
Sample records for holstein tratadas con

  1. Bases tratadas con cemento, en California

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    Chinchilla, M.


    Full Text Available El uso de bases tratadas con cemento para autopistas se inició en el Estado de California en 1938, empleándose para carreteras con determinadas condiciones de tráfico. Inicialmente, se especificó el uso obligatorio de plantas mezcladoras para asegurar el debido control de las proporciones adecuadas.

  2. Riego subsuperficial con aguas residuales tratadas


    Crespi, Raúl; Camacho, Emilio; Polo, María José


    La reutilización de aguas residuales tratadas para riego por goteo subsuperficial (RGS) de cultivos extensivos, es una práctica reconocida mundialmente, siendo la obturación de emisores un serio problema en la operación de estos sistemas. Durante el ciclo agrícola 2002/03, se realizó un ensayo experimental usando dos tipos de agua: limpia (AL) y residual tratada (AR) en un sistema mixto combinando un reactor biológico con laguna de maduración y tres tipos de protectores del emisor: micro dosi...

  3. Inducción de la brotación in vitro de microplántulas de nogal (Juglans neotropica) tratadas con Thidiazuron (TDZ) y 6-Bencilaminnopurina (BAP)


    Peña Tapia, Denisse Fabiola; Rocano Curillo, Melida Noemi; Salazar, Jazmin M.; Torres, Carlos S.; Universidad de Cuenca; Dirección de Investigación de la Universidad de Cuenca; DIUC


    El nogal (Juglans neotropica) es una especie de gran potencial para proyectos de conservación y agro-productivos en la eco-región Andina. No obstante, su baja capacidad germinativa limita su propagación para reforestación. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el efecto del tratamiento con Thidiazuron (TDZ) y 6-Bencilaminopurina (BAP) en la inducción in vitro de brotes de J. neotropica. Las microplántulas tratadas con BAP produjeron más brotes que aquellas tratadas con TDZ. Las microplán...

  4. Sorción de hidrolizados proteicos en lana tratada con bisulfito sódico: influencia en las propiedades químicas y físico-mecánicas.


    Gómez de Paula, Ma Nieves; Naik Kardile, Arun; Juliá Ferrés, Ma. Rosa; Erra Serrabasa, Pilar


    La sorción de hidrolizados proteicos en fibras queratinicas provoca una mejora en las propiedades físicas y quimicas de fibras dañadas. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de las modificaciones de estas propiedades en lana tratada con bisulfito sódico e hidrolizado proteico bien de colágeno o de queratina o de sus respectivos derivados anfifílicos cuaternizados y se comparan con las obtenidas para lana tratada sólo con bisulfito sódico. The sorption of protein hydrolisates in kerat...

  5. Efectos del ibandronato sobre el metabolismo óseo y el perfil de riesgo cardiovascular en mujeres con osteoporosis postmenopáusica tratadas previamente con raloxifeno


    Ferrer Piquer, Marta


    “Efectos del ibandronato sobre el metabolismo óseo y el perfil de riesgo cardiovascular en mujeres con osteoporosis postmenopáusica tratadas previamente con raloxifeno” La osteoporosis postmenopáusica es un problema sanitario mundial, dado que las fracturas por fragilidad suponen un aumento importante de morbimortalidad así como del coste económico. En los últimos años se han desarrollado nuevas terapias para el tratamiento de la osteoporosis, siendo por el momento los SERMs y los bi...

  6. Efecto inmunomodulador de la solución CM-95 tratada magnéticamente en ratones Balb/c inoculados con 5-fluorouracilo

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    Clara Martínez


    Full Text Available El 5-fluorouracilo es un antineoplásico usado en la terapia del cáncer y posee acción inmunosupresora al inhibir la proliferación de células del tejido hematopoyético. En este trabajo se evaluó el efecto inmunomodulador de la solución CM-95 tratada magnéticamente en ratones Balb/c inoculados con 5-fluorouracilo a través de su acción protectora rehabilitadora sobre parámetros celulares y tisulares del tejido hematopoyético. A los ratones, entre 20-22 g de peso y 6 semanas de nacidos, se les administró esta solución CM-95 tratada magnéticamente por vía intraperitoneal en un esquema de dos inoculaciones; luego se administró por la misma vía el 5_fluorouracilo a una dosis de 150 mg/m2 de superficie corporal de cada ratón. Se evaluó el conteo total y diferencial de leucocitos antes de inocular el 5-fluorouracilo, y a los tres y siete días de aplicado este. La celularidad de médula ósea y bazo y la observación microscópica del corte histológico de hígado y bazo por la técnica de inclusión en parafina y tinción con eosina hematoxilina al 10% se evaluaron a los siete días de haber aplicado el 5- fluorouracilo. La solución CM-95, tratada magnéticamente, logró modular los efectos del 5-fluorouracilo con una actividad protectora rehabiltadora, para los parámetros evaluados en médula ósea, sangre periférica, bazo e hígado. Estos resultados abren nuevas perspectivas para la aplicación del sistema acuoso tratado magnéticamente como inmunomodulador.


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    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue el de verificar la eficiencia del tratamiento químico en la prevención del taponamiento de los sistemas de goteo, cuando se usa aguas residuales sanitarias tratadas. Para la realización del ensayo experimental fue construida una plataforma de ensayos con la finalidad de abastecer cuatro unidades de irrigación por goteo con aguas residuales sanitarias, tratada y filtradas mediante un filtro de disco de 120 mesh. Fueron ensayados tres modelos de goteros (M1, M2 y M3 durante un período de 560 horas. En el tratamiento químico fueron ensayadas las concentraciones de cloro residual libre de 0; 0,4; 1,0 y 1,9 mg L-1. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se tienen las siguientes conclusiones: el agua residual sanitaria, tratada por aplicación vía sistema de irrigación por goteo propicio la formación de un biofilme en los goteros, resultante de la interacción entre colonias de bacterias y algas. La aplicación de cloro en el agua residual sanitaria tratada, minimizó el desarrollo del biofilme en el interior de los goteros y de las líneas laterales de irrigación; además, se encontró que los goteros con mayor diámetro en el laberinto y con mas de un filtro secundario (M2 y M3, son mas susceptibles al taponamiento cuando trabajan con aguas residuales tratadas. La concentración de cloro residual libre de 0,4 mg L-1 fue mas sustentable en la prevención de taponamiento por biofilme en sistemas de riego por goteo que operan con agua residual domestica tratada.

  8. Adult height in Turner syndrome girls after long-term growth hormone treatment Talla adulta en pacientes con síndrome de Turner tratadas con hormona de crecimiento a largo plazo

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    Analía Morín


    Full Text Available We studied the adult height (AH outcome, and factors likely to influence it, in Turner Syndrome (TS girls treated with growth hormone (GH. A total of 25 TS girls treated with GH were compared with 10 TS girls not treated with GH. The percentage of girls who achieved normal third percentile was determined. Projected AH (PAH was calculated according to height standard deviation score (HSDS at the beginning of the treatment. Gain in height was determined as: AH - pretreatment PAH. The percentage of girls who achieved target range (midparental height±2 SD was determined. Multiple linear regression models were fitted on baseline variables- chronological age (CA, midparental height (MPH and HSDS; and treatment variablesduration of oestrogen-free GH therapy and duration of GH therapy+oestrogens. As for baseline data: median CA was 13.0 years (5.6-15.8. Mean HSDS was 0.25±1.1 SDS. PAH was 139.2±5.6 cm. MPH was 160.0±5.0 cm. As for follow up data: Median CA at onset oestrogens was 15.1 years (13.2-16.6. Median duration of GH therapy was 3.8 years (2.1-10.3. Median oestrogen-free GH period was 2.0 years (0.7-7.8, and median GH+oestrogens period, 1.8 years (1.0-3.2. Adult height: Mean AH was 150.4±7.0 cm in treated patients and 140.8±7.2 cm in the group not treated with GH (p=0.001. Fourteen (56% girls achieved normal third percentile compared with an initially predicted 1 (4%. Gain in height was 11.2±3.7 cm. Thirteen (59% girls reached an AH within target range. HSDS at the beginning of the treatment was the variable most strongly related to AH and duration of oestrogen-free GH period was the variable most strongly related to gain in height.Se estudió la talla adulta (TA y los factores que pudieran influenciarla en niñas con síndrome de Turner (ST tratadas con hormona de crecimiento (HC. Se compararon 25 pacientes con ST tratadas con HC y 10 niñas no tratadas. Se determinó: el porcentaje de niñas que alcanzó el tercer percentilo de la curva


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    Lidieth Uribe-Lor\\u00EDo


    Full Text Available Pudrición basal causada por Phytophthora capcisi en plantas de chile tratadas con vermicompost. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar a nivel de invernadero el efecto de vermicompost sobre la incidencia y severidad de Phytophthora capcisi en plantas de chile (Capsicum annuum. Esta investigación se realizó entre febrero y marzo del 2012 en el Centro de Investigaciones Agronómicas, Sabanilla, San José, Costa Rica. Se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar con cuatro repeticiones y ocho plantas por unidad experimental en un arreglo factorial con los factores de dosis (0, 25% y 50% v/v vermicompost:suelo e inoculación (0 y 500 zoosporas por gramo de suelo. Se trasplantaron plántulas de 35 días, que fueron inoculadas dos semanas después del trasplante. La aplicación de vermicompost provocó un aumento significativo del peso fresco foliar y del peso seco foliar y radical; a mayor dosis, mayor fue el incremento. Las plantas de todos los tratamientos que incluyeron inoculación con P. capsici presentaron síntomas de la enfermedad en la raíz. Los valores de incidencia y severidad fueron mayores para el tratamiento con 50% de abono. En este tratamiento se presentaron síntomas de marchitez. La ausencia de diferencias en las variables de peso fresco y seco entre los tratamientos inoculados y sin inocular, a los que se adicionó abono al 25%, sugiere que esta dosis podría compensar el daño causado por el patógeno. Se observó una menor concentración de nutrimentos en los tejidos de las plantas inoculadas lo que indica que el daño causado a la raíz pudo haber afectado la adquisición de nutrimentos.

  10. Estudio de la sorción de hidrolizados proteicos en lana tratada con tioglicolato amónico. Parte 1: Influencia en las propiedades químicas.


    Gómez de Paula, Ma Nieves; Naik, Arun; Juliá Ferrés, Ma. Rosa; Erra Serrabasa, Pilar


    La sorción de hidrolizados proteicos anfifílicos en fibras queratínicas produce mejoras en relación con las propiedades químicas y físicas de fibras dañadas aportando, además, nuevas cualidades. En este trabajo se presentan las modificaciones químicas, tales como solubilidad en álcali y en urea-bisulfito, causadas en lana tratada con tioglicolato amónico e hidrolizado proteico bien de colágeno, de queratina o de sus respectivos derivados anfifilicos cuaternizados y se comparan con las obtenid...

  11. Solución adyuvante CM-95 tratada magnéticamente en comparación con el adyuvante de Freund para la obtención del suero de Coombs en conejo

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    Clara Martínez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se evaluó la aplicación de la solución CM-95 tratada magnéticamente como adyuvante inmunológico, en comparación con el adyuvante de Freund, para la obtención del suero de Coombs en conejos, de gran demanda en bancos de sangre y hospitales, para el diagnóstico clínico de conflictos Rh y la enfermedad hemolítica del recién nacido, entre otras. Conejos Nueva Zelanda Blancos se inocularon por la vía subcutánea con suero humano obtenido de 30 donantes O+, unido con la solución CM-95 tratada magnéticamente como adyuvante inmunológico. Se empleó un esquema de inmunización de 40 días, donde se evaluó la dinámica en el título de anticuerpos anti IgG humano por la técnica de hemoaglutinación en tubos. Al antisuero se le determinó la calidad inmunológica por el título de heteroaglutininas de los grupos sanguíneos A, B y O, de anticuerpos anticomplemento C3b, C3d y C4b y anti IgG, antes y después de su purificación. El suero de Coombs con la solución adyuvante CM-95 tratada magnéticamente mostró valores similares a los obtenidos con el adyuvante de Freund. En el mismo se cumplió con los requisitos establecidos por el Centro Estatal para el Control de la Calidad de los Medicamentos, según las normativas de la FDA para este diagnosticador. Estos resultados abren nuevas perspectivas para el uso de la solución adyuvante en la obtención del suero de Coombs.


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    Full Text Available La aplicación de tecnologías complementarias como la deshidratación osmótica y microondas como pre-tratamientos al secado convencional contribuye al desarrollo de nuevos productos y favorece la disminución de los cambios físico-químicos y organolépticos en el mango. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la deshidratación osmótica con una solución a 65°Brix de 37 a 40°C por 60 min, tratamiento con microondas a 560 W por 7 min y combinado como pre-tratamientos al secado de hojuelas de mango a 70°C en una estufa tipo bandeja y al sol. Las muestras de mango con 11 a 14°Brix y humedad del 80% fueron dimensionadas a 1x1x0,4 cm. La pérdida de peso y el tiempo de secado en los pre-tratados presentaron diferencias significativas (p0,99 se ajustó para el secado sin pre-tratamiento y el modelo de Vermet et al. (R²>0,99 para los pre-tratados. La De ff para microondas y secado en estufa fue mayor. Las hojuelas de mango pre-tratadas con deshidratación osmótica fueron las que mejor conservaron la apariencia de las hojuelas de mango

  13. Variables relacionadas con la producción de leche de ganado Holstein en agroempresas familiares con diferente nivel tecnológico


    García-Muñiz, José Guadalupe; Mariscal-Aguayo, D. Valentina; Caldera-Navarrete, Norlan A; Ramírez-Valverde, Rodolfo; Estrella-Quintero, Heriberto; Núñez-Domínguez, Rafael


    Se evaluó el efecto de factores ambientales en la producción de leche ajustada a 305 días (PLT), la producción (PP) y los días al pico (DPP) de lactancia, y la persistencia (PER) en vacas Holstein de agroempresas familiares con diferente nivel tecnológico (NT) en el estado de Jalisco, México. La información analizada (n= 4323 mediciones de producción diaria de leche de 537 lactancias) provino de 16 hatos. Las agroempresas se tipificaron como de bajo, medio o alto NT. El modelo mixto incluyó l...

  14. Comparación productiva de vacas holstein y F1 blanco orejinero (BON x holstein 1. producción y calidad de la leche.

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    Quijano Bernal Jorge H.


    Full Text Available Se estimaron los porcentajes de heterosis para la producción de leche, duración de la lactancia y calidad de la leche ( porcentaje de grasa y proteína, en vacas Holstein y F1 (BON x HOLSTEIN del Centro Paysandú, propiedad de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, situado en el corregimiento Santa Elena, municipio de Medellín, a 2600 m.s.n.m., con temperatura promedio de 12,5C, correspondiendo a la formación bosque muy húmedo montano bajo (bmh-MB. La producción de leche fue afectada significativamente (P 0,01 y proteína (2,8 y 2,9%; P >0,01 para Holstein y F1 BON x Holstein respectivamente. En el BON estos valores fueron 278 kg, 114 días de lactancia, 4,6% de grasa y 3,9% de proteína en la leche. Los porcentajes de heterosis con base en el promedio de razas fueron: 4,20%, 16,70%, -12,80% y -12.20% para producción de leche, duración de lactancia, porcentaje de grasa y porcentaje de proteína respectivamente, todos altamente significativos (P<0,01. Los porcentajes de heterosis tomando como referencia la raza Holstein fueron: -45,20%, -21,50%, 6,25% y 5,35% en el mismo orden de las características anteriormente citadas. En general, los porcentajes de heterosis fueron menores a los reportados en la literatura. Se concluye que el F1 ha desempeñado un papel preponderante en el mejoramiento de la calidad de la leche en el Centro Paysandú, presentado porcentajes de heterosis medios para la calidad de la leche con referencia a la raza Holstein. Esto puede ser confirmado al analizar el porcentaje de grasa desde 1994, cuando parieron las primeras vacas F1, presentado coeficiente de regresión y correlación de 0,02 y 0,55 respectivamente. En la actualidad, el promedio para el porcentaje de grasa y proteína en el hato es de 3,45% y 3,03% respectivamente. Si sólo se tuviese la raza Holstein, estos porcentajes serían de 3,20% y 2,80%, significativamente menores.

  15. Maduración poscosecha de la feijoa (Acca sellowiana Berg tratada con CaCl2 en tres temperaturas de almacenamiento

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    Ramírez Juan Manuel


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    Con la finalidad de comprobar los efectos retardantes del calcio en la maduración de los frutos de feijoa (Acca sellowiana Berg, cultivar Quimba, se realizó un estudio sobre la aplicación poscosecha, mediante inmersiones de tres soluciones distintas de cloruro de calcio (5%, 10% y 15% y un testigo. La aplicación de CaCl2 prolongó la vida de almacenamiento de los fru­tos, ya que los tratamientos permitieron a los frutos so­portar las condiciones de almacenamiento. Se observó un efecto importante en la disminución de las pérdidas de peso; los frutos tratados con el porcentaje de calcio más alto (15% presentaron las menores pérdidas de peso en cada temperatura. En las fejioas almacenadas a temperatura ambiente (18° C, se observó que la in­cidencia de enfermedades fue más pequeña en los fru­tos tratados con CaCl2. La velocidad de pérdida de la firmeza de los frutos también se vio fortalecida por la adición de calcio. Con relación a las propiedades quí­micas de los frutos, no se presentaron diferencias sig­nificativas entre los tratamientos con cloruro de calcio para cada temperatura de almacenamiento; las feijoas tratadas con CaCl presentaron niveles superiores de sólidos solubles totales, a pesar de no ser significativos estadísticamente.

  16. Toxicidad por dosis repetidas de la solución CM-95 tratada magnéticamente en ratas Sprague Dawley

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    Clara E. Martínez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se realizó la evaluación toxicológica a dosis repetidas por el método de test límite del candidato a inmunopotenciador, la solución CM-95 tratada magnéticamente, acorde con las regulaciones de la Organización para la Colaboración Económica y el Desarrollo, incluida en la Guía 407. El objetivo fue establecer las posibles lesiones orgánicas y funcionales ocasionadas por la solución CM-95, tratada magnéticamente con la máxima inducción magnética permisible (0,16 T, para la obtención del candidato a inmunopotenciador. Se emplearon tres grupos: Experimental, Control y Satélite. Como Biomodelo experimental se utilizaron ratas Sprague Dawley machos y hembras con pesos de 150 a 200 g. Durante el estudio no se registraron signos clínicos de toxicidad ni muertes en ninguno de los animales de los grupos tratados, ni en los controles. No hubo afectación del peso corporal durante el ensayo. Aunque hubo variaciones en los valores de algunos parámetros hematológicos y bioquímicos, estos no tuvieron significación biológica. No se encontraron lesiones macroscópicas, ni microscópicas; solo se observaron efectos proliferativos en el tejido linfoide de timo y bazo, relacionados con la respuesta del sistema inmune. La solución CM-95 tratada magnéticamente, no mostró toxicidad en el modelo animal y nivel de dosis utilizado, y bajo las condiciones experimentales ensayadas.

  17. Desenvolvimento puberal em meninas tratadas de LLA

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    Monteiro I.M.M.


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Com o objetivo de avaliar o desenvolvimento puberal após o tratamento de leucemia linfóide aguda (LLA na infância, foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo, em meninas tratadas de janeiro de 1980 a janeiro de 1991, no Centro de Investigações Hematológicas "Dr. Domingos A. Boldrini", em Campinas-SP. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: Foram selecionadas 42 meninas, tratadas antes da puberdade com quimioterapia sistêmica e intratecal e radioterapia cranial, utilizando doses de 18 ou 24 Grays (Gy. RESULTADOS: As idades médias da telarca, pubarca e menarca foram inferiores às do grupo-controle, embora com significância estatística apenas para a idade da telarca. Não houve diferenças entre os grupos tratados com 18 ou 24Gy. As meninas tratadas antes dos cinco anos de idade apresentaram idade média da menarca estatisticamente inferior àquelas tratadas após cinco anos e em relação ao grupo-controle. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados mostraram que o desenvolvimento puberal em meninas tratadas de LLA na infância foi mais precoce que o de meninas saudáveis.


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    Judyana Aguirre-Valverde


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio longitudinal retrospectivo en 208 148 registros de vacas Holstein y Jersey de 545 hatos lecheros especializados presentes en la Base Nacional de Datos VAMPP Bovino, del Centro Regional de Informática para la Producción Animal Sostenible (CRIPAS, de la Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad Nacional (EMV-UNA, período 1995-2010. Se analizó el efecto de la endogamia sobre la producción corregida a 305 días (PC305d y la vida productiva -calculada según la fórmula USDA--, con regresión lineal múltiple, mediante un modelo mixto. Se usó como punto de corte, un valor de coeficiente de endogamia (F de ≥6,25% para valores altos. Además, se estimó la posibilidad de que una vaca con F≥6,25% presente parámetros productivos bajos, mediante regresión logística no condicional. El análisis de supervivencia, mediante la distribución de Weibull, determinó el efecto de endogamia sobre la vida productiva. Se encontró un 17,9% de animales con endogamia, siendo la raza Holstein la de más animales consanguíneos, aunque la Jersey fue la que tuvo, en promedio, los niveles más elevados. Las vacas con baja endogamia produjeron +140,4 kg PC305d en relación con las que tienen niveles elevados (p<0,01. Las vacas con alta endogamia tuvieron más riesgo de PC305d <5000 kg (Jersey y <6500 kg (Holstein que las de baja endogamia (OR=1,3; IC95%: 1,2-1,4. Se observó, para las razas Holstein y Jersey, +10,3 meses y +19,3 meses de vida productiva (USDA para los animales con F bajo. Se concluye que existe un efecto negativo de la consanguinidad elevada sobre la vida productiva (USDA y sobre la PC305d de las vacas Holstein y Jersey en fincas lecheras de Costa Rica.

  19. Displasia fibrosa maxilar poliostótica en paciente tratada con pamidronato: a propósito de un caso Maxilar polyostotic fibrous dysplasia treated with pamidronate: A case report

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    José María López-Arcas


    Full Text Available El término displasia fibrosa hace referencia a un conjunto de lesiones óseas benignas que se caracterizan por la sustitución del tejido óseo normal por tejido conectivo. Se presenta el caso de una paciente afectada de displasia fibrosa poliostótica de predominio maxilar tratada de forma conservadora con bisfosfonatos.The term fibrous dysplasia refers to a variety of bony diseases characterized by the substituion of the bone by abnormal connective tissue. A case report of patient affected by a polyostotic form of fibrous dysplasia with an uneven evolution of its disease after being treated with pamidronate is presented.

  20. Correlación entre la fertilidad y el pH uterino de vacas Holstein suplementadas con levadura de cerveza


    Lina María Barrera-Sánchez; José Luis Porras-Vargas


    En  la  región del Sugamuxi  se ha establecido  la levadura de cerveza (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) como  suplemento  en  ganaderías  lecheras  por producir  aumento  de  la  producción  láctea.  El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar los cambios de pH uterino en fase estral y fase luteal de vacas Holstein suplementadas correlacionándolos con la  fertilidad. Así  se  evaluaron dos grupos: uno suplementado  (n=50)  y  otro no suplementado (n=50). Se extrajeron muestras de moco uterino y se mid...

  1. Influencia de la suplementación con concentrado en la producción de leche de vacas Holstein x Cebú en silvopastoreo

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    1O. López

    Full Text Available La investigación se realizó con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de la suplementación con concentrado en la producción y la calidad de la leche de vacas mestizas Holstein x Cebú en silvopastoreo. Se utilizaron ocho animales que pastorearon en una asociación de guinea (Panicum maximum y leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala, en un diseño Switch Back, con dos tratamientos: SS (sin suplementación y CS (0,5 kg de concentrado por kilogramo de leche producido a partir del octavo. Se midió la disponibilidad del pasto y de la leucaena, y se estimó la composición química de los alimentos. En los animales se monitoreó la condición corporal (CC, se midió la producción de leche y se determinaron las concentraciones de grasa, proteína, lactosa, sólidos totales (ST y sólidos no grasos (SNG. La disponibilidad de pasto fue 6,4 t de MS/ha/rotación, lo que, unido al ramoneo de la leucaena, permitió ofertas superiores a 100 kg de MS/animal/día. La PB de la guinea fue de 11,4 % y en la leucaena, de 25,2 %. La producción de leche del tratamiento CS fue similar a la del control (9,7 y 9,8 kg/animal/día, respectivamente, al igual que la composición de la leche (grasa, proteína, lactosa, ST y SNG y la CC de las vacas (2,70 para ambos tratamientos. Los datos sugieren que la suplementación con concentrado en vacas lecheras Holstein x Cebú, manejadas en una asociación de guinea y leucaena con elevada oferta de forraje, no incrementa la producción de leche ni mejora su calidad nutricional

  2. Efecto de un tratamiento agudo con norgestomet en la dinámica folicular de vacas Cebú x Holstein sincronizadas con implantes de norgestomet y eCG

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    R. Páez


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el efecto de una inyección de norgestomet en la dinámica folicular de vacas Cebú x Holstein sincronizadas con implantes de norgestomet. Se utilizaron 50 vacas en lactación con más de 60 días posparto, las cuales recibieron un implante de 3 mg de norgestomet y una dosis luteolítica de PGF2a (día cero. El día cinco, a 25 vacas (grupo Norg, se les administraron 1.8 mg de norgestomet intramuscular (IM y 25 vacas (grupo testigo, recibieron 3 ml de solución salina. El noveno día se retiró el implante, se realizó un destete temporal por 72 h y los animales fueron divididos al azar dentro de sus tratamientos para recibir (n = 23 o no (n = 27 500 UI de eCG. Posteriormente, las vacas fueron observadas durante cinco días en forma continua para la detección de signos de estro. Se realizaron diariamente ecografías de los ovarios desde el día de la inserción del implante hasta la presentación de estro. El tratamiento agudo con norgestomet provocó recambio del folículo dominante (FD en 40% (10/25 de las vacas, contra 16% (4/25 del grupo testigo (P 0.05 el porcentaje de vacas que presentaron estro ni el tiempo de presentación del mismo. Se concluye que el tratamiento agudo con norgestomet, durante la sincronización del estro con progestágenos, provoca atresia y recambio folicular. Sin embargo, este efecto depende de la etapa de desarrollo del folículo dominante al momento del tratamiento.

  3. Reproductive performance and survival of Holstein and Holstein × Simmental crossbred cows. (United States)

    Knob, Deise Aline; Alessio, Dileta Regina Moro; Thaler Neto, Andre; Mozzaquatro, Fabrício Desconsi


    Crossbreed dairy breeds, such as Holstein × dairy type of Simmental, have been generally used to improve fertility, udder health, and longevity of dairy herds. The aim was to compare the reproductive performance and survival of Holstein and Holstein × Simmental crossbred cows. Data from two farms were used as follows: one located in Bom Retiro, in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. and another in Carambeí, Paraná state. Information concerning birth, inseminations, and parity date were obtained from the management software of the farms, generating information regarding the calving interval, days between calving to first service, conception rate, and age at first calving. At one of the farms, calving was monitoring to quantify dystocia. Live weight as well as body condition score (BCS) of cows and information of culling were obtained to determine the survival rate. Data were analyzed by variance analysis and by logistic regression. Crossbred Holstein × Simmental cows had better reproductive performance than the Holstein cows, characterized by lower calving interval (381 vs. 445 days), higher conception rate (37.3 vs. 33.6 %), and shorter calving to first service interval (65 vs. 89 days). These results were related to a higher BCS in crossbred cows (3.63 vs. 2.94 points). Crossbred Holstein × Simmental cows had higher survival rate than Holstein cows on the second parity (83 vs. 92 %). No differences between genetic groups were observed (P > 0.05) for body weight and dystocia. In conclusion, Holstein × Simmental crossbred cows have better reproductive performance and higher survival rate than Holstein cows.

  4. Endocarditis due to vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus raffinosus successfully treated with linezolid: case report and review of literature Endocarditis por Enterococcus raffinosus resistente a vancomicina exitosamente tratada con linezolid: caso clínico y revisión de la literatura

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    A. Jasovich


    Full Text Available Enterococcus raffinosus is scarcely found in clinical samples and even less frequently as etiologic agent of endocarditis. We are herein presenting one case of mitral prosthetic-valve endocarditis in a 77-y-o male due to a vancomycinresistant Enterococcus raffinosus isolate, successfully treated with 6 weeks of linezolid, and a two-year follow up.Enterococcus raffinosus es una especie poco frecuente en materiales clínicos y menos aún como agente etiológico de endocarditis. En este trabajo se presenta un caso de endocarditis de válvula mitral protésica en un paciente de 77 años debida a Enterococcus raffinosus resistente a vancomicina y que fue exitosamente tratada con linezolid durante 6 semanas, con un seguimiento de 2 años.

  5. Plexo nervioso subbasal y su relación con la magnitud de la ametropía en cirugía refractiva con láser excimer


    Rojas Álvarez, Eduardo; González Sotero, Janet; Pérez Ruiz, Ariadna


    Objetivo: describir los cambios del plexo nervioso subbasal durante un año, posterior a tratamiento con láser excímer y relacionar estos cambios con la magnitud de la ametropía tratada. Métodos: estudio prospectivo y longitudinal en 78 pacientes (151 ojos) que cumplieron con los criterios de selección establecidos. La técnica quirúrgica empleada fue LASIK con microquerátomo pendular. Las imágenes se obtuvieron por microscopia confocal de la córnea con el microscopio ConfoScan 4. El análisis s...

  6. Correlación entre la fertilidad y el pH uterino de vacas Holstein suplementadas con levadura de cerveza

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    Lina María Barrera-Sánchez


    Full Text Available En  la  región del Sugamuxi  se ha establecido  la levadura de cerveza (Saccharomyces cerevisiae como  suplemento  en  ganaderías  lecheras  por producir  aumento  de  la  producción  láctea.  El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar los cambios de pH uterino en fase estral y fase luteal de vacas Holstein suplementadas correlacionándolos con la  fertilidad. Así  se  evaluaron dos grupos: uno suplementado  (n=50  y  otro no suplementado (n=50. Se extrajeron muestras de moco uterino y se midió el pH con un pH-metro para  las dos fases del ciclo estral. Los análisis estadísticos se realizaron mediante la prueba t- student para las variables de pH  y  correlación de Pearson, para relacionar  el  pH  y  fertilidad  de  las  vacas suplementadas. Se determinó que el hecho de no encontrar diferencias significativas (plevadura de cerveza no  interfiere con el pH uterino en esta fase y, por lo tanto, tampoco interfiere en el  transporte  espermático,  la  capacidad  de desarrollo  y  fertilización  del  oocito. Además, según  los  resultados de este  trabajo,  se  logró  inferir que a pesar de la variación encontrada en el pH luteal de  las vacas suplementadas y el de vacas no suplementadas, no se altera el porcentaje de preñez  entre  los grupos; pero el hecho de que vacas  no  suplementadas  con pH  luteal <  6.0 consiguieran la gestación, hace pensar que  los pH ácidos en esta  fase pueden ser compatibles con la supervivencia del embrión.


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    Marta Elena Londoño

    Full Text Available La hidroxiapatita sintética (HA es un fosfato de calcio con una composición química muy similar a la del hueso humano, lo cual la hace biocompatible con los tejidos vivos. La biocompatibilidad posibilita su uso en variadas aplicaciones médicas. En esta investigación se realizó un seguimiento a las propiedades cristaloquímicas de muestras de HA sintética tratadas a diferentes temperaturas, las que se sometieron a solución fisiológica de Ringer durante periodos de 5 y de 30 días. La medición de la conductividad y el análisis de las muestras, por medio de espectrofotometría UV-VIS, análisis por ion selectivo, DRX, FTIR y SEM, permitieron mostrar la gran dependencia de la cristalinidad con el tratamiento térmico. La muestra más cristalina se obtuvo a una temperatura de 1050 °C. La mayor solubilidad se presentó en las muestras más cristalinas; además, se evidenció la presencia de dos mecanismos que compiten cuando las muestras se someten a solución Ringer: la disolución y la precipitación.

  8. Desensitization with ciprofloxacin in a patient with partially treated urinary tract infection Desensibilización con ciprofloxacina en una paciente con infección urinaria parcialmente tratada

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    Zulma Reina Cutta


    norfloxacina, la ciprofloxacina y la ofloxacina contra estreptococos y algunos anaerobios es limitada; tienen, además, buena biodisponibilidad oral y adecuada penetración en los tejidos. Se presentan reacciones características de hipersensibilidad aproximadamente en 1 por cada 50.000. tratamientos. Se describe un caso de desensibilización oral exitosa con ciprofloxacina en una paciente con infección urinaria crónica parcialmente tratada. Esta es la primera desensibilización con quinolonas reportada en Colombia.

  9. Alteraciones alimentarias en pacientes con diagnóstico de Trastorno Bipolar


    Maldonado, Marianela


    Las Alteraciones Alimentarias constituyen un importante problema de la Salud Pública en la actualidad. Existen una serie de factores que han ido apareciendo en forma insidiosa como el aumento de su frecuencia y la dificultad en poder ser diagnosticadas y tratadas nutricionalmente en pacientes con Trastorno Bipolar. Los pacientes que presentan esta patología exhiben alteraciones alimentarias que por sus características o su gravedad, no solamente no alcanzan a cumplir con los cr...



    CASTRO, Adriana M; RODRÍGUEZ, Ligia; VARGAS, Edgar M


    En este trabajo se determinan las condiciones de temperatura más favorables para un proceso de secado de uchuva (Physalis peruviana L) con aire caliente, con deshidratación osmótica (DO) como pretratamiento, utilizando una solución de sacarosa de 70o Brix a 40oC durante 16 horas. Se realiza un seguimiento de la degradación de β-caroteno con el tiempo y la temperatura. En la fruta tratada con aire caliente a 60oC y pretratada con DO, se obtiene una pérdida total de β-caroteno del 98%. La fruta...

  11. Coriocarcinoma con metástasis pulmonar

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    Vicia Sánchez Abalos


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso clínico de una fémina de 44 años de edad, con 32 semanas de embarazo, la cual fuera ingresada en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital General Docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba, por presentar insuficiencia respiratoria aguda como consecuencia de una sepsis. La paciente fue tratada con cefalosporina de tercera generación y ventilación mecánica no invasiva, pero se mantuvieron las características gasométricas de hipoxemia y una mala reacción terapéutica, por lo que se requirió instrumentación de las vías respiratorias y soporte hemodinámico, sin lograr regresión del cuadro clínico, lo cual condujo a un paro cardiorrespiratorio y, con ello, a la muerte. La necropsia mostró un coriocarcinoma del endometrio con metástasis pulmonar

  12. Crossbreds of Jersey x Holstein compared with pure Holsteins for production, fertility, and body and udder measurements during first lactation. (United States)

    Heins, B J; Hansen, L B; Seykora, A J; Johnson, D G; Linn, J G; Romano, J E; Hazel, A R


    Jersey x Holstein crossbreds (JxH; n = 76) were compared with pure Holsteins (n = 73) for 305-d milk, fat, and protein production; conception rate; days open; proportion of cows pregnant within fixed intervals postpartum; and body and udder measurements during first lactation. Cows were housed at 2 research locations of the University of Minnesota and calved from September 2003 to May 2005. The JxH were mated to Montbeliarde sires, and Holstein cows were mated to Holstein sires. Best Prediction was used to determine actual production (milk, fat, and protein) for 305-d lactations with adjustment for age at calving, and records less than 305 d were projected to 305 d. The JxH (274 kg) and pure Holsteins (277 kg) were not significantly different for fat production, but JxH had significantly less milk (7,147 vs. 7,705 kg) and protein (223 vs. 238 kg) production than pure Holsteins. The JxH had significantly fewer days open than pure Holsteins (127 vs. 150 d). Also, a significantly greater proportion of JxH were pregnant at 150 and 180 d postpartum than pure Holsteins (75 vs. 59% and 77 vs. 61%, respectively). The JxH had significantly less body weight (60 kg) at calving, but significantly greater body condition (2.80 vs. 2.71). Furthermore, JxH had significantly less udder clearance from the ground to the bottom of the udder than pure Holsteins (47.7 vs. 54.6 cm), and greater distance between front teats (15.8 vs. 14.0 cm) than pure Holsteins during first lactation.

  13. Evaluación urodinámica con doxazocina en pacientes con hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB. Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe (HPTU de 1998-1999

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    Juan Aristizábal


    Full Text Available

    Tradicionalmente la HPB ha sido tratada quirúrgicamente, pero a
    partir de los años 80 ha aparecido una gran variedad de modalidades
    terapéuticas diferentes a la cirugía, basadas en medicamentos orales que disminuyen el tamaño de la próstata y/o los síntomas que esto genera.
    Se propone estudiar con todos los parámetros urodinámicos, la respuesta de los pacientes con HPB tratados con Doxazocina para evaluar su efecto en las curvas Flujo-Presión.



  14. Environmental protection in Schleswig-Holstein

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knauer, N.


    With the contributions by Norbert Knauer, the Akademie Sankelmark presents one of the results of its activities. Prof. Knauer is head of the department of grassland management, cropping and landscape ecology at Kiel University. He is a member of the Experts Commission for Problems of Environmental Protection of the Schleswig-Holstein Government, of the Schleswig-Holstein Curatory for Environmental Protection as well as of the regional planning council. He is also regional supervisor for nature and landscape conservation of the state of Schleswig-Holstein. All these functions have made him an expert in the field of landscape conservation and environmental protection. (orig.) [de

  15. Comparison of pure Holsteins to crossbred Holsteins with Norwegian Red cattle in first and second generations. (United States)

    Ezra, E; Van Straten, M; Weller, J I


    A total of 1922 first generation crossbred cows born between 2005 and 2012 produced by inseminating purebred Israeli Holstein cows with Norwegian Red semen, and 7487 purebred Israeli Holstein cows of the same age in the same 50 herds were analyzed for production, calving traits, fertility, calving diseases, body condition score, abortion rate and survival under intensive commercial management conditions. Holstein cows were higher than crossbreds for 305-day milk, fat and protein production. Differences were 764, 1244, 1231 for kg milk; 23.4, 37.4, 35.6 for kg fat, and 16.7, 29.8, 29.8 for kg protein; for parities 1 through 3. Differences for fat concentration were not significant; while crossbred cows were higher for protein concentration by 0.06% to 0.08%. Differences for somatic cells counts were not significant. Milk production persistency was higher for Holstein cows by 5, 8.3 and 8% in parities 1 through 3. Crossbred cows were higher for conception status by 3.1, 3.6 and 4.7% in parities 1 through 3. Rates of metritis for Holsteins were higher than the crossbred cows by 7.8, 4.6 and 3.4% in parities 1 to 3. Differences for incidence of abortion, dystocia, ketosis and milk fever were not significant. Holstein cows were lower than crossbred cows for body condition score for all three parities, with differences of 0.2 to 0.4 units. Contrary to comparisons in other countries, herd-life was higher for Holsteins by 79 days. A total of 6321 Holstein cows born between 2007 and 2011 were higher than 765 progeny of crossbred cows backcrossed to Israeli Holsteins of the same ages for milk, fat and protein production. Differences were 279, 537, 542 kg milk; 10.5, 17.7, 17.0 kg fat and 6.2, 12.9, 13.2 kg protein for parities 1 through 3. Differences for fat concentration were not significant, while backcross cows were higher for protein percentage by 0.02% to 0.04%. The differences for somatic cell score, conception rate, and calving diseases other than metritis, were not

  16. Síndrome serotoninérgico en anciano con falla renal crónica tratada con linezolid: reporte de caso

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    Mauricio Montoya Cañón


    Entre los factores de riesgo para desarrollo de síndrome serotoninérgico se encuentra el uso de linezolid, que en combinación de otros medicamentos con acción serotoninérgica —como los inhibidores selectivos de recaptación de serotonina, el litio, la trazodona, entre otros— se asocia con la presentación de este cuadro. El síndrome serotoninérgico puede ser evitado con una buena educación al personal médico y la modificación de las conductas de prescripción de medicamentos; el pilar del tratamiento se basa en la suspensión de los fármacos que están causando el cuadro y el planteamiento de medidas de soporte.

  17. Genetic differentiation of Mexican Holstein cattle and its relationship with Canadian and U.S. Holsteins

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    Felipe De Jesus Ruiz-Lopez


    Full Text Available The Mexican Holstein industry has imported Canadian and US (CAN+USA Holstein germplasm for use in two different production systems, the conventional (Conv and the low income system (Lowi. The objective of this work was to study the genetic composition and differentiation of the Mexican Holstein cattle, considering the production system in which they perform and their relationship with the Canadian and US Holstein populations. The analysis included information from 149, 303 and 173 unrelated or with unknown pedigree Holstein (HO animals from the Conv, Lowi and CAN+USA populations, respectively. Canadian and US Jersey (JE and Brown Swiss (BS genotypes (162 and 86, respectively were used to determine if Mexican Holsteins were hybridized with either of these breeds. After quality control filtering, a total of 6,617 out of 6,836 SNP markers were used. To describe the genetic diversity across the populations, principal component (PC, admixture composition, and linkage disequilibrium (r2 analyses were performed. Through the PC analysis, HOxJE and HOxBS crossbreeding was detected in the Lowi system. The Conv system appeared to be in between Lowi and CAN+USA populations. Admixture analysis differentiated between the genetic composition of the Conv and Lowi systems, and five ancestry groups associated to sire’s country of origin were identified. The minimum distance between markers to estimate a useful LD was found to be 54.5 kb for the Mexican HO populations. At this average distance, the persistence of phase across autosomes of Conv and Lowi systems was 0.94, for Conv and CAN+USA was 0.92 and for the Lowi and CAN+USA was 0.91. Results supported the flow of germplasm among populations being Conv a source for Lowi, and dependent on migration from CAN+USA. Mexican Holstein cattle in Conv and Lowi populations share common ancestry with CAN+USA but have different genetic signatures.

  18. Costos de producción de vaquillas Holstein con ensilado de caña de azúcar o de maíz

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    J. A. Reyes


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar los costos de producción de vaquillas Holstein mediante la comparación de dos sistemas de alimentación, basados en ensilado de caña de azúcar (ECA vs el sistema tradicional del rancho basado en ensilado de maíz (EM. En ambos casos, con suplementación a los animales. Se utilizaron 28 becerras posterior al destete, con una edad promedio de 80±16 días y un peso inicial de 79.5 ± 12.9 kg. El estadístico fue un análisis de varianza para un diseño en bloques al azar, en donde el peso fue el factor de bloqueo y se dividieron en tres grupos dentro de cada tratamiento. Cada 30 días se midió la ganancia diaria de peso GDP (kg, la condición corporal CC, la conversión alimenticia CA (kg, el consumo de forraje CF (kg, de suplemento CS (kg, costo de alimentación/ día y la determinación del costo de producción de los reemplazos ($. Las vaquillas tuvieron una GDP 0.666 y 0.743 kg/día, CC 3.1b y 3.7a, CA 7.4a y 9.8b, CF 3.2 y 5.3, CS 1.8 y 1.5, costo de alimentación/día 9.4a y 11.4b y costo de la vaquilla $6,986.82 y $8,034.39, para ECA y EM, respectivamente. La alimentación fue el rubro que mayor impacto tuvo en la obtención de vaquillas de reemplazo, con 67 a 71% de los costos totales y la etapa de mayor inversión en la producción de vaquillas correspondió a la fase del nacimiento al destete. La alimentación basada en ensilaje de caña de azúcar permitió un mejor comportamiento económico para la producción de vaquillas de reemplazo, comparado con el sistema tradicional con ensilado de maíz.

  19. Tamoxifeno y afecciones endometriales en pacientes con cáncer de mama

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    Delia B. Dalbert


    Full Text Available Los objetivos fueron evaluar la prevalencia de afecciones endometriales en pacientes tratadas con tamoxifeno (TAM y analizar los aspectos epidemiológicos, ecográficos, histeroscópicos e histopatológicos. Desde enero de 1999 a diciembre 2008 se estudiaron 152 pacientes con cáncer de mama tratadas con TAM (20 mg/día, sintomáticas (con sangrado o asintomáticas, pre y postmenopáusicas, incluidas en forma consecutiva. El diseño fue prospectivo y observacional. Los métodos diagnósticos usados fueron ecografía transvaginal, histeroscopía y biopsia. Las pacientes fueron seguidas durante 5 años con ecografía cada 12 meses e histeroscopia con biopsia en casos que lo justificaran. Edad: 62.76 ± 10.24 años y tiempo de tratamiento: 36.2 ± 19.9 meses. El adenocarcinoma se observó en 3/87 (3.45% pacientes con factores de riesgo y en 1/65 (1.54% sin ellos (RA: 1.91, IC 95% 1.88 a 1.94. Las afecciones benignas se hallaron en 148 pacientes (97.37% y los adenocarcinomas en 4 (2.63%,1 en un pólipo de aspecto benigno. Los 4 se observaron en mujeres postmenopáusicas (2 asintomáticas con grosor endometrial igual o mayor a 16 mm. El riesgo de cáncer fue significativamente mayor en sintomáticas (2.36 versus 0.42 en asintomáticas. Tres adenocarcinomas se detectaron entre 24 y 48 meses del tratamiento. Recomendamos un seguimiento con ecografía transvaginal de las pacientes asintomáticas, resección de los pólipos evaluando factores de riesgo y tiempo de exposición, en especial luego de los 24 meses. Consideramos aceptable un cut-off = 10 mm en el grosor del endometrio en postmenopáusicas asintomáticas para realizar histeroscopía y biopsia.

  20. Equinoterapia en niñas con síndrome de Rett


    Ibáñez Ibáñez, Diana


    El presente estudio tiene como objetivo principal la valoración de los beneficios que la equinoterapia tiene en niñas afectadas con síndrome de Rett, y se llevará a cabo en un centro hípico que reúna las condiciones e instalaciones necesarias para poder realizar las sesiones de tratamiento. Será un estudio cualitativo y transversal, en el que participarán tanto fisioterapeutas expertos en el ámbito de la equinoterapia como niñas con síndrome de Rett que estén siendo tratadas co...

  1. Estudio de nuevos procedimientos de elaboración de aceitunas verdes tratadas con álcali, no fermentadas, conservadas mediante tratamientos térmicos

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    Montaño, Alfredo


    Full Text Available Two new procedures for the elaboration of alkali-treated green table olives, without fermentation, preserved by sterilization or pasteurization were studied. In each case, the aim was to obtain a product with good quality and guaranteed safety. In the sterilized product, it was demonstrated that by including a pitting step during elaboration, a product was obtained with both flavour and texture similar to those of «green ripe olives», but without the need to apply an excessive number of washes. Alkalizing agents added to the packing solution negatively affected the organoleptic olive properties. In case of the pasteurized product, a pitting step during elaboration was also demonstrated to be effective in improving olive flavour. Fruit texture was not significantly affected by this step. Both herbal extracts and monosodium glutamate added to the packing solution successfully masked the «cooked» flavour of olives associated with pasteurisation.En el presente trabajo se han estudiado dos nuevos procedimientos para la elaboración de aceitunas verdes tratadas con álcali no fermentadas, conservadas por esterilización o pasterización, con el objetivo de obtener, en cada caso, un producto de calidad adecuada y de total garantía en cuanto a seguridad. En el producto esterilizado, se demostró que la inclusión de una etapa de deshuesado durante la elaboración conseguía un sabor y textura similares a las aceitunas denominadas «green ripe olives», pero sin necesidad de aplicar un excesivo número de lavados. Sin embargo, la adición de agentes alcalinizantes afectó negativamente a las características organolépticas de este producto. En el caso del producto pasterizado, el deshuesado del fruto consiguió también una notable mejora del sabor sin afectar significativamente a la textura. La adición de extractos de hierbas aromáticas o de glutamato monosódico a la salmuera de envasado enmascaró el característico sabor a

  2. Energy report 1995 for Schleswig-Holstein. Situation, focal areas, examples; Energiebericht Schleswig-Holstein 1995. Situation, Schwerpunkte, Beispiele

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Since 1988 the Land of Schleswig Holstein has been going new ways in its energy policy. Its declared aims are energy saving in heat and electricity supply, efficient energy utilisation, a greater utilisation of renewable energy resources, and, of principal importance, the phase-out of nuclear energy. As the legislative competence of the Laender is very restricted in matters relating to energy, the new policy has primarily been designed as a means of demonstrating by way of example that there actually are considerable potentials for saving energy and that they can be exploited. The present report gives an overview of the results of Schleswig Holstein`s energy policy of the last seven years. (orig./RHM) [Deutsch] Seit 1988 geht das Land Schleswig-Holstein energiepolitisch neue Wege. Das erklaerte Ziel: Energieeinsparung im Waerme- und Strombereich, rationelle Energieverwendung, staerkere Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien. Und grundsaetzlich: Ausstieg aus der Kernenergie. Da die Bundeslaender nur ueber eine sehr eingeschraenkte Gesetzgebungskompetenz im Energiebereich verfuegen, zielte die neue Energiepolitik zunaechst darauf ab, durch Foerderprogramme beispielhaft zu zeigen, dass tatsaechlich erhebliche Einsparpotentiale bestehen und auch umsetzbar sind. Der Bericht gibt einen Ueberblick ueber die Ergebnisse der Energiepolitik der letzten sieben Jahre in Schleswig-Holstein. (orig./RHM)


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    Full Text Available 1-metilciclopropeno (1-MCP, un inhibidor del etileno, ha sido utilizado para extender la vida comercial de diferentes frutas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la aplicación de soluciones acuosas de 10, 100 y 200 gL-1 de 1-MCP, con tiempos de exposición de 1, 5 y 10 minutos, sobre la vida comercial de pitahaya amarilla en estado de madurez 4. Durante 15 días de almacenamiento (25 ± 2°C y 75% de humedad relativa, se evaluaron cambios físicos como la pérdida de peso y la aparición de pardeamiento; y se midieron cambios químicos como sólidos solubles, pH, acidez e índice de madurez. Se presentaron diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos. Los resultados demostraron que aplicaciones de 200 gL-1 de 1-MCP durante 10 minutos prolongó por tres días, la vida comercial de la pitahaya amarilla, y redujo cambios en los sólidos solubles y la acidez

  4. Malformaciones congénitas en hijos de madres epilépticas con y sin tratamiento con anticonvulsivantes Congenital malformations in the offspring of epileptic mothers with and without anticonvulsant treatment

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    Jazmín Arteaga-Vázquez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar la frecuencia y tipo de malformaciones congénitas (MC en hijos de madres epilépticas (HME tratadas y no tratadas con anticonvulsivantes, la posible correlación anticonvulsivante/MC y la asociación con otras alteraciones del desarrollo. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio multicéntrico de casos y controles en 166 recién nacidos vivos HME identificados en 21 501 recién nacidos con MC y respectivos controles del Registro y Vigilancia Epidemiológica de Malformaciones Congénitas (RYVEMCE. RESULTADOS: La frecuencia de MC en HME tratadas fue mayor, (48.3% que en HME no tratadas (28.3%; (RM= 2.37 IC95% 1.08-5.40, p=0.03. Las MC más frecuentes fueron espina bífida, anomalías en reducción de miembros, labio/paladar hendido, microcefalia, anotia/microtia, hipospadias, paladar hendido, polidactilia, anoftalmia/microftalmia y onfalocele. No hubo diferencias entre uso de mono o politerapia. La difenilhidantoína, carbamazepina y ácido valproico fueron los anticonvulsivantes más utilizados. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados confirman la teratogenicidad propia de la epilepsia y el efecto sinérgico de ciertos anticonvulsivantes, lo que evidencia la necesidad de un apropiado control periconcepcional de esta enfermedad y su tratamiento.OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence at birth and type of congenital malformations (CM in newborns of epileptic mothers (NEM treated and not treated with anticonvulsants, the correlation anticonvulsant/CM and other developmental disorders. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Multicenter case-control study, in 166 live births NEM diagnosed in 21 501 newborns with CM and respective controls from the Registro y Vigilancia Epidemiológica de Malformaciones Congénitas (RYVEMCE. RESULTS: The frequency of CM in NEM treated with anticonvulsants was higher (48.3% than in NEM of untreated mothers (28.3%, (OR= 2.37 IC95% 1.08-5.40, p=0.03. CMs most frequently found were: spina bifida, limb reduction defects, cleft lip palate

  5. Edema macular por tratamiento con rosiglitazona en diabetes mellitus


    Asensio-Sánchez, V.M.; Asensio-Sánchez, M.J.; Gómez-Ramírez, V.


    Caso clínico: Mujer de 61 años diabética tipo 2 de 7 años de evolución en tratamiento con insulina. Se añade rosiglitazona (4mg al día) para conseguir un control glucémico adecuado. Un mes después, la paciente presenta edema generalizado y pérdida de visión. El estudio fundoscópico mostró edema macular bilateral. En la exploración sistémica destacaban edemas periféricos. La rosiglitazona fue suspendida y la paciente fue tratada de forma conservadora, con resolución rápida de los edemas perifé...

  6. Profilaxis de la hipertensión arterial tipo III con el uso de la aspirina


    Rodríguez Santana, Maricela; García León, Lázaro; Valdés Suárez, Ernesto; Hernández Cabrera, Jesús


    Se realiza un estudio, en el período comprendido entre enero de 1994 hasta enero con 1995, de 104 gestantes diagnosticadas como hipertensas crónicas en la consulta externa del hospital docente ginecoobstétrico de Matanzas. Del total de la muestra, 54 fueron tratadas con dosis bajas en aspirina y en 50 no se aplicó este tratamiento. Las gestantes que utilizaron bajas dosis de aspirina, no desarrollaron hipertensión arterial tipo III (HTA III), ni se presentaron en las mismas complicaciones mat...

  7. Danish holsteins favor bull offspring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Græsbøll, Kaare; Kirkeby, Carsten; Nielsen, Søren Saxmose


    In a previous study from 2014 it was found that US Holstein cows that gave birth to heifer calves produced more milk than cows having bull calves. We wanted to assess whether this is also true for Danish cattle. Data from 578 Danish Holstein herds were analysed with a mixed effect model and contr......In a previous study from 2014 it was found that US Holstein cows that gave birth to heifer calves produced more milk than cows having bull calves. We wanted to assess whether this is also true for Danish cattle. Data from 578 Danish Holstein herds were analysed with a mixed effect model...... and contrary to the findings in the US, we found that cows produced higher volumes of milk if they had a bull calf compared to a heifer calf. We found a significantly higher milk production of 0.28% in the first lactation period for cows giving birth to a bull calf, compared to a heifer calf. This difference...... was even higher when cows gave birth to another bull calf, so having two bull calves resulted in a difference of 0.52% in milk production compared to any other combination of sex of the offspring. Furthermore, we found that farmer assisted calvings were associated with a higher milk yield. Cows...

  8. Un caso de osteocondritis costal tífica tratado con vacunas y antivirus


    Lleras Acosta, F.; Rueda H., Alfonso


    Por considerala de importancia práctica, presentamos la historiaclínica de una enferma afectada de osteocondritis costal de origen Eberthiano, tratada con éxito completo por las autovacunas y antivirus, Debemos esta interesante observación al Dr. Juan N. Carpas y al interno de su servicio de mujeres, Sr. Azuero, quienes galantemente nos suministraron los datos clínicos y las observaciones relativas a los efectos producidos por las vacunas.

  9. Estudio comparativo de las maloclusiones de clase III tratadas con y sin cirugía


    Martínez Asúnsolo, Pascual


    El objetivo de la presente tesis fue determinar si existen diferencias en la inclinación de los incisivos superiores e inferiores en pacientes de clase III tratados con cirugía o únicamente con “camuflaje ortodóncico”, así como su repercusión en la relación esquelética final. Para ello se realizó un estudio clínico comparativo y retrospectivo en la unidad docente de Ortodoncia del departamento de Estomatología de la Universidad de Valencia. La muestra consistió en 56 pacientes que cump...

  10. Comportamiento productivo y reproductivo del ganado holstein rojo, holstein negro y pardo suizo en Palmira, Valle del Cauca

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    Zapata Oscar


    Full Text Available Three breeds of dairy cattle (26 Red Holstein RH, 97 Black Holstein BH and 29 Brown Swiss BS, were evaluated for reproductive eficiency, and milk production for the years 1979 - 1987 a t the Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario, Palmira. Days of milking, milk and fat production were for BH (324.0days, 2545.9 kg, 91.1 kg for the RH (300.0 days, 2243.7 kg, 81.0 kg for the BS (298.2 days, 1886.6 kg, 66.9 kg. % fat average were 3.6% in RH, 3.7 % in BH and BS. The lactation curves for the three breeds were best ajusted with the model: Y=A+B(lnt + C(lnt2. Larger persistaency was observed on BS followed by RH. The BS presented better reproductive efficiency than RH and BH with a mean of 169.0,177.4 and 195.6 days, calving data-conception and 2.0, 22 and 22 for number of services per conception. The HR breed had a calving age of 3.4 years and 470.5 kg of calving weight larger than 3.5 years and 440.0 kg for the BH and 3.8 years and 458.1 kg for the BS. Average weight at birth for males and females together BS showed grater weights (37.02 kq, BH and RH showed similar results (36.0 and 362 kg. The incidence of problem at birth was higher for RH (10.90/0 and puerperium problems in BS(21.60,b. Not significal effect of calving weight and rainfall on milk yield and calving date-conception. In most cases there was no correlation between milk yield and calving date-conception. There was a very narow relation between calving date- conception and number of services per conception.En el Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario-Palmira, se evaluó el comportamiento productivo y reproductivo de 152 vacas; 26 Holstein Rojo (HR, 97 Holstein Negro (HN y 29 vacas Pardo Suizo (PS, durante el período 1979-1987. La mayor duración de la lactancia, producción de leche y grasa (kg la presentó la raza HN (324 días, 2545.9 ka, 91.1 kg, seguido de la HR (300 días, 2243.7,81.0 kg y de la PS (298.2 días, 1886.6 kg, 66.9 kg. los porcentajes de grasa fueron 3.6 (HR y 3.7010 (HN y PSI

  11. Problemas médicos habituales relacionados con la paciente embarazada

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    V. Lorena Quiroz, DRA.


    Full Text Available Problemas médicos como enfermedades del tiroides, deficiencia de vitamina D, anemia, infecciones del tracto urinario e insulino resistencia entre otros, pueden complicar el embarazo. Dado las molestias propias de la gestación, muchas de estas patologías no son diagnosticadas ni tratadas, aumentando la morbilidad materna y fetal. Algunas de estas enfermedades tienen diferentes criterios diagnósticos comparados con la mujer no embarazada. Se revisan los criterios diagnósticos y tratamientos de los problemas médicos más frecuentes en el embarazo.

  12. Determining optimum age of Holstein dairy calves when adding chopped alfalfa hay to meal starter diets based on measures of growth and performance. (United States)

    Hosseini, S M; Ghorbani, G R; Rezamand, P; Khorvash, M


    The present study was conducted to determine the optimum age of Holstein dairy calves for an effective inclusion of alfalfa hay (AH) in starter feed on performance, apparent digestibility and feeding behavior. A total of 40 Holstein dairy calves (20 female and 20 male) were used in a completely randomized design in which calves were randomly assigned to one of four different dietary treatments including control (CON) calves fed starter feed without any forage and three treatments consisting of the same starter feed plus 15% chopped AH fed when calves were at the 2nd (AH2), 4th (AH4) or 6th (AH6) week of age. Calves were individually housed and bedded with sand that was replaced every other day. Feed and water were available ad libitum throughout the experiment. Calves were fed milk at 10% of birth BW twice daily until d 57. The study concluded when calves were 73 days old. Starter intake was recorded daily and BW was measured weekly. Data were analyzed as a complete randomized design by MIXED procedures of SAS. Results demonstrate that calves receiving AH treatments numerically consumed more starter feed (0.62 v. 0.78, 0.71 and 0.65 kg/day for CON, AH2, AH4 and AH6, respectively) and had greater average daily gain (ADG) compared with CON (0.48 v. 0.57, 0.49 and 0.49 kg/day for CON, AH2, AH4 and AH6), although the significant difference was observed only between AH2 and CON. Among AH treatments, calves in AH2 had better performance than AH6 in several cases including starter intake, ADG. No detectable differences were observed, however, in apparent dry matter, organic matter or CP digestibility among treatments. Ruminal pH and NH3 concentrations, measured on weeks 4, 6, 8 and 10, were lower for calves fed CON compared with other treatments, with ammonia concentrations decreasing over time. Calves in the AH treatments spent more time eating and ruminating compared with CON. Calves fed CON, however, spent more time on laying down compared with other treatments

  13. Extracción y reología de Betaglucanos de cebada y elaboración de masas de pan sin gluten enriquecidas con los extractos


    Rivero Hernández, Miguel


    La materia prima utilizada ha sido la cebada H13 tipo waxy, una cebada desnuda, es decir sin cáscara, con un contenido de beta-glucanos del 4,51%, de la que se obtuvieron tres extractos distintos: el primero procedente de la harina integral de la cebada (18,8 % de -glucanos), el segundo de esa misma harina integral tratada con etanol para inactivar las betaglucanasas (21,5 % de -glucanos), y el tercero procedente de la fracción gruesa de la molienda pretratada igualmente con ...

  14. Dietary melatonin alters uterine artery hemodynamics in pregnant Holstein heifers. (United States)

    Brockus, K E; Hart, C G; Gilfeather, C L; Fleming, B O; Lemley, C O


    The objective was to examine uterine artery hemodynamics and maternal serum profiles in pregnant heifers supplemented with dietary melatonin (MEL) or no supplementation (CON). In addition, melatonin receptor-mediated responses in steroid metabolism were examined using a bovine endometrial epithelial culture system. Twenty singleton pregnant Holstein heifers were supplemented with 20 mg of melatonin (n = 10) or no melatonin supplementation (control; n = 10) from days 190 to 262 of gestation. Maternal measurements were recorded on days 180 (baseline), 210, 240, and 262 of gestation. Total uterine blood flow was increased by 25% in the MEL-treated heifers compared with the CON. Concentrations of progesterone were decreased in MEL vs CON heifers. Total serum antioxidant capacity was increased by 43% in MEL-treated heifers when compared with CON. Activity of cytochrome P450 1A, 2C, and superoxide dismutase was increased in bovine endometrial epithelial cells treated with melatonin, whereas the melatonin receptor antagonist, luzindole, negated the increase in cytochrome P450 2C activity. Moreover, estradiol or progesterone treatment altered bovine uterine melatonin receptor expression, which could potentiate the melatonin-mediated responses during late gestation. The observed increase in total uterine blood flow during melatonin supplementation could be related to its antioxidant properties. Compromised pregnancies are typically accompanied by increased oxidative stress; therefore, melatonin could serve as a therapeutic supplementation strategy. This could lead to further fetal programming implications in conjunction with offspring growth and development postnatally. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Un caso de Osteocondritis costal tífica tratado con vacunas y antivirus

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    F. Lleras Acosta


    Full Text Available Por considerala de importancia práctica, presentamos la historia clínica de una enferma afectada de osteocondritis costal de origen Eberthiano, tratada con éxito completo por las autovacunas y antivirus, Debemos esta interesante observación al Dr. Juan N. Carpas y al interno de su servicio de mujeres, Sr. Azuero, quienes galantemente nos suministraron los datos clínicos y las observaciones relativas a los efectos producidos por las vacunas.

  16. Comparing profitability of Burlina and Holstein Friesian cattle breeds

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    Martino Cassandro


    Full Text Available Aim of this study was to compare profitability of Burlina and Holstein Friesian cows in northern Italy. Cow’s profitability was calculated for each breed, with consideration of economic incentive programs and alternative milk pricing scenarios. The difference in annual profitability between Burlina and Holstein Friesian ranged from −€719 to −€274 per cow per year. In a low-input management level with a cow’s incentive payment and a specific cheese market strategy the low milk yield of Burlina can be compensate respect to Holstein Friesian.

  17. Relación entre características de tipo y producción de leche en vacas Holstein de Antioquia, Colombia

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    Juan Corrales A.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar la relación entre las características de tipo agrupadas por factores con la producción de leche en ganado Holstein de Antioquia, Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizaron datos de 24 características lineales y producción de leche de 3102 vacas de la raza Holstein del departamento de Antioquia en control lechero oficial. Se realizó un análisis por factores (AF con el método de componentes principales y se retuvieron los factores que mostraron valores propios mayores que 1.0. Posteriormente se realizó un análisis de varianza para la variable producción de leche, donde se tuvieron en cuenta los efectos fijos de finca, mes de parto y año de clasificación y se estimaron los coeficientes de regresión lineal para cada uno de los factores retenidos. Resultados. El AF mostró que sólo siete factores fueron retenidos y agruparon cerca del 64% del total de la varianza de todas las características de tipo analizadas. El primer factor reunió las variables relacionadas con la estructura general de la vaca y tuvo un valor propio de 3.85. El análisis de varianza mostró que los factores se relacionaron con producción de leche Conclusiones. Para producción de leche en Antioquia, Colombia, sobresalen las vacas grandes, anchas de pecho, altas y profundas del cuerpo, con pezuñas uniformes, angulosas y talones profundos, un sistema mamario caracterizado por ubres de textura suave, buen ligamento medio, un buen carácter lechero y ubres profundas.

  18. 1991 measurement report. Air pollution monitoring in Schleswig-Holstein

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This article provides a report of the immission situation for 1991 in Schleswig-Holstein on the basis of the continuously processing measuring stations of the Air Hygienic Monitoring Schleswig-Holstein and the special measuring programs at selected sites. The measuring results of the Air Hygienic Monitoring determined for Schleswig-Holstein in 1991 can be summarized as follows: - The basic load of air by pollutants such as sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ), nitrogen monoxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) and airborne particles in relatively small in the entires region of the nation; Schleswig-Holstein is, therefore, continues to be ranked as one of the regions in the Federal Republic of Germany least burden to air contaminates. - A slight increase compared to the previous year could be determined for the components of sulphur dioxide and airborne particles. - The limit values defined by the European Community (EG) were adhered to at the time of the report; the admittance values for SO 2 and NO 2 were, however, exceeded. (orig./KW) [de

  19. Fracturas de clavícula. Tratamiento quirúrgico con clavos intramedulares flexibles

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    Roberto Joaquín Del Gordo D'amato


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo en una serie de casos en el cual se presentan los resultados de 12 fracturas de clavícula tratadas en forma quirúrgica mediante clavos intramedulares flexibles. Todos los pacientes fueron tratados por los autores en la Clínica El Prado del D.T.C.H. de la Ciudad de Santa Marta mediante reducción cerrada bajo control radioscópico. Presentando resultados excelentes y buenos en todos los casos. Así mismo, se evidenció consolidación clínica a las cuatro semanas con reintegro a la vida laboral alrededor de las seis semanas. Todos los pacientes mostraron alto grado de satisfacción con el resultado obtenido. Se concluye que el tratamiento empleado es una alternativa terapéutica a tener en cuenta en aquellas fracturas desplazadas, sean estas del tercio externo, medio o interno que permite consolidación sin las complicaciones que con alguna frecuencia se presentan con el tratamiento conservador. (Duazary 2006; 2:115-120

  20. Tratamiento con estatinas en pacientes pediátricos con síndrome nefrótico resistente a esteroides. Reporte de dos casos

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    C Sánchez-García


    Full Text Available El síndrome nefrótico se define por la asociación de proteinuria, hipoalbuminemia, hiperlipidemia y edema. El 80% de los pacientes pediátricos con síndrome nefrótico primario responde a la terapia con esteroides; el 20% restante requiere asociar otros medicamentos para alcanzar la remisión (ciclofosfamida, ciclosporina. La hiperlipidemia en el síndrome nefrótico es debida tanto a un incremento en la síntesis acompañada de disminución en la eliminación de los lípidos de la sangre; siendo la causa directa de esto la proteinuria. La hiperlipidemia incrementa el riesgo cardiovascular, así como el daño glomerular. Con base en esto, la hiperlipidemia persistente en el síndrome nefrótico resistente a esteroides debe ser tratada. Los inhibidores de la 3-hidroxi-3-metilglutaril-coenzima A (HMG-CoA reductasa han demostrado efecto antiinflamatorio, inmunomodulador y antiproliferativo. Por ello el papel de las estatinas en el síndrome nefrótico va más allá de su efecto hipolipemiante. Presentamos dos casos de pacientes pediátricos con diagnóstico de síndrome nefrótico resistente a esteroides y su evolución durante el tratamiento con ciclosporina y estatinas.

  1. Genome-wide Association Studies for Female Fertility Traits in Chinese and Nordic Holsteins. (United States)

    Liu, Aoxing; Wang, Yachun; Sahana, Goutam; Zhang, Qin; Liu, Lin; Lund, Mogens Sandø; Su, Guosheng


    Reduced female fertility could cause considerable economic loss and has become a worldwide problem in the modern dairy industry. The objective of this study was to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for female fertility traits in Chinese and Nordic Holsteins using various strategies. First, single-trait association analyses were performed for female fertility traits in Chinese and Nordic Holsteins. Second, the SNPs with P-value Nordic Holsteins. Third, the summary statistics from single-trait association analyses were combined into meta-analyses to: (1) identify common QTL for multiple fertility traits within each Holstein population; (2) detect SNPs which were associated with a female fertility trait across two Holstein populations. A large numbers of QTL were discovered or confirmed for female fertility traits. The QTL segregating at 31.4~34.1 Mb on BTA13, 48.3~51.9 Mb on BTA23 and 34.0~37.6 Mb on BTA28 shared between Chinese and Nordic Holsteins were further ascertained using a validation approach and meta-analyses. Furthermore, multiple novel variants identified in Chinese Holsteins were validated with Nordic data as well as meta-analyses. The genes IL6R, SLC39A12, CACNB2, ZEB1, ZMIZ1 and FAM213A were concluded to be strong candidate genes for female fertility in Holsteins.

  2. Efecto del gas utilizado en el tratamiento térmico y la impurificación con Eu en las propiedades estructurales de nanofibras de TiO2 depositadas por electrohilado


    Cruz-González, N.; Fernández Muñoz, J.L.; Zapata-Torres, M.; García-Hipólito, M.


    En este trabajo estudiamos la influencia de la atmósfera utilizada en el tratamiento térmico; así como la impurificación con Europio, en la transformación estructural de nanofibras de TiO2 crecidas por la técnica de electrohilado. Las muestras de TiO2 fueron tratadas térmicamente en atmósferas de Nitrógeno y Aire. Las muestras de TiO2:Eu fueron tratadas térmicamente en una atmosfera de aire. La morfología fue estudiada por Microscopia Electrónica de Barrido (SEM por sus siglas en ingles); y s...

  3. Hematology reference intervals for neonatal Holstein calves. (United States)

    Panousis, Nikolaos; Siachos, Nektarios; Kitkas, Georgios; Kalaitzakis, Emmanouil; Kritsepi-Konstantinou, Maria; Valergakis, Georgios E


    Data regarding hematologic reference intervals (RI) for neonatal calves have not been published yet. The aims of this study were: a) to establish hematology RIs for neonatal Holstein calves, b) to compare them with the RIs for lactating cows, and c) to investigate the relationship of age and gender with the hematologic profile of calves. Two-hundred and fifty-four clinically healthy Holstein calves (1-9days old, from 30 farms) and 82 healthy Holstein cows (between 30 and 150days in milk, from 10 farms) were blood sampled once for a complete blood count evaluation, using the ADVIA 120 hematology analyzer. An additional blood sample was collected from each calf for serum total protein concentration measurement. RIs and age-related RIs were calculated with the Reference Value Advisor freeware. Comparisons between calves and cows and between male and female calves were performed with t-test or Mann-Whitney test. Red blood cell count (RBC), white blood cell count (WBC), neutrophil, lymphocyte and platelet counts in calves were higher, while mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) were lower than in cows. Lymphocyte and platelets showed a notable increase through age. Finally, female calves had higher RBC, hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration than males. Age-specific RIs should be used for the interpretation of the complete blood count in Holstein calves. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Dispensación en farmacia comunitaria a pacientes con osteoporosis postmenopáusica tratadas con bifosfonatos o ranelato de estroncio

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    Moranta Ribas F


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN La osteoporosis es una enfermedad que afecta sobre todo a las mujeres postmenopaúsicas. La estrategia terapéutica se basa en la administración de bifosfonatos o ranelato de estroncio con un aporte adecuado de calcio y vitamina D. En este estudio hemos evaluado el papel del farmacéutico comunitario en la mejora del conocimiento y proceso de uso de estos fármacos en relación al servicio de dispensación. MÉTODOS Estudio descriptivo transversal realizado en doce oficinas de farmacia de Mallorca, por dieciocho farmacéuticos comunitarios, entre el 17 de mayo y el 6 de junio de 2010. La población a estudio fueron mujeres en tratamiento para osteoporosis postmenopáusica con bifosfonatos o ranelato de estroncio. Los datos obtenidos se recogieron durante el proceso de dispensación de los medicamentos mencionados a las pacientes que aceptaron participar en el estudio, en un cuestionario diseñado a tal efecto. RESULTADOS/DISCUSIÓN De las 112 pacientes participantes en el estudio, sólo un 35,7% habían recibido información del farmacéutico comunitario durante la dispensación. De éstas, un 91,2% utilizaba correctamente el tratamiento para la osteoporosis, un 70% conocía la ingesta recomendada de calcio, un 65% no presentó ningún problema relacionado con el medicamento (PRM y, finalmente, ninguna de ellas presentó interacción alguna. Aunque el porcentaje de pacientes informadas durante la dispensación es bajo, la efectividad es más alta que la ofrecida por otros profesionales, como médicos especialistas o de familia, por lo que todas las pacientes deberían recibir el servicio de dispensación, independientemente de que ya hayan sido informadas por los médicos prescriptores.

  5. Comportamiento lechero de genotipos Holstein x Cebú en silvopastoreo Dairy performance of Holstein x Zebu genotypes under silvopastoral system conditions

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    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de evaluar el potencial bioproductivo y económico de rebaños de diferentes genotipos raciales de doble propósito (Holstein x Cebú en asociaciones de leguminosas arbóreas con gramíneas, se seleccionaron tres unidades lecheras con 80 vacas cada una, formadas por los genotipos Mambí (¾ H x ¼ C, Siboney (5/8 H x 3/8 C y F1 (½H x ½ C, respectivamente. Se determinó la disponibilidad de materia seca de los pastos y el consumo de alimentos complementarios, así como los indicadores productivos del rebaño y los ingresos económicos. No se encontraron marcadas diferencias entre los rebaños en cuanto a la disponibilidad de MS y el aporte del pasto a la dieta. Se obtuvieron valores de producción de leche entera de 7,2; 6,8 y 6,7 y corregida de 9,1; 9,3 y 9,8 kg/vaca/día para los raciales Mambí, Siboney y F1, respectivamente. Los precios de venta de la leche fueron superiores a los 90 centavos en los tres rebaños, con utilidades mayores a los 10 000 pesos. Se concluye que no hubo diferencias apreciables, en términos de producción de leche, entre los genotipos; las diferencias económicas a favor del genotipo F1 están dadas por su rusticidad y adaptación al medio ambiente de pastoreo. Por otra parte, se demostró la sostenibilidad productiva de la tecnología del silvopastoreo racional durante 10 años de explotación.With the objective of evaluating the bioproductive and economic potential of herds from different double purpose racial genotypes (Holstein x Zebu in associations of legume trees with grasses, three dairy units were selected with 80 cows each, including the genotypes Mambí (3/4 H x ¼ Z, Siboney (5/8 H x 3/8 Z and F1 (1/2 H x ½ Z, respectively. Dry matter availability of the pastures and intake of complementary feedstuffs were determined, as well as the productive indicators of the herds and the incomes. No remarkable differences were found among herds regarding DM availability and contribution of pasture

  6. Exposição humana a trialometanos presentes em água tratada

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    Maria Y Tominaga


    Full Text Available Realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica do período de 1974-1998, no MEDLINE, sobre compostos orgânicos halogenados derivados de hidrocarbonetos denominados de trialometanos. Muitos deles, reconhecidamente carcinogênicos para diferentes espécies animais, podem ser encontrados freqüentemente, inclusive entre nós, em águas tratadas e enviadas à população urbana. É o caso de compostos como o clorofórmio, bromodiclorometano, clorodibromometano e bromofórmio, resultantes da halogenação de precursores, principalmente substâncias húmicas e fúlvicas presentes na água que será tratada (clorada. Assim, descreve-se sua formação, fontes de exposição humana bem como os aspectos toxicológicos de maior importância: disposição cinética e espectro dos efeitos tóxicos (carcinogênicos, mutagênicos e teratogênicos decorrentes de exposições a longo prazo e baixas concentrações. Níveis seguros de exposição propostos são também fornecidos.

  7. Exposição humana a trialometanos presentes em água tratada

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    Tominaga Maria Y


    Full Text Available Realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica do período de 1974-1998, no MEDLINE, sobre compostos orgânicos halogenados derivados de hidrocarbonetos denominados de trialometanos. Muitos deles, reconhecidamente carcinogênicos para diferentes espécies animais, podem ser encontrados freqüentemente, inclusive entre nós, em águas tratadas e enviadas à população urbana. É o caso de compostos como o clorofórmio, bromodiclorometano, clorodibromometano e bromofórmio, resultantes da halogenação de precursores, principalmente substâncias húmicas e fúlvicas presentes na água que será tratada (clorada. Assim, descreve-se sua formação, fontes de exposição humana bem como os aspectos toxicológicos de maior importância: disposição cinética e espectro dos efeitos tóxicos (carcinogênicos, mutagênicos e teratogênicos decorrentes de exposições a longo prazo e baixas concentrações. Níveis seguros de exposição propostos são também fornecidos.

  8. Efecto del control de malezas con paraquat y glifosato sobre la erosión y pérdida de nutrimentos del suelo en cafeto

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    Robin G\\u00F3mez G\\u00F3mez


    Full Text Available Efecto del control de malezas con paraquat y glifosatosobre la erosión y pérdida de nutrimentos del suelo encafeto. En Alajuela, Costa Rica, se realizó un experimento enlos años 2002 y 2003 tendiente a determinar el control de malezas, la dinámica poblacional de las malezas y la erosión ypérdida de nutrimentos del suelo debido a aplicaciones sucesivas de paraquat y glifosato. Dos parcelas de 900 m2dentrode una plantación de café fueron aplicadas con paraquat y dosmás tratadas con glifosato. En el año 2003 una parcela de ca-da tratamiento fue disturbada aplicándole materia orgánica(broza de café y carbonato de calcio. El agua de escorrentía ylos sedimentos provenientes de parcelas de 2x7m fueron recogidos en colectores de 200 litros de capacidad y se midieronlas pérdidas de nutrientes. Al inicio de los tratamientos el control de malezas con ambos herbicidas fue de 90-100%, posteriormente con las continuas aplicaciones de herbicidas, sepresentaron malezas tolerantes, haciendo necesario el controlmecánico y aumentar la dosis del herbicida para controlarlas.Durante el 2002 las pérdidas de suelo de las parcelas tratadascon glifosato fueron el doble (3,956 t/ha comparadas con lasocurridas en las parcelas aplicadas con paraquat (1,936 t/ha.En el 2003, en las parcelas no disturbadas tratadas con paraquat se determinó menos erosión (0,231 t/ha en comparacióncon 0,329 t/ha en aquellas aplicadas con glifosato. Asimismo,en las parcelas disturbadas por enmiendas las pérdidas fueronmenores en las aplicadas con paraquat: 0,170 vs. 0,187 t/ha deglifosato. Los análisis de sedimentos y agua mostraron unapérdida importante de Ca, Mg y K, similar en ambos tratamientos. El rendimiento estimado en el año 2003 fue muy similar en ambos tratamientos

  9. Osteogenesis imperfecta in Holstein-Friesian calves

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Agerholm, J.S.; Lund, A.M.; Bloch, B.; Reibel, J.; Basse, A.; Arnbjerg, J.


    Eight calves with osteogenesis imperfecta were born in a Danish Holstein-Friesian herd during a two-year period. In total 92 calves were born (84 normal), and all were sired by a clinically normal Holstein-Friesian bull. The defect was probably due to a de novo dominant mutation present as a gonadal mosaicism in the bull. Affected calves were characterised by multiple fractures, congenital bone deformations, generaljoint laxity, dentinogenesis imperfecta, and light blue sclerae. The skin seemed normal. Electron microscopical studies revealed slightly decreased average diameter of cutaneous collagen fibrils, while the diameter of collagen fibrils in tendons and ligaments was severely reduced. Abnormalities of collagen type I from skin and compact bone were not detected by biochemical analyses

  10. Genome-association analysis of Korean Holstein milk traits using genomic estimated breeding value

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    Donghyun Shin


    Full Text Available Objective Holsteins are known as the world’s highest-milk producing dairy cattle. The purpose of this study was to identify genetic regions strongly associated with milk traits (milk production, fat, and protein using Korean Holstein data. Methods This study was performed using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP chip data (Illumina BovineSNP50 Beadchip of 911 Korean Holstein individuals. We inferred each genomic estimated breeding values based on best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP and ridge regression using BLUPF90 and R. We then performed a genome-wide association study and identified genetic regions related to milk traits. Results We identified 9, 6, and 17 significant genetic regions related to milk production, fat and protein, respectively. These genes are newly reported in the genetic association with milk traits of Holstein. Conclusion This study complements a recent Holstein genome-wide association studies that identified other SNPs and genes as the most significant variants. These results will help to expand the knowledge of the polygenic nature of milk production in Holsteins.

  11. Milk yield, feed efficiency and metabolic profiles in Jersey and Holstein cows assigned to different fat supplementation strategies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alstrup, Lene; Nielsen, M.O.; Lund, Peter


    , compared to their lowest recorded weight after calving. Subsequently, the cows were randomly assigned to one of the four treatments until the end of lactation. There was no effect of feeding strategy on DM intake during week 9–40 of lactation. Fat supplemented rations (WCR; RPF) increased yield of milk...... energy efficiency in Jersey cows but increased energy efficiency in Holstein cows. Because fat supplementation reduced dietary protein concentration and increased milk production, protein intake was lower and N efficiency was higher on WCR and RPF than on CON. Metabolite concentrations in jugular vein...

  12. Effective treatment of common variable immunodeficiency associated diarrhea Diarrea asociada a inmunodeficiencia común variable tratada con budesonida

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    H. Córdova Guevara


    Full Text Available Common variable immunodeficiency disorder (CVID, the commonest symptomatic primary antibody deficiency syndrome, is characterised by recurrent bacterial infections, particularly of the upper and lower airways; it is also associated with an increased incidence of autoimmune and neoplastic disorders. CVID has a high prevalence of infectious, inflammatory and neoplastic gastrointestinal diseases. Up to 60% of the patients with non-treated CVID develop diarrhea and 10% associated idiopathic malabsorption with weight loss. The case of a 50-year-old woman with CVID-associated diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloating of one year's duration is reported. An exhaustive evaluation made for secondary causes of her symptoms was unrevealing; she was treated with loperamide and diet, without improvement. She later followed a course of oral budesonide for 3 months; her clinical symptoms disappeared and her quality of life improved. In conclusion, we report the case of a patient with CVID-related chronic diarrhea who responded well to oral budesonide treatment. This outcome provides the gastroenterologist with a new therapeutic option in this difficult group of patients.La inmunodeficiencia común variable (IDCV es la deficiencia primaria de anticuerpos sintomática más frecuente y está caracterizada por infecciones bacterianas recurrentes, especialmente de las vías aéreas superiores e inferiores, y también asociada a incremento de enfermedades autoinmunes y neoplasias. Presenta alta prevalencia de enfermedades gastrointestinales infecciosas, inflamatorias y neoplásicas. Hasta el 60% de los pacientes con IDCV no tratados desarrollan diarrea y el 10% desarrollan malabsorción idiopática asociado a pérdida de peso. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 50 años con IDCV que presenta diarrea crónica, con dolor y distensión abdominal desde hace 1 año. Realizándose múltiples exploraciones y descartando causas secundarias de diarrea crónica, se inicia

  13. Nota técnica: Comportamiento productivo de machos Holstein x Cebú en silvopastoreo Technical note: Productive performance of Holstein x Zebu males under silvopastoral system conditions

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    L Simón


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de caracterizar el comportamiento productivo de machos de doble propósito Holstein x Cebú se realizó un experimento durante 288 días, en el cual se seleccionaron 32 añojos de 12 meses de edad, que fueron distribuidos aleatoriamente en cuatro grupos de ocho animales cada uno, pertenecientes a los genotipos: F1 (H x C, Siboney mestizo, Siboney y Mambí, los cuales pastorearon en un silvopastoreo constituido por Leucaena leucocephala y Panicum maximum cv. Likoni dividido en 10 cuartones. Se empleó una carga de tres animales/ha, los cuales se pesaron mensualmente para determinar los cambios de peso vivo, las ganancias y la invasión de garrapatas. Se determinó la disponibilidad de MS y la composición química del pastizal para el período lluvioso y el poco lluvioso. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en la ganancia de peso; los valores fueron de 0,691ª: 0,472b: 0,363b y 0,370b para F1, Siboney mestizo, Siboney y Mambí, respectivamente. Similar respuesta se obtuvo en el conteo de garrapatas, donde F1 resultó significativamente inferior al resto (3,83ª; 7,63b; 8,18b y 8,63b para cada genotipo. De acuerdo con los resultados las mejores ganancias se obtuvieron en el F1, seguido de Siboney mestizo, Siboney y Mambí. Además la menor cantidad de garrapatas se encontró en el F1, vinculado al menor porcentaje de sangre Holstein y al mayor grosor de la piel, lo cual puede ser una característica adecuada para valorar la resistencia de los bovinos a la invasión de las garrapatas.With the objective of characterizing the productive performance of double purpose Holstein x Zebu bulls, a trial was conducted for 288 days, in which 32 twelve-month-old yearlings were selected and randomly distributed in four groups of eight animals each, belonging to the genotypes: F1 (H x Z, crossbred Siboney, Siboney and Mambí, which grazed in a silvopastoral system constituted by Leucaena leucocephala and Panicum maximum cv. Likoni, divided

  14. Methods to improve genomic prediction and GWAS using combined Holstein populations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Xiujin

    The thesis focuses on methods to improve GWAS and genomic prediction using combined Holstein populations and investigations G by E interaction. The conclusions are: 1) Prediction reliabilities for Brazilian Holsteins can be increased by adding Nordic and Frensh genotyped bulls and a large G by E...... interaction exists between populations. 2) Combining data from Chinese and Danish Holstein populations increases the power of GWAS and detects new QTL regions for milk fatty acid traits. 3) The novel multi-trait Bayesian model efficiently estimates region-specific genomic variances, covariances...

  15. Hepatocellular carcinoma: computed tomography assessment after invasive treatment;Hepatocarcinoma: Evaluacion con tomografia computada luego del tratamiento intervencionista

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kozima, Shigeru; Larranaga, Nebil; Wulfson, Gabriela [Servicio de Diagnostico por Imagenes Hospital General de Agudos ' Cosme Argerich' , CABA, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Departamento de Imagenes, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Eisele, Guillermo [Departamento de Imagenes, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Ridruejo, Ezequiel; Mando, Oscar [Seccion de Hepatologia. Departamento de Medicina, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Perazzo, Florencia [Seccion Oncologia. Departamento de Medicina, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    diagnostico de hepatocarcinoma; todas fueron tratadas en forma minimamente invasiva. Para el tratamiento se dividio a los pacientes en dos grupos siguiendo el criterio de Milan. El primer grupo, constituido por 75 pacientes con 109 nodulos, fue tratado con quimioembolizacion. El segundo grupo, de 15 pacientes y 25 nodulos, fue tratado con ablacion por radiofrecuencia. Dentro de nuestra poblacion, hubo un subgrupo de 10 pacientes (14 nodulos) que se trato con ambos metodos. Resultados: De los 90 pacientes tratados, luego de los controles con TC realizados a un mes, 3 meses y cada 3 meses durante dos anios, en 63 casos (70%) se observo acumulacion homogenea del lipiodol, defecto parcial sin realce o ausencia de realce en la lesion tratada. A estos no se les realizo nuevo procedimiento luego del tratamiento inicial. En los 27 pacientes restantes (30%), se practico un nuevo tratamiento por visualizarse defecto parcial o ausencia del lipiodol con realce o realce periferico en la fase arterial de la lesion tratada. En este ultimo grupo, 16 pacientes tratados (17,7%) tuvieron nuevo realce nodular en el parenquima hepatico restante. Conclusion: La TC en las fases sin contraste y arterial, a un mes y cada 3 meses, permite evaluar la efectividad, enfermedad residual y/o la recaida del hepatocarcinoma luego del tratamiento minimamente invasivo. (autores)

  16. Geographical influence of heat stress on milk production of Holstein ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    To model the influence of heat stress on milk production of Holstein dairy herds on pasture in South Africa, the maximum entropy (Maxent) modelling technique was used in a novel approach to model and map optimal milk-producing areas. Geographical locations of farms with top milk-producing Holstein herds on pasture ...

  17. Correlation between haplotypes for k - caseine and lactic production characteristics in holstein cattle Correlación entre haplotipos para la k-caseína y características de producción láctea en bovinos holstein

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    Estrada L.


    . Este experimento se realizó con el fin de determinar la frecuencia genotípica y establecer las posibles correlaciones entre los genotipos y algunos fenotipos de producción de leche. Se tomaron muestras de sangre y leche de 54 novillas Holstein de primer parto fueron recolectadas en diferentes fincas de la Sabana de Bogotá (2000 - 3000 msnm; 12 - 18°C. Las muestras de leche fueron analizadas para porcentaje de proteína, caseína total, grasa y lactosa, mientras que la sangre fue usada para genotipificar los haplotipos de la k-caseína (AA, AB y BB. También se colectaron datos del programa de Mejoramiento Lechero Holstein de la Asociación Holstein de Colombia para proyectar la producción de leche a 305 días 2X. Con base en estos datos se determinaron las frecuencias genotípica y alélica para la k-caseína y su correlación con proteína total (%, caseína total (% y proyección de producción de leche (kg a 305 días 2X. La frecuencia genotípica fue de 57.41% para el haplotipo AA, 37.04% para el haplotipo AB y 5.55% para el haplotipo BB. La frecuencia génica fue de 75.93% para el alelo A y 24.07% para el alelo B. Hubo una correlación altamente significativa entre los haplotipos y el porcentaje de proteína en la leche (P>.975, con el haplotipo BB superior al AB y al AA. De otro lado, aunque no hubo una correlación estadísticamente significativa entre estos haplotipos y los parámetros contenido de caseína total y proyección de producción de leche (kg a 305 días 2X, el haplotipo BB siempre demostró mayores valores que los otros haplotipos.

  18. Fibrilação ventricular durante atividade esportiva tratada com sucesso Fibrilación ventricular durante actividad deportiva tratada con êxito Ventricular fibrillation during sport activity successfully treated

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    Maria Margarita Gonzalez


    Full Text Available A sobrevida após parada cardio-respiratória extra-hospitalar é estimada em menos de 5%. Apresentamos um caso de fibrilação ventricular, durante atividade esportiva. Ressuscitação cardio-pulmonar foi iniciada precocemente por pessoa leiga, e desfibrilação foi realizada em menos de três minutos, com desfibrilador externo automático, com sucesso. O programa de acesso público à desfibrilação tem aumentado a sobrevida após fibrilação ventricular extra-hospitalar. Devemos estimular o treinamento de pessoas leigas com relação ao uso de desfibriladores externos automáticos e o programa Suporte Básico de Vida, incentivando a implementação deste em locais com grande afluxo de pessoas e locais com risco elevado de ocorrer morte súbita, a exemplo de centros esportivos.La sobrevida tras una parada cardiorrespiratoria extrahospitalaria se estima en menos del 5%. Presentamos un caso de fibrilación ventricular durante actividad deportiva La resucitación cardiopulmonar fue iniciada precozmente por personal no técnico, y la desfibrilación se realizó en menos de tres minutos, con desfibrilador externo automático, con éxito. El programa de acceso público a la desfibrilación aumentó la sobrevida después de la fibrilación ventricular extrahospitalaria. Debemos estimular la capacitación de personas no técnicas con relación al uso de desfibriladores externos automáticos y el programa Soporte Básico de Vida, incentivando la implementación del mismo en locales con gran afluencia de personas y locales con riesgo elevado de ocurrencia de muerte súbita, como es el caso de los centros deportivos.Survival after out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest is estimated at less than 5%. We report a case of ventricular fibrillation during sports activity. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation was initiated early by a layperson, and defibrillation was successfully performed within less than three minutes, with an automated external defibrillator. The

  19. Physiological responses in the banana plantlets treateds with strobilurinsRespostas fisiológicas em mudas de banananeira tratadas com estrobilurinas

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    Sivia Helena Modenese-Gorla da Silva


    âmetro do pseudocaule e a massa da matéria seca da parte aérea de plantas tratadas com estrobilurinas foram superiores às de plantas não tratadas. O efeito do tratamento com fungicidas foi diferenciado, sendo mais pronunciado nas plantas tratadas com piraclostrobina do que nas plantas tratadas com azoxistrobina. Plantas tratadas com piraclostrobina apresentaram área foliar, atividade da redutase do nitrato e teor de clorofila a e de nitrogênio total foliar superiores às plantas tratadas com azoxistrobina e água, que não diferiram entre si. As estrobilurinas afetaram a fisiologia das mudas de bananeira, com destaque para a piraclostrobina.

  20. Hidro conversión de heptano sobre una bentonita colombiana y una saponita española pilarizadas con aluminio y activadas con ácido

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    Manuel Fredy Molina C.


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo estudia una arcilla tipo esmectita, una bentonita colombiana, la cual fue sometida a modificación por pilarización con especies de aluminio, y a modificación por tratamiento con ácido clorhídrico de diferentes concentraciones. Igualmente, se empleó una saponita española modificada por pilarización con Al y tratada con ácido clorhídrico de diferentes concentraciones, con el objetode establecer un paralelo entre los dos tipos de arcillas en su comportamiento frente a las modificaciones estudiadas.Los sólidos fueron caracterizados por técnicas convencionales, tales como análisis químico, capacidad de intercambio catiónico, difracción de rayos X, acidez total y análisis de textura. Los resultados indican que los dos tipos dearcilla fueron igualmente pilarizados con Al, independientemente del origen de la esmectita de partida.Los resultados catalíticos en la hidroconversión de heptano, obtenidos sobre catalizadores bifuncionales (arcilla modificada impregnada con Pt revelan que la AlP-saponita es más eficiente en la isomerización que la AIP-bentonita. Esta mayor eficiencia es atribuida a la presencia de sitios ácidos fuertes tipo Si-OH ... Al, los cuales están presentes únicamente en las esmectitas, donde las sustituciones isomórficas están localizadas en las láminas tetraédricas. En montmorillonitas (bentonita, estas sustituciones se encuentran presentes en las láminas octaédricas, de manera que este tipo de sitios ácidos son reducidos o simplemente están ausentes.

  1. Increasing imputation and prediction accuracy for Chinese Holsteins using joint Chinese-Nordic reference population

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ma, Peipei; Lund, Mogens Sandø; Ding, X


    This study investigated the effect of including Nordic Holsteins in the reference population on the imputation accuracy and prediction accuracy for Chinese Holsteins. The data used in this study include 85 Chinese Holstein bulls genotyped with both 54K chip and 777K (HD) chip, 2862 Chinese cows...... was improved slightly when using the marker data imputed based on the combined HD reference data, compared with using the marker data imputed based on the Chinese HD reference data only. On the other hand, when using the combined reference population including 4398 Nordic Holstein bulls, the accuracy...... to increase reference population rather than increasing marker density...

  2. Evaluación de vacas de doble propósito de genotipos Holstein x Cebú en sistemas de pastoreo arborizado: II. Bíparas Evaluation of double purpose Holstein x Zebu cows in grazing systems with trees: II. Biparous

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L Simón


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de evaluar el comportamiento productivo y reproductivo de vacas bíparas de doble propósito de los cruzamientos Holstein x Cebú, se utilizaron 75 vacas en un diseño totalmente aleatorizado, 25 por grupo de los genotipos Siboney (5/8 Holstein x 3/8 Cebú, Mambí (3/4 H x ¼ C y Siboney mestizo (5/8 H x 3/8 C, las cuales integraron un rebaño común con acceso al mismo manejo y alimentación, en una vaquería de producción de la granja Supervaca de la Empresa Pecuaria Genética de Matanzas. La carga fue de 1,6 UGM/ha y rotaron en 28 cuartones. Mensualmente se midió la disponibilidad de pastos y la oferta diaria de los forrajes y los suplementos. Se apreció la condición corporal al inicio y al final de cada estación, la producción de leche por vaca se midió quincenalmente, y se determinó la duración y producción por lactancia y los indicadores de reproducción. La mejor condición corporal (3,97 favoreció al Siboney mestizo (PIn order to evaluate the productive and reproductive performance of biparous double-purpose Holstein x Zebu cows, 75 cows were used in a completely randomized design, 25 per group, from genotypes Siboney (5/8 Holstein x 3/8 Zebu, Mambí (3/4 H x ¼ Z and crossbred Siboney (5/8 H x 3/8 Z, which integrated a common herd with access to the same management and feeding, in a production dairy unit of the Supervaca farm, Genetic Livestock Production Firm of Matanzas. The stocking rate was 1,6 animals/ha and they rotated in 28 paddocks. Pasture availability and daily offer of forages and supplements were monthly measured. The body condition was estimated at the beginning and end of each season, milk production per cow was fortnightly measured, and the duration and production per lactation and the reproduction indicators were determined. The best body condition (3,97 favored crossbred Siboney (P<0,01; while no significant differences were found in the duration and production of milk per lactation. Likewise

  3. Semen Quality of Holstein and Buffalo Bulls after Filtration using Sephadex Column

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    AbdelKhalek, A E; AboulEla, M B; Soheir, A Fawzy; Dandooush E


    To evaluate the effect of sephadex column filtration technique on semen quality of five Holstein bulls and five Egyptian buffalo bulls. Semen was collected biweekly from each eight weeks. Immediately after collection, semen was extended (37degree C) and filtered using sephadex column-filtration technique. Semen was evaluated for physical semen characteristics including, percentages of sperm motility, live sperm and sperm abnormality as well as sperm cell concentration pre-and post-filtration. Results show that among all physical semen characteristics, only ejaculate semen volume was significantly (P<0.001) higher in Holstein than buffalo bulls, but motility, livability, abnormality, sperm concentration and sperm with intact acrosome did not differ between both species. As a result of filtration, sperm motility and livability increased (P<0.05) by 16.4 and 11.8% in Holstein and by 16.9 and 10.1% in buffalo semen, respectively. Sperm abnormality and concentration reduced (P<0.05) by 2.6 and 3.3% in Holstein and by 2.4 and 3.5% in buffalo semen, respectively. Improvements of live sperm and the reduction in sperm concentration (proportional to the pre-filtration value) were better (P<0.05) in Holstein than buffalo semen (15.5% and %52.4 vs. 13.2 and -49.3%, respectively). Improvement of motility and abnormality did not differ in Holstein (25.4 and %57.8) and buffalo semen (26.6 and ,(%54.5respectively. The present results indicate that using sephadex column filter technique has beneficial effects on improving quality of spermatozoa in both species. (author)

  4. Bandeo de cromosomas humanos con extracto crudo de frutas u hojas de papaya

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    María Virginia Solís


    Full Text Available Preparaciones de una semana de cromosomas humanos fueron tratadas con filtrados de una hoja de papaya (Carica papaya licuada (53 g en 100 ml de agua destilada, y tenidas con 1.5 % Giemsa (pH 6.8. Se obtuvo buen bandeo de cromosomas luego de 2 min de tratamiento. Soluciones que han sido congeladas por años son efectivas y el método es más barato y fácil que otrosOne week old human chromosome preparations were treated with filtrate from one liquefied leaf (53 g of papaya (Carica papaya in 100 ml of distilled water, and stained with 1.5 % Giemsa (pH 6.8. Good chromosome banding was obtained after 2 min of treatment. Solutions that have been frozen even for years are effective and the method is cheaper and easier than others


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    Mauren Salazar-Carranza


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la edad al primer parto (EPP en vacas Holstein pu- ras en lecherías especializadas de Costa Rica. Se realizó un es- tudio longitudinal prospectivo histórico con 46 029 animales de raza Holstein pura de lechería especializada de Costa Rica, durante el periodo comprendido entre los años 2000 y 2010. Se incluyeron los datos de vacas que contaban con registros completos para todas las variables del estudio, registrados en el programa VAMPP Bovino 3.0. Se calculó la EPP por las variables de zona ecológica, la época de nacimiento, el año de parto, el índice de endogamia, el número de lactancias de la madre y el tipo de parto que dio origen al animal en estudio. Los datos fueron analizados por medio de estadística descrip- tiva (porcentajes, promedios, desviación estándar [DE] y el cálculo de intervalos de confianza (IC95%. La EPP prome- dio fue 30,7 meses (D.E: 6,8; IC 95%: 30,6 – 30,8. Durante el periodo, el promedio de la EPP varió entre los 30 y 31 meses; sin embargo, en los años 2006 y 2007 mostró una tendencia a disminuir. La EPP presentó diferencias significativas entre estratos según la época de nacimiento, el número de lactancia de la madre, la zona ecológica, el año de nacimiento, el tipo de parto de la madre y el coeficiente de endogamia de la vaca. Al igual que las tendencias mundiales, mostró tendencia a decrecer en Costa Rica; y las variables de animal, tiempo y ambiente mostraron un efecto sobre la EPP. Excepto el coefi- ciente de endogamia (a mediano y largo plazo, esos factores no son modificables en condiciones de pastoreo, que son los imperantes en la gran mayoría de fincas estudiadas.

  6. FULL SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - Complex vertebral malformation in Holstein calves

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Agerholm, Jørgen S.; Bendixen, Christian; Andersen, Ole


    A recently observed lethal congenital defect of purebred Holstein calves is reported. Eighteen genetically related calves were necropsied. One calf had been aborted on gestation day 159, and the others were delivered between day 250 and day 285. Birth weights were reduced. The defect was characte......A recently observed lethal congenital defect of purebred Holstein calves is reported. Eighteen genetically related calves were necropsied. One calf had been aborted on gestation day 159, and the others were delivered between day 250 and day 285. Birth weights were reduced. The defect...

  7. Identificación y caracterización de especies de Neosartorya aisladas de frutillas (Fragaria spp. frescas y tratadas térmicamente

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    Laura Frisón


    Full Text Available El género Aspergillus es uno de los géneros fúngicos más estudiados y de gran impacto a nivel industrial. La sección Fumigati incluye unas pocas especies anamorfas del género Aspergillus. Las especies que son teleomorfas se encuentran dentro del género Neosartorya. Este es un moho resistente al calor que causan problemas en las industrias alimentarias o enfermedades en los seres humanos. Sus ascosporas han sido aisladas a partir de frutas, pulpas y jugos, ya que pueden sobrevivir a los tratamientos de térmicos industriales pudiendo aparecer la contaminación post-pasteurización. El objetivo fue caracterizar aislados de Neosartorya de frutillas frescas recién cosechadas y tratadas térmicamente, analizando la ornamentación de las ascosporas, toxicidad y resistencia térmica. Se aislaron las colonias, y se identificaron macro y microscópicamente siguiendo la metodología de Pitt y Hocking (2009, de 60 muestras. Se caracterizaron las ascosporas por microscopía electrónica de barrido. Se determinó la capacidad toxicogénica de los extractos por cromatografía líquida de alta eficiencia. Se evaluó la resistencia térmica a diferentes temperaturas. Se aislaron 18 cepas de Neosartorya de frutillas recién cosechadas, y otros mohos termorresistentes como Arthrinium phaeospermum, Byssochlamys nivea y Talaromyces macrosporus. En las frutillas tratadas térmicamente no se aislaron mohos termorresistentes. Trece aislados mostraron ascosporascoincidentes con N. fischeri, el resto con N. spinosa. Los aislados de N. fischeri produjeron fumitremorgina A y B y verruculógeno en arroz, pero no lo hicieron en frutillas frescas. Los parámetros de resistencia térmica fueron: D80 ºC: 20 - 22 minutos, D85 ºC: 9 - 11 minutos, D90 ºC: 2 - 3 minutos y z: 10 - 11 ºC para N. fischeri y D80 ºC: > 120 minutos, D85 ºC: 11 - 94 minutos, D90 ºC: 3 - 15 minutos y z: 6 - 9 ºC para N. spinosa. Es indispensable aplicar buenas prácticas agrícolas y

  8. Identificación y caracterización de especies de Neosartorya aisladas de frutillas (Fragaria spp. frescas y tratadas térmicamente

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Frisón


    Full Text Available El género Aspergillus es uno de los géneros fúngicos más estudiados y de gran impacto a nivel industrial. La sección Fumigati incluye unas pocas especies anamorfas del género Aspergillus. Las especies que son teleomorfas se encuentran dentro del género Neosartorya. Este es un moho resistente al calor que causan problemas en las industrias alimentarias o enfermedades en los seres humanos. Sus ascosporas han sido aisladas a partir de frutas, pulpas y jugos, ya que pueden sobrevivir a los tratamientos de térmicos industriales pudiendo aparecer la contaminación post-pasteurización. El objetivo fue caracterizar aislados de Neosartorya de frutillas frescas recién cosechadas y tratadas térmicamente, analizando la ornamentación de las ascosporas, toxicidad y resistencia térmica. Se aislaron las colonias, y se identificaron macro y microscópicamente siguiendo la metodología de Pitt y Hocking (2009, de 60 muestras. Se caracterizaron las ascosporas por microscopía electrónica de barrido. Se determinó la capacidad toxicogénica de los extractos por cromatografía líquida de alta eficiencia. Se evaluó la resistencia térmica a diferentes temperaturas. Se aislaron 18 cepas de Neosartorya de frutillas recién cosechadas, y otros mohos termorresistentes como Arthrinium phaeospermum, Byssochlamys nivea y Talaromyces macrosporus. En las frutillas tratadas térmicamente no se aislaron mohos termorresistentes. Trece aislados mostraron ascosporas coincidentes con N. fischeri, el resto con N. spinosa. Los aislados de N. fischeri produjeron fumitremorgina A y B y verruculógeno en arroz, pero no lo hicieron en frutillas frescas. Los parámetros de resistencia térmica fueron: D80 ºC: 20 - 22 minutos, D85 ºC: 9 - 11 minutos, D90 ºC: 2 - 3 minutos y z: 10 - 11 ºC para N. fischeri y D80 ºC: > 120 minutos, D85 ºC: 11 - 94 minutos, D90 ºC: 3 - 15 minutos y z: 6 - 9 ºC para N. spinosa. Es indispensable aplicar buenas prácticas agrícolas y

  9. Evaluación de la recuperación del nitrógeno y fósforo de diferentes fuentes de fertilizantes por el cultivo de trigo irrigado con aguas residuales y de pozo


    Sandra Grisell Mora Ravelo; Francisco Gavi Reyes; Leonardo Tijerina Chávez; Jesús Pérez Moreno; Juan José Peña Cabriales


    El empleo de fertilizantes nitrogenados y de aguas residuales no tratadas de origen urbano por los cultivos es una necesidad agronómica, económica y ambiental. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la respuesta del cultivo de trigo a la aplicación de diferentes fertilizantes nitrogenados, irrigado con agua residual y de pozo. Se utilizó un suelo Vertisol Háplico. Se usó como cultivo indicador trigo variedad Tlaxcala F2000. Los fertilizantes aplicados fueron: Fertilizante comercial (FC) cons...

  10. Estabilidad de espumas formuladas con proteínas de soja tratadas a pH ácido

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    Cecilia Abirached


    Full Text Available Se estudió la influencia del tratamiento a pH ácido de aislados proteicos de soja sobre las propiedades espumantes mediante el análisis de las constantes cinéticas de desproporción y drenado y el relacionamiento de éstas con los parámetros de reología interfacial. Los aislados proteicos de soja fueron obtenidos a partir de harina desgrasada. Una porción se llevó a pH 8,0 y otra porción se trató a pH 2,0. De la porción a pH 2,0 una parte se dejó a este pH y otra parte se neutralizó a pH 8,0. Todas las porciones se liofilizaron. Para la identificación y caracterización estructural de las muestras se realizaron análisis de electroforesis desnaturalizante, calorimetría diferencial de barrido, solubilidad e hidrofobicidad superficial. Se obtuvieron espumas por el método de burbujeo de gas. Se determinó la velocidad inicial de pasaje de líquido a la espuma y el volumen máximo de líquido incorporado a la espuma. El proceso de desestabilización de las espumas formadas se analizó ajustando los datos obtenidos a una cinética de segundo orden bifásica. Se realizaron estudios de reología interfacial con un tensiómetro de gota. El tratamiento a pH ácido mejoró tanto la espumabilidad como la estabilidad de las espumas. La proporción de líquido drenado por escurrido gravitatorio fue significativamente superior al volumen drenado debido a la desproporción. El tratamiento a pH 2,0 redujo la desestabilización por desproporción de Ostwald, lo que sugiere la formación en la interfase de una película más cohesiva, que se confirma con los parámetros de reologíainterfacial.

  11. Consumo de alcohol en ratas adolescentes tratadas con reserpina y fluoxetina

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    Paul Ruiz


    Full Text Available Si bien se ha estudiado el vínculo entre los trastornos de estado de ánimo y el consumo de alcohol, tanto en humanos como en animales, todavía no es del todo claro cómo se da esta relación, y menos aún durante la adolescencia. La administración de reserpina, un depletor de monoaminas, es un modelo ampliamente utilizado en roedores adultos para inducir comportamientos asociados a depresión, pero se desconoce su utilidad en otras etapas del desarrollo. En este trabajo validamos este modelo en ratas adolescentes y posteriormente estudiamos el consumo de alcohol en estos animales, así como su modulación por antidepresivos. En el experimento 1 se administró reserpina (0.0 o 1.0 mg/kg, durante 4 días, IP a ratas Wistar machos de 30 días. El consumo de alcohol fue evaluado luego de observar comportamientos asociados a depresión e indagar indicadores neuroendocrinos de esta patología. En el experimento 2 los animales recibieron reserpina, seguida por el antidepresivo fluoxetina (0.0 o 10.0 mg/kg, durante 4 días, IG, y luego se evaluó el consumo de alcohol. Los resultados mostraron que la reserpina aumentó significativamente los comportamientos asociados a depresión y alteró los niveles de dopamina en la corteza insular y de hormonas tiroideas en sangre. En la prueba de consumo de alcohol los animales deprimidos, pero no los controles, mostraron un incremento en el consumo a través de los días. El segundo experimento replicó parcialmente este perfil, y no se observó un efecto significativo del antidepresivo en el consumo de alcohol. Los resultados indican que la reserpina es útil para modelar en ratas adolescentes comportamientos asociados a depresión. Se encontró una relación entre este estado y el consumo de alcohol, que no se pudo revertir con antidepresivos.

  12. Factors affecting the exchange of genetic material between Nordic and US Holstein populatons

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buch, L H; Sørensen, A C; Lassen, J


    in the simulation study, especially the genetic correlations between traits. A more similar relative weighting of the index traits across populations did not change total genetic gain in the Nordic Holstein population. The possibility of exchanging genetic material with the US Holstein population led...

  13. Effect of Holstein phonons on the electronic properties of graphene


    Stauber, T.; Peres, N. M. R.


    We obtain the self-energy of the electronic propagator due to the presence of Holstein polarons within the first Born approximation. This leads to a renormalization of the Fermi velocity of one percent. We further compute the optical conductivity of the system at the Dirac point and at finite doping within the Kubo-formula. We argue that the effects due to Holstein phonons are negligible and that the Boltzmann approach which does not include inter-band transition and can thus not treat optica...

  14. Las células dendríticas generadas en presencia de vitamina D3 y activadas con lipopolisacáridos incrementan la producción de IL-1β, IL-8 e IL-10 y disminuyen su capacidad de inducir LT CD4+CD25hiFoxp3+

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    Sindy M. Muñoz


    Conclusión. Las células dendríticas generadas con vitamina D3 y tratadas con lipopolisacáridos presentaron un fenotipo ‘semimaduro’, así como la capacidad de secretar citocinas antiinflamatorias y citocinas promotoras de la reacción inflamatoria. Además, no se aumentó su capacidad de promover la polarización de LTCD4+ vírgenes alogénicos hacia LTreg.

  15. Inseguridad de ebastina: ¿interacción con barnidipino

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    Cremades J


    Full Text Available Mujer de 46 años que, en julio de 2007, refiere haber observado desde hace 3 meses “una disminución en el número de veces que orina al día”. Se le ofrece el servicio de seguimiento farmacoterapéutico, que acepta. La paciente está siendo tratada por una hipertensión arterial (HTA con Fortzaar® (losartan/hidroclorotiazida desde hace años y con Libradin® (barnidipino desde mayo de ese mismo año. También utiliza desde hace años Ebastel Forte Flas® (ebastina durante la primavera para tratar su alergia y Ventolín® inhalador (salbutamol para los brotes asmáticos en esa época. Por otro lado, emplea desde hace años Daflon® (diosmina/hesperidina para tratar un problema de “circulación”, Condrosan ® (condroitin sulfato para la artrosis, Optovite B12® (cianocobalamina y Acfol® (ácido fólico por una anemia perniciosa y Gelocatil 1g® (paracetamol, Nolotil® cápsulas (metamizol y Neobrufen® 600 (ibuprofeno para el dolor.






  17. Varicocele e infertilidad con implantación de catgut

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    Kenia Ramos Padilla


    Full Text Available Introducción: la infertilidad es uno de los problemas médicos y psicosociales que en mayor cuantía está perjudicando a la población en edad reproductiva. De acuerdo con la Sociedad Americana de Medicina Reproductiva, afecta alrededor de 6,1 millones de personas en Estados Unidos, lo que equivale al 10 % de la población en edad reproductiva. Se ha estimado que la infertilidad está presente en el 15 % de las parejas. Aproximadamente el 35 %, la tercera parte de los casos, se deben a un factor masculino, siendo el varicocele la causa más frecuente. Presentación del caso: se trata de un paciente de 31 años de edad operado a los 12 años de atrofia testicular derecha no tratada por criptorquidea, que acude a la consulta de infertilidad del Hospital General Docente Abel Santamaría Cuadrado de Pinar del Río para estudio. Al examen físico se constata un testículo izquierdo compensador con varicocele grado III. Se realizan exámenes complementarios con valores dentro de límites normales, excepto el espermograma. Conclusiones: se procedió al tratamiento quirúrgico (sección y ligadura del cordón espermático y al uso de antioxidantes, sin lograr la fecundidad. Esta sucedió después de alcanzar valores normales en el espermograma con la implantación de catgut cromado en los puntos de acupuntura seleccionados.

  18. Enfermidades tratadas e tratáveis pela acupuntura segundo percepção de enfermeiras Enfermedades tratadas y tratables por acupuntura, según la percepción de las enfermeras Nurses' perception about diseases that are treated by acupuncture

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    Leonice Fumiko Sato Kurebayashi


    Full Text Available Esse trabalho objetivou identificar e analisar as percepções dos enfermeiros acerca das enfermidades tratadas e tratáveis pela acupuntura. Foram consideradas: (1 as enfermidades das entrevistadas que já haviam se submetido ao tratamento com acupuntura; (2 as enfermidades que as enfermeiras têm e que poderiam ser tratáveis pela acupuntura; (3 sugestões de doenças tratáveis pela acupuntura para o paciente de Unidades de Saúde. Pesquisa de natureza exploratória foi realizada com 33 enfermeiras, em 11 Unidades de Saúde da Região Sudeste do Município de São Paulo, onde havia a terapia de acupuntura. Os resultados demonstraram que a acupuntura foi mais utilizada para o tratamento de estresse (3/21, equivalente a 10,7% e para ansiedade, enxaqueca, lombalgia, mioma e obesidade (2/21, correspondente a 7,1% cada uma. Foi mais sugerida para o tratamento de doenças músculo-esqueléticas (34/82, equivalente a 41,5%, e doenças crônico-degenerativas (8/82, equivalente a 10%.Este trabajo objetivó identificar y analizar las percepciones de las enfermeras acerca de las enfermedades tratadas y tratables por la acupuntura. Fueron consideradas: (1 las enfermedades de las entrevistadas que ya se habían sometido al tratamiento con acupuntura; (2 las enfermedades que las enfermeras tienen que podrían ser tratables por la acupuntura; (3 las sugestiones de enfermedades tratables por la acupuntura para el paciente de Unidades de Salud. Investigación de naturaleza exploratoria fue realizada con 33 enfermeras, en 11 Unidades de Salud de la Región Sureste del Municipio de São Paulo, donde había la terapia de acupuntura. Los resultados demostraron que la acupuntura fue más utilizada para el tratamiento de estrés (3/21, equivalente a 10,7% y para ansiedad, migraña, lumbalgia, mioma y obesidad (2/21, correspondiente a 7,1% cada una. Fue más sugerida para el tratamiento de enfermedades músculo-esqueléticas (34/82, equivalente a 41,5%, y

  19. Espaciadores estáticos de cemento con antibiótico en la infección protésica de rodilla. [Static cement spacers in total knee infection. Custom manufacturing technique and postoperative motion.

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    César Ángel Pesciallo


    Full Text Available Introducción Conjuntamente al aumento de los reemplazos totales de rodilla (RTR realizados anualmente se ha incrementado el número de infecciones posteriores a esta  cirugía. Está demostrado en la bibliografía mundial que las revisiones en dos tiempos logran mayores porcentajes de curación que las efectuadas en un solo tiempo. El objetivo del presente trabajo es mostrar nuestros resultados en revisiones de RTR infectadas, tratadas en 2 tiempos, con la utilización de espaciadores estáticos. Material y Método Entre 1997 y 2010 se efectuaron en nuestro centro 153 revisiones de RTR de los cuales 33 (21% fueron a causa de una infección peri protésica crónica, tratada en 2 tiempos con el uso de un espaciador estático de cemento con ATB. La serie se conformó de 33 rodillas en 32 pacientes, con un promedio de edad de 69 años y un seguimiento de 3,5 años. Resultados De las 33 rodillas se obtuvo la curación en 30 (91%. Veintiocho rodillas fueron reimplantadas exitosamente,  2 rodillas con curación de la infección no fueron reimplantadas por distintos motivos y permanecieron con el espaciador en forma definitiva y en 3 hubo persistencia de la infección. De las 28 reimplantadas todas evolucionaron favorablemente, logrando una movilidad de 90° a los 3,15 meses POP en promedio. Conclusión Con la utilización de espaciadores estáticos de rodilla obtuvimos un porcentaje de curación similar a los publicados con el uso de espaciadores articulados. La ventaja de los primeros es su fácil fabricación y colocación, otorgándole a la articulación una adecuada estabilidad con un bajo costo económico.

  20. Runinal and Intermediary Metabolism of Propylene Glycol in Lactating Holstein Cows

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Niels Bastian; Raun, Birgitte Marie Løvendahl


    Four lactating Holstein cows fitted with ruminal cannulas and permanent indwelling catheters in the mesenteric artery, mesenteric vein, hepatic portal vein, and hepatic vein were used in a cross-over design to study the metabolism of propylene glycol (PG).......Four lactating Holstein cows fitted with ruminal cannulas and permanent indwelling catheters in the mesenteric artery, mesenteric vein, hepatic portal vein, and hepatic vein were used in a cross-over design to study the metabolism of propylene glycol (PG)....

  1. Rediseño de una lavadora de bidones para envasado de agua tratada


    Martinez Lozano, Ernesto Rolando


    El objetivo de esta tesis es aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos, para realizar el rediseño de una lavadora manual para bidones de una empresa de tratamiento de agua, se establecerán las condiciones de diseño optimo para disminuir el tiempo en el proceso de lavado de los bidones que son utilizados en el proceso de envasado del agua tratada el cual es realizado manualmente, en donde los tiempos de lavado varían entre 40 y 60 botellas por hora; queriendo llegar a obtener un tiempo estándar de ...

  2. Effect of Holstein phonons on the electronic properties of graphene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stauber, T; Peres, N M R


    We obtain the self-energy of the electronic propagator due to the presence of Holstein polarons within the first Born approximation. This leads to a renormalization of the Fermi velocity of 1%. We further compute the optical conductivity of the system at the Dirac point and at finite doping within the Kubo formula. We argue that the effects due to Holstein phonons are negligible and that the Boltzmann approach, which does not include inter-band transitions and can thus not treat optical phonons due to their high energy of ℎω 0 ∼ 0.1-0.2 eV, remains valid

  3. Functional renormalization group study of the Anderson–Holstein model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laakso, M A; Kennes, D M; Jakobs, S G; Meden, V


    We present a comprehensive study of the spectral and transport properties in the Anderson–Holstein model both in and out of equilibrium using the functional renormalization group (fRG). We show how the previously established machinery of Matsubara and Keldysh fRG can be extended to include the local phonon mode. Based on the analysis of spectral properties in equilibrium we identify different regimes depending on the strength of the electron–phonon interaction and the frequency of the phonon mode. We supplement these considerations with analytical results from the Kondo model. We also calculate the nonlinear differential conductance through the Anderson–Holstein quantum dot and find clear signatures of the presence of the phonon mode. (paper)

  4. Genetic relationship between methane emissions and conformation traits in Danish Holstein cattle

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zetouni, Larissa; Kargo, Morten; Lassen, Jan


    Conformation traits have been widely explored in dairy cattle evaluation, being a part of the total merit index for Holstein cows in different countries. They have been used as a way to access the cow’s condition in general, based on its body features. Lots of studies have analyzed the relationship...... traits in Holstein cows: height (H), body depth (BD), chest width (CW), dairy character (DC) and body condition score (BCS). Data was collected on 1114 Holstein cows from 11 commercial herds in Denmark. Methane emission was measured during milking in milking robots, and then quantifed using information...... between conformation traits and other traits of interest in dairy cattle, such as fertility, longevity and feed effciency, but little is known about how methane emissions correlate with conformation traits. Therefore, our goal was to evaluate the genetic correlations between methane and six conformation...

  5. Holstein polaron in a valley-degenerate two-dimensional semiconductor. (United States)

    Kang, Mingu; Jung, Sung Won; Shin, Woo Jong; Sohn, Yeongsup; Ryu, Sae Hee; Kim, Timur K; Hoesch, Moritz; Kim, Keun Su


    Two-dimensional (2D) crystals have emerged as a class of materials with tunable carrier density 1 . Carrier doping to 2D semiconductors can be used to modulate many-body interactions 2 and to explore novel composite particles. The Holstein polaron is a small composite particle of an electron that carries a cloud of self-induced lattice deformation (or phonons) 3-5 , which has been proposed to play a key role in high-temperature superconductivity 6 and carrier mobility in devices 7 . Here we report the discovery of Holstein polarons in a surface-doped layered semiconductor, MoS 2 , in which a puzzling 2D superconducting dome with the critical temperature of 12 K was found recently 8-11 . Using a high-resolution band mapping of charge carriers, we found strong band renormalizations collectively identified as a hitherto unobserved spectral function of Holstein polarons 12-18 . The short-range nature of electron-phonon (e-ph) coupling in MoS 2 can be explained by its valley degeneracy, which enables strong intervalley coupling mediated by acoustic phonons. The coupling strength is found to increase gradually along the superconducting dome up to the intermediate regime, which suggests a bipolaronic pairing in the 2D superconductivity.

  6. Unilateral notomelia in a newborn Holstein calf. (United States)

    Muirhead, Tammy L; Pack, LeeAnn; Radtke, Catherine L


    A 24-hour-old Holstein bull calf with notomelia was donated to the Atlantic Veterinary College. The extra limb was on the right side of the caudal neck adjacent to the withers. The limb was surgically removed under general anesthesia. The calf was adopted and discharged with no complications.

  7. Factores de riesgo y su relación con la enfermedad periodontal en el área del Policlínico “Ángel A. Aballí ”

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    José Alberto Méndez González


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio transversal en pacientes de 15 a 65 años de edad del área de salud del Policlínico “Ángel A. Aballí ” del municipio Habana Vieja, pertenecientes a 14 consultorios seleccionados del médico de la familia, en el período comprendido entre octubre del 2005 y julio del 2006, con el objetivo de estimar la prevalencia y gravedad de la enfermedad periodontal y determinar los factores de riesgo asociados con esta. Se seleccionó una muestra de 229 pacientes por el método de selección aleatoria con probabilidad proporcional al tamaño de los consultorios del médico de la familia. La gingivitis fue la afección más prevalente asociada con factores como caries, obturaciones deficientes, higiene deficiente, maloclusiones y personas hipertensas tratadas con Nifedipina . De los factores estudiados, el hábito de fumar, la higiene deficiente y el consumo de nifedipina tuvieron asociación estadísticamente significativa en relación con la periodontitis .

  8. [Familial occurrence of diprosopus in German Holstein calves]. (United States)

    Schulze, Ursula; Kuiper, Heidi; Doeleke, Renate; Ulrich, Reiner; Gerdwilker, Axel; Distl, Ottmar


    Diprosopus was diagnosed in six German Holstein calves born on different dairy farms. The degree of facial duplication varied from a partial doubling of the nostrils and upper jaw to complete duplication of the face with formation of two mouths, four eyes and four ears. Further calves descending from the same parents or dams and calves from the same farms were not affected. A joint pedigree was ascertained for the calves with diprosopus. Furthermore, a previously reported case of diprosopus could be traced back to the same ancestors of this pedigree. Consequently, we detected the first time a familial accumulation of diprosopus. Since the ancestors showed no signs of diprosopus and the frequency of diprosopus in German Holsteins is presumably low, an oligogenic inheritance is likely. Recessive genes or a combination of recessive and dominant genes may cause this anomaly.

  9. Setting a good example: Regenerative energies play an important role in Schleswig-Holstein

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rave, K.


    In Schleswig-Holstein the use of regenerative energies is supported more than in any other Land of Germany. Due to the fact that large regions of the Land are situated in strong breeze zones, wind power plays the most important role. Almost 50% of the overall German wind current is gained in Schleswig-Holstein. Furthermore solar energy and water power are also used directly. (orig.) [de

  10. Determination of energy and protein requirements for crossbred Holstein × Gyr preweaned dairy calves

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Silva, A.L.; Marcondes, M.I.; Detmann, E.; Campos, M.M.; Machado, F.S.; Filho, S.C.V.; Castro, M.M.D.; Dijkstra, J.


    The objective was to quantify the energy and protein nutritional requirements of Holstein × Gyr crossbred preweaned dairy calves until 64 d of age. Thirty-nine Holstein × Gyr crossbred male calves with an average initial live weight (mean ± SEM; for all next values) of 36 ± 1.0 kg were used. Five

  11. Reproduction, mastitis, and body condition of seasonally calved Holstein and Jersey cows in confinement or pasture systems. (United States)

    Washburn, S P; White, S L; Green, J T; Benson, G A


    Dairy cows in confinement and pasture-based feeding systems were compared across four spring-calving and three fall-calving replicates for differences in reproduction, mastitis, body weights, and body condition scores. Feeding systems and replicates included both Jersey and Holstein cows. Cows in confinement were fed a total mixed ration, and cows on pasture were supplemented with concentrates and provided baled hay or haylage when pasture supply was limiting. Breeding periods were for 75 d in spring or fall. Reproductive performance did not differ significantly due to feeding system or season. Jerseys had higher conception rates (59.6 vs. 49.5 +/- 3.3%) and higher percentages of cows pregnant in 75 d (78.1 vs. 57.9 +/- 3.9%) than Holsteins. Cows in confinement had 1.8 times more clinical mastitis and eight times the rate of culling for mastitis than did cows on pasture. Jerseys had half as many clinical cases of mastitis per cow as Holsteins. Only 41 +/- 5% of confinement Holsteins remained for a subsequent lactation, starting within the defined calving season compared with 51 +/- 5% of pastured Holsteins and 71 and 72 +/- 5% of Jerseys, respectively. Body weights and condition scores were generally higher for confinement cows than pastured cows, and Jerseys had higher condition scores and lower body weights than Holsteins. In summary, pastured cows had fewer clinical cases of mastitis, lower body condition scores, and lower body weights than confinement cows. Holsteins were less likely to rebreed, had more mastitis, higher culling rates, and lower body condition scores than Jerseys.

  12. Milk composition and blood metabolic profile from holstein cows at different calving orders and lactation stages

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    Mariana Borges de Castro Dias


    Full Text Available This study aimed to evaluate milk composition and metabolic profile of Holstein cows at different calving orders in the beginning, middle, and end of lactation. One hundred ten Holstein cows were housed in a free stall system receiving the same diet and were grouped according to calving order (first, second, third, and fourth calving and days in milk (DIM: early (1-90 DIM, middle (91-180 DIM, and end of lactation (over 181 DIM for comparing milk yield, milk composition, and blood metabolic profile between the calving orders within the same lactation period. These parameters were also evaluated between lactation periods of the cows in different calving orders. The calving order, in any lactation stage, had no influence on milk yield per day and blood biochemical profile of Holstein cows receiving the same diet. However, calving order in all stages of lactation influenced milk composition. The first, second, third, and fourth calving order had no effect on the blood biochemical profile of Holstein cows, in any lactation stage. On the other hand, the different stages of lactation influenced milk yield and milk composition of Holstein cows.

  13. Effect of red maca (Lepidium meyenii) on INF-γ levels in ovariectomized rats


    Leiva-Revilla, Johanna; Guerra-Castañon, Félix; Olcese-Mori, Paola; Lozada, Iván; Rubio, Julio; Gonzales, Carla; Gonzales, Gustavo F.


    Objetivos. Comparar el efecto de diferentes dosis de maca roja sobre los niveles de interferón gamma (IFN-γ) en ratas ovariectomizadas (OVX). Materiales y métodos. Ratas hembras adultas fueron divididas al azar en los siguientes seis grupos: Grupo 1: ratas pesudo-ovariectomizadas (PO); Grupo 2: ratas OVX; Grupo 3: ratas OVX tratadas con 4 ug/kg de estradiol, y Grupo 4, 5 y 6: ratas OVX tratadas con extractos de maca con 2,15, 4,3 y 8,6 mg polifenoles/kilogramo de peso corporal, respectivament...

  14. Phase competition in a one-dimensional three-orbital Hubbard-Holstein model (United States)

    Li, Shaozhi; Tang, Yanfei; Maier, Thomas A.; Johnston, Steven


    We study the interplay between the electron-phonon (e -ph) and on-site electron-electron (e-e) interactions in a three-orbital Hubbard-Holstein model on an extended one-dimensional lattice using determinant quantum Monte Carlo. For weak e-e and e -ph interactions, we observe a competition between an orbital-selective Mott phase (OSMP) and a (multicomponent) charge-density-wave (CDW) insulating phase, with an intermediate metallic phase located between them. For large e-e and e -ph couplings, the OSMP and CDW phases persist, while the metallic phase develops short-range orbital correlations and becomes insulating when both the e-e and e -ph interactions are large but comparable. Many of our conclusions are in line with those drawn from a prior dynamical mean-field theory study of the two-orbital Hubbard-Holstein model [Phys. Rev. B 95, 121112(R) (2017), 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.121112] in infinite dimension, suggesting that the competition between the e -ph and e-e interactions in multiorbital Hubbard-Holstein models leads to rich physics, regardless of the dimension of the system.

  15. Effect of Carcass Traits on Carcass Prices of Holstein Steers in Korea


    Alam, M.; Cho, K. H.; Lee, S. S.; Choy, Y. H.; Kim, H. S.; Cho, C. I.; Choi, T. J.


    The present study investigated the contribution of carcass traits on carcass prices of Holstein steers in Korea. Phenotypic data consisted of 76,814 slaughtered Holsteins (1 to 6 yrs) from all over Korea. The means for live body weight at slaughter (BWT), chilled carcass weight (CWT), dressing percentage (DP), quantity grade index (QGI), eye muscle area (EMA), backfat thickness (BF) and marbling score (MS), carcass unit price (CUP), and carcass sell prices (CSP) were 729.0 kg, 414.2 kg, 56.79...

  16. Fracturas de tibia, tratamiento con CIMB no fresados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberto Del Gordo D´Amato


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo tipo serie de casos en el cual se analizan diversos aspectos inherentes al tratamiento quirúrgico de 92 fracturas de tibia diafisiarias cerradas y abiertas tipo I y II de Gustillo, tratadas con Clavos Intramedulares Bloqueados No Fresados (CIMBNF de las 125 atendidas servicio de ortopedia y traumatología de la Clínica El Prado de la Ciudad de Santa Marta D.T.C.H., entre diciembre del 2005 y diciembre del 2007. Se excluyeron de este estudio 33 casos en los cuales por diversas causas se realizó otro tipo de tratamiento fuera ortopédico o quirúrgico mediante colocación de fijadores externos. Utilizamos la clasificación del AO en la cual a este tipo de lesiones corresponde el número 42. Encontramos una alta incidencia en accidentes de transito como factor productor de este tipo de lesión y dentro de ellos la motocicleta como vehículo mas frecuente. Fueron evaluados 86 de los 92 pacientes que corresponde al 93.5% y dentro de ellos se presentaron complicaciones mayores en el 4.6%, cabe mencionar Infecciones post operatorias y deformidades a nivel proximal y distal por diversas causas, las cuales fueron corregidas con procedimientos ulteriores. (Duazary 2008; 1: 4 - 8

  17. Descompensación distal postoperatoria (D.D.P. en curvas lenke 1a tratadas con tornillos pediculares: una revisión de 63 casos Descompensação distal pós-operatória (DDP em curvaturas lenke 1a tratadas com parafusos pediculares: análise de 63 casos Postoperative distal decompensation (PDD in lenke 1a curvatures treated with pedicular screws: analysis of 63 cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Norberto Ventura


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar los factores de riesgo de descompensación distal postoperatoria (D.D.P. y definir una estrategia quirúrgica segura en curvas tipo Lenke 1A tratadas con tornillos pediculares. MÉTODO: Estudio radiológico retrospectivo de 63 pacientes con escoliosis Lenke 1A, con un seguimiento mínimo de un año. Se evaluó, edad, sexo, grados Cobb, signo de Risser, relación de la vértebra distal instrumentada (V.D.I. con la vértebra distal de la curva (V.D., vértebra estable (V.E. y con la vértebra, cuya distancia a la línea central vertical al sacro (L.V.S. era superior a 10 mm "distancia vertebral" (D.V.. RESULTADOS: 8 casos (12,7% desarrollaron D.D.P. El signo de Risser fue 0 en 2 pacientes (25% y I en 2 pacientes (25%. Relación de V.D.I. con V.D.: 4 pacientes (50% mismo nivel (V.D. +0, 4 pacientes (50% un nivel caudal (V.D. (+1; relación V.D.I. con V.E.: 5 pacientes (62,5% 2 niveles cefálicos (V.E -2, 3 pacientes (37,5% 1 nivel cefálico (V. E.-1; relación V.D.I. con D.V.: 5 pacientes (62,5% un nivel cefálico D.V. (-1, 3 pacientes mismo nivel (D.V.+ 0. CONCLUSIONES: Riesgo de descompensación distal postoperatoria: V.D.I. mismo nivel V.D. (V.D. + 0, 2 niveles cefálicos V.E. (V.E.-2, 1 nivel cefálico D.V. (D.V. -1. Estrategia quirúrgica curvas Lenke 1A: V.D.I: 1/2 niveles caudales a V.D. (V.D. +1/+2, un nivel cefálico a V.E. (V.E -1, mismo nivel D.V. (D.V. +0.OBJETIVO: Identificar os fatores de risco de descompensação distal pós-operatória (DDP e definir estratégia cirúrgica de segurança em curvaturas de Lenke 1A, tratadas com parafusos pediculares. MÉTODO: Estudo radiológico retrospectivo de 63 pacientes com escoliose Lenke 1A, com acompanhamento mínimo de um ano. Os parâmetros avaliados foram idade, sexo, graus do ângulo de Cobb, sinal de Risser, relação da vértebra distal instrumentada (VDI com a vértebra distal da curvatura (VD, com a vértebra estável (VE e com a vértebra cuja distância da linha

  18. Effect of Delayed Insemination on Holstein Cows’ Reproductive Performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gaillard, Charlotte; Sehested, Jakob; Vestergaard, Mogens


    Holstein cows’ fertility has decreased in the last decade, creating a need for new management methods to improve the reproductive performance which in this case was defined by pregnancy rates and number of artificial inseminations (AI) per pregnancy. Previous studies showed that deliberately...... and number of insemination to pregnancy) of 62 Holstein cows involved in a 16 months extended lactation trial was recorded and compared with the reproductive performance of the previous and following 10 months lactation of the same cows. It was hypothesized that a late rebreeding (at eight months, 16 months...... delaying rebreeding until after peak lactation can improve reproductive performance compared with the traditional rebreeding in early lactation. The objective was to compare the reproductive performance of cows in consecutive lactations of different lengths. The reproductive performance (pregnancy rate...

  19. Holstein-Friesian milk performance in organic farming in North Spain: Comparison with other systems and breeds

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ruth Rodríguez-Bermúdez


    Full Text Available Organic systems are highly dependent on the environment and require animals well adapted to local conditions. In Spain, organic dairy farmers are not satisfied with the productive performance of their herds and ask for technical advice to obtain suitable animals for organic systems. The milk productive performance (milk yield, nutritional composition, and somatic cell count of Holstein-Friesian cows in organic farming in North Spain compared with conventional farms has been analysed. When breed diversity was present in the same organic farm, Holstein-Friesian milk performance was compared with other breeds and/or crosses. Holstein-Friesian cows in organic farming produce slightly less milk than grazing conventional cows, but milk was similar in composition and somatic cell count across systems. The limited data from organic farms where breed diversity exists indicate that Holstein-Friesian cows produce numerically more milk than other breeds and crosses but with statistically lower protein content. Considering that in Spain organic milk production is mostly used for liquid milk consumption and that the payment system is based only on milk volume, Holstein-Friesian cows would better fit the farmer interests than other breeds or crosses. However, in addition to productive performance, reproductive efficiency, animal health and consumer’s preferences should be fully considered when selecting a breed for organic production. If Holstein-Friesian was the selected breed, efforts should be made to identify cows within the breed that are best adapted to organic conditions. New productive, reproductive, nutritional and economic studies would be needed to develop a genetic merit index for organic systems.

  20. Genome Scan Detects Quantitative Trait Loci Affecting Female Fertility Traits in Danish and Swedish Holstein Cattle

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Höglund, Johanna Karolina; Guldbrandtsen, B; Su, G


    Data from the joint Nordic breeding value prediction for Danish and Swedish Holstein grandsire families were used to locate quantitative trait loci (QTL) for female fertility traits in Danish and Swedish Holstein cattle. Up to 36 Holstein grandsires with over 2,000 sons were genotyped for 416 mic...... for QTL segregating on Bos taurus chromosome (BTA)1, BTA7, BTA10, and BTA26. On each of these chromosomes, several QTL were detected affecting more than one of the fertility traits investigated in this study. Evidence for segregation of additional QTL on BTA2, BTA9, and BTA24 was found...

  1. Evaluating the atmospheric drivers leading to the December 2014 flood in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany (United States)

    Schade, Nils H.


    Regional analyses of atmospheric conditions that may cause flooding of important transport infrastructure (railway tracks, highways/roads, rivers/channels) and subsequent adaptation measures are part of topic 1 of the network of experts initiated by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI). As an example case study, the December 2014 flood in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, was investigated. Atmospheric conditions at the onset of the flood event are described and evaluated with respect to the general weather circulation, initial wetness, and event precipitation. Persistent, predominantly westerly general weather circulations (GWCs) directed several low-pressure systems over the North Sea to Schleswig-Holstein during December 2014, accompanied by prolonged rainfall and finally a strong precipitation event in southern Schleswig-Holstein, causing several inland gauges to exceed their, by then maximum, water levels. Results show that the antecedent precipitation index (API) is able to reflect the soil moisture conditions and, in combination with the maximum 3-day precipitation sum (R3d), to capture the two main drivers finally leading to the flood: (1) the initial wetness of north-western Schleswig-Holstein and (2) strong event precipitation in southern and eastern Schleswig-Holstein from 21 to 23 December; at the same time, both indices exceeded their respective 5-year return periods. Further, trend analyses show that both API and R3d have been increasing during recent years, while regional patterns match the north-eastward shift of cyclone pathways, leading to a higher risk of flooding in Schleswig-Holstein. Within the network of experts, investigations of these and further indices/drivers for earth system changes (e.g. wind surge and sea level rise) derived from observations, reanalyses, and regional climate model data are planned for all German coastal areas. Results can be expected to lead to improved adaptation measures to floods

  2. Comparison of the insulin reaction of peripheral blood T cells between healthy Holstein dairy cows and JB during the periparturient period. (United States)

    Ohtsuka, Hiromichi; Kitagawa, Madoka; Kohiruimaki, Masayuki; Tanami, Erika; Masui, Machiko; Hayashi, Tomohito; Ando, Takaaki; Watanabe, Daisaku; Koiwa, Masateru; Sato, Shigeru; Kawamura, Seiichi


    To compare the changes in the insulin reaction of Holstein dairy cows and Japanese Black cows (JB) during the periparturient period, the insulin resistance test in vivo and lymphocytes proliferation with insulin in vitro were performed. Ten healthy Holstein dairy cows (Holstein group) and 10 healthy JB cows (JB group) used in this study were observed on days 60, 40, and 20 before calving and days 7 and 20 after calving. In insulin resistance reaction in vivo and in vitro, a low insulin-stimulated glucose disposal rate and lymphocyte proliferation with insulin were observed in the Holstein group compared with the JB group during the experimental period. An analysis of the lymphocytes cultured with insulin showed that the percentage of CD4+CD45R- T cells in the Holstein group was significantly lower than that of the JB group before day 20. These findings indicate that T cells reaction to insulin in healthy periparturient Holstein cows is lower than that in Japanese Black.

  3. Elevating serotonin pre-partum alters the Holstein dairy cow hepatic adaptation to lactation (United States)

    Weaver, Samantha R.; Prichard, Allan S.; Maerz, Noah L.; Prichard, Austin P.; Endres, Elizabeth L.; Hernández-Castellano, Lorenzo E.; Akins, Matthew S.; Bruckmaier, Rupert M.


    Serotonin is known to regulate energy and calcium homeostasis in several mammalian species. The objective of this study was to determine if pre-partum infusions of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), the immediate precursor to serotonin synthesis, could modulate energy homeostasis at the level of the hepatocyte in post-partum Holstein and Jersey dairy cows. Twelve multiparous Holstein cows and twelve multiparous Jersey cows were intravenously infused daily for approximately 7 d pre-partum with either saline or 1 mg/kg bodyweight of 5-HTP. Blood was collected for 14 d post-partum and on d30 post-partum. Liver biopsies were taken on d1 and d7 post-partum. There were no changes in the circulating concentrations of glucose, insulin, glucagon, non-esterified fatty acids, or urea nitrogen in response to treatment, although there were decreased beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations with 5-HTP treatment around d6 to d10 post-partum, particularly in Jersey cows. Cows infused with 5-HTP had increased hepatic serotonin content and increased mRNA expression of the serotonin 2B receptor on d1 and d7 post-partum. Minimal changes were seen in the hepatic mRNA expression of various gluconeogenic enzymes. There were no changes in the mRNA expression profile of cell-cycle progression marker cyclin-dependent kinase 4 or apoptotic marker caspase 3, although proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression tended to be increased in Holstein cows infused with 5-HTP on d1 post-partum. Immunofluorescence assays showed an increased number of CASP3- and Ki67-positive cells in Holstein cows infused with 5-HTP on d1 post-partum. Given the elevated hepatic serotonin content and increased mRNA abundance of 5HTR2B, 5-HTP infusions may be stimulating an autocrine-paracrine adaptation to lactation in the Holstein cow liver. PMID:28922379

  4. Elevating serotonin pre-partum alters the Holstein dairy cow hepatic adaptation to lactation.

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    Samantha R Weaver

    Full Text Available Serotonin is known to regulate energy and calcium homeostasis in several mammalian species. The objective of this study was to determine if pre-partum infusions of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP, the immediate precursor to serotonin synthesis, could modulate energy homeostasis at the level of the hepatocyte in post-partum Holstein and Jersey dairy cows. Twelve multiparous Holstein cows and twelve multiparous Jersey cows were intravenously infused daily for approximately 7 d pre-partum with either saline or 1 mg/kg bodyweight of 5-HTP. Blood was collected for 14 d post-partum and on d30 post-partum. Liver biopsies were taken on d1 and d7 post-partum. There were no changes in the circulating concentrations of glucose, insulin, glucagon, non-esterified fatty acids, or urea nitrogen in response to treatment, although there were decreased beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations with 5-HTP treatment around d6 to d10 post-partum, particularly in Jersey cows. Cows infused with 5-HTP had increased hepatic serotonin content and increased mRNA expression of the serotonin 2B receptor on d1 and d7 post-partum. Minimal changes were seen in the hepatic mRNA expression of various gluconeogenic enzymes. There were no changes in the mRNA expression profile of cell-cycle progression marker cyclin-dependent kinase 4 or apoptotic marker caspase 3, although proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression tended to be increased in Holstein cows infused with 5-HTP on d1 post-partum. Immunofluorescence assays showed an increased number of CASP3- and Ki67-positive cells in Holstein cows infused with 5-HTP on d1 post-partum. Given the elevated hepatic serotonin content and increased mRNA abundance of 5HTR2B, 5-HTP infusions may be stimulating an autocrine-paracrine adaptation to lactation in the Holstein cow liver.

  5. Efecto de la aplicación de bioactivadores y del raleo manual de frutos sobre el rendimiento y la calidad de melón (Cucumis melo L. bajo cultivo protegido en Costa Rica

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    Tania Alvarado-Sánchez


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto del raleo manual de frutos y de la aplicación de los bioactivadores Algamix y Engordone sobre el rendimiento y la calidad del melón amarillo var. JMX-902. No se encontraron diferencias significativas con respecto a la firmeza del fruto, concentración de sólidos solubles totales, peso del fruto, rendimiento total, peso del fruto comercializable, rendimiento comercializable, y rendimiento por planta. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos para el número de frutos por planta; las plantas tratadas con solo Engordone y solo Algamix presentaron mayor número de frutos por planta con respecto a otros tratamientos, pero estos resultados no fueron distintos de los del Testigo. Se encontraron diferencias significativas al distribuir la producción según distintas categorías de peso; el rendimiento de frutos de melón con un peso de entre 601-800 gramos fue superior en plantas tratadas con solo Algamix respecto a los demás tratamientos; el rendimiento de frutos de melón con un peso de entre 801-1000 gramos fue superior en plantas tratadas con solo Engordone respecto a los demás tratamientos.

  6. Interaction between genotype and climates for Holstein milk ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This study was designed to investigate the interaction between genotype and climate for milk and fat production traits of Iranian Holstein dairy herds. Milk and fat production data were grouped in 5 climates, on the basis of Extended De Martonne method. (Co)Variance components and genetic parameters of first lactation ...

  7. The impact of hair coat color on longevity of Holstein cows in the tropics. (United States)

    Lee, C N; Baek, K S; Parkhurst, A


    Over two decades of observations in the field in South East Asia and Hawai'i suggest that majority of the commercial dairy herds are of black hair coat. Hence a simple study to determine the accuracy of the observation was conducted with two large dairy herds in Hawaii in the mid-1990s. A retrospective study on longevity of Holstein cattle in the tropics was conducted using DairyComp-305 lactation information coupled with phenotypic evaluation of hair coat color in two large dairy farms. Cows were classified into 3 groups: a) black (B, >90%); b) black/white (BW, 50:50) and c) white (W, >90%). Cows with other hair coat distribution were excluded from the study. In farm A, 211 out of 970 cows were identified having 4 or more lactations. In farm B, 690 out of 1,350 cows were identified with 2 or more lactations for the study. The regression analyses and the Wilcoxon-Log-rank test for survival probability showed that Holstein cattle with 90% black hair coat had greater longevity compared to Holstein cattle with 90% white hair coat. This study suggests that longevity of Holstein cattle in tropical regions was influenced by hair coat color and characteristics.

  8. Evaluation of the hydrometer for testing immunoglobulin G1 concentrations in Holstein colostrum. (United States)

    Pritchett, L C; Gay, C C; Hancock, D D; Besser, T E


    Hydrometer measurement in globulin and IgG1 concentration measured by the radial immunodiffusion technique were compared for 915 samples of first milking colostrum from Holstein cows. Least squares analysis of the relationship between hydrometer measurement and IgG1 concentration was improved by log transformation of IgG1 concentration and resulted in a significant linear relationship between hydrometer measurement and log10 IgG1 concentration; r2 = .469. At 50 mg of globulin/ml of colostrum, the recommended hydrometer cutoff point for colostrum selection, the sensitivity of the hydrometer as a test of IgG1 concentration in Holstein colostrum was 26%, and the negative predictive value was 67%. The negative predictive value and sensitivity of the hydrometer as a test of IgG1 in Holstein colostrum was improved, and the cost of misclassification of colostrum was minimized, when the cutoff point for colostrum selection was increased above the recommended 50 mg/ml.

  9. The role of local repulsion in superconductivity in the Hubbard–Holstein model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lin, Chungwei, E-mail:; Wang, Bingnan; Teo, Koon Hoo


    Highlights: • There exists an optimal Boson energy for superconductivity in Hubbard–Holstein model. • The electron-Boson coupling is essential for superconductivity, but the same coupling can lead to polaron insulator, which is against superconductivity. • The local Coulomb repulsion can sometimes enhance superconductivity. - Abstract: We examine the superconducting solution in the Hubbard–Holstein model using Dynamical Mean Field Theory. The Holstein term introduces the site-independent Boson fields coupling to local electron density, and has two competing influences on superconductivity: The Boson field mediates the effective electron-electron attraction, which is essential for the S-wave electron pairing; the same coupling to the Boson fields also induces the polaron effect, which makes the system less metallic and thus suppresses superconductivity. The Hubbard term introduces an energy penalty U when two electrons occupy the same site, which is expected to suppress superconductivity. By solving the Hubbard–Holstein model using Dynamical Mean Field theory, we find that the Hubbard U can be beneficial to superconductivity under some circumstances. In particular, we demonstrate that when the Boson energy Ω is small, a weak local repulsion actually stabilizes the S-wave superconducting state. This behavior can be understood as an interplay between superconductivity, the polaron effect, and the on-site repulsion: As the polaron effect is strong and suppresses superconductivity in the small Ω regime, the weak on-site repulsion reduces the polaron effect and effectively enhances superconductivity. Our calculation elucidates the role of local repulsion in the conventional S-wave superconductors.

  10. CLOSTAT alters the serum metabolome of Holstein Steer Calves (United States)

    Probiotics are gaining increased interest in calf feeding operations as some producers seek novel, non-antibiotic technologies to improve health and performance. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate changes in serum metabolomic compounds of Holstein steer calves supplemented with C...

  11. Eficacia del Fipronil en el control del ciclo peridomiciliario de Triatoma infestans en un área con resistencia a la Deltametrina

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    Alberto G. Gentile


    Full Text Available Se investigó la eficacia del Fipronil líquido al 1,0% contra T. infestans, administrado pour on en aves y mamíferos, tanto en condiciones de laboratorio como en el terreno. En laboratorio se trataron con Fipronil una gallina, un perro y un caprino y se alimentaron sobre ellos ninfas III resistentes a Deltametrina. Como grupo control se utilizaron ninfas del mismo estadio criadas en laboratorio. Durante la fase de terreno se impregnaron con Fipronil 4 perros, 1 gato y 2 gallinas cluecas. La infestación intradomiciliaria fue tratada mediante Aerotermia. En laboratorio la mortalidad ninfaria fue del 100,0% a los 7 días y del 88,8% a los 30 días. En terreno, la disminución del Índice de Densidad Triatomínea - medida a los 30 días - fue del 65,4%.

  12. Lactation curves of Holstein-Friesian and Jersey cows in Zimbabwe ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ,05) by die Holstein-Fries nie. Die gebruik van maandelikse of weeklikse melkproduksie totale om gemiddelde daaglikse produksie te bereken, het hoogs betekenisvolle effekte (P<0,01) op die laktasiekurwe parameters van die Jersey gehad.

  13. Interacción de Tsukamurella paurometabola C-924 con Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar phaseoli CFH en el cultivo de frijol

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    Marieta Marín Bruzos


    Full Text Available En el estudio se evaluaron, mediante análisis de los parámetros fenológicos de las plantas, la interacción de Tsukamurella paurometabola C-924 con Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar phaseoli CFH en el cultivo de frijol. Se emplearon cuatro tratamientos: plantas sin inocular (control, inoculadas con T. paurometabola C-924, inoculadas con R. leguminosarum biovar phaseoli CFH e inoculadas con ambas cepas. Se observaron diferencias significativas (P < 0.01 en los porcentajes de germinación de las plantas tratadas con microorganismos de forma independiente o conjunta con respecto al control sin inocular. Se determinó que la inoculación de T. paurometabola C-924 afectó el proceso de nodulación de R. leguminosarum biovar phaseoli CFH. Sin embargo, esto no incidió de manera significativa en la altura de las plantas ni en el diámetro del tallo, ya que no se encontraron diferencias entre los tratamientos para estos parámetros. Para el número de hojas, los mejores resultados se obtuvieron con la aplicación de T. paurometabola C-924. Se concluyó que la interacción de T. paurometabola C-924 con R. leguminosarum biovar phaseoli CFH en el frijol estimuló significativamente la germinación de las semillas y el número de hojas de las plantas con respecto al control sin inocular. Aunque la aplicación de T. paurometabola C-924 no favoreció la nodulación de R. leguminosarum biovar phaseoli CFH, esto no afectó las características fenológicas del cultivo.

  14. Taani - külade maa / Silvi Kuhi-Teesalu, Ulrich Holstein-Holsteinborg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuhi-Teesalu, Silvi


    Taanit ja taanlasi eestlase pilguga tutvustab Taani-Eesti Kultuuriinstituudi juhataja Silvi Kuhi-Teesalu. Eestlastest taanlase pilguga räägib Taani-Eesti Seltsi esimees krahv Ulrich Holstein-Holsteinborg

  15. Polimorfismos del gen ob en bovinos de raza holstein en la Comarca Lagunera, México

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    Sarai S. Mendoza-Retana


    Full Text Available La Comarca Lagunera es la cuenca lechera más importante de México. En la actualidad se están utilizando diversas técnicas que permiten evaluar genéticamente el animal a una edad temprana, permitiendo seleccionar futuros reproductores con características deseables. Entre los genes relacionados con la producción de leche, se encuentran el gen Ob también llamado gen Leptina el cual actúa sobre el sistema nervioso central y tejidos periféricos jugando un papel muy importante en la modulación regulación del apetito, ganancia de peso vivo, incremento del metabolismo energético y el anabolismo muscular. Este trabajo se realizó para determinar el polimorfismo de longitud del fragmento de restricción ACI I de gen leptina en el exón 2 y correlacionarlo con los parámetros de producción y calidad de leche. Se recolectaron 100 muestra de sangre de vacas en producción del establo “Lácteos Florida” de Francisco I. Madero municipio de Coahuila, México con tres esta tus de producción: altas, medias y bajas La extracción de ADN se realizó por el método modificado de Salting - Out. Se realizó PCR del gen leptina originando un fragmento de 272 bp de longitud y se realizó PCR - RFLP con la enzima de restricción ACI I y secue nciación, correlacionando los genotipos TT, CT Y CC con tres estatus de producción de leche: altas, medias, bajas. El análisis estadístico indicó que las vacas portadoras del genotipo homocigoto (TT tienen un efecto significativo (P<0.01 con respecto a l as características de producción y calidad de leche ya que tuvieron un mayor consumo de alimento, ganancia de peso, además de una elevada producción de leche en comparación a los genotipos heterocigoto (CT y homocigoto (CC. Los resultados obtenidos muest ran que l a identificación molecular de polimorfismos del gen Ob puede usarse como herramienta de selección genética en bovinos de raza Holstein.

  16. Risk Factors Influencing Conception Rate in Holstein Heifers before Artificial Insemination or Embryo Transfer


    M. Yusuf; T. Nakao; S. T. Long; S. Fujita


    The objective of this study was to show the risk factors affecting the conception rate in Holstein heifers after synchronization of estrus. A total of 275 Holstein heifers housed in a free barn were used for the experiment. The herd was visited regularly at four week intervals for synchronization of estrus using Heatsynch and CIDR-Heatsynch protocols. A group of four to 14 animals, depending on the availability, were referred to the experiment at each visit. Estrus induction rates in the two ...

  17. Osteosíntesis mini-invasiva con placas bloqueadas en fracturas metafisarias distales de tibia. Resultados clínico-funcionales. [Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis in distal metaphyseal fractures of tibia. Comparison of results between fractures AO 43A and AO 43C.

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    Juan Manuel Yañez Arauz


    Full Text Available Introducción Las fracturas distales de tibia son un desafío para el tratamiento debido a la escasa cobertura y particular vascularización. Los objetivos del presente estudio son analizar los resultados clínicos y funcionales de los pacientes con fractura de tibia distal; tratados con técnica MIPO (minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis con placas bloqueadas; comparar los resultados del grupo de fracturas tipo AO 43A con las tipo AO 43C1-C2; y comparar los resultados MIPO con el tratamiento abierto convencional.   Material y métodos Entre 2004 y 2012, se evaluaron 32 fracturas de tibia distal tratadas con técnica MIPO. 20 varones y 12 mujeres. Edad promedio: 40,1 años. El 59,4% presentó fracturas tipo AO 43A; y el 40,6% AO 43C. Tiempo trauma/cirugía: 6,8 días promedio. 24 casos presentaron fractura de peroné. Estadía hospitalaria: 1,5 días promedio. Seguimiento promedio: 39,6 meses, mediante score AOFAS y radiología. Se consignaron complicaciones. Se compararon resultados de grupos  tipo AO A y los tipo AO C.   Resultados Incremento del score AOFAS entre pre y post-operatorio: 73,3 puntos promedio. El grupo AO tipo A: media de 95,89 puntos AOFAS PO. El grupo AO tipo C1-2: media de 92,15 puntos PO. Carga del peso corporal: a las 8,7 semanas promedio. Comparando A= 43A y AO 43C: p: 0,46 (no significativa. Retorno a actividad previa a la lesión:9.3 meses promedio. Comparando tipo A y tipo C: p=0,16 (no significativa. Hubo 18,75% de complicaciones y retiro de osteosíntesis en 14 casos.  Conclusiones  La osteosíntesis mínimamente invasiva con placa y tornillos, es una buena opción para las fracturas de tibia distal; con buena evolución clínico-funcional, y escasas complicaciones comparadas a la cirugía abierta. Las fracturas 43A presentan menos complicaciones mayores que las 43C, tratadas con técnica MIPO.

  18. Microscopy of bosonic models using Schwinger and Holstein - Primakoff bosonization techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pinto, M.E.B.


    Two kinds of bosonic expansions for the SU(2) case, one being finite (Schwinger) and the other being infinite (Holstein-Primakoff) are analysed. The existence of a transformation connecting them was discussed. Utilizing the two methods, the Two Level Model hamiltonian into the many boson space is mapped. Considering systems composed by 4, 6 and 14 particles, calculations for the eigenenergies within the ''vibrational limit'' of the model were performed. The results show that the Schwinger mapping is exact. Approximated bosonic images with the Holstein-Primakoff mapping are obtained. Indeed, the anharmonicities observed in the region between the ideal '' spherical limit'' and the ''transitional point'', were well described by the approximation containing up to quartic terms on the bosonic operators. (author) [pt

  19. Pedigree Analysis of Holstein Bulls in Slovakia

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    Ivan Pavlík


    Full Text Available The aim of the study was to evaluate the genetic diversity in Holstein bulls population in Slovakia by the methods of pedigree analysis. The population was represented by the bulls with reserve of frozen semen doses in AI centers. Whole reference population consisted of 169 bulls born from 1997 to 2009. For calculation of diversity parameters the program Endog v.4.8 (Gutiérrez, Goyache, 2005 was used. An average maximal number of generations traced was 9.35, 3.06 complete generations and equivalent number of generations traced was 5.71. An average coefficient of inbreeding was 2.48%, individual increase in inbreeding was 0.53% and average relatedness was 2.72%. The 167 bulls from 169 were inbred (98.82%. An average number of offsprings per bull was 107.70 with maximal number 1,641 offsprings. The effective population size computed via individual increase in inbreeding was 94.50. The effective number of founders was 88, effective number of ancestors 31 and only 13 ancestors described 50% of diversity. From these results we can conclude that the diversity of Holstein bulls is reduced by more factors (inbreeding, high relatedness, bottlenecks. Obtained results point out the need to use new outbred bull lines for mating cows.

  20. Comparación reproductiva de vacas holstein, bon y f1 bon x holstein en el centro paysandú, 2. Edad al primer parto, intervalo entre partos, días abiertos y servicios por concepción.

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    Quijano B Jorge H


    Full Text Available Se estimaron los porcentajes de heterosis para edad al primer parto, intervalo entre partos, días abiertos y servicios por concepción, en vacas F1 (BON x HOLSTEIN del Centro Paysandú, propiedad de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, ubicado en la zona ecológica de bosque muy húmedo montano bajo (bmh-MB y situado a 2600 m.s.n.m. con una temperatura promedio de 12,5C, en el corregimiento de Santa Elena, Municipio de Medellín. El modelo usado incluyó los efectos de: Grupo Genético, año de parto, edad al parto sobre las variables edad al primer parto, intervalo entre partos, días abiertos y servicios por concepción. El efecto del grupo genético fue altamente significativo (P0,05, -7,9 (P0,05 para edad al primer parto, intervalo entre partos, días abiertos y servicios por concepción respectivamente.

  1. Corn silage from corn treated with foliar fungicide and performance of Holstein cows. (United States)

    Haerr, K J; Lopes, N M; Pereira, M N; Fellows, G M; Cardoso, F C


    Foliar fungicide application to corn plants is used in corn aimed for corn silage in the dairy industry, but questions regarding frequency of application and its effect on corn silage quality and feed conversion when fed to dairy cows remain prevalent. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of various foliar fungicide applications to corn on dry matter intake (DMI), milk production, and milk composition when fed to dairy cows. Sixty-four Holstein cows with parity 2.5±1.5, 653±80kg of body weight, and 161±51d in milk were blocked and randomly assigned to 1 of 4 corn silage treatments (total mixed ration with 35% of the dry matter as corn silage). Treatments were as follows: control (CON), corn silage with no applications of foliar fungicide; treatment 1 (1X), corn silage from corn that received 1 application of pyraclostrobin (PYR) foliar fungicide (Headline; BASF Corp.) at corn vegetative stage 5; treatment 2 (2X), corn silage from corn that received the same application as 1X plus another application of a mixture of PYR and metconazole (Headline AMP; BASF Corp.) at corn reproductive stage 1 ("silking"); and treatment 3 (3X), corn silage from corn that received the same applications as 2X as well as a third application of PYR and metconazole at reproductive stage 3 ("milky kernel"). Corn was harvested at about 32% dry matter and 3/4 milk line stage of kernel development and ensiled for 200d. Treatments were fed to cows for 5wk, with the last week being used for statistical inferences. Week -1 was used as a covariate in the statistical analysis. Dry matter intake tended to be lower for cows fed corn silage treated with fungicide than CON (23.8, 23.0, 19.5, and 21.3kg for CON, 1X, 2X, and 3X, respectively). A linear treatment effect for DMI was observed, with DMI decreasing as foliar fungicide applications increased. Treatments CON, 1X, 2X, and 3X did not differ for milk yield (34.5, 34.5, 34.2, and 34.4kg/d, respectively); however, a trend for

  2. Trends for monthly changes in days open in Holsteins

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pszczola, M.J.; Aguilar, I.; Misztal, I.


    A reaction norm approach was used to estimate trends for days open (DO) with a model that indirectly accounted for heat stress. Data included 3.4 million first-parity records of DO of US Holsteins. A fixed effect model included herd-year, month of calving within region (MOC), age class, and

  3. Evaluación de la toxicidad aguda oral e irritación sobre mucosa bucal de la solución CM-95 tratada magnéticamente Oral acute toxicity and irritation on buccal mucosa evaluation of the CM-95 solution magnetically treated

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    Jorge Díaz Bestard


    Full Text Available La Solución CM-95 tratada magnéticamente es un producto en desarrollo que mostró propiedades inmunoestimulantes en ensayos preclínicos, característica que la hacen adecuada como candidata a inmunopotenciador. En este trabajo se evaluaron los posibles efectos tóxicos preclínicos de la Solución CM-95 tratada magnéticamente, por el método de las Clases de Toxicidad Aguda y el de irritación de la mucosa oral, adaptando las normas OECD 423 y la ISO 10993-10, respectivamente. En el método de las Clases de Toxicidad Aguda se utilizó el ensayo límite, en ratas Sprague Dawley hembras, en el cual la dosis estuvo relacionada con el nivel de inducción magnética, en este caso 0,16 T, aplicado a la Solución CM-95; y el volumen a administrar de la misma, calculado sobre la base de 2 ml de la solución por 100 g de peso corporal. La determinación de la irritación de la mucosa oral se llevó a cabo en hámster Sirios Dorados hembras mediante un ensayo a dosis repetidas durante 7 días de tratamiento en la bolsa gular derecha, con pellet de algodón impregnado con 0,5 ml de la solución tratada magnéticamente con la misma inducción. No se encontró mortalidad ni evidencias de signos tóxicos para el ensayo de toxicidad aguda, y se obtuvo un índice de irritación sobre mucosa oral de 0, por lo que la sustancia estudiada se enmarcó como "No clasificada" y "No irritante" según la metodología empleada. Estos resultados complementarán otros estudios toxicológicos para avalar la seguridad de esta Solución para su uso futuro como fármaco por vía oral.CM-95 solution magnetically treated is a product which showed immunologic properties in preliminary tests, characteristic that makes it adequate as inmunopotentiator candidate. In this study the possible preclinical toxic effects of CM-95 Solution magnetically treated were evaluated, by the Acute Toxicity Class method and oral mucosa irritation test, adapting guideline OECD 423 and ISO 10993

  4. Non-genetic factors affecting fertility traits in South African Holstein ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Mar 8, 2014 ... non-genetic factors affect the fertility of dairy cows. ... (2002) found conception rates of 64% in open heifers and 39% in .... the number of days from calving date to first service date for Holstein cows in the USA increased from.

  5. Comparación de metodologías moleculares para identificar el gen de la kappa caseína en ganado Holstein

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    Carlos Solarte P.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Comparar las metodologías moleculares, PCR-RFLPs y PCR-SSCP, para identificar las variantes alélicas del gen de la kappa caseína (CSN3 en bovinos Holstein del trópico alto de Nariño-Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se escogieron al azar 50 vacas Holstein y mediante punción en la vena coxígea media se tomaron muestras de 5cc de sangre, que se almacenaron y preservaron en tarjetas FTA® para su posterior análisis en el laboratorio. El ADN se amplificó por PCR utilizando cebadores específicos. Los cambios en la conformación de cadena sencilla (SSCP fueron visualizados en geles de poliacrilamida al 12%; mientras que los RFLPs se obtuvieron por digestión con tres enzimas de restricción y se visualizaron en geles de agarosa al 4%. Resultados. La metodología PCR-RFLPs fue útil para detectar mutaciones puntuales y por lo tanto se identificó un mayor número de alelos, lo que contribuye a una mejor estimación de las medidas de diversidad genética en poblaciones seleccionadas, ya que evita problemas de sobreestimación de los valores en las frecuencias alélicas. Por su parte, la técnica PCR-SSCP resultó más sencilla y económica, ideal para investigaciones en las que no existe información previa sobre los genotipos de las poblaciones bovinas y en estudios con bajos presupuestos. Conclusiones. Las dos metodologías evaluadas son herramientas moleculares que contribuyen a la orientación de los procesos de selección en los bovinos para leche, ya que identifican los alelos del gen CSN3. La diferencia radica en el costo de las mismas y en el número de variantes identificadas.

  6. Genetics of heat tolerance for milk yield and quality in Holsteins. (United States)

    Santana, M L; Bignardi, A B; Pereira, R J; Stefani, G; El Faro, L


    Tropical and sub-tropical climates are characterized by high temperature and humidity, during at least part of the year. Consequently, heat stress is common in Holstein cattle and productive and reproductive losses are frequent. Our objectives were as follows: (1) to quantify losses in production and quality of milk due to heat stress; (2) to estimate genetic correlations within and between milk yield (MY) and milk quality traits; and (3) to evaluate the trends of genetic components of tolerance to heat stress in multiple lactations of Brazilian Holstein cows. Thus, nine analyses using two-trait random regression animal models were carried out to estimate variance components and genetic parameters over temperature-humidity index (THI) values for MY and milk quality traits (three lactations: MY×fat percentage (F%), MY×protein percentage (P%) and MY×somatic cell score (SCS)) of Brazilian Holstein cattle. It was demonstrated that the effects of heat stress can be harmful for traits related to milk production and milk quality of Holstein cattle even though most herds were maintained in a modified environment, for example, with fans and sprinklers. For MY, the effect of heat stress was more detrimental in advanced lactations (-0.22 to -0.52 kg/day per increase of 1 THI unit). In general, the mean heritability estimates were higher for lower THI values and longer days in milk for all traits. In contrast, the heritability estimates for SCS increased with increasing THI values in the second and third lactation. For each trait studied, lower genetic correlations (different from unity) were observed between opposite extremes of THI (THI 47 v. THI 80) and in advanced lactations. The genetic correlations between MY and milk quality trait varied across the THI scale and lactations. The genotype×environment interaction due to heat stress was more important for MY and SCS, particularly in advanced lactations, and can affect the genetic relationship between MY and milk quality

  7. The role of local repulsion in superconductivity in the Hubbard-Holstein model (United States)

    Lin, Chungwei; Wang, Bingnan; Teo, Koon Hoo


    We examine the superconducting solution in the Hubbard-Holstein model using Dynamical Mean Field Theory. The Holstein term introduces the site-independent Boson fields coupling to local electron density, and has two competing influences on superconductivity: The Boson field mediates the effective electron-electron attraction, which is essential for the S-wave electron pairing; the same coupling to the Boson fields also induces the polaron effect, which makes the system less metallic and thus suppresses superconductivity. The Hubbard term introduces an energy penalty U when two electrons occupy the same site, which is expected to suppress superconductivity. By solving the Hubbard-Holstein model using Dynamical Mean Field theory, we find that the Hubbard U can be beneficial to superconductivity under some circumstances. In particular, we demonstrate that when the Boson energy Ω is small, a weak local repulsion actually stabilizesthe S-wave superconducting state. This behavior can be understood as an interplay between superconductivity, the polaron effect, and the on-site repulsion: As the polaron effect is strong and suppresses superconductivity in the small Ω regime, the weak on-site repulsion reduces the polaron effect and effectively enhances superconductivity. Our calculation elucidates the role of local repulsion in the conventional S-wave superconductors.

  8. Evaluación de adsorbentes para la reducción de aflatoxina M1 en leche de vacas alimentadas con dietas contaminadas artificialmente con AFB

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    Federico Rojo


    Full Text Available Los adsorbentes han sido utilizados ampliamente para prevenir las micotoxicosis y la transferencia d e toxinas o sus metabolitos dentro de la cadena alimentaria. Particularmente, se unen a las aflatoxinas dentro del tracto gastrointestinal de los rumiantes, disminuyendo su biodisponibilidad y la transferencia de aflatoxin a M 1 (AFM 1 a la leche. El presente estudio se desarrolló para evaluar dos métodos de exposición a aflatoxina B 1 en vacas Holstein y monitorear la transferencia AFM 1 a la leche. Adicionalmente, se analizó el potencial de tres adsorbentes de aflatoxinas en ambos experimentos. Los resultados mostraron una tasa de trasferencia de AFB 1 a AFM 1 / día de 3.35 y 1.8 % en los dos experimentos respectivamente. La transferencia estimada de AFM 1 en la leche observada en el segundo método fue cercana a las obtenidas de vacas alimentadas con alimentos natura lmente contaminados con aflatoxinas. A diferencia de los glucomananos de paredes cel ulares de levaduras, ambos adsorbentes de aluminosilicatos disminuyeron significativamente los niveles de AFM 1 en la leche ( P <0.05.

  9. Metabolomic biomarkers identify differences in milk produced by Holstein cows and other minor dairy animals. (United States)

    Yang, Yongxin; Zheng, Nan; Zhao, Xiaowei; Zhang, Yangdong; Han, Rongwei; Yang, Jinhui; Zhao, Shengguo; Li, Songli; Guo, Tongjun; Zang, Changjiang; Wang, Jiaqi


    Several milk metabolites are associated with breeds or species of dairy animals. A better understanding of milk metabolites from different dairy animals would advance their use in evaluating milk traits and detecting milk adulteration. The objective of this study was to characterize the milk metabolite profiles of Chinese Holstein, Jersey, yak, buffalo, goat, camel, and horse and identify any differences using non-targeted metabolomic approaches. Milk samples were tested using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Data were analyzed using a multivariate analysis of variance and differences in milk metabolites between Holstein and the other dairy animals were assessed using orthogonal partial least-squares discriminant analysis. Differential metabolites were identified and some metabolites, such as choline and succinic acid, were used to distinguish Holstein milk from that of the other studied animals. Metabolic pathway analysis of different metabolites revealed that glycerophospholipid metabolism as well as valine, leucine, and isoleucine biosynthesis were shared in the other ruminant animals (Jersey, buffalo, yak, and goat), and biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids was shared in the non-ruminant animals (camel and horse). These results can be useful for gaining a better understanding of the differences in milk synthesis between Holstein and the other dairy animals. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  10. Contractura axilar por quemadura tratada con Integra®


    Roa G,Ricardo; Las Heras F,Rocío; Piñeros B,José L; Correa S,Gerardo; Norambuena B,Hernán; Marré N,Diego


    Las quemaduras axilares severas son un accidente infrecuente que evolucionan a la retracción generando deficiencias cosméticas y funcionales. Estas cicatrices son difíciles de tratar por las características anatómicas del área, donde la corrección de un vector de movimiento puede alterar otro. Objetivo: Mostrar nuestros resultados utilizando el sustituto cutáneo Integra® en el tratamiento de cicatrices retráctiles axilares por quemadura. Pacientes y Métodos: Se recolectaron antecedentes médic...

  11. Genomic Regions Affecting Cheese Making Properties Identified in Danish Holsteins

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gregersen, Vivi Raundahl; Bertelsen, Henriette Pasgaard; Poulsen, Nina Aagaard

    The cheese renneting process is affected by a number of factors associated to milk composition and a number of Danish Holsteins has previously been identified to have poor milk coagulation ability. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify genomic regions affecting the technological...

  12. Growth Performances of Female and Male Holstein Calves Fed Milk and Milk Replacers

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    Tahir BAYRIL


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to compare growth performances of male and female Holstein calves fed milk and milk replacers. A total of 60 Holstein calves were used in the study. Calves were divided into three equal groups. In each group, there were 10 female and 10 male calves. Calves were offered colostrum for 3 days after birth and were weighed at fourth day for the trial. Initial body weights of calves in dietary treatments were statistically similar. The first, second and third groups were fed milk, milk replacer-I (CP 21% and CF 16.5% and milk replacer-II (CP 24% and CF 18%, respectively. In addition to milk and milk replacers, calves were supplemented with ad libitum concentrate feed and alfalfa. Dietary treatment was significantly effective (P<0.05 on body weight of calves at 60 days of age. In conclusion, growth performances of calves increased with increasing protein content of milk replacer had better than those of calves fed milk replacer containing low-protein. Therefore, during the suckling period, in feeding of Holstein calves, milk or milk replacer containing high-protein should be preferred primarily.

  13. Genomic predictions across Nordic Holstein and Nordic Red using the genomic best linear unbiased prediction model with different genomic relationship matrices. (United States)

    Zhou, L; Lund, M S; Wang, Y; Su, G


    This study investigated genomic predictions across Nordic Holstein and Nordic Red using various genomic relationship matrices. Different sources of information, such as consistencies of linkage disequilibrium (LD) phase and marker effects, were used to construct the genomic relationship matrices (G-matrices) across these two breeds. Single-trait genomic best linear unbiased prediction (GBLUP) model and two-trait GBLUP model were used for single-breed and two-breed genomic predictions. The data included 5215 Nordic Holstein bulls and 4361 Nordic Red bulls, which was composed of three populations: Danish Red, Swedish Red and Finnish Ayrshire. The bulls were genotyped with 50 000 SNP chip. Using the two-breed predictions with a joint Nordic Holstein and Nordic Red reference population, accuracies increased slightly for all traits in Nordic Red, but only for some traits in Nordic Holstein. Among the three subpopulations of Nordic Red, accuracies increased more for Danish Red than for Swedish Red and Finnish Ayrshire. This is because closer genetic relationships exist between Danish Red and Nordic Holstein. Among Danish Red, individuals with higher genomic relationship coefficients with Nordic Holstein showed more increased accuracies in the two-breed predictions. Weighting the two-breed G-matrices by LD phase consistencies, marker effects or both did not further improve accuracies of the two-breed predictions. © 2014 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.

  14. Development of breeding strategy based on body coloration and phenotype in Holstein Friesian crossbreds for sustainable milk production

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    Md. Shahjahan


    Full Text Available In this study, Holstein Friesian crossbreds were categorized based on white coloring in different body parts, hump status, and known generations derived from controlled breeding and recording. The aim of this study was to reveal the effects of morphological features on milk production; grading of Holstein Friesian crossbreds and implement a sustainable breeding strategy based on phenotypic grading. Data of peak milk production and morphological characteristics were collected on 51 Holstein Friesian crossbred cows after primary sorting from three districts (Sirajganj, Chittagong and Mymensingh of Bangladesh. The data analyses were conducted following one-way ANOVA with descriptive statistics. The animals were graded according to the white coloring pattern (absent or present in horn, eyelid and eyelash, muzzle, hoof, tail switch, and the presence of a hump. It was observed that the presence of white color (18.86±1.01 to 22.00±1.57 liters in different body parts of Holstein Friesian crossbreds were significantly (p [Fundam Appl Agric 2018; 3(2.000: 498-504

  15. Optimum body size of Holstein replacement heifers. (United States)

    Hoffman, P C


    Criteria that define optimum body size of replacement heifers are required by commercial dairy producers to evaluate replacement heifer management programs. Historically recommended body size criteria have been based on live BW measurements. Numerous research studies have observed a positive relationship between BW at first calving and first lactation milk yield, which has served as the impetus for using live BW to define body size of replacement heifers. Live BW is, however, not the only available measurement to define body size. Skeletal measurements such as wither height, length, and pelvic area have been demonstrated to be related to first lactation performance and (or) dystocia. Live BW measurements also do not define differences in body composition. Differences in body composition of replacement heifers at first calving are also related to key performance variables. An updated research data base is available for the modern Holstein genotype to incorporate measures of skeletal growth and body composition with BW when defining body size. These research projects also lend insight into the relative importance of measurements that define body size of replacement heifers. Incorporation of these measurements from current research into present BW recommendations should aid commercial dairy producers to better define replacement heifer growth and management practices. This article proposes enhancements in defining optimum body size and growth characteristics of Holstein replacement heifers.

  16. Genetic analysis of female fertility traits in South African Holstein cattle

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    1 ARC-Livestock Business Division, P/Bag X2, Irene 0062, South Africa .... Descriptive statistics of all traits were computed using the Proc Means procedure of the Statistical. Analysis System (SAS ..... of Australian Holstein-Friesian cattle. Anim.

  17. Acanthamoeba sp.: un caso de queratitis no relacionada con el uso de lentes de contacto Acanthamoeba sp.: a case report in a non-contact lens wearer

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    Claudia Menghi


    Full Text Available La queratitis por Acanthamoeba sp. generalmente se relaciona con el uso de lentes de contacto y en menor proporción se vincula con el contacto con agua contaminada. Se caracteriza por una disminución de la capacidad visual y la presencia de un fuerte dolor ocular. al examen clínico, puede confundirse con una infección herpética. Si la infección no es diagnosticada y tratada a tiempo en forma adecuada, puede culminar en la perforación de la córnea y, eventualmente, en la pérdida del ojo. en este trabajo se informa uno de los pocos casos registrados de queratitis por Acanthamoeba sp. no relacionada con el uso de lentes de contacto.Acanthamoeba sp. keratitis is generally related to wearing contact lenses, and, to a lesser extent, to contaminated water. it is characterized by reduced visual capacity and the presence of severe ocular pain. Clinically, it can be mistaken for a herpes infection. if it is not diagnosed, and timely and adequately treated, it can result in corneal perforation and, eventually, in vision loss. One of the few registered cases of Acanthamoeba sp. keratitis not related to the use of contact lenses is herein reported.

  18. Quantitative Trait Loci Affecting Calving Traits in Danish Holstein Cattle

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomasen, J R; Guldbrandtsen, B; Sørensen, P


    The objectives of this study were 1) to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting direct and maternal calving traits at first calving in the Danish Holstein population, 2) to distinguish between pleiotropic and linked QTL for chromosome regions affecting more than one trait, and 3) to detect...

  19. Effect of mating between the donor cow and bull (Holstein versus Gyr on the in vitro production of bovine embryos

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    Ana Paula Toledo Barbosa da Silva


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the breed of the oocyte donor cow and bull (Holstein versus Gyr on in vitro production (IVP parameters of bovine embryos comparing the mean number of recovered oocytes and oocytes suitable for culture, the rate of suitable oocytes, and cleavage and blastocyst rates. Data from 1,000 follicular aspiration sessions (OPU, including 500 in donor cows of the Holstein breed and 500 of the Gyr breed, were collected. The results were analyzed by the unpaired Student t-test and chi-square test, adopting a level of significance of 5%. The mean number and standard deviation of recovered oocytes and oocytes suitable for culture were 15.1±13.0 and 8.7±7.6 for the Holstein breed and 15.5±11.9 and 9.1±7.9 for the Gyr breed. The rates of suitable oocytes were 57.7% and 58.5% for Holstein and Gyr breeds, respectively. A significant difference between breeds was observed for the number of oocytes suitable for culture (P<0.05, but not for the number of recovered oocytes or rates of suitable oocytes (P>0.05. Similarly, the breed of the oocyte donor cow and bull influenced cleavage and blastocyst rates (P<0.05. The cleavage rates were 65.7, 60.3, 59.6 and 56.5% for the combinations (donor breed x bull breed Holstein x Holstein (G1, Holstein x Gyr (G2, Gyr x Holstein (G3 and Gyr x Gyr (G4, respectively, with G1>G2, G1>G3, G1>G4, G2=G3, G2>G4, and G3>G4. The blastocyst rates were 28.1, 33.3, 26.8 and 31.0%, respectively, with G1>G2, G1=G3, G1

  20. Corrosão de parafusos fixados à madeira tratada com soluções de creosoto vegetal


    Paes,Juarez Benigno; Benedito Rocha,Vital; Della Lucia,Ricardo Marius; Della Lucia,Terezinha Maria Castro


    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a corrosão de parafusos auto-rosqueáveis fixados à madeira tratada com soluções preservativas preparadas com creosoto vegetal, em condições de campo. Obteve-se o creosoto vegetal bruto por meio da destilação à temperatura de 110 - 255masculineC do alcatrão vegetal. Uma fração dos destilados foi lavada com solução a 9% de bicarbonato de sódio, obtendo-se o creosoto vegetal purificado. Ambas as frações foram enriquecidas com 3% de naftenato de cobre; 3% de ...

  1. Efecto del sistema silvopatoril en el comportamiento productivo de vacas Holstein Effect of the silvopastoral system on the productive performance of Holstein cows

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    L Lamela


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de evaluar el comportamiento productivo de vacas Holstein en sistemas asociados de Leucaena leucocephala y Cynodon nlemfuensis, sin la aplicación de fertilizante químico, se realizó el presente trabajo en dos vaquerías: las unidades 98 y 100 de la Empresa Genética de Matanzas, Cuba, las cuales tenían un área de pastos de 35,5 ha y 3 ha para la producción de forraje de caña de azúcar. Se determinó la producción de leche por vaca en ordeño y la producción por vaca total, así como la influencia del bimestre de producción, la época del año y el año en el comportamiento productivo. La leucaena tuvo valores de PB superiores al 20% y la gramínea entre 7,4-9,5%; la disponibilidad de MS fue de 3,4 y 2,5 t/ha/rotación para el período lluvioso y el poco lluvioso, respectivamente. Se encontraron diferencias significativas dentro de cada vaquería para el efecto bimestre de producción. A su vez, el 86 y 65% de las vacas tuvieron una condición corporal (CC entre 3,0 y 3,5 para el período lluvioso y el poco lluvioso, respectivamente. La producción de leche promedio de las vacas, para la CC de 2,5; 3,0; 3,5 y 4,0 fue de 6,5; 8,0; 7,7 y 6,0 kg/vaca/día, respectivamente. Se concluye que el sistema presentó una aceptable disponibilidad de MS (3 t/ha/rotación y los animales mantuvieron una condición corporal favorable para la producción de leche, con valores de 6,8-8,8 kg/vaca/día.With the objective of evaluating the productive performance of Holstein cows in associated systems of Leucaena leucocephala and Cynodon nlemfuensis, without applying chemical fertilizers, this work was carried out in two dairy units: 98 and 100 of the Livestock Production Genetic Enterprise of Matanzas, Cuba, which had an area for pastures of 35,5 ha and 3 ha for producing sugarcane forage. The milk production per milking cow and total production per cow were determined, as well as the influence of the two-month period of production, season

  2. Endometrial transcription of microbial molecular patterns receptors in Gyr and F1 Holstein x Gyr postpartum cows

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    T.M. Martins

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Zebu and Holstein x Zebu crossbred have low incidence of uterine infection when compared to Holstein cows. Resistance to uterine infections may be associated with the ability to recognize invading microorganisms. Endometrial transcription of microbial molecular patterns receptors has been investigated in the postpartum period of Holstein cows, but it is completely unknown in Zebu or Holstein x Zebu cows. In this study, 9 Gyr and 12 F1 Holstein x Gyr cows were submitted to endometrial biopsies at the first and seventh days postpartum, with the objective to measure transcription levels of toll-like receptors (TLRs 1/6, 2, 4, 5, and 9; nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD-like receptors 1 and 2; and coreceptors cluster of differentiation 14 (CD14 and myeloid differentiation protein-2 (MD-2. There was a significant (P<0.05 decrease in transcription of TLR5 in Gyr, and an increase in transcription of TLR9 in F1 cows, between the first and seventh day postpartum. Both groups had low incidences of uterine infections up to 42 days postpartum. Uterine involution completed at 27.7 ± 10.1 and 25.1 ± 4.7 days postpartum for Gyr and F1 cows, respectively. In Gyr cows, higher transcription levels of TLR1/6 and NOD1 correlated to a longer period required for uterine involution. In F1 cows, lower levels of TLR1/6, TLR2 and NOD2 correlated to a longer period required for uterine involution. In conclusion, some pathogen recognition receptors associated significantly with the time required for uterine involution in Gyr and F1 cows.

  3. Mass communication for energy efficiency. Experiences from energy efficiency campaigns in Schleswig-Holstein 2000-2000. Final report; Massenkommunikation fuer Energieffizienz. Erfahrungen aus landesweiten Energieeffizienz-Kampagnen in Schleswig-Holstein 2000-2002. Abschlussbericht

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wortmann, K.; Moehring-Hueser, W.


    The report sums up the experience gained with energy efficiency pilot campaigns in Schleswig-Holstein (Schoeth et al., to appear, and Wortman et al., 2000, 2001). The information is to help other actors in this field to develop and optimize their own campaigns. [German] Dieser Bericht resuemiert die wesentlichen Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen mit wirkungsvoller Umweltwerbung auf Basis der ausfuehrlichen Werbewirkungskontrollen zu den Energieeffizienz-Pilotkampagnen in Schleswig-Holstein (vgl. ausfuehrlicher Schoetz et al., im Druck sowie Wortmann et al., 2000, 2001). Die abschliessenden Abschnitte 'Empfehlungen' und 'Ausblick' kennzeichnen den aktuellen Stand des Wissens und sollen anderen Akteuren mit gleicher oder aehnlicher Zielsetzung Hilfestellung und Anregung fuer die optimierte eigene Planung von Kampagnen geben. (orig.)

  4. Verlgleich zwischen gemessener und berechneter Widerristhöhe bei einem Deutschen Schwarzbunten (Holstein Milchrind

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    Manfred Teichert


    Full Text Available El artículo comienza con una descripción de los métodos comunes sobre el cálculo de la altura a partir de la longitud máxima de cada uno de los huesos de las extremidades. Después se establece una comparación entre la altura de la cruz medida y calculada en una raza de vacuno lechero de color pío de Holstein. De las longitudes máximas de cada hueso se dan desviaciones máximas de 6,1 cm. entre las alturas en la cruz medidas y calculadas. Por ello se recomienda que el rango de variación de las alturas en la cruz de la población de vacuno calculado a partir de cada hueso sea elevado 5 cm en el valor mínimo y sea reducido 5cm en el valor máximo. En el caso del vacuno examinado el promedio de la altura en la cruz calculada a partir de los huesos largos de las extremidades difiere solamente 2,11cm de la altura medida.

  5. Differential responsiveness of Holstein and Angus dermal fibroblasts to LPS challenge occurs without major differences in the methylome. (United States)

    Benjamin, Aimee L; Green, Benjamin B; Crooker, Brian A; McKay, Stephanie D; Kerr, David E


    We have previously found substantial animal-to-animal and age-dependent variation in the response of Holstein fibroblast cultures challenged with LPS. To expand on this finding, fibroblast cultures were established from dairy (Holstein) and beef (Angus) cattle and challenged with LPS to examine breed-dependent differences in the innate immune response. Global gene expression was measured by RNA-Seq, while an epigenetic basis for expression differences was examined by methylated CpG island recovery assay sequencing (MIRA-Seq) analysis. The Holstein breed displayed a more robust response to LPS than the Angus breed based on RNA-Seq analysis of cultures challenged with LPS for 0, 2, and 8 h. Several immune-associated genes were expressed at greater levels (FDR Angus fibroblasts, and two of these regions fell within the promoter region (-2500 to +500 bp of the transcription start site) of the genes NTRK2 and ADAMTS5. Fibroblasts isolated from Holstein cattle display a more robust response to LPS in comparison to cultures from Angus cattle. Different selection strategies and management practices exist between these two breeds that likely give rise to genetic and epigenetic factors contributing to the different immune response phenotypes.

  6. Identification and characterization of novel and differentially expressed microRNAs in peripheral blood from healthy and mastitis Holstein cattle by deep sequencing. (United States)

    Li, Zhixiong; Wang, Hongliang; Chen, Ling; Wang, Lijun; Liu, Xiaolin; Ru, Caixia; Song, Ailong


    MicroRNA (miRNA) mediates post-transcriptional gene regulation and plays an important role in regulating the development of immune cells and in modulating innate and adaptive immune responses in mammals, including cattle. In the present study, we identified novel and differentially expressed miRNAs in peripheral blood from healthy and mastitis Holstein cattle by Solexa sequencing and bioinformatics. In total, 608 precursor hairpins (pre-miRNAs) encoding for 753 mature miRNAs were detected. Statistically, 173 unique miRNAs (of 753, 22.98%) were identified that had significant differential expression between healthy and mastitis Holstein cattle (P mastitis Holstein cattle, which provide important information on mastitis in miRNAs expression. Diverse miRNAs may play an important role in the treatment of mastitis in Holstein cattle. © 2013 Stichting International Foundation for Animal Genetics.

  7. Perfil de proteases de lesões cutâneas experimentais em camundongos tratadas com a lectina isolada das sementes de Canavalia brasiliensis Proteases profile of skin wounds treated with lectin from Canavalia brasiliensis seeds

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    Flávio de Oliveira Silva


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o perfil de proteases em lesões cutâneas experimentais tratadas com a lectina isolada das sementes da Canavalia brasiliensis (ConBr livre e conjugada com o seu açúcar específico. Lesões cirúrgicas foram produzidas assepticamente na região dorsal de camundongos (n=120, divididos de acordo com o tratamento empregado: Grupo NaCl (NaCl 150mM, Grupo manose (manose 100mM, Grupo ConBr (ConBr 100µg mL-1 e Grupo ConBr/manose (solução contendo ConBr 100µg mL-1 preparada em manose 100mM. Amostras da área lesada foram coletadas para determinação do perfil de proteases e atividade colagenolítica no 2°, no 7° e no 12° dia de pós-operatório. O perfil das proteínas realizado através de eletroforese SDS-PAGE demonstrou a presença de proteínas com massa molecular de 67kDa em todos os grupos. O Grupo ConBr/manose apresentou a maior atividade colagenolítica no 12° dia de pós-operatório. A lectina isolada das sementes da Canavalia brasiliensis influenciou a expressão de proteases com atividade colagenolítica podendo assim interferir no processo cicatricial das lesões cutâneas em camundongos.The objective of the present study was determining the proteases profile of cutaneous healings treated with free and conjugated lectin of Canavalia brasiliensis (ConBr and their specific sugar. An aseptic wound was produced in the thoracic area of the mice (n=120, divided according to the employed treatment: NaCl Group (150mM NaCl, manose Group (100mM manose, ConBr Group (100µg mL-1 ConBr and ConBr/manose Group (solution containing 100µg mL-1 ConBr prepared in 100mM manose. Samples of the injured area were collected for determination of proteases profile and collagenolytic activity on 2nd, 7th e 12th days after the surgery. Electrophoresis SDS-PAGE demonstrated proteins with molecular mass of 67kDa in all groups. Group IV presented the highest collagenolytic activity on the 12th day post surgery. Con

  8. Evaluación de vacas de doble propósito de genotipos Holstein x Cebú en sistemas de pastoreo arborizado: I. Primíparas Evaluation of double-purpose Holstein x Zebu cows in grazing systems with trees: I. Primiparous

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    L Simón


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de evaluar el comportamiento productivo y reproductivo de diferentes genotipos raciales de doble propósito de los cruzamientos Holstein x Cebú se seleccionaron 75 novillas gestantes, 25 por grupo de los genotipos Siboney (5/8 H x 3/8 C, Mambí (¾ H x ¼ C y Siboney mestizo (5/8 H x 3/8 C, en un diseño totalmente aleatorizado, las cuales conformaron un grupo común con acceso al mismo manejo y alimentación. Las novillas se incorporaron a la reproducción cuando alcanzaron 300 kg de peso vivo y una edad promedio de 28,6 meses; estas fueron manejadas en una vaquería arborizada, con una carga de 1,6 UGM/ha, y rotaron en 28 cuartones. Mensualmente se midió la disponibilidad de pastos y la oferta diaria de los forrajes y los suplementos. Se controló la condición corporal y se midió el perímetro toráxico; la producción de leche por vaca se comprobó quincenalmente, y se determinó la duración y producción por lactancia y los indicadores reproductivos. El genotipo Mambí fue superior (PWith the objective of evaluating the productive and reproductive performance of different double purpose breed genotypes from the Holstein x Zebu crossings, 75 pregnant heifers were selected, 25 per group from genotypes Siboney (5/8 H x 3/8 Z, Mambí (¾ H x ¼ Z and crossbred Siboney (5/8 H x 3/8 Z, in a completely randomized design, which made up a common group with access to the same management and feeding. The heifers were incorporated to reproduction after reaching 300 kg live weight and an average age of 28,6 months; they were managed in a dairy unit with trees, with a stocking rate of 1,6 animals/ha, and rotated in 28 paddocks. Pasture availability and daily offer of forages and supplements were measured monthly. Body condition was controlled and the thoracic perimeter was measured; milk production per cow was fortnightly checked, and the lactation duration and production and reproductive indicators were determined. The Mamb

  9. Evaluation of heat stress on Tarentaise and Holstein cow performance in the Mediterranean climate (United States)

    Bellagi, Rahma; Martin, Bruno; Chassaing, Chantal; Najar, Taha; Pomiès, Dominique


    This study was undertaken to first quantify the effect of heat stress on milk yield and components of Tarentaise in comparison to Holstein cows. A dataset of 16,143 monthly individual records of production traits was collected for 435 Tarentaise and 543 Holstein cows from 21 farms in Tunisia (2009 to 2014). This dataset was merged with meteorological data from 5 public stations relative to the 21 farms. The temperature-humidity index (THI), calculated as a combination of ambient temperature and relative humidity, was used to characterize heat stress. When the THI increased from an average value of 53.7 in winter to 75.4 in summer, the Holstein and Tarentaise cows decreased their milk production by 0.93 and 0.15 kg/day, respectively. Milk fat, protein, and urea content decreased similarly in both breeds (-2.20 g/kg, -1.40 g/kg, and -14 mg/L, respectively), and the milk somatic cell count increased for Holstein cows (+352,000/mL) while decreased for Tarentaise cows (-160,000/mL). The second aim of this study was to describe the relationship between the variations of the milk yields between the summer and the winter (Δ milk yields) and some barn characteristics during the hot season. A survey carried out on 19 of the 21 previous farms permitted to conclude that the closed buildings led to a higher decrease in milk yield between the summer and winter than the open buildings (-1.13 vs. -0.27 kg/day). A metallic roof had a more negative impact on Δ milk yields than the other roof types (-1.04 vs. -0.15 kg/day).

  10. Caracterização por FT-IR da superfície de borracha EPDM tratada via plasma por micro-ondas

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    Renata P. dos Santos


    Full Text Available A superfície de uma borracha de etileno-propileno-dieno (EPDM vulcanizada foi modificada via plasma por microondas, com gases Ar, Ar/O2, N2/O2 e N2/H2, tendo como objetivo melhorar as propriedades adesivas da superfície. A técnica FT-IR/UATR foi escolhida para caracterizar as superfícies após tratamento, pois apresentou menor interferência dos ingredientes da formulação da EPDM, dentre as técnicas analisadas (ATR/KRS-5 e Ge. Grupos oxigenados foram inseridos na superfície da amostra tratada, mesmo quando não foi utilizado o oxigênio, pois estes grupos foram formados quando a superfície ativada foi exposta à atmosfera. Já em tratamentos contendo N2, grupos oxigenados e possíveis grupos nitrogenados foram identificados por FT-IR. Redução nos valores do ângulo de contato, aumento no trabalho de adesão e aumento no ensaio de resistência ao descascamento (EPDM × Poliuretano foram observados após tratamento com Ar e N2/H2, resultando em melhora nas propriedades adesivas da superfície tratada.

  11. Development of a breeding objective for Estonian Holstein cattle

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    E. PÄRNA


    Full Text Available Economic weights for milk carrier (water plus lactose, fat and protein yields, calving interval, age at first service, interval between the first service and conception of heifers and length of productive life of Estonian Holsteins were estimated under assumed milk production quota and for non-quota conditions. A bio-economic model of an integrated production system of a closed herd was used. Economic values of milk carrier yield and length of productive life differed between quota and non-quota conditions, but there were only minor differences between those marketing systems in economic values for functional traits. The standardised economic values of the most important traits varied in magnitude between18 to 81% of the economic value for milk yield. Discounting had a substantial impact on the economic value of length of productive life. When defining the breeding objective for Estonian Holstein, the interval between the first service and conception of heifers, and the length of productive life should be included in the breeding goal along with the traits with the highest economic value, milk, fat and protein yield. In the optimum breeding objective, relative weights of production vs. functional traits were 79 and 21%, respectively.;

  12. Methods for early prediction of lactation flow in Holstein heifers

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    Vesna Gantner


    Full Text Available The aim of this research was to define methods for early prediction (based on I. milk control record of lactation flow in Holstein heifers as well as to choose optimal one in terms of prediction fit and application simplicity. Total of 304,569 daily yield records automatically recorded on a 1,136 first lactation Holstein cows, from March 2003 till August 2008., were included in analysis. According to the test date, calving date, the age at first calving, lactation stage when I. milk control occurred and to the average milk yield in first 25th, T1 (and 25th-45th, T2 lactation days, measuring monthcalving month-age-production-time-period subgroups were formed. The parameters of analysed nonlinear and linear methods were estimated for each defined subgroup. As models evaluation measures,adjusted coefficient of determination, and average and standard deviation of error were used. Considering obtained results, in terms of total variance explanation (R2 adj, the nonlinear Wood’s method showed superiority above the linear ones (Wilmink’s, Ali-Schaeffer’s and Guo-Swalve’s method in both time-period subgroups (T1 - 97.5 % of explained variability; T2 - 98.1 % of explained variability. Regarding the evaluation measures based on prediction error amount (eavg±eSD, the lowest average error of daily milk yield prediction (less than 0.005 kg/day, as well as of lactation milk yield prediction (less than 50 kg/lactation (T1 time-period subgroup and less than 30 kg/lactation (T2 time-period subgroup; were determined when Wood’s nonlinear prediction method were applied. Obtained results indicate that estimated Wood’s regression parameters could be used in routine work for early prediction of Holstein heifer’s lactation flow.

  13. Estimation of carcass composition using rib dissection of calf-fed Holstein steers supplemented zilpaterol hydrochloride. (United States)

    McEvers, T J; May, N D; Reed, J A; Walter, L J; Hutcheson, J P; Lawrence, T E


    A serial harvest was conducted every 28 d from 254 to 534 d on feed (DOF) to quantify changes in growth and composition of calf-fed Holstein steers (n = 115, initial body weight (BW) = 449.2 ± 19.9 kg). One-half were supplemented with the β-2 adrenergic agonist zilpaterol hydrochloride (ZH; 8.33 mg/kg 100% dry matter (DM) basis) during the final 20 d followed by a 3-d withdrawal prior to harvest; the remainder was fed a non-ZH control (CON) ration. Five steers were randomly selected and harvested after 226 DOF which served as a reference point for modeling purposes. Fabricated carcass soft tissue was ground, mixed, and subsampled for proximate analysis. Moreover, following the traditional method of rib dissection which includes the 9th, 10th, and 11th rib contained within the IMPS 103 primal, the relationship of carcass chemical composition to 9-10-11 rib composition was evaluated. Carcasses in this investigation had more (P carcasses and rib dissections. Using regression procedures, models were constructed to describe the relationship of rib dissection (RD) composition including separable lean (RDSL), separable fat (RDSF), separable bone (RDSB), ether extract (RDEE), protein (RDP), moisture (RDM), and ash (RDA) with carcass composition. Carcass lean (CL), carcass fat (CF), and carcass bone (CB) were correlated (P carcass, carcass ether extract (CEE), carcass protein (CP), carcass moisture (CM), and carcass ash (CA) were correlated (P ≤ 0.01) with simple r values of 0.75, 0.31, 0.66, and 0.37, respectively. Equations to predict carcass fatness from rib dissection variables and ZH supplementation status were only able to account for 50 and 56%, of the variability of CF and CEE, respectively. Overall, the relationships quantified and equations developed in this investigation do not support use of 9/10/11 rib dissection for estimation of carcass composition of calf-fed Holstein steers.

  14. Identification of citrullinaemia carrier and detection of a new silent mutation at 240bp position in ASS1 gene of normal Holstein cattle

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    Kotikalapudi Rosaiah


    Full Text Available The autosomal recessive genetic disorders are regularly investigated especially in Indian Holstein and Holstein Crossbred bulls before they entered in semen collection so that a defective gene should not be transmitted to future generations. Bovine citrullinaemia first reported in Australia is a metabolic disorder as one of the enzymes, Argininosuccinate synthetase (ASS involved in urea cycle is impaired in function. The mutation responsible for citrullinemia has been characterized as a single-base substitution at 256bp (C>T in coding exon 3 of argininosuccinate synthetase 1 (ASS1 gene, which converts the CGA (arginine at 86 codon to TGA (stop codon. A Holstein bull during routine molecular screening was found to be carrier for Citrullinaemia that was confirmed by sequencing. This is a fresh case of Citrullinaemia carrier in addition to three cases reported earlier in India. Partial sequencing of coding exon 3 of a normal Holstein revealed a new silent polymorphism at 240bp position that does not change amino acid (Sarine AGC>AGT at 80 codon within exon 3 of ASS1 gene. The sequence of exon 3 of ASS1 gene in a normal Holstein exhibiting a new polymorphism was submitted to NCBI with accession No. KF933365. The presence of citrullinaemia carriers in Indian Holstein, though in very low frequency, emphasizing to continue the investigation of mutant gene in cattle population.

  15. Productive performance of Holstein calves finished in feedlot or pasture

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    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The use of animals from dairy farms is an alternative to meat production since it provides an increment of total income for farmers. This study aims to evaluate the performance of Holstein calves finished in two feeding systems (feedlot or pasture. Forty-three animals with 58 days old and 57 kg were divided in two treatments: 23 animals finished in feedlot with corn silage plus concentrate based on corn and soybean meal (40:60; 20 animals kept in cultivated pastures according to the period of the year: Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum and pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum with supplementation with the same feedlot-concentrate at 1% body weight. Animals were slaughtered with 200 kg. Dry matter and nutrient intake were determined, with the use of chromium oxide for estimating pasture intake. Feedlot animals had greater total intake and total digestible nutrients, resulting in higher average daily gain (0.949 vs 0.694 kg day-1. Crude protein intake, neutral detergent fiber and feed conversion did not show significant differences. Holstein calves have improved performance when finished in feedlot.


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    Jos\\u00E9 Antonio Rangel-Lucio


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el efecto de la oleorresina de jícama en la calidad de la semilla de frijol. En laboratorio se obtuvo el extracto de oleorresina media nte HPLC y se detectó la presencia de rotenona (15 mg/l. Se ensayaron tres concentraciones (Ci, g/ml del extracto: C1 (5x10-7, 5x10-6, ¿5x10-2; C2 (1x10-2, 2x10-2,¿6x10-2; C3 (5x10-1, 6x10-1,¿9x10-1 y testigo por concentración, en frascos de 300 ml con 50 g de semilla de frijol (varie dades Flor de Ma yo, Flor de Junio, Ma - yocoba y veinte gorgojos adultos. El ensayo sólo comprendió semillas de frijol tratadas con C2 por 48 horas para evaluar vigor y germinación estándar a los tres y sie te días después de la siembra, bajo normas de IS TA. El aumento de C2 fue gradual en el número de plántulas normales y germinación estándar en el primer recuento, en particular con las diluciones 3 x 10-2 a 6 x 10-2; en el segundo recuento se confirmó la germinación estándar total con estas mismas diluciones. El frijol Ma yocoba en presencia del extracto de semilla de jícama, mantuvo el vigor y valores porcentuales aceptables de germinación estándar de la semilla.

  17. Alteration of fasting heat production during fescue toxicosis in Holstein steers (United States)

    This study was designed to examine alteration of fasting heat production (FHP) during fescue toxicosis. Six ruminally cannulated Holstein steers (BW=348 ±13 kg) were weight-matched into pairs and utilized in a two period crossover design experiment. Each period consisted of two temperature segments,...

  18. Effects of herd origin, AI stud and sire identification on genetic evaluation of Holstein Friesian bulls


    Giovanni Bittante; Paolo Carnier; Luigi Gallo Gallo; Riccardo Dal Zotto; Martino Cassandro


    The purpose of this study was to estimate the effects of herd origin of bull, AI stud and sire identification number (ID)  on official estimated breeding values (EBV) for production traits of Holstein Friesian proven bulls. The data included 1,005  Italian Holstein-Friesian bulls, sons of 76 sires, born in 100 herds and progeny tested by 10 AI studs. Bulls were required  to have date of first proof between September 1992 and September 1997, to be born in a herd with at least on...

  19. A comparison of the performance of Holstein and Friesian bulls in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The performance of 92 Holstein-Friesian bulls, which were accepted for progeny testing ander the South African National Dairy Animal Performance and Progeny Testing Scheme during 1982, 1983 and 1984, was compared. Bulls which were locally bred for more than one generation were not entered under the Scheme.

  20. Evaluación del efecto de la papa fresca incluida en un alimento para vacas Holstein sobre la producción y la calidad de la leche

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    Dania Alejandra Fonseca-López


    Full Text Available Debido a la creciente necesidad de hallar estrategias de alimentación rentables, de buena calidad y fácil adopción para el ganado surge la idea de utilizar subproductos de cosechas. En este trabajo se evaluó el efecto de la papa de desecho en fresco sobre la producción y la calidad de la leche en 6 vacas Holstein entre primer y segundo parto, con producciones promedio de 24 L/vaca/día y con más de 4 semanas de lactancia. Se trabajó con un diseño completamente al azar, con 2 tratamientos, correspondientes a los diferentes porcentajes de inclusión de papa fresca; cada tratamiento con tres repeticiones, para un total de 6 unidades experimentales que se dividieron al azar en los tratamientos TC=30%-35% ms de papa + alimento balanceado en cantidad de 4.5 kilos-4 kilos; T1=25% ms de papa + alimento balanceado en cantidad necesaria para cubrir requerimientos + 100 g de grasa protegida; T2=20% ms de papa + alimento balanceado en cantidad necesaria para cubrir requerimientos + 200 g de grasa protegida. Encontrando diferencias significativas (p<0,05 para grasa en el T2, con un incremento de 1,61%, seguido del T1: 1,2%. Los animales suplementados con el T1 y T2 produjeron 0,6 y 1,7 L/día más de leche frente al tratamiento control, respectivamente. Aplicando la prueba de Tukey se obtuvo que el mejor tratamiento fue el T2, con 4,92%, seguido del T1, con 4,46%, y el testigo (TC, con 3,29%. Para las variables de proteína, densidad y sólidos totales no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p>0,05. 

  1. Characterisation of the Whole Blood mRNA Transcriptome in Holstein-Friesian and Jersey Calves in Response to Gradual Weaning.

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    D Johnston

    Full Text Available Weaning of dairy calves is an early life husbandry management practice which involves the changeover from a liquid to a solid feed based diet. The objectives of the study were to use RNA-seq technology to examine the effect of (i breed and (ii gradual weaning, on the whole blood mRNA transcriptome of artificially reared Holstein-Friesian and Jersey calves. The calves were gradually weaned over 14 days (day (d -13 to d 0 and mRNA transcription was examined one day before gradual weaning was initiated (d -14, one day after weaning (d 1, and 8 days after weaning (d 8. On d -14, 550 genes were differentially expressed between Holstein-Friesian and Jersey calves, while there were 490 differentially expressed genes (DEG identified on d 1, and 411 DEG detected eight days after weaning (P 0.05. The pathways, gene ontology terms, and biological functions consistently over-represented among the DEG between Holstein-Friesian and Jersey were associated with the immune response and immune cell signalling, specifically chemotaxis. Decreased transcription of several cytokines, chemokines, immunoglobulin-like genes, phagocytosis-promoting receptors and g-protein coupled receptors suggests decreased monocyte, natural killer cell, and T lymphocyte, chemotaxis and activation in Jersey compared to Holstein-Friesian calves. Knowledge of breed-specific immune responses could facilitate health management practices better tailored towards specific disease sensitivities of Holstein-Friesian and Jersey calves. Gradual weaning did not compromise the welfare of artificially-reared dairy calves, evidenced by the lack of alterations in the expression of any genes in response to gradual weaning.

  2. Influencia de la Altitud en Parámetros Fisiológicos Generales y Heméticos de Bovinos Holstein.

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    Arango O Nora Cecilia


    Full Text Available Con el objeto de evaluar el efecto de la altitud sobre algunos parámetros fisiológicos generales y hemáticos de los bovinos Holstein, ubicados en dos zonas de vida del departamento de Antioquia, se determinaron la frecuencia cardíaca, frecuencia respiratoria, temperatura rectal, hemoglobina, hematocrito, recuento total de glóbulos blancos, cantidad de glóbulos rojos, y recuento diferencial de glóbulos blancos, de 154 animales en dos estados fisiológicos: vacas adultas en el segundo tercio de la gestación y terneras de 6 a 12 meses de edad, distribuídos en: 78 animales ubicados a una altitud de 2.400 metros sobre el nivel del mar y 76 animales ubicados a una altitud promedio de 1.350 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Los resultados indican que las frecuencias respiratoria y cardiaca, el hematocrito, la hemoglobina, la cantidad de glóbulos rojos y el recuento de linfocitos y neutrófilos presentaron diferenci.a significativa (p≤0,05 con respecto a la altitud. El análisis del estado fisiológico indicó que las frecuencias cardíaca y respiratoria, la temperatura rectal, el hematocrito y la cantidad de glóbulos rojos presentaron diferencia significativa (p≤0,05 entre estados fisiológicos. Con base en la información obtenida en este estudio, se pudo demostrar que la altitud expresó un efecto significativo (p≤0,05 sobre las frecuencias cardiaca y respiratoria, la hemoglobina, el hematocrito y la cantidad de glóbulos rojos de los animales evaluados.

  3. La administración oral de glicerol después de la inseminación incrementa el porcentaje de concepción en vacas Holstein

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    Alvaro Ortega León


    Full Text Available Se probó si un incremento en las concentraciones de insulina, provocado por la administración oral de una sustancia glucogénica (glicerol durante los primeros días posinseminación, aumenta el porcentaje de concepción (PC en vacas Holstein. Se utilizaron 190 vacas de uno a tres servicios, con condición corporal de 2.5 a 3. Al momento de la inseminación (día cero, se distribuyeron al azar en dos grupos: el grupo glicerol (n=95 recibió 1 L de solución de glicerol y agua (90:10, v/v, la cual se repitió en los días 2, 4 y 6 posinseminación. El grupo testigo (n=95 recibió 1 L de agua por vía oral en el mismo esquema. El diagnóstico de gestación se realizó por palpación rectal en el día 45 posinseminación. El PC se comparó con una prueba de Ji-cuadrada. En seis animales de cada grupo se determinaron las concentraciones plasmáticas de insulina mediante radioinmunoanálisis antes de la toma de glicerol y en los siguientes 15, 30, 60, 90, 120 y 240 min y se compararon mediante análisis de varianza para mediciones repetidas. El PC fue mayor (P<0.05 en el grupo glicerol (47.4 que en el testigo (31.6. Después de la administración del glicerol se observó un incremento de las concentraciones de insulina (P<0.05. Se concluye que la administración de glicerol durante los primeros seis días posinseminación aumenta el porcentaje de concepción en vacas Holstein; probablemente el incremento de la insulina posterior a la toma del glicerol esté involucrado en dicho efecto.

  4. Performance of dairy cows fed rations produced with sugarcane silages treated with additives or fresh sugarcane Desempenho de vacas leiteiras alimentadas com rações produzidas com silagens de cana-de-açúcar tratadas com aditivos ou cana-de-açúcar fresca

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    André de Faria Pedroso


    Full Text Available An experiment was performed aiming at evaluating the performance of dairy cows fed sugarcane silages treated with additives compared to cows fed fresh forage. Twenty-four Holstein cows were grouped in blocks of three cows, according to parity order and milk production level, in multiple 3 x 3 Latin Square design to evaluate three types of ration (63% roughage and 37% concentrate in dry matter - DM: ration with silage treated with urea (5.0 g/kg of fresh forage - FF + sodium benzoate (0.5 g/kg FF; ration with silage inoculated with Lactobacillus buchneri (5 x 10(4 cfu/g FF; ration with fresh sugarcane. Each evaluation period consisted of two weeks for adaptation and one week for data collection. Cows fed rations with silages treated with urea + benzoate and L. buchneri showed lower DM intake (18.5 vs 21.4 kg/day and lower milk production (17.4 vs 18.6 kg/day in comparison to those fed fresh forage ration. Fat content was higher in the milk of cows fed silage inoculated with L. buchneri compared to cows in the fresh forage group resulting in similar 3.5% fat corrected milk (FCM among cows in both groups. Cows fed ration with silage treated with urea + benzoate presented intermediate fat content in milk but inferior FCM production compared to animals fed fresh sugarcane. Feed efficiency (kg FCM/kg DMI was higher for cows fed ration produced with the inoculated silage (0.95, intermediate for cows that received silage treated with the combination of chemical additives (0.91 and lower for cows fed the ration with fresh sugarcane (0.83.Um experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho de vacas leiteiras alimentadas com silagens de cana-de-açúcar tratadas com aditivos em comparação ao de vacas alimentadas com a forragem fresca. Vinte e quatro vacas holandesas foram agrupadas em blocos de três vacas, de acordo com a ordem do parto e com o nível de produção de leite, em um delineamento quadrado latino múltiplo 3 x 3, para avalia

  5. Contribution of Holstein cows to sustainability of dairy systems in Brazil

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Araujo Waltrick, de B.


    Keywords: sustainability,Holsteincows,

  6. The economic value of somatic cell count in South African Holstein ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Somatic cell count (SCC) is of economic importance in dairy production as it directly influences the revenue from the sale of milk. The current study was carried out to determine the economic value of SCC in South African Holstein and Jersey cattle, in order to establish its relative emphasis in breeding objectives. Bulk-tank ...

  7. Effect of ruminal acidosis and short-term low feed intake on indicators of gastrointestinal barrier function in Holstein steers. (United States)

    Pederzolli, Rae-Leigh A; Van Kessel, Andrew G; Campbell, John; Hendrick, Steve; Wood, Katie M; Penner, Gregory B


    The objective of this study was to determine effect of ruminal acidosis (RA) and low feed intake [LFI] on the regional barrier function of the gastrointestinal tract. Twenty-one Holstein steers were fed for ad libitum intake for 5 d (control [CON]), fed at 25% of ad libitum intake for 5 d (LFI), or provided 2 d of ad libitum intake followed by 1-d of feed restriction (25% of ad libitum intake), 1 d where 30% of ad libitum dry matter intake (DMI) was provided as pelleted barley followed by the full allocation (RA) and fed for ad libitum intake the following day. Tissues and digesta from the rumen, omasum, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, proximal, and distal colon were collected. Permeability was assessed using the mucosal-to-serosal flux of inulin (JMS-inulin) and mannitol (JMS-mannitol). Digesta pH was 0.81, 0.63, and 0.42 pH units less for RA than CON in the rumen, cecum, and proximal colon; while, LFI had pH that was 0.47 and 0.36 pH units greater in the rumen and proximal colon compared to CON. Total ruminal short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) concentration were less for LFI (92 mM; P = 0.010) and RA (87 mM; P = 0.007) than CON (172 mM) steers. In the proximal colon, the proportion of butyrate (P = 0.025 and P = 0.022) and isobutyrate (P = 0.019 and P = 0.019) were greater, and acetate (P = 0.028 and P = 0.028) was less for LFI and RA, respectively, when compared to CON steers. Ruminal papillae length, width, perimeter, and surface area were 1.21 mm, 0.78 mm, 3.84 mm, and 11.15 mm2 less for LFI than CON; while, RA decreased papillae width by 0.52 mm relative to CON. The JMS-mannitol was less for LFI steers than CON in the proximal colon (P = 0.041) and in the distal colon (P = 0.015). Increased gene expression for claudin 1, occludin, tight-cell junction protein 1 and 2, and toll-like receptor 4 were detected for LFI relative to CON in the rumen, jejunum, and proximal colon. For RA steers, expression of toll-like receptor 4 in the rumen, and occludin and tight

  8. Almacenes Bayer, Alemania, y Banco Alemán de Leverkusen

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    Schaeffer Heyrothsberge, P.


    Full Text Available La plaza del Ayuntamiento, con su nuevo edificio municipal de ocho plantas de altura, va cerrando sus lados con edificaciones nobles, tratadas con verdadera dignidad y respondiendo a un concepto de uniformidad y armonía afín. Entre ellos están los almacenes Bayer y el Banco Alemán.

  9. Evaluation of dietary betaine in lactating Holstein cows subjected to heat stress. (United States)

    Hall, L W; Dunshea, F R; Allen, J D; Rungruang, S; Collier, J L; Long, N M; Collier, R J


    Betaine (BET), a natural, organic osmolyte, improves cellular efficiency by acting as a chaperone, refolding denatured proteins. To test if dietary BET reduced the effect of heat stress (HS) in lactating dairy cows, multiparous, lactating Holstein cows (n=24) were blocked by days in milk (101.4±8.6 d) and randomly assigned to 1 of 3 daily intakes of dietary BET: the control (CON) group received no BET, mid intake (MID) received 57mg of BET/kg of body weight, and high dose (HI) received 114mg of BET/kg of body weight. Cows were fed twice daily and BET was top-dressed at each feeding. Cows were milked 2 times/d and milk samples were taken daily for analysis. Milk components, yield, feed intake, and water intake records were taken daily. Rectal temperature and respiration rate were taken 3 times/d at 0600, 1400, and 1800h. Cows were housed in environmentally controlled rooms and were allowed acclimation for 7d at thermoneutral (TN) conditions with a mean temperature-humidity index of 56.6. Cows were then exposed to 7d of TN followed by 7d of HS represented by a temperature-humidity index of 71.5 for 14d. This was followed by a recovery period of 3d at TN. Dietary BET increased milk yield during the TN period. No differences were found between BET and CON in total milk production or milk composition during HS. The increase in water intake during HS was not as great for cows fed BET compared with controls. The cows on CON diets had higher p.m. respiration rate than both MID and HI BET during HS, but lower rectal temperature compared with BET. No difference was found in serum glucose during TN, but cows given HI had elevated glucose levels during HS compared with CON. No differences were found in serum insulin levels between CON and BET but an intake by environment interaction was present with insulin increasing in HI-treated lactating dairy cows during HS. The heat shock response [heat shock protein (HSP) 27 and HSP70] was upregulated in bovine mammary epithelial cells

  10. Whole-Genome Analyses of Korean Native and Holstein Cattle Breeds by Massively Parallel Sequencing (United States)

    Stothard, Paul; Chung, Won-Hyong; Jeon, Heoyn-Jeong; Miller, Stephen P.; Choi, So-Young; Lee, Jeong-Koo; Yang, Bokyoung; Lee, Kyung-Tai; Han, Kwang-Jin; Kim, Hyeong-Cheol; Jeong, Dongkee; Oh, Jae-Don; Kim, Namshin; Kim, Tae-Hun; Lee, Hak-Kyo; Lee, Sung-Jin


    A main goal of cattle genomics is to identify DNA differences that account for variations in economically important traits. In this study, we performed whole-genome analyses of three important cattle breeds in Korea—Hanwoo, Jeju Heugu, and Korean Holstein—using the Illumina HiSeq 2000 sequencing platform. We achieved 25.5-, 29.6-, and 29.5-fold coverage of the Hanwoo, Jeju Heugu, and Korean Holstein genomes, respectively, and identified a total of 10.4 million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), of which 54.12% were found to be novel. We also detected 1,063,267 insertions–deletions (InDels) across the genomes (78.92% novel). Annotations of the datasets identified a total of 31,503 nonsynonymous SNPs and 859 frameshift InDels that could affect phenotypic variations in traits of interest. Furthermore, genome-wide copy number variation regions (CNVRs) were detected by comparing the Hanwoo, Jeju Heugu, and previously published Chikso genomes against that of Korean Holstein. A total of 992, 284, and 1881 CNVRs, respectively, were detected throughout the genome. Moreover, 53, 65, 45, and 82 putative regions of homozygosity (ROH) were identified in Hanwoo, Jeju Heugu, Chikso, and Korean Holstein respectively. The results of this study provide a valuable foundation for further investigations to dissect the molecular mechanisms underlying variation in economically important traits in cattle and to develop genetic markers for use in cattle breeding. PMID:24992012

  11. Effect of energy balance profiles on metabolic and reproductive response in Holstein and Swedish Red cows. (United States)

    Ntallaris, T; Humblot, P; Båge, R; Sjunnesson, Y; Dupont, J; Berglund, B


    This study examined the effect of two feeding levels during the antepartum and postpartum period on reproductive performance and blood metabolites (glucose, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), insulin) in primiparous Holstein and Swedish Red (SRB) cows, in order to identify possible differences in the way these breeds respond to negative energy balance after calving. A total of 44 cows (22 Holstein, 22 SRB) kept in a loose housing system were included in the study. The control group (HE, n = 23) was fed a diet for high-producing cows (target 35 kg/d energycorrected milk, ECM). A lower feeding intensity (LE, n = 21) was achieved by giving -50% concentrate to target 25 kg/d ECM. Diets were implemented 30 days before expected calving and the cows were monitored for 120 days postpartum. Milk yield and composition, dry matter intake (DMI), live body weight and body condition score (BCS) were assessed to calculate the weekly energy balance (residual feed intake). Blood sampling started before diet implementation and was repeated every 2 weeks until Day 60 postpartum and then once monthly until Day 120. Plasma was kept at -20 °C until analysis for glucose, insulin and NEFA concentrations. Mixed linear models were used to analyse data (SAS 9.3; PROC MIXED). Holstein cows had lower mean energy balance than SRB cows (-4.7 ± 1.4 and -0.9 ± 1.4 MJ, respectively; p = 0.05). SRB cows had higher (pcows (2.7 ± 0.1) and also higher plasma glucose concentrations from Day -30 to Day 120 relative to parturition (4.1 ± 0.1 and 4.2 ± 0.1 log ; mg/100 ml, respectively; p cows than in Holsteins at Day -14 before calving, indicating higher mobilisation of lipid from adipose tissue already before calving. In contrast, Holstein cows had higher NEFA at Day 14 postpartum than SRB cows (p cows prioritise milk production to a larger extent than SRB cows, resulting in a less balanced metabolic profile. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Effect of monensin on milk production by Holstein and Jersey cows

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Werf, van der J.H.J.; Jonker, L.J.; Oldenbroek, J.K.


    Effects of the administration of monensin via concentrates to dairy cows were studied in two trials. In one trial, 64 Holstein cows were assigned to four groups that received 0, 150, 300, or 450 mg/d of monensin from 5 to 24 wk postpartum. Milk production tended to increase (4.0, 3.3, and 5.4%,

  13. Differences between Angus and Holstein cattle in the Lupinus leucophyllus induced inhibition of fetal activity. (United States)

    Green, Benedict T; Panter, Kip E; Lee, Stephen T; Welch, Kevin D; Pfister, James A; Gardner, Dale R; Stegelmeier, Bryan L; Davis, T Zane


    Calves with congenital defects born to cows that have grazed teratogenic Lupinus spp. during pregnancy can suffer from what is termed crooked calf syndrome. Crooked calf syndrome defects include cleft palate, spinal column defects and limb malformations formed by alkaloid-induced inhibition of fetal movement. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that there are differences in fetal activity of fetuses carried by Holstein verses Angus heifers orally dosed with 1.1 g/kg dried ground Lupinus leucophyllus. Fetal activity was monitored via transrectal ultrasonography and maternal serum was analyzed for specific lupine alkaloids. There were more (P Angus heifers at eight and 12 h after oral dosing. In addition to serum alkaloid toxicokinetic differences, the Holstein heifers had significantly lower serum concentrations of anagyrine at 2, 4, and 8 h after oral dosing than Angus heifers. Holstein heifers also had significantly greater serum concentrations of lupanine at 12, 18 and 24 h after dosing than the Angus heifers. These results suggest that there are breed differences in susceptibility to lupine-induced crooked calf syndrome. These differences may also be used to discover genetic markers that identify resistant animals, thus facilitating selective breeding of resistant herds. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  14. Efectos a corto plazo de la expansión ortopédica del maxilar tratada con un láser de baja intensidad en dentición mixta


    García García, Valentín Javier


    OBJETIVOS: Establecer un patrón de tensión acumulada en diferentes partes de un disyuntor tras realizar una expansión rápida del maxilar (ERM) y relacionarlo con los diferentes patrones de crecimiento vertical. El estudio clínico fue realizado con 40 pacientes que presentabanmordida cruzada posterior y requerían una ERM. A continuación, se desarrolló un modelo de elementos finitos (MEF) de las fuerzas que se soportan tras una ERM, validando los datos con un test mecánico y posteriormente...

  15. Whole genome resequencing of black Angus and Holstein cattle for SNP and CNV discovery

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    Stothard Paul


    Full Text Available Abstract Background One of the goals of livestock genomics research is to identify the genetic differences responsible for variation in phenotypic traits, particularly those of economic importance. Characterizing the genetic variation in livestock species is an important step towards linking genes or genomic regions with phenotypes. The completion of the bovine genome sequence and recent advances in DNA sequencing technology allow for in-depth characterization of the genetic variations present in cattle. Here we describe the whole-genome resequencing of two Bos taurus bulls from distinct breeds for the purpose of identifying and annotating novel forms of genetic variation in cattle. Results The genomes of a Black Angus bull and a Holstein bull were sequenced to 22-fold and 19-fold coverage, respectively, using the ABI SOLiD system. Comparisons of the sequences with the Btau4.0 reference assembly yielded 7 million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs, 24% of which were identified in both animals. Of the total SNPs found in Holstein, Black Angus, and in both animals, 81%, 81%, and 75% respectively are novel. In-depth annotations of the data identified more than 16 thousand distinct non-synonymous SNPs (85% novel between the two datasets. Alignments between the SNP-altered proteins and orthologues from numerous species indicate that many of the SNPs alter well-conserved amino acids. Several SNPs predicted to create or remove stop codons were also found. A comparison between the sequencing SNPs and genotyping results from the BovineHD high-density genotyping chip indicates a detection rate of 91% for homozygous SNPs and 81% for heterozygous SNPs. The false positive rate is estimated to be about 2% for both the Black Angus and Holstein SNP sets, based on follow-up genotyping of 422 and 427 SNPs, respectively. Comparisons of read depth between the two bulls along the reference assembly identified 790 putative copy-number variations (CNVs. Ten

  16. Factors affecting daughters distribution among progeny testing Holstein bulls

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    Martino Cassandro


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to investigate factors influencing the number of daughters of Holstein bulls during the progeny testing using data provided by the Italian Holstein Friesian Cattle Breeders Association. The hypothesis is that there are no differences among artificial insemination studs (AIS on the daughters distribution among progeny testing bulls. For each bull and beginning from 21 months of age, the distribution of daughters over the progeny testing period was calculated. Data were available on 1973 bulls born between 1986 and 2004, progeny tested in Italy and with at least 4 paternal half-sibs. On average, bulls exited the genetic centre at 11.3±1.1 months and reached their first official genetic proof at 58.0±3.1 months of age. An analysis of variance was performed on the cumulative frequency of daughters at 24, 36, 48, and 60 months. The generalized linear model included the fixed effects of year of birth of the bull (18 levels, artificial insemination stud (4 levels and sire of bull (137 levels. All effects significantly affected the variability of studied traits. Artificial insemination stud was the most important source of variation, followed by year of birth and sire of bull. Significant differences among AI studs exist, probably reflecting different strategies adopted during progeny testing.

  17. Prevalencia de Caries Dental en una Comunidad Escolar de la Etnia Wayúu, en la Guajira Colombiana y su Manejo con Medicina Ancestral.

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    Hector Ángel Polanco Narvaéz


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Establecer la prevalencia de caries dental y su manejo terapéutico tradicional en la población indígena wayuu de la Guajira colombiana. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un examen oral a 245 niños en edad escolar que asisten a la concentración escolar Camino Verde del Municipio de Manaure en la Guajira Colombiana; mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas con la población, se hizo reconocimiento de las plantas que son utilizadas para tratar los problemas de salud oral. Se analizo e interpretó el concepto de la salud bucal, en una comunidad que resalta la importancia del equilibrio con la naturaleza; los recursos que utilizan para preservar una adecuada higiene oral, la interacción de la naturaleza con su cuerpo para mantener un equilibrio con la vida. Resultados: Los indices Ceo-d y CPO-D en comparacion con el estudio del ENSAB III, mostraron un aumento de la prevalencia de caries; solo los niños de 5 años presentan  un promedio de caries mas bajo en comparacion con los resultados de este estudio. De otra parte, el tratamiento y prevencion de las patologias de cavidad oral siguen siendo tratadas bajo la medicina tradicional indigena, aunque la medicina occidental ya hace parte de la terapeutica de la poblacion. Conclusiones: Los resultados sugieren trabajar mas en la promocion de la salud oral, para asi bajar los indices de caries; Por otro lado, La medicina tradicional indigena aunque importante, no refleja sus efectos, ademas de observar que la medicina occidental ha tenido gran acogida y cada vez su uso es mayor.


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    Javier García de María


    Full Text Available Ser y estar: uno de los temas difíciles de la enseñanza/aprendizaje del español. Este trabajo expone un enfoque que recurre a la significación como hilo conductor. Por una parte, a la significación de ser y de estar como verbos, en sí mismos. Por otra, a la significación de los adjetivos. El planteamiento no es ya qué significa un determinado adjetivo con ser o con estar, sino cuál de estos verbos puede expresar su significado único o cada uno de sus significados. Sobre esta base el análisis considera, primero, los significados de ser/estar y los significados de un adjetivo dado y, segundo, los resultados significativos que arroja la relación entre verbos y adjetivo. Cuando el significado de un adjetivo se pueda expresar con los dos verbos, la elección vendrá determinada por la intencionalidad del hablante en el contexto comunicativo en que se encuentre. A partir de aquí las construcciones en las que aparecen ser y estar son tratadas como proposiciones retórico-argumentativas.Ser and estar: a difficult aspect of Spanish as a foreign language. This essay presents an approach that takes signification as guide line. On the one hand, the signification of ser and estar for their own cause; on the other hand the signification of the adjectives. The question is no longer what the meaning of a given adjective is with ser or with estar, but with which of the two verbs is it possible to express the unique meaning or each of the meanings of that adjective. Starting from this basis the approach considers first, the isolated meanings of the verbs and of the adjectives and, second, the resultant signification out of the relation between the two sides. If the meaning of a given adjective can be expressed by both verbs, the selection of the verb is determined by the intentionality of the speaker in the communicative context in which he negotiates. From this background on the syntactical constructions in which ser and estar appear are treated as

  19. Effect of hay on performance of Holstein calves at suckling and post-weaning

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    Robson Kyoshi Ueno


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of Holstein calves in suckling and post-weaning phases, intensively managed during suckling in the absence or presence of hay. Twenty-four male Holstein calves, at an average age of 15 days and initial weight of 43 kg were used in the experiment. The experimental design was completely randomized, consisting of two treatments and six replications. The treatments were as follows: 1 suckling with milk substitute + initial concentrate for calves, ad libitum + temperate grass hay (oat/ryegrass, ad libitum; 2 suckling with milk substitute + initial concentrate for calves, ad libitum. No significant difference was found between treatments for weight gain and feed conversion. However, the supply of hay caused an increase in daily dry matter intake (2.127 vs 1.894 kg. The intake of hay promoted greater stimulus to consumption of concentrate and greater weight at weaning.

  20. Litiasis única en vesícula doble tratada con ondas de choque extracorpórea Single lithiasis in double gallblader treated with extracorporeal shock waves

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    Domingo Pérez González


    Full Text Available La vesícula biliar doble es una anomalía congénita poco frecuente. Su diagnóstico puede realizarse con ultrasonido y colecistografía. Se presenta una paciente de 27 años de edad, con antecedentes de intolerancia a las grasas y cólicos biliares a repetición, con vesícula duplicada; exteriormente fundida y dos conductos císticos independientes que desembocan en el hepatocolécodo, con un cálculo único, de 12 mm de diámetro, retrotransparente y 0 unidades Houndfield, ubicado en el cuello de la vesícula más desarrollada. Se aplicaron 2 259 ondas de choque extracorpóreas de 20,4 kilovoltios, generadas por el principio electromagnético; en una sesión de litroticia. Se detuvo fragmentación completa del cálculo. El tratamiento fue ambulatorio. La paciente se reincorporó a su vida laboral a las 24 horas. Durante la expulsión de los fragmentos tuvo varias crisis de dolor que cedieron con analgésicos orales. A los 6 meses, la vesícula afectada se encontraba libre de fragmentos y funcional. No existió complicación y hasta el momento se mantiene asintomáticaDouble gall bladder is an uncommon congenital abnormality. It may be diagnosed by ultrasound and cholecystography. It is reported the case of a 27-year-old patient with history of intolerance to fats and repeated biliary cholics, with duplicated gallbladder externally fused, and two independent cystic ducts flowing to the hepatocholedoco with a single calculus of 12 mm of diameter, retrotransparent and 0 Houndfield units, located in the neck of the more developed gallbladder. 2 259 extracorporeal shock waves of 20.4 kilovolts generated by the electromagnetic principle were applied in a lithotripsy session. The complete fragmentation of the calculus was stopped. The treatment was ambulatory. The patient reincorporated to her working life at 24 hours. During the expulsion of the fragments, she had several pain crises that were resolved with oral analgesics. Six months later, the

  1. A novel method for rapid and reliable detection of complex vertebral malformation and bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency in Holstein cattle

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    Zhang Yi


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Complex vertebral malformation (CVM and bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency (BLAD are two autosomal recessive lethal genetic defects frequently occurring in Holstein cattle, identifiable by single nucleotide polymorphisms. The objective of this study is to develop a rapid and reliable genotyping assay to screen the active Holstein sires and determine the carrier frequency of CVM and BLAD in Chinese dairy cattle population. Results We developed real-time PCR-based assays for discrimination of wild-type and defective alleles, so that carriers can be detected. Only one step was required after the DNA extraction from the sample and time consumption was about 2 hours. A total of 587 Chinese Holstein bulls were assayed, and fifty-six CVM-carriers and eight BLAD-carriers were identified, corresponding to heterozygote carrier frequencies of 9.54% and 1.36%, respectively. The pedigree analysis showed that most of the carriers could be traced back to the common ancestry, Osborndale Ivanhoe for BLAD and Pennstate Ivanhoe Star for CVM. Conclusions These results demonstrate that real-time PCR is a simple, rapid and reliable assay for BLAD and CVM defective allele detection. The high frequency of the CVM allele suggests that implementing a routine testing system is necessary to gradually eradicate the deleterious gene from the Chinese Holstein population.

  2. Linfoma primario del sistema nervioso central en una paciente con lupus eritematoso sistémico

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    C. N. Pisoni


    Full Text Available Se presenta una paciente de 36 años con diagnóstico de lupus eritematoso sistémico tratada con prednisona y ciclofosfamida que se internó por cefalea, hemiparesia y hemianestesia braquiocrural derecha de dos semanas de evolución. Se realizó una tomografía computada y una resonancia magnética nuclear de cerebro que mostraron una lesión nodular frontal izquierda. Se efectuó una biopsia a cielo abierto de la lesión cerebral cuyo diagnóstico histopatológico fue linfoma B de celulas grandes, difuso. Se inició radioterapia, no completó el tratamiento por complicaciones y falleció. Son muy pocos los casos publicados de linfoma primario del sistema nervioso central asociado a lupus eritematoso sistémico.A 36 year-old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus was admitted to our hospital with headache, brachiocrural hemiparesis and hemianesthesia. She had been treated with prednisone and cyclophosphamide. CT scan and MRI revealed a 15 mm nodular mass enhanced with gadolinium in left frontal convexity. CNS biopsy was performed and a diffuse large B-cell lymphoma was diagnosed. She was treated with radiation therapy without response and died. There are few reports of erythematosus systemic lupus associated with primary central nervous system lymphoma.


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    Full Text Available La pectina es un polisacárido contenido en la pared celular de la mayoría de los vegetales y frutas, con propiedades benéficas para la salud y muy utilizado en la industria alimentaria. El objetivo del estudio fue la evaluación del efecto de pre-tratamiento con ultrasonido (US en la extracción de pectina contenidas en el albedo del maracuyá, las muestras fueron expuestas a 40 KHz a una temperatura de 30, 45 y 60°C durante 10, 20 y 30 minutos. A continuación las muestras se sometieron a extracción de hidrolisis acida relación 1:3 (%p/%v con calentamiento de 80°C por 30 minutos agitándose a 700 rpm, se procedió a filtrar y precipitar adicionando etanol al 96% en una relación (1:1 (%v/%v. Determinando que las muestras tratadas a 40 KHz/45°C/20 min, obtuvieron un 40% de aumento en el rendimiento de extracción de pectina comparada con las muestras control; debido probablemente a la disminución del pH y al efecto de cavitación, donde las partículas vibran y se aceleran ante la acción ultrasónica, provocando una macro turbulencia y la colisión de interpartículas de la biomasa que acelera difusión; logrando extraer pectinas de gran calidad y aprovechables para la elaboración de productos de interés.

  4. Relación de glutatión reducido/oxidado (GSH/GSSG en ratas diabéticas tratadas con maca (Lepidium meyenii walp

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    Ruth Cisneros


    Full Text Available Introducción: La diabetes mellitus y sus complicaciones representan un problema de salud pública. La hiperglucemia desencadena efectos bioquímicos dañinos para el organismo, como el estrés oxidativo y el proceso inflamatorio crónico, por lo que el uso de plantas medicinales con elevada capacidad antioxidante, como Lepidium meyenii Walp (maca, es una alternativa en el tratamiento de esta patología. Objetivo: Determinar si la ingestión de harina de maca mejora la relación glutatión reducido/oxidado (GSH/GSSG en ratas diabéticas. Diseño: Experimental. Institución: Centro de Investigación de Bioquímica y Nutrición, Facultad de Medicina, UNMSM, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Harina de maca amarilla y ratas albinas Holtzman machos adultas. Intervenciones: Se utilizó 24 ratas, a los cuales se les indujo la diabetes con estreptozotocina (STZ 40 mg/kg de masa corporal y que fueron distribuidas aleatoriamente en cuatro grupos, de seis animales cada uno: control (CO, glibenclamida (GL 10 mg/kg de masa corporal, maca 4 g/día (M4 y maca 6 g/día (M6; el experimento duró 40 días. Se evaluó la glicemia, masa corporal y, al final del experimento, se determinó los niveles de GSH y GSSG en plasma y homogenizado de hígado. Principales medidas de resultados: Masa corporal, glicemia, GSH y GSSG en plasma y homogenizado de hígado. Resultados: A nivel plasmático, el glutatión circulante estuvo favorecido para la forma reducida. Los valores de la relación GSH/GSSG en los grupos tratados con maca estuvieron alrededor de 190, significativamente mayor al grupo CO. Conclusiones: La administración de harina de maca amarilla a ratas diabéticas incrementó la relación GSH/GSSG a nivel plasmático, contribuyendo a mejorar su estado redox.

  5. Odds ratio of dystocia in Holstein cows in Iraq


    Al-Samarai Firas Rashad


    The objective of this research was to determine the effect of some factors on dystocia in Holstein cows. The analysis consist of 19090 records of parturitions belonged to 3181 cows from 1990 to 2004 in the Nasr Dairy Cattle Station in Iraq. A logistic regression model was used to predict dystocia. The model included effects of year of birth, season (winter or other seasons), parity (first or later), birth weight (kg), and sex of calf. Results revealed that odds of dystocia decreas...

  6. Caracterização de Enterococcus spp. resistentes isolados de águas não tratadas destinadas ao consumo humano


    Macedo, Ana Sofia


    Trabalho apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas. A água não tratada é constantemente desvalorizada como fonte de resistências a antibióticos em países desenvolvidos. Para averiguar este problema de saúde pública, neste trabalho isolaram-se Enterococcus spp. como bactérias indicadoras de contaminação fecal de poços, fontes e minas que fornecem água a diversas comunidades em Portugal e caracterizou-se o s...

  7. Changes in animal performance and profitability of Holstein dairy operations after introduction of crossbreeding with Montbéliarde, Normande, and Scandinavian Red. (United States)

    Dezetter, C; Bareille, N; Billon, D; Côrtes, C; Lechartier, C; Seegers, H


    An individual-based mechanistic, stochastic, and dynamic simulation model was developed to assess economic effects resulting from changes in performance for milk yield and solid contents, reproduction, health, and replacement, induced by the introduction of crossbreeding in Holstein dairy operations. Three crossbreeding schemes, Holstein × Montbéliarde, Holstein × Montbéliarde × Normande, and Holstein × Montbéliarde × Scandinavian Red, were implemented in Holstein dairy operations and compared with Holstein pure breeding. Sires were selected based on their estimated breeding value for milk. Two initial operations were simulated according to the prevalence (average or high) of reproductive and health disorders in the lactating herd. Evolution of operations was simulated during 15 yr under 2 alternative managerial goals (constant number of cows or constant volume of milk sold). After 15 yr, breed percentages reached equilibrium for the 2-breed but not for the 3-breed schemes. After 5 yr of simulation, all 3 crossbreeding schemes reduced average milk yield per cow-year compared with the pure Holstein scheme. Changes in other animal performance (milk solid contents, reproduction, udder health, and longevity) were always in favor of crossbreeding schemes. Under an objective of constant number of cows, margin over variable costs in average discounted value over the 15 yr of simulation was slightly increased by crossbreeding schemes, with an average prevalence of disorders up to €32/cow-year. In operations with a high prevalence of disorders, crossbreeding schemes increased the margin over variable costs up to €91/cow-year. Under an objective of constant volume of milk sold, crossbreeding schemes improved margin over variable costs up to €10/1,000L (corresponding to around €96/cow-year) for average prevalence of disorders, and up to €13/1,000L (corresponding to around €117/cow-year) for high prevalence of disorders. Under an objective of constant

  8. Conducta anestésica en un lactante con enfisema lobar congénito Behavior of anesthesia in an infant with congenital lobar emphysema

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    Raúl de Jesús Nápoles Smith


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso clínico de un lactante con enfisema lobar congénito, tratado en el Hospital Infantil Sur de Santiago de Cuba con antecedentes de cuadros respiratorios recurrentes y varias hospitalizaciones previas. Inicialmente ingresó con bronconeumonía y disnea, por lo que se sospechó la presencia de un neumotórax, pero mediante estudios radiológicos se obtuvo el diagnóstico definitivo y se decidió aplicarle tratamiento quirúrgico. En el período intraoperatorio tuvo una complicación cardiovascular (bradicardia extrema, que fue tratada con las medidas adecuadas (oxígeno a 100 %, masaje cardíaco directo y sulfato de atropina, las cuales permitieron una evolución posoperatoria satisfactoria en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos.The case of an infant with congenital lobar emphysema is reported, who was treated in the Southern Children Hospital of Santiago de Cuba with history of recurrent respiratory symptoms and several previous hospitalizations. Initially he was admitted with bronchopneumonia and dyspnea, and the presence of pneumothorax was suspected, but a definitive diagnosis was obtained by radiological studies and surgical treatment was decided. In the intraoperative period he had a cardiovascular complication (extreme bradycardia, which was treated with appropriate measures (100 % oxygen, direct heart massage and atropine sulfate, which allowed a satisfactory postoperative course in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.

  9. Immune responses of Holstein and Jersey calves during the preweaning and immediate postweaned periods when fed varying planes of milk replacer. (United States)

    Ballou, M A


    The objective was to determine the influence of breed and planes of preweaned milk replacer (MR) nutrition on the immune responses of pre- and postweaned dairy calves. Forty-two bull calves (n=20 Holstein and n=22 Jersey, 2±1 d old) were studied. Holstein and Jersey calves came from separate dairies. Calves were fed either a higher plane of MR nutrition or a lower plane of MR nutrition. Holstein and Jersey calves on the lower planes of MR nutrition were fed 454 g (as fed)/d of a 20% crude protein (CP)/20% fat MR. Holstein calves on the higher plane of MR nutrition were fed 810 and 1,180 g (as fed)/d of a 28% CP/20% fat MR for wk 1 and wk 2 to 6, respectively. Jersey calves on the higher plane of nutrition were fed 568 and 680 g (as fed)/d of a 28% CP/25% fat MR for wk 1 and wk 2 to 6, respectively. On d 4, 42, and 77, peripheral blood was collected for ex vivo immunological analyses, and on d 7 all calves were challenged subcutaneously with commercially available lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Escherichia coli (4 µg/kg of body weight); clinical and biochemical responses were evaluated at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 24, and 72 h. We observed a breed difference in total serum protein, wherein Jersey calves had higher concentrations than Holsteins. Holsteins and calves fed the higher plane of MR nutrition had greater glucose concentrations following the LPS challenge. With the exception of plasma haptoglobin concentrations at 24 h postchallenge, we observed no treatment × time interactions following the LPS challenge. Calves fed higher planes of MR nutrition had greater plasma haptoglobin concentrations 24h following the LPS challenge. Isolated mononuclear cells from Holstein calves secreted more tumor necrosis factor-α than did cells from Jersey calves when stimulated ex vivo with LPS on d 77. In addition, when whole blood was incubated with a live enteropathogenic E. coli culture, blood from Holsteins had a greater killing capacity than did whole blood from

  10. Plantas relacionadas con tabúes del ciclo reproductivo de los Guaraníes de Misiones, Argentina Plants related to taboos of the reproductive cycle of guaranies from Misiones, Argentina

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    Héctor A Keller


    Full Text Available Los guaraníes de las parcialidades Mbya y Ava Chiripa observan normas de conducta específicas durante la etapa reproductiva de los miembros de sus comunidades. Algunas de estas reglas implican tabúes que se relacionan con plantas, las cuales son tratadas en la presente contribución. El manuscrito es ilustrado mediante fotografías de algunas de las especies mencionadas.Guaranis of Mbya and Ava Chiripa groups, observes norms of specific conduct during the reproductive stage of the members of his communities. Someone of these rules imply taboos related with plants, these plants are treated in the present contribution. The manuscript is illustrated by means photographies of someone of the mentioned species.

  11. Traumatic pericarditis. Pericardiostomy in a 2.5 year old Holstein

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fecteau, G.; Grisneaux, M.S.


    A primiparous Holstein cow, two and a half years of age and more than five months pregnant, was presented for consultation at Davis University (California, USA). Traumatic reticuloperitonitis, complicated with exudative pericarditis and pleurisy, was diagnosed. Treatment, by pericardiostomy, produced rapid regression of the symptoms of cardiac insufficiency. Despite complications arising from wound healing and an unexpected left abomasal displacement, the animal made a favourable recovery and can continue milking until term [it

  12. Effect of Carcass Traits on Carcass Prices of Holstein Steers in Korea (United States)

    Alam, M.; Cho, K. H.; Lee, S. S.; Choy, Y. H.; Kim, H. S.; Cho, C. I.; Choi, T. J.


    The present study investigated the contribution of carcass traits on carcass prices of Holstein steers in Korea. Phenotypic data consisted of 76,814 slaughtered Holsteins (1 to 6 yrs) from all over Korea. The means for live body weight at slaughter (BWT), chilled carcass weight (CWT), dressing percentage (DP), quantity grade index (QGI), eye muscle area (EMA), backfat thickness (BF) and marbling score (MS), carcass unit price (CUP), and carcass sell prices (CSP) were 729.0 kg, 414.2 kg, 56.79%, 64.42, 75.26 cm2, 5.77 mm, 1.98, 8,952.80 Korean won/kg and 3,722.80 Thousand Korean won/head. Least squares means were significantly different by various age groups, season of slaughter, marbling scores and yield grades. Pearson’s correlation coefficients of CUP with carcass traits ranged from 0.12 to 0.62. Besides, the relationships of carcass traits with CSP were relatively stronger than those with CUP. The multiple regression models for CUP and CSP with carcass traits accounted 39 to 63% of the total variation, respectively. Marbling score had maximum economic effects (partial coefficients) on both prices. In addition, the highest standardized partial coefficients (relative economic weights) for CUP and CSP were calculated to be on MS and CWT by 0.608 and 0.520, respectively. Path analyses showed that MS (0.376) and CWT (0.336) had maximum total effects on CUP and CSP, respectively; whereas BF contributed negatively. Further sub-group (age and season of slaughter) analyses also confirmed the overall outcomes. However, the relative economic weights and total path contributions also varied among the animal sub-groups. This study suggested the significant influences of carcass traits on carcass prices; especially MS and CWT were found to govern the carcass prices of Holstein steers in Korea. PMID:25049722

  13. Effect of sexed semen on conception rate for Holsteins in the United States (United States)

    Effect of sexed-semen breedings on conception rate was investigated using US Holstein field data from January 2006 through October 2008. Sexed-semen breeding status was determined by a National Association of Animal Breeders’ 500-series marketing code or by individual breeding information in a cow o...

  14. Comparison of daily weight gain and fattening characteristics between buffalo and Holstein male calves with different diets

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    M. Yousef-Elahi


    Full Text Available This experiment was carried out over 180 days for comparison of daily weight gain and carcass characteristics of male buffalo (BW=200.8±8.00 Kg, days from birth day=360±28 calves to Holstein male calves (BW=195.2± 10 Kg, days from birth day= 240± 22 with different diets. The 27 male buffalo calves and 27 Holstein male calves after an adaptation period and health treatment (3 weeks allotted in factorial design (2×3 based on completely randomized design with 18 treatments. Experimental diets used to applying three treatments (three levels of NDF, including low NDF (LNDF, medium NDF (MNDF and high NDF (HNDF, so that final prices of these diets were different. All of these experimental calves weighted by 21 days intervals after a fasting for 12h and fed twice daily at 09.00 and 21.00 with Total Mix Ration (TMR ad-libitum. At the end of this experiment, three replicate from each treatment were slaughtered and used for carcass analysis. The result from this experiment shows that: There was no significant difference in initial body weight in the treatments of buffalo and Holstein male calves. Both Holstein and buffalo calves have the higher FBV and best FC in LNDF diet. There was no significant difference between MNDF and HNDF in buffalo calves treatments. The proportion of abdominal fat and fat of carcass in LNDF treatment was higher. The carcass efficiency and cost of meat production in better quality per Kg was higher and lower in buffalo calves respectively especially in treatments with higher NDF.

  15. Effects of lactation number, milk yield and milk composition on freezing point of milk of Polish Holstein-Friesian cows


    Agnieszka Otwinowska-Mindur; Ewa PTAK


    The objective of the study was to assess the influence of lactation number, daily milk yield, somatic cell count and milk composition on the freezing point of milk of Polish Holstein-Friesian cows. The data comprised 3,067,343 test day milk samples collected in 2014 from 865,198 first seven lactations of 714,018 Polish Holstein-Friesian cows, made available by the Polish Federation of Cattle Breeders and Dairy Farmers. The cows calved in 20,043 herds in 2013 and 2014. Four lactation classes w...

  16. Fore limb bilateral polydactyly and ocular dermoid in a Holstein Friesian calf

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spadari, A.; Spinella, G.; Venturini, A.; Gentile, A.


    A clinical case of polydactyly in fore limbs of a Holstein Friesian calf was radiographically and ultrasonographically examined and thus was surgically treated by amputation of the first right digit and of the first left digit, the latter present in a vestigial form. Furthermore, a ocular dermoid cyst was removed in the same animal [it

  17. Ocular squamous cell carcinoma in Holstein cows from the South of Brazil

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    Gabrielle A. Fornazari


    Full Text Available Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate 10 cases of bovine ocular squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC diagnosed in Holstein or Holstein-crosses cows. Materials and Methods: The investigation was performed exclusively in OSCC cases diagnosed in the State of Parana and Santa Catarina. A combination of two previously existing histopathological classifications systems was used. The tissue samples were tested for immunoexpression of p53 and p16 and polymerase chain reaction (PCR for bovine herpesvirus and papillomavirus. Results: A positive correlation between number of mitotic figures and tissue invasion was found. Anaplasia parameters did not correlate well with tumor invasion of deeper tissues and mitotic counts. Six of 10 OSCC cases were in animals with heavily pigmented eyes. Immunoexpression of p53 and p16 was observed in 3 cases each. Bovine herpesvirus and papillomavirus were not detected by PCR. Conclusion: Our results indicate that OSCC occurrence is most likely multifactorial with genetic, phenotypic, and environmental influences contributing to the pathogenesis of the disease.

  18. Effect of behaviour of Holstein Friesian and Simmental bulls on semen quality

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    Krzysztof Adamczyk


    Full Text Available The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between the behaviour of Holstein-Friesian and Simmental bulls and the quality of their semen. A total of 76 breeding bulls of the Holstein-Friesian and dual-purpose Simmental breeds were investigated. Analysis was made of the response of bulls to humans and other bulls, facial hair whorl position and length, scrotal circumference, and semen characteristics (mean ejaculate volume, mean sperm concentration, and sperm wave motion. The age and breed of the bulls had a statistically significant effect on semen quality, scrotal circumference and the animals response to an unfamiliar human (Plt,0.05, Plt,0.01. The coefficients of correlation between the bull s response to a handler and to other bulls averaged 0.73. In general, only weak correlations were found between behavioural traits of the bulls and quality of their semen. It is worth noting a good correlation (r=0.50; Plt;0.05 between hair whorl position and sperm concentration in Simmental bulls.

  19. Importancia clínica del sangrado en pacientes con intervencionismo coronario percutáneo por vía radial en el CIMEQ

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    Myder Hernández Navas


    Full Text Available Introducción: Las complicaciones por sangrado después de una intervención coronaria percutánea se asocian con un mayor riesgo de morbilidad y mortalidad. El acceso radial ha demostrado consistentemente la reducción de estos riesgos. A pesar de su uso en nuestro país, aun es escasa la evidencia sobre su repercusión con relación a la disminución del sangrado y sus complicaciones.Objetivo: Determinar la importancia clínica del sangrado en los pacientes con intervencionismo coronario percutáneo por vía radial en el CIMEQ.Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo con 217 pacientes, a quienes se les realizó una intervención coronaria percutánea por acceso radial en el laboratorio de hemodinámica del Cardiocentro CIMEQ, entre el 2009 y el 2013. Se determinó y clasificó el sangrado, así como el tipo de lesión tratada, se exploraron los antecedentes patológicos personales y la presencia de complicaciones.Resultados: Predominó el sexo masculino (78,3 % y la media de edad fue de 62,2 años. Hubo mayor incidencia de fumadores (62,7 % e hipertensos (54,4 % y solo 6 casos (2,8 % de sangrado leve en forma de hematoma en el sitio de acceso. La mitad de los pacientes con hematoma presentaba lesiones tipo C, sin existir asociación significativa entre estas dos variables (p=0.203. El sangrado solo se asoció significativamente con la pérdida del pulso radial (p<0.001.Conclusiones: Los pacientes intervenidos por vía radial en el CIMEQ presentaron una baja incidencia de sangrado, sin complicaciones asociadas de gravedad.

  20. Comparación del efecto de penicilina versus eritromicina para la prevención de infección neonatal por estreptococo grupo B en portadoras activas luego de rotura prematura de membranas ovulares de pretérmino


    Rojas C,Nevenka; Carvajal,Jorge A


    Objetivo: Comparar la incidencia de infección neonatal por estreptococo grupo B (SGB) en portadoras activas de SGB con rotura prematura de membranas ovulares de pretérmino (RPMP) luego de profilaxis con penicilina y eritromicina. Métodos: Pacientes diagnosticadas con RPMP entre el año 2004-2009 fueron tratadas con eritromicina (grupo eritromicina), ampicilina, amoxicilina o amoxiclavulánico (grupo penicilina) o sin antibióticos (grupo control) de acuerdo con los protocolos del Departamento en...

  1. On the analysis of Canadian Holstein dairy cow lactation curves using standard growth functions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    López, S.; France, J.; Odongo, N.E.; McBride, R.A.; Kebreab, E.; Alzahal, O.; McBride, B.W.; Dijkstra, J.


    Six classical growth functions (monomolecular, Schumacher, Gompertz, logistic, Richards, and Morgan) were fitted to individual and average (by parity) cumulative milk production curves of Canadian Holstein dairy cows. The data analyzed consisted of approximately 91,000 daily milk yield records

  2. Estructura y diversidad genética en vacas Holstein de Antioquia usando un polimorfismo del gen bGH

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    Juan Rincon F.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar las frecuencias alélicas y genotípicas del polimorfismo del intrón 3 del gen bGH y estimar algunos parámetros de estructura poblacional en ganado Holstein. Materiales y métodos. El estudio se realizó con 1366 vacas Holstein en 120 hatos de 11 municipios del departamento de Antioquia. Se extrajo DNA por el método de Salting out y la genotipificación se realizó usando la técnica de PCR-RFLPs. La diversidad genética se determinó mediante la comparación de las heterocigosidades, El equilibrio de Hardy-Weinberg (HW y la diferenciación genética entre las poblaciones se realizó usando el software Arlequín 2.0 Las frecuencias alélicas y genotípicas se evaluaron mediante el paquete estadístico SAS®. Resultados. Las frecuencias genotípicas encontradas fueron 0.764 (+/+, 0.223 (+/- y 0.013 (-/- y las frecuencias alélicas 0.876 (+ y 0.124 (-. No se encontraron desviaciones del Equilibrio de Hardy Weinberg en ninguna de las subpoblaciones. La diversidad genética determinada mediante la comparación de las heterocigosidades fue relativamente baja entre poblaciones pero al interior de estas no. El valor de FST de toda la población fue de 0.0068 y significativo (p<0.05, algunos FST pareados también lo fueron, tomando valores desde 0.0 a 0.13. Los estadísticos FIT y FIS no fueron significativos. Conclusiones. El gen bGH es un candidato interesante para evaluar características de importancia económica ya que no parece haber sido sometido a selección directa, presenta una variabilidad media en las poblaciones, observándose diferenciación genética significativa entre distintos municipios, producto de los diferentes sistemas de producción y acceso a las biotecnologías.

  3. Viability equation to determine the longevity of fungicide-treated seeds of wheat stored in a conventional warehouse = Equação de viabilidade para determinar a longevidade de sementes de trigo tratadas com fungicida em armazém convencional

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    Maria Celeste Marcondes


    Full Text Available The objective of this research was to determine the deterioration rate of BRS 208 and CD 104 wheat cultivar seeds, treated with fungicides, by applying the viability equation. Seeds were stored in conventional warehouses in Mauá da Serra and Londrina, in the State of Paraná, Brazil. Four seed lots were divided into four replications, half being treated with Carboxin + Thiran and the other half taken as controls, without treatment, and these were stored for 300 days. The germination data were transformed into probit, anda straight line was adjusted between 0 and 30 days. The treated seed lot of cv. BRS 208 stored in Londrina gave seed deterioration rates varying from 0.8.10-3 to 1.3.10-3, not differing from the values given for the similar lot stored in Mauá da Serra, of 0.9.10-3.Thedeterioration rates of the treated seed of cv. CD 104 were 1.2.10-3 in Mauá da Serra and 2.0.10-3 in Londrina, which are greater than those values given for untreated seeds of 0.4.10-3 and 0.5.10-3.This model provides an effective approach to predict the untreated and treated seed longevity of wheat for the purpose of managing seeds.O objetivo deste trabalho foi aplicar a equação de viabilidade para determinar a taxa de deterioração e a longevidade das sementes de trigo, tratada com fungicida, das cultivares BRS 208 e CD 104, emarmazenamento convencional, em Mauá da Serra e Londrina, PR. Quatro lotes de sementes foram divididos em quatro partes, sendo a metade tratada com fungicida Carboxim + Thiram, armazenados por 300 dias. Os dados de germinação foram transformados em probit e a declividade da reta foi calculada entre zero e 30 dias. Os lotes tratados, da cv BRS208, armazenados em Londrina tiveram o coeficiente variando de 0,8.10-3 a 1,3.10-3, não diferenciando de Mauá da Serra, 0,9.10-3. A taxa de deterioração para a semente tratada da cv. CD 104 foi 1,2.10-3 em Mauá da Serra e 2,0.10-3 em Londrina, foi superior a 0,4.10-3 e 0,5.10-3 para sementes


    Rashid, Muhammad; Haroon, Akbar; Rashid, Muhmmad Imran; Khalid, Saeed; Liaquat, Ahmad; Saghir, Abdullah; Wasim, Shehzad; Saher, Islam; Shahid, Farooqi


    The dairy industry in Pakistan is booming and investors are anxious to fund dairy farms that are using high milk producing (exotic) cattle breeds such as Holsteins that are not native to the country. Unfortunately, the benefits of increased milk production do not provide resistance to pathogens present in regions where the exotic breeds are introduced. Therefore, the current study was conducted to evaluate the economic impact of Theileria annulata on a commercial Holstein dairy farm in the District of Ranjanpur, in the Province of Punjab, Pakistan. The economic impact of T. annulata infection was calculated for cattle with subclinical and clinical theileriosis. Losses were estimated based on milk production, morbidity, mortality and tick control costs (organophosphate sprays). Animals were classified into groups after screening for mastitis, teat abnormality, abnormal parturition, intestinal parasites and hemoparasites (T. annulata, Babesia spp., and Anaplasma spp.). Microscopy was done for hemoparasites and intestinal parasites. PCR was used to confirm microscopic identification of T. annulata. Animals were classified into 3 groups, comprising group A (normal), group B (subclinical theileriosis) and group C (acute theileriosis). Hemoparasites were observed microscopically in 28.7% of cows. Theileria annulata was found in 8% and the herd incidence (new cases) of T. annulata was 2.8%. Milk production, animal rectal temperature and body condition scores of group A with B and C were significantly different (P0.05). The total expenditure incurred due to theileriosis was US $74.98 per animal and 13.83% of total farm costs. Hence theileriosis caused significant economic loss of US $18743.76 (0.02 million) on this Holstein Friesian dairy.

  5. Effects of rumen-protected methionine and choline supplementation on steroidogenic potential of the first postpartum dominant follicle and expression of immune mediators in Holstein cows. (United States)

    Acosta, D A V; Rivelli, M I; Skenandore, C; Zhou, Z; Keisler, D H; Luchini, D; Corrêa, M N; Cardoso, F C


    Multiparous Holstein cows were assigned in a randomized complete block design into four treatments from 21 d before calving to 30 d in milk (DIM). Treatments were: MET [n = 19, fed the basal diet + rumen-protected methionine at a rate of 0.08% (w/w) of the dry matter, Smartamine ® M], CHO (n = 17, fed the basal diet + choline 60 g/d, Reashure ® ), MIX (n = 21, fed the basal diet + Smartamine ® M at a rate of 0.08% (w/w) of the dry matter and 60 g/d Reashure ® ), and CON (n = 20, no supplementation, fed the close-up and fresh cow diets). Follicular development was monitored via ultrasound every 2 d starting at 7 DIM until ovulation (n = 37) or aspiration (n = 40) of the first postpartum dominant follicle (DF). Follicular fluid from 40 cows was aspirated and cells were retrieved immediately by centrifugation. Gene expression of TLR4, TNF, IL1-β, IL8, IL6, LHCGR, STAR, 3β-HSD, P450scc, CYP19A1, IRS1, IGF, MAT1A, and SAHH, was measured in the follicular cells of the first DF. Cows in CON had higher TNF, TLR4, and IL1-β mRNA expression (11.70 ± 4.6, 21.29 ± 10.4, 6.28 ± 1.4, respectively) than CHO (2.77 ± 0.9, 2.16 ± 0.9, 2.29 ± 0.7, respectively), and MIX (2.23 ± 0.7, 1.46 ± 0.6, 2.92 ± 0.8, respectively). Cows in CON had higher IL1-β expression (6.27 ± 1.4) than cows in MET (3.28 ± 0.6). Expression of IL8 mRNA was lower for cows in CHO (0.98 ± 0.3) than cows in CON (4.90 ± 0.7), MET (6.10 ± 1.7), or MIX (5.05 ± 1.8). Treatments did not affect mRNA expression of LHCGR, STAR, P450scc, CYP19A, SAHH, MAT1A, or IL6 however, 3β-HSD expression was higher for cows in MET (1.46 ± 0.3) and MIX (1.25 ± 0.3) than CON (0.17 ± 0.04) and CHO (0.26 ± 0.1). Supplementation of methionine, choline, and both methionine and choline during the transition period did not affect days to first ovulation or number of cows that ovulated the first follicular wave. Plasma and follicular fluid estradiol and

  6. Enclavado endomedular en fracturas del tercio distal de la tibia


    Arroquy, Damian; Chahla, Jorge; Gomez Rodriguez, Gustavo; Cid Casteulani, Alberto; Svarzchtein, Santiago; Gomez, Diego; Pesciallo, Cesar


    Objetivo: Describir los resultados obtenidos con el enclavado endomedular acerrojado en pacientes con fractura del tercio distal de la tibia. Materiales y Métodos: Se incluyeron pacientes con fracturas desplazadas del tercio distal de la tibia, tratadas con clavo endomedular. La muestra incluyo 35 pacientes. El tiempo de seguimiento posoperatorio fue de 29.2 meses. Se evaluaron el tiempo de consolidacion, la consolidacion viciosa y las complicaciones. Los resultados funcionales se determinaro...

  7. Prevalencia de la resistencia de Mycobacterium tuberculosis a quinolonas y fármacos inyectables en Colombia, 2012-2013

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia Llerena


    Conclusión. El estudio evidenció la presencia de resistencia a fármacos de segunda línea en personas con tuberculosis farmacorresistente sin tratamiento previo o tratadas previamente con quinolonas o fármacos inyectables, estos últimos con mayor porcentaje de resistencia. En consecuencia, es esencial practicar rutinariamente las pruebas de sensibilidad y el análisis de esta información.

  8. A fatal case of complicated congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia in a Holstein calf


    Hicks, Keltie A.; Britton, Ann P.


    Congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia is a rare condition most commonly reported in cats and dogs. A 6-week-old Holstein heifer calf with a congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia complicated by a perforated abomasal ulcer is described. The clinical signs and pathological findings are compared with those reported in other species.

  9. Mott metal-insulator transition in the doped Hubbard-Holstein model (United States)

    Kurdestany, Jamshid Moradi; Satpathy, S.


    Motivated by the current interest in the understanding of the Mott insulators away from half-filling, observed in many perovskite oxides, we study the Mott metal-insulator transition in the doped Hubbard-Holstein model using the Hartree-Fock mean field theory. The Hubbard-Holstein model is the simplest model containing both the Coulomb and the electron-lattice interactions, which are important ingredients in the physics of the perovskite oxides. In contrast to the half-filled Hubbard model, which always results in a single phase (either metallic or insulating), our results show that away from half-filling, a mixed phase of metallic and insulating regions occurs. As the dopant concentration is increased, the metallic part progressively grows in volume, until it exceeds the percolation threshold, leading to percolative conduction. This happens above a critical dopant concentration δc, which, depending on the strength of the electron-lattice interaction, can be a significant fraction of unity. This means that the material could be insulating even for a substantial amount of doping, in contrast to the expectation that doped holes would destroy the insulating behavior of the half-filled Hubbard model. While effects of fluctuation beyond the mean field remain an open question, our results provide a starting point for the understanding of the density-driven metal-insulator transition observed in many complex oxides.

  10. Genetic parameters for fertility measurements ind Holstein heifers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, L. H.; Sørensen, A. C.; Mark, Thomas


    first to last insemination (IFL), age at first insemination (AFI), and age at first calving (AFC) in Danish Holstein heifers. The means of the traits were all significantly different between the two groups of herds. Heritabilities for NINS and IFL were lower than 1%, while heritabilities for AFI and AFC...... were 12–29%. Heritabilities were all lower in Heatime herds than in reference herds. The genetic correlations between traits in different environments were high for NINS, AFI, and AFC (>0.88), while the correlation for IFL was 0.68 but with a higher SE (0.313). Thus, IFL seems not to be the same trait...

  11. Productive, physiological and biochemical changes in imported and locally born Friesian and holstein lactating cow under hot summer conditions of egypt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Habeeb, A.A.M.; Marai, I.F.M.; Gabr, H.; Farghaly, H.M.


    A number of 20 of each of healthy lactating friesian and holstein cows similar age and body weight, non-pregnant at the 3 rd lactation season, 80-100 days postpartum, were used in the present study. The investigation was carried out in two farms at the same time during the hot summer season of egypt and lasted 8 weeks. The first farm was in damietta (North east of the nile delta, 31 degree 40 N) including 20 friesian cows and the second one was in Fakous (East of the Nile delta 30 degree 40 N) including 20 holstein cows. In each of the two farms, 10 cows were newly imported and other 10 ones were born in egypt. The results showed that the newly imported cows were significantly (P <0.01) higher than the locally born cows in average daily milk yield, as well as, milk production in both friesian and holstein strains at the same time, the newly imported cows were significantly (P < 0.01 or 0.05) lower than the locally born in T4, T3, urea-N, blood picture values and GPT enzyme activity in the two strains of cattle, while the locally born cows showed significantly (P < 0.01 or 0.05) lower values in rectal temperature and respiration rate, as well as, Got and ALK-P enzymes activities than in the newly imported cows either in friesian or holstein cattle. Holstein cows surpassed friesian ones (P < 0.01 or 0.05) in milk production, thyroid hormones content, cholesterol, haemoglobin, packed cell volume and erythrocyte count values. The opposite was true in serum total protein, urea-N, creatinine concentrations, leucocyte counts, Got, GPT and ALK-P enzymes activities

  12. Does skin cancer screening save lives? A detailed analysis of mortality time trends in Schleswig-Holstein and Germany. (United States)

    Stang, Andreas; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz


    After a pilot study on skin cancer screening was performed between 2003 and 2004 in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, the country implemented what to the authors' knowledge is the first nationwide skin cancer screening program in the world in 2008. The objective of the current study was to provide details regarding mortality trends in Schleswig-Holstein and Germany in relation to the screening. Annual age-standardized mortality rates for skin melanoma (using the 10th Revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems [ICD-10] code C43) and malignant neoplasms of ill-defined, secondary, and unspecified sites (ICD-10 code C76-C80) were analyzed. The European Standard population was used for age standardization. A bias analysis was performed to estimate the number of skin melanoma deaths that may have been incorrectly counted as ICD-10 code C76-C80 when the skin melanoma mortality declined in Schleswig-Holstein. The observed mortality decline in Schleswig-Holstein 5 years after the pilot study was accompanied by a considerable increase in the number of deaths due to malignant neoplasms of ill-defined, secondary, and unspecified sites (ICD-10 code C76-C80) that is not explainable by an increase in the incidence of these neoplasms. Incorrect assignment of 8 to 35 and 12 to 23 skin melanoma deaths per year among men and women, respectively, as ICD-10 code C76-C80 during 2007 through 2010 could explain the transient skin melanoma mortality decline observed in Schleswig-Holstein. Five years after implementation of the program, the nationwide skin melanoma mortality increased (age-standardized rate change of +0.4 per 100,000 person-years [95% confidence interval, 0.2-0.6] in men and +0.1 per 100,000 person-years [95% confidence interval, -0.1 to 0.2] in women). Although the current analyses raise doubts that the skin cancer screening program in Germany can reduce the skin cancer mortality rate, the authors do not believe the program

  13. A fatal case of complicated congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia in a Holstein calf (United States)

    Hicks, Keltie A.; Britton, Ann P.


    Congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia is a rare condition most commonly reported in cats and dogs. A 6-week-old Holstein heifer calf with a congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia complicated by a perforated abomasal ulcer is described. The clinical signs and pathological findings are compared with those reported in other species. PMID:24155464

  14. Um ensaio randomizado duplo-cego e controlado por placebo com probióticos em casos de supercrescimento bacteriano no intestino delgado em crianças tratadas com omeprazol

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Badriul Hegar


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a incidência de SBID em crianças tratadas com omeprazol e testar se os probióticos influenciam essa incidência. MÉTODOS: Um ensaio duplo-cego controlado por placebo foi realizado em 70 crianças tratadas oralmente, durante 4 semanas, com 20 mg de omeprazol por dia. Desses, 36 indivíduos receberam diária e simultaneamente Lactobacillus rhamnosus R0011 (1,9 x 10(9 cfu e Lactobacillus acidophillus R0052 (0,1 x 10(9 cfu (grupo probiótico, enquanto 34 receberam placebo (grupo placebo. O diagnóstico de SBID teve como base o desenvolvimento de sintomas sugestivos em combinação com um teste respiratório com glicose positivo. RESULTADOS: Após um mês de tratamento com IBP, 30% (21/70 apresentaram um teste respiratório positivo sugerindo SBID; desses, 62% foram sintomáticos. Cinco crianças desenvolveram sintomas parecidos com os de SBID, mas apresentaram um teste respiratório negativo; 44 (63% não apresentavam sintomas e tiveram teste respiratório negativo. Não houve diferença na incidência de testes respiratórios positivos no grupo probiótico em comparação ao grupo placebo (33% em comparação a 26,5%; p: 0,13. CONCLUSÕES: Como houve sintomas sugestivos de SBID em 26% das crianças tratadas com IBP e o teste respiratório com glicose deu resultados anormais em 72% delas, esse efeito colateral deve ser levado em consideração com mais frequência. O probiótico testado não reduziu o risco de desenvolver SBID.

  15. Down-regulation of miR-181a can reduce heat stress damage in PBMCs of Holstein cows. (United States)

    Chen, Kun-Lin; Fu, Yuan-Yuan; Shi, Min-Yan; Li, Hui-Xia


    Heat stress can weaken the immune system and even increase livestock's susceptibility to disease. MicroRNA (miR) is short non-coding RNA that functions in post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression and some phenotypes. Our recent study found that miR-181a is highly expressed in the serum of heat-stressed Holstein cows, but the potential function of miR-181a is still not clarified. In this study, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), isolated from Holstein cows' peripheral blood, were used to investigate the effects of miR-181a inhibitor on heat stress damage. Our results showed that significant apoptosis and oxidative damage were induced by heat stress in PBMCs. However, with apoptosis, the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and content of malondialdehyde (MDA) were reduced, while the content of glutathione (GSH) and the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) were increased even under heat stress conditions after transfecting miR-181a inhibitors to PBMCs. Meanwhile, mRNA expression of bax and caspase-3 was significantly decreased, but mRNA expression of bcl-2 was increased in transfected PBMCs. In conclusion, our results demonstrated that down-regulation of miR-181a can reduce heat stress damage in PBMCs of Holstein cows.

  16. Environmental factors and dam characteristics associated with insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion in newborn Holstein calves

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamal, M.M.; Van Eetvelde, M.; Bogaert, H.; Hostens, M.; Vandaele, L.; Shamsuddin, M.; Opsomer, G.


    The objective of the present retrospective cohort study was to evaluate potential associations between environmental factors and dam characteristics, including level of milk production during gestation, and insulin traits in newborn Holstein calves

  17. Intravenous lipid infusion affects dry matter intake, methane yield, and rumen bacteria structure in late-lactating Holstein cows. (United States)

    Lamp, Ole; Reyer, Henry; Otten, Winfried; Nürnberg, Gerd; Derno, Michael; Wimmers, Klaus; Metges, Cornelia C; Kuhla, Björn


    Increasing the dietary fat content of ruminant diets decreases methane (CH 4 ) production. This effect is caused by the toxic properties of fatty acids on rumen microbial populations, coating of feed particles diminishing the accessibility for microbes, and a reduction in dry matter intake (DMI). The latter effect is caused by postabsorptive long-chain fatty acids eliciting anorexic signaling; however, whether circulating long-chain fatty acids affect rumen CH 4 production alike is unknown. To approach this question, 5 rumen-cannulated Holstein cows in late lactation received 2 jugular catheters and were kept in respiration chambers to measure CH 4 production and DMI for 48 h. In a crossover design, cows were intravenously infused with a 20% lipid emulsion (LIPO) or 0.9% NaCl (CON). The LIPO cows received 2.1 kg of triglycerides/d [0.152 ± 0.007 g of triglycerides/(kg of BW × h) -1 ] consisting of 12.1% palmitic acid, 4.2% stearic acid, 31.1% oleic acid, and 52.7% linoleic acid. Blood and rumen fluid samples were taken hourly during the day. Results showed that LIPO compared with CON infusion increased plasma triglyceride as well as free fatty acid and serotonin concentrations but reduced the proportion of de novo synthesized milk fatty acids (sum of C6 to C16). Daily CH 4 production and DMI were lower, whereas daily CH 4 yield (CH 4 /DMI) was greater in LIPO than CON cows, although CH 4 yield decreased from d 1 to d 2 by 2 to 14% in LIPO-infused cows only. This effect was associated with a higher (acetate + butyrate)/propionate ratio, tending lower propionate concentrations between 24 and 34 h of infusion, reduced relative abundances of genera belonging to Succinivibrio, Ruminococcaceae, and Ruminiclostridium, and greater relative Bacteroidetes genus abundances in the rumen. Copyright © 2018 American Dairy Science Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Overlapping chromosomal regions for fertility traits and production traits in the Danish Holstein population

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Höglund, Johanna Karolina; Buitenhuis, A J; Guldbrandtsen, B


    , it is of interest to validate which of the subtraits are affected by the QTL. Phenotypic and marker data were collected from 34 grandsire families from the Danish Holstein population. First, the trait data for "fertility treatments" were separated into their underlying subtraits: uterine infections, antibiotics...

  19. Identification of genomic regions associated with resistance to clinical mastitis in US Holstein cattle (United States)

    The objective of this research was to identify genomic regions associated with clinical mastitis (MAST) in US Holsteins using producer-reported data. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) were performed on deregressed PTA using GEMMA v. 0.94. Genotypes included 60,671 SNP for all predictor bulls (n...

  20. Efecto de la maca roja (Lepidium meyenii sobre los niveles de IFN-γ en ratas ovariectomizadas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Johanna Leiva-Revilla

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Comparar el efecto de diferentes dosis de maca roja sobre los niveles de interferón gamma (IFN-γ en ratas ovariectomizadas (OVX. Materiales y métodos. Ratas hembras adultas fueron divididas al azar en los siguientes seis grupos: Grupo 1: ratas pesudo-ovariectomizadas (PO; Grupo 2: ratas OVX; Grupo 3: ratas OVX tratadas con 4 ug/kg de estradiol, y Grupo 4, 5 y 6: ratas OVX tratadas con extractos de maca con 2,15, 4,3 y 8,6 mg polifenoles/kilogramo de peso corporal, respectivamente. Resultados. Las ratas OVX mostraron niveles bajos de IFN-γ en comparación con las ratas PO. El estradiol y la maca roja revirtieron el efecto de la ovariectomía sobre los niveles de IFN-γ. La maca roja presenta un incremento dosis-respuesta de los niveles de IFN-γ (r=0,57, p<0,05. Conclusiones. La administración de la maca roja incrementa los niveles de IFN-γ en ratas ovariectomizadas.

  1. Prevalence, Risk Factors and Consequent Effect of Dystocia in Holstein Dairy Cows in Iran (United States)

    Atashi, Hadi; Abdolmohammadi, Alireza; Dadpasand, Mohammad; Asaadi, Anise


    The objective of this research was to determine the prevalence, risk factors and consequent effect of dystocia on lactation performance in Holstein dairy cows in Iran. The data set consisted of 55,577 calving records on 30,879 Holstein cows in 30 dairy herds for the period March 2000 to April 2009. Factors affecting dystocia were analyzed using multivariable logistic regression models through the maximum likelihood method in the GENMOD procedure. The effect of dystocia on lactation performance and factors affecting calf birth weight were analyzed using mixed linear model in the MIXED procedure. The average incidence of dystocia was 10.8% and the mean (SD) calf birth weight was 42.13 (5.42) kg. Primiparous cows had calves with lower body weight and were more likely to require assistance at parturition (pdystocia than male calves (pdystocia than singletons (pdystocia at calving compared with those that did not (p<0.05). PMID:25049584

  2. Finite temperature dynamics of a Holstein polaron: The thermo-field dynamics approach (United States)

    Chen, Lipeng; Zhao, Yang


    Combining the multiple Davydov D2 Ansatz with the method of thermo-field dynamics, we study finite temperature dynamics of a Holstein polaron on a lattice. It has been demonstrated, using the hierarchy equations of motion method as a benchmark, that our approach provides an efficient, robust description of finite temperature dynamics of the Holstein polaron in the simultaneous presence of diagonal and off-diagonal exciton-phonon coupling. The method of thermo-field dynamics handles temperature effects in the Hilbert space with key numerical advantages over other treatments of finite-temperature dynamics based on quantum master equations in the Liouville space or wave function propagation with Monte Carlo importance sampling. While for weak to moderate diagonal coupling temperature increases inhibit polaron mobility, it is found that off-diagonal coupling induces phonon-assisted transport that dominates at high temperatures. Results on the mean square displacements show that band-like transport features dominate the diagonal coupling cases, and there exists a crossover from band-like to hopping transport with increasing temperature when including off-diagonal coupling. As a proof of concept, our theory provides a unified treatment of coherent and incoherent transport in molecular crystals and is applicable to any temperature.

  3. Quasi-exact solvability of the one-dimensional Holstein model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pan Feng; Dai Lianrong; Draayer, J P


    The one-dimensional Holstein model of spinless fermions interacting with dispersionless phonons is solved by using a Bethe ansatz in analogue to that for the one-dimensional spinless Fermi-Hubbard model. Excitation energies and the corresponding wavefunctions of the model are determined by a set of partial differential equations. It is shown that the model is, at least, quasi-exactly solvable for the two-site case, when the phonon frequency, the electron-phonon coupling strength and the hopping integral satisfy certain relations. As examples, some quasi-exact solutions of the model for the two-site case are derived. (letter to the editor)

  4. Epitheliogenesis imperfecta in a crossbred Holstein calf, southwestern Iran

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    Shahrzad Azizi


    Full Text Available Epitheliogenesis imperfect (EI is a rare autosomal recessive skin defect that is clinically identified with absence of cutaneous epithelium of the limbs, muzzle and nostrils as well as oral mucous membranes. This congenital newborn desease is reported mainly in domestic animals. The present study described EI in a 13 day-old, female crossbred Holstein calf. Gross examination showed epithelium agenesis of two front and hind limbs skin around the carpal and tarsal joints, and also extensive areas of the metacarpal and metatarsal regions. The calf died 5 days after antibiotic therapy and use of topical cream.

  5. Comparison of holstein and jersey milk production with a new stochastic animal reproduction model (United States)

    Holsteins and Jerseys are the most popular breeds in the US dairy industry. We built a stochastic, Monte Carlo life events simulation model in Python to test if Jersey cattle’s higher conception rate offsets their lower milk production. The model simulates individual cows and their life events such ...

  6. Exposição humana a trialometanos presentes em água tratada Human exposure to trihalomethanes in drinking water

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    Maria Y Tominaga


    Full Text Available Realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica do período de 1974-1998, no MEDLINE, sobre compostos orgânicos halogenados derivados de hidrocarbonetos denominados de trialometanos. Muitos deles, reconhecidamente carcinogênicos para diferentes espécies animais, podem ser encontrados freqüentemente, inclusive entre nós, em águas tratadas e enviadas à população urbana. É o caso de compostos como o clorofórmio, bromodiclorometano, clorodibromometano e bromofórmio, resultantes da halogenação de precursores, principalmente substâncias húmicas e fúlvicas presentes na água que será tratada (clorada. Assim, descreve-se sua formação, fontes de exposição humana bem como os aspectos toxicológicos de maior importância: disposição cinética e espectro dos efeitos tóxicos (carcinogênicos, mutagênicos e teratogênicos decorrentes de exposições a longo prazo e baixas concentrações. Níveis seguros de exposição propostos são também fornecidos.Halogenated hydrocarbon compounds, some of them recognized as carcinogenic to different animal species can be found in drinking water. Chloroform, bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane and bromoform are the most important trihalomethanes found in potable water. They are produced in natural waters during chlorinated desinfection by the halogenation of precursors, specially humic and fulvic compounds. The review, in the MEDLINE covers the period from 1974 to 1998, presents the general aspects of the formation of trihalomethanes, sources of human exposure and their toxicological meaning for exposed organisms: toxicokinetic disposition and spectrum of toxic effects (carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic.

  7. Mejoramiento de las propiedades de tensión en WPC de LDPE: HIPS/fibra natural mediante entrecruzamiento con DCP

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    Arnoldo Emilio Delgado Tobón


    Full Text Available Fibra de Retamo Liso (telinemonspessulana fue mezclada en una matriz polimérica formada por: polietileno de baja densidad (LDPE y poliestireno de alto impacto (HIPS en relación 70:30 respectivamente. La fibra natural fue sometida a reducción de tamaño entre 1700 y 850 µm; se le realizó tratamiento superficial de mercerización; el contenido de humedad fue 0,17%. El análisis termo gravimétrico (TGA muestra que la fibra tratada tiene estabilidad de 200,53 °C. La elaboración del compuesto se realizó en mezclador interno y la técnica de obtención de las probetas fue mediante moldeo por compresión. Se evaluó el efecto del agente entrecruzante peróxido de dicumilo (DCP en compuestos con varios porcentajes de fibra: 0; 10; 25; 50 phr. La adición de DCP (1 phr en los compuestos, mejora significativamente las propiedades de tensión con respecto a similares concentraciones de fibra; sin embargo, esta diferencia en los valores de las propiedades disminuye progresivamente cuando la cantidad de fibra se aproxima a 50 phr. El aumento en la concentración de fibra afecta negativamente las propiedades de tensión, con excepción del Módulo de Elasticidad y la Resistencia a la Fluencia. La causa principal es originada por la baja adhesión interfacial fibra natural-matriz polimérica, claramente evidenciada en las imágenes SEM.

  8. The Larson Blue coat color phenotype in Holsteins: Characteristics and effects on body temperature regulation and production in lactating cows in a hot climate. (United States)

    Dikmen, S; Dahl, G E; Cole, J B; Null, D J; Hansen, P J


    Here we report a previously undescribed coat color phenotype in Holstein cattle. Larson Blue Holsteins, located on a dairy in south Florida, exhibit a coloration pattern that is similar to that of black and white or red and white Holsteins except that, instead of being black or red, darker regions of the body vary in color from gray to taupe. The Larson Blue phenotype was readily apparent in young calves. The phenotype is not due to inheritance of known mutations causing coat color variation in cattle, including dominant red, Telstar, silver color dilutor, or Dun color. Three variants with moderate effects on the () gene were identified in 2 Larson blue cows. Despite being lighter in color, there was no difference in daily variation in vaginal temperature between Larson Blue and other Holsteins when recorded during the summer for cows housed in free-stall barns with shade, fans, and sprinklers. Similarly, there was no effect of the Larson Blue phenotype on seasonal variation in milk yield. Therefore, the phenotype confers no advantage in terms of response to heat stress when cattle are housed in facilities with extensive cooling.

  9. Relationships between changes in Holstein cow’s body condition, acetone and urea content in milk and cervical mucus and sperm survival


    Jan Beran; Luděk Stádník; Jaromír Ducháček; Monika Okrouhlá


    The objectives of this study were to evaluate the relationship between changes in Holstein cow’s body condition score (BCS), acetone and urea content in the milk and cervical mucus (CM) and sperm survival in CM. At insemination, samples of milk and CM were collected from 64 Holstein cows. Content of acetone and urea were determined. Sperm motility was assessed subjectively at the beginning and after 30, 60 and 90 minutes of the short-term heat test in CM. Data about evaluation of cow’s BCS we...

  10. Biological characteristics that influence the SEUROP system classification for Czech fleckvieh and Holstein bull carcasses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Radek Filipčík


    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to analyse the influence of certain characteristics (aptitude, age, carcass weight, net daily gain, feeding on the final carcass classification in the SEUROP system. 703 Czech Fleckvieh bulls and 642 Holstein bulls were studied. The animals were slaughtered and evaluated at a designated beef processing company. Combine aptitude carcasses shown significant differences between characteristics. Remarkable differences of group averages (P>0, 01 were established between farms and they were due to various rearing conditions. Also the levels of net daily gain between aptitudes were proved significantly. Holstein breed showed significant difference among The net daily gain < 500–1 and levels 551–600; 601–650 and above 651–1. The SEUROP system is influenced the most by the feeding regime, which is described by a net daily gain in this work, and farm impact.

  11. Genome-wide association mapping for female fertility traits in Danish and Swedish Holstein cattle

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sahana, G; Guldbrandtsen, B; Bendixen, C


    A genome-wide association study was conducted using a mixed model analysis for QTL for fertility traits in Danish and Swedish Holstein cattle. The analysis incorporated 2,531 progeny tested bulls, and a total of 36 387 SNP markers on 29 bovine autosomes were used. Eleven fertility traits were ana...

  12. Estudios sobre la reactividad de harinas crudas de cemento tratadas con rápidos y diferentes calentamientos

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    Weisweiler, W.


    Full Text Available Not available.

    Estudios experimentales llevados a cabo a una temperatura dada de calcinación, sirvieron para observar el efecto de las altas velocidades de calentamiento sobre las reacciones del clinker. Mientras que un aumento de la reactividad de los materiales fue claramente detectada cuando la velocidad pasó de 20 K/min a tomar valores iguales y mayores a 100 K/min, un negativo efecto sobre el Tiempo de Reacción Completa o "Período de Calcinación a Punto" no pudo ser establecido. Considerando además que el tiempo necesario para llevar a la materia prima hasta la temperatura de reacción, es necesariamente un tiempo inefectivo, podrían las plantas productoras de cemento obtener mayores rendimientos en tiempo y espacio, utilizando altas cuotas de calentamiento. Estudios de microscopía probaron que con el aumento de las velocidades de calentamiento, hubo una mayor generación de microcristales incidiendo directamente sobre la molienda y calidad del clinker. [de] Untersuchungen zur Reaktivität van zementrohmehlen nach verschieden schneller Aufheizung. Modellversuche mit linearen Aufheizgeschwindigkeiten solten zeigen, ob bei einer vorgegebenen Brenntemperatur die Verklinkerungsreaktionen beeinfluβt werden können. Während eindeutige Steigerungen der Kalkbindungsraten lediglich zwischen 20 K/min und Aufheizgeschwindigkeiten >=100 K/min nachweisbar waren, konnten negative Auswirkungen auf die Garbranddauern bei keiner Versuchsserie festgestellt werden. Unter Berücksichtigung der zur Aufheizung der Rohstoffe notwendigen Totzeiten, können bei den technischen Zementproduktionsanlagen nach schneller Aufheizung höhere Raum-Zeit-Ausbeuten erreicht werden. Mikroskopische Untersuchungen ergaben, daβ durch Erhöhung der Aufheizraten der Anteil mikrokristalliner Klinkerphasen zunimmt, was sich direkt aut die Zementklinkermahibarkeit und die Klinkerqualität aswirkt.

  13. Retardo de crecimiento intrauterino: relación con la gonadectomía y la hormona de crecimiento durante el crecimiento postnatal

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    Quintero, Fabián


    Full Text Available Los resultados de la terapia con hormona de crecimiento (HC en niños con retardo del crecimiento intrauterino (RCI no son conclusivos y plantean la necesidad de analizar la posible interacción de la HC con otras hormonas. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el efecto de la castración y la administración de HC en animales con RCI experimental. Se conformaron los siguientes grupos experimentales: Control, Sham, RCI, RCI gonadectomizadas y RCI gonadectomizadas y tratadas con HC. El retardo de crecimiento intrauterino (RCI fue inducido por obstrucción parcial de la circulación uterina el día 14 de gestación. Al nacimiento las crías de los grupos Sham y RCI fueron transferidas a madres control. Al destete, fueron alimentadas con dieta stock ad libitum. Se calculó el consumo alimentario de cada animal y se registró semanalmente el peso corporal. Los datos fueron procesados por análisis de varianza y pruebas post hoc LSD. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que la rehabilitación nutricional lactacional y postlactacional no es suficiente para revertir los efectos del estrés intrauterino. La ausencia de testosterona parece inhibir la ganancia de peso corporal, de tal modo que aún cuando la administración de HC promueve la ganancia de peso corporal, éste no alcanza los valores control. Contrariamente la ausencia de estrógenos promueve el catch up del peso corporal. Esta compensación es más temprana en presencia de HC. Se concluye que existiría una interacción entre las hormonas sexuales y la HC: mientras la HC induce un efecto catabólico en ausencia de testosterona (mayor consumo-menor peso, en ausencia de estrógenos induce un efecto anabólico (menor consumo-mayor peso.

  14. Incidence and occurrence time of clinical mastitis in Holstein cows


    BOUJENANE, Ismail; AIMANI, Jalila EL; BY, Khalid


    The aim of this study was to assess the incidence of clinical mastitis (CM) and its risk factors in 1725 Holstein cows. Data were collected from a private farm from 2008 to 2012. The analysis of risk factors, performed with logistic regression, showed that cows at parity 2, 3, and 4 had 65%, 88%, and 115% risk of mastitis, respectively. This risk was higher (P < 0.001) than in cows at first parity. Cows that calved from October to January had the highest (P < 0.05) risk of masti...

  15. Hombro doloroso y lesiones del manguito rotador Painful shoulder and rotator cuff disorders


    Karla Mora-Vargas


    Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 52 años conocida sana, sin antecedentes positivos, quien inicia con dolor y disfunción del miembro superior izquierdo, la cual fue tratada con antiinflamatorios no esteroideos inicialmente, sin embargo, al persistir los síntomas y apoyado con estudios radiológicos recibe tratamiento inyectado a nivel del hombro. Cuadro que evoluciona posteriormente a ruptura del manguito rotador, con su subsiguiente reparación quirúrgica y fisioterapia, logrando la recupera...


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    José Julián Echeverri Zuluaga

    Full Text Available Algunas características productivas y de la calidad de la leche están relacionadas con los polimorfismos de los genes kappa caseína (κ-CN, prolactina (PRL y hormona de crecimiento bovina (bGH, estos han sido ampliamente estudiados y aplicados en programas de mejoramiento genético animal. De manera particular, la industria ganadera colombiana se ha cualificado de manera sustancial, gracias a la utilización de estas estrategias que permiten identificar las variantes alélicas relacionadas y la implementación de programas de selección asistida por marcadores moleculares. Con el fin de verificar la asociación de los SNP de estos genes con algunas características productivas y de la calidad de la leche en las ganaderías antioqueñas, se evaluaron 4.453 lactancias de 1.631 vacas pertenecientes a 69 hatos lecheros de diferentes municipios del departamento de Antioquia. En el análisis se incluyó la producción de leche ajustada (PA, el porcentaje de proteína (PRO y grasa (GRA, el recuento de células somáticas (RSC y el efecto de los genotipos de los marcadores antes mencionados. Los resultados corroboran la asociación de estos marcadores con las características evaluadas, y sugieren un efecto importante del genotipo de la κ-CN sobre el porcentaje de proteína (BB>AB>AA (p +/- > +/+ (pAB>AA (p=0,01.

  17. Gastrointestinal parasite control during prepuberty improves mammary parenchyma development in Holstein heifers


    Perri, AF; Mejía, ME; Licoff, N; Diab, SS; Formía, N; Ornstein, A; Becú-Villalobos, D; Lacau-Mengido, IM


    Parasitism during development impairs normal growth and delays the onset of puberty through altered hormone profiles, including insulin-like growth factor one (IGF-1).Asmammary gland development during prepuberty is strongly dependent on IGF-1, we determined if antiparasitic treatment during this stage of growth improved mammary gland development. One group of Holstein heifers was treated monthly, rotationally with antiparasitic drugs from birth to 70 weeks of age, a secon...

  18. Milk production and fertility performance of Holstein, Friesian, and Jersey purebred cows and their respective crosses in seasonal-calving commercial farms. (United States)

    Coffey, E L; Horan, B; Evans, R D; Berry, D P


    There is renewed interest in dairy cow crossbreeding in Ireland as a means to further augment productivity and profitability. The objective of the present study was to compare milk production and fertility performance for Holstein, Friesian, and Jersey purebred cows, and their respective crosses in 40 Irish spring-calving commercial dairy herds from the years 2008 to 2012. Data on 24,279 lactations from 11,808 cows were available. The relationship between breed proportion, as well as heterosis and recombination coefficients with performance, was quantified within a mixed model framework that also contained the fixed effects of parity; cow and contemporary group of herd-year-season of calving were both included as random effects in the mixed model. Breed proportion was associated with all milk production parameters investigated. Milk yield was greatest for Holstein (5,217kg), intermediate for Friesian (4,591kg), and least for Jersey (4,230kg), whereas milk constituents (i.e., fat and protein concentration) were greatest for Jersey (9.38%), intermediate for Friesian (7.91%), and least for Holstein (7.75%). Yield of milk solids in crossbred cows exceeded their respective parental average performance; greatest milk solids yield (i.e., fat kg + protein kg) was observed in the Holstein × Jersey first-cross, yielding 25kg more than the mid-parent mean. There was no consistent breed effect on the reproductive traits investigated. Relative to the mid-parent mean, Holstein × Jersey cows calved younger as heifers and had a shorter calving interval. Friesian × Jersey first-cross cows also had a shorter calving interval relative to their mid-parent mean. Results were consistent with findings from smaller-scale controlled experiments. Breed complementarity and heterosis attainable from crossbreeding resulted in superior animal performance and, consequently, greater expected profitability in crossbred cows compared with their respective purebreds. Copyright © 2016 American

  19. Ex-situ conservaton of Holstein-Friesian cattle comparing the Dutch, French and USA germplasm collections (United States)

    Holstein-Friesian (HF) gene bank collections were established in France, the Netherlands and USA in order to conserve as much genetic diversity as possible for this breed. Genetic variability of HF collections within and between countries was assessed and compared with active male HF populations in ...

  20. Ex situ conservation of Holstein-Friesian cattle: Comparing the Dutch, French and USA germplasm collections (United States)

    Holstein-Friesian (HF) gene bank collections were established in France, the Netherlands and USA in order to conserve genetic diversity for this breed. Genetic diversity of HF collections within and between countries was assessed and compared with active HF bulls in each country by using pedigree da...

  1. The effect of air temperature on yield of Holstein dairy cattle


    Anna Šimková; Miloslav Šoch; Kateřina Švejdová; Kristýna Šimák-Líbalová; Luboš Smutný; Šárka Smutná; Bohuslav Čermák; Iveta Novotná


    The study was carried out in the agricultural company Petrovice during the summer and winter seasons. The experiment included Holstein dairy cattle. Air temperature was measured using a data logger with sensors (Datalogger COMET 3120) in the stable. Data on average yield were taken from farm records and then processed using Microsoft Excel. The aim of the study was to determine how the values of ambient temperature affect the welfare of the animals with regard to the average performance. The ...

  2. Atrial Fibrillation in a Diarrheic Holstein Dairy Calf

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    Aliasghar CHALMEH


    Full Text Available Cardiac auscultation of a 10-day-old diarrheic female Holstein dairy calf revealed irregularities in rhythm and absence of 4th heart sound. Electrocardiogram (ECG and blood sample were obtained before and after the treatment. Based on ECG and cardiac auscultation findings, atrial fibrillation (AF was diagnosed. Serum sodium, calcium and magnesium before treatment were significantly lower than their reference ranges and potassium was significantly higher. One day after treating this patient, serum electrolytes were reached to reference ranges and AF was changed to normal sinus rhythm. Based on resolving the AF after treating the patient and correcting the electrolyte imbalances, it can be suggested that electrolyte imbalances were the main cause of the occurrence of AF in the present case.

  3. Applying real-time quantitative PCR to diagnosis of freemartin in Holstein cattle by quantifying SRY gene: a comparison experiment

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    Qinghua Qiu


    Full Text Available Background Freemartinism generally occurs in female offspring of dizygotic twins in a mixed-sex pregnancy. Most bovine heterosexual twin females are freemartins. However, about 10% of bovine heterosexual twin females are fertile. Farmers mostly cull bovine fertile heterosexual twin females due to the lack of a practical diagnostic approach. Culling of such animals results in economic and genetic-material losses both for dairy and beef industry. Methods In this study, a comparative test, including qualitative detection of SRY gene by polymerase chain reaction (PCR, quantitative detection of relative content of SRY by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR, and quantitative detection of H-Y antigen, was performed to establish the most accurate diagnosis for freemartin. Twelve Holstein heterosexual twin females were used in this study, while three normal Holstein bulls and three normal Holstein cows were used as a positive and negative control, respectively. Results Polymerase chain reaction results revealed that SRY gene were absent in three heterosexual twin females and only two of them were verified as fertile in later age. The qPCR results showed that relative content of SRY was more than 14.2% in freemartins and below 0.41% in fertile heterosexual twin females. The H-Y antigen test showed no significant numerical difference between freemartin and fertile heterosexual twin female. Discussion Our results show that relative content of SRY quantified by qPCR is a better detection method for diagnosis of freemartin in Holstein cattle as compare to qualitative detection of SRY gene by PCR or quantitative detection of H-Y antigen. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first time we applied qPCR to diagnosing freemartin by quantifying SRY gene and got relative SRY content of each freemartin and fertile heterosexual twin female. We concluded that low-level of SRY would not influence fertility of bovine heterosexual twin female.

  4. Genetic and environmental variance and covariance parameters for some reproductive traits of Holstein and Jersey cattle in Antioquia (Colombia

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    Juan Carlos Zambrano


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to estimate the genetic, phenotypic and environmental parameters for calving interval (CI, days open (DO, number of services per conception (NSC and conception rate (CR in Holstein and Jersey cattle in Antioquia (Colombia. Variance and covariance component estimates were obtained by an animal model that was solved using the derivative-free restricted maximum likelihood method. The means and standard deviations for CI, DO, NSC and CR were: 430.32±77.93 days, 127.15±76.96 days, 1.58±1.03 services per conception and 79.88±28.66% in Holstein cattle, and 409.33±86.48 days, 125.62±86.09 days, 1.48±0.98 services per conception and 84.08±27.23% in Jersey cattle, respectively. The heritability estimates (standard errors were: 0.088(0.037, 0.082(0.037, 0.040(0.025 and 0.030(0.026 in Holstein cattle and 0.072(0.098, 0.090(0.104, 0.093(0.097 and 0.147(0.117 in Jersey cattle, respectively. The results show that the genetic, phenotypic and permanent environmental correlations in the two evaluated breeds were favorable for CI × DO, CI × NSC and DO × NSC, but not for CI × CR, DO × CR and NSC × CR. Genetic and permanent environmental correlations were high in most cases in Holstein cattle, whereas in Jersey cattle they were moderate. In contrast, phenotypic correlations were very low in both breeds, except for CI × DO and NSC × CR, which were high. Overall, the genetic component found was very low (<8% in both evaluated breeds and this implies that their selection would take long time and that a good practical management of the herd will be essential in order to improve the reproductive performance.

  5. Care cost for pregnant and parturient women with diabetes and mild hyperglycemia Costo de la asistencia de gestantes y parturientas diabéticas y con hiperglicemia leve Custo da assistência de gestantes e parturientes diabéticas e com hiperglicemia leve

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Claudia Molina Cavassini


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To compare inpatient and outpatient care costs for pregnant/parturient women with diabetes and mild hyperglycemia. METHODS: A prospective observational quantitative study was conducted in the Perinatal Diabetes Center in the city of Botucatu, Southeastern Brazil, between 2007 and 2008. Direct and indirect costs and disease-specific costs (medications and tests were estimated. Thirty diet-treated pregnant women with diabetes were followed up on an outpatient basis, and 20 who required insulin therapy were hospitalized. RESULTS: The cost of diabetes disease (prenatal and delivery care was US$ 3,311.84 for inpatients and US$ 1,366.04 for outpatients. CONCLUSIONS: Direct and indirect costs as well as total prenatal care cost were higher for diabetic inpatients while delivery care costs and delivery-postpartum hospitalization were similar. Prenatal and delivery-postpartum care costs were higher for these patients compared to those paid by Brazilian National Health System.OBJETIVO: Comparar costos de hospitalización y de atención por ambulatorio en gestantes/parturientas diabéticas y con hiperglicemia leve. MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional, prospectivo, cuantitativo descriptivo realizado en centro de diabetes perinatal en Botucatu, Sureste de Brasil, entre 2007 y 2008. Se estimaron los costos por absorción directos e indirectos disponibles en la institución y los costos específicos para la enfermedad (medicamentos y exámenes. Las 30 gestantes diabéticas tratadas con dieta fueron acompañadas en ambulatorio y 20 tratadas con dieta más insulina fueron hospitalizadas. RESULTADOS: El costo de la enfermedad diabetes (para asistencia prenatal y parto fue de US$ 3,311.84 para las gestantes hospitalizadas y de US$ 1,366.04 para las acompañadas en ambulatorio. CONCLUSIONES: Los costos directos e indirectos y el costo total de la asistencia prenatal fueron más elevados en las gestantes diabéticas hospitalizadas mientras que los costos de

  6. Differences in Voluntary Cow Traffic between Holstein and Illawarra Breeds of Dairy Cattle in a Pasture-based Automatic Milking System. (United States)

    Clark, C E F; Kwinten, N B P; van Gastel, D A J M; Kerrisk, K L; Lyons, N A; Garcia, S C


    Automatic milking systems (AMS) rely upon voluntary cow traffic (the voluntary movement of cattle around a farm) for milk harvesting and feed consumption. Previous research on conventional milking systems has shown differences between dairy cow breeds for intake and milk production, however, the ability to manipulate voluntary cow traffic and milking frequency on AMS farms through breed selection is unknown. This study investigated the effect of breed (Holstein Friesian versus Illawarra) on voluntary cow traffic as determined by gate passes at the Camden AMS research farm dairy facility. Daily data on days in milk, milk yield, gate passes and milking frequency for 158 Holstein Friesian cows and 24 Illawarra cows were collated by month for the 2007 and 2008 years. Illawarra cows had 9% more gate passes/day than Holstein cows over the duration of the study; however, the milking frequency and milk yield of both breeds were similar. Gate passes were greatest for both breeds in early lactation and in the winter (June to August) and summer (December to February) seasons. These findings highlight an opportunity to translate increased voluntary cow movement associated with breed selection into increased milking frequencies, milk production and overall pasture-based AMS performance.

  7. Effect of the level of maternal energy intake prepartum on immunometabolic markers, polymorphonuclear leukocyte function, and neutrophil gene network expression in neonatal Holstein heifer calves. (United States)

    Osorio, J S; Trevisi, E; Ballou, M A; Bertoni, G; Drackley, J K; Loor, J J


    A conventional approach in dairy cow nutrition programs during late gestation is to feed moderate-energy diets. The effects of the maternal plane of nutrition on immune function and metabolism in newborn calves are largely unknown. Holstein cows (n=20) were fed a controlled-energy (CON) diet (1.24 Mcal/kg) for the entire dry period (~50 d) or the CON diet during the first 29 d of the dry period followed by a moderate-energy (OVE) diet (1.47 Mcal/kg) during the last 21 d prepartum. All calves were weighed at birth before first colostrum intake. Calves chosen for this study (n=6 per maternal diet) had blood samples harvested before colostrum feeding (d 0) and at 2 and 7 d of age. Blood samples were used to determine metabolites, acute-phase proteins, oxidative stress markers, hormones, phagocytic capacity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) and monocytes, and total RNA was isolated from PMN. Calves from OVE dams weighed, on average, 5kg less at birth (44.0 vs. 48.6kg) than calves from CON dams. Blood glucose concentration in OVE calves had a more pronounced increase between 0 and 2 d than CON, at which point phagocytosis by PMN averaged 85% in OVE and 62% in CON. Compared with CON, calves from OVE had greater expression of TLR4, but lower expression of PPARA and PPARD at birth. Expression of PPARG and RXRA decreased between 0 and 2 d in both groups. Concentrations of leptin, cholesterol, ceruloplasmin, reactive oxygen metabolites, myeloperoxidase, retinol, tocopherol, IgG, and total protein, as well as expression of SOD2 and SELL increased markedly by 2 d in both groups; whereas, cortisol, albumin, acid-soluble protein, NEFA, insulin, as well as expression of IL6, TLR4, IL1R2, LTC4S, and ALOX5 decreased by 2 d. By 7 d of age, the concentration of haptoglobin was greater than precolostrum and was lower for OVE than CON calves. Our data provide evidence for a carry-over effect of maternal energy overfeeding during the last 3 wk before calving on some measurements of

  8. Biliary clearance of bromosulfophthalein in healthy and ketotic Holstein cows

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    Danijela Kirovski


    Full Text Available Ketosis is a metabolic disorder closely associated with liver lipidosis. Numerous tests have been developed to detect hepatic dysfunction in dairy cows. Bromosulfophthalein (BSP clearance is established as a sensitive index of hepatic function. The objective of this study was to examine the difference of biliary excretion of BSP between ketotic and healthy Holstein cows and to correlate this excretion with other indicators of liver dysfunction. Twenty puerperal Holstein cows divided in two groups (10 cows each were involved in the study. The first group included healthy and the second group ketotic cows. Blood samples were taken 10 days after parturition. Concentrations of total protein, albumin, total bilirubin, Ca, P, total lipids, urea and glucose were determined. Immediately after blood sampling, BSP test was performed. Blood samples were taken 5 and 45 minutes after injection, and the percentage of retained pigment in the sample obtained at minute 45 was calculated. Blood albumin and glucose concentrations were significantly higher in healthy then ketotic cows. Total bilirubin concentration was significantly higher in ketotic than healthy cows. BSP excretion was significantly higher in ketotic compared to healthy cows. There was a significant positive correlation between BSP values and total bilirubin concentrartions in both healthy and ketotic cows and a significant negative correlation between BSP values and glucose concentrartions in both healthy and ketotic cows. In conclusion, biliary clearance of BSP may be used as a reliable method for the detection of hepatic dysfunction associated with clinical symptoms of ketosis in dairy cows.

  9. Fracturas perimplante de fémur tratadas con clavo retrógrado: reporte de un caso y descripción de la técnica quirúrgica.

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    Pablo Ariel Slullitel


    Full Text Available Existe un riesgo tácito de fractura peri-implante de fémur en pacientes con antecedente de fractura pertrocantérica de fémur tratados con tornillos deslizantes de cadera (TDC debido al aumento de la expectativa de vida y a las múltiples comorbilidades. Diversas opciones terapéuticas son posibles dependiendo de si se mantiene la osteosíntesis previa o no. Dada la baja prevalencia de estas fracturas, no existe consenso en la bibliografía actual sobre el tratamiento ideal. El objetivo de este trabajo es reportar un caso y describir la técnica quirúrgica de enclavado endomedular retrógrado para el tratamiento de fracturas peri-implante debajo de un TDC.

  10. Effects of forage offering method on performance, rumen fermentation, nutrient digestibility and nutritional behaviour in Holstein dairy calves. (United States)

    EbnAli, A; Khorvash, M; Ghorbani, G R; Mahdavi, A H; Malekkhahi, M; Mirzaei, M; Pezeshki, A; Ghaffari, M H


    The potential effect of dietary forage supplementation on the performance and rumen development in dairy calves is well established. However, limited research has been directed to the comparative effects of forage offering methods on calf performance. The objective of the present study was to determine the effects of forage provision methods (total mixed ration or free choice) on the performance, nutrient digestibility, rumen fermentation and nutritional behaviour in newborn calves. Forty-five Holstein dairy calves (3 days of age and 41 ± 2 kg of body weight) were assigned to the following three groups (n = 15): (i) starter without forage provision (CON), (ii) starter supplemented with 10% alfalfa hay (AH) as a total mixed ration (AH-TMR) and (iii) starter and AH as a free-choice provision (AH-FC) for a period of 70 days. All the calves were offered 5 l of milk/day from day 3 to 50, and 2.5 l/day from day 50 until weaning on day 56. Dry matter intake (DMI) was greater (p forage tended (p = 0.08) to increase crude protein digestibility and overall volatile fatty acids (VFA) concentrations in the rumen. No differences were observed among the treatments at the time spent on standing, lying, eating and performing non-nutritive oral behaviours. Compared to CON calves, animals in the AH-TMR treatment spent more time (p forage supplementation in both forage offering methods increased total DMI, ruminal pH and ruminating time in dairy calves. Hence, there is no benefit in the free-choice provision of AH in dairy calves. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition © 2016 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.

  11. Genetic Analysis of Protein Yield, Udder Health, and Female Fertility in First-Parity Danish Holstein Cows

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buch, L H; Norberg, E


    Genetic parameters for protein yield, clinical mastitis, SCS, number of inseminations (NI), and days from first to last insemination (FLI) were estimated for first-parity Danish Holstein cows. The objective was to estimate genetic correlations between the five traits mentioned above and to study ...

  12. Insuficiência renal aguda em paciente tratada com ATRA e anfotericina B: relato de caso

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    Gelcimar Moresco


    Full Text Available O presente relato apresenta o caso clínico de uma paciente com leucemia promie-locítica aguda tratada com ácido todo-transretinoico (ATRA, que apresentou suspeita de síndrome do ácido transreti-noico (síndrome de ATRA. Com a ocor-rência de leucopenia febril inespecífica, foram associados ao tratamento antimi-crobianos e antifúngicos. A diminuição da função renal, observada inicialmente, contribuiu para a suspeita de síndrome de ATRA, que foi agravada pelos antifúngi-cos. Assim, o uso de ATRA foi suspenso, mas somente 8 dias depois foi caracteriza-da pneumonia e descartada a hipótese de síndrome de ATRA. Nesse contexto, foi discutida a nefrotoxicidade do ATRA e a potencialização desse efeito adverso pelo uso de antifúngicos nefrotóxicos, em par-ticular da anfotericina B, assim como a im-portância do diagnóstico diferencial entre síndrome de ATRA e doença infecciosa.

  13. Tratamiento de aguas residuales con tecnologías alternativas en una pequeña unidad doméstica–productiva

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    Cynthia Pérez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales instalado en una pequeña unidad doméstica-productiva ubicada en la zona de Escazú de la provincia de San José, mediante la medición de la demanda bioquímica de oxígeno, demanda química de oxígeno, fosfatos solubles, nitratos, sólidos totales, sólidos sedimentables, turbiedad, pH y coliformes fecales, en seis muestreos. Además, se realizaron tres muestreos en el Río Catalina, receptor del efluente final, en épocas de transición seca-lluviosa, lluviosa, transición lluviosa-seca, en los que se evaluaron oxígeno disuelto, fosfatos solubles, nitratos, sólidos totales, turbiedad, pH, coliformes fecales y macroinvertebrados bentónicos. La calidad del agua del río se expresó mediante el Índice de la Calidad de Agua de la Fundación Nacional de Sanidad de los Estados Unidos de América (ICAFNS y el índice biótico BMWP-CR. El sistema estudiado resultó efectivo en la remoción de los contaminantes del agua, y con excepción de los coliformes fecales, el efluente final cumplió con los límites permisibles para cada uno de los parámetros establecidos para el reúso de aguas residuales tratadas con fines agrícolas y para el vertido de aguas residuales en cuerpos receptores. En términos generales, puede concluirse que el efluente del sistema de tratamiento no afecta la calidad del agua del Río Catalina.

  14. Genetic analysis of body condition score of lactating Dutch Holstein and Red-and-White heifers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koenen, E.P.C.; Veerkamp, R.F.; Dobbelaar, P.; Jong, de G.


    The aim of this study was to estimate phenotypic and genetic parameters for body condition scores (BCS) from the Dutch type classification system. Data included 108,809 Holstein (H) and 26,208 Red-and-White (R) heifers from 9701 herds that were scored once during lactation on a 1 to 9 scale (1 =

  15. Comparison of Genetic Parameters Estimation of Fatty Acids from Gas Chromatography and FT-IR in Holsteins

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Nina Aagaard; Eskildsen, Carl Emil; Skov, T.

    or on fatty acids data measured from gas chromatography in 371 Danish Holstein cows. Results showed similar heritability estimates and strong genomic correlations for most of the fatty acids. However, for some fatty acids, the choice of data affected the genetic parameter estimation, which may be due...

  16. Guiding principles for energy policy in Schleswig-Holstein

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The principles of energy policy in Schleswig-Holstein set forward in this brochure are neither an energy programme nor a descriptive report on the policy of the day. Rather, they are intended to mark the energy-political frame of action within which the government of the Land will more. At the same time their purpose is to provide a medium-term orientation for politics and the power economy, consumers and producers. They are thus consciously made to contrast with political trends conceiving energy policy first of all as a plan-dependent activity. With these guiding principles the government of the Land consistantly continues an energy policy it has exposed in detail in its answer to the Question submitted by the CDU parliamentary party on December 8, 1980. (orig./UA) [de

  17. Predicting hyperketonemia by logistic and linear regression using test-day milk and performance variables in early-lactation Holstein and Jersey cows. (United States)

    Chandler, T L; Pralle, R S; Dórea, J R R; Poock, S E; Oetzel, G R; Fourdraine, R H; White, H M


    Although cowside testing strategies for diagnosing hyperketonemia (HYK) are available, many are labor intensive and costly, and some lack sufficient accuracy. Predicting milk ketone bodies by Fourier transform infrared spectrometry during routine milk sampling may offer a more practical monitoring strategy. The objectives of this study were to (1) develop linear and logistic regression models using all available test-day milk and performance variables for predicting HYK and (2) compare prediction methods (Fourier transform infrared milk ketone bodies, linear regression models, and logistic regression models) to determine which is the most predictive of HYK. Given the data available, a secondary objective was to evaluate differences in test-day milk and performance variables (continuous measurements) between Holsteins and Jerseys and between cows with or without HYK within breed. Blood samples were collected on the same day as milk sampling from 658 Holstein and 468 Jersey cows between 5 and 20 d in milk (DIM). Diagnosis of HYK was at a serum β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) concentration ≥1.2 mmol/L. Concentrations of milk BHB and acetone were predicted by Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (Foss Analytical, Hillerød, Denmark). Thresholds of milk BHB and acetone were tested for diagnostic accuracy, and logistic models were built from continuous variables to predict HYK in primiparous and multiparous cows within breed. Linear models were constructed from continuous variables for primiparous and multiparous cows within breed that were 5 to 11 DIM or 12 to 20 DIM. Milk ketone body thresholds diagnosed HYK with 64.0 to 92.9% accuracy in Holsteins and 59.1 to 86.6% accuracy in Jerseys. Logistic models predicted HYK with 82.6 to 97.3% accuracy. Internally cross-validated multiple linear regression models diagnosed HYK of Holstein cows with 97.8% accuracy for primiparous and 83.3% accuracy for multiparous cows. Accuracy of Jersey models was 81.3% in primiparous and 83

  18. Characterisation of haematological profiles and whole blood relative gene expression levels in Holstein-Friesian and Jersey bull calves undergoing gradual weaning. (United States)

    Johnston, D; Kenny, D A; Kelly, A K; McCabe, M S; McGee, M; Waters, S M; Earley, B


    Haematological profiles indicate the health status of an animal and can be used to identify sub-clinical stress responses. The objectives of the study were to examine (i) the effect of breed and plane of nutrition, on haematological profiles of artificially reared Holstein-Friesian and Jersey bull calves in response to gradual weaning, and (ii) the effect of breed on immune response genes in bovine whole blood using real-time quantitative PCR. Holstein-Friesian and Jersey bull calves were group housed indoors and individually fed using an automatic feeder. They were allocated to a high, medium or low plane of nutrition, based on milk replacer (MR) and concentrate. The nutrition treatments were calculated using National Research Council guidelines in order to achieve a high, medium or low growth rate for each respective breed. During the weaning phase MR was gradually reduced over a 14-day (d) period (d -13 to d 0). Calves were blood sampled on d -14, -6, -3, 0, 1, 3, 8 and 14 relative to weaning (d 0) for subsequent haematological analysis. On d -14, 1 and 8, a subset of eight Holstein-Friesian calves randomly selected from the medium nutrition treatment and eight Jersey calves randomly selected from the high nutrition treatment, were blood sampled for gene expression profiling, targeting biomarkers of weaning stress. These two treatment groups were chosen to examine the effect of breed on expression of the genes of interest, as energy intake and animal performance were similar. There was no effect of breed×plane of nutrition interaction nor effect of plane of nutrition on any variable measured (P>0.05). Gradual weaning produced differential biological responses in the two breeds evidenced by breed×time interactions for lymphocyte, monocyte and red blood cell number, plasma haemoglobin and haptoglobin concentrations (Plevel of the pro-apoptotic gene, Fas, increased on d 1 relative to d -14 (Plevels were greater in Jersey calves compared with Holstein-Friesian for

  19. Comparison of allele-specific PCR, created restriction-site PCR, and PCR with primer-introduced restriction analysis methods used for screening complex vertebral malformation carriers in Holstein cattle (United States)

    Altınel, Ahmet


    Complex vertebral malformation (CVM) is an inherited, autosomal recessive disorder of Holstein cattle. The aim of this study was to compare sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, accuracy, and rapidity of allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (AS-PCR), created restriction-site PCR (CRS-PCR), and PCR with primer-introduced restriction analysis (PCR-PIRA), three methods used in identification of CVM carriers in a Holstein cattle population. In order to screen for the G>T mutation in the solute carrier family 35 member A3 (SLC35A3) gene, DNA sequencing as the gold standard method was used. The prevalence of carriers and the mutant allele frequency were 3.2% and 0.016, respectively, among Holstein cattle in the Thrace region of Turkey. Among the three methods, the fastest but least accurate was AS-PCR. Although the rapidity of CRS-PCR and PCR-PIRA were nearly equal, the accuracy of PCR-PIRA was higher than that of CRS-PCR. Therefore, among the three methods, PCR-PIRA appears to be the most efficacious for screening of mutant alleles when identifying CVM carriers in a Holstein cattle population. PMID:28927256

  20. Association Between Conformation Traits and Reproductive Traits in Holstein Cows in the Department of Antioquia - Colombia / Asociación entre Características de Conformación y Reproductivas en Vacas Holstein del Departamento de Antioquia - Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stephania Madrid Gaviria


    Full Text Available Abstract. Conformation traits have been related with reproductive parameters and can be used as their indicators. These traits appear earlier in life than reproductive traits and, thus, may allow for faster selection of prolific animals. In order to estimate the phenotypic association between conformation and reproductive traits, 8,037 records from 139 Holstein cow herds were analyzed. The analysis of association was done with a generalized linear model, regressionanalysis and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results showed that the association between conformation traits tends to be low to medium (0.00 – 0.46; the highest association was for rear udder height and rear udder weight (0.46, while the lowest was for chest width and central ligament (-0.0024. Conformation traits that showed a significant effect on reproductive traits were body andudder compound, angularity, stature and rear udder width. The highest regression coefficient was for calving interval and body compound (-43.13 days; the lowest was for services per conception and rear udder width (-0.063 services. Phenotypic correlations with reproductive traits were low (0.00 to 0.04. The highest correlation was for services per conception and foot angle (0.04; the lowest was for calving interval and rear legs rear view (0.00. These results indicate that there are not phenotypic associations betweenconformation traits and reproductive parameters. It is important to estimate genetic correlation and determinate their importance and possibilities for use in genetic improvement programs. / Resumen. Las características de conformación han sido relacionadas con parámetros reproductivos y pueden usarse como indicadores de estos. Estas aparecen más rápido en la vida que las reproductivas, permitiendo una selección rápida de individuos prolíficos. Para estimar la asociación fenotípica entre características de conformación y reproductivas, se analizaron 8

  1. Uterine bacterial flora in postpartum Danish Holstein dairy cows determined using DNA-based fingerprinting: Correlation to uterine condition and calving management

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elkjær, K.; Ancker, M.-L.; Gustafsson, H.


    The overall aim of this study was to describe uterine bacterial flora during the postpartum period in Danish Holstein cows using the Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP) method. This method produces a pattern of nucleic acid fragments from the microorganisms present, reflect......The overall aim of this study was to describe uterine bacterial flora during the postpartum period in Danish Holstein cows using the Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP) method. This method produces a pattern of nucleic acid fragments from the microorganisms present......, reflecting the “fingerprint” of the actual microbial flora. As well as characterizing changes in flora with time from calving and between herds, data were examined for strong relations between uterine bacterial flora, calving management and uterine condition. In total 125 Holstein cows from five herds were...... included, and for each cow calving management was recorded. Cows were clinically examined on average 8 (range 0–19) and 28 (range 22–38) days after calving, and a uterine sample was taken for bacterial identification using T-RFLP. Milk samples were taken weekly for progesterone analysis. Bacteria were...

  2. Effects of alfalfa hay and its physical form (chopped versus pelleted) on performance of Holstein calves. (United States)

    Jahani-Moghadam, M; Mahjoubi, E; Hossein Yazdi, M; Cardoso, F C; Drackley, J K


    Inclusion of forage and its physical form in starter may affect rumen development, average daily gain (ADG), and dry matter intake (DMI) of dairy calves. To evaluate the effects of forage and its physical form (chopped vs. pelleted) on growth of calves under a high milk feeding regimen, 32 Holstein calves (38.8±1.1kg) were assigned at birth to 1 of 3 treatments in a completely randomized block design. Dietary treatments (% of dry matter) were (1) 100% semi-texturized starter (CON); (2) 90% semi-texturized starter + 10% chopped alfalfa hay (mean particle size=5.4mm) as a total mixed ration (TMR; CH); and (3) 90% semi-texturized starter + 10% pelleted alfalfa (mean=5.8mm) hay as a TMR (PH). Data were subjected to mixed model analysis with contrasts used to evaluate effect of forage inclusion. Calves were weaned at 76 d of age and the experiment finished 2 wk after weaning. Individual milk and solid feed consumption were recorded daily. Solid feed consumption and ADG increased as age increased (effect of week), but neither forage inclusion nor physical form of forage affected these variables pre- or postweaning. Plasma urea N was affected by treatments such that the CON group had a lower concentration than forage-fed groups. Forage inclusion, but not physical form, resulted in increased total protein in plasma. Although days with elevated rectal temperature, fecal score, and general appearance were not affected by dietary treatments, calves fed alfalfa hay during the first month of life had fewer days with respiratory issues, regardless of physical form of hay. We concluded that provision of forage does have some beneficial effects in calves fed large amounts of milk replacer, but pelleted alfalfa hay did not result in any improvement in calf performance or health. Copyright © 2015 American Dairy Science Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Tissue mobilisation in Holstein-Friesian cattle selected for divergence in efficiency, defined as residual feed intake

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Waghorn, G.C.; MacDonald, K.A.; Verwoerd, M.M.


    Residual feed intake (RFI) is a measure of feed (energy) requirements of individuals, relative to the population mean. Two groups, of ~120 Holstein-Friesian heifer calves (aged 6–9 months), which differed in efficiency by ~20%, were reared and mated. Liveweight and body condition score (BCS) were

  4. Effect of dystocia on subsequent reproductive performance and functional longevity in Holstein cows. (United States)

    Ghavi Hossein-Zadeh, N


    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of dystocia on the reproductive performance and functional longevity in Iranian Holsteins. Data consisted of 1 467 064 lactation records of 581 421 Holstein cows from 3083 herds which were collected by the Animal Breeding Center of Iran from April 1987 to February 2014. Reproduction traits in this study included interval from first to second calving, days open and days from first calving to first service. The generalized linear model was used for the statistical analysis of reproductive traits. Survival analysis was performed using the Weibull proportional hazards models to analyse the impact of dystocia on functional longevity. The incidence of dystocia had an adverse effect on the reproductive performance of dairy cows. Therefore, reproductive traits deteriorated along with increase in dystocia score (p dystocia (p 33 months had the greatest risk (p dystocia had important negative effects on the reproductive performance and functional longevity in dairy cows, and it should be avoided as much as possible to provide a good perspective in the scope of economic and animal welfare issues in dairy herds. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition © 2016 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.

  5. Relation between Climate and Milk Yield of Holstein in Nanshan%南山气候与荷斯坦奶牛泌乳量的关系

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    卿燃莉; 卿国清; 严光荣; 杨志军; 谢美兰


    南山是中国南方独特的天然草场,气候温凉,年平均气温11.2℃,最热月7月平均气温为18.4℃,极端最高气温26.8℃,最冷月1月平均气温2.2℃,极端最低气温-16.0℃,荷斯坦奶牛耐寒怕热,适宜温度为11-16℃,适宜在南山养殖,每头奶牛年产奶量为6900 kg,达到产奶量先进水平,其产奶量高峰值在6月,产奶量低值出现在10月.%Nanshan, an unique natural meadow, has cool climate. In Nanshan, annual average temperature was 11.2 ℃; average temperature in the hottest month July was 18.4 ℃, and extremely maximum temperature was 26.8 ℃; average temperature in the coldest month January was 2.2 ℃, and extremely minimum temperature in February was -16.0 ℃. Holstein is resistant to low temperature but not resistant to high temperature. The suitable temperature for Holstein ranges from 11 to 16 ℃,so the climatic environment in Nanshan is suitable for the breeding of Holstein. Annual average milk yield of each Holstein was up to 6900 kg, reaching the advanced level of annual average milk yield of each Holstein in China. The milk yield of cows was the highest in June and the lowest in October.

  6. Dietary effects of lutein-fortified chlorella on milk components of Holstein cows


    Jeon, Jin-Young; Park, Keun-Kyu; Lee, Kyung-Woo; Jang, Seung-Wan; Moon, Byung-Hern; An, Byoung-Ki


    This study was conducted to investigate the dietary effect of conventional or lutein-fortified chlorella on milk production and lutein incorporation in milk. Fifteen Holstein cows in mid-lactation were used in a 3???3 Latin square design each with a 21-day period. Cows were top-dressed daily with 30?g of conventional or lutein-fortified chlorella for 3?weeks. Cows without chlorella served as the control. The feed intake and milk yield were not affected by dietary treatments. The concentration...

  7. Transcriptome analysis and identification of significantly differentially expressed genes in Holstein calves subjected to severe thermal stress (United States)

    Srikanth, Krishnamoorthy; Lee, Eunjin; Kwan, Anam; Lim, Youngjo; Lee, Junyep; Jang, Gulwon; Chung, Hoyoung


    RNA-Seq analysis was used to characterize transcriptome response of Holstein calves to thermal stress. A total of eight animals aged between 2 and 3 months were randomly selected and subjected to thermal stress corresponding to a temperature humidity index of 95 in an environmentally controlled house for 12 h consecutively for 3 days. A set of 15,787 unigenes were found to be expressed and after a threshold of threefold change, and a Q value physiological and metabolic processes to survive. Many of the genes identified in this study have not been previously reported to be involved in thermal stress response. The results of this study extend our understanding of the animal's response to thermal stress and some of the identified genes may prove useful in the efforts to breed Holstein cattle with superior thermotolerance, which might help in minimizing production loss due to thermal stress.

  8. Differences in Voluntary Cow Traffic between Holstein and Illawarra Breeds of Dairy Cattle in a Pasture-based Automatic Milking System

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    C. E. F. Clark


    Full Text Available Automatic milking systems (AMS rely upon voluntary cow traffic (the voluntary movement of cattle around a farm for milk harvesting and feed consumption. Previous research on conventional milking systems has shown differences between dairy cow breeds for intake and milk production, however, the ability to manipulate voluntary cow traffic and milking frequency on AMS farms through breed selection is unknown. This study investigated the effect of breed (Holstein Friesian versus Illawarra on voluntary cow traffic as determined by gate passes at the Camden AMS research farm dairy facility. Daily data on days in milk, milk yield, gate passes and milking frequency for 158 Holstein Friesian cows and 24 Illawarra cows were collated by month for the 2007 and 2008 years. Illawarra cows had 9% more gate passes/day than Holstein cows over the duration of the study; however, the milking frequency and milk yield of both breeds were similar. Gate passes were greatest for both breeds in early lactation and in the winter (June to August and summer (December to February seasons. These findings highlight an opportunity to translate increased voluntary cow movement associated with breed selection into increased milking frequencies, milk production and overall pasture-based AMS performance.

  9. Efeito de Beauveria bassiana (Bals. Vuill. e Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch. Sorok. sobre características biológicas de Diatraea saccharalis F. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v30i2.3627 Effect of Beauveria bassiana (Bals. Vuill. and Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch. Sorok. on Biological Characteristics of Diatraea saccharalis F. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v30i2.3627

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    Valéria Wanderley Teixeira


    Full Text Available A broca da cana-de-açúcar Diatraea saccharalis F. é considerada uma das principais pragas nas Américas. Entre os métodos de controle, o uso de fungos entomopatogênicos tem sido amplamente recomendado no manejo das pragas da cana-de-açúcar, incluindo outras lepidobrocas. Assim sendo, este estudo investigou os efeitos de diferentes concentrações de Beauveria bassiana (Bals. Vuill. e Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch. Sorok. sobre parâmetros biológicos da broca da cana-de-açúcar. Larvas de terceiro instar de D. saccharalis foram tratadas com os fungos usando as concentrações de 103, 104 e 105 conídios mL-1. Larvas tratadas com 105 conídios mL-1 de B. bassiana tiveram menor sobrevivência (56,6%, comparadas com lagartas não-tratadas (90%. Adultos originados de larvas tratadas colocaram menor número de ovos, com menor viabilidade, e viveram menos, comparados com adultos originados de larvas não-tratadas. Larvas tratadas com M. anisopliae na concentração de 105 conídios mL-1 e adultos originados destas larvas também exibiram redução no desempenho, comparados aos insetos não-tratados. Os resultados indicam que B. bassiana e M. anisopliae, além de patogênicos às larvas de D. saccharalis, também interferem negativamente na sua biologia, mostrando potencial de uso contra esta praga.The sugarcane borer Diatraea saccharalis F. is considered one of the major sugarcane pests in the American continent. Among control methods, the use of entomopathogenic fungi has been broadly recommended to manage sugarcane pests, including other sugarcane borers. Therefore, this study investigated the effects of different concentrations of Beauveria bassiana (Bals. Vuill and Metarhizium anisopliae (Metch. Sorok on biological characteristics of the sugarcane borer. Third-instar larvae of D. saccharalis were fungi-treated using the concentrations of 103, 104 and 105 conidia mL-1. Larvae treated with 105 conidia mL-1 of B. bassiana showed lower

  10. Efeito de Beauveria bassiana (Bals. Vuill. e Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch. Sorok. sobre características biológicas de Diatraea saccharalis F. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae = Effect of Beauveria bassiana (Bals. Vuill. and Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch. Sorok. on Biological Characteristics of Diatraea saccharalis F. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Aurélio Paes de Oliveira


    Full Text Available A broca da cana-de-açúcar Diatraea saccharalis F. é considerada uma das principais pragas nas Américas. Entre os métodos de controle, o uso de fungos entomopatogênicos tem sido amplamente recomendado no manejo das pragas da cana-de-açúcar, incluindo outras lepidobrocas. Assim sendo, este estudo investigou os efeitos de diferentes concentrações de Beauveria bassiana (Bals. Vuill. e Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch. Sorok. sobre parâmetros biológicos da broca da cana-de-açúcar. Larvas de terceiro instar de D. saccharalis foram tratadas com os fungos usando as concentrações de 103, 104 e 105 conídios mL-1. Larvas tratadas com 105 conídios mL-1 de B. bassiana tiveram menor sobrevivência (56,6%, comparadas com lagartas não-tratadas (90%. Adultos originados de larvas tratadas colocaram menor número de ovos, com menor viabilidade, e viveram menos, comparados com adultos originados de larvas não-tratadas. Larvas tratadas com M. anisopliae na concentração de 105 conídios mL-1 e adultos originados destas larvas também exibiram redução no desempenho, comparados aos insetos não-tratados. Os resultados indicam que B. bassiana e M. anisopliae, além de patogênicos àslarvas de D. saccharalis, também interferem negativamente na sua biologia, mostrando potencial de uso contra esta praga.The sugarcane borer Diatraea saccharalis F. is considered oneof the major sugarcane pests in the American continent. Among control methods, the use of entomopathogenic fungi has been broadly recommended to manage sugarcane pests, including other sugarcane borers. Therefore, this study investigated the effects of differentconcentrations of Beauveria bassiana (Bals. Vuill and Metarhizium anisopliae (Metch. Sorok on biological characteristics of the sugarcane borer. Third-instar larvae of D. saccharalis werefungi-treated using the concentrations of 103, 104 and 105 conidia mL-1. Larvae treated with 105 conidia mL-1 of B. bassiana showed lower survival

  11. Comparación analítica de los métodos ultravioleta selectivo y test spectroquant 1.14773.0001 en la determinación del ión nitrato en aguas tratadas

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    Carlos Alberto Severiche Sierra


    Full Text Available La meta de un análisis químico de aguas es generar resultados correctos y confiables, siendo la comparación de métodos uno de los aspectos más importantes para conseguir este propósito; además, constituye un factor clave para la prestación de servicios analíticos. La determinación de ion nitrato en aguas es una de las metodologías analíticas más discutidas que se conoce en el ámbito científico técnico del análisis de aguas, dado los procedimientos complejos con los que se cuentan, la gran posibilidad de encontrar sustancias interferentes y los rangos de concentración limitados que presentan las diferentes técnicas. En la presente investigación, se hizo el cotejo de dos métodos analíticos, el UV selectivo y el test spectroquant 1.14773.0001, para la determinación del ión nitrato en aguas tratadas. El objetivo fue confirmar correctamente la aplicación de los métodos para el análisis de aguas; las muestras analizadas se tomaron de la red de agua potable de la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias, donde para ambos métodos se encontraron resultados satisfactorios en precisión y exactitud.

  12. Genotype × environment interaction for fertility and milk yield traits in Canadian, Mexican and US Holstein cattle

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Montaldo, H.H.; Pelcastre-Cruz, A.; Castillo-Juárez, H.; Ruiz-López, F.J.; Miglior, F.


    The objective of this study was to evaluate genotype × environment interaction (G×E) between Canada, the United States and Mexico for fertility and milk yield traits using genetic correlations between countries estimated from genetic evaluations of sires. Genetic correlation between Mexican and Canadian Holsteins for age at first calving was ≤ 0.48 and lower than the simulated value obtained accounting for data structure and selection effects. For calving interval, genetic correlation between Mexico and Canada ranged from 0.48 to 0.69. Genetic correlation between calving interval in Mexico (multiplied by -1) and daughter pregnancy rate in the United States ranged from 0.64 to 0.73, and was lower than simulated and actual Canada-United States values. Genetic correlations between Mexico and Canada and the United States for milk yield traits were ≥ 0.83, similar to simulated genetic correlations, but lower than Canada-United States values (≥ 0.93). Heritability estimates for age at first calving, calving interval, milk yield, fat yield, protein yield, fat content, and protein content for the Mexican Holstein population were 0.06, 0.03, 0.18, 0.20, 0.19, 0.46, and 0.49, respectively. G×E interaction effects between Canada and Mexico for age at first calving were high, whereas G×E interaction effects between Canada and Mexico for calving interval and between daughter pregnancy rate in the United States and calving interval in Mexico were moderate. G×E interaction effects for milk yield traits between Canada or the United States with Mexico in registered Holsteins were low.

  13. Genotype × environment interaction for fertility and milk yield traits in Canadian, Mexican and US Holstein cattle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Montaldo, H.H.; Pelcastre-Cruz, A.; Castillo-Juárez, H.; Ruiz-López, F.J.; Miglior, F.


    The objective of this study was to evaluate genotype × environment interaction (G×E) between Canada, the United States and Mexico for fertility and milk yield traits using genetic correlations between countries estimated from genetic evaluations of sires. Genetic correlation between Mexican and Canadian Holsteins for age at first calving was ≤ 0.48 and lower than the simulated value obtained accounting for data structure and selection effects. For calving interval, genetic correlation between Mexico and Canada ranged from 0.48 to 0.69. Genetic correlation between calving interval in Mexico (multiplied by -1) and daughter pregnancy rate in the United States ranged from 0.64 to 0.73, and was lower than simulated and actual Canada-United States values. Genetic correlations between Mexico and Canada and the United States for milk yield traits were ≥ 0.83, similar to simulated genetic correlations, but lower than Canada-United States values (≥ 0.93). Heritability estimates for age at first calving, calving interval, milk yield, fat yield, protein yield, fat content, and protein content for the Mexican Holstein population were 0.06, 0.03, 0.18, 0.20, 0.19, 0.46, and 0.49, respectively. G×E interaction effects between Canada and Mexico for age at first calving were high, whereas G×E interaction effects between Canada and Mexico for calving interval and between daughter pregnancy rate in the United States and calving interval in Mexico were moderate. G×E interaction effects for milk yield traits between Canada or the United States with Mexico in registered Holsteins were low.

  14. Control de plagas de la jamaica (Hibiscus sabdariffa L. con Gliricidia sepium (Jacq. en Chiautla de Tapia, Puebla

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    A. Aragón-García


    Full Text Available Durante el ciclo agrícola comprendido entre los meses de julio a diciembre de 2005, se generó en el municipio de Chiautla de Tapia, una metodología para el control de plagas insectiles que afectan el follaje del cultivo de jamaica. En el desarrollo de este trabajo se utilizó una parcela ubicada en el mismo municipio, en la que se sembrójamaica criolla -de acuerdo a la tecnología agrícola de la zona- y se controlaron las plagas, realizando cuatro aplicaciones de extracto acuoso de Gliricidia sepium (Jacq., alternándolas con cuatro aplicaciones de jabón neutro. Para verificar la efectividad del tratamiento, los parámetros evaluados fueron: porcentaje de infestación, daños causados por insectos y producción. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la parcela a la cual se consideró como testigo, presentó un porcentaje de infestación del 79%; mientras que la parcela que se le aplicó el tratamiento presentó un 21% de infestación. En cuanto a los daños, en la parcela testigo se presentó en promedio 30.08% de daño por planta y la parcela donde se realizó el control sólo 14.89%. La producción en la parcela tratada fue de 793 kg/ha, presentándose un incremento en la producción con respecto al testigo, del 116%. En los tres parámetros evaluados se observó diferencia significativa ( = 0.05 entre tratamientos. Con la aplicación del tratamiento, se evitan los daños a las plantas, observándose un incremento en la producción.

  15. Índice hiperbárico en la prevención primaria de las complicaciones hipertensivas del embarazo de alto riesgo

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    Alfonso Otero González


    Resultados: En las gestantes remitidas a consulta de Nefrología (38,2%, diagnosticadas de alto riesgo de PE y tratadas con AAS 100 mg nocturno (desde la semana 17 se redujo la incidencia de episodios de PE un 96,94%.

  16. Short communication. Behavioural activities of two dairy cow genotypes (Holstein-Friesian vs. Jersey x Holstein-Friesian in two milk production systems (grazing vs. confinement

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    A. I. Roca-Fernández


    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to study the behavioural activities of two cow genotypes, Holstein-Friesian (HF vs. Jersey × Holstein-Friesian (Jx, when managed within two production systems, a low inputs grazing (G system vs. a high inputs confinement (C system. Eighty spring calving cows (HF, n=40 and Jx, n=40, from AFBI Hillsborough (Northern Ireland experimental dairy cattle, were randomly assigned to one of two production systems (G, n=40 and C, n=40 in a block design with a 2×2 factorial arrangement of four treatments (HF-G, HF-C, Jx-G and Jx-C. Cow behavioural activities (feeding, lying, standing and ruminating were registered on three periods at 20-min intervals, between 16.00-22.00 h and 07.00-14.00 h. Average milk yields (kg cow-1 day-1 were higher (p<0.001 in the C system (27.0 than in the G system (20.1, with differences (p<0.001 between the two cow genotypes (HF, 25.1 vs. Jx, 22.0 kg cow-1 day-1. Milk production system showed an effect on cow behavioural activities. Animals on the G system spent more time (p<0.001 grazing (522 min than those on the C system spent feeding (173 min. Cows on the C system spent more time (p<0.001 lying (C, 411 vs. G, 212 min, standing (C, 236 vs. G, 85 min and ruminating (C, 244 vs. G, 141 min than those on the G system. There were differences between periods for time spent lying (p<0.001, feeding (p<0.05 and ruminating (p<0.001, while time spent standing did not differ between periods. Cow genotype had no effect on any of the behavioural activities.

  17. Varicela y herpes zóster en una paciente con trasplante renal Chickenpox and herpes zoster in a patient with kidney transplant

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    Enrique Emilio Jiménez López


    Full Text Available Se describe el caso clínico de una adolescente de 13 años de edad, con trasplante renal, que reingresó a los 10 meses de operada por presentar fiebre, dolor en el costado izquierdo desde el borde esternal de ese lado hasta la columna dorsal y lesiones maculopapulosas sobre una base eritematosa, localizadas en tronco, cuello y cara, que se extendieron primeramente a los miembros inferiores y superiores; pero luego, mientras unas se convirtieron en pústulas y costras típicas de un herpes zóster, las restantes evolucionaron como una varicela. Tratada oportunamente, la paciente mejoró su estado general y egresó con función renal normal a su entorno cotidiano.The clinical report of a 13 years-old adolescent with kidney transplant is described. He was readmitted ten months after the surgery due to fever, pain in the left side from the sternal margin to the thoracic spine and macular-papular injuries over erythematous base, located in the trunk, neck and face that were first spread to the lower and upper limbs, but then, while ones became into pustules and scales typical of herpes zoster, the remaining progressed as chickenpox. Treated at the appropriate time, the patient improved her general condition and she was discharged with normal kidney function to her daily environment.


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    Full Text Available Se evaluaron las propiedades mecánicas de esfuerzo del límite de fluencia (sL, modulo de deformación (Ed, esfuerzo de ruptura (sF, y deformación de Hencky en la ruptura (eHF de muestras de pitahaya amarilla mínimamente procesada y tratadas con 200 μgL-1 de 1-MCP durante el almacenamiento a 10±1 °C y 85% de humedad relativa. Las muestras fueron sometidas a pruebas de compresión uniaxial hasta la ruptura. Los resultados mostraron que las muestras tratadas con 1-MCP presentaron los mayores valores del esfuerzo del límite de fluencia, modulo de elasticidad y esfuerzo de ruptura. Esto indica que la aplicación del 1-MCP proporciona mayor firmeza a la fruta y puede representar una alternativa para disminuir cambios indeseables de textura durante el almacenamiento.

  19. A case of mesothelioma in a Holstein cow

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Francoz, D.


    A seven-year old Holstein cow was referred to the Saint Hyacinth (Quebec) veterinary school for anorexia, progressive weight loss, rapid decline in milk production and abdominal pain. Due to the presence of abdominal and thoracic fluid, abdominal pain and tachycardia with jugular pulse, initially a possible diagnosis was traumatic reticuloperitonitis and pericarditis, but excluded after radiography and ultrasonography. On exploratory laparotomy, numerous 1 to 50 mm diameter nodules were seen on the peritoneum and throughout the abdominal serosa. The animal was euthanased due to the presence of generalised tumour. On histopathology, a mesothelioma was diagnosed. Mesothelioma is rarely diagnosed in cattle. However, it is impossible to know whether this is due to its rarity or to the fact that it may be easily mistaken for other diseases and its histological diagnosis is currently difficult [it

  20. Possibilities of electricity generation in Schleswig-Holstein without using nuclear power

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fischer; Kohler; Natsch; Rossnagel; Sailer.


    The study is arranged in three main parts: Part A discusses safety reasons for backing out of nuclear energy utilisation, and the current legal situation and available scope of action. Part B investigates the technical feasibility of an immediate, complete reactor shut-down in Schleswig-Holstein (in 1987). Part C deals with the framework conditions of a nuclear power shut-off and with accompanying measures on the energy market. According to the order, the main goal of the study was to prove that a nuclear power shut-off is technically feasible. So this study presents assessments with a view to technical feasibility, legal scope of action, costs, ecological effects, and alternative strategies for efficient energy policy on the Land level. This relatively restricted framework, considering exclusively the possibilities of the Land Schleswig-Holstein, necessarily brings about a reduction of the scope of action or optimisation. It is therefore recommended to have an analysis prepared that considers the country as a whole, in order to enhance perspectives and the scope of action. The study does not deal with aspects such as political acceptability and feasibility, or concrete legal processes or procedural steps that would have to be taken in case of backing out and making the turn in energy. The study to a great part relies on assumptions and framework conditions defined in another study by the authors Mueller-Reissmann and Schaffner, entitled 'Power generation without nuclear energy - consequences of backing out of nuclear power'. A brief summary of this study is given in the appendix to the study in hand. (orig./UA) [de

  1. Ungüento ZZ, antiséptico elaborado con una zeolita natural modificada

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    Iliana Perdomo López


    Full Text Available Se realizó el diseño del ungüento ZZ a partir del producto activo zeolítico ZZ, el cual posee una marcada actividad antimicrobiana en el tratamiento de las micosis y afecciones bacterianas. Se elaboraron 3 formulaciones las cuales se evaluaron mediante determinaciones físico-químicas. La formulación I respondió a la utilización del ungüento hidrófilo como base, la II a la crema secante y la III a una base emulsionada aceite en agua. Se obtuvo como resultado la no utilización de las formulaciones I y II por la interacción del principio activo con el laurilsulfato de sodio y con el monoestearato de glicerilo, respectivamente. La formulación III resultó muy adecuada desde el punto de vista tecnológico y se le realizaron estudios toxicológicos de irritabilidad dérmica que resultaron favorables, ya que no hubo irritación de las zonas tratadas.ZZ oinment was designed from an active zeolite product which has a marked antimicrobial effect in the treatment of micosis and bacterial affections. Three different formulations were evaluated for the product through physicial-chemical determinations. Formulation I used hidrophil oinment as a base; formulation II used drying cream and Formulation III chose an oil-in-water emulsified base. As a result of this assessment, formulations I and II were not chosen because of the interaction of the active agent with sodium laurylsulphate and with glyceril monostereate respectively. Formulation III turned out to be the most suitable from the technological viewpoint. Toxicological studies were performed on this formulation to observe skin irritability but the results were favourable since there was no trace of irritation in the treated areas.

  2. Effects of straw processing and pen stocking density on holstein dairy heifers: ii) behavior and hygiene (United States)

    The effects of pen-stocking density and straw processing on the daily behavior traits and hygiene of Holstein dairy heifers housed in a freestall system are not understood. Our objective was to evaluate these factors in a trial with a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement of straw-processing (GOOD or POOR) an...

  3. Genetic parameters for female fertility, locomotion, body condition score, and linear type traits in Czech Holstein cattle

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zink, Vojtech; Stipkova, M; Lassen, Jan


    The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for fertility traits and linear type traits in the Czech Holstein dairy cattle population. Phenotypic data regarding 12 linear type traits, measured in first lactation, and 3 fertility traits, measured in each of first and second lactation,...

  4. Genetic parameters of calving ease using sire-maternal grandsire model in Korean Holsteins

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    Mahboob Alam


    Full Text Available Objective Calving ease (CE is a complex reproductive trait of economic importance in dairy cattle. This study was aimed to investigate the genetic merits of CE for Holsteins in Korea. Methods A total of 297,614 field records of CE, from 2000 to 2015, from first parity Holstein heifers were recorded initially. After necessary data pruning such as age at first calving (18 to 42 mo, gestation length, and presence of sire information, final datasets for CE consisted of 147,526 and 132,080 records for service sire calving ease (SCE and daughter calving ease (DCE evaluations, respectively. The CE categories were ordered and scores ranged from CE1 to CE5 (CE1, easy; CE2, slight assistance; CE3, moderate assistance; CE4, difficult calving; CE5, extreme difficulty calving. A linear transformation of CE score was obtained on each category using Snell procedure, and a scaling factor was applied to attain the spread between 0 (CE5 and 100% (CE1. A sire-maternal grandsire model analysis was performed using ASREML 3.0 software package. Results The estimated direct heritability (h2 from SCE and DCE evaluations were 0.11±0.01 and 0.08±0.01, respectively. Maternal h2 estimates were 0.05±0.02 and 0.04±0.01 from SCE and DCE approaches, respectively. Estimates of genetic correlations between direct and maternal genetic components were −0.68±0.09 (SCE and −0.71±0.09 (DCE. The average direct genetic effect increased over time, whereas average maternal effect was low and consistent. The estimated direct predicted transmitting ability (PTA was desirable and increasing over time, but the maternal PTA was undesirable and decreasing. Conclusion The evidence on sufficient genetic variances in this study could reflect a possible selection improvement over time regarding ease of calving. It is expected that the estimated genetic parameters could be a valuable resource to formulate sire selection and breeding plans which would be directed towards the reduction of

  5. Hemorragia cerebral secundaria a trombocitopenia por varicela

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    Jairo Lizarazo


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un hombre de 44 años, previamente sano, con varicela, trombocitopenia grave, manifestaciones hemorrágicas en mucosas y una extensa hemorragia cerebral en el hemisferio derecho. Su tratamiento incluyó la transfusión de plaquetas y altas dosis de esteroides. El paciente mejoró, aunque persistieron la hemianopsia homónima izquierda y la epilepsia, tratada con medicación.

  6. Genetic associations between reproductive and linear-type traits of Holstein cows in Brazil


    Almeida, Tatiana Prestes; Kern, Elisandra Lurdes; Daltro, Darlene dos Santos; Braccini Neto, José; McManus, Concepta; Thaler Neto, André; Cobuci, Jaime Araujo


    ABSTRACT This study aimed to estimate heritability, genetic, and residual correlations between reproductive traits such as age at first calving, calving interval, dry period, and first service period and linear type traits measured in Holstein cows born between the years 1990 and 2008 in Brazil. The (co)variance components were estimated by restricted maximum likelihood, using the MTDFREML software. The heritability for reproductive traits and linear-type traits ranged from 0.02 to 0.03 and f...

  7. Efecto de la hormona de crecimiento (GH en el catch-up de ratas con retardo prenatal de crecimiento (RPC

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    Quintero, Fabián


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo analiza los cambios morfométricos en el crecimiento postnatal de ratas RPC tratadas con GH. Ratas Wistar se dividieron en: Control (C, Sham-operado (Sh, RPC y RPC+GH. El RPC fue inducido por ligamiento de las arterias uterinas a los 14 días de gestación. La GH fue administrada desde los 21 hasta los 60 días de edad (Genotropin® 3.0 mg/kg/día. A los animales Sh se les inyectó sólo el diluyente. Los animales se radiografiaron a los 84 días de edad y se relevaron longitudes, anchos y alturas neurocraneana y esplacnocraneana y longitudes y anchos femoral, humeral y tibial, longitud de la columna y anchos pélvico inferior, medio y superior. Los datos fueron procesados mediante análisis de componentes principales (ACP y discriminante (AD. El primer componente del ACP mostró efecto tamaño y el segundo forma, separando los sexos y los tratamientos. Los valores de F del AD fueron altamente significativos. La primera función quedó definida por los anchos pélvico medio y superior y la longitud tibial, explicando el 66% de la varianza. La segunda por el ancho pélvico superior y longitud tibial, explicando un 18% más de la variación total. La longitud tibial discriminó entre sexos y el ancho pélvico superior entre tratamientos. El análisis separó a los RPC de los RPC+GH y agrupó a éstos últimos con los Sh. Se concluye que el tratamiento con GH en animales RPC permite el catch up en tamaño y forma corporal, siendo más efectivo en las hembras.

  8. Body composition of lactating and dry Holstein cows estimated by deuterium dilution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martin, R.A.; Ehle, F.R.


    In three experiments patterns of water turnover and body composition estimated by deuterium oxide were studied in Holstein cows. In the first experiment, four lactating cows were infused with deuterium oxide, and blood samples were taken during 4-d collection. Milking was stopped; cows were reinfused with deuterium oxide and resampled. Slopes of deuterium oxide dilution curves indicated lactating cows turned water over more rapidly than nonlactating cows. In the second experiment with the same four cows, during 4-d collection, deuterium oxide concentrations in milk, urine, and feces showed dilution patterns similar to deuterium oxide in blood. Sampling milk may be an alternative to sampling blood. In the third experiment, 36 Holstein cows were fed 55, 65, or 75% alfalfa, smooth bromegrass, or equal parts of each forage as total mixed rations; remaining portions of rations were a grain mixture. Body composition was estimated at -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 mo postpartum. Empty body water, protein, mineral, fat, and fat percentage decreased from prepartum to postpartum. First calf heifers contained less empty body water, protein, and mineral than older cows. Cows fed diets with 55% forage had more body fat than those fed diets with 75% forage. Cows fed alfalfa-based diets had more gastrointestinal fill regardless of grain than cows fed diets that contained alfalfa and smooth bromegrass. Gastrointestinal fill of cows increased from prepartum to 5 mo postpartum


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    Full Text Available In the organization and development of production activity, which has like result economical efficiency into a cattle farm, the application of viable breeding technologies it’s the best way to obtain positives results.The feeding system of Holstein-Frisian cattle, applied in the Dambovita farms it’s a model can be extended and applied in all the cattle farms, in the same climate and soil conditions, even if the farm dimensions and working organization are different.At the studied farms the cattle don’t paste; the arable land it’s used for perennial and annual fodder culture, that assure the necessary in green forage during the summer and raw material for fibroses and silo-forage preparing. At these farms it isn’t a practice to feed the cattle only with green fodder in the summer period (for milk production but with a balanced quantity of dry substances represented by fibrouses, industrial succulent and wet corn, near by green fodder.One of the reason that assure a big quantity of milk of Holstein-Frisian cattle it is represented by different feeding, depending on milk quantity and physical estate of each cow.An essential condition for a profitable activity of cattle farms is the presence of arable land to assure, at least, the production of base forage, respectively green and succulent forage, silo corn and hay; without this surfaces can’t speak about efficient breeding of cattle in a farm or agricultural exploitation.

  10. Effect of Feeding on Hindgut Fermentation and Microbiota of Holstein Dairy Cows

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    D. J. Song


    Full Text Available The effect of Bacillus subtilis natto on hindgut fermentation and microbiota of early lactation Holstein dairy cows was investigated in this study. Thirty-six Holstein dairy cows in early lactation were randomly allocated to three groups: no B. subtilis natto as the control group, B. subtilis natto with 0.5×1011 cfu as DMF1 group and B. subtilis natto with 1.0×1011 cfu as DMF2 group. After 14 days of adaptation period, the formal experiment was started and lasted for 63 days. Fecal samples were collected directly from the rectum of each animal on the morning at the end of eighth week and placed into sterile plastic bags. The pH, NH3-N and VFA concentration were determined and fecal bacteria DNA was extracted and analyzed by DGGE. The results showed that the addition of B. subtilus natto at either treatment level resulted in a decrease in fecal NH3-N concentration but had no effect on fecal pH and VFA. The DGGE profile revealed that B. subtilis natto affected the population of fecal bacteria. The diversity index of Shannon-Wiener in DFM1 decreased significantly compared to the control. Fecal Alistipes sp., Clostridium sp., Roseospira sp., beta proteobacterium were decreased and Bifidobacterium was increased after supplementing with B. subtilis natto. This study demonstrated that B. subtilis natto had a tendency to change fecal microbiota balance.

  11. Genetic effects of PDGFRB and MARCH1 identified in GWAS revealing strong associations with semen production traits in Chinese Holstein bulls. (United States)

    Liu, Shuli; Yin, Hongwei; Li, Cong; Qin, Chunhua; Cai, Wentao; Cao, Mingyue; Zhang, Shengli


    Using a genome-wide association study strategy, our previous study discovered 19 significant single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) related to semen production traits in Chinese Holstein bulls. Among them, three SNPs were within or close to the phosphodiesterase 3A (PDE3A), membrane associated ring-CH-type finger 1 (MARCH1) and platelet derived growth factor receptor beta (PDGFRB) genes. The present study was designed with the objectives of identifying genetic polymorphism of the PDE3A, PDGFRB and MARCH1 genes and their effects on semen production traits in a Holstein bull population. A total of 20 SNPs were detected and genotyped in 730 bulls. Association analyses using de-regressed estimated breeding values of each semen production trait revealed four statistically significant SNPs for one or more semen production traits (P semen volume per ejaculate. Furthermore, high expression of the MARCH1 gene was observed in sperm cells. One SNP (rs43445726) in the regulatory region of MARCH1 had a significant effect on gene expression. Our study demonstrated the significant associations of genetic variants of the PDGFRB and MARCH1 genes with semen production traits. The identified SNPs may serve as genetic markers to optimize breeding programs for semen production traits in Holstein bull populations.

  12. The SLICK hair locus derived from Senepol cattle confers thermotolerance to intensively managed lactating Holstein cows. (United States)

    Dikmen, S; Khan, F A; Huson, H J; Sonstegard, T S; Moss, J I; Dahl, G E; Hansen, P J


    The SLICK haplotype ( in cattle confers animals with a short and sleek hair coat. Originally identified in Senepol cattle, the gene has been introduced into Holsteins. The objectives of the current study were to determine (1) whether lactating Holsteins with the slick hair phenotype have superior ability for thermoregulation compared with wild-type cows or relatives not inheriting the SLICK haplotype, and (2) whether seasonal depression in milk yield would be reduced in SLICK cows. In experiment 1, diurnal variation in vaginal temperature in the summer was monitored for cows housed in a freestall barn with fans and sprinklers. Vaginal temperatures were lower in slick-haired cows than in relatives and wild-type cows. In experiment 2, acute responses to heat stress were monitored after cows were moved to a dry lot in which the only heat abatement was shade cloth. The increases in rectal temperature and respiration rate caused by heat stress during the day were lower for slick cows than for relatives or wild-type cows. Moreover, sweating rate was higher for slick cows than for cows of the other 2 types. In experiment 3, effects of season of calving (summer vs. winter) on milk yield and composition were determined. Compared with milk yield of cows calving in winter, milk yield during the first 90 d in milk was lower for cows calving in the summer. However, this reduction was less pronounced for slick cows than for wild-type cows. In conclusion, Holsteins with slick hair have superior thermoregulatory ability compared with non-slick animals and experience a less drastic depression in milk yield during the summer. Copyright © 2014 American Dairy Science Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Terapia celular en la necrosis aséptica de la cabeza del fémur en pacientes con drepanocitosis

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    Aymara Maria Baganet-Cobas


    Full Text Available Introducción: La necrosis aséptica de la cabeza femoral (NACF es una causa importante de morbilidad en pacientes jóvenes con drepanocitosis. En su tratamiento ningún método es completamente satisfactorio. Investigaciones recientes sugieren que la terapia celular puede contribuir a la reparación de tejidos como el óseo resultando útiles en el proceso de osteogénesis y angiogénesis. Objetivo: evaluar la utilidad del implante de concentrado de células mononucleares autólogas de médula ósea (CMN-MO en el tratamiento de la NACF en pacientes con drepanocitosis. Método: se incluyeron 18 pacientes, con una edad promedio de 32,8 años (rango entre 21 y 46 años, con un seguimiento mínimo de dos años. A todos se les realizó descompresión de la cabeza femoral por perforación e implante de CMN-MO. A estas células se les cuantificó por citometría de flujo expresión de moléculas CD34, CD45, CD117, HLADR, CD29 y CD14. Resultados: el promedio de viabilidad del concentrado implantado fue del 97%. Fenotípicamente las CMN-MO mostraron un patrón de expresión asociado a poblaciones de células madre adherentes del estroma medular CD34-/CD45-/DR-/CD29+/CD14-/CD117-. Los mejores resultados clínicos y radiográficos se observaron en pacientes en estadios iniciales (I o II de la enfermedad. En 12 caderas (72,9 % tratadas, los pacientes no refirieron ningún dolor a los dos años posteriores al tratamiento. Se obtuvieron buenos resultados radiológicos en siete pacientes (41,2 %. Tres pacientes (17,6 % requirieron el remplazo total de cadera. Conclusiones:el implante de CMN-MO para los primeros estadios de la NACF, es un tratamiento útil en los pacientes con drepanocitosis. El método empleado es relativamente simple y poco costoso.

  14. Prevalencia de fracturas faciales vinculadas con el deporte Prevalence of facial fractures linked to sports practice

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    José Manuel Díaz Fernández


    Full Text Available Se realizó una investigación descriptiva y transversal en 57 pacientes con fracturas faciales adquiridas durante la actividad deportiva, los cuales fueron atendidos en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Provincial "Saturnino Lora" de Santiago de Cuba, en el quinquenio 1992-1996. Este tipo de lesión representó el 6,2 % del total de tratadas en dicho período. En los atletas que jugaban con pelota y practicaban técnicas de combate hubo la mayor prevalencia de estas lesiones, fundamentalmente en los deportes de pelota, boxeo, baloncesto, karate y softbol. El impacto contra otro atleta fue el mecanismo de lesión más frecuente, sobre todo en los grupos de combate y juegos con pelota. Las fracturas de mandíbula dentoalveolares y cigomáticas resultaron ser los patrones de fracturas preponderantes. La conducta terapéutica en estos pacientes no difirió sustancialmente de la aplicada en aquellos con lesiones producidas por otras causas. La restricción de la actividad atlética osciló entre 9 y 15 semanas después del tratamiento inicial. En los atletas de alto rendimiento lesionados se impone establecer las estandarizaciones en su proceso rehabilitador para la toma de decisiones con respecto a su incorporación, tanto a la práctica como a la competencia, lo cual es fundamental en este sentido.A descriptive cross-sectional research study was made on 57 patients with facial fractures suffered during sporting activities. These patients had been seen by the Maxillofacial Surgery Service of "Saturnino Lara" provincial hospital in Santiago de Cuba from 1992 to 1996 and this type of lesions represented 6.2% of the fractures treated in this period of time. These lesions were more prevailing in athletes who mainly played ball sports, boxing, basketball, karate and softball. The collision with another sportsman was the most frequent injure mechanism fundamentally fight and ball sports. Dentoalveolar and zygomatic mandibular fractures

  15. Ingenieria tisular para el tratamiento de las lesiones osteocondrales


    Pescador Hernández, David


    [ES] El objetivo de esta tesis es evaluar de forma comparativa la eficacia de la ingeniería tisular con un hidrogel proteico y células madre mesenquimales humanas en el tratamiento de un defecto osteocondral en un modelo de xenotransplante en un conejo. También se pretende estudiar la viabilidad del hidrogel como soporte para la terapia celular con células mesenquimales, evaluar los resultados radiológicos, comparando las rodillas tratadas con células madre mesenquimales humanas y sin ell...

  16. Estudios de laboratorio sobre la conservación de la piedra de la Catedral de Murcia (1)


    Esbert, R. M.; Grossi, C. M.; Valdeon, L.; Ordaz, J.; Alonso, F. J.; Marcos, R. M.


    En el presente trabajo se recogen los resultados de una serie de experimentos de laboratorio realizados con la caliza bioclástica utilizada en la construcción de la catedral de Murcia, con el fin de conocer la idoneidad de ciertos productos de tratamiento que eventualmente podrían aplicarse a dicha piedra para mejorar su estado de conservación. Además, se compara el comportamiento, frente a diversos ensayos de envejecimiento artificial acelerado, de la piedra sin tratar y tratada con...

  17. Teleoperación de un robot mindstorm mediante técnicas de visión artificial


    Méndez Rodríguez, Eduardo


    Las tres partes tratadas son la teleoperacióon (principalmente con comunicaciones mediante bluetooth), la visión arti cial para elementos móviles en tiempo real y proyectos realizados con el Mindstorm NXT. Hay que destacar que en los dos primeros campos hay innumerables aplicaciones debido a que ambos campos siguen hoy en día bajo invetigación en busca de lograr mejoras tecnológicas, también los proyectos con el Mindstorm están creciendo exponencialmente, mayormente debido a...

  18. Joint genome-wide association study for milk fatty acid traits in Chinese and Danish Holstein populations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Xiujin; Buitenhuis, Albert Johannes; Lund, Mogens Sandø


    is highly consistent between the Chinese and Danish Holstein populations, such that a joint genome-wide association study (GWAS) can be performed. In this study, a joint GWAS was performed for 16 milk FA traits based on data of 784 Chinese and 371 Danish Holstein cows genotyped by a high-density bovine...... different effects in the 2 populations. Ten FA were influenced by a quantitative trait loci (QTL) region including DGAT1. Both C14:1 and the C14 index were influenced by a QTL region including SCD1 in the combined population. Other QTL regions also showed significant associations with the studied FA....... A large region (14.9–24.9 Mbp) in BTA26 significantly influenced C14:1 and the C14 index in both populations, mostly likely due to the SNP in SCD1. A QTL region (69.97–73.69 Mbp) on BTA9 showed a significantly different effect on C18:0 between the 2 populations. Detection of these important SNP...

  19. Contenido de ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA en leche de ganado lechero Holstein estabulado en el noroeste de México

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    Alfonso Martínez-Borraz


    Full Text Available Estudios en animales experimentales señalan que el ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA por sus siglas en inglés, posee propiedades benéficas para la salud. Los productos derivados de rumiantes como carne y leche son la mayor fuente natural de CLA, y su contenido en leche puede ser influenciado por varios factores como la alimentación y el sistema de producción. Este trabajo evalúo el contenido de CLA en leche de vacas Holstein estabuladas en el municipio de Hermosillo, Sonora durante el verano, donde se registran temperaturas superiores a los 40 °C. Se obtuvieron muestras de leche de 120 vacas. El perfil de ácidos grasos y CLA en leche fueron determinados por cromatografía de gases. La producción promedio de leche fue 15.8 ± 0.5 kg/día, con 1.91 ± 0.06 % de grasa, 4.30 ± 0.2 % de lactosa, 3.34 ± 0.03 % de proteína, y de 10.4 ± 0.09 % de sólidos totales. El contenido de ácidos grasos insaturados fue mayor (P<0.05 en agosto, respecto a los meses de junio y julio. La concentración promedio del isómero cis- 9, trans-11 CLA encontrada fue de 9.36 mg/g de grasa (junio 10.78 ± 0.41, julio 8.50 ± 0.37 y agosto 10.16 ± 0.39, considerada alta y equiparable a lo reportado en otros países con clima templado. La cantidad de CLA en leche puede ser atribuida a la dieta por la presencia del 58.8 % de alfalfa, rica en ácidos grasos precursores del CLA (linoleico y linolénico durante el verano.

  20. Atenuación del efecto hepatotóxico del tetracloruro de carbono en ratas tratadas con Polypodium polypodiodes

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    Isis B Bermúdez Camps


    Full Text Available Se comprobó experimentalmente en ratas la utilidad del Polypodium polypodiodes en la atenuación del efecto hepatotóxico provocado por el tetracloruro de carbono, que origina un incremento del nivel de los peróxidos lipídicos y las transaminasas sanguíneas. Se logró una disminución de la transaminasa glutamicopirúvica por debajo de los niveles normales con la administración del extracto de la planta a una dosis de 300 mg/kg de peso corporal. Los peróxidos lipídicos y la transaminasa glutamicooxalacética reducen su actividad, pero no notablemente, lo cual evidencia que el daño hepático persiste a pesar de la recuperación parcial. Los resultados fueron confirmados por un estudio anatomopatológico. Se determinó la toxicidad aguda por vía oral del extracto de la planta y se observó que la DL50 se encuentra por encima de 1 g/kg, por lo que puede considerarse esta preparación como relativamente inocua en los animales de experimentación.The benefits of Polypodium polypodiodes in reducing hepatotoxic effects caused by carbon tetrachloride which gives rise to increased level of lipid peroxides and blood transaminase were tested in rats under lab conditions. Glutamicpiruvic trnnsaminane level was lower tham the normal lavels due to the administration of a 300 mg/kg dosege of the plant extract. The activities of both lipid peroxides and glutamicoxalacetic transaminase were reduced but not in a remarkable way showing that the hepatic damage is still present despite the partial recovery. The results were confirmed using and anatomytological study. Lidewise, acute toxicity resulted from oral administration of plant extrac was determined. It was observed that DL50 level was over 1g/kg, so this preparation may be considered relatively harmless in lab animals.

  1. Case-control approach application for finding a relationship between candidate genes and clinical mastitis in Holstein dairy cattle. (United States)

    Bagheri, Masoumeh; Moradi-Sharhrbabak, M; Miraie-Ashtiani, R; Safdari-Shahroudi, M; Abdollahi-Arpanahi, R


    Mastitis is a major source of economic loss in dairy herds. The objective of this research was to evaluate the association between genotypes within SLC11A1 and CXCR1 candidate genes and clinical mastitis in Holstein dairy cattle using the selective genotyping method. The data set contained clinical mastitis records of 3,823 Holstein cows from two Holstein dairy herds located in two different regions in Iran. Data included the number of cases of clinical mastitis per lactation. Selective genotyping was based on extreme values for clinical mastitis residuals (CMR) from mixed model analyses. Two extreme groups consisting of 135 cows were formed (as cases and controls), and genotyped for the two candidate genes, namely, SLC11A1 and CXCR1, using polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) and polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP), respectively. Associations between single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotypes with CMR and breeding values for milk and protein yield were carried out by applying logistic regression analyses, i.e. estimating the probability of the heterogeneous genotype in the dependency of values for CMR and breeding values (BVs). The sequencing results revealed a novel mutation in 1139 bp of exon 11 of the SLC11A1 gene and this SNP had a significant association with CMR (P G and these genotypes had significant relationships with CMR. Overall, the results showed that SLC11A1 and CXCR1 are valuable candidate genes for the improvement of mastitis resistance as well as production traits in dairy cattle populations.

  2. Genetic relationships between body condition score and reproduction traits in Canadian Holstein and Ayrshire first-parity cows. (United States)

    Bastin, C; Loker, S; Gengler, N; Sewalem, A; Miglior, F


    The objective of this study was to investigate the genetic relationship between body condition score (BCS) and reproduction traits for first-parity Canadian Ayrshire and Holstein cows. Body condition scores were collected by field staff several times over the lactation in herds from Québec, and reproduction records (including both fertility and calving traits) were extracted from the official database used for the Canadian genetic evaluation of those herds. For each breed, six 2-trait animal models were run; they included random regressions that allowed the estimation of genetic correlations between BCS over the lactation and reproduction traits that are measured as a single lactation record. Analyses were undertaken on data from 108 Ayrshire herds and 342 Holstein herds. Average daily heritabilities of BCS were close to 0.13 for both breeds; these relatively low estimates might be explained by the high variability among herds and BCS evaluators. Genetic correlations between BCS and interval fertility traits (days from calving to first service, days from first service to conception, and days open) were negative and ranged between -0.77 and -0.58 for Ayrshire and between -0.31 and -0.03 for Holstein. Genetic correlations between BCS and 56-d nonreturn rate at first insemination were positive and moderate. The trends of these genetic correlations over the lactation suggest that a genetically low BCS in early lactation would increase the number of days that the primiparous cow was not pregnant and would decrease the chances of the primiparous cow to conceive at first service. Genetic correlations between BCS and calving traits were generally the strongest at calving and decreased with increasing days in milk. The correlation between BCS at calving and maternal calving ease was 0.21 for Holstein and 0.31 for Ayrshire and emphasized the relationship between fat cows around calving and dystocia. Genetic correlations between calving traits and BCS during the subsequent

  3. Anti-TNF: Novel treatment in ocular sarcoidosis


    Escudero Bodenlle, Laura; Olea Vallejo, José Luis; Pons Crespí, Mateu; Aragón Roca, Juan Antonio; Costa-Jordao, Cátia; Tarragó Pérez, Ramón


    Obejtivo: Se pretende demostrar la utilidad de la angiografía con fluoresceína y verde de indocianina en el diagnóstico y manejo de la sarcoidosis ocular, así como la utilidad de los fármacos biológicos en esta patología. Métodos: Para ello, se presenta un caso clínico de sarcoidosis sistémica y ocular tratada durante años con corticoides e inmunomoduladores, con mal control de la enfermedad. La principal afectación era la del segmento posterior del ojo, con numerosos signos en coroides y ret...

  4. Armazenamento de sementes de braquiária peletizadas e tratadas com fungicida e inseticida Brachiaria coated seed storage treated with fungicide and insecticide

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    Carlos Eduardo Pereira


    Full Text Available A qualidade de sementes é fundamental para o sucesso da formação de pastagem, de forma que é importante viabilizar tecnologias para elas. Assim, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o desempenho de sementes de Brachiaria decumbens peletizadas e tratadas com fungicida e inseticida, durante o armazenamento. As sementes foram tratadas com thiabendazol na dosagem de 200mL 100kg-1 de sementes, com fipronil na dosagem de 500mL 100kg-1 de sementes e com a mistura de ambos (nas mesmas dosagens e parte não foi submetida a esses tratamentos (testemunha. Posteriormente, as sementes foram peletizadas utilizando-se uma mistura de areia + microcelulose e cola Cascorex - PVA (20%, as quais em seguida foram armazenadas em condições ambientais em armazém convencional (temperatura e umidade relativa do ar média de 21,9°C e 68%, respectivamente, durante 12 meses. As sementes foram avaliadas inicialmente e a cada quatro meses com as seguintes avaliações: teor de água, teste de germinação, índice de velocidade de germinação, teste de emergência e índice de velocidade de emergência. A peletização das sementes de Brachiaria decumbens com areia e microcelulose prejudica a porcentagem e velocidade de germinação, bem como a emergência de plântulas durante o armazenamento. Sementes de Brachiaria decumbens cv. 'Basilisk' tratadas com fipronil, thiabendazol, ou com ambos, não devem ser armazenadas por mais de oito meses.The quality of seed is crucial to the success of pasture formation. Thus the aim of this research was to evaluate the performance of Brachiaria decumbens seeds pelleted and treated with fungicides and insecticides during storage. The seeds were treated with thiabendazole at a dosage of 200mL 100kg-1 of seeds, with fipronil at a dosage of 500mL 100kg-1 of seeds and a mixture of both (in the same dosages and some was not subjected to such treatment (control. Subsequently the seeds were coated using a mixture of sand

  5. Dry matter intake and feed efficiency profiles of 3 genotypes of Holstein-Friesian within pasture-based systems of milk production. (United States)

    Coleman, J; Berry, D P; Pierce, K M; Brennan, A; Horan, B


    The primary objective of the study was to quantify the effect of genetic improvement using the Irish total merit index (Economic Breeding Index) on dry matter intake and feed efficiency across lactation and to quantify the variation in performance among alternative definitions of feed efficiency. Three genotypes of Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle were established from within the Moorepark dairy research herd: 1) low Economic Breeding Index North American Holstein-Friesian representative of the Irish national average dairy cow, 2) high genetic merit North American Holstein-Friesian, and 3) high genetic merit New Zealand Holstein-Friesian. Animals from within each genotype were randomly allocated to 1 of 2 possible intensive pasture-based feed systems: 1) the Moorepark pasture system (2.64 cows/ha and 500 kg of concentrate supplement per cow per lactation) and 2) a high output per hectare pasture system (2.85 cows/ha and 1,200 kg of concentrate supplement per cow per lactation). A total of 128 and 140 spring-calving dairy cows were used during the years 2007 and 2008, respectively. Each group had an individual farmlet of 17 paddocks, and all groups were managed similarly throughout the study. The effects of genotype, feed system, and the interaction between genotype and feed system on dry matter intake, milk production, body weight, body condition score, and different definitions of feed efficiency were studied using mixed models with factorial arrangements of genotypes and feed systems accounting for the repeated cow records across years. No significant genotype-by-feed-system interactions were observed for any of the variables measured. Results showed that aggressive selection using the Irish Economic Breeding Index had no effect on dry matter intake across lactation when managed on intensive pasture-based systems of milk production, although the ranking of genotypes for feed efficiency differed depending on the definition of feed efficiency used. Performance of

  6. Association of bovine leptin polymorphisms with energy output and energy storage traits in progeny tested Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle sires (United States)


    Background Leptin modulates appetite, energy expenditure and the reproductive axis by signalling via its receptor the status of body energy stores to the brain. The present study aimed to quantify the associations between 10 novel and known single nucleotide polymorphisms in genes coding for leptin and leptin receptor with performance traits in 848 Holstein-Friesian sires, estimated from performance of up to 43,117 daughter-parity records per sire. Results All single nucleotide polymorphisms were segregating in this sample population and none deviated (P > 0.05) from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Complete linkage disequilibrium existed between the novel polymorphism LEP-1609, and the previously identified polymorphisms LEP-1457 and LEP-580. LEP-2470 associated (P body condition score, reduced milk yield and shorter gestation (P fertility in the Holstein-Friesian dairy cow. PMID:20670403

  7. Effects of calcium salts of polyunsaturated fatty acids on productive and reproductive parameters of lactating Holstein cows. (United States)

    Reis, M M; Cooke, R F; Ranches, J; Vasconcelos, J L M


    Two experiments evaluated milk production, serum progesterone and insulin, and reproductive performance of lactating Holstein cows receiving or not receiving Ca salts of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), or receiving Ca salts of PUFA at different daily frequencies. In experiment 1, 1,125 cows randomly distributed in 10 freestall barns were enrolled. Barns were assigned randomly to receive a high-concentrate diet containing (PF) or not containing (control, CON) 1.1% (dry matter basis) Ca salts of PUFA. Diets were offered 6 times daily, whereas the Ca salts of PUFA were included in the PF treatment in the first feeding of the day. In experiment 2, 1,572 cows were randomly distributed in 10 freestall barns, which were assigned randomly to receive a diet similar to PF, but with Ca salts of PUFA included only in the first feeding of the day (PF1X), or equally distributed across all 6 feedings (PF6X). During both experiments, cows were artificially inseminated 12 h after the onset of estrus. Once per month, cows that did not conceive to artificial insemination were assigned to a fixed-time embryo transfer protocol. Pregnancy was determined via transrectal ultrasonography 28 and 60 d after expected ovulation. Pregnancy loss was considered in cows that were pregnant on d 28 but nonpregnant on d 60. During both experiments, feed intake, milk yield, and milk protein and fat content were recorded weekly. Blood samples were collected concurrently with embryo transfer. During experiment 1, feed intake was similar between treatments. Compared with CON, PF cows had greater milk yield (37.8 vs. 35.3 kg/d), and reduced milk fat content (3.41 vs. 3.55%). However, PF cows had reduced pregnancy losses per service compared with CON (12.6 vs. 18.3%). Serum progesterone was greater and serum insulin tended to be greater in primiparous cows receiving PF compared with CON cohorts (4.50 vs. 3.67 ng of progesterone/mL, and 10.4 vs. 7.5 µUI of insulin/mL). During experiment 2, no treatment

  8. Influence of dietary nonstructural carbohydrate concentration on growth performance and carcass characteristics of Holstein steers. (United States)

    Ramos-Aviña, Daniel; Plascencia, Alejandro; Zinn, Richard


    Since very little information exists about the topic; in this experiment we compare, in a long-term finishing program, the growth-performance responses and carcass characteristics of Holstein steers where non-structural carbohydrate concentration of the diet is reduced from 64% to 51% (dry matter basis). Sixty Holstein steer calves (129±2.2 kg) were blocked by initial weight into five groups and randomly assigned within weight groupings to 10 pens. Calves were fed with a steam-flaked corn-based finishing diets containing 51% higher fiber (HF) or 64% lower fiber (LF) nonstructural carbohydrates. Non-structural carbohydrates concentrations were manipulated substituting dried distiller grain with solubles and alfalfa hay for flaked corn. Cattle were weighed every 112 days and at the end of the experiment (day 308) when the cattle were harvested and carcass characteristics were evaluated. Steers fed the HF diet showed improvement (8.8%) in average daily gain (ADG) during the initial 112-d period. This effect was followed by a numerical trend for greater ADG throughout the remainder of the study so that overall ADG tended to be greater (4.9%, p = 0.06) for the HF than for LF. There were no treatment effects on dry matter intake. Gain efficiency and estimated dietary net energy (NE) were greater 8.3% and 5.2%, respectively for HF during the initial 112-d period. Overall (308-d) gain efficiency and estimated dietary NE were similar for both dietary treatments. However, due to differences in tabular dietary NE, the ratio of observed:expected dietary NE tended to be greater (4.1%, p = 0.06) for the HF vs LF diet. There were no treatment effects on carcass characteristics except for a tendency toward a slightly greater (0.5%, p = 0.09) estimated carcass yield. Reducing the non-structural carbohydrate concentration of a conventional steam-flaked corn-based growing finishing diet for Holstein steers can effectively enhance growth performance, particularly during the early


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    Marco Martínez


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue cuantificar la diversidad genética entre 16 subpoblaciones raciales bovinas de Costa Rica, con base en 1412 muestras de ADN bovino de todo el país, evaluadas mediante 18 marcadores microsatélites. El número promedio de alelos (Na por locus dentro de raza fue de 10,3, que varían entre 8 (Holstein×Jersey y 13 (Criolla para doble propósito. El número promedio de alelos efectivo (Ne fue de 5,04, con cambios entre 4,18 (Jersey y 5,64 (Bos taurus×Bos indicus. La heterocigosidad observada promedio fue de 0,77, variando entre 0,73 (Jersey y 0,81 (Bos taurus×Bos indicus. La heterocigosidad esperada (He promedio fue de 0,78, que oscilan entre 0,74 (Jersey y Holstein×Jersey y 0,81 (Bos taurus×Bos indicus, Criolla para doble propósito y Cruces para doble propósito. El contenido de información polimórfica (PIC fue de 0,76, con variaciones entre 0,71 (Jersey y Holstein×Jersey y 0,79 (Criollas para doble propósito y Cruces para doble propósito. El FIS promedio fue de 0,02, con oscilaciones entre -0,03 (Holstein×Jersey a 0,04 (Brahman, Criolla para carne y Cruces para leche. La desviación del equilibrio Hardy Weinberg no fue significativa (p>0,05 en la mayoría de los loci para las subpoblaciones raciales. El subgrupo con mayor número de loci en desequilibrio fue Jersey (8 loci, mientras que los subgrupos Bos taurus×Bos indicus, Criolla para leche y Holstein×Jersey presentaron solo 1 locus en desequilibrio. Los índices de fijación FIS (0,02, FIT (0,05 y FST (0,03 indicaron cierta tendencia hacia la homocigosidad. Los dendrogramas mostraron 3 agrupaciones raciales claramente diferenciadas que coinciden con las razas de origen Bos taurus, Bos indicus y sus respectivos cruces. Los resultados del análisis indicaron que el número de microsatélites empleados sí permitió establecer una discriminación clara a nivel de las frecuencias alélicas y en la distribución del tamaño de los alelos entre las

  10. The production performance of Holstein Friesian dairy cattle in West Java

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    P Mahyudin


    Full Text Available The production performance of Holstein-Friesian cows in West Java was evaluated in two areas, Cisarua district (Bogor and Tanjungsari district (Sumedang. In Cisarua the evaluation was made on 175 cows with different stage of lactation (2 - 11 months. Feed offered, both forage and concentrate, milk production and chess girth were measured from each animal for 24 h only. Date of calving, date of service and stage of pregnancy were recorded by interviewing the farmers . In Tanjungsari the study was conducted on 102 postpartum cows . Milk production and chess girth were measured at the beginning of the study and then once a month (morning and afternoon milking for 3 months. Milk production was 3,700 1 and 3,400 1 per lactation with declining rate of 0 .03 and 0 .05 1/d for Cisarua and Tanjungsari area respectively. The ratio of concentrate : forage consumption was 1 and 1 .4 in Cisarua and in Tanjungsari respectively, and the ratio was reduced as milk production declined . The efficiency of conversion of feed ME to milk yield was approximately the same (0.12 1/MJ in both location . The proportion of cows lost weight in Cisarua during the first three months was lower (46 % as compared to that in Sumedang (77 %. Approximately 68 % of the population have conception rate (CR > 50 % , the remaining should be culled, 24 % have low CR and 8 % have days open > 150 days . From 61 cows observed, 71 % and 21% have a projected calving interval of 12 months and 13 - 14 months respectively . It can be concluded that milk production and reproduction efficiency of Holstein'cows in West Java are considered low.

  11. Evaluation of genetic components in traits related to superovulation, in vitro fertilization, and embryo transfer in Holstein cattle (United States)

    The objectives of this study were to estimate variance components and identify regions of the genome associated with traits related to embryo transfer in Holsteins. Reproductive technologies are used in the dairy industry to increase the reproductive rate of superior females. A drawback of these met...

  12. Overlap in genomic variation associated with milk fat composition in Holstein Friesian and Dutch native dual-purpose breeds

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maurice - Van Eijndhoven, M.H.T.; Bovenhuis, H.; Veerkamp, R.F.; Calus, M.P.L.


    The aim of this study was to identify if genomic variations associated with fatty acid (FA) composition are similar between the Holstein-Friesian (HF) and native dual-purpose breeds used in the Dutch dairy industry. Phenotypic and genotypic information were available for the breeds Meuse-Rhine-Yssel


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    Rafael Oliveira Batista


    Full Text Available El método de riego localizado, ha sido usado para la aplicación de aguas residuales, debido a la elevada eficiencia en la aplicación del fluido y el bajo riesgo de contaminación del producto agrícola y de los operadores de campo. Sin embargo, los sistemas de riego localizado, poseen emisores que presentan alta susceptibilidad al taponamiento. En el presente trabajo, se analizó el potencial de taponamiento de distintos goteros y del filtro de discos con agua residual sanitaria proveniente de una laguna de maduración, para lo cual, se instaló una plataforma de ensayo con tres modelos de goteros en un filtro de disco de 120 mallas. Análisis físicos, químicos y microbiológicos del agua residual sanitaria tratada fueron realizados, así como evaluaciones de uniformidad de aplicación de agua y del desempeño del sistema de filtración. De los resultados obtenidos, se concluyó que el agua residual sanitaria tratada, presentó un elevado riesgo de taponamiento, tanto de goteros como del filtro de discos; lo que repercutió en una considerable disminución de la uniformidad de la aplicación de agua, siendo la formación de biofilme, el principal factor de taponamiento de goteros. La presencia de partículas orgánicas en el fluido, interfirió en el desempeño del filtro de discos, por lo tanto, el agua residual sanitaria tratada, debe ser sometida a tratamiento químico o biológico para su aplicación a cultivos agrícolas por goteo y periodos de tiempo superiores a 200 horas.The method of trickle irrigation has been used for wastewater application due to its high effluent application efficiency and the low risk of contamination of agricultural products and field operators. However, the trickle irrigation systems have emitters that showed high susceptibility to clogging. This study aimed to analyze the obstruction potential of different drip emitters and filter discs with sewage from a maturation pond. To do so, it was set up bench to

  14. Influence of osmotic pre-treatment on convective drying of yellow pitahaya

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    Alfredo Ayala-Aponte


    Full Text Available Cilindros de pitahayas fueron osmóticamente deshidratados en sa carosa 55 % (p/p durante 45 minutos como un pre-tratamiento al secado convectivo. El secado por aire caliente se realizó a 50, 60 y 70ºC. Se comparó la cinética de secado de las muestras osmodeshidratadas con las muestras no tratadas. Se determinaron los coeficientes de difusión efectiva. Los valores de la energ ía de activación fueron 29.56 y 16.93 kJ mol -1 para las muestras pre-tratadas y para las no tratadas, respect ivamente. Se aplicó modelado matemático para simular las curvas experimentales de secado de las pitahayas. Los resultados indicaron que el modelo de Weibul l podría ser usado para simular los datos de secado experimental. Además , el encogimiento de las muestras debido a cambios en el volume n fue más pronunciado en las muestras sin pretratar.

  15. Anatomia foliar de soja infectada por Phakopsora pachyrhizi H. Sydow & Sydow e tratadas com extratos vegetais Leaf anatomy of soybean infected with Phakopsora pachyrhizi H. Sydow & Sydow and treated with plant extracts

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    R.M. Mussury


    Full Text Available Folhas de Glycine max (L. Merril,infectadas pelo fungo Phakopsora pachyrhizi H. Sydow & Sydow e tratadas com extratos vegetais foram avaliadas, visando determinar in vivo as modificações anatômicas nas diferentes estruturas/tecidos foliares, além de reconhecer prováveis mecanismos de defesa. Folhas de soja cultivar 181 provenientes do quinto nó foram inoculadas com fungo e tratadas com diferentes extratos vegetais, água e álcool 70%. Para comparação foram analisadas a anatomia das folhas sadia e infectada e realizadas medidas nas estruturas/tecidos foliares. Na folha infectada, observou-se destruição da epiderme e parênquima lacunoso, visível proliferação de tricomas e cutícula espessada, principalmente na face abaxial. Observou-se a presença de compostos fenólicos nas células da epiderme quando rompida, em função do crescimento micelial. Nas folhas infectadas e tratadas com os extratos vegetais de Azadirachta indica, Maytenus ilicifolia e Allium sativum, as estruturas/tecidos vegetais apresentaram aumento de espessura por alongamento celular.Glycine max (L. Merril leaves, infected by the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi H. Sydow & Sydow and treated with plant extracts, were evaluated with the aim of determining in vivo the anatomical modifications in different leaf structures and of identifying probable defense mechanisms. Leaves from the 181 soybean cultivar originated from the fifth node were inoculated with the fungus and treated with different plant extracts, water and alcohol at 70%. For comparison, the anatomy of the healthy and infected leaves was analyzed and the leaf structures were measured. In the infected leaf, there was destruction of the epidermis and lacunar parenchyma, apparent trichome proliferation and denser cuticle, especially on the abaxial surface. There were also phenolic compounds in ruptured epidermis cells, due to mycelium growth. In the infected leaves treated with Azadirachta indica, Maytenus

  16. Empleo de polímeros naturales como alternativa para la remediación de suelos contaminados por metales pesados


    CARTAYA, Omar E.; REYNALDO, Inés; PENICHE, Carlos; GARRIDO, María. L.


    En este trabajo se realizaron ensayos para estudiar la absorción y la distribución de metales pesados (Cu) en plántulas de tomates tratadas con polímeros naturales (oligogalacturónidos, Ogal) cultivadas en un medio con niveles tóxicos de cobre. También se analizaron los metales asimilables en el suelo con el fin de determinar el efecto residual y la movilidad de estos elementos. Los resultados evidenciaron que el empleo de la mezcla de oligogalacturónidos contrarresta el efecto de la toxicida...

  17. Fracturas de cadera y diáfisis femoral ipsilaterales


    García de Quevedo Puerta, D.; Sesma Solis, P. J.; Fernandez Garcia, L.; Fernández de Córdova, G.


    Se aportan 10 casos de fracturas de cadera y diáfisis femoral ipsilaterales tratados quirúrgicamente de forma diferida con un tiempo medio de demora de 12 días (rango: 3 a 22 días). Nueve fracturas diafisarias fueron tratadas con placa AO de fémur, y una, donde la fractura de cadera asociada pasó inicialmente inadvertida, mediante un clavo de Küntscher. Las fracturas de cadera se fijaron con tornillos de esponjosa (8 casos) o clavo-placa de Richards (2 casos). En todos los paci...

  18. Comparison digestibility and protozoa population of Khuzestan water buffalo and Holstein cow. (United States)

    Jabari, Safora; Eslami, Moosa; Chaji, Morteza; Mohammadabadi, Tahereh; Bojarpour, Mohammad


    The major aim of this study was to compare the morphology and activity of rumen protozoa of Khuzestan water buffalo and Holstein cow using in vitro digestibility and gas production parameters of steam treated sugarcane pith. Rumen fluid obtained from two buffalo and cow steers fed the same diet, 30:70 concentrate: forage. To separate rumen protozoa, antibiotic solution and fungicides were added to rumen fluid. The results of present experiment indicated that the neutral detergent fiber (NDF; 7.8 vs. 1.69%) and acid detergent fiber (ADF; 6.24 vs. 3.24%) digestibility of steam treated sugarcane pith by rumen protozoal population of Khuzestan buffalo was higher than those of cow (p < 0.05). Also, digestibility of dry matter, NDF and ADF by whole buffalo micro-organisms was more than those in cow (p < 0.05). The results indicated that the potential of gas production of sugarcane pith by rumen protozoa in water buffalo was more than that of cow (p < 0.05). Total rumen ciliate protozoa numbers in water buffalo were significantly higher than those of cow (3.68 × 10(5) vs. 2.18 × 10(5) mL(-1) of rumen content) (p < 0.05). The number of Diplodinium in buffalo was more than that of cow (41.27 vs. 35.7% of total rumen protozoa, respectively). Percentage of Entodinium, Epidinium, Ophryoscolex and Isotricha in cow was more than those of buffalo. Therefore, in the same diet, protozoa and total rumen micro-organisms of Khuzestan water buffalo have higher digestion activity compared to Holstein cow.

  19. Bioclimatic influence of extension of white and black coat color on Holstein cows production in a hot tropical climate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manrique P, Luis Phanor


    Was determined the influence of the white and black hair coat percentage in Holstein cows managed under hot climate condition at the San Jose del Hato farm, located in Palmira, Cauca Valley, Colombia. Three categories or classes of hair score were established, according to the white color distribution and with three observers it was determined the relative frequency of cows within each color category; the productive data were studied through an Anova using the least squares means method and Ducan test for means separation. The results were in agreement with the effect of color categories in the 305 days of milk production and in the total milk production (p < 0.05), being the best producer the cows group with 40 - 60 % white hair coats. These results showed the influence of the hair coat surface over the productive capability of Holstein cattle for selection programs in tropical conditions of hot climates

  20. Effect of sexed-semen use on Holstein conception rate, calf sex, dystocia, and stillbirth in the United States (United States)

    Most artificial-insemination organizations in the United States now market sex-sorted semen. For 10.8 million US Holstein breedings with conventional semen since January 2006 and 122,705 sexed-semen breedings, data were available from all breedings for conception rate, 12 and 9% of breedings for cal...

  1. The hunt for a functional mutation affecting conformation and calving traits on chromosome 18 in Holstein cattle (United States)

    Sequence data from 11 US Holstein bulls were analyzed to identify putative causal mutations associated with calving and conformation traits. The SNP ARS-BFGL-NGS-109285 at 57,589,121 bp (UMD 3.1 assembly) on BTA18 has large effects on 4 measures of body shape and size, 2 measures of dystocia, longev...

  2. Heat stress effects on Holstein dairy cows' rumination. (United States)

    Moretti, R; Biffani, S; Chessa, S; Bozzi, R


    The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between temperature-humidity index (THI) and rumination time (RT) in order to possibly exploit it as a useful tool for animal welfare improvement. During summer 2015 (1 June to 31 August), data from an Italian Holstein dairy farm located in the North of Italy were collected along with environmental data (i.e. ambient temperature and relative humidity) recorded with a weather station installed inside the barn. Rumination data were collected through the Heatime® HR system (SCR Engineers Ltd., Hadarim, Netanya, Israel), an automatic system composed of a neck collar with a Tag that records the RT and activity of each cow. A significant negative correlation was observed between RT and THI. Mixed linear models were fitted, including animal and test day as random effects, and parity, milk production level and date of last calving as fixed effects. A statistically significant effect of THI on RT was identified, with RT decreasing as THI increased.

  3. preescolares desnutridos con madres con obesidad y sin obesidad

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    Viridiana Vanessa Conzuelo-González


    Full Text Available El primer objetivo fue conocer cuántos menores de cinco años con diferentes grados de desnutrición tienen una madre con sobrepeso/obesidad/ en una comunidad indígena que vive en extrema pobreza y bajo condiciones de migración masculina internacional. El segundo fue comparar tres variables socionutricionales (ingreso familiar, educación de la madre y adecuación nutrimental de la dieta diaria entre estos hogares y los hogares con desnutrición infantil y madres sin obesidad. Se realizó un estudio transversal (2006-2007, en la comunidad mazahua de San Francisco Tepeolulco, Municipio de Temascalcingo; que incluyó a 85 hogares integrados por preescolares con desnutrición inscritos al programa Oportunidades. Se determinó el estado nutrición de los preescolares con indicadores antropométricos y se obtuvo el IMC de las madres de estos infantes. Se aplicó una encuesta socionutricional, incluida el recordatorio de 24 horas, y complementado con la observación participante (cualitativa. Se encontró que 83% de las madres mazahuas presentaron sobrepeso u obesidad. El estado de nutrición de los preescolares con madres con obesidad presentó un porcentaje mayor de desnutrición (76%. En la variable género, se encontró que 54% de los niños con madres con obesidad tenía baja talla. Al relacionar el nivel educativo de la madre, esta variable resultó ser estadísticamente significativa (p=0.015, donde el analfabetismo está más relacionado con la desnutrición infantil que tienen madres de bajo y/o peso normal. La elevada prevalencia de hogares conformados con preescolares con desnutrición y madres con obesidad, es un síntoma más de la pobreza en zonas indígenas en México, con bajo índice de desarrollo humano.

  4. Nutrient Digestibility and Performances of Frisian Holstein Calves Fed with Pennisetum purpureum and Inoculated with Buffalo’s Rumen Bacteria

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    I. Prihantoro


    Full Text Available Buffalo’s rumen bacteria (BRB are potential in digesting fiber feed. BRB already adapted well with low quality forages and agricultural byproducts. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of buffalo’s rumen bacteria (BRB consortium inoculated into preweaning Frisian Holstein calves on nutrient digestibility, physiological status, mineral uptake, and blood profile. This study used 14 isolates of bacteria isolated from rumen fluid of four local buffalos. The research units consisted of seven Frisian Holstein calves at two weeks old with the average body weight of 43.6±4.5 kg. Calves were inoculated with 20 mL of buffalo’s rumen bacteria isolates [4.56 x 109 cfu/mL] every morning for 10 weeks. The calves were divided into two groups i.e., three calves received bacterial inoculation and four calves without any inoculation. The variables which were analyzed in the preweaning and weaning period were feed intake, digestibility, average daily gain (ADG, feed conversion ratio (FCR, rumen fermentation characteristics, body weight, physiological status, blood profile, and mineral status. Data were analyzed statistically using t-test. The results showed that inoculation of buffalo’s rumen bacteria into Frisian Holstein calves effectively increased feed intake, characteristics of leukocytes and neutrophils, and cobalt (Co uptake during the weaning period. Inoculation of rumen bacteria improved rumen pH during preweaning and weaning periods. Inoculation of rumen bacteria also had no negative effects on digestibility, feed conversion (FCR, average daily gain (ADG, and physiological status.

  5. Molecular cloning, purification, expression, and characterization of β-1, 4-endoglucanase gene ( from sp. isolated from Holstein steers’ rumen

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    Tansol Park


    Full Text Available Objective This study was conducted to isolate the cellulolytic microorganism from the rumen of Holstein steers and characterize endoglucanase gene (Cel5A from the isolated microorganism. Methods To isolate anaerobic microbes having endoglucanase, rumen fluid was obtained from Holstein steers fed roughage diet. The isolated anaerobic bacteria had 98% similarity with Eubacterium cellulosolvens (E. cellulosolvens Ce2 (Accession number: AB163733. The Cel5A from isolated E. cellulolsovens sp. was cloned using the published genome sequence and expressed through the Escherichia coli BL21. Results The maximum activity of recombinant Cel5A (rCel5A was observed at 50°C and pH 4.0. The enzyme was constant at the temperature range of 20°C to 40°C but also, at the pH range of 3 to 9. The metal ions including Ca2+, K+, Ni2+, Mg2+, and Fe2+ increased the endoglucanase activity but the addition of Mn2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+ decreased. The Km and Vmax value of rCel5A were 14.05 mg/mL and 45.66 μmol/min/mg. Turnover number, Kcat and catalytic efficiency, Kcat/Km values of rCel5A was 96.69 (s−1 and 6.88 (mL/mg/s, respectively. Conclusion Our results indicated that rCel5A of E. cellulosolvens isolated from Holstein steers had a broad pH range with high stability under various conditions, which might be one of the beneficial characteristics of this enzyme for possible industrial application.

  6. Osteosíntesis con clavos flexibles intramedulares retrógrados para el manejo de las fracturas diafisiarias del fémur en niños entre 6-12 años

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    Alejandro Uribe Ríos


    Full Text Available En el Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl (HUSVP de Medellín, Colombia, se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo y prospectivo tipo serie de casos, de fracturas diafisiarias del fémur en niños entre 6 y 12 años tratadas con clavos flexibles intramedulares de acero. Se trataron 70 pacientes en el período comprendido entre mayo de 2000 y 1 de enero de 2004. Se revisaron los pacientes y las radiografías en el servicio de consulta externa del Hospital Infantil del HUSVP con un seguimiento mínimo de 6 meses. La mayoría de los 70 pacientes eran del sexo masculino (74%, el mecanismo más frecuente de trauma fue el accidente de tránsito (66%, el promedio de edad fue de 8.3 años, el promedio de estancia hospitalaria fue de 7.8 días atribuible a causas administrativas y a presentar traumas asociados. A 59 pacientes se les retiraron los clavos en un tiempo promedio de 5.1 meses, sin complicaciones; los 11 restantes todavía tienen el material de osteosíntesis en el momento del análisis. Se encontraron 3 pacientes con discrepancia de longitud a expensas de la extremidad fracturada y 2 con deformidad angular; ninguno de ellos, hasta la fecha, ha requerido tratamiento médico o quirúrgico adicional. Los resultados de esta técnica, relativamente nueva en Medellín, Colombia, son alentadores; además, en este proyecto participaron 15 ortopedistas lo que muestra la facilidad de la técnica, con la que hemos obtenido resultados tan buenos como los reportados en la literatura mundial.

  7. Genotype by housing interaction for conformation and workability traits in Danish Holsteins

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lassen, J.; Mark, Thomas


    A total of 30,190 first-parity Danish Holstein cows housed in free stalls or tie stalls were analyzed to quantify to what degree genotype by housing interaction existed for 21 conformation and 2 workability traits. Each trait measured in different housing systems was treated as 2 separate traits...... in a bivariate animal model. Genetic correlations between the 2 traits as well as differences in genetic and residual variance were used as measurements of whether or not genotype by housing interaction occurred. Genetic correlations were in general close to unity (>0.9), except for body width (0.87 +/- 0...

  8. Complex Vertebral Malformation (CVM) in an Italian Holstein calf

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gentile, A.; Diana, A.; Testoni, S.; Olzi, E.


    Complex Vertebral Malformation, a congenital and lethal genetic defect of Holstein breed, has been recently observed in different Countries all over the world. In this paper the AA describe the clinical and radiological aspects of CVM in a two day old female calf. The disease was characterized by low body weight, symmetrical arthrogryposis and partial rotation of all legs and scoliosis. Calf was alert and showed physiological appetite, but was not able to maintain the quadrupedal stance. Radiographs of the vertebral column showed multiple vertebral anomalies, including hemivertebrae, fused and misshapen vertebrae and ribs and scoliosis, that affected mainly the caudal, cervical and thoracic regions. At necropsy, besides the skeleton anomalies, complex malformation of the heart was observed, which included atrial and interventricular defects and patent ductus arteriosus. This is the first case of CVM completely documented and genetically tested in Italy [it

  9. Effect of calf sex on some productive, reproductive and health traits in Holstein cows

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chegini, A.; Hossein-Zadeh, N.G.; Hosseini-Moghadam, H.


    Records of Holstein cows from March 1992 to April 2008 from 194 large herds and comprising from 402,716 records for productive traits to 178,344 records of somatic cell count were used to study the effect of calf sex in different parities and calving season on the subsequent productive, reproductive and health traits in Holstein cows. T-test procedure of SAS software was used to investigate the effect of calf sex and season of calving on aforementioned traits. Cows with female calves had higher milk and fat yield, persistency of milk and fat yield and longer lactation length, while cows that gave birth to male calves had shorter calving interval and longer productive life. Also, cows with female calves had higher milk yield per day of lactation in the first two parities, but there was no difference in milk yield per day of lactation for parities ≥ 3. There was no relationship among mean somatic cell count and sex of born calf. Fall calves had the highest adjusted milk yield and milk yield per day of lactation, however, winter calves had the longest lactation lengthand productive life and the highest somatic cell count. Results from this study demonstrate that it seems necessary to consider the effect of calf sex on aforementioned traits when making decision to use sexed semen or conventional semen. (Author)

  10. Genetic component of sensitivity to heat stress for nonreturn rate of Brazilian Holstein cattle. (United States)

    Santana, M L; Bignardi, A B; Stefani, G; El Faro, L


    The objectives of the present study were: 1) to investigate variation in the genetic component of heat stress for nonreturn rate at 56 days after first artificial insemination (NR56); 2) to identify and characterize the genotype by environment interaction (G × E) due to heat stress for NR56 of Brazilian Holstein cattle. A linear random regression model (reaction norm model) was applied to 51,748 NR56 records of 28,595 heifers and multiparous cows. The decline in NR56 due to heat stress was more pronounced in milking cows compared to heifers. The age of females at first artificial insemination and temperature-humidity index (THI) exerted an important influence on the genetic parameters of NR56. Several evidence of G × E on NR56 were found as the high slope/intercept ratio and frequent intersection of reaction norms. Additionally, the genetic correlation between NR56 at opposite extremes of the THI scale reached estimates below zero, indicating that few of the same genes are responsible for NR56 under conditions of thermoneutrality and heat stress. The genetic evaluation and selection for NR56 in Holstein cattle reared under (sub)tropical conditions should therefore take into consideration the genetic variation on age at insemination and G × E due to heat stress. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Effect of calf sex on some productive, reproductive and health traits in Holstein cows

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chegini, A.; Hossein-Zadeh, N.G.; Hosseini-Moghadam, H.


    Records of Holstein cows from March 1992 to April 2008 from 194 large herds and comprising from 402,716 records for productive traits to 178,344 records of somatic cell count were used to study the effect of calf sex in different parities and calving season on the subsequent productive, reproductive and health traits in Holstein cows. T-test procedure of SAS software was used to investigate the effect of calf sex and season of calving on aforementioned traits. Cows with female calves had higher milk and fat yield, persistency of milk and fat yield and longer lactation length, while cows that gave birth to male calves had shorter calving interval and longer productive life. Also, cows with female calves had higher milk yield per day of lactation in the first two parities, but there was no difference in milk yield per day of lactation for parities ≥ 3. There was no relationship among mean somatic cell count and sex of born calf. Fall calves had the highest adjusted milk yield and milk yield per day of lactation, however, winter calves had the longest lactation lengthand productive life and the highest somatic cell count. Results from this study demonstrate that it seems necessary to consider the effect of calf sex on aforementioned traits when making decision to use sexed semen or conventional semen. (Author)

  12. Uranium concentration in drinking water from small-scale water supplies in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany; Urankonzentration im Trinkwasser aus Hausbrunnen in Schleswig-Holstein

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ostendorp, G. [Landesamt fuer soziale Dienste, Kiel (Germany). Dezernat Umweltbezogener Gesundheitsschutz


    In this study the drinking water of 212 small-scale water supplies, mainly situated in areas with intensive agriculture or fruit-growing, was analysed for uranium. The median uranium concentration amounted to 0.04 μg/lL, the 95th percentile was 2.5 μg/L. The maximum level was 14 μg/L. This sample exceeded the guideline value for uranium in drinking water. The uranium concentration in small-scale water supplies was found to be slightly higher than that in central water works in Schleswig-Holstein. Water containing more than 10 mg/L nitrate showed significantly higher uranium contents. The results indicate that the uranium burden in drinking water from small wells is mainly determined by geological factors. An additional anthropogenic effect of soil management cannot be excluded. Overall uranium concentrations were low and not causing health concerns. However, in specific cases higher concentrations may occur.

  13. Performance, dry matter digestibility and feeding behavior of Holstein steers fed different diets in confinement

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    Mikael Neumann


    Full Text Available The aim of the study was to evaluate the performance, apparent digestibility of dry matter and feeding behavior of Dutch steers fed different diets in feedlot. Were used 36 Holstein calves, from the same herd, with an average of 192 days and an average body weight of 221kg age. The experimental diets consisted of: T1: 100% concentrate diet; T2: 55% concentrate diet + corn silage; and T3: 55% concentrate diet + oat hay, and six replicates, where each replicate was a stall with two animals. Was no significant difference between treatments, and the treatment consists of the 100% concentrate diet had higher performance results with an average daily gain of 1.350 kg day-1; and feed conversion of 5.28 dry matter intake of 6.84. We evaluated also the 100% diet also influenced the feeding behavior, and the time for rumination, food consumption and water intake are respectively 2.75; 1.14; 0.15 hours day-1. The digestibility of dry matter was also a significant difference to the diet 100%, and this was around 76.37%. The diet showed 100% concentrate in terms of performance, an interesting alternative for termination of Holstein steers.

  14. German Grocery Discounters: Dynamics and Regional Impact. the Case of Schleswig-Holstein (Germany

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    Jürgens Ulrich


    Full Text Available Grocery discount stores have long dominated developments in the German food retail sector, and they continue to grow. This paper discusses the reasons for this long-term success based on internal decision-making parameters such as price, adjustment of product range, choice of location, and size of new stores. The result is significant customer acceptance, but also adverse developments viewed critically in various governance constellations. The paper is based on expert interviews and a comprehensive collection of data on grocery discount stores and supermarkets in the German federal state of Schleswig-Holstein

  15. Comparación entre Factores de Ajuste Multiplicativos y Aditivos para Producción por Lactancia en un Hato Holstein

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    Arboleda Zapata Elkin Mauricio


    Full Text Available La presente investigación se efectuó a partir de 558 registros de lactancia tomados del hato Holstein Paysandú el cual está situado en el corregimiento Santa Elena de Medellín en una zona ecológica de bosque húmedo montano bajo (bh-MB y pertenece a la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín. El objetivo propuesto fué determinar las ventajas comparativas entre factores de ajuste multiplicativos y aditivos para producción por lactancia. Para ello se trabajó con datos ajustados a 305 días, en vista de la muy alta significancia observada para el efecto duración de la lactancia. Después de confirmar por medio del programa de mínimos cuadrados de Harvey, 1988, que los factores medio-ambientales más influyentes sobre la producción ajustada a 305 días son el año de parto, los días abiertos previos y el número de partos (P£0.01, así como la edad y la época de parto (P£0.05, se procedió a ajustar por estos efectos mediante factores de corrección multiplicativos y aditivos. Inicialmente se utilizó como base la subclase de máxima producción para cada efecto y a ellas fueron llevados los demás registros; luego se obtuvieron factores aditivos mediante el uso de constantes estimadas por el programa Harvey y multiplicativos a partir de la media de mínimos cuadrados. Una vez ajustados los datos se corrió nuevamente el modelo inicial, con el fin de cuantificar la varianza residual presente tanto para factores de ajuste multiplicativos como aditivos, a los dos niveles propuestos. La comparación se realizó mirando las relaciones de la tabla F y las varianzas residuales entre grupos y dentro de ellos. Aunque no se presentaron diferencias marcadas, se observa que, en general los factores de ajuste aditivos tuvieron un mejor comportamiento que los multiplicativos, pues con el empleo de estos últimos queda una pequeña variación sin remover; en tanto que con factores de ajuste

  16. Variation in Weed Seed Fate Fed to Different Holstein Cattle Groups.

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    Salman Rahimi

    Full Text Available Weed seeds may maintain their viability when passing through the digestive tract of cattle and can be therefore dispersed by animal movement or the application of manure. Whether different cattle types of the same species can cause differential weed seed fate is largely unknown to us particularly under non-grazed systems similar to Holstein-Friesian dairy farming. We investigated the effect on the seed survival of four weed species in the digestive tracts of four groups of Holstein cattle: lactating cows, feedlot male calves, dry cows and growing heifers. The weed species used were Cuscuta campestris, Polygonum aviculare, Rumex crispus and Sorghum halepense. Cattle excretion was sampled for recovery and viability of seeds at four 24 hourly intervals after seed intake. The highest seed recovery occurred two days after seed intake in all cattle groups. Averaged over weed species, dry and lactating cows had the lowest and highest seed recovery of 36.4% and 74.4% respectively. No significant differences were observed in seed recovery of the four weed species when their seeds were fed to dry cows. Based on a power model fitted to seed viability data, the estimated time to 50% viability loss after seed intake, over all cattle groups ranged from 65 h (R. crispus to 76 h (P. aviculare. Recovered seeds from the dung of feedlot male calves showed the highest mortality among cattle groups. Significant correlation was found between seed viability and ruminal pH (r = 0.86; P<0.05. This study shows that management programs aiming to minimize weed infestation caused by livestock should account for the variation amongst cattle groups in seed persistence. Our findings can be used as a guideline for evaluating the potential risk of the spread of weeds via the application of cattle manure.

  17. Variation in Weed Seed Fate Fed to Different Holstein Cattle Groups. (United States)

    Rahimi, Salman; Mashhadi, Hamid Rahimian; Banadaky, Mehdi Dehghan; Mesgaran, Mohsen Beheshtian


    Weed seeds may maintain their viability when passing through the digestive tract of cattle and can be therefore dispersed by animal movement or the application of manure. Whether different cattle types of the same species can cause differential weed seed fate is largely unknown to us particularly under non-grazed systems similar to Holstein-Friesian dairy farming. We investigated the effect on the seed survival of four weed species in the digestive tracts of four groups of Holstein cattle: lactating cows, feedlot male calves, dry cows and growing heifers. The weed species used were Cuscuta campestris, Polygonum aviculare, Rumex crispus and Sorghum halepense. Cattle excretion was sampled for recovery and viability of seeds at four 24 hourly intervals after seed intake. The highest seed recovery occurred two days after seed intake in all cattle groups. Averaged over weed species, dry and lactating cows had the lowest and highest seed recovery of 36.4% and 74.4% respectively. No significant differences were observed in seed recovery of the four weed species when their seeds were fed to dry cows. Based on a power model fitted to seed viability data, the estimated time to 50% viability loss after seed intake, over all cattle groups ranged from 65 h (R. crispus) to 76 h (P. aviculare). Recovered seeds from the dung of feedlot male calves showed the highest mortality among cattle groups. Significant correlation was found between seed viability and ruminal pH (r = 0.86; Pweed infestation caused by livestock should account for the variation amongst cattle groups in seed persistence. Our findings can be used as a guideline for evaluating the potential risk of the spread of weeds via the application of cattle manure.

  18. Liberación ruminal de cuatro fuentes inorgánicas de magnesio por medio de la técnica in situ en ganado holstein en trópico alto

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    Wilmer Alfonso Cuervo Vivas


    Full Text Available El Magnesio, abundante en praderas pastoreadas por bovinos de leche, actúa como un cofactor en reacciones enzimáticas vitales para las principales vías metabólicas y presenta desaparición ruminal elevada (87% aunque se desconoce su liberación en fuentes inorgánicas. Con el objetivo de evaluar su solubilización ruminal se incubaron cuatro fuentes inorgánicas (óxido de Mg (MgO, sulfato de Mg (MgSO4, cloruro de Mg (MgCl2 y carbonato de Mg (MgCO3 determinando su desaparición de la materia seca (DMS en 3 vacas Holstein (vacías, no lactantes canuladas al rumen (620 ± 14 kg y 7 años en el municipio de Santa Elena, Antioquia, Colombia (2538 msnm; bH – MB; 16ºc consumiendo kikuyo (Cenchrus clandestinus (Hoechst Ex Chiov Morrone (Chemisquy et al 2010. Por triplicado se incubaron 0,5 g de cada fuente en bolsas de nailon con dos tamaños de poro (25 y 50μm, en el rumen de las vacas para evaluar DMS en tres tiempos (0, 12 y 24h. Se utilizó un diseño en bloques completos al azar con un arreglo factorial 2x3x4 (2 tamaños de poro, 3 tiempos de incubación y 4 fuentes minerales y prueba de Tukey para significancia estadística de las diferencias. La incubación ruminal debe realizarse con tamaño de poro no superior a 50um, siendo MgCl2 y MgSO4 mas solubles en rumen, mientras que óxidos y carbonatos presentan solubilidad baja o nula dentro de las primeras 24 horas, lo cual puede dar luces para su utilización como suplemento mineral dentro de la dieta solida o agua de bebida del ganado lechero.

  19. Genome-wide associations for milk production and somatic cell score in Holstein-Friesian cattle in Ireland

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    Meredith Brian K


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Contemporary dairy breeding goals have broadened to include, along with milk production traits, a number of non-production-related traits in an effort to improve the overall functionality of the dairy cow. Increased indirect selection for resistance to mastitis, one of the most important production-related diseases in the dairy sector, via selection for reduced somatic cell count has been part of these broadened goals. A number of genome-wide association studies have identified genetic variants associated with milk production traits and mastitis resistance, however the majority of these studies have been based on animals which were predominantly kept in confinement and fed a concentrate-based diet (i.e. high-input production systems. This genome-wide association study aims to detect associations using genotypic and phenotypic data from Irish Holstein-Friesian cattle fed predominantly grazed grass in a pasture-based production system (low-input. Results Significant associations were detected for milk yield, fat yield, protein yield, fat percentage, protein percentage and somatic cell score using separate single-locus, frequentist and multi-locus, Bayesian approaches. These associations were detected using two separate populations of Holstein-Friesian sires and cows. In total, 1,529 and 37 associations were detected in the sires using a single SNP regression and a Bayesian method, respectively. There were 103 associations in common between the sires and cows across all the traits. As well as detecting associations within known QTL regions, a number of novel associations were detected; the most notable of these was a region of chromosome 13 associated with milk yield in the population of Holstein-Friesian sires. Conclusions A total of 276 of novel SNPs were detected in the sires using a single SNP regression approach. Although obvious candidate genes may not be initially forthcoming, this study provides a preliminary framework

  20. Genome-wide associations for milk production and somatic cell score in Holstein-Friesian cattle in Ireland (United States)


    Background Contemporary dairy breeding goals have broadened to include, along with milk production traits, a number of non-production-related traits in an effort to improve the overall functionality of the dairy cow. Increased indirect selection for resistance to mastitis, one of the most important production-related diseases in the dairy sector, via selection for reduced somatic cell count has been part of these broadened goals. A number of genome-wide association studies have identified genetic variants associated with milk production traits and mastitis resistance, however the majority of these studies have been based on animals which were predominantly kept in confinement and fed a concentrate-based diet (i.e. high-input production systems). This genome-wide association study aims to detect associations using genotypic and phenotypic data from Irish Holstein-Friesian cattle fed predominantly grazed grass in a pasture-based production system (low-input). Results Significant associations were detected for milk yield, fat yield, protein yield, fat percentage, protein percentage and somatic cell score using separate single-locus, frequentist and multi-locus, Bayesian approaches. These associations were detected using two separate populations of Holstein-Friesian sires and cows. In total, 1,529 and 37 associations were detected in the sires using a single SNP regression and a Bayesian method, respectively. There were 103 associations in common between the sires and cows across all the traits. As well as detecting associations within known QTL regions, a number of novel associations were detected; the most notable of these was a region of chromosome 13 associated with milk yield in the population of Holstein-Friesian sires. Conclusions A total of 276 of novel SNPs were detected in the sires using a single SNP regression approach. Although obvious candidate genes may not be initially forthcoming, this study provides a preliminary framework upon which to identify the

  1. Factores asociados con la hipertensión no tratada en los adultos mayores: resultados del estudio nacional sobre salud y envejecimiento en México, 2001 Factors associated with untreated hypertension among older adults: results of the Mexican health and aging study, 2001

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    Efrén Melano-Carranza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar los factores asociados con la falta de adhesión al tratamiento de la hipertensión arterial (HTA diagnosticada en una muestra representativa de adultos mayores mexicanos que viven en la comunidad. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal con 2 029 personas de 65 años o más con diagnóstico de HTA, participantes en el Estudio Nacional sobre Salud y Envejecimiento en México realizado en el verano de 2001. La encuesta recabó información sobre algunas características sociodemográficas (edad, sexo, escolaridad, si vivía solo y si realizaba algún trabajo remunerado, entre otras, las enfermedades crónicas, los síntomas depresivos, el deterioro cognoscitivo, el índice de masa corporal, el tabaquismo, el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas y las dificultades para realizar actividades básicas (ABVD e instrumentales (AIVD de la vida diaria, entre otras. Se evaluó la asociación entre las variables estudiadas y el autoinforme de hipertensión arterial no tratada (HTNT mediante análisis de regresión logística simple y multifactorial. RESULTADOS: De los 2 029 participantes, 437 (21,5% declararon no seguir tratamiento alguno para controlar la HTA, 1 584 (78,1% afirmaron seguir un tratamiento y 8 (0,4% no respondieron a esa pregunta. El análisis multifactorial ajustado por posibles variables confusoras (edad, sexo, síntomas depresivos y deterioro cognoscitivo mostró que solo la baja escolaridad (razón de posibilidades [odds ratio, OR] ajustada = 1,70; intervalo de confianza de 95% [IC95%]: 1,10 a 2,64; P = 0,02 para la escolaridad de 1 a 6 años y OR ajustada = 3,32; IC95%: 2,10 a 5,24; P OBJECTIVE: To determine factors associated with failure to adhere to treatment for diagnosed hypertension among a representative sample of older Mexican adults living in the community. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of 2 029 individuals 65 years of age or older with diagnosed hypertension who participated in the Mexican Health and Aging Study

  2. Considering genetic characteristics in German Holstein breeding programs. (United States)

    Segelke, D; Täubert, H; Reinhardt, F; Thaller, G


    Recently, several research groups have demonstrated that several haplotypes may cause embryonic loss in the homozygous state. Up to now, carriers of genetic disorders were often excluded from mating, resulting in a decrease of genetic gain and a reduced number of sires available for the breeding program. Ongoing research is very likely to identify additional genetic defects causing embryonic loss and calf mortality by genotyping a large proportion of the female cattle population and sequencing key ancestors. Hence, a clear demand is present to develop a method combining selection against recessive defects (e.g., Holstein haplotypes HH1-HH5) with selection for economically beneficial traits (e.g., polled) for mating decisions. Our proposed method is a genetic index that accounts for the allele frequencies in the population and the economic value of the genetic characteristic without excluding carriers from breeding schemes. Fertility phenotypes from routine genetic evaluations were used to determine the economic value per embryo lost. Previous research has shown that embryo loss caused by HH1 and HH2 occurs later than the loss for HH3, HH4, and HH5. Therefore, an economic value of € 97 was used against HH1 and HH2 and € 70 against HH3, HH4, and HH5. For polled, € 7 per polled calf was considered. Minor allele frequencies of the defects ranged between 0.8 and 3.3%. The polled allele has a frequency of 4.1% in the German Holstein population. A genomic breeding program was simulated to study the effect of changing the selection criteria from assortative mating based on breeding values to selecting the females using the genetic index. Selection for a genetic index on the female path is a useful method to control the allele frequencies by reducing undesirable alleles and simultaneously increasing economical beneficial characteristics maintaining most of the genetic gain in production and functional traits. Additionally, we applied the genetic index to real data and

  3. Comparison between a sire model and an animal model for genetic evaluation of fertility traits in Danish Holstein population

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sun, C; Madsen, P; Nielsen, U S


    Comparisons between a sire model, a sire-dam model, and an animal model were carried out to evaluate the ability of the models to predict breeding values of fertility traits, based on data including 471,742 records from the first lactation of Danish Holstein cows, covering insemination years from...... the results suggest that the animal model, rather than the sire model, should be used for genetic evaluation of fertility traits......Comparisons between a sire model, a sire-dam model, and an animal model were carried out to evaluate the ability of the models to predict breeding values of fertility traits, based on data including 471,742 records from the first lactation of Danish Holstein cows, covering insemination years from...... 1995 to 2004. The traits in the analysis were days from calving to first insemination, calving interval, days open, days from first to last insemination, number of inseminations per conception, and nonreturn rate within 56 d after first service. The correlations between sire estimated breeding value...

  4. Holstein-Primakoff representation and supercoherent states for strongly correlated electron systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azakov, S.


    First we show that the algebra of operators entering the Hamiltonian of the t-J model describing the strongly correlated electron system is graded spl(2.1) algebra. Then after a brief discussion of its atypical representations we construct the Holstein-Primakoff nonlinear realization of these operators which allows to carry out the systematic semiclassical approximation, similarly to the spin-wave theory of localized magnetism. The fact that the t-J model describes the itinerant magnetism is reflected in the presence of the spinless fermions. For the supersymmetric spl(2.1) algebra the supercoherent states are proposed and the partition function of the t-J model is represented as a path integral with the help of these states. (author)

  5. Identification of a two-marker-haplotype on Bos taurus autosome 18 associated with somatic cell score in German Holstein cattle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Reinsch Norbert


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The somatic cell score (SCS is implemented in routine sire evaluations in many countries as an indicator trait for udder health. Somatic cell score is highly correlated with clinical mastitis, and in the German Holstein population quantitative trait loci (QTL for SCS have been repeatedly mapped on Bos taurus autosome 18 (BTA18. In the present study, we report a refined analysis of previously detected QTL regions on BTA18 with the aim of identifying marker and marker haplotypes in linkage disequilibrium with SCS. A combined linkage and linkage disequilibrium approach was implemented, and association analyses of marker genotypes and maternally inherited two-marker-haplotypes were conducted to identify marker and haplotypes in linkage disequilibrium with a locus affecting SCS in the German Holstein population. Results We detected a genome-wide significant QTL within marker interval 9 (HAMP_c.366+109G>A - BMS833 in the middle to telomeric region on BTA18 and a second putative QTL in marker interval 12-13 (BB710 - PVRL2_c.392G>A. Association analyses with genotypes of markers flanking the most likely QTL positions revealed the microsatellite marker BMS833 (interval 9 to be associated with a locus affecting SCS within the families investigated. A further analysis of maternally inherited two-marker haplotypes and effects of maternally inherited two-marker-interval gametes indicated haplotype 249-G in marker interval 12-13 (BB710 - PVRL2_c.392G>A to be associated with SCS in the German Holstein population. Conclusion Our results confirmed previous QTL mapping results for SCS and support the hypothesis that more than one locus presumably affects udder health in the middle to telomeric region of BTA18. However, a subsequent investigation of the reported QTL regions is necessary to verify the two-QTL hypothesis and confirm the association of two-marker-haplotype 249-G in marker interval 12-13 (BB710 - PVRL2_c.392G>A with SCS. For this

  6. Performance and financial consequences of stillbirth in Holstein dairy cattle. (United States)

    Mahnani, A; Sadeghi-Sefidmazgi, A; Keshavarzi, H


    Stillbirth is an economically important trait on dairy farms. Knowledge of the consequences of, and the economic losses associated with stillbirth can help the producer when making management decisions. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of stillbirth on productive and reproductive performance as well as financial losses due to stillbirth incidence in Iranian Holstein dairy farms. Economic and performance data were collected from nine Holstein dairy farms in Isfahan and Khorasan provinces of Iran from March 2008 to December 2013. The final data set included 160 410 calving records from 53 265 cows. A linear mixed model was developed to evaluate the effects of stillbirth on performance of primiparous and multiparous cows separately and overall. An economic model was used to estimate the economic losses due to stillbirth. The incidence of stillbirth cases per cow per year was 4.2% on average (3.4% to 6.8% at herd level). The least square means results showed that a case of stillbirth significantly (P0.05). Overall, a case of stillbirth reduced 305-day milk yield by 544.0±76.5 kg/cow per lactation. Stillbirth had no significant effects on 305-day fat and protein percentages in either primiparous or multiparous cows. Overall, cows that gave birth to stillborn calves had significantly increased days open by 14.6±2.6 days and the number of inseminations per conception by 0.2 compared with cows that gave birth to live calves (Pfinancial losses associated with stillbirth incidence averaged US$ 938 per case (range from $US 767 to $US 1189 in the nine investigated farms). The loss of a calf was not the only cost associated with stillbirth, as it accounted for 71.0% of the total cost. The costs of dystocia (7.6%) and culling and replacement expenses (6.3%) were the next most important costs associated with stillbirth. These results can be used to assess the potential return from management strategies to reduce the occurrence of stillbirths.

  7. Survival, lifetime production, and profitability of Normande × Holstein, Montbéliarde × Holstein, and Scandinavian Red × Holstein crossbreds versus pure Holsteins. (United States)

    Heins, B J; Hansen, L B; De Vries, A


    Pure Holstein (HO) cows (n=416) were compared with Normande (NO) × HO (n=251), Montbéliarde (MO) × HO (n=503), and Scandinavian Red (SR) × HO (n=321) crossbred cows for survival, lifetime production, and profitability in 6 commercial herds in California. The SR crossbred cows were sired by both Swedish Red and Norwegian Red bulls. Cows calved from June 2002 to January 2009. For analysis of survival to subsequent calvings, lifetime production, and profitability, data were restricted to 3 of 6 herds because they had at least 20 cows in each of the breed groups. All cows had the opportunity to calve at least 4 times. Best prediction, which is used by USDA for national genetic evaluations in the United States, was used to determine lifetime production to 4 yr (1,461 d) in the herd after first calving from test-day observations. Production and survival were estimated after 4 yr to calculate lifetime profit. A profit function was defined to include revenues and expenses for milk, fat, protein, and other solids production; somatic cell count; reproduction; feed intake; calf value; salvage value; dead cow disposal; and fixed cost. The NO × HO (1.2%), MO × HO (2.0%), and SR × HO cows (1.6%) had significantly fewer deaths than did pure HO cows (5.3%) during the first 305 d of first lactation. All crossbred groups had significantly more cows that calved a second, third, and fourth time, and had mean survival that was 300 to 400 d longer than did pure HO cows. The NO × HO, MO × HO, and SR × HO cows had significantly higher lifetime fat plus protein production than did pure HO cows up to 1,461 d after first calving. For profitability (ignoring possible differences in health costs), NO × HO cows had 26% greater projected lifetime profit per cow, but 6.7% less profit per cow-day, than did pure HO cows. On the other hand, MO × HO and SR × HO cows had 50 to 44%, respectively, more projected lifetime profit per cow and 5.3 to 3.6%, respectively, more projected profit

  8. Milk production and composition in Danish Holstein, Danish Red, and Danish Jersey cows supplemented with saturated or unsaturated fat

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Weisbjerg, Martin Riis; Larsen, Mette Krogh; Hymøller, Lone


    The aim of the experiment was to study the response in milk production and composition of substituting barley with either saturated or unsaturated fat in mixed rations (MR) for dairy cows. The experiment included 35 Danish Holstein (DH), 39 Danish Red (DR), and 31 Danish Jersey (DJ) cows from...

  9. Single nucleotide variants and InDels identified from whole-genome re-sequencing of Guzerat, Gyr, Girolando and Holstein cattle breeds.

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    Nedenia Bonvino Stafuzza

    Full Text Available Whole-genome re-sequencing, alignment and annotation analyses were undertaken for 12 sires representing four important cattle breeds in Brazil: Guzerat (multi-purpose, Gyr, Girolando and Holstein (dairy production. A total of approximately 4.3 billion reads from an Illumina HiSeq 2000 sequencer generated for each animal 10.7 to 16.4-fold genome coverage. A total of 27,441,279 single nucleotide variations (SNVs and 3,828,041 insertions/deletions (InDels were detected in the samples, of which 2,557,670 SNVs and 883,219 InDels were novel. The submission of these genetic variants to the dbSNP database significantly increased the number of known variants, particularly for the indicine genome. The concordance rate between genotypes obtained using the Bovine HD BeadChip array and the same variants identified by sequencing was about 99.05%. The annotation of variants identified numerous non-synonymous SNVs and frameshift InDels which could affect phenotypic variation. Functional enrichment analysis was performed and revealed that variants in the olfactory transduction pathway was over represented in all four cattle breeds, while the ECM-receptor interaction pathway was over represented in Girolando and Guzerat breeds, the ABC transporters pathway was over represented only in Holstein breed, and the metabolic pathways was over represented only in Gyr breed. The genetic variants discovered here provide a rich resource to help identify potential genomic markers and their associated molecular mechanisms that impact economically important traits for Gyr, Girolando, Guzerat and Holstein breeding programs.

  10. Effect of Age and Bulls on Fresh Semen Quality and Frozen Semen Production of Holstein Bulls in Indonesia (United States)

    Argiris, A.; Ondho, Y. S.; Santoso, S. I.; Kurnianto, E.


    Artificial Insemination is a compatible method of reproduction in an effort to increase dairy productivity. Artificial Insemination Center as a producer of frozen semen was required to maximize bulls in producing high quality frozen semen optimally. The purpose of this research was to determine effect of age and bulls on fresh semen quality and frozen semen production of Holstein bulls in Indonesia. The research was conducted at Lembang and Singosari AI Centers. The material used were 24.634 data of qualified fresh semen and frozen semen production from 81 Holstein Bulls aged 1-9 years that used as frozen semen producer in period of 2008 to 2016. The variables observed in this research were data of age of bulls, fresh semen volume (mL); sperm motility (%); mass movement; concentrations (million/mL) and frozen semen doses at each production at age of bulls. Nested design was applied to obtain and analyze data. Results showed that Age and bulls have significant effect (PAI Centre might adapt management of AI bulls to improve semen production.

  11. Evaluación de los niveles de nitrógeno ureico en sangre de vacas Holstein en etapa post-parto alimentadas con energía de paso


    López B., Adriana; Sari S., Claudio


    El nitrógeno ureico presente en la sangre de los bovinos en niveles normales sirve para evaluar como esta la nutrición con respecto a la proteína al relacionar la energía de paso con el nitrógeno ureico en sangre, por que a mayor consumo de proteína mayor consumo de energia de paso Magister en Producción Animal, Mención Bovinos Cuenca

  12. Evaluación de la recuperación del nitrógeno y fósforo de diferentes fuentes de fertilizantes por el cultivo de trigo irrigado con aguas residuales y de pozo

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    Sandra Grisell Mora Ravelo


    Full Text Available El empleo de fertilizantes nitrogenados y de aguas residuales no tratadas de origen urbano por los cultivos es una necesidad agronómica, económica y ambiental. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la respuesta del cultivo de trigo a la aplicación de diferentes fertilizantes nitrogenados, irrigado con agua residual y de pozo. Se utilizó un suelo Vertisol Háplico. Se usó como cultivo indicador trigo variedad Tlaxcala F2000. Los fertilizantes aplicados fueron: Fertilizante comercial (FC constituido por Fosfato monoamónico + urea, Fertilizante orgánico (FO Vermicomposta; y Fertilizante de lenta liberación (FL combinación de: urea, H2PO4 y arcilla. La mezcla contiene N y P, 8.08 y 6.3 % en peso, respectivamente. Los tratamientos se diseñaron para probar el efecto simple de cada uno de estos materiales y la combinación de FL+FO. La dosis de fertilización de N y P fue (280-80-0. Con los datos de los análisis de laboratorio de N y P de las plantas, se calculó la eficiencia de recuperación de estos nutrimentos. Las interacciones fechas de Muestreo por agua y fertilizante por agua, fueron significativas al (p<0.05, para la biomasa fresca y seca en el cultivo experimental, asimismo se obtuvo mayor número de granos al irrigar con agua residual.

  13. Presumptive Iatrogenic Microcystin-Associated Liver Failure and Encephalopathy in a Holsteiner Gelding. (United States)

    Mittelman, N S; Engiles, J B; Murphy, L; Vudathala, D; Johnson, A L


    An 8-year-old Holsteiner gelding was presented for evaluation of anorexia, obtundation, icterus, and mild colic signs of 48 hours duration. History, physical examination, and initial diagnostics were suggestive of hepatic disease and encephalopathy. Microcystin toxicosis was suspected based on historical administration of a cyanobacteria supplement, associated serum biochemistry abnormalities, and characteristic histopathological changes. Microcystin contamination was confirmed in both supplement containers fed to the horse. Fulminant hepatic failure and encephalopathy progressed resulting in euthanasia. Necropsy findings were consistent with microcystin induced liver failure. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.

  14. [The use of macrolides, lincomycin and tiamulin as animal feed drugs for pigs in Schleswig-Holstein]. (United States)

    Broll, Susanne; Kietzmann, Manfred; Bettin, Ulrich; Kreienbrock, Lothar


    An evaluation of production orders for medicated feedingstuffs for pigs given in 1998 in Schleswig-Holstein showed macrolides, lincomycin and tiamulin as frequently used antibiotical ingredients. The presented study analyses the production orders which include macrolides, lincomycin or tiamulin in more detail. There were large deviations to the rules of good clinical practise for the use of antibiotics (2000). The applied dosage was often lower than suggested in the literature.


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    Stephania Madrid Gaviria


    Full Text Available Because FSH and its receptor play a fundamental role in reproduction, the objective of this research was determining the effect of the A-320T polymorphism in productive and reproductive traits in Antioquia Holstein cows. The PCR-RFLP was used to amplify a segment of 970 bp of the bovine follicle stimulating hormone receptor gene (FSHR which was digested with the restriction enzyme TaqI. The effect of the FSHR genotypes on productive and reproductive traits was determinate by a Mixed Linear Model and Tukey Test was used to establish significant differences between means for the three genotypes. The effect of allelic substitution was studied through a linear regression model where the genotypes AA, AT and TT were transformed into a quantitative scale of 0, 1 and 2, respectively according to the number of possessed T alleles. In Antioquia Holstein cattle the most common genotype was the AT (0.485 followed by TT (0.417 and AA (0.096 genotypes. Allele frequencies were 0.339 for A and 0.660 for T, respectively. The FSHR genotypes did not exert a significant effect on the principal productive parameters, except for fat percentage (P<0.01 where the TT individuals presented the highest percent. Results showed that T allele seems to improve the solids in milk while A allele improves dairy yield. The reproductive parameters were not affected by this SNP but AT animals showed a higher number of services per conception. Further studies are required to determine whether this SNP may be used as a molecular marker

  16. A comparison of purebred Holstein-Friesian and Holstein-Friesian × beef breed bulls for beef production and carcass traits

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arto Kalevi Huuskonen


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to determine beef production traits of purebred Holstein-Friesian (Hol and Hol×beef breed crossbred bulls. The data collected from slaughterhouses included observations of 87323 purebred Hol, 783 Hol×Aberdeen angus (Hol×Ab, 621 Hol×Blonde d’Aquitaine (Hol×Ba, 562 Hol×Charolais (Hol×Ch, 349 Hol×Hereford (Hol×Hf, 1691 Hol×Limousin (Hol×Li and 570 Hol×Simmental (Hol×Si bulls. For estimating valuable cuttings also a separate dataset was collected and included observations of 8806 purebred Hol, 57 Hol×Ab, 29 Hol×Ba, 22 Hol×Ch, 15 Hol×Hf, 111 Hol×Li and 58 Hol×Si bulls. Crossbreeding Hol cows with late maturing breeds (Ba, Ch, Li, Si had favorable effects on carcass gain, conformation and proportion of high value joints of the progeny when compared to purebred Hol bulls. No advantages in proportion of valuable cuttings seemed to be obtained by crossbreeding with Ab or Hf breeds, while the improvements in gain and conformation were intermediate compared to the late maturing crossbreds.

  17. Zinc Methionine Supplementation Impacts Gene and Protein Expression in Calf-fed Holstein Steers with Miniaml Impact on Feedlot Performance (United States)

    Calf-fed Holstein steers were supplemented with a zinc (Zn) methionine supplement (ZnMet; ZINPRO®; Zinpro Corporation, Eden Prairie, MN) for 115±5 days prior to harvest along with zilpaterol hydrochloride (ZH; Zilmax®; Merck Animal Health, Summit, NJ) for the last 20 days with a 3 day withdrawal to ...

  18. Trends in genome-wide and region-specific genetic diversity in the Dutch-Flemish Holstein-Friesian breeding program from 1986 to 2015

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Doekes, Harmen P.; Veerkamp, Roel F.; Bijma, Piter; Hiemstra, Sipke J.; Windig, Jack J.


    Background: In recent decades, Holstein-Friesian (HF) selection schemes have undergone profound changes, including the introduction of optimal contribution selection (OCS; around 2000), a major shift in breeding goal composition (around 2000) and the implementation of genomic selection (GS;

  19. Efecto de la aplicación de oxitocina en variables críticas sanguíneas de cerdas distócicas


    González-Lozano, Miguel; Trujillo Ortega, Ma. Elena; Becerril-Herrera, Marcelino; Alonso-Spilsbury, María; Ramírez-Necoechea, Ramiro; Hernández-González, Rafael; Mota-Rojas, Daniel


    Con el propósito de evaluar las respuestas maternas a dosis baja de oxitocina en estado avanzado del parto en cerdas con eutocia y distocia materno-fetal, se seleccionaron 60 cerdas de la cruza Yorkshire x Landrace, 30 eutócicas y 30 con distocia materno-fetal. Las cerdas de cada grupo fueron divididas en subgrupos: 15 recibieron 0.083 UI/kg de oxitocina después de la expulsión del quinto lechón, las otras 15 no fueron tratadas. Se obtuvieron muestras sanguíneas en cada una de las cerdas medi...

  20. Prevalence, Risk Factors and Consequent Effect of Dystocia in Holstein Dairy Cows in Iran

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hadi Atashi


    Full Text Available The objective of this research was to determine the prevalence, risk factors and consequent effect of dystocia on lactation performance in Holstein dairy cows in Iran. The data set consisted of 55,577 calving records on 30,879 Holstein cows in 30 dairy herds for the period March 2000 to April 2009. Factors affecting dystocia were analyzed using multivariable logistic regression models through the maximum likelihood method in the GENMOD procedure. The effect of dystocia on lactation performance and factors affecting calf birth weight were analyzed using mixed linear model in the MIXED procedure. The average incidence of dystocia was 10.8% and the mean (SD calf birth weight was 42.13 (5.42 kg. Primiparous cows had calves with lower body weight and were more likely to require assistance at parturition (p<0.05. Female calves had lower body weight, and had a lower odds ratio for dystocia than male calves (p<0.05. Twins had lower birth weight, and had a higher odds ratio for dystocia than singletons (p<0.05. Cows which gave birth to a calf with higher weight at birth experienced more calving difficulty (OR (95% CI = 1.1(1.08–1.11. Total 305-d milk, fat and protein yield was 135 (23, 3.16 (0.80 and 6.52 (1.01 kg less, in cows that experienced dystocia at calving compared with those that did not (p<0.05.

  1. Risk Factors Influencing Conception Rate in Holstein Heifers before Artificial Insemination or Embryo Transfer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Yusuf


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to show the risk factors affecting the conception rate in Holstein heifers after synchronization of estrus. A total of 275 Holstein heifers housed in a free barn were used for the experiment. The herd was visited regularly at four week intervals for synchronization of estrus using Heatsynch and CIDR-Heatsynch protocols. A group of four to 14 animals, depending on the availability, were referred to the experiment at each visit. Estrus induction rates in the two protocols were 93.9% and 94.9%, respectively. There was no difference in the conception rate between the two protocols. Conception rate after artificial insemination (AI or embryo transfer (ET were 46.3% and 51.4%, respectively. The risk factors affecting conception rate in heifers were daily weight gain (odds ratio [OR]= 4.673; P= 0.036 and body condition score (BCS (OR= 3.642; P= 0.018. Furthermore, estrus synchronization protocol (OR= 1.774; P= 0.083 and the absence of corpus luteum (CL at the initiation of treatment (OR= 0.512; P= 0.061 had a tendency to affect the conception rate, while age (OR= 0.715; P= 0.008 was a protective factor to conception rate.  In conclusion, positive daily weight gain before AI or ET, higher BCS, younger age, and the presence of CL at the initiation of estrus synchronization in dairy heifers increased the likelihood to conceive.

  2. Dysthyroid ophthalmopathy associated with hypothyroidism


    Maciá-Bobes, C.; Ronzón-Fernández, A.


    Caso clínico: La oftalmopatía por enfermedad de Graves (exoftalmos, infiltración muscular y palpebral) se asocia casi sistemáticamente a hipertiroidismo. Paciente diagnosticada de hipotiroidismo subclínico y tratada adecuadamente con tiroxina oral. Unos meses después desarrolla un exoftalmos bilateral y simultáneamente presenta anticuerpos séricos anti-receptor de TSH positivos. Se suspende entonces el tratamiento con tiroxina, y se comprueba que el hipotiroidismo ha progresado hasta hacerse ...

  3. Endometrial cytology as an indicator of subclinical endometritis of dairy cattle Holstein Friesian and Jersey breeds

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    Reátegui J


    Full Text Available In order to evaluate the presence of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (% PMN-N as an indicator of endometritis sub clinic in dairy cattle Holstein Friesian and Jersey breeds, by the method of endometrial cytology. 94 dairy cows were sampled, and were grouped by genotypic characteristics as: Group 1: 47 Holstein Friesian cows; Group 2: 47 Jersey cows, both between 21 and 56 days postpartum. It were evaluated: age, body condition, lactation number, number of birth, date of birth and days in milk to obtain the sample data were evaluated with a test of homogeneity based on statistical Chi square (p 0.05 was found in any of the variables studied, the% PMN-N reached a range between 0.4% and 4.4%, with an average of 2.2% still below the values indicating the present investigation reports the% PMN-N by genetic group both as multiparous or primiparous cows showed no significant differences between them. It has be concluded that the overall frequency for SE in different genotype cows did show statistically significant differences (p>0.05, however the presence of PMN-N as an indicator of subclinical endometritis in dairy cows of different genotype with 2 and 4 lactations showed differences statistically significant (p<0.05.

  4. Optimización de la producción de un extracto enzimático keratinásico a ser utilizado en la industria textil

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    Daniel Pippolo


    Full Text Available El Sector Textil Uruguayo tiene dificultades para alcanzar los mejores estándares de calidad requeridos por los mercados internacionales que le permitan competir con mayores posibilidades. Para esto, un procedimiento promisorio, y amigable con el medioambiente, es el tratamiento enzimático de la lana con el que se obtienen resultados de similares características al de los sistemas de oxidación, mayores rendimientos tintóreos  con un menor daño de las fibras, además de obtenerse efluentes sensiblemente menos contaminantes.Este trabajo optimizó la producción de enzimas keratinásicas a partir de un Bacillus sp., obtenido de un screening de cepas realizado por el Departamento de Bioingeniería de la Facultad de Ingeniería y estudió el comportamiento tintóreo de tops de lana tratada con los extractos enzimáticos obtenidos, respecto a la lana sin tratar. El estudio se llevó a cabo empleando la Metodología de Superficie de Respuesta. Se determinaron las condiciones de operación óptimas del fermentador de laboratorio de 3L, correspondientes a una agitación de 600 rpm y una aireación de 2,5 L/min, que se correlaciona con un  coeficiente volumétrico de transferencia de oxígeno del sistema de kLa de 140 h-1, que optimizaron la producción de enzimas keratinásicas (773±77 U/mL. Para la medida de la actividad keratinásica se desarrolló una técnica que utiliza keratin-azure como sustrato.El estudio del comportamiento tintóreo de la lana tratada con los extractos enzimáticos keratinásicos, respecto a la lana sin tratar, confirmó que las diferencias de color obtenidas con las lanas tratadas son superiores cuanto mayor es el valor de actividad keratinásica del extracto. Los tops fueron teñidos con el colorante  Rojo LANASOL CE. El valor máximo de la diferencia de color total medida en coordenadas Cielab, fue de 5,88. Se observó, que en todos los casos los colores obtenidos en los tops después de ser tratados enzim

  5. Nosema ceranae Winter Control: Study of the Effectiveness of Different Fumagillin Treatments and Consequences on the Strength of Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Colonies. (United States)

    Mendoza, Y; Diaz-Cetti, S; Ramallo, G; Santos, E; Porrini, M; Invernizzi, C


    ón y muchos emplean el antibiótico fumagilina para reducir el nivel de infección. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la eficacia de cuatro tratamientos diferentes con fumagilina y determinar cómo incide en la fortaleza de las colonias durante la invernada. Las colonias tratadas con fumagilina en julio presentaron una menor carga de esporas al terminar las aplicaciones, siendo los tratamientos más eficaces el de 4 aplicaciones mediante asperjado sobre las abejas de 30 mg de fumagilina en 100 ml de jarabe de azúcar 1:1, y el de 4 aplicaciones de 90 mg de fumagilina en 250 ml de jarabe de azúcar 1:1 utilizando un alimentador. Sin embargo, durante el período de experimentación, las colonias tratadas con antibiótico presentaron igual tamaño que las colonias no tratadas. En setiembre, las colonias tratadas y no tratadas con fumagilina no se diferenciaron en la intensidad de infección ni en su tamaño. En las condiciones en que se realizó el estudio, la aplicación de fumagilina disminuyó temporalmente la carga de esporas de N. ceranae pero esto no se reflejó en el tamaño de las colonias ni en la probabilidad de sobrevivir el invierno. © The Authors 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  6. Evaluación citológica de la papilomatosis incipiente del paladar tratada con láser en portadores de prótesis

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    Milagros Calzado de Silva


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio prospectivo y longitudinal, consistente en la descripción citológica (tipo celular, porcentaje y variaciones del núcleo, citoplasma y fondo de lámina de las muestras obtenidas en 20 pacientes con papilomatosis incipiente del paladar duro, diagnosticados y atendidos en la consulta de Detección Precoz del Cáncer Bucal de la Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente de Santiago de Cuba, que reunieron criterios de inclusión para dicha entidad. Las muestras obtenidas por raspado a ambos lados de la mucosa fueron leídas al inicio del tratamiento a los 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 y 18 días para evaluar la recuperación epitelial bajo los efectos del láser infrarrojo de arsenurio de galio y aluminio, con dosis de 6 J/cm2 durante 12 a 15 sesiones. Las células intermedias de la mucosa mostraron el mayor nivel de multiplicación, la recuperación epitelial, según promedio de cambio celular, resultó más rápida en los casos de menos números de sesiones y el tiempo medio de recuperación fue indicado en esta muestra a partir del tercer día de evaluación citológica.A prospective longitudinal study consisiting in the cytological description (cellular type, percentage and variations of the nucleus, citoplasma and laminar fundus of the samples obtained from 20 patients with incipient papillomatosis of the hard palate that were diagnosed and treated at the Consulting Room of Early Detection of Oral Cancer of the Provincial Teaching Dental Clinic, in Santiago de Cuba, was conducted. Inclusion criteria were gathered for this entity. The samples obtained by curettage on both sides of the mucosa were read at the beginning of the treatment at 3,6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 days to evaluate the epithelial recovery under the effects of the infrared laser of gallium and alluminum arsenid at doses of 6 J/cm3 during 12 to 15 sessions. The intermediate cells of the mucosa showed the highest level of multiplication. The epithelial recovery according to

  7. Milk progesterone to monitor reproductive performance in Holstein Fries ian cows

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lubbadeh, W.F.


    A study was conducted to monitor reproductive of lactating Holstein Fries ian cows by measuring milk progesterone levels. Sequential post-partum milk samples were collected weekly throughout 20 weeks after pregnancy. Progesterone concentrations were determined by solid phase RIA. Lactating cows required an average of 5.2 weeks to resume luteal activity; 48% of the cows conceived after first insemination and had significantly high progesterone concentrations during the first 5 weeks after insemination than cows which returned to heat 5-8 weeks after insemination> Results also revealed that adequate level of progesterone, which varied between 4.2 and 9.1 nmol/l, is required to maintain early pregnancy and progesterone level remains high in pregnant cows. (Author) 17 refs., 3 Tabs

  8. Genome-wide association study for milking speed in French Holstein cows

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Marete, Andrew Gitahi; Sahana, Goutam; Fritz, Sebastian


    in 32,491 French Holstein dairy cows. Milking speed was measured by a score given by the farmer. Phenotypes were yield deviations as obtained from the French evaluation system. They were analyzed with a linear mixed model for association studies. We identified SNP on 22 chromosomes significantly...... was located on chromosome 14 (ZFAT gene). Eleven novel milking speed quantitative trait loci (QTL) were observed on chromosomes 7, 10, 11, 14, 18, 25, and 26. Twelve candidate SNP for milking speed mapped directly within genes. Of these 10 were QTL lead SNP, which mapped within the genes HMHA1, POLR2E, GNB5......, KLHL29, ZFAT, KCNB2, CEACAM18, CCL24, and LHPP. Limited pleiotropy was observed between milking speed QTL and clinical mastitis....

  9. The effect of air temperature on yield of Holstein dairy cattle

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    Anna Šimková


    Full Text Available The study was carried out in the agricultural company Petrovice during the summer and winter seasons. The experiment included Holstein dairy cattle. Air temperature was measured using a data logger with sensors (Datalogger COMET 3120 in the stable. Data on average yield were taken from farm records and then processed using Microsoft Excel. The aim of the study was to determine how the values of ambient temperature affect the welfare of the animals with regard to the average performance. The air temperature is very variable and its changes animals react immediately. Measured values of air temperature in the stable are important for optimal welfare. It affects the productivity of dairy cows, milk quality, reproduction and animal health.


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    S. Ortega-Centeno


    Full Text Available La roya del gladiolo causada por Uromyces transversalis (Thümen G. Winter, es una enfermedad de importancia cuarentenaria para México. Este hongo se controla mediante continuas aplicaciones de fungicidas químicos lo cual puede provocar resistencia, así como daños a la salud humana y contaminación al medio ambiente. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron: identificar métodos adecuados de inoculación de U. transversalis en plantas de gladiolo en condiciones de laboratorio e in vivo, identificar los isotiocianatos principales presentes en los extractos provenientes de plantas de la familia Brassicacea y conocer su potencial fungicida junto con el de los isotiocianatos de bencilo y fenilo sobre U. transversalis en condiciones de campo e invernadero. Los experimentos se llevaron a cabo en los municipios de Yautepec y Ayala, Morelos y en el Centro de Desarrollo de Productos Bióticos (CEPROBI del Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Las variables evaluadas en campo fueron índice de severidad, área afectada, porcentaje de infección y progreso de la enfermedad, en invernadero sólo las dos últimas. Los métodos de inoculación por aspersión y nebulización permitieron la infección en tres y dos plantas, respectivamente. Los principales isotiocianatos presentes en los extractos alcohólicos aplicados fueron el fenilo, bencilo, 2- feniletilo, alilo y propilo. En los experimentos realizados en Yautepec y Ayala, se determinó que las plantas tratadas con los extractos a la concentración de 0.1 %, tuvieron un porcentaje de infección menor que las tratadas con las concentraciones al 0.2 y 0.5 %. En condiciones de invernadero, los isotiocianatos de fenilo y bencilo ejercieron un buen control del hongo. No se observó fitotoxicidad en las plantas tratadas con los extractos e isotiocianatos en condiciones de invernadero y en campo.

  11. Effect of propylene glycol on adipose tissue mobilization in postpartum over-conditioned Holstein cows

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerre-Harpøth, Vibeke; Storm, Adam Christian; Eslamizad, M


    Our objective was to investigate the quantitative and qualitative effects of propylene glycol (PG) allocation on postpartum adipose tissue mobilization in over-conditioned Holstein cows. Nine ruminally cannulated and arterially catheterized cows were, at parturition, randomly assigned to a ruminal...... from –7 to 7 DIM. Postpartum feed intake and milk yield was not affected by PG allocation. The body content of lipid was not affected by treatment, but tended to decrease from 4 to 29 DIM with both treatments. Except for the first week postpartum, no difference in plasma nonesterified fatty acids...

  12. Renaissance des Dorfladens oder Versorgungswüsten?. Erfahrungen und Lernpotenziale am Beispiel Schleswig-Holstein (United States)

    Jürgens, Ulrich


    It has become more and more complicated for the customers to make their food shopping in local environments because smaller shops close down and the distances to supermarkets and discount stores have increased, especially in rural areas. The paper will discuss which alternatives of food retailing exist outside the supermarket world and analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of shop formats on the micro level. The statements are based on a conscious selection of different shop formats and expert interviews in rural areas of the province of Schleswig-Holstein.

  13. Uso de férula de descarga en una paciente con bruxismo Use of unload splint in a patient with bruxism

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    Pedro Alejandro Torres Márquez


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente con bruxismo, a la cual se colocó una férula intrabucal de acrílico para uso permanente, mientras era tratada por especialistas en prótesis estomatológica para poder eliminar la causa que originó ese hábito y prevenir posibles secuelas como consecuencia de ello. El uso de la férula de descarga permitió realizar el ajuste oclusal y erradicar el dolor, la movilidad dentaria y otros síntomas y signos atribuibles a dicho trastorno, por lo cual se recomienda como una alternativa terapéutica viable en situaciones similares.The clinical case of a patient with bruxism is reported, in whom an acrylic intraoral splint of permanent use was placed, while she was treated by specialists in dental prosthesis to eliminate the cause of that habit and to prevent potential sequelae. The use of the unload splint allowed to perform occlusal adjustment and to eliminate pain, dental mobility and other symptoms and signs attributable to this dysfunction, reason why it is recommended as a viable therapeutic alternative in similar situations.

  14. Prediction of the lifetime productive and reproductive performance of Holstein cows managed for different lactation durations, using a model of lifetime nutrient partitioning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gaillard, Charlotte; Martin, O; Blavy, P


    The GARUNS model is a lifetime performance model taking into account the changing physiological priorities of an animal during its life and through repeated reproduction cycles. This dynamic and stochastic model has been previously used to predict the productive and reproductive performance...... of various genotypes of cows across feeding systems. In the present paper, we used this model to predict the lifetime productive and reproductive performance of Holstein cows for different lactation durations, with the aim of determining the lifetime scenario that optimizes cows' performance defined...... by lifetime efficiency (ratio of total milk energy yield to total energy intake) and pregnancy rate. To evaluate the model, data from a 16-mo extended lactation experiment on Holstein cows were used. Generally, the model could consistently fit body weight, milk yield, and milk components of these cows...

  15. Influence of protein nutrition and virginiamycin supplementation on feedlot growth performance and digestive function of calf-fed Holstein steers. (United States)

    Salinas-Chavira, J; Barreras, A; Plascencia, A; Montano, M F; Navarrete, J D; Torrentera, N; Zinn, R A


    Two experiments were conducted to examine the influence of protein and virginiamycin (VM) supplementation on feedlot growth performance, digestion, and metabolizable AA (MAA) supply of calf-fed Holstein steers. Growth performance and dietary energetics were evaluated in 120 Holstein steers (127 ± 9 kg). During the initial 112-d feeding period, a steam-flaked corn-based diet was balanced to meet either 100% (MAB) or 87% (UREA) of MAA requirements. Diets were supplemented with or without 22.5 mg/kg VM in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. Subsequently (d 112 to 308), all steers received the UREA diet with or without VM. During the initial 112-d, MAB increased ADG, G:F, and dietary NE ( 0.10) across initial supplementation treatments. Overall (d 1 to 308), MAB did not affect ADG ( > 0.10) but enhanced G:F efficiency ( = 0.03) and dietary NE ( = 0.05). During the initial 112-d period and through the remainder of the experiment, VM increased G:F ( 0.10) on ruminal digestion of OM, NDF, starch, microbial efficiency, or total tract digestion of OM and NDF. The MAB increased indispensable AA flow to the small intestine ( 0.10) total tract N digestion. Extrapolating from AA supplies in the metabolism study, MAB satisfied indispensable AA requirements during the initial 112-d period, whereas the UREA diet met 73.5% and 79.2% of methionine and lysine requirements, respectively. During the subsequent periods (d 112 to 308) indispensable AA supplies exceeded theoretical requirements. We conclude that enhancements in energy utilization when diets are balanced to meet MAA requirements of calf-fed Holstein steers during the initial 112-d feedlot period remain appreciable throughout time on feed. Virginiamycin enhanced efficiency of energy utilization throughout the feedlot growing-finishing period.

  16. Effective electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions in the Hubbard-Holstein model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aprea, G.; Di Castro, C.; Grilli, M. . E-mail; Lorenzana, J.


    We investigate the interplay between the electron-electron and the electron-phonon interaction in the Hubbard-Holstein model. We implement the flow-equation method to investigate within this model the effect of correlation on the electron-phonon effective coupling and, conversely, the effect of phonons in the effective electron-electron interaction. Using this technique we obtain analytical momentum-dependent expressions for the effective couplings and we study their behavior for different physical regimes. In agreement with other works on this subject, we find that the electron-electron attraction mediated by phonons in the presence of Hubbard repulsion is peaked at low transferred momenta. The role of the characteristic energies involved is also analyzed

  17. Cyclophosphamide effect on paracoccidioidomycosis in the rat Efecto de la ciclofosfamida en ratas con paracoccidioidomicosis

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    J. L. Blejer


    los dias +4, +5, +6, +7, +11 y +12 p. i. mientras que un grupo control fue infectado solaménte. No se registró mortalidad en ninguno de los grupos. Las ratas tratadas presentaron: a una disminución en el tamaño del granuloma, el cual contenia menor cantidad de células fúngicas; b ausencia de anticuerpos específicos hasta los 35 dias p.i. y c un aumento significativo en el test de hinchazón de la pata (DTH contra la paracoccidioidina. Células esplénicas provenientes de dadores infectados con P. brasiliensis fueron transferidas a receptores infectados solamente, lo que produjo un aumento significativo de la DTH en estos últimos con respecto a los controles. Asi mismo, células esplénicas de dadores infectados solamente fueron transferidas a receptores infectados y tratados mostrando tambien un aumento en la DTH con respecto a los controles. Cada uno de los linfocitos T supresores pertenecientes a la cascada de células T parecerian ser sensibles a dosis sucesivas de ciclofosfamida hasta los 12 dias p.i.. Por otra parte, el esquema de tratamiento con ciclofosfamida podria inducir la aparición de una población de células T capaces de amplificar la respuesta DTH

  18. Effects of water restriction following feeding on nutrient digestibilities, milk yield and composition and blood hormones in lactating Holstein cows under heat stress conditions

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    Jalil Ghassemi Nejad


    Full Text Available The effects of water restriction following feeding under heat stress conditions on nutrient digestibilities, milk yield and composition and some blood hormones in lactating Holstein cows were evaluated. The design was completely randomized with 30 high producing lactating Holstein cows (80.8±40.5 DIM which were assigned to two treatment groups (15 cows per treatment. Treatments were free access to water (FAW and 2 h water restriction (2hWR following feeding. Average temperature-humidity index (THI in the farm was over 80 throughout the experiment which defines heat stress conditions. Neutral detergent fibre, organic matter and ether extract digestibilities increased by water restriction (P0.05. Water intake was recorded daily during the digestibility period and was not different between FAW and 2hWR group (P>0.05. Fat corrected milk was higher in 2hWR group than FAW group (P0.05. Somatic cell counts were greater in 2hWR than FAW group (P0.05. Blood prolactin and growth hormone were higher in 2hWR group than the FAW group (P<0.05. It is concluded that water restriction for 2 hours following feeding improved nutrient digestibility of some dietary components and increased milk fat percentage in lactating Holstein cows under heat stress conditions.

  19. Conception rate of artificially inseminated Holstein cows affected by cloudy vaginal mucus, under intense heat conditions


    Miguel Mellado; Laura Maricela Lara; Francisco Gerardo Veliz; María Ángeles de Santiago; Leonel Avendaño-Reyes; Cesar Meza-Herrera; José Eduardo Garcia


    The objective of this work was to obtain prevalence estimates of cloudy vaginal mucus in artificially inseminated Holstein cows raised under intense heat, in order to assess the effect of meteorological conditions on its occurrence during estrus and to determine its effect on conception rate. In a first study, an association was established between the occurrence of cloudy vaginal mucus during estrus and the conception rate of inseminated cows (18,620 services), raised under intense heat (mea...

  20. Exact results and conjectures on the adiabatic Holstein-Hubbard model at large electron-phonon coupling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aubry, S.


    Principles and notations of the Holstein-Hubbard model in a magnetic field are first reviewed. Effects of the dimensionality, the lattice discreteness and the magnetic field on single polarons, are examined and the existence of many polarons and bipolarons structures at large electron-phonon coupling is discussed. Properties of bipolaronic and polaronic structures are examined together with the magnetic field effects on these structures. High Tc superconductivity resulting from the competition between the electron-phonon and Hubbard couplings is discussed. 7 figs., 18 refs


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    Full Text Available The Bovine Leukosis Virus (BLV is the etiological agent of the Enzootic Bovine Leukemia (EBL, this disease is infectious, chronic and specifically cattle, presenting a low percentage of patients with clinical manifestations. Between 30-70% of infected animals can develop persistent lymphocytosis (LP and between 0,1-10% of cattle over three years of infection suffers some form of lymphosarcoma (LS. The aim of this work was serologically detection of BLV in milk samples from Holstein cows in three dairy herds in the department of Antioquia. Were taken 133 milk samples from Holstein cows three dairy herds located in the municipality of Medellin and Belmira, was conducted an indirect ELISA against gp51 envelope protein of the virus. The ELISA test showed a seroprevalence of 79,69% (106/133 for all samples tested. The herd was the largest herd seroprevalence 1 (82,86%, followed by the herd 2 (80% and finally the herd 3 (77,08%. The presence of the BLV has increased in recent years in Antioquia, so fast and efficient diagnosis through reliable methodologies allow control over the spread of the disease in dairy herds.

  2. Diseño numérico de tablestacas en la costa pacífica de Costa Rica


    Murillo B., L.


    Tablestacas, pilotes sumergidos o parcialmente sumergidos, con carga vertical u horizontal son elementos de común uso en las estructuras construidas en lagos, ríos, marinas, puertos y demás facilidades costeras. Comúnmente se construyen de cemento, madera y otros materiales de mayor fortaleza como el acero. Por su precio, durabilidad y economía, muchas veces se prefiere madera tratada a presión con creosota o sulfato de cobre. La toma de muestras geotécnicas en suelos suaves sumergidos se rea...

  3. Para el mundo infantil : cuentos tricolores

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    Jorge Moreno Clavijo


    Full Text Available La literatura destinada a los niños, generalmente, no ha sido hasta el momento tratada con el debido tacto entre nosotros. Los cuentos de Calleja, en los diminutos libritos que nos venían de España y que conocimos a centavo el ejemplar, con sus acertijos, charadas y cuentos baturros, alimentó por muchos años la avidez de los pequeños que apenas empezaban a leer de corrido querian descubrir el misterio de la letra impresa.

  4. Analysis and enhancement of multiactuator panels for wave field synthesis reproduction.




    Esta tesis aborda el desarrollo y mejora de los altavoces de panel multiexcitados (MAPs) con particular importancia en su aplicación para la reproducción de síntesis de campo (WFS). Los altavoces MAPs pueden usarse como alternativa a las agrupaciones de altavoces dinámicos para WFS con ventajas adicionales. Sin embargo, puesto que los altavoces MAPs son paneles finitos que se excitan en varios puntos de su superficie, existen cuestiones estructurales y geométricas que deben ser tratadas para ...

  5. Parámetros Genéticos para Algunas Características Productivas y Reproductivas en un Hato Holstein del Oriente Antioqueño, Colombia Genetic Parameters for Some Productive and Reproductive Traits in a Dairy Herd in Eastern Antioquia, Colombia

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    Katerinne Quiroz Osorio


    Full Text Available La edad y el peso al primer parto y otros caracteres productivos y reproductivos son importantes porque determinan el desempeño futuro de las vacas lecheras, su análisis permite definir metas relacionadas con el inicio de la vida productiva de las mismas, influyendo directamente en el costo del periodo de crecimiento y desarrollo. En esta investigación se estimaron las heredabilidades (h2 y algunas correlaciones genéticas y fenotípicas para edad y peso al primer servicio, edad y peso al servicio fértil, producción en primera y segunda lactancia y algunas otras características relacionadas con el desempeño general de las vacas durante su vida. Fueron analizadas 928 lactancias de 184 vacas de la raza Holstein nacidas entre 1985 y 2006 en un hato lechero del departamento de Antioquia. Los componentes de varianza fueron estimados mediante análisis univariados con la metodología de máxima verosimilitud restricta libre de derivadas y las correlaciones se estimaron directamente con la información fenotípica y los valores genéticos estimados. Se utilizó el programa SAS 9,0 para la edición de los datos y los análisis estadísticos y el software MTDFREML para el análisis genético. No se encontró efecto significativo (P>0,05 de la edad y peso al primer servicio con producción de leche en primera y segunda lactancia, ni con caracteres reproductivos, la edad y el peso al primer servicio fértil tuvieron efecto altamente significativo (PThe age and weight at first calving and other productive and reproductive traits are decisive because are important for the future performance of dairy cows, their analysis allows to define some goals related to the start of productive life of those, influencing direct economic cost of the period of growth and development. In this research, were estimated the heritability (h2 and some genetic and phenotypic correlations of age and weight at first service, age and weight at fertile service, milk yield at

  6. Resultados do tratamento de fraturas crônicas pela via anterior em pacientes com osteoporose Resultados del tratamiento de fracturas crónicas por la via anterior en pacientes con osteoporosis Results of treatment of chronic fractures by anterior approach in patients with osteoporosis

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    Fabio Leme de Oliveira Pinto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar os resultados da cirurgia de corpectomia e artrodese por via anterior nos pacientes com fratura tipo explosão da coluna toracolombar e com osteoporose, que foram submetidos a tratamento conservador prévio por no mínimo sete meses, sem melhora importante do quadro doloroso. MÉTODOS: Foram tratadas seis pacientes idosas com fratura-explosão da coluna toracolombar em um único nível, depois de, no mínimo, sete meses do trauma, pela via anterior, com corpectomia, uso de enxerto autólogo de costela e fixação com parafusos pediculares nos níveis adjacentes. A dor foi avaliada pela EVA no pré-operatório, três semanas, três meses, seis meses e um anos após a cirurgia. RESULTADO: As pacientes apresentaram melhora significativa da dor pós-operatória, com diminuição substancial do uso de medicação analgésica. CONCLUSÕES: Os autores recomendam a via anterior isolada como método de tratamento para fraturas tipo explosão crônicas em pacientes com osteoporose pela baixa taxa de complicações e pelos resultados satisfatórios encontrados.OBJECTIVO: Analizar los resultados de la cirugía de corpectomía y artrodesis por la vía anterior, en pacientes con fracturas tipo explosión de la columna toracolumbar y, con osteoporosis, que habían sido sometidos a tratamiento conservador previo por lo menos durante siete meses, sin mejora importante del cuadro de dolor. MÉTODOS: fueron tratadas seis pacientes ancianas del sexo femenino con la fractura-explosión de la columna toracolumbar en solamente un nivel, después de, como mínimo, siete meses del traumatismo, a través de la vía anterior, con corpectomía, utilización del injerto autólogo de costilla y fijaci��n con tornillos pediculares en los niveles adyacentes. El dolor fue evaluado con EVA en pre-operatorio, tres semanas, tres meses, seis meses y un año después de la cirugía. RESULTADO: Las pacientes presentaron mejoría significativa del dolor

  7. Efecto de inoculantes microbianos sobre la promoción de crecimiento de plántulas de mangle y plantas de Citrullus vulgaris San Andrés Isla, Colombia

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    T. Galindo-Castañeda


    bajo condiciones controladas. Los inoculantes obtenidos se aplicaron en el material vegetal mencionado, efectuando mediciones durante tres meses. Los resultados muestran un efecto positivo de estimulación de crecimiento medido en longitud del tallo en las plantas tratadas con los inoculantes, específicamente en patilla y propágulos de A. germinans mantenidos en vivero.

  8. Revista de revistas

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    Facultad de Medicina Revista


    Full Text Available The Lanced Londres, abril 6 de 1946. Necrosis aguda del hígado. Tratada con hidrolizados de proteinas. Osteomielitis que semeja radiográficamente un sarvoma. BCG en Escandinavia / The Lnaces Londres, mayo 9 de 1946. Miopía tirotóxica aguda. Posible papel de la prehipófesis en la diabetes humana


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    Josiane Aparecida GASPAR-GRILLO


    Full Text Available A qualidade da água é muito importante para a saúde e bem-estar do ser humano e o sistema de abastecimento público deve fornecer água de qualidade e em quantidade suficiente para toda a população. As estações de tratamento de água constituem o principal caminho para obtenção de água de qualidade. Quando isso não ocorre vários problemas podem afetar a população que passa a consumir água com qualidade inadequada e com o risco constante de surgimento de várias doenças. A eliminação de micro-organismos em água tratada reduz a competição, favorecendo a multiplicação de bactérias resistentes ao cloro como as do gênero Mycobacterium frequentemente isoladas de águas tratadas e cloradas. Considerando a não indicação da pesquisa de micobactérias nos exames laboratoriais de rotina para controle de qualidade de água para consumo humano e outros usos, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a presença, isolar e identificar as micobactérias ambientais no sistema de abastecimento de água de origem superficial da cidade de Araraquara – SP. Foram analisadas 40 amostras de águas, assim distribuídas: dez de água bruta colhidas na Estação de Tratamento de Água (ETA, dez colhidas após filtração, dez colhidas no reservatório após cloração e dez na rede de distribuição. Foram recuperados 43 isolados de micobactérias. Todos os isolados foram submetidos ao PCR-PRA. As espécies de micobactérias identificadas foram M. lentiflavum, M. parafortuitum, M. genavense, M. gordonae, M. fortuitum, M. confluentis, M. duvalii, M. avium subespécie paratuberculose e M. szulgai. Com esses resultados, concluiu-se que a água é importante fonte de micobactérias ambientais provavelmente relacionadas a várias doenças humanas, sugerindo-se a realização de acompanhamento contínuo desses micro-organismos no sistema de água potável.

  10. Coat and hair color: hair cortisol and serotonin levels in lactating Holstein cows under heat stress conditions. (United States)

    Ghassemi Nejad, Jalil; Kim, Byong-Wan; Lee, Bae-Hun; Sung, Kyung-Il


    The deleterious effects of heat stress on animal health are being increasingly recognized. This study aimed to determine hair cortisol (HC) and serotonin levels in lactating Holstein cows under heat stress conditions with different coat and hair-cut color. Forty-five multiparous lactating Holstein cows (days in milk = 130 ± 47, body weight = 753 ± 85 kg) were divided to two main groups of over 80% black coat color (BC) and over 85% white coat color (WC) visually observed based on registry certificates and subdividing to black hair sample (BH) and white hair samples (WH) in 2 × 2 factorial arrangements. Hair samples were taken from the forehead of the individuals. Higher HC levels were observed in BC than WC cows (P  0.05). Serotonin levels showed no difference between BC and WC (P > 0.05). Interaction between coat color and hair color was not significant (P > 0.05). The cortisol levels in hair are not affected by pigmentation. However, pigmentation within the coat alters cortisol levels. In conclusion, white coat color retains less cortisol than the black coat. Therefore, white coats are preferable for dairy cows under heat stress conditions. © 2016 Japanese Society of Animal Science.

  11. Extended Holstein-Primakoff mapping for the next-to-leading order of the 1/N expansion at finite temperature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dzhioev, Alan; Storozhenko, A.; Vdovin, A.; Aouissat, Z.; Wambach, J.


    An extended Holstein-Primakoff mapping which incorporates both single- and double-fermion mappings is used in the context of thermofield dynamics to study the next-to-leading order of the 1/N expansion at finite temperature. For the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model it is shown that the extended mapping naturally leads to the correct Fermi statistics both in leading and next-to-leading order

  12. Effects of Clinical Mastitis on Reproductive Performance in Holstein Cows

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    A. Gunay


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to determine the effects of clinical mastitis on reproductive performance in 135 early lactation cows. The animals were divided into two groups according to the occurrence of mastitis as follows: group I (n = 45, clinical mastitis prior to the first artificial insemination breeding; group II (n = 45, clinical mastitis after artificial insemination and being diagnosed pregnant. Forty-five cows without any mastitis served as control group. Calving to first service intervals were significantly longer (P P P < 0.05 in cows with clinical mastitis after first service (3.4 ± 0.9 than in cows with clinical mastitis before first service (2.1 ± 0.9 and in cows with no clinical mastitis (1.8 ± 0.8. This study indicated that clinical mastitis during early lactation in Holstein cows had a negative impact on their reproductive performance.

  13. Comparative Study on the Genetic Diversity of GHR Gene in Tibetan Cattle and Holstein Cows. (United States)

    Deng, Feilong; Xia, Chenyang; Jia, Xianbo; Song, Tianzeng; Liu, Jianzhi; Lai, Song-Jia; Chen, Shi-Yi


    Due to the phenotype-based artificial selection in domestic cattle, the underlying functional genes may be indirectly selected and show decreasing diversity in theory. The growth hormone receptor (GHR) gene has been widely proposed to significantly associate with critical economic traits in cattle. In the present study, we comparatively studied the genetic diversity of GHR in Tibetan cattle (a traditional unselected breed, n = 93) and Chinese Holstein cow (the intensively selected breed, n = 94). The Tibetan yak (n = 38) was also included as an outgroup breed. A total of 21 variants were detected by sequencing 1279 bp genomic fragments encompassing the largest exon 9. Twelve haplotypes (H1∼H12) constructed by 15 coding SNPs were presented as a star-like network profile, in which haplotype H2 was located at the central position and almost occupied by Tibetan yaks. Furthermore, H2 was also identical to the formerly reported sequence specific to African cattle. Only haplotype H5 was simultaneously shared by all three breeds. Tibetan cattle showed higher nucleotide diversity (0.00215 ± 0.00015) and haplotype diversity (0.678 ± 0.026) than Holstein cow. Conclusively, we found Tibetan cattle have retained relatively high genetic variation of GHR. The predominant presence of African cattle specific H2 in the outgroup yak breed would highlight its ancestral relationship, which may be used as one informative molecular marker in the phylogenetic studies.

  14. Conception rate of artificially inseminated Holstein cows affected by cloudy vaginal mucus, under intense heat conditions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Mellado


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to obtain prevalence estimates of cloudy vaginal mucus in artificially inseminated Holstein cows raised under intense heat, in order to assess the effect of meteorological conditions on its occurrence during estrus and to determine its effect on conception rate. In a first study, an association was established between the occurrence of cloudy vaginal mucus during estrus and the conception rate of inseminated cows (18,620 services, raised under intense heat (mean annual temperature of 22°C, at highly technified farms, in the arid region of northern Mexico. In a second study, data from these large dairy operations were used to assess the effect of meteorological conditions throughout the year on the occurrence of cloudy vaginal mucus during artificial insemination (76,899 estruses. The overall rate of estruses with cloudy vaginal mucus was 21.4% (16,470/76,899; 95% confidence interval = 21.1-21.7%. The conception rate of cows with clean vaginal mucus was higher than that of cows with abnormal mucus (30.6 vs. 22%. Prevalence of estruses with cloudy vaginal mucus was strongly dependent on high ambient temperature and markedly higher in May and June. Acceptable conception rates in high milk-yielding Holstein cows can only be obtained with cows showing clear and translucid mucus at artificial insemination.

  15. Metabolic effects of feeding high doses of propanol and propylacetate to lactating Holstein cows

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Raun, Birgitte Marie Løvendahl; Kristensen, Niels Bastian


    Three lactating Holstein cows implanted with ruminal cannulas and permanent indwelling catheters in major splanchnic blood vessels were used to investigate alcohol metabolism and metabolic effects of feeding high doses of propanol and propylacetate. Cows were fed three diets control (basal ration......; C), propanol (C plus 50 g propanol/kg DM; P), and propylacetate (C plus 50 g propanol/kg DM and 15 g propylacetate/kg DM; PPA) in a 3 × 3 Latin square design with 14 d period. Daily rations were fed in three equally sized portions at 8 hour intervals and 8 hourly sets of ruminal fluid, arterial...

  16. Genetic parameters of subclinical macromineral disorders and major clinical diseases in postparturient Holstein cows. (United States)

    Tsiamadis, V; Banos, G; Panousis, N; Kritsepi-Konstantinou, M; Arsenos, G; Valergakis, G E


    The main objective of this study was to assess the genetic parameters of subclinical disorders associated with subclinical hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia, subclinical hypomagnesemia, hypokalemia, and hyperphosphatemia, as well as major clinical diseases after calving in Holstein cows. The secondary objective was to estimate the associated genetic and phenotypic correlations among these subclinical and clinical conditions after calving in Holstein cows. The study was conducted in 9dairy herds located in Northern Greece. None of the herds used any kind of preventive measures for milk fever (MF). A total of 1,021 Holstein cows with pedigree information were examined from November 2010 until November 2012. The distribution across parities was 466 (parity 1), 242 (parity 2), 165 (parity 3), and 148 (parity 4 and above) cows. All cows were subjected to a detailed clinical examination and blood was sampled on d 1, 2, 4, and 8 after calving. Serum concentrations of Ca, P, Mg, and K were measured in all samples, whereas β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) was measured only for d 8. The final data set included 4,064 clinical and 16,848 biochemical records (4,020 Ca, 4,019 P, 4,020Mg, 3,792K, and 997 BHB). Data of 1,988 observations of body condition score at d 1 and 8 were also available. All health traits were analyzed with a univariate random regression model. The genetic analysis for macromineral-related disorders included 986 cows with no obvious signs of MF (35 cows with MF were excluded). Analysis for other health traits included all 1,021 cows. A similar single record model was used for the analysis of BHB. Genetic correlations among traits were estimated with a series of bivariate analyses. Statistically significant daily heritabilities of subclinical hypocalcemia (0.13-0.25), hypophosphatemia (0.18-0.33), subclinical hypomagnesemia (0.11-0.38), and hyperphosphatemia (0.14-0.22) were low to moderate, whereas that of hypokalemia was low (0.08-0.10). The heritability of body

  17. [The use of sulfonamides and sulfonamide/trimethoprim combinations as animal feed drugs for pigs in Schleswig-Holstein]. (United States)

    Broll, Susanne; Kietzmann, Manfred; Bettin, Ulrich; Kreienbrock, Lothar


    An evaluation of production orders for medicated feedingstuffs for pigs given in 1998 in Schleswig-Holstein showed sulphonamides and combinations of sulphonamides and trimethoprim as frequently used antibiotical ingredients. The presented study analyses the production orders which include sulphonamides and combinations of sulphonamides and trimethoprim in more detail. There were large deviations to the rules of good clinical practise for the use of antibiotics. The applied dosage was often lower than suggested in the literature.

  18. Growth performance and total tract nutrient digestion for Holstein heifers limit-fed diets high in distillers grains with different forage particle sizes (United States)

    This study evaluated dairy heifer growth performance and total tract nutrient digestion when fed diets high in dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) with different forage particle size. An 8-wk randomized complete block design study was conducted utilizing twenty-two Holstein heifers (123 ±...

  19. The effect of housing on calving behavior and calf vitality in Holstein and Jersey dairy cows

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Campler, Magnus Robert Bertil; Munksgaard, Lene; Jensen, Margit Bak


    The present study investigated how calving behavior and calf vitality in Holstein and Jersey dairy cows were affected by housing during the final 4 wk precalving. One hundred twenty-one cows (36 primiparous and 85 multiparous) were moved either to a group pen with deep straw bedding or into frees...... that a longer period of housing on deep-bedded straw compared with freestalls with mattresses before calving may facilitate the calving process, whereas the effect on calf vitality needs further investigation....

  20. Efectos de la soya en la mucosa endometrial de mujeres posmenopáusicas

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    Delia Jara


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir los cambios en la morfología del endometrio y expresión de receptores a estrógenos, en mujeres posmenopáusicas que reciben soya vía oral. Diseño: Estudio descriptvo, observacional, de tipo longitudinal y prospectivo. Lugar: Instituto de Patología, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Pacientes: Veintidós mujeres posmenopáusicas tratadas con soya. Intervenciones: A mujeres posmenopáusicas, tratadas con 60 g de soya por día, durante 6 meses, se les realizó biopsia por aspiración del endometrio, antes y después del tratamiento, efectuando estudios histológico e inmunohistoquímico. Principales medidas de resultados: Modificaciones histológicas del endometrio y de expresión de receptores de estrógenos y progesterona. Resultados: El rango de edad de las pacientes estuvo entre 46 y 65 años, con promedio de 53 años. Hubo aparente mejoría en los síntomas climatéricos vasomotores. El endometrio antes del tratamiento con soya en 19 pacientes (86% era atrófico y en 3 de ellas (14%, inactivo. Luego del tratamiento con soya, 17 (77,3% persistieron como endometrio atrófico, 4 (18,2% mostraron endometrio inactivo y el endometrio de una paciente mostró cambios proliferativos. La expresión de receptores para estrógenos, antes del tratamiento con soya, en 19 pacientes (86% fue negativo; después del tratamiento 16 (76% permanecieron negativos. Conclusiones: Después del tratamiento con soya, en mujeres posmenopáusicas, durante 6 meses, se observó persistencia de endometrio atrófico y se mantuvo la expresión negativa para receptores hormonales de estrógenos.

  1. Fractura de elastómeros EPDM cargados con microesferas de vidrio mediante el trabajo esencial de fractura

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    Velasco, J. I.


    Full Text Available In this work, the essential work of fracture concept (EWF has been applied to untreated and silane- treated glass bead-filled EPDM. It has been proved that this theory is not applicable to pure EPDM due to its high elastic character, but being possible in glass bead-filled EPDM, thus the presence of these particles induces certain plasticity on the EPDM. The results show that the higher adhesion between matrix and particles, the higher value of plastic work of fracture, and the higher final instability of crack propagation. Moreover the influence of processing temperature on the mechanical characteristics of these materials has been studied, noticing a marked drop of stiffness and strength from a temperature processing of 200 ºC. The higher adhesion obtained between EPDM matrix and glass beads through surface treatment has been confirmed by scanning electron microscopy.

    En el presente trabajo se ha aplicado el concepto de trabajo esencial de fractura (EWF a una serie de compuestos de EPDM y microesferas de vidrio, sin tratamiento superficial y tratadas con silanos. Se ha comprobado que esta teoría no es aplicable al EPDM puro debido a su elevado carácter elástico, pudiéndose en cambio aplicar a sus compuestos cargados con microesferas de vidrio, pues la presencia de estas partículas induce cierta plasticidad en el EPDM. Los resultados indican que una mayor adhesión entre partícula y matriz se traduce en un mayor valor de trabajo plástico de fractura, así como en una mayor inestabilidad final en la propagación de la grieta. Asimismo se ha estudiado la influencia de la temperatura de procesado sobre las características mecánicas de estos materiales, observándose una caída acusada de la rigidez y de la resistencia a la tracción en todos los compuestos a partir de una temperatura de procesado de 200 ºC. La mayor adhesión que se consigue entre la matriz de EPDM y las microesferas de vidrio mediante el tratamiento superficial

  2. Feeding Frequency Effects in Early Lactation on Productive Efficiency of Holstein Cows

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    S.M. Karimzadeh


    Full Text Available The present study was conducted in order to determine the effects of feeding frequency (FF on dairy cow performance fed a total mixed ration (TMR based on chopped alfalfa hay. Eight multiparous early lactation Holstein cows were housed in the individual boxes (4 × 3 m and fed either once a day (1x at 0700 h or 4 times a day (4x at 0100, 0700, 1300 and 1900 h with TMR. The experiment was done as a 2 × 2 crossover design with two 20-d periods. When FF changed from 4x to 1x, dry matter intake (21.1 vs. 20.0 kg/d and NEL intake (36.4 vs. 34.3 Mcal/d increased (P

  3. Enraizamento de estacas lenhosas de ameixeiras tratadas com ácido indolbutírico

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    Mindêllo Neto Ubirajara Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Considerando o grande interesse pela ameixeira no mercado de frutas, existe a necessidade de buscar técnicas mais eficientes na produção de mudas de qualidade e com maior uniformidade. Buscou-se, neste trabalho, verificar o potencial de enraizamento de estacas lenhosas de 12 cultivares de ameixeira (América, Amarelinha, Letícia, Pluma 7, Reubennel, Rosa Mineira, Santa Rita, Santa Rosa, Simka, The First, Wade e XV de novembro tratadas com ácido indolbutírico (AIB, em concentrações de 0, 1000 e 3000mg L-1, em imersão rápida por 5 segundos na sua parte basal. O estudo foi desenvolvido de junho a setembro de 2004, na EMBRAPA Transferência de Tecnologia, localizada no município de Canoinhas, SC. Estacas lenhosas foram coletadas de plantas matrizes de dois anos, situadas em casa-de-vegetação e padronizadas com um comprimento médio de 12cm e diâmetro de 6mm, sendo acondicionadas em bandejas de poliestireno expandido com 72 células de 0,000015m3, contendo vermiculita como substrato e mantidas em casa de vegetação sem nebulização intermitente por 97 dias. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições e 12 estacas por parcela. As maiores porcentagens de enraizamento (acima de 70% foram obtidas nas estacas das cultivares XV de Novembro, Rosa Mineira e Santa Rita. A aplicação de 1000mg L-1 AIB, foi melhor no enraizamento de estacas de ameixeira proporcionando maior número de raízes por estaca e maior comprimento das raízes.

  4. Desempenho inicial de plântulas de soja oriundas de sementes quimicamente tratadas

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    Rafael Oliveira Vergara


    Full Text Available A soja atualmente é um dos principais produtos do agronegócio brasileiro. Diversos fatores afetam a produtividade da cultura, entre eles o número de plantas estabelecidas merece devido destaque. Grande parte dos produtores brasileiros utiliza o tratamento químico de sementes com objetivo de melhorar o estande inicial de plantas. Neste trabalho se objetivou avaliar o desempenho inicial de sementes de soja tratadas quimicamente com os principais produtos disponíveis no mercado. Utilizou-se dois lotes da cultivar BMX Turbo RR, com distintos níveis de vigor, estes foram submetidos aos três principais tratamentos químicos do mercado. Foram avaliada emergência, índice de velocidade de emergência, comprimento e biomassa seca de raiz, área foliar. Ocorreu diferença entre os tratamentos, no lote de baixo vigor o tratamento quatro (fludioxonil, metalaxylm e tiametoxan melhorou o desempenho, em sementes de alto vigor o tratamento não favoreceu o desempenho das sementes.Initial performance of soybean seedlings derived from chemically treated seedAbstract: Soy is currently one of the main products of the Brazilian agribusiness. Several factors affect the productivity of the culture, including the number of established plants deserves due attention. Most Brazilian producers use chemical seed treatment in order to improve the plant stand. This work aimed to evaluate the initial performance of soybean seeds chemically treated with leading products on the market. We used two batches of growing BMX Turbo RR, with different levels of vigor, these were subjected to three main chemical treatments market. emergency were evaluated, emergency speed index, length and root dry biomass, leaf area. Was no difference between treatments in the lot of low force treatment four (fludioxonil, metalaxylm and Thiamethoxam improved performance in high vigor seed treatment did not improve the performance of seeds.

  5. Restricting access time at pasture and time of grazing allocation for Holstein dairy cows: Ingestive behaviour, dry matter intake and milk production

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mattiauda, D.A.; Tamminga, S.; Gibb, M.J.; Soca, P.; Bentancur, O.; Chilibroste, P.


    The objective of this study was to assess the effects of restricting access time to pasture and time of grazing allocation on grazing behaviour, daily dry matter intake (DMI), rumen fermentation, milk production and composition in dairy cows. Twenty-one autumn-calving Holstein cows were assigned to

  6. Evaluación de tratamientos de hidrofugación aplicados a piedras de catedrales andaluzas. II. Ensayo de cristalización de sales


    Villegas Sánchez, R.; Vale Parapar, J. F.


    En un artículo anterior se han evaluado los cambios producidos en las propiedades relacionadas con el acceso y movimiento de agua en la piedra como consecuencia de la aplicación de tratamientos de hidrofugación. En este trabajo se compara la resistencia a la alteración producida por sales de las probetas tratadas y sin tratar, sometiéndolas al ensayo de cristalización de sulfato sódico. Tras finalizar el ensayo (75 ciclos) se han medido nuevamente las propiedades relacionadas con el a...

  7. Estudio de la carga económica de la infertilidad femenina por anovulación en un hospital público de México: estudio piloto


    Martínez-Núñez, Juan Manuel; Altagracia-Martínez, Marina; Kravzov-Jinich, Jaime; Hinojosa-Cruz, Juan Carlos; Sánchez-Sánchez, Betsabé; Díaz de León-Castañeda, Christian


    El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar los costos totales de la infertilidad femenina por anovulación en pacientes atendidas en el Hospital de Gineco-Obstetricia "La Raza". Se realizó un estudio transversal y observacional. Se incluyeron 30 mujeres mayores de 18 años con infertilidad por anovulación tratadas con citrato de clomifeno o anastrozol. Los costos se estimaron mediante el proceso de micro-costeo, la aplicación de un cuestionario de 20 items y la revisión de expedientes médi...

  8. Study of new procedures of elaboration of alkalitreated green table olives, not fermented, preserved by heat treatments


    Casado, Francisco Javier; Sánchez Gómez, Antonio Higinio; Rejano Navarro, Luis; Montaño, Alfredo


    En el presente trabajo se han estudiado dos nuevos procedimientos para la elaboración de aceitunas verdes tratadas con álcali no fermentadas, conservadas por esterilización o pasterización, con el objetivo de obtener, en cada caso, un producto de calidad adecuada y de total garantía en cuanto a seguridad. En el producto esterilizado, se demostró que la inclusión de una etapa de deshuesado durante la elaboración conseguía un sabor y textura similares a las aceitunas denominadas "green ripe oli...

  9. Study of apoptotic mechanisms induced by all-trans retinoic acid and its 13-cis isomer on cellular lines of human hepato carcinoma Hep3B and HepG2; Estudio de los mecanismos apoptoticos inducidos por el acido retinoico todo-trans y su isomero 13-cis en las lineas celulares de hepatocarcinoma humano Hep3B y HepG2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arce Vargas, Frederick [Costa Rica


    of these cells to different chemotherapeutic agents. Survivin might decrease the answer of treatment by to be anti-apoptotic and even to change the apoptosis by other forms of cellular death (necrosis, mitotic catastrophe, etc.) doing that therapy be less efficient. Hep3B cells were sensitized with ATRA before to be treated with 5-FU and it was observed a more cytotoxicity than when every drug was used separately. Also there were required concentrations lower of both agents to produce cellular death. This effect didn't see with HepG2 cells. Although retinoids seem to be promising in the hepato carcinoma treatment, it must do more studies to improve the bioavailability and to decrease the unspecific toxicity of these drugs, including combinations with other agents, use of liposomes or synthesis of compounds with effects more selective that might be even directed to certain specific routes of cellular death. (author) [Spanish] Dos lineas celulares de cancer de higado (Hep3B and HepG2) se incubaron durante diferentes periodos de tiempo con varias concentraciones de dos isomeros del acido retinoico (ATRA y 13-cis AR) y con los agentes quimioterapeuticos 5-FU, cisplatino y paclitaxel. Se determino si estas sustancias inducian citotoxicidad, apoptosis y si modificaban la expresion de diferentes genes relacionados con la muerte celular por apoptosis, en parte para poder explicar la resistencia del carcinoma hepatocelular a estas drogas. Las celulas HepG2 mostraron mayor resistencia que las celulas Hep3B a las 72 horas de tratamiento, tanto el ATRA como el 13-cis AR fueron toxicos. Tambien se demostro que producian apoptosis en las dos lineas celulares. Este tipo de muerte celular parece estar mediada por una disminucion en la concentracion de Bcl-xL en las celulas Hep3B tratadas con ambos retinoides y un aumento en la concentracion de Bax en las celulas HepG2 tratadas con 13-cis AR. Se observo proteolisis de procaspasas 3 y 8 en las celulas Hep3B, sugiriendo activacion de

  10. The Effects of Feeding Raw Fiber Concentrate on Growth Performance and Blood Metabolites of Suckling Holstein Calves


    Mehdi Dehghan-Banadaky; Fridoon Niazi; Mohsen Ghiasvand


    Sixteen female Holstein calves allocated in three treatments including: 1: control, 2: fed raw fiber concentrate (RFC) for 45 days and 3: fed RFC for 90 days. RFC supplement (Vitacel® 200) was added to milk immediately before feeding (10 g/L milk). Withers height and body weights of calves were measured monthly. Individual dry matter intake was recorded daily. Blood samples were taken monthly. The result showed that calves consumed RFC had significantly greater weaning an...

  11. Use of sexed semen and its effect on conception rate, calf sex, dystocia, and stillbirth of Holsteins in the United States (United States)

    Sexed-semen use for breeding Holstein heifers and cows in Dairy Herd Improvement herds was documented by frequency and percentage for parity and service number as well as for herd region, size, and milk yield. Year of breeding accounted for the most variation in the amount of use of sexed semen for ...

  12. Inflammatory biomarkers are associated with ketosis in periparturient Holstein cows. (United States)

    Abuajamieh, Mohannad; Kvidera, Sara K; Fernandez, Maria V Sanz; Nayeri, Amir; Upah, Nathan C; Nolan, Erin A; Lei, Sam M; DeFrain, Jeffery M; Green, Howard B; Schoenberg, Katie M; Trout, William E; Baumgard, Lance H


    Ketosis is a prevalent periparturient metabolic disorder and we hypothesize that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) infiltration may play a key role in its etiology. Study objectives were to characterize biomarkers of inflammation during the transition period in healthy and clinically diagnosed ketotic cows. Cows were retrospectively categorized into one of two groups: healthy and clinically diagnosed ketotic. Two data sets were utilized; the first dataset (Study A) was obtained as a subset of cows (n=16) enrolled in a larger experiment conducted at the Iowa State University Dairy utilizing Holstein cows (8 healthy; 8 ketotic), and the second dataset (Study B; 22 healthy; 22 ketotic) was obtained from a commercial farm. For both experiments, blood samples were collected prior to and following calving. Ketotic cows in both studies had reduced milk production compared to healthy cows (P6 fold and ~4 fold; P=0.04 and P=0.03), and lipopolysaccharide binding protein (66 and 45%; Pketosis in transition dairy cows. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Injury scores and locomotor disorders of Holstein cows in a free-stall facility with different beds


    Cecchin, Daiane; Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA Lavras - MG; Campos, Alessandro Torres; Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA Lavras - MG; Pires, Maria de Fátima Ávila; Sousa, Francine Aparecida; Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA Lavras - MG; Amaral, Pedro Ivo Sodré; Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA Lavras - MG; Yanagi Junior, Tadayuki; Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA Lavras - MG; Ferreira, Suane Alves; Médica Veterinária – UNIPAC Juiz de Fora, MG.; Souza, Myriam Cristiane Morais; Graduanda em Medicina Veterinária – UNIPAC Juiz de Fora, MG.; Cecchin, Diego; Especialista em Gestão – UPF, Passo Fundo, RS


    The aim of the present study was to evaluate hock and knee injuries and locomotor disorders in 36 multiparous Holstein cows confined in a free-stall model system with two types of beds at Embrapa Dairy Cattle in the city of Coronel Pacheco / MG. Rubber composite beds and sand beds were compared and the hock and knee injuries and locomotor disorders were assessed for severity scores. There was no difference between the scores or hock lesions observed at the beginning and end of the trial perio...

  14. Resultado de las quemaduras tratadas mediante cultivo de células epidérmicas autólogas : reglamentos e implicaciones para ensayos clínicos internacionales con Productos de Terapia Avanzada

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Middelkoop, E.; Gardien, K.L.M.; Brouwer, K.M.; Waaijman, T.; Uhlrich, M.M.W.; Gibbs, S.; Ulrich, M.M.W.


    Introducción. Los Productos de Terapia Avanzada (ATMPs) son considerados el siguiente paso para mejorar la evolución de las quemaduras. Sin embargo, existen serios obstáculos para su aplicabilidad con respecto al reglamento internacional vigente. Aparte de las exigencias reglamentarias para los

  15. Comportamiento de la poblacion de Avena fatua tratada con graminicidas postemergentes Effect of post-emergence graminicides on the control of Avena fatua

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V.F. Juan


    Full Text Available En el sudoeste bonaerense de la República Argentina, avena fatua es una maleza que ocupa una significativa proporción del banco de semillas presentes en el suelo, causando severas pérdidas de rendimiento en los cultivos de trigo, lo cuál la caracteriza como una maleza invasora. A pesar de que en los cultivos, se utilizan normalmente prácticas de control com graminicidas selectivos, se observa una alta incidencia de la población de Avena fatua a través de la determinación del número de panojas y semillas por metro cuadrado remanentes de las plantas que escapan al control y que alcanzan el estado reproductivo antes de la cosecha del cereal. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de varios graminicidas postemergentes selectivos para el cultivo de trigo sobre el crecimiento de la población de Avena fatua por metro cuadrado en un diseño estadístico de bloques al azar con cuatro repeticiones. Los tratamientos fueron los siguientes: testigo sin control, tralkoxydim (150 y 200 g/ha, fenoxaprop-p-etil (69 y 83 g/ha, pirifenop-n-butil (50 y 55 g/ha y diclofop metil (510 y 570 g/ha. En la primer campaña, con una baja infestación de la maleza (153 plantas/m2, todos los herbicidas y dosis probadas ejercieron una drástica reducción de los parámetros evaluados, no detectándose diferenciais significativas entre sí al evaluar el control por medio del número de panojas y semillas producidas por las plantas que escaparon al control. En cambio en la Segunda campaña com 285 plantas/m2 y habiéndoses realizado la aplicación delos avenicidas en un estado fenológico de la maleza más avanzado, el número de semilhas por metro quadradofue reducido a niveles que oscilaron entre un 60% y un 95% respecto del testigo sin control, detectándose diferencias entre los tratamientos. No obstante la reducción lograda, se comprobó en ciertos casos, un importante aporte de semillas que anualmente retornan al suelo, lo que podría significar sino

  16. Dominant Red Coat Color in Holstein Cattle Is Associated with a Missense Mutation in the Coatomer Protein Complex, Subunit Alpha (COPA Gene.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ben Dorshorst

    Full Text Available Coat color in Holstein dairy cattle is primarily controlled by the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R gene, a central determinant of black (eumelanin vs. red/brown pheomelanin synthesis across animal species. The major MC1R alleles in Holsteins are Dominant Black (MC1RD and Recessive Red (MC1Re. A novel form of dominant red coat color was first observed in an animal born in 1980. The mutation underlying this phenotype was named Dominant Red and is epistatic to the constitutively activated MC1RD. Here we show that a missense mutation in the coatomer protein complex, subunit alpha (COPA, a gene with previously no known role in pigmentation synthesis, is completely associated with Dominant Red in Holstein dairy cattle. The mutation results in an arginine to cysteine substitution at an amino acid residue completely conserved across eukaryotes. Despite this high level of conservation we show that both heterozygotes and homozygotes are healthy and viable. Analysis of hair pigment composition shows that the Dominant Red phenotype is similar to the MC1R Recessive Red phenotype, although less effective at reducing eumelanin synthesis. RNA-seq data similarly show that Dominant Red animals achieve predominantly pheomelanin synthesis by downregulating genes normally required for eumelanin synthesis. COPA is a component of the coat protein I seven subunit complex that is involved with retrograde and cis-Golgi intracellular coated vesicle transport of both protein and RNA cargo. This suggests that Dominant Red may be caused by aberrant MC1R protein or mRNA trafficking within the highly compartmentalized melanocyte, mimicking the effect of the Recessive Red loss of function MC1R allele.

  17. The Prediction of the Expected Current Selection Coefficient of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Associated with Holstein Milk Yield, Fat and Protein Contents

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Young-Sup Lee


    Full Text Available Milk-related traits (milk yield, fat and protein have been crucial to selection of Holstein. It is essential to find the current selection trends of Holstein. Despite this, uncovering the current trends of selection have been ignored in previous studies. We suggest a new formula to detect the current selection trends based on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP. This suggestion is based on the best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP and the Fisher’s fundamental theorem of natural selection both of which are trait-dependent. Fisher’s theorem links the additive genetic variance to the selection coefficient. For Holstein milk production traits, we estimated the additive genetic variance using SNP effect from BLUP and selection coefficients based on genetic variance to search highly selective SNPs. Through these processes, we identified significantly selective SNPs. The number of genes containing highly selective SNPs with p-value <0.01 (nearly top 1% SNPs in all traits and p-value <0.001 (nearly top 0.1% in any traits was 14. They are phosphodiesterase 4B (PDE4B, serine/threonine kinase 40 (STK40, collagen, type XI, alpha 1 (COL11A1, ephrin-A1 (EFNA1, netrin 4 (NTN4, neuron specific gene family member 1 (NSG1, estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1, neurexin 3 (NRXN3, spectrin, beta, non-erythrocytic 1 (SPTBN1, ADP-ribosylation factor interacting protein 1 (ARFIP1, mutL homolog 1 (MLH1, transmembrane channel-like 7 (TMC7, carboxypeptidase X, member 2 (CPXM2 and ADAM metallopeptidase domain 12 (ADAM12. These genes may be important for future artificial selection trends. Also, we found that the SNP effect predicted from BLUP was the key factor to determine the expected current selection coefficient of SNP. Under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium of SNP markers in current generation, the selection coefficient is equivalent to 2*SNP effect.

  18. Associations between variants of the HAL gene and milk production traits in Chinese Holstein cows. (United States)

    Wang, Haifei; Jiang, Li; Wang, Wenwen; Zhang, Shengli; Yin, Zongjun; Zhang, Qin; Liu, Jian-Feng


    The histidine ammonia-lyse gene (HAL) encodes the histidine ammonia-lyase, which catalyzes the first reaction of histidine catabolism. In our previous genome-wide association study in Chinese Holstein cows to identify genetic variants affecting milk production traits, a SNP (rs41647754) located 357 bp upstream of HAL, was found to be significantly associated with milk yield and milk protein yield. In addition, the HAL gene resides within the reported QTLs for milk production traits. The aims of this study were to identify genetic variants in HAL and to test the association between these variants and milk production traits. Fifteen SNPs were identified within the regions under study of the HAL gene, including three coding mutations, seven intronic mutations, one promoter region mutation, and four 3'UTR mutations. Nine of these identified SNPs were chosen for subsequent genotyping and association analyses. Our results showed that five SNP markers (ss974768522, ss974768525, ss974768531, ss974768533 and ss974768534) were significantly associated with one or more milk production traits. Haplotype analysis showed that two haplotype blocks were significantly associated with milk yield and milk protein yield, providing additional support for the association between HAL variants and milk production traits in dairy cows (P HAL gene and milk production traits in Chinese Holstein cows, indicating the potential role of HAL variants in these traits. These identified SNPs may serve as genetic markers used in genomic selection schemes to accelerate the genetic gains of milk production traits in dairy cattle.

  19. Reproductive traits of Holsteins and Jerseys. Effects of age, milk yield, and clinical abnormalities on involution of cervix and uterus, ovulation, estrous cycles, detection of estrus, conception rate, and days open. (United States)

    Fonseca, F A; Britt, J H; McDaniel, B T; Wilk, J C; Rakes, A H


    Two hundred and twelve Holstein and Jersey cows were in a study to determine factors that affected reproductive traits. First ovulation occurred about 3 wk postpartum, and interval to first ovulation was greater in cows that had clinical abnormalities postpartum than in normal cows. Jerseys producing more milk ovulated sooner postpartum than lower producing herdmates. Involution of cervix and uterus occurred later postpartum in cows that had clinical problems postpartum. Involution of genital tract occurred later postpartum in older cows and sooner postpartum in cows that had higher milk yields. Duration of first postpartum estrous cycle was 4 days less than for second postpartum cycle. Percentages of estrous cycles detected by standing estrus were 43 and 73% for Holsteins and Jerseys. Estrous detection rates were highest for cows that produced slightly above the mean milk yield and did not differ between cows in highest and lowest milk production quartiles. First detected estrus and days to first insemination occurred later postpartum in Holsteins as milk yield deviation from herdmates increased, regardless of sign. In Jerseys, days to first insemination and days open increased linearly as milk yield increased. Days to first insemination and conception were greater in cows with postpartum clinical problems. Conception rate at first insemination postpartum increased in proportion to concentration of progesterone in blood samples collected during 12 days before first insemination. Overall, clinical problems at parturition and postpartum lowered reproductive performance in both breeds. There was a slight antagonism between milk yield and reproductive performance (days open) in Jerseys but not in Holsteins.

  20. FABP4 is a leading candidate gene associated with residual feed intake in growing Holstein calves. (United States)

    Cohen-Zinder, Miri; Asher, Aviv; Lipkin, Ehud; Feingersch, Roi; Agmon, Rotem; Karasik, David; Brosh, Arieh; Shabtay, Ariel


    Ecological and economic concerns drive the need to improve feed utilization by domestic animals. Residual feed intake (RFI) is one of the most acceptable measures for feed efficiency (FE). However, phenotyping RFI-related traits is complex and expensive and requires special equipment. Advances in marker technology allow the development of various DNA-based selection tools. To assimilate these technologies for the benefit of RFI-based selection, reliable phenotypic measures are prerequisite. In the current study, we identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with RFI phenotypic consistency across different ages and diets (named RFI 1-3), using DNA samples of high or low RFI ranked Holstein calves. Using targeted sequencing of chromosomal regions associated with FE- and RFI-related traits, we identified 48 top SNPs significantly associated with at least one of three defined RFIs. Eleven of these SNPs were harbored by the fatty acid binding protein 4 (FABP4). While 10 significant SNPs found in FABP4 were common for RFI 1 and RFI 3, one SNP (FABP4_5; AHolstein breed, following a larger-scale validation. Copyright © 2016 the American Physiological Society.

  1. Concentrations of 17beta-estradiol in Holstein whole milk. (United States)

    Pape-Zambito, D A; Magliaro, A L; Kensinger, R S


    Some individuals have expressed concern about estrogens in food because of their potential to promote growth of estrogen-sensitive human cancer cells. Researchers have reported concentrations of estrogen in milk but few whole milk samples have been analyzed. Because estrogen associates with the fat phase of milk, the analysis of whole milk is an important consideration. The objectives of this study, therefore, were to quantify 17beta-estradiol (E2) in whole milk from dairy cows and to determine whether E2 concentrations in milk from cows in the second half of pregnancy were greater than that in milk from cows in the first half of pregnancy or in nonpregnant cows. Milk samples and weights were collected during a single morning milking from 206 Holstein cows. Triplicate samples were collected and 2 samples were analyzed for fat, protein, lactose, and somatic cell counts (SCC); 1 sample was homogenized and analyzed for E2. The homogenized whole milk (3 mL) was extracted twice with ethyl acetate and once with methanol. The extract was reconstituted in benzene:methanol (9:1, vol/vol) and run over a Sephadex LH-20 column to separate E2 from cholesterol and estrone before quantification using radioimmunoassay. Cows were classified as not pregnant (NP, n = 138), early pregnant (EP, 1 to 140 d pregnant, n = 47), or midpregnant (MP, 141 to 210 d pregnant, n = 21) at the time of milk sampling based on herd health records. Mean E2 concentration in whole milk was 1.4 +/- 0.2 pg/mL and ranged from nondetectable to 22.9 pg/mL. Milk E2 concentrations averaged 1.3, 0.9, and 3.0 pg/mL for NP, EP, and MP cows, respectively. Milk E2 concentrations for MP cows were greater and differed from those of NP and EP cows. Milk composition was normal for a Holstein herd in that log SCC values and percentages of fat, protein, and lactose averaged 4.9, 3.5, 3.1, and 4.8, respectively. Estradiol concentration was significantly correlated (r = 0.20) with percentage fat in milk. Mean milk yield was

  2. QTL-Kartierung und funktionelle Kandidatengenanalyse für das Merkmal Totgeburt in einer fortgeschrittenen Fleckvieh- x Red-Holstein-Rückkreuzungspopulation


    Gomeringer, Verena


    Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Kartierung eines QTL mit Effekt auf paternalen Kalbeverlauf und paternale Totgeburt auf Bos Taurus Autosom 9 (BTA09) in einer fortgeschrittenen Fleckvieh x Red-Holstein Rückkreuzungspopulation mit positioneller und funktioneller Kandidatengenanalyse. Dazu wurden Untersuchungen mit verschiedenen Kartierungsdesigns in Granddaughter und Daughter Designs durchgeführt. Intervallkartierung und Linkage / Linkage-Disequilibrium-Kartierung wurden verwendet um den QTL ...

  3. con dietas suplementadas con Cromo-L-metionina

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    Ram\\u00F3n Garc\\u00EDa-Castillo


    Full Text Available Un total de 48 cerdos (Sus scrofa domesticus; 24 machos castrados y 24 hembras cruzados (Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc y Landrace de 3,5 a 4,0 meses de edad y 60,0 ± 5,0 kg PV en finalización. Se alimentaron con dietas isoproteícas (14,5 % PC e isoenergéticas (3.400 kcal EM/kg de MS, adicionadas con Cr-L-metionina (MiCroPlex® (0, 200, 400 y 600 ppb. El experimento tuvo una duración de 45 días y se realizó de agosto a noviembre del 2002 en las instalaciones de la Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, localizada en Saltillo, Coahuila, México. Al tener los animales aproximadamente 95 kg PV, se tomó muestra de 15 ml de sangre por cada animal para determinar la concentración de glucosa, ácido úrico, creatinina, urea, proteinas totales y colesterol. Se aplicó un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial 2 x 4; dos para el factor sexo y cuatro para nivel de cromo. Los metabolitos en suero no fueron afectados (P>0,05 por el factor sexo. La glucosa en suero disminuyó (P<0,05 y el colesterol incrementó (P<0,05 con cromo en la dieta. Se concluye que el Cr incrementa el metabolismo de glucosa y disminuye el de colesterol, con lo cual puede haber energía disponible para síntesis de proteína la cual es necesaria para el crecimiento de los animales

  4. Milk yield and composition, dry matter intake and blood parameters of Holstein cows fed ensiled apple pomace co-ensiled with broiler litter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Osman Azizi, Osman; Karimi, Shahram; Sadeghi, Ghorbanali


    The present study was carried out to evaluate the effects of ensiled mixed apple pomace and broiler litter (EAPBL) on milk yield (MY) and composition, dry matter intake (DMI) and blood parameters at early lactation cow. Four multiparous early-lactating Holstein dairy cows were used in a 4×4 Latin...

  5. A rare case of monozygotic iniodymic diprosopiasis in a German Holstein calf. (United States)

    Weber, Jim; Behn, Holger; Freick, Markus


    Craniofacial duplication abnormity is a rare phenomenon in buiatric practice. This report attends to a male German Holstein calf which could be classified as a diprosopic iniodymus. A fetus exhibiting a doubled face was delivered after fetotomy. To our knowledge, this is the first description of diprosopiasis with two cranial cavities as well as two separate encephala in a calf showing the potential extent of duplication. Throughout this work also the question is answered of whether this malformation in a bovine species arose from one embryo or rather, there is a dizygotic background by genotyping of tissue samples from both parts of the diprosopus. Regarding etiology, not only hereditary dispositions including among others a failed function of the signaling molecule Sonic hedgehog mediating regulation of craniofacial morphogenesis, but also incompletely separated monozygotic twins are discussed.

  6. Effect of THI on milk coagulation properties of Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle

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    Simone Beux

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of temperature-humidity index (THI on the milk coagulation properties of Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle from northeast part of Italy. A total of 592 individual milk samples from six dairy herds were evaluated. The milk coagulation properties traits analysed were milk rennet coagulation time and curd firmness, as well as the fat, protein, and casein contents, pH, milk aptitude to coagulate (IAC, and the somatic cell count. The THI was determined during the periods of sample collection. The THI results showed that values of up to 75 did not significantly change the IAC values; however, when the THI values were above 75, the IAC decreased significantly. The control of THI can be used to guarantee appropriate milk coagulation properties.

  7. Risk factors for occurrence of displaced abomasum and their relation to nutritional management of Holstein dairy cattle


    Behluli, Behlul; Musliu, Arben; Sherifi, Kurtesh; Youngs, Curtis R.; Rexhepi, Agim


    The aim of the present study was to identify nutritional risk factors for the occurrence of displaced abomasum (DA) in Holstein dairy cattle raised in regions with highly variable nutritional management. Feeding program data were collected from 30 dairy farms throughout Kosovo via use of a standardized questionnaire, and an AgriNIR™ Analyser was used to analyze the nutrient composition of forage (hay, corn silage) fed to cattle on those farms. A diagnosis of DA was made via auscultation/percu...

  8. Genetic analysis of superovulatory response of Holstein cows in Canada. (United States)

    Jaton, C; Koeck, A; Sargolzaei, M; Malchiodi, F; Price, C A; Schenkel, F S; Miglior, F


    Superovulation of dairy cattle is frequently used in Canada. The cost of this protocol is high, and so is the variability of the outcome. Knowing the superovulatory potential of a donor cow could influence the breeder's decision to superovulate it or not. The main objective of this study was to perform a genetic analysis for superovulatory response of Holstein cows in Canada using data recorded by Holstein Canada, and to investigate if these data could be used for genetic evaluation. Data contained the total number of embryos and the number of viable embryos from every successful flushing performed across Canada. After editing, 137,446 records of superovulation performed between 1992 and 2014 were analyzed. A univariate repeatability animal model analysis was performed for both total number of embryos and number of viable embryos. Because both data and residuals did not follow a normal distribution, records were subject to either logarithmic or Anscombe transformation. Using logarithmic transformation, heritability estimates (SE) of 0.15 (0.01) and 0.14 (0.01) were found for total number of embryos and number of viable embryos, respectively. Using Anscombe transformation, heritability estimates (SE) of 0.17 (0.01) and 0.14 (0.01) were found for total number of embryos and number of viable embryos, respectively. The genetic correlation between the 2 traits was estimated at 0.97 using logarithmic transformation and 0.95 using Anscombe transformation. Breeding values were estimated for 54,463 cows, and 3,513 sires. Only estimated breeding values of sires having a reliability higher than 40% were considered for estimated breeding values correlations with other routinely evaluated traits. The results showed that selection for a higher response to superovulation would lead to a slight decrease in milk production, but an improvement for functional traits, including all reproduction traits. In all cases, the estimated correlations are either low or modest. We conclude that

  9. Water disinfection with solar radiation; Desinfeccion del agua con radiacion solar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martin, Alejandra; Cortes, Juana E; Rodriguez, Miriam; Mundo, Alfredo; Vazquez, Sandra [Instituto Mexicano de Tecnologia del Agua, Jiutepec, Morelos (Mexico); Estrada, Claudio A [Centro de Investigacion en Energia, Temixco, Morelos (Mexico)


    Water disinfection by exposure to solar radiation is a low cost and easy application option to rural communities. The treatment of water can be done using plastic bags or plastic bottles of two litters setting on a reflective material. The efficient of the plastic bottles is lower than the one plastic bags, but the plastic bottles have a much better control of the treated water avoiding its recontamination. In order to increase the efficiency of disinfection using plastic bottles, two solar concentrators, using flat mirrors, were designed and built. Effluent water from a treatment plant of residual waters was used for the testing. Several comparison were carried out taking into account the position of the concentrators, the transparency of the bottles and the bags. The results show that using the concentrator that adjust its position to the sun every hour, a 100% disinfection is obtained in 4 hours of direct exposure to the sun rays in a sunny day. The period of time can be reduced up to 2 hours, if instead using transparent bottles, the bottles are black painted at their bottom half. With these results, the basis to design a cheap concentrator of easy construction to be used in rural communities have been settle. [Spanish] La desinfeccion del agua por exposicion a la luz solar fotodesinfeccion es una opcion de bajo costo y facil aplicacion para las comunidades rurales. El tratamiento puede llevarse a cabo utilizando bolsas o botellas de plastico transparente de dos litros de capacidad colocadas sobre un material reflejante. Las botellas son menos eficientes que las bolsas, pero permiten un mejor control del agua tratada evitando su recontaminacion. Para aumentar la eficiencia de la desinfeccion utilizando las botellas, se disenaron y construyeron dos concentradores solares de espejos planos que permitieron disminuir el tiempo de exposicion requerido cuando se utilizan estas. Para las pruebas de desinfeccion se utilizo agua del efluente de una planta de tratamiento

  10. Clinical utility of calf front hoof circumference and maternal intrapelvic area in predicting dystocia in 103 late gestation Holstein-Friesian heifers and cows. (United States)

    Hiew, Mark W H; Megahed, Ameer A; Townsend, Jonathan R; Singleton, Wayne L; Constable, Peter D


    The objective of this study was to determine the clinical utility of measuring calf front hoof circumference, maternal intrapelvic area, and selected morphometric values in predicting dystocia in dairy cattle. An observational study using a convenience sample of 103 late-gestation Holstein-Friesian heifers and cows was performed. Intrapelvic height and width of the dam were measured using a pelvimeter, and the intrapelvic area was calculated. Calf front hoof circumference and birth weight were also measured. Data were analyzed using Spearman's correlation coefficient (rs), Mann-Whitney U test, and binary or ordered logistic regression; P dystocia (calving difficulty score = 4 or 5), with sensitivity = 0.50 and specificity = 0.93 at the optimal cutpoint for the ratio (>0.068 cm/cm(2)). Determining the ratio of calf front hoof circumference to maternal intrapelvic area has clinical utility in predicting the calving difficulty score in Holstein-Friesian cattle. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Effects of forage ensiling and ration fermentation on total mixed ration pH, ruminal fermentation and performance of growing Holstein-Zebu cross steers. (United States)

    Meenongyai, Watcharawit; Pattarajinda, Virote; Stelzleni, Alexander M; Sethakul, Jutarat; Duangjinda, Monchai


    Our objective was to determine the effect of forage ensiling and ration fermentation on total mixed ration pH, ruminal fermentation and animal performance. Thirty Holstein-Zebu cross steers were allotted to feeding treatments for 188 days in a randomized complete block design including: fresh grass-total mixed ration (GTMR; pH 4.7), grass silage-TMR (STMR; pH 4.0) and fermented-TMR (FTMR; pH 3.5). Average daily gain for STMR was greatest during the first 3 months period; however, that for FTMR tended to be greater than GTMR during the second 3 months period (P ruminal NH 3 -N content than STMR. Total volatile fatty acids post-feeding was greatest for GTMR (P Ruminal proportions of acetic and butyric acids were greater for FTMR than GTMR (P ruminal pH. STMR and FTMRs can be used to maintain performance of growing crossbred Holstein steers. © 2017 Japanese Society of Animal Science.

  12. Efectos en suelo y plantas debido al riego de un cultivo de maíz (Zea mays L. con el efluente de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales de la ciudad de Jinotepe

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    E. Umaña


    Full Text Available Un estudio de reúso de aguas para el riego de una parcela de cultivo de maíz (Zea mays L. se realizó en la comunidad de El Aguacate municipio de Jinotepe aprovechando los efluentes de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales de la ciudad de Jinotepe, con el objetivo de evaluar los efectos de esta práctica sobre las características físicas y químicas del suelo y los rendimientos obtenidos con respecto a una parcela de referencia. El manejo que se dio al cultivo fue el que tradicionalmente realizan los agricultores de la zona excepto que no se aplicó ningún fertilizante para aprovechar los nutrientes contenidos en el agua residual tratada. El monitoreo de las características del suelo se realizaron en una etapa inicial, una etapa intermedia y una etapa final del ciclo del cultivo. Los resultados obtenidos indican que estadísticamente las variaciones experimentadas en las características del suelo en la parcela de estudio no fueron significativas. Por otro lado, la calidad del efluente en cuanto al contenido de nutrientes, compensa el no uso de fertilizantes por cuanto los rendimientos obtenidos en el estudio superaron hasta en un 60 % la media de rendimientos de maíz en la zona reportados que es de 1.61 t/ha.

  13. Dietary Alfalfa and Calcium Salts of Long-Chain Fatty Acids Alter Protein Utilization, Microbial Populations, and Plasma Fatty Acid Profile in Holstein Freemartin Heifers. (United States)

    He, Yang; Qiu, Qinghua; Shao, Taoqi; Niu, Wenjing; Xia, Chuanqi; Wang, Haibo; Li, Qianwen; Gao, Zhibiao; Yu, Zhantao; Su, Huawei; Cao, Binghai


    This study presented the effects of alfalfa and calcium salts of long-chain fatty acids (CSFA) on feed intake, apparent digestibility, rumen fermentation, microbial community, plasma biochemical parameters, and fatty acid profile in Holstein freemartin heifers. Eight Holstein freemartin heifers were randomly divided into a 4 × 4 Latin Square experiment with 2 × 2 factorial diets, with or without alfalfa or CSFA. Dietary supplementation of CSFA significantly increased the apparent digestibility of dry matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, organic matter, and significantly reduced N retention (P fatty acids in the plasma, which was expressed in reducing saturated fatty acid (ΣSFA) ratio and C14-C17 fatty acids proportion except C16:0 (P fatty acid (ΣPUFA) and unsaturated fatty acid (ΣUFA) (P fatty acids in plasma. Alfalfa and CSFA had mutual interaction effect on fat digestion and plasma triglycerides.

  14. Efecto de un bioinoculante a partir de consorcios microbianos nativos fosfato solubilizadores, en el desarrollo de pastos Angleton (Dichantium aristatum Titulo en ingles: Effect of bio-inoculant from microbial consortia phosphate solu

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    Cecilia Lara Mantilla


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue evaluar la capacidad solubilizadora de fosfatos de consorcios formados por bacterias nativas de los géneros Burkholderia cepacia, Pseudomonas sp, Pseudomonas luteola y Pantoea sp, con el fin de encontrar el más eficiente. Se realizaron pruebas de antagonismo entre las cepas y se formaron consorcios probando todas las combinaciones posibles en las concentraciones de 106, 107, 108 UFC/mL. Se realizaron evaluaciones cualitativas y cuantitativas de la solubilización de fosfatos y teniendo en cuenta éstos resultados, se preparó un bioinoculante el cual fue evaluado en semillas de plantas de pasto angleton (Dichantium aristatum a escala de laboratorio, utilizando un diseño estadístico completamente al azar (DCA con 3 tratamientos y 5 repeticiones: Tratamiento 1 semillas (control, Tratamiento 2, semillas tratadas con el consorcio de microorganismos seleccionado y Tratamiento 3, semillas tratadas con fertilizantes comerciales DAP y Urea. Se evaluaron las variables número de hojas, área foliar, longitud de la planta, longitud de la raíz y peso seco de todas las plantas. Los resultados de la prueba de antagonismo indicaron que no existe inhibición en el crecimiento de las cepas evaluadas, por lo tanto se formaron consorcios los cuales mostraron mayor eficiencia en la solubilización del fósforo, destacándose el consorcio formado por Pantoea sp + Pseudomonas sp a una concentración de 108 UFC/mL y con índices de solubilización de 5,3 y 842 ppm. En las plantas se evidenció un incremento significativo en los parámetros peso seco y área foliar usando el consorcio microbiano, indicando mayor beneficio en comparación con el control.

  15. Efecto de tres preservadores de la longevidad sobre la vida postcosecha de Rosa cv. Royalty

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    G. H. De la Cruz-Guzmán


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto de tres tratamientos: a sulfato de aluminio 0.6 g·l-1; b 400 ppm de sulfato de 8-hidroxiquinoleina (8-HQS; c pulso con tiosulfato de plata (STS, 0.025 mM durante 20 minutos y agua destilada como testigo sobre consumo hídrico, peso fresco, diámetro floral, concentración de azúcares solubles totales en pétalos y longevidad en Rosa cv. Royalty. En el testigo el consumo de agua descendió significativamente al noveno día, no así en los otros tratamientos que se mantuvieron por arriba del testigo hasta el final del experimento. La menor tasa de pérdida de peso fresco se observó en el tratamiento con sulfato de aluminio (Al, seguido por STS, HQS y testigo respectivamente, sugiriendo una probable asociación inversa con la vida postcosecha. Las flores tratadas con sulfato de aluminio, resultaron estadísticamente diferentes en cuanto a su estado ornamental óptimo en los días 9, 10, 11, 12 y 14 de vida postcosecha, evaluados mediante la prueba de Kruskall-Wallis El diámetro floral fue mayor en las flores tratadas con STS (9 cm, seguido por sulfato de aluminio (7.6 cm; éste último mantuvo la apertura dos días más que STS. En cuanto a la concentración de azúcares solubles totales en estado de botón y flor abierta, no se registraron diferencias significativas (P>0.05 ni entre tratamientos ni estados florales.

  16. Fractura triple del complejo suspensorio del hombro

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    Eraclio Delgado Rifá


    Full Text Available El complejo suspensorio del hombro es una estructura sumamente importante, compuesta por un anillo de huesos y tejidos blandos. Las lesiones aisladas de este complejo anatómico son frecuentes y no afectan su estabilidad. La interrupción doble conduce a la inestabilidad de esta estructura y usualmente requiere tratamiento quirúrgico. La triple interrupción, por su parte, es sumamente rara y es encontrada en casos de trauma de alta energía a menudo en asociación con otras lesiones. Se presenta una triple lesión del complejo suspensorio del hombro en un paciente de 46 años de edad, con una fractura de la glenoides, del acromion tipo III de Kuhn y de la coracoides tipo II de Ogawa. En este caso, la fractura del acromion fue tratada con fijación percutánea con alambres de Kirschner, por tener asociado lesiones de partes blandas que contraindicaron la reducción abierta. La fractura de la glenoides y de la apófisis coracoides fueron tratadas conservadoramente. Después de 6 meses de evolución, el paciente tuvo un resultado funcional aceptable, con una abducción de 90 grados, los 30 grados de rotación externa y 70 de rotación interna, además asintomático y consolidación de todas las fracturas. A pesar de ser catalogada de una lesión grave del cinturón escapular y estar asociada a otras lesiones se obtuvo un resultado satisfactorio al final del tratamiento.

  17. Comportamiento a fractura de la aleación 6061 reforzada con alúmina

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    Forn, A.


    Full Text Available The properties of the cast aluminium alloys 6061/(20%Al2O3p are studied. This material is obtained by Duralcan procedure after being submitted to an extrusion and forging process. These materials are submitted to T6 heat treatments in order to study their effect on mechanical properties. In this work the matrix characteristics are compared with the reinforced material in different production stages, using an optical and electronic microscopy, EDS, tensile, fatigue and ultramicrohardness tests. The mechanical properties indicate that the extruded reinforced material presents ultimate tensile strength values lower than the alloy 6061 under the same conditions, and this is related to the presence of spinel in the interface matrix-reinforcement. The fracture mechanisms are established by static and dynamic tensions in different cases, studying the possible interactions matrix-reinforcement and their repercussion in the mechanical behaviour of the alloy.

    Se estudian las propiedades de las aleaciones de aluminio 6061/(20%Al2O3p obtenidas por colada y conformadas posteriormente por extrusión y forja. Estos materiales son sometidos a tratamientos térmicos de envejecimiento (T6 para estudiar su efecto en las propiedades mecánicas. En este trabajo se comparan las características de la matriz con las del material reforzado en las distintas etapas de producción utilizando técnicas de microscopía óptica y electrónica, EDS y ensayos de tracción, fatiga y ultramicroindentación. Los ensayos mecánicos indican que el material compuesto extruido presenta valores de resistencia mecánica más bajos que la aleación 6061 tratada en las mismas condiciones y ello se relaciona con la presencia de espinela en la interfase alúmina-matriz. Se establecen los mecanismos de fractura por tensiones estáticas y dinámicas en los distintos casos, estudiando las posibles interacciones matriz

  18. Enraizamento de estacas de azaléia Rhododendron indicum: cultivar terra nova tratadas com ácido indolbutírico, com o uso ou não de fixador

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    Juliano Tadeu Vilela de Resende


    Full Text Available O experimento teve como objetivo avaliar o enraizamento de estacas de Azaléia – cultivar Terra Nova – tratadas com ácido indol-butírico, com o uso ou não de gelatina como fixador. Foram avaliados os tratamentos 1,5 g AIB/L; 1,5 g AIB/L e fixador; 2,0 g AIB/L; 2,0 g AIB/L e fixador; 2,5 g AIB/L; 2,5 g AIB/L e fixador. Não foram detectadas diferenças significativas para doses de ácido indol-butírico e uso ou não de fixador para as características de enraizamento avaliadas.

  19. Resolidificación con láser de barreras térmicas de circona depositadas por proyección térmica plasma (APS

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    Diez, J. C.


    de Ni. Se presenta un sencillo modelo que permite explicar la energía umbral de fusión y su dependencia con la velocidad de tratamiento. Se observa cómo la capa externa tratada se densifica, disminuye su rugosidad y queda íntimamente ligada con la capa porosa de Y-PSZ.

  20. Caracterización de la capa formada por nitruración gaseosa del titanio a alta temperatura

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    Rodríguez, D.


    Full Text Available Titanium and Ti6Al4V alloy are biocompatible materials. However, their lack of good wear resistance limits their use for some biomedical applications. Surface hardening by nitriding has been studied in order to improve wear resistance of titanium. The results showed an increase of surface hardness, over 300% when compared to non-treated samples. X-ray diffraction data of the surface of the treated samples showed the existence of titanium nitrides, mainly ε-nitrides (Ti2N, although δ−nitrides (TiN were also detected. Selected area diffraction pattern in transmission electron microscope (TEM of nearsurface regions detected the existence of ε-nitrides. TEM observations of regions at depths over 5 μm did not registered any nitride. Therefore, the results suggest that the studied treatment could be used to reduce wear in biomedical applications with light and medium loads.

    El titanio y la aleación Ti6Al4V son materiales que presentan una excelente biocompatibilidad, si bien la falta de una buena resistencia al desgaste dificulta su uso en diversas aplicaciones biomédicas. Se ha estudiado el endurecimiento superficial del titanio por medio de la nitruración gaseosa con el fin de mejorar su resistencia al desgaste. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un gran incremento en la dureza superficial, de un 300% con relación a las muestras no tratadas. Los datos de las difracciones de rayos X de la superficie de las muestras tratadas muestran la existencia de nitruros de titanio, principalmente nitruros-ε (Ti2N, si bien también fueron detectados nitruros-δ (TiN. La difracción de electrones realizada en microscopio electrónico de transmisión (TEM de regiones subsuperficiales de las muestras tratadas también detectaron la existencia de nitruros-ε. Observaciones con TEM de zonas a distancias de la superficie superiores a 5 μm no revelaron la existencia de nitruros. Por tanto, los resultados obtenidos indican que el tratamiento de

  1. La asociación de divertículo de Zenker y acalasia

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    Juan David Martínez Marín


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 88 años, con disfagia y antecedentes de acalasia no tratada de veinte años de evolución y síntomas de disfagia oro faríngea. Los exámenes radiológicos y endoscópicos identificaron además de la acalasia un divertículo de Zenker. Se realizó terapia paliativa con inyección de toxina botulínica en el esfínter esofágico inferior, con mejoría de los síntomas. Se hace una revisión de la rara coexistencia de estas dos patologías.

  2. Enraizamento de estacas de atemoieira ‘Gefner’ tratadas com auxinas Rooting of atemoya ‘Gefner’ cuttings treated with auxins

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    Gisela Ferreira


    Full Text Available A propagação da atemóia deve ser feita assexuadamente e, nesse contexto, a estaquia surge como alternativa. Dessa forma, objetivou-se determinar a parte do ramo de atemoieira (Annona cherimola Mill. x Annona squamosa L. cv. 'Gefner' mais apropriada para estaquia. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3x3 (reguladores x tipos de estaca, com 5 repetições de 12 estacas. Os reguladores utilizados foram AIB 0,5% e ANA 0,5%, aplicados na forma de talco na base das estacas, além da testemunha. Os diferentes tipos de estacas foram retirados de 3 regiões do caule (apical, mediana e basal. As estacas tratadas foram colocadas para enraizar em bandejas de poliestireno contendo substrato comercial Plantmax® e levadas para câmara de nebulização intermitente, onde permaneceram durante 136 dias. As variáveis avaliadas foram: porcentagem de estacas vivas, porcentagem de estacas vivas com enraizamento, porcentagem de estacas enraizadas com folhas remanescentes, com brotações e com folhas remanescentes + brotações, porcentagem de estacas enraizadas sem folhas, número, comprimento médio e massa da matéria seca de raízes por estaca enraizada, área foliar e massa da matéria seca de folhas remanescentes e brotações. A atemoieira apresenta maior potencial para formação de mudas por estaquia empregando-se estacas apicais sem tratamento e medianas tratadas com ANA (0,5%.Atemoya propagation must be done asexually; in this context, cutting represents an alternative. This work aimed to verify the most appropriate branch part of atemoya (Annona cherimola Mill. x Annona squamosa L. cv. 'Gefner' for cutting. The experimental design was completely randomized, in a 3x3 factorial arrangement (plant growth regulators x cutting types, with 5 replicates of 12 cuttings. The plant growth regulators IBA 0.5% and NAA 0.5% were applied as talc in the base of cuttings, besides the control. The different cutting types were

  3. Evaluación in vivo de la eficacia cosmética de dos procedimientos de bioestimulación con la aplicación de plasma rico en plaquetas en arrugas faciales, para mejorar la elasticidad y firmeza de la piel tratada


    Cornejo Bravo, Juan Carlos


    Mi proyecto de titulación se orientó a buscar la eficacia cosmética de dos procedimientos de bioestimulación con Plasma Rico en Plaquetas en arrugas faciales, teniendo como resultado que la eficacia se encuentra en personas con mioenvejecimiento (30-40 años) con el procedimiento de Plasma Rico en Plaquetas Activado (PRPA). This project, prior to obtaining my Master’s degree was aimed towards seeking the cosmetic efficiency of two bio stimulation procedures using platelet-rich plasma applie...

  4. Evaluación biológica del manejo de picudos y nematodos fitopatógenos en plátano (Musa AAB

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    Aristizábal Loaiza Manuel


    Full Text Available El trabajo se desarrolló en la granja Montelindo, municipio de Palestina (Caldas a 5° 05' N y 75° 40' O, a 1010 m.s.n.m., 23.5 °C, precipitación anual de 2100 mm y humedad relativa de 76%, con el fin de generar información sobre el manejo de picudos y nematodos fitoparásitos del plátano. Se usó un diseño en bloques completos al azar con cuatro tratamientos por bloque, tres repeticiones y 24 plantas por repetición. Para el manejo de los picudos se hicieron aplicaciones de Carbofurán, Beauveria bassiana y Metarhizium anisopliae en trampas tipo columna. Para el control de nematodos se hicieron aplicaciones en el suelo de Carbofurán y dos cepas comerciales de Paecilomyces lilacinus. Se evaluaron el número de adultos de picudos en trampas, la infección de estos por los hongos empleados y la población de nematodos en suelo y raíces. Se encontró que las trampas tratadas con Carbofurán fueron significativamente más efectivas para la captura de insectos. En laboratorio se estableció que M. anisopliae tuvo una mejor capacidad para infectar adultos del insecto en el campo. La población de nematodos fue menor en suelo y raíces de las plantas tratadas con Carbofurán. Paecilomyces lilacinus no fue efectivo para reducir las poblaciones de nematodos. Los géneros de nematodos predominantes fueron Radopholus, Pratylenchus, Meloidogyne y Helicotylenchus.

  5. Riqueza, uso y origen de plantas medicinales expendidas en los mercados de la ciudad del Cusco

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    Isau Huamantupa


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron las plantas medicinales expendidas en cinco mercados principales de la ciudad del Cusco: San Pedro, San Jerónimo, TTio, Wanchaq y Rosaspata y cuatro zonales de San Sebastián, Molino II, Huancaro y Santa Rosa. Se realizaron encuestas y colectas para identificar las especies de plantas medicinales, modo de utilización, afecciones tratadas, lugar de procedencia y origen. Registramos 152 especies, con 45 familias, las más ricas en especies fueron: Asteraceae con 36 y Lamiaceae (12; las especies con la mayor frecuencia de venta y compra fueron: Muehlenbeckia volcanica (Benth. Endl. “mullaca”, Perezia virens (D. Don Hook. & Arn. “valeriana”, Matricaria recutita L. “manzanilla” e Hypochaeris taraxacoides (Walp. B. & H. “pilli pilli”; el hábito herbáceo represento el 75% del total; de las partes utilizadas 81% corresponden a toda la planta; las infusiones o “mates calientes” abarcaron el 69% del modo de preparación y las afecciones tratadas con mayor frecuencia fueron las inflamaciones renales y hepáticas, dolencias gastrointestinales y afecciones broncopulmonares. Las especies nativas representaron el 83% del total, de estas 78%, son procedentes de la región andina principalmente de localidades aledañas al departamento Cusco. Consideramos que esta alta riqueza de plantas medicinales expendidas en los mercados de la ciudad del Cusco es similar a otros registros en mercados andinos importantes de Sudamérica como en Bolivia y Ecuador, las que a su vez están arraigadas a conocimientos ancestrales, principalmente de la cultura Quechua.

  6. Neoplasia intraepitelial cervical en mujeres menores de 25 años

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    Martha María Chávez Valdivia


    Full Text Available Fundamento: aunque la incidencia de lesiones preinvasivas del cervix ha sido mayor en mujeres de la tercera a cuarta década de la vida, en los últimos años se ha encontrando un número no despreciable de mujeres menores de 25 años afectadas por este tipo de lesiones de bajo o alto grado. Objetivo: describir el comportamiento de las neoplasias intraepiteliales cervicales diagnosticadas en mujeres menores de 25 años de edad, y tratadas con radiocirugía. Métodos: estudio retrospectivo y descriptivo de 67 pacientes menores de 25 años de edad, con diagnóstico de neoplasia intraepitelial cervical y tratadas por el método de radiocirugía en el Hospital General de Cienfuegos. Se analizaron las variables: edad, tipo de NIC, grado de la NIC y presencia de VPH. Resultados: el grupo más afectado fue el de las mujeres de 21 a 25 años de edad, portador del 70,4 % de lesiones. El 86, 56 % de las lesiones fue de alto grado. Las lesiones estuvieron asociadas con elevada frecuencia (88,05 % a condiloma, evidencia histológica indirecta de la citotoxicidad por la infestación tisular del VPH. Conclusiones: La presencia de NIC en mujeres menores de 25 años de edad, se configura en nuestro medio como problema de salud. El presente estudio puede servir como sustrato para desarrollar investigaciones similares en varios lugares del país, con la finalidad de aportar evidencia global que conduzca al cambio.

  7. Evaluación biológica del manejo de picudos y nematodos fitopatógenos en plátano (Musa AAB

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    Carolina González Cardona


    Full Text Available El trabajo se desarrolló en la granja Montelindo, municipio de Palestina (Caldas a 5° 05' N y 75° 40' O, a 1010 m.s.n.m., 23.5 °C, precipitación anual de 2100 mm y humedad relativa de 76%, con el fin de generar información sobre el manejo de picudos y nematodos fitoparásitos del plátano. Se usó un diseño en bloques completos al azar con cuatro tratamientos por bloque, tres repeticiones y 24 plantas por repetición. Para el manejo de los picudos se hicieron aplicaciones de Carbofurán, Beauveria bassiana y Metarhizium anisopliae en trampas tipo columna. Para el control de nematodos se hicieron aplicaciones en el suelo de Carbofurán y dos cepas comerciales de Paecilomyces lilacinus. Se evaluaron el número de adultos de picudos en trampas, la infección de estos por los hongos empleados y la población de nematodos en suelo y raíces. Se encontró que las trampas tratadas con Carbofurán fueron significativamente más efectivas para la captura de insectos. En laboratorio se estableció que M. anisopliae tuvo una mejor capacidad para infectar adultos del insecto en el campo. La población de nematodos fue menor en suelo y raíces de las plantas tratadas con Carbofurán. Paecilomyces lilacinus no fue efectivo para reducir las poblaciones de nematodos. Los géneros de nematodos predominantes fueron Radopholus, Pratylenchus, Meloidogyne y Helicotylenchus.

  8. Aplicaciones de la dermis artificial para la prevención y tratamiento de cicatrices hipertróficas y contracturas Artificial dermis aplications to prevent and treat hypertrofyc scars and skin retractions

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    I. Ferreiro González


    Full Text Available En nuestro centro hospitalario fueron ingresados 517 pacientes por quemaduras a lo largo de los últimos 8 años, de los cuales 48 fueron reconstruidos con dermis artificial. Presentamos un grupo de 8 grandes quemados en los que aplicamos Integra® en el periodo agudo y en el periodo de secuelas, con el propósito de tratar o prevenir la formación de cicatrices hipertróficas y contracturas. Evaluamos las siguientes variables: hematoma, infección y pérdida total o parcial de la dermis artificial. Durante el periodo postoperatorio analizamos la pigmentación, vascularización, pliabilidad y altura de la cicatriz con la escala de Vancouver. Medimos el grado de satisfacción de los pacientes empleando una encuesta con puntuación de 0 a 10. Ninguna de las áreas tratadas con dermis artificial presentó cicatrización patológica y no hubo recurrencia en los pacientes con cicatrices hipertróficas. Observamos que en el quemado agudo, las áreas tratadas con dermis artificial desarrollaron mejor calidad de cicatriz que las áreas tratadas únicamente con injertos de piel. Conseguimos una cobertura satisfactoria de las áreas con exposición tendinosa. Consideramos que en pacientes seleccionados, la dermis artificial puede aplicarse en el periodo agudo de la quemadura en zonas especiales para prevenir contracturas y cicatrices hipertróficas; también puede servir como cobertura de estructuras no injertables con defectos menores de 3 cm., en los que normalmente también un colgajo podría servir para solucionar el problema. Durante la fase crónica de la quemadura, la dermis artificial puede ser útil como tratamiento de contracturas y cicatrices hipertróficas.Over the last 8 years, 517 patients were admitted to our centre with burn injuries; of these, 48 had reconstruction with artificial dermis. We present a group of 8 extensively burned patients, who were treated with Integra�� during the acute and later phases to prevent and treat


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    Josip Ljubešić


    Full Text Available An experiment of crossing a heavier-weight semi-breed horse (Holstein with mares of Croatian Posavian type draft horse resulted in possibility of such further crossing. Attained product meets today’s market requirements: firstly as an export-meat category that meets Italian market requirements, since other markets are not well known, secondly, it can be used as a sport-tourist-recreation horse. It must be pointed out that all produced hybrids did not meet the needs of these two basic criteria. In spite of being potential slaughtery head with good utilization, each produced head can be, according to its exterial properties, used as a sporttourist animal that showed certain usable values and results proven by the experiment. The hybrids showed some hereditory draft horse properties shown on enclosed photos. In addition, exterier measures show that former knowledge on hybrids can respond the question of a horse raising on non-utilized pastures which they got used to very well. Thus these horses are able to be estimated by their body development just as our native draft Posavian type horse including possibility of using them as a sport-tourist-recreation horse.

  10. Meningitis neumocócica en un lactante curada sin secuelas neurológicas ni neuroquirúrgicas

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    C. Lamote de Grignon


    Full Text Available Lactante de 45 días, en pésimas condiciones fisiológicas, que presenta una meningitis neumocócica indiscutible. Es tratada con sulfatiazol y penicilina (apenas por vía intratecal. Cura prácticamente a los 17 días sin secuela alguna. A los 8 meses se mantenía bien desde todos los puntos de vista.

  11. Effects of Hydrogen Cyanamide on the Floral Morphogenesis of Kiwifruit Buds Efectos de la Cianamida de Hidrógeno sobre la Morfogénesis Floral de Kiwi

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    Hakan Engin


    Full Text Available The influence of hydrogen cyanamide (HC on the flower bud development of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev. C.F. Liang & A.R. Ferguson. ‘Hayward’ was studied. The bud samples were taken every 5-10 d starting from dormant season (March and fixed in FAA (10% formalin, 50% ethanol, 5% glacial acetic acid. Flower bud development was compared in three HC concentrations and the control. 1%, 2%, and 3% of HC was applied 35 d before the expected natural bud break. During the onset of bud break, only 57.6% of control buds had sepal primordia developed. On the other hand, HC treated buds had almost completed their stamen formation and started stigma primordia. When the control vines were in advanced bud break, gynoecial plateau already began to form in the vines treated with 2 and 3% HC. Vines treated with 1% HC lagged a little behind and had not started developing the gynoecial plateau. As the bud developed from the open cluster to the tight bud stage, the differences between the control and HC treated plants were more distinct. However, there were no differences between HC treatments as the ovule initiation took place in the buds.El presente estudio evalúa la influencia de la aplicación de cianamida de hidrogeno (HC sobre el desarrollo de las yemas florales de kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev. C.F. Liang & A.R. Ferguson cv. Hayward. Las muestras de yemas se tomaron cada 5-10 días comenzando en la época de dormancia en marzo y se fijaron en FAA (10% formaldehido, 50% etanol, 5% ácido acético glacial. Se comparó el desarrollo de las yemas florales en tres concentraciones de HC y el control. Se aplicó HC al 1%, 2% y 3% 35 días antes del brote natural de las yemas. En el momento de la apertura de las yemas, sólo el 57,6% de las yemas de control habían desarrollado los primordios de los sépalos. Por el contrario, las yemas tratadas con HC casi habían completado la formación de estambres y habían empezado el desarrollo de primordios

  12. Blood profile and meat quality of Holstein-Friesian steers finished on total mixed ration or flaxseed oil-supplemented pellet mixed with reed canary grass haylage. (United States)

    Utama, D T; Lee, S G; Baek, K H; Chung, W S; Chung, I A; Kim, D I; Kim, G Y; Lee, S K


    Holstein-Friesian steer beef production is renowned globally as a secondary product of the milk industry. Grass feeding is a common practice in raising Holstein steers because of its low cost. Furthermore, grass feeding is an alternative way to produce beef with a balanced n-6 to n-3 fatty acids (FAs) ratio. However, the performance and meat quality of Holstein-Friesian cattle is more likely to depend on a high-quality diet. The aim of this study was to observe whether feeding two mixed diets; a corn-based total mixed ration (TMR) with winter ryegrass (Lolium perenne) or flaxseed oil-supplemented pellets with reed canary grass haylage (n-3 mix) provided benefits on carcass weight, meat quality and FA composition compared with cattle fed with reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea) haylage alone. In all, 15 21-month-old Holstein-Friesian steers were randomly assigned to three group pens, were allowed free access to water and were fed different experimental diets for 150 days. Blood samples were taken a week before slaughter. Carcass weight and meat quality were evaluated after slaughter. Plasma lipid levels and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), γ-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), creatine kinase (CK) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activities were determined. Diet did not affect plasma triglyceride levels and GGT activity. Plasma cholesterol levels, including low-density and high-density lipoproteins, were higher in both mixed-diet groups than in the haylae group. The highest activities of plasma AST, CK and ALP were observed in the haylage group, followed by n-3 mix and TMR groups, respectively. Carcass weight was lower in the haylage group than in the other groups and no differences were found between the TMR and n-3 mix groups. Although the n-3 mix-fed and haylage-fed beef provided lower n-6 to n-3 FAs ratio than TMR-fed beef, the roasted beef obtained from the TMR group was more acceptable with better overall meat physicochemical properties and sensory scores

  13. Qualidade de vida de mulheres tratadas por câncer do colo de útero

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    Francieli Ana Dallabrida


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue evaluar la Calidad de Vida de mujeres con cáncer de cuello uterino. Investigación transversal, descriptiva, con 43 mujeres en tratamiento del cáncer en un Centro de Alta Complejidad de Oncología, en el Sur del Brasil. El instrumento utilizado fue el European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer – Quality of Life Questionnaire Core-30 , y los datos se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva. La edad media fue de 54,6 años; prevalecieron casadas (53,4%, con educación primaria incompleta (72,1% y renta de uno a dos sueldos mínimos (62,8%. La Calidad de Vida fue considerada muy satisfactoria. En las escalas de desempeño del rol y del funcionamiento emocional, el resultado fue regular a satisfactorio. Los síntomas más comunes fueron fatiga, falta de apetito y dolor. Hay necesidad de estructuración de las políticas de salud pública para prevención del cáncer de cuello uterino a la población más vulnerable.

  14. Tratamiento con implantes Leader-Nano en paciente con oligodoncia

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    Salvador Javier Santos Medina


    Full Text Available Los implantes dentales de titanio han revolucionado el mundo de la rehabilitación desde su surgimiento. De manera particular, el empleo de implantes de carga inmediata acorta el tiempo quirúrgico y protésico, con el consiguiente bienestar estético. Se presenta el caso de una paciente femenina de 32 años de edad, con antecedentes de oligodoncia de ambos incisivos laterales superiores y portadora de prótesis parcial acrílica. Fue atendida por el equipo multidisciplinario de implantes en la Clínica Estomatológica Docente “3 de Octubre” y se le realizó tratamiento de rehabilitación integral con implantes Leader-Nano y prótesis fija con corona acrílica sobre dichos implantes. La implantología fue satisfactoria en la paciente; la mejoría estética y funcional, así como la satisfacción de la paciente, fueron los principales logros obtenidos

  15. Effect of Peroral Administration of Chromium on Insulin Signaling Pathway in Skeletal Muscle Tissue of Holstein Calves. (United States)

    Jovanović, Ljubomir; Pantelić, Marija; Prodanović, Radiša; Vujanac, Ivan; Đurić, Miloje; Tepavčević, Snežana; Vranješ-Đurić, Sanja; Korićanac, Goran; Kirovski, Danijela


    The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of peroral administration of chromium-enriched yeast on glucose tolerance in Holstein calves, assessed by insulin signaling pathway molecule determination and intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT). Twenty-four Holstein calves, aged 1 month, were chosen for the study and divided into two groups: the PoCr group (n = 12) that perorally received 0.04 mg of Cr/kg of body mass daily, for 70 days, and the NCr group (n = 12) that received no chromium supplementation. Skeletal tissue samples from each calf were obtained on day 0 and day 70 of the experiment. Chromium supplementation increased protein content of the insulin β-subunit receptor, phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate 1 at Tyrosine 632, phosphorylation of Akt at Serine 473, glucose transporter-4, and AMP-activated protein kinase in skeletal muscle tissue, while phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate 1 at Serine 307 was not affected by chromium treatment. Results obtained during IVGTT, which was conducted on days 0, 30, 50, and 70, suggested an increased insulin sensitivity and, consequently, a better utilization of glucose in the PoCr group. Lower basal concentrations of glucose and insulin in the PoCr group on days 30 and 70 were also obtained. Our results indicate that chromium supplementation improves glucose utilization in calves by enhancing insulin intracellular signaling in the skeletal muscle tissue.

  16. Potency of fiber rumen bacterial isolates from local buffalo inoculated into Frisian Holstein calves during preweaning period

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    Iwan Prihantoro


    Full Text Available Fiber-digesting bacteria are the main rumen bacteria that play an important role in digesting feed. These bacteria are adapted to low quality forage from agricultural byproduct. The aim of these study was to determine the potency of fiber-digesting bacteria consortium obtained from buffalo rumen inoculated to Frisian Holstein calves during preweaning on feed consumption, utilization, mineral uptake and physiological status. This study used 14 isolates of bacteria obtained from collection of Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University. The experimental unit consisted of six Frisian Holstein calves at two week old with the average body weight of 38.00 ± 6.23 kg. Calves were inoculated by 20 ml of fiber-digesting rumen bacterial isolates [4.56 x 109 cfu/ml] every morning for four weeks. Experimental design used was based on a completly randomized design with three calves received the respective inoculation (treatment group and three calves without any inoculation (control group. Data were analyzed statistically using t-test method with α = 0.05 and 0.01. The results showed that fiber-digesting bacteria (FDB from rumen buffalo have adapted in the calves rumen since preweaning periode. Inoculation FDB increased the number of rumen bacteria, digestibility of protein and P uptake calves at eight weeks old. Increased feed intake, uptake of Mg and cobalt calves at 14 weeks old. Without causing any negative effects on ADG, physiological status and rumen fermentability.

  17. Experiencias de haber crecido con un padre/madre con trastorno mental severo (TMS)


    Vivanco B, Gabriela; Grandón F, Pamela


    Introducción. La experiencia de vivir con personas que presentan un Trastorno Mental Severo (TMS) es difícil para las familias, en especial para los hijos quienes han sido poco estudiados. El objetivo de la investigación fue conocer cómo la experiencia de haber vivido con un padre o madre con un trastorno mental severo influyó en la infancia, adolescencia y adultez joven de sus hijos e hijas. Método. Se analizan las experiencias de convivencia con un padre/madre con TMS en 10 hijos (6 hombres...

  18. Really off? Results of the Land-wide stand-by-function-off campaign of the energy trust Energiestiftung Schleswig-Holstein; Wirklich aus? Ergebnisse der landesweiten Stromsparkampagne der Energiestiftung Schleswig-Holstein

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wortmann, K.; Moehring-Hueser, W. [Energiestiftung Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel (Germany); Schoetz, D. [Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, Osnabrueck (Germany); Krieg, O. [TNS-Emnid, Bielefeld (Germany)


    The article refers to the energy efficiency campaign launched last year in the Land of Schleswig-Holstein (and reported in ''et'' 51 (2001)). The campaign was intended to enhance awareness of the general public of the money and energy savings that are possible by as simple a measure as to turn off the stand-by function of electric appliances. The results of the campaign in terms of feedback and change in consumer behavior are presented in full detail. (orig./CB) [German] Das Ziel der schleswig-holsteinischen Energieeffizienzkampagne 'aus. wirklich aus?' war es, auf witzig lockere Art aufzuklaeren, den Wunsch nach tieferer Information zu wecken und so schliesslich die Voraussetzung fuer ein geaendertes Nutzungs- und Nachfrageverhalten zu schaffen. Nun liegen exzellente Daten zur Werbewirkungskontrolle vor, die zeigen, dass die Kampagne ihr Ziel erreicht hat. (orig./CB)

  19. Correlación entre morfometría corneal y la ametropía en el LASEK


    Rojas Álvarez, Eduardo; González Sotero, Janet


    Objetivo: establecer la correlación entre los cambios morfométricos corneales y la magnitud de la ametropía tratada hasta el año de cirugía corneal con láser de excímeros por la técnica LASEK. Métodos: se realizó una investigación observacional, descriptiva, longitudinal y prospectiva. La muestra quedó constituida por 56 pacientes (111 ojos) operados con LASEK en el Hospital «Abel Santamaría Cuadrado», en Pinar del Río, de noviembre de 2010 a junio de 2011. Se utilizó el microscopio confocal ...

  20. Estudio de la alterabilidad y respuesta a tratamientos de conservación de los principales tipos de piedra utilizados en catedrales andaluzas


    Villegas Sánchez, Rosario


    El objeto de la tesis es evaluar la respuesta, frente a los agentes de alteración, de 5 tipos de piedra (Puerto de Santa Maria, Espera, Úbeda, Granada y Almería), sin tratar y tratadas con 8 productos hidrófugos y/o consolidantes. Antes de la aplicación de los tratamientos se han determinado las características de las piedras: composición quí mica, características mineralogicas, propiedades físicas y propiedades relacionadas con el agua. Para evaluar el efecto de los tratamientos se ha medido...



    Barrero P., Raúl; Benavides M., Alicia; León B., Manuel; Barrero V., David; Vargas V., Victoria


    Se evaluó el manejo de 13 pacientes con mastitis granulomatosa idiopática y mastitis de células plasmáticas, tratadas en el Hospital Félix Bulnes, por un período de tres años. Se estudió la relación con la edad, anticoncepción, embarazo, lactancia y la atopia. Se evaluaron las limitaciones de la mamografía y de la ecotomografía mamaria y el uso de la biopsia trucut. Se compararon los resultados del tratamiento médico y quirúrgico 13 patients with granulomatous mastitis and plasmatic cell m...

  2. Bombas hidráulicas rotodinámicas: teoría y aplicaciones


    Marbello Pérez, Ramiro Vicente


    Resumen: El campo de las bombas ha sido, por diversas razones, un tema esquivo para muchos ingenieros. Existe una abundante información acerca de este tema, tal vez dispersa o quizás tratadas con una metodología no adaptada a estudios de formación en pregrado. El objetivo de esta obra ha sido la compilación, adaptación y aplicación de los principios teóricos fundamentales que rigen el comportamiento de las máquinas hidráulicas, en general, con énfasis sobre las bombas hidráulicas rotodinám...

  3. Impresiones 3D, Nueva Tecnología que Apoya la Docencia Anatómica


    Inzunza, Oscar; Caro, Iván; Mondragón, Germán; Baeza, Felipe; Burdiles, Álvaro; Salgado, Guillermo


    La dificultades de acceso al material cadavérico han forzado a los anatomistas a reemplazar la disección por el uso de preparaciones tratadas con diversos métodos de conservación y la utilización cada vez más frecuente de modelos anatómicos, elementos de alto costo que pretenden imitar, no siempre con éxito, a las preparaciones cadavéricas. En el último tiempo se han desarrollado métodos de impresión 3D de modelos de segmentos corporales utilizando imágenes de Tomografía Computadorizada o esc...

  4. Longitud del ciclo estral en ratas Sprague Dawley tratadas in útero con extracto de Roystonea regia Estrus cycle length in Sprague Dawley rats in uterus using Roystonea regia extract


    Ariadne Gutiérrez Martínez; Rafael Gámez Menéndez; Balia Pardo Acosta; Gisela Marrero Cofiño


    El D-004 consiste en una mezcla de ácidos grasos que inhibe significativamente la hiperplasia prostática inducida por testosterona en roedores. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evidenciar los posibles efectos adversos sobre el ciclo estral de hembras F1 expuestas in útero al D-004. Se utilizaron ratas Sprague Dawley, distribuidas aleatoriamente en 4 grupos: un control y 3 tratados con D-004 a las dosis de 500, 750 y 1 000 mg/kg; las hembras recibieron la administración de la dosis por vía...

  5. Prediction of insemination outcomes in Holstein dairy cattle using alternative machine learning algorithms. (United States)

    Shahinfar, Saleh; Page, David; Guenther, Jerry; Cabrera, Victor; Fricke, Paul; Weigel, Kent


    When making the decision about whether or not to breed a given cow, knowledge about the expected outcome would have an economic impact on profitability of the breeding program and net income of the farm. The outcome of each breeding can be affected by many management and physiological features that vary between farms and interact with each other. Hence, the ability of machine learning algorithms to accommodate complex relationships in the data and missing values for explanatory variables makes these algorithms well suited for investigation of reproduction performance in dairy cattle. The objective of this study was to develop a user-friendly and intuitive on-farm tool to help farmers make reproduction management decisions. Several different machine learning algorithms were applied to predict the insemination outcomes of individual cows based on phenotypic and genotypic data. Data from 26 dairy farms in the Alta Genetics (Watertown, WI) Advantage Progeny Testing Program were used, representing a 10-yr period from 2000 to 2010. Health, reproduction, and production data were extracted from on-farm dairy management software, and estimated breeding values were downloaded from the US Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory (Beltsville, MD) database. The edited data set consisted of 129,245 breeding records from primiparous Holstein cows and 195,128 breeding records from multiparous Holstein cows. Each data point in the final data set included 23 and 25 explanatory variables and 1 binary outcome for of 0.756 ± 0.005 and 0.736 ± 0.005 for primiparous and multiparous cows, respectively. The naïve Bayes algorithm, Bayesian network, and decision tree algorithms showed somewhat poorer classification performance. An information-based variable selection procedure identified herd average conception rate, incidence of ketosis, number of previous (failed) inseminations, days in milk at breeding, and mastitis as the most

  6. Comparison of peripartum metabolic status and postpartum health of Holstein and Montbéliarde-sired crossbred dairy cows. (United States)

    Mendonça, L G D; Abade, C C; da Silva, E M; Litherland, N B; Hansen, L B; Hansen, W P; Chebel, R C


    Objectives of the current experiment were to evaluate plasma concentrations of metabolites and haptoglobin peripartum, uterine health and involution, and follicle growth and resumption of cyclicity of Holstein (HO) and Montbéliarde-sired crossbred cows. Cows (52 HO and 52 crossbred) were enrolled in the study 45 d before expected calving date. Cows had body weight and body condition score recorded on d -45, -14, 0, 1, 28, and 56 relative to calving. Dry matter intake was calculated for a subgroup of cows (25 HO and 38 crossbred) from 6 wk before to 6 wk after calving. Blood was sampled weekly from d -14 to 56 relative to calving for determination of glucose, nonesterified fatty acid, and β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations; from d -7 to 21 relative to calving for determination of haptoglobin concentration; and from d 14 to 56 postpartum for determination of progesterone concentration. Cows were examined at calving and on d 4, 7, 10, and 14 postpartum for diagnosis of postparturient diseases, on d 24 postpartum for diagnosis of purulent vaginal discharge, and on d 42 postpartum for diagnosis of subclinical endometritis. Uteri and ovaries were examined by ultrasonography every 3 d from d 14 to 41 postpartum. Milk yield and composition were measured monthly and yield of milk, fat, protein, and energy-corrected milk were recorded for the first 90 d postpartum. Body weight was not different between Holstein and crossbred cows, but HO cows had reduced body condition score compared with crossbred cows. Even though DMI from 6 wk before to 6 wk after calving tended to be greater for HO cows (16.8 ± 0.7 vs. 15.3 ± 0.5 kg/d), HO cows tended to have more pronounced decline in dry matter intake, expressed in percentage of body weight from d -15 to 0 relative to calving. Energy-corrected milk and nonesterified fatty acid and β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations were not different between breeds. No differences were observed in incidence of retained fetal membranes, metritis, and

  7. A case of ocular thelaziasis in a 2.5 years old Holstein heifer

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    Mousa Daradka


    Full Text Available A 2.5-years-old, Holstein lactating dairy cow was presented to the Veterinary Health Center with severe conjunctivitis and exuberant granulation tissue formation of the left eye. Upon close examination of the eye, a 2-cm long slender-shaped nematode was found in the conjunctival sac. The nematode was examined by a veterinary parasitologist and determined to be Thelazia species. The exuberant granulation tissue was surgically removed and a total of 0.5 mL of 1% levamisole was injected subconjunctivally. Levamesole was also injected subcutaneously at a dose of 10 mg/kg of body weight and repeated after 15 days. The cow made a complete recovery within 25 days following treatment. This is the first case report of ocular thelaziasis in dairy cattle in Jordan.

  8. Insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva por estenosis aórtica calcificada tratada con éxito en el hogar Congenital heart failure due to calcified aortic stenosis successfully treated at home

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    Roidel Pérez Pérez


    Full Text Available Se describe la historia de un paciente con una insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva debido a una estenosis aórtica calcificada, con un cuadro de arritmia cardíaca relativamente complejo, que fue ingresado en el hogar y tratado por el grupo básico de trabajo de su área de salud. Se le realizaron las investigaciones imprescindibles para un adecuado manejo médico, restableciéndosele la salud al paciente, e incorporándolo a su vida laboral, sin necesidad de ingreso hospitalario. Se demostró una vez más la ventaja de este estilo de trabajo en la atención médica de salud y el gran nivel de satisfacción de la población.The history of a patient suffering from congenital heart failure due to a calcified aortic stenosis, with a relatively complex picture of heart arrhytmia, that was admitted at home and treated by the basic working group in his health area, is described. All the investigations necessary for an adequate medical management were made. The patient's health was reestablished and he was able to work again without being hospitalized. It was proved once again the advantage of this working style in health care and the high level of the patient's satisfaction.

  9. Genetic relationship of lactation persistency with milk yield, somatic cell score, reproductive traits, and longevity in Slovak Holstein cattle


    Strapáková, Eva; Candrák, Juraj; Strapák, Peter


    The objective of this study was to estimate the breeding values (BVs) of lactation persistency, the test day of milk yield, the somatic cell score, reproductive traits (calving interval, days open), longevity in Slovak Holstein dairy cattle. BVs were used for the detection of relationships among the persistency of lactation and other selected traits. Data for the estimation of BVs of milk production and somatic cell score were collected from 855 240 cows. BVs for reproductive t...

  10. Reproduction traits, growth traits and age at first calving in Holstein heifers

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    Bruna Silva Marestone


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to verify the reproductive efficiency expressed by traits, interval from first to second calving (IDP, number of services per conception to the first calving (NSC1, number of services per conception for the second calving (NSC2, service period from the first to the second calving (PS and gestation lenght (PG of Holstein heifers. Data from 377 heifers from two herds, one in Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo, São Paulo and another in Rolândia, Paraná were analysed. The statistical model to analyze IDP, NSC1, NSC2, PS and PG included the fixed effect of Contemporary Group (CG. To analyze PG, it was also considered the effect of calf sex. To evaluate the growth performance and age at first calving (AFC, data from 360 Holstein heifers belonging to property in Rolândia were analysed. The model included the fixed effects of contemporary groups (CG and average daily gain from birth to 15 months (ADG. A similar model was used to analyze weigth at 458 dias (W458 and ADG, therefore considering only CG. The overall means of IDP, NSC1, NSC2, PS and PG, were 14.96 ± 3.94 months; 1.35 ± 0.71 services, 2.86 ± 2.37 services, 178.83 ± 118.73 days; 276.67± 5.65 days, respectively. Correlations were observed between the traits IDP and NSC2 of 72% (P<0.0001, between IDP and PS of 98% (P<0.0001 and between NCS2 and PS of 72% (P<0.0001. The gestation length of males and females showed estimated average of 277.53 ± 0.46 days and 276.33 ± 0.40 days, respectively, and the calf sex was source of variation on PG (P<0.05. Average daily gain was a significant source of variation on AFC and CG affected all traits studied. The estimated average for AFC was 24.18 ± 1.59 months, for W458 was 362.33 ± 36.24 kg and ADG was 0.704 ± 0.08 kg.

  11. Effects of raw milk and starter feed on intake and body composition of Holstein x Gyr male calves up to 64 days of age

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Silva, A.L.; Marcondes, M.I.; Detmann, E.; Machado, F.S.; Valadares Filho, S.C.; Trece, A.S.; Dijkstra, J.


    The objective was to evaluate the effect of supplying different levels of raw milk, alone or in combination, with access to a starter feed, on the intake, digestibility, daily gain, N balance, and body composition of Holstein × Gyr crossbred suckling calves until 64 d of age. Thirty-nine male calves

  12. Association of bovine leptin polymorphisms with energy output and energy storage traits in progeny tested Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle sires

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    Waters Sinead M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Leptin modulates appetite, energy expenditure and the reproductive axis by signalling via its receptor the status of body energy stores to the brain. The present study aimed to quantify the associations between 10 novel and known single nucleotide polymorphisms in genes coding for leptin and leptin receptor with performance traits in 848 Holstein-Friesian sires, estimated from performance of up to 43,117 daughter-parity records per sire. Results All single nucleotide polymorphisms were segregating in this sample population and none deviated (P > 0.05 from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Complete linkage disequilibrium existed between the novel polymorphism LEP-1609, and the previously identified polymorphisms LEP-1457 and LEP-580. LEP-2470 associated (P Conclusions Several leptin polymorphisms (LEP-2470, LEP-1238, LEP-963, Y7F and R25C associated with the energetically expensive process of lactogenesis. Only SNP Y7F associated with energy storage. Associations were also observed between leptin polymorphisms and calving difficulty, gestation length and calf perinatal mortality. The lack of an association between the leptin variants investigated with calving interval in this large data set would question the potential importance of these leptin variants, or indeed leptin, in selection for improved fertility in the Holstein-Friesian dairy cow.

  13. Metabolic effects of feeding ethanol or propanol to postpartum transition Holstein cows

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Raun, Birgitte Marie Løvendahl; Kristensen, Niels Bastian


    Eight lactating Holstein cows implanted with a ruminal cannula and permanent indwelling catheters in major splanchnic blood vessels were used to investigate metabolism of propanol and ethanol in the postpartum transition period. Cows were randomly allocated to 1 of 4 treatments in a randomized...... intervals. Eight hourly sets of ruminal fluid, arterial, and hepatic portal and hepatic vein samples were collected at day −15 ± 5, 4, 15, and 29 relative to parturition. Dry matter intake and milk yield increased with days in milk (DIM), but were not affected by treatment. From prepartum to 4 DIM ruminal...... concentrations of propanol and ethanol increased with PT and ET, respectively. Postpartum, alcohol intake increased 49% in PT and 34% in ET from 4 to 29 d in milk, respectively. Ruminal concentrations of the alcohols remained unaffected by DIM. Treatments did not affect total ruminal volatile fatty acid...

  14. Joint genetic evaluation of mastitis susceptibility and recovery ability in Holstein cows

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Welderufael, Berihu Gebremedhin; Janss, Luc; De Koning, Dirk-Jan

    Mastitis in dairy cows is an unavoidable problem and variation in recovery from mastitis is therefore of interest, in addition to resistance to mastitis. Genetic parameters for mastitis resistance and recovery were estimated for Danish Holstein-Friesian cows using data from Automatic Milking...... Systems equipped with online somatic cell count (OCC) measuring units. The OCC measurements were converted to elevated mastitis risks (EMR), a continuous variable (on a [0-1] scale) indicating the risk of mastitis. EMR values above 0.6 were assumed to indicate that a cow had mastitis. For each cow...... and lactation the sequence of health states (mastitic or healthy) was converted to weekly transitions: 0 if the cow stayed within the same state and 1 if the cow changed state. The result was two series of transitions: one for healthy to diseased (HD, to model mastitis resistance) and the other for diseased...

  15. Different management methods on prevalence of lameness in 25 Holstein-Friesian herds in Hungary

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    Gudaj R.


    Full Text Available Lameness in dairy cattle is the third most expensive outbreak after mastitis and reproductive disorders. 25 Holstein-Friesian herds in Hungary were observed for two years to estimate the impact of different trimming methods and managements for the controll of the incidence of lameness. Professional trimming was found to be more effective on farms with no nutritional disorders and where refurnishment works were carried out. The greatest decrease in the prevalence of lameness was observed on farms which provided professional trimming, effective footbathing, improved walking and resting surfaces and which treated severely lame cows between regular trimmings. The greatest increase in occurrence of lameness was reported on farms with on-farm trimmers and where building projects were carried out and nutritional disorders found.

  16. Evaluación de la reproducción inducida del blanquillo ( Sorubim cuspicaudus Littmann, Burr Nass, 2000 con ovaprim®.

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    Víctor Atencio G


    Full Text Available El blanquillo ( Sorubim suspicaudus Littmann, Burr &Nass, 2000 presenta características de importanciapara la acuicultura, destacándose la calidad de sucarne y el alto valor comercial. No se reproduce enconfinamiento, por lo que es necesario sureproducción inducida con sustancias hormonales.Responde bien a la inducción con extracto de pituitariade capa (EPC; sin embargo, no se ha evaluado suinducción con extracto de análogos deGonodotropine Releasing Hormone de salmón(sGnRH-a y domperidone en un vehículo inerte. Porlo tanto, entre mayo y noviembre/02, se evaluó eldesempeño reproductivo del blanquillo inducido condiferentes dosificaciones de Ovaprim®: 0.25 (T2,0.050 (T3 y 0.75 ml/kg de peso vivo (T4, aplicadoen una sola dosificación, por inyección en la basede la aleta pectoral. Además, un grupo fue inducidocon 8 mg EPC/kg de peso vivo (TI, en dos inyeccionesde 10 y7 90% de la dosis total, con intervalo de 6horas, por vía intramuscular. Se indujeron entre seisy nueve hembras por tratamiento con igual númerode machos. El desempeño reproductivo fue evaluadomediante el índice de ovulación (hembras ovuladas/hembras tratadas, tasa de fertilización medida a las4 horas pos-eclosión (HPF, tasa de eclosión medidaa las 10 HPF y la fecundidad tanto absoluta comorelativa. El Ovaprim® mostró ser efectivo para inducirla ovulación del blanquillo en las dosificacionesevaluadas (0.25 a 0.75 mL/kg, con respuestassimilares en el desempeño reproductivo a lasobtenidas en EPC. La ovulación con Ovaprim® seobtuvo entre las 12.8 y 14.0 horas con temperaturapromedio del agua de 27.3ºC. El índice de ovulaciónosciló entre 66.7% (T2 y 83.3% (T3; la tasa defertilización osciló entre 88.0% (T3 y 42.0% (T1; latasa de eclosión osciló entre 83.7% (T3 y 40.3%(T1;la fecundidad absoluta osciló entre 40370.6 (T1 y82992.5 ovocitos/hembra (T2; la fecundad relativa,expresada en gramos de ovocitos/kg de hembra,osciló entre 32.1 (T3 y 63.1(T2; el di

  17. Serum insulin, glucose and non esterified fatty acids after administration of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones in bitches Modificaciones de la glucemia, insulina y ácidos grasos no esterificados durante la sobrecarga de glucosa o insulina en perras tratadas con hormona folículo-estimulante y luteinizante

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    A. Renauld


    los tests de sobrecarga, los espacios de distribución de glucosa en sangre e insulina sérica o sus clearances plasmáticos no se vieron afectados por el tratamiento. Concluimos que la secreción de insulina como respuesta a una sobrecarga de glucosa aumenta significativamente en perras en anestro tratadas con FSH + LH. Al mismo tiempo se observa una moderada resistencia a la insulina, en los efectos hipoglucemiantes, lipogénicos y antilipolíticos de esta hormona durante esta prueba.

  18. Comparative study of the gut microbiome potentially related to milk protein in Murrah buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) and Chinese Holstein cattle


    Jiachao Zhang; Chuanbiao Xu; Dongxue Huo; Qisong Hu; Qiannan Peng


    Previous studies suggested a close relationship between ruminant gut microbes and the mammary gland. In this study, shotgun metagenomic sequencing was used to reveal the differences in the intestinal microbiome potentially related to milk components in Murrah buffaloes and Chinese Holstein cattle. A PCoA based on the weighted Unifrac distances showed an apparent clustering pattern in the structure of intestinal microbiota between buffalo and cattle. We could attribute the structural differenc...

  19. Retos pendientes en el periodismo de nota roja

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    Francesc Barata


    Full Text Available La nota roja tiene que ser dignificada y tratada profesionalmente respetando los derechos de aquellos que tienen el desprecio social como una forma de fortalecer los valores democráticos. Un periodismo responsable y comprometido con los valores humanos de todos quienes piensen en que la nota roja puede develar muchas verdades ocultas de esta sociedad, aunque estén impregnadas de lodo y miseria.

  20. Changes in serum metabolic hormone levels after glucose infusion during lactation cycles in Holstein cows

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    Aliasghar Chalmeh


    Full Text Available Negative energy balance can impair the metabolism of high producing dairy cows and supplying the glucose, as an energy source; can prevent the metabolic disorders in these animals. Hence, we hypothesized that bolus intravenous glucose administration may change the concentrations of metabolic hormones in order to prevent and control of metabolic dysfunctions of dairy cows. Twenty five multiparous Holstein dairy cows were divided to 5 equal groups containing early, mid and late lactations, far-off and close-up dry periods. All cows were received dextrose 50% intravenously at 500 mg/kg, 10 mL/kg/h. Blood samples were collected from all animals prior to and 1, 2, 3 and 4 after dextrose 50% infusion and sera were separated to determine glucose, triiodothyronine (T3, thyroxine (T4, serum free T3 (fT3, free T4 (fT4, cortisol and insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1. The decreasing pattern of T3 concentration was detected in all studied animals following intravenous glucose infusion (P<0.05. The significant increasing pattern of T4 levels was seen in early and mid lactation cows after glucose administration (P<0.05. The significant decreasing pattern of IGF-1 was detected in mid and late lactations and far-off dry groups (P<0.05. There were no significant alterations in fT3, fT4 and cortisol concentrations following glucose infusion in all experimental groups. In conclusion, bolus intravenous glucose infusion could influence the metabolic hormones in high producing Holstein dairy cows. Alterations of metabolic hormones following bolus intravenous glucose administration indicated that glucose is an important direct controller of metabolic interactions and responses in dairy cows during different physiological states.