
Sample records for hockey sobre patines

  1. Estudio etnográfico del portero de hockey sobre patines: una vida entre paradojas

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    Guillem Trabal Tañá


    Full Text Available Este estudio es la primera investigación en las ciencias de la actividad física y el deporte que ha analizado desde una perspectiva etnográfica el portero de hockey sobre patines. El objetivo principal es conocer cuáles son las valoraciones y los juicios que la comunidad del hockey sobre patines ha otorgado a esta figura y poder comprender cuál es la lógica externa existente a su alrededor. La metodología utilizada en este estudio ha sido la observación, la observación participante y 8 entrevistas en profundidad a porteros, jugadores y entrenadores de la máxima categoría del hockey sobre patines nacional. Los principales resultados muestran que: a el portero es considerado el jugador más determinante del equipo; b los juicios que se hacen de las actuaciones del portero tienen en cuenta variables cuantitativas: los goles encajados y el resultado final de un partido y/o competición; c dentro de la comunidad del hockey sobre patines se ha enquistado una definición de la identidad del portero que lo asocia a la locura, la soledad, la extravagancia y la rareza; d los porteros comparten una forma particular de comprender este deporte que fundamenta su asociación y su cooperación, y e la existencia del portero dentro del hockey sobre patines está llena de paradojas que se contraponen a la alta importancia atribuida a esta figura.

  2. Coste energético del dribling en hockey sobre patines


    Blanco, Dr. Alfonso; Balagué, Dra. Natàlia


    El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido analizar y comparar el coste energético del dribling en hockey sobre patines con respecto a la acción de patinar. Doce jugadores amateurs bien entrenados han realizado, durante cinco minutos a 11, 13 y 15 km/h, patinaje solamente y patinaje mientras driblaban la bola con el stick. En ambos casos se evaluaron directamente y compararon consumo de oxígeno, ventilación, frecuencia cardíaca y nivel de percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo. Las variables fisioló...


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    Bambang Iswanto


    Full Text Available Upaya pengembangan budidaya ikan patin jambal (Pangasius djambal dan ikan patin nasutus (P. nasutus sebagai komoditas ekspor ikan patin daging putih sulit direalisasikan, karena kematangan induk-induk betinanya sulit dicapai pada musim kemarau dan keterbatasan fekunditasnya, sehingga produksi massal benihnya terbatas. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas ikan patin daging putih adalah melalui program hibridisasi antara ikan patin siam (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus betina dengan ikan patin jambal jantan (menghasilkan ikan patin hibrida siam x jambal dan atau dengan ikan patin nasutus jantan (menghasilkan ikan patin hibrida siam x nasutus. Potensi budidaya kedua ikan patin hibrida tersebut berkaitan dengan produksi massal benihnya merupakan hal yang penting untuk diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi derajat fertilisasi, derajat penetasan, dan derajat deformitas larva kedua ikan patin hibrida tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa derajat fertilisasi ikan patin hibrida siam x nasutus sama (P>0,05 dengan ikan patin siam, ikan patin hibrida siam x jambal dan ikan patin nasutus, sedangkan ikan patin jambal memiliki derajat fertilisasi yang lebih rendah tetapi tidak berbeda (P>0,05 dengan ikan patin nasutus dan ikan patin hibrida siam x jambal. Derajat penetasan ikan patin hibrida siam x nasutus adalah sama (P>0,05 dengan ikan patin siam dan ikan patin hibrida siam x jambal, dan lebih tinggi (P0,05; sedangkan pada ikan patin jambal dan ikan patin nasutus lebih tinggi (P<0,05. Hasil-hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa produktivitas (produksi massal benih kedua ikan patin hibrida tersebut tinggi dan sama dengan ikan patin siam, sehingga potensial untuk dikembangkan sebagai ikan budidaya.


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    Bambang Iswanto


    Full Text Available Pengembangan budidaya ikan patin jambal maupun ikan patin nasutus untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar ekspor patin daging putih sulit direalisasikan karena keterbatasan fekunditas dan pematangan gonad induk betinanya. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas patin daging putih adalah melalui hibridisasi, yakni hibridisasi antara betina patin siam dengan jantan patin jambal maupun jantan patin nasutus. Hal ini dikarenakan patin siam memiliki keunggulan fekunditas yang tinggi, sedangkan patin jambal maupun patin nasutus memiliki keunggulan daging yang putih. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui karakteristik patin hibrida tersebut, termasuk pada tahap-tahap awal kehidupannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik embriogenesis dan perkembangan ontogeni morfologis larva patin hibrida tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa embriogenesis patin hibrida siam-jambal dan hibrida siam-nasutus serupa, tetapi perkembangan patin hibrida siam-nasutus sedikit lebih cepat. Pada suhu 28oC-29oC, larva patin hibrida siam-nasutus mulai menetas 20 jam setelah fertilisasi, berukuran panjang total 3,34±0,14 mm, dengan kantung kuning telur berukuran 0,71±0,28 mm3 yang terserap 50% pada umur 24 jam dan relatif habis terserap pada umur 54 jam. Larva patin hibrida siam-jambal mulai menetas 21 jam setelah fertilisasi, berukuran panjang total 3,47±0,13 mm, dengan kantung kuning telur berukuran 0,42±0,08 mm3 yang terserap 50% pada umur 30 jam dan habis terserap pada umur 60 jam. Perkembangan larva kedua patin hibrida tersebut hingga menyerupai morfologi ikan patin dewasa juga relatif serupa, tetapi patin hibrida siam-nasutus menunjukkan keragaan pertumbuhan yang lebih bagus, menghasilkan heterosis berdasarkan pertambahan panjang total selama 10 hari masa pemeliharaan sebesar 20,20%, sedangkan pada patin hibrida siam-jambal sebesar -4,15%.

  5. Inicios del Hockey patines en Sevilla. El Patín Claret en la década de los 70 del siglo XX = Beginnings of Roller Hockey in Seville. Claret Skate in the Decade of the Twenthieh Century 70

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    Jaime Segundo Cuesta Pérez


    Full Text Available En el siguiente artículo, se trata de presentar una de las páginas más importantes de la historia del Hockey Patines en Andalucía y más concretamente en la ciudad de Sevilla. Un deporte prácticamente copado desde sus inicios por equipos catalanes y cuya implantación en el resto del país ha sido muy complicada, siendo aún hoy en día muy escasa por toda España, salvo en regiones muy localizadas como Cataluña, Madrid, o Galicia. Estos que ahora presentamos son parte de los orígenes de este deporte en la capital andaluza, de los cuales nacería, para sorpresa de muchos, un equipo que alcanzaría importantes hitos en la División de Honor Nacional de este deporte.---------------------------------------------------------------------In the next article, we try to present one of the most important papers of the roller hockey history in Andalucía, concretely in Seville. This sport has been surrounded from its beginning by teams from Cataluña, while the establishment in the rest of the country has been very difficult, being still today quite scarce all over Spain, except in some regions such as Cataluña, Madrid or Galicia. We will try to show you the origin of this sport in the capital of Andalucía, from where was born, surprising everybody, a team wich achieved great landmark in the Pride National Division of this sport.

  6. Strategi Pemasaran Makanan Tradisional Asam Pedas Ikan Patin Khas Pekanbaru pada Restoran Pondok Patin Hm. Yunus


    Gunawan, Dwi Yanda; Sulistyani, Andri


    Due of the Pondok Patin HM. Yunus Restaurant in Pekanbaru that capture this opportunity is Pondok Patin HM. Yunus Restaurant. The aims of this sturly are identify the implemented marketing strategy, idendify the determinals of marketing strategy forfulation, formulated new marketing strategy. Pondok Patin HM. Yunus Restaurant uses 4 p marketing mix : 1) Product 2) Price 3) Promotion 4) Place. Pondok Patin HM. Yunus restaurant was one of restaurant who providing the signature main course of Pe...


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    Ema Hastarini


    ABSTRAK Ikan Patin merupakan salah satu ikan air tawar ekonomis penting di Indonesia yang dikenal dengan sebutan catfish. Ikan patin memiliki kandungan lemak yang tinggi dan merupakan sumber asam lemak tidak jenuh termasuk asam lemak omega 3 yang memiliki fungsi positif bagi kesehatan manusia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan data karakteristik minyak ikan dari limbah pengolahan fillet ikan patin jenis Siam (Pangasius hypopthalmus dan Jambal (Pangasius djambal terutama mengenai profil asam lemaknya. Proses pengolahan filet menghasilkan filet sebagai produk utama dan sisanya berupa 6 komponen limbah yang terdiri dari kepala, tulang-ekor, kulit, daging trimm (sisa perapian fillet, daging belly flap (daging bagian perut dan isi perut. Ekstraksi minyak ikan dilakukan menggunakan metode wet rendering yang dimodifikasi. Bagian kepala, daging belly flap dan isi perut merupakan bagian yang potensial digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan minyak ikan dengan rendemen minyak ikan kasar yang dihasilkan berturut – turut sebesar 9,84%, 28,52% dan 20,34% untuk ikan patin Siam dan 9,54%, 25,60% dan 30,05% untuk ikan patin Jambal. Profil asam lemak dari minyak ikan patin Siam maupun Jambal menunjukkan bahwa asam lemak palmitat dan oleat merupakan komponen utama. Persentase asam lemak tak jenuh memiliki jumlah yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan asam lemak jenuh dari total asam lemak secara keseluruhan yaitu sebesar 53,24%, 54,38%, 52,74% dan 62,70%, 62,92%, 61,97% berturut–turut untuk ikan patin jenis Siam dan Jambal bagian kepala, daging belly flap dan isi perut. Asam lemak omega 3 yaitu linolenat, EPA dan DHA terdeteksi pada kedua jenis minyak ikan patin dengan jumlah yang relatif kecil. Hasil analisis DSC minyak ikan patin Siam menunjukkan tiga kisaran zona pencairan minyak yang terdeteksi, yaitu pada kisaran suhu – 30 sampai – 16 oC, kisaran suhu – 16 sampai 25 oC, dan kisaran suhu 25 sampai 46 oC. Pada patin Jambal pencairan minyak terdeteksi lebih awal yaitu

  8. Palacio de los deportes, en Bolonia

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    Zauli, Bruno


    Full Text Available Como consecuencia de los acuerdos del Comité Olímpico Nacional Italiano, se ha construido, recientemente, en Bolonia, sobre los terrenos a tal objeto cedidos por el Ayuntamiento de aquella ciudad italiana, un amplio palacio de deportes. La cancha de este edificio cubierto podrá transformarse en pistas para tenis, baloncesto, hockey sobre patines, patinaje, boxeo, gimnasia, conciertos, etc.

  9. Profil Sensori dan Nilai Gizi Beberapa Jenis Ikan Patin dan Hibrid Nasutus

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    Theresia Dwi Suryaningrum


    Full Text Available Penelitian mengenai profil sensori dan nilai gizi filet patin Siam (Pangasius hypopthalmus, Jambal (Pangasius djambal Bleeker, Pasupati, Nasutus serta hasil silangan Siam dan Nasutus (hibrid Nasutus telah dilakukan. Analisis sensori dilakukan dengan uji pembeda menyeluruh, uji pembeda atribut, uji kesukaan, dan uji rangking. Pengamatan lainnya dilakukan terhadap edible portion dan nilai gizi (proksimat dan profil asam amino. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa filet patin hibrid Nasutus lebih memiliki kesamaan warna dengan filet patin Nasutus daripada filet patin Siam. W arna daging filet patin hibrid Nasutus berbeda nyata dengan induknya yaitu patin Nasutus dan patin Siam. Panelis lebih menyukai warna filet patin hibrid Nasutus dibandingkan dengan patin Pasupati. Patin hibrid Nasutus mempunyai tekstur yang berbeda nyata dengan Nasutus dan Jambal yang kompak dan padat, tetapi mempunyai kesamaan dengan patin Siam dan Pasupati yang agak kompak dan agak padat. Berdasarkan intensitas warna, hasil uji pembeda atribut dan uji kesukaan, maka secara berturut-turut panelis menyukai filet patin Jambal, Nasutus, hibrid Nasutus, Pasupati, dan Siam. Hibrid Nasutus mempunyai edible portionpaling tinggi (49% dibandingkan dengan patin lainnya tetapi mempunyai kadar air, kadar lemak, dan kadar protein yang lebih rendah dan berbeda nyata dengan induknya (patin Siam dan Nasutus. Patin Siam mengandung asam amino esensial paling tinggi di antara berbagai jenis patin yang diteliti. Profil asam amino patin hibrid Nasutus, Jambal, Pasupati, dan Nasutus hampir sama, kecuali pada patin Siam yang mengandung glisin, leusin, isoleusin, histidin, serin, treonin, dan prolin yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan patin lainnya

  10. Development of Digestive Enzyme of Patin Pangasius hypohthalmus Larvae

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    I. Effendi


    Full Text Available Culture of patin Pangasius hypophthalmus especially larval rearing  very depends on the supply of natural food as energy source.  Artemia is the main natural food for fish larvae as a starter food, but its price is high.  To reduce production cost, farmers tend to reduce the feeding frequency and shorten  the Artemia feeding period.  Altering feeding regime however may reduce fry quality. This relate to the availability of digestive enzymes.  The objective of this study was  to examine digestive enzymes activity in patin larvae fed with  different feeding regime.  By shorten feeding period with Artemia to 2-4 days and Tubifex,substitution, the enzymes activity of protease, lipase and amylase were revealed similar pattern   The enzymes activity tends to increase and reach the peak at day 7 , and decrease later on until day 15 after hatching.  Survival rate of fish were varied for each treatment, and the highest survival rate was obtained when larvae were fed by Artemia for 8 days.  Blood worm were not fully digested by patin larvae at early stage. Keywords: enzyme, digestion, patin, Pangasius hypophthalmus   ABSTRAK Proses budidaya ikan patin, Pangasius hypophthalmus terutama pembenihan sangat tergantung oleh ketersediaan pakan alami sebagai sumber energinya. Artemia merupakan pakan alami yang banyak diberikan pada saat larva ikan mulai makan, namun harganya relatif tinggi. Untuk menekan biaya produksi, petani ikan patin cenderung mengurangi frekuensi pemberian Artemia dan mempersingkat waktu pemberiannya. Penggeseran jadwal ini diduga mengakibatkan penurunan kualitas benih ikan patin yang dihasilkan yang berhubungan dengan kesiapan enzim pencernaannya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui aktivitas enzim pada larva ikan patin dengan jadwal pemberian pakan yang berbeda. Dengan memotong waktu pemberian Artemia 2 - 4 hari dan disubstitusi dengan Tubifex, aktifitas enzim protease, lipase dan amilase pada larva ikan patin, memiliki


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    Evi Tahapari


    Full Text Available Patin nasutus merupakan salah satu spesies patin Indonesia yang potensial untuk dikembangkan sebagai komoditas baru perikanan budidaya. Upaya pengembangan patin nasutus memerlukan informasi-informasi biologi-reproduksi berkaitan dengan kapasitas produksi massalnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaan reproduksi patin nasutus. Hasil pengamatan perkembangan gonad menunjukkan bahwa oosit intraovarian patin nasutus dapat dibagi dalam lima tahap, yakni tahap 1 (kromatin nukleolar dan perinukleolar dengan diameter oosit kurang dari 0,125 mm, tahap 2 (vesikula kuning telur dan alveoli korteks dengan diameter oosit 0,125-0,500 mm, tahap 3 (granula kuning telur dengan diameter oosit 0,700-1,850 mm, tahap 4 (migrasi nukleus dan hidrasi dengan diameter oosit 1,250-1,900 mm dan tahap 5 (atresis dengan diameter oosit 0,300-1,700 mm. Perkembangan oosit patin nasutus bersifat sinkronis grup, ditandai dengan adanya dominasi dua kelompok oosit intraovarian pada ikan dengan tingkat kematangan yang tertua, yakni kelompok oosit tertua (oosit tahap 3 yang akan segera dikeluarkan pada saat pemijahan dan kelompok oosit stok yang belum berkuning telur dan berukuran kecil (oosit tahap 1 yang merupakan telur cadangan untuk proses pemijahan berikutnya. Oosit tahap 3 merupakan tahap perkembangan oosit tertua yang dapat terjadi secara sempurna dan responsif terhadap induksi stimulasi hormonal. Tipe perkembangan testis patin nasutus bersifat asinkronis, ditandai dengan keberadaan berbagai tahap perkembangan sel-sel gamet jantan. Fekunditas relatif patin nasutus berkisar 26-67 butir telur per gram bobot induk, lebih tinggi daripada patin jambal, tetapi lebih rendah daripada patin siam. Derajat penetasan patin nasutus berkisar 44,16-79,05% dengan lama inkubasi 22-25 jam pada suhu inkubasi 29-30oC. Ukuran panjang total larva yang baru menetas berkisar 4,700-5,200 mm.


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    Evi Tahapari


    Full Text Available Penampilan fenotipe suatu organisme ditentukan oleh faktor genotipe dan faktor lingkungan tempat organisme tersebut hidup. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari daya adaptasi tiga spesies ikan patin yang dipelihara di lokasi berbeda. Ikan patin siam, patin jambal, dan patin pasupati dengan rataan bobot 20 g dipelihara di tiga lokasi yang berbeda, yaitu: kolam air tenang, tambak, dan keramba jaring apung. Pemeliharaan ikan dilakukan selama empat bulan. Selama pemeliharaan, ikan diberi pakan berupa pelet komersial dengan kadar protein 30%–32%. Jumlah pakan yang diberikan pada bulan kesatu sampai keempat secara berturut-turut adalah sebanyak 5%, 4%, dan 3% dari biomassa ikan per hari. Pakan diberikan dengan frekuensi tiga kali sehari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya interaksi yang signifikan antara genotipe ikan patin dengan lingkungan ekosistem yang berbeda dan daya adaptasi yang spesifik dari ketiga spesies ikan patin. Ketiga spesies ikan patin memiliki pertumbuhan sama bila dipelihara di kolam air tenang. Ikan patin jambal tumbuh dengan baik (P0,05. Ketiga spesies ikan patin mempunyai daya adaptasi lingkungan yang sempit sehingga budidayanya akan optimal jika dilakukan di lokasi tertentu saja. The phenotypic appearance of an organism is determined by genotypes and environmental factors in which the organism lives. This study aims to study the adaptability of three species of pangasiids reared in three different environments. Three species of catfish (Siamese pangasiid, jambal pangasiid, and pasupati with an average weight of 20 gwere kept in stagnant water pond, brackishwater pond, and floating net cage. Fishes were reared for four months. During the rearing, fish were fed by commercial pellets with 30%-32% protein content. The amount of feed given in the first month to the fourth month was 5%, 4%, and 3% of the biomass per day. Feed was given three times a day. The results showed the significant interaction between pangasiid genotype

  13. PENGARUH MINYAK ATSIRI JAHE MERAH DAN LENGKUAS MERAH PADA EDIBLE COATING TERHADAP KUALITAS FILLET IKAN PATIN (Effect of Edible Coating Enriched with Red Ginger and Red Galangal Essential Oil on the Quality of Patin Fillet

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    Rohula Utami


    edible coating will retain the patin fillets quality. In terms of microbial quality and TVB value, 1% essential oil of red ginger and red galangal enrichment in edible coating could extend shelf life of patin fillets for 2-4 days. Keywords: Edible coating, essential oil, patin, red ginger, red galangal   ABSTRAK Penentuan pengaruh penambahan minyak atsiri jahe merah dan lengkuas merah dalam edible coating terhadap kualitas fillet ikan patin selama penyimpanan dingin dilakukan pada periode waktu 8 hari. Parameter kualitas ikan yang dianalisis adalah kualitas mikrobiologis (Total Plate Count/TPc, dan kualitas fisikokimia (Total Volatile Bases/TVB, Thiobarbituricacid/TBa, pH, dan warna. Variasi perlakuan fillet ikan patin yaitu konsentrasi minyak atsiri (0 %; 0,1%; 1% yang ditambahkan dalam edible coating. Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa penambahan minyak atsiri baik jahe merah maupun lengkuas merah berpengaruh terhadap kualitas fillet ikan patin selama penyimpanan dingin. Penambahan minyak atsiri dalam edible coating mampu mempertahankan kualitas fillet ikan patin lebih baik dibandingkan perlakuan edible coating tanpa minyak atsiri. Berdasarkan kualitas mikrobiologis dan nilai TVB, perlakuan minyak atsiri jahe merah 1% dan minyak atsiri lengkuas merah 1% mampu meningkatkan umur simpan fillet ikan patin selama 2-4 hari. Kata kunci: Edible coating, jahe merah, lengkuas merah, minyak atsiri, patin

  14. Aplikasi Ekstrak Daun Sirih (Piper Betle Linn dalam Menghambat Oksidasi Lemak Jambal Patin (Pangasius hypophthalmus

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    Farida Ariyani


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian aplikasi ekstrak daun sirih (Piper betle Linn untuk menghambat proses oksidasi jambal patin telah dilakukan. Percobaan dilakukan dengan penambahan ekstrak daun sirih (Piper betle Linn dalam larutan garam yang digunakan untuk penggaraman ikan. Perbandingan ekstrak daun sirih dan larutan garam yang digunakan adalah 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5 (v/v, sedangkan larutan garam tanpa penambahan ekstrak daun sirih digunakan sebagai kontrol. Selesai perendaman dalam campuran larutan garam dan ekstrak sirih (48 jam, patin asin dikeringkan di bawah sinar matahari selama 4–5 hari, selanjutnya disimpan pada suhu ruang (25-32oC selama 8 minggu. Perubahan mutu jambal patin dimonitor secara organoleptik dan kimiawi (angka Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances/TBARS, angka anisidin, dan produk berfluoresen, sebelum jambal patin kering disimpan dan setiap 2 minggu selama penyimpanan. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa penambahan ekstrak daun sirih pada larutan garam selama penggaraman mampu menghambat oksidasi lemak jambal patin selama penyimpanan 8 minggu tercermin dari rendahnya angka TBARS, anisidin, dan produk berfluoresen jambal patin yang diperlakukan dengan daun sirih dibanding dengan kontrol. Berdasarkan hasil uji sensori, jambal patin yang diberi ekstrak air daun sirih tidak berbau tengik, walaupun warna dan rasa jambal patin sedikit berubah. Perlakuan ekstrak sirih yang mampu menghambat oksidasi lemak jambal patin dengan nilai sensori terbaik adalah kelompok perlakuan ekstrak daun sirih dengan perbandingan 1:5 (v/v.


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    In’am Attaqi


    Full Text Available Background issues that hamper the development of hockey in Central Java due to the lack of means of stick that is expensive and so difficult to get it. The focus of this research problem is to design products hockey stick model development tool for training novice players and test products hockey stick model development tool for training novice players.The approach used in this research is the Research and Development. Phase of the study include preliminary research, design modeling, model development testing procedures, expert Judgment, small-scale trials, trials broad scale. The subject of this study is Mts Miftahussalam 1 Wonosalam Demak. Hockey expert of experts and specialists timber expert. The data analysis phase of field work and data analysis stage include observation, observation, interviews, documentation and effectiveness testing of products, expert judgment hockey expert of experts and specialists timber expert.The results of this study are the product hockey stick for beginner hockey players training in Mts Miftahussalam 1 Wonosalam.PANDAWA hockey stick product can be used as a means of practicing basic techniques for beginner hockey players, hockey stick PANDAWA product can be used as a training tool in improving the ability of the basic techniques of playing hockey, hockey stick PANDAWA product can be used as a means of playing hockey for the novice player.

  16. Qualities of Patin Fishball Irradiated by Gamma Rays (60Co)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yarosita FS; Bustami I; Winarti Z; Rindy PT


    An experiment on patin fishball quality using gamma irradiation ( 60 Co) has been conducted. Samples were irradiated at 0, 1, 3 and 5 kGy and stored in refrigerator at temperature 10 o C for sixty days. Samples were analysed every fifteen days, except content of fat and protein that analysed only at the beginning and the end of storage. The purpose of this experiment is to know the quality changes of patin fishball irradiated during storage, by measuring of chemical (content of fat, protein, water, TVB value, pH value) and microbiology (TPC aerobic and anaerobic bacteria) changes. The results showed that irradiation did not affect macro nutrient contents (content of fat, protein and water) of patin fishball during storage but irradiation can affect TVB and pH values. Irradiation at 1 kGy can reduce one logarithmic cycle of total aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. The storage life of irradiated patin fishball treated at 1, 3 and 5 kGy could be extended up to 15, 30 and 60 days, respectively. Control samples the storage life could be extended less than 15 days. (author)

  17. Pemurnian Minyak Ikan Patin dari Hasil Samping Pengasapan Ikan

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    Rodiah Nurbayasari


    Full Text Available Isi perut merupakan hasil samping pengasapan ikan patin (Pangasius hypophthalmus yang jumlahnya mencapai 5-6%/hari dari jumlah ikan yang diasap. Jumlah hasil samping yang besar tersebut apabila tidak diolah dapat mencemari lingkungan. Masyarakat pengolah di Kabupaten Kampar, Riau telah mengekstraksi isi perut tersebut menjadi minyak ikan kasar dengan produksi 110 L/hari. Untuk itu diperlukan teknologi pemurnian yang dapat meningkatkan nilai ekonomi minyak ikan kasar yang ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan pemurnian minyak kasar hasil samping pengasapan ikan patin dengan menggunakan empat metode pemurnian. Masing-masing metode pemurnian tersebut memiliki perbedaan seperti konsentrasi bentonit, waktu dan suhu proses, konsentrasi NaOH pada proses netralisasi, dan penggunaan asam sitrat atau natrium klorida pada proses degumming. Bahan penelitian yang digunakan adalah dua jenis minyak ikan patin kasar yaitu hasil ekstraksi isi perut ikan patin dengan pengukusan dan hasil ekstraksi dengan pemanasan. Sebelum dan setelah dimurnikan, minyak ikan dianalisis bilangan asam lemak bebas, bilangan peroksida, bilangan iodin, warna, dan profil asam lemak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada minyak ikan hasil ekstraksi dengan pengukusan yang dimurnikan menggunakan metode I, terjadi penurunan nilai asam lemak bebas sebesar 50,79%; peroksida sebesar 23,75%; dan peningkatan angka iodin 20,99%. Sedangkan pada minyak ikan hasil ekstraksi dengan pemanasan yang telah dimurnikan menggunakan metode II terjadi penurunan nilai asam lemak bebas sebesar 50,30%; peroksida 49,77%; dan peningkatan angka iodin 30,92% Pemurnian minyak ikan patin terbaik dihasilkan dari minyak hasil ekstraksi dengan pengukusan yang dimurnikan dengan metode I dan minyak hasil ekstraksi dengan pemanasan yang dimurnikan dengan metode II karena telah memenuhi standar yang ditetapkan oleh International Association of Fish Meal Manufactures, International Fish Oil Standard, dan standar


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    Jadmiko Darmawan


    Full Text Available Hibridisasi merupakan salah satu teknik pemuliaan ikan dalam rangka mendapatkan varietas unggul sehingga mampu meningkatkan nilai produksi suatu komoditas ikan yang dibudidayakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi performa pertumbuhan, koefisien variasi, dan nilai heterosis dari hasil persilangan tiga spesies ikan patin sebagai tetua, yaitu patin siam (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus, patin jambal (Pangasius djambal, dan patin nasutus (Pangasius nasutus pada tahap pendederan II. Induk ikan patin siam dan patin jambal yang digunakan merupakan ikan yang sudah dirilis sebagai ikan budidaya, sedangkan induk ikan patin nasutus berasal dari perairan umum dan sedang dalam proses domestikasi sebagai ikan budidaya. Persilangan yang dibuat adalah: A f  patin jambal >0,05. Ikan patin SN memiliki performa yang lebih baik dari tetuanya dengan nilai heterosis bobot akhir, LPS bobot, panjang total, LPS panjang total, dan sintasan berturut-turut sebesar 110,87%; 19,78%; 36,14%, 36,09%; dan 15,04%; serta nilai koefisien variasi berkisar antara 0,00-11,08. Bobot akhir, panjang total dan sintasan ikan patin SJ juga lebih baik dari tetuanya dengan nilai heterosis berturut-turut sebesar 46,00%; 11,27%; dan 2,27%; namun untuk heterosis LPS bobot dan LPS panjang total bernilai negatif (-6,65% dan -1,01%, serta nilai koefisien variasi berkisar antara 0,00-12,75. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa ikan patin hibrida SN berpotensi sebagai ikan budidaya dalam rangka peningkatan produksi ikan patin daging putih selain dari ikan patin hibrida  SJ (pasupati yang telah dirilis ke masyarakat. Hybridization is a fish breeding technique in order to obtain high yielding varieties as to increase the production value of a farmed fish. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the growth performance, the coefficient of variation and heterosis value of the result of crossing three species of catfish as a parent, which was striped catfish

  19. Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Air Daun Jambu Biji Sebagai Antioksidan Alami Pada Pengolahan Patin Asin

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    Farida Ariyani


    Full Text Available Penelitian pemanfaatan ekstrak air daun jambu biji (Psidium guajava sebagai antioksidan alami pada pengolahan patin asin telah dilakukan. Aplikasi ekstrak air daun jambu dilakukan dengan merendam ikan dalam campuran larutan garam dan ekstrak daun jambu. Konsentrasi larutan garam yang digunakan adalah 30%, sedangkan variasi konsentrasi ekstrak daun jambu yang digunakan adalah 0, 6, dan 12% (w/v. Perendaman dalam larutan garam dilakukan selama 48 jam dengan perbandingan antara ikan dan larutan yang digunakan untuk merendam 1:2 (b/v. Selesai penggaraman, ikan dibelah menjadi bentuk butterfly kemudian dikeringkan di bawah sinar matahari sampai kering (4–5 hari. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap sifat sensori, kadar air, angka Thio Barbituric Acid (TBA, produk berfluoresen dan proporsi asam lemak tidak jenuh patin asin. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa penambahan ekstrak air daun jambu pada larutan garam jenuh dengan konsentrasi 6 dan 12% selama penggaraman mampu menghambat oksidasi lemak patin asin yang tercermin dari penghambatan peningkatan kadar TBA, produk berfluoresen dan penghambatan kerusakan asam lemak tidak jenuh selama penyimpanan 2 bulan. Hasil uji sensori memperlihatkan bahwa patin asin yang diberi perlakuan memberikan bau yang tidak tengik, walaupun warna patin menjadi lebih coklat. Berdasarkan pertimbangan hasil secara kimiawi maupun sensori, perlakuan ekstrak daun jambu pada konsentrasi 6% merupakan perlakuan terpilih

  20. Ekstrak Air Daun Sirih (Piper betle Linn sebagai Antioksidan Alami pada Pengolahan Ikan Patin (Pangasius hypophthalmus Asin Kering

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    Farida Ariyani


    Full Text Available Kajian peran ekstrak air daun sirih sebagai antioksidan alami pada proses pengolahan ikan patin asin kering telah dilakukan. Penambahan ekstrak air daun sirih pada berbagai konsentrasi (0, 4, 5, 6, 7% b/v dilakukan pada saat perendaman patin segar dalam larutan garam jenuh selama 48 jam. Selanjutnya patin asin hasil penggaraman dikeringkan di bawah sinar matahari selama 4–5 hari. Pengamatan aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak air daun sirih dilakukan dengan metode 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH yang dibandingkan dengan Buthylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT sebagai kontrol positif, sedangkan pengamatan efektivitas ekstrak air daun sirih sebagai antioksidan patin asin dilakukan melalui analisis parameter oksidasi yakni angka TBA, angka anisidin dan produk berfluoresen serta karakteristik  sensori (warna, bau, dan rasa. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak air daun sirih memiliki aktivitas antioksidan lebih tinggi dibandingkan BHT. Penambahan ekstrak air daun sirih dengan konsentrasi 4–7% (b/v selama penggaraman dalam proses pengolahan patin asin mampu menghambat proses oksidasi lemak patin asin dan patin asin kering yang tercermin dari rendahnya angka TBA, angka anisidin dan produk berfluoresen dibanding kontrol. Perlakuan terpilih dari penelitian ini adalah kelompok perlakuan penambahan ekstrak daun sirih 4% yang menghasilkan patin asin kering dengan angka TBA 6,42 mMol MDA/kg (kontrol 15,10 mMol MDA/kg, angka anisidin 3,41 mMol/g minyak (kontrol 6,87 mMol/g minyak, dan produk berfluoresen 0,091 mg/g ikan (kontrol 0,219 mg/g ikan. Karakteristik sensori patin asin dengan perlakuan terpilih berwarna coklat muda, berbau tidak tengik, dan berasa sedikit getir.


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    Farida Ariyani


    Full Text Available Produk perikanan yang berlemak tinggi seperti jambal patin sangat rentan mengalami kemunduran mutu karena oksidasi. Daun cincau hijau dikenal mengandung senyawa antioksidan alami. Untuk menghambat kemunduran mutu ikan karena oksidasi, serangkaian percobaan menggunakan ekstrak daun cincau hijau dilakukan dengan merendam patin asin dalam ekstrak daun cincau hijau pada konsentrasi 0%; 0,5%; 1,0%; dan 1,5% selama 30 menit sebelum pengeringan. Sebagai kontrol positif digunakan perendaman dalam Butylated Hydroxy Toluene (BHT pada konsentrasi 0,1%, sedangkan untuk kontrol negatif digunakan patin asin tanpa penambahan ekstrak daun cincau hijau. Pengukuran bilangan Thiobarbituric acid (FBA, produk berfluoresen (fluorescent products, dan penilaian organoleptik dilakukan selama penyimpanan pada suhu kamar, sedangkan pengukuran profil asam lemak tidak jenuh dilakukan pada jambal patin sebelum penyimpanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan paling efektif dalam memperlambat proses oksidasi dan dapat diterima panelis adalah perendaman patin asin dalam ekstrak cincau hijau pada konsentrasi 0,5% selama 30 menit dengan nilai TBA 2,0-2,9 µmol/kg ikan, produk berfluoresen 0,21-0,24 µg/g ikan, dan asam lemak tidak jenuh 5,6%.

  2. Effect of Salinity Adaptation Technique on Survival and Growth Rate of Patin Catfish, Pangasius sp.

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    K. Nirmala


    Full Text Available This study was carried out to determine the effect of salinity adaptation techniques on growth and survival of patin catfish Pangasius sp. fry.  Fry of 1.5-2.0 inch in length were reared in the water with different of the initial salinity of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 ppt.  Salinity was then daily increased by duplicated the initial water salinity until fish died.  The results of study showed that fry could survive by initial salinity adaptation of 1 ppt and then increasing the salinity by 1 ppt/day to reach 27 ppt.  In the other treatments, all fry died after the salinity reach 18-25 ppt. Keywords: patin catfish, Pangasius, adaptation, salinity   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh teknik adaptasi salinitas terhadap pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup benih ikan patin Pangasius sp.  Benih patin ukuran 1,5-2 inci dipelihara pada salinitas awal berbeda, yaitu 1, 2, 3, 4 dan 5 ppt. Salinitas air pemeliharaan ditingkatkan kelipatan dari salinitas awal setiap hari hingga ikan mati.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adaptasi salinitas awal 1 ppt dan peningkatan sebesar 1ppt/hari menyebabkan ikan dapat bertahan hidup sampai pada salinitas 27 ppt. Pada perlakuan lainnya, benih ikan mengalami kematian masal ketika salinitas mencapai 18-25 ppt. Kata kunci: ikan patin, Pangasius, adaptasi, salinitas


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    Irzal Effendi


    Full Text Available Development of digestive enzymes; protease, lipase and amylase were observed in patin catfish, Pangasius hypophthalmus, larvae.  The 1 day old larvae (day after hatching, with 3,37-3,97 mm length and 0,62-0,79 mg weight, were reared in aquarium 60x50x40 cm with stocking  density of 20 fish/l.  Larvae were fed  Artemia dan tubificid worms 2-8 dan 7-15 days after hatching (dAH,  respectively (schedule I;  2-6 and  5-15 dAH (schedule II; and 2-4 and 5-15 dAH (schedule III.  Chlorella was ready to eat by larvae at the entirely rearing.  For enzyme assay, larvae were sampled from each aquarium at stages of 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 and 15 dAH.    Protease and lipase activity were detected in digestive tract of  1 dAH larvae.   Digestive enzymes development have a similar pattern in larvae for all feeding schedules.  Protease activity  decreased with the increasing of age until 3 dAH, then increased  until the larvae reached 7 dAH, and sharply decreased until 10 dAH and then slowly decreased thereafter. Lipase activity tended to increase slowly with age up to 3 dAH, and increased sharply until 5 dAH, and then decreased sharply until 7 dAH  before decreased again up to the end of rearing.  Amylase activity in larvae increased slowly with the increasing of age up to 5 dAH, then increased sharply until 7 dAH, and decreased thereafter.  In dimly lighted larvae, amylase activity decreased before increased up to 12 d AH, then decreased thereafter.  The amount of food organisms in larval gut, body weight and length, and survival rate of larvae were also measured and discussed.Key Words:  Digestive enzymes, development, larvae, patin catfish, Pangasius hypophthalmus ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan enzim protease, lipase dan amilase saluran pencernaan larva ikan patin akibat perubahan skedul pemberian pakan.  Larva ikan patin (panjang 3,77–3,97 mm dan bobot 0,62-0,79 mg berumur 1 hari dipelihara di akuarium 60x


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    Ristina Siti Sundari


    Full Text Available Fish is not only perishable product but also has segmented market. Consumption market such wants the fresh fish and certainty size. The problem is when the size of fish is too big for consumption, so that product is not wanted by consumer anymore. This research aimed at knowing the added value of shredded Lele and Patin catfish agribusiness and increasing prosperity of humanitarian society throughout processing the shredded catfishes. The data of this research was analyzed by Added Value Analysis of Hayami. The result showed that the shredded product of Lele catfish gave the added value IDR 14.295,00 per kilograms with the added value ratio was 25,53 percent and Conversion value was 0,35. Whereas, the shredded product of Patin catfish gave the added value IDR 18.295,00 per kilogram with the added value ratio was 29,04 percent and Conversion value was 0,35. The agribusiness toward processing and marketing of shredded Lele and Patin catfish was innovative agribusiness that could develop business opportunity so that it could move on the economical wheel and increasing humanitarian society prosperity actively. The market demand was still very wide either in town or out of town. The partnership among various not only government but also non government associations would be a good matter toward this agribusiness is running well.


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    Evi Tahapari


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji performa ikan patin Pasupati II pada segmen pembesaran yang dilakukan di kolam air tenang (KAT berukuran 50 m2, dan di jaring (berukuran 5 m x 3 m x 1,5 m yang dipasang di tambak air payau (TAP, salinitas < 10 ppt. Ikan uji yang digunakan adalah ikan patin Pasupati II, Pasupati I, dan patin Siam F-1 dengan bobot awal di KAT 11,1-16,1 g/ekor, dan di TAP 21,3-32,5 g/ekor. Sebanyak dua KAT, dan dua jaring di TAP digunakan untuk setiap kelompok ikan. Parameter yang diamati meliputi: pertambahan bobot dan panjang harian, konversi pakan, sintasan, kualitas air pemeliharaan, dan konsentrasi hormon Insuline-like Growth Factor (IGF-I pada plasma darah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa performa ikan patin Siam F-1 pada parameter pertambahan bobot memberikan yang terbaik (P<0,05 dibandingkan patin Pasupati I dan II yang dipelihara di KAT dan di TAP. Kemudian performa pertambahan bobot ikan patin Pasupati II lebih baik (P<0,05 daripada patin Pasupati I yang dipelihara di TAP. Hasil analisis ELISA pada beberapa ikan uji yang dipelihara di KAT menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi hormon IGF- 1 tertinggi terdapat pada ikan patin siam F-1 (4,48 ± 0,81 ng/mL, kemudian diikuti oleh patin Pasupati II (3,96 ± 0,51 ng/mL; dan terendah pada ikan patin Pasupati I (3,93 ± 0,54 ng/mL. Jika dicermati dari data pertumbuhan dan konsentrasi hormon IGF-1 ikan uji ternyata terdapat korelasi yang positif antara pertumbuhan ikan dengan konsentrasi hormon IGF-1, semakin tinggi tingkat pertumbuhan ikan maka semakin tinggi konsentrasi hormon IGF-1 pada ikan uji. In thenursery, Pasupati II catfish hybrid of female Siamese catfish and male Jambal catfish showed the best performance compared to Pasupati I catfish and Siam catfish F-1 generation. The aim of this study was to test performance of Pasupati II on grow out segment in freshwater pond (KAT measure 50 m2 and in net cage (measure 3 m x 5 m x 1.5 m which settled in brackishwater pond (TAP, salinity < 10 ppt

  6. Optimization of the Hockey Fans in Training (Hockey FIT) weight loss and healthy lifestyle program for male hockey fans. (United States)

    Blunt, Wendy; Gill, Dawn P; Sibbald, Shannon L; Riggin, Brendan; Pulford, Roseanne W; Scott, Ryan; Danylchuk, Karen; Gray, Cindy M; Wyke, Sally; Bunn, Christopher; Petrella, Robert J


    The health outcomes of men continue to be poorer than women globally. Challenges in addressing this problem include difficulties engaging men in weight loss programs as they tend to view these programs as contrary to the masculine narrative of independence and self-reliance. Researchers have been turning towards sports fans to engage men in health promotion programs as sports fans are typically male, and tend to have poor health habits. Developed from the highly successful gender-sensitized Football Fans in Training program, Hockey Fans in Training (Hockey FIT) recruited 80 male hockey fans of the London Knights and Sarnia Sting who were overweight or obese into a weekly, 90-minute classroom education and group exercise program held over 12 weeks; a 40-week minimally-supported phase followed. A process evaluation of the Hockey FIT program was completed alongside a pragmatic randomized controlled trial and outcome evaluation in order to fully explore the acceptability of the Hockey FIT program from the perspectives of coaches delivering and participants engaged in the program. Data sources included attendance records, participant focus groups, coach interviews, assessment of fidelity (program observations and post-session coach reflections), and 12-month participant interviews. Coaches enjoyed delivering the program and found it simple to deliver. Men valued being among others of similar body shape and similar weight loss goals, and found the knowledge they gained through the program helped them to make and maintain health behaviour changes. Suggested improvements include having more hockey-related information and activities, greater flexibility with timing of program delivery, and greater promotion of technology support tools. We confirmed Hockey FIT was an acceptable "gender-sensitized" health promotion program for male hockey fans who were overweight or obese. Minor changes were required for optimization, which will be evaluated in a future definitive trial


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    Sularto Sularto


    Full Text Available Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui keragaan trait reproduksi ikan patin siam generasi F-1. Ikan uji yang digunakan adalah tiga populasi patin siam hasil seleksi pada tahun 2004. Ikan dipelihara dalam jaring yang ditempatkan dalam kolam 6.000 m2 dengan kedalaman antara 1,25-1,5 m. Pakan berupa pelet komersial dengan kadar protein 28% diberikan sebanyak 2% bobot biomassa/hari. Parameter yang diamati adalah perkembangan gonad, fekunditas, fertilitas, dan daya tetas. Parameter pendukung adalah kualitas air dan tingkat curah hujan. Pengamatan perkembangan gonad dilakukan setiap bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ikan patin populasi Sukamandi mempunyai fekunditas tertinggi yaitu 201.319 butir/kg induk diikuti oleh populasi Jakarta 163.348 butir dan populasi Sukabumi 132.340 butir. Nilai indeks ovosomatik tertinggi terdapat pada populasi Sukamandi sebesar 16,52%, diikuti populasi Jakarta 14,63% dan populasi Sukabumi 10,79%. Diameter oosit terbesar terdapat pada populasi Jakarta yaitu 1,08 mm; demikian pula panjang larva tertinggi pada populasi Jakarta yaitu 3,79 mm. Derajat fertilitas tertinggi terdapat pada populasi Sukamandi yaitu 67,88%; sedangkan derajat penetasan tertinggi terdapat pada populasi Sukabumi yaitu 96,67%.

  8. Hockey Fans in Training (Hockey FIT) pilot study protocol: a gender-sensitized weight loss and healthy lifestyle program for overweight and obese male hockey fans. (United States)

    Gill, Dawn P; Blunt, Wendy; De Cruz, Ashleigh; Riggin, Brendan; Hunt, Kate; Zou, Guangyong; Sibbald, Shannon; Danylchuk, Karen; Zwarenstein, Merrick; Gray, Cindy M; Wyke, Sally; Bunn, Christopher; Petrella, Robert J


    Effective approaches that engage men in weight loss and lifestyle change are important because of worldwide increases, including in Canada, in obesity and chronic diseases. Football Fans in Training (FFIT), developed in Scotland, successfully tackled these problems by engaging overweight/obese male football fans in sustained weight loss and positive health behaviours, through program deliveries at professional football stadia. Aims: 1) Adapt FFIT to hockey within the Canadian context and integrate with HealtheSteps™ (evidence-based lifestyle program) to develop Hockey Fans in Training (Hockey FIT); 2) Explore potential for Hockey FIT to help overweight/obese men lose weight and improve other outcomes by 12 weeks, and retain these improvements to 12 months; 3) Evaluate feasibility of recruiting and retaining overweight/obese men; 4) Evaluate acceptability of Hockey FIT; and 5) Conduct program optimization via a process evaluation. We conducted a two-arm pilot pragmatic randomized controlled trial (pRCT) whereby 80 overweight/obese male hockey fans (35-65 years; body-mass index ≥28 kg/m 2 ) were recruited through their connection to two junior A hockey teams (London and Sarnia, ON) and randomized to Intervention (Hockey FIT) or Comparator (Wait-List Control). Hockey FIT includes a 12-week Active Phase (classroom instruction and exercise sessions delivered weekly by trained coaches) and a 40-week Maintenance Phase. Data collected at baseline and 12 weeks (both groups), and 12 months (Intervention only), will inform evaluation of the potential of Hockey FIT to help men lose weight and improve other health outcomes. Feasibility and acceptability will be assessed using data from self-reports at screening and baseline, program fidelity (program observations and coach reflections), participant focus group discussions, coach interviews, as well as program questionnaires and interviews with participants. This information will be analyzed to inform program

  9. Kajian patogenisitas bakteri Edwardsiella ictaluri pada ikan patin Pangasionodon hypophthalmus

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    Wiwik Susanti


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT One of major problem of striped catfish Pangasionodon hypophthalmus culture is enteric septicemia of catfish (ESC, bacterial disease of Edwardsiella ictaluri, caused of more than 50% of mortalities. This reaserch was aimed to determine pathogenicity of local isolate E. ictaluri. Thirty individu of five group fishes, 6–10 g in body weight, injected intraperitoneally with 0,1 mL of bacteria suspension of 102 cfu/mL; 104 cfu/mL; 106 cfu/mL; 108 cfu/mL; 1010 cfu/mL; and PBS as control, were culture in 18 of 60×40×45 cm3 aquarium for seven days. External organs of fish (skin and abdomen and internal organs (liver, kidney, and brain were examined macroscopicly and microscopicly. Internal organ sample were taken on the 5th day for histopatologic test while blood sample was on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th day after infection. Mortality rate was count to reach LD50. Clinical signs and pathology anatomy of co-infection fish showed vertical swim, petechial hemorrhage in the skin, dropsy, ascites in the abdominal cavity, pale liver and the kidney was dark red. Histopathology showed hydropic degeneration, fatty degeneration, hemorrhage and necrosis in the liver, melano macrophage center (MMC and necrosis in the kidneys, hemorrhage, and inflammatory cell infiltrates were also found in the kidneys and brain. Decreased of hematocrit and hemoglobin values of all tread group were statistically significant different (P<0,05 compared to controls. LD50 dose was 2,8×104 cfu/mL. The result indicated that E. ictaluri was very pathogenic on striped catfish P. hypophthalmus.  Keywords: Edwardsiella ictaluri, enteric septicemia of catfish (ESC, pathogenicity, striped catfish  ABSTRAK Salah satu kendala yang dijumpai pada budidaya ikan patin Pangasionodon hypophthalmus yaitu serangan penyakit bakterial. Enteric septicemia of catfish (ESC adalah penyakit infeksi bakteri Edwardsiella ictaluri yang dapat menyebabkan kematian ikan patin sampai >50%. Penelitian ini

  10. Ice hockey injuries. (United States)

    Benson, Brian W; Meeuwisse, Willem H


    This article reviews the distribution and determinants of injuries reported in the pediatric ice hockey literature, and suggests potential injury prevention strategies and directions for further research. Thirteen electronic databases, the ISI Web of Science, and 'grey literature' databases were searched using a combination of Medical Subject Headings and text words to identify potentially relevant articles. The bibliographies of selected studies were searched to identify additional articles. Studies were selected for review based on predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. A comparison between studies on this topic area was difficult due to the variability in research designs, definition of injury, study populations, and measurements used to assess injury. The majority of injuries were sustained during games compared with practices. The two most commonly reported injuries were sprains/strains and contusions. Players competing at the Minor hockey, High School, and Junior levels of competition sustained most of their injuries to the upper extremity, head, and lower extremity, respectively. The primary mechanism of injury was body checking, followed by stick and puck contact. The frequency of catastrophic eye injuries has been significantly reduced with the world-wide mandation of full facial protection for all Minor hockey players. Specific hockey-related injury risk factors are poorly delineated and rarely studied among pediatric ice hockey players leaving large gaps in the knowledge of appropriate prevention strategies. Risk management strategies should be focused at avoiding unnecessary foreseeable risk, and controlling the risks inherent to the sport. Suggestions for injury prevention and future research are discussed.


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    Ida Ayu N. S. Utami


    Full Text Available Ikan patin siam (Pangasius hypophthalmus yang terinfestasi parasit trematoda monogenea tidak mudah dikenali gejala klinisnya secara spesifik, mengingat parasit ini menyerang organ insang. Infeksi parasit ini dapat menyebabkan kematian ikan sehingga sangat merugikan budidaya ikan patin siam. Tujuan penelitian adalah memberikan informasi secara histopatologi tentang perubahan jaringan insang ikan patin siam yang terinfestasi parasit trematoda monogenea. Penelitian ini diawali dengan pemeriksaan natif insang patin siam yang terinfestasi parasit trematoda monogenea dan dilanjutkan dengan pemeriksaan histopatologi. Pengambilan sampel ikan patin siam dilakukan sebanyak dua kali pada Mei dan Oktober 2015 di beberapa kolam budidaya. Pengamatan sampel dilakukan secara mikroskopik di Laboratorium Balai Karantina Ikan, Pengendalian Mutu dan Keamanan Hasil Perikanan, Palembang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari total 150 sampel yang diamati terdapat 35 sampel atau kasus insang ikan yang terinfestasi parasit trematoda monogenea yaitu: masing-masing sebanyak 10 sampel diperoleh pada Mei dan 25 sampel pada Oktober. Pemeriksaan patologi terhadap organ insang yang terinfestasi trematoda monogenea menunjukkan bahwa lamella insang mengalami pembengkakan dan berwarna merah pucat. Parasit trematoda monogenea pada insang atau yang lebih dikenal dengan cacing insang memiliki panjang tubuh berkisar antara 0,7-0,9 mm dengan lebar 0,05-0,10 mm. Pengamatan histopatologi menunjukkan bahwa jaringan insang yang terinfestasi parasit trematoda monogenea ditandai adanya perubahan yang konsisten, yaitu hiperplasia tulang rawan hyalin, proliferasi sel mukus, hiperplasia lamella sekunder, dan fusi lamella sekunder. Perubahan ini dapat mengakibatkan kematian pada ikan akibat kekurangan oksigen dan perubahan osmoregulasi ion dalam tubuh ikan. The gills of striped catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus infested with parasitic trematodes monogenea are not easy to observe specifically

  12. THE GROWTH OF PATIN Pangasiodon hypophthalmus IN A CLOSE SYSTEM TANK

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    Taufik Ahmad


    Full Text Available This experiment aimed to evaluate the possibility of using integrated recirculation production system for patin grow-out. Each of twelve concrete 2.5 m x 4.0 m x 1.0 m tanks filled to 0.73 m depth was stocked with 100 juvenile patin, 9-10g body weight. Six tanks were equipped with sand and palm (Arenga pinata fibre filters planted with vegetables, lettuce and kangkoong. A submersible pump was installed in each tank to assure continuous water recirculation at the rate of 0.4 L sec-1. The filtered water flowed into the tank at the surface (SC treatment, or at the bottom (BC treatment. In the other 6 tanks, the water flowed continuously from a concrete canal in an open culture system at a similar rate and with similar water entrance positions (SO and BO treatments. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with three replicates. The fish were fed dry pelleted feed to satiation and sampled every other week for growth observation. After 90 days, the average individual weight of the fish attained the range of 80-100 g. The fish grew significantly faster (P0.05 among treatment, ranging from 99% to 100%. In terms of water usage, the closed system tanks produced fish weighing 202.38–220.05 g m-3, much more efficiently than did the open system tanks, 1.87–1.89 g/m3. The vegetables, either lettuce or water spinach, grew well on the filter. These results suggest that the integrated recirculation tank system is suitable for patin culture.

  13. The effects of kinds of lumus and the storage period on the quality of patin wadi based on the results of nutrient tests (United States)

    Dewi, Indah Sari; Hastuti, Utami Sri; Lestari, Umi; Suwono, Hadi


    Wadi is the processed product of fish, due to local knowledge of the Dayak community, made of fresh fish with salt and lumus. The efforts to increase the quality of wadi as a kind of food were based on local knowledge, and are still ongoing. It is one of the ways to conserve wadi existence in the middle of the modern culture. It is important to add a variety of spices in suitable amounts as the innovation in producing wadi. People process wadi by using lumus made of rice and corn. Lumus gives a special taste and aroma t o wadi, furthermore, the effects of kinds of lumus and their concentrates, and the storage period on the nutrients of wadi are not known yet. This research used patin fish (Pangasius sp), white rice (Oryza sativa), white sticky rice (Oryza sativa var.glutinous), and corn (Zea mays) as the kinds of lumus. Each kind of lumus is mixed with fresh patin fish in different concentrations: 15%, 25% and 35%. The results of nutrient tests include measures of protein, carbohydrate, and fat, and show that patin which has been processed into wadi has more nutrients than fresh patin. The storage period and the varying concentrates of lumus effect the level of nutrients in patin wadi.


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    Mas Bayu Syamsunarno


    Full Text Available Tujuan percobaan ini adalah untuk menentukan rasio energi protein optimum yang menghasilkan pertumbuhan maksimum benih ikan patin (Pangasius hypophthalmus. Percobaan menggunakan 5 (lima pakan iso protein dengan rasio energi protein berbeda, yaitu: 8,5; 9,0; 9,5; 10,0; dan 10,5 kkal DE/g protein. Benih patin berukuran 1,84±0,02 g ditebar secara acak ke dalam 15 akuarium (50 cm x 40 cm x 35 cm dengan kepadatan 20 ekor per akuarium. Benih ikan patin tersebut diberi pakan uji dua kali sehari sekenyangnya (satiation selama 40 hari. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa kandungan protein tubuh tertinggi dihasilkan oleh pakan dengan rasio energi protein 9,0 kkal DE/g protein, sedangkan lemak tubuh terendah dicapai oleh perlakuan 8,5 kkal DE/g protein. Namun, protein karkas adalah sama untuk perlakuan 8,5–9,5 kkal DE/g protein dan kandungan lemak karkas terendah dicapai oleh 8,5 kkal DE/g protein. Konsumsi pakan, retensi protein, dan pertumbuhan tertinggi dihasilkan oleh pakan dengan rasio energi protein 9,0 kkal DE/g protein (P0,05. Oleh karena itu, kandungan optimum rasio energi protein 9,0 kkal DE/g protein memberikan pertumbuhan tertinggi pada benih ikan patin


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    Taufik Ahmad


    Patin jambal is one of Indonesia indigenous species which is threatened to extinction in Java open water due to development progress as well as over fishing. Further mass production of patin jambal seeds in hatchery faces the unsustainable supply of spawner. Tank size and aeration technique are suspected to affect patin jambal spawner production in captivity since the fish is a riverine species. The experiment aims at providing a suitable environment for such a fish to grow to be productive spawners. Four circular concrete tanks are used to assure maximum water circulation; two tanks were filled with 10 m3 and the other with 20 m3 fresh surface water at equal depth, 130 cm. The surface water was gravitationally flowed from the surface into 2 tanks and from the bottom into 2 other tanks at 0.6-1.0 L sec-1. The fish weighted 1.5 kg each was stocked at 7 female and 3 male into each of 10 m3 tank and at 15 females and 5 males into each of 20 m3 tank.  The experimental units were arranged in a completely randomized design with pseudo replication. The fish fed commercial artificial diet at 3% of biomass weight a day. Fish in the 20 m3 tank equipped with bottom water inlet gained weight 0.601 % day-1 and consequently grew faster (P<0.05 than fish in the other tanks.  Fish in the same tank was also biologically mature faster than fish in the other tanks; four males and one male were found to reach gonad maturity stage IV which was not found in the other tanks. Obviously, a 20 m3 concrete tank equipped with bottom water inlet is suitable for patin jambal spawner production at 15 females to 5 males ratio.


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    Purnomo Purnomo


    Full Text Available Alih teknologi pengolahan dalam rangka diversifikasi  produk olahan berbasis ikan patin di Kabupaten Banjar masih sangat dibutuhkan untuk memperkenalkan pada para pengolah dan konsumen mengenai jenis-jenis produk olahan siap saji. Diversifikasi olahan ikan patin dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah dan sekaligus meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat perikanan di Desa Jingah Habang Hilir. Sehingga, pemahaman tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai suatu tindakan alternatif dalam pengolahan dan pengawetan ikan patin semi modern yang bermutu dalam mencukupi kebutuhan protein  pada saat paceklik ikan. Program peningkatan keterampilan dengan melalui penyuluhan, pelatihan dan pembinaan bagi masyarakat tersebut ternyata harus sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan karakteristik masyarakat itu sendiri sebagai pelaku usaha bukanlah hal yang mudah. Sekalipun khalayak sasaran sebagai mitra kerja sudah terbiasa memanfaatkan ikan patin dengan variasi produk olahan ternyata hasil evaluasi sangat membutuhkan acuan, format / model dan arahan praktis untuk membuat produk siap saji seperti bakso, nugget dan kaki naga berbasis ikan patin guna pengembangan potensi sumberdaya perairan secara optimal. Instead of processing technologies in order to fish based processed products diversification catfish in Banjar Regency is still urgently needed to introduce on the processors and consumers about the kinds of products processed fast-food restaurant.  Diversification of processed fish catfish can increase the added value and the economy while increasing the Community fishery in the village of Jingah Habang Hilir with chillies downstream.  Such understanding can serve as an alternative in action processing and preserving fish quality semi modern catfish in sufficient protein needs at the time of paceklik fishes.  Skill enhancement programs through outreach, training and coaching for the community must  be in accordance with tha needs and characteristics of the community itself as

  17. Swimming literacy field hockey woman player ground.


    Baštová, Miroslava


    Title: Swimming literacy field hockey woman player ground. Objectives: To obtain and analyze data on the level ground swimming literacy field hockey woman player. Their perception swimming literacy for life, the use of non-specific regeneration and as a training resource. Methods: Analysis of scientific literature, survey, case study, data analysis and graphical presentation of results. Results of the work: field hockey player as swimming literate, benefits swimming but not used as a means of...

  18. Pengaruh Pencucian terhadap Sifat Fungsional Daging Lumat Ikan Patin Siam (Pangasius hypopthalmus

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    Suryanti Suryanti


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pencucian terhadap sifat fungsional daging lumat ikan patin siam (Pangasius hypopthalmus. Ikan patin siam hidup diperoleh dari kolam ikan di Parung, Bogor. Ikan diberok selama 24 jam, kemudian ikan dimatikan dengan perendaman dalam air es selama ± 20 menit. Daging dipisahkan dari tulang dan kulit hingga diperoleh filet daging. Filet dicuci dan dilumatkan dengan mincer. Daging lumat yang diperoleh dicuci satu sampai tiga kali dalam air pada s uhu 4–5oC dengan rasio 1:5 (w/v, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penyaringan dan pengepresan. Sebagai kontrol adalah daging lumat yang dipress tanpa melalui pencucian dan penyaringan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pencucian satu kali menghasilkan sifat fungsional terbaik dalam hal water holding capacity41,98%, sifat emulsi (aktivitas emulsi 0,37 dan stabilitas emulsi 48,37%, serta kekuatan gel 1364 g cm. Komposisi proksimat daging lumat dengan pencucian satu kali menghasilkan kadar air 81,21%, protein 87,25% (bk, abu 1,63% (bk, dan lemak 10,29% (bk.

  19. Expert-novice differences in brain function of field hockey players. (United States)

    Wimshurst, Z L; Sowden, P T; Wright, M


    The aims of this study were to use functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine the neural bases for perceptual-cognitive superiority in a hockey anticipation task. Thirty participants (15 hockey players, 15 non-hockey players) lay in an MRI scanner while performing a video-based task in which they predicted the direction of an oncoming shot in either a hockey or a badminton scenario. Video clips were temporally occluded either 160 ms before the shot was made or 60 ms after the ball/shuttle left the stick/racquet. Behavioral data showed a significant hockey expertise×video-type interaction in which hockey experts were superior to novices with hockey clips but there were no significant differences with badminton clips. The imaging data on the other hand showed a significant main effect of hockey expertise and of video type (hockey vs. badminton), but the expertise×video-type interaction did not survive either a whole-brain or a small-volume correction for multiple comparisons. Further analysis of the expertise main effect revealed that when watching hockey clips, experts showed greater activation in the rostral inferior parietal lobule, which has been associated with an action observation network, and greater activation than novices in Brodmann areas 17 and 18 and middle frontal gyrus when watching badminton videos. The results provide partial support both for domain-specific and domain-general expertise effects in an action anticipation task. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  20. The effect of nisin from Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis on refrigerated patin fillet quality (United States)

    Adilla, S. N.; Utami, R.; Nursiwi, A.; Nurhartadi, E.


    The effect of nisin from Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis with spraying method application on quality of patin fillet during refrigerated storage (4±1°C) was investigated. The quality of patin fillet based on total plate count (TPC), pH, TVB-N, and TBA values during 16 days at 4±1°C. Completely Randomized Design (CDR) was used in one factor (nisin activity) at 0 IU/ml, 500 IU/ml, 1000 IU/ml, and 2000 IU/ml. The observation was done at 0, 4th, 8th, 12th, and 16th days of storage. The result showed that variation of nisin activity significantly affected the quality of fillet according to TPC, pH, and TVB-N values, however no significant difference on the obtained of TBA value. Nisin in 500 IU/ml, 1000 IU/ml, and 2000 IU/ml could extend the shelf-life of fillet until 4th, 8th, and 12th days respectively based on standard in all parameters.

  1. Creation of a strategic framework for global development of ice hockey


    Nieminen, Aku


    The International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) is the international governing body of ice hockey and inline hockey. Among many responsibilities and objectives, one of the main tasks of the IIHF is to develop ice hockey on a global scale. The IIHF has 74 Member National Associations which can benefit from the development programs of the IIHF. These development programs have the purpose of assisting and supporting the National Association in the domestic development of ice hockey in their count...

  2. Pengaruh Perbedaan Konsentrasi Ekstrak Sargassum sp. dan Lama Penyimpanan terhadap Oksidasi Lemak pada Fillet Ikan Patin (Pangasius sp.

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    Fatin Hidayati


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Ikan patin merupakan ikan air tawar yang mengandung lemak dan protein tinggi sehingga apabila dilakukan penyimpanan rentan terjadi oksidasi yang mengakibatkan ketengikan. Sargassum sp. dengan kandungan fenol dan flavonoid mampu menghambat terjadinya oksidasi pada fillet ikan patin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan ekstrak Sargassum sp. dan lama penyimpanan dalam menghambat terjadinya oksidasi pada fillet ikan patin. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ekstrak Sargassum sp. dan fillet ikan patin. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah experimental laboratories dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL faktorial dengan 2 faktor yaitu konsentrasi ekstrak Sargassum sp. (0%, 1%, 1,5% dan 2% dan lama penyimpanan (hari ke-0, hari ke-2, hari ke-4, dan hari ke-6. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan penambahan konsentrasi ekstrak Sargassum sp. dan lama penyimpanan memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap nilai PV, nilai TBA, kadar lemak, kadar protein, kadar air serta organoleptik (P < 0,05. Hasil penelitian tahap I didapatkan rendemen Sargassum sp. dengan pelarut etanol 96% sebesar 1,39%, kandungan fenol 1,813%, flavonoid 0,278% dan aktivitas antioksidan 99,1659 ppm (kuat. Hasil penelitian tahap II didapatkan nilai PV berkisar antara 2,03 - 19,82 meq/kg, nilai TBA 0,63 - 6,72 mg.mal/kg. Konsentrasi 1,5% merupakan konsentrasi terbaik ekstrak Sargassum sp. dalam menghambat oksidasi lemak pada fillet ikan patin selama penyimpanan. Kata kunci: Antioksidan, Ekstrak Sargassum sp., Lama Penyimpanan, Oksidasi lemak, Fillet Ikan patin ABSTRACT Catfish is a freshwater fish that contain high fat and protein so that if its stored it will susceptible to oxidation process which leads to rancidity. Sargassum sp. with its phenolic and flavonoid content are able to inhibit the oxidation process in catfish fillet. This research was aimed to know the effects of different concentrations of Sargassum sp. extracts and

  3. NHL Heavyweights: Narratives of Violence and Masculinity in Ice Hockey

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    Tjønndal Anne


    Full Text Available Sport is often considered a masculine area of social life, and few sports are more commonly associated with traditional norms of masculinity than ice hockey. Ice hockey is played with a great level of intensity and body contact. This is true for both men and women’s hockey. However, men’s ice hockey in particular has been subjected to criticism for its excessive violence. Sport has also been analyzed as an arena where boys and men learn masculine values, relations, and rituals, and is often linked to orthodox masculinity in particular. Tolerance for gender diversity and diverse forms of masculinity has generally increased during the last 30 years. However, orthodox masculinity seems to maintain a dominate position in sports, particularly in hyper-masculine sports such as ice hockey. In this article, narratives of masculinity and violence in professional ice hockey are a central focus. Through a narrative analysis of the biographies of two former National Hockey League (NHL players, Bob Probert and Derek Boogaard, this article explores how narratives of masculinity and violence among hockey players have been described and how these narratives tell stories of the interplay between masculinity and violence in modern sport. The analysis illustrates how the narratives of the lives and careers of these athletes provide insight into the many personal risks and implications athletes in highly masculine sporting environments face. The analysis also illustrates how the common acceptance (and sometimes encouragement of player violence and ‘violence against the self’ in ice hockey has led to many broken bodies, lives, and careers among professional male athletes.

  4. Analysis of Effective Broodstock Management and Breeding of Patin Siam (Pangasius hypophthalmus in BBAT Jambi

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    Mimid A. Hamid


    Full Text Available Aiming to analyze biological character of reproduction and to realize effective breeding activity, annual patin breeding activity 2006 was examined in JFADC Indonesia. Females of two generations, strain of 2001 and 2003 were induced during the year.  Various parameters, such as body weight, collected egg weight, number of 1g egg, harvested larvae, were recorded in every trial of breeding. After collecting all of data in 2006, correlation of productivity with fish size and age were analyzed integrating data. All female were also identified by using PIT tag system and alteration of maturity was monitored monthly, observing development of abdomen, from January to June. Accumulated parameters during the year showed negative correlation of egg somatic index (ESI with fish body weight.  Furthermore, hatching rate showed declined tendency as increasing body weight, suggesting less productivity by too-big female. All of elder female performed low productivity due to the low reading of some parameters such as ESI, hatching rate, larvae number/kg. Proportion of matured female was quite high from January until April. Individual monitoring of maturation showed quick reproduction of gonad in 2 month, from January to March, suggesting active reproductive stimulation on this season. Other many females also performed high gonadal maturity and its duration until April in many case. However, maturation has decreased suddenly on May and low maturation had lasted until November. It suppose due to the seasonal alteration of precipitation and remains as awkward issue for stable patin production in Jambi. Keywords: breeding, Asian catfish, egg somatic index, maturation   ABSTRAK Evaluasi kegiatan pembenihan patin siam Tahun 2006 di BBAT Jambi Indonesia dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk analisa karakter biologi reproduksi ikan patin siam dan untuk mewujudkan kegiatan pembenihan yang efektif.  Betina  dari 2 generasi yaitu generasi 2001 dan 2003 dipijahkan selama Tahun

  5. Incidence of Concussion in Youth Ice Hockey Players. (United States)

    Kontos, Anthony P; Elbin, R J; Sufrinko, Alicia; Dakan, Scott; Bookwalter, Kylie; Price, Ali; Meehan, William P; Collins, Michael W


    Ice hockey is a fast-paced collision sport that entails both intentional (ie, body checking) and incidental contact that may involve the head. The objective of this study was to determine the incidence of concussions in relation to games/practices and age among competition-level youth ice hockey players (ages 12-18 years). Participants included 397 youth ice hockey players from Western Pennsylvania; Boston, Massachusetts; and Birmingham, Alabama, during the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 youth ice hockey seasons. Incidence rates (IRs) and incidence rate ratios (IRRs) of concussion were calculated for games/practices and age groups. A total of 23 369 (12 784 practice/10 585 game) athletic exposures (AEs) involving 37 medically diagnosed concussions occurred. More than 40% of concussions involved illegal contact. The combined IR for games and practices was 1.58 concussions per 1000 AEs. The IRR was 2.86 times (95% confidence interval 0.68-4.42) higher during games (2.49 per 1000 AEs) than practices (1.04 per 1000 AEs). The overall IR for concussion in youth ice hockey was comparable to those reported in other youth collision sports. The game-to-practice IRR was lower than previously reported in ice hockey and other youth sports, although more concussions per exposure occurred in games compared with practices. Younger players had a higher rate of concussions than older players. Copyright © 2016 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

  6. Juego, Cultura y Desarrollo en la Infancia: El caso del Palín Mapuche y el Hockey. Play, Culture and Development in Childhood: Analysis of Mapuche’s Palin and Hockey.

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    Garoz , Ignacio


    Full Text Available ResumenEl propósito del presente trabajo consiste en analizar los juegos de reglas, partiendo de su papel como transmisores de conocimiento sobre el mundo social (valores, creencias, normas, roles, etc., a partir del planteamiento piagetiano de la comprensión de las reglas de los juegos por los niños. Se aborda cómo se produce la evolución del conocimiento práctico y teórico de las reglas y se incorpora el estudio sobre el desarrollo del conocimiento del significado de los juegos, de sus reglas y acciones. Se utiliza un enfoque transcultural que nos permita comprender las diferencias entre el desarrollo de la regla a través de un juego deportivo como el hockey hierba en España y un juego tradicional del pueblo indígena mapuche de Chile, el palín o chueca.AbstractThe aim of this work is to analyse rule games and their importance in conveying understanding of the social world (values, beliefs, norms, roles, etc., following the Piagetian explanation of how children understand the rules of the games. Starting with the development of practical and theoretical grasp of rules the study includes children's understanding of meaning of games, their rules and play actions. A crosscultural comparison is used to explore the differences between how an understanding of rule is developed in a sporting game such as grass hockey in Spain and in a traditional game of the Mapuche indigenous tribe of Chile, such as palin (or chueca.

  7. Evaluation, management and prevention of lower extremity youth ice hockey injuries

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    Popkin CA


    Full Text Available Charles A Popkin,1 Brian M Schulz,2 Caroline N Park,1 Thomas S Bottiglieri,1 T Sean Lynch1 1Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Center for Shoulder, Elbow and Sports Medicine at Columbia University, New York, NY, 2Kerlan‑Jobe Orthopedic Clinic, Los Angeles, CA, USA Abstract: Ice hockey is a fast-paced sport played by increasing numbers of children and adolescents in North America and around the world. Requiring a unique blend of skill, finesse, power and teamwork, ice hockey can become a lifelong recreational activity. Despite the rising popularity of the sport, there is ongoing concern about the high frequency of musculoskeletal injury associated with participation in ice hockey. Injury rates in ice hockey are among the highest in all competitive sports. Numerous research studies have been implemented to better understand the risks of injury. As a result, rule changes were adopted by the USA Hockey and Hockey Canada to raise the minimum age at which body checking is permitted to 13–14 years (Bantam level from 11–12 years (Pee Wee. Continuing the education of coaches, parents and players on rules of safe play, and emphasizing the standards for proper equipment use are other strategies being implemented to make the game safer to play. The objective of this article was to review the evaluation, management and prevention of common lower extremity youth hockey injuries. Keywords: youth hockey, body checking, injury prevention, femoroacetabular impingement, apophyseal avulsions

  8. Assessment of basic physical parameters of current Canadian-American National Hockey League (NHL ice hockey players

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    Martin Sigmund


    Full Text Available Background: Physical parameters represent an important part of the structure of sports performance and significantly contribute to the overall performance of an ice hockey player. Basic physical parameters are also an essential part of a comprehensive player assessment both during the initial NHL draft and further stages of a professional career. For an objective assessment it is desirable to know the current condition of development of monitored somatic parameters with regard to the sports discipline, performance level and gaming position. Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze and present the level of development of basic physical characteristics [Body Height (BH and Body Weight (BW] in current ice hockey players in the Canadian-American NHL, also with respect to various gaming positions. Another aim is to compare the results with relevant data of elite ice hockey players around the world. Methods: The data of 751 ice hockey players (age range: 18-43 years; 100% male from NHL (2014/2015 season are analyzed (goalkeepers, n = 67; defenders, n = 237; forwards, n = 447. Statistical data processing was performed using a single factor ANOVA and Fisher's (LSD post hoc test. The level of statistical significance was tested at a level of p ≤ .05; p ≤ .01. Effect size was expressed according to Cohen's d. Results: Current levels of monitored parameters of NHL players represent the values: BH = 186.0 ± 5.3 cm, BW = 91.7 ± 6.9 kg. Significant differences among positions were found for the BH (goalkeepers > defenders > forwards and BW (defenders > goalkeepers > forwards. Differences among forwards positions were also found for the BH (left wings > right wings > centers and BW (left wings > right wings > centers. Conclusion: The observed values represent the current level of basic physical parameters in professional ice hockey players in the NHL and can be considered

  9. Hockey Fans in Training: A Pilot Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial. (United States)

    Petrella, Robert J; Gill, Dawn P; Zou, Guangyong; DE Cruz, Ashleigh; Riggin, Brendan; Bartol, Cassandra; Danylchuk, Karen; Hunt, Kate; Wyke, Sally; Gray, Cindy M; Bunn, Christopher; Zwarenstein, Merrick


    Hockey Fans in Training (Hockey FIT) is a gender-sensitized weight loss and healthy lifestyle program. We investigated 1) feasibility of recruiting and retaining overweight and obese men into a pilot pragmatic randomized controlled trial and 2) potential for Hockey FIT to lead to weight loss and improvements in other outcomes at 12 wk and 12 months. Male fans of two ice hockey teams (35-65 yr; body mass index ≥28 kg·m) located in Ontario (Canada) were randomized to intervention (Hockey FIT) or comparator (wait-list control). Hockey FIT includes a 12-wk active phase (weekly, coach-led group meetings including provision of dietary information, practice of behavior change techniques, and safe exercise sessions plus incremental pedometer walking) and a 40-wk minimally supported phase (smartphone app for sustaining physical activity, private online social network, standardized e-mails, booster session/reunion). Measurement at baseline and 12 wk (both groups) and 12 months (intervention group only) included clinical outcomes (e.g., weight) and self-reported physical activity, diet, and self-rated health. Eighty men were recruited in 4 wk; trial retention was >80% at 12 wk and >75% at 12 months. At 12 wk, the intervention group lost 3.6 kg (95% confidence interval, -5.26 to -1.90 kg) more than the comparator group (P < 0.001) and maintained this weight loss to 12 months. The intervention group also demonstrated greater improvements in other clinical measures, physical activity, diet, and self-rated health at 12 wk; most sustained to 12 months. Results suggest feasible recruitment/retention of overweight and obese men in the Hockey FIT program. Results provide evidence for the potential effectiveness of Hockey FIT for weight loss and improved health in at-risk men and, thus, evidence to proceed with a definitive trial.

  10. Pengaruh Pencucian Daging Lumat Ikan Patin Siam terhadap Karakteristik Dendeng yang Dihasilkan

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    Suryanti Suryanti


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pencucian daging lumat ikan patin siam (Pangasius hypopthalmus terhadap karakteristik dendeng. Ikan patin siam hidup diberi perlakuan pemberokan selama 24 jam, kemudian dimatikan dengan cara perendaman dalam es selama ± 20 menit. Daging dipisahkan dari tulang dan kulit serta digiling hingga diperoleh daging lumat. Daging lumat diberi perlakuan pencucian satu sampai tiga kali masing-masing dalam air suhu 4-5oC dengan perbandingan 1:5 (b/v, yang dilanjutkan dengan pengepresan. Daging lumat yang diperoleh dari masing-masing perlakuan pencucian kemudian diolah menjadi dendeng dengan mencampurkan bahan tambahan gula putih, garam serta rempah-rempah seperti bawang putih (2%, bawang merah (1,5%, ketumbar (2,5%, asam jawa (3%, lengkuas (2,5%, dan jahe (0,5%. Tahap selanjutnya adalah pencetakan campuran bahan dalam loyang dan dikeringkan dengan sinar matahari selama ±15 jam. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa semakin banyak perlakuan pencucian menyebabkan kandungan protein dan karbohidrat semakin kecil, dan sifat tekstur (kekuatan tarik dan elongasi semakin besar. Dendeng berwana coklat kekuningan dengan rasa dan aroma rempah-rempah, sedangkan tekstur agak kenyal dan tidak mudah sobek. Dendeng dari perlakuan satu sampai tiga kali pencucian memiliki nilai angka lempeng total (ALT antara <25 x 102 sampai dengan 1,6 x 104 kol/g serta tidak terdapat kapang yang tumbuh.

  11. Effect of L-Ascorbyl-2-Phosphate Magnesium as a Vitamin C Source in Different Doses on Growth of Patin Pangasius Hypophthalmus Fingerlings

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. Jusadi


    Full Text Available This study was aimed to determine optimum dose of L-Ascorbyl-2-Phosphate Magnesium in the diet of patin, Pangasius hypophthalmus fingerlings.  Five isoprotein and isocaloric diets containing different dose of L-Ascorbyl-2-Phosphate Magnesium, i.e. 0, 25, 75 and 100 mg/kg diet were used in this experiment.  Fish with an average size of 5.00±0.11 g were maintained at a density of 15 fish per aquarium.  Fish were fed three times a day at satiation, for 40 days.  The results of study shows that vitamin C content in fish body increased as the vitamin C level of the diet increased.  Similar pattern to vitamin C content was also found in protein retention, lipid retention, daily growth rate, and feed efficiency (p Keywords: vitamin C, patin, Pangasius hypophthalmus.   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kadar optimum L-Ascorbyl-2-Phosphate Magnesium dalam pakan ikan patin, Pangasius hypophthalmus ukuran sejari. Lima macam pakan isoprotein dan isokalori mempunyai kandungan L-Ascorbyl-2-Phosphate Magnesium berbeda, berturut-turut 0, 25, 50, 75 dan 100 mg/kg pakan telah digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Benih berukuran rata-rata 5,00±0,11 g dipelihara dalam akuarium dengan kepadatan 15 ekor per akuarium. Ikan diberi pakan tiga kali sehari, secara at satiation, selama 40 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar vitamin C tubuh meningkat sejalan dengan kadar vitamin C pakan. Demikian pula retensi protein, retensi lemak laju pertumbuhan harian, efisiensi pakan mengikuti pola yang sama seperti kandungan vitamin C tubuh (p Kata kunci: vitamin C, ikan patin, Pangasius hypophthalmus.

  12. Self-appraisal of hockey players of high class of different playing position

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    Oleksiy Mikhnov


    Full Text Available Purpose: to expose the features of display of self-appraisal for the hockey players of high class of different playing position. Material and Methods: for the exposure of level of self-appraisal for hockey players, information of sportsmen of high class, taking part in the matches of the Kontinental hockey league (KHL in a season 2013–2014 was probed sixteen hockey players, having a sporting digit MS and MSWC, took part in researches. Methods were used: pedagogical supervision, pedagogical analysis and generalization of front-rank experience, psychological testing, analysis of data of the special scientific-methodical literature, expert questioning, an analysis of data is the Internet. Results: findings allowed to set that the players of line of attack (central and extreme forward have more high level of self-appraisal for certain, than players of defence and hockey goalkeepers. This tendency is looked over both on the separate constituents of self-appraisal and on the whole on all spectrums of the studied indexes. The got results of researches rotined that the hockey players of high class had or middle or high level of self-appraisal. Among testable hockey players, players were not exposed with the low level of self-appraisal. Conclusions: the exposed distinctions in the level of self-appraisal of hockey players of high class can be used for diagnostics of playing predisposition and choice of playing line of business in a command.

  13. Is hockey just a game? Contesting meanings of the ice hockey life projects through a career-threatening injury

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ronkainen, Noora J.; Ryba, Tatiana V.


    This study is situated within an existential–narrative theoretical framework to examine the impact of career-threatening injury on professional ice hockey players’ well-being and career construction. Professional ice hockey culture is construed as a privileged space characterised by hegemonic...... masculinity, fierce competition as well as high-risk behaviours often resulting in sports injuries. In this paper, we analyse two players’ life stories with a particular focus on injury as a boundary situation involving social and temporal breakdown and re-evaluation of meaning of sporting life projects...

  14. Prospect use of Phaleria macrocarpa to prevent motile aeromonad septicaemia disease in Patin Catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus

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    D. Wahjuningrum


    Full Text Available Motile Aeromonad Septicaemia (MAS disease is one of bacterial disease frequently infecting freshwater fishes including patin catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus.  This study was performed to determine antimicrobial of Phaleria macrocarpa (PM and its potency against MAS disease caused by Aeromonas hydrophila.  The in vitro susceptibility test was performed by pour plate methods at the dosages of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 g/l PM. At the in vivo test, fish were fed with the addition of PM into the diet at a dosage of 6, 12, and 18 g/l and 0 g/l as a control for 8 days. At ninth day, fish were infected with A.hydrophila. For seven days after infection the clinical signs and blood pictures were observed. The in vitro test indicated that PM had an antibacterial effect to A.hydrophila at the dosage of 6 g/l. Addition of PM in the diet for 8 days increased haemoglobine. The results showed that lowest clinical sign and smallest number of in fected fish was found at dosage of 12 g/l PM. PM can be used as a preventive method for MAS. Keywords:  Phaleria macrocarpa, antibacterial, "patin", MAS disease, Aeromonas hydrophila   Abstrak Penyakit MAS (Motile Aeromonad Septicaemia merupakan penyakit bakterial yang banyak menyerang ikan-ikan air tawar termasuk patin Pangasianodon hypophthalmus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kemampuan antibakteri dari mahkota dewa (MD Phaleria macrocarpa terhadap Aeromonas hydrophila penyebab penyakit MAS dan potensinya dalam pencegahan penyakit ini.  Pada uji in vitro dilakukan pengujian aktivitas antibakteri MD terhadap A. hydrophila dengan metode hitungan cawan pada dosis MD 2, 4, 6, 8, dan 10 g/l. Pada uji in vivo, ikan uji diberi pakan yang dicampur MD dengan dosis berbeda yaitu 0 g/l (kontrol +, 6, 12, dan 18 g/l, selama 8 hari. Pada hari kesembilan ikan disuntik dengan A. hydrophila dan pengamatan dilanjutkan selama 7 hari, meliputi pengamatan gejala klinis dan gambaran darah.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa MD

  15. Innovation on Street Food Products (Instant Porridge and Cookies Based on Fortified Patin Fish Protein Concentrate with Red Palm Oil and Encaptulated Oil Fish

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    Dewita Dewita


    Full Text Available This research aimed to establish innovation on street food (instant porridge and cookiesfrom Patin Fish Protein Concentrate fortified by blending red palm oil and encaptulated patinfish’s oil. The Encaptulation was conducted by blending of red palm oil and patin fish’s oil usingspray dryer. The blending was consisted of three combinations namely 50 : 50 (A1, 40 : 60 (A2and 60 : 40 (A3 for ratio between red palm oil and patin fish’s oil. The best combination’s resultswas fortified into street food (instant porridge and cookies. The blending was tested by measureyield, fat and fatty acid profile. Moreover, organoleptics and proximate tests were carrie out for thebest treatment of blending in instant porridge and cookies. The results show that encaptulatedyield reached 55 % that rise from A1 treatment as the best treatment with fat content of 17.26%.Profile of unsaturated fatty acid especially fatty acid omega 9 from blending fish oil and palm oilwas 59.29%. The number of fatty acid omega 9 was higher than saturated fatty acid which was18.56%. Furthermore, based on organoleptic tests of instant porridge and cookies using under fiveyear children respondents, it was proven that 93% of children was like the products. Proximate analysis of instant porridge revealed that protein content was 11.04 %, water content was 5.03%,fat content was 1.92 % and ash was 0.64 %. However, proximate analysis showed that cookiesowned protein of 9.11%, fat of 17.03% , water content was 3.93% and ash of 1.38%.Keywords : Encaptulated fish, street food, patin fish protein concentrate, palm oil

  16. Innovation on Street Food Products (Instant Porridge and Cookies Based on Fortified Patin Fish Protein Concentrate with Red Palm Oil and Encaptulated Oil Fish

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available This research aimed to establish innovation on street food (instant porridge and cookies from Patin Fish Protein Concentrate fortified by blending red palm oil and encaptulated patin fish’s oil. The Encaptulation was conducted by blending of red palm oil and patin fish’s oil using spray dryer. The blending was consisted of three combinations namely 50 : 50 (A1, 40 : 60 (A2 and 60 : 40 (A3 for ratio between red palm oil and patin fish’s oil. The best combination’s results was fortified into street food (instant porridge and cookies. The blending was tested by measure yield, fat and fatty acid profile. Moreover, organoleptics and proximate tests were carrie out for the best treatment of blending in instant porridge and cookies. The results show that encaptulated yield reached 55 % that rise from A1 treatment as the best treatment with fat content of 17.26%. Profile of unsaturated fatty acid especially fatty acid omega 9 from blending fish oil and palm oil was 59.29%. The number of fatty acid omega 9 was higher than saturated fatty acid which was 18.56%. Furthermore, based on organoleptic tests of instant porridge and cookies using under five year children respondents, it was proven that 93% of children was like the products. Proximateanalysis of instant porridge revealed that protein content was 11.04 %, water content was 5.03%, fat content was 1.92 % and ash was 0.64 %. However, proximate analysis showed that cookies owned protein of 9.11%, fat of 17.03% , water content was 3.93% and ash of 1.38%.

  17. A Volunteer program guidebook for sport managers organizing large scale ice hockey tournaments


    Frison, Logan


    The guidebook is a tool to assist the tournament coordinator when recruting, training, and leading the best possible team of ice hockey volunteers to work at International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) tournaments and within the Sport Function - Ice Hockey events at Olympic Winter Games. The select volunteers are termed the ‘Ice Hockey Volunteers’ and consist of the six crews that make up the ‘Sport Team’ which work closely with the National Teams (athletes and team staff) and Officials (re...

  18. Reducing injury risk from body checking in boys' youth ice hockey. (United States)

    Brooks, Alison; Loud, Keith J; Brenner, Joel S; Demorest, Rebecca A; Halstead, Mark E; Kelly, Amanda K Weiss; Koutures, Chris G; LaBella, Cynthia R; LaBotz, Michele; Martin, Stephanie S; Moffatt, Kody


    Ice hockey is an increasingly popular sport that allows intentional collision in the form of body checking for males but not for females. There is a two- to threefold increased risk of all injury, severe injury, and concussion related to body checking at all levels of boys' youth ice hockey. The American Academy of Pediatrics reinforces the importance of stringent enforcement of rules to protect player safety as well as educational interventions to decrease unsafe tactics. To promote ice hockey as a lifelong recreational pursuit for boys, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the expansion of nonchecking programs and the restriction of body checking to elite levels of boys' youth ice hockey, starting no earlier than 15 years of age.

  19. Hypothenar hammer syndrome from ice hockey stick-handling. (United States)

    Zayed, Mohamed A; McDonald, Joey; Tittley, Jacques G


    Ulnar artery thrombosis and hypothenar hammer syndrome are rare vascular complications that could potentially occur with repeated blows or trauma to the hand. Although initially reported as an occupational hazard among laborers and craftsmen, it has been observed more recently among recreationalists and athletes. Until now, it has never been reported as a complication in ice hockey players. In this case report, a 26-year-old Canadian professional ice hockey player presented with acute dominant right hand paleness, coolness, and pain with hand use. The patient used a wooden hockey stick with a large knob of tape at the end of the handle, which he regularly gripped in the palm of his right hand to help with face-offs and general stick-handling. Sonographic evaluation demonstrated no arterial flow in the distal right ulnar artery distribution, and ulnar artery occlusion with no aneurysmal degeneration was confirmed by magnetic resonance angiogram. Intraarterial thrombolytic therapy was initiated, and subsequent serial angiograms demonstrated significant improvement in distal ulnar artery flow as well as recanalization of right hand deep palmar arch and digital arteries. The patient's symptoms resolved, and he was maintained on therapeutic anticoagulation for 3 months prior to returning to playing ice hockey professionally, but with a padded glove and no tape knob at the handle tip. This case highlights a unique presentation of hockey stick-handling causing ulnar artery thrombosis that was likely from repeated palmar hypothenar trauma. Appropriate diagnostic imaging, early intraarterial thrombolysis, and postoperative surveillance and follow-up were crucial for the successful outcome in this patient. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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    Theresia Dwi Suryaningrum Dwi Suryaningrum


    Full Text Available Kajian tentang pengolahan surimi dari ikar patin (P. hypophthalmus dengan menggunakan karaginan atau kalsium laktat 0,05% sebagai bahan pembentuk gel telah dilakukan. Pengamatan dilakukan selama proses pengolahan dan mutu surimi yang dihasilkan. Mutu surimi yang diamati adalah uji daya lipat, kekuatan gel, viskositas, derajat putih, komposisi proksimat, kandungan bakteri, serta uji organoleptik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengolahan daging ikan patin menjadi surimi menghasilkan rendemen sebesar 23,03% dengan kadar lemak yang masih cukup tinggi yaitu sebesar 13,14% (bk, derajat putih 27,90 serta mengandung benda asing berupa serpihan kulit yang jumlahnya berkisar antara 11-16 serpihan/100 cm². Penambahan karaginan atau kalsium laktat sedikit meningkatkan rendemen surimi dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Penambahan karaginan atau kalsium laktat tidak berpengaruh terhadap daya lipat surimi, yaitu tidak retak ketika dilipat menjadi 4 (grade AA. Surimi yang diberi perlakuan penambahan kalsium laktat menghasilkan derajat putih dan kekentalan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan surimi yang diberi perlakuan karaginan dan kontrol. Kekuatan gel yang diperoloh dalam penelitian ini berkisar antara 978,93-1095,25 g/cm² dengan kekuatan gel terbaik diperoleh pada surimi yang ditambah karaginan. Penambahan bahan pembentuk gel tidak berpengaruh terhadap kadar air, abu, protein maupun lemak produk. Uji sensori menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan yang diberikan tidak berpengaruh terhadap warna dan bau surimi, tetapi penambahan karaginan menghasilkan surimi dengan nilai tekstur paling tinggi sedangkan penambahan kalsium laktat menghasilkan surimi dengan nilai penampakan paling tinggi. Berdasarkan uji kesukaan, surimi yang diberi penambahan kalsium laktat lebih disukai oleh panelis dibandingkan dengan surimi yang diberi perlakuan karaginan.

  1. Gender in ice hockey: women in a male territory. (United States)

    Gilenstam, K; Karp, S; Henriksson-Larsén, K


    This study investigates how female ice hockey players describe and explain their situation within as well as outside their sport. Information was obtained by semi-structured interviews with female ice hockey players. The results were analyzed in a gender perspective where the main starting point was the concepts of different levels of power relations in society developed by Harding and applied to sports by Kolnes (the symbolic, structural, and individual level). The study shows that the players appeared to share the traditional views of men and women. They also described gender differences in terms of financial and structural conditions as well as differences in ice hockey history. Even though the players described structural inequalities, they were quite content with their situation and the differences in conditions were not considered when they explained the gender differences in ice hockey performance. At the individual level, the players considered themselves different from other women and appeared to share the traditional views of femininity and masculinity. It has been suggested that performance of a sport traditionally associated with the other sex might alter the traditional view of men and women; however, our results lend little support to this suggestion.

  2. Physical profiles of elite male field hockey and soccer players ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background. The physical demands of field hockey and soccer, based on match analysis, are comparable. As a consequence many exercise scientists and coaches have started to use the same type of field tests for hockey and soccer for the purposes of talent identification and training prescription. The validity of this ...

  3. Morphological, Physiological and Skating Performance Profiles of Male Age-Group Elite Ice Hockey Players. (United States)

    Allisse, Maxime; Sercia, Pierre; Comtois, Alain-Steve; Leone, Mario


    The purpose of this study was to describe the evolution of morphological, physiological and skating performance profiles of elite age-group ice hockey players based on repeated measures spread over one season. In addition, the results of fitness tests and training programs performed in off-ice conditions and their relationship with skating performance were analyzed. Eighteen high level age-group ice hockey players (13.1 ± 0.6 years) were assessed off and on-ice at the beginning and at the end of the hockey season. A third evaluation was also conducted at the beginning of the following hockey season. The players were taller, heavier, and showed bone breadths and muscle girths above the reference population of the same age. Muscular variables improved significantly during and between the two hockey seasons (p skating performance tests exhibited significant enhancements during the hockey season, but not during the off-season where some degradation was observed. Finally, weak observed variances (generally skating performance tests indicated important gaps, both in the choice of the off-ice assessment tools as well as in training methods conventionally used. The reflection on the best way to assess and train hockey players certainly deserves to be continued.

  4. Head-impact mechanisms in men's and women's collegiate ice hockey. (United States)

    Wilcox, Bethany J; Machan, Jason T; Beckwith, Jonathan G; Greenwald, Richard M; Burmeister, Emily; Crisco, Joseph J


    Concussion injury rates in men's and women's ice hockey are reported to be among the highest of all collegiate sports. Quantification of the frequency of head impacts and the magnitude of head acceleration as a function of the different impact mechanisms (eg, head contact with the ice) that occur in ice hockey could provide a better understanding of this high injury rate. To quantify and compare the per-game frequency and magnitude of head impacts associated with various impact mechanisms in men's and women's collegiate ice hockey players. Cohort study. Collegiate ice hockey rink. Twenty-three men and 31 women from 2 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I ice hockey teams. We analyzed magnitude and frequency (per game) of head impacts per player among impact mechanisms and between sexes using generalized mixed linear models and generalized estimating equations to account for repeated measures within players. Participants wore helmets instrumented with accelerometers to allow us to collect biomechanical measures of head impacts sustained during play. Video footage from 53 games was synchronized with the biomechanical data. Head impacts were classified into 8 categories: contact with another player; the ice, boards or glass, stick, puck, or goal; indirect contact; and contact from celebrating. For men and women, contact with another player was the most frequent impact mechanism, and contact with the ice generated the greatest-magnitude head accelerations. The men had higher per-game frequencies of head impacts from contact with another player and contact with the boards than did the women (P < .001), and these impacts were greater in peak rotational acceleration (P = .027). Identifying the impact mechanisms in collegiate ice hockey that result in frequent and high-magnitude head impacts will provide us with data that may improve our understanding of the high rate of concussion in the sport and inform injury-prevention strategies.

  5. Body composition of italian female hockey players

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    P Pavan


    Full Text Available Objective: In this work the anthropometric features and the body composition of Italian hockey players, members of the Female National team, were analysed. The purpose of the research was to verify if morphological features could influence the performance of different positional groups. Materials and Methods: Each player was measured for her total and sitting height, weight, 9 skinfolds thickness and bioelectrical impedance analysis. Different equations were used to calculate the Fat% from skinfolds thickness. Results: Average height is not a crucial advantage for this sport. On the contrary the proportion trunk-limb seems to play an important role for the performance of the midfield players. Percentage of body fat of the hockey players was lower than the Fat% of the non-athletes women of the same age. Significant differences were found between Fat% determined by skinfolds thickness and Fat% obtained by bioelectrical impedance analysis. Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that there are significant differences in anthropometric features and in body composition between positional groups, stressing the importance of a specific training program. Keywords: field hockey, bioelectrical impedance, skinfolds thickness, anthropometry.

  6. Player and Game Characteristics and Head Impacts in Female Youth Ice Hockey Players. (United States)

    Reed, Nick; Taha, Tim; Greenwald, Richard; Keightley, Michelle


      Despite the growing popularity of ice hockey among female youth and interest in the biomechanics of head impacts in sport, the head impacts sustained by this population have yet to be characterized.   To describe the number of, biomechanical characteristics of, and exposure to head impacts of female youth ice hockey players during competition and to investigate the influences of player and game characteristics on head impacts.   Cohort study.   Twenty-seven female youth ice hockey players (mean age = 12.5 ± 0.52 years) wore instrumented ice hockey helmets during 66 ice hockey games over a 3-year period. Data specific to player, game, and biomechanical head impact characteristics were recorded. A multiple regression analysis identified factors most associated with head impacts of greater frequency and severity.   A total of 436 total head impacts were sustained during 6924 minutes of active ice hockey participation (0.9 ± 0.6 impacts per player per game; range, 0-2.1). A higher body mass index (BMI) significantly predicted a higher number of head impacts sustained per game (P = .008). Linear acceleration of head impacts was greater in older players and those who played the forward position, had a greater BMI, and spent more time on the ice (P = .008), whereas greater rotational acceleration was present in older players who had a greater BMI and played the forward position (P = .008). During tournament games, increased ice time predicted increased severity of head impacts (P = .03).   This study reveals for the first time that head impacts are occurring in female youth ice hockey players, albeit at a lower rate and severity than in male youth ice hockey players, despite the lack of intentional body checking.

  7. Morphological, Physiological and Skating Performance Profiles of Male Age-Group Elite Ice Hockey Players

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    Allisse Maxime


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to describe the evolution of morphological, physiological and skating performance profiles of elite age-group ice hockey players based on repeated measures spread over one season. In addition, the results of fitness tests and training programs performed in off-ice conditions and their relationship with skating performance were analyzed. Eighteen high level age-group ice hockey players (13.1 ± 0.6 years were assessed off and on-ice at the beginning and at the end of the hockey season. A third evaluation was also conducted at the beginning of the following hockey season. The players were taller, heavier, and showed bone breadths and muscle girths above the reference population of the same age. Muscular variables improved significantly during and between the two hockey seasons (p < 0.05. However, maximal aerobic power improved only during the off-season. All skating performance tests exhibited significant enhancements during the hockey season, but not during the off-season where some degradation was observed. Finally, weak observed variances (generally <20% of the explained variance between physiological variables measured off-ice and on-ice skating performance tests indicated important gaps, both in the choice of the off-ice assessment tools as well as in training methods conventionally used. The reflection on the best way to assess and train hockey players certainly deserves to be continued.

  8. Incidence of hockey ankle injuries in Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ankle injuries amongst hockey players was 26.41%. The most frequent ankle injury sustained by male adolescent hockey players was an inversion ankle sprain (84.62% of the 26.41% injured subjects of the sample cohort). The mechanisms of ankle injuries were attributed to rapid rotational movements of the ankle joint ...

  9. Spinal mobility and trunk muscle strength in elite hockey players. (United States)

    Lindgren, S; Twomey, L


    Elite hockey players of both sexes from the Australian Institute of Sport were assessed for lumbar spine mobility, trunk flexion and back extensor muscle strength, hamstring flexibility and postural characteristics over a two year period. All the athletes were more mobile in rotation than the 'normal' West Australian population, and demonstrated flexible hamstrings and powerful back extensor muscles; trunk flexion was less strong initially, but improved after intervention in the form of a specific exercise programme, over the measurement period. A questionnaire disclosed that low back pain is a common complaint of hockey players, but rarely required intensive physical and medical treatment. The term 'hockey player's back' has been coined in recognition of the long flat thoracolumbar spine frequently noted in these subjects. Copyright © 1988 Australian Physiotherapy Association. Published by . All rights reserved.

  10. Hockey lines for simulation-based learning. (United States)

    Topps, David; Ellaway, Rachel; Kupsh, Christine


    Simulation-based health professional education is often limited in accommodating large numbers of students. Most organisations do not have enough simulation suites or staff to support growing demands. We needed to find ways to make simulation sessions more accommodating for larger groups of learners, so that more than a few individuals could be active in a simulation scenario at any one time. Moreover, we needed to make the experience meaningful for all participating learners. We used the metaphor of (ice) hockey lines and substitution 'on the fly' to effectively double the numbers of learners that can be actively engaged at once. Team players must communicate clearly, and observe keenly, so that currently playing members understand what is happening from moment to moment and incoming substitutes can take over their roles seamlessly. Most organisations do not have enough simulation suites or staff to support growing demands We found that this hockey lines approach to simulation-based team scenarios will raise learners' levels of engagement, reinforce good crew resource management (CRM) practices, enhance closed-loop communication, and help learners to understand their cognitive biases and limitations when working in high-pressure situations. During our continuing refinement of the hockey-lines approach, we developed a number of variations on the basic activity model, with various benefits and applications. Both students and teachers have been enthusiastically positive about this approach when it was introduced at our various courses and participating institutions. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Creating a goaltending development manual for Belgium Ice Hockey


    Guay, Eddy


    The objective of the thesis and was to create a goalie development manual for the Royal Belgian Ice Hockey Federation (RBIHF). The manual will provide goalies and coaches a guide for developing players in the position. The manual aims to provide a technical resources for goalies and coaches on the skills that goalies need to focus on to allow them to improve their play. ! “The backbone of a hockey team”or “The most important position in sports” are two of many phrases that i...


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    Kunto Purnomo


    Full Text Available Studi tentang struktur komunitas ikan dan pembagian sumber daya pakan ikan pasca introduksi ikan patin siam (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus di Waduk Malahayu (620 ha dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi jenis ikan, preferensi makanan, dan luas relung tiap jenis ikan. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan metode survei pada bulan Agustus sampai Nopember 2009 dan bulan Maret sampai Oktober 2010. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa struktur komunitas ikan terdiri atas 13 jenis ikan, yang didominansi oleh ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus, udang (Macrobrachium sp., dan gabus (Channa striata. Jenis-jenis sumber daya pakan yang dimanfaatkan oleh ikan adalah fitoplankton (20%, detritus (19%, zooplankton (17%, insekta (11%, tumbuhan air (9%, ikan (9%, udang (9%, dan moluska (6%. Ikan patin siam, mujair (Oreochromis mossambicus, dan beunteur (Puntius binotatus bersifat generalis karena mampu memanfaatkan semua sumber daya pakan alami yang tersedia. Ikan sili (Macrognathus aculeatus dan keting (Mystus nigriceps lebih bersifat spesialis karena hanya memanfaatkan insekta sebagai makanan utamanya. Peluang kompetisi antara ikan patin siam (diintroduksikan tahun 2009 dan ikan nila relatif kecil sebab sumber daya pakan utamanya berbeda, yaitu ikan patin siam memanfaatkan moluska sebagai makanan utamanya sedangkan ikan nila sebagian memanfaatkan fitoplankton. Hasil tangkapan ikan di waduk ini berkisar antara 34,3-1.323,1 ton/tahun dengan rata-rata 157,3 ton/tahun.   Malahayu Reservoir located in Brebes Regency, was impounded in 1930, with a surface area of 620 hectares, a mean water depth of 8 m. Its main function are flood control and irrigation. Study on fish community structure and food resource partitioning of fishes in Malahayu Reservoir were conducted from August to November 2009 and March to October 2010. The aim of the study was to evaluate the existing condition of fish resources, with emphasis on species composition, food preferency, and

  13. Do physical maturity and birth date predict talent in male youth ice hockey players? (United States)

    Sherar, Lauren B; Baxter-Jones, Adam D G; Faulkner, Robert A; Russell, Keith W


    The aim of this study was to examine the relationships among biological maturity, physical size, relative age (i.e. birth date), and selection into a male Canadian provincial age-banded ice hockey team. In 2003, 619 male ice hockey players aged 14-15 years attended Saskatchewan provincial team selection camps, 281 of whom participated in the present study. Data from 93 age-matched controls were obtained from the Saskatchewan Pediatric Bone Mineral Accrual Study (1991-1997). During the initial selection camps, birth dates, heights, sitting heights, and body masses were recorded. Age at peak height velocity, an indicator of biological maturity, was determined in the controls and predicted in the ice hockey players. Data were analysed using one-way analysis of variance, logistic regression, and a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The ice hockey players selected for the final team were taller, heavier, and more mature (P born in the months January to June. In conclusion, team selectors appear to preferentially select early maturing male ice hockey players who have birth dates early in the selection year.

  14. Knee joint position sense of roller hockey players: a comparative study. (United States)

    Venâncio, João; Lopes, Diogo; Lourenço, Joaquim; Ribeiro, Fernando


    This study aimed to compare knee joint position sense of roller hockey players with an age-matched group of non-athletes. Forty-three male participants voluntarily participated in this cross-sectional study: 21 roller hockey players (mean age: 23.2 ± 4.2 years old, mean weight: 81.8 ± 9.8 kg, mean height: 180.5 ± 4.1 cm) and 22 age-matched non-athletes (mean age: 23.7 ± 3.9 years old, mean weight: 85.0 ± 6.2 kg, mean height: 181.5 ± 5.0 cm). Knee joint position sense of the dominant limb was evaluated using a technique of open-kinetic chain and active knee positioning. Joint position sense was reported using absolute, relative and variable angular errors. The main results indicated that the group of roller hockey players showed significantly lower absolute (2.4 ± 1.2º vs. 6.5 ± 3.2º, p ≤ 0.001) and relative (1.7 ± 2.1º vs. 5.8 ± 4.4º, p ≤ 0.001) angular errors in comparison with the non-athletes group. In conclusion, the results from this present study suggest that proprioceptive acuity, assessed by measuring joint position sense, is increased in roller hockey players. The enhanced proprioception of the roller hockey players could contribute to injury prevention and improved performance during sporting activities.

  15. Physiological correlates of skating performance in women's and men's ice hockey. (United States)

    Gilenstam, Kajsa M; Thorsen, Kim; Henriksson-Larsén, Karin B


    The purpose of the current investigation was to identify relationships between physiological off-ice tests and on-ice performance in female and male ice hockey players on a comparable competitive level. Eleven women, 24 ± 3.0 years, and 10 male ice hockey players, 23 ± 2.4 years, were tested for background variables: height, body weight (BW), ice hockey history, and lean body mass (LBM) and peak torque (PT) of the thigh muscles, VO2peak and aerobic performance (Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation [OBLA], respiratory exchange ratio [RER1]) during an incremental bicycle ergometer test. Four different on-ice tests were used to measure ice skating performance. For women, skating time was positively correlated (p skating time was positively correlated to VO2peak (L O2·min(-1)) in the Acceleration test. The male group had significantly higher physiological test values in all variables (absolute and relative to BW) but not in relation to LBM. Selected off-ice tests predict skating performance for women but not for men. The group of women was significantly smaller and had a lower physiological performance than the group of men and were slower in the on-ice performance tests. However, gender differences in off-ice variables were reduced or disappeared when values were related to LBM, indicating a similar capacity of producing strength and aerobic power in female and male hockey players. Skating performance in female hockey players may be improved by increasing thigh muscle strength, oxygen uptake, and relative muscle mass.

  16. The effect of a complex training program on skating abilities in ice hockey players. (United States)

    Lee, Changyoung; Lee, Sookyung; Yoo, Jaehyun


    [Purpose] Little data exist on systemic training programs to improve skating abilities in ice hockey players. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a complex training program on skating abilities in ice hockey players. [Methods] Ten male ice hockey players (training group) that engaged in 12 weeks of complex training and skating training and ten male players (control group) that only participated in 12 weeks of skating training completed on-ice skating tests including a 5 time 18 meters shuttle, t-test, Rink dash 5 times, and line drill before, during, and the training. [Results] Significant group-by-time interactions were found in all skating ability tests. [Conclusion] The complex training program intervention for 12 weeks improved their skating abilities of the ice hockey players.

  17. Integration of the functional movement screen into the National Hockey League Combine. (United States)

    Rowan, Chip P; Kuropkat, Christiane; Gumieniak, Robert J; Gledhill, Norman; Jamnik, Veronica K


    The sport of ice hockey requires coordination of complex skills involving musculoskeletal and physiological abilities while simultaneously exposing players to a high risk for injury. The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) was developed to assess fundamental movement patterns that underlie both sport performance and injury risk. The top 111 elite junior hockey players from around the world took part in the 2013 National Hockey League Entry Draft Combine (NHL Combine). The FMS was integrated into the comprehensive medical and physiological fitness evaluations at the request of strength and conditioning coaches with affiliations to NHL teams. The inclusion of the FMS aimed to help develop strategies that could maximize its utility among elite hockey players and to encourage or inform further research in this field. This study evaluated the outcomes of integrating the FMS into the NHL Combine and identified any links to other medical plus physical and physiological fitness assessment outcomes. These potential associations may provide valuable information to identify elements of future training programs that are individualized to athletes' specific needs. The results of the FMS (total score and number of asymmetries identified) were significantly correlated to various body composition measures, aerobic and anaerobic fitness, leg power, timing of recent workouts, and the presence of lingering injury at the time of the NHL Combine. Although statistically significant correlations were observed, the implications of the FMS assessment outcomes remain difficult to quantify until ongoing assessment of FMS patterns, tracking of injuries, and hockey performance are available.

  18. Mechanisms of injury for concussions in university football, ice hockey, and soccer. (United States)

    Delaney, J Scott; Al-Kashmiri, Ammar; Correa, José A


    To examine the mechanisms of injury for concussions in university football, ice hockey, and soccer. Prospective cohort design. McGill University Sport Medicine Clinic. Male and female athletes participating in varsity football, ice hockey, and soccer. Athletes were followed prospectively over a 10-year period to determine the mechanisms of injury for concussions and whether contact with certain areas of the body or individual variables predisposed to longer recovery from concussions. For soccer, data were collected on whether concussions occurred while attempting to head the ball. There were 226 concussions in 170 athletes over the study period. The side/temporal area of the head or helmet was the most common area to be struck resulting in concussion in all 3 sports. Contact from another player's head or helmet was the most probable mechanism in football and soccer. In hockey, concussion impacts were more likely to occur from contact with another body part or object rather than another head/helmet. Differences in mechanisms of injuries were found between males and females in soccer and ice hockey. Athletes with multiple concussions took longer to return to play with each subsequent concussion. Half of the concussions in soccer were related to attempting to head the soccer ball. The side of the head or helmet was the most common area to be struck resulting in concussion in all 3 sports. In ice hockey and soccer, there are differences in the mechanisms of injury for males and females within the same sport.

  19. Physiological, physical and on-ice performance criteria for selection of elite ice hockey teams

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R Roczniok


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to examine physiological and physical determinants of ice-hockey performance in order to assess their impact on the result during a selection for ice hockey. A total of 42 ice hockey players took part in the selection camp. At the end of the camp 20 best players were selected by team of expert coaches to the ice hockey team and created group G1, while the second group (G2 consisted of not selected players (non-successful group Evaluation of goodness of fit of the model to the data was based on the Hosmer Lemeshow test Ice hockey players selected to the team were taller 181.95±4.02 cm, had lower % body fat 13.17±3.17%, a shorter time to peak power 2.47±0.35 s , higher relative peak power 21.34±2.41 W • kg-1 and higher relative total work 305.18±28.41 J • kg-1. The results of the aerobic capacity test showed significant differences only in case of two variables. Ice hockey players in the G1 had higher VO2max 4.07±0.31 l • min-1 values than players in the G2 as well as ice hockey players in G1 showed a higher level of relative VO2max 51.75±2.99 ml • min-1 • kg-1 than athletes in G2. Ice hockey players selected to the team (G1 performed better in the 30 m Forwards Sprint 4.28±0.31 s; 6x9 Turns 12.19±0.75 s; 6x9 stops 12.79±0.49 s and Endurance test (6x30 m stops 32.01±0.80 s than players in G2. The logistic regression model showed that the best predictors of success in the recruitment process of top level ice hockey players were time to peak power, relative peak power, VO2max and 30 m sprint forwards on ice. On the basis of the constructed predictive logistic regression model it will be possible to determine the probability of success of the athletes during following the selection processes to the team.

  20. Analisys and energy saving measures of kastvallen ice hockey rink arena


    Igual Bueno, Mario; Bielsa Azcona, José Enrique


    Nowadays efficiency measures are more and more important because the price of the energy is increasing every year. Moreover, saving energy it is also important for decrease the environmental impact. Kastvallen is a hockey arena built in 1997 that cools the hockey rink with electric compressors. The changing rooms are heating by using district heating. Actually the total invoice of electricity is above the 800000 SEK. Meanwhile the district heating invoice reaches the 60000SE...

  1. Conservative management of an elite ice hockey goaltender with femoroacetabular impingement (FAI): a case report (United States)

    MacIntyre, Kyle; Gomes, Brendan; MacKenzie, Steven; D’Angelo, Kevin


    Objective: To detail the presentation of an elite male ice hockey goaltender with cam-type femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) and acetabular labral tears. This case will outline the prevalence, clinical presentation, imaging criteria, pathomechanics, and management of FAI, with specific emphasis on the ice hockey goaltender. Clinical Features: A 22-year old retired ice hockey goaltender presented to a chiropractor after being diagnosed by an orthopaedic surgeon with MRI confirmed left longitudinal and chondral flap acetabular labral tears and cam-type femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). As the patient was not a candidate for surgical intervention, a multimodal conservative treatment approach including manual therapy, electroacupuncture and rehabilitation exercises were implemented. Summary: FAI is prevalent in ice hockey players, particularly with goaltenders. Both skating and position-dependent hip joint mechanics involved in ice hockey may exacerbate or contribute to acquired and congenital forms of symptomatic FAI. As such, practitioners managing this population must address sport-specific demands in manual therapy, rehabilitation and physical training, to improve functional outcomes and prevent future injury. PMID:26816416

  2. Utilization and Fortification of Patin Fish on Extrusion Snack

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mala Nurilmala


    Full Text Available Catfish (Pangasius sp. is a well cultured freshwater fish. Fortification improves protein level in snack and an effort to vary catfish fish product. The purpose of this study was to determine drying method for fish grit, formulation of snack and its properties. Grit formation by several drying methods and proximate (AOAC and degree of polarization. Snack used based on the physical measurement, namely development ratio. Formulations of grit composition of corn: rice: fish were 70%:30%:0% (K, 65%:25%:10% (A, 62.5%:22.5%:15% (B, 60%:20%:20% (C. Fish addition only effect the color of snack based on sensory analysis. There was no effect on snacks physical properties both 10% and 15% of fish grit added. Chemical measurements comprised water, ash, lipid, protein levels and polarization degree. Statistical analysis showed that fish addition effect the protein level on extrusion snack. In addition, polarization measurement showed that the snack with fish addition of 10% (A and 15%( B are fully gelatinized.Keyword: formulation, patin fish, snack


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    Leila Ariyani Sofia


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1 proses pembuatan kerupuk ikan patin, (2 besarnya keuntungan dan tingkat efisiensi usaha, (3 kelayakan usaha, (4 pemasaran produk, (5 tingkat kelemahan, kekuatan, peluang, dan ancaman (6 prospek dalam pengembangan usaha.  Hasil penelitian ini adalah  (1 proses pembuatan kerupuk ikan patin terdiri penyiangan ikan, pelumatan daging ikan, pengadonan, pengukusan, pengirisan, dan penjemuran, serta pengemasan; (2 Keuntungan yang diperoleh pada usaha ini adalah Rp 1.213.011,00/tahun dan nilai R/C Ratio yaitu sebesar 1,18; (3 Usaha kerupuk ikan patin secara finansal layak untuk diteruskan dengan waktu pengembalian modal investasi cukup pendek (lebih kurang 4 bulan; (4 Saluran distribusi kerupuk ikan patin dengan cara semi-langsung dan daerah pemasaran meliputi Kabupaten Banjar, Banjarmasin, Palangkaraya dan Kapuas (Kalimantan Tengah, dan Samarinda (Kalimantan Timur: (5 Manajemen yang ada pada usaha kerupuk ikan patin ini dilakukan oleh satu orang dan dibantu oleh bawahannya untuk masing-masing bagian sehingga belum ada pembagian tugas yang mendasar antara berbagai fungsi; (6 Hasil dari analisis faktor internal dan faktor eksternal, yaitu antara lain: penambahan kapasitas produksi, perluasan pasar, peningkatan pelayanan jasa, harga produk yang bersaing, perbaikan manajemen usaha, serta pengetahuan tentang selera konsumen. The purpose of this research is to determine: (1 the process of making fish crackers catfish, (2 the level of profits and business efficiency, (3 the feasibility of the business, (4 marketing the product, (5 the level of weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, and threat (6 to improve their business prospects. The results of this research are (1 the process of making fish crackers weeding catfish consists of fish, to grind the fish meat, mixed, steaming, slicing, and drying, and packaging; (2 The profit in this business is IDR 1,213,011.00/year and the value of R/C ratio in the

  4. A test of motor skill-specific action embodiment in ice-hockey players. (United States)

    Ong, Nicole T; Lohse, Keith R; Chua, Romeo; Sinnett, Scott; Hodges, Nicola J


    To further our understanding of the role of the motor system in comprehending action-related sentences, we compared action experts (athletes) to visual experts (fans) and novices when responding with an action-specific effector (either hand or foot). These conditions allowed inferences about the degree and specificity of embodiment in language comprehension. Ice hockey players, fans and novices made speeded judgments regarding the congruence between an auditorily presented sentence and a subsequently presented picture. Picture stimuli consisted of either hockey or everyday items. Half of these pictures 'matched' the action implied in the preceding sentence. Further, the action in these images involved either primarily the hand or the foot. For everyday items, action-matched items were responded to faster than action-mismatched items. However, only the players and fans showed the action-match effect for hockey items. There were no consistent effector-stimuli compatibility effects, nor skill-based interactions with compatibility, suggesting that the action-match effect was not based on motor ability per se, but rather a construction of the action based on knowledge or visual experience with the hockey related sentences. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Adolescent perspectives of the recreational ice hockey food environment and influences on eating behaviour revealed through photovoice. (United States)

    Caswell, M Susan; Hanning, Rhona M


    Unhealthy dietary behaviours are prevalent among adolescents. This might relate, in part, to obesogenic environments, including recreation food facilities. The REFRESH Study (Recreation Environment and Food Research: Experiences from Hockey) aimed to explore, from the perspectives of adolescent ice hockey players and parents, broad social and physical environmental influences on adolescent food behaviours associated with hockey participation. Players used photovoice to describe their food experiences in relation to ice hockey. The approach included photos, individual interviews and focus groups. Exemplar photographs were exhibited for stakeholders, including five parents who were interviewed. Interview and focus group transcripts were thematically analysed. Recreational ice hockey environment, Ontario, Canada, 2015-16. Ice hockey players (n 24) aged 11-15 years recruited from five leagues. Dominant influences among players included: their perceived importance of nutrients (e.g. protein) or foods (e.g. chocolate milk) for performance and recovery; marketing and branding (e.g. the pro-hockey aura of Tim Horton's®, Canada's largest quick-service restaurant); social aspects of tournaments and team meals; and moral values around 'right' and 'wrong' food choices. Both players and parents perceived recreational facility food options as unhealthy and identified that travel and time constraints contributed to less healthy choices. Results indicate recreation facilities are only one of a range of environments that influence eating behaviours of adolescent ice hockey players. Players' susceptibility to advertising/brand promotion and the value of healthy food choices for performance are findings that can inform policy and interventions to support healthy environments and behaviours.

  6. Social Problems in Canadian Ice Hockey: An Exploration Through Film

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fogel Curtis A.


    Full Text Available While celebrated as a highly popular sport in Canada, there are many social problems existing within and around Canadian ice hockey. These problems are often overlooked and rarely depicted in academic and journalistic research on sport. These social problems include, but are not limited to: extreme violence resulting in injuries and death, hazing rituals, multiple types of sexual violence, drug abuse, financial corruption, as well as various forms of prejudice and discrimination. Prompted by pop-cultural depictions in films, this paper further identifies and explores social problems in Canadian ice hockey revealing the realism embedded within various seemingly fictional films.

  7. Understanding the resistance to creating safer ice hockey: essential points for injury prevention. (United States)

    Todd, Ryan A; Soklaridis, Sophie; Treen, Alice K; Bhalerao, Shree U; Cusimano, Michael D


    Despite the known negative health outcomes of concussions in minor level boys' hockey, there has been significant resistance to creating a safer game with less body checking. To better understand cultural barriers that prevent making the sport safer for youth and adolescents, semistructured interviews, with 20 ice hockey stakeholders, were conducted and analysed using thematic analysis. Through this analysis, two primary concepts arose from respondents. The first concept is that body checking, despite the harm it can cause, should be done in a respectful sportsmanlike fashion. The second concept is the contradiction that the game of ice hockey is both dynamic and unchangeable. Using structural functionalist theory, we propose an argument that the unfortunate perpetuation of violence and body checking in youth ice hockey serves to maintain the social order of the game and its culture. Any strategies aimed at modifying and promoting healthy behaviour in the game should take these concepts into account. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  8. Incidence of concussions in youth ice hockey players


    Linzmeier, Kathleen A.; LaBella, Cynthia R.


    Investigators from the University of Pittsburg, University of Arkansas, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, and Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard Medical College researched the incidence of concussions in youth hockey in relation to age and activity setting.

  9. Amino Acid Profile and Volatile Flavour Compounds of Raw and Steamed Patin Catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) and Narrow-barred Spanish Mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) (United States)

    Pratama, Rusky I.; Rostini, I.; Rochima, E.


    Fish species and processing methods could affect the volatile flavour composition and amino acid profile of fishery commodity. The objectives of this study were to identify volatile components and amino acid profile of two considered predominant fish species in Indonesia which are freshwater Patin catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) and marine water fish, Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson). The methods used in this study were to detect volatile compounds using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) on fresh and steamed of both species samples (100°C for 30 minutes) and amino acid profile were also analyzed using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The volatile components analysis successfully detects as much as 29 and 59 volatiles compounds in fresh and steamed Patin catfish respectively, while 37 and 102 compounds were detected in fresh and steamed Spanish mackerel samples. Most of detected components derives from hydrocarbons, aldehydes, alcohols and ketone groups which could affected by their chemical composition and resulted from various thermal involved reaction. The amino acids profile identification results showed that glutamic acid was found higher compared to other amino acids standards in both samples. Glutamic acid is non-essential amino acid which is important in umami taste substances.

  10. Exploring Gaps in Concussion Knowledge and Knowledge Translation Among Coaches of Youth Female Hockey. (United States)

    Guo, David; Verweel, Lee; Reed, Nick


    To better understand the level of concussion knowledge of youth female hockey coaches and to identify preferred methods of knowledge translation for this population. Cross-sectional survey. Participants independently completed written surveys before in-person concussion information sessions or online surveys through link provided in emails. Convenience sampling yielded 130 coaches of youth female hockey from Canada. Knowledge level on concussion, resources from which coaches obtained information on concussion, opinions on the current level of concussion knowledge, and knowledge translation. Coaches demonstrated adequate knowledge on concussion, achieving 84% correct on true-false questions and 92% correct on symptom identification accuracy. However, coaches showed limited awareness of concussion specific to mechanisms for injury (identification) and postconcussion symptoms. Internet resources were rated as the most used resources for concussion yet were not rated very helpful. Nonetheless, coaches indicated online courses and web sites as the most preferred method for concussion knowledge translation. Youth female hockey coaches have overall adequate knowledge of concussion; however, gaps in knowledge do exist. Future efforts to raise the concussion knowledge among coaches of female youth hockey should include information specific to the mechanism of injury, along with sign and symptom identification, with particular attention paid to emotional symptoms. Given the reported preferences and the widespread availability of the Internet, further exploration and research validation of online courses and web sites tailored to the youth female hockey community is encouraged.

  11. Analysis of High-Intensity Skating in Top-Class Ice Hockey Match-Play in Relation to Training Status and Muscle Damage

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lignell, Erik; Fransson, Dan; Krustrup, Peter


    of training status. Male ice-hockey players (n = 36) from the National Hockey League participated. Match analysis was performed during a game and physical capacity was assessed by a submaximal Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Ice-hockey test, level 1 (YYIR1-IHSUB). Venous blood samples were collected 24-hour post...

  12. Prevalence of Os Styloideum in National Hockey League Players (United States)

    Greditzer, Harry G.; Hutchinson, Ian D.; Geannette, Christian S.; Hotchkiss, Robert N.; Kelly, Bryan T.; Potter, Hollis G.


    Background: Os styloideum describes an accessory carpal ossicle between the trapezoid, the capitate, and the second and third metacarpals. Injuries to this tissue have been described as part of the carpal boss syndrome. While the etiology of os styloideum remains uncertain, it may represent a physiologic response to altered loading forces in the wrist, similar to the development of cam-type deformity in the hips of ice hockey players or the Bennett lesion in the shoulders of baseball pitchers. Hypothesis: Professional hockey players will have a higher prevalence of os styloideum compared with the general population. Study Design: Case series. Level of Evidence: Level 4. Methods: A retrospective review of 16 professional hockey players from 4 different National Hockey League (NHL) teams who underwent unilateral imaging of the wrist was performed. Seventeen wrists were reviewed for the presence of os styloideum. Results: Thirteen of 16 players (81%) had an os styloideum, representing an increased prevalence compared with the general population. Previous clinical and cadaveric studies estimated a general prevalence of up to 19% (P < 0.001). For the 10 players who had their leading wrist scanned, 9 had an os styloideum (90%). Ten of 11 (91%) players demonstrated a bone marrow edema pattern within the metacarpal and the os styloideum on magnetic resonance imaging. There was no significant association between the presence of an os styloideum and the player’s position, leading wrist, or years in the league. Conclusion: There appears to be an increased prevalence of os styloideum among NHL players, and team physicians should consider this finding while formulating a differential diagnosis for dorsal wrist pain. Clinical Relevance: This study identified NHL players as having an increased prevalence of os styloideum compared with the general population. By doing so, these findings represent an opportunity to enhance our understanding of the etiology, clinical significance

  13. Cardiovascular Response to Recreational Hockey in Middle-Aged Men. (United States)

    Goodman, Zack A; Thomas, Scott G; Wald, Robert C; Goodman, Jack M


    The present study examined the hemodynamic response to recreational pick-up hockey relative to maximal exercise testing in middle-aged men. A total of 23 men with a mean age of 53 ± 7 years were studied. Graded exercise testing on a cycle ergometer determined maximal oxygen consumption, blood pressure (BP), and heart rate (HR). Ambulatory BP and Holter electrocardiographic monitoring was performed during one of their weekly hockey games (mean duration = 45 ± 7.2 minutes): for "On-Ice" responses (PLAY; data recorded while standing immediately after a shift; 8.0 ± 1.4 shifts per game) and during seated recovery (BENCH), 15 minutes after the game. On-Ice HRs and BPs were significantly higher than values obtained during maximal cycle exercise, respectively (HR 174 ± 8.9 vs 163 ± 11.0 beats/min) (systolic blood pressure 202 ± 20 vs 173 ± 31 mm Hg; p game, whereas HR increased from 139 ± 20 to 155 ± 16 beats/min during the game. The myocardial oxygen demand (myocardial time tension index) increased significantly during PLAY concurrent with a decrease in estimated myocardial oxygen supply (diastolic pressure time index), with the endocardial viability ratio during PLAY demonstrating a significant decrease during the third quarter of the game (1.25 ± 0.24) versus the first quarter (1.56 ± 0.30), which remained depressed 15 minutes post-game (p men is an extremely vigorous interval exercise with increasing relative intensity as the game progresses. Hockey elicits peak BPs and HRs that can exceed values observed during maximal exercise testing and is characterized by progressive increases in myocardial oxygen demand and lowered supply during PLAY and BENCH time. Given the progressive and high cardiovascular demands, caution is warranted when estimating the cardiovascular demands of hockey from clinical stress testing, particularly in those whom coronary reserve may be compromised. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Bodychecking rules and concussion in elite hockey.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Donaldson

    Full Text Available Athletes participating in contact sports such as ice hockey are exposed to a high risk of suffering a concussion. We determined whether recent rule changes regulating contact to the head introduced in 2010-11 and 2011-12 have been effective in reducing the incidence of concussion in the National Hockey League (NHL. A league with a longstanding ban on hits contacting the head, the Ontario Hockey League (OHL, was also studied. A retrospective study of NHL and OHL games for the 2009-10 to 2011-12 seasons was performed using official game records and team injury reports in addition to other media sources. Concussion incidence over the 3 seasons analyzed was 5.23 per 100 NHL regular season games and 5.05 per 100 OHL regular season games (IRR 1.04; 95% CI 1.01, 1.50. When injuries described as concussion-like or suspicious of concussion were included, incidences rose to 8.8 and 7.1 per 100 games respectively (IRR 1.23; 95% CI 0.81, 1.32. The number of NHL concussions or suspected concussions was lower in 2009-10 than in 2010-11 (IRR 0.61; 95% CI 0.45, 0.83, but did not increase from 2010-11 to 2011-12 (IRR 1.05; 95% CI 0.80, 1.38. 64.2% of NHL concussions were caused by bodychecking, and only 28.4% of concussions and 36.8% of suspected concussions were caused by illegal incidents. We conclude that rules regulating bodychecking to the head did not reduce the number of players suffering concussions during NHL regular season play and that further changes or stricter enforcement of existing rules may be required to minimize the risk of players suffering these injuries.

  15. Development of offensive individual game skills and offensive game combinations in ice hockey


    Janek, Michael


    Title: Development of offensive individual game skills and offensive game combinations in ice hockey Goals: The main aim of this thesis is to gather theoretical information about development and improvement of offensive individual game skills and offensive game combinations in ice hockey and suggest essential and key exercises of this issue. Methods: The thesis was primarily written with the use of searching method based on information from available expert literature, electronic sources and ...

  16. Ice hockey arena: national pride or normal business?

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Münich, Daniel; Humphreys, B. R.


    Roč. 7, č. 6 (2002), s. 11 ISSN 1211-3514 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z7085904 Keywords : ice hockey arena * costs and benefits Subject RIV: AH - Economics

  17. Lesbian erotics at women's hockey: fans, flashing, and the Booby Orrs. (United States)

    Davidson, Judy


    This article analyzes a public breast flashing event that occurred during the women's ice hockey tournament at the OutGames/Western Cup Lesbigay athletic event in 2007. Employing a postfoundational perspective, I first contextualize the ice hockey subculture of the team called the Booby Orrs, outlining some of our history, norms, and context. I then tell the particular story that leads to our fans flashing their breasts as we finally scored some goals. I end with my analysis of this event: how a public nude display of sexualized women's breasts in a lesbian-coded public space prompted a resistant sporting moment, at least contingently.

  18. Modificación en la composición corporal de jugadores de Hockey luego del período de preparación


    Perrice, Constanza


    El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la relación entre el tipo de alimentación y el cambio en la composición corporal en jugadores de hockey sobre césped masculino que integran el Seleccionado Bonaerense de primera división, luego del período de preparación del año 2009 y si se ve influenciado por el grado de información en el campo de la nutrición deportiva. A través del mismo se establece la variación en el porcentaje de masa magra y masa grasa, mediante medi...

  19. Aggression, Violence and Injury in Minor League Ice Hockey: Avenues for Prevention of Injury.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael D Cusimano

    Full Text Available In North America, more than 800,000 youth are registered in organized ice hockey leagues. Despite the many benefits of involvement, young players are at significant risk for injury. Body-checking and aggressive play are associated with high frequency of game-related injury including concussion. We conducted a qualitative study to understand why youth ice hockey players engage in aggressive, injury-prone behaviours on the ice.Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 61 minor ice hockey participants, including male and female players, parents, coaches, trainers, managers and a game official. Players were aged 13-15 playing on competitive body checking teams or on non-body checking teams. Interviews were manually transcribed, coded and analyzed for themes relating to aggressive play in minor ice hockey.Parents, coaches, teammates and the media exert a large influence on player behavior. Aggressive behavior is often reinforced by the player's social environment and justified by players to demonstrate loyalty to teammates and especially injured teammates by seeking revenge particularly in competitive, body-checking leagues. Among female and male players in non-body checking organizations, aggressive play is not reinforced by the social environment. These findings are discussed within the framework of social identity theory and social learning theory, in order to understand players' need to seek revenge and how the social environment reinforces aggressive behaviors.This study provides a better understanding of the players' motivations and environmental influences around aggressive and violent play which may be conducive to injury. The findings can be used to help design interventions aimed at reducing aggression and related injuries sustained during ice hockey and sports with similar cultures and rules.

  20. Aggression, Violence and Injury in Minor League Ice Hockey: Avenues for Prevention of Injury. (United States)

    Cusimano, Michael D; Ilie, Gabriela; Mullen, Sarah J; Pauley, Christopher R; Stulberg, Jennifer R; Topolovec-Vranic, Jane; Zhang, Stanley


    In North America, more than 800,000 youth are registered in organized ice hockey leagues. Despite the many benefits of involvement, young players are at significant risk for injury. Body-checking and aggressive play are associated with high frequency of game-related injury including concussion. We conducted a qualitative study to understand why youth ice hockey players engage in aggressive, injury-prone behaviours on the ice. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 61 minor ice hockey participants, including male and female players, parents, coaches, trainers, managers and a game official. Players were aged 13-15 playing on competitive body checking teams or on non-body checking teams. Interviews were manually transcribed, coded and analyzed for themes relating to aggressive play in minor ice hockey. Parents, coaches, teammates and the media exert a large influence on player behavior. Aggressive behavior is often reinforced by the player's social environment and justified by players to demonstrate loyalty to teammates and especially injured teammates by seeking revenge particularly in competitive, body-checking leagues. Among female and male players in non-body checking organizations, aggressive play is not reinforced by the social environment. These findings are discussed within the framework of social identity theory and social learning theory, in order to understand players' need to seek revenge and how the social environment reinforces aggressive behaviors. This study provides a better understanding of the players' motivations and environmental influences around aggressive and violent play which may be conducive to injury. The findings can be used to help design interventions aimed at reducing aggression and related injuries sustained during ice hockey and sports with similar cultures and rules.

  1. Skating start propulsion: three-dimensional kinematic analysis of elite male and female ice hockey players. (United States)

    Shell, Jaymee R; Robbins, Shawn M K; Dixon, Philippe C; Renaud, Philippe J; Turcotte, René A; Wu, Tom; Pearsall, David J


    The forward skating start is a fundamental skill for male and female ice hockey players. However, performance differences by athlete's sex cannot be fully explained by physiological variables; hence, other factors such as skating technique warrant examination. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the body movement kinematics of ice hockey skating starts between elite male and female ice hockey participants. Male (n = 9) and female (n = 10) elite ice hockey players performed five forward skating start accelerations. An 18-camera motion capture system placed on the arena ice surface captured full-body kinematics during the first seven skating start steps within 15 meters. Males' maximum skating speeds were greater than females. Skating technique sex differences were noted: in particular, females presented ~10° lower hip abduction throughout skating stance as well as ~10° greater knee extension at initial ice stance contact, conspicuously followed by a brief cessation in knee extension at the moment of ice contact, not evident in male skaters. Further study is warranted to explain why these skating technique differences exist in relation to factors such as differences in training, equipment, performance level, and anthropometrics.

  2. The Size and Strength Development in Elite Youth Ice Hockey Players

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    Jeff R. Leiter


    Full Text Available Background: Ice hockey is a fast, physical sport that requires high levels of muscular strength, muscular endurance and agility. Objectives: This study was conducted to create a profile including: anthropometric measurement, muscular strength, muscular endurance, lower body jump height and distance, and agility characteristics for elite youth hockey players.  Methods: Pre-season off-ice testing results were retrospectively reviewed from a human performance database.  Variables included height, weight, body fat percentage, grip strength, push-ups/bench press, supine rows, the plank test, vertical jump, standing long jump, hip adductor and abductor strength, and the 5-10-5 shuttle, and. One-way ANOVAs (1group x 4 time and Tukeys post-hoc tests were performed to determine changes in the immediately successive age group (p<0.05. Results: Participants included male Bantam-(age: 13-14 and Midget-(age: 15-17 AAA ice-hockey players (n=260.  Age categories were grouped as 13 years old (yo(n=75, 14 yo (n=70, 15 yo (n=58, and 16-17 yo (n=57.  Increases between successive age groups were observed in the following variables: weight (13, 14, 15 and 16-17 yo, height (13 and 14 yo, left and right grip strength (13, 14, 15, and 16-17 yo, bench press (15 and 16-17 yo, left and right hip abduction (14, 15, and 16-17 yo, and vertical and standing long jump (13, 14, and 15 yo. Total time for the 5-10-5 shuttle run test decreased from 13 to 14yo, and 14 to 15 yo. Conclusion: Changes with age in off-ice performance variables of elite amateur hockey players should be recognized, followed, and addressed during player development to maximize the potential for elite performance and reduce the risk of injury.   Keywords: Athletic Performance, Training, Physical Fitness

  3. A biomechanical comparison in the lower limb and lumbar spine between a hit and drag flick in field hockey. (United States)

    Ng, Leo; Rosalie, Simon M; Sherry, Dorianne; Loh, Wei Bing; Sjurseth, Andreas M; Iyengar, Shrikant; Wild, Catherine Y


    Research has revealed that field hockey drag flickers have greater odds of hip and lumbar injuries compared to non-drag flickers (DF). This study aimed to compare the biomechanics of a field hockey hit and a specialised field hockey drag flick. Eighteen male and seven female specialised hockey DF performed a hit and a drag flick in a motion analysis laboratory with an 18-camera three-dimensional motion analysis system and a calibrated multichannel force platform to examine differences in lower limb and lumbar kinematics and kinetics. Results revealed that drag flicks were performed with more of a forward lunge on the left lower limb resulting in significantly greater left ankle dorsiflexion, knee, hip and lumbar flexion (Pshit. Drag flicks were also performed with significantly greater lateral flexion (P hit. Differences in kinematics lead to greater shear, compression and tensile forces in multiple left lower limb and lumbar joints in the drag flick compared to the hit (P hit may have ramifications with respect to injury in field hockey drag flickers.

  4. Neck injuries presenting to emergency departments in the United States from 1990 to 1999 for ice hockey, soccer, and American football. (United States)

    Delaney, J S; Al-Kashmiri, A


    To examine the number and rate of neck injuries in the community as a whole for ice hockey, soccer, and American football by analysing data from patients presenting to emergency departments in the United States from 1990 to 1999. Data compiled for the US Consumer Product Safety Commission were used to generate estimates for the total number of neck injuries and the more specific diagnoses of neck fractures, dislocations, contusions, sprains, strains, and lacerations occurring nationally from 1990 to 1999. These data were combined with yearly participation figures to generate rates of injury presenting to emergency departments for each sport. There were an estimated 5038 neck injuries from ice hockey, 19,341 from soccer, and 114 706 from American football. These could be broken down as follows: 4964 contusions, sprains, or strains from ice hockey, 17,927 from soccer, and 104 483 from football; 105 neck fractures or dislocations from ice hockey, 214 from soccer, and 1588 from football; 199 neck lacerations for ice hockey, 0 for soccer, and 621 for football. The rates for total neck injuries and combined neck contusions, sprains, or strains were higher for football than for ice hockey or soccer in all years for which data were available. The rate of neck injury in the United States was higher in football than in ice hockey or soccer in the time period studied.

  5. Differences in Lower Body Kinematics during Forward Treadmill Skating Between Two Different Hockey Skate Designs

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    Mike R. Hellyer


    Full Text Available Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in ankle flexibility and skating technique between a traditional hockey skate boot and a hockey skate boot with a flexible rear tendon guard. Skating technique was further investigated at different speeds to give insight on how skating technique alters as skating speed is increased. Methods: Eight elite hockey players were selected for the present study, which was conducted while skating on an Endless Ice Skating Treadmill.  Variables were recorded using a three-camera setup and measured from video records at five selected treadmill speeds using the Dartfish Team Pro v6 software.  Kinematic variables were then compared between the two skate designs with a doubly multivariate repeated measures design.  Statistical significance was set at p<0.05.  Results: Post hoc univariate tests comparing skate designs displayed significant increases in plantar flexion, plantar flexion angular velocity, hip extension, hip extension angular velocity, stride length, and stride velocity while participants were wearing the skates that had a flexible rear tendon guard.  Significant increases were also displayed in plantar flexion, plantar flexion angular velocity, knee extension, knee extension angular velocity, hip extension, hip extension angular velocity, hip abduction range of motion, hip abduction angular velocity, stride width, stride length, and stride velocity as the treadmill speed increased. There was also a significant decrease in the time the skate was in contact with the treadmill as treadmill speed increased. Conclusion: The results suggested that while skating forward, hockey players could improve their hockey skating technique by using hockey skates that have a flexible rear tendon guard.  This flexible tendon guard improved skating technique by increasing the time of force application to the ice by increasing the range of ankle plantar flexion during propulsion of the

  6. The hockey-stick method to estimate evening dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) in humans. (United States)

    Danilenko, Konstantin V; Verevkin, Evgeniy G; Antyufeev, Viktor S; Wirz-Justice, Anna; Cajochen, Christian


    The onset of melatonin secretion in the evening is the most reliable and most widely used index of circadian timing in humans. Saliva (or plasma) is usually sampled every 0.5-1 hours under dim-light conditions in the evening 5-6 hours before usual bedtime to assess the dim-light melatonin onset (DLMO). For many years, attempts have been made to find a reliable objective determination of melatonin onset time either by fixed or dynamic threshold approaches. The here-developed hockey-stick algorithm, used as an interactive computer-based approach, fits the evening melatonin profile by a piecewise linear-parabolic function represented as a straight line switching to the branch of a parabola. The switch point is considered to reliably estimate melatonin rise time. We applied the hockey-stick method to 109 half-hourly melatonin profiles to assess the DLMOs and compared these estimates to visual ratings from three experts in the field. The DLMOs of 103 profiles were considered to be clearly quantifiable. The hockey-stick DLMO estimates were on average 4 minutes earlier than the experts' estimates, with a range of -27 to +13 minutes; in 47% of the cases the difference fell within ±5 minutes, in 98% within -20 to +13 minutes. The raters' and hockey-stick estimates showed poor accordance with DLMOs defined by threshold methods. Thus, the hockey-stick algorithm is a reliable objective method to estimate melatonin rise time, which does not depend on a threshold value and is free from errors arising from differences in subjective circadian phase estimates. The method is available as a computerized program that can be easily used in research settings and clinical practice either for salivary or plasma melatonin values.


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    Aladino Fernández


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to simulate the activity pattern of rink hockey by designing a specific skate test (ST to study the energy expenditure and metabolic responses to this intermittent high-intensity exercise and extrapolate the results from the test to competition. Six rink hockey players performed, in three phases, the 20-metre multi-stage shuttle roller skate test, a tournament match and the ST. Heart rate was monitored in all three phases. Blood lactate, oxygen consumption, ventilation and respiratory exchange ratio were also recorded during the ST. Peak HR was 190.7±7.2 beats · min-1. There were no differences in peak HR between the three tests. Mean HR was similar between the ST and the match (86% and 87% of HRmax, respectively. Peak and mean ventilation averaged 111.0±8.8 L · min-1 and 70.3±14.0 L · min-1 (60% of VEmax, respectively. VO2max was 56.3±8.4 mL · kg-1 · min-1, and mean oxygen consumption was 40.9±7.9 mL · kg-1 · min-1 (70% of VO2max. Maximum blood lactate concentration was 7.2±1.3 mmol · L-1. ST yielded an energy expenditure of 899.1±232.9 kJ, and energy power was 59.9±15.5 kJ · min-1. These findings suggest that the ST is suitable for estimating the physiological demands of competitive rink hockey, which places a heavy demand on the aerobic and anaerobic systems, and requires high energy consumption.

  8. Movement Characteristics and Heart Rate Profiles Displayed by Female University Ice Hockey Players

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    Joel Jackson


    Full Text Available Background: Women’s ice hockey is widely popular but the various movement patterns, heart rate responses and work to rest ratios during competitive games has not been adequately investigated.  Objectives: This study determined the frequency and duration of movements that female players perform in ice hockey games using time-motion analysis. The intensity of the game activities were also assessed by heart rate (HR responses and work to rest ratios (W:R. Methods: Twenty-two university female ice hockey players were filmed performing a number of movements during three regular season league games. Results: The following movement patterns were categorized in percent of time performed during the games: forward gliding on ice (36.3 ± 6.2%, forward skating at a moderate intensity (31.2 ± 6.2%, backward glide (9.5 ± 4.1%, standing (7.1 ± 5.9%, struggling (6.3 ± 2.6%, forward skating at maximal intensity (5.3 ± 3.3%, backwards skating at moderate intensity (3.1 ± 3.3%. Defense stood and glided backward more than forwards but skated less at a high or maximal intensity. Positional differences were also observed during different game play situations. The highest HR (±SD achieved during shifts was 182 ± 10 and HR averaged 174 ± 9 bpm for the whole duration of the shifts. The shift and game W:R ratios for all players were 1:1.6 and 1: 3.7, respectively. Conclusions: The findings of this study indicate that female ice hockey games are played at a low to moderate intensity most of the time (~84% of the time spent and are interspersed with brief, intermittent high intensity activities that vary according to player position and game play situation. It was also apparent that female players display markedly high HR responses during game-play indicative of a substantial cardiovascular demand in ice hockey. Keywords: game analysis, work to rest ratios, exercise intensity

  9. Analysis of High-Intensity Skating in Top-Class Ice Hockey Match-Play in Relation to Training Status and Muscle Damage. (United States)

    Lignell, Erik; Fransson, Dan; Krustrup, Peter; Mohr, Magni


    Lignell, E, Fransson, D, Krustrup, P, and Mohr, M. Analysis of high-intensity skating in top-class ice hockey match-play in relation to training status and muscle damage. J Strength Cond Res 32(5): 1303-1310, 2018-We examined high-intensity activities in a top-class ice-hockey game and the effect of training status. Male ice-hockey players (n = 36) from the National Hockey League participated. Match analysis was performed during a game and physical capacity was assessed by a submaximal Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Ice-hockey test, level 1 (YYIR1-IHSUB). Venous blood samples were collected 24-hour post-game to determine markers of muscle damage. Players performed 119 ± 8 and 31 ± 3 m·min of high intensity and sprint skating, respectively, during a game. Total distance covered was 4,606 ± 219 m (2,260-6,749 m), of which high-intensity distance was 2042 ± 97 m (757-3,026 m). Sprint-skating speed was 5-8% higher (p ≤ 0.05) in periods 1 and 2 vs. period 3 and overtime. Defensemen (D) covered 29% more (p ≤ 0.05) skating in total than forwards (F) and were on the ice 47% longer. However, F performed 54% more (p ≤ 0.05) high-intensity skating per minute than defensemen. Plasma creatine kinase (CK) was 338 ± 45 (78-757) U·L 24-hour post-game. Heart rate loading during YYIR1-IHSUB correlated inversely (p ≤ 0.05) to the frequency of high-intensity skating bouts (r = -0.55) and V[Combining Dot Above]O2max (r = -0.85) and positively to post-game CK (r = 0.49; p ≤ 0.05). In conclusion, ice hockey is a multiple-sprint sport that provokes fatigue in the latter half of a game. Forwards perform more intense skating than defensemen. Moreover, high-intensity game activities during top-class ice hockey are correlated with cardiovascular loading during a submaximal skating test. Taken together, training of elite ice-hockey players should improve the ability for repeated high-intensity skating, and testing should include the YYIR1-IHSUB test as an indicator for ice-hockey

  10. Effectiveness of interventions to reduce aggression and injuries among ice hockey players: a systematic review (United States)

    Cusimano, Michael D.; Nastis, Sofia; Zuccaro, Laura


    Background: The increasing incidence of injuries related to playing ice hockey is an important public health issue. We conducted a systematic review to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions designed to reduce injuries related to aggressive acts in ice hockey. Methods: We identified relevant articles by searching electronic databases from their inception through July 2012, by using Internet search engines, and by manually searching sports medicine journals, the book series Safety in Ice Hockey and reference lists of included articles. We included studies that evaluated interventions to reduce aggression-related injuries and reported ratings of aggressive behaviour or rates of penalties or injuries. Results: We identified 18 eligible studies. Most involved players in minor hockey leagues. Of 13 studies that evaluated changes in mandatory rules intended to lessen aggression (most commonly the restriction of body-checking), 11 observed a reduction in penalty or injury rates associated with rule changes, and 9 of these showed a statistically significant decrease. The mean number of penalties decreased by 1.2–5.9 per game, and injury rates decreased 3- to 12-fold. All 3 studies of educational interventions showed a reduction in penalty rates, but they were not powered or designed to show a change in injury rates. In 2 studies of cognitive behavioural interventions, reductions in aggressive behaviours were observed. Interpretation: Changes to mandatory rules were associated with reductions in penalties for aggressive acts and in injuries related to aggression among ice hockey players. Effects of educational and cognitive behavioural interventions on injury rates are less clear. Well-designed studies of multifaceted strategies that combine such approaches are required. PMID:23209118

  11. Factors Influencing the Underreporting of Concussion in Sports: A Qualitative Study of Minor Hockey Participants. (United States)

    Cusimano, Michael D; Topolovec-Vranic, Jane; Zhang, Stanley; Mullen, Sarah J; Wong, Mattew; Ilie, Gabriela


    The present study is to identify factors contributing to underreporting of concussion in adolescent athletes. Qualitative interviews. Participants were interviewed in an office environment. Interviews were conducted with 31 minor hockey players, 10 parents, 6 coaches, 4 trainers, 2 managers, and one game official. Players were 13 to 15 year old. With selective sampling, an inductive approach of analyzing the interviews was undertaken and themes were identified and analyzed. Underreporting is a complex phenomenon. A number of risk factors related to hockey culture, players, reference others, and rules of play were assessed. Reasons not reporting concussion is accepted in minor hockey. Aspects of hockey culture such as an overemphasis on winning games and upheld misperceptions about the risks associated with concussion were identified as relevant to the underreporting of concussions. Various factors relevant to the underreporting of concussions include player's motivation to win, group membership dynamics such as a player's role as the team's "enforcer," coaches' own motivation to win to further their own opportunities in the sport, and parents' personal financial interest or alternative agenda in terms of time commitments and their child's future career prospects. Our findings indicate that underreporting of concussion among those players interviewed appears to be prevalent and associated with misconceptions about injury risk, and a culture that both reinforces and encourages underreporting with tacit or overt complicity of parents and coaches. Our findings support the need to alter the culture of violence and tough play in hockey by education, rule changes, economic measures, and changes in governance of the sport. Interviewing more stakeholders and policy makers would shed light on such potential interventions.

  12. The Protective Effect of Kevlar ® Socks Against Hockey Skate Blade Injuries: A Biomechanical Study (United States)

    Nauth, Aaron; Aziz, Mina; Tsuji, Matthew; Whelan, Daniel B.; Theodoropoulos, John S.; Zdero, Rad


    Objectives: Several recent high profile injuries to elite players in the National Hockey League (NHL) secondary to skate blade lacerations have generated significant interest in these injuries and possible methods to protect against them. These injuries are typically due to direct contact of the skate blade of another player with posterior aspect of the calf resulting in a range of potential injuries to tendons or neurovascular structures. The Achilles tendon is most commonly involved. Kevlar® reinforced socks have recently become available for hockey players to wear and are cited as providing possible protection against such injuries. However, there has been no investigation of the possible protective effects of Kevlar® reinforced socks against skate blade injuries, and it is currently unknown what protective effects, if any, that these socks provide against these injuries. The proposed study sought to address this by conducting a biomechanical investigation of the protective effects of Kevlar® reinforced socks against Achilles tendon injuries in a simulated model of skate blade injury using human cadaver limbs. This novel investigation is the first to address the possible benefits to hockey players of wearing Kevlar® reinforced socks. Methods: Seven matched pairs of human cadaver lower limbs were fitted with a Kevlar ® reinforced sock comprised of 60% Kevlar®/20% Coolmax® polyester/18 % Nylon/12% Spandex (Bauer Elite Performance Skate Sock) on one limb and a standard synthetic sock comprised of 51% polyester/47% nylon/2% spandex (Bauer Premium Performance Skate Sock) on the contralateral limb as a control. Each limb was then mounted on a Materials Testing System (MTS) with the ankle dorsiflexed to 90° and the knee held in full extension using a custom designed jig. Specimens were then impacted with a hockey skate blade directed at the posterior calf, 12 cm above the heel, at an angle of 45° and a speed of 31m/s, to a penetration depth of 4.3 cm, to

  13. La eficacia del efecto látigo en el drag flick en el hockey hierba The effectiveness of the bullwhip effect in the Drag-flick in field hockey

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    C. López de Subijana


    Full Text Available

    El penalty córner es una de las jugadas más importantes en el hockey hierba. El drag-flick es la técnica de golpeo más eficaz en las jugadas de penalty córner (McLaughin, 1997. Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron el describir los parámetros cinemáticos del drag-flick en jugadores de nivel internacional y analizar las diferencias intergénero. La muestra fueron trece sujetos, un modelo, seis hombres y seis mujeres. El sistema de captura automático VICON registró 20 lanzamientos de cada jugador con una frecuencia de muestreo de 250 Hz. Las velocidades máximas angulares de las caderas, hombros y stick  fueron superiores  (p<0.01 en el modelo que en ambos grupos de género. Mediante la comparación estadística del modelo con ambos grupos de género se han podido determinar las claves de este gesto técnico, siendo necesario un movimiento hacia atrás del stick (efecto látigo antes de la aceleración de caderas y hombros, para terminar el gesto con la máxima aceleración del stick.
    Palabras Clave: Biomecánica, drag-flick, hockey hierba, cinemática

    The penalty corner is one of the most important goal plays in field hockey. The drag-flick is more efficient than other techniques when playing a penalty corner. The aims of this study were to describe the kinematics of international field hockey players during the drag-flick and to analyse gender differences. Thirteen participants, one male drag-flicker, six males and six females participated in the study. VICON optoelectronic system measured the kinematic parameters from the drag-flick with six cameras sampling at 250 Hz. Twenty trials were captured from each subject. Ball velocity at release, hips maximum angular velocity, stick minimum and maximum angular velocities were higher (p<0.01 in the drag-flicker than in both gender groups. Comparing with the drag-flicker we have found the cues of the skill, being necessary a

  14. Validation of the FAST skating protocol to predict aerobic power in ice hockey players. (United States)

    Petrella, Nicholas J; Montelpare, William J; Nystrom, Murray; Plyley, Michael; Faught, Brent E


    Few studies have reported a sport-specific protocol to measure the aerobic power of ice hockey players using a predictive process. The purpose of our study was to validate an ice hockey aerobic field test on players of varying ages, abilities, and levels. The Faught Aerobic Skating Test (FAST) uses an on-ice continuous skating protocol on a course measuring 160 feet (48.8 m) using a CD to pace the skater with a beep signal to cross the starting line at each end of the course. The FAST incorporates the principle of increasing workload at measured time intervals during a continuous skating exercise. Step-wise multiple regression modelling was used to determine the estimate of aerobic power. Participants completed a maximal aerobic power test using a modified Bruce incremental treadmill protocol, as well as the on-ice FAST. Normative data were collected on 406 ice hockey players (291 males, 115 females) ranging in age from 9 to 25 y. A regression to predict maximum aerobic power was developed using body mass (kg), height (m), age (y), and maximum completed lengths of the FAST as the significant predictors of skating aerobic power (adjusted R2 = 0.387, SEE = 7.25, p < 0.0001). These results support the application of the FAST in estimating aerobic power among male and female competitive ice hockey players between the ages of 9 and 25 years.

  15. A survey of mental skills training among South African field hockey ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences ... observed for concentration, achievement motivation and activation control. ... The participants in the study perceived MST as an important tool to enhance performance in field hockey.

  16. Common Ice Hockey Injuries and Treatment: A Current Concepts Review. (United States)

    Mosenthal, William; Kim, Michael; Holzshu, Robert; Hanypsiak, Bryan; Athiviraham, Aravind

    Injuries are common in ice hockey, a contact sport where players skate at high speeds on a sheet of ice and shoot a vulcanized rubber puck in excess of one hundred miles per hour. This article reviews the diagnoses and treatment of concussions, injuries to the cervical spine, and lower and upper extremities as they pertain to hockey players. Soft tissue injury of the shoulder, acromioclavicular joint separation, glenohumeral joint dislocation, clavicle fractures, metacarpal fractures, and olecranon bursitis are discussed in the upper-extremity section of the article. Lower-extremity injuries reviewed in this article include adductor strain, athletic pubalgia, femoroacetabular impingement, sports hernia, medial collateral and anterior cruciate ligament tears, skate bite, and ankle sprains. This review is intended to aid the sports medicine physician in providing optimal sports-specific care to allow their athlete to return to their preinjury level of performance.


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    Wahyu Putri Vembriana Dewi


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to produce a model of the development of the game Fun Hockey in the XI student class of SMAN 1 Bawang, Bawang Subdistrict, Batang. The method used is the development of Borg & Gall, namely: (1 to analyze the products that will be developed that are obtained from the information collection, including field observations and study of literature, (2 develop a form of initial product model game Fun Hockey, (3 expert validation test which uses a physical education expert (hockey skills and learning experts physical education in high school, as well as small scale test, using questionnaires and consultations later in the analysis, (4 the first product revision, revision of the product based on the results of expert evaluation and testing of small-scale (12 students, (5 field trials (28 students, (6 the revision of the final product is done based on the results of field trials, (7 the outcome Fun Hockey game for students of XI class generated through the revision of field trials. From the data on the differences can concluded that the Fun Hockey Game model development can be implemented as an alternative model for students learning physical education XI class SMAN 1 Bawang, Bawang Subdistrict, Batang.

  18. Mental skill levels of South African male student field hockey players ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Mental skill levels of South African male student field hockey players in different playing positions. ... African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences ... The positional results were compared by means of effect sizes (expressed as ...


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    Cheryl A. MacDonald


    Full Text Available Ice hockey is particularly significant in Canada as it acts as a primary site of socialization for boys and men. This form of socialization raises questions about masculinity on the public agenda in terms of the problematic nature of hypermasculinity in sport, stereotypical images of athletes, and questions of social responsibility as both men and athletes. These issues are presently relevant as Canada (and perhaps all of North America finds itself in an era characterized by accounts in mainstream media of competitive athletes’ cavalier lifestyles, hazing, violence, homophobia, drug addictions, and suicides. This review of literature uses secondary research to problematize masculinity in the ice hockey context by presenting the overarching claim that male hockey players are hegemonically masculine individuals. The piece begins by defining Australian sociologist R.W. Connell’s (1987 concept of hegemonic masculinity and situating it in the contemporary academic context. Next, it offers an overview of relevant literature on masculinity and sport along with a concise examination of scholarly work on the relationship between hegemonic masculinity and ice hockey in Canada. It concludes by summarising calls for further research in the literature and by suggesting approaches to future studies in the field.

  20. A 26 year physiological description of a National Hockey League team. (United States)

    Quinney, H A; Dewart, Randy; Game, Alex; Snydmiller, Gary; Warburton, Darren; Bell, Gordon


    The primary purpose of this investigation was to examine the physiological profile of a National Hockey League (NHL) team over a period of 26 years. All measurements were made at a similar time of year (pre-season) in 703 male (mean age +/- SD = 24 +/- 4 y) hockey players. The data were analyzed across years, between positions (defensemen, forwards, and goaltenders), and between what were deemed successful and non-successful years using a combination of points acquired during the season and play-off success. Most anthropometric (height, mass, and BMI) and physiological parameters (absolute and relative VO2 peak, relative peak 5 s power output, abdominal endurance, and combined grip strength) showed a gradual increase over the 26 year period. Defensemen were taller and heavier, had higher absolute VO2 peak, and had greater combined grip strength than forwards and goaltenders. Forwards were younger and had higher values for relative VO2 peak. Goaltenders were shorter, had less body mass, a higher sum of skinfolds, lower VO2 peak, and better flexibility. The overall pre-season fitness profile was not related to team success. In conclusion, this study revealed that the fitness profile for a professional NHL ice-hockey team exhibited increases in player size and anaerobic and aerobic fitness parameters over a 26 year period that differed by position. However, this evolution of physiological profile did not necessarily translate into team success in this particular NHL franchise.

  1. Campo de hockey Mariñamansa. Orense (España

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    García Tolosana, Carlos


    Full Text Available This article concerns the construction of a Hockey Court made of artificial green and the building where is located the changing room. The arrangement of the surrounding land and the forecast of the necessary room lo allow the construction of a complementary building where the gymnasium will be located, as well as the Federation headquarters, classrooms, a center lo control drugs and some warehouses, are also foreseen.La actuación de que se trata se concreta en la construcción de un Campo de Hockey de Hierba Artificial y del edificio de vestuarios que lo apoya y complementa. También se contempla la ordenación del entorno próximo y la previsión de espacio para permitir la construcción de un edificio complementario en el que ubicar un gimnasio, los locales de la federación, aulas, un centro de control de dopaje y una dotación de almacenes.

  2. A Hockey Night in Canada: An Imagined Conversation between Theorists (United States)

    Fogel, Curtis


    In this paper, various methodological issues surrounding the sociological study of sport are explored. Through an imagined dialogue between two graduate students at a hockey game, this work brings together three divergent approaches to social enquiry: Positivist Grounded Theory, Constructivist Grounded Theory, and Actor-Network Theory. This paper…

  3. Comparison of dynamic balance in collegiate field hockey and football players using star excursion balance test. (United States)

    Bhat, Rashi; Moiz, Jamal Ali


    The preliminary study aimed to compare dynamic balance between collegiate athletes competing or training in football and hockey using star excursion balance test. A total thirty university level players, football (n = 15) and field hockey (n = 15) were participated in the study. Dynamic balance was assessed by using star excursion balance test. The testing grid consists of 8 lines each 120 cm in length extending from a common point at 45° increments. The subjects were instructed to maintain a stable single leg stance with the test leg with shoes off and to reach for maximal distance with the other leg in each of the 8 directions. A pencil was used to point and read the distance to which each subject's foot reached. The normalized leg reach distances in each direction were summed for both limbs and the total sum of the mean of summed normalized distances of both limbs were calculated. There was no significant difference in all the directions of star excursion balance test scores in both the groups. Additionally, composite reach distances of both groups also found non-significant (P=0.5). However, the posterior (P=0.05) and lateral (P=0.03) normalized reach distances were significantly more in field hockey players. Field hockey players and football players did not differ in terms of dynamic balance.

  4. An intelligent talent recognition of male youth field hockey players ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The aim of this study was to determine the most significant of physical fitness, anthro-energy intake and psychological variables in identifying the talented male youth field hockey players. 40 male players (age, 14.6 ± 1.2 years) from Terengganu sport academy were evaluated in different tests and measurements.

  5. Avaliação da ingestão nutricional em atletas de elite na modalidade de hóquei em patins


    Camões, Miguel


    Este estudo pretendeu avaliar a ingestão nutricional durante o ciclo competitivo e as características antropométricas de 10 atletas séniores de hóquei em patins do sexo masculino. A ingestão foi avaliada através de registos alimentares de quatro dias consecutivos: dois pré-competitivos, o dia da competição e o dia posterior à mesma. A conversão em nutrimentos efectuou-se no programa Microdiet Plus versão 1.1., completada, quando necessário, com dados da Tabela de Composição de Alimentos Portu...

  6. Heart Rate and Energy Expenditure in Division I Field Hockey Players During Competitive Play. (United States)

    Sell, Katie M; Ledesma, Allison B


    Sell, KM and Ledesma, AB. Heart rate and energy expenditure in Division I field hockey players during competitive play. J Strength Cond Res 30(8): 2122-2128, 2016-The purpose of this study was to quantify energy expenditure and heart rate data for Division I female field hockey players during competitive play. Ten female Division I collegiate field hockey athletes (19.8 ± 1.6 years; 166.4 ± 6.1 cm; 58.2 ± 5.3 kg) completed the Yo-Yo intermittent endurance test to determine maximal heart rate. One week later, all subjects wore a heart rate monitor during a series of 3 matches in an off-season competition. Average heart rate (AvHR), average percentage of maximal heart rate (AvHR%), peak exercise heart rate (PExHR), and percentage of maximal heart rate (PExHR%), time spent in each of the predetermined heart rate zones, and caloric expenditure per minute of exercise (kcalM) were determined for all players. Differences between positions (backs, midfielders, and forwards) were assessed. No significant differences in AvHR, AvHR%, PExHR, PExHR%, and %TM were observed between playing positions. The AvHR% and PExHR% for each position fell into zones 4 (77-93% HRmax) and 5 (>93% HRmax), respectively, and significantly more time was spent in zone 4 compared with zones 1, 2, 3, and 5 across all players (p ≤ 0.05). The kcalM reflected very heavy intensity exercise. The results of this study will contribute toward understanding the sport-specific physiological demands of women's field hockey and has specific implications for the duration and schedule of training regimens.

  7. Improvement of Ice Hockey Players' On-Ice Sprint With Combined Plyometric and Strength Training. (United States)

    Dæhlin, Torstein E; Haugen, Ole C; Haugerud, Simen; Hollan, Ivana; Raastad, Truls; Rønnestad, Bent R


    Combined plyometric and strength training has previously been suggested as a strategy to improve skating performance in ice hockey players. However, the effects of combined plyometric and strength training have not previously been compared with the effects of strength training only. To compare the effects of combined plyometric and strength training on ice hockey players' skating sprint performance with those of strength training only. Eighteen participants were randomly assigned to 2 groups that completed 5 strength-training sessions/wk for 8 wk. One group included plyometric exercises at the start of 3 sessions/wk (PLY+ST), and the other group included core exercises in the same sessions (ST). Tests of 10- and 35-m skating sprints, horizontal jumping, 1-repetition-maximum (1 RM) squat, skating multistage aerobic test (SMAT), maximal oxygen consumption, repeated cycle sprints, and body composition were performed before and after the intervention. The participants increased their 1RM squat, lean mass, and body mass (P plyometric and strength training for 8 wk was superior to strength training alone at improving 10-m on-ice sprint performance in high-level ice hockey players.

  8. Hockey, iPads, and Projectile Motion in a Physics Classroom (United States)

    Hechter, Richard P.


    With the increased availability of modern technology and handheld probeware for classrooms, the iPad and the Video Physics application developed by Vernier are used to capture and analyze the motion of an ice hockey puck within secondary-level physics education. Students collect, analyze, and generate digital modes of representation of physics…

  9. Fuerza lumbar en jugadores de hockey hierba


    Til Pérez, Lluís; Barceló Peiró, Oriol; Pomés Díes, Teresa; Martínez Navas, Roberto; Galilea Ballarini, Pedro; Bellver Vives, Montserrat


    Introducción: El dolor lumbar tiene una alta prevalencia entre los deportistas, se ha relacionado con déficits en la fuerza extensora lumbar, y el hecho de padecerlo representa un obstáculo importante para la práctica de deportes de alta intensidad. Método: Se ha medido la fuerza lumbar en 2 grupos de practicantes de hockey hierba mediante máquina MedX® y un test de resistencia isométrico lumbar. Resultados: Entre ambos grupos los resultados han sido muy homogéneos....

  10. Examining the relationship between relative age, competition level, and dropout rates in male youth ice-hockey players. (United States)

    Lemez, S; Baker, J; Horton, S; Wattie, N; Weir, P


    The relative age effect suggests that athletes born in the first two quartiles of a given selection year experience a selection advantage and therefore a greater opportunity for success. We describe two studies examining the relationship between relative age, competition level, and dropout rates of Ontario Minor Hockey Association male ice-hockey players from ages 10 to 15 years (n = 14 325). In Study 1, dropout was highest among players born in quartiles three and four [χ(2) (3) = 16.32, P < 0.05; w = 0.06], while Study 2 found dropped out players to have less movement between competition levels compared to retained players. This study confirms a relationship between relative age and dropout from ice-hockey and adds further depth to our understanding of this persistent phenomenon. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Update and Overview of Spinal Injuries in Canadian Ice Hockey, 1943 to 2011: The Continuing Need for Injury Prevention and Education. (United States)

    Tator, Charles H; Provvidenza, Christine; Cassidy, J David


    To identify spinal injuries in Canadian ice hockey from 2006 to 2011 and to discuss data from 1943 to 2011 and impact of injury prevention programs. Data about spinal injuries with and without spinal cord injury in ice hockey have been collected by ThinkFirst's (now Parachute Canada) Canadian Ice Hockey Spinal Injuries Registry since 1981 through questionnaires from practitioners, ice hockey organizations, and media. All Canadian provinces and territories. All registered Canadian ice hockey players. Age, gender, level of play, location, mechanism of injury. Incidence, incidence rate, prevalence, and nature (morbidity) of the injuries. Between 2006 and 2011, 44 cases occurred, 4 (9.1%) of which were severe. The incidence in the recent years continues to be lower than the peak years. From 1943 to 2011, 355 cases have been documented, primarily males (97.7%) and cervical spine injuries (78.9%), resulting from impact with the boards (64.2%). Check or push from behind (36.0%) was still the most common cause of injury, although slightly lower during 2006 to 2011. From 1943 to 2011, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and British Columbia/Yukon had the highest injury rates. Ontario and Quebec continued to show markedly different injury rates, with Ontario more than twice that of Quebec. Current data for 2006 to 2011 indicate that spinal injuries in ice hockey continue to occur, although still at lower rates than the peak years 1982 to 1995. It is imperative to continue educating players and team officials about spinal injury prevention and to reinforce the rules against checking or pushing from behind to reduce the incidence of these serious injuries.

  12. An on-ice measurement approach to analyse the biomechanics of ice hockey skating. (United States)

    Buckeridge, Erica; LeVangie, Marc C; Stetter, Bernd; Nigg, Sandro R; Nigg, Benno M


    Skating is a fundamental movement in ice hockey; however little research has been conducted within the field of hockey skating biomechanics due to the difficulties of on-ice data collection. In this study a novel on-ice measurement approach was tested for reliability, and subsequently implemented to investigate the forward skating technique, as well as technique differences across skill levels. Nine high caliber (High) and nine low caliber (Low) hockey players performed 30 m forward skating trials. A 3D accelerometer was mounted to the right skate for the purpose of stride detection, with the 2nd and 6th strides defined as acceleration and steady-state, respectively. The activity of five lower extremity muscles was recorded using surface electromyography. Biaxial electro-goniometers were used to quantify hip and knee angles, and in-skate plantar force was measured using instrumented insoles. Reliability was assessed with the coefficient of multiple correlation, which demonstrated moderate (r>0.65) to excellent (r>0.95) scores across selected measured variables. Greater plantar-flexor muscle activity and hip extension were evident during acceleration strides, while steady state strides exhibited greater knee extensor activity and hip abduction range of motion (p<0.05). High caliber exhibited greater hip range of motion and forefoot force application (p<0.05). The successful implementation of this on-ice mobile measurement approach offers potential for athlete monitoring, biofeedback and training advice.

  13. Evaluation of cardiovascular demands of game play and practice in women's ice hockey. (United States)

    Spiering, Barry A; Wilson, Meredith H; Judelson, Daniel A; Rundell, Kenneth W


    Preparation for the physical demands of competition often involves game simulation during practice. This paradigm is thought to promote physiological adaptations that enhance maximal performance. However, a mismatch between practice intensity and actual competition intensity may not provide adequate training to achieve optimal game-play fitness. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of practice in meeting the cardiovascular demands of a women's ice hockey game. Heart rate (HR) data from 11 U.S. National Women's Ice Hockey team members were collected (5-second intervals) during a game and a typical practice session. Data was normalized to individual HRmax determined during Vo(2)max testing. Working time was defined as a game shift or practice-working interval. Mean working HR was greater during the game than the practice, 90 +/- 2% and 76 +/- 3% of HRmax, respectively (p game or practice) >90% HRmax was also longer during the game than the practice, 10.5 +/- 4.1% and 5.6 +/- 3.5% (p 80% HRmax, and mean resting HR were not different between game and practice (68 +/- 7% vs. 69 +/- 5%, 23.2 +/- 5.3% vs. 26.1 +/- 9.2%, and 59 +/- 8% vs. 56 +/- 5%, respectively). Elite women hockey players experience significantly greater cardiovascular load during game play than during practice. This mismatch in cardiovascular demand may prevent players from achieving "game shape," thus affecting competition play.

  14. Developmental contexts and sporting success: birth date and birthplace effects in national hockey league draftees 2000-2005. (United States)

    Baker, Joseph; Logan, A Jane


    To examine relative age and birth place effects in hockey players drafted to play in the National Hockey League (NHL) between 2000 and 2005 and determine whether these factors influenced when players were chosen in the draft. 1013 North American draftees were evaluated from the official NHL website, which provided birthplace, date of birth and selection order in the draft. Population size was collected from Canadian and American census information. Athletes were divided into four quartiles on the basis of selection date to define age cohorts in hockey. Data between the Canadian and American players were also compared to see if the optimal city sizes differed between the two nations. Relative age and birthplace effects were found, although the optimal city size found was dissimilar to that found in previous studies. Further, there were inconsistencies between the Canadian and American data. Contextual factors such as relative age and size of birthplace have a significant effect on likelihood of being selected in the NHL draft.

  15. Impact of visors on eye and orbital injuries in the National Hockey League. (United States)

    Micieli, Jonathan A; Zurakowski, David; Ahmed, Iqbal Ike K


    Eye and orbital injuries are a significant risk to professional hockey league players and have resulted in career-ending injuries. The goal of this study was to determine the incidence, value lost, mechanism, and effect of visors on eye and orbital injuries over the last 10 National Hockey League (NHL) seasons: 2002-2003 to 2012-2013. Retrospective case-control study. Participants were 8741 NHL players who had played at least 1 game during the last 10 seasons. Using The Sports Network (TSN), ProSportsTransactions, and the Sporting News Hockey Register, NHL players were searched to identify eye and orbital injuries. The mechanism of injury was obtained from media reports and direct observation from online videos. The number of players wearing visors each year was obtained from The Hockey News annual visor survey. A total of 149 eye or orbital injuries over the last 10 seasons resulted in an overall incidence of 2.48 per 10 000 athlete exposures. A total of 1120 missed games led to a lost financial value of more than $33 million. Visor use among players grew from 32% in 2002-2003 to 73% in 2012-2013, and there was a significantly increased risk for having an eye or orbital injury when a visor was not worn (OR 4.23, 95% CI 2.84-6.30). Most injuries were a result of being hit by a deflected or direct puck (37%) followed by being struck by a high stick (28%). Players who did not wear a visor were found to be involved in more fights, hits, and penalty minutes (p < 0.001). Eye and orbital injuries are mostly accidental in nature and represent a significant risk and cost to the NHL and its players. Eye and orbital injuries are significantly more likely in players who do not wear visors. Copyright © 2014 Canadian Ophthalmological Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Muscle Power and Velocity During Trunk Rotations after 6 Weeks of Training in Ice-Hockey Players

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Poór Oliver


    Full Text Available The study evaluates changes of muscle power and velocity during trunk rotations in ice-hockey players after six weeks of training in competition period. A group of 15 ice-hockey players performed 2 trunk rotations to each direction in a standing position with barbell of 6, 10, 12, 16, 20, 22, 26 kg placed on the shoulders. Basic biomechanical parameters during the movement were monitored using the FiTRO Torso Dyne system. Results showed that mean velocity in acceleration phase of trunk rotation significantly increased after 6 weeks of training at 6 kg (from 259 to 282.6 deg/s, p = 0.003 and 12 kg (from 218.8 to 244.1 deg/s p = 0.004. However, its values did not changed significantly during rotations with 10, 16, 20, 22 and 26 kg. Mean power of trunk rotation did not changed significantly with any of used weight. These findings indicate that there are only small changes in muscle power in competition period of ice hockey-players.

  17. Sports hernia in National Hockey League players: does surgery affect performance? (United States)

    Jakoi, Andre; O'Neill, Craig; Damsgaard, Christopher; Fehring, Keith; Tom, James


    Athletic pubalgia is a complex injury that results in loss of play in competitive athletes, especially hockey players. The number of reported sports hernias has been increasing, and the importance of their management is vital. There are no studies reporting whether athletes can return to play at preinjury levels. The focus of this study was to evaluate the productivity of professional hockey players before an established athletic pubalgia diagnosis contrasted with the productivity after sports hernia repair. Cohort study; Level of evidence, 3. Professional National Hockey League (NHL) players who were reported to have a sports hernia and who underwent surgery from 2001 to 2008 were identified. Statistics were gathered on the players' previous 2 full seasons and compared with the statistics 2 full seasons after surgery. Data concerning games played, goals, average time on ice, time of productivity, and assists were gathered. Players were divided into 3 groups: group A incorporated all players, group B were players with 6 or fewer seasons of play, and group C consisted of players with 7 or more seasons of play. A control group was chosen to compare player deterioration or improvement over a career; each player selected for the study had a corresponding control player with the same tenure in his career and position during the same years. Forty-three hockey players were identified to have had sports hernia repairs from 2001 to 2008; ultimately, 80% would return to play 2 or more full seasons. Group A had statistically significant decreases in games played, goals scored, and assists. Versus the control group, the decreases in games played and assists were supported. Statistical analysis showed significant decreases in games played, goals scored, assists, and average time on ice the following 2 seasons in group C, which was also seen in comparison with the control group. Group B (16 players) showed only statistical significance in games played versus the control group

  18. Describing Strategies Used by Elite, Intermediate, and Novice Ice Hockey Referees (United States)

    Hancock, David J.; Ste-Marie, Diane M.


    Much is known about sport officials' decisions (e.g., anticipation, visual search, and prior experience). Comprehension of the entire decision process, however, requires an ecologically valid examination. To address this, we implemented a 2-part study using an expertise paradigm with ice hockey referees. Purpose: Study 1 explored the…

  19. Today's talented youth field hockey players, the stars of tomorrow? : a study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elferink-Gemser, Marije Titia


    The aim of the thesis was addressed by conducting research within a group of all talented field hockey players, measuring multidimensional performance characteristics in a sports-specific way, and following talented players across time by adopting a longitudinal study design. With caution because

  20. Ground reaction forces produced by two different hockey skating arm swing techniques. (United States)

    Hayward-Ellis, Julie; Alexander, Marion J L; Glazebrook, Cheryl M; Leiter, Jeff


    The arm swing in hockey skating can have a positive effect on the forces produced by each skate, and the resulting velocity from each push off. The main purpose of this study was to measure the differences in ground reaction forces (GRFs) produced from an anteroposterior versus a mediolateral style hockey skating arm swing. Twenty-four elite-level female hockey players performed each technique while standing on a ground-mounted force platform, and all trials were filmed using two video cameras. Force data was assessed for peak scaled GRFs in the frontal and sagittal planes, and resultant GRF magnitude and direction. Upper limb kinematics were assessed from the video using Dartfish video analysis software, confirming that the subjects successfully performed two distinct arm swing techniques. The mediolateral arm swing used a mean of 18.38° of glenohumeral flexion/extension and 183.68° of glenohumeral abduction/adduction while the anteroposterior technique used 214.17° and 28.97° respectively. The results of this study confirmed that the mediolateral arm swing produced 37% greater frontal plane and 33% less sagittal plane GRFs than the anteroposterior arm swing. The magnitudes of the resultant GRFs were not significantly different between the two techniques; however, the mediolateral technique produced a resultant GRF with a significantly larger angle from the direction of travel (44.44°) as compared to the anteroposterior technique (31.60°). The results of this study suggest that the direction of GRFs produced by the mediolateral arm swing more closely mimic the direction of lower limb propulsion during the skating stride.

  1. An on-ice measurement approach to analyse the biomechanics of ice hockey skating.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Erica Buckeridge

    Full Text Available Skating is a fundamental movement in ice hockey; however little research has been conducted within the field of hockey skating biomechanics due to the difficulties of on-ice data collection. In this study a novel on-ice measurement approach was tested for reliability, and subsequently implemented to investigate the forward skating technique, as well as technique differences across skill levels. Nine high caliber (High and nine low caliber (Low hockey players performed 30 m forward skating trials. A 3D accelerometer was mounted to the right skate for the purpose of stride detection, with the 2nd and 6th strides defined as acceleration and steady-state, respectively. The activity of five lower extremity muscles was recorded using surface electromyography. Biaxial electro-goniometers were used to quantify hip and knee angles, and in-skate plantar force was measured using instrumented insoles. Reliability was assessed with the coefficient of multiple correlation, which demonstrated moderate (r>0.65 to excellent (r>0.95 scores across selected measured variables. Greater plantar-flexor muscle activity and hip extension were evident during acceleration strides, while steady state strides exhibited greater knee extensor activity and hip abduction range of motion (p<0.05. High caliber exhibited greater hip range of motion and forefoot force application (p<0.05. The successful implementation of this on-ice mobile measurement approach offers potential for athlete monitoring, biofeedback and training advice.

  2. Skating mechanics of change-of-direction manoeuvres in ice hockey players. (United States)

    Fortier, Antoine; Turcotte, René A; Pearsall, David J


    Ice hockey requires rapid transitions between skating trajectories to effectively navigate about the ice surface. Player performance relates in large part to effective change-of-direction manoeuvres, but little is known about how those skills are performed mechanically and the effect of equipment design on them. The purpose of this study was to observe the kinetics involved in those manoeuvres as well as to compare whether kinetic differences may result between two skate models of varying ankle mobility. Eight subjects with competitive ice hockey playing experience performed rapid lateral (90°) left and right change-of-direction manoeuvres. Kinetic data were collected using force strain gauge transducers on the blade holders of the skates. Significantly greater forces were applied by the outside skate (50-70% body weight, %BW) in comparison to the inside skate (12-24%BW, p Skate model and turn direction had no main effect, though significant mixed interactions between leg side (inside/outside) with skate model or turn direction (p skating change-of-direction tasks.

  3. Sports chiropractic management at the World Ice Hockey Championships

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vitiello Andrew L


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Ice hockey is an international sport. Injuries occur in a full body fashion, to a number of tissues, commonly through body contact. There is a lack of literature documenting the scope of sports chiropractic practice. Thus, it was the aim to document the type, scope and severity of conditions presenting to, and the treatment provided by, the New Zealand team chiropractor acting as a primary health provider for the duration of the 2007 World Ice Hockey Championships. Methods All conditions presenting were recorded. Diagnosis was recorded along with clinical parameters of injury: injury type, severity, mechanism and whether referral or advanced imaging was required. All treatment provided was continuously recorded, including information on the number of treatments required and the reason, duration, type and location of treatment. Results Players presented for diagnosis of injury 50 times. Muscle (34%, joint (24% and tendon injuries (18% were most common. Players presented with a new injury 76% of the time. Most injuries had been present for less than one week (84%, with 53% occurring through a contact mechanism. Injuries were common at training and match locations. Only two injuries required the player to stop playing or training, both of which were referred for advanced imaging. During the study, 134 treatment consultations were rendered to 45 player injuries. Eighty per-cent of injuries were managed with four or less treatments. Three quarters of treatment was provided at training locations with treatment duration predominantly being between 11-15 minutes (71% and 16-20 minutes (27%. Most treatment delivered was passive in nature (71% although combination active and passive care was provided (27%. Treatment typically involved joint (81% and soft tissue based therapies (81% and was delivered in a full body manner. Conclusions This study documented the injury profile of ice hockey at an international level of competition. It


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ningrum Suhenda


    Full Text Available Penelitian dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan pakan dengan variasi kadar karbohidrat dan lemak untuk pertumbuhan benih patin jambal telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Nutrisi Ikan, Bogor. Rancangan percobaan yang dipergunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 5 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Sebagai perlakuan yaitu pakan dengan variasi kadar karbohidrat dan lemak. Kadar lemak pakan berkisar antara 4% sampai 10% sedangkan kadar karbohidrat berkisar antara 20% sampai 40%. Pakan diberikan dalam bentuk remah sebanyak 12% dari bobot total ikan per hari untuk 2 minggu ke-1 dan 10% untuk 2 minggu ke-2. Wadah penelitian yang digunakan yaitu akuarium dengan volume air 50 liter yang dilengkapi dengan sistem resirkulasi dan pemanas air dengan debit 4 liter/menit. Benih ikan patin jambal dengan bobot rata-rata 0,326 g ditebar dalam akuarium dengan padat penebaran 50 ekor/akuarium. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pakan dengan variasi kadar lemak dan karbohidrat memberikan laju pertumbuhan spesifik tubuh, bobot akhir rata-rata, konversi pakan, retensi protein, dan rasio efisiensi protein yang tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05. Nilai retensi lemak antar perlakuan berbeda nyata (P0.05 among the treatments for the average final body weight, specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio, protein retention, and protein efficiency ratio. However, there was a significant difference (p>0.05 for lipid retention values. The lowest lipid retention (47.20% was found in treatments containing lipid level of 10% and carbohydrate level of 20%. These values did not differ significantly (p>0.05 with other diet treatments that have lipid levels of 8% and carbohydrate of 32% (the ratio between carbohydrate and lipid was 4. Diet treatments that have ratio of 4 between carbohydrate and lipid showed specific growth rate of 9.10%, feed conversion ratio of 0.85, protein retention of 42.87%, and protein efficiency ratio of 3.36. The average final body weight for the diet was 4.17 g per

  5. Relationship between Physiological Off-Ice Testing, On-Ice Skating, and Game Performance in Division I Women's Ice Hockey Players. (United States)

    Boland, Michelle; Miele, Emily M; Delude, Katie


    The purpose was to identify off-ice testing variables that correlate to skating and game performance in Division I collegiate women ice hockey players. Twenty female, forward and defensive players (19.95 ± 1.35 yr) were assessed for weight, height, percent fat mass (%FAT), bone mineral density, predicted one repetition maximum (RM) absolute and relative (REL%) bench press (BP) and hex bar deadlift (HDL), lower body explosive power, anaerobic power, countermovement vertical jump (CMJ), maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP), and on-ice repeated skate sprint (RSS) performance. The on-ice RSS test included 6 timed 85.6 m sprints with participants wearing full hockey equipment; fastest time (FT), average time (AT) and fatigue index (FI) for the first length skate (FLS; 10 m) and total length skate (TLS; 85.6 m) were used for analysis. Game performance was evaluated with game statistics: goals, assists, points, plus-minus, and shots on goal (SOG). Correlation coefficients were used to determine relationships. Percent fat mass was positively correlated (p Game performance in women ice hockey players may be enhanced by greater MIP, repeat acceleration ability, and mode-specific training. Faster skating times were associated with lower %FAT. Skating performance in women ice hockey players may be enhanced by improving body composition, anaerobic power, and both lower and upper body strength in off-ice training.

  6. Are Canadian-born Major League Baseball players more likely to bat left-handed? A partial test of the hockey-influence on batting hypothesis. (United States)

    Cairney, John; Chirico, Daniele; Li, Yao-Chuen; Bremer, Emily; Graham, Jeffrey D


    It has been suggested that Canadian-born Major League Baseball (MLB) players are more likely to bat left-handed, possibly owing to the fact that they learn to play ice hockey before baseball, and that there is no clear hand-preference when shooting with a hockey stick; approximately half of all ice hockey players shoot left. We constructed a database on active (i.e., October, 2016) MLB players from four countries/regions based on place of birth (Canada, United States of America [USA], Dominican Republic and South Asia [i.e., Japan, Taiwan and South Korea]), including information on which hand they use to bat and throw. We also extracted information on all Canadian-born MLB players, dating back to 1917. Our results confirm that the proportion of left-handed batters born in Canada is higher when compared to the other countries selected; also, since 1917, the proportion of Canadian MLB players who bat left has been consistently higher than the league average. We also compared the proportion of left-handed batters in Canada with players born in states in the USA grouped into high, average and low based on hockey participation. The proportion of MLB players born in states with a high level of hockey participation were more likely to bat left, although the differences were significant at trend level only (p bat left-handed, this did not correspond with a greater left-hand dominance, as determined by throwing hand. In conclusion, the present study confirms that Canadian-born MLB players are more likely to bat left-handed when compared to American, Dominican Republic and South Asian-born MLB players, providing partial support for the hockey influence on batting hypothesis.

  7. Back Squat Potentiates Both Vertical and Horizontal Jump Performance in Collegiate Ice Hockey Players

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cale Bechtel


    Full Text Available Background: Back squats (BSQ have been shown to transiently improve performance in explosive vertical movements such as the vertical jump (VJ. Still, understanding of this phenomenon, termed post-activation potentiation (PAP, remains nebulous as it relates to explosive horizontal movements. Objective: Therefore, the purpose of the present investigation was to assess whether heavy BSQ can potentiate both VJ and horizontal jump (HJ performance. Method: Nine male ice hockey players from the Long Beach State ice hockey team performed five testing sessions separated by 96-hours. The first testing session consisted of a one repetition maximum (1-RM BSQ to determine subsequent testing loads. The four subsequent testing sessions, which were randomized for order, consisted of five repetitions of BSQ at 87% 1-RM followed by horizontal jump (BSQ-HJ, five repetitions of BSQ at 87% 1-RM followed by vertical jump (BSQ-VJ, horizontal jump only (CT-HJ and vertical jump only (CT-VJ. During the potentiated conditions, rest intervals were set at five minutes between the BSQ and either VJ or HJ. Alpha-level was set a priori at 0.05. Results: The results indicate that both vertical (p=0.017 and horizontal (p=0.003 jump were significantly increased (VJ= +5.51cm, HJ= +11.55cm following a BSQ.  Conclusion: These findings suggest that BSQ may improve both vertical and horizontal jump performance in athletes who participate in sports emphasizing horizontal power, such as ice hockey.

  8. Comparison of Concussion Rates Between NCAA Division I and Division III Men's and Women's Ice Hockey Players. (United States)

    Rosene, John M; Raksnis, Bryan; Silva, Brie; Woefel, Tyler; Visich, Paul S; Dompier, Thomas P; Kerr, Zachary Y


    Examinations related to divisional differences in the incidence of sports-related concussions (SRC) in collegiate ice hockey are limited. To compare the epidemiologic patterns of concussion in National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) ice hockey by sex and division. Descriptive epidemiology study. A convenience sample of men's and women's ice hockey teams in Divisions I and III provided SRC data via the NCAA Injury Surveillance Program during the 2009-2010 to 2014-2015 academic years. Concussion counts, rates, and distributions were examined by factors including injury activity and position. Injury rate ratios (IRRs) and injury proportion ratios (IPRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were used to compare concussion rates and distributions, respectively. Overall, 415 concussions were reported for men's and women's ice hockey combined. The highest concussion rate was found in Division I men (0.83 per 1000 athlete-exposures [AEs]), followed by Division III women (0.78/1000 AEs), Division I women (0.65/1000 AEs), and Division III men (0.64/1000 AEs). However, the only significant IRR was that the concussion rate was higher in Division I men than Division III men (IRR = 1.29; 95% CI, 1.02-1.65). The proportion of concussions from checking was higher in men than women (28.5% vs 9.4%; IPR = 3.02; 95% CI, 1.63-5.59); however, this proportion was higher in Division I women than Division III women (18.4% vs 1.8%; IPR = 10.47; 95% CI, 1.37-79.75). The proportion of concussions sustained by goalkeepers was higher in women than men (14.2% vs 2.9%; IPR = 4.86; 95% CI, 2.19-10.77), with findings consistent within each division. Concussion rates did not vary by sex but differed by division among men. Checking-related concussions were less common in women than men overall but more common in Division I women than Division III women. Findings highlight the need to better understand the reasons underlying divisional differences within men's and women's ice hockey and the

  9. Effects of badminton and ice hockey on bone mass in young males: a 12-year follow-up. (United States)

    Tervo, Taru; Nordström, Peter; Nordström, Anna


    The purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of different types of weight bearing physical activity on bone mineral density (BMD, g/cm(2)) and evaluate any residual benefits after the active sports career. Beginning at 17 years of age, BMD was measured 5 times, during 12 years, in 19 badminton players, 48 ice hockey players, and 25 controls. During the active career, badminton players gained significantly more BMD compared to ice hockey players at all sites: in their femoral neck (mean difference (Delta) 0.06 g/cm(2), p=0.04), humerus (Delta 0.06 g/cm(2), p=0.01), lumbar spine (Delta 0.08 g/cm(2), p=0.01), and their legs (Delta 0.05 g/cm(2), p=0.003), after adjusting for age at baseline, changes in weight, height, and active years. BMD gains in badminton players were higher also compared to in controls at all sites (Delta 0.06-0.17 g/cm(2), pbadminton players and 37 ice hockey players stopped their active career a mean of 6 years before the final follow-up. Both these groups lost significantly more BMD at the femoral neck and lumbar spine compared to the control group (Delta 0.05-0.12 g/cm(2), pbadminton players had significantly higher BMD of the femoral neck, humerus, lumbar spine, and legs (Delta 0.08-0.20 g/cm(2), pbadminton is a more osteogenic sport compared to ice hockey. The BMD benefits from previous training were partially sustained with reduced activity. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Acute injuries in soccer, ice hockey, volleyball, basketball, judo, and karate: analysis of national registry data. (United States)

    Kujala, U M; Taimela, S; Antti-Poika, I; Orava, S; Tuominen, R; Myllynen, P


    To determine the acute injury profile in each of six sports and compare the injury rates between the sports. Analysis of national sports injury insurance registry data. Finland during 1987-91. 621,691 person years of exposure among participants in soccer, ice hockey, volleyball, basketball, judo, or karate. Acute sports injuries requiring medical treatment and reported to the insurance company on structured forms by the patients and their doctors. 54,186 sports injuries were recorded. Injury rates were low in athletes aged under 15, while 20-24 year olds had the highest rates. Differences in injury rates between the sports were minor in this adult age group. Overall injury rates were higher in sports entailing more frequent and powerful body contact. Each sport had a specific injury profile. Fractures and dental injuries were most common in ice hockey and karate and least frequent in volleyball. Knee injuries were the most common cause of permanent disability. Based on the defined injury profiles in the different sports it is recommended that sports specific preventive measures should be employed to decrease the number of violent contacts between athletes, including improved game rules supported by careful refereeing. To prevent dental injuries the wearing of mouth guards should be encouraged, especially in ice hockey, karate, and basketball.

  11. Nutrition review for hockey players : enhancing performance through nutrition


    Bursich, Chris


    With the advancement of sports medicine in the past decade, hockey players all over the world are always trying to find a competitive edge through nutritional education and proper eating. It is very common to find young junior players looking to make the jump into the professional game always trying to find ways to get bigger and add lean muscle mass, likewise, there are always players looking to drop a few pounds while keeping their muscle mass. Research has proven that through proper educat...

  12. The effect of laryngoscope handle size on possible endotracheal intubation success in university football, ice hockey, and soccer players. (United States)

    Delaney, J Scott; Al-Kashmiri, Ammar; Baylis, Penny-Jane; Aljufaili, Mahmood; Correa, José A


    To assess the effectiveness of a standard long-handle laryngoscope and a short-handle laryngoscope on ease of possible intubation in football, ice hockey, and soccer players. Prospective crossover study. University Sport Medicine Clinic. Sixty-two university varsity football (62 males), 45 ice hockey (26 males and 19 females), and 39 soccer players (20 males, 19 females). Athletes were assessed for different airway and physical characteristics. Three different physicians then assessed the use of laryngoscopes of different handle sizes in supine athletes who were wearing protective equipment while in-line cervical spine immobilization was maintained. The ease of passage of a laryngoscope blade into the posterior oropharynx of a supine athlete was assessed using both a standard long-handle and a short-handle laryngoscope. Use of a short-handle laryngoscope was easier for all physicians in all sports as compared with a standard-sized laryngoscope. Passage of a laryngoscope blade into the posterior oropharynx of a supine athlete was easiest in soccer players and most difficult in football and ice hockey players for both sizes of laryngoscope. Interference from chest or shoulder pads was a common cause for difficulty in passing the laryngoscope blade into the posterior oropharynx for football and ice hockey players. In the rare instances that an endotracheal intubation is to be attempted on an unconscious athlete, a short-handle laryngoscope may provide the best chance for successful intubation.

  13. Self-esteem and injury in competitive field hockey players. (United States)

    Kolt, G S; Roberts, P D


    A volunteer sample of 50 competitive field hockey players completed the Coopersmith Self-esteem Inventory at pre- and postseason and prospectively collected injury data over a 20-wk. season. Multiple regression analysis showed no relationship between scores on Self-esteem and the number of injuries, the participation time affected due to injury, and sex of players. Further multiple regression analysis showed that frequency of the more severe injuries significantly predicted scores on Self-esteem. This finding can be interpreted as evidence of the relationship between low self-esteem and injury in sport.

  14. A Comparison of Somatic Variables of Elite Ice Hockey Players from the Czech ELH and Russian KHL

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kutáč Petr


    Full Text Available The goals of this study were to evaluate the basic morphological variables of contemporary elite ice hockey players, compare the parameters of players in the top Russian ice hockey league (KHL with those of the top Czech ice hockey league (ELH, and to evaluate the parameters of players according to their position in the game. The research participants included 30 KHL players (mean age: 27.1 ± 5.1 years and 25 ELH players (mean age: 26.4 ± 5.8 years. We determined body height, body mass, and body composition (body fat, fat-free mass, segmental fat analysis. All measurements were performed at the end of preseason training. The KHL players had the following anthropometric characteristics: body height 182.97 ± 5.61 cm (forward and 185.72 ± 3.57 cm (defenseman, body mass 89.70 ± 5.28 kg (forward and 92.52 ± 4.01 kg (defenseman, body fat 10.76 ± 0.63 kg (forward and 11.10 ± 0.48 kg (defenseman, fatfree mass 78.94 ± 4.65 kg (forward and 81.42 ± 3.52 kg (defenseman. The values for ELH players were as follows: body height 182.06 ± 5.93 cm (forward and 185.88 ± 7.13 cm (defenseman, body mass 88.47 ± 7.06 kg (forward and 89.36 ± 10.91 kg (defenseman, body fat 12.57 ± 2.89 kg (forward and 11.91 ± 3.10 kg (defenseman, fat-free mass 75.93 ± 6.54 kg (forward and 77.46 ± 7.89 kg (defenseman. The results indicate that it is beneficial to ice hockey players to have increased body mass and lower body fat, which leads to higher muscle mass, thus enabling a player to perform at the highest level and meet the specific challenges of the game.

  15. Less efficient oculomotor performance is associated with increased incidence of head impacts in high school ice hockey. (United States)

    Kiefer, Adam W; DiCesare, Christopher; Nalepka, Patrick; Foss, Kim Barber; Thomas, Staci; Myer, Gregory D


    To evaluate associations between pre-season oculomotor performance on visual tracking tasks and in-season head impact incidence during high school boys ice hockey. Prospective observational study design. Fifteen healthy high school aged male hockey athletes (M=16.50±1.17years) performed two 30s blocks each of a prosaccade and self-paced saccade task, and two trials each of a slow, medium, and fast smooth pursuit task (90°s -1 ; 180°s -1 ; 360°s -1 ) during the pre-season. Regular season in-game collision data were collected via helmet-mounted accelerometers. Simple linear regressions were used to examine relations between oculomotor performance measures and collision incidence at various impact thresholds. The variability of prosaccade latency was positively related to total collisions for the 20g force cutoff (p=0.046, adjusted R 2 =0.28). The average self-paced saccade velocity (p=0.020, adjusted R 2 =0.37) and variability of smooth pursuit gaze velocity (p=0.012, adjusted R 2 =0.47) were also positively associated with total collisions for the 50g force cutoff. These results provide preliminary evidence that less efficient oculomotor performance on three different oculomotor tasks is associated with increased incidence of head impacts during a competitive ice hockey season. The variability of prosaccade latency, the average self-paced saccade velocity and the variability of gaze velocity during predictable smooth pursuit all related to increased head impacts. Future work is needed to further understand player initiated collisions, but this is an important first step toward understanding strategies to reduce incidence of injury risk in ice hockey, and potentially contact sports more generally. Copyright © 2017 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Acute injuries in soccer, ice hockey, volleyball, basketball, judo, and karate: analysis of national registry data. (United States)

    Kujala, U. M.; Taimela, S.; Antti-Poika, I.; Orava, S.; Tuominen, R.; Myllynen, P.


    OBJECTIVE--To determine the acute injury profile in each of six sports and compare the injury rates between the sports. DESIGN--Analysis of national sports injury insurance registry data. SETTING--Finland during 1987-91. SUBJECTS--621,691 person years of exposure among participants in soccer, ice hockey, volleyball, basketball, judo, or karate. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Acute sports injuries requiring medical treatment and reported to the insurance company on structured forms by the patients and their doctors. RESULTS--54,186 sports injuries were recorded. Injury rates were low in athletes aged under 15, while 20-24 year olds had the highest rates. Differences in injury rates between the sports were minor in this adult age group. Overall injury rates were higher in sports entailing more frequent and powerful body contact. Each sport had a specific injury profile. Fractures and dental injuries were most common in ice hockey and karate and least frequent in volleyball. Knee injuries were the most common cause of permanent disability. CONCLUSIONS--Based on the defined injury profiles in the different sports it is recommended that sports specific preventive measures should be employed to decrease the number of violent contacts between athletes, including improved game rules supported by careful refereeing. To prevent dental injuries the wearing of mouth guards should be encouraged, especially in ice hockey, karate, and basketball. PMID:8520333


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Stanula


    Full Text Available The primary objective of this study was to determine a relationship between aerobic capacity ( ·VO2max and fatigue from high-intensity skating in elite male hockey players. The subjects were twenty-four male members of the senior national ice hockey team of Poland who played the position of forward or defence. Each subject completed an on-ice Repeated-Skate Sprint test (RSS consisting of 6 timed 89-m sprints, with 30 s of rest between subsequent efforts, and an incremental test on a cycle ergometer in the laboratory, the aim of which was to establish their maximal oxygen uptake ( ·VO2max. The analysis of variance showed that each next repetition in the 6x89 m test was significantly longer than the previous one (F5,138=53.33, p<0.001. An analysis of the fatigue index (FI calculated from the times recorded for subsequent repetitions showed that the value of the FI increased with subsequent repetitions, reaching its maximum between repetitions 5 and 6 (3.10±1.16%. The total FI was 13.77±1.74%. The coefficient of correlation between ·VO2max and the total FI for 6 sprints on the distance of 89 m (r =–0.584 was significant (p=0.003. The variance in the index of players’ fatigue in the 6x89 m test accounted for 34% of the variance in ·VO2max. The 6x89 m test proposed in this study offers a high test-retest correlation coefficient (r=0.78. Even though the test is criticized for being too exhaustive and thereby for producing highly variable results it still seems that it was well selected for repeated sprint ability testing in hockey players.

  18. Role of energy systems in two intermittent field tests in women field hockey players

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lemmink, Koen A. P. M.; Visscher, Susan H.

    The energetics of 2 field tests that reflect physical performance in intermittent sports (i.e., the Interval Shuttle Sprint Test [ISST] and the Interval Shuttle Run Test [ISRT]) were examined in 21 women field hockey players. The ISST required the players to perform 10 shuttle sprints starting every

  19. An Examination of the Relative Age Effect in Developmental Girls' Hockey in Ontario (United States)

    Smith, Kristy L.; Weir, Patricia L.


    The relative age effect (RAE) suggests that athletes may be provided with greater opportunities for success depending on the position of their birthdate in a sport's selection year. While the effect has been well established in men's sports, less is known about women's sports. This study examined the RAE in developmental girls' hockey in Ontario.…

  20. Proprioception of foot and ankle complex in young regular practitioners of ice hockey, ballet dancing and running. (United States)

    Li, Jing Xian; Xu, Dong Qing; Hoshizaki, Blaine


    This study examined the proprioception of the foot and ankle complex in regular ice hockey practitioners, runners, and ballet dancers. A total of 45 young people with different exercise habits formed four groups: the ice hockey, ballet dancing, running, and sedentary groups. Kinesthesia of the foot and ankle complex was measured in plantarflexion (PF), dorsiflexion (DF), inversion (IV), and eversion (EV) at 0.4 degrees /s using a custom-made device. The results showed the following: (1) significantly better perceived passive motion sense in PF/DF was found as compared with the measurements in IV/EV within each group (P ballet groups perceived significantly better passive motion sense in IV/EV than the running (P ballet dancing on proprioception may be associated with their movement characteristics.

  1. Relationship Between Skating Economy and Performance During a Repeated-Shift Test in Elite and Subelite Ice Hockey Players. (United States)

    Lamoureux, Nicholas R; Tomkinson, Grant R; Peterson, Benjamin J; Fitzgerald, John S


    Lamoureux, NR, Tomkinson, GR, Peterson, BJ, and Fitzgerald, JS. Relationship between skating economy and performance during a repeated-shift test in elite and subelite ice hockey players. J Strength Cond Res 32(4): 1109-1113, 2018-The purpose of this study was to determine the importance of skating economy to fatigue during repeated high-intensity efforts of a simulated ice hockey shift. Forty-five collegiate and Junior A male ice hockey players (aged 18-24 years) performed a continuous graded exercise test using a skate treadmill. Breath-by-breath data for oxygen consumption (V[Combining Dot Above]O2) and respiratory exchange ratio were collected and used to derive energy expenditure (EE) averaged over the final 10 seconds of each stage. Economy was determined as the slope of the regression line relating V[Combining Dot Above]O2 and EE against skating speed separately. Participants also completed 8 bouts of maximal ice skating through a course designed to simulate typical shift, with timing gates determining first half, second half, and total fatigue decrement, calculated by a percent decrement score. Partial correlation was used to determine the association between economy measures and decrement during the repeated-shift test. Twenty-six participants met inclusion criteria and were included in data analysis. Skating economy measures (both relative V[Combining Dot Above]O2 and EE) were very likely moderate positive correlates of total fatigue decrement (r [95% confidence interval]: V[Combining Dot Above]O2, 0.46 [0.09, 0.72] and EE, 0.44, [0.06, 0.71]) but not with first or second gate decrement. Our results indicate that skating economy plays an important role in fatigue resistance over repeated on-ice sprints designed to simulate a typical shift. This supports the use of technical skating coaching and training techniques to enhance skating economy as a means of improving ice hockey performance.

  2. Upper respiratory tract infection and mucosal immunity in young ice hockey players during the pre-tournament training period. (United States)

    Orysiak, Joanna; Witek, Konrad; Malczewska-Lenczowska, Jadwiga; Zembron-Lacny, Agnieszka; Pokrywka, Andrzej; Sitkowski, Dariusz


    The aim of this study was to determine the effects of 17 days of training during preparation for the Ice Hockey Under 18 World Championship of the Polish ice hockey national team on the mucosal immune function and monitor upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) incidence before, during and after the competition. Twelve male ice hockey players (age 17.7±0.5 years) were recruited for this study. The first saliva/blood collection took place at the beginning of the training camp (without training at the training camp), the second one was conducted on the 9th day of the training camp immediately after the intensification of training, and the third collection was carried out on the 13th day of training (4 days before leaving for the World Championship) in the tapering phase. To assess the mucosal immune function, concentrations of secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA), sIgA1, and sIgA2 were analyzed in saliva. Cortisol concentration and creatine kinase activity were determined in blood, as indicators of stress and muscle damage, respectively. The Wisconsin Upper Respiratory Symptom Survey-21 questionnaire was used to assess URTI symptoms. A significant increase in the sIgA1 and sIgA2 concentrations was observed in the third collection compared with the second time point (114.45±33.00 vs 77.49±27.29 and 88.97±25.33 vs 71.65±32.44 U, respectively). There were no statistically significant correlations between the URTI incidence and saliva variables. In conclusion, the tapering period positively affects the mucosal immune function, especially sIgA1 and sIgA2 concentrations, with no significant change in frequency of URTI in young ice hockey players.

  3. Three-dimensional kinematics of the knee and ankle joints for three consecutive push-offs during ice hockey skating starts. (United States)

    Lafontaine, Dany


    Little biomechanical research has been conducted recently on hockey skating despite the sport's worldwide appeal. One reason for this lack of biomechanical knowledge stems from the difficulty of collecting data. The lack of accuracy, the disputable realism of treadmills, and the large field of view required are some of the technical challenges that have to be overcome. The main objective of the current study was to improve our knowledge of the joint kinematics during the skating stroke. A second objective was to improve the data collection system we developed and the third was to establish if a kinematic progression exists in the hockey skating stroke similar to that in speed skating. Relative motions at the knee and ankle joints were computed using a joint coordinate system approach. The differences at the knee joints in push-offs indicated that the skating skill was progressively changing with each push-off. The relative stability of the ankle angles can be attributed to the design of the skate boots, which have recently become very rigid. Further research on ice hockey skating is warranted and should include more skaters and investigate the effect various starting strategies and variations in equipment have on skaters' performance.

  4. Head injuries presenting to emergency departments in the United States from 1990 to 1999 for ice hockey, soccer, and football. (United States)

    Delaney, J Scott


    To examine the number and rates of head injuries occurring in the community as a whole for the team sports of ice hockey, soccer, and football by analyzing data from patients presenting to US emergency departments (EDs) from 1990 to 1999. Retrospective analysis. Data compiled for the US Consumer Product Safety Commission using the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System were used to generate estimates for the total number of head injuries, concussions, internal head injuries, and skull fractures occurring on a national level from the years 1990 to 1999. These data were combined with yearly participation figures to generate rates of injuries presenting to the ED for each sport. There were an estimated 17,008 head injuries from ice hockey, 86,697 from soccer, and 204,802 from football that presented to US EDs from 1990 to 1999. The total number of concussions presenting to EDs in the United States over the same period was estimated to be 4820 from ice hockey, 21,715 from soccer, and 68,861 from football. While the rates of head injuries, concussions, and combined concussions/internal head injuries/skull fractures presenting to EDs per 10,000 players were not always statistically similar for all 3 sports in each year data were available, they were usually comparable. While the total numbers of head injuries, concussions, and combined concussions/skull fractures/internal head injuries presenting to EDs in the United States are different for ice hockey, soccer, and football for the years studied, the yearly rates for these injuries are comparable among all 3 sports.

  5. Novel hockey-stick mesogens with the nematic, synclinic and anticlinic smectic C phase sequence

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Novotná, Vladimíra; Žurek, J.; Kozmik, V.; Svoboda, J.; Glogarová, Milada; Kroupa, Jan; Pociecha, D.


    Roč. 35, č. 8 (2008), 1023-1036 ISSN 0267-8292 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA100100710 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100520 Keywords : liquid crystals * synclinic and anticlinic ordering * hockey-stick mezogens Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 1.132, year: 2008

  6. Checking in: An Analysis of the (Lack of) Body Checking in Women's Ice Hockey (United States)

    Weaving, Charlene; Roberts, Samuel


    Despite the growing popularity of women's ice hockey in North America, players continue to face limitations because of the prohibition of body checking. In this paper, we argue from a liberal feminist philosophical perspective that this prohibition reinforces existing traditional stereotypes of female athletes. Because the women's game does not…

  7. Does self-confidence link to motivation? A study in field hockey athletes


    Sari, İhsan; Ekici, Sümmani; Soyer, Fikret; Eskiler, Ersin


    Previous research indicated some evidence of a positive relationship between motivation and self-efficacy beliefs/perceived competence/self-perceptions. Therefore, the relationship between self-confidence and motivation was investigated in sport context in this study. Participants of this study were 111 field hockey athletes. Sport Motivation Scale (Pelletier et al., 1995) and Self-confidence Scales (Tokinan, 2008) were used for data collection. SPSS.17 package program was used to analyse the...

  8. Bebop on the Hockey pitch: Cross-disciplinary creativity and skills transfer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Clive Maxwell Harrison


    Full Text Available This paper generalises task-specific (but dissimilar skills, from the jazz concert stage and from the hockey field, into the domain of creativity research. What is sought are clues to what skills or creativities are transferable across dissimilar domains. It is argued that certain domain-general skills are transferable across domains, but a domain-general or ‘c’ creative capacity, is not. Rather than transferring some over-arching capacity to be universally creative, this research highlights factors likely to facilitate successful cross-disciplinary creative expression and posits a correlation between the capacities for discriminant pattern-recognition, task-specific expertise, and sensory data-collection, and the transferability of creativity. Of particular significance is the capacity for informed, selective pattern-breaking based on the ‘depth’ or ‘insider’ perspective of the domain expert; such ‘expert variation and selective retention’ (EVSR provides creative choices and responses that are likely to be perceived by the field as creative: valuable, novel and surprising. The author is a renowned Australian studio bassist, jazz musician, and music educator who also plays field hockey for Australia at Masters level. His recently completed PhD thesis, based on a performance and composition career spanning 46 years, takes the form of an analytical autoethnography drawn from personal field notes, diaries and interviews as well as published record albums.

  9. Development of the interval endurance capacity in elite and sub-elite youth field hockey players

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elferink-Gemser, MT; Visscher, C; van Duijn, MAJ; Lemmink, KAPM

    Objectives: To gain more insight into the mechanisms that underlie the development of interval endurance capacity in talented youth field hockey players in the 12-19 age band. Methods: A total of 377 measurements were taken over three years. A longitudinal model for interval endurance capacity was


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Siti Aisiah


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui   daya  hambat  daun  sirih   yang  paling  besar  terhadap  bakteri Aeromonas Hydrophila, mengetahui konsentrasi minimal ekstrak daun sirih yang mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri  A. hydrophila  dan mengetahui toksisitas konsentrasi efektif dari  ekstrak daun sirih terhadap ikan patin. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan untuk  uji toksisitas  adalah rancangan acak lengkap, terdiri dari 4 perlakuan yaitu A  = Ikan disuntik dengan ekstrak daun sirih konsentrasi 75%, B  = Ikan disuntik dengan ekstrak daun sirih konsentrasi 25%, C  = Kontrol positif (ikan disuntik dengan akuades steril dan D  = Kontrol negatif (ikan tidak disuntik, diulang 3 kali. Hasil uji sensitivitas antibakteri daun sirih yang mempunyai daya hambat dan daya bunuh paling besar terhadap bakteri A. hydrophila adalah ekstrak daun sirih-metanol. Pengujian MIC menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak daun sirih-metanol memiliki daya hambat minimal 25 % terhadap aktivitas bakteri A. hydrophila. Hasil uji toksisitas yang dilakukan terhadap ikan patin dengan konsentrasi 75% dan 25% menunjukkan bahwa mortalitas yang terjadi tidak mencapai 50%. Pengamatan hematologis pada masing-masing perlakuan menunjukkan hasil yang berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap kesehatan ikan patin. Parameter kualitas air pada penelitian ini yaitu, , kadar oksigen terlarut,  pH, amoniak, CO2 dan suhu masih dapat mendukung kehidupan ikan patin. This research was aimed a finding the part of Piper betle Linn  which had the biggest resistance to Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria and to know the minimal concentrate which could obstruct the growth of A. hydrophila  bacteria and to know effective concentrate toxicity of P. betle Linn  to Pangasius hypophthalmus.  The random sampling used proportionate stratified random sampling. In toxicity test, it had be done 4 treatment, which was given to fish, those were : A = fish was injected with 25 % concentrate of extract  P

  11. A prospective study of concussions among National Hockey League players during regular season games: the NHL-NHLPA Concussion Program. (United States)

    Benson, Brian W; Meeuwisse, Willem H; Rizos, John; Kang, Jian; Burke, Charles J


    In 1997, the National Hockey League (NHL) and NHL Players' Association (NHLPA) launched a concussion program to improve the understanding of this injury. We explored initial postconcussion signs, symptoms, physical examination findings and time loss (i.e., time between the injury and medical clearance by the physician to return to competitive play), experienced by male professional ice-hockey players, and assessed the utility of initial postconcussion clinical manifestations in predicting time loss among hockey players. We conducted a prospective case series of concussions over seven NHL regular seasons (1997-2004) using an inclusive cohort of players. The primary outcome was concussion and the secondary outcome was time loss. NHL team physicians documented post-concussion clinical manifestations and recorded the date when a player was medically cleared to return to play. Team physicians reported 559 concussions during regular season games. The estimated incidence was 1.8 concussions per 1000 player-hours. The most common postconcussion symptom was headache (71%). On average, time loss (in days) increased 2.25 times (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.41-3.62) for every subsequent (i.e., recurrent) concussion sustained during the study period. Controlling for age and position, significant predictors of time loss were postconcussion headache (p < 0.001), low energy or fatigue (p = 0.01), amnesia (p = 0.02) and abnormal neurologic examination (p = 0.01). Using a previously suggested time loss cut-point of 10 days, headache (odds ratio [OR] 2.17, 95% CI 1.33-3.54) and low energy or fatigue (OR 1.72, 95% CI 1.04-2.85) were significant predictors of time loss of more than 10 days. Postconcussion headache, low energy or fatigue, amnesia and abnormal neurologic examination were significant predictors of time loss among professional hockey players.

  12. Multidimensional performance characteristics and standard of performance in talented youth field hockey players : A longitudinal study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elferink-Gemser, Marije T.; Visscher, Chris; Lemmink, Koen A. P. M.; Mulder, Theo


    To identify performance characteristics that could help predict future elite field hockey players, we measured the anthropometric, physiological, technical, tactical, and psychological characteristics of 30 elite and 35 sub-elite youth players at the end of three consecutive seasons. The mean age of

  13. Comparison of effectiveness of advertising expenses during broadcasts of main hockey events


    Kozlová, Natálie


    Title: Comparison of effectiveness of advertising expenses during broadcasts of main hockey events Objectives: The main goal of this dissertation is to compare the amount of money invested into the commercial advertisement during sport broadcasts at the ČT sport channel with viewer ratings. The used metric is a coefficient computed as a ratio between the viewer rating of the particular broadcast and the corresponding advertisement cost, normalized using Cost per Thousand method. Another goal ...

  14. A systematic video analysis of National Hockey League (NHL) concussions, part I: who, when, where and what? (United States)

    Hutchison, Michael G; Comper, Paul; Meeuwisse, Willem H; Echemendia, Ruben J


    Although there is a growing understanding of the consequences of concussions in hockey, very little is known about the precipitating factors associated with this type of injury. To describe player characteristics and situational factors associated with concussions in the National Hockey League (NHL). Case series of medically diagnosed concussions for regular season games over a 3.5-year period during the 2006-2010 seasons using an inclusive cohort of professional hockey players. Digital video records were coded and analysed using the Heads Up Checklist. Of 197 medically diagnosed concussions, 88% involved contact with an opponent. Forwards accounted for more concussions than expected compared with on-ice proportional representation (95% CI 60 to 73; p=0.04). Significantly more concussions occurred in the first period (47%) compared with the second and third periods (p=0.047), with the majority of concussions occurring in the defensive zone (45%). Approximately 47% of the concussions occurred in open ice, 53% occurred in the perimeter. Finally, 37% of the concussions involved injured players' heads contacting the boards or glass. This study describes several specific factors associated with concussions in the NHL, including period of the game, player position, body size, and specific locations on the ice and particular situations based on a player's position. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to


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    J. Sampedro


    Full Text Available



    El objetivo fundamental del estudio es analizar el rendimiento del portero de hockey hierba, desde la perspectiva del número de goles encajados en función de la zona de tiro y del lugar por donde entra el lanzamiento. Se analizó una muestra de 278 lanzamientos a portería que acabaron en gol, marcados a 30 porteros/as de nivel internacional de selecciones nacionales absolutas. La técnica de recogida de datos empleada fue la observación sistemática utilizando para ello la base de datos OBANGOHH (Piñeiro, 2006. Los resultados obtenidos determinan que la zona de la tabla, la zona izquierda de la portería, la zona GIT, y el poste largo, son “puntos débiles” del portero/a. Los porteros/as tienen mayores o menores probabilidades de encajar gol dependiendo de la zona del área desde la que tira el delantero y la zona de portería por la que entra el lanzamiento. Además existen diferencias significativas en relación al género del portero. El nivel de significación establecido fue del 95% (p<0,05.
    Palabras Clave: hockey hierba, rendimiento, portero, gol.



    The main aim of the study is to analyze the performance of field hockey goalkeeper, from the perspective of the number of goals achieved depending on the zone of shot and of the place where the throwing was goal. 278 shots on goal scored to different goalkeepers of international level of senior national teams were analyzed. According to Piñeiro (2006, the technique of collection of the data used was the systematic observation; using for it the notational data base OBANGOFH. The obtained results determine that the side-boards and back-boards zone, the left zone of the goal, the zone

  16. Professional-applied physical training students by means of field hockey

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    Pylypey L.P.


    Full Text Available Description of the modern crisis state of health and physical preparedness of graduating students of higher institutes is resulted. Most graduating students can not high-quality work on a production. Not efficiency of the existent system of physical education is rotined in the institutes of higher. The terms of intensification of educational process are considered. Efficiency and forming actuality is investigational for the students of motivation to the select kind of sport (field hockey. The stages of introduction of innovative approaches, new credit-module technologies in the river-bed of the Bologna system are presented.

  17. Scheduling for the National Hockey League Using a Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm (United States)

    Craig, Sam; While, Lyndon; Barone, Luigi

    We describe a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm that derives schedules for the National Hockey League according to three objectives: minimising the teams' total travel, promoting equity in rest time between games, and minimising long streaks of home or away games. Experiments show that the system is able to derive schedules that beat the 2008-9 NHL schedule in all objectives simultaneously, and that it returns a set of schedules that offer a range of trade-offs across the objectives.

  18. Game Intensity Analysis of Elite Adolescent Ice Hockey Players

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    Stanula Arkadiusz


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to determine ice-hockey players’ playing intensity based on their heart rates (HRs recorded during a game and on the outcomes of an incremental maximum oxygen uptake test. Twenty ice-hockey players, members of the Polish junior national team (U18, performed an incremental test to assess their maximal oxygen uptake (V̇ O2max in the two week’s period preceding 5 games they played at the World Championships. Players’ HRs at the first and second ventilatory thresholds obtained during the test were utilized to determine intensity zones (low, moderate, and high that were subsequently used to classify HR values recorded during each of the games. For individual intensity zones, the following HRs expressed as mean values and as percentages of the maximal heart rate (HRmax were obtained: forwards 148-158 b⋅min-1 (79.5-84.8% HRmax, 159-178 b⋅min-1 (85.4-95.6% HRmax, 179-186 b⋅min-1 (96.1-100.0% HRmax; defensemen 149-153 b⋅min-1 (80.0-82.1% HRmax, 154-175 b⋅min-1 (82.6- 94.0% HRmax, 176-186 b⋅min-1 (94.5-100.0% HRmax. The amount of time the forwards and defensemen spent in the three intensity zones expressed as percentages of the total time of the game were: 54.91 vs. 55.62% (low, 26.40 vs. 22.38% (moderate and 18.68 vs. 22.00% (high. The forwards spent more time in the low intensity zone than the defensemen, however, the difference was not statistically significant. The results of the study indicate that using aerobic and anaerobic metabolism variables to determine intensity zones can significantly improve the reliability of evaluation of the physiological demands of the game, and can be a useful tool for coaches in managing the training process.

  19. The positioning of federate sports in Portugal: handball, basketball, roller hockey and volleyball


    Gonçalves, Celina; Correia, Abel


    Sport is constituted by a multiplicity of activities with different purposes, concepts and cultural representations. Before the increase of supply, Sports Federations need to understand the practitioners in relation to the several possibilities of practice and to position their sports according to their competitors. In this context, the purpose of this study is the positioning of team federate sports (handball, basketball, roller hockey and volleyball). According to Lindon et al.,...


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    Yuke Eliyani


    Lactobacillus brevis, prebiotik oligosakarida dan sinbiotiknya terhadap jumlah bakteri Lactobacillus sp. dan total bakteri dalam usus, total eritrosit, total leukosit, diferensial leukosit, aktivitas fagositik, sintasan, tingkat pertumbuhan, serta FCR benih ikan patin siam yang diinfeksi Aeromonas hydrophila. Hasil uji karakteristik menunjukkan bahwa jenis probiotik dan patogen adalah Lactobacillus sp. dan Aeromonas hydrophila. Pada uji in vivo digunakan lima perlakuan yang terdiri atas K(+, K(-, probiotik (pro, prebiotik (pre serta sinbiotik (sin. Bakteri Lactobacillus sp. ditemukan di usus pada perlakuan probiotik dan sinbiotik dengan kisaran jumlah sekitar 101 sampai 106 (CFU/g. Total eritrosit, total leukosit, aktivitas fagositik berbeda nyata (P<0,05 dengan kontrol pada beberapa waktu pengamatan. Tingkat sintasan terendah diperoleh pada perlakuan K(+ sebesar 43,33±11,55; sedangkan empat perlakuan lainnya memperoleh nilai 100%. Tingkat pertumbuhan harian berbeda nyata antar perlakuan, nilai terbaik dicapai pada perlakuan pemberian sinbiotik sebesar 3,370±0,14. Nilai FCR perlakuan probiotik, prebiotik dan sinbiotik menunjukkan beda nyata dengan kontrol. Perlakuan sin, pre, pro memberikan nilai yang lebih baik pada total eritrosit, total leukosit, aktivitas fagositik, sintasan, pertumbuhan, dan FCR dibandingkan kontrol.

  1. Practicing field hockey skills along the contextual interference continuum: a comparison of five practice schedules. (United States)

    Cheong, Jadeera Phaik Geok; Lay, Brendan; Grove, J Robert; Medic, Nikola; Razman, Rizal


    To overcome the weakness of the contextual interference (CI) effect within applied settings, Brady, 2008 recommended that the amount of interference be manipulated. This study investigated the effect of five practice schedules on the learning of three field hockey skills. Fifty-five pre-university students performed a total of 90 trials for each skill under blocked, mixed or random practice orders. Results showed a significant time effect with all five practice conditions leading to improvements in acquisition and learning of the skills. No significant differences were found between the groups. The findings of the present study did not support the CI effect and suggest that either blocked, mixed, or random practice schedules can be used effectively when structuring practice for beginners. Key pointsThe contextual interference effect did not surface when using sport skills.There appears to be no difference between blocked and random practice schedules in the learning of field hockey skills.Low (blocked), moderate (mixed) or high (random) interference practice schedules can be used effectively when conducting a multiple skill practice session for beginners.

  2. High-intensity interval training has positive effects on performance in ice hockey players. (United States)

    Naimo, M A; de Souza, E O; Wilson, J M; Carpenter, A L; Gilchrist, P; Lowery, R P; Averbuch, B; White, T M; Joy, J


    In spite of the well-known benefits that have been shown, few studies have looked at the practical applications of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on athletic performance. This study investigated the effects of a HIIT program compared to traditional continuous endurance exercise training. 24 hockey players were randomly assigned to either a continuous or high-intensity interval group during a 4-week training program. The interval group (IG) was involved in a periodized HIIT program. The continuous group (CG) performed moderate intensity cycling for 45-60 min at an intensity that was 65% of their calculated heart rate reserve. Body composition, muscle thickness, anaerobic power, and on-ice measures were assessed pre- and post-training. Muscle thickness was significantly greater in IG (p=0.01) when compared to CG. The IG had greater values for both ∆ peak power (p<0.003) and ∆ mean power (p<0.02). Additionally, IG demonstrated a faster ∆ sprint (p<0.02) and a trend (p=0.08) for faster ∆ endurance test time to completion for IG. These results indicate that hockey players may utilize short-term HIIT to elicit positive effects in muscle thickness, power and on-ice performance. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  3. The Assessment of Airway Maneuvers and Interventions in University Canadian Football, Ice Hockey, and Soccer Players (United States)

    Delaney, J. Scott; Al-Kashmiri, Ammar; Baylis, Penny-Jane; Troutman, Tracy; Aljufaili, Mahmood; Correa, José A.


    Abstract Context: Managing an airway in an unconscious athlete is a lifesaving skill that may be made more difficult by the recent changes in protective equipment. Different airway maneuvers and techniques may be required to help ventilate an unconscious athlete who is wearing full protective equipment. Objective: To assess the effectiveness of different airway maneuvers with football, ice hockey, and soccer players wearing full protective equipment. Design: Crossover study. Setting: University sports medicine clinic. Patients or Other Participants: A total of 146 university varsity athletes, consisting of 62 football, 45 ice hockey, and 39 soccer players. Intervention(s): Athletes were assessed for different airway and physical characteristics. Three investigators then evaluated the effectiveness of different bag-valve-mask (BVM) ventilation techniques in supine athletes who were wearing protective equipment while inline cervical spine immobilization was maintained. Main Outcome Measure(s): The effectiveness of 1-person BVM ventilation (1-BVM), 2-person BVM ventilation (2-BVM), and inline immobilization and ventilation (IIV) was judged by each investigator for each athlete using a 4-point rating scale. Results: All forms of ventilation were least difficult in soccer players and most difficult in football players. When compared with 1-BVM, both 2-BVM and IIV were deemed more effective by all investigators for all athletes. Interference from the helmet and stabilizer were common reasons for difficult ventilation in football and ice hockey players. Conclusions: Sports medicine professionals should practice and be comfortable with different ventilation techniques for athletes wearing full equipment. The use of a new ventilation technique, termed inline immobilization and ventilation, may be beneficial, especially when the number of responders is limited. PMID:21391796


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    Muhammad Yuda Setiawan


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh fotoperiode terhadap pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup ikan patin siam (Pangasius hypopthalmus. Hasil penelitian diperoleh data laju pertumbuhan bobot relative tertinggi pada perlakuan A (0 T : 24 G dengan nilai rata – rata 1713,3, laju pertumbuhan panjang relative tertinggi pada perlakuan A (0 T : 24 G dengan nilai rata –rata 145,7, laju pertumbuhan harian tertinggi pada perlakuan A (0 T : 24 G dengan nilai rata – rata 5,17, dan kelangsungan hidup tertinggi pada perlakuan A (0 T : 24 G dengan nilai rata – rata 89,3.  Hasil statistik menunjukkan bahwa terjadi perbedaan yang sangat nyata antar perlakuan yang diberikan, dan hasil uji lanjutan menyatakan bahwa  perlakuan A berbeda sangat nyata dibandingkan dengan perlakuan lainnya.  Kemudian hasil perhitungan lanjutan terhadap parameter penunjang berupa faktor kondisi, juga diperoleh nilai tertinggi pada perlakuan A (0 T : 24 G dengan nilai rata – rata 0,82 dan  efesiensi pakan tertinggi pada perlakuan A (0 T : 24 G dengan nilai rata –rata 159,6 serta data kualitas air yang masih berada pada kisaran dan standar hidup yang diinginkan.   Data pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup menunjukan bahwa semakin lama waktu gelap yang diberikan, semakin baik pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidupnya, karena suasana gelap memberikan pengaruh terhadap nafsu makan ikan uji, sesuai dengan kebiasaan hidupnya yang aktif pada malam hari (nocturnal.  Berarti hasil penelitian ini menjawab hipotesis,  terima  H1 dan tolak Ho  dimana fotoperiode yang diberikan berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup ikan uji.

  5. Upper body strength and power are associated with shot speed in men's ice hockey

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    Juraj Bežák


    Full Text Available Background: Recent studies that addressed shot speed in ice hockey have focused on the relationship between shot speed and variables such as a player's skills or hockey stick construction and its properties. There has been a lack of evidence that considers the relationship between shot speed and player strength, particularly in players at the same skill level. Objective: The aim of this study was to identify the relationship between maximal puck velocity of two shot types (the wrist shot and the slap shot and players' upper body strength and power. Methods: Twenty male professional and semi-professional ice hockey players (mean age 23.3 ± 2.4 years participated in this study. The puck velocity was measured in five trials of the wrist shot and five trials of the slap shot performed by every subject. All of the shots were performed on ice in a stationary position 11.6 meters in front of an electronic device that measures the speed of the puck. The selected strength and power variables were: muscle power in concentric contraction in the countermovement bench press with 40 kg and 50 kg measured with the FiTRODyne Premium device; bench press one-repetition maximum; and grip strength measured by digital hand dynamometer. Results: The correlations between strength/power variables and the puck velocity in the wrist shot and the slap shot ranged between .29-.72 and .16-.62, respectively. Puck velocities produced by wrist shots showed significant correlations with bench press muscle power with 40 kg (p = .004 and 50 kg (p < .001; and one-repetition maximum in bench press (p = .004. The slap shot puck velocity was significantly associated with bench press muscle power with 40 kg (p = .014 and 50 kg (p = .004. Conclusions: This study provides evidence that there are significant associations between shot speed and upper body strength and power.

  6. From Fact to Fiction – An Introduction to the Mythology of Ice Hockey in Canadian Life and Literature

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    Jason Blake


    Full Text Available The title of Alice Munro’s Who do you think you are? could just as easily be asked of Canada, without eliciting an easy answer. In ethnic, linguistic, even geographical terms, Canada is hardly homogeneous. Because of this, we can only dream of a unified identity; we are, as Leonard Cohen writes in Beautiful Losers, condemned to “nightmares of identity.” If Canada is too complex for a uniform national identity, one derived from a convenient mythology and distilled into simple symbols, it often seems we have yet to realize it. We long for a mythology, even a modern, and blatantly constructed one. In contemporary Canadian society, ice hockey has filled that symbolic role, serving as a mythology that binds a fragmented people. This paper examines the role of ice hockey as a mythologized symbol of Canadian unity in literature, and questions the appropriateness of that usage.

  7. Variables determinantes del drag-flick en jugadoras de hockey hierba

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    Cristina López de Subijana Hernández


    Full Text Available El penalti córner es una de las situaciones de juego más importantes en el hockey hierba. Las mujeres utilizan menos el drag-flick que los hombres. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron describir los parámetros cinemáticos del drag-flick en jugadoras especialistas y hallar las variables determinantes en el rendimiento en este gesto técnico en jugadoras de hockey. Se analizaron quince lanzamientos de cinco lanzadoras con 6 cámaras del sistema de captura automática VICON registrando a 250 Hz. Para la comparación de medias se utilizó un análisis no paramétrico Kruskall Wallis de un factor (sujeto. Aquellos parámetros en los que se hallaron diferencias significativas, se compararon por pares por medio de una U de Mann Whitney. Las jugadoras 1 (22,5 ± 0,9 m/s y 3 (22,6 ± 0,7 m/s registraron velocidades de salida de la bola superiores (p < 0,001 a todas las demás jugadoras (19,1 ± 0,7 m/s jugadora 2; 20,5 ± 0,4 m/s jugadora 4 y 19,9 ± 0,4 m/s jugadora 5. La jugadora 1 basa su aceleración final en un doble apoyo largo, con una secuencia de velocidades y una distancia recorrida lo más amplia posible. Sin embargo, jugadora 3 basa su velocidad en la carrera previa, y en una secuencia de movimientos explosiva. Las características individuales de cada jugadora juegan un papel importante en la elección de una estrategia técnica u otra de lanzamiento.

  8. Multidisciplinary approach to non-surgical management of inguinal disruption in a professional hockey player treated with platelet-rich plasma, manual therapy and exercise: a case report. (United States)

    St-Onge, Eric; MacIntyre, Ian G; Galea, Anthony M


    To present the clinical management of inguinal disruption in a professional hockey player and highlight the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and management. A professional hockey player with recurrent groin pain presented to the clinic after an acute exacerbation of pain while playing hockey. The patient received a clinical diagnosis of inguinal disruption. Imaging revealed a tear in the rectus abdominis. Management included two platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections to the injured tissue, and subsequent manual therapy and exercise. The patient returned to his prior level of performance in 3.5 weeks. This case demonstrated the importance of a multidisciplinary team and the need for advanced imaging in athletes with groin pain. Research quality concerning the non-surgical management of inguinal disruption remains low. This case adds evidence that PRP, with the addition of manual therapy and exercise may serve as a relatively quick and effective non-surgical management strategy.

  9. The role of visual perception measures used in sports vision programmes in predicting actual game performance in Division I collegiate hockey players. (United States)

    Poltavski, Dmitri; Biberdorf, David


    Abstract In the growing field of sports vision little is still known about unique attributes of visual processing in ice hockey and what role visual processing plays in the overall athlete's performance. In the present study we evaluated whether visual, perceptual and cognitive/motor variables collected using the Nike SPARQ Sensory Training Station have significant relevance to the real game statistics of 38 Division I collegiate male and female hockey players. The results demonstrated that 69% of variance in the goals made by forwards in 2011-2013 could be predicted by their faster reaction time to a visual stimulus, better visual memory, better visual discrimination and a faster ability to shift focus between near and far objects. Approximately 33% of variance in game points was significantly related to better discrimination among competing visual stimuli. In addition, reaction time to a visual stimulus as well as stereoptic quickness significantly accounted for 24% of variance in the mean duration of the player's penalty time. This is one of the first studies to show that some of the visual skills that state-of-the-art generalised sports vision programmes are purported to target may indeed be important for hockey players' actual performance on the ice.

  10. Multiparametric MRI changes persist beyond recovery in concussed adolescent hockey players (United States)

    Manning, Kathryn Y.; Schranz, Amy; Bartha, Robert; Dekaban, Gregory A.; Barreira, Christy; Brown, Arthur; Fischer, Lisa; Asem, Kevin; Doherty, Timothy J.; Fraser, Douglas D.; Holmes, Jeff


    Objective: To determine whether multiparametric MRI data can provide insight into the acute and long-lasting neuronal sequelae after a concussion in adolescent athletes. Methods: Players were recruited from Bantam hockey leagues in which body checking is first introduced (male, age 11–14 years). Clinical measures, diffusion metrics, resting-state network and region-to-region functional connectivity patterns, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy absolute metabolite concentrations were analyzed from an independent, age-matched control group of hockey players (n = 26) and longitudinally in concussed athletes within 24 to 72 hours (n = 17) and 3 months (n = 14) after a diagnosed concussion. Results: There were diffusion abnormalities within multiple white matter tracts, functional hyperconnectivity, and decreases in choline 3 months after concussion. Tract-specific spatial statistics revealed a large region along the superior longitudinal fasciculus with the largest decreases in diffusivity measures, which significantly correlated with clinical deficits. This region also spatially intersected with probabilistic tracts connecting cortical regions where we found acute functional connectivity changes. Hyperconnectivity patterns at 3 months after concussion were present only in players with relatively less severe clinical outcomes, higher choline concentrations, and diffusivity indicative of relatively less axonal disruption. Conclusions: Changes persisted well after players' clinical scores had returned to normal and they had been cleared to return to play. Ongoing white matter maturation may make adolescent athletes particularly vulnerable to brain injury, and they may require extended recovery periods. The consequences of early brain injury for ongoing brain development and risk of more serious conditions such as second impact syndrome or neural degenerative processes need to be elucidated. PMID:29070666

  11. Increasing Social Interactions Using Prompts and Rewards for Adolescents with ASD in an Ice Hockey Practice Context (United States)

    Beiers, Kevin; Derby, K. Mark; McLaughlin, T. F.


    We evaluated the effects of using prompts and reinforcement procedures to increase the social interaction of two children with autism (ASD). This study took place during the context of a hockey practice. Two adolescent participants were evaluated using an ABAB single subject reversal design. Baseline data were collected prior to and after the…

  12. Investigation of Positional Differences in Fitness of Male University Ice Hockey Players and the Frequency, Time Spent and Heart Rate of Movement Patterns during Competition

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    Joel Jackson


    Full Text Available Background:  Men’s university ice hockey has received little scientific attention over the past 30 years, a time in which the traits of the players and the demands of the game have evolved.  Objectives: This study compared the physiological characteristics of university ice hockey players and examined the frequency and duration of the different movement patterns and heart rate (HR responses during competition. Methods: Twenty male ice hockey players from the same team ( age ± SD = 22±2 years underwent a fitness evaluation and were filmed and HR monitored during regular season games. Results: Forwards and defense had similar fitness and only differed on % fatigue index and peak heart during on-ice sprinting (P<0.05. Defense stood, glided and skated backwards more than forwards and forwards skated at a moderate intensity and glided forward more than defense (P<0.05. All players spent the majority of game time gliding forward (60% of the time followed by skating forward at a moderate intensity (17% and standing with little movement (9%. Average HR during the game reached 96 and 92 % and peak HR was 100 and 96 % of maximum in forwards and defense, respectively. Conclusions: Male university hockey players present with a high level of physical fitness in a variety of categories with few differences between forwards and defense. Movement patterns during games suggest that players are performing low to moderate intensity on-ice activities the majority of the time. Paradoxically, HR continues to climb to near maximum during on ice shifts.

  13. Development and Validation of a Method for Determining Tridimensional Angular Displacements with Special Applications to Ice Hockey Motions. (United States)

    Gagnon, Micheline; And Others


    A method for determining the tridimensional angular displacement of skates during the two-legged stop in ice hockey was developed and validated. The angles were measured by geometry, using a cinecamera and specially equipped skates. The method provides a new tool for kinetic analyses of skating movements. (Authors/PP)


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    Mia Setiawati


    Full Text Available This research was carried out to evaluate the effect of cinnamon leaf (Cinnamomun burmanni as a suplement inthe diet due to growth performance and nutriet composition of patin (Pangasius hypothalamus. A triplicateexperiment was conducted using fish with an initial body weight of 7.27 ± 0.28 g. Fish were culture in aquaria 50 x40 x 35 cm at a density of 10 fish/aquaria. Fish were fed on the diet contained either 0, 0.5, 1; or 1.5% respectively.Fish fed on the diet at satiation for 30 days. The result shows that the suplementation of cinnamon leaf powder inthe diet 0 to 1.5% was insignificantly affected feed consumption, specific growth rate, and survival rate of fish.However, the addition of Cinnamomumn burmanni up to 1% was significantly increased the level of total feeddigestibility twice, the protein digestibility to 87.39%, and protein retention 1.5 higher than the control (withoutcinnamon leaf powder. On the other hand, the diet of 1% Cinnamomumn burmanni were the optimal result of thisresearch with the feed efficient, decrease 30% of fat and have more compact flesh texture.

  15. Cold power creates artificial ice for the ice hockey championship. Football arena is used as an ice stadium; Kaeltepower schafft Kunsteis fuer Eishockey-WM. Fussballarena wird zum Eisstadion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hoffmann, Franz


    On 7th May 2010, the Veltins arena in Gelsenkirchen (Federal Republic of Germany) became the greatest ice hockey stadium of the world. There, the opening play of the world championship between the host Germany and the USA took place. Germany as a clear outsider won 2:1 against the US-Boys. However, before this historical victory extensive building operations had to be realized 'Auf Schalke' in order to convert the lawn into a complete ice hockey court.

  16. Moral disengagement in the legitimation and realization of aggressive behavior in soccer and ice hockey. (United States)

    Traclet, Alan; Moret, Orlan; Ohl, Fabien; Clémence, Alain


    The aim of the present study was to verify that the level of tolerance for aggression is higher in a collective context than in an individual context (polarization effect), and to test the association between moral disengagement, team and self-attitudes toward aggression, and tolerance and realization of aggressive acts in Swiss male soccer and ice hockey. In individual or collective answering conditions, 104 soccer and 98 ice hockey players viewed videotaped aggressive acts and completed a questionnaire, including measures of the perceived legitimacy of videotaped aggression, of the teammates, coach, and self attitudes toward transgressions (modified TNQ), of the moral disengagement in sport (modified MDSS-S), and of self-reported aggressive behavior. A multilevel analysis confirmed a strong polarization effect on the perception of instrumental aggression, the videotaped aggressive acts appearing more tolerated in the collective than in the individual answering condition. Using a structural equation modeling, we found that the moral disengagement, which mediates the effects of perceived coach and ego attitudes toward transgressions, correlates positively with the tolerance of hostile aggression within teams, and with the level of aggressive acts reported by the participants. Aggr. Behav. Aggr. Behav. 42:123-133, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  17. Motivational climate, goal orientation, perceived sport ability, and enjoyment within Finnish junior ice hockey players. (United States)

    Jaakkola, T; Ntoumanis, N; Liukkonen, J


    The aim of this study was to investigate the relations among situational motivational climate, dispositional approach and avoidance achievement goals, perceived sport ability, and enjoyment in Finnish male junior ice hockey players. The sample comprised 265 junior B-level male players with a mean age of 17.03 years (SD = 0.63). Players filled questionnaires tapping their perceptions of coach motivational climate, achievement goals, perceived sport ability, and enjoyment. For the statistical analysis, players were divided into high and low perceived sport ability groups. Multigroup structural equation modeling (SEM) revealed an indirect path from task-involving motivational climate via task-approach goal to enjoyment. Additionally, SEM demonstrated four other direct associations, which existed in both perceived ability groups: from ego-involving motivational climate to ego-approach and ego-avoidance goals; from ego-approach goal to ego-avoidance goal; and from task-avoidance goal to ego-avoidance goal. Additionally, in the high perceived sport ability group, there was an association from task-involving motivational climate to enjoyment. The results of this study reveal that motivational climate emphasizing effort, personal development and improvement, and achievement goal mastering tasks are significant elements of enjoyment in junior ice hockey. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  18. Neck injuries presenting to emergency departments in the United States from 1990 to 1999 for ice hockey, soccer, and American football


    Delaney, J; Al-Kashmiri, A


    Objective: To examine the number and rate of neck injuries in the community as a whole for ice hockey, soccer, and American football by analysing data from patients presenting to emergency departments in the United States from 1990 to 1999.

  19. Mild Dehydration Does Not Influence Performance Or Skeletal Muscle Metabolism During Simulated Ice Hockey Exercise In Men. (United States)

    Palmer, Matthew S; Heigenhauser, George J F; Duong, MyLinh; Spriet, Lawrence L


    This study determined whether mild dehydration influenced skeletal muscle glycogen use, core temperature or performance during high-intensity, intermittent cycle-based exercise in ice hockey players vs. staying hydrated with water. Eight males (21.6 ± 0.4 yr, 183.5 ± 1.6 cm, 83.9 ± 3.7 kg, 50.2 ± 1.9 ml·kg -1 ·min -1 ) performed two trials separated by 7 days. The protocol consisted of 3 periods (P) containing 10 × 45-s cycling bouts at ~133% VO 2max , followed by 135 s of passive rest. Subjects drank no fluid and dehydrated during the protocol (NF), or maintained body mass by drinking WATER. Muscle biopsies were taken at rest, immediately before and after P3. Subjects were mildly dehydrated (-1.8% BM) at the end of P3 in the NF trial. There were no differences between the NF and WATER trials for glycogen use (P1+P2; 350.1 ± 31.9 vs. 413.2 ± 33.2, P3; 103.5 ± 16.2 vs. 131.5 ± 18.9 mmol·kg dm -1 ), core temperature (P1; 37.8 ± 0.1 vs. 37.7 ± 0.1, P2; 38.2 ± 0.1 vs. 38.1 ± 0.1, P3; 38.3 ± 0.1 vs. 38.2 ± 0.1 °C) or performance (P1; 156.3 ± 7.8 vs. 154.4 ± 8.2, P2; 150.5 ± 7.8 vs. 152.4 ± 8.3, P3; 144.1 ± 8.7 vs. 148.4 ± 8.7 kJ). This study demonstrated that typical dehydration experienced by ice hockey players (~1.8% BM loss), did not affect glycogen use, core temperature, or voluntary performance vs. staying hydrated by ingesting water during a cycle-based simulation of ice hockey exercise in a laboratory environment.

  20. Acute injuries in soccer, ice hockey, volleyball, basketball, judo, and karate: analysis of national registry data.


    Kujala, U. M.; Taimela, S.; Antti-Poika, I.; Orava, S.; Tuominen, R.; Myllynen, P.


    OBJECTIVE--To determine the acute injury profile in each of six sports and compare the injury rates between the sports. DESIGN--Analysis of national sports injury insurance registry data. SETTING--Finland during 1987-91. SUBJECTS--621,691 person years of exposure among participants in soccer, ice hockey, volleyball, basketball, judo, or karate. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Acute sports injuries requiring medical treatment and reported to the insurance company on structured forms by the patients and...

  1. Four Weeks of Off-Season Training Improves Peak Oxygen Consumption in Female Field Hockey Players


    Lindsey T. Funch; Erik Lind; Larissa True; Deborah Van Langen; John T. Foley; James F. Hokanson


    The purpose of the study was to examine the changes in peak oxygen consumption ( V ˙O2peak) and running economy (RE) following four-weeks of high intensity training and concurrent strength and conditioning during the off-season in collegiate female field hockey players. Fourteen female student-athletes (age 19.29 ± 0.91 years) were divided into two training groups, matched from baseline V ˙O2peak: High Intensity Training (HITrun; n = 8) and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT; ...

  2. Effect of ice surface size on collision rates and head impacts at the World Junior Hockey Championships, 2002 to 2004. (United States)

    Wennberg, Richard


    To determine if collision rates and head impacts in elite junior hockey differed between games played on the small North American ice surface (85 ft wide), an intermediate-size Finnish ice surface (94 ft wide), and the large standard international ice surface (100 ft wide). Videotape analysis of all games involving Team Canada from the 2002 (large ice, Czech Republic), 2003 (small ice, Canada), and 2004 (intermediate ice, Finland) World Junior Championships. All collisions were counted and separated into various categories (volitional player/player bodychecks, into boards or open ice, plus accidental/incidental player/boards, player/ice, head/stick, head/puck). Further subdivisions included collisions involving the head directly or indirectly and notably severe head impacts. Small, intermediate, and large ice surface mean collisions/game, respectively, were 295, 258, 222, total collisions; 251, 220, 181, volitional bodychecks; 126, 115, 88, into boards; 125, 106, 93, open ice; 71, 52, 44, total head; 44, 36, 30, indirect head; 26, 16, 13, direct head; and 1.3, 0.5, 0.3, severe head (P < 0.05 for small-intermediate ice and intermediate-large ice differences in total collisions; P < 0.005 for small-large ice difference; P < 0.05 for small-intermediate ice differences in head impacts; P < 0.01 for small-large ice differences in total and severe head impacts). There is a significant inverse correlation between ice size and collision rates in elite hockey, including direct, indirect, and severe head impacts. These findings suggest that uniform usage of the larger international rinks could reduce the risk of injury, and specifically, concussions in elite hockey by decreasing the occurrence of collisions and head impacts.

  3. Multiple Off-Ice Performance Variables Predict On-Ice Skating Performance in Male and Female Division III Ice Hockey Players

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    effrey M. Janot, Nicholas M. Beltz, Lance D. Dalleck


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to determine if off-ice performance variables could predict on-ice skating performance in Division III collegiate hockey players. Both men (n = 15 and women (n = 11 hockey players (age = 20.5 ± 1.4 years participated in the study. The skating tests were agility cornering S-turn, 6.10 m acceleration, 44.80 m speed, modified repeat skate, and 15.20 m full speed. Off-ice variables assessed were years of playing experience, height, weight and percent body fat and off-ice performance variables included vertical jump (VJ, 40-yd dash (36.58m, 1-RM squat, pro-agility, Wingate peak power and peak power percentage drop (% drop, and 1.5 mile (2.4km run. Results indicated that 40-yd dash (36.58m, VJ, 1.5 mile (2.4km run, and % drop were significant predictors of skating performance for repeat skate (slowest, fastest, and average time and 44.80 m speed time, respectively. Four predictive equations were derived from multiple regression analyses: 1 slowest repeat skate time = 2.362 + (1.68 x 40-yd dash time + (0.005 x 1.5 mile run, 2 fastest repeat skate time = 9.762 - (0.089 x VJ - (0.998 x 40-yd dash time, 3 average repeat skate time = 7.770 + (1.041 x 40-yd dash time - (0.63 x VJ + (0.003 x 1.5 mile time, and 4 47.85 m speed test = 7.707 - (0.050 x VJ - (0.01 x % drop. It was concluded that selected off-ice tests could be used to predict on-ice performance regarding speed and recovery ability in Division III male and female hockey players.

  4. Relationship between body composition, leg strength, anaerobic power, and on-ice skating performance in division I men's hockey athletes. (United States)

    Potteiger, Jeffrey A; Smith, Dean L; Maier, Mark L; Foster, Timothy S


    The purpose of this study was to examine relationships between laboratory tests and on-ice skating performance in division I men's hockey athletes. Twenty-one men (age 20.7 +/- 1.6 years) were assessed for body composition, isokinetic force production in the quadriceps and hamstring muscles, and anaerobic muscle power via the Wingate 30-second cycle ergometer test. Air displacement plethysmography was used to determine % body fat (%FAT), fat-free mass (FFM), and fat mass. Peak torque and total work during 10 maximal effort repetitions at 120 degrees .s were measured during concentric muscle actions using an isokinetic dynamometer. Muscle power was measured using a Monark cycle ergometer with resistance set at 7.5% of body mass. On-ice skating performance was measured during 6 timed 89-m sprints with subjects wearing full hockey equipment. First length skate (FLS) was 54 m, and total length skate (TLS) was 89 m with fastest and average skating times used in the analysis. Correlation coefficients were used to determine relationships between laboratory testing and on-ice performance. Subjects had a body mass of 88.8 +/- 7.8 kg and %FAT of 11.9 +/- 4.6. First length skate-Average and TLS-Average skating times were moderately correlated to %FAT ([r = 0.53; p = 0.013] and [r = 0.57; p = 0.007]) such that a greater %FAT was related to slower skating speeds. First length skate-Fastest was correlated to Wingate percent fatigue index (r = -0.48; p = 0.027) and FLS-Average was correlated to Wingate peak power per kilogram body mass (r = -0.43; p = 0.05). Laboratory testing of select variables can predict skating performance in ice hockey athletes. This information can be used to develop targeted and effective strength and conditioning programs that will improve on-ice skating speed.

  5. Locomotor, Heart-Rate, and Metabolic Power Characteristics of Youth Women's Field Hockey: Female Athletes in Motion (FAiM) Study (United States)

    Vescovi, Jason D.


    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to quantify the locomotor, heart-rate, and metabolic power characteristics of high-level youth female field hockey matches. Method: Players from the U21 and U17 Canadian women's national teams were monitored during a 4-match test series using Global Positioning System technology. Position (forward,…

  6. Karakteristik Cumi-Cumi Analog dari Surimi Ikan Patin (Pangasius hypopthalmus dengan Menggunakan berbagai Jenis Pati

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    Theresia Dwi Suryaningrum


    Full Text Available Cumi-cumi analog merupakan produk olahan tiruan dari surimi yang memiliki tekstur elastis, warna putih dan rasa khas cumi-cumi. Penelitian pembuatan cumi-cumi analog dari surimi ikan patin (Pangasius hypopthalmus dengan menggunakan berbagai jenis pati telah dilakukan.Penelitian ini dibagi menjadi 2 tahap, yaitu tahap 1 berupa optimasi formula cumi-cumi analoguntuk mendapatkan tekstur dan warna seperti produk yang ditiru. Formulasi cumi-cumi analog didasarkan pada formulasi kamaboko dengan perlakuan penambahan karaginan (1% dan 5%, konjak (1,5% dan 2% dan pewarna putih (cloudy (1% dan 2%. Penelitian tahap ke 2 dilakukan untuk mempelajari pengaruh jenis pati yaitu tapioka, kentang dan sagu terhadap karakteristik cumi-cumi analog yang dihasilkan. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap nilai gizi, sifat fisik dan sensoricumi-cumi analog yang dihasilkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penggunaan kombinasi karaginan 1%, konjak 1,5% dan pewarna putih 2% menghasilkan tekstur produk yang elastisitasdan warnanya mendekati produk yang ditiru. Penggunaan berbagai jenis pati tidak berpengaruhterhadap nilai gizi dan pH, namun berpengaruh nyata terhadap sifat fisik cumi-cumi analog yang dihasilkan. Cumi-cumi analog yang diolah dengan pati sagu menghasilkan tingkat kekerasan dan elastisitas paling tinggi, namun derajat putih paling rendah dibandingkan dengan tepung lainnya. Sedangkan cumi-cumi analog yang diolah dengan pati kentang menghasilkan kekerasan,elastisitas dan daya menahan air yang paling rendah dibandingkan dengan perlakuan lainnya. Uji sensori menunjukkan bahwa cumi-cumi analog yang diolah dengan menggunakan pati tapioka menghasilkan warna, rasa dan tekstur yang lebih disukai panelis dibandingkan dengan tepunglainnya. Sedangk an cumi-cumi analog yang diolah dengan pati kentang menghasilkan kenampakan dan bau yang lebih disukai panelis, namun mempunyai tekstur dengan nilai kesukaan yang paling rendah.

  7. Rationale set of indicators and prioritize relevant to assess competitive activity of hockey players of high qualification of different roles

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    A.P. Mikhnov


    Full Text Available Purpose: organize technical and tactical actions and determine their priority importance for high-end players of different roles. Establish their priority importance for the success of competitive activity hockey with the game roles. Material : the study involved 54 experts on hockey coaches and players of high class. The significance of technical and tactical actions evaluated for players of different roles. Results : systematic account of technical and tactical actions of athletes and prioritize them to assess the significance of competitive activity. Three groups of technical and tactical actions: 1 active attacks; 2 - active safety; 3 - organizational and maneuvering. Set priorities for technical and tactical actions for players of different roles. Conclusions : the proposed technical and tactical actions can be recommended for the evaluation of the effectiveness of competitive activity players. In the process of estimating the action game players need to consider their role playing. Identification of priority in the implementation of technical and tactical actions in the game can be used in integrated assessment of actions players different roles.

  8. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in the National Hockey League: Epidemiology and Performance Impact. (United States)

    Longstaffe, Robert; Leiter, Jeff; MacDonald, Peter


    To determine the incidence of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries in the National Hockey League (NHL) and to examine the effects of this injury on return-to-play status and performance. Case series; level of evidence, 4. This was a 2-phase study. Phase I used the NHL electronic injury surveillance system and Athlete Health Management System to collect data on ACL injuries and man games lost over 10 seasons (2006/2007-2015/2016). Data collected in phase I were received in deidentified form. Phase II examined the performance impact of an ACL injury. Players were identified through publically available sources, and performance-related statistics were analyzed. Data collected in phase II were not linked to data collected in phase I. A paired t test was used to determine any difference in the matching variables between controls and cases in the preinjury time period. A General linear model (mixed) was used to determine the performance impact. Phase I: 67 ACL injuries occurred over 10 seasons. The incidence for all players was 0.42/1000 player game hours (forward, 0.61; defenseman, 0.32, goalie, 0.08) and by game exposure was 0.2/1000 player game exposures (forward, 0.33; defenseman, 0.11; goalie, 0.07). Forwards had a greater incidence rate of ACL tears with both game hours and game exposures when compared with defensemen and goalies (P game (P game (0.001). Number of games and seasons played after an ACL injury did not differ compared with controls (P = 0.068, 0.122, respectively). Anterior cruciate ligament injuries occur infrequently, as it relates to other hockey injuries. Despite a high return to play, the performance after an ACL injury demonstrated a decrease in points and goals per game and per season.



    Cheryl A. MacDonald


    Ice hockey is particularly significant in Canada as it acts as a primary site of socialization for boys and men. This form of socialization raises questions about masculinity on the public agenda in terms of the problematic nature of hypermasculinity in sport, stereotypical images of athletes, and questions of social responsibility as both men and athletes. These issues are presently relevant as Canada (and perhaps all of North America) finds itself in an era characterized by accounts in main...

  10. The Control of Externalities in Sports Leagues: An Analysis of Restrictions in the National Hockey League


    Dennis W. Carlton; Alan S. Frankel; Elisabeth M. Landes


    This paper provides one of the few successful demonstrations of the efficiency of certain types of restrictions in the context of a joint venture. The joint venture we examine is the National Hockey League (NHL) in the 1980s, which was then composed of 21 separately owned teams. (It now has 30 teams.) The restriction we analyze is the NHL rule on franchise relocation. Before one can fully understand the effect of the restriction, one must understand the theory of how sports leagues operate an...

  11. Carbon Monoxide Exposure in Youth Ice Hockey. (United States)

    Macnow, Theodore; Mannix, Rebekah; Meehan, William P


    To examine the effect of ice resurfacer type on carboxyhemoglobin levels in youth hockey players. We hypothesized that players in arenas with electric resurfacers would have normal, stable carboxyhemoglobin levels during games, whereas those in arenas with internal combustion engine (IC) resurfacers would have an increase in carboxyhemoglobin levels. Prospective cohort study. Enclosed ice arenas in the northeastern United States. Convenience sample of players aged 8 to 18 years old in 16 games at different arenas. Eight arenas (37 players) used an IC ice resurfacer and 8 arenas (36 players) an electric resurfacer. Carboxyhemoglobin levels (SpCO) were measured using a pulse CO-oximeter before and after the game. Arena air was tested for carbon monoxide (CO) using a metered gas detector. Players completed symptom questionnaires. The change in SpCO from pregame to postgame was compared between players at arenas with electric versus IC resurfacers. Carbon monoxide was present at 6 of 8 arenas using IC resurfacers, levels ranged from 4 to 42 parts per million. Carbon monoxide was not found at arenas with electric resurfacers. Players at arenas with IC resurfacers had higher median pregame SpCO levels compared with those at electric arenas (4.3% vs 1%, P carboxyhemoglobin during games and have elevated baseline carboxyhemoglobin levels compared with players at arenas with electric resurfacers. Electric resurfacers decrease the risk of CO exposure.

  12. Knowing what to do and doing it : Differences in self-assessed tactical skills of regional, sub-elite, and elite youth field hockey players

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elferink-Gemser, Marije T.; Kannekens, Rianne; Lyons, Jim; Tromp, Yvonne; Visscher, Chris


    To determine whether youth athletes with an oaverageo (regional), ohigho (sub-elite), and overy higho (elite) level of performance differ with respect to their self-assessed tactical skills, 191 youth field hockey players (mean age 15.5 years, s=1.6) completed the Tactical Skills Inventory for

  13. Vitamin D status and V[combining dot above]O2peak during a skate treadmill graded exercise test in competitive ice hockey players. (United States)

    Fitzgerald, John S; Peterson, Ben J; Warpeha, Joseph M; Wilson, Patrick B; Rhodes, Greg S; Ingraham, Stacy J


    Vitamin D status has been associated with cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in cross-sectional investigations in the general population. Data characterizing the association between 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) concentration and CRF in athletes are lacking. Junior and collegiate ice hockey players were recruited from the Minneapolis, MN (44.9° N), area during the off-season period (May 16-June 28). The purpose of this study was to examine the cross-sectional association between 25(OH)D concentration and CRF in a sample population of competitive ice hockey players. Circulating 25(OH)D level was assessed from a capillary blood sample analyzed using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. V[Combining Dot Above]O2peak during a skate treadmill graded exercise test (GXT) was used to assess CRF. Data on both 25(OH)D concentration and V[Combining Dot Above]O2peak were available for 52 athletes. Insufficient 25(OH)D concentrations were found in 37.7% of the athletes (skate treadmill GXT.


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    Wahyu Pamungkas


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai kecernaan fraksi serat bungkil kelapa sawit yang dihidrolisis dengan enzim cairan rumen domba. Koefisien kecernaan ditentukan dengan menggunakan indikator Cr2O3 yang ditambahkan dalam pakan uji. Bahan pakan yang digunakan adalah bungkil kelapa sawit (BKS yang dihidrolisis dengan enzim asal cairan rumen domba dengan volume 100 mL/kg BKS dan diinkubasi selama 24 jam (BKSe dan yang tidak dihidrolisis (BKS. Pakan yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah pakan acuan (pakan komersil, pakan uji A (30% BKSe dan B (30% BKS dengan 3 ulangan. Ikan yang digunakan 10 ekor benih ikan patin siam Pangasius hypophthalmus dengan bobot rata-rata 20 g/ekor yang dipelihara dalam fiber dengan volume air 80 liter. Pemberian pakan secara at satiation dengan frekuensi pemberian 3 kali per hari. Feses dikumpulkan selama 15 hari pemeliharaan untuk dianalisis kandungan nutrisinya. Hasil analisis kecernaan menunjukkan bahwa nilai kecernaan fraksi serat menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang nyata (P<0,05 antar perlakuan di mana pakan A (30% BKSe mempunyai nilai kecernaan fraksi serat lebih tinggi dibandingkan pakan B (30% BKS.

  15. An examination of the cohesion-performance relationship in university hockey teams. (United States)

    Slater, M R; Sewell, D F


    The objective of this study was to assess, using the Group Environment Questionnaire, whether team cohesion in university-level field hockey was a cause for, or an effect of, successful performance. A quasi-experimental longitudinal design with cross-lagged correlational analysis was adopted and measures of cohesion and performance were taken midway and later in the season. The results of the synchronous correlations showed a positive relationship (with good stationarity) between team cohesion and performance outcome. Although non-significant cross-lagged differentials indicated a circular relationship, the magnitudes of both the cross-lagged correlations and the partial correlations, together with multiple-regression analyses, revealed that the stronger flow was from cohesion to performance. The socially oriented aspects of cohesion, in particular, had significant associations with performance. The results imply that cohesion-performance relationships should be examined within a circular model, in which cohesion and performance are interdependent.


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    Urszula Mazurek


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to assess the plasma adrenaline and noradrenaline concentrations as well as whole blood β2-adrenoceptor gene (ADRB2 expression in young ice hockey players before and immediately after exercise in relation to performed work. Nineteen Youth National Team ice hockey players were subjected to the maximal incremental cycloergometer exercise. The test was done in the pre-competitive phase of training. Among many parameters the plasma adrenaline and noradrenaline concentrations and ADRB2 gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC were determined before and after exercise. The average performed work was 3261.3 ± 558.3 J · kg-1 and maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max for all players was 53.85 ± 3.91 mL · kg-1 min-1. The geometric mean of the ADRB2 gene expression was statistically significantly different before and after exercise (P ≤ 0.05, while adrenaline and noradrenaline levels in plasma significantly increased after exercise. In the analysed group of athletes we found that initial level of plasma noradrenaline correlated with the performed work (r = - 0.55, P < 0.014 and normalized ADRB2 expression before the exercise correlated with the work done by them (r = 0.48, P<0.039. However, no statistically significant correlations were found between the plasma adrenaline or noradrenaline concentrations and ADRB2 gene expression in peripheral blood of the players. The performed work in the maximal incremental exercise test of regularly training young ice hockey players depends on the initial levels of noradrenaline in plasma and ADRB2 mRNA in PBMC.

  17. Examining social identity and intrateam moral behaviours in competitive youth ice hockey using stimulated recall. (United States)

    Bruner, Mark W; Boardley, Ian D; Allan, Veronica; Root, Zach; Buckham, Sara; Forrest, Chris; Côté, Jean


    Social identity - identity formed through membership in groups - may play an important role in regulating intrateam moral behaviour in youth sport (Bruner, M. W., Boardley, I., & Côté, J. (2014). Social identity and prosocial and antisocial behavior in youth sport. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15(1), 56-64. doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2013.09.003). The aim of this study was to qualitatively examine this potential role through stimulated recall interviews with competitive youth-ice-hockey players. Twenty-three players (M age  = 13.27 years, SD = 1.79) who reported engaging in high, median or low frequency of antisocial teammate behaviour (determined through pre-screening with the Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviour in Sport Scale [Kavussanu, M., & Boardley, I. D. (2009). The prosocial and antisocial behavior in sport scale. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 31(1), 97-117. doi:10.1123/jsep.31.1.97]) were recruited from eight youth-ice-hockey teams in Canada. Interviews involved participants recalling their thoughts during prosocial/antisocial interactions with teammates, prompted by previously recorded video sequences of such incidents. Thematic analysis of interview data revealed all athletes - regardless of reported frequency of intrateam antisocial behaviour - felt prosocial interactions with teammates enhanced social identity. In contrast, the perceived influence of antisocial teammate behaviour on social identity differed depending on athletes' reported frequency of intrateam antisocial behaviour; those reporting low and median frequencies described how such behaviour undermines social identity, whereas athletes reporting high frequency did not perceive this effect. The study findings highlight the potential importance of intrateam moral behaviour and social identity for youth-sport team functioning.

  18. The relationship between ventilatory threshold and repeated-sprint ability in competitive male ice hockey players

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    Matthew R. Lowery


    Full Text Available Background/objective: The relationship between ventilatory threshold (VT1, VT2 and repeated-sprint ability (RSA in competitive male ice hockey players was investigated. Methods: Forty-three male ice hockey players aged 18–23 years competing in NCAA Division I, NCAA Division III, and Junior A level participated. Participants performed an incremental graded exercise test on a skate treadmill to determine V˙O2peak, VT1, and VT2 using MedGraphics Breezesuit™ software (v-slope. Participants performed an on-ice repeated shift (RSA test consisting of 8-maximal skating bouts, lasting approximately 25 s and interspersed with 90 s of passive recovery, to determine first gate, second gate, and total sprint decrement (%dec. Pearson product-moment correlations and multiple regressions were used to assess relationships between ventilatory threshold variables (VT1, VT2, Stage at VT1, and Stage at VT2 and RSA (first gate, second gate, and total course decrement. Results: Stage at VT2 was the only variable substantially correlated with first gate (r = −0.35; P < 0.05, second gate (r = −0.58; P < 0.001 and total course decrement (r = −0.42; P < 0.05. Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrated that VT is substantially associated with RSA, and VT2 is more strongly correlated with RSA than V˙O2peak. This study suggests that longer duration high-intensity interval training at intensities that increase workrate at VT2 may lead to possible improvements in RSA. Keywords: Athletes, Aerobic capacity, Fatigue, Sprint decrement

  19. The Role of Visual Feedback on Power Output During Intermittent Wingate Testing in Ice Hockey Players

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    Petr Stastny


    Full Text Available Background: Visual feedback may help elicit peak performance during different types of strength and power testing, but its effect during the anaerobic Wingate test is unexplored. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of visual feedback on power output during a hockey-specific intermittent Wingate test (AnWT6x6 consisting of 6 stages of 6 s intervals with a 1:1 work-to-rest ratio. Methods: Thirty elite college-aged hockey players performed the AnWT6x6 with either constant (n = 15 visual feedback during all 6 stages (CVF or restricted (n = 15 visual feedback (RVF where feedback was shown only during the 2nd through 5th stages. Results: In the first stage, there were moderate-to-large effect sizes for absolute peak power (PP output and PP relative to body mass and PP relative to fat-free mass. However, the remaining stages (2–6 displayed small or negligible effects. Conclusions: These data indicate that visual feedback may play a role in optimizing power output in a non-fatigued state (1st stage, but likely does not play a role in the presence of extreme neuromuscular fatigue (6th stage during Wingate testing. To achieve the highest peak power, coaches and researchers could provide visual feedback during Wingate testing, as it may positively influence performance in the early stages of testing, but does not result in residual fatigue or negatively affect performance during subsequent stages.

  20. Greater circadian disadvantage during evening games for the National Basketball Association (NBA), National Hockey League (NHL) and National Football League (NFL) teams travelling westward. (United States)

    Roy, Jonathan; Forest, Geneviève


    We investigated the effects of a circadian disadvantage (i.e. playing in a different time zone) on the winning percentages in three major sport leagues in North America: the National Basketball Association, the National Hockey League and the National Football League. We reviewed 5 years of regular season games in the National Basketball Association, National Hockey League and National Football League, and noted the winning percentage of the visiting team depending on the direction of travel (west, east, and same time zone) and game time (day and evening games). T-tests and analysis of variance were performed to evaluate the effects of the circadian disadvantage, its direction, the number of time zones travelled, and the game time on winning percentages in each major league. The results showed an association between the winning percentages and the number of time zones traveled for the away evening games, with a clear disadvantage for the teams travelling westward. There was a significant difference in the teams' winning percentages depending on the travelling direction in the National Basketball Association (F 2,5908  = 16.12, P < 0.0001) and the National Hockey League (F 2,5639  = 4.48, P = 0.011), and a trend was found in the National Football League (F 2,1279  = 2.86, P = 0.058). The effect of the circadian disadvantage transcends the type of sport and needs to be addressed for greater equity among the western and eastern teams in professional sports. These results also highlight the importance of circadian rhythms in sport performance and athletic competitions. © 2017 European Sleep Research Society.

  1. Using Elite Athletes to Promote Drug Abstinence: Evaluation of a Single-Session School-Based Drug Use Prevention Program Delivered by Junior Hockey Players (United States)

    Wong, Jennifer


    School-based substance use prevention programs are a common method to approaching drug use in youths. Project SOS is a single-session drug prevention program developed by police officers and delivered by elite junior hockey players to students in grades 6 and 7. The current study evaluates the effects of Project SOS at achieving its objectives of…

  2. Individual Alpha Peak Frequency in Ice Hockey Shooting Performance

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    Sommer Christie


    Full Text Available There are several important inter- and intra-individual variations in individual alpha peak frequency (IAPF in the cognitive domain. The rationale for the present study was to extend the research on IAPF in the cognitive domain to IAPF in the sport domain. Specifically, the purpose of the present study was twofold: (a to explore whether baseline IAPF is related to performance in an ice hockey shooting task and (b to explore whether a shooting task has an effect on IAPF variability. The present investigation is one of the first studies to examine links between IAPF and sport performance. Study results did not show significant changes in IAPF when comparing baseline IAPF and pre- to post-task IAPF across three performance levels. The findings support previous literature in the cognitive domain suggesting that IAPF is a stable neurophysiological marker. Future research should consider the following methodological suggestions: (a measuring IAPF during sport performance instead of at a resting state, (b changing the pre-performance resting baseline instructions to take into account sport-specific mental preparation, (c exploring an expert-novice paradigm to accentuate performance ability differences between groups (d comparing tasks with different levels of complexity, and (e analyzing the possible correlation between IAPF and performance on different days.

  3. Habituation of 10-year-old hockey players to treadmill skating. (United States)

    Lockwood, Kelly L; Frost, Gail


    This study assessed changes in selected physiological and kinematic variables over 6 weeks of treadmill skating in an effort to understand the process of habituation to this novel training modality. Seven male, Atom-A hockey players who were injury-free and had no previous treadmill skating experience participated in the study. Players performed four 1-min skating bouts at progressively increasing speeds, each week, for 6 weeks. One speed (10.5 km/h) was repeated weekly to allow for assessment of the habituation process. Our criteria for habituation were: a decrease in stride rate, heart rate and rating of perceived exertion, and an increase in stride length, trunk angle and vertical movement of the centre of mass, leading to a plateau, over the course of the 6-week study. Significant decreases were seen in stride rate, heart rate and ratings of perceived exertion, and significant increases were found in stride length. Some of these changes were evident after only one week of training and all were present by week 4. After 6 weeks (24 min) of exposure to treadmill skating, all participants displayed a visibly more efficient skating style.

  4. Multiple Off-Ice Performance Variables Predict On-Ice Skating Performance in Male and Female Division III Ice Hockey Players. (United States)

    Janot, Jeffrey M; Beltz, Nicholas M; Dalleck, Lance D


    The purpose of this study was to determine if off-ice performance variables could predict on-ice skating performance in Division III collegiate hockey players. Both men (n = 15) and women (n = 11) hockey players (age = 20.5 ± 1.4 years) participated in the study. The skating tests were agility cornering S-turn, 6.10 m acceleration, 44.80 m speed, modified repeat skate, and 15.20 m full speed. Off-ice variables assessed were years of playing experience, height, weight and percent body fat and off-ice performance variables included vertical jump (VJ), 40-yd dash (36.58m), 1-RM squat, pro-agility, Wingate peak power and peak power percentage drop (% drop), and 1.5 mile (2.4km) run. Results indicated that 40-yd dash (36.58m), VJ, 1.5 mile (2.4km) run, and % drop were significant predictors of skating performance for repeat skate (slowest, fastest, and average time) and 44.80 m speed time, respectively. Four predictive equations were derived from multiple regression analyses: 1) slowest repeat skate time = 2.362 + (1.68 x 40-yd dash time) + (0.005 x 1.5 mile run), 2) fastest repeat skate time = 9.762 - (0.089 x VJ) - (0.998 x 40-yd dash time), 3) average repeat skate time = 7.770 + (1.041 x 40-yd dash time) - (0.63 x VJ) + (0.003 x 1.5 mile time), and 4) 47.85 m speed test = 7.707 - (0.050 x VJ) - (0.01 x % drop). It was concluded that selected off-ice tests could be used to predict on-ice performance regarding speed and recovery ability in Division III male and female hockey players. Key pointsThe 40-yd dash (36.58m) and vertical jump tests are significant predictors of on-ice skating performance specific to speed.In addition to 40-yd dash and vertical jump, the 1.5 mile (2.4km) run for time and percent power drop from the Wingate anaerobic power test were also significant predictors of skating performance that incorporates the aspect of recovery from skating activity.Due to the specificity of selected off-ice variables as predictors of on-ice performance, coaches can

  5. Ice Hockey Lung – A Case of Mass Nitrogen Dioxide Poisoning in The Czech Republic

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    Kristian Brat


    Full Text Available Nitrogen dioxide (NO2 is a toxic gas, a product of combustion in malfunctioning ice-resurfacing machines. NO2 poisoning is rare but potentially lethal. The authors report a case of mass NO2 poisoning involving 15 amateur ice hockey players in the Czech Republic. All players were treated in the Department of Respiratory Diseases at Brno University Hospital in November 2010 – three as inpatients because they developed pneumonitis. All patients were followed-up until November 2011. Complete recovery in all but one patient was achieved by December 2010. None of the 15 patients developed asthma-like disease or chronic cough. Corticosteroids appeared to be useful in treatment. Electric-powered ice-resurfacing machines are preferable in indoor ice skating arenas.


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    Jadeera Phaik Geok Cheong


    Full Text Available To overcome the weakness of the contextual interference (CI effect within applied settings, Brady, 2008 recommended that the amount of interference be manipulated. This study investigated the effect of five practice schedules on the learning of three field hockey skills. Fifty-five pre-university students performed a total of 90 trials for each skill under blocked, mixed or random practice orders. Results showed a significant time effect with all five practice conditions leading to improvements in acquisition and learning of the skills. No significant differences were found between the groups. The findings of the present study did not support the CI effect and suggest that either blocked, mixed, or random practice schedules can be used effectively when structuring practice for beginners

  7. The Effect of the "Zero Tolerance for Head Contact" Rule Change on the Risk of Concussions in Youth Ice Hockey Players. (United States)

    Krolikowski, Maciej P; Black, Amanda M; Palacios-Derflingher, Luz; Blake, Tracy A; Schneider, Kathryn J; Emery, Carolyn A


    Ice hockey is a popular winter sport in Canada. Concussions account for the greatest proportion of all injuries in youth ice hockey. In 2011, a policy change enforcing "zero tolerance for head contact" was implemented in all leagues in Canada. To determine if the risk of game-related concussions and more severe concussions (ie, resulting in >10 days of time loss) and the mechanisms of a concussion differed for Pee Wee class (ages 11-12 years) and Bantam class (ages 13-14 years) players after the 2011 "zero tolerance for head contact" policy change compared with players in similar divisions before the policy change. Cohort study; Level of evidence, 3. The retrospective cohort included Pee Wee (most elite 70%, 2007-2008; n = 891) and Bantam (most elite 30%, 2008-2009; n = 378) players before the rule change and Pee Wee (2011-2012; n = 588) and Bantam (2011-2012; n = 242) players in the same levels of play after the policy change. Suspected concussions were identified by a team designate and referred to a sport medicine physician for diagnosis. Incidence rate ratios (IRRs) were estimated based on multiple Poisson regression analysis, controlling for clustering by team and other important covariates and offset by game-exposure hours. Incidence rates based on the mechanisms of a concussion were estimated based on univariate Poisson regression analysis. The risk of game-related concussions increased after the head contact rule in Pee Wee (IRR, 1.85; 95% CI, 1.20-2.86) and Bantam (IRR, 2.48; 95% CI, 1.17-5.24) players. The risk of more severe concussions increased after the head contact rule in Pee Wee (IRR, 4.12; 95% CI, 2.00-8.50) and Bantam (IRR, 7.91; 95% CI, 3.13-19.94) players. The rates of concussions due to body checking and direct head contact increased after the rule change. The "zero tolerance for head contact" policy change did not reduce the risk of game-related concussions in Pee Wee or Bantam class ice hockey players. Increased concussion awareness and

  8. Cardiovascular prevention in a high risk sport, ice hockey: applications in wider sports physical therapy practice. (United States)

    Hopkins-Rosseel, Diana H


    Although acute myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death are relatively rare occurrences in athletics, cardiovascular accidents do occur. This manuscript presents information on the cardiovascular risks in athletics. In addition, information is provided on screening for cardiovascular risk - including history taking, chart review, physical examination - and the appropriate guidelines on the treatment of athletes found to be at risk. For the purpose of this article, the sport of ice hockey is used to illustrate the subject matter and highlight the behaviors in sport that carry cardiovascular risk. Physical therapists have ethical and legal responsibility to undertake the necessary screening procedures to recognize and respond to any signs of cardiovascular risk in their clients.

  9. Updating the Skating Multistage Aerobic Test and Correction for V[Combining Dot Above]O2max Prediction Using a New Skating Economy Index in Elite Youth Ice Hockey Players. (United States)

    Allisse, Maxime; Bui, Hung Tien; Léger, Luc; Comtois, Alain-Steve; Leone, Mario


    Allisse, M, Bui, HT, Léger, L, Comtois, A-S, and Leone, M. Updating the skating multistage aerobic test and correction for V[Combining Dot Above]O2max prediction using a new skating economy index in elite youth ice hockey players. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2018-A number of field tests, including the skating multistage aerobic test (SMAT), have been developed to predict V[Combining Dot Above]O2max in ice hockey players. The SMAT, like most field tests, assumes that participants who reach a given stage have the same oxygen uptake, which is not usually true. Thus, the objectives of this research are to update the V[Combining Dot Above]O2 values during the SMAT using a portable breath-by-breath metabolic analyzer and to propose a simple index of skating economy to improve the prediction of oxygen uptake. Twenty-six elite hockey players (age 15.8 ± 1.3 years) participated in this study. The oxygen uptake was assessed using a portable metabolic analyzer (K4b) during an on-ice maximal shuttle skate test. To develop an index of skating economy called the skating stride index (SSI), the number of skating strides was compiled for each stage of the test. The SMAT enabled the prediction of the V[Combining Dot Above]O2max (ml·kg·min) from the maximal velocity (m·s) and the SSI (skating strides·kg) using the following regression equation: V[Combining Dot Above]O2max = (14.94 × maximal velocity) + (3.68 × SSI) - 24.98 (r = 0.95, SEE = 1.92). This research allowed for the update of the oxygen uptake values of the SMAT and proposed a simple measure of skating efficiency for a more accurate evaluation of V[Combining Dot Above]O2max in elite youth hockey players. By comparing the highest and lowest observed SSI scores in our sample, it was noted that the V[Combining Dot Above]O2 values can vary by up to 5 ml·kg·min. Our results suggest that skating economy should be included in the prediction of V[Combining Dot Above]O2max to improve prediction accuracy.

  10. Three-dimensional kinematics of the lower limbs during forward ice hockey skating. (United States)

    Upjohn, Tegan; Turcotte, René; Pearsall, David J; Loh, Jonathan


    The objectives of the study were to describe lower limb kinematics in three dimensions during the forward skating stride in hockey players and to contrast skating techniques between low- and high-calibre skaters. Participant motions were recorded with four synchronized digital video cameras while wearing reflective marker triads on the thighs, shanks, and skates. Participants skated on a specialized treadmill with a polyethylene slat bed at a self-selected speed for 1 min. Each participant completed three 1-min skating trials separated by 5 min of rest. Joint and limb segment angles were calculated within the local (anatomical) and global reference planes. Similar gross movement patterns and stride rates were observed; however, high-calibre participants showed a greater range and rate of joint motion in both the sagittal and frontal planes, contributing to greater stride length for high-calibre players. Furthermore, consequent postural differences led to greater lateral excursion during the power stroke in high-calibre skaters. In conclusion, specific kinematic differences in both joint and limb segment angle movement patterns were observed between low- and high-calibre skaters.

  11. Physical fitness and performance of polish ice-hockey players competing at different sports levels

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    Roczniok Robert


    Full Text Available The study aimed to determine the values of selected aerobic and anaerobic capacity variables, physical profiles, and to analyze the results of on-ice tests performed by ice-hockey players relegated to a lower league. Performance of 24 ice-hockey players competing in the top league in the 2012/2013 season was analysed to this end. In the 2013/2014 season, 14 of them still played in the top league (the control group, while 10 played in the first league (the experimental group. The study was conducted one week after the end of the playoffs in the seasons under consideration. The results revealed that only in the experimental group the analysed variables changed significantly between the seasons. In the Wingate test, significant changes were only noted in mean relative power (a decrease from 9.91 to 9.14 W/kg; p=0.045 and relative total work (a decrease from 299.17 to 277.22 J/kg; p=0.048. The ramp test indicated significantly lower power output in its final stages (364 compared with 384 W; p=0.034, as well as a significant decrease in relative VO2max (from 52.70 to 48.30 ml/min/kg. Blood lactate concentrations were recorded at the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th min of recovery after the ramp test. The rate of post-exercise recovery, ∆LA, recorded after the ramp test turned out to be significantly lower. The times recorded in the on-ice “6x30 m stop” test increased from 32.18 to 33.10 s (p=0.047. The study showed that playing in a lower league where games were less intensive, training sessions shorter and less frequent, had an adverse effect on the performance level of the investigated players. Lower VO2max recorded in the study participants slowed down their rates of post-exercise recovery and led to a significantly worse performance in the 6x30 m stop test, as well as lower relative power and relative total work in the Wingate test.

  12. Laboratory- and field-based testing as predictors of skating performance in competitive-level female ice hockey. (United States)

    Henriksson, Tommy; Vescovi, Jason D; Fjellman-Wiklund, Anncristine; Gilenstam, Kajsa


    The purpose of this study was to examine whether field-based and/or laboratory-based assessments are valid tools for predicting key performance characteristics of skating in competitive-level female hockey players. Cross-sectional study. Twenty-three female ice hockey players aged 15-25 years (body mass: 66.1±6.3 kg; height: 169.5±5.5 cm), with 10.6±3.2 years playing experience volunteered to participate in the study. The field-based assessments included 20 m sprint, squat jump, countermovement jump, 30-second repeated jump test, standing long jump, single-leg standing long jump, 20 m shuttle run test, isometric leg pull, one-repetition maximum bench press, and one-repetition maximum squats. The laboratory-based assessments included body composition (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry), maximal aerobic power, and isokinetic strength (Biodex). The on-ice tests included agility cornering s-turn, cone agility skate, transition agility skate, and modified repeat skate sprint. Data were analyzed using stepwise multivariate linear regression analysis. Linear regression analysis was used to establish the relationship between key performance characteristics of skating and the predictor variables. Regression models (adj R (2)) for the on-ice variables ranged from 0.244 to 0.663 for the field-based assessments and from 0.136 to 0.420 for the laboratory-based assessments. Single-leg tests were the strongest predictors for key performance characteristics of skating. Single leg standing long jump alone explained 57.1%, 38.1%, and 29.1% of the variance in skating time during transition agility skate, agility cornering s-turn, and modified repeat skate sprint, respectively. Isokinetic peak torque in the quadriceps at 90° explained 42.0% and 32.2% of the variance in skating time during agility cornering s-turn and modified repeat skate sprint, respectively. Field-based assessments, particularly single-leg tests, are an adequate substitute to more expensive and time

  13. A Change in Team Culture Towards an Autonomy Supportive Working Environment - A Case Study of the Finnish Women’s National Ice Hockey Team


    Andler, Martin


    This study presents how the change in team culture has impacted the Finnish Women’s National Ice Hockey Team. The structure of the study is based on the self-determination theory, autonomy supportive coaching and change in team culture. The sub chapters’ focus on motivation, the coaches' and athletes' role within the autonomy supportive team working environment, autonomous goal setting and transformational leadership. The subchapter for cultural change is focused on the complex on-going proce...

  14. Effectiveness of competitive activity of high class hockey players accounting a level of their self-esteem

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    Mikhnov A.P.


    Full Text Available Purpose : study the effect of increasing the level of self-esteem on the efficiency of competitive activity of high class players. Material : the study involved sixteen athletes (Atlanta, Moscow region. - Continental Hockey League. Results : it was found that the application of special training self-esteem increases the level of implementation of technical and tactical action games. Number of goals increased by 8.92%, assists - 21.5%, the total number of shots on goal - to 20.02%. Conclusions : it is recommended specialized program correction level of self-esteem from 10 separate studies. Classes have different target setting: habit forming positive attitudes towards themselves, develop skills of active life position, securing high self-esteem. The program is used for two weeks in the preparatory period of training.

  15. Why do sleeping nematodes adopt a hockey-stick-like posture?

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    Nora Tramm

    Full Text Available A characteristic posture is considered one of the behavioral hallmarks of sleep, and typically includes functional features such as support for the limbs and shielding of sensory organs. The nematode C. elegans exhibits a sleep-like state during a stage termed lethargus, which precedes ecdysis at the transition between larval stages. A hockey-stick-like posture is commonly observed during lethargus. What might its function be? It was previously noted that during lethargus, C. elegans nematodes abruptly rotate about their longitudinal axis. Plausibly, these "flips" facilitate ecdysis by assisting the disassociation of the old cuticle from the new one. We found that body-posture during lethargus was established using a stereotypical motor program and that body bends during lethargus quiescence were actively maintained. Moreover, flips occurred almost exclusively when the animals exhibited a single body bend, preferentially in the anterior or mid section of the body. We describe a simple biomechanical model that imposes the observed lengths of the longitudinally directed body-wall muscles on an otherwise passive elastic rod. We show that this minimal model is sufficient for generating a rotation about the anterior-posterior body axis. Our analysis suggests that posture during lethargus quiescence may serve a developmental role in facilitating flips and that the control of body wall muscles in anterior and posterior body regions are distinct.

  16. [The relevance of core muscles in ice hockey players: a feasibility study]. (United States)

    Rogan, S; Blasimann, A; Nyffenegger, D; Zimmerli, N; Radlinger, L


    Good core strength is seen as a condition for high performance in sports. In general, especially maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) and strength endurance (SE) measurements of the core muscles are used. In addition, a few studies can be found that examine the core muscles in terms of MVC, rate of force development (RFD) and SE. Primary aims of this feasibility study were to investigate the feasibility regarding recruiting process, compliance and safety of the testing conditions and raise the force capabilities MVC, RFD and SE of the core muscles in amateur ice hockey players. Secondarily, tendencies of correlations between muscle activity and either shot speed and sprint time shall be examined. In this feasibility study the recruitment process has been approved by 29 ice hockey players, their adherence to the study measurements of trunk muscles, and safety of the measurements was evaluated. To determine the MVC, RFD and SE for the ventral, lateral and dorsal core muscles a dynamic force measurement was performed. To determine the correlation between core muscles and shot speed and 40-m sprint, respectively, the rank correlation coefficient (rho) from Spearman was used. The recruited number of eight field players and one goal-keeper was not very high. The compliance with 100 % was excellent. The players reported no adverse symptoms or injuries after the measurements. The results show median values for the ventral core muscles for MVC with 46.5 kg for RFD with 2.23 m/s2 and 96 s for the SE. For lateral core muscle median values of the lateral core muscles for MVC with 71.10 kg, RFD with 2.59 m/s2 and for SE over 66 s were determined. The dorsal core muscles shows values for MVC 69.7 kg, for RFD 3.39 m/s2 and for SE of 75 s. High correlations between MVC of the ventral core muscles (rho = -0.721, p = 0.021), and between the SE of the ventral core muscles (rho = 0.787, p = 0.012), and the shot velocity rate were determined. Another

  17. Effect of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate on Mortality, Hatching Rate of Eggs and Abnormality of Catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus Sauvage Larvae

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    E. Supriyono


    Full Text Available Linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS surfactant in the water can affecting fish in all developmental stages.  This study was aimed to observe the effect of LAS on mortality, hatching rate of eggs, and abnormality of patin catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus Sauvage larvae.   Fertilized eggs were incubated in water containing LAS at the dosages of 0.0, 0.5, 1.5, 3.0, 9.0, and 18.0 mg/L.  Eggs mortality was observed every 6 hours until larvae hatched (24 hours.  The results of study showed that the exposure of 18.0 mg LAS per liter water could put to death all the fertilized eggs and larvae be abnormal.  The exposure of LAS at concentration of 9.0 mg/L could kill 98% of eggs and hatching rate was only 2%.  The abnormality in larvae was bending in the body and tails. Keywords: patin catfish, Pangasius, Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate, LAS, abnormality   ABSTRAK Surfaktan Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate (LAS yang masuk ke dalam perairan sangat berpengaruh terhadap ikan dari stadia awal hidup ikan sampai dewasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh LAS terhadap mortalitas, daya tetas telur dan abnormalitas larva ikan patin (Pangasius hypophthalmus Sauvage.  Telur ikan patin yang telah dibuahi di rendam dalam air yang mengandung LAS dengan konsentrasi 0,0; 0,5; 1,5; 3,0; 9,0 dan 18,0 mg/L.  Mortalitas telur dicatat setiap 6 jam sampai menetas (24 jam.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi LAS sebesar 18,0 mg/L dapat mengakibatkan mortalitas telur dan abnormalitas pada larva secara total.  Konsentrasi LAS sebesar 9,0 mg/L dapat mematikan telur hingga 98% dan hanya menghasilkan daya tetas sebanyak 2%. Abnormalitas pada larva berupa pembengkokan pada tubuh dan ekor. Kata kunci: ikan patin, Pangasius, Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate, LAS dan abnormalitas

  18. Laboratory- and field-based testing as predictors of skating performance in competitive-level female ice hockey

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    Henriksson T


    Full Text Available Tommy Henriksson,1,2 Jason D Vescovi,3 Anncristine Fjellman-Wiklund,4 Kajsa Gilenstam1 1Sport Medicine Unit, Department of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2The National Graduate School of Gender Studies, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden; 3Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 4Physiotherapy Unit, Department of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine whether field-based and/or laboratory-based assessments are valid tools for predicting key performance characteristics of skating in competitive-level female hockey players.Design: Cross-sectional study.Methods: Twenty-three female ice hockey players aged 15–25 years (body mass: 66.1±6.3 kg; height: 169.5±5.5 cm, with 10.6±3.2 years playing experience volunteered to participate in the study. The field-based assessments included 20 m sprint, squat jump, countermovement jump, 30-second repeated jump test, standing long jump, single-leg standing long jump, 20 m shuttle run test, isometric leg pull, one-repetition maximum bench press, and one-repetition maximum squats. The laboratory-based assessments included body composition (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, maximal aerobic power, and isokinetic strength (Biodex. The on-ice tests included agility cornering s-turn, cone agility skate, transition agility skate, and modified repeat skate sprint. Data were analyzed using stepwise multivariate linear regression analysis. Linear regression analysis was used to establish the relationship between key performance characteristics of skating and the predictor variables.Results: Regression models (adj R2 for the on-ice variables ranged from 0.244 to 0.663 for the field-based assessments and from 0.136 to 0.420 for the laboratory-based assessments. Single-leg tests were the strongest predictors for key performance characteristics of skating. Single leg standing

  19. Hip abduction-adduction strength and one-leg hop tests: test-retest reliability and relationship to function in elite ice hockey players. (United States)

    Kea, J; Kramer, J; Forwell, L; Birmingham, T


    Single group, test-retest. To determine: (1) hip abduction and adduction torques during concentric and eccentric muscle actions, (2) medial and lateral one-leg hop distances, (3) the test-retest reliability of these measurements, and (4) the relationship between isokinetic measures of hip muscle strength and hop distances in elite ice hockey players. The skating motion used in ice hockey requires strong contractions of the hip and knee musculature. However, baseline scores for hip strength and hop distances, their test-retest reliability, and measures of the extent to which these tests are related for this population are not available. The dominant leg of 27 men (mean age 20 +/- 3 yrs) was tested on 2 occasions. Hip abduction and adduction movements were completed at 60 degrees.s(-1) angular velocity, with the subject lying on the non-test side and the test leg moving vertically in the subject's coronal plane. One-leg hops requiring jumping from and landing on the same leg without losing balance were completed in the medial and lateral directions. Hip adduction torques were significantly greater than abduction torques during both concentric and eccentric muscle actions, while no significant difference was observed between medial and lateral hop distances. Although hop test scores produced excellent ICCs (> 0.75) when determined using scores on 1 occasion, torques needed to be averaged over 2 test occasions to reach this level. Correlations between the strength and hop tests ranged from slight to low (r = -0.26 to 0.27) and were characterized by wide 95% confidence intervals (-0.54 to 0.61). Isokinetic tests of hip abduction and adduction did not provide a strong indication of performance during sideways hop tests. Although isokinetic tests can provide a measure of muscular strength under specific test conditions, they should not be relied upon as a primary indicator of functional abilities or readiness to return to activity.

  20. Las prácticas de enseñanza del deporte: del alto rendimiento a la formación, el camino inverso; categorías de análisis.


    Corbellini, Cecilia; Villa, María Eugenia


    Este trabajo presenta una aproximación a las categorías teóricas desarrolladas en la última etapa del trabajo de investigación Las prácticas de enseñanza del deporte: del alto rendimiento a la formación, el camino inverso. En esta etapa se analizaron 18 entrevistas a entrenadores destacados en distintos deportes (hockey sobre césped, fútbol, básquetbol, natación, atletismo, rugby, tenis, hándbol, tae kwon do y yudo) y se triangularon los datos con el análisis de más de 30 textos sobre la e...

  1. Educational strategies used in increasing fluid intake and enhancing hydration status in field hockey players preparing for competition in a hot and humid environment: a case study. (United States)

    Dabinett, J A; Reid, K; James, N


    The purpose of the present study was to develop a hydration strategy for use by female English field hockey players at the 1998 Commonwealth Games in Malaysia. An additional aim was to initiate the process of acclimation. Fifteen elite players, mean age (+/-SEM) 24.1 +/- 1.19 years, height 1.67 +/- 0.01 m, and body mass 62.8 +/- 1.76 kg, took part in a 5-day training camp immediately prior to departure for the Games. In order to develop the hydration strategy, training took place under similar environmental conditions to those to be experienced in Malaysia (i.e., 32 degrees C, 80% humidity). Acclimation training consisted of 30-50 min of either continuous, low intensity cycling or high intensity intermittent cycling, which more closely replicated the pattern of activity in field hockey. Body mass measures taken each morning, and pre and post training, together with urine color measures, were used to assess hydration status. Pre-loading with up to 1 L of a 3% carbohydrate-electrolyte solution or water immediately prior to acclimation training, as well as regular drinks throughout, ensured that players avoided significant dehydration, with percent body mass changes ranging from -0.34% to +4.24% post training. Furthermore, the protocol used was sufficient to initiate the process of acclimation as demonstrated by a significant reduction in exercising heart rate and core temperature at all time points by days 4 and 5. In conclusion, although labor intensive and time consuming, the camp was successful in developing a hydration strategy that players were able to utilize once at the Games.

  2. Does fair play reduce concussions? A prospective, comparative analysis of competitive youth hockey tournaments. (United States)

    Smith, Aynsley M; Gaz, Daniel V; Larson, Dirk; Jorgensen, Janelle K; Eickhoff, Chad; Krause, David A; Fenske, Brooke M; Aney, Katie; Hansen, Ashley A; Nanos, Stephanie M; Stuart, Michael J


    To determine if Boys Bantam and Peewee and Girls U14 sustain fewer concussions, head hits, 'other injuries' and penalties in hockey tournaments governed by intensified fair play (IFP) than non-intensified fair play (NIFP). A prospective comparison of IFP, a behaviour modification programme that promotes sportsmanship, versus control (non-intensified, NIFP) effects on numbers of diagnosed concussions, head hits without diagnosed concussion (HHWDC), 'other injuries', number of penalties and fair play points (FPPs). 1514 players, ages 11-14 years, in 6 IFP (N=950) and 5 NIFP (N=564) tournaments were studied. Two diagnosed concussions, four HHWDC, and six 'other injuries' occurred in IFP tournaments compared to one concussion, eight HHWDC and five 'other injuries' in NIFP. There were significantly fewer HHWDC in IFP than NIFP (p=0.018). However, diagnosed concussions, 'other injuries', penalties and FPPs did not differ significantly between conditions. In IFP, a minority of teams forfeited the majority of FPPs. Most diagnosed concussions, HHWDC, and other injuries occurred to Bantam B players and usually in penalised teams that forfeited their FPPs. In response to significant differences in HHWDC between IFP and NIFP tournaments, the following considerations are encouraged: mandatory implementation of fair play in regular season and tournaments, empowering tournament directors to not accept heavily penalised teams, and introducing 'no body checking' in Bantam.

  3. The modified inverse hockey stick technique for adjuvant irradiation after mastectomy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kukolowicz, P.; Selerski, B.; Kuszewski, T.; Wieczorek, A.


    To present the technique of irradiation of post-mastectomy patients used in the Holycross Cancer Centre in Kielce.The paper presents a detailed description of the technique which is referred to as the 'modified inverse hockey stick technique (MIHS)'. The dosimetric characteristic of dose distribution for the MIHS technique is presented basing on dose distributions calculated for 40 patients. The measurements used to evaluate dose distribution included standard deviation of the dose in the Planning Target Volume (PTV) and the percentage of the PTV volume receiving a dose larger than 110% and smaller than 90%; the lung volume received at least 20 Gy (LV20) and the heart volume received at least 30 Gy (HV30). The distribution of the electron beam energy is also presented. The standard deviation of the dose in the PTV was approx. 10% in a majority of patients. About 12% of the PTV volume received a dose more than 10% smaller than intended and about 10% of the PTV volume received a dose more than 10% greater than intended. For patients irradiated on the left side of the chest wall the LV20 was always lesser than 25% and for patients irradiated on the right side of the chest wall - always less than 35%, except for one patient, in whom it reached 37%. The HV30 was always below 8%. The MIHS technique is a safe and reliable modality. The main advantages of the technique include very convenient and easily repeated positioning of the patient and small doses applied to the organs at risk. The individually calculated bolus plays an important role in diminishing the dose to the lung and heart. The disadvantages of the technique include poor dose homogeneity within the PTV and long matching lines of the electron and photon beams. (author)

  4. Apuntes sobre esporotricosis


    Londoño, Fabio


    Se hace una breve reseña histórica de las primeras comunicaciones sobre esporotricosis. Se destaca la amplia difusión de la enfermedad en nuestro país. 3. Se hace notar la no existencia de datos bibliográficos sobre formas extracutáneas. 4. Se llama la atención sobre la eficaz ayuda de la intradermo-reacción con esporotriquina en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. 5- Se comunica un caso de esporotricosis verrugosa tratado con anfotericin B, con excelentes resultados

  5. Apuntes sobre esporotricosis

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    Fabio Londoño


    Full Text Available Se hace una breve reseña histórica de las primeras comunicaciones sobre esporotricosis. Se destaca la amplia difusión de la enfermedad en nuestro país. 3. Se hace notar la no existencia de datos bibliográficos sobre formas extracutáneas. 4. Se llama la atención sobre la eficaz ayuda de la intradermo-reacción con esporotriquina en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. 5- Se comunica un caso de esporotricosis verrugosa tratado con anfotericin B, con excelentes resultados

  6. Feeding for larvae of catfish Pangasionodon sp. larvae in different ages

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    Muhammad Agus Suprayudi


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Sludge worm (Tubifex sp. as natural feed on catfish (Pangasionodon sp. larvae rearing is available in limited amount especially during rainy season. It becomes a constraint factor for larvae rearing sector. This research was conducted to evaluate the appropriate initial age of catfish larvae to get artificial feed as sludge worm replacement. Evaluation was conducted on the growth and survival of catfish larvae in 14 days of culture. There were four treatments of feeding in triplicates i.e. larvae were given natural feed without artificial feed, given artificial feed started from d3, d6, and d9 with three replications. The results showed that larvae fed on artificial feed on d3 had the lowest growth compared to the other treatments, whereas the survival was not significantly different (P>0.05 among the treatments. As a conclusion, artificial feed could be used to replace natural feed for catfish larvae started at the age of nine days. Keywords: sludge worm, catfish larvae, artificial feed  ABSTRAK Cacing sutra (Tubifex sp. tersedia dalam jumlah terbatas terutama pada musim penghujan sebagai pakan alami dalam usaha pembenihan ikan patin (Pangasionodon sp.. Ini menjadi kendala dalam usaha pembenihan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi umur larva ikan patin yang tepat untuk mulai diberi pakan buatan menggantikan cacing sutra. Evaluasi dilakukan pada pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup larva ikan patin umur 14 hari. Selama pemeliharaan, larva diberi pakan dengan empat perlakuan; pemberian pakan alami tanpa pakan buatan, pemberian pakan buatan mulai d3, d6, dan d9 dengan tiga ulangan untuk masing-masing perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan pemberian pakan buatan mulai d3 memiliki pertumbuhan panjang yang terkecil dibandingkan perlakuan lain, sedangkan tingkat kelangsungan hidup larva tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05 antarperlakuan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pakan buatan dapat digunakan

  7. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and Volkmann's Contracture in a Field Hockey Player

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    Morgan Sawyer


    Full Text Available Background: A 19-year-old female field hockey player presents with bilateral upper trapezius and rhomboid tightness and spasm beginning in January of 2016. She has no previous history of upper back pain or injury. The student first reported the injury immediately after running sprints. She stated that she could not move or feel her fingers or hands. She presents with a visible hump on her left upper trapezius. She also has forward-rounded shoulders. She has regular and equal radial pulses. She has decreased sensation upon palpation of her fingers, hands and forearms. After extraneous exercise, the athlete’s hands, wrists and forearms go into contracture and flexion and she is unable to move from this position until manual extension is applied, or 10 or more minutes of rest occurs. She is TTP over her upper trapezius musculature. She had a positive Military Brace test. Differential Diagnosis: Based on evaluation, the athlete could simply just have upper trapezius musculature spasms. The diagnosis could also be shoulder impingement syndrome, due to the neurological signs and symptoms. Compartment syndrome could produce similar s/s that the athlete experiences, as well. Treatment: X-rays show no bony abnormalities and no extra ribs. The athlete’s injury has been treated with ice post-practice, heat pre-practice and upper body stretching exercises. Three days a week the athlete works on postural exercises that strengthen her back musculature. The athlete also receives combination therapy over her upper trapezius trigger points, along with massage and Hawkgrip technique over the same areas. Uniqueness: The uniqueness in this case is that the athlete has both TOS and Volkmann’s contracture. Volkmann’s contractures typically occur in pediatrics, which is another reason why this particular case is unique. Conclusion: This case allows other clinicians to understand the causes of TOS and the secondary s/s that TOS can potentially cause.

  8. Time course and dimensions of postural control changes following neuromuscular training in youth field hockey athletes. (United States)

    Zech, Astrid; Klahn, Philipp; Hoeft, Jon; zu Eulenburg, Christine; Steib, Simon


    Injury prevention effects of neuromuscular training have been partly attributed to postural control adaptations. Uncertainty exists regarding the magnitude of these adaptations and on how they can be adequately monitored. The objective was to determine the time course of neuromuscular training effects on functional, dynamic and static balance measures. Thirty youth (14.9 ± 3 years) field hockey athletes were randomised to an intervention or control group. The intervention included a 20-min neuromuscular warm-up program performed twice weekly for 10 weeks. Balance assessments were performed at baseline, week three, week six and post-intervention. They included the star excursion balance test (SEBT), balance error scoring system (BESS), jump-landing time to stabilization (TTS) and center of pressure (COP) sway velocity during single-leg standing. No baseline differences were found between groups in demographic data and balance measures. Adherence was at 86%. All balance measures except the medial-lateral TTS improved significantly over time (p controls (31.8 ± 22.1%). There were no significant group by time interactions in the SEBT, TTS and COP sway velocity. Neuromuscular training was effective in improving postural control in youth team athletes. However, this effect was not reflected in all balance measures suggesting that the neuromuscular training did not influence all dimensions of postural control. Further studies are needed to confirm the potential of specific warm-up programs to improve postural control.

  9. Digital signage sobre IP


    Casademont Filella, Albert


    Projecte que versa sobre el disseny i la implementació d'un sistema de Digital Signage (Cartelleria Digital) sobre IP, creant un gestor que permeti controlar de forma remota tot un conjunt de petits dispositius connectats a pantalles que emeten continguts multimèdia com vídeos, imatges, feeds rss...

  10. Muscle oxygen changes following Sprint Interval Cycling training in elite field hockey players.

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    Ben Jones

    Full Text Available This study examined the effects of Sprint Interval Cycling (SIT on muscle oxygenation kinetics and performance during the 30-15 intermittent fitness test (IFT. Twenty-five women hockey players of Olympic standard were randomly selected into an experimental group (EXP and a control group (CON. The EXP group performed six additional SIT sessions over six weeks in addition to their normal training program. To explore the potential training-induced change, EXP subjects additionally completed 5 x 30s maximal intensity cycle testing before and after training. During these tests near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS measured parameters; oxyhaemoglobin + oxymyoglobin (HbO2+ MbO2, tissue deoxyhaemoglobin + deoxymyoglobin (HHb+HMb, total tissue haemoglobin (tHb and tissue oxygenation (TSI % were taken. In the EXP group (5.34 ± 0.14 to 5.50 ± 0.14 m.s(-1 but not the CON group (pre = 5.37 ± 0.27 to 5.39 ± 0.30 m.s(-1 significant changes were seen in the 30-15 IFT performance. EXP group also displayed significant post-training increases during the sprint cycling: ΔTSI (-7.59 ± 0.91 to -12.16 ± 2.70%; ΔHHb+HMb (35.68 ± 6.67 to 69.44 ± 26.48 μ; and ΔHbO2+ MbO2 (-74.29 ± 13.82 to -109.36 ± 22.61 μ No significant differences were seen in ΔtHb (-45.81 ± 15.23 to -42.93 ± 16.24. NIRS is able to detect positive peripheral muscle oxygenation changes when used during a SIT protocol which has been shown to be an effective training modality within elite athletes.

  11. “La deportista moderna”: género, clase y consumo en el fútbol, running y hockey argentinos

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    Gabriela Garton


    Full Text Available The advances achieved by the feminist movement since the 1970s have also been reflected in athletics, evidenced by the exponential growth in the participation of women. This change has produced new ideals of the female body –one that is strong, athletic, independent, and at the same time sexually attractive– which have been constructed by Western society and fostered by its mercantilist logic through advertising, social networks and certain messages about caring for your body and leading a “healthy lifestyle” chosen by brands which exploit these ideals. We analyze the image of women in three sports where women have reached unprecedented levels of participation and visibility: field hockey, soccer and running. Our study is based on ethnographic field work, along with the analysis of a series of advertisements, videos and pictures on social networks, where such women are portrayed, or self-represented, as models/examples of the new ideal of the female body. In this way, we hope to throw light on the ideals found in the sports women choose to practice and ask whether individual freedom and agency still exist in these activities. We also wonder if the hegemonic ideals of femininity continue to operate there or if the truth lies somewhere between the two alternatives.

  12. Inferencias sobre Grafos


    Sira M. Allende; Carlos N. Bouza


    El estudio de un juego puede ser modelado asumiendo que solo algunas partidas son observadas. Entonces el árbol del juego debe ser estimado utilizando información muestral. Similarmente ocurre al obtener información sobre el comportamiento de las decisiones tomadas por individuos muestreados sobre un árbol de decisión teórico. Al considerar una medida de probabilidad que caracterice el comportamiento de redes aleatorias se puede obtener un estimado del árbol asociado. Este problema es el anal...

  13. Evaluación fisiológica y cognitiva del proceso de estrés-recuperación en la preparación pre-olímpica de deportistas de elite


    Julio César Cervantes; Dani Florit; Eva Parrado; Gil Rodas; Lluís Capdevila


    El presente trabajo tiene el objetivo de obtener indicadores del proceso de estrés-recuperación basados en los cambios que provoca el entrenamiento intenso en la relación entre la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca (VFC) y variables cognitivas. Para ello, se evaluó el estado de ánimo, los signos tempranos relacionados al síndrome de sobreentrenamiento y la VFC de los jugadores de la Selección Nacional Española de Hockey sobre Hierba. Los datos se recogieron durante el periodo de preparaci...

  14. Sobre software libre


    Matellán Olivera, Vicente; González Barahona, Jesús; Heras Quirós, Pedro de las; Robles Martínez, Gregorio


    220 p. "Sobre software libre" reune casi una treintena de ensayos sobre temas de candente actualidad relacionados con el software libre (del cual Linux es su ex- ponente más conocido). Los ensayos que el lector encontrará están divididos en bloques temáticos que van desde la propiedad intelectual o las cuestiones económicas y sociales de este modelo hasta su uso en la educación y las administraciones publicas, pasando por alguno que repasa la historia del software libre en l...

  15. Tributos sobre a folha ou sobre o faturamento? Efeitos quantitativos para o Brasil

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    Tiago V Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available Este artigo estuda os impactos alocativos e de bem-estar de uma reforma tributária que substitui os impostos sobre a folha de salários por outro que incide sobre a receita. Para isso, desenvolve-se um modelo neoclássico de crescimento econômico com impostos sobre a receita e sobre a folha de salários. As simulações com parâmetros da economia brasileira mostram que tal reforma tributária tem um efeito negativo no bem-estar, no estoque de capital de longo prazo e consequentemente no produto per capita de longo prazo. Contudo, o emprego aumenta.This paper studies the impacts of a tax reform which substitutes taxes on labor income by taxes on total revenue. In order to accomplish that, we construct and solve a general equilibrium neoclassical growth model with taxes on labor income and total revenue. The numerical simulations with Brazilian parameters show that such tax reforms would negatively affect welfare, the capital stock, and consequently per capita output. However, employment would increase. Such effects are quantitatively important.

  16. Investigación educativa reciente sobre México


    Núñez-DelaPeña, Francisco J.; Mejía-Arauz, Rebeca


    Se presenta una muestra de la investigación educativa sobre México: 22 disertaciones doctorales aceptadas en universidades norteamericanas entre 1982 y 1984. Dos estudios conciernen a la teoría del capital humano; cinco tratan diversos aspectos relacionados con la administración educativa; uno es sobre la televisión; otro sobre las habilidades fonéticas de los niños; uno más es sobre profesionalización de los médicos; cuatro tocan aspectos de política educativa; tres tratan sobre los maestros...

  17. Vývoj protokolu o pozorování dovedností pro sledge hokej - pilotní studie Development of a skills observation protocol for sledge ice hockey - pilot study

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    Yves Vanlandewijck


    Full Text Available V průběhu několika posledních let vzrostly možnosti jedinců s tělesným postiženým zapojit se do fyzických činností. Z tohoto důvodu je uznáván význam zvládnutí sportovních dovedností ještě před samotnou účastí v soutěžích. O stále oblíbenějším sledge hokeji bylo dosud provedeno málo výzkumů. Hlavní složkou výkonu je analýza dovedností. Vzhledem k její uznávané důležitosti a současnému nedostatku příslušných výzkumů na tomto poli jsme při této studii využili videozáznamů z paralympijského sledge hokejového turnaje z Turína v roce 2006, které nám poskytly možnost vytvořit protokol o pozorování s podrobnými kritérii toho, co utváří vyspělé profesionální sledge hokejové dovednosti. Proběhly konzultace s odborníky z tohoto odvětví a jejich zpětná vazba nám umožnila vytvořit tento nástroj. Po dokončení protokolu jsme provedli pilotní vyhodnocení, pro které byli hráči vybíráni na základě statistik z paralympijských her. Tito hráči byli poté pomocí našeho protokolu hodnoceni. Bylo prokázáno, že protokol dokáže úspěšně rozlišovat hráče vyšší a nižší úrovně. Over the past few years opportunities have been increasing for individuals with physical disabilities to become involved in physical activities; hence there is a recognition of the importance of mastering sport skills before participation. Currently there is little research that has been performed on the increasingly popular sport of sledge hockey. A major component of performance is skill analysis. Having recognised its importance and the current unavailability of relevant research in the area, this study used video recordings of the Torino 2006 Paralympic sledge ice hockey tournament to provide a setting in which to produce a skill observation protocol with detailed criteria of what constitutes a mature professional sledge ice hockey skill. Experts in the field were

  18. Análisis sobre la factibilidad de implementar un producto de derivados sobre gas natural en Colombia


    Dowd Aguirre, Jessica Alexandra; Tirado Naranjo, Lina María


    El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis sobre la factibilidad de implementar un producto de derivados sobre gas natural en Colombia dado el desarrollo del sector y la importancia de este hidrocarburo como fuente alternativa de generación eléctrica. 73 p. Contenido parcial: Situación actual del mercado de gas natural colombiano -- Expectativas del mercado de gas natural colombiano -- Mercados de derivados sobre gas natural en Europa y Estados Unidos -- Mercado de gas natural ...

  19. A simple video-based timing system for on-ice team testing in ice hockey: a technical report. (United States)

    Larson, David P; Noonan, Benjamin C


    The purpose of this study was to describe and evaluate a newly developed on-ice timing system for team evaluation in the sport of ice hockey. We hypothesized that this new, simple, inexpensive, timing system would prove to be highly accurate and reliable. Six adult subjects (age 30.4 ± 6.2 years) performed on ice tests of acceleration and conditioning. The performance times of the subjects were recorded using a handheld stopwatch, photocell, and high-speed (240 frames per second) video. These results were then compared to allow for accuracy calculations of the stopwatch and video as compared with filtered photocell timing that was used as the "gold standard." Accuracy was evaluated using maximal differences, typical error/coefficient of variation (CV), and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) between the timing methods. The reliability of the video method was evaluated using the same variables in a test-retest analysis both within and between evaluators. The video timing method proved to be both highly accurate (ICC: 0.96-0.99 and CV: 0.1-0.6% as compared with the photocell method) and reliable (ICC and CV within and between evaluators: 0.99 and 0.08%, respectively). This video-based timing method provides a very rapid means of collecting a high volume of very accurate and reliable on-ice measures of skating speed and conditioning, and can easily be adapted to other testing surfaces and parameters.

  20. Inferencias sobre Grafos

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    Sira M. Allende


    Full Text Available El estudio de un juego puede ser modelado asumiendo que solo algunas partidas son observadas. Entonces el árbol del juego debe ser estimado utilizando información muestral. Similarmente ocurre al obtener información sobre el comportamiento de las decisiones tomadas por individuos muestreados sobre un árbol de decisión teórico. Al considerar una medida de probabilidad que caracterice el comportamiento de redes aleatorias se puede obtener un estimado del árbol asociado. Este problema es el analizado en este trabajo. Algunos resultados experimentales obtenidos usando Recocido Simulado ilustran el procedimiento. Su papel en el estudio de modelos económicos y de mercadeo es discutido.

  1. Conocimientos sobre incontinencia urinaria en pacientes hospitalizados

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    Otto Guillen Lopez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de conocimientos sobre incontinencia urinaria (IU en pacientes hospitalizados. Material y métodos: Estudio transversal, descriptivo; se entrevistó una muestra por saturación de 325 pacientes hospitalizados de 30 años a más del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia (HNCH, Lima - Perú, utilizando un cuestionario de conocimientos sobre incontinencia, considerándose como adecuado conocimiento cuando había más de 50% de aciertos en él. Resultados: Solamente 35.7% tuvieron conocimiento adecuado sobre IU. Hasta 90% conocía acerca del éxito del tratamiento y posibilidad de curación de los pacientes incontinentes. Sin embargo, 75% consideraron erróneamente que la IU era consecuencia inevitable del envejecimiento, mientras menos de 50% de pacientes conocía el papel de ciertos medicamentos y ejercicios en la IU. Conclusiones: Se demostró un pobre conocimiento general sobre la IU, siendo necesaria una intervención de los profesionales de la salud en la educación de la población, sobre todo hospitalizada y con factores predisponentes para desarrollar IU, para así poder modificar las ideas erróneas que existen sobre el tema. (Rev Med Hered 2003; 14: 186-194.

  2. Four Weeks of Off-Season Training Improves Peak Oxygen Consumption in Female Field Hockey Players

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    Lindsey T. Funch


    Full Text Available The purpose of the study was to examine the changes in peak oxygen consumption ( V ˙O2peak and running economy (RE following four-weeks of high intensity training and concurrent strength and conditioning during the off-season in collegiate female field hockey players. Fourteen female student-athletes (age 19.29 ± 0.91 years were divided into two training groups, matched from baseline V ˙O2peak: High Intensity Training (HITrun; n = 8 and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT; n = 6. Participants completed 12 training sessions. HITrun consisted of 30 min of high-intensity running, while HIIT consisted of a series of whole-body high intensity Tabata-style intervals (75–85% of age predicted maximum heart rate for a total of four minutes. In addition to the interval training, the off-season training included six resistance training sessions, three team practices, and concluded with a team scrimmage. V ˙O2peak was measured pre- and post-training to determine the effectiveness of the training program. A two-way mixed (group × time ANOVA showed a main effect of time with a statistically significant difference in V ˙O2peak from pre- to post-testing, F(1, 12 = 12.657, p = 0.004, partial η2 = 0.041. Average (±SD V ˙O2peak increased from 44.64 ± 3.74 to 47.35 ± 3.16 mL·kg−1·min−1 for HIIT group and increased from 45.39 ± 2.80 to 48.22 ± 2.42 mL·kg−1·min−1 for HITrun group. Given the similar improvement in aerobic power, coaches and training staff may find the time saving element of HIIT-type conditioning programs attractive.

  3. The Effect of Teaching Games of Understanding as a Coaching Instruction had on Adjust, Cover and Heart Rate among Malaysian and Indian Junior Hockey Players. (United States)

    Nathan, Sanmuga


    The field hockey coaching process across both Malaysia and India favours a traditional, coach-centred approach of mastering technical skills in terms of game play parameters, fitness, intensity, and load training, whereas a tactical- and player-centred pedagogical approach still takes a backseat. On the other hand, the Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) model offers tactical-cognitive instruction and is gaining international recognition for its ability to produce intelligent players via a problem-solving approach in game play. Therefore, the purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to investigate the effect of TGfU compared to skill mastery instruction, termed as Skill Drill Technical (SDT), among Malaysian and Indian elite junior hockey players in term of the game play attributes of adjust and cover in 5 vs. 5 small-sided game play and game play intensity via heart rate (HR) at different points of game play. A total of n = 60 players with an average age of 15 ± 1.03 was selected via simple random sampling from both countries involved in this study and assigned equally to groups, with 15 per group for TGfU and for SDT across Malaysia and India. Gathered data were analysed using the ANOVA and ANCOVA techniques. Findings indicated that there were no significant differences for adjust in 5 vs. 5 game play between TGfU and SDT across Malaysia and India after the intervention. For cover, there was significant improvement for Malaysian players using the TGfU model compared to SDT. In contrast, there was no significant difference between these two models among the Indian players after the intervention. There was significant difference between these two models in terms of warm-up HR across the two countries, and HR was higher via TGfU. For HR immediately after the 5 vs. 5 game play intervention and HR after three minutes' recovery, Indian players with TGfU recorded a higher and significant difference compared to SDT. However, findings indicated no significant

  4. Mass carbon monoxide poisoning at an ice-hockey game: initial approach and long-term follow-up. (United States)

    Mortelmans, Luc J M; Populaire, Jacques; Desruelles, Didier; Sabbe, Marc B


    A mass carbon monoxide (CO) intoxication during an ice-hockey game is described. Two hundred and thirty-five patients were seen in different hospitals, 88 of them the same night at the nearby emergency department. To evaluate long-term implications and to identify relevant indicators, a follow-up study was organized 1 year after the incident. Apart from the file data from the emergency departments, a 1-year follow-up mailing was sent to all patients. One hundred and ninety-one patients returned their questionnaire (86%). The mean age of the patients was 28 years, with 61% men. The mean carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb) was 9.9%. COHb levels were significantly higher for individuals on the ice (referee, players and maintenance personnel). There was a significant relationship with the initial presence of dizziness, fatigue and the COHb level. Headache, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting were not significantly related to the COHb levels. The relationship between symptoms and CO level, however, should be interpreted with caution as there was a wide range between exposure and blood tests. 5.2% of patients had residual complaints, all including headache, with a significant higher incidence with high COHb levels. Only two patients had an abnormal neurological control (one slightly disturbed electroencephalography and one persistent encephalopathic complaint). Work incapacity was also significantly related to COHb levels. CO mass poisonings remain a risk in indoor sporting events. Although it causes an acute mass casualty incident, it is limited in time and delayed problems are scarce. Symptomatology is a poor tool for triage. The best prevention is the use of nonmineral energy sources such as for example electricity.


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    Sayuri P. Tamura M.


    Full Text Available «Disertación sobre equidad y justicia» es básicamente una respuesta a una inquietud en particular que yo tenía sobre las distintas posiciones que existen sobre estos dos temas y cómo definir cuál es la más acertada. Hice una descripción del punto de vista de Amartya Sen –la violación de los derechos sobre la propiedad privada es justificable si evitan las hambrunas2– frente al de Robert Nozick –la propiedad privada es un derecho fundamental y como tal debe ser respetado3–, sin embargo, aunque ambos enfoques son totalmente contrarios tienen mucho sentido, por lo cual es bastante difícil decidirse por uno en particular. Fue de esta forma, enfrentando sus opiniones, que yo logré desarrollar una posición frente a estas dos perspectivas, y así dar mi opinión al DISERTACIÓN SOBRE JUSTICIA Y EQUIDAD SAYURI P. TAMURA M. Estudiante de Economía y Negocios Internacionales de la Universidad ICESI. respecto. Al final, llegué a una conclusión, que aunque no es la más original y tampoco es la única, tiene mucho sentido y seguramente de ser posible, la situación del país podría cambiar para bien.

  6. Return to play after an initial or recurrent concussion in a prospective study of physician-observed junior ice hockey concussions: implications for return to play after a concussion. (United States)

    Echlin, Paul Sean; Tator, Charles H; Cusimano, Michael D; Cantu, Robert C; Taunton, Jack E; Upshur, Ross E G; Czarnota, Michael; Hall, Craig R; Johnson, Andrew M; Forwell, Lorie A; Driediger, Molly; Skopelja, Elaine N


    The authors investigated return-to-play duration for initial and recurrent concussion in the same season in 2 teams of junior (16-21-year-old) ice hockey players during a regular season. The authors conducted a prospective cohort study during 1 junior regular season (2009-2010) of 67 male fourth-tier ice hockey players (mean age 18.2 ± 1.2 years [SD], range 16-21 years) from 2 teams. Prior to the start of the season, every player underwent baseline assessments that were determined using the Sideline Concussion Assessment Tool 2 (SCAT2) and the Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Test (ImPACT). The study protocol also required players who entered the study during the season to complete a baseline SCAT2 and ImPACT. If the protocol was not followed, the postinjury test results of a player without true baseline test results were compared with previously established age- and sex-matched group normative levels. Each game was directly observed by a physician and at least 1 neutral nonphysician observer. Players suspected of suffering a concussion were evaluated by the physician during the game. If a concussion was diagnosed, the player underwent clinical evaluation at the physician's office within 24 hours. The return-to-play decision was based on clinical evaluation guided by the Zurich return-to-play protocol (contained in the consensus statement of international expert opinion at the 3rd International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich, November 2008). This clinical evaluation and return-to-play protocol was augmented by the 2 tests (SCAT2 and ImPACT) also recommended by the Zurich consensus statement, for which baseline values had been obtained. Seventeen players sustained a physician-observed or self-reported, physician-diagnosed concussion during a physician-observed ice hockey game. The mean clinical return-to-play duration (in 15 cases) was 12.8 ± 7.02 days (median 10 days, range 7-29 days); the mean number of physician office visits

  7. Coliseo de Jacksonville, (U.S.A.

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    Ryad Fisher, G.


    Full Text Available This hall has room for 1,200 spectators, sitting down, and is suitable for holding wrestling, boxing and other similar sporting activities, also conventions, lectures, industrial exhibitions, festivals, circus, skating spectacles and other performances. The roof of this hall is its most significant feature, and also the manner of arrangement of the seats, which makes it possible to distribute them in a variety of ways.Este edificio, capaz de albergar a 1.200 espectadores sentados, ha sido construido para celebrar: combates de lucha libre y de boxeo, convenciones, conferencias, exposiciones industriales, festivales, partidos de hockey sobre hielo, baloncesto, sesiones de circo, campeonatos de tenis, espectáculos sobre hielo, etc. Lo más notable del Coliseo es la solución estructural adoptada para la cubierta, así como la disposición dada a los asientos para permitir una gran flexibilidad de usos.

  8. Somos un envase : Discursos sobre el aborto


    Löcher, Jennifer Irene


    No hay persona que no tenga opinión acerca del asunto y, cada vez más, la sociedad argentina debate sobre la pregunta de si se debe legalizar/despenalizar el aborto o no. Nunca antes se habló tanto sobre el tema públicamente: se publican artículos en los diarios, hay manifestaciones a favor y hay manifestaciones en contra de la legalización del aborto. El siguiente trabajo pretende relevar y analizar discursos que circulan socialmente alrededor del debate sobre el aborto. (Párrafo extraíd...

  9. Trayectorias (sobre ruedas): un ensayo visual sobre los carritos de supermercado en la ciudad


    Cruz, Edgar Gómez


    El siguiente trabajo es un breve bosquejo de las posibilidades del concepto de trabajo “trayectoria”. Una trayectoria no es sólo, en el sentido literal del término, el trazo del movimiento sobre un camino, sino que busca establecer una reflexión sobre las posibilidades de recolección de registros visuales/digitales/móviles para la investigación etnográfica desde la aleatoriedad del movimiento por la ciudad. El concepto de trayectoria busca dialogar con el de “flâneur” de De Certeau y Benjamin...

  10. Gaze characteristics of elite and near-elite athletes in ice hockey defensive tactics. (United States)

    Martell, Stephen G; Vickers, Joan N


    Traditional visual search experiments, where the researcher pre-selects video-based scenes for the participant to respond to, shows that elite players make more efficient decisions than non-elites, but disagree on how they temporally regulate their gaze. Using the vision-in-action [J.N. Vickers, J. Exp. Psychol.: Human Percept. Perform. 22 (1996) 342] approach, we tested whether the significant gaze that differentiates elite and non-elite athletes occurred either: early in the task and was of more rapid duration [A.M. Williams et al., Res. Quart. Exer. Sport 65 (1994) 127; A.M. Williams and K. Davids, Res. Quart. Exer. Sport 69 (1998) 111], or late in the task and was of longer duration [W. Helsen, J.M. Pauwels, A cognitive approach to visual search in sport, in: D. Brogan, K. Carr (Eds.), Visual Search, vol. II, Taylor and Francis, London, 1992], or whether a more complex gaze control strategy was used that consisted of both early and rapid fixations followed by a late fixation of long duration prior to the final execution. We tested this using a live defensive zone task in ice hockey. Results indicated that athletes temporally regulated their gaze using two different gaze control strategies. First, fixation/tracking (F/T) gaze early in the trial were significantly shorter than the final F/T and confirmed that the elite group fixated the tactical locations more rapidly than the non-elite on successful plays. And secondly, the final F/T prior to critical movement initiation (i.e. F/T-1) was significantly longer for both groups, averaging 30% of the final part of the phase and occurred as the athletes isolated a single object or location to end the play. The results imply that expertise in defensive tactics is defined by a cascade of F/T, which began with the athletes fixating or tracking specific locations for short durations at the beginning of the play, and concluded with a final gaze of long duration to a relatively stable target at the end. The results are

  11. Los derechos de autor sobre obtenciones vegetales

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    Rosario Silva Gilli


    Full Text Available Contenido: Las creaciones en la agricultura. Los derechos de autor sobre obtenciones vegetales. El Convenio Internacional para la protección de las obtenciones vegetales (París 1961 y sus revisiones de Ginebra 1972, 1978,1991 Objeto de la protección legal. Condiciones del cultivar. Alcance de la protección. La protección de obtenciones vegetales en el Mercosur. Los Derechos de autor en el Mercosur. El Protocolo de Armonización de normas sobre Propiedad Intelectual en el Mercosur. El Acuerdo de Cooperación y facilitación sobre la protección de las obtenciones vegetales en los Estados Partes del Mercosur.  Alcance de la normativa Mercosur. Los Derechos sobre cultivares en Uruguay. Los Derechos de autor como derechos humanos. ¿Derechos de autor vs. derecho de propiedad intelectual? Reflexión final

  12. Ensaios sobre economia do empreendorismo


    Gabrielito Rauter Menezes


    Esta tese é composta por três ensaios sobre Economia do Empreendedorismo. O primeiro deles trata sobre os determinantes do empreendedorismo no Brasil a partir de modelos de escolha ocupacional, usando os microdados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra por Domicílios (PNAD) do ano de 2012. A estratégia empírica adotada empregou os modelos de escolha discreta na estimação da escolha ocupacional. Os resultados demonstraram que existem efeitos significativos para as variáveis: anos de estudos iniciai...

  13. Rešerše diplomových a závěrečných prací z ledního hokeje za rok 2000 až 2008


    Sirotek, Jaroslav


    Thesis name: research ofthesis and final thesis concerning ice hockey in a year 2000 unti12008 Thesis aims: to research accesible thesis and final thesis with focus on ice hockey from the univerzity library of FTVS UK in Prague. Method: Data will be expressed in percentages and arranged based on frequency ofice hockey topics. Results: will be maped and divided according to themes ofthesis and final thesis accessible at the FTVS UK library. Keywords: thesis, research, ice hockey. 4

  14. Things Fall Apart: Unpacking the Temporalities of Impermanence for HCI

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tsaknaki, Vasiliki; Cohn, Marisa; Boer, Laurens


    Hardware decays, software obsolesces, infrastructures sediment, devices patinate. While recent scholarship has examined longevity and sustainability, we have little empirical understanding of how things age, decay, and obsolesce and how we might approach impermanence as a resource for practice...

  15. Recursos y enlaces sobre comunidades de aprendizaje


    Ferrer Esteban, Gerard


    Obras y artículos sobre el proyecto Comunidades de Aprendizaje desarrollado en el Estado español. Tesis doctorales sobre comunidades de aprendizaje. Fundamentación teórica de las comunidades de aprendizaje. Sitios en Internet relacionados con las comunidades de aprendizaje y proyectos afines de desarrollo comunitario en contextos escolares.

  16. The Effect of Teaching Games of Understanding as a Coaching Instruction had on Adjust, Cover and Heart Rate among Malaysian and Indian Junior Hockey Players

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    Sanmuga Nathan


    Full Text Available The field hockey coaching process across both Malaysia and India favours a traditional, coach-centred approach of mastering technical skills in terms of game play parameters, fitness, intensity, and load training, whereas a tactical- and player-centred pedagogical approach still takes a backseat. On the other hand, the Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU model offers tactical-cognitive instruction and is gaining international recognition for its ability to produce intelligent players via a problem-solving approach in game play. Therefore, the purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to investigate the effect of TGfU compared to skill mastery instruction, termed as Skill Drill Technical (SDT, among Malaysian and Indian elite junior hockey players in term of the game play attributes of adjust and cover in 5 vs. 5 small-sided game play and game play intensity via heart rate (HR at different points of game play. A total of n = 60 players with an average age of 15 ± 1.03 was selected via simple random sampling from both countries involved in this study and assigned equally to groups, with 15 per group for TGfU and for SDT across Malaysia and India. Gathered data were analysed using the ANOVA and ANCOVA techniques. Findings indicated that there were no significant differences for adjust in 5 vs. 5 game play between TGfU and SDT across Malaysia and India after the intervention. For cover, there was significant improvement for Malaysian players using the TGfU model compared to SDT. In contrast, there was no significant difference between these two models among the Indian players after the intervention. There was significant difference between these two models in terms of warm-up HR across the two countries, and HR was higher via TGfU. For HR immediately after the 5 vs. 5 game play intervention and HR after three minutes’ recovery, Indian players with TGfU recorded a higher and significant difference compared to SDT. However, findings indicated

  17. Redes vir jeugdeelname aan onderwaterhokkie in Suid-Afrika ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This may suggest that coaches need not be overly concerned about the motive differences between the sexes if they happen to be coaching co-ed underwater hockey teams. Coaches and organizers of youth underwater hockey should place emphasis on the fun and skill development aspects of underwater hockey.

  18. La ceguera como motivo en Ensayo sobre la ceguera de José Saramago e Informe sobre ciegos de Ernesto Sábato


    Fonseca, Marco Antonio


    El trabajo de investigación, El motivo de la ceguera en el Ensayo sobre la ceguera de José Saramago e Informe sobre ciegos de Ernesto Sábato, analiza desde el área y la metodología de la literatura comparada el uso del motivo literario de la ceguera en los dos textos mencionados, resaltando las similitudes y diferencias del tratamiento del motivo dentro de las dos obras y como éste sostiene una serie de obsesiones e ideas sobre el estado actual del mundo que comparten los autores de las dos n...


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    Carla Letuza Moreira e Silva


    Full Text Available Este estudo é um recorte da tese de doutoramento apresentada em 2012, no Programa de Pós-Graduação e Letras e Linguística da Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL, em Maceió, sobre os discursos da/sobre a criança e as infâncias, no Brasil. O objetivo central é o de apresentar os efeitos de sentido que demandam dos dizeres oficiais no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA, 1990 em vigor no Brasil, sobre a criança, e que determinam modos de pensar e agir sobre as crianças e a infância na contemporaneidade. As noções de sujeito e formação discursiva da análise do discurso francesa (AD, iniciada em Pêcheux (1997, permeiam as análises e elucidam os papéis históricos e ideológicos que determinam e são determinados nos/pelos dizeres dos discursos da/sobre. Faz-se necessário, portanto, adentrar os discursos da e sobre a criança e a infância para entender as contradições e os confrontos dos discursos entre dizeres e silenciamentos.

  20. Variaciones sobre el concepto de ética


    Pérez Oliva, Elizabeth; Velasco, José Armando


    A lo largo de la historia, pensadores han dado ideas y teorías sobre la ética, pero todos concuerdan en que es una arte de la filosofía que trata de los actos morales, normas de conducta sobre el bien y el mal en el ser humano; término desarrollado a través del tiempo.

  1. A systematic video analysis of National Hockey League (NHL) concussions, part II: how concussions occur in the NHL. (United States)

    Hutchison, Michael G; Comper, Paul; Meeuwisse, Willem H; Echemendia, Ruben J


    Concussions in sports are a growing cause of concern, as these injuries can have debilitating short-term effects and little is known about the potential long-term consequences. This work aims to describe how concussions occur in the National Hockey League. Case series of medically diagnosed concussions for regular season games over a 3.5-year period during the 2006-2010 seasons. Digital video records were coded and analysed using a standardised protocol. 88% (n=174/197) of concussions involved player-to-opponent contact. 16 diagnosed concussions were a result of fighting. Of the 158 concussions that involved player-to-opponent body contact, the most common mechanisms were direct contact to the head initiated by the shoulder 42% of the time (n=66/158), by the elbow 15% (n=24/158) and by gloves in 5% of cases (n=8/158). When the results of anatomical location are combined with initial contact, almost half of these events (n=74/158) were classified as direct contact to the lateral aspect of the head. The predominant mechanism of concussion was consistently characterised by player-to-opponent contact, typically directed to the head by the shoulder, elbow or gloves. Also, several important characteristics were apparent: (1) contact was often to the lateral aspect of the head; (2) the player who suffered a concussion was often not in possession of the puck and (3) no penalty was called on the play. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  2. Escrito sobre el cuerpo

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    Antonio Malalana Ureña


    Full Text Available El catálogo, en una edición bilingüe español-inglés, es una pequeña guía de la exposición Shirin Neshat. Escrito sobre el cuerpo, muestra que se integra dentro de los actos de PHOTOESPAÑA13, el festival internacional de fotografía y artes visuales. El esquema del libro es sencillo y los textos son extremadamente divulgativos. El primero de ellos, Escrito sobre el cuerpo (pp. 10-15, cuyo autor es Octavio Zaya, comisario de la exposición, resume la trayectoria de esta intelectual, que "interactúa" con la fotografía y los formatos audiovisuales, y nos presenta la argumentación narrativa de los documentos expuestos, contextualizando la obra recopilada.

  3. Deformaciones faciales y sus influencias sobre el psiquismo

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    Guillermo Nieto Cano


    Full Text Available Creemos haber dejado establecido, en síntesis, que todas las minusvalías físicas repercuten sobre el psiquismo, y que entre éstas las deformaciones faciales, por su ostentosa evidencia, son las que afectan más seriamente al individuo y modifican por eso más radicalmente su conducta, incidiendo así, en forma trascendental, sobre la colectividad. Tales defectos constituyen, por consiguiente, un serio problema humano, cuyo estudio y remedio incumbe no solamente al esteta cirujano, sino que interesa a todos aquellos que puedan influir sobre la estabilidad armónica y la buena marcha de la sociedad en que viven.

  4. Los Ángeles, Palacio de los deportes

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    Becket, Welton


    Full Text Available This Sports Palace was planned with the intention of making it suitable for a variety of uses, such as athletic meetings, basketball, ice hockey, boxing, stage plays, commercial exhibitions and conventions. It is situated inside the Exhibition Park. It has an elliptical shape, can accommodate 24,000 people if used for conventions, 19,000 when boxing is shown, 18,200 for basketball, and 16,000 for ice hockey matches. Of these, 12,000 are fixed, theatre type seats, and are arranged in 28 tiers. They are reached from the street along a wide corridor. Of its installations, the cleaning station is worth mentioning. It employs the most modern systems, and a team of 100 men can clean the Palace in three hours. The air conditioning installation will drive the air at the most suitable speed, according to the type of spectacle: the highest velocity applies to boxing meetings. The designers have succeeded in harmonisong the style of the Sports' Palace with other neighbouring buildings, which include the Memorial Coliseum, and they have also been careful in blending the landscape which immediately surrounds this Palace with the general aspect of the Exposition Park.Al concebir este Palacio de Deportes se partió de una premisa: La de que fuera susceptible de múltiples usos, tales como exhibiciones atléticas, partidos de baloncesto, de hockey sobre hielo, boxeo, representaciones teatrales, exposiciones comerciales y convenciones. Emplazado dentro del recinto Exposition Park, el edificio, de planta elíptica, ofrece una capacidad máxima de 22.400 localidades si se utiliza para convenciones; de 19.063, en los combates de boxeo; 18.174, cuando se trata de partidos de baloncesto, y de 16.004, en los de hockey sobre hielo. De ellas, 12.000 son fijas, y su aspecto es similar al de las butacas de teatro; están acopladas en 28 filas, y su acceso se realiza desde el nivel de la calle a través de un amplio corredor. Respecto a las instalaciones, la central de

  5. Comentarios sobre la Ley de Ordenamiento Territorial Sostenible

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    Arturo J. Yglesias


    Full Text Available La denominada Ley de Ordenamiento Territorial Sostenible, no fue bien recibida en el medio jurídico. Tanto los profesores de las diferentes materias de Derecho de nuestra Facultad como las asociaciones profesionales y otros grupos e juristas de nuestro medio, formularon reservas de diverso calibre sobre el texto de la ley que van desde sus aspectos adjetivos como la terminología y redacción hasta cuestiones sustanciales como lo que ella dice sobre el régimen de la propiedad territorial y otras cuestiones vinculadas.Desde el discurso político vimos lanzar opiniones iracundas y alarmistas sobre las modificaciones que la ley estaría haciendo al régimen de la propiedad privada, sobre su supuesta inconstitucionalidad.Nosotros nos vamos a referir a la ley a sus antecedentes y de las críticas que se le hacían, en la parte que toca a nuestra materia, esto es en lo relativo al régimen de la propiedad y debemos decir, a vía de adelanto, que no vemos en ella nada que afecte el derecho de propiedad consagrado por la Constitución de la República, ni los principios generales que regulan la propiedad territorial conforme al Código Civil, conforme a la vieja ley de Centros Poblados, sus modificativas ni demás normas sobre la materia.

  6. Nuevas tendencias metodológicas en la enseñanza del esquí: orientaciones didácticas para su iniciación en los centros educativos

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    Antonio Méndez-Giménez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo recoge una propuesta de iniciación al esquí alpino desde los centros educativos de primaria y secundaria a partir de unidades didácticas que fomenten la transferencia vertical. Precisamente, se sugiere una secuenciación de las tareas en la que los aprendizajes realizados en primer lugar puedan facilitar el aprendizaje posterior de tareas similares, pero más complejas. La primera fase pone el énfasis en la realización de actividades lúdicas con esquís autoconstruidos; después, se pasa a una fase de actividades de deslizamiento sobre patines en línea y monopatín, y finalmente, el proceso culmina con la experiencia práctica del esquí en la nieve. Las claves metodológicas son las siguientes: diseño de una unidad didáctica más larga que la tradicional, empleo del juego como recurso de búsqueda y de diversión, autoconstrucción del material, uso de estilos de enseñanza combinados (mediante la búsqueda cuando las condiciones sean favorables, y mediante instrucción directa, en situaciones de mayor riesgo, práctica de patinaje en línea y monopatín (como modalidades populares de transición que permiten experimentar el desplazamiento sobre objetos deslizantes, así como una organización flexible de los grupos.

  7. Pistas para pensar las significaciones imaginarias sobre la invariancia


    Bilyk, Pablo Andrés


    Este escrito propone un primer esbozo de nominalizaciones sobre las significaciones imaginarias en torno a la idea de invariancia, con el fin de comenzar a mapear categorías para transitar que nos permitan pensar las construcciones fantasmáticas sobre el no-cambio. En definitiva, se trata de avanzar sobre la problematización de los modos de funcionamiento, constitución y reconfiguraciones de las hegemonías en los entramados sociales contemporáneos. Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Soc...

  8. An Independent, Prospective, Head to Head Study of the Reliability and Validity of Neurocognitive Test Batteries for the Assessment of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (United States)


    women), ice hockey, and wrestling. Baseline testing for football, lacrosse, rugby and soccer is scheduled for spring 2013. The postinjury protocol, field hockey, rugby , wrestling), football will provide the large quantity of both baseline testing participants and concussed athletes. 6...test results to be rendered invalid for a variety of reasons (e.g., unsatisfactory test conditions, motivational factors, psychometric properties of

  9. Research Article Special Issue

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Nov 24, 2017 ... because of their love for such drinks as Pepsi and Dr. Pepper), ... Among the Quebec French idioms, the "self-describing" expression se ... ta tuque, être vite sur ses patins, j'ai déjà vu neiger, etc., and also the expansion of the.

  10. Stemcell Information: SKIP000951 [SKIP Stemcell Database[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available SKIP000951 ... dermal fibroblast 表皮繊維芽細胞 Diseased SP05.1 SP05.1 ... パーキンソン病 G20 Parkinson... of genetic and sporadic Parkinson's disease. Sanchez-Danes A, Richaud-Patin Y, Carballo-Carbajal I, Jimenez

  11. Stemcell Information: SKIP000954 [SKIP Stemcell Database[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available SKIP000954 ... dermal fibroblast 表皮繊維芽細胞 Diseased SP06.2 SP06.2 ... パーキンソン病 G20 Parkinson... of genetic and sporadic Parkinson's disease. Sanchez-Danes A, Richaud-Patin Y, Carballo-Carbajal I, Jimenez

  12. Narrativas sobre género y sexualidad en médicos mexicanos. Sus implicaciones sobre las regulaciones corporales, sexuales y reproductivas

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    Itzel A. Sosa-Sánchez

    Full Text Available Resumen A partir de un estudio cualitativo, exploramos los vínculos entre discursos médicos sobre género y sexualidad, y las regulaciones corporales, sexuales y reproductivas en los espacios de salud reproductiva. Entrevistamos a médicos de servicios públicos de salud en México e indagamos sobre las prácticas reproductivas y sexuales de las usuarias, así como sobre las asignaciones sociales y profesionales de cuidado del cuerpo en las relaciones sexuales. Los testimonios revelan cómo los discursos y normatividades sobre género y sexualidad legitiman, en los espacios de salud reproductiva, las desigualdades sociales, especialmente las de género, y la doble moral sexual imperantes en la sociedad mexicana. Las mujeres emergen como saturadas de una sexualidad “desordenada” que debe ser controlada a través de diversas regulaciones corporales, sexuales y reproductivas. Estas regulaciones inciden en el reconocimiento de su autonomía sexual y reproductiva, e impactan negativamente en sus derechos.

  13. Revisitando uma carta em português sobre Sabbatai Zvi

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    Rodrigues da Silva Tavim, José Alberto


    Full Text Available The present paper deals with the Iberian context of the production-translation of a text in Portuguese language about Shabbatai Zevi, in 1666. We refer the production of similar texts and the information about the adherents in Spain, mostly in Malaga. We reflect on the various messsianic currents that crossed the different social groups in Portugal. We present a text that proves the spreading of news about Shabbatai in Portuguese Lands, and the interest kindled among the Portuguese Conversos. And we place the hypothesis that this text to the movement of Shabbatai, could have different readings, among them one that could be convenient to the conversos.

    Este artículo aborda el contexto de la producción-traducción de un texto en portugués sobre Sabetay Sebí, en 1666. Se alude a la producción de otros textos similares y a la información sobre los adeptos del movimiento en España, sobre todo en Málaga. Se reflexiona sobre las varias corrrientes mesiánicas que cruzaban los diferentes grupos sociales en Portugal. Se presenta un texto que prueba la divulgación de noticias sobre Sabetay, en tierras portuguesas y del interés desperttado entre los medios conversos sobre el movimiento. Y se plantea la hipótesis de que este texto contrario al movimiento de Sabbatai pudiera tener varias lecturas, entre ellas una que debería ser conveniente para los conversos.



    Coelho de Britto, Sabrina Maria; de Souza Ramos, Raquel; dos Santos, Érick Igor; da Silva Veloso, Olga; Melo da Silva, Aline; de Aguiar Mariz, Rosângela Guiomar


    Introdução: O presente estudo refere-se a um processo de investigação sobre a representação social dos enfermeiros sobre cuidados paliativos. Objetivos: identificar a estrutura das representações sociais dos enfermeiros sobre cuidados paliativos; discutir as repercussões dessas representações no cotidiano da prática assistencial. Materiais e Métodos: Para a realização deste estudo foram abordados 70 enfermeiros que atuam nas enfermarias do serviço de Clínica Médica. A técnica para coleta de d...

  15. Stemcell Information: SKIP000955 [SKIP Stemcell Database[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available SKIP000955 ... dermal fibroblast 表皮繊維芽細胞 Diseased SP12.3 SP12.3 ... パーキンソン病 G20 of genetic and sporadic Parkinson's disease. Sanchez-Danes A, Richaud-Patin Y, Carballo-Carbajal I, Jimen

  16. Stemcell Information: SKIP000958 [SKIP Stemcell Database[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available SKIP000958 ... dermal fibroblast 表皮繊維芽細胞 Diseased SP13.4 SP13.4 ... パーキンソン病 G20 of genetic and sporadic Parkinson's disease. Sanchez-Danes A, Richaud-Patin Y, Carballo-Carbajal I, Jimen

  17. Stemcell Information: SKIP000936 [SKIP Stemcell Database[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available SKIP000936 ... dermal fibroblast 表皮繊維芽細胞 Diseased SP01.1 SP01.1 ... パーキンソン病 G20 Parkinson...s of genetic and sporadic Parkinson's disease. Sanchez-Danes A, Richaud-Patin Y, Carballo-Carbajal I, Jimene

  18. Stemcell Information: SKIP000949 [SKIP Stemcell Database[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available SKIP000949 ... dermal fibroblast 表皮繊維芽細胞 Diseased SP16.2 SP16.2 ... パーキンソン病 G20 Parkinson...s of genetic and sporadic Parkinson's disease. Sanchez-Danes A, Richaud-Patin Y, Carballo-Carbajal I, Jimene

  19. Stemcell Information: SKIP000942 [SKIP Stemcell Database[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available SKIP000942 ... dermal fibroblast 表皮繊維芽細胞 Diseased SP08.1 SP08.1 ... パーキンソン病 G20 Parkinson...s of genetic and sporadic Parkinson's disease. Sanchez-Danes A, Richaud-Patin Y, Carballo-Carbajal I, Jimene

  20. Sobre-educación en el mercado laboral colombiano

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    Jhon James Mora


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la sobre-educación en Colombia con datos de individuos y empresas compilados por el Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje de Colombia en 2006, encuentra que la probabilidad de estar sobre-educado es del 14% y que depende de la movilidad entre áreas de desempeño, la experiencia, el género, el tamaño de la empresa y el nivel de educación. Los trabajadores sobre-educados ganan un 2% menos que los trabajadores correctamente educados, conforme al patrón internacional. Los resultados también muestran que la probabilidad de que los profesionales permanezcan en la misma área de desempeño aumenta con la experiencia, que cuanto mayor es la sobre-educación menor es la probabilidad de permanecer en dicha área y que los trabajadores con postgrado tienen menor probabilidad de permanecer en su área de desempeño.

  1. Consideraciones del bioderecho sobre la eutanasia en Colombia

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    José Antonio García Pereáñez


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda de manera reflexiva las incidencias del bioderecho sobre situaciones de eutanasia en Colombia, al interpretar conflictos morales y jurídicos suscitados por las sentencias de la Corte Constitucional C239 de 1997, T970 de 2014 y la Resolución del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social 1216, de 2015. El propósito fundamental es el análisis de las decisiones judiciales sobre el final de la vida humana. Por lo tanto, se realiza una revisión de la construcción histórica y jurídica del concepto de eutanasia y se propone la discusión sobre su manejo jurídico y su influencia en el colectivo moral. Asimismo, se diserta sobre el concepto de dignidad humana y muerte digna, como precedentes para dirimir los conflictos éticos que la eutanasia suscita. Al final, se analiza el caso de don Ovidio González, quien se convirtió en 2015 en el primer colombiano en recibir la eutanasia de manera legal dentro del sistema de salud.

  2. Evaluation of incubated defatted rubber seed meal with sheep rumen liquor for Pangasius diet

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    Muhammad Agus Suprayudi


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The research evaluated the use of rubber seed meal (Hevea brasiliensis; RBS incubated with sheep rumen liquor as a subtitution of soybean meal in catfish Pangasionodon sp. diet. The fish was cultured for 40 days and fed with the experimental diet containing RBS at five different diet compositions regarding to soybean meal substitution level, i.e. 0% (control, 12%, 23%, 34%, and 44%. Feeding was done three times a day to satiation. No significant different was found on fish-protein retention and survival rate in all treatments. Based on the study result, the use of rubber-seed meal (Hevea brasiliensis; RBS incubated with sheep rumen liquor could substitute soybean meal in catfish Pangasionodon sp. diet. Keywords: Hevea brasiliensis, Pangasionodon sp., catfish, sheep rumen liquor, rubber seed meal  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mengevaluasi penggunaan tepung bungkil biji karet (Hevea brasiliensis; TBBK yang diinkubasi dengan cairan rumen domba sebagai pengganti tepung bungkil kedelai pada pakan ikan patin Pangasionodon sp. Pemeliharaan ikan dilakukan selama 40 hari dengan pemberian lima komposisi pakan berbeda sesuai tingkat substitusi tepung bungkil kedelai oleh tepung bungkil karet. TBBK yang ditambahkan untuk mengganti bungkil kedelai adalah sebesar 0%, 12%, 23%, 34% dan 44%. Pemberian pakan dilakukan selama tiga kali sehari secara at satiation. Tidak ditemukan perbedaan signifikan (P>0,05 pada nilai retensi protein dalam tubuh dan kelangsungan hidup ikan uji pada semua perlakuan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tepung bungkil biji karet yang diinkubasi dengan cairan rumen domba dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti bungkil kedelai pada pakan ikan patin Pangasionodon sp. Kata kunci: Hevea brasiliensis, Pangasionodon sp., patin, rumen domba, tepung biji karet 

  3. Comprendre l'expérience de lecteurs désengagés lors d'un projet de cercle de lecture au sein d'une équipe de hockey de jeunes garçons au Canada

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    Jolicoeur Manon


    Full Text Available Cette recherche collaborative réunissant un entraineur de hockey et une chercheuse vise à décrire l'impact de l'expérimentation d'un dispositif de cercle de lecture auprès d'une équipe de jeunes garçons francophones de 9 et 10 ans du Nouveau-Brunswick (Canada. L'étude se penche particulièrement sur le vécu de trois lecteurs désengagés participant au projet. L'analyse qualitative des données recueillies par entrevues, questionnaires et observations démontre que la motivation a été soutenue et généralisée durant toute la tenue du cercle de lecture et que les lecteurs désengagés ont évolué vers l'engagement.

  4. Celulas solares e sensores de filme fino de silicio depositados sobre substratos flexiveis = (United States)

    Pinto, Emilio Sergio Marins Vieira

    Celulas solares flexiveis de filmes finos de silicio sao geralmente fabricadas a baixa temperatura sobre substratos de plastico ou a mais elevadas temperaturas sobre folhas de aco. Esta tese reporta o estudo da deposicao de filmes finos sobre diferentes substratos de plastico, transparentes e coloridos, para celulas solares do tipo sobrestrato e substrato, respectivamente. Como objetivo co-lateral, os filmes dopados depositados sobre plastico foram usados como sensores de deformacao, utilizando as suas propriedades piezo-resistivas. Elevadas taxas de deposicao dos filmes de silicio depositados sobre plastico foram obtidas a baixa temperatura do substrato (150ºC) por rf-PECVD. A influencia de diferentes parametros de deposicao sobre as propriedades e taxa de deposicao dos filmes resultantes foram estudados e correlacionados. Celulas solares de filmes finos de silicio amorfo e microcristalino foram desenvolvidas a baixas temperaturas sobre plasticos. Eficiencias de 5 - 6.5% foram alcancadas para as celulas amorfas e 7.5% para as celulas microcristalinas. Efeitos de aprisionamento da luz foram estudados atraves da texturizacao por ablacao laser de substratos de plastico e corrosao umida de TCO sobre plastico. Filmes finos de silicio microcristalino, depositados por HW-CVD, com fator piezoresistivo de -32.2, foram usados para fabricar sensores de deformacao em uma membrana plastica muito fina (15 μm). Estruturas de teste em textil e a miniaturizacao dos sensores piezoresistivos depositados sobre substratos flexiveis de poliimida foram abordados.

  5. Effect of manual therapy versus proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation in dynamic balance, mobility and flexibility in field hockey players. A randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Espí-López, Gemma V; López-Martínez, Susana; Inglés, Marta; Serra-Añó, Pilar; Aguilar-Rodríguez, Marta


    To compare the effectiveness of a specific Manual Therapy (MT) protocol applied to field hockey players (FHP), versus a Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) protocol, in the improvement of dynamic balance, active range of movement and lumbar flexibility one-week and four-weeks after the treatment. Randomized controlled trial. Participants were assigned to 2 groups: MT and PNF. 30 min' sessions were performed once a week for three weeks. Three evaluations were performed: basal, one-week and four-weeks post-treatment. University of Valencia (Spain). 22 in MT group and 20 in PNF group. Dynamic Balance, measured with Star Excursion Balance Test; Active Range of Motion (ROM), using a manual goniometer and Lumbar Flexibility, assessed with Fingertip-to-floor test. Both groups significantly improved in lateral and medial dynamic balance one-week post-treatment (p < 0.05); but the improvement in the MT group lasted until the fourth-week after treatment in both reaches (lateral and medial) (p < 0.05). MT group also obtained significant improvements in dorsal flexion of the ankle in the fourth-week post-treatment (p < 0.05) and in lumbar flexibility one-week post-treatment (p < 0.05). MT and PNF improve dynamic balance one-week post-treatment; however, the improvement obtained through MT is maintained four-weeks later. Only MT improves dorsal flexion of the ankle four-weeks post-treatment and lumbar flexibility one-week post-treatment. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Changes of the morphological characteristics in a professional ice hockey player with regard to the eight week intensive fitness training: case study

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    Sigmund Martin


    Full Text Available The present study deals with monitoring the changes of the morphological characteristics in a professional hockey player (NHL aged 22.5 years with regard to the eight weeks intensive fitness training. Fitness training occurred off the ice surface. To determine the body composition, the method of BIA and anthropometric procedure is used (Matiegka, Pařízková. Measurements were carried out in accordance with the recommended national and international standards. An effect size of the differences in the selected individual values measured at different times was assessed using 95% of confidence interval. Significant changes occur primarily at the level of body composition. Overall, the increase in fat free mass was 4 kg to the weight 79.3 kg (BIA. Representation of muscle increased from 51.4% to 54.5% (Matiegka. In absolute terms it is the increase in muscle from 47.1 kg to 49.9 kg. Body fat percentage decreased from 12.9% to 9.7% (Matiegka. This represents a reduction of 2.9 kg. There is no change at the level of skeletal and residual fractions. With regard to the eight week fitness training the major morhpohogical changes (80-90% are experienced during the first half of the training (4 weeks. The survey results are of immediate use in the professional practice of the monitored player. It allows specific modifications to the training of the monitored player as well as other cooperating individuals in the chosen specialization.

  7. El nuevo Madison Square Garden – (EE.UU.

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    Luckman, Ch.


    Full Text Available The Madison Square Garden Sports and Amusements Center comprises the following. 1. A circular building, 129.54 m in diameter and 45.72 m high, which houses the New Madison Square Garden and many other facilities. The arena sits 20.250 spectators, who can watch hockey, basketball, cycling, boxing, circus shows, ice skating, special displays, variety shows, meetings and other kinds of performance. 2. An office block on Seventh Avenue, with a useful floor area for office use amounting to 111,500 m2 and a further 4,800 m2 of floor area on the first two floors for commercial and banking activities.Forman parte del Centro Deportivo y de Atracciones Madison Square Garden: 1 Un edificio circular, de 129,54 m de diámetro y 45,72 m de altura, que aloja el Nuevo Madison Square Garden y otras muchas instalaciones. Tiene capacidad para 20.250 asientos, y en él se pueden celebrar espectáculos de: hockey, baloncesto, ciclismo, boxeo, circo, patinaje sobre hielo, acontecimientos especiales, variedades, asambleas y otros deportes de masas, etc. 2 Un edificio de oficinas que se alza contiguo a la Séptima Avenida, con una superficie útil de 111.500 m2 destinada a oficinas, y otra de 4.800 m2, en las plantas primera y segunda, dedicada a actividades comerciales y bancarias.

  8. Shelf life assessment of Malaysian Pangasius sutchi during cold ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Malaysian Pangasius sutchi concerning the marketing sector from the point of view ... Patin (Pangasius sutchi) is a popular freshwater fish used as food in ... remaining shelf life allows a processor or a retailer to plan the length of time a product can be ... While consumption has increased, the Malaysian fisheries industry.

  9. Impuesto sobre las transacciones financieras: Justicia fiscal


    Mariño, José Ramón


    7 p.[Variante del título de la publicación : Boletín electrónico de Hegoa] [ESP] El Impuesto sobre las transacciones financieras se basa en establecer un gravamen sobre las operaciones financieras con el fin de estabilizar los mercados como consecuencia de la disminución de la especulación a corto plazo. Además es una fuente de financiación de inversiones socialmente deseables. Diez países de la Unión Europea han expresado su deseo de introducir el ITF, sin emba...

  10. Notas sobre Matisia longiflora Gleas. (Bombacaceae Notas sobre Matisia longiflora Gleas. (Bombacaceae

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    Fernández Alonso José Luis


    Full Text Available Dentro del grupo de géneros de bombacáceas de hojas simples que componen la tribu Quararibeae (= Matisieae Hutchinson, es Matisia Humb. & Bonpl. el que cuenta con mayor número de especies en Colombia. Al respecto se presentaron recientemente algunas consideraciones preliminares sobre la diversidad de especies en este grupo en Colombia (Fernández Alonso, 1991.

  11. Metodika pro rozvoj techniky bruslení na bruslařském trenažeru


    Soukup, Jan


    Title: Methodology for development of skating technique on a skatemill Goals: The objective of the present study is to compile available methodology knowledge re-garding the improvement of skating technique using a skatemill, and to analyse the pro-gress of skating technique in selected ice-hockey players during a comprehensive train-ing programme, where a skating simulator is used. Keywords: Ice Hockey, skatemill, kinematic analysis, hockey skills, motoric skills, ska-ting, modern aids. Powe...

  12. Sports betting: can gamblers beat randomness? (United States)

    Cantinotti, Michael; Ladouceur, Robert; Jacques, Christian


    Although skills are not considered relevant in chance-governed activities, only a few studies have assessed the extent to which sport expert skills in wagering are a manifestation of the illusion of control. This study examined (a) whether expert hockey bettors could make better predictions than chance, (b) whether expert hockey bettors could achieve greater monetary gains than chance, and (c) what kind of strategies hockey gamblers rely on when betting. Accordingly, 30 participants were asked to report their state lottery hockey bets on 6 occasions. We suggest that the information used by bettors, along with near-misses, reinforces their perception of expertise. The results of this experiment suggest that the so-called "skills" of the sports bettors are cognitive distortions. (c) 2004 APA, all rights reserved

  13. Considerações sobre a prevalência dos tratados internacionais sobre a legislação tributária brasileira: o caso do MERCOSUL

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    Maria de Fátima Ribeiro


    Full Text Available This is a study on the main aspects discussed in the Brazilian doctrine and the jurisprudence concerning the prevalence of international treaties and conventions for internal tax legislation. Considerations are made on the Brazilian federate and sovereignty principles and on the competence constitutionally established for all the political entities of the Brazilian State. Article 151, section III of the Federal Constitution must be pointed out for its purpose on stating that the Union shall not exempt the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities from respective taxes. Article 98 of the National Tax Code is also considered for its disposition concerning legislation from international treaties and agreements on tax norms of the positive system currently in force.Trata-se de estudo sobre os principais aspectos discutidos na doutrina e na jurisprudência brasileira sobre a prevalência dos tratados e convenções internacionais sobre a legislação tributária interna. Necessário se faz apresentar considerações sobre o princípio federativo brasileiro, o princípio da soberania e o da competência constitucionalmente estabelecida para todos os entes políticos do Estado brasileiro. Merece maior destaque o art. 151, inciso III da Constituição Federal ao enaltecer que a União não poderá conceder isenções de tributos de competência dos Estados, Distrito Federal e Municípios, bem como a análise do art. 98 do Código Tributário Nacional dispondo sobre as introduções legislativas provenientes de tratados e acordos internacionais sobre as normas tributárias do sistema positivo vigente.

  14. Etnografiando travestis: preguntas, tensiones y aprendizajes sobre el "estar ahí"

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    María Soledad Cutuli

    Full Text Available Este artículo interroga la construcción de vínculos etnográficos en dos obras pioneras sobre travestis, con una intención retrospectiva sobre la propia investigación en una agrupación de travestis de Buenos Aires. Se reflexiona sobre la implicancia de los/as antropólogos/as "en campo" -en tanto seres sexuados/as y generizados/as- preguntándose además sobre las formas en que son interpeladas/os durante su labor junto a integrantes de organizaciones sociales -en la que el activismo resulta ser la extensión lógica del compromiso a la reciprocidad que subyace en la práctica antropológica.


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    Suzana da Conceição de Barros


    Full Text Available Na contemporaneidade, os sujeitos vêm se utilizando das diversas tecnologias digitais, para exporem e compartilharem sua intimidade, com intuito de seduzirem e tornarem-se visíveis. Esse fenômeno vem sendo chamado de sexting, e vem sendo aderido por sujeitos de várias faixas etárias. Assim, leitor/a, convido você a pensar sobre o sexting e o que a escola tem a ver com essa prática?

  16. Perspectivas sobre la China contemporánea en la prensa española sobre Relaciones Internacionales (2000-2012)


    Cocina Díaz, Rodrigo


    Un estudio de las perspectivas sobre los últimos años de la evolución histórica de China desde varias fuentes especializadas en política internacional publicadas en España, entre el año 2000 y el 2012, que incluye un análisis sobre el número de artículos publicados a lo largo del tiempo, donde se refleja la evolución del interés por el tema en dichas fuentes. Se han utilizado las revistas Política Exterior, CIDOB d'afers Internacionals, Le Monde Diplomatique en español, y la web del Observato...

  17. Liberalismo versus republicanismo: notas sobre o conceito de liberdade.

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    Felipe Nunes


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo contrastar as perspectivas liberal e republicana sobre o conceito de liberdade. Através da comparação feita entre os dois modelos tecemos considerações sobre a realidade brasileira tendo como foco o atual estado de crises advindas dos casos de corrupção no país.

  18. Seguridad en redes y sistemas : Técnicas y conceptos sobre hacking y pentesting


    Jiménez Jiménez, Cristian


    El siguiente documento trata sobre seguridad informática. Se detallarán técnicas y conceptos sobre seguridad en redes y sistemas, pentesting y auditorías de seguridad. El següent document tracta sobre seguretat informàtica. Es detallaran tècniques i conceptes sobre seguretat en xarxes i sistemes, pentesting i auditories de seguretat. The following document is about computer security. Techniques and network security concepts and systems, pentesting and safety practices will be described....


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    José Manuel Suárez Riveiro


    Full Text Available El principal propósito de este trabajo fue el de proponer un modelo sobre cómo las estrategias motivacionales relacionadas al componente de afectividad inciden sobre la utilización de las estrategias cognitivas y metacognitivas. La muestra utilizada fue de 500 estudiantes de Secundaria. Se asumió que el efecto de las estrategias motivacionales sobre las estrategias cognitivas estaría mediado por el uso de las estrategias metacognitivas. Para estudiar estas estrategias y su relación se realizaron análisis descriptivos y se elaboró un diagrama de senderos. Los resultados mostraron que la estrategia motivacional más utilizada es la de autorrefuerzo y que se establecen relaciones significativas desde algunas estrategias motivacionales, pero no desde todas, con las estrategias cognitivas aunque únicamente la estrategia de autorrefuerzo establece relaciones significativas con la autorregulación metacognitiva.

  20. Contabilidad de Costos I. - Problemas sobre contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con los materiales


    Morillo Moreno, Marysela C.


    ÍNDICE Introducción Problemas sobre terminología básica Problemas básicos sobre el Ciclo de la Contabilidad de Costos Problemas sobre contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con los materiales Problemas sobre la contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con la mano de obra Problemas sobre la contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con los costos indirectos de fabricación Problemas sobre el Ciclo de la Contabilida...

  1. Investigación sobre implementación y gobernanza

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cejudo,, Guillermo M.; May, Peter J.; Sætren, Harald


    . Cejudo, María del Carmen Pardo y Mauricio I. Dussauge Laguna (todos de la División de Ad­ministración Pública del CIDE), cerró con un panel sobre “investigación sobre implementación y gobernanza: direcciones y retos para el futuro”. Lo que sigue es una versión editada de esa discusión de clausura....

  2. Sobre manhãs, humor e atos de fala

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    Joana Plaza PINTO

    Full Text Available RESUMO Este ensaio apresenta uma trajetória de leituras de Frege a Austin, intermediadas pela interpretação independente e ousada de Kanavillil Rajagopalan. Ao argumentar sobre uma gama de aproximações teóricas entre Frege e Austin, este ensaio narra a importância da interpretação de Rajagopalan para o debate sobre Austin no Brasil.

  3. Orden de no reanimar, consideraciones sobre este problema

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    Dr. G. Luis Cereceda


    Se analizan los principales problemas, comenzando por las dificultades según los diferentes escenarios (servicio de urgencia, pabellón de maternidad, sala de hospitalizados, unidad de intensivo, pabellones quirúrgicos; se analiza la incertidumbre sobre el pronóstico de cada pacientes y sobre quién(es deben tomar las decisiones sobre el fin de la vida. Idealmente debe ser el paciente autónomo quien tome la decisión, pero en otros casos se requieren alternativas, una de ellas es la Orden Unilateral. Otros problemas son la Validez de las órdenes de no-RCP en los diferentes tiempos evolutivos, el problema de la Futilidad y la Validez de las “Directivas Anticipadas”, en este grupo resalta el enfoque POLST (Physician’s Order for Life Sustaining Treatment como más comprehensivo; como complemento ha surgido también el concepto AND (Allow Natural Death, que podría estar destinado a remplazar la orden de no-RCP (DNR.

  4. Sobre el Contenido de los Marcos Conceptuales Contables

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    Leila Di Russo de Hauque


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo el análisis de los distintos marcos conceptuales vigentes en diferentes sistemas normativos contables. Paralelamente a las revisiones empíricas que dicho trabajo determina, incluye reflexiones a priori sobre el contenido de dichos marcos conceptuales. El trabajo discurre inicialmente sobre el problema de la naturaleza normativa o doctrinaria de sus contenidos tradicionales sin inclinarse definitivamente por una u otra vertiente. Respecto de los elementos que se incluirán en ellos, se justifica la inclusión de las listas de objetivos y requisitos de la información contable para definir el alcance del concepto de informe de uso externo. Además se define a favor de la inclusión, conjuntamente con las respuestas a las pregunas básicas sobre la labor contable, de contenidos ligados al proceso de obtención y de la exposición de la información contable de uso externo.

  5. Uma Reflexão sobre Autoria Acadêmica

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    Francisco José da Costa


    Full Text Available Este estudo tem como objetivo apresentar elementos para um debate sobre a ética das práticas de autoria no campo científico brasileiro. Os autores utilizam exemplos ilustrativos para explorar as práticas de pseudoautoria, estabelecendo relações entre essas práticas, as coerções oriundas do campo acadêmico e o habitus dos agentes sociais. Foi elaborada uma definição preliminar do que seja autoria a fim de possibilitar a discussão sobre dois problemas centrais, que são: a lógica de “colocar o nome” e o plágio. Uma das principais contribuições deste trabalho repousa na reflexão orientada para a construção de uma prática aperfeiçoada de autoria, possibilitando a crítica e a autocrítica dos agentes do meio acadêmico sobre algumas práticas problemáticas de autoria.

  6. Hegel sobre Tácito y la libertad teutona

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    Valerio Rocco Lozano


    Full Text Available Una investigación sobre la presencia (así como sobre la ausencia de Tácito en Hegel es crucial para entender la posición política y filosófica de este pensador, especialmente en la época de Jena. Tras algunas consideraciones sobre el conocimiento hegeliano de la historia y la cultura romanas, se abordará un análisis de su noción de "libertad teutona": Hegel se opone tanto a la neo-romanidad de los revolucionarios franceses como al esencialismo teutómano de los conservadores alemanes (derivado fundamentalmente de un uso fuertemente ideológico de la "Germania" de Tácito, así como a las caducas instituciones imperiales. Esta doble oposición sitúa a Hegel en medio de dos corrientes políticas (e incluso de dos ejércitos en guerra y se lleva a cabo desde una actitud que puede denominarse como “mediación sin nostalgia”

  7. Association between combinations of genetic polymorphisms and epidemiopathogenic forms of bovine paratuberculosis

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    Ramon A. Juste


    Full Text Available Control of major mycobacterial diseases affecting livestock is a challenging issue that requires different approaches. The use of genetic markers for improving resistance to Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection in cattle has been explored as a promising population strategy We performed paratuberculosis epidemiopathogenic phenotypic and genotypic characterization involving 24 SNPs in six candidate genes (NOD2, CD209, SLC11A1, SP110, TLR2 and TLR4 on 502 slaughtered Friesian cows. In the current study, we investigate whether recently proposed paratuberculosis (PTB epidemiopathogenic (EP forms (apparently free-AF, latent-LAT and patent-PAT could be associated with some combination of these 24 SNPs. Best EP form grouping was obtained using a combination of 5 SNPs in four genes (CD209: rs210748127; SLC11A1: rs110090506; SP110: rs136859213 and rs110480812; and TLR2: rs41830058. These groups were defined according to the level of infection progression risk to patent epidemiopathogenic forms and showed the following distributions: LOWIN (low with 39 (8% cases (94.9% AF/5.1% LAT/0% PAT; LATIN (low with 17 (3% cases (5.9% AF/94.1% LAT/0% PAT; AVERIN (average with 413 (82% cases (52.1% AF/38.5% LAT/9.4% PAT and PATIN (patent with 33 (7% cases (36.4% AF/24.2% LAT/39.4% PAT. Age of slaughter was significantly higher for LATIN (88.3 months compared to AVERIN (65.3 months; p = 0.0007 and PATIN (59.1 months; p = 0.0004, and for LOWIN (73.9 months compared to PATIN (p = 0.0233, and nearly significant compared to AVERIN (p = 0.0572 These results suggest that some selected genetic polymorphisms have a potential use as markers of PTB EP forms and thus add a new tool for the control of this widespread infection.

  8. Sobre historia mundial hoy

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    Vera Weiler


    Full Text Available Los procesos de globalización son una realidad; su enorme impacto sobre la vida humana los ha convertido en un tema recurrente sobre el que se escribe y se comenta a diario también en Colombia. Los libros que de ellos tratan, ante todo los que 10 hacen en tono crítico, baten records en la industria editorial en todo el mundo. Las expectativas que acerca del futuro abrigan cientos de millones de personas se relacionan con 10 que ellas esperan, para bien o para mal, de la globalización. Las posturas que los gobernantes ocupan al respecto en el mundo son, cuando menos de aceptación, generalmente de activa participación en pos de la globalización. Por un lado, crece la preocupación y se multiplican las protestas; por el otro, dominan los razonamientos de los especialistas en materia de maximización de los rendimientos de los capitales que presentan la globalización, al estilo que se viene imponiendo, como el camino ineludible del gobierno universal de la eficiencia. ¿Tienen que decir algo los historiadores frente a todo esto?.

  9. Reflexões sobre biopoder e pos-colonialismo: relendo Fanon e Foucault

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    Cunha Olívia Maria Gomes da


    Full Text Available Autores como Michel Foucault e Franz Fanon têm figurado de forma influente tanto em estudos sobre questões relativas a estratégias de poder e representação em contextos pós-coloniais, quanto em debates e análises de ordem teórica sobre pós-colonialismo. Particularmente, as noções de biopoder e governamentalidade, originárias do pensamento de Foucault, e as reflexões de Fanon sobre a construção de formas de subjetivação racializadas e coloniais, têm ensejado um amplo debate sobre a permanência e circulação de retóricas raciais transnacionais. Através da leitura de David Scott, em Refashioning Futures - Criticism after Postcoloniality (1999, e Paul Gilroy, em Against Race - Imagining Political Culture beyond the Color Line (2000, este ensaio procura identificar a pertinência da combinação de ambos os autores em estudos que, de forma distinta, se debruçam sobre a complexa relação entre corpo e modernidade e suas implicações nos campos político e intelectual contemporâneos.

  10. Pequena monografia sobre o Rio Grande do Sul

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    Ana Maria Pinho


    Full Text Available Pequena monografia desenvolvida por membros do Colégio Sevigne, que versa sobre diversos assuntos a respeito do Rio Grande do Sul, divididos em histórico, fronteiras, organização política administrativa, características geográficas, formação geomorfológica, economia, aspectos históricos e geográficos da capital do Estado, generalidades étnicas, e sobre o gaúcho em si. Grande quantidade de ilustrações e poemas enriquecem o artigo.

  11. Preventing Children's Sports Injuries (United States)

    ... well. For example, they should wear helmets for baseball , softball, bicycle riding , and hockey . They also should wear ... padding. For racquet sports, field hockey, lacrosse, basketball , softball, and baseball, ask about any protective eyewear, like ...

  12. Sports and Exercise Safety (United States)

    ... re important for sports such as football , hockey, baseball, softball, biking, skateboarding, inline skating, skiing , and snowboarding — to ... in sports such as football, ice hockey , and softball and baseball when batting. Goggles are often worn ...

  13. ¿Es obligatoria la Declaración sobre Medios?

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    Leonard R. Sussman


    Full Text Available Siempre propició Ciespal la información sobre el Nuevo Orden Mundial de la Información y abrió las páginas de Chasqui para el debate de las dos tendencias contrapuestas. Ciespal lideró la tesis del Nuevo Orden pero mantuvo la objetividad enla información y el equilibrio en los espacios dados al debate. Así, en su primer número trató sobre el Informe MacBride y en el segundo y tercero sobre la posición de los Estados Unidos. A propósito del retiro de este país del seno de la UNESCO la controversia ha tomado un sesgo nuevo. El presente artículo, desde una posición alineada con la tesis de los Estados Unidos, ofrece ciertas conciliaciones. El lector tiene la palabra.

  14. Nosso passado terá um futuro? Reflexões sobre a arqueologia

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    Arno Alvarez Kern


    Full Text Available O homem é uma extraordinária singularidade no mundo dos seres vivos ao se perguntar sobre as suas origens, ao construir discursos míticos ou históricos sobre seu passado e ao escavar o solo e encontrar os arquivos, que contêm os vestígios de seus antecessores. Somos responsáveis por esses milhares de vestígios da cultura material, que nos abrem novas perspectivas através de seu estudo, em busca das respostas que cada geração formula sobre o seu passado e o da humanidade. O artigo evoca reflexões sobre a epistemologia e a função social da arqueologia, destacando a relevância do estudo, a compreensão e a proteção dos testemunhos documentais, para garantir, assim, a sobrevivência do futuro de nosso passado, enquanto humanidade.

  15. Cultura y compromiso afectivo: ¿influyen sobre la transferencia interna del conocimiento?

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    Aurora Irma Máynez Guaderrama


    Full Text Available En la nueva economía el conocimiento se reconoce como un activo estratégico, y su transferencia se destaca como una actividad relevante. Por ello, en este trabajo de investigación se examina la influencia de la cultura or ganizacional y del compromiso afectivo sobre la transferencia interna de conocimiento en la empresa; además, se analiza si la cultura de la organización influye significativamente sobre el compromiso afectivo. P ara ello, se llevó a cabo una investigación transversal en una muestra no probabilística de 342 sujetos que laboran en el sector industrial localizado en la frontera norte de México. El análisis estadístico se realizó a través de un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados confirman que la cultura organizacional incide positiva y significativamente sobre la transferencia interna de conocimiento y sobre el compromiso afecti vo. Asimismo, la evidencia empírica apunta que el compromiso afectivo no influye sobre la transferencia interna de conocimiento.

  16. La literatura sobre la industrialización colombiana: Balance y perspectivas

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    Paulo César León Palacios


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una revisión extensa y analítica de la literatura producida sobre el tema de la industria en Colombia, a través de los ámbitos teórico, metodológico y gnoseológico. Es una referencia necesaria tanto para expertos, en tanto propone un debate global y crítico sobre el tema, como para estudiantes o investigadores que deseen tener una visión panorámica del estado del arte sobre la industrialización sin tener que sumergirse más de lo necesario.





    La electroreducción del oxígeno fue investigada a pH = 14 sobre electrodos de calcosita, pirita y galena mediante voltamperometría cíclica y por voltamperometría estacionaria usando una celda electroquímica de flujo de doble canal (CEFDC). La superficie de los electrodos fue caracterizada mediante consideraciones termodinámicas y cinéticas. En todos lo casos la reducción del O2 ocurre con formación de iones HO2-. Sobre calcosita la reacción de reducción del O2 (RRO) ocurre sobre una superfici...

  18. Influencia del yeso sobre la velocidad de hidratación del cemento portland

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    Yamaguchi, G.


    Full Text Available Not availablePara esclarecer la Influencia del yeso sobre el fraguado y endurecimiento del cemento, los autores estudiaron el grado de hidratación de los cuatro principales minerales del clínker de cemento Portland y el efecto del yeso sobre ellas. Haciendo uso del análisis cuantitativo de rayos X, se determinó la porción no hidratada. Simultáneamente, se determinaron los tiempos de fraguado y las resistencias. Los ensayos se llevaron a cabo sobre tres clínkeres sintéticos de diferentes composiciones y sobre dos clínkeres de cemento Portland comerciales.

  19. Conversaciones sobre el litoral cordillerano


    Browne,Enrique; Browne,Tomás


    Dos arquitectos dialogan sobre los Andes desde su propia vivencia. El territorio de Chile se entiende como límite natural entre mar y cordillera, donde suceden apretadamente una serie de eventos particulares: fallas geológicas, cerros que penetran en las ciudades y torrentes que bajan al mar caracterizan y diferencian sus paisajes.

  20. Comentarios sobre el artículo de Héctor Sauret: “El proyecto Puiggrós de Ley sobre Regulación del ejercicio de la docencia de la Educación Superior, entre viejos y nuevos paradigmas sobre las universidades privadas”

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    Juan Carlos Pugliese


    Full Text Available En el número 1 de DEBATE UNIVERSITARIO se debatió los proyectos de ley alternativos y diversas opiniones sobre la modificación del ejercicio de la docencia de la Educación Superior. Entre dichas opiniones se incluyó un artículo del Dr. Sauret : " El proyecto Puiggrós de Ley sobre Regulación del ejercicio de la docencia de la Educación Superior: entre viejos y nuevos paradigmas sobre las universidades privadas”. En referencia a este material (que puede consultarse en se desarrolla el siguiente comentario.

  1. Oliver Sacks: Our Correspondence About Twins/Twin Research: Vanishing Twins Syndrome; Discordant Sex in MZ Twins; Pregnancy Outcomes in IVF and ICSI Conceived Twins/Print and Media: Superfetated Twins; Twins Discordant for Smoking; Twins in Fashion; Yale University Twin Hockey Players; Conjoined Twin-Visiting Professor. (United States)

    Segal, Nancy L


    The late neurologist and author, Oliver Sacks, published an insightful 1986 review of Marjorie Wallace's book, The Silent Twins, in the New York Times. Taking exception to his assertion about Sir Francis Galton, I wrote a letter to the Times' editor. The letter was unpublished, but it brought a wonderful response from Sacks himself that is reproduced and examined. Next, brief reviews of twin research concerning the vanishing twin syndrome (VTS), discordant sex in a monozygotic (MZ) twin pair, and multiple pregnancy outcomes from assisted reproductive technology (ART) are presented. This section is followed by popular coverage of superfetated twins, smoking-discordant co-twins, twins in fashion, Yale University twin hockey players, and a visiting professor who was a conjoined twin.

  2. O pensamento freudiano sobre a intolerância


    Fuks,Betty Bernardo


    A partir do conceito psicanalítico de "narcisismo das pequenas diferenças", o artigo tem como objetivos pensar o modo como Freud foi tecendo um pensamento sobre a intolerância e discutir as contribuições da psicanálise à história das teorias sobre a tolerância. A autora perscruta o fenômeno de intolerância à diferença do outro à luz dos trabalhos de Freud que envolvem e atestam sua sensibilidade para com a intolerância racista que atingiu o tempo em que viveu. Desde este trajeto, propõe algum...

  3. Nuevos documentos sobre Rojas Zorrilla y su teatro

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    Madroñal, Abraham


    Full Text Available This article contains twelve unpublished documents on Rojas Zorrilla, related to his biography and literary works (comedias and autos sacramentales. The majority are handwritten by the poet himself, and they provide new information relevant to our knowledge of his life and to the understanding of his works.Se publican una docena de documentos inéditos sobre Rojas Zorrilla referidos a su biografía y a algunas comedias y autos. En buena parte dichos documentos son autógrafos del poeta y añaden o matizan informaciones concretas sobre él y sus obras.

  4. Conocimientos sobre derechos y deberes en salud en profesionales de medicina y enfermería, Bucaramanga, Colombia: Conocimientos sobre derechos-deberes en salud

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    Ludivia Esther Montaño Villalba


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir el nivel de conocimientos que profesionales en medicina y enfermería, que laboran en instituciones de salud públicas y privadas de la ciudad de Bucaramanga (Santander-Colombia, tienen sobre derechos y deberes en salud establecidos en la Constitución Política y en el Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud, 2010. Método: Estudio descriptivo, exploratorio, transversal. Se seleccionaron aleatoriamente instituciones, servicios y profesionales participantes. Se indagaron los conocimientos en cinco componentes que cobijaron temas sobre derechos y deberes en salud inscritos en la Constitución Política, en el Sistema General de Seguridad Social colombiano y en la jurisprudencia constitucional; igualmente, se indagó sobre el conocimiento de mecanismos jurídicos para acceder al derecho a la salud en el territorio nacional. Se construyeron promedios en términos de porcentaje total y por componente. Resultados: El promedio global de conocimientos fue 57,7 %, el de conocimientos generales sobre Constitución Política 39,4 % y el de conocimientos sobre el SGSSS 55,1 %. Los profesionales que reportaron mayores niveles de conocimientos fueron: hombres, especialistas administrativos, médicos, personas con mayor experiencia laboral y trabajadores del sector privado. Los egresados menores a cinco años obtuvieron menores promedios de conocimientos. Conclusiones: El nivel de conocimientos en derechos y deberes en salud entre los profesionales de medicina y enfermería en Bucaramanga fue deficiente.A pesar de que el conocimiento de estos temas es central en el desempeño de los profesionales del sector salud, se evidencia a partir de estos resultados, carencia de procesos de formación o educación continuada en el tema de derechos. Salud UIS 2013; 45 (1: 15-22


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    SOUSA, L.N.


    Full Text Available Pelo menos, desde o Código de Hamurabi as punições para atos desviantes tem sido um foco de reflexão. Este trabalho encerra essa reflexão acerca de aspectos em torno do tema pena de morte. Além de feito político contra o crime, também seria um ato com fins vingativos, fundamentado na violação da dignidade humana, o que justifica a necessidade de haver uma rigorosa análise sobre tal questão, visando os argumentos lógicos, baseados na realidade social brasileira. Alguns estudos demonstram que a percepção da classe menos favorecida é que já existe, de certa forma, uma pena de morte informal no Brasil, praticada pela polícia ou grupos de extermínio. No entanto, diversos setores defendem a pena de morte em nome dos direitos humanos. O debate sobre o referido tema não deve limitar-se às questões relacionadas ao desenvolvimento moral individual, antes deve incluir também a análise de fatores históricos, culturais, econômicos, políticos e ideológicos. Este estudo tem como objetivo coletar dados bibliográficos, bem como dados sobre as opiniões que as pessoas em Campos dos Goytacazes têm sobre a pena de morte. A pesquisa feita é de caráter exploratório. Utilizaram-se as metodologias pertinentes a uma pesquisa bibliográfica. Foi realizada com moradores da cidade de Campos dos Goytacazes/RJ, especificamente com 40 jovens e adultos, de gênero masculino e feminino, com idades entre 18 e 48 anos, sendo a maioria mulheres. A coleta de dados foi feita através de questionários fechados, do tipo likert. Cerca de 48% da amostra concorda com a sentença pena de morte. As respostas quanto a não ter opinião formada sobre o assunto foram minoria, somando 20% ao todo, restando 32% de sujeitos que declararam ser contrários. Metade dos sujeitos não concordou que a sentença seria aplicada corretamente no Brasil. A minoria concordou que a lei teria uma aplicabilidade positiva no país. Aproximadamente 43% dos sujeitos pesquisados

  6. Investigação sobre o desamparo aprendido em humanos


    Mariana Januario Samelo


    A literatura sobre o desamparo aprendido utilizando humanos como participantes de pesquisa, tem encontrado dificuldades metodologicas. O presente experimento teve como objetivo geral estabelecer um procedimento que permitisse controle experimental suficiente para verificacao do efeito de uma historia de incontrolabilidade, com e sem feedback de erro, sobre a aprendizagem de uma nova resposta operante em sujeitos humanos. Estudantes universitarios foram divididos em quatro grupos (n=10), deno...



    Posada, Martha Isabel; Arroyave, María del Pilar


    El presente artículo es una descripción de los efectos del mercurio sobre algunas plantas acuáticas tropicales y sobre los ecosistemas donde habitan. Adicionalmente, se recomienda un protocolo para realizar pruebas de toxicidad con la lenteja de agua (Lemna minor) y se presentan los resultados de los preensayos con diferentes concentraciones de sales de mercurio en condiciones de laboratorio. Se encontró que la biodisponibilidad del mercurio depende de factores que facilitan la disolución del...



    José L. Saiz; María Eugenia Merino; Daniel Quilaqueo


    Se examinaron los meta-estereotipos sobre los mapuches chilenos, esto es, la percepción que miembros de este pueblo originario tienen sobre los estereotipos que los chilenos no indígenas les asignan. Se analizaron cinco aspectos de los meta-estereotipos: contenido (atributos), rótulos (etiquetas grupales), pre cisión (congruencia con estereotipos), uniformidad (consenso) y estructura (configuración de atributos y rótulos). Una muestra de 39 adultos mapuches de la Ciudad de Temuco (Chile) resp...

  9. 'Biracial'-Looking Twins: A New Twin Type?/Twin Research: Twins with Cystic Teratomas; Sleep Quality and Body Mass Index; Previable Membrane Rupture/Print and Online Reports: Twins Born to a Sister Surrogate; NASA Twin Study; African-Cosmopolitan Twin Fashion Inspirations; Triplet Hockey Stars. (United States)

    Segal, Nancy L


    Dizygotic (DZ) co-twins born to mothers and fathers from different racial or ethnic backgrounds often resemble one parent much more than the other. As such, these pairs comprise a unique subset of twins for investigating how others' responses to their different looks may affect their personalities and self-esteem. This article describes some of these twin pairs and some challenges of raising them, and suggests ways they may be used in research. Next, recent twin research on cystic teratomas, relations between sleep quality and body mass index, and previable membrane rupture is described. The final section concerns twins, twin studies, and related events in the media, namely: twins born to a sister surrogate, the NASA twin investigation, inspiring African-Cosmopolitan twins in fashion, and triplet Hockey Stars.

  10. Obtenção de nanocompósitos, nanodiamante sobre fibra de carbono e nanotubo de carbono sobre fibra de carbono


    Leonardo Iusuti de Medeiros


    A proposta desta dissertação é a obtenção de dois compósitos nanoestruturados que sejam constituídos um por nanodiamante sobre fibra de carbono e, o outro, por nanotubo de carbono sobre a fibra de carbono. Em ambos os compósitos as fibras de carbono usadas são obtidas com três diferentes índices de grafitização 1000, 1500 e 2000°C. As fibras de carbono apresentam uma grande área superficial devido a sua estrutura. Quando utilizadas como substrato para crescimento de materiais nanoestruturados...

  11. A pesquisa no ensino, sobre o ensino e sobre a reflexão dos professores sobre seus ensinos The research in teaching, on teaching and on the teachers' reflection about their teaching

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    Anna Maria Pessoa de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Este texto busca mostrar o trabalho desenvolvido no LaPEF (Laboratório de Pesquisa e Ensino de Física, no qual professores do ensino fundamental e médio que vêm trabalhando conosco no contexto dos projetos Fapesp/Escola Pública, pesquisadores que fazem seus mestrados e doutorados e professores da Faculdade de Educação da USP desenvolvem pesquisas no ensino, sobre o ensino e sobre a reflexão dos professores sobre seus ensinos, isto é, sobre formação de professores. Essas três modalidades de pesquisa foram se desenvolvendo a partir da seguinte questão: como o ensino que planejamos, com os pressupostos teóricos que escolhemos, baseados em resultados de pesquisas que já realizamos, estão modificando os alunos? Os problemas que dão origem às pesquisas no ensino são percebidos pelos professores durante as aulas nas escolas públicas e depois são debatidos e transformados em questões de investigação, por esse mesmo grupo, em discussões coletivas no LaPEF. As pesquisas sobre o ensino estão sendo elaboradas por mestrandos e doutorandos a fim de verificar algumas variáveis importantes para o desenvolvimento desse ensino. A diferença fundamental entre esses dois tipos de pesquisas não está em quem a faz, mas nos objetivos que pretendem alcançar. As pesquisas sobre a reflexão dos professores sobre o ensino abordam a problemática da formação continuada dos professores. Esse artigo pretende enfocar como esses três níveis de investigações se inter-relacionam, quais as semelhanças e diferenças entre eles, descrevendo principalmente os objetivos de cada um dos grupos e como esses definem diferentes problemas com distintas estruturas de coleta e análise de dados.This text expounds the work carried out at the LaPEF - Laboratory for the Research and Teaching of Physics - where elementary and high school teachers which have been working with us in projects of the FAPESP/Public School program, graduate students, and teachers

  12. Implementación del servicio de voz sobre IP en redes Linux y redes telefónicas análogas, utilizando software de comunicación sobre Linux


    Campos, Jorge Alberto; Guzmán, Mauricio Orlando; González Jiménez, Francisco Alirio


    Implementación del servicio de voz sobre IP en redes Linux y redes telefónicas análogas, utilizando software de comunicación sobre Linux La tecnología de voz sobre protocolos de comunicación TCP/IP (VoIP, Voice over IP) es la que permite la transmisión de la voz a través de redes digitales (LAN WAN, INTERNET, etc) en forma de paquetes de datos, utilizando para ello la infraestructura de intercambio de datos instalada. La telefonía IP es una aplicación inmediata de esta tecnología de forma ...

  13. Terraplenes sobre suelos colapsables


    Arnedo Gaute, Diego


    Esta tesina está motivada por el diseño y construcción del Canal Segarra-Garrigues. El trazado del canal atraviesa varios pequeños valles de fondo llano mediante terraplenes sobre los cuales circula el canal. En estas vaguadas se encuentran suelos limo-arcillosos de baja densidad cuya potencia puede llegar a ser de varios metros. Estos materiales, debido a su estructura abierta, son potencialmente colapsables una vez cargados si experimentan incrementos de humedad. Las deformacion...

  14. Conocimientos de los pediatras de Salvador, Brasil, sobre la vacuna antisarampionosa

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    Moreira Luiza A. Cabus


    Full Text Available El éxito de las iniciativas internacionales para la erradicación del sarampión depende en gran medida del grado de conocimiento sobre la vacunación. En 1992 se evaluaron mediante un estudio transversal los conocimientos sobre la vacuna antisarampionosa de los pediatras de la ciudad brasileña de Salvador, Bahia. Del total de 506 pediatras residentes en la ciudad, 299 (59% pudieron ser localizados y respondieron a un cuestionario de 15 preguntas en las que se planteaban situaciones hipotéticas sobre indicaciones y contraindicaciones de esta vacuna. El promedio de aciertos fue de 9,3 preguntas de las 15, lo que muestra el poco conocimiento de los pediatras sobre la vacunación antisarampiososa. Situaciones comunes en la práctica pediátrica brasileña -desnutrición, infección de vías respiratorias altas, diarrea y estado prematuro- fueron a menudo erróneamente consideradas como contraindicaciones para la inmunización. Más de la mitad (62% de los pediatras no conocían la vía correcta de administración de la vacuna. Los conocimientos sobre la vacuna no variaron en función del tiempo transcurrido desde la formación universitaria del pediatra o de su trabajo en centros sanitarios de la Secretaría Estatal de Salud. Los profesores universitarios, los pediatras con maestría y los que cursaban estudios de posgrado tuvieron una media de aciertos ligeramente superior a la del resto. Estos resultados indican la necesidad de reforzar la enseñanza sobre la vacunación antisarampionosa en las facultades de medicina y en los programas de formación continuada para pediatras.

  15. Conocimientos de los pediatras de Salvador, Brasil, sobre la vacuna antisarampionosa

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    Luiza A. Cabus Moreira


    Full Text Available El éxito de las iniciativas internacionales para la erradicación del sarampión depende en gran medida del grado de conocimiento sobre la vacunación. En 1992 se evaluaron mediante un estudio transversal los conocimientos sobre la vacuna antisarampionosa de los pediatras de la ciudad brasileña de Salvador, Bahia. Del total de 506 pediatras residentes en la ciudad, 299 (59% pudieron ser localizados y respondieron a un cuestionario de 15 preguntas en las que se planteaban situaciones hipotéticas sobre indicaciones y contraindicaciones de esta vacuna. El promedio de aciertos fue de 9,3 preguntas de las 15, lo que muestra el poco conocimiento de los pediatras sobre la vacunación antisarampiososa. Situaciones comunes en la práctica pediátrica brasileña -desnutrición, infección de vías respiratorias altas, diarrea y estado prematuro- fueron a menudo erróneamente consideradas como contraindicaciones para la inmunización. Más de la mitad (62% de los pediatras no conocían la vía correcta de administración de la vacuna. Los conocimientos sobre la vacuna no variaron en función del tiempo transcurrido desde la formación universitaria del pediatra o de su trabajo en centros sanitarios de la Secretaría Estatal de Salud. Los profesores universitarios, los pediatras con maestría y los que cursaban estudios de posgrado tuvieron una media de aciertos ligeramente superior a la del resto. Estos resultados indican la necesidad de reforzar la enseñanza sobre la vacunación antisarampionosa en las facultades de medicina y en los programas de formación continuada para pediatras.

  16. Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre la prueba de Papanicolaou

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    Fernando Bazán


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas con respecto a la prueba de Papanicolaou (Pap; hallar la asociación entre la edad y grado de instrucción frente a dichas variables y describir las características sobre la práctica periódica del Pap. Diseño: Analítico y transversal. Lugar: Hospital Nacional Docente Madre-Niño ‘San Bartolomé’. Pacientes: Mujeres en edad fértil de consultorios externos. Intervenciones: Cuestionario estructurado, auto-desarrollado, durante noviembre-2005 a enero-2006. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó: X2, t student, Anova y OR. Principales medidas de resultados: Nivel de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en mujeres sobre el Pap, y asociaciones y características sobre su práctica periódica. Resultados: De 501 encuestadas, en 63% se encontró nivel bajo de conocimiento, en 66% una actitud desfavorable y en 71% una práctica incorrecta sobre la prueba de Papanicolaou; se obtuvo un OR = 1,45 (IC = 0,98 a 2,16 entre el nivel de conocimiento y la práctica correcta; la difusión por los medios de comunicación sobre el Pap fue 6,2% y la mayor barrera para no tener una práctica periódica del Pap fue el género masculino del ejecutor (34,2%. Conclusiones: Los niveles de conocimiento, actitudes y prácticas, en nuestra población, son bajos. El mayor nivel de conocimiento no está relacionado con la práctica correcta del Pap. Existe poca difusión sobre el Pap por los medios de comunicación y las limitantes a que las mujeres se tomen el Pap son principalmente psicológicas.

  17. Stemcell Information: SKIP000941 [SKIP Stemcell Database[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available SKIP000941 ... dermal fibroblast 表皮繊維芽細胞 Diseased SP04.2 SP04.2 ... パーキンソン病 G20 Parkinson...of genetic and sporadic Parkinson's disease. Sanchez-Danes A, Richaud-Patin Y, Carballo-Carbajal I, Jimenez-...0215 Disease-specific phenotypes in dopamine neurons from human iPS-based models

  18. Stemcell Information: SKIP000938 [SKIP Stemcell Database[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available SKIP000938 ... dermal fibroblast 表皮繊維芽細胞 Diseased SP02.1 SP02.1 ... パーキンソン病 G20 Parkinson...of genetic and sporadic Parkinson's disease. Sanchez-Danes A, Richaud-Patin Y, Carballo-Carbajal I, Jimenez-...0215 Disease-specific phenotypes in dopamine neurons from human iPS-based models

  19. Stemcell Information: SKIP000947 [SKIP Stemcell Database[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available SKIP000947 ... dermal fibroblast 表皮繊維芽細胞 Diseased SP14.1 SP14.1 ... パーキンソン病 G20 Parkinson...of genetic and sporadic Parkinson's disease. Sanchez-Danes A, Richaud-Patin Y, Carballo-Carbajal I, Jimenez-...0215 Disease-specific phenotypes in dopamine neurons from human iPS-based models

  20. Discussions about the Nature of Science in a Course on the History of Astronomy. (Spanish Title: Discusiones sobre la Naturaleza de la Ciencia en un Curso sobre Historia de la Astronomía.) Discussões sobre a Natureza da Ciência em um Curso sobre a História da Astronomia (United States)

    Pires de Andrade, Victória Flório; L'Astorina, Bruno


    There are an increasing number of researches in science education that affirm the importance of discussions on the "nature of science" in basic education level as well as in teacher training. The history of science applied to education is a way to contextualize epistemological discussions, allowing both the understanding of scientific content and learning about science concepts. We present some reasonably consensual definitions on the nature of science that have been widely discussed by the academic community. We show also some episodes in the history of astronomy which can lead to discussions involving some aspects of the nature of science, and how they can do it. Hay un número creciente de investigaciones en la enseñanza de las ciencias que afirman la importancia de debates sobre la "naturaleza de la ciencia" en la educación básica y formación del profesorado. La historia de la ciencia aplicada a la educación es una manera de contextualizar los debates de la epistemología, lo que permite tanto la comprensión de los contenidos científicos como el aprendizaje de conceptos científicos. En esto trabajo, presentamos algunas definiciones bastante consensuales sobre la naturaleza de la ciencia que han sido ampliamente discutidas por la comunidad académica y mostramos cómo algunos episodios en la historia de la astronomía pueden llevar a discusiones sobre algunos aspectos de la naturaleza de la ciencia. Há um número crescente de pesquisas na área de ensino de ciências que afirmam a importância de discussões sobre a "natureza da ciência" na educação básica e na formação de professores. A história da ciência aplicada ao ensino é uma maneira de contextualizar discussões epistemológicas, permitindo tanto a compreensão de conteúdos científicos quanto o aprendizado de noções sobre as ciências. Neste trabalho apresentamos algumas definições razoavelmente consensuais sobre a natureza da ciência que foram amplamente discutidas pela

  1. Narrativas de professoras sobre o TDAH: um estudo de caso coletivo

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    Lílian Marx Flor Landskron

    Full Text Available O Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH, considerado o transtorno de desenvolvimento infantil mais diagnosticado na atualidade, apresenta-se como tema freqüente e controverso na sociedade e grande desafio nas escolas. Os professores enfrentam situações que fogem às suas expectativas e buscam organizar o entendimento a partir de discursos discrepantes. Os valores e significados que subjazem as concepções sobre o TDHA se refletem no modo como as pessoas manejam a situação. Este estudo investigou a percepção de professores sobre o TDAH e salientou a complexidade do fenômeno ao abordar a diversidade de influências que o envolve. Utilizando o método da entrevista narrativa, foram analisadas histórias de nove professoras sobre uma experiência com um aluno diagnosticado. Os resultados indicam que a percepção das professoras sobre o transtorno é individualizante, patologizante, e o conhecimento, inconsistente. Os dados sugerem que este tema deve ser debatido em maior profundidade pela sociedade.

  2. Conhecimento de puérperas sobre amamentação exclusiva

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    Nichelle Monique da Silva


    Full Text Available Estudo descritivo de abordagem qualitativa cujo objetivo foi identificar o conhecimento das puérperas sobre aleitamento materno exclusivo. Participaram do estudo treze puérperas internadas no Alojamento Conjunto de uma instituição pública na região de Caxias do Sul-RS. Para a coleta dos dados utilizou-se a entrevista semiestruturada. A análise de dados foi realizada através de análise temática, emergindo três categorias: o conhecimento sobre amamentação exclusiva; o processo de amamentação; e as influências das informações recebidas sobre o processo de amamentação. Mesmo recebendo informações de profissionais de saúde no período pré-natal sobre a amamentação, é possível compreender a necessidade de melhorar a comunicação e o acompanhamento das puérperas por estes profissionais, como uma continuidade no cuidado, no período do puerpério imediato, tardio e também no remoto.

  3. Avisos de salud sobre el PFOA y PFOS en el agua potable (United States)

    La EPA estableció avisos de salud sobre el ácido perfluorooctanoico (PFOA) y el sulfonato de perfluorooctano (PFOS) para proporcionar información a los operadores de sistemas de agua potable y funcionarios estatales, tribales y locales sobre los riesgos de

  4. Últimos trabajos sobre ladrillos huecos y perforados

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    Editorial, Equipo


    Full Text Available Not availableEn la Building Research Station se están llevando a cabo, cada día con resultados positivos más alentadores, investigaciones sobre nuevos tipos de ladrillos huecos y perforados. Es de esperar que, en breve, todos estos estudios den lugar a la aparición de unas normas para su empleo en escala industrial y, precisamente ahora, es, en Inglaterra, el momento oportuno, puesto que, actualmente, está celebrando reuniones la Sociedad Cerámica Británica. Lo que se publica en este artículo es un anticipo sobre las tendencias actuales dentro da este campo.

  5. Comparison of the effect of semi-rigid ankle bracing on performance ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective. To determine the comparative proprioceptive performance of injured v. non-injured adolescent female hockey players wearing an ankle brace. Methods. Data were collected from 100 high school players who belonged to the Highway Secondary School Hockey League, KwaZulu- Natal, via voluntary parental ...

  6. Do pattern recognition skills transfer across sports? A preliminary analysis. (United States)

    Smeeton, Nicholas J; Ward, Paul; Williams, A Mark


    The ability to recognize patterns of play is fundamental to performance in team sports. While typically assumed to be domain-specific, pattern recognition skills may transfer from one sport to another if similarities exist in the perceptual features and their relations and/or the strategies used to encode and retrieve relevant information. A transfer paradigm was employed to compare skilled and less skilled soccer, field hockey and volleyball players' pattern recognition skills. Participants viewed structured and unstructured action sequences from each sport, half of which were randomly represented with clips not previously seen. The task was to identify previously viewed action sequences quickly and accurately. Transfer of pattern recognition skill was dependent on the participant's skill, sport practised, nature of the task and degree of structure. The skilled soccer and hockey players were quicker than the skilled volleyball players at recognizing structured soccer and hockey action sequences. Performance differences were not observed on the structured volleyball trials between the skilled soccer, field hockey and volleyball players. The skilled field hockey and soccer players were able to transfer perceptual information or strategies between their respective sports. The less skilled participants' results were less clear. Implications for domain-specific expertise, transfer and diversity across domains are discussed.

  7. Aspectos biológicos y poblacionales de Nasonovia ribisnigri y Aulacorthum solani sobre lechuga

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    Vasicek Araceli


    Full Text Available Se estimó la influencia de los cultivares Criolla Blanca, Cuatro Estaciones y Gallega, sobre la biología y los parámetros poblacionales de Nasonovia ribisnigri y Aulacorthum solani (Homoptera: Aphidoidea a 10±1ºC y HR de 90%. Los períodos ninfal, pre-reproductivo y post-reproductivo de N. ribisnigri fueron más largos sobre Cuatro Estaciones, no así el reproductivo. En A. solani el período ninfal fue más largo sobre Criolla Blanca y Cuatro Estaciones resultando el reproductivo mayor sobre Cuatro Estaciones. Las tasas intrínsecas de crecimiento natural (r m de N. ribisnigri y A. solani fueron mayores sobre Criolla Blanca y Gallega, respectivamente. De acuerdo a la especie predominante convendría utilizar Cuatro Estaciones para N. ribisnigri y Criolla Blanca para A. solani, en épocas frías.

  8. Contexto y pensamiento de Charles Taylor sobre el consenso

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    Doris Elena Ospina Muñoz


    Full Text Available El artículo sostiene que el consenso no es un tema de primer orden en la filosofía política de Charles Taylor, pero una lectura orientada al problema puede ofrecer los elementos para establecer una teoría sobre dicha noción e identificar los argumentos para su justificación. Además, se enfatiza en el contexto de discusión que permite introducir la filosofía de Taylor como un modo de pensar sobre el consenso, alternativo al constructivismo.

  9. Creencias sobre series de ficción televisiva: el caso de Velvet


    Cristina Etayo Pérez


    Las series de televisión son un género de ficción muy atractivo tanto para los espectadores como para las cadenas que las emiten. Dados sus altos costes de producción, deben atraer al público desde el primer momento. Hay estudios sobre los factores que determinan el éxito de una película de cine pero se ha realizado escasa investigación sobre estos factores en series de televisión. En este trabajo se analizan las creencias de los espectadores sobre un conjunto de factores objetivos de la seri...

  10. Entre negación y reconocimiento. Estudios sobre “homosexualidad” en Colombia

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    José Fernando Serrano A.


    Full Text Available A Ebel Botero, pionero de los estudios sobre homosexualidad en Colombia¿Qué se ha escrito en Colombia sobre la “homosexualidad”? ¿Existen estudios desde las ciencias sociales y humanas sobre las personas “homosexuales” en el país? Con este par de preguntas el autor presenta un recorrido inicial por algunos textos de autores colombianos al respecto y señala la necesidad de abordar la construcción de conocimiento especializado que ahonde en la comprensión de las diversas formas en que se expresan las sexualidades.


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    Bruno Focas Vieira MACHADO


    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende evidenciar determinados aspectos da leitura estruturalista de Benveniste sobre as fundamentações linguísticas encontradas em Freud, mais propriamente em seu texto “Sobre o sentido antitético das palavras primitivas”. Coloca-se em diálogo o artigo de Benveniste intitulado “Observações sobre a função da linguagem na descoberta freudiana” com as teorizações linguísticas apresentadas por Freud em seu texto supracitado. Busca-se, assim, uma interface entre os estudos linguísticos e psicanalíticos, problematizando a noção de língua primitiva trazida por Freud e confrontando-a com pressupostos da Linguística Estrutural defendida por Benveniste. A abordagem tecida é eminentemente teórica, buscando iluminar os pontos de divergência entre a concepção de linguagem na perspectiva de Freud e de Benveniste. Para atingir esse objetivo, buscou-se o estudo sobre a negação desenvolvida por Freud em seu texto “A negativa” e colocou-a em relação com as observações de Benveniste sobre o linguista Carl Abel, forte influência linguística no pensamento freudiano desenvolvido no texto “Sobre o sentido antitético das palavras primitivas”. Como conclusão, torna-se possível compreender que, se a língua é uma estrutura e um sistema, ela possui um caráter universal e a-histórico, o que contesta a tese freudiana sobre a existência de línguas primitivas.

  12. Common acute and chronic musculoskeletal injuries among female ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective. To document the prevalence and nature of musculoskeletal injuries among female adolescent hockey players over a 12-month period (1 November 2011 - 31 October 2012). Methods. Data were collected from 148 high school players who belonged to the KwaZulu-Natal Hockey League via voluntary, ...

  13. Reflexiones sobre la anorexia Reflexões sobre a anorexia Reflections about anorexy

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    Andrea Ferrero


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo es presentar algunas reflexiones sobre el trastorno anoréxico, algunas posibles explicaciones sobre el mismo, y proponer una respuesta posible desde la perspectiva psicoanalítica. Este estudio plantea el sufrimiento del sujeto como la manifestación de una relación inconsciente entre las ecuaciones afectivas y el entramado social de la persona. Se discute la particular relación que se establece entre la necesidad, la demanda y el deseo en este tipo de trastornos, y cómo el síntoma anoréxico se plantea como estrategia enferma de defensa del deseo. Se puede considerar el impacto que la presión de la cultura tiene en la manutención del síntoma anoréxico, dada la importancia del ideal de delgadez y belleza, también asociados con la obtención de mayor éxito y felicidad. Finalmente, se plantea el valor del análisis de la personalidad en relación a aspectos sociales para la consideración del trastorno anoréxico, el cual debe ser comprendido singularmente, más allá de sus manifestaciones y de la posible limitación a la estructura de la histeria.O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar algumas reflexões sobre o processo de adoecimento da anorexia e algumas possíveis explicações sobre esse processo, bem como propor uma possível resposta a partir da perspectiva psicanalítica. Este estudo estabelece o sofrimento do sujeito como a manifestação da relação inconsciente entre as equações afetivas e a trama social da pessoa. Procura-se discutir a peculiar relação entre necessidade, demanda e desejo neste tipo de transtorno, e como a anorexia é uma estratégia patológica de defesa do desejo. Pôde-se observar a influência da pressão da cultura na manutenção da anorexia, justificada pelo ideal de magreza e de beleza, que também são associadas com a possibilidade de obter maior êxito e felicidade. Por último, considera-se o valor da análise da personalidade em relação aos aspectos sociais


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    Rodríguez S. Liliana


    Full Text Available El comportamiento climático del planeta y sus consecuencias han propiciado debates sobre los modelos de desarrollo de los países responsables del deterioro acelerado del ambiente y de los fenómenos naturales por estos días recurrentes. Sin embargo, países como Estados Unidos, luego de firmar compromisos como la Convención sobre Cambio Climático, rehúsan adquirir las obligaciones del Protocolo de Kyoto, por temor a sufrir deterioro en sus economías. En este escenario, donde la nación responsable de la emisión de aproximadamente 36% de los gases efecto invernadero resultado de la acción humana en el planeta no se compromete a adoptar políticas restrictivas tendientes a hacer sus modelos de producción más amigables con la naturaleza a pesar de que dichas medidas empiezan a ser impuestas a otras naciones como condicionantes en las negociaciones comerciales internacionales, parece ser que la adopción del Protocolo de Kyoto para países en desarrollo como Colombia no es del todo benéfica.

  15. Tsunami Hockey (United States)

    Weinstein, S.; Becker, N. C.; Wang, D.; Fryer, G. J.


    An important issue that vexes tsunami warning centers (TWCs) is when to cancel a tsunami warning once it is in effect. Emergency managers often face a variety of pressures to allow the public to resume their normal activities, but allowing coastal populations to return too quickly can put them at risk. A TWC must, therefore, exercise caution when cancelling a warning. Kim and Whitmore (2013) show that in many cases a TWC can use the decay of tsunami oscillations in a harbor to forecast when its amplitudes will fall to safe levels. This technique should prove reasonably robust for local tsunamis (those that are potentially dangerous within only 100 km of their source region) and for regional tsunamis (whose danger is limited to within 1000km of the source region) as well. For ocean-crossing destructive tsunamis such as the 11 March 2011 Tohoku tsunami, however, this technique may be inadequate. When a tsunami propagates across the ocean basin, it will encounter topographic obstacles such as seamount chains or coastlines, resulting in coherent reflections that can propagate great distances. When these reflections reach previously-impacted coastlines, they can recharge decaying tsunami oscillations and make them hazardous again. Warning center scientists should forecast sea-level records for 24 hours beyond the initial tsunami arrival in order to observe any potential reflections that may pose a hazard. Animations are a convenient way to visualize reflections and gain a broad geographic overview of their impacts. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center has developed tools based on tsunami simulations using the RIFT tsunami forecast model. RIFT is a linear, parallelized numerical tsunami propagation model that runs very efficiently on a multi-CPU system (Wang et al, 2012). It can simulate 30-hours of tsunami wave propagation in the Pacific Ocean at 4 arc minute resolution in approximately 6 minutes of real time on a 12-CPU system. Constructing a 30-hour animation using 1 minute simulated time steps takes approximately 50 minutes on the same system. These animations are generated quickly enough to provide decision support for emergency managers whose coastlines may be impacted by the tsunami several hours later. Tsunami reflections can also aid in determining the source region for those tsunamis generated by non-seismic mechanisms without a clear source such as meteotsunamis, tsunamis generated by meteorological phenomena. A derecho that crossed the New Jersey coast and entered the Atlantic Ocean at approximately 1500 UTC June 13, 2013 generated a meteotsunami that struck the northeast coast of the US causing several injuries. A DART sensor off Montauk, NY, recorded tsunami waves approximately 200 minutes apart. We show how the arrival times of the tsunamis recorded by this DART can help to constrain the source region of the meteotsunami. We also examine other reflections produced by the Haida Gwaii 2012, Tohoku 2011, and other tsunamis.

  16. Efeitos dos choques fiscais sobre o mercado de trabalho brasileiro

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    Diogo Baerlocher Carvalho


    Full Text Available Esse trabalho tem por objetivo entender quais os efeitos dos choques fiscais sobre o mercado de trabalho brasileiro. Em particular, utiliza se uma abordagem SVAR para avaliar esses efeitos sobre o emprego e o salário real. Os choques fiscais são identificados a partir da imposição de restrições de sinais puras sobre a relação dinâmica entre os gastos do governo, o produto real e a oferta de trabalho. As restrições são obtidas a partir de funções de resposta a impulso Bayesianas derivadas de um modelo DSGE na tradição da Nova Síntese Neoclássica. As funções de resposta a impulso obtidas a partir da abordagem SVAR mostram que choques fiscais aumentam o salário real e o emprego.

  17. Contabilidad de Costos I. - Problemas sobre la contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con la mano de obra


    Morillo Moreno, Marysela C.


    ÍNDICE Introducción Problemas sobre terminología básica Problemas básicos sobre el Ciclo de la Contabilidad de Costos Problemas sobre contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con los materiales Problemas sobre la contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con la mano de obra Problemas sobre la contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con los costos indirectos de fabricación Problemas sobre el Ciclo de la Contabilida...

  18. Autobiografía, identidad y memoria familiar. Apuntes sobre Conjeturas sobre la memoria de mi tribu de José Donoso

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    Martín Lombardo


    Full Text Available A partir de los desarrollos propuestos por Philippe Lejeune sobre el pacto y el espacio autobiográfico así como la reflexión de Agamben en torno a la creación y a la figura de la excepción, el presente artículo se propone analizar el libro Conjeturas sobre la memoria de mi tribu de José Donoso. En particular, el artículo centra su análisis en la manera en que se concibe el surgimiento de la figura del escritor, en la configuración de la identidad a través de la historia familiar y en la importancia del espacio familiar y del tiempo en la obra de Donoso.

  19. Excertos sobre o sedentarismo


    Palma,Alexandre; Vilaça,Murilo Mariano; Assis,Monique Ribeiro de


    O sedentarismo tem sido tratado como algo perfeitamente determinável, objetivo e, portanto, que pode ser apreendido. Por outro lado, o conceito de sedentarismo ainda permanece questionável e, por conseguinte, os instrumentos mostram-se inconsistentes. Neste sentido, o objetivo do presente estudo foi mostrar que diferentes discursos de verdade vêm concorrendo por esse conceito, o que nos motiva a pensar qual é a verdade ou, até mesmo, se há alguma verdade sobre ele. Após apresentarmos diferent...

  20. A Teoria Queer e os Estudos Organizacionais: Revisando Conceitos sobre Identidade

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    Eloisio Moulin de Souza


    Full Text Available A teoria queer desenvolveu-se incialmente na década de noventa, nas ciências sociais e humanas, principalmente nos estudos literários e linguísticos, sendo posteriormente incorporada aos estudos organizacionais. Entretanto, apesar de sua aplicação aos estudos organizacionais, ainda existe uma lacuna acerca do debate sobre seus conceitos e significados. Por isso, este artigo objetiva aprofundar e revisar o debate sobre os aspectos desenvolvidos por essa teoria, focando-se nos conceitos relacionados à produção identitária e subjetiva. Para cumprir este intento, as ideias queer sobre identidade, sujeito, performatividade, performance e identificação são apresentadas e debatidas. Defende-se que a teoria queer é um verbo (ação ao invés de um substantivo (identidade e a aplicação de seus conceitos não se restringe somente aos estudos sobre gênero, sexualidade e minorias. Por fim, discute-se a expansão da utilização dos conceitos queer no estudo de outras formas hegemônicas de categorias identitárias presentes no mundo corporativo.

  1. Hölderlin: sobre la religión

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    Andrés Alfredo Castrillón Castrillón


    Full Text Available El artículo se propone dilucidar la noción de religión que tiene Friedrich Hölderlin en el ensayo “Sobre la religión”, el cual traza un pensamiento tan o más complejo de la relación hombre - dios, y hombre - comunidad, que los de filósofos como Kant o Hegel en sus reflexiones sobre Dios y la religión. Destacar por medio del análisis del ensayo cómo comprende Hölderlin la religión y cómo la vincula con la vida de los hombres en su contexto es la tarea fundamental del escrito, para concluir con las propuestas poéticas de la fundación de religiones o sus manifestaciones a través del mito.

  2. Investigación sobre el cotidiano del sujeto: oportunidades para una ciencia aplicada

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    Manuel Amezcua


    Full Text Available Desde un modelo de investigación emergente, la Investigación Aplicada a los Cuidados, se propone reflexionar sobre una de las áreas de indagación: la Investigación sobre el Cotidiano del Sujeto. El cotidiano del sujeto se conceptualiza como un espacio de interacción social donde las personas ejercen autonomía para tomar decisiones y ejecutar acciones para cuidar su salud. A través de diseños principalmente cualitativos, la Investigación sobre el Cotidiano del Sujeto aporta evidencias útiles y pertinentes para la práctica enfermera porque hablan del contexto y desde la perspectiva de los sujetos. Estas evidencias pueden encuadrarse en cuatro grandes dimensiones: la comprensión del padecimiento humano ante la enfermedad, la cultura del cuidado, la percepción sobre las intervenciones en salud, y el cotidiano del cuidador. Finalmente se plantean algunos desafíos que nos propone la Investigación sobre el Cotidiano del Sujeto e implican tres dimensiones imprescindibles en el ejercicio del cuidado: la dimensión ética, política y científica.

  3. Walter Benjamin em Gotham City: sobre a violência pura

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    Andityas Soares de Moura Costa Matos


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho reflete brevemente sobre as ideias de violência pura e de estado de exceção efetivo no pensamento de Walter Benjamin (1892-1940, lançando na seção 2 a hipótese de que são resultados de uma longa meditação que começa com o texto Sobre a crítica da violência (1921, passa pelo denso fragmento O caráter destrutivo (1931 e chega à obra intitulada Teses sobre o conceito de história (1940, quando Benjamin percebe com clareza à impossibilidade de se negociar com as instituições democrático-liberais, as quais funcionam como estruturas desaceleradoras (katéchonta do tempo da revolução, leitura apresentada na seção 1 mediante a profanação do conceito original schmittiano. O artigo passa então na seção 3 a interpretar as ideias de Benjamin em um cenário de ficção – a trilogia Batman de Christopher Nolan – que a cada dia parece mais terrivelmente real, concluindo com um parágrafo de sabor agambeniano sobre o direito-que-vem (seção 4.


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    Nancy Yaneth Gelvez García


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los resultados obtenidos en el estudio de la calidad de servicio sobre redes IP en tráficos sensibles al retardo como la VoIP sobre la tecnología ATM y MPLS. Se analizaran diferentes topologías con características propias que permitirán evaluar valores tales como el retardo y el ancho de banda.

  5. Pesquisa documental sobre a história da hanseníase no Brasil


    Santos,Vicente Saul Moreira dos


    Este trabalho apresenta resultados parciais de uma pesquisa sobre fontes relativas à lepra, realizada em diversas instituições da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. No Real Gabinete Português de Leitura, no Arquivo Nacional e na Biblioteca Nacional foram pesquisados livros, índices, ofícios e fotografias sobre administração de leprosários e artigos sobre o tratamento da doença. No Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil (CPDOC-FGV) foram consultados diversos arquivos, des...

  6. Una nota sobre formación y formalismo del contrato electrónico

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    Silvana Fortich


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende llamar la atención sobre algunas de las particularidades que presenta la celebración de contratos por medios electrónicos, indagando sobre las características propias de su formación y sobre la influencia del proceso general de renacimiento del formalismo en el campo del comercio electrónico. El estudio es realizado con base en las normas del derecho contemporáneo francés y colombiano que se ocupan de regular la materia.

  7. Una nota sobre formación y formalismo del contrato electrónico

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    Silvana Fortich


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende llamar la atención sobre algunas de las particularidades que presenta la celebración de contratos por medios electrónicos, indagando sobre las características propias de su formación y sobre la influencia del proceso general de renacimiento del formalismo en el campo del comercio electrónico. El estudio es realizado con base en las normas del derecho contemporáneo francés y colombiano que se ocupan de regular la materia.

  8. Teorias sobre o amor no campo da Psicologia Social


    Martins-Silva, Priscilla de Oliveira; Trindade, Zeidi Araujo; Silva Junior, Annor da


    Este é um ensaio teórico sobre o fenômeno amor em relacionamentos românticos no campo da Psicologia e no da Psicologia social. São apresentadas as primeiras teorias sobre o amor na Psicologia, e, posteriormente, são abordadas em maior profundidade três teorias da Psicologia social: os estilos de amor de John Alan Lee, a teoria de apego, de Phillip Shaver, Cindy Hazan e Donna Bradshaw, e a teoria triangular do amor, de Robert J. Sternberg. São apresentados os aspectos teóricos, empíricos e met...

  9. Estudios en Solanaceae – XXIII sobre dos especies nuevas de cuatresia Estudios en Solanaceae – XXIII sobre dos especies nuevas de Cuatresia

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    Hunziker Armando T.


    Full Text Available Two new Colombian species of Cuatre sia (Solanaceae, are clescribed and illustrated. Con motivo de la preparación de una sinopsis preliminar sobre Cuatresia A. T. Hunz., ha quedado en evidencia una serie de especies indescritas, 2 de las cuales presento seguidamente.  Es esta una buena oportunidad para llamar la atención de los colegas sobre este difícil y olvidado género de Solanáceas.  En su gran mayoría, las dificultades se originan en los materiales disponibles, que son escasos y fragmentarios; varias especies se conocen por una única colección (a veces con apenas 1 o 2 flores, en la mayoría se ignora cómo son el fruto, la semilla y el embrión, y en otros casos, las observaciones sobre el color de la corola son contradictorias, o imprecisas, o faltan por completo. Por todo ello, quisiera incitar a quienes tienen el privilegio de acceder a las regiones donde crecen estas plantas, a que extremen los recaudos para que las colecciones de Cuatresia mejoren en calidad y cantidad.

  10. Conocimientos sobre VIH/sida en un grupo de embarazadas VIH(+)


    Guerra, ME; Rodríguez, AI; S, Rodríguez; Tovar, V; A, Carvajal; Ferreira, A; Blanco, L; León, JR


    OBJETIVO: Determinar el grado de conocimiento sobre VIH/SIDA en mujeres embarazadas VIH(+). MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: El universo estuvo constituido por 58 embarazadas VIH(+) que acudieron a diferentes servicios de obstetricia de hospitales en Caracas durante los años 2003-2005. Se le aplicó una encuesta anónima individual, previo consentimiento asistido de las evaluadas. RESULTADOS: Fundamentalmente no existe un adecuado conocimiento sobre las vías de transmisión de la enfermedad, así como perce...

  11. Atmospheric corrosion and runoff processes on copper and zinc as roofing materials


    He, Wenle


    An extensive investigation with parallel field andlaboratory exposures has been conducted to elucidateatmospheric corrosion and metal runoff processes on copper andzinc used for roofing applications. Detailed studies have beenperformed to disclose the effect of various parameters on therunoff rate including: surface inclination and orientation,natural patination (age), patina composition, rain duration andvolume, rain pH, and length of dry periods inbetween rainevents. Annual and average corr...

  12. Crítica y reformismo dieciochescos. Algunos textos sobre Filipinas

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    García de los Arcos, María Fernanda


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    Al igual que en España y América, en las Filipinas de la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII se produjeron escritos en los que se analizaba la realidad del archipiélago, las causas de sus problemas y las posibles soluciones para superarlos. Algunos de estos textos permanecen inéditos. Así ocurre con los tres que se estudian en este artículo, en el que se hace una valoración comparativa sobre sus posibilidades como fuentes para apreciar la situación general de las Islas en ese período y las ideas que tenía la élite dirigente sobre ella, especialmente en tres aspectos: la personalidad colectiva de los nativos; las formas de explotación colonial y sus repercusiones sobre la mayoría de la población y las causas que originaban lo que entonces llamaban “el atraso” de aquellos territorios.


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    Bambang Gunadi


    Full Text Available One of main problems in freshwater aquaculture development in Indonesia, especially in Java, is unavailability of developing zone. It is important to find an underutilized area that meets for industrial scale freshwater aquaculture, i.e. sufficient water supply, wide area, and located in one area or zone. The abandoned mining (sand, tin, etc. pools distributed along the country might be the potential area for freshwater aquaculture business. For example, there are at least 13 water pools with total surface area of 250 ha at 15 km side of Citarum River in Karawang District (West Java Province. This study was conducted to obtain preliminary data about the prospect and potency of fish culture (tilapia, clariid catfish, and ‘patin’ catfish in abandoned sand-mining pools in Karawang District. Mini floating net cages of 1 x 1 x 1.5 m3 size were used for culturing fish, i.e. patin catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus, nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, and clariid catfish (Clarias gariepinus, separately. Patin catfish were stocked at a size of 2 g with a density of 300 fish per cage, tilapia were stocked at a size of 6 g with a density of 400 fish per cage, while  the clariid catfish were stocked at a size of 1.4 g with a density of 980 fish per cage. A floating commercial feed (30%—32% protein, 3%—5% fat was used at a daily rate of 9% biomass weight at the beginning and reduced gradually to 3% at the final culture period. Observed data showed that patin catfish grew from the initial size of 2.08 g to the final size 299.59 g in 5 months, nile tilapia grew from individual initial size of 5.92 g to the final size of 247.12 g in 14 weeks, and clariid catfish grew from initial size of 1.39 g to the final size of 73.10 g in 8 weeks. These three species were technically prospective for aquaculture development in the abandoned sand-mining pools.

  14. Teorias utilizadas nas investigações sobre gestão do conhecimento

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    Luiza A. O. P. Xavier


    Full Text Available A gestão do conhecimento tem sido reconhecida por pesquisadores e usuários como crucial para o crescimento e desenvolvimento das organizações. A área de Sistemas de Informação contribui com investigações sobre gestão do conhecimento. Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar as principais teorias que foram utilizadas nas investigações sobre a gestão do conhecimento, considerando as teorias relacionadas com a área de sistemas de informação. As teorias identificadas em cerca de 40% dos artigos analisados são: Game Theory, Social Capital Theory, Theory of Planned Behavior, Social Exchange Theory, Dynamic Capabilities e Theory of Reasoned Action. Observou-se que as teorias são utilizadas tanto em investigações sobre gestão do conhecimento, como em pesquisas sobre uma das etapas do seu processo, ou seja, o compartilhamento do conhecimento. Destaca-se também que determinado aspecto da gestão do conhecimento, por exemplo, antecedente do compartilhamento de conhecimento, pode ser investigado utilizando diferentes teorias.

  15. Algunos relatos sobre santería, magia y etnomedicina en Cuba


    Carrascosa Palomera, Cruz


    Este artículo presenta una colección de relatos sobre santería, magia y etnomedicina en Cuba. Incluye información sobre ritos y prácticas de iniciación, de purificación, de curación. This paper offers a selection of stories about santería, magic and folk medicine in Cuba. Includes reports on iniciation, purification and curation rites and practices

  16. Incidencia de los fertilizantes sobre el pH del suelo


    Ginés, Irantzu; Mariscal Sancho, Ignacio de Loyola


    El pH del suelo o del sustrato de cultivo determina la asimilabilidad de los nutrientes; los fertilizantes tienen una importante influencia sobre dicho pH. La incidencia de los fertilizantes sobre el pH del suelo depende principalmente de: a) el perfil acidificante de la composición química del fertilizante utilizado b) de su carácter descalcificante o calcificante y c) de la capacidad tamponadora del suelo. En esta monografía se recogen la incidencia de los principales fertilizantes comercia...

  17. EXTRATO DE CHÁ VERDE (Camellia sinensis PROMOVE AÇÃO ANTIMICROBIANA SOBRE Staphylococcus aureus

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    Leandro Wagner Figueira


    Full Text Available É de grande importância ampliar as pesquisas científicas com plantas medicinais sobre micro-organismos. Foi verificado o efeito antimicrobiano do extrato de C. sinensis , sobre cultura planctônica e biofilme de S. aureus. Neste estudo foi verificada ação do extrato entre 50 a 0,09 mg/mL sobre cultura planctônica, para determinação da CIM e CBM. A ação do extrato sobre biofilme foi analisada pela exposição de 5 min ao produto vegetal a 200mg/mL. Foi utilizado o método de MTT para determinar a redução da viabilidade do biofilme. Nos grupos controles foram utilizadas clorexidina (+ e solução salina (-, sendo n = 12/grupo. A redução do biofilme foi analisada por ANOVA e Tukey Test (p ≤ 0,05. Em cultura planctônica as concentrações avaliadas não foram efetivas, contudo, utilizando-se a concentração de 200 mg/mL sobre o biofilme, foi verificada redução significativa. Com isso, concluiu-se que o extrato de chá verde demonstrou ação sobre biofilme de S. aureus provendo redução significativa em sua viabilidade.

  18. Estrategia educativa sobre sexualidad sana en adolescentes

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    Carmen Olivera Carmenates

    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de intervención con el objetivo de elaborar una estrategia educativa para incrementar conocimientos sobre sexualidad sana en un grupo de adolescentes de la escuela Secundaria Básica Alfredo Gómez del Municipio Camagüey entre octubre de 2012 y febrero de 2013. La muestra fue de 37 estudiantes. Se aplicó una encuesta que se convirtió en el registro primario de datos, confeccionada según criterios de expertos y la bibliografía. Una vez analizados los resultados se procedió a diseñar la estrategia educativa y posteriormente a su evaluación. Los datos se procesaron de forma automatizada. Antes de aplicar la estrategia educativa se comprobó que los adolescentes no tenían un adecuado conocimiento sobre la sexualidad sana. Los resultados demuestran la importancia de los estudios de intervención.

  19. Insuficiencia normativa sobre roles y funciones para los miembros de la Fuerza Pública


    Morales Hernández, Martha Lizett; Ruiz, Jesus A.


    Atendiendo al interés de conocer la manera en que se han manejado en Colombia las políticas sobre Seguridad y Defensa Nacional, respecto de la seguridad jurídica de los miembros de la Fuerza Pública, el presente artículo bajo el método bibliográfico e histórico, plantea en su primera parte, la manera en que los gobiernos elegidos a partir de la Constitución de 1991, concibieron la Seguridad y la Defensa, así como sus políticas sobre este particular; posteriormente, se estudian las normas sobr...

  20. Utilization of cinnamon Cinnamomum burmannii leaves and shrimp head in the feed on growth performance of catfish Pangasianodon hypopthalmus

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    Suclyadi Dairun


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTCatfish farming has confronted with the problem of slow growth to reach the fillet size and less tender of fish fillets. This study aimed to investigate the effect of cinnamon leaf flour and shrimp head flour in formulated diets on growth of catfish Pangasianodon hypopthalamus. Catfish with an initial weight of 207.04 ± 2.70 g/fish reared in 12 cages with a dimension of  2×1×1.5 m3 (L×W×H  and its fish density was 15 fishes for 60 days. Fish were fed with following experimental diets: (1 Control; (2 cinnamon leaf (1% (CL; (3 45% of protein source from shrimp head (SH; (4 CL+SH mix.  The fishes fed twice a day with feeding rate 3.5% of fish biomass. The study found that the use of cinnamon leaf and shrimp head increased the specific growth rate 1.67-1.70%, the feed efficiency 57.55-57.67%, and protein retention 55.61% compared to its control (P<0.05. Triglyceride level, cholesterol, and blood HDL were 416.00-524.05 mg/dL, 139.65-156.68 mg/dL, 73.18-103.70 mg/dL (P>0.05, respectively. HSI value ranged between 0.3-1.9% compared to its control (P<0.05.Keywords: Cinnamomum burmannii, feed, growth, Pangasianodon hypopthalmus, shrimp head.  ABSTRAKBudidaya ikan patin dihadapkan pada permasalahan pertumbuhan dan kualitas daging yaitu pertumbuhan yang lambat untuk mencapai ukuran fillet serta tekstur daging kurang kompak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh penggunaan tepung daun kayu manis dan tepung kepala udang dalam pakan terhadap pertumbuhan ikan patin Pangasianodon hypopthalmus. Ikan patin dengan bobot 207,04 ± 2,70 g/ekordipelihara selama 60 hari di hapa sebanyak 12 buah (berukuran 2×1×1,5 m3dengan padat tebar 15 ekor/jaring. Ikan diberi pakan perlakuan yang terdiri dari: (1 Kontrol; (2 daun kayu manis 1% (DKM; (3 45% sumber protein dari kepala udang (TKU; dan (4 campuran DKM+TKU. Pemberian pakan sebanyak 2 kali sehari dengan feeding rate 3,5% dari biomassa ikan. Hasil dari penelitian penggunaan daun kayu manis


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    Pe. Antonio Marcos Chagas


    Full Text Available Agostinho desenvolve uma reflexão organizada e uma síntese filosófico-religiosa de extraordinária força e beleza que influenciara significativamente todo o pensamento filosófico e teológico posterior. O presente trabalho abordará uma reflexão sobre o pensamento agostiniano sobre Deus, sobre o homem, o mal e uma reflexão sobre a história à luz da fé. A leitura feita por Agostinho destes temas desdobra uma abordagem focada na primazia da graça que permeia a vida humana e oferece possibilidades para sua plena realização enquanto liberdade consciente. O presente trabalho encontra nos originais agostinianos e nas publicações dos escritores especializados sua fonte de pesquisa.

  2. Estudio sobre el software libre orientado a personas con discapacidad visual


    Palomá Parra, Esaú


    Se pretende realizar un estudio sobre las herramientas TIC accesibles a las personas con discapacidad visual, que permita sugerir el diseño de un sistema universal accesible orientado a personas con discapacidad visual. Es pretén realitzar un estudi sobre les eines TIC accessibles a les persones amb discapacitat visual, que permeti suggerir el disseny d'un sistema universal accessible orientat a persones amb discapacitat visual. Master thesis for the Free Software program.


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    Eduardo Soares Nunes


    Full Text Available Se a presença indígena nas cidades brasileiras – um fenômeno antigo –, não passou despercebida aos olhos dos(as antropólogos(as, é apenas em anos recentes que começam a aparecer os primeiros trabalhos sobre a questão. Este artigo tem como objeto esse “silêncio antropológico”, num duplo sentido: a primeira parte do texto é uma digressão sobre os ditos “índios urbanos” no indigenismo no Brasil – idéias que, perpassando, em algum grau, a antropologia, influenciaram a falta de produção sobre a questão; a segunda (e principal é uma tentativa de pensar a presença indígena nas cidades de uma perspectiva mais familiar ao pensamento ameríndio. Este artigo é uma proposta de abordagem analítica sobre o tema.

  4. "Y el resto se hace con gritos": Notas sobre literatura y teatro

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    Marcela Arpes


    Full Text Available Quisiera comenzar con un, más o menos extenso, listado de obras de teatro que aún permanecen en cartel o, en todo caso, algunas de ellas lo estuvieron hasta marzo, en salas oficiales y alternativas del circuito teatral porteño pero, también, del interior del país: Tres para el té sobre textos de Lewis Carroll; Galileo, sobre la mesa sobre el texto de Bertolt Brecht; Federico tuvo un sueño, inspirada en el cuento de Antonio Tabucchi y en textos poéticos de Federico García Lorca; Los siete locos, de Roberto Arlt; Crave de Sarah Kane; Cielo rojo, el sueño Bolchevique del poeta Vladimir Maiacovsky; La Manchada, sobre Cuentos de la selva de Horacio Quiroga; Doña Flor y sus dos maridos de Jorge Amado; Grande y Pequeño del escritor alemán contemporáneo Botho Strauss; El diario de Anna Frank; Esa que no eres sobre textos de Alejandra Pizarnik, obra que recibió este verano el premio Estrella de Mar en la categoría mejor espectáculo del teatro off; La revolución silenciada sobre la obra Tres jueces para un largo silencio de Andrés Lizarraga, aquel escritor y dramaturgo argentino, el primero en recibir el premio Casas de las Américas; El mundo ha vivido equivocado de Roberto Fontanarrosa; Una vida más cuerda mañana, sobre textos de Griselda Gambaro, Sarah Kane y Vicente Zito Lema; La Divina Comedia de Dante Alighieri: Mi madre Mi Tierra donde conviven textos literarios de autores como Gloria Fuertes y Federico García Lorca; Sabor a Freud de José Pablo Feinman; El Corazón Delator de Edgar Allan Poe; El Relato de Lady Sotheby. de Marlene Spindler, espectáculo basado en textos de Fiodor Dostoyevsky y Stefan Zweig; Juicio al tango, sobre textos de Leopoldo Marechal; El día que Nietzsche lloró, título de la primera novela del profesor de psiquiatría de la Universidad de Stanford, Irvin Yalom; El último encuentro de Sándor Márai, versión escénica de la exitosa novela “El último encuentro” de Sándor Márai aquel escritor

  5. "Y el resto se hace con gritos": Notas sobre literatura y teatro

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    Marcela Arpes


    Full Text Available Quisiera comenzar con un, más o menos extenso, listado de obras de teatro que aún permanecen en cartel o, en todo caso, algunas de ellas lo estuvieron hasta marzo, en salas oficiales y alternativas del circuito teatral porteño pero, también, del interior del país: Tres para el té sobre textos de Lewis Carroll; Galileo, sobre la mesa sobre el texto de Bertolt Brecht; Federico tuvo un sueño, inspirada en el cuento de Antonio Tabucchi y en textos poéticos de Federico García Lorca; Los siete locos, de Roberto Arlt; Crave de Sarah Kane; Cielo rojo, el sueño Bolchevique del poeta Vladimir Maiacovsky; La Manchada, sobre Cuentos de la selva de Horacio Quiroga; Doña Flor y sus dos maridos de Jorge Amado; Grande y Pequeño del escritor alemán contemporáneo Botho Strauss; El diario de Anna Frank; Esa que no eres sobre textos de Alejandra Pizarnik, obra que recibió este verano el premio Estrella de Mar en la categoría mejor espectáculo del teatro off; La revolución silenciada sobre la obra Tres jueces para un largo silencio de Andrés Lizarraga, aquel escritor y dramaturgo argentino, el primero en recibir el premio Casas de las Américas; El mundo ha vivido equivocado de Roberto Fontanarrosa; Una vida más cuerda mañana, sobre textos de Griselda Gambaro, Sarah Kane y Vicente Zito Lema; La Divina Comedia de Dante Alighieri: Mi madre Mi Tierra donde conviven textos literarios de autores como Gloria Fuertes y Federico García Lorca; Sabor a Freud de José Pablo Feinman; El Corazón Delator de Edgar Allan Poe; El Relato de Lady Sotheby. de Marlene Spindler, espectáculo basado en textos de Fiodor Dostoyevsky y Stefan Zweig; Juicio al tango, sobre textos de Leopoldo Marechal; El día que Nietzsche lloró, título de la primera novela del profesor de psiquiatría de la Universidad de Stanford, Irvin Yalom; El último encuentro de Sándor Márai, versión escénica de la exitosa novela “El último encuentro” de Sándor Márai aquel escritor

  6. Sobre o feminino e a cidadania em Pompéia


    Feitosa, Lourdes M. G. C.; Faversani, Fábio


    Nos últimos anos, novos trabalhos tem questionado os antigos paradigmas interpretativos que excluíam a mulher do espaço público e do grupo de cidadãos. O objetivo deste artigo é refletir sobre a ideia equivocada do confinamento feminino ao lar e de sua exclusão da vida pública e do poder, durante o século 1 d.C. A análise de inscrições parietais de Pompéia tem sido importante para questionar esta imagem sobre as mulheres romanas. _______________________________________________________________...

  7. La literatura comparada sobre reformas administrativas: Desarrollos, limitaciones y posibilidades


    Dussauge Laguna, Mauricio I.


    Durante las últimas dos décadas, la literatura comparada sobre reformas administrativas ha crecido significativamente. ¿Cuáles han sido sus aportaciones y cuáles sus limitaciones? ¿Qué nos queda por aprender sobre el tema? Este ensayo repasa los debates centrales de la literatura, analiza sus principales debilidades y sugiere un conjunto de futuras líneas de investigación. El argumento central del ensayo es que la literatura comparada en esta materia ha avanzado en forma considerable en térmi...

  8. Santa sexualidad: concepciones de dos monjas sobre Feminidad y sexualidad


    Giraldo Quijano, Isabel Cristina


    En el contexto de la religión católica, la feminidad y la sexualidad femenina se configuran según dogmas y representaciones sociales específicos, en los que la imagen de Cristo -y todo lo que ello implica- actúa como elemento fundamental en la construcción de las concepciones de las mujeres consagradas a la vida religiosa sobre sex ualidad, erotismo, cuerpo. amor. Este artículo pretende explorar desde un punto de vista sociológico las concepciones de dos monjas sobre los temas mencionados....



    Rabin, Eliane Goldberg; UFCSPA; Waterkemper, Roberta; UFCSPA; Caregnato, Rita C. A.; UFCSPA; Souza, Emiliane Nogueira de; UFCSPA


    Trata-se de um relato de experiência sobre atividade de extensão realizada por docentes e acadêmicos do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem sobre sexualidade na adolescência. Atividade realizada com jovens de 10 a 19 anos, estudantes do ensino fundamental e médio de escolas públicas de Porto Alegre. Foram utilizadas diferentes estratégias e dinâmicas para o desenvolvimento das atividades, com vistas à maior participação dos jovens escolares. Os temas abordados foram as mudanças corporais, por me...

  10. Rutas de glicosilación en Candida albicans: circuitos reguladores y efectos sobre virulencia


    Domínguez Cantero, María del Pilar


    [ES]Esta tesis trata sobre las rutas de glicosilación en Candida albicans: circuitos reguladores y efectos sobre virulencia. [EN]This thesis is about glycosylation pathways in Candida albicans: regulatory circuits and effects on virulence.

  11. Algunas reflexiones sobre el tabaquismo como factor de riesgo para diferentes enfermedades

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    Miriam Bolet Astoviza


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión sobre el tabaquismo como factor de riesgo para muchas enfermedades, entre ellas, las cardiovasculares, con el objetivo de profundizar sobre los efectos perjudiciales de esta drogadicción, y para que todos los médicos se actualicen sobre el tema. Trata la magnitud del problema, enfermedades que provoca, fumadores activos y pasivos, prevención y recomendaciones.A literature review on smoking as a risk factor in many diseases, particularly, the cardiovascular diseases was made to delve into the harmful effects of this drug addiction and to update the knowledge of all the physicians on this topic. This paper deals with the size of the problem, the diseases caused, active and passive smokers, prevention and recommendations.

  12. Reflexiones sobre el concepto de justicia

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    Víctor C. Pascual Planchuelo


    Full Text Available Este ensayo constituye una reflexión sobre el concepto de Justicia. No se centra, como tantos estudios al respecto, en el plano teórico y metafísico, sino que atiende problemas de mayor actualidad: la opinión de los ciudadanos, la postura de los profesionales y otros asuntos controvertidos del ámbito del Derecho.

  13. Nuevas reflexiones sobre la Posgerontología

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    Ricardo Iacub


    Full Text Available La Posgerontología plantea una lectura epistemológica, crítica y política sobre los relatos con los que se construye el envejecimiento y la vejez desde la gerontología. En este artículo se analizará crítica y políticamente a la gerontología, tanto como un objeto cultural exótico - por su pretensión omnicomprensiva -, como por ser un campo de conocimientos cuyos presupuestos explícitos e implícitos inciden sobre su objeto de estudio. Estos factores ponen en consideración los ajustes que debe realizar todo campo de conocimiento frente a los cambios que le imprime el contexto. Así como también expresan la necesidad de dar cuenta de los efectos de la realidad que construyen en las diversas formas de saber y en las prácticas sociales.

  14. Conhecimento de mulheres de 40 a 60 anos sobre o Papillomavirus Humano

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    Caroline Freitas Silveira


    Full Text Available El estudio planteó determinar el conocimiento de mujeres, de 40 - 60 años, sobre el Virus Papiloma Humano (VPH. Se trata de una investigación descriptiva, transversal y cuantitativa efectuada con 30 mujeres que esperaban la realización de la prueba de Papanícclacu, en el Centro de Atención Integral a la Salud de la Mujer, en Uberaba - MG, entre octubre de 2009 a enero de 2010. La edad promedio fue de 48,7 años. Sobre la prueba de Papanicolacu, un 96,7% informó que realizó el procedimiento alguna vez y 40% mencionó que la prueba previene el cáncer de cuello uterino. Sobre el VPH,86,7% de las mujeres conocía la sigla, pero 53,3% no sabía lo qué era VPH. Se concluyó que el conocimiento que estas mujeres tenían sobre la prueba Papanícclacu y la sigla VPH era insuficiente. Por lo tanto, se recomienda reforzar las campañas de información para ese rango de edad específico.

  15. Creencias sobre series de ficción televisiva: el caso de Velvet

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    Cristina Etayo Pérez


    Full Text Available Las series de televisión son un género de ficción muy atractivo tanto para los espectadores como para las cadenas que las emiten. Dados sus altos costes de producción, deben atraer al público desde el primer momento. Hay estudios sobre los factores que determinan el éxito de una película de cine pero se ha realizado escasa investigación sobre estos factores en series de televisión. En este trabajo se analizan las creencias de los espectadores sobre un conjunto de factores objetivos de la serie de televisión Velvet, emitida por Antena 3. Dado que estas creencias determinarán la posterior actitud hacia la serie, se profundiza en una serie de factores (sociodemográficas y de preferencias o gustos personales para determinar si las diferencias en la valoración de la serie se ven influidas por estas variables (sexo, edad, consumo de televisión y preferencia por géneros. Los resultados indican que existen diferencias en las creencias que los espectadores tienen sobre Velvet que están influidas por los factores propuestos.

  16. Two Twin Judgements of Cienfuegos Dos juicios gemelos sobre Cienfuegos

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    René ANDIOC


    Full Text Available Manuel eduardo de Gorostiza, in London after the constitutional triennium, signed four articles about Spanish theatre in The New Monthly Magazine using just the letter «G». At the end of that same year, 1824, an author signing with an «M», in all likelihood Prosper Mérimée, published a set of articles in Le Globe in Paris regarding the same topic. these were literal translations of those written by Gorostiza about cienfuegos, but his authorship is not mentioned.Manuel eduardo de Gorostiza, en Londres después del trienio constitucional, firmó «G» cuatro artículos sobre teatro español moderno en The New Monthly Magazine. Al final del mismo año de 1824, un tal «M», con toda probabilidad el joven Próspero Mérimée, publicó en el periódico Le Globe, de París, otros tantos sobre el propio tema, traduciendo literalmente en particular, sin mención de fuente, lo escrito por Gorostiza sobre cienfuegos.

  17. Efectos del entrenamiento con vibraciones mecánicas sobre la ‘performance’ neuromuscular

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    Marzo Edir Da Silva


    Full Text Available Hace ya varias décadas que se estudian los efectos de las vibraciones sobre el organismo humano. En un principio se evaluaban estos efectos con respecto a patologías producidas por la exposición prolongada de tipo ocupacional. Sin embargo, se empezaron a hacer estudios sobre el posible beneficio de la aplicación de la vibración en deportistas y a la luz de los primeros hallazgos se concluyó que se producía una mejora en la flexibilidad. Fue el ruso Nazarov quien realizó esos primeros estudios con atletas, aplicando una vibración local. Poco a poco fueron surgiendo diversos estudios sobre la vibración local o aplicada a todo el cuerpo (WBV pero en otras variables como son la fuerza, la potencia y la capacidad de salto. A pesar de que no hay un consenso en la aplicación de protocolos de entrenamiento y los resultados que se obtienen, el entrenamiento con WBV está en auge porque parece ofrecer unos resultados benéficos de manera más rápida que el entrenamiento convencional. El propósito del presente artículo es realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre la evolución del entrenamiento de WBV con sus aplicaciones y efectos sobre la performance muscular.

  18. Sobre consumo privado e incertidumbre. Un análisis con datos regionales españoles

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    J. Aníbal Núñez Carrasco


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo indaga sobre el efecto de la incertidumbre en las decisiones de consumo de las familias. A partir de datos regionales españoles y teniendo como referencia teórica los modelos de ahorro preventivo, pretendemos contrastar si la incertidumbre macroeconómica afecta a las decisiones de consumo de los hogares. Para analizar esa relación utilizamos la volatilidad condicional predicha a partir de modelos ARMA-GARCH estimados sobre datos regionales. Los resultados indican que esta medida de incertidumbre ejerce un efecto destacado sobre el consumo familiar, sobre todo cuando aquélla es introducida en forma de retardo distribuido. Como paso adicional, se intentan encontrar patrones regionales de comportamiento que ayuden a explicar ese resultado.

  19. Sobre Geoestatística e mapas

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    Paulo Milton Barbosa Landim


    Full Text Available A Geologia, até há bem pouco tempo, era freqüentemente considerada uma ciência baseada em interpretações puramente qualitativas dos fenômenos geológicos. Nos últimos 40 anos, porém, tem sido notável a mudança da fase descritiva para a utilização de métodos quantitativos, principalmente na área da Geologia Aplicada. Entre tantos temas relacionados com a quantificação em Geologia o assunto abordado neste artigo, que pretende ser de cunho didático, diz respeito à aplicação da Geoestatística na confecção de mapas geológicos. Na primeira parte do trabalho é feita uma introdução sobre os aspectos quantitativos na interpretação dos fenômenos geológicos, em seguida conceitos básicos sobre a metodologia geoestatística e, na última parte, uma aplicação clássica da geoestatística linear, baseada nos conceitos de estacionaridade da covariância e do variograma, para a confecção de mapas.

  20. Nuevos discursos sobre las ciudades, los municipios y las mujeres

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    Ana María Goetschel


    Full Text Available Escritora y activista feminista. Estudió Literatura y Periodismo en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú y se gradúo de Magíster en Política Social por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Por espacio de más de dos décadas se desempeña como profesora en el Diploma de Estudios de Género de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú y como consultora de proyectos de desarrollo en las áreas de planificación, evaluación institucional y enfoque de género para diversas agencias internacionales de cooperación en Perú y otros países de América Latina. Es Investigadora asociada y miembro del Consejo Directivo del Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES. Maruja Barrig acredita un vasto trabajo de investigación sobre empleo femenino, desarrollo local y organizaciones de mujeres. En una reciente conferencia “Nuevos discursos sobre las ciudades, los municipios y las mujeres” , esta investigadora peruana hizo un balance sobre las formas en que el género ha sido incorporado en las prácticas de desarrollo y las consecuencias que conlleva este tipo de intervención para el avance de la agenda del feminismo crítico. Sobre este y otros temas relacionados con su trayectoria intelectual y la acción del movimiento de mujeres en el contexto político actual de las sociedades latinoamericanas, dialogamos con Maruja Barrig.

  1. Stuart Hall sobre raza y racismo: estudios culturales y la práctica del contextualismo

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    Lawrence Grossberg


    Full Text Available El trabajo de Stuart Hall sobre la raza no puede separarse de su trabajo sobre los estudios culturales, y en particular, de su compromiso con un contextualismo radical. En este artículo, argumento que la obra de Stuart Hall sobre raza y racismo en el contexto de su compromiso de larga data con una práctica radicalmente contextualista y con la noción de la especificidad histórica en particular.

  2. Polinomios perfectos sobre F2


    Cely Rojas, Valeria


    Este trabajo muestra el status de los números perfectos y el análogo de los números perfectos en los anillos de polinomios. Además, se presentan las demostraciones de algunas propiedades de los polinomios perfectos sobre F2 de forma comprensible, basadas en el trabajo realizado por los profesores Luis Gallardo y Oliver Rahavandrainy. / Abstract. This work shows the status artis of perfect numbers and their analogue in the rings of polynomials. Proofs of some properties of perfect polynomials ...

  3. Observaciones sobre colostomía

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    Jaime Escobar T.


    Full Text Available Se hace una revisión sobre 133 casos de colostomías hechas en pacientes del Hospital San Juan de Dios de Bogotá en un período de cinco años; el 43.7 por ciento de los casos eran heridas por arma de fuego. La mortalidad global fue de 16.5 por ciento. La colostomía derivativa, en ASA, ha bajado la mortalidad en las heridas de colon en dicho hospital.

  4. Algunas consideraciones sobre la estrategia de mercadotecnia en los negocios internacionales


    Ernesto Raúl González Ramírez


    El presente artículo aborda algunas consideraciones sobre la estrategia de mercadotecnia en el contexto de los negocios internacionales. La primera parte está dirigida a describir las particularidades de las estrategias específicas de mercadotecnia (producto, precio, comunicación y distribución) en el área internacional. La segunda parte, trata sobre la importancia de tener presente el nivel de orientación al mercado o aplicación del concepto de mercadotecnia en este contexto.

  5. Evaluación de sistemas operativos de tiempo real sobre microcontroladores


    Medina, Santiago; Pi Puig, Martín; Paniego, Juan Manuel; Dell'Oso, Matías; Romero, Fernando; De Giusti, Armando Eduardo; Tinetti, Fernando Gustavo


    En el presente trabajo se presentan mediciones sobre diferentes sistemas operativos que soportan las características de tiempo real, instalados sobre un sistema de microcontrolador. Dichas evaluaciones caracterizan los posibles tiempos de respuesta, es decir, un límite que determina el tipo de aplicación en la cual pueden ser utilizados, dentro del marco del desarrollo de aplicaciones de Sistemas Embebidos de Tiempo Real. Una de las principales métricas es el tiempo de latencia, el cual repre...

  6. Soportes apoyados sobre vigas pretensadas (EE. UU.

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    Editorial, Equipo


    Full Text Available This work has been awarded a prize by the Prestreesed Concrete Institute. It refers to a number of flyovers on the Arroyo Seco, of California. This river has been canalized, to help drainage in case of heavy rainfall. The canal runs through a highly populated zone, and a motor road and accessory ramps had to cross the canal. The resulting design involves three prestressed girders, lightly arched in a parabolic outline, resting on each river shore, running along the line of the bridge, over the canal. It was decided that the bridge piles should not rest on the river bed, in order not to reduce its flow capacity. The girders of a maximum length of 39 ms, are box shaped, and stiffened with thin diaphragms. The cylindrical pile, 1.50 m in diameter, is an integral part of the girder, and applies to it a concentrated load of about 4000 tons. The girders rest on reinforced concrete cubes, which in turn are supported by concrete slabs and piles driven into the soil.Esta obra ha sido premiada por el Prestressed Concrete Institute y se refiere a una serie de pasos superiores sobre el Arroyo Seco, en California, que se ha canalizado para servir de desagüe en el caso de avenidas torrenciales. El canal se halla en una zona de edificación densa y se trata del paso—sobre aquél—de una autopista y rampas de acceso. La solución adoptada consistió en tres vigas pretensadas, ligeramente arqueadas con perfil parabólico, apoyadas en las dos márgenes y situadas en correspondencia con los tres soportes, sobre el propio canal, ya que ninguno de aquéllos debía apoyarse en el lecho de este último al objeto de no disminuir su capacidad de desagüe. Las vigas—de unos 39 m de longitud la mayor—son del tipo cajón, rigidizadas con unos diafragmas de pequeño espesor. El soporte cilíndrico, de 1,50 m de diámetro, se solidariza con la viga y le transmite una notable carga concentrada, del orden de 4.000 toneladas. Los apoyos de estas vigas son simples dados



    Natalia Ortega; Oswaldo Núñez


    En el presente trabajo se estudió la adsorción de aldehídos insaturados sobre la superficie del TiO2. Para evaluar su eficiencia como catalizador, se realizaron experimentos de fotocatálisis heterogénea de p-nitrofenol (PNF) y una muestra proveniente de efluentes industriales. Se empleó un simulador solar y cuatro sistemas de TiO2: el TiO2-sólo (sin modificar) y los sistemas TiO2-dienal constituidos por la adsorción química de 2,4 hexadienal, 2,4 heptadienal y el trans-cinamaldehído sobre la ...

  8. (I) Informe sobre conflicto violento en colombia (2011–2012)



    Las negociaciones de paz entre el gobierno nacional y las FARC avanzan de modo considerable. Al momento del cierre del presente informe –julio de 2014–, se construyó un acuerdo sobre los tres primeros puntos de la agenda –la reforma agraria, la participación política y las drogas ilícitas–. Sin duda la negociación progresa, los puntos sobre los que se trazó un acuerdo tocan dimensiones neurálgicas de la vida colectiva: el agro y su atraso histórico, la democracia y sus cierres, el narcotráfic...


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    Vicente Ortún


    Full Text Available Este artículo aporta una revisión crítica acerca de los retos a los que se enfrentan los impuestos sobre las bebidas azucaradas como instrumento de políticas de salud, para revertir la tendencia epidémica de la obesidad. Se valoran las experiencias de los países más significados, en particular México, y se reflexiona sobre el contrapeso que ejerce la industria a las políticas antiobesidad y el poder de los lobbies. Esas políticas impositivas en pro de la salud pública han de sobreponerse a la enorme fuerza de la industria, que es ejercida en varios niveles –ciencia e investigación, reputación de marca, influencia en reguladores–. Se sugiere que un impuesto específico sobre bebidas azucaradas tiene bastante potencial para reducir enfermedades no transmisibles y riesgos –diabetes mellitus, hipertrigliceridemia, lipoproteínas de baja densidad, hipetensión diastólica–, a través de la reducción del consumo, al ser alta la elasticidad del precio de estas bebidas. Además, los efectos incluso se amplifican a medio plazo, una vez establecidos nuevos hábitos de consumo más saludable. Los impuestos podrían fomentar la innovación empresarial sin infligir costes de pérdida de empleos y contribuirían a reducir el gradiente social de la obesidad.

  10. La red sobre trabajo infantil peligroso (Red Tip

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    Walter Varillas


    Full Text Available En el mundo, aproximadamente 351.7 millones de niños entre 5 y 17 años realizaban algún tipo de actividad económica, de ellos 170.5 millones (48.5% realizaban algún tipo de trabajo considerado peligroso. Un alto porcentaje se encuentra en la agricultura, otros en minas, manufacturas, ladrilleras, predominantemente en la economía informal. El Convenio 138 (cobre la edad mínima de admisión en el empleo de la OIT y el Convenio 182 (sobre las peores formas de trabajo infantil, definen como trabajo infantil peligroso el que puede afectar la salud, seguridad y moralidad de los menores. Estudios específicos sobre los menores muestran su susceptibilidad particular frente a los riesgos laborales, aumentando la peligrosidad para su normal desarrollo y crecimiento: "los niños no son adultos pequeños". Los profesionales de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo pueden colaborar con los profesionales y las organizaciones especializadas en el trabajo infantil, en la definición y caracterización de lo que significa el trabajo infantil peligroso. Para ello se ha conformado la Red sobre Trabajo Infantil Peligroso (Red TIP, con la finalidad de articular estos dos espacios, orientados a eliminar el trabajo infantil peligroso y rescatar al menor y devolverle la oportunidad de sonreír ahora y en el futuro.

  11. Sobre una Rodoficea parasita de Gelidiaceas


    Seoane Camba, Juan Antonio


    En este trabajo se hace un estudio de una Rodofícea parásita, encontrada sobre Gelidium cantabricum Seoane-Camba y Gelidium sesquipedale (Clemente) Thuret. Por sus características generales atribuímos esta planta al género Gelidiocolax. descrito por Gardner en 1927 para un parásito de Gelidium pulchrum Gardner de las costas americanas del Pacífico...

  12. Reflexões sobre a policy making e avaliação em política pública

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    Flaviana C. V. P. M. Assumpção


    Full Text Available O presente artigo faz uma reflexão sobre a policymaking e os processos de avaliação em Política Pública sob a luz dos trabalhos escritos por Howlett et al, e os entendimentos dados, pelos autores pesquisados por eles, sobre os ciclos e subsistemas que compreendem os processos de Política Pública. Para entender sobre a tomada de decisão desses processos, foi estudado o autor Lindblom, para compreendermos quem são os atores políticos e como estes influenciam nas tomadas de decisões governamentais. Sobre a teoria da Política Pública e suas tipologias, fez necessária a leitura de T.J. Lowi e sua publicação de 1964. Para finalizar, tratamos sobre as formas de avaliação de uma Política Pública com os autores, Maria Cecília Barreira e Maria do Carmo Carvalho, no que tange as perspectivas da avaliação de políticas e programas sociais. Elizabeth Rico, sobre os processos avaliativos e Klauss Frey sobre as reflexões conceituais, dessas avaliações e suas implicações para a situação política brasileira.

  13. Pregnancias. Sobre cuatro lavis de Colette Deblé

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    Jacques Derrida


    Full Text Available ¿Cómo citar la representación del cuerpo femenino en la Historia del Arte occidental dejándose impregnar por los patrones y modelos pictóricos masculinos pero imprimiendo, a su vez, otras huellas, las de otro cuerpo? Esta pregunta atraviesa el texto del filósofo Jacques Derrida sobre las aguadas (lavis de la pintora francesa Colette Deblé, dando lugar a una reflexión sobre el engendramiento, el parto y la cita pictórica. En el trabajo de Colette Deblé, el legado de la Historia del Arte y su mitología engendrarán una serie infinita de aguadas donde el agua no pretende “lavar” la tradición (deshacerse de ella, acabar con ella sino inundarla, mojarla, empaparla con nuevas aguas para, escurriéndola, hacerla resonar nuevamente.

  14. Conhecimento de pediatras que atuam em urgências e emergências sobre tratamento da anafilaxia

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    João Carlos Pina Faria


    Full Text Available Introdução: Anafilaxia é uma reação sistêmica grave, aguda e potencialmente fatal. Apresenta vários desencadeantes e mecanismos diferentes, entretanto, o tratamento agudo é igual em todos os casos. Objetivo: Avaliar o conhecimento sobre tratamento da anafilaxia e choque anafilático (CA de pediatras que atuam em setor de emergência pediátrica. Métodos: Estudo transversal através da aplicação de questionário de múltiplas escolhas com 10 perguntas sobre tratamento da anafilaxia e CA. Foram convidados todos os pediatras do Pronto Socorro de um Hospital Público Pediátrico. Resultados: Cinquenta entre 51 pediatras concordaram em participar do estudo. A média de acertos foi 6,32 com mediana de 7 (mínimo 2 e máximo 10. Houve reconhecimento adequado dos pediatras sobre a droga de escolha para iniciar o tratamento da anafilaxia e CA em 96% e 92%, respectivamente. Sobre a via de administração da adrenalina, a adequação das respostas foi de 64%. Em relação à dose de adrenalina, 70% identificaram corretamente, porém, o conhecimento sobre a dose máxima foi de 44%. Ao perguntar o intervalo para repetir a adrenalina, 38% responderam corretamente. Perguntou-se sobre terapias adjuvantes no tratamento do CA com 74% de acerto. Sobre a droga que previne a reação anafilática bifásica, 60% responderam corretamente. Quanto ao tempo de observação, 54% responderam o período adequado. O acerto sobre apresentações disponíveis de adrenalina autoinjetável foi de 40%. Conclusão: Houve dificuldade principalmente em reconhecer dose máxima, dose de adrenalina autoinjetável e tempo necessário para ser repetida, o que aumenta o risco de superdosagem e seus efeitos adversos.

  15. Creencias sobre la madurez psicológica en adultos dominicanos: un estudio sobre sus dimensiones evolutivas y de personalidad desde la perspectiva del conocimiento lego


    Núñez Fernández, Ramón Onésimo


    Uno de los constructos psicológicos elaborados por la psicología más empleado, pero menos definido con precisión es el de la “madurez psicológica” o “madurez personal”; y aunque hoy día podemos encontrar definiciones de algún modo explicitas sobre el constructo en esencia poco nos dicen sobre su significado social. El interés fundamental de esta tesis está basado en la exploración de las creencias e ideas que tienes las personas adultas acerca del contructo de madurez personal y las dimension...

  16. Proposta de metodologia para avaliação de redes de voz sobre IP


    Vandersilvio da Silva


    A redução de custo com telefonia através do uso de voz sobre IP tem disparado a busca de soluções que transformem redes IP originalmente dedicadas a transporte de dados em redes para transporte de voz. Esta dissertação tem por objetivo apresentar uma metodologia para sistematizar a avaliação de redes para o tráfego de voz sobre IP de acordo com as possibilidades disponíveis no cenário a ser avaliado. Inicialmente é dada uma visão geral de voz sobre IP, apresentando os protocolos utilizados, o...

  17. Reflexiones sobre la tutoría como función del profesor universitario


    López Lucas, María del Carmen


    En el artículo se reflexiona sobre la tutoría, los motivos, los ámbitos de aplicación, cómo hacer una tutoría personalizada y cómo la entrevista en la tutoría individual, y por último, se reflexiona sobre el momento más adecuado para realizarse.

  18. As opinioes dos brasileiros sobre ciencia e tecnologia: o paradoxo da relacao entre informacao e atitudes

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    Yurij Castelfranchi


    Full Text Available Em muitos debates sobre as relações entre ciência e sociedade, em particular quanto à aceitação das tecnologias ou à percepção de seus riscos, existe uma hipótese subjacente: a de que a ignorância gera medo, e o medo gera desconfiança ou hostilidade contra a ciência e a tecnologia. Neste artigo mostramos que essa hipótese é questionável. Com base numa recente enquete nacional, apontamos que atitudes otimistas sobre ciência e tecnologia não dependem do nível escolar ou da informação declarada ou acessada pelas pessoas sobre o tema. Indivíduos com escassa informação possuem, em geral, atitudes positivas. Pessoas com maior escolaridade e acesso à informação possuem atitudes diversificadas, otimistas sobre alguns aspectos, porém mais críticas sobre outros.

  19. Algunas consideraciones sobre la estrategia de mercadotecnia en los negocios internacionales

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    Ernesto Raúl González Ramírez


    Full Text Available El presente artículo aborda algunas consideraciones sobre la estrategia de mercadotecnia en el contexto de los negocios internacionales. La primera parte está dirigida a describir las particularidades de las estrategias específicas de mercadotecnia (producto, precio, comunicación y distribución en el área internacional. La segunda parte, trata sobre la importancia de tener presente el nivel de orientación al mercado o aplicación del concepto de mercadotecnia en este contexto.


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    Full Text Available Este trabajo corresponde a una revisión general sobre la gestión del agua en Colombia, en la cual se enfatiza la gobernabilidad como un elemento fundamental en este tipo de procesos. Por lo tanto, a partir de la recopilación y análisis de información secundaria, se identifica la evolución de la gestión del agua en el país y, en esa medida, los aspectos que permiten evidenciar una crisis de gobernabilidad en esta materia. En tal sentido, inicialmente se plantean algunos aspectos relevantes para abordar el análisis de la gestión integrada del recurso hídrico y la gobernabilidad del agua. Más adelante, se abordan factores que reflejan que pese a importantes avances en la gestión del agua en el país, todavía es incipiente un enfoque integral que considere múltiples criterios para facilitar la gobernabilidad sobre el recurso hídrico. Así, se plantea que existe una crisis de gobernabilidad sobre el agua, que se expresa en términos del desconocimiento de la experiencia y contexto internacional, la descoordinación y dispersión de la política del agua, el desconocimiento de las diversas formas locales de gobierno, la percepción errónea sobre la abundancia y riqueza hídrica del país y el disimulo o desinterés con que se ignoran las múltiples presiones que se ciernen sobre el agua.  


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    Laura Cavalcanti de Farias Brehmer


    Full Text Available Tuvo como objetivo conocer la producción de conocimiento acerca de la influenza AH1N1, de la literatura sobre el tema relacionado con la aparición de la pandemia. Se trata de una revisión integradora de la literatura, que fue utilizado como criterio de selección, los artículos indizados en PubMed y SciELO en el período 2005 a 2009, en portugués, inglés o español. La muestra consistió de 14 publicaciones, todos publicados en 2009. Hubo una importante contribución de los estudios brasileños sobre el tema y los investigadores en salud pública. La investigación ha ayudado a entender la epidemiología de la enfermedad, incluyendo el perfil de los casos, la mortalidad de la enfermedad, el manejo terapéutico y factores de riesgo. Era evidente que no hay estudios sobre la enfermedad, que puede subsidiar la construcción de políticas para hacer frente mejor a esta y otras pandemias, así como ser capaces de sensibilizar a la sociedad sobre la importancia de las medidas preventivas

  2. Tiempo de feminismo. Sobre feminismo, proyecto ilustrado y postmodernidad, de Celia Amorós [Ressenya


    Campillo, Neus


    Se trata de una reseña sobre el libro Amorós, C., Tiemp de feminismo. Sobre feminismo, proyecto ilustrado y postmodernidad. Madrid, Cátedra, Universitat de Valencia, Instituto de la Mujer, 1997, 463 pp.

  3. Score a Facilities Hat Trick: Strategic Goals for Successful Hiring, Training, and Team Commitment (United States)

    Loy, Darcy


    Granted, it might be a bit of a stretch to find comparable attributes between an ice hockey team and facilities management organizations. However, if you are open-minded to the possibility and begin to analyze each of these entities, you will find there are some distinct similarities. Ice hockey is a fast-paced and ever-changing game, much like a…

  4. Elaborando uma cartilha sobre as ambiguidades da violência conjugal

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    Kátia Lenz-de-Oliveira

    Full Text Available O texto é um relato de experiência em um projeto de extensão universitária que elaborou e testou junto a grupos comunitários uma cartilha sobre violência conjugal direcionada tanto a mulheres quanto a homens, tendo como proposta construir uma comunicação que explicitasse e avaliasse os diferentes sentimentos e crenças relacionados ao tema, e ainda que respeitasse as possibilidades e os desejos de cada leitor. A abordagem de intervenção comunitária foi ancorada no construcionismo social. O tema da violência conjugal foi apresentado na cartilha tendo por base um esforço para articular as contribuições advindas tanto dos movimentos feministas como de outros estudiosos, mantendo a politização do tema. O processo de produção da cartilha é relatado buscando refletir sobre as dificuldades e as mudanças vivenciadas diante dos textos sobre o tema, dos testes do primeiro esboço junto a grupos comunitários, dos consultores e de feministas, de forma a apontar o fato de nossa atenção ter se concentrado em quatro categorias de análise do problema: dominação masculina, diversidade, amor romântico e ambigüidades, sendo a última a que nos pareceu ser mais amplamente debatida e apreendida por qualquer vertente de discussão diante do tema, embora todas sejam imprescindíveis. Por fim, apontamos nossa avaliação sobre os limites e os potenciais da última versão da cartilha.

  5. Gestión del marketing sensorial sobre la experiencia del consumidor

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    Leonardo Ortegón-Cortázar


    Full Text Available El rápido desarrollo de mercados con productos competitivos de difícil diferenciación y consumidores mejor informados que demandan experiencias memorables, justifican estudiar los elementos sensoriales que pueden potenciar e influir positivamente sobre dichas experiencias. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el estado del arte respecto a la gestión y uso del marketing sensorial sobre la experiencia del consumidor. El diseño de investigación es no experimental documental, con un tipo de estudio descriptivo, empleando fuentes de recolección de información secundarias, mediante un arqueo bibliográfico de revistas de impacto que figuran en bases de datos de libre acceso. Los resultados revelan la dominancia del sentido de la visión sobre la persuasión y las actividades de marketing, mientras que el sentido del olfato demuestra mayor influencia sobre el nivel de recuerdo y evocación de información. Se concluye la utilidad de jerarquizar por nivel de influencia las actividades de estimulación sensorial en marketing a partir del funcionamiento y participación de los sentidos humanos y poder combinar dichas estimulaciones como medio para maximizar la experiencia del consumidor y distinguir la oferta de valor, considerando el grado de diferenciación, la favorabilidad y la fuerza de la actividad sensorial basada en planeación estratégica empresarial.

  6. El efecto de la maternidad sobre los salarios femeninos en Ecuador

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    Héctor Alberto Botello


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se analiza el efecto de la maternidad sobre los salarios femeninos del año 2012 en el Ecuador estudiando sobre la tenencia, el número y la estructura de edad de los hijos. La metodología implementa ecuaciones mincerianas sobre los datos del ingreso laboral provenientes de las encuestas de hogares; para posteriormente descomponer el diferencial con el método de Oaxaca Blinder con corrección sobre el sesgo de selección. Los resultados muestran que las madres ganan en promedio 7,56% menos que las no madres, presentándose una alta heterogeneidad entre las provincias analizadas y los niveles educativos. Luego de controlar la edad de los hijos se aprecia que las madres de niños de menos de 5 años ganan un 10% menos, mientras que las madres que tienen niños de más de 5 años, la disminución es de solo el 2%. Por número, si la mujer tiene a su cuidado dos hijos la brecha por maternidad promedio es del 3,7% y si tiene más de dos hijos la rebaja es del 2,26%. No obstante, la mayor parte de la brecha por maternidad en el Ecuador no está causada por el hecho de ser madres sino por sus características socioeconómicas intrínsecas.

  7. Notas sobre la historia de la garza morena ardea cocoi (aves en Colombia

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    José Ignacio Borrero H.


    Full Text Available Una revisión de la bibliografía sobre esta especie, demuestra que si bien existe una serie de notas relacionadas con su distribución geográfica, prácticamente nada se ha escrito en relación con sus costumbres, fuera claro está, de comentarios muy generales consignados en manuales sobre faunas regionales.

  8. Contabilidad de Costos I. - Problemas sobre la contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con los costos indirectos de fabricación


    Morillo Moreno, Marysela C.


    ÍNDICE Introducción Problemas sobre terminología básica Problemas básicos sobre el Ciclo de la Contabilidad de Costos Problemas sobre contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con los materiales Problemas sobre la contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con la mano de obra Problemas sobre la contabilización de las actividades relacionadas con los costos indirectos de fabricación Problemas sobre el Ciclo de la Contabilida...


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    Rocío Tizón


    Full Text Available Los juegos de rol aparecen en la década de los años 70 en Estados Unidos, creados por Gary Gigax y Dave Arneson, padres del ya famoso Dragones & Mazmorras. No obstante, fueron pocos los años de tranquilidad, ya que en su país natal se le consideró culpable de promover el suicidio de varios adolescentes que habían sido jugadores de Dragones & Mazmorras. Los engaños de la información y los prejuicios de las noticias sobre estos juegos de rol provocaron que varias personas se interesaran por este fenómeno, analizando dichos mitos y comprobando la verdad de estos rumores. Uno de estos estudiosos fue William Watson, creador de la página web The Inquirer, en la que se dedica a desmontar estos y otros tópicos sobre juegos de rol.

  10. Notas sobre o escândalo e o cinismo de Manet

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    Tereza Calomeni


    Full Text Available Em 1971, Foucault profere, em Túnis, uma conferência sobre a pintura de Manet. Em 1984, em A coragem da verdade, último curso oferecido no Collège de France, analisando o cinismo como expressão da parresia, novamente se refere ao pintor ao relacionar arte moderna e cinismo. A partir dos dois textos, o artigo reflete sobre o escândalo de Olympia, uma das treze telas examinadas na conferência, e a relação, estabelecida no curso, entre arte moderna e cinismo.

  11. Taller sobre Violencias de Género 2.0. Diseño


    Prado Soto, María Nieves; Vilà Baños, Ruth


    El taller sobre Violencia de Género 2.0 trata la problemática de aquella violencia que se ejerce sobre las mujeres y otros grupos de personas (homosexuales, transexuales…) a causa de la desigualdad de géneros estipulada desde el sistema patriarcal. En la sociedad actual, donde el uso de la tecnología es un aspecto normalizado en nuestras vidas, este tipo de violencia es ejercida no solo cara a cara, sino también en los espacios virtuales de los que hacemos uso diariamente. El taller me...



    Mariano H. Novelli


    RESUMOEl presente estudio analiza, desde una perspectiva integral, el sistema instituido por la Directiva 2004/35/CE sobre responsabilidad medioambiental. Se focaliza sobre el régimen para la prevención y reparación de daños medioambientales que establece dicha norma, a la cual concibe como un exponente de la renovación del Derecho de Daños, rama jurídica que en tiempo reciente ha ampliado sus funciones incorporando a la clásica finalidad resarcitoria una tutela que procura la actuación ex an...

  13. Percepciones sobre el uso del condón y la sexualidad entre jóvenes


    J. Isaac Uribe; Genoveva Amador; Ximena Zacarías; Leticia Villarreal


    El objetivo fue determinar la relación entre percepciones sobre el uso del condón y la actividad sexual de riesgo en jóvenes universitarios y universitarias. Participaron 273 hombres y mujeres estudiantes de pregrado con rango de edad de 19 a 25 años. Aplicamos una escala tipo Likert con 31 reactivos, con cuatro dimensiones que miden percepción negativa del uso del condón, conocimientos sobre conducta sexual segura y creencias erróneas sobre las ITS y el uso del condón. Mostramos diferenci...

  14. Sobre aprendizaje escolar y neurociencias


    Terigi, Flavia


    En el marco de una creciente difusión de los discursos de y sobre las neurociencias en el campo educativo en Argentina, donde enunciados extraídos del discurso neurocientífico comienzan a transformarse en emblemas de política pública, este trabajo, escrito desde el punto de vista de la educación escolar, se propone situar los alcances y límites de los aportes de estas disciplinas para comprender el aprendizaje escolar. En él se postula que la aparición rutilante de las neurociencias en educac...

  15. Contabilidad del impuesto sobre beneficios


    Luceño Martínez, Haizea


    Este Trabajo Fin de Grado pretende dar una explicación al tratamiento contable del Impuesto de Sociedades. Siendo un impuesto que hay que contabilizar, pero que se calcula siguiendo criterios fiscales, lleva a tener que realizar ajustes que tendrán su repercusión contable. El punto de partida no es otra que la norma de registro y valoración 13ª del PGC, que versa sobre cómo hay que proceder a contabilizar el Gasto por Impuesto de Sociedades, que se compone tanto del Gasto por Impuesto Co...

  16. Efeito de herbicidas sobre agentes fitopatogênicos = Effect of herbicides on phytopathogenic agents

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    Daniel Dias Rosa


    Full Text Available Na agricultura moderna, diversas tecnologias auxiliam no aumento daprodutividade, sendo o herbicida uma delas, mas existem consequências atreladas ao seu uso, como os diversos efeitos sobre organismos não alvos. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se verificar esses efeitos sobre agentes fitopatogênicos, assim como avaliar o efeito do herbicida glyphosate sobre diversas doenças, em plantas de soja transgênicas.Verificou-se forte ação fungicida com o uso do herbicida glyphosate, assim como os outros avaliados “in vitro”, sobre os fungos testados, e os mesmos resultados foram observados nas plantas em condição de campo.In modern agriculture, several technologies have helped increase productivity, and herbicide is one of them. However, there are consequences linked to its use, such as the various effects on non-target organisms. The purpose of this work was to verify these effects on phytopathogenic agents, as well as assess the effect of glyphosate on diseases in transgenic soybean. There was a strong fungicide action using glyphosate herbicide as well as with the others evaluated in vitro regarding fungi tested. The same results were observed in plants in field conditions.

  17. Efecto de las cargas articulares sobre el flujo y pH salival


    Castro, R.J.; Bravo, C.; Alcaino, V.; Giacaman, R.A.


    Una alteración del flujo salival es clave en el desarrollo de caries, enfermedad periodontal e infecciones oportunistas. El flujo salival está determinado por diversos estímulos que actúan sobre receptores de distinta naturaleza, entre ellos mecanoreceptores articulares. Algunos estudios demuestran que las cargas articulares actúan sobre estos receptores, modificando cualitativa y cuantitativamente la secreción salival. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si existe una relación entre l...

  18. Conocimiento sobre salud buco-dental de las embarazadas. Consultorio La California. 2012


    Yero Mier, Ileana María; García Rodríguez, Marisel; Reytor Saavedra, Eduardo; Nazco Barrios, Lidia Ester


    Fundamento: existe desconocimiento sobre salud bucal de las embarazadas, como consecuencia acuden con frecuencia a los servicios de estomatología. Objetivo: identificar el nivel de conocimiento sobre salud buco-dental en pacientes embarazadas del Consultorio La California. 2012. Metodología: se realizó estudio observacional descriptivo. La población y la muestra fueron 93 embarazadas que asistieron a la consulta estomatológica. Se analizaron diferentes afecciones e identificación de factores ...

  19. Blind parents: their experience in care for their children Padres ciegos: experiencias sobre el cuidado de los hijos Pais cegos: experiências sobre o cuidado dos seus filhos

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    Lorita Marlena Freitag Pagliuca


    Full Text Available This study reflects on the difficulties and strategies of blind parents to take care of their children. The situations were related to breastfeeding, bathing, feeding, domestic accidents and administering medication. They use touch, hearing, smelling and the support network, contributing to their autonomy.Reflexiones sobre las dificultades y las estrategias que los padres ciegos usan cuando cuidan a sus hijos. Las situaciones se refieren a amamantar, bañar, alimentar, accidentes domésticos y dar remedios; también sobre el uso del tacto, la audición y el olfato. La importancia de la red social que contribuye para su autonomía.Reflexões sobre dificuldades e estratégias de pais cegos, quando cuidam de seus filhos. As situações referiam-se a amamentar, banhar, alimentar, acidentes domésticos e dar remédio, e o tato, audição e olfato e a rede social contribuindo para sua autonomia.

  20. Conocimiento sobre consentimiento informado de médicos en formación

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    Salomón Zavala


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar qué saben sobre consentimiento informado los postulantes a la residencia médica. Diseño: Cuestionario sobre consentimiento informado. Institución: Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Participantes: Médicos postulantes al examen de admisión a la residencia médica. Metodología: Se elaboró un examen de conocimiento con preguntas de elección múltiple. Participaron en el estudio 1 486 (95% postulantes a las plazas de residencia médica de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2009. Se elaboró una base de datos en Excel y se utilizó el paquete estadístico SPSS 15 para análisis de frecuencia; y Atlas ti para análisis cualitativo. La participación en el estudio fue voluntaria y anónima. Principales medidas de resultados: Conocimiento sobre consentimiento informado. Resultados: De los 1 486 participantes, 56% fue varón, con edad media de 31,5 (DE 5,1 años, rango entre 23 y 58 años, egresados de 26 escuelas de medicina del país y 14 del exterior; uno de cada tres egresó entre 2007 y 2008. La gran mayoría (84% respondió que respetar la autonomía del paciente significa mejorar la comunicación médico paciente; y tres de cada cuatro, que obtener el consentimiento informado es un imperativo ético. La frecuencia de aciertos disminuyó en las preguntas sobre información sobre quién determina la capacidad mental y qué hacer cuando un paciente rechaza tratamiento. Conclusiones: La población de estudio fue heterogénea en edad, universidad de origen y año de egreso. Se identificó deficiencias en conocimiento del consentimiento informado.


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    Full Text Available A teoria nos indica que existem muitas influências sobre a avaliação das pessoas acerca da pena de morte (MENIN, 2005; LARANJEIRAS, 2007. Autores reconhecem que os meios de comunicação instigam a população a desejar vingança, como se isso resolvesse o problema da violência (MELLO, 1999. Outros acreditam existir uma série de questões que precisam ser transformadas para que pensemos numa pena de morte, como: a segurança pública, o desemprego, o sistema prisional e as formas alternativas de punição (CRITSNELIS, 2009, também é possível encontrar autores que veem positivamente o emprego da pena de morte e seus argumentos tem caráter religioso, humanista, judicial e social (BARRETO, 1983. Este estudo tem como objetivo identificar, ainda que em pequena esfera, o que as pessoas em Campos pensam sobre a pena de morte. Inicialmente uma pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada. Elaborou-se um questionário objetivo composto de 3 perguntas. O público alvo foi Homens e Mulheres maiores de 18 anos, abordados nas imediações do ISECENSA, sendo um total de 40 pessoas. Posteriormente os dados foram tabulados gerando as informações da pesquisa. Perguntamos aos participantes se eles concordavam que é possível haver a reabilitação do ser humano e obtivemos que 75% concordavam que é possível. Aproximadamente 20% discordavam, não plenamente, mas acreditavam que raras vezes era possível a reabilitação. O restante não tinha uma opinião sobre a questão. 60% (a maioria das pessoas concordaram que a reforma das leis resolveria o problema da violência, outros 15% não chegaram a uma conclusão sobre a determinada pergunta e 25% dos entrevistados discordam. Cerca de 30% concordaram com a pena de morte, aproximadamente 20% não tinham pensado no assunto e os 45%, maioria, discordaram que a pena de morte é uma lei necessária no Brasil. Como dado mais expressivo, ressaltamos que a maior parte das pessoas abordadas acreditam que é poss

  2. Planteamientos sobre la pobreza: una aproximación conceptual

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    Bertha Lucía Martínez Bernal


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se presentan varias definiciones o conceptos para la comprensión, medición y el análisis de la pobreza. Para ello se retoma la producción escrita de diferentes estudiosos e investigadores que han hecho aportes valiosos sobre el tema. Al lado de estos conceptos se analizan los diferentes enfoques que se utilizan para aproximarse al estudio de la pobreza, aunque estas no son teorías ni explicaciones de sus causas, sino perspectivas sobre pobreza que denotan dichos enfoques. Así mismo se desarrolla una revisión de las metodologías más utilizadas en los procesos de identificación y agregación. Finalmente se interpretan las políticas públicas en los sectores sociales.

  3. Voz sobre frame relay


    D´Elia, Gabriel Anibal


    Esta tesis trata el tema de VOFR, desde la digitalización de la voz hasta su transmisión a través de dicha red, así también como la comparación con otros medios de transporte como VOIP. Dada las características del protocolo frame relay y su disponibilidad se eligió como el medio más apropiado para la transmisión de voz y datos en forma integrada sobre una misma red. El trabajo comienza con una breve explicación de la voz, su digitalización y forma actual de transmisión a través de una red di...

  4. Cultura e Diversidade. Considerações sobre a multiplicidade das manifestações

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    Milton Araújo Moura


    Full Text Available A diversidade cultural é hoje um tema estabelecido no contexto internacional das discussões sobre contemporaneidade. A questão fundamental deste artigo é a forma como as manifestações culturais podem ser produzidas, reconhecidas e legitimadas em termos de sua diversidade. Neste sentido, colocam-se elementos para perceber como esta problemática tem amadurecido no campo dos Estudos Culturais e, mais especificamente, na reflexão sobre o turismo cultural. Em seguida, a discussão é contextualizada em termos de Brasil. Após várias décadas em busca de nuclearidades de uma cultura brasileira, hoje se coloca, de preferência, o desafio de considerar a complexidade e multiplicidade desta formação. Finalmente, colocam-se alguns questionamentos mais radicais sobre a diversidade cultural.

  5. ¿El armario está abierto?: estudios sobre diversidad sexual en El Salvador

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    Amaral Palevi Gómez Arévalo


    Full Text Available El presente texto tiene por objetivo analizar 39 producciones universitarias sobre diferentes temáticas de diversidad sexual producidas entre 1988 a 2015, las cuales se organizan en 4 ejes/binomios: Prácticas sexuales/Cuerpos, Matrimonio/Familias, Identidades/Prejuicios y Derechos/Ciudadanías. Al mismo tiempo se proponen nuevas temáticas para investigar y se reflexiona sobre los retos al interior de la educación superior salvadoreña para constituir un campo de Estudios sobre Diversidad Sexual. Concluyendo, a pesar de la existencia dispersa de 39 producciones universitarias, las cuales son un avance, el armario de la academia salvadoreña está aún cerrado, y por tal motivo surge la pregunta ¿cómo lo podemos abrir?

  6. Adolescentes consumidores de televisión: autopercepciones sobre sus derechos

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    María Ángeles Espinosa Bayal


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza la percepción que tiene una muestra representativa de la población española de entre 12 y 18 años sobre la protección de sus derechos en las cadenas de televisión. Para conseguir este objetivo, se aplicó un cuestionario de 59 preguntas diseñado para una investigación más amplia en la que se analizaba la opinión de los menores sobre la protección de sus derechos en la televisión y en Internet. Ninguna pregunta del cuestionario se refería a cadenas o programas concretos identificados por los investigadores y la información sobre estos partía de la propia opinión de los adolescentes. Los resultados que se presentan se refieren a los datos sobre televisión y, más concretamente, al respeto por los derechos fundamentales de los telespectadores en general, y de los de los menores en particular. De estos resultados se concluye que los adolescentes perciben claramente la vulneración de los derechos de igualdad, dignidad e intimidad, a la información objetiva veraz y plural y a la libre expresión y opinión –especialmente cuando ésta se refiere a los niños–. Igualmente muestran una postura crítica y de rechazo hacia los tipos de programas que no respetan sus derechos. Se propone utilizar esta capacidad crítica de los telespectadores desde una doble perspectiva: por una parte para crear escuela de ciudadanía y, por otra, para generar una sociedad más justa y equitativa.

  7. Apuntes sobre el Cultivo del Cacao

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    Ochoa Horacio


    Full Text Available Por muchos años permaneció el cultivo del cacao en nuestro país, en un deplorable atraso técnico; el agricultor a duras penas si tenía conocimientos generales de su explotación y, de una industria que tuvo su auge debido a la extensividad de las plantaciones, hoy sólo resta una reducida porción de ella. ¿Qué factores operaron esa tan notoria reducción hasta el punto de que exportadores en otros tiempos nos convertimos en importadores obligados de ese producto? Hay muchas razones de orden técnico y de orden económico. Los cacaotaleros obtenían halagadoras retribuciones cuando el jornal consistía en la alimentación que se le daba a la peonada y cuando, generoso, añadía una sobretasa en dinero. Bajo ese sistema de explotación, el descuadre que pudiera ocasionar tanto las enfermedades criptogámicas como los plagas, no era suficiente como para provocar el pesimismo en el hacendado y por tanto inducirlo al abandono de la plantación. A medida que las condiciones sociales del campesino se fueron modificando y su standard de vida aumentaba, cambió fundamentalmente el mecanismo de la industria Se observó entonces que los árboles morían y que era pobre la producción; que lo que en tiempos pasados fuera un negocio lucrativo, se les había convertido en una actividad improductiva y, para controlar estos fenómenos que se generalizaban en todas las zonas cacaotaleras, opusieron la ignorancia, el rutinarismo y la desidia. Lentamente se han ido modificando los conceptos antiguos sobre el trabajo cultural y los cuidados que con relación a las enfermedades y plagas requiere este delicado cultivo; la rutina está echando paso atrás y las experiencias científicas que procuran la prosperidad del plantío, se ponen en práctica en algunas zonas . Esto da esperanza para la reconstitución de la industria cacaotalera en nuestro país, que cuenta con inmensas regiones de óptima calidad para hacerla florecer sobre bases nuevas, con

  8. Sobre fuentes, temporalidad y escritura de la historia

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    Germán Colmenares


    Full Text Available Una exposición sobre métodos históricos no puede reducirse a una mera colección de recetas sobre la manera como debe conducirse una investigación desde el momento en que se selecciona un tema monográfico, se localizan las fuentes aprovechables y se someten a variados procedimientos críticos y cuantitativos, hasta cuando se acomete la empresa final de la presentación narrativa o analítica de los resultados. Cada uno de estos pasos ha recibido un énfasis diferente en diferentes épocas, tipificando así una escuela o toda una manera de concebir la tarea historiográfica. El primero de ellos, por ejemplo, no parece recelar mayores dificultades. Sin embargo, cuando en él se considera incluido el planteamiento de un problema y la identificación de los elementos que lo constituyen, entonces resulta encerrar el mayor número de cuestiones teóricas.

  9. Conocimientos sobre sexualidad y su influencia en el embarazo en adolescentes

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    Carmina Alexandra García Macías


    Full Text Available Introducción: El embarazo en la adolescencia es en la actualidad un problema de salud que genera serias consecuencias personales, sociales y económicas, con repercusión en la salud individual, familiar y colectiva. Objetivo: Identificar los conocimientos sobre la sexualidad y su influencia en el embarazo en la adolescencia. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional analítico, transversal, en un universo de 80 adolescentes de 15 a 19 años del Equipo Urbano de Salud 23 Latacunga, a quienes se les aplicó una encuesta sobre sexualidad y métodos anticonceptivos; los datos fueron procesados en el programa SPSS, el análisis se realizó mediante el test de Chi Cuadrado con un nivel de significación de p<0.05. Resultados: La mayoría de los adolescentes presentó conocimientos insuficientes sobre sexualidad (n=50 62.5%. El inicio de las relaciones sexuales predominó a los 15 años (n=11 13.7%; el uso de métodos anticonceptivos en la primera relación sexual fue bajo (n=30 37.5%; el método anticonceptivo más utilizado fue el condón con un (n=22 27.5%, a continuación, se ubicaron los anticonceptivos naturales.  Conclusiones: Predominó el desconocimiento sobre sexualidad y métodos anticonceptivos, a la vez fue temprano el inicio de la vida sexual con un poco utilización de métodos de anticoncepción.

  10. Hacia un itinerario conceptual sobre la noción de capital social*


    Cristancho Giraldo, Laura Andrea; Universidad de San Buenaventura Bogotá


    El presente artículo tiene como objeto exponer las diferentes concepciones de naturaleza primaria que se han elaborado sobre la noción de capital social. Asimismo, se presentará una taxonomía en la cual se indicarán las convergencias, divergencias y particularidades que comparten de manera implícita o explícita. Por último, se esbozará, a modo de inferencia, una conceptualización holística sobre la expresión en cuestión.

  11. Efectos subletales de la lambda-cialotrina sobre eisenia fetida (Annelida, Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae)


    Ricardo, Tamara; Maitre, Maria Ines; Rodriguez, Alba Rut


    El uso intensivo de agroquímicos provoca efectos indeseables sobre la fauna no blanco. Dentro de la misma, los oligoquetos contribuyen a mantener la estructura y fertilidad del suelo. La lambda-cialotrina es uno de los insecticidas piretroides más utilizados en Argentina, pero son escasos los datos existentes acerca de su toxicidad sobre oligoquetos. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron evaluar mediante bioensayos de toxicidad crónica los efectos de lambda-cialotrina (producto comercial al 5%...

  12. La bibliografia en inglés sobre la economía colombiana (1978-1983

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    Thoumi Franscisco Elías


    Full Text Available En este ensayo se pretende lograr varios fines. Primero, presentar en forma comentada los libros, capítulos de libros, monografias y artículos académicos que se han publicado en inglés recientemente y cuyo objeto de estudio principal o parcial ha sido la economía colombiana. Segundo, identificar algunas características de las investigaciones sobre la economía colombiana efectuadas en los Estados Unidos. En esta forma,
    la audiencia académica colombiana puede informarse sobre publicaciones existentes en inglés y sobre la imagen de Colombia como objeto de investigación en los ámbitos de habla inglesa.

  13. Influencia de la lactancia materna sobre el desarrollo psicomotor y mental del niño


    Gómez Sanchiz, Manuela


    En 1929 Hoefer y Hardy plantearon la hipótesis que la lactancia materna influía sobre el desarrollo mental del niño, además del físico. Los resultados de las investigaciones realizadas en esta área, hasta el momento, son contradictorios; no obstante una meta-análisis publicado en el año 1999 concluye que la lactancia materna influye positivamente sobre el desarrollo mental del niño, tanto a término como pretérmino. El objetivo del estudio fue analizar los efectos de la lactancia materna sobre...

  14. Algumas considerações sobre a sociologia de Alfred Schutz

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    Márcio Nicory Costa Souza


    Full Text Available O presente artigo apresenta algumas considerações sobre a perspectiva sociológica de Alfred Schutz. Para tal, tecemos breves considerações sobre a fenomenologia, em especial a partir das contribuições de Husserl. Trata-se, portanto, de um esforço para o entendimento de sua importância para as Ciências Sociais. Primeiramente, apresentamos as influências constitutivas do pensamento de Schutz, bem como suas principais ferramentas analíticas. Em seguida, pensando no “fazer ciência”, procedemos para reflexões analíticas da proposta de uma Sociologia Interpretativa.


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    Rocío Jiménez


    Full Text Available Este trabajo ofrece una revisión de estudios empíricos basados en el proceso de coaching como estrategia eficaz en la formación del profesorado tanto inicial como permanente. Los objetivos seconcretan en: a ofrecer la situación de la investigación actual sobre coaching en este ámbito, b establecer diferencias y similitudes entre los procesos de coaching en experiencias reales y eficaces de formación del profesorado, c delimitar los principios y constructos teórico-operativos del coaching como estrategia formativa e investigadora y d identificar líneas y retos para la investigación futura sobre la conciencia del profesorado y la transferibilidad de aprendizajes a lapráctica. El método de revisión bibliográfica se concreta en búsquedas automatizadas en bases de datos digitales especializadas en educación (ERIC o ISOC, así como, en revistas especializadas, enformación del profesorado, tanto españolas como internacionales, situadas en el primer o segundo cuartil de INRECS o indexadas en JCR con un factor de impacto superior a 0.6. Se usa un sistema de citación superior como el Science Citation Index, a partir de referencias claves. La selección de artículos científicos, siguiendo criterios específicos, reúne un total de 8 estudios. La revisión, muestra como resultado, las características del coaching como estrategia formativa y de investigación y ofrece una visión sobre el estado de la investigación, así como, una base teórica y práctica para futuras investigaciones que construyan conocimiento sobre este tema.



    Geraldino, Carlos Francisco Gerencsez


    Este artigo visa contribuir para o debate sobre a construção epistemológica do conceito de meio na história da ciência geográfica. Para isso, apresenta um exame sintético das agregações de atributos ideados para esse conceito por Humboldt, Ritter, Ratzel, Vidal de La Blache, Demangeon e Sorre. Isso, no duplo intuito de, primeiro, demonstrar a manifesta continuidade teórica desses autores no tocante as suas acepções sobre as determinações mesológicas e, segundo, de argumentar contra a difundid...

  17. Agrupamentos epistemológicos de artigos publicados sobre big data analytics


    FURLAN, Patricia Kuzmenko; LAURINDO, Fernando José Barbin


    Resumo A era do big data já é realidade para empresas e indivíduos, e a literatura acadêmica sobre o tema tem crescido rapidamente nos últimos anos. Neste artigo, pretendeu-se identificar quais são os principais nichos e vertentes de publicação sobre o big data analytics. A opção metodológica foi realizar pesquisa bibliométrica na base de dados ISI Web of Science, utilizando-se aquele termo para focar as práticas de gestão de big data. Foi possível identificar cinco grupos distintos dentre os...

  18. Números que pouco explicam: indicadores sobre famílias recasadas e bullying

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    Leila Maria Torraca de Brito


    Full Text Available No presente artigo, optamos por analisar o recorte metodológico e algumas interpretações, divulgadas pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, provenientes de indicadores obtidos sobre dois temas pesquisados pelo instituto. Nosso objetivo, portanto, foi o de avaliar metodologias e definições empregadas pelo Censo de 2010 na coleta de dados sobre famílias recasadas, bem como a opção metodológica e as acepções utilizadas para a apreensão do bullyingna pesquisa PeNSE, de 2009. Como os resultados das investigações empreendidas pelo instituto são usados para traçar o rumo das políticas públicas no Brasil, consideramos ser de suma importância que os procedimentos empregados estejam em consonância com as discussões teóricas atuais sobre os respectivos temas, situação que não foi evidenciada em nossa análise.


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    Ana Lúcia de Assis Simões


    Full Text Available Este estudio descriptivo de corte transversal tuvo como objetivo verificar el conocimiento sobre la diabetes mellitus y las dificultades encontradas por los profesores en el manejo de los niños diabéticos. El estudio se hizo con 184 profesores de educación preescolar en las escuelas municipales del municipio de Uberaba-MG, entre abril y julio de 2009. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de cuestionario y se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva. Los resultados mostraron que los profesores entrevistados tienen conocimiento acerca de la diabetes (58,15%, sin embargo, mostraron desconocimiento sobre las manifestaciones clínicas (27,72%, los enfoques terapéuticos (33,70% y los principales procedimientos que se adoptarán en situaciones adversas (42,40%. Este estudio contribuyó a resaltar la necesidad de capacitar a los maestros sobre el tema de la diabetes mellitus de la primera infancia, para permitir el acercamiento al niño con conocimiento y seguridad.

  20. Sobre nomes e coisas: Arnaldo Antunes em sala de aula

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    Érica Dias Gomes


    Full Text Available A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar sobre a compreensão de alunos de um curso de formação de docentes sobre as obras audiovisuais “Nome” e “Carnaval” de Arnaldo Antunes, pensando na forma com que percebem seu cotidiano e a sociedade atual por meio da interpretação. O questionamento que se faz é como, a partir da reflexão sobre as obras do artista, desenvolver um trabalho de sensibilização, investigação e criação em sala de aula. A pesquisa participante apresenta uma proposta pedagógica realizada com uma turma de estudantes do curso de formação de docentes do Colégio Estadual Visconde de Guarapuava, buscando desenvolver assim a expressividade e a formulação de ideias de forma conjunta, por meio do desenvolvimento de um processo criativo. Foram analisados os resultados das propostas realizadas em sala de aula, além dos registros em diário de campo. Por meio da pesquisa, percebeu-se a importância dos trabalhos que envolvam fruição, reflexão e produção como forma de apropriação dos conteúdos.

  1. Sentidos sobre a Amizade Entre Travestis: Construção de Repertórios Interpretativos

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    Rita Matins Godoy Rocha

    Full Text Available RESUMOConsiderando a necessidade de outros olhares sobre a complexidade do universo das travestis, este estudo objetiva descrever e analisar os repertórios interpretativos sobre as relações de amizade entre elas. Participaram 10 travestis do sudeste brasileiro. A entrevista individual semiestruturada foi o recurso metodológico escolhido, apoiada pelo caderno de campo. O estudo se baseou nas propostas de análise do discurso construcionista social. Cinco repertórios interpretativos sobre amizade foram identificados: Babado; Batalha; Família; Segredo e Uó. O uso dos repertórios, em diferentes arranjos, apresenta a maneira como as travestis contam sobre si, seja ressaltando seus potenciais, seja legitimando sentidos de marginalidade e estigma. Esses sentidos criam a possibilidade de existência entre elas e podem subsidiar a construção e implementação de intervenções e políticas direcionadas a essa população.

  2. Investigación etnográfica sobre experiencias de trabajo infantil en el noreste argentino

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    Laura Frasco-Zuker


    Full Text Available El artículo tiene como objetivo caracterizar la infancia de quienes trabajan y/o trabajaron en contextos familiares en un barrio de una localidad de Misiones. Se parte de una concepción de la infancia como categoría socio‒histórica y se realiza una indagación antropológica en perspectiva del actor sobre experiencias de trabajo infantil en integrantes de tres unidades domésticas. El método de investigación es el trabajo de campo etnográfico. Los resultados preliminares muestran que las distintas trayectorias de trabajo en la infancia se vinculan a sentidos esperables en esta etapa de la vida que modelan prácticas específicas según generaciones, géneros e historias familiares. La articulación entre datos de campo y discusión teórica sobre trabajo infantil permite discutir nociones universales sobre las que se legisla y reflexionar sobre sus alcances y limitaciones.

  3. Dos hipótesis sobre el presidencialismo autoritario

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    Soledad Loaeza


    Full Text Available El presidencialismo autoritario mexicano ha sido objeto de muchas reflexiones y opiniones. No obstante, se ha impuesto un paradigma presidencialista que privilegia la perspectiva personalizada e idiosincrática del ejercicio del poder, con un importante componente cultu- ralista. Aquí se propone, por una parte, una perspectiva histórica que contextualiza las accio- nes presidenciales en el período 1944-1970; por la otra, se parte de dos presupuestos generales. Uno, sostiene que los presidentes mexicanos actuaban bajo importantes restricciones y según los ritmos de un proceso que avanzó en episodios, más que en forma lineal o acumulativa; el otro destaca la limitación geopolítica que se deriva de la vecindad con Estados Unidos que incidió sobre las acciones presidenciales, pero también sobre el desarrollo institucional del país. La evolución del presidencialismo autoritario lleva la huella de esta influencia. Este artículo introduce elementos para la discusión de las hipótesis. La primera parte hace una revisión crítica del paradigma presidencialista; la segunda expone las restricciones que se derivaban de la vecindad con Estados Unidos. La tercera y última está dedicada a la descripción del tipo de episodios que Pueden servir para ilustrar la evolución del presidencialismo autoritario. Las dos hipótesis que aquí se presentan han guiado una investigación más amplia sobre el impacto de la Guerra Fría en México y el desarrollo del presidencialismo.

  4. Efecto cristal. Reflexiones sobre arquitectura

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    Dr. Arq. Carlos Pantaleón Panaro


    Full Text Available ESPEJISMO es una ilusión óptica debido a la reflexión total de la luz cuando atraviesa capas de aire de densidad distinta, con lo cual los objetos lejanos dan una imagen invertida, como si se reflejaran sobre el agua, tal como ocurre en las llanuras de los desiertos. 1 La definición de espejismo nos explica que es una ilusión, una ficción, un desvarío, un delirio. Algo que no es real ni verdadero, la apariencia engañosa de algo que no existe. ¿Pero no existe, realmente? Tal vez se pueda decir, desde algún punto de vista, que una imagen ilusoria no es real. Pero ¿podríamos afirmarlo desde el punto de vista del fenómeno de la percepción? Si lo vemos, ¿no tendríamos derecho a decir que es real? ¿Algo tiene que ser material y poder tocarse, para ser real? ¿No basta simplemente con verlo? Este artículo de reflexión trata sobre el tema de lo ilusorio, de los espejismos y apariencias engañosas que, no obstante su naturaleza falaz, existen y se perciben, y son procesados por nuestra mente como fenómenos sensoriales que conforman nuestra percepción. El hilo conductor es un viaje a través de diferentes paisajes espejados: el del azar, el de las artes y el de la arquitectura. 1Diccionario de la Real Academia Española

  5. Contribuição ao projeto de pontes estaiadas com estudo dos casos da ponte sobre o rio Pinheiros e a ponte sobre o rio Guama


    Heitor Afonso Nogueira Neto


    Resumo: Segue uma pesquisa bibliográfica onde estão presentes a descrição histórica das construções das pontes suspensas, a análise das várias configurações geométricas adotadas na concepção de pontes estaiadas e um estudo sobre os estais. Este trabalho também contempla a descrição das duas mais importantes pontes estaiadas executadas no Brasil. A primeira refere-se a ponte metroviária sobre o rio Pinheiros (Ponte Engenheiro Jamil Sabino), na cidade de São Paulo, compondo a Linha 5 do metrô. ...

  6. Efecto de distintos sistemas de acolchado del suelo sobre la humedad y la temperatura del suelo, y sobre distintos parámetros de nectarina regada por goteo


    Zribi, Wided; Faci González, José María; Aragüés Lafarga, Ramón


    La agricultura de regadío moderna exige el uso óptimo y sostenible de los recursos agua y suelo. El acolchado del suelo puede ser una técnica eficiente de conservación de estos recursos. En particular, el acolchado en cultivos leñosos esta adquiriendo una importancia creciente por sus efectos hipotéticamente positivos sobre la conservación del agua y el control de la salinidad del suelo debidos a la reducción de la evaporación, así como sobre el rendimiento, precocidad de la cosecha y calidad...



    Nancy López-Reyes


    Se revisa el Control sobre sistemas dinámicos lineales de dimensión infnita que evolucionan en espacios con propiedades geométrico-algebraicas diferentes. En un caso, sobre espacios de Hilbert, los cuales poseen una rica estructura geométrico-algebraica, muy útil para el tratamiento del control, desde el punto de vista del enfoque dominio-frecuencia y del enfoque espacio-estado. En el otro caso, sobre espacios de Frechét, en particular sobre H(D), cuyas propiedades geométricas implican un tra...

  8. Aprendiendo sobre el poder y la ciudadanía en un mundo virtual

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    David Buckingham


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta una investigación orientada a analizar cómo se desarrollan las relaciones de poder dentro de un mundo virtual dirigido al público infantil y adolescente (Habbo Hotel. Se pretendía llegar a comprender cómo estaba la compañía propietaria de ese espacio moderando, y por lo tanto ejerciendo su poder, a través de los diferentes actores encargados de tomar decisiones sobre el comportamiento de los usuarios dentro del mundo virtual. Al mismo tiempo, se profundizó en el tipo de lecciones que aprenden los usuarios sobre el ejercicio de la ciudadanía, derivadas de las normas de comportamiento impuestas por la compañía. Para comprender qué estaban aprendiendo los menores sobre el ejercicio del poder y sobre el prototipo de ciudadano modelo dentro del mundo virtual, analizamos los sistemas de reglas que regulan aquello que pueden o no hacer los usuarios y procedimos al análisis del contenido de espacios en los que los usuarios hablaban sobre los motivos por los que la compañía los había expulsado de «Habbo Hotel». Los resultados de este trabajo ponen de manifiesto que la aplicación del sistema de reglas por parte de la compañía hace que la experiencia dentro del mundo virtual no sea siempre lúdica, democrática, creativa, participativa o plenamente satisfactoria. Esto pone en entredicho algunos de los principales argumentos esgrimidos por diferentes autores en defensa de estos nuevos medios de comunicación.

  9. Sistema de creencias sobre las matemáticas en alumnos de secundaria


    Williams, León C.; Gómez Chacón, Inés María


    En este artículo se describen la estructura y la naturaleza de los sistemas de creencias de un grupo de estudiantes de Secundaria en España y en Bélgica (Flandes) elicitadas a través de un cuestionario diseñado para este fin desde un enfoque sistémico. El cuestionario Mathematics-Related Beliefs Questionnaire (MRBQ) mide cuatro dimensiones de sistema de creencias en matemáticas: creencias sobre el papel y el funcionamiento del profesor, creencias sobre el significado y la competen...

  10. A Influência do Patrocínio Esportivo na Atitude sobre Marcas


    Carlos Eugênio Zardini Filho


    Segundo Mason (2005), o patrocínio esportivo se caracteriza por aumentar a frequência de exposição das mensagens de marketing e tem grande impacto sobre a atitude do consumidor. Este projeto tem como objetivo identificar se o patrocínio esportivo é capaz de modificar favoravelmente o aspecto afetivo da atitude em relação a uma marca, mesmo a partir de um cenário negativo sobre tal marca. Quanto ao método, utilizou-se um mode...

  11. Consideraciones transnacionales sobre la gestión del Programa Bracero, 1946-1952


    Vézina, Catherine


    Resumen: Los estudios realizados sobre los debates políticos y regionales sobre el tema de la migración laboral mexicana y que explican las razones del mantenimiento del programa bracero se enfocan mayoritariamente en la gestión estadounidense del flujo migratorio. Este artículo se interesa en la dinámica global de las negociaciones que tuvieron lugar entre 1947 y 1952 y ofrece una historia integrada del programa bracero. Reconstruye diversas narrativas y, de acuerdo con el enfoque propuesto ...

  12. Construcionismo social e metapsicologia: um diálogo sobre o conceito de self

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    Carla Guanaes

    Full Text Available O conceito de self tem sido central nas teorias da psicologia clínica, sendo difícil encontrar, neste campo, estudos que prescindam desta noção. Contudo, alguns teóricos têm questionado concepções mais conhecidas de self, apontando seu caráter construído e situado. Neste artigo, apresentamos o modo como o self tem sido descrito em algumas propostas psicanalíticas e construcionistas sociais, visando a construção de algumas diferenças entre elas. Buscamos, assim, favorecer uma aproximação de estudiosos da área clínica com o construcionismo social, entendendo que esta abordagem favorece uma reflexão sobre o próprio processo de produção de conhecimento sobre o mundo e sobre o self.

  13. Conceitos de mulheres sobre sua menstruação

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    Márcia Yuri Shinohara


    Full Text Available Dando prosseguimento às pesquisas anteriores realizadas pelo Núcleo de Assistência para o Autocuidado da Mulher (NAAM sobre aspectos relativos à menstruação, desenvolvemos um trabalho que estudou os conceitos de 705 mulheres sobre sua menstruação. Foram utilizadas informações do banco de dados do NAAM, obtidos na aplicação do Histórico de Saúde da Mulher no Município de Vargem Grande Paulista. O conceito mais relatado pelas mulheres foi o Normal. Isto talvez explique os dados obtidos em trabalhos anteriores, onde muitas mulheres nada fazem para aliviar os sintomas dolorosos da menstruação. O acesso a estes conceitos próprios é importante para elaborar uma assistência de enfermagem de qualidade respeitando as crenças e valores dentro da cultura das mulheres.

  14. Concepções sobre criminalidade e modelos de policiamento

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    Marco Antônio de Azevedo

    Full Text Available Podem-se conceber duas perspectivas teóricas básicas para explicar a criminalidade: a culturalista e a racionalista. Da primeira derivam políticas públicas destinadas a reduzir a criminalidade através de uma atuação sobre a desorganização social. Na segunda privilegia-se uma estratégia segundo a qual o principal papel do Estado é dissuadir o criminoso da prática delituosa. Este trabalho revisa a literatura, evidenciando mitos sobre o crime e a atividade policial. São discutidos dois modelos de policiamento: um mais tradicional e reativo e outro mais preventivo, procurando-se mostrar que o racionalismo dá maior suporte teórico a políticas de segurança pública que valorizam a promoção da cidadania.

  15. Mesa redonda sobre nuevos modelos organizativos en la gestión de proyectos digitales


    Taladriz Mas, Margarita; Magriñá Contreras, Marta; Martín Marichal, Carmen; Cabo Rigol, Mercé; X Workshop Rebiun sobre proyectos digitales. Valencia, 7-8 Octubre de 2010


    Mesa redonda dentro del X Workshop Rebiun sobre proyectos digitales, celebrado en Valencia, 7-8 Ocubre de 2010, sobre: Nuevos modelos organizativos en la gestión de proyectos digitales. Moderador: José Manuel Barrueco (UV). Intervienen: Margarita Taladriz Mas(UC3M), Marta Magriñá Contreras (UNIRIOJA), Carmen Martín Marichal (ULPGC) y Mercé Cabo Rigol (UPF).

  16. Reinventar un héroe: narrativas sobre los soldados rasos de la Guerra de Corea


    Quiroga Cubides, Sebastián


    Esta investigación se pregunta sobre las diferentes narrativas históricas que se han construido sobre la figura de los soldados rasos de la guerra de Corea, y por cómo ellos han generado estrategias en su relato que se ajustan a unos procesos históricos determinados.

  17. Nuevo puente de La Barca sobre el río Ter

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    Rodríguez-Borlado, Ramiro


    Full Text Available The new La Barca bridge, over the river Ter, is on the northern approach to Gerona, and carries the CN II road from Madrid to France, passing through Barcelona. It substitutes another bridge of the same name, which was inadequate for the heavy increase in traffic, during recent years. The bridge is 128 m long, consisting of two lateral spans, each 37 m long, and a central span of 54 m. The superstructure consists of ten hollow metal girders, of variable depth, arranged as three-part cantilevered structures. The lateral sections are cantilevered towards the centre, and the middle part of the span rests on their extremities. The girders support a reinforced concrete slab of 16 cm thickness and 14 m width: 8 m for the roadway, and 3 m for each of the sidewalks. The structure rests on two piles and two abutments of reinforced concrete, based on caisson foundations, except for one of the abutments, which is a reinforced concrete block. The project is completed by the approach roads and stonemasonry.El nuevo puente de La Barca, sobre el río Ter, está situado en el acceso norte a Gerona de la C. N. II de Madrid a Francia por Barcelona. Sustituye a otro del mismo nombre que resultaba insuficiente para la elevada intensidad de tráfico de esta vía. La luz del puente es de 128 m, dividida en dos tramos laterales, de 37 m de luz, y un tramo central, de 54 m. La superestructura está constituida por cinco vigas metálicas, huecas, de canto variable, dispuestas como vigas cantilever de tres elementos. Los elementos laterales se prolongan hacia el centro en voladizo, apoyándose sobre ellos el elemento central. Las vigas soportan una losa de hormigón armado de 16 cm de espesor, y 14 m de anchura: 8 m para la calzada y 3 m para cada uno de los andenes laterales. El conjunto se apoya sobre dos pilas y dos estribos, de hormigón armado, cimentados sobre cajones indios, excepto uno de los estribos, que está cimentado sobre macizo de hormigón armado

  18. Considerações sobre cuidado paliativo e trabalho hospitalar: uma abordagem plural sobre o processo de trabalho de enfermagem

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    Miguel de Simoni


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar o esforço de síntese dos autores sobre material de pesquisa em cuidados paliativos e bibliografia estudada. Inicialmente, apresentamos algumas considerações sobre cuidado paliativo em dois países estruturalmente distintos, Brasil e França. A discussão está centrada nas experiências de pesquisa dos autores em um serviço de AIDS no Brasil e em um serviço de Medicina Interna na França, que adotava a lógica dos cuidados paliativos e abrigava predominantemente pacientes com AIDS e câncer. Abordamos, em seguida, aspectos referidos à dor e à morte, considerando conceitos da Bioética e a dimensão relacional do cuidado em saúde. Os conceitos assinalados são os de justiça, autonomia, beneficência e não-maleficência. Concluímos, apresentando algumas possíveis contribuições da Ergonomia e da Psicodinâmica do Trabalho na área de Cuidados Paliativos, considerando especialmente a dimensão psicológica deste debate.

  19. Conocimientos, practicas y habilidades sobre la búsqueda bibliográfica y percepción estudiantil sobre la capacitación universitaria en investigación, en estudiantes de obstetricia

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    Mauro Huamani-Navarro

    Full Text Available Introducción: Se observan estudiantes del pregrado de obstetricia con insuficientes habilidades para utilizar toda la información que necesitan. Por ello, nos proponemos determinar el nivel de conocimiento, las prácticas y habilidades sobre la búsqueda de información en Internet, además de la percepción estudiantil sobre la capacitación brindada por la universidad y sobre su nivel en investigación. Sujetos y métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal, periodo abril-julio de 2009, en 150 estudiantes de obstetricia de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, en Perú. Por medio de un cuestionario estructurado, se realizó un análisis univariado. Resultados: El 78,7% presentó conocimientos bajos; el 55,3%, prácticas incorrectas, y el 74,7%, deficientes habilidades para realizar una búsqueda. El 60% consideraba que la preparación en búsqueda de información era regular o deficiente, con igual proporción para los procesos de publicación, redacción, lectura crítica y metodología de la investigación. Conclusiones: Identificar los conocimientos, prácticas, habilidades y percepciones sobre la investigación es importante para promover programas de capacitación extracurricular en los estudiantes durante el pregrado.

  20. La educación escolar sobre drogas en España

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    Amando VEGA FUENTE


    Full Text Available La educación sobre drogas en la escuela constituye hoy un elemento imprescindible en cualquier plan de actuación ante la problemática de las drogas. Por una parte, la escuela es la institución educativa por excelencia, a quien se le confía el cuidado educativo de niños y adolescentes al mismo tiempo que les prepara para la vida. Por otra parte, el consumo de drogas se extiende a las edades escolares, en principio a nivel experimental, aunque no faltan casos de abuso tanto de drogas legales como de ilegales. Esta ponencia pretende ser una aproximación al tema de la educación escolar sobre las drogas en España, entendida esta educación como una atención específica a esta problemática, aunque no se hable directamente de drogas. Aparece, por supuesto, un proceso histórico con aportaciones de interés, que no conviene olvidar para una mejor comprensión de la situación actual. Existen, por otra parte, abundantes estudios sobre el consumo de drogas en edades escolares de áreas locales y niveles de enseñanza restringidos, que nos dan una idea aproximada sobre la incidencia del problema entre los escolares. Son aspectos que no se pueden dejar de lado, si se pretende hacer un análisis crítico profundo y exacto, que nos ofrezca no sólo las limitaciones encontradas sino también pistas de las posibles respuestas a dar en el futuro.