutiva funktioner. Barnen i ADHD-gruppen har även deltagit i ...

  6. Numerical simulation of responses for cased-hole density logging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, Wensheng; Fu, Yaping; Niu, Wei


    Stabilizing or stimulating oil production in old oil fields requires density logging in cased holes where open-hole logging data are either missing or of bad quality. However, measured values from cased-hole density logging are more severely influenced by factors such as fluid, casing, cement sheath and the outer diameter of the open-hole well compared with those from open-hole logging. To correctly apply the cased-hole formation density logging data, one must eliminate these influences on the measured values and study the characteristics of how the cased-hole density logging instrument responds to these factors. In this paper, a Monte Carlo numerical simulation technique was used to calculate the responses of the far detector of a cased-hole density logging instrument to in-hole fluid, casing wall thickness, cement sheath density and the formation and thus to obtain influence rules and response coefficients. The obtained response of the detector is a function of in-hole liquid, casing wall thickness, the casing's outer diameter, cement sheath density, open-hole well diameter and formation density. The ratio of the counting rate of the detector in the calibration well to that in the measurement well was used to get a fairly simple detector response equation and the coefficients in the equation are easy to acquire. These provide a new way of calculating cased-hole density through forward modelling methods. (paper)

  7. Impacts of extended working hours in logging (United States)

    Dana Mitchell; Tom Gallagher


    Last year at the 2007 AIM in Minneapolis, MN, the authors presented the human factors impacts to consider when implementing extended working hours in the logging industry. In a continuation of this project, we have researched existing literature to identify possible actions that logging business owners can take to reduce the impact of extended working hours on their...

  8. Grading sugar pine saw logs in trees. (United States)

    John W. Henley


    Small limbs and small overgrown limbs cause problems when grading saw logs in sugar pine trees. Surface characteristics and lumber recovery information for 426 logs from 64 sugar pine trees were examined. Resulting modifications in the grading specification that allow a grader to ignore small limbs and small limb indicators do not appear to decrease the performance of...

  9. Geophysical borehole logging in the unsaturated zone, Yucca Mountain, Nevada

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schimschal, U.; Nelson, P.H.


    Borehole geophysical logging for site characterization in the volcanic rocks at the proposed nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, requires data collection under rather unusual conditions. Logging tools must operate in rugose, dry holes above the water table in the unsaturated zone. Not all logging tools will operate in this environment, therefore; careful consideration must be given to selection and calibration. A sample suite of logs is presented that demonstrates correlation of geological formations from borehole to borehole, the definition of zones of altered mineralogy, and the quantitative estimates of rock properties. The authors show the results of an exploratory calculation of porosity and water saturation based upon density and epithermal neutron logs. Comparison of the results with a few core samples is encouraging, particularly because the logs can provide continuous data in boreholes where core samples are not available

  10. Analyzing Log Files using Data-Mining

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marius Mihut


    Full Text Available Information systems (i.e. servers, applications and communication devices create a large amount of monitoring data that are saved as log files. For analyzing them, a data-mining approach is helpful. This article presents the steps which are necessary for creating an ‘analyzing instrument’, based on an open source software called Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (Weka [1]. For exemplification, a system log file created by a Windows-based operating system, is used as input file.

  11. Medical Identity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Musaeus, Peter


    Purpose: To examine philosophical stances underpinning medical identity and assess the conceptual relationship between physician, medical practice and culture. Argument: Medical identity is about the ideals and moral positions that physicians take when justifying themselves. Medical identity...... hedonistic versus sentimentalist approaches to medical identity. The sociocultural philosophical analysis of medical identity can shed light on what it means conceptually for a physician to harbor beliefs associated with him/her being taken to be an autonomous professional. It is important because it touches...... on the meaning of being a compassionate, good and skilled physician, making its relevance to person-centered medicine self-evident. Conclusion: Medical identity should be analyzed with reference to literature, philosophy and medical practice in order for the physician to exercise a reflective position...

  12. Log-Normal Turbulence Dissipation in Global Ocean Models (United States)

    Pearson, Brodie; Fox-Kemper, Baylor


    Data from turbulent numerical simulations of the global ocean demonstrate that the dissipation of kinetic energy obeys a nearly log-normal distribution even at large horizontal scales O (10 km ) . As the horizontal scales of resolved turbulence are larger than the ocean is deep, the Kolmogorov-Yaglom theory for intermittency in 3D homogeneous, isotropic turbulence cannot apply; instead, the down-scale potential enstrophy cascade of quasigeostrophic turbulence should. Yet, energy dissipation obeys approximate log-normality—robustly across depths, seasons, regions, and subgrid schemes. The distribution parameters, skewness and kurtosis, show small systematic departures from log-normality with depth and subgrid friction schemes. Log-normality suggests that a few high-dissipation locations dominate the integrated energy and enstrophy budgets, which should be taken into account when making inferences from simplified models and inferring global energy budgets from sparse observations.

  13. Brug nu den hårde lære fra CRM-hypen til open data - ellers går det bare galt igen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard Jacobsen, Per


    At indsamle, bearbejde, dele og proaktivt anvende data og viden kan i sig selv være en udfordring, men det er essentielt i den kundeorienterede virksomhed. ... I forhold til kunden kan begrebet open data anskues lidt bredere. En ting er, at kunden er villig til at dele data med virksomheden i håb...

  14. Identity at work: Exploring strategies for Identity Work

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Byron G. Adams


    Research purpose: The main aim of this study was to explore employee narratives and identify the strategies available to them in the process of identity work, as they defined themselves at work. Motivation for the study: As there is a scarcity of research on identity work in South Africa, this study wanted to advance knowledge about identity work and the strategies used for regulating and negotiating an identity at work by exploring these constructs in this context. Research design, approach and method: A qualitative research process formed the basis for this study. Nineteen employees from a global manufacturing company participated in two semi-structured in-depth interviews. Grounded theory was applied to analyse and interpret the data. Main findings: Nine strategies for identity work were identified and categorised into four broad themes (personal philosophies; relationships; career management and negotiating balance. Practical/managerial implications: Employees followed various strategies for defining themselves at work and this may have some implications for employee work engagement and productivity. Contribution/value-add: This study expands on current theoretical knowledge of identity work, and provides insights into the strategies people use to regulate and negotiate their identities at work.

  15. Two-stage recovery of amphibian assemblages following selective logging of tropical forests. (United States)

    Adum, Gilbert Baase; Eichhorn, Markus Peter; Oduro, William; Ofori-Boateng, Caleb; Rödel, Mark-Oliver


    There is a lack of quantitative information on the effectiveness of selective-logging practices in ameliorating effects of logging on faunal communities. We conducted a large-scale replicated field study in 3 selectively logged moist semideciduous forests in West Africa at varying times after timber extraction to assess post logging effects on amphibian assemblages. Specifically, we assessed whether the diversity, abundance, and assemblage composition of amphibians changed over time for forest-dependent species and those tolerant of forest disturbance. In 2009, we sampled amphibians in 3 forests (total of 48 study plots, each 2 ha) in southwestern Ghana. In each forest, we established plots in undisturbed forest, recently logged forest, and forest logged 10 and 20 years previously. Logging intensity was constant across sites with 3 trees/ha removed. Recently logged forests supported substantially more species than unlogged forests. This was due to an influx of disturbance-tolerant species after logging. Simultaneously Simpson's index decreased, with increased in dominance of a few species. As time since logging increased richness of disturbance-tolerant species decreased until 10 years after logging when their composition was indistinguishable from unlogged forests. Simpson's index increased with time since logging and was indistinguishable from unlogged forest 20 years after logging. Forest specialists decreased after logging and recovered slowly. However, after 20 years amphibian assemblages had returned to a state indistinguishable from that of undisturbed forest in both abundance and composition. These results demonstrate that even with low-intensity logging (≤3 trees/ha) a minimum 20-year rotation of logging is required for effective conservation of amphibian assemblages in moist semideciduous forests. Furthermore, remnant patches of intact forests retained in the landscape and the presence of permanent brooks may aid in the effective recovery of amphibian

  16. Gendered features of learning and identity development

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Du, Xiangyun


    Hvad afholder unge kvinder fra at udanne sig til ingeniør? Xiang-Yun Du peger i sit ph.d.-studium på flere barrierer. Der er den traditionelle opfattelse, at en ingeniør er en mand. Unge piger har også et uklart billede af ingeniørfaget og kender ikke dets relevans, og unge piger vælger i øvrigt ...

  17. The current situation and prospect of fundamental research about nuclear logging technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Feng; Wang Xinguang; Yuan Chao


    Nuclear logging technology is one of the important methods to evaluate complex hydrocarbon reservoir in the process of petroleum exploration and development. The fundamental research of nuclear logging is an important step of logging technology innovation. Through analyzing the current situation of the development of nuclear logging technology at home and abroad in recent years, the problems and gaps are pointed out in the field of fundamental research of nuclear logging at home, and the future development of new nuclear logging technologies is concisely analyzed. Therefore, the optimal design and processing are conducted from aspects of ray source, detector, data acquisition and processing method. In addition, the fundamental research of LWD and pulsed neutron logging technology is taken as the main breach. In the fundamental research of nuclear logging technology, innovative thinking should be expressed and the innovation should be achieved in every field of the development of nuclear logging technology. Meanwhile, the logging key lab should be taken as the platform and the latest achievement in the field of nuclear logging technology should be fully utilized. Thus, the level of independent R and D and technology innovation of logging tools will be raised and service for the exploration and development of petroleum and other mineral resources. (authors)

  18. Identity paradoxes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Đurić Jelena


    Full Text Available The article considers paradoxical nature of identity that emerges from: 1 the very concept of identity whose abstract generality unites various and even opposite features; 2 the processual nature of reality that is easier to express in the poetical metaphors or abstract principles than in unambiguous conceptual networks; 3 the oppose relationship between being and knowledge, mind and matter, subject and object, self and personality. Entangled in the labyrinth which evade efforts to be conceptually defined, the modern thinking of identity moves towards abandoning the idea of “self” on behalf of the “ego” and towards the misapprehension of identity as being identical. This corresponds to the “time of the lost spirit” stretched between the simultaneous need to find an identity and to give it up.

  19. Perfil logístico de Colombia


    Cardozo Maglioni, María Victoria; Lozano Suarez, María Goretty


    El presente documento ofrece un estudio del perfil logístico de Colombia con la finalidad de dar a conocer el estado de arte de las ciudades, puertos e infraestructura principal para facilitar la toma de decisiones de los empresarios. Para el desarrollo de este trabajo se determinaron a partir de un análisis competitivo del país; las principales ciudades y puertos; logrando establecer un inventario de maquinaria y equipo e infraestructura logística; enmarcados en retos ya establecidos en las ...

  20. Federated Identity Management


    Chadwick, David W.


    Abstract. This paper addresses the topic of federated identity management. It discusses in detail the following topics: what is digital identity, what is identity management, what is federated identity management, Kim Camerons 7 Laws of Identity, how can we protect the users privacy in a federated environment, levels of assurance, some past and present federated identity management systems, and some current research in FIM.

  1. Borehole logging for uranium exploration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The present text has been prepared taking into account the requirements of both developing countries, which might be at an incipient stage of uranium exploration, and industrialized countries, where more advanced exploration and resource evaluation techniques are commonly in use. While it was felt necessary to include some discussion of exploration concepts and fundamental physical principles underlying various logging methods, it was not the intention of the consultants to provide a thorough, detailed explanation of the various techniques, or even to give a comprehensive listing thereof. However, a list of references has been included, and it is strongly recommended that the serious student of mineral logging consult this list for further guidance

  2. Social identity change: shifts in social identity during adolescence. (United States)

    Tanti, Chris; Stukas, Arthur A; Halloran, Michael J; Foddy, Margaret


    This study investigated the proposition that adolescence involves significant shifts in social identity as a function of changes in social context and cognitive style. Using an experimental design, we primed either peer or gender identity with a sample of 380 early- (12-13 years), mid- (15-16 years), and late-adolescents (18-20 years) and then measured the effect of the prime on self-stereotyping and ingroup favouritism. The findings showed significant differences in social identity across adolescent groups, in that social identity effects were relatively strong in early- and late-adolescents, particularly when peer group identity rather than gender identity was salient. While these effects were consistent with the experience of change in educational social context, differences in cognitive style were only weakly related to ingroup favouritism. The implications of the findings for theory and future research on social identity during adolescence are discussed. Crown Copyright © 2010. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Comparative Associations Between Achieved Bicultural Identity, Achieved Ego Identity, and Achieved Religious Identity and Adaptation Among Australian Adolescent Muslims. (United States)

    Abu-Rayya, Hisham M; Abu-Rayya, Maram H; White, Fiona A; Walker, Richard


    This study examined the comparative roles of biculturalism, ego identity, and religious identity in the adaptation of Australian adolescent Muslims. A total of 504 high school Muslim students studying at high schools in metropolitan Sydney and Melbourne, Australia, took part in this study which required them to complete a self-report questionnaire. Analyses indicated that adolescent Muslims' achieved religious identity seems to play a more important role in shaping their psychological and socio-cultural adaptation compared to adolescents' achieved bicultural identity. Adolescents' achieved ego identity tended also to play a greater role in their psychological and socio-cultural adaptation than achieved bicultural identity. The relationships between the three identities and negative indicators of psychological adaptation were consistently indifferent. Based on these findings, we propose that the three identity-based forces-bicultural identity development, religious identity attainment, and ego identity formation-be amalgamated into one framework in order for researchers to more accurately examine the adaptation of Australian adolescent Muslims.

  4. Logging technique for assaying for uranium in rocks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Givens, W.W.


    A uranium exploration technique is described for determining the uranium content of a formation traversed by borehole. A delayed fission neutron assay log is obtained by irradiating the formation with repetitive bursts of fast neutrons and detecting delayed neutrons resulting from neutron fission of uranium at time intervals between the fast neutron bursts and after dissipation of the neutrons originating in the bursts. In addition, a response log is obtained by irradiating the formation with a source of fast neutrons whereby the neutrons from this source are moderated in the formation to lower energy levels and are subject to absorption. Secondary radiation attendant to these lower energy neutrons is recorded in order to obtain a log representative of the response of the formation to moderation and absorption of the neutrons. The two logs thus obtained are correlated in order to determine a corrected value of uranium content of the formation. (author)

  5. Modelling tropical forests response to logging (United States)

    Cazzolla Gatti, Roberto; Di Paola, Arianna; Valentini, Riccardo; Paparella, Francesco


    Tropical rainforests are among the most threatened ecosystems by large-scale fragmentation due to human activity such as heavy logging and agricultural clearance. Although, they provide crucial ecosystem goods and services, such as sequestering carbon from the atmosphere, protecting watersheds and conserving biodiversity. In several countries forest resource extraction has experienced a shift from clearcutting to selective logging to maintain a significant forest cover and understock of living biomass. However the knowledge on the short and long-term effects of removing selected species in tropical rainforest are scarce and need to be further investigated. One of the main effects of selective logging on forest dynamics seems to be the local disturbance which involve the invasion of open space by weed, vines and climbers at the expense of the late-successional state cenosis. We present a simple deterministic model that describes the dynamics of tropical rainforest subject to selective logging to understand how and why weeds displace native species. We argue that the selective removal of tallest tropical trees carries out gaps of light that allow weeds, vines and climbers to prevail on native species, inhibiting the possibility of recovery of the original vegetation. Our results show that different regime shifts may occur depending on the type of forest management adopted. This hypothesis is supported by a dataset of trees height and weed/vines cover that we collected from 9 plots located in Central and West Africa both in untouched and managed areas.

  6. ADN* Density log estimation Using Rockcell*

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okuku, C.; Iloghalu, Emeka. M.; Omotayo, O.


    This work is intended to inform on the possibilities of estimating good density data in zones associated with sliding in a reservoir with ADN* tool with or without ADOS in string in cases where repeat sections were not done, possibly due to hole stability or directional concerns. This procedure has been equally used to obtain a better density data in corkscrew holes. Density data (ROBB) was recomputed using neural network in RockCell* to estimate the density over zones of interest. RockCell* is a Schlumberger software that has neural network functionally which can be used to estimate missing logs using the combination of the responses of other log curves and intervals that are not affected by sliding. In this work, an interval was selected and within this interval twelve litho zones were defined using the unsupervised neural network. From this a training set was selected based on intervals of very good log responses outside the sliding zones. This training set was used to train and run the neural network for a specific lithostratigraphic interval. The results matched the known good density curve. Then after this, an estimation of the density curve was done using the supervised neural network. The output from this estimation matched very closely in the good portions of the log, thus providing some density measurements in the sliding zone. This methodology provides a scientific solution to missing data during the process of Formation evaluation

  7. Swiss identity smells like chocolate: Social identity shapes olfactory judgments (United States)

    Coppin, Géraldine; Pool, Eva; Delplanque, Sylvain; Oud, Bastiaan; Margot, Christian; Sander, David; Van Bavel, Jay J.


    There is extensive evidence that social identities can shape people’s attitudes and behavior, but what about sensory judgments? We examined the possibility that social identity concerns may also shape the judgment of non-social properties—namely, olfactory judgment. In two experiments, we presented Swiss and non-Swiss participants with the odor of chocolate, for which Switzerland is world-famous, and a control odor (popcorn). Swiss participants primed with Swiss identity reported the odor of chocolate (but not popcorn) as more intense than non-Swiss participants (Experiments 1 and 2) and than Swiss participants primed with individual identity or not primed (Experiment 2). The self-reported intensity of chocolate smell tended to increase as identity accessibility increased—but only among Swiss participants (Experiment 1). These results suggest that identity priming can counter-act classic sensory habituation effects, allowing identity-relevant smells to maintain their intensity after repeated presentations. This suggests that social identity dynamically influences sensory judgment. We discuss the potential implications for models of social identity and chemosensory perception. PMID:27725715

  8. Swiss identity smells like chocolate: Social identity shapes olfactory judgments. (United States)

    Coppin, Géraldine; Pool, Eva; Delplanque, Sylvain; Oud, Bastiaan; Margot, Christian; Sander, David; Van Bavel, Jay J


    There is extensive evidence that social identities can shape people's attitudes and behavior, but what about sensory judgments? We examined the possibility that social identity concerns may also shape the judgment of non-social properties-namely, olfactory judgment. In two experiments, we presented Swiss and non-Swiss participants with the odor of chocolate, for which Switzerland is world-famous, and a control odor (popcorn). Swiss participants primed with Swiss identity reported the odor of chocolate (but not popcorn) as more intense than non-Swiss participants (Experiments 1 and 2) and than Swiss participants primed with individual identity or not primed (Experiment 2). The self-reported intensity of chocolate smell tended to increase as identity accessibility increased-but only among Swiss participants (Experiment 1). These results suggest that identity priming can counter-act classic sensory habituation effects, allowing identity-relevant smells to maintain their intensity after repeated presentations. This suggests that social identity dynamically influences sensory judgment. We discuss the potential implications for models of social identity and chemosensory perception.

  9. Aespoe Hard Rock Laboratory. BIPS logging in borehole KAS09

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gustafsson, Jaana; Gustafsson, Christer (Malaa Geoscience AB (Sweden))


    This report includes the data gained in BIPS logging performed at the Aespoe Hard Rock Laboratory. The logging operation presented here includes BIPS logging in the core drilled borehole KAS09. The objective for the BIPS logging was to observe the condition of KAS09 in order to restore the borehole in the hydrogeological monitoring programme.All measurements were conducted by Malaa Geoscience AB on October 9th 2009. The objective of the BIPS logging is to achieve information of the borehole including occurrence of rock types as well as determination of fracture distribution and orientation. This report describes the equipment used as well as the measurement procedures and data gained. For the BIPS survey, the result is presented as images. The basic conditions of the BIPS logging for geological mapping and orientation of structures are satisfying for borehole KAS09, although induced affects from the drilling on the borehole walls limit the visibility

  10. Aespoe Hard Rock Laboratory. BIPS logging in borehole KAS09

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gustafsson, Jaana; Gustafsson, Christer


    This report includes the data gained in BIPS logging performed at the Aespoe Hard Rock Laboratory. The logging operation presented here includes BIPS logging in the core drilled borehole KAS09. The objective for the BIPS logging was to observe the condition of KAS09 in order to restore the borehole in the hydrogeological monitoring programme.All measurements were conducted by Malaa Geoscience AB on October 9th 2009. The objective of the BIPS logging is to achieve information of the borehole including occurrence of rock types as well as determination of fracture distribution and orientation. This report describes the equipment used as well as the measurement procedures and data gained. For the BIPS survey, the result is presented as images. The basic conditions of the BIPS logging for geological mapping and orientation of structures are satisfying for borehole KAS09, although induced affects from the drilling on the borehole walls limit the visibility

  11. Professor om brexit-åbning: Det bliver sværere i næste fase

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wind, Marlene


    Professor og centerleder, Marlene Wind, var den 8. december i Vejle Amts Folkeblad, hvor hun kommenterede på udviklingen i Brexit-forhandlingerne i forlængelse af udmeldingen om, at forhandlingerne er klar til den næste fase. Professor Wind kalder dette for et gennembrud, men pointerer også at de...... videre forhandlinger vil være på EU’s præmisser. De videre forhandlinger vil blandt andet handle om en kommende handelsaftale mellem de to parter, til hvilket professor Wind påpeger, at det kan tage mange år, før man har en sådan i hus. Samtidig vurderer Wind også, at nogle leave-vælgere måske vil blive...

  12. The log-linear return approximation, bubbles, and predictability

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Engsted, Tom; Pedersen, Thomas Quistgaard; Tanggaard, Carsten

    We study in detail the log-linear return approximation introduced by Campbell and Shiller (1988a). First, we derive an upper bound for the mean approximation error, given stationarity of the log dividendprice ratio. Next, we simulate various rational bubbles which have explosive conditional expec...

  13. Geothermal well log interpretation midterm report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanyal, S.K.; Wells, L.E.; Bickham, R.E.


    Reservoir types are defined according to fluid phase and temperature, lithology, geologic province, pore geometry, and salinity and fluid chemistry. Improvements are needed in lithology and porosity definition, fracture detection, and thermal evaluation for more accurate interpretation. Further efforts are directed toward improving diagnostic techniques for relating rock characteristics and log response, developing petrophysical models for geothermal systems, and developing thermal evaluation techniques. The Geothermal Well Log Interpretation study and report has concentrated only on hydrothermal geothermal reservoirs. Other geothermal reservoirs (hot dry rock, geopressured, etc.) are not considered.

  14. Predicting the Rate of River Bank Erosion Caused by Large Wood Log (United States)

    Zhang, N.; Rutherfurd, I.; Ghisalberti, M.


    When a single tree falls into a river channel, flow is deflected and accelerated between the tree roots and the bank face, increasing shear stress and scouring the bank. The scallop shaped erosion increases the diversity of the channel morphology, but also causes concern for adjacent landholders. Concern about increased bank erosion is one of the main reasons for large wood to still be removed from channels in SE Australia. Further, the hydraulic effect of many logs in the channel can reduce overall bank erosion rates. Although both phenomena have been described before, this research develops a hydraulic model that estimates their magnitude, and tests and calibrates this model with flume and field measurements, with logs with various configurations and sizes. Specifically, the model estimates the change in excess shear stress on the bank associated . The model addresses the effect of the log angle, distance from bank, and log size and flow condition by solving the mass continuity and energy conservation between the cross section at the approaching flow and contracted flow. Then, we evaluate our model against flume experiment preformed with semi-realistic log models to represent logs in different sizes and decay stages by comparing the measured and simulated velocity increase in the gap between the log and the bank. The log angle, distance from bank, and flow condition are systemically varied for each log model during the experiment. Final, the calibrated model is compared with the field data collected in anabranching channels of Murray River in SE Australia where there are abundant instream logs and regulated and consistent high flow for irrigation. Preliminary results suggest that a log can significantly increase the shear stress on the bank, especially when it positions perpendicular to the flow. The shear stress increases with the log angle in a rising curve (The log angle is the angle between log trunk and flow direction. 0o means log is parallel to flow with

  15. Assessment of geophysical logs from borehole USW G-2, Yucca Mountain, Nevada

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, P.H.; Schimschal, U.


    Commercial logging contractors, Western Atlas, Schlumberger, and Edcon obtained borehole geophysical logs at the site of a potential high level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Drill hole USW-G2 was picked for this test of suitable logging tools and logging technology, both representing state-of-the-art technology by these commercial companies. Experience gained by analysis of existing core data and a variety of logs obtained earlier by Birdwell and Dresser Atlas served as a guide to a choice of logs to be obtained. Logs were obtained in water-filled borehole in zeolitized tuff (saturated zone) and in air-filled borehole largely in unaltered welded tuff (unsaturated zone)


    Johndrow, James E.; Bhattacharya, Anirban; Dunson, David B.


    Contingency table analysis routinely relies on log-linear models, with latent structure analysis providing a common alternative. Latent structure models lead to a reduced rank tensor factorization of the probability mass function for multivariate categorical data, while log-linear models achieve dimensionality reduction through sparsity. Little is known about the relationship between these notions of dimensionality reduction in the two paradigms. We derive several results relating the support of a log-linear model to nonnegative ranks of the associated probability tensor. Motivated by these findings, we propose a new collapsed Tucker class of tensor decompositions, which bridge existing PARAFAC and Tucker decompositions, providing a more flexible framework for parsimoniously characterizing multivariate categorical data. Taking a Bayesian approach to inference, we illustrate empirical advantages of the new decompositions. PMID:29332971

  17. Requirements-Driven Log Analysis Extended Abstract (United States)

    Havelund, Klaus


    Imagine that you are tasked to help a project improve their testing effort. In a realistic scenario it will quickly become clear, that having an impact is diffcult. First of all, it will likely be a challenge to suggest an alternative approach which is significantly more automated and/or more effective than current practice. The reality is that an average software system has a complex input/output behavior. An automated testing approach will have to auto-generate test cases, each being a pair (i; o) consisting of a test input i and an oracle o. The test input i has to be somewhat meaningful, and the oracle o can be very complicated to compute. Second, even in case where some testing technology has been developed that might improve current practice, it is then likely difficult to completely change the current behavior of the testing team unless the technique is obviously superior and does everything already done by existing technology. So is there an easier way to incorporate formal methods-based approaches than the full edged test revolution? Fortunately the answer is affirmative. A relatively simple approach is to benefit from possibly already existing logging infrastructure, which after all is part of most systems put in production. A log is a sequence of events, generated by special log recording statements, most often manually inserted in the code by the programmers. An event can be considered as a data record: a mapping from field names to values. We can analyze such a log using formal methods, for example checking it against a formal specification. This separates running the system for analyzing its behavior. It is not meant as an alternative to testing since it does not address the important in- put generation problem. However, it offers a solution which testing teams might accept since it has low impact on the existing process. A single person might be assigned to perform such log analysis, compared to the entire testing team changing behavior.

  18. The Log-Linear Return Approximation, Bubbles, and Predictability

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Engsted, Tom; Pedersen, Thomas Quistgaard; Tanggaard, Carsten


    We study in detail the log-linear return approximation introduced by Campbell and Shiller (1988a). First, we derive an upper bound for the mean approximation error, given stationarity of the log dividend-price ratio. Next, we simulate various rational bubbles which have explosive conditional expe...

  19. Logging a roadside stand to protect scenic values (United States)

    Philip M. McDonald; Raymond V. Whiteley


    A case study on the Challenge Experimental Forest, California, demonstrated that logging along roadsides need not despoil roadside stands. Nearly every tree was "viewed" before marking. Because of the "special-care" procedures followed, combined logging and slash-disposal cost was about twice that of a single-tree selection cut.

  20. SedMob: A mobile application for creating sedimentary logs in the field (United States)

    Wolniewicz, Pawel


    SedMob is an open-source, mobile software package for creating sedimentary logs, targeted for use in tablets and smartphones. The user can create an unlimited number of logs, save data from each bed in the log as well as export and synchronize the data with a remote server. SedMob is designed as a mobile interface to SedLog: a free multiplatform package for drawing graphic logs that runs on PC computers. Data entered into SedMob are saved in the CSV file format, fully compatible with SedLog.

  1. Gerencia logística y global

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pablo Cesar Ocampo Vélez


    Full Text Available La logística es una filosofía que se encarga de aplicar las buenas pá¡cticas en los macroprocesos, procesos, procedimientos, tareas y productos dentro de una organización, con el fin de satisfacer las necesidades del cliente, quien es la razón de ser de la empresa. Existen entes internacionales que velan porque las compañias en todo el mundo utilicen y difundan las diferentes disciplinas logísticas en toda la red de valor y tengan un mismo enfoque estratégico.El objetivo de este artículo es explicar la existencia de procesos y macroprocesos de clase mundial en la logística, gracias a los cuales hay una gran oportunidad de mejora para los empresarios colombianos, con el fin de reestructurar los procesos estratégicos, tácticos y operacionales de cada Unidad de Negocio, para que sean organizaciones más competitivas, que puedan enfrentar los tratados de libre comercio, brindando mayor sostenibilidad y óptimo nivel de servicio.

  2. Unification of acoustic drillhole logging data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oehman, I.; Palmen, J.; Heikkinen, E.


    Posiva Oy prepares for disposal of spent nuclear fuel in bedrock in Olkiluoto, Eurajoki. This is in accordance of the application filed in 1999, the Decision-in-Principle of the State Council in 2000, and ratification by the Parliament in 2001. The site characterization at Olkiluoto has included comprehensive geological, hydrological, geochemical and geophysical investigations airborne, on ground and in drillholes since 1988. One of key techniques in geophysical drillhole surveys has been acoustic full waveform logging, which has been implemented since 1994. Various tools have been used in acquisition of acoustic data and several processing techniques have been applied. The logging work and processing to P and S wave velocities has been previously carried out on single drillhole basis. Comparisons to actual values and levels have not been made, and the results have not been calibrated. Therefore results for different drillholes have not been comparable. Resolution of the P and S wave velocity has been rather coarse, and depth correlation to the core data has been on tentative level. As the investigation data has been accumulating, it has become possible to correlate the results to geological and laboratory control data and to calibrate the results of separate measurement campaigns and different drillholes together onto same reference level and resolution. The presented technique has been applied for drillhole OL-KR29 onwards and has set the processing standard, settings and reference levels for later surveys. This approach will further assist the application of the method for mapping and numerical description of lithology variation and possible effect of alteration and deformation on it. Further on, the P and S wave velocity data together with density can be used in computing of dynamic in situ rock mechanical parameters, and possibly in correlating rock strength laboratory data to P and S wave velocity logging data. The acoustic logging data from drillholes OL-KR1

  3. On the generation of log-Levy distributions and extreme randomness

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eliazar, Iddo; Klafter, Joseph


    The log-normal distribution is prevalent across the sciences, as it emerges from the combination of multiplicative processes and the central limit theorem (CLT). The CLT, beyond yielding the normal distribution, also yields the class of Levy distributions. The log-Levy distributions are the Levy counterparts of the log-normal distribution, they appear in the context of ultraslow diffusion processes, and they are categorized by Mandelbrot as belonging to the class of extreme randomness. In this paper, we present a natural stochastic growth model from which both the log-normal distribution and the log-Levy distributions emerge universally-the former in the case of deterministic underlying setting, and the latter in the case of stochastic underlying setting. In particular, we establish a stochastic growth model which universally generates Mandelbrot's extreme randomness. (paper)

  4. Log of Apollo 11. (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC.

    The major events of the first manned moon landing mission, Apollo 11, are presented in chronological order from launch time until arrival of the astronauts aboard the U.S.S. Hornet. The log is descriptive, non-technical, and includes numerous color photographs of the astronauts on the moon. (PR)

  5. The Spontaneous Ray Log: A New Aid for Constructing Pseudo-Synthetic Seismograms (United States)

    Quadir, Adnan; Lewis, Charles; Rau, Ruey-Juin


    Conventional synthetic seismograms for hydrocarbon exploration combine the sonic and density logs, whereas pseudo-synthetic seismograms are constructed with a density log plus a resistivity, neutron, gamma ray, or rarely a spontaneous potential log. Herein, we introduce a new technique for constructing a pseudo-synthetic seismogram by combining the gamma ray (GR) and self-potential (SP) logs to produce the spontaneous ray (SR) log. Three wells, each of which consisted of more than 1000 m of carbonates, sandstones, and shales, were investigated; each well was divided into 12 Groups based on formation tops, and the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (PCC) was calculated for each "Group" from each of the GR, SP, and SR logs. The highest PCC-valued log curves for each Group were then combined to produce a single log whose values were cross-plotted against the reference well's sonic ITT values to determine a linear transform for producing a pseudo-sonic (PS) log and, ultimately, a pseudo-synthetic seismogram. The range for the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) acceptable value for the pseudo-sonic logs of three wells was 78-83%. This technique was tested on three wells, one of which was used as a blind test well, with satisfactory results. The PCC value between the composite PS (SR) log with low-density correction and the conventional sonic (CS) log was 86%. Because of the common occurrence of spontaneous potential and gamma ray logs in many of the hydrocarbon basins of the world, this inexpensive and straightforward technique could hold significant promise in areas that are in need of alternate ways to create pseudo-synthetic seismograms for seismic reflection interpretation.

  6. SNS vil høre om det supplerende materiale giver anledning til ændringer i de tidligere fremsendte risikovurderinger. Gossypium hirsutum (281-24-236/3006-210-23). Supplerende materiale til sagen (Four questions: Molecular characterisation / Food-feed assessment). Modtaget 12-12-2005, deadline 16

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjellsson, Gøsta; Damgaard, Christian; Strandberg, Morten Tune


    "DMU finder at det nye materiale om den molekulære karakterisering af 281-24-236x3006-210-23 bomulden, ikke giver anledning til at ændre den tidligere riskovurdering. Vedr. spørgsmål 1 er det i svaret fra anmelderen blevet tilfredsstillende redegjort for hvilket materiale der blev anvendt. Vedr s...

  7. Economic incentives exist to support measures to reduce illegal logging (United States)

    J.A. Turner; J. Buongiorno; A. Katz; S. Zhu; R. Li


    Three studies of the global economic implications of eliminating illegal logging are summarized. Processors of illegally sourced wood would lose from the elimination of illegal logging through high prices for logs and decreased production of wood products. Associated with these changes could be losses in employment and income. Beyond these losses to the processing...

  8. Interactive machine learning for postprocessing CT images of hardwood logs (United States)

    Erol Sarigul; A. Lynn Abbott; Daniel L. Schmoldt


    This paper concerns the nondestructive evaluation of hardwood logs through the analysis of computed tomography (CT) images. Several studies have shown that the commercial value of resulting boards can be increased substantially if log sawing strategies are chosen using prior knowledge of internal log defects. Although CT imaging offers a potential means of obtaining...

  9. A novel method for quantitative geosteering using azimuthal gamma-ray logging. (United States)

    Yuan, Chao; Zhou, Cancan; Zhang, Feng; Hu, Song; Li, Chaoliu


    A novel method for quantitative geosteering by using azimuthal gamma-ray logging is proposed. Real-time up and bottom gamma-ray logs when a logging tool travels through a boundary surface with different relative dip angles are simulated with the Monte Carlo method. Study results show that response points of up and bottom gamma-ray logs when the logging tool moves towards a highly radioactive formation can be used to predict the relative dip angle, and then the distance from the drilling bit to the boundary surface is calculated. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. FluDetWeb: an interactive web-based system for the early detection of the onset of influenza epidemics. (United States)

    Conesa, David; López-Quílez, Antonio; Martínez-Beneito, Miguel Angel; Miralles, María Teresa; Verdejo, Francisco


    The early identification of influenza outbreaks has became a priority in public health practice. A large variety of statistical algorithms for the automated monitoring of influenza surveillance have been proposed, but most of them require not only a lot of computational effort but also operation of sometimes not-so-friendly software. In this paper, we introduce FluDetWeb, an implementation of a prospective influenza surveillance methodology based on a client-server architecture with a thin (web-based) client application design. Users can introduce and edit their own data consisting of a series of weekly influenza incidence rates. The system returns the probability of being in an epidemic phase (via e-mail if desired). When the probability is greater than 0.5, it also returns the probability of an increase in the incidence rate during the following week. The system also provides two complementary graphs. This system has been implemented using statistical free-software (R and WinBUGS), a web server environment for Java code (Tomcat) and a software module created by us (Rdp) responsible for managing internal tasks; the software package MySQL has been used to construct the database management system. The implementation is available on-line from: The ease of use of FluDetWeb and its on-line availability can make it a valuable tool for public health practitioners who want to obtain information about the probability that their system is in an epidemic phase. Moreover, the architecture described can also be useful for developers of systems based on computationally intensive methods.

  11. Geophysical logging for mineral exploration and development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Plouffe, R.D.


    It is possible to retrieve from small-diameter holes geophysical data for qualitative interpretation in exploration and quantitative interpretation in the development of orebodies. The primary objectives in the exploration stage are to identify where, within a hole, economic minerals are, and to help in lithological interpretations. Other aspects, which are more quantitative, are the interpretation of downhole logs for parameters which can be used in surface geophysical methods (i.e. density for gravity surveys, acoustic velocities for seismic surveys, and magnetic susceptibility for airborne and ground magnetic surveys). Recent advances in equipment design, portability and durability have made downhole logging in exploration more inexpensive and reliable. This new equipment is being used to generate very precise quantitative results. This is especially true on uranium development projects. The interpretation of gamma logs for eU 3 O 8 values has finally become precise enough that they have begun to replace chemical values in reserve calculations. Another part of development data is density and equilibrium information, which, with today's technology, is being derived from downhole probing. In the years to come, the trends for many metals are toward neutron activation techniques, or in-situ assaying, and the use of multiple logs for better lithological and physical rock property determinations. (auth)

  12. Log-periodic dipole antenna with low cross-polarization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pivnenko, Sergey


    In this work, log-periodic antennas with improved cross-polarization level were studied. It was found that some modifications of the traditional design lead to an essential improvement of the co-to-cross polarization ratio up to 40 dB. An improved design of a log-periodic dipole antenna with low...

  13. The Supermalt identity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bech-Larsen, Tino; Esbjerg, Lars; Grunert, Klaus G.


    on consumers' self-identities. The second part explored the role of food and beverage products in the construction of self-identities. The final part focused on the construction of brand identity for Supermalt. Findings - The article provides information on the self-identities constructed by Afro......-Caribbean informants. The food and beverage consumption of informants reflects their mixed cultural identity. The brand identity Supermalt appears to be malleable, with ample room for consumer co-construction. Perceptions of brand identity differ markedly among informants, who are all able to construct Supermalt......Purpose - The objective of this article is to conduct a case study of the Supermalt brand of malt beer, which has become the preferred beverage of Afro-Caribbean consumers in Brixton on a very limited marketing budget. Design/methodology/approach - The article uses the concepts of personal identity...

  14. Mitigating Hillslope Erosion After Post-fire Salvage Logging Operations (United States)

    Robichaud, P. R.; Bone, E. D.; Brown, R. E.


    In the past decades, wildfires around the world have continued to increase in size, severity, and cost. Major concerns after wildfires are the increased runoff and erosion due to loss of the protective forest floor layer, loss of water storage, and creation of water repellent soil conditions. Salvage logging is often a post-fire forest management action to recoup the economic loss of the burned timber, yet concerns arise on the impacts of this activity on water quality. Recently, several studies have been conducted to determine the effect of salvage logging on hillslope erosion. Logging skid trails have been cited as being the cause of high erosion during and after salvage operations. We investigated the impacts of adding operational logging slash to skid trails to reduce hillslope erosion after salvage operations on the 2015 North Star Fire, Washington. We implemented well-designed rapid response approach to compare slash treatment effectiveness by monitoring sediment yield and runoff response from hillslopes with a concentrated flow (rill) experiment. Various runoff amounts are incrementally added to 4 m hillslope plots with and without slash treatments. Our initial results suggest that adding logging slash increased ground cover significantly which contributed to an order of magnitude decrease in hillslope erosion. Integrating erosion mitigation strategies into salvage logging operations should be commonplace when hillslope erosion is a concern.

  15. Fashioning Identity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mackinney-Valentin, Maria

    We dress to communicate who we are, or who we would like others to think we are, telling seductive fashion narratives through our adornment. Yet, today, fashion has been democratized through high-low collaborations, social media and real-time fashion mediation, complicating the basic dynamic...... of identity displays, and creating tension between personal statements and social performances. Fashioning Identity explores how this tension is performed through fashion production and consumption,by examining a diverse series of case studies - from ninety-year old fashion icons to the paradoxical rebellion...... by readdressing Fred Davis' seminal concept of 'identity ambivalence' in Fashion, Culture and Identity (1992), Mackinney-Valentin argues that we are in an epoch of 'status ambivalence', in which fashioning one's own identity has become increasingly complicated....

  16. Smartphone log data in a qualitative perspective

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ørmen, Jacob; Thorhauge, Anne Mette


    into studies of smartphones in everyday life. Through an illustrative study, we explore a more nuanced perspective on what can be considered “log data” and how these types of data can be collected and analysed. A qualitative approach to log data analysis offers researchers new opportunities to situate......Log data from smartphones have primarily been used in large-scale research designs to draw statistical inferences from hundreds or even thousands of participants. In this article, we argue that more qualitatively oriented designs can also benefit greatly from integrating these rich data sources...... serve as cues to instigate discussion and reflection as well as act as resources for contextualizing and organizing related empirical material. In the discussion, the advantages of a qualitative perspective for research designs are assessed in relation to issues of validity. Further perspectives...

  17. Utilization and cost of log production from animal loging operations (United States)

    Suraj P. Shrestha; Bobby L. Lanford; Robert B. Rummer; Mark Dubois


    Forest harvesting with animals is a labor-intensive operation. It is expensive to use machines on smaller woodlots, which require frequent moves if mechanically logged. So, small logging systems using animals may be more cost effective. In this study, work sampling was used for five animal logging operations in Alabama to measure productive and non-productive time...

  18. Dimension yields from short logs of low-quality hardwood trees. (United States)

    Howard N. Rosen; Harold A. Stewart; David J. Polak


    Charts are presented for determining yields of 4/4 dimension cuttings from short hardwood logs of aspen, soft maple, black cherry, yellow-poplar, and black walnut for several cutting grades and bolt sizes. Cost comparisons of short log and standard grade mixes show sizes. Cost comparisons of short log and standard grade mixes show the estimated least expensive...

  19. Research on Test-bench for Sonic Logging Tool

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xianping Liu


    Full Text Available In this paper, the test-bench for sonic logging tool is proposed and designed to realize automatic calibration and testing of the sonic logging tool. The test-bench System consists of Host Computer, Embedded Controlling Board, and functional boards. The Host Computer serves as the Human Machine Interface (HMI and processes uploaded data. The software running on Host Computer is designed on VC++, which is developed based on multithreading, Dynamic Linkable Library (DLL and Multiple Document Interface (MDI techniques. The Embedded Controlling Board uses ARM7 as the microcontroller and communicates with Host Computer via Ethernet. The Embedded Controlling Board software is realized based on embedded uclinux operating system with a layered architecture. The functional boards are designed based on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA and provide test interfaces for the logging tool. The functional board software is divided into independent sub-modules that can repeatedly be used by various functional boards and then integrated those sub-modules in the top layer. With the layered architecture and modularized design, the software system is highly reliable and extensible. With the help of designed system, a test has been conducted quickly and successfully on the electronic receiving cabin of the sonic logging tool. It demonstrated that the system could greatly improve the production efficiency of the sonic logging tool.

  20. Kaizen aplicado à logística


    Santos, Ana Catarina Almeida


    O presente trabalho propõe alcançar um aumento de produtividade e consequente redução de custos e desperdícios ajudando o departamento logístico da Empresa Revigrés – Industria de Revestimentos de Grés, Lda, a tornar-se mais eficiente, através da aplicação da filosofia kaizen que propõe melhorias no desempenho por implementação de pequenas ações. O objetivo deste projeto é a melhoria do departamento logístico globalmente, para isso houve o recurso a pesquisas e levantamento ...