
Sample records for hueso maxilar superior

  1. Carga inmediata con implantes en maxilar superior Immediate loading of implants in the maxilla

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    F. Monje Gil


    Full Text Available La carga inmediata en la mandíbula se ha incorporado a la práctica clínica en primer lugar y, por las características del hueso, se realiza de forma protocolizada. Sin embargo, en el maxilar superior no hay evidencia científica para realizarlo de forma cotidiana. Las razones son debidas a que el maxilar superior, en general, alberga una masa ósea de menor densidad. Por otro lado, en el maxilar superior pueden coexistir diferentes densidades óseas (según la clasificación de Misch en el mismo individuo. Además, por las características anatómicas del maxilar superior (reabsorción labiopalatina el alineamiento axial es asumible pero, sin embargo, el paralelismo de los implantes es difícil.16,17 El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar la información científica de la que disponemos para confirmar si es posible la carga inmediata sobre el maxilar superior. Para ello estudiaremos varios aspectos de la carga inmediata en el maxilar superior: • Sobredentaduras • Prótesis fija completa • Prótesis parcial fija • Prótesis unitaria fija • Requerimientos protésicos • ContraindicacionesImmediate loading in the mandible has been introduced into clinical practice taking first place and, and because of the characteristics of the bone, this is carried out following a protocol. However, in the maxilla there is no scientific evidence for routinely carrying this out. This is because the maxilla, in general, has a lower bone mass density. Moreover, in the maxilla various densities may coexist (according to Misch’s classification in the same individual. In addition, given the anatomic characteristics of the maxilla (lip and palate resorption, axial alignment can be carried out, but implant parallelism is difficult.16,17 The aim of this paper is to analyze the scientific information that we have at our disposal in order to confirm whether immediate loading in the maxilla is possible. For this we will study various aspects of

  2. Osteonecrosis de los maxilares y bifosfonatos : revisión


    Bongiovanni, Isabel


    La osteonecrosis de los maxilares es la necrosis y exposición del hueso de la mandíbula y el maxilar, asociada al consumo de bifosfonatos. Estos son una familia de drogas que se utiliza en el tratamiento de alteraciones óseas causadas principalmente por tumores malignos (mama y próstata) y osteoporosis. No existe irradiación previa. El hueso macroscópicamente se ve sucio avascular. El objetivo de este artículo es profundizar el conoc...

  3. Metástasis en hueso maxilar superior de adenocarcinoma de esófago: presentación de un caso clínico


    Sánchez Jiménez, Juan; Acebal Blanco, Faustino; Arévalo Arévalo, Rafael; Molina Martínez, Manuel


    Las metástasis en cavidad oral son lesiones raras que representan aproximadamente el 1% de todas las neoplasias malignas de cavidad oral. Las metástasis orales se localizan en un 80-90% en mandíbula, siendo mas raras en maxilar superior. Las metástasis en tejidos blandos de boca son raras, y es encía donde con mayor frecuencia se localizan las metástasis en tejidos blandos en boca. Los tumores primarios que metastatizan a boca son los más frecuentes pulmón, mama y riñón. ...



    Martí Pagès, Carles


    Se realiza un estudio clínico en el lnstituto de Cirugía Maxilofacial e Implantologia tras pasar el comité ético del Centro Medica Teknon. Es un estudio randomizado, controlado utilizando un diseño tipo "split mouth" en el cual cada paciente sirve de propio control. SE realiza a 5 pacientes, con atrofia posterior del maxilar superior sin posibilidad de instalar implantes fueron tratados con reconstrucción mediante la técnica de elevación sinusal bilateral, rellenando un sena con Bio-as...

  5. Dientes supernumerarios en el maxilar superior

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    Delvis Paez Delgado


    Full Text Available Se describe el caso clínico de un niño de 10 años de edad, atendido en la consulta de atención integral de la Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente de Santiago de Cuba, quien presentaba 2 dientes supernumerarios en el maxilar, detectados mediante la radiografía panorámica antes de comenzar el tratamiento ortodóncico. Se indicó la extracción quirúrgica y se observó el aspecto conoide que comúnmente presentan dichos dientes. El seguimiento clínico posterior reveló la ausencia de alteraciones en las estructuras anatómicas y una correcta cicatrización de los tejidos blandos.

  6. Núcleos de concepto en el estudio de la fosa pterigomaxilar : Enfoque pedagógico


    Arcamone, M. L.; Corrado, Mariana; Lemus Larralde, G.; Soler, M.; Coscarelli, Leonardo; Hijano, Julio César


    La fosa pterigomaxilar constituye una de las cavidades comunes a la cara y el cráneo. Tiene forma de una pirámide cuadrangular, de base superior y vértice inferior. Se encuentra ubicada entre la apófisis pterigoides del hueso esfenoides por detrás, la cara posterior de la tuberosidad del maxilar superior hacia adelante, y la porción horizontal del ala mayor del esfenoides y parte de la escama del hueso temporal hacia arriba. Su trasfondo, solo descrito por algunos autores, está limitado hacia...

  7. Análisis de crecimiento maxilar tras cirugía en paladar hendido no sindrómico

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    M. Carmen Navas-Aparicio

    Full Text Available Antecedentes y Objetivos. La finalidad del cierre de la hendidura palatina es el restablecimiento de la continuidad anatómica entre la cavidad oral y la nasal para conseguir una correcta fonación y un crecimiento maxilofacial normal. El propósito de este estudio es determinar si existe un crecimiento maxilar deficiente, en sentido ántero-posterior y transversal, entre los niños nacidos en el año 2003 con hendidura palatina aislada no sindrómica atendidos en el Hospital Nacional de Niños "Dr. Carlos Sáenz Herrera" de San José, Costa Rica. Material y Método. Desarrollamos una investigación de tipo transversal, descriptiva e intervencional, basada en datos de registros médicos y registros actuales (radiografía cefalométrica y modelo de estudio del maxilar. El grupo de estudio constó de 5 pacientes. Las técnicas estadísticas utilizadas fueron las distribuciones de frecuencia, cruce de variables y comparación de medias con base en el análisis de variancia. El nivel mínimo de confianza para las comparaciones fue del 95%. Resultados. El promedio de edad de ejecución de la cirugía primaria del paladar fue de 17 meses. La asimetría transversal del arco maxilar predominó en este estudio. Encontramos también una correlación positiva, alta y estadísticamente significativa, entre la diferencia de la posición ántero-posterior del maxilar con respecto a la mandíbula. Conclusiones. Comprobamos una asimetría transversal del arco maxilar que podría ser influenciada por el proceso de cicatrización secundaria del paladar ante un hueso denudado quirúrgicamente. La relación ántero-posterior no estuvo afectada. Recomendamos realizar un estudio a diferentes edades del niño, ya que la relación ántero-posterior puede manifestarse tardíamente como una condición determinada genéticamente.

  8. Fibroma, consecuencia del trauma crónico: Reporte de casos clínicos


    Pereyra, L.; Gorosito, C.; Vera, Y.


    La cavidad oral, siendo la porción facial del tuvo digestivo, es un entidad absolutamente dinámica en la cual se ven involucradas distintas estructuras como lo son; un gran sistema muscular, piezas dentarias, el maxilar superior y el maxilar inferior con la característica que lo diferencia del resto por ser el único hueso móvil de la cara. De esta forma, la boca está involucrada en distintas funciones vitales para la supervivencia del ser humano, como la masticación y la fonación. La falta de...

  9. Alternativas a la elevación de seno maxilar: rehabilitación del sector posterior del maxilar atrófico mediante implantes pterigoideos Alternatives to maxillary sinus lift: posterior area of the atrophic maxilla rehabilitation by means pterigoideal implants

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    X. Rodríguez-Ciurana


    Full Text Available El primer y segundo molar son los dientes que se pierden más a menudo debido a la enfermedad periodontal y al exceso de fuerzas oclusales. A pesar de la frecuencia del edentulismo parcial del sector posterior raramente se ubican los implantes más allá de los premolares debido al aumento del índice de fallos. El escaso volumen óseo y la pobre mineralización del sector posterior del maxilar comprometen la viabilidad de las rehabilitaciones con implantes a largo plazo. Además, la cresta ósea a nivel del seno maxilar, en el maxilar atrófico, no suele permitir el anclaje de implantes de 10 mm. Se han propuesto varias técnicas para rehabilitar el sector posterior del maxilar atrófico: implantes cortos, extensiones protésicas, injerto sinusal, implante cigomático. El implante pterigoideo es otro de los posibles tratamientos para rehabilitar el sector posterior del maxilar atrófico. Anclado en el hueso cortical de la apófisis del esfenoides el implante pterigoideo evita la necesidad de injertar o utilizar extensiones protésicas. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las indicaciones, la técnica, complicaciones y supervivencia del implante pterigoideo en el sector posterior del maxilar atrófico.The first and second molar are the teeth most commonly lost in the maxilla, mainly due to periodontal disease and excessive occlusal force. 1 Although partial edentulism of the posterior maxilla is common, implants are seldom placed distal to the premolars because failure rates in the posterior maxilla have historically been high. Poor volume and low density of bone are the worst conditions for long-term anchorage in the maxilla. 7 Moreover, bone under the maxillary sinus, in the atrophic maxilla, is usually insufficient to enable placement of 10 mm implants. Several techniques have been proposed to restore the atrophic posterior maxilla: short implants, prosthetic cantilevers, sinus bone graft, zigomatic fixtures. Pterygoid implants are

  10. Osteonecrosis de los maxilares asociada a denosumab en una paciente con osteoporosis: un caso clínico

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    Blas Garcia Garcia


    Full Text Available Desde la comercialización de fármacos que actúan sobre el remodelado óseo se han registrado numerosos casos de osteonecrosis de los maxilares (ONM, pero hasta hace poco solo se habían descrito casos de ONM asociados a la administración de bifosfonatos. Con la introducción de nuevos agentes antirresortivos han aparecido varios casos de ONM asociados a denosumab. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 84 años con osteoporosis, que presentó osteonecrosis mandibular tras la colocación de 6 implantes 5 meses después de la administración de denosumab. Una ortopantomografía y una TC mostraron pérdida ósea de la cresta mandibular y exposición ósea periimplantar. Tras el tratamiento conservador con antibióticos y la suspensión de denosumab, se inició el tratamiento con teriparatida reduciéndose la infección del hueso necrótico y se observó nueva remodelación ósea. La patogénesis de la ONM por denosumab no está claramente definida, pero parece que la tasa del éxito de curación es superior a la ONM por bifosfonatos.

  11. Estudio cefalométrico del hueso hioides en niños respiradores bucales de 11 años.: Segunda parte

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    Dariel Carulla Martínez


    Full Text Available Se realizó una correlación entre el comportamiento de la posición del hioides con el crecimiento del maxilar y de la mandíbula, los ángulos cérvico-basio-hioideo y el espacio aéreo póstero-inferior, desde el punto de vista cefalométrico, a un grupo de pacientes respiradores bucales. Se analizaron las historias clínicas de 60 pacientes, de 11 años de edad, que acudieron a la consulta de Ortodoncia en el área de salud de la Facultad de Estomatología. Se utilizaron matrices de coeficiente de correlación lineal de Pearson, para evaluar la posición del hioides con respecto a dichas variables. Se encontró descenso del hueso, y relaciones significativas con las variables que reflejan el crecimiento maxilar y mandibular, así como la posición de la columna vertebral (segmento cervical y de la cabeza, además del espacio aéreo posterior de la faringe, con un nivel de significación del 5 %.

  12. Nueva clasificación de las fracturas de trazo unilateral del tercio medio facial

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    Francisco Avello


    Full Text Available Las fracturas de trazo unilateral del tercio medio facial son las más frecuentes de las fracturas del macizo óseo-facial, en general. Dentro de estas, son las que afectan al maxilar superior y al malar las de mayor incidencia. Se producen como consecuencia de traumatismos severos, siendo la determinación de este tipo de fractura, por edad, sexo y agente causal importante para su manejo. Se pueden presentar en forma combinada con otro tipo de fractura facial. Tienen una mayor incidencia en el sexo masculino, afectando mayormente a individuos entre 20 y 40 años de edad. Los accidentes de tránsito y las agresiones por robo son las principales causas. El tercio medio del macizo óseo-facial está conformado por un complejo de huesos unidos unos a otros, dentro de los que tenemos principalmente a los maxilares superiores, huesos propios nasales, malares y temporales. Razón por la que se ha querido elaborar una clasificación, que incluya las estructuras óseas mencionadas, que a la vez sea comprensible y de fácil aplicación.

  13. Quistes de los maxilares

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    Ivan Alberto Manotas Arevalo


    Full Text Available Los Grandes Quistes de los Maxilares han estado vinculados siempre a la humanidad, desde tiempos remotos, pues han sido halladas en restos de especimenes fosiles, han llamado la atencion de los clínicos, en torno a su etiologia, en la que se ha introducido la participacion de la genetica, (demostrada en el desarrollo de los queratoquistes maxilares, la fisiopatologia, caracteristicas histologicas (inmunohistoquimica, posibilidades diagnosticas por la imagen, (como la tomografia computarizada y la resonancia nuclear magnetica y otras pruebas. Además llaman la atención al estudio, por sus alternativas de manejo especialmente las formas radicales, y el analisis de asociaciones a otras patolo-gias benignas y malignas, y de la recurrencia muy alto de algunas de estas lesiones. Mucho se ha desarrollado para elucidar su naturaleza real, estadificar adecuadamente la lesion descartando asocia-ciones patologicas sindromicas, indicar un tratamiento apropiado, y realizar seguimientos a largo plazo. Este articulo pretende recaudar una information general que de parametros para abordar el estudio de los quistes maxilares a partir de la presentacion de un caso clinico.

  14. Granuloma gigantocelular central del maxilar inferior: Presentación de un caso pediátrico Giant cell granuloma of the lower jaw: Description of a pediatric case

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    S A Grees


    Full Text Available El granuloma gigantocelular central (GGCC, es una lesión tumoral o seudotumoral, infrecuente de los huesos de la cabeza y cuello, que afecta más frecuentemente los maxilares. Su etiología y patogenia son poco conocidas, sus características histológicas son benignas y su comportamiento biológico puede ser agresivo localmente. Presentamos el caso de un niño de 6 años con esta afección y realizamos una revisión de la entidad y sus diagnósticos diferenciales con otras lesiones de los maxilares.Giant Cell Granuloma (GCG is an uncommon condition affecting the bones of the head and neck. The ethiology and pathophysiology are not completely understood. The histlogic characteristics of GCG are benign, but its biologic behavior could locally aggressive. We describe the case of a 6 year-old boy with GCG and performed a review of the entity ant their differential diagnosis with other lesions of the maxillary bones.

  15. Alternativas a la elevación de seno maxilar: implantes cortos Alternatives to maxillary sinus elevation: short implants

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    J. González Lagunas


    Full Text Available La mala calidad del hueso, reabsorciones extremas y la presencia de la cavidad del seno maxilar constituían obstáculos insalvables para la rehabilitación implanto-soportada en el sector posterior del maxilar atrófico. La elevación de seno es probablemente la primera opción de tratamiento en el paciente tributario de rehabilitación con implantes en ese sector. El uso de implantes cortos (menos de 10 mm se ha asociado tradicionalmente con unas tasas de supervivencia menores que la de los implantes largos. No obstante la aparición de nuevas superficies y diseños indican que este tipo de implantes puede soportar de forma fiable restauraciones dentales. Presentamos la técnica de instalación de implantes de superficie porosa sinterizada, asi como una revisión actualizada sobre el comportamiento de los implantes cortos.Poor bone quality, extreme bony resorption and a pneumatized mqxillary sinus are a severe Challenger for reconstruction of the atrophic edentuous posterior maxilla. Sinus lift is probably the gold standard for Management of that area. Short implants (<10mm have traditionally been associated with lower survival rates. The introduction of new surfaces and designs indicate that this type of implants can adequately support dental restorations. We present the technique of installation of sinterised porous dental implants together with an update on the behaviour of short implants.

  16. A CASE REPORT OF QUADRANGULAR INCA BONE. Un caso de hueso cuadrangular inca.

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    Poonam Verma


    Full Text Available Los huesos wormianos son estructuras osificadas que se encuentran dentro de las suturas. En frecuencia que varían extensamente entre grupos étnicos diferentes hay más predominio entre mujeres. En el presente estudio reportamos el caso de un verdadero hueso cuadrangular interparietal o hueso inca en el cráneo humano adulto. Los huesos de wormian interparietal o los huesos epactal se diferencian de los huesos suturales sobre la base de su posición. Los huesos wormianos interparietales están localizados dentro de la región interparietal, mientras los huesos suturales son formados a partir de centros de osificación adicionales que pueden ocurrir en o cerca de las suturas. La osificación inadecuada de la región interparietal lleva a la formación de los huesos wormianos. Ellos también pueden estar relacionados con factores genéticos. El hueso interparietal es formado por la separación del segmento intermedio del plato lateral por la sutura occipital transversa, por lo tanto este hueso es formado por las placas intermedias y laterales que pueden ser únicas o múltiples. La localización de tales huesos está, sobre todo, en la parte central superior de la región interparietal. La ocurrencia de la variable del inca es rara es seres humanos. El conocimiento del hueso del inca puede ser útil a las clínicas, disciplinas de la neurocirugía, ortopedia, antropología, radiología y para los expertos forenses. Wormian bones are ossified structures that are found within the sutures. Incidence of which varies widely among different ethnic groups with more prevalence among females. In the present study we hereby report a case of single true quadrangular interparietal or inca bone in adult human skull. Wormian interparietal bones or epactal bones differ from the sutural bones on the basis of their location. The wormian interparietal bones are located within the interparietal region, while the sutural bones are formed from additional

  17. Cáncer de hueso temporal


    Esborrat, Luciano Martín


    El cáncer de hueso temporal es una afección muy poco frecuente, siendo su incidencia aproximadamente 1 entre 15.000 oídos patológicos. Es importante aclarar que el término cáncer de hueso temporal se refiere a los procesos neoplásicos malignos de conducto auditivo externo, oído medio y peñasco, excluyendo los cánceres de pabellón auricular, que constituyen el 80% de los cánceres de oído. El término cáncer de oído abarca pues tanto los cánceres de pabellón como los de hueso temporal...

  18. Regeneración ósea en el seno maxilar


    Almeida, Jéssica Cristina de; Frascino, Alexandre Viana M


    Resumen:El uso de biomateriales para elevar el piso del seno maxilar permite la instalación de implantes de metal y la rehabilitación estética y funcional de los pacientes con pérdida de dientes en sus maxilares. Actualmente existen diferentes biomateriales que pueden utilizarse en estos procedimientos con diferentes propiedades osteoinductivas y osteoconductivas. Es fundamental para el odontólogo conocer profundamente cada unode los biomateriales para precisar correctamente el tratamiento. E...

  19. El «Tensor»: un nuevo tipo de hueso utilizado en el Solutrense y Magdaleniense asturianos




    Como es bien conocido por los estudiosos del Paleolítico superior cantábrico, es un hecho frecuente encontrar en numerosos yacimientos una industria de hueso o asta constituida por útiles más o menos típicos pero siempre muy elaborados, y en la que es directamente perceptible, en la mayoría de los casos, la vinculación entre la forma del objeto y el fin técnico que ha presidido su elaboración, y juntamente con ella un acervo mucho más numeroso de restos óseos diversos o huesos utilizados, tro...

  20. Mecanobiología de la interfase hueso-implante dental

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    Juan Carlos Vanegas Acosta


    Full Text Available La osteointegración es la conexión estructural y funcional entre el hueso y un implante. Cuando un implante se inserta en el hueso, se crea la denominada interfase hueso-implante, una zona de unión entre la superficie del biomaterial del implante y el hueso circundante. La cicatrización de esta interfase depende de las condiciones biológicas del hueso, las características de diseño del implante y la distribución de cargas entre hueso e implante. En este artículo se hace una revisión del proceso de cicatrización de la interfase hueso-implante para el caso de un implante dental. El objetivo es describir la secuencia de eventos biológicos iniciados con la lesión causada por la inserción del implante y que concluyen con la formación de nuevo hueso en la interfase. Esta descripción incluye una novedosa clasificación de los fenómenos mecánicos que intervienen durante el proceso de cicatrización de los tejidos lesionados. Esta descripción mecanobiológica de la interfase hueso-implante dental se utiliza para determinar las características más relevantes a tener en cuenta en la formulación de un modelo matemático de la osteointegración de implantes dentales.

  1. Hipodoncia y hueso navicular accesorio: una interesante asociación sindrómica

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    Mario Cantín


    Full Text Available Los dientes se desarrollan a partir de múltiples interacciones recíprocas entre células del epitelio oral y el ectomesénquima. Una serie de genes participan en el desarrollo del diente, así como de otros órganos y miembros superiores e inferiores. PAX9, miembro de la familia de factores de transcripción, es uno de los principales responsables de este desarrollo, y juega un rol fundamental en la hipodoncia dental y malformaciones en los huesos del miembro inferior. El objetivo de este reporte es presentar un caso de asociación entre hipodoncia y el hueso navicular accesorio. Se trata de una paciente de 18 años de edad, que acude a la consulta dental por dolor agudo en la pieza dentaria 3.6 y dolor de 9 meses de evolución en la cara interna del pie izquierdo. Al examen radiográfico, se observó ausencia de las piezas dentarias 1.7, 2.7, 2.8, 3.8 y 4.8, además en el pie izquierdo se vio la presencia de un hueso navicular accesorio. Es interesante proponer esta rara asociación, de clara herencia autosómica dominante, dado que la agenesia dental y la presencia del hueso navicular accesorio, poseen una prevalencia semejante, lo que hace que pueda existir una nueva asociación sindrómica probablemente relacionada con la ausencia de PAX9.

  2. Quiste óseo simple atípico: Presentación de un caso clínico Atypical Simple Bone Cyst: A Case Report

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    L.R González


    Full Text Available El quiste óseo simple (sinonimia quiste óseo traumático, quiste óseo solitario, quiste óseo hemorrágico es un pseudoquiste intraóseo desprovisto de recubrimiento epitelial con un contenido seroso y/o hemático que en ocasiones puede estar ausente. Es una patología poco frecuente que afecta a los huesos maxilares con predilección por el maxilar inferior. El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar un caso de quiste óseo simple en maxilar inferior que difiere de los habitualmente encontrados en los huesos maxilares en cuanto a su presentación clínica, radiográfica e histopatológica.The simple bone cyst (reported in the literature as traumatic bone cyst, solitary bone cyst, hemorrhagic bone cyst is an intraosseous pseudocyst devoid of epithelial lining and filled with serous and/or hematic fluid that may also be lacking. Is a an uncommon condition that usually affects the jaws, with predilection for the lower jaw. The aim of the present work was to report a case of traumatic bone cyst of the jaw that differs from other maxillary bone cysts in its clinical, radiologic, and histologic presentation.

  3. Carcinoma primario intraóseo

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    Susana Szlabi


    Full Text Available El carcinoma primario intraóseo (PIOC es un tumor poco frecuente, definido como carcinoma escamoso que se desarrolla en huesos maxilares, no teniendo conexión inicial con mucosa ni piel adyacente. Es localmente agresivo, con una incidencia de metástasis en ganglios regionales del 28% y en pulmón del 5%, en el momento del diagnóstico. Su origen puede ser de novo o a partir de otros tumores odontogénicos. Los huesos maxilares son los únicos que tienen en su interior tejidos epiteliales, por lo cual esta neoplasia se localiza exclusivamente en este sitio, predominantemente en la mandíbula. Los criterios diagnósticos del PIOC incluyen: histopatología de carcinoma escamocelular, ausencia de compromiso de mucosa oral y senos paranasales, descartando metástasis de un sitio distante en base a estudios clínicos y métodos complementarios. El tratamiento de elección consiste, siempre que sea posible, en la exéresis con criterios oncológicos, y radio y/o quimioterapia adicional. Se requiere además, cirugía reconstructiva con injerto y/o prótesis con fines estéticos y funcionales. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 72 años, que consultó por molestias en maxilar inferior tres meses después de la extracción de un molar. Se efectuó biopsia por curetaje y luego se resecó el maxilar inferior con vaciamiento ganglionar. El estudio histopatológico mostró un carcinoma escamoso pobremente diferenciado, infiltrante en hueso maxilar, con hallazgos morfológicos que lo vinculaban a quiste odontogénico residual, y metástasis en 15 de 48 ganglios aislados. Se realizó radioterapia postquirúrgica, falleciendo a los 30 meses del diagnóstico por deterioro progresivo.

  4. Malformación vascular intraósea en el maxilar que se presenta en forma de sangrado gingival Intra-osseous vascular malformation in the maxilla

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    Full Text Available Las malformaciones arterio-venosas intraóseas (MAVs en la región maxilofacial son entidades clínicas poco frecuentes. Ofrecen una amplia gama de presentación clínica y no siempre se diagnostican sin sorpresa. El tratamiento de estas lesiones siempre ha representado un reto para el cirujano debido a su intensa vascularización y a la elevada incidencia de recurrencia. Se presenta el caso de una malformación arterio-venosa intraósea en el maxilar superior que se manifiesta como sangrado gingival, cuyos exámenes radiológicos de rutina no fueron concluyentes. Se llevó a cabo la excisión quirúrgica y el empaquetado del hueso con cera, y se realizó el seguimiento del paciente durante 1 año sin que se produjera recurrencia. Las malformaciones vasculares deben tenerse en consideración en el diagnóstico diferencial del sangrado gingival con radiografías dentales no concluyentes.Intraosseous arterio-venous malformations (AVM in the maxillofacial region are rare clinical entities. They have a wide range of clinical presentation and are not always diagnosed without a surprise. Treatment of these lesions has always been a challenge to the surgeon due to extreme vascularity and the high recurrence rate. The case presented is that of an intraosseous arterio-venous malformation in the maxilla that started as gingival bleeding and routine radiographic examinations were inconclusive. Surgical excision and bone wax packing was performed there were no recurrences during 1-year of follow-up. Vascular malformations may be considered in differential diagnosis of gingival bleeding with inconclusive dental radiographs.

  5. Desarrollo del hueso timpánico como estimador de edad


    García Mancuso, Rocío; Desántolo, Bárbara; Plischuk, Marcos; Prat, Guillermo Daniel; Inda, Ana María


    Este trabajo se propone evaluar el desarrollo del hueso temporal como estimador de edad en el período perinatal. El hueso temporal es un complejo de osificación intramembranosa y endocondral que forma parte del neurocráneo y en edades tempranas se encuentra separado distinguiéndose tres partes: porción escamosa, porción petromastoiea y anillo timpánico. El desarrollo del hueso timpánico fue propuesto como estimador de edad dado que presenta una serie de modificaciones que lo caracterizan....

  6. Carcinoma de células escamosas intraóseo primario derivado de un tumor odontogénico queratoquístico: reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura

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    Marcelo Mardones


    Se describen las características clínicas, radiológicas e histológicas, discutiendo la importancia de tomar biopsia de distintas zonas de una lesión quística caracterizada por afectar amplias zonas de los huesos maxilares.

  7. Sobredentadura sobre implantes en paciente con múltiples caries. Reporte de caso.


    Rengifo Alarcón, Carlos Alberto; Vicente Zamudio, Eduardo Gregorio; Balarezo Razzeto, José Antonio; Matta Morales, Carlos


    Hasta hace poco tiempo el tratamiento de pacientes desdentados totales era mediante la instalación de prótesis que iban a ser soportadas por las estructuras remanentes de los maxilares sobrela mucosa y la retención, estabilidad y soporte dependían de la cantidad de hueso remanente, forma de los maxilares, calidad de saliva presente, todos éstos influenciados por la capacidadpsicomotriz del paciente. Con la introducción de los implantes dentales y más aun los implantes endo-óseos se ha revoluc...

  8. Osteonecrosis de hueso maxilar inducida por bisfosfonatos


    Vera Sempere, Francisco José


    Los bisfosfonatos son un grupo de fármacos, análogos de los pirofosfatos, utilizados en administración oral en el tratamiento de la osteoporosis, así como en formulaciones intravenosas para el tratamiento del dolor óseo y de la hipercalcemia ligada a la enfermedad tumoral metastasica (generalmente en el contexto de mieloma múltiple / cáncer de mama o próstata avanzados), actuando como un inhibidor de la reabsorción ósea, mediada por osteoclastos, así como de la apoptosis de los osteobl...

  9. El «Tensor»: un nuevo tipo de hueso utilizado en el Solutrense y Magdaleniense asturianos

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    Full Text Available Como es bien conocido por los estudiosos del Paleolítico superior cantábrico, es un hecho frecuente encontrar en numerosos yacimientos una industria de hueso o asta constituida por útiles más o menos típicos pero siempre muy elaborados, y en la que es directamente perceptible, en la mayoría de los casos, la vinculación entre la forma del objeto y el fin técnico que ha presidido su elaboración, y juntamente con ella un acervo mucho más numeroso de restos óseos diversos o huesos utilizados, troceados en forma sistemática, y que presentan, además, en algunas partes de su superficie vestigios inequívocos de un uso frecuente y repetido como útiles; según la distinción de Leroi-Gourhan restos óseos transformados en objetos de uso técnico, y documentos de la misma naturaleza troceados con finalidad alimenticia. Uno de estos últimos es el tensor, que hemos identificado en el curso de nuestras excavaciones en el yacimiento de Las Caldas (San Juan de Priorio, Oviedo, Asturias, relativamente bien documentado en todas las campañas realizadas hasta el momento (1971, 1973 y 1980. Como veremos, se trata de un tipo bien definido dentro de un conjunto numeroso y heterogéneo de útiles y huesos utilizados, que hemos sistematizaco en 30 Tipos presentes en aquel yacimiento, uno de los cuales (Tipo 22 corresponde al objeto que aquí estudiamos.

  10. Nuclear DNA sequences from the Middle Pleistocene Sima de los Huesos hominins. (United States)

    Meyer, Matthias; Arsuaga, Juan-Luis; de Filippo, Cesare; Nagel, Sarah; Aximu-Petri, Ayinuer; Nickel, Birgit; Martínez, Ignacio; Gracia, Ana; Bermúdez de Castro, José María; Carbonell, Eudald; Viola, Bence; Kelso, Janet; Prüfer, Kay; Pääbo, Svante


    A unique assemblage of 28 hominin individuals, found in Sima de los Huesos in the Sierra de Atapuerca in Spain, has recently been dated to approximately 430,000 years ago. An interesting question is how these Middle Pleistocene hominins were related to those who lived in the Late Pleistocene epoch, in particular to Neanderthals in western Eurasia and to Denisovans, a sister group of Neanderthals so far known only from southern Siberia. While the Sima de los Huesos hominins share some derived morphological features with Neanderthals, the mitochondrial genome retrieved from one individual from Sima de los Huesos is more closely related to the mitochondrial DNA of Denisovans than to that of Neanderthals. However, since the mitochondrial DNA does not reveal the full picture of relationships among populations, we have investigated DNA preservation in several individuals found at Sima de los Huesos. Here we recover nuclear DNA sequences from two specimens, which show that the Sima de los Huesos hominins were related to Neanderthals rather than to Denisovans, indicating that the population divergence between Neanderthals and Denisovans predates 430,000 years ago. A mitochondrial DNA recovered from one of the specimens shares the previously described relationship to Denisovan mitochondrial DNAs, suggesting, among other possibilities, that the mitochondrial DNA gene pool of Neanderthals turned over later in their history.

  11. El yunque de hueso para afilar la hoz metálica dentada

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    Antxon Aguirre


    Full Text Available No es infrecuente que en el contexto de excavaciones arqueológicas se localicen unos huesos especificamente trabajados en forma paralepípeda que han sido interpretados como elementos de carácter mágico o simbólico por desconocimiento de su verdadera función. En realidad, estas piezas de hueso se utilizaban como yunque para obtener el dentado en la hoz metálica empleada para cortar el cereal. En efecto, en otro tiempo era habitual que los herreros realizaran el dentado mediante un martilleado sobre el borde cortante de la hoz, que se apoyaba directamente sobre le hueso buscando el efecto elástico del mismo.

  12. Sima de los Huesos (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). The site. (United States)

    Arsuaga, J L; Martínez, I; Gracia, A; Carretero, J M; Lorenzo, C; García, N


    In this article a topographical description of the Cueva Mayor Cueva de Silo cave system is provided, including a more detailed topography of the Sala de los Ciclopes Sala de las Oseras-Sima de los Huesos sector. The history of the excavations and discoveries of human and carnivore fossils in Sima de los Huesos and adjacent passages is briefly reported, as well as the increase, throughout the succeeding field seasons, of the human collection and changes in the relative representation of the different skeletal elements and major biases. The carnivore assemblage structure is also considered. Examining the characteristics of the bone breccia, and the current and ancient karst topography, different alternative accesses are discussed for the accumulation of carnivores and humans in the Sima de los Huesos. Taking into account all the available information, an anthropic origin for the accumulation of human fossils seems to us to be the most likely explanation.

  13. Desarrollo del hueso timpánico como estimador de edad


    García Mancuso, Rocío; Sbatella, A.; Desántolo, Bárbara; Plischuk, Marcos; Prat, Guillermo Daniel; Inda, Ana María


    El hueso temporal es un complejo de osificación intramembranosa y endocondral que forma parte del neurocráneo y en edades tempranas se encuentra separado distinguiéndose tres partes: porción escamosa, porción petromastoiea y anillo timpánico. El desarrollo del hueso timpánico fue propuesto como estimador de edad dado que presenta una serie de modificaciones que lo caracterizan. Este proceso fue evaluado por Weaver (1979) definiendo 6 estadios de desarrollo que servirían de estimador de edad d...

  14. The Sima de los Huesos crania (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). A comparative study. (United States)

    Arsuaga, J L; Martínez, I; Gracia, A; Lorenzo, C


    The Sima de los Huesos (Sierra de Atapuerca) cranial remains found up to and including the 1995 field season are described and compared with other fossils in order to assess their evolutionary relationships. The phenetic affinities of the Sima de los Huesos crania and a large sample of Homo fossils are investigated through principal component analyses. Metrical comparisons of the Sima de los Huesos and other European and African Middle Pleistocene fossils with Neandertals are performed using Z-scores relative to the Neandertal sample statistics. The most relevant cranial traits are metrically and morphologically analyzed and cladistically evaluated. The Sima de los Huesos crania exhibit a number of primitive traits lost in Upper Pleistocene Neandertals (especially in the braincase, but also in the facial skeleton), as well as other traits that are transitional to the Neandertal morphology (particularly in the occipital bone), and features close to what is found in Neandertals (as the supraorbital morphology and midfacial prognathism). Different combinations of primitive and derived traits (shared with Neandertals) are also displayed by the other European Middle Pleistocene fossils. In conclusion, the Sima de los Huesos sample is evolutionarily related to Neandertals as well as to the other European Middle Pleistocene fossils. In our opinion, all the European Middle Pleistocene fossils belong to the Neandertal lineage, and none can be included in an Afroeuropean common ancestor of Neandertals and modern humans.

  15. Mecanobiología de la interfase hueso-implante dental Mechanobiology of bone-dental implant interphase

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    Juan Carlos Vanegas Acosta


    Full Text Available La osteointegración es la conexión estructural y funcional entre el hueso y un implante. Cuando un implante se inserta en el hueso, se crea la denominada interfase hueso-implante, una zona de unión entre la superficie del biomaterial del implante y el hueso circundante. La cicatrización de esta interfase depende de las condiciones biológicas del hueso, las características de diseño del implante y la distribución de cargas entre hueso e implante. En este artículo se hace una revisión del proceso de cicatrización de la interfase hueso-implante para el caso de un implante dental. El objetivo es describir la secuencia de eventos biológicos iniciados con la lesión causada por la inserción del implante y que concluyen con la formación de nuevo hueso en la interfase. Esta descripción incluye una novedosa clasificación de los fenómenos mecánicos que intervienen durante el proceso de cicatrización de los tejidos lesionados. Esta descripción mecanobiológica de la interfase hueso-implante dental se utiliza para determinar las características más relevantes a tener en cuenta en la formulación de un modelo matemático de la osteointegración de implantes dentales.The osteointegration is the structural and functional connection between bone and implant. When an implant is inserted in bone, it creates the so-called bone-implant interphase, a joint zone between implant biomaterial surface and the surrounding bone. The healing of this interphase depends on bone biological conditions, characteristic of implant design and the distribution of loads between bone and implant. The aim of present article is to review of healing process of bone-implant interphase for a dental implant and also to describe the sequence of biological events beginning with lesion caused by implant insertion and leading to the formation of a new bone in the interphase. This description includes a novel classification of mechanical phenomena present in the healing

  16. Avance maxilar en pacientes fisurados labio palatinos con distractor intraoral

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    Adoración Martínez Plaza


    Conclusiones: La DO intraoral es una técnica alternativa exitosa para avance del maxilar en pacientes fisurados labio palatinos que necesiten un avance inferior a 10 mm. Produce mejoras en el perfil esquelético y blando. Los dispositivos internos no producen impacto psicológico. La contención más larga en el tiempo. La recidiva es difícil de definir y calcular.

  17. The temporal bones from Sima de los Huesos Middle Pleistocene site (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). A phylogenetic approach. (United States)

    Martínez, I; Arsuaga, J L


    Three well-preserved crania and 22 temporal bones were recovered from the Sima de los Huesos Middle Pleistocene site up to and including the 1994 field season. This is the largest sample of hominid temporal bones known from a single Middle Pleistocene site and it offers the chance to characterize the temporal bone morphology of an European Middle Pleistocene population and to study the phylogenetic relationships of the SH sample with other Upper and Middle Pleistocene hominids. We have carried out a cladistic analysis based on nine traits commonly used in phylogenetic analysis of Middle and Late Pleistocene hominids: shape of the temporal squama superior border, articular eminence morphology, contribution of the sphenoid bone to the median glenoid wall, postglenoid process projection, tympanic plate orientation, presence of the styloid process, mastoid process projection, digastric groove morphology and anterior mastoid tubercle. We have found two autapomorphies on the Home erectus temporal bone: strong reduction of the postglenoid process and absence of the styloid process. Modern humans, Neandertals and the Middle Pleistocene fossils from Europe and Africa constitute a clade characterized by a convex superior border of the temporal squama. The European Middle Pleistocene fossils from Sima de los Huesos, Petralona, Steinheim, Bilzingsleben and Castel di Guido share a Neandertal apomorphy: a relatively flat articular eminence. The fossils from Ehringsdorf, La Chaise Suardi and Biache-Saint-Vaast also display another Neandertal derived trait: an anteriorly obliterated digastric groove. Modern humans and the African Middle Pleistocene fossils share a synapomorphy: a sagittally orientated tympanic plate.

  18. La displasia cemento ósea florida y su diagnóstico diferencial

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    Allan Ulisses Carvalho de Melo


    Full Text Available Las lesiones benignas fibro-óseas de los maxilares constituyen un grupo diverso de enfermedades con una característica histológica común: la sustitución de hueso normal por tejido compuesto de colágeno y fibroblastos, con cantidades variables de una sustancia mineral que puede ser de hueso, cemento o ambos. Estas lesiones incluyen la displasia fibrosa, la displasia cemento-ósea en sus variantes: periapical, focal o florida, el cementoma gigantiforme familiar y el fibroma osificante cemento-osificante. La osteomielitis es un proceso inflamatorio agudo o crónico de los espacios medulares o corticales del hueso, que se extiende más allá del sitio inicial de desenvolvimiento. La osteomielitis esclerosante difusa es más frecuente en adultos, principalmente en la mandíbula. Se presenta radiográficamente como una lesión radiopaca difusa adyacente a los dientes, que puede ser multifocal. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir un caso inusual de lesión fibro-ósea, cuyo diagnóstico diferencial se hizo también con la osteomielitis de los maxilares. Se concluyó que las lesiones fibro-óseas benignas, presentaron muchas similitudes con respecto a sus aspectos clínicos, radiográficos e histológicos. Por lo tanto, es fundamental el análisis conjunto de estas informaciones para obtener un diagnóstico definitivo.

  19. Crecimiento maxilar según severidad de hendidura labial, alveolar y palatina unilateral Maxillary growth according to the severity of unilateral cleft lip and palate

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    M.C. Navas-Aparicio


    Full Text Available La inhibición del crecimiento y desarrollo resultante del tratamiento quirúrgico en pacientes con labio y paladar hendido es un tema ampliamente discutido en el mundo. De acuerdo a la literatura, la deficiencia de tejidos, probablemente debida al ancho y la posición del segmento alveolar en la hendidura, es una variable a considerar que afecta al crecimiento del maxilar, el cual también puede verse influido por la corrección quirúrgica del labio, la nariz y el paladar, por tejido cicatricial, los diferentes tipos de tratamiento quirúrgico, el tiempo de cirugía, la habilidad del cirujano y la ortopedia prequirúrgica. El propósito de este estudio es determinar la posible asociación entre la severidad de la hendidura y el crecimiento maxilar en niños con labio y paladar hendido unilateral no sindrómico nacidos en el año 2001 y atendidos en el Hospital Nacional de Niños "Dr. Carlos Sáenz Herrera", Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social de San José, Costa Rica. El estudio fue de tipo retrospectivo y descriptivo, basado en datos recopilados de registros médicos, modelo inicial de escayola del maxilar del niño recién nacido, radiografía cefalométrica y modelo actual del maxilar del niño a la edad de 5 años. La muestra de estudio comprendió 13 pacientes. La dimensión transversal del arco fue asimétrica en 12 casos, lo que indica alteración del crecimiento en esta dirección. Existe una correlación positiva estadísticamente significativa entre la longitud del arco y el ángulo SNA, indicando que a mayor longitud de arco, el ángulo SNA es mayor. El valor promedio de ANB tiene una desviación importante superior a 2. No existe relación entre la posición y longitud del arco maxilar (SNA, BaNA y ANS-PNS y la severidad de la hendidura. Esto significa, que el tejido cicatricial, el tipo de tratamiento quirúrgico, el tiempo de cirugía, el cirujano, la habilidad del cirujano y la ortopedia prequirúrgica, no influyen en la direcci

  20. Estudio cefalométrico del hueso hioides en niños respiradores bucales de 11 años.: Segunda parte Cephalometry study of hyoid bone in children aged 11 mouth-breathing (second part

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    Dariel Carulla Martínez


    Full Text Available Se realizó una correlación entre el comportamiento de la posición del hioides con el crecimiento del maxilar y de la mandíbula, los ángulos cérvico-basio-hioideo y el espacio aéreo póstero-inferior, desde el punto de vista cefalométrico, a un grupo de pacientes respiradores bucales. Se analizaron las historias clínicas de 60 pacientes, de 11 años de edad, que acudieron a la consulta de Ortodoncia en el área de salud de la Facultad de Estomatología. Se utilizaron matrices de coeficiente de correlación lineal de Pearson, para evaluar la posición del hioides con respecto a dichas variables. Se encontró descenso del hueso, y relaciones significativas con las variables que reflejan el crecimiento maxilar y mandibular, así como la posición de la columna vertebral (segmento cervical y de la cabeza, además del espacio aéreo posterior de la faringe, con un nivel de significación del 5 %.A correlation between the behavior of hyoid bone location and the maxilla and the mandible growth, the cérvico-basio-hyoid angles and the lower posterior aerial space from the cephalometry point of view in a group of patients mouth-breathing. The medical records from 60 patients aged 11 seen in the Orthodontics consultation from the health area of Stomatology Faculty were reviewed. We used matrix of Pearson's linear correlation to assess the hyoid bone location regarding such variables; noting a bone drop and significant relations with above variables reflecting the maxillary and mandibular growth, the spinal column position (cervical segment and the head; as well ass the posterior aerial space of the pharynx with a 5 % significance level.

  1. Análise morfológica do arco superior de portadores de fissura labiopalatal submetidos a diferentes protocolos de expansão rápida maxilar: avaliação das alterações maxilares Morphological analysis of the maxillary arch in patients with cleft lip and palate submitted to different protocols of rapid maxillary expansion: maxillary alterations evaluation

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    Maíra Massuia de Souza


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: em portadores de malformações labiopalatais, a boa conformação do arco superior constitui um dos principais requisitos para a obtenção de uma oclusão adequada e para o aperfeiçoamento estético e funcional. Para tanto, a expansão ortopédica da maxila é frequentemente necessária, uma vez que é alta a incidência de colapso dos segmentos. OBJETIVOS: analisar, por meio de modelos de gesso, as dimensões do arco superior de 15 portadores de fissura transforame incisivo unilateral, com deficiências transversal e anteroposterior da maxila, submetidos à expansão com dois diferentes protocolos de ativação. MÉTODOS: um grupo foi submetido à Expansão Rápida da Maxila (ERM com protocolo de ativação convencional (Grupo 1, enquanto no outro grupo foi utilizado o protocolo de ativação preconizado por Liou e Tsai em 2005, com expansões e contrações alternadas (Grupo 2, sendo ambos submetidos posteriormente à protração maxilar com máscara de tração reversa. Os modelos foram obtidos em dois momentos: antes da cimentação do disjuntor do tipo Haas modificado (T1 e após 24 semanas de tratamento (T2. As distâncias transversais entre os primeiros pré-molares superiores (região anterior e a distância entre os primeiros molares superiores (região posterior foram registradas com um paquímetro digital. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos ao teste t de Student. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: os dois protocolos de ativação mostraram-se igualmente efetivos na expansão maxilar, não havendo diferença entre os grupos em relação ao aumento transversal obtido.INTRODUCTION: Harmonious conformation of the maxillary arch in patients with cleft lip and palate is one of the main requirements for achievement of adequate occlusion and for esthetic and functional improvement. For this purpose, orthopedic maxillary expansion is often required due to the high frequency of the segments collapse. AIM: This study aimed to evaluate the

  2. Small mammals from Sima de los Huesos. (United States)

    Cuenca-Bescós, G; Laplana Conesa, C; Canudo, J I; Arsuaga, J L


    A small collection of rodents from Sima de los Huesos helps to clarify the stratigraphic position of this famous human locality. The presence of Allocricetus bursae and Pliomys lenki relictus and the size of A. bursae, Apodemus sylvaticus and Eliomys quercinus suggest a Middle Pleistocene age (Saalian) to the Clays where humans have been found.

  3. Quiste óseo aneurismático de los maxilares. Caso clínico. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas


    Román Pilco, Sandra; Sánchez Lihón, Juvenal


    El quiste óseo aneurismático (QOA) de los maxilares es una lesión benigna intraósea compuesta por espacios cavernosos llenos de sangre, de tamaños variables, sin recubrimiento endotelial, asociados con tejido conectivo fibroso conteniendo células gigantes multinucleadas y tejido osteoide; clínicamente el lado afecto de los maxilares aumenta de tamaño y muestra una discreta inflamación. Puede haber ligero dolor a la palpación y donde pueden faltar o desplazarse ...

  4. Mucocele del seno maxilar post-traumático Post-traumatic mucocele of the maxillary sinus

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    E. Charro-Huerga


    Full Text Available Los mucoceles de los senos paranasales son lesiones benignas pero con un considerable potencial destructivo por la reabsorción ósea que pueden generar. La localización en el seno maxilar es muy poco frecuente así como el origen postraumático. Presentamos el caso de un mucocele de seno maxilar tras 28 años después de un traumatismo facial. Analizamos la etiopatogenia, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de este tipo de lesiones.Mucoceles of the paranasal sinuses are benign lesions but they can be destructive because they cause bone resorption. The location in a maxillary sinus and a traumatic origin are uncommon. We report a case of mucocele of the maxillary sinus 28 years after facial trauma. We analyzed the etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of this type of lesions.

  5. Prevalencia de neumatización del seno maxilar en población del Hospital Geriátrico Militar


    García Linares, Sixto; Villaverde Mosco, Lizeth


    RESUMEN: Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la prevalencia de neumatización del seno maxilar y la relación con la pérdida de piezas adyacentes, en la población peruana geriátrica de un centro reconocido por la atención médica integral a los pacientes adultos mayores. Material y métodos: Se recogieron como muestras 60 radiografías panorámicas del Servicio de Odontología de la Clínica Geriátrica Militar de Chorrillos. El conteo de milímetros de la neumatización del seno maxilar...

  6. Reconstrucción del maxilar superior mediante transporte del proceso alveolar: Presentación de un caso Reconstruction of the maxilla by means of transport of the alveolar process: A case report

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    A. Bilbao


    Full Text Available La osteogénesis mediante distracción aplicada a la reconstrucción del proceso alveolar es una técnica sobradamente contrastada en la literatura, al igual que la utilización del transporte óseo en la reconstrucción de defectos segmentarios mandibulares. Presentamos en este artículo un caso de reconstrucción de un defecto segmentario del maxilar superior mediante transporte de proceso alveolar y su posterior rehabilitación protésica implantosoportada. Mostramos tanto la técnica quirúrgica como el manejo de del vector de distracción utilizando elásticos de ortodoncia y tornillos de bloqueo intermaxilar.Osteogenesis by means of distraction applied to the reconstruction of the alveolar process is a well-documented technique in the literature, as is the use of bone transport in the reconstruction of mandibular segment defects. In the present article we report on a case of reconstruction of a segment defect in the maxilla using the alveolar transport process, and on the subsequent rehabilitation by means of an implant-supported prosthesis. Both the surgical technique and the handling of the distraction vector using orthodontic bands and inter-maxillary fixation screws are shown.

  7. El yunque de hueso para afilar la hoz metálica dentada


    Antxon Aguirre; Francisco Etxeberria; Lourdes Herrasti


    No es infrecuente que en el contexto de excavaciones arqueológicas se localicen unos huesos especificamente trabajados en forma paralepípeda que han sido interpretados como elementos de carácter mágico o simbólico por desconocimiento de su verdadera función. En realidad, estas piezas de hueso se utilizaban como yunque para obtener el dentado en la hoz metálica empleada para cortar el cereal. En efecto, en otro tiempo era habitual que los herreros realizaran el dentado mediante un martilleado ...

  8. Reconteo de los huesos del esqueleto humano

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    Óscar Andrés Alzate Mejía


    Conclusión. Se obtiene un nuevo conteo óseo donde se desagrupan el esternón en manubrio, cuerpo y proceso xifoides; en el sacro y el cóccix se cuentan sus vértebras independientes y el coxal se desagrupa contándose independientemente el ilion, el isquion y el pubis. No se tienen en cuenta huesos sesamoideos ni intersuturales.

  9. Acumulación de plomo en hueso y sus efectos en la salud

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    Sanín Luz Helena


    Full Text Available Los efectos nocivos del plomo han sido conocidos desde tiempos antiguos por su amplia gama; este metal afecta prácticamente todos los órganos y sistemas del cuerpo humano. Recientemente se han documentado efectos tóxicos crónicos en los sistemas cardiovascular y nervioso, con niveles que antes se consideraban seguros. El sitio primario de almacenamiento de plomo en el organismo es el hueso, pero sólo hasta fechas recientes se ha clarificado la significancia toxicológica de este hecho. En este artículo se analiza el papel del plomo en hueso como fuente de exposición endógena, como biomarcador de exposición crónica y como tejido blanco. Se presentan además los avances recientes para la medición de plomo en hueso mediante los rayos X-fluorescentes (XRF. Finalmente se revisa la importancia, para la salud pública, de estudiar y medir el plomo en hueso en lugares con una historia de exposición crónica como la Ciudad de México y en los ambientes ocupacionales, especialmente como fuente remanente de exposición. Se analiza especialmente el caso de mujeres en edad reproductiva, quienes pueden convertirse en fuentes de exposición para el feto y para el niño amamantado.

  10. Las industrias en hueso

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    Jorge Martinez-Moreno


    Full Text Available La elaboración de instrumentos en hueso con anterioridad a la aparición de Homo sapiens moderno ha sido descrita en numerosos yacimientos del Paleolítico Medio, entre ellos en Lezetxiki y Axlor. En este artículo se pretende evaluar si estos artefactos pueden considerarse el resultado de comportamientios tecnicos dirigidos a elaborar y/o utilizar esos soportes. Estas observaciones son extensibles a otros conjuntos en los que se mensionan estos óseos con atributos similares. Es esta revisión se describen los procesos y contextos que explican la presencia de esas modificaciones y a las que se les ha atribuido un significado tecnológico

  11. Crecimiento sagital maxilar en fisurados unilaterales operados funcionalmente Sagittal maxillary growth in unilateral cleft lip and palate patients following functional surgery

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    F. Donoso Hofer


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Comparar el crecimiento sagital maxilar en pacientes con fisura labio-máxilo-palatina unilateral operados a los 6 meses con criterio funcional con pacientes normales que tengan relación consanguínea directa con los anteriores. Diseño del estudio. Análisis arquitectural y craneofacial de Delaire en telerradiografías de perfil en ambos grupos de pacientes cuyas edades fluctúan actualmente entre los 7 y los 12 años, determinando el crecimiento sagital del maxilar a través de la medida del ángulo del pilar maxilar anterior (C1/F1, sometiendo las medidas al test T de Student con una significación del 99,5%. Resultados.Se determinó el valor real y esperado para el ángulo del pilar maxilar anterior en todos los casos. Al comparar estadísticamente los resultados, no se encontraron diferencias significativas en los valores promedios obtenidos. Conclusiones.El crecimiento sagital maxilar de los pacientes con fisura labio-máxilo-palatina unilateral operados a los 6 meses con criterio funcional no difiere del de aquellos pacientes normales.Objective. To compare the sagittal maxillary growth between unilateral cleft lip and palate patients operated under functional criterion at the age of 6 months and normal patients who were blood-related. Design. Delaire’s Architectural and Structural craniofacial analysis in conventional lateral radiographs of all the patients with an age range of 7-12 years, determining the sagittal maxillary growth by the anterior maxillary pillar angle (C1/F1. These measurements were analyzed using the T-test with a 99.5% significance. Results. The real and expected value of the anterior maxillary pillar angle was determined in all cases. By comparing the results statistically, no significant differences were found in the mean values obtained. Conclusion. Maxillary sagittal growth in unilateral cleft lip and palate patients operated at the age of 6 months under functional criterion, does not differ from the

  12. Experiencias en el desarrollo de una aplicación robótica con control de fuerza para taladrado de huesos

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    J.C. Fraile


    Full Text Available Resumen: En los sistemas de cirugía ortopédica asistida por ordenador (CAOS, el taladrado del hueso en la reparación de fracturas de huesos largos (para estabilizarlos con placas, clavos o tornillos es una tarea compleja que el cirujano debe realizar con gran precisión, evitando el calentamiento excesivo del tejido óseo. En la cirugía asistida por robots, se han utilizado principalmente robots industriales (Robodoc, Caspar, Crigos adaptados a ambientes quirúrgicos para ayudar al cirujano en esta tarea. En esta tarea de taladrado de huesos es necesario tener en cuenta varios factores: temperatura del hueso, velocidades de giro y avance de la herramienta de taladrado y fuerzas y pares que actúan sobre el hueso durante su taladrado.Es fundamental el desarrollo de algoritmos de control del robot manipulador para garantizar que las distintas variables que intervienen en el proceso de taladrado tomen los valores adecuados, bajo el control del cirujano, y así lograr una mayor calidad y precisión en la tarea quirúrgica de taladrado del hueso.Desafortunadamente, la mayoría de los robots industriales tienen una arquitectura de control propietaria que impide una fácil implantación de algoritmos de control externos basados en realimentación multisensorial (visión, fuerza.En este artículo se presenta el diseño de una arquitectura de control distribuido y abierto, que se ha implantado sobre el controlador de un robot Staubli. En ella se ha desarrollado una estrategia de control basada en realimentación de fuerza, que permite al cirujano realizar la tarea quirúrgica de taladrado del hueso con elevada precisión. Durante el taladrado con el robot, las fuerzas y pares que actúan sobre el hueso son medidos y utilizados para controlar la velocidad de avance de la herramienta de taladrado, y para controlar la fuerza aplicada al hueso. Se han obtenido resultados experimentales en condiciones de laboratorio con el manipulador equipado con un

  13. Injerto óseo del seno maxilar en la reparación de defectos craneofaciales específicos

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    José Manuel Díaz Fernández


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo a 56 pacientes con defectos anatómicos específicos del complejo craneofacial, en los cuales se emplearon procedimientos reconstructivos con injerto óseo autógeno de la pared anterior del seno maxilar, en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Provincial "Saturnino Lora" de Santiago de Cuba, desde 1986 hasta 1994. Este tipo de injerto demostró ser seguro en la reparación de las fracturas del suelo orbitario con extensión máxima de 2 x 3 cm, así como en las deficiencias circunscritas del contorno facial en áreas tales como: frontal, pirámide nasal, cuerpo cigomático, apoyo cigomático maxilar, cuerpo mandibular, reborde orbital superior o inferior. La morbilidad posoperatoria fue mínima y la vía de acceso evita la incisión y cicatriz externa y previene complicaciones como el neumotórax, la perforación de la duramadre y la dificultad en la ambulación, a veces presentes en las áreas donantes tradicionales.A retrospective study was performed of 56 patients who had specific craniofacial defects which were treated with reconstructive methods with the autogenous bone graft of the anterior maxillar sinus wall in the Maxillofacial Surgery Service at "Saturnino Lora" Provincial Hospital in Santiago de Cuba province from 1986 to 1994. This type of grafting proved to be safe in the reconstruction of maximum 2 cm long 3 cm wide orbitary floor fractures and of facial configuration defects in such areas as front, nasal pyramide, zigomatic corpus, zigomatic maxillary support, corpus mandibullae, and upper or low orbitary fissure. The post-operation morbility was minimum as well as the access path that prevents the external acarf and complications like pneumothorax, perforation of dura mater and movement difficulties sometimes present in the traditional donor areas.

  14. Osteoquimionecrosis de los maxilares asociada a la administración de bifosfonatos por vía endovenosa: a propósito de seis casos


    Masip Zurriaga, E.; Herrero Fonollosa, M.; Berini Aytés, Leonardo; Gay Escoda, Cosme


    La osteonecrosis de los maxilares en pacientes con cáncer se asociaba, hasta ahora, con la radioterapia, aunque recientemente se han reportado numerosos casos de osteoquimionecrosis de los maxilares (OQNM) relacionada con la quimioterapia, y más concretamente con el uso de los bifosfonatos (agentes inhibidores de la actividad osteoclástica), utilizados para el tratamiento de las metástasis óseas. Los bifosfonatos inhiben la actividad osteoclástica dando lugar a una disminución de la reabsorci...

  15. Valoración histológica de la respuesta pulpar y hepática del formocresol y el hueso liofilizado en dientes de rata.


    Alcaina Lorente, Mª Antonia


    Son varios los agentes que se han utilizado para las pulpotomías en dientes primarios, siendo el formocresol el más difundido. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la respuesta pulpar en dientes de rata cuando el hueso liofilizado es usado como agente de pulpotomía y analizar los cambios histológicos del tejido hepático. La muestra de este estudio estaba formada por 60 ratas de raza Sprague-Dawley. El tratamiento se realizó en los primeros molares superiores, siendo un total de 120 d...

  16. Simulación computacional del crecimiento de huesos largos: un modelo de osificación endocondral

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    Diego Alexander Garzón


    Full Text Available Casi todos los huesos del cuerpo se forman a partir de soportes cartilaginosos en los que se produce un crecimiento del mismo combinado con un proceso de osificación que se extiende desde el centro del hueso hasta sus extremos, en un proceso denominado osificación endocondral. En este período de la morfogénesis del tejido óseo los principales factores que controlan el proceso son bioquímicos, siendo la influencia mecánica mucho menor. En este trabajo se presenta un modelo que permite simular este proceso de crecimiento y osificación del hueso prenatal controlado fundamentalmente por un bucle interactivo inhibidor-activador, en el que se han identificado la hormona paratiroidea (PTHrP y el Indian Hedgehog (Ihh, mediante la utilización de ecuaciones de reacción-difusión. La utilización de estas ecuaciones en combinación con la simulación del proceso proliferativo y de crecimiento de las células de cartílago (condrocitos permiten simular con bastante exactitud el proceso de crecimiento de un hueso largo, prediciendo incluso la aparición de los centros secundarios de osificación en la epífisis.

  17. COURSE OF THE MAXILLARY ARTERY THROUGH THE LOOP OF THE AURICULOTEMPORAL NERVE. Recorrido de la arteria maxilar a través del bucle del nervio aurículotemporal

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    Kavya Bhat


    Full Text Available Las variaciones en el curso de la arteria maxilar se describen a menudo, con sus relaciones con el músculo pterigoideo lateral. En el presente caso informamos una variación exclusiva en el curso de la arteria maxilar que no fue publicada antes. En un cadáver masculino de 75 años arteria maxilar derecho estaba pasando por el bucle del nervio auriculo-temporal. La arteria meníngea media provenía de la arteria maxilar con un bucle del nervio auriculo-temporal. La arteria maxilar pasaba profunda con respecto al nervio dentario inferior pero superficial al nervio lingual. El conocimiento de estas variaciones es importante para el cirujano y también serviría para explicar la posible participación de estas variaciones en la etiología del dolor mandibular. Variations in the course of the maxillary artery are often described with its relations to the lateral pterygoid muscle. In the present case we report a unique variation in the course of the maxillary artery which was not reported before. In a 75 years old male cadaver the right maxillary artery passed through the loop of the auriculotemporal nerve. The middle meningeal artery was arising from the maxillary artery within the nerve loop of auriculotemporal nerve. Further the maxillary artery passed deep to the inferior alveolar nerve but superficial to the lingual nerve. The knowledge of these variations is important for surgeons and it would also explain the possible involvement of these variations in etiology of the craniomandibular pain.


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    Full Text Available Se presenta en este documento un modelo matemático de hipertrofia de condrocitos, regulado por factores moleculares capaces de predecir la aparición y localización de los centros secundarios de osificación durante el desarrollo de los huesos largos. De los resultados obtenidos, concluimos que la retroalimentación (bucle química entre dos factores moleculares reactivos a través de un mecanismo de reacción-difusión podría explicar el patrón espacial estable encontrado en el origen de los centros secundarios de osificación, así como también la dependencia de dicho patrón en el tamaño y forma de la cabeza del hueso, según lo observado en diferentes animales.

  19. Linfoma primario de hueso con afectación multicéntrica

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    Marcelo Graziadio


    Full Text Available El linfoma primario de hueso es una enfermedad infrecuente, que tiene una presentación y evolución diferente a los linfomas de otras localizaciones. Se presenta un caso de linfoma primario de hueso de localización craneana y esternal de rápido crecimiento. En su evolución, realizada la exéresis de la lesión primaria de calota, presentó aparición de nuevas lesiones de rápido crecimiento a nivel craneano y fémur y progresión de lesión preesternal que, con anatomía patológica de linfoma no Hodgkin difuso de células grandes B, inició R-CHOPP (ciclofosfamida, doxorrubicina, vincristina, prednisona y rituximab con rápida disminución de todas las lesiones sin evidencia de progresión al cabo de los seis ciclos.


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    Rosaura Rodríguez Flores


    Full Text Available Los tumores odontogénicos (TO son un grupo complejo y poco frecuente de neoplasias con características clínicas, radiológicas, histopatológicas y evolución muy variables. El Carcinoma odontogénico de células claras (COCC es una neoplasia maligna, de comportamiento agresivo variable que se presenta en maxilares. Histológicamente se constituye de nidos de células, frecuentemente de citoplasma claro, rico en glucógeno, rodeadas por bandas de colágena. Pertenece al grupo de los tumores odontogénicos epiteliales malignos. Se presenta el caso de un hombre de 57 años con un tumor en hueso y seno maxilar izquierdo, sometido a hemimaxilectomía subtotal izquierda. Los estudios de imagen demostraron una lesión destructiva mixta en maxilar y seno maxilar izquierdo y la histología reveló la imagen clásica de COCC y la inmunohistoquímica mostró inmunoreactividad para Queratina AE1/AE3, EMA y S-100 (focal. Se demostró abudante glucógeno mediante la reacción de PAS en el citoplasma de las células neoplásicas. El paciente ha tenido seguimiento por 5 años y está asintomático después de la cirugía sin tratamiento complementario con radioterapia.

  1. Coinfección de mucormicosis rinocerebral y aspergilosis sinusal

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    William Torres-Damas

    Full Text Available La mucormicosis y la aspergilosis son las causas más frecuentes de infecciones micóticas causadas por hongos filamentosos, la coinfección en un mismo huésped es poco frecuente. Se presenta el caso de un paciente varón de 78 años con debut de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y cetoacidosis, que presenta tumefacción de hemicara derecha, parálisis facial derecha, ptosis palpebral y úlcera necrótica en paladar derecho. La tomografía computarizada de macizo facial evidenció un absceso del seno maxilar derecho, de cuya secreción se cultivó Aspergillus fumigatus. El resultado de anatomía patológica de biopsia de paladar, seno maxilar y hueso etmoidal fue compatible con mucormicosis. El paciente recibió tratamiento con voriconazol, anfotericina B desoxicolato y debridamiento quirúrgico del seno maxilar. Sin embargo, pese al manejo, falleció. La coinfección rinocerebral por mucormicosis y aspergilosis debería ser sospechada en pacientes inmunosuprimidos con el fin de establecer un manejo temprano que permita mejorar el pronóstico de la enfermedad

  2. A mitochondrial genome sequence of a hominin from Sima de los Huesos. (United States)

    Meyer, Matthias; Fu, Qiaomei; Aximu-Petri, Ayinuer; Glocke, Isabelle; Nickel, Birgit; Arsuaga, Juan-Luis; Martínez, Ignacio; Gracia, Ana; de Castro, José María Bermúdez; Carbonell, Eudald; Pääbo, Svante


    Excavations of a complex of caves in the Sierra de Atapuerca in northern Spain have unearthed hominin fossils that range in age from the early Pleistocene to the Holocene. One of these sites, the 'Sima de los Huesos' ('pit of bones'), has yielded the world's largest assemblage of Middle Pleistocene hominin fossils, consisting of at least 28 individuals dated to over 300,000 years ago. The skeletal remains share a number of morphological features with fossils classified as Homo heidelbergensis and also display distinct Neanderthal-derived traits. Here we determine an almost complete mitochondrial genome sequence of a hominin from Sima de los Huesos and show that it is closely related to the lineage leading to mitochondrial genomes of Denisovans, an eastern Eurasian sister group to Neanderthals. Our results pave the way for DNA research on hominins from the Middle Pleistocene.

  3. Aplicación de celda fotoacústica diferencial en la determinación de la permeabilidad de agua en hueso descalcificado

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    María de Lourdes Cortés-Ibarra


    Full Text Available La espectroscopia mediante celda fotoacústica diferencial (CFD tiene la capacidad de medir in situ el desarrollo de diversos procesos dinámicos, entre otros la difusión de agua a través de una membrana. Mediante esta técnica se realizó el estudio de permeación de agua en huesos de rata Wistar sanos y descalcificados. Los huesos descalcificados fueron tratados mediante estimulación electromagnética a fin de evaluar la actividad celular en el hueso y, en su caso, detener la descalcificación del mismo. En este trabajo fue posible determinar la viabilidad de la CFD para la evaluación de densidad ósea indirectamente, siendo posible efectuar la evaluación in situ de permeación de agua, así como la cantidad de agua retenida en la estructura ósea al finalizar las pruebas en CFD. Palabras clave: electromagnetismo; estimulación;  huesos; osteoporosis; electromagnetism; stimulation; bones; osteoporosis

  4. Materias activas permitidas en producción integrada. Frutales de hueso 2016


    Departamento de Desarrollo Rural y Sostenibilidad


    Materias activas admitidas en producción integrada para frutales de hueso y las restricciones de uso. Las materias activas de nueva inclusión se indican con asterisco y son admitidas a partir del 1 de enero de 2016.

  5. Tratamiento Ortodontico y Osteoporosis: Reporte de un Caso


    de Dinatale, Elisabetta Guercio


    Nuestra sociedad ha mostrado un incremento en la demanda de servicios ortodónticos por parte de pacientes adultos. Las mujeres especialmente involucradas, tienden a tener a lo largo de su vida una menor masa ósea en comparación con los hombres, así como una mayor pérdida ósea, principalmente durante la menopausia. La osteoporosis como enfermedad sistémica, ha sido claramente identificada en los huesos maxilares, modificando la tasa de movimiento dentario ortodóntico. En el presente estudio se...

  6. Displasia fibrosa maxilar poliostótica en paciente tratada con pamidronato: a propósito de un caso Maxilar polyostotic fibrous dysplasia treated with pamidronate: A case report

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    José María López-Arcas


    Full Text Available El término displasia fibrosa hace referencia a un conjunto de lesiones óseas benignas que se caracterizan por la sustitución del tejido óseo normal por tejido conectivo. Se presenta el caso de una paciente afectada de displasia fibrosa poliostótica de predominio maxilar tratada de forma conservadora con bisfosfonatos.The term fibrous dysplasia refers to a variety of bony diseases characterized by the substituion of the bone by abnormal connective tissue. A case report of patient affected by a polyostotic form of fibrous dysplasia with an uneven evolution of its disease after being treated with pamidronate is presented.

  7. Osteonecrosis de los maxilares asociada al empleo de bifosfonatos Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw

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    J.L. del Castillo Pardo de Vera


    Full Text Available Los bifosfonatos constituyen un grupo de fármacos inhibidores de la resorción ósea, utilizados en el tratamiento de numerosas patologías como la osteoporosis, la enfermedad de Paget, el mieloma múltiple, la hipercalcemia maligna y las metástasis óseas asociadas al cáncer de mama o de próstata. El principal efecto farmacológico de los bifosfonatos es la inhibición de la resorción ósea, mediante una disminución de la actividad de los osteoclastos, sin intervenir en la formación y mineralización del hueso. Son fármacos utilizados a nivel mundial con unos claros beneficios contrastados clínicamente. Numerosas publicaciones durante los últimos tres años, y debido a su utilización masiva, consideran que la osteonecrosis de los maxilares está asociada al tratamiento con bifosfonatos. Es importante que los pacientes sean informados del riesgo de presentarse esta complicación, para tener la oportunidad de someterse a procedimientos dentales previos al inicio del tratamiento. Las medidas preventivas deben realizarse antes, durante y después del tratamiento con bifosfonatos. El tratamiento quirúrgico debe reservarse para aquellos pacientes que presenten síntomas. Son necesarias nuevas investigaciones que clarifiquen esta complicación.Bisphosphonates constitute a group of inhibitors of bone resorption that are used for treating many disor-ders such as osteoporosis, Paget´s disease, multiple myeloma, malignant hypercalcemia and bone metas-tases associated with breast and prostate cancer. The main pharmacological effect of bisphosphonates is the inhibition of bone resorption, mediated by a decreased function of osteoclasts without interfering in bone formation and mineralization. These drugs are used worldwide, with clear and clinically proven benefits. Several publications within the last three years consider osteonecrosis of the jaw to be associated with bisphosphonate therapy as a result of their extensive use. It is important

  8. A PROPOSITO DE UN ENSAYO CON ABONOS (cal y harina de huesos EN ALFALFAl (Medicago sativa

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    Isidoro Mogilner


    Full Text Available En este trabajo, los autores estudian el efecto que sobre el rendimiento de la alfalfa (Medicago sativa produce la incorporación de diferentes dosis de cal y harina de huesos, en un suelo pobre de P y Ca; de una textura pesada con alto contenido de arcilla en todos los horizontes, de un pH ácido (5.1 a 6.2 y que es característico de la zona donde fué hecha la experiencia.Se han obtenido resultados referentes a la influencia de la inoculación de la semilla con Rhizobium y el agregado de cal y harina de huesos sobre los rendimientos.

  9. Displasia fibrosa craneofacial avanzada: a propósito de un caso


    Natalia Ventura-Martínez; Raquel Guijarro-Martínez; Juan Diego Morales-Navarro; Ignacio Solís-García; Miguel Puche-Torres; Gonzalo Pérez-Herrezuelo Hermosa


    La displasia fibrosa (DF) es una enfermedad fibroósea benigna que consiste en el reemplazamiento de hueso normal con excesiva proliferación de tejido conectivo fibroso con estructuras óseas afuncionales. La forma de DF craneofacial es poco frecuente y no está bien definida. La afectación más frecuente en el área craneofacial se da en el cuerpo de la mandíbula y zona posterior del maxilar. Los autores describen el manejo completo y la rehabilitación funcional de un caso de displasia fibrosa de...

  10. Evaluación de la citotoxicidad y bioseguridad de un extracto de polifenoles de huesos de aceitunas


    C. Veciana Galindo; E. Cortés Castell; L. Torro Montell; E. Sirvent Segura; M. M. Rizo Baeza; V. Gil Guillén


    El olivo constituye una fuente de compuestos bioactivos, tanto en su fruto, como en sus subproductos. Algunos de sus compuestos han mostrado beneficios para la salud, siendo objetivo de este trabajo la evaluación de la bioseguridad in vitro e in vivo de extractos de huesos de aceituna ricos en polifenoles. Material y métodos: Se ha evaluado la citotoxicidad mediante adición de extracto de hueso de olivas disuelto en PBS(0-400 mg/l) a un cultivo de la línea celular THP1-XBlue-CD14 y evaluación...

  11. Hipodoncia y hueso navicular accesorio: una interesante asociación sindrómica Hypodontia and accessory navicular bone: an interesting syndromic association

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    Mario Cantín


    Full Text Available Los dientes se desarrollan a partir de múltiples interacciones recíprocas entre células del epitelio oral y el ectomesénquima. Una serie de genes participan en el desarrollo del diente, así como de otros órganos y miembros superiores e inferiores. PAX9, miembro de la familia de factores de transcripción, es uno de los principales responsables de este desarrollo, y juega un rol fundamental en la hipodoncia dental y malformaciones en los huesos del miembro inferior. El objetivo de este reporte es presentar un caso de asociación entre hipodoncia y el hueso navicular accesorio. Se trata de una paciente de 18 años de edad, que acude a la consulta dental por dolor agudo en la pieza dentaria 3.6 y dolor de 9 meses de evolución en la cara interna del pie izquierdo. Al examen radiográfico, se observó ausencia de las piezas dentarias 1.7, 2.7, 2.8, 3.8 y 4.8, además en el pie izquierdo se vio la presencia de un hueso navicular accesorio. Es interesante proponer esta rara asociación, de clara herencia autosómica dominante, dado que la agenesia dental y la presencia del hueso navicular accesorio, poseen una prevalencia semejante, lo que hace que pueda existir una nueva asociación sindrómica probablemente relacionada con la ausencia de PAX9.Teeth are developed from many interactions between oral epithelium and mesenchymal cells. A number of genes are involved in tooth development, as well as in other organs, and upper and lower limbs. PAX9, a member of the transcriptional factor family, is one of the main drivers of this development, playing a key role in dental hypodontia and malformations in the lower limb bones. The aim of this report was to present the association between hypodontia and the accessory navicular bone based on a case report. This is a 18 years old female patient, who attended a dental clinic because she had acute pain in the 3.6 tooth and also pain on the left foot's inner area. The radiographic examination showed loss of

  12. Osteonecrosis maxilar asociada a bifosfonatos en pacientes osteoporóticos

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    Silvana Noemí Picardo


    Full Text Available Los bifosfonatos constituyen una familia potente de inhibidores de la reabsorción ósea. Son utilizados para el tratamiento de la osteoporosis y otras enfermedades causadas por la pérdida de masa ósea como la enfermedad de Paget, metástasis óseas en patologías oncológicas principalmente en mieloma múltiple1. Desde el año 2003, se han asociado necrosis avasculares en los maxilares con el uso de dichas drogas. De acuerdo a la literatura, la ocurrencia de dicha necrosis tiene un rango entre 0,8-12% de los pacientes que son prescriptos con ellas en forma prolongada2. Médicos y odontólogos deben tomar conciencia con respecto a las potenciales complicaciones relacionadas con los tratamientos dentales cruentos a emprender en dichos pacientes3.

  13. Queratoquistes maxilares: cirugía resectiva Keratocysts of the jaw: Resective surgery

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    J. Acero Sanz


    Full Text Available Los queratoquistes de los maxilares constituyen una entidad propia con típicos hallazgos histopatológicos. Estos quistes son localmente agresivos y presentan una frecuente tendencia recidivante. El tratamiento de los mismos permanece siendo controvertido. Como conceptos terapéuticos se manejan la marsupialización y la resección del quiste. En el presente trabajo revisamos esta controversia, con especial atención al tratamiento resectivo en sus diferentes variantes. Aunque no existe una alternativa terapéutica clara, la marsupialización y la simple enucleación se siguen de inaceptables tasas de recidiva o persistencia de la lesión. La resección del quiste unida a la exéresis del tejido mucoso suprayacente y al tratamiento del lecho óseo mediante curetaje quirúrgico o soluciones químicas como la de Carnoy, parece ofrecer mejores resultados en el tratamiento de los queratoquistes de los maxilares. El tratamiento radical es asimismo controvertido, pudiendo indicarse en casos muy agresivos.Odontogenic keratocysts (OKC affecting the jawbones are clinical entities with typical histopathologic features. OKC are locally invasive showing a high frequency of relapse. Treatment of these cysts remains controversial. Therapeutic approaches are based on two concepts: Masupialization or excision of the lesion. The aim of this paper is to review the existing controversy regarding this topic, focusing especially on surgical excision as a therapeutic approach. Although no clear therapeutic approach has been defined, marsupialization and enucleation have higher recurrence or persistence rates than other methods. Surgical excision of the keratocyst combined with the elimination of epithelial islands in the overlying mucosa, and treatment of the surrounding bone with curettage or chemical cauterization with Carnoy´s solution, offer better results. Radical excision including wide bone margins remains also controversial. This approach can be considered

  14. Utilización de bisfosfonatos en las enfermedades de los huesos

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    María Isabel Reyes Tur


    Full Text Available Los bifosfonatos son medicamentos que ayudan a fortalecer los huesos, reducen el riesgo de fracturas y dolor en los que han sido debilitados por el cáncer metastásico. Estos disminuyen la reabsorción ósea de modo general por vía oral; por vía intravenosa se suelen utilizar como tratamiento coadyuvante de algunos tipos de cáncer y, por ende, es necesario tener presente los efectos adversos asociados a su uso. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre este grupo de fármacos, los cuales se emplean en el tratamiento de las enfermedades relacionadas con los huesos, para esto se efectuó una búsqueda en la que se utilizaron algunas de las bases de datos disponibles en la web tales como Google, Scirus y Medline durante los últimos 10 años. Se concluye que los bifosfonatos inhiben la reabsorción ósea mediada por osteoclastos y debido a este mecanismo de acción se han empleado en el tratamiento de la osteoporosis.

  15. Efeito do conteudo de monomero na proporção monomero-polimero no deslocamento dental em protese total superior


    Michelle Cristina Lopes


    Resumo: O propósito neste estudo foi verificar a movimentação linear de dentes em prótese total superior confeccionada em resina acrílica, com conteúdo de monômero na proporção monômero-polímero indicado pelo fabricante, com 25% de excesso e com 25% a menos, nas técnicas de polimerização convencional e por microondas. Foram confeccionados 30 modelos em gesso pedra tipo III, a partir de um molde de silicone, representando uma arcada maxilar desdentada com rebordo normal. As bases de prova fora...

  16. Histopatologia da lâmina própria do seio maxilar na rinossinusite crônica

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    Sarreta Sabrina Maria de Castro


    Full Text Available A rinossinusite crônica é definida de modo simplificado como uma inflamação crônica da mucosa nasossinusal. OBJETIVO: Na tentativa de entender o porquê das falhas terapêuticas. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Caso-controle. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Decidimos estudar as alterações inflamatórias ultraestruturais encontradas na lâmina própria do seio maxilar de 13 pacientes portadores de rinossinusite crônica (RSC e polipose nasossinusal (PNS, submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico. Biópsias da parede súpero-lateral do seio maxilar desses pacientes foram colhidas durante o ato operatório e, após preparação, observadas através de microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. RESULTADO: Na análise dos dados obtidos, observou-se cinco padrões de resposta inflamatória nas lâminas próprias estudadas inflamatório crônico. Processo inflamatório agudo - 1 caso; processo inflamatório não agudo e não crônico - 5 casos; processo inflamatório crônico - 2 casos; processo inflamatório desorganizado - 4 casos; processo inflamatório indeterminado - 1 caso. Concluindo, a análise dos resultados mostrou que a lâmina própria do seio maxilar desses pacientes esteve infiltrada por células inflamatórias, sem predomínio específico de qualquer elemento celular. Elementos glandulares não foram observados nos casos estudados e a fibrose foi notada em quase metade deles, com intensidade variada e localização preferencial logo abaixo do epitélio. CONCLUSÃO: Na situação vista, o processo inflamatório não seguiu as etapas normais de evolução, mostrou marcante desorganização do processo inflamatório, dificuldade em caminhar até a resolução do quadro, acompanhando a mesma dificuldade de resolução clínica nos pacientes.

  17. Intrapopulational body size variation and cranial capacity variation in Middle Pleistocene humans: the Sima de los Huesos sample (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). (United States)

    Lorenzo, C; Carretero, J M; Arsuaga, J L; Gracia, A; Martínez, I


    A sexual dimorphism more marked than in living humans has been claimed for European Middle Pleistocene humans, Neandertals and prehistoric modern humans. In this paper, body size and cranial capacity variation are studied in the Sima de los Huesos Middle Pleistocene sample. This is the largest sample of non-modern humans found to date from one single site, and with all skeletal elements represented. Since the techniques available to estimate the degree of sexual dimorphism in small palaeontological samples are all unsatisfactory, we have used the bootstraping method to asses the magnitude of the variation in the Sima de los Huesos sample compared to modern human intrapopulational variation. We analyze size variation without attempting to sex the specimens a priori. Anatomical regions investigated are scapular glenoid fossa; acetabulum; humeral proximal and distal epiphyses; ulnar proximal epiphysis; radial neck; proximal femur; humeral, femoral, ulnar and tibial shaft; lumbosacral joint; patella; calcaneum; and talar trochlea. In the Sima de los Huesos sample only the humeral midshaft perimeter shows an unusual high variation (only when it is expressed by the maximum ratio, not by the coefficient of variation). In spite of that the cranial capacity range at Sima de los Huesos almost spans the rest of the European and African Middle Pleistocene range. The maximum ratio is in the central part of the distribution of modern human samples. Thus, the hypothesis of a greater sexual dimorphism in Middle Pleistocene populations than in modern populations is not supported by either cranial or postcranial evidence from Sima de los Huesos.

  18. Fibroma desmoplásico de maxilar en paciente pediátrico: Reporte de caso


    Roberto Gerber Mora; Sergio Castro Mora; Joseph Ulate Jiménez


    La presencia de tumefacciones en la cavidad bucal del paciente pediátrico puede ser indicativo de gran cantidad de patologías y enfermedades sistémicas, algunas incluso pueden perjudicar el bienestar del mismo. El Fibroma desmoplásico es un tumor óseo benigno, localmente destructivo, catalogado como muy poco frecuente. Se reporta el caso de un niño de 4 años con fibroma desmoplásico en el maxilar de alrededor de 2 años de evolución, observándose como una tumefacción generalizada del segundo c...

  19. Matrices funcionales e integración morfológica

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    Barbeito Andrés, Jimena


    Full Text Available Los estudios ontogénicos permiten conocer cómo se generan las diferencias morfológicas que encontramos en adultos. Éstas resultan de la asociación diferencial entre rasgos morfológicos, lo que puede deberse tanto a factores del desarrollo como funcionales. De acuerdo a la hipótesis funcional, los cambios en las estructuras óseas son consecuencia de la influencia de tejidos blandos, cavidades y órganos (matriz funcional. En este trabajo se analizaron dos estructuras craneofaciales: la bóveda, formada por varios huesos y una matriz funcional homogénea y el maxilar, un hueso único afectado por diversas matrices, para poner a prueba la hipótesis que postula que durante la ontogenia cambian los patrones de covariación. Se relevaron puntos craneofaciales sobre 267 cráneos de adultos y subadultos, se aplicó Análisis de Componentes Principales para establecer la variación en forma a lo largo de la ontogenia y se realizó un análisis de correlación entre las matrices de covarianza de las sucesivas edades para evaluar el cambio en los patrones de integración morfológica. Los resultados indicaron que mientras en la bóveda los patrones de covariación no cambian durante la ontogenia, esto sí ocurre en el maxilar. Los patrones de covariación de estas estructuras se comportarían en relación a la cantidad y características de las matrices asociadas.

  20. Experiencias en el desarrollo de una aplicación robótica con control de fuerza para taladrado de huesos


    J.C. Fraile; J. Pérez-Turiel; J.L. González-Sánchez; J. López-Cruzado; J.L. Rodríguez


    Resumen: En los sistemas de cirugía ortopédica asistida por ordenador (CAOS), el taladrado del hueso en la reparación de fracturas de huesos largos (para estabilizarlos con placas, clavos o tornillos) es una tarea compleja que el cirujano debe realizar con gran precisión, evitando el calentamiento excesivo del tejido óseo. En la cirugía asistida por robots, se han utilizado principalmente robots industriales (Robodoc, Caspar, Crigos) adaptados a ambientes quirúrgicos para ayudar al cirujano e...

  1. Estudio in vitro de la respuesta osteoblástica sobre discos de titanio en función de su rugosidad y la aplicación tópica de melatonina


    Pérez Martínez, Carolina


    La implantología dental es una rama de la odontología que tiene como objetivo reemplazar las funciones masticatorias, fonéticas y estéticas de los dientes perdidos gracias a la colocación quirúrgica de uno o varios implantes dentales en el hueso maxilar o mandibular, y su posterior rehabilitación protésica implantorretenida. La implantología dental está en constante evolución, respondiendo a la demanda de la restauración estética y funcional que exigen los pacientes con la mayor brevedad ...

  2. Uso de la compactación y/o transportación ósea en los defectos de hueso

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    Fernando López Guevara


    Full Text Available El ortopedista se enfrenta en disímiles ocasiones a enfermos que en sus lesiones de huesos largos presentan defectos óseos, o por un proceder quirúrgico es necesario resecar fragmentos óseos de diferentes tamaños, como en las fracturas expuestas con pérdida de sustancia ósea, en la seudo-artrosis donde se pierde o reseca hueso como terapéutica, en la osteomielitis o tumores óseos donde es necesario resecar parte del tejido y en las enfermedades congénitas, donde el niño nace con un defecto óseo como en la agenesia de tibia. En todos estos pacientes el denominador común es la falta de tejido óseo por lo cual el proceder de Ilizarov, con la distracción y el callo de elongación, brinda la solución de la problemática. Con el fijador externo de Ilizarov por osteotomía o por corticotomía, se puede transportar o compactar y con la distracción subsiguiente se consigue el callo de elongación, y se da la solución al defecto de hueso. En el servicio de Ortopedia y Traumatología del Hospital General Docente Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, de Las Tunas, Cuba; se atendieron 39 pacientes que por una u otra causa sufrieron de defectos óseos y se les aplicó el procedimiento del callo de elongación, lográndose la formación de hueso nuevo. Se concluyó que el proceder es idóneo y técnicamente posible en cualquier hospital donde exista un ortopedista

  3. Influência da relação espacial (anteroposterior e transversal) dos segmentos maxilares prévio à queiloplastia sobre o índice oclusal em pacientes com fissura completa de lábio e palato unilateral


    Gleisieli Carla Petelinkar Baessa Cardoso


    Introdução: Sabe-se que as cirurgias primárias de lábio e palato em indivíduos com fissura transforame incisivo unilateral (FTIU) provoca inibição do crescente deslocamento da base maxilar, bem como da região dentoalveolar. No entanto, a maxila dividida em dois segmentos diferentes, com as condições anatomicas variadas, assim como as alterações transversais e ântero-posterior, pode ser um dos fatores etiológicos para proporcionar deficiência maxilar e dentoalveolar. Proposição: Este estudo te...

  4. Osteonecrosis of the jaw associated to bisphosphonates treatment in osteoporosis patients: a review


    Gutiérrez Restrepo, Johnayro


    La osteonecrosis de mandíbula es una entidad que se viene describiendo desde 2003 y se define como la presencia de un defecto en la mucosa oral que lleva a exposición del hueso de la mandíbula y del maxilar que falla en cicatrizar en un periodo de ocho semanas, en un paciente en tratamiento con bifosfonatos y sin exposición previa a radioterapia en cuello o en la cabeza. En este artículo se hace una revisión de la literatura respecto a la epidemiología, la fisiopatología, los estudios diagnós...

  5. Osteología: relevancia de conceptos médicos en el ámbito odontológico


    Fernández, Enrique; González, Héctor; Castro, Álvaro; Lisboa, David


    Caries y enfermedad periodontal son enfermedades odontológicas de altísima prevalencia en todo el mundo. El mismo patrón se observa con la osteoporosis, enfermedad ósea que, debido a la inversión de la pirámide demográfica, en gran parte de la población mundial no dejará de ir en aumento. Tejido óseo y dientes presentan una íntima relación anatómica y funcional. Por esto creemos útil dilucidar, entre otros tantos aspectos, si la «osteoporosis» afecta a los huesos maxilares y a la mandíbula, d...

  6. Implicaciones en el crecimiento y desarrollo cráneo-facial por ausencia del hueso hioides




    Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, experimental, en ratas Sprague-Dawley, observando el crecimiento y desarrollo cráneo-facial ante la ausencia del hueso hioides. Los resultados mostraron: apertura oral, posterorrotación mandibular, aumento en la longitud de los procesos alveolares, así como una tendencia al aumento en el crecimiento mandibular.


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    Adriana Furtado de Macedo


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Relatar um caso de calcificação distrófica intensa no interior do seio maxilar em uma criança com transplante hepático e órgãos dentais pigmentados por hiperbilirrubinemia. Descrição do caso: Paciente do sexo feminino, 12 anos de idade, com transplante hepático efetuado aos 7 anos de vida devido à atresia de vias biliares extra-hepática, uso de tacrolimus imunossupressor (2 mg diários. No exame clínico intrabucal, observou-se a presença de pigmentação esverdeada no órgão dental por bilirrubina. Efetuou-se um exame de tomografia computadorizada volumétrica de feixe cônico para análise da densidade radiográfica dos elementos dentais pigmentados. Mediante interpretação da imagem pela escala de Hounsfield, não foi constatada nenhuma alteração na densidade radiográfica das estruturas do órgão dental. No entanto, a tomografia computadorizada evidenciou a presença de calcificação distrófica intensa em região de seio maxilar. Comentários: A alteração de imagem observada no exame de tomografia computadorizada demonstrou achado radiográfico relevante, com presença de radiopacidades no interior do seio maxilar decorrentes de sinusites fúngicas ou não fúngicas. O relato desse caso é relevante por apresentar alteração de imagem radiográfica exacerbada associada a quadros infecciosos agudos que podem comprometer o estado sistêmico do paciente imunossuprimido.

  8. The Sima de los Huesos (Burgos, northern Spain): palaeoenvironment and habitats of Homo heidelbergensis during the Middle Pleistocene (United States)

    García, Nuria; Arsuaga, Juan Luis


    Interpreting how environmental dynamics respond to global climate change and how this has affected human evolution and dispersal is an on-going topic of debate. During the early Middle Pleistocene (˜0.6-0.4 Ma), as compared to earlier, environmental conditions were relatively more stable, with longer climatic cycles alternating between open and forested landscapes. During this interval, humans spread successfully providing an important number of fossil sites where fossils or tools are reported. The Atapuerca-Sima de los Huesos (Burgos, northern Spain) site (Atapuerca-SH) is one of the earliest localities with hominin evidence in the European Middle Pleistocene, with the most important accumulation of Homo heidelbergensis so far. We have analyzed the abundant faunal record from Sima de los Huesos, which is mainly comprised of carnivores, in order to approach an interpretation of the palaeoenvironmental circumstances where these hominids inhabited within the Sierra. Other sites from Sierra de Atapuerca referred to the same Faunal Unit (FU 6), are roughly contemporaneous, and include important ungulates, which are here analyzed with Atapuerca-SH. Additional information provided by isotopic analysis helps elucidate the ancient ecology of taxa present in Sima de los Huesos allowing for an accurate portrayal of the setting in which humans lived. The timing of the spread of Homo heidelbergensis is dominated by a relative climatic and environmental stability and points to a landscape dominated by savannah-like open woodland.

  9. Anomalías dentó maxilares y factores asociados en niños con parálisis cerebral




    Introducción: Los pacientes con parálisis cerebral atendidos en el Instituto de Rehabilitación Infantil de Santiago, presentan mordidas abiertas y disfunción oral. Objetivos: Determinar anomalías dentó maxilares y relacionarlas con diagnóstico de parálisis cerebral y factores asociados de alimentación, respiración y hábitos parafuncionales. Pacientes y Método: Estudio descriptivo transversal, que incluyó revisión de fichas clínicas 2005-2006, examen extra e intraoral y encuesta a los padres d...

  10. Distracción maxilar con dispositivos internos en pacientes fisurados: Planificación virtual y transferencia de datos al campo quirúrgico

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    Pedro Manuel Losa Muñoz


    Conclusión: Tanto el protocolo de planificación virtual del vector de distracción como el objeto CAD/CAM para transferencia de datos al campo quirúrgico presentado son útiles para aumentar la precisión en la posición final del maxilar. De esta forma el uso de distractores internos para avances menores de 12 mm resulta una técnica predecible.

  11. Osteoclastos: mucho más que células remodeladoras del hueso


    Arboleya, L.; Castañeda, S.


    El osteoclasto ha sido considerado clásicamente como una célula con una función exclusivamente remodeladora del hueso, de comportamiento gregario. Sin embargo, los avances que se han ido produciendo en los últimos años han ido cambiando drásticamente este concepto y, en el momento actual, sabemos que esta célula multinucleada está sometida a una compleja regulación biológica, necesaria para ejercer un papel multifuncional de dimensiones desconocidas. Además de su participación como la única c...

  12. Precisão do posicionamento maxilar em cirurgias bimaxilares utilizando sequência cirúrgica convencional e sequência invertida


    Fabio Gambôa Ritto


    Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a precisão do posicionamento maxilar em cirurgias ortognáticas bimaxilares utilizando sequência cirúrgica convencional e sequência invertida, isto é, quando a mandíbula foi osteotomizada e fixada antes da maxila. Neste estudo retrospectivo, 80 telerradiografias obtidas em norma lateral de pacientes submeditos à cirurgia ortognática foram analisadas, sendo 40 obtidas no período pré-operatório e 40 no pós-operatório. A amostra foi dividida em 2 grup...

  13. Displasia fibrosa craneofacial avanzada: a propósito de un caso

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    Natalia Ventura-Martínez


    Full Text Available La displasia fibrosa (DF es una enfermedad fibroósea benigna que consiste en el reemplazamiento de hueso normal con excesiva proliferación de tejido conectivo fibroso con estructuras óseas afuncionales. La forma de DF craneofacial es poco frecuente y no está bien definida. La afectación más frecuente en el área craneofacial se da en el cuerpo de la mandíbula y zona posterior del maxilar. Los autores describen el manejo completo y la rehabilitación funcional de un caso de displasia fibrosa de mandíbula avanzado y revisan las opciones terapéuticas de esta condición.

  14. Estudio mediante elementos finitos del comportamiento biomecánico de diferentes interfases implante-pilar e influencia de la pérdida de hueso periimplantario


    Bouazza Juanes, Kheira


    Tesis inédita presentada en la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias Biomédicas. Programa de Doctorado en Odontología Avanzada El proceso de la osteointegración ha permitido que hoy en día los tratamientos implantológicos sean altamente predecibles. Sin embargo, los estudios en los últimos años se centran, entre otros, en averiguar las causas por las cuáles, una vez integrado el implante en el hueso, se llevan a cabo una serie de procesos que conllevan la pérdida del hueso pe...

  15. Cross-sectional properties of the lower limb long bones in the Middle Pleistocene Sima de los Huesos sample (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). (United States)

    Rodríguez, Laura; Carretero, José Miguel; García-González, Rebeca; Arsuaga, Juan Luis


    The recovery to date of three complete and five partial femora, seven complete tibiae, and four complete fibulae from the Atapuerca Sima de los Huesos site provides an opportunity to analyze the biomechanical cross-sectional properties in this Middle Pleistocene population and to compare them with those of other fossil hominins and recent modern humans. We have performed direct comparisons of the cross-sectional geometric parameters and reduced major axis (RMA) regression lines among different samples. We have determined that Atapuerca Sima de los Huesos (SH) fossils have significantly thicker cortices than those of recent modern humans for the three leg bones at all diaphyseal levels, except that of the femur at 35% of biomechanical length. The SH bones are similar to those of Neandertals and Middle Pleistocene humans and different from Homo sapiens in their diaphyseal cross-sectional shape and strength parameters. When standardized by estimated body size, both the SH and Neandertal leg bones have in general greater strength than those of H. sapiens from the early modern (EMH), Upper Paleolithic (UP), and recent populations (RH). The Sima de los Huesos human leg bones have, in general terms, an ancestral pattern similar to that of Pleistocene humans and differing from H. sapiens. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. El Magdaleniense Superior/Final en el País Vasco.

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    José Luis Arribas


    Full Text Available El tardiglaciar würmiense conoce en Euskal-Herria una ocupación, relativamente intensa, de grupos cazadores - recolectores, que habitan cuevas y abrigos naturales próximos a la costa y situados en alturas no superiores a los 350 m., desarrollando la cultura Magdaleniense en sus fases superior y final. Santimamiñe, Lumentxa, Urtiaga, Ekain, Aitzbitarte IV, Isturitz y Berroberria, son algunos de los yacimientos más importantes tanto por la potencia de los rellenos estratigráficos que contienen, como por la riqueza y variedad de sus equipamientos industriales. Los útiles más característicos son los buriles, que se cuentan en mayor número que los raspadores, y las laminillas y puntas de borde abatido. Los arpones, de una o dos hileras de dientes, son la principal innovación en el utillaje óseo, que conserva tipos heredados de períodos anteriores: azagayas, varillas, agujas y punzones. El arte rupestre sufre una recesión con respecto al Magdaleniense inferior y medio, aunque pueden admirarse espléndidas obras de arte mueble, como el hueso de Torre (Oiartzun, Gipuzkoa o la plaqueta con caballos grabados de Lumentxa (Lekeitio, Bizkaia.

  17. Mixoma osteogénico maxilar: A propósito de un caso

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    Oscar García-Roco Pérez


    Full Text Available El mixoma osteogénico maxilar es un tumor raro. Teniendo en cuenta la casuística, se considera de interés aportar un nuevo caso. Se revisó el tema. Se reporta el caso de un paciente masculino diagnosticado clínica, imagenológica e histológicamente en el Hospital Interprovincial Docente Clinicoquirúrgico "Manuel Ascunce Domenech" de Camagüey e intervenido quirúrgicamente. Se brindan consideraciones diagnósticas y terapéuticas reportadas en la literatura. El paciente en el momento del reporte está rehabilitado y controlado.Maxillary osteogenic myxoma is a rare tumor, so the presentation of a new case is considered interesting. A literature review was made. Here is the report of the case of a male patient diagnosed with this type of myxoma from clinical, imaging and histological viewpoints at "Manuel Ascunce" teaching clinical-surgical hospital in Camaguey province. He was operated on. Diagnostic and therapeutical explanations provided by literature were given. At the moment of the report, the patient had recovered and was still under medical control.

  18. Comparative study of two autogenous graft techniques using piezosurgery for sinus lifting Estudo comparativo de duas técnicas de enxerto autógeno utilizando piezocirurgia para levantamento de seio maxilar

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    Geraldo Prestes de Camargo Filho


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: Maxillary sinus lifting is a technique, in which, a possible complication is sinus membrane perforation. The aim of this study was to compare two techniques using ultrasound surgery to perform autogenous graft for maxillary sinus lifting. METHODS: Ten rabbits were used in the study, one of them did not undergo surgery. The other nine rabbits had their maxillary sinuses filled with autogenous bone grafts collected from the external skull diploe in particulate form on the right side, and shaved on the left side, both with ultrasonic device. Data on bone density in left and right maxillary sinus, obtained by computed tomography in transverse and longitudinal sections, recorded 90 days after the grafts, were statistically compared. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences between the two techniques that used shaved and particulate bone collected by means of ultrasonic device from rabbit skulls. CONCLUSION: Assessment of operative procedures led to the conclusion that piezoelectric ultrasound was shown to be a safe tool in the surgical approach to the maxillary sinus of rabbits, allowing sinus membrane integrity to be maintained during surgical procedures.OBJETIVO: A técnica de levantamento de seio maxilar apresenta como possível complicação a perfuração da membrana sinusal. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo comparar duas técnicas que utilizam a cirurgia ultrassônica para realização de enxerto autógeno para levantamento de seio maxilar. MÉTODOS: Dez coelhos foram utilizados no estudo, sendo que um deles não foi submetido a procedimento cirúrgico. Os nove coelhos operados tiveram os seios maxilares preenchidos com enxertos autógenos coletados de díploe externa de calota craniana, nas formas particulado do lado direito e raspado do lado esquerdo, ambos com aparelho ultrassônico. Os dados de densidade óssea nos seios maxilares esquerdo e direito, obtidos por meio de tomografia computadorizada nos

  19. Osteonecrosis de los maxilares asociada al uso de bifosfonatos: revisión de ocho casos Bisphosphonate-related jaw osteonecrosis: Review of eight cases

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    J. Joshi Otero


    Full Text Available Introducción: A finales de 2003 se comienzan a publicar en forma creciente los primeros casos de exposición ósea en los maxilares con evolución tórpida, asociados al uso de bifosfonatos por vía intravenosa. Estos fármacos son usados en pacientes con osteoporosis, mieloma múltiple, hipercalcemia maligna y cáncer de pulmón, mama y próstata, principalmente por su capacidad de inhibir la resorción ósea. Material y método: Estudio prospectivo de los pacientes en el Hospital Virgen Macarena que presentaban lesiones maxilares asociadas al uso de bifosfonatos desde el año 2006 hasta la actualidad. Las variables que valoramos en el paciente son: sexo, edad, tratamiento con bifosfonatos, inicio de la osteonecrosis, relación con tratamientos dentales, tratamiento realizado y evolución. Resultados: Se estudiaron 8 pacientes con osteonecrosis maxilar secundaria a tratamiento con bifosfonatos intravenosos u orales por su patología previa oncológica u osteoporótica que fueron tratados según su estadio clínico-radiológico con antibioterapia, legrado y/o exéresis del secuestro según el caso. Presentamos los resultados con un seguimiento mínimo de 15 meses. Conclusiones: El aumento en la incidencia de la osteomielitis maxilar en los pacientes asociados al uso de bifosfonatos y la dificultad para su tratamiento hacen necesario establecer pautas terapéuticas estandarizadas. En nuestra experiencia, el tratamiento conservador basado en la antibioterapia además del legrado de la zona bajo anestesia local permite el control y la curación del proceso en algunos de los pacientes con OMRB grado II.Background: In late 2003, an increasing number of case reports began to appear on bone exposure of the jaw with a torpid evolution in association with intravenous bisphosphonate use. Bisphosphonates are used to inhibit bone resorption in patients with osteoporosis, multiple myeloma, hypercalcemia of malignancy, lung cancer, breast cancer and prostate

  20. Tratamiento del maxilar posterior atrófico mediante técnica de reconstrucción tridimensional con elevación de seno y abordaje «en tunel»

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    Andrés Restoy


    Conclusiones: El tratamiento del sector posterior maxilar atrófico mediante reconstrucción tridimensional con autoinjerto óseo, elevación sinusal y abordaje por tunelización es una técnica que proporciona resultados predecibles y estables, permitiendo la rehabilitación con coronas sobre implantes dentales de dimensiones adecuadas.

  1. La displasia cemento ósea florida y su diagnóstico diferencial The Florid cemento-bony dysplasia and the differential diagnosis

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    Allan Ulisses Carvalho de Melo


    Full Text Available Las lesiones benignas fibro-óseas de los maxilares constituyen un grupo diverso de enfermedades con una característica histológica común: la sustitución de hueso normal por tejido compuesto de colágeno y fibroblastos, con cantidades variables de una sustancia mineral que puede ser de hueso, cemento o ambos. Estas lesiones incluyen la displasia fibrosa, la displasia cemento-ósea en sus variantes: periapical, focal o florida, el cementoma gigantiforme familiar y el fibroma osificante cemento-osificante. La osteomielitis es un proceso inflamatorio agudo o crónico de los espacios medulares o corticales del hueso, que se extiende más allá del sitio inicial de desenvolvimiento. La osteomielitis esclerosante difusa es más frecuente en adultos, principalmente en la mandíbula. Se presenta radiográficamente como una lesión radiopaca difusa adyacente a los dientes, que puede ser multifocal. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir un caso inusual de lesión fibro-ósea, cuyo diagnóstico diferencial se hizo también con la osteomielitis de los maxilares. Se concluyó que las lesiones fibro-óseas benignas, presentaron muchas similitudes con respecto a sus aspectos clínicos, radiográficos e histológicos. Por lo tanto, es fundamental el análisis conjunto de estas informaciones para obtener un diagnóstico definitivo.The benign fibrous-bony lesions are a diverse group of diseases with common features: replacement of normal bone by tissue composed of collagen and fibroblasts, with variable amounts of a mineral substance that could be bone, cement or both. These lesions include the fibrous dysplasia, the periapical cement-bony dysplasia, focal or florid, familiar giant cementoma and ossifying fibroma (cement-ossifying. Osteomyelitis is an acute or chronic inflammatory process of medullar or cortical spaces of bone extending beyond the onset site of development. Diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis involves to adults mainly the mandible and

  2. Desarrollo patológico del hueso temporal : Descripción desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria


    García Mancuso, Rocío; Predes, Santiago; Leyes, Adriana; Plischuk, Marcos; Desántolo, Bárbara; Hijano, Julio César; Errecalde, Ana Lía; Inda, Ana María


    En los casos de hallazgos de restos óseos infantiles y en particular fetales y neonatales tanto en contextos arqueológicos, como forenses y paleontológicos, el hueso temporal constituye uno de los elementos mejor preservados. Las características intrínsecas (tamaño, forma y densidad) de la porción petrosa hacen que frecuentemente sea el único registro del cráneo que se preserva en el tiempo. En los casos en los que se encuentran restos óseos correspondientes al período pre y postnatal tempran...

  3. I Conferencia Nacional de Consenso sobre el Injerto Óseo del Seno Maxilar 1st National Consensus Conference on maxillar sinus bone grafts

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    P.M. Villarreal


    Full Text Available Objetivo: El objetivo de la I Conferencia Española de Consenso sobre el Injerto Óseo Sinusal era intentar llegar a puntos de acuerdo sobre las principales controversias de esta técnica, aplicada de forma muy variada y con el empleo de materiales muy diversos, y conseguir plasmar los mismos en un documento resumen consensuado por todos los autores. Material y método: Durante los días 17 y 18 de octubre de 2008 se celebró en Oviedo la citada conferencia, auspiciada por la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial. En ella se dieron cita un total de 50 ponentes de reconocido prestigio nacional e internacional que repasaron en 6 mesas de trabajo las principales controversias sobre los injertos óseos sinusales. Tras las conferencias de los ponentes, los moderadores establecían las principales conclusiones de cada mesa y se abría un turno de debate donde participaban todos los asistentes. Resultado: Este documento y sus conclusiones emanan de las presentaciones realizadas por los ponentes y de las deliberaciones y acuerdos de cada mesa de trabajo. Ambos han sido aprobados tras varias correcciones por todos los autores antes de ser enviados para su publicación. Además, han obtenido el reconocimiento científico oficial de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial y deben servir como base para futuros estudios y reuniones científicas. Conclusiones: El objetivo fundamental cuando se realiza un injerto óseo sinusal es la formación de hueso vital en el seno maxilar, para conseguir la supervivencia a largo plazo de los implantes tras su carga protésica. Para ello, la técnica y la secuencia de tratamiento deben orientarse a conseguir resultados predecibles y estables en el tiempo, aunque esto suponga un mayor tiempo de espera hasta la colocación de la prótesis. La estabilidad inicial del implante es el factor clave para la osteointegración y debe ser el principal criterio para indicar implantes simultáneos o diferidos

  4. Desmineralização dentária de pacientes respiradores orais submetidos à expansão maxilar Demineralization of teeth in mouth-breathing patients undergoing maxillary expansion

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    Silvia Fuerte Bakor


    Full Text Available A respiração oral pode causar deformações na arcada dentária e representar risco a cáries e doenças periodontais, podendo ser agravado pela utilização de aparelhos fixos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o grau de mineralização do esmalte dentário e a microbiota cariogênica bucal de respiradores orais que utilizaram disjuntores maxilares. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo com 20 pacientes respiradores orais com atresia maxilar, idades entre 9 e 13 anos. A mineralização do esmalte dentário foi medida pela técnica de fluorescência, antes da instalação do disjuntor maxilar e após sua remoção. A microbiota cariogênica foi avaliada pelo No Caries®. Na análise estatística utilizamos o teste "t" (pMouth breathing may cause deformities on the dental arch and be a risk factor for caries and periodontal disease; fixed orthodontic appliances compound the problem. AIM: to evaluate mineralization of tooth enamel and the oral cariogenic microbiota of mouth breathers that are using maxillary expanders. MATERIAL AND METHOD: a prospective study of 20 mouth-breathing patients with maxillary atresia, aged from 09 to 13 years. Enamel mineralization was measured using a fluorescence technique, before installing the expander and after its removal. The cariogenic microbiota was evaluated by the No Caries®. The t test (p<0.05 was applied for the statistical analysis, and the oral microbiota was analyzed by incidence. RESULTS: there was a statistically significant difference in the enamel mineralization level after maxillary expansion; the mean value was 3.08. The colorimetric test showed that the caries development potential was reduced in 45%, increased in 15%, and unaltered in 40% after maxillary expander use. CONCLUSION: there was a statistically significant difference in enamel mineralization after maxillary expansion; this difference was within the clinically normal range; the cariogenic potential increased in a small number of patients during

  5. Neandertal roots: Cranial and chronological evidence from Sima de los Huesos. (United States)

    Arsuaga, J L; Martínez, I; Arnold, L J; Aranburu, A; Gracia-Téllez, A; Sharp, W D; Quam, R M; Falguères, C; Pantoja-Pérez, A; Bischoff, J; Poza-Rey, E; Parés, J M; Carretero, J M; Demuro, M; Lorenzo, C; Sala, N; Martinón-Torres, M; García, N; Alcázar de Velasco, A; Cuenca-Bescós, G; Gómez-Olivencia, A; Moreno, D; Pablos, A; Shen, C-C; Rodríguez, L; Ortega, A I; García, R; Bonmatí, A; Bermúdez de Castro, J M; Carbonell, E


    Seventeen Middle Pleistocene crania from the Sima de los Huesos site (Atapuerca, Spain) are analyzed, including seven new specimens. This sample makes it possible to thoroughly characterize a Middle Pleistocene hominin paleodeme and to address hypotheses about the origin and evolution of the Neandertals. Using a variety of techniques, the hominin-bearing layer could be reassigned to a period around 430,000 years ago. The sample shows a consistent morphological pattern with derived Neandertal features present in the face and anterior vault, many of which are related to the masticatory apparatus. This suggests that facial modification was the first step in the evolution of the Neandertal lineage, pointing to a mosaic pattern of evolution, with different anatomical and functional modules evolving at different rates. Copyright © 2014, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

  6. Incisiones verticales en SARPE Vertical incisions in SARPE


    J. Gonzalez Lagunas; J.A. Hueto Madrid; G. Raspall Martín


    La expansión rápida de paladar asistida quirúrgicamente (SARPE) es una de las opciones terapeuticas de los transtornos transversales del maxilar superior. Presentamos nuestra experiencia inicial con una variante técnica consistente en una corticotomía de la pared lateral del maxilar combinada con una osteotomía palatina media transincisal, y efectuadas a través de tres pequeñas incisiones verticales.Surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion (SARPE) is one of the therapeutic options for the ...

  7. Acumulación de plomo en hueso y sus efectos en la salud Lead storage in bone and its effects on health

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    Luz Helena Sanín


    Full Text Available Los efectos nocivos del plomo han sido conocidos desde tiempos antiguos por su amplia gama; este metal afecta prácticamente todos los órganos y sistemas del cuerpo humano. Recientemente se han documentado efectos tóxicos crónicos en los sistemas cardiovascular y nervioso, con niveles que antes se consideraban seguros. El sitio primario de almacenamiento de plomo en el organismo es el hueso, pero sólo hasta fechas recientes se ha clarificado la significancia toxicológica de este hecho. En este artículo se analiza el papel del plomo en hueso como fuente de exposición endógena, como biomarcador de exposición crónica y como tejido blanco. Se presentan además los avances recientes para la medición de plomo en hueso mediante los rayos X-fluorescentes (XRF. Finalmente se revisa la importancia, para la salud pública, de estudiar y medir el plomo en hueso en lugares con una historia de exposición crónica como la Ciudad de México y en los ambientes ocupacionales, especialmente como fuente remanente de exposición. Se analiza especialmente el caso de mujeres en edad reproductiva, quienes pueden convertirse en fuentes de exposición para el feto y para el niño amamantado.The adverse effects of lead have been known for long since the metal affects practically all organs and systems of the human body. Recently, toxic effects have been reported in the cardiovascular and nervous systems at lead levels previously considered to be secure. The main lead storage site in the body is bone. The toxicologic significance of this fact has been clarified only recently. The present study analyzes the role of lead as an endogenous source of exposure, as a chronic exposure biomarker and as a target organ. Recent advances to measure bone lead through fluorescent X-Rays are discussed. Additionally, the importance of bone lead from a public health perspective in places with a chronic history of exposure such as Mexico City, and in some occupational

  8. Retração rápida de caninos associada ao levantamento do seio maxilar Rapid canine retraction associated with maxillary sinus lifting

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    Paulo Renato Carvalho Ribeiro


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: a retração rápida de caninos por distração do ligamento periodontal é uma técnica de movimentação dentária que permite o fechamento de espaço da extração de primeiros pré-molares em um intervalo de 2 ou 3 semanas, proporcionando uma redução significativa no tempo do tratamento ortodôntico. A técnica cirúrgica para realização deste procedimento é relativamente simples, entretanto, nos casos onde o seio maxilar apresenta-se próximo ao ápice radicular de caninos e pré-molares, sempre há o risco de perfuração da membrana desta cavidade. OBJETIVO: o objetivo deste artigo é apresentar, através de um caso clínico, uma modificação na técnica original proposta por Liou e Huang, onde o levantamento do seio maxilar, executado de forma bastante simples, imprimiu maior controle e segurança ao ato cirúrgico necessário para a realização da retração rápida de caninos. CONCLUSÃO: a retração rápida de caninos é um procedimento exeqüível e o levantamento de seio maxilar pode auxiliar na execução do movimento dentário.INTRODUCTION: Rapid canine distalization using distraction of the periodontal ligament is a tooth movement technique that allows to close the space of extraction of first premolars in about 2 or 3 weeks, reducing orthodontic treatment time considerably. The surgical technique for this procedure is reasonably simple, however, during surgery in the maxilla, always exists the risk of sinus injury when the sinus membrane is close to the apex of canines and first premolars. AIM: The aim of this study is to present a case report showing a modification of the original technique proposed by Liou and Huang, where the maxillary sinus membrane lifting procedure was undertaken in a simple way, leaving it intact, and permitting a safer and more controlled protocol to start the rapid canine retraction. CONCLUSION: Rapid canine retraction is a viable procedure and maxillary sinus lifting may be

  9. Evaluación clínica y radiográfica de la técnica de distracción osteogénica en la reconstrucción de rebordes alveolares atróficos en la región anterior del maxilar superior A clinical and radiographic evaluation of the distraction osteogenesis technique for the reconstruction of atrophic alveolar ridges in the anterior region of the upper maxilla

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    M.E. Allais de Maurette


    Full Text Available Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar clínica y radiográficamente la técnica de distracción osteogénica alveolar en la región anterior del maxilar superior y las posibles complicaciones que pueden aparecer durante el tratamiento. Fueron evaluados 15 pacientes, sometidos a reconstrucción alveolar del maxilar superior en la región anterior con distracción osteogénica, usando un distractor yuxtaóseo. Del total de 15 pacientes encontramos que 13 pacientes (86,6% obtuvieron un éxito total de la técnica, obteniendo una ganancia ósea real media de 7,04 mm; en 1 paciente (6,66% fue parcial (2,62 mm y en 1 paciente (6,66% se evidenció un fracaso en la técnica, al alcanzar solo 0,76 mm debido a problemas en la activación del distractor. En cuanto a las complicaciones surgidas durante el tratamiento fueron divididas en complicaciones menores, toda aquella que no interfirió en el éxito del tratamiento, y que estuvieron presentes en 8 pacientes (53,33%, y complicaciones mayores aquellas que no permitieron la rehabilitación con implantes, y que fue encontrado solo en 1 paciente (6,66%. La técnica de distracción osteogénica alveolar, demostró ser eficaz en la reconstrucción de rebordes alveolares atróficos con un éxito de 93,33%, presentado pequeñas complicaciones que pueden ser solventadas por medio de un seguimiento por parte del profesional.This study evaluates clinically and radiographically the distraction osteogenesis technique for the reconstruction of atrophic alveolar ridges in the anterior maxilla region, and the possible complications that arise during treatment. Fifteen patients were evaluated, clinically and radiographically, that had been treated with alveolar distraction osteogenesis in the anterior region, using a juxta-osseous distractor. In 13 patients (86.6% the technique was completely successful, there being an effective bone gain of 7,04 mm. In 1 patient (6.66% this was partial (2.62 mm and in 1 patient (6

  10. The carnivore remains from the Sima de los Huesos Middle Pleistocene site (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). (United States)

    García, N; Arsuaga, J L; Torres, T


    Remains of carnivores from the Sima de los Huesos site representing at least 158 adult individuals of a primitive (i.e., not very speleoid) form of Ursus deningeri Von Reichenau 1906, have been recovered through the 1995 field season. These new finds extend our knowledge of this group in the Sierra de Atapuerca Middle Pleistocene. Material previously classified as Cuoninae indet, is now assigned to Canis lupus and a third metatarsal assigned in 1987 to Panthera of gombaszoegensis, is in our opinion only attributable to Panthera sp. The family Mustelidae is added to the faunal list and includes Martes sp. and a smaller species. The presence of Panthera leo cf. fossilis, Lynx pardina spelaea and Felis silvestris, is confirmed. The presence of a not very speloid Ursus deningeri, together with the rest of the carnivore assemblage, points to a not very late Middle Pleistocene age, i.e., oxygen isotope stage 7 or older. Relative frequencies of skeletal elements for the bear and fox samples are without major biases. The age structure of the bear sample, based on dental wear stages, does not follow the typical hibernation mortality profile and resembles a catastrophic profile. The site was not a natal or refuge den. The hypothesis that the site was a natural trap is the most plausible. If the Sima de los Huesos functioned as a natural trap (without an egress out), the human accumulation cannot be attributed to carnivore: activities and must be explained differently.

  11. Metric and morphological study of the upper cervical spine from the Sima de los Huesos site (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain). (United States)

    Gómez-Olivencia, Asier; Carretero, José Miguel; Arsuaga, Juan Luis; Rodríguez-García, Laura; García-González, Rebeca; Martínez, Ignacio


    In this article, the upper cervical spine remains recovered from the Sima de los Huesos (SH) middle Pleistocene site in the Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain) are described and analyzed. To date, this site has yielded more than 5000 human fossils belonging to a minimum of 28 individuals of the species Homo heidelbergensis. At least eleven individuals are represented by the upper cervical (C1 and C2) specimens: six adults and five subadults, one of which could represent an adolescent individual. The most complete adult vertebrae (three atlases and three axes) are described, measured, and compared with other fossil hominins and modern humans. These six specimens are associated with one another and represent three individuals. In addition, one of these sets of cervical vertebrae is associated with Cranium 5 (Individual XXI) from the site. The metric analysis demonstrates that the Sima de los Huesos atlases and axes are metrically more similar to Neandertals than to our modern human comparative sample. The SH atlases share with Neandertals a sagittally elongated canal. The most remarkable feature of the SH (and Neandertal) axes is that they are craniocaudally low and mediolaterally wide compared to our modern male sample. Morphologically, the SH sample shares with Neandertals a higher frequency of caudally projected anterior atlas arch, which could reflect greater development of the longus colli muscle. In other features, such as the frequency of weakly developed tubercles for the attachment of the transverse ligament of the atlas, the Sima de los Huesos fossils show intermediate frequencies between our modern comparative samples and the Neandertals, which could represent the primitive condition. Our results are consistent with the previous phylogenetic interpretation of H. heidelbergensis as an exclusively European species, ancestral only to H. neanderthalensis.

  12. Relleno de cavidades óseas en cirugía maxilofacial con materiales aloplásticos Bone cavity filling with alloplastic material in maxillofacial surgery

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    S. Ochandiano Caicoya


    Full Text Available En los estudios de regeneración ósea se distinguen dos tipos de defectos, los que carecen de capacidad de regeneración espontánea durante toda la vida del individuo (defectos de tamaño crítico y los que sí que poseen dicha capacidad (de tamaño no crítico, siempre que aportemos las condiciones adecuadas, estabilización del coágulo, mantenimiento del espacio y reposo mecánico (concepto de regeneración ósea guiada. En esta controversia revisamos el defecto óseo del seno maxilar y las cavidades residuales postquistectomía, ambos defectos de tamaño no crítico que conservan varias de sus paredes. En la elevación de seno muchos autores concluían que era necesario aportar siempre hueso autólogo en el material de injerto, bien en solitario o en distintas mezclas con biomateriales en proporciones no definidas, 50:50, 20:80 etc. La evidencia clínica y la que recoge la literatura en los últimos años contradice esa conclusión y ya se afirma que los biomateriales en exclusiva en el seno maxilar consiguen resultados equiparables al hueso autólogo siempre que se aumente el periodo de osificación. Repasamos nuevos estudios que incluso discuten la necesidad de utilizar ningún tipo de injerto para conseguir neoformación ósea dentro del seno maxilar. Los resultados en el defecto óseo de cavidades residuales postquistectomía, en las que consigamos mantener varias de sus paredes, son todavía más concluyentes. El mejor tratamiento de esos defectos es el cierre directo de la mucosa y esperar a la regeneración espontánea del defecto. La utilización de hueso autólogo es innecesaria y si aportamos biomateriales tampoco conseguimos un mejor comportamiento biomecánico del hueso residual, retrasamos la osificación y aumentamos el número de complicaciones. Sólo los defectos de espesor total pueden beneficiarse de la utilización de membranas. Los defectos que han perdido varias paredes pueden perder su capacidad de regeneración

  13. Stature estimation from complete long bones in the Middle Pleistocene humans from the Sima de los Huesos, Sierra de Atapuerca (Spain). (United States)

    Carretero, José-Miguel; Rodríguez, Laura; García-González, Rebeca; Arsuaga, Juan-Luis; Gómez-Olivencia, Asier; Lorenzo, Carlos; Bonmatí, Alejandro; Gracia, Ana; Martínez, Ignacio; Quam, Rolf


    Systematic excavations at the site of the Sima de los Huesos (SH) in the Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain) have allowed us to reconstruct 27 complete long bones of the human species Homo heidelbergensis. The SH sample is used here, together with a sample of 39 complete Homo neanderthalensis long bones and 17 complete early Homo sapiens (Skhul/Qafzeh) long bones, to compare the stature of these three different human species. Stature is estimated for each bone using race- and sex-independent regression formulae, yielding an average stature for each bone within each taxon. The mean length of each long bone from SH is significantly greater (p Huesos hominins nor the Neandertals should be considered 'short' people. In fact, the average stature within the genus Homo seems to have changed little over the course of the last two million years, since the appearance of Homo ergaster in East Africa. It is only with the emergence of H. sapiens, whose earliest representatives were 'very tall', that a significant increase in stature can be documented. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Estimación de las propiedades para el material hueso: ensayo fractura de fémur


    Montalvo Andújar, Jorge


    Con este proyecto fin de carrera se pretende avanzar en el campo de la bioingenieria y la prevención, mejorar datos y procedimientos para la obtención de resultados más fiables. En este proyecto se desarrolla un método para estimar las propiedades del material elástico-plástico del hueso utilizando datos de esfuerzo-deformación y mediciones con galgas extensiométricas. Mediante esta nueva rutina de trabajo y análisis de datos se pretende la obtención de las propiedades sobre la...

  15. The Sima de los Huesos hominids date to beyond U/Th equilibrium (>350 kyr) and perhaps to 400-500 kyr: New radiometric dates (United States)

    Bischoff, J.L.; Shamp, D.D.; Aramburu, Arantza; Arsuaga, J.L.; Carbonell, E.; Bermudez de Castro, Jose Maria


    The Sima de los Huesos site of the Atapuerca complex near Burgos, Spain contains the skeletal remains of at least 28 individuals in a mud breccia underlying an accumulation of the Middle Pleistocene cave bear (U. deningeri). Earlier dating estimates of 200 to 320 kyr were based on U-series and ESR methods applied to bones, made inaccurate by unquantifiable uranium cycling. We report here on a new discovery within the Sima de los Huesos of human bones stratigraphically underlying an in situ speleothem. U-series analyses of the speleothem shows the lower part to be at isotopic U/Th equilibrium, translating to a firm lower limit of 350 kyr for the SH hominids. Finite dates on the upper part suggest a speleothem growth rate of c. 1 cm/32 kyr. This rate, along with paleontological constraints, place the likely age of the hominids in the interval of 400 to 600 kyr. ?? 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Caso clínico: tratamiento quirúrgico de la neuropatía cubital por pseudoartrosis del gancho del hueso ganchoso

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    A. León Garrigosa


    Conclusiones: El dolor en el margen cubital de la mano, con tenosinovitis flexora de los tendones del cuarto y quinto dedos y/o manifestaciones de neuropatía cubital distal, cuando se produce en pacientes que practican deporte de empuñadura, obliga a realizar tomografía axial computerizada, y, si hay pseudoartrosis del gancho del hueso ganchoso, intentar su osteosíntesis.

  17. Ausência de fluxo aéreo nasal e desenvolvimento dos seios maxilares Absence of nasal air flow and maxillary sinus development

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    Roberto Eustáquio dos Santos Guimarães


    Full Text Available Os mecanismos responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento dos seios paranasais ainda são pouco conhecidos, o fluxo aéreo nasal segundo uma das teorias propostas seria fundamental ao crescimento e desenvolvimento saudável dos seios paranasais. OBJETIVO: Estudar comparativamente o desenvolvimento dos seios maxilares e a presença de sinusopatia, em um mesmo modelo, na ausência e presença de fluxo aéreo nasal posterior. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo transversal de uma série de casos; os exames tomográficos pré-operatórios de 7 pacientes com atresia coanal unilateral, idade média 16.28 anos (± 5,024. Este estudo realizado em um hospital terciário, com pacientes que passaram neste serviço entre os anos de 1994 e 2004. A área dos seios maxilares foi medida com auxílio do programa Auto-Cad. Utilizou-se o teste de Kruskal-Wallis para análise estatística. RESULTADOS: Nesse estudo observou-se seios maxilares simétricos e até mesmo maiores no lado da atresia coanal em 85,71% dos casos, não houve diferença estatística significativa entre os dois lados comparados. Não se observou sinais de tomográficos de sinusopatia neste grupo de pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados aqui apresentados contrariam a teoria difusamente aceita sobre o papel do fluxo aéreo nasal na saúde e no desenvolvimento das cavidades paranasais.Paranasal sinuses development mechanisms are not well known. Nasal air flow, according to one of the proposed theories, would be fundamental to the growth and healthy development of paranasal sinuses. AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate the maxillary sinus growth and health in the presence and absence of postnasal air flow through a unique model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective study of a series of cases; preoperative CT scans of 7 patients with unilateral choanal atresia, average age was 16.28 years (± 5.024. This study was done in a tertiary hospital, with patients treated between 1994 and 2004. The area of

  18. Osteonecrosis de los maxilares inducida por bifosfonatos: prevención y actitud terapéutica Bisphosphonate induced osteonecrosis of the jaws: prevention and therapeutic approach

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    F.J. Barrientos Lezcano


    Full Text Available Introducción. La osteonecrosis maxilar o mandibular por bifosfonatos puede convertirse en una epidemia debido a la amplia difusión de estos fármacos entre la población. Material y método. Se muestra un protocolo para la prevención y el tratamiento de esta enfermedad. Se presentan tres casos de osteonecrosis maxilar/mandibular. Resultados. Es difícil lograr una curación completa; sin embargo es posible detener la progresión de la enfermedad. Discusión. La cirugía y la suspensión de la terapia con bifosfonatos han demostrado poca utilidad. Los antibióticos y los enjuagues con clorhexidina son las únicas medidas eficaces. Conclusiones. Es imprescindible una planificación adecuada previa a la instauración del tratamiento con bifosfonatos. Ante una osteonecrosis establecida, la actitud debe ser conservadora.Introduction. Bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis of the jaws might reach epidemic proportions due to the widespread use of this therapy. Materials and methods. A protocol for prevention and treatment of this pathology is shown. Three clinical cases are reported. Results. It is quite difficult to reach restitutio ad integrum, but stopping the progress of the disease is possible. Discussion. Surgical treatment and cessation of bisphosphonate therapy are of no use. Only antibiotics and oral chlorhexidine have shown some benefits. Conclusions. An accurate preventive attitude is mandatory prior to undergoing bisphosphonate therapy. If osteonecrosis of the jaws is present, management should be conservative.

  19. Tumor odontogênico cístico calcificante com proliferação ameloblastomosa em seio maxilar Calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor with ameloblastoma proliferation in the maxillary sinus

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    Maria Carolina Gonçalves Carnasciali


    Full Text Available O tumor odontogênico cístico calcificante (TOCC com proliferação ameloblastomosa é uma variante rara entre os cistos maxilares. Este trabalho objetiva apresentar o relato clínico de um paciente do sexo masculino, 18 anos de idade, que apresentava aumento de volume extra e intraoral do lado esquerdo da maxila, firme à palpação, de característica normocrômica e indolor. A conduta consistiu em realização de tomografia Cone Beam, biópsia incisional, remoção completa da lesão, curetagem e fixação maxilar. O paciente encontra-se em acompanhamento clínico e radiográfico sem recidiva após doze meses. Dessa forma, ressalta-se a importância do diagnóstico precoce, a conduta clínica empregada e o acompanhamento periódico.Calcifying cystic odontogenic tumors (CCOT with proliferative ameloblastoma are a rare variant among maxillary cysts. This study aims to present a clinical report of an 18-year-old male patient with extra and intra oral swelling of the left maxilla, firm to touch, with normochromic characteristics and painless. The clinical approach comprised cone-beam tomography, incisional biopsy, complete removal of the lesion, curettage and maxilla fixation. His clinical and radiographic follow-up has revealed no relapse after 12 months. Hence, this study corroborates the importance of early diagnosis, clinical approach and periodical follow-ups.

  20. Carnivore activity in the Sima de los Huesos (Atapuerca, Spain) hominin sample (United States)

    Sala, Nohemi; Arsuaga, Juan Luis; Martínez, Ignacio; Gracia-Téllez, Ana


    The Sima de los Huesos (SH) site is the largest accumulation of human remains from the Middle Pleistocene known to date. Studies in the last two decades have proposed different hypotheses to explain carnivore activity in the SH human sample. This study provides new data in order to test these different interpretations, and therefore to understand the role of the carnivores in site formation at SH. Carnivores are usually not the origin of large accumulations of hominin fossils in the Eurasian record. The results show that marks of carnivore activity in the SH sample appear very infrequently, which we interpret as indicating that carnivore activity was very sporadic at the site. This is in stark contrast with previous studies. The comparison of bone modification patterns at SH to actualistic carnivore data allows us to suggest that bears were likely to have been the carnivore responsible for the modification observed on both human and bear fossils.

  1. Fibroma odontogenico en maxilar inferior. Apropósito de un caso

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    Gustavo Guzmán


    Full Text Available Title: Mandibular odontogenic fibroma. A case report.Resumen: Los tumores benignos son neoplasias que se pueden presentar en cualquier parte de la cavidad oral estos pueden ulcerarse, sangrar o interferir con la masticacion o con la adhesion de protesis dentales, tambien presentan un desarrollo lento, una superficie mucosa conservada y compresion de estructuras vecinas. Los fibromas odontogenicos son tumores benigno poco frecuente caracterizado por tejido fibroso con celulas de tejido conectivo, este se puede presentar en cualquier etapa de la vida, no tiene predileccion de sexo y se da mas en la mandibula que en los maxilares. El objetivo de este artículo es describir un caso clínico de este tumor, hacer una breve revisión de la literatura, analizar sus características clínicas e histológicas y la actitud terapéutica a tomar.(DUAZARY 2012 No.2, 190 - 195AbstractBenign tumors are growths that can occur in any part of the oral cavity they can ulcerate, bleed, or interfere with chewing or the adhesion of dental prostheses, also show a slow development, a preserved mucosal surface and compression of adjacent structures. Odontogenic fibroma is a fairly common tumor tissue characterized by fibrous connective tissue cells, this can occur at any stage of life, has no sex predilection an occurs more in the mandible than the maxilla. The aim of this paper is to describe a case of this tumor, a brief review of the literature, analyze their clinical and histological features and therapeutic approach to take.Keywords: Ossifying fibroma; benign neoplasms; fibromas; Jaw Neoplasms.

  2. Tratamento da má oclusão de Classe II, divisão 1 de Angle, com protrusão maxilar utilizando-se recursos ortopédicos Class II, division 1, with maxillar protrusion's treatment employing orthopedic approachs

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    Carla Maria Melleiro Gimenez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: o presente trabalho tem o propósito de apresentar uma revisão da literatura acerca do tratamento da má oclusão de Classe II, divisão 1 de Angle, tendo a protrusão maxilar como o principal componente dessa má oclusão, durante a fase de crescimento e desenvolvimento craniofacial. Serão apresentadas as características de cada um desses aparelhos, os seus componentes, a forma adequada de utilização, os seus mecanismos de ação e, principalmente, os seus efeitos em todo o complexo dentofacial. CONCLUSÃO: nos casos em que se verifica apenas a protrusão maxilar, sem envolvimento mandibular, e se faz necessário o controle vertical, pode ser indicado o AEB, conjugado ao aparelho removível derivado do aparelho preconizado por Thurow. Já nas situações de combinação da protrusão maxilar com a retrusão mandibular, uma opção de tratamento é o ativador combinado à ancoragem extrabucal.AIM: The purpose of this research is to review the literature about the treatment of Class II, division 1 malocclusion with maxillary protrusion, during the growth and development period. This review addresses the characteristics of these appliances, their components, correct use, action mechanisms, and mainly their consequences in dentofacial complex. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with maxillary protrusion and with no mandibular component, it may be indicated the use of a maxillary splint similar to the one suggested by Thurow. However, in patients with maxillary protrusion and mandibular retrusion, it may be indicated an activator associated with extra oral anchorage.

  3. Efectos a corto plazo de la expansión ortopédica del maxilar tratada con un láser de baja intensidad en dentición mixta


    García García, Valentín Javier


    OBJETIVOS: Establecer un patrón de tensión acumulada en diferentes partes de un disyuntor tras realizar una expansión rápida del maxilar (ERM) y relacionarlo con los diferentes patrones de crecimiento vertical. El estudio clínico fue realizado con 40 pacientes que presentabanmordida cruzada posterior y requerían una ERM. A continuación, se desarrolló un modelo de elementos finitos (MEF) de las fuerzas que se soportan tras una ERM, validando los datos con un test mecánico y posteriormente...

  4. Granulomatosis de células de Langerhans: Presentación de un caso

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    . Caridad Nazco Ríos


    Full Text Available Se reporta un inusual caso de granulomatosis de células de Langerhans localizado en maxilares en un paciente de 30 meses de edad, quien presentaba además de las lesiones líticas óseas, lesiones de aspecto tumoral en encía palatina y lingual de ambas arcadas dentarias. El examen óseo no arrojaba compromiso de otros huesos. El diagnóstico histológico fue corroborado por el Centro Nacional de Referencia en Anatomía Patológica.A unusual case of Langerhans´ cells is reported, located in maxillae of a 30 months old patients, who, apart from bone lithic injuries, showed injuries of tumoral type in lingual and palatine gingiva of both dental archs. According to bone examination, there weren´t involvement of other bones. Histologic diagnosis was corroborated by National Reference Center in Pathologic Anatomy.

  5. Avaliação comparativa dos efeitos maxilares da expansão rápida da maxila com os aparelhos de Haas e Hyrax Comparative evaluation of maxilar effects of rapid maxilar expansion with Haas and Hyrax appliances

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    Marco Antônio Scanavini


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar cefalometricamente os efeitos da expansão rápida da sutura palatina mediana sobre o posicionamento vertical e sagital da maxila, comparando os aparelhos de Haas e Hyrax. METODOLOGIA: a amostra consistiu de 93 telerradiografias obtidas de 31 pacientes jovens, brasileiros, de ambos os gêneros, na faixa etária inicial média de 13 anos e 2 meses. As radiografias foram tomadas ao início do tratamento (pré-disjunção, imediatamente após a disjunção (pós-disjunção e ao final do nivelamento. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: constatou-se que os dois aparelhos disjuntores apresentaram resultados semelhantes, com a ocorrência de deslocamento da maxila em direção inferior, sem rotação, que se manteve ao final do nivelamento e ocorrência de um deslocamento anterior logo após a disjunção, que retornou aos valores pré-disjunção ao final do nivelamento.AIM: the purpose of this cephalometric study was to evaluate, by lateral cephalograms, the changes in maxilar positioning after rapid disjunction of the midpalatal suture, following the use of two types of maxillary disjunction appliances, checked in different phases, and the likely differences between the two appliances Haas and Hyrax. METHODS: the sample comprised of 93 lateral cephalograms, taken before treatment (pre-disjunction, immediately after disjunction and at the end of levelling, obtained from 31 brazilian youths with both genres and average age of 13 years and 2 months. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: both types of appliances showed similar results, with anterior and lower displacement of maxila right after disjunction. Lower displacement was without rotation, and mainttened stable until the end of levelling. Anterior displacement, however, was not stable and cephalometric measurements like SNA and Nperp-A tended to returned to initial values at the end of levelling.

  6. High-resolution U-series dates from the Sima de los Huesos hominids yields 600 +∞-66: implications for the evolution of the early Neanderthal lineage (United States)

    Bischoff, James L.; Williams, Ross W.; Rosenbauer, Robert J.; Aramburu, Arantza; Arsuaga, Juan Luis; Garcia, Nuria; Cuenca-Bescos, Gloria


    The Sima de los Huesos site of the Atapuerca complex near Burgos, Spain contains the skeletal remains of at least 28 individuals in a mud-breccia underlying an accumulation of the Middle Pleistocene cave bear (Ursus deningeri). We report here on new high-precision dates on the recently discovered speleothem SRA-3 overlaying human bones within the Sima de los Huesos. Earlier analyses of this speleothem by TIMS (thermal-ionization mass-spectrometry) showed the lower part to be indistinguishable from internal isotopic equilibrium at the precision of the TIMS instrumentation used, yielding minimum age of 350 kyr (kyr = 103 yr before present). Reanalysis of six samples of SRA-3 by inductively-coupled plasma-multicollector mass-spectrometry (ICP-MS) produced high-precision analytical results allowing calculation of finite dates. The new dates cluster around 600 kyr. A conservative conclusion takes the lower error limit ages as the minimum age of the speleothem, or 530 kyr. This places the SH hominids at the very beginnings of the Neandertal evolutionary lineage.

  7. Non-masticatory uses of anterior teeth of Sima de los Huesos individuals (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). (United States)

    Lozano, Marina; Bermúdez de Castro, José M; Carbonell, Eudald; Arsuaga, Juan Luis


    In this study we examine the labial and occlusal surfaces of incisors and canines of hominins recovered from the Sima de los Huesos (SH), middle Pleistocene site, in order to establish the possible extra-masticatory use of anterior teeth. We have compared the microwear of these fossils with microwear from the anterior teeth of Australian Aborigines, a population characterized by ethnographic evidence of the use of their teeth as a third hand. These two samples of teeth were microscopically analyzed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Our results support the "cultural" origin of microwear observed on fossil teeth: we conclude that the SH hominins used their anterior teeth as a "third hand" for para- or extra-masticatory activities.

  8. Sarcomas primarios de hueso: estudio por citometría estática mediante análisis digital de imagen


    Hernández Cortés, P.; Aneiros Cachaza, J.; Ramírez Tortosa, C. L.; O'Valle Tarrasa, F.; Andújar Sánchez, M.


    Se presenta un estudio morfométrico y densitométrico mediante análisis digital de imagen de una serie de 50 tumores óseos malignos (32 osteosarcomas, 12 condrosarcomas y 6 histiocitomas fibrosos malignos de hueso), con el fin de evaluar la utilidad de la técnica para establecer el grado y el pronóstico de estas neoplasias. Las variables morfométricas y la disposición de la cromatina guardan una estrecha relación con el grado histológico (Spearman; p < 0,05) y muestran diferenci...

  9. Incisiones verticales en SARPE Vertical incisions in SARPE

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    J. Gonzalez Lagunas


    Full Text Available La expansión rápida de paladar asistida quirúrgicamente (SARPE es una de las opciones terapeuticas de los transtornos transversales del maxilar superior. Presentamos nuestra experiencia inicial con una variante técnica consistente en una corticotomía de la pared lateral del maxilar combinada con una osteotomía palatina media transincisal, y efectuadas a través de tres pequeñas incisiones verticales.Surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion (SARPE is one of the therapeutic options for the correction of transverse maxillary collapse. We present our initial experience with a technique consisting in a lateral corticotomy of the maxilla plus a transincisal midpalatal osteotomy, both performed through minimal vertical incisions.

  10. Queratoquistes maxilares: marsupialización Keratocysts of the jaw: marsupialization

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    D. Martínez Pérez


    Full Text Available El queratoquiste odontogénico es una tumoración quística cuya cápsula está formada por un epitelio escamoso derivado de la lámina dental o el epitelio odontogénico primordial. Representa un 10% de todas las lesiones quísticas de los maxilares. Radiológicamente, es raro que presentes reabsorciones radiculares. El diagnóstico está basado en las características histológicas. El diagnóstico diferencial más importante es el quiste folicular que se caracteriza por un revestimiento escamoso de espesor variable. El tratamiento de los queratoquistes odontogénicos es objeto de constante discusión ya que la tasa de recidiva publicada es elevada (en torno al 30%. El tratamiento estándar es la enucleación, pero dado que la cápsula es típicamente fina y friable, se suele fragmentar durante la extirpación. La resección incompleta de la cápsula así como la presencia de microquistes en el tejido conectivo circundante predispone a la recidiva o persistencia de la tumoración. La alternativa es el tratamiento por medio de descompresión y marsupialización.The odontogenic keratocyst is a tumor-like cystic with a capsule that is formed of squamous epithelium originating from dental lamina or from primordial odontogenic epithelium. Radiologically, radicular resorption is rare. The most important differential diagnosis is the follicular cyst that has a characteristic squamous coating of a variable thickness. Treatment for odontogenic keratocysts is the object of constant discussion as the rate of recurrence published is high (around 30%. The standard treatment is enucleation, but given that the capsule is very fine and friable, it tends to break into fragments during extraction. Incomplete resection of the capsule, as well as the presence of microcysts in the surrounding connective tissue, makes recurrence or tumor persistence more likely. The alternative is treatment by means of decompression and marsupialization.

  11. Efectos de Bisfosfonatos sobre el hueso y su repercusión sobre el movimiento Ortodóncico: Revisión de la literatura


    Villoria, Carmen


    En esta revision de la literatua, se obtuvo informaion acerca de los bisfosfonatos sobre el hueso y las aplicaciones clinicas que tienen durante el movimiento de los dientes en ortodoncia los bisfosfonatos son una familia de drogas usadas atualmente en medicina para combatir afecciones oseas como: Osteoporosis, metastasis oseas, osteolosis, en mielomas, enfermedad de paget, etc. en odontologia, el efecto mas notable entre otros es el de anclaje a nivel local durante el movimiento ortodoncio d...

  12. Histiocitosis de células de Langerhans, granuloma eosinofílico de hueso temporal en adolescente. Caso clínico

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    Rosa Isabel Milanés Pérez


    Full Text Available El granuloma eosinofílico es la forma localizada de la histiocitosis de células de Langerhans. Es una rara enfermedad que puede simular un proceso infeccioso del oído medio y áreas vecinas, especialmente en la población pediátrica. Se presenta caso clínico de una adolescente con enfermedad de histiocitosis de Langerhans monofocal en hueso temporal. Su diagnóstico presentó dificultades inherentes a su presentación clínica y a los estudios anatomopatológicos. La respuesta al tratamiento con radioterapia a dosis bajas fue satisfactoria.

  13. STUDY OF THE MORPHOLOGIC AND MORPHOMETRIC PATTERNS OF TALAR ARTICULAR FACETS ON DRY ADULT CALCANEAL BONES IN SOUTH-EASTERN NIGERIAN POPULATION. Estudio de los patrones morfológicos y morfométricos de las facetas articulares talares en huesos calcaneos a

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    Ukoha Ukoha


    Full Text Available Background: Calcaneum is the largest and longest tarsal bone in the foot and forms the prominence of the heel. Objective: The aim of the study was to observe the variations in the morphology and morphometry of the talar articular facets on the superior surface of human calcanei in South-Eastern Nigeria. Materials and Methods: The study was carried out on 220 adult non-pathological dry calcanei of unknown sex from bone banks of various medical colleges in South-Eastern Nigeria. Each calcaneum was examined for various patterns of articulating facets. Results: Pattern 1 was 55.4% of the studied population, Pattern II 7.7%, Pattern III 12.7% and Pattern IV 24%. The oval shape was 52.86% and 64.39% in the anterior and middle talar articular facets respectively, oval and convex was 70% in the posterior facet and the elongated shape was 63.12% in the fused anterior and middle facet with elongated oval 27.87% in subtype 2 and elongated constricted 35.25% in subtype 1. The length of the calcanei was recorded at a mean±SD of 7.10±0.70cm (left side and 7.01±0.72cm (right side. The width was 2.77±0.38cm (left side and 2.77±0.37cm (right side. The distance between the anterior and middle facets was 0.50±0.15cm (left side and 0.48±0.15cm (right side; the posterior and middle facets at 0.59±0.20cm (left side and 0.56±0.17cm (right side and that between the anterior and posterior facets at 1.43±0.27cm (left side and 1.42±0.29cm (right side. Conclusion: A good knowledge of the calcaneal facet pattern and shape may be useful in forensic medicine. Antecedentes: El calcáneo es el hueso tarsiano más largo y más largo del pie y forma la prominencia del talón. El tercio medio de la superficie superior del calcáneo proporciona una faceta articular para el hueso del talud. Objetivo: El estudio busca observar las variaciones en la morfología y morfometría de las facetas articulares del talar en la superficie superior de huesos calcánicos secos de

  14. Nonocclusal dental microwear analysis of 300,000-year-old Homo heilderbergensis teeth from Sima de los Huesos (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). (United States)

    Pérez-Pérez, A; Bermúdez De Castro, J M; Arsuaga, J L


    Casts of nonocclusal enamel surfaces of 190 teeth from the Middle Pleistocene site of Sima de los Huesos have been micrographed by scanning electron microscopy. Microscopic analyses of striation density and length by orientation show distinct patterns of intrapopulation variability. Significant differences in the number and length of the striations by orientation are found between maxillary and mandibular teeth. This probably reflects differences in the mechanical forces involved in the process of chewing food. Significant differences are present between isolated and in situ teeth that could be caused by postdepositional processes differentially affecting the isolated teeth. In addition, a distinct and very unusual striation pattern is observed in a sample of teeth that can be explained only by a strong nondietary, most probably postmortem abrasion of the enamel surfaces. These teeth have a very high density of scratches, shorter in length than those found on other teeth, that are not indicative of dietary habits. No known depositional process may account for the presence of such postmortem wear since heavy transportation of materials within the clayish sediments has been discarded for the site. Despite this, a characteristic dietary striation pattern can be observed in most of the teeth analyzed. Most likely the diet of the Homo heidelbergensis hominids from Sima de los Huesos was highly abrasive, probably with a large dependence on hard, poorly processed plant foods, such as roots, stems, and seeds. A highly significant sex-related difference in the striation pattern can also be observed in the teeth analyzed, suggesting a differential consistency in the foods eaten by females and males.


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    Ana Cruz


    produced in another place and they were probably intentionally placed in the burials. SPANISH: La cueva del Morgado Superior es una cavidad kárstica situada en el municipio de Tomar (Santarém, Portugal. Como otras cavidades de la misma zona, en esta se dispone de datos estratigráficos y depósitos votivos pertenecientes al Holoceno, más concretamente a un rango cronológico de tiempo que se extiende desde el Neolítico hasta los inicios de la Edad del Bronce. En la cueva del Morgado Superior se han documentado múltiples enterramientos con objetos votivos como jarras, artefactos en hueso e industria lítica (láminas y puntas de flecha, etc., cuentas, collares y otros elementos decorativos asociados a más de 8.000 huesos humanos: los elementos del ajuar funerario son escasos en comparación con el número de individuos enterrados en la cueva. En relación al desgaste de uso, hemos analizado el ajuar funerario con el objetivo de entender su función en el contexto funerario y económico de esta sociedad prehistórica. El estudio se ha centrado en los elementos más representativos del ajuar funerario: puntas de flecha y artefactos líticos tallados. Dicho análisis muestra que la mayoría de los elementos del ajuar funerario fueron objetos de uso cotidiano pero con un fuerte valor simbólico. Teniendo en cuenta que en la cueva del Morgado Superior se han encontrado numerosos objetos del ajuar funerario previamente rotos, su valor simbólico no parece desaparecer si los objetos se rompían. Además, el análisis del desgaste de uso del ajuar funerario de la cueva del Morgado Superior nos ha permitido identificar un fuerte valor simbólico de estos elementos para la comunidad y, al mismo tiempo, hipotetizar una práctica funeraria que no implicaría un especial respeto por los cuerpos y el ajuar funerario de estos muertos enterrados en la cueva. Por estas razones, podemos vislumbrar una expoliación progresiva (probablemente ritual del ajuar funerario. A través del

  16. Desarrollo de una metodología para la fabricación de injertos compuestos de polvo de hueso y un biopolímero


    Sandra Quevedo-B.; Fabio A. Rojas-M.; Argemiro Michael Sanabria


    El propósito de este trabajo es presentar el desarrollo de una metodología para producir implantes a partir de materiales compuestos a base de una mezcla de polvo de hueso cortical bovino y ABS (poliacrilonitrilo - butadieno - estireno). La morfología del polvo y sus dimensiones, así como el porcentaje del mismo en la mezcla, fueron establecidos como las variables de diseño del estudio realizado en este primer intento para producir objetos a partir de biomateriales híbridos par...

  17. Pattern of dental development in Hominid XVIII from the Middle Pleistocene Atapuerca-Sima de los Huesos site (Spain). (United States)

    Bermudez De Castro, J M; Rosas, A


    . We describe the pattern of dental development of Hominid XVIII from the Middle Pleistocene Sima de los Huesos (SH) site of the Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain). As expected, this pattern is similar to that of modern humans. A delay of development of the lower and upper canines was observed. In contrast, the relative advanced development of the lower second molars and, especially, the upper and lower third molars is noteworthy. This latter feature seems to be common in Pleistocene hominids, and suggests that the pattern of dental development evolved in the genus Homo during the Pleistocene. In European Middle Pleistocene hominids, this pattern probably was facilitated by the extra space available in the mandible and maxilla for developing teeth. Copyright 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  18. Uso de células troncales mesenquimales derivadas de la grasa y plasma rico en plaquetas para el tratamiento preventivo de osteonecrosis de los maxilares relacionada con la toma de bisfosfonatos. Estudio experimental en ratas


    Barba Recreo, Paula


    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Cirugía. Fecha de lectura: 8-09-2017 La osteonecrosis de los maxilares relacionada con la toma de bisfosfonatos (BRONJ) es una patología de frecuencia creciente, asociada a estos fármacos antirresortivos de amplio uso. El principal reto en el manejo de BRONJ es la ausencia de un tratamiento efectivo establecido. El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar diferentes tratamiento...

  19. Craniosynostosis in the Middle Pleistocene human Cranium 14 from the Sima de los Huesos, Atapuerca, Spain. (United States)

    Gracia, Ana; Arsuaga, Juan Luis; Martínez, Ignacio; Lorenzo, Carlos; Carretero, José Miguel; Bermúdez de Castro, José María; Carbonell, Eudald


    We report here a previously undescribed human Middle Pleistocene immature specimen, Cranium 14, recovered at the Sima de los Huesos (SH) site (Atapuerca, Spain), that constitutes the oldest evidence in human evolution of a very rare pathology in our own species, lambdoid single suture craniosynostosis (SSC). Both the ecto- and endo-cranial deformities observed in this specimen are severe. All of the evidence points out that this severity implies that the SSC occurred before birth, and that facial asymmetries, as well as motor/cognitive disorders, were likely to be associated with this condition. The analysis of the present etiological data of this specimen lead us to consider that Cranium 14 is a case of isolated SSC, probably of traumatic origin. The existence of this pathological individual among the SH sample represents also a fact to take into account when referring to sociobiological behavior in Middle Pleistocene humans.

  20. Terapia hormonal y calidad del hueso Hormone therapy and bone quality

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    Full Text Available La osteoporosis se reconoce como uno de los problemas de salud de la población femenina posmenopáusica, y la terapia hormonal de reemplazo (THR como una de las medidas terapéuticas efectivas para evitar la fractura. Nos propusimos mostrar la experiencia acumulada en relación con el efecto de la terapia hormonal de reemplazo sobre la calidad del hueso. En un estudio retrospectivo realizado en 42 mujeres con edades entre 40 y 59 años que asistieron a la Clínica de Climaterio y Osteoporosis y a la consulta multidisciplinaria de climaterio del Hospital Ginecoobstétrico “Ramón González Coro” entre enero de 1997 y diciembre del año 2003, se determinó la calidad ósea mediante absorciometría dual de rayos X en región lumbar (L2-L4 o por ultrasonido del calcáneo (USCAL y recibieron tratamiento continuado con terapia estrogénica (E o con estrógenos progestagenos (EP durante no menos de un año (n = 30. Las mujeres que no pudieron recibir THR fueron agrupadas y evaluadas como grupo control (n =12. Durante el tiempo de observación promedio de 2 años, las mujeres que recibieron THR mejoraron su calidad ósea en el 16,8 %, mientras que las del grupo control empeoraron en el 8 % de los casos. Estos resultados iniciales, aunque son modestos, muestran la utilidad de la THR para mejorar la calidad del hueso y la necesidad de continuar estudios que permitan definir en nuestro medio la persistencia de la mejoría ósea, así como la magnitud de la osteoporosis posmenopáusica.Osteoporosis is recognized as one of the health problems of the female postmenopausic population and the replacement hormone therapy (RHT as one of the effective therapeutical measures to prevent fracture. We proposed ourselves to show the experience accumulated in relation to the effect of the replacement hormone therapy on the bone quality. In a retrospective study conducted among 42 women aged 30-59 that attended the Climacteric and Osteoporosis Clinic and the

  1. Enfermedades Metabólicas del Hueso

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    Efraim Otero Ruiz


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    Señoras, señores:

    Como se trata de una homologación de afectos y preferencias personales por los autores, colombianos y mexicanos, de esta obra; y como los dos hemos trajinado largo rato en esto de ser editores de revistas y libros, decidimos, el Dr. Jorge Maldonado y yo, echar a la suerte para ver quién hablaba en esta presentación formal del libro de Antonio Iglesias y colaboradores, titulado “Enfermedades metabólicas del hueso”.

    Yo gané la partida pero con la advertencia de que lo que aquí exprese, lo que se diga encomiásticamente del libro, de su autor principal y de su elenco de coautores, viene compenetradamente de nosotros dos y, para usar una expresión muy de la generación torera y española del 98, es como si hubiese sido escrito al alimón.

    Realmente, la aparición de esta publicación en sus dos volúmenes completos (el primero había aparecido en junio de este año marca un hito en la literatura médica escrita en nuestro idioma, ya que no se contaba con un texto castellano dedicado al hueso y sus enfermedades metabólicas. Ella no sólo denota el interés inveterado del autor principal, iniciado hace ya muchos años con la reumatología y el colágeno y preocupado después asiduamente por la osteoporosis y las enfermedades óseas, sino que le otorga además una especial capacidad de liderazgo ya que pudo, en un tiempo relativamente corto y sumergido en las responsabilidades directivas de un Instituto Nacional de Salud, lograr que una nómina ilustre, de 3 autores principales y 47 colaboradores, fuera construyendo, paso a paso, capítulo por capítulo, esta gran síntesis que destaca el esqueleto óseo como órgano de vital importancia metabólica y al tiempo asiento de muy disímiles patologías, muchas de ellas con causas aún no totalmente aclaradas.

    En efecto, durante muchos siglos se pensó en el esqueleto como estructura casi inerte que servía solamente de soporte o sostén a la

  2. Cuartos molares supernumerarios: relato de caso clínico

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    Daniela Nascimento Silva


    Full Text Available Los dientes supernumerarios se diagnostican mediante exámenes radiográficos de rutina, pues generalmente son asintomáticos. Los cuartos molares representan el segundo grupo de dientes supernumerarios con más frecuencias; ocurren en posición distal a los terceros molares, especialmente en el maxilar superior, y en la mayoría de casos, estos están incluidos. El objetivo de este artículo es realizar la presentación de un caso, de una mujer de 30 anos con los cuartos molares incluidos en el maxilar inferior y describir la técnica para su remoción.Supernumerary teeth are generally asymptomatic and are diagnosed by routine X-ray tests. The fourth molar teeth represent the second group of the most frequent supernumerary teeth, occur in distal position to the third molar teeth, specially in the superior maxilla and, in most of the cases, they are included. The aim of this paper is to comment on the case of a 30-year-old woman with the fourth molar teeth included in the inferior maxilla and to describe the technique used for their removal.

  3. Cinética de la biosorción de cromo hexavalente en solución acuosa por biomasa de Hueso de Prunus Pérsica (Durazno)


    Flores Rodríguez, Wilber Hugo


    El cromo hexavalente (Cr +6) representa un riesgo para el equilibrio ambiental y la salud humana, los métodos convencionales para remover metales pesados presentes en efluentes industriales generalmente son costoso e/o ineficientes. La biosorción es una alternativa novedosa, eficiente y económica para resolver este problema ya que es posible emplear subproductos de bajo costo y alta capacidad de remoción; El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar las propiedades físico-químicas del hueso de ...

  4. The early use of break-bone fever (Quebranta huesos, 1771) and dengue (1801) in Spanish. (United States)

    Rigau-Pérez, J G


    The appellation of break-bone fever for dengue is attributed to the popular name given to the disease in the first described epidemic of an illness that is clinically compatible with dengue in Philadelphia in 1780. The origin of the word dengue as the name of an illness is currently attributed to the Swahili phrase Ka dinga pepo, thought to have crossed from Africa to the Caribbean in 1827; in Cuba this phrase was popularly identified with the Spanish word dengue. This article presents documents from Spanish archives that indicate the use of quebranta huesos (break-bone) by a physician in Puerto Rico to describe a febrile illness in 1771, and the use of the term dengue by the Queen of Spain in 1801 to describe an acute febrile illness with bone and joint pains, hemorrhage, and jaundice. These texts are evidence of a more generalized use of the term break-bone than previously recognized, and conversely, the specifically Spanish origin of dengue as the name for an illness.

  5. Enamel hypoplasias and physiological stress in the Sima de los Huesos Middle Pleistocene hominins. (United States)

    Cunha, E; Rozzi, F Ramirez; Bermúdez de Castro, J M; Martinón-Torres, M; Wasterlain, S N; Sarmiento, S


    This study presents an analysis of linear enamel hypoplasias (LEH) and plane-form defects (PFD) in the hominine dental sample from the Sima de los Huesos (SH) Middle Pleistocene site in Atapuerca (Spain). The SH sample comprises 475 teeth, 467 permanent and 8 deciduous, belonging to a minimum of 28 individuals. The method for recording PFD and LEH is discussed, as well as the definition of LEH. The prevalence of LEH and PFD in SH permanent dentition (unilateral total count) is 4.6% (13/280). Only one deciduous tooth (lower dc) showed an enamel disruption. Prevalence by individual ranges from 18.7-30%. The most likely explanation for the relatively low LEH and PFD prevalence in the SH sample suggests that the SH population exhibited a low level of developmental stress. The age at occurrence of LEH and PFD was determined by counting the number of perikymata between each lesion and the cervix of the tooth. Assuming a periodicity of nine days for the incremental lines, the majority of LEH in the SH sample occurred during the third year of life and may be related to the metabolic stress associated with weaning.

  6. Three new human skulls from the Sima de los Huesos Middle Pleistocene site in Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain. (United States)

    Arsuaga, J L; Martínez, I; Gracia, A; Carretero, J M; Carbonell, E


    Three important fossil hominids were found in July 1992 in the Middle Pleistocene cave site called Sima de los Huesos (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Northern Spain). One is a complete calvaria (cranium 4), the second a virtually complete cranium (cranium 5), the third represents a more fragmentary cranium of an immature individual (cranium 6). There is a large difference in size between the two adult specimens (for example endocranial volume 1,125 cm3 versus 1,390 cm3). The Atapuerca human remains are dated to > 300,000 years. The Atapuerca cranial sample fits within the 'archaic Homo sapiens' group, but is well differentiated from the Asian Homo erectus group. The extensive Atapuerca human collection is the most complete sample of Middle Pleistocene humans yet discovered from one site, and appears to document an early stage in Neanderthal evolution.

  7. Human hyoid bones from the middle Pleistocene site of the Sima de los Huesos (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). (United States)

    Martínez, I; Arsuaga, J L; Quam, R; Carretero, J M; Gracia, A; Rodríguez, L


    This study describes and compares two hyoid bones from the middle Pleistocene site of the Sima de los Huesos in the Sierra de Atapuerca (Spain). The Atapuerca SH hyoids are humanlike in both their morphology and dimensions, and they clearly differ from the hyoid bones of chimpanzees and Australopithecus afarensis. Their comparison with the Neandertal specimens Kebara 2 and SDR-034 makes it possible to begin to approach the question of temporal variation and sexual dimorphism in this bone in fossil humans. The results presented here show that the degree of metric and anatomical variation in the fossil sample was similar in magnitude and kind to living humans. Modern hyoid morphology was present by at least 530 kya and appears to represent a shared derived feature of the modern human and Neandertal evolutionary lineages inherited from their last common ancestor.

  8. Aspectos macroscópicos del hueso sometido al fuego. Revisión de las cremaciones descritas en el País Vasco desde la Arqueología.

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    Francisco Etxeberria


    Full Text Available Tras haber revisado la mayoría de las colecciones arqueológicas con restos humanos afectados por el fuego, se reinterpreta el fenómeno del ritual funerario valorando tambien otras posibilidades que deben ser tenidas en consideración. Con base en algunas experiencias propias realizadas, se describen los aspectos macroscópicos que presenta el hueso tras haber sido sometido a altas temperaturas constatando el diferente comportamiento entre el tejido fresco y el seco o antiguo.

  9. DIAPHYSEAL NUTRIENT FORAMINA OF ADULT HUMAN TIBIA - ITS POSITIONAL ANATOMY AND CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS. Foramen nutricio diafisario de la tibia humana adulta – Su anatomía posicional y las implicancias clínicas

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    Swati Gandhi


    Full Text Available El conocimiento del número y posición de los forámenes nutricios en los huesos largos es importante en los procedimientos ortopédicos, tales como la terapia de reemplazo de articulaciones, reparación de fracturas, injertos de hueso y micro-cirugía de hueso vascularizado. El presente estudio se llevó a cabo en el departamento de Anatomía, Colegio Médico Gubernamental de Amritsar. El estudio comprendió 100 tibias de humanos adultos obtenidas de 50 cadáveres masculinos y 50 femeninos. Todos los huesos del presente estudio presentaban el foramen nutricio situado en el tercio superior del eje y se dirigían hacia abajo. En la mayoría de los huesos, se encuentró lateral a la línea vertical en la superficie posterior de la diáfisis tibial. Las distancias medias de foramen nutricio de los extremos superior e inferior de la tibia eran mayores en los hombres en ambos lados. Además, estas mediciones mostraron valores más altos en los huesos de la mitad derecha. El conocimiento preciso de la ubicación de la forámenes nutricios en los huesos largos es útil en la prevención de las lesiones intra-operatorias en cirugía ortopédica, así como en cirugía plástica y reconstructiva y también es relevante en la práctica médico-legal. An understanding of the number and position of nutrient foramina in long bones is important in orthopedic procedures such as joint replacement therapy, fracture repair, bone grafts and vascularized bone microsurgery. The present study was conducted in the department of Anatomy, Govt. Medical College Amritsar. The study group comprised of 100 adult human tibiae obtained from 50 male and 50 female cadavers. All the bones of the present study depicted single nutrient foramen situated in the upper one third of the shaft and were directed downwards. In majority of the bones, it was located lateral to the vertical line on the posterior surface of tibial shaft. The mean distances of nutrient foramen from the upper

  10. Aplicabilidade da técnica de cell block na avaliação citológica do conteúdo de lesões de aspecto cístico dos maxilares Applicability of cell block technique for cytological evaluation of biological material collected from maxillary cystic lesions

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    Grasieli de Oliveira Ramos


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A busca por novos métodos que auxiliem e simplifiquem de maneira eficaz o diagnóstico de lesões maxilares, cistos e tumores, objetiva beneficiar os pacientes e facilitar a atuação dos profissionais da área de diagnóstico bucal. Além dos dados clínicos, radiográficos e histopatológicos classicamente utilizados nos protocolos de investigação das lesões maxilares, a adaptação de técnicas já consagradas na medicina pode ser de grande valia. A técnica de cell block se propõe a auxiliar nesse processo, pois consiste na análise citológica de materiais, efusões e líquidos, coletados de lesões passíveis de punção aspirativa, como cistos e tumores císticos dos maxilares. OBJETIVO: Demonstrar a aplicabilidade da técnica de cell block para avaliação citológica de material biológico coletado a partir de lesões císticas dos maxilares. RESULTADOS: Das 20 lesões, das quais o conteúdo foi processado pela técnica, a avaliação citológica de cinco casos de tumores odontogênicos ceratocísticos (TOCs demonstrou a presença predominante de ceratina, sempre com áreas de paraceratina. Nos demais casos (cinco cistos dentígeros, cinco cistos radiculares e cinco cistos residuais foi observada a presença de hemácias, células inflamatórias e fendas de cristais de colesterol. CONCLUSÃO: A avaliação citológica, a partir da técnica de cell block, foi útil no estabelecimento do diagnóstico diferencial entre TOC e demais lesões estudadas, cistos radicular, residual e dentígero.INTRODUCTION: The search for new methods that aid and optimize the diagnosis of cystic and tumoral maxillary lesions aims to benefit both patients and professionals from oral diagnosis. In addition to clinical, radiographic and histological findings traditionally used in research protocol for maxillary lesions, the adaptation of widely used medical techniques may be very helpful. The cell block procedure streamlines this process

  11. Los dados de Ausa y Mendikute (s. XIII-XIV: La elaboración de objetos lúdicos en hueso en algunas fortificaciones medievales del territorio guipuzcoano

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    Karen ALVARO


    Full Text Available El estudio arqueológico de los recintos fortificados de Ausa y Mendikute permitió recuperar una muestra significativa de útiles y complementos óseos correspondientes a la fase final de su ocupación militar. Entre los objetos elaborados en hueso, cabe destacar un conjunto de piezas de carácter lúdico, mayoritariamente dados, así como otros elementos residuales del proceso de elaboración. Dichos testimonios avalan que se trata de una manufactura local realizada por la soldadesca de ambas fortificaciones fronterizas.

  12. On the age of the hominid fossils at the Sima de los Huesos, Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain: paleomagnetic evidence. (United States)

    Parés, J M; Pérez-González, A; Weil, A B; Arsuaga, J L


    We report new paleomagnetic data for the Middle Pleistocene hominid-bearing strata in the Sima de los Huesos, North Spain. Sediments (brown muds with human and bear fossils and the underlying sterile clayey and sandy unit) preserve both normal and reversed magnetic components. The sterile unit has exclusively reversed magnetization, dating back to the Matuyama Chron, and thus is Lower Pleistocene in age. The overlying fossiliferous muds have a dominant normal magnetization that overprints a partially resolved reversed magnetization. These data are compatible with one of the reversal events that occurred during the Brunhes Chron. Combined with the existing U-series dates and evidence from the macro- and microfauna, these paleomagnetic results suggest an age of the hominid fossils between 325 to 205 ka, whereas the underlying sand and silts are older than 780 ka. Copyright 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  13. Histiocitosis de células de Langerhans localizada en hueso malar: Presentación de un caso Localized langerhans cell histiocytosis of the zygomatic bone: A case report

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    María Loreto Castellón Zirpel


    Full Text Available La histiocitosis de células de Langerhans localizada (HCLL, conocida como granuloma eosinófilo, representa entre el 50 y el 60% de todos los casos de histiocitosis de células de Langerhans. El tratamiento clásico para la HCLL ha sido el curetaje o la resección de las lesiones óseas. Hay publicaciones de casos tratados con inyección intralesional de corticosteroides, combinado con curetaje. Se presenta un caso clínico de un paciente de tres años de edad con diagnóstico de HCLL que compromete en su extensión el hueso malar, tratado con infiltraciones de corticosteroides y posterior curetaje de la lesión. A un año de realizado el tratamiento, el paciente se encuentra asintomático y con una regeneración ósea del hueso malar, evidenciable en la tomografía axial computarizada.Localized Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LLCH, also known as eosinophilic granuloma, represents 50 to 60% of all cases of Langerhans cell histiocytosis. The standard treatment for LLCH has been lesion curettage or resection. Cases treated with intralesional corticosteroid injections combined with curettage have been described. We report the case of a three-year-old patient diagnosed of LLCH with extensive zygomatic bone involvement, who was treated with corticosteroid infiltrations and subsequent curettage of the lesion. One year after treatment, the patient is asymptomatic with zygomatic reossification evidenced on computed tomography.

  14. Postcranial morphology of the middle Pleistocene humans from Sima de los Huesos, Spain. (United States)

    Arsuaga, Juan Luis; Carretero, José-Miguel; Lorenzo, Carlos; Gómez-Olivencia, Asier; Pablos, Adrián; Rodríguez, Laura; García-González, Rebeca; Bonmatí, Alejandro; Quam, Rolf M; Pantoja-Pérez, Ana; Martínez, Ignacio; Aranburu, Arantza; Gracia-Téllez, Ana; Poza-Rey, Eva; Sala, Nohemi; García, Nuria; Alcázar de Velasco, Almudena; Cuenca-Bescós, Gloria; Bermúdez de Castro, José María; Carbonell, Eudald


    Current knowledge of the evolution of the postcranial skeleton in the genus Homo is hampered by a geographically and chronologically scattered fossil record. Here we present a complete characterization of the postcranium of the middle Pleistocene paleodeme from the Sima de los Huesos (SH) and its paleobiological implications. The SH hominins show the following: (i) wide bodies, a plesiomorphic character in the genus Homo inherited from their early hominin ancestors; (ii) statures that can be found in modern human middle-latitude populations that first appeared 1.6-1.5 Mya; and (iii) large femoral heads in some individuals, a trait that first appeared during the middle Pleistocene in Africa and Europe. The intrapopulational size variation in SH shows that the level of dimorphism was similar to modern humans (MH), but the SH hominins were less encephalized than Neandertals. SH shares many postcranial anatomical features with Neandertals. Although most of these features appear to be either plesiomorphic retentions or are of uncertain phylogenetic polarity, a few represent Neandertal apomorphies. Nevertheless, the full suite of Neandertal-derived features is not yet present in the SH population. The postcranial evidence is consistent with the hypothesis based on the cranial morphology that the SH hominins are a sister group to the later Neandertals. Comparison of the SH postcranial skeleton to other hominins suggests that the evolution of the postcranium occurred in a mosaic mode, both at a general and at a detailed level.

  15. Clavicles, scapulae and humeri from the Sima de los Huesos site (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). (United States)

    Carretero, J M; Arsuaga, J L; Lorenzo, C


    The scapulae, clavicles and humeri recovered from the Sima de los Huesos (SH) site between 1976 and 1994 are studied. All elements are briefly described anatomically with metrics and compared with other fossil hominids in order to establish the morphological pattern of the SH hominids. A minimum of 13 individuals are represented by the humeri in the SH sample. Almost all of them can be classified as adolescents and young adults. The morphology of the SH hominid shoulder girdle and humeri indicates that much of the shoulder morphology recognized in the later true Neandertal was present in Europe long before they appeared. Thus, this morphological pattern is not exclusive to Neandertals alone. The SH clavicles, scapulae and humeri share with the Neandertals many traits usually considered to be Neandertal specializations. The comparative analysis of the SH evidence suggests that most of the SH and Neandertal shared traits are either primitive features within the genus Homo or even for all hominids, or display high variability within different hominid samples. These traits must be used with caution, or not used at all, in phylogenetic analysis. There are, however, traits that to date have only been detected in the SH hominids and the Neanderials, which could be exclusive to the European phyletic lineage (clade) of Homo.

  16. Tercer molar ectópico a nivel de región infraorbitaria-seno maxilar Ectopic third molar of the maxillary sinus-infraorbital region

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    C. Moreno García


    Full Text Available Introducción. Los cordales ectópicos son aquellos incluidos en posiciones inusuales o desplazados a distancia de su normal localización anatómica. La erupción ectópica de un diente dentro de la cavidad oral es común pero en otros lugares es raro. La erupción ectópica puede ir asociada con alteraciones en el desarrollo, procesos patológicos o yatrogenia. Caso Clínico. Mujer de 56 años de edad con tercer molar superior derecho ectópico a nivel de región infraorbitaria-seno maxilar. Presentaba dolor e inflamación hemifacial derecha de larga evolución y resistente a tratamiento médico. Se realizó exéresis quirúrgica de dicho cordal mediante abordaje de Caldwell-Luc. Discusión. En muchos casos la etiología de un cordal ectópico no puede ser identificada. La mayor parte de las veces son asintomáticos y diagnosticados mediante estudios radiológicos. Conclusión. La indicación de la exodoncia en el caso de un diente ectópico en general viene determinada por la presencia de sintomatología o en prevención de futuras complicaciones.Introduction. Ectopic third molar teeth are those that are impacted in unusual positions, or that have been displaced and are at a distance from their normal anatomic location. Ectopic eruption of a tooth within the oral cavity is common, but rare in other sites. Ectopic eruption can be associated with developmental disturbances, pathologic processes or iatrogenic activity. Case Report. Female, fifty-six years old, with an upper right ectopic third molar located in the maxillary sinus-infraorbital region. She presented with pain and inflammation of the right side of her face that she had been experiencing for along time and which had been resistant to treatment. Surgical excision was carried out of the third molar tooth using the Caldwell-Luc approach. Discussion. In many cases the etiology of ectopic third molars cannot be identified. Generally they are asymptomatic and diagnosed by radiology

  17. Surface modifications of the Sima de los Huesos fossil humans. (United States)

    Andrews, P; Fernandez Jalvo, Y


    The sample of fossil human bones from the Sima de los Huesos, Atapuerca, has been analysed to trace parts of its taphonomic history. The work reported here is restricted to analysis of the skeletal elements preserved and their surface modifications. Preliminary plans of specimen distribution published 6 years ago indicate that the skeletal elements are dispersed within the cave, but more recent data are not yet available. Most of the fossils are broken, with some breakage when the bone was fresh and some when already partly mineralized, both types showing some rounding. There are few longitudinal breaks on shafts of long bones and so very few bone splinters. All skeletal elements are preserved but in unequal proportions, with elements like femora, humeri and mandibles and teeth with greater structural density being best represented. There is no evidence of weathering or of human damage such as cut marks on any of the human assemblage, but trampling damage is present on most bones. Carnivore damage is also common, with some present on more than half the sample, but it is mostly superficial, either on the surfaces of shafts and articular ends or on the edges of spiral breaks. The sizes and distribution of the carnivore pits indicate extensive canid activity, and this is interpreted as scavenging of the bones in place in the cave. Indications of tooth marks from a larger carnivore indicate the activity possibly of a large felid: the marks are too large to be produced by small canids, with the larger marks concentrated on spiral breaks on the more robust bones, and there is no evidence of bone crushing and splintering in the manner of hyaenas. The nature of the SH human assemblage is also consistent with accumulation by humans, the evidence for this being the lack of other animals, especially the lack of herbivorous animals, associated with the humans, and the high number of individuals preserved.

  18. Double elevator weakening for unilateral congenital superior oblique palsy with ipsilateral superior rectus contracture and lax superior oblique tendon. (United States)

    Khan, Arif O


    In unilateral congenital superior oblique palsy, a large hypertropia is sometimes associated with ipsilateral contracture of the superior rectus muscle and apparent overaction of the contralateral superior oblique. Ipsilateral double elevator weakening is one surgical approach; however, this procedure could compromise supraduction. We report a series of three consecutive patients who underwent ipsilateral superior rectus and inferior oblique recessions for unilateral superior oblique palsy. Intraoperatively, all three patients were found to have a lax ipsilateral superior oblique tendon. Postoperatively, all three patients had satisfactory correction of the hypertropia and abnormal head position with minimal supraduction defect. This procedure seems to be an acceptable initial surgical option for treating congenital superior oblique muscle palsy with ipsilateral contracture of the superior rectus muscle, even when the ipsilateral superior oblique tendon is lax. Copyright © 2012 American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Tratamiento Temprano de la Maloclusión Clase III con aparatología Ortopédica: Reporte de caso con 7 años de control

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    Full Text Available Una de las maloclusiones más complejas de diagnosticar y de tratar es la maloclusión clase III.\tSe caracteriza por una alteración en la relación sagital de los maxilares, ya sea por una deficiencia o retrusión maxilar o por un prognatismo o macrognatismo mandibular, o bien sea una combinación de las anteriores. La etiología es multifactorial y es debida a una interacción de factores hereditarios y ambientales. Se presenta una paciente de 4 años de edad, sexo femenino, con patrón hereditario de clase III en su familia materna. Relación esquelética clase III con mandíbula aumentada en longitud, protruida, rotando posterior y maxilar superior retruído. Tipo de crecimiento vertical, con un perfil recto y mordida cruzada anterior y posterior unilateral izquierda. Se instauró tratamiento con aparatología ortopédica durante el periodo de dentición decidua hasta la dentición permanente, para lograr así, equilibrar el crecimiento maxilomandibular. Uno de los aspectos clínicos más complicados del manejo ortopédico de la maloclusión clase III es la recidiva después del período de tratamiento activo; sin embargo en nuestra paciente se consiguen cambios a nivel esquelético, dental y estéticos que se mantuvieron durante el tratamiento

  20. 382 elevaciones de seno con técnica de ventana lateral y uso de biomaterial de relleno Sinus augmentation with a lateral window technique and use of a biomaterial filling

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    María Herrero


    Full Text Available Introducción: Desde los estudios de Boyne y James y Tatum, la elevación de seno maxilar y colocación de injertos óseos se ha convertido en un procedimiento estándar que permite la colocación de implantes dentales en casos en los que la altura ósea posterior del maxilar es insuficiente. Aunque la utilización de hueso autólogo se considera la técnica gold-standard, en la actualidad se utilizan diversos biomateriales que obvian los inconvenientes de los injertos autólogos. Uno de los biomateriales más ampliamente utilizados es la matriz mineral ósea bovina desproteinizada en forma de gránulos (Bio-Oss®. Objetivos: Mostramos nuestra experiencia en implantología tras 382 elevaciones de seno. Material y métodos: Presentamos el estudio de una serie de 382 casos de elevaciones de seno maxilar realizadas con técnica abierta y abordaje lateral utilizando Bio-Oss® como material de relleno y colocando implantes dentales simultáneamente o en una fase posterior, describiendo los protocolos utilizados y el seguimiento. Resultados: Se realizaron un total de 382 casos (de los cuales 340 fueron en una sola fase y 42 en dos fases durante el periodo comprendido entre octubre de 2002 y febrero de 2010. Se colocaron un total de 726 implantes de los cuales fracasaron 27 (3,7%. Conclusiones: La elevación de seno maxilar para colocación de implantes dentales utilizando Bio-Oss® como material de relleno es una técnica fiable y con resultados predecibles a largo plazo como pone de manifiesto nuestro estudio.Background: Since the studies of Boyne and James research and then Tatum, maxillary sinus floor augmentation and grafting has become a standard procedure for dental implants in cases where the bone height in posterior maxilla it was insufficient. Although autogenous graft is considered the gold standard, there is currently a large amount of biomaterials which avoid the problems of autogenous bone grafts. One of the most used biomaterials is

  1. Calidad del hueso en mujeres de edad mediana con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 Bone quality in middle-aged females with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Alina Acosta Cedeño


    Full Text Available ANTECEDENTES: la osteoporosis y diabetes mellitus constituyen problemas de salud para la población senescente en general y para la mujer en particular. El descontrol metabólico y las lesiones microvasculares de la DM afectan todo el organismo, incluyendo el hueso. OBJETIVO: determinar la calidad del hueso en mujeres de edad mediana con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. MÉTODOS: estudio descriptivo-transversal, consistente en determinar la calidad del hueso en 30 mujeres con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, y 20 sin diabetes mellitus que constituyeron el grupo control. Se les realizó historia clínica, para precisar: edad, índice de masa corporal, circunferencia de cintura y actividad física; además, en las diabéticas: tiempo de evolución de la diabetes mellitus, glucemia en ayunas y posprandial de 2 h. La calidad del hueso se determinó mediante densitómetro LEXUS y se expresó como contenido mineral óseo y T-score en L2-L4 y el radio. Se utilizaron los criterios de la OMS para definir osteoporosis. Se emplearon estadígrafos descriptivos y correlaciones lineales. RESULTADOS: el 33 % de las pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 tuvo osteoporosis en el radio, y el 3,3 % en L2-L4, lo que ocurrió en el 75 y el 30 % respectivamente de las no diabéticas. El contenido mineral óseo en: L2-L4 de las diabéticas fue 0,561 g/cm² yen el radiode 0,358 g/cm², mientras en las no diabéticas fue 0,285 y 0,313 g/cm² respectivamente (p de 18,5 kg/m² de superficie corporal (sc y la circunferencia de cintura > de 88 cm con el contenido mineral óseo, y asociación negativa entre el T-score en el radio y la glucemia en ayunas ³ a 7mmol/L, y entre el tiempo de evolución > de 5 años con el contenido mineral óseo en L2-L4 (pBACKGROUND: osteoporosis and diabetes mellitus are health problems for the aging population in general and for females in particular. The metabolic decontrol and the microvascular lesions of DM affect the whole organism, including bones

  2. Estandarización de modelo experimental porcino para defectos óseos maxilares

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    A.F. Aguilera-Salgado


    ánicos y PCR, obteniendo datos compatibles con tejido óseo. Nuestro proyecto permitió la estandarización de la técnica quirúrgica para crear defectos óseos maxilares en el modelo porcino, con buena reproducibilidad, corto tiempo quirúrgico y sin complicaciones en la zona.

  3. Concepto actual, diagnóstico y tratamiento del tumor odontogénico adenomatoide. Reporte de un caso

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    Manuel Escalante Fontalvo


    Full Text Available El tumor odontogénico adenomatoide (TOA es una lesión clasificada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS dentro de los tumores odontogénicos con participación del ectomesénquima, ya que puede contener, además del epitelio, tejido calcificado en su interior, que muestra una morfología histológica muy peculiar. Es un tumor benigno de baja prevalencia que compromete solo el 0,1% de los tumores y quistes de los maxilares, con una muy baja tendencia a la recidiva; es común en pacientes jóvenes, generalmente mujeres, de mayor presentación en el maxilar superior, asintomático, de crecimiento lento y poco invasivo; el cual se puede semejarse a otras lesiones odontogénicas de mayor agresividad como el quiste dentígero y el ameloblastoma, entre otros benignos como el odontoma complejo y adenomas pleomórficos. A menudo se observa como una lesión radiolúcida de aspecto quístico unilocular, asociada a órganos dentales incluidos, usualmente dientes caninos. Su localización clásica nos orienta al diagnóstico y su patrón histológico ductiforme (apariencia basaloide con estructuras glanduliformes, calcificaciones esferulares y presencia de abundante material amiloide que facilitan su reconocimiento microscópico es muy propio de esta lesión tumoral. Se presenta un caso de un paciente de 12 años de edad, asintomática y asimétrica facial, de sexo femenino, con un diagnóstico definitivo por biopsia de TOA en la región anterior del maxilar superior asociado a un órgano dental 23 incluido; intervenido quirúrgicamente, colocando material de injerto como sustituto óseo, teniendo en cuenta estado general del paciente, diagnósticos diferenciales, características radiográficas, tomográficas y clínicas.

  4. Oseointegración en implantes Bicon® cargados a los tres meses después de haber sido colocados mediante la técnica de elevación interna del seno maxilar en pacientes atendidos en la facultad de odontología de la universidad de Cartagena

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    Lorena Meñaca


    Full Text Available ResumenObjetivo: El objetivo general de este estudio fue evaluar la oseointegración en implantes tipo Bicon® cargados a los tres meses de colocados, mediante la técnica de elevación interna de seno maxilar. Materiales y Métodos: Este estudio se establece como una investigación de tipo descriptivo, basado en una serie de casos clínicos tratados. En la recolección de la información se utilizó un instrumento en donde se registraron los datos personales de los pacientes, se realizó la toma de radiografías panorámicas iniciales y radiografías periapicales utilizadas para observar la neoformación ósea y medir el aumento del piso del seno maxilar. La información fue consignada y tabulada en tablas y gráficos de frecuencia. Resultados: De los implantes colocados ninguno presentó movilidad ni patologías perimplantares, el piso del seno maxilar se aumentó en promedio 2.6 mm y se presentó neoformación ósea adecuada a los tres meses, lo que permitió la carga de los implantes. Conclusiones: Se determinó que a los tres meses se logra una suficiente oseointegración con los implantes, que en conjunto con la elevación interna del piso del seno maxilar y el grado de neoformación ósea alcanzado dieron a los implantes las condiciones necesarias para poder cargar los mismos. Además, la ausencia total de lesiones perimplantarias señalan el cumplimiento estricto de las normas tecnoquirurgicas, evaluación e instrucción a los pacientes que se han estado manejando dentro del proceso de la colocación de los implantes Bicon®. (Duazary 2007; 2: 93 - 99AbstractObjective: The general objective of this investigation was to evaluate the oseointegration of Bicon® dental implants that have been charge after three month of put it with internal sinus lift in maxillary sinus Material and Methods: This investigation has been stablished as a descriptive study, support in clinic cases. In order to recollect the information, a format was used to

  5. Expansão maxilar em adultos e adolescentes com maturação esquelética avançada Maxillary expansion in adults and adolescents with advanced skeletal maturation

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    Rowdley Robert Pereira Rossi


    Full Text Available A deficiência transversa da maxila é um fator agravante e complicador do tratamento ortodôntico em adultos. Sua correção ainda gera dúvidas e controvérsias entre clínicos e pesquisadores. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar e discutir fatores determinantes para o planejamento da expansão maxilar em adultos e adolescentes com maturação esquelética avançada. Ausências dentárias múltiplas, grandes inclinações dentoalveolares para vestibular, recessão gengival, perda óssea alveolar e mobilidade dos dentes posterossuperiores contraindicam a realização de expansão rápida da maxila em indivíduos adultos ou com maturação esquelética avançada. No entanto, esses fatores não devem ser considerados isoladamente para a escolha do método de expansão palatal nesses pacientes. Nessas situações, a Expansão Rápida da Maxila Assistida Cirurgicamente (ERMAC pode ser uma opção, entretanto, a escolha por essa técnica deve basear-se principalmente na idade do paciente, no grau de maturação esquelética, na localização da deficiência transversa da maxila e nas estruturas anatômicas que oferecem maior resistência à expansão maxilar. O Hyrax é o aparelho mais indicado para indivíduos que vão se submeter à ERMAC.The transverse maxillary deficiency is a complication factor in adults' orthodontic treatment. Its correction still generates doubts and controversies between clinicians and researchers. The aim of this paper is to discuss the determinative factors in planning maxillary expansion in adults and adolescents with advanced skeletal maturation. Multiple dental absences, several dentoalveolar buccal inclination, gingival recession, alveolar bone loss and mobility of posterosuperior teeth contraindicate the rapid maxillary expansion in adults or patients with advanced skeletal maturation. However, these factors should not be considered separately when choosing the method for palatal expansion in adults. In these

  6. Human talus bones from the Middle Pleistocene site of Sima de los Huesos (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain). (United States)

    Pablos, Adrián; Martínez, Ignacio; Lorenzo, Carlos; Gracia, Ana; Sala, Nohemi; Arsuaga, Juan Luis


    Here we present and describe comparatively 25 talus bones from the Middle Pleistocene site of the Sima de los Huesos (SH) (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain). These tali belong to 14 individuals (11 adult and three immature). Although variation among Middle and Late Pleistocene tali tends to be subtle, this study has identified unique morphological characteristics of the SH tali. They are vertically shorter than those of Late Pleistocene Homo sapiens, and show a shorter head and a broader lateral malleolar facet than all of the samples. Moreover, a few shared characters with Neanderthals are consistent with the hypothesis that the SH population and Neanderthals are sister groups. These shared characters are a broad lateral malleolar facet, a trochlear height intermediate between modern humans and Late Pleistocene H. sapiens, and a short middle calcaneal facet. It has been possible to propose sex assignment for the SH tali based on their size. Stature estimates based on these fossils give a mean stature of 174.4 cm for males and 161.9 cm for females, similar to that obtained based on the long bones from this same site. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Rates of anterior tooth wear in Middle Pleistocene hominins from Sima de los Huesos (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). (United States)

    Bermúdez de Castro, J M; Martinón-Torres, M; Sarmiento, S; Lozano, M; Arsuaga, J L; Carbonell, E


    This study presents quantitative data on the rates of anterior tooth wear in a Pleistocene human population. The data were obtained for the hominin sample of the Sima de los Huesos site in Atapuerca, Spain. The fossil record belongs to a minimum of 28 individuals of the same biological population, assigned to the species Homo heidelbergensis. We have estimated the original and the preserved crown height of the mandibular incisors (I1 and I2) of 11 individuals, whose age at death can be ascertained from the mineralization stage and tooth eruption. Results provide a range of 0.276-0.348 and 0.288-0.360 mm per year for the mean wear rate of the mandibular I1 and I2, respectively, in individuals approximately 16-18 years old. These data suggest that incisors' crowns would be totally worn out toward the fifth decade of life. Thus, we expect the life expectancy of this population to be seriously limited. These data, which could be contrasted with results obtained on hominins at other sites, could be of interest for estimating the death age of adult individuals.

  8. Nueva clasificación de las fracturas de trazo unilateral del tercio medio facial


    Francisco Avello; Allan Avello


    Las fracturas de trazo unilateral del tercio medio facial son las más frecuentes de las fracturas del macizo óseo-facial, en general. Dentro de estas, son las que afectan al maxilar superior y al malar las de mayor incidencia. Se producen como consecuencia de traumatismos severos, siendo la determinación de este tipo de fractura, por edad, sexo y agente causal importante para su manejo. Se pueden presentar en forma combinada con otro tipo de fractura facial. Tienen una mayor incidencia en el ...

  9. Nueva clasificación de las fracturas de trazo unilateral del tercio medio facial


    Avello, Francisco; Avello, Allan


    Las fracturas de trazo unilateral del tercio medio facial son las más frecuentes de las fracturas del macizo óseo-facial, en general. Dentro de estas, son las que afectan al maxilar superior y al malar las de mayor incidencia. Se producen como consecuencia de traumatismos severos, siendo la determinación de este tipo de fractura, por edad, sexo y agente causal importante para su manejo. Se pueden presentar en forma combinada con otro tipo de fractura facial. Tienen una mayor incidencia en el ...

  10. Persistent left superior vena cava with absent right superior vena cava: image findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Araujo Junior, Cyrillo Rodrigues de; Carvalho, Tarcisio Nunes; Fraguas Filho, Sergio Roberto; Costa, Marlos Augusto Bitencourt; Jacob, Beatriz Mahmud; Machado, Marcio Martins; Teixeira, Kim-Ir-Sen Santos; Ximenes, Carlos Alberto


    Persistent left superior vena cava absent right superior vena cava is a rare anomaly, with less than 150 cases reported in the literature. Congenitally persistent left superior vena cava is the most common variant of systemic venous return to the heart, resulting embryologically from failure of the left anterior cardinal vein to become obliterated. Its incidence varies from 0.3% in patients with otherwise normal heart to 4.3% in patients with congenital heart disease. In the majority of the patients, a right superior vena cava is present as well, but rarely the right anterior cardinal vein degenerates resulting in the absence of the normal right superior vena cava. The blood from the right side is carried by the persistent left superior vena cava to the right atrium through the coronary sinus. We report the case of a patient with a persistent left superior vena cava and absence of right superior vena cava identified by chance during a chest radiograph and computed tomography examination for investigation of chronic pulmonary obstructive disease. The patient had no congenital heart disease and the blood from the right side was drained by the persistent left superior vena cava into the right atrium through the coronary sinus. (author)

  11. Paleopathological evidence of the cranial remains from the Sima de los Huesos Middle Pleistocene site (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). Description and preliminary inferences. (United States)

    Pérez, P J; Gracía, A; Martínez, I; Arsuaga, J L


    The large Sima de los Huesos sample provides for the first time the opportunity of performing a paleopathological study of a Middle Pleistocene population. A high frequency of bilateral temporomandibular arthropathy has been observed. We found an ear hyperostosis in Cranium 4, that probably caused deafness that we consider to be of infectious origin. Three osteomata were found in the cranial collection. One severe trauma was evident on the left supraorbital torus of an immature individual. Many cranial vault erosions, mostly restricted to the external table, are found in the sample. Cranium 5 displays thirteen of these. Cranium 5 also shows an extensive maxillary osteitis associated with a dental apical abscess, as well as another dental apical abscess in its mandible. Most of the adult frontal bones show a worm-like pattern of vascular channelling in the orbital roof, also found in modern populations.

  12. Padronização de um método para mensuração das tábuas ósseas vestibular e lingual dos maxilares na Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico (Cone Beam Methodology standardization for measuring buccal and lingual alveolar bone plates using Cone Beam Computed Tomography

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    Marcos Cezar Ferreira


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: a espessura das tábuas ósseas que recobrem os dentes por vestibular e lingual constitui um dos fatores limitantes da movimentação dentária. O avanço tecnológico em Imaginologia permitiu avaliar detalhadamente essas regiões anatômicas por meio da utilização da tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC. OBJETIVO: descrever e padronizar, pormenorizadamente, um método para mensuração das tábuas ósseas vestibular e lingual dos maxilares nas imagens de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico. METODOLOGIA: a padronização digital da posição da imagem da face deve constituir o primeiro passo antes da seleção dos cortes de TCFC. Dois cortes axiais de cada maxilar foram empregados para a mensuração da espessura do osso alveolar vestibular e lingual. Utilizou-se como referência a junção cemento-esmalte dos primeiros molares permanentes, tanto na arcada superior quanto na inferior. RESULTADOS: cortes axiais paralelos ao plano palatino foram indicados para avaliação quantitativa do osso alveolar na maxila. Na arcada inferior, os cortes axiais devem ser paralelos ao plano oclusal funcional. CONCLUSÃO: o método descrito apresenta reprodutibilidade para utilização em pesquisas, assim como para a avaliação clínica das repercussões periodontais da movimentação dentária, ao permitir a comparação de imagens pré e pós-tratamento.INTRODUCTION: The thickness of the buccal and lingual bone plates constitutes one of the limiting factors of the orthodontic movement. The imaging technology has permitted the evaluation of this anatomical region, by means of cone beam computed tomography. PURPOSE: To describe and standardize, in details, a method for measuring the buccal and lingual bone plate thickness in CBCT images. METHODOLOGY: Digital standardization of face image should constitute the first step before the selection of CBCT slices. Two axial sections of each jaw were used for measuring the thickness

  13. Cirugía Preprotésica: Análisis crítico Preprosthetic surgery: A critical analysis

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    J.I. Salmerón Escobar


    Full Text Available Uno de los mayores problemas en la implantología dental son los diversos defectos de los huesos maxilares, que pueden impedir o hacerlo en forma defectuosa, la colocación de los implantes. Han sido y son diversos los métodos de aumento óseo y a veces aparecen productos mágicos para la regeneración ósea de dudosa eficacia. El propósito de este artículo es analizar los principales métodos de cirugía preprotésica, como son los injertos óseos y la distracción alveolar y hacer un análisis crítico de la misma, basado en la experiencia personal y en la literatura vigente.One of the greatest problems in dental implantology is the various defects of the jaw bones, which can hinder the placement of implants or that can lead to faulty placement. The methods for bone augmentation have been, and still are, diverse and sometimes magical products appear for regenerating bone that are of dubious efficiency. The aim of this article is to analyze the principal methods of preprosthetic surgery such as bone grafts and alveolar distraction, and to carry out a critical analysis based on personal experience and the current literature.

  14. Exodoncia de diente supernumerario, canino en transposición y enucleación de odontoma complejo: Reporte de Caso


    Perea Paz, Miguel; Aliaga Del Castillo, Rosalinda; Aliaga Del Castillo, Arón


    Las anomalías dentarias más frecuentes e importantes que afectan a los niños son la presencia de piezas supernumerarias, piezas retenidas y odontomas. Algunos dientes retenidos se pueden encontrar en  transposición. Reportamos el caso de una paciente de sexo femenino de 11 años de edad con presencia de diente supernumerario, canino en transposición y odontoma complejo situados en la hemiarcada derecha del maxilar superior. El motivo de consulta fue por la presencia de dientes anteriores sobre...

  15. Intra-osseous vascular malformation in the maxilla


    Naveenjayakumar,; Vivek, N.; Pradeep,; Nithin,; Salins, P.; Subhashraj,


    Las malformaciones arterio-venosas intraóseas (MAVs) en la región maxilofacial son entidades clínicas poco frecuentes. Ofrecen una amplia gama de presentación clínica y no siempre se diagnostican sin sorpresa. El tratamiento de estas lesiones siempre ha representado un reto para el cirujano debido a su intensa vascularización y a la elevada incidencia de recurrencia. Se presenta el caso de una malformación arterio-venosa intraósea en el maxilar superior que se manifiesta como sangrado gingiva...

  16. Colocación de implantes en zonas atróficas. Técnica con osteótomos : Reporte de caso clínico


    Tomaghelli, Emanuel Ricardo


    La atrofia vestíbulo-palatina sufrida en el maxilar superior es uno de los desafios estéticos más importantes en cuanto a la planificación de una restauración implanto asistida. Los colapsos vestibulares dificultan no solo la correcta colocación de implantes, estética gingival y arquitectura de las restauraciones protéticas. La técnica quirúrgica, cuando la pérdida ósea es leve a moderada, muchas veces puede ser solucionada utilizando instrumentos de expansión creados por Summers, 1994 llamad...

  17. Veia cava superior esquerda anômala com ausência de veia cava superior direita: achados de imagem Persistent left superior vena cava with absent right superior vena cava: image findings

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    Cyrillo Rodrigues de Araújo Júnior


    Full Text Available A persistência da veia cava superior esquerda com ausência da veia cava superior direita é uma anomalia rara, com menos de 150 casos descritos na literatura. A não-obliteração e regressão da veia cardinal anterior esquerda durante o desenvolvimento embriológico promove uma variação sistêmica de retorno venoso ao coração, com persistência da veia cava superior esquerda. Sua incidência varia de 0,3% em pacientes sem alterações cardíacas congênitas concomitantes a 4,3% naqueles com cardiopatias. Na maioria das vezes coexiste a veia cava superior direita, porém se houver regressão e degeneração da veia cardinal anterior direita, implicará a sua ausência e a drenagem venosa para o coração será feita pela veia cava superior esquerda ao átrio direito, através do seio coronariano. Mostramos um caso de um paciente submetido a radiografia de tórax e tomografia computadorizada para avaliação de doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica, tendo como achado a persistência da veia cava superior esquerda com ausência da direita, sem qualquer cardiopatia associada e com a drenagem cardíaca sendo feita, através do seio coronariano, para o átrio direito.Persistent left superior vena cava with absent right superior vena cava is a rare anomaly, with less than 150 cases reported in the literature. Congenitally persistent left superior vena cava is the most common variant of systemic venous return to the heart, resulting embryologically from failure of the left anterior cardinal vein to become obliterated. Its incidence varies from 0.3% in patients with otherwise normal heart to 4.3% in patients with congenital heart disease. In the majority of the patients, a right superior vena cava is present as well, but rarely the right anterior cardinal vein degenerates resulting in the absence of the normal right superior vena cava. The blood from the right side is carried by the persistent left superior vena cava to the right atrium through the

  18. Pictorial Superiority Effect (United States)

    Nelson, Douglas L.; And Others


    Pictures generally show superior recognition relative to their verbal labels. This experiment was designed to link this pictorial superiority effect to sensory or meaning codes associated with the two types of symbols. (Editor)

  19. Human calcanei from the Middle Pleistocene site of Sima de los Huesos (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain). (United States)

    Pablos, Adrián; Martínez, Ignacio; Lorenzo, Carlos; Sala, Nohemi; Gracia-Téllez, Ana; Arsuaga, Juan Luis


    The existence of calcanei in the fossil record prior to modern humans and Neandertals is very scarce. This skeletal element is fundamental to understanding the evolution of the morphology of the foot in human evolution. Here we present and metrically and comparatively describe 29 calcaneus remains from the Middle Pleistocene site of Sima de los Huesos (SH) (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain). These calcanei belong to 15 individuals (nine adults, two adolescents and four immature individuals). The metric and morphological differences in the calcanei among Middle and Late Pleistocene hominins tend to be subtle. However, the calcanei from SH are broad and robust with large articular surfaces and most significantly, exhibit a very projected sustentaculum tali. A biomechanical and phylogenetic interpretation is proffered to explain the observed morphology of these calcanei. It has been possible to propose tentative sex assignments for the SH calcanei based on size, using methods similar to those used to establish sex from the talus bones from SH. The estimation of stature based on the calcaneus provides a mean of 175.3 cm for males and 160.6 for females, which is similar to that obtained using other skeletal parts from the site. In sum, the SH calcanei are robust with a proportionally long tubercle and a projected sustentaculum tali, which are traits shared by Neandertals. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Yesid Murillo


    Full Text Available Se obtuvo un material adsorbente mediantetratamiento térmico de hueso bovino.Este carbonizado presenta un área superficialde 171 m2g-1, característicastexturales de un material mesoporoso ypresencia del componente principal de lamatriz ósea: hidroxiapatita.Se llevó a cabo la adsorción de 2,4-dinitrofenolsobre el carbonizado en soluciónacuosa, en función del tiempo, y sedeterminó la cinética de adsorción por losmodelos de seudo primer y seudo segundoorden. Además, se identificó el mecanismode difusión mediante el modelo dedifusión intrapartícula.Se observa que los datos cinéticos experimentalestienen mayor correlacióncon el modelo de seudo segundo orden.El modelo de difusión intrapartículamuestra que el proceso de adsorción estágobernado por la etapa en donde el mecanismode difusión de partícula es lalimitante de la velocidad.

  1. Manejo clínico del quiste periapical

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    Clara Vergara Hernández


    Full Text Available ResumenEl quiste periapical es una lesión inflamatoria de los maxilares formada en el periápice de dientes con pulpa necrótica e infectada siendo una secuela directa de un granuloma apical, están asociados a la raíz dentaria y se encuentran con mayor frecuencia en el maxilar superior. Por lo general no provocan síntomas y su lenta evolución hace que el paciente no se percate del mismo hasta que aparece la asimetría facial. Se presenta un caso correspondiente a un paciente masculino con lesión de aspecto clínico tumoral en hemicara izquierda. Al examen radiográfico se observa imagen radiolúcida a nivel de incisivo central superior que continua con el ligamento periodontal. Se realiza biopsia por aspiración y basado en el estudio histopatológico, se diagnostica como quiste periapical. La conducta que se siguió con respecto al tratamiento fue quirúrgica. (DUAZARY 2010, 219 - 222AbstractThe periapical cyst it is an inflammatory injury of maxillaries formed in periápice of teeth with necrotic and infected pulp being a direct sequel of granuloma apical, is associate to the dental root and they are most frequently in superior maxilary. By the general they do not cause symptoms and its slow evolution causes that the patient does not notice of he himself until appears the face asymmetry. A case is exposed corresponding to a masculine patient with left injury of tumor like clinical aspect in hemicara. The radiographic examination radiolúcida image at level of superior central incisor is observed that continuous with the periodontal ligament. It makes biopsy by aspiration and based on the histopatológico study, it is diagnosed like periapical cyst. The conduct that was followed with respect to the treatment was surgical.Keywords: Periapical cyst; periapical disease; apical granuloma; periodontal ligament.

  2. Quiste óseo aneurismático Aneurysmal bone cyst

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    Ferdinando de Conto


    Full Text Available El quiste óseo aneurismático (QOA es una lesión benigna rara en huesos maxilares, su mayor frecuencia es en huesos largos del esqueleto y columna vertebral. Algunos autores especulan que el origen sea por trauma, mala formación o un neoplasma. El aspecto radiográfico puede mostrar desde una imagen difusa hasta una imagen bien definida, muy semejante a las otras lesiones de los maxilares volviendo el diagnóstico diferencial amplio. Con la destrucción del córtex óseo puede todavía formar una imagen reaccional del periostio en forma de rayos de sol, característico de una lesión maligna. En este estudio, se presenta caso de paciente femenino, 17 años de edad, que buscó el Servicio de Cirugía y Traumatología Buco maxilofacial del Hospital São Vicente de Paulo-RS, que presentó dolor y aumento de volumen en la mandíbula. Informó que hace cerca de un año empezó a sentir malestar en la región junto al ángulo mandibular derecho, lo cual fue progresivamente aumentando de volumen. El aspecto radiográfico acordaba una lesión maligna. Después de la confirmación histopatológica de QOA, el tratamiento seleccionado para el caso fue quirúrgico conservador, con legrado de la cavidad ósea, y fue mantenido en control posoperatorio de rutina con 6 y 18 meses. En las radiografías panorámicas realizadas se verifica la neoformación ósea y cura del caso.The aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC is a benign and rare lesion in maxillary bones, is more frequent in largo bones of skeletal and spinal column. Some authors speculate about that its origin be traumatic, malformation of neoplasm. The radiographic appearance may to show from a diffuse image up to a well defined image very similar to the other maxillary lesions turning wide the differential diagnosis. With destruction of the bon cortex it is possible to create a reaction image of periosteum in sunbeams characteristic of malignant lesion. This is the case of a female patient aged 17 seeking

  3. Magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of meniscoid superior labrum: normal variant or superior labral tear

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    Marcelo Novelino Simão

    Full Text Available Abstract Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the incidence of a "meniscoid" superior labrum. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of 582 magnetic resonance imaging examinations of shoulders. Of those 582 examinations, 110 were excluded, for a variety of reasons, and the final analysis therefore included 472 cases. Consensus readings were performed by three musculoskeletal radiologists using specific criteria to diagnose meniscoid labra. Results: A meniscoid superior labrum was identified in 48 (10.2% of the 472 cases evaluated. Arthroscopic proof was available in 21 cases (43.8%. In 10 (47.6% of those 21 cases, the operative report did not include the mention a superior labral tear, thus suggesting the presence of a meniscoid labrum. In only one of those cases were there specific comments about a mobile superior labrum (i.e., meniscoid labrum. In the remaining 11 (52.4%, surgical correlation demonstrated superior labral tears. Conclusion: A meniscoid superior labrum is not an infrequent finding. Depending upon assumptions and the requirement of surgical proof, the prevalence of a meniscoid superior labrum in this study was between 2.1% (surgically proven and 4.8% (projected. However, superior labral tears are just as common and are often confused with meniscoid labra.

  4. Morphological description and comparison of the dental remains from Atapuerca-Sima de los Huesos site (Spain). (United States)

    Martinón-Torres, María; Bermúdez de Castro, José María; Gómez-Robles, Aida; Prado-Simón, Leyre; Arsuaga, Juan Luis


    The systematic excavation of the Sima de los Huesos (SH) site in Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain) has yielded the largest hominin collection worldwide for the Middle Pleistocene. The dental sample now consists of more than 500 teeth that provide exceptional opportunities to define the dental morphological pattern of a Middle Pleistocene population as well as develop hypotheses about the origins of the Neanderthals. The dental collection has now increased to over 533 specimens (525 permanent and 8 deciduous teeth), necessitating new morphological assessments. Thus, we present a detailed morphological description of the SH permanent dentition recovered up to 2007, accomplishing comparisons with European Middle Pleistocene hominins, Neanderthals, and early and contemporary Homo sapiens. We find that SH dentitions present all the morphological traits that, either in their degree of expression, frequency, or particular combination, are usually considered as typical of Homo neanderthalensis. This study ratifies the deep roots of the Neanderthal lineage in the Middle Pleistocene of Europe. In addition, SH teeth are morphologically "more Neanderthal" than other penecontemporaneous Middle Pleistocene samples such as Mauer or Arago, and even more derived than some classic Neanderthal samples. Thus, our study would not sustain the linearity of the accretion process hypothesized for the origins of the Neanderthals, and we suggest that other evolutionary models and scenarios should be explored for the Middle and Upper Pleistocene of Europe. We propose that more than one hominin lineage may have coexisted during the Middle Pleistocene in Europe. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Alargamiento de corona clínica por erupción pasiva alterada


    Reyes Doimi, Juan; Cervantes Yabar, Priscilla; Noriega Castañeda, Jorge


    Caso clínico Las alteraciones en la erupción pasiva en las que la corona anatómica del diente se ve cubierta por un exceso de tejido blando son situaciones que se presentan muy a menudo. Son en ocasiones difíciles de diagnosticar y hoy en día están adquiriendo relevancia clínica debido al aumento de la demanda de tratamientos de odontología estética. El exceso de encía al sonreír depende de muchos factores, como la excesiva dimensión vertical del maxilar superior y las malposicion...

  6. Rehabilitación de paciente fumador con prótesis hibrida sobre seis implantes: Reporte de caso


    López López, Carmen Eliana; Quintana del Solar, Martin


    La prótesis sobre implantes es una buena alternativa de tratamiento frente a los tratamientos convencionales de prótesis total en pacientes con edentulismo total. Este tratamiento se ha venido realizando con éxito en losúltimos años y constituye una realidad clínica de alto valor. El presente artículo reporta el caso clínico de un paciente de sexo masculino fumador donde se realizó la rehabilitación del maxilar superior con una prótesis tipohibrida sobre 6 implantes. A continuación se describ...

  7. Estudio comparativo de injertos de hueso en regeneración ósea guiada : Caracterización de la respuesta frente a injertos autólogos y sustitutos de origen humano, bovino y químico


    Luchetti, César Gabriel


    El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar injertos de hueso de distintos orígenes y formas, y estudiar el efecto de los mismos en la regeneración ósea. Se utilizaron 60 ratas macho, de cepa Fisher 344 (F344/N), originarias del Instituto Nacional de Salud de los EE.UU., y producidas en Bioterio de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de la UNLP, endocriadas, libres de patógenos específicos (SPF), de 16 semanas de edad y de 500 gramos de peso. Los animales fueron divididos en 6 grupos de 10 c...

  8. A complete human pelvis from the Middle Pleistocene of Spain. (United States)

    Arsuaga, J L; Lorenzo, C; Carretero, J M; Gracia, A; Martínez, I; García, N; Bermúdez de Castro, J M; Carbonell, E


    The Middle Pleistocene site of Sima de los Huesos in Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain, has yielded around 2,500 fossils from at least 33 different hominid individuals. These have been dated at more than 200,000 years ago and have been classified as ancestors of Neanderthals. An almost complete human male pelvis (labelled Pelvis 1) has been found, which we associate with two fragmentary femora. Pelvis 1 is robust and very broad with a very long superior pubic ramus, marked iliac flare, and a long femoral neck. This pattern is probably the primitive condition from which modern humans departed. A modern human newborn would pass through the birth canal of Pelvis 1 and this would be even larger in a female individual. We estimate the body mass of this individual at 95 kg or more. Using the cranial capacities of three specimens from Sima de los Huesos, the encephalization quotients are substantially smaller than in Neanderthals and modern humans.

  9. Avaliação cefalométrica das alterações verticais e anteroposteriores associadas ao uso do expansor maxilar com cobertura oclusal Cephalometric evaluation of vertical and anteroposterior changes associated with the use of bonded rapid maxillary expansion appliance

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    Moara De Rossi


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: os aparelhos expansores maxilares com cobertura oclusal têm sido sugeridos para controlar o aumento na dimensão vertical da face após a expansão rápida da maxila, porém ainda não há um consenso na literatura sobre seus reais efeitos. OBJETIVO: o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as alterações cefalométricas verticais e anteroposteriores associadas à expansão da maxila realizada com o aparelho expansor com cobertura oclusal. MÉTODOS: a amostra foi composta por 25 crianças, de ambos os gêneros, com idades entre 6 e 10 anos, portadoras de mordida cruzada posterior esquelética. Após a expansão maxilar, o próprio aparelho expansor foi utilizado como contenção fixa. Foram analisadas telerradiografias em norma lateral tomadas antes do início do tratamento e após a remoção do aparelho expansor. CONCLUSÃO: com base nos resultados, pôde-se concluir que o uso do aparelho expansor com cobertura oclusal não alterou significativamente as medidas cefalométricas verticais e anteroposteriores das crianças.INTRODUCTION: Bonded rapid maxillary expansion appliances have been suggested to control increases in the vertical dimension of the face after rapid maxillary expansion but there is still no consensus in the literature concerning its actual effectiveness. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the vertical and anteroposterior cephalometric changes associated with maxillary expansion performed using bonded rapid maxillary expansion appliances. METHODS: The sample consisted of 25 children of both genders, aged between 6 and 10 years old, with skeletal posterior crossbite. After maxillary expansion, the expansion appliance itself was used for fixed retention. Were analyzed lateral teleradiographs taken prior to treatment onset and after removal of the expansion appliance. CONCLUSION: Based on the results, it can be concluded that the use of bonded rapid maxillary expansion appliance did not significantly

  10. Tratamento da síndrome da veia cava superior Treatment of superior vena cava syndrome

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    Luís Marcelo Inaco Cirino


    Full Text Available A veia cava superior é formada pela união das duas veias inominadas, direita e esquerda, e localiza-se no mediastino médio, à direita da artéria aorta e anteriormente à traquéia. A síndrome da veia cava superior representa um conjunto de sinais (dilatação das veias do pescoço, pletora facial, edema de membros superiores, cianose e sintomas (cefaléia, dispnéia, tosse, edema de membro superior, ortopnéia e disfagia decorrentes da obstrução do fluxo sanguíneo através da veia cava superior em direção ao átrio direito. A obstrução pode ser causada por compressão extrínseca, invasão tumoral, trombose ou por dificuldade do retorno venoso ao coração secundária a doenças intra-atriais ou intraluminais. Aproximadamente 73% a 97% dos casos de síndrome da veia cava superior ocorrem durante a evolução de processos malignos intratorácicos. A maioria dos pacientes com a síndrome secundária a neoplasias malignas é tratada sem necessidade de cirurgia, através de radioterapia ou quimioterapia, ou através da colocação de stents endoluminais. Quando a síndrome é de etiologia benigna, o tratamento é feito através de medidas clínicas (anticoagulação, elevação da cabeça, etc. ou, em casos refratários, através de angioplastia, colocação de stents endoluminais e cirurgia.The superior vena cava is formed by the union of the right and left brachiocephalic veins. It is located in the middle mediastinum, to the right of the aorta and anterior to the trachea. Superior vena cava syndrome consists of a group of signs (dilation of the veins in the neck, facial swelling, edema of the upper limbs, and cyanosis and symptoms (headache, dyspnea, cough, orthopnea and dysphagia caused by the obstruction of blood flow through the superior vena cava to the right atrium. This obstruction can be caused by extrinsic compression, tumor invasion or thrombosis. Such obstruction may also occur as a result of insufficient venous return

  11. Kompetisi Stasiun Televisi Swasta Nasional Berdasarkan Superiority Direction dan Superiority Magnitude

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    Anastasia Winanti Riesardhy


    Full Text Available Abstract: Uses and gratification theory is employed particularly as the teoritical frame of the research to examine the extent to which ten national television stations compete to satisfy Indonesian audiences. In particular, two main concepts of that theory namely audiences “gratification sought and gratifications obtained, are broken down and counted based on superiority direction and superiority magnitude. In general, the findings show that those televisions have satisfied their audiences, although in terms of gratifications to dispersal motives, they haven’t satisfied as much as it was expected. Significant competition occurs between TRANSTV and TRANS7, RCTI and SCTV, and TVONE and METROTV. TVONE become the most satisfiyng television station. Abstrak: Teori Uses & Gratification menjadi dasar penelitian ini untuk mengukur bagaimana kompetisi yang terjadi di antara sepuluh stasiun televisi yang bersiaran secara nasional di Indonesia. Aplikasi dari teori tersebut dimunculkan dalam konsep kepuasan yang diharapkan dan kepuasan yang diperoleh ketika menonton acara televisi dan didasarkan pada penghitungan superiority direction dan superiority magnitude. Sepuluh stasiun televisi yang diteliti telah dapat memuaskan audiensnya, meskipun untuk kepuasan atas motif pengalihan masih belum dapat melampaui kepuasan yang diharapkan. Kompetisi yang signifikan terjadi antara TRANSTV dengan TRANS7, RCTI dengan SCTV serta TVONE dengan METROTV. TVONE menjadi stasiun televisi yang menduduki peringkat pertama dalam memberikan kepuasan tertinggi kepada audiens.

  12. Dientes supernumerarios y atresia maxilar: Tratamiento orto-quirúrgico en Odontopediatría. Relato de un caso clínico: 5 años de seguimiento

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    MS Sampaio

    Full Text Available Se describe a los dientes supernumerarios o hiperodoncia como el aumento del número de órganos dentarios comparado con la dentición normal. Todos los dientes supernumerarios deben ser extraídos, respetando el momento ideal para su remoción quirúrgica, evaluando siempre el momento oportuno para intervenir. En el presente trabajo las autoras presentan un caso clínico de una paciente de sexo femenino, que tuvo un seguimiento durante cinco años a partir de los 6 meses de edad asistida en el Curso de Extensión universitaria Bebé Clínica de la Universidad Federal de Río Grande del Sur. Durante sus visitas periódicas de revisión odontológica correspondientes al programa de la Bebé Clínica, se diagnosticó clínicamente la presencia de mordida cruzada anterior, atresia maxilar y radiográficamente la presencia de dos elementos supernumerarios. Frente a este diagnóstico, es necesario un planteamiento multidisciplinario, o sea, orto-quirúrgico para la realización del tratamiento, destacando una vez más, la importancia de la atención odontológica del bebé y el diagnóstico precoz de posibles alteraciones como en el caso clínico en cuestión; la presencia de elementos supernumerarios y maloclusión dentaria

  13. Information Superiority through Data Warehousing

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Warner, Neil


    .... A precursor to a knowledge edge is Information Superiority. Within most current Command Support Systems minimal integration and fusion of data is undertaken to provide the basis of information superiority...

  14. Análise microbiológica em secreção de seio maxilar nos pacientes com rinossinusite crônica Maxillary sinuses microbiology from patients with chronic rhinosinusitis

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    Karina Mantovani


    Full Text Available Não existem dados definitivos e consistentes sobre a real distribuição dos microorganismos presentes em pacientes com Rinossinusite Crônica (RSC. A variabilidade dos resultados de estudos em RSC deve-se às diferentes técnicas utilizadas como método de coleta, variações nos métodos de cultura, uso prévio de antibiótico, dificuldade de se distinguir agentes colonizadores e patogênicos. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Clínico-prospectivo. OBJETIVO: Estudar a incidência dos microrganismos presentes nos pacientes com RSC na nossa região, através da cultura da secreção do seio maxilar, coletada sob visão endoscópica. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal em 62 pacientes com RSC, submetidos à coleta de secreção de seio maxilar por via endoscópica, com material enviado para cultura para diagnóstico microbiológico. RESULTADOS: Das 62 amostras estudadas, em 33 (53,2% não houve crescimento de microrganismos; 29 (45,2% apresentaram isolamento de aeróbios; um caso (1,6% mostrou crescimento de fungo; não houve o isolamento de microrganismos anaeróbios. Pseudomonas aeruginosa foi isolada com maior frequência - em 8 amostras (27,6%, Staphylococcus aureus e Staphylococcus epidermidis em 4 amostras cada um (13,9%, Streptococcus pneumoniae em 3 amostras (10,4%, outros Gram-negativos em 17 amostras (31%. CONCLUSÃO: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, outras bactérias Gram-negativas e Staphylococcus spp constituíram a microbiota predominante nos seios paranasais de pacientes com RSC.There isn't definitive and consistent data concerning the distribution of bacterial species in patients with Chronic Sinusitis (CS. The variability of the results from studies in CS may be due to the different techniques used as collection method, variations in culture methods, previous antibiotic use, and difficulty in distinguishing bacterial flora from pathogenic agents. STUDY DESIGN: Clinical prospective. AIM: To identify the incidence of microorganisms in patients with

  15. Fossil hominin radii from the Sima de los Huesos Middle Pleistocene site (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). (United States)

    Rodríguez, Laura; Carretero, José Miguel; García-González, Rebeca; Lorenzo, Carlos; Gómez-Olivencia, Asier; Quam, Rolf; Martínez, Ignacio; Gracia-Téllez, Ana; Arsuaga, Juan Luis


    Complete radii in the fossil record preceding recent humans and Neandertals are very scarce. Here we introduce the radial remains recovered from the Sima de los Huesos (SH) site in the Sierra de Atapuerca between 1976 and 2011 and which have been dated in excess of 430 ky (thousands of years) ago. The sample comprises 89 specimens, 49 of which are attributed to adults representing a minimum of seven individuals. All elements are described anatomically and metrically, and compared with other fossil hominins and recent humans in order to examine the phylogenetic polarity of certain radial features. Radial remains from SH have some traits that differentiate them from those of recent humans and make them more similar to Neandertals, including strongly curved shafts, anteroposterior expanded radial heads and both absolutely and relatively long necks. In contrast, the SH sample differs from Neandertals in showing a high overall gracility as well as a high frequency (80%) of an anteriorly oriented radial tuberosity. Thus, like the cranial and dental remains from the SH site, characteristic Neandertal radial morphology is not present fully in the SH radii. We also analyzed the cross-sectional properties of the SH radial sample at two different levels: mid-shaft and at the midpoint of the neck length. When standardized by shaft length, no difference in the mid-shaft cross-sectional properties were found between the SH hominins, Neandertals and recent humans. Nevertheless, due to their long neck length, the SH hominins show a higher lever efficiency than either Neandertals or recent humans. Functionally, the SH radial morphology is consistent with more efficient pronation-supination and flexion-extension movements. The particular trait composition in the SH sample and Neandertals resembles more closely morphology evident in recent human males. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Paleodemografía y biología de los homínidos del Pleistoceno Medio de Europa. El caso de la Sima de los Huesos de Atapuerca

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    Bermúdez de Castro, José María


    Full Text Available Not available.Las excavaciones sistemáticas realizadas hasta la campaña de 1997 en el yacimiento de la Sima de los Huesos (SH de la Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos ha proporcionado un excepcional conjunto de más de 2000 restos fósiles humanos pertenecientes a un número mínimo (NMI de 32 individuos. Las características del yacimiento de SH y el estudio tafonómico del registro sugieren un origen antrópico para la acumulación de los homínidos. Sin embargo, la discusión sobre el modelo que se ajusta a la distribución de mortalidad observada, catastrófico vs. atricional, está siendo muy fructífera para las investigaciones sobre ciertas características biológicas de la especie, Homo heidelbergensis, a la que pertenecen los homínidos de SH.

  17. Classe II divisão 1 associada à deficiência transversal maxilar. Tratamento com disjuntor tipo Hyrax e aparelho de Herbst: relato de caso clínico Class II division 1 associated with maxillary transverse deficiency treated by Hyrax expander and Herbst appliance: clinical case report

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    Camila Leite Quaglio


    Full Text Available A má oclusão de Classe II divisão 1 de Angle é, frequentemente, acompanhada da atresia maxilar. Esse problema transversal da maxila deve ser corrigido, sempre que possível, antes da correção anteroposterior, sendo que os aparelhos de expansão rápida são os mais utilizados para isso. Para a correção da Classe II, atualmente, os aparelhos funcionais fixos são os mais estudados e empregados, por serem aparelhos intrabucais e necessitarem de menor colaboração do paciente. O objetivo deste estudo é demonstrar a estabilidade dos resultados obtidos após seis anos de tratamento com expansor tipo Hyrax, seguido do aparelho funcional fixo de Herbst e aparelho fixo. Após uma revisão da literatura, será apresentado um caso clínico, com atresia maxilar e má oclusão de Classe II divisão 1, tratado com essa terapia. O tratamento foi realizado em um curto período de tempo, com resultados funcionais e estéticos satisfatórios e mantidos ao longo dos anos.The Angle Class II division 1 malocclusion is often accompanied by maxillary transverse deficiency. When ever is possible, this maxillary transverse problem must be corrected before the anteroposterior correction. The rapid maxillary expanders is the appliance more used to correct the transverse deficiency. For the Class II malocclusion correction the fixed functional appliances are more studied and used. They are a kind of intraoral appliance that almost don't need patient's collaboration. The aim of this study is to show the results' stability after six years of the orthodontic treatment with Hyrax expander, followed by Herbst and straight wire appliances. After a literature review, a clinical case with maxillary transverse deficiency and Class II division 1 malocclusion treated with this therapy is reported. The treatment duration was very brief and the results were functionally and esthetically satisfactory with a long-term stability.

  18. Dentine morphology of Atapuerca-Sima de los Huesos lower molars: Evolutionary implications through three-dimensional geometric morphometric analysis. (United States)

    Hanegraef, Hester; Martinón-Torres, María; Martínez de Pinillos, Marina; Martín-Francés, Laura; Vialet, Amélie; Arsuaga, Juan Luis; Bermúdez de Castro, José María


    This study aims to explore the affinities of the Sima de los Huesos (SH) population in relation to Homo neanderthalensis, Arago, and early and contemporary Homo sapiens. By characterizing SH intra-population variation, we test current models to explain the Neanderthal origins. Three-dimensional reconstructions of dentine surfaces of lower first and second molars were produced by micro-computed tomography. Landmarks and sliding semilandmarks were subjected to generalized Procrustes analysis and principal components analysis. SH is often similar in shape to Neanderthals, and both groups are generally discernible from Homo sapiens. For example, the crown height of SH and Neanderthals is lower than for modern humans. Differences in the presence of a mid-trigonid crest are also observed, with contemporary Homo sapiens usually lacking this feature. Although SH and Neanderthals show strong affinities, they can be discriminated based on certain traits. SH individuals are characterized by a lower intra-population variability, and show a derived dental reduction in lower second molars compared to Neanderthals. SH also differs in morphological features from specimens that are often classified as Homo heidelbergensis, such as a lower crown height and less pronounced mid-trigonid crest in the Arago fossils. Our results are compatible with the idea that multiple evolutionary lineages or populations coexisted in Europe during the Middle Pleistocene, with the SH paradigm phylogenetically closer to Homo neanderthalensis. Further research could support the possibility of SH as a separate taxon. Alternatively, SH could be a subspecies of Neanderthals, with the variability of this clade being remarkably higher than previously thought. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  19. Luminescence dating and palaeomagnetic age constraint on hominins from Sima de los Huesos, Atapuerca, Spain. (United States)

    Arnold, Lee J; Demuro, Martina; Parés, Josep M; Arsuaga, Juan Luis; Aranburu, Arantza; Bermúdez de Castro, José María; Carbonell, Eudald


    Establishing a reliable chronology on the extensive hominin remains at Sima de los Huesos is critical for an improved understanding of the complex evolutionary histories and phylogenetic relationships of the European Middle Pleistocene hominin record. In this study, we use a combination of 'extended-range' luminescence dating techniques and palaeomagnetism to provide new age constraint on sedimentary infills that are unambiguously associated with the Sima fossil assemblage. Post-infrared-infrared stimulated luminescence (pIR-IR) dating of K-feldspars and thermally transferred optically stimulated luminescence (TT-OSL) dating of individual quartz grains provide weighted mean ages of 433 ± 15 ka (thousands of years) and 416 ± 19 ka, respectively, for allochthonous sedimentary horizons overlying the hominin-bearing clay breccia. The six replicate luminescence ages obtained for this deposit are reproducible and provide a combined minimum age estimate of 427 ± 12 ka for the underlying hominin fossils. Palaeomagnetic directions for the luminescence dated sediment horizon and underlying fossiliferous clays display exclusively normal polarities. These findings are consistent with the luminescence dating results and confirm that the hominin fossil horizon accumulated during the Brunhes Chron, i.e., within the last 780 ka. The new bracketing age constraint for the Sima hominins is in broad agreement with radiometrically dated Homo heidelbergensis fossil sites, such as Mauer and Arago, and suggests that the split of the H. neanderthalensis and H. sapiens lineages took place during the early Middle Pleistocene. More widespread numerical dating of key Early and Middle Pleistocene fossil sites across Europe is needed to test and refine competing models of hominin evolution. The new luminescence chronologies presented in this study demonstrate the versatility of TT-OSL and pIR-IR techniques and the potential role they could play in helping to refine evolutionary

  20. Burlington Northern Taconite Transshipment Facility, Duluth-Superior Harbor, Superior Wisconsin. Environmental Assessment Report. (United States)


    the Federal Government declared the Duluth- Superior area to be economically depressed . The reason given was the "consistant and chronic unemployment...include dogwood, sumac, arrowwood, blueberry, highbush cranberry , elderberry, wild grape, buttonbrush, snowberry and partridgeberry. Aquatic and...water for the proposed greenbelt areas and as dust sup- pression spray. 10.003 The depressed economy of the Duluth-Superior area would benefit by the

  1. Superior oblique luxation and trochlear luxation as new concepts in superior oblique muscle weakening surgery

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mombaerts, I.; Koornneef, L.; Everhard-Halm, Y. S.; Hughes, D. S.; Maillette de Buy Wenniger-Prick, L. J.


    We used superior oblique luxation and trochlear luxation as new surgical procedures to treat acquired Brown's syndrome and superior oblique muscle overaction. We studied nine patients (11 eyes) who underwent trochlear surgery between 1988 and 1993. Four patients had acquired Brown's syndrome and

  2. Alternate superior Julia sets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yadav, Anju; Rani, Mamta


    Alternate Julia sets have been studied in Picard iterative procedures. The purpose of this paper is to study the quadratic and cubic maps using superior iterates to obtain Julia sets with different alternate structures. Analytically, graphically and computationally it has been shown that alternate superior Julia sets can be connected, disconnected and totally disconnected, and also fattier than the corresponding alternate Julia sets. A few examples have been studied by applying different type of alternate structures

  3. Middle Pleistocene lower back and pelvis from an aged human individual from the Sima de los Huesos site, Spain. (United States)

    Bonmatí, Alejandro; Gómez-Olivencia, Asier; Arsuaga, Juan-Luis; Carretero, José Miguel; Gracia, Ana; Martínez, Ignacio; Lorenzo, Carlos; Bérmudez de Castro, José María; Carbonell, Eudald


    We report a nearly complete lumbar spine from the Middle Pleistocene site of the Sima de los Huesos (SH) that is assigned to the previously published SH male Pelvis 1 [Arsuaga JL, et al. (1999). Nature 399: 255-258]. The "SH Pelvis 1 individual" is a unique nearly complete lumbo-pelvic complex from the human Middle Pleistocene fossil record, and offers a rare glimpse into the anatomy and past lifeways of Homo heidelbergensis. A revised reconstruction of Pelvis 1, together with the current fossil evidence, confirms our previous hypothesis that the morphology of this pelvis represents the primitive pattern within the genus Homo. Here we argue that this primitive pattern is also characterized by sexual dimorphism in the pelvic canal shape, implying complicated deliveries. In addition, this individual shows signs of lumbar kyphotic deformity, spondylolisthesis, and Baastrup disease. This suite of lesions would have postural consequences and was most likely painful. As a result, the individual's daily physical activities would have been restricted to some extent. Reexamination of the age-at-death agrees with this individual being over 45 y old, relying on the modern human pattern of changes of the articular surfaces of the os coxae. The presence of degenerative pathological lesions and the advanced age-at-death of this individual make it the most ancient postcranial evidence of an aged individual in the human fossil record. Additional nonpathological SH lumbo-pelvic remains are consistent with previous hypotheses, suggesting a less-pronounced sagittal spinal curvature in Neandertals compared with Homo sapiens.

  4. Los Fósiles Humanos de Atapuerca (Burgos: Nota Preliminar

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    Emiliano AGUIRRE


    Full Text Available Los restos cuyo estudio nos ocupa, han sido extraídos en la denominada «Sima de los Huesos» en la Cueva Mayor, situada en la Sierra de Atapuerca, en las cercanías del pueblo de Ibeas de Juarros, a 14 km. de Burgos, en la margen derecha del río Arlanzón. La Sierra de Atapuerca puede definirse geológicamente como un anticlinal de calizas y margas del cretácico superior, rodeado por terrenos neógenos que se apoyan con una fuerte discordancia angular.

  5. Patología Molecular de los sarcomas


    Álava, Enrique de


    Los sarcomas de hueso y tejidos blandos son un grupo poco frecuente de tumores. Su prevalencia es inferior a 1 caso por 10000 habitantes, lo que los convierte en una enfermedad rara. Algunos de estos tumores, como el sarcoma sinovial, el tumor de Ewing o el osteosarcoma, son más habituales en los adolescentes o en los adultos jóvenes, mientras que existen neoplasias como el leiomiosarcoma o el liposarcoma, más frecuentes en pacientes de edad superior a los 55 años. Desde el punto de vista his...

  6. Superior Hiking Trail (United States)

    Minnesota Department of Natural Resources — Superior Hiking Trail main trail, spurs, and camp spurs for completed trail throughout Cook, Lake, St. Louis and Carlton counties. These data were collected with...

  7. Superior versus inferior Ahmed glaucoma valve implantation. (United States)

    Pakravan, Mohammad; Yazdani, Shahin; Shahabi, Camelia; Yaseri, Mehdi


    To compare the efficacy and safety of Ahmed glaucoma valve (AGV) (New World Medical Inc., Rancho Cucamonga, CA) implantation in the superior versus inferior quadrants. Prospective parallel cohort study. A total of 106 eyes of 106 patients with refractory glaucoma. Consecutive patients with refractory glaucoma underwent AGV implantation in the superior or inferior quadrants. Main outcome measures included intraocular pressure (IOP) and rate of complications. Other outcome measures included best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), number of glaucoma medications, and success rate (defined as at least 30% IOP reduction and 5glaucoma surgery, phthisis bulbi, or loss of light perception. Of a total of 106 eyes, 58 and 48 eyes underwent AGV implantation in the superior and inferior quadrants, respectively. Baseline characteristics were comparable in the study groups, except for preoperative IOP, which was higher in the superior group (P = 0.01). Patients were followed for a mean period of 10.6+/-8.49 months and 10.58+/-6.75 months in the superior and inferior groups, respectively (P = 0.477). BCVA was comparable between the groups at all postoperative visits (P>0.122). After 1 year, statistically significant but comparable IOP reduction from baseline (Pglaucoma medications was comparable after 1 year (1.3+/-1.2 vs. 1.9+/-0.8 for superior and inferior implants, respectively, P = 0.256). Success rates were also similar at 1 year: 27 eyes (81.8%) versus 20 eyes (95.2%) for superior and inferior implants, respectively (P = 0.227). However, the overall rate of complications, such as implant exposure necessitating removal, cosmetically unappealing appearance, and endophthalmitis, was higher in the inferior group: 12 eyes (25%) versus 3 eyes (5.2%) for superior and inferior groups, respectively, (P = 0.004). Superior and inferior AGV implants have similar intermediate efficacy in terms of IOP reduction, decrease in number of glaucoma medications, and preservation of vision. However

  8. Absent right superior caval vein in situs solitus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lytzen, Rebekka; Sundberg, Karin; Vejlstrup, Niels


    Introduction In up to 0.07% of the general population, the right anterior cardinal vein obliterates and the left remains open, creating an absent right superior caval vein and a persistent left superior caval vein. Absent right superior caval vein is associated with additional congenital heart...... disease in about half the patients. We wished to study the consequences of absent right superior caval vein as an incidental finding on prenatal ultrasonic malformation screening. Material and methods This is a retrospective case series study of all foetuses diagnosed with absent right superior caval vein...... no postnatal complications. All children were found to have healthy hearts at follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: In all cases, the findings proved to be a benign condition with no clinical manifestations or complications. Although isolated absent right superior caval vein does not seem to affect the outcome, associated...

  9. Donde la genética no llega, la ciencia alcanza




    Científicamente nombrada como “osteogénesis imperfecta” y popularmente conocida como “huesos de cristal” esta patología consiste en una malformación de los huesos desencadenada por la mutación de un gen encargado de producir el colágeno una proteína esencial responsable de dar rigidez a los huesos.

  10. Superior mesenteric artery syndrome causing growth retardation

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    Halil İbrahim Taşcı


    Full Text Available Superior mesenteric artery syndrome is a rare and lifethreateningclinical condition caused by the compressionof the third portion of the duodenum between the aortaand the superior mesenteric artery’s proximal part. Thiscompression may lead to chronic intermittent, acute totalor partial obstruction. Sudden weight-loss and the relateddecrease in the fat tissue are considered to be the etiologicalreason of acute stenosis. Weight-loss accompaniedby nausea, vomiting, anorexia, epigastric pain, andbloating are the leading complaints. Barium radiographs,computerized tomography, conventional angiography,tomographic and magnetic resonance angiography areused in the diagnosis. There are medical and surgical approachesto treatment. We hereby present the case ofa patient with superior mesenteric artery syndrome withdelayed diagnosis.Key words: superior mesenteric artery syndrome, nausea-vomiting, anorexia

  11. Avances en la valoración de la salud ósea en el trasplantado renal

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    María José Pérez-Sáez


    La resistencia ósea, definida como la capacidad del hueso para resistir la fractura, viene determinada por la cantidad de material mineral (medida como densidad mineral ósea por densitometría ósea, la arquitectura trabecular y la calidad del tejido óseo. El score trabecular óseo estima la microarquitectura ósea y valores bajos se han demostrado como predictores independientes de mayor riesgo de fractura. La microindentación ósea es una técnica mínimamente invasiva capaz de medir la resistencia ósea que el hueso opone a la apertura de micro-cracks (separación microscópica de fibras de colágena mineralizada, y con ello, las propiedades biomecánicas del tejido óseo. La buena correlación con el riesgo de fractura de los parámetros medidos con el score trabecular óseo o la microindentación en diversas poblaciones, superior a la propia densitometría ósea, nos ha estimulado a desarrollar su potencial aplicación en los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica y trasplantados renales.

  12. Comportamiento frente a la corrosión y biocompatibilidad in vitro/in vivo de la aleación AZ31 modificada superficialmente


    Carboneras, M.; Pérez-Maceda, B. T.; Valle, Jorge del; García-Alonso, M. C.; Alobera, M. A.; Clemente, Carmen; Rubio, J. C.; Escudero Rincón, María Lorenza; Lozano, R.M.


    [ES] En el presente trabajo se ha estudiado el comportamiento frente a la corrosión y la biocompatibilidad in vitro/in vivo de la aleación de magnesio AZ31, cuyas propiedades mecánicas son superiores a los requisitos mecánicos del hueso. La aleación en estado de recepción ha mostrado una cinética de corrosión no compatible con el crecimiento celular. Para mejorar su comportamiento, el material ha sido modificado superficialmente mediante tratamiento de conversión química en ácido fluorhídr...

  13. Superiority in value and the repugnant conclusion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Karsten Klint


    superiority does not amount to a radical value difference at all. I then spell out the consequences of these results for different interpretations of Griffin's suggestion regarding population ethics. None of them comes out very successful, but perhaps they nevertheless retain some interest.......James Griffin has considered a weak form of superiority in value a possible remedy to the Repugnant Conclusion. In this paper, I demonstrate that, in a context where value is additive, this weaker form collapses into a stronger form of superiority. And in a context where value is non-additive, weak...

  14. Superior Hiking Trail Facilities (United States)

    Minnesota Department of Natural Resources — Superior Hiking Trail main trail, spurs, and camp spurs for completed trail throughout Cook, Lake, St. Louis and Carlton counties. These data were collected with...

  15. The CT appearance of the superior intercostal veins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lund, G.


    The CT appearance of the superior intercostal veins is described. The veins are more frequently seen on the right side. The right superior intercostal vein should not be misinterpreted as a paraspinal mass when it is large or bulges into the contour of the right lung. A case of stenosis of the left brachiocephalic vein is shown, where the left superior intercostal vein serves as a collateral. (orig.)

  16. Anquilosis mandibular: una frecuente secuela por Noma Mandibular ankylosis: a Noma frequent sequel

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    R. Fernández García-Guilarte


    Full Text Available Conocemos poco sobre el Noma o Enfermedad Cancrum Oris. Esta entidad afecta a niños con malnutrición crónica, poca higiene oral, poco desarrollo sanitario y enfermedades concurrentes debilitantes. Existe un consenso general sobre que el Noma empieza como una gingivitis; en su fase aguda, puede haber respuesta al tratamiento antibiótico, no obstante, las secuelas tras su curación incluyen daños estéticos y funcionales variables, que pueden requerir cirugía reconstructiva. Presentamos 3 casos de anquilosis mandibular que en el examen preoperatorio presentaron dimorfismo mandibular, fusión de hueso maxilar y mandibular y anquilosis de la articulación témporomandibular. La ortopantografía y la Tomografía Axial Computerizada (TAC fueron muy útiles en la planificación de la cirugía. El tratamiento quirúrgico consistió en todos los casos en la resección del hueso anquilótico y la reconstrucción con injerto condrocostal en uno de los casos. En el postoperatorio se siguió fisioterapia intensiva. Clínicamente todos los pacientes mostraron una gran mejoría en la masticación, la alimentación y el habla, obviamente debido a una buena oclusión. El problema más común fue la baja colaboración en la rehabilitación mandibular por parte de los pacientes.Little is known about Noma or Cancrum Oris Disease. This entity affects to children with chronic malnutrition, poor oral hygiene, poor environmental sanitation and debilitating concurrent illness. There is general consensus that noma starts as gingivitis. The acute stage responds readily to antibiotic treatment. The sequelae after healing include variable functional and aesthetic impairments, which require reconstructive surgery. We report 3 cases of mandibular ankylosis. Preoperative examination revealed mandibular dismorphism, fusion of maxilla and mandible and ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint. Orthopantography and Computed Thomography scan (TCS were very useful in planning

  17. 75 FR 28542 - Superior Resource Advisory Committee (United States)


    ... Self-Determination Act (Pub. L. 110-343) and in compliance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The purpose of the meeting is to orient the new Superior Resource Advisory Committee members on their roles... following business will be conducted: Overview of the roles and responsibilities of the Superior Resource...

  18. Abordagem multidisciplinar no trauma facial: um relato de caso

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    Carolina Ando Matsuno


    Full Text Available Introdução: Em todo o mundo, diversas medidas de segurança têm sido aplicadas para minimizar os danos relacionados aos acidentes de trabalho. Ainda assim, muitos casos são rotineiramente encaminhados aos Prontos Socorros do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS, particularmente nas zonas rurais. Objetivo: Relatar a abordagem multidisciplinar de um caso de traumatismo facial grave secundário a acidente de trabalho atendido no Conjunto Hospitalar de Sorocaba (CHS. Relato do Caso: Paciente masculino, 19 anos, branco, trabalhador rural, vítima de trauma após ter saltado de um trator em movimento durante o exercício de sua atividade laboral, trazido por seus familiares com hemiface direita, desfigurada pela avulsão da pele e da musculatura com exposição óssea, caracterizada à TC como fratura complexa zigomático-maxilar Le Fort tipo 2 à direita além da destruição do seio maxilar, do assoalho da órbita e dos rebordos orbitários lateral, superior e inferior. A abordagem cirúrgica foi realizada pelas equipes de Cirurgia Plástica, Cirurgia Bucomaxilofacial e Cirurgia Oftalmológica que procederam à reconstrução óssea por placas de titânio, estabilização da arcada dentária superior por amarramento e reposicionamento das partes moles. O globo ocular foi preservado por apresentar-se íntegro. Conclusões: A abordagem multidisciplinar das fraturas faciais complexas busca primariamente restaurar a complexa anatomia de toda essa região por primeira intenção. Considerando tratar-se de fratura secundária a um “acidente de trabalho”, ilustramos aqui uma trágica consequência do não uso dos equipamentos de proteção individual e da inobservância das normas de segurança.

  19. Superiority of Bessel function over Zernicke polynomial as base ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Abstract. Here we describe the superiority of Bessel function as base function for radial expan- sion over Zernicke polynomial in the tomographic reconstruction technique. The causes for the superiority have been described in detail. The superiority has been shown both with simulated data for Kadomtsev's model for ...

  20. Bathymetry of Lake Superior (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Bathymetry of Lake Superior has been compiled as a component of a NOAA project to rescue Great Lakes lake floor geological and geophysical data and make it more...

  1. Desarrollo e implementación de una técnica para la medición de impedancia en muestras de hueso húmedo de bovino

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    María Elena Moncada


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el desarrollo e implementación de una metodología para encontrar los valores de conductividad y permitividad eléctrica de los tejidos cortical y medular, en muestras de fémur de bovino. El tamaño de las muestras fue de diez centímetros, procedentes de animales sanos y jóvenes y con un tiempo de cuatro días después de muerto el animal. El hueso sin partes blandas fue empacado al vacío y conservado a 0°C hasta la realización de las pruebas. Para el mantenimiento y tratamiento de las muestras se desarrollaron protocolos experimentales. Para la medición se construyeron un par de electrodos de contacto de los cuales se encontró su valor de impedancia. El sistema de medición fue acompañado de un circuito RC paralelo para disminuir el efecto de la impedancia de los electrodos. Las mediciones se efectuaron para las frecuencias de 100 Hz y 120 Hz. Las variables medidas fueron impedancia (Z y ángulo (¿, y las calculadas a partir de ecuaciones matemáticas, fueron conductividad (¿ y permitividad (¿. Los resultados se encontraron dentro de los rangos reportados en literatura.

  2. Geometric morphometric analysis of allometric variation in the mandibular morphology of the hominids of Atapuerca, Sima de los Huesos site. (United States)

    Rosas, Antonio; Bastir, Markus


    Allometry is an important factor of morphological integration that contributes to the organization of the phenotype and its variation. Variation in the allometric shape of the mandible is particularly important in hominid evolution because the mandible carries important taxonomic traits. Some of these traits are known to covary with size, particularly the retromolar space, symphyseal curvature, and position of the mental foramen. The mandible is a well studied system in the context of the evolutionary development of complex morphological structures because it is composed of different developmental units that are integrated within a single bone. In the present study, we investigated the allometric variation of two important developmental units that are separated by the inferior nerve (a branch of CN V3). We tested the null hypothesis that there would be no difference in allometric variation between the two components. Procrustes-based geometric morphometrics of 20 two-dimensional (2D) landmarks were analyzed by multivariate regressions of shape on size in samples from 121 humans, 48 chimpanzees, and 50 gorillas (all recent specimens), eight fossil hominids from Atapuerca, Sima de los Huesos (AT-SH), and 17 Neandertals. The findings show that in all of the examined species, there was significantly greater allometric variation in the supra-nerve unit than in the infra-nerve unit. The formation of the retromolar space exhibited an allometric relationship with the supra-nerve unit in all of the species studied. The formation of the chin-like morphology is an "apodynamic" feature of the infra-nerve unit in the AT-SH hominids. The results of this study support the hypothesis that allometry contributes to the organization of variation in complex morphological structures. Copyright 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  3. Prosopomorphic vessels from Moesia Superior

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    Nikolić Snežana


    Full Text Available The prosopomorphic vessels from Moesia Superior had the form of beakers varying in outline but similar in size. They were wheel-thrown, mould-made or manufactured by using a combination of wheel-throwing and mould-made appliqués. Given that face vessels are considerably scarcer than other kinds of pottery, more than fifty finds from Moesia Superior make an enviable collection. In this and other provinces face vessels have been recovered from military camps, civilian settlements and necropolises, which suggests that they served more than one purpose. It is generally accepted that the faces-masks gave a protective role to the vessels, be it to protect the deceased or the family, their house and possessions. More than forty of all known finds from Moesia Superior come from Viminacium, a half of that number from necropolises. Although tangible evidence is lacking, there must have been several local workshops producing face vessels. The number and technological characteristics of the discovered vessels suggest that one of the workshops is likely to have been at Viminacium, an important pottery-making centre in the second and third centuries.

  4. The Development of the Picture-Superiority Effect (United States)

    Whitehouse, Andrew J. O.; Maybery, Murray T.; Durkin, Kevin


    When pictures and words are presented serially in an explicit memory task, recall of the pictures is superior. While this effect is well established in the adult population, little is known of the development of this picture-superiority effect in typical development. This task was administered to 80 participants from middle childhood to…

  5. Superior semicircular canal dehiscence in relation to the superior petrosal sinus: a potential cause of pulsatile tinnitus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Z.; Bi, W.; Li, J.; Li, Q.; Dong, C.; Zhao, P.; Lv, H.; Wang, Z.


    Aim: To examine the association between superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD) and pulsatile tinnitus (PT). Materials and methods: Two SSCD groups included 408 unilateral persistent PT patients, and 511 controls undergoing head and neck dual-phase contrast-enhanced computed tomography (DP-CECT) for reasons other than PT. The prevalence of type I (no the superior petrosal sinus running through the dehiscence) and type II (superior semicircular canal dehiscence in relation to the superior petrosal sinus) SSCD was analysed using chi-square test. Results: SSCD was identified in 5.1% (21/408) of PT ears, significantly different from 2% (8/408) of non-PT ears and 0.7% (7/1022) of controls. There was no significant difference in SSCD prevalence between non-PT ears in the PT group and controls. In the PT group, 15/21 ears were type II SSCD; 6/21 ears were type I. Fifteen combined non-PT and control ears with SSCD included two type II and 13 type I SSCD. The prevalence of type II SSCD in PT ears was significantly higher than that of non-PT ears in both groups, and the prevalence of type I SSCD in PT ears was similar to that of non-PT ears in both groups. Conclusion: Compared with type I SSCD, there may be a causal relationship between type II SSCD and PT. -- Highlights: •The prevalence of type II SSCD in PT ears was significantly higher than that in non-PT ears in both the PT group and controls. •The prevalence of type I SSCD was similar among the PT ears and non-PT ears. •The superior petrosal sinus running through the dehiscence may be essential for SSCD to induce PT. •Venous phase CT images with bone window settings is the modality method to differentiate type II from type I SSCD

  6. Agenesia de cava superior associada a bloqueio atrioventricular de 3º grau Agenesis of the right superior vena cava associated with total heart block

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    Gustavo J. Ventura Couto


    Full Text Available A persistência de veia cava superior esquerda com ausência da veia cava superior é uma anomalia rara, principalmente quando associada a bloqueio atrioventricular de 3º grau. Relatamos o caso de uma paciente, na qual durante implante de marca-passo definitivo, para a correção de bloqueio atrioventricular total, foi detectada presença de veia cava superior esquerda com suspeição de ausência de veia cava superior, o que levou ao emprego de técnica diferenciada para fixação do eletrodo ventricular. Para confirmação da provável agenesia, foram realizados diversos exames complementares de imagem, demonstrando-se a dificuldade no diagnóstico da síndrome aqui descrita.The superior left vena cava with the absent superior vena cava is a rare abnormality, especially when associated with total heart block. We report a case of a patient in which the presence of superior left vena cava and the absence of the superior vena cava was detected during the implantation of a pacemaker for the correction of a total heart block, which led us to use a different technique for the fixation of the ventricular electrode. To confirm the supposed absence, several image exams were made showing the difficulty on the diagnosis of the described syndrome.

  7. Writing superiority in cued recall

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    Carina eFueller


    Full Text Available In list learning paradigms with free recall, written recall has been found to be less susceptible to intrusions of related concepts than spoken recall when the list items had been visually presented. This effect has been ascribed to the use of stored orthographic representations from the study phase during written recall (Kellogg, 2001. In other memory retrieval paradigms, either better recall for modality-congruent items or an input-independent writing superiority effect have been found (Grabowski, 2005. In a series of four experiments using a paired associate (PA learning paradigm we tested (a whether output modality effects on verbal recall can be replicated in a paradigm that does not involve the rejection of semantically related intrusion words, (b whether a possible superiority for written recall was due to a slower response onset for writing as compared to speaking in immediate recall, and (c whether the performance in PA word recall was correlated with performance in an additional episodic memory task. We found better written recall in the first half of the recall phase, irrespective of the modality in which the material was presented upon encoding. An explanation based on longer response latencies for writing and hence more time for retrieval could be ruled out by showing that the effect persisted in delayed response versions of the task. Although there was some evidence that stored additional episodic information may contribute to the successful retrieval of associate words, this evidence was only found in the immediate response experiments and hence is most likely independent from the observed output modality effect. In sum, our results from a PA learning paradigm suggest that superior performance for written versus spoken recall cannot be (solely explained in terms of additional access to stored orthographic representations from the encoding phase. Our findings rather suggest a general writing-superiority effect at the time of memory

  8. Superior facet syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kubo, Yoshichika; Igarashi, Seishi; Koyama, Tsunemaro


    Sciatica caused by root entrapment in the lateral recess was named superior facet syndrome by Epstein in 1972. Few reports on this subject based on large numbers of cases have been documented to date. Of the patients with sciatica, 32 patients were diagnosed to have root entrapment at the lateral recess L 5 or/and S 1 lumbar spine. Out of 32 patients, 20 patients were operated on and the lateral entrapment was recognized in all of surgical cases. Neuroradiological findings, especially of metrizamide CT (met. CT), were documented in detail. Thirty two patients were classified in three types according to radiological findings. They were congenital or developmental, degenerative, and combined type, respectively, Fourteen cases belonged to the congenital type, 13 to the degenerative and 5 to the combined type. Each group had the mean ages of 23.4, 53.8, and 36.8 years old, respectively. Of 32 cases the entrapment occured in 47 L 5 roots and 11 S 1 roots. There was no remarkable laterality. In operation the unroofing of the lateral recess were done and the sciatica subsided postoperatively in all of surgical cases. Met. CT revealed extreme medial protrusion of the superior articular joint in 18 of 24 cases(75%) and none filling of the root in the lateral recess in 21 of 24 cases (87.5%). In the degenerative type, met. CT showed some degenerative changes that were hypertrophy or deformity of the articular joints and spur formation of the vertebral body. In contrast to met. CT, metrizamide myelography revealed only slight changes, which were poor filling of the root before it turned out the pedicle of lateral compression of the root. In plain films or lumbar spine articular joints at Lsub(4/5) were formed in coronal plane in 69% of cases of the L 5 root entrapment. Met. CT using ReView technique was of great diagnostic value in superior facet syndrome. (author)

  9. Motor mechanisms of vertical fusion in individuals with superior oblique paresis. (United States)

    Mudgil, Ananth V; Walker, Mark; Steffen, Heimo; Guyton, David L; Zee, David S


    We wanted to determine the mechanisms of motor vertical fusion in patients with superior oblique paresis and to correlate these mechanisms with surgical outcomes. Ten patients with superior oblique paresis underwent 3-axis, bilateral, scleral search coil eye movement recordings. Eye movements associated with fusion were analyzed. Six patients had decompensated congenital superior oblique paresis and 4 had acquired superior oblique paresis. All patients with acquired superior oblique paresis relied predominantly on the vertical rectus muscles for motor fusion. Patients with congenital superior oblique paresis were less uniform in their mechanisms for motor fusion: 2 patients used predominantly the oblique muscles, 2 patients used predominantly the vertical recti, and 2 patients used predominantly the superior oblique in the hyperdeviated eye and the superior rectus in the hypodeviated eye. The last 2 patients developed the largest changes in torsional eye alignment relative to changes in vertical eye alignment and were the only patients to develop symptomatic surgical overcorrections. There are 3 different mechanisms for vertical fusion in individuals with superior oblique paresis, with the predominant mechanism being the vertical recti. A subset of patients with superior oblique paresis uses predominantly the superior oblique muscle in the hyperdeviated paretic eye and the superior rectus muscle in the fellow eye for fusion. This results in intorsion of both eyes, causing a large change in torsional alignment. The consequent cyclodisparity, in addition to the existing vertical deviation, may make fusion difficult. The differing patterns of vertical fusional vergence may have implications for surgical treatment.

  10. Marketing at Superior: Theory meets application in the field

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeffrey, S.


    The field marketing practices of Superior Propane in rural Ontario are illustrated. In the Smithville area, Superior's customer base consists of agricultural, industrial, commercial, and residential customers, plus a large market for auto propane. A 6,900 ft 2 showroom presents a representative selection of the wide range of appliances using propane. Superior's Smithville branch is one of the top five in Canada, in terms of volume. To expand business beyond its traditional branch structures, Superior has an Independent Partners Program which is aimed at all phases of business including independent sales agents, conversions, propane fuel stops, appliance installations, and building contractors. In Keswick, located in the summer resort region on the south shore of Lake Simcoe, Superior's base load is 40% commercial and 20% each agricultural, residential, and automotive. A new 4,100 ft 2 showroom was recently constructed with separate display units for each appliance. The new building has brought increases in auto propane and appliance sales. The different branches of Superior Propane are able to tailor their marketing programs according to local needs by choosing the appropriate programs from those available at head office. 5 figs

  11. Niveles de amputación en extremidades inferiores: repercusión en el futuro del paciente

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    V. María José Espinoza, Dra.


    Full Text Available La amputación es un acto quirúrgico que provoca un cambio irreversible en la persona sometida a ésta. El nivel al que se realiza es determinante en las competencias futuras del paciente, siendo de peor pronóstico funcional el hecho de tener una amputación más proximal. Los niveles transarticulares presentan mejor pronóstico funcional que los realizados a través del hueso en un nivel inmediatamente superior. Al enfrentar un paciente que requiere una amputación es necesario pensar no solo en salvar la vida sino en conservar buenas posibilidades de independencia y reinserción social.

  12. Neurocognitive decrements are present in intellectually superior schizophrenia

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    Anja eVaskinn


    Full Text Available Data suggests that individuals with schizophrenia (SZ and superior intelligence can present without specific neurocognitive deficits. However, neurocognitive decrements, defined as worse cognition than expected, have been reported in practically all schizophrenia cases. This study investigated if neurocognitive decrements are present in intellectually superior SZ by comparing the neuropsychological profile of SZ cases with IQ-matched healthy controls (HC across intellectual level. Participants with SZ and HCs were stratified into three IQ-groups; intellectually low (IQ 80-95; SZ n = 65 & HC n = 13, intellectually normal (IQ = 100-115; SZ n = 111 & HC n = 115 and intellectually superior (IQ > 120; SZ n = 20 & HC n = 50. A repeated measures multivariate analysis of co-variance compared performance on eight selected neuropsychological tests across IQ-strata and diagnostic group. Differences in clinical characteristics and social functioning in SZ across IQ-strata were investigated with multivariate and univariate analyses of variance. Intellectually superior SZ participants scored within normal limits, but had neurocognitive decrements compared to superior HCs. Decrements were of the same magnitude as in the low and normal IQ-strata. Levels of functional impairments and clinical characteristics in participants with SZ did not differ significantly across IQ-strata. Results indicate that neurocognitive decrements are present in intellectually superior SZ to the same extent as in intellectually low and intellectually normal SZ, supporting the notion that SZ is a neurocognitive disorder. Similar levels of social functional deficits and clinical symptoms suggest similar disease processes in SZ across intellectual level.

  13. Why do employees follow their superiors' instructions? Identification of the reasons to comply with superiors' will in a group of Polish employees. (United States)

    Wójcik, Aleksandra; Merecz-Kot, Dorota; Andysz, Aleksandra


    Managers influence the way organization works as well as the functioning of subordinates - in the context of their work life but non-professional functioning as well e.g., attitude towards work-life balance or taking care of health. We focused on the superior-subordinate relation, referring to social power bases theory by Raven. We identified the reasons why subordinates decide to follow their superiors' orders and determined specific styles of compliance with superiors' will. Understanding why employees listen to their superiors may be valuable in the context of supporting healthy organizational climate and atmosphere of co-operation or communicating values - for example, as regards taking care of own health. We discussed the results referring to the issue of influencing employees in the context of their health behavior. The research involved 100 Polish employees, aged 28 years old on average, who filled in the Interpersonal Power Inventory by Raven et al. for subordinates in a Polish adaptation by Zaleski. The questionnaire includes 11 subscales referring to power bases. Based on the cluster analysis results, we recognized people who complied because of: all kinds of power bases (typical for 46% of the respondents); the respect for superiors' professionalism (34%); and formal/objective reasons (20%). Employees differ in terms of their styles of compliance. Their motives to comply with superiors' instructions constitute compilations of power bases. The superiors' awareness of the reasons why their employees decide to follow orders is necessary for successful management. It may motivate employees to work but also to take care of their own health. This work is available in Open Access model and licensed under a CC BY-NC 3.0 PL license.

  14. Estudo cefalométrico de alterações induzidas por expansão lenta da maxila em adultos Cephalometric study of alterations induced by maxillary slow expansion in adults

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Almiro José Machado Júnior


    Full Text Available A expansão da maxila é um procedimento que objetiva o aumento do arco dental maxilar para correção de desvios oclusais. Amplamente empregada em crianças, há controvérsias sobre sua eficácia em adultos, quando o crescimento crânio-facial já atingiu sua maturidade óssea. OBJETIVO: O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar modificações cefalométricas decorrentes da expansão da maxila em pacientes adultos, observando as seguintes medidas lineares: largura facial, largura nasal, altura nasal, largura maxilar, largura mandibular e largura molar-maxilar. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: A amostra constituiu-se de 24 telerradiografias frontais, tomadas antes e imediatamente após as expansões, obtidas de 12 pacientes, ambos os sexos, com idade entre 18 anos e dois meses e 37 anos e oito meses. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à expansão lenta dos ossos maxilares com o uso do aparelho expansor da técnica denominada "reabilitação dinâmica e funcional dos maxilares". Foi utilizado teste estatístico de Wilcoxon pareado, para amostras relacionadas e nível de significância 5%. RESULTADOS: Ocorreu aumento médio de 1,92mm na largura nasal e altura nasal 2,5mm. Nas medidas lineares largura maxilar e largura mandibular o aumento médio foi de 2,42mm e 1,92mm respectivamente. Para largura facial encontrou-se aumento médio de 1,41mm e largura molar-maxilar 2,0mm, sendo tais alterações estatisticamente significativas, obtidas em um tempo médio de 5,3 meses. CONCLUSÃO: Baseado nos resultados obtidos conclui-se que o uso da expansão maxilar induz o aumento das medidas faciais estudadas em adultos.Maxilla expansion is a procedure that aims at increasing the maxillary dental arch to correct occlusal disharmony. Largely used in children, its efficacy in adults, when craniofacial growth has attained bone maturity, is controversial. AIM: The present study has the objective of evaluating cephalometric modifications resulting from maxilla expansion

  15. Aging and the Picture Superiority Effect in Recall. (United States)

    Winograd, Eugene; And Others


    Compared verbal and visual encoding using the picture superiority effect. One experiment found an interaction between age and type of material. In other experiments, the picture superiority effect was found in both age groups with no interaction. Performing a semantic-orienting task had no effect on recall. (Author/RC)

  16. Fatal pericardial tamponade after superior vena cava stenting.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ploegmakers, M.J.M.; Rutten, M.J.C.M.


    We discuss a fatal complication of percutaneous superior vena cava (SVC) self-expandable stent placement in a patient with superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS). The SVCS was caused by a malignant mediastinal mass with total occlusion of the SVC. Twenty-four hours after the procedure, the patient died

  17. Perturbation resilience and superiorization of iterative algorithms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Censor, Y; Davidi, R; Herman, G T


    Iterative algorithms aimed at solving some problems are discussed. For certain problems, such as finding a common point in the intersection of a finite number of convex sets, there often exist iterative algorithms that impose very little demand on computer resources. For other problems, such as finding that point in the intersection at which the value of a given function is optimal, algorithms tend to need more computer memory and longer execution time. A methodology is presented whose aim is to produce automatically for an iterative algorithm of the first kind a 'superiorized version' of it that retains its computational efficiency but nevertheless goes a long way toward solving an optimization problem. This is possible to do if the original algorithm is 'perturbation resilient', which is shown to be the case for various projection algorithms for solving the consistent convex feasibility problem. The superiorized versions of such algorithms use perturbations that steer the process in the direction of a superior feasible point, which is not necessarily optimal, with respect to the given function. After presenting these intuitive ideas in a precise mathematical form, they are illustrated in image reconstruction from projections for two different projection algorithms superiorized for the function whose value is the total variation of the image

  18. Globalització i internacionalització en l'ensenyament superior


    de Wit, J.W.M (Hans)


    La internacionalització és un fenomen cada cop més important i generalitzat en l'ensenyament superior en els àmbits institucional, nacional i internacional. La globalització de les nostres economies i societats ha tingut un impacte en l'ensenyament superior dels últims vint-i-cinc anys, i el mateix ensenyament superior s'ha convertit en un actor en l'economia de coneixement global, en la recerca i en altres àrees que impliquen aspectes com la c...

  19. Cirugía de torus mandibular

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Ramon Osorio Castillo


    Full Text Available ResumenLos huesos maxilares no son ajenos a las patologías que se pueden presentar en el sistema esquelético. Algunas de esas condiciones y patologías son singulares por sus características clínicas, su distribución y prevalencia. Los torus palatinos, los torus mandibulares (TM y las exostosis de los maxilares son un claro ejemplo de ellos. Hasta la presente existen ideas especulativas acerca de su etiopatogenia, de los factores asociados, de su incidencia y prevalencia, de su necesidad de tratamiento, lo que puede crear confusión entre los clínicos tanto en diagnóstico como en el manejo.El torus como tumor óseo benigno puede localizarse en el maxilar a nivel del paladar, o en la mandíbula a nivel de las tablas internas; o puede aparecer en cualquier parte del esqueleto. El TM es una exostosis o crecimiento óseo en la superficie lingual de la mandíbula. Este crecimiento ocurre generalmente cerca de la línea milohioidea, opuesto a los premolares, pero se puede extender del canino al primer molar. La mucosa que los recubre tiende a ser fina y no tolera por lo general las fuerzas de las prótesis que se colocan encima de ellos. La incidencia del torus de la mandíbula es baja en el 6% a 12.5% entre caucásicos y en los habitantes de la llanura africana. De manera contraria, algunos autores reportan una prevalencia mucho más elevada en la Costa Atlántica Colombiana.Se presenta el caso de un paciente con torus mandibulares bilaterales, con muchos años de crecimiento, hasta que por situaciones tanto fonéticas como de ulceraciones repetitivas decidió someterse al acto quirúrgico de forma bilateral. Se presentan algunas consideraciones para el manejo de esta. (Duazary 2008; 111-114AbstractThe jawbone is not a strange to the pathologies that can occur in the skeletal system. Some of these terms and conditions are unique for their clinical features, distribution and prevalence. The torus palate, jawbone torus (TM in spanish and

  20. Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome: An Infrequent Complication of Scoliosis Surgery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Metin Keskin


    Full Text Available Superior mesenteric artery syndrome is a rare condition that causes a proximal small intestinal obstruction due to contraction of the angle between the superior mesenteric artery and the aorta. Scoliosis surgery is one of the 15 reasons for superior mesenteric artery syndrome, which can present with acute or chronic manifestations. Although conservative treatment is usually possible, surgical treatment is required in certain cases that cannot be treated using conservative methods. In this paper, we describe a patient who developed superior mesenteric artery syndrome after scoliosis surgery and was treated with duodenojejunostomy due to failure and complications of conservative treatment.

  1. Superior dislocation hip with anterior column acetabular fracture ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Superior variety of anterior dislocation of the hip is a rare injury. Its occurrence with acetabular fractures has been documented infrequently. We report a case of superior dislocation of the hip with anterior column acetabular fracture. Open reduction of the hip and internal fixation of the fracture was carried out using a twin ...

  2. Superior mesenteric artery syndrome: case report | Jani | East ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome (SMAS) is caused by trapping of the third part of the duodenum between Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA) and aorta as result of narrowing of the angle between the two vessels due to acute loss of mesenteric fat which is secondary to rapid weight loss. A fifteen year old caucasian ...

  3. [Neuromolecular mechanism of the superiority illusion]. (United States)

    Yamada, Makiko


    The majority of individuals evaluate themselves as above average. This is a cognitive bias called "the superiority illusion". This illusory self-evaluation helps us to have hopes for the future, and has been central to the process of human evolution. Possessing this illusion is also important for mental health, as depressed people appear to have a more realistic perception of themselves, dubbed "depressive realism". Our recent study revealed the spontaneous brain activity and central dopaminergic neurotransmission that generate this illusion, using resting-state fMRI and PET. A functional connectivity between the frontal cortex and striatum, regulated by inhibitory dopaminergic neurotransmission, determines individual levels of the superiority illusion. We further revealed that blocking the dopamine transporter, which enhanced the level of dopamine, increased the degree of the superiority illusion. These findings suggest that dopamine acts on striatal dopamine receptors to suppress fronto-striatal functional connectivity, leading to disinhibited, heuristic, approaches to positive self-evaluation. These findings help us to understand how this key aspect of the human mind is biologically determined, and will suggest treatments for depressive symptoms by targeting specific molecules and neural circuits.

  4. Biomechanical Effects of Acromioplasty on Superior Capsule Reconstruction for Irreparable Supraspinatus Tendon Tears. (United States)

    Mihata, Teruhisa; McGarry, Michelle H; Kahn, Timothy; Goldberg, Iliya; Neo, Masashi; Lee, Thay Q


    Acromioplasty is increasingly being performed for both reparable and irreparable rotator cuff tears. However, acromioplasty may destroy the coracoacromial arch, including the coracoacromial ligament, consequently causing a deterioration in superior stability even after superior capsule reconstruction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of acromioplasty on shoulder biomechanics after superior capsule reconstruction for irreparable supraspinatus tendon tears. The hypothesis was that acromioplasty with superior capsule reconstruction would decrease the area of subacromial impingement without increasing superior translation and subacromial contact pressure. Controlled laboratory study. Seven fresh-frozen cadaveric shoulders were evaluated using a custom shoulder testing system. Glenohumeral superior translation, the location of the humeral head relative to the glenoid, and subacromial contact pressure and area were compared among 4 conditions: (1) intact shoulder, (2) irreparable supraspinatus tendon tear, (3) superior capsule reconstruction without acromioplasty, and (4) superior capsule reconstruction with acromioplasty. Superior capsule reconstruction was performed using the fascia lata. Compared with the intact shoulder, the creation of an irreparable supraspinatus tear significantly shifted the humeral head superiorly in the balanced muscle loading condition (without superior force applied) (0° of abduction: 2.8-mm superior shift [P = .0005]; 30° of abduction: 1.9-mm superior shift [P = .003]) and increased both superior translation (0° of abduction: 239% of intact [P = .04]; 30° of abduction: 199% of intact [P = .02]) and subacromial peak contact pressure (0° of abduction: 308% of intact [P = .0002]; 30° of abduction: 252% of intact [P = .001]) by applying superior force. Superior capsule reconstruction without acromioplasty significantly decreased superior translation (0° of abduction: 86% of intact [P = .02]; 30° of abduction: 75

  5. Novel anammox bacteria and nitrogen loss from Lake Superior

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Crowe, Sean A.; Treusch, Alexander H.; Forth, Michael


    and diversity of anammox bacteria in the world's largest freshwater lake - Lake Superior. We found that anammox performed by previously undiscovered bacteria is an important contributor to sediment N2 production. We observed striking differences in the anammox bacterial populations found at different locations...... within Lake Superior and those described from other locations. Our data thus reveal that novel anammox bacteria underpin N-loss from Lake Superior, and if more broadly distributed across inland waters would play an important role in continental N-cycling and mitigation of fixed nitrogen transfer from...

  6. The picture superiority effect in associative recognition. (United States)

    Hockley, William E


    The picture superiority effect has been well documented in tests of item recognition and recall. The present study shows that the picture superiority effect extends to associative recognition. In three experiments, students studied lists consisting of random pairs of concrete words and pairs of line drawings; then they discriminated between intact (old) and rearranged (new) pairs of words and pictures at test. The discrimination advantage for pictures over words was seen in a greater hit rate for intact picture pairs, but there was no difference in the false alarm rates for the two types of stimuli. That is, there was no mirror effect. The same pattern of results was found when the test pairs consisted of the verbal labels of the pictures shown at study (Experiment 4), indicating that the hit rate advantage for picture pairs represents an encoding benefit. The results have implications for theories of the picture superiority effect and models of associative recognition.

  7. Demineralization of teeth in mouth-breathing patients undergoing maxillary expansion


    Bakor, Silvia Fuerte; Pereira, Julio César Motta; Frascino, Silvana; Ladalardo, Thereza Christinna Cellos Gonçalves Pinheiro; Pignatari, Shirley Shizue Nagata; Weckx, Luc Louis Maurice


    A respiração oral pode causar deformações na arcada dentária e representar risco a cáries e doenças periodontais, podendo ser agravado pela utilização de aparelhos fixos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o grau de mineralização do esmalte dentário e a microbiota cariogênica bucal de respiradores orais que utilizaram disjuntores maxilares. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo com 20 pacientes respiradores orais com atresia maxilar, idades entre 9 e 13 anos. A mineralização do esmalte dentário foi medida pel...

  8. Osteonecrose maxilar em pacientes portadores de doenças neoplásicas sob uso de bisfosfonatos Jaw osteonecrosis in patients with neoplastic diseases taking bisphosphonates

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo S. S. Santos


    Full Text Available A osteonecrose induzida por bisfosfonatos é uma complicação que pode ocorrer em pacientes acometidos por doença osteolítica tais como mieloma múltiplo, portadores de metástases tumorais em tecido ósseo, osteoporose e que fizeram uso de droga do grupo dos bisfosfonatos. A despeito dos benefícios do uso destes fármacos, a osteonecrose maxilar é uma importante complicação. Seu mecanismo de ação reduz a reabsorção óssea, o estímulo à atividade osteoblástica, a inibição do recrutamento e promoção da apoptose de osteoclastos. Até o presente momento, não há na literatura um protocolo de tratamento para a osteonecrose por bisfosfonatos. No presente trabalho, os autores fazem uma revisão da literatura e descrevem dois casos clínicos em pacientes do sexo feminino, com diferentes doenças, mieloma múltiplo e metástases ósseas por carcinoma de mama, acometidas por osteonecrose em mandíbula induzida por bisfosfonatos.The use of bisphosphonates among patients affected by osteolytic diseases, such as multiple myeloma, metastatic bone lesions and osteoporosis has been associated with the risk of osteonecrosis of the jaws. Bisphosphonates are found in areas of the bone that are undergoing inflammation or resorption. They are phagocytosed and internalized by osteoclasts. Once in the bone, these bisphosphonates cause apoptosis or cell death of the osteoclasts and as a result they may inhibit osteoclast-mediated bone resorption. Bisphosphonates seem to affect osteoclasts when it comes to both numbers and function. Although bisphosphonates are potent and valuable inhibitors of osteoclastic bone lesions, several unanswered questions exist regarding the risk of developing osteonecrosis and the management of this complication. This study reports two clinical cases of osteonecrosis of the jaws associated with the use of bisphosphonates. According to the findings, the two patients (women with different neoplasms: multiple myeloma and

  9. Superior intellectual ability in schizophrenia: neuropsychological characteristics. (United States)

    MacCabe, James H; Brébion, Gildas; Reichenberg, Abraham; Ganguly, Taposhri; McKenna, Peter J; Murray, Robin M; David, Anthony S


    It has been suggested that neurocognitive impairment is a core deficit in schizophrenia. However, it appears that some patients with schizophrenia have intelligence quotients (IQs) in the superior range. In this study, we sought out schizophrenia patients with an estimated premorbid Intelligence Quotient (IQ) of at least 115 and studied their neuropsychological profile. Thirty-four patients meeting diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.; DSM-IV), with mean estimated premorbid IQ of 120, were recruited and divided into two subgroups, according to whether or not their IQ had declined by at least 10 points from their premorbid estimate. Their performance on an extensive neuropsychological battery was compared with that of 19 IQ-matched healthy controls and a group of 16 "typical" schizophrenia patients with estimated premorbid IQ Schizophrenia patients whose estimated premorbid and current IQ both lay in the superior range were statistically indistinguishable from IQ-matched healthy controls on all neurocognitive tests. However, their profile of relative performance in subtests was similar to that of typical schizophrenia patients. Patients with superior premorbid IQ and evidence of intellectual deterioration had intermediate scores. Our results confirm the existence of patients meeting DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia who have markedly superior premorbid intellectual level and appear to be free of gross neuropsychological deficits. We discuss the implications of these findings for the primacy of cognitive deficits in schizophrenia.

  10. Right superior vena cava draining into the left atrium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Calcagni, Giulio; Sidi, Daniel; Bonnet, Damien [University Rene Descartes-Paris 5, Department of Paediatric Cardiology, Hopital Necker-Enfants Malades, Paris (France); Batisse, Alain [Institut de Puericulture et de Perinatalogie, Paris (France); Vouhe, Pascal [University Rene Descartes-Paris 5, Department of Paediatric Cardiac Surgery, Hopital Necker-Enfants Malades, Paris (France); Ou, Phalla [University Rene Descartes-Paris 5, Department of Paediatric Cardiology, Hopital Necker-Enfants Malades, Paris (France); University Rene Descartes-Paris 5, Department of Pediatric Radiology, Hopital Necker-Enfants Malades, Paris (France)


    The right superior vena cava draining into the left atrium is a rare malformation causing cyanosis and clubbing in patients in whom no other signs of congenital heart defect are present. Diagnosis may be difficult as cyanosis may be mild and the anomaly is not always easily detectable by echocardiography. For this reason we report a 13-month-old male in whom we confirmed the clinical and echocardiographic suspicion of anomalous drainage of the right superior vena cava using multidetector CT. This allowed successful surgical reconnection of the right superior vena cava to the right atrium. (orig.)

  11. Right superior vena cava draining into the left atrium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Calcagni, Giulio; Sidi, Daniel; Bonnet, Damien; Batisse, Alain; Vouhe, Pascal; Ou, Phalla


    The right superior vena cava draining into the left atrium is a rare malformation causing cyanosis and clubbing in patients in whom no other signs of congenital heart defect are present. Diagnosis may be difficult as cyanosis may be mild and the anomaly is not always easily detectable by echocardiography. For this reason we report a 13-month-old male in whom we confirmed the clinical and echocardiographic suspicion of anomalous drainage of the right superior vena cava using multidetector CT. This allowed successful surgical reconnection of the right superior vena cava to the right atrium. (orig.)

  12. Eutrophication monitoring for Lake Superior's Chequamegon ... (United States)

    A priority for the Lake Superior CSMI was to identify susceptible nearshore eutrophication areas. We developed an integrated sampling design to collect baseline data for Lake Superior’s Chequamegon Bay to understand how nearshore physical processes and tributary loading relate to observed chlorophyll concentrations. Sampling included ship-based water samples combined with vertical CTD casts, continuous in situ towing and data collected from an autonomous underwater glider. Sampling was conducted during June, July and September. The glider collected regional data as part of three extended missions in Lake Superior over the same periods. During the study, two significant storm events impacted the western end of Lake Superior; the first occurred during July 11-12, with 8-10 inches of rain in 24hrs, and the second on July 21 with winds in excess of 161 km/h. Using GIS software, we organized these diverse temporal data sets along a continuous time line with temporally coincident Modis Satellite data to visualize surface sediment plumes in relation to water quality measurements. Preliminary results suggest that both events impacted regional water quality, and that nearshore physical forces (upwelling and currents) influenced the spatial variability. Results comparing in situ measures with remotely sensed images will be discussed. not applicable

  13. La educación superior como eje del desarrollo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Benjamín Afanador Vargas


    Full Text Available Este documento analiza cómo ha sido la interacción entre la política educativa y las estrategiasde desarrollo en Colombia, a lo largo del siglo XX. Se presenta una revisión del estadoactual de la educación en Colombia, tanto a nivel de educación básica y media, como de laeducación superior. Para ello se toman tres criterios básicos que son la cobertura, la calidady la equidad en el acceso a la educación. Para el caso de la educación superior, se comparala oferta de cupos con la demanda existente, se clasifican los distintos segmentos en que sedivide la educación superior y se hace una breve reseña sobre el recurso humano con que secuenta en la educación superior colombiana. Así mismo, se expone una conceptualización delos retos que enfrenta la educación superior, sobretodo para lograr una cohesión de la sociedad,evitando que algunos de sus integrantes sean excluidos y permitiendo que todos losestamentos de la sociedad puedan compartir los mismos ideales y los consideren asequibles.Finalmente, se presentan unas conclusiones que se derivan del estudio y se proponen algunasrecomendaciones de política .

  14. Self and Superior Assessment. (United States)


    model of the self-evaluation process as it differs from the evaluation process used by superiors. Symbolic Interactionism One view of self assessment is...supplied by the symbolic interactionists (Cooley, 1902; Head, 1934), who state that self perceptions are generated largely from individuals...disagreements remained even immediately after an appraisal interview in which a great deal of feedback was given. Research on the symbolic interactionist

  15. 14 CFR 385.7 - Exercise of authority by superiors. (United States)


    ... PROCEEDINGS) ORGANIZATION STAFF ASSIGNMENTS AND REVIEW OF ACTION UNDER ASSIGNMENTS General Provisions § 385.7 Exercise of authority by superiors. Any assignment of authority to a staff member other than the Chief... be made, severally, to each such staff member's respective superiors. In accordance with the...

  16. Evaluación del potencial biomédico de nuevos biomateriales para aplicación en cirugía ortopédica y traumatología


    Amat Trujillo, Daniel


    Las situaciones clínicas relacionadas con fracturas de hueso complejas, tales como fracturas no consolidadas o fracturas patológicas, demandan cada vez más el desarrollo de materiales terapéuticos con la capacidad para inducir la regeneración del tejido óseo, o para reemplazar la pérdida del hueso dañado y restaurar su función. La Ingeniería de Tejidos ha surgido como una alternativa prometedora para reemplazar a las actuales prótesis y sustitutos de hueso. El objetivo de la Ingeniería Tisula...

  17. Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome: Lessons from the First 20 Years

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bryan K. Ward


    Full Text Available Superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome was first reported by Lloyd Minor and colleagues in 1998. Patients with a dehiscence in the bone overlying the superior semicircular canal experience symptoms of pressure or sound-induced vertigo, bone conduction hyperacusis, and pulsatile tinnitus. The initial series of patients were diagnosed based on common symptoms, a physical examination finding of eye movements in the plane of the superior semicircular canal when ear canal pressure or loud tones were applied to the ear, and high-resolution computed tomography imaging demonstrating a dehiscence in the bone over the superior semicircular canal. Research productivity directed at understanding better methods for diagnosing and treating this condition has substantially increased over the last two decades. We now have a sound understanding of the pathophysiology of third mobile window syndromes, higher resolution imaging protocols, and several sensitive and specific diagnostic tests. Furthermore, we have a treatment (surgical occlusion of the superior semicircular canal that has demonstrated efficacy. This review will highlight some of the fundamental insights gained in SCDS, propose diagnostic criteria, and discuss future research directions.

  18. Aneurysm of the superior mesenteric artery

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gebauer, A


    This is a report about 4 patients with aneurysms of the superior mesenteric artery of arteriosclerotic, mycotic and probably congenital etiology together with a review of the literature as to the etiology, diagnostic possibilities and therapy. Arteriography is the method of choice even though a diagnosis may be possible by sonography or CT in special cases. Even though an aneurysm of the superior mesenteric artery is rare, it has to be considered in the differential diagnosis of persisting abdominal problems of unknown origin. This is especially true for patients with a predisposing history such as previous or existing endocarditis, sepsis, arteriosclerosis and hypertension. Because of the possibility of rupture followed by life threating bleeding an adequate diagnostic step such as arteriography has to be considered finally.

  19. Superior mesenteric artery compression syndrome - case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Rocha França Neto


    Full Text Available Superior mesenteric artery syndrome is an entity generally caused by the loss of the intervening mesenteric fat pad, resulting in compression of the third portion of the duodenum by the superior mesenteric artery. This article reports the case of a patient with irremovable metastatic adenocarcinoma in the sigmoid colon, that evolved with intense vomiting. Intestinal transit was carried out, which showed important gastric dilation extended until the third portion of the duodenum, compatible with superior mesenteric artery syndrome. Considering the patient's nutritional condition, the medical team opted for the conservative treatment. Four months after the surgery and conservative measures, the patient did not present vomiting after eating, maintaining previous weight. Superior mesenteric artery syndrome is uncommon and can have unspecific symptoms. Thus, high suspicion is required for the appropriate clinical adjustment. A barium examination is required to make the diagnosis. The treatment can initially require gastric decompression and hydration, besides reversal of weight loss through adequate nutrition. Surgery should be adopted only in case of clinical treatment failure.A síndrome da artéria mesentérica superior é uma entidade clínica causada geralmente pela perda do tecido adiposo mesentérico, resultando na compressão da terceira porção do duodeno pela artéria mesentérica superior. Esse artigo relata o caso clínico de uma paciente portadora de adenocarcinoma de cólon sigmoide metastático irressecável, que evoluiu com vômitos incoercíveis. Realizou-se, então, trânsito intestinal que evidenciou dilatação gástrica importante, que se prolongava até a terceira porção duodenal, quadro radiológico compatível com pinçamento da artéria mesentérica superior. Diante da condição nutricional da paciente, foi optado por iniciar medidas conservadoras (porções alimentares pequenas e mais frequentes, além de dec

  20. Air Power's First Among Equals: Why Air Superiority Still Matters

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Slawson, Andrew T


    .... History is replete with examples of successful or failed air superiority campaigns. This paper details air superiority's role in both the Battle of Britain, and the 1967 Six Day War's Operation MOKED...

  1. Aging and the picture superiority effect in recall. (United States)

    Winograd, E; Smith, A D; Simon, E W


    One recurrent theme in the literature on aging and memory is that the decline of memory for nonverbal information is steeper than for verbal information. This research compares verbal and visual encoding using the picture superiority effect, the finding that pictures are remembered better than words. In the first experiment, an interaction was found between age and type of material; younger subjects recalled more pictures than words while older subjects did not. However, the overall effect was small and two further experiments were conducted. In both of these experiments, the picture superiority effect was found in both age groups with no interaction. In addition, performing a semantic orienting task had no effect on recall. The finding of a picture superiority effect in older subjects indicates that nonverbal codes can be effectively used by subjects in all age groups to facilitate memory performance.

  2. Noise management to achieve superiority in quantum information systems. (United States)

    Nemoto, Kae; Devitt, Simon; Munro, William J


    Quantum information systems are expected to exhibit superiority compared with their classical counterparts. This superiority arises from the quantum coherences present in these quantum systems, which are obviously absent in classical ones. To exploit such quantum coherences, it is essential to control the phase information in the quantum state. The phase is analogue in nature, rather than binary. This makes quantum information technology fundamentally different from our classical digital information technology. In this paper, we analyse error sources and illustrate how these errors must be managed for the system to achieve the required fidelity and a quantum superiority.This article is part of the themed issue 'Quantum technology for the 21st century'. © 2017 The Author(s).

  3. Noise management to achieve superiority in quantum information systems (United States)

    Nemoto, Kae; Devitt, Simon; Munro, William J.


    Quantum information systems are expected to exhibit superiority compared with their classical counterparts. This superiority arises from the quantum coherences present in these quantum systems, which are obviously absent in classical ones. To exploit such quantum coherences, it is essential to control the phase information in the quantum state. The phase is analogue in nature, rather than binary. This makes quantum information technology fundamentally different from our classical digital information technology. In this paper, we analyse error sources and illustrate how these errors must be managed for the system to achieve the required fidelity and a quantum superiority. This article is part of the themed issue 'Quantum technology for the 21st century'.

  4. Aneurysm of the superior mesenteric artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gebauer, A.


    This is a report about 4 patients with aneurysms of the superior mesenteric artery of arteriosclerotic, mycotic and probably congenital etiology together with a review of the literature as to the etiology, diagnostic possibilities and therapy. Arteriography is the method of choice even though a diagnosis may be possible by sonography or CT in special cases. Even though an aneurysm of the superior mesenteric artery is rare, it has to be considered in the differential diagnosis of persisting abdominal problems of unknown origin. This is especially true for patients with a predisposing history such as previous or existing endocarditis, sepsis, arteriosclerosis and hypertension. Because of the possibility of rupture followed by life threating bleeding an adequate diagnostic step such as arteriography has to be considered finally. (orig.) [de

  5. The bony labyrinth of the middle Pleistocene Sima de los Huesos hominins (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). (United States)

    Quam, Rolf; Lorenzo, Carlos; Martínez, Ignacio; Gracia-Téllez, Ana; Arsuaga, Juan Luis


    We performed 3D virtual reconstructions based on CT scans to study the bony labyrinth morphology in 14 individuals from the large middle Pleistocene hominin sample from the site of the Sima de los Huesos (SH) in the Sierra de Atapuerca in northern Spain. The Atapuerca (SH) hominins represent early members of the Neandertal clade and provide an opportunity to compare the data with the later in time Neandertals, as well as Pleistocene and recent humans more broadly. The Atapuerca (SH) hominins do not differ from the Neandertals in any of the variables related to the absolute and relative sizes and shape of the semicircular canals. Indeed, the entire Neandertal clade seems to be characterized by a derived pattern of canal proportions, including a relatively small posterior canal and a relatively large lateral canal. In contrast, one of the most distinctive features observed in Neandertals, the low placement of the posterior canal (i.e., high sagittal labyrinthine index), is generally not present in the Atapuerca (SH) hominins. This low placement is considered a derived feature in Neandertals and is correlated with a more vertical orientation of the ampullar line (LSCm  PPp), and third part of the facial canal (LSCm < FC3). Some variation is present within the Atapuerca (SH) sample, however, with a few individuals approaching the Neandertal condition more closely. In addition, the cochlear shape index in the Atapuerca (SH) hominins is low, indicating a reduction in the height of the cochlea. Although the phylogenetic polarity of this feature is less clear, the low shape index in the Atapuerca (SH) hominins may be a derived feature. Regardless, cochlear height subsequently increased in Neandertals. In contrast to previous suggestions, the expanded data in the present study indicate no difference across the genus Homo in the angle of inclination of the cochlear basal turn (COs < LSCm). Principal components analysis largely confirms these observations. While not

  6. Enlarged right superior temporal gyrus in children and adolescents with autism. (United States)

    Jou, Roger J; Minshew, Nancy J; Keshavan, Matcheri S; Vitale, Matthew P; Hardan, Antonio Y


    The superior temporal gyrus has been implicated in language processing and social perception. Therefore, anatomical abnormalities of this structure may underlie some of the deficits observed in autism, a severe neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impairments in social interaction and communication. In this study, volumes of the left and right superior temporal gyri were measured using magnetic resonance imaging obtained from 18 boys with high-functioning autism (mean age=13.5±3.4years; full-scale IQ=103.6±13.4) and 19 healthy controls (mean age=13.7±3.0years; full-scale IQ=103.9±10.5), group-matched on age, gender, and handedness. When compared to the control group, right superior temporal gyral volumes was significantly increased in the autism group after controlling for age and total brain volume. There was no significant difference in the volume of the left superior temporal gyrus. Post-hoc analysis revealed a significant increase of the right posterior superior temporal gyral volume in the autism group, before and after controlling for age and total brain volume. Examination of the symmetry index for the superior temporal gyral volumes did not yield statistically significant between-group differences. Findings from this preliminary investigation suggest the existence of volumetric alterations in the right superior temporal gyrus in children and adolescents with autism, providing support for a neuroanatomical basis of the social perceptual deficits characterizing this severe neurodevelopmental disorder. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Superior refining performance beyond 2000 -- Breaking traditional paradigms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tassel, B. van


    Over the last 5 years, refining companies have not performed well financially, generating returns below the cost of capital. Environmental regulations have caused the industry to invest significant amounts of capital, and while new regulations will cause the shutdown of between 500 thousand and 1.2 million barrels per day of capacity, the industry structure will remain poor and financial returns for the average player will likely be volatile, cyclical, and below the cost of capital. Based on this industry outlook, refining companies seeking superior performance will have to break the traditional paradigms and adopt world-class practices used in other industries. Changes required to significantly improve financial returns will include shifts in business strategy to accommodate growth, and development of nontraditional services, as well as initiates to dramatically reshape cost structure and improve profitability. Making the changes to become a superior performer in the refining business will require a clear vision and strong leadership at multiple levels in the organization. The transformation will also require changes in company culture and incentive plans that encourage managers to act as owners. In addition, superior performers will push accountability for results to low levels in the organization. Given the herd mentality of the oil industry, superior performers must take decisive, preemptive action to generate a substantial, competitive advantage

  8. Superior refining performance beyond 2000 -- Breaking traditional paradigms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tassel, B. van [McKinsey and Co., Inc., Houston, TX (United States)


    Over the last 5 years, refining companies have not performed well financially, generating returns below the cost of capital. Environmental regulations have caused the industry to invest significant amounts of capital, and while new regulations will cause the shutdown of between 500 thousand and 1.2 million barrels per day of capacity, the industry structure will remain poor and financial returns for the average player will likely be volatile, cyclical, and below the cost of capital. Based on this industry outlook, refining companies seeking superior performance will have to break the traditional paradigms and adopt world-class practices used in other industries. Changes required to significantly improve financial returns will include shifts in business strategy to accommodate growth, and development of nontraditional services, as well as initiates to dramatically reshape cost structure and improve profitability. Making the changes to become a superior performer in the refining business will require a clear vision and strong leadership at multiple levels in the organization. The transformation will also require changes in company culture and incentive plans that encourage managers to act as owners. In addition, superior performers will push accountability for results to low levels in the organization. Given the herd mentality of the oil industry, superior performers must take decisive, preemptive action to generate a substantial, competitive advantage.

  9. Persistencia de la vena cava superior izquierda: Diagnóstico e importancia prenatal Persistency of the left superior caval vein: Diagnosis and its prenatal importance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan F Jaramillo


    Full Text Available Durante un ultrasonido obstétrico de rutina se deben realizar ciertos planos del corazón en los cuales no es complejo identificar un grupo de anomalías como la persistencia de la vena cava superior izquierda. Cuando se identifica una vena cava superior izquierda aislada, sin otras anomalías del corazón fetal, no existe ninguna repercusión perinatal. Su importancia radica en que un grupo considerable de estos casos se acompaña de cardiopatías congénitas y anomalías anatómicas y cromosómicas. En este artículo se describen nueve casos de vena cava superior izquierda persistente, al igual que las anomalías del corazón asociadas, como también las alteraciones extracardiacas encontradas.Certain heart fetal planes must be realized during a routine obstetric ultrasound in order to identify a group of anomalies such as the persistency of the left superior caval vein. When an isolated left superior venal vein is identified without any other anomaly of the fetal heart, it does not have any perinatal repercussion. Its importance lies in the fact that a considerable number of these cases are associated with a high incidence of congenital heart diseases and anatomic and chromosomal abnormalities. This article reports nine cases of persistency of the left superior caval vein as well as the associated heart abnormalities and the extra-cardiac alterations found.

  10. 5 CFR 531.212 - Superior qualifications and special needs pay-setting authority. (United States)


    ... 5 Administrative Personnel 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Superior qualifications and special needs... Appointment Or Position Changes § 531.212 Superior qualifications and special needs pay-setting authority. (a) Agency authority. (1) An agency may use the superior qualifications and special needs pay-setting...

  11. Anatomical relation between S1 sacroiliac screws' entrance points and superior gluteal artery. (United States)

    Zhao, Yong; You, Libo; Lian, Wei; Zou, Dexin; Dong, Shengjie; Sun, Tao; Zhang, Shudong; Wang, Dan; Li, Jingning; Li, Wenliang; Zhao, Yuchi


    To conduct radiologic anatomical study on the relation between S1 sacroiliac screws' entry points and the route of the pelvic outer superior gluteal artery branches with the aim to provide the anatomical basis and technical reference for the avoidance of damage to the superior gluteal artery during the horizontal sacroiliac screw placement. Superior gluteal artery CTA (CT angiography) vascular imaging of 74 healthy adults (37 women and 37 men) was done with 128-slice spiral CT (computed tomography). The CT attendant-measuring software was used to portray the "safe bony entrance area" (hereinafter referred to as "Safe Area") of the S1 segment in the standard lateral pelvic view of three-dimensional reconstruction. The anatomical relation between S1 sacroiliac screws' Safe Area and the pelvic outer superior gluteal artery branches was observed and recorded. The number of cases in which artery branches intersected the Safe Area was counted. The cases in which superior gluteal artery branches disjointed from the Safe Area were identified, and the shortest distance between the Safe Area and the superior gluteal artery branch closest to the Safe Area was measured. Three cases out of the 74 sample cases were excluded from this study as they were found to have no bony space for horizontal screw placement in S1 segment. Among the remaining 71 sample cases, there are 32 cases (45.1%) where the deep superior branch of superior gluteal artery passes through the Safe Area of S1 entrance point. There was no distinguishing feature and rule on how the deep superior branches and the Safe Area overlapped. In the 39 cases in which superior gluteal artery branches disjointed from the Safe Area, the deep superior branches of superior gluteal artery were the branches closest to the Safe Area and the part of the branch closest to the Safe Area was located in front of the widest part of the Safe Area. The shortest distance between the deep superior branch and the Safe Area is 0.86

  12. Vena cava superior syndrome associated with sarcoidosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wurm, K.; Walz, M.; Reidemeister, J.C.; Donhuijsen, K.


    We report the first observation of clinical manifestations of vena cava superior syndrome (VCSS) associated with sarcoidosis. Twenty-four years after the first signs of the disease had been noted, mediastinal lymphomas penetrating the wall of the vena cava superior caused complete obstruction. It is most unusual for the vessel wall to be destroyed in this way, which explains why VCSS is often missed in sarcoidosis. The obstructed vessel was resected and successfully replaced by a Gore-Tex prosthesis. The importance of VCSS for the differential diagnosis is pointed out. Two further peculiarities are the simultaneous occurrence of elevated intraocular pressure and VCSS, and the familial incidence. (orig.) [de

  13. Designing Pareto-superior demand-response rate options

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horowitz, I.; Woo, C.K.


    We explore three voluntary service options-real-time pricing, time-of-use pricing, and curtailable/interruptible service-that a local distribution company might offer its customers in order to encourage them to alter their electricity usage in response to changes in the electricity-spot-market price. These options are simple and practical, and make minimal information demands. We show that each of the options is Pareto-superior ex ante, in that it benefits both the participants and the company offering it, while not affecting the non-participants. The options are shown to be Pareto-superior ex post as well, except under certain exceptional circumstances. (author)

  14. Temporal Bone Fracture Causing Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kevin A. Peng


    Full Text Available Importance. Superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SCD is a third window lesion of the inner ear causing symptoms of vertigo, autophony, tinnitus, and hearing loss. A “two-hit” hypothesis has traditionally been proposed, whereby thinly developed bone overlying the superior canal is disrupted by a sudden change in intracranial pressure. Although the symptoms of SCD may be precipitated by head injury, no previous reports have described a temporal bone fracture directly causing SCD. Observations. Two patients sustained temporal bone fractures after closed head trauma, and developed unilateral otologic symptoms consistent with SCD. In each instance, computed tomography imaging revealed fractures extending through the bony roof of the superior semicircular canal. Conclusions and Relevance. Temporal bone fractures, which are largely treated nonoperatively, have not previously been reported to cause SCD. As it is a potentially treatable entity, SCD resulting from temporal bone fracture must be recognized as a possibility and diagnosed promptly if present.

  15. Spatial vision is superior in musicians when memory plays a role. (United States)

    Weiss, Atalia H; Biron, Tali; Lieder, Itay; Granot, Roni Y; Ahissar, Merav


    Musicians' perceptual advantage in the acoustic domain is well established. Recent studies show that musicians' verbal working memory is also superior. Additionally, some studies report that musicians' visuospatial skills are enhanced although others failed to find this enhancement. We now examined whether musicians' spatial vision is superior, and if so, whether this superiority reflects refined visual skills or a general superiority of working memory. We examined spatial frequency discrimination among musicians and nonmusician university students using two presentation conditions: simultaneous (spatial forced choice) and sequential (temporal forced choice). Musicians' performance was similar to that of nonmusicians in the simultaneous condition. However, their performance in the sequential condition was superior, suggesting an advantage only when stimuli need to be retained, i.e., working memory. Moreover, the two groups showed a different pattern of correlations: Musicians' visual thresholds were correlated, and neither was correlated with their verbal memory. By contrast, among nonmusicians, the visual thresholds were not correlated, but sequential thresholds were correlated with verbal memory scores, suggesting that a general working memory component limits their performance in this condition. We propose that musicians' superiority in spatial frequency discrimination reflects an advantage in a domain-general aspect of working memory rather than a general enhancement in spatial-visual skills. © 2014 ARVO.

  16. Ruptured superior gluteal artery pseudoaneurysm with hemorrhagic shock: Case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kerem Seref Corbacioglu


    Full Text Available Pseudoaneurysm of the superior gluteal artery (SGA is very rare and the most common causes are blunt or penetrating pelvic traumas. Although pseudoaneurysm can be asymptomatic at the time of initial trauma, it can be symptomatic weeks, months, even years after initial trauma. We present a case of a ruptured superior gluteal artery pseudoaneurysm with hemorrhagic shock twenty days after a bomb injury in the Syria civil war. In addition, we review the anatomy of the SGA, clinical presentation and pitfalls of pseudoaneurysm, and imaging and treatment options. Keywords: Pseudoaneurysm, Superior gluteal artery, Pitfall, Angiography

  17. The changing face of inner-city Havana | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Jul 14, 2011 ... The collapse of Cuba's Soviet trading partner and the continued U.S. ... Dubbed the "Cayo Hueso Intervention" it quickly became a model in Cuba for ... The work included analysis of interviews and surveys done in Cayo Hueso. ... Taking a fresh look at old problems yields greater benefits for communities.

  18. Superior vena cava obstruction caused by radiation induced venous fibrosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Putten, JWG; Schlosser, NJJ; Vujaskovic, Z; Van der Leest, AHD; Groen, HJM

    Superior vena cava syndrome is most often caused by lung carcinoma. Two cases are described in whom venous obstruction in the superior mediastinum was caused by local vascular fibrosis due to radiotherapy five and seven years earlier. The development of radiation injury to greater vessels is

  19. Total variation superiorized conjugate gradient method for image reconstruction (United States)

    Zibetti, Marcelo V. W.; Lin, Chuan; Herman, Gabor T.


    The conjugate gradient (CG) method is commonly used for the relatively-rapid solution of least squares problems. In image reconstruction, the problem can be ill-posed and also contaminated by noise; due to this, approaches such as regularization should be utilized. Total variation (TV) is a useful regularization penalty, frequently utilized in image reconstruction for generating images with sharp edges. When a non-quadratic norm is selected for regularization, as is the case for TV, then it is no longer possible to use CG. Non-linear CG is an alternative, but it does not share the efficiency that CG shows with least squares and methods such as fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithms (FISTA) are preferred for problems with TV norm. A different approach to including prior information is superiorization. In this paper it is shown that the conjugate gradient method can be superiorized. Five different CG variants are proposed, including preconditioned CG. The CG methods superiorized by the total variation norm are presented and their performance in image reconstruction is demonstrated. It is illustrated that some of the proposed variants of the superiorized CG method can produce reconstructions of superior quality to those produced by FISTA and in less computational time, due to the speed of the original CG for least squares problems. In the Appendix we examine the behavior of one of the superiorized CG methods (we call it S-CG); one of its input parameters is a positive number ɛ. It is proved that, for any given ɛ that is greater than the half-squared-residual for the least squares solution, S-CG terminates in a finite number of steps with an output for which the half-squared-residual is less than or equal to ɛ. Importantly, it is also the case that the output will have a lower value of TV than what would be provided by unsuperiorized CG for the same value ɛ of the half-squared residual.

  20. The Penokean orogeny in the Lake Superior region (United States)

    Schulz, K.J.; Cannon, W.F.


    The Penokean orogeny began at about 1880 Ma when an oceanic arc, now the Pembine-Wausau terrane, collided with the southern margin of the Archean Superior craton marking the end of a period of south-directed subduction. The docking of the buoyant craton to the arc resulted in a subduction jump to the south and development of back-arc extension both in the initial arc and adjacent craton margin to the north. A belt of volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits formed in the extending back-arc rift within the arc. Synchronous extension and subsidence of the Superior craton resulted in a broad shallow sea characterized by volcanic grabens (Menominee Group in northern Michigan). The classic Lake Superior banded iron-formations, including those in the Marquette, Gogebic, Mesabi and Gunflint Iron Ranges, formed in that sea. The newly established subduction zone caused continued arc volcanism until about 1850 Ma when a fragment of Archean crust, now the basement of the Marshfield terrane, arrived at the subduction zone. The convergence of Archean blocks of the Superior and Marshfield cratons resulted in the major contractional phase of the Penokean orogeny. Rocks of the Pembine-Wausau arc were thrust northward onto the Superior craton causing subsidence of a foreland basin in which sedimentation began at about 1850 Ma in the south (Baraga Group rocks) and 1835 Ma in the north (Rove and Virginia Formations). A thick succession of arc-derived turbidites constitutes most of the foreland basin-fill along with lesser volcanic rocks. In the southern fold and thrust belt tectonic thickening resulted in high-grade metamorphism of the sediments by 1830 Ma. At this same time, a suite of post-tectonic plutons intruded the deformed sedimentary sequence and accreted arc terranes marking the end of the Penokean orogeny. The Penokean orogen was strongly overprinted by younger tectonic and thermal events, some of which were previously ascribed to the Penokean. Principal among these was a

  1. Sedimentation rates and depositional processes in Lake Superior from 210Pb geochronology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Evans, J.E.; Johnson, T.C.; Alexander, E.C. Jr.; Lively, R.S.; Eisenreich, S.J.


    Sedimentation rates range from 0.01 to 0.32 cm/yr in 17 sediment box cores from Lake Superior, as determined by 210 Pb geochronology. Shoreline erosion and resuspension of nearshore sediments causes moderate to high (0.05-0.11 cm/yr) sedimentation rates in the western arm of Lake Superior. Sedimentation rates are very high (> 0.15 cm/yr) in marginal bays adjoining Lake Superior; and moderate to very high (0.07-0.19 cm/yr) in open lake regions adjacent to marginal bays. Resuspension of nearshore and shoal top sediments in southern and southeastern Lake Superior by storms is responsible for depositional anomalies in 210 Pb profiles corresponding to 1905, 1916-1918, and 1940 storms. Sedimentation rates are very low (0.01-0.03 cm/yr) in the central basins due to isolation from sediment sources. These data indicate that sedimentation rates and processes vary significantly in different regions of Lake Superior. The sedimentation rates provided by this study, in conjunction with previously-reported sedimentation rates, yield a better understanding of the Lake Superior depositional environment

  2. File list: His.Neu.05.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available His.Neu.05.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 Histone Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... ...

  3. File list: His.Neu.20.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available His.Neu.20.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 Histone Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... ...

  4. File list: Unc.Neu.20.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Unc.Neu.20.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 Unclassified Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... ...

  5. File list: Unc.Neu.50.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Unc.Neu.50.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 Unclassified Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... ...

  6. File list: Unc.Neu.05.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Unc.Neu.05.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 Unclassified Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... ...

  7. File list: DNS.Neu.50.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available DNS.Neu.50.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 DNase-seq Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... ...

  8. File list: DNS.Neu.05.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available DNS.Neu.05.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 DNase-seq Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... ...

  9. File list: Pol.Neu.05.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Pol.Neu.05.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 RNA polymerase Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... ...

  10. File list: Pol.Neu.20.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Pol.Neu.20.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 RNA polymerase Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... ...

  11. File list: DNS.Neu.10.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available DNS.Neu.10.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 DNase-seq Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... ...

  12. File list: Pol.Neu.10.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Pol.Neu.10.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 RNA polymerase Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... ...

  13. Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia involving the superior rectus muscle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J.B. Hellman


    Full Text Available Purpose: We present the first reported case of Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia in the right superior rectus causing diplopia. Observations: A 72-year-old man with a 6-month history of untreated asymptomatic Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia presented with 2 years of diagonal binocular diplopia that was previously thought to be due to ocular myasthenia gravis. Examination showed mild right proptosis and right hypotropia, and MRI revealed a focal lesion of the right superior rectus muscle. Orbital biopsy was performed, and histopathology showed lymphoplasmacytic infiltration among the skeletal muscle fibers of the rectus muscle. Immunostaining confirmed a B-cell preponderance, along with more extensive staining for IgM than IgG, and in situ hybridization confirmed lambda restriction. These findings corresponded with those of his previous bone marrow biopsy, confirming Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia as the etiology for the extraocular muscle mass. Conclusions and Importance: Lymphoma of an extraocular muscle is a rare manifestation of orbital lymphoma, and the tumors are usually mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT lymphomas (i.e. extranodal marginal zone lymphomas. There are 4 previous reports of lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma of an extraocular muscle; however this is the first reported case of such a lesion in a patient with concurrent Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia at the time of diagnosis. Keywords: Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia, Lymphoma, Superior rectus, Diplopia

  14. Computed tomography imaging for superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dobeli, Karen


    Superior semicircular canal dehiscence is a newly described syndrome of sound and/or pressure induced vertigo. Computed tomography (CT) imaging plays an important role in confirmation of a defect in the bone overlying the canal. A high resolution CT technique utilising 0.5 mm or thinner slices and multi-planar reconstructions parallel to the superior semicircular canal is required. Placement of a histogram over a suspected defect can assist CT diagnosis

  15. Superior Administrative Court Baden-Wuerttemberg. Judgement of March 30, 1982 (Wyhl)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Presentation and discussion of the leading statements of the decision delivered by the Mannheim Superior Administrative Court on March 30, 1982 concerning the Wyhl nuclear power plant, unit 1. With this decision, covering 548 pages, the Superior Administrative Court changed the decision of the Freiburg Administrative Court of the year 1977 and finally dismissed the action for annulment of the construction licence. The Superior Administrative Court acted upon the appeal brought in by the Land and the plant operator, Kernkraftwerksgesellschaft. (CB) [de

  16. File list: Oth.Neu.10.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.Neu.10.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 TFs and others Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... SRX435084 ...

  17. File list: ALL.Neu.10.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ALL.Neu.10.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 All antigens Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... SRX435084,SRX435085 ...

  18. File list: ALL.Neu.20.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ALL.Neu.20.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 All antigens Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... SRX435084,SRX435085 ...

  19. File list: ALL.Neu.05.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ALL.Neu.05.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 All antigens Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... SRX435084,SRX435085 ...

  20. File list: ALL.Neu.50.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ALL.Neu.50.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 All antigens Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... SRX435084,SRX435085 ...

  1. File list: Oth.Neu.50.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.Neu.50.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 TFs and others Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... SRX435084 ...

  2. File list: Oth.Neu.20.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.Neu.20.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 TFs and others Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... SRX435084 ...

  3. File list: Oth.Neu.05.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available Oth.Neu.05.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 TFs and others Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... SRX435084 ...


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    Vagner Silva


    Full Text Available This article attempts to solve the following contradiction of Nietzsche's thought: man has a subjective drive constitution, these drives, however, are individuals, and its being (the being of the drives, is constituted for more power fight (the will to power. Nietzsche's superior man (educated and cultivated man is that one, in which there is harmony in the drives, who can give greater freedom to its most terrible drives, without, however, loses the control over them. That is the contradiction: if man has to control the drives, they are not harmonics. There is incompatibility between harmony and control. In other words, the superior man is indeed the man of culture and cultivated man of Nietzsche? If the answer to this question is yes, then, in this man, reigns the drives harmony. If, on the other hand, the answer is no, then, for this man does not become a barbarian destroyer, dangerous to himself and to others it is necessary that a drive dominates the others. However it is not possible to escape the contradiction: either there is harmony in human drive or control.Este artigo busca resolver a seguinte contradição do pensamento de Nietzsche: o homem possui uma constituição subjetiva pulsional, estas pulsões, porém, são individuais, e o seu ser, o das pulsões, constitui-se da luta por mais poder (vontade de poder. O homem superior de Nietzsche (homem culto e cultivado é aquele no qual há harmonia nas pulsões, aquele que pode dar mais liberdade às suas mais terríveis pulsões, sem, no entanto, perder o controle sobre elas. Eis a contradição: se o homem superior exerce controle sobre as pulsões então elas não são harmônicas. Há, aqui, a incompatibilidade entre harmonia e controle. Em outros termos: o homem superior é de fato o homem culto e cultivado de Nietzsche? Se a resposta para esta pergunta for sim, então neste homem reina a harmonia pulsional. Se, por outro lado, a resposta for não, então, para que este homem n

  5. Anomalias dentárias de número em pacientes ortodônticos

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    Priscila Ferreira Torres

    Full Text Available ResumoIntroduçãoA prevalência e a distribuição das anomalias dentárias de número variam de acordo com a população estudada.ObjetivoDeterminar a prevalência de anomalias dentárias de número, verificando-se a frequência com relação a gênero, localização e dentes mais acometidos.MétodoForam avaliadas 1.054 radiografias panorâmicas de pacientes com idade entre 5 e 30 anos, realizadas no período de janeiro a março de 2010, em uma clínica particular de diagnóstico por imagem de Teresina-PI. Foram registrados dados relativos a gênero, idade, presença ou ausência de anomalia, dente acometido e localização. Foram realizados os testes estatísticos Qui-quadrado de Pearson e Teste Binominal, para duas proporções.ResultadoA hipodontia, com prevalência de 4,9%, foi encontrada com mais frequência na maxila, não apresentando diferença entre os lados e os gêneros. Os dentes mais ausentes foram: incisivos laterais superiores e segundo pré-molar inferior. Em relação à hiperdontia, com prevalência de 4,0%, não foram observadas diferenças entre gêneros, lados e maxilares. As regiões com maior presença de supranumerários foram: distal dos terceiros molares e entre pré-molares inferiores.ConclusãoFoi observada prevalência de hipodontia de 4,9%, sendo mais comum na maxila, e de hiperdontia de 4%, não apresentando diferença entre maxilares, lados e gêneros.

  6. Síndrome de Osificación membranosa retardada reporte de un caso en el Departamento del Atlántico

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    A. Abello


    Full Text Available comEl síndrome de Osificación Membranosa retardada cat.Mc Kusik 155980 es una entidad carac-terizada por un gran defecto de osificación que involucra los huesos parietales, la porción esca-mosa del temporal, y la región interparietal del hueso occipital sin otras manifestaciones óseas.

  7. Age-related audiovisual interactions in the superior colliculus of the rat. (United States)

    Costa, M; Piché, M; Lepore, F; Guillemot, J-P


    It is well established that multisensory integration is a functional characteristic of the superior colliculus that disambiguates external stimuli and therefore reduces the reaction times toward simple audiovisual targets in space. However, in a condition where a complex audiovisual stimulus is used, such as the optical flow in the presence of modulated audio signals, little is known about the processing of the multisensory integration in the superior colliculus. Furthermore, since visual and auditory deficits constitute hallmark signs during aging, we sought to gain some insight on whether audiovisual processes in the superior colliculus are altered with age. Extracellular single-unit recordings were conducted in the superior colliculus of anesthetized Sprague-Dawley adult (10-12 months) and aged (21-22 months) rats. Looming circular concentric sinusoidal (CCS) gratings were presented alone and in the presence of sinusoidally amplitude modulated white noise. In both groups of rats, two different audiovisual response interactions were encountered in the spatial domain: superadditive, and suppressive. In contrast, additive audiovisual interactions were found only in adult rats. Hence, superior colliculus audiovisual interactions were more numerous in adult rats (38%) than in aged rats (8%). These results suggest that intersensory interactions in the superior colliculus play an essential role in space processing toward audiovisual moving objects during self-motion. Moreover, aging has a deleterious effect on complex audiovisual interactions. Copyright © 2016 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. A new Nitinol stent for use in superior vena cava syndrome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Poul Erik; Midtgaard, Annette; Brenøe, Anne-Sofie


    AIM: The aim of the study was to assess the early clinical experience with the Zilver Vena stent in treating patients with malignant superior vena cava syndrome. METHODS: Demographic, procedural, and follow-up data of 12 patients (seven women; mean age 69 years) treated for superior vena cava...... syndrome with in all 21 Zilver Vena stents between March 2012 and October 2013 were retrospectively reviewed. All cavographies and contrast enhanced CT related to the treatment and during follow-up were evaluated and the patients had clinical follow-up until dead. They were all in terminal state...... at the time of stent deployment. RESULTS: All patients had superior vena cava obstruction and clinical superior vena cava syndrome caused by malignant expansive mediastinal disease (eight patients non-small cell lung cancer and four small cell lung cancer). The technical success with deployment of the stents...

  9. Histological evaluation of levator palpebralis superior muscle in patients with congenital blepharoptosis

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    Sevda Söker


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to examine levator palpebralis superior muscle histologically in patients with congenital blepharoptosis and to investigate the relationship between these findings and age, sex and degree of blefaroptosis in this patient group.Materials and methods: Levator muscle of 13 patients with congenital ptosis, who had applied to Dicle University Medical Faculty Ophthalmology Clinic and had undergone levator palpebralis superior muscle resection between january 2009-january 2010, has been examined histopathologically in Histology and Embriology Deparment. During preoperative period, ptosis amount, levator function (LF, tear functions, Bell’s phenomenon and jaw-winking phenomenon were evaluated. All patients underwent resection of levator palpebralis superior muscle. Received postoperative levator muscle was examined by light microscopy.Results: The average age of 9 (69.2% male and 4 (30.8% female cases were 10.61 ± 4.77 (4- 19 years. In histological examination, the quality and quantity of the levator muscle fibrils have been assessed. There was no relationship detected between histological features of levator palpebralis superior muscle and patient’s age and gender (p>0.05. Patients with weak levator palpebralis superior muscle were detected to have fatty degeneration histologically. The higher the levator palpebralis superior muscle function revealed decreased fatty degeneration and increased skeletal muscle fibrils.Conclusion: More ultrastructural studies in larger populations are needed to support the relationship between structure and function of levator palpebralis superior muscle in patients with congenital blepharoptosis.

  10. Isolated abscess in superior rectus muscle in a child

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    Sushank Ashok Bhalerao


    Full Text Available Pyomyositis is a primary bacterial infection of striated muscles nearly always caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Development of the intramuscular abscess involving the extra-ocular muscles (EOMs remains an extremely rare process. We herein present a case of isolated EOM pyomyositis involving superior rectus muscle in a 2-year male child who was referred with complaints of swelling in left eye (LE and inability to open LE since last 1-month. Orbital computed tomography (CT scan showed a well-defined, hypo-dense, peripheral rim-enhancing lesion in relation to left superior rectus muscle suggestive of left superior rectus abscess. The abscess was drained through skin approach. We concluded that pyomyositis of EOM should be considered in any patient presenting with acute onset of orbital inflammation and characteristic CT or magnetic resonance imaging features. Management consists of incision and drainage coupled with antibiotic therapy.

  11. Os cursos superiores de tecnologia no contexto de expansão da educação superior no Brasil: a retomada da ênfase na educação profissional

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    Juliana Favretto


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa a expansão e o comportamento da oferta dos cursos superiores de tecnologia no âmbito da educação superior brasileira. Resgata a origem da educação profissional, das legislações e ações públicas que constituíram o processo de desenvolvimento da educação superior tecnológica no Brasil. Apresenta evidências da estrutura da oferta de cursos superiores de tecnologia, em nível de categoria acadêmica, administrativa e distribuição regional, no período de 2000 a 2010, um recorte de dados secundários extraídos do banco de dados do Inep/MEC. Os dados revelam que houve uma expansão substancial dos cursos superiores de tecnologia no período analisado, quando comparados aos demais cursos de graduação, com maior ênfase no setor privado e no âmbito acadêmico das universidades.

  12. Osteonecrose dos maxilares associada ao uso de bisfosfonatos: importante complicação do tratamento oncológico Bisphosphonate-associated jaws osteonecrosis: an important complication of oncology treatment

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    Marco Antonio T. Martins


    Full Text Available Os bisfosfonatos são um grupo de medicamentos utilizados no tratamento de doenças malignas metastáticas e em outras doenças ósseas como osteoporose e doença de Paget. A despeito dos seus benefícios, uma importante complicação denominada de osteonecrose dos maxilares vem sendo observada nos pacientes usuários crônicos dos bisfosfonatos que se caracteriza clinicamente por exposições ósseas na região maxilofacial persistente, acompanhadas de osteomielite, geralmente sintomáticas e cujo tratamento é complexo. Este estudo tem por objetivo revisar a literatura sobre a osteonecrose associada ao uso dos bisfosfonatos, em especial, em oncologia, no período de 2003 a 2008. Serão apresentados e discutidos os fatores de risco, aspectos etiopatogênicos, clínicos, imagenológicos, terapêuticos e preventivos desta doença. Devido à dificuldade de tratamento da osteonecrose associada aos bisfosfonatos, o foco deve ser a prevenção, sendo o ideal a eliminação de quadros infecciosos orais antes da terapia com os bisfosfonatos ter sido iniciada e minimizar traumas em boca após o uso destes medicamentos.Bisphosphonates are drugs used in the treatment of malignant metastatic diseases and in other bone lesions such as osteoporosis and Paget´s disease. Besides their benefits, jaw osteonecrosis, an important side effect, has been observed in long-term users of these drugs. Jaw osteonecrosis is clinically characterized by prolonged maxillary and mandible bone exposure accompanied by osteomyelitis. These lesions are usually symptomatic and difficult to treat. This study has the objective of reviewing publications from 2003 to 2008 about bisphosphonate-associated jaw osteonecrosis, in particular in relation to oncology. Risk factors, and etiopathological, clinical, radiographic, therapeutic, and preventive aspects of this condition are presented and discussed. Due to the difficulty to treat this disease, the focus must be prevention, with the

  13. COSEE Superior Creates Passion for Science (United States)

    COSEE was a transformative educational experience that has changed the way I teach. In July, I participated in the COSEE Lake Superior Shipboard and Shoreline Science program. I spent a week on the US EPA’s R/V Lake Guardian with 14 other teachers and a crew of sailors and scient...

  14. Cobertura radicular mediante la utilización de un injerto subepitelial de tejido conectivo combinado con un colgajo pediculado avanzado coronalmente

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    Antonio Díaz Caballero


    Full Text Available Las recesiones gingivales son un hallazgo clínico muy frecuente que ocasionan problemas estéticos, hipersensibilidad dentaria y dificultad para llevar a cabo una correcta higiene oral en los pacientes. Uno de los objetivos de la terapia periodontal es corregir quirúrgicamente las recesiones; se han descrito una variedad de enfoques quirúrgicos como métodos efectivos para cubrir las superficies radiculares expuestas, siendo el injerto libre de tejido conectivo una de las técnicas que hoy en día ofrece un buen porcentaje de éxito y predecibilidad. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con retracción del margen gingival en el maxilar superior derecho; se describe el procedimiento quirúrgico usando una técnica bilaminar empleando un injerto subepitelial de tejido conectivo bajo un colgajo de espesor parcial posicionado coronalmente, y se obtienen buenos resultados estéticos y cobertura radicular.

  15. Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis: a rare complication of nephrotic syndrome.

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    Tullu M


    Full Text Available A two and half year-old-male child, known case of steroid responsive nephrotic syndrome presented with fever and vomiting of acute onset. He was diagnosed to have superior sagittal sinus thrombosis on a contrast computerised tomographic scan of brain. Recovery was complete without anticoagulant therapy. Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis is an extremely rare complication of nephrotic syndrome.

  16. Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection to the superior vena cava. (United States)

    Aramendi, José I; Rey, Estibaliz; Hamzeh, Gadah; Crespo, Alejandro; Luis, Maite; Voces, Roberto


    We describe the surgical technique of reimplantation of the right superior pulmonary vein into the left atrium in 2 patients with partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection to the superior vena cava without atrial septal defect. A right axillary minithoracotomy is done through the fourth intercostal space. The pulmonary vein is detached from its origin in the superior vena cava. This is sutured with 6-0 reabsorbable polydioxanone suture (Ethicon, Somerville, NJ). A lateral clamp is applied to the left atrium, and the pulmonary vein is reimplanted. The patient is extubated in the operating room. Neither cardiopulmonary bypass nor blood transfusion was required. It is simple, safe, and reproducible. Copyright © 2011 The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. (Mis)placed central venous catheter in the left superior intercostal vein

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Padovan, Ranka Stern; Paar, Maja Hrabak; Aurer, Igor


    Chest X-ray is routinely performed to check the position of the central venous catheter (CVC) inserted through the internal jugular or subclavian vein, while the further evaluation of CVC malfunction is usually performed by contrast venography. In patients with superior vena cava obstruction, the tip of the catheter is often seen in collateral mediastinal venous pathways, rather than in the superior vena cava. In such cases detailed knowledge of thoracic vessel anatomy is necessary to identify the exact location of the catheter. We report a case of 32-year-old female patient with relapsing mediastinal lymphoma and previous superior vena cava obstruction with collateral azygos-hemiazygos venous pathways. The patient had CVC inserted through the left subclavian vein and its position was detected by CT to be in the dilated left superior intercostal vein and accessory hemiazygos vein. Considering that dilated accessory hemiazygos vein can tolerate infusion, the CVC was left in place and the patient had no complaints related to CVC (mal)position. Furthermore, we present anatomical and radiological observations on the azygos-hemiazygos venous system with the special emphasis on the left superior intercostal vein. Non-contrast CT scans can be a valuable imaging tool in the detection of the CVC position, especially in patients with renal insufficiency and contrast media hypersensitivity

  18. The pygmy whitefish, Coregonus coulteri, in Lake Superior (United States)

    Eschmeyer, Paul H.; Bailey, Reeve M.


    Bottom trawling by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service motor vessel Cisco in Lake Superior in 1952–1953 revealed a large population of a tiny whitefish, Coregonus (Prosopium) coulteri, which has been reported previously only from northwestern North America. The hiatus in range, from Lake Superior to the Columbia River basin, is the greatest known for a North American freshwater fish. Although minor structural differences characterize the disjunct populations of the pygmy whitefish, these are not deemed worthy of nomenclatorial recognition. Comparisons with related species indicate that the pygmy whitefish is distinctive in the small size, large scales, few vertebrae, few pyloric caeca, and in other characters.

  19. Papaya Development Model As A Competitive Local Superior Commodity

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    Reny Sukmawani


    Full Text Available The aim of this research is to study the comparative advantage and papaya competitive and to design its development model by using the approach of local base agriculture development. This research uses survey method. The resulting research shows that papaya is a base commodity that has comparative advantage and competitive. The development papaya in the district of Sukabumi is quite good bases on eight superior creations. But in order to be the main sector in economic development and has a competition, the development of papaya must concern to its influence factors. In supporting papaya development as a competitive local superior commodity, it needs to be done some efforts are as follows: (1 increase a skillful worker; (2 improve business management; (3 increase papaya productivity by using technology and study papaya planted technology in specific local superior commodity; (4 develop the involvement of the business relation; (5 provide market information and information technology network; and (6 improve infrastructures.

  20. Hacia una educación superior inclusiva en Colombia

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    Sandra Lucia Arizabaleta Dominguez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analizan concepciones teórico-conceptuales básicas que subyacen a la educación superior inclusiva, en el marco de los Lineamientos de la Política de Educación Superior Inclusiva del Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia (men. Además, se plantean los desafíos que deben asumir las instituciones de educación superior (ies en la identificación de barreras de aprendizaje de su población estudiantil y la promoción de estrategias que garanticen la accesibilidad, permanencia, pertinencia académica y la graduación. Esta situación lleva a las ies a reflexionar y repensarse a partir de los procesos de autoevaluación institucional para crear estrategias participativas que promuevan la gestión inclusiva en un sistema educativo equitativo, pertinente y de calidad


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    Gheorghe BOARU, Ioan-Mihai ILIEŞ


    Full Text Available There is a tight relationship between information assurance, the intelligence cycle and information superiority within NATO operations. The intelligence cycle has a discrete architecture and provides on-time and relevant intelligence products to the joint force commanders and to other authorized users in a specifi c joint area of operations. The intelligence cycle must follow the evolution of the operation. A permanent intelligence estimate will be performed during the military decision making process and operations execution. Information superiority is one of the most powerful intelligence cycle achievements. and decisively infuences the success of NATO joint operations. Information superiority must be preserved and enhanced through information assurance. Information assurance is an information operation that must be planned by the military in charge of operation security or by non-military experts, executed by all personnel during the entire intelligence cycle life time and employed during the planning and execution of NATO joint operations.

  2. Residual symptoms after surgery for unilateral congenital superior oblique palsy. (United States)

    Caca, Ihsan; Sahin, Alparslan; Cingu, Abdullah; Ari, Seyhmus; Akbas, Umut


    To establish the surgical results and residual symptoms in 48 cases with unilateral congenital superior oblique muscle palsy that had surgical intervention to the vertical muscles alone. Myectomy and concomitant disinsertion of the inferior oblique (IO) muscle was performed in 38 cases and myectomy and concomitant IO disinsertion and recession of the superior rectus muscle in the ipsilateral eye was performed in 10 cases. The preoperative and postoperative vertical deviation values and surgical results were compared. Of the patients who had myectomy and concomitant IO disinsertion, 74% achieved an "excellent" result, 21% a "good" result, and 5% a "poor" result postoperatively. The difference in deviation between preoperative and postoperative values was statistically significant (P < .001). Of the patients who had myectomy and concomitant inferior oblique disinsertion and ipsilateral superior rectus recession, 50% achieved an "excellent" result, 20% a "good" result, and 30% a "poor" result postoperatively. The difference in deviation between preoperative and postoperative values was statistically significant (P < .001). Both procedures are effective and successful in patients with superior oblique muscle palsy, but a secondary surgery may be required. Copyright 2012, SLACK Incorporated.

  3. 77 FR 35857 - Safety Zone, Fireworks Display, Lake Superior; Duluth, MN (United States)


    ... 1625-AA00 Safety Zone, Fireworks Display, Lake Superior; Duluth, MN AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS. ACTION... of Lake Superior during the Duluth Fourth Fest fireworks display. This temporary safety zone is necessary to protect spectators and vessels from the hazards associated with fireworks displays. DATES: This...

  4. File list: NoD.Neu.50.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available NoD.Neu.50.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 No description Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... ...

  5. File list: NoD.Neu.10.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available NoD.Neu.10.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 No description Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... ...

  6. File list: NoD.Neu.05.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available NoD.Neu.05.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 No description Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... ...

  7. File list: NoD.Neu.20.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available NoD.Neu.20.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 No description Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... ...

  8. File list: InP.Neu.50.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available InP.Neu.50.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 Input control Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... SRX435085 ...

  9. File list: InP.Neu.20.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available InP.Neu.20.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 Input control Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... SRX435085 ...

  10. File list: InP.Neu.10.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available InP.Neu.10.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 Input control Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... SRX435085 ...

  11. File list: InP.Neu.05.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion [Chip-atlas[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available InP.Neu.05.AllAg.Superior_Cervical_Ganglion mm9 Input control Neural Superior Cervical Ganglion... SRX435085 ...


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    François Dubet

    Full Text Available Esse artigo, resultante de uma conferência, discute traços do processo de democratização do ensino superior. Procura distinguir analiticamente várias dimensões da democratização, baseadas, por sua vez, em concepções diferentes da justiça: igualdade de oportunidades, meritocracia, utilidades e equidade dos procedimentos. Cada sociedade constrói modelos de democratização desse ensino. A massificação do ensino superior desempenhou papel democrático objetivo, favorável aos grupos sociais antes excluídos. Mas massificação não equivale à democratização. Todas as categorias sociais não se beneficiam da mesma forma da massificação. A democratização do acesso ao ensino superior não depende apenas das famílias. Depende também da estrutura geral do sistema educativo. A meritocracia acadêmica constrói uma hierarquia de competências que é também social, com forte impacto reprodutivo. As desigualdades de utilidade das diferentes formações têm impacto sobre o conjunto das desigualdades sociais. Os sistemas educativos implementam distintos procedimentos de seleção, de concessão de gratuidades, bolsas e auxílios, que podem ser considerados como mais ou menos equitativos segundo as normas de justiça que mobilizam.

  13. Ecocardiografia transesofágica e diagnóstico intraoperatório de veia cava superior esquerda persistente Ecocardiografía transesofágica y diagnóstico intraoperatorio de vena cava superior izquierda persistente Transesophageal echocardiography and intraoperative diagnosis of persistent left superior vena cava

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    Alexander Alves da Silva


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A persistência da veia cava superior esquerda ocorre isoladamente em 0,5% da população normal, porém nos pacientes com cardiopatia congênita chega a estar presente em 3% a 10% dos casos. O objetivo deste relato foi apresentar um caso de diagnóstico intraoperatório com o auxílio da ecocardiografia transesofágica e ressaltar a importância da sua utilização rotineira em intervenções cirúrgicas para correção de cardiopatia congênita. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 16 anos, ASA II, com diagnóstico prévio de comunicação interatrial (CIA tipo seio venoso superior com drenagem anômala parcial de veias pulmonares em programação para correção cirúrgica da cardiopatia. Após indução da anestesia geral foi realizado ecocardiograma transesofágico (ETE. O exame inicial mostrou dilatação das câmaras cardíacas direitas, CIA tipo seio venoso superior de 17 milímetros, drenagem anômala da veia pulmonar superior direita desembocando na veia cava superior (VCS direita e dilatação do seio coronário, o que aventou a possibilidade da persistência da veia cava superior esquerda. Para a confirmação da suspeita foram injetados no acesso venoso do braço esquerdo 10 mL de solução fisiológica a 0,9% (faz o papel de "contraste" no exame ecocardiográfico e imediatamente após foram visualizadas as microbolhas passando pelo seio coronário, teste positivo para o diagnóstico de VCS superior esquerda persistente. CONCLUSÕES: A ecocardiografia transesofágica rotineira no intraoperatório de pacientes com cardiopatia congênita tem fundamental importância como método auxiliar não só ao cirurgião, muitas vezes influenciando diretamente na técnica cirúrgica empregada, como também para o anestesiologista, que pode extrair do exame uma série de informações úteis no manuseio hemodinâmico do paciente.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La persistencia de la vena cava superior izquierda ocurre

  14. Verlgleich zwischen gemessener und berechneter Widerristhöhe bei einem Deutschen Schwarzbunten (Holstein Milchrind

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    Manfred Teichert


    Full Text Available El artículo comienza con una descripción de los métodos comunes sobre el cálculo de la altura a partir de la longitud máxima de cada uno de los huesos de las extremidades. Después se establece una comparación entre la altura de la cruz medida y calculada en una raza de vacuno lechero de color pío de Holstein. De las longitudes máximas de cada hueso se dan desviaciones máximas de 6,1 cm. entre las alturas en la cruz medidas y calculadas. Por ello se recomienda que el rango de variación de las alturas en la cruz de la población de vacuno calculado a partir de cada hueso sea elevado 5 cm en el valor mínimo y sea reducido 5cm en el valor máximo. En el caso del vacuno examinado el promedio de la altura en la cruz calculada a partir de los huesos largos de las extremidades difiere solamente 2,11cm de la altura medida.

  15. Effect of bilateral superior oblique split lengthening on torsion

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    Jitendra Jethani


    Full Text Available Introduction: Superior oblique split lengthening (SOSL is done for weakening of superior oblique. It corrects the superior oblique overaction (SOOA and A pattern. Its effect on the torsion of the eye is not known. We present our data on the effect of this particular procedure on torsion. Materials and Methods: We did a study of 16 patients (32 eyes who underwent bilateral SOSL and compared the disc foveal angle (DFA preoperatively and postoperatively. The split lengthening was done from 4 mm to 7 mm depending upon the overaction of superior oblique. Results: The mean age was 15.3 ± 8.4 years. Mean preoperative DFA in the right eye (RE was −3.9° and in the left eye (LE was −2.9°. Mean postoperative DFA in RE was 0.2° and in LE was 0.9°. The mean change in the DFA for RE was 4.1° ± 1.3° and for LE was 3.8° ± 1.2°. All the patients were aligned horizontally within 6 prism diopter and no pattern and no diplopia postoperatively. The A pattern was corrected in all the patient postsurgery. For each mm of surgery, an improvement of 0.8° was seen in the DFA. Conclusion: We report the effect of SOSL on torsion. The SOSL reduces intorsion postsurgery and is, therefore, a valuable procedure in SOOA where both pattern and in torsion needs to be corrected.

  16. Selective amygdalohippocampectomy via trans-superior temporal gyrus keyhole approach. (United States)

    Mathon, Bertrand; Clemenceau, Stéphane


    Hippocampal sclerosis is the most common cause of drug-resistant epilepsy amenable for surgical treatment and seizure control. The rationale of the selective amygdalohippocampectomy is to spare cerebral tissue not included in the seizure generator. Describe the selective amygdalohippocampectomy through the trans-superior temporal gyrus keyhole approach. Selective amygdalohippocampectomy for temporal lobe epilepsy is performed when the data (semiology, neuroimaging, electroencephalography) point to the mesial temporal structures. The trans-superior temporal gyrus keyhole approach is a minimally invasive and safe technique that allows disconnection of the temporal stem and resection of temporomesial structures.

  17. Frequency of the superior rectus muscle overaction/contracture syndrome in unilateral fourth nerve palsy. (United States)

    Molinari, Andrea; Ugrin, Maria Cristina


    Superior oblique palsy is accompanied in most cases by overaction of the muscle's ipsilateral antagonist, the inferior oblique muscle. Overaction and contracture of the ipsilateral superior rectus muscle in patients with unilateral fourth (trochlear) nerve palsy is seldom discussed in the literature. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the frequency of superior rectus muscle overaction/contracture syndrome in patients with unilateral trochlear nerve palsy. The records of 198 patients with unilateral trochlear nerve palsy examined by the authors between July 1987 and July 2008 were reviewed retrospectively. All patients underwent complete eye examination with measurement of the deviation in the 9 positions of gaze and with the head tilted to both sides in all cooperative patients. Selection criteria for superior rectus muscle overaction/contracture syndrome in these patients were as follows: vertical deviation of 15(Delta) or larger in primary position, equal or larger hypertropia with the ipsilateral forced tilt test than with the eyes looking straight ahead, more than 5(Delta) hypertropia of the affected eye in horizontal gaze to the same side, hypertropia in all upgazes, and overaction of the contralateral superior oblique muscle. Of 198 patients, 33 (16.6%) met the selection criteria for superior rectus muscle overaction/contracture syndrome. Superior rectus muscle overaction/contracture syndrome frequently occurs in unilateral superior oblique palsy.

  18. Tullio phenomenon in superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome. (United States)

    Basura, Gregory J; Cronin, Scott J; Heidenreich, Katherine D


    Tullio phenomenon refers to eye movements induced by sound.(1) This unusual examination finding may be seen in superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD) syndrome.(2) This disorder is due to absent bone over the superior semicircular canal (figure). Patients complain of dizziness triggered by loud sound, aural fullness, autophony, and pulsatile tinnitus. When Tullio phenomenon exists in SSCD syndrome, the patient develops a mixed vertical-torsional nystagmus in which the slow phase rotates up and away from the affected ear (video on the Neurology® Web site at This pattern of nystagmus aligns in the plane of the dehiscent semicircular canal and is due to excitation of its afferent nerves.

  19. Programa de Formação Interdisciplinar Superior: um novo caminho para a educação superior

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    Cibele Y. Andrade

    Full Text Available Apresenta o Programa de Formação Interdisciplinar Superior (ProFIS, curso de nível superior implantado na Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp em 2011. Primeiramente, são citados os objetivos e as diretrizes que nortearam a criação do curso - aumento do ingresso de alunos de escolas públicas na universidade e a adoção de um programa de formação geral - e, em seguida, descritos, em linhas gerais, o novo curso, seu currículo e o processo de transferência dos alunos concluintes do ProFIS para os cursos de graduação da Unicamp. Conclui apresentando uma análise sobre o critério de seleção adotado, bem como alguns dados estatísticos que revelam que os propósitos de inclusão social foram plenamente alcançados pela primeira turma matriculada no programa.

  20. Anthropogenic climate change has altered primary productivity in Lake Superior. (United States)

    O'Beirne, M D; Werne, J P; Hecky, R E; Johnson, T C; Katsev, S; Reavie, E D


    Anthropogenic climate change has the potential to alter many facets of Earth's freshwater resources, especially lacustrine ecosystems. The effects of anthropogenic changes in Lake Superior, which is Earth's largest freshwater lake by area, are not well documented (spatially or temporally) and predicted future states in response to climate change vary. Here we show that Lake Superior experienced a slow, steady increase in production throughout the Holocene using (paleo)productivity proxies in lacustrine sediments to reconstruct past changes in primary production. Furthermore, data from the last century indicate a rapid increase in primary production, which we attribute to increasing surface water temperatures and longer seasonal stratification related to longer ice-free periods in Lake Superior due to anthropogenic climate warming. These observations demonstrate that anthropogenic effects have become a prominent influence on one of Earth's largest, most pristine lacustrine ecosystems.

  1. Reproduction of superior sagittal sinus animal model by bypass transplantation of biomaterial graft

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    Qing-yong LUO


    Full Text Available Objective To establish the beagles model of superior sagittal sinus bypass graft,and explore the feasibility of reconstruction of superior sagittal sinus with biomaterials using this model.Methods Eight adult male beagles(weight: 12.5-22.0kg were involved in the present study.The superior sagittal sinus was exposed and blocked via bone window,and then anastomosed side-to-end to the biomaterial graft under the dedicated microscope of neurosurgery surgery,expectant treatment such as anti-inflammatory was given for the animals.The digital subtraction venography(DSV and color Doppler flow imaging(CDFI of superior sagittal sinus were performed in 1,2,4 and 8 weeks after the operation.Eight weeks after the operation,all the animals were sacrificed and the material graft was examined histologically.Results The DSV and CDFI of superior sagittal sinus showed that the stomas of 2 beagles were with slight stenosis and high flow velocity,of 1 beagle with small leakage and low flow velocity,while of other 5 beagles were normal.The histological examination showed endothelial cells were growing on the graft and superior sagittal sinus,and crawling toward the lumen of graft 8 weeks after the operation.Conclusion The beagles model of superior sagittal sinus bypass graft was established successfully.The short-term effect of the model was satisfactory,while further work should be performed to determine the long-term effects.

  2. Cranial discrete traits in the middle pleistocene humans from Sima de los Huesos (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). Does hypostosis represent any increase in "ontogenetic stress" along the Neanderthal lineage? (United States)

    Manzi, G; Gracia, A; Arsuaga, J L


    Cranial discrete traits may be regarded as markers of dynamic responses to general and local perturbations of the morphogenetic pattern, particularly when they are viewed and examined in terms of hypostosis vs. hyperostosis. There are indications, in fact, that the variation between these two opposite conditions relates to mechanical stress suffered by the bony structures during early stages of growth and development. In a previous comparison between Neanderthals and modern humans, variable degrees and contrasting distribution patterns of hypostosis were found [Manzi et al. (1996), JHE30: 511-527]. In the present paper, the occurrence, expression and cranial distribution of 20 hypo-hyperostotic traits are examined in the Middle Pleistocene sample from Atapuerca - Sima de los Huesos (Spain), with the principal aim being to test whether or not the degree of cranial hypostosis increases during the evolution of the Neanderthals. Other Middle Pleistocene representatives of the genus Homo (Kabwe and Petralona), the Italian Neanderthals, and a large recent European sample are also considered. A general consistency between the gradual appearance and stabilization of the Neanderthal cranial features and the results of the present analysis is found and is interpreted as an indication that hypostosis does mark the occurrence of "ontogenetic stress". As suggested more than half a century ago by S. Sergi, an increase in "ontogenetic stress" in the Neanderthal lineage could result from the relationship between intracranial pressures and other (heterochronic) effects produced by the growth of a large brain (encephalization) and the ossification of an archaic (platycephalic) cranial vault. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.

  3. Information Superiority: Outsourcing an Air Force Core Competency?

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    McTerman, Hugh


    .... This thesis explores the perceived relationship between the core competency requirements for information superiority and the tasks defined for the Air Force communication, computer, and information career field...

  4. Superiority illusion arises from resting-state brain networks modulated by dopamine. (United States)

    Yamada, Makiko; Uddin, Lucina Q; Takahashi, Hidehiko; Kimura, Yasuyuki; Takahata, Keisuke; Kousa, Ririko; Ikoma, Yoko; Eguchi, Yoko; Takano, Harumasa; Ito, Hiroshi; Higuchi, Makoto; Suhara, Tetsuya


    The majority of individuals evaluate themselves as superior to average. This is a cognitive bias known as the "superiority illusion." This illusion helps us to have hope for the future and is deep-rooted in the process of human evolution. In this study, we examined the default states of neural and molecular systems that generate this illusion, using resting-state functional MRI and PET. Resting-state functional connectivity between the frontal cortex and striatum regulated by inhibitory dopaminergic neurotransmission determines individual levels of the superiority illusion. Our findings help elucidate how this key aspect of the human mind is biologically determined, and identify potential molecular and neural targets for treatment for depressive realism.

  5. Mycotic aneurysm of the superior mesenteric artery after septic embolism; Entwicklung eines mykotischen Aneurysmas der A. mesenterica superior nach septischer Embolie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schmidt, F.; Dinkel, H.P. [Institut fuer Diagnostische Radiologie, Inselspital, Universitaetsklinik Bern (Switzerland)


    Mycotic aneurysms of the aorta and the visceral arteries are life-threatening diseases, due to potential rupture and organ or limb ischemia. They occur in endocarditis, immunodeficiency, bacteremia and fungemia, and have a poor prognosis.We report on a case of a 54-year-old male patient suffering from abdominal angina after mitral valve replacement for septic mycotic endocarditis. In presence of a mycotic-embolic occlusion of the left popliteal artery and multiple septic organ infarctions a mycotic aneurysm of the superior mesenteric artery was found in abdominal spiral-CT.Based on sequential spiral-CT examinations, this case demonstrates the development of a septic aneurysm of the superior mesenteric artery. (orig.) [German] Mykotische Aneurysmen der Aorta und ihrer Aeste stellen wegen Rupturgefahr und moeglicher Minderperfusion von Organen und Extremitaeten eine lebensgefaehrliche Erkrankung mit unguenstiger Prognose dar. Beguenstigende Faktoren sind geschwaechte Immunabwehr, Endokarditis, Bakteriaemie und Fungaemie.Wir berichten ueber einen 54-jaehrigen Patienten, der nach einem Mitralklappenersatz bei mykotischer Endokarditis zunehmende abdominelle Beschwerden im Sinne einer Angina abdominalis entwickelte. Die abdominelle Spiralcomputertomographie zeigte ein mykotisches Aneurysma der A. mesenterica superior. Daneben bestanden ein mykotischer Verschluss der linken A. poplitea und multiple septische Organinfarkte.Der Fall demonstriert anhand sequentieller Computertomographien eindrucksvoll die Entwicklung eines septischen Viszeralarterienaneurysmas. (orig.)

  6. Mechanism of the superior mechanical strength of nanometer-sized metal single crystals revealed

    KAUST Repository

    Afify, N. D.


    Clear understanding of the superior mechanical strength of nanometer-sized metal single crystals is required to derive advanced mechanical components retaining such superiority. Although high quality studies have been reported on nano-crystalline metals, the superiority of small single crystals has neither been fundamentally explained nor quantified to this date. Here we present a molecular dynamics study of aluminum single crystals in the size range from 4.1 nm to 40.5 nm. We show that the ultimate mechanical strength deteriorates exponentially as the single crystal size increases. The small crystals superiority is explained by their ability to continuously form vacancies and to recover them. © 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V.

  7. Mammographic varicosities indicative of a superior mediastinal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In addition, an abnormal calibre of the superficial veins can reflect not only underrying breast pathology, but a collateral venous return resulting from an upper mediastinal obstruction. A case mammographically demonstrating mammary varicosities resulting from a superior mediastinal syndrome is described. S. Afr. Med.

  8. Síndrome de Deiscência de Canal Semicircular Superior Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome

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    Suzane da Cunha Ferreira


    Full Text Available A Síndrome de Deiscência de Canal Semicircular Superior (SDCSS, primeiramente descrita em 1998 por Minor et al., caracteriza-se por vertigem associada à presença de nistagmo, relacionados à exposição a estímulos sonoros intensos ou a modificações de pressão dentro da orelha média ou intracraniana. Disacusia, em sua maioria de padrão condutivo à audiometria tonal, também pode estar presente. Nesta revisão da literatura objetivou-se abordar a SDCSS, com seus principais sinais e sintomas, achados diagnósticos e tratamento, assim como enfatizar a importância de sua inclusão dentre as causas de vertigem, visto tratar-se de acometimento ainda pouco conhecido até mesmo entre especialistas. O diagnóstico correto, além de possibilitar seu tratamento, impede que abordagens diagnósticas e terapêuticas inapropriadas sejam realizadas.The Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome (SCDS was first reported by Minor at. Al. (1998, and has been characterized by vertigo and vertical-torsional eye movements related to loud sounds or stimuli that change middle ear or intracranial pressure. Hearing loss, for the most part with conductive patterns on audiometry, may be present in this syndrome. We performed a literature survey in order to to present symptoms, signs, diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to the SCDS, also aiming at stressing the great importance of including this syndrome among the tractable cause of vertigo. We should emphasize that this is a recent issue, still unknown by some specialists. The Correct SCDS diagnosis, besides enabling patient treatment, precludes misdiagnosis and inadequate therapeutic approaches.

  9. Magnetic resonance imaging in congenital superior oblique palsy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, Miho; Kondo, Nagako; Awaya, Shinobu; Nomura, Hideki; Yagasaki, Teiji.


    MRI examinations were carried out on the defined congenital superior oblique palsy in order to distinguish the congenital and acquired palsies. Subjects were 19 patients diagnosed as congenital and their MRI images of 3 or 5 mm-thick coronary slice were taken. The volume of the oblique muscle was calculated from the images and a comparison was made between the diseased and healthy normal sides. The oblique muscle volume at the diseased side was found reduced in most of congenital superior oblique palsy patients. The reduction was observed even at childhood and was thus considered to be a malformation. Further, it is conceivable that the palsy could be caused by the abnormality in the central nervous system as well as by the present anatomical abnormality. (K.H.)

  10. Status of the shortjaw cisco (Coregonus zenithicus) in Lake Superior (United States)

    Hoff, Michael H.; Todd, Thomas N.


    The shortjaw cisco (Coregonus zenithicus) was historically found in Lakes Huron, Michigan, and Superior, but has been extirpated in Lakes Huron and Michigan apparently as the result of commercial overharvest. During 1999-2001, we conducted an assessment of shortjaw cisco abundance in five areas, spanning the U.S. waters of Lake Superior, and compared our results with the abundance measured at those areas in 1921-1922. The shortjaw cisco was found at four of the five areas sampled, but abundances were so low that they were not significantly different from zero. In the four areas where shortjaw ciscoes were found, abundance declined significantly by 99% from the 1920s to the present. To increase populations of this once economically and ecologically important species in Lake Superior, an interagency rehabilitation effort is needed. Population monitoring is recommended to assess population trends and to evaluate success of rehabilitation efforts.

  11. Acute Bilateral Superior Branch Vestibular Neuropathy

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    Dario A. Yacovino


    Full Text Available The rapid onset of a bilateral vestibular hypofunction (BVH is often attributed to vestibular ototoxicity. However, without any prior exposure to ototoxins, the idiopathic form of BVH is most common. Although sequential bilateral vestibular neuritis (VN is described as a cause of BVH, clinical evidence for simultaneous and acute onset bilateral VN is unknown. We describe a patient with an acute onset of severe gait ataxia and oscillopsia with features compatible with acute BVH putatively due to a bilateral VN, which we serially evaluated with clinical and laboratory vestibular function testing over the course of 1 year. Initially, bilateral superior and horizontal semicircular canals and bilateral utricles were impaired, consistent with damage to both superior branches of each vestibular nerve. Hearing was spared. Only modest results were obtained following 6 months of vestibular rehabilitation. At a 1-year follow-up, only the utricular function of one side recovered. This case is the first evidence supporting an acute presentation of bilateral VN as a cause for BVH, which would not have been observed without critical assessment of each of the 10 vestibular end organs.


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    Simon Schwartzman

    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa a expansão do ensino superior nos países chamados BRICS. A aspiração crescente pelo ensino superior obriga os governos a gerir os custos de funcionamento desse sistema. As respostas de cada país variam com sua história, cultura e regime político. Todos eles enfrentam problemas semelhantes, como escassez de recursos e o poder político de atores do sistema de ensino superior e fora dele. Cinco dilemas se apresentam aos países: 1 expansão, igualdade de acesso e diversificação das matrículas, taxas de participação, o número e os tipos de instituições; 2 limitações financeiras; 3 regulação do ensino superior privado; 4 como fazer com que as instituições de ensino superior prestem mais contas a seus alunos, funcionários e à sociedade como um todo; e 5 qualidade e relevância social da aprendizagem e pesquisa em instituições de ensino superior. Utilizando dados e evidências das pesquisas mais recentes, o artigo mostra respostas comuns, com algumas exceções em cada caso: diversificação institucional; políticas de ação afirmativa; crescimento das matrículas nas ciências sociais, humanidades, profissões sociais e Educação; pouco sucesso nas políticas de internacionalização.

  13. Widening of mediastinum with persistent left superior Vena cava - CT diagnosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neuwirth, J.; Kolar, J.


    Described in this paper are radiographic findings recorded from a case of persistent left superior vena cava which grew manifest by widening of the left contour of the upper mediastinal region. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) was undertaken to clear up suspicion of mediastinal tumour and revealed double superior vena cava. The diagnosis was then confirmed by digital subtraction venography. (orig.) [de

  14. Evaluation of the Superior Gluteal Nerve During Proximal Femoral Nailing

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    Mehmet Sonmez


    Full Text Available Aim: The superior gluteal nerve may be compromised during hip surgery. We retrospectively evaluated the patients who underwent proximal femoral nailing for unstable trochanteric fractures in order to investigate the presence of superior gluteal nerve injury and its clinical findings. Material and Method: Twenty five patients (14 women, 11 men were included in the study who had femoral nailing between January 2004 and March 2010 at Hamidiye Sisli Etfal Training and Research Hospital Department of Orthopaedics. Two different types of nails which have similar designs and surgical techniques were used for fracture fixation. Patients who had a history of cerebrovascular disease, electromyography findings of polyneuropathy, or degenerative vertebral disease were excluded from the study. Patients were evaluated clinically and radiologically. Findings related to acute denervation in the gluteus medius muscle and motor unit action potential changes were accepted as signs of superior gluteal nerve injury. Results: Eight patients were using support during walking and three of these patients had positive Trendelenburg sign, but only one patient had acute denervation signs of the superior gluteal nerve. Discussion: Based on the present study the incidence of iatrogenic nerve injury is a rare complication of proximal femoral nailing. Elderly patients, regardless of whether they have nerve injury, may limp and need to use a walking support.

  15. Superior pre-attentive auditory processing in musicians. (United States)

    Koelsch, S; Schröger, E; Tervaniemi, M


    The present study focuses on influences of long-term experience on auditory processing, providing the first evidence for pre-attentively superior auditory processing in musicians. This was revealed by the brain's automatic change-detection response, which is reflected electrically as the mismatch negativity (MMN) and generated by the operation of sensoric (echoic) memory, the earliest cognitive memory system. Major chords and single tones were presented to both professional violinists and non-musicians under ignore and attend conditions. Slightly impure chords, presented among perfect major chords elicited a distinct MMN in professional musicians, but not in non-musicians. This demonstrates that compared to non-musicians, musicians are superior in pre-attentively extracting more information out of musically relevant stimuli. Since effects of long-term experience on pre-attentive auditory processing have so far been reported for language-specific phonemes only, results indicate that sensory memory mechanisms can be modulated by training on a more general level.

  16. Laparoscopic management of superior mesentric artery syndrome: A case report and review of literature

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    Makam Ramesh


    Full Text Available Superior mesentric artery syndrome is a rare cause of high small bowel obstruction, caused by compression of the transverse part of the duodenum in between the superior mesentric artery and aorta. Patients present with chronic abdominal pain, vomiting and weight loss. We report a case of superior mesenteric artery syndrome, managed laparoscopically with laparoscopic duodenojejunostomy.

  17. A Inclusão de Pessoas com Necessidades Especiais no Ensino Superior

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    Ronaldo Queiroz de OLIVEIRA

    Full Text Available RESUMO: trata-se de uma revisão integrativa que objetivou analisar a produção científica sobre a educação inclusiva no ensino superior. Os dados foram coletados nas bases de dados Lilacs, Scielo, Cochrane, Medline e PubMed, entre os anos 2005 e 2014, utilizando-se os descritores controlados Special Education, Education Higher, Mainstreaming Education e Disabled Personse e os descritores não controlados Educação Especial, Educação Superior, Inclusão Educacional e Pessoas com Deficiência; Educación Superior, Propensíon Educación, Personas com Discapacidad. A amostra constituiu em 16 artigos. As publicações sobre a educação inclusiva no ensino superior têm sido tênues, demonstrando que ainda há muito a avançar nesse assunto. Conclui-se que o tema educação inclusiva é mais estudado em relação às crianças; as atenções dos estudiosos em relação a pessoas adultas com necessidades especiais envolvem mais a assistência em saúde e não a educação inclusiva no ensino superior.

  18. Accommodation and convergence palsy caused by lesions in the bilateral rostral superior colliculus. (United States)

    Ohtsuka, Kenji; Maeda, Sachie; Oguri, Naomi


    To report a patient who developed accommodation and convergence palsy caused by lesions in the bilateral rostral superior colliculus. Observational case report. A 30-year-old right-handed man experienced sudden onset of diplopia and blurred vision at near vision. The patient showed accommodation and convergence palsy. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed lesions located in the bilateral rostral superior colliculus. These findings suggest that the rostral superior colliculus is involved in the control of accommodation and vergence eye movements.

  19. Mechanism of the superior mechanical strength of nanometer-sized metal single crystals revealed

    KAUST Repository

    Afify, N. D.; Salem, H. G.; Yavari, A.; El Sayed, Tamer S.


    Clear understanding of the superior mechanical strength of nanometer-sized metal single crystals is required to derive advanced mechanical components retaining such superiority. Although high quality studies have been reported on nano

  20. Information Superiority generated through proper application of Geoinformatics (United States)

    Teichmann, F.


    Information Superiority generated through proper application of Geoinformatics Information management and especially geoscience information delivery is a very delicate task. If it is carried out successfully, geoscientific data will provide the main foundation of Information Superiority. However, improper implementation of geodata generation, assimilation, distribution or storage will not only waste valuable resources like manpower or money, but could also give rise to crucial deficiency in knowledge and might lead to potentially extremely harmful disasters or wrong decisions. Comprehensive Approach, Effect Based Operations and Network Enabled Capabilities are the current buzz terms in the security regime. However, they also apply to various interdisciplinary tasks like catastrophe relief missions, civil task operations or even in day to day business operations where geo-science data is used. Based on experience in the application of geoscience data for defence applications the following procedure or tool box for generating geodata should lead to the desired information superiority: 1. Understand and analyse the mission, the task and the environment for which the geodata is needed 2. Carry out a Information Exchange Requirement between the user or customer and the geodata provider 3. Implementation of current interoperability standards and a coherent metadata structure 4. Execute innovative data generation, data provision, data assimilation and data storage 5. Apply a cost-effective and reasonable data life cycle 6. Implement IT security by focusing of the three pillar concepts Integrity, Availability and Confidentiality of the critical data 7. Draft and execute a service level agreement or a memorandum of understanding between the involved parties 8. Execute a Continuous Improvement Cycle These ideas from the IT world should be transferred into the geoscience community and applied in a wide set of scenarios. A standardized approach of how to generate, provide

  1. The Picture Superiority Effect and Biological Education. (United States)

    Reid, D. J.


    Discusses learning behaviors where the "picture superiority effect" (PSE) seems to be most effective in biology education. Also considers research methodology and suggests a new research model which allows a more direct examination of the strategies learners use when matching up picture and text in efforts to "understand"…

  2. Three-Dimensional Printed Prosthesis for Repair of Superior Canal Dehiscence. (United States)

    Kozin, Elliott D; Remenschneider, Aaron K; Cheng, Song; Nakajima, Hideko Heidi; Lee, Daniel J


    Outcomes following repair of superior canal dehiscence (SCD) are variable, and surgery carries a risk of persistent or recurrent SCD symptoms, as well as a risk of hearing loss and vestibulopathy. Poor outcomes may occur from inadequate repair of the SCD or mechanical insult to the membranous labyrinth. Repair of SCD using a customized, fixed-length prosthesis may address current operative limitations and improve surgical outcomes. We aim to 3-dimensionally print customized prostheses to resurface or occlude bony SCD defects. Dehiscences were created along the arcuate eminence of superior semicircular canals in cadaveric temporal bones. Prostheses were designed and created using computed tomography and a 3-dimensional printer. The prostheses occupied the superior semicircular canal defect, reflected in postrepair computed tomography scans. This novel approach to SCD repair could have advantages over current techniques. Refinement of prosthesis design and materials will be important if this approach is translated into clinical use. © American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation 2015.

  3. Superior cervical gangliectomy induces non-exudative age-related macular degeneration in mice

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    Hernán H. Dieguez


    Full Text Available Non-exudative age-related macular degeneration, a prevalent cause of blindness, is a progressive and degenerative disease characterized by alterations in Bruch's membrane, retinal pigment epithelium, and photoreceptors exclusively localized in the macula. Although experimental murine models exist, the vast majority take a long time to develop retinal alterations and, in general, these alterations are ubiquitous, with many resulting from non-eye-specific genetic manipulations; additionally, most do not always reproduce the hallmarks of human age-related macular degeneration. Choroid vessels receive sympathetic innervation from the superior cervical ganglion, which, together with the parasympathetic system, regulates blood flow into the choroid. Choroid blood flow changes have been involved in age-related macular degeneration development and progression. At present, no experimental models take this factor into account. The aim of this work was to analyze the effect of superior cervical gangliectomy (also known as ganglionectomy on the choroid, Bruch's membrane, retinal pigment epithelium and retina. Adult male C57BL/6J mice underwent unilateral superior cervical gangliectomy and a contralateral sham procedure. Although superior cervical gangliectomy induced ubiquitous choroid and choriocapillaris changes, it induced Bruch's membrane thickening, loss of retinal pigment epithelium melanin content and retinoid isomerohydrolase, the appearance of drusen-like deposits, and retinal pigment epithelium and photoreceptor atrophy, exclusively localized in the temporal side. Moreover, superior cervical gangliectomy provoked a localized increase in retinal pigment epithelium and photoreceptor apoptosis, and a decline in photoreceptor electroretinographic function. Therefore, superior cervical gangliectomy recapitulated the main features of human non-exudative age-related macular degeneration, and could become a new experimental model of dry age

  4. Subjective qualities of memories associated with the picture superiority effect in schizophrenia. (United States)

    Huron, Caroline; Danion, Jean-Marie; Rizzo, Lydia; Killofer, Valérie; Damiens, Annabelle


    Patients with schizophrenia (n = 24) matched with 24 normal subjects were presented with both words and pictures. On a recognition memory task, they were asked to give remember, know, or guess responses to items that were recognized on the basis of conscious recollection, familiarity, or guessing, respectively. Compared with normal subjects, patients exhibited a lower picture superiority effect selectively related to remember responses. Unlike normal subjects, they did not exhibit any word superiority effect in relation to guess responses; this explains why the overall picture superiority effect appeared to be intact. These results emphasize the need to take into account the subjective states of awareness when analyzing memory impairments in schizophrenia.

  5. Persistency of the left superior caval vein. Diagnosis and its prenatal importance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaramillo, Juan F; Estrada Perea, Mercy H; Muriel, Yina Y


    Certain heart fetal planes must be realized during a routine obstetric ultrasound in order to identify a group of anomalies such as the persistency of the left superior caval vein. When an isolated left superior venal vein is identified without any other anomaly of the fetal heart, it does not have any perinatal repercussion. Its importance lies in the fact that a considerable number of these cases are associated with a high incidence of congenital heart diseases and anatomic and chromosomal abnormalities. This article reports nine cases of persistency of the left superior caval vein as well as the associated heart abnormalities and the extra-cardiac alterations found.

  6. Análise morfológica dos fissurados de lábio e palato do Centro de Tratamento de Anomalias Craniofaciais do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Morphological analysis of patients with cleft of lip and palate from Treatment Center of Craniofacial Anomalies of Rio de Janeiro state

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    Alexandre de Almeida Ribeiro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: caracterizar o padrão oclusal e facial para diagnosticar as necessidades reabilitadoras dos fissurados de lábio e palato do Centro de Tratamento de Anomalias Craniofaciais do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. METODOLOGIA: vinte indivíduos, com fissura transforame incisivo unilateral, operados de lábio e palato, sem histórico de tratamento ortodôntico, foram avaliados, por meio de modelos de gesso superior, quanto à dimensão transversa e forma do arco superior, assim como a presença de mordidas cruzadas, com os modelos em MIH. O padrão facial, analisado por meio de fotografias de perfil, e a presença de enxerto ósseo na área da fissura, diagnosticada através de radiografias oclusais, foram também determinados. Os dados referentes à dimensão transversa foram confrontados com as médias de um grupo com oclusão normal (n=22. RESULTADOS: a comparação indicou forte atresia do arco superior associada a diferentes mordidas cruzadas na amostra fissurada. Já o padrão facial revelou clara deficiência do terço médio, enquanto o enxerto ósseo alveolar não se fez presente no processo de reabilitação. CONCLUSÃO: a atresia maxilar em associação com as mordidas cruzadas são fatos que comprovam o impacto negativo das cirurgias de lábio e palato no crescimento tridimensional da maxila. A busca pelo padrão ouro de reabilitação não será possível sem o enxerto ósseo, uma modalidade cirúrgica que confere unidade à base óssea maxilar e provê integridade ao rebordo alveolar.AIM: To characterize the occlusion and facial pattern to diagnose the rehabilitation requirements of patients with cleft of lip and palate from Center for Treatment of Craniofacial Anomalies of Rio de Janeiro state. METHODS: A sample of 20 cleft lip and palate patients, operated of lip and palate, without orthodontic treatment were selected. The transversal dimensions and morphology of maxillary dental arches, as well as facial pattern and inherent

  7. Fijación de radioyodo en huesos maxilares simulando metástasis en pacientes con Carcinoma Diferenciado de Tiroides (CDT): False- Positive images in patients with Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma. (DTC)


    Degrossi, O. J.; Gutiérrez, S.; Fadel, A.; Degrossi, E. B.; Valdivieso, M. C.; Balbuena, R. L.; Alak, M. del C.; de Cabrejas, M.


    En estudios centellográficos con 131I (CCT) para seguimiento, postablación o tratamiento de pacientes portadores de carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides (CDT) se observan frecuentemente en tiempos precoces áreas de captación del radiotrazador en macizo facial. Estas áreas corresponden, generalmente, a glándulas salivares y extremo anterior de mucosa nasal y se mantienen durante las primeras 48 horas y no son observadas generalmente a las 72 horas. Pero con menor frecuencia se presentan otras qu...

  8. La macdonalización de la educación superior

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    Enrique Javier Díez Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available l neoliberalismo se ha convertido en el “telón de fondo” de los ajustes de la política en la educación superior a nivel mundial, que no se limitan ya al recorte en la asignación de recursos o a su privatización, sino que afectan básicamente a los núcleos centrales del ideario educativo y a las políticas pedagógicas. Los conflictos que se dirimen en la educación superior no son más que una parte de la crisis más general de la política y de la ciudadanía en el capitalismo global. Con el argumento de que la educación superior debe atender a las demandas sociales, se hace una interpretación claramente reduccionista de qué sea la sociedad, poniendo a la universidad al exclusivo servicio de las empresas y se centra la formación en preparar exclusivamente el tipo de trabajadores y trabajadoras solicitados por éstas. Las inversiones en la educación superior y los currículos deben ser pensados de acuerdo con las exigencias del mercado y como preparación al mercado de trabajo. El papel público de la educación superior como campo de entrenamiento para la democracia y para la ciudadanía democrática se ha pasado a considerar como un despilfarro del gasto público, siendo reemplazado por el punto de vista que la empresa privada tiene de la función de la enseñanza superior: un campo de entrenamiento para atender las necesidades de las empresas. La persona trabajadora “flexible” y “polivalente” constituye así la referencia del nuevo ideal pedagógico. El problema de fondo es el marco global en el que se inscribe y la filosofía que orienta esta reforma y que parece desplegar un funcionamiento mercantil de la educación en Europa. Porque esta reforma no parece tratar de poner la universidad al servicio de la sociedad para hacerla más justa, más sabia, más universal, más equitativa, más comprensiva, sino de adaptar la universidad al mercado, una parte muy concreta de la sociedad, cuyas finalidades no se orientan

  9. A Layer-specific Corticofugal Input to the Mouse Superior Colliculus. (United States)

    Zurita, Hector; Rock, Crystal; Perkins, Jessica; Apicella, Alfonso Junior


    In the auditory cortex (AC), corticofugal projections arise from each level of the auditory system and are considered to provide feedback "loops" important to modulate the flow of ascending information. It is well established that the cortex can influence the response of neurons in the superior colliculus (SC) via descending corticofugal projections. However, little is known about the relative contribution of different pyramidal neurons to these projections in the SC. We addressed this question by taking advantage of anterograde and retrograde neuronal tracing to directly examine the laminar distribution, long-range projections, and electrophysiological properties of pyramidal neurons projecting from the AC to the SC of the mouse brain. Here we show that layer 5 cortico-superior-collicular pyramidal neurons act as bandpass filters, resonating with a broad peak at ∼3 Hz, whereas layer 6 neurons act as low-pass filters. The dissimilar subthreshold properties of layer 5 and layer 6 cortico-superior-collicular pyramidal neurons can be described by differences in the hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated cation h-current (Ih). Ih also reduced the summation of short trains of artificial excitatory postsynaptic potentials injected at the soma of layer 5, but not layer 6, cortico-superior-collicular pyramidal neurons, indicating a differential dampening effect of Ih on these neurons. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  10. Don't words come easy? A psychophysical exploration of word superiority

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Starrfelt, Randi; Petersen, Anders; Vangkilde, Signe Allerup


    Words are made of letters, and yet sometimes it is easier to identify a word than a single letter. This word superiority effect (WSE) has been observed when written stimuli are presented very briefly or degraded by visual noise. We compare performance with letters and words in three experiments, ...... and visual short term memory capacity. So, even if single words come easy, there is a limit to the word superiority effect....

  11. Redes de colaboración en Educación Superior


    Solano Fernández, Isabel Mª


    Redes de colaboración para la Educación Superior. Se analiza el modelo pedagógico constructivista social, y dentro de este el método colaborativo. Posteriormente analiza las posibilidades de las redes, redes sociales y medios sociales, para la Educación. Presentación realizada para realizar el taller "redes de colaboración en Educación Superior" en el Seminario de innovación docente Organizado por el Centro de Desarrolo Docente (CDDOC) de la Universidad Católica de Chile.

  12. Ruptured superior gluteal artery pseudoaneurysm with hemorrhagic shock: Case report. (United States)

    Corbacioglu, Kerem Seref; Aksel, Gokhan; Yildiz, Altan


    Pseudoaneurysm of the superior gluteal artery (SGA) is very rare and the most common causes are blunt or penetrating pelvic traumas. Although pseudoaneurysm can be asymptomatic at the time of initial trauma, it can be symptomatic weeks, months, even years after initial trauma. We present a case of a ruptured superior gluteal artery pseudoaneurysm with hemorrhagic shock twenty days after a bomb injury in the Syria civil war. In addition, we review the anatomy of the SGA, clinical presentation and pitfalls of pseudoaneurysm, and imaging and treatment options.


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    Full Text Available Integration in a workplace is an interaction rapport between the individual and the environment. The process of professional integration is strongly linked to the professional aspiration, individual expectations, motivation, and work satisfaction. Placing young graduates of superior studies on the labour market is a challenge for contemporary society. Identifying a suitable work place as well as the certainty of the attained work place are very important elements for young superior studies graduates in the current context of economic crysis. The difficulties in getting a job for superior studies graduates are most frequently associated with lacks in what regards the speciality practical skills and generally, insertion in the work market is achived by getting a position in fields that are related or even different from the speciality field. In an extremely unstable social and economic context, people’s ability to quickly adapt to the requirements of the labour market is fundamental. In this respect, education and professional training have an important role, contributing to the update of knowledge, skills and qualifications of superior studies graduates or future superior studies graduates, eventually allowing them to stay active, flexible, adapted to the situations and requirements of the labour market.


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    Acela Cantero Zayas


    Full Text Available El impetuoso desarrollo de la ciencia y la técnica contemporáneo en general y muy específicamente en la realidad cubana, está dirigido a satisfacer las necesidades creciente de nuestra sociedad, lo que conlleva a un continuo perfeccionamiento de todo el sistema educativo en correspondencia con las exigencias, demandas y necesidades de nuestro pueblo. En tal sentido, para comprender los resultados que exhibe la Educación cubana y dentro de ella la Educación Superior, se precisa de toda una reflexión histórica, como soporte lógico y metodológico del hecho educativo cubano. En la actualidad, el mayor impacto de nuestra Educación Superior, desde los puntos de vista social, político, económico y en especial formativo, lo constituye, el diseño e implementación del modelo de Universalización, el cual tiene como objetivo supremo la extensión de la Universidad a los distintos municipios del país, con la finalidad de irradiar cultura y saber, que son las únicas modalidades de garantizar un hombre libre y de hecho una sociedad independiente. En el presente trabajo se muestra una panorámica de la Educación Superior en Cuba, partiendo del elemento histórico hasta la contemporaneidad y en ésta, los nuevos retos impuestos por el contexto socio-político a escala mundial.

  15. Visual search for emotional expressions: Effect of stimulus set on anger and happiness superiority. (United States)

    Savage, Ruth A; Becker, Stefanie I; Lipp, Ottmar V


    Prior reports of preferential detection of emotional expressions in visual search have yielded inconsistent results, even for face stimuli that avoid obvious expression-related perceptual confounds. The current study investigated inconsistent reports of anger and happiness superiority effects using face stimuli drawn from the same database. Experiment 1 excluded procedural differences as a potential factor, replicating a happiness superiority effect in a procedure that previously yielded an anger superiority effect. Experiments 2a and 2b confirmed that image colour or poser gender did not account for prior inconsistent findings. Experiments 3a and 3b identified stimulus set as the critical variable, revealing happiness or anger superiority effects for two partially overlapping sets of face stimuli. The current results highlight the critical role of stimulus selection for the observation of happiness or anger superiority effects in visual search even for face stimuli that avoid obvious expression related perceptual confounds and are drawn from a single database.

  16. Superior mesenteric artery syndrome following initiation of cisplatin-containing chemotherapy: a case report

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    Ushiki Atsuhito


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction Superior mesenteric artery syndrome is a rare cause of upper intestinal obstruction resulting from compression of the duodenum by the superior mesenteric artery and abdominal aorta. Case presentation We describe a case of superior mesenteric artery syndrome in a 61-year-old Japanese man with non-small cell lung cancer who had been treated with cisplatin-containing chemotherapy and had lost 7 kg in weight. The diagnosis was confirmed by the typical findings of abdominal computed tomography showing distended stomach resulting from compression of the third portion of the duodenum and reduction of an aortomesenteric distance and aortomesenteric angle. Conclusions This case highlights the importance of considering the possibility of superior mesenteric artery syndrome in patients treated with chemotherapy, especially those presenting with a low body mass index and showing weight loss during chemotherapy.

  17. An MRI Study of Superior Temporal Gyrus Volume in Women With Schizotypal Personality Disorder


    Dickey, Chandlee C.; McCarley, Robert William; Voglmaier, Martina M.; Niznikiewicz, Margaret A.; Seidman, Larry Joel; Demeo, Susan; Frumin, Melissa; Shenton, Martha Elizabeth


    Objective: An abnormal superior temporal gyrus has figured prominently in schizophrenia research, and left superior temporal gyrus volume has been shown to be smaller in male subjects with schizotypal personality disorder. This is the first structural magnetic resonance imaging study to examine a group of female subjects with schizotypal personality disorder. Method: The superior temporal gyrus was drawn on coronal images acquired from female subjects recruited from the community (schizotypal...

  18. False memories in highly superior autobiographical memory individuals (United States)

    Patihis, Lawrence; Frenda, Steven J.; LePort, Aurora K. R.; Petersen, Nicole; Nichols, Rebecca M.; Stark, Craig E. L.; McGaugh, James L.; Loftus, Elizabeth F.


    The recent identification of highly superior autobiographical memory (HSAM) raised the possibility that there may be individuals who are immune to memory distortions. We measured HSAM participants’ and age- and sex-matched controls’ susceptibility to false memories using several research paradigms. HSAM participants and controls were both susceptible to false recognition of nonpresented critical lure words in an associative word-list task. In a misinformation task, HSAM participants showed higher overall false memory compared with that of controls for details in a photographic slideshow. HSAM participants were equally as likely as controls to mistakenly report they had seen nonexistent footage of a plane crash. Finding false memories in a superior-memory group suggests that malleable reconstructive mechanisms may be fundamental to episodic remembering. Paradoxically, HSAM individuals may retrieve abundant and accurate autobiographical memories using fallible reconstructive processes. PMID:24248358

  19. Superior cervical gangliectomy induces non-exudative age-related macular degeneration in mice. (United States)

    Dieguez, Hernán H; Romeo, Horacio E; González Fleitas, María F; Aranda, Marcos L; Milne, Georgia A; Rosenstein, Ruth E; Dorfman, Damián


    Non-exudative age-related macular degeneration, a prevalent cause of blindness, is a progressive and degenerative disease characterized by alterations in Bruch's membrane, retinal pigment epithelium, and photoreceptors exclusively localized in the macula. Although experimental murine models exist, the vast majority take a long time to develop retinal alterations and, in general, these alterations are ubiquitous, with many resulting from non-eye-specific genetic manipulations; additionally, most do not always reproduce the hallmarks of human age-related macular degeneration. Choroid vessels receive sympathetic innervation from the superior cervical ganglion, which, together with the parasympathetic system, regulates blood flow into the choroid. Choroid blood flow changes have been involved in age-related macular degeneration development and progression. At present, no experimental models take this factor into account. The aim of this work was to analyze the effect of superior cervical gangliectomy (also known as ganglionectomy) on the choroid, Bruch's membrane, retinal pigment epithelium and retina. Adult male C57BL/6J mice underwent unilateral superior cervical gangliectomy and a contralateral sham procedure. Although superior cervical gangliectomy induced ubiquitous choroid and choriocapillaris changes, it induced Bruch's membrane thickening, loss of retinal pigment epithelium melanin content and retinoid isomerohydrolase, the appearance of drusen-like deposits, and retinal pigment epithelium and photoreceptor atrophy, exclusively localized in the temporal side. Moreover, superior cervical gangliectomy provoked a localized increase in retinal pigment epithelium and photoreceptor apoptosis, and a decline in photoreceptor electroretinographic function. Therefore, superior cervical gangliectomy recapitulated the main features of human non-exudative age-related macular degeneration, and could become a new experimental model of dry age-related macular degeneration, and

  20. Picture superiority in free recall: the effects of normal aging and primary degenerative dementia. (United States)

    Rissenberg, M; Glanzer, M


    A key factor in the decline of memory with age may be a breakdown of communication in the information network involved in memory and cognitive processing. A special case of this communication is assumed to underlie the picture superiority effect in recall. From this hypothesis it follows that the picture superiority effect should lessen with age. In Experiment 1, three groups of adults (young, old normal, and old memory-impaired) were tested in free recall of pictures and word lists. As predicted, the picture superiority effect declined with age. Experiment 2 replicated these findings and showed, moreover, that the picture superiority effect can be reestablished in normal old adults by instructing them to verbalize overtly during item presentation.

  1. Facile synthesis of carbon dots with superior sensing ability (United States)

    Jin, Lin; Li, Jingguo; Liu, Liyun; Wang, Zhenling; Zhang, Xingcai


    Carbon dots (CDs) have various applications in biomedical and environmental field, such as bio-imaging, bio-sensing and heavy metal detection. In this study, a novel class of CDs were synthesized using a one-step hydrothermal method. The fabricated CDs displayed stable photoluminescence, good water solubility, and photo stability. Moreover, the functional groups (carboxylic acid moieties and hydroxyls) on the surface of the obtained CDs enable it with superior sensing ability (e.g., very low detectable concentration for Pb2+: 5 nmol/L). With superior detection sensitivity, excellent fluorescent properties and facile fabrication method, the as-obtained CDs can find practical applications as cost-effective and sensitive chemo-sensors in water and food safety field.

  2. Superior cold recycling : The score project




    In order to develop Environmentally Friendly Construction Technologies (EFCT) and as part of the 5th Framework Program of Research and Development, the European Community has decided to finance a research project on cold recycling, entitled SCORE "Superior COld REcycling based on benefits of bituminous microemulsions and foamed bitumen. A EFCT system for the rehabilitation and the maintenance of roads". This research project gathers organizations from all over Europe, from industrial partners...

  3. The picture superiority effect in conceptual implicit memory: a conceptual distinctiveness hypothesis. (United States)

    Hamilton, Maryellen; Geraci, Lisa


    According to leading theories, the picture superiority effect is driven by conceptual processing, yet this effect has been difficult to obtain using conceptual implicit memory tests. We hypothesized that the picture superiority effect results from conceptual processing of a picture's distinctive features rather than a picture's semantic features. To test this hypothesis, we used 2 conceptual implicit general knowledge tests; one cued conceptually distinctive features (e.g., "What animal has large eyes?") and the other cued semantic features (e.g., "What animal is the figurehead of Tootsie Roll?"). Results showed a picture superiority effect only on the conceptual test using distinctive cues, supporting our hypothesis that this effect is mediated by conceptual processing of a picture's distinctive features.

  4. Generando vinculación académica en el IPN entre el nivel medio superior y superior en unidades de aprendizaje de básicas


    Gil Balderrama, Sara Beatríz; Pérez Bussó, Carlos Eduardo


    El Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) en el estado de Guanajuato presenta, como muchas instituciones educativas un enorme filtro de abandono y deserción en los primeros semestres del nivel superior. En este trabajo, presentamos una experiencia docente en el CECyT 174, una escuela del nivel medio superior del I.P.N. en la ciudad de León, Guanajuato, México. Este reporte es el trabajo desarrollado por los autores intentando que la labor académica contribuya a reducir la brecha existente entre...

  5. USAF Warrior Studies: Air Superiority in World War 2 and Korea, (United States)


    cal aiMr. and lO\\\\ dild air s.uperiority. lit in. in the latle 1940s!? Did our- emphasis onl str~ateiC’c and nuclear air power do us harm .’ Did It...cmim l t~ ilc ItI-, t.- tha \\i,’IC t I I.t. 1 4 1, h AIR SUPERIORITY to as operational masturbation . I have always felt the B-52s were to a large

  6. Superiorized algorithm for reconstruction of CT images from sparse-view and limited-angle polyenergetic data (United States)

    Humphries, T.; Winn, J.; Faridani, A.


    Recent work in CT image reconstruction has seen increasing interest in the use of total variation (TV) and related penalties to regularize problems involving reconstruction from undersampled or incomplete data. Superiorization is a recently proposed heuristic which provides an automatic procedure to ‘superiorize’ an iterative image reconstruction algorithm with respect to a chosen objective function, such as TV. Under certain conditions, the superiorized algorithm is guaranteed to find a solution that is as satisfactory as any found by the original algorithm with respect to satisfying the constraints of the problem; this solution is also expected to be superior with respect to the chosen objective. Most work on superiorization has used reconstruction algorithms which assume a linear measurement model, which in the case of CT corresponds to data generated from a monoenergetic x-ray beam. Many CT systems generate x-rays from a polyenergetic spectrum, however, in which the measured data represent an integral of object attenuation over all energies in the spectrum. This inconsistency with the linear model produces the well-known beam hardening artifacts, which impair analysis of CT images. In this work we superiorize an iterative algorithm for reconstruction from polyenergetic data, using both TV and an anisotropic TV (ATV) penalty. We apply the superiorized algorithm in numerical phantom experiments modeling both sparse-view and limited-angle scenarios. In our experiments, the superiorized algorithm successfully finds solutions which are as constraints-compatible as those found by the original algorithm, with significantly reduced TV and ATV values. The superiorized algorithm thus produces images with greatly reduced sparse-view and limited angle artifacts, which are also largely free of the beam hardening artifacts that would be present if a superiorized version of a monoenergetic algorithm were used.

  7. The picture superiority effect in patients with Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment. (United States)

    Ally, Brandon A; Gold, Carl A; Budson, Andrew E


    The fact that pictures are better remembered than words has been reported in the literature for over 30 years. While this picture superiority effect has been consistently found in healthy young and older adults, no study has directly evaluated the presence of the effect in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) or mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Clinical observations have indicated that pictures enhance memory in these patients, suggesting that the picture superiority effect may be intact. However, several studies have reported visual processing impairments in AD and MCI patients which might diminish the picture superiority effect. Using a recognition memory paradigm, we tested memory for pictures versus words in these patients. The results showed that the picture superiority effect is intact, and that these patients showed a similar benefit to healthy controls from studying pictures compared to words. The findings are discussed in terms of visual processing and possible clinical importance.

  8. Aportaciones de la paleohistología humana al estudio de biomateriales

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    Nacarino Meneses, C.


    Full Text Available The deep study of archaeological human bone could provide relevant information to biomaterials science, as it could tell how the implant process of bioglasses and bioresorbable ceramics is. In this paper, we propose to study, by means of different microscopic, spectroscopic, and X-ray diffraction techniques, the histological and mineral bone variability throughout ontogeny. Extrapolating this data, we could have a better knowledge of biodegradable materials implant. In different ages, we could notice different tissues in cortical bone: fibrolamellar bone is characteristic of early stages of life while secondary or harvesian bone is in adult individuals. Raman and infrared spectroscopy suggest an increase of critallinity in the inorganic matrix during live. Finally, the X-ray diffraction study of bone tissue shows β-calcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite as the main mineral bone components.

    El estudio en profundidad del hueso humano arqueológico puede aportar información relevante a la ciencia de los biomateriales, al informar sobre la evolución del proceso de implante de biovidrios o biocerámicas reabsorbibles. En este trabajo, se propone una aproximación, mediante diferentes técnicas de microscopía, espectroscopía y difracción de rayos X, a la variabilidad histológica y mineral del tejido óseo en el transcurso de la ontogenia y así, poder realizar una extrapolación que permita comprender mejor el implante de materiales biodegradables. Respecto a la variabilidad histológica, se han observado diferentes tipos de tejidos en la cortical del hueso en las distintas edades, siendo el hueso fibrolaminar principal en etapas tempranas de la vida, y el hueso secundario o haversiano en etapas adultas. Los análisis de espectroscopía Raman e infrarroja indican un aumento en la cristalinidad de la parte inorgánica del hueso a lo largo del ciclo vital. Por último, el estudio del tejido óseo mediante difracción de rayos X muestra la

  9. Surgical Treatment of A Dissecting Aneurysm of the Superior Cerebellar Artery: Case Report

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    Stefanescu Florin


    Full Text Available Dissecting aneurysm located in the peripheral region of the superior cerebellar artery is very rare. There is little experience regarding their surgical or endovascular treatment. We present the case of a peripheral dissecting superior cerebellar artery aneurysm treated by surgical clipping.

  10. Portfolio Evaluation Based on Efficient Frontier Superiority Using Center of Gravity

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    Omar Samat


    Full Text Available Investing in portfolio of assets is the best way to reduce the investment risk. The most desired portfolio can be obtained when investors chose to invest in the portfolios that lay on the portfolio’s efficient frontier. However, the superiorities of the portfolios are difficult to differentiate especially when the efficient frontier curves are overlapping. This paper proposed the portfolio’s efficient frontier center of gravity (CoG and Euclidean distance to identify its superiority. A sample of 49 stocks of large-cap and small-cap were used to construct two hypothetical portfolios and its efficient frontiers. The Euclidean distance showed that the large-cap portfolio is superior and having wider feasible solutions compared to the small-cap portfolio. The results of new tool introduced are consistent with the conventional methods. Here the theoretical and practical implications are provided in light of the findings.

  11. Estudios bioarqueológicos en el sitio Los Tres Cerros 1 (Delta Superior del río Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina

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    Clara Scabuzzo

    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de los estudios bioarqueológicos efectuados en la serie de esqueletos humanos del sitio Los Tres Cerros 1 (departamento de Victoria, Entre Ríos, Argentina, una estructura antropogénica monticular ocupada entre ca. 1227 y 560 años AP por cazadores, recolectores, pescadores y horticultores, asignados a la entidad arqueológica Goya-Malabrigo. Las investigaciones bioarqueológicas se enfocaron en determinar la estructura sexo-etaria de la muestra, estudiar las lesiones óseas y analizar las prácticas mortuorias. De acuerdo a estos estudios, en el sitio se enterraron al menos 16 individuos de distintos grupos etarios y ambos sexos. La variabilidad de modos de disponer a los muertos incluye entierros primarios, secundarios y elementos óseos dispersos. Algunos huesos presentaban termoalteración y ocre sobre la superficie. Se discuten estas evidencias a nivel regional con otros sitios del Delta del Paraná con presencia de esqueletos humanos asignados a la entidad Goya-Malabrigo.

  12. Superior accuracy of model-based radiostereometric analysis for measurement of polyethylene wear

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stilling, M; Kold, S; de Raedt, S


    The accuracy and precision of two new methods of model-based radiostereometric analysis (RSA) were hypothesised to be superior to a plain radiograph method in the assessment of polyethylene (PE) wear.......The accuracy and precision of two new methods of model-based radiostereometric analysis (RSA) were hypothesised to be superior to a plain radiograph method in the assessment of polyethylene (PE) wear....

  13. Eficacia educativa: avances de un modelo para la educación superior

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    Rafael Hernández-González


    Full Text Available Se analizó un modelo de eficacia educativa que permite al controlar el factor socioeconómico, determinar el valor agregado que las instituciones del Subsistema de Universidades Tecnológicas proporcionan a sus estudiantes. Es un estudio multinivel, longitudinal con resultados de 8,522 estudiantes de 38 universidades en 19 estados que sustentaron el examen nacional de ingreso a la educación superior (EXANI-II y el examen para el egreso de técnico superior universitario- Sistemas Informáticos (EGETSU-SI del Centro Nacional de Evaluación para la Educación Superior [CENEVAL] durante 2000-2006. El modelo identifica la eficacia de las instituciones y facilita la construcción de indicadores de calidad educativa.

  14. Educação inclusiva no ensino superior: um novo desafio

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    Marian A. L. Dias Ferrari

    Full Text Available O crescente ingresso de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais na rede regular de ensino torna necessário um aprofundamento na reflexão sobre a educação inclusiva. Este artigo tem por objetivo discutir os desafios da educação inclusiva no ensino superior. Com essa finalidade, retomamos a história da Universidade, verificamos seus objetivos e características principais, suas determinações nas instituições de ensino superior brasileiras e analisamos o percurso da educação inclusiva no cenário mundial e nacional. A partir daí, levantamos questões específicas da educação inclusiva no ensino superior e identificamos três níveis de desafios a serem enfrentados: a tomada de posição das instituições sobre os objetivos e a elegibilidade dos alunos para seus cursos, a necessidade de formação pedagógica dos professores do ensino superior para a educação inclusiva e, por fim, uma prática educativa que propicie a participação de alunos e professores no reconhecimento das diferenças e na criação de estratégias para a superação das dificuldades que surgirem.

  15. A Multifactorial Mechanism in the Superior Antimalarial Activity of α-C-GalCer

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    John Schmieg


    Full Text Available We have previously shown that the C-glycoside analog of α-galactosylceramide (α-GalCer, α-C-GalCer, displays a superior inhibitory activity against the liver stages of the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium yoelii than its parental glycolipid, α-GalCer. In this study, we demonstrate that NK cells, as well as IL-12, are a key contributor for the superior activity displayed by α-C-GalCer. Surprisingly, the diminished production of Th2 cytokines, including IL-4, by α-C-GalCer has no affect on its superior therapeutic activity relative to α-GalCer. Finally, we show that the in vivo administration of α-C-GalCer induces prolonged maturation of dendritic cells (DCs, as well as an enhanced proliferative response of mouse invariant Vα14 (Vα14i NKT cells, both of which may also contribute to some degree to the superior activity of α-C-GalCer in vivo.

  16. Superiority of legendre polynomials to Chebyshev polynomial in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In this paper, we proved the superiority of Legendre polynomial to Chebyshev polynomial in solving first order ordinary differential equation with rational coefficient. We generated shifted polynomial of Chebyshev, Legendre and Canonical polynomials which deal with solving differential equation by first choosing Chebyshev ...

  17. Superior ophthalmic vein enlargement and increased muscle index in dysthyroid optic neuropathy. (United States)

    Lima, Breno da Rocha; Perry, Julian D


    To compare superior ophthalmic vein diameter and extraocular muscle index in patients with thyroid eye disease with or without optic neuropathy. High-resolution CT scan images of 40 orbits of 20 patients with history of thyroid eye disease (with or without optic neuropathy), who underwent orbital decompression surgery from January 2007 to November 2009, were retrospectively reviewed. Superior ophthalmic vein diameter was measured in coronal and axial planes. Extraocular muscle index was calculated according to the method proposed by Barrett et al. The clinical diagnosis of optic neuropathy was based on characteristic signs that included afferent pupillary defect, decreased visual acuity, visual field defects, and dyschromatopsia. Orbits were divided in 2 groups based on presence or absence of optic neuropathy. Superior ophthalmic vein diameter was significantly higher in orbits with concomitant optic neuropathy (mean 2.4 ± 0.4mm, p optic neuropathy (mean 57.9% ± 5.7%, p = 0.0002). Muscle index greater than 50% was present in all patients with dysthyroid optic neuropathy. This study suggests that patients with thyroid eye disease with enlarged superior ophthalmic vein and increased extraocular muscle index are more likely to have concomitant optic neuropathy.

  18. Audiovisual speech integration in the superior temporal region is dysfunctional in dyslexia. (United States)

    Ye, Zheng; Rüsseler, Jascha; Gerth, Ivonne; Münte, Thomas F


    Dyslexia is an impairment of reading and spelling that affects both children and adults even after many years of schooling. Dyslexic readers have deficits in the integration of auditory and visual inputs but the neural mechanisms of the deficits are still unclear. This fMRI study examined the neural processing of auditorily presented German numbers 0-9 and videos of lip movements of a German native speaker voicing numbers 0-9 in unimodal (auditory or visual) and bimodal (always congruent) conditions in dyslexic readers and their matched fluent readers. We confirmed results of previous studies that the superior temporal gyrus/sulcus plays a critical role in audiovisual speech integration: fluent readers showed greater superior temporal activations for combined audiovisual stimuli than auditory-/visual-only stimuli. Importantly, such an enhancement effect was absent in dyslexic readers. Moreover, the auditory network (bilateral superior temporal regions plus medial PFC) was dynamically modulated during audiovisual integration in fluent, but not in dyslexic readers. These results suggest that superior temporal dysfunction may underly poor audiovisual speech integration in readers with dyslexia. Copyright © 2017 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Tumor marrón del hiperparatiroidismo: A propósito de un caso

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    Miguel Arredondo López


    Full Text Available El tumor marrón del hiperparatiroidismo en los maxilares es poco frecuente. Se reporta 1 caso de una paciente tratada quirúrgicamente por lesión osteolítica maxilar. Se describen los antecedentes, la clínica y diferentes exámenes de valor diagnóstico. Se realizó diagnóstico diferencial con el tumor central de células gigantes. Se revisó el tema y se brindaron algunas consideraciones reportadas en la literatura.The maroon tumor of hyperparathyroidism is a rare tumor. The case of a female patient surgically treated due a maxillary osteolytic lesion was reported. The history, clinic and different examinations of diagnostic value are described.. A differential diagnosis was made with the central tumor of giant cells. The topic was reviewed and some considerations reported in literature were made.

  20. CT evaluation of decrease in attenuation in the superior segment of the left lower lobe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Inaoka, Tsutomu; Takahashi, Koji; Ono, Hidetoshi


    We occasionally see decrease in attenuation in the superior segment of the left lower lobe on normal chest CT and notice that this finding could be seen in elder population. Then, we assessed the frequency, age distribution and cause of decrease in attenuation in the superior segment of the left lower lobe. Chest CT scans of 246 patients without lung or cardiac disorders were retrospectively reviewed. Segmental low attenuation area in the superior segment of the left lower lobe was identified in 12 patients (4.9%), which were 65-92 years old with mean age of 77.2 years old. In all of them, chest CT demonstrated that the tortuous descending aorta compressed directly the superior segmental bronchus of the left lower lobe. It is concluded that the lateral tortuousity of the descending aorta could cause decrease in attenuation in the superior segment of the left lower lobe. (author)

  1. Traumatic superior orbital fissure syndrome: assessment of cranial nerve recovery in 33 cases. (United States)

    Chen, Chien-Tzung; Wang, Theresa Y; Tsay, Pei-Kwei; Huang, Faye; Lai, Jui-Pin; Chen, Yu-Ray


    Superior orbital fissure syndrome is a rare complication that occurs in association with craniofacial trauma. The characteristics of superior orbital fissure syndrome are attributable to a constellation of cranial nerve III, IV, and VI palsies. This is the largest series describing traumatic superior orbital fissure syndrome that assesses the recovery of individual cranial nerve function after treatment. In a review from 1988 to 2002, 33 patients with superior orbital fissure syndrome were identified from 11,284 patients (0.3 percent) with skull and facial fractures. Severity of cranial nerve injury and functional recovery were evaluated by extraocular muscle movement. Patients were evaluated on average 6 days after initial injury, and average follow-up was 11.8 months. There were 23 male patients. The average age was 31 years. The major mechanism of injury was motorcycle accident (67 percent). Twenty-two received conservative treatment, five were treated with steroids, and six patients underwent surgical decompression of the superior orbital fissure. After initial injury, cranial nerve VI suffered the most damage, whereas cranial nerve IV sustained the least. In the first 3 months, recovery was greatest in cranial nerve VI. At 9 months, function was lowest in cranial nerve VI and highest in cranial nerve IV. Eight patients (24 percent) had complete recovery of all cranial nerves. Functional recovery of all cranial nerves reached a plateau at 6 months after trauma. Cranial nerve IV suffered the least injury, whereas cranial nerve VI experienced the most neurologic deficits. Cranial nerve palsies improved to their final recovery endpoints by 6 months. Surgical decompression is considered when there is evidence of bony compression of the superior orbital fissure.

  2. Tratamento endovascular da síndrome da veia cava superior: relato de caso e revisão da literatura Endovascular treatment of superior vena cava syndrome: case report and review of the literature

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Aurélio Cardozo


    Full Text Available Relatamos o caso de uma paciente portadora de síndrome da veia cava superior sintomática de origem benigna tratada pela técnica endovascular. A angiorressonância magnética pré-angioplastia evidenciou extensa trombose do tronco braquiocefálico esquerdo, da veia subclávia esquerda e obstrução da veia cava superior junto ao tronco braquiocefálico direito. A paciente realizou mastectomia radical 2 anos antes, associada à quimioterapia e radioterapia do tórax. Foram realizados angioplastia venosa e implante de stent expansível por balão. O resultado foi satisfatório, com alívio imediato dos sintomas devido à recanalização da veia cava superior e do tronco braquiocefálico direito. Foi instituída anticoagulação oral. A paciente permanece sem recidiva dos sintomas após 8 meses de acompanhamento. O tratamento endovascular é uma alternativa terapêutica com baixa morbidade e resultado satisfatório a médio prazo que pode ser oferecida aos pacientes portadores de síndrome da veia cava superior.We report a case of a patient with symptomatic benign superior vena cava syndrome treated by the endovascular technique. The angiographic resonance before angioplasty showed extensive thrombosis of the left brachiocephalic trunk, left subclavian vein and superior vena cava obstruction close to the right brachiocephalic trunk. The patient underwent radical mastectomy 2 years ago with adjuvant chemotherapy and chest radiotherapy. Venous angioplasty and balloon-expandable stenting were performed. Satisfactory result was obtained with immediate relief of symptoms due to recanalization of the right brachiocephalic trunk and superior vena cava. Oral anticoagulation was initiated. The patient is still asymptomatic after 8 months of follow-up. The endovascular treatment is a therapeutic alternative with low morbidity and satisfactory mid-term results that can be offered to patients with superior vena cava syndrome.

  3. Morfologia da artéria cerebelar superior do macaco prego (Cebus apella L., 1766: divisões e anastomoses Morphology of the superior cerebellar artery of the “macaco prego” (Cebus paella L., 1766: divisions and anastomoses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosimeire Alves da Silva


    Full Text Available Dando continuidade a estudos já existentes na área de mapeamento da vascularização cerebral do Cebus apella e considerando a semelhança desse animal com outros primatas descritos, inclusive os humanos, estudou-se a morfologia das artérias cerebelares superiores, que destinam a irrigar a superfície superior do cerebelo. 57 hemisférios cerebelares foram injetados com látex corado e fixados em solução de formol a 10%, dissecados sob mesoscopia de luz com microdissecações. As artérias cerebelares superiores são simétricas em 84,21% e assimétricas em 7,01%, ramificam-se em 4 ramos: sendo 1 para o mesencéfalo e 3 troncos principais para a superfície superior do cerebelo e regiões anterior dessa superfície. Estas artérias terminam na fissura póstero-superior ou pós-semilunar após emitir vários ramos colaterais de hierarquia decrescente de calibreIn order to continue studies already done in the area of mapping the cerebral vascularization of Cebus paella and taking into consideration the resemblance of this animal with other primates described, humans included, we studied the morphology of the superior cerebellar arteries determined to perfuse the superior surface of the cerebellum. Fifty-seven cerebellar hemispheres were injected with stained latex, fixed in 10% formol solution and dissected under light mesoscopy. The superior cerebellar arteries are symmetrical in 84,21% and asymmetrical in 7,01%, and give off four branches, one to the mesencephalon and three mains branches to the upper surface of the cerebellum and its anterior portion. These arteries end in the posterior superior or post-semilunar fissure, after giving off many collaterals of decreasing diameter

  4. Don’t words come easy?A psychophysical exploration of word superiority

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    Randi eStarrfelt


    Full Text Available Words are made of letters, and yet sometimes it is easier to identify a word than a single letter. This word superiority effect (WSE has been observed when written stimuli are presented very briefly or degraded by visual noise. We compare performance with letters and words in three experiments, to explore the extents and limits of the WSE. Using a carefully controlled list of three letter words, we show that a word superiority effect can be revealed in vocal reaction times even to undegraded stimuli. With a novel combination of psychophysics and mathematical modelling, we further show that the typical WSE is specifically reflected in perceptual processing speed: single words are simply processed faster than single letters. Intriguingly, when multiple stimuli are presented simultaneously, letters are perceived more easily than words, and this is reflected both in perceptual processing speed and visual short term memory capacity. So, even if single words come easy, there is a limit to the word superiority effect.


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    Josias Ricardo Hack


    Full Text Available O texto revisa e dialoga com autores de artigos e livros em Língua Inglesa e Língua Portuguesa sobre fundamentos técnicos da produção audiovisual, como o Digital Storytelling, a ser utilizada na educação superior e produzida pelos próprios interlocutores do processo de aprendizagem. O intuito é refletir sobre algumas características necessárias para se desenvolver uma experiência contextualizada com curtas histórias audiovisuais pessoais na aprendizagem de adultos. A metodologia de investigação é pautada em pesquisa bibliográfica nas bases de dados da Nottingham Trent University (Inglaterra e da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brasil. Os resultados do estudo apontam que certas habilidades, como a capacidade de construir uma narrativa e editar imagem, vídeo e som são requeridas dos envolvidos em educação superior em razão da inserção de múltiplas tecnologias digitais no cotidiano. Assim, a experiência prática de produção audiovisual educativa pode trazer a possibilidade de literacia digital pela realização de peças audiovisuais no processo de aprendizagem colaborativa de adultos. Palavras-chave: Histórias digitais. Digital Storytelling. Educação superior. Literacia digital. Aprendizagem de adultos.

  6. Geology and preliminary dating of the hominid-bearing sedimentary fill of the Sima de los Huesos Chamber, Cueva Mayor of the Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain. (United States)

    Bischoff, J L; Fitzpatrick, J A; León, L; Arsuagà, J L; Falgueres, C; Bahain, J J; Bullen, T


    Sediments of the Sima de los Huesos vary greatly over distances of a few meters. This is typical of interior cave facies, and caused by cycles of cut and fill. Mud breccias containing human bones, grading upwards to mud containing bear bones, fill an irregular surface cut into basal marks and sands. The lack of Bedding and the chaotic abundance of fragile speleothem clasts in the fossiliferous muds suggests that the deposit was originally a subterranean pond facies, and that after emplacement of the human remains, underwent vigorous post-depositional rotation and collapse and brecciation, caused by underlying bedrock dissolution and undermining. The fossiliferous deposits are capped by flowstone and guano-bearing muds which lack large-mammal fossils. U-series and radiocarbon dating indicates the capping flowstones formed from about 68 ka to about 25 ka. U-series analyses of speleothem clasts among the human fossils indicate that all are at, or close to, isotopic equilibrium (> 350 ka). The distribution of U-series dates for 25 bear bones (154 +/- 66 ka) and for 16 human bones (148 +/- 34 ka) is similar and rather broad. Because the human bones seem to be stratigraphically older than chose of the bears, the results would indicate that most of the bones have been accumulating uranium irregularly with time. Electron spin resonance (ESR) analyses of six selected bear bones indicates dates of 189 +/- 28 ka, for which each is cordant with their corresponding U-series date (181 +/- 41 ka). Combined ESR and U-series dates for these samples yielded 200 +/- 4 ka. Such agreement is highly suggestive that uranium uptake in these bones was close to the early-uptake (EU) model, and the dates are essentially correct. Another three selected samples yielded combined ESR U-series dates of 320 +/- 4 ka with a modeled intermediate-mode of uranium uptake. The dating results, therefore, seem to provide a firm minimum age of about 200 ka for the human entry: and suggestive evidence of

  7. A Cognitive Assessment of Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (United States)

    LePort, Aurora K.R.; Stark, Shauna M.; McGaugh, James L.; Stark, Craig E.L.


    Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM) is characterized as the ability to accurately recall an exceptional number of experiences and their associated dates from events occurring throughout much of one’s lifetime. The source of this ability has only begun to be explored. The present study explores whether other enhanced cognitive processes may be critical influences underlying HSAM abilities. We investigated whether enhanced abilities in the domains of verbal fluency, attention/inhibition, executive functioning, mnemonic discrimination, perception, visual working memory, or the processing of and memory for emotional details might contribute critically to HSAM. The results suggest that superior cognitive functioning is an unlikely basis of HSAM, as only modest advantages were found in only a few tests. In addition, we examined HSAM subjects’ memory of the testing episodes. Interestingly, HSAM participants recalled details of their own experiences far better than those experiences that the experimenter shared with them. These findings provide additional evidence that HSAM involves, relatively selectively, recollection of personal, autobiographical material. PMID:26982996

  8. A cognitive assessment of highly superior autobiographical memory. (United States)

    LePort, Aurora K R; Stark, Shauna M; McGaugh, James L; Stark, Craig E L


    Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM) is characterised as the ability to accurately recall an exceptional number of experiences and their associated dates from events occurring throughout much of one's lifetime. The source of this ability has only begun to be explored. The present study explores whether other enhanced cognitive processes may be critical influences underlying HSAM abilities. We investigated whether enhanced abilities in the domains of verbal fluency, attention/inhibition, executive functioning, mnemonic discrimination, perception, visual working memory, or the processing of and memory for emotional details might contribute critically to HSAM. The results suggest that superior cognitive functioning is an unlikely basis of HSAM, as only modest advantages were found in only a few tests. In addition, we examined HSAM subjects' memory of the testing episodes. Interestingly, HSAM participants recalled details of their own experiences far better than those experiences that the experimenter shared with them. These findings provide additional evidence that HSAM involves, relatively selectively, recollection of personal, autobiographical material.

  9. Cognitive abilities and superior decision making under risk

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edward T. Cokely


    Full Text Available Individual differences in cognitive abilities and skills can predict normatively superior and logically consistent judgments and decisions. The current experiment investigates the processes that mediate individual differences in risky choices. We assessed working memory span, numeracy, and cognitive impulsivity and conducted a protocol analysis to trace variations in conscious deliberative processes. People higher in cognitive abilities made more choices consistent with expected values; however, expected-value choices rarely resulted from expected-value calculations. Instead, the cognitive ability and choice relationship was mediated by the number of simple considerations made during decision making --- e.g., transforming probabilities and considering the relative size of gains. Results imply that, even in simple lotteries, superior risky decisions associated with cognitive abilities and controlled cognition can reflect metacognitive dynamics and elaborative heuristic search processes, rather than normative calculations. Modes of cognitive control (e.g., dual process dynamics and implications for process models of risky decision-making (e.g., priority heuristic are discussed.

  10. Superior metallic alloys through rapid solidification processing (RSP) by design

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Flinn, J.E. [Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID (United States)


    Rapid solidification processing using powder atomization methods and the control of minor elements such as oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon can provide metallic alloys with superior properties and performance compared to conventionally processing alloys. Previous studies on nickel- and iron-base superalloys have provided the baseline information to properly couple RSP with alloy composition, and, therefore, enable alloys to be designed for performance improvements. The RSP approach produces powders, which need to be consolidated into suitable monolithic forms. This normally involves canning, consolidation, and decanning of the powders. Canning/decanning is expensive and raises the fabrication cost significantly above that of conventional, ingot metallurgy production methods. The cost differential can be offset by the superior performance of the RSP metallic alloys. However, without the performance database, it is difficult to convince potential users to adopt the RSP approach. Spray casting of the atomized molten droplets into suitable preforms for subsequent fabrication can be cost competitive with conventional processing. If the fine and stable microstructural features observed for the RSP approach are preserved during spray casing, a cost competitive product can be obtained that has superior properties and performance that cannot be obtained by conventional methods.

  11. Levels of processing and picture memory: the physical superiority effect. (United States)

    Intraub, H; Nicklos, S


    Six experiments studied the effect of physical orienting questions (e.g., "Is this angular?") and semantic orienting questions (e.g., "Is this edible?") on memory for unrelated pictures at stimulus durations ranging from 125-2,000 ms. Results ran contrary to the semantic superiority "rule of thumb," which is based primarily on verbal memory experiments. Physical questions were associated with better free recall and cued recall of a diverse set of visual scenes (Experiments 1, 2, and 4). This occurred both when general and highly specific semantic questions were used (Experiments 1 and 2). Similar results were obtained when more simplistic visual stimuli--photographs of single objects--were used (Experiments 5 and 6). As in the case of the semantic superiority effect with words, the physical superiority effect for pictures was eliminated or reversed when the same physical questions were repeated throughout the session (Experiments 4 and 6). Conflicts with results of previous levels of processing experiments with words and nonverbal stimuli (e.g., faces) are explained in terms of the sensory-semantic model (Nelson, Reed, & McEvoy, 1977). Implications for picture memory research and the levels of processing viewpoint are discussed.

  12. Nueva indicación de implantes cigomáticos para la rehabilitación fija de desdentados parciales: reporte de un caso A new indication for Zygomatic implants for the fixed rehabilitation of the partially edentulous patient: Case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M.F. Pintor Willcock


    Full Text Available Los implantes cigomáticos están indicados en casos de reabsorciones maxilares severas. Esto permitiría eliminar la necesidad de injertos óseos o levantamientos de seno de manera de recuperar el volumen óseo necesario para rehabilitar en base a implantes convencionales, disminuyendo así la morbilidad y el tiempo de tratamiento. A continuación presentamos caso de paciente desdentado parcial superior, clase I de Kennedy, en el cual se utilizaron dos implantes cigomáticos a cada lado, emergiendo sobre el reborde, a través de una modificación de la técnica.Zygomatic Implants are used in the rehabilitation of severely resorbed maxillas. This eliminates the necessity of bone grafting or sinus augmentation to restore the osseous volume necessary for conventional implant rehabilitation. This also minimizes morbidity and treatment times. We present the case of a patient with a partially edentulous upper ridge, Kennedy class I, in whom two zygomatic implants were placed in each side, that emerged over the alveolar ridge crest as a result of a technique modification.

  13. "Walk the Rim, Feel the Bone" Technique in Superior Sulcus Filling. (United States)

    Looi, Audrey L G; Yong, Kai-Ling


    Superior sulcus filler injection is a nonsurgical method to rejuvenate the upper face. Blindness and stroke are devastating complications of facial filler injection. This study describes an injection technique that minimizes the risk of blindness and includes a case study demonstrating the cosmetic benefits of this procedure. To avoid retrograde injection of filler embolus into the ophthalmic artery, we advocate a "'walk the rim, feel the bone" approach. Small boluses of hyaluronic acid filler are given in preperiosteal plane, avoiding the superior orbital foramen.

  14. Electrocautery Superior to Topical Treatments for Precancerous Anal Lesions (United States)

    ... Professional Anal Cancer Treatment Anal Cancer Prevention Research Electrocautery Superior to Topical Treatments for Precancerous Anal Lesions ... randomized clinical trial conducted in Amsterdam suggest that electrocautery is better than topical imiquimod or fluorouracil at ...

  15. Análisis biomecánico de los fijadores internos


    Blas Imperio Romano Melissari; Eduardo Rodolfo Deri Fabri; Juan Carlos Lantero Bustelo; Alberto Fernández Dell' Oca


    En este trabajo se estudió el comportamiento mecánico de la cuarta familia de implantes metálicos empleados para la fijación de fracturas (osteosíntesis), denominados fijadores internos, comparándolos en igualdad de condiciones con las placas atornilladas. En la primer etapa se armaron varios montajes con materiales artificiales de diferentes densidades para simular los distintos tipos de hueso Para simular el hueso esponjoso, se emplearon espumas de media densidad (6720) y de baja densidad (...

  16. Neuroimaging findings in neonates and infants from superior vena cava obstruction after cardiac operation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karmazyn, Boaz; Horev, Gadi; Kornreich, Liora; Dagan, Ovdi; Vidne, Bernado A.


    Extraventricular obstructive hydrocephalus may develop after superior vena cava obstruction, an uncommon complication after cardiac surgery.Objective. To describe the neuroimaging findings in neonates and infants with superior vena cava thrombosis after cardiac surgery for congenital heart disease.Materials and methods. Between 1993 and 2001, 333 neonates and infants in our hospital underwent cardiac surgery, of whom 13 (3.9%) subsequently acquired superior vena cava syndrome. Eleven of these 13 children (7 boys, 4 girls) were evaluated by head ultrasound and computed tomography scans.Results. One child had normal findings on head ultrasound, and 10 children had extraventricular obstructive hydrocephalus (EVOH). In 6 children, aggravation of the hydrocephalus was noted up to 11.4 months after cardiac surgery; in 3 of them, the hydrocephalus was shunted to the peritoneum. One child had thrombosis of the dural sinuses, and 1 had hemorrhagic infarction. Two children died during follow-up.Conclusion. EVOH is a common complication of superior vena cava thrombosis, and head ultrasound should be performed in all neonates and infants with superior vena cava thrombosis after cardiac surgery. Long-term follow-up is needed, as the hydrocephalus may worsen even months after surgery. (orig.)

  17. 2010 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Bathymetric Lidar: Lake Superior (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The data contained in this file contain hydrographic and topographic data collected by the Fugro LADS Mk II system along the Lake Superior coast of Minnessota,...

  18. Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome Affecting 3 Families. (United States)

    Heidenreich, Katherine D; Kileny, Paul R; Ahmed, Sameer; El-Kashlan, Hussam K; Melendez, Tori L; Basura, Gregory J; Lesperance, Marci M


    Superior canal dehiscence syndrome (SCDS) is an increasingly recognized cause of hearing loss and vestibular symptoms, but the etiology of this condition remains unknown. To describe 7 cases of SCDS across 3 families. This retrospective case series included 7 patients from 3 different families treated at a neurotology clinic at a tertiary academic medical center from 2010 to 2014. Patients were referred by other otolaryngologists or were self-referred. Each patient demonstrated unilateral or bilateral SCDS or near dehiscence. Clinical evaluation involved body mass index calculation, audiometry, cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potential testing, electrocochleography, and multiplanar computed tomographic (CT) scan of the temporal bones. Zygosity testing was performed on twin siblings. The diagnosis of SCDS was made if bone was absent over the superior semicircular canal on 2 consecutive CT images, in addition to 1 physiologic sign consistent with labyrinthine dehiscence. Near dehiscence was defined as absent bone on only 1 CT image but with symptoms and at least 1 physiologic sign of labyrinthine dehiscence. A total of 7 patients (5 female and 2 male; age range, 8-49 years) from 3 families underwent evaluation. Family A consisted of 3 adult first-degree relatives, of whom 2 were diagnosed with SCDS and 1 with near dehiscence. Family B included a mother and her child, both of whom were diagnosed with unilateral SCDS. Family C consisted of adult monozygotic twins, each of whom was diagnosed with unilateral SCDS. For all cases, dehiscence was located at the arcuate eminence. Obesity alone did not explain the occurrence of SCDS because 5 of the 7 cases had a body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared) less than 30.0. Superior canal dehiscence syndrome is a rare, often unrecognized condition. This report of 3 multiplex families with SCDS provides evidence in support of a potential genetic contribution to the etiology

  19. Reverse total shoulder glenoid baseplate stability with superior glenoid bone loss. (United States)

    Martin, Elise J; Duquin, Thomas R; Ehrensberger, Mark T


    Superior wear of the glenoid bone is common in patients with rotator cuff arthropathy. This can become a treatment challenge for patients who require shoulder arthroplasty. In reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA), glenoid bone loss may affect the stability of baseplate fixation. The primary purpose of this biomechanical laboratory study was to assess the initial fixation stability of RSA glenosphere baseplates in the presence of variable amounts of superior glenoid bone loss. High-density solid rigid polyurethane foam (30 pounds/cubic foot) was machined to model the glenoid with variable superior defects that provided different levels of support (100%, 90%, 75%, and 50%) for the glenosphere baseplate. The samples were cyclically loaded (0-750 N at 1 Hz for 5000 cycles) at a 60° glenohumeral angle. The micromotion and migration of the baseplate were calculated from displacement data captured during the loading tests with an array of 3 linear variable differential transformers mounted around the baseplate. Micromotion was significantly greater in samples with 50% defects compared with those with smaller defects. Migration was significantly greater after testing for all defect sizes. Initial fixation of RSA glenosphere baseplates was significantly reduced in models with 50% bone loss on the superior edge compared with models with less bone loss in this high-density bone foam model. Copyright © 2017 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Human middle longitudinal fascicle: segregation and behavioral-clinical implications of two distinct fiber connections linking temporal pole and superior temporal gyrus with the angular gyrus or superior parietal lobule using multi-tensor tractography. (United States)

    Makris, N; Preti, M G; Wassermann, D; Rathi, Y; Papadimitriou, G M; Yergatian, C; Dickerson, B C; Shenton, M E; Kubicki, M


    The middle longitudinal fascicle (MdLF) is a major fiber connection running principally between the superior temporal gyrus and the parietal lobe, neocortical regions of great biological and clinical interest. Although one of the most prominent cerebral association fiber tracts, it has only recently been discovered in humans. In this high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) MRI study, we delineated the two major fiber connections of the human MdLF, by examining morphology, topography, cortical connections, biophysical measures, volume and length in seventy-four brains. These two fiber connections course together through the dorsal temporal pole and the superior temporal gyrus maintaining a characteristic topographic relationship in the mediolateral and ventrodorsal dimensions. As these pathways course towards the parietal lobe, they split to form separate fiber pathways, one following a ventrolateral trajectory and connecting with the angular gyrus and the other following a dorsomedial route and connecting with the superior parietal lobule. Based on the functions of their cortical affiliations, we suggest that the superior temporal-angular connection of the MdLF, i.e., STG(MdLF)AG plays a role in language and attention, whereas the superior temporal-superior parietal connection of the MdLF, i.e., STG(MdLF)SPL is involved in visuospatial and integrative audiovisual functions. Furthermore, the MdLF may have clinical implications in neurodegenerative disorders such as primary progressive aphasia, frontotemporal dementia, posterior cortical atrophy, corticobulbar degeneration and Alzheimer's disease as well as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and schizophrenia.

  1. Analysis of the Lake Superior Watershed Seasonal Snow Cover

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Daly, Steven F; Baldwin, Timothy B; Weyrick, Patricia


    Daily estimates of the snow water equivalent (SWE) distribution for the period from 1 December through 30 April for each winter season from 1979 80 through 2002 03 were calculated for the entire Lake Superior watershed...

  2. Superior temporal gyrus volume reduction and P300 in schizophrenia prior to treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hirayasu, Akira; Hokama, Hiroto; Ogura, Chikara; Ohta, Hirokazu; Arakaki, Hajime; Asato, Naohiko; Yamaguchi, Keiichiro


    Authors measured the superior temporal gyrus volume by 3D MRI imaging for the schizophrenics and simultaneously recorded the P300 component during the auditory odd-ball exercise. Subjects were 8 cases of schizophrenics and the sex- and age-matched healthy control adults. In schizophrenics, the superior temporal gyrus volume reduction was found. When the superior temporal gyrus was divided into two parts, the anterior part containing the primary auditory area, and the posterior part containing the planum temporale and the Wernicle speech area, the volume reduction of left side in the posterior part was remarkable. There was no difference in the latent time and the P300 amplitude between schizophrenics and healthy controls, suggesting that the superior temporal gyrus abnormalities will appear prior to P300 abnormalities. We could not find any correlation between findings of MRI and P300 and psychic symptoms. We discuss the possible contribution on the elucidation of the pathogenesis of the schizophrenia by simultaneous recordings of 3D MRI imaging and the event-related potentials. (K.H.)

  3. Educación Superior Intercultural en Ecuador y México. Disputas y tendencias

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    Paola Andrea Vargas Moreno


    Full Text Available El documento describe y analiza las posibilidades e imposibilidades de la Educación Superior Intercultural en Ecuador y México a partir de las relaciones (conflictos/negociaciones entre política pública educativa, como materialización del proyecto educativo de los Estados, e instituciones de educación superior intercultural vinculadas a organizaciones sociales indígenas. Para ello, se tendrán en cuenta a manera de ejemplo las trayectorias de dos instituciones de educación superior intercultural vinculadas a organizaciones indígenas: la Universidad Intercultural de las Nacionalidades y Pueblos Indígenas Amawtay Wasi (UIAW en Ecuador y la Universidad Intercultural de los Pueblos del Sur (UNISUR en el Estado de Guerrero, México. El documento propone tres momentos: en primera instancia, un encuadre histórico y teórico general sobre modelos de administración de la diferencia y modelos educativos que contextualice el análisis y permita situar similitudes, diferencias y conexiones entre Ecuador y México, posteriormente una breve descripción de las trayectorias de las dos instituciones caracterizadas como experiencias de educación superior desde abajo y, finalmente, a manera de conclusión y aporte al debate, un breve análisis respecto a las tendencias regionales emergentes en el campo de la educación superior intercultural en América Latina hoy fundamentado en el ejercicio comparativo.

  4. Reperfusion hemorrhage following superior mesenteric artery stenting.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Moore, Michael


    Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty and stent placement is now an established treatment option for chronic mesenteric ischemia and is associated with low mortality and morbidity rates. We present a case of reperfusion hemorrhage complicating endovascular repair of superior mesenteric artery stenosis. Although a recognized complication following repair of carotid stenosis, hemorrhage has not previously been reported following mesenteric endovascular reperfusion. We describe both spontaneous cessation of bleeding and treatment with coil embolization.

  5. Mycotic aneurysm of the superior mesenteric artery after septic embolism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schmidt, F.; Dinkel, H.P.


    Mycotic aneurysms of the aorta and the visceral arteries are life-threatening diseases, due to potential rupture and organ or limb ischemia. They occur in endocarditis, immunodeficiency, bacteremia and fungemia, and have a poor prognosis.We report on a case of a 54-year-old male patient suffering from abdominal angina after mitral valve replacement for septic mycotic endocarditis. In presence of a mycotic-embolic occlusion of the left popliteal artery and multiple septic organ infarctions a mycotic aneurysm of the superior mesenteric artery was found in abdominal spiral-CT.Based on sequential spiral-CT examinations, this case demonstrates the development of a septic aneurysm of the superior mesenteric artery. (orig.) [de

  6. Estudio cefalométrico del hueso hioides en niños respiradores bucales de 11años (I parte Cephalometric study of the hyoid bone in mouth-breathing children aged 11 (first part

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    Dariel Carulla Martínez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: El presente trabajo se realizó con el propósito de describir el comportamiento de la posición del hueso hioides, en niños respiradores bucales y no respiradores bucales. Métodos: Se recogieron historias clínicas de 60 pacientes con edad de 11 años que acudieron a la consulta de Ortodoncia en el área de salud de la Facultad de Estomatología y nos propusimos comparar desde el punto de vista cefalométrico a un grupo de pacientes respiradores bucales, con el objetivo de determinar si existían diferencias en el comportamiento de la posición del hioides con ciertas variables cefalométricas (lineales y angulares, con respecto a pacientes no respiradores bucales (controles. Para cada una de las mediciones se calculó la media y la desviación estándar. Para determinar la posible diferencia de las mediciones para muestras independientes se realizó Prueba de t de Student para muestras independientes o su equivalente no paramétrico (Mann- Whitney y Kolmogorov- Smirnov. En todas las pruebas de hipótesis se utilizó un nivel de significación del 5 %. Resultados: El mayor número de pacientes se encuentra entre los rangos de 30-35 mm. Los valores y la frecuencia de las variables H-C3 y H-PPF tienen una distribución similar tanto en el grupo de Control como en el Grupo Respirador Bucal. La variable Gn-H muestra su mayor frecuencia en el rango de 40-45 mm. Conclusiones: Se encontró una resistencia de los músculos constrictor medio de la faringe, estilohioideo y vientre posterior del digástrico y del ligamento estilohioideo al traslado del hioides en sentido anterior, resistencia que ejercen los músculos milohioideo, genihioideo y vientre anterior digástrico en los respiradores bucales (descenso del huesoOBJECTIVE: this paper is aimed at describing the behavior of the position of the hyoid bone in mouth- and non-mouth breathing children. METHODS: the medical histories of 60 patients aged 11 that were seen at the Orthodontics

  7. The picture superiority effect: support for the distinctiveness model. (United States)

    Mintzer, M Z; Snodgrass, J G


    The form change paradigm was used to explore the basis for the picture superiority effect. Recognition memory for studied pictures and words was tested in their study form or the alternate form. Form change cost was defined as the difference between recognition performance for same and different form items. Based on the results of Experiment 1 and previous studies, it was difficult to determine the relative cost for studied pictures and words due to a reversal of the mirror effect. We hypothesized that the reversed mirror effect results from subjects' basing their recognition decisions on their assumptions about the study form. Experiments 2 and 3 confirmed this hypothesis and generated a method for evaluating the relative cost for pictures and words despite the reversed mirror effect. More cost was observed for pictures than words, supporting the distinctiveness model of the picture superiority effect.

  8. El espacio europeo de educación superior: visiones y realidades de un proceso deseable de convergencia

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    Ulrich Teichler


    Full Text Available Apoyando la afirmación de que la investigación sobre la educación superior debería buscar más bien explicaciones y hacerlo, además, con una actitud escéptica, el autor argumenta y documenta que, a principios del siglo XXI, la mayoría de europeos están convencidos de que la educación superior se ve mucho más fuertemente afectada que antes por el hecho de hallarse estrechamente incrustada en ambientes europeos y mundiales. En este orden de cosas, el panorama trazado de la situación actual de la educación superior y las políticas relacionadas con la misma en Europa se articula en torno a cinco propuestas de análisis que abundan en aspectos tales como: en las políticas nacionales de educación superior desde hace cincuenta años se ha prestado una atención cada vez mayor a los temas europeos e internacionales pero partir de la década de 1990 las políticas nacionales de este nivel son, al mismo tiempo, políticas europeas e internacionales y las políticas europeas e internacionales de educación superior en Europa son, al mismo tiempo, políticas nacionales. En la actualidad se tiende a configurar un sistema europeo de educación superior en un mundo globalizado aunque las viejas políticas no desaparecen por ello, con lo que las políticas europeas e internacionales de educación superior se vuelven crecientemente complejas. Con todo, la europeización de las políticas de educación superior de los países europeos o de los cuerpos europeos supranacionales en ningún momento contradijeron sustancialmente las políticas internacionales. Finalmente, las políticas de investigación de los países europeos occidentales y de las organizaciones supranacionales activas en Europa siempre fueron impulsadas por otras justificaciones racionales, aparte de las políticas de educación superior. Sin embargo, en la actualidad, no observamos ninguna integración real de las políticas de educación superior por lo que respecta al "proceso de

  9. Superior interhemispheric approach for midline meningioma from the anterior cranial base. (United States)

    Lévêque, S; Derrey, S; Martinaud, O; Gérardin, E; Langlois, O; Fréger, P; Hannequin, D; Castel, H; Proust, F


    For suprasellar meningioma, the fronto-basal exposure is considered the standard approach. The superior interhemispheric (IH) approach is less described in the literature. To assess the surgical complications, functional outcome (visual, olfaction), morbidity and mortality rates and late recurrence, after resection by superior IH approach of midline skull base meningioma. Between 1998 and 2008, 52 consecutive patients with midline meningioma on the anterior portion of the skull base (mean age: 63.8 ± 13.1; sex ratio F/M: 3.7) were operated on via the superior IH approach. After a mean follow-up of 56.9 ± 32.9 months, an independent neurosurgeon proposed a prospective examination of functional outcome to each patient, as well as a visual and olfactory function assessment. Fifty-two patients were divided into a group with olfactory groove meningioma (n=34) and another with tuberculum sellae meningioma (n=18). The outcome was characterized by postoperative complications in 13 patients (25%), mortality rate in two (3.8%) and long-term morbidity at in 17 (37%) of 50 surviving patients. Based on multivariate analysis, no prognosis factor was significant as regards the favorable outcome. The mean postoperative KPS score (86.6 ± 9.4) was significantly improved. However, dysexecutive syndrome was observed in four patients (8%), hyposmia-anosmia in 34 (68%) and visual acuity deteriorated in one (2%). The superior IH approach could be considered a safe anteriorly orientated midline approach for removal OGM and TSM meningioma. Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

  10. Inclusão no ensino superior — uma experiência exitosa

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    Edileine Vieira Machado


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar estudo de uma experiência exitosa de inclusão no Ensino Superior e considerações sobre políticas públicas de inclusão no que se diz respeito à acessibilidade e permanência da pessoa com deficiência visual no Ensino Superior. Parte-se do pressuposto de que falta de um gestor comprometido com a inclusão e que tenha a visão de homem como ser de relações. A experiência, assim como a teoria, tem nos mostrado que se faz necessário, além da vontade política e conhecimento técnico, envolvimento de todas as pessoas que compõem a Universidade, com único objetivo de concretizar a inclusão na sua totalidade. Objeto de estudo: uma experiência exitosa de inclusão na Universidade. Procedimentos metodológicos: pesquisa bibliográfica e estudo de caso. Referenciais: Fazenda (2002; Silva (2006; Machado e Silva (2009; Lauand (2010 e outros. Considerações: a inclusão no Ensino Superior para acontecer na sua totalidade, é necessário além do conhecimento técnico, a vontade política. Para isso, é importante uma formação de gestores de instituições de Ensino Superior que além de se atentarem para a legislação, que tenham conhecimento de diagnosticar, planejar, controlar, avaliar uma realidade e também atitude inclusiva.


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    Glades Tereza Félix


    Full Text Available Este artigo situa-se na fronteira do debate geral das políticas de educação superior. Tais políticas estão vinculadas às estratégias de inserção da economia nas grandes transformações em âmbito mundial. Nesse contexto, são instaurados processos de avaliação da educação superior que contribuem para a redefinição da relação entre o Estado e o sistema de ensino superior. É nessa perspectiva que se situa o objeto deste estudo – identificar o modelo de gestão pública que conduziu a incorporação formal e definitiva da avaliação como ato regulatório e compulsório no primeiro Governo FHC (1995-2002. De caráter descritivo, com uma abordagem qualitativa, na revisão de literatura destacamos as características do Estado Burocrático e do Estado Gerencial. Igualmente, estudamos o conceito e o significado de eficiência no plano administrativo de ambos os Estados. Os resultados mostraram que o modelo de gestão pública estava em transição, quando a política pública denominada avaliação da educação superior tornou-se regulatória, definitiva e compulsória no país, pois mesmo tendo a base no modelo Gerencial, tal concretização só foi possível por meio de ações burocráticas ancoradas no excesso de legislações. Conclui-se que a emergência da avaliação da educação superior na década de 90 ampliou a burocracia.

  12. Síndroma da veia cava superior como apresentação de neoplasia Superior vena cava syndrome as tumour presentation

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    Nuno Filipe Pires


    Full Text Available A síndroma da veia cava superior (SVCS é causada por uma obstrução/compressão gradual e insidiosa da veia cava superior, caracterizando -se por fácies pletórica, edema e ingurgitamento vascular do pescoço e parte superior do tronco. É geralmente tradutora de neoplasia, sendo o cancro do pulmão a sua causa mais comum. Objectivo: Estudo retrospectivo dos internamentos no Hospital de S. João entre Janeiro de 1995 e Dezembro de 2006 por SVCS de etiologia a esclarecer com a caracterização clínica dos doentes e a avaliação de factores de prognóstico. Material e métodos: Foram seleccionados 60 doentes que à data de admissão não tinham causa para SVCS. Foram avaliados, entre outros, idade, sexo, exposição e carga tabágica, etiologia do SVCS, tratamento e sobrevivência global. Resultados: Dos doentes estudados, 87% apresentavam cancro do pulmão, sendo o tipo histológico mais comum o carcinoma pulmonar de pequenas células (CPPC, com 41% dos casos. Em 10% dos doentes foi diagnosticado linfoma não Hodgkin. Em relação aos factores de prognóstico estudados, verificou-se que a ausência de metastização, o diagnóstico histológico de linfoma, o bom estado geral e a ausência de consumo tabágico se correlacionam positivamente de forma significativa com a sobrevivência. Contrariamente, o diagnóstico de CPPC apresentou igualmente de forma significativa uma menor sobrevivência. Conclusão: Nesta série de doentes com SVCS como apresentação da doença observou -se uma sobrevivência significativamente menor nos casos de CPPC, doentes fumadores (especialmente com ≥ 40 UMA, naqueles com mau estado geral, bem como nos que apresentavam uma maior progressão da doença, com presença de metastização.Superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS is characterised by gradual and insidious compression/obstruction of the superior vena cava (SVC. Upper chest and neck ingurgitation, plethoric face and oedema are the common symptoms/signs. It

  13. The picture superiority effect in patients with Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment (United States)

    Ally, Brandon A.; Gold, Carl A.; Budson, Andrew E.


    The fact that pictures are better remembered than words has been reported in the literature for over 30 years. While this picture superiority effect has been consistently found in healthy young and older adults, no study has directly evaluated the presence of the effect in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) or mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Clinical observations have indicated that pictures enhance memory in these patients, suggesting that the picture superiority effect may be intact. However, several studies have reported visual processing impairments in AD and MCI patients which might diminish the picture superiority effect. Using a recognition memory paradigm, we tested memory for pictures versus words in these patients. The results showed that the picture superiority effect is intact, and that these patients showed a similar benefit to healthy controls from studying pictures compared to words. The findings are discussed in terms of visual processing and possible clinical importance. PMID:18992266


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    Clécio Moreira Lopes


      Analisa-se a participação das universidades estaduais no ensino superior do Brasil, comparando-as com as federais, municipais e privadas em termos do número de instituições, vagas, ingressantes, matrículas e concluintes antes e depois da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional. Pergunta-se: qual a contribuição para o ensino superior brasileiro e que efeitos as inovações da LDB provocaram no setor? Deseja-se dimensionar essa participação, comparando a parcela de contribuição das UEs com a dos demais segmentos antes das inovações da lei geral. Tomam-se por base os Censos do Ensino Superior realizados pelo INEP, analisando a proporção do segmento em relação ao total. Constatou-se que as estaduais são as primeiras instituições universitárias e que, salvo nas primeiras décadas, quando a federalização subtraiu algumas unidades, até 1996, ampliava sua participação com 20% das instituições, 15% dos ingressantes, 17% das matrículas, 19% de concluintes e  13% das vagas. Desde então, apesar dos acréscimos, tem reduzido sua fatia, tendo, em 2013, 19% das universidades, 5% das vagas, 8% dos ingressantes, 13% das matrículas e 14% dos concluintes, não acompanhando o crescimento das federais e, principalmente, das privadas que, favorecidas com as alterações na legislação, tornaram-se o maior segmento. Conclui-se, então, que a participação das universidades estaduais no ensino superior brasileiro tem experimentado ora ampliação, ora redução, mas sempre favorecendo o acesso ao ensino superior de grandes camadas da população brasileira.   Palavras-chave: Ensino superior. Educação brasileira. Universidades estaduais. Ensino superior estadual.

  15. Hacia la construccion de un sistema nacional de rendicion de cuentas y fiscalizacion superior en Mexico

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    Manjarrez, J.


    Full Text Available Accountability and superior auditing of public resources are basic conditions of modern democracies and part of the state reform. To reinforce accountability and superior audit institutions it is proposed to integrate a National System of Accountability and Superior Auditing. This System is meant to enhance the effectiveness of the internal and external controls and to promote the efficiency, efficacy, ethics, legality and austerity in the use of public resources. It is necessary to implement strategies to assure the superior audit institutions, at the Federal and state level, with financial independence and administrative autonomy, training and civil service granted in the Political Constitution. Part of the System will be the National Institute of Accountability and Superior Audit. This Institute will promote training, the best audit and evaluation techniques and the accountability and austerity culture. Finally, the Citizen Accountability Consultative Council, will provide a forum of discussion, opinion and free expression regarding accountability and the correct use of public resources.

  16. Cine computed tomography for diagnosis of superior vena cava obstruction following the mustard operation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matherne, G.P.; Atkins, D.L.; Frey, E.E.; Smith, W.L.


    Superior vena caval obstruction is a well described complication following Mustard's repair for transposition of the great arteries. We report a case of a 6-year-old child with superior vena cava obstruction correctly diagnosed by Cine-CT. The advantages of imaging with Cine-CT for this complication are discussed. (orig.)

  17. ¿Cuán rentable es la educación superior en Colombia?

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    Gustavo Hernández


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analiza la rentabilidad de la educación superior en Colombia, particularmente, la hipótesis de screening, esto es, la importancia del capital humano adquirido. Se utilizó una nueva base de datos para la educación superior, la cual ha sido construida a partir de los registros administrativos de las instituciones de educación superior, y es cruzada con la base de aportantes de seguridad social. Se encuentra que el mercado laboral colombiano valora mucho la institución de la cual se gradúa el individuo, seguido por la elección de la carrera. Adicionalmente, la experiencia lograda posterior a la graduación tiene una mayor rentabilidad que la experiencia independiente de la clase de capital humano adquirido.

  18. Recursos de información en la educación superior en Colombia

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    Feres E. Sahid C.


    Full Text Available RESUMEN El presente artículo se inspira en una investigación realizada por el autor, durante 1990 y 1991, relacionada con la administración y gestión de los recursos computacionales y recursos de información en las instituciones de educación superior en Colombia. El articulo pretende ofrecer a los lectores una diferenciación entre recursos computacionales y recursos de información, destacar la importancia de estos últimos  entre el desarrollo  de las instituciones de educación superior y dar una idea del proceso constante y rápido de cambio a que se encuentran sometidas las instituciones de educación superior, en lo que hace a tecnología de la información.

  19. Superior labrum anterior-to-posterior tear. (United States)

    Sum, Jonathan C; Omid, Reza


    The patient was a 25-year-old male college student with a chief complaint of right shoulder pain. The patient was initially diagnosed with bicipital tendinitis by his physician and had been treated for 4 weeks by a physical therapist. However, his symptoms did not improve and he was unable to return to his preinjury activity levels, so he sought the services of another physical therapist for a second opinion. Due to concern for a labrum tear, the physical therapist referred the patient to an orthopaedic surgeon. Magnetic resonance arthrography revealed findings consistent with a superior labrum anterior-to-posterior tear.

  20. Superior Venacava Thrombus-A Case Report

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    Bijay Sah


    Full Text Available Superior venacava (SVC thrombus is a condition requiring immediate diagnosis and treatment. SVC thrombus causes obstruction of blood flow through the SVC resulting in severe decrease in venous return from the head, neck and upper extremity to the heart. The presenting symptoms of SVC obstruction include headache, hoarseness of voice, dyspnea, and laryngeal edema, dizziness, swelling of face, neck, and upper extremity. We hereby present a case of SVC thrombus who presented to the casualty department of COMS-TH with features of SVC syndrome which was diagnosed and managed promptly.JCMS Nepal. 2016;12(1:33-5.



    Margarita Victoria García-Garduño; José Reyes-Gasga


    La hidroxiapatita en los tejidos mineralizados reviste una gran importancia ya que se ha demostrado que es un material biocompatible, con aplicación biomédica en Odontología, Ortopedia y Cirugía Máxilofacial. Es el cristal principal de huesos y dientes ya que les confiere su dureza característica y, acompañado por la colágena, los huesos presentan determinada elasticidad. En la naturaleza se le encuentra formando parte de rocas metamórficas. En los tejidos vivos, la hidroxiapatita y sus precu...

  2. Evolución de los Balaenidae (Mammalia, Cetacea, Mysticeti) del Mioceno de Patagonia: sistemática, filogenia y aspectos paleobiológicos


    Buono, Mónica Romina


    Los Balaenidae (Cetacea: Neoceti) son un grupo de misticetos caracterizados por presentar, en el cráneo y de la mandíbula, una serie de especializaciones vinculadas al sistema de alimentación por filtración, tales como un rostro muy arqueado y angosto, huesos rostrales sin interdigitación con los huesos occipitales, mandíbula con un proceso coronoides y angular reducido y barbas largas. El patrón corporal de los balénidos actuales, especialmente su anatomía esqueletaria, es muy conservador y ...

  3. Osteoporosis


    Nolla, Joan Miquel


    La osteoporosis se define como un trastorno esquelético caracterizado por un compromiso de la resistencia ósea, que predispone a un mayor riesgo de fractura. La resistencia refleja la integración de la masa ósea y de la calidad del hueso. La masa ósea (densidad mineral ósea), que se puede evaluar de forma objetiva mediante las técnicas de densitometría, explica alrededor del 70% de la resistencia del hueso. Conceptualmente, la masa ósea que posee una persona en un momento determinado depende ...

  4. Algunos aspectos sobre blockchains y smart contracts en educación superior


    Amorós Poveda, Lucía


    Els conceptes de cadenes de blocs (blockchains) i contractes intel·ligents (smart contracts) ofereixen una alternativa sostenible en educació superior. Des d’aquest objectiu, es presenta una revisió d’ambdós conceptes i la seva relació amb els termes bitcoin, ledger, edublock i educoin. En un segon moment, s’atén a les xarxes en educació superior basades en tecnologia de cadenes de blocs, el seu vincle amb els contractes intel·ligents i les possibilitats a dia d’avui.

  5. Does gender activism aggravate the superiority of one gender over ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Does gender activism aggravate the superiority of one gender over the other? ... findings reveal that firstly, failure to value and embrace diversity by males, perpetuate gender discrimination. ... Keywords: Context, Culture, Structures, Systems ...

  6. Estudio histológico comparativo de la reparación ósea entre hueso alveolar y extra-alveolar en los cerdos sometidos a osteotomía con alta y baja velocidad, con refrigeración líquida Comparative study of bone repair between alveolar and extra-alveolar bone in pigs subjected to osteotomy at low speed and high speed with liquid refrigeration

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    Henrique José Baldo de Toledo


    Full Text Available Introducción: Teniendo en cuenta que el proceso de reparación ósea en los cerdos se muestra en una mayor proximidad entre las variables histológicas estudiadas en comparación con otros modelos biológicos, el presente estudio tenía como objetivo evaluar el proceso histológico de la reparación ósea de osteotomías realizadas en huesos alveolares y extra-alveolar, utilizando instrumentos rotatorios con refrigeración líquida. Material y método: Dieciocho cerdos Large White con peso comprendido entre 20 y 25Kg fueron divididos en tres grupos de seis animales cada uno, con cada grupo formado por tres animales para evaluar la reparación de osteotomías con baja y alta velocidades en el hueso alveolar y tres en área extra-alveolar en los períodos de estudio de 7, 14 y 28 días. Resultados: Se observó que en el hueso alveolar en los tiempos post-operatorio de 14 y 28 días, los mejores resultados de reparación fueron en las osteotomías realizadas con baja velocidad, mientras que en el período post-operatorio de siete días, los resultados con alta velocidad fueron ligeramente mejores tanto en áreas alveolares como extra-alveolares. Para la metodología utilizada, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el proceso de reparación ósea alveolar y extra-alveolar. Conclusiones: El proceso de reparación, por medio de análisis microscópico en la región alveolar y extra-alveolar, son similares con mejores resultados observados en osteotomías hechas con taladros en baja velocidad en los tiempos de catorce y veintiocho días y en el post-operatorio de siete días, los resultados con taladros de alta velocidad y la refrigeración fueron ligeramente mejores. Los trabajos de investigación utilizando cerdos como modelo animal son perfectamente viables.Introduction: Taking into account the bone repair process in pigs has shown a greater similarity among the histological variables studied compared to other biological

  7. Adjuvant chemotherapy compliance is not superior after thoracoscopic lobectomy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Licht, Peter B; Schytte, Tine; Jakobsen, Erik


    BACKGROUND: It is generally assumed that patient compliance with adjuvant chemotherapy is superior after video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery compared with open lobectomy for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The level of evidence for this assumption, however, is limited to single-institution, ......BACKGROUND: It is generally assumed that patient compliance with adjuvant chemotherapy is superior after video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery compared with open lobectomy for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The level of evidence for this assumption, however, is limited to single...... adjuvant chemotherapy and 121 (38.7%) completed all four cycles. Ordinal logistic regression revealed that chemotherapy compliance (none, partial, and full chemotherapy) was significantly reduced by the patient's age (p....02). No significant difference between video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery and thoracotomy was seen regarding chemotherapy compliance (p=0.17), number of chemotherapy cycles (p=0.60), or time from surgery to chemotherapy (p = 0.41). CONCLUSIONS: Complete national data do not support the widespread assumption...

  8. Premissas para o Ensino Superior do Design

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    André Luis Marques da Silveira


    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda a temática da Educação Superior e objetivo identificar premissas para o Ensino em Design no Brasil. Para tanto, efetua um estudo dos conteúdos das comunicações da área em periódicos e livros quanto ao assunto. O método de investigação utilizado foi a análise de conteúdo e observou as seguintes etapas de investigação: registro de dados, interpretação inferencial e categorização. Num primeiro momento, identifica a frequência do aparecimento de índices lexicais quanto ao relato de problemas no processo de Ensino-aprendizagem do Design e as proposições para o seu enfrentamento. Procede uma interpretação inferencial destes dados e, por fim, propõe como resultado, um conjunto de doze premissas que devem ser observadas quanto ao Ensino Superior em Design, a saber: 1 Incentivar o empreendedorismo; 2 Nivelar a Formação; 3 Desenvolver estrategistas; 4 Pensar a ética na atuação profissional; 5 Educar para o social; 6 Valorizar os ideias humanistas; 7 Repensar as estruturas acadêmicas; 8 Focar na aprendizagem baseada em problemas; 9 Aceitar os novos paradigmas; 10 Fomentar o pensamento crítico reflexivo; 11 Estimular a transdisciplinaridade; 12 Focar nas economias emergentes.

  9. Characteristics of neuronal lipofuscin in the superior temporal gyrus in Alzheimer's disease do not differ from non-diseased controls: a comparison with disease-related changes in the superior frontal gyrus. (United States)

    Mountjoy, Christopher Q; Dowson, Jonathan H; Harrington, Charles; Cairns, Mary R; Wilton-Cox, Helen


    Neuronal lipofuscin characteristics in the superior temporal gyrus from 21 patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and from 18 age-matched non-diseased subjects were compared with previously reported findings from the superior frontal gyrus. A discriminant function analysis of lipofuscin characteristics in the superior temporal gyrus did not provide a significant predictive level for cases whose diagnoses were correctly classified (56.4%, P=0.63). In contrast, AD-related decrease in the number of smaller lipofuscin regions in the neurons of the frontal gyrus was confirmed, and the same analysis of lipofuscin characteristics in this region gave a significant predictive level for membership of the AD group of 86.6% (P<0.001). The findings indicate that changes in neuronal lipofuscin related to AD, which may reflect an increased rate of lipofuscin formation, show differences between neocortical regions. This study provides additional information on the distribution of neuropathological characteristics in AD.

  10. Maestros en educación superior: un estudio de egresados

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    Torres Luna, Oliva


    Full Text Available Resumen:Para lograr una educación de excelencia que lleve a formar a los profesionales del siglo XXI, es necesario fortalecer la cultura de superación y evaluación del proceso educativo por medio de instrumentos y mecanismos que permitan retroalimentar la calidad de este proceso; uno de ellos es a través de la caracterización de la práctica profesional, la cual es definida como la aplicación concreta y autónoma de una profesión, en un lugar, tiempo y circunstancias determinadas. En este sentido, corresponde un papel central a la educación, ya que los profesionistas formados en las instituciones de enseñanza superior tienen que demostrar sus capacidades, conocimientos, habilidades y responsabilidades en el ejercicio profesional, compitiendo en unespacio laboral inestable.El enfoque de la presente investigación fue cuantitativo, con la intención de detectar el impacto que han tenido los egresados de la Maestría en Educación Superior de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Este trabajo permitió obtener información significativa y relevante que conlleva a fortalecer el vínculo práctica profesional-formación profesional, lo que permitirá tener parámetros significativos para adecuar el plan de estudio que actualmente se desarrolla en la formación de Maestros en Educación Superior.Abstract:To achieve an excellence education that takes to form the professionals of the XXI century, it is necessary to strengthen the superation culture and evaluation of the educational process by means of instruments and mechanisms that allow feedback the quality of this process; one of them is through the characterization of the professional practice, which is defined as the concrete and autonomous application of a profession, in a place, time and certain circumstances. In this sense, it corresponds a central paper to the education, since the professional formed in the higher education institutions has to demonstrate their capacities

  11. Percutaneous Mechanical Thrombectomy Treatment of Acute Superior Mesenteric Artery Embolism

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    Z. Zhang

    Full Text Available : Objective/Background: This report presents a superior mesenteric artery (SMA embolism managed by percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy (PMT. Methods: A 61 year old woman diagnosed with SMA embolism was admitted. Emboli were found in the middle and distal segments of the SMA on abdominal computed tomography angiography. Under local anaesthesia, a 6 F Rotarex system was used to remove the emboli via left brachial artery access. Emboli were successfully removed and patency was restored to the SMA and its branches. Results: Post-operatively, the patient's symptoms were significantly relieved. No post-operative complications were observed and no discomfort was documented during follow-up. Conclusion: Endovascular treatment of SMA embolism using PMT is a feasible and alternative option. Keywords: Acute mesenteric ischaemia, Embolism, Endovascular treatment, Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy, Superior mesenteric artery

  12. Acute gluteal compartment syndrome: superior gluteal artery rupture following a low energy injury. (United States)

    Smith, Aubrey; Chitre, Vivek; Deo, Hersh


    Acute compartment syndrome affecting the gluteal region is rare when compared to the same condition in the forearm or calf. When it does occur, it is usually due to prolonged immobilisation in those with altered consciousness. Gluteal compartment syndrome resulting from injury to the superior gluteal artery is extremely rare and to our knowledge has been described only twice--both after high-energy road traffic accidents (RTA). Other cases have described profound hypotension with superior gluteal artery injury after an RTA and falling off a horse, without acute gluteal compartment syndrome. We present a case of gluteal compartment syndrome due to rupture of the superior gluteal artery following a relatively minor fall. The patient required an emergency fasciotomy, which was performed within 4 h of the injury. This case highlights the importance of early diagnosis and treatment of this rare condition.

  13. Escuela Superior de Palos Verdes

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    Neutra, Richard J.


    Full Text Available Before initiating the building operations for the «Palos Verdes» School, the site was divided into two large horizontal surfaces, at different levels. The lower one served to accommodate the playing fields, a car park, the physical training building, and shop and ancillary buildings. On the higher of these two surfaces, and to the West of the access road, there is a car park and also the building and plot of ground devoted to agricultural technology, as well as the literary studies and general purpose buildings. As a complement to these, there is a series of blocks, arranged in parallel rows, which house the administrative offices, the art school, the craft's school, the general classrooms, and those devoted to higher education. The fascinating aspect of this school is the outstanding penetration of the architect's mind into the essential function of the project. Its most evident merit is the sense of comradeship and harmony that permeates the whole architectural manifold.Antes de construir el complejo escolar «Palos Verdes» se comenzó por crear, en el terreno, dos grandes mesetas a niveles diferentes. Sobre el inferior se organizaron: los campos de juegos, de deportes, un aparcamiento, el edificio para educación física y los destinados a tiendas y servicios. Sobre la meseta superior, al oeste de la vía de acceso, se dispuso un aparcamiento y el edificio y campo para adiestramiento agrícola; al este, otro aparcamiento, el edificio dedicado a materias literarias, y el destinado a usos múltiples. Completan las instalaciones de la escuela una serie de bloques paralelos: la administración, la escuela de arte, las clases de trabajos manuales, las aulas de enseñanzas generales, y las de los cursos superiores. Lo fascinante de este complejo escolar es la perfecta y magistral compenetración del arquitecto con el tema proyectado, y su mayor mérito, la sensación de cordialidad y armonía con el ambiente.

  14. Aprendizagem no ensino superior: relações com a prática docente


    Borralho, António; Fialho, Isabel; Cid, Marília


    Esta apresentação enquadra-se no Projeto de Investigação “Avaliação, Ensino e Aprendizagens no Ensino Superior em Portugal e no Brasil: Realidades e Perspetivas” e tem como finalidade abordar e analisar questões relativas à aprendizagem dos estudantes e à prática docente no ensino superior, tendo em conta os debates e a investigação em curso nesta área.

  15. Is Yin-Yang Superior for Paradox Research?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Xin; Worm, Verner; Peihong, Xie


    Purpose The paper debunks Peter P. Li’s assertion that Yin-Yang is superior to any other cognitive frames or logical systems for paradox research. The purpose of this paper is to alert the Chinese indigenous management researchers to the danger of Chinese exceptionalism and over-confidence. Design...... of cultural exceptionalism and ethnocentrism can make cross-cultural communication and interaction smoother. Originality/value This paper is a rigorous critique on the “Yin-Yang being superior” assertion of Peter P. Li....

  16. Temporal versus Superior Limbal Incision: Any difference in visual ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Aim: To compare the visual outcome of a superiorly placed limbal incision with a temporal limbal incision in extracapsular cataract surgery. The main outcome measures are visual acuity and the degree of stigmatism based on refraction. Method: A retrospective non randomized comparative study. Medical records of 40 ...

  17. Developmental Trends of the Defence of Superior Order: Acritical ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Developmental Trends of the Defence of Superior Order: Acritical Appraisal of the Statute of the International Criminal Court. Eni E Alobo. Abstract. No Abstract. LWATI: A Journal of Contemporary Research, 9(3), 107-125, 2012. Full Text: EMAIL FULL TEXT EMAIL FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL ...

  18. Extensive superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis in Graves’ disease: case report and mini-review of the literature

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    Chelala E


    Full Text Available Elias Chelala, Hala El Rami, Ali Dirani, Henry Fakhoury, Ali Fadlallah Faculty of Medicine, Saint-Joseph University, Beirut, Lebanon Background: Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis (SLK is characterized as an inflammation of the superior bulbar conjunctiva with predominant involvement of the superior limbus and adjacent epithelial keratitis.Methods: A 51-year-old woman, with a history of medically controlled Graves’ disease was seen with an extensive SLK involving 5 mm of the superior cornea.Results: Total remission was observed with topical steroids (DXM. Recurrence was observed 1 week after steroid discontinuation, and steroidal treatment was reintroduced with tapering over 1 month. Total remission was then observed for 1 year. Conclusion: Extensive keratitis and vascular pannus in SLK is rarely reported. This form could be treated with topical steroids. Tapering treatment remains essential for long-term success. Keywords: superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis, anti-inflammatory drugs, dexamethasone, triamcinolone, Graves’ disease

  19. Globalización de la educacion superior en Paraguay

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    Hugo Alfredo Recalde


    Full Text Available El inicio del  desarrollo e innovación del  sistema de Educación Superior en Paraguay nació en el año 1889 con la creación de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción,  siendo  la primera universidad Nacional  en el país y en 1960 la Universidad Católica Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, la primera universidad privada; desde entonces fue postergada la creación de Universidades en Paraguay por más de  100 años, causa el sistema de gobierno político implementado en aquel entonces, al no haber centro de estudios especializados también se postergo el desarrollo intelectual de las personas,  desde 1989 con la caída del sistema dictatorial se han abierto un abanico de posibilidades con la apertura de universidades privadas y públicas. Actualmente el Paraguay cuenta con 52 universidades en pleno funcionamiento de las cuales, 8 son universidades públicas  y 44 de administración privada, a esto podemos agregar un total de 11 carreras acreditadas a nivel MERCOSUR, certificaciones otorgadas mediante el Sistema de Acreditación Regional de Carreras Universitarias (ARCU-SUR, por la Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Acreditación de la Educación Superior (ANEAES. Es evidente el cambio cuali – cuantitativo experimentado por el sistema de Educación Superior en Paraguay, acompañando de la mano a las tecnologías de la información y la educación que hacen una Globalización eficaz y eficiente del conocimiento.

  20. Bifosfonatos e implantes dentales, ¿son incompatibles? Revisión de la literatura

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    Manuel Moreno-Sánchez


    Conclusiones: El tratamiento con bifosfonatos no disminuye la osteointegración del implante dental, aunque estos resultados se han obtenido en base a estudios retrospectivos en humanos. Se han descrito casos de osteonecrosis de los maxilares relacionada con bifosfonatos en estos pacientes, sobre todo tras tratamiento prolongado.

  1. Myofibroblastic tumor associated to superior vena cava syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ortega Jaramillo, Hector; Durango Gutierrez, Luisa Fernanda; Perez Figueroa, Maria del Pilar


    Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT) is an uncommon pathological entity of unknown cause, composed of differentiated myofibroblastic cells accompanied by plasma cells, lymphocytes and eosinophils, which involve extrapulmonary and pulmonary tissues. IMT has an unpredictable clinical course, rarely undergoes malignant transformation. Local invasion and involvement of the mediastinum and hiliar structures are unusual manifestations; however; we reports a case of superior vena cava syndrome and IMT

  2. Spawning Cisco investigations in Canada waters of Lake Superior during 2007 (United States)

    Yule, Daniel L.; Evrard, Lori M.; Cholwek, Gary A.; Addison, Peter A.; Cullis, Ken I.


    Cisco Coregonus artedi form pre-spawning aggregations in Lake Superior during November with the bulk of spawning occurring during late November through early December (Dryer and Beil 1964). Eggs are broadcast into open water (Smith 1956) with fertilized eggs settling to the lakebed (Dryer and Beil 1964). Peak hatching occurs the following May (United States Geological Survey – Great Lakes Science Center, GLSC, unpublished data). Interannual variability in year class strength is high, but tends to be synchronous across different regions of Lake Superior (Bronte et al. 2003). November 2005 sampling of Thunder Bay showed 14 year-classes were present with the oldest fish being from the 1984 year-class (Yule et al. 2008). The ciscoes sampled were predominantly from five year classes that hatched during 1988, 1989, 1990, 1998, and 2003. These same strong year-classes were found in the western arm of Lake Superior during November 2006 (GLSC, unpublished data). Growth is rapid in the first few years of life with minimal growth after age-8 (Yule et al. 2008). Ciscoes exceeding 250 mm total length (TL) are typically sexually mature (Yule et al. 2006b, 2008). Thunder Bay ciscoes have high annual survival with rates for females and males averaging 0.80 and 0.75, respectively; females have higher rates of fishing-induced mortality compared to males but lower rates of natural mortality (Yule et al. 2008). Some Lake Superior stocks are currently commercially fished with the bulk of harvest occurring during November when fishers target females for their roe. The bulk of fish are harvested from Thunder Bay using suspended gillnets with mesh sizes ranging from 79-89 mm stretch measure. Ciscoes younger then age-5 make up a very small proportion (<0.1%) of the harvest (Yule, et al. 2008).

  3. Superior facet syndrome. Findings on metrizamide CT myelography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kubo, Yoshichika; Igarashi, Seishi; Koyama, Tsunemaro


    Sciatica caused by root entrapment in the lateral recess was named superior facet syndrome by Epstein in 1972. Few reports on this subject based on large numbers of cases have been documented to date. Of the patients with sciatica, 32 patients were diagnosed to have root entrapment at the lateral recess L5 or/and S1 lumbar spine. Out of 32 patients, 20 patients were operated on and the lateral entrapment was recognized in all of surgical cases. Neuroradiological findings, especially of metrizamide CT (met. CT), were documented in detail. Thirty two patients were classified in three types according to radiological findings. They were congenital or developmental, degenerative, and combined type, respectively. Fourteen cases belonged to the congenital type, 13 to the degenerative and 5 to the combined type. Each group had the mean ages of 23.4, 53.8, and 36.8 years old, respectively. Of 32 cases the entrapment occured in 47 L5 roots and 11 S1 roots. There was no remarkable laterality. In operation the unroofing of the lateral recess were done and the sciatica subsided postoperatively in all of surgical cases. Met. CT revealed extreme medial protrusion of the superior articular joint in 18 of 24 cases(75%) and none filling of the root in the lateral recess in 21 of 24 cases (87.5%). In the degenerative type, met. CT showed some degenerative changes that were hypertrophy or deformity of the articular joints and spur formation of the vertebral body. In contrast to met. CT, metrizamide myelography revealed only slight changes, which were poor filling of the root before it turned out the pedicle of lateral compression of the root. In plain films or lumbar spine articular joints at Lsub(4/5) were formed in coronal plane in 69% of cases of the L5 root entrapment. Met. CT using ReView technique was of great diagnostic value in superior facet syndrome.

  4. Surgical Results in Unilateral Superior Oblique Muscle Palsy

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    Aylin Tenlik


    Full Text Available Objectives: To evaluate the surgical treatments and results of the patients with superior oblique muscle palsy (SOMP. Materials and Methods: Clinical charts of the patients with unilateral SOMP who were operated in our clinic between 1999 and 2009 were evaluated retrospectively. Patients’ demographics, preoperative signs, surgical procedure, complications, and final results were recorded. Results: Thirty-seven patients were included in the study, [21 (59% male, 15 (41% female]. The mean age was 20.6 years at the time of operation. The mean time interval between diagnosis and operation was 7.3 years. Postoperative follow-up period was 2.04 (ranging 1-10 years. Diplopia was determined in seven (18.9% patients, and abnormal head position in 36 (97.3% patients. Only inferior oblique tenotomy with distal muscle resection was performed in 25 patients. In addition, five patients had recession of the contralateral inferior rectus muscle and two patients had recession of the ipsilateral superior rectus muscle additional to inferior oblique tenotomy. Abnormal head position was completely improved in all of the patients postoperatively. The preoperative average score of the inferior oblique muscle (IOM overaction was +3.3±0.8, and postoperative overaction was found in only two patients (+1.5. There was statistically significant difference between the two periods (p<0.001. The average score of the superior oblique muscle hypofunction was -2.18 preoperatively, and in only three patients, the score was found -1.0 postoperatively. Difference between the two periods was statistically significant (p<0.001. While the preoperative average vertical deviation was 22 PD in primary position, none of the patients had hyperdeviation postoperatively. Diplopia was resolved in all seven affected patients postoperatively. Contralateral IOM hyperfunction was the most common complication (13.5%. Adherence syndrome was seen in none of the patients. Conclusion: It was found

  5. Sacroiliac joint injection using the posterior superior iliac spines as ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Limitations in the availability of such image guided techniques in health ... School of Medical Sciences, University of Science and Technology between 2006 and ... The needle position from the posterior superior iliac spine and its angle of ...

  6. An in-depth cognitive examination of individuals with superior face recognition skills. (United States)

    Bobak, Anna K; Bennetts, Rachel J; Parris, Benjamin A; Jansari, Ashok; Bate, Sarah


    Previous work has reported the existence of "super-recognisers" (SRs), or individuals with extraordinary face recognition skills. However, the precise underpinnings of this ability have not yet been investigated. In this paper we examine (a) the face-specificity of super recognition, (b) perception of facial identity in SRs, (c) whether SRs present with enhancements in holistic processing and (d) the consistency of these findings across different SRs. A detailed neuropsychological investigation into six SRs indicated domain-specificity in three participants, with some evidence of enhanced generalised visuo-cognitive or socio-emotional processes in the remaining individuals. While superior face-processing skills were restricted to face memory in three of the SRs, enhancements to facial identity perception were observed in the others. Notably, five of the six participants showed at least some evidence of enhanced holistic processing. These findings indicate cognitive heterogeneity in the presentation of superior face recognition, and have implications for our theoretical understanding of the typical face-processing system and the identification of superior face-processing skills in applied settings. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Transição ensino médio–educação superior: qualidade no processo educativo = Transición escuela-educación superior: calidad en el proceso educativo

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    Fagundes, Caterine Vila


    Full Text Available O aumento de estudantes do ensino médio que ingressam na educação superior exige conhecer as condições nas quais esses estudantes transitam entre tais níveis educativos. Este artigo visa a analisar o fenômeno da transição ensino médio–educação superior a partir de diferentes perspectivas teóricas. Considerando que o indicador mais estudado como referencial de êxito dessa transição seja o desempenho acadêmico, examinaremos as diferentes concepções que o explicam2. O enfoque da transição ensino médio–educação superior assume um importante significado no estudo, na discussão e na reflexão acerca da qualidade do sistema educativo brasileiro. Sendo assim, este trabalho tem o intuito de contribuir para a composição de modelos de intervenção educativa, considerando a qualidade do processo educativo

  8. Thyroid-Associated Orbitopathy with Superior Oblique Muscle Involvement: A Case Report

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    Horng-Jiun Wu


    Full Text Available A 29-year-old male with a 5-year-history of hyperthyroidism complained of diplopia and proptosis. After subtotal thyroidectomy, he still had diplopia in a certain gaze. Computerized tomography showed inferior rectus muscle enlargement in the right eye and inferior rectus, medial rectus, and superior oblique muscle enlargement in the left eye. Ocular examination with the cover and uncover test revealed hyperphoria and exophoria in the left eye. The upward gaze of the right eye was more limited than that of the left eye. Since superior oblique muscle involvement in patients with thyroid orbitopathy is quite rare, we discuss its effect on ocular motility in patients with thyroid-associated orbitopathy.

  9. Interculturalidad y educación superior: diversidad de contextos, actores, visiones y propuestas

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    Daniel Mato


    Full Text Available Diversas ideas de interculturalidad constituyen el piso epistemológico de propuestas de educación superior de también diversas organizaciones indígenas y afrodescendientes, universidades "convencionales" y agencias de Estados igualmente diversas. Este artículo procura caracterizar las principales concepciones de la idea de interculturalidad aplicadas a la educación superior y sus relaciones con los respectivos contextos de producción de las mismas, sus convergencias y divergencias.

  10. Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis: a rare complication in a child with nephrotic syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pirogovsky, A.; Adi, M.; Barzilai, N.; Dagan, A.; Sinai, L.; Sthoeger, D.; Tabachnik, E.


    A 2-year-old boy with new-onset nephrotic syndrome developed recurrent vomiting, apathy and papilloedema. Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis was diagnosed on cranial CT and MRI. He gradually recovered after treatment with heparin, fresh frozen plasma and warfarin with complete resolution of the thrombosis after 1 month. Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis is an extremely rare complication of nephrotic syndrome in children. Early diagnosis is essential for institution of anticoagulation therapy and a successful outcome. (orig.)

  11. Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis: a rare complication in a child with nephrotic syndrome

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pirogovsky, A.; Adi, M.; Barzilai, N. [Dept. of Radiology, Kaplan Medical Center, Rehovot (Israel); Dagan, A.; Sinai, L.; Sthoeger, D. [Div. of Paediatrics, Kaplan Medical Center, Rehovot (Israel); Tabachnik, E. [Div. of Paediatrics, Kaplan Medical Center, Rehovot (Israel); Paediatric ICU, Kaplan Hospital, Rehovot (Israel)


    A 2-year-old boy with new-onset nephrotic syndrome developed recurrent vomiting, apathy and papilloedema. Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis was diagnosed on cranial CT and MRI. He gradually recovered after treatment with heparin, fresh frozen plasma and warfarin with complete resolution of the thrombosis after 1 month. Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis is an extremely rare complication of nephrotic syndrome in children. Early diagnosis is essential for institution of anticoagulation therapy and a successful outcome. (orig.)

  12. Amorphous Red Phosphorus Embedded in Sandwiched Porous Carbon Enabling Superior Sodium Storage Performances. (United States)

    Wu, Ying; Liu, Zheng; Zhong, Xiongwu; Cheng, Xiaolong; Fan, Zhuangjun; Yu, Yan


    The red P anode for sodium ion batteries has attracted great attention recently due to the high theoretical capacity, but the poor intrinsic electronic conductivity and large volume expansion restrain its widespread applications. Herein, the red P is successfully encapsulated into the cube shaped sandwich-like interconnected porous carbon building (denoted as P@C-GO/MOF-5) via the vaporization-condensation method. Superior cycling stability (high capacity retention of about 93% at 2 A g -1 after 100 cycles) and excellent rate performance (502 mAh g -1 at 10 A g -1 ) can be obtained for the P@C-GO/MOF-5 electrode. The superior electrochemical performance can be ascribed to the successful incorporation of red P into the unique carbon matrix with large surface area and pore volume, interconnected porous structure, excellent electronic conductivity and superior structural stability. © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. Morphological and radiological study of ossified superior transverse scapular ligament as potential risk factor of suprascapular nerve entrapment. (United States)

    Polguj, Michał; Sibiński, Marcin; Grzegorzewski, Andrzej; Waszczykowski, Michał; Majos, Agata; Topol, Mirosław


    The suprascapular notch is covered superiorly by the superior transverse scapular ligament. This region is the most common place of suprascapular nerve entrapment formation. The study was performed on 812 specimens: 86 dry scapulae, 104 formalin-fixed cadaveric shoulders, and 622 computer topography scans of scapulae. In the cases with completely ossified superior transverse scapular ligament, the following measurements were performed: proximal and distal width of the bony bridge, middle transverse and vertical diameter of the suprascapular foramen, and area of the suprascapular foramen. An ossified superior transverse scapular ligament was observed more often in men and in the right scapula. The mean age of the subjects with a completely ossified superior transverse scapular ligament was found to be similar than in those without ossification. The ossified band-shaped type of superior transverse scapular ligament was more common than the fan-shaped type and reduced the space below the ligament to a significantly greater degree. The ossified band-shaped type should be taken into consideration as a potential risk factor in the formation of suprascapular nerve entrapment. It could explain the comparable frequency of neuropathy in various populations throughout the world despite the significant differences between them in occurrence of ossified superior transverse scapular ligament.

  14. Maestros en educación superior: un estudio de egresados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge A. Fernández Pérez


    Full Text Available Para lograr una educación de excelencia que lleve a formar a los profesionales del siglo XXI, es necesario fortalecer la cultura de superación y evaluación del proceso educativo por medio de instrumentos y mecanismos que permitan retroalimentar la calidad de este proceso; uno de ellos es a través de la caracterización de la práctica profesional, la cual es definida como la aplicación concreta y autónoma de una profesión, en un lugar, tiempo y circunstancias determinadas. En este sentido, corresponde un papel central a la educación, ya que los profesionistas formados en las instituciones de enseñanza superior tienen que demostrar sus capacidades, conocimientos, habilidades y responsabilidades en el ejercicio profesional, compitiendo en un espacio laboral inestable. El enfoque de la presente investigación fue cuantitativo, con la intención de detectar el impacto que han tenido los egresados de la Maestría en Educación Superior de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Este trabajo permitió obtener información significativa y relevante que conlleva a fortalecer el vínculo práctica profesional-formación profesional, lo que permitirá tener parámetros significativos para adecuar el plan de estudio que actualmente se desarrolla en la formación de Maestros en Educación Superior.

  15. Progressive gray matter reduction of the superior temporal gyrus during transition to psychosis. (United States)

    Takahashi, Tsutomu; Wood, Stephen J; Yung, Alison R; Soulsby, Bridget; McGorry, Patrick D; Suzuki, Michio; Kawasaki, Yasuhiro; Phillips, Lisa J; Velakoulis, Dennis; Pantelis, Christos


    Longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging studies have shown progressive gray matter reduction in the superior temporal gyrus during the earliest phases of schizophrenia. It is unknown whether these progressive processes predate the onset of psychosis. To examine gray matter reduction of the superior temporal gyrus over time in individuals at risk for psychosis and in patients with first-episode psychosis. Cross-sectional and longitudinal comparisons. Personal Assessment and Crisis Evaluation Clinic and Early Psychosis Preventions and Intervention Centre. Thirty-five ultrahigh-risk individuals (of whom 12 later developed psychosis [UHRP] and 23 did not [UHRNP]), 23 patients with first-episode psychosis (FEP), and 22 control subjects recruited from the community. Volumes of superior temporal subregions (planum polare, Heschl gyrus, planum temporale, and rostral and caudal regions) were measured at baseline and follow-up (mean, 1.8 years) and were compared across groups. In cross-sectional comparisons, only the FEP group had significantly smaller planum temporale and caudal superior temporal gyrus than other groups at baseline, whereas male UHRP subjects also had a smaller planum temporale than controls at follow-up. In longitudinal comparison, UHRP and FEP patients showed significant gray matter reduction (approximately 2%-6% per year) in the planum polare, planum temporale, and caudal region compared with controls and/or UHRNP subjects. The FEP patients also exhibited progressive gray matter loss in the left Heschl gyrus (3.0% per year) and rostral region (3.8% per year), which were correlated with the severity of delusions at follow-up. A progressive process in the superior temporal gyrus precedes the first expression of florid psychosis. These findings have important implications for underlying neurobiologic features of emerging psychotic disorders and emphasize the importance of early intervention during or before the first episode of psychosis.

  16. Assessment of the effects of superior canal dehiscence location and size on intracochlear sound pressures

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Niesten, Marlien E F; Stieger, Christof; Lee, Daniel J; Merchant, Julie P; Grolman, Wilko; Rosowski, John J; Nakajima, Hideko Heidi


    Superior canal dehiscence (SCD) is a defect in the bony covering of the superior semicircular canal. Patients with SCD present with a wide range of symptoms, including hearing loss, yet it is unknown whether hearing is affected by parameters such as the location of the SCD. Our previous human

  17. Allelic variability in species and stocks of Lake Superior ciscoes (Coregoninae) (United States)

    Todd, Thomas N.


    Starch gel electrophoresis was used as a means of recognizing species and stocks in Lake Superior Coregonus. Allelic variability at isocitrate dehydrogenase and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase loci was recorded for samples of lake herring (Coregonus artedii), bloater (C. hoyi), kiyi (C. kiyi), and shortjaw cisco (C. zenithicus) from five Lake Superior localities. The observed frequencies of genotypes within each subsample did not differ significantly from those expected on the basis of random mating, and suggested that each subsample represented either a random sample from a larger randomly mating population or an independent and isolated subpopulation within which mating was random. Significant contingency X2 values for comparisons between both localities and species suggested that more than one randomly mating population occurred among the Lake Superior ciscoes, but did not reveal how many such populations there were. In contrast to the genetic results of this study, morphology seems to be a better descriptor of cisco stocks, and identification of cisco stocks and species will still have to be based on morphological criteria until more data are forthcoming. Where several species are sympatric, management should strive to preserve the least abundant. Failure to do so could result in the extinction or depletion of the rarer forms.

  18. Superior mesenteric vein rotation: a CT sign of midgut malrotation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nichols, D.M.; Li, D.K.


    Computed tomography (CT) of the pancreas, with its excellent display of peripancreatic anatomy, allows visualization of the major vessels entering the mesenteric root. In scans of the normal upper abdomen obtained at or just below the level of the uncinate process of the pancreas, the proximal superior mesenteric vein (SMV) easily can be identified lying on the right ventral aspect of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA). The authors have observed a characteristic abnormality in this normal vascular arrangement on CT scans of the pancreas in three adult patients with suspected chronic pancreatitis who were subsequently proved to have midgut malrotation. They called this the SMV rotation sign and believe that its detection even on CT scans limited to the level of the pancreas should alert the radiologist to the presence of a midgut malrotation that may have been unsuspected

  19. Evoked responses of the superior olive to amplitude-modulated signals. (United States)

    Andreeva, N G; Lang, T T


    Evoked potentials of some auditory centers of Rhinolophidae bats to amplitude-modulated signals were studied. A synchronization response was found in the cochlear nuclei (with respect to the fast component of the response) and in the superior olivary complex (with respect to both fast and slow components of the response) within the range of frequency modulation from 50 to 2000 Hz. In the inferior colliculus a synchronized response was recorded at modulation frequencies below 150 Hz, but in the medial geniculate bodies no such response was found. Evoked responses of the superior olivary complex were investigated in detail. The lowest frequencies of synchronization were recorded within the carrier frequency range of 15-30 and 80-86 kHz. The amplitude of the synchronized response is a function of the frequency and coefficient of modulation and also of the angle of stimulus presentation.

  20. La Mercantilización de la Educación Superior en Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia María García


    Full Text Available Objetivo: El fin de este trabajo es mostrar los efectos pro y en contra de la educación superior colombiana al ser tratada como una mercancía. Método: Se presenta una revisión de aportes al tema de autores como Rodríguez (2005, Aboites (2007 Ruiz (2009 entre otros. “La Educación Superior en las Negociaciones Internacionales”,“Acuerdo General sobre el Comercio de Servicios (GATS y la Educación Superior”,   “Aspectos básicos de la Educación Superior en Colombia”,  “TLC Colombia-Estados Unidos y la Educación Superior”,  “La experiencia educativa a nivel internacional”. Resultados: Al analizar el sector de la educación en países como Gran Bretaña, Estados Unidos, Australia, Alemania, se observa que es dinámico e importante por ser una actividad que reporta ganancias económicas. En países emergentes como Colombia dominado por una política proteccionista, han abierto sus economías para integrarse a la economía mundial. Para  cumplir en el sector de la educación con este proceso de globalización se promulgó la Ley 30 de 1992. Conclusiones: La educación superior al ser considerada como un servicio,  reporta altas ganancias económicas y proliferación de instituciones de dudosa calidad, por lo que el Gobierno debe estar atento y ser más riguroso en su regulación.

  1. Superior mesenteric vein thrombosis - unusual management of unusual complication of Whipple procedure. (United States)

    Huťan, Martin; Bartko, Christian; Slyško, Roman; Sekáč, Jaroslav; Prochotský, Augustín; Majeský, Ivan; Skultéty, Ján


    Pancreatoduodenectomy is an extensive procedure carrying risk of a number of postoperative complications. Of these the most common are surgical site infections (SSI), bleeding, delayed gastric emptying, and anastomotic leakage. However, the most serious complications are ones, that are rare, clinically hardly diagnosed, and if untreated, leading to the death of a patient. Among the latter complications is thrombosis of superior mesenteric vein. Its clinical signs are unspecific and diagnostics complicated. Treatment requires aggressive approach. If this is absent, intestinal necrosis with septic state, Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS) and Multiple Organ Failure (MOF) lead to a death of a patient. Authors present a case of a patient after pancreatoduodenectomy, complicated by the thrombosis of superior mesenteric vein. Patient was managed by resection of the necrotic bowel, venous decompression by venous bypass from superior mesenteric vein to the right ovarian vein, and open abdomen with negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT). Patient suffered severe abdominal sepsis with need for intensive organ support. Abdomen was definitely closed on fourth NPWT redress. Patient healed without any further complications, is well and was released to the ambulatory setting. Superior mesenteric vein (VMS) thrombosis is a rare complication. It diagnosis requires high level of vigilance and once diagnosed, aggressive therapy is essential. Two goals of surgical treatment exist: resection of the necrotic bowel and facilitation of the blood outflow. Mesenteroovarian anastomosis is one of the options in treatment of thrombosis of VMS if thrombectomy is not feasible. Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  2. Docente da educação superior: qual o lugar da formação pedagógica?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Emilia Gonzaga de Souza


    Full Text Available Para se entender melhor a formação do docente da Educação Superior,faz-se necessário contextualizar a inserção deste na docência bemcomo a organização das instituições de nível superior no que se refereao favorecimento do seu desenvolvimento para, efetivamente, ser oautor e executor do processo. Este estudo tem como objetivos: refletirsobre o processo formativo do docente da Educação Superior no âmbitodas Instituições de Educação Superior; analisar as condições em queacontece o processo formativo do docente da Educação Superior nasInstituições em que trabalham; analisar as dificuldades e possibilidadesencontradas no desenvolvimento da docência na Educação Superior nocontexto das Instituições de Educação Superior; analisar como o docenteda Educação Superior percebe sua prática pedagógica. Para isso, aplicouseum questionário a 13 docentes de instituições da Educação Superiorpública e privada. A metodologia utilizada é de enfoque qualitativo,com aplicação de questionário. A análise compõe-se de sequênciasorganizacionais que potencializam a compreensão do movimentode formação dos docentes da Educação Superior nas instituições emque trabalham. À luz dos dados coletados percebemos as dificuldadesencontradas e as possibilidades de formação e de desenvolvimentoda prática docente. Há uma leitura cruzada dos dados coletados e dasatuais publicações sobre o tema que permite uma compreensão dasinformações, opiniões dos interlocutores, como também das minhasobservações.

  3. Superior Intraparietal Sulcus Controls the Variability of Visual Working Memory Precision. (United States)

    Galeano Weber, Elena M; Peters, Benjamin; Hahn, Tim; Bledowski, Christoph; Fiebach, Christian J


    Limitations of working memory (WM) capacity depend strongly on the cognitive resources that are available for maintaining WM contents in an activated state. Increasing the number of items to be maintained in WM was shown to reduce the precision of WM and to increase the variability of WM precision over time. Although WM precision was recently associated with neural codes particularly in early sensory cortex, we have so far no understanding of the neural bases underlying the variability of WM precision, and how WM precision is preserved under high load. To fill this gap, we combined human fMRI with computational modeling of behavioral performance in a delayed color-estimation WM task. Behavioral results replicate a reduction of WM precision and an increase of precision variability under high loads (5 > 3 > 1 colors). Load-dependent BOLD signals in primary visual cortex (V1) and superior intraparietal sulcus (IPS), measured during the WM task at 2-4 s after sample onset, were modulated by individual differences in load-related changes in the variability of WM precision. Although stronger load-related BOLD increase in superior IPS was related to lower increases in precision variability, thus stabilizing WM performance, the reverse was observed for V1. Finally, the detrimental effect of load on behavioral precision and precision variability was accompanied by a load-related decline in the accuracy of decoding the memory stimuli (colors) from left superior IPS. We suggest that the superior IPS may contribute to stabilizing visual WM performance by reducing the variability of memory precision in the face of higher load. This study investigates the neural bases of capacity limitations in visual working memory by combining fMRI with cognitive modeling of behavioral performance, in human participants. It provides evidence that the superior intraparietal sulcus (IPS) is a critical brain region that influences the variability of visual working memory precision between and

  4. Morphological evaluation of the superior colliculus of young Wistar ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Morphological evaluation of the superior colliculus of young Wistar rats following prenatal exposure to Carica papaya leaf extract. ... 9 and 10 of gestation (Group A); days 16 and 17 (Group B); and on days 9, 10, 16 and 17 (Group C); while Group D represented the control, and received distilled water throughout gestation.

  5. Role of Doppler ultrasonography evaluation of superior mesenteric artery flow volume in the assessment of Crohn's disease activity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabiana Paiva Martins


    Full Text Available Objective To investigate superior mesenteric artery flow measurement by Doppler ultrasonography as a means of characterizing inflammatory activity in Crohn's disease. Materials and Methods Forty patients were examined and divided into two groups – disease activity and remission – according to their Crohn's disease activity index score. Mean superior mesenteric artery flow volume was calculated for each group and correlated with Crohn's disease activity index score. Results The mean superior mesenteric artery flow volume was significantly greater in the patients with active disease (626 ml/min ± 236 × 376 ml/min ± 190; p = 0.001. As a cut off corresponding to 500 ml/min was utilized, the superior mesenteric artery flow volume demonstrated sensitivity of 83% and specificity of 82% for the diagnosis of Crohn's disease activity. Conclusion The present results suggest that patients with active Crohn's disease have increased superior mesenteric artery flow volume as compared with patients in remission. Superior mesenteric artery flow measurement had a good performance in the assessment of disease activity in this study sample.

  6. Los desafíos de la educación superior en Nicaragua


    Dr. Carlos Ttinnermann Bernheim


    En este artículo, después de un sucinto diagnóstico de la situación actual de la educación superior en Nicaragua, se analizan algunos de Sus principales desafíos, referidos primordialmente a la necesidad de mejorar su pertinencia y calidad, para lo cual se examinan la necesidad de diseñar un Plan Nacional de Desarrollo de la Educación Superior; la creación de un sistema Nacional de Evaluación y Acreditación; profundizar los procesos de transformación académica, introducir la informática en su...

  7. Rehabilitación de miembro superior con ambientes virtuales: revisión


    Guzmán, D.E.; Londoño, J.


    Resumen En este artículo se presentan los resultados de un proceso de revisión bibliográfica sobre rehabilitación de miembro superior basada en ambientes virtuales. El estudio parte de los siguientes interrogantes sobre el estado actual del conocimiento en el área mencionada: ¿cómo inciden los entornos virtuales frente a la rehabilitación tradicional?, ¿qué métricas de desempeño se han aplicado en la rehabilitación virtual de miembro superior? y ¿qué dispositivos hardware se utilizan en rehab...

  8. Technical development of alcohol for fuel. Inspection and breeding of superior bacteria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Heat- and alcohol-resistant bacteria for alcoholic fermentation were separated from the soils in Japan and abroad and the performance was evaluated to develop superior bacteria for ethanol fermentation. The superior bacteria pertinent to alcoholic fermentation were bred by domestication, variation treatment, cell fusion and gene manipulation. The productivity of ethanol was increased by controlling pH of thermophilic, aerobic cellulase and culturing the mixture of added nutrients. CMC ase and Beta-glucosidase genes, the component enzymes of cellulase, were successfully developed by Zymomonas sp. A promotor selecting vector of Zymomonas was produced for developing xylolase gene to acquire an active promotor.

  9. Do Superior or Inferior Interlaminar Approach or Bevel Orientation Predispose to Nonepidural Needle Penetration? (United States)

    Koontz, Nicholas A; Wiggins, Richard H; Stoddard, Gregory J; Shah, Lubdha M


    There is a paucity of evidence-based literature regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the interlaminar approach and needle bevel orientation for performing a lumbar interlaminar epidural steroid injection (ESI). The purpose of this study was to determine if superior versus inferior lamina approach, needle bevel tip orientation, or both may predispose to inadvertent nonepidural penetration during lumbar interlaminar ESI. A prospective study was performed of patients with low back pain with or without radicular pain or neurogenic claudication referred for lumbar interlaminar ESI. Two hundred eleven patients were randomized by interlaminar approach (superior vs inferior) and bevel tip orientation (cranial vs caudal). Lumbar interlaminar ESI was performed by six interventionalists of varying levels of experience using fluoroscopic guidance with curved tip epidural needles, using loss-of-resistance technique and confirmation with contrast opacification. Exact Poisson regression was used to model the study outcome. Two hundred twenty-one lumbar interlaminar ESIs were performed on 211 patients, randomized to a superior (n = 121) or inferior lamina approach (n = 100) and to a cranial (n = 103) or caudal (n = 118) orientation of the bevel tip. Epidural needle placement was confirmed in 96.4% (n = 213) of cases. Nonepidural needle placement was most commonly associated with superior lamina approach and caudal bevel tip orientation, which was marginally significant (adjusted risk ratio, 6.88; 95% CI, 0.93-∞; p = 0.059). Inadvertent nonepidural needle penetration during fluoroscopically guided lumbar interlaminar ESI appears to be affected by approach, with superior lamina approach and caudal bevel tip orientation being the least favorable technique.

  10. False memories in highly superior autobiographical memory individuals


    Patihis, Lawrence; Frenda, Steven J.; LePort, Aurora K. R.; Petersen, Nicole; Nichols, Rebecca M.; Stark, Craig E. L.; McGaugh, James L.; Loftus, Elizabeth F.


    The recent identification of highly superior autobiographical memory (HSAM) raised the possibility that there may be individuals who are immune to memory distortions. We measured HSAM participants' and age- and sex-matched controls' susceptibility to false memories using several research paradigms. HSAM participants and controls were both susceptible to false recognition of nonpresented critical lure words in an associative word-list task. In a misinformation task, HSAM participants showed hi...

  11. The Quagga mussel invades the Lake Superior basin - journal article (United States)

    Prior studies recognized the presence of a single dreissenid species in Lake Superior--the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha. However, taxonomic keys based on traditional shell morphology are not always able to differentiate dreissenid species with confidence. We thus employed ge...

  12. The barrier effect of conflict with superiors in the relationship between employee empowerment and organizational commitment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Janssen, O.

    The author proposes the idea that conflict with superiors has a barrier effect in the positive relationship between employee empowerment and organizational commitment. Superiors with higher authority rankings set and pursue organizational goals and values to which employees with lower authority

  13. Desigualdad de acceso a la educación superior en el Reino Unido

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael J. Shea


    Full Text Available El incremento en el número de plazas en la educación superior no significa necesariamente ampliar el acceso a una gama más amplia de grupos sociales. El Reino Unido ha intentado ampliar el acceso sin cambiar su sistema de selección meritocrática. El mérito intelectual depende del ingreso, capital cultural y oportunidades que son desigualmente distribuidos. En 1963, 70% de los estudiantes no pagaban ni colegiatura ni manutención pero sólo 4% del grupo en edad correspondiente iba a la universidad. Actualmente, 35% del grupo de edad está en la educación superior pero todos tienen que pagar, salen con deudas masivas. Esta situación favorece a los que vienen de familias más acomodadas, la proporción de estudiantes de familias menos privilegiadas en educación superior ha quedado igual a pesar de una expansión masiva.

  14. Endeudamiento estudiantil y acceso a la educación superior en Chile [SPA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mauricio Olavarría Gambi


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza si el temor al endeudamiento, por cursar estudios postsecundarios, afecta las decisiones de postulación e ingreso de potenciales estudiantes a la educación superior, si hay relación entre el temor al endeudamiento y el nivel socioeconómico de las familias a las que pertenecen los potenciales estudiantes, y si hay asociación entre el temor al endeudamiento y el rendimiento escolar. El trabajo muestra que el temor al endeudamiento para cursar estudios superiores no sería una limitante para que jóvenes de sectores populares accedieran a la educación de tercer ciclo. El estudio también indica que la disponibilidad de crédito favorece el acceso a la educación superior. Los hallazgos de este estudio contradicen las conclusiones de los trabajos de Claire Callender y Jonathan Jackson, quienes previamente y con los mismos propósitos analizaron el caso británico.

  15. Spontaneous Dissection of the Superior Mesenteric Artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sheldon, Patrick J.; Esther, James B.; Sheldon, Elana L.; Sparks, Steven R.; Brophy, David P.; Oglevie, Steven B.


    Spontaneous dissection of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) is a rare occurrence, especially when not associated with aortic dissection. Currently, only 28 cases appear to have been reported. Due to the scarcity of cases in the literature, the natural history of isolated, spontaneous SMA dissection is unclear. CT has been reported to be useful for the initial diagnosis of SMA dissection [2-5]. We present two recent cases of spontaneous SMA dissection in which enhanced spiral CT was instrumental in following the disease process and guiding clinical decision making

  16. Development of superior radiation resistant materials and cables. 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ikehara, Junichiro; Kanemitsuya, Kazuhiko; Ohara, Hideo; Araki, Syogo; Hamachi, Katsuhiko [Mitsubishi Cable Industries Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)


    Many nuclear power plants have been constructed in Japan and electric power generation is now highly dependent on this technology. Therefore, the needs for facilities that will enrich and reprocess nuclear fuel from nuclear power stations will be high. As there are areas with high levels of radiation, the cables which can be used in these environments are needed. We have developed a superior radiation-resistant cable which uses halogen flame-retardant materials. This radiation-resistant cable consists of Ethylene-propylene rubber (EPDM) insulation and Chlorosulfonated polyethylene (CSM) sheath can be safely used in areas with high levels of radiation. We developed this product to aid in disaster prevention. Non-halogen, flame-retardant EPDM is used for the insulation, and low-halogen, flame-retardant CSM and new non-halogen, flame-retardant materials are used for the sheath. These cables have superior flame-retardant properties and generate little smoke on corrosive gas. This products can hence reduce the danger of a secondary disaster in a fire. We expect that these cables will find application in areas with high levels of radiation. (author).

  17. Development of superior radiation resistant materials and cables. 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ikehara, Junichiro; Kanemitsuya, Kazuhiko; Ohara, Hideo; Araki, Syogo; Hamachi, Katsuhiko


    Many nuclear power plants have been constructed in Japan and electric power generation is now highly dependent on this technology. Therefore, the needs for facilities that will enrich and reprocess nuclear fuel from nuclear power stations will be high. As there are areas with high levels of radiation, the cables which can be used in these environments are needed. We have developed a superior radiation-resistant cable which uses halogen flame-retardant materials. This radiation-resistant cable consists of Ethylene-propylene rubber (EPDM) insulation and Chlorosulfonated polyethylene (CSM) sheath can be safely used in areas with high levels of radiation. We developed this product to aid in disaster prevention. Non-halogen, flame-retardant EPDM is used for the insulation, and low-halogen, flame-retardant CSM and new non-halogen, flame-retardant materials are used for the sheath. These cables have superior flame-retardant properties and generate little smoke on corrosive gas. This products can hence reduce the danger of a secondary disaster in a fire. We expect that these cables will find application in areas with high levels of radiation. (author)

  18. Regeneración de tejido periodontal in vitro con células madre pluripotenciales de la pulpa dental (DPPSC) del tercer molar


    Hategan, Iulia Emilia


    El periodonto está formado por varios tejidos: la encía, el ligamento periodontal, el cemento radicular y el hueso alveolar. El periodonto tiene dos funciones fundamentales: protección e inserción. La función de protección la realizan la encía y el epitelio de unión, mientras que la función de inserción se desempeña a través del ligamento periodontal, el cemento radicular y el hueso alveolar.- El ligamento periodontal es un tejido celular altamente vascularizado que rodea la raíz del dien...

  19. An auditory analog of the picture superiority effect. (United States)

    Crutcher, Robert J; Beer, Jenay M


    Previous research has found that pictures (e.g., a picture of an elephant) are remembered better than words (e.g., the word "elephant"), an empirical finding called the picture superiority effect (Paivio & Csapo. Cognitive Psychology 5(2):176-206, 1973). However, very little research has investigated such memory differences for other types of sensory stimuli (e.g. sounds or odors) and their verbal labels. Four experiments compared recall of environmental sounds (e.g., ringing) and spoken verbal labels of those sounds (e.g., "ringing"). In contrast to earlier studies that have shown no difference in recall of sounds and spoken verbal labels (Philipchalk & Rowe. Journal of Experimental Psychology 91(2):341-343, 1971; Paivio, Philipchalk, & Rowe. Memory & Cognition 3(6):586-590, 1975), the experiments reported here yielded clear evidence for an auditory analog of the picture superiority effect. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that sounds were recalled better than the verbal labels of those sounds. Experiment 2 also showed that verbal labels are recalled as well as sounds when participants imagine the sound that the word labels. Experiments 3 and 4 extended these findings to incidental-processing task paradigms and showed that the advantage of sounds over words is enhanced when participants are induced to label the sounds.

  20. Acute superior vena caval syndrome with airway obstruction following elective mediastinoscopy.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Power, C K


    A 47-year-old female patient had a subclinical superior vena caval syndrome which developed into the \\'full blown\\' acute condition when she was placed into the left lateral position after mediastinoscopy. She developed airway obstruction requiring urgent re-intubation and subsequent admission to the intensive care unit. This subclinical condition might have been suspected pre-operatively if closer attention had been paid to the history, physical examination and review of the computerised axial tomography scan: she had a history of intermittent dysponea, wheeze and cough which was worse on waking and improved as the day progressed, she had a positive Pemberton\\'s sign and the computerised axial tomography scan showed that the lesion was encroaching on the superior vena cava.