
Sample records for hokokusho shintai kino

  1. Ungari filmid kinos Sõprus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Sõpruse kinos kestab 25. oktoobrini filmiprogramm "Vabaduse tuuled" Ungari 1956.a. ülestõusule pühendatud mängufilmide programm (6 ungari filmi aastaist 1965-2004) : Ungari Instituudi, kino "Sõprus" ja PÖFFi koostööprojekt

  2. Kino-Mati näitab Rakveres kino / Tiit Tuumalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuumalu, Tiit, 1971-


    Rakveres tuli lavale Toomas Raudami ja Peeter Simmi näidend Lõuna-Eesti kinomehaaniku Mati Parkja elust "Kino-Mati. Tema elutee ja juhtumised, mis seal ette tulid". Lavastas Peeter Simm, nimiosas Erik Ruus

  3. Teatr v kino ili kino v teatre? / Rein Veidemann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veidemann, Rein, 1946-


    Võimalusest jälgida Metropolitan Opera lavastusi kinolavalt Tallinna kobarkinos ja Tartu kinos Ekraan. The Metropolitan Operas 26. IX etendunud R. Straussi ooperist "Salome", lavastaja J. Flimm, dirigent P. Summers, peaosas K. Mattila.

  4. Teater kinos või kino teatris? "Salome" juhtum / Rein Veidemann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veidemann, Rein, 1946-


    Ooper kinolinal : Richard Strauss. "Salome". Dirigent Patrick Summers, lavastaja Jürgen Flimm. New Yorgi Metropolitan Opera etenduse otseülekanne 11. oktoobril Tallinna kobarkinos ja Tartu kinos Ekraan

  5. Papas Kino ist tot? / Lauri Kärk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kärk, Lauri, 1954-


    Saksamaa sõjajärgsest filmisituatsioonist ja suhestumisest minevikuga ning Paps Kino'st seoses 2.-7. juunini kinos Sõprus toimunud saksa filmide festivaliga "Pärast sõda, enne müüri: saksa film 1945-60"

  6. Jõgeval näeb taas kino / Silja Paavle

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paavle, Silja, 1976-


    Kultuuriministeeriumi programmi "Kino tuleb tagasi" ja linna enda rahadega on Jõgeva linna kultuurikeskuses taas võimalik kvaliteetselt kino näidata. Vastava esmaklassilise tehnika tõi kohale Music Center OÜ. Osteti see Itaaliast

  7. Athena kinos linastuvad friigifilmid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Uuest filmisarjast "Ainult friikidele". Sari linastub alates 25. veebruarist igal teisel esmaspäeval kinos Sõprus ja teisipäeval Tartu Athena Keskuses. Programm vältab ligi kuus kuud, 29. juulini. Esimese hooaja teemaks on ühiskondlikud ebakõlad

  8. Kino en California: 1681-1686

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriel Gómez Padilla


    Full Text Available En este artículo se plantea un doble pro - pósito: exponer la participación del jesuita en la expedición de Isidro Atondo y Anti - llón a la Baja California y rendir tributo académico a la memoria de Miguel Mathes por su labor documental sobre Eusebio Francisco Kino. Se tratan los intentos de la Corona española por colonizar California y también se ofrece una breve biografía de Atondo para contextuar los documentos usados, los cuales van desde las capitulaciones de Atondo hasta la implementación del proyecto seri , ideado por Kino para luchar por el derecho de los californios a ser evangelizados.

  9. Linn on kino rentnikuga hüvitise suuruses kokkuleppele jõudmas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kuressaare linnavalitsus ja osaühing Panga EA üritavad saavutada kokkulepet kino "Scala" rendilepingu lõpetamise asjus, millele järgneks võimalus hoone valmimise järel seal taas hakata kino näitama

  10. Uued tudengifilmid Sõpruse kinos

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    31. augustil kell 20.00 linastuvad Sõpruse kinos neli uut tudengifilmi Tallinna Ülikooli filmi- ja video õppetooli tudengitelt: "Kaks enne ühte" (Laur Tõnurist), "Tulnukas ehk Valdise pääsemine 11 osas" (Rasmus Merivoo), "Konkurss" (Margus Paju), "Roosa kleit ja nahksed püksid" (Birgit Demidova)

  11. Kinos voolab naftat / Tiit Tuumalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuumalu, Tiit, 1971-


    Filmistuudio Nafta lühifilmide kava 1. oktoobrist 2010 Tallinna kinos Artis. Kavasse kuuluvad uued linateosed: Heleri Saariku "Näkilugu" ja Margus Paju "Blackout" ning Priit Pääsukese "Must Peeter" (2008), Peeter Sauteri novelli "Must notsu" ekraniseering

  12. 3D kino - IMAXi äärealadelt popkornikinode peavooluks? / Margit Tõnson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tõnson, Margit, 1978-


    Ruumilise e. 3D-kino levikust ja jõudmisest Forum Cinemas kinoketi kinodesse, esialgu Coca Cola Plazasse Tallinnas : 24. oktoobril linastuvad "Kärbsed kuu peale" ja "U2 3-D". Nukufilmil on juba eelmisest aastast digitaalne stereonukufilm "Miriami piknik". 3D-kino lähitulevikust maailmas, eelkõige USAs

  13. Specefekti – to lietojums latviešu un ārzemju kino


    Balders, Jānis


    Darbā apskatītā tēma ir: ”Specefekti – to lietojums latviešu un ārzemju kino” Darbā apskatīti specefekti Latviešu un ārzemju kino, kā arī aprakstīta specefektu izveide soli pa solim. Par pētniecības problēmjautājumu tika izvirzīts jautājums, kādi specefekti tiek izmantoti latviešu kino un vai tie spēj konkurēt ar ārzemju filmās redzamajiem specefektiem. Darbā apkopota teorētiskā literatūra par kino, specefektiem un to vēsturi, un metodoloģija, kas ietver nestrukturēto interviju, specefektu...

  14. Kino Kosmos Imax restaureerimine = Restoration of the Kino Kosmos as an Imax cinema / Pille Lausmäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lausmäe, Pille, 1958-


    Kino Kosmos Imax Tallinnas Pärnu mnt 45, hoone valminud 1964, restaureeritud 2014. Hoone arhitekt Ilmar Laasi, restaureerimisprojekt Urmas Lõokese Arhitektibüroo, sisearhitektid Kerli Lepp, Pille Lausmäe (Pille Lausmäe Sisearhitektuuribüroo). 2014. aasta Kultuurkapitali Arhitektuuripreemia kandidaat

  15. Nevidannoje kino-6 / Igor Glazistov ; interv. Tatjana Lavrova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Glazistov, Igor


    3. ja 4. juunil toimus Maardus ja Tallinnas 6. rahvusvaheline lühifilmide festival "Ennenägematu Film" ("Nevidannoje kino"). Festivali organisaator, noortestuudio "MEKSVIDEO" juht Igor Glazistov festivalist ja tulevikuplaanidest

  16. Na festivalje zriteli uvidjat klassiku kino / Andri Maimets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Maimets, Andri, 1979-


    2.-9. veebr. on kinos "Sõprus" ja 11.-15. veebr. Tartus Sadamateatris 5. kultusfilmide festival Manifest, seekord USA filmid ja teemaks sõnavabadus. Esilinastub ka Urmas E. Liivi dokumentaalfilm "Tervitusi Nõukogude Eestist!"

  17. Filmil on Sõpruse kinos kohtumine - ta kohtub fotoga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti esimesest fotofilmide festivalist 14. okt.-l Tallinnas kinos Sõprus, tutvustavad kuraatorid Anna Hints ja Alis Mäesalu. Lühidalt eesti fotofilmi ajaloost, rahvusvahelisest fotofimide konkursist "Ajatu lugu". Seminaril ettekanded Liina Siibilt ja Gusztáv Hámosilt (Saksamaa)

  18. Artise kino näitab Kristo Viidingu filme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Näitleja ja režissööri Kristo Viidingu lühimängufilmid "Amontillado" ja "Gracias a la vida" Tallinna kino Artis. Tegu on Balti filmi- ja meediakooli tudengitöödega, neist viimasega lõpetas Kristo Viiding magistriprogrammi

  19. Kino nagu elu, mis on hullemgi veel / Mart Laar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laar, Mart, 1960-


    Dokumentaalfilmist "Revolutsioon, mida ei tulnud", režissöör Aljona Polunina, produtsendid Jaak Kilmi ja Ilkka Matila, Kuukulgur Film ja Matila Röhr productions, 2008. Esilinastus Eestis kinos Sõprus 7. jaan. 2009

  20. V Maardu pokazhut "Nevidannoje kino" / Ksenia Repson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Repson, Ksenia


    5.- 8. juunini toimub Maardus ja Tallinnas 8. rahvusvaheline lühifilmide festival "Ennenägematu Film" ("Nevidannoje kino"). Festivali organisaatorid on noorte filmipedagoogid Igor Glazistov ja Marina Naaber-Glazistova. Tööd on peamiselt noortelt ja filmitudengitelt Eestist, Venemaalt, Lätist, Leedust jm. On eriprogramm Moskva VGIKi tudengifilmidest Tshehhovi ainetel läbi aegade

  1. Rakvere Teater mängib Kino-Mati lugu / Toomas Suuman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suuman, Toomas


    Näitleja Erik Ruus Toomas Raudami poolt kirjapandud kinomehaanik Mati Parkja töödest-tegemistest jutustavas näidendis "Kino-Mati. Tema elutee ja juhtumised, mis seal ette tulid", lavastaja Peeter Simm

  2. Üks päev Eesti kinos I

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Briti Filmiinstituudi algatatud ülemaailmse küsitluse "One day in the life of World Cinema" raames küsiti, "mis toimus eesti kinos 10. juunil 1993?". Vastavad K. Kiisk, H. Volmer, P. Simm, A. Ruus, J. Põldma, R. ja H. Lintrop. Sissejuhatus Jaan Ruusilt. Järgneb TMK 1995, nr. 2

  3. Vaatajate nappus lõpetab Sõpruse kino tegevuse / Tarmo Õuemaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Õuemaa, Tarmo, 1975-


    Rendihinna tõusmise ja publiku vähesuse tõttu lõpetab detsembris meelelahutuskontsern BDG "Sõpruse" kinos filmide näitamise. Lisatud graafik kinode arvu, piletihinna ja külastatavuse kohta Eestis 1995-2002

  4. Eile esilinastus kinos Sõprus neli uut telefilmi "Eesti lugude" sarjas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kinos Sõprus näidati ETV ja EFSA ühisproduktsioonina valmivate "Eesti lugude" uusi tõsielufilme : Ago Ruusi "Laulatatud hobusega", Mart Taevere "Teistmoodi tihane", Sergei Ledenjovi "Nikolai Kormašov ja vene ikoon" ja Priit Valkna "Kaetajad"

  5. Kino taandub uhke kultuurikompleksi ees / Anzori Barkalaja, Tonio Tamra ; interv. Rannar Raba

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Barkalaja, Anzori, 1968-


    Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia direktor ja haldusdirektor selgitavad oma plaane seoses Rubiini kino asemele kavandatava kultuurikompleksiga, kuhu leiavad koha lavakunstide eriala tudengid, kohvik, kinosaal ja loomemajanduse inkubatsioonikeskus

  6. "Ironija sudbõ" zavlekla v kino novogo zritelja / Ilja Smirnov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Smirnov, Ilja


    Kunagisele Eldar Rjazanovi kultusfilmile "Saatuse iroonia ehk Hüva leili!" (1975) valminud järg "Saatuse iroonia : lugu läheb edasi", režissöör Timur Bekmambetov. Filmilevist Eestis, eelkõige Narva kinos Forum Cinemas Astri

  7. Kolmemõõtmelise kino järjekordne tulemine / Aarne Mäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mäe, Aarne, 1967-


    Ruumilise e. 3D-kino levikust ja jõudmisest Forum Cinemas kinoketi kinodesse, esialgu Coca Cola Plazasse Tallinnas, peagi Cinamon kinoketi kultuuri- ja vabaajakeskusesse 2009. aasta sügisel. 3-D kinoelamusest ja tulevikust

  8. Europa Cinemas auhindas Sõpruse kino / Katrin Rajasaare ; interv. Annika Koppel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rajasaare, Katrin


    Euroopa ja Vahemere regiooni kinopidajaid ühendav organisatsioon Europa Cinemas kuulutas Sõpruse kino aasta parimaks noorsooürituste korraldamise kategoorias. Oma tööst räägib Sõpruse juht, kes käis ka 18. nov. Budapestis auhinda vastu võtmas

  9. KinoHaptics: An Automated, Wearable, Haptic Assisted, Physio-therapeutic System for Post-surgery Rehabilitation and Self-care. (United States)

    Rajanna, Vijay; Vo, Patrick; Barth, Jerry; Mjelde, Matthew; Grey, Trevor; Oduola, Cassandra; Hammond, Tracy


    A carefully planned, structured, and supervised physiotherapy program, following a surgery, is crucial for the successful diagnosis of physical injuries. Nearly 50 % of the surgeries fail due to unsupervised, and erroneous physiotherapy. The demand for a physiotherapist for an extended period is expensive to afford, and sometimes inaccessible. Researchers have tried to leverage the advancements in wearable sensors and motion tracking by building affordable, automated, physio-therapeutic systems that direct a physiotherapy session by providing audio-visual feedback on patient's performance. There are many aspects of automated physiotherapy program which are yet to be addressed by the existing systems: a wide classification of patients' physiological conditions to be diagnosed, multiple demographics of the patients (blind, deaf, etc.), and the need to pursue patients to adopt the system for an extended period for self-care. In our research, we have tried to address these aspects by building a health behavior change support system called KinoHaptics, for post-surgery rehabilitation. KinoHaptics is an automated, wearable, haptic assisted, physio-therapeutic system that can be used by a wide variety of demographics and for various physiological conditions of the patients. The system provides rich and accurate vibro-haptic feedback that can be felt by the user, irrespective of the physiological limitations. KinoHaptics is built to ensure that no injuries are induced during the rehabilitation period. The persuasive nature of the system allows for personal goal-setting, progress tracking, and most importantly life-style compatibility. The system was evaluated under laboratory conditions, involving 14 users. Results show that KinoHaptics is highly convenient to use, and the vibro-haptic feedback is intuitive, accurate, and has shown to prevent accidental injuries. Also, results show that KinoHaptics is persuasive in nature as it supports behavior change and habit building

  10. Polyphenol compounds of the kino of Eucalyptus citriodora; Compostos polifenolicos do kino de Eucalyptus citriodora

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Freitas, Marinalva Oliveira; Lima, Mary Anne S.; Silveira, Edilberto R. [Universidade Federal do Ceara (UFC), Fortaleza, CE (Brazil). Dept. de Quimica Organica e Inorganica]. E-mail:


    Phytochemical analysis of the kino of Eucalyptus citriodora led to the isolation of 1-O,2-O-digaloil-6-O-trans-p-cumaroil-beta-D-glucopyranoside, 1-O-trans-p-cumaroil-6-O-cinamoil-beta-D-glucopyranoside, alpha and beta 6-O-trans-p-cumaroil-D-glucopyranoside, 7-methylaromadendrin-4'-O-6{sup -}trans-p-cumaroil-beta-Dglucopyranoside, aromadendrin, aromadendrin-7-methyl-ether, naringenin, sakuranetin, kaempferol-7-methyl-ether and galic acid. Structural elucidation of the isolated compounds was established on the basis of spectral data, particularly by the use of 1D NMR and several 2D shift correlated NMR pulse sequences ({sup 1}H,{sup 1}H-COSY, HMQC, HMBC). (author)

  11. Sõprus äratab! : Ärkamised ja karjed kino Sõpruse ajaloos / Laura Talvet

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Talvet, Laura


    Kinos Sõprus näidati 1990ndate alguses punkansamblist Sex Pistols' valminud dokumentaalfilmi "The Great Rock'N'Roll Swindle" (Suurbritannia 1980), režissöör Julien Temple. Artiklis tsiteeritakse Juq-Kalle Raidi, Kojamehe, Erik Morna ja Tõnu Trubetsky muljeid

  12. Compostos polifenólicos do kino de Eucalyptus citriodora Polyphenol compounds of the kino of Eucalyptus citriodora

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marinalva Oliveira Freitas


    Full Text Available Phytochemical analysis of the kino of Eucalyptus citriodora led to the isolation of 1-O,2-O-digaloil-6-O-trans -p-cumaroil-beta-D-glucopyranoside, 1-O-trans-p-cumaroil-6-O -cinamoil-beta-D-glucopyranoside, alpha and beta 6-O-trans-p-cumaroil-D-glucopyranoside, 7-methylaromadendrin-4'-O-6''- trans-p-cumaroil-beta-D-glucopyranoside, aromadendrin, aromadendrin-7-methyl-ether, naringenin, sakuranetin, kaempferol-7-methyl-ether and galic acid. Structural elucidation of the isolated compounds was established on the basis of spectral data, particularly by the use of 1D NMR and several 2D shift correlated NMR pulse sequences (¹H,¹H-COSY, HMQC, HMBC.

  13. FY 1999 report on investigation on establishment of body function database; 1999 nendo shintai kino database no kochiku ni kansuru chosa kenkyu hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The investigation is made to provide the data which widely cover various characteristics of aged persons for the general designers who design equipment and environments for aged persons. It is found, by the tests for measuring sight and hearing sensations of the aged, that they generally need higher sound to hear; frequency of alarming sound is preferably lowered from 3,000 to 4,000Hz now used for the equipment to 1,000 to 2,000Hz, and the level at which sound can be heard is significantly different from that at which the announcement can be understood. For evacuation order or the like, for example, it is necessary to announce the disaster site and evacuation routes, which the aged hear for the first time, especially slowly and distinctively. The database of body functions of the aged are improved by correcting the problems associated with depth of strata and poor prospects, frequently pointed out by those who look up the data from the daily actions, in such a way that the system can be easily looked at from notices for each function position of the product and also from the related human characteristics. (NEDO)

  14. Scham im Kino : Kleine Phänomenologie eines peinlichen Gefühls

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hanich, Julian

    Wer ans Kino denkt, denkt nicht an Scham. Die Emotionsmaschine „Kino“ rührt das Publikum zu Tränen, versetzt es in Angst und Schrecken oder zwingt es zum Lachen. Zuschauer reagieren wütend, erfreut, angeekelt, sie staunen und bewundern. Vielleicht sind sie sogar heimlich in Cary Grant oder Claudia

  15. Kino Kosmos Imax = Kosmos Imax cinema / Pille Lausmäe ; kommenteerinud Karen Jagodin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lausmäe, Pille, 1958-


    Kino Kosmos Imax Tallinnas Pärnu mnt 45. 1964. aastal valminud hoone arhitekt Ilmar Laasi. Renoveeritud interjööri autorid Pille Lausmäe, Kerli Lepp (Pille Lausmäe Sisearhitektuuri büroo). Projekti autorid Urmas Lõoke, Riina Poopuu (Urmas Lõokese Arhitektibüroo)

  16. Kino repertuāra pārlūks Android ierīcēm


    Zvirbulis, Jānis


    Kvalifikācijas darbā “Kino repertuāra pārlūks Android ierīcēm” tiek aprakstīta Android lietojumprogrammas “Kino repertuāra pārlūks” izstrāde un funkcionalitāte. Lietotne paredzēta kinoteātra repertuāra aplūkošanai izmantojot planšetdatorus un mobilos tālruņus, kas darbojas ar Android operētājsistēmu. Tā ir domāta kā parocīgāka alternatīva filmu apraksta un seansa laiku uzzināšanai caur kinoteātra mājaslapu, skrejlapām vai afišām. Atslēgvārdi: Android, filmas, pārlūks....

  17. Tukums kino hronikās

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Viktorija Eksta


    In diesem Artikel werden die filmwirtschaftlichen, stilistischen und ideologischen Besonderheiten der Wochenschauproduktion in Lettland untersucht und in Zusammenhang gesetzt, wobei der Wandel betont wird, den dieses Medium zwischen 1944 und 1995 durchlaufen hat. Der Artikel beruht auf Archivforschungen, Interviews mit Filmemachern sowie einer Analyse der Wochenschaufolgen, die die Autorin in seinem audiovisuellen Programm Tukums kino hronikās / Die Filmchroniken von Tukums (2013 zusammengestellt hat. Dieses 28-minütige Programm fasst die Wochenschau-Dokumentationen der Stadt Tukums (dt. Tuckum sowie ihrer Umgebung für den Zeitraum von 1944 bis 1992 zusammen und zeigt, was die Filmemacher an dieser charakteristischen lettischen Kleinstadt interessiert hat. Die stilistische Vielfalt und Kontinuität des Wochenschaumaterials in diesem Programm geben auch einen Überblick über den Wandel der filmischen Darstellungsweisen. Die ersten beiden Folgen, die ich untersuche – Ostland-Woche Nr. 83 und Ostland-Woche Nr. 115 – sind 1944 unter deutscher Besatzung entstanden; der Großteil der Produktion erfolgte in der Sowjetzeit. Bei der Analyse dieser Folgen umreiße ich die wichtigsten Zensurvoraussetzungen sowie die von den Filmemachern verinnerlichte „Logik“ bei der Auswahl von Personen und Orten, die eine „stillschweigende Selbstzensur“ schuf.  Ich gebe auch eine Übersicht über die Methoden der Dokumentarflmproduktion und die wichtigsten stilistischen Änderungen – vom übersteigerten Positivismus der 1940er bis hin zur Experimentierfreude der 1970er. Der funktionelle Wandel setzte in den 1950er mit dem Beginn der Fernseh-Ära ein, infolge derer die Wochenschau in Kinos als Zeitfüller fungierte.  Eine neue Filmemachergeneration und  Chruščev Tauwetterstimmung Anfang der 1960er brachten inhaltlich eine neue lyrische Leichtigkeit, sowie auch technische und ästhetische Experimente wie etwa Breitbild, Tonsynchronisierung, Farbe und verschiedene

  18. Polyphenol compounds of the kino of Eucalyptus citriodora

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Freitas, Marinalva Oliveira; Lima, Mary Anne S.; Silveira, Edilberto R.


    Phytochemical analysis of the kino of Eucalyptus citriodora led to the isolation of 1-O,2-O-digaloil-6-O-trans-p-cumaroil-beta-D-glucopyranoside, 1-O-trans-p-cumaroil-6-O-cinamoil-beta-D-glucopyranoside, alpha and beta 6-O-trans-p-cumaroil-D-glucopyranoside, 7-methylaromadendrin-4'-O-6 - trans-p-cumaroil-beta-Dglucopyranoside, aromadendrin, aromadendrin-7-methyl-ether, naringenin, sakuranetin, kaempferol-7-methyl-ether and galic acid. Structural elucidation of the isolated compounds was established on the basis of spectral data, particularly by the use of 1D NMR and several 2D shift correlated NMR pulse sequences ( 1 H, 1 H-COSY, HMQC, HMBC). (author)

  19. FY 1993 annual report. Survey and study on establishment of databases for body functions; 1993 nendo shintai kino database no kochiku ni kansuru chosa kenkyu hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    As part of the health/welfare-related information collection, analysis and information service project, establishment of the databases is surveyed and studied for human life technology and body functions of the aged in the aging society. The survey/study on establishment of the human life technology for the aged covers concept of human life technology, systems of the databases for human life technology, and techniques for the database systems. The case study on the human life technology databases for the aged takes up everyday life behaviors of the aged as the models, and analyzes human and life characteristics in everyday life, to clarify the human characteristic, human performance and human life technology design data to be stored in the databases. The validity of the method developed by this project is tested for their behaviors, such as bathing and outgoing. For establishment of the databases for body functions of the aged, literature surveys and interviews are conducted for the technological trends. (NEDO)

  20. FY 1998 survey report. Examinational research on the construction of body function database; 1998 nendo chosa hokokusho. Shintai kino database no kochiku ni kansuru chosa kenkyu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The body function database is aimed at supplying and supporting products and environment friendly to aged people by supplying the data on body function of aged people in case of planning, designing and production when companies supply the products and environment. As a method for survey, group measuring was made for measurement of visual characteristics. For the measurement of action characteristics, the moving action including posture change was studied, the experimental plan was carried out, and items of group measurement and measuring methods were finally proposed. The database structure was made public at the end of this fiscal year, through the pre-publication/evaluation after the trial evaluation conducted using pilot database. In the study of the measurement of action characteristics, the verification test was conducted for a small-size group. By this, the measurement of action characteristics was finally proposed. In the body function database system, subjects on operation were extracted/bettered by trially evaluating pilot database, and also adjustment of right relations toward publication and preparation of management methods were made. An evaluation version was made supposing its publication. (NEDO)

  1. Periodo reproductivo y talla de madurez masiva del camarón de roca Sicyonia penicillata (Decapoda: Sicyoniidae en Bahía Kino, Sonora, México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. López-Martínez


    Full Text Available Se estudia el periodo reproductivo del camarón de roca Sicyonia penicillata en el área de Bahía Kino, Sonora, de enero a diciembre de 1996 mediante muestreos quincenales efectuados a bordo de embarcaciones de la flota camaronera comercial y un crucero de investigación durante julio. La actividad reproductiva de la especie inicia a partir de los 25 mm de longitud abdominal, pero la talla de madurez sexual masiva de la especie se ubicó en 55 mm de longitud abdominal. Se encontraron organismos maduros todo el año, pero el patrón de reclutamiento indica que existe un periodo reproductivo masivo de agosto a enero; un segundo periodo, menos intenso ocurre en marzo y abril. Estos resultados son coincidentes para los meses en los que se cuenta con datos de madurez gonádica. Se postula la idea de un posible patrón de migración de juveniles hacia áreas someras de Bahía Kino.The reproductive pattern of the rock shrimp (Sicyonia penicillata was studied from January through December (1996 by sampling from boats twice a month (commercial shrimp fleet and one research cruise. Reproductive activity begins at 25 mm of tail length, but massive maturity or critical size is 55 mm of tail length. Mature organisms were found year round, but recruitment pattern analysis indicates that massive reproduction is from August through January; a second, less intense reproductive peak, occurs in March-April. Results are coincident with the gonadical maturity analysis. A migration pattern of juveniles towards shallow areas of Bahía Kino is suggested.

  2. Fiscal 1996 report on the investigational research on the construction of a database of physical functions; 1996 nendo chosa hokokusho (shintai kino database no kochiku ni kansuru chosa kenkyu)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    For the purpose of realizing `the affluence` sought in the Japanese economic society, the supply and preparation of products, service and environments friendly to human beings seem to be important. In the future, the development of products which are fully considered also of aged and handicapped people is more expected than the conventional manufacturing of products added with value. Especially in accordance with the rapid aging, from a viewpoint that the lowering of physical functions caused by aging has an exactly close relation with the response to products and the environment, development of the database of physical functions for the aged which is useful for the design is urgently promoted. First, the data to be supplied for database were selected. As to the selection method, the data required for database were defined by collection/analysis of the existing data, examination of the needs of enterprise designers, and analysis of daily activities. In the study of the database, the structure by which data can be effectively supplied was studied and verified by pilot database for extraction of the subjects and solution to the problems. 6 refs., 57 figs., 26 tabs.

  3. Investigation on structuring the human body function database; Shintai kino database no kochiku ni kansuru chosa kenkyu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Based on the concept of human life engineering database, a study was made to know how to technically make such a database fittable to the old people in the age-advancing society. It was then proposed that the old people`s human life engineering database should be prepared to serve for the development and design of life technology to be applied into the age-advancing society. An executive method of structuring the database was established through the `bathing` and `going out` selected as an action to be casestudied in the daily life of old people. As a result of the study, the proposal was made that the old people`s human body function database should be prepared as a R and D base for the life technology in the aged society. Based on the above proposal, a master plan was mapped out to structure this database with the concrete method studied for putting it into action. At the first investigation stage of the above study, documentation was made through utilizing the existing documentary database. Enterprises were also interviewed for the investigation. Pertaining to the function of old people, about 500 documents were extracted with many vague points not clarified yet. The investigation will restart in the next fiscal year. 4 refs., 38 figs., 30 tabs.

  4. Investigational study on construction of the physical function database; Shintai kino data base no kochiku ni kansuru chosa kenkyu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    An investigational study was carried out on construction of the physical function database which can supply data useful for planning, design and production when companies provide products and barrier-free environment for the aged society. Up to now, the final image of database was studied as to the visual function. In addition, this study is aimed at constructing the physical function database. In the literature survey, basic data on physical characteristics of the aged which have lain scattered were collected and systematically sorted in relation to the exercise function in order to make an analysis of the data and measuring technology in terms of reliability, importance, and applied values. In the survey of corporate needs, an examination of concrete needs for the exercise function and auditory function was made for general companies and companies related to the medical and welfare apparatus field. As to the visual function, a study was conducted on selection of new items for visual measurement and measuring methods. In the study of the database structure, a pilot database was constructed and subjects were extracted. 529 refs., 57 figs., 15 tabs.

  5. Air conditioning in a CINEMAXX cinema. Innovative solution involving a screw compressor and direct evaporation; Klimatisierung in einem CINEMAXX-Kino. Innovative Loesung mit Schraubenverdichter und Direktverdampfung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The new CINEMAXX cinema building in the Trier city centre has fully glazed walls and a modern air conditioning system. The system was installed by local organisations. Its key components are two Comer-Dorin screw compressors. [German] Im Trierer Stadtzentrum befindet sich ein neues CINEMAXX-Kino, hinter dessen glaeserner Fassade die Klimaanlage diskret verborgen bleibt. Oertliche Firmen der Branche konnten die Ausschreibung der Klimaanlage zu ihren Gunsten entscheiden und mit Erfahrung und handwerklichem Koennen unter Verwendung zweier Comer-Dorin-Schraubenverdichter eine nachahmenswerte Loesung planen und installieren. (orig.)

  6. Management implications of the biodiversity and socio-economic impacts of shrimp trawler by-catch in Bahía de Kino, Sonora, México. (United States)

    Meltzer, Lorayne; Blinick, Naomi S; Fleishman, Abram B


    The shrimp fishery is the most economically important fishery in Mexico. The trawler-based portion of this fishery results in high rates of by-catch. This study quantifies and describes the biodiversity of by-catch associated with trawling in the Bahía de Kino region of Sonora, Mexico. Data were collected from 55 trawls, on six boats, over 14 nights, during November of 2003, 2004, 2006-2009. By-catch rates within trawl samples averaged 85.9% measured by weight. A total of 183 by-catch species were identified during the course of this study, including 97 species of bony fish from 43 families, 19 species of elasmobranchs from 12 families, 66 species of invertebrates from eight phyla, and one species of marine turtle; seven of the documented by-catch species are listed on the IUCN Red List, CITES, or the Mexican NOM-059-ECOL-2010; 35 species documented in the by-catch are also targeted by local artisanal fishers. Some of the species frequently captured as juveniles in the by-catch are economically important to small-scale fishers in the region, and are particularly sensitive to overexploitation due to their life histories. This study highlights the need for further research quantifying the impacts of high levels of by-catch upon small-scale fishing economies in the region and presents strong ecological and economic rationale for by-catch management within the shrimp fishery of the Gulf of California. Site-specific by-catch management plans should be piloted in the Bahía de Kino region to address the growing momentum in national and international fisheries policy regimes toward the reduction of by-catch in shrimp fisheries.

  7. Achievement report for fiscal 1999 on research and development of technologies for medical welfare equipment. Rehabilitation system for upper limbs and lower limbs; 1999 nendo iryo fukushi kiki gijutsu kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Shintai kino rihabiri shien system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This project aims to develop physical function measuring and training systems equipped with a variety of feedback utilities and widely applicable to the prevention of the elderly from physical function degradation, to the preservation of physical functions, and to their recovery from mild physical difficulties, thereby helping the elderly enjoy independence and participation in social activities. Possibilities will be studied of providing them with engineering support in the field of exercise therapy through the analysis of the characteristics of old people's movement, and the findings will be applied to the designing and assessment of welfare and nursing equipment and also fed back to their development environment. In the gait training system, the suspension force is adjusted according to data from the force plate and various position sensors, and the system produces an effect similar to that of walking in the water. The lower limb rehabilitation system facilitates the treatment of the aged or handicapped people, and patients suffering from cerebral disorders, at any of their physical positions from lying to standing. The upper limb training support system is to provide motivation for the aged or handicapped people suffering from mild difficulties in their upper limbs. In this fiscal year, basic designs have been prepared for the gait training system and the lower limb rehabilitation system, and a preparatory survey is conducted for the upper limb training support system. (NEDO)

  8. Transtensional Rifting in the Late Proto-Gulf of California Near Bahía Kino, Sonora, México (United States)

    Bennett, S. E.; Oskin, M. E.; Dorsey, R. J.


    We investigate the role of obliquity in continental rupture from the example of the Gulf of California rift. Focused transtensional strain adjacent to strike-slip faults, ubiquitous in oblique rifts, may act as a catalyst for lithospheric rupture. To test this hypothesis we completed detailed structural mapping, fault kinematic analysis, basin analysis, and paleomagnetism of pre- and syn-rift volcanic and sedimentary rocks exposed in coastal Sonora, near Bahía Kino, México. This area is host to the NW-striking, dextral Sacrificio and Bahía Kino faults onshore that are likely linked to the offshore De Mar transform fault that accommodated Gulf opening. Three fault-bounded sedimentary basins formed unconformably above the 12.50 ± 0.08 Ma Tuff of San Felipe. The 6.53 ± 0.18 Ma Tuff of Cerro Tordillo and the 6.39 ± 0.02 Ma Tuffs of Mesa Cuadrada are interbedded in the lower part of the non-marine basin fill. In one of these basins, we used these tuff markers to calibrate a sedimentation rate of 1.2 ± 0.2 mm/yr and a tilting rate of 0.12 ± 0.02 °/kyr. These rapid rates suggest transtensional strain and related basin subsidence initiated ca. 6.6 Ma, near the end of proto-Gulf time. Paleomagnetism of the Tuff of San Felipe and Tuffs of Mesa Cuadrada in coastal Sonora show variable amounts of clockwise vertical-axis rotation when compared to paleomagnetic reference sites in Baja California. Fault blocks in the central and southern parts of the study area are rotated counter-clockwise 15° to clockwise 35°. Strike-slip faults in this area accommodate up to 10 km of slip. In contrast, ~53° of clockwise rotation occurred in the northern part of the study area, where strike-slip faults are absent. In this northern area, transtensional deformation occurred primarily by block rotation and ~6 km of normal slip on the low-angle (5-15°) Punta Chueca fault. After correcting for variable amounts of rotation, fault blocks display a consistent tilt down to the ENE. Pre

  9. Jaapani animafilmid vallutavad kinod / Signe Sillasoo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sillasoo, Signe


    Kolmas Jaapani animafilmifestival (JAFF) toimub 3.-12. aprillini Tallinna kinos Sõprus ja 6.-15. aprillini Tartus Athena keskuses. Tutvustab pressiesindaja Tiina Savi, lisatud kinos Sõprus linastuvate filmide programm

  10. I zhizn, i sljozõ, i ljubov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    30. sept. kuni 6. okt. Tallinnas toimuvast I Vene Kino festivali sügissessioonist. Kolme programmi (Põhiprogramm, Rahvalik kino, Laste- ja noorteprogramm) raames näidatavate filmide tutvustused-soovitused

  11. Mees, kes mängis head natsi / Ulrich Tukur ; intervjueerinud Maria Ulfsak-Šeripova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tukur, Ulrich, 1957-


    Festivali "Uus saksa kino" raames on oodata Eestisse saksa kino elavat klassikut, kel kandev roll Michael Haneke auhinnatud filmis "Valge pael" ja nimosa filmis "John Rabe" (Saksamaa-Hiina-Prantsusmaa 2009)

  12. Parad planet

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    30. sept. kuni 6. okt. Tallinnas toimuvast I Vene Kino festivali sügissessioonist. Festivali kolmest programmist (Põhiprogramm, Rahvalik kino, Laste- ja noorteprogramm), mille raames näidatakse 20 filmi

  13. Black on the Silver Screen / Jaan Ruus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ruus, Jaan, 1938-2017


    Neljanda USA kultusfilmide nädala lühitutvustus. Tallinna kinos Sõprus ja Tartu kinos Cinamon linastub kuus mängufilmi aastaist 1958-1989, mis kujutavad ameerika mustanahaliste rasket teed võrdõiguslikkuse poole

  14. Kuu filmid / toimetanud Maria Ulfsak-Šeripova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti Filmiajakirjanike Ühingu ajakirjanike koostatud filmiprogrammist kinos Artis, Uue Saksa kino festivalist 6.-12. okt. ja režissöör Edgar Wright'i filmist "Scott Pilgrim terve maailma vastu" (USA 2010)

  15. Seanssõ dlja potselujev / Alina Zelimhanova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Zelimhanova, Alina


    Kinos "Sõprus" näidatakse seoses Tallinna üliõpilaspäevadega 4 õhtul USA ja Korea filme, mille aluseks on koomiksid. Ka teistest "Sõpruse" seassidest ning kinopileti hindadest kinos "Kosmos" ja Coca Cola Plaza

  16. Budapesti sügis / Margus Paju

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paju, Margus


    Sõpruse kinos on 20.-25. oktoobrini filmiprogramm "Vabaduse tuuled" Ungari 1956. a. ülestõusule pühendatud mängufilmide programm (aastaist 1965-2004) : Ungari Instituudi, kino "Sõprus" ja PÖFFi koostööprojekt

  17. "Vabaduse tuuled" Ungarist

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Sõpruse kinos algab homme filmiprogramm "Vabaduse tuuled" Ungari 1956.a. ülestõusule pühendatud mängufilmide programm (6 ungari filmi aastaist 1965-2004) : Ungari Instituudi, kino "Sõprus" ja PÖFFi koostööprojekt

  18. Vabaduse tuuled Ungarist / Aare Ermel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ermel, Aare, 1957-2013


    Sõpruse kinos algab homme filmiprogramm "Vabaduse tuuled" Ungari 1956.a. ülestõusule pühendatud mängufilmide programm (6 ungari filmi aastaist 1965-2004) : Ungari Instituudi, kino "Sõprus" ja PÖFFi koostööprojekt

  19. Tallinlased kostitavad Euroopa filmitähti / Andreas Sepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sepp, Andreas


    Eesti-poolne korraldaja Ave Ungro projektist "Kino kiikab kööki", mille raames kostitavad Tallinna kodud Euroopa Filmiakadeemia gala külalisi. EFA külalist võõrustavast kunstnik Andres Lõost ja kino "Sõprus" loovjuhist Tiina Savist

  20. Ja protiv zabivanija gvozdei / Aleksandr Gordon ; interv. Nikolai Hrustaljov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gordon, Aleksandr


    Venemaal Gatshina filmifestivalil "Kirandus ja kino" ("Literatura i kino") sai žürii eriauhinna "Parima debüüdi eest" Aleksandr Gordoni mängufilm oma isa Garri Gordoni jutustuse järgi "Oma lehmade karjane" ("Pastuhh svoihh korov")

  1. "Vetrõ svobodõ" / Boris Tuch

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuch, Boris, 1946-


    Sõpruse kinos on 20.-25. oktoobrini filmiprogramm "Vabaduse tuuled" Ungari 1956.a. ülestõusule pühendatud mängufilmide programm (6 ungari filmi aastaist 1965-2004) : Ungari Instituudi, kino "Sõprus" ja PÖFFi koostööprojekt

  2. Kuu filmid / toimetanud Maria Ulfsak-Šeripova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Aki Kaurismäki film "Le Havre" (Soome-Prantsusmaa-Saksamaa 2011) kinos Sõprus, Julia Leigh debüütfilm "Uinuv kaunitar" Coca-Cola Plazas (Austraalia 2011) ja režissöör Cyril Tuschi dokumentaalfilm "Hodorkovski" (Saksamaa 2011) Artise kinos

  3. Análisis e interpretación sistematizada de mercado, para determinar el potencial de actividades recreativas en la comunidad de Bahía de Kino, Sonora, México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Blanca Isabel Aguilar-Ramos


    Full Text Available La escasez de información estadística y de mercado confiable y la gran dispersión que ha existido en las entidades públicas y privadas de información relevante para la toma de decisiones estratégicas. Por ello, se analizó el factor temático de investigación de mercado para conocer la aceptación de productos y servicios información se realizó a través de un modelo metodológico que consistió en un estudio de mercado combinando factores empíricos. Por otro lado, el sujeto de estudio se centró en los factores del entorno del sector turístico de la región de Bahía de Kino, Sonora, México, considerando la evaluación de la demanda de actividades recreativas ofertadas por operadores turísticos comunitarios. La investigación el comportamiento de los consumidores y su necesidad por realizar actividades recreativas en interacción con el medio ambiente.

  4. Hollywoodi "Hingetu" või hingetu Hollywood? / Margus Paju

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paju, Margus


    French Connection : Prantsuse kino "The American Way" - Prantsuse filmikunsti suurteosed ja nende Ameerika uusversioonid kinos Sõprus 28. maist 1. juunini. Lähemalt filmidest "Viimasel hingetõmbel" ("A bout de souffle" ; Jean-Luc Godard, 1959) ja selle uusversioonist - Jim McBride'i "Hingetu" ("Breathless", 1983)

  5. Le Cinematographe Ameerika kastmes / Tristan Priimägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Priimägi, Tristan, 1976-


    French Connection : Prantsuse kino "The American Way" - Prantsuse filmikunsti suurteosed ja nende Ameerika uusversioonid kinos Sõprus 28. maist 1. juunini. Filmidest ja nende uusversioonidest : "Pepe le Moko" (Julien Duvivier, 1937) ja "Alžeerlased" (John Cromwell, 1938); "Metslane" (Jean Renoir, 1938) ja "Inimese iha" (Fritz Lang, 1938)

  6. Doroga k zvezdam / Tatjana Antsiferova ; interv. Nikolai Hrustaljov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Antsiferova, Tatjana


    Venemaal Gatshina filmifestivalil "Kirandus ja kino" ("Literatura i kino") sai žürii eriauhinna populaarteaduslike filmide stuudio "Lennautshfilm" film poeet Vassili Zhukovskist "Rohkem kui poeet" ("Bolshe, tshem poet") : režissöör Dolores Hmelnitskaja. Stuudiost selle 70. aastapäeva puhul räägib peatoimetaja

  7. Tuntud tundmatud Ungari filmid / Jaak Lõhmus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lõhmus, Jaak


    Sõpruse kinos kestab 25. oktoobrini filmiprogramm "Vabaduse tuuled" Ungari 1956.a. ülestõusule pühendatud mängufilmide programm (6 ungari filmi aastaist 1965-2004) : Ungari Instituudi, kino "Sõprus" ja PÖFFi koostööprojekt. Lähemalt Peter Bacso komöödiafilmist "Tunnistaja" (1969) ja Miklos Jancso filmist "Lootuseta" (1965)

  8. Poeetilised prantslased / Kristiina Davidjants

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Davidjants, Kristiina, 1974-


    French Connection : Prantsuse kino "The American Way" - Prantsuse filmikunsti suurteosed ja nende Ameerika uusversioonid kinos Sõprus 28. maist 1. juunini. Lähemalt filmidest "Pepe le Moko" (Julien Duvivier, 1937), "Metslane" (Jean Renoir, 1938), "Viimasel hingetõmbel" (Jean-Luc Godard, 1959), "Uppumissurmast päästetud Boudu" (Jean Renoir, 1932), "Naine nimega Nikita" (Luc Besson, 1990)

  9. Uusehitised Tallinna vanalinnas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Aegade jooksul Tallinna vanalinna ehitatud uued ehitised ( kino "Sõprus" Vana-Posti tn-l, Kirjanike maja Harju tn-l, Väike-Karja tn. lillekauplus, Raeköök Dunkri tn-l, Kaubahall, WW Passaaz Aia tn-l, kino "Bi-Ba-Bo"(ehitatud 1930-ndail), klaaspaviljon ( nn. Jänese vorst) ja De La Gardie kaubamaja Viru tn-l jt.)

  10. Análisis e interpretación sistematizada de mercado, para determinar el potencial de actividades recreativas en la comunidad de Bahía de Kino, Sonora, México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oscar Ernesto Hernández-Ponce


    Full Text Available La escasez de información estadística y de mercado confiable y la gran dispersión que ha existido en las entidades públicas y privadas en México, impiden la concentración de información relevante para la toma de decisiones estratégicas. Por ello, se analizó el factor temático de investigación de mercado para conocer la aceptación de productos y servicios turísticos. Además, la recolección de información se realizó a través de un modelo metodológico que consistió en un estudio de mercado combinando factores empíricos. Por otro lado, el sujeto de estudio se centró en los factores del entorno del sector turístico de la región de Bahía de Kino, Sonora, México, considerando la evaluación de la demanda de actividades recreativas ofertadas por operadores turísticos comunitarios. La investigación permitió establecer con claridad el comportamiento de los consumidores y su necesidad por realizar actividades recreativas en interacción con el medio ambiente.

  11. Deleuze, filmikunst ja rahvuslik identiteet : narratiivi aeg rahvuslikes kontekstides / David Martin-Jones ; tõlkinud Eva Näripea

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Martin-Jones, David


    Antakse ülevaade Gilles Deleuze'i filmitekstidest "Kino 1 : liikumispilt" (Cinếma-1 : l'image-mouvement) ja "Kino 2 : ajapilt" (Cinếma-2 : l'image-temps) ning K. Bhabha artiklist "DissemiNatsioon" kogumikust "Rahvus ja jutustamine" (Nation and Narration,1990), kus käsitletakse ideesid narratiivist, ajast ja rahvuslikust identiteedist. Uuritakse, kuidas käsitletakse narratiivi aja kaudu ajalugu ja identiteeti ning missugust toimet avaldab see rahvusliku identiteedi konstrueerimisele

  12. Schaulust und Horror Soziokulturelle - Perspektiven auf PEEPING TOM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Ballhausen


    Full Text Available Die Geschichte des Kinos und des Films ist mindestens ebenso sehr eine Geschichte des Schreckens (und der damit verbundenen Schaulust wie sie eine Geschichte des Dokumentarischen zu sein scheint. Es sind die außergewöhnlichen Körper und deren Bewegungen, die das Publikum zu allen Zeiten faszinierten, schockierten und zum Schauen und Sehen lockten. Besonders das Genre des Horrorfilms ist mit diesem zentralen Aspekt des Kinos besonders deutlich verbunden.

  13. FY 1999 report on the results on analysis of protein functions; 1999 nendo tanpakushitsu kino kaiseki seika hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This project is aimed at construction of the intellectual infrastructures for biotechnologies, in order to accelerate development of the Japanese technologies and activate their application to industries. Described herein are the FY 1999 results. These infrastructures are for functional analysis of protein which will be one of the key issues in genome analysis, and collection and analysis of biological information. This project includes a total of 9 research and development themes for four research categories: frequency analysis of gene expression (development of the gene expression profile database system for functional analysis of human genome, and analysis of the gene expression and protein functions by the ECA chip technology), function analysis by the biological model (high-performance analysis by the bio-project, database system for drug metabolizing enzymes, analysis of gene functions using mutant mice, and simple genome function analysis of murine individuals using the RNAi effect), protein expression (function validation of unknown human genes based on the useful biological model, and protein function analysis using multi-purpose destination vectors), and protein function prediction by the information science method. (NEDO)

  14. "Nevidannoje kino"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    5.- 8. juunini toimub Maardus ja Tallinnas 8. rahvusvaheline lühifilmide festival "Ennenägematu Film". Tööd on peamiselt noortelt ja filmitudengitelt Eestist, Venemaalt, Lätist, Leedust jm. Seekord on ka eriprogramm "Uvazhajemõi A.P.", mille kava on ära toodud. Filmiprogramm on Anton Tshehhovi loomingust valminud filmidest, mille autoriteks on eri aegadel VGIKis (Üleliiduline Riiklik Kinoinstituut) õppinud režissöörid

  15. FY 1998 R and D project on industrial science technology; 1998 nendo ryoshi kino soshi no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The R and D on quantum functional devices (QFDs) were conducted, and the FY 1998 results were summed up. In the comprehensive survey on QFDs, the following were carried out for the efficient R and D promotion: R and D progress state survey/problem extraction/analytical study, technical trend survey, overseas survey ordered from overseas supplier, common basement technology study, etc. In the R and D on technology for QFDs, integration of multivalued logical devices using tunneling control functional devices, integration of logical memory devices using quantum levels, integration of quantum band combination-type multi-functional devices, silicon insulating film tunnel memory devices, assembly quantum dot functional memory, quantum wave switching functional devices, integration of single electron logical devices, integration of CMOS combination-type single electron devices, etc. Moreover, in the development of the basement technology of single electron devices, technology to construct element devices using quantum functions, basement technology of single electron device integration devices, architecture of single electron device information processing circuit system, etc. (NEDO)

  16. Deti snimajut kino

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Filmiamatöörid ja -pedagoogid Igor Glazistov ja Marina Naaber-Glazistova viisid oma filmistuudio Meksvideo noored koos parimate amatöörfilmidega Peterburi IX Ülevenemaalisele laste ja noorte kinofestivalile "Peterburi ekraan". Eestist osalevad veel stuudio Noorfilm, Kanutiaia stuudio ning Narva "Rovesnik"

  17. Uudised : "Sõprus" Europa Cinema nominent

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Euroopa ja Vahemere regiooni kinopidajaid ühendav organisatsioon tunnustab igal aastal kinosid kolmes kategoorias. Sõpruse kino on valitud viie nominendi hulka noorsooürituste korraldamise kategoorias

  18. Holokausta reprezentācija filmās "The pianist" un "Life is beautiful"


    Kalniņa, Zane


    Bakalaura darba Holokausta reprezentācija filmās "The pianist" un "Life is beautiful" mērķis ir izpētīt, kā tiek konstruēta holokausta reprezentācija, izmantojot kinematogrāfiskos elementus drāmas žanra filmās. Teorijas daļā aplūkota kino semiotika un valoda, reprezentācija, holokausta reprezentācija un kino naratīva teorija. Metodoloģijā aprakstīta semiotiskā un naratīva analīze, kas tiks pielietota empīriskajā daļā, lai noskaidrotu holokausta reprezentāciju filmās. No iegūtajiem rezul...

  19. Molodjozhnõi festival "Tushite svet"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Teist korda toimuvast rahvusvahelisest laste ja noorte videoloomingu festivalist nimega "Kustutage valgus" ("Tushite svet") 4. - 6. aprillini Narvas kinos Forum Cinemas Astri. Osaleb 40 stuudiot 8 riigist

  20. Olla ise / Margit Tõnson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tõnson, Margit, 1978-


    Filmisarjas "Ainult friikidele" linastub Tallinnas Sõpruse kinos ja Tartus Athena Keskuses John Cassavetese mängufilm "Naise parimad aastad" ("A Woman Under the Influence") : Ameerika Ühendriigid 1974

  1. Algab animafilmide festival "Animated dreams"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Nukufilmi stuudio ja animafilmide festival "Animated Dreams" (21.-25. XI kinos Sõprus) korraldavad Nukufilmi 50. juubeli tähistamiseks 22.-24. novembrini rahvusvahelise konverentsi "Voodoo hing". Filmiprogrammist tutvustavalt

  2. Indrek Kasela, Hamlet ärimaailmas / Indrek Kasela ; intervjueerinud Priit Pullerits ; kommenteerinud Maarja Neilvelt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kasela, Indrek, 1971-


    Ettevõtja, kino Sõprus taasavaja ning Premia börsile viija Indrek Kasela oma tegevusest fondihaldurina, New Yorgi ülikoolis saadud kogemustest, Eesti ühiskonnakorralduses vaja minevatest muutustest

  3. Epohhi looja jõuab Eestisse / Mari Hiiemäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hiiemäe, Mari


    Ameerika lauljast ja heliloojast Bob Dylanist (kontsert 4. juunil Tallinnas Saku Suurhallis). Kinos Sõprus esilinastuvast Bob Dylani elust ja muusikast inspireeritud mängufilmist "Kus on Bob Dylan?"

  4. Aasta suurim animapidu! / Margus Paju

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paju, Margus


    Nukufilmi stuudio ja animafilmide festivalist "Animated Dreams" (21.-25. XI kinos Sõprus), mis korraldab Nukufilmi 50. juubeli tähistamiseks 22.-24. novembrini rahvusvahelise konverentsi "Voodoo hing". Filmiprogrammist tutvustavalt

  5. Peaasi, et joonistatud / Mari Laaniste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laaniste, Mari, 1977-


    Jaapani anime filmidest (seekord peamiselt Ghibli stuudio omad), mida saab näha 4.-13. aprillini Tallinnas Sõpruse kinos ja 5.-10. aprillini Tartus Athena keskuses II Jaapani animefilmide festivalil

  6. Hea on avastada uusi ilmu / Mathura

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mathura, pseud., 1973-


    4.-13. aprillini Tallinnas Sõpruse kinos toimunud II Jaapani anime filmide festivalist JAFF. Pikemalt filmidest: "Minu naaber Totoro" - rezh. Hayao Miyazaki, "Appleseed" - rezh. Shinji Aramaki, "Alles eile" - rezh. Isao Takahata

  7. В Таллинне прошла неделя моды

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    4.-6. novemrini toimunud Tallinna moenädalast (Tallinn Fashion Week). Korraldas Eesti Moedisaini Liit, osales 15 eesti disainerit ja kaubamärki. Põhiline moemaraton toimus kinos Sõprus. Osalejate nimekiri

  8. Jätkub filmisari "Ainult friikidele"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Filmisarjas "Ainult friikidele" linastub Tallinnas Sõpruse kinos täna ja Tartus Athena Keskuses homme Alain Corneau' kutuslik kriminaalfilm "Serie noir" : Prantsusmaa 1979. Suurepärase rolli teeb Patrick Dewaere

  9. O voine i pamjati

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Venemaa telekanal "Kultura" demonstreeris tsüklis "Teine Maailmasõda Euroopa kino silmade läbi" filme "Rooma - avatud linn", "Saksamaa. Aasta Null", "Kõik oma kodudesse", "Mary-Oktoober", "Läbi Pariisi"

  10. Mehed unustatud armeest / Margit-Mariann Koppel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koppel, Margit-Mariann, 1971-


    Dokumentaalfilm "Mehed unustatud armeest" : autor Indrek Treufeldt : režissöör Kalle Käesel : produtsent Renita Timak : ETV ja Osakond OÜ 2006. Film esilinastus Tallinna kinos Sõprus 21. novembril

  11. Документальная драма о российской оппозиции / Эвелин Калдоя

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Калдоя, Эвелин, 1980-


    Tallinna kinos Sõprus esilinastus dokumentaalfilm opositsionääridest Venemaal "Revolutsioon, mida ei tulnud" (režissöör Aljona Polunina, tootjad Kuukulgur Film ja Matila Röhr Productions Soomest)

  12. Estonskije filmõ stali laureatami festivalei

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Sõltumatu kino 35. festivalil Brüsselis sai peaauhinna Veiko Õunpuu "Sügisball" ja animafilmifestivalil Utrechtis Hollandis võitis peapreemia Priit ja Olga Pärna joonisfilm "Elu ilma Gabriella Ferrita"

  13. Titaanide heitlus: Forum Cinemas vs Cinamon

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Cinamon Group avab Solarise keskuses uue Cinamoni kinoketti kuuluva kino, mis konkureerib Coca-Cola Plazaga (võrdlev tabel, allikad: Cinamoni turundusjuht Evelyn Laar ja Forum Cinemas' levijuhi asetäitja Timo Diener)

  14. Rock kinoekraanil / Katrin Rajasaare

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rajasaare, Katrin


    7.-11. juulini kinos Sõprus toimuval filminädalal "Rock On Screen" ekraanile jõudvatest rockmuusikuid portreteerivatest filmidest "Lou Reed's Berlin", "The Future Is Unwritten: Joe Strummer", "Control: Joy Division", "Hurriganes", "Shlaager"

  15. Rein Oja, Kirsti Timmer ja Avo Põhjala võitluskunstidest / Simo Meinert

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Meinert, Simo


    Seriaali "Walker - Texase korravalvur" nimitegelast mängiva Chuck Norrise võitluskunstide oskusi aluseks võttes arendatakse teemat idamaa võitluskunstidest kinos, teatris ja elus. Ka : Teleleht nr. 49, lk. 42-43

  16. Jüri Lina kui tegelikkusele osutav Patagoonia šamaan / Jüri Lina ; intervjueerinud Ingrid Peek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lina, Jüri, 1949-


    2.-5. juunini Tallinnas kinos Sõprus toimuva festivali "Hallo, Kosmos!" raames 2. juunil esilinastuvast Jüri Lina filmist "Täitmatu Uroboros. Massoonide salakaval taktika", tema uuringute põhjusest. Festivali "Hallo, Kosmos!" kavast

  17. Skandaalne seksifilm takerdus rahapuudusesse / Jaan Väljaots

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Väljaots, Jaan, 1968-


    Prantslaste Virginie Despentesè ja Coralie Trinh Thi mängufilm "Kepi mind" ("Baise-moi") pole "Sõpruse" kinos linastunud maaletooja Filmimax'i suutmatuse tõttu subtiitrifirmale "Baltlab" töö eest tasuda

  18. Uhhodjashtshaja natura / Nikolai Hrustaljov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hrustaljov, Nikolai


    Lõppes 12. Gatshina filmifestival "Kirjandus ja Kino". Režissöör Rustam Hamdamovist ja tema filmist "Vokaalsed paralleelid", stsenarist Renata Litvinova : Kasahstan 2005, võitjatest, huvitavamatest filmidest, festivalikülalistest

  19. Manifest toob klassika taas kinoekraanile / Andri Maimets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Maimets, Andri, 1979-


    2.-9. veebr. on kinos "Sõprus" ja 11.-15. veebr. Tartu Sadamateatris 5. kultusfilmide festival Manifest, seekord USA filmid ja teemaks sõnavabadus. Esilinastub ka Urmas E. Liivi dokumentaalfilm "Tervitusi Nõukogude Eestist!"

  20. Нарвский киноэкран станет окном в Лондонский театр

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    25. juunil stardib Forum Cinemas keti kinodes pilootprojekt, kus linale jõuab otseülekanne Londoni Rahvusteatri etendusest "Phaidra", lavastaja Nicholas Hytner, peaosas Helen Mirren. Projektis osaleb ka Narva kino Forum Cinemas Astri

  1. Stiilne action igale maitsele / Jaak Kilmi ; interv. Tiit Tuumalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kilmi, Jaak, 1973-


    Filmirežissöör juhendas Eesti Kunstiakadeemia magistrantidele dokumentaalfilmist loenguid pidades nende dokfilmide tegemist, mille tulemusena valmis mitu filmi, mis koondatud programmiks "Stiilne action" ja tuleb ettekandmisele Von Krahli teatri kinos

  2. Nähtamatud lapsed / Margit Tõnson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tõnson, Margit, 1978-


    UNICEFi palvel valmistasid kaheksa tuntud režissööri kassett-filmi maailma kannatavatest lastest "Kõik nähtamatud lapsed" ("All the Invisible Children") : Prantsusmaa - Itaalia 2005. Film on Sõpruse kino kavas

  3. Mustad silmad paadi ääre alt / Aarne Ruben

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ruben, Aarne, 1971-


    Allfilmi ja DeforeFilmi koostöös toodetud dokumentaalfilm "Surmaretk" - 1997. aasta 11. septembri traagilisest sõjaväeõppusest, kus hukkus 14 Eesti kaitseväelast. Esilinastus 10. septembril Kinos Sõprus

  4. "Kuninganna" Tallinnas / Andri Maimets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Maimets, Andri, 1979-


    Tänasest on Sõpruse kinos Stephen Frearsi mängufilm "Kuninganna" ("The Queen") : stsenarist Peter Morgan : kuninganna Elizabeth II kehastab Helen Mirren, peaminister Tony Blair'i Michael Sheen. Lisatud andmed Helen Mirreni kohta

  5. Noortefilm ei ole ainult noortele : "Just Filmi" festival 2008 / Elen Lotman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lotman, Elen


    22.-29. novembril kinos Kosmos toimunud PÖFFi laste- ja noortefilmide festivalist "Just Film". Pikemalt filmidest "Tumedate liblikate kodu" (Soome) ja "Kaks maailma" (Taani). Noortefilmi žanritest. Ära toodud võitnud filmid

  6. Kui Hollywood võitleb Ameerika võimudega / Ilmar Raag

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raag, Ilmar, 1968-


    2.-9. veebr. on kinos "Sõprus" ja 11.-15. veebr. Tartu Sadamateatris 5. kultusfilmide festival Manifest, seekord USA filmid ja teemaks sõnavabadus. Võitlusest viimase eest Manifesti filmiprogrammi filmides. Lisatud festivali filmide nimekiri

  7. [Kirjandusetendusest "Meri kümnele häälele"] / Kätlin Kaldmaa ; küsinud D. K. [Doris Kareva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaldmaa, Kätlin, 1970-


    Luulelavastus sisaldab Álvaro de Campose (Fernando Pessoa) "Mereoodi" ning Ain Kaalepi, Kalju Kruusa, fs-i jt. eesti luuletajate tekste. Lavastaja Anne Türnpu, etendused toimuvad kinos Sõprus. Vt. ka kuulutust lk. 30

  8. Viljandisse jõuavad pimedate ööde filmid / Kristiina Vaarik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaarik, Kristiina


    Tallinna VIII Pimedate Ööde Filmifestivali raames Viljandi kinos Rubiin 3.-9. detsembrini näidatavate filmide tutvustus. Viljandis on projektijuht Kalvi Kants. Filmidele loeb peale sünkroontõlke Sven Heiberg

  9. Animated Dreamsi grand prix' sai film dododest

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Animafilmide festivali "Animated Dreams" (21.-25. XI kinos Sõprus) auhinnasaajad : peaauhinna sai LAV-i "Lugu sellest, kuidas" (autor The Blackheart Gang), Balti- ja Põhjamaade festivali auhinna sai Eesti "Kleit" (Mari-Liis Bassovskaja, Jelena Girlin)

  10. Antiputinlaste hingeelu / Olev Remsu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Remsu, Olev, 1947-


    Dokumentaalfilmist "Revolutsioon, mida ei tulnud", režissöör Aljona Polunina, produtsendid Jaak Kilmi ja Ilkka Matila, Kuukulgur Film ja Matila Röhr productions, 2008. Esilinastus Eestis kinos Sõprus 7. jaan. 2009

  11. Halloo Kosmos, hallo Maa! / Kairit Tsäro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tsäro, Kairit, 1974-


    Režissööride Rob Lettermani ja Conrad Vernoni animafilm "Koletised tulnukate vastu", mis on dubleeritud ka eesti keelde. Tallinnas Coca Cola Plazas, Tartus kinos Ekraan vaadatav 3D (kolmemõõtmelisena)

  12. Kohtuasi peatas Kõusaare "Magnuse" tee ka Riias / Mari Kodres

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kodres, Mari


    Kadri Kõusaare debüütfilmi "Magnus" linastamine Läti väärtfilmikinos Cinema Riga lõpetati, kuna kino juhtkond koos filmi levitajaga otsustasid linastamist jätkata alles peale kohtuvaidluse lõppu

  13. Kuu filmid / toimetanud Maria Ulfsak-Šeripova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Nicolas Winding Refni krimidraama "Ohtlik sõit" (USA 2011), Pedro Almodovari "tume melodraama" "Nahk, milles ma elan" (Hispaania 2011). Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarti "Don Giovanni" Tallinnas (Coca-Cola Plaza), Tartus (Ekraan) ja Narvas (Astri kinos)

  14. Fuugad tühjale tusale / Kärt Hellerma

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hellerma, Kärt, 1956-


    Mängufilm "Tunnid" ("The Hours") Michael Cunninghami romaani põhjal: režissöör Stephen Daldry : Ameerika Ühendriigid - Suurbritannia, 2002. Artikkel ilmus esmakordselt ajakirjas Teater. Muusika. Kino, 2004, nr. 8-9

  15. Langevarjurid ja Pekingi part / Kaarel Kressa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kressa, Kaarel, 1983-


    Kahest lühifilmist, mis linastusid 14. detsembril kinos Sõprus. Mihkel Soe dokumentaalfilmist ekstreemsportlasest Toomas Taltsist "3. 2. 1 - ilus hüpe" ja Kristin Kalamehe lühikomöödiast "Pekingi part"

  16. Indijas kinematogrāfs: Ceļš uz triumfu


    Gumennikovs, Pāvels


    Bakalaura darba – „Indijas kinematogrāfs: Ceļš uz triumfu” galvenais mērķis ir izskaidrot un saprast kā Indijas kino industrija nonāca pie pasaules atzinības 2009. gadā ar filmu „Graustu Miljonārs”. Lai izzinātu bakalaura darba galveno mērķi lasītājam būs iespēja arī iepazīties ar Indijas kino industrijas vēsturi, tās struktūru, stratēģijām. Bakalaura darbs parādā kā filmu industrija reaģēja uz dažādiem notikumiem valsts dzīvē laika gaitā. Bakalaura darbs ir veidots tā, lai ...

  17. Kes? : Sergei Bondartšuk / Aune Unt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Unt, Aune, 1954-


    Tõlge S. Bondartšuki raamatust "Želanije tšuda". Moskva, 1981; I. Talankini artiklist "Magija iskusstva", Iskusstvo kino, 1983, nr. 2 ja intervjuust "Avtor stsenarija - Puškin", Sovetskaja kultura, 1984, nr. 141

  18. Erik Ruus mängib kinomehaanikut / Aarne Mäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mäe, Aarne, 1967-


    Näitleja Erik Ruus Toomas Raudami poolt kirjapandud kinomehaanik Mati Parkja töödest-tegemistest jutustavas näidendis "Kino-Mati. Tema elutee ja juhtumised, mis seal ette tulid" Rakvere Teatris, lavastaja Peeter Simm

  19. Mne nravitsja vljubljatsja v talant / Renata Litvinova ; interv. Nikolai Hrustaljov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Litvinova, Renata


    Viiburis (Võborg) toimunud vene kino festivalil "Aken Euroopasse" peetud pressikonverentsil tutvustas näitleja ja režissöör oma uusimat projekti, muusikalist filmi lauljanna Zemfirast, esialgse pealkirjaga "Zeljonõi teatr v Zemfire"

  20. Kokakoolakinno kolib ooper, popkorn on out / Tiit Tuumalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuumalu, Tiit, 1971-


    Forum Cinemas võimaldab Tartu kinos Ekraan ja Tallinnas Coca-Cola Plazas kord kuus laupäevaõhtuti vaadata-kuulata klassikaooperite otseülekandeid Metropolitan Opera lavalt (Metropolitani projekti "The Met: Live in HD" raames)

  1. Meediaterrorist Chris Morris / Margit Tõnson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tõnson, Margit, 1978-


    Briti raadio- ja telesatiirik Christopher Morris ja tema (tele)tegemised seoses kinos Sõprus linastuva islamiäärmuslastest kõneleva komöödiafilmiga "Neli lõvi" (Suurbritannia 2010). Lisaks M. T. "Napid detailid eraelust"

  2. Fiscal 2000 research report on the technology for utilizing intracellular protein transport; 2000 nendo saibonai tanpakushitsu yuso kino riyo gijutsu chosa hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Research was conducted for the establishment of 'intracellular transport engineering' for collecting eucaryotic proteins having cytotoxicity and activated proteins having escaped decomposition into an appropriate intracellular organelle by artificially manipulating the intracellular transport system for proteins in eucaryotes. In this fiscal year, element technologies and tasks necessary for the transport and activation of intracellular proteins in eucaryotes are extracted, and research was conducted on relevant patents. In a survey of the latest trends of research and development, attention was directed mainly at cells or organelles, and the details of progress in the last one year were investigated and reported, which were related to the functions of single membrane organelles excluding for double membrane bound organelles, e.g., mitochondria and chloroplast, etc., that have unique DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and to the molecular mechanism of transport of protein to each organelle. Furthermore, relative to each organelle, deployment of protein transport function application technology was taken up. (NEDO)

  3. Prokljatõje filmõ i dveri v nikuda / Dmitri Babitshenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Babitshenko, Dmitri


    Ameerika režissöör ja maalikunstnik David Lynch esineb 7. novembril kinos Kosmos loenguga "Film, Creativity and Consciousness". Ka filmist "Inland Empire". Eestisse kutsujateks olid Veiko Õunpuu, Rain Tolk ja Taavi Eelmaa

  4. Klišeed muusikas ja filmis : kontsert, mis rõhub nostalgiale / Brigitta Davidjants

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Davidjants, Brigitta, 1983-


    Põhjamaade Sümfooniaorkestri kontsert Anu Tali juhatusel Keila lauluväljakul "Russkoje kino - "Aleksandr Nevski", kus esitati vene nõukogude filmimuusikat ning lühendatud versioon Sergei Eisensteini filmist "Aleksandr Nevski" koos Sergei Prokofjevi filmiainelise kantaadiga

  5. Peeter Simm kolmandat korda teatris

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Rakveres tuli lavale Toomas Raudami ja Peeter Simmi näidend Lõuna-Eesti kinomehaaniku Mati Parkja elust "Kino-Mati. Tema elutee ja juhtumised, mis seal ette tulid". Lavastas Peeter Simm, nimiosas Erik Ruus, kunstnik Hardi Volmer

  6. Londonis kollijahil / Betty Ester

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ester, Betty, 1977-


    Eesti ajakirjanikud Londoni kinos "Odeon" vaatamas Walt Disney Stuudio ja Pixar Animationi täispika animafilmi "Kollide kompanii" ("Monsters, Inc.") esilinastust : režissöörid Peter Docter ja David Silverman : Ameerika Ühendriigid 2001

  7. Seksuaalsus ja eksitus / Kärt Hellerma

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hellerma, Kärt, 1956-


    Kahe 1992.a. mängufilmi võrdlev analüüs - Jean-Jacques Annaud' "Armuke" ("L'Amant") ja Paul Verhoeveni "Ürginstinkt" ("Basic Instinct"). Artikkel ilmus esmakordselt ajakirjas Teater. Muusika. Kino, 1994, nr. 8-9

  8. Eksperdid hakkavad arutama "Kepi mind" pornograafilisust

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Mitmes riigis keelatud prantsuse mängufilmi "Kepi mind" ("Baise-moi") näitamise eest "Sõpruse" kinos võib filmi maaletoojat Filmimaxi oodata karistus rahatrahvi näol, kui kultuuriministeeriumi juures tegutsev ekspertkomisjon tunnistab filmi pornograafiliseks

  9. JAFF jätkub Sõpruses kahe erikavaga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kolmas Jaapani animafilmifestival (JAFF) jätkub edukalt Tallinna kinos Sõprus ja algas eile ka Tartus Athena keskuses. Tallinnas stardivad animasüžeede järgi valminud mängufilmide programm ning animaklassika. Filmidest nendes programmides

  10. Sex, drugs and rock'n'roll põlvkond / Triin Teramäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Teramäe, Triin


    2.-9. veebr. on kinos "Sõprus" ja 11.-15. veebr. Tartu Sadamateatris 5. kultusfilmide festival Manifest, seekord 8 USA filmi aastaist 1946-2006) ja teemaks sõnavabadus. Mõnest filmist ja nende tähendusest ameerika ühiskonnale

  11. Ruumid: Karassev-Orgusaar-Júlíusson-Zolotko / Kaire Nurk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nurk, Kaire, 1960-


    Islandi fotograafi Ingólfur Júlíussoni ja skulptor Jevgeni Zolotko ühisnäitus Tartu Kunstimajas 1.-24.07.2011. Vladimir-Georg Karassev-Orgusaare film "Lindpriid" (1971) ja autoriõhtu Athena kinos 27.06.2011

  12. Uinutav dokumentaaldraama Vene äärmusopositsionääridest / Evelyn Kaldoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaldoja, Evelyn, 1980-


    7. jaanuaril esilinastub Tallinna kinos Sõprus dokumentaalfilm opositsionääridest Venemaal "Revolutsioon, mida ei tulnud" (režissöör Aljona Polunina, produtsent Jaak Kilmi; tootjad Kuukulgur Film ja Matila Röhr Productions Soomest, 2008)

  13. Kaali plahvatab / Olev Remsu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Remsu, Olev, 1947-


    14. veebruaril esilinastus kinos "Sõprus" populaarteaduslik film Kaali meteoriidiplahvatusest "Kaali saladus" : stsenarist ja režissöör Urmas E. Liiv : operaator Ago Ruus : produtsent Riho Västrik : OÜ Vesilind (Eesti) - Vides Filmu Studija (Läti)

  14. Kõige hõbevalgem film: Kaali saladus / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    14. veebruaril esilinastub kinos "Sõprus" populaarteaduslik film Kaali meteoriidiplahvatusest "Kaali saladus" : stsenarist ja režissöör Urmas E. Liiv : operaator Ago Ruus : produtsent Riho Västrik : OÜ Vesilind (Eesti) - Vides Filmu Studija (Läti)

  15. Linastus Eesti kalleim dokfilm "Kaali saladus"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    14. veebruaril esilinastus kinos "Sõprus" populaarteaduslik film Kaali meteoriidiplahvatusest "Kaali saladus" : stsenarist ja režissöör Urmas E. Liiv : operaator Ago Ruus : produtsent Riho Västrik : OÜ Vesilind (Eesti) - Vides Filmu Studija (Läti)

  16. Sõprus näitab filmi maailma lastest

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    UNICEFi palvel valmistasid kaheksa tuntud režissööri kassett-filmi maailma kannatavatest lastest "Kõik nähtamatud lapsed" ("All the Invisible Children") : Prantsusmaa - Itaalia 2005. Film linastus PÖFFil ja on Sõpruse kino kavas

  17. Tere tulemast tagasi, uue põlvkonna utopistid! / Veronika Valk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Valk, Veronika, 1976-


    Francois Roche ja Eva Castro tulevikuarhitektuuri käsitlevatest ettekannetest Tallinna arhitektuuribiennaali raames toimunud sümpoosionil. Maketinäitus "Viini eksiilid. Helisev arhitektuur" Heliose kinos. Eksponeeritakse Viini Die Angewandte arhitektuurikoolis (juht Hani Rashid) õppivate eestlaste loomingut

  18. Poliitanimatsioon räägib lõbusalt tõsistest asjadest / Kristiina Davidjants

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Davidjants, Kristiina, 1974-


    Animafilmide festivali "Animated Dreams" eriprogrammist "Poliitiline animatsioon" 23.-26. novembrini kinos Sõprus : Belgia film ""Terror" on vaid kuradi kaugusel" (Koen Delbroek), Rootsi film "Bin Ladeni uusim video" (Abdallah ja Tarik Saleh), USA film "Lihaks" (Meatrix" ; Louis Fox)

  19. Territorija kino / Boris Tuch

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuch, Boris, 1946-


    VIII Pimedate Ööde Filmifestivali filmidest : Joel Schumacher "Ooperifantoom", Kim Ki-duk "Tühi maja", Matthew Vaughn "Kihiline kook", Marco Bellocchio "Tere hommikust, öö", Oliver Hirschbiegel "Allakäik", Dmitri Meshijev "Omad"

  20. Kino plaadimasinas / Siim Nestor

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nestor, Siim, 1974-


    Areeni muusikakriitikud kuulavad filmimuusika heliplaate: "O Brother, Where Art Thou?", "The Royal Tenenbaums", "Amelie From Montmartre", "Moulin Rouge", "Training Day", "Mulholland Drive", "Ocean's 11"

  1. Samuel Beckett vallutab kino

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Dublini Gate Theatre, Blue Angel Films, RTE ja Channel 4 on jäädvustanud filmilindile kõik 19 Becketi näidendit, millest mõned on festivalil juba esitatud, kuid täispaketti saab näha 2001. aasta alguses. Allk. K. H.

  2. Paris, Texas. Saksamaal ja sinu peas / Kairi Prints

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Prints, Kairi


    6.- 12. oktoobrini Tallinnas ja Tartus toimuval filmifestivalil "Uus Saksa Kino" saab vaadata Wim Wendersi muusikadokumentaale. "Film ja filosoofia" rubriigis koha- ja rahvusespetsiifika eksistentsist tänapäeva filmikunstis ja W. Wendersi filmist "Paris, Texas" (USA 1984)

  3. Kalli ajaloosarja esikfilm jõuab ETVsse / Kiur Aarma ; interv. Andri Maimets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aarma, Kiur, 1975-


    6-osalise ajaloodokumentaalide sarja "Kuum külm sõda" esimesena valminud, sisuliselt kolmas film "Haukka grupp" : stsenaristid Kiur Aarma, Tiit Pruuli : režissöör Rene Vilbre : Ruut Pictures 2005. Esilinastus 08.05. kinos "Sõprus"

  4. Kulinaariakino

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Sügisel 2010 kinos Artis köögikunstile pühendatud filmiprogramm "Armastus käib kõhu kaudu". Programmi lõpetavad "Itaalia õhtu" (USA 1996) ja "Kokk, varas, tema naine ja temaksese armuke" (Prantsusmaa/Suurbritannia 1989)

  5. Külas kollide kompaniil / Betty Ester

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ester, Betty, 1977-


    Ajakirja "Stiina" esindajad Londoni kinos "Odeon" vaatamas Walt Disney Stuudio ja Pixar Animation'i täispika animafilmi "Kollide kompanii" ("Monsters, Inc.") esilinastust : režissöörid Peter Docter ja David Silverman : Ameerika Ühendriigid 2001

  6. "Musta Peetri" stuudio Nafta näitab uusi lühifilme / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    Filmistuudio Nafta lühifilmide kava 1. oktoobrist 2010 Tallinna kinos Artis. Kavasse kuuluvad uued linateosed Heleri Saariku "Näkilugu" ja Margus Paju "Blackout" ning Priit Pääsukese "Must Peeter" (2008), Peeter Sauteri novelli "Must notsu" ekraniseering

  7. "Tõrjutud mälestused" on pannud soomlased Eesti ajaloost rääkima / Kätlin Jensen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jensen, Kätlin


    8. jaan. näidati Helsingi kinos BioRex dokumentaalfilmipäevade raames Imbi Paju filmi "Tõrjutud mälestused", millele järgnes paneelarutelu "Miks me ei või tulevikku kujundades minevikust mööda vaadata"

  8. Elektroonilise kunsti festival ISEA avab kaardid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    12. rahvusvahelise elektroonilise kunsti festivali ISEA 2004 eelinfo. Üritused toimuvad Tallinnas, Helsingis, Stockholmis ja nende vahel ristleval laeval. Tallinnas on temaatilised näitused linna kunstigaleriides, konverents Kosmose kinos ja eriüritus Flux klubis BonBon

  9. Sundance'i peaauhind jagati kaheks

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Sundance'i filmifestivalil, mille sihiks Hollywoodist sõltumatu kino arendamine, jagati peauhind filmide "Girlfight" ja "You Can count On Me" vahel. Režii auhind läks esimese filmi režissöörile Karyn Kusamale

  10. Kolmekihiline Kopli tort Märjamaal / Sulev Oll

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oll, Sulev, 1964-


    Marje Jurtšenko dokumentaalfilmist "Aeg on siin", mis räägib aastast Eesti eri paikades elava nelja 7aastase lapse elus. Filmi esilinastas filmis osalenud Fredile ja tema koolikaaslastele Märjamaa kinos Helk kinomehhaanik Hans Veimann

  11. Rulasõidu evolutsioon linnadžunglis / Ats Luik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Luik, Ats


    2.- 4. veebr. kinos Artis toimuvast Simpel Session 11 rula- ja rattafilmide festivalist. 3. veebruaril saab näha Coan Nicholsi ja Rick Charnoski filmi "Deathbowl to Downtown - The Evolution of Skateboarding in New York City" (USA 2010)

  12. "Kepi mind" sai külge pornosildi / Tiit Tuumalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuumalu, Tiit, 1971-


    Prantsuse mängufilmi "Kepi mind" ("Baise-moi"), mida Filmimax näitab juba kuu aega "Sõpruse" kinos, tunnistas kultuuriministeeriumi juures tegutsev ekspertkomisjon, mida juhtis Henn Vallimäe, pornograafiat ja vägivalda sisaldavaks ning seega alaealistele keelatuks

  13. Teine Ameerika / Tristan Priimägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Priimägi, Tristan, 1976-


    2.-9. veebr. on kinos "Sõprus" ja 11.-15. veebr. Tartu Sadamateatris 5. kultusfilmide festival Manifest, seekord 8 USA filmi aastaist 1946-2006, teemaks sõnavabadus. Mõnest filmist lähemalt ja nende tähendusest ameerika ühiskonnale

  14. BFMi parimad palad / Greta Varts

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Varts, Greta, 1986-


    Kinos Artis toimus Balti Filmi- ja Meediakooli tudengite tööde avalik tunnustamine. Esimest korda anti välja Bobi-nimeline auhind, mille pälvis Ivan Pavljutškovi "Valge ruut". Ka teistest esile tõstetud filmidest

  15. Mis on "Tänapäeva apokalüpsis"? / Kalmer Saar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saar, Kalmer


    Francis Ford Coppola suurfilmi "Tänapäeva apokalüpsis" autoriversioon "Apocalypse Now Redux" (Ameerika Ühendriigid 2001/1979) lõpetab USA kultusfilmide festivali kinos "Sõprus". Lisa : Jaan Ruusi "Apocalypse Now Redux" selgitab autoriversiooni - director's cut - mõistet

  16. Ilmar Raag tutvustab filmi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti Ajaloomuuseumis Suurgildi hoones näidatakse täna filmietenduste-kontsertide sarjas "Kas kino ka saab?" Sergei Eisensteini 1925.a. mängufilmi "Soomuslaev Potjomkin" ("Bronenossets Potjomkin") koos Ilmar Raagi kommenteeriva sõnavõtuga. Filmi saadab ansambel Mooses

  17. Uned, mida mujal ei näe / Heilika Võsu ; interv. Mari Laaniste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Võsu, Heilika


    PÖFFi animafilmide festivali "Animated Dreams" (21.-25. XI kinos Sõprus), mis on seekord pühendatud Nukufilmi 50. juubelile, tutvustab festivali peakorraldaja. Võistluskavas on Eestist Kaspar Jancise "Maraton" ja Mari-Liis Bassovskaja - Jelena Girlini "Kleit". Lisatud festivali kava

  18. Üleliiduliste filmifestivalide auhinnad

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    1964-1981, I-XIV üleliidulise filmifestivali auhinnad, vastukajad eesti auhinnatud filmidele üleliidulises ajakirjanduses, tõlge ajakirjadest "Iskusstvo kino", 1975, nr.1; 1979, nr.1; 1980, nr.7; "Sovetskij ekran", 1979, nr.6; "Sovetskij film", 1981, nr.6

  19. Järgmisel nädalal lisandub kinolinale kolmas mõõde / Mart Niineste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Niineste, Mart, 1983-


    Ruumilise e. 3D-kino levikust ja jõudmisest Forum Cinemas kinoketi kinodesse, esialgu Coca Cola Plazasse Tallinnas : 24. oktoobril linastuvad "Kärbsed kuu peale" ja "U2 3-D" . Lisatud sõnum "Eestis on tehtud 3D-nukufilmi"

  20. Raagi Hamleti-filmil topelt-esilinastus / Tiiu Talvist

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Talvist, Tiiu


    29.oktoobril esilinastub Saaremaal kinos "Scala" ja Eesti Televisioonis Hamleti-teemaline ingliskeelne lühimängufilm "Miski on mäda ehk Kogu vale Hamletist" : režissöör, stsenarist ja produtsent Ilmar Raag : OÜ Kinomees 2000

  1. Vilde saladus lahendatud?

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eduard Vilde kahtlustas, et tema teosest "Külmale maale" on tehtud film, aga tegemist oli arvatavasti 1931. aastal kinos Skandia jooksnud Ameerika filmiga, mis on tehtud John Oxenhami teose järgi ja on väga sarnane Vilde teosega

  2. Seltskond / Annika Haas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haas, Annika


    8. aug. Tallinnas kinos Sõprus ja klubis Juuksur tähistati 30 aasta möödumist ansambli Joy Divison sünnist ja Anton Corbijni debüütfilmi "Control" jõudmist Eesti kinodesse (näidati dokumentaalfilmi "Joy Divison")

  3. "Madagaskar" kogu perele / Kaupo Meiel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Meiel, Kaupo, 1975-


    Pärnu Mai kinos linastub kaks eriilmelist filmi. Animafilm "Madagaskar" : režissöörid Eric Darnell, Tom McGrath ja mängufilm "Tõlk" ("The Interpreter") : režissöör Sidney Pollack : Ameerika Ühendriigid 2005

  4. Kääride vahel? Tsensorid / tõlkinud Kaia Sisask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Filmitsensuuri tegevusest eri riikide näitel, tõlge Briti Filmiinstituudi poolt välja antud raamatust "World Cinema, Diary of a Day. A Celebration of the Centenary of Cinema". London, 1994. Jaan Ruusi eessõna "10. juuni. Maailma kino"

  5. Kõusaare film kadus Riias ekraanilt / Kristi Leppik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leppik, Kristi


    Kadri Kõusaare debüütfilmi "Magnus" linastamine Läti väärtfilmikinos Cinema Riga lõpetati, kuna kino juhtkonda ähvardati režissööri sõnul tema filmi näitamise keelustamist taotleva hageja advokaatide poolt

  6. Kadri Kõusaare skandaalne film "Magnus" sai ka Riias sule sappa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kadri Kõusaare debüütfilmi "Magnus" linastamine Läti väärtfilmikinos Cinema Riga lõpetati, kuna kino juhtkonda ähvardati režissööri sõnul tema filmi näitamise keelustamist taotleva hageja advokaatide poolt

  7. Priit Pärna vanad hitid jõuavad taastatuna kinno / Tiit Tuumalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuumalu, Tiit, 1971-


    Priit Pärna kuus joonisfilmi on digitaalselt taastatud Nkufilmi stuudios Saksa TrickWILK tehnikaga (restauraator Tõnu Talivee) ja heli osas Ants Andrease juhtimisel firmas Film Audio. Sõpruse kinos toimub eriseanss "Priit Pärn revisited" lühifilmide festivali raames 29. augustil

  8. Indie-film äärelinna immigrantidest tõi Cesari / Margit Tõnson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tõnson, Margit, 1978-


    Sel aastal saatis prantsuse rahvuslike filmiauhindade jagamisel edu sõltumatut kino. Parima filmi ja režii auhind läks Abdellatif Kechiche odava eelarvega mängufilmile Pariisi araablastega asustatud äärelinnast "Kõrvalepõige" ("L'Esquive"). Ka teistest auhinnasaajatest

  9. Animatsionnõi son v tjomnuju notsh / Dmitri Babitshenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Babitshenko, Dmitri


    23. nov. algab PÖFFi raames toimuv animafilmifestifal "Animated Dreams", mille raames näidatakse kinos "Sõprus" filme kuni 26. novembrini. Programmist, mis sel aastal on jaotatud kaheks : konkursi- ja eriprogrammiks. Saab näha ka eesti uut animatsiooni, muusikavideosid jne

  10. Mäeorg Stuudio film pääses paremate hulka / Margus Haav

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haav, Margus, 1969-


    Noorte filmihuviliste asutatud Mäeorg Stuudio film "Armastus on külmem kui surm" ehk "Liebe ist kälter als der Tod" pääses 37 parema hulka, mida saab näha kinos Sõprus ja 9. detsembril Eesti Televisioonis

  11. Teise maailmasõja lõpptulemus seisuga 8. mai 2006 - eestlaste võit!

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    8. mail esilinastub kinos ja õhtul ETV-s 6-osalise ajaloodokumentaalide sarja "Kuum külm sõda" teine film "Sinimäed" : stsenaristid Kiur Aarma, Mart Laar, Eerik-Niiles Kross, Raimo Jõerand : režissöör Raimo Jõerand : Ruut Pictures

  12. Kaali film esilinastub sõbrapäeval

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    14. veebruaril esilinastub kinos "Sõprus" populaarteaduslik film Kaali meteoriidiplahvatusest "Kaali saladus" : stsenarist ja režissöör Urmas E. Liiv : operaator Ago Ruus : produtsendid Riho Västrik ja Uldis Cekulis (Läti) : OÜ Vesilind (Eesti) - Vides Filmu Studija (Läti)

  13. 3 soovi...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Uuele ajakirjale soovivad edu J. Peegel, I. Toome, E. Lieberg, H. Trass, M. Tiks, P. Tooming, A. Kuldsepp, P. Pärn, G. Ernesaks, M.-L. Küla, H. Krumm, E. Baskin, I. Normet, E. Vetemaa ja ajakirjad Teatr, Sovetskaja Muzõka, Iskusstvo Kino

  14. Tri... ekstrima : jugo-vostotshnõi variant

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kagu-Aasia art-house kino - kolme režissööri lühifilmide kassett "Three... Extremes" (2004) : "Dumplings" (Hongkong ; režii Fruit Chan), "Cut" (Lõuna-Korea ; režii Park Chan-Wook), "Box" (Jaapan ; režii Takashi Miike)

  15. Mait Laas : see oli intrigeeriv eksperiment / Mait Laas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laas, Mait, 1970-


    Kinos Sõprus on ekraanil Ida-Euroopa kuue noore režissööri filmiprojekt "Kaotatud ja leitud" ("Lost and Found"), mille seob tervikuks Mait Laasi nukufilm "Gene+Ratio". Režissöör räägib projektist lähemalt

  16. Kinoteater tuleb tagasi / Harry Liivrand, Karin Paulus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Liivrand, Harry, 1961-


    Tallinnas Vabaduse väljaku ääres asuvast renoveeritud kino Gloria Palace'i ehk Vene Teatri hoonest (arhitekt Fridrihs Skujinsh, fassaadireljeefide autor Jaan Koort). Renoveerimist juhtisid arhitekt Ra Luhse, sisearhitektid Aivar Oja, Riin Luuk ja Piret Bender ning sisekujundaja Margus Sulengo

  17. По-своему несчастные / Николай Караев

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Караев, Николай, 1978-


    Kaks väärtfilmi "õnnetute inimeste elust" kinos Artis: moekunstnik Tom Fordi debüütfilm "Üksik mees" ("A Single Man", USA 2009) ja režissöör Josef Fares'e komöödiafilm "Papa" ("Farsan", Rootsi 2010)

  18. Ekraanile jõuavad uued Eesti lood

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    9. novembril esilinastuvad kinos Sõprus Eesti Filmi Sihtasutuse, Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu ja Eesti Kultuurkapitali finantseeritavast tõsielufilmide sarjast "Eesti lood" dokumentaalfilmid "Genratsioon 0" (A. Surzhikova), "Professionaalne amatöör" (I. Kangro), "Sõjamäng" (M. Arjukese), "Ars longa" (M. Lillak)

  19. "Granatovõi braslet" za nabezhavshuju slezu / Nikolai Hrustaljov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hrustaljov, Nikolai


    Venemaa filmifestival "Kirjandus ja kino" Gatshinas. Peauhinna - Granaatkäevõru sai "Anna" - Jevgeni Ginzbugi muusikaline mängufilm A. Ostrovski näidendi "Süüta süüdlased" ainetel, stsenaristid Georgi Danelia ja Rustam Ibragimbekov. Lisatud ka teiste auhinnasaajate nimekiri

  20. Kuu sündmus: Saksa filmide nädal / Maria Ulfsak-Šeripova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ulfsak-Šeripova, Maria, 1981-


    1.-6. juunini toimub Vanalinnapäevade raames kinos Sõprus saksa filmide festival "Pärast sõda, enne müüri". Filmisoovitused: "Kadunud mees", režissöör, peaosatäitja Peter Lorre (1951) ja Ernst Marischka "Sissi" (1955)

  1. Kuu filmid / toimetanud Maria Ulfsak-Šeripova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Terrence Malick`i draama "Elupuu" (USA 2011), Bertrand Bonello "Lõbumaja" (Prantsusmaa 2011), Tomas Alfredsoni "Plekksepp, rätsep, sõdur, nuhk" (Suurbritannia-Saksamaa-Prantsusmaa 2011). Ka kodumaise filmiklassika väärtustamiseks alustatud programmist "Räägi, mälu!" kinos Sõprus

  2. Jaapani anime vallutab kinosaale / Karilin Engelbrecht

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Engelbrecht, Karilin


    Jaapani anime filmidest (seekord peamiselt Ghibli stuudio omad), mida saab näha 4.-13. aprillini Tallinnas Sõpruse kinos ja 5.-10. aprillini Tartus Athena keskuses II Jaapani animefilmide festivalil JAFF. Lisatud tänane kava Tallinnas ja Tartus ning "Väike sõnastik"

  3. Dublinlasi võlub müüt kuldkala lühikesest mälust / Liz Gill ; interv. Margit Tõnson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gill, Liz


    Iiri filmiprogrammis "Green Screen", mille on koostanud Iiri Filmiinstituut ja Iiri Filminõukogu Euroopa Liitu astuvate riikide jaoks, võib kinos "Sõprus" näha kaheksat uuemat filmi. Mängufilmi "Kuldkala mälu" on ka ise kohal ja räägib oma filmist

  4. Nullist sündinud filmid / Jaak Kilmi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kilmi, Jaak, 1973-


    Sõpruse kinos toimus 1.-6. aprillini "Manifesti filminädal ehk Kuidas nad maailma sündisid", kus näidati TPÜ filmi ja video filmitudengite "Ground Zero" projekti raames valminud lühifilme-kursusetöid. Autor analüüsib eraldi 9 filmi

  5. Viva Franco! / Erkki Luuk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Luuk, Erkki, 1971-


    Tallinna Kinomajas ja Tartu kinos Illusioon toimunud prantsuskeelsete filmide nädala 4 mängufilmist : Christian Vincent'i "Diskreetne" ("La Discrete" ; 1990), Jean Vigo' "L'Atalante" (1934), Luis Buųeli "Belle de Jour" (1966) ja Bertrand Tavernier' "Uus algus" ("Coup de torchon"; 1981)

  6. Achtung! Wir kommen! / Grete Nootre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nootre, Grete


    Kinos "Sõprus" 21.-25. nov. linastuvas filmis "Look Out! We're Coming To Get You!" on peategelaseks saksa industriaalrokki viljelev ansambel Rammstein. Filmis esindavad viimase kümne aasta Saksa muusikaajalugu veel ansamblid In Extremo, Feeling B, Blind Passengers, Die Skeptiker, The Inchtabokatables ja Freygang

  7. Look Out! We're Coming To Get You!

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kinos "Sõprus" 21.-25. nov. linastuvas filmis "Look Out! We're Coming To Get You!" on peategelaseks saksa industriaalrokki viljelev ansambel Rammstein. Filmis esindavad viimase kümne aasta Saksa muusikaajalugu veel ansamblid In Extremo, Feeling B, Blind Passengers, Die Skeptiker, The Inchtabokatables ja Freygang

  8. Katja, digirealist Lasnamäelt / Katja Novitskova ; intervjueerinud Mari Peegel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Novitskova, Katja, 1984-


    Amsterdamis elav ja töötav meediakunstnik Katja Novitskova digitaalse reaalsusega tegelevast kunstist, oma projektidest, töödest, lühidalt Tallinna kinos Helios toimuvast festivalist "Kik in der Kok". K. Novitskova on üks festivali korraldajatest ja esitleb festivalil kaht dokumentaalfilmi

  9. effects of the ethanolic stem bark extract of pterocarpus erinaceus poir

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria. ... medicine (CAM). Many of the pharmaceuticals currently available to physicians have a long history of use as herbal remedies, including opium, aspirin, digitalis, and quinine. ... forest popularly known as, African rosewood, African kino, or ...

  10. Online Copyright Enforcement, Consumer Behavior and Market Structure

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aguiar, Luis; Claussen, Jörg; Peukert, Christian

    Taking down copyright-infringing websites is a way to reduce consumption of pirated media content and increase licensed consumption. We analyze the consequences of the shutdown of the most popular German video streaming website - - in June 2011. Using individual-level clickstream data, we...

  11. Online Copyright Enforcement, Consumer Behavior, and Market Structure

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aguiar, Luis; Claussen, Jörg; Peukert, Christian

    Taking down copyright-infringing websites is a way to reduce consumption of pirated media content and increase licensed consumption. We analyze the consequences of the shutdown of the most popular German video streaming website - - in June 2011. Using individual-level clickstream data, we...

  12. "Georgica" Prantsusmaa ja Hollandi kinodes / Aigi Viira

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Viira, Aigi


    Jakub Luukase rolli eest mängufilmis "Georgica" sai E. Aavik parima meesosatäitja preemia Minski filmifestivalil "Listapad 99". Barcelona VI rahvusvahelisel filmifestivalil L'Alternativa '99 sai film parima mängufilmi preemia. Film jookseb Pariisi kinos Studio des Ursulines ja tuleb ekraanile ka Hollandis

  13. PÖFF võib vähese publiku tõttu Ida-Virumaa hüljata / Irina Kiviselg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kiviselg, Irina, 1961-


    10. Pimedate Ööde Filmifestivali probleemidest Jõhvis ja Narvas : vähe külastajaid, ebakvaliteetne filmide näitamine (eriti Jõhvi kinos Amadeus, kus oli kohal ka itaalia režissöör Stefano Veneruso). Sellest tulenenud arusaamatused kohalike kinokorraldajate ja festivali juhtide vahel

  14. Kinofestival "Tjomnõje notshi", vozmozhno, bolshe ne prijedjet v Ida-Virumaa / Irina Kiviselg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kiviselg, Irina, 1961-


    10. Pimedate Ööde Filmifestivali probleemidest Jõhvis ja Narvas : vähe külastajaid, ebakvaliteetne filmide näitamine (eriti Jõhvi kinos Amadeus, kus oli kohal ka itaalia režissöör Stefano Veneruso). Sellest tulenenud arusaamatused kohalike kinokorraldajate ja festivali juhtide vahel

  15. Muusika mängib nukkudega / Tristan Priimägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Priimägi, Tristan, 1976-


    Sõpruse kinos 11. aprillil Eesti muusika päevade avaüritusena toimunud animaseansist eesti multifilmidest, mille muusika on teinud eesti heliloojad. Ürituse teises pooles esilinastusid kolm uut nukufilmi: Jelena Girlini ja Mari-Liis Bassovskaja "Kleit", Priit Tenderi "Miriami teatriseiklus" ja Hardi Volmeri "Lõpuõhtu"

  16. Cinematic rebels without a cause / Joel Alas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Alas, Joel


    2.-9. veebr. on kinos "Sõprus" ja 11.-15. veebr. Tartu Sadamateatris 5. kultusfilmide festival Manifest, seekord 8 USA filmi aastaist 1946-2006, teemaks sõnavabadus. Filminädalale valitud filmide valikuprintsiipidest räägib Mihkel Randruut, ka näidatavate filmide lühike tutvustus

  17. Algab suur animatsioonipidu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    PÖFFi animafilmide festivali "Animated Dreams" (21.-25. XI ), mis on seekord pühendatud Nukufilmi 50. juubelile, avatakse täna kell 19 kinos Sõprus. Avaseansil linastub kolm Eesti animafilmi : Rao Heidmetsa "Papa Carlo teater" (1988), Riho Undi "Kapsapea" (1993) ja Priit Tenderi "Rebasenaine" (2002)

  18. Öö täis õuduseid / Signe Sillasoo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sillasoo, Signe


    PÖFFi ja Tudengipäevade öiste filmiseansside sarja esimesest filmiööst Night Of the Movie Eaters 21. aprillil kinos Sõprus, mil kavas kolm õudusfilmi : Mark ja Jay Duplass' "Kottpea" (USA, 2008), Patrik Syverseni "Inimjaht" (Norra, 2008), Yoshihiro Nishimura "Tokyo Gore Police" (Jaapan, 2008)

  19. Lübecki filmipäevad 1999 ja Thomas Manni ekraniseering 1923 / Lauri Kärk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kärk, Lauri, 1954-


    4.-7. novembrini Lübeckis toimunud Põhjamaade filmipäevade 41. Nordische Filmtage huvitavamatest filmidest, nagu Thomas Manni "Buddenbrookide" ekraniseering 1923. aastast (režissöör Gerhard Lamprecht) ja Rasmus Gerlachi dokumentaal "Operaator Kaufman" Dziga Vertovist ja tema kahest, samuti kino alal tegutsenud vennast

  20. Tumedad tulevikunägemused kinolinal / Marianne Kõrver

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kõrver, Marianne, 1980-


    Sõpruse kinos 13. aprillil linastunud kahest filmist - eesti uus lühimängufilm, Sass Henno jutustuse põhjal, režissöör Mihkel Ulk "Südameasjad" ja norra režissööri Jens Lieni film "Tüütu mees" ("Den Brysomme mannen")

  1. Kuus uut Eesti filmi korraga ekraanil / Tarmo Teder

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Teder, Tarmo


    21. mail esilinastuvad kinos Sõprus 'Just märried', rezh. Peep Pedmanson; 'Päevavalgus', rezh. Mait Laas; 'Primavera', rezh. Riho Unt ja Hardi Volmer; 'Vares ja hiired', rezh. Priit Tender ja Mikk Rand; 'Bermuda', rezh. Ülo Pikkov; 'Tom ja Fluffy', rezh. Janno Põldma ja Heiki Ernits

  2. Кино на все времена! / Элла Аграновская

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Аграновская, Элла, 1950-


    Vene filmirežissöör Igor Minajev, kes elab ja töötab Prantsusmaal, sai valmis teose "Kaugel Sunset-Boulevard'ist". Rollides ka Lembit Ulfsak ja vene kino legend Tatjana Samoilova. Filmi saab näha 31. märtsil Vene Kultuurikeskuse filmiklubis

  3. Inimene kronesteetilise kaameraga / Andreas W

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Andreas W, pseud., 1969-


    Fotofilmifestival 14. oktoobril kinos Sõprus. Fotofilmist. Rahvusvahelisest fotofilmi konkursist "Ajatu lugu". Grand prix' pälvis Anu-Laura Tuttelberg, 2. koha Andri Allas ja Krõõt Tarkmeel, 3. koha Gerald Assouline (Prantsusmaa). Lühidalt festivalil näidatud Gusztáv Hámosi fotofilmidest (Saksamaa)

  4. The Synergistic Effect of Iodide and Sodium Nitrite on the Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steel in Bicarbonate–Chloride Solution

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gaius Debi Eyu


    Full Text Available The effect of potassium iodide (KI and sodium nitrite (NaNO2 inhibitor on the corrosion inhibition of mild steel in chloride bicarbonate solution has been studied using electrochemical techniques. Potentiodynamic polarisation data suggest that, when used in combination, KI and NaNO2 function together to inhibit reactions at both the anode and the cathode, but predominantly anodic. KI/NO2− concentration ratios varied from 2:1 to 2:5; inhibition efficiency was optimized for a ratio of 1:1. The surface morphology and corrosion products were analysed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM and X-ray diffractometry (XRD. The latter shows that the addition of I− to NO2 facilitates the formation of a passivating oxide (γ-Fe2O3 as compared to NO2− alone, decreasing the rate of metal dissolution observed in electrochemical testing. The synergistic effect of KI/NO2− inhibition was enhanced under the dynamic conditions associated with testing in a rotating disc electrode.

  5. Projekt "Ärka üles!" / Geitti Auser, Lilian Mengel, Kristiina Nikopensius

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Auser, Geitti


    Koostöös valminud diplomitöö, mis koosneb kolmest osast, loob teoreetilise tausta praktilisele osale, milleks on tervikliku projektina loodud AIDSi-teemaline 4D animatsioon "Ärka üles" koos kodulehe ja trükistega. 4D-kino vahendusel hakatakse seda näitama teaduskeskuses Ahhaa Tartus

  6. Birgitta festivali kava teada

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Augustis Tallinnas toimuva Birgitta festivali kavas ka humoristlik etendus "Kino ja komöödia" (viiuldaja Gidon Kremeri elust muusiku enda osavõtul), Don Juani teema käsitlus Hispaania flamenkoteatri esituses, G. Donizetti ooper "Maria Stuart" (Moskva Novaja Opera) ja B. Britteni ooper "Kruvipööre"

  7. Lühifilmide lühifestivalil Sõpruses uued tudengifilmid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Sõpruse kinos toimuvast lühifilmide festivalist 29. augustil, kus eriprogrammis "Tuliuued tudengifilmid" näeb Margus Paju ("Hargnevate teede aed"), Age Viksi ("Pealpool pilvi"), Mart Rauna ("Mehele parim"), Martin Ruusi ("Heli Mäeorg"), Joosep Matjuse ("Uuestisünd") ja Tanno Mee ("Mälestuste maja") lühifilme

  8. "Georgicat" näeb USA-s Californias

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Sulev Keeduse mängufilm "Georgica" linastub Berkeley kinos Fine Arts Cinema. Edasi läheb film Poola eesti filmi päevadele 6.-10. novembrini. Seal näidatakse ka V. Kuigi lühimängufilmi "Lurjus" ja R. Heidmetsa lastefilmi "Kallis härra Q"

  9. Päeva film / Tiit Merisalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Merisalu, Tiit


    Autobiograafiline film "Maffia ja mina" ("Mafia ja minä"), režissöör Tuomas Sallinen : Soome 1997. Film jälgib toimunud sündmuste käiku päeviku vormis ja on tehtud osalt intervjuudena, osalt lavastatud episoodidena. Film on valminud sarjas "Uus kino"

  10. The Slovenian missionary Marko Anton Kappus and the Christianisation of New Spain

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maja Šabec


    In this context, it is interesting to look at the content of Kuppus’ letter from 1695 to the Provincial Superior Diego de Almonazir, in which a different, hitherto unknown detail of the attitude of the Slovenian Jesuit towards Eusebio Francisco Kino, a renowned missionary, explorer and cartographer, is outlined.

  11. Elagu noor kino! / Andres Maimik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Maimik, Andres, 1970-


    Käesoleva TMK numbriga kaasas olevast DVDst "Valik eesti tudengifilme", mis tutvustab tudengite lühifilme (ilmus Kinobussi eestvõttel) : T. Toom "Tuul", B. Demidova "Roosa kleit ja nahksed püksid", K. Sarv "2pic", R. Merivoo "Mis värvi on armastus", R. Mandri "Annaliisa", E. Vasli "Nagu ikka", M. Oja "Rain Terrain" ("Varjude maa"), J. Matjus "Suvine dokumentaal", L. Kuusk, R. Võsa, M. Monko, H. Melesk "Eestimaa. Revisited", Johnson ja Johnson (I. Köster ja T. Talve) "Mõrv striptiisi ajal"

  12. Ühiskonnakriitika kinos / Inge Pitsner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pitsner, Inge


    Baltimaade dokfilmiprogramm "Subjektiivne kaamera", mis tutvustab uuemaid provokatiivseid, poleemikat tekitavaid autorikeskseid filme. See on osa Tallinnas toimuvast 8. Läänemere Dokumentalistika Foorumist

  13. Eksperimenteeriv briti kino / Margit Tõnson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tõnson, Margit, 1978-


    PÖFFi Suvekino inglise filmide päevad "Geeniuste mäss" pakuvad täna ja homme Tallinnas Katariina kirikus Derek Jarmani filme "Edward II" (1991) ja "Viimne pilk Inglismaale" ("The Last of England", 1987)

  14. Triumf gruzinskogo kino / Irina Ivanova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ivanova, Irina


    Anapas lõppes SRÜ ja Baltimaade XIV avatud filmifestival "Kinoshokk 2005". Žürii andis parima näitlejanna preemia Maarja Jakobsonile tema rolli eest P. Urbla filmis "Stiilipidu". Parima filmi auhinna sai grusiin Levan Tutberidze "Jalutuskäik Mägi-Karabahhis" ja parima režii auhinna samuti grusiin Levan Zakareishvili filmi eest "Thbilisi-Thbilisi"

  15. Multiplex kino Dresdenis / Triin Ojari

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojari, Triin, 1974-


    Hoone projekteerisid austria arhitektid Wolf D. Prix ja Helmut Swiczinsky arhitektuuribüroost Coop Himmelblau. Hoone on jaotatud kaheks ئ betoonist kinosaale sisaldav plokk ning klaasist 'ümberkukkuv' fuajee, mille interjööri ilmestavad betoonpostidele toetuvad metalltrepid.

  16. Tshuzhoi Tanel Padar / Dmitri Babitshenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Babitshenko, Dmitri


    Saksamaalt pärit, Eesti ülikoolides filmiteooria ja -ajaloo loenguid pidav ja filmi "Ring tee" valmimist režissöörina juhtinud Dirk Hoyeri mängufilm esilinastub 27. apr. kinos "Sõprus". Praeguseks on film ümber nimetatud "Võõraks", ühes peaosadest astub üles muusik Tanel Padar

  17. Rohelise maa uus film vallutab Euroopat / Margit Tõnson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tõnson, Margit, 1978-


    Iiri filmiprogrammis "Green Screen", mille on koostanud Iiri Filmiinstituut ja Iiri Filminõukogu Euroopa Liitu astuvate riikide jaoks, võib kinos "Sõprus" näha kaheksat uuemat filmi. Tutvustavalt kolmest mängufilmist : Kirsten Sheridani "Diskopõrsad", Liz Gilli "Kuldkala mälu" ja Aisling Walshi "St Jude'i vangid"

  18. Armastus ja anarhia / J[aan] R[uus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    J. R.


    Helsingi filmifestivali "Armastus ja anarhia" mängufilmid "Nekromantik I" (1987) ja "Nekromantik II" (1991), režissöör Jörg Buttgereit ja "Trellimõrtsukas" (1979), režissöör Abel Ferrara, Tallinna kinos "Eha". Arvustavad Rainer Sarnet, Jaak Kilmi, Marko Raat ja J. R. (Jaan Ruus)

  19. Komedija "Dzhuno" stala triumfatorom nezavissimogo "Oskara"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Santa Monicas USAs anti 23. veebruaril üle sõltumatu kino aastaauhinnad Spirit Awards. Parimaks filmiks tunnistati Jason Reitmani "Juno", parim stsenaarium oli samale filmile Diablo Cody sulest, parim naisnäitleja Ellen Page samast filmist, parim režissöör filmi "Skafander ja liblikas" looja Julian Schnabel

  20. Vene tüng / Arvo Pesti

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pesti, Arvo, 1956-2010


    28. aprillist kuni 4. maini Tallinnas toimunud II Vene Kino festivalist Baltimaades. Lähemalt mõnest nähtud filmist : Aleksandr Atanesjani "Lurjused" ("Svolotshi"), Deniss Neimandi "Vanaraud" ("Zhest"), Nikolai Dostali "Maailmarändur Kolja" ("Kolja-perekati-polje"), Roman Hrushtshi "Vedamine" ("Fart"), Marina Migunova "Krahv Montenegro" ja Galina Jevtushenko "Pööningulugu"

  1. Animapidu suure algustähega / Tiit Tuumalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuumalu, Tiit, 1971-


    Lehekülg pühendatud animafilmide festivalile "Animated Dreams" (21.-25. XI kinos Sõprus), kus peaauhinna sai LAV-i "Lugu sellest, kuidas" (autor The Blackheart Gang), Balti- ja Põhjamaade festivali auhinna aga Eesti "Kleit" (Mari-Liis Bassovskaja, Jelena Girlin). Näidati ka maailma esimest digitaalset stereonukufilmi - Andres Tenusaare "Miriami piknikku"

  2. Disain kõrvuti Pärdi ja Oksasega Eestit esindamas / Monika Järg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Järg, Monika, 1975-


    Normandias festivalil "Les Boréales" 12.11.-31.12.2010 avatud eesti disaini näitusest "design_estonia", kus on eksponeeritud mööbel, valgustid ja tekstiilikunst. Projekti kuraatorid Marko Ala ja Ilona Gurjanova. Loetletud osalejaid. Põhja- ja Baltimaade kultuuri tutvustaval festivalil on veel esindatud muusika, kino ja kirjandus

  3. Töömehed kiruvad Solarise ehitust / Madis Filippov, Urve Eslas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Filippov, Madis


    Tallinna kesklinnas avatud Solarise keskuse Cinamoni kino ripplagi kukkus alla. Ehitusjärelevalve kinnitusel pole õnnetuse põhjus veel selge. Hoone ehituse peatöövõtjaks oli Merko Ehitus. Samal teemal ka lk. 1 "Varing Solarises - üle noatera ohvriteta" ja lk. 2 Urve Eslase repliik "Veel üks sammas"

  4. "Karu süda" võistleb Anapa festivalil

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Anapas toimub 5.-16. septembrini rahvusvaheline filmifestival "Kinošokk". Žüriisse kuulub ka Peeter Simm. Eestit esindab võistlusprogrammis Arvo Iho "Karu süda". Videofilmide programmis on Rene Vilbre "Armas tuss" ja Mark Soosaare "La Paloma", Jaak Kilmil on kaasas oma kuraatoriprogramm Balti alternatiivsetest lühifilmidest

  5. Kuu filmid / toimetanud Maria Ulfsak-Šeripova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kinos Artis režissöör Gaberiel Axeli "Babette'i pidusöök" (Taani 1987), Marco Ferreri "Suur õgimine" (Prantsuse-Itaalia 1973). Filmilevis "Külm linn" (rež. Ben Affleck, USA 2010) ja "Harry Potter ja surma vägised I" (rež. David Yates, USA 2010)

  6. Euroopa filmiakadeemia staar jättis Tallinnasse jälje / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    Euroopa Filmiakadeemia poolt antava elutööauhinna saanud šveitsi näitleja Bruno Ganzi kohtumisest Solarise kinos vaatajatega. Nimekiri: Euroopa filmiauhinnad 2010. Euroopa film 2010 - "Variautor", režissöör - Roman Polanski ("Variautor"), naisnäitleja - Sylvie Testud ("Lourdes"), meesnäitleja - Ewan McGregor ("Variautor")

  7. 77 FR 52056 - Notice of Intent To Repatriate Cultural Items: Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona... (United States)


    ... Eusebio Kino visited the O'odham village of Bac in 1692 and established Mission San Xavier. He reported the presence of 800 inhabitants at the time of his first visit. O'odham people have continued to... the region and present day O'odham and Puebloan peoples is supported by continuities in settlement...

  8. Tallinna moenädal pole mägede taga! / Tanel Veenre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veenre, Tanel, 1977-


    Nahkaksessuaare pakkuv Inglise firma Mulberry ja eesti moedisainer Oksana Tandit avasid ühise kaupluse "Süda" Tallinnas Suur-Karja tänavas. Oksana Tanditi moekollektsiooni "Pierrot" on teist korda võimalik näha Tallinn Fashion Week'il kinos Sõprus. Nimetatud Tallinna moenädala raames oma loomingut näitavaid kunstnikke

  9. Sead, joodikud ja muidu tõprad rohelisel ekraanil / Mart Rummo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rummo, Mart


    Iiri filmiprogrammis "Green Screen", mille on koostanud Iiri Filmiinstituut ja Iiri Filminõukogu Euroopa Liitu astuvate riikide jaoks, võib kinos "Sõprus" näha kaheksat uuemat filmi. Tutvustavalt kahest mängufilmist : Kirsten Sheridani "Diskopõrsad" ja Aisling Walshi "St Jude'i vangid" ning Sarah Share'i portreefilmist "Shane MacGowani lugu"

  10. Die Kunst des Scheiterns

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Juul, Jesper


    Menschen haben von Kindesbeinen an das Verlangen, Erfolge zu erzielen und Kompetenz zu erreichen. Computerspieler entscheiden sich jedoch fortlaufend für eine Aktivität, die oft und wiederholt zum Verlieren führen muss und ein taubes Gefühl der Unfähigkeit erzeugt. Im Kino, im Theatersaal und bei...

  11. Tamash Tot i logika imperii / Tamas Toth ; interv. Nikolai Karajev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Toth, Tamas


    Tallinna Kinomajas märtsikuu alguses toimunud Ungari kino päevade raames külastas Tallinna Moskva Kinematograafiainstituudi taustaga režissöör Tamas T̤th, kelle manside ja sürjakomide juures vändatud vändatud filmi ѕHuntأ päevadel näidati

  12. Eestisse tuleb filmimaailma suurnimi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ameerika režissöör ja maalikunstnik David Lynch esineb 7. novembril kinos Kosmos loenguga, külastab Von Krahli teatrit ja võibolla kohtub ka president Toomas Hendrik Ilvesega. Siia kutsujateks olid Veiko Õunpuu, Rain Tolk ja Taavi Eelmaa. Kohtumiseks Eesti presidendiga on legendaarne lavastaja ise soovi avaldanud

  13. Russki Otello / Konstantin Artjuhhov ; interv. Nikolai Hrustaljov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Artjuhhov, Konstantin


    Vene režissöör Konstantin Artjuhhov vestleb Gatshina festivalil "Kirjandus ja kino" ajaloolise dokumentaalfilmist, lähemalt oma festivalil žürii eripreemia saanud filmist "Annibali imelik elu" ("Strannaja zhizn Annibala"). Film jutustab Aleksandr Pushkini vaarisast Abram Hannibalist (1696-1781), kelle elust suur osa möödus Eestis

  14. Neli uut lühimängufilmi noortelt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti Kino Suvepäevade raames esilinastuvad 3. juunil TPÜ filmi ja video õppetooli mängufilmi režissööride II kursuse kursusetööd-lühimängufilmid : "2.68" (Tanel Toom), "Teispool vihma" (Margus Paju), "Sünnipäev" (Kaupo Kruusiauk) ja "Liivakellade parandaja" (Anu Aun)

  15. Filmiinimesed sõjaretkel, Aadu Krevald ja metsikud räpparid : Valitud palu dokumentaalfilmide sarjast "Eesti lood" II / Olev Remsu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Remsu, Olev, 1947-


    ETVs näidatud dokumentaalfilmidest sarjas "Eesti lood II" - Mart Arjukese film Ilmar Raagi osalemisest Erna retkel "Sõjamäng" (esilinastus kinos Sõprus 9. XI 2008), Igor Kurve film sporditeadlasest Aadu Krevaldist "Teaduspõhine toode" (eetris 14. I 2009), Mihkel Ulgi film räpparitest "MC Battle - sõnasõjad" (eetris 8. X 2008)

  16. Filmitudengid lavastasid mõrva Ammendes / Anu Jürisson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jürisson, Anu, 1977-


    Vestlusest Balti filmi, meedia, kunstide ja kommunikatsiooni instituudi filmitudengi Tormi Toropiga tema diplomitöö - lühimängufilmi "Mõrv hotellis" filmimisest Pärnus Ammende Villas. Ammende Villa kinoõhtul "Mõrv hotellis" esilinastuvad kuus BFMi filmikunsti 11. lennu tudengite lühimängufilmi, mis on ühtlasi nende diplomitööd

  17. Prantsuse maastikuarhitektid Berliinist = French Landscape Architects from Berlin / Katrin Koov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koov, Katrin, 1973-


    Berliinis töötavad prantsuse maastikuarhitektid Veronique Faucheur, Marc Pouzol ja Laurent Dugua büroost le balto kujundavad Tallinnasse "Heliose" kino hoovi valgusaia. Valminud on projekti I etapp, aed valmib 2004. a. kevadeks. Arhitektide loomingust (projekt "Ajutised Aiad" ja Kunst-Werke aed Berliinis, Palais de Tokyo aed Pariisis, Padula kloostri aed Itaalias)

  18. Ekraaniküpseks on saanud mõned uued Eesti lood / Marje Jurtshenko ; intervjueerinud Kristiina Davidjants

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jurtšenko, Marje, 1977-


    9. novembril esilinastusid kinos Sõprus Eesti Filmi Sihtasutuse, Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu ja Eesti Kultuurkapitali finantseeritavast tõsielufilmide sarjast "Eesti lood" dokumentaalfilmid "Genratsioon 0" (A. Surzhikova), "Professionaalne amatöör" (I. Kangro), "Sõjamäng" (M. Arjukese), "Ars longa" (M. Lillak). Eesti lugude idee sünnist ja käekäigust

  19. Eesti muusika päevad - üks kord aastas, kõigile / Jelena Gandshu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gandshu, Jelena


    Muusikateadlased Jelena Gandshu ja Gerhard Lock, heliloojad Age Hirv ja Liis Jürgens 3.-10. aprillini toimunud Eesti muusika päevade kontsertidest: kinos Sõprus "Sensatsioon!!!", Kultuuritehases Polymer "Cellissimo", Estonia kontserdisaalis ERSO "Sümfoonilised hääled", Tallinna raekojas Mihkel Poll ja Oliver Kuusik, Katariina kirikus PaukenfEst, Nigulistes Jüri Reinvere autorikontsert. Järgneb

  20. Fotofilm - hall ala või sümbioos? / Greta Varts

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Varts, Greta, 1986-


    Tallinna Fotokuu raames 14. okt.-l Tallinnas kinos Sõprus toimunud esimesest Eesti fotofilmide festivalist, kuraatorid Anna Hints ja Alis Mäesalu. Kunstnik Liina Siibi ja Saksa fotofilmi veterani Gusztáv Hámosi ettekannetest. Rahvusvahelisest fotofilmi konkursist "Ajatu lugu", mille võitis Anu-Laura Tuttelberg. Gusztáv Hámosi kureeritud ning tema osalusel valminud Saksa parimate fotofilmide valikust

  1. Elektroonilise kunsti sümpoosion

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    ISEA 2004 Tallinna näitused avatakse 17. VIII Rotermanni soolalaos, Tallinna Kunstihoones, Ku galeriis, Tallinna Linnagaleriis, Eesti Tarbekunsti- ja Disainimuuseumis, Elioni majas, Viru Keskuses, Eesti Kunstiakadeemias, Bon-Boni ööklubis, Multikultuurimajas. Loetletud osalejaid, toimuvad klubiõhtud, moedemonstratsioon, töötoad. 17. ja 18. VIII kinos "Kosmos" ja EKA-s toimuval konverentsil esinejaid. Programmi koordinaator Mare Tralla

  2. Fulltext PDF

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    The tree is a host of lac insects which secrete a resinous substance that yields shellac or lac. A ruby-coloured gum known as Bengal Kino is collected from the incisions made in the bark. The wood, resistant to water, is used in water-well work. The seeds are used as anthelmintic and as an antidote for snake-bite.

  3. Staariderikas rokisuvi jõuab kinno

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    7.-11. juulini Tallinnas kinos Sõprus toimuvast muusikafilmide nädalast "Rock on Screen". Programmis on Julian Schnabeli dokumentaalfilm "Lou Reed's Berlin" Lou Reedi kontserdist, draama "Control" Joy Divisoni liidrist Ian Curtisest, dokfilm "The Future Is Unwritten" punkbändist The Clash, mängufilm "Hurriganes"soome rockansamblist ja muusikafilm "Shlaager" Eesti 80ndate popmuusikute osavõtul

  4. Noorte eesti režissööride uued filmid Sõpruses / Mari Peegel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Peegel, Mari, 1978-


    Sõpruse kinos esilinastub homme kaks eesti lühimängufilmi - "Vanameeste paradiis" : stsenaristid Ove Musting, Urmas Lennuk : režissöör Ove Musting : mängivad Tõnu Aav, Aleksander Eelmaa jt ning "Ukse taga" : stsenarist Margit Keerdo : režissöör Andrus Tuisk : osades Hele Kõre, Karin Lätsim, Kirill Käro, Igor Gavrilov

  5. Esilinastuseni jõuab kaks uut Eesti lühimängufilmi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Sõpruse kinos esilinastub homme kaks eesti lühimängufilmi - "Vanameeste paradiis" : stsenaristid Ove Musting, Urmas Lennuk : režissöör Ove Musting : mängivad Tõnu Aav, Aleksander Eelmaa jt ning "Ukse taga" : stsenarist Margit Keerdo : režissöör Andrus Tuisk : osades Hele Kõre, Karin Lätsim, Kirill Käro, Igor Gavrilov

  6. Järeleaitamisfilmid sovetist tulnule / Kristiina Davidjants

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Davidjants, Kristiina, 1974-


    13. - 17. XI Sõpruse kinos linastunud dokumentalistide programmist, mis pühendatud globaliseerumisele. Lühidalt filmidest : "Korporatsioon" (rezh. J. Abbott, M. Achbar), "Lillede saar" (rezh. J. Furtado), "Üleilmastumine, kas vägivald või dialoog" (rezh. P. Barrat), "Ühe ettekuulutatud katastroofi kroonika" (rezh. P. Brooks), "Korralik tehas" (rezh. T. Balmes), "Darvini õudusunenägu" (rezh. H. Sauper)

  7. Noor filmipõlvkond tulekul

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti Kino Suvepäevade raames esilinastusid 3. juunil TPÜ filmi ja video õppetooli mängufilmi režissööride II kursuse kursusetööd-lühimängufilmid : "2.68" (Tanel Toom), "Teispool vihma" (Margus Paju), "Sünnipäev" (Kaupo Kruusiauk) ja "Liivakellade parandaja" (Anu Aun). Kursuse juhendaja on Jüri Sillart

  8. Noored režissöörid esitlevad uusi filme / Margit Tõnson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tõnson, Margit, 1978-


    Eesti Kino Suvepäevade raames esilinastuvad 3. juunil TPÜ filmi ja video õppetooli mängufilmi režissööride II kursuse kursusetööd-lühimängufilmid : "2.68" (Tanel Toom), "Teispool vihma" (Margus Paju), "Sünnipäev" (Kaupo Kruusiauk) ja "Liivakellade parandaja" (Anu Aun). Kursuse juhendaja on Jüri Sillart

  9. Animatsiooni vastu ei saa ükski / Mikk Rand

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rand, Mikk, 1970-


    21.5. esilinastuvad kinos "Sõprus" 6 animafilmi : "Vares ja hiired", autorid Priit Tender ja Mikk Rand; "Just märried", autor Peep Pedmanson; "Päevavalgus", autor Mait Laas; "Tom ja Fluffy", režissöörid Janno Põldma ja Heiki Ernits; "Bermuda", autor Ülo Pikkov; "Primavera", režissöörid Riho Unt ja Hardi Volmer

  10. Esilinastuvad eesti animafilmid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    21.5. esilinastuvad kinos "Sõprus" 6 animafilmi : "Vares ja hiired", autorid Priit Tender ja Mikk Rand; "Just märried", autor Peep Pedmanson; "Päevavalgus", autor Mait Laas; "Tom ja Fluffy", režissöörid Janno Põldma ja Heiki Ernits; "Bermuda", autor Ülo Pikkov; "Primavera", režissöörid Riho Unt ja Hardi Volmer

  11. Kuus uut Eesti filmi korraga ekraanil / Tarmo Teder

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Teder, Tarmo, 1958-


    21.5. esilinastuvad kinos "Sõprus" 6 animafilmi : "Vares ja hiired", autorid Priit Tender ja Mikk Rand; "Just märried", autor Peep Pedmanson; "Päevavalgus", autor Mait Laas; "Tom ja Fluffy", režissöörid Janno Põldma ja Heiki Ernits; "Bermuda", autor Ülo Pikkov; "Primavera", režissöörid Riho Unt ja Hardi Volmer

  12. Fotod Peterburi tänavatelt / Gregor Taul

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Taul, Gregor, 1986-


    Näitus "Tänapäeva Peterburi piktoralism" ning Frank Dituri ja Elio Cioli (Itaalia) näitus "Vaikuse tihedus" galeriis Rosfoto. Aleksei Tihhonovi seeria "Adaptsioon" Foto Department'is. Vladimir Antošenkovi näitus "Linn on tema inimesed" Dom Kinos. Olga Šonova näitus "Elukoht" ja näitleja Juri Gertsmani näitus "Arabeskid" Borei kunstikeskuses

  13. Tselluloidi aura ja kaasaegne kunst / Hanno Soans

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soans, Hanno, 1974-


    Muutustest filmitegemises ja filmiesteetikas. Filmi sarnanemisest tehniliselt üha enam videoga. Kunstnike tegelemisest filmiga. 26. XI näeb kinos "Sõprus" "1+1=1" raames kaasaegsete kunstnike teoseid laiekraanil: Eija-Liisa Ahtila "If 6 was 9" (1995), "Today" (1996-97), "Consolation Service" (1999); Sara Lunden ja Henry Moore Selder (sünd. 1973, Stockholm) "Deadly Boring" (2001), "She is Dead" (2003)

  14. Sillarti "lapsed" said käe valgeks / Tarmo Teder

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Teder, Tarmo, 1958-


    Eesti Kino Suvepäevade raames esilinastusid 3. juunil TPÜ filmi ja video õppetooli mängufilmi režissööride II kursuse (juhendaja Jüri Sillart) kursusetööd-lühimängufilmid : "2.68" (Tanel Toom), "Teispool vihma" (Margus Paju), "Sünnipäev" (Kaupo Kruusiauk) ja telerežii lõpetanud Anu Auna "Liivakellade parandaja"

  15. Linaristsed täiskuu aegu / Grete Nootre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nootre, Grete


    Eesti Kino Suvepäevade raames esilinastuvad 3. juunil TPÜ filmi ja video õppetooli mängufilmi režissööride II kursuse (juhendaja Jüri Sillart) kursusetööd-lühimängufilmid : "2.68" (Tanel Toom), "Teispool vihma" (Margus Paju), "Sünnipäev" (Kaupo Kruusiauk) ja telerežii lõpetanud Anu Auna "Liivakellade parandaja"

  16. Kolm meest paadis (naisest rääkimata) / Karol Ansip

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ansip, Karol


    Eesti Kino Suvepäevade raames esilinastusid 3. juunil TPÜ filmi ja video õppetooli mängufilmi režissööride II kursuse (juhendaja Jüri Sillart) kursusetööd-lühimängufilmid : "2.68" (Tanel Toom), "Teispool vihma" (Margus Paju), "Sünnipäev" (Kaupo Kruusiauk) ja telerežii lõpetanud Anu Auna "Liivakellade parandaja"

  17. Suur esilinastamine

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    21.5. esilinastuvad kinos "Sõprus" 6 animafilmi : "Vares ja hiired", autorid Priit Tender ja Mikk Rand; "Just märried", autor Peep Pedmanson; "Päevavalgus", autor Mait Laas; "Tom ja Fluffy", režissöörid Janno Põldma ja Heiki Ernits; "Bermuda", autor Ülo Pikkov; "Primavera", režissöörid Riho Unt ja Hardi Volmer. Aut. : M.R

  18. Hitchcock-happening friikluse võtmes / Jarmo Valkola

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Valkola, Jarmo


    Alfred Hitchcockist seoses uue filmisarjaga "Ainult friikidele". Sarja juhatab sisse Balti Filmi- ja Meediakooli (BFMi) Hitchcocki seminar 26.-29. veebruaril Tallinna Kinomajas. Lisatud kava. (Filmisari linastub alates 25. veebruarist igal teisel esmaspäeval kinos Sõprus ja teisipäeval Tartu Athena Keskuses. Programm vältab ligi kuus kuud, 29. juulini. Esimese hooaja teemaks on ühiskondlikud ebakõlad)

  19. Kinos "Sõprus" linastub film "Kepi mind"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Virginie Despentesè ja Coralie Trinh Thi mängufilm "Kepi mind" ("Baise-moi") : Prantsusmaa 1999. Maaletoojal firmal Filmimax ja kinol "Sõprus" on oodata ebameeldivusi filmi väidetavalt pornograafilise ja vägivaldse sisu tõttu

  20. Tshempionat mira po kino / Ilona Vinogradova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vinogradova, Ilona


    Cannes'i filmifestival. Nähtud filmidest : hiinlase Lou Ye "Suvepalee", soomlase Aki Kaurismäki "Äärelinna tuled" ("Laitakaupungin valot"), hispaanlase Pedro Almodovari "Volver" ("Tagasitulek"), inglase Ken Loach'i "Tuul sasib odrapõldu" ("The Wind that Shakes the Barely"). Ka vene filmi kohaloleku probleemidest Cannes'is

  1. Kino kolib suveks õue / Janno Zõbin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Zõbin, Janno


    Detsembris toimuvat Pimedate Ööde Filmifestivali laiendatakse ka suvele, et sobivates paikades näidata väärtfilme. Tallinnas Katariina kirikus ja Theatrumis juba näidati K. Kieslowski filmide retrospektiivi. Juunis näidatakse Werner Herzogi filme ning Tallinna Linnaarhiivi siseõues hakkab tegutsema juba traditsiooniks saanud vabaõhukino. Noortefilme näidatakse Nukuteatri hoovis

  2. Kui KINO tuli Rakverre / Aivi Pargi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pargi, Aivi, 1950-


    30. sept. - 3. okt. Exclusive'i ööklubis toimuva Põhjamaade ja Baltikumi noorte videofilmide filmifestivali "Visions of Light" raames toimis Rakvere linna keskraamatukogu lasteosakonnas nukufilmi ja animafilmi õpikoda

  3. Iskusstvo kino izmenjajet zhizn / Merit Kask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kask, Merit


    Lõppes Pärnu 20. dokumentaal- ja antropoloogiafilmide festival. Festivali grand prix - "Enne Maale naasmist", režissöör Arunas Matelis : Leedu/Saksamaa, Eesti Rahva Auhinna saaja ühisnimetaja "Inimene otsib õnne" all "Saatana kaevur", režissöörid Richard Ladkan, Kief Davidson : Saksamaa 2004. Lisaks "Laureatõ festivalja"

  4. Tolkieni maailm elustus kinos / Ilona Martson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Martson, Ilona, 1970-


    Londonis esilinastus esimene Peter Jacksoni käe all valmivast kolmest filmist J.R.R. Tolkieni triloogia "Sõrmuste isand" alusel - "Sõrmuse vennaskond", "The Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring" : Uus-Meremaa, Ameerika Ühendriigid 2001

  5. Tshto smotret? Spetsvõpusk : Rossijskoje kino

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Vene filmide eri : DVD-l anti välja Karen Oganesjani debüütmängufilm "Ma jään" ("Ja ostajus"), Oleg Rjaskovi "Mitme isanda teener" ("Sluga gossudarev"), Ruslan Baltseri "Pöörased päevad" ("Derzkije dni") ja "Rahuldamatud" ("Nenassõtnõje")

  6. Viimast sõda meenutades / Olev Remsu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Remsu, Olev, 1947-


    8. ja 9. mail näitas kino "Sõprus" kaht ajaloolist dokumentaalfilmi - Kanada eestlase Marcus Kolga "Gulag 113" ja 6-osalise ajaloodokumentaalide sarja "Kuum külm sõda" teist filmi "Sinimäed" : stsenaristid Kiur Aarma, Mart Laar, Eerik-Niiles Kross, Raimo Jõerand : režissöör Raimo Jõerand : Ruut Pictures 2006. Filmide sisuks on valikuvõimalusteta eesti mehed Teises Maailmasõjas

  7. Breeding Double-crested Cormorants and Wading Birds on Isla Alcatraz, Sonora, México (United States)

    Jennifer N. Duberstein; Virginia Jimenez-Serrania; Tad A. Pfister; Kirsten E. Lindquist; Lorayne Meltzer


    Isla Alcatraz is a small volcanic island in the Eastern Midriff Island region of the Gulf of California, approximately 1.4 km from the fishing community of Bahía de Kino, Sonora, México. The island falls under the protection of the Gulf Island Reserve system for wildlife and migratory birds. Isla Alcatraz is home to one of the largest Double-crested Cormorant (

  8. Rein Maran tähistab juubelit

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    85. sünnipäev on loodusdokumentalistil, kauaaegsel Tallinna Ülikooli filmiõppejõul ning filmiõppetooli juhil Rein Maranil. Balti filmi- ja meediakooli Supernova kinoülikool pühendab Rein Marani loomingule sügissemestri esimese filmiõhtu. Tallinna Ülikooli Nova maja 4. korruse kinokoridoris avatakse Rein Marani loomingule pühendatud näitus "Loodusfilmi tuhat nägu"

  9. "Дева Маали" пожизненно обручена с Вейко Ыунпуу / Борис Тух

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Тух, Борис, 1946-


    Eesti Filmiajakirjanike Ühingu poolt kinos "Sõprus" väljaantud auhindadest: parimaks filmiks tunnistati ja anti üle Neitsi Maali auhind ning rahaline preemia Veiko Õunpuu mängufilmile "Püha Tõnu kiusamine". Parima filmiajakirjaniku preemia sai Enn Säde ja eripreemia Ilmar Raag blogi "Ilmari jäljed liival enne vihmasadu" eest. Parimaks välisfilmiks valiti Laurent Cantet' film "Seinte vahel" (Prantsusmaa 2008)

  10. Digitaalisen markkinoinnin suunnitelma


    Peura, Mikko


    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli perehtyä digitaalisen markkinoinnin kanaviin, sekä markkinointiviestintään ja toteuttaa elokuvateatteri Y-kinon markkinointiviestintäsuunnitelma digitaalisen markkinoinnin kanaville. Elokuvateatterin liiketoiminnasta on vuodesta 2012 alkaen vastannut IPE Oy. Y-kino pyrkii laajentamaan elokuvateatterin palvelutuotevalikoimaa, esimerkkinä yksityisnäytökset ja suorat lähetykset. Teoria osuudessa haluttiin selvittää markkinointiviestinnän suunniteluun vaadittav...

  11. Teejuht Õunpuu juurde / Tiit Tuumalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuumalu, Tiit, 1971-


    Rahvusvahelise autorifilmi uue põlvkonna kõige silmapaistvamaid režissööre tutvustavast raamatust "Take 100. The Future of Film : 100 New Directors". Raamatus on eraldi peatükk eesti režissöörist Veiko Õunpuust ja tema filmist "Sügisball". 17. septembrist New Yorgi ja 1. oktoobrist Los Angelese kinos hakkab jooksma Veiko Õunpuu film "Püha Tõnu kiusamine"

  12. Ühe maketinäituse lugu / Alvin Järving, Larissa Kondina, Johan Tali ...[jt.] ; üles kirjutanud Maris Kerge

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Näitus "Viini Eksiilid. Helisev arhitektuur" kinos Helios 10-18.09.2011 Tallinna arhitektuuribiennaali raames. Näitusel osalevad arhitektid Alvin Järving, Larissa Kondina, Joanna-Maria Helinurm, Johan Tali, Kadri Kerge, Kadri Tamre, Siim Tuksam ja Sille Pihlak, kes on äsja lõpetanud või õpivad Viini Rakenduskunsti Ülikooli (Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien) arhitektuurikoolis. Näitusel osalejate mõtteid

  13. Environmental Assessment, Balloon Launch and Landing Operations, Air Force Research Laboratory, Space Vehicles Directorate, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico (United States)


    largely ignored by the Spanish. Father Eusebio Francisco Kino explored the Santa Cruz Valley from 1691 to 1711, and SECTION 3 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT 3-16...called None No response received Left message for manuel Savala (new Chairman) Navajo Nation Council Lawrence T. Morgan Speaker PO Box 3390, Window Rock...mouth and base of fins. COUNTY Apache, Cochise, Coconino, Gila, Graham, Greenlee, Navajo, Pima. Santa Cruz , Yavapai Apache, Coconino

  14. Perekond on kolmes kohas / Ave Randviir

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Randviir, Ave, 1981-


    Tallinn Pride 2006 kultuurinädala raames Viru keskuses samasooliste paaride suhteid kujutav maalinäitus "Meie oleme perekond". Esinevad Tiina Tammetalu, Lilian Mosolainen ja Pille Neeve. Samanimeline näitus Cafe Angel'is Chintis Lundgreni ja Heikki-Erich Merila töödest ning kinos Sõprus kunstnike ühenduse Infotankistid (Anu Vahtra, Reimo Võsa-Tangsoo, Katrin Tees, Maris Mändel, Taavi Suits, Sulo Kallas, Piret Räni) fotonäitus

  15. Mari Laaniste soovitab : "Rock on Screen" / Mari Laaniste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laaniste, Mari, 1977-


    5.-11. juulini Tallinnas kinos Sõprus toimuvast muusikafilmide nädalast "Rock on Screen". Programmis on Julian Schnabeli kontsertfilm "Lou Reed's Berlin" (2007), Julien Temple'i "Tulevik on veel kirjutamata" (2007, pühendatud Joe Strummeri mälestusele), Anton Corbijni draama "Control" Joy Divisoni liidrist Ian Curtisest, JP Siili mängufilm "Hurriganes" (2007, soome rockansamblist) ja Peeter Urbla muusikafilm "Shlaager" (1983, filmi kangelannat kehastab Els Himma)

  16. 15. XI kell 17 avatakse EKA galeriis...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Näitus "ERKI moe-show" 10 aastat", mille koostasid Karolin Kuusik, Gerli Liivamägi, Kristina Paju, Külli-Kerttu Siplane ja Agne Talu. Eksponeeritakse ka Jaanus Orgusaare, Vassilissa, Aldo Järvsoo ning Hula noortekollektsiooni esinemiste meeldejäävamaid hetki. 20. XI kinos Kosmos ERKI moeetendus "Go". Lavastuse autorid Taavet Jansen ja Oksana Titova, kunstiline juht Ain Nurmela, videokunstnik Taavi Warm, graafiline kujundus Martin Eelmalt, helikujundus Remi Prualilt

  17. Comics Intermedial Von Christian A. Bachmann, Véronique Sina und Lars Banhold (Hg.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paul Winkler


    Full Text Available Als ein fruchtbares Feld der Intermedialitätsforschung wird der Comic im vorliegenden Sammelband neu abgesteckt. Beiträge von insgesamt zwölf Autoren nähern sich der Forschungsthematik dabei anhand von Aspekten wie Kunst, Fotografie, Kino, Rundfunk, Merchandising, Computerspiele oder Internet. Mediale und disziplinäre Übergänge werden veranschaulicht und gleichzeitig ein eigenständiges "Forschungsfeld Comic" neu verhandelt.

  18. Radiological symptoms of the disfunction of artificial heart valves

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Erdelyi, M Jr [Orszagos Roentgen es Sugarfizikai Intezet, Budapest (Hungary)


    The possible causes of the disfunction of artificial valves are detailed. Routine X-ray examinations of the chest only rarely reveal direct signs of disfunction, but the haemodynamic alterations (dilated heart chambers, or veins) must be considered as important indirect signs. The characteristics and possibly the cause of the valve insufficience can be analyzed on the basis of kino- and spot radiograms. The symptoms observed by these methods are reported in detail.

  19. Arhitektuuriaasta 2007 = The year 2007 in architecture / Liina Jänes

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jänes, Liina, 1977-


    Eesti Kultuurkapitali 2007. a. arhitektuuri valdkonna peapreemia pälvis Vello Asi. Arhitektuuri sihtkapital: tegevuspremia - Kalle Komissarov, arhitektuuripreemia - Kalle Vellevoog (pansionaat Pärnus Seedri t. 4), arhitektuuri- ja sisearhitektuuri preemia - Lembit-Kaur Stöör, Tõnis Kimmel, Raili Paling ja Liis Lindvere (Tallinna sünagoog), restaureerimispreemia - Aivar Roosaar (Tartu Athena kino ja konverentsikeskus), uurimistöö preemia - Silja Konsa, Urve Sinijärv, Olev Abner, Kersti Lootus, Ants Hein (teatmeteos "Eesti pargid. 1")

  20. Mai kinos linastub uus Eesti film "Kõrini!"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Täna linastub Pärnus Eesti-Saksa koostööfilm "Kõrini" : režissöör Peeter Simm : osades Maarja Jakobson, Rasmus Kaljujärv, Heio von Stetten, Thomas Schmauser : Ruut Pictures (Eesti) - Saxonia Film (Saksa) 2005

  1. Kino o "barhatnõhh revoljutsijahh" / Valentin Sedov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sedov, Valentin


    21. juulil esilinastub Venemaal poliitiline põnevik, mis kujutab, kuidas lääne miljardär Sors (George Soros?) organiseerib sametrevolutsioone SRÜ maades. Filmi tegemisele osutas igakülgset abi Venemaa valitsus

  2. Vlastelin Kolets : kino i kniga / Olga Titova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Titova, Olga


    J.R.R. Tolkieni "Sõrmuste isanda" järgi loodud Peter Jacksoni kolm filmi - "Sõrmuste isand : Sõrmuste vennaskond" ("The Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring"), "Kaks kantsi" ("The Two Towers"), "Kuninga tagasitulek" ("The Return of the King"). Ekraniseeringute võrdlus raamatutega

  3. Kino, Theater, Fernsehen : André Bazins Publikumstheorie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hanich, Julian; Mundhenke, Florian; Weber, Thomas


    What did the great French film theorist André Bazin think of the collective experience in the cinema? What did he write about the influence co-viewers can have on the emotional engagement, the evaluation and the interpretation of a film? In short: What was his audience theory? To be sure, Bazin is

  4. "Ljudi goda" v kino : Oltman i Istvud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    USA rahvuslik filmikriitikute ühing (National Society of Film Critics) valis aasta parimaks filmiks Clint Eastwoodi "Kirjad Iwo Jimalt" ("Letters from Iwo Jima"). Ameerika Filmiinstituut määras selle aasta elutöö Oscari režissöör Robert Altmanile, kes suri 21. novembril

  5. Abramović perifeerias / Kaire Nurk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nurk, Kaire, 1960-


    Kaasaegse kunsti festivali "Art ist kuku nu ut" näitused: "Art Must Be Beautiful. Marina Abramovići valitud teosed" (kuraator Rael Artel) Tartu Kunstimuuseumis 13. nov.-ni, saksa kuraatorite Kathrin Meyeri ja Ellen Blumensteini kuraatorinäitus "Keeldumised" Tartu Kunstimajas 16. okt.-ni, Anna Hintsi, Eva Labotkini, Marja-Liisa Platsi ja Toomas Thetloffi näitus "Tartust ära" Y-galeriis 30. okt.-ni. Babette Mangolte'i film "Marina Abramovići "Seitse lihtsat teost"" kinos Athena

  6. Dokfilmiparaad Tallinnas / Maria Ulfsak-Šeripova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ulfsak-Šeripova, Maria, 1981-


    29.-31. jaanuaril näidatakse Tallinnas kinos Artis ja KUMUs 17 dokumentaalfilmi. See on üheksandat aastat Helsingis toimuva filmifestivali DocPoint esmakordne "väljasõit". Lähemalt neljast filmist: "Videokraatia" (rež. Erik Gandini, Rootsi 2009), "Ameerika kardetuim mees" (rež.-id Judith Erlich ja Rick Goldsmith, USA 2009), "44500 Max" (rež. Jari Kokko, USA 2009), "Teel kooli" (rež.-id Ösgür Dogan ja Orhan Eskiköy, Türgi 2008)

  7. Radiographic investigation of the function of the Bjoerk-Shiley artificial valve

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Erdelyi, M Jr [Orszagos Roentgen es Sugarfizikai Intezet, Budapest (Hungary)


    The normal opening and closing mechanism of the tip-up valve, containing a metal ring, was investigated by kino and spot-film techniques in 58 patients. A new and simple method was elaborated for the calculation of the opening angle of the tip-up valve, rendering superfluous the complicated calculations published by Bjoerk. In accordance with literature data the regular opening angle of the examined 71 valve prostheses was found to be 60 deg (+-2 deg).

  8. Report on achievements in fiscal 1999. Research and development of advanced function creating and processing technologies; 1990 nendo senshin kino soshutsu kako gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In order to provide materials with superior advanced functions such as high-level biological compatibility, external environment identifying function, chemical reaction activating function, high-performance electromagnetic properties, and corrosion and heat resistant high strength properties, it is intended to establish novel material creating technologies using chemical processing processes that can control finely the compositions and constructions of the materials. The efforts include (1) works on research and development of an ultra-high purity separating technology composed mainly of laser selection and excitation actions for manifestation of new natures such as sensing function, catalytic function, and electromagnetic properties, (2) works on research and development of a micro-fine crystal controlling technology capable of designing materials, such as micro-fine particle synthesizing, dispersing and compounding technologies, micro thin film lamination, and interface controlling technologies to create materials having high strength as well as high tenacity, and (3) works on research and development of high-function organic material synthesizing technologies compounding the utilization of high-grade photons with application of extreme environmental fields such as ferromagnetic fields whose effects are expected on controlling structure like orientation of atomic and molecular levels for the purpose of creating high-function materials having high heat resistance, corrosion resistance, and lubrication performance. (NEDO)

  9. Leading survey and research report for fiscal 1999. New technology based on functions involved in intracellular protein transport; 1999 nendo saibonai tanpakushitsu yuso kino riyo gijutsu kenkyu hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    An intercellular transport technology (artificial manipulation of an intracellular protein transport system in eucaryotes) is studied for the accumulation of cytotoxic proteins, whose expression has so far been difficult, and activated proteins, which have avoided decomposition, in appropriate intracellular minute organs. The aim is to construct a system to allow foreign proteins high in productivity and quality to express themselves for production in eucaryotes. Basic surveys were conducted of the intracellular biological functions of single-membrane organelles (endoplasmic reticulum, peroxisome, vacuole/lysosome, and Golgi body), the molecular mechanism of protein transport to each organelle, and protein activation and quality control, and element technologies were extracted. For the development of novel pharmaceuticals making use of the intracellular protein transport technology, an activated protein production system was built and a search was made for transport activity impeding substances. Research tasks relative to the development of the new technologies were isolated, such as the visualization of intercellular transport. A survey was made of the market for pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, enzymes, and visualizing equipment (fluorescence microscope provided with new functions), etc. (NEDO)

  10. Riias avati Põhja-Euroopa suurim kino / Dita Rietuma

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rietuma, Dita


    Soome kompanii Finnkino kinovõrk Forum Cinemas laienes Riias 14 saaliga kobarkino Coca-Cola Plaza võrra. USA filmide kõrval näidati alustuseks ka uut Laila Pakalnina mängufilmi "Püüton" ("Pitons"). Ka teised kinod Riias. Piletihinnast, mis Riias palju odavam kui Tallinnas

  11. "Gospodin Kino" i jego nekurjashtshii orkestr / Dmitri Babitshenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Babitshenko, Dmitri


    26. aprillil esineb Tallinnas Serbia filmirežissöör Emir Kusturica koos Balkani ansambliga No Smoking Orchestra. Esitlusele tuleb muusika, mis kirjutatud režissööri filmile "Lubadus" ("Zavet"). Muusika autoriteks on ansambli juht Nele Karajlic ja režissöör ise

  12. Kinos näeb Dostojevski "Idiooti" / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    12. oktoobril esilinastub Fjodor Dostojevski romaanil põhinev Rainer Sarneti mängufilm "Idioot". Peaosas Risto Kübar. Film valiti 6. oktoobril alanud Lõuna-Korea Busani rahvusvahelise filmifestivali programmi Flash Forward

  13. Segodnja notshju mõ smotrim kino / Tanja Naiden

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Naiden, Tanja


    4. märtsil esilinastus mängufilm "Täna öösel me ei maga" : stsenaristid Kristian Taska, Jaan Tätte : režissöör Ilmar Taska : operaator Istvan Borbas : produtsent Kristian Taska : peaosades Carmen Kass, Peter Franzen; Maria Avdjushko, Priit Võigemast : Taska Productions- Muljeid esilinastuselt

  14. Kino kui grafiti = Cinema as graffiti / Karin Paulus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paulus, Karin, 1975-


    Kobarkinost Coca-Cola Plaza Tallinnas. Projekteerija: Arhitektuuristuudio Kirsima ja Niineväli. Arhitekt Andri Kirisma. Üldruumide sisekujundus: Kaire Kemp-Tisler, Ea Andla. II korruse baari kujundas Ursula Sõber. Konstruktsioonid: Marti Sein, Priit Luure Neoprojektist. Akustiline osa: Linda Madalik. Seinamaalingud: Anu Samarüütel. Projekt 1999-2001, valmis 2000-2001. 12 ill.: lõige, I ja V korruse plaanid, välis- ja sisevaated

  15. "Русские!" Русские?.. И Казимир Малевич / Этэри Кекелидзе

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Кекелидзе, Этэри, 1944-


    Ülevaade XXIII Peterburi teatrifestivalist "Balti kodu" 2013. a. Pikemalt Ivo van Hove lavastusest Tšehhovi näidendite järgi "De Russen!" (Toneelgroep Amsterdam (Holland)), Alvis Hermanise lavastusest "Oblomov" (Riia Uus Teater), Luk Percevali lavastusest "Vennad Karamazovid" (Theater Thalia (Saksamaa)), Bram Janseni lavastusest Strindbergi "Preili Julie" järgi "Kijken naar Julie" (Bram Jansen Company (Holland)), Juri Butussovi lavastusest "Macbeth-Kino" (Peterburi Lensoveti-nim. Teater), Grigori Kozlovi lavastusest "Vaikne Don" (Мастерская (Peterburi)) ning Rimas Tuminase lavastusest "Jevgeni Onegin" (Vahtangovi-nim. Teater (Moskva))

  16. Sociopato portreto vaizdavimas kinematografijoje


    Uldukis, Vytautas


    Diplominiame darbe „Sociopato portreto vaizdavimas kinematografijoje“ nagrinėjama kaip ir kokiomis priemonėmis kino filmuose vaizduojami sociopatijos paveikti asmenys. Šis reiškinys psichologiškai dar nėra visiškai išnagrinėtas, todėl yra labai sunku visuomenėje nustatyti sociopatus. Pasireiškia tik atskiri atvejai kai jie yra demaskuojami dėl to, kad nusižengė įstatymams ir nepakluso teisėtvarkai. Nemažai įvairaus laikotarpio filmų sukuriama remiantis sociopatijos reiškiniu, kuriuose sukuria...

  17. Cinema air as fresh as you can wish. Crystal UFA Palace in Dresden: Cash desk computer controls fresh-air volume according to attendance; Kintopp-Atmosphaere vom Frischesten. Kristall-Ufa-Palast Dresden: Per Kassen-Computer erfasster Zuschauerandrang regelt den Aussenluft-Anteil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The prism has a lively inner life. Together with the round UFA Palace cinema from the 1970s it comprises more than 15 cinema halls with 4550 seats. Eight of the halls are located in the new building. The room climate in the halls is kept at a near constant 21 C during performances. The core zone accommodating the cinema halls is conditioned by an air circuit comprising altogether eight air exchange plants with integrated heating and cooling for the eight halls. Outside the seated areas, i.e. in the entrance zone and other short-time occupied places the temperature is normally controlled by the outgoing air on its way out into the street. The cash office in the lobby has a supplementary floor heating system to keep the employees` feet warm. [Deutsch] Das Prisma hat ein bewegtes Innenleben. Es handelt sich um den Kristall-Ufa-Palast, ein Kino. Gemeinsam mit dem danebenstehenden Ufa-Palast-Rundkino aus den 70er Jahren verfuegt es ueber 15 Saele mit 4550 Plaetzen, davon acht Kinos in dem Neubau. Das Raumklima in den einzelnen Saelen wird waehrend der Vorstellung nahezu konstant auf 21 C gehalten. Die Kernzone mit den Kinosaelen haengt an einem Klimakreis mit insgesamt acht Zu- und Abluftanlagen mit Heiz- und Kuehlfunktion fuer die acht Saele. Ausserhalb dieser eigentlichen Aufenthaltszone temperiert in der Regel die Fortluft den Eingangs- und Nicht-Aufenthaltsbereich, bevor sie zur Strasse hin entweicht. Der Kinokassenraum in der Lobby wird zusaetzlich beheizt. Fuer warme Fuesse sorgt eine Fussbodenheizung. (orig./MSK)

  18. Sampling-based exploration of folded state of a protein under kinematic and geometric constraints

    KAUST Repository

    Yao, Peggy


    Flexibility is critical for a folded protein to bind to other molecules (ligands) and achieve its functions. The conformational selection theory suggests that a folded protein deforms continuously and its ligand selects the most favorable conformations to bind to. Therefore, one of the best options to study protein-ligand binding is to sample conformations broadly distributed over the protein-folded state. This article presents a new sampler, called kino-geometric sampler (KGS). This sampler encodes dominant energy terms implicitly by simple kinematic and geometric constraints. Two key technical contributions of KGS are (1) a robotics-inspired Jacobian-based method to simultaneously deform a large number of interdependent kinematic cycles without any significant break-up of the closure constraints, and (2) a diffusive strategy to generate conformation distributions that diffuse quickly throughout the protein folded state. Experiments on four very different test proteins demonstrate that KGS can efficiently compute distributions containing conformations close to target (e.g., functional) conformations. These targets are not given to KGS, hence are not used to bias the sampling process. In particular, for a lysine-binding protein, KGS was able to sample conformations in both the intermediate and functional states without the ligand, while previous work using molecular dynamics simulation had required the ligand to be taken into account in the potential function. Overall, KGS demonstrates that kino-geometric constraints characterize the folded subset of a protein conformation space and that this subset is small enough to be approximated by a relatively small distribution of conformations. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  19. Ringens disipler : hva? hvordan? hvorfor på TV? : dokumentarfilmproduksjon og analyse


    Hagen, John Einar


    I håp om å danne bro mellom teori og praksis, består denne oppgaven av både en film og en skriftlig del. Ringens Disipler er en 25 minutter lang dokumentarfilm om fansen til Ringenes Herre. Vi følger tre utvalgte personer i billettkøen til den siste filmen i trilogien: Ringenes Herre: Atter en Konge, ved Colosseum kino i Oslo. Filmen beskriver forholdene i køen og følger fansen videre på veien mot den store premierekvelden. I den skriftlige oppgaven forsøker jeg å finne ut hva slags film Ring...

  20. Edukacinės animacinių filmų plotmės: Simpsonų filmas


    Čirplienė, Renata


    Šio darbo tikslas – ištirti edukacinį filmo poveikį (per užslėptojo ugdymo/si bei savaiminio mokymo/si momentus). Tyrimo metu buvo analizuojamas Simpsonų filmas focus grupės metodu. Tyrimo duomenys nagrinėjami pagal autorės išskirtas kategorijas. Magistro darbe, remiantis lietuvių ir užsienio mokslinės literatūros analize, atskleistos edukacinės medijų plotmės: pristatyta neregimojo ugdymo/si bei savaiminio mokymo/si raiška animaciniuose filmuose; supažindinama su kino edukacija, kaip edukaci...

  1. Fiscal 1993 technological survey report. R and D project for industrial science and technology (R and D of quantum functional device); 1993 nendo ryoshi kino soshi no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    An examination is in progress with a view to establishing fundamental technology for a quantum functional device, which engineeringly uses various quantum mechanical effects emerging in a ultrafine dimentional area, for the purpose of contributing to the micro electronics technology that deals with ultra high speed and ultra high functional information processing necessitated in an advanced information-oriented society. As a general research study, survey on the technological trend was done, as was the analysis/examination of the R and D. In regard to the R and D of quantization technology, with the object of structuring an element device by means of quantization functions and structuring an integration system, examinations were made on tunneling in semiconductors, physical phenomenon like electrical conduction, ultrafine fabrication techniques, etc., with R and D conducted on structures and forming technique for realizing quantization functions such as quantum wire and quantum dot, crystal growing technology, simulation technology, design of materials, etc.. (NEDO)

  2. FY 1991 Report on the results of the research and development of the processing technologies for creating advanced functions; 1991 nendo senshin kino soshutsu kako gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This project is aimed at development of the technologies for materials to be used in a living body, which is required to be compatible with a living body, durable and mechanically strong, wherein a metallic structure surface is coated with multi-layered film with metallic composition continuously changing to ceramic composition to have inclined functions. First, a titanium base is coated with a film of inclined functions, comprising ultrafine particles of alumina and titanium, and then with a film of hydroxyapatite, to form the artificial root of tooth. The forming/processing process comprises preparation (forming) of the titanium base, preparation of the ultrafine particles of titanium and alumina separately, mixing these two types of ultrafine particles in a state of aerosol, sintering of the mixture, and coating the sinter with hydroxyapatite. The base is coated with layers of aerosol mixtures with ultrafine metal particle content continuously changing from the metal to alumina, to form the film of inclined functions. The FY 1991 efforts are directed to development of the technologies for producing aerosol of the ultrafine ceramic particles utilizing the technologies for dry process of dispersing the agglomerated particles and rf plasma. (NEDO)

  3. FY 1999 Report on research and development project results of industrial science and technology. Research and development of quantum functional devices; 1999 nendo ryoshika kino soshi no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Described herein are the FY 1999 research and development results of quantum functional devices. This project is aimed at establishment of the basic technologies related to quantum functional devices, which utilize various quantum mechanical effects appearing in superfine regions, for development of the microelectronics technologies serving as the bases for superhigh-speed, superhigh-function information processing. The technologies are developed for advancing the elementary devices by quantum functions and development of integrated devices. The results include development, on a trial basis, of the world smallest MOS transistor with a gate length of 10 nm or less and analysis of its behavior, improved characteristics of the tunnel devices, and development, on a trial basis, of a semiconductor memory working based on the principle of single electron capturing/releasing and evaluation thereof. The device-building techniques are developed. The results include demonstration of the logic circuit which controls a small number of electrons, and development of an opto-electronic device on a trial basis, which are the world first results. Progresses are noted in confirmation of behavior of the 3-value basic logic circuit which uses an InGaAs-based tunnel device, demonstration of behavior of the SRAM circuit which uses ME-RHET device, confirmation of possibility of terabit-size memory integration, advancing performance of the quantum MMIC, and designs of the single electron-CMOS integrated circuit. (NEDO)

  4. Werner Herzog - saksa kino atleet ja aadlik / Mart Rummo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rummo, Mart


    Alates 6. juunist näidatakse Katariina kirikus kuuel õhtul algusega kell 22 Werner Herzogi (1942) filme. Väljavõtteid W. Herzogi poolt 1999. aastal Cannes'i festivali järel antud intervjuust, kus juttu ka režissööri suhetest näitleja Klaus Kinskiga, millest kõneleb ka Tallinnas näidatav "Minu armas vaenlane"

  5. Poliitmuusikaline kinoõhtu Trafalgari väljakul / Andri Maimets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Maimets, Andri, 1979-


    Londonis Trafalgari väljakul korraldatud sõjavastane suurüritus, kus kesksel kohal suurejoonelise elava muusikasaatega (Dresdeni sümfoonikud, Pet Shop Boys) Sergei Eisensteini filmi "Soomuslaev Potjomkin" (1925) vaatamine

  6. Reklaamid nagu kino / Jean Marie Bouriscot ; interv.Valner Valme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bouriscot, Jean Marie


    Sakala keskuses toimus reedel 6. korda reklaamiõgijate öö, kus näidati reklaamiklippe Jean Marie Bouriscotþ kogust. Kogu omanik polnud küll seekord ise kohal, kuid vastas siiski ajakirjaniku küsimustele oma huviala kohta

  7. Achievement report for fiscal 1998 on the research and development of quantum function device. Research on technological trend; 1998 nendo ryoshika kino soshi no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Gijutsu doko chosa kenkyu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    To effectively promote the research and development of quantum function devices, the advancement of the research and development concerned is surveyed and problems in the course of research and development are isolated, analyzed, and discussed, and a survey is conducted on technological trends. Researches are conducted through research committee meetings, on-the-spot surveys of overseas activities, and international conferences. As the result, reports are compiled on the integration of multi-value logic devices using tunnelling control function devices, integration of logic memory devices based on quantum levels, integration of quantum interband coupled multifunction devices, silicon insulation film tunnel memory device, mass dot function memory, quantum wave switching function device, integration of single electron logic devices, integration of CMOS coupled type single electron devices, basic technology of single electron device, etc. As for common basic technology, an integrated device in which a quantum function element and CMOS are merged, superspeed quantum device using light, spontaneous formation of InGaN quantum dot and GaSb/GaAs quantum dot, electron moderation mechanism in quantum dot, etc., are compiled into reports. (NEDO)

  8. Leading research report for fiscal 1998 on the research on photofunctional materials for processing 2-dimensional data; 1998 nendo nijigen joho shoriyo hikari kino zairyo ni kansuru chosa kenkyu sendo kenkyu hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Researches are conducted for the development of photofunctional materials, which will enable the utilization of such features of light as high speed, planar transmission, and space coupling, for the real-time processing of large-volume 2-dimensional image data etc. The researches cover the 'spatial light modulation material' and 'dynamic holographic memory material' which will be the key materials in the high-speed 2-dimensional data processing, and the 'optical waveguide material.' The 'spatial light modulation material' is a material that temporarily memorizes optical data for causing interference between images by use of light, the 'dynamic holographic memory material' is a material that memorizes phasal data of light and records and writes by use of light the large-volume data necessary for moving picture processing, and the 'optical waveguide material' is a material that transmits multi-dimensional picture data on the real-time basis. Researches are also conducted on the status of research and development of technologies involving novel photofunctional materials, the control of the structure of their electrode/molecule boundary, the creation of ultrastructural materials by molecular arrangement control, etc. (NEDO)

  9. Postsotsialistlik Eesti filmikunst kui rahvusülene kino / Ewa Mazierska

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mazierska, Ewa


    Käsitletakse Nõukogude Liidu lagunemise järel valminud Eesti filme, võrreldes neid mujal ja teisel ajal loodud linateostega. Võrdluse tulemusena selgub, et Eesti film on pidevas dialoogis Euroopa ja maailma kinoga, ent suudab rääkida ka oma häälega, et ta on nii rahvuslik kui ka rahvusülene nähtus, suutes ka ise midagi teistele pakkuda

  10. Orson Welles on tõusnud kino-Shakespeare'iks / Jaan Ruus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ruus, Jaan, 1938-2017


    Arutlus väärtfilmidest kinoedetabelite koostamise teemal ja miks hääletas esinduslik filmiajakiri "Sight & Sound" Orson Welles'i filmi "Kodanik Kane" ("Citizen Kane" Ameerika Ühendriigid, 1941) maailma kõigi aegade parimaks mängufilmiks

  11. Kinematografische Propaganda und Zensur in Österreich-Ungarn von 1914–1918 als gescheitertes kybernetisches Modell

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paul Winkler


    Full Text Available (Medien-Pädagogik, verstanden als Medienverbund zur programmierten "Unterrichtung" einer breiten Masse wurde bereits vor 1914 erfahren. Zweifelsohne kam es jedoch während dem Ersten Weltkrieg zu einer intensiven Orchestrierung der zur Verfügung stehenden Medien. Die angestrebte Volkserziehung kann dabei als kybernetisches Regelkreismodell betrachtet werden. Als ganz spezielles systemimmanentes Instrument, stellte sich dabei das Kino heraus. Anfangs etwas zögerlich, verstand man es mit Verlauf des Krieges auch in der Donaumonarchie, die Möglichkeiten der bewegten Bilder immer umfassender auszunützen. Das Kino sollte als Regler, dem Publikum Führungsgrößen vor Augen führen und das einzelne Individuum gleichzeitig zu einer Art Selbstregulation auffordern. Vorstellungs- und Wertewelten der Menschen sollten homogenisiert werden und das System in dieser Weise stabilisieren. Offenes Feedback war unerwünscht; Grundstimmungen und Diskurse innerhalb der Bevölkerung blieben jedoch nicht unbemerkt und wurden auf der Leinwand bearbeitet, wobei begründete Befürchtungen, Zweifel und Ängste, zu entkräften versucht wurden. Mit fortschreitender Kriegsdauer taten sich Zensur und Propaganda immer schwerer, ein geschöntes Bild der Situation glaubhaft darzustellen. Schließlich vermochte das Flimmern der Leinwände, die Botschaften des Systems nicht mehr zu vermitteln. Das kybernetische Modell der Volkserziehung über Kamera und Leinwand, welches die Gesellschaft militärisch überprägte, Überlegenheit predigte, Gewalt normalisierte und das kriegsbedingte Sterben humanisierte, musste letztlich scheitern. Der vorliegende Artikel soll einen kurzen Einblick in den Aufbau dieses – letztlich gescheiterten – regulativen Werkes der kinematografischen Propaganda und Zensur in Österreich-Ungarn geben, wobei der Fokus auf der dokumentarischen Berichterstattung vom Krieg liegt, die eine vermeintliche Realität repräsentieren sollte.

  12. Fiscal 1996 large-scale industrial technology R and D project report. R and D on processing technology for creating advanced functions; 1996 nendo senshin kino soshutsu kako gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report summarizes the fiscal 1996 development result on technology for creating advanced bio-affinity materials. The functionally gradient artificial tooth root with fine structure was fabricated by the following processes. The surface of a cylindrical Ti rod was first dry-jet-sprayed with ultrafine particles prepared by RF plasma, where its composition was changed continuously from Ti to alumina in a radial direction to form an FGM layer. The so-formed green composite was then sintered while heating the Ti side and alumina side at 1400K and 1800K, respectively. Compressive strength over 200MPa, durability of 10{sup 7} stress cycles at 1000N, and adhesion strength over 65MPa to substrates were obtained. As the outermost surface of the composite was coated with hydroxyapatite by plasma spraying, cell growth on the surface was confirmed without any contamination with heavy metals. This material is suitable for dental use in mechanical and chemical properties. Study was made on non- destructive analysis of FGM. A slant angle injection method was studied to increase the instrumental resolution power of Rutherford backscattering spectrometers. Composition modification was analyzed at a nm level quantitatively. Positron annihilation Doppler broadening was also measured. (NEDO)

  13. Kolmas mask : Eesti kutselise teatri sünniloo käsitlused tänapäeva lavadel / Veiko Märka

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märka, Veiko, 1964-


    Veiko Märka, Katri Aaslav-Tepandi, Raivo Adlas, Andrus Kivirähk, Jaanus Rohumaa ja Ilmar Raag teevad kokkuvõtteid Eesti kutselise teatri sünniloo käsitlustest nii teatris kui kinos. Vaatluse all on lavastused : Ilmar Külveti "Menning" Vanemuises (1990) Raivo Adlase lavastuses, Jaanus Rohumaa/Mari Tuulingu "Ainus ja igavene elu" Tallinna Linnateatris (1996) Jaanus Rohumaa lavastuses, "Udumäe kuningas" Palamuse harrastusteatris (2003), autor ja lavastaja Raivo Adlas, Andrus Kivirähki "Adolf Rühka lühikene elu" Eesti Draamateatris (2005) Ingomar Vihmari lavastuses ja "Libahundi needus" (ETV ja Shop of Dreams, 2005), režissöör Rainer Sarnet, stsenaristid Ilmar Raag, Margus Kasterpalu, Rainer Sarnet

  14. Study of the leakage between two aquifers in Hermosillo, Mexico, using environmental isotopes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Payne, B.R.; Quijano, L.; Latorre, D.C.


    The Coast of Hermosillo is located in the Gulf of California, Mexico. It is a Quaternary alluvial plain of continental origin. Underlying these deposits is a layer of blue clay about 100m thick which imposes confinement to a deep aquifer in basaltic and pyroclastic rocks. Oxygen-18 and deuterium data support the occurrence of an upwardsleakage. The amount of the leakage was evaluated, on the basis of 14 C data, to a maximum of 20% of the water pumped by the irrigation wells in the upper aquifer. The stable isotope data also support the occurrence of sea-water intrusion by preferential channels in the south and in the area of Kino Bay. (author)

  15. Produkta izvietošana kinofilmās kā reklāmas veids un tā efektivitāte; 2009. gada 10 skatītāko kinofilmu Latvijā analīze


    Goģe, Sandra


    Bakalaura darbs „PRODUKTA IZVIETOŠANA KINOFILMĀS KĀ REKLĀMAS VEIDS UN TĀ EFEKTIVITĀTE; 2009. GADA 10 SKATĪTĀKO KINOFILMU LATVIJĀ ANALĪZE” ir izstrādāts ar mērķi aplūkot produkta izvietošanu kinofilmās kā reklāmas veidu. Darba teorētiskajā daļā tiek apskatīta produkta izvietošanas teorija, kino un izklaides industrija, produkta izvietošanas process un atribūcijas teorijas. Darba pētnieciskajā daļā tiek veikta 2009. gada 10 skatītāko kinofilmu Latvijā kontentanalīze, ar eksperimenta palīdzību t...

  16. De Louis Delluc à Caligari... L'introduction du cinéma allemand en France

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marc Lavastrou


    Full Text Available Dès 1919, le boycott du cinéma allemand interdit toute confrontation avec les réalisations de l'ennemi héréditaire. Cette négation inquiète Louis Delluc qui réagit en publiant deux articles sur la situation du cinéma allemand. Ces chroniques proposent un premier état des lieux mais, sans film distribué, ces analyses restent lettre morte et ne font que souligner ce manque. Il faut attendre 1921 et la création de la revue Cinéa pour que Delluc organise la première projection du Cabinet du docteur Caligari. Cet événement prend vite une ampleur nationale. Le succès mondial de ce film démontre la possibilité d'un équilibre entre industrie mondialisée et spécificité nationale. Dès lors, le cinéma allemand peut servir de modèle pour la recherche d'une telle unité au sein du cinéma français dont la crise structurelle démontre son incapacité à s'adapter aux nouvelles exigences du marché global. Louis Delluc parvient donc à imposer les productions allemandes en France, mais il ne réussit cependant pas à effectuer la transition entre artisanat anarchique et industrie cinématographique rationalisée. Ainsi, une autre unité voit-elle le jour, dépassant les cadres nationaux pour s'inscrire sur le vaste espace européen ouvrant ainsi la voie à des échanges culturels et techniques franco-allemands.Seit 1919 verhindert das Verbot des deutschen Kinos in Frankreich jegliche Konfrontation mit den Produktionen des Erzfeindes. Diese Ablehnung des deutschen Films beschäftigt und beunruhigt Louis Delluc, der daraufhin zwei Artikel über die Situation des deutschen Films veröffentlicht. Seine Artikel zeigen einen ersten Stand der Dinge auf, der aber in Anbetracht fehlender deutscher Filmvorführungen keine weitere Beachtung findet. Erst im Jahr 1921 wird mit der Revue Cinéa, deren Gründer Delluc ist, eine erste Aufführung des Kabinett des Dr. Caligari organisiert. Dieses Ereignis nimmt schnell nationale Dimensionen an. Der

  17. Fiscal 1994 survey report. Part 2. Study on soil environment remediation system using ecological information and functions; 1994 nendo seitaikei joho to seitaikei kino ni yoru dojo kankyo fukugen system no chosa hokokusho. 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    A survey is conducted of the feasibility of soil environment remediation through detecting contamination of soil and changes in ecosystems caused by industrial activities, with attention paid to biological antagonists. In this fiscal year, based on the results of surveys conducted in the past, studies are continued mainly on hypersensitive biosensing technology using ecosystem functions, remote sensing technology to monitor the terrestrial vegetation and soil environment over wide areas, and soil environment remediation technology using biological antagonists and vegetation. In consideration of Europe's long experience in this field, seven organizations known for their accomplishments are visited, where interviews are held. There is a close relationship between soil environments and ecosystems, and ecosystems are provided not only with information on changes in soil environments but also with functions to remedy soil environments by minimizing secondary contamination. To put such information and functions to practical use, element technologies are indispensable, including hypersensitive soil environment biosensors and environmental remediation by identification and isolation of biological information carrying substances and by vegetation. Proposed in this report is a project for soil remediation by use of biological information and functions and for elucidation of biological antagonists. (NEDO)

  18. Fiscal 1994 survey report. Part 2. Study on soil environment remediation system using ecological information and functions; 1994 nendo seitaikei joho to seitaikei kino ni yoru dojo kankyo fukugen system no chosa hokokusho. 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    A survey is conducted of the feasibility of soil environment remediation through detecting contamination of soil and changes in ecosystems caused by industrial activities, with attention paid to biological antagonists. In this fiscal year, based on the results of surveys conducted in the past, studies are continued mainly on hypersensitive biosensing technology using ecosystem functions, remote sensing technology to monitor the terrestrial vegetation and soil environment over wide areas, and soil environment remediation technology using biological antagonists and vegetation. In consideration of Europe's long experience in this field, seven organizations known for their accomplishments are visited, where interviews are held. There is a close relationship between soil environments and ecosystems, and ecosystems are provided not only with information on changes in soil environments but also with functions to remedy soil environments by minimizing secondary contamination. To put such information and functions to practical use, element technologies are indispensable, including hypersensitive soil environment biosensors and environmental remediation by identification and isolation of biological information carrying substances and by vegetation. Proposed in this report is a project for soil remediation by use of biological information and functions and for elucidation of biological antagonists. (NEDO)

  19. V-v-Vertov R-r-Re-made

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stephensen, Jan Løhmann; Pedersen, Peter Ole


    The seminal work of pioneering avant-garde filmmaker Dziga Vertov, The Man with the Movie Camera (Chevolek s kino-apparatom, 1929) has given rise to a number of discussions about the documentary film genre and new digital media. By way of comparison with American artist Perry Bard’s online movie...... critical analysis of the relation between Vertov’s manifest declarations about the film medium and his resulting cinematic vision, Bard’s project and the work of her chief theoretical inspiration Lev Manovich are examined in the perspective of ‘remake culture,’ participatory authorship and the development...... a documentary film language. In addition to this, possible trajectories from Vertov and his contemporary Constructivists to recent theories of ‘new materialism’ and the notion of Man/Machine co-operation is discussed in length....

  20. Report on a survey in fiscal 1999. Direct oxidation of hydrocarbons by manifestation of functions of methane mono-oxygenase (MMO); 1999 nendo metamonookishinaze (MMO) no kino hatsugen ni yoru tanka suiso no chokusetsu sanka seika hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The metallic enzyme, methane mono-oxygenase (MMO) collected from methanotrophic bacteria, may perform a reaction that has a possibility to proceed direct conversion from methane to methanol under normal temperatures and pressures. However, its utilization of biological bacteria makes massive cultivation and handling difficult, not having realized its practical use. Therefore, research and development has been carried out on a process that can convert directly and selectively hydrocarbons including methane under normal temperatures and pressures, mimicking the excellent functions of MMO. To achieve the development, surveys and discussions were given on the following elementary researches: elucidation of the reaction mechanism in the activation point in microorganism enzymes; analysis of structures in microorganism MMO; creation of a technology to develop a bio-mimetic catalyst; improvement in selectivity of the bio-mimetic catalyst; and international joint research (basic analysis of the catalyst mechanism). As a result, technological problems in developing the mimetic catalyst were put into order, and guidelines and measures for specific catalyst designing are being proposed. Furthermore, a way was opened for international joint research with the complex synthesis research group in CNRS in France, and progress into the step of demonstrating and discussing the feasibility thereof is now ready. (NEDO)

  1. Leninskaja pravda. Iz vseh iskusstv dlja nas vazhneishim javljajetsja kino / Ilja Sundelevitsh

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sundelevitsh, Ilja


    Kunstinäitustest Tallinnas: Tallinna XII graafikatriennaali näitused Rotermanni soolalaos (peanäitus), Kunstihoones (Johannes Saare kuraatorinäitus), Hansapanga galeriis (noortenäitus), Linnagaleriis (eelmise graafikatriennaali võitja Sang-Gon Chungi tööd), Adamson-Ericu muuseumis (eelmiste triennaalide võitjad) jm. Noorte metallikunstnike Andrus Rummu ja Kaarel Sireli töödest A-galeriis.

  2. Evaluation of antioxidant activity of natural products; Kosanka seibun no kino hyokaho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miyazawa, T.; Nakagawa, K. [Tohoku Univ., Sendai (Japan)


    The methods for evaluating antioxidant property of natural products in in vitro and in vivo lipid peroxidation systems are reviewed. Antioxidant activity of tocopherols, carotenoids, flavonoids and curcuminoids have been demonstrated against lipid peroxidation induced in microsomes, erythrocytes, plasma lipoproteins and in animal trials. Recently, in vivo antioxidant function of natural products was extensively investigated in humans together with explanation of their absorbability and metabolic fate. 35 refs., 8 figs., 4 tabs.

  3. UFA Orientalism. The “Orient” in Early German Film: Lubitsch and May

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frank F. Scherer


    Full Text Available Fantastic images of the exotic pervade many early German films which resort to constructions of “Oriental” scenes. Stereotypical representations of China, India, Babylon, and Egypt  dominate the Kino-screens of Weimar Germany. These films were produced in the UFA studios outside Berlin by directors such as Ernst Lubitsch (Sumurum/ One Arabian Night, 1920; Das Weib des Pharaos/The Love of Pharaoas 1922 and John May (Das Indische Grabmal/ The Indian Tomb, 1921. Yet, where recent observers resist the use of a postcolonial perspective it becomes difficult to assess the cinematographic exoticism of post-WWI Germany.This essay, therefore, offers both a discussion of Edward Said’s ‘Orientalism’and a psychoanalytical thesis on the concealment and supposed healing of post-1918 Germany’s national narcissistic wounds by  emphasizing Eurocentric difference in its filmic representations of the Orient.

  4. Sobrevivencia, metamorfosis y crecimiento de larvas del camarón Penaeus californiensis (Decapoda: Peneidae alimentadas con diferentes microalgas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Naranjo


    Full Text Available Se realizó una prueba experimental en un Centro de Producción Ostrícola en Bahía de Kino, Sonora, con el fin de evaluar el efecto de diferentes microalgas en el desarrollo de larvas de camarón café Penaeus californiensis. Las microalgas evaluadas fueron la diatomea Chaetoceros gracilis y los fitoflagelados Isochrysis galbana y Dunalliella sp., solas o en combinación y adición de nauplios de Artemia sp. a partir del estadio de zoea III, excepto en un tratamiento donde no se adicionó Artemia sp. Se utilizaron 24 unidades experimentales (tres por tratamiento, consistentes en garrafones plásticos de 16 l de capacidad, una densidad de siembra de 50 nauplios/l, una temperatura de 25°C controlada mediante calentadores sumergibles de 50 watts y una salinidad de 35 ppmil. C. gracilis produjo la mejor sobrevivencia (55%, siguiendole la combinación de C. gracilis con Dunaliella sp. (48%, la más baja sobrevivencia fue para el tratamiento donde se utilizó Dunaliella sp. fueron evidentes un retraso en la velocidad de metamorfosis para los tratamientos donde C. gracilis no fue utilizada y diferencias significativas (pThe effect of three microalgae, Chaetoceros gracilis, Isochrysis galbana, and Dunalliella sp. on the larval development of yellowleg shrimp Penaeus californiensis, was evaluated in the Oyster Production Center of Bahia Kino, Sonora, México. The effects of each microalgae (1 individually, (2 combined and (3 mixed with Artemia nauplii (from zoea III stage, were considered. Twenty four experimental units (three 16.0 l plastic bottles per treatment were used. During the experiment temperature was maintained around 25°C, and salinity around 35 ppt. The stocking density of nauplii was 50/l. The best survival was obtained with C. gracilis (55%, followed by the combination of C. gracilis and Dunalliella sp (48%. The worst survival was obtained in the treatment with Dunalliella sp. An evident delay in the metamorphosis times was observed in

  5. How to Escape? The Trap of the Transition in the Recent Cinema of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2000-2012

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tomasz Rawski


    Full Text Available How to Escape? The Trap of the Transition in the Recent Cinema of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2000-2012 The paper concerns the latest cinema of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2000-2012. Focusing on the cinema of social criticism (represented by movies which try to rethink the new socio-political order gradually emerging in BiH after the war of 1992-95, the authors recognize the Bosnian society as a community captured in the trap of an unfinished system transition. The story of the Bosnian society, simultaneously stuck in a dysfunctional and oppressive state and completely devoid of any prospects for the improvement of this situation, seems to be dominated by several escape strategies into an alternative reality: the nostalgic past, the imagined present or the utopian future. In that sense, the Bosnian cinema of social criticism turns out to be a cinema of social escapism.   Jak uciec? Pułapka transformacji w najnowszym kinie Bośni i Hercegowiny (2000-2012 Tekst dotyczy najnowszej kinematografii Bośni i Hercegowiny (2000-2012. Skupienie na nurcie kina krytycznego (do którego zaliczone zostały filmy, które próbują interpretować nowy porządek społeczno-polityczny powoli wyłaniający się w Bośni i Hercegowinie po wojnie z lat 1992-95 pozwala ukazać społeczeństwo Bośni i Hercegowiny jako znajdujące się w pułapce wciąż niedokończonej transformacji systemowej. Opowieść o społeczeństwie z jednej strony uwięzionym w dysfunkcjonalnym i opresyjnym państwie, a z drugiej całkowicie pozbawionym perspektyw i nadziei na poprawę sytuacji, zdominowana jest przez rozmaite strategie ucieczki w alternatywną rzeczywistość: nostalgiczną przeszłość, wyobrażoną teraźniejszość lub utopijną przyszłość. W tym sensie, bośniackie kino krytyczne jawi się jako kino eskapizmu społecznego.

  6. Fiscal 1993 technological survey report. R and D project for industrial science and technology (R and D of quantum functional device - studies on technological prediction); 1993 nendo ryoshi kino soshi no kenkyu kaihatsu (gijutsu yosoku kenkyu) seika hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Researches are in progress with a view to establishing fundamental technology for a quantum functional device, which engineeringly uses various quantum mechanical effects emerging in a ultrafine dimentional area, for the purpose of contributing to the micro electronics technology that deals with ultra high speed and ultra high functional information processing necessitated in an advanced information-oriented society. Survey on research activities was conducted concerning the peripheral technologies of a quantum functional device project, for example, related technologies such as a high temperature scanning tunneling microscope enabling preparation of a micro structure of nm order, and an ultra high vacuum CVD device. In addition, discussions were held on the subjects of preparation/evaluation technology of a quantum functional device and a single electronic device, with the purpose of predicting/judging, from a wider viewpoint, indications of unexpected research results of the R and D in the remarkably evolving field of quantum functional devices, quickly taking the indications into projects, and efficiently promoting the R and D by making sure of the directions to proceed. (NEDO)

  7. Taasleitud kadunud ja unustatud kino / Jonathan L. Owen ; tõlkinud Eva Näripea

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Owen, Jonathan L.


    Arvustus: Via Transversa : Lost cinema of the former Eastern bloc. Eds. Eva Näripea, Andreas Trossek. Special issue of Koht ja paik/Place and location :Studies in environmental aesthetics and semiotics VII. Tallinn, 2008

  8. Thainess, filmischer Nationalismus und die Theoriebildung zum thailändischen Kino der Gegenwart


    Böhler, N


    Thainess, the manifestation and expression of Thai national identity, is a focal issue in Thai culture. It also appears in Thai cinema, in story contents as well as in film form and style. When doing research about the form of contemporary Thai cinema, one comes across a wide range of different theoretical positions, including pure description, embracing of Poststructuralist and Neo-Marxist theory, and criticism of these very positions. Based on the assumption that the choice of theory also m...

  9. A letter of Marcus Antonius Kappus to Eusebius Franciscus Kino (Sonora in 1690

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    Tomaž Nabergoj


    Full Text Available The life and work of the Slovene Jesuit, Marcus Antonius Kappus (1657 -1717 who, three centuries ago, worked as a missionary in Sonora, north-west Mexico, has, in recent years, been the subject of several short studies in Slovenia. In this journal, Professor Janez Stanonik has, so far, published five letters which Kappus sent home to his relatives and friends, and one letter which he sent to hi s friend in Vienna, as well as a study on the collection of poems (276 chronograms in Latin, which Kappus published in Mexico City, in 1708, entitled IHS. Enthusiasmus sive solemnes ludi poetici. Prompted by the above publications, the author of this paper spent a month in Sonora while journeying in Mexico in 1991. In Archivo General de la Nación (the general Mexican archives in Mexico City, he happened to find another letter written by Marcus Antonius Kappus.

  10. Concentrations of heavy metals in sediment and organisms during a harmful algal bloom (HAB) at Kun Kaak Bay, Sonora, Mexico

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia-Hernandez, Jaqueline; Garcia-Rico, Leticia; Jara-Marini, Martin E.; Barraza-Guardado, Ramon; Hudson Weaver, Amy


    In early April 2003, fishermen from Kino Bay Sonora alerted us about a massive die-off of fish and mollusks occurring at Kun Kaak Bay. Phytoplankton samples taken on 17 May 2003 reported the presence of a harmful algal bloom composed of Chatonella marina, Chatonella cf. ovata, Gymnodinium catenatum and Gymnodinium sanguineum. On 22 of May, we collected samples of water, sediment and organisms at the affected area. Physicochemical parameters and nutrients were measured in water samples from different depths. Sediment and benthic organisms were analyzed for Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb and Hg. We found concentrations of heavy metals higher than background levels for this area. Cadmium and Lead concentrations in sediment from the HAB area were up to 6x greater than background levels and Cd in mollusks was 8x greater than regulations allow. A relationship between elevated Cd and Pb concentrations in sediment and the survival of toxic dinoflagellates is suspected

  11. Concentrations of heavy metals in sediment and organisms during a harmful algal bloom (HAB) at Kun Kaak Bay, Sonora, Mexico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia-Hernandez, Jaqueline [Centro de investigacion en Alimentacion y Desarrollo AC (CIAD) Guaymas Unit, Carretera al Varadero Nal. Km 6.6, Apdo. Postal 284, CP 85480 Guaymas, Sonora (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Garcia-Rico, Leticia [Centro de investigacion en Alimentacion y Desarrollo AC (CIAD), Carretera a la Victoria Km 0.6, Apdo. Postal 1735, CP 83000 Hermosillo, Sonora (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Jara-Marini, Martin E. [Centro de investigacion en Alimentacion y Desarrollo AC (CIAD), Carretera a la Victoria Km 0.6, Apdo. Postal 1735, CP 83000 Hermosillo, Sonora (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Barraza-Guardado, Ramon [Departamento de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnologicas de la Universidad de Sonora (DICTUS), Rosales y Ninos Heroes s/n Col. Centro, CP 83000 Hermosillo, Sonora (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Hudson Weaver, Amy [Comunidad y Biodiversidad AC - COBI, Terminacion Bahia de Bacochibampo s/m, Fraccionamiento Lomas de Cortes, CP 85450 Guaymas, Sonora (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    In early April 2003, fishermen from Kino Bay Sonora alerted us about a massive die-off of fish and mollusks occurring at Kun Kaak Bay. Phytoplankton samples taken on 17 May 2003 reported the presence of a harmful algal bloom composed of Chatonella marina, Chatonella cf. ovata, Gymnodinium catenatum and Gymnodinium sanguineum. On 22 of May, we collected samples of water, sediment and organisms at the affected area. Physicochemical parameters and nutrients were measured in water samples from different depths. Sediment and benthic organisms were analyzed for Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb and Hg. We found concentrations of heavy metals higher than background levels for this area. Cadmium and Lead concentrations in sediment from the HAB area were up to 6x greater than background levels and Cd in mollusks was 8x greater than regulations allow. A relationship between elevated Cd and Pb concentrations in sediment and the survival of toxic dinoflagellates is suspected.

  12. Psiholoģiskā trillera iezīmes filmās "Would you rather" un "The forest"


    Bite, Linda


    Bakalaura darba tēma ir psiholoģiskā trillera iezīmes filmās ‘’Ko tu labāk’’ un ‘Mežs’’. Darbs sastāv no teorētiskās daļas, kur tika apskatīta teorija par filmām, šausmu kino, šausmu apakš-žanriem, naratīvu un psihoanalīzi. Darbā tika aprakstīta arī metodoloģija ar kuras palīdzību tika veikts pētījums, kas ir semiotiskā analīze un fokusgrupas pētījums. Darbā tika noteikta pētījuma problēma- kas ir tie elementi, kas ļauj atšķirt šausmu filmu no psiholoģiskā trillera. Pētījuma mērķis ir noskai...

  13. Standortbestimmungen der feministischen Film- und TV-Wissenschaft Assessing the Position of Feminist Film and Television Scholarship

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tanja Maier


    Full Text Available Der vorliegende Band versammelt zeitgenössische Perspektiven und Ansätze feministischer Film- und TV-Wissenschaften. In vier Kapiteln werden Fragen nach visuellen Praxen, dem ‚Frühen Kino‘, nach Genre und Geschlecht sowie Räumen des Fernsehens diskutiert. Die Themen und Aspekte reichen von Publikumstheorien, Fragen nach dem Verhältnis von Medialität und Geschlecht, der Wahrnehmungsgeschichte des Films bis hin zu Fragen der Intermedialität oder nach der Bedeutung des Feminismus im (frühen Kino und im Fernsehen.The volume at hand collects contemporary perspectives on and approaches to feminist film and television studies. Questions as to visual praxis, early cinema, genre and gender, and the space of television are discussed in four chapters. The topics and aspects span audience theory, questions as to the relationship between mediality and gender, the history of perception of film, questions of intermediality, and the meaning of feminism in (early cinema and television.

  14. Concentrations of heavy metals in sediment and organisms during a harmful algal bloom (HAB) at Kun Kaak Bay, Sonora, Mexico. (United States)

    García-Hernández, Jaqueline; García-Rico, Leticia; Jara-Marini, Martin E; Barraza-Guardado, Ramón; Hudson Weaver, Amy


    In early April 2003, fishermen from Kino Bay Sonora alerted us about a massive die-off of fish and mollusks occurring at Kun Kaak Bay. Phytoplankton samples taken on 17 May 2003 reported the presence of a harmful algal bloom composed of Chatonella marina, Chatonella cf. ovata, Gymnodinium catenatum and Gymnodinium sanguineum. On 22 of May, we collected samples of water, sediment and organisms at the affected area. Physicochemical parameters and nutrients were measured in water samples from different depths. Sediment and benthic organisms were analyzed for Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb and Hg. We found concentrations of heavy metals higher than background levels for this area. Cadmium and Lead concentrations in sediment from the HAB area were up to 6x greater than background levels and Cd in mollusks was 8x greater than regulations allow. A relationship between elevated Cd and Pb concentrations in sediment and the survival of toxic dinoflagellates is suspected.

  15. Teaching the Five Cs with Cinema

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    Rimma Garn


    Full Text Available This paper discusses teaching the five Cs (as noted in the following introduction, delineated in the “National Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century,” through a college content course based on cinema. It provides an overview of a 2009 Berkeley workshop, “Teaching Language and Culture with Film,” that addressed larger issues related to such courses within the curriculum, their design and teaching. The paper goes on to describe three Russian courses based on the same textbook, KinoTalk, yet designed for different student audiences: for traditional third year students and for various kinds of non-traditional students, for heritage speakers, and for former missionaries with two-years experience in the target country but minimal formal training in the language. In conclusion, the paper suggests ideas for further courses taught using the same textbook and for teaching the five Cs through language and cinema in general.

  16. Fiscal 1996 comprehensive report on R and D on advanced chemical processing technology; 1996 nendo senshin kino soshutsu kako gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu sokatsu hokokusho. Kokoritsu hatsuden'yo buzai sosei gijutsu kaihatsu / sekiyu seisan system fushoku boshi gijutsu kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    R and D was conducted on technology for composite thin film formation such as laser MOCVD, for thin film lamination, and for synthesis reaction and characterization in compounded fields where temperature/pressure/magnetic field/electrical field, etc., are compounded, for the purpose of creating materials with functions newly added or reinforced by regulating compositions and structures through atomic/molecular orders. The R and D was conducted on 24 themes, which were rearranged into four categories. Examples of the themes are as follows; development of super hard permanent magnets by crystallization process control of Nd-Fe-B amorphous alloys, as for structural control technology; research on high functional thin film sensors (PbLaTiO{sub 3}) using laser MOCVD, and research on ultra thin film by multi-ion-beam sputtering with ion/photo irradiation, as for thin film technology; R and D on highly ordered structure control technology in electrode surface compounded reaction fields, as for compounded fields; and, research on diagnostic technique for compounded reaction fields by laser-ionization method, as for supporting technologies. (NEDO)

  17. Leading research on brain functional information processing; No kino joho shori no sendo kenkyu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This research aims at searching the concept of an information processing device with a fully different architecture from a previous ones based on the study on human brain function, sense and perception, and developing the basic fabrication technology for such system, and realizing the human-like information processing mechanism of memorization, learning, association, perception, intuition and value judgement. As an approach deriving biological and technological models from experimental brain studies, the model was derived from the brain functional information processing based on brain development/differentiation mechanism, the control mechanism/material of brain activities, and the knowledge obtained from brain measurement and study. In addition, for understanding a brain oscillation phenomenon by computational neuroscience, the cerebral cortex neural network model composed of realistic neuron models was proposed. Evaluation of the previous large-scale neural network chip system showed its ability of learning and fast processing, however, the next-generation brain computer requires further R and D of some novel architecture, device and system. 184 refs., 41 figs., 2 tabs.

  18. Autoclaved lightweight aerated concrete. ; Manufacture/performance/application. Keiryo kiho concrete. ; Sono seiho kino yoto

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Isome, Y. (Asahi Chemical Industry Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan))


    This paper reviews the manufacturing process, performance, and application of autoclaved lightweight aerated concrete (ALC). ALC is produced by a two-step process composed of molding and autoclaving, using quartz, lime, portland cement, and small quantities of aluminum as raw materials. In the molding step, aluminum reacts with alkali to generate hydrogen gas, thus forming air pores in the slurry. On the other hand, calcium silicate hydrates are produced by the reaction of lime and portland cement with water, resulting in formation of voids in the intergranular spaces vacated by the reacting water. In the autoclaving step, tobermorite (crystalline calcium silicate hydrates) is formed by the reaction of quartz and calcium silicate hydrates under high temperature and high pressure steam, and the intergranular voids are reduced to micropores in size as a result of the hydrothermal reaction. The air-pore and micropore structure adds unique physical properties to the ALC, such as fire resistance, heat insulation, lightness and strength. ALC is widely used as a useful material for homes and multistory buildings. 10 refs., 10 figs., 1 tab.

  19. "Aparat" čy "dyspozytyv"? Notatky pro vyrobnyctvo obrazu i vyrobnyctvo sub''jekta v kino

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ol'ha Briukhovets'ka


    Während der Begriff "Apparatus" in der Filmtheorie gut etabliert ist, ging sein Pendant und zugleich korrelatives Double "Dispositiv" (ebenfalls in die Filmtheorie von Jean-Louis Baudry in den 1970er Jahren eingeführt, bei der Übersetzung aus dem Französischen ins Englische verloren. So verschwand auch der nuancierte Bedeutungsunterschied zwischen den beiden Begriffen, und damit die Unterscheidung von zwei Prozessen – einem, der sich auf die Bildproduktion bzw. die Figuration bezieht, und einem anderen, bei dem es um die Subjektproduktion bzw. die Subjektwerdung geht. Der Begriff "Dispositiv" tauchte in der Filmtheorie gelegentlich als Ersatz für den Begriff oder die Theorie des "Apparatus" auf. Der Beitrag beabsichtigt, die ursprüngliche Unterscheidung zwischen den beiden Begriffen wieder herzustellen und ein mögliches Vorgehen nicht nur für die Filmtheorie, sondern auch für die Analyse bestimmter Filme aufzuzeigen. Am Beispiel von zwei Filmen, Tini zabutich predkiv / Schatten der vergessenen Vorfahren (Sergij Paradžanov, 1965, Sowjetunion und Bol’šaja žizn’. Vtoraja čast’ / Das große Leben. Zweiter Teil  (Leonid Lukov, 1946, Sowjetunion wird gezeigt, wie die beiden Begriffe "Apparatus" und "Dispositiv" in konkreten filmischen Texten angewandt werden könnten. Schatten der vergessenen Vorfahren wurde mit proto-faschistischen Bergfilmen verglichen, wenn auch nur auf der Ebene des "Produktionsdramas",  um zu zeigen, wie durch das optische Unbewusste des Apparatus, der Bildproduktion und der Figuration das ethnisch Andere zurückgewiesen wird. Die Dezentrierung des Bildes, welche die grundlegenden, ungeschriebenen Regel des Anthropozentrismus verletzt, entblößt am Ende von Das große Leben. Zweiter Teil ein stalinistisches Dispositiv, seine spezifische Generierung des Subjekts und dessen Interpellation.

  20. Hierarchical functional model for automobile development; Jidosha kaihatsu no tame no kaisogata kino model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sumida, S [U-shin Ltd., Tokyo (Japan); Nagamatsu, M; Maruyama, K [Hokkaido Institute of Technology, Sapporo (Japan); Hiramatsu, S [Mazda Motor Corp., Hiroshima (Japan)


    A new approach on modeling is put forward in order to compose the virtual prototype which is indispensable for fully computer integrated concurrent development of automobile product. A basic concept of the hierarchical functional model is proposed as the concrete form of this new modeling technology. This model is used mainly for explaining and simulating functions and efficiencies of both the parts and the total product of automobile. All engineers who engage themselves in design and development of automobile can collaborate with one another using this model. Some application examples are shown, and usefulness of this model is demonstrated. 5 refs., 5 figs.

  1. Nipernaadid udus : A. Gailiti "Toomas Nipernaadi" retseptsioonist eesti teatris ja kinos / Veiko Märka

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märka, Veiko, 1964-


    K. Kiisa film "Nipernaadi", sellesuvised vabaõhulavastused Ugalas ja Emajõe Suveteatris, lühidalt esimesest Nipernaadi lavastusest 1936. a. Draamastuudios (dramatiseerija ja lavastaja A. Särev). Vaadeldakse lavastaja- ja näitlejatöid, ka muusikalist kujundust

  2. Introductory study of brain function data processing; No kino joho shori no sendo kenkyu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    An investigational study was conducted of the brain function aiming at developing an interface with the same function as humans have. In the study, the most up-to-date information/knowledge and future problems were examined on brain measurement, brain modeling, making a model an element, and the brain function data processing system. As to the brain measurement, the paper took up the multielectrode simultaneous measuring method and the optical multipoint measuring method as an invasive measuring method, and the functional magnetic resonance imaging, near-infrared spectroscopy, magneto-encephalography, and electro-encephalography as a non-invasive measuring method. Relating to the brain modeling, studies were made on senses of sight and smell, the movement control and the learning. As to making a model an element, how to make the modeled function a chip on silicone for example becomes the problem. Reported were two reports on making the sense of sight an element and one report on making the parallel dispersed processing mechanism of brain an element. About the brain function data processing system, three reports were made on the present situation, matters in question, and the future development of the system in the case of catching data processing as a system taking a step ahead from making the model an element. 250 refs., 74 figs., 11 tabs.

  3. Na Wschodzie, czyli nigdzie. Spojrzenie na kino Europy Środko-Wschodniej w perspektywie postkolonialnej


    Bartczak, Magdalena


    This article explores the theme of applying postcolonial theory to the culture of Central and Eastern Europe, basically – to the contemporary cinema. Eastern European postcolonial consciousness at the end of the 20th century is marked by overcoming cultural provinciality and marginality and, as such, is infected with imaginary revenge and the emotion of resentment to a significant degree. Eastern European cinema is a field where postcolonial imagination is articulated and where va...

  4. Fiscal 1996 comprehensive report on R and D on advanced chemical processing technology; 1996 nendo senshin kino soshutsu kako gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu sokatsu hokokusho. Kokoritsu hatsuden'yo buzai sosei gijutsu kaihatsu / sekiyu seisan system fushoku boshi gijutsu kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    R and D was conducted on technology for composite thin film formation such as laser MOCVD, for thin film lamination, and for synthesis reaction and characterization in compounded fields where temperature/pressure/magnetic field/electrical field, etc., are compounded, for the purpose of creating materials with functions newly added or reinforced by regulating compositions and structures through atomic/molecular orders. The R and D was conducted on 24 themes, which were rearranged into four categories. Examples of the themes are as follows; development of super hard permanent magnets by crystallization process control of Nd-Fe-B amorphous alloys, as for structural control technology; research on high functional thin film sensors (PbLaTiO{sub 3}) using laser MOCVD, and research on ultra thin film by multi-ion-beam sputtering with ion/photo irradiation, as for thin film technology; R and D on highly ordered structure control technology in electrode surface compounded reaction fields, as for compounded fields; and, research on diagnostic technique for compounded reaction fields by laser-ionization method, as for supporting technologies. (NEDO)

  5. Biological processing of carbon dioxide. ; Photosynthetic function of plants, and carbon dioxide fixing function of marine organisms. Nisanka tanso no seibutsuteki shori. ; Shokubutsu no kogosei kino to kaiyo seibutsu no nisanka tanso kotei kino

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hirai, M [National Research Inst. for Pollution and Resources, Tsukuba (Japan)


    This paper describes photosynthetic function of plants, and CO {sub 2} fixing function of marine organisms. Among the photosythetic reaction systems, the C {sub 3} type reaction carries out CO {sub 2} fixation using the Calvin cycle, and takes out the carbon dioxide out of the system through enzymatic reactions of 3-phosphoglycerate {yields} fructose-6-phosphate. The C {sub 4} type reaction has a special cycle to supply CO {sub 2} to the Calvin cycle, i. e. C {sub 4} dicarboxylic acid cycle. The CAM type reaction enables the photosynthetic type to be converted according to variations in the growing environment. The majority of the surace agricultural crops are from C {sub 3} plants, of which yield may be increased when grown in a high CO {sub 2} atmosphere. On the one hand, gene engineering may make possible breeding of plants having high CO {sub 2} fixing capability. In the area of marine organisms, lime algae growing in clusters around coral reefs form and deposit CaCO {sub 3}. Reef creating corals have symbiotically in their stomach layer brown algae having photosynthetic function to build CaCO {sub 3} skeleton. The corals calcify algae quickly and in a large quantity, hence play an important role in fixing underwater CO {sub 2}. 2 tabs.

  6. V-v-Vertov R-r-Re-Made

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    Pedersen Peter Ole


    Full Text Available The seminal work of pioneering avant-garde filmmaker Dziga Vertov, The Man with the Movie Camera (Chevolek s kino-apparatom, 1929 has given rise to a number of discussions about the documentary film genre and new digital media. By way of comparison with American artist Perry Bard’s online movie project entitled Man With a Movie Camera: The Global Remake (2007, this article investigates the historical perspective of this visionary depiction of reality and its impact on the heralded participatory culture of contemporary digital media, which can be traced back to Russian Constructivism. Through critical analysis of the relation between Vertov’s manifest declarations about the film medium and his resulting cinematic vision, Bard’s project and the work of her chief theoretical inspiration Lev Manovich are examined in the perspective of ‘remake culture,’ participatory authorship and the development a documentary film language. In addition to this, possible trajectories from Vertov and his contemporary Constructivists to recent theories of ‘new materialism’ and the notion of Man/Machine-co-operation is discussed in length.

  7. Micrometeorological function of paddy fields that control temperature conditions; Suiden no ondo kankyo kanwa kino

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oue, H; Fukushima, T [Ehime University, Ehime (Japan). Faculty of Agriculture; Maruyama, T [Kyoto University, Kyoto (Japan). Faculty of Agriculture


    A verification was conducted on the micrometeorological function of paddy fields that control temperature conditions. A movement measurement was executed in order to elucidate air temperature distribution in the paddy field area. The observation revealed the following matters: air temperatures over paddy fields and farm lands are lower than those at bare lands and paved areas; air temperatures downwind the paddy fields are lower than those in residential areas; and air temperatures on the paddy fields are lower than those on the farm lands. Measurement of the air temperature distribution in paddy fields revealed that a paddy field becomes a heat absorbing source in the process of breeze blowing over the paddy field, and alleviates the temperature environment in the downwind area. A discussion was given on the specificity of surface temperature of the paddy field from the above result. It is the feature of paddy fields in summer that the energy exceeding the radiated amount is distributed into latent heat around the noon of a day. The surface temperatures are in the decreasing order of non-irrigated bare land > irrigated bare land > atmometer water surface > farm land > paddy field. The upper limit for the paddy field surface was around 28{degree}C. Surface temperature forming factors were discussed, and the surface temperature parameters (relative humidity, evaporation efficiency, etc.) were derived on each type of the land surface. The surface temperatures on each land surface were calculated using the parameter values. The result revealed that a paddy field having high relative humidity and evaporation efficiency has an effect to suppress the surface temperatures. 6 refs., 10 figs., 1 tab.

  8. Surface structures and optical functions of living things. Seibutsu no hyomen kozo to kogaku kino

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kumazawa, K.; Takimoto, J.; Tanaka, S.; Tabata, H. (Nissan Motor Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan))


    This paper describes the following matters as one example of structural coloring of non-motional nature on the coloring mechanism in wings of Morpho sulkouskyi butterfly: The structure of scales on butterfly wings may be modelled into such a structure of a right angle frame of reference having a cyclic arrangement (with an interval of 0.7 [mu]m) of a zigzagged protrusion in the 'x' direction called a ridge (with a height of 1.8 [mu]m and a width of 0.54 [mu]m, the shape not changing in the 'y' direction), and having a plurality of protrusions of a ridge form called lamella in the 'z' (height) direction. A simple multi-layered thin film model was assumed that has lamella layers and air layers laminated alternately in the 'z' direction. The model was used to calculate reflection spectra on vertically incident light based on thickness and refractive index of material layers determined by a structural analysis of the scales. The result was considerably close to the reflection spectra of scales measured by using a microscopic spectrophotometer when the number of layers is set to six. The paper describes briefly examples of motility structural coloring (skin cells of rainbow color in tropical fish). 7 refs., 12 figs.

  9. Die Welt als Puppenhaus. Die verzauberten Filme des Wes Anderson als Retrospektive im Kino Xenix


    Binotto, Johannes


    Nur gerade sieben Filme hat der Regisseur und Autor Wes Anderson bisher gemacht, damit aber ein einzigartiges Œuvre geschaffen. Das Xenix zeigt diese melancholischen und verspielten Kunstwerke, zusammen mit Filmen, die als Inspiration dienten.

  10. Kino filmų titrai kaip kalbų mokymosi priemonė. Untertitel als Mittel zum Fremdsprachenerwerb

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    Alina Baravykaitė


    Full Text Available Das in den letzten Jahren spürbare Bestreben der litauischen Gesetzgeber, Untertitelung von Fernsehfilmen zwecks Fremdsprachenerwerb gesetzlich anzuordnen, löste eine Auseinandersetzung in der Öffentlichkeit aus, die sich in der Presse sowie im Internet widerspiegelt und als Anstoß zum vorliegenden Beitrag dient. Diese Arbeit stellt den Versuch dar, die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Untertitelung als eines Mittels zum Fremdsprachenerwerb zu untersuchen. Auf Grund der fehlenden wissenschaftlichen Forschungen in diesem Bereich sollen dabei empirische Betrachtungen und die vergleichende Textanalyse von Original und Übersetzung als Hilfe dienen. Auch wenn die Relevanz der Untertitelung für den Fremdsprachenerwerb nicht bestreitbar ist, ist sie aber zugleich nicht zu überschätzen: Durch die lediglich für diese Form der audiovisuellen Übersetzung charakteristischen Merkmale (kurze Einblendezeit, kondensierte Sprache und begrenzte Übertragungsmöglichkeiten von Realia-Begriffen, Phraseologismen, Intertextualismen, dem Wortspiel etc. bleiben dem Zuschauer oft sprachliche Stilmittel vorenthalten und der in allen Übersetzungsbereichen vorkommende unausweichliche Sinn- und Wirkungsverlust des Originals wird erheblich verstärkt. Anbetracht der erwähnten Aspekte und der häufigen fehlerhaften Übersetzungen sollen Untertitel nur als Hilfsmittel beim Fremdsprachenerwerb angewendet werden, wobei herkömmliche Lehr- und Lernstrategien von Fremdsprachen in den Vordergrund treten müssen.

  11. Research and development project for industrial and scientific technologies in fiscal 1999. An achievement report on research and development of quantization functioning elements (surveys and studies on technological trends); 1999 nendo ryoshika kino soshi no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Gijutsu doko chosa kenkyu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In order to serve for research and development of quantization functioning elements, surveys have been made on research activities related to ancillary technologies and related technologies for the quantization functioning element project. This paper summarizes the status of researches in each field and the technological trends therein with regard to theoretical and experimental development activities on new silicon-based and compound-based elements in the quantization functioning element project, generalization of the current status of the project as a whole, and the prospects thereon. Regarding the current status and future of the quantization functioning elements, the paper describes the causes for the decline of the Japanese semiconductor industry, and discussions on strategies for revitalization of the semiconductor industry. The paper also describes the followings: the current status of the compound-based quantization functioning element project, design methods for quantization functioning elements using silicon as the base and the ultimate single electron integrated circuits, the current status and problems of the compound-based quantization functioning elements, circuit and system technologies related to quantization functioning elements, proposals on silicon nano-devices and neo-silicon, and the future prospects on silicon- based quantum effect devices and single electron devices, and compound semiconductor devices. (NEDO)

  12. Research and development achievement report for fiscal 1998 on accelerated type biological function construction technologies. Development of new-type advanced-function enzyme creating technologies; 1998 nendo kasokugata seibutsu kino kochiku gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Shingata kokino koso sosei gijutsu kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    An artificial mutation/selection system was constructed in a laboratory based on molecular-level findings collected about the biological evolution mechanism, and biotechnology was studied for creating excellent biological functions. In the study of novel mutation generating technologies, selection is performed after the formation of numerous chimera enzymes by a family shuffling process using resistance to heat as the index. Then, a hybrid enzyme with its resistance to heat more than 10 times higher than that of the parent enzyme was obtained. In the study of establishing coordination between genotype and phenotype, a highly sensitive bacterial coordination technology was developed, and a highly sensitive detection method was constructed using a flow cytometer. As for technologies of highly efficient selection, a research was conducted about the selection of catalytic antibodies equipped with protease and esterase activity. In the study of technologies for enhancing adaptive walk in an evolution experimenting system, the usefulness is studied of a terrain survey based on the adaptive walk theory and a high-efficiency adaptive walk method using the mutation scrambling method. (NEDO)

  13. Fiscal 1998 intellectual infrastructure project utilizing civil sector functions. Research and development project on prompt-effect type intellectual infrastructure creation (Comprehensive survey); 1998 nendo minkan no kino wo katsuyoshita chiteki kiban jigyo seika hokokusho. Sokkogata chiteki kiban sosei kenkyu kaihatsu jigyo (sogo chosa)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Surveys and studies were conducted to facilitate and invigorate research, development, and economic activities and to provide technology related intellectual assets in an organized, systematic way. In the survey related to the buildup of intellectual infrastructures, questionnaires were sent to 789 organizations in the industrial and academic domains concerning measuring standards, reference materials, base for information on biological resources, base for safety management of chemical substances, base relating to human life and welfare, and base of knowledge relating to materials. On-site surveys were also conducted in Asia, Australia, North America, and Europe. Concerning 10 inorganic reference solutions whose development is urged because they are related to environments, raw materials for them were selected, required purity levels were defined, and methods for measurement and evaluation of safety when in prolonged preservation were investigated. Conducted in the research and development of individual subjects were database buildup on thermophysical properties, research into long-term durability of heat-resistant composite materials, research into textural structure and characteristics as materials of sintered bodies of fine ceramics, database buildup on the safety of non-ferrous metals, studies of base of human characteristics measurement, and the like. (NEDO)

  14. FY1995 trial production of brain functional chip; 1995 nendo no kino shuseki chip no shisaku

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The present computer system will run on a program which is prepared in advance. On the other hand, the human brain can acquire some processes from learning with experiments. It would be very useful us human nature, if these learning process should be build up artificially. Our aim is to reveal basic self-acquiring mechanism of information and its processes of the brain, and preliminary research, including theoretical problems, for building up specialized processor chip. Many research on the brain have been held at the views of scientifically and medically. However; we focused on the principle brain learning process itself. The results of the research was directly realized on a specialized processor chip tuned for high-speed simulation of neural network. We could pointed out some problems on the present brain type processor, and discussed about basic technique for implementation of the next age brain type processor and theories. (NEDO)

  15. The Monolingual Lusoga Dictionary Faced with Demands from a New User Category

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    Minah Nabirye


    resources to do so, one can reuse and expand on the data found in an existing higher-level dictionary.

    OBUFUNZE: Eiwanika ly'Olusoga lizuuseeku omukozesa ataali muluubilile. Mu lupapula muno mulagibwamu engeli Eiwanika ly’Olusoga elyawandiikilwa omukozesa atuuseeku mu kyomusanvu bwe lizuuseeku omukozesa okuva mu kibiina kyolubelyebelye okutuuka mu kyokusatu. Kino kiidhie lwa kuba ensomesa y’olulimi Olusoga eli kuteebwa mu nkola aye ng’ebyetaagisa okutuukiliza omulimu guno bikaali kutuukilizibwa. Okwekeenenia kw’ebiwandiiko ebiliwo ku oba mu Lusoga ebisobola okwemelezaawo ensomesa mu lulimi Olusoga kuzwile nti Eiwanika ni lyonka elilina ebyetaagibwa okusimba omusingi gw’ebyendhegelesa mu lulimi Olusoga ebisobola okutuukana n’ebyetaago by’omukozesa aluubililwa mu kiseela kino. Waile ng’amakobo g’Eiwanika gaaliba gatuukana n’ebyetaago by’omukozesa ono, engeli ye gaategekebwa mu Iwanika teyanguyila mukozesa ono muyaaka kugeeyunila bukalamu. Okwinhonhola kw’amakobo g’Eiwanika kwasinga kukolebwa mu musomo amakobo gano mwegaasibuka. Kale kyaba nti amakobo agandi gazila bulungi businziilo mu Iwanika busobola kwetengelela kuyamba omukozesa aluubililwa. Ebyava mu kugezesa ensomesa y’ebyennnimi enzaalilanwa mu Uganda okwakolebwa ekitongole kya National Curriculum Development Centre byazuula nti omusomi ti ni yenka ayenda okutendekebwa aye n’omusomesa agya akusomesa yeena ayenda obuyambi. Engeli ebiwandiiko by’abaana abato bwe by’ekengelwa einho ate ng’omukozesa omuluubilile ow’Eiwanika yali muntu mukulu, eisila lili ku musomesa w’abasomi abo. Okutendeka omusomesa ono mu bimwetaagibwamu ng’asomesa Olusoga, akatabo akandi akalaga engeli y’okusomesaamu amakobo g’Eiwanika kaidha kuwandiikibwa okumulaga engeli y’ayinza okukozesa ebili mu nnhandhula ni mu nfaanana y’olulimi mu Iwanika okutegeka amasomo g’Olusoga ag’endhawulo. Waile nga kyali gwaine nti ebitabo ebita eisila ku nsomesa y’Olusoga mu pulaimale n

  16. Mariann Lewinsky (Hg.: Cento Anni Fa. Attrici Comiche E Suffragette 1910–1914/Comic Actresses And Suffragettes 1910–1914. Bologna: Edizioni Cinemateca di Bologna 2010.

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    Sarah Dellmann


    Full Text Available Diese DVD stellt 19 kurze Komödien aus den Jahren 1910 bis 1914 zusammen. Das noch junge Genre der Komödie, so die Kuratorin Mariann Lewinsky, war innerhalb der Filmproduktion das entscheidende Terrain der Auseinandersetzungen um Geschlechterrollen. In den Filmen werden Komikerinnen gezeigt, die mit traditionellen Geschlechterrollen brechen und den Handlungsraum von Frauen erweitern. Ein Kapitel ist den Suffragetten gewidmet, hier findet sich auch dokumentarisches Filmmaterial der Zeit. Im beigefügten Booklet werden die Filme mittels feministischer Theorien zum (Frühen Kino in die Filmgeschichte eingeordnet, eine Verknüpfung mit den politischen Ereignissen der Zeitgeschichte wird leider nicht vorgenommen.This DVD is a collection of 19 short comedies from 1910 to 1914. According to the curator Mariann Lewinsky, the still young comedy genre was the central venue for discussions about gender roles in film production. The movies show female comedians who challenge traditional gender roles and broaden women’s space of action. One chapter, which also contains documentary footage, is dedicated to the suffragettes. Using feminist theories on (early film, the included booklet integrates the movies into cinematic history, unfortunately without connecting them to the political events of contemporary history.

  17. Fiscal 1996 survey report on overseas technology concerning R and D on advanced chemical processing technology; 1996 nendo senshin kino soshutsu kako gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu kaigai gijutsu chosa hokokusho. Kokoritsu hatsuden'yo buzai sosei gijutsu kaihatsu / sekiyu seisan system fushoku boshi gijutsu kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    R and D was conducted on technologies for ultra high purity separation/processing, ultra fine particle crystal control, and high functional organic material synthesis and support. The results were classified into four categories and, on the basis of the results, the researchers paid a visit to and had a conference with related organizations overseas, for the purpose of exchanging opinions with European and American specialists and extracting evaluation and problems of the results. On laser CVD/organic thin film technology, eight institutions including University College London were visited by the researchers, with opinions exchanged on eight subjects such as studies on synthesis of high functional metallic thin film using the laser MOCVD method. On new materials/processing technology, seven institutions including MIT were visited, with opinions exchanged on the results of four researches such as preparation of Pb-based ferroelectric thin film using multi-ion-beam sputtering method. On micro-structure characterization technology, six institutions including MIT were visited, with opinions exchanged on the results of nine studies such as micro-structure characterization by transmission electron microscopy. On ion CVD/ion implantation technology, five institutions including The University of Salford were visited, with opinions exchanged on the results of seven researches such as creation and utilization of ultra-high vacuum. (NEDO)

  18. Fiscal 1996 survey report on overseas technology concerning R and D on advanced chemical processing technology; 1996 nendo senshin kino soshutsu kako gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu kaigai gijutsu chosa hokokusho. Kokoritsu hatsuden'yo buzai sosei gijutsu kaihatsu / sekiyu seisan system fushoku boshi gijutsu kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    R and D was conducted on technologies for ultra high purity separation/processing, ultra fine particle crystal control, and high functional organic material synthesis and support. The results were classified into four categories and, on the basis of the results, the researchers paid a visit to and had a conference with related organizations overseas, for the purpose of exchanging opinions with European and American specialists and extracting evaluation and problems of the results. On laser CVD/organic thin film technology, eight institutions including University College London were visited by the researchers, with opinions exchanged on eight subjects such as studies on synthesis of high functional metallic thin film using the laser MOCVD method. On new materials/processing technology, seven institutions including MIT were visited, with opinions exchanged on the results of four researches such as preparation of Pb-based ferroelectric thin film using multi-ion-beam sputtering method. On micro-structure characterization technology, six institutions including MIT were visited, with opinions exchanged on the results of nine studies such as micro-structure characterization by transmission electron microscopy. On ion CVD/ion implantation technology, five institutions including The University of Salford were visited, with opinions exchanged on the results of seven researches such as creation and utilization of ultra-high vacuum. (NEDO)

  19. Fiscal 2000 regional consortium research and development project - regional new technology creation research and development. Massive rapid identification of gene functions; 2000 nendo chiiki consortium kenkyu kaihatsu jigyo - chiiki shingijutsu soshutsu kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Idenshi kino no tairyo jinsoku dotei ni kansuru kenkyu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Efforts are exerted to develop a system for massive and rapid identification of unknown genes through the utilization of techniques based on the unusual membrane fusion characteristics of HVJ (hemagglutinating virus of Japan), which enables the introduction of genes efficiently and uniformly into cultured cells and living organs (development into a kit). Activities are conducted in the three fields of (1) the development of a method for introducing genes using an HVJ envelop vector, (2) a survey of kit marketing and cold storage facilities in the selling and distribution of the kit, and (3) a comprehensive survey. In the field of (1), studies are conducted for the establishment of methods for HVJ envelop vector production and refining, the establishment of an optimized method for encapsulating genes into the HVJ envelop vector, and the introduction of genes into cultured central neurons using the HVJ envelop vector system. A refining method has been established, which comprises the inoculation of HVJ into eggs, 4-day culture, egg cutting, liquid sampling (chorioallantoic liquid), inactivation (addition of alkylating agent), filtration, enrichment (ultrafiltration), and an anion exchange chromatogram. (NEDO)

  20. El pensamiento cinematográfico de Roman Jakobson

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    Puyal, Alfonso


    Full Text Available The article turns on the film theory outlined by the Russian linguist from three contributions: the essay “Is the Film in Decline?” (1933; the interview on cinema realized in 1967; and some comments disseminated in its writings. The hypothesis that raises Roman Jakobson is the transposition of the literary features to the cinematographic mean, until rising what the Russian formalists came in calling “Poetics of Cinema” (Poetika Kino. In this sense, the most revealing contribution is the study of the metonimic and metaphorical functions that the cinema unfolds from the segmentation and the assemblage. A panoramic one by the relations that maintained Jakobson with the poets and painters of the Czech and Russian avant-garde, their culture in film matter (movies, filmmakers, or the theoretical references that handled in film questions are some of the themes undertaken with the aim to contextualize the vision that Jakobson had of cinematographic medium. The thickness of the article will be centered in its article of 1933 on movies, writing as a result of the consequences of the sound in the film language, as well as of a small experience in the making of the movies during its stay in the Czech Republic.

    El artículo versa sobre la teoría cinematográfica esbozada por el lingüista ruso a partir de tres aportaciones: el ensayo “¿Decadencia del cine?” (1933; la entrevista sobre cine realizada en 1967; y algunos comentarios diseminados en sus escritos. La hipótesis que plantea Jakobson es la transposición de los recursos literarios al medio cinematográfico, hasta levantar lo que los formalistas denominaron “poética del cine” (Poetika kino. En este sentido, la aportación más reveladora es el estudio de las funciones metonímicas y metafóricas que el cine despliega a partir de la planificación y el montaje. Una panorámica por las relaciones que mantuvo Jakobson con los poetas y pintores de la vanguardia rusa

  1. Lutshije muzhtshinõ-aktjorõ - v Rossii. A lutsheje kino - v Rumõnii / Maria Davtjan, Tatjana Pinskaja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Davtjan, Maria


    60-nda Cannes'i filmifestivali auhindadest : Kuldse Palmioksa saanud Christian Mungiu "4 kuud, 3 nädalat ja 2 päeva" (Rumeenia), Konstantin Lavronenko parima näitleja auhind Andrei Zvjagintsevi filmis "Pagendus" (Izgnanije") jt

  2. FY1995 basic research for neuroactive materials; 1995 nendo shinkei kino zairyo kaihatsu ni kansuru kiban kenkyu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Development of nenroactive materials to improve neuronal defects is one of the most important subjects in Japan that will soon become a aging society. In this project, basic research for neuroactive molecule was performed to develop technology for neuronal regeneration, regulation of synaptic activity and interface between artificial surface and living neurons. A novel neurite promoting factor was discovered and its cDNA was cloned. Mutagenesis in vitro showed that a functional region of this factor located in a polypeptide of less than 50 aminoacids. Using neuronal culture, synapse formation was found to depend on two modes of activities and long-lasting synaptic potentiation was demonstrated to depend on a macromolecules released from pre- or postsynaptic neurons. To regulate nervous activities, photoactivated caged-peptide was developed and confirmed to change in affinity to its receptor. Neurons were cultured on substrates paterned by microlithography. (NEDO)

  3. Function of mammalian genes regulation cellular growth; Saibo zoshoku wo seigyosuru dobutsu saibo idenshi no kino kaiseki

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matsumoto, K. [Nagoya University, Nagoya (Japan)


    Intracellular signaling from receptor tyrosine kindles in mammalian cells results in activation of a signal cascade that includes the guanine nucleotide binding protein Ras and the protein kinases Raf, MEK [Mitogen activated protein kindle (MAPK) or Extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) kinase] and MAPK. MAPK activation that is dependent on the coupling of Ras and Raf was reconstituted in yeast. Yeast genes were isolated that, when overexpressed, enhanced the function of Raf. One of them is identical to BMH 1, which encodes a protein similar to members of the mammalian 14-3-3 family. Bacterially synthesized mammalian 14-3-3 protein stimulated the activity of Raf prepared from yeast cells expressing c-Raf-1. Thus, the 14-3-3 protein may participate in or be required for activation of Raf. 9 refs., 2 figs.

  4. Idabloki unustatud kino : Ülevaade konverentiskogumikust "Via Transversa : Lost Cinema of the Former Eastern Bloc" / Martin Oja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oja, Martin, 1978-


    2007. a. oktoobris Tallinnas toimunud konverentsi "Via Transversa : Lost Cinema of the Former Eastern Bloc" ettekannetel põhinevast kogumikust: Via Transversa : Lost Cinema of the Former Eastern Bloc / editors Eva Näripea, Andreas Trossek. Tallinn : Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, 2008. (Koht ja paik ; 7)

  5. Compositional variation of glauconites in Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene sedimentary iron-ore deposits in South-eastern Western Siberia (United States)

    Rudmin, Maxim; Banerjee, Santanu; Mazurov, Aleksey


    Glauconite occurs either as unaltered greenish or as altered brownish variety in Upper Cretaceous-Palaeocene sediments in the southeastern corner of Western Siberia. Studied section within the Bakchar iron-ore deposit includes Ipatovo, Slavgorod, Gan'kino and Lyulinvor formations, which are represented by sandstones, siltstones, claystones and oolitic ironstones of coastal-marine facies. The origin of unaltered glauconite is explained by the ;verdissement theory;. Transgressions during Lower Coniacian, Santonian and Campanian favored the formation of unaltered glauconites in dysoxic to anoxic conditions. Subaerial exposure of glauconite resulted in leaching of potassium, oxidation of iron and formation of iron hydroxides in Upper Coniacian, Maastrichtian and Palaeocene. Glauconite ultimately converts to leptochlorite and hydrogoethite by this alteration. Abundant microscopic gold inclusions, besides sulphides, sulphates, oxides and silicates characterize this glauconite. Mineral inclusions include precious, rare metals and non-ferrous metals. The concentration of gold in glauconite may be as high as 42.9 ppb. Abundant inclusions of various compositions in glauconites indicate enrichment of marine sediments in precious and non-precious metals. While major element composition of glauconites is affected by subaerial exposure, the broadly similar micro-inclusions in both altered and unaltered varieties are possibly related to the comparatively immobile nature of REE and trace elements.

  6. О традициях русской любовной лирики XIX века (Н. Некрасов и Ф. Тютчев | Apie XIX amžiaus meilės lyrikos tradiciją (N. Nekrasovas ir F. Tiutčevas

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    Дагне Бержайте


    Full Text Available Intymiąją N. Nekrasovo ir F. Tiutčevo lyriką suartina dialogiškas eilėraščių pobūdis ir kai kurių rusų meilės lyrikos tradicinių motyvų raida (pvz., Puškino „išgyvenimų prisiminimų“ tema. Šie motyvai ir vaizdiniai (pavyduliavimas, kančios, lemtis, laiškai, liepsna neretai įgyja skirtingą plėtotę poetų meilės eilėraščiuose. Straipsnyje pagrindiniu nagrinėjimo objektu yra N. Nekrasovo „Degantys laiškai“ ir F. Tiutčevo „Ji sedėjo ant grindų…“. Šių dviejų tekstų analogija nagrinėjama temos ir vaizdinių lygmenyje. Išanalizuotos personažų (lyrinio subjekto ir herojės lyrinio vyksmo panašybės ir skirtybės. Autorė daro išvadą, kad Nekrasovo meilės lyrika, nepaisant romantinių motyvų pastovumo, artima XIX a. antros pusės rusų psichologinei prozai su jai būdinga griaunančios meilės jėgos tema.

  7. FY 1993 report on the results of the R and D of advanced function creation processing technology. Development of technology for corrosion prevention of the petroleum production system; 1993 nendo senshin kino soshutsu kako gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Sekiyu seisan system fushoku boshi gijutsu kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In the study of a corrosion resistant high sensitivity gas sensor, the following two technologies are needed: decrease in impurities of materials for super-higher purity, and formation of films with physically high quality such as orientation and homogeneity. Experiments were made on laser excitation separation refining, CVD, laser ablation, super-high vacuum, etc. For the stabilized formation of high-adhesion thin/thick films, studies were carried out of the surface activation for processing substrate surface before film formation, interface counter diffusion in thin film formation process, and the technology for combination of these. The higher-order structure control of materials was attempted using the reaction field combined with the photochemical reaction by the high grade photon field, based on the molecular beam vapor-deposition technology under super-high vacuum. In the synthesis of materials by the photon combined reaction field, studies were made of the design/process of a dynamic device which reacts like pulse the photon/high pressure/strong magnetic field on carbonaceous materials and a static combined reaction field device by the stationary high pressure field. A study was commenced of a synthesis method in relation to fullerene with a new structure which has unique characteristics. (NEDO)

  8. FY 1996 report on the results of the R and D of advanced function creation processing technology. Development of technology for corrosion prevention of the petroleum production system; 1996 nendo senshin kino soshutsu kako gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Sekiyu seisan system fushoku boshi gijutsu kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Ti-Ni micro particle composite thick films could be synthesized using pulse evaporation type/magnetic field closed type evaporation source for both high hardness and high toughness. Corrosion resistant gradient composition thick films were obtained which change in composition from Ni to CrSi2 by on-substrate collision/serial sintering technology by micro particles produced by hybrid-plasma. The following were conducted: synthesis of micro particles by laser induction vapor phase reaction, formation of collision of airsol particles, and development of the continuous creation process of nano structure advanced materials by continuous combination of microwave sintering. As the higher-order structure control technology in the molecular beam complex reaction field, studies were made of photochemical reaction, effects of magnetic field on other-molecular reaction, and functional control technology. The molecular/higher-order structure control by photochemical reaction was an important factor for sensor function improvement of the formed thin film. Photon/pressure complex reaction field device was developed and an experiment was made on the material synthesis. The diamond/cBN solid solution synthesis, etc. were conducted and the hardness next to diamond was obtained. (NEDO)

  9. FY 1993 report on the results of the R and D of advanced function creation processing technology. Development of technology to create high efficiency power generation use members; 1993 nendo senshin kino soshutsu kako gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Kokoritsu hatsuden'yo buzai sosei gijutsu kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The paper described the FY 1993 results of the technology to create high efficiency power generation use members. A processing method was proposed in which to manifest magnetic characteristics up to the theoretical value level, crystallization of magnetic alloy amorphous was controlled and size/configuration of precipitated micro-fine crystals are made ideal. For the development of environmental purification use high functional catalysts, experiments were conducted on the heightening of purity of materials. Namely, by the two wavelength two stage excitation method using color laser, atomic beams of the material metal emitted by electronic beam evaporating source are photo-excited up near the ionization level. These are separated from the non-ionized components by electrostatic field application, and only the ionized atoms are vapor-deposited on substrate. The separation accuracy was good. Plasma excitation of raw gas was done independently for every component, and the multi-source excitation plasma CVD was proposed which is film-formed on the substrate of which the periphery was separately controlled. The synthesis method was considered of higher-order structure control high functional organic materials which are composed of electrode reaction/high grade photon/extreme magnetic field. Study was made of complex reaction field application film-forming/molecular orientation technology using a small test device. (NEDO)

  10. FY 1992 report on the results of the R and D of advanced function creation processing technology. Development of technology to create high efficiency power generation use members; 1992 nendo senshin kino soshutsu kako gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Kokoritsu hatsuden'yo buzai sosei gijutsu kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The paper described the FY 1992 results of the technology to create high efficiency power generation use members. To enhance characteristics of super-high property permanent magnet up to the theoretical level, the development was proposed of a technology to control the size/configuration of micro crystal phase in association with the crystallization of alloy amorphous. For the development of environmental purification use high functional catalysts, a refining method using laser excitation was studied. The observation was also made of molecular adsorption on the Pd thin film catalyst prepared by RF sputtering. The multi-source excitation plasma CVD was proposed which was film-formed by exciting plasma as raw gas independently for each component and supplying it to the substrate of which the periphery was separately controlled. The paper also described the development of technology for ion/light combined assist ultra-thin film production for development of gas turbine combustion sensor. The study was also made of the synthesis of higher-order structure controlled high functional organic materials using the electrode interface combined field which is composed of electrode reaction/high grade photon/extreme magnetic field. In the development of the higher-order structure control technology using the photon combined reaction field, studies were made of the photo reaction film formation technology, the basic film formation technology in the combined reaction field, and the molecular orientation technology. (NEDO)

  11. Study about the effect of microgravity on biofunctions; Seitai kino eno bisho juryoku no eikyo ni kansuru kenkyu

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    A study is made for the elucidation of the effect of microgravity on biofunctions. The protoplast of shiitake is exposed to microgravity and then cultured, and a significant difference occurs. The rate of colony formation by cell fusion in the test sector is found to be two times higher than that in the control sector. When swimming ciliates which are unicellular are suddenly exposed to microgravity, their swimming speeds changed differently according to the direction of swimming. When a mouse subjected to acupuncture for three days is exposed to microgravity, its water metabolism and excretory function are enhanced. A mouse treated with Chinese medicine reacts in the similar way. The change due to microgravity in the amount of acetylcholine in the hypothalamus is found characteristically time dependent. Mice infected with lethal herpes viruses just after exposure to microgravity die at a rate in proportion to the number of exposures and to the amount of viruses given. The migration speed of chemical stripes in case of a gel-base BZ (Belousov-Zhabotinsky) reaction under microgravity is equal to that on the ground. The trigger wave migration speed in case of a water solution-base BZ reaction under microgravity is reduced to approximately 80% of the speed on the ground. 12 refs., 31 figs., 3 tabs.

  12. Concept of Seikan car train; Yuro tunnel ni manabu Seikan car train koso (rail ni doroteki kino wo)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hirama, H.


    This paper summarizes an idea of operating a car train in the Seikan tunnel. Advantages expected from realization of this idea include assurance of mass transportation, enhancement in safety, reduction of transportation time, completion of a nationwide traffic network, and reduction of the transportation cost. A total traffic amount as sought from quantity of cargoes and number of passengers is estimated to be about 400 cars a day, and the number of trains to be operated assuming a car loading rate at 50% would be 28 trains a day. According to the profitability of this operation derived by using as calculation bases the fare revenue, expenditures and depreciation, the operation would turn into black ink in five years, clearing cumulative deficits in 17 years. In order to realize this operation, it is a prerequisite that the regulation on limitation of vehicle size (maximum width and height of vehicles) be mitigated as lax as in Eurotunnel. In addition, introduction of self-running freight cars and improvement of access roads will be necessary. Estimated economic effects may include time saving profit of 500 million yen annually, tax revenue effect of 200 million yen annually, and production inducing effect of 1.9 billion yen annually. Other expected effects may include employment effect, improvement in information transmitting function, and acceleration of different projects. 3 figs., 1 tab.

  13. FY 1991 Report on the results of the research and development of the processing technologies for creating advanced functions. Development of the technologies for preventing corrosion of oil production systems; 1991 nendo senshin kino soshutsu kako gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Sekiyu seisan system fushoku boshi gijutsu kaihatsu

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    The research and development project has been started to develop the technologies for superhigh-purity separation/processing; controlling ultrafine crystal particles, including creating composites by the aid of a plasma laser; synthesizing highly functional organic materials; and supporting these technologies, for creating functions, e.g., advanced sensing functions, highly functional electromagnetic characteristics, and corrosion resistance, heat resistance and high strength. The R and D program for the technologies for superhigh-purity separation/processing covers development of highly corrosion-resistant, high-sensitivity gas sensors and highly functional thin oxide film sensors. The R and D program for controlling ultrafine crystal particles covers the researches on the technologies for creating inclined structures by the ion composite vapor-phase process, and the technologies for producing composites by the aid of a plasma laser. The R and D program for the organic material synthesis technologies includes researches on the technologies for controlling higher structures in a molecular beam composite reaction field, and on the technologies for synthesizing materials in a photon composite reaction field and in an interfacial composite reaction field. The R and D program for the supporting technologies includes the researches on the technologies for diagnosing a composite reaction field by the laser-aided ionization method. In the FY 1991, which is essentially the first year for the project, the efforts are directed to designs and construction of the required facilities, and preliminary tests. (NEDO)

  14. FY 1992 report on the results of the R and D of advanced function creation processing technology. Development of technology to create high efficiency power generation use members; 1992 nendo senshin kino soshutsu kako gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Kokoritsu hatsuden'yo buzai sosei gijutsu kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The paper described the FY 1992 results of the technology to create high efficiency power generation use members. To enhance characteristics of super-high property permanent magnet up to the theoretical level, the development was proposed of a technology to control the size/configuration of micro crystal phase in association with the crystallization of alloy amorphous. For the development of environmental purification use high functional catalysts, a refining method using laser excitation was studied. The observation was also made of molecular adsorption on the Pd thin film catalyst prepared by RF sputtering. The multi-source excitation plasma CVD was proposed which was film-formed by exciting plasma as raw gas independently for each component and supplying it to the substrate of which the periphery was separately controlled. The paper also described the development of technology for ion/light combined assist ultra-thin film production for development of gas turbine combustion sensor. The study was also made of the synthesis of higher-order structure controlled high functional organic materials using the electrode interface combined field which is composed of electrode reaction/high grade photon/extreme magnetic field. In the development of the higher-order structure control technology using the photon combined reaction field, studies were made of the photo reaction film formation technology, the basic film formation technology in the combined reaction field, and the molecular orientation technology. (NEDO)

  15. Research and development project for a large-scale industrial technology in fiscal 1992. Research and development of an advanced function creating and processing technology /Development of an advanced function creating and processing technology (Report on work achievements); 1992 nend senshin kino soshutsu kako gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho

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    A joint research has been performed between the Material Engineering Technology Research Institute of the National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry and the Advanced Function Creating and Processing Technology Research Association. The research themes are the 'identification of the basic conditions for production of ultra fine ceramics particles by using the hybrid high-frequency plasma process' and the 'establishment of non-destructive analysis technology for inclination functional materials'. This paper reports the achievements in fiscal 1992. The research on the inclination functional materials has performed hybridization of high-frequency plasmas and fabrication of ultra fine alumina particles, trial fabrication and evaluation on alumina-titanium mixed ultra fine particles by using the high-frequency plasma process, spraying of hydroxyapatite by using high-frequency plasma, evaluation on thick film bulk made of ultra fine particles, and trial fabrication of an ultra fine particle injection device. It was intended to evaluate quantitatively crystalline deficiency and composition distribution in the inclination functional materials for which continuous composition control is important. Therefore, a Rutherford wake scattering device was introduced and installed newly at the Material Engineering Technology Research Institute, which has improved the evaluation and experiment system at the institute. (NEDO)

  16. FY 1998 results of the regional consortium R and D project/the venture promotion type regional consortium R and D (small-/medium-size venture creation type). Development of multilayer functional materials (Development of health sheets); 1998 nendo tasekiso kino zairyo no kaihatsu (kenko sheet no kaihatsu) seika hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The R and D were conducted with the aim of developing multilayer functional materials (health sheets) relating to the bedding which fit the human skin. The study was made on the following: production/processing method to control shapes of new materials made from abrasive grain, powder mixing technology to improve functions, development of nonwoven fabrics with flexibility, water absorbability, compressibility, durability, thermal processability, etc. As a result, multilayer functional materials were obtained by combining functions which the nonwoven fabric and alumina-based abrasive grain have. By further pulverizing the alumina-based abrasive grain, the far infrared radiation function was improved, and at the same time the color variation was also made possible by selection of raw materials. In the fabrication of nonwoven fabrics, raw materials of rayon, polyester, acrylic fiber, etc. were selected, and soft composite nonwoven sheets were obtained by building three- to five-layer and by intermittent water jet processing. Moreover, an assessment method using KES feeling measuring system was established. (NEDO)

  17. FY 1993 report on the results of the R and D of advanced function creation processing technology. Development of technology to create high efficiency power generation use members; 1993 nendo senshin kino soshutsu kako gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Kokoritsu hatsuden'yo buzai sosei gijutsu kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The paper described the FY 1993 results of the technology to create high efficiency power generation use members. A processing method was proposed in which to manifest magnetic characteristics up to the theoretical value level, crystallization of magnetic alloy amorphous was controlled and size/configuration of precipitated micro-fine crystals are made ideal. For the development of environmental purification use high functional catalysts, experiments were conducted on the heightening of purity of materials. Namely, by the two wavelength two stage excitation method using color laser, atomic beams of the material metal emitted by electronic beam evaporating source are photo-excited up near the ionization level. These are separated from the non-ionized components by electrostatic field application, and only the ionized atoms are vapor-deposited on substrate. The separation accuracy was good. Plasma excitation of raw gas was done independently for every component, and the multi-source excitation plasma CVD was proposed which is film-formed on the substrate of which the periphery was separately controlled. The synthesis method was considered of higher-order structure control high functional organic materials which are composed of electrode reaction/high grade photon/extreme magnetic field. Study was made of complex reaction field application film-forming/molecular orientation technology using a small test device. (NEDO)

  18. RETRACTED BOOK REVIEW: Katharina Knüttel, Martin Seeliger (Hg.: Intersektionalität und Kulturindustrie. Zum Verhältnis sozialer Kategorien und kultureller Repräsentationen. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag 2011.

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    Alina Timofte


    Full Text Available This book review has been retracted on Dezember 14th, 2012. See interdisziplinär ausgerichtete und fächerübergreifend aufgestellte Sammelband von Katharina Knüttel und Martin Seeliger stellt den innovativen Versuch dar, ein hochaktuelles Thema der Genderforschung – Intersektionalität – mit einem Klassiker der Kultursoziologie – Kulturindustrie – zu verbinden. Im Anschluss an die theoretische Rahmung durch die ersten drei Beiträge folgen acht weitere Aufsätze, in denen anhand von Fallbeispielen aus Presse, Fernsehen, Kino und Mode konkrete kulturelle Repräsentationen von intersektionalen Differenzkategorien analysiert werden. Diese Publikation sei allen empfohlen, die den Einstieg in das kulturwissenschaftliche Feld der Intersektionalitätsforschung suchen.This anthology by Katharina Knüttel and Martin Seeliger, which has both an interdisciplinary orientation and setup, constitutes the innovative attempt at combining a very current topic of gender studies – intersectionality – with a classic of cultural sociology – culture industry. The theoretical framing presented in the first three articles is followed by another eight articles, which, using examples from press, television, cinema, and fashion, analyze actual cultural representations of intersectional categories of difference. This publication is recommended to everybody in search of access to the cultural studies field of intersectionality research.

  19. "Brežnevinio sąstingio" praeities deformacijos lietuviškuose kino ir televizijos vaidybiniuose filmuose (1968-1980 metai)


    Kaminskaitė-Jančorienė, Lina


    The objective of this work is to identify collective memory shapes in Lithuanian fiction TV and cinema film during brezhnevian period (1968-1980). According to new popular theoretical approaches this work analyses the specific source of history - fiction film - so why his research brings Lithuanian fiction film up-to-date usual resources of history. According to the research conclusions, there are made new methodical approaches, which can help to classify fiction films in which it can be seen...

  20. Microalgal biotechnologies for recycling of pollutants; Tayona sorui kino wo kiban to suru seibutsuken busshitsu junkangata sogo saishigenka gijutsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miyamoto, K; Nasu, M; Hashimoto, C; Tanaka, K; Hirata, M [Osaka University, Osaka (Japan). Faculty of Pharmaceutial Science; Fujita, M; Takagi, M [Osaka University, Osaka (Japan). Faculty of Engineering; Hirata, Y; Taya, M [Osaka University, Osaka (Japan). Faculty of Engineering Science; Yamanishi, H [Osaka University, Osaka (Japan). Faculty of Medicine


    This paper describes the technology development by which biomass is produced by treatment of pollutants using microalgae, and is recycled. A bioreactor system has been developed, in which microalgal biomass can be obtained through the effective treatment of CO2 and NOx using microalgae having ability of increase under the severe condition with simultaneous flow of CO2 and NOx. A new method has been also developed for separating and recovering the microalgae. Materials, such as glucose, glycerol, acetic acid, and lactic acid, were produced from the obtained biomass through physico-chemical and biological treatments. These materials can be converted into ethanol and hydrogen. For this treatment and recycling system, functions as a part of natural material recycling were considered to be most significant. Development of an analysis and evaluation method of an impact of this system on the natural environment is also tried. 1 fig.

  1. Path planning for persistent surveillance applications using fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles (United States)

    Keller, James F.

    This thesis addresses coordinated path planning for fixed-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) engaged in persistent surveillance missions. While uniquely suited to this mission, fixed wing vehicles have maneuver constraints that can limit their performance in this role. Current technology vehicles are capable of long duration flight with a minimal acoustic footprint while carrying an array of cameras and sensors. Both military tactical and civilian safety applications can benefit from this technology. We make three main contributions: C1 A sequential path planner that generates a C 2 flight plan to persistently acquire a covering set of data over a user designated area of interest. The planner features the following innovations: • A path length abstraction that embeds kino-dynamic motion constraints to estimate feasible path length. • A Traveling Salesman-type planner to generate a covering set route based on the path length abstraction. • A smooth path generator that provides C 2 routes that satisfy user specified curvature constraints. C2 A set of algorithms to coordinate multiple UAVs, including mission commencement from arbitrary locations to the start of a coordinated mission and de-confliction of paths to avoid collisions with other vehicles and fixed obstacles. C3 A numerically robust toolbox of spline-based algorithms tailored for vehicle routing validated through flight test experiments on multiple platforms. A variety of tests and platforms are discussed. The algorithms presented are based on a technical approach with approximately equal emphasis on analysis, computation, dynamic simulation, and flight test experimentation. Our planner (C1) directly takes into account vehicle maneuverability and agility constraints that could otherwise render simple solutions infeasible. This is especially important when surveillance objectives elevate the importance of optimized paths. Researchers have developed a diverse range of solutions for persistent

  2. Fiscal 1999 technical achievement report. Development project on prompt-effect international standards for developing new industry (Standardization of methods for evaluating performance of fabrics equipped with special functions); 1999 nendo shinki sangyo ikusei sokkogata kokusai hyojun kaihatsu jigyo seika hokokusho. Tokushu kino sen'i seihin no seino hyoka hoho no hyojunka

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    No method is available for quantitatively evaluating the performance and safety of antibacterial fabrics, and the lack impedes smooth implementation of international trade. As a measure to remedy the fault, a test method is developed for quantitative evaluation, and presented for acceptance as an international standard. In the proposed antibacterial test, 2ml of liquid with its bacterial population increased to 10{sup 4}/ml in a preculture is filtrated under reduced pressure for the trapping of bacteria in the filter paper, the paper is scrubbed by a test cloth for transfer, the cloth is left in a constant-temperature constant-humidity chamber, and the bacteria are washed out and then counted by chemiluminescence. The change in the number of bacteria thus determined is used to quantify the antibacterial feature. Safety is examined by a skin irritancy test method using a cultured skin model. A specimen is attached to a cultured skin model, left in a constant-temperature constant-humidity chamber for a specified time period, and then peeled from the model. The cultured skin model is dyed by an MTT enzyme. Unaffected live cells are dyed violaceous by the MTT enzyme. Dyed cells are solvent-extracted, and the number of dyed cells is determined by colorimetry. The number of cells remaining alive is compared with a reference specimen for the determination of the degree of safety. (NEDO)

  3. FY 2000 report on the trend survey of technical development of high speed/high function electronic devices such as quantum functional devices in association with the rationalization of energy utilization; 2000 nendo energy shiyo gorika ni kakawaru ryoshika kino soshi nado kosoku kokino denshi device no gijutsu kaihatsu doko chosa hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Concerning the results of the R and D made by NEDO of superlattice devices (FY 1981-1990) and quantum functional devices (QFD) (FY 1991-2000) as high speed/high function electronic devices, this survey was aimed at investigating the trend of the newest technology to grasp the technical effects, the state of commercialization/product-making, and the future. The effects, technical subjects, etc. in the R and D of superlattice devices were succeeded to the R and D of QFD as the succeeding project. Here, therefore, the paper arranged the outlook of the commercialization/product-making in relation to the R and D of QFD and the future R and D subjects. In the R and D, features of QFD as target were made clear. The commercialization is limited to Motorola's QMMIC, Fujitsu's RHET, etc. As to the other R and D items, subjects of the technical development to be implemented toward the commercialization just became clear. The subject is the heightening of micro (nano meter) processing technology. The important subject, in particular, is compatibility of the heightening of micro processing and the improvement of throughput. (NEDO)

  4. Research and development project in fiscal 1989 for fundamental technologies for next generation industries. Achievement report on research and development on photoreactive materials (Research on enhancement of functional stability of PHB materials); 1989 nendo hikari hanno zairyo no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. PHB zairyo no kino anteisei kojo ni kansuru kenkyu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    With an objective of establishing the fundamental technologies related to photo reactive materials that can be used for ultra-high density recording, high-resolution indication, and photoswitches by controlling structures and association status of molecules by using actions of light, research and development has been performed. This paper summarizes the achievements in fiscal 1989. In the research of synthesis and evaluation of PHB materials, a possibility was verified to form holes at temperatures higher than the liquid nitrogen temperature on all the materials in which six kinds of ionic porphin derivatives were dispersed into polyvinyl alcohol. Stability of holes in the tetra-alkyl pyridinium porhpn/polymer system was evaluated, the hole half-width was measured accurately by using ring die laser, and the hole forming characteristics were evaluated by means of high-power density and brief laser light irradiation. In search of new guests, a two-photon absorption spectrum measuring instrument was assembled to measure samples having zinc tetra-phenylporphyrin derivative as the guest. In addition, hole formation was discovered in samples having indomethylene based coloring matter as the guest. (NEDO)

  5. Study on the effect of micro-gravity on bio-functions; Seitai kino eno bisho juryoku no eikyo ni kansuru kenkyu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The effect of micro-gravity on bio-functions and vital reaction was studied using the facility of Underground Gravity-free Experiment Center Co. On the effect on osteoblast shape and gene expression, although fluorochrome reacting with Ca was well taken into cells, no significant difference in Ca content in cells was observed before/after falling. Expression of genes related to cell propagation was controlled under micro-gravity. Protoplast fusion of Lentinus was unaffected by micro-gravity. The mRNA fragments of gravity sensitive mutant of rice plant were affected by micro-gravity. Paramecium was set swimming in solutions with different specific gravities. The reaction behavior of Paramecium was affected by the difference in specific gravity between cell bodies and solutions. The water content metabolism functions of a mouse with needle stimulus, in particular excretory, were slightly promoted by micro- gravity. The cortisol level in blood of a falling mouse group rose showing strong stress. As the preliminary study on the geotaxis of insects, motion of bagworm was observed. 12 refs., 38 figs., 4 tabs.

  6. Framework of information system assessment based on function and quality; Kino to hinshitsu ni motozuku joho system hyoka no wakugumi

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takahashi, M.; Hishitani, J. [Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Tokyo (Japan)


    As for function and quality of information system, an assessment method of productivity at planning and at completion has been developed. In this method, functional size expressing the size of functional kinds provided by the system, value-added size expressing the size with corrected functional size in response to the quality level of each function, and production size expressing the size of products and processes under the given conditions were employed as indexes for evaluating the size of system. In addition, a method using the quality property tree has been developed. In this method, to evaluate the quality level which is essential for calculating the value-added size, users and providers evaluate the system quality from their own viewpoints. By this system, validity of user`s demand and validity/efficiency of realizing process can be evaluated for client/server type systems from the systematic viewpoint in a whole life cycle of systems from development planning to abandonment of systems. 24 refs., 5 figs., 3 tabs.

  7. Der Terminator und die Femme fatale. Gender im Genre-Kino The Terminator and the Femme Fatale: Gender in Genre Cinema

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    Rochus Wolff


    Full Text Available Mit Hollywood hybrid legen Claudia Liebrand und Ines Steiner einen äußerst lesenswerten Sammelband vor, in dem aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln Hollywoodfilme der vergangenen Jahre untersucht wurden. Im Zentrum stehen dabei stets die komplexen Wechselwirkungen zwischen Genre und Gender. Von wenigen Schwächen abgesehen, gelingen den Autor/-innen dabei durchweg überzeugende Analysen.Claudia Liesbrand and Ines Steiner’s very worth reading Hollywood hybrid is a collected volume in which Hollywood films of recent years are examined from various angles. Central to the text is the continually complex interaction between genre and gender. With this, the authors enjoy, a few weaknesses aside, ongoing success.

  8. FY1995 biodegradable medical devices with molecular piston function; 1995 nendo bunshi piston kino wo yusuru iryoyo tainai bunkaisei soshi

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The design of biodegradable medical devices with molecular piston function is examined by utilizing the structure of polyrotaxane. A polyrotaxane in which {beta}-cyclodextrins ({beta}-CDs) are threaded onto a block-copolymer of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and poly(propylene glycol) (PPG) is synthesized, and its molecular dynamics is evaluated in terms of the movement of {beta}-CDs along the copolymer. Also, polyrotaxanes in which {alpha}-cyclodextrins ({alpha}-CDs) are threaded onto a PEG chain capped with biodegradable peptide moieties are synthesized, and their degradation characteristics concerning {alpha}-CD release behavior are clarified. Cellular response to these polyrotaxanes is examined as a bioactive molecule. The polyrotaxane composed of {beta}-CDs and the block-copolymer was synthesized, and both assembled and dispersed states of {alpha}-CDs were characterized along the copolymer in response to external stimulus (temperature). Further, the polyrotaxane composed of {alpha}-CDs and PEG were synthesize, and their facility as a drug carrier was evaluated in terms of the release of {alpha}-CDs triggered by the hydrolysis of terminal peptides. Also, these biodegradable polyrotaxanes were found to enhance the fluidity of plasma membranes and to regulate cellular activation (cytoplasmic calcium increase). Thus, the polyrotaxanes were concluded to be promising as novel biomaterials aiming for medical micromachines and polymeric drug carriers. (NEDO)

  9. The Empire Strikes Back. Russian National Cinema After 2005

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tomasz Rawski


    Full Text Available The Empire Strikes Back. Russian National Cinema After 2005 The paper provides critical analysis of the latest wave of Russian national cinema (2005-2013, considered one of key instruments of Vladimir Putin’s nation-building cultural policy. The analysis, focused mostly on historical film and war film, reveals the concept of an ‘imperial nation’ as the main concept underlying this policy. The new Russian nation-concept is calculated to binding elements from two former Russian imperial traditions: tradition of the Russian Empire and the Soviet tradition, thus trying to overcome the identity crisis in contemporary Russia.   Imperium kontratakuje. Rosyjskie kino narodowe po 2005 roku Artykuł zajmuje się krytyczną analizą filmów najnowszej fali rosyjskiego kina narodowego (2005-2013, uważanej tu za jedno z kluczowych narzędzi polityki kulturalnej Władimira Putina obliczonej na budowanie narodu. Autorzy artykułu skupiają się przede wszystkim na filmie historycznym i wojennym, odsłaniając pojęcie „imperialnego narodu” jako konceptu stojącego u podstaw oficjalnej polityki. Nowe rosyjskie pojęcie narodu łączy w sobie dwie tradycje rosyjskie: tradycję Imperium Rosyjskiego oraz tradycję Związku Radzieckiego, próbując w ten sposób przezwyciężyć kryzys tożsamościowy współczesnej Rosji.

  10. Composición química de tres maderas en la provincia de Pinar del Río, Cuba a tres alturas del fuste comercial. Parte Nº 2: Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    U. Orea Igarza


    Full Text Available La Universidad de Pinar del Río financió un proyecto de Investigación para el estudio de la composición química de especies de rápido crecimiento con la finalidad de obtener información científica para el posible aprovechamiento industrial por lo cual se estudió la madera de Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell, a tres alturas del fuste comercial. Las muestras procedentes de la Empresa Forestal de Macurijes, en la provincia de Pinar del Río, Cuba, se utilizaron para la determinación de los contenidos porcentuales de los componentes de la pared celular, las sustancias extraíbles y las sustancias minerales, empleando las Normas TAPPI. Se estudió mediante Calorimetría Diferencial de Barrido (DSC la celulosa y las ligninas mediante espectroscopia IR Los datos demuestran diferencias en los contenidos de sustancias solubles en etanol después de tolueno-etanol, en agua y los componentes de la pared celular. La banda de 1500 cm-1 en el espectro IR refleja la presencia de kinos (derivados de compuestos fenólicos elaborados durante el metabolismo secundario de la planta residuales en la lignina. El comportamiento térmico de la celulosa muestra diferencias con la altura del fuste comercial atribuido a variaciones con el grado de cristalinidad y grado de polimerización, demostrando un comportamiento similar a otras especies de Eucalyptus de esta misma región.

  11. Toxic trace element content of local fruits using instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siddique, N.; Ahmed, S.; Rahman, A; Waheed, S.; Chaudhary, M.M.; Qureshi, I.H.


    An important route of entry of environmental contaminants into the human system is through food intake. To study the effect of environmental pollution on the food chain, base line levels of toxic element content of commonly available food articles must be established. This study was undertaken to determine the toxic meal content of Pakistani fruits. The techniques of instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) were employed for this purpose. Fourteen fruits apple, apricot, banana, data guava, kino, mango, melon, orange, peach, pear, plum, pomegranate and watermelon, as well as, the peels of apple and pear have been investigated and the results are discussed in this paper. The results were found to lie within 95 % confidence limit using Student's t test. Hg, As and Sb were detected, using INAA, in pear, pomegranate and water melon in low amounts (ppb levels) but were not detected in orange, plum and melon. Lesser amounts of toxic elements were detected in the peels of pear and high amounts were detected in apple peel as compared to the edible part of the fruit. Cadmium and lead were determined using Graphite Furnace atomic absorption Spectrometry. Cadmium was found to lie in the range of 18-42 ppb, in most fruits, whereas the amount of lead varied between 39-128 ppb. Lead was below detection limit in melon, guava, mango, and peach contained the highest amount of As, Cd, Hg and Pb. (author)

  12. Fiscal 1997 report on the investigational research on intelligent social infrastructure technology; 1997 nendo chosa hokokusho (chiteki shakai kiban kogaku gijutsu no chosa kenkyu hokokusho)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The paper first described an aim and outline of intelligent social infrastructure technology, summed up the system of social infrastructure and the situation in Japan in terms of the structure, lifeline, moving bodies such as railroad and automobiles, communication, security, and maintenance. Considering this present situation, the paper next described a concept of the intelligent social infrastructure technology to be newly constructed and a course of the development. Besides, as subjects required to study for the development of intelligent social infrastructure technology, it reported on risk management, methods of definition/collection/transfer/supply of information, infrastructure applicable at emergency, normal/emergency dual course system, privacy, robustness, and additionally the problems to be caused pertaining to architecture/civil engineering, traffic, security, communication, etc. when the infrastructure develops as a social system. Moreover, as element technology, the intelligent system related technology and data communication technology were described in detail. Examples of the research project were also reported. 101 refs., 70 figs., 42 tabs.

  13. Fiscal 1998 intellectual infrastructure project utilizing civil sector functions. Research and development project on prompt-effect type intellectual infrastructure creation (Basic study of measurement of human characteristics); 1998 nendo minkan no kino wo katsuyoshita chiteki kiban jigyo seika hokokusho. Sokkogata chiteki kiban sosei kenkyu kaihatsu jigyo (Ningen tokusei keisoku ni kansuru kiban kenkyu)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    For the development of working conditions fit for aged people and devices for them to operate, their visual function and behavioral characteristics are measured and analyzed. In the study of visual functions, 50 people from local cities and regions and another 50 from Osaka and its neighboring cities are subjected to measurement regarding visual acuity required in daily life, color discrimination, dark adaptation, glare, and the like. In the study of performing characteristics, 500 people are subjected to measurement regarding the scope of movement of upper limbs, their reach, and skillfulness with which the people can move fingers. When brightness, luminance, and contrast are caused to change relative to letters and background, aging is found to exert a great influence on the ease of reading, dark adaptation, and glare. As for the upper limb work range and reachability and the skillfulness in finger movement, it is found that aging narrows down the tolerant work area, lowers the working pace, and greatly affects skillfulness depending on the device operating method, all these disclosing actualities of difference attributable to age and sex. Concerning the device operating position and the ease of device operating force application, new measuring and evaluating methods are worked out, and correlations between the contents of operation and the operating position are seized. (NEDO)

  14. Fiscal 1999 technical achievement report. Development project on prompt-effect international standards for developing new industry (Standardization of methods for evaluating performance of fabrics equipped with special functions); 1999 nendo shinki sangyo ikusei sokkogata kokusai hyojun kaihatsu jigyo seika hokokusho. Tokushu kino sen'i seihin no seino hyoka hoho no hyojunka

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    No method is available for quantitatively evaluating the performance and safety of antibacterial fabrics, and the lack impedes smooth implementation of international trade. As a measure to remedy the fault, a test method is developed for quantitative evaluation, and presented for acceptance as an international standard. In the proposed antibacterial test, 2ml of liquid with its bacterial population increased to 10{sup 4}/ml in a preculture is filtrated under reduced pressure for the trapping of bacteria in the filter paper, the paper is scrubbed by a test cloth for transfer, the cloth is left in a constant-temperature constant-humidity chamber, and the bacteria are washed out and then counted by chemiluminescence. The change in the number of bacteria thus determined is used to quantify the antibacterial feature. Safety is examined by a skin irritancy test method using a cultured skin model. A specimen is attached to a cultured skin model, left in a constant-temperature constant-humidity chamber for a specified time period, and then peeled from the model. The cultured skin model is dyed by an MTT enzyme. Unaffected live cells are dyed violaceous by the MTT enzyme. Dyed cells are solvent-extracted, and the number of dyed cells is determined by colorimetry. The number of cells remaining alive is compared with a reference specimen for the determination of the degree of safety. (NEDO)

  15. Investigational study of optical function materials for two-dimensional data processing; Nijigen joho shoriyo hikari kino zairyo ni kansuru chosa kenkyu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The paper investigated/studied `space light modulation materials,` `dynamic hologram/memory materials,` `optical waveguide path materials,` etc. which become key materials in the high speed two dimensional processing. As to electrooptical materials proposed in this investigational study, the external electric field and the electric charges generated make quality of molecules themselves directly change to memory strong/weak signals of light. Therefore, the response velocity becomes less than a millionth of that of the liquid crystal display, and high speed which is needed for realtime moving image processing is anticipated. Hologram includes the phase information in addition to information on light strength. Therefore, it is a large capacity record medium and at the same time a record medium which can read/write two dimensional information as it is. With optical fiber, images cannot be transmitted as they are. Light waveguide path materials are those that accumulate roles of mirror and lens in a sheet of the material and construct a system which is strong in vibration, as optical parts connecting among materials for two dimensional data processing. 273 refs., 107 figs., 17 tabs.

  16. Athena kino ja konverentsikeskuse restaureerimine : Küütri 1, Tartu = Restoration of the Athena cinema and conference centre / Liina Jänes

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jänes, Liina, 1977-


    Arhitekt Aivar Roosaar. Peatöövõtja: Vennad Ehitus OÜ. Restoranis "Volga" on taastatud Peet Areni seinamaalingud. Eesti Kultuurkapitali arhitektuuri sihtkapitali 2007. a. restaureerimispreemia. Žürii liikme Fredi Tompsi arvamus. Värv. välisvaade, 4 sisevaadet

  17. Research report on human media; Human media no chosa kenkyu hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The human multimedia technology corresponding to users` subjective characteristics was researched to realize information environment producing a sense of unity with human. The human media technology realizes a human sensitive information processing model and a common database easily acceptable sensitively by various users. This technology also should be able to fairly accept and transmit individual`s information and knowledge as multimedia information, and in addition it is required to supply a virtual space with presence. In fiscal 1995, the research committee studied the concrete developmental issue for integrating these advanced fundamental technologies, and as practical images planned the prototype systems such as human media interactive plant operation, supply of environment supporting personal intelligent activities, and virtual medical center. The research committee also discussed development of space mobile media to secure energy-saving and safety of automobiles, and an environment simulation system with participation of many people. 34 figs., 2 tabs.

  18. Report of commission for investigating MHD on a visit to U.S. Part 2. Report on each place of visit; Hobei MHD chosadan hokokusho. 2. Homonsakibetsu hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The members of MHD project examination subcommittee made an investigative tour of the U.S. on the state of development of MHD generation. This report of the 2nd part explains opinions and the present status of the R and D on MHD generation by each of the 19 institutions visited. The U.S. research on MHD generation is under the leadership of DOE, whereby the budget for the development is so large as nearly one hundred million dollars have been provided for several years. The purpose is the effective use of domestic coal. General Electric is of the opinion that a combined gas turbine system will be put to practical use earlier because MHD takes time for practicability despite its highest efficiency in coal-utilized power generation. Yet, GE thinks MHD will be more attractive in the future. Reynolds Metal is considering application of MHD generation to the electro-chemical industry at present. According to Reynolds, combined supply of electric output and heat of MHD can reduce the use of calorie per ton of aluminum from 240 MBTU to 100. Montana Power is promoting practicability through a combined plan with DOE-built MHD generation. (NEDO)

  19. Bývalá kino-kavárna v areálu brněnského výstaviště

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Bláha, Jiří; Stará, J.

    -, č. 2 (2009), s. 83-112 ISSN 1212-1487 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20710524 Keywords : funkcionalism * reinforced concrete structure * cinema Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage

  20. Marketigové aktivity českých kin a multikin se zaměřením na kino Světozor


    Masná, Zuzana


    The bachelor thesis "Marketing activities of Czech cinemas and multiplexes focused on the cinema Svetozor" describes different methods of marketing applied by both these types of cinemas. The thesis primarily focuses on the alternative cinemas. The different types of cinemas imply that also the character of their marketing activitites will differ. By marketing activities the author means mainly promotion activities of Czech classical cinemas; these are explicated for both Svetozor cinema and ...

  1. Elucidation of functions of micro-organisms and animals in forest biosystem. Shinrin seitaikei ni okeru biseibutsu oyobi dobutsu no kino no kaimei

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This paper describes a report on elucidating functions of micro-organisms and animals in a forest biosystem. Classification of forest micro-organisms and elucidation of their physiology, ecology, and roles in the biosystem: Characteristics of tree root putterfaction bacteria, which cause withering of windbreaks in the Ishigaki Island, Japan were elucidated, and identifying the culture hyphae has become possible. Chemicals effective for their control were discovered, which enable their extermination. Investigations on soil molds using artificial acid rains clarified that the exterminating agents display their effects when sprinkled repeatedly over an extended period even in low concentrations. Classification of forest animals and elucidation of their physiology, ecology, and interactions among animals: A method was developed to photograph three-dimensionally the shapes of perforations made by earthworms using a soft X-ray and analyze them using a computer, which is being used for investigation. The perforation pattern is complex, and the hole diameters are in proportion with sizes of earthworms. Taxonomic studies on the Japanese lesser grain borers are close to completion. Damping-off of certain kinds of plantr exhibited parasitism of a kind of grain borerr and mycobionts without exceptions. An artificial burrow was devised for ecological investigation on field mice. 1 tab.

  2. Research and development project for large industrial technologies in fiscal 1992. Achievement report on research and development of an advanced function creating and processing technology (Development of a technology to prevent corrosion in petroleum production systems); 1992 nendo senshin kino soshutsu kako gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Sekiyu seisan system fushoku boshi gijutsu kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In order to enhance durability and safety of members used in ocean bottom petroleum collecting systems, researches were made to create materials having excellent corrosion resistance, strength and heat resistance. In the research of a gas sensor to measure nature of drilled mud water, high corrosion resistance and sensitivity improvement in an infrared gas sensor was attempted through research and development of a high-purity and high-quality film forming technology. In the research of an inclination structure creating technology, researches were made on an interface control technology to enhance adhesion of substrates with ultra fine particle complexes. Developmental research was performed on materials by synthesizing the ultra fine particle complex and by injecting ions into the surface layer. In developing thick ceramics film or bulk having high functions, researches were carried out on a synthesizing technology using compound plasma, and a synthesizing technology using compound laser. In synthesizing high-function organic materials, researches were performed on a high-order structure control technology using the molecular beam compound reaction field, and on a material synthesizing technology using the photon compound reaction field and the interface compound reaction field. A compound reaction field diagnosis technology using the laser ionizing process was studied as a supporting technology. (NEDO)

  3. FY 1999 report on the results of the introductory study on the global environmental industry technology. Investigational study on the environmental creation technology by the application of ecosystem information functions; 1999 nendo chikyu kankyo sangyo gijutsu ni kakawaru sendo kenkyu seika hokokusho. Seitaikei joho kino oyo ni yoru kankyo sozo gijutsu ni kansuru chosa kenkyu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    To know the state of environmental pollution before it clearly exists, an investigational study was made on the technology to measure environmental stress at high sensitivity, in wide range and at high speed using functions to respond chemical substances, etc. which living organisms have. The FY 1999 results were outlined. As to the application of ecosystem information functions, survey was conduced paying attention to the environmental stress response of each of the bacteria, algae, plants and animals, responses viewed from the manifestation of immunity antibodies which occurs inside living organisms and changes at genetic level, and responses of algae and plants in case of specifying environmental pollutants. In relation to the application of the biological amplification mechanism, survey was carried out on environmental stress signals sent from plants, selection of environmental stress index plants, detection of environmental pollutants using bacteria, high sensitivity detection using animal (nematode), etc. Concerning the standardization of the environmental measuring technology by the application of ecosystem information functions, survey was conducted on artificial molecular recognition sensor, antibody device sensor, biochips, system construction, etc. (NEDO)

  4. Fiscal 1998 intellectual infrastructure project utilizing civil sector functions. Research and development project on prompt-effect type intellectual infrastructure creation (Research and development concerning environment-related reference materials); 1998 nendo minkan no kino wo katsuyoshita chiteki kiban jigyo seika hokokusho. Sokkogata chiteki kiban sosei kenkyu kaihatsu jigyo (kankyo kanren hyojun busshitsu ni kansuru kenkyu kaihatsu)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Concerning an information providing system on environment-related reference materials, studies were conducted about the contents of information to be provided and about hardware and software suitable for such a system. In a survey of needs for such an information system, questionnaires were sent to 320 agencies and business corporations providing or utilizing reference materials in the field of chemistry and environments, and 158 answers were received. Further surveys were carried out by visiting more than 20 organizations providing or utilizing reference materials. As for activities overseas, surveys were conducted in Europe, North America, and Oceania, when IRMM (Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements) of Belgium, Merck KGaA of Germany, and some others were visited. It was then found that they desired that retrieval of information on reference materials in Japan and abroad be enabled by merely accessing related Internet sites. To meet the wish, a concept design was prepared of a comprehensive information system on reference materials in the form of an Internet home site. (NEDO)

  5. Fiscal 1998 achievement report on regional consortium research and development project. Venture business raising type regional consortium - small business creating base type (Development of simplified diagnostic equipment for cardiovascular disorders using electrical and ultrasonic measurements); 1998 nendo choonpa oyobi denki keisokuho ni yoru kan'igata shinkekkankei kino shindan sochi no kaihatsu seika hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Research and development is conducted for the construction of a simplified system that will measure various values related to arteriosclerosis and resultant dynamic changes in blood flows, changes in cardiac muscle contraction characteristics, etc. In the development of the technology of cardiac output measurement, a measuring device using an impedance meter and an electrocardiograph is completed. An algorithm is developed for detecting irregular pulses in the electrocardiogram. In relation to cardiac muscle contraction characteristics, a sonocardiometric device is improved for the development of a device capable of measuring movements in the left ventricle walls. An algorithm is developed for the automatic recognition of the septum and the external walls in an M-mode image. In the development of a device for measuring dynamic changes in blood flows, a software program is completed, which uses a two-way rheometer to measure blood flow rates in shallow-seated arteries such as carotid arteries for the analysis of the maximum blood flow rate, acceleration, pattern, etc. In the development of an analyzer for blood vessel structures, a system capable of blood vessel structure analysis and tracking of fluctuations in walls due to cardiac cycles is developed. (NEDO)

  6. Fiscal 1997 report on a feasibility study of international joint researches in the Asian region; 1997 nendo chosa hokokusho (Asia chiiki kokusai kyodo kenkyu kanosei chosa (4)hokokusho)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    It is thought that the energy consumption in Asian countries with ASEAN and China as center will a marked growth also in future together with a rapid economic growth, but harmony with environmental problems and economic growth is being taken as a serious problem. This is an important issue also to Japan from viewpoints of secure energy supply and regional response to the environmental issue. Accordingly, strongly desired is positive response to global environmental issues and promotion in development/spread of new energy/energy conservation in these countries. For the spread of the technologies, actual construction/operation of plants by joint researches with Japan are effective from aspects of personnel raising, technical improvement, PR effects, etc. This is also helpful for Japan in terms of technological development because Japan can also get the unobtainable data from the operation under appropriate conditions. This is a report on the studies of the trends of global environmental problems in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, India and China. 3 figs., 72 tabs.

  7. FY1995 microalgal biotechnology for recycling of pollutants; 1995 nendo tayona sorui kino wo kiban to suru seibutsuken busshitsu junkangta sogo saishigenka gijutsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The objectives are 1) development of biological processes needed for the treatment of pollutants and the conversion of resulting biomass to value added products such as energy and fine chemicals, and 2) development of techniques for monitoring of both biological and chemical hazards associated with process operation. We developed a microalgal system for simultaneous removal of CO{sub 2}/NO{sub x} from flue gas, as well as an electro-osmotic method for recovery of microalgal cells. A strategy for effective culturing of photoautotrophic cells in photobioreactors was also proposed. We utilized waste algal biomass to produce biosurfactants, and studied about structure-function relationship of lipopeptide biosurfactants. As an energy product, H{sub 2} was produced via lactic acid fermentation of algal biomass. Physiology of marine phytoplankton was also studied in relation to the future mass production of microalgal biomass. A rapid monitoring of microbial populations was possible by using fluorescent probes. An enzyme immunosorbent assay system specific to fish metallothionein was established for the assessment of aquatic environmental pollution. Human herpesvirus latent infection was effectively applied to biological assay of environmental hygiene. (NEDO)

  8. FY 1993 report on the Material Committee; 1993 nendo zairyo iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The paper reported the FY 1993 activities of the Material Committee on the R and D of materials in coal liquefaction, coal gasification, coal utilization hydrogen production, etc. As to metal materials, a PSU implant test on 3Cr-1Mo base high-strength steel was conducted to examine mainly the hydrogen erosion resistance. Concerning surface coatings, aiming at improving the sulfuration corrosion resistance of Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} atmospheric plasma spraying materials, survey of the deterioration with age was made by inserting a test piece in which the structure of coated bed was altered into the PSU reaction tower. Relating to the R and D of trial manufacture of plant use equipment materials, study was made of the evaluation of characteristics of materials for improvement/trial manufacture of gasifier use refractory and the effect of improvement in erosion by coarsening treatment of mullite ceramics. As to the development of the control valve, etc., the control valve was manufactured using sintering diamond as sheet ring material and wolfram carbide as plug material, and the demonstrative test under the actual environment in PSU was carried out. The demonstrative test was also made on slurry flow meter and block valve. (NEDO)

  9. Fiscal 1991 report. Coal liquefaction committee; 1991 nendo sekitan ekika iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The committee in this fiscal year had the 1st meeting in July 1991, the 2nd in August 1991, and the 3rd in March 1992, when fiscal 1990 research and development results, fiscal 1991 research and development programs, fiscal 1991 research and development results, etc., were reported and deliberated. At the 2nd meeting, the meaning of coal liquefaction technology development and how to go ahead with the task were described, which topic for discussion was entitled 'How coal liquefaction technology should be for the 21st century.' After discussion, it was agreed upon that a coal liquefaction technology package be completed in fiscal 2000 based on the absorption of each other's findings and on the utilization of basic studies common to both to be realized through the exchange of technologies between the brown coal liquefaction project and the bituminous coal liquefaction project. Under the brown coal liquefaction project, a 50 ton/day pilot plant was built and operated in Victoria, Australia, and the operation was completed in October 1990. The results of research and development under the coal brown liquefaction project will be compiled by fiscal 1993. (NEDO)

  10. Fiscal 1991 report. International Fuel Cell Conference; Nenryo denchi kokusai symposium hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Lectures, presentations, and questions given at the event involved items 1) Plenary session, 2) Technology development strategies, 3) Phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC), 4) Molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC), 5) Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), 6) Other fuel cells, and item 7) Closing session. Under item 1), current states and prospects of technological development were reported by Agency of Industrial Science and Technology of Japan and by industrial technology developing organizations of the U.S. and Europe. Under item 2), a report was given by the U.S. about a fuel cell-driven automobile developing program. Under item 3), a report was given on the exchange of information about plant operation, maintenance, and inspection with importance attached to accuracy. Under item 4), reports were given about a 70kW stack operating program of the U.S. and a 1MW stack pilot plant program of Japan. Under item 5), some NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization) projects and a 25kW stack operating test of Westinghouse Electric Corporation were reported. What were learned through participation in this conference are mentioned below. Japan is in the forefront as far as the development of PAFC and MCFC technologies are concerned. The U.S. is ahead of Japan in the development of SOFC while also in Japan efforts to develop element technologies for SOFC are in progress steadily. The U.S. and European countries lead Japan in the development of the polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC). (NEDO)

  11. Fiscal 1993 report. Coal liquefaction committee; 1993 nendo sekitan ekika iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The committee in this fiscal year had the 1st meeting in July 1993, the 2nd in December 1993, and the 3rd in March 1994, when fiscal 1993 research and development programs and results were reported and discussed. Reported and discussed at the 2nd meeting were the compilation of brown coal liquefaction technology development project results, evaluation report on the same, hydrorefining of oil from brown coal and the research and development of application technologies for the same, and an environmental safety evaluation test on the same. In selecting a standard coal for the operation of the 150 ton/day pilot plant, PSU (process supporting unit)-aided studies were made on the analytical values presented by coals, yield of the liquid, yield of the liquefaction residue, yield of the generated gas, amount of the hydrogen consumed, coal oil properties, liquefaction residue properties, operationality, etc. On-site investigations were conducted also in Indonesia, and a conclusion was reached that Tanito Harum coal would be the most suitable for the pilot plant. Concerning the liquefaction catalyst for the pilot plant, a report was given on a comparison made between the activity of a synthetic iron sulfide and that of natural pyrite. (NEDO)

  12. FY 1990 report on the Material Committee; 1990 nendo zairyo iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The paper reported the FY 1990 activities of the Material Committee on the R and D of materials in coal liquefaction, coal gasification, coal utilization hydrogen production, etc. As to the development/assessment of new materials for plant use, the sulfuration corrosion resistance was confirmed of aluminum diffusion coated agent and aluminized materials. Further, in the measurement of hydrogen permeability of the test piece exposed for 500 hours to the sulfuration corrosion environment, a good hydrogen permeation control effect was confirmed of hot-dipped materials and SiC/TiC plasma CVD materials. As to the development of the control valve, etc., CVD coating of Ti (C, N) and sintering diamond indicated good erosion resistance in the high speed water slurry injection test. Further, in the high speed powder injection test, PVD coating of TiN and sintering diamond indicated good erosion resistance. As to the development of the coal utilization hydrogen production technology, the following were carried out: improvement of gasifier use materials, assessment of materials under the corrosive environment where coal slag exists, experimental study on the repair technology, etc. (NEDO)

  13. Proceedings of Japan-Germany Workshop of Bioremediation; Nichidoku bio remediation workshop hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This is a proceedings of Japan-Germany Workshop on Bioremediation held on December 4 and 5, 1995. The keynote lectures include `Environmental preservation using biotechnology` by Prof. Karube of University of Tokyo, and `Environmental technology in Germany: status, achievements, and problems` by Prof. R.D.Schmid of University of Stuttgart. In the oral session, 7 papers are presented in the microbiological aspects of bioremediation, 10 papers in the environmental monitoring, and 6 papers in the engineering aspects of bioremediation. This workshop was sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Technology, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, and Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth. According to the lecture by Prof. Karube, key technologies for the environmental preservation include biotechnologies, such as the culture of fine algae with high CO2 concentration resistant properties using a solar light condenser, production of effective substances from CO2, and production of organic fertilizer from the sediments of lakes and sea. 19 refs., 12 figs., 3 tabs.

  14. Fiscal 1989 report. Coal liquefaction committee; 1989 nendo sekitan ekika iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The committee in this fiscal year had its 1st meeting in June 1989 and 2nd meeting in March 1990, when fiscal 1989 research and development programs and fiscal 1989 research and development results, etc., were reported and discussed. The operating status of the 1 ton/day PSU (process supporting unit) for bituminous coal liquefaction was reported and discussed. The report included its 1st operation for the demonstration of a long-term stable run under standard conditions that continued for trouble-free 50 days, the 2nd operation for the investigation of the effect of liquefaction reaction temperature in which the liquefaction yield recorded the maximum at 450 degrees C with the collection of coal oils of 55 wt.% on the average, and the 3rd operation for the investigation of the effects of liquefaction reaction pressure and catalyst injection size whose details were being analyzed. Reported in relation with the brown coal liquefaction pilot plant was a comprehensive operation of a series of 1st hydrogenation, solvent deashing, and 2nd hydrogenation processes completed after a continuous operation of 460 hours establishing a total operating time of 1050 hours. (NEDO)

  15. Leading research and study report for fiscal 1998. Report on leading research and study on intelligent fiber; 1998 nendo sendo chosa kenkyu hokokusho. Inteligent fiber sendo chosa kenkyu hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Researches were conducted with a view to organizing projects for developing intelligent fibers, equipped with environmental friendliness and amenity without being deprived of their original properties as structural and clothing materials, the ultimate goal of the effort being the creation of harbingers of next-generation fibers which would contribute to the advance of industries related to environments, medicine and welfare, and information. What were learned from fiscal 1998 researches are mentioned below. The strength that the general-purpose fibers currently in use exhibit is so small as to be but several percent of what is theoretically predicted for them. Demand will increase a great deal if the actual strength is doubled, for which new technologies have to be developed including those involving super-fiber texture control. For providing the fiber with such functions as environment-friendliness, amenity, etc., it is necessary to develop phasal structure control technologies with regard to fiber morphology, surface texture, etc. For success in practical application in the future of such super-fiber materials, each specimen needs to be manufactured in the order of kilogram by way of trial. Moreover, fiber evaluation techniques have to be developed in the three domains of software, hardware, and interface. (NEDO)

  16. Fiscal 1998 achievement report on regional consortium research and development project. Regional consortium of venture business fostering type--Creation of key industries (Development of technologies for manufacturing and utilizing various biological regulatory substances using Hokkaido-produced biomasses as materials); 1998 nendo Dosan biomass wo genryo to shita kakushu seitai chosetsu kino busshitsu no seisan riyo gijutsu kaihatsu seika hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The efforts aim to meet consumers' needs for products that will prevent lifestyle diseases or the like. For this purpose, substances answering the purpose are extracted from Hokkaido-produced agricultural and aquatic biomasses, and prepared for testing. Researches are conducted on how they behave in the enzyme, cell, and biological systems, and active substances are isolated and identified. In relation to the aquatic biomass, a technology is established of extracting and separating DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), taurine, etc., which are multivalent unsaturated fatty acids effective in preventing lifestyle diseases, from the unused parts of the squid. In relation to the agricultural biomass, antimicrobial active substances are extracted and separated from small fruit plants such as the chicory. Long-keeping foods are tentatively produced by the addition of dried powder of the chicory root tuber. In the elucidation of various biological regulatory substances contained in the Hokkaido-produced biomasses, they are tested for their abilities to resist microbes and active oxygen. Furthermore, verification tests are conducted by administering the substances to the senescence-accelerated mouse (SAM). (NEDO)

  17. Fiscal 1998 intellectual infrastructure project utilizing civil sector functions. Research and development project on prompt-effect type intellectual infrastructure creation (Data buildup for assurance of safety of non-ferrous metals); 1998 nendo minkan no kino wo katsuyoshita chiteki kiban jigyo seika hokokusho. Sokkogata chiteki kiban sosei kenkyu kaihatsu jigyo (hitetsu kinzoku no anzensei kakuho ni shisuru data seibi)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Data were collected, put in an easy-to-use order, and developed into a database for safety assurance for automobiles and transportation equipment built of light metals as represented by aluminum. In the collection and arrangement of existing dynamics data, a database having 52 data relating to dynamic properties was prepared after retrieving data from academic essays previously published in Japan and abroad. In the testing of new materials, a Hopkinson high-speed rod-type impact/tensile tester was used to perform tensile tests at eight load application speeds between 0.5mm/min and 50m/sec for practical aluminum alloys 2024, 2091, 5052, 5083, 5254, 6061, 6063, 6NO1, 7075, and AC4CH. As the results, data on the 5000 and 6000 series alloys which had been insufficient were complemented. Data from a newly introduced multi-functional instrumentation Charpy impact tester were compared for study, correlations between property values obtained from bend test specimens and those obtained from tensile test specimens were evaluated, and then a simplified test evaluation method was proposed. (NEDO)

  18. Report on achievements in fiscal 1998. Project of research and development of regional consortium (Development of energy saving type manufacturing process of smart material having electromagnetic wave absorbing function utilizing microwave-hydrothermal process); 1999 nendo micro ha - suinetsuho wo riyoshita denjiyha kyushu kino wo yusuru smart zairyo no sho energy gata seizo process no kaihatsu seika hokokusho. 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The present research is aimed at developing an energy saving manufacturing process of a smart material having electromagnetic wave absorbing function in conventionally undeveloped bands as high as 30 MHz to 60 GHz. The process is composed of design, synthesis and forming of hybrid electromagnetic wave absorbing materials in which such magnetically permeable substance and conductive substance as ferrite is covered on fabrics having large dielectric loss through controlling the particle diameters and membrane thickness by using the microwave-hydrothermal process. The following researches have been performed: (1) development of smart material design and hybrid process technology, (2) evaluation on the electromagnetic wave absorbing function, (3) development of a manufacturing process for a smart forming material, and (4) development of a process for processing fabric material surface utilizing ocean resources. In Item (1), electromagnetic wave shielding function of 30 dB or higher was found provided in 200 MHz to 2 GHz bands. Calcium silicate and ferrite were manufactured by using the microwave-hydrothermal process, and calcium silicate was formed with energy being saved by using the hydrothermal curing process. In Item (2), TR17301A made by the Advanced Corporation was used to structure a system to evaluate the field in the vicinity of electric field and magnetic field. In Item (3), a ferrite forming material manufacturing process was developed. In Item (4), an attempt was carried out on forming ferrite by using reactions of nickel salt and iron salt. (NEDO)

  19. Leading research report for fiscal 1998 on the report on researches on intelligent social infrastructure technology; 1998 nendo chiteki shakai kiban kogaku gijutsu no chosa kenkyu hokokusho sendo kenkyu hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Researches are conducted for showing some guidelines on the system and method of the intelligent social infrastructure technology (ISIT) as a 21st century type systematization technology, and a report is submitted on the result. Discussed in the report are the technological system and image of ISIT, the research and development setup and administrative tasks involving intelligent social infrastructure construction, and the systematization and operation of the ISIT. Mentioned as important element technologies are the infrastructure and information/communications technologies for security and disaster prevention, information technology and automatization technology for maintenance, and intelligent materials enabling disaster prediction and detection. Stated in connection with the future development of ISIT are information/communication technologies for system control, monitoring, and normal/urgent dual use. Specific examples are shown, such as the active card, urban disaster prevention and monitoring system, active city, intelligent network, and so forth. (NEDO)

  20. Fiscal 1997 survey report on the trend of global warming protection measures of substituting freons; 1997 nendo chosa hokokusho (daitai freon no chikyu ondanka taisaku doko ni kansuru chosa hokokusho)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The trend survey was conducted of global warming protection measures by participation in international conferences, scientific society meetings and lecture meetings, and by literature surveys. We participated in the international conference on ozonosphere protection measures. In the 9th meeting of the nations which concluded the Montreal Protocol, the strengthening of restrictions on methyl bromide was decided on. In the UNEP solvent technology selection conference and the OORG conference of the World Bank, reports were made on substituting solvents in Japan, activities supporting developing countries, and the developmental trend of urethane use foaming agent. In the international conference on ozonosphere protection measures, introduced were the present status of Japan`s ODA for developing countries and examples of success of the substitution in the solvent field. The paper included nine reports on CFC destruction technology related literature made public in the past one year. The paper also introduced a comparative study of de-HCFC substituting technology at U.S. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. EPA`s prediction of emission of fluorine 3 gas, the predicted value of HFC emission and trial calculation of contributing rate in all greenhouse gases by IIR, Green Peace and Elf Atochem, and NOAA`s measured data on SF6 in the atmosphere. 49 refs., 46 figs., 26 tabs.

  1. FY 1997 report of survey on the intellectual property in international collaboration research project; 1997 nendo chosa hokokusho (kokusai kyodo kenkyu ni okeru chiteki zaisanken ni tsuite no chosa hokokusho)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In promoting international collaboration research project, coordination of the patent system of each country which participants to the project belong to has broad implications in concluding the contract for the project. For example, in Japan, 100% of the patent belongs to the government for contrast or collaboration project with the government. While, in the USA, the patent developed by the private company belongs to the private company even for the contrast project. In Japan, the shared patent can not be transferred to the third party or implemented without agreement with the partner. While, in the USA, the shared patent can be transferred to the third party or implemented without agreement with the partner. Due to such a difference, some projects can not be established by ill coordination of intellectual property even when the meaning of the projects is well understood. In this survey, was investigated the outline of patent systems of major countries to study about what should well balanced treatment of intellectual property in international collaboration research project be in the future. 4 figs., 8 tabs.

  2. FY1995 new technology of artificial organ materials which can induce host biocompatibility; 1995 nendo jinko zokiyo seitai kino fukatsukagata sozai no kaihatsu gijutsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The aim of this project is to produce a highly biocompatible materials for next generation's artificial organs using the following methods: 1, Micromodification of polymer materials. 2, Biocompatible treatment for biological materials. 3, Application of bioabsorbable materials. 4, Bioactive substance immobilization. and 5, Use of autologous tissue as artificial organ materials. As a synthetic polymer material, microporous polyurethane was used for a small diameter vascular prosthesis. The graft with this technology was successfully implanted in rat abdomical aortic position. The graft of 1.5 mm in internal diameter and 10cm in length showed excellent patency with nice endothelialisation. As a biological material, microfibers of collagen was used for a sealing substance of vascular prothesis. The microfibers absorbed a large amount of water, which could prevent blood leakage from the graft wall. The graft showed non-thrombogenic property and excellent host cell affinity, resulted in rapid neointima formation. As to autologous tissue, bone marrow was used, since marrow cells can differentiate into any mesenchimal cells with synthesis of growth factors. Marrow cell transplanted vascular prothesis showed rapid capillary ingrowth. These results indicated that the newly designed materials had suitable properties for materials of next generation's artificial organs. (NEDO)

  3. FY1995 new technology of artificial organ materials which can induce host biocompatibility; 1995 nendo jinko zokiyo seitai kino fukatsukagata sozai no kaihatsu gijutsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The aim of this project is to produce a highly biocompatible materials for next generation's artificial organs using the following methods: 1, Micromodification of polymer materials. 2, Biocompatible treatment for biological materials. 3, Application of bioabsorbable materials. 4, Bioactive substance immobilization. and 5, Use of autologous tissue as artificial organ materials. As a synthetic polymer material, microporous polyurethane was used for a small diameter vascular prosthesis. The graft with this technology was successfully implanted in rat abdomical aortic position. The graft of 1.5 mm in internal diameter and 10cm in length showed excellent patency with nice endothelialisation. As a biological material, microfibers of collagen was used for a sealing substance of vascular prothesis. The microfibers absorbed a large amount of water, which could prevent blood leakage from the graft wall. The graft showed non-thrombogenic property and excellent host cell affinity, resulted in rapid neointima formation. As to autologous tissue, bone marrow was used, since marrow cells can differentiate into any mesenchimal cells with synthesis of growth factors. Marrow cell transplanted vascular prothesis showed rapid capillary ingrowth. These results indicated that the newly designed materials had suitable properties for materials of next generation's artificial organs. (NEDO)

  4. 50-kg large-size cold crucible levitation melting apparatus; Teibu shuto kino wo motsu 50kg kyu korudo kurushiburu fuyo yokai shochi no kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hayashi, S. [Fuji Electric Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan); Tadano, E. [Fuji Electric Corporate Research and Development Ltd., Kanagawa (Japan)


    With an increase in the degree of industrial techniques and the development of high-technology products in recent years, it has been demanded that the quality of high-purity metal materials be improved. The levitation melting method is a new melting method in which a metal material is melted by induction heating while the material is levitated in a water-cooled copper crucible. This paper made clear the principle of the levitation melting method and describes some problems in the development of a 50 kg-class large-capacity levitation melting apparatus and solutions to the problems. The development of a 50 kg-class levitation melting apparatus having a bottom discharging function was carried out on the basis of the results of discussion of the above-mentioned problems, and the noncontact melting of 50 kg cast iron and the noncontact bottom discharging of molten iron succeeded. This enabled the noncontact process of from the melting of a high-purity metal material and a metal of a high melting point to the casting of the molten metal. Since a continuous casting apparatus is provided under the crucible, the casting of an ingot and a rod material becomes possible. When a metal material is levitation-melted in superhigh vacuum, production of a superhigh-purity metal and a new metal material can be attained since the material is not contaminated by the atmosphere. 9 refs., 11 figs., 4 tabs.

  5. FY1995 new technology of artificial organ materials which can induce host biocompatibility; 1995 nendo jinko zokiyo seitai kino fukatsukagata sozai no kaihatsu gijutsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The aim of this project is to produce a highly biocompatible materials for next generation's artificial organs using the following methods: 1, Micromodification of polymer materials. 2, Biocompatible treatment for biological materials. 3, Application of bioabsorbable materials. 4, Bioactive substance immobilization. and 5, Use of autologous tissue as artificial organ materials. As a synthetic polymer material, microporous polyurethane was used for a small diameter vascular prosthesis. The graft with this technology was successfully implanted in rat abdomical aortic position. The graft of 1.5 mm in internal diameter and 10 cm in length showed excellent patency with nice endothelialisation. As a biological material, microfibers of collagen was used for a sealing substance of vascular prothesis. The microfibers absorbed a large amount of water, which could prevent blood leakage from the graft wall. The graft showed non-thrombogenic property and excellent host cell affinity, resulted in rapid neointima formation. As to autologous tissue, bone marrow was used, since marrow cells can differentiate into any mesenchimal cells with synthesis of growth factors. Marrow cell transplanted vascular prothesis showed rapid capillary ingrowth. These results indicated that the newly designed materials had suitable properties for materials of next generation's artificial organs. (NEDO)

  6. FY1995 new technology of artificial organ materials which can induce host biocompatibility; 1995 nendo jinko zokiyo seitai kino fukatsukagata sozai no kaihatsu gijutsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The aim of this project is to produce a highly biocompatible materials for next generation's artificial organs using the following methods: 1, Micromodification of polymer materials. 2, Biocompatible treatment for biological materials. 3, Application of bioabsorbable materials. 4, Bioactive substance immobilization. and 5, Use of autologous tissue as artificial organ materials. As a synthetic polymer material, microporous polyurethane was used for a small diameter vascular prosthesis. The graft with this technology was successfully implanted in rat abdomical aortic position. The graft of 1.5 mm in internal diameter and 10 cm in length showed excellent patency with nice endothelialisation. As a biological material, microfibers of collagen was used for a sealing substance of vascular prothesis. The microfibers absorbed a large amount of water, which could prevent blood leakage from the graft wall. The graft showed non-thrombogenic property and excellent host cell affinity, resulted in rapid neointima formation. As to autologous tissue, bone marrow was used, since marrow cells can differentiate into any mesenchimal cells with synthesis of growth factors. Marrow cell transplanted vascular prothesis showed rapid capillary ingrowth. These results indicated that the newly designed materials had suitable properties for materials of next generation's artificial organs. (NEDO)

  7. Learning model of eye movement system based on anatomical structure; Kaibogakuteki kozo ni motozuita gakushu kino wo motsu gankyu undo system to sono tokusei

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, X.; Wakamatsu, H. [Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo (Japan)


    A learning system is proposed to explain the adaptive function of an eye movement consisting of compensatory and optokinetic reflex, and pursuit movements based on the brain anatomy and physiology. Thereby, the learning system is synthesized as an artificial neural network based on the structure and function of the biological neural network of flocculus. The role of neural paths into flocculus from stretch receptors of ocular muscles are discussed in detail from the viewpoint of system control engineering. The mathematical learning process is also shown taking into account the adaptive mechanism and the anatomical structure of vestibular nuclei. The experimental results through simulation confirm the validity of the hypothesis and the appropriateness of the inference process in connection with the proposed mathematical model. 18 refs., 11 figs.

  8. Nullspace Sampling with Holonomic Constraints Reveals Molecular Mechanisms of Protein Gαs.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dimitar V Pachov


    Full Text Available Proteins perform their function or interact with partners by exchanging between conformational substates on a wide range of spatiotemporal scales. Structurally characterizing these exchanges is challenging, both experimentally and computationally. Large, diffusional motions are often on timescales that are difficult to access with molecular dynamics simulations, especially for large proteins and their complexes. The low frequency modes of normal mode analysis (NMA report on molecular fluctuations associated with biological activity. However, NMA is limited to a second order expansion about a minimum of the potential energy function, which limits opportunities to observe diffusional motions. By contrast, kino-geometric conformational sampling (KGS permits large perturbations while maintaining the exact geometry of explicit conformational constraints, such as hydrogen bonds. Here, we extend KGS and show that a conformational ensemble of the α subunit Gαs of heterotrimeric stimulatory protein Gs exhibits structural features implicated in its activation pathway. Activation of protein Gs by G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs is associated with GDP release and large conformational changes of its α-helical domain. Our method reveals a coupled α-helical domain opening motion while, simultaneously, Gαs helix α5 samples an activated conformation. These motions are moderated in the activated state. The motion centers on a dynamic hub near the nucleotide-binding site of Gαs, and radiates to helix α4. We find that comparative NMA-based ensembles underestimate the amplitudes of the motion. Additionally, the ensembles fall short in predicting the accepted direction of the full activation pathway. Taken together, our findings suggest that nullspace sampling with explicit, holonomic constraints yields ensembles that illuminate molecular mechanisms involved in GDP release and protein Gs activation, and further establish conformational coupling between key

  9. Quiet STOL research aircraft development program. Teisoon STOL jikkenki kitai kaihatsu sogo hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The airframe development program of the quiet STOL research aircraft (ASKA) promoted by National Aerospace Laboratory, Japan is reported in detail. ASKA was developed based on a C-1 medium-sized troop and freight transport aircraft for the Air Self-Defence Force, and four turbofan- jet engines were substituted for two previous engines. Its first flight was conducted successfully on Oct. 28, 1985 after 8 year development from 1977 to 1985. The ASKA was developed separately on its airframe, engine and flight, and this report includes every related matter to its airframe. The promotion system, budget and executive system are reported in the second chapter, and the design requirements, safety standard and basic design in the third chapter. Several related tests such as wind tunnel test and flight simulation test are reported in the 4th chapter, and the structure and equipment of ASKA are outlined in the final chapter. The appendix includes the line-up of and discussions in the technical committee, the list of newly developed functional parts, the list of design reports and the list of related tests. 50 refs., 8 figs., 23 tabs.

  10. Investigational report on the trend of control technology; Seigyo gijutsu doko chosa hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    For the purpose of corresponding to changes of the industrial structure and making full use of the control technology, the paper investigated the state of the application. High-grade automation in the manufacturing industry has reached the spread of use at big companies for these 10 years. The hierarchical structure of business/process/DCS has been completed, and the optimal control and the advanced control have been realized. The development and spread to the much wider field is anticipated. The soft structure system is needed for equipment improvement in view of the life cycle of equipment and toward the elimination of bottlenecking. For the design of the control system, commercial tools began to be much used, and it is expected in future to accumulate and recycle the knowledge/knowhow for effective design work. Further, strict simulation models based material balance and heat balance have also been on the rise, and the advance in technology is expected. Because of the total productivity of the production equipment, the control technology is anticipated not only for the pursuit of controllability but for the use as supporting technology in the operation/driving/failure diagnosis for working out, carrying out and evaluating the optimum operation plan. 18 refs., 99 figs., 100 tabs.

  11. Report on Asian Environment Information Network; 'Asia kankyo joho network' ni kansuru hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The goal is the construction of Asian Environment Information Network (AEInet) in accordance with a contract signed between Indonesia's LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Science) and NEDO under NEDO's Research Cooperation Project Concerning the Development of Environment Measuring Laser Radar (LR). The network is so designed and constituted as to operate on a private line between Indonesia and Japan via IP (Internet protocol) and to enable the exchange on the Internet network of the data collected/analyzed by the Indonesian LR system and of articles of e-mail between scientists of the two countries. The AEInet will be utilized for the collection/analysis of LR-collected data; exchange of observed data and the result of processing; provision of support to environment information scientists in exchanging e-mail and information; and the search of databases for the implementation of the project. In this paper, the outline and functions of the system, network system design, WWW server construction, network operating status, joint researches with Indonesia, etc., are described. (NEDO)

  12. FY 1992 report on the Coal Kind Committee; 1992 nendo tanshu iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The paper reported the FY 1992 activities of the Coal Kind Committee. The Coal Kind Committee in this fiscal year was held on September 28, 1992 (1st) and on March 4, 1993 (second), and report/discussion were made about the performance test in Chinese coal liquefaction, survey of coal kind selection, development of handling technology, etc. As to the performance test in Chinese coal liquefaction, there were the data very different in quality among the data, and it was pointed out that it was necessary to make a close re-examination of sites for sample collection and sampling methods. Relating to the survey of coal kind selection, the following were pointed out: The inertinite value in the maceral analysis was not necessarily in agreement with the reactivity; The inertinite was dependent largely on temperature for the reaction; It was necessary to make parameters based on the chemical structure. As to the development of the coal utilization hydrogen production technology, the paper reported the experimental survey of coal pretreatment, development of new deheterocyclicity and deashing technologies, experimental survey of coal handling, etc. (NEDO)

  13. Coal liquefaction committee report for fiscal 1981; 1981 nendo sekitan ekika iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    For the assurance of smooth progress of coal technology development endeavors, the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) has installed coal technology development committees (general committee on coal technologies, coal liquefaction committee, plant materials committee, coal type survey committee, total system committee, and coal gasification committee). The coal liquefaction committee deliberates and evaluates liquefaction technology and propels forward smoothly the efforts to develop the technology. Under the coal liquefaction committee, there are four subcommittees, which are the 1st subcommittee (primary liquefaction subcommittee), 2nd subcommittee (solid/liquid separation subcommittee), 3rd subcommittee (secondary hydrogenation subcommittee), and the 4th subcommittee (brown coal liquefaction subcommittee). The 2nd and 3rd subcommittees deal with common tasks as they were studied in fiscal 1980. The 1st subcommittee incorporates into itself the old subcommittees that respectively worked on the three liquefaction processes (the direct hydrogenation process, the solvent extraction process, and the Solvolysis process), and is designed to provide a site for information exchange. A brown coal liquefaction committee is incorporated into the coal liquefaction committee as the 4th subcommittee. This report is a compilation of the agendas of the respective subcommittees of the coal liquefaction committee. (NEDO)

  14. FY 1989 report on the Coal Kind Committee; 1989 nendo tanshu iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The paper reported the FY 1989 activities of the Coal Kind Committee. The Coal Kind Committee in this fiscal year was held on July 24, 1989 (1st) and on February 21, 1990 (second), and report/discussion were made about the performance test on liquefaction of Chinese coal, survey of coal kind selection and international standards of coal. As to the performance test on liquefaction of Chinese coal, comparison was made between the results of the re-analysis/detailed analysis of the coal-derived liquids of Liaoning Province and Inner Mongolia in China which were tested at BSU in Beijing in this fiscal year and the results of the liquefaction test of the coal of Gansu Province in China which was made at BSU in Japan and BSU in China, and the discussion was actively made. Relating to the coal kind survey, report was detailedly made on the automatic analysis of maceral. The analysis of coal maceral requires time and skills, and to make it promptly and universally, the points to be cleared up, handling of two kinds of vitrinite, etc. were made clear. About the international standards of coal, the paper reported on the progress of the international conference held in Sidney in November 1988. (NEDO)

  15. Report on the material committee in fiscal 1988; 1989 nendo zairyo iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This paper describes a report on the material committee for coal gasification technology development in fiscal 1988. The in-plant test on new materials has performed information investigation on use characteristics and use records of new materials. A sulfurizing corrosion resistance test showed that the aluminum-chromium diffused and permeated material and the molten aluminum plated material stabilize the coated surface and have high corrosion resistance. Ceramics painted lining material was evaluated unusable in a steam diffusion test. Phenol resin was found sufficiently usable as a result of giving the stress test at 100 to 150 degrees C. In developing a let-down valve, a high-velocity water slurry injection test revealed that CVD coating of Ti (C, N) has high effect of suppressing the erosion damage. In a high-velocity powder injection test, PVD coating of TiN and CVD coating of TiC were found to show good erosion resistance. Tests and researches were performed to evaluate durability of furnace materials for manufacturing gasified hydrogen, and elucidate conditions to cause iron oxide burst. Evaluation on repairing techniques, and improvement on durability were also executed. (NEDO)

  16. Report of the results of the fiscal 1997 survey. R and D of high efficiency clean energy vehicles; 1997 nendo chosa hokokusho. Kokoritsu clean energy jidosha no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    For the purpose of developing an automobile which keeps low pollution using petroleum substituting clean energy, decreases the running energy consumption to a half at least, and reduces the CO2 emission to less than a half of the conventional one at the same time, the R and D started in fiscal 1997. As to the study of a high efficiency hybrid power system, conducted were the prediction of fuel consumption performance of the system proposed, evaluation of element technology using hybrid simulator, evaluation experiment on a new hybrid vehicle, and grasp of overseas trends. In relation to the development of hybrid vehicles, the following were studied: methanol fuel cell loading hybrid vehicle, CNG engine loading hybrid vehicle, CNG ceramic engine loading hybrid truck, CNG lean burn engine loading hybrid truck, LNG engine loading hybrid bus, and DME engine loading hybrid bus. Besides, a survey on synthetic fuel and the related survey were carried out. 17 refs., 185 figs., 101 tabs.

  17. Der Sound der Roboter. Maschinenmenschen prägen den neuen Science-Fiction-Film – und das Kino erfindet für sie eine besondere Klangsignatur

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mehring, F.


    Im Genre des Science-Fiction-Films zeichnet sich wieder einmal ein thematischer Wandel ab. Immer häufiger stellt sich die Frage: Wie werden in Zukunft die Begegnungen ­zwischen Menschen und intelligenten Maschinen aussehen, und wie werden sie inszeniert? Dabei scheint die geografische Nähe zwischen

  18. Fiscal 1998 research report on information structuring technology for advanced use of NEDO research reports; 1998 nendo NEDO seika hokokusho nado no kodo riyo ni hitsuyona joho kozoka gijutsu no chosa hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Research was made on electronic NEDO research reports corresponding to the recent extending trend of Internet. The logical structure and electronic format of NEDO research reports as document were first studied considering document disclosure and reuse of technical information. HTML as electronic format for Internet is unfortunately insufficient to describe the logical structure of NEDO research reports because of HTML's restricted description. Thus, XML which is being watched because of its possible definition of original tags was studied in place of HTML. As a result, because at present preparation of standards on XML and a compatibility for implementation of standards are insufficient, it was concluded that construction of the electronic document system for NEDO research reports is still too early. However, since adoption of XML as document format is important from the viewpoint of a property succession on Internet, preparation of the XML format file of NEDO research reports is essential. (NEDO)

  19. Fiscal 1999 project for research and development of industrial and scientific technologies. Report on the achievements on research and development of a technology to structure accelerated type living organism functions (Research on a technology to create a new type high-function enzyme); 1999 nendo kosokugata seibutsu kino kochiku gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Shingata kokino koso sosei gijutsu kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    With an aim at structuring an advancement experimental system that can introduce high-level functions efficiently, development was made on a technology to create new type high-function enzymes. This paper summarizes the achievements in fiscal 1999. In the research of a mutation generating technology, application of the DNA shuffling technology was attempted onto phenol hydroxide enzymes and 2,3-dihydroxybiphenyl 1,2-oxygen added enzymes to discuss the possibility of decomposition of trichloroethylene and decomposition of PCB. In the research of a technology to provide gene type and expression type correspondence, improvement in the vector was studied to increase manifestation of motifs onto bacteria surface so that high-sensitivity detection may be made even on a very small amount of a substance. In the research of an efficient selection technology, studies were made on the catalytic function selecting system and the information function selecting system. In the research of an adaptive walking technology, studies were made on REP, LOD, the advancement experimental system using interaction between proteins as the adaptability, and the multi-dimensional adaptive walking technology. In comprehensive surveys and studies, technological information was exchanged, and discussion meetings were held. (NEDO)

  20. Fiscal 1998 intellectual infrastructure project utilizing civil sector functions. Research and development project on prompt-effect type intellectual infrastructure creation (Buildup of base for thermophysical property data for new industry creation); 1998 nendo minkan no kino wo katsuyoshita chiteki kiban jigyo seika hokokusho. Sokkogata chiteki kiban sosei kenkyu kaihatsu jigyo (shinki sangyo sosei no tame no netsubussei data ni kansuru kiban seibi)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    For promoting the creation of new industries, thermophysical data on high-temperature molten bodies, liquid substances, solid materials, and the like were collected, and further measurements were performed; the data were stored in distributed databases; and databases were also developed about access to the Internet. In the study of the thermal properties of high-temperature molten bodies, data were collected from technical literature concerning molten silicon for semiconductor production, that is, 2 about thermal diffusivity, 4 about viscosity index, 30 about surface tension, 8 about density, and 6 about emissivity; and, concerning potassium niobate, 6 about density, 4 about surface tension, and 5 about viscosity index were collected. Thermal properties were measured for molten silicon and molten carbonates. In the study of thermal properties of fluids, data such as PVT (pressure, volume, temperature) values, boiling point pressure, saturated liquid density, isothermal compressibility, cubical expansion coefficient, surplus mol volume, and the like were collected again from technical literature concerning trifluoroethanol and its water solution. Thermodynamic properties of the aqueous ammonia solution comprised of equimolecules were measured. (NEDO)

  1. Report on the material committee meetings in fiscal 1987; 1987 nendo zairyo iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The material committee has held two meetings in this fiscal year. The first committee meeting (September 25, 1987) was held for the major agenda of (1) the development of a centrifugal slurry pump for liquefaction plants, and as the research and development in fiscal 1987, the in-plant tests on new materials and the development a let-down valve, which were reported and deliberated. The major agenda of the second committee meeting (February 24, 1988) were, as the summarized achievements in fiscal 1987, (2) development of a technology to manufacture hydrogen by utilizing coal, (3) in-plant tests on new materials, and (4) development of a let-down valve, which were reported and deliberated. In Item (1), wear in the shaft seal of the centrifugal slurry pump was discussed regarding its cause from the result of a contraction flow test. In Item (2), it was verified that picrochloromite and chromia are integrated as an electromelting aggregate for the atmospheric stability of refractories used in a gasification furnace, and that the test conditions for the refractories call for the refractories to be tested under severe conditions. In Item (3), how to proceed the tests in the future was verified on such items as corrosion patterns, tested materials, coal types, and the degree of corrosion. In Item (4), kinds and temperatures were verified on slurries used in the water-slurry wear test and the fretting corrosion test. (NEDO)

  2. FY 1994 report on the Coal Liquefaction Committee; 1994 nendo sekitan ekika iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The paper reported the FY 1994 activities of the Coal Liquefaction Committee. The Coal Liquefaction Committee in this fiscal year was held on November 29, 1994 (1st) and March 22, 1995 (2nd), and report was made on the bituminous coal liquefaction study and state of the R and D of liquefaction base technology. Report was also made on the state of construction of bituminous coal liquefaction PP, outline of the results of the PSU operation, outline of the 11th Japan-U.S. JTM, etc. In the liquefaction base study, report/discussion were made about the improvement/rationalization of liquefaction process, study of innovative technology of coal liquefaction, study of coal liquefaction conditions, study for higher liquefaction element technology, project on the internationalization of coal liquefaction technology, etc. As to the relation of the entrained bed coal gasification power plant, report/discussion were made about survey/study on the processing of coal for coal gasification use (survey of coal kind selection, development of information processing system for coal conversion technology). Besides, as a topic, report was made on the economical evaluation/calculation of a commercial plant for brown coal liquefaction. (NEDO)

  3. FY 1991 report on the Coal Gasification Committee; 1991 nendo sekitan gasuka iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The paper reported activities of the Coal Gasification Committee, gasification power generation section and gasification technology section in FY 1991. The 1st Coal Gasification Committee Meeting was held on July 16,1991, and report/discussion were made about an outline of the FY 1991 research plan on the development of coal gasification technology. The 2nd Meeting was held on March 12, 1992, and report/discussion were made about activities of each section meeting and the progress of the development of coal gasification technology. In the section meeting of coal gasification power generation, report/discussion were made about the progress and study object of the development of entrained bed coal gasification power plant and support study for the development of the plant. In the 1st section meeting of coal gasification technology, as to the developmental plan on coal utilization hydrogen production technology, report/discussion were made about design/construction/operational study of pilot plant and support study for pilot plant (study using small equipment, study of trial manufacture of plant use equipment/materials). In the 2nd section meeting, report/discussion were made about the results of the development of coal utilization hydrogen production technology. (NEDO)

  4. FY 1994 report on the Coal Gasification Committee; 1994 nendo sekitan gasuka iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The paper reported activities of the Coal Gasification Committee in FY 1994. The 1st Coal Gasification Committee Meeting was held on May 18,1994, the 2nd Meeting on October 28, 1994, and the 3rd Meeting on February 21, 1995. Report/discussion were made about activities of each section meeting and the progress of the development of coal gasification technology. For the 50 t/d HYCOL pilot plant, disassembly examination was conducted. As a result of the examination, the high-temperature gas corrosion caused by gas product against metal members was negligible, but against members in the wet corrosion environment, SCC, intergranular corrosion and pitting corrosion were generated. About members used in the high-temperature environment, it was made clear that Ir was applicable to thermowell, high chromia-base sintered products were applicable to non-cooling hearth tapping materials, and high chromia-base indeterminate-formed materials were applicable to water-cooled fireproofing wall. Based on the data obtained through the operational study of a 50 t/d pilot plant, conceptual design was made of a coal gasification hydrogen production plant of a scale of demonstration plant. (NEDO)

  5. FY 1992 report on the Coal Liquefaction Committee; 1992 nendo sekitan ekika iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The paper reported activities of the Coal Liquefaction Committee in FY 1992. In the 1st committee meeting, report/discussion were made of the summary of the FY 1992 R and D plan on the bituminous coal liquefaction, brown coal liquefaction and the common/basic technology. Further, the following were reported as topics: results of the operation by bituminous coal liquefaction PSU and small equipment, state of arrangement of the results of the brown coal liquefaction project, making of the basic policy for development of the common/basic technology, construction of package of coal liquefaction technology. In the 2nd committee meeting, the summary of the results of the FY 1992 R and D was reported/discussed. As to the development of bituminous coal liquefaction technology, study using pilot plant and support study were reported. Concerning the development of brown coal liquefaction technology, study using a 50t/d pilot plant and complementary study of operation. Relating to the development of the common/basic technology, trial manufacture/development of plant equipment/materials, survey of selection of coal kind, etc. The paper also reported a scheme on the evaluation of efficiency of the brown coal liquefaction process. (NEDO)

  6. Fiscal 1994 report. Liquefaction key technology subcommittee; 1994 nendo ekika kiban gijutsu bukai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The subcommittee held the 1st meeting in August 1994 and the 2nd in March 1995, when preceding fiscal year's research results, fiscal 1994 research plans, fiscal 1994 research results, etc., were introduced, and deliberated. In the study of hydrorefining of naphtha, kerosene, and light oil fractions, a nitrogen concentration level of not more than 5 ppm was achieved by refining oils from Indonesian coal. Studies were also made about the two-step hydrorefining system, the relationship between the coal oil refining level and sludge formation, etc. In the research for the development of novel catalysts for upgrading coal oil, the active life of a nickel-supporting catalyst for hydrogenation at the 1st step was somewhat prolonged with an increase in the amount of nickel. In the study of coal liquefaction conditions, an AWIP method was deliberated, wherein liquefaction process waste water was utilized as one of catalytic component adjusting materials. For upgrading liquefaction key technologies, studies were made for catalyst improvement and pretreatment method development, and about the behavior of liquefaction reaction in a high boiling solvent-aided process. (NEDO)

  7. Report for the coal type committee in fiscal 1992; 1992 nendo tanshu iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This paper reports the activities of the coal type committee in fiscal 1992, and summarizes the main technological achievements. In the Chinese coal liquefaction test, fiscal 1991 has performed liquefaction tests on Fushun coal by using a small continuous testing facility (0.1 t/d) at the Coal Chemistry Research Institute in Beijing. Fiscal 1992 has completed the liquefaction tests on Shengli coal. In October, a liquefaction test was carried out by using Tianzhu coal according to the NEDOL process. This paper reports the result of the liquefaction test on the Shengli coal, and the result of the analysis on the Fushun coal liquefied oil. The coal type selection and investigation having been performed to date reveals close correlation among the maceral composition of coal, coal rank and liquefied oil yield. Coals having good reactivity and suitable for liquefaction are generally suitable also for gasification. In the pretreatment of coal as a gasification material for hydrogen manufacture, a test was performed by using A heavy oil and tar sand bitumen plus A heavy oil as the granulating agents. With Montana coal, the highest de-ashing rate was achieved when the oil was added at 35% by weight. Both of the reaction rate and oil yield were improved. A handling test was carried out up to 72.5 degrees C, wherein Tatung coal presented no problems in both of the discharging and sticking tendencies. (NEDO)

  8. Fiscal 1995 report. Liquefaction key technology subcommittee; 1995 nendo ekika kiban gijutsu bukai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The subcommittee held the 1st meeting in September 1955 and the 2nd in March 1996, when fiscal 1995 research plans and research results were introduced and deliberated. In the study for designing a high-dispersion catalyst and the elucidation of the mechanism of activity expression, catalysts of highly dispersed iron supported on the brown coal surface in various ways were compared with each other in terms of liquefaction activity. Furthermore, geometric changes in the iron catalyst during the sulfurizing process were examined using the XRD (X-ray diffraction) and TEM (transient electromagnetic) methods. An improved catalyst was found to achieve a liquefaction yield near the Yallourn coal liquefaction limit in a high boiling solvent system. Concerning the study of coal oil product applications and refining technologies, reports were delivered on research results relating to the problem of blocking to occur during naphtha fraction refining and measures therefor, inhibition of active metal geometric changes during reaction, methods for separating hetero-compounds from coal oil and application thereof, and so forth. (NEDO)

  9. Coal rank survey committee report for fiscal 1981; 1981 nendo tanshu chosa iinkai hokokusho

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    A coal type research project is started under which data concerning the coal resources that Japan can make use of are to be gathered, which are necessary for determining their fitness-for-use in a coal liquefaction or gasification process, and the gathered data are to be compiled into files which are easy to use. As for the buildup of a computer-aided data bank, since the number of coal types is not yet large, only part of the data is taken into consideration this fiscal year. In the study of compiling the data into files, it is decided that the files be divided into two categories, one for grasping the status of the development project as a whole and the other for defining the positions of the individual coal specimens. Provided in the former are outlines covering the name of coal mine or project, location, entrepreneur, states of the mining area and geology, state of production, infrastructure-related matters, etc. Described in the latter are the details that enable the identification of given specimens such as the coal bed or coal brand, location and method of collection, collector, date, amount of the specimen, method of treatment, etc. (NEDO)

  10. FY 1991 report on the bituminous coal liquefaction section; 1991 nendo rekiseitan ekikabukai hokokusho

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    The paper reported activities of the bituminous coal liquefaction section in FY 1991. In the 1st bituminous coal liquefaction section meeting, report/discussion were made on the outline of the plan on the FY 1991 research using pilot plant and the support study of pilot plant. In the 2nd section meeting, report was made on 'How the development of coal liquefaction technology should be in the 21st century,' a report made by the joint section of bituminous coal/brown coal liquefaction. In the 3rd section meeting, report/discussion were made on the state of progress of the FY 1991 R and D and results. In the study using the bituminous coal liquefaction pilot plant, report was made on the outline of construction of a 150t/d pilot plant, study on the acquisition of material balance, analytical study of the data on liquefaction tower, testing survey on properties of coal slurry, and testing survey on slurry preheating furnace. In the support study of pilot plant, report was made on the study using 1t/d PUS, study on the development of the optimum coal refining technology and improvement in the distillate distribution, study of conditions for coal liquefaction and study of solvent hydrogenation catalyst. (NEDO)

  11. Report on Seminar on Clean Coal Technology '93; Clean coal technology kokusai seminar hokokusho

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    The program of the above clean coal technology (CCT) event is composed of 1) Coal energy be friendly toward the earth, 2) Research on CCT in America (study of coal structure under electron microscope), and 3) Research on CCT in Australia (high intensity combustion of ultrafine coal particles in a clean way). Remarks under item 1) are mentioned below. As for SO{sub 2} emissions base unit, Japan's is 1 at its coal-fired thermal power station while that of America is 7.8. As for the level of SO{sub 2}/NOx reduction attributable to coal utilization technologies, it rises in the order of flue gas desulfurizer-aided pulverized coal combustion, normal pressure fluidized bed combustion, pressurized fluidized bed combustion, integrated coal gasification combined cycle power generation, and integrated coal gasification combined cycle power generation/fuel cell. As for the level of CO2 reduction attributable to power generation efficiency improvement, provided that Japan's average power generation efficiency is 39% and if China's efficiency which is now 28% is improved to be similar to that of Japan, there will be a 40% reduction in CO2 emissions. Under item 2) which involves America's CCT program, reference is made to efforts at eliminating unnecessary part from the catalytic process and at reducing surplus air, to the export of CCT technology, and so forth. Under item 3), it is stated that coal cleaning may govern reaction efficiency in a process of burning coal particles for gasification. (NEDO)

  12. Fiscal 2000 achievement report on the research and development of transfer standard gage for oil flowmeter (final assessment); 2000 nendo sekiyu ryuryokei no iten hyojunki no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho (saishu hyoka hokokusho)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In a servo PD (positive displacement) flowmeter for oil, a differential pressure transmitter detects difference in pressure between the PD flowmeter input and output ports and a rotor is driven by a servo motor so that the pressure difference between before and after the PD flowmeter rotor will be zero. The design enables high-accuracy measurement across a wide range of flow rates and is not easily affected by the surrounding physical conditions such as viscosity and density. For the development of such a flowmeter, it is necessary to develop a rotor that rotates smoothly free of locking in a steady and uniform flow, to build a visualized model that enables the analysis of flow inside the flowmeter which in turn will enable the determination of optimum differential pressure detecting ports, and to connect a newly developed servo mechanism to the thus determined ports. As the result of the research, a servo PD flowmeter is developed, which is a 50mm diameter prototype employing the Invoflex tooth form which is the waveform for a rotor suitable for a high performance flowmeter. Placed in a generally used oil flow calibration liquid, which is gasoline, kerosene, or the like, it covers a flow rate range of 1:10 and reads with an accuracy of {+-}0.1%. It remains stable in performance and suffers but a little change with the passage of time. (NEDO)

  13. Sarah Dellmann: Widerspenstige Körper. Körper, Kino, Sprache und Subversion in Tod Brownings FREAKS und Filmen mit Lon Chaney. Marburg: Schüren Verlag 2009.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabian Tietke


    Full Text Available Im vorliegenden Band werden Filme des in den 1920er und 1930er Jahren sehr erfolgreichen Regisseurs Tod Browning analysiert, insbesondere sein heute bekanntestes Werk Freaks. Mithilfe historischer Kontextualisierungen und eines filmwissenschaftlichen Instrumentariums untersucht Dellmann die These, dass sich in diesem Werk Spuren eines heute verloren gegangenen Körperverständnisses finden lassen – vor allem andere Repräsentationen von Behinderung und behinderten männlichen Körpern.The present anthology analyzes several movies of the director Tod Browning (who was very successful in the 1920s and 1930s, particularly the movie Freaks which, today, is his most well-known work. Using historical contextualizations and a Film Studies background, Dellmann explores the thesis that this work shows traces of an understanding of the body that today no longer exist, above all the representation of disabilities and disabled male bodies.

  14. FY1995 development of a endoscopic surgical system utilizing multi-modal functional images; 1995 nendo tashu kino gazo wo mochiiru teishinshu naishikyo shujutsu system no kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The purpose of this study is to develop an endoscope system for neurosurgery that can provide not only conventional endoscopic images but also ultraviolet-visible spectra, fluorescence spectra, near infrared spectra, and ultra-soundimages of tissue aiming for real-time identification of pathological tissue. The system also incorporates surgical manipulator and devices such as micro forceps and laser surgical instruments for endoscopic image guided surgery. Surgical Manipulator should be a high performance and easy to operate surgical instrument as well as conventional surgical tools such as scissors and knife. Since living tissue deforms during surgical operation, pre-operative three dimensional information for registration of pathological tissue should be modified based on information obtained during surgery. Thus surgical manipulator should be operated under guidance of surgeon's observation. Consequently, surgical manipulator should have various types of imaging and measurement devices such as an endoscope and an ultrasound imaging probe at its end effectors. Based on this concept, a prototype of a new multi channel surgical manipulator system CM cube (CM3, Computer aided Micro Multichannel Manipulator) that has various types of imaging and measurement devices such as ultra-violet-visible camera for spectroscopic measurement, ultra-sound imaging probe, three dimensional endoscope, together with micro surgical instruments and laser surgical systems has been developed. Its performance was evaluated through in vitro/in vivo experiments and clinical application. (NEDO)

  15. From Corpus to Dictionary: A Hybrid Prescriptive, Descriptive and Proscriptive Undertaking Okulondoola engeli Eitu ly'Olusoga bwe Linaatuusibwa mu Iwanika: Omutindo ogulaga Olulimi bwe luli, bwe luteekwa okuba oba bwe lube lutwalibwe.

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    Minah Nabirye



    Obufunze: Empandiika y'Olusoga ekaali inhuma inho waile nga waliwooku obubonelo obulaga enkola y'obuzila mu kugizimba. Olusoga lukaawagamiile wansi w'ennimi nga Oluganda n'olulimi olw'eiwanga, Olungeleza. Ensonga endala ku dhikaalemeisa Olusoga okwetengelela n'okuba nti lulina ebigambo ebilwingila buli olukeile. Eky'embi, enkyukakyuka ebigambo bino ebiyaaka by'eleetawo eli kwidha mu kiseela nga Olusoga lwene lukaali kufunilwaku mpandiika ntongole. Waile walifu dh'Olusoga buti dhiliwo kamaala, wazila ndala ku dho eli kugobelelwa mu kuwandiika kubanga abantu bakaawandiika nga bwe babona. Ebiwandiiko ebili ku Lusoga oba mu lulimi Olusoga byetaagibwa okulaga Olusoga bwe lulina okuba ela n'ebilina okwebuuzibwaku. Eibula ly'ebiwandiiko oti ni bino litegeeza nti omunoonheleza alina okwefunila entambi dh'Olusoga olwogelwa ela yeewanulila Olusoga oluli mu ntambi edho okusobola okutegeela engeli olulimi olwo bwe luli mu kiseela ekyo. Kino kileeseewo obuzibu obundi nti Olusoga olwogelwa tilutongoze ate lulimu emigote kamaala egyandibaile gilondoolwa okusinziila ku mutindo omusengeke singa lubailem mu buwandiike. Ekika ky'Olusoga oluli mu mbeela eyogelwa kya ndhawulo ku kili mu mbeela y'obuwandiike. Okuwanula Olusoga okuva mu ntambi kw'aba nti kugiililiile kwagayaga na kunoga kibala kikaali kwenga bukalamu. Aye engeli ye kili nti Olusoga lulina aboogezi abaswika mu bukaile obubili, abanoonheleza ku Lusoga baalisaine kutandiika li? Olupapula luno lulambulula enzimba y'eitu ly'Olusoga nga ekitundutundu ky'eitu lino kiviile mu Lusoga olwawanulwa okuva mu mbeela eyogelwa. Obuzibu obwayagaanibwa mu mpandiika y'ebigambo ebyawanulwa n'obusimbiibwaku eisila. Okulaga engeli y'okuzigula obuzibu bw'empandiika mu isomo ly'amawanika kwetaagisa enkola eteekubila inho ku nsonga ndala aye enoonheleza engeli esinga kugasa omutendela gw'obuzibu obulondoolebwa. Waile nga obuzibu obundi busobola okugondhoolwa okugiila ku mutendela oguteebwawo, gwalaga olulimi nga bwe luteekwa okuba, obuzibu

  16. FY1995 four-terminal-device intelligent LSI system for real-time event recognition; 1995 nendo shunji ninshiki kino wo motta 4 tanshi device chino LSI no kenkyu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Development of an intelligent LSI system having real-time response capability for real-word events. This is accomplished by enhancing the functionality of an elemental device, employing ultra-fine-grain parallelism and merging software directly in the LSI hardware. Intelligent functions are created directly on the LSI hardware, thus enabling real-time recognition by electronic systems. The origin of human intelligence lies in the huge memory data base acquired through one's life and the very fast search mechanism to recall the 'most similar' event to the current input. Based on this principle components of intelligent LSI systems have been developed. An analog EEPROM technology capable of storing 256 levels of data per cell without time-consuming write/verify operations has been developed. In situ monitoring of memory content during writing has allowed us high-accuracy data writing. A high-speed parallel-search engine for the minimum distance vector (an associator) has been developed using neuron MOS technology. The associator has been applied to the motion vector detector as an example, which has shown a very fast detection with an extremely simple hardware configuration. The association architecture has been applied to a real-time motion picture compression system, demonstrating three orders of magnitude higher performance than typical CISC processors (Pentium 166MHz). (NEDO)

  17. Structural studies on reaction centers from thermophilic photosynthetic bacteria and its functional utilizations. Tainetsusei kogosei saikin ni yuraisuru kogosei hanno chushin no kozo kaimei to kino kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nozawa, T; Morishita, Y; Kobayashi, M; Kanno, S [Tohoku University, Sendai (Japan). Faculty of Engineering


    This paper describes the results of the experiment in which crystallization of protein of reactive center purified from the photosynthetic film of thermophilic purple sulfur photosynthetic bacterium Chromatium tepidum whose hyrogen donor in photosynthesis is H2S instead of H2O was attempted. Crystallization was carried out by the vapor diffusion method and particularly by using ethylene glycol as precipitator at 4[degree]C after various investigations on the conditions of crystallization. By X-ray diffraction, this crystal was found to belong to the rhombic system, and it was estimated that the lattice constants, a, b, c equal to 140[angstrom], 190[angstrom] and 80[angstrom] respectively. This bacterium is a thermophilic bacterium having the optimum growth temperature of 48-50 [degree]C and utilizes CO2 or H2CO3 as corbon source, ammonium, urea etc. as nitrogen source and thiosulfate as sulfur source. Moreover, another purpose of this investigation was to determine the thermophilic location by elucidating its configuration (although, as a result, the analysis of configuration had no sufficient resolution). It was confirmed that the enzyme system of photosynthetic film and its cytoplasm obtained by ultrasonic spallation of this cell have CO2 fixing activity utilizing light energy. 23 refs., 14 figs., 3 tabs.

  18. FY1995 report on the analyses of functional living systems using magnetic stimulation and magnetic fields; 1995 nendo jiki shigeki oyobi kyojiba ni yoru seitai kino kaimei

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The purpose of the project is to widen the understanding of the biological effects o magnetic fields and to search potential applications of biomagnetics to medical diagnosis and treatments. We developed a method of localized magnetic stimulation of the brain. By concentrating induced eddy currents on a target with a pair of opposing pulsed magnetic fields produced by a figure-eight coil, they were able to stimulate the human cortex within a 5 mm resolution. We studied the properties of diamagnetic water in static magnetic fields. The phenomenon that the surface of the water was pushed back by magnetic fields of higher gradients was observed. The behavior of oxygen dissolved in an aqueous solution under magnetic fields of up to 8T with a gradient of 50T/m was studied. For oxygen concentrations greater than 11 mg/l, a clear redistribution of dissolved oxygen was observed. Effects of strong magnetic fields on a process of dissolution of fibrin clots was studied. Fibrin polymers in water magneto-phoresically drifted in the direction of increasing magnetic fields, and dissolution of fibrin polymers by plasmin was accelerated. (NEDO)

  19. FY1995 four-terminal-device intelligent LSI system for real-time event recognition; 1995 nendo shunji ninshiki kino wo motta 4 tanshi device chino LSI no kenkyu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Development of an intelligent LSI system having real-time response capability for real-word events. This is accomplished by enhancing the functionality of an elemental device, employing ultra-fine-grain parallelism and merging software directly in the LSI hardware. Intelligent functions are created directly on the LSI hardware, thus enabling real-time recognition by electronic systems. The origin of human intelligence lies in the huge memory data base acquired through one's life and the very fast search mechanism to recall the 'most similar' event to the current input. Based on this principle components of intelligent LSI systems have been developed. An analog EEPROM technology capable of storing 256 levels of data per cell without time-consuming write/verify operations has been developed. In situ monitoring of memory content during writing has allowed us high-accuracy data writing. A high-speed parallel-search engine for the minimum distance vector (an associator) has been developed using neuron MOS technology. The associator has been applied to the motion vector detector as an example, which has shown a very fast detection with an extremely simple hardware configuration. The association architecture has been applied to a real-time motion picture compression system, demonstrating three orders of magnitude higher performance than typical CISC processors (Pentium 166MHz). (NEDO)

  20. Report on the coal liquefaction committee in fiscal 1992; 1992 nendo sekitan ekika iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This paper reports the activities of the coal liquefaction committee in fiscal 1992. The first committee meeting was held on August 21. After having confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting, an explanation was given on the research and development plans in fiscal 1992. The explanation covered the general explanation, bituminous coal liquefaction, brown coal liquefaction, and the common and fundamental aspects. The presented topics included the achievements in the operations using a bituminous coal liquefaction PSU and a small device, the status of compiling the achievements in the brown coal liquefaction project, preparation of the basic policy on developing the common basic technologies, and structuring of a coal liquefaction technology package. The second meeting was held on March 18, 1993. The meeting verified the minutes of the previous meeting, and gave the sub-committee reports for fiscal 1992. The sub-committees include those for bituminous coal liquefaction, brown coal liquefaction, environmental safety evaluation, and separation and refining technologies. As the summary of the achievements in fiscal 1992, descriptions were given on the bituminous coal liquefaction, brown coal liquefaction, and common and basic aspects. The fiscal 1993 plan presented included the budget aspect. A description was given as a topic on the economic performance evaluation and the working scheme (the execution plan) for the brown coal liquefaction process. (NEDO)

  1. Report for the coal type committee meetings in fiscal 1988; 1987 nendo tanshu iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The first committee meeting was held on September 30, 1987. The major agenda included: a development plan for the basic research, and as the summary of the achievements in fiscal 1986, Chinese coal liquefaction tests, coal type surveys, coal resource surveys, and as the research plan for fiscal 1987, coal resource surveys (Alaskan coal and Kalimantan coal), coal type surveys, and Chinese coal liquefaction tests. The results thereon were reported and deliberated. The second committee meeting was held on February 25, 1988. The agenda included: an interim report on the Chinese coal liquefaction tests, coal type surveys, coal resource surveys, (Alaskan coal and Kalimantan coal), as the interim report on the research achievements in fiscal 1987. Among the agenda, especially on the Chinese coal liquefaction tests, the data of the tests performed by the Chinese side and presented at the Japan-China joint technology sub-committee were introduced in detail, having drawn attention of the attendants. The first committee meeting reported the result of the autoclave test carried out by the Chinese side, the result of operation of the small continuous device (0.1 t/d) in fiscal 1986, and the result of the autoclave test performed by Mitsui Engineering and Shipbuilding for comparison. The second committee meeting reported the result of continuous operation implemented in China from August through September 1987 in the Chinese coal liquefaction test. (NEDO)

  2. Report on new energy vision in Koushida Town area; Koushidacho chiiki shin energy vision hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    A new energy vision was established in the Koushida Town area in Miyagi Prefecture. The population of Koushida Town has leveled off in recent years at 20,245 persons in fiscal 2000. However, number of people working outside the town is increasing, and the ratio of the daytime population is decreasing slowly. Agriculture in this town depends mainly on production rice of such brands as 'Hitomebore' and 'Sasanishiki', wherein the agricultural production amount is 3 billion 260 million yen in fiscal 1998. Commercial activities are decreasing its power with the annual retail sales amount of 17 billion 800 million yen, while the product shipping amount from the attracted factories is on the increasing trend, at 25 billion 700 million yen in 1998. The energy consumption is 526 times 10{sup 9} kcal in total, accounted for by the business department at 42.0%, the transportation department at 32.3%, and the consumer department at 25.7%. The annual utilizable quantity of new energies amounts to 28,816 times 10{sup 6} kcal, made available from solar power, wind power, bio-mass, and refuses, which is about 5.5% of the final energy consumption of the town. The new energy introducing project includes introduction of photovoltaic power generation into the town office building, facilities for interchange of citizens and schools, conversion of the automobiles used in the official organizations into clean energy fueled automobiles, the Eco-town Plan for the east side of Koushida Station, and the project of utilizing bio-mass supplied from the livestock market. (NEDO)

  3. Report on new energy vision in Koushida Town area; Koushidacho chiiki shin energy vision hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    A new energy vision was established in the Koushida Town area in Miyagi Prefecture. The population of Koushida Town has leveled off in recent years at 20,245 persons in fiscal 2000. However, number of people working outside the town is increasing, and the ratio of the daytime population is decreasing slowly. Agriculture in this town depends mainly on production rice of such brands as 'Hitomebore' and 'Sasanishiki', wherein the agricultural production amount is 3 billion 260 million yen in fiscal 1998. Commercial activities are decreasing its power with the annual retail sales amount of 17 billion 800 million yen, while the product shipping amount from the attracted factories is on the increasing trend, at 25 billion 700 million yen in 1998. The energy consumption is 526 times 10{sup 9} kcal in total, accounted for by the business department at 42.0%, the transportation department at 32.3%, and the consumer department at 25.7%. The annual utilizable quantity of new energies amounts to 28,816 times 10{sup 6} kcal, made available from solar power, wind power, bio-mass, and refuses, which is about 5.5% of the final energy consumption of the town. The new energy introducing project includes introduction of photovoltaic power generation into the town office building, facilities for interchange of citizens and schools, conversion of the automobiles used in the official organizations into clean energy fueled automobiles, the Eco-town Plan for the east side of Koushida Station, and the project of utilizing bio-mass supplied from the livestock market. (NEDO)

  4. Report for fiscal 1994 by Coal Gasification Committee; 1994 nendo sekitan gas ka iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Summarized in this report is the material already distributed concerning the program for modifying the Nakoso 200t/d pilot plant entrained bed coal gasification furnace. The program aims to verify the overall suitability for power generation use of the air-blow pressurized 2-chamber 2-stage flow entrained bed gasification furnace. Although each specific feature of gasification furnace performance is found to be satisfactory, yet a 100% operation and extended continuous operation remain to be accomplished. Slagging is a phenomenon of ash grains in high-temperature gas adhering to and growing on the furnace walls to block up the furnace to eventually disable the furnace from continuous operation. In view of past achievements and test results, it is found that slagging is closely related to the behavior of floating or molten ash and to the transition temperature range. Various slagging measures have been taken for the current gasification furnace, but they prove to be ineffective. Some drastic measures need to be implemented for improvement. Under study using model furnaces and test furnaces are the reduction of slag generation at its source (re-entrained slag), prevention of adhesion (untrapped slag), removal of slag, optimization of gyration in the furnace, modification of slag properties for enhanced discharge, optimization of the transition gas temperature range, and the modification of furnace dimensions. (NEDO)

  5. Proceedings of RITE international workshop on valuation; Total eko balance ni kansuru kokusai workshop hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The RITE International Workshop on Valuation was held in Tokyo and Osaka in February 1996, and eight papers on total ecobalance were reported. In The Field of Impact Assessment, described were constitution and methodology about impact assessment in a wide sense. In LCA Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, discussed were the historical development and future outlook of LCA. In Standardization of Product Life Cycle Assessment, a survey of the present situation of LCA international standardization was made. In the Relationship between Product Life Cycle Assessment Methodology, considered was the relationship between the goal definition of the product life cycle assessment and the methodological choices. In Valuation in LCA, the present study of LCA was reviewed. Besides, reviews of the LCA study in Japan were made public.

  6. Report on the coal type committee meetings in fiscal 1988; 1989 nendo tanshu iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This paper is a report on the coal type committee meetings in fiscal 1988. It summarizes the report mainly on the data distributed at the first and second coal type committee meetings. It describes liquefaction performance tests on Chinese coals in the coal type selection and investigation. In order to develop jointly by Japan and China the coal liquefaction technology, liquefaction tests have been performed on Chinese coals since fiscal 1982 by using the small continuous testing equipment (0.1 t/d) installed in the Beijing Soot and Coal Science Research Institute. The test is now in the third phase. The first sub-committee meeting reported the result on the Shenmu Simengou coal. The coal type investigation has analyzed coal samples collected from the world, classified them into brown coal, sub-bituminous coal of low coal rank, sub-bituminous coal, highly volatile bituminous coal of low coal rank, and highly volatile bituminous coal, and presented a list of candidate coals for liquefaction. Regarding the liquefaction performance tests on Chinese coals, the second coal type committee meeting reported the result on the Fuxin Qinghemen coal, and the result on the Tianzhu coal as revealed by using the NEDOL process BSU. The paper also presents the interim report on the research achievements in fiscal 1988 on the liquefaction performance tests on Chinese coals and the research achievements of the investigation and study in fiscal 1988 on the treatment technologies for coals used for coal gasification 'coal type selection and investigation'. (NEDO)

  7. Report on regional new energy vision for Kahoku town; Kahokucho chiiki shin energy vision hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    A regional new energy vision has been formulated for Kahoku town, Kochi Prefecture, which features the introduction of recoverable energy harmonious with nature and friendly to human life and environments. The results of activities conducted in this connection are compiled into nine chapters, which cover (1) Kahoku-town's local characteristics relative to new energy, (2) survey of townspeople's awareness of new energy, (3) amounts of new energy in existence, (4) basic policy toward introduction, (5) study of concrete measures for promoting introduction, (6) study of prioritized projects, (7) establishment of target amounts for introduction, (8) coordination with energy conservation measures, and (9) a system for thrusting forward the regional new energy vision toward embodiment. Chapter (7) comprises the way of setting target values for introduction; study of the target values to be achieved by the industry, administration, and citizenry, respectively; and a conclusion on the target values. Studies are conducted in the chapter about the introduction of solar energy, wind power generation, small scale hydroelectric power generation, cogeneration, clean energy vehicles, and the like. It is predicted that 960 kl/year will be introduced in fiscal 2010 in terms of oil, which accounts for 12% of energy consumption. (NEDO)

  8. Report for the coal type committee meetings in fiscal 1993; 1993 nendo tanshu iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This paper reports a joint meeting of the coal liquefaction committee and the coal type committee in fiscal 1993. The report is focussed on the coal type selection (the final report) for the coal used in the 150-t/d coal liquefaction pilot plant (PP) among other agenda. Initially the Australian Wandoan coal was scheduled to be selected as the reference coal for the PP operation, but the mine has not gone into operation, hence the schedule was given up. Screening was carried out to select a coal which is commercially produced and exported, and contains ash at 10% by weight or less, sulfur at 1.5% by weight or less, and chlorine at 300 ppm or less. An autoclave and a 0.01-t/d flowing type device were used to evaluate liquefaction performance, whereas the Tanito Harum coal produced in Indonesia, very similar to the Wandoan coal, was selected as a promising candidate. A PSU was used to demonstrate overall operation performance. The coal is an appropriate reference coal as seen from the aspects of liquefied oil yield, nature, operability, and site surveys in Indonesia. Among the actual record of four kinds of PSU coals in the past, the present coal has the oil yield ranked high, has the least liquefaction residues, and is advantageous economically. The oil yield per ton of coal has cleared the PP target of four barrels. The coal has less ash, is easy in solid/liquid separation in the depressurized distillation, and has no problems in operability, excepting the matter of coal supply. (NEDO)

  9. Report for fiscal 1995 by Coal Gasification Committee; 1995 nendo sekitan gas ka iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This is a summary primarily of the distributed material. As of December 14, 1995, the 200t/d pilot plant for power generation by entrained bed coal gasification records a total coal gasification operation time of 4,485 hours with an accumulated amount of power generation of 9,227MWh. A large combustor is tested, and it is found that combustion is stable under a 1/4 load with low NOx emissions. The combustor is sufficiently cooled with a small supply of air. Coal ash and coal, supplied in a constant state for an improved heat recovery efficiency in the development of hydrogen-from-coal technology, are heated to a temperature near their melting points. They are then allowed to impinge at a heat transfer plane simulating a gasifier heat recovery section, and a study is made of the mechanism of ash adhesion, molten or semi-molten, to the heat recovery section. The reduction of the heat transfer coefficient due to added grains is 30-50%, and the reduction is small when the heat transfer pipe surface velocity is high or when the carbon concentration in the grains is high. In another effort, utilization of coal-derived gas as town gas is studied. As for yields as indicated by the Curie gas pyrolyzer, the gas yield increases and liquid yield decreases when the reaction temperature is high. Using a small test unit, it is found that a rise in the hydrogen partial pressure increases the production of both gas and liquid. (NEDO)

  10. Report on new energy vision in Fudai Village area; Fudaimura chiiki shin energy vision hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    A new energy vision was established in the Fudai Village area in Iwate Prefecture. The population of Fudai Village is decreasing from the peak of 4,103 persons in 1985. Its basic industry is fishery and agricultural industries, with the fish and marine product raising industry particularly active. The energy consumption in Fudai Village is, in the decreasing order, the transportation field (48.5%), the social and household field (26.5%), social industry, and manufacturing industry. Homes consume room heating energy at a greater extent. Energies are supplied by fuel oil at 53,554 Gcal (79.3%) and electric power at 11,551 Gcal (17.1%). The new energy introducing project has discussed introduction of cogeneration into the Kurosaki House, introduction of photovoltaic power generation and solar heat utilization systems, and introduction wind power generation as a tourism symbol. Discussions were also given on conversion of the automobiles used in the official organizations into clean energy automobiles. Further discussions were given on introduction of small new energy facilities, such as hybrid illumination, small wind power generation, and photovoltaic power generation, into the village office, the station square, the fish market, facilities in the fishing port, the children's hall, and the Road Station. (NEDO)

  11. FY 1981 report on the Coal Kind Survey Committee; 1981 nendo tanshu chosa iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    For the purpose of establishing coal liquefaction/gasification technology, investigational survey on the usable coal resource in Japan was made to collect/file the data on the state of coal existence, coal kind, etc. by the Coal Kind Survey Committee and the section. In the 1st committee meeting, an idea of the coal kind survey was discussed, and in the 2nd committee meeting, a summary of activities in this fiscal year was reported. In the section meeting, the following were carried out: discussion of a course of the coal kind survey in the 1st meeting; discussion about how to proceed with the coal kind survey/items of data filing in the 2nd meeting; examinational study of items of data filing in the 3rd meeting; summary of activities in this fiscal year in the 4th meeting. As examples of the coal kind survey, the following were cited: special study report on coal resource and gasification/liquefaction characteristics by Science and Technology Agency; results of the survey by Joint Coal Board and Queensland Coal Board in Australia; Report of 1978 by The Fuel Society of Japan; Report of 1976 by Pennsylvania State University; data on process raw coal by The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, etc. (NEDO)

  12. Report on energy saving vision in Santo-cho region; Santocho chiiki sho energy vision hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    An energy-saving vision was decided on in Santo-cho region in Hyogo Prefecture, with its outline reported. This town is such that about 80% of the region is mountains, forests and wilderness and that aging is advancing at the rate above that of Hyogo Prefecture or the national average. Nearly entire energy of the town is dependent on the supply from outside. The energy consumption is somewhat increasing as a whole, with that of the people's livelihood/domestic sector and of transportation sector are rising. In the classification of fuels, electricity is growing in consumption. As an energy-saving vision, it aimed principally at personal surroundings in which every one got into the habit of saving energy continuously without being forced. The basic plan for the energy conservation drive consisted of inducement to an energy-saving life style, energy conservation to be spread by the next generation children, continuation of energy saving activity rooted in the region, and promotion of energy conservation as a basis for introducing new energy. The diffusion and enlightenment for children destined to lead the next generation were defined as a particularly important assignment, as was the promotion of energy conservation and environmental education. (NEDO)

  13. Report on the coal type committee meetings in fiscal 1988; 1989 nendo tanshu iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This paper is a report on the coal type committee meetings in fiscal 1988. It summarizes the report mainly on the data distributed at the first and second coal type committee meetings. It describes liquefaction performance tests on Chinese coals in the coal type selection and investigation. In order to develop jointly by Japan and China the coal liquefaction technology, liquefaction tests have been performed on Chinese coals since fiscal 1982 by using the small continuous testing equipment (0.1 t/d) installed in the Beijing Soot and Coal Science Research Institute. The test is now in the third phase. The first sub-committee meeting reported the result on the Shenmu Simengou coal. The coal type investigation has analyzed coal samples collected from the world, classified them into brown coal, sub-bituminous coal of low coal rank, sub-bituminous coal, highly volatile bituminous coal of low coal rank, and highly volatile bituminous coal, and presented a list of candidate coals for liquefaction. Regarding the liquefaction performance tests on Chinese coals, the second coal type committee meeting reported the result on the Fuxin Qinghemen coal, and the result on the Tianzhu coal as revealed by using the NEDOL process BSU. The paper also presents the interim report on the research achievements in fiscal 1988 on the liquefaction performance tests on Chinese coals and the research achievements of the investigation and study in fiscal 1988 on the treatment technologies for coals used for coal gasification 'coal type selection and investigation'. (NEDO)

  14. Report on studies on closed cycle MHD power generation; Closed cycle MHD hatsuden kento hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Summarized herein are results of the studies on closed cycle MHD (CCMHD) power generation by the study committee. The studied system is based on the MHD gas turbine combined Brayton cycle of about 500,000 kW in output power, firing natural gas as the fuel, and the conceptual design works therefor are completed. The major findings are: the overall plant efficiency: 54.2% at the power transmission side, plot area required per unit power output: 0.04 m{sup 2}/KW, unit construction cost: 251,000 yen/KW, and unit power generation cost: 10.2 yen/KWh. This system will be more operable than the gas turbine combined cycle with steam system, because start-up time, output change rate, optimum load and so on are constrained not on the power generator side but on the gas turbine side. The expected environmental effects include the exhaust gas NOX concentration being equivalent with that associated with the conventional power generator of 2-stage combustion system, quantity of combustion gases to be treated being approximately 40% of that associated with the gas turbine combined cycle, and reduced CO2 gas emissions, resulting from enhanced power generation efficiency. It is expected that the CCMHD system can exhibit higher efficiency than the high-temperature gas turbine combined cycle system. (NEDO)

  15. Report on Asian Environment Information Network; 'Asia kankyo joho network' ni kansuru hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The goal is the construction of Asian Environment Information Network (AEInet) in accordance with a contract signed between Indonesia's LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Science) and NEDO under NEDO's Research Cooperation Project Concerning the Development of Environment Measuring Laser Radar (LR). The network is so designed and constituted as to operate on a private line between Indonesia and Japan via IP (Internet protocol) and to enable the exchange on the Internet network of the data collected/analyzed by the Indonesian LR system and of articles of e-mail between scientists of the two countries. The AEInet will be utilized for the collection/analysis of LR-collected data; exchange of observed data and the result of processing; provision of support to environment information scientists in exchanging e-mail and information; and the search of databases for the implementation of the project. In this paper, the outline and functions of the system, network system design, WWW server construction, network operating status, joint researches with Indonesia, etc., are described. (NEDO)

  16. Report for fiscal 1993 by coal gasification committee; 1993 nendo sekitan gas ka iinkai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report is a compilation mainly of distributed material. In the development of entrained bed coal gasification power generation, gasification is tested in a 2t/d-capable facility and gasification efficiency and operation characteristics are grasped, these constituting the studies of elements to assist pilot plant operation etc. The fluid temperature point of slag is found to decrease by 200 degrees C at the maximum upon addition of flux (CaO), and this improves on slag fluidity. For the development of a demonstration gas turbine, an experimentally built combustor is tested using a real gas. A combined cycle power system is studied by simulation. In the study of pilot plant operation, measures relative to slagging are implemented, inspection and maintenance are conducted for each facility, and the combustor for a demonstration plant is subjected to oil and coal combustion tests. In the study of a pilot plant for developing technologies for hydrogen production using coal, the plant stably runs more than 1,000 hours under 100% load at in a RUN-8-3 operation. Some deposit collects in the neighborhood of the contracted area of the blow nozzle and on some part in the slip stream, but it does not affect operation. No abnormalities are detected in the cyclone or heat recovery boiler. The pilot plant is let to continue its operation, and excellent results are achieved, which are beyond the targets of carbon conversion efficiency of 98% or higher and gas cooling efficiency of 78% or higher. (NEDO)

  17. Fiscal 1999 project for research and development of industrial and scientific technologies. Report on the achievements on research and development of a technology to structure accelerated type living organism functions (Unit zone combination technology and the advancement experimental system structuring technology); 1999 nendo kasokugata seibutsu kino kochiku gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Tan'i ryoiki kumiawase gijutsu oyobi shinka jikkenkei system kochiku gijutsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    With an aim at structuring an advancement experimental system that can introduce high-level functions efficiently, research was performed on the unit zone combination technology and the advancement experimental system structuring technology. This paper summarizes the achievements in fiscal 1999. In the research of the unit zone combination technology, analysis was made on the structures and functions of barnase mutants replaced with modules and secondary structure units, in order to investigate how much of plasticity is possessed by the amino acid array constituting natural proteins. In addition, establishment was implemented on the random multi-recombination PCR that can link randomly the DNAs having arbitrary arrangement. Furthermore, the STABLE method was developed successfully to put proteins and DNAs coding thereof into direct correspondence. The research on the optimal advancement experimental system structuring technology using model enzymes placed the importance on the mutation generating technology, or the random peptide library fabricating technology. Research was carried out with an intention of structuring a system to discover quickly an optimal method. (NEDO)

  18. Fiscal 1997 survey report. Basic survey on trends of waste use type production facilities and waste fuel production facilities; 1997 nendo chosa hokokusho. Haikibutsu riyogata seizo shisetsu oyobi haikibutsu nenryo seizo shisetsu doko kiso chosa hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This survey was made to obtain the basic data for future spread and promotion of No.6 type (waste use type production facilities) and No.7 type (waste fuel production facilities) which were added to the objects having been subsidized since fiscal 1997 under `the environmental harmony type energy community project.` In the former, the kiln in the cement industry and the blast furnace in the steel industry can be extremely large places to receive waste plastic since the facilities are distributed in every area and the treatment capacity is large. However, the effective collection, transportation and sorting of large quantity of waste plastic, especially the problem of removal of vinyl chloride, is a big bottleneck. As to the use of waste plastic using gasification technology, there are no actual results on the commercial basis. That is, however, appropriate for treatment of the waste difficult in treatment, and can be expected of the usage in the chemical industry. In the latter, in the facilities using industrial waste raw materials as fuel, solidification and liquefaction are both operated on a commercial basis. In relation to the solidification and use as fuel of general waste, the treatment of combustion ash is preventing the expansion of use of waste in the industrial field because of a large quantity of chlorine included in the products. 92 refs., 54 figs., 35 tabs.

  19. Research report of fiscal 1997. Study on total energy and material control (feasibility study on circulating society); 1997 nendo chosa hokokusho. Total energy and material control ni kansuru chosa (junkangata shakai kochiku kanosei chosa) chosa hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In order to construct real sustainable global environment and human society in the 21st century called the century of environment, not only the innovation of manufacturing processes technically supporting such the construction but also the conception including the innovation of the whole society from a wide viewpoint are essential. As a total energy and material control system (TEMCOS) concept, the view of an energy-saving circulating society is attempted which minimizes a total energy and material flow in Japan, and the role and issue of manufacturing industry, in particular, material industry are extracted. As one of the targets of such a concept, the conception of an eco-town is also described. Paying attention on some important material industries including a mass material flow and consuming a large amount of energy such as metal, plastics and automobile industries, the study result on a material flow for every industry is arranged, and some effective issues contributing to minimize a material flow and control energy consumption and CO2 emission are extracted. 80 refs., 67 figs., 30 tabs.

  20. FY 1992 report on the survey of geothermal development promotion. Geochemical survey (No. A-1 - Haneyama area); 1992 nendo chinetsu kaihatsu sokushin chosa chijo chosa hokokusho futai shiryo. Chikagaku chosa hokokusho (No. A-1 Haneyama chiiki)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    For the purpose of studying an expanse and characteristics of the geothermal system and a possibility of geothermal development in the Haneyama area, Oita Prefecture, geochemical survey was conducted. In the survey, various kinds of analyses were made for 13 specimens of hot spring water and 5 specimens of surface water in the area of about 280km{sup 2} at 402 measuring points of the concentration of Hg in soil gas. The results of the survey were as follows: In this survey area, it was thought that the HCO{sub 3} type geothermal water of a comparatively low temperature which was heated by the wide-spread conduction heat from the depths was widely distributed deeper than the depth of 500-700m, and it was presumed that a possibility was low of existence of a high geothermal potential which can be used for the geothermal power generation in the part deeper than the drilling depth of 700m. In the Noya area in the southwest part of the survey area, the high temperature deep geothermal reservoir was confirmed. In this area, the high temperature neutral-alkalescent Cl-SO{sub 4} type geothermal water was distributed in the depth of several 100 meters or deeper. The geothermal water seemed to flow from NE to SW along the structure in the NE-SW direction, and it was concluded that the area was the most promising one. (NEDO)

  1. Fiscal 1998 research report. Research on the possibility of promoting CDM project through technology transfer with plant exports; 1998 nendo chosa hokokusho. Plant yushutsugata gijutsu iten wo tsujita CDM project suishin kanosei ni kansuru chosa hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Study was made on promotion of CDM (clean development mechanism) project through technology transfer with plant exports. Although CDM system was provided in COP3 on climate change held in Kyoto in 1997, its detailed rules including project approval are yet undecided, and only the schedule to provide the detailed rules until COP6 in 2000 was decided in COP4 in 1998. The common recognition that the CDM project with plant exports produces various merits for both Japan and the partner country is increasing. However, from the viewpoint of forming concrete CDM projects, most Japanese enterprises are passive in approach to the CDM project because of no detailed design of CDM, uncertain profitability and procedures, and avoidance of additional burdens. Plant export is also difficult because of the fact that assessment of a new project is difficult. Enterprises' deeper recognition on the CDM project, and a governmental integrated support system are desirable. (NEDO)

  2. FY 1992 report on the survey of geothermal development promotion. Gravity prospecting (No. A-1 - Haneyama area); 1992 nendo chinetsu kaihatsu sokushin chosa chijo chosa hokokusho futai shiryo. Juryoku tansa hokokusho (No. A-1 Haneyama chiiki)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    For the contribution to elucidation of the geothermal structure in the Haneyama area in Oita Prefecture, gravity prospecting was conducted. Survey was carried out in the area of about 280km{sup 2} at 205 measuring points, and analysis was made altogether with the existing 3,273 gravity measuring points. As a result, the following were made clear. The gravity basement forms the fault-state structure that sinks several 100 meters to the south side on the line from the south edge of the Higashi-shiiya ridge to Mt. Kurotake - Mt. Daigansen - Amagase hot spring in the SW direction. This fault was made correspondent to the Beppu north fault on the east side of Mt. Kurodake. Each of the following regions is the region where the fault-state structure that predicts the development of fracture and the area of distribution of alteration zone that can be cap rock overlap each other: NW edge of Shishimuta sedimentation zone - Machida alteration zone distribution area; N edge of the Shishimuta sedimentation zone - Ibushi alteration zone/Noya alteration zone distribution area; Vicinity of Mt. Kurodake - Hijiu alteration zone distribution area. It seems that the above-mentioned regions have high potentiality of geothermal exploration. The region where new igneous activities are seen, which is near the heat source, is important for exploration. The distribution area is seen near the west of the Mizuwake Pass ridge. (NEDO)

  3. Development of new type of nonlinear optical materials with a function of ultrafast optical modulation; Chokosoku hikari reiki hencho kino wo motsu atarashii hisenkei kogaku zairyo no kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sakaguchi, H. [Shizuoka University, Shizuoka (Japan). Research Institute of Electronics


    Ultrafast modulation of second harmonies from a Langmuir-Blodgett film consisting of a ruthenium complex was demonstrated for the first time. The mechanism of the modulator of SHG intensity on laser irradiation was ascribed to the change of molecular hyperpolarizability of the ruthenium complex on going from the ground state to the excited state. 9 refs., 12 figs.

  4. Report for fiscal 1995 by basic liquefaction technology subcommittee; 1995 nendo ekika kiban gijutsu bukai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Delivered at the 1st meeting are a report on the fiscal 1995 research plan and an interim report, involving the use of coal-derived oils, research on refining technology using a PDU (process developing unit), reforming technology and petroleum blending technology for coal-derived oils, development of new reforming catalysts, technology of heterocompound separation, and the development of applications. Reported in relation with the development of environmentally friendly coal liquefaction technology are the study of coal liquefaction conditions, study of the upgrading of basic liquefaction techniques for the improvement and rationalization of the liquefaction process, and a project of liquefaction technology internationalization. A report is also given on a liquefaction catalyst study meeting. At the 2nd meeting, reports are delivered on the development of environmentally friendly coal liquefaction technology, including a briefing on the situation in general, designing of highly active catalysts, elucidation of the mechanism of emergence of activity, achievement of the marginal yield of coal-derived oils, and the properties of catalyst attached to coal. Delivered in relation with the use of coal-derived oils and technology for their refining are a briefing on the situation in general and reports on the blockup to occur in the naphtha fraction process and measures to counter the problem, control of the metamorphosis of active metals in reaction, heterocompound separation technology, and the development of applications. (NEDO)

  5. Fiscal 1989 report on the bituminous coal liquefaction section meeting; 1989 nendo rekiseitan ekika bukai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    At the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd group meetings held for the fiscal year, reports are given and discussions are made about the progress of research and development. Reported and discussed in relation to the progress of the pilot plant support research are studies with the 1t/d PSU (process supporting unit) (Nippon Steel Corporation, Mitsui Coal Liquefaction Co., Ltd., and Japan Coal Oil Co., Ltd.); improvement on distillate distribution (Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd.); development of an optimum decalcification technique (Sumitomo Coal Mining Co., Ltd., and Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd.); studies of solvent hydrogenation catalysts (Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd., and Chiyoda Corp.); and studies of coal liquefaction conditions (Mitsui Engineering and Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.). In relation to studies using a bituminous coal liquefaction pilot plant, the progress of the 150t/d PP (pilot plant) effort (Japan Coal Oil, Co., Ltd.) and the outlines of pilot surveys (Japan Coal Oil Co., Ltd.) are reported and discussed, the latter covering liquefaction solvent performance optimization, slurry preheating furnaces, coal slurry properties, and so forth. (NEDO)

  6. Survey and research on applications of parallel compiler; Heiretsu compiler tekiyorei ni kansuru chosa kenkyu hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    An urgent proposition is made that an advanced computing software program development and maintenance system be set up, and activities are conducted in search of strategies and guidelines for the establishment of such a system. Out of recognition that it is important to develop software programs such as operation systems for supercomputers, a survey is conducted of software technology development strategies especially involving application software programs. It is proposed that efforts be positively exerted to develop strategic software developing programs for advanced computing for concentratedly enhancing the development now under way of strategic software programs. In concrete terms, named as strategic software programs to be developed are a next-generation semiconductor TCAD (technology computer-aided design) system, protein structure/function analysis system, fatigue simulation system, next-generation fluid analysis system, chemical reaction simulator, grid computing, and a nanodevice surface analysis system. (NEDO)

  7. Report of 'Survey on Asian environmental information networks'; 'Asia kankyo joho network chosa' ni kansuru hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This project is implemented to survey the current statuses and future trends of the Asian district environment-related information networks, for the (research cooperation project for development of environmental condition measuring laser radar systems), being promoted by NEDO. First, current statuses of the network names, managing organizations, user numbers, conditions of use, protocols for use, service conditions, major domestic nodes and internationally connected conditions are surveyed mainly for internet-connected networks, for surveying the current statuses and future trends of the research networks in Asian countries. Second, current statuses in Indonesia of the network names, managing organizations, user numbers, conditions of use, protocols for use, service conditions, domestic node sites and managing organizations, charge systems and institutions, types/reliability/ stability of the circuits, and conditions of restriction of use, if any, for surveying the current statuses and future trends in Indonesia. Third, conditions of and needs for network utilization by researchers for Asian district environments. (NEDO)

  8. Investigational report on the trend of measures for global warming; Chikyu ondanka taisaku doko chosa hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    To know the trend of measures taken for global warming, conducted were overseas surveys, participation in academic society meetings, and literature surveys. The phaseout time of all ozone depleting substances responsible for the ozonospherial destruction was determined for both developed and developing countries in the 7th Meeting of countries which concluded the Montreal Protocol. As information on measures for protecting the ozonosphere, introduced was activities under United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). New fluorine containing ethers were introduced as cleaning solvent which causes no ozonospherial destruction and is low in global warming index. Toxicity data were obtained on HFC-236ea and HFC-236fa which are promising substitutes in HCFC foaming and refrigerant fields. The paper introduced an outline of the 1st Meeting of countries which concluded the Framework Convention on Climate Change held in 1995. According to the report on the National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection of the Netherlands, the amount of emission of fluorine containing greenhouse effect gas (in CO2 conversion) reached 8-14% of all the amount of greenhouse effect gas emitted in 1990 unless the control is reinforced. An outline of the TEWI-3 project was introduced which is useful for comparing effects of substitution technologies on global warming. 14 refs., 11 figs., 29 tabs.

  9. Report on an analytical survey on the Pacific energy information; Taiheiyo energy joho bunseki chosa hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    For the purpose of collecting and arranging energy information in the Asia and Pacific region, this survey has been conducted for many fiscal years. The Asia and Pacific region is classified into the Chinese area, the Southeast Asia area including Brunei, Indonesia, the Philippine, Singapore and Thailand, the East Asia area including Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong, the North America area including the U.S. and Canada, and the Oceania area including Australia and New Zealand. As to the primary energy supplied from 1980 to 1993, China largely increased its share by 3.1%. The Southeast Asia also increased its share by 2.1%, and the East Asia by 2.5%. To the contrary, the North America area largely declined its share by 7.8%, but still has approximately 60% in the Asia and Pacific area. By kind of energy, coal increased the share while oil decreased. 16 figs., 7 tabs.

  10. Research report for establishment of NEDO vision; NEDO vision no sakutei ni muketa chosa kenkyu hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Because of an increase in energy demand due to economic growth and industrial structure change in the Asian area and its effect on global environment, the economic evolution harmonizing with energy and environment (3E) of the Asian area is required. The role of Japan, in particular, NEDO for achieving such 3E was studied from an international viewpoint. The following are thus surveyed: The history of energy demands, economic growth, an increase in energy consumption and their effect on global environment in the Asian area, and the policies, measures and future plans of Asian countries corresponding to the above situations. The role of NEDO is first of all R & D of biomass toward practical use, and development of effective use technology of biomass energy. Positive approach to control of CO2 emission and immobilization of CO2 is also required in industrial and traffic fields. As technology transfer from Japan, promotion of joint researches and establishment of an economic support scheme are expected together with transfer of the basement technology and training. 79 figs., 13 tabs.

  11. Achievement report for fiscal 1998. Optical tomographic system; 1998 nendo seika hokokusho. Hikari danso imaging system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Evaluations were given on spatial resolution and measurement time of an optical tomographic system by using the developed 64-channel time-resolved spectroscopy and an image reconstruction algorithm. With respect to the spatial resolution, the target value of 1 cm was verified from tomographic images of a phantom with a diameter of 10cm, simulating a neonate. The measurement time achieved 20 minutes, being one third of the target value. In installing the equipment at Hokkaido University, speeds of the optical switches and attenuators were increased to have reduced the measurement time to one minute. For installation at Kanagawa Rehabilitation Center, development has been made on a nano-second light pulser, whose average beam quantity has been increased to 40 times, and improvement has been given on the optical switches, the attenuators, and the indication software, by which the measurement time was decreased further by 30 seconds than that at Hokkaido University. In performing the clinical evaluation, the evaluation protocol resolved by the Experiment Evaluation Special Committee was submitted for deliberation at the Medical Welfare Device Clinical Evaluation Committee. Upon having been authorized by the Committee, the clinical evaluations were performed at Hokkaido University and the Kanagawa Rehabilitation Center. (NEDO)

  12. Report on the analytical survey of the Pacific energy information; Taiheiyo energy joho bunseki chosa hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Arrangement, investigation and analysis of an energy information exchange system were conducted, with the aim of coping with the development in the whole Asia/Pacific area, the stabilization of energy supply/demand, and the environmental problem and of realizing effective cooperation of every country in the area. Concerning the trend of the domestic primary energy supply/demand, there are some patterns. Countries which show high growth rates are developing countries such as Thailand and China, and NIES such as Korea and Taiwan. Countries where growth rates are slowing down and lowering are developed countries such as Australia, Canada, Japan and the U.S. Countries where energy supply/demand is not stabilized are Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Chile which are suffering from variations in import/export. The ultimate energy consumption is the domestic primary energy supply from which the conversion loss in the conversion sector was deducted, and indicates almost the same trend as the primary energy supply. It is divided into a stabilized type of developed countries and a rapidly increasing type and a stagnant type. However, there are some exceptions. Total data in the quarter of the year cannot be the yearly data by itself, but requires a year-end tax arrangement. 40 tabs.

  13. Fiscal 1990 report on the bituminous coal liquefaction section meeting; 1990 nendo rekiseitan ekika bukai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    At the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd group meetings held for the fiscal year, reports are delivered and discussions are made concerning the progress of research and development activities. Reported and discussed in relation to the pilot plant support research, etc., are studies with the 1t/d PSU (process supporting unit) (Nippon Steel Corporation, Mitsui Coal Liquefaction Co., Ltd., and Japan Coal Oil Co., Ltd.); development of an optimum coal refining technique (Sumitomo Coal Mining Co., Ltd.); development of an optimum pretreatment technique and improvement on distillate distribution (Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd.); studies of coal liquefaction conditions (Mitsui Engineering and Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.); and studies of solvent hydrogenation catalysts (Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd., and Chiyoda Corp.). Reported and discussed in relation to researches using a bituminous coal liquefaction pilot plant are the progress of the 150t/d PP (pilot plant) effort (Japan Coal Oil Co., Ltd.) and the outlines of pilot surveys (Japan Coal Oil Co., Ltd.), the latter covering liquefaction solvent performance optimization, slurry pre-heating furnaces, coal slurry properties, and so forth. (NEDO)

  14. Fiscal 1991 report on the brown coal liquefaction section meeting; 1991 nendo kattan ekika bukai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    At the 1st through 5th brown coal liquefaction group meetings held for the fiscal year, reports are delivered and discussions are made about the progress of research and development. At the 1st meeting, a fiscal 1991 brown coal liquefaction research plan is introduced, and discussed. At the 2nd meeting, an interim report on the brown coal liquefaction technology development project is discussed. At the 3rd meeting (a joint meeting of the brown coal and bituminous coal liquefaction groups), an agendum entitled 'what the development of brown/bituminous coal liquefaction technologies for the 21st century should be' is reported, and discussed. At the 4th meeting, reports are made on the results of deliberation at the Industrial Technology Council, progress of the follow-up study, progress of the collection of achievements, and so forth. At the 5th meeting, the outline of the follow-up study, the collection of achievements in the pilot plant study (a project report preparation schedule and materials evaluation), the progress of pilot plant dismantling work, etc., are reported and discussed. (NEDO)

  15. Fiscal 1991 report on the brown coal liquefaction section meeting; 1991 nendo kattan ekika bukai hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    At the 1st through 5th brown coal liquefaction group meetings held for the fiscal year, reports are delivered and discussions are made about the progress of research and development. At the 1st meeting, a fiscal 1991 brown coal liquefaction research plan is introduced, and discussed. At the 2nd meeting, an interim report on the brown coal liquefaction technology development project is discussed. At the 3rd meeting (a joint meeting of the brown coal and bituminous coal liquefaction groups), an agendum entitled 'what the development of brown/bituminous coal liquefaction technologies for the 21st century should be' is reported, and discussed. At the 4th meeting, reports are made on the results of deliberation at the Industrial Technology Council, progress of the follow-up study, progress of the collection of achievements, and so forth. At the 5th meeting, the outline of the follow-up study, the collection of achievements in the pilot plant study (a project report preparation schedule and materials evaluation), the progress of pilot plant dismantling work, etc., are reported and discussed. (NEDO)

  16. Assessment report on the development of functionally inclined material; Keisha kinosei zairyo no kaihatsu hyoka hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Concerning a project whose aim is to develop heat resistant engine members through the application of the concept of functionally inclined materials, deliberation and assessment are made of the meaning of its implementation, validity of the research program, research achievement, etc. The project deals with a specimen, diameter 150mm or more and thickness 5mm or more, built of a zirconia/stainless steel-based functionally inclined material, and its goal is to develop technologies for optimizing the baking process for the said specimen, baking system and related devices, assessment technique, tribological assessment technique, etc., and it is inferred that these targets are reasonable. As the result of this research, an energy-efficient (power consumption reduced to 1/3 to 1/5) practical rapid sintering system is constructed. Basic data are collected relative to the tribology of the functionally inclined material, and it is proved that it is feasible to use the material for engine members. The process technology, assessment technology, and devices developed under this project are the first in the world, and are highly evaluated. (NEDO)

  17. Report for fiscal 1980 on comprehensive survey for nationwide geothermal resources. Survey on Curie point method (Associated material - operation flight report); 1980 nendo zenkoku chinetsu shigen sogo chosa hokokusho. Curie tenho chosa (futai shiryo sagyo shinchoku hokokusho)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    With an objective to identify the status of distribution of deep underground thermal structure, aerial magnetism investigations were executed in the south Kyushu area, and data used in the Curie point method were collected. This paper summarizes the progresses and achievements of the work during the investigation. The report for April 1981 summarized preparation of equipment and materials by EG and G Geometrics Corporation, and the work schedules with the Idemitsu Geothermal Development, Petroleum Resources Development, and Naka-Nippon Airways. The report for April 22 compiled the site preparation and the test flight. The report for April 28 compiled the calibration and magnetism compensation flight. The report for May 5 compiled the implementation of the second flight , and the result of survey for 292 km in total. The report for May 10 compiled the implementation of the third to fifth flights, and the results of measurements for 584 km, 519 km and 360 km, respectively. The report for May 18 compiled the implementation of the sixth to eighth (final) flights, and the results of measurements for 513 km, 584 km and 68 km, respectively. (NEDO)

  18. FY 2000 report on the survey of technological strategy for the creation of the robot society in the 21st century; 2000 nendo chosa hokokusho. 21 seiki ni okeru robot shakai sozo no tameno gijutsu senryaku chosa hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    For the purpose of constructing the future-oriented robot technology system and clarifying the robot technology strategy viewed from the necessity, contribution and marketability in the society, investigational study was made by the special committee for technology strategy survey. In the section meeting for the needs, the following 5 working groups had a grasp of the needs: reinforcement of production technology; bio-industry; medical act support; how to cope with disasters; life support. Based on the results of the analysis of factors of the successful manufacture of industrial robots during the 1980s - 1990s, the quantitative estimate of the market was made as much as possible. Further, in the section meeting for the seeds, the 6 working groups were set up, and they conducted the trend survey/analysis of the development of element technology of robot in Japan and abroad, the extraction of developmental subjects, etc. As a result, the following were specified as the seeds to be emphasized: construction of the remotely distributed system using network; nano-handling technology; sensitivity interface/human behavior comprehension technology/simulation technology, robot vision, moving technology, advanced manipulation technology. (NEDO)

  19. FY 1994 report on the survey of geothermal development promotion. Complementary survey on the fracture system, etc. (Wasabizawa area); 1994 nendo chinetsu kaihatsu sokushin chosa sogo kaiseki hokokusho futai shiryo. Wasabizawa chiiki danretsu kei tou hokan chosa hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    For the contribution to elucidation of the geothermal structure in the Wasabizawa area, Akita Prefecture, survey by the paleomagnetic measurement and fracture system measurement was conducted of the borehole cores and specimens of outcrop granite obtained from boreholes of N6-WZ-3 and N6-WZ-4. In the survey, the following were carried out: measurement of the core fracture system of N6-WZ-3 (102-1,505m) and N6-WZ-4 (507-1,556m), paleomagnetic measurement of 9 outcrop granite specimens and 16 core specimens, and k/Ar age determination of 3 outcrop granite specimens. As a result of the paleomagnetic measurement of outcrop granite, the magnetization azimuth of the schistose granodiorite distributed in Kuwanosawa was regarded as almost NS. The measured magnetization azimuth of the core specimen obtained from the same rock mass was also made NS-based, and measurement of the fracture in the neighborhood was made. As a result, it was found out that the NNW system was dominant in dikes and that there was the NE system in most of the small geothermal channels. The fracture system of well tended to develop around the boundary between granite and metamorphic rock, and it was thought that this part could be a reservoir if temperature conditions are prepared. (NEDO)

  20. Dressing the Black Body. Mode, Hairstyle und Schwarzsein in den USA – von den 1970er-Jahren bis zu Barack Obama

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Philipp Dorestal


    Full Text Available Conventional forms of African American activism and organization in the second half of the twentieth century have been the subject of academic research for quite some time, but less attention has been devoted to symbolic and body political forms of intervention. Looking at the Afro hairstyle and hip hop culture, this article explores how African American identity has been reflected through Style Politics. It outlines the history of African American hairstyles from the 1970s until the 2000s and identifies elements of popular culture such as Blaxploitation movies and rap music as constitutive of African American fashion. The question of ›respectability‹ that surfaced in the context of racist discourses about black women will be examined through the example of First Lady Michelle Obama, who rose to fame as a fashion icon. In conclusion, the article discusses the case of Trayvon Martin, an African American teenager who was killed in 2012 while wearing a hoodie, making the garment once again an object of contention and a symbol of protest. * * * Klassische Formen des Aktivismus und der Organisierung von African Americans in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts sind schon seit geraumer Zeit Gegenstand wissenschaftlicher Studien. In der bisherigen Forschung weniger gewürdigt wurden jedoch symbolische und körperpolitische Interventionsformen. Dieser Aufsatz geht anhand der Afro-Frisur und der durch die Hip-Hop-Kultur inspirierten Mode der Frage nach, wie afroamerikanische Identität über Style Politics verhandelt wurde. Skizziert wird die Geschichte afroamerikanischer Hairstyles von den 1970er- bis zu den 2000er-Jahren. Weiterhin werden Elemente der Populärkultur wie das Blaxploitation-Kino oder die seit den 1980er-Jahren verbreitete Rap-Musik als stilbildend für afroamerikanische Modephänomene identifiziert. Die Frage der »Respektabilität«, die im Kontext rassistischer Diskurse über schwarze Frauen auftauchte, wird anhand von Michelle