
Sample records for humor om te

  1. Mogelijkheden om vroeg tijdig bladrandproblemen te signaleren met MIPS bij Hortensia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Noort, van F.R.; Jalink, H.


    Met geavanceerde camera technieken zijn beelden vast te leggen van fotosynthese activiteit en het is ook mogelijk gebleken om bladgedeelten met stress vast te leggen, zonder dat deze stress met het blote oog al te zien is. Dit opent perspectieven om monitorringonderzoek te doen naar het ontstaan van

  2. Om te staak of nie te staak nie? Die sieninge van 'n aantal swart ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Erna Kinsey

    sig, is eerstens om ondersoek in te stel na 'n groep swart opvoeders se sieninge oor opvoeders se reg om te staak. Tweedens sal na die redes wat hierdie opvoeders aanvoer waarom hulle al aan stakings deel- geneem het of sal deelneem, gelet word. Derdens sal die redes waarom sommige opvoeders nie sal staak nie, ...

  3. Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato: een strategie om leerlingen te helpen hun antwoorden op examenvragen te verbeteren

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kneppers, L.


    In Tutor2u las ik dat in een workshop een strategie was besproken om leerlingen te helpen hun examenantwoorden vollediger en juister te formuleren. De strategie heet in Groot Brittannië BLT, voor leerlingen daar gemakkelijk te onthouden vanwege de populaire Bacon, Lettuce en Tomato sandwich.

  4. Bruggen bouwen; Havisten leren om coherente teksten te schrijven

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elving, Klaske; van den Bergh, H.H.


    Havo 5-leerlingen slagen er onvoldoende in om coherente teksten te schrijven. Vaak bestaan de teksten die zij schrijven voor het schoolexamen (veelal betogen, beschouwingen) uit losse mededelingen, zonder onderling verband. Klaske Elving en Huub van den Bergh onderzochten of de topical structure

  5. MARVEL om de effecten van IGP in kaart te brengen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hengst-Bruggeling, M. den; Heesmans, S.; Graaf, H.A.L.M. de


    Informatiegestuurde politie betekent dat op basis van actuele en betrouwbare informatie en analyses, rationele keuzes worden gemaakt, waardoor mensen en middelen optimaal kunnen worden ingezet en de bedrijfsdoelen worden bereikt. Een belangrijke reden om informatiegestuurde politie (IGP) te

  6. De inzet van kruiden om agressie bij mannelijke ongecastreerde varkens te verminderen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Asseldonk, van A.G.M.


    Vanuit het project antibioticavermindering in de biologische varkenshouderij is aan het Institute for Ethnobotany and Zoopharmacognosy (IEZ) de vraag gesteld of kruiden kunnen helpen om de agressie bij ongecastreerde mannelijke varkens (beren) te verminderen.

  7. Ontwerp van een interventie om de groenteconsumptie van jongeren te verhogen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gilissen, L.J.W.J.; Meer, van der I.M.; Reinders, M.J.; Sluis, van der A.A.; Woltering, E.J.


    In dit rapport zullen verschillende mogelijke strategieën besproken worden die ingezet kunnen worden om de consumptie van groenten door jongeren te verhogen. De centrale vragen van dit onderzoek zijn: 1) Hoe kunnen groenten in het eetpatroon van jongeren een vaste plek van voldoende omvang krijgen?

  8. Energiezuinige teeltsturing bij paprika : proof of principle : testen van dynamische optimalisatie als methode om doelgerichte sturing van de teelt te combineren met energiebesparing

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Buwalda, F.; Zwart, de H.F.; Henten, van E.J.; Gelder, de A.; Hemming, J.; Bontsema, J.; Lagas, P.; Mark, van der C.


    De noodzaak om efficiënt met energie om te gaan en de uitstoot van CO2 te beperken, wordt niet alleen door de maatschappij aan de sector opgelegd, maar komt ook voort uit economische noodzaak. In verschillende proeven is aangetoond dat winst valt te behalen door af te wijken van de gangbare

  9. 'n Lied moet klink om gehoor te word ... : Faktore wat die resepsie ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    17 Apr 2013 ... The Authors. Licensee: AOSIS. OpenJournals. This work is licensed under the. Creative Commons. Attribution License. 'n Lied moet klink om gehoor te word ... : Faktore wat die resepsie van kerkliedere kan beïnvloed. A hymn must be sung to be heard ... : Aspects that could influence the reception of hymns.

  10. Nieuwe technieken om spuiwater te zuiveren zijn veelbelovend (interview met o.a. Erik van Os)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Arkesteijn, M.; Os, van E.A.


    TNO en Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw hebben samen een proefproject gedaan met twee veelbelovende technieken om spuiwater te zuiveren: omgekeerde osmose en membraandestillatie. Deze test vond plaats bij Olij Rozen in De Kwakel. Technisch gezien voldoen beide technieken.

  11. Dialogmøte om teknologi for trenging av fisk i merd


    Henriksen, Kristian; Sunde, Leif Magne; Digre, Hanne; Svendsen, Erik; Rundtop, Per; Erikson, Ulf Gøran


    SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk arrangerte den 19. mars 2013, i samarbeid med Fiskeri- og havbruksnæringens forskningsfond (FHF), et dialogmøte med fokus på teknologi for trenging av fisk i merd. Under møtet ble status for gjeldene teknologi og operasjoner for trenging av fisk i merd, samt resultater fra forskningsprosjekter tilknyttet trengeprosessen, presentert. Videre ble det samlet innspill om utfordringer tilknyttet trenging av fisk i produksjons- og ventemerd fra oppdrettsbedrifter, leverandø...

  12. Ontwerpen van onderwijs om ‘self-directed learning’ te stimuleren [Desiging instruction to foster self-directed learning

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brand-Gruwel, Saskia


    Brand-Gruwel, S. (2010, March). Ontwerpen van onderwijs om ‘self-directed learning’ te stimuleren [Desiging instruction to foster self-directed learning]. Key-note presented at the 3th 4C/ID-conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

  13. Meer proeven nodig om effect van hogere F-scatterwaarde te achterhalen : diffuus glas komt in de fase van fine-tuning (interview met Silke Hemming en Tom Dueck)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kierkels, T.; Hemming, S.; Dueck, T.A.


    Diffuus glas is over vijftien jaar de standaard. Wie nu nieuw bouwt, heeft veel goede redenen om voor diffuus te kiezen en vrijwel geen om het te laten, zeggen Silke Hemming en Tom Dueck van Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw. De inzichten in het nut van diffuus licht én de technische ontwikkelingen

  14. Meer proeven nodig om effect van hogere F-scatterwaarde te achterhalen : diffuus glas komt in de fase van fine-tuning (interview met Silke Hemming en Tom Dueck)


    Kierkels, T.; Hemming, S.; Dueck, T.A.


    Diffuus glas is over vijftien jaar de standaard. Wie nu nieuw bouwt, heeft veel goede redenen om voor diffuus te kiezen en vrijwel geen om het te laten, zeggen Silke Hemming en Tom Dueck van Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw. De inzichten in het nut van diffuus licht én de technische ontwikkelingen schrijden nog elk jaar voort. Een update.

  15. Aardkastanje, onopvallend en te weinig om te eten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Spruijt, T.


    Hij staat vanaf half juni volop in bloei, maar wordt door weinigen gezien. Hoewel een zoektocht op Google anders doet vermoeden, wordt hij niet meer gegeten. De Aardkastanje is daarvoor te onopvallend en te zeldzaam in Nederland. Toch is het een bijzondere schermbloem.

  16. Å skape et begrep om jam i utforskningen av en deleuziansk metode-ontologi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ola Harstad


    Full Text Available Å forske med kunsten innebærer ikke bare valget av visse metoder for bruk i forskningsprosessen, men også om å ha til disposisjon spesifikke måter å tenke om metode. I denne artikkelen vil jeg synliggjøre en tenkemåte fundert i arbeidet med en skjønnlitterær lesesirkel for lærerstudenter, og min egen erfaring som improvisasjonsmusiker. Jazzens begrep om jam blir løftet frem som omdreiningspunkt for tenkemåten, som ellers har sitt teoretiske utspring i den franske filosofen Gilles Deleuze’s forestilling om bliven. Denne vitale forestillingen innebærer at verden produseres kontinuerlig, noe forskeren også bidrar til. Koblingen mellom jam, litteratur og Deleuze synliggjør dessuten en måte å tenke om metode på som understreker at det å forske med kunsten ikke bare betyr å forske på kunsten, men at kunsten på ulike måter kan virke inn på selve forskningen og slik også bidra til å affirmere verden i sin bliven. I tillegg til å tilby en måte å tenke om metode for den som skal forske med kunsten, er hensikten med artikkelen å gjøre forskeren bevisst sin egen tenkning om metode, noe som er viktig siden denne skaper mulighetsbetingelser for metodevalg og -bruk.

  17. Draaiboek Gedragsverandering

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Renes, R.J.; Hermsen, Sander


    Er wordt van alles uit de kast gehaald om het gedrag van mensen te veranderen: humor, celebrities, nudging en veel (te veel) informatie. Gedragsverandering is een actueel onderwerp: jongeren moeten minder drinken, autorijders voorzichtiger rijden, medewerkers stressvrijer werken. Bij de overheid,

  18. Die skrywer. Esta Steyn. Kaapstad: Tafelberg, 2012. 214 pp. ISBN ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ningsromans in Duits, is die Christelike ele- mente en die humor. Die straatslim Anabella wat twee plaaswerkers aansê om nie die Here se naam te misbruik nie, toon kenmerke van die heldin in 'n Afrikaanse liefdesverhaal. Hierdie roman sal byval vind by lesers wat. Esta Steyn se vorige romans geniet het. Die humor in die ...

  19. Laughter in the Old Testament: A hotchpotch of humour, mockery and rejoicing?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hennie A. J. Kruger


    Full Text Available Aspects of humour appearing in society, religion, literature and speech have been discussed.The article investigated in particular the current tendency to interpret certain passages inthe Bible as evidence of humorous traits. In these cases humour is taken as an interpretative key. A prerequisite to provide a hermeneutical basis for reading the Old Testament in terms of humour has been discussed. A few texts that present Yahweh as laughing have been considered. Lag in die Ou Testament: ’n Mengelmoes van humor, bespotting en vreugde? Aspekte van humor wat in die gemeenskap, godsdiens, literatuur en omgangstaal voorkom, word bespreek. Die artikel gee veral aandag aan die huidige neiging om sekere tekste in die Bybel as voorbeelde wat humoristiese trekke vertoon, te verstaan. In sulke gevalle word die humorbegrip as ’n interpretasiesleutel hanteer. Die voorvereiste vir ’n hermeneutiese basis om die humorbegrip in die Ou Testament te verstaan, word bespreek. Enkele tekste waarin verwys word na die Here wat lag, word ook ondersoek.

  20. Filosofie van het kijken: Tevreden koe maalt niet om haar psyche.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boon, Mieke; Steenhuis, Peter Henk


    Museumbezoekers blijven negen seconden voor een schilderij staan. Veel te kort om er recht aan te doen. Maar als je langer wilt kijken, hoe moet je dat doen? In samenspraak met Peter Henk Steenhuis onderricht filosofe Mieke Boon over de filosofie van het kijken. Vandaag: de koeien van Willem Maris

  1. Die gebruik van 'n handpop as mede- terapeut en 'n vyfjarige ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    waarmee Billy Beer werk en elemente soos humor en herhaling word gebruik om ouderdomstoepaslik teenoor haar te reageer en op so manier haar unieke. “taal” te praat. In die res van die artikel word eerstens aandag gegee aan sake van 'n metodologiese aard, insluitende die gebruik van die sentrale metafoor van 'n.

  2. Shielding properties of 80TeO2-5TiO2-(15-x) WO3-xAnOm glasses using WinXCom and MCNP5 code (United States)

    Dong, M. G.; El-Mallawany, R.; Sayyed, M. I.; Tekin, H. O.


    Gamma ray shielding properties of 80TeO2-5TiO2-(15-x) WO3-xAnOm glasses, where AnOm is Nb2O5 = 0.01, 5, Nd2O3 = 3, 5 and Er2O3 = 5 mol% have been achieved. Shielding parameters; mass attenuation coefficients, half value layers, and macroscopic effective removal cross section for fast neutrons have been computed by using WinXCom program and MCNP5 Monte Carlo code. In addition, by using Geometric Progression method (G-P), exposure buildup factor values were also calculated. Variations of shielding parameters are discussed for the effect of REO addition into the glasses and photon energy.

  3. De strijd om de richting van de Westerse cultuur


    Schuurman, E.


    Herbert Marcuse is de belangrijkste vertegenwoordiger van de culturele revolutie van de twintigste eeuw. Hij vertegenwoordigt de weerstand in de Westerse cultuur tegen het wetenschappelijk-technisch ideaal van de Verlichting. Zijn vrijheidsideaal heeft niettemin dezelfde wortels. Sinds de Verlichting wordt de Westerse cultuur beheerst door de strijd tussen deze twee idealen. Om de strijd te verminderen en de spanning in de cultuur te laten afnemen, is een transformatie van de cultuur noodzake...

  4. Humor e ficção na produção de conteúdos audiovisuais


    Noras, Francisco Miguel Raimundo


    O presente relatório de estágio reflete sobre a produção de conteúdos audiovisuais no Canal Q, com base no Humor e na Ficção. A ele adjacente, encontramos uma reflexão teórica sobre o poder do Humor, enquanto instrumento de comunicação, ao longo da história. Este trabalho pondera a relação partilhada entre o riso, Humor e, em última ...

  5. Lower cost, more comfort. Simulation software for interactive building sessions; Lagere kosten, meer comfort. Simulatiesoftware maakt weg vrij voor interactieve bouwsessies Steeds meer opdrachtgevers en projectontwikkelaars realiseren zich dat de levensduurkosten van een gebouw een veelvoud van de investering kunnen zijn. Om beslissingen te kunnen nemen die deze kosten kunnen bemvloeden is het belangrijk om al in de ontwerpfase met het complete (bouw)team verschillende alternatieven door te rekenen. Een gebouwsi- mulatiesysteem kan hierbij uitkomst bieden.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lankhoorn, B. [Schouten Techniek, Zwaag (Netherlands)


    More and more clients and project developers realize that the life cycle cost of a building can be a multiple of the investment. To be able to make the right decision to lower the cost it is important to calculate different alternatives already in the design phase with the complete (construction) team. A building simulation system can be the solution [Dutch] Steeds meer opdrachtgevers en projectontwikkelaars realiseren zich dat de levensduurkosten van een gebouw een veelvoud van de investering kunnen zijn. Om beslissingen te kunnen nemen die deze kosten kunnen bemvloeden is het belangrijk om al in de ontwerpfase met het complete (bouw)team verschillende alternatieven door te rekenen. Een gebouwsi- mulatiesysteem kan hierbij uitkomst bieden.

  6. Slagkracht is nodig om Nederland te beschermen en economische kansen voor cybersecurity te verzilveren

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zielstra, A.


    Digitale bedrijvigheid zorgde de afgelopen 25 jaar voor ruim een derde van alle economische groei. Meer dan 5 procent van ons bnp verdienen we met ICT. Nederland heeft een toppositie in de wereld als het gaat om de digitale economie. Maar het is niet vanzelfsprekend dat we die behouden. Volgens

  7. Making humor together: phenomenology and interracial humor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael D. Barber


    Full Text Available This paper explains humor through phenomenological concepts and methods. The three major theories of humor: Superiority, Relief, and Incongruity depend on the thwarting of intentional expectations. Since one experiences an incongruity between what is intended and what is actually experienced, the incongruity theory affords the best explanation, but intentionality remains fundamental for all theories. Theorists of humor rightly insist that the enjoyment of humorous incongruity completes the definition of humor, but such enjoyment also depends on a special epoché, usually elicited by the cues of an interlocutor who invites the listener to leap together into the humorous finite province of meaning. In this province, actions and statements, hurtful in everyday life, such as a pie thrown at someone who ducks as the pie hits another, produce laughter. This comic epoché resembles the phenomenological epoché in its distancing from everyday life, and, like the phenomenological epoché, it opens everyday experience to reflection. Although one often experiences and enjoys humor alone, humor is thoroughly intersubjective and more frequently occurs when two persons participate in the humorous epoché together. The opportunities for making humor together are enhanced to the extent the partners differ in their expectations and responses to situations. Those differences, including bodily differences, often result from the complex intersubjective networks, including culture. As in the case of a seemingly solitary activity like reflection, which one learns from others and exercises on one’s own autonomously, one internalizes others’ styles of humor and discovers such internalization through reflection on one’s «because motives». On the basis of these features – intentionality, epoché, and intersubjectivity, the paper concludes by briefly examining an example of interracial humor. Despite the racist character of much interracial humor, the example

  8. Kultur-retur: Historien om et tatoveret hoveds rejse gennem museumsverdenen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Helle


    I 1998 overdrog Nationalmuseet et tatoveret hoved af en mand fra New Zealands indfødte befolkning, maorierne, til New Zealands nationalmuseum, Te Papa Tongarewa. En sådan hjemsendelse rummer sin egen historie om kulturel udvikling, som nok er værd at se på....

  9. TeSLA presentatie voor medewerkers van AMN

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Janssen, José


    Presentatie over Online toetsen voor medewerkers van AMN ( Topics: assessment onderzoek Welten-instituut en meer in het bijzonder het TeSLA project waarin instrumenten voor authenticatie en auteurschap verificatie worden gecombineerd om betrouwbaar toetsen op afstand mogelijk te maken.

  10. Illegale immigratie heeft ineens weer de aandacht van het OM.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    R.H.J.M. Staring (Richard)


    markdownabstract__Abstract__ Ze komen met de bus via de N35 bij Enschede het land binnen. Of met de auto over de A76 langs Heerlen. Via een vlucht naar Schiphol. Of ze worden alleen op de luchthaven afgezet om het te laten líjken alsof ze met het vliegtuig zijn gekomen.

  11. Freud kon ook geestig zijn [Boekbespreking van: Lütkehaus, L. (Hrsg.), Freud zum Vergnügen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Thoomes, D.T.


    Humor is niet het eerste waar men aan denkt bij de psychoanalyse. Een serieuze wetenschappeljke benadering van psychische aandoeningen en patiënten met vaak zware klachten. Toch stelde Freud zich aan het begin van zijn loopbaan als therapeut ten doel om hysterische mensen te veranderen in 'gewone

  12. Het optimale pluktijdstip is te voorspellen : rode bessen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Westra, E.H.; Verschoor, J.A.


    Voor de lange bewaring van rode bessen moeten telers op het juiste moment plukken. Te vroeg oogsten geeft uitval door rot. Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research (voorheen AFSG) ontwikkelde een voorspellingsmodel om het optimale pluktijdstip te kunnen bepalen op basis van de temperatuur in de

  13. Humor i dansk TV-reklame. Et middel på tværs af livsstil?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stigel, Jørgen


    Udgangspunktet for denne artikel er, at humor spiller en relativt dominerende  rolle i dansk tv-reklame, og at der dermed er tale om en stilart, som i høj grad søger at vinde tilslutning og sympati igennem en inkluderende henvendelsesmodus. Man kunne fristes til at antage, at dette skulle hænge...... sammen med en særlig dansk mentalitet, og at humor er mere eller mindre uomgængelig, hvis man vil have danske forbrugere i tale. Dette forhold kontrasteres med den tænkning i livsstile, som er blevet dominerende, dvs. en tænkning, der grundlæggende søger at udskille bestemte forbrugertyper eller -grupper...... og altså grundlæggende skiller eller ekskluderer i segmenter, målgrupper og værdifællesskaber og dermed i princippet også dikterer en udformning af kommunikationen, der sætter skel. Artiklens pointe er, at humor i flere henseender kan være en pragmatisk måde at omgå en række af de problemer, som...

  14. AMS Mathematical Review of the book "Géométrie discrète et images numériques" (French)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Anton, François


    (through implict surfaces with skeletons, chapter 18), applications of discrete geometry to medical imaging (chapter 19) and generalization of discrete geometry objects and operators to multiresolution grids (chapter 20). This book presents very interesting mathematical methodological tools from discrete......This is the AMS Mathematical Review for the book: Géométrie discrète et images numériques [Discrete geometry and numerical images] Edited by David Coeurjolly, Annick Montanvert and Jean-Marc Chassery. Traité IC2. Série Signal et Image. [IC2 Treatise. Series Signal and Image] Hermes Science......”. The book is structured in five parts. The first part (chapters 2 through 4) presents the general mathematical foundations of discrete geometry and topology: arithmetic (chapter 2, which is later referred to in chapters 6, 7 and 11), topology (chapter 3, which is referred to in chapter 8) and combinatorics...

  15. Humor. (United States)

    Woodbury-Fariña, Michel A; Antongiorgi, Joalex L


    Humor has not been taken as seriously as it should be. Humor has many positive effects in the daily lives of patients and clinicians need to take advantage of these. Many indices of stress are attenuated and this serves to improve the therapeutic alliance. Freudian, rational emotive therapy, and kleinian views are presented, as well as examples of how to use playful therapy. In addition, advice on how to develop humor is given. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. To Be or Not To Be Humorous? Cross Cultural Perspectives on Humor. (United States)

    Yue, Xiaodong; Jiang, Feng; Lu, Su; Hiranandani, Neelam


    Humor seems to manifest differently in Western and Eastern cultures, although little is known about how culture shapes humor perceptions. The authors suggest that Westerners regard humor as a common and positive disposition; the Chinese regard humor as a special disposition particular to humorists, with controversial aspects. In Study 1, Hong Kong participants primed with Western culture evaluate humor more positively than they do when primed with Chinese culture. In Study 2a, Canadians evaluate humor as being more important in comparison with Chinese participants. In Study 2b, Canadians expect ordinary people to possess humor, while Chinese expect specialized comedians to be humorous. The implications and limitations are discussed.

  17. Overtone Mobility Spectrometry: Part 4. OMS-OMS Analyses of Complex Mixtures (United States)

    Kurulugama, Ruwan T.; Nachtigall, Fabiane M.; Valentine, Stephen J.; Clemmer, David E.


    A new, two-dimensional overtone mobility spectrometry (OMS-OMS) instrument is described for the analysis of complex peptide mixtures. OMS separations are based on the differences in mobilities of ions in the gas phase. The method utilizes multiple drift regions with modulated drift fields such that only ions with appropriate mobilities are transmitted to the detector. Here we describe a hybrid OMS-OMS combination that utilizes two independently operated OMS regions that are separated by an ion activation region. Mobility-selected ions from the first OMS region are exposed to energizing collisions and may undergo structural transitions before entering the second OMS region. This method generates additional peak capacity and allows for higher selectivity compared with the one-dimensional OMS method. We demonstrate the approach using a three-protein tryptic digest spiked with the peptide Substance P. The [M + 3H]3+ ion from Substance P can be completely isolated from other components in this complex mixture prior to introduction into the mass spectrometer.

  18. Personality, Humor Styles and Happiness: Happy People Have Positive Humor Styles (United States)

    Ford, Thomas E.; Lappi, Shaun K.; Holden, Christopher J.


    The present study examined the relationships between four personality traits, humor styles, and happiness. Replicating previous research, happiness was positively correlated with four personality traits: extraversion, locus of control, self-esteem, and optimism. Further, happiness positively related to self-enhancing and affiliative humor styles; it related negatively to self-defeating and aggressive humor styles. Thus, happy people habitually engage in positive uses of humor and avoid engaging in negative uses of humor in daily life. We also found support for our hypothesis. People high in extraversion, locus of control, self-esteem, and optimism are happier because they engage in positive humor in daily life. PMID:27547251

  19. Personality, Humor Styles and Happiness: Happy People Have Positive Humor Styles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas E. Ford


    Full Text Available The present study examined the relationships between four personality traits, humor styles, and happiness. Replicating previous research, happiness was positively correlated with four personality traits: extraversion, locus of control, self-esteem, and optimism. Further, happiness positively related to self-enhancing and affiliative humor styles; it related negatively to self-defeating and aggressive humor styles. Thus, happy people habitually engage in positive uses of humor and avoid engaging in negative uses of humor in daily life. We also found support for our hypothesis. People high in extraversion, locus of control, self-esteem, and optimism are happier because they engage in positive humor in daily life.

  20. Personality, Humor Styles and Happiness: Happy People Have Positive Humor Styles. (United States)

    Ford, Thomas E; Lappi, Shaun K; Holden, Christopher J


    The present study examined the relationships between four personality traits, humor styles, and happiness. Replicating previous research, happiness was positively correlated with four personality traits: extraversion, locus of control, self-esteem, and optimism. Further, happiness positively related to self-enhancing and affiliative humor styles; it related negatively to self-defeating and aggressive humor styles. Thus, happy people habitually engage in positive uses of humor and avoid engaging in negative uses of humor in daily life. We also found support for our hypothesis. People high in extraversion, locus of control, self-esteem, and optimism are happier because they engage in positive humor in daily life.

  1. Betrouwbaar toetsen op Afstand: Auteurschap. TeSLA docent workshop

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brouns, Francis; Janssen, José


    In de workshop wordt ingegaan op technologie die ingezet kan worden om toetsen op afstand betrouwbaar af te nemen door instrumenten en technologie in te zetten voor vaststellen van identiteit van persoon en auteurschap van product. Uitgelegd wordt hoe dit in yOUlearn ingezet kan worden in het kader

  2. Die integrasie van humoristiese tekste by taalonderwys om studente se emosionele geletterdheid te ontwikkel: ’n gevallestudie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. Kruger


    Full Text Available The integration of humorous texts in language education to develop students’ emotional literacy: a case study The integration of humorous material in language teaching can be instrumental in the development of emotional literacy, thereby fostering an aesthetic sensitivity in student teachers (as learners in different social contexts. Texts containing humour can play a significant role in the development of learners’ understanding and appreciation of a language, as well as the cultural heritage it embodies. Furthermore, it offers learners the opportunity to become creatively and imaginatively involved with oral, visual and written texts. The article illustrates how the application of humorous material in the teaching of Afrikaans is not only rooted in responsive education, but complies with the objectives of the South African teaching policy documents. By concentrating on a literature review of research studies, the authors point out the correlation between humour and various factors that influence learners’ and students’ affective behaviour in the context of the language classroom. Particular reference is made to research results indicating that the use of humour induces a more positive attitude, while also motivating students (as learners to participate constructively in language activities. Attention is also paid to the relationship between different personality types (based on cognitive style and anxiety. Moreover, the established link between humour and anxiety justifies the inclusion of humorous texts to reduce language-related anxiety. Ultimately the research serves to support the authors’ argument in favour of incorporating humorous material in the teaching of Afrikaans, while several (practical teaching strategies are suggested. The authors hope to enhance the educational value by pursuing a holistic approach to language teaching.

  3. Neuropsychology of humor: an introduction. Part II. Humor and the brain. (United States)

    Derouesné, Christian


    Impairment of the perception or comprehension of humor is observed in patients with focal brain lesions in both hemispheres, but mainly in the right frontal lobe. Studies by functional magnetic resonance imaging in healthy subjects show that humor is associated with activation of two main neural systems in both hemispheres. The detection and resolution of incongruity, cognitive groundings of humor, are associated with activation of the medial prefrontal and temporoparietal cortex, and the humor appreciation with activation of the orbito-frontal and insular cortex, amygdala and the brain reward system. However, activation of these areas is not humor-specific and can be observed in various cognitive or emotional processes. Event-related potential studies confirm the involvement of both hemispheres in humor processing, and suggest that left prefrontal area is associated with joke comprehension and right prefrontal area with the resolution stage. Humor thus appears to be a complex and dynamic functional process involving, on one hand, two specialized but not specific neural systems linked to humor apprehension and appreciation, and, on the other hand, multiple interconnected functional brain networks including neural patterns underlying the moral framework and belief system, acquired by conditioning or imitation during the cognitive development and social interactions of the individual, and more distributed systems associated with the analysis of the current context of humor occurrence. Disturbances of the sense of humor could then result from focal brain alterations localized in one or two of the specialized areas underlying the comprehension or appreciation of humor, or from perturbations of the network interconnectivity in non-focal brain disorders such as Alzheimer's disease or schizophrenia.

  4. The Dark Side of Humor: DSM-5 Pathological Personality Traits and Humor Styles. (United States)

    Zeigler-Hill, Virgil; McCabe, Gillian A; Vrabel, Jennifer K


    Basic personality traits (e.g., extraversion) have been found to be associated with the humor styles that individuals employ. In the present study, we were interested in determining whether pathological personality traits were also associated with humor styles. We examined the associations between the pathological personality traits captured by the Personality Inventory for the DSM-5 (PID-5) and humor styles in a sample of college students (N = 594). Negative affectivity and detachment were negatively associated with the affiliative and self-enhancing humor styles. Antagonism was positively associated with the aggressive humor style but negatively associated with the affiliative humor style. Disinhibition was positively associated with the aggressive humor style, whereas disinhibition and psychoticism were both positively associated with the self-defeating humor style. Discussion focuses on the implications of these findings and how they can expand our understanding of the connections between the darker aspects of personality and humor.

  5. The Dark Side of Humor: DSM-5 Pathological Personality Traits and Humor Styles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Virgil Zeigler-Hill


    Full Text Available Basic personality traits (e.g., extraversion have been found to be associated with the humor styles that individuals employ. In the present study, we were interested in determining whether pathological personality traits were also associated with humor styles. We examined the associations between the pathological personality traits captured by the Personality Inventory for the DSM-5 (PID-5 and humor styles in a sample of college students (N = 594. Negative affectivity and detachment were negatively associated with the affiliative and self-enhancing humor styles. Antagonism was positively associated with the aggressive humor style but negatively associated with the affiliative humor style. Disinhibition was positively associated with the aggressive humor style, whereas disinhibition and psychoticism were both positively associated with the self-defeating humor style. Discussion focuses on the implications of these findings and how they can expand our understanding of the connections between the darker aspects of personality and humor.

  6. Om Chr. Petersen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasborg, Klaus


    Om en i dag næsten glemt skikkelse i dansk sociologi, der i sin samtid især blev kendt for sin doktordisputats om den franske sociolog Émile Durkheim......Om en i dag næsten glemt skikkelse i dansk sociologi, der i sin samtid især blev kendt for sin doktordisputats om den franske sociolog Émile Durkheim...

  7. The Relational Humor Inventory: Functions of Humor in Close Relationships. (United States)

    DeKoning, E.; Weiss, R. L.


    This study describes the development of a self-report measure of functional humor in relationships. People were asked to report on their own and their partner's use of humor in the marriage. The Relational Humor Inventory proved to be a useful instrument for tapping important positive and negative relationship behaviors. (Contains 30 references, 4…

  8. Uma tipologia do discurso de humor (o politico do humor e o humor politico)


    Perotti, Ivane Laurete


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão Propõe-se uma leitura de textos humorísticos sob a ótica da Análise do Discurso, recortando-se "tipos" de humor e propondo uma leitura das características do humor político. Tematizam-se questões basilares da Análise do Discurso que estruturam teoricamente o trabalho, expondo reflexões sobre o riso e o risível, e os diferentes processos possivelmente causadores do riso. Discute-se a possibili...

  9. Om visse køberetlige regler om sikkerhedsmangler

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møgelvang-Hansen, Peter


    foretages en lovregulering af spørgsmålet om, hvilken personkreds der er berettiget til på køberetligt grundlag at rette et krav mod sælgeren i anledning af produktskade. Der har ikke været enighed i udvalget om, hvorvidt en sådan regulering er hensigtsmæssig, og om, hvordan den berettigede personkreds i...... ulovbestemte principper om cession, således at de beføjelser, den oprindelige køber kunne have gjort gældende over for den erhvervsdrivende sælger i anledning af mangler, "følger med" genstanden og kan påberåbes af den senere erhverver. 3 af disse medlemmer foreslår desuden, at der indsættes en bestemmelse i...... (produktskade). Udvalget finder, at reguleringen bør gennemføres som led i en generel regulering i købeloven af spørgsmålet om sikkerhedsmangler. Udvalget foreslår, at der i købeloven indsættes en bestemmelse, der indeholder en ikke udtømmende opregning af, hvilke poster køberen kan kræve erstattet som følge af...

  10. Energy on the Move. Recommendations to stimulate consumers to save energy. Final report of the Dutch National ThinkTank 2009. Creating knowledge without constraints; Energie in beweging. Adviezen om consumenten aan te zetten tot energiebesparing. Eindrapport De Nationale Denktank 2009. Kennismaken zonder kaders

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In this report the Dutch National ThinkTank shows that the consumer plays a crucial role in realizing the cabinet targets of 20% energy saving in 2020 and in increasing support for the climate conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. The question with regard to how consumers can be given the opportunity to save energy is answered with a coherent package of 22 concrete advices to make energy saving and sustainable energy generation easier, more affordable and more fun for the consumer. The government and the market can jointly speed up the savings of consumers. [Dutch] De Nationale Denktank toont in dit rapport aan dat de consument een cruciale rol speelt om de kabinetsdoelstelling van 20% energiebesparing in 2020 te realiseren en het draagvlak voor de klimaatconferentie in Kopenhagen, Denemarken, te vergroten. De vraag hoe de consument in staat gesteld kan worden om energie te besparen wordt beantwoordt in de vorm van een samenhangend pakket van 22 concrete adviezen die energiebesparing en duurzame energieopwekking door de consument makkelijker, betaalbaarder en leuker maken. Overheid en markt kunnen hiermee samen zorgen voor een versnelling van het besparen door de consument.

  11. Effects of Humor Production, Humor Receptivity, and Physical Attractiveness on Partner Desirability

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michelle Tornquist


    Full Text Available This study examined women’s and men’s preferences for humor production and humor receptivity in long-term and short-term relationships, and how these factors interact with physical attractiveness to influence desirability. Undergraduates viewed photographs of the opposite sex individuals who were high or low in physical attractiveness, along with vignettes varying in humor production and receptivity. Participants rated physical attractiveness and desirability for long-term and short-term relationships. The main findings were that individuals desired partners who were high in humor production and receptivity, though the effects were particularly pronounced for women judging long-term relationships. Moreover, humor production was more important than receptivity for women’s ratings of male desirability. Notably, we also found that ratings of physical attractiveness were influenced by the humor conditions. These results are discussed in terms of the fitness indicator, interest indicator, and encryption hypotheses of the evolutionary functions of humor.

  12. Humor in leader-follower relationships : Humor styles, similarity and relationship quality.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wisse, Barbara; Rietzschel, Eric


    The present study focuses on how humor may affect the quality of the relationship between leader and follower (LMX). More specifically, we examined the impact of follower self-reported humor style and leader self-reported humor style on the extent to which followers perceived their relationship with

  13. Humor, helt seriøst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lundquist, Lita Sander


    Adfærd. Har humor grænser? Dansk humor har i hvert fald. Hvor humor typisk bruges til at glatte ud med, har det ofte den stik modsatte virkning, viser studie.......Adfærd. Har humor grænser? Dansk humor har i hvert fald. Hvor humor typisk bruges til at glatte ud med, har det ofte den stik modsatte virkning, viser studie....

  14. De iep is weer te vertrouwen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hiemstra, J.A.; Beintema, N.


    De iep is door de iepziekte grotendeels uit Europa verdwenen. Mede dankzij Wagenings onderzoek zijn er nu resistente rassen op de markt. Wat nog ontbreekt is het vertrouwen van beheerders om de karakteristieke boom weer aan te planten. ‘Iepen waren synoniem met ellende.’

  15. Self-Deprecating Humor Versus Other-Deprecating Humor in Health Messages (United States)



    Humor is sometimes employed in health messages. However, little is known about contingencies under which different types of humor may or may not be effective. This experiment crossed humorous vs. non-humorous and self- vs. other-deprecating messages about binge drinking, and tested how differences in personal investment in alcohol use moderates the effects of such messages on college binge drinkers. Results showed significant three-way interaction effects on subjective norms and behavioral intentions largely consistent with hypotheses. Assessment of significant differences in the interactions indicated that for binge drinkers who weren’t high in personal investment in alcohol use, other-deprecating humor tended to reduce their perceived subjective norms about the acceptability of binge drinking behavior and their behavioral intentions. The effect of the experimental manipulation on subjective norms among these binge drinkers was shown to mediate the effect on intentions to binge drink in the future. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed. PMID:26020507

  16. Flow of Aqueous Humor (United States)

    ... Home Flow of Aqueous Humor Flow of Aqueous Humor Most, but not all, forms of glaucoma are ... remains normal when some of the fluid (aqueous humor) produced by the eye's ciliary body flows out ...

  17. Effects of Classroom Humor Climate and Acceptance of Humor Messages on Adolescents' Expressions of Humor (United States)

    Chiang, Yi-Chen; Lee, Chun-Yang; Wang, Hong-Huei


    Background: To adapt to dramatic changes from physical growth, physical development and the increasing demand of significant others, humor has been found to be an effective coping strategy. However, previous studies have found that adolescents start to express their humor styles with aggressive components which causes negative consequences, such…

  18. Humor modeling in the interface

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijholt, Antinus; Cockton, G.; Stock, O.; Korhonen, P.; Dix, A.; Bergman, E.; Bjork, S.; Morkes, J.; Collings, P.; Dey, A.; Draper, S.; Guliksen, J.; Keinonen, T.; Lazar, J.; Lund, A.; Malich, R.; Nakakoji, K.; Nigay, L.; Prates Oliveira, R.; Rieman, J.; Snyder, C.


    Humor is a multi-disciplinary field of research. People have been working on humor in many fields of research, such as psychology, philosophy and linguistics, sociology and literature. Especially in the context of computer science (or Artificial Intelligence) humor research aims at modeling humor in

  19. [Assessment of the Polish occupational medicine service (oms) system made by OMS nurses]. (United States)

    Sakowski, Piotr


    This paper presents the results of an assessment of the Polish occupational medicine service (OMS) system made by OMS nurses. The survey was carried out on a random group of OMS nurses. OMS nurses form a professional group comprised of rather experienced personnel. In the opinion of almost 70% of respondents the system guarantees good occupational heath care, whereas 20% took the opposite view. The great majority of respondents think that all employees have to undergo mandatory prophylactic examinations. The nurses have rather critical opinion about the legal regulations pertaining to occupational health care--their number and complexity, and also express negative opinion about the quality of cooperation with employers (who are contractors for OMS units). OMS nurses believe that prophylactic examinations are the strongest point of the system. They are often the only opportunity for establishing contact between an employee and a physician and learning about diseases he or she was previously unaware of. Although the general assessment of the OMS system is rather positive, it is not free of shortcomings. Improvements in such fields as legislation, financing of service, professional attitude towards responsibilities of the OMS staff, cooperation with employers (contractors) and primary health care units would undoubtedly result in even better assessment, and what is more important in better functioning of the Polish OMS system.

  20. Krav om legitimitet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Nina Blom

    Principperne i krisekommunikation og risikokommunikation trækker på nogle punkter på vidt forskellige rationaler. Krisekommunikation kan ses som en opgave, der handler om at en organisation skal opretholde legitimitet, sikre sit omdømme og minimere omfanget af en krise, mens risikokommunikation k...... omkring betydningen af indtryksstyring (impression management) og om det får konsekvenser for samfundets evne til at kommunikere åbent om risici og trusler....

  1. Building Resilience through Humor. (United States)

    Berg, Debra Vande; Van Brockern, Steve


    Research on resilience suggests that a sense of humor helps to stress-proof children in conflict. Reports on a workshop for educators and youth workers convened to explore ways humor is being used to foster positive development and resilience with troubled youth. Describes applications of humor front-line professionals report as useful in their…

  2. Humor en línea. Línea del humor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dra. Mirta Clara Echevarría


    Full Text Available La autora indaga el humor propuesto por el diario ‘InterVoz’ (Córdoba, Argentina. El medio publica el "típico humor cordobés". Historietas, chistes y relatos representan la vida urbana cotidiana, confluencia de lo popular y lo masivo, a través de la inclusión de usos lingüísticos, costumbres, personajes típicos y personajes públicos, sobre todo políticos. Estos textos, en algunos casos, reproducen lo publicado en papel; sin embargo, son manifestaciones diferentes. En este discurso emergente, estudia las condiciones de producción, circulación y consumo desde varias vertientes. Subraya la autora la relación del humor con el resto del diario por: la fuerte relación intertextual con la información y el diseño hipertextual. Destaca tópicas y retórica del humor como parte de una política discursiva centrada en lo regional, con el objeto de construir un discurso identitario de clara apelación a "los cordobeses en el mundo". El humor de ‘InterVoz’ (el diario en su totalidad, en el marco de la globalización, se manifiesta como una otra voz, sin llegar a establecerse como contradiscurso. Este periódico –como tantos en la red– subraya las marcas de lo local para permanecer en lo global.

  3. Effects of Humor Production, Humor Receptivity, and Physical Attractiveness on Partner Desirability


    Michelle Tornquist; Dan Chiappe


    This study examined women’s and men’s preferences for humor production and humor receptivity in long-term and short-term relationships, and how these factors interact with physical attractiveness to influence desirability. Undergraduates viewed photographs of the opposite sex individuals who were high or low in physical attractiveness, along with vignettes varying in humor production and receptivity. Participants rated physical attractiveness and desirability for long-term and short-term rela...

  4. Effect van klimaatmaatregelen te tonen. Softsensor goed hulpmiddel voor meten verdamping en fotosynthese

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Arkesteijn, Marleen; Bontsema, J.


    Jan Bontsema, onderzoeker bij WUR Glastuinbouw, ontwikkelde samen met collega's een monitor voor transpiratie en fotosynthese. Met één extra lijntje op het scherm van de klimaatcomputer is in één oogopslag het effect van ingrepen in de kas te zien. Dit is de optimale manier om te zien of energie

  5. Inspanning om Lean Six Sigma op kaart te zetten beloond

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Does, R.J.M.M.


    Prof.dr. R.J.M.M. Does is al jarenlang een fervent voorvechter voor het gebruik van statistiek. En meer recent is hij zo’n beetje de belichaming van (Lean) Six Sigma in Europa. Tal van grote organisaties hebben hem te hulp geroepen bij de invoering van (Lean) Six Sigma. Het is dan ook niet meer dan

  6. Barns tankar om ekologiska processer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helldén, Gustav

    Bogen indledes med en oversigt over forskning om læring i naturvidenskab, herunder gennemgås blandt andet Piagets teorier. Herefter følger Helldéns undersøgelser af elevforestillinger om økologiske processer. Helldén har interviewet eleverne om livsbetingelser og vækst, nedbrydning i naturen og om...

  7. The Serious Business of Humor : A qualitative study of humor as a management tool


    N Schönfeldt, Sara; Miznikova, Jelena


    This research was initiated due to the novelty of the topic. Humor is a common phenomenon in the daily interaction of many people; however this study is particularly interested in humor as used by managers. As a preconception to the study it was assumed that appropriately used humor results in benefits for a leader, thus we wish to explore how managers in Swedish organizations reason about if and how humor can be used as a management tool. For this purpose we employed qualitative research wit...

  8. Humor as a Mental Fitness Indicator

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel P. Howrigan


    Full Text Available To explain the pervasive role of humor in human social interaction and among mating partner preferences, Miller (2000a proposed that intentional humor evolved as an indicator of intelligence. To test this, we looked at the relationships among rater-judged humor, general intelligence, and the Big Five personality traits in a sample of 185 college-age students (115 women, 70 men. General intelligence positively predicted rater-judged humor, independent of the Big Five personality traits. Extraversion also predicted rater-judged humor, although to a lesser extent than general intelligence. General intelligence did not interact with the sex of the participant in predicting rating scores on the humor production tasks. The current study lends support to the prediction that effective humor production acts as an honest indicator of intelligence in humans. In addition, extraversion, and to a lesser extent, openness, may reflect motivational traits that encourage humor production.

  9. Respons imun humoral pada pulpitis (Humoral immune response on pulpitis

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    Trijoedani Widodo


    Full Text Available Pulpitis is an inflammation process on dental pulp tissue, and usually as the continuous of caries. The microorganism in the caries is a potential immunogenic triggering the immune respons, both humoral and celluler immune responses. The aim of this research is to explain the humoral immune response changes in the dental pulp tissues of pulpitis. This research was done on three group samples: Irreversible pulpitis, Reversible pulpitis and sound teeth as the control group. The result showed that there were three pulpitis immunopathologic patterns: the sound teeth immunopathologic pattern showing a low humoral immune response, in a low level of IgG, IgA and IgM, the reversible pulpitis pattern showing that in a higher humoral immune response, IgG and IgA decreased but IgM increased, the irreversible pulpitis pattern showing that IgG and IgM increased, but it couldn't be repaired although it has highly immunity, and it showed an unusually low level of IgA. This low level of IgA meant that irreversible pulpitis had a low mucosal immunity.

  10. Who Benefits From Humor-Based Positive Psychology Interventions? The Moderating Effects of Personality Traits and Sense of Humor. (United States)

    Wellenzohn, Sara; Proyer, René T; Ruch, Willibald


    The evidence for the effectiveness of humor-based positive psychology interventions (PPIs; i.e., interventions aimed at enhancing happiness and lowering depressive symptoms) is steadily increasing. However, little is known about who benefits most from them. We aim at narrowing this gap by examining whether personality traits and sense of humor moderate the long-term effects of humor-based interventions on happiness and depressive symptoms. We conducted two placebo-controlled online-intervention studies testing for moderation effects. In Study 1 ( N = 104) we tested for moderation effects of basic personality traits (i.e., psychoticism, extraversion, and neuroticism) in the three funny things intervention, a humor-based PPI. In Study 2 ( N = 632) we tested for moderation effects of the sense of humor in five different humor-based interventions. Happiness and depressive symptoms were assessed before and after the intervention, as well as after 1, 3, and 6 months. In Study 2, we assessed sense of humor before and 1 month after the intervention to investigate if changes in sense of humor go along with changes in happiness and depressive symptoms. We found moderating effects only for extraversion. Extraverts benefitted more from the three funny things intervention than introverts. For neuroticism and psychoticism no moderation effects were found. For sense of humor, no moderating effects were found for the effectiveness of the five humor-based interventions tested in Study 2. However, changes in sense of humor from pretest to the 1-month follow-up predicted changes in happiness and depressive symptoms. Taking a closer look, the playful attitude- and sense of humor-subscales predicted changes in happiness and depression for up to 6 months. Overall, moderating effects for personality (i.e., extraversion) were found, but none for sense of humor at baseline. However, increases in sense of humor during and after the intervention were associated with the interventions

  11. Affective Style, Humor Styles and Happiness

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas E. Ford


    Full Text Available The present study examined the relationships between dispositional approach and avoidance motives, humor styles, and happiness. In keeping with previous research, approach motives and the two positive humor styles (self-enhancing and affiliative positively correlated with happiness, whereas avoidance motives and the two negative humor styles (self-defeating and aggressive negatively correlated with happiness. Also, we found support for three new hypotheses. First, approach motives correlated positively with self-enhancing and affiliative humor styles. Second, avoidance motives correlated positively with self-defeating humor style, and third, the positive relationship between approach motives and happiness was mediated by self-enhancing humor style.

  12. Humor and Healing in College Counseling (United States)

    Thomas, Barbara J.; Roehrig, James P.; Yang, Peggy H.


    Humor is an often neglected but potentially powerful tool in college counseling center interventions. In this article we review potential benefits and hazards of using humor in a college mental health setting along with perspectives on humor's mechanism of action and distinctions between types of humor. Therapist and client-specific…

  13. Humor and Embodied Conversational Agents

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijholt, Antinus

    This report surveys the role of humor in human-to-human interaction and the possible role of humor in human-computer interaction. The aim is to see whether it is useful for embodied conversational agents to integrate humor capabilities in their internal model of intelligence, emotions and

  14. Investigating the Effect of Humor Communication Skills Training on Pro-Social and Anti-Social Humor Styles, Cognitive Learning, Self-Efficacy, Motivation, and Humor Use (United States)

    Vela, Lori E.


    Humor is an important aspect of interpersonal interactions as it is linked to the development and maintenance of relationships (Merolla, 2006). The purpose of this dissertation was to test the effect of a humor communication skills training program on the ability to minimize anti-social humor (i.e., aggressive, self-defeating) and enhance…

  15. Begreber om verdensrummet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wahlgreen, Gert


    Børns begreber om og forståelse af verdensrummet sættes ind i Piagets og Vygotskys teorier. Hverdagsforestillinger beskrives og forklares.......Børns begreber om og forståelse af verdensrummet sættes ind i Piagets og Vygotskys teorier. Hverdagsforestillinger beskrives og forklares....

  16. Linguistic Features of Humor in Academic Writing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stephen Skalicky


    Full Text Available A corpus of 313 freshman college essays was analyzed in order to better understand the forms and functions of humor in academic writing. Human ratings of humor and wordplay were statistically aggregated using Factor Analysis to provide an overall Humor component score for each essay in the corpus. In addition, the essays were also scored for overall writing quality by human raters, which correlated (r = .195 with the humor component score. Correlations between the humor component scores and linguistic features were examined. To investigate the potential for linguistic features to predict the Humor component scores, regression analysis identified four linguistic indices that accounted for approximately 17.5% of the variance in humor scores. These indices were related to text descriptiveness (i.e., more adjective and adverb use, lower cohesion (i.e., less paragraph-to-paragraph similarity, and lexical sophistication (lower word frequency. The findings suggest that humor can be partially predicted by linguistic features in the text. Furthermore, there was a small but significant correlation between the humor and essay quality scores, suggesting a positive relation between humor and writing quality. Keywords: humor, academic writing, text analysis, essay score, human rating

  17. Humor in Children's Picture Books (United States)

    Serafini, Frank; Coles, Richard


    Humorous literature for children has been around since Randolph Caldecott first started writing and illustrating picturebooks. In the article, the authors try to understand what makes picturebooks funny and discuss ways to use humor in the classroom. Many examples of humorous picturebooks are cited to provide teachers with resources for their…

  18. Bag om dillen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jantzen, Christian; Rasmussen, Tove Arendt; Vetner, Mikael


    Oplevelsesøkonomien knyttes til mere grundlæggende forandringer af forbrugerens markedsadfærd. Artiklen argumenterer for udviklingen af produkter, der kan understøtte forbrugerens behov for selvudfoldelse. Det kræver tværfaglig viden om æstetisk planlægning, om emotions- og kognitionspsykologi og...

  19. Lidt om billeder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Widell, Peter


    Artiklen kritiserer to af de mest udbredte billedteorier i dag, nemlig dels Ernst Hans Gombrichs Popper-inspirerede teori om billeder som gisninger, dels Nelson Goodmans teori om billeder som symboler (den semiotiske billedteori). Billeder er hverken gisninger eller symboler, og de refererer ikke...

  20. The Effect of Context (Humorous vs. Non-humorous on Vocabulary Acquisition and Retention of Iranian EFL Learners

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohsen Ghaffari


    Full Text Available For almost four decades, ESL/EFL scholars have been trying to find which learning type, contextualized vs. decontextualized, leads to better vocabulary acquisition and retention. In an attempt to solve this problem, this study tried to examine the possible effectiveness of using humorous context on vocabulary acquisition and retention. Another issue that was undertaken in the present study was comparing the efficiency of contextualized and decontextualized vocabulary learning and retention. For this purpose, 58 Iranian EFL learners were categorized into 3 groups: a humorous, b non-humorous, and c decontextualized. The findings were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test. As the results revealed, the participants in decontextualized group outperformed the participants in both humorous and non-humorous groups. However, it should be noted that the performance of humorous group was significantly better than the performance of non-humorous group.

  1. The Relationship Between Humor Styles and Forgiveness. (United States)

    Hampes, William


    Research has shown that a factor in a victim's forgiveness of an offender is the victim's ability to make more positive, or at least less negative, attributions of the offender's behavior and that perspective-taking can be a factor in facilitating that process. Self-enhancing humor has been found to be positively correlated with perspective-taking empathy and aggressive humor found to be negatively correlated with perspective-taking empathy. Therefore it was predicted that self-enhancing humor would be positively correlated with forgiveness and aggressive humor negatively correlated with forgiveness. The Humor Styles Questionnaire, the Absence of Negative and Presence of Positive subscales of the Forgiveness Scale, and the Forgiveness Likelihood Scale were administered to 112 college undergraduates. Self-enhancing humor was significantly and positively correlated with all of the forgiveness measures, aggressive humor and self-defeating humor were significantly and negatively correlated with some of the forgiveness measures and affiliative humor was not significantly correlated with any of the forgiveness measures. The results were interpreted in terms of previous findings for humor styles, perspective-taking empathy, depression, self-esteem and anxiety. Future research involving the extent to which other personality variables, such as perspective-taking empathy, mediate the relationship between self-enhancing humor and forgiveness was suggested.

  2. The Relationship Between Humor Styles and Forgiveness

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    William Hampes


    Full Text Available Research has shown that a factor in a victim’s forgiveness of an offender is the victim’s ability to make more positive, or at least less negative, attributions of the offender’s behavior and that perspective-taking can be a factor in facilitating that process. Self-enhancing humor has been found to be positively correlated with perspective-taking empathy and aggressive humor found to be negatively correlated with perspective-taking empathy. Therefore it was predicted that self-enhancing humor would be positively correlated with forgiveness and aggressive humor negatively correlated with forgiveness. The Humor Styles Questionnaire, the Absence of Negative and Presence of Positive subscales of the Forgiveness Scale, and the Forgiveness Likelihood Scale were administered to 112 college undergraduates. Self-enhancing humor was significantly and positively correlated with all of the forgiveness measures, aggressive humor and self-defeating humor were significantly and negatively correlated with some of the forgiveness measures and affiliative humor was not significantly correlated with any of the forgiveness measures. The results were interpreted in terms of previous findings for humor styles, perspective-taking empathy, depression, self-esteem and anxiety. Future research involving the extent to which other personality variables, such as perspective-taking empathy, mediate the relationship between self-enhancing humor and forgiveness was suggested.

  3. Comparative evaluation of aqueous humor viscosity. (United States)

    Davis, Kyshia; Carter, Renee; Tully, Thomas; Negulescu, Ioan; Storey, Eric


    To evaluate aqueous humor viscosity in the raptor, dog, cat, and horse, with a primary focus on the barred owl (Strix varia). Twenty-six raptors, ten dogs, three cats, and one horse. Animals were euthanized for reasons unrelated to this study. Immediately, after horizontal and vertical corneal dimensions were measured, and anterior chamber paracentesis was performed to quantify anterior chamber volume and obtain aqueous humor samples for viscosity analysis. Dynamic aqueous humor viscosity was measured using a dynamic shear rheometer (AR 1000 TA Instruments, New Castle, DE, USA) at 20 °C. Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, unpaired t-tests, and Tukey's test to evaluate the mean ± standard deviation for corneal diameter, anterior chamber volume, and aqueous humor viscosity amongst groups and calculation of Spearman's coefficient for correlation analyses. The mean aqueous humor viscosity in the barred owl was 14.1 centipoise (cP) ± 9, cat 4.4 cP ± 0.2, and dog 2.9 cP ± 1.3. The aqueous humor viscosity for the horse was 1 cP. Of the animals evaluated in this study, the raptor aqueous humor was the most viscous. The aqueous humor of the barred owl is significantly more viscous than the dog (P humor viscosity of the raptor, dog, cat, and horse can be successfully determined using a dynamic shear rheometer. © 2014 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists.

  4. Cognitive Distortions, Humor Styles, and Depression. (United States)

    Rnic, Katerina; Dozois, David J A; Martin, Rod A


    Cognitive distortions are negative biases in thinking that are theorized to represent vulnerability factors for depression and dysphoria. Despite the emphasis placed on cognitive distortions in the context of cognitive behavioural theory and practice, a paucity of research has examined the mechanisms through which they impact depressive symptomatology. Both adaptive and maladaptive styles of humor represent coping strategies that may mediate the relation between cognitive distortions and depressive symptoms. The current study examined the correlations between the frequency and impact of cognitive distortions across both social and achievement-related contexts and types of humor. Cognitive distortions were associated with reduced use of adaptive Affiliative and Self-Enhancing humor styles and increased use of maladaptive Aggressive and Self-Defeating humor. Reduced use of Self-Enhancing humor mediated the relationship between most types of cognitive distortions and depressed mood, indicating that distorted negative thinking may interfere with an individual's ability to adopt a humorous and cheerful outlook on life (i.e., use Self-Enhancing humor) as a way of regulating emotions and coping with stress, thereby resulting in elevated depressive symptoms. Similarly, Self-Defeating humor mediated the association of the social impact of cognitive distortions with depression, such that this humor style may be used as a coping strategy for dealing with distorted thinking that ultimately backfires and results in increased dysphoria.

  5. OMS, OM(η2-SO), and OM(η2-SO)(η2-SO2) molecules (M = Ti, Zr, Hf): infrared spectra and density functional calculations. (United States)

    Liu, Xing; Wang, Xuefeng; Wang, Qiang; Andrews, Lester


    Infrared spectra of the matrix isolated OMS, OM(η(2)-SO), and OM(η(2)-SO)(η(2)-SO(2)) (M = Ti, Zr, Hf) molecules were observed following laser-ablated metal atom reactions with SO(2) during condensation in solid argon and neon. The assignments for the major vibrational modes were confirmed by appropriate S(18)O(2) and (34)SO(2) isotopic shifts, and density functional vibrational frequency calculations (B3LYP and BPW91). Bonding in the initial OM(η(2)-SO) reaction products and in the OM(η(2)-SO)(η(2)-SO(2)) adduct molecules with unusual chiral structures is discussed.

  6. Using Humor in Physical Education (United States)

    Barney, David; Christenson, Robert


    Humor can be extremely beneficial in everyday life, whether giving or receiving it. It can be used to lighten the mood, give encouragement, or make corrections. Humor in physical education is no exception. Physical educators can use humor as a teaching tool and to create an environment for students to acquire the knowledge to practice a lifetime…

  7. Clear road for sustainable fuels? Study on the willingness of consumers to switch to sustainable fuels; Weg vrij voor duurzame brandstoffen? Onderzoek naar bereidheid consument om over te schakelen op duurzame brandstoffen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Amelsfoort, A.; Zwier, R.


    In the Netherlands, there are currently hardly any filling stations where various types of sustainable fuels are available next to the regular fuels. Green Planet wants to start a filling station in the province of Drenthe. However, first Green Planet want to examine if consumers are prepared to switch to sustainable fuels. In addition, they want to know how these fuels should be properly introduced. The authors have sent questionnaires to more than 300 car drivers in the provinces of Groningen en Drenthe. Based on the results of the questionnaire a marketing strategy was developed recommending to start offering sustainable fuels, and especially B10/E10 and CNG. The consumer must be informed about the composition of sustainable fuels and possible consequences that driving on sustainable fuels may have for cars and the environment. [mk]. [Dutch] In Nederland zijn op dit moment praktisch geen tankstations waar, naast reguliere brandstoffen, verschillende soorten duurzame brandstoffen worden aangeboden. Green Planet wil hiervoor een tankstation beginnen in de provincie Drenthe. Green Planet wil echter eerst laten onderzoeken of consumenten bereid zijn om op duurzame brandstoffen te gaan rijden. Daarnaast wil zij graag weten op welke wijze deze brandstoffen moeten worden geintroduceerd. De auteurs hebben een enquete uitgezet onder ruim 300 autorijders in Groningen en Drenthe. Op basis van de enqueteresultaten is een marketingstrategie opgesteld waarin wordt aanbevolen om duurzame brandstoffen te gaan aanbieden, met nadruk op B10/E10 en CNG. Hierbij moet de consument vooral ingelicht worden over de samenstelling van duurzame brandstoffen en over eventuele consequenties van het rijden op duurzame brandstoffen voor auto en milieu.

  8. Psychometric Comparisons of Benevolent and Corrective Humor across 22 Countries: The Virtue Gap in Humor Goes International. (United States)

    Heintz, Sonja; Ruch, Willibald; Platt, Tracey; Pang, Dandan; Carretero-Dios, Hugo; Dionigi, Alberto; Argüello Gutiérrez, Catalina; Brdar, Ingrid; Brzozowska, Dorota; Chen, Hsueh-Chih; Chłopicki, Władysław; Collins, Matthew; Ďurka, Róbert; Yahfoufi, Najwa Y El; Quiroga-Garza, Angélica; Isler, Robert B; Mendiburo-Seguel, Andrés; Ramis, TamilSelvan; Saglam, Betül; Shcherbakova, Olga V; Singh, Kamlesh; Stokenberga, Ieva; Wong, Peter S O; Torres-Marín, Jorge


    Recently, two forms of virtue-related humor, benevolent and corrective, have been introduced. Benevolent humor treats human weaknesses and wrongdoings benevolently, while corrective humor aims at correcting and bettering them. Twelve marker items for benevolent and corrective humor (the BenCor) were developed, and it was demonstrated that they fill the gap between humor as temperament and virtue. The present study investigates responses to the BenCor from 25 samples in 22 countries (overall N = 7,226). The psychometric properties of the BenCor were found to be sufficient in most of the samples, including internal consistency, unidimensionality, and factorial validity. Importantly, benevolent and corrective humor were clearly established as two positively related, yet distinct dimensions of virtue-related humor. Metric measurement invariance was supported across the 25 samples, and scalar invariance was supported across six age groups (from 18 to 50+ years) and across gender. Comparisons of samples within and between four countries (Malaysia, Switzerland, Turkey, and the UK) showed that the item profiles were more similar within than between countries, though some evidence for regional differences was also found. This study thus supported, for the first time, the suitability of the 12 marker items of benevolent and corrective humor in different countries, enabling a cumulative cross-cultural research and eventually applications of humor aiming at the good.

  9. Psychometric Comparisons of Benevolent and Corrective Humor across 22 Countries: The Virtue Gap in Humor Goes International

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sonja Heintz


    Full Text Available Recently, two forms of virtue-related humor, benevolent and corrective, have been introduced. Benevolent humor treats human weaknesses and wrongdoings benevolently, while corrective humor aims at correcting and bettering them. Twelve marker items for benevolent and corrective humor (the BenCor were developed, and it was demonstrated that they fill the gap between humor as temperament and virtue. The present study investigates responses to the BenCor from 25 samples in 22 countries (overall N = 7,226. The psychometric properties of the BenCor were found to be sufficient in most of the samples, including internal consistency, unidimensionality, and factorial validity. Importantly, benevolent and corrective humor were clearly established as two positively related, yet distinct dimensions of virtue-related humor. Metric measurement invariance was supported across the 25 samples, and scalar invariance was supported across six age groups (from 18 to 50+ years and across gender. Comparisons of samples within and between four countries (Malaysia, Switzerland, Turkey, and the UK showed that the item profiles were more similar within than between countries, though some evidence for regional differences was also found. This study thus supported, for the first time, the suitability of the 12 marker items of benevolent and corrective humor in different countries, enabling a cumulative cross-cultural research and eventually applications of humor aiming at the good.

  10. Por un humor ético

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Victor Paramo Valero


    Full Text Available Ética del humor es una obra original, abundantemente documentada, de contenido científico y filosófico, que aborda un problema de gran importancia en los actuales estudios de éticas aplicadas. La ética del humor es una nueva ética aplicada que pretende comprender el fenómeno del humor a la luz de sus implicaciones éticas. Como señala el autor, Juan Carlos Siurana, reputado experto en el ámbito de la filosofía práctica, el interés por el humor es un interés por la ética. En la obra no presenta una nueva teoría filosófica del humor –las cuales se han venido sucediendo, al menos, desde los Diálogos de Platón–, sino una nueva teoría ética, que toma al humor como objeto principal de análisis. Por tanto, la finalidad es realizar una aportación dentro del ámbito de la ética. Para ello se nutre de distintos estudios psicológicos, biológicos, fisiológicos y neurológicos sobre el humor, así como de clásicas obras de filosofía que han abordado esta cuestión.

  11. roLverWAgTinge vAn Ags PAsTors: voorsTeLLe vir 'n voorTgeseTTe ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    tor god volkome vertrou en bereidwillig is om sy onderdaan ten alle tye te wees. dit sal hulle ook in staat stel om hulle .... hou wat uitgewys is, is onder andere beplanning, organisasie, spanbou, vision ering, bemarking en .... tor en 'n literatuurkontrole oor teologiese opleiding kan 'n voorlopige vToP vir pastors volgens Putter ...

  12. Instructional scientific humor in the secondary classroom (United States)

    Wizner, Francine

    This study is an examination of the manner in which educators employ scientific content humor and how that humor is perceived by their students. Content humor is a useful strategy in drawing the attention of students and improving their receptivity toward scientific information. It is also a useful tool in combating the growing distractions of the electronic classroom. Previous studies have found that humor has a positive effect on knowledge, memory, and understanding. However, few studies have been conducted below the undergraduate level and mainly quantitative measures of student recall have been used to measure learning. This study employed multiple data sources to determine how two secondary biology teachers used humor in order to explain scientific concepts and how their students perceived their teachers' use of scientific instructional humor. Evidence of student humor reception was collected from four students in each of the two classes. All of the scientific instructional humor used in the studied classrooms was cognitive in nature, varying among factual, procedural, conceptual, and metacognitive knowledge. Teachers tended to use dialogic forms of humor. Their scientific humor reflected everyday experiences, presented queries, poked fun at authority, and asked students to search out new perspectives and perform thought experiments. Teachers were the primary actors in performing the humorous events. The events were sometimes physical exaggerations of words or drawings, and they occurred for the purpose of establishing rapport or having students make connections between scientific concepts and prior knowledge. Student perceptions were that teachers did employ humor toward instructional objectives that helped their learning. Helping students become critical thinkers is a trademark of science teachers. Science teachers who take the risk of adopting some attributes of comedians may earn the reward of imparting behaviors on their students like critical thinking

  13. het om die Woord van God aan die gemeente te bedien. A. D. P ont ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Sizoo vertel met die vlotheid van die ervare skrywer en die ver antwoordelikheid van die wetenskaplike ... Maar in stiptelike trou aan die feitelikheid, verlaat die skrywer hom uitsluitlik op die outentieke bronne om ... de leser; in sy rykdom van gegewens en wetenskaplike betroubaarheid kan dit met vrug gelees word deur die ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gusti Nyoman Ayu Sukerti


    Full Text Available The study reported in this paper aims to analyze the possible strategies used in the subtitling of the first five episodes (season 1 of Friends to render the episodes’ humorous dialogues. It examines the subtitler’s strategies in preserving both the semantic and humorous genes of laughter intended by the original humor. The analysis takes into account the internal and external structures of humors both in the target and source language. Choosing a subtitling strategy involves a decisionmaking process where the internal and external factors come into play and, therefore, rendering humors in a contextually bound medium, such as subtitling, does not necessarily work in the TL environment in a consistent manner. The inconsistency highlights the fact that humors, even those considered universal, are not digested in the same manner across cultures.

  15. Computational Humor 2012 : extended abstacts of the (3rd international) Workshop on computational Humor


    Nijholt, Antinus; Unknown, [Unknown


    Like its predecessors in 1996 (University of Twente, the Netherlands) and 2002 (ITC-irst, Trento, Italy), this Third International Workshop on Computational Humor (IWCH 2012) focusses on the possibility to find algorithms that allow understanding and generation of humor. There is the general aim of modeling humor, and if we can do that, it will provide us with lots of information about our cognitive abilities in general, such as reasoning, remembering, understanding situations, and understand...

  16. Design of operations management internships across organizations - learning OM by doing OM

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wouters, Marc; van Donselaar, K.H.


    To teach operations management (OM), we had students work full time in companies, analyzing problems and developing solutions. Fifteen students worked in different companies but onrelated OM topics, and we created many opportunities for them to exchange knowledge, ideas, and experiences. We

  17. Vi snakker jo mye om det, hva er det du kjenner på nå, hvor er det det oppstår?


    Meek, Nina Persson


    Bakgrunn og formål Forskning har vist at ungdom som stammer opplever i stor grad negative følelser og tanker omkring egen stamming (Menzies, Onslow, Packman and O´Brian, 2009; Helliesen, 2006). Ettersom det er en bred enighet på feltet om at en individuell oppfølging og tilrettelegging er viktig for å møte de utfordringene ungdommene som stammer har (Manning & DiLollo, 2007; Howie, 2011; Hearne, Packman, Onslow & Quine, 2008), var det av interesse å undersøke om ungdom opplever at behandling ...

  18. Når vi taler om 68

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Henrik; Metz, Georg

    Når vi taler om 68 er en intellektuel samtale mellem to ligeværdige gentlemen og skallesmækkere. En essayistisk dyst om porno, RAF, Pittelkow og livsfilosofi......Når vi taler om 68 er en intellektuel samtale mellem to ligeværdige gentlemen og skallesmækkere. En essayistisk dyst om porno, RAF, Pittelkow og livsfilosofi...

  19. Humor style similarity and difference in friendship dyads. (United States)

    Hunter, Simon C; Fox, Claire L; Jones, Siân E


    This study assessed the concurrent and prospective (fall to spring) associations between four different humor styles to assess the degree to which stable friendships are characterized by similarity, and to assess whether best friends' humor styles influence each other's later use of humor. Participants were aged 11-13 years, with 87 stable, reciprocal best friend dyads. Self-report assessments of humor styles were completed on both occasions. Results indicated that there was no initial similarity in dyads' levels of humor. However, dyads' use of humor that enhances interpersonal relationships (Affiliative humor) became positively correlated by spring. Additionally, young people's use of this humor style was positively associated with their best friend's later use of the same. No such effects were present for humor which was aggressive, denigrating toward the self, or used to enhance the self. These results have clear implications for theories of humor style development, highlighting an important role for Affiliative humor within stable friendship dyads. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  20. Humor in systemic lupus erythematosus. (United States)

    Moura, Cristiano S; Li, Rui; Lawrie, Sarah; Bar-Or, Amit; Clarke, Ann E; Da Costa, Deborah; Banerjee, Devi; Bernatsky, Sasha; Lee, Jennifer L; Pineau, Christian A


    Humor has neurophysiological effects influencing the release of cortisol, which may have a direct impact on the immune system. Laughter is associated with a decreased production of inflammatory cytokines both in the general population and in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Our objective was to explore the effects of humor on serum cytokines [particularly interleukin-6 (IL-6)] and cortisol levels in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), after a standard intervention (120 min of visual comedy). We enrolled 58 females with SLE from consecutive patients assessed in the Montreal General Hospital lupus clinic. The subjects who consented to participate were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to the intervention (watching 120 min of comedy) or control group (watching a 120 min documentary). Measurements of cytokine and serum cortisol levels as well as 24-h urine cortisol were taken before, during, and after the interventions. We compared serum cytokine levels and serum and 24-h urine cortisol levels in the humor and control groups and performed regression analyses of these outcomes, adjusting for demographics and the current use of prednisone. There were no significant differences between the control and humor groups in demographics or clinical variables. Baseline serum levels of IL-6, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and B-cell activating factor were also similar in both groups. There was no evidence of a humor effect in terms of decreasing cytokine levels, although there was some suggestion of lowered cortisol secretion in the humor group based the 24-h urinary cortisol levels in a subgroup. In contrast to what has been published for RA, we saw no clear effects of humor in altering cytokine levels in SLE, although interesting trends were seen for lower cortisol levels after humor intervention compared with the control group.

  1. Humor in the Classroom: The Effects of Integrated Humor on Student Learning (United States)

    Bolkan, San; Griffin, Darrin J.; Goodboy, Alan K.


    This study was conducted to examine the impact of integrated humor on direct measures of students' ability to retain and transfer information from educational lessons. In two experiments, participants were randomly exposed to either a lesson with humorous examples or standard examples and were subsequently asked to take tests on the material. Data…

  2. Respons imun humoral pada pulpitis (Humoral immune response on pulpitis)


    Widodo, Trijoedani


    Pulpitis is an inflammation process on dental pulp tissue, and usually as the continuous of caries. The microorganism in the caries is a potential immunogenic triggering the immune respons, both humoral and celluler immune responses. The aim of this research is to explain the humoral immune response changes in the dental pulp tissues of pulpitis. This research was done on three group samples: Irreversible pulpitis, Reversible pulpitis and sound teeth as the control group. The result showed th...

  3. Kampen om matfatet og matproduksjonen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hans Morten Haugen


    Full Text Available Antallet sultne i verden har økt, selv om det kan diskuteres om det i dag er en høyere eller lavere andel som lider under sult enn for seks år siden – før matprisøkningen. Alle er uansett enige om at det samlet sett produseres nok mat i verden til at alle kan få dekket sine ernæringsbehov. Artikkelen viser at to hovedretninger i debatten om matproduksjon står mot hverandre. Den dominerende retningen fokuserer primært på matsikkerhet, forstått som økt matproduksjon og økt handel med mat. Den andre retningen argumenterer for at interessene og rettighetene for de mest sårbare må ha forrang i politiske prioriteringer, og at de sårbare sikres best med en strategi basert på menneskerettigheter. Artikkelen drøfter landfordeling, økt bruk av genteknologi i landbruket og nedbygging av handelshindre for landbruksprodukter. Industrialisering av landbruket og liberalisering av handelen med landbruksvarer kan gi gode resultater på makronivå – på kort sikt. Dersom målet er å fremme situasjonen for de mest sårbare og samtidig møte klimautfordringene er løsningen en nedenfra-tilnærming, som til nå er blitt ignorert av de fleste stater.Nøkkelord: retten til mat, matsikkerhet, klima, Verdens handelsorganisasjon, FNs tusenårsmålEnglish summary: The struggle over food intake and food productionThe number of hungry persons in the world has increased – although it is debatable whether there is currently a higher or lower proportion of suffering from hunger than six years ago – before the food price increases. All agree that the overall production of food in the world is adequate for everyone's nutritional needs. The article demonstrates that there are two main approaches in the debate on food production. The dominant approach focuses primarily on food security, understood as increased food production and increased food trade. The other approach argues that the interests and rights of the most vulnerable must prevail, and that

  4. The First Joke: Exploring the Evolutionary Origins of Humor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joseph Polimeni


    Full Text Available Humor is a complex cognitive function which often leads to laughter. Contemporary humor theorists have begun to formulate hypotheses outlining the possible innate cognitive structures underlying humor. Humor's conspicuous presence in the behavioral repertoire of humankind invites adaptive explanations. This article explores the possible adaptive features of humor and ponders its evolutionary path through hominid history. Current humor theories and previous evolutionary ideas on humor are reviewed. In addition, scientific fields germane to the evolutionary study of humor are examined: animal models, genetics, children's humor, humor in pathological conditions, neurobiology, humor in traditional societies and cognitive archeology. Candidate selection pressures and associated evolutionary mechanisms are considered. The authors conclude that several evolutionary-related topics such as the origins of language, cognition underlying spiritual feelings, hominid group size, and primate teasing could have special relevance to the origins of humor.

  5. Viden om faste vendinger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bergenholtz, Henning; Bjærge, Esben


    Ordbogen indeholder ca. 17.000 idiomer, ordsprog, bevingede ord og andre faste vendinger, som der oplyses mest muligt om. Hertil hører oplysninger om betydningen, grammatik, kollokationer, synonymer, stil, ordforbindelsestype, etymologiske angivelser og andre baggrundsoplysninger, links til...

  6. [The Use of Humor in Psychotherapy: a View]. (United States)

    Chaloult, Guillaume; Blondeau, Claude

    The goal of this article is to expose different aspects of the use of humor in therapy. We hope that it will stimulate reflection and guide the clinician toward appropriate use of humorous interventions. Historical highlights of the topic will be presented. Then a practical definition of therapeutic humor and the main theories about humor will be reviewed. We will also discuss the probable mechanisms of action explaining the efficacy of humor in psychotherapy, as well as potential risks and benefits of its use. We will try to determine different factors influencing the patient's receptivity to humor. Subsequently, a classification of humor will be proposed, followed by a description of selected types of humor often used in therapy, with clinical cases as examples.

  7. Preface to Computational Humor 2012


    Unknown, [Unknown; Nijholt, Antinus; Nijholt, A.


    Like its predecessors in 1996 (University of Twente, the Netherlands) and 2002 (ITC-irst, Trento, Italy), this Third International Workshop on Computational Humor (IWCH 2012) focusses on the possibility to find algorithms that allow understanding and generation of humor. There is the general aim of modeling humor, and if we can do that, it will provide us with lots of information about our cognitive abilities in general, such as reasoning, remembering, understanding situations, and understand...

  8. Humor in Autism and Asperger Syndrome (United States)

    Lyons, Viktoria; Fitzgerald, Michael


    Research has shown that individuals with autism and Asperger syndrome are impaired in humor appreciation, although anecdotal and parental reports provide some evidence to the contrary. This paper reviews the cognitive and affective processes involved in humor and recent neurological findings. It examines humor expression and understanding in…

  9. Om evalueringsforskningens relative autonomi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørholm, Morten


    Det empiriske udgangspunkt for artiklen "Om evalueringsforskningens relative autonomi - dansk normal evalueringsforskning som et ikke-autonomt (sub)felt i magtens felt" er en række tekster af fire dominerende danske evalueringsforskere. Det teoretiske udgangspunkt er især Pierre Bourdieus teori om...

  10. [Positive aspects of old ages - humor of seniors]. (United States)

    Mareš, Jiří


    This survey study has five parts. In the first part two conceptual approaches to humor are characterized. One considers "the comic" to be an umbrella concept, and humor is only one of its rather positive forms. The other comes out from the umbrella concept "humor", and distinguishes between various forms of humor including the negative ones. Three main theories of humor are presented: theory of superiority, theory of incongruity, and a relief theory. The second part introduces humor in the elderly and draws the attention to the fact that we know relatively little about humor in old age because most research has been carried out in children, adolescents or adults in productive age. The third part of the study describes the process of diagnostics of humor in the elderly. For example, within the qualitative methods, in-depth interviews with seniors or analyses of their diary entries are used. Within quantitative methods, questionnaires are used, and this study presents the survey of seven most frequent ones applied in the studies of humor in the elderly. In the context of mixed methods, understanding of humor in young and seniors, or understanding of humor in relatively healthy seniors and seniors after stroke are compared. The fourth part of the study presents the Gelkopfs model on relationship between humor, treatment and cure of patients. The fifth part of the study demonstrates the options how to use humor to improve the mental state of the elderly (by means of individual or group interventions).

  11. Humorous Relations: Attentiveness, Pleasure and Risk (United States)

    Mayo, Cris


    This article focuses on the structures of humor and joke telling that require particular kinds of attentiveness and particular relationships between speaker and audience, or more specifically, between classmates. First, I will analyze the pedagogical and relational preconditions that are necessary for humor to work. If humor is to work well, the…

  12. Om de såkaldte fejlslutninger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Widell, Peter


    I artiklen, der er et bidrag til logik og argumentationsteori, tages de såkaldte fejlslutninger op til behandling. Det hævdes, at den nylige litteratur om emnet i Danmark ikke er opdateret om de sidste 30 års internationale debat. I et forsøg på at rode bod på denne tingenes tilstand gives et rids...... af nyere synspunkter på fejlslutningerne. Det karakteristiske for disse er, at der - på nær nogle få eksempler - egentlig ikke er tale om fejlslutninger i nogen formallogisk forstand af ordet, men snarere om forskellige forsyndelser enten mod et løsere begreb om "formal ekspliciterbarhed" (Woods...

  13. Children's Understanding of Self-Focused Humor Styles. (United States)

    James, Lucy Amelia; Fox, Claire Louise


    It has been proposed that four main styles of humor exist, two which are thought to be adaptive (affiliative, self-enhancing) and two which are thought to be maladaptive (aggressive, self-defeating). Whilst the existence of these four humor styles has been supported in older children, it is suggested that for younger children, self-enhancing and self-defeating humor may develop at a later point. To investigate this further, the current research involved five semi-structured paired interviews with children aged eight to eleven years to explore the use and understanding of self-enhancing and self-defeating humor in this age group. Findings indicated that use of both self-enhancing and self-defeating humor were apparent in some children, but not all. It therefore seems appropriate that attempts to investigate humor in this age group should aim to include all four styles of humor. The current research also demonstrated the value of paired interviews when carrying out this sort of research with children.

  14. "Meerdere Midden-Paleolithische bewoningsfasen in een loess-bodem sequentie te Veldwezelt-Hezerwater, Limburg, België"


    Bringmans, Patrick


    Meerdere Midden-Paleolithische Bewoningsfasen in een Loess-bodem Sequ entie te Veldwezelt-Hezerwater, Limburg, België Midden de jaren ’90 van de 20ste eeuw werd er door het “Laboratorium voo r Prehistorie” aan de Katholieke Universiteit Leuven een geo-archeologis ch project opgestart om in de loess-groeves van Limburgs-Haspengouw naar sporen van de Pleistocene mens te gaan prospecteren. Uit deze prospecti es bleek, dat vooral de loess-groeve te Veldwezelt-Hezerwater de beste p erspectiev...

  15. Humor styles moderate borderline personality traits and suicide ideation. (United States)

    Meyer, Neil A; Helle, Ashley C; Tucker, Raymond P; Lengel, Gregory J; DeShong, Hilary L; Wingate, LaRicka R; Mullins-Sweatt, Stephanie N


    The way individuals use humor to interact interpersonally has been associated with general personality, depression, and suicidality. Certain humor styles may moderate the risk for suicide ideation (SI) in individuals who are high in specific risk factors (e.g., thwarted belongingness, perceived burdensomeness). Previous research suggests a relationship between humor styles and borderline personality disorder (BPD) and an increased risk of suicidality and suicide completion in individuals with BPD. Participants (n =176) completed measures of BPD traits, SI, and humor styles. It was hypothesized that BPD traits would be positively correlated with negative humor styles and negatively correlated with positive humor styles, and that humor styles would significantly moderate BPD traits and SI. Results showed that BPD traits were negatively correlated with self-enhancing humor styles and positively correlated with self-defeating humor styles, but that they were not significantly correlated with affiliative or aggressive humor styles. Bootstrapping analyses demonstrated that the affiliative, self-enhancing, and self-defeating humor styles significantly moderated BPD traits and SI, while the aggressive humor style did not. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Hvad griner du af?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lorenzen, Tobias Hiort


    latterliggørelse indenfor en sådan teori. Sociologiens begreb om ”un-laughter” angives som en mulig udvej af dette problem. I forlængelse af dette kritiseres den moderne humor-psykologis lære om populationers humor-patologi og til slut argumenteres der for at en moderne dannelse af humor må have en moralsk...

  17. Fakta om integration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen, Hanne Winther; Nørredam, Marie

    Afsnit i Social- og Integrationsministeriets årlige publikation "Fakta om integration". Bygger på et litteraturreview foretaget i 2012 i samarbejde med Forskningscenter for Migration, Etnicitet og Sundhed (MESU) på opdrag af Social- og Integrationsministeriet.......Afsnit i Social- og Integrationsministeriets årlige publikation "Fakta om integration". Bygger på et litteraturreview foretaget i 2012 i samarbejde med Forskningscenter for Migration, Etnicitet og Sundhed (MESU) på opdrag af Social- og Integrationsministeriet....

  18. Humor, Philosophy and Education (United States)

    Morreall, John


    This article begins by examining the bad reputation humor traditionally had in philosophy and education. Two of the main charges against humor--that it is hostile and irresponsible--are linked to the Superiority Theory. That theory is critiqued and two other theories of laughter are presented--the Relief Theory and the Incongruity Theory. In the…

  19. Effectiveness of humor training among adolescents with autism. (United States)

    Wu, Ching-Lin; Liu, Ya-Ru; Kuo, Ching-Chih; Chen, Hsueh-Chih; Chang, Yu-Lin


    Humor training has been applied to educational and clinical cases and has been found to be effective, but humor training for individuals with autism is relatively rare. The present study proposed a humor-knowledge and humor-skill training workshop to enhance the humor comprehension and appreciation of individuals with autism and examined the effects of the training. Participants were 20 adolescents with autism and average intelligence (above 70 in WAIS-III). They were randomly divided into experimental and control groups. Both questionnaire of joke comprehension and appreciation and a humor style questionnaire were used as instruments. The results supported the effectiveness of the 15-h training. The comprehension and appreciation of nonsense humor were significantly increased in the experimental group in comparison with the control group, although the incongruity-resolution jokes remained difficult to comprehend. The tendency to use affiliative humor was greater among individuals with autism in the experimental group, suggesting that the appreciation of humor can be learned. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Towards Humor Modelling and Facilitation in Smart Environments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijholt, Antinus; Gu Ji, Y.; Choi, S.

    We know about word play, verbal jokes, and about humor that appears spontaneously in conversations. This humor is studied in computational linguistics, together with issues such as verbal incongruities, ambiguities, irony and sarcasm. These appearances of humor are also part of computational humor

  1. Omsætning af fast ejendom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Edlund, Hans Henrik

    Bogen er en systematisk gennemgang af lov om omsætning af fast ejendom, der regulerer ejendomsmægleres virke. Følgende emner er bl.a. behandlet: Hvem kan drive ejendomsmæglervirksomhed og ejendomsmæglernes pligter og ansvar.......Bogen er en systematisk gennemgang af lov om omsætning af fast ejendom, der regulerer ejendomsmægleres virke. Følgende emner er bl.a. behandlet: Hvem kan drive ejendomsmæglervirksomhed og ejendomsmæglernes pligter og ansvar....

  2. The German Version of the Humor Styles Questionnaire: Psychometric Properties and Overlap With Other Styles of Humor. (United States)

    Ruch, Willibald; Heintz, Sonja


    The Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ; Martin et al., 2003) is one of the most frequently used questionnaires in humor research and has been adapted to several languages. The HSQ measures four humor styles (affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, and self-defeating), which should be adaptive or potentially maladaptive to psychosocial well-being. The present study analyzes the internal consistency, factorial validity, and factorial invariance of the HSQ on the basis of several German-speaking samples combined (total N = 1,101). Separate analyses were conducted for gender (male/female), age groups (16-24, 25-35, >36 years old), and countries (Germany/Switzerland). Internal consistencies were good for the overall sample and the demographic subgroups (.80-.89), with lower values obtained for the aggressive scale (.66-.73). Principal components and confirmatory factor analyses mostly supported the four-factor structure of the HSQ. Weak factorial invariance was found across gender and age groups, while strong factorial invariance was supported across countries. Two subsamples also provided self-ratings on ten styles of humorous conduct (n = 344) and of eight comic styles (n = 285). The four HSQ scales showed small to large correlations to the styles of humorous conduct (-.54 to .65) and small to medium correlations to the comic styles (-.27 to .42). The HSQ shared on average 27.5-35.0% of the variance with the styles of humorous conduct and 13.0-15.0% of the variance with the comic styles. Thus-despite similar labels-these styles of humorous conduct and comic styles differed from the HSQ humor styles.

  3. Med humor som våben – sproglig humor som bindeled mellem kognition og emotion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Raab


    Full Text Available The attempt to establish a coherence between the cognitive description of language and thought and the neurobiological description of the human brain is often limited by lacking knowledge concerning the interplay between cognition and emotion – both necessary elements in understanding the way the brain works. Verbal humor is a convenient research object in this regard, as it consists (primarily in cognitive mechanisms, eliciting an emotional response – laughter. In this article, a review of the history of humor research is compared to a selection of studies (lesion-studies, ERP and fMRI on the relationship between humor, language and the brain, as an attempt to show how a broadly based theory of humor can help us to understand the relationship between cognition and emotion.

  4. Med humor som våben – sproglig humor som bindeled mellem kognition og emotion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Raab


    Full Text Available The attempt to establish a coherence between the cognitive description of language and thought and the neurobiological description of the human brain is often limited by lacking knowledge concerning the interplay between cognition and emotion – both necessary elements in understanding the way the brain works. Verbal humor is a convenient research object in this regard, as it consists (primarily in cognitive mechanisms, eliciting an emotional response – laughter. In this article, a review of the history of humor research is compared to a selection of studies (lesion-studies, ERP and fMRI on the relationship between humor, language and the brain, as an attempt to show how a broadly based theory of humor can help us to understand the relationship between cognition and emotion.

  5. Computational Humor 2012 : extended abstacts of the (3rd international) Workshop on computational Humor

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijholt, Antinus; Unknown, [Unknown


    Like its predecessors in 1996 (University of Twente, the Netherlands) and 2002 (ITC-irst, Trento, Italy), this Third International Workshop on Computational Humor (IWCH 2012) focusses on the possibility to find algorithms that allow understanding and generation of humor. There is the general aim of

  6. Selective hydrogenation of halogenated arenes using porous manganese oxide (OMS-2) and platinum supported OMS-2 catalysts. (United States)

    McManus, Iain J; Daly, Helen; Manyar, Haresh G; Taylor, S F Rebecca; Thompson, Jillian M; Hardacre, Christopher


    Porous manganese oxide (OMS-2) and platinum supported on OMS-2 catalysts have been shown to facilitate the hydrogenation of the nitro group in chloronitrobenzene to give chloroaniline with no dehalogenation. Complete conversion was obtained within 2 h at 25 °C and, although the rate of reaction increased with increasing temperature up to 100 °C, the selectivity to chloroaniline remained at 99.0%. Use of Pd/OMS-2 or Pt/Al2O3 resulted in significant dechlorination even at 25 °C and 2 bar hydrogen pressure giving a selectivity to chloroaniline of 34.5% and 77.8%, respectively, at complete conversion. This demonstrates the potential of using platinum group metal free catalysts for the selective hydrogenation of halogenated aromatics. Two pathways were observed for the analogous nitrobenzene hydrogenation depending on the catalyst used. The hydrogenation of nitrobenzene was found to follow a direct pathway to aniline and nitrosobenzene over Pd/OMS-2 in contrast to the OMS and Pt/OMS-2 catalysts which resulted in formation of nitrosobenzene, azoxybenzene and azobenzene/hydrazobenzene intermediates before complete conversion to aniline. These results indicate that for Pt/OMS-2 the hydrogenation proceeds predominantly over the support with the metal acting to dissociate hydrogen. In the case of Pd/OMS-2 both the hydrogenation and hydrogen adsorption occur on the metal sites.

  7. Humor in psychiatric healing. (United States)

    Saper, B


    The oft-quoted aphorism that "laughter is the best medicine" is examined. Specifically, three big drops in the shower of claims regarding the benefits of humor in treating physical and mental disorders are evaluated. First, studies of the effects of mirth and laughter on the physiology of the body reveal both good and bad news. The meager evidence of the salutary effects of positive emotions on the cardiovascular, respiratory, immune and neuroendocrine systems, though apparently supportable on more or less scientific, rational and subjective grounds, needs much better verification from more extensive, replicable, and empirical research. Second, despite numerous claims, in the context of behavioral or psychosomatic medicine, that a joyful, optimistic, or humorous attitude can render a salubrious effect, almost to the extent of preventing illness and curing physical disease, the jury is still out and issuing dire warnings regarding too ready acceptance of this largely anecdotal evidence. Much careful "clinical trial" research needs to be mounted to determine the conditions under which humor works best, if at all. The type of patient, the kind of humor, the type and severity of illness, the psychosocial contexts-all of these factors should be considered. Third, the infusion of humor into psychotherapy is great news for some therapists and awful news for others. A number of more balanced approaches point up the probability that when mirth is incorporated into therapy judiciously, appropriately, and meaningfully it can be of value.

  8. Risky business: When humor increases and decreases status. (United States)

    Bitterly, T Bradford; Brooks, Alison Wood; Schweitzer, Maurice E


    Across 8 experiments, we demonstrate that humor can influence status, but attempting to use humor is risky. The successful use of humor can increase status in both new and existing relationships, but unsuccessful humor attempts (e.g., inappropriate jokes) can harm status. The relationship between the successful use of humor and status is mediated by perceptions of confidence and competence. The successful use of humor signals confidence and competence, which in turn increases the joke teller's status. Interestingly, telling both appropriate and inappropriate jokes, regardless of the outcome, signals confidence. Although signaling confidence typically increases status and power, telling inappropriate jokes signals low competence and the combined effect of high confidence and low competence harms status. Rather than conceptualizing humor as a frivolous or ancillary behavior, we argue that humor plays a fundamental role in shaping interpersonal perceptions and hierarchies within groups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  9. Sense of Humor, Stable Affect, and Psychological Well-Being

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arnie Cann


    Full Text Available A good sense of humor has been implicated as a quality that could contribute to psychological well-being. The mechanisms through which sense of humor might operate include helping to reappraise threats, serving as a character strength, or facilitating happiness. The current research attempts to integrate these possibilities by examining whether a good sense of humor might operate globally by helping to maintain a more stable positive affect. Stable positive affect has been shown to facilitate more effective problem solving and to build resilience. However, not all humor is adaptive humor, so we also examine the roles that different styles of humor use might play. Individual differences in humor styles were used to predict stable levels of affect. Then, in a longitudinal design, humor styles and stable affect were used to predict subsequent resilience and psychological health. The results indicated that stable affect was related to resilience and psychological well-being, and that a sense of humor that involves self-enhancing humor, humor based on maintaining a humorous perspective about one’s experiences, was positively related to stable positive affect, negatively related to stable negative affect, and was mediated through stable affect in influencing resilience, well-being and distress. Thus, while a good sense of humor can lead to greater resilience and better psychological health, the current results, focusing on stable affect, find only self-enhancing humor provides reliable benefits.

  10. Om religion og evolution

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Geertz, Armin W.


    for kulturens kausale virkning på den menneskelige kognition og ikke mindst den hominine evolution. Ud fra, hvad vi ved om den menneskelige evolution, ses det, at den hominine evolution har en dybde, som sjældent medtænkes i teorier og hypoteser om den menneskelige evolution. Den menneskelige evolution er...

  11. Humor and creativity in psychotherapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier Martín Camacho


    Full Text Available In the current article principal theories on humor are analyzed, relating them to different conceptions of creativity. Finally, some indications for the use of humor in psychotherapy are introduced, highlighting their positive and negative aspects. 

  12. Den brede, folkelige debat om EU

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dosenrode, Søren


    I Danmark er EUropa noget fjernt på trods af, at EU er rammen om dansk politik, både udenrigs og indenrigs. Danmark er medlem af en de facto føderation, men de brede folkelige debater om hvordan EU skal gestaltes har manglet.......I Danmark er EUropa noget fjernt på trods af, at EU er rammen om dansk politik, både udenrigs og indenrigs. Danmark er medlem af en de facto føderation, men de brede folkelige debater om hvordan EU skal gestaltes har manglet....

  13. Exploring the Relationship between Humor and Aesthetic Experience (United States)

    Gordon, Mordechai


    The connection between humor and aesthetic experience has already been recognized by several thinkers and aesthetic educators. For instance, humor theorist John Morreall writes that "humor is best understood as itself a kind of aesthetic experience, equal in value at least to any other kind of aesthetic experience." For Morreall, both humor and…

  14. Benefits of humor in reduction of threat-induced anxiety. (United States)

    Yovetich, N A; Dale, J A; Hudak, M A


    The benefits of humor in reducing anxiety were investigated in a laboratory study, in which subjects were falsely led to believe that they would receive a shock in 12 min. Participants were 53 undergraduate students with either high or low sense of humor as measured by the Situational Humor Response Questionnaire of Martin and Lefcourt (1984). During the anticipatory period, subjects listened to either a humorous tape, a nonhumorous tape, or no tape. Dependent variables were repeated measures of self-reported anxiety, heart rate, and zygomatic facial activity. Anxiety increased over the anticipatory period, as predicted. A significant interaction between condition and time indicated that subjects from the humor condition consistently rated themselves as less anxious and reported less increase in stress as the shock approached. A three-way interaction concentrating on the final 3 min. indicated a tendency for subjects with low sense of humor to have higher heart rates in the no-tape condition than in the humorous or nonhumorous tape conditions. Analysis for zygomatic activity indicated more smiling by subjects with high sense of humor and by subjects in the humor condition. Also, the humorous tape elicited more smiling by subjects with high sense of humor.

  15. Mindfulness handler ikke om individualisering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Christian Gaden


    Kommentar til indlæg i Ugebrevet A4 om, at mindfulness virker individualiserende på arbejdspladsen.......Kommentar til indlæg i Ugebrevet A4 om, at mindfulness virker individualiserende på arbejdspladsen....

  16. Effectiveness of humor advertising on advertising success


    S, venkatesh; N, senthilkumar


    In global advertising ‘humor’ is the most effective emotion used in advertising compared to other emotional appeals. Advertisers and researchers more interested in Humor in advertising for more than 100 years. But there is no review paper for Impact of humor in advertising till twenty two years of time, in between period there was lot of research outcomes published about humor in advertising. The purpose of this paper to get detailed review about Impact of humor in advertising for 40 years an...

  17. LOL Teacher! Using Humor to Enhance Student Learning (United States)

    Terrell, Shelly


    Laughing with students can help them connect on a deeper level with the teacher and the learning. This article offers the following four strategies to incorporate humor into teaching: (1) Integrate humorous bits to boost engagement; (2) Choose humorous materials; (3) Create interest with humorous web tools and apps; and (4) Teach with silly…

  18. Humor as Wisdom for Reframing Life. (United States)

    Lee, Sang Uk


    Human beings inevitably experience anxiety but attempt to avoid facing it through various forms of self-deception. This avoidance can lead to pathological symptoms. Young and middle-aged adults may be especially susceptible to suffering from anxiety because they are often single-mindedly pursuing means of achieving security. For these and others who fail to embrace life with warm enthusiasm, humor can serve to alleviate stress. This article views humor as a characteristic disposition of older adults-their humor signifying a sense of integrity and wisdom that often accompanies the aging process. Humor binds together feelings of despair and joy and contributes to a faithful reframing of faith and life. This article proposes that individuals acquire humor by perceiving the world as if on a journey to an exotic new place, seeing with new eyes even the most mundane of everyday objects and events. This capacity to perceive beauty in the ordinary world reflects a wisdom of older adults potentially available even to the young.

  19. Preface to Computational Humor 2012

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Unknown, [Unknown; Nijholt, Antinus; Nijholt, A.


    Like its predecessors in 1996 (University of Twente, the Netherlands) and 2002 (ITC-irst, Trento, Italy), this Third International Workshop on Computational Humor (IWCH 2012) focusses on the possibility to find algorithms that allow understanding and generation of humor. There is the general aim of

  20. The Neural Correlates of Humor Creativity


    Amir, Ori; Biederman, Irving


    Unlike passive humor appreciation, the neural correlates of real-time humor creation have been unexplored. As a case study for creativity, humor generation uniquely affords a reliable assessment of a creative product’s quality with a clear and relatively rapid beginning and end, rendering it amenable to neuroimaging that has the potential for reflecting individual differences in expertise. Professional and amateur “improv” comedians and controls viewed New Yorker cartoon drawings while being ...

  1. Humor styles and symbolic boundaries

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kuipers, G.


    Humor is strongly related to group boundaries. Jokes and other humorous utterances often draw on implicit references and inside knowledge; they tend to refer to sensitive topics which may offend people; and they ideally incite laughter, one of the strongest markers of social solidarity and emotional

  2. Om Spil

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristiansen, Erik


    Introduktion til spil som performances, herunder især computerspil. Om spillets særlige verden og nyere typer af spil, herunder "performative spil", "stedsforankrede spil" og "alternate reality games"....

  3. Strategically Funny: Romantic Motives Affect Humor Style in Relationship Initiation. (United States)

    DiDonato, Theresa E; Jakubiak, Brittany K


    Not all humor is the same, yet little is known about the appeal of specific humor styles in romantic initiation. The current experimental study addresses this gap by investigating how romantic motives (short-term or long-term) affect individuals' anticipated use of, and response to, positive humor and negative humor. Heterosexual participants (n = 224) imagined the pursuit of either a desired short-term or long-term relationship, indicated the extent to which they would produce positive and negative humor, and reported how their own interest would change in response to the imaginary target's use of positive or negative humor. Results revealed that individuals are strategic in their humor production as a function of relational motives. Individuals produced positive humor in both contexts but limited their use of negative humor when pursuing a long-term relationship. The target's positive humor increased individuals' attraction, especially women's, and although negative humor boosted attraction, it did not boost attraction more for short-term than long-term relationships. Findings extend a trait-indicator model of humor and their implications are discussed in light of other theoretical perspectives.

  4. Can the use of humor in psychotherapy be taught? (United States)

    Valentine, Lisa; Gabbard, Glen O


    Despite an abundance of literature detailing the potential benefits of the use of humor in therapy, humor is rarely taught to psychiatric residents as a method of therapeutic intervention. This communication attempts to explain how current understanding of attachment theory and neuroscience may assist psychiatric faculty and supervisors in their teaching of humorous therapeutic interventions. This article reviews and synthesizes the extant literature on the use of humor, as well as recent work in neuroscience, attachment theory, and mentalization. Humor can be conceptualized as an instance of implicit relational knowing and may thus contribute significantly to the therapeutic action of psychotherapy as a subcategory of "moments of meeting" between therapist and patient. However, training residents to use humor in psychotherapy requires more individualized attention in supervision and classroom seminars. Factors such as individual proclivities for humorous repartee, mentalizing capacity, and an authentic interest in adding humor to the session may be necessary to incorporate spontaneous humor into one's technique. New findings from the areas of attachment theory, neuroscience, and right-hemisphere learning are providing potential opportunities for sophisticated teaching of the use of humor in psychotherapy.

  5. Humor During Clinical Practice: Analysis of Recorded Clinical Encounters. (United States)

    Phillips, Kari A; Singh Ospina, Naykky; Rodriguez-Gutierrez, Rene; Castaneda-Guarderas, Ana; Gionfriddo, Michael R; Branda, Megan; Montori, Victor


    Little is known about humor's use in clinical encounters, despite its many potential benefits. We aimed to describe humor during clinical encounters. We analyzed 112 recorded clinical encounters. Two reviewers working independently identified instances of humor, as well as information surrounding the logistics of its use. Of the 112 encounters, 66 (59%) contained 131 instances of humor. Humor was similarly frequent in primary care (36/61, 59%) and in specialty care (30/51, 59%), was more common in gender-concordant interactions (43/63, 68%), and was most common during counseling (81/112, 62%). Patients and clinicians introduced humor similarly (63 vs 66 instances). Typically, humor was about the patient's medical condition (40/131, 31%). Humor is used commonly during counseling to discuss the patient's medical condition and to relate to general life events bringing warmth to the medical encounter. The timing and topic of humor and its use by all parties suggests humor plays a role in the social connection between patients and physicians and allows easier discussion of difficult topics. Further research is necessary to establish its impact on clinicians, patients, and outcomes. © Copyright 2018 by the American Board of Family Medicine.

  6. Children’s Understanding of Self-Focused Humor Styles (United States)

    James, Lucy Amelia; Fox, Claire Louise


    It has been proposed that four main styles of humor exist, two which are thought to be adaptive (affiliative, self-enhancing) and two which are thought to be maladaptive (aggressive, self-defeating). Whilst the existence of these four humor styles has been supported in older children, it is suggested that for younger children, self-enhancing and self-defeating humor may develop at a later point. To investigate this further, the current research involved five semi-structured paired interviews with children aged eight to eleven years to explore the use and understanding of self-enhancing and self-defeating humor in this age group. Findings indicated that use of both self-enhancing and self-defeating humor were apparent in some children, but not all. It therefore seems appropriate that attempts to investigate humor in this age group should aim to include all four styles of humor. The current research also demonstrated the value of paired interviews when carrying out this sort of research with children. PMID:27547258

  7. Linguistic Features of Humor in Academic Writing (United States)

    Skalicky, Stephen; Berger, Cynthia M.; Crossley, Scott A.; McNamara, Danielle S.


    A corpus of 313 freshman college essays was analyzed in order to better understand the forms and functions of humor in academic writing. Human ratings of humor and wordplay were statistically aggregated using Factor Analysis to provide an overall "Humor" component score for each essay in the corpus. In addition, the essays were also…

  8. Strategically Funny: Romantic Motives Affect Humor Style in Relationship Initiation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Theresa E. DiDonato


    Full Text Available Not all humor is the same, yet little is known about the appeal of specific humor styles in romantic initiation. The current experimental study addresses this gap by investigating how romantic motives (short-term or long-term affect individuals’ anticipated use of, and response to, positive humor and negative humor. Heterosexual participants (n = 224 imagined the pursuit of either a desired short-term or long-term relationship, indicated the extent to which they would produce positive and negative humor, and reported how their own interest would change in response to the imaginary target’s use of positive or negative humor. Results revealed that individuals are strategic in their humor production as a function of relational motives. Individuals produced positive humor in both contexts but limited their use of negative humor when pursuing a long-term relationship. The target’s positive humor increased individuals’ attraction, especially women’s, and although negative humor boosted attraction, it did not boost attraction more for short-term than long-term relationships. Findings extend a trait-indicator model of humor and their implications are discussed in light of other theoretical perspectives.

  9. An Explanation of the Relationship between Instructor Humor and Student Learning: Instructional Humor Processing Theory (United States)

    Wanzer, Melissa B.; Frymier, Ann B.; Irwin, Jeffrey


    This paper proposes the Instructional Humor Processing Theory (IHPT), a theory that incorporates elements of incongruity-resolution theory, disposition theory, and the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) of persuasion. IHPT is proposed and offered as an explanation for why some types of instructor-generated humor result in increased student…

  10. Om den sociale og symbolske funktion af uddannelsesevalueringer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørholm, Morten

    Ph.d.-afhandlingen handler om evalueringer, om evalueringer af uddannelse med et fokus og perspektiv som er begrænset til en afdækning af forhold om evalueringer, til en formulering af en teori om evalueringer. I afhandlingens analyser og diskussioner anvendes teorier af Émile Durkheim, Pierre...

  11. Humor and laughter in patients with cerebellar degeneration. (United States)

    Frank, B; Propson, B; Göricke, S; Jacobi, H; Wild, B; Timmann, D


    Humor is a complex behavior which includes cognitive, affective and motor responses. Based on observations of affective changes in patients with cerebellar lesions, the cerebellum may support cerebral and brainstem areas involved in understanding and appreciation of humorous stimuli and expression of laughter. The aim of the present study was to examine if humor appreciation, perception of humorous stimuli, and the succeeding facial reaction differ between patients with cerebellar degeneration and healthy controls. Twenty-three adults with pure cerebellar degeneration were compared with 23 age-, gender-, and education-matched healthy control subjects. No significant difference in humor appreciation and perception of humorous stimuli could be found between groups using the 3 Witz-Dimensionen Test, a validated test asking for funniness and aversiveness of jokes and cartoons. Furthermore, while observing jokes, humorous cartoons, and video sketches, facial expressions of subjects were videotaped and afterwards analysed using the Facial Action Coding System. Using depression as a covariate, the number, and to a lesser degree, the duration of facial expressions during laughter were reduced in cerebellar patients compared to healthy controls. In sum, appreciation of humor appears to be largely preserved in patients with chronic cerebellar degeneration. Cerebellar circuits may contribute to the expression of laughter. Findings add to the literature that non-motor disorders in patients with chronic cerebellar disease are generally mild, but do not exclude that more marked disorders may show up in acute cerebellar disease and/or in more specific tests of humor appreciation.

  12. [Humor in Medicine - The Art of Leaping Over the Shadows]. (United States)

    Wild, Barbara


    Humor and laughter are integral parts of human life and communication - and so of course they occur in medical contacts.Humor is defined as a personality based cognitive emotional style of processing situations, characterized by the ability to find positive aspects even in negative situations, and the ability to communicate this point of view to others and to cheer them up. Humor can support healing processes and coping with illness. Humor and jokes reduce anxiety and stress (for patients and doctors). Humorous people have a more realistic, flexible and less fearful behaviour. Humor helps to overcome negative experience. Humor can help the patient to gain new views towards the disease and a healthy distance towards occurring symptoms. Humor improves the relationship between patient and doctor. But beware: jokes can also be used to express fears, aggression or shame. Therefore it is worthwhile to listen carefully to what patients want to express. Humor reduces the risk of burnout. In contact with patients, it is important to give their humor room, to use it and respond to it, more than making jokes. Humor can be trained. Humor training and creation of a humorous atmosphere in health care facilities should also be supported by health insurance funds, institutions' sponsors and public authorities. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  13. Changes to the Aqueous Humor Proteome during Glaucoma. (United States)

    Kaeslin, Martha Andrea; Killer, Hanspeter Ezriel; Fuhrer, Cyril Adrian; Zeleny, Nauke; Huber, Andreas Robert; Neutzner, Albert


    To investigate the aqueous humor proteome in patients with glaucoma and a control group. Aqueous humor was obtained from five human donors diagnosed with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) and five age- and sex-matched controls undergoing cataract surgery. Quantitative proteome analysis of the aqueous humor by hyper reaction monitoring mass spectrometry (HRM-MS) based on SWATH technology was performed. Expression levels of 87 proteins were found to be different between glaucomatous and control aqueous humor. Of the 87 proteins, 34 were significantly upregulated, whereas 53 proteins were downregulated in the aqueous humor from glaucoma patients compared to controls. Differentially expressed proteins were found to be involved in cholesterol-related, inflammatory, metabolic, antioxidant as well as proteolysis-related processes. Glaucoma leads to profound changes to the aqueous humor proteome consistent with an altered metabolic state, an inflammatory response and impaired antioxidant defense.

  14. ARL/OMS Consultant Training Program. (United States)

    Euster, Joanne R.


    Describes Academic Library Consultant Training Program begun in 1979, sponsored by Office of Management Studies (OMS) and designed to provide 80 consultants to aid academic libraries in improving performance. Viewpoints are included from OMS Director and participants concerning program objectives, trainee selection, workshops, internships, and the…

  15. Designed and Accidental Humor in the Smart Digital Wild

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijholt, Anton; Ruiz Miyares, L.

    Humor can be designed and canned, for example as it appears in videogames, sitcoms or amusement parks. We often have humor professionals that have responsibility for this inclusion of humor. Humor can be designed for a particular occasion, for example in an April prank. However, in real life we

  16. A Pragmatic Study of Humor (United States)

    Ibraheem, Sura Dhiaa; Abbas, Nawal Fadhil


    Linguistically speaking, the concept of humor, which seems to be vast for people, has specific dimensions by which it is generated including: puns, irony, sarcasm, wittiness, and contrastive utterances in relation to the speakers of those utterances. It is about how the extra linguistics elements dominate the situation and the delivery of humor.…

  17. Differential effects of self-esteem and interpersonal competence on humor styles (United States)

    McCosker, Bernadette; Moran, Carmen C


    Background In contrast with an early implicit “facilitative hypothesis” of humor, a revised specificity hypothesis predicts that the benefits of humor depend on the specific style of humor used. Information on predictors of these humor styles in turn enhances the ability to predict the effect on well-being. Methods We examined the relationships between interpersonal competence, self-esteem, and different styles of humor, while also examining the contributions of age and gender. Participants (n = 201) aged 18–63 years completed the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Inventory, the Interpersonal Competence Questionnaire, and the Humor Styles Questionnaire, and gave demographic information. Results High self-esteem was associated with higher use of affiliative, aggressive, and self-enhancing humor styles, but lower use of self-defeating humor. High interpersonal competence predicted greater use of affiliative humor, whereas low interpersonal competence predicted greater use of aggressive humor. Further analyses showed that initiation competence predicted affiliative humor (positively) but both initiation competence (positively) and conflict management competence (negatively) predicted aggressive humor. Conclusion The findings that both self-esteem and initiation competence contribute to use of aggressive humor add to knowledge of who is likely to use this potentially harmful humor style. We conclude that a readiness to initiate humorous interactions is not on its own a general and positive attribute contributing to “good” humor. PMID:23180973

  18. De consument overtuigen: meer dan een norm opleggen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Melnyk, V.; Kornelis, M.; Herpen, van E.


    Beleidsmakers besteden jaarlijks miljoenen euro's aan campagnes om mensen over te halen zich volgens gewenste normen te gedragen. Bijvoorbeeld om hen aan te zetten om vooral gezonde voedselproducten te kopen, om te stoppen met roken of om milieuvriendelijke verpakkingen te kiezen. Maar of die

  19. Opsigtsvækkende nyt om derivater fra USA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thinggaard, Frank


    Der er opsigsvækkende nyt fra USA om den regnskabsmæssige behandling af derivater som terminskontrakter, futures, optioner, swaps m.v. Glem alt om historiske anskaffelsespriser. For derivater er der kun ét mål, som kan bruges: markedsværdier (fair-values). Glem alt om snakken om 'off-balance-sheet...

  20. Spass Verstehen, Zur Pragmatik von konversationellem Humor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ekmann, Bjørn


    Spøg, Humor, Komik, Ironi, Kommunikationsteori, Hermeneutik, Gruppedynamik, Logik, Tekstlingvistik......Spøg, Humor, Komik, Ironi, Kommunikationsteori, Hermeneutik, Gruppedynamik, Logik, Tekstlingvistik...

  1. Angustia y humor en Papelucho de Marcela Paz




    Los estudios clásicos sobre el humor identifican una interrelación estrecha entre humor y angustia. En la serie narrativa Papelucho, esta interacción es constante en la trama de las distintas novelas. Este trabajo describe la interacción entre humor y angustia que se da en la obra y reflexiona sobre su sentido. Se concluye que la serie propone el humor como estrategia para enfrentar los hechos angustiantes ineludibles en la vida.

  2. Changes to the Aqueous Humor Proteome during Glaucoma.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martha Andrea Kaeslin

    Full Text Available To investigate the aqueous humor proteome in patients with glaucoma and a control group.Aqueous humor was obtained from five human donors diagnosed with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG and five age- and sex-matched controls undergoing cataract surgery. Quantitative proteome analysis of the aqueous humor by hyper reaction monitoring mass spectrometry (HRM-MS based on SWATH technology was performed.Expression levels of 87 proteins were found to be different between glaucomatous and control aqueous humor. Of the 87 proteins, 34 were significantly upregulated, whereas 53 proteins were downregulated in the aqueous humor from glaucoma patients compared to controls. Differentially expressed proteins were found to be involved in cholesterol-related, inflammatory, metabolic, antioxidant as well as proteolysis-related processes.Glaucoma leads to profound changes to the aqueous humor proteome consistent with an altered metabolic state, an inflammatory response and impaired antioxidant defense.

  3. Humor er en alvorlig sag

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søltoft, Pia


    I modsætning til ironi er humor for Kierkegaard fællesskabsgivende – ironikeren hævder sig selv, men humoristen har sympati med den, man ler med. Humor er hos Kierkegaard udtryk for, at humoristen forliger sig med tilværelsen og dens luner, og dermed grænser humoren hos Kierkegaard op til det...

  4. El humor en los servicios hospitalarios

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aguinaga Benítez Óscar William


    Full Text Available

    El humor es un fenómeno demasiado complejo para ser explicado fácilmente, sin embargo la risa, es una de las formas más admirables del comportamiento humano. El humor forma parte de nuestra vida cotidiana y todos tenemos de él, ya desde nuestra más tierna infancia un conocimiento intuitivo. Muchos saben que el humor mejora las relaciones humanas, puede favorecer una cierta distensión y facilita el bienestar de todos los miembros de una empresa, dirigentes, empleados y obreros. Muchos esperan encontrar en él la forma de resolver los conflictos y de reducir la agresividad. Allí donde se encuentren hombres, existe el humor, comprenderlo mejor y utilizarlo más libremente y en el momento oportuno, puede ayudarnos a hacer nuestra vida más agradable.

  5. Forestillinger om kvinden i sygeplejefaget

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holen, Mari


    Kapitlet analyserer forestillingen om at kvindelighed og sygeplejefaget hører sammen. Den teoretiske optik er Judith Butlers opgør med forestillingen om, at kønnet har en biologisk komponent og en social/kulturel komponent. Kapitlet er en analyse af forskellige tekster skrevet af tre forskellige...... forbinder kvinden til sygeplejefaget. Denne forbindelselinje er dog på mange måder paradoksal, hvilket fremkommer ved at læse teksterne i lyset af Butlers kritik af skellet mellem sex og gender. For på den ene side beskrives det kvidnelige om særlig værdifuldt i forhold til sygeplejefaget, og på den anden...

  6. Differential effects of self-esteem and interpersonal competence on humor styles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    McCosker B


    Full Text Available Bernadette McCosker, Carmen C MoranSchool of Psychology, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW, AustraliaBackground: In contrast with an early implicit “facilitative hypothesis” of humor, a revised specificity hypothesis predicts that the benefits of humor depend on the specific style of humor used. Information on predictors of these humor styles in turn enhances the ability to predict the effect on well-being.Methods: We examined the relationships between interpersonal competence, self-esteem, and different styles of humor, while also examining the contributions of age and gender. Participants (n = 201 aged 18–63 years completed the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Inventory, the Interpersonal Competence Questionnaire, and the Humor Styles Questionnaire, and gave demographic information.Results: High self-esteem was associated with higher use of affiliative, aggressive, and self-enhancing humor styles, but lower use of self-defeating humor. High interpersonal competence predicted greater use of affiliative humor, whereas low interpersonal competence predicted greater use of aggressive humor. Further analyses showed that initiation competence predicted affiliative humor (positively but both initiation competence (positively and conflict management competence (negatively predicted aggressive humor.Conclusion: The findings that both self-esteem and initiation competence contribute to use of aggressive humor add to knowledge of who is likely to use this potentially harmful humor style. We conclude that a readiness to initiate humorous interactions is not on its own a general and positive attribute contributing to “good” humor.Keywords: self-esteem, interpersonal competence, humor styles, differential effects

  7. Appreciation of humor is decreased among patients with Parkinson's disease. (United States)

    Thaler, Avner; Posen, Jennie; Giladi, Nir; Manor, Yael; Mayanz, Connie; Mirelman, Anat; Gurevich, Tanya


    To test whether appreciation of humor might be a non-motor function affected by Parkinson's disease (PD). Thirty-nine PD patients and 38 healthy controls participated in this study. Appreciation of humor and effect of the presentation method utilized were assessed. Sense of humor was evaluated by the sense of humor questionnaire (SHQ-6). Humor appreciation was tested using three methods of presentation: videos, audio sketches and pictorial cartoons, each portraying both obvious and non-obvious humor content. Depression, anxiety, cognition, disease severity and quality of life were measured by standardized questionnaires and correlated with humor outcomes. Patients with PD rated humor content lower than controls on every method of presentation as well as on the SHQ-6 (p = 0.004). The greatest between-group difference was noted when the material was presented visually via pictorial cartoons (p < 0.0001). In addition, obvious humor content was rated higher than non-obvious content by the PD group in all three presentation methods (p < 0.05). The degree of depression and anxiety did not influence these results. Patients with PD have a decreased sense of humor compared to healthy controls. Utilizing audio methods of presentation and humor in an obvious mode appears to be the preferred approach for eliciting responses to humor in a PD population. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. 7 film om lærerjobbet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    ”Inden man når at få blinket med øjnene, er det faktisk allerede fredag.” Sådan siger Helle Larsen om sit job som lærer nu på. tredje år. I syv små film fortæller lærere, ledere og lærerstuderende om at arbejde i folkeskolen og om at læse til lærer. I filmene beskrives lærerjobbet som værende...

  9. Angustia y humor en Papelucho de Marcela Paz

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Los estudios clásicos sobre el humor identifican una interrelación estrecha entre humor y angustia. En la serie narrativa Papelucho, esta interacción es constante en la trama de las distintas novelas. Este trabajo describe la interacción entre humor y angustia que se da en la obra y reflexiona sobre su sentido. Se concluye que la serie propone el humor como estrategia para enfrentar los hechos angustiantes ineludibles en la vida.

  10. Humor in Human-Computer Interaction : A Short Survey

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijholt, Anton; Niculescu, Andreea; Valitutti, Alessandro; Banchs, Rafael E.; Joshi, Anirudha; Balkrishan, Devanuj K.; Dalvi, Girish; Winckler, Marco


    This paper is a short survey on humor in human-computer interaction. It describes how humor is designed and interacted with in social media, virtual agents, social robots and smart environments. Benefits and future use of humor in interactions with artificial entities are discussed based on

  11. Humor Styles and Leadership Styles: Community College Presidents (United States)

    Carrica, Jennifer L.


    The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between leadership styles (transformational, transactional, laissez-faire) and humor styles (affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, self-defeating) of community college presidents. Research has shown that humor and leadership styles are related and that humor may enhance interpersonal…

  12. Data i stakkevis om døde grise

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Serup, Tove; Rangstrup-Christensen, Lena


    Eksperter er i gang med at samle data fra 6000 faringer og 4000 obduktioner af døde pattegrise. Det gælder om at klarlægge hvornår i diegivningsperioden pattegrisene dør, og hvad de dør af. Der er tale om den hidtil største datamængde i Danmark om emnet.......Eksperter er i gang med at samle data fra 6000 faringer og 4000 obduktioner af døde pattegrise. Det gælder om at klarlægge hvornår i diegivningsperioden pattegrisene dør, og hvad de dør af. Der er tale om den hidtil største datamængde i Danmark om emnet....

  13. Adult Playfulness, Humor Styles, and Subjective Happiness. (United States)

    Yue, Xiao D; Leung, Chun-Lok; Hiranandani, Neelam A


    Playfulness has been referred to as a disposition that involves reframing a situation to amuse others and to make the situation more stimulating and enjoyable. It may serve to shift one's perspective when dealing with environmental threats. Despite all the benefits of playfulness towards psychological well-being, it remains a largely understudied subject in psychology, particularly in Chinese societies. Hence, this study examined the association between adult playfulness, humor styles, and subjective happiness among a sample of 166 university students in Hong Kong and 159 students in Guangzhou, who completed a self-administered questionnaire, including the Short Measure for Adult Playfulness, the Chinese Humor Styles Questionnaire, and the Subjective Happiness Scale. Results showed that adult playfulness was positively correlated with affiliative humor, self-enhancing humor, and subjective happiness in both Hong Kong and Guangzhou samples. By its implication, highly playful Chinese students preferred using affiliative and self-enhancing humor to amuse themselves and others. © The Author(s) 2016.

  14. Risa y aprendizaje: el papel del humor en la labor docente

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Jáuregui Narváez


    Full Text Available Numerosas corrientes pedagógicas en las últimas décadas han fomentado el humor, la diversión y la risa en la labor docente, citando numerosos beneficios, establecer una mejor relación con los estudiantes, reducir el estrés y la ansiedad, gestionar el conflicto, proporcionar una recompensa emocional que motive la participación y el estudio, y comunicar la materia más eficazmente, estimulando la atención, la creatividad y la memoria. En este artículo se evalúa la justificación teórica y empírica de este modelo más "lúdico" del aprendizaje, y se matizan algunas de las ideas que suelen proponerse en este sentido.

  15. Humor in intimate relationships Ties among sense of humor, similarity in humor and relationship quality

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Barelds, D.P.H.; Barelds-Dijkstra, P.


    The present study examined relations between different aspects of humor and relationship quality Participants 114 married or cohabiting heterosexual couples from the general community with a mean relationship length of 22 years completed a number of measures assessing these two themes We expected

  16. Ledelsesretten - om styringssproget i dialogens skygge

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pagh, Lone


    I denne artikel giver offentlige ledere til kende, at ledelsesretten i hverdagens kommunikation opfattes som "gammeldags" og en "falliterklæring". At trække ledelsesrets-kortet er en nødudgang, når alle dialogmuligheder er udspillet. Ledelsesretten støder dermed mod idealer om ledelse, der gør de...... Max Weber som refleksionsmakker i sin analyse af offentlige lederes kommunikation om og med ledelsesret samt diskuterer faldgruber, når ledelsesrettens styringssprog skal omsættes til praksis...

  17. Mathematics and Humor: John Allen Paulos and the Numeracy Crusade

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paul H. Grawe


    Full Text Available John Allen Paulos at minimum gave the Numeracy movement a name through his book Innumeracy: Mathematical Illiteracy and Its Consequences. What may not be so obvious was Paulos’ strong interest in the relationship between mathematics and mathematicians on the one hand and humor and stand-up-comedian joke structures on the other. Innumeracy itself could be seen as a typically mathematical Gotcha joke on American culture generally. In this perspective, a Minnesotan acculturated to Minnesota-Nice Humor of Self-Immolation Proclivities (SImP looks at the more raw-boned, take-no-prisoners humor style Paulos outlined in Mathematics and Humor and implemented in Innumeracy. Despite the difference in humor styles, there is much to applaud in Paulos’ analysis of the relationship between certain types of humor and professional interests of mathematicians in Mathematics and Humor. Much humor relies on the sense of incongruity which Paulos’ claims to be central to all humor and key to mathematical reductio ad absurdum. Mathematics is rightfully famous for a sense of combinatorial playfulness in its most elegant proofs, as humor often relies on clashing combinations of word play. And a great range of mathematical lore is best understood within a concept of a sudden drop from one sense of certainty to another (essentially a Gotcha on the audience. Innumeracy repeatedly exemplifies Gotchas on the great unwashed and unmathematical majority. Extensive empirical evidence over the last quarter century allows us to synthesize these Paulos observations into the idea that inculcated mathematical humor has strong propensities to complex Intellectual, Advocate, and Crusader humor forms. However, the Paulos humors do not include the Sympathetic Pain humor form, the inclusion of which may increase teaching effectiveness.

  18. Humor Assessment and Interventions in Palliative Care: A Systematic Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lisa M. Linge-Dahl


    Full Text Available Background: The central goal of palliative care is to optimize the quality of life of patients suffering from life-limiting illnesses, which includes psychosocial and spiritual wellbeing. Research has demonstrated positive correlations between humor and laughter with life satisfaction and other aspects of wellbeing, and physiological symptoms can be improved by humorous stimuli.Objectives: The aim of this review is to evaluate humor interventions and assessments that have been applied in palliative care and to derive implications for future research.Methods: A systematic review of four databases identified 13 included studies. Criteria for inclusion were peer-reviewed English-language studies on humor interventions or assessments in a palliative care context.Results: Two studies on humor interventions and 11 studies on humor assessment were included in the systematic review. Most of these studies were about the patients' perspective on humor in palliative care. Findings showed that humor had a positive effect on patients, their relatives, and professional caregivers. Humor was widely perceived as appropriate and seen as beneficial to care in all studies.Conclusions: Even though humor interventions seem to be potentially useful in palliative care, descriptions evaluating their use are scarce. Overall, research on humor assessment and interventions in palliative care has remained limited in terms of quantity and quality. More research activities are needed to build a solid empirical foundation for implementing humor and laughter as part of regular palliative care activities.

  19. The Neural Correlates of Humor Creativity. (United States)

    Amir, Ori; Biederman, Irving


    Unlike passive humor appreciation, the neural correlates of real-time humor creation have been unexplored. As a case study for creativity, humor generation uniquely affords a reliable assessment of a creative product's quality with a clear and relatively rapid beginning and end, rendering it amenable to neuroimaging that has the potential for reflecting individual differences in expertise. Professional and amateur "improv" comedians and controls viewed New Yorker cartoon drawings while being scanned. For each drawing, they were instructed to generate either a humorous or a mundane caption. Greater comedic experience was associated with decreased activation in the striatum and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), but increased activation in temporal association regions (TMP). Less experienced comedians manifested greater activation of mPFC, reflecting their deliberate search through TMP association space. Professionals, by contrast, tend to reap the fruits of their spontaneous associations with reduced reliance on top-down guided search.

  20. Humor and Anxiety: Effects on Class Test Performance. (United States)

    Townsend, Michael A. R.; Mahoney, Peggy


    Measures of anxiety and achievement were obtained on a sample of undergraduate students. Highly anxious students had lower achievement on humorous tests. Students with low anxiety had higher achievement on humorous tests. Results indicate that humor is not a positive factor in reducing high anxiety associated with academic evaluations. (Author)

  1. Humor in Context: Fire Service and Joking Culture (United States)

    Moran, Larry; Roth, Gene


    Although theorizing about humor has occurred for several decades, scant research exists that examines humor in the broad context of human resource development. Humor exists in workplaces and it is historicized in the professional and organizational contexts of workers. This paper explores aspects of a joking culture within the specific work…

  2. On-Orbit Propulsion OMS/RCS (United States)

    Hurlbert, Eric A.


    This slide presentation reviews the Space Shuttle's On-Orbit Propulsion systems: the Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) and the Reaction Control System (RCS). The functions of each of the systems is described, and the diagrams of the systems are presented. The OMS/RCS thruster is detailed and a trade study comparison of non-toxic propellants is presented.

  3. "A Nigger Joke":Black Humor in Toni Morrison's Sula

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    #%With irony at its core, black humor is a weapon for the powerless to fight against those in power. In Sula, Morrison ex-ploits irony to reveal the oppression that racism and sexism impose upon the black people. This paper mainly intends to explore the black humor in Sula from verbal humor, ridiculous events and distorted characters, and analyze the function of black humor.

  4. Humor Style and Motor Skills: Understanding Vulnerability to Bullying

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stephanie Plenty


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to examine the role of humor style and motor skills in vulnerability to bullying. 729 adults responded to the Humor Style Questionnaire (HSQ and items retrospectively addressing their motor skills and bullying experiences during childhood. Consistent with recent research, poorer motor skills were associated with a greater extent of having been bullied. An association between stronger motor skills and affiliative humor was found, lending support to a shared biological basis theory underlying social and motor competency processes. Most importantly, being bullied was associated with higher self-defeating humor and lower affiliative humor. This supports earlier theoretical work by Klein and Kuiper (2006 and highlights the role that humor styles play in social interactions that can promote positive peer acceptance and wellbeing.

  5. Rapport om DanDiaSyn-projektet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Henrik; Hagedorn, Karen


    Artiklen gør rede for hovedprincipperne bag det indsamlingsarbejde om dansk dialektsyntaks som forfatterne deltog i 2007-9......Artiklen gør rede for hovedprincipperne bag det indsamlingsarbejde om dansk dialektsyntaks som forfatterne deltog i 2007-9...

  6. The Neural Correlates of Humor Creativity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ori Amir


    Full Text Available Unlike passive humor appreciation, the neural correlates of real-time humor creation have been unexplored. As a case study for creativity, humor generation uniquely affords a reliable assessment of a creative product’s quality with a clear and relatively rapid beginning and end, rendering it amenable to neuroimaging that has the potential for reflecting individual differences in expertise. Professional and amateur improv comedians and controls viewed New Yorker cartoon drawings while being scanned. For each drawing, they were instructed to generate either a humorous or a mundane caption. Greater comedic experience was associated with decreased activation in the striatum and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC, but increased activation in temporal association regions (TMP. Less experienced comedians manifested greater activation of mPFC, reflecting their deliberate search through TMP association space. Professionals, by contrast, tend to reap the fruits of their spontaneous associations with reduced reliance on top-down guided search.

  7. The Neural Correlates of Humor Creativity (United States)

    Amir, Ori; Biederman, Irving


    Unlike passive humor appreciation, the neural correlates of real-time humor creation have been unexplored. As a case study for creativity, humor generation uniquely affords a reliable assessment of a creative product’s quality with a clear and relatively rapid beginning and end, rendering it amenable to neuroimaging that has the potential for reflecting individual differences in expertise. Professional and amateur “improv” comedians and controls viewed New Yorker cartoon drawings while being scanned. For each drawing, they were instructed to generate either a humorous or a mundane caption. Greater comedic experience was associated with decreased activation in the striatum and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), but increased activation in temporal association regions (TMP). Less experienced comedians manifested greater activation of mPFC, reflecting their deliberate search through TMP association space. Professionals, by contrast, tend to reap the fruits of their spontaneous associations with reduced reliance on top-down guided search. PMID:27932965

  8. Sense of humor at work: assessment and associations with health

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Doosje, S.


    This dissertation is about health-related sense of humor measurement and associations between a sense of humor and health. Two sense of humor measures were developed, the QOHC and the HCL. The QOHC measures four humorous coping styles, aimed at acquiring positive affective states: antecedent-focused

  9. Tussen uitspraak en detentie : Een verklaring voor het verschil tussen twee methoden om de behoefte aan sanctiecapaciteit te meten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Moolenaar, D.E.G.


    Het WODC maakt regelmatig prognoses van de behoefte aan sanctiecapaciteit. Bij de strafrechtelijke sanctiecapaciteit van het gevangeniswezen voor meerderjarigen laten verschillende bronnen echter een uiteenlopend beeld zien. Het gaat hiet om verschillende modellen gehanteerd door het WODC en de

  10. Nationalstaten taber kampen om eliteuddannelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Weirsøe, Mathilde


    EU kaster sig ind i kampen om at tiltrække de bedste studerende fra hele verden, for der er både penge og prestige i eliteuddannelser. De danske universiteter vil gerne med på det globale marked, men ryger ind i problemer med det danske princip om gratis uddannelse for alle. Men spørgsmålet er, h...

  11. Research on the Role of Humor in Well-Being and Health

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arnie Cann


    Full Text Available In this interview, Dr. Arnie Cann discusses his research and views on the ubiquitous role of humor in psychological health and well-being. The interview begins with Professor Cann recounting how he originally became interested in studying humor. He then reflects on the main findings associated with the wide variety of humor-related studies he has conducted over the years. In doing so, Dr. Cann provides suggestions and ideas for further research investigating the role of humor in health and well-being. Specific topic areas discussed include the use of humor in the workplace and other social domains, personality approaches to humor, humor and interpersonal processes, humor and psychopathology, and humor’s role in dealing with stress and well-being. One of the prominent themes in this interview is the clear recognition of sense of humor as a multi-dimensional construct that includes various components that may either be beneficial or detrimental to well-being. A further important theme is the major distinction between humor as an inherent personality construct versus humor that results from exposure to stimuli (e.g., a comedy film. Comments are also provided by Dr. Cann on how the positive affect stemming from humor may be of particular benefit to the individual. Also discussed is the recent move to more fully integrate contemporary humor research with positive psychology approaches. The interview concludes with Dr. Cann providing several recommendations regarding future theorizing and research on the role of humor in psychological well-being.

  12. Contribution of effluent organic matter (EfOM) to ultrafiltration (UF) membrane fouling: Isolation, characterization, and fouling effect of EfOM fractions

    KAUST Repository

    Zheng, Xing; Khan, Muhammad; Croue, Jean-Philippe


    EfOM has been regarded as a major organic foulant resulting in UF membrane fouling in wastewater reclamation. To investigate fouling potential of different EfOM fractions, the present study isolated EfOM into hydrophobic neutrals (HPO-N), colloids

  13. Humor and Competence in School-aged Children. (United States)

    Masten, Ann S.


    Measures humor appreciation (including mirth, subjective ratings, and response sets), comprehension, and production in children between the ages of 10 and 14. Relates humor to several areas of competence manifested at school. (HOD)

  14. Cultures of (Un)happiness: Teaching, Schooling, and Light and Dark Humor (United States)

    Bullough, Robert V., Jr.


    The author explores humor during a time of increasingly hostile accountability measures directed toward educators. Drawing on incongruity and other theories of humor, he explores both "light" and "dark" humor and some aspects of the educational potential and power of humor. Noting how humor is related to creativity and problem management, the…

  15. [Humor at Work Questionnaire - Polish adaptation of Humor Climate Questionnaire (HCQ)]. (United States)

    Stańczak, Aleksander; Drabek, Marcin


    The aim of the paper is to present the Polish adaptation of the Humor Climate Questionnaire (HCQ), designed to measure humor as organizational climate feature. The authors employed back-translation and independent judges method to choose the best version of the translated items. The psychometric properties of HCQ were estimated on the basis of 2 samples: the basic group of employees (N = 217) and the group of employees who had completed the survey twice (N = 55). The results of statistical analyses proved that HCQ is a reliable tool. Explorative Factor Analysis supported the 4-factor structure of the original method's theoretical model. The validity of the subscales is high, Cronbach's α varied from 0.8 to 0.9. The directions and values of intercorrelations between subscales were similar to those of the English version. The Humor Climate Questionnaire is a relatively time-stable tool (r = 0.44-0.74). Polish adaptation is reliable and applicable for cross-sectional studies. The obtained results are comparable to the characteristics of the original version. However, the results of factor analysis show that the data do not fully fit the theoretical model. Med Pr 2018;69(2):143-152. This work is available in Open Access model and licensed under a CC BY-NC 3.0 PL license.

  16. Humor drawings evoked temporal and spectral EEG processes (United States)

    Kuo, Hsien-Chu; Chuang, Shang-Wen


    Abstract The study aimed to explore the humor processing elicited through the manipulation of artistic drawings. Using the Comprehension–Elaboration Theory of humor as the main research background, the experiment manipulated the head portraits of celebrities based on the independent variables of facial deformation (large/small) and addition of affective features (positive/negative). A 64-channel electroencephalography was recorded in 30 participants while viewing the incongruous drawings of celebrities. The electroencephalography temporal and spectral responses were measured during the three stages of humor which included incongruity detection, incongruity comprehension and elaboration of humor. Analysis of event-related potentials indicated that for humorous vs non-humorous drawings, facial deformation and the addition of affective features significantly affected the degree of humor elicited, specifically: large > small deformation; negative > positive affective features. The N170, N270, N400, N600-800 and N900-1200 components showed significant differences, particularly in the right prefrontal and frontal regions. Analysis of event-related spectral perturbation showed significant differences in the theta band evoked in the anterior cingulate cortex, parietal region and posterior cingulate cortex; and in the alpha and beta bands in the motor areas. These regions are involved in emotional processing, memory retrieval, and laughter and feelings of amusement induced by elaboration of the situation. PMID:28402573

  17. Humor drawings evoked temporal and spectral EEG processes. (United States)

    Wang, Regina W Y; Kuo, Hsien-Chu; Chuang, Shang-Wen


    The study aimed to explore the humor processing elicited through the manipulation of artistic drawings. Using the Comprehension-Elaboration Theory of humor as the main research background, the experiment manipulated the head portraits of celebrities based on the independent variables of facial deformation (large/small) and addition of affective features (positive/negative). A 64-channel electroencephalography was recorded in 30 participants while viewing the incongruous drawings of celebrities. The electroencephalography temporal and spectral responses were measured during the three stages of humor which included incongruity detection, incongruity comprehension and elaboration of humor. Analysis of event-related potentials indicated that for humorous vs non-humorous drawings, facial deformation and the addition of affective features significantly affected the degree of humor elicited, specifically: large > small deformation; negative > positive affective features. The N170, N270, N400, N600-800 and N900-1200 components showed significant differences, particularly in the right prefrontal and frontal regions. Analysis of event-related spectral perturbation showed significant differences in the theta band evoked in the anterior cingulate cortex, parietal region and posterior cingulate cortex; and in the alpha and beta bands in the motor areas. These regions are involved in emotional processing, memory retrieval, and laughter and feelings of amusement induced by elaboration of the situation. © The Author (2017). Published by Oxford University Press.

  18. Produção gráfica humorística, imprensa esportiva e estereótipo: as narrativas de Maciota, na revista Placar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Cristina Carmelino

    Full Text Available Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é analisar traços estereotípicos associados à identidade brasileira, a partir de produções gráficas de humor publicadas na imprensa esportiva brasileira. Criadas por Paulo Paiva e publicadas na revista esportiva Placar, as narrativas do personagem Maciota foram pouco estudadas no país. As histórias ficcionais apresentam situações vividas por um antiatleta no contexto do futebol. Considera-se que certos traços estereotípicos tanto podem auxiliar na produção do humor e na consolidação do antiatleta quanto podem reforçar a construção de uma das identidades brasileiras: a malandragem. Dada a natureza do estudo, a fundamentação teórica estabelece um diálogo interdisciplinar entre as áreas da imprensa esportiva, do humor gráfico e da análise do discurso. O corpus de análise compreende 140 histórias sobre o personagem, publicadas na revista Placar de 1980 a 1983.

  19. Regional distribution of phospholipids in porcine vitreous humor. (United States)

    Schnepf, Abigail; Yappert, Marta Cecilia; Borchman, Douglas


    This project explores the regional phospholipid distribution in porcine vitreous humor, retina, and lens. Matrix-assisted laser desorption mass spectrometry has been used previously to image lipids, proteins, and other metabolites in retinas and lenses. However, the regional composition of phospholipids in vitreous humors is not known. To address this issue, we have applied this mass spectral method to explore the regional phospholipid distribution in porcine vitreous humor both ex-situ and in-vitro. To establish the possible source(s) of phospholipids in the vitreous humor, compositional studies of the lens and retina were also pursued. Due to the overall low levels of phospholipids in vitreous humor, it was necessary to optimize the experimental approaches for ex-situ and in-vitro studies. The sensitivity observed in the spectra of methanol extracts from the lens and retina was higher than that for methanol:chloroform extracts, but the compositional trends were the same. A fourfold improvement in sensitivity was observed in the analysis of vitreous humor extracts obtained with the Bligh and Dyer protocol relative to the other two extraction methods. For ex-situ studies, the 'stamp method' with para-nitroaniline as the matrix was chosen. Throughout the vitreous humor, phosphatidylcholines were the most abundant phospholipids. In-vitro results showed higher relative levels of phospholipids compared to the 'stamp' method. However, more details in the regional phospholipid distribution were provided by the ex-situ approach. Both in-vitro and ex-situ results indicated higher levels of phospholipids in the posterior vitreous region, followed by the anterior and central regions. The posterior region contained more unsaturated species whereas more saturated phospholipids were detected in the anterior region. The observed trends suggest that the phospholipids detected in the posterior vitreous humor migrate from the retina and associated vasculature while those present in

  20. Burnout and Humor Usage among Community College Nursing Faculty Members. (United States)

    Talbot, Laura A.


    Assesses the correlation of burnout among community college nursing faculty members and their use of humor to mediate academic stress related to burnout. Differences in burnout between high versus low humor usage respondents showed a higher sense of personal accomplishment with high humor usage. Of those with low humor usage, workload was related…

  1. Exploratory Theoretical Tests of the Instructor Humor-Student Learning Link (United States)

    Bolkan, San; Goodboy, Alan K.


    Instructors' use of humor is generally a positive influence on student outcomes. However, examinations of humor have found that specific types of messages may not impact, or may even reverse, its positive effect. Instructional humor processing theory (IHPT) has been used to explain how humor impacts student learning. The current study sought to…

  2. Decoding Humor Experiences from Brain Activity of People Viewing Comedy Movies (United States)

    Sawahata, Yasuhito; Komine, Kazuteru; Morita, Toshiya; Hiruma, Nobuyuki


    Humans naturally have a sense of humor. Experiencing humor not only encourages social interactions, but also produces positive physiological effects on the human body, such as lowering blood pressure. Recent neuro-imaging studies have shown evidence for distinct mental state changes at work in people experiencing humor. However, the temporal characteristics of these changes remain elusive. In this paper, we objectively measured humor-related mental states from single-trial functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data obtained while subjects viewed comedy TV programs. Measured fMRI data were labeled on the basis of the lag before or after the viewer’s perception of humor (humor onset) determined by the viewer-reported humor experiences during the fMRI scans. We trained multiple binary classifiers, or decoders, to distinguish between fMRI data obtained at each lag from ones obtained during a neutral state in which subjects were not experiencing humor. As a result, in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the right temporal area, the decoders showed significant classification accuracies even at two seconds ahead of the humor onsets. Furthermore, given a time series of fMRI data obtained during movie viewing, we found that the decoders with significant performance were also able to predict the upcoming humor events on a volume-by-volume basis. Taking into account the hemodynamic delay, our results suggest that the upcoming humor events are encoded in specific brain areas up to about five seconds before the awareness of experiencing humor. Our results provide evidence that there exists a mental state lasting for a few seconds before actual humor perception, as if a viewer is expecting the future humorous events. PMID:24324656

  3. Humor styles and personality: A meta-analysis of the relation between humor styles and the Big Five personality traits. (United States)

    Mendiburo-Seguel, Andrés; Páez, Darío; Martínez-Sánchez, Francisco


    This research summarizes the knowledge generated in social psychology and positive psychology about the relationship between humor styles, personality and wellbeing. Specifically, a meta-analysis was performed with the results of 15 studies on humor styles measured by the Humor Styles Questionnaire (Martin, Puhlik-Doris, Larsen, Gray & Weir, 2003) in correlation with the personality traits measured by the Big Five Personality model (measured with different scales). Following the steps presented by Rosenthal (1991) for meta-analysis in the case of correlational research, we calculated the total mean r as an indicator of effect size. Results show that affiliative humor has a strong and homogeneous relation to neuroticism and extraversion. The homogeneity and heterogeneity found between variables and possible explanations are discussed in the conclusion. © 2015 Scandinavian Psychological Associations and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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    Full Text Available Effects of humor in advertisement published in Colombia were investigated in regards to brands,advertisement, purchase intention, recall and recognition.A simultaneous Classical Conditioning procedure was carried out, using Incongruous, Hostile and Allusivehumor associated to three brands. The procedure was applied to 30 university students. Results revealedthat the three kinds of humor work as unconditioning stimulus, generating positive attitudes towardsadvertisement and brand. Humor influences the purchase intention and recognition, but not the remembranceof brand when compared to neutral advertisement. Incongrous and Hostile Humor generate recognitionand positive attitude towards advertisement and brand. Allusions have a greater effect on purchaseintention than the other ones. Results corroborate the effectiveness of humor as an advertisement tool.

  5. Til fiktiv samtale om dannelse og kompetencer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brok, Lene Storgaard


    Grundtvig, Brandes og andre betydningsfulde personer deltager i fiktiv samtale om dannelse og kompetencer......Grundtvig, Brandes og andre betydningsfulde personer deltager i fiktiv samtale om dannelse og kompetencer...

  6. Meditation on OM: Relevance from ancient texts and contemporary science

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kumar Sanjay


    Full Text Available Background: In Indian scriptures the sacred syllable Om is the primordial sound from which all other sounds and creation emerge which signifies the Supreme Power. Aims: To explore the significance of the syllable OM from ancient texts and effects of OM meditation in contemporary science. Descriptions from ancient texts: The descriptions of Om have been taken from four Upanisads (Mundaka, Mandukya, Svetasvatara, and Katha, the Bhagvad Gita, and Patanjali′s Yoga Sutras. Scientific studies on Om: Autonomic and respiratory studies suggest that there is a combination of mental alertness with physiological rest during the practice of Om meditation. Evoked potentials studies suggest a decrease in sensory transmission time at the level of the auditory association cortices, along with recruitment of more neurons at mesencephalic-diencephalic levels. Conclusion: It is considered that a person who realizes Om, merges with the Absolute. Scientific studies on Om suggest that the mental repetition of Om results in physiological alertness, and increased sensitivity to sensory transmission.

  7. Reproductibilité des classifications OMS 1973 et OMS 2004 des tumeurs urothéliales papillaires de la vessie. (United States)

    Ben Abdelkrim, Soumaya; Rammeh, Soumaya; Trabelsi, Amel; Ben Yacoub-Abid, Lilia; Ben Sorba, Nabil; Jaïdane, Lilia; Mokni, Moncef


    RéSUMé: OBJECTIF : Déterminer les taux d'accord et la reproductibilité intra et inter-observateurs des classifications OMS 1973 et OMS 2004 des tumeurs urothéliales papillaires de la vessie. MATéRIEL ET MéTHODES : Cent deux cas de tumeurs urothéliales papillaires de stade pTa/pT1 ont été étudiés. Deux pathologistes ont revu les lames et ont établi le grade tumoral selon les deux classifications OMS 1973 et OMS 2004. En cas de désaccord, les deux évaluateurs ont procédé à une lecture commune au microscope en double tête afin d'aboutir à un grade consensuel selon les deux classifications. La variabilité intra-observateur a été étudiée chez l'un des deux évaluateurs qui a procédé à la relecture des lames un mois après sa première lecture. Les taux d'accord entre les deux pathologistes pour chaque catégorie de grade ont été déterminés et la reproductibilité des deux classifications a été évaluée à l'aide du coefficient kappa. Une valeur de 0 à 0,2 était interprétée comme un désaccord absolu, de 0,21 à 0,4, un accord faible, de 0,41 à 0,6, un accord modéré, de 0,61 à 0,8, un accord considérable, et de 0,8 à 1, un accord absolu. RéSULTATS : Selon la classification OMS 1973, les proportions des grades G1, G2 et G3 étaient respectivement de 40,2 %, 50 % et 9,8 %. Selon la classification OMS 2004, les proportions respectives des tumeurs de faible potentiel de malignité, des carcinomes de bas grade et des carcinomes de haut grade de malignité étaient de 23,5 %, 60,8 % et 15,7 %. La reproductibilité intra-observateur était excellente pour les deux classifications (accord absolu). Les taux d'accord entre les deux pathologistes étaient meilleurs pour la classification OMS 2004 (kappa = 0,7) que pour la classification OMS 1973 (kappa = 0,51). La reproductibilité entre observateurs de la classification OMS 2004 est supérieure à celle de 1973. La reproductibilité intra-observateur est excellente pour les deux

  8. Om distributionen af hvidhed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frello, Birgitta


    Med udgangspunkt i John Fords Western, Forfølgeren fra 1956, præsenteres en analyse af repræsentationer af race og overskridelse af raceskel, særligt i relation til konstitueringen af subjektpositioner, hvorfra spørgsmål om hvidhed og ikke-hvidhed kan afgøres.......Med udgangspunkt i John Fords Western, Forfølgeren fra 1956, præsenteres en analyse af repræsentationer af race og overskridelse af raceskel, særligt i relation til konstitueringen af subjektpositioner, hvorfra spørgsmål om hvidhed og ikke-hvidhed kan afgøres....

  9. Omsættelige forureningstilladelser i USA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard


    I en tidligere artikel i Samfundsøkonomen, har Hjorth-Andersen på overbevisende måde beskrevet de teoretiske fordele ved en eventuel inddragelse af "omsættelige forureningstilladelser" i miljøreguleringen. Spørgsmålet er, om de teoretiske forventninger kan indfries i praksis. Her kan erfaringerne...

  10. Humor: Power Conveying Social Structures Inside Forensic Mental Health Nursing. (United States)

    Gildberg, Frederik A; Paaske, Kristian J; Rasmussen, Vivian L; Nissen, Ricko D; Bradley, Stephen K; Hounsgaard, Lise


    According to research literature, humor inside the staff-patient interaction seems to be significant in the area of forensic mental healthcare. However, existing literature on the subject is limited. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore the characteristics of the use humor by forensic mental health staff members in interactions with forensic mental health inpatients. The study included 32 forensic mental health staff members, used 307 hours of participant observations, 48 informal interviews, and seven formal semistructured interviews. Outcomes identify four themes concerning the conveyance of power to, from, and between forensic mental health staff and patients as they interact: (a) "the informal use: the human-to-human approach," characterized by an informal use of humor and without any reference to mental health issues; (b) the "formal use of humor: the staff-patient approach," characterized as formal with a view on the patient as mentally ill, unable to understand humor, and with the aim of using humor to prevent conflicts or negative behavior; (c) "protest against requested care: the human-patient approach," characterized by the use of humor as a protest against requested care; and the use of (d) "inadequacy humor: the staff-human approach," characterized by the use of inadequacy-humor referring to, for example, patients' physical features. Recommendations and clinical implications are discussed.

  11. Ageing and the humoral immune response in mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blankwater, M.J.


    The study presented in this thesis is concerned with changes in the humoral immune system as a function of age in different inbred mouse strains. Their capacity to develop humoral immune responses to experimentally given thymus-dependent and thymus-independent antigens under various conditions is compared. Furthermore, experiments employing thymus transplantation and thymic humoral factors which are directed at the restoration of the diminished T cell functions in old age are reported. (Auth.)

  12. FAQ om læringsmål

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pasgaard, Niels Jakob

    Læringsmål er blevet et centralt begreb i den danske forskning og debat om pædagogik og uddannelse. Man taler om læringsmål i forbindelse med børnenes udvikling i børnehaver og vuggestuer, i relation til folkeskolens fag og i forbindelse med de seneste års reformer af lærer- og pædagoguddannelser...... mål? Hvor fører læringsmålene os hen, og er der et alternativ til læringsmålene? FAQ om læringsmål er bog nr. 3 i FAQ-serien om ofte stillede spørgsmål inden for det pædagogiske og psykologiske område. Alle bøger i serien er peer reviewet....

  13. Pragmatics Analysis In Humorous Text In Reader’s Digest Magazine


    Agustina, Sri


    Skripsi yang berjudul Pragmatic Analysis in Humorous Text in Reader’s Digest Magazine, menganalisis konteks dari humor yang berbentuk dialog dan bagaimana humor tersebut diinterpretasikan; yang terdapat di dalam teks humor di dalam majalah Reader’s Digest edisi Agustus, September, Oktober, November dan Desember 2010. Analisis ini menggunakan teori Yule tahun 1996 yang mengatakan bahwa beberapa fokus kajian pragmatik adalah mengkaji makna penutur di dalam konteks tertentu dan bagaimana konteks...

  14. Chemical interaction between (Cs-Te) doped fuels and cladding material under irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delbrassine, A.; Flipot, A.J.


    Pins containing UO 2 -30 wt.% PuO 2 low density pellets and or caesium and or tellurium as doping elements have been irradiated for about 40 days in the BR 2 reactor. The effect of two Cs/Te ratios, namely 1.3 and 4, and a wide range of O/M ratios on the inner corrosion of the clad has been investigated. The influence of tellurium on the attack of the cladding has been pointed out. It may be responsible for the chromium and nickel depletion in the grain boundaries of the steal. The corrosion patterns and the thickness of the corroded layer could be different in the total length of a fuel pin. It seems therefore necessary to measure the effective Cs/Te ratio associated with the local corrosion layers. This local Cs/Te ratio should be more useful than the initial mean Cs/Te ratio in a pin for understanding the corrosion phenomena. (author)

  15. Higher Education Lecturing and Humor: From Perspectives to Strategies (United States)

    Nasiri, Fuzhan; Mafakheri, Fereshteh


    This article will review the issues surrounding the use of humor as an informal teaching method in higher education lecturing. The impact and usefulness of humor, from both a teacher's and a student's perspective, will be investigated. The aim is to classify the challenges and limitations of using humor in classrooms and to investigate and…

  16. Sex differences in preferences for humor: a replication, modification, and extension. (United States)

    Hone, Liana S E; Hurwitz, William; Lieberman, Debra


    Evolutionary-minded scientists have proposed that humor is a sexually selected trait in men that signals mate quality. Indeed, women tend to prefer men who make them laugh and men tend to prefer women who laugh at their jokes. However, it is unclear how robust this pattern is. Here we report a replication of one of the first studies (Bressler, Martin, and Balshine, 2006) to examine the sex differences in preferences for humor receptivity versus humor production. We replicate Bressler et al.'s (2006) findings that men prefer women who are receptive to their humor whereas women prefer men who produce humor. These findings held even after we modified Bressler et al.'s questionnaire for better conceptual validity. Furthermore, using a separate measure designed to assess trade-offs, we found that men viewed humor receptivity as a necessity and humor production as a luxury when they were asked to create an ideal long-term partner. For women, it was just the opposite. These results bolster the claim that sexual selection has shaped sex differences regarding preferences for a prospective mate's sense of humor and that what one means by "sense of humor" can vary.

  17. Expression of cytokines in aqueous humor from fungal keratitis patients. (United States)

    Zhang, Yingnan; Liang, Qingfeng; Liu, Yang; Pan, Zhiqiang; Baudouin, Christophe; Labbé, Antoine; Lu, Qingxian


    Although a series of reports on corneal fungal infection have been published, studies on pathogenic mechanisms and inflammation-associated cytokines remain limited. In this study, aqueous humor samples from fungal keratitis patients were collected to examine cytokine patterns and cellular profile for the pathogenesis of fungal keratitis. The aqueous humor samples were collected from ten patients with advanced stage fungal keratitis. Eight aqueous humor samples from patients with keratoconus or corneal dystrophy were taken as control. Approximately 100 μl to 300 μl of aqueous humor in each case were obtained for examination. The aqueous humor samples were centrifuged and the cells were stained and examined under optical microscope. Bacterial and fungal cultures were performed on the aqueous humor and corneal buttons of all patients. Cytokines related to inflammation including IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-α, and IFN-γ were examined using multiplex bead-based Luminex liquid protein array systems. Fungus infection was confirmed in these ten patients by smear stains and/or fungal cultures. Bacterial and fungal cultures revealed negative results in all aqueous humor specimens. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes were the predominant infiltrating cells in the aqueous humor of fungal keratitis. At the advanced stages of fungal keratitis, the levels of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and IFN-γ in the aqueous humor were significantly increased when compared with control (phumor was associated with fungal keratitis.

  18. Sample Scripts for Generating PaGE-OM XML [

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Sample Scripts for Generating PaGE-OM XML This page is offering some sample scripts...on MySQL. Outline chart of procedure 6. Creating RDB tables for Generating PaGE-OM XML These scripts help yo...wnload: 7. Generating PaGE-OM XML from phenotype data This sample Perl script helps y

  19. Those Who Laugh Are Defenseless: How Humor Breaks Resistance to Influence (United States)

    Strick, Madelijn; Holland, Rob W.; van Baaren, Rick B.; van Knippenberg, Ad


    Three experiments illustrate that humor in advertisements prevents the development of negative brand associations due to resistance. Previous research on humor in advertising suggested that humor can counter negative responses during ad processing, but less is known about the effect of humor on the development of negative brand associations in…

  20. Truly Funny: Humor, Irony, and Satire as Moral Criticism (United States)

    Dadlez, E. M.


    The occasional role of humor as a vehicle for moral criticism is investigated. I begin by distinguishing between this particular role and the other kinds of ways in which humor and amusement might be regarded through a moral lens, consider historical approaches to humor that corroborate the kind of role for it on which my investigation focuses,…

  1. OMS FDIR: Initial prototyping (United States)

    Taylor, Eric W.; Hanson, Matthew A.


    The Space Station Freedom Program (SSFP) Operations Management System (OMS) will automate major management functions which coordinate the operations of onboard systems, elements and payloads. The objectives of OMS are to improve safety, reliability and productivity while reducing maintenance and operations cost. This will be accomplished by using advanced automation techniques to automate much of the activity currently performed by the flight crew and ground personnel. OMS requirements have been organized into five task groups: (1) Planning, Execution and Replanning; (2) Data Gathering, Preprocessing and Storage; (3) Testing and Training; (4) Resource Management; and (5) Caution and Warning and Fault Management for onboard subsystems. The scope of this prototyping effort falls within the Fault Management requirements group. The prototyping will be performed in two phases. Phase 1 is the development of an onboard communications network fault detection, isolation, and reconfiguration (FDIR) system. Phase 2 will incorporate global FDIR for onboard systems. Research into the applicability of expert systems, object-oriented programming, fuzzy sets, neural networks and other advanced techniques will be conducted. The goals and technical approach for this new SSFP research project are discussed here.

  2. Humor and Laughter may Influence Health. I. History and Background

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mary Payne Bennett


    Full Text Available Articles in both the lay and professional literature have extolled the virtues of humor, many giving the impression that the health benefits of humor are well documented by the scientific and medical community. The concept that humor or laughter can be therapeutic goes back to biblical times and this belief has received varying levels of support from the scientific community at different points in its history. Current research indicates that using humor is well accepted by the public and is frequently used as a coping mechanism. However, the scientific evidence of the benefits of using humor on various health related outcomes still leaves many questions unanswered.

  3. Humor Styles and the Intolerance of Uncertainty Model of Generalized Anxiety

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    Nicholas A. Kuiper


    Full Text Available Past research suggests that sense of humor may play a role in anxiety. The present study builds upon this work by exploring how individual differences in various humor styles, such as affiliative, self-enhancing, and self-defeating humor, may fit within a contemporary research model of anxiety. In this model, intolerance of uncertainty is a fundamental personality characteristic that heightens excessive worry, thus increasing anxiety. We further propose that greater intolerance of uncertainty may also suppress the use of adaptive humor (affiliate and self-enhancing, and foster the increased use of maladaptive self-defeating humor. Initial correlational analyses provide empirical support for these proposals. In addition, we found that excessive worry and affiliative humor both served as significant mediators. In particular, heightened intolerance of uncertainty lead to both excessive worry and a reduction in affiliative humor use, which, in turn, increased anxiety. We also explored potential humor mediating effects for each of the individual worry content domains in this model. These analyses confirmed the importance of affiliative humor as a mediator for worry pertaining to a wide range of content domains (e.g., relationships, lack of confidence, the future and work. These findings were then discussed in terms of a combined model that considers how humor styles may impact the social sharing of positive and negative emotions.

  4. Fascinerende poesi om tab og sorg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Peter Stein


    Bodil Malmstens "Det her er hjertet" er et værk om dunkle, komplekse og " grimme" følelser, der ikke har en plads i det sociale liv......Bodil Malmstens "Det her er hjertet" er et værk om dunkle, komplekse og " grimme" følelser, der ikke har en plads i det sociale liv...

  5. Bogen om GIS og geodata

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balstrøm, Thomas; Jacobi, Ole; Bodum, Lars

    OM INDHOLDET: Kort har gennem århundreder været brugt til at afbilde fænomener på vores runde Jord på papir, men i dagens IT-samfund håndteres de i computere ved brug af geografiske informationssystemer - forkortet GIS. I dem er det for eksempel muligt at koble kortinformationer med registeroplys......OM INDHOLDET: Kort har gennem århundreder været brugt til at afbilde fænomener på vores runde Jord på papir, men i dagens IT-samfund håndteres de i computere ved brug af geografiske informationssystemer - forkortet GIS. I dem er det for eksempel muligt at koble kortinformationer med...... kriterier osv. I systemerne findes der også værktøjer til beregning af korteste vej i vejnetværk og analyser på cellebaserede data som eksempelvis digitale højdemodeller. I denne første dansksprogede lærebog gives der en introduktion til de basale begreber i forståelsen af GIS eksemplificeret ved fokus på...... geodata i databaser, analysemetoder, kartografiske principper, metadata (data om data) og udvalgte eksempler på geodata til brug for den offentlige forvaltning, private virksomheder og borgere. Bogen afrundes med en perspektivering om mulighederne i fremtidens brug af GIS og geodata, som desværre ikke har...

  6. Rumination, Suicidal Ideation, and the Mediating Effect of Self-Defeating Humor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raymond P. Tucker


    Full Text Available Research has demonstrated that a self-defeating humor style is related to indicators of psychopathology and interpersonal dysfunction, including depression, anxiety, loneliness, thwarted belongingness, and perceived burdensomeness. The current study continued this investigation by examining how self-defeating humor is related to suicidal ideation and a ruminative response style. Analyses indicated that a self-defeating humor style was positively associated to rumination, brooding, reflection, and suicidal ideation. Results of bootstrapping analyses indicated that self-defeating humor mediated the relationship between rumination and suicidal ideation. This same effect was seen for both brooding and reflection individually. Results indicate that self-defeating humor may serve as an interpersonal means of ruminating as this humor style involves consistent focus on perceived flaws and weaknesses. The assessment of this humor style may provide additional information about the maintenance of suicidal thinking.

  7. Humor, laughter, learning, and health! A brief review. (United States)

    Savage, Brandon M; Lujan, Heidi L; Thipparthi, Raghavendar R; DiCarlo, Stephen E


    Human emotions, such as anxiety, depression, fear, joy, and laughter, profoundly affect psychological and physiological processes. These emotions form a set of basic, evolved functions that are shared by all humans. Laughter is part of a universal language of basic emotions that all humans recognize. Health care providers and educators may utilize the power of laughter to improve health and enhance teaching and learning. This is an important consideration because teaching is not just about content: it is also about forming relationships and strengthening human connections. In this context, when used effectively, humor is documented to build relationships and enhance performance. Specifically, humor improves student performance by attracting and sustaining attention, reducing anxiety, enhancing participation, and increasing motivation. Moreover, humor stimulates multiple physiological systems that decrease levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol and epinephrine, and increase the activation of the mesolimbic dopaminergic reward system. To achieve these benefits, it is important to use humor that is relevant to the course content and not disparaging toward others. Self-effacing humor illustrates to students that the teacher is comfortable making mistakes and sharing these experiences with the classroom. In this brief review, we discuss the history and relationship between humor, laughing, learning, and health with an emphasis on the powerful, universal language of laughter. Copyright © 2017 the American Physiological Society.

  8. Sociolinguistics features of humor in american linguoculture ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In this article we study the characteristics of the language of representation and perception of American humour, its linguistic and cultural features in humorous texts of American comics from the American linguistic culture. The material for research is the humorous texts and fragments of the performances of American ...

  9. Laughing at the Looking Glass: Does Humor Style Serve as an Interpersonal Signal?

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    Virgil Zeigler-Hill


    Full Text Available Objective: The provision of information appears to be an important feature of humor. The present studies examined whether humor serves as an interpersonal signal such that an individual's style of humor is associated with how the individual is perceived by others. Method: We examined this issue across two studies. In Study 1, undergraduate participants (257 targets were rated more positively by their friends and family members (1194 perceivers when they possessed more benign humor styles. In Study 2, 1190 community participants rated the romantic desirability of targets ostensibly possessing different humor styles. Results: Across both studies, our results were consistent with the possibility that humor serves as a signal. More specifically, individuals with benign humor styles (affiliative and self-enhancing humor styles were evaluated more positively than those targets with injurious humor styles (aggressive and self-defeating humor styles. Conclusion: These findings are discussed in terms of the role that humor may play in interpersonal perception and relationships.

  10. Mecanismos de humor verbal en Twitter

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    María Simarro Vázquez


    Full Text Available The present article aims to characterize samples of verbal humor published on the social network Twitter. To do so, an analysis of 81 humorous texts published under the hashtag #otegi during 1 March 2016, on which date Arnaldo Otegi was released from prison after six years, was carried out. A pragmatic study of the tweets was performed, opting for the General Theory of Verbal Humor as a basis. The examination conducted reveals that the manner of presentation of opposing scripts, the logical mechanisms availed of to resolve this kind of incongruity, the special narrative strategies selected and the linguistic choices made are determined at all times by the circumstances in which the texts are presented and the upper limit constraint of 140 characters per Twitter publication.

  11. Ten-year rollover of San Onofre inservice testing program for pumps and valves to OM-6 and OM-10

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Croy, P.A.; Fischetti, S.; Chiang, D.; Schofield, P.; Barney, D.


    The Pump and Valve Inservice Testing (IST) Program Sat San Onofre, Units 2 and 3, was updated for the second 120-month interval from August 1993 to April 1994. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) approved the OM-6 and OM-10 Codes in mid-1992. The project for the rollover to these new Codes included several elements: (a) a review of the differences between IWV/IWP and OM-6/OM-10, (b) a comprehensive audit of the IST Program scope for valves, (c) creation of the program and supporting basis documents, the Relief Requests, and implementing procedures, (d) interdivisional coordination, (e) submittal to the USNRC, and (f) training. Subsections IWV and IWP have been used and essentially unchanged for over a decade. The new Code (Parts 1, 6, and 10 called OM-1, OM-6, and OM-10) includes several significant changes from the old Code. Our group identified these differences and drafted revised and reorganized Inservice Testing (IST) Program documents. We also considered USNRC Generic Letter 89-04 (GL 89-04), open-quotes Guidance on Developing Acceptable Inservice Testing Programsclose quotes, and NUREG-1482, Guidelines for Inservice Testing at Nuclear Power Plants, while revising the program. There were six pump relief requires and 13 valve relief requests in the program for the first 10-year interval. For the revised program we needed only one pump relief request (and no valve relief requests). Converting to the 1989 edition of the ASME Code did not require changes to the technical specifications. We revised our Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) to reflect the IST Program for the second 10-year interval. UFSAR changes were minor, consisting of updated references to the Code edition and 10 CFR 50.55a(f), open-quotes Inservice Testing Requirementsclose quotes

  12. Periodismo Iconográfico (V). Dibujo satírico, dibujo humorístico, chiste gráfico y caricatura


    Dr. Carlos Abreu


    En el campo del periodismo iconográfico existe una rica terminología, la cual no siempre se emplea correctamente. Por ejemplo, para algunos autores dibujo satírico, dibujo humorístico, dibujo político, chiste gráfico y caricatura parecieran ser sinónimos. Para otros, constituyen formas expresivas distintas. En esta quinta entrega, el doctor Carlos Abreu fija posición sobre el asunto, no sin antes cuestionar la falta de fundamentación teórica y ambigüedad que subyace en algunas de las explicac...

  13. Humor: A Therapeutic Intervention for Child Counseling (United States)

    Berg, Rachelle G.; Parr, Gerald; Bradley, Loretta J.; Berry, Jeremy J.


    Counselors utilize many strategies, techniques, and tools when building a therapeutic alliance or addressing children's issues. Due to the serious nature of discussing problems or perhaps because of the fear of seeming insensitive, counselors often overlook humor as a means to enhance therapy. Whether deliberate or spontaneous, humor can add…

  14. MOOC om Åben skole: Kulturlivet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Henrik Wøhlk


    MOOC delen om den Kulturlivet er en del af et MOOC om åben skole, som er produceret af et partnerskab bestående af alle danske professionshøjskoler og DMJX. Målet er for denne del er at give redskaber til at deltagere i MOOC'en kan lave en kvalificeret 1. Evaluering af digitale læremidler 2...

  15. Die sendingkonferensie van die G.E.S. te Kaapstad op 2–6 Augustus 1976 – ’n terugblik

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    L. J. Botha


    Full Text Available Dit is inderdaad ’n grootse ervaring om ’n byeenkoms van Gereformeerdgesinde Christene van oor die hele wêreld by te woon. Die ekumeniese karakter van die konferensie te Kaapstad blyk duidelik uit die presensielys. Daar was afgevaardigdes van Gereformeerdgesinde kerke vanuit Malawi, Nigerië, Rhodesië, Suid-Afrika, Suidwes-Afrika, Zambië, Siri Lanka, Japan, Frankryk, Noord-Ierland, Nederland, Skotland, V.S.A., Suid-Amerika, Australië, Indonesië en Nieu-Seeland.

  16. Humor: a pedagogical tool to promote learning. (United States)

    Chabeli, M


    It has become critical that learners are exposed to varied methods of teaching and assessment that will promote critical thinking of learners. Humor creates a relaxed atmosphere where learning can be enhanced and appreciated. When learners are relaxed, thinking becomes eminent. Authoritative and tense environment hinders thinking. This paper seeks to explore the perceptions of nurse teacher learners regarding the use of humor as a pedagogical tool to promote learning. A qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and contextual research design was employed (Burns & Grove, 2001:61; Mouton, 1996:103). 130 naive sketches were collected from nurse teacher learners who volunteered to take part in the study (Giorgi in_Omery, 1983:52) Follow up interviews were conducted to verify the findings. A qualitative, open-coding method of content analysis was done Tesch (in Creswell, 1994:155). Measures to ensure trustworthiness of the study were taken in accordance with the protocol of (Lincoln & Guba, 1985:290-326). The findings of the study will assist the nurse educators to create a positive, affective, psychological and social learning environment through the use of humor in a positive manner. Nurse educators will appreciate the fact that integration of humor to the learning content will promote the learners' critical thinking and emotional intelligence. Negative humor has a negative impact on learning. Learner nurses who become critical thinkers will be able to be analytical and solve problems amicably in practice.

  17. Playing with Expectations: A Contextual View of Humor Development (United States)

    Airenti, Gabriella


    In the developmental literature, the idea has been proposed that young children do not understand the specificity of non-literal communicative acts. In this article, I focus on young children’s ability to produce and understand different forms of humor. I explore the acquisition of the communicative contexts that enable children to engage in humorous interactions before they possess the capacity to analyze them in the terms afforded by a full-fledged theory of mind. I suggest that different forms of humor share several basic features and that we can construct a continuum from simple to sophisticated forms. In particular, I focus on teasing, a form of humor already present in preverbal infants that is also considered a typical feature of irony. I argue that all forms of humor can be regarded as a type of interaction that I propose to call “playing with expectations.” PMID:27703438

  18. Laughter, Humor and Pain Perception in Children: A Pilot Study

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    Margaret Stuber


    Full Text Available Although there are many clinical programs designed to bring humor into pediatric hospitals, there has been very little research with children or adolescents concerning the specific utility of humor for children undergoing stressful or painful procedures. Rx Laughter™, a non-profit organization interested in the use of humor for healing, collaborated with UCLA to collect preliminary data on a sample of 18 children aged 7–16 years. Participants watched humorous video-tapes before, during and after a standardized pain task that involved placing a hand in cold water. Pain appraisal (ratings of pain severity and pain tolerance (submersion time were recorded and examined in relation to humor indicators (number of laughs/smiles during each video and child ratings of how funny the video was. Whereas humor indicators were not significantly associated with pain appraisal or tolerance, the group demonstrated significantly greater pain tolerance while viewing funny videos than when viewing the videos immediately before or after the cold-water task. The results suggest that humorous distraction is useful to help children and adolescents tolerate painful procedures. Further study is indicated to explore the specific mechanism of this benefit.

  19. Lésbicas sem humor

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    Don Kullick


    Full Text Available Este artigo examina a construção social e cultural de um estereótipo sobre lésbicas, baseado na percepção de que elas não possuem senso de humor. Analisa-se como lésbicas são retratadas por comediantes, programas de TV,  quadrinhos e na literatura, e compara essas representações a outros  estereótipos, como aqueles relacionados a alemães e gays extravagantes. Ao investigar as relações entre masculinidade, feminilidade e falta de humor, demonstra-se que considerar lésbicas como incompatíveis com o riso e a graça significa caracterizá-las como destituídas de humanidade. The article Humorless lesbians examines the social and cultural construction of a lesbian stereotype, based on the perception that they lack sense of humor. It is analyzed how lesbians are portrayed by comedians, TV shows, comic strips, and in literature. These representations are compared to other stereotypes such as those related to Germans and campy gays. By investigating the relations between masculinity, femininity and humorlessness, it is demonstrated that considering lesbians as incompatible with laughter and fun means to depicting them as deprived of humanity.

  20. Longitudinal Associations Between Humor Styles and Psychosocial Adjustment in Adolescence. (United States)

    Fox, Claire Louise; Hunter, Simon Christopher; Jones, Siân Emily


    This study assessed the concurrent and prospective associations between psychosocial adjustment and four humor styles, two of which are adaptive (affiliative, self-enhancing) and two maladaptive (aggressive, self-defeating). Participants were 1,234 adolescents (52% female) aged 11-13 years, drawn from six secondary schools in England. Self-reports of psychosocial adjustment (loneliness, depressive symptomatology, and self-esteem) and humor styles were collected at two time points (fall and summer). In cross-lagged panel analyses, self-defeating humor was associated with an increase in both depressive symptoms and loneliness, and with a decrease in self-esteem. In addition, depressive symptoms predicted an increase in the use of self-defeating humor over time, indicating that these may represent a problematic spiral of thoughts and behaviors. Self-esteem was associated with an increase in the use of affiliative humor over the school year but not vice-versa. These results inform our understanding of the ways in which humor is associated with psychosocial adjustment in adolescence.

  1. Longitudinal Associations Between Humor Styles and Psychosocial Adjustment in Adolescence

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    Claire Louise Fox


    Full Text Available This study assessed the concurrent and prospective associations between psychosocial adjustment and four humor styles, two of which are adaptive (affiliative, self-enhancing and two maladaptive (aggressive, self-defeating. Participants were 1,234 adolescents (52% female aged 11-13 years, drawn from six secondary schools in England. Self-reports of psychosocial adjustment (loneliness, depressive symptomatology, and self-esteem and humor styles were collected at two time points (fall and summer. In cross-lagged panel analyses, self-defeating humor was associated with an increase in both depressive symptoms and loneliness, and with a decrease in self-esteem. In addition, depressive symptoms predicted an increase in the use of self-defeating humor over time, indicating that these may represent a problematic spiral of thoughts and behaviors. Self-esteem was associated with an increase in the use of affiliative humor over the school year but not vice-versa. These results inform our understanding of the ways in which humor is associated with psychosocial adjustment in adolescence.

  2. Forms, functions, and foibles of humor used in AIDS service organizations. (United States)

    Kosenko, Kami A; Rintamaki, Lance S


    Research has indicated that HIV service providers commonly use humor to cope with work-related stress; however, little is known about the forms and functions of humor used by these professionals. In this study, 25 HIV service providers from five AIDS service organizations were interviewed about their use of humor. Participants described five primary types of humor as prevalent within AIDS service organizations and noted that humor served a variety of functions, which were either adaptive or maladaptive. Adaptive functions included boosting morale and reducing tension, whereas maladaptive functions ranged from masking emotions to alienating certain groups. Results emphasized the importance of context in the study of humor use and the need for continued investigations of the stress and coping of HIV service providers.

  3. Tilgængelig viden - viden om tilgængelighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kirkeby, Inge Mette

    arkitekterne anvender for at designe tilgængeligt, fx hvordan de anvender referencer, eksempler, begreber og erfaringer eller viden om regler og love. I elleve kvalitative interview fortæller arkitekter og landskabsarkitekter om, hvordan de arbejder med tilgængelighed, og om den viden, de anvender, herunder...

  4. Shuttle performance enhancements using an OMS payload bay kit (United States)

    Templin, Kevin C.; Mallini, Charles J.


    The study focuses on the use of an orbital maneuvering system (OMS) payload bay kit (PBK) designed to utilize OMS tanks identical to those currently employed in the Orbiter OMS pods. Emphasis is placed on payload deployment capability and payload servicing/reboost capability augmentation from the point of view of payload mass, maximum deployment altitudes, and initial retrieval and final deployment altitudes. The deployment, servicing, and reboost requirements of the Hubble Space Telescope and Advanced X-ray and Astrophysics Facility are analyzed in order to show the benefits an OMS PBK can provide for these missions. It is shown that OMS PBKs can provide the required capability enhancement necessary to support deployment, reboost, and servicing of payloads requiring altitudes greater than 325 nautical miles.


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    Gabrielė Vaitulionytė


    Full Text Available The article discusses how humor could enrich social work practice and guideline social workers. Social work field is not that traditionally relates with humor. While social work scholars argue that social work field is full of contradictions and humor is relevant tool to express those contradictions and paradoxes. In micro level practice Gitterman (2003 suggests humor could be a creative tool that “must be used differently based on client background, level of functioning, and specific situation”. Article presents results of qualitative study. The analysis of social workers’ professional experiences is based on social constructionism perspective with the aim to explain how humor is used in everyday practice and how use of purposive humor could be helpful in social work intervention. Episodic interviews with six social workers working in intercultural social work field were conducted. Transcripts of interviews were analyzed through conceptualization, developing story and maximizing aims of the study. Anonymity and confidentiality was considered. The results of analysis demonstrate that humor is unique experience in the sociocultural context. Discursive categories explain the purpose of humor for practice, circumstances and conditions for using that determine how the use of humor could contribute to the success of a social worker-client interaction. Using humor is considered as professional competence, which suggests that “having a good sense of humor” and appropriate use of humor with ability to demonstrate empathy and honesty in social worker-client interaction is an important part of social worker competence. Humor as a professional competence contained understanding of the humorous taboo. During analysis were explored how using humor and cultural stories of clients create mezzo level strategies for professional social work practice. Keywords: humor in social work practice, social work process, humor taboo.

  6. Humor and laughter in persons with cognitive impairment and their caregivers. (United States)

    Liptak, Amy; Tate, Judith; Flatt, Jason; Oakley, Mary Ann; Lingler, Jennifer


    The purpose of this study was to describe humor and laughter in persons with cognitive impairment (PWCI) and caregivers who were recalling a shared experience in a focus group. Twenty participants attended an Art Engagement Activity at the Andy Warhol Art Museum, which included a guided tour and an art project. All PWCI had medically diagnosed cognitive disorders and all caregiver participants did not. Four focus groups were conducted and transcripts of audio-recorded sessions were transferred to a qualitative software program. Words, phrases, and episodes of humor and laughter were used to construct codes, which were refined during group analysis using constant comparison. Humor and laughter were present in all four focus groups. Emerging themes of humor included silliness, sarcasm, and commenting about hardships of dementia. Laughter was identified in segments with and without humor. Some PWCI were unable to follow social cues. Humor and laughter played a role in creating a safe social environment. PWCI were able to engage in humor during social interactions, yet some had difficulty recognizing social cues. Further study may reveal roles of humor and laughter in adaptation to cognitive decline and holistic interventions for improved quality of life.

  7. Sex Differences in Preferences for Humor: A Replication, Modification, and Extension

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    Liana S. E. Hone


    Full Text Available Evolutionary-minded scientists have proposed that humor is a sexually selected trait in men that signals mate quality. Indeed, women tend to prefer men who make them laugh and men tend to prefer women who laugh at their jokes. However, it is unclear how robust this pattern is. Here we report a replication of one of the first studies (Bressler, Martin, and Balshine, 2006 to examine the sex differences in preferences for humor receptivity versus humor production. We replicate Bressler et al.'s (2006 findings that men prefer women who are receptive to their humor whereas women prefer men who produce humor. These findings held even after we modified Bressler et al.'s questionnaire for better conceptual validity. Furthermore, using a separate measure designed to assess trade-offs, we found that men viewed humor receptivity as a necessity and humor production as a luxury when they were asked to create an ideal long-term partner. For women, it was just the opposite. These results bolster the claim that sexual selection has shaped sex differences regarding preferences for a prospective mate's sense of humor and that what one means by “sense of humor” can vary.

  8. [Preoperatively administered flomoxef sodium concentration in aqueous humor]. (United States)

    Miyamoto, Mariko; Watanabe, Yoichiro; Mizuki, Nobuhisa


    We intravenously administered flomoxef sodium (FMOX) 0.5-3.5 hours before cataract surgery and measured the concentration of the agent in the aqueous humor to investigate its penetration into the aqueous humor and its efficacy in the prevention of postoperative endophthalmitis. 56 patients who underwent cataract surgery were enrolled in this study. They received 1 g FMOX via a 20-minute intravenous drip beginning 0.5-3.5 hours before the operation. Aqueous humor was aspirated from the anterior chamber and assayed for FMOX concentration using high-performance liquid chromatography. The mean intraoperative FMOX concentrations in the patients' aqueous humor were 0.79 +/- 0.24 microg/ml (administered 3.5 hours before surgery)--1.47 0.79 microg/ml (administered 1.5 hours before surgery). These concentrations administered 0.5-3.0 hours before surgery sufficiently exceeded the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) 90 values against Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus and Propionibacterium acnes, but did not achieve the MIC90 values against Enterococcus faecalis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The FMOX concentrations in the aqueous humor sampling were adequate to kill bacteria in vitro. This drug may be efficacious in the prevention of postoperative endophthalmitis in patients undergoing cataract surgery.

  9. Humor comprehension and appreciation: an FMRI study. (United States)

    Bartolo, Angela; Benuzzi, Francesca; Nocetti, Luca; Baraldi, Patrizia; Nichelli, Paolo


    Humor is a unique ability in human beings. Suls [A two-stage model for the appreciation of jokes and cartoons. In P. E. Goldstein & J. H. McGhee (Eds.), The psychology of humour. Theoretical perspectives and empirical issues. New York: Academic Press, 1972, pp. 81-100] proposed a two-stage model of humor: detection and resolution of incongruity. Incongruity is generated when a prediction is not confirmed in the final part of a story. To comprehend humor, it is necessary to revisit the story, transforming an incongruous situation into a funny, congruous one. Patient and neuroimaging studies carried out until now lead to different outcomes. In particular, patient studies found that right brain-lesion patients have difficulties in humor comprehension, whereas neuroimaging studies suggested a major involvement of the left hemisphere in both humor detection and comprehension. To prevent activation of the left hemisphere due to language processing, we devised a nonverbal task comprising cartoon pairs. Our findings demonstrate activation of both the left and the right hemispheres when comparing funny versus nonfunny cartoons. In particular, we found activation of the right inferior frontal gyrus (BA 47), the left superior temporal gyrus (BA 38), the left middle temporal gyrus (BA 21), and the left cerebellum. These areas were also activated in a nonverbal task exploring attribution of intention [Brunet, E., Sarfati, Y., Hardy-Bayle, M. C., & Decety, J. A PET investigation of the attribution of intentions with a nonverbal task. Neuroimage, 11, 157-166, 2000]. We hypothesize that the resolution of incongruity might occur through a process of intention attribution. We also asked subjects to rate the funniness of each cartoon pair. A parametric analysis showed that the left amygdala was activated in relation to subjective amusement. We hypothesize that the amygdala plays a key role in giving humor an emotional dimension.

  10. The Use of Humor in Palliative Care: A Systematic Literature Review. (United States)

    Pinna, Miguel Ángel Cuervo; Mahtani-Chugani, Vinita; Sánchez Correas, Miguel Ángel; Sanz Rubiales, Alvaro


    Humor has its own place in the context of medicine. Nevertheless, its acceptance by terminal stage patients and health-care professionals has not been studied in depth and is not free from controversy. To understand the significance, appropriateness, and pertinence of the use of humor in palliative care and to analyze its applicability. A narrative systematic review was undertaken and included in PROSPERO. Online searches were carried out on PUBMED, PSYCINFO, EBSCO (CINHAL), EMBASE, SCIELO, SCOPUS, TESEO, WEB of SCIENCE, and COCHRANE between their launch date and December 31, 2015, complemented with manual searches with queries to experts. A total of 156 studies were identified, which were then filtered in pairs by means of an established hierarchy, selecting studies that discussed the use of humor specifically in palliative care from all perspectives and designs, and finally published in Spanish, English, French, or Portuguese. Critical reading of all the selected studies took place, with no exclusions due to quality evaluation. Thirty-four studies were included. Five main topics were identified: (1) definition of humor, (2) use and functions of humor in palliative care, (3) how to use humor, (4) when not to use humor, and (5) humor before and after the diagnosis of terminal illness. Humor plays an unquestionable role in palliative care, but its use needs training and appropriate use.

  11. Playing with expectations: a contextual view of humor development

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    Gabriella Airenti


    Full Text Available In the developmental literature it has been advanced that young children would not understand the specificity of nonliteral communicative acts. In this article I shall focus on young children’s ability to produce and understand different forms of humor. I shall explore children’s acquisition of the communicative contexts that constitute the background enabling them to perform humorous interactions before being able to analyze them in the terms allowed by a full fledged ToM. I consider that different forms of humor share a number of basic features and that we can draw a continuum from simple forms to sophisticated ones. In particular I shall focus on teasing, a form of humor already present in preverbal infants but also considered as a typical feature of irony. I shall argue that all forms of humor can be described in the terms of a kind of interaction that I propose to call playing with expectations.

  12. Three Decades Investigating Humor and Laughter: An Interview With Professor Rod Martin. (United States)

    Martin, Rod; Kuiper, Nicholas A


    Since the start of the 21st century, the investigation of various psychological aspects of humor and laughter has become an increasingly prominent topic of research. This growth can be attributed, in no small part, to the pioneering and creative work on humor and laughter conducted by Professor Rod Martin. Dr. Martin's research interests in humor and laughter began in the early 1980s and continued throughout his 32 year long career as a professor of clinical psychology at the University of Western Ontario. During this time, Dr. Martin published numerous scholarly articles, chapters, and books on psychological aspects of humor and laughter. Professor Martin has just retired in July 2016, and in the present interview he recounts a number of research highlights of his illustrious career. Dr. Martin's earliest influential work, conducted while he was still in graduate school, stemmed from an individual difference perspective that focused on the beneficial effects of sense of humor on psychological well-being. This research focus remained evident in many of Professor Martin's subsequent investigations, but became increasingly refined as he developed several measures of different components of sense of humor, including both adaptive and maladaptive humor styles. In this interview, Dr. Martin describes the conceptualization, development and use of the Humor Styles Questionnaire, along with suggestions for future research and development. In doing so, he also discusses the three main components of humor (i.e., cognitive, emotional and interpersonal), as well as the distinctions and similarities between humor and laughter. Further highlights of this interview include Professor Martin's comments on such diverse issues as the genetic versus environmental loadings for sense of humor, the multifaceted nature of the construct of humor, and the possible limitations of teaching individuals to use humor in a beneficial manner to cope with stress and enhance their social and

  13. Using Humor in Treatment of Substance Use Disorders: Worthy of Further Investigation. (United States)

    Canha, Benjamin


    Throughout the literature, humor has demonstrated positive effects on memory and learning, as well as physiological and psychological well being. Research has described improvements in communication and trust through the use of humor in the nurse-patient relationship. The utilization of humor with certain populations, including those with anxiety disorders, cancer patients and mood disorders has also been widely described in the literature but little research has been conducted with humor use in patients' recovery from substance use disorders. This population might benefit from the thoughtful applications of humor to promote laughter and mirth as well as learning recovery principles. A review of the humor theories, theoretical processes and humor styles are discussed for their use in individuals with substance use disorders, in particularly for early recovery engagement in 12 step programs and other recover support social networks. The application of humor in efforts to support recovery with substance use disorder patients is worth investigating further.

  14. Humor Use Moderates the Relation of Stressful Life Events With Psychological Distress. (United States)

    Fritz, Heidi L; Russek, Leslie N; Dillon, Melissa M


    Three studies examined humor and adjustment to stressful events. In Study 1, patients with fibromyalgia syndrome ( N = 22) reported on mental and physical adjustment, social interaction, and reappraisal of their illness. Dispositional humor was associated with reduced distress and fewer physical symptoms. Study 2 ( N = 109) examined undergraduates' reports of stressful events. Dispositional, self-enhancing, affiliative, and self-defeating humor showed direct effects on distress, which were mediated by social interaction and reappraisal. Moreover, dispositional and aggressive humor showed stress-buffering effects. Study 3 ( N = 105) examined undergraduates' adjustment to the September 11, 2001, attacks at 1 and 3 months postattack. At T1, affiliative humor showed a stress-buffering effect on distress. Social interaction mediated the relation of self-enhancing humor with reduced T1 distress, and mediated relations of aggressive and self-defeating humor with greater distress. Relations of T1 dispositional and self-defeating humor to changes in T2 distress were mediated by reappraisal.

  15. American Learners' Comprehension of Russian Textual Humor (United States)

    Shardakova, Maria


    Over the past decade, second language (L2) humor has attracted scholarly attention as both a means and a goal of L2 development. Much of this research, however, has focused on oral communication, whereas virtually no studies address humor as an aspect of reading comprehension. This exploratory study combines these two areas of inquiry, examining…

  16. Use and Non-Use of Humor in Academic ESL Classrooms (United States)

    Ziyaeemehr, Ali; Kumar, Vijay; Abdullah, Mohd S. Faiz


    A substantial body of research emphasizes the importance of humor in teaching/learning processes; however, research on the reasons for non-use of humor in academic contexts has enjoyed scant attention. Addressing this gap, this study examines the reasons for instructors' humor avoidance taking into account student perceived benefits of using humor…

  17. Humor appreciation of captionless cartoons in obsessive-compulsive disorder (United States)


    Background It seems that the core neural regions and cognitive processes implicated in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) pathophysiology may overlap with those involved in humor appreciation. However, to date, there have been no studies that have explored humor appreciation in OCD. The purpose of the present work was to investigate humor appreciation in a group of patients with OCD. Methods We examined 25 patients with OCD and 25 healthy controls, matched by age, education, and gender. We administered Penn's Humor Appreciation Test (PHAT), a computerized test comprising captionless cartoons by Mordillo. Each set of stimuli consisted of two almost identical drawings, one of which was funny due to the alteration of a detail in the cartoon, whereas the other was not funny. Severity of psychopathology was evaluated with the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS). Results No significant effect for group, gender or group × gender interaction was found on the PHAT scores. In OCD patients, humor appreciation was not significantly associated with age of onset, duration of illness, and obsessions, but correlated significantly with compulsions. Conclusions Humor appreciation, based on captionless cartoons in OCD, does not seem to be deficient compared to healthy subjects but may be related to illness characteristics. PMID:22103926

  18. STS-39: OMS Pod Thruster Removal/Replace (United States)


    Shown is the removal and replacement of the Discovery's orbital maneuvering systems (OMS) pod thruster. The OMS engine will be used to propel Discovery north, off of its previous orbital groundtrack, without changing the spacecraft's altitude. A burn with this lateral effect is known as "out-of-plane."

  19. Anomalous hypothalamic responses to humor in cataplexy.

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    Allan L Reiss


    Full Text Available Cataplexy is observed in a subset of patients with narcolepsy and affects approximately 1 in 2,000 persons. Cataplexy is most often triggered by strong emotions such as laughter, which can result in transient, yet debilitating, muscle atonia. The objective of this study was to examine the neural systems underlying humor processing in individuals with cataplexy.While undergoing functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI, we showed ten narcolepsy-cataplexy patients and ten healthy controls humorous cartoons. In addition, we examined the brain activity of one subject while in a full-blown cataplectic attack. Behavioral results showed that participants with cataplexy rated significantly fewer humorous cartoons as funny compared to controls. Concurrent fMRI showed that patients, when compared to controls and in the absence of overt cataplexy symptoms, showed pronounced activity in the emotional network including the ventral striatum and hypothalamus while viewing humorous versus non-humorous cartoons. Increased activity was also observed in the right inferior frontal gyri--a core component of the inhibitory circuitry. In comparison, the one subject who experienced a cataplectic attack showed dramatic reductions in hypothalamic activity.These findings suggest an overdrive of the emotional circuitry and possible compensatory suppression by cortical inhibitory regions in cataplexy. Moreover, during cataplectic attacks, the hypothalamus is characterized by a marked decrease in activity similar to that observed during sleep. One possible explanation for these findings is an initial overdrive and compensatory shutdown of the hypothalamus resulting in full cataplectic symptoms.


    Yue, Xiao Dong; Hui, Anna Na


    Humor is found to be an essential element of creative thinking in Western culture. In Eastern culture, however, the relationship between creativity and humor is ambivalent. This study examined the relationship among humor styles, creative personality traits, and creative thinking abilities. A sample of 118 Chinese undergraduates in Hong Kong was recruited to complete the Humor Styles Questionnaire, the three Creative Personality subscales of the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory-2 (CPAI-2), and the Verbal Test of the Wallach-Kogan Creativity Tests. Results show that humor styles are uncorrelated with creative thinking abilities of flexibility, fluency, and originality, but affiliative humor and aggressive humor are correlated with creative personality traits of novelty and diversity. A hierarchical multiple regression shows that both humor styles and creative personality traits of novelty and diversity account for non-significant variance on creative thinking abilities. These findings largely support a hypothesized non-association between humor styles and creative measures. They also pose a sharp contrast to findings obtained in the West, in which humor styles are typically correlated with both creative thinking abilities and creative personality traits.

  1. Are Humor Styles of People With Dementia Linked to Greater Purpose in Life? (United States)

    Mak, Wingyun; Sörensen, Silvia


    Little is known about humor and purpose in life in people with dementia. Although having a sense of humor is typically associated with positive psychological outcomes, recent evidence suggests that outcomes may vary depending on whether the humor being used is adaptive versus maladaptive. The goal of this study was to determine whether humor styles are predictive of purpose in life in people with dementia. Questionnaires were verbally administered to people with mild-to-moderate dementia to measure humor styles and purpose in life. Adaptive humor styles were associated with purpose in life whereas maladaptive humor styles were not. Having a sense of humor in dementia may be associated with a stronger sense of purpose in life, but it depends on the type of humor used. Results are discussed in the context of understanding the role of humor in the daily lives of people with dementia and implications for care. © The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Gerontological Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  2. The Humorous Function of English Euphemism

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    As a universal linguistic phenomenon in human society, euphemism is widely used in all social classes and fields. It is an important means to coordinate interpersonal relationship. This research discusses some fundamental knowledge of euphemism. It aims to analyze the humorous function of English euphemism in social interaction, advertisement and expressing professions. Through the analysis of the humorous function of English euphemism, it helps people to reduce mistake, improve the effect of communication and enhance mutual understanding.

  3. Humor and laughter in persons with cognitive impairment and their caregivers (United States)

    Liptak, Amy; Tate, Judith; Flatt, Jason; Oakley, Mary Ann; Lingler, Jennifer


    Purpose The purpose of this study was to describe humor and laughter in persons with cognitive impairment (PWCI) and caregivers who were recalling a shared experience in a focus group. Design Twenty participants attended an Art Engagement Activity at the Andy Warhol Art Museum, which included a guided tour and an art project. All PWCI had medically diagnosed cognitive disorders and all caregiver participants did not. Four focus groups were conducted and transcripts of audio-recorded sessions were transferred to a qualitative software program. Methods Words, phrases and episodes of humor and laughter were used to construct codes, which were refined during group analysis using constant comparison. Findings Humor and laughter were present in all four focus groups. Emerging themes of humor included silliness, sarcasm and commenting about hardships of dementia. Laughter was identified in segments with and without humor. Some PWCI were unable to follow social cues. Conclusions Humor and laughter played a role in creating a safe social environment. PWCI were able to engage in humor during social interactions, yet some had difficulty recognizing social cues. Further study may reveal roles of humor and laughter in adaptation to cognitive decline and holistic interventions for improved quality of life. PMID:23926217

  4. Ny ph.d.-afhandling om fald og faldforebyggelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Evron, Lotte


    Lotte Evron forsvarede d. 18. Marts 2015 sin ph.d.-afhandling: Egenomsorg som selvteknologi i multifaktoriel faldforebyggelse – et feltstudie med diskursanalyse på Institut for Kommunikation, Aalborg Universitet. Undersøgelsen studerer egenomsorg som styringsteknologi i et bestemt multifaktoriel ...... underviser og forsker på Professionshøjskolen Metropol og holder gerne foredrag om sin forskning. Desuden blogger hun om fald og faldforebyggelse på Faldnørden: og tweeter om sygepleje på:

  5. Flomoxef sodium and levofloxacin concentrations in aqueous humor. (United States)

    Mizuki, Nobuhisa; Watanabe, Yoichiro; Miyamoto, Mariko; Iijima, Yasuhito; Takiyama, Naoaki; Ito, Yoshiki; Ito, Norihiko; Nishida, Tomomi; Iwata, Shinko; Endo, Yoko; Ito, Daizo


    We intravenously administered flomoxef sodium (FMOX) 120 minutes before cataract surgery, topically administered levofloxacin (LVFX) into the eyes four times at 30-minute intervals before surgery, and measured the aqueous humor concentrations of these agents to investigate their penetration into the aqueous humor and their efficacy in the prevention of postoperative endophthalmitis. Sixty-eight patients who underwent cataract surgery at the Department of Ophthalmology, Yokohama City University School of Medicine, or its affiliate, Kanazawa Hospital, Yokohama, were enrolled in this study. They received one or both of the following: 1.0 g FMOX via a 20-minute intravenous drip and LVFX ophthalmic solution applied four times at 30-minute intervals, both beginning two hours before the operation. Aqueous humor was aspirated from the anterior chamber and assayed for FMOX and LVFX concentrations using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The mean intraoperative FMOX and LVFX concentrations in the patients' aqueous humor were 1.21 +/- 0.63 microg/ml and 0.69 +/- 0.47 microg/ml, respectively. These concentrations sufficiently exceeded the MIC90 values against Staphylococcus epidermidis, S. aureus, and Propionibacterium acnes. The FMOX and LVFX concentrations in the aqueous humor sampling were adequate to kill bacteria in vitro. These drugs may have efficacy in the prevention of postoperative endophthalmitis in patients undergoing cataract surgery.

  6. To udviklings-projekter om beton og arkitektur

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Manelius, Anne-Mette


    Artikel om to udviklingsprojekter på Teknologisk Institut med fokus på cnc-fræsede støbeforme til beton: Unika Beton og TailorCrete......Artikel om to udviklingsprojekter på Teknologisk Institut med fokus på cnc-fræsede støbeforme til beton: Unika Beton og TailorCrete...

  7. Phase diagrams of ZnTe-HgTe-Te and ZnTe-CdTe-HgTe-Te systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andrukhiv, A.M.; Litvak, A.M.; Mironov, K.E.


    ZnTe-HgTe-Te system liquidus surface is investigated and solid solution layers are produced in this system by the method of liquid-phase epitaxy (LPE). The theoretical analysis of experimental and theoretical data allows to calculate the diagram of ZnTe-CdTe-HgTe-Te system fusibility. A significant effect of elastic stresses of the epitaxial layer, grown on CdTe substrate, on the process of LPE of solid solutions is established

  8. Feasibility of a Humor Training to Promote Humor and Decrease Stress in a Subclinical Sample: A Single-Arm Pilot Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nektaria Tagalidou


    Full Text Available The present study investigates the feasibility of a humor training for a subclinical sample suffering from increased stress, depressiveness, or anxiety. Based on diagnostic interviews, 35 people were invited to participate in a 7-week humor training. Evaluation measures were filled in prior training, after training, and at a 1-month follow-up including humor related outcomes (coping humor and cheerfulness and mental health-related outcomes (perceived stress, depressiveness, anxiety, and well-being. Outcomes were analyzed using repeated-measures ANOVAs. Within-group comparisons of intention-to-treat analysis showed main effects of time with large effect sizes on all outcomes. Post hoc tests showed medium to large effect sizes on all outcomes from pre to post and results remained stable until follow-up. Satisfaction with the training was high, attrition rate low (17.1%, and participants would highly recommend the training. Summarizing the results, the pilot study showed promising effects for people suffering from subclinical symptoms. All outcomes were positively influenced and showed stability over time. Humor trainings could be integrated more into mental health care as an innovative program to reduce stress whilst promoting also positive emotions. However, as this study was a single-arm pilot study, further research (including also randomized controlled trials is still needed to evaluate the effects more profoundly.

  9. Swartafrikaans: ‘n Alternatiewe gebruik

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anna P. Maritz


    Full Text Available Die artikel bied ’n eerste oorsig van die aard van die alternatiewe funksies van Swartafrikaans. Hierdie funksies realiseer wanneer Swartafrikaans deur Afrikaansmoedertaalsprekers nagemaak of nagepraat word. Die funksies van die alternatiewe gebruik van Swartafrikaans sentreer rondom: die sosiale aard van die variasie, sensitiwiteit as ’n bepalende rolspeler, identiteit, humor, inklusiwiteit en eksklusiwiteit, taalrepertoire en ooreenkomstige variasies. Weens die direkte verhouding tussen Swartafrikaans, Gepidginiseerde Afrikaans en die napraat van Swartafrikaans, word dié variëteite ook vergelyk om sodoende ’n aanvangsbeskrywing vir die napraat van Swartafrikaans daar te stel aangesien dié variëteit nog nie beskryf is nie.

  10. Redegørelse om whiplash

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lønnberg, Frank

    Begrebet whiplash anvendes ofte som om, der er tale om en velafgrænset sygdomsenhed, hvilket ikke er tilfældet. Whiplash er medicinsk set ikke en lidelse eller en diagnose, men en potentiel skadesmekanisme/risikofaktor uden et specifikt symptombillede. Der er ingen sikker sammenhæng imellem...... påvirkning, vævslæsion og symptombillede. Psykologiske faktorer påvirker symptomer og sygdomsoplevelse efter whiplash, ligesom sociokulturelle faktorer har indflydelse på forekomsten af længerevarende symptomer. Relevant klinisk undersøgelse tidligt i forløbet anbefales, aktivering synes at have fordele frem...

  11. Rudolf Bultmann se verstaan van vryheid

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    12 Jun 2015 ... Om die verskil in menslike selfverstaan te verduidelik, begin. Bultmann ([1959] 1975:43) met die menings van die filosoof. Anaxagoras. Op die vraag hoekom dit beter is om gebore te wees as om nie gebore te wees nie, sê hy: ''n Mens is gebore om die hemel en die kosmos omvattende orde te aanskou'.

  12. Aqueous humor ferritin in hereditary hyperferritinemia cataract syndrome. (United States)

    Lenzhofer, Markus; Schroedl, Falk; Trost, Andrea; Kaser-Eichberger, Alexandra; Wiedemann, Helmut; Strohmaier, Clemens; Hohensinn, Melchior; Strasser, Michael; Muckenthaler, Martina U; Grabner, Guenther; Aigner, Elmar; Reitsamer, Herbert A


    Hereditary hyperferritinemia cataract syndrome (HHCS) is a rare autosomal dominant hereditary disease, characterized by hyperferritinemia but with absence of body iron excess and early onset of bilateral cataracts. Although 5- to 20-fold increased serum ferritin concentrations have been reported in HHCS patients, data of ferritin levels in aqueous humor have not been obtained. We therefore aimed to investigate the ferritin levels in aqueous humor and serum and further present histological and ultrastructural data of the lens. During cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation, aqueous humor and lens aspirate of a 37-year-old HHCS patient were obtained from both eyes. Ferritin levels in serum and aqueous humor were quantitatively analyzed via immunoassays in the HHCS patient and healthy control subjects (n = 6). Lens aspirate in HHCS was analyzed histologically and at the ultrastructural level. Further, genetic mutation screening by polymerase chain reaction and DNA sequencing in blood was performed. Serum ferritin levels in the control group were 142.2 ± 38.7 μg/L, whereas in the HHCS patient, this parameter was excessively increased (1086 μg/L). Analysis of ferritin in aqueous humor revealed 6.4 ± 3.8 μg/L in normal control subjects and 146.3 μg/L (OD) and 160.4 μg/L (OS) in the HHCS patient. DNA analysis detected a C>A mutation on position +18, a T>G mutation on position +22, a T>C mutation on position +24, and a T>G polymorphism on position +26 in the iron-responsive element of the light-chain ferritin (L-ferritin) gene. In the HHCS patient, a 23-fold (OD) to 25-fold (OS) increased aqueous humor ferritin level was detected. Therefore, the formation of bilateral cataract in HHCS is most likely a result of elevated aqueous humor ferritin. In addition, a novel mutation in this rare disease in the iron-responsive element of L-ferritin gene is reported.

  13. Virtuous laughter: we should teach medical learners the art of humor. (United States)

    Oczkowski, Simon


    There is increasing recognition of the stress and burnout suffered by critical care workers. Physicians have a responsibility to teach learners the skills required not only to treat patients, but to cope with the demands of a stressful profession. Humor has been neglected as a strategy to help learners develop into virtuous and resilient physicians. Humor can be used to reduce stress, address fears, and to create effective health care teams. However, there are forms of humor which can be hurtful or discriminatory. In order to maximize the benefits of humor and to reduce its harms, we need to teach and model the effective and virtuous use of humor in the intensive care unit.

  14. Déchets municipaux dans le District d'Abidjan en Côte d'Ivoire ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Déchets municipaux dans le District d'Abidjan en Côte d'Ivoire: sources potentielles de pollution des eaux souterraines. ... norme OMS) en composés azotés (N03, N02, NH4), phosphatés (PO4) et en élément métallique (Al). Par ailleurs, les analyses chimiques des eaux souterraines de l'année 2000 issues de 56 forages ...

  15. Stand Up Comics: Instructional Humor and Student Engagment (United States)

    Wortley, Amy; Dotson, Elizabeth


    This paper examines the use of instructional humor in higher education settings and makes connections between the levels of student achievement in academics and the influence of appropriate instructional humor. The work of prominent researchers such as Wanzer, Frymier, and Irwin (2010), and Segrist & Hupp (2015), who postulate that…

  16. A Computational Model of Linguistic Humor in Puns (United States)

    Kao, Justine T.; Levy, Roger; Goodman, Noah D.


    Humor plays an essential role in human interactions. Precisely what makes something funny, however, remains elusive. While research on natural language understanding has made significant advancements in recent years, there has been little direct integration of humor research with computational models of language understanding. In this paper, we…

  17. ¿El sentido del humor, tiene sentido en el aula? / Does Sense of the Humor Make Sense in the Classroom?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Freddy Antonio González Ynfante


    Full Text Available Recibido 09 de junio de 2011 • Aceptado 24 de octubre de 2011 • Corregido 27 de setiembre de 2011 Resumen. El presente ensayo tiene como finalidad reflexionar sobre la importancia del humor pedagógico como estrategia de enseñanza aprendizaje en el aula; esto, tomando en cuenta la problemática de desmotivación y aburrimiento que sucede normalmente en la clase. Para plantear si “el enseñar contento y el aprender con alegría” pueden aumentar la eficacia en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, se abordará cómo, a pesar de las múltiples ventajas que puede aportar el humor en las aulas, se omite su empleo por la existencia de ciertos prejuicios y temores. La idea no es que los docentes hagan el papel de comediantes o payasos, sino la de mediar y acercar la clase de manera pedagógica y didáctica a través del uso del humor, y sobre esto reflexionaba Platón (1992, cuando planteaba que muchas veces ayudaba una broma, en donde la seriedad oponía resistencia. Abstract. This paper studies the importance of humor as a teaching strategy in the classroom, considering the usual lack of motivation and boredom. To analyze whether the “happy teaching and happy learning” may increase effectiveness in the teaching-learning process, the author will discuss how, despite the many benefits it may bring, humor is not used in the classroom due to prejudices and fears. The idea is not for teachers to play the role of a comedian or a clown, but to intervene and get closer to the group with a teaching, didactic purpose through humor. Plato (1992 thought about this; he used to say that sometimes a joke may help, where seriousness put up resistance.

  18. Impact of Humor Advertising in Radio and Print Advertising - A Review


    S, venkatesh; N, senthilkumar


    The use of humour in advertising is the effective way of communication in any emotion to sell the products. Humor increase attention and attract more consumers so it became an effective advertising in any medium of advertising. Researchers and Advertisers more interested towards humor advertising more than century, but no review paper regarding impact of humor in radio and print advertising are published. Aim of this paper to get detailed review on impact of humor in radio and print advertisi...

  19. Trait humor and longevity: do comics have the last laugh? (United States)

    Rotton, J


    Four sets of biographical data were analyzed in order to test the hypothesis that the ability to generate humor is associated with longevity. Although steps were taken to ensure that tests had high levels of statistical power, analyses provided very little support for the idea that individuals with a well-developed sense of humor live longer than serious writers and other entertainers. In addition, a subsidiary analysis revealed that those in the business of entertaining others died at an earlier age than those in other lines of endeavor. These findings suggest that researchers should turn their attention from trait humor to the effects of humorous material.

  20. Direct current stimulation of the left temporoparietal junction modulates dynamic humor appreciation. (United States)

    Slaby, Isabella; Holmes, Amanda; Moran, Joseph M; Eddy, Marianna D; Mahoney, Caroline R; Taylor, Holly A; Brunyé, Tad T


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of transcranial direct current stimulation targeting the left temporoparietal junction (TPJ) on humor appreciation during a dynamic video rating task. In a within-participants design, we targeted the left TPJ with anodal, cathodal, or no transcranial direct current stimulation, centered at electrode site C3 using a 4×1 targeted stimulation montage. During stimulation, participants dynamically rated a series of six stand-up comedy videos for perceived humor. We measured event-related (time-locked to crowd laughter) modulation of humor ratings as a function of stimulation condition. Results showed decreases in rated humor during anodal (vs. cathodal or none) stimulation; this pattern was evident for the majority of videos and was only partially predicted by individual differences in humor style. We discuss the possibility that upregulation of neural circuits involved in the theory of mind and empathizing with others may reduce appreciation of aggressive humor. In conclusion, the present data show that neuromodulation of the TPJ can alter the mental processes underlying humor appreciation, suggesting critical involvement of this cortical region in detecting, comprehending, and appreciating humor.

  1. PV O&M Cost Model and Cost Reduction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Walker, Andy


    This is a presentation on PV O&M cost model and cost reduction for the annual Photovoltaic Reliability Workshop (2017), covering estimating PV O&M costs, polynomial expansion, and implementation of Net Present Value (NPV) and reserve account in cost models.

  2. Pastoral Perspectives of Humor's Use in Ministry Contexts (United States)

    Young, Jonathan W.


    Results from a qualitative component of a mixed-methods research design are reported regarding the use of humor in pastoral ministry. Thirteen Southern Baptist (SB) pastors were interviewed, from a total of 37 exemplars identified in the quantitative component of the study, regarding their perspectives toward humor in ministry. Results overall…

  3. [Detection of leptospira by culture of vitreous humor and detection of antibodies against leptospira in vitreous humor and serum of 225 horses with equine recurrent uveitis]. (United States)

    Dorrego-Keiter, Elisa; Tóth, József; Dikker, Lieke; Sielhorst, Jutta; Schusser, Gerald Fritz


    In the ongoing discussion regarding the aetiopathogenesis of equine recurrent uveitis (ERU) it was the aim of the present study to elucidate the relationship of leptospira infection and ERU. In a population of 225 horses leptospira were examined in vitreous humor by culture and leptospira antibody were detected in vitreous humor and serum samples. Preoperative serum samples were collected from 221/225 ERU patients of different age, gender and breed. Undiluted vitreous humor was aseptically taken from 198/225 patients that underwent pars plana vitrectomy at the beginning of surgery and from 27/225 patients' eyeball after enucleation: Serum and vitreous humor were tested for specific leptospiral antibodies by microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Furthermore, vitreous humor was examined by culture. 20 patients which were euthanized due to a live-threatening disease other than ERU served as a control group. A total of 127/221 (57.5%) horses had serum antibodies (≥ 1:100). Most frequently antibodies against L. interrogans serovar Grippotyphosa were detected (79/127), followed by L. interrogans serovar lcterohaemorrhagiae (34/127) and L. interrogans serovar Bratislava (29/127). Only 79/225 horses (35.1%) had leptospiral antibodies in vitreous humor, in which L. interrogans serovar Grippotyphosa (67/79) was identified most frequently followed by L. interrogans serovar Pomona (18/79) and L. interrogans serovar lcterohaemorrhagiae (8/79) which was identified as single or multiple reaction. Isolation of leptospira from vitreous humor was positive in 34/212 horses (16%). 10/20 control horses had a positive antibody titer against leptospira in serum and 2/20 horses in vitreous humor, whereas there was no leptospira detected in culture. The result of 84% negative cultures from vitreous humor of 212 ERU patients is decisive for the diagnosis and therapy of ERU.

  4. Humor i dansk tv-reklame. Et middel på tværs af livsstil?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jørgen Stigel


    Full Text Available Udgangspunktet for denne artikel er, at humor spiller en relativt dominerende rolle i dansk tv-reklame, og at der dermed er tale om en stilart, som i høj grad søger at vinde tilslutning og sympati igennem en inkluderende henvendelsesmodus. Man kunne fristes til at antage, at dette skulle hænge sammen med en særlig dansk mentalitet, og at humor er mere eller mindre uomgængelig, hvis man vil have danske forbrugere i tale. Dette forhold kontrasteres med den tænkning i livsstile, som er blevet dominerende, dvs. en tænkning, der grundlæggende søger at udskille bestemte forbrugertyper eller -grupper og altså grundlæggende skiller eller ekskluderer i segmenter, målgrupper og værdifællesskaber og dermed i princippet også dikterer en udformning af kommunikationen, der sætter skel. Artiklens pointe er, at humor i flere henseender kan være en pragmatisk måde at omgå en række af de problemer, som såvel tænkning i livsstilssegmenter som i unikke mærkevarer sætter vis-a-vis et forholdsvist lille markedsområde, hvor kontakt via tv-reklame kan være relativt dyr. Og at humor bl.a. kan gøre det i kraft af, at dens særlige tvetydige modus forrykker kommunikationens realitetsreference til et andet plan og/eller til andre mere eller mindre groteske og derealiserede universer og figurer/figurkonstellationer. Det markeret forrykte kan dermed udgøre et fælles ’neutralt’ felt, som uanset skillelinjer i livsstile mv. kan appellere bredt og fungere inkluderende. Humour in Danish TV advertising. A means of transcending lifestyle barriers? The point of departure for the article is the fact that approximately 40% of Danish TV advertising in the 1990s had some humorous content and that fictional formats such as drama (and comedy play an increasing role (cf. Stigel 2006 and 2001. Both small scale and large scale humour play a great role in Danish TV-ads and you might presume that this is due to some kind of special Danish mentality that one

  5. Humor i dansk tv-reklame. Et middel på tværs af livsstil?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jørgen Stigel


    Full Text Available Udgangspunktet for denne artikel er, at humor spiller en relativt dominerende rolle i dansk tv-reklame, og at der dermed er tale om en stilart, som i høj grad søger at vinde tilslutning og sympati igennem en inkluderende henvendelsesmodus. Man kunne fristes til at antage, at dette skulle hænge sammen med en særlig dansk mentalitet, og at humor er mere eller mindre uomgængelig, hvis man vil have danske forbrugere i tale. Dette forhold kontrasteres med den tænkning i livsstile, som er blevet dominerende, dvs. en tænkning, der grundlæggende søger at udskille bestemte forbrugertyper eller -grupper og altså grundlæggende skiller eller ekskluderer i segmenter, målgrupper og værdifællesskaber og dermed i princippet også dikterer en udformning af kommunikationen, der sætter skel. Artiklens pointe er, at humor i flere henseender kan være en pragmatisk måde at omgå en række af de problemer, som såvel tænkning i livsstilssegmenter som i unikke mærkevarer sætter vis-a-vis et forholdsvist lille markedsområde, hvor kontakt via tv-reklame kan være relativt dyr. Og at humor bl.a. kan gøre det i kraft af, at dens særlige tvetydige modus forrykker kommunikationens realitetsreference til et andet plan og/eller til andre mere eller mindre groteske og derealiserede universer og figurer/figurkonstellationer. Det markeret forrykte kan dermed udgøre et fælles ’neutralt’ felt, som uanset skillelinjer i livsstile mv. kan appellere bredt og fungere inkluderende. Humour in Danish TV advertising. A means of transcending lifestyle barriers? The point of departure for the article is the fact that approximately 40% of Danish TV advertising in the 1990s had some humorous content and that fictional formats such as drama (and comedy play an increasing role (cf. Stigel 2006 and 2001. Both small scale and large scale humour play a great role in Danish TV-ads and you might presume that this is due to some kind of special Danish mentality that one

  6. Humor in the eye tracker: attention capture and distraction from context cues. (United States)

    Strick, Madelijn; Holland, Rob W; Van Baaren, Rick; Van Knippenberg, Ad


    The humor effect refers to a robust finding in memory research that humorous information is easily recalled, at the expense of recall of nonhumorous information that was encoded in close temporal proximity. Previous research suggests that memory retrieval processes underlie this effect. That is, free recall is biased toward humorous information, which interferes with the retrieval of nonhumorous information. The present research tested an additional explanation that has not been specifically addressed before: Humor receives enhanced attention during information encoding, which decreases attention for context information. Participants observed humorous, nonhumorous positive, and nonhumorous neutral texts paired with novel consumer brands, while their eye movements were recorded using eye-tracker technology. The results confirmed that humor receives prolonged attention relative to both positive and neutral nonhumorous information. This enhanced attention correlated with impaired brand recognition.

  7. Humor as a Communication Strategy in Provider-Patient Communication in a Chronic Care Setting. (United States)

    Schöpf, Andrea C; Martin, Gillian S; Keating, Mary A


    Humor is a potential communication strategy to accomplish various and potentially conflicting consultation goals. We investigated humor use and its reception in diabetes consultations by analyzing how and why humor emerges and its impact on the interaction. We did this by using an interactional sociolinguistics approach. We recorded 50 consultations in an Irish diabetes setting. Analysis of the humor events drew on framework analysis and on concepts from Conversation Analysis and pragmatics. The study also comprised interviews using tape-assisted recall. We identified 10 humor functions and two umbrella functions. A key finding is that most humor is relationship-protecting humor initiated by patients, that is, they voice serious messages and deal with emotional issues through humor. Our findings imply that patients' and providers' awareness of indirect communication strategies needs to be increased. We also recommend that researchers employ varied methods to adequately capture the interactive nature of humor.

  8. The Humor in Horror. (United States)

    Kies, Cosette


    Discussion of horror fiction for teenagers focuses on the element of humor. Topics include parodies, plots, the element of mystery, cover art, end-of-chapter cliffhangers, and formula books. An annotated list of 10 pertinent titles is included. (LRW)

  9. Forestillinger om lykke

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Storm, Ida Marie; From, Ditte-Marie


    Artiklen bygger på en specialeafhandling, der har undersøgt mødres forventninger om et lykkeligt moderskab. Mødre i Danmark bliver screenet for depression to måneder efter fødslen og kan ved mistrivsel og lav score blive tilbudt deltagelse i kommunale støttegrupper. Artiklen baserer sig på kvalit...

  10. Meninger om mening

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schultz Hansen, Søren; Skakon, Janne


    Artiklen handler om forståelsen af de digitale indfødte som medarbejdere er begrænset og præget af sparsom forskning – denne generation er kun netop blevet voksne, og det har ikke tidligere været muligt at kortlægge generationen i forhold til arbejdsmarkedet. Bl.a. derfor er opfattelsen stadig pr...

  11. The Views of Turkish Teachers on the Use of Humor in Secondary Schools (United States)

    Kilic, Yasin


    Humor is the type of expression and writing representing the humorous aspect of life by adorning with jokes and wit. The main objective of humor is to criticize, ironize, and correct the flaws and hideousness in life. Humor develops the sensitivity, the empathizing ability and social facts' multidimensional perception of individuals. Humor…

  12. Når to mennesker møtes: Hvordan kan sykepleier møte pasienter med selvskadende atferd


    Eikrem, Mats Ulstein


    Høgskulen på Vestlandet Institutt for sykepleie Avdeling for helsefag Tittel: Når to mennesker møtes Bakgrunn for val av tema: Bakgrunnen for tema er mine egne erfaringer innenfor legevakts arbeid, og de observasjonene jeg har tilnærmet meg der. Noe som har ført til at jeg opplever at sykepleiere ikke skaper nok rom for pasienter med selvskadende atferd. Jeg ønsker derfor å lære mer om hvordan man bør møte denne pasientgruppen på en god måte. Problemstilling: Hvordan kan syk...

  13. Planlovgivning om butikscentres placering og størrelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Goergen, Etude Patrick; Christensen, Hans Sønderby; Werlauff, Erik


    Artiklen analyserer det forhold, at EU-retten ikke blot beskytter mod diskrimination, men også mod restriktioner. Restriktionsforbuddet afprøves i artiklen konkret i relation til EU-Domstolens dom om spansk planlovgivning om store butikscentre, og dommen sættes herefter i relation til den danske ...

  14. The Use of Humor as a Teaching Strategy in Nursing Education (United States)

    Lukehart, Dennis E.


    The purpose of this research study was to determine the use of humor as a teaching strategy among a sample of nurse educators employed by community colleges and universities in Northern and Central California nursing programs. The study also identified the types of humor used, how humor is used in the classroom, and nurse educators' perceptions of…

  15. Nieuwe Scheikunde in het vmbo

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Prof. dr. Albert Pilot; Drs. Kennedy Aquilino Tielman; Machiel Stolk; Sergine Lansman; John Hukom


    Het scheikunde onderwijs op het VMBO staat onder druk. NaSk2 dreigt te verdwijnen. Om de interesse van leerlingen voor NaSk2 te vergroten en positie van het vak te versterken, stellen wij voor om actuele en herkenbare contexten in NaSk 2 te implementeren. Tevens nodigen wij docenten uit op om mee te

  16. Et Forsknings- og Udviklingsprojekt om Marjattas Skole- og Behandlingshjem

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Kasper Andreas


    Forskning og udviklingsrapport om rytmer og kunstneriske processer i Marjattas Rudolf Steiner inspirerede specialpædagogik......Forskning og udviklingsrapport om rytmer og kunstneriske processer i Marjattas Rudolf Steiner inspirerede specialpædagogik...

  17. Die gebruik van humor om kreatiewe skryf in die onderrig van Afrikaans te stimuleer: ’n gevallestudie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. Kruger


    Full Text Available The use of humour to stimulate creative writing in the teaching of Afrikaans: a case study This article reports on of a qualitative research programme in which humouristic material was used as part of an Afrikaans language teaching programme. The primary participants in this programme were education students at Stellenbosch University who intend to teach Afrikaans in secondary schools. The ways in which humour can influence the classroom atmosphere and form part of cultural experience are also discussed. Specific attention is given to the use of humouristic material to facilitate creative writing as part of the relevant teaching programme. The humour of adolescents is discussed, especially the use of sarcasm and non-sense humour which can possibly contribute to discipline problems in the classroom. Finally, the researcher reports on the analysis of one of the students’ parodies as a case study. Analysis and interpretation of the parodic text revealed several forms of creativity – parody as burlesque, dialogue between codes, postmodern metafiction, manifestation of divergent thinking, and play with words and boundaries.

  18. Få greb om global ledelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Rikke Kristine


    (Be-)greb om global ledelse – værktøjer til global ledelse i praksis: Værktøj 1: De 5 nøgleelementer i det globale ledelsesgrundlag – ’global opvarmning’ og ’ice breaker’ Værktøj 2: Dit globale mindset – afklaringsværktøj Værktøj 3: De 4 benspænd i global ledelse – dit ’globale ledelsemanifest......-GPS - de 7 kontekstfaktorer Værktøj 10: Strategisk global mindset – nøglehulsmodellen Værktøj 11: Global aktivering – sikring af det globale læringsberedskab Værktøj 12: Fakta eller fiktion - 9 myter om global mindset-kompetence...

  19. [The effect of humor in the workplace on mental/physical health and self-evaluation of job performance]. (United States)

    Maruyama, Junichi; Fuji, Kei


    In this study we aimed to examine the contents of humor in the Japanese workplace and to understand the effects of humor on mental/physical health and self-evaluation of job performance. Japanese workers (N = 436) responded to questionnaires addressing workplace humor, feelings about workplace, workplace communication, mental/physical health, and perceived job performance. An exploratory factor analysis indicated that there are five types of workplace humor: norm-violating humor, experience-sharing humor workplace-enjoying humor, people-recalling humor, and outside-mocking humor. A covariance structural analysis showed that norm-violating humor and workplace-enjoying humor decreased mental and physical health by promoting both negative feelings in the workplace and self-disclosure about the negative side of work. Results also revealed that experience-sharing humor, people-recalling humor, and outside-mocking humor had a positive effect on the self-evaluation of job performance as well as mental and physical health, by promoting both positive feelings and mutual communication in the workplace. Results suggest that humor in the workplace has various influences on workers depending on the type of workplace humor.

  20. Arma del contrapoder: Humor político y medios


    César Ulloa Tapia


    El humor político en los medios de comunicación tiene enorme acogida en las audiencias ya que logra lo que pueden editoriales, análisis académicos y demás espacios de opinión. Es la mejor manera de denunciar, advertir, sancionar e incluso develar lo que hace o deja de hacer el poder político. El humor político está considerado como contrapoder. El periodismo que usa el humor es eficaz, tanto en el mensaje como en su efecto, pues describe las situaciones y recurre a comparaciones y símiles....

  1. Does Humor Explain Why Relationally Aggressive Adolescents Are Popular? (United States)

    Bowker, Julie C.; Etkin, Rebecca G.


    The association between relational aggression and popularity during early adolescence is well established. Yet, little is known about why, exactly, relationally aggressive young adolescents are able to achieve and maintain high popular status among peers. The present study investigated the mediating role of humor in the association between relational aggression and popularity during early adolescence. Also considered was whether the association between relational aggression and humor varies according to adolescents’ gender and their friends’ levels of relational aggression. Participants were 265 sixth-grade students (48% female; 41% racial/ethnic minority; Mage = 12.04 years) who completed peer nomination and friendship measures in their classrooms at two time points (Wave 1: February; Wave 2: May). The results indicated that Wave 1 relational aggression was related to Wave 1 and 2 popularity indirectly through Wave 1 humor, after accounting for the effects of Wave 1 physical aggression, ethnicity, and gender. Additional analyses showed that relational aggression and humor were related significantly only for boys and for young adolescents with highly relationally aggressive friends. The results support the need for further research on humor and aggression during early adolescence and other mechanisms by which relationally aggressive youth achieve high popular status. PMID:24136377

  2. Humor in print health advertisements: enhanced attention, privileged recognition, and persuasiveness of preventive messages. (United States)

    Blanc, Nathalie; Brigaud, Emmanuelle


    This study tested the effect of humor in one particular type of print advertisement: the preventive health ads for three topics (alcohol, tobacco, obesity). Previous research using commercial ads demonstrated that individuals' attention is spontaneously attracted by humor, leading to a memory advantage for humorous information over nonhumorous information. Two experiments investigated whether the positive effect of humor can occur with preventive health ads. In Experiment 1, participants observed humorous and nonhumorous health ads while their viewing times were recorded. In Experiment 2, to compare humorous and nonhumorous ads, the memory of health messages was assessed through a recognition task and a convincing score was collected. The results confirmed that, compared to nonhumorous health ads, those using humor received prolonged attention, were judged more convincing, and their messages were better recognized. Overall, these findings suggest that humor can be of use in preventive health communication.

  3. Med hjerne og hjerte - et aktionsforskningsprojekt om demensomsorg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Helle Krogh; Rasmussen, Else Marie

    om værdier; individuelle interviews (8 pårørende og 3 frivillige); to kernekvalitetsundersøgelser (4 medarbejdere undersøgte kvaliteter og værdier ud fra D. Ofmans teori om kernekvaliteter); en kernekvalitetsundersøgelse i samarbejde med lederen; SWOT-analyser, udarbejdelse og analyse af...

  4. Rapportering om going concern i den nye revisionspåtegning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Seehausen, Jesper


    Artiklen omhandler revisors rapportering om going concern i den nye revisionspåtegning. Det er artiklens centrale budskab, at der i den nye revisionspåtegning alene er ændringer til, hvordan revisor skal rapportere om going concern i revisionspåtegningen. Der er derimod ikke ændringer til, hvornår...... revisor skal rapportere om going concern i revisionspåtegningen....

  5. Multilingual Manipulation and Humor in "I Love Lucy" (United States)

    Kirschen, Bryan


    "I Love Lucy" is considered to have been one of the most humorous television programs in the United States as early as the 1950s. This paper explores the use of language by the protagonists, Lucy and Ricky Ricardo, in order to understand the source of the program's humor. Linguistic analysis of the Ricardos' speech is applied,…

  6. Humoral and cellular immune responses to modified hepatitis B ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    These findings indicate that the vaccine induced both a humoral and cellular ... Keywords: Hepatitis B virus, Plasmid DNA, Vaccine, Spleen cytokines, Humoral and cellular immune responses ... produced in mice. ... were performed and HBsAg specific IgM and IgG ..... and protection elicited against Plasmodium berghei.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Truly Almendo Pasaribu


    Full Text Available Gender-related humors have their own way of being funny; and this research aims to find out how and why they are funny. For this purpose, both researchers have collected 50 gender cyber humors and analyzed them, first, to decode how their logical mechanism relates to specific linguistic features, and secondly, to uncover how gender stereotyping contributes to the comical effects. The twisting of logic and linguistic ambiguity is analyzed formally using Attardos (2001 General Theory of Verbal Humor (GTVH and supported by gender studies. The findings reveal that the logical mechanism consists of elements of incongruities, and gender stereotyping presents negative stereotypical images. The analysis further shows that some gender stereotypical images ridicule traditional roles of man and woman while others make fun of non-traditional representations. This shift from women only to both men and women as targets of gender humors has been an impact of effective feminist movements.

  8. OMS Annual Report, 1983. (United States)

    Association of Research Libraries, Washington, DC. Office of Management Studies.

    This report describes 1983 Office of Management Studies (OMS) programs and services, including: (1) the Academic Library Program (ALP), which covered the Public Services Project, the Collection Analysis Project (CAP), the Small College Collection Assessment Project, the Preservation Planning Program, the Organizational Screening Program, the…

  9. Universalidad y variabilidad cultural de la risa y el humor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Jáuregui


    Full Text Available La risa es un fenómeno aparentemente universal, pero el humor que la provoca muestra una variabilidad casi infinita. Este artículo trata de distinguir entre los aspectos universales de la risa y los que son culturalmente variables. Define la risa como una emoción básica del ser humano, provocada por un estímulo cognitivo que depende de definiciones sociales de la situación, lo cual explica al menos en parte su aparente heterogeneidad. Otros aspectos que también pueden variar son las normas y costumbres relativas a la expresión de la risa y del humor, los géneros humorísticos, las instituciones del humor y las definiciones culturales de la risa misma.

  10. Stadig usikkerhed om skat på bitcoin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjærsgaard, Louise Fjord; Weber, Katja Dyppel


    Kronik. Reglerne om skat på bitcoin er lidt klarere efter afgørelse i Skatterådet, men det er på tide at se på en ændring af de forældede regler.......Kronik. Reglerne om skat på bitcoin er lidt klarere efter afgørelse i Skatterådet, men det er på tide at se på en ændring af de forældede regler....

  11. Using Psychophysiological Measures to Examine the Temporal Profile of Verbal Humor Elicitation.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chris M Fiacconi

    Full Text Available Despite its pervasiveness in popular culture, there remains much to be learned about the psychological and physiological processes that underlie our experience of humor. In the present study, we examined the temporal profile of verbal humor elicitation using psychophysiological measures of heart rate (HR and facial electromyography (EMG. Consistent with recent prior research on cardiovascular changes to perceived humor, we found that HR acceleration was greater for jokes relative to non-jokes, and was positively related to the level of perceived humor elicited by these jokes. In addition, activity recorded from the zygomaticus major muscle that controls smiling was found to be greater for jokes relative to non-jokes. To link these physiological changes to the psychological processes that govern humor comprehension, we took the initial inflection point of the zygomatic EMG response as a marker for the onset of humor comprehension, and used this marker to probe the pattern of cardiovascular activity at this time-point. We estimated the onset of the humor response to occur during the initial HR deceleration phase, and found that jokes relative to non-jokes elicited a decreased HR response at this time-point. This result questions the previously forwarded notion that the psychological "moment of insight" that signals the start of the humor response is always associated with heightened cardiovascular activity. This discrepancy is discussed in relation to possible differences in the cognitive processes required to comprehend different forms of humor. At a broader level, our results also demonstrate the advantages of combining different psychophysiological measures to examine psychological phenomena, and illustrate how one such measure can constrain the interpretation of others.

  12. Using Psychophysiological Measures to Examine the Temporal Profile of Verbal Humor Elicitation. (United States)

    Fiacconi, Chris M; Owen, Adrian M


    Despite its pervasiveness in popular culture, there remains much to be learned about the psychological and physiological processes that underlie our experience of humor. In the present study, we examined the temporal profile of verbal humor elicitation using psychophysiological measures of heart rate (HR) and facial electromyography (EMG). Consistent with recent prior research on cardiovascular changes to perceived humor, we found that HR acceleration was greater for jokes relative to non-jokes, and was positively related to the level of perceived humor elicited by these jokes. In addition, activity recorded from the zygomaticus major muscle that controls smiling was found to be greater for jokes relative to non-jokes. To link these physiological changes to the psychological processes that govern humor comprehension, we took the initial inflection point of the zygomatic EMG response as a marker for the onset of humor comprehension, and used this marker to probe the pattern of cardiovascular activity at this time-point. We estimated the onset of the humor response to occur during the initial HR deceleration phase, and found that jokes relative to non-jokes elicited a decreased HR response at this time-point. This result questions the previously forwarded notion that the psychological "moment of insight" that signals the start of the humor response is always associated with heightened cardiovascular activity. This discrepancy is discussed in relation to possible differences in the cognitive processes required to comprehend different forms of humor. At a broader level, our results also demonstrate the advantages of combining different psychophysiological measures to examine psychological phenomena, and illustrate how one such measure can constrain the interpretation of others.

  13. 15 Joubert 03.pmd

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    7 Apr 2007 ... Verskillende mense skryf om verskillende redes en op verskillende maniere. Een rede waarom ek skryf, is om dinge vir myself te probeer interpreteer, om te besin daaroor, om dinge vas te lê. Die stroom van die lewe gaan so sterk en so vinnig verby. Deur woorde probeer ek 'n klein stroompie afkeer, ...

  14. OMS event evaluator and scheduler (United States)

    Eckelkamp, Richard E.


    An Operations Management System (OMS) is being designed for Space Station Freedom to improve productivity, reliability, and safety while reducing operations and maintenance costs. Central to the concept is a short term plan containing mixes of man-readable and machine-executable procedures used in an environment of distributed processing and execution. An OMS event evaluator to check upcoming short-term plan events for validity of execution is under development. The first version checks time and resource constraints against operational conditions for current or expected stations. In work are the handling of environmental and other operational constraints, as well as detailed modeling of resources and station operational states. The Ada Program also has the ability to reschedule all or part of the events.

  15. Balladen om musikken

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bonde, Lars Ole


    Lars Ole Bonde skrev i MedieKultur nr.15 (tema: radio) to artikler om DR og musikken. I den største af disse, der diskuterede hvorledes DR plan- lagde sin musik (DR´s musik-"policy"), var der faldet et skema ud. Med udgangspunkt i dette skema samles der i nærværende artikel nogle tråde op og vi får...

  16. Estados de humor de velejadores durante o Pré-Panamericano Mood states sail athletes during the Pre-Panamerican

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo Brandt


    Full Text Available O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi avaliar os estados de humor de velejadores após regatas do Pré-Panamericana de Vela, bem como fatores associados. A amostra foi composta por 18 atletas de ambos os sexos, que foram avaliados por meio da Escala de Humor de Brunel. Os atletas apresentaram elevada tensão e fadiga, associadas a altos níveis de vigor. Homens apresentaram maior vigor e fadiga, e menor tensão, depressão e raiva do que as mulheres, porém sem diferenças estatísticamente significativas. Quanto à classe, velejadores de classes individuais apresentaram maior tensão, depressão e confusão do que os de classes com dois tripulantes, porém sem diferenças estatísticamente significativas. Os estados de humor apresentados pelos atletas após regatas do Pré-Panamericano de Vela podem ser considerados diferente do ideal para o rendimento esportivo, porém ainda existe pouco domínio teórico dos estados de humor de velejadores para análises mais aprofundadas.The purpose of this research was to evaluate de mood states after regattas of sail during Pre-Panamerican, as well associated factors. Sample was composed by 18 athletes of both sexes that were evaluated by the Brunel Mood Scale. The athletes presented high tension and fatigue, associated with high levels of vigor. The men present higher vigor and fatigue, and low tension, depression and angry than the women, but the differences were no significant. About the class, the athletes of individual classes showed high tension, depression and confusion than the ones of the classes with two athletes, but there were no significant differences. The mood states presented by the athletes after the regattas of sail of the Pre-Panamerican can be considered different from the ideal to sporting performance, but already there is a little bit theory about the mood states of sail athletes to do a deep analysis.

  17. OMS Annual Report, 1986. (United States)

    Association of Research Libraries, Washington, DC. Office of Management Studies.

    This report describes the following 1986 Office of Management Studies (OMS) programs and services: (1) the Academic Library Program, which includes the Management Review and Analysis Program, the Public Services Study, the Planning Program for Small Academic Libraries, the Collection Analysis Project, the Leadership Development Program, the…

  18. Humor in the teaching of writing: A microethnographic approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christian F. Hempelmann


    Full Text Available This paper presents the content of a critical thinking and writing course, along with similar courses derived from it, designed around the topic of humor and culminating in a microethnographic investigation of humor in students’ lives. The aims of the paper are threefold: to offer a general rationale for using humor in the writing classroom; to illustrate different types of potentials and dangers of such an approach; and to suggest extensions of the findings to the second-language writing classroom. The paper offers texts, writing prompts, and activities for instructors teaching classes that focus on the writing process in a first or second language.

  19. Adaptação e validação da Escala de Senso de Humor Situacional Adaptación y validez de la Escala de Sentido del Humor Situacional Adaptation and validation of the Situational Humor Response Questionaire

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Benevides Soares


    Full Text Available O estudo visou desenvolver uma versão em português brasileiro do Situational Humor Response Questionaire (SHRQ, com adaptação transcultural e avaliação das medidas psicométricas em amostra brasileira. O instrumento em português de Portugal foi vertido para o português brasileiro passando pelas etapas de adaptação semântica, comparação das versões, validade de face e de conteúdo. O instrumento foi aplicado a 621 sujeitos. Foi feita extração de fatores com rotação oblíqua, análise das cargas fatoriais e consistência interna. Foram apontados três fatores: humor com amigos e colegas (α=0,70; influências sobre o humor (α=0,70; e humor em situações adversas (α =0,55. A consistência interna sugere que para o contexto brasileiro podem ser aperfeiçoados os itens de forma a aumentar o grau de precisão do fator. Contudo, o instrumento apresenta consistência interna aceitável.El estudio visó desarrollar una versión en portugués brasileño del Situational Humor Response Questionaire (SHRQ, con adaptación transcultural y evaluación de las medidas psicométricas en muestra brasileña. El instrumento en portugués de Portugal fue traducido para el portugués brasileño pasando por las etapas de adaptación semántica, comparación de las versiones, validez facial y de contenido. El instrumento fue aplicado en 621 sujetos. Fue hecha la extracción de factores con rotación oblicua, análisis de las cargas factoriales y consistencia interna. Fueron apuntados tres factores: humor con amigos y compañeros (α=0,70; influencias sobre el humor (α=0,70; y humor en situaciones adversas (α=0,55. La consistencia interna sugiere que para el contexto brasileño pueden ser perfeccionados los ítems para aumentar el grado de precisión del factor. Sin embargo, el instrumento presenta consistencia interna aceptable.This study aimed to develop a Brazilian Portuguese version of the Situational Humor Response Questionnaire (SHRQ, with

  20. View of OMS burn from the payload bay (United States)


    View of Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) burn from the payload bay. The closed cradles which held the communication satellites Columbia deployed are visible in the center of the frame. Parts of the spacecraft's wings can be seen on both the port and starboard sides can be seen. The vertical stabilizer is flanked by the twin OMS pods.

  1. Marktkennis in b-to-b : voor elke klant een eigen actieplan

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Santema, S.C.; Rijt, van de J.


    Op welke manier kan marktkennis bijdragen aan het succesvol opereren in de markt? Het is meestal zinvoller om de eigen acties te plannen dan te proberen de hele markt in kaart te brengen. Sterker nog, het is nog belangrijker om de acties in het zicht van een klant te focusseren dan om markten als

  2. Humor, Loneliness and Interpersonal Communication: A Quantitative Study of Romanian Older Adults

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ioana Schiau


    Full Text Available This quantitative study examines the correlations between humor, loneliness, gender and aging by presenting the results from a sample of eighty-three older Romanian adults, aged sixty and above. The first section of the paper is a comprehensive review of the social-psychological literature on aging, gender and humor. The second section assesses the findings generated from a study that uses the Multidimensional Sense of Humor Scale (Thorson & Powell, 1993 and the Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale for Adults – short version, (diTomaso, Brannen & Best, 2004. Building on Robert Weiss’s (1973 reflections on the differences between feelings of loneliness because of social isolation or emotional isolation, the research findings nuance –and in some cases challenge several assumptions on gender, age, and emotional and social loneliness. The findings also point to the correlation between feelings of social loneliness and the use of humor in interpersonal communications. The data collected suggests that while Romanian men may value the use of humor more than women when self-reporting, that older Romanian women tend to use humor in interpersonal situations and that there is a significant correlation between the use of this type of humor and a reduced sense of social loneliness.

  3. The value of humor in psycotherapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liliana Chazenbalk


    Full Text Available The main point of this work is to show how humor—when is used properly- has a positive effect on the patient ant the therapist’s self improving their alliance, supervision and team meetings. It’s also good for profesionals to include humor, recreation and rest in their job routines, because these ingredients let them be more effective in psychoterapy. The vast majority of psychological theories agree on its importance. The Cognitive Psychology believes that humor helps the patient evaluate reality in a different way, stops disfunctional thoughts, lets the expression of negative emotions and finds more adaptative patterns. 

  4. Infant humor perception from 3- to 6-months and attachment at one year. (United States)

    Mireault, Gina; Sparrow, John; Poutre, Merlin; Perdue, Brittany; Macke, Laura


    Infancy is a critical time for the development of secure attachment, which is facilitated by emotionally synchronous interactions with parents. Humor development, which includes shared laughter and joint attention to an event, emerges concurrently with attachment, but little is known regarding the relationship, if any, between humor development and attachment in the first year. Thirty 3-month-old infants were videoed at home each month until they were 6-months old while their parents attempted to amuse them. Frequency of infants' smiles and laughs served as a measure of "state humor", and the smiling/laughing subscale of the Infant Behavior Questionnaire-Revised served as a measure of "trait humor". State and trait humor were not correlated. Lower trait humor as 6 months predicted higher attachment security on the Attachment Q-sort at 12-months (r=.46), suggesting that less good-humored infants elicit greater parental engagement, which works to the benefit of attachment, or vice versa. Future studies should examine the importance of smiling and laughter as they relate to other developmental phenomena in the first year. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  5. Laughter, Humor, and Cancer: Delicate Moments and Poignant Interactional Circumstances. (United States)

    Beach, Wayne A; Prickett, Erin


    Conversation analysis is employed to examine transcribed excerpts drawn from a subsample of 75 naturally occurring and video recorded interviews between cancer patients and 30 doctors. Close examination is provided of how cancer patients initiate, and doctors respond, to laughter and humor during oncology interviews. Interactions demonstrate that communication about the disease "cancer" shares qualities similar to other medical areas (e.g., primary care): the tendency for patients to initiate laughter or humor to address troubling and challenging circumstances; and that during moments when patients address personal matters, doctors are not invited and do not reciprocate with shared laughter and humor. Prominent in talk about cancer are various precarious circumstances, awkward and delicate moments mirroring the lived experiences of cancer patients (e.g., when patients attempt to minimize fears, justify that they are well when threatened with sickness, claim normality in the midst of chronic conditions, and take stances that weight loss and gain are not problematic). These examples provide a compelling case that routine cancer care involves many poignant situations managed through laughter and humor. Implications are raised for how quality care might be improved through grounded understandings of laughter, humor, and cancer.

  6. Measurement approaches to the sense of humor: Introduction and overview


    Ruch, Willibald


    There has been a renaissance of research interest in the "sense of humor" in recent years, partly äs an attempt to define the concept but more strenuously to provide Instruments for its measurement. A quick count of recent publications shows an average of two to three new sense of humor- instruments per year — or one every four to six months. This intensity of research is unparalleled in the history of humor research and contrasts sharply with 25 years ago when the renewal of interest in hum...



    Camelia Gradinaru


    This paper investigates the concepts of humor and violence and their complex relationships contextualised in the advertising domain. Thus, the main theories of humor and the most important elements from media violence paradigms are critically pointed out. The effects of comedic violence in advertising may be positive (great involvement with the ad message, retention of brand information, higher pass-along probability), and also negative (offending the audience, desensitization, damaging the r...

  8. Is an Ideal Sense of Humor Gendered? A Cross-National Study. (United States)

    Tosun, Sümeyra; Faghihi, Nafiseh; Vaid, Jyotsna


    To explore lay conceptions of characteristics of an ideal sense of humor as embodied in a known individual, our study examined elicited written narratives by male and female participants from three different countries of origin: United States, Iran, and Turkey. As reported in an earlier previous study with United States-based participants (Crawford and Gressley, 1991), our study also found that the embodiment of an ideal sense of humor was predominantly a male figure. This effect was more pronounced for male than for female participants but did not differ by country. Relative mention of specific humor characteristics differed by participant gender and by country of origin. Whereas all groups mentioned creativity most often as a component of an ideal sense of humor, this attribute was mentioned significantly more often by Americans than by the other two groups; hostility/sarcasm was also mentioned significantly more often by Americans than Turkish participants who mentioned it more often than Iranian participants. Caring was mentioned significantly more often by Americans and Iranians than by Turkish participants. These findings show a shared pattern of humor characteristics by gender but group differences in the relative prominence given to specific humor characteristics. Further work is needed to corroborate the group differences observed and to pinpoint their source.

  9. Die beskerming van biologiese diversiteit deur gebruik te maak van die gevoeligheidsvariasie van spesies vir toksiese stowwe

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    A. J. Reinecke


    Full Text Available Pogings om algemeen geldende standaarde of maatstawwe vir omgewingskwaliteit op te stel vir die beskerming van Suid-Afrika se ryk biodiversiteit word bemoeilik deur die feit dat spesies baie kan verskil  ten opsigte van hulle gevoeligheid vir toksiese stowwe. Daar kan dus nie sonder meer vanaf een spesie na ’n ander geëkstrapoleer word nie. Deur egter juis gebruik te maak van hierdie variasie in gevoeligheid van spesies, kan die assessering van die risiko wat besoedelingstowwe vir organismes inhou wel op ’n meer wetenskaplike grondslag bedryf word. Hierdie konsep gaan uit van die standpunt dat indien kwaliteitskriteriums opgestel word wat die sensitiefste spesies beskerm, alle ander spesies outomaties beskerm word. Hierdie bydrae fokus op die gebruik van sensitiwiteitsverspreidings van spesies as metode en kyk oorsigtelik en krities na die aard en toepassings van die ekstrapolasiemodelle wat op hierdie verspreidings gebaseer is. Die moontlike aanwending daarvan en die argumente ten gunste daarvan en daarteen word bespreek. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat spesie-sensitiwiteitsverspreidings wel nuttige aanwending kan vind, maar dat  gegewens oor die gevoeligheid van plaaslike spesies  baie skaars is. Hoewel dit reeds bruikbaar is, kan die algemene aanwending daarvan  in Suid-Afrika aansienlik uitgebrei word indien meer navorsing gedoen word om betroubare toksisiteitsgegewens vir verskillende spesies in te win, sodat die model meer verfyn kan word. Daarvoor moet gestandaardiseerde toksisiteitstoetse vir plaaslike spesies eers ontwikkel word.

  10. Is Laughing at the Expense of Victims and Offenders a Red Flag? Humor and Secondary Traumatic Stress. (United States)

    Craun, Sarah W; Bourke, Michael L


    Those who work with human trauma often use humor to handle job stressors. Research has demonstrated that lighthearted humor is related to lower secondary traumatic stress scores, while gallows humor has the inverse relationship. This work explores how three types of humor relate to secondary traumatic stress: (a) humor at the expense of victims, (b) humor at the expense of offenders, and (c) humor containing sexual innuendo. Internet crimes against children taskforce personnel completed questionnaires about secondary traumatic stress and coping techniques. Humor at the expense of victims was rarely used, but when it was, it was indicative of higher secondary traumatic stress. There were no relationships between secondary traumatic stress and the use of humor at the expense of offenders or humor containing sexual innuendo.

  11. Onderzoek naar de mogelijkheden om de bewaaradvisering voor appels te baseren op de bepaling van de minerale samenstelling van het perssap

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Driessen, J.J.M.; Jong, de J.


    In samenwerking met het Proefstation voor de Fruitteelt te Wilhelminadorp (PFW) en het Bedrijfslaboratorium voor Grond- en Gewasonderzoek te Oosterbeek (BLGG) is onderzoek verricht met appels van de rassen "Schone van Boskoop" en "Cox's Orange Pippin", Nagegaan is of de methode voor de vruchtanalyse

  12. Representativiteit KRW Monitoringprogramma Grondwaterkwaliteit

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wattel-Koekkoek EJW; de Nijs ACM; Zijp MC; Broers HP; Boumans LJM; LER


    Nederland heeft een monitoringprogramma opgesteld om te voldoen aan het voorschrift uit de Europese Kaderrichtlijn Water (KRW) om het grondwater regelmatig te meten. Dit KRW Monitoringprogramma Grondwaterkwaliteit (KMG) kan op een aantal punten worden verbeterd om het meer in lijn te brengen met de

  13. Towards a definition of microplastics : Considerations for the specification of physico-chemical properties

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verschoor AJ; MSP; M&V


    Dit rapport is bedoeld om te komen tot een definitie van microplastics. Het RIVM levert bouwstenen voor de discussie hierover, evenals overwegingen voor criteria en normen. Het streven is om de discussie Europees te agenderen. Om een snelle en kosteneffectieve screening van microplastics mogelijk te

  14. Humorous Names in the Light of Incongruity Theory

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariusz Rutkowski


    Full Text Available The article addresses the humorous function of proper names in the light of incongruity theory. It aims at proving that, although names are often defined as pragmatically “transparent,” they may possess some humorous value due to semantic and pragmatic shifts resulting from the disturbance of ordinary patterns of proper names identification and interpretation. After a brief introduction, the author discusses different variants of incongruity theory as resented in the works by Victor Raskin and Thomas C. Veatch as well as their possible application to the study of humorous names. The second part of the paper provides an analysis of the humorous effects of proper names which includes anthroponyms, toponyms, trade names, football team names and names in literature. The first section of this part concentrates on names in which humour is unintentional and seems to be induced by the context, while the second section focuses on names which are intentionally humourous, i.e. supposed to amuse from the moment of their creation. The author argues that the incongruity theory can provide a useful framework for the study of the different mechanisms responsible of the semantic shifts which determine the variation of pragmatic values of proper names.

  15. Using humor in systematic desensitization to reduce fear. (United States)

    Ventis, W L; Higbee, G; Murdock, S A


    Effectiveness of systematic desensitization for fear reduction, using humorous hierarchy scenes without relaxation, was tested. Participants were 40 students highly fearful of spiders. Using a 24-item behavioral approach test with an American tarantula, participants were matched on fear level and randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatment groups: (a) systematic desensitization, (b) humor desensitization, and (c) untreated controls. Each participant was seen for 6 sessions, including pretest and posttest. Analyses of covariance of posttest scores revealed that the 2 treatment groups showed greater reduction in fear than the controls on 3 measures but did not differ from each other. Therefore, humor in systematic desensitization reduced fear as effectively as more traditional desensitization. This finding may have therapeutic applications; however, it may also be applicable in advertising to desensitize fear of a dangerous product, such as cigarettes.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Freddy Antonio González Ynfante


    Full Text Available At present, the humor has become an indispensable tool in the practice of leadership or management processes, because it constitutes a factor and at the same time an element of the institutional climate; forming a dynamic of everyday life of the same and bringing great benefits if it is properly applied. The concern to carry out this research essay lies in knowing if the humor is part of the environment of the educational institution and is seen as the same within it.RESUMENEn la actualidad el humor se ha convertido en una herramienta imprescindible en las prácticas de dirección o procesos gerenciales, debido a que constituye un factor y a la vez un elemento del clima institucional; formando una dinámica cotidiana de la misma y trayendo grandes beneficios si es bien aplicado. La inquietud para llevar a cabo esta investigación tipo ensayo radica en conocer si el humor forma parte del ambiente de la institución educativa y como es visto el mismo dentro de ella.

  17. Klima, apokalypse og en topos om sted

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Esben Bjerggaard


    Klimadebatten er fuld af forudsigelser om fremtiden og lurende katastrofe. Al Gore har eksempelvis gjort brug af en apokalyptisk fortælling i sin klimaretorik. Tid er en vigtig topos i denne type retorik. Forfatteren viser her, hvordan skiftet til en topos om Sted forandrer den klassiske...

  18. The role of the amygdala in incongruity resolution: the case of humor comprehension. (United States)

    Nakamura, Tagiru; Matsui, Tomoko; Utsumi, Akira; Yamazaki, Mika; Makita, Kai; Harada, Tokiko; Tanabe, Hiroki C; Sadato, Norihiro


    A dominant theory of humor comprehension suggests that people understand humor by first perceiving some incongruity in an expression and then resolving it. This is called "the incongruity-resolution theory." Experimental studies have investigated the neural basis of humor comprehension, and multiple neural substrates have been proposed; however, the specific substrate for incongruity resolution is still unknown. The reason may be that the resolution phase, despite its importance in humor comprehension, has not been successfully distinguished from the perception phase because both phases occur almost simultaneously. To reveal the substrate, we conducted a functional magnetic resonance study using 51 healthy participants. We used a humor-producing frame of "Given A, I'd say B, because C" so as to focus on the resolution phase independently by suspending humor processing just after the perception phase. This frame allowed us to separate the two phases. Based on our results, incongruity resolution evoked positive emotion and activated the left amygdala, which is known to be related to positive emotion. On the basis of these findings, we argue that the amygdala plays an important role in humor comprehension, considering its functional role in emotional evaluation, particularly the relevance detection for incoming stimuli.

  19. Online cluster-finding algorithms for the PANDA electromagnetic calorimeter

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tiemens, Marcel


    Om zeldzame processen zoals de vorming van exotische deeltjes te kunnen bestuderen, is het PANDA experiment opgezet. Om de grote hoeveelheden data te kunnen verwerken, verwerken de subsystemen de data voor. Een voorbeeld is het algoritme om online naar clusters te zoeken in de data van de

  20. Gebrek aan cyber security bedreigt autonoom rijdende auto

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leenstra, H.; van den Berg, J.; van Wee, G.P.


    Connected- en de autonoom rijdende auto’s communiceren constant met hun omgeving. Deze rijdende computers zijn nooit ontworpen om kwaadwillende hackers buiten te houden. Het is tijd om de ICT architectuur in onze auto’s grondig te herzien om ervoor te zorgen dat de fysieke consumentenveiligheid

  1. OM-101 Decreases the Fibrotic Response Associated with Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy (United States)

    Dvashi, Zeev; Ben-Yaakov, Keren; Weinberg, Tamir; Greenwald, Yoel


    Purpose This study aimed to investigate the effect of OM-101 on the fibrotic response occurring in proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) in an animal model. Methods Antifibrotic effect of OM-101 was investigated in vivo. As control, eight weeks old c57black mice underwent intravitreal injection with Hepes (group A) or dispase (0.3 units), to induce retinal detachment (RD) and PVR. The dispase-injected mice were randomly divided into two groups B and C (N = 25 mice); in group C, the eyes were treated with intravitreal injection of OM-101 (3 μl), and group B with PBS, as a control. After additional five days, mice were injected with the same initial treatment. Three days later, mice were euthanized, and the eyes were enucleated and processed for histological analysis. Results Intravitreal injection of dispase caused RD in 64% of the mice in group B, and 93% of those mice had PVR. Only 32% of mice treated with OM-101 and dispase (group C) developed RD, and only 25% of those developed PVR. Conclusions OM-101 was found effective in reducing the incidence of RD and PVR maintaining the normal architecture of the retina. This study suggests that OM-101 is a potentially effective and safe drug for the treatment of PVR patients. PMID:29109865

  2. Corporate responsibility – det handler om redelighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Steen


    Virksomhedsansvar – corporate responsibility – kan blive et fællesbegreb for selskabsledelse, bæredygtighed og corporate social responsibility, der hver især drejer sig om forskellige former for bæredygtighed – finansiel, social og miljømæssig......Virksomhedsansvar – corporate responsibility – kan blive et fællesbegreb for selskabsledelse, bæredygtighed og corporate social responsibility, der hver især drejer sig om forskellige former for bæredygtighed – finansiel, social og miljømæssig...

  3. Sex differences in humor processing: An event-related potential study. (United States)

    Chang, Yi-Tzu; Ku, Li-Chuan; Chen, Hsueh-Chih


    Numerous behavioral studies and a handful of functional neuroimaging studies have reported sex differences in humor. However, no study to date has examined differences in the time-course of brain activity during multistage humor processing between the sexes. The purpose of this study was to compare real-time dynamics related to humor processing between women and men, with reference to a proposed three-stage model (involving incongruity detection, incongruity resolution, and elaboration stages). Forty undergraduate students (20 women) underwent event-related potential recording while subjectively rating 30 question-answer-type jokes and 30 question-answer-type statements in a random order. Sex differences were revealed by analyses of the mean amplitudes of difference waves during a specific time window between 1000 and 1300 ms poststimulus onset (P1000-1300). This indicates that women recruited more mental resources to integrate cognitive and emotional components at this late stage. In contrast, men recruited more automated processes during the transition from the cognitive operations of the incongruity resolution stage to the emotional response of the humor elaboration stage. Our results suggest that sex differences in humor processing lie in differences in the integration of cognitive and emotional components, which are closely linked and interact reciprocally, particularly in women. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Skrivande om skrivande

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vad har skrivande för roll i vår forskning? Hur kan vi använda skrivande som ett sätt att tänka, lära, förstå och samtala? Kan skrivande vara metod? I Skrivande om skrivande möter du skribenter med bakgrund såväl i akademin som i skönlitteratur, poesi och journalistik. Här delar de med sig av sina...

  5. Experimentally Manipulating Items Informs on the (Limited Construct and Criterion Validity of the Humor Styles Questionnaire

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Willibald Ruch


    Full Text Available How strongly does humor (i.e., the construct-relevant content in the Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ; Martin et al., 2003 determine the responses to this measure (i.e., construct validity? Also, how much does humor influence the relationships of the four HSQ scales, namely affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, and self-defeating, with personality traits and subjective well-being (i.e., criterion validity? The present paper answers these two questions by experimentally manipulating the 32 items of the HSQ to only (or mostly contain humor (i.e., construct-relevant content or to substitute the humor content with non-humorous alternatives (i.e., only assessing construct-irrelevant context. Study 1 (N = 187 showed that the HSQ affiliative scale was mainly determined by humor, self-enhancing and aggressive were determined by both humor and non-humorous context, and self-defeating was primarily determined by the context. This suggests that humor is not the primary source of the variance in three of the HQS scales, thereby limiting their construct validity. Study 2 (N = 261 showed that the relationships of the HSQ scales to the Big Five personality traits and subjective well-being (positive affect, negative affect, and life satisfaction were consistently reduced (personality or vanished (subjective well-being when the non-humorous contexts in the HSQ items were controlled for. For the HSQ self-defeating scale, the pattern of relationships to personality was also altered, supporting an positive rather than a negative view of the humor in this humor style. The present findings thus call for a reevaluation of the role that humor plays in the HSQ (construct validity and in the relationships to personality and well-being (criterion validity.

  6. Experimentally Manipulating Items Informs on the (Limited) Construct and Criterion Validity of the Humor Styles Questionnaire. (United States)

    Ruch, Willibald; Heintz, Sonja


    How strongly does humor (i.e., the construct-relevant content) in the Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ; Martin et al., 2003) determine the responses to this measure (i.e., construct validity)? Also, how much does humor influence the relationships of the four HSQ scales, namely affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, and self-defeating, with personality traits and subjective well-being (i.e., criterion validity)? The present paper answers these two questions by experimentally manipulating the 32 items of the HSQ to only (or mostly) contain humor (i.e., construct-relevant content) or to substitute the humor content with non-humorous alternatives (i.e., only assessing construct-irrelevant context). Study 1 ( N = 187) showed that the HSQ affiliative scale was mainly determined by humor, self-enhancing and aggressive were determined by both humor and non-humorous context, and self-defeating was primarily determined by the context. This suggests that humor is not the primary source of the variance in three of the HQS scales, thereby limiting their construct validity. Study 2 ( N = 261) showed that the relationships of the HSQ scales to the Big Five personality traits and subjective well-being (positive affect, negative affect, and life satisfaction) were consistently reduced (personality) or vanished (subjective well-being) when the non-humorous contexts in the HSQ items were controlled for. For the HSQ self-defeating scale, the pattern of relationships to personality was also altered, supporting an positive rather than a negative view of the humor in this humor style. The present findings thus call for a reevaluation of the role that humor plays in the HSQ (construct validity) and in the relationships to personality and well-being (criterion validity).

  7. The health care needs of the physically disabled patient in a home-based care environment: Implications for the training of ancillary health care workers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karien Jooste


    Opsomming Volgens die literatuur kan assistentgesondheidsorgwerkers (AGWs, as gevolg van ontoereikende opleiding, nie altyd aan die behoeftes van fisies gestremde pasiënte in 'n tuisopset voldoen nie.Die doel van hierdie navorsingstudie was om die gesondheidsorgbehoeftes van langtermyn,tuisgebaseerde fisies gestremde pasiënte in die noordelike voorstede van Johannesburg te verken en te beskryf, en om hieruit aanbevelings vir die opleiding van AGWs voor te stel. Kwalitatiewe,verkennende, beskrywende en kontekstuele metodes is gebruik om die data in te samel en die analise te doen. Die studiepopulasie het uit agt fisies gestremde deelnemers bestaan wat 'n AGW aangestel het om hulle met hul langtermyntuisversorging by te staan. Doelbewuste steekproefneming met die daaropvolgendesneeubalmetode is gebruik om verdere deelnemers vir die studie te identifiseer.Individuele onderhoude is gevoer waartydens deelnemers die volgende vrae moes beantwoord (1‘Wat is jou gesondheidsorgbehoeftes?’ en (2 ‘Hoe behoort hieraan voldoen te word?’ Datasaturasie is verseker, waarna Tesch se data-analisemetode gevolg is. Drie kategorieë van gesondheidsorgbehoeftes is geïdentifiseer (1 fisiese gesondheidsorgbehoeftes, (2 interpersoonlike verhoudingsbehoeftes en (3sosiale behoeftes, en 12 temas is van hierdie kategorieë afgelei. Hierdie gesondheidsorgkategorieë behoort aandag tydens die opleiding van AGWs te kry. Aan die hand van die temas is aanbevelings gemaak vir die opleiding van AGWs in tuisgebaseerde sorg van fisies gestremde pasiënte. AGWs behoort ondersteuning te bied om die omgewing by die individuele behoeftes van die pasiënt aan te pas, en moet hul kennis en kritiese denkvaardighede kan toepas om ʼn pasiëntgesentreerde omgewing te verseker.

  8. Non-Toxic Orbiter Maneuvering System (OMS) and Reaction Control System (United States)

    Hurlbert, Eric A.; Nicholson, Leonard S. (Technical Monitor)


    NASA is pursuing the technology and advanced development of a non-toxic (NT) orbital maneuvering system (OMS) and reaction control system (RCS) for shuttle upgrades, RLV, and reusable first stages. The primary objectives of the shuttle upgrades program are improved safety, improved reliability, reduced operations time and cost, improved performance or capabilities, and commonality with future space exploration needs. Non-Toxic OMS/RCS offers advantages in each of these categories. A non-toxic OMS/RCS eliminates the ground hazards and the flight safety hazards of the toxic and corrosive propellants. The cost savings for ground operations are over $24M per year for 7 flights, and the savings increase with increasing flight rate up to $44M per year. The OMS/RCS serial processing time is reduced from 65 days to 13 days. The payload capability can be increased up to 5100 Ibms. The non-toxic OMS/RCS also provides improved space station reboost capability up to 20 nautical miles over the current toxic system of 14 nautical miles. A NT OMS/RCS represents a clear advancement in the SOA over MMH/NTO. Liquid oxygen and ethanol are clean burning, high-density propellants that provide a high degree of commonality with other spacecraft subsystems including life support, power, and thermal control, and with future human exploration and development of space missions. The simple and reliable pressure-fed design uses sub-cooled liquid oxygen at 250 to 350 psia, which allows a propellant to remain cryogenic for longer periods of time. The key technologies are thermal insulation and conditioning techniques are used to maintain the sub-cooling. Phase I successfully defined the system architecture, designed an integrated OMS/RCS propellant tank, analyzed the feed system, built and tested the 870 lbf RCS thrusters, and tested the 6000 lbf OMS engine. Phase 11 is currently being planned for the development and test of full-scale prototype of the system in 1999 and 2000

  9. Om retsafgift i sager om prøvelse af myndighedsudøvelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Waage, Frederik


    Artiklen behandler de særligt lempelige regler for beregning af retsafgifter i sager om prøvelse af myndighedsudøvelse, jf. retsafgiftslovens § 1, stk. 4, 2. pkt. og § 2, stk. 3, 2. pkt., med henblik på en nærmere afklaring af, hvornår en retssag vedrører myndighedsudøvelse i retsafgiftslovens fo...

  10. Increased Aqueous Humor CD4+/CD8+ Lymphocyte Ratio in Sarcoid Uveitis. (United States)

    Dave, Namita; Chevour, Priyanka; Mahendradas, Padmamalini; Venkatesh, Anitha; Kawali, Ankush; Shetty, Rohit; Ghosh, Arkasubhra; Sethu, Swaminathan


    To determine aqueous humor CD4+/CD8+ T-lymphocyte ratio changes in sarcoid and non-sarcoid uveitis with anterior chamber involvement. The case-control study includes 61 patients with either anterior uveitis, intermediate uveitis with anterior spill, or panuveitis. A total of 21 of them were categorized as sarcoid uveitis and 40 as non-sarcoid uveitis according to diagnostic criteria. CD4+/CD8+ ratio in the aqueous humor was determined using flow cytometry. Significantly higher CD4+/CD8+ ratio in the aqueous humor was observed in patients with sarcoid uveitis (6.3 ± 1.4; mean ± SEM) compared to non-sarcoid uveitis (1.6 ± 0.1; mean ± SEM). Whole blood CD4+/CD8+ ratio was not elevated in subjects with sarcoid and non-sarcoid uveitis. Aqueous humor CD4+/CD8+ ratio >3.5 was observed to be associated with sarcoid uveitis (OR 38, 95% CI 7.0-205.2). Increased aqueous humor CD4+/CD8+ ratio in sarcoid uveitis. Immunophenotyping of localized lymphocytosis in aqueous humor could be utilized as an additional confirmatory marker for ocular sarcoidosis.

  11. Konstant online og fantasien om ’individuel balance’

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villadsen, Kaspar


    Smartphones og andre mobile kommunikationsteknologier indføres med løfter om at give øget handlekraft og individuel frihed i arbejdslivet. Men et voksende forskningsfelt påviser, at indførelse af disse teknologier ledsages af øget netværksbaseret kontrol og selv-pålagt arbejdsintensivering....... Artiklen leverer et overblik over og en diskussion af den spirende internationale forskning i betydningen af smartphones i nutidens arbejdsliv. Denne forskning påpeger generelt en modsætning mellem en diskurs om teknologiers påståede styrkelse af individuel autonomi og præstation på den ene side, og den...... omfavnelse af smartphones som arbejdsredskab kan begribes, når medarbejderne udtrykker fuld bevidsthed om teknologiens konkrete skadevirkninger på deres private liv....

  12. If I don't laugh, I'll cry: Exploring humor coping in breast cancer. (United States)

    Melton, Laura M


    This study examined the relationship among humor coping, optimism, neuroticism, and depression in a sample of breast cancer survivors and matched control participants. Breast cancer survivors reported marginally lower levels of depression than the controls. In both groups, humor coping was not related to depression, optimism, or neuroticism, but depression was correlated negatively with optimism and positively with neuroticism. In the breast cancer group, humor coping was correlated with the coping subscales of self-distraction, positive reframing, planning, and active coping. In the control group, humor coping was correlated with the coping sub-scales of self-distraction, positive reframing, planning, venting, and using instrumental support. These results suggest either that humor coping is not a stable variable or that whether humor is a positive or negative coping technique depends partly on the population under study.

  13. Does humor in radio advertising affect recognition of novel product brand names? (United States)

    Berg, E M; Lippman, L G


    The authors proposed that item selection during shopping is based on brand name recognition rather than recall. College students rated advertisements and news stories of a simulated radio program for level of amusement (orienting activity) before participating in a surprise recognition test. Humor level of the advertisements was varied systematically, and content was controlled. According to signal detection analysis, humor did not affect the strength of recognition memory for brand names (nonsense units). However, brand names and product types were significantly more likely to be associated when appearing in humorous advertisements than in nonhumorous advertisements. The results are compared with prior findings concerning humor and recall.

  14. Stalboekje varkens : natuurlijk gezond met kruiden en andere natuurproducten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Groot, M.J.; Kleijer-Ligtenberg, G.; Asseldonk, van T.


    Het streven om het gebruik van antibiotica terug te dringen vraagt om een ander management. Goede voeding, huisvesting en hygiëne zijn hierbij belangrijk. In dit boekje worden handvaten gegeven om met natuurlijke middelen de gezondheid van de dieren te bevorderen en zo ziektes te voorkomen. Tevens

  15. De huwelijkse voorwaarden van overheidscommunicatie & social media

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Danielle van Wallinga


    Full text via link. Via social media strijden overheidsorganisaties om de gunst van de burger. Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Youtube: geen middel wordt geschuwd om zoveel mogelijk burgers te bereiken, inspireren en te betrekken. De overheid beseft zich steeds meer dat om ‘future-proof’ te zijn en in

  16. Friendship, Intimacy and Humor (United States)

    Gordon, Mordechai


    A review of the literature in philosophy in the past 20 years indicates that relatively little has been written on the connection between friendship, intimacy and humor. This article is intended to begin to address the neglect of this topic among philosophers by focusing on some interesting aspects of the relationship between friendship, intimacy…

  17. The Humor Continuum: From Text to Smart Environments (Keynote Paper)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijholt, Antinus

    Humor is important in our daily life, whether our activities are at home, at work, or in public spaces, for example during sports or other recreational and entertainment activities. Until now, computational humor, the research area that investigates rules and algorithms to understand and to generate

  18. Om musik og multimedier

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knakkergaard, Martin


    Artiklen søger, gennem eksemplificering og diskussion, at problematisere forholdet musik og multimedia. Der er ikke tale om et forsøg på at nå til nogen endegyldig afgrænsning og bestemmelse af de karakteristika og betingelser, der kendetegner feltet. Formålet er derimod at belyse og præcisere...

  19. O humor na literatura infantil: um estudo sobre leitura e apropriação de recursos humorísticos por crianças dos anos iniciais

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iara Tatiana Bonin


    Full Text Available O trabalho baseia-se na articulação entre o campo da literatura infantil e os estudos sobre humor e  investiga as formas como alunos  dos anos iniciais se apropriam de alguns recursos humorísticos em sua própria produção textual e imagética, após a realização de atividade com uma obra de literatura infantil (“Os chifres de Filomena”, de David Small que  incorpora elementos de humor.  No estudo, aborda-se a questão do humor na literatura infantil, caracteriza-se a obra escolhida,  descreve-se o trabalho realizado e interpreta-se a produção dos alunos, identificando-se, nela, a recriação de algumas estratégias de humor. Especula-se que tanto o caráter desafiador das atividades propostas quanto as características da obra, com seu final aberto, podem ter proporcionado a  grande variedade de cenários, tramas e desfechos constatada nas produções das crianças.

  20. Reconsidering language teaching through a focus on humor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nancy Bell


    Full Text Available Formal language education is often predicated on a series of modernist fictions that greatly simplify the nature of language and the process of communication. Acts of linguistic creativity involving humor and language play are frequently either ignored or considered deviant. In this paper, we contribute to ongoing efforts to re-conceptualize language education in ways that make use of more robust (and less modernist theories of language and communication. We revisit calls for more pedagogical focus on humor and language play and illustrate how more attention to these types of language might help us to move away from some of the classroom fictions that currently constrain teachers and learners alike. Specifically, we present recent conceptions of language and of communication, and discuss how, in light of these, humor and language play can be used to increase learners’ metalinguistic awareness and expand their communicative/interpretive repertoires.

  1. Humor: The "Witting" Edge in Business. (United States)

    Scriven, Jolene; Hefferin, Linda


    Humor contributes to teamwork, creative problem solving, mental flexibility, and risk taking in the workplace. As a classroom tool, it increases student attentiveness and retention of information. (SK)

  2. The influence of humor styles in coping strategies in Entre Ríos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pablo Roberto Lillo


    Full Text Available Over the last years there has been a growing interest in the study of the resources that people use from face to a problem. The interest in the study of the characteristics related to the humor has gone in increase, especially for the influence of the development of a new concept in psychology that derives in the call positive psychology (Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi, 2000; Zinder and McCullog 2000, in Martin, Puhlik-Doris, Larsen, Gray, Weir, 2003 which is centered in adaptive strengths such as optimism, faith, courage, as well as humor (Martin 2003, quoted in Martin et al., 2003. Sense of humor has been considered as an unidimensional construct (Omar, 1995 and the consequencies has been some errors in the assesment, as a result of a problem of validity. The present study seeks to introduce certain aspects that have not been considered in the past, so much the potential beneficial effects, as the deleterious forms of the sense of humor as for the psychological well-being. Four dimensions of the sense of humor were assesed (Martin, Puhlik-Doris, Larsen, Gray, Weir, 2003, version Lillo, 2006 relating to the uses or functions in everyday life and the ways of people cope (Fridenberg and Lewis, 1991, version Richaud de Minzi. 2003. They were also significant relationships among styles of humor and ways of coping that could explain the importance of the construct sense of humor, as an important resource to be used. Although it is necessary to highlight that it is not sought to embrace all the components of the sense of humor, but rather it is focused in the interpersonal functions and intrapsíquicas that adolescents use in daily life. These functions are considered most relevant to the well-being. Measuring these aspects of the humor, it is expected that they can explain a greater proportion of the variance as for the ways of people cope. 

  3. Coops bank kan flytte milliard-omsætning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard Jacobsen, Per


    Coop Danmark har med sine bank-planer flere udfordringer at overvinde i de kommende år, men på sigt kan Coops bank være med til at flytte en milliard-omsætning.......Coop Danmark har med sine bank-planer flere udfordringer at overvinde i de kommende år, men på sigt kan Coops bank være med til at flytte en milliard-omsætning....

  4. Relationship of Humor Sense with Quality of Life in Cancer Patients

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    z Nikmanesh


    Conclusion: In refer to role of Sense of humor in quality of life in cancer patients, it is suggested that necessary interventions be applied by using humor for promoting quality of life in cancer patients.

  5. Stimulus Characteristics Affect Humor Processing in Individuals with Asperger Syndrome (United States)

    Samson, Andrea C.; Hegenloh, Michael


    The present paper aims to investigate whether individuals with Asperger syndrome (AS) show global humor processing deficits or whether humor comprehension and appreciation depends on stimulus characteristics. Non-verbal visual puns, semantic and Theory of Mind cartoons were rated on comprehension, funniness and the punchlines were explained. AS…

  6. Ridiculed death and the dead: Black humor on the epitaphs and epigrams of the ancient Greece

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    Stevanović Lađa


    Full Text Available Theories about black humor usually regard that it as a contemporary phenomenon and a culmination of the literary modernism and beginning of post-modernism. My intent in this paper is to refute the thesis that the black humor is a modern invention. I am going to prove its existence still in Greek antiquity, quoting and analyzing humorous epitaphs and black humor epigrams. Putting in relation black humor with the joy and humor in religious (fertility and funeral rituals, I am also going to set a question about the attitude to death and life inherent for this kind of humor, arguing that its origin should be searched in the folk tradition.

  7. The Humor Styles Questionnaire in Italy: Psychometric Properties and Relationships With Psychological Well-Being

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    Saulo Sirigatti


    Full Text Available This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ and the relation between humor and psychological well-being within the context of Italy. A total of 293 (178 females, 115 males Italian high school and undergraduate university students – whose ages ranged from 14 to 25 years – completed the Italian versions of the HSQ and the Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being scales (RPWB. The HSQ scale reliabilities were generally acceptable, and intercorrelations among the scales were rather low; the confirmatory factor analysis supported the four-factor structure. Males reported significantly more use of Aggressive humor than did females; no differences were found between adolescents and young adults in the use of humor styles. Affiliative and Self-enhancing humor styles were positively associated with the six dimensions of the RPWB, whereas Self-defeating humor was negatively correlated with the RPWB scales. SEM analysis showed a significant and positive relationship between humor as measured by the HSQ and psychological well-being as assessed by the RPWB. Overall, the findings supported the theoretical structure and usefulness of the HSQ in an Italian context and the differential role of humor components in the various dimensions of psychological well-being.

  8. Arbejdspapir om dogmeproduceret etnografi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Regnar Albæk


    Etnografien har været antropologens varemærke, siden Boas og Malinowski gjorde monografierne til fagets kerneprodukt. Der har været meget diskussion om, hvor godt og præcist disse monografier beskrev de verdener, som antropologerne studerede, og siden bølgerne gik højest i 1980erne og 1990erne, har...

  9. The Relationship of Self Esteem and Humor Styles in First Class Medical Students: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Soner Cakmak


    Material and Methods: Two hundred three medical students (107 males, 96 females were included this study. Self-esteem was measured with the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale and humor style was measured with Humor Styles Questionnaire. Results: The rate of students who have mild or high self-esteem levels was 89.7%. In Humor Styles Questionnaire, the average scores of affiliative and self-enhancing humor were significantly higher than the average scores of aggressive and self-defeating humor. Male students were using humor, especially aggressive and self-defeating humor styles more commonly than female students. A positive correlation was found between self-esteem and affiliative and self-enhancing humor styles. Conclusion: The present study revealed a positive correlation between self-esteem and positive humor styles. There is a need to develop educational models that would bolster self-esteem and positive humor in medical students. [Cukurova Med J 2015; 40(4.000: 782-793

  10. The Relationship between Instructor Humor Orientation and Students' Report on Second Language Learning (United States)

    Ziyaeemehr, Ali; Kumar, Vijay


    Humor is an integral component of any language and therefore has an impact on the way languages are acquired/learned. Numerous studies have investigated the role of instructor humor in teaching/learning processes; however, there is little empirical research on the relationship between instructor humor and learning of a second language. This paper…

  11. Hope, Laughter, and Humor in Residents and Staff at an Assisted Living Facility. (United States)

    Westburg, Nancy G.


    Assesses and compares hope levels and laughter and humor experiences of 24 elderly residents and 21 staff at an assisted living facility. Residents and staff reported numerous benefits from humor and laughing, but differences arose between the two groups about the source and frequency of humor and laughter. Implications for mental health…

  12. Humor in Literature about Children with Disability: What Are We Seeing in Literature? (United States)

    McGrail, Ewa; Rieger, Alicja


    This article explores instances of humor in literature as it relates to children with disabilities and offers ways to help children and adolescents build an authentic understanding of disability and disability humor. The prevalent message in the books reviewed is that children with disability not only appreciate humor but also can produce various…

  13. Professor håber på åbenhed om CRISPR/Cas9

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hokland, Peter


    CRISPR/Cas9 er navnet på en ny, revolutionerende genteknologi, der på sigt kan ændre menneskeheden. Forhåbentligt vil processen være være løbende opdateringer om frem- og tilbageskridt om teknikken, skriver professor.......CRISPR/Cas9 er navnet på en ny, revolutionerende genteknologi, der på sigt kan ændre menneskeheden. Forhåbentligt vil processen være være løbende opdateringer om frem- og tilbageskridt om teknikken, skriver professor....

  14. [Research Progress of Vitreous Humor Detection Technique on Estimation of Postmortem Interval]. (United States)

    Duan, W C; Lan, L M; Guo, Y D; Zha, L; Yan, J; Ding, Y J; Cai, J F


    Estimation of postmortem interval (PMI) plays a crucial role in forensic study and identification work. Because of the unique anatomy location, vitreous humor is considered to be used for estima- ting PMI, which has aroused interest among scholars, and some researches have been carried out. The detection techniques of vitreous humor are constantly developed and improved which have been gradually applied in forensic science, meanwhile, the study of PMI estimation using vitreous humor is updated rapidly. This paper reviews various techniques and instruments applied to vitreous humor detection, such as ion selective electrode, capillary ion analysis, spectroscopy, chromatography, nano-sensing technology, automatic biochemical analyser, flow cytometer, etc., as well as the related research progress on PMI estimation in recent years. In order to provide a research direction for scholars and promote a more accurate and efficient application in PMI estimation by vitreous humor analysis, some inner problems are also analysed in this paper. Copyright© by the Editorial Department of Journal of Forensic Medicine.

  15. Aqueous Humor Antimicrobial Activity: In Vitro Analysis after Topical 0.5% Chloramphenicol Application. (United States)

    Cagini, Carlo; Dragoni, Annalisa; Orsolini, Giampaolo; Fiore, Tito; Beccasio, Alfredo; Spadea, Leopoldo; Moretti, Amedeo; Mencacci, Antonella


    To assess aqueous humor antimicrobial activity in vitro after topical 0.5% chloramphenicol application. This investigation included 63 eyes from 65 cataract surgery patients. The study group of 48 eyes received preoperatively four topical applications of 0.5% chloramphenicol. The control group of 15 eyes was given no topical applications. Aqueous humor samples were collected for in vitro antimicrobial analysis using Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, and Pasteurella multocida organisms by means of disk diffusion test. No inhibition halo was observed around all aqueous humor samples from all chloramphenicol-treated patients, irrespective of the sample quantity added to the paper disks, with no significant difference from aqueous humor from untreated control patients. Aqueous humor displayed no bactericidal effect against any of the microorganisms evaluated after topical 0.5% chloramphenicol application.

  16. Personality modulates amygdala and insula connectivity during humor appreciation: An event-related fMRI study. (United States)

    Berger, Philipp; Bitsch, Florian; Nagels, Arne; Straube, Benjamin; Falkenberg, Irina


    Previous research and theory implicate that personality traits, such as extraversion and neuroticism, influence the processing of humor, as indicated by alterations in the activation of fronto-temporal and mesocorticolimbic brain regions during humor processing. In the current study, we sought to complement these findings by testing whether inter-individual differences in functional connectivity of humor-related brain regions are modulated by stable personality characteristics during humor processing. Using fMRI techniques, we studied 19 healthy subjects during the processing of standardized humorous and neutral cartoons. In order to isolate the specific effects of humor appreciation, subjective funniness ratings, collected during the scanning procedure, were implemented in the analysis as parametric modulation. Two distinct clusters in the right amygdala and the left insula were identified. Seed-to-voxel connectivity analysis investigating the effects of personality on inter-individual differences in functional connectivity revealed that amygdala and insula connectivity with brain areas previously related to humor comprehension (e.g. middle temporal gyrus) and appreciation (e.g. caudate nucleus) were significantly modulated by personality dimensions. These results underscore the sensitivity of humor processing to moderating influences, such as personality, and call attention to the importance of brain connectivity measures for the investigation of inter-individual differences in the processing of humor.

  17. Humor adds the creative touch to CQI teams. (United States)

    Balzer, J W


    The health care industry is looking to continuous quality improvement as a process to both improve patient care and promote cost effectiveness. Interdisciplinary teams are learning to work together and to use data-driven problem solving. Humor adds a creative and welcome touch to the process that makes it easier and more fun to work in teams. The team leader or facilitator who uses humor along the journey sanctions the risk-taking behavior that accompanies creative solutions to tough problems.

  18. Evidensbaseret viden om compliance blandt deprimerede HIV-smittede

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tind, Anitha Malling


    Formålet med dette speciale er at undersøge, om depression blandt HIV-smittede fører til utilstrækkelig compliance af HAART, og om antidepressiva kan mediere denne negative effekt. I den forbindelse er der foretaget en systematisk litteraturgennemgang med henblik på at indsamle, sortere, evaluere...... kvalitet. I alt 10 studier er identificeret. Det drejer sig om 5 kohortestudier, 2 randomiserede klinisk kontrollerede studier og 3 tværsnitsundersøgelser. Af de inkluderede studier er 3 nedgradueret grundet metodiske mangler. De 10 studier er ikke homogene i forhold til måling af depression og compliance......, hvilket nedsætter deres komparativitet. Studierne viser, at der er evidens for, at depression føre til utilstrækkelig compliance af HAART blandt HIV-smittede, og at behandling med antidepressiva medierer denne negative effekt....

  19. Nitric oxide levels of aqueous humor after photorefractive keratectomy. (United States)

    Adiguzel, U; Bilgihan, K; Ozdek, S C; Sancak, B; Hasanreisoglu, B


    To measure the nitric oxide (NO) levels of aqueous humor in rabbits after photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) and to evaluate the alterations of NO levels according to the PRK surgery steps, ablation depth, and time. Fifty eyes of 25 New Zealand white rabbits were included in the study. One eye was later randomly excluded from the study in order to equalize the number of eyes in groups. Eyes were divided into seven groups, each comprising seven eyes: unwounded control (Group 1), epithelial scrape (Group 2; aqueous humor samples taken at the 4th hour), superficial PRK (Group 3; samples taken at the 4th hour), deep PRK (Group 4; samples taken at the 4th hour), epithelial scrape (Group 5; samples taken at the 24th hour), superficial PRK (Group 6; samples taken at the 24th hour), and deep PRK (Group 7; samples taken at the 24th hour). The corneal epithelium was mechanically removed in surgical groups. The authors performed superficial corneal ablation (59 microm) in Groups 3 and 6 and deep corneal ablation (99 microm) in Groups 4 and 7. Aqueous humor samples were taken at the 4th hour (Groups 2-4) or 24th hour (Groups 5-7) after corneal surgeries. NO measurements were performed indirectly by using the Griess reaction with a spectrophotometer. Aqueous humor NO levels 4 hours after corneal surgery were statistically significantly lower than the control group (p0.05). At the 24th hour, the deep PRK group had significantly lower NO levels than both the control group and Groups 5 and 6 (p0.05) but remained stable at lower levels in deep PRK groups (p<0.05). Corneal surgery caused low NO levels in aqueous humor 4 hours after surgery. However, 24 hours after surgery, NO levels normalized following epithelial scrape and superficial PRK and were stable at lower levels in the deep PRK group. Complications of deep PRK application are possibly induced by low NO existence in the aqueous humor.

  20. The strategic use of humor in political discourse of Silvio Berlusconi

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    Kamila Miłkowska-Samul


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is to illustrate some of the mechanisms existing in political discourse which employ emotions and humor as a persuasive means. The study is based on authentic texts produced by Silvio Berlusconi. The importance of emotions and humor in political speech is viewed in the light of changes taking place in public communication due to the development of mass media and Internet, leading to, among others, ever more frequent use of the comical aspect of communication as a method of gaining and maintaining political power. That is why the use of emotions and humor in Berlusconi’s speech is analyzed as a strategic choice and a powerful instrument of political struggle. The article highlights the role of emotions and humor in creating a positive self-image of the politician.

  1. Humor, laughter, and the cerebellum: insights from patients with acute cerebellar stroke. (United States)

    Frank, B; Andrzejewski, K; Göricke, S; Wondzinski, E; Siebler, M; Wild, B; Timmann, D


    Extent of cerebellar involvement in cognition and emotion is still a topic of ongoing research. In particular, the cerebellar role in humor processing and control of laughter is not well known. A hypermetric dysregulation of affective behavior has been assumed in cerebellar damage. Thus, we aimed at investigating humor comprehension and appreciation as well as the expression of laughter in 21 patients in the acute or subacute state after stroke restricted to the cerebellum, and in the same number of matched healthy control subjects. Patients with acute and subacute cerebellar damage showed preserved comprehension and appreciation of humor using a validated humor test evaluating comprehension, funniness and aversiveness of cartoons ("3WD Humor Test"). Additionally, there was no difference when compared to healthy controls in the number and intensity of facial reactions and laughter while observing jokes, humorous cartoons, or video sketches measured by the Facial Action Coding System. However, as depression scores were significantly increased in patients with cerebellar stroke, a concealing effect of accompanying depression cannot be excluded. Current findings add to descriptions in the literature that cognitive or affective disorders in patients with lesions restricted to the cerebellum, even in the acute state after damage, are frequently mild and might only be present in more sensitive or specific tests.

  2. That's not funny! - But it should be: effects of humorous emotion regulation on emotional experience and memory. (United States)

    Kugler, Lisa; Kuhbandner, Christof


    Previous research has shown that humorous reappraisal can reduce elicited negative emotions, suggesting that humor may be a functional strategy to cope with emotionally negative situations. However, the effect of humorous reappraisal on later memory about the emotion-eliciting situation is currently unknown, although this is crucial for more adaptive responding in future situations. To address this issue, we examined the effects of humorous reappraisal on both emotional experience and memory, compared to non-humorous rational reappraisal and a non-reappraisal control condition. Replicating previous findings, humorous reappraisal reduced evoked negative valence and arousal levels very effectively, and the down-regulation of experienced negative emotions was even more pronounced after humorous compared to rational reappraisal. Regarding later memory for emotion-eliciting stimuli, both humorous and rational reappraisal reduced free recall, but recognition memory was unaffected, with memory strength being stronger after humorous than after rational reappraisal. These results indicate that humor seems to be indeed an optimal strategy to cope with negative situations because humor can help us to feel better when confronted with negative stimuli, but still allows us to retrieve stimulus information later when afforded to do so by the presence of appropriate contextual features.


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    Camelia Gradinaru


    Full Text Available This paper investigates the concepts of humor and violence and their complex relationships contextualised in the advertising domain. Thus, the main theories of humor and the most important elements from media violence paradigms are critically pointed out. The effects of comedic violence in advertising may be positive (great involvement with the ad message, retention of brand information, higher pass-along probability, and also negative (offending the audience, desensitization, damaging the reputation and the brand equity. A lot of factors change the perception of comedic violent ads (gender, social norm beliefs etc., so that a multidimensional analysis of consumer perceptions is needed if we want to draw a more accurate picture of this phenomenon. The analysis of the specific ad that I developed in the second part of this paper showed clearly the interplay between perceived humor and perceived violence and also the relevance of the cultural background in its interpretation.

  4. Contribution of effluent organic matter (EfOM) to ultrafiltration (UF) membrane fouling: Isolation, characterization, and fouling effect of EfOM fractions

    KAUST Repository

    Zheng, Xing


    EfOM has been regarded as a major organic foulant resulting in UF membrane fouling in wastewater reclamation. To investigate fouling potential of different EfOM fractions, the present study isolated EfOM into hydrophobic neutrals (HPO-N), colloids, hydrophobic acids (HPO-A), transphilic neutrals and acids (TPI), and hydrophilics (HPI), and tested their fouling effect in both salt solution and pure water during ultrafiltration (UF). Major functional groups and chemical structure of the isolates were identified using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and solid-state carbon nuclear magnetic resonance (13C NMR) analysis. The influence of the isolation process on the properties of EfOM fractions was minor because the raw and reconstituted secondary effluents were found similar with respect to UV absorbance, molecular size distribution, and fluorescence character. In membrane filtration tests, unified membrane fouling index (UMFI) and hydraulic resistance were used to quantify irreversible fouling potential of different water samples. Results show that under similar DOC level in feed water, colloids present much more irreversible fouling than other fractions. The fouling effect of the isolates is related to their size, chemical properties, and solution chemistry. Further investigations have identified that the interaction between colloids and other fractions also influences the performance of colloids in fouling phenomena. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.

  5. Using the Pecha Kucha Speech to Analyze and Train Humor Skills (United States)

    Waisanen, Don


    Courses: Public speaking; communication courses requiring speeches. Objective: Students will learn how to apply humor principles to speeches through a slideshow method supportive of this goal, and to become more discerning about the possibilities and pitfalls of humorous communication.

  6. Work-Life Balance: A Study In The Petroleum Industry

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    Judy De Villiers


    ’n Kwalitatiewe studie is onderneem om vas te stel hoe die werknemers van ’n maatskappy in die petroleumnywerheid die fenomeen van die werk-lewe ewewig definieer en ervaar, om die werkpleksdeterminante van ’n werk-lewe onewewigtigheid te identifiseer en om sekere oplossings vir die probleem aan die hand te doen. Dit is gevind dat werk-lewe ewewig ’n persoonlike saak is wat oor tyd en omstandighede varieer en die ervaarde onderliggende konflik na roloorladingsrolle en -inmenging verwys. Die mees betekenisvolle werk-lewe konflik tree na vore vanuit komplekse werkplekaangeleenthede, insluitende die bestuur van veranderings, toesighoudende en tegniese vaardighede, leierskap, rolle en aanspreeklikheid, asook kultuur. Oplossings om die werkpleksake aan te spreek, asook die ontwikkeling van individuele vaardighede om ’n ewewig teweeg te bring, word voorgestel.

  7. He Who Laughs First: The Importance of Humor to Young Children. (United States)

    Krogh, Suzanne


    Reviews current theories of humor development, discusses the interaction of humor with other developmental areas (including cognitive development, personality development, creativity, and moral development), and suggests ways in which research can be applied in the early childhood classroom. (Author/DST)


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    Enie Hendrajati


    Full Text Available Speech humor in MTGW program is assumed as a "good practice" of pragmatic strategy to entertain, inspire and motivate audience. The focus and objective of this study is to get a description of the pragmatic strategy of harmonizing word choice, sentence, and humorous language in MTGW program. How pragmatic strategies have implications for the use of words, sentences, and language styles so that the audience feel entertained and laughed. This research uses desciptive qualitative approach. Data in the form of humorous languages is collected by listening and recording. The method of analysis is padan and agih. The word data, sentence, and style of the humorous language are linked and compared to other words, sentences, and language styles in terms of humorous sense between sentences produced and comparator sentences. As a result, the pragmatic strategy MT uses in the MTGW program on Metro TV is to harmonize between lingual units of words, sentences, and language styles with humor and courtesy. MT uses a locusive and illocusive strategy with humorous tones and politeness in choosing, organizing and producing every word, sentence, and style of humor. Through the choice of words, sentences, and language style, the MT uses pragmatic strategies in conveying his message as a motivator and the perlocutionary effect is that the audience becomes interested or entertained.

  9. Humor Appreciation Involves Parametric and Synchronized Activity in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex and Hippocampus. (United States)

    Iidaka, Tetsuya


    Humor perception is a ubiquitous phenomenon in human societies. In theories of humor perception, three factors, non-seriousness, social context, and incongruity, have been implicated in humor. In another theory, however, elaboration and reinterpretation of contexts are considered to play a role in eliciting humor. Although the neural correlates of humor appreciation have been investigated using neuroimaging methods, only a few studies have conducted such experiments under natural conditions. In the present study, two functional magnetic resonance imaging experiments, using a comedy movie as a stimulus, were conducted to investigate the neural correlates of humor under natural conditions. The subjects' brain activity was measured while watching and enjoying a movie. In experiment 1, a parametric analysis showed that the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) and hippocampus/amygdala had a positive relationship with the subjective rating of funniness. In experiment 2, intersubject correlation was analyzed to investigate synchronized activity across all participants. Signal synchronization that paralleled increased funniness ratings was observed in the MPFC and hippocampus. Thus, it appears that both parametric and synchronized activity in the MPFC and hippocampus are important during humor appreciation. The present study has revealed the brain regions that are predominantly involved in humor sensation under natural condition. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:



    Bartolac, Andrea


    Prepoznavanje i razumijevanje različitih uzroka i pojavnosti ponašanja djece, osobito ako se razvoj i primjena socijalnih kompetencija ne odvijaju u okvirima socijalnih očekivanja i normativa, važno je za sve stručnjake koji rade s djecom, bez obzira veže li se njihovo područje djelovanja uz sustav socijalne skrbi, zdravstva ili odgoja i obrazovanja. U ovom se radu na temelju recentnije literature i istraživanja opisuju socijalni aspekti svakodnevnog života jedne od razvojnih teškoća samokont...

  11. Potentials and pitfalls of epigenetic editing in gene-specific re-expression of epigenetically silenced genes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Groote, Martje Louisa de


    In dit promotieonderzoek is een eerste aanzet geleverd om de expressie van genen blijvend te veranderen door gen-specifiek epigenetische modificaties aan te brengen of te verwijderen (Epigenetische Editing), om uiteindelijk genexpressie te induceren van epigenetisch uitgeschakelde genen, zoals

  12. Et spil om overlevelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Teglhus, Hanne


    Vinterferiens arrangement i februar 2010 var et spil om overleve alverdens farlige sygdomme gennem tiden. Ved at kaste terninger kunne man se hvor stor ens chance var for overlevelse. Men i kraft at man kunne deltage i spillet må ens slægt have været både heldig og stærk, for ellers ville man ikke...

  13. Humors Effect on Short-term Memory in Healthy and Diabetic Older Adults. (United States)

    Bains, Gurinder Singh; Berk, Lee S; Lohman, Everett; Daher, Noha; Petrofsky, Jerrold; Schwab, Ernie; Deshpande, Pooja


    With aging, the detrimental effects of stress can impair a person's ability to learn and sustain memory. Humor and its associated mirthful laughter can reduce stress by decreasing the hormone cortisol. Chronic release of cortisol can damage hippocampal neurons, leading to impairment of learning and memory. Objectives • The study intended to examine the effect of watching a humor video on short-term memory in older adults. Design • The research team designed a randomized, controlled trial. The study took place at Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, CA, USA. The study included 30 participants: 20 normal, healthy, older adults-11 males and 9 females-and 10 older adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)-6 males and 4 females. The study included 2 intervention groups of older adults who viewed humorous videos, a healthy group (humor group), aged 69.9 ± 3.7 y, and the diabetic group, aged 67.1 ± 3.8 y. Each participant selected 1 of 2 humorous videos that were 20 min in length, either a Red Skeleton comedy or a montage of America's Funniest Home Videos. The control group, aged 68.7 ± 5.5 y, did not watch a humor video and sat in quiescence. A standardized, neuropsychological, memory-assessment tool, the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT), was used to assess the following abilities: (1) learning, (2) recall, and (3) visual recognition. The testing occurred twice, once before (RAVLT1) and once after (RAVLT2) the humorous video for the humor and diabetic groups, and once before (RAVLT1) and once after (RAVLT2) the period of quiescence for the control group. At 5 time points, measurements of salivary cortisol were also obtained. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to measure significance of the data based on the 3 groups. In the humor, diabetic, and control groups, (1) learning ability improved by 38.5%, 33.4%, and 24.0%, respectively (P = .025); (2) delayed recall improved by 43.6%, 48.1%, and 20.3%, respectively (P = .064); and (3) visual recognition

  14. The evolution of humor from male aggression

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    Shuster S


    Full Text Available Sam ShusterNewcastle University, Newcastle Upon Type, NE1 7RU, UKAbstract: The response to seeing a man riding a unicycle was reported to be consistently related to the viewer's sex and stage of physical development. To see if this observation was universal, observations of responses were collected from 23 male and 9 female unicyclists aged 15–69 years, with 2–40 years cycling experience across four continents. With two exceptions among men, the findings were the same as those originally reported: children showed interest and curiosity, young girls showed little interest, while adult women showed a kindly, concerned, praising response. By contrast, boys showed physical aggression, which became more verbal, merging in the later teens to the snide, aggressive, stereotyped humorous response shown by adult males, which became less frequent in elderly men. The universality of the response across different individuals, environments, and dates of observation suggests an endogenous mechanism, and the association with masculine development relates this to androgen. The theoretical consequences are discussed. It is concluded that humor develops from aggression in males and is evolutionarily related to sexual selection.Keywords: humor evolution, male aggressive behavior

  15. Examining Teachers' Motivation Level According to School Principals' Humor Styles (United States)

    Recepoglu, Ergun; Kilinc, Ali Cagatay; Cepni, Osman


    The purpose of this research is to examine the motivation level of teachers according to school principals' humor styles. The humor styles survey and job motivation scale were used to gather data from 305 randomly selected teachers employed in primary schools in Karabuk. Results indicated that 141 of the teachers claimed school principal had…

  16. Orbiter OMS and RCS technology (United States)

    Boudreaux, R. A.


    Orbiter Orbital Maneuver Subsystem (OMS) and Reaction Control Subsystem (RCS) tankage has proved to be highly successful in shuttle flights on-orbit propellant transfer tests were done. Tank qualification tests along with flight demonstrations were carried out future uses of storable propellants are cited.

  17. Does Sense of the Humor Make Sense in the Classroom?

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    Freddy Antonio González-Ynfante


    Full Text Available This paper studies the importance of humor as a teaching strategy in the classroom, considering the usual lack of motivation and boredom. To analyze whether the “happy teaching and happy learning” may increase effectiveness in the teaching-learning process, the author will discuss how, despite the many benefits it may bring, humor is not used in the classroom due to prejudices and fears. The idea is not for teachers to play the role of a comedian or a clown, but to intervene and get closer to the group with a teaching, didactic purpose through humor. Plato (1992 thought about this; he used to say that sometimes a joke may help, where seriousness put up resistance.

  18. The Use of Humor in Serious Mental Illness: A Review

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    Marc Gelkopf


    Full Text Available There is now a relatively good understanding of the broad range of direct and indirect effects of humor and laughter on perceptions, attitudes, judgments and emotions, which can potentially benefit the physical and psychological state. This article presents a review and discussion of the use of humor and laughter in treating people with serious mental illness, distinguishing between clinical papers on individual and group psychotherapy, and empirical research reports describing humor and laughter interventions. In spite of the exponential growth of the field over the last 30 years, I conclude that empirical studies are still lacking, the studies that do exist have major methodological shortcomings, and the field is in dire need of further investigation.

  19. The impact of digitalization on Property Operations and Maintenance (O&M)


    Garcia, Resty Gonzales


    The research topic of this master thesis is; “How can digitalization help increase productivity in property Operations and Maintenance (O&M)?” The research topic focuses on the challenges and opportunities in utilizing Computer Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) system regarding the operative function in Operations and Maintenance (O&M). The purpose of this research work is to analyze relevant literature and empirical data on how digitalization affects the O&M process and how the O&M ...

  20. El humor desde las ciencias sociales. El humor como herramienta resistencia en movimientos sociales; El caso del 15M.

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    Isabel Casado Muñoz


    Full Text Available En la actualidad, el humor está empezando a expandirse con una gran rapidez en sus aplicaciones, ha entrado en el mundo empresarial y educativo como estrategia para armonizar conflictos y crear sentimiento de grupo y en el nivel clínico y terapéutico (2008, Rod Martin. Estas aplicaciones recortarían el plano social del humor, al relegarlo a espacios privados o cerrados, lo que contrastaría con la concepción de la risa popular o colectiva en lugares públicos y abiertos, lo cual Bajtin ( Bakhtin en 1940 ya exponía en su obra sobre el carnaval renacentista. El humor es una emoción pero también un proceso social, estaría presente en protestas sociales no únicamente como herramienta a través de la que trasmitir un discurso de forma eficaz, sino que tendría un uso político, actuando en la práctica como un hecho performativo que implicaría una actitud de resistencia política en concordancia con el discurso emitido por el 15M.

  1. Effects of Humor on Teacher Stress, Affect, and Job Satisfaction (United States)

    Shirley, Jacqueline Dena


    Teachers are at high risk for stress, negative emotion, and job dissatisfaction, which has been linked with health problems and early attrition. Humor has been found to relieve various forms of stress. However, there is a gap in the literature regarding humor effects on teacher stress and its related consequences. The purpose of this quantitative,…

  2. Are the rights of the disabled a reality in South Africa? Part One ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Diskriminasie teen gestremde persone lei tot die uitsluiting van hulle reg om op'n normale wyse te kan funksioneer en dit lei ook tot die miskenning van hul regte en vryhede.Wetgewing kan gebruik word om diskriminasie teen hierdie persone te voorkom en ook om hul in die gemeenskap op te hef. Journal for Juridicial ...

  3. Is There a Place for Humor in Hospice Palliative Care? Volunteers Say "Yes"! (United States)

    Claxton-Oldfield, Stephen; Bhatt, Anamika


    A survey was conducted to examine the frequency, acceptability, and functions of humor between hospice palliative care volunteers and their patients, from the volunteers' perspective. Thirty-two volunteers completed the survey, which was developed for this study. The results revealed that most patients and volunteers initiated humor either "often" or "sometimes" in their interactions. Over half of the volunteers considered humor to be either "very important" or "extremely important" in their interactions with patients (42% and 13%, respectively), with the patient being the determining factor as to whether and when it is appropriate or not (ie, volunteers take their lead from their patients). Volunteers mentioned a number of functions that humor serves within their patient interactions (eg, to relieve tension, to foster relationships/connections, and to distract). Laughter and humor fulfills one of the main goals of hospice palliative care, namely, improving patients' overall quality of life.

  4. Impenetrable infiltration: Air permeability of Dutch dwellings

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    Bram Entrop


    Full Text Available Het is wenselijk dat gebouwen beschikken over voldoende en de juiste mogelijkheden om te ventileren. Buiten de benodigde ventilatievoorzieningen is het echter de bedoeling een gebouw zo luchtdicht mogelijk te maken ten einde comfortklachten en onnodig energiegebruik te voorkomen. In het Bouwbesluit zijn eisen met betrekking tot de luchtdoorlatendheid – het tegenovergestelde van luchtdichtheid – opgenomen. Met betrekking tot een heel gebouw wordt in Art. 5.4 lid 1 het volgende geëist: De volgens NEN 2686 bepaalde luchtvolumestroom van het totaal aan verblijfsgebieden, toiletruimten en badruimten van een gebruiksfunctie is niet groter dan 0,2 m³/s. De Universiteit Twente en de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven hebben samen met het bouwbedrijf SelektHuis gewerkt aan de uitvoering van het onderzoek “Impenetrable Infiltration”. Dit onderzoek naar de luchtdoorlatendheid van woningen kent drie onderdelen, namelijk:  A. Een veldonderzoek waarbij luchtdichtheidsmetingen worden uitgevoerd op vrijstaande woningen om zo te bepalen tegen welke keuzemogelijkheden luchtdichtheidsmeters en uitvoerende bouwondernemingen aanlopen om de luchtvolumestroom te beïnvloeden; B. Een deskstudie waarbij rapportages van luchtdichtheidsmetingen worden bestudeerd om zo te bepalen wat de huidige stand van zaken is betreffende de luchtdichtheid van woningen; C. Een vergelijkend praktijkonderzoek naar het bepalen van de luchtdichtheid, waarbij drie partijen de luchtdichtheid van dezelfde duurzaam gebouwde vrijstaande woning zullen vaststellen. Om de veldstudie en het praktijkonderzoek uit te kunnen voeren, is de nodige apparatuur aangeschaft. Er is gebruik gemaakt van een blower door, een ventilator en een digitale manometer. Tevens is er tijdens de metingen gebruik gemaakt van twee dataloggers om de luchtdruk, binnen- en buitentemperatuur elke minuut vast te leggen. Er werd een anemometer gebruikt om de windsnelheid op locatie te bepalen. Om inzicht te krijgen waar

  5. Variations in the OM/OC ratio of urban organic aerosol next to a major roadway. (United States)

    Brown, Steven G; Lee, Taehyoung; Roberts, Paul T; Collett, Jeffrey L


    Understanding the organic matter/organic carbon (OM/OC) ratio in ambient particulate matter (PM) is critical to achieve mass closure in routine PM measurements, to assess the sources of and the degree of chemical processing organic aerosol particles have undergone, and to relate ambient pollutant concentrations to health effects. Of particular interest is how the OM/OC ratio varies in the urban environment, where strong spatial and temporal gradients in source emissions are common. We provide results of near-roadway high-time-resolution PM1 OM concentration and OM/OC ratio observations during January 2008 at Fyfe Elementary School in Las Vegas, NV, 18 m from the U.S. 95 freeway soundwall, measured with an Aerodyne high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (HR-AMS). The average OM/OC ratio was 1.54 (+/- 0.20 standard deviation), typical of environments with a low amount of secondary aerosol formation. The 2-min average OM/OC ratios varied between 1.17 and 2.67, and daily average OM/OC ratios varied between 1.44 and 1.73. The ratios were highest during periods of low OM concentrations and generally low during periods of high OM concentrations. OM/OC ratios were low (1.52 +/- 0.14, on average) during the morning rush hour (average OM = 2.4 microg/m3), when vehicular emissions dominate this near-road measurement site. The ratios were slightly lower (1.46 +/- 0.10) in the evening (average OM = 6.3 microg/m3), when a combination of vehicular and fresh residential biomass burning emissions was typically present during times with temperature inversions. The hourly averaged OM/OC ratio peaked at 1.66 at midday. OM concentrations were similar regardless of whether the monitoring site was downwind or upwind of the adjacent freeway throughout the day, though they were higher during stagnant conditions (wind speed < 0.5 m/sec). The OM/OC ratio generally varied more with time of day than with wind direction and speed.

  6. Levels of aqueous humor trace elements in patients with open-angle glaucoma. (United States)

    Hohberger, Bettina; Chaudhri, M Anwar; Michalke, Bernhard; Lucio, Marianna; Nowomiejska, Katarzyna; Schlötzer-Schrehardt, Ursula; Grieb, Pawel; Rejdak, Robert; Jünemann, Anselm G M


    Trace elements might play a role in the complex multifactorial pathogenesis of open-angle glaucoma. The aim of this study was to analyze concentrations of trace elements in aqueous humor samples of patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and pseudoexfoliation glaucoma (PEXG). Thirty-three aqueous humor samples were obtained from patients undergoing cataract surgery: 12 patients with POAG (age 65.3±10.50, female 8, male 4), 10 patients with PEXG (age 65.9±11.27, female 6, male 4) and 11 patients without glaucoma (age 69.5±13.70, female 7, male 4) serving as controls. Aqueous humor levels of cadmium, iron, manganese, cobalt, copper and zinc were measured by Flow-Injection-Inductively-Coupled-Plasma-Mass-Spectrometry (FI-ICP-MS). From the statistical evaluation, we observed that patients with POAG had significantly higher aqueous humor levels of zinc (p=0.006) compared to controls. Increased aqueous humor levels of zinc were also observed in patients with PEXG in relation to control (p=0.0006). For iron we observed a significantly reduction in PEXG compared to control (p=0.002) and a significant difference between POAG and PEXG (p=0.0091). No significant differences were observed in aqueous humor levels of manganese, cobalt, copper, cadmium between glaucoma and control patients. No differences were seen for iron (POAG vs. controls). Analysis of trace element ratios was added. Significant differences in aqueous humor levels of zinc and iron between glaucoma and control patients support the hypothesis that these trace elements are involved in the pathogenesis of open-angle glaucoma. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  7. Spatial model reduction for transport phenomena in environmental and agricultural engineering


    Dirkse, M.H.


    Tijdens het ontwerpen van landbouwkundige en industriële installaties is het belangrijk om het energieverbruik van tevoren in te schatten. Simpele berekeningen volstaan om het energieverbruik globaal te schatten, maar vaak kan het energieverbruik significant worden verminderd door de vorm van het systeem slim te kiezen. De invloed van deze verbeteringen kan niet met simpele berekeningen worden voorspeld. Deze promotie gaat over een nieuwe methode om de invloed van de geometrie te analyseren. ...

  8. Depresión (humor deprimido en los mayores residentes en la comunidad Depression (depressed humor among the elderly residents in the community

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    Mª. Gorete Reis


    Full Text Available Los mayores están sujetos a riesgos acrecentados por el poco compromiso con la vida, el aislamiento, la precariedad de recursos y la enfermedad, entre otros. Hoy, la depresión es considerada la perturbación mental con mayor crecimiento, repercutiendo en los cambios en el estilo de vida y en la salud. Nos cuestionamos sobre el estado de humor deprimido de los mayores que viven en la comunidad. El objetivo es evaluar la depresión e identificar los factores relacionados con ella. Estudio descriptivo correlacional. Conclusión: Hay un número elevado de personas con humor deprimido. Ser mujer y estar enferma revela relaciones con la depresión, así como tener limitaciones para ejecutar las actividades.Old people are submit to risk factors that increase from life disengagement; loneliness, decrease in income and in resources and also from diseases, among others. Today depression is considered a mental disturb in a growing process which affects life style and health. That's why we questioned old people living in community, about depressed humor. The aim of this study is to evaluate depression's level nd associate factors. It's a descriptive, correlate study. Conclusions: There are a great number of people with depressed humor and, be woman, have diseabilities are factors relate to depression.

  9. Anvisning om Bygningsreglement 2015

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Ernst Jan de Place; Ginnerup, Søren; Stang, Birgitte Friis Dela

    .3.1, stk. 1 og 1.6, stk. 1) - Begrebet 'småbygninger under 10 m2' (tidl. kap. - Krav om niveaufri adgang for fritliggende enfamiliehuse (kap. 3.2.1, stk. 3) - Krav til elevatorer ved ombygning (kap. 3.2.2, stk. 7) - Krav til køkken og bade- og wc-rum i kollegieboliger mv. (kap. 3.3.1, stk. 2...

  10. BAFF/APRIL system in pediatric OMS: relation to severity, neuroinflammation, and immunotherapy. (United States)

    Pranzatelli, Michael R; Tate, Elizabeth D; McGee, Nathan R; Travelstead, Anna L; Colliver, Jerry A; Ness, Jayne M; Ransohoff, Richard M


    B-cell dysregulation has been implicated but not fully characterized in pediatric opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (OMS), a neuroblastoma-associated neuroinflammatory disorder. To assess the role of B-cell activating factor (BAFF) and a proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL), two critical B cell-modulating cytokines, as potential biomarkers of disease activity and treatment biomarkers in OMS. Soluble BAFF and APRIL were measured in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum by ELISA in 433 children (296 OMS, 109 controls, 28 other inflammatory neurological disorders (OIND)). BAFF-R receptors on circulating CD19+ B cells were measured by flow cytometry. A blinded scorer rated motor severity on the OMS Evaluation Scale. Immunotherapies were evaluated cross-sectionally and longitudinally. The mean CSF BAFF concentration, which was elevated in untreated OMS and OIND, correlated with OMS severity category (P = 0.006), and reduction by adrenocorticotropic hormone or corticotropin (ACTH) (-61%) or corticosteroids (-38%) was seen at each level of severity. In contrast, CSF APRIL was normal in OMS and OIND and unaffected by immunotherapy. When the entire OMS dataset was dichotomized into 'high' versus 'normal' CSF BAFF concentration, the phenotype of the high group included greater motor severity and number of CSF oligoclonal bands, and a higher concentration of inflammatory chemokines CXCL13 and CXCL10 in CSF and CXCL9 and CCL21 in serum. Serum APRIL was 6.7-fold higher in the intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIg) group, whereas serum BAFF was 2.6-fold higher in the rituximab group. The frequency of B cell BAFF-R expression was similar in untreated and treated OMS. Longitudinal studies of CSF BAFF revealed a significant decline in ACTH-treated patients (with or without rituximab) (P OMS displayed heterogeneity in CSF BAFF expression, which met many but not all criteria as a potential biomarker of disease activity. We speculate that CSF BAFF may have more utility in a biomarker panel

  11. Humor techniques: from real world and game environments to smart environments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijholt, Antinus; Streitz, Norbert; Markopoulos, Panos

    In this paper we explore how future smart environments can be given a sense of humor. Humor requires smartness. Entering witty remarks in a conversation requires understanding of the conversation, the conversational partner, the context and the history of the conversation. We can try to model


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    Raphaela Reis Conceição Castro Silva


    Full Text Available Humor é um elemento importante da interação humana; portanto, tem um impacto sobre grupos de trabalho. Este trabalho é produto de uma reflexão sobre o humor e tem como objetivo analisar seu surgimento em espaços organizacionais. O olhar cuidadoso durante o estudo, configurado pelas observações registradas no Diário de Campo e pelas entrevistas realizadas, possibilitou o entendimento sobre o papel do humor nos espaços organizacionais. Dessa forma, a pesquisa evidencia que o humor não se limita à diversão, mas atua também como recurso de mediação do processo de interação, facilitando a coesão do grupo e promovendo o enfrentamento do estresse.

  13. Increased prevalence of autoimmune disorders and autoantibodies in parents of children with opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (OMS). (United States)

    Krasenbrink, I; Fühlhuber, V; Juhasz-Boess, I; Stolz, E; Hahn, A; Kaps, M; Hero, B; Blaes, F


    Opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (OMS) is a rare neurological disease in childhood which can be associated with neuroblastoma. Since autoantibodies have been detected in some patients with OMS, an autoimmune etiology is suspected. We compared the prevalence of autoimmune disorders and autoantibodies in parents of children with OMS and in a group of controls of same age and sex. Autoimmune diseases were found in 15.8% of the parents of OMS children, but only in 2.0% of the controls (pOMS parents (42.8% vs. 8.0%, pOMS parents also had significantly more autoantibodies against CNS structures than the controls (pOMS and may also hint to a genetic susceptibility for OMS.

  14. Learning to Laugh at Ourselves: Humor, Self-Transcendence, and the Cultivation of Moral Virtues (United States)

    Gordon, Mordechai


    In this essay Mordechai Gordon begins to address the neglect of humor among philosophers of education by focusing on some interesting connections between humor, self-transcendence, and the development of moral virtues. More specifically, he explores the kind of humor that makes fun of oneself and how it can affect educational encounters. Gordon…

  15. Learners’ experiences of teachers’ aggression in a secondary school in Gauteng, South Africa

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    Aneshree Naicker


    Doelstellings: Die doelstellings vir hierdie navorsing was om leerders se belewing van onderwysers se aggressie te verken en om riglyne te formuleer vir leerders en onderwysers om hulle geestesgesondheid te fasiliteer. Metode: Die populasie het uit leerders by ’n sekondêre skool bestaan. Die kriteria vir insluiting by die steekproef was dat deelnemers in graad 11 of 12 moet wees, tussen 16 en 18 jaar oud, en moes aggressie by onderwysers aan die skool beleef het. ’n Doelgerigte steekproef van leerders wie aan die insluitingskriteria voldoen, is geneem. Data is ingesamel deur middel van vier diepgaande fenomenologiese onderhoude, 88 naïewe sketse, waarneming en veldnotas. Een sentrale vraag is aan die sekondêre skool leerders gestel: ‘Wat is jou belewing van onderwysers se aggressie teenoor jou in jou skoolomgewing?’. Oop kodering is gebruik om die ingesamelde data te analiseer. Maatreëls om vertrouenswaardigheid te verseker is toegepas om die wetenskaplikheid van die navorsing te verseker. Etiese beginsels is dwarsdeur die navorsingsproses toegepas. Resultate: Die sekondêre skool leerders beleef dat hulle verneder word, asook emosioneel en verbaal mishandel word. Hulle beleef ook vrees en woede. Riglyne vir leerders en onderwysers is uit hierdie bevindinge afgelei. Gevolgtrekkings: Hierdie navorsing het bevind dat leerders aggressie in hul skoolomgewing beleef en ondersteuning benodig om hul geestesgesondheid te fasiliteer.

  16. Periodismo Iconográfico (V. Dibujo satírico, dibujo humorístico, chiste gráfico y caricatura

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    Dr. Carlos Abreu


    Full Text Available En el campo del periodismo iconográfico existe una rica terminología, la cual no siempre se emplea correctamente. Por ejemplo, para algunos autores dibujo satírico, dibujo humorístico, dibujo político, chiste gráfico y caricatura parecieran ser sinónimos. Para otros, constituyen formas expresivas distintas. En esta quinta entrega, el doctor Carlos Abreu fija posición sobre el asunto, no sin antes cuestionar la falta de fundamentación teórica y ambigüedad que subyace en algunas de las explicaciones de quienes han tratado el tema. Asimismo, hace referencia a otros géneros como la macrohistorieta y el cómic periodístico.

  17. Cytokines, cytokine antagonists, and soluble adhesion molecules in pediatric OMS and other neuroinflammatory disorders. (United States)

    Pranzatelli, Michael R; Tate, Elizabeth D; McGee, Nathan R; Colliver, Jerry A


    To test for hypothesized disease- and treatment-induced changes in cytokines and adhesion molecules in children with opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (OMS). Multiplex bead assay technology was used for simultaneous measurement of 34 soluble cytokines in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum. Soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (sVCAM-1) were measured by ELISA. In total, there were 388 children (239 OMS, 114 controls, and 35 other inflammatory neurological disorders (OIND)). In untreated OMS, mean CSF IL-6 was elevated 2.3-fold, but 67-fold in OIND, without significant differences in other CSF cytokines. Mean serum concentrations of sIL-2Ra (+50%) and CXCL1 (+70%) (pOMS than controls (p=0.005), as was serum CCL11 and IL-13 in treated OMS. Mean CSF CCL4 and IL-1Ra were selectively higher in IVIg-treated OMS (p≤0.0001). CSF sICAM-1 was elevated only in OIND (3.3-fold); serum sICAM-1 was higher in untreated OMS (+21%); and sVCAM-1 was not affected. No correlations with OMS severity or duration were identified. Novel cytokine, cytokine antagonist, and soluble adhesion molecule abnormalities due to OMS or treatment were found. However, the normality of much of the data strengthens previous findings implicating B cell mechanisms. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Bimatoprost Effects on Aqueous Humor Dynamics in Monkeys

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    David F. Woodward


    Full Text Available The effects of bimatoprost on aqueous humor dynamics were quantified in monkey eyes. Uveoscleral outflow was measured by the anterior chamber perfusion method, using FITC-dextran. Total outflow facility was determined by the two-level constant pressure method. Aqueous flow was measured with a scanning ocular fluorophotometer. Uveoscleral outflow was 0.96±0.19 L min−1 in vehicle-treated eyes and 1.37±0.27 L min−1 (=6; <.05 in eyes that received bimatoprost 0.01% b.i.d. × 5 days. Bimatoprost had no effect on total outflow facility, which was 0.42±0.05 L min−1 at baseline and 0.42±0.04 L min−1 after bimatoprost treatment. Bimatoprost had no significant effect on aqueous humor flow. This study demonstrates that bimatoprost increases uveoscleral outflow but not total outflow facility or aqueous humor flow, indicating that it lowers intraocular pressure in ocular normotensive monkeys by a mechanism that exclusively involves uveoscleral outflow.

  19. Oral genres of humor : On the dialectic of genre knowledge and creative authoring


    Kotthoff, Helga


    The article discusses humorous conversational activities (e.g. jokes, teasing, joint fantasizing) in the context of genre theory. The high degree of creativity, emergent construction and artistry typical of humor call for a flexible concept of genre which makes sense of modifications and transgressions in communicative processes. Some forms of conversational humor are generic, for example, standardized jokes, joint fantasizing or teasing. Other forms exploit our knowledge of serious genres an...

  20. Statistics? You Must Be Joking: The Application and Evaluation of Humor when Teaching Statistics (United States)

    Neumann, David L.; Hood, Michelle; Neumann, Michelle M.


    Humor has been promoted as a teaching tool that enhances student engagement and learning. The present report traces the pathway from research to practice by reflecting upon various ways to incorporate humor into the face-to-face teaching of statistics. The use of humor in an introductory university statistics course was evaluated via interviews…

  1. Humor and Comparatives in Ads for High- and Low-Involvement Products. (United States)

    Wu, Bob T. W.; And Others


    Investigates the effectiveness of humor in advertising, comparative advertising, and consumer involvement with the product. Finds that humorous ads are more eye catching but less impressive and less sufficient in information than nonhumorous ads. Finds the performance of comparative ads is generally negative and especially so in the high…

  2. Hvad ved Herbener om det moderne Europas rødder?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomassen, Bjørn


    I FORBINDELSE MED den nyligt udgivne samtalebog med og om dronning Margrethe - ' De dybeste rødder' - fremførte religionshistoriker Jens-André P.......I FORBINDELSE MED den nyligt udgivne samtalebog med og om dronning Margrethe - ' De dybeste rødder' - fremførte religionshistoriker Jens-André P....

  3. Een helpende hand? De rol van discriminatie bij het hulpgedrag van kinderen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sierksma, J.


    Kinderen zijn heel prosociaal ingesteld en vinden het belangrijk om anderen te helpen. Zo zijn kinderen op de jonge leeftijd van 14 maanden al gemotiveerd om anderen te hulp te schieten, bijvoorbeeld door gevallen pennen op te rapen of door een kastje voor iemand open te doen die zijn of haar handen

  4. Voorwoord

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    D.F.M. Strauss


    Full Text Available Om ’n Festschrift ter ere van die akademiese werk van ’n kollega en medewetenskaplike te publiseer, is sekerlik een van die mees lonende intellektuele gebeurtenisse wat so ’n akademikus kan ervaar. Dit is daarom ook ’n besondere voorreg om die taak opgedra te word om ’n Voorwoord vir hierdie Festschrift te skryf.

  5. OMS engine firing (United States)


    An Orbital maneuvering system (OMS) engine firing caused this bright glow at the aft end of the shuttle Challenger during STS-7. Also visible in the open payload bay are parts of the Shuttle pallet satellite (SPAS-01), the experiment package for NASA's Office of Space and Terrestrial Applications (OSTA-2), the protective cradles for the Indonesian Palapa-B and Telesat Canada Anik C2 satellites, some getaway special (GAS) canisters and the Canadian built remote manipulator system (RMS). Only a small portion of the earth's horizon can be seen above the orbiter's vertical stabilizer.

  6. Det ved vi om Feedback

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Vibeke; Bærenholdt, Jørgen

    Præsentation af forskningsviden om feedback i forskellige personkonstellationer i undervisningen: Feedback fra lærer til elev, fra elever til lærer, fra elev til elev og elevens eget arbejde med feedback til sig selv. De præsenterede forskningsresultater er udvalgt dels inden for en kognitivistisk...

  7. Getting the Joke: Insight during Humor Comprehension - Evidence from an fMRI Study. (United States)

    Tian, Fang; Hou, Yuling; Zhu, Wenfeng; Dietrich, Arne; Zhang, Qinglin; Yang, Wenjing; Chen, Qunlin; Sun, Jiangzhou; Jiang, Qiu; Cao, Guikang


    As a high-level cognitive activity, humor comprehension requires incongruity detection and incongruity resolution, which then elicits an insight moment. The purpose of the study was to explore the neural basis of humor comprehension, particularly the moment of insight, by using both characters and language-free cartoons in a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. The results showed that insight involving jokes elicited greater activation in language and semantic-related brain regions as well as a variety of additional regions, such as the superior frontal gyrus (SFG), the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), the middle temporal gyrus (MTG), the superior temporal gyrus (STG), the temporoparietal junctions (TPJ), the hippocampus and visual areas. These findings indicate that the MTG might play a role in incongruity detection, while the SFG, IFG and the TPJ might be involved in incongruity detection. The passive insight event elicited by jokes appears to be mediated by a limited number of brain areas. Our study showed that the brain regions associated with humor comprehension were not affected by the type of stimuli and that humor and insight shared common brain areas. These results indicate that one experiences a feeling of insight during humor comprehension, which contributes to the understanding of humor comprehension.

  8. Nanomaterials under REACH. Nanosilver as a case study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pronk MEJ; Wijnhoven SWP; Bleeker EAJ; Heugens EHW; Peijnenburg WJGM; Luttik R; Hakkert BC; SEC; SIR; LER


    Om de risico's van nanomaterialen te kunnen inschatten en beheersen, zijn enkele aanpassingen nodig in de Europese chemicalienwetgeving REACH. De gegevens over stoffen waar REACH standaard om vraagt, zijn namelijk onvoldoende om de specifieke eigenschappen van nanomaterialen te bepalen. Hetzelfde

  9. The power of humor and play as nursing interventions for a child with cancer: a case report. (United States)

    Frankenfield, P K


    Many benefits of humor and play have been documented in the literature. The purpose of this Case Report was to assess the benefits of humor and play with a 5-year-old retinoblastoma patient in an ambulatory care setting. The use of humor in the forms of tickling, joke-telling, play on words, funny movies, silly stickers, and medical play was found to be helpful in decreasing the anxiety of a pediatric oncology patient during insertion of his Infusaport needle. This article reviews the benefits of humor and play and provides a brief discussion of the developmental aspects of humor and play theory. Implications for further nursing research in the area of humor interventions are also discussed. The promotion of appropriate humor and play use by all health care professionals is encouraged.

  10. Spørg ikke om, hvad iPad’en kan gøre for dig..

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schilhab, Theresa


    Vi taler meget om alt det, som teknikken tilbyder, men aldrig om hvad den kræver tilbage. Når vi lader selv 1-årige vælge den elektroniske verden frem for den konkrete, starter vi et menneskeligt eksperiment, vi først kender facit af om 20 år......Vi taler meget om alt det, som teknikken tilbyder, men aldrig om hvad den kræver tilbage. Når vi lader selv 1-årige vælge den elektroniske verden frem for den konkrete, starter vi et menneskeligt eksperiment, vi først kender facit af om 20 år...

  11. En bog om Michael Strunge

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mai, Anne-Marie

    Antologi med bidrag om Michael Strunges forfatterskab. Bidrag af Anne-Marie Mai, Jørgen Aabenhus, Marianne Stidsen, Moritz Schramm, Tue Andersen Nexø, Lars Bukdahl, Jon Helt Haarder, Rune Kühl er optaget efter fagfællesbedømmelse. Antologien er redigeret af Anne-Marie Mai og Jørgen Aabenhus....

  12. Construction Of A Computerised Information-Processing Test Battery

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    Johann M. Schepers


    Full Text Available The primary goal of the study was to construct a computerised information-processing test battery to measure choice reaction time for up to and including six bits of information, to measure discrimination reaction time with regard to colour patterns and form patterns, to measure rate of information processing with regard to perceptual stimuli and conceptual reasoning, and to develop a suitable scoring system for the respective tests. The battery of tests was applied to 58 pilots. Opsomming Die hoofdoel van die studie was om ‘n gerekenariseerde inligtingverwerkingstoets-battery te konstrueer om keusereaksietyd tot en met ses bis inligting te meet, om diskriminasie-reaksietyd ten opsigte van kleurpatrone en vormpatrone te meet, om tempo van inligtingverwerking ten opsigte van perseptuele stimuli en konseptuele redenering te meet en om ‘n gepaste nasienstelsel vir die onderskeie toetse te ontwikkel. Die battery toetse is op 58 vlieëniers toegepas

  13. A Review of Humor for Computer Games: Play, Laugh and More (United States)

    Dormann, Claire; Biddle, Robert


    Computer games are now becoming ways to communicate, teach, and influence attitudes and behavior. In this article, we address the role of humor in computer games, especially in support of serious purposes. We begin with a review of the main theories of humor, including superiority, incongruity, and relief. These theories and their…

  14. All Kidding Aside: Humor Increases Learning at Knowledge and Comprehension Levels (United States)

    Hackathorn, Jana; Garczynski, Amy M.; Blankmeyer, Katheryn; Tennial, Rachel D.; Solomon, Erin D.


    It has been argued that humor is beneficial in the classroom because it increases social bonding between instructor and student, salience of information, and ultimately recall and retention. The current study sought to add to the literature by empirically testing some assumptions about humor as a pedagogical tool. Specifically, we predicted that…

  15. Underground pipe ventilation in horticulture; Grondbuisventilatie in de glastuinbouw

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Raaphorst, M. [Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw, Bleiswijk (Netherlands)


    With earth air heat exchangers, greenhouse air or outside air is led through an underground pipe or course system, to exchange heat with the soil. This exploits the thermal storage capacity of the soil to buffer temperature fluctuations, which can save approximately 2 m{sup 3}/m{sup 2} annually on heat demand. With high temperature crops, the heat can preferably be used to warm up injected outside air [Dutch] Met grondbuisventilatie wordt kaslucht of buitenlucht door een ondergrondse buis of gangenstelsel geleid om daar warmte aan af te geven of op te nemen. Hiermee kan de thermische opslagcapaciteit van de bodem worden benut om temperatuurschommelingen op te vangen en daardoor jaarlijks ongeveer 2 m{sup 3}/m{sup 2} te besparen op de warmtevraag. Bij warme teelten is het aan te raden om deze opgeslagen warmte ook te gebruiken om aangezogen buitenlucht op te warmen.

  16. OM Code Requirements For MOVs -- OMN-1 and Appendix III

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kevin G. DeWall


    The purpose or scope of the ASME OM Code is to establish the requirements for pre-service and in-service testing of nuclear power plant components to assess their operational readiness. For MOVs this includes those that perform a specific function in shutting down a reactor to the safe shutdown condition, maintaining the safe shutdown condition, and mitigating the consequences of an accident. This paper will present a brief history of industry and regulatory activities related to MOVs and the development of Code requirements to address weaknesses in earlier versions of the OM Code. The paper will discuss the MOV requirements contained in the 2009 version of ASME OM Code, specifically Mandatory Appendix III and OMN-1, Revision 1.

  17. OM Code Requirements For MOVs -- OMN-1 and Appendix III

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    DeWall, Kevin G.


    The purpose or scope of the ASME OM Code is to establish the requirements for pre-service and in-service testing of nuclear power plant components to assess their operational readiness. For MOVs this includes those that perform a specific function in shutting down a reactor to the safe shutdown condition, maintaining the safe shutdown condition, and mitigating the consequences of an accident. This paper will present a brief history of industry and regulatory activities related to MOVs and the development of Code requirements to address weaknesses in earlier versions of the OM Code. The paper will discuss the MOV requirements contained in the 2009 version of ASME OM Code, specifically Mandatory Appendix III and OMN-1, Revision 1.

  18. Cantilever systems for the next generation of biomechanical sensors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lazzarino, Marco


    Ieder interactief systeem gebruikt apparaten om informatie over de omgeving te verkrijgen. Ook de mens gebruikt apparaten om zijn omgeving te onderzoeken; tast- en gehoor-apparatuur voor mechanische impulsen, zicht- voor elektromagnetische en smaak- en reuk- voor chemische eigenschappen. Het gaat om

  19. Jeff Foxworthy’s Redneck Humor and the Boundaries of Middle-Class American Whiteness

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. David Thomas


    Full Text Available Recent studies examine the use of rhetorical boundaries to produce intra-racial othering within whiteness. I expand this project by exploring the textual and social codes in Jeff Foxworthy humor that demarcate the boundaries between the redneck and the non-redneck. Such boundaries are complex, porous fault-lines that use symbolic pollution embedded in humor to stigmatize White outsiders. Social codes referencing symbolic pollution establish boundaries to define and insulate a normative, mainstream White identity from the intra-racial threat of redneck identity. This project provides a novel addition to whiteness studies by taking redneck humor analytically seriously and concludes by drawing comparisons between codes found in Foxworthy humor and those levied against rural Whites during the eugenics era.

  20. Conservering bij zoutschade; De Waag in Amsterdam

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lubelli, B.A.; Hees, R.P.J. van


    In de Waag in Amsterdam bevinden zich enkele waardevolle meesterproeven van metselwerk. Deze hebben zwaar te lijden onder aantasting van zouten. Aan de auteurs werd gevraagd om de oorzaken van de scahde te onderzoeken en advies uit te brengen over mogelijke interventie om het verval aan te pakken.

  1. 'n skoolgebaseerde sosiaal-emosionele program as strategie teen misdaad en geweld


    Merwe, Petro Van Der


    Misdaad en geweld is 'n ernstige probleem in Suid-Afrikaanse skole. Die studie waarop hierdie artikel gebaseer is, het gepoog om te bepaal watter elemente 'n sosiaal-emosionele intervensieprogram by 'n skool behoort te bevat om die voorkoming van geweld en misdaad in die skool te verseker. Met die vertrekpunt dat emosionele-intelligensie-onderrigmetodes in die klaskamer van groot waarde kan wees wat geweld-intervensies by skole betref, het die studie dit ten doel gehad om vas te stel of emosi...

  2. Early and late humoral rejection: a clinicopathologic entity in two times. (United States)

    Péfaur, J; Díaz, P; Panace, R; Salinas, P; Fiabane, A; Quinteros, N; Chea, R; Naranjo, E; Wurgaft, A; Beltran, E; Elgueta, S; Wegmann, M E; Gajardo, J G; Contreras, L


    Humoral rejection is an important cause of early and late graft loss. The late variant is difficult to diagnose and treat. There is a close correlation between sclerosing nephropathy and anti-HLA antibodies. We analyzed 113 renal allograft recipients between August 2004 and April 2007. Acute humoral rejection was defined as acute graft dysfunction in presence of donor-specific antibodies (DSA) detected by flow panel reactive antibodies (PRA) and/or C4d positive pericapilary tubules (PTC) detected histopathologically by immunofluorescent or immunoperoxidase at less than 3 months postransplantation. Late humoral rejection was defined as dysfunction occurring after 3 months postransplantation with histopathologic glomerulopathy or vasculopathy and positive C4d PTC. We included all patients who were diagnosed with early or late graft dysfunction and underwent biopsy, all of which were examined for C4d. Four patients had acute humoral rejection treated with IVIG or plasmapheresis. The patient and graft survivals were 100% and serum creatinine averaged 1.7 mg/dL. Three recipients experienced late humoral rejection at 3 to 10 years posttransplantation All received high-dose IVIG; one also was treated with thymoglobulin. Immunosuppression was switched to tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, and steroids. Only one patient recovered renal function; the others returned to dialysis. Among seven patients only one had an actual PRA (>20%) and three showed 10% to 20%. However, six had a positive historical PRA of 10% to 50%. In conclusion, Recognition of acute humoral rejection has contributed to graft rescue by controlling alloantibody production through new specific immunosuppressive therapies in contrast with the clinical response to acute therapy, treatment of a chronic entity has shown poor outcomes, probably because antibody mediated chronic graft damage is already present when the late diagnosis is established by biopsy.

  3. Om guldbiller, Bach og basepar

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mogensen, T.E.


    I sin stærkt encyklopædiske roman The Gold Bug Variations søger den amerikanske forfatter Richard Powers gennem utallige detaljer, synekdoker og intrikate forbindelser at inddrage al verden og radikalt udvide romanens rum. Men romanen er også, eller især, en fortælling om kærlighed....

  4. Forskning om tvang i misbrugsbehandling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Deding, Mette

    I Danmark er der begrænset mulighed for brug af tvang i behandlingen af stof- og alkoholmisbrugere. Det kan kun finde sted i forbindelse med en kontrakt om ”frivillig tvang” i behandlingen af gravide alkoholmisbrugere. I Sverige og Norge giver loven mulighed for brug af tvang, og i USA er tvang l...

  5. Humorous Videos and Idiom Achievement: Some Pedagogical Considerations for EFL Learners (United States)

    Neissari, Malihe; Ashraf, Hamid; Ghorbani, Mohammad Reza


    Employing a quasi-experimental design, this study examined the efficacy of humorous idiom video clips on the achievement of Iranian undergraduate students studying English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Forty humorous video clips from the English Idiom Series called "The Teacher" from the BBC website were used to teach 120 idioms to 61…

  6. Between two worlds medical student perceptions of humor and slang in the hospital setting. (United States)

    Parsons, G N; Kinsman, S B; Bosk, C L; Sankar, P; Ubel, P A


    Residents frequently use humor and slang at the expense of patients on the clinical wards. We studied how medical students react to and interpret the "appropriateness" of derogatory and cynical humor and slang in a clinical setting. Semistructured, in-depth interviews. Informal meeting spaces. Thirty-three medical students. Qualitative content analysis of interview transcriptions. Students' descriptions of the humorous stories and their responses reveal that students are able to take the perspective of both outsiders and insiders in the medical culture. Students' responses to these stories show that they can identify the outsider's perspective both by seeing themselves in the outsider's role and by identifying with patients. Students can also see the insider's perspective, in that they identify with residents' frustrations and disappointments and therefore try to explain why residents use this kind of humor. Their participation in the humor and slang--often with reservations--further reveals their ability to identify with the perspective of an insider. Medical students describe a number of conflicting reactions to hospital humor that may enhance and exacerbate tensions that are already an inevitable part of training for many students. This phenomenon requires greater attention by medical educators.

  7. Bilingual Humor, Authentic Aunties, and the Transnational Vernacular at Gezi Park

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Perin Gurel


    Full Text Available Mass-mediated American culture and the English language became raw materials for vernacular protest humor alongside images of headscarf-wearing middle-aged “aunties” during antigovernment protests in Turkey in the summer of 2013. Focusing on posts shared on Facebook and Twitter by Turkish protestors and their supporters in the first two months of the protests, this article studies the complex linguistic and visual humor that developed around Gezi Park and relates it to the identity politics mobilized during the resistance. Exploring how the protestors projected themselves as both cosmopolitan (through the use of American mass culture and the English language and locally rooted (through the use of auntie humor, the essay delineates how “America” can function in local Middle Eastern politics even in the absence of actual US intervention on the ground. Humor at Gezi demonstrates how closely analyzing transculturated vernacular communication can help us modify Western-derived academic theories about culture and power, making the case for incorporating the study of folklore into transnational American Studies.

  8. Infant Humor Perception from 3- to 6-months and Attachment at One Year (United States)

    Mireault, Gina; Sparrow, John; Poutre, Merlin; Perdue, Brittany; Macke, Laura


    Infancy is a critical time for the development of secure attachment, which is facilitated by emotionally synchronous interactions with parents. Humor development, which includes shared laughter and joint attention to an event, emerges concurrently with attachment, but little is known regarding the relationship, if any, between humor development and attachment in the first year. Thirty 3-month-old infants were videoed at home each month until they were 6-months old while their parents attempted to amuse them. Frequency of infants’ smiles and laughs served as a measure of “state humor”, and the smiling/laughing subscale of the Infant Behavior Questionnaire-Revised served as a measure of “trait humor”. State and trait humor were not correlated. Lower trait humor as 6 months predicted higher attachment security on the Attachment Q-sort at 12-months (r=. 46), suggesting that less good-humored infants elicit greater parental engagement, which works to the benefit of attachment, or vice versa. Future studies should examine the importance of smiling and laughter as they relate to other developmental phenomena in the first year. PMID:22982281

  9. Memória, humor e emoção Memoria, humor y emoción Memory, mood and emotion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giovanni Kuckartz Pergher


    Full Text Available O número de estudos que visam compreender as interações entre processos cognitivos e afetivos vem aumentando nos últimos anos, principalmente em função das suas inúmeras implicações práticas, com destaque para a psicoterapia e a área forense. O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar algumas das possíveis interações entre processos afetivos e a memória. Inicialmente são assumidas definições para os termos emoção, humor e afeto. Depois, são abordadas as relações entre humor, emoção e memória, descrevendo-se os principais fenômenos investigados nessas áreas. Para cada fenômeno descrito, são expostos fundamentos empíricos e teorias explicativas. Ao final, são discutidas limitações e implicações dos estudos sobre as relações entre humor, emoção e memória, apontando-se para a necessidade de um maior consenso entre os pesquisadores da área.El número de estudios que visan comprender las interacciones entre procesos cognitivos y afectivos viene aumentando en los últimos años, principalmente en función de sus incontables implicaciones prácticas, con destaque para la psicoterapia y el área forense. El presente artículo tiene por objetivo presentar algunas de las posibles interacciones entre procesos afectivos y la memoria. Inicialmente se asumen definiciones para los términos emoción, humor y afecto y para los sistemas de memoria. Enseguida, se abordan los fenómenos de la memoria congruente con el humor, memoria dependiente del humor, memorias autobiográficas súper generalizadas y del impacto de la emoción/estrés sobre los sistemas de memoria semántica y autobiográfica. También se exponen algunos hallazgos experimentales y teorías explicativas de tales fenómenos. Al final, se discuten implicaciones de las investigaciones en el área de emoción vs. cognición.The number of studies that aim to understand the interactions between the cognitive and affective processes has been increasing over

  10. That’s not funny! – But it should be: effects of humorous emotion regulation on emotional experience and memory (United States)

    Kugler, Lisa; Kuhbandner, Christof


    Previous research has shown that humorous reappraisal can reduce elicited negative emotions, suggesting that humor may be a functional strategy to cope with emotionally negative situations. However, the effect of humorous reappraisal on later memory about the emotion-eliciting situation is currently unknown, although this is crucial for more adaptive responding in future situations. To address this issue, we examined the effects of humorous reappraisal on both emotional experience and memory, compared to non-humorous rational reappraisal and a non-reappraisal control condition. Replicating previous findings, humorous reappraisal reduced evoked negative valence and arousal levels very effectively, and the down-regulation of experienced negative emotions was even more pronounced after humorous compared to rational reappraisal. Regarding later memory for emotion-eliciting stimuli, both humorous and rational reappraisal reduced free recall, but recognition memory was unaffected, with memory strength being stronger after humorous than after rational reappraisal. These results indicate that humor seems to be indeed an optimal strategy to cope with negative situations because humor can help us to feel better when confronted with negative stimuli, but still allows us to retrieve stimulus information later when afforded to do so by the presence of appropriate contextual features. PMID:26379608

  11. Humor Styles and Their Relationship to Well-Being among the Gifted (United States)

    Dijkstra, Pieternel; Barelds, Dick; Ronner, Sieuwke; Nauta, Arnolda


    The present study examined the extent to which a sample of 202 gifted individuals (members of Mensa) engaged in four humor styles and the extent to which these humor styles were related to their well-being. These results were compared to a comparative population sample (n = 265). Results showed that gifted individuals most often used positive…

  12. Laughing off the Stereotypes: Age and Aging in Seniors' Online Sex-Related Humor. (United States)

    Nimrod, Galit; Berdychevsky, Liza


    Focusing on sex, the most salient topic featured in ageist jokes, this study aims at exploring the extent to which seniors' own humor reflects common ageist stereotypes or rather echoes contemporary consumer society representations of seniors' sexuality. The study was based on a quantitative content analysis of 300 humorous sex-related messages posted during one full year by members of 14 leading online communities for seniors. Findings indicated that whereas the portrayal of older adults in humor typically relied on negative ageist stereotypes, their representation in seniors' online sex-related humor depended on the social identity of the butt of this humor. If it was an in-group member (oneself, another community member, or the community as a whole), the portrayal was rather positive, but when the butt belonged to the out-group (older adults in general), the depiction was far more ageist. Nonetheless, the representation of older butts of humor was generally more positive than that of the younger ones. These findings suggest that seniors tend to identify with current cultural representations of sexuality in later life and use sex-related humor as a personal means of resisting ageism. They apply two principal strategies: Distancing-reproducing certain ageist stereotypes by ascribing them to other older adults, but less so to their own group and even less than that to themselves-and equalizing older and younger individuals, even according the former an advantage regarding sexuality. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Gerontological Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  13. Entextualized Humor in the Formation of Scientist Identities among U.S. Undergraduates (United States)

    Bucholtz, Mary; Skapoulli, Elena; Barnwell, Brendan; Lee, Jung-Eun Janie


    Studies of the socialization of novices into scientific cultures typically emphasize official knowledge-making activities. However, scientific socialization is also accomplished informally through humor. As entextualized humor, formulaic jokes enable U.S. undergraduate students in science to claim scientist identities both through a displayed…

  14. Phytophthora rotråte i juletrefelt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Talgø, Venche; Thomsen, Iben Margrete


    Phytophthora rotråte forårsaket av ulike arter av Phytophthora er et stort problem i juletreproduksjonen iUSA. I Norge er det også rapportert om flere tilfeller av skade på grunn av Phytophthora både i juletrær og klippegrønt, men så langt ikke i Danmark. I begge landene er flere arter av...... Phytophthora funnet på treaktige vekster i grøntanlegg. Vi har også sett en urovekkende spredning av Phytophthora til løvtrær i bynære skoger, vassdrag og naturområder det siste tiåret, spesielt i Norge. Både i Norge og Danmark har vi undersøkt vann i eller like ved juletreplantinger og funnet flere...... Phytophthora-arter, så dette er en skadegjører juletredyrkere må være på vakt overfor...

  15. The experiences of private somatology therapists on their self-management in a private practice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karien Richter


    Somatologie terapeute het ‘n veeleisende werk hetsy fisies en emosioneel. Lang werksure, gekoppel met die hantering van kliënte op ‘n daaglikse basis, asook die stremming om te alle tye ‘n hoë gehalte kliëntesorg te verseker, is als faktore wat spanning op die terapeut plaas. Die gebrek aan selfbestuur van ’n terapeut – in die agtergrond van die bogenoemde bydraende faktore − kan tot ’n swak oordeelsvermoë en dienooreenkomstige substandaard optrede in die werkplek lei. Die doel van hierdie studie was onder andere om die ervarings van privaat somatologie-terapeute te ondersoek en te omskryf, waarvolgens aanbevelings vir verbeterde selfbestuur in privaat somatologie-praktyke beskryf was. Vir die doeleindes van hierdie study, word selfbestuur gedefinieër as ‘n metode om nie alleenik die interaksies met die kliënte en die werkstressors te bestuur nie, maar ook om die gevoelens van die terapeute te bestuur, deur middel van die uitoefening van ‘n verskeidenheid tegnieke, onder andere, self-dissipline. ’n Beskrywende, ondersoekende en kontekstuele kwalitatiewe ontwerp is gevolg. Die toeganklike populasie het uit terapeute (n = 15 in ses private somatologie-praktyke in die Pretoria-Noordstreek bestaan. ’n Doelgerigte steekproef is gevolglik geneem. Tien individuele ongestruktureerde onderhoude, asook ‘n loodstudie is uitgevoer en veldnotas is geneem. Oop kodering het vier temas met subtemas geïdentifiseer. Die model van Lincolin en Guba is gebruik om betroubaarheid te verseker en etiese oorwegings is tydens die navorsingsproses gevolg. Ingeligte toestemming is deur die privaat kliniekpraktyke en deelnemers verleen. Een tema het inderdaad aangedui dat selfbestuurstrategieë gedemonstreer behoort te word om sodoende ’n gevoel van beheer te bekom. Hierdie studie het geidentifiseer dat daar ‘n definitiewe behoefte is om die terapeut binne die veeleisende werksomgewing te koester wat ons die somatologiepraktyk noem.

  16. MAPP-konference om brugerdrevet innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stacey, Julia


    Er fødevareinnovation kun et spørgsmål om ny teknologi? Nej - for ny teknologi skal anvendes i produkter, som matcher markedets behov. Fødevarevirksomheder kan også være innovative bare ved at bruge kendt teknologi på nye måder, hvis produktet rammer de rigtige nicher på markedet. Innovationen er...

  17. Hans mening om hendes krop

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scheuer, Jann


    Bidraget handler om søgninger i danske tekstkorpusser efter 'hendes' hhv. 'hans' + nominal inden for en afstand af to ord. Det er ved hjælp af søgninger i big data undersøgt hvad der knyttes til hende og ham, hvad deres ejendom er: hendes lejlighed o.l. og hvilke attributter de tilskrives hans fi...

  18. Videoer om feedback i undervisningen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Hanne Nexø


    I denne video bliver du introduceret til en måde at praktisere og rammesætte klyngevejledning på i bachelorundervisning. Klyngefeedbackformen til de studerende er valgt, da de studerende lærer meget af både at give og om modtage feedback fra medstuderende. Fokus på feedback ligger derfor primært i...

  19. El humor político en la Web, un discurso de resistencia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Este artículo describe el proceso metodológico desarrollado en la propuesta monográfica titulada El humor. Un discurso de resistencia política: análisis crítico multimodal, tesis de la Maestría en Lingüística de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Trabajo que surge del interés por ver cómo, por medio del discurso humorístico, se construye un discurso de resistencia a los discursos hegemónicos, identificando las estrategias discursivas que utiliza el humor para la construcción de un discurso político de resistencia; también, a través del análisis de videos humorísticos de corte político: productos multimodales mediatizados desde la Web en el portal YouTube. El corpus seleccionado fue la serie animada El Pequeño Tirano creada por Santiago Rocha, Simón Wilches y Santiago Rivas en el año 2008, que tematiza alrededor del mandato presidencial de Álvaro Uribe Vélez. Serie animada representativa del fenómeno del humor político en Colombia, de su significado y sus implicaciones en la vida social y cultural del país.

  20. Was That Levity or Livor Mortis? Crime Scene Investigators' Perspectives on Humor and Work (United States)

    Vivona, Brian D.


    Humor is common and purposeful in most work settings. Although researchers have examined humor and joking behavior in various work settings, minimal research has been done on humor applications in the field of crime scene investigation. The crime scene investigator encounters death, trauma, and tragedy in a more intimate manner than any other…

  1. Om drenges humor, intimitet og modstand i ungdomsuddannelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mogensen, Kevin Holger


    I artiklen tematiseres og undersøges problemet med drenges tvungne uddannelsesdeltagelse og udfordringer med at skabe meningsfuld uddannelsesdeltagelse ud fra en teoretisk forståelse af en sammenhæng med drenges aktive og lokale maskulinitetspraksisser. Disse praksisser foregår inden for skolen s...

  2. UV and IR laser spectroscopy of isolated molecular structural dynamics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smolarek, S.


    Tijdens de afgelopen decennia is hoge-resolutielaserspectroscopie één van de meest effectieve instrumenten geworden om de fysische en chemische eigenschappen van moleculen te bestuderen. Szymon Smolarek gebruikte deze methodes om energievervalskanalen te bestuderen in DNA-basen, te onderzoeken wat

  3. Serum and Aqueous Humor Levels of Fetuin-A in Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome. (United States)

    Yuksel, Nilay; Takmaz, Tamer; Ozel Turkcu, Ummuhani; Ergin, Merve; Altinkaynak, Hasan; Bilgihan, Ayse


    To evaluate serum and aqueous humor levels of fetuin-A in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PEXS) in comparison with those of age- and sex-matched healthy subjects. This prospective study included 25 patients with PEXS and 25 control subjects who were undergoing cataract surgery without any systemic or ocular disease. Aqueous humor and serum fetuin-A levels were measured with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method. The mean age of the PEXS group (14 males, 11 females, n = 25) was 57.7 ± 6.9 years, and the control group (13 males, 12 females, n = 25) was 58.1 ± 5.7 years. There was no difference between the groups in terms of age (p = 0.77) and sex (p = 0.83). The mean serum fetuin-A level of the PEXS group did not differ from that of the control group (p = 0.53). The mean aqueous humor level of the PEXS group was significantly higher than that of the control group (p = 0.032). There were no significant correlations between aqueous humor and serum fetuin-A levels among patients with PEXS and control group (p > 0.05). Increased levels of fetuin-A in aqueous humor of patients with PEXS may show the local effect of fetuin-A on the anterior segment. With considering the wide range of possible biological functions of fetuin-A in the pathogenesis of PEXS, further studies are needed to clarify the clinical relevance of these findings.

  4. Glow experiment documentation of OMS/RCS pods and vertical stabilizer (United States)


    Glow experiment documentation of orbital maneuvering system (OMS) reaction control system (RCS) pods and vertical stabilizer shows chemo-luminescent effect resulting from atomic oxygen impacting the spacecraft and building to the point that the atomic oxygen atoms combine to form molecules of oxygen. Image intensifier on NIKON 35mm camera was used to record glow on vertical tail and OMS pods.

  5. Teaching OM at an Action-based Learning Program for Top Executives

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Perunovic, Zoran; Staffensen, Lasse


    The paper discusses design and execution of OM module in an intensive program for top executives. The participants are working as consultants in six different host companies on developing growth strategies. The OM module is designed to enable the participants to develop operations strategy that s...

  6. Die gebruik van tegnologie vir die ontwikkeling van professionele karaktereienskappe of sagte vaardighede van onderwysers deur afstandsonderrig

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Johanna G. Ferreira


    Full Text Available Die doel van hierdie artikel was om ondersoek in te stel na die mate waartoe tegnologie suksesvol gebruik kan word om onderwysstudente deur afstandsonderrig op te lei. Omdat die sogenaamde sagte vaardighede en meegaande karatereienskappe eie is aan professies soos dié van medici of ouditeure, was dit nodig om te bepaal of onderwys wel as ’n professie beskou kan word. Die literatuur bevestig dit egter en gevolglik word aanvaar dat onderwys ’n professie is met gepaardgaande ‘sagte vaardighede’ of karaktereienskappe wat eie aan die beroep is. Vir effektiewe onderwys is die verwerwing van sodanige sagte vaardighede noodsaaklik. Die sagte vaardighede in die onderwysprofessie is derhalwe ondersoek en bespreek om ’n idee te kry van wat hierdie vaardighede behels en hoe hulle deur onderwysstudente ontwikkel en toegeëien kan word. Ten slotte is voorstelle gemaak oor hoe tegnologie ingespan kan word om sagte vaardighede by voornemende onderwysers deur afstandsonderrig te vestig.

  7. The effectiveness of humor in persuasion: the case of business ethics training. (United States)

    Lyttle, J


    In this study, persuasion theory was used to develop the following predictions about use of humor in persuasive messages for business ethics training: (a) cartoon drawings will enhance persuasion by creating liking for the source, (b) ironic wisecracks will enhance persuasion by serving as a distraction from counterarguments, and (c) self-effacing humor will enhance persuasion by improving source credibility. Canadian business students (N = 148) participated in 1 of 4 versions of "The Ethics Challenge," a training exercise used by the Lockheed Martin Corporation. Three versions were modified by adding or removing cartoon drawings (of cartoon characters Dilbert and Dogbert) and humorous responses (Dogbert's wisecracks). Removing the cartoon drawings had little effect on persuasiveness. Removing ironic wisecracks had more effect, and interfering with the self-effacing combination of cartoons and wisecracks had the strongest effect. The results suggest that researchers should ground their predictions in existing theory and that practitioners should differentiate among humor types.

  8. Women Gossip and Men Brag: Perceived Gender Differences in the Use of Humor by Romanian Older Women

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ioana Schiau


    Full Text Available The present study investigates perceived gender differences in the producion and social use of humor in the interpersonal communication of Romanian older women, aged 60 and above. The study is a qualitative investigation, based on semi-structured interviews. The aim was to understand the perceptions and motivations that women have when using humor in social interactions, and to explore the functions that humor serves in their day-to-day communication. A previous quantitative investigation found statistically significant gender differences between Romanian older men and women on a sense of humor scale, and suggested that the use of humor in interpersonal communication had stronger social benefits for women (Schiau, 2016a. Drawing on these findings, and keeping in mind other studies that discuss the different use of humor by men and women, this study aims to investigate specific gender differences in the production of humor, as perceived by the participants.

  9. That’s Not Funny! – But It Should Be: Effects of Humorous Emotion Regulation on Emotional Experience and Memory

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lisa eKugler


    Full Text Available Previous research has shown that humorous reappraisal can reduce elicited negative emotions, suggesting that humor may be a functional strategy to cope with emotionally negative situations. However, the effect of humorous reappraisal on later memory about the emotion-eliciting situation is currently unknown, although this is crucial for more adaptive responding in future situations. To address this issue, we examined the effects of humorous reappraisal on both emotional experience and memory, compared to non-humorous rational reappraisal and a non-reappraisal control condition. Replicating previous findings, humorous reappraisal reduced evoked negative valence and arousal levels very effectively, and the down-regulation of experienced negative emotions was even more pronounced after humorous compared to rational reappraisal. Regarding later memory for emotion-eliciting stimuli, both humorous and rational reappraisal reduced free recall, but recognition memory was unaffected, with memory strength being stronger after humorous than after rational reappraisal. These results indicate that humor seems to be indeed an optimal strategy to cope with negative situations because humor can help us to feel better when confronted with negative stimuli, but still allows us to retrieve stimulus information later when afforded to do so by the presence of appropriate contextual features.

  10. A Spoonful of Humor Makes the Math Go Down. (United States)

    Penland, C.


    As a mature science, geophysics often employs abstract mathematical ideas in the development of methods to query the physical system. Since abstract mathematics is not usually part of the traditional meteorological education, it is sometimes necessary to communicate these ideas in a manner that not only explains but also demystifies them. Humor is an ideal tool for allowing an audience to develop a degree of comfort with unfamiliar concepts. I will give several examples where abstract ideas are made concrete in the context of stochastic climate modeling by use of humorous presentations.

  11. O&M Best Practices - A Guide to Achieving Operational Efficiency (Release 2.0)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sullivan, Gregory P.; Pugh, Ray; Melendez, Aldo P.; Hunt, W. D.


    This guide, sponsored by DOE's Federal Energy Management Program, highlights operations and maintenance (O&M) programs targeting energy efficiency that are estimated to save 5% to 20% on energy bills without a significant capital investment. The purpose of this guide is to provide the federal O&M energy manager and practitioner with useful information about O&M management, technologies, energy efficiency and cost-reduction approaches.

  12. Remarkable promotion effect of trace sulfation on OMS-2 nanorod catalysts for the catalytic combustion of ethanol. (United States)

    Zhang, Jie; Zhang, Changbin; He, Hong


    OMS-2 nanorod catalysts were synthesized by a hydrothermal redox reaction method using MnSO4 (OMS-2-SO4) and Mn(CH3COO)2 (OMS-2-AC) as precursors. SO4(2-)-doped OMS-2-AC catalysts with different SO4(2-) concentrations were prepared next by adding (NH4)2SO4 solution into OMS-2-AC samples to investigate the effect of the anion SO4(2-) on the OMS-2-AC catalyst. All catalysts were then tested for the catalytic oxidation of ethanol. The OMS-2-SO4 catalyst synthesized demonstrated much better activity than OMS-2-AC. The SO4(2-) doping greatly influenced the activity of the OMS-2-AC catalyst, with a dramatic promotion of activity for suitable concentration of SO4(2-) (SO4/catalyst=0.5% W/W). The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), NH3-TPD and H2-TPR techniques. The results showed that the presence of a suitable amount of SO4(2-) species in the OMS-2-AC catalyst could decrease the Mn-O bond strength and also enhance the lattice oxygen and acid site concentrations, which then effectively promoted the catalytic activity of OMS-2-AC toward ethanol oxidation. Thus it was confirmed that the better catalytic performance of OMS-2-SO4 compared to OMS-2-AC is due to the presence of some residual SO4(2-) species in OMS-2-SO4 samples. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  13. Humor Ability Reveals Intelligence, Predicts Mating Success, and Is Higher in Males (United States)

    Greengross, Gil; Miller, Geoffrey


    A good sense of humor is sexually attractive, perhaps because it reveals intelligence, creativity, and other "good genes" or "good parent" traits. If so, intelligence should predict humor production ability, which in turn should predict mating success. In this study, 400 university students (200 men and 200 women) completed…

  14. Dorstige glastuinbouw moet op elke druppel water letten (interview met Wim Voogt)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bezemer, J.; Voogt, W.


    Hoge kwaliteit water wordt schaarser. Dat dwingt de glastuinbouw zorgvuldig met de teeltfactor water om te gaan en minder afhankelijk van oppervlaktewater te worden. Hemelwater blijft de belangrijkste bron maar 100% dekking is te duur. Omgekeerde osmose blijft de meest aantrekkelijke techniek om

  15. The power of praise psalms to encourage awareness of ecological issues amongst worshippers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Barend J. de Klerk


    Die liturgie behoort opnuut ’n sensitiwiteit by gelowiges te skep om God as die Skepper én Herskepper van die heelal te verheerlik. Die psalms kan met groot vrug gebruik word om gelowiges se ekologiese bewussyn op te skerp. Die saak word aan die hand van drie skeppingspsalms ondersoek, naamlik Psalm 19, 104 en 148. Dit vra veral hoe die lof in hierdie sogenaamde skeppingspsalms daartoe bydra om gelowiges in hulle eie konteks op te skerp om nie net die natuur te bewaar nie, maar om deur die natuur God met woord en daad te verheerlik. Omdat die ekologiese krisis ons aarde, lug en water, met ander woorde ons basiese lewensmiddele regstreeks raak, behoort aanbidders in die erediens ernstig oor hulle betrokkenheid by die ekologie te laat besin. Die verwoesting van ekologiese sisteme het ‘n regstreekse uitwerking op alle ander probleme en nood wat deur plant, mens en dier ervaar word. Die klem van Psalm 19 op die hemelruim plaas lugbesoedeling, aardverwarming en die skade aan die osoonlaag op die agenda van elke deelnemer aan die erediens. In die lofliedere in Psalm 104 en 148 is die mens deel van die kunstige skeppingsweb wat bewaar behoort te word.

  16. Om veltalenhed på folkesproget

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høgel, Christian


    Oversættelse (i samarbejde med Hanne Roer) af og kommentarer til (ved Hanne Roer) Dantes De vulgari eloquentia (Om veltalenhed på folkesproget) samt (ved Hanne Roer) oversættelse og kommentar til Dantes 13. brev til Cangrande della Scala......Oversættelse (i samarbejde med Hanne Roer) af og kommentarer til (ved Hanne Roer) Dantes De vulgari eloquentia (Om veltalenhed på folkesproget) samt (ved Hanne Roer) oversættelse og kommentar til Dantes 13. brev til Cangrande della Scala...

  17. Aqueous humor tyrosinase activity is indicative of iris melanocyte toxicity. (United States)

    Mahanty, Sarmistha; Kawali, Ankush A; Dakappa, Shruthi Shirur; Mahendradas, Padmamalini; Kurian, Mathew; Kharbanda, Varun; Shetty, Rohit; Setty, Subba Rao Gangi


    Antibiotics such as fluoroquinolones (FQLs) are commonly used to treat ocular infections but are also known to cause dermal melanocyte toxicity. The release of dispersed pigments from the iris into the aqueous humor has been considered a possible ocular side effect of the systemic administration of FQLs such as Moxifloxacin, and this condition is known as bilateral acute iris transillumination (BAIT). Bilateral acute depigmentation of iris (BADI) is a similar condition, with iris pigment released into the aqueous, but it has not been reported as a side effect of FQL. Iris pigments are synthesized by the melanogenic enzyme tyrosinase (TYR) and can be detected but not quantified by using slit-lamp biomicroscopy. The correlation between dispersed pigments in the aqueous and the extent of melanocyte toxicity due to topical antibiotics in vivo is not well studied. Here, we aimed to study the effect of topical FQLs on iris tissue, the pigment release in the aqueous humor and the development of clinically evident iris atrophic changes. We evaluated this process by measuring the activity of TYR in the aqueous humor of 82 healthy eyes undergoing cataract surgery following topical application of FQLs such as Moxifloxacin (27 eyes, preservative-free) or Ciprofloxacin (29 eyes, with preservative) or the application of non-FQL Tobramycin (26 eyes, with preservative) as a control. In addition, the patients were questioned and examined for ocular side effects in pre- and post-operative periods. Our data showed a significantly higher mean TYR activity in the aqueous humor of Ciprofloxacin-treated eyes compared to Moxifloxacin- (preservative free, p iris melanocytes. However, the reduced TYR activity in the aqueous of Moxifloxacin-treated eyes was possibly due to the presence of a higher drug concentration, which inhibits TYR activity. Consistently, immunoblotting analysis of the aqueous humor from both Ciprofloxacin- and Moxifloxacin-treated eyes showed the presence of soluble

  18. The Evaluation Of An Insourced Employee Assistance Programme

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    Rajeshree Naicker


    Werkgewers wêreldwyd toon waardering vir die toenemende behoefte aan maksimum werknemerproduktiwiteit en doeltreffendheid in ‘n globale ekonomie. In lande met arbeids- en vaardigheidstekorte, is die strategiese waarde van werknemerwerwing en -behoud krities. Werkgewers gebruik dus werkplekdienste, soos Werknemerbystandsprogramme (EAPs en ander verwante programme, om die algehele menslikehulpbronstelsels te verbeter. Maar die blote ingebruikneming van ‘n EAP is opsigself nie genoegsaam om al die bogenoemde te bereik nie. EAPs is selde suksesvol, indien dit nie korrek geïmplementeer word nie en behoort om hierdie rede geëvalueer te word ten einde hulle doeltreffendheid te demonstreer. Ten einde die bogenoemde te bereik, is die teenswoordige studie ontwerp met die oorkoepelende oogmerk om die ingekontrakteerde werknemerbystandsprogram (EAP oor ‘n periode van een jaar te evalueer in terme van impak- en effektiwiteitsbeoordeling. Die metodologie en die resultate van die studie word in die artikel aangebied.

  19. Lov om juridisk rådgivning - hvad, hvem og hvorfor?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Marie Jull


    Artiklen indeholder en diskussion af, hvilken betydning adfærdskravene i Lov om juridisk rådgivning har for rådgivernes og forbrugernes retsstilling i såvel offentligretlig som civilretlig regi.......Artiklen indeholder en diskussion af, hvilken betydning adfærdskravene i Lov om juridisk rådgivning har for rådgivernes og forbrugernes retsstilling i såvel offentligretlig som civilretlig regi....

  20. Gestionando con humor: un paso más hacia un liderazgo de excelencia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Franco Lotito Catino


    Full Text Available En toda investigación que se lleva a cabo en torno a la incidencia del humor en la gestión y administración de una empresa, los autores destacan la relevancia de este factor en los buenos resultados que obtienen aquellas empresas, cuyos líderes están en condiciones de darle un espacio y uso apropiado al humor, razón por la cual, el objetivo principal de este artículo apuntará a destacar la relevancia de este elemento en la organizaciones, avalado por el grato ambiente laboral que prima en dichas empresas, así como por las observaciones y experiencias del autor del artículo, cuyas conclusiones demuestran que el buen humor no sólo “produce” más, sino que también mantiene más sanos y contentos a los trabajadores al bajar los niveles de estrés. In every research conducted on the use of humor in the management of a company, authors emphasize the importance of this factor in the good results obtained. This article aims to highlight the importance of humor in the organizations resulting in a pleasant working atmosphere. The author’s observation and experiences are also included. Conclusions show that humor not only results in higher e ciency but also in happier and healthier workers by lowering stress levels.

  1. Dark Humor in Sula%《秀拉》与黑色幽默

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    Dark humor is defined as a stylistic feature with irony at its core. The weapon for the powerless, dark humor always targets those in power. In Sula, Toni Morrison employs irony to satirize African American stereotypes established by racism and sexism. To survive, African Americans ann themselves with humor. Humor implies hope. The (dark) humor in Sula brings spiritual comfort to the victims of racism and sexism, strengthens the Bottom, the black community, challenges the grand narrative of the U.S. history, and proves an essential component of American humor.%黑色幽默是一种文体,反讽是其常用的技巧。黑色幽默是草根的武器,权势是黑色幽默的靶子。在《秀拉》中,莫里森采用反讽,嘲讽种族主义者设定的美国黑人刻板形象,条分缕析地抨击种族歧视和性别歧视。哪里有幽默,哪里就有希望。幽默不但令黑人取得了精神上的胜利,而且挑战美国官方历史的宏大叙事,更为美国幽默增添了多元视角。

  2. Humor in advertising: a review on use of television radio and print advertising media


    S, venkatesh; N, senthilkumar


    Television advertising is a most common commercial activity used in advertising medium. Humor in advertising contains an important aspect on changing attitude of the consumer, improves buying behavior and creates new patterns for buying any goods and services. Humor in television advertising is the effective and convenient way to attract the any consumers because they are emotional based content and makes the consumer to special for satisfaction. Compared to all emotions humor advertising is ...

  3. Illusioner om fri vilje. Neurovidenskabelige studier af fri vilje

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Borg Kjerkegaard, Jonas; Bærentsen, Klaus B.


    En central antagelse for både filosofiske og folkepsykologiske begreber om fri vilje er, at bevidste processer, beslutninger og intentioner kan have effekt på ens handlinger. Eksperimenter udført af Benjamin Libet og andre er blevet hævdet at modbevise dette, hvorved fri vilje skulle være umulig...... at foretrække det ene frem for det andet. Eksperimenternes resultater er derfor uden betydning for spørgsmålet om fri vilje. Beslutningen om at deltage i eksperimenterne, og følge de eksperimentelle instrukser har betydning for deltagerne, og den fremlagte empiri viser, at deltagernes bevidste intentioner er...... kausalt effektive i forhold til de efterfølgende handlinger. Den "ubevidste" måde valgene træffes på i eksperimentalsituationen er en opfyldelse af de eksperimentelle instrukser. Eksperimenterne af Libet og efterfølgere viser sig alt i alt ikke at modbevise fri vilje. Analysen af eksperimenterne peger på...

  4. Developing Pre-Service English Language Teachers' Comprehension of Texts with Humorous Elements (United States)

    Yangin Ersanli, Ceylan; Çakir, Abdulvahit


    Humour is a universal phenomenon and has been studied in many fields of research such as literature, linguistics, psychology, sociology and philosophy. Humour is often expressed through language and it is little wonder that failure to understand humorous language causes breakdowns in communication. What is humorous might be culturally defined, and…

  5. It's in the way that you use it: attachment and the dyadic nature of humor during conflict negotiation in romantic couples. (United States)

    Winterheld, Heike A; Simpson, Jeffry A; Oriña, M Minda


    In a behavioral observation study with dating couples, we examined (a) how attachment orientations predict humor use and (b) how people respond to their partners' use of humor. Couples were videotaped while trying to resolve a relationship conflict. Each discussion was rated on several theoretically relevant dimensions. Highly avoidant individuals used more aggressive humor and less affiliative humor during their discussions, whereas highly anxious individuals used more self-defeating humor. Individuals also tailored their humor use to partners who were highly anxious and distressed. Aggressive humor was received more negatively by partners who sought more care. Affiliative humor was favorably received, especially when partners were more distressed, whereas self-defeating humor elicited negative responses from highly distressed partners. Both highly anxious and avoidant individuals reacted unfavorably when they were the recipients of the humor styles they used most often. The implications of these results for our understanding of relationships and humor are discussed.

  6. Antologi om Visuelle Felt-& Analyse Metoder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lundberg, Pia

    andet baseret på det poetiske princip, af Edgar Allan Poe, som blev udgivet posthumt i 1850. Derudover anvendes antropologerne Victor Turner & Edward Bruners teoretiske arbejder om forskellige kulturæstetiske fænomener og udtryk (fx Bruner 1986). Sidst men ikke mindst anvendes de kulturvidenskabelige...

  7. Vitreous Humor Changes Expression of Iron-Handling Proteins in Lens Epithelial Cells (United States)

    Goralska, Malgorzata; Fleisher, Lloyd N.; McGahan, M. Christine


    Purpose In humans, vitrectomy is associated with development of nuclear cataracts. Iron catalyzes free radical formation causing oxidative damage, which is implicated in cataract formation. This study was designed to determine if vitreous humor, which can initiate differentiation of lens epithelial cells, would have an effect on iron-handling proteins. Methods Cultured canine lens epithelial cells were treated with collected canine vitreous humor. Lysates of treated and control cells were separated by SDS-PAGE. Ferritin H- and L-chains, transferrin receptor 1, and aquaporin 0 were immunodetected and quantitated with specific antibodies. Morphologic changes in treated cells were assessed. Results Treatment of lens epithelial cells with a 33% (vol/vol) solution of vitreous humor changed the morphology of lens cells and induced expression of aquaporin 0, a marker of fiber cell differentiation that was undetectable in control cells. Treatment did not modify the size of iron-handling proteins but significantly increased content of ferritin from 2.9- to 8.8-fold over control and decreased levels of transferrin receptor by 37% to 59%. Conclusions Vitreous humor may significantly limit iron uptake by transferrin/transferrin receptor pathway, and by increasing ferritin levels could profoundly increase the iron-storage capacity of ferritin in lens cells. Vitreous humor may play a significant protective role against iron-catalyzed oxidative damage of lens epithelial cells and therefore in the formation of cataracts. PMID:28245299

  8. Professorer, studenter og Om velfærdsstatens universitetspolitik 1950-1975

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Else

    og universiteternes bærende ideer om akademisk frihed. Professorerne repræsenterede universiteterne i de udvalg under Undervisningsministeriet, hvor linjerne for den fremtidige universitetspolitik blev diskuteret. De varetog de lærdomsmæssige interesser. Studenterne deltog efterhånden også i...... universiteterne kunne styrke de generelle udviklingstræk i den fremvoksende velfærdsstat. Polit.ernes påvirkning af universitetspolitikken skete diskret, men fik alligevel store konsekvenser. Bogen giver et grundigt indblik i, hvordan overordnede strømninger i velfærdsstaten blev bestemmende for udformningen af......"Professorer, studenter og Om velfærdsstatens universitetspolitik 1950-1975" undersøger magtkampene om de danske universiteter i perioden fra 1950'ernes begyndelse til midt i 1970'erne. Det var kampe, som udspillede sig mellem den fremvoksende velfærdsstats idealer om lighed og demokrati...

  9. Inventarisatie van mogelijke effecten van kribverlaging in de Waal op de beroepsvisserij

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Winter, H.V.


    Om de hoogwaterveiligheid van het rivierengebied te vergroten is het doel van Rijkswaterstaat om eind 2015 ca. 500 kribben in de Waal verlaagd te hebben en daarnaast langsdammen aangelegd te hebben tussen Wamel en Ophemert. In deze korte deskstudie wordt een inventarisatie gemaakt van mogelijke

  10. Fragrance allergens in scented consumer products on the Dutch market : Assessment of exposure levels and immune effects

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ezendam J; ter Burg W; Vermeulen JP; Wijnhoven SWP; van Engelen J; GBO; vgc


    Het RIVM is gevraagd te onderzoeken of consumenten die geurproducten als luchtverfrissers en kamerparfums gebruiken het risico lopen op luchtwegallergieën, zoals astma. Momenteel zijn er echter geen valide methoden beschikbaar om dit gezondheidsrisico in te schatten. Om toch iets over risico's te

  11. Bepaling van de optredende temperaturen bij tunnelcompostering van geitenmest

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Melse, R.W.; Sauvage, de G.J.; Roest, H.I.J.


    Het doel van het project is om inzicht te krijgen in de composteerbaarheid van geitenmest en het hiermee samenhangende temperatuursverloop . Bepaald dient te worden welke temperaturen tijdens het composteren van geitenmest worden bereikt om op basis daarvan een inschatting te kunnen maken van de

  12. Hvad Danmark skal forstå om Rigsfællesskabet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gad, Ulrik Pram


    Mere fokus på Arktis. Det er et af hovedbudskaberne i den længe ventede Taksøe-rapport om dansk diplomati og forsvar. Men fordi rapportens analyse er for konfliktsky, forspilder den en chance for at fremtidssikre Rigsfællesskabet.......Mere fokus på Arktis. Det er et af hovedbudskaberne i den længe ventede Taksøe-rapport om dansk diplomati og forsvar. Men fordi rapportens analyse er for konfliktsky, forspilder den en chance for at fremtidssikre Rigsfællesskabet....

  13. Hydrothermal Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance of Manganese Oxide (Na-OMS-2) Nanorods. (United States)

    Zhang, Qing; Xu, Shan; Zheng, Hao; Luo, Zhaohui; Liu, Kang; Wang, Wei; Li, Guohua; Wang, Shiquan; Liu, Jianwen; Feng, Chuanqi


    Sodium octahedral molecular sieve nanorods (Na-OMS-2) were prepared through a facile hydrothermal method. The effects of reaction temperature and duration on particle sizes of the products were investigated. The electrochemical performance of samples was studied by constant current charge–discharge tests as cathode material for Li-ion batteries (LIBs). The initial discharge capacity of Na-OMS-2 is 123.4 mAh g−1 and the capacity retention was 123.9 mAh g−1 after 100 cycles. The result demonstrates that Na-OMS-2 cathode material behaves a good cycling stability.

  14. Laugh Away the Fat? Therapeutic Humor in the Control of Stress-induced Emotional Eating

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elizabeth S. Bast


    Full Text Available This review explores the potential overlap between the fields of nutrition and therapeutic humor, together with the role of humor as a possible tool for aiding those in whom emotions, particularly negative ones, trigger eating as a means to improve mood. We review emotional eating, obesity, and the hypothesized mechanisms of emotional eating. We then review the field of therapeutic humor and its ability to de-stress individuals, possibly through endorphin and opioid systems, both of which are also involved in eating behavior. Finally, we present a novel hypothesis that people may be trained to use humor as a “food substitute” at best, or to blunt hunger stimuli, to achieve similar advantages, without the side effect of weight gain.

  15. Laugh Away the Fat? Therapeutic Humor in the Control of Stress-induced Emotional Eating (United States)

    Bast, Elizabeth S.; Berry, Elliot M.


    This review explores the potential overlap between the fields of nutrition and therapeutic humor, together with the role of humor as a possible tool for aiding those in whom emotions, particularly negative ones, trigger eating as a means to improve mood. We review emotional eating, obesity, and the hypothesized mechanisms of emotional eating. We then review the field of therapeutic humor and its ability to de-stress individuals, possibly through endorphin and opioid systems, both of which are also involved in eating behavior. Finally, we present a novel hypothesis that people may be trained to use humor as a “food substitute” at best, or to blunt hunger stimuli, to achieve similar advantages, without the side effect of weight gain. PMID:24498514

  16. Semblanzas deportivas: humor, deporte y terror en Fontanarrosa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristian Palacios


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza el uso del humor negro del caricaturista Fontanarrosa en su serie Semblanzas Deportivas, definiendo, a la vez que deslindando, lo humorístico y lo cómico. Se aborda también el lugar que ocupa la obra de Fontanarrosa en la cultura popular, en donde destacan sobre todo temas deportivos como: fútbol, boxeo, atletismo y lucha libre. Se observa el uso de la literatura borgeana en Fontanarrosa y cómo, a partir de la exageración en imágenes de los rasgos de sus personajes, se consigue elaborar una crítica sin que sea necesario recurrir a la abierta oposición.

  17. La grata dominación del humor publicitario

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lic. Elena del Carmen Pérez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se propone dar cuenta de las estrategias con que el humor hace emerger, en el contexto general de los discursos, aquellos fragmentos omitidos por el decir oficial. Por su naturaleza de articulador ideológico, el texto publicitario (como todo texto remite a lo ya dicho en un estado dado de sociedad. En este sentido, resulta interesante observar qué fragmentos del discurso social recoge la publicidad humorística, con qué retórica los hace risibles y quiénes son aquellos sobre los que recae la risa. Se comentan avisos que son emitidos actualmente por canales de cable o aire en la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina.

  18. [Application of Mixed-effect Model in PMI Estimation by Vitreous Humor]. (United States)

    Yang, M Z; Li, H J; Zhang, T Y; Ding, Z J; Wu, S F; Qiu, X G; Liu, Q


    To test the changes of the potassium (K⁺) and magnesium (Mg²⁺) concentrations in vitreous humor of rabbits along with postmortem interval (PMI) under different temperatures, and explore the feasibility of PMI estimation using mixed-effect model. After sacrifice, rabbit carcasses were preserved at 5 ℃, 15 ℃, 25 ℃ and 35 ℃, and 80-100 μL of vitreous humor was collected by the double-eye alternating micro-sampling method at every 12 h. The concentrations of K⁺ and Mg²⁺ in vitreous humor were measured by a biochemical-immune analyser. The mixed-effect model was used to perform analysis and fitting, and established the equations for PMI estimation. The data detected from the samples that were stoned at 10 ℃, 20 ℃ and 30 ℃ with 20, 40 and 65 h were used to validate the equations of PMI estimation. The concentrations of K⁺ and Mg²⁺ [f( x , y )] in vitreous humor of rabbits under different temperature increased along with PMI ( x ). The relative equations of K⁺ and Mg²⁺ concentration with PMI and temperature under 5 ℃~35 ℃ were f K⁺ ( x , y )=3.413 0+0.309 2 x +0.337 6 y +0.010 83 xy -0.002 47 x ² ( P PMI estimation by K⁺ and Mg²⁺ was in 10 h when PMI was between 0 to 40 h, and the time of deviation was in 21 h when PMI was between 40 to 65 h. the ambient temperature range of 5 ℃-35 ℃, the mixed-effect model based on temperature and vitreous humor substance concentrations can provide a new method for the practical application of vitreous humor chemicals for PMI estimation. Copyright© by the Editorial Department of Journal of Forensic Medicine.

  19. Disrupt mig vel: Fire gode råd om disruption

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rydén, Pernille; Ringberg, Torsten; Østergaard Jacobsen, Per


    Forandring. Ønsket om at være teknologisk foran, kommer ofte til at ske på bekostning af fokus på kundernes oplevelser. Lighedstegnet mellem disruption og ny teknologi er kun den halve sandhed.......Forandring. Ønsket om at være teknologisk foran, kommer ofte til at ske på bekostning af fokus på kundernes oplevelser. Lighedstegnet mellem disruption og ny teknologi er kun den halve sandhed....

  20. Børn med ADHD skaber øget konflikt om morgenen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lange, Anne-Mette


    Dækning af ny forskning fra videnskabelige præsentationer på den femte Internationale ADHD Congress i Vancouver, 2017.ækning af ny forskning fra videnskabelige præsentationer på den femte Internationale ADHD Congress i Vancouver, 2017.