
Sample records for hjerteregister-en klinisk database

  1. SCI- databasen - En klinisk rygmarvsskade database

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vibjerg, Jørgen; Østergaard, Niels; Hagen, Ellen Merete


    SCI- databasen - En klinisk rygmarvsskade database Målet med databasen er at indsamle vigtige data for rygmarvskadede patienter med henblik på at sikrer information der kan bruges til fremtidig forskning. Målet er desuden at kunne bruge databasen i et fremtidig klinisk arbejde, der som et...

  2. Dansk Hjerteregister--en klinisk database

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Abildstrøm, Steen Zabell; Kruse, Marie; Rasmussen, Søren


    INTRODUCTION: The Danish Heart Registry (DHR) keeps track of all coronary angiographies (CATH), percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI), coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), and adult heart valve surgery performed in Denmark. DHR is a clinical database established in order to follow the acti......INTRODUCTION: The Danish Heart Registry (DHR) keeps track of all coronary angiographies (CATH), percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI), coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), and adult heart valve surgery performed in Denmark. DHR is a clinical database established in order to follow...

  3. Klinisk proces-eksperiment på Roskilde Amts Sygehus: Brugerdeltagelse og evidensbaseret udvikling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    at implementere en EPJ-løsning til dokumentation af den klinisk proces, som klinikerne udtrykker tilfredshed med, og som giver demonstrerede positive effekter i den kliniske praksis. • Projektet har demonstreret en mulig IT-strategi, hvor EPJ implementeres trinvist (i modsætning til den såkaldte ”big bang...

  4. Brug af en translationel database i en klinisk afdeling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Højfeldt, Anne Dirks; Johnsen, Hans E; Bøgsted, Martin


    In haematology it is assumed that integrative analysis of global gene expression, protein and cell profiles as well as clinical data will lead to the development of new diagnostic, prognostic and predictive methods. A translational database system registering and combining all data and clinical...... observations about the patient is therefore needed. It is expected that along with automated prediction and prognosis tools, such a database system may have the potential to assist the development of new machine-based diagnostic decision-making processes. Udgivelsesdato: 2010-Jul-12...

  5. Sygeplejestuderendes brug af portfolio i klinisk undervisning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjorth, Anne Charlotte Overgaard; Bruhn, Helle


    Brugen af portfolio var mangelfuld, men et udviklingsprojekt i samarbejde med den kommunale sygepleje motiverede både sygeplejestuderende og kliniske vejledere til at anvende læringsdelen af portfolio aktivt.......Brugen af portfolio var mangelfuld, men et udviklingsprojekt i samarbejde med den kommunale sygepleje motiverede både sygeplejestuderende og kliniske vejledere til at anvende læringsdelen af portfolio aktivt....

  6. Mellem kvalitetsstandarder og klinisk praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Marie Henriette


    , so-called kvalitetskoordinatorer, contributed to organisationsændringer i meeting between styringsinitiativer and local Klinisk practice. Konkret shows analysis how kvalitetsstandarder can become et strategically omdrejningspunkt i knytte Klinisk Personale og leadership together across......Ledelse i sundhedsvæsenet is area in which has been great forskningsmæssig attention - including problematiseringen of how the leadership udøves between Nationalt formulerede styringsinitiativer and sundhedsprofessionernes strategies to preserve their autonomi and vidensmonopol. There has led...... to the development of begreber such as hybridledere and hybrid professioner as categories, der formar integrate styringsinitiativernes tools and logikker with respectively academic leadership and sundhedsprofessionernes grundkompetencer. Jeg This article is purpose skruestik, how to a new Aktor in Danish hospitaler...

  7. Kliniske databaser i social epidemiologisk forskning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Osler, Merete


    Danish researchers can link several databases on everything from medical records to socioeconomic data on jobs and salaries by use of an individual person id-number. This allows a number of clinical databases to be used in studies concerning the impact of social factors on healthcare-related outc......Danish researchers can link several databases on everything from medical records to socioeconomic data on jobs and salaries by use of an individual person id-number. This allows a number of clinical databases to be used in studies concerning the impact of social factors on healthcare...

  8. Informeret samtykke i kliniske forsøg: teknikaliteter, tillid og tætte relationer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sarah Wadmann


    Full Text Available I denne artikel undersøges kroniske patienters beslutninger om forsøgsdeltagelse og betydningen af deltagerinformation. På baggrund af et års feltarbejde på fire danske forskningsklinikker argumenterer jeg for, at de observerede patienter opererer efter andre logikker, når de tager beslutninger om at deltage i kliniske forsøg, end hvad der antages i den gældende forskningsetiske regulering. Feltarbejdet fulgte et klinisk lægemiddelforsøg og inkluderede observationer af forsøgskonsultationer; interviews med investigatorer, projektsygeplejersker, forsøgsdeltagere og virksomhedsrepræsentanter; samt en mindre spørgeskemaundersøgelse blandt de danske forsøgsdeltagere. Resultaterne indikerer, at for en gruppe af erfarne forsøgsdeltagere handler beslutningerne om forsøgsdeltagelse ikke om forsøget i sig selv, men om at opretholde en nær relation til forskningspersonalet. Disse patienter orienterer sig ikke efter deltagerinformation, men i forhold til tillidsrelationer. De agerer ikke som autonome individer, men oplever, at de er afhængige af sundhedssystemet. De udtrykker altruistiske motiver, men håber samtidig, at forsøgsdeltagelse vil give dem bedre helbredskontrol. For dem er forsøgsdeltagelse blevet en måde at leve med kronisk sygdom. Mulige implikationer af denne situation diskuteres, idet det understreges, at tillidsfulde relationer er en forudsætning både for god behandling og god forskning, men at de tætte relationer samtidig kan bevirke, at patienter bliver mindre kritiske, i forhold til hvilke forsøg de accepterer at deltage i, og at en bevidsthed om forsøgsrelaterede risici fortrænges fra forsøgssituationen.Nøgleord: informeret samtykke, deltagerinformation, deltagermotivation, kliniske forsøg, kronisk sygdom, DanmarkEnglish summary: Informed consent in clinical trials: technicalities, trust and intimate relationshipsThis article explores decisions about clinical trial participation in a group of patients

  9. Manualer og reproduktion af viden i sygeplejerskers kliniske arbejde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sandholm Larsen, Niels


    I artiklen refereres fund fra afhandlingen ”Sygepleje mellem pakker og personer”, som viser at kliniske standarder og andre strukturerende dokumenter er kilder til reproduktion af viden. Strukturerende dokumenter er et relativ underbelyst område indenfor professionsforskning, som bør udforskes yd...

  10. "Skibet blev sat i søen" - oplevelser og erfaringer fra E-klasseprojektets første modul

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mathisen, Lotte Løntoft; Jensen, Peter Errboe


    I dette kapitel sættes fokus på E-klasseprojektets start (modul 2). Kapitlet er skrevet af en underviser og en klinisk vejleder og er bygget op over de tre rum, som undervisningen på modulet var bygget op over: Det kliniske rum, det teoretiske rum og det fælles rum. Indledningsvis beskrives modul...

  11. Eosinofil keratitis hos en dansk hest

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Emil; Henriksen, Michala de Linde; Andersen, Pia Haubro


    Eosinofil keratitis (EK) er en relativt sjælden øjenlidelse hos hest, som især ses i tempererede områder. Klinisk er lidelsen karakteriseret ved én eller multiple corneaulcerationer dækket med hvidt eller gelatinøst proliferativt subepithelialt plaque. Denne casereport, som omhandler en 20-årig p...

  12. Kliniske retningslinjer for træning af aerob kapacitet og muskelstyrke til patienter med reumatoid artrit

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Birgit Tine; Læssøe, Uffe; Kjær, Thomas

    forstærker denne risiko. Formål: Gennem effektiv og sikker træning at øge RA patienters aerob kapacitet og muskel styrke for dermed atlette patienternes daglige aktiviteter. Patienter: Voksne patienter (> 18 år) med diagnosen reumatoid artrit ifølge ARA eller ACR/EULAR kriterierne,funktionsklasserne I, II og...... III, i primær eller sekundær sektoren. Intervention/er: Kortvarig land- eller vandbaseret højintensitets træning af aerob kapacitet, kortvarig eller længerevarendeland-baseret høj-intensitets træning af aerob kapacitet i kombination med muskelstyrke træning oglængerevarende land-baseret høj......-intensitets styrke træning. Inkluderet studier: Èt systematisk review og to randomiseret klinisk kontrolleret studier (RCT). Outcomes: Aerob kapacitet, maksimal muskelstyrke, selv-rapporteret smerte, funktionsevne, sygdomsaktivitet,radiologisk ledskade og uønskede bivirkninger. Søgestrategi:Følgende databaser blev...

  13. Mikrobiologiske forhold ved aggressive former for marginal parodontitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Belstrøm, Daniel


    Aggressiv parodontitis er en alvorlig sygdom, der kan manifestere sig klinisk i en lokal og generaliseret form, og som ubehandlet ultimativt kan medføre tandtab i en tidlig alder. Nekrotiserede parodontale sygdomme, herunder nekrotiserende gingivitis, parodontitis og stomatitis, er kliniske tilst...

  14. Nonverbal kommunikation en fordel for udenlandske studerende i psykiatrien

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kragelund, Linda; Carter, Kate; Fogtmann, Jytte


    Artiklen henvender sig til sygeplejersker, kliniske vejledere og sygeplejestuderende med interesse for udvekslingsophold. Hovedbudskabet er, at sprogproblemer ikke opleves som en hindring for de studerendes læring i psykiatrien, men at der mangler flere erfaringer. Artiklen udspringer af to engel...... to engelske Mental Health Nursing-studerendes ophold ved Roskilde Amtssygehus Fjorden...

  15. Connecting theory and practice in physiotherapy education - challenges for the clinical educators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Louise Landbo

    En kvalitativ undersøgelse af den kliniske undervisers oplevelse af egen rolle i relation til den studerendes udvikling af erhvervsrelevante handlekompetencer i den kliniske undervisning i fysioterapeutuddannelsen...

  16. At bruge musik til at håndtere modoverføring i individuel musikterapi i hospitalspsykiatrien

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Inge Nygaard Pedersen


    Full Text Available Artiklen beskriver kliniske og teoretiske perspektiver på forståelsen og anvendelsen af fænomenet modoverføring i musikterapi i voksenpsykiatrien. De kliniske perspektiver er hentet fra min tiårige praksis i musikterapi i hospitalspsykiatrien herunder primært fra arbejde med borderline patienter eller patienter med personlighedsforstyrrelse. De teoretiske perspektiver er uddrag fra en historisk litteraturgennemgang vedrørende forståelse af fænomenet modoverføring fra Freud til i dag. Der indgår en analyse af en klinisk improvisation fra egen praksis ud fra fem dimensioner i måden at forstå modoverføring på som er udarbejdet af en gruppe af psykoanalytikere kaldet ’specifister’. Analysen er baseret på egne notater, dialogudskrift og observatørnotater. Overordnet er artiklen et led i mine senior ph.d.-studier indenfor emnet på Forskerskolen i musikterapi på Aalborg Universitet.

  17. Music therapy assessment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wigram, Tony


    Når klienter henvises til musikterapi, gennemgår de en assessment-procedure (en klinisk vurdering), som kræver terapeutens ekspertise inden for forskellige områder - med henblik på at stille en en diagnose og identificere klientens behov og potentialer, samt at opstille realistiske forventninger ...

  18. Pierre Bourdieus praktikteori udlagt gennem eksempler fra forskning i professionalisering af undervisningspraksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Højbjerg, Karin


    I kapitlet vises det, hvordan en Bourdieu-inspireret tilgang kan anvendes til at forstå og forklare en undervisningspraksis. Idéen er at tydeliggøre Bourdieus begreber ved løbende at relatere dem til konkrete eksempler fra forskning om kliniske vejlederes undervisningspraksis i den praktiske del ...

  19. Inleiding database-systemen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pels, H.J.; Lans, van der R.F.; Pels, H.J.; Meersman, R.A.


    Dit artikel introduceert de voornaamste begrippen die een rol spelen rond databases en het geeft een overzicht van de doelstellingen, de functies en de componenten van database-systemen. Hoewel de functie van een database intuitief vrij duidelijk is, is het toch een in technologisch opzicht complex

  20. Database Description - SKIP Stemcell Database | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available List Contact us SKIP Stemcell Database Database Description General information of database Database name SKIP Stemcell Database...rsity Journal Search: Contact address Database classification Human Genes and Diseases Dat...abase classification Stemcell Article Organism Taxonomy Name: Homo sapiens Taxonomy ID: 9606 Database...ks: Original website information Database maintenance site Center for Medical Genetics, School of medicine, ...lable Web services Not available URL of Web services - Need for user registration Not available About This Database Database

  1. The UGT1A1*28 allele and disease in childhood

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Jesper Padkær


    Baggrund: Bilirubin er slutproduktet i hæms metabolisme. Ukonjugeret bilirubin er neuro-toksisk, men også en potent antioxidant af mulig klinisk relevans. Fortolkningen af observationelle bilirubin studier vanskeliggøres af potentiel revers kausalitet og adskillige tænkelige confoundere. En måde ...

  2. Atrial fibrillation in the Danish population

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Morten Lock


    . Evidensgrundlaget for at oral antikoagulations behandling (AK – behandling) nedsætter risikoen for tromboemboli er særdeles veldokumenteret. Derfor bør der i en korrekt behandling af patienter med atrieflimren, indgå en vurdering af, om der er indikation for AK – behandling. Flere studier har påvist en langsom og...... vaklende implementeringen af AK - behandlingen i daglig klinisk praksis. Mange atrieflimren patienter med indikation får ikke AK – behandling og mange uden indikation får det! Brug af AK - behandlingen kompliceres også af, at mange patienter med atreiflimren har indikation for trombocythæmmende behandling......, eksempelvis ved iskæmisk hjertesygdom. Hvor stor en blødningsrisiko man påfører patienten ved at kombinere clopidogrel, acetylsalicylsyre eller begge behandlinger med AK - behandling, er usikkert. I denne afhandling fokuseres på faktorer relateret til AK – behandling og de kliniske konsekvenser associeret til...

  3. Effect of intensive multifactorial treatment compared with routine care on aortic stiffness and central blood pressure among individuals with screen-detected type 2 diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Nanna Borup; Charles, Morten; Vistisen, Dorte


    Baggrund: Interventionsstudier med kardiovaskulære endepunkter kræver meget store studie populationer og/eller en lang opfølgningstid. Intermediære endepunkter som ligger i den kausale gangsti mod klinisk relevante endpunkter er derfor brugbare redskaber til at vurdere effekten af behandling i...... studie som mangler tilstrækkelig kardiovaskulære tilfælde. Aorta stivhed er et anerkendt intermediært endemål i kliniske studier. I ADDITION Danmark studiet fik en del af deltagerne ved 6 års opfølgningsundersøgelsen undersøgt aortisk stivhed, målt ved karotid-femoral pulsbølge hastighed. Vi undersøgte...... herigennem effekten af intensiv multifaktoriel behandling sammenlignet med rutine behandling i almen praksis. Resultater: Patienterne in intensiv gruppen havde en 0,51 m/s (95%CI: -0,96; -0,05; p-værdi:0.03) sammenlignet med rutine behandlingsgruppen. Ekstrapolering af disse resultater på basis af en meta...

  4. Quantitative evaluation of spasticity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lorentzen, Jakob

    opsummerer resultaterne fra fire studier, som havde til formål at kvantificere 1) en spinal mekanisme med relation til spasticitet Post Activation Depression (PAD) som er relevant for udviklingen af hyperrefleksi hos personer med spasticitet 2) forskelle i refleksaktivitet målt klinisk og med en kombineret...

  5. Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for Parkinson's disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dammann Andersen, Andreas; Binzer, Michael; Stenager, Egon


    Diagnosticering af Parkinson's sygdom (PD) er baseret på den kliniske udvikling af sygdommen samt en fysisk undersøgelse af patienten, men fejldiagnosticering sker hyppigt; specielt i tidlige stadier. Biomarkører for PD kan muliggøre en tidligere og mere præcis diagnosticering samt monitorering a...

  6. Specifik sprogforstyrrelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen de López, Kristine M.


    Til trods for at danske børn med ADHD får kvalificeret klinisk udredning og intervention, synes den mangelfuld, fordi den ikke inkluderer en udredning fro, om barnet har kommunikatiove vanskeligheder, såsom om barnet lider af en specifik sprogforstyrrelse. Den høje frad af cormorbiditet...

  7. Update History of This Database - SKIP Stemcell Database | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available List Contact us SKIP Stemcell Database Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2017/03/13 SKIP Stemcell Database... English archive site is opened. 2013/03/29 SKIP Stemcell Database ( ) is opened. About This Database Database Description Download License Update History of This Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - SKIP Stemcell Database | LSDB Archive ...

  8. Sygepleje til trakeostomerede patienter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Dorthe Wiinholdt; Richard, René; Rydahl Hansen, Susan


    Der er ikke enighed om principperne bag plejen af trakeostomerede patienter, når de er i risiko for dysfagi og silent aspiration. Uenigheden har ført til udarbejdelse af en klinisk retningslinje med evidensbaserede anbefalinger....

  9. 54 grønlandske slædehunde kom under lup

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kortegaard, Hanne Ellen; Nielsen, Dorte Hald


    Tre dyrlæger, tre veterinærstuderende og en veterinærsygeplejerske fra Institut for Mindre Husdyrs Sygdomme på KU LIFE kom på oplevelsesrigt og udfordrende klinisk projekt på et af Danmarks yderpunkter...

  10. Revistas españolas de Enfermería en bases de datos nacionales e internacionales Spanish nursing journal in national and international databases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Sobrido Prieto


    Full Text Available Introducción. El incremento en la producción bibliográfica y la creciente necesidad de conocer la documentación existente hacen de las bases de datos una de las herramientas más útiles para la recuperación selectiva de la información bibliográfica.Objetivos. Analizar la presencia de revistas científicas de Enfermería españolas en bases de datos nacionales específicas, tales como Cuiden, Cuidatge, BDIE, Enfispo y la base de datos de Ciencias de la Salud IME, así como las bases de datos internacionales de CINAHL y Medline.Metodología. Para la elaboración de este trabajo se ha realizado un listado de todas las revistas indizadas en cada una de las bases de datos seleccionadas y analizado la presencia de cada una de ellas en las 7 bases mencionadas.Resultados. Se han localizado un total de 116 revistas coincidentes. El reparto de éstas en las bases de datos es el siguiente: (1 Entre las nacionales Cuiden es la que contiene un mayor número de revistas con un total del 102 seguida de Cuidatge con 56. Enfispo contiene 26, IME con 8 y BDIE 7. Entre las bases de datos internacionales CINAHL, tan sólo tiene 6 y Medline 3 revistas de enfermería. (2 En lo que respecta a las revistas presentes en las bases de datos, sólo el 61,5 % se encuentra presente en una base de datos. En ninguno de los casos hemos localizado ninguna revista presente en todas las bases de datos y tan sólo en 3 casos hemos localizado revistas presentes en 5 de las 7 bases de datos analizadas.Discusión y conclusiones. La escasa visibilidad de publicaciones de enfermería española es debido en parte a la pequeña presencia de éstas en bases de datos, por lo que en consecuencia acaban recibiendo un insuficiente reconocimiento por parte de la comunidad científica.Background. The fast growing of health bibliographic production and the increasing need of knowing the bibliography makes databases one of the most useful tool for the information selective retrieval

  11. Database Description - RMOS | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available base Description General information of database Database name RMOS Alternative nam...arch Unit Shoshi Kikuchi E-mail : Database classification Plant databases - Rice Microarray Data and other Gene Expression Database...s Organism Taxonomy Name: Oryza sativa Taxonomy ID: 4530 Database description The Ric...19&lang=en Whole data download - Referenced database Rice Expression Database (RED) Rice full-length cDNA Database... (KOME) Rice Genome Integrated Map Database (INE) Rice Mutant Panel Database (Tos17) Rice Genome Annotation Database

  12. Shifting attention from objective risk factors to patients' self-assessed health resources: a clinical model for general practice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hollnagel, H.; Malterud, K.


    Heri beskrives det teoretiske grundlag for udviklingen af den kliniske model, som vi vil benytte ved afprøvning af ressourceorienterede konsultationsmetoder. En model der integrerer: patogenese og salutogenese, selvvurderet og lægevurderet helbred, belastning og ressourcer. Udgivelsesdato: 1995...

  13. Update History of This Database - KEGG MEDICUS | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available glish archive site is opened. 2010/10/01 KEGG MEDICUS ( ) is opened. About ...[ Credits ] English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/...switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data List Contact us KEGG MEDI...CUS Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2014/05/09 KEGG MEDICUS En...This Database Database Description Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - KEGG MEDICUS | LSDB Archive ...

  14. Minimally invasive or open surgery for lung cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bendixen, Morten

    Denne PhD.-afhandling er udført under min ansættelse ved Klinisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet, og Hjerte- lunge- og karkirurgisk afdeling T, Odense Universitetshospital. Afhandlingen består af en oversigt og manuskripter til tre artikler. Baggrund: Siden introduktionen af video-assisteret torak......Denne PhD.-afhandling er udført under min ansættelse ved Klinisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet, og Hjerte- lunge- og karkirurgisk afdeling T, Odense Universitetshospital. Afhandlingen består af en oversigt og manuskripter til tre artikler. Baggrund: Siden introduktionen af video...... omkostningerne i forbindelse med operationerne, men ingen har lavet cost-utility analyse (CUA) til sammenligning af de to operationsteknikker. Formål: Formålet med dette studie var at sammenligne VATS lobektomi med åben lobektomi for ikke-småcellet lunge kræft (NSCLC). Vi definerede tre fokus områder. 1) Smerter...

  15. The Danish Anaesthesia Database

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonsen K


    Full Text Available Kristian Antonsen,1 Charlotte Vallentin Rosenstock,2 Lars Hyldborg Lundstrøm2 1Board of Directors, Copenhagen University Hospital, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark; 2Department of Anesthesiology, Copenhagen University Hospital, Nordsjællands Hospital-Hillerød, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark Aim of database: The aim of the Danish Anaesthesia Database (DAD is the nationwide collection of data on all patients undergoing anesthesia. Collected data are used for quality assurance, quality development, and serve as a basis for research projects. Study population: The DAD was founded in 2004 as a part of Danish Clinical Registries (Regionernes Kliniske Kvalitetsudviklings Program [RKKP]. Patients undergoing general anesthesia, regional anesthesia with or without combined general anesthesia as well as patients under sedation are registered. Data are retrieved from public and private anesthesia clinics, single-centers as well as multihospital corporations across Denmark. In 2014 a total of 278,679 unique entries representing a national coverage of ~70% were recorded, data completeness is steadily increasing. Main variable: Records are aggregated for determining 13 defined quality indicators and eleven defined complications all covering the anesthetic process from the preoperative assessment through anesthesia and surgery until the end of the postoperative recovery period. Descriptive data: Registered variables include patients' individual social security number (assigned to all Danes and both direct patient-related lifestyle factors enabling a quantification of patients' comorbidity as well as variables that are strictly related to the type, duration, and safety of the anesthesia. Data and specific data combinations can be extracted within each department in order to monitor patient treatment. In addition, an annual DAD report is a benchmark for departments nationwide. Conclusion: The DAD is covering the

  16. Complicated grief – a challenge in bereavement support in palliative care: an update of the field

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guldin, Mai-Britt


    udgave af den amerikanske diagnose-manual (DSM-V) er sorg ikke blevet anerkendt som diagnostisk kategori. I stedet diagnosticeres sorgen som depression, men dette giver nogle kliniske problemstillinger i forhold til intervention. Denne artikel ser nærmere på kompliceret sorg som en tabsrelateret lidelse...

  17. Bereavement care in general practice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guldin, Mai-Britt; Vedsted, Peter; Jensen, Anders Bonde


    I dette studie testes effekten af en klinisk intervention over for håndtering af sorg i almen praksis. Interventionen handlede om, at tidlig identifikation af komplicerede sorgreaktioner via praktiserende læge kan være med til at sikre behandling til behandlingskrævende sorgreaktioner, der volder...

  18. Manual for procesorienteret musikterapi med personer med BPD

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hannibal, Niels; Pedersen, Inge Nygaard; Bonde, Lars Ole


    Denne artikel introducerer et musikterapeutisk behandlingskoncept kaldet: Procesorienteret Musikterapi (PROM). PROM er et forsøg på at formulere en principiel ramme for musikterapi i psykiatrien, som dels tager udgangspunkt i 17 års klinisk erfaring, dels stiler mod at være ”best practice”. PROM ...

  19. Oversigt over databaser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krogh Graversen, Brian

    Dette er en oversigt over registre, som kan anvendes til at beslyse situationen og udviklingen på det sociale område. Oversigten er anden fase i et dataprojekt, som har til formål at etablere en database, som kan danne basis for en løbende overvågning, udredning, evaluering og forskning på det...

  20. Livline til virkeligheden

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sanne Storm


    Full Text Available Denne artikel er en oversættelse af mit foredrag på verdenskongressen i musikterapi i Oxford 2002. Den er baseret på mit speciale »Livline til virkeligheden - første skridt i enpsykoterapeutisk behandling« (Storm 2002. Artiklen tager udgangspunkt i en case med en alvorligt psykisk syg kvinde, der er indlagt for første gang på psykiatrisk sygehus til Obs. pro forskizofreni, og som i indlæggelsesperioden desuden har udviklet et stort ordmobiliseringsbesvær. Den musikterapeutiske behandling beskrives. Gennem analyser af tre udvalgte musikeksemplerdokumenteres den terapeutiske udvikling i musikterapi fra et ubevidst og præ-verbalt stadie til et bevidst og verbalt stadie, - en såkaldt psykisk re-organisering. Første og tredie musikeksempelanalyseres udfra morfologiske principper, og her inddrages dele af Daniel Sterns udviklingsteori som teoretisk platform til forståelse af patientens psykologiske problemstilling. Andet musikeksempelanalyseres med fokus på patientens stemme og på nodetransskriptionen af sangen, sådan som sangen synges. Til analyse af stemmen anvender jeg et stemmeassessmentskema jeg selv har udviklet og senere videreudviklet i samarbejde med Stephan Skov (Storm & Skov 2000. I en efterbehandling af tredie analyse, der omfatter en analyse af en klinisk improvisation, udledes en ny hypotese om, hvordan den kliniske improvisation gennemgår forskellige faser frem mod en re-organisering, og hvilken rolle og funktion musikken og musikterapeuten har.

  1. Portfolio giver støtte og sammenhæng i sygeplejeuddannelsen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bruhn, Helle; Hjorth, Anne Charlotte Overgaard


    Portfolio er et pædagogisk redskab, som kan styrke den enkelte studerendes læring og støtte og give sammenhæng i sygeplejerskeuddannelsen. På baggrund af et udviklingsprojekt bidrager artiklen med konkrete anbefalinger til både undervisere og kliniske vejledere, der kan fremme brugen af portfolio....... I stedet for at se portfolio som en mappe, hvor der samles dokumenter, er det afgørende at holde fokus på de studerendes læreproces og refleksion, og studieredskabet kræver opmærksomhed fra undervisere og vejledere, hvis det skal anvendes af studerende. For både studerende og kliniske vejledere er...... forståelse for metoden det, der gør, at portfolio giver mening....

  2. Guidet musik- og krops-lytning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Charlotte Dammeyer


    Full Text Available Med udgangspunkt i kliniske erfaringer fra psykodynamisk musikterapi i psykiatrien, Region Nord, beskriver denne artikel en ny supplerende metode inden for traditionen Guided Imagery and Music (GIM. Grundelementerne i metoden Guidet Musik- og Kropslytning (GMKL består overordnet af: guidning, lytning til specifikt udvalgt klassisk musik, udtrykt og fortolket gennem krop & bevægelse, med henblik på afklaring, integration og personlig udvikling. I artiklen beskrives, hvordan GMKL med brug af det kropslige element kan bidrage som supplerende behandlingsform til anden traumebehandling i voksenpsykiatrien. Artiklen er overvejende baseret på klinisk materiale fra ét patientforløb i musikterapi, hvorfra eksempler er skildret med casevignetter. I artiklen gennemgås relevant forskningsrelateret og teoretisk baggrundsmateriale.

  3. Conceptual and methodological issues in the study of destructive periodontal diseases among the young

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lopez, Rodrigo


    Oprindeligt var det ideen med de studier [I-XII], der ligger til grund for denne afhandling, at undersøge de epidemiologiske og kliniske karakteristika vedrørende sygdomsenheden 'Tidligt Indsættende Parodontitis', og at benytte et case-control design til at vurdere betydningen af en række mulige ...

  4. Tidlig struktureret mobilisering og træning af kritisk syge patienter på et dansk intensivafsnit

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Astrup Sørensen, Katrine; Hvid, Sidsel; Rolving, Nanna


    derimod anvendelig i forhold til at tilpasse niveauet for mobilisering og træning. Relevans for klinisk praksis: Tidlig mobilisering og træning er mulig at indføre med en simpel algoritme, dog med hensyntagen til individuelle screeningskriterier fra sted til sted, da disse åbenbart ikke er nemme...

  5. Læringsfremmende evaluering i den lægelige videreuddannelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Bjørn; Klitmøller, Anders


    Denne statusartikel omhandler evaluering af læger, og hvorledes evaluering kan anvendes som en læringsfremmende foranstaltning. Fokus i artiklen er på den formelle evaluering, som den kommer til udtryk i de kliniske vejledersamtaler. Da de fleste læger i deres karriere fungerer som vejleder, er d...

  6. Psykiatrisk og klinisk psykologisk assessment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Stig Bernt; Simonsen, Erik


    i centrum og med en bred videnskabelig tilgang. Alle psykiske lidelser i WHO´s diagnoseliste ICD-10 bliver gennemgået med fokus på årsagsforhold, forekomst, diagnostik og behandling, og der refereres desuden til diagnoserne i den nyeste udgave af den amerikanske diagnoseliste (DSM-5). Fremstillingen...

  7. Musik og psykologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bonde, Lars Ole

    Temanummeret om Musik og Psykologi skrives af over 20 bidragydere, heraf 5 udlændinge, med baggrund i musikpsykologi, musikterapi, musikvidenskab, hjerneforskning mm. Der vil være både teoretiske, kliniske og kombineret teoretisk-kliniske artikler.......Temanummeret om Musik og Psykologi skrives af over 20 bidragydere, heraf 5 udlændinge, med baggrund i musikpsykologi, musikterapi, musikvidenskab, hjerneforskning mm. Der vil være både teoretiske, kliniske og kombineret teoretisk-kliniske artikler....

  8. Changing Professional Practice: Theory and Practice of Clinical Guidelines Implementation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thorsen, Thorkil; Mäkelä, M.


    implementering af klinisk vejledninger Forskningsdesign og statistiske spørgsmål i implementeringsforskningØkonomisk evaluering Kvalitative metoderMetoder til at identificere barrierer for brug af kliniske vejledninger Planlægning og monitorering af implementeringsforløbMåling af holdninger til kliniske...

  9. Medicoteknik 4

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, John Aasted; Sørensen, John Kryger; Jeppesen, Lau


    Efter at have gennemført kurset vil den studerende være i stand til at - forstå principperne for måling af human fysiologiske signaler med elektroder for et udvalg af signaltyper, - anvende et praktisk elektrodebaseret målesystem til klinisk måling, - foretage en vurdering af fejlkilder ved elekt...

  10. Florence Nightingale som symbolsk overgangsfigur i lærebøger for sygeplejersker - et lille stykke sygeplejehistorie

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Emmy Brandt


    Artiklen er et lille indlæg om, hvordan man har anvendt Florence Nightingale i danske lærebøger for sygeplejersker som en legitimeringsfigur i forbindelse med forandringer inden for det danske hospitalsvæsen. Perioden, der behandles, er tiden før og efter skiftet til den kliniske medicin i Danmark...

  11. MARKS ON ART database

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    van Vlierden, Marieke; Wadum, Jørgen; Wolters, Margreet


    Mestermærker, monogrammer og kvalitetsmærker findes ofte præget eller stemplet på kunstværker fra 1300-1700. En illustreret database med denne typer mræker er under etablering på Nederlands Kunsthistoriske Institut (RKD) i Den Haag.......Mestermærker, monogrammer og kvalitetsmærker findes ofte præget eller stemplet på kunstværker fra 1300-1700. En illustreret database med denne typer mræker er under etablering på Nederlands Kunsthistoriske Institut (RKD) i Den Haag....

  12. Discover knowledge in databases: Mining of data and applications; Descubrir conocimiento en bases de datos: Mineria de datos y aplicaciones

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodriguez Martinez, Andres F [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Temixco, Morelos (Mexico); Morales Manzanares, Eduardo [Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM), Campus Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    In the last years it has existed an enormous growth in the generation capacity and information storage, due to the increasing automation of processes in general and to the advances in the information capacity storage. Unfortunately, the information analysis techniques have not shown an equivalent development, reason why it exists the necessity of a new generation of computing techniques and tools that can assist the one who makes decisions in the automatic and intelligent analysis of large information volumes. To find useful knowledge among great amounts of data is the main objective of the area of discovery of knowledge in databases. The present article has like objective the spread of the process of discovering the knowledge in databases in general and the concept of mining of data in particular; to establish the relation that exists between the process of discovering knowledge in databases and the mining of data; as well as to fix the characteristics and complexities of looking for useful patterns in the data. Also the main methods of mining of data and the areas of application are described, where these algorithms have had greater success. [Spanish] En los ultimos anos ha existido un enorme crecimiento en la capacidad de generacion y almacenamiento de informacion, debido a la creciente automatizacion de procesos en general y a los avances en las capacidades de almacenamiento de informacion. Desafortunadamente, las tecnicas de analisis de informacion no han mostrado un desarrollo equivalente, por lo que existe la necesidad de una nueva generacion de tecnicas y herramientas computacionales que puedan asistir a quien toma decisiones en el analisis automatico e inteligente de grandes volumenes de informacion. Encontrar conocimiento util entre grandes cantidades de datos es el objetivo principal del area de descubrimiento de conocimiento en bases de datos. El presente articulo tiene como objetivo difundir el proceso de descubrir conocimiento en bases de datos en

  13. Den Pædagogiske Refleksionsmodel som sammenhængskraft

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Voergaard Poulsen, Bettina; Lucht, Camill; Vibholm Persson, Stine

    Den Pædagogiske Refleksions Model (PRM) illustrerer de vidensdimensioner, der indgår i en kvalificeret klinisk beslutning. I projektet 'Sammenhæng på TVÆRS i fremtidens sygeplejeuddannelse (PÅ TVÆRS)" indgår PRM som pædagogisk greb. Der undersøges om PRM skaber sammenhæng for studerendes læring i...

  14. An adherent nerve root – Classification and exercise therapy in a patient diagnosed with lumbar disc prolapse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Melbye, Martin


    Patienter med diskusprolaps får oftest besked på, at det ikke skal gøre ondt for at gøre godt, i forbindelse med behandling og genoptræning. Der findes dog en ganske lille gruppe patienter som udvikler en restriktiv tilstand, hvor der dannes adhærencer ved nerveroden, i forbindelse med opheling a...... prolapsen. Tilstanden remodelleres med smertefulde hjemmeøvelser som gradvist progredieres over nogle måneder. En ny case-rapport i Manual Therapy dokumenterer fysioterapidiagnostik, klinisk ræsonnering og behandling af en patient med denne lidelse. Udgivelsesdato: 2010...

  15. Redegørelse om whiplash

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lønnberg, Frank

    Begrebet whiplash anvendes ofte som om, der er tale om en velafgrænset sygdomsenhed, hvilket ikke er tilfældet. Whiplash er medicinsk set ikke en lidelse eller en diagnose, men en potentiel skadesmekanisme/risikofaktor uden et specifikt symptombillede. Der er ingen sikker sammenhæng imellem...... påvirkning, vævslæsion og symptombillede. Psykologiske faktorer påvirker symptomer og sygdomsoplevelse efter whiplash, ligesom sociokulturelle faktorer har indflydelse på forekomsten af længerevarende symptomer. Relevant klinisk undersøgelse tidligt i forløbet anbefales, aktivering synes at have fordele frem...

  16. Examining database persistence of ISO/EN 13606 standardized electronic health record extracts: relational vs. NoSQL approaches. (United States)

    Sánchez-de-Madariaga, Ricardo; Muñoz, Adolfo; Lozano-Rubí, Raimundo; Serrano-Balazote, Pablo; Castro, Antonio L; Moreno, Oscar; Pascual, Mario


    The objective of this research is to compare the relational and non-relational (NoSQL) database systems approaches in order to store, recover, query and persist standardized medical information in the form of ISO/EN 13606 normalized Electronic Health Record XML extracts, both in isolation and concurrently. NoSQL database systems have recently attracted much attention, but few studies in the literature address their direct comparison with relational databases when applied to build the persistence layer of a standardized medical information system. One relational and two NoSQL databases (one document-based and one native XML database) of three different sizes have been created in order to evaluate and compare the response times (algorithmic complexity) of six different complexity growing queries, which have been performed on them. Similar appropriate results available in the literature have also been considered. Relational and non-relational NoSQL database systems show almost linear algorithmic complexity query execution. However, they show very different linear slopes, the former being much steeper than the two latter. Document-based NoSQL databases perform better in concurrency than in isolation, and also better than relational databases in concurrency. Non-relational NoSQL databases seem to be more appropriate than standard relational SQL databases when database size is extremely high (secondary use, research applications). Document-based NoSQL databases perform in general better than native XML NoSQL databases. EHR extracts visualization and edition are also document-based tasks more appropriate to NoSQL database systems. However, the appropriate database solution much depends on each particular situation and specific problem.

  17. Database opzet in het verkeer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Dijk, Alwin


    De ‘Database opzet in het verkeer’ geeft een overzicht van rechtspraak waarin opzetdelicten als doodslag, (zware) mishandeling of bedreiging zijn ten laste gelegd in verkeerszaken. De database is van belang voor de rechtspraak, het Openbaar Ministerie, de advocatuur en de wetenschap. De in de

  18. Mentaliseringsbegrebet og dets arv fra Freuds begreb om binding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Signe Holm


    Artiklen undersøger og diskuterer forskelle og ligheder mellem mentaliseringsbegrebet og Freuds bindingsbegreb. Begrebet mentalisering, som betegner en evne til at forholde sig refleksivt til egne og andres mentale tilstande, har indenfor de sidste fem- ti år vundet en central placering i klinisk...... psykologiske teoridannelser. Dets ophavsmænd Fonagy et al. forsøger imidlertid ikke at tage patent på begrebet, men peger på, at en række teoretikere har understreget betydningen af en refleksiv funktion. Alle disse begreber kan ifølge Fonagygruppen føres tilbage til Freuds begreb om binding. På baggrund af en...... udlægning af det oprindelige bindingsbegreb hos Freud, ønskes det i denne artikel at tydeliggøre den grundlæggende forskel på Freuds – og Fonagys subjektopfattelse....

  19. The Vocational Guidance Research Database: A Scientometric Approach (United States)

    Flores-Buils, Raquel; Gil-Beltran, Jose Manuel; Caballer-Miedes, Antonio; Martinez-Martinez, Miguel Angel


    The scientometric study of scientific output through publications in specialized journals cannot be undertaken exclusively with the databases available today. For this reason, the objective of this article is to introduce the "Base de Datos de Investigacion en Orientacion Vocacional" [Vocational Guidance Research Database], based on the…

  20. Hvad kommer spytbaseret diagnostik til at betyde i klinisk odontologi fremover?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Belstrøm, Daniel; Pedersen, Anne Marie Lynge


    Det er velkendt, at spyttet spiller en afgørenderolle for opretholdelse af mundhulens homeostase, og derfor har spyttet også haft en central position i forskellige aspekter af odontologisk forskning gennem tiderne. Indenfor de seneste årtier har der været særlig fokus på anvendelse af spyttet som...... været genstand for omfattende biomarkørforskning til diagnostik af en række orale sygdomme, herunder caries, marginal parodontitis og oral cancer, men også systemiske sygdomme som Sjögrens syndrom....

  1. Prescribing of asthma drugs for children 2004-2015. (United States)

    Mikalsen, Ingvild Bruun; Karlstad, Øystein; Furu, Kari; Øymar, Knut


    Astma kan være vanskelig å diagnostisere hos barn. For barn under skolealder finnes det få tilgjengelige objektive diagnostiske undersøkelser, og retningslinjene for diagnose og behandling er basert på sykehistorie og klinisk undersøkelse. Dette kan gi rom for varierende behandlingspraksis. Data fra Reseptregisteret ble brukt til å studere forskrivning av legemidler mot astma til barn i aldersgruppene 0-4 år og 5-9 år fordelt på fylker fra 2004-15. Det var stor variasjon mellom fylkene i andelen per 1 000 barn som fikk forskrevet legemidler mot astma i perioden 2012-14 (aldersgruppen 0-4 år: median: 104/1 000; ekstremverdier: 64-147, aldersgruppen 5-9 år: 68/1000; 46-86). Inhalasjonssteroider var hyppigst forskrevet, og det var her variasjonen mellom fylkene var størst i begge aldersgruppene (aldersgruppen 0-4 år: 85/1 000; 42-116, aldersgruppen 5-9 år: 51/1 000; 31-70). De fleste fikk kun en eller få forskrivninger med inhalasjonssteroider over en treårsperiode. Endring i forskrivningen av inhalasjonssteroider fra 2004 til 2015 varierte betydelig mellom fylkene, mest for aldersgruppen 0-4 år. Stor forskjell i forskrivning av legemidler mot astma fylkene imellom, høy andel sporadisk bruk og endring over tid, særlig i den yngste aldersgruppen, kan tyde på en unaturlig variasjon i behandlingen som ikke kan forklares av forskjeller i astmaforekomst. Uklare retningslinjer som ikke er tilstrekkelig innarbeidet i klinisk praksis kan være én årsak.

  2. Läkemedelsinteraktioner inom medicinsk onkologi och hematologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bergmann, Troels Korshøj


    Kittelhåndbog for onkologer og hæmatologer i Sverige (oversættelse af Dansk udgave) Håndteringen af lægemiddelinteraktioner i klinisk praksis er vanskelig. Patienternes kliniske udtryk er præget af broget mangfoldighed og evidensniveauet for flertallet af interaktioner begrænser sig ofte til kasu...

  3. License - Plabrain DB | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data List Contact us Plabrain... Alike 2.1 Japan . If you use data from this database, please be sure attribute this database as follows: Plabrain...of this database ( in the article or Description Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us License - Plabrain DB | LSDB Archive ...

  4. Guide to Research Databases at IDRC

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Mélanie Brunet

    sponsibility of each user to ensure that he or she uses ... a collection of documents and research outputs generated as part of projects ... Although the commercial databases also have a French or Spanish interface, the content is mainly in En-.

  5. Bindingssystemer og deres anvendelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Benetti, Ana Raquel; Peutzfeldt, Anne


    I denne artikel gennemgås litteraturen med særligt fokus på ydeevnen af de bindingssystemer, som anvendes i dag. I PubMed-databasen søgtes efter emneordene ”dental adhesive” og publikationer fra de sidste fem år blev prioriteret. Så vidt muligt fokuseredes på meta-analyser af de begrænsede kliniske...... og diskuteres. Etch & rinse og selvætsende bindingssystemer har været længst på markedet, og for nogle af disse systemer viser kliniske data god retentionsevne. Da de universelle bindingssystemer er relativt nye, er kliniske studier med længere opfølgningstid begrænsede. De få eksisterende studier...

  6. Research into the development of voice assessment in music therapy.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sanne Storm


    Full Text Available I denne afhandling undersøges det, om det er muligt at konstruere et stemmeassessmentredskab (Voice Assesment Profile - herefter forkortet VOIAS, der kan dokumentere forandring over tid med validitet og reliabilitet, og som bygger på principperne for evidensbaseret praksis (Wigram et al. 2002, og om det vha VOIAS er muligt at indhente relevante informationer til klinisk musikterapeutisk praksis og til det tværfaglige behandlingsteam. En foreløbig litteraturgennemgang viste, at der ikke fandtes et sådant redskab inden for musikterapi, og at kun lidt forskning inden for musikterapi fokuserede på og omhandlede den menneskelige stemme. Konsekvensen af denne opdagelse var, at jeg måtte konstruere et sådan stemmeassessmentredskab og fastlægge de procedurer, der måtte være omkring implementeringen af et sådant redskab. Derfor fokuserede den endelige litteraturgennemgang på at indsamle information om mulige stemmeparametre, samt udvælgelse og definition af disse med det formål at konstruere en kvantitativ profil, der kunne evaluere den menneskelige stemme i musikterapi. Jeg vurderede, at det for at sikre et godt grundlag for udvælgelsen af parametrene var nødvendigt at studere den musikterapeutiske litteratur om brugen af den menneskelige stemme i klinisk praksis som et primært instrument, såvel som en gennemgang af udvalgte studier af stemmen fra specialer og fra fagområder uden for det musikterapeutiske felt. Litteraturgennemgangen afslørede et påfaldende fravær af opmærksomhed på den menneskelige stemme i musikterapi og den menneskelige stemmes potentiale som kilde til at indsamle informationer om klientens psykiske tilstand og effekten af en musikterapeutisk behandling baseret på stemmeterapeutisk arbejde.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Niels Hannibal


    Full Text Available Denne artikel introducerer et musikterapeutisk behandlingskoncept kaldet: Procesorienteret Musikterapi (PROM. PROM er et forsøg på at formulere en principiel ramme for musikterapi i psykiatrien, som dels tager udgangspunkt i 17 års klinisk erfaring, dels stiler mod at være ”best practice”. PROM indeholder beskrivelser af manualens unikke, essentielle men ikke unikke, acceptable og ikke acceptable dele. Den unikke del af PROM skal kunne implementeres til alle målgrupper, mens de øvrige dele af manualen rettes til i forhold til en specifik målgruppe. Denne udgave af PROM er specifikt rettet i mod musikterapi for patienter med personlighedsforstyrrelser. Manualen indgår også som en del af et pilotprojekt, der har til formål at udvikle en protokol for et internationalt RCT projekt med samme målgruppe

  8. LSDB Archive - KEGG MEDICUS | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available [ Credits ] English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/...switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data List Contact us KEGG MEDI...CUS Database Description General information of database Database name KEGG design Organism Taxonomy Name: Human Taxonomy ID: 9606 Database description KEGG MEDICUS is an inserts) of all marketed drugs in Japan and the USA are integrated with the KEGG DRUG and KEGG DISEASE databases in KEGG MEDI

  9. Jagten på virus i Tanzania

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Braae, Uffe Christian; Johansen, Maria Vang; Uttenthal, Åse


    Succesfuld feltafprøvning af ny metode til indsamling og påvisning af afrikansk svinepest viser, at virus gemmer sig i klinisk raske svin af dansk afstamning.......Succesfuld feltafprøvning af ny metode til indsamling og påvisning af afrikansk svinepest viser, at virus gemmer sig i klinisk raske svin af dansk afstamning....

  10. Main - AT Atlas | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data ... name: File URL: Database Description Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Main - AT Atlas | LSDB Archive ...

  11. NIMS structural materials databases and cross search engine - MatNavi

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yamazaki, M.; Xu, Y.; Murata, M.; Tanaka, H.; Kamihira, K.; Kimura, K. [National Institute for Materials Science, Tokyo (Japan)


    Materials Database Station (MDBS) of National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) owns the world's largest Internet materials database for academic and industry purpose, which is composed of twelve databases: five concerning structural materials, five concerning basic physical properties, one for superconducting materials and one for polymers. All of theses databases are opened to Internet access at the website of Online tools for predicting properties of polymers and composite materials are also available. The NIMS structural materials databases are composed of structural materials data sheet online version (creep, fatigue, corrosion and space use materials strength), microstructure for crept material database, Pressure vessel materials database and CCT diagram for welding. (orig.)

  12. Modul 8 - på hovedet?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Roesen, Jette; Madsen, Kristian


    Projekt Modul 8 - på hovedet ? havde til formål at eksperimentere med en alternativ tilrettelæggelse af sygeplejestuderendes uddannelsesforløb i psykiatrisk sygepleje. Repræsentanter fra kliniske uddannelsesområder i Region Hovedstaden og lektorer fra Sygeplejerskeuddannelsen Metropol arbejde tæt...... sammen om hele forløbet. Fastlagtstudeiaktivitet og intern prøve flyttede fokus fra det skolatastisk til det professionsrettede og der bleve arbejdet med kreative udtryksformer i form af f.eks billeder, rollespil og andet, der skulle indfange patientens perspektiv på egen lidelse....

  13. Multiple somatic symptoms in primary care patients: a cross-sectional study of consultation content, clinical management strategy and burden of encounter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rask, Mette Trøllund; Carlsen, Anders Helles; Budtz-Lilly, Anna


    Bodily distress syndrome (BDS) er en ny forskningsdiagnose for medicinsk uforklarede symptomer. Denne artikel præsenterer et tværsnitsstudie, som har undersøgt konsultationens indhold, de valgte kliniske strategier, tidsforbruget og den praktiserende læges opfattelse af tyngden af konsultationer...... med patienter med BDS. Resultaterne viser, at patienter med BDS generelt har sammensatte og komplekse behov relateret til både det psykosociale og det biomedicinske område. Lægerne synes at sikre kontinuitet i behandlingen af denne patientgruppe gennem strategier som at se an med henvendelse ved behov...

  14. Klinisk ganganalyse. En oversigt over anvendeligheden af et ganglaboratorium

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sonne-Holm, Stig; Bencke, Jesper; Jacobsen, Stig


    Advanced equipment for objective, quantitative 3-D locomotion analysis has been developed and has resulted in setting up clinical gait and locomotion laboratories connected to hospitals in USA and Europe. Before treatment of sufferings related to the locomotive system, the pathological movements ...

  15. Análisis del lenguaje controlado en tres bases de datos internacionales = A controlled language analysis in three international databases

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    Purificación Moscoso


    Full Text Available Se analiza el lenguaje controlado utilizado para la indización de tres bases de datos internacionales de Ciencias Sociales, utilizando los parámetros fundamentales que deben regir todo proceso de indización: la relevancia, la consistencia y la exhaustividad. Asimismo, se comparan los resultados obtenidos en el análisis de los lenguajes controlados post-coordinados y pre-coordinados de cara a la recuperación de información por materias. Estos resultados constatan la mayor idoneidad del uso de descriptores frente a encabezamientos de materia en los entornos automatizados = This paper analyses the indexing of three Social Sciencies International databases taken into consideration relevance, consistency and exhaustivity of the vocabulary used in the controlled languajes. Post-coordinated languaje and pre-coordinated languaje are compared, and results identify the coherence of the use of descriptors versus subject headings.

  16. License - KEGG MEDICUS | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available [ Credits ] English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/...switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data List Contact us KEGG MEDI...ion-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.1 Japan. If you use data from this database, please be sure attribute this data...whole of this database, and acquire data; and freely redistribute part or whole of the data from this databa...This Database Site Policy | Contact Us License - KEGG MEDICUS | LSDB Archive ...

  17. Protocol - RPD | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data ...e version) File URL: File size: 535 KB Fil...e name: (English version) File URL: Database Description Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Protocol - RPD | LSDB Archive ...

  18. Fluoride in dental biofilm and saliva

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Line Staun

    Dette ph.d.-projekt bidrager med ny viden om fordelingen af fluorid i dental biofilm og saliva. For at udforske koncentrationen af fluorid i naturlig (in vivo) biofilmvæske, biofilmsediment og i saliva, blev der udført to meget forskellige kliniske studier. Resultaterne fra tværsnitsstudiet (Studie...... I), hos en stor gruppe mennesker (n=42) der konsulterede en tandklinik for behandling, bekræfter tidligere viden, at der findes en naturlig biologisk variation i fluoridkoncentrationerne i biofilm fra forskellige intra-orale regioner samt mellem biofilmvæske, biofilmsediment og saliva...... fluoridkoncentrationer i underkæbefronten, intermediære koncentrationer i alle tre overkæberegioner og de laveste koncentrationer i underkæbemolarregionerne. Begge studier viser at biofilmsedimentet indeholder størstedelen af fluorid i biofilm. Set i et bredere perspektiv viser fundene at der er et omvendt forhold...

  19. Karpaltunnelsyndrom: Prognostiske og økonomiske forhold ved endoskopisk operation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meldgaard, Anette

    Formål: At identificere prognostiske faktorer for genoptagelse af arbejde og normalisering af funktions¬niveau efter endoskopisk operation for karpaltunnelsyndrom. At vurdere de økonomiske konse¬kvenser i forhold til traditionel åben operation i en cost-effectiveness analyse med sparede syge......-tions¬tilfredshed samt symptom- og funktionsscore blev udfyldt. Udfra en simpel erhvervskorrigeret OR blev de signifikante prognostiske faktorer identificeret ved multipel logistisk regression. Her-udover blev der gennemført en cost-effectiveness analyse af endoskopisk operation i forhold til kon-ventionel åben...... operation. Effekten beregnedes som et vægtet gennemsnit af forskellen i antal post-operative sygedage estimeret i randomiserede kliniske undersøgelser af endoskopisk operation versus åben operation. Resultater: Den gennemsnitlige funktionsscore faldt fra 2,3 til 1,4 postoperativt (SD 0,8) og den gen...

  20. Download - KEGG MEDICUS | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available [ Credits ] English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/...switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data List Contact us KEGG and download 1 README README_e.html - 2 Drug (5.2... MB) Simple search and download 3 Environ (79 KB) Simple search and download 4 Disease kegg_medi...nload License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Download - KEGG MEDICUS | LSDB Archive ...

  1. Hvordan diagnosticerer man astma hos børn?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermann, Christian


    Astma og astmatisk bronkit har ens symptomatologi og behandling og kan med vore dages effektive og bivirkningssvage medicin selv i de lettere grader behandles. Symptomerne kender vi i praksis fra op mod 1/3 af småbørnene, kunsten består i at stille behandlingsindikationen. Der opridses overvejende...... udfra kliniske kriterier enkle retningslinier, der nyder konsensus blandt danske almenmedicinere og pædiatere til hjælp i den daglige håndtering af sådanne symptomer i almen praksis. Til slut understreges, at opsporing af astma og astmatisk bronkitis naturligt hører hjemme i almen praksis, og...

  2. Hvad er ledelse af brugerinddragelse?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm-Petersen, Christina; Navne, Laura Emdal


    Brugerinddragelse i det danske sundhedsvæsen står højt på den politiske dagsorden, men det er stadig en udfordring at implementere visionen i klinisk praksis. Ledelse af brugerinddragelse bliver aktuelt udpeget som en central nøgle til at føre visionen ud i livet. Samtidig er der kun relativt lidt......, at brugerinddragelse skal implementeres i en verden, hvor der allerede er en række andre mål tilstede. En central ledelsesudfordring er derfor, at nogle af målene med brugerinddragelse forudsætter nye måder at organisere ikke bare arbejdet og kompetencer på, men også relationer til patienter og pårørende. En væsentlig...... that organize relations Patient involvement in the health services in Denmark is high on the political agenda, though continues to be a challenge to implement. It is increasingly said that leadership is crucial to the implementation process. However, research into the role of leaders in patient involvement...

  3. The new database “Seed oil Fatty Acids” (SOFA

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    Matthäus, B.


    Full Text Available More than 30 years i n formation about the fatty acid composit ion of wi ld plant seeds was collected f rom the appropriate pharmaceutical, botanical and chemical literature by the former Institute for Chemistry and Physics of Lipids of the Federal Center for Cereal, Potato and Lipid Research in Münster. Since it was very difficult to search this unique source of information, the collection was transferred into an electronically searchable database. This plan was supported by financial assistance of the German Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture. Since some month the database is available in the internet ( free of charge. Up to now more than 18.000 different tables with about 110.000 individual data are recallable from the database, by different types of search forms. An overview about the application of the different search forms as well as some examples for searches is given in this publication.Mas de 30 años de información sobre la composición en ácidos grasos de semillas de plantas silvestres ha sido recogida de la literatura farmacéutica, botánica y química por el antiguo Institute for Chemistry and Physics del Federal Center for Cereal, Potato and Lipid Research en Münster. Desde hace varios meses la base de datos está ya disponible sin cargo alguno en Internet ( Hasta ahora más de 18.000 tablas diferentes con alrededor de 110.000 datos individuales pueden obtenerse a partir de esa base de datos mediante diferentes tipos de búsquedas. Una panorámica de la aplicación de las diferentes posibles formas de búsquedas así como algunos ejemplos de búsquedas se dan en este artículo.

  4. Radiation Database for Earth and Mars Entry (United States)


    state which mainly determines its polarizability . ∆r2 = r2u− r2l is the difference between Radiation Database for Earth and Mars Entry RTO-EN-AVT...NO A← X (0,0) band in the presence of argon and nitrogen. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 47:375–390, 1992. Radiation

  5. Development of an Engineering Soil Database (United States)


    ER D C TR 1 7- 15 Rapid Airfield Damage Recovery (RADR) Program Development of an Engineering Soil Database En gi ne er R es ea rc...distribution is unlimited. The US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) solves the nation’s toughest engineering and environmental...challenges. ERDC develops innovative solutions in civil and military engineering , geospatial sciences, water resources, and environmental sciences

  6. Las revistas argentinas de filosofía: visibilidad en bases de datos internacionales Argentine journals of philosophy: visibility in international databases

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    Susana Romanos De Tiratel


    Full Text Available El artículo proporciona una breve introducción al escenario actual donde se desenvuelve la publicación periódica y su compleja problemática enfatizando en América Latina y enfocando el estudio en las revistas argentinas de Filosofía. Dentro del marco teórico provisto por Keresztesi respecto de las interrelaciones entre investigación y bibliografía, se aplican métodos cuantitativos para determinar los indicadores de representatividad, de visibilidad y de vacancia de las revistas argentinas de Filosofía. Las fórmulas resultantes se utilizan en bases de datos internacionales pluridisciplinarias, unidisciplinarias y de área. Finalmente, se discuten ciertos aspectos que se derivan del estudio realizado; se concluye que a menor cantidad de títulos publicados, mayor índice de visibilidad en bases de datos internacionales y, finalmente, se aportan datos comprobados para la toma de decisiones en unidades de información dedicadas a la Filosofía.The article introduces periodical publication and addresses the questions raised in connection with this format, focusing on Philosophy's journals in Argentina. Within Keresztesi's framework of reference as regards the research/ bibliography relationship, some quantitative methods to determine indicators of representativity, visibility and vacancy of Argentinean journals in Philosophy are applied. The research examines data available in both single-discipline and multidisciplinary international and Latin-American bases. Matters arising as a result of our study are discussed and our conclusion is that the fewer the titles, the greater the visibility in international databases. Finally, we provide checked data for decision making in Philosophy information units.

  7. REDVET está indexada en Academia Journals Database




    El slogan de la Academia Journals Database, base de datos y directorio bibliográfico es “La difusión de conocimientos científicos de calidad controlada” por lo que es una satisfacción para REDVET que se nos valore por esta institución como una revista de calidad.

  8. Evaluering av medisinsk behandling: Hva vet vi, og hvordan bør kunnskapen håndteres?

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    Jan Magnus Bjordal


    Full Text Available Kunnskap om effekten av medisinsk behandling fremskaffes i kliniske studier. Godt planlagte og gjennomførte randomiserte, placebokontrollerte studier tillegges størst vekt når data skal vurderes. De datamengdene vi besitter når det gjelder forskjellige behandlinger kan oppsummeres i oversikter eller terapianbefalinger som ofte blir normative for klinisk praksis. Dette stiller store krav til evalueringsprosedyrene. I denne oversiktsartikkelen diskuteres i innledningen noen eksempler på at kunnskapsgrunnlaget er blitt feiltolket. Deretter omtales kvalitetskriterier som legges til grunn i vurderingen av data, og den metodologiske basis for meta-analyser. Usikkerhetsmomenter og potensielle fallgruver ved bruk av meta-analyser omtales. Meta-analysens fortrinn eksemplifiseres ved bruk av data om behandling av korsryggsmerter, hvor det nylig er utarbeidet kliniske retningslinjer som etter vår oppfatning er beheftet med feil eller mangler. Meta-analysen har vesentlige fortrinn fremfor mindre formaliserte metoder for oppsummering av kunnskap om terapi ved sykdom

  9. MUSIKTERAPEUTERNES SÆRLIGE KOMPETENCER - musikterapeuternes sundhedsfremmende virkemidler generelt og i psykiatrien

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    Niels Hannibal


    Full Text Available Denne artikel omhandler musikterapiens særlige kompetencer og består af to dele. I første del præsenteres det særlige ved musikterapi i et kort og overordnet perspektiv i forhold til de elementer musikterapi indeholder såsom interventionsformer, udbytte, anvendelse, dokumentation, teori, behandlingskontekst. Anden del udfolder kliniske eksempler på det som overordnet beskrives i første del. Det problematiseres, at det specifikke og non-specifikke ikke så let kan adskilles, men samtidig præsenteres også forfatternes holdning: at musikterapi besidder ²noget² som er særligt og som giver faget en identitet.

  10. Professorportrætter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium i København. Som professor er han hovedansvarlig for uddannelsen af komponister og leder af konservatoriets festival for ny musik, PULSAR. Peter Bruun møder Niels Rosing-Schow til en samtale om hvordan man kan ruste fremtidens komponister til deres virke. Og om......, hvordan man som professor i komposition har mulighed for at påvirke udviklingen af musiklivet. Lars Ole Bonde er professor i Musikterapi på Aalborg Universitet og klinisk musikterapeut og forsker på Musikterapiklinikken v. Aalborg Psykiatriske Sygehus. Nina Gram har mødt Lars Ole Bonde til en snak om bl...... teknologier i lyddesign til computerspil. Mads Walther-Hansen har interviewet ham om forskningsmiljøet i Danmark, om studiet af lyd som et interdisciplinært felt, og om hans definition af lyd som ”emergent perception”....

  11. Typebestemmelse af de danske M. bovis stammer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kokotovic, Branko

    Mycoplasma bovis er en af de mest betydningsfulde mykoplasma i kvægbruget på verdensplan. Bakterien findes oftest i forbindelse med mastitis, lunge- og ledbetændelse, men andre kliniske manifestationer kan også forekomme. Der findes ikke præcise, nyere beregninger over konsekvenser af M. bovis...... relateret sygdomme, men det anses, at infektionen hvert år globalt set pålægger en økonomisk byrde til kvægbruget i en multimillion skala. M. bovis blev for første gang påvist i Danmark i 1981 og gennem 1980’erne har bakterien forårsaget store udbrud af mastitis. I de følgende årtier blev bakterien isoleret...... sporadisk fra mange forskellige kvægbesætninger, men på trods af en tilsyneladende stigende forekomst i 1990’erne, blev der ikke registret omfattende sundhedsmæssige problemer som følge af M. bovis smitte. Siden 2011 er M. bovis dog kommet i fokus igen på grund af alvorlige udbrud af især ledbetændelse, men...

  12. Forskningsbaseret viden kan bruges i praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Braad, Mette; Bahnsen, Iben Bøgh; Axelsen, Hanne Clement


    Evidensbaseret praksis blev trænet i et samarbejde mellem sygeplejestuderende, kliniske vejledere og undervisere på sygeplejerskeuddannelsen i Aalborg. Resultatet af samarbejdet kommer nu præmature børn i CPAP-behandling til gode i form af systematisk soignering, aflastning og gel-behandling omkr......Evidensbaseret praksis blev trænet i et samarbejde mellem sygeplejestuderende, kliniske vejledere og undervisere på sygeplejerskeuddannelsen i Aalborg. Resultatet af samarbejdet kommer nu præmature børn i CPAP-behandling til gode i form af systematisk soignering, aflastning og gel...

  13. Main - TP Atlas | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data File URL: License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Main - TP Atlas | LSDB Archive ...

  14. Database Description - Trypanosomes Database | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available List Contact us Trypanosomes Database Database Description General information of database Database name Trypanosomes Database...stitute of Genetics Research Organization of Information and Systems Yata 1111, Mishima, Shizuoka 411-8540, JAPAN E mail: Database...y Name: Trypanosoma Taxonomy ID: 5690 Taxonomy Name: Homo sapiens Taxonomy ID: 9606 Database description The... Article title: Author name(s): Journal: External Links: Original website information Database maintenance s...DB (Protein Data Bank) KEGG PATHWAY Database DrugPort Entry list Available Query search Available Web servic

  15. YAC clone information - RGP physicalmap | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available 08/lsdba.nbdc00318-06-002 Description of data contents YAC clones selected with DNA markers Data file File name: File URL: Data acquisition method YAC clones selected with RGP...rom. No. Chromosome number Region Region number Physical map image The file name of rice physical map Order ...bout This Database Database Description Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us YAC clone information - RGP physicalmap | LSDB Archive ...

  16. GPCR Interaction - GRIPDB | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data List Contact us GRI...ed information (disease etc.). Data file File name: File URL: Data acquisition method PDB, Refseq Data analysis method - ...Number of data entries 409 entries Data item Description GRIP ID Interaction ID Main Title Interaction title...tabase Database Description Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us GPCR Interaction - GRIPDB | LSDB Archive ...

  17. Sagace: A web-based search engine for biomedical databases in Japan

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    Morita Mizuki


    Full Text Available Abstract Background In the big data era, biomedical research continues to generate a large amount of data, and the generated information is often stored in a database and made publicly available. Although combining data from multiple databases should accelerate further studies, the current number of life sciences databases is too large to grasp features and contents of each database. Findings We have developed Sagace, a web-based search engine that enables users to retrieve information from a range of biological databases (such as gene expression profiles and proteomics data and biological resource banks (such as mouse models of disease and cell lines. With Sagace, users can search more than 300 databases in Japan. Sagace offers features tailored to biomedical research, including manually tuned ranking, a faceted navigation to refine search results, and rich snippets constructed with retrieved metadata for each database entry. Conclusions Sagace will be valuable for experts who are involved in biomedical research and drug development in both academia and industry. Sagace is freely available at

  18. Database Description - Arabidopsis Phenome Database | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available List Contact us Arabidopsis Phenome Database Database Description General information of database Database n... BioResource Center Hiroshi Masuya Database classification Plant databases - Arabidopsis thaliana Organism T...axonomy Name: Arabidopsis thaliana Taxonomy ID: 3702 Database description The Arabidopsis thaliana phenome i...heir effective application. We developed the new Arabidopsis Phenome Database integrating two novel database...seful materials for their experimental research. The other, the “Database of Curated Plant Phenome” focusing

  19. Spilleregler i musikterapi med voksne - oversigter fra faglitteraturen

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    Ulla Holck


    Full Text Available Artiklen gennemgår udvalgt faglitteratur, der på et overordnet plan beskriver typer af spilleregler i musikterapi med (fortrinsvis voksne klientgrupper. Udgangspunktet er Priestleys anvendelse af begrebet, og hendes inddeling af spilleregler i forhold til forskellige teknikker gennemgås, efterfulgt af en præsentation af opdelinger lavet af henholdsvis Pedersen & Scheiby, Bruscia og Wigram. En af forskellene på opfattelsen af spillereglernes karakter og anvendelse handler om, hvorvidt spillereglerne udelukkende bør have et referentielt indhold med udgangspunkt i klientens psykiske materiale, eller om også rent musikalske (eller nonreferentiellespilleregler kan siges at have en terapeutisk effekt. Artiklens forfatter ser i stedet spørgsmålet i lyset af mange klienters behov for en gradvis introduktion til klinisk improvisation og inddrager i den sammenhæng litteratur om introduktion og assessment af bl.a. Wigram, Hannibal og Jensen. Artiklen er den første i en serie, hvis overordnede mål er at indsamle viden og erfaring om anvendelse af spilleregler i forhold til forskellige klientgrupper. Anden del omhandler udvikling af spilleregler i forhold til børneklientgrupper og findes i næste kapitel i dette årsskrift.

  20. Helbredsrelateret livskvalitet ved kræft

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grønvold, Mogens


    I denne artikel gennemgås metoder, erfaringer og resultater fra livskvalitetsforskningen på kræftområdet, og der opstilles anbefalinger. Forskningen har omfattet deskriptive undersøgelser, endemål i kliniske undersøgelser, prognostiske studier og klinisk anvendelse af livskvalitetsskemaer. Der vu...... vurderes at være behov for yderligere livskvalitetsundersøgelser ved alle kræftformer og -behandlinger, men de bør kun foretages, når de tilstrækkelige resurser er til stede, da kun velgennemførte studier er af værdi. Udgivelsesdato: 2008-Mar-3...

  1. Identification and correction of abnormal, incomplete and mispredicted proteins in public databases

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    Bányai László


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Despite significant improvements in computational annotation of genomes, sequences of abnormal, incomplete or incorrectly predicted genes and proteins remain abundant in public databases. Since the majority of incomplete, abnormal or mispredicted entries are not annotated as such, these errors seriously affect the reliability of these databases. Here we describe the MisPred approach that may provide an efficient means for the quality control of databases. The current version of the MisPred approach uses five distinct routines for identifying abnormal, incomplete or mispredicted entries based on the principle that a sequence is likely to be incorrect if some of its features conflict with our current knowledge about protein-coding genes and proteins: (i conflict between the predicted subcellular localization of proteins and the absence of the corresponding sequence signals; (ii presence of extracellular and cytoplasmic domains and the absence of transmembrane segments; (iii co-occurrence of extracellular and nuclear domains; (iv violation of domain integrity; (v chimeras encoded by two or more genes located on different chromosomes. Results Analyses of predicted EnsEMBL protein sequences of nine deuterostome (Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, Monodelphis domestica, Gallus gallus, Xenopus tropicalis, Fugu rubripes, Danio rerio and Ciona intestinalis and two protostome species (Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster have revealed that the absence of expected signal peptides and violation of domain integrity account for the majority of mispredictions. Analyses of sequences predicted by NCBI's GNOMON annotation pipeline show that the rates of mispredictions are comparable to those of EnsEMBL. Interestingly, even the manually curated UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot dataset is contaminated with mispredicted or abnormal proteins, although to a much lesser extent than UniProtKB/TrEMBL or the EnsEMBL or GNOMON

  2. Mentaliseringsbaseret behandling og musikterapi

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    Niels Hannibal


    Full Text Available Denne artikel behandler spørgsmålet, om mentaliseringsbaseret terapi er en metode der medfører et skift i terapeutisk forholdemåde for analytisk orienterede musikterapeuter i arbejde med patienter med personlighedsforstyrrelse. Artiklen skal ses om en del af den teoretiske integrationer af MBT i musikterapi med denne målgruppe. Artiklen ser på de forskrifter til mentaliseringsfremmende tiltag som Allan, Fonagy og Bateman (2010 beskriver. Artiklens konklusion er dels af MBT’s krav til forholdemåde og interventionsfokus er et skift i forhold til traditionel analytisk orienteret terapi, bl.a. i forhold til fokus på her og nu, og øget fokus på implicit relationel læring, men siger samtidig at musikterapi allerede lever op til og i forvejen anvender disse elementer i musikterapi qua ligheden mellem klinisk improvisation (Wigram 2004 og implicit relationel viden (Stern 2010.

  3. Præverbalitet i Musikterapi

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    Niels Hannibal


    Full Text Available Denne artikel er en oversættelse af mit foredrag på verdenskongressen i musikterapi i Oxford 2002. Den er baseret på min ph.d. afhandling »Præverbal Overføring i Musikterapi«, der blev forsvaret juni 2001. Formålet med artiklen er at validere min forskning om præverbal overføring i musikterapi i den musikalske interaktion gennem formidling af den pragmatiske anvendelse. I artiklen argumenterer jeg for anvendelse af Sterns psykologiske udviklingsteori og Sotolorow & Atwoodes teori om psykoterapi som fortolkningskontekst for musikalsk interaktion, når fokus er interaktion, relation og overføring. Det illustreres gennem en case analyse hvorledes begreberne kan anvendes på kliniske data. Det konkluderes at psykologisk teori og tænkning er nødvendig for at kunne forstå og beskrive musikalsk interaktion i et psykologisk perspektiv.

  4. Neuromuscular function in patients with Subacromial Impingement Syndrome and clinical assessment of scapular kinematics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Camilla Marie

    muskeldele.I det andet studie blev evnen til selektiv aktivering af de individuelle skapulære muskeldele undersøgt hos 15patienter med SIS under en session med og uden visuel biofeedback, sammenlignet med denne evne hos 15raske kontroller. Med udgangspunkt i præ-definerede kriterier for selektiv aktivering...... kontrolpersonerne opnåede selektiv aktiveringaf individuelle skapulære muskeldele, når de ikke modtog visuel biofeedback af muskelaktiviteten af deenkelte muskeldele.I det tredje studie blev der udarbejdet et systematisk review af alle tilgængelige kliniske målemetoder tilvurdering af skapulas position og bevægelse...... den neuromuskulære aktivitet blandt SIS patienter ograske kontrolpersoner ikke fundet. Derimod viste undersøgelsen af den neuromuskulære funktion med og udenbrug af visuel biofeedback, at uden brug af biofeedback havde kontrolgruppen en bedre kontrol af deskapulære muskler. Dog præsterede SIS...


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    P. Lindeque


    Full Text Available

    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This paper will attempt to illuminate the advantages of an approach to the job shop scheduling problem using priority based search algorithms and database technology. It will use as basis a system developed for and implemented at a large manufacturing plant. The paper will also attempt to make some predictions as to future developments in these techniques and look at the possibility of including new technologies such as expert systems.

    AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die voordele en toepaslikheid van prioriteits-gebaseerde soek-algoritmes en databasisstelsels op die taakwerkswinkelprobleem sal in hierdie artikel uitgelig word. 'n Stelsel wat by 'n groot vervaardigingsonderneming geimplementeer is, sal as uitgangspunt gebruik word. Toekomstige ontwikkelings in bogenoemde tegnieke en die moontlike insluiting van ekspertstelsels sal ook ondersoek word.

  6. The Database of the Catalogue of Clinical Practice Guidelines Published via Internet in the Czech Language -The Current State

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Zvolský, Miroslav


    Roč. 6, č. 1 (2010), s. 83-89 ISSN 1801-5603 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) 1M06014 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504 Keywords : internet * World Wide Web * database * clinical practice guideline * clinical practice * evidence-based medicine * formalisation * GLIF (Guideline Inerchange Format) * doctor of medicine, * decision support systems Subject RIV: IN - Informatics, Computer Science practice -guidelines-published-via-internet-in-the-czech-language-the-current-state.html

  7. Kliniske, radiologiske, histopatologiske samt genetiske fund i en dansk "CADASIL"-familie

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Binzer, M N; Brattström, L; Ottosen, P


    Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) is a rare adult-onset inherited arterial disease with a distinctive neuropathological phenotype. Owing to its recent identification and variable mode of presentation, the disease is often misdiagn...... testing confirmed a Notch 3 mutation. The mutation consisted of the substitution of a nucleotide at position 475 leading to the replacement of amino acid arginine for cysteine at position 133 in the third EGF motif....

  8. The HISTMAG database: combining historical, archaeomagnetic and volcanic data (United States)

    Arneitz, Patrick; Leonhardt, Roman; Schnepp, Elisabeth; Heilig, Balázs; Mayrhofer, Franziska; Kovacs, Peter; Hejda, Pavel; Valach, Fridrich; Vadasz, Gergely; Hammerl, Christa; Egli, Ramon; Fabian, Karl; Kompein, Niko


    Records of the past geomagnetic field can be divided into two main categories. These are instrumental historical observations on the one hand, and field estimates based on the magnetization acquired by rocks, sediments and archaeological artefacts on the other hand. In this paper, a new database combining historical, archaeomagnetic and volcanic records is presented. HISTMAG is a relational database, implemented in MySQL, and can be accessed via a web-based interface ( It combines available global historical data compilations covering the last ∼500 yr as well as archaeomagnetic and volcanic data collections from the last 50 000 yr. Furthermore, new historical and archaeomagnetic records, mainly from central Europe, have been acquired. In total, 190 427 records are currently available in the HISTMAG database, whereby the majority is related to historical declination measurements (155 525). The original database structure was complemented by new fields, which allow for a detailed description of the different data types. A user-comment function provides the possibility for a scientific discussion about individual records. Therefore, HISTMAG database supports thorough reliability and uncertainty assessments of the widely different data sets, which are an essential basis for geomagnetic field reconstructions. A database analysis revealed systematic offset for declination records derived from compass roses on historical geographical maps through comparison with other historical records, while maps created for mining activities represent a reliable source.

  9. Database Description - Yeast Interacting Proteins Database | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available List Contact us Yeast Interacting Proteins Database Database Description General information of database Database... name Yeast Interacting Proteins Database Alternative name - DOI 10.18908/lsdba.nbdc00742-000 Creator C...-ken 277-8561 Tel: +81-4-7136-3989 FAX: +81-4-7136-3979 E-mail : Database classif...s cerevisiae Taxonomy ID: 4932 Database description Information on interactions and related information obta...l Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Apr 10;98(8):4569-74. Epub 2001 Mar 13. External Links: Original website information Database

  10. Registered prevalence of borderline personality disorder in primary care databases Prevalencia registrada del trastorno límite de personalidad en las bases de datos de atención primaria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enric Aragonès


    Full Text Available Objective: Borderline personality disorder (BPD is a common personality disorder, with a population prevalence of 1.4-5.9%, although the epidemiology of this disorder in primary care is insufficiently known. Our objective was to determine the registered prevalence of BPD in primary care databases and to study the demographic and clinical characteristics of these patients. Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study of the computerized databases of primary care clinical records. The target population consisted of all adults (> 16 years old registered in the Catalan Health Institute (n = 4,764,729. Results: The prevalence of recorded BPD was 0.017%, and was higher in patients with other mental disorders, particularly substance-abuse disorders (0.161%. These patients had twice as many appointments with the general practitioner as the general population (8.1 vs. 4.4. Conclusion: The number of diagnoses of BPD recorded in primary care is extremely low, which contrasts with the available population-based data.Objetivo: El trastorno límite de la personalidad (TLP es frecuente, con una prevalencia poblacional del 1,4% al 5,9%, aunque la epidemiología de este trastorno en atención primaria es escasamente conocida. Nuestro objetivo es determinar la prevalencia registrada de TLP en atención primaria y estudiar las características de estos pacientes. Métodos: Estudio transversal de las bases de datos informatizadas de las historias clínicas de atención primaria. La población diana son los adultos (>16 años registrados en el Instituto Catalán de la Salud (n = 4.764.729. Resultados: La prevalencia de TLP registrada es del 0,017%, y es mayor en los pacientes con otros trastornos mentales, particularmente trastornos por abuso de sustancias (0,161%. Estos pacientes duplican las visitas al médico general de la población general (8,1 frente a 4,4. Conclusión: Los diagnósticos de TLP registrados en atención primaria son escasos, lo que contrasta

  11. Update History of This Database - Trypanosomes Database | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available List Contact us Trypanosomes Database Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2014/05/07 The co...ntact information is corrected. The features and manner of utilization of the database are corrected. 2014/02/04 Trypanosomes Databas...e English archive site is opened. 2011/04/04 Trypanosomes Database ( ) is opened. About This Database Database Description Download Lice...nse Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - Trypanosomes Database | LSDB Archive ...

  12. GIS-based hydrogeological databases and groundwater modelling (United States)

    Gogu, Radu Constantin; Carabin, Guy; Hallet, Vincent; Peters, Valerie; Dassargues, Alain


    Reliability and validity of groundwater analysis strongly depend on the availability of large volumes of high-quality data. Putting all data into a coherent and logical structure supported by a computing environment helps ensure validity and availability and provides a powerful tool for hydrogeological studies. A hydrogeological geographic information system (GIS) database that offers facilities for groundwater-vulnerability analysis and hydrogeological modelling has been designed in Belgium for the Walloon region. Data from five river basins, chosen for their contrasting hydrogeological characteristics, have been included in the database, and a set of applications that have been developed now allow further advances. Interest is growing in the potential for integrating GIS technology and groundwater simulation models. A "loose-coupling" tool was created between the spatial-database scheme and the groundwater numerical model interface GMS (Groundwater Modelling System). Following time and spatial queries, the hydrogeological data stored in the database can be easily used within different groundwater numerical models. Résumé. La validité et la reproductibilité de l'analyse d'un aquifère dépend étroitement de la disponibilité de grandes quantités de données de très bonne qualité. Le fait de mettre toutes les données dans une structure cohérente et logique soutenue par les logiciels nécessaires aide à assurer la validité et la disponibilité et fournit un outil puissant pour les études hydrogéologiques. Une base de données pour un système d'information géographique (SIG) hydrogéologique qui offre toutes les facilités pour l'analyse de la vulnérabilité des eaux souterraines et la modélisation hydrogéologique a été établi en Belgique pour la région Wallonne. Les données de cinq bassins de rivières, choisis pour leurs caractéristiques hydrogéologiques différentes, ont été introduites dans la base de données, et un ensemble d

  13. EST Table - KAIKOcDNA | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available uences registered to public database as of September 2011. Data file File name: File URL...: File s...ize: 157 MB Simple search URL Data acquisition

  14. Use of SQL Databases to Support Human Resource Management


    Zeman, Jan


    Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na návrh SQL databáze pro podporu Řízení lidských zdrojů a její následné vytvoření v programu MS SQL Server. This thesis focuses on the design of SQL database for support Human resources management and its creation in MS SQL Server. A

  15. Modelling antibody side chain conformations using heuristic database search. (United States)

    Ritchie, D W; Kemp, G J


    We have developed a knowledge-based system which models the side chain conformations of residues in the variable domains of antibody Fv fragments. The system is written in Prolog and uses an object-oriented database of aligned antibody structures in conjunction with a side chain rotamer library. The antibody database provides 3-dimensional clusters of side chain conformations which can be copied en masse into the model structure. The object-oriented database architecture facilitates a navigational style of database access, necessary to assemble side chains clusters. Around 60% of the model is built using side chain clusters and this eliminates much of the combinatorial complexity associated with many other side chain placement algorithms. Construction and placement of side chain clusters is guided by a heuristic cost function based on a simple model of side chain packing interactions. Even with a simple model, we find that a large proportion of side chain conformations are modelled accurately. We expect our approach could be used with other homologous protein families, in addition to antibodies, both to improve the quality of model structures and to give a "smart start" to the side chain placement problem.

  16. Update History of This Database - Arabidopsis Phenome Database | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available List Contact us Arabidopsis Phenome Database Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2017/02/27 Arabidopsis Phenome Data...base English archive site is opened. - Arabidopsis Phenome Database ( is opened. About This Database Database Description Download License Update History of This Database... Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - Arabidopsis Phenome Database | LSDB Archive ...

  17. Refactoring databases evolutionary database design

    CERN Document Server

    Ambler, Scott W


    Refactoring has proven its value in a wide range of development projects–helping software professionals improve system designs, maintainability, extensibility, and performance. Now, for the first time, leading agile methodologist Scott Ambler and renowned consultant Pramodkumar Sadalage introduce powerful refactoring techniques specifically designed for database systems. Ambler and Sadalage demonstrate how small changes to table structures, data, stored procedures, and triggers can significantly enhance virtually any database design–without changing semantics. You’ll learn how to evolve database schemas in step with source code–and become far more effective in projects relying on iterative, agile methodologies. This comprehensive guide and reference helps you overcome the practical obstacles to refactoring real-world databases by covering every fundamental concept underlying database refactoring. Using start-to-finish examples, the authors walk you through refactoring simple standalone databas...

  18. A Method to Ease the Deployment of Web Applications that Involve Database Systems A Method to Ease the Deployment of Web Applications that Involve Database Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Vega Corona


    Full Text Available El crecimiento continuo de la Internet ha permitido a las personas, alrededor de todo mundo, realizar transacciones en línea, buscar información o navegar usando el explorador de la Web. A medida que más gente se siente cómoda usando los exploradores de Web, más empresas productoras de software tratan de ofrecer interfaces Web como una forma alternativa para proporcionar acceso a sus aplicaciones. La naturaleza de la conexión Web y las restricciones impuestas por el ancho de banda disponible, hacen la integración de aplicaciones Web y los sistemas de bases de datos críticas. Debido a que las aplicaciones que usan bases de datos proporcionan una interfase gráfica para editar la información en la base de datos y debido a que cada columna en una tabla de una base de datos corresponde a un control en una interfase gráfica, el desarrollo de estas aplicaciones puede consumirun tiempo considerable, ya que la validación de campos y reglas de integridad referencial deben ser respetadas. Se propone un diseño orientado a objetos para así facilitar el desarrollo de aplicaciones que usan sistemas de bases de datos.The continuous growth of the Internet has driven people, all around the globe, to performtransactions on-line, search information or navigate using a browser. As more people feelcomfortable using a Web browser, more software companies are trying to alternatively offerWeb interfaces to provide access to their applications. The consequent nature of the Webconnection and the restrictions imposed by the available bandwidth make the successfulintegration of Web applications and database systems critical. Because popular databaseapplications provide a user interface to edit and maintain the information in the databaseand because each column in the database table maps to a graphic user interface control,the deployment of these applications can be time consuming; appropriate fi eld validationand referential integrity rules must be observed

  19. Udvikling af The Dementia Carer Needs Assessment Questionnaire

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clemmensen, Trine Holt; Lauridsen, Henrik Hein; Kristensen, Hanne Kaae

    redskab til at identificere behov for støtte blandt pårørende til personer med demens - the Dementia Carer Needs Assessment Questionnaire (DCNAQ). Redskabet skal udvikles til at være selvrapporteret og let anvendeligt i klinisk praksis. Metode Projektet er tilrettelagt som et tre-årigt Ph.d. forløb, hvor......Baggrund Demens er en sygdom som påvirker hele familien, og pårørende bidrager i høj grad med omsorg for personen med demens i hverdagen. At være pårørende til en person med demens kan være belastende både fysisk, psykisk og socialt (1-4). I praksis mangler der standardiserede redskaber til...... der tages udgangspunkt i WHO’s Internationale Klassifikation af funktionsevne, funktionsevnenedsættelse og helbredstilstand (ICF) (7). Projektet gennemføres som to delstudier. Studie 1 - udvikling Materiale og metode: 32 pårørende til personer med demens og 16 sundhedsprofessionelle inviteres til...

  20. Database design and database administration for a kindergarten


    Vítek, Daniel


    The bachelor thesis deals with creation of database design for a standard kindergarten, installation of the designed database into the database system Oracle Database 10g Express Edition and demonstration of the administration tasks in this database system. The verification of the database was proved by a developed access application.

  1. Database Description - Open TG-GATEs Pathological Image Database | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available List Contact us Open TG-GATEs Pathological Image Database Database Description General information of database Database... name Open TG-GATEs Pathological Image Database Alternative name - DOI 10.18908/lsdba.nbdc00954-0...iomedical Innovation 7-6-8, Saito-asagi, Ibaraki-city, Osaka 567-0085, Japan TEL:81-72-641-9826 Email: Database... classification Toxicogenomics Database Organism Taxonomy Name: Rattus norvegi... Article title: Author name(s): Journal: External Links: Original website information Database

  2. Quasars Probing Quasars. X. The Quasar Pair Spectral Database (United States)

    Findlay, Joseph R.; Prochaska, J. Xavier; Hennawi, Joseph F.; Fumagalli, Michele; Myers, Adam D.; Bartle, Stephanie; Chehade, Ben; DiPompeo, Michael A.; Shanks, Tom; Lau, Marie Wingyee; Rubin, Kate H. R.


    The rare close projection of two quasars on the sky provides the opportunity to study the host galaxy environment of a foreground quasar in absorption against the continuum emission of a background quasar. For over a decade the “Quasars probing quasars” series has utilized this technique to further the understanding of galaxy formation and evolution in the presence of a quasar at z > 2, resolving scales as small as a galactic disk and from bound gas in the circumgalactic medium to the diffuse environs of intergalactic space. Presented here is the public release of the quasar pair spectral database utilized in these studies. In addition to projected pairs at z > 2, the database also includes quasar pair members at z useful for small-scale clustering studies. In total, the database catalogs 5627 distinct objects, with 4083 lying within 5‧ of at least one other source. A spectral library contains 3582 optical and near-infrared spectra for 3028 of the cataloged sources. As well as reporting on 54 newly discovered quasar pairs, we outline the key contributions made by this series over the last 10 years, summarize the imaging and spectroscopic data used for target selection, discuss the target selection methodologies, describe the database content, and explore some avenues for future work. Full documentation for the spectral database, including download instructions, is supplied at



    T. Rajesh; T. Prathap; S.Naveen Nambi; A.R. Arunachalam


    Deep Web contents are accessed by queries submitted to Web databases and the returned data records are en wrapped in dynamically generated Web pages (they will be called deep Web pages in this paper). The structured data that Extracting from deep Web pages is a challenging problem due to the underlying intricate structures of such pages. Until now, a too many number of techniques have been proposed to address this problem, but all of them have limitations because they are Web-page-programming...

  4. Update History of This Database - Yeast Interacting Proteins Database | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available List Contact us Yeast Interacting Proteins Database Update History of This Database Date Update contents 201...0/03/29 Yeast Interacting Proteins Database English archive site is opened. 2000/12/4 Yeast Interacting Proteins Database...( ) is released. About This Database Database Description... Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database... - Yeast Interacting Proteins Database | LSDB Archive ...

  5. KALIMER database development (database configuration and design methodology)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Kwan Seong; Kwon, Young Min; Lee, Young Bum; Chang, Won Pyo; Hahn, Do Hee


    KALIMER Database is an advanced database to utilize the integration management for Liquid Metal Reactor Design Technology Development using Web Applicatins. KALIMER Design database consists of Results Database, Inter-Office Communication (IOC), and 3D CAD database, Team Cooperation system, and Reserved Documents, Results Database is a research results database during phase II for Liquid Metal Reactor Design Technology Develpment of mid-term and long-term nuclear R and D. IOC is a linkage control system inter sub project to share and integrate the research results for KALIMER. 3D CAD Database is s schematic design overview for KALIMER. Team Cooperation System is to inform team member of research cooperation and meetings. Finally, KALIMER Reserved Documents is developed to manage collected data and several documents since project accomplishment. This report describes the features of Hardware and Software and the Database Design Methodology for KALIMER

  6. Database Description - SAHG | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available base Description General information of database Database name SAHG Alternative nam...h: Contact address Chie Motono Tel : +81-3-3599-8067 E-mail : Database classification Structure Databases - ...e databases - Protein properties Organism Taxonomy Name: Homo sapiens Taxonomy ID: 9606 Database description... Links: Original website information Database maintenance site The Molecular Profiling Research Center for D...stration Not available About This Database Database Description Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Database Description - SAHG | LSDB Archive ...

  7. Database Description - PSCDB | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available abase Description General information of database Database name PSCDB Alternative n...rial Science and Technology (AIST) Takayuki Amemiya E-mail: Database classification Structure Databases - Protein structure Database...554-D558. External Links: Original website information Database maintenance site Graduate School of Informat...available URL of Web services - Need for user registration Not available About This Database Database Descri...ption Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Database Description - PSCDB | LSDB Archive ...

  8. Database Description - ASTRA | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available abase Description General information of database Database name ASTRA Alternative n...tics Journal Search: Contact address Database classification Nucleotide Sequence Databases - Gene structure,...3702 Taxonomy Name: Oryza sativa Taxonomy ID: 4530 Database description The database represents classified p...(10):1211-6. External Links: Original website information Database maintenance site National Institute of Ad... for user registration Not available About This Database Database Description Dow

  9. Database Description - RPD | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ase Description General information of database Database name RPD Alternative name Rice Proteome Database...titute of Crop Science, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization Setsuko Komatsu E-mail: Database... classification Proteomics Resources Plant databases - Rice Organism Taxonomy Name: Oryza sativa Taxonomy ID: 4530 Database... description Rice Proteome Database contains information on protei...and entered in the Rice Proteome Database. The database is searchable by keyword,

  10. Database Description - PLACE | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available abase Description General information of database Database name PLACE Alternative name A Database...Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8602, Japan National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences E-mail : Databas...e classification Plant databases Organism Taxonomy Name: Tracheophyta Taxonomy ID: 58023 Database...99, Vol.27, No.1 :297-300 External Links: Original website information Database maintenance site National In...- Need for user registration Not available About This Database Database Descripti

  11. Det kliniske forløb ved valproatforgiftning hos en treårig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blicher, Thalia Marie; Vestergaard, Esben Thyssen; Dalhoff, Kim Peder


    after accidental intake of 6,000 mg VA. Treatment included activated charcoal. Clinical observation included measurements of blood pressure, cardiac telemetry, and measurements of serum VA and metabolic parameters every 4-6 hrs. The girl was discharged successfully after 72 hrs with her usual dose of VA....

  12. Database Description - JSNP | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available base Description General information of database Database name JSNP Alternative nam...n Science and Technology Agency Creator Affiliation: Contact address E-mail : Database...sapiens Taxonomy ID: 9606 Database description A database of about 197,000 polymorphisms in Japanese populat...1):605-610 External Links: Original website information Database maintenance site Institute of Medical registration Not available About This Database Database Description Download License Update History of This Database

  13. Database Description - RED | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ase Description General information of database Database name RED Alternative name Rice Expression Database...enome Research Unit Shoshi Kikuchi E-mail : Database classification Plant databases - Rice Database classifi...cation Microarray, Gene Expression Organism Taxonomy Name: Oryza sativa Taxonomy ID: 4530 Database descripti... Article title: Rice Expression Database: the gateway to rice functional genomics...nt Science (2002) Dec 7 (12):563-564 External Links: Original website information Database maintenance site

  14. Replicación multimaestro en bases de datos PostgreSQL


    Escobar Martín, Alejandro


    En este proyecto se analizarán las distintas opciones a la hora de replicar una base de datos PostgreSQL, se elegirá la que ofrezca la replicación multimaestro más apropiada para el proyecto y se estudiará e implementará en una base de datos distribuida en dos host, una con PostgreSQL 8.4 instalado en un Oracle Linux y otra con PostgreSQL 9.4 alojada en una máquina Windows. This proyect will analyce the various available options to replicate a PostgreSQL database, once analyced , the solut...

  15. Database Description - ConfC | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available abase Description General information of database Database name ConfC Alternative name Database...amotsu Noguchi Tel: 042-495-8736 E-mail: Database classification Structure Database...s - Protein structure Structure Databases - Small molecules Structure Databases - Nucleic acid structure Database... services - Need for user registration - About This Database Database Description Download License Update History of This Database... Site Policy | Contact Us Database Description - ConfC | LSDB Archive ...

  16. Inventory and Communication of Reduction Other Greenhouse Gases. Final report; Inventarisatie en Communicatie Reductie Overige Broeikasgassen. Eindrapportage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iepema, G.; Van der Vegt, L. [Projecten LTO Noord, Drachten (Netherlands)


    This report offers an overview of initiatives in the fields of research, raising awareness and knowledge dissemination related to the emission of nitrous oxide and methane at dairy farms. The information is divided in six transition pathways: (1) Digestion; (2) Fodder; (3) Animal Manure; (4) Soil and Fertilization; (5) Animal Housing Systems; and (6) Chain and Consumer. The database contains 76 ongoing and recently finished initiatives [Dutch] Een overzicht wordt gegeven van initiatieven op het gebied van onderzoek, bewustwording en kennisverspreiding die te maken hebben met de emissie van lachgas en methaan op melkveehouderijbedrijven. De informatie is onderverdeeld in zes transitiepaden: (1) Vergisting, (2) Veevoer, (3) Dierlijke Mest, (4) Bodem en Bemesting, (5) Stalsystemen, (6) Keten en Consument. De database bevat 76 lopende en recent afgeronde initiatieven.

  17. Database management systems understanding and applying database technology

    CERN Document Server

    Gorman, Michael M


    Database Management Systems: Understanding and Applying Database Technology focuses on the processes, methodologies, techniques, and approaches involved in database management systems (DBMSs).The book first takes a look at ANSI database standards and DBMS applications and components. Discussion focus on application components and DBMS components, implementing the dynamic relationship application, problems and benefits of dynamic relationship DBMSs, nature of a dynamic relationship application, ANSI/NDL, and DBMS standards. The manuscript then ponders on logical database, interrogation, and phy

  18. Multilingual access to full text databases; Acces multilingue aux bases de donnees en texte integral

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fluhr, C; Radwan, K [Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucleaires (INSTN), Centre d` Etudes de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)


    Many full text databases are available in only one language, or more, they may contain documents in different languages. Even if the user is able to understand the language of the documents in the database, it could be easier for him to express his need in his own language. For the case of databases containing documents in different languages, it is more simple to formulate the query in one language only and to retrieve documents in different languages. This paper present the developments and the first experiments of multilingual search, applied to french-english pair, for text data in nuclear field, based on the system SPIRIT. After reminding the general problems of full text databases search by queries formulated in natural language, we present the methods used to reformulate the queries and show how they can be expanded for multilingual search. The first results on data in nuclear field are presented (AFCEN norms and INIS abstracts). 4 refs.

  19. Database Description - RMG | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ase Description General information of database Database name RMG Alternative name ...raki 305-8602, Japan National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences E-mail : Database... classification Nucleotide Sequence Databases Organism Taxonomy Name: Oryza sativa Japonica Group Taxonomy ID: 39947 Database...rnal: Mol Genet Genomics (2002) 268: 434–445 External Links: Original website information Database...available URL of Web services - Need for user registration Not available About This Database Database Descri

  20. Relational databases

    CERN Document Server

    Bell, D A


    Relational Databases explores the major advances in relational databases and provides a balanced analysis of the state of the art in relational databases. Topics covered include capture and analysis of data placement requirements; distributed relational database systems; data dependency manipulation in database schemata; and relational database support for computer graphics and computer aided design. This book is divided into three sections and begins with an overview of the theory and practice of distributed systems, using the example of INGRES from Relational Technology as illustration. The

  1. Database Description - DGBY | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available base Description General information of database Database name DGBY Alternative name Database...EL: +81-29-838-8066 E-mail: Database classification Microarray Data and other Gene Expression Databases Orga...nism Taxonomy Name: Saccharomyces cerevisiae Taxonomy ID: 4932 Database descripti...-called phenomics). We uploaded these data on this website which is designated DGBY(Database for Gene J, Ando A, Takagi H. Journal: Yeast. 2008 Mar;25(3):179-90. External Links: Original website information Database

  2. Database Description - KOME | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available base Description General information of database Database name KOME Alternative nam... Sciences Plant Genome Research Unit Shoshi Kikuchi E-mail : Database classification Plant databases - Rice ...Organism Taxonomy Name: Oryza sativa Taxonomy ID: 4530 Database description Information about approximately ...Hayashizaki Y, Kikuchi S. Journal: PLoS One. 2007 Nov 28; 2(11):e1235. External Links: Original website information Database...OS) Rice mutant panel database (Tos17) A Database of Plant Cis-acting Regulatory

  3. Databases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nick Ryan


    Full Text Available Databases are deeply embedded in archaeology, underpinning and supporting many aspects of the subject. However, as well as providing a means for storing, retrieving and modifying data, databases themselves must be a result of a detailed analysis and design process. This article looks at this process, and shows how the characteristics of data models affect the process of database design and implementation. The impact of the Internet on the development of databases is examined, and the article concludes with a discussion of a range of issues associated with the recording and management of archaeological data.

  4. Resumen de las evidencias científicas de la eficacia del ejercicio físico en las enfermedades cardiovasculares

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J.F. Aramendi


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades cardiovasculares son las más prevalentes en la sociedad occidental. En las últimas décadas, innumerables publicaciones informan del poder terapéutico del ejercicio físico (EF en estas patologías. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido buscar, valorar y resumir los resultados de las mejores pruebas científicas publicadas, sobre el efecto del EF, en la mortalidad y morbilidad de pacientes con enfermedad coronaria, insuficiencia cardiaca, hipertensión arterial, claudicación intermitente e ictus. Se buscaron revisiones sistemáticas en Medline, Embase, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews y Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects. Se concluye que, tanto el entrenamiento aeróbico, como el de fuerza son seguros y eficaces en la disminución de la mortalidad y morbilidad en la mejora de algunos signos y síntomas, y en el incremento de la función física en enfermos cardiovasculares.

  5. Database Description - SSBD | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available base Description General information of database Database name SSBD Alternative 2-2-3 Minatojima-minamimachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe 650-0047, Japan, RIKEN Quantitative Biology Center Shuichi Onami E-mail: Database... classification Other Molecular Biology Databases Database classification Dynamic databa...elegans Taxonomy ID: 6239 Taxonomy Name: Escherichia coli Taxonomy ID: 562 Database description Systems Scie...i Onami Journal: Bioinformatics/April, 2015/Volume 31, Issue 7 External Links: Original website information Database

  6. Database Description - GETDB | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available abase Description General information of database Database name GETDB Alternative n...ame Gal4 Enhancer Trap Insertion Database DOI 10.18908/lsdba.nbdc00236-000 Creator Creator Name: Shigeo Haya... Chuo-ku, Kobe 650-0047 Tel: +81-78-306-3185 FAX: +81-78-306-3183 E-mail: Database classification Expression... Invertebrate genome database Organism Taxonomy Name: Drosophila melanogaster Taxonomy ID: 7227 Database des...riginal website information Database maintenance site Drosophila Genetic Resource

  7. JICST Factual DatabaseJICST Chemical Substance Safety Regulation Database (United States)

    Abe, Atsushi; Sohma, Tohru

    JICST Chemical Substance Safety Regulation Database is based on the Database of Safety Laws for Chemical Compounds constructed by Japan Chemical Industry Ecology-Toxicology & Information Center (JETOC) sponsored by the Sience and Technology Agency in 1987. JICST has modified JETOC database system, added data and started the online service through JOlS-F (JICST Online Information Service-Factual database) in January 1990. JICST database comprises eighty-three laws and fourteen hundred compounds. The authors outline the database, data items, files and search commands. An example of online session is presented.

  8. Database Description - KAIKOcDNA | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available List Contact us KAIKOcDNA Database Description General information of database Database name KAIKOcDNA Alter...National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences Akiya Jouraku E-mail : Database cla...ssification Nucleotide Sequence Databases Organism Taxonomy Name: Bombyx mori Taxonomy ID: 7091 Database des...rnal: G3 (Bethesda) / 2013, Sep / vol.9 External Links: Original website information Database maintenance si...available URL of Web services - Need for user registration Not available About This Database Database

  9. Download - Trypanosomes Database | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available List Contact us Trypanosomes Database Download First of all, please read the license of this database. Data ...1.4 KB) Simple search and download Downlaod via FTP FTP server is sometimes jammed. If it is, access [here]. About This Database Data...base Description Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Download - Trypanosomes Database | LSDB Archive ...

  10. Relevansen af nyere psykodynamisk teori for det klinisk musikterapeutiske arbejde med psykiatriske patienter med personlighedsforstyrrelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hannibal, Niels


    Denne artikel beskriver et rationale for anvendelse af musik i en psykoterapeutisk kontekst. Det eksplicitte og implicitte forandringsniveau i psykoterapi med patienter med borderline-personlighedsforstyrrelse (BPF) diskuteres herpå med henvisning til to forskellige syn på terapeutisk forandring:...

  11. License - Arabidopsis Phenome Database | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available List Contact us Arabidopsis Phenome Database License License to Use This Database Last updated : 2017/02/27 You may use this database...cense specifies the license terms regarding the use of this database and the requirements you must follow in using this database.... The license for this database is specified in the Creative ...Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International . If you use data from this database, please be sure attribute this database...ative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International is found here . With regard to this database, you ar

  12. MAPS: The Organization of a Spatial Database System Using Imagery, Terrain, and Map Data (United States)


    segments which share the same pixel position. Finally, in any largo system, a logical partitioning of the database must be performed in order to avoid...34theodore roosevelt memoria entry 0; entry 1: Virginia ’northwest Washington* 2 en 11" ies for "crossover" for ’theodore roosevelt memor i entry 0

  13. Database Description - AcEST | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available abase Description General information of database Database name AcEST Alternative n...hi, Tokyo-to 192-0397 Tel: +81-42-677-1111(ext.3654) E-mail: Database classificat...eneris Taxonomy ID: 13818 Database description This is a database of EST sequences of Adiantum capillus-vene...(3): 223-227. External Links: Original website information Database maintenance site Plant Environmental Res...base Database Description Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Database Description - AcEST | LSDB Archive ...

  14. License - SKIP Stemcell Database | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available List Contact us SKIP Stemcell Database License License to Use This Database Last updated : 2017/03/13 You may use this database...specifies the license terms regarding the use of this database and the requirements you must follow in using this database.... The license for this database is specified in the Creative Common...s Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International . If you use data from this database, please be sure attribute this ... . The summary of the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International is found here . With regard to this database

  15. InverPep: A database of invertebrate antimicrobial peptides. (United States)

    Gómez, Esteban A; Giraldo, Paula; Orduz, Sergio


    The aim of this work was to construct InverPep, a database specialised in experimentally validated antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) from invertebrates. AMP data contained in InverPep were manually curated from other databases and the scientific literature. MySQL was integrated with the development platform Laravel; this framework allows to integrate programming in PHP with HTML and was used to design the InverPep web page's interface. InverPep contains 18 separated fields, including InverPep code, phylum and species source, peptide name, sequence, peptide length, secondary structure, molar mass, charge, isoelectric point, hydrophobicity, Boman index, aliphatic index and percentage of hydrophobic amino acids. CALCAMPI, an algorithm to calculate the physicochemical properties of multiple peptides simultaneously, was programmed in PERL language. To date, InverPep contains 702 experimentally validated AMPs from invertebrate species. All of the peptides contain information associated with their source, physicochemical properties, secondary structure, biological activity and links to external literature. Most AMPs in InverPep have a length between 10 and 50 amino acids, a positive charge, a Boman index between 0 and 2 kcal/mol, and 30-50% hydrophobic amino acids. InverPep includes 33 AMPs not reported in other databases. Besides, CALCAMPI and statistical analysis of InverPep data is presented. The InverPep database is available in English and Spanish. InverPep is a useful database to study invertebrate AMPs and its information could be used for the design of new peptides. The user-friendly interface of InverPep and its information can be freely accessed via a web-based browser at Copyright © 2016 International Society for Chemotherapy of Infection and Cancer. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. KALIMER database development

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeong, Kwan Seong; Lee, Yong Bum; Jeong, Hae Yong; Ha, Kwi Seok


    KALIMER database is an advanced database to utilize the integration management for liquid metal reactor design technology development using Web applications. KALIMER design database is composed of results database, Inter-Office Communication (IOC), 3D CAD database, and reserved documents database. Results database is a research results database during all phase for liquid metal reactor design technology development of mid-term and long-term nuclear R and D. IOC is a linkage control system inter sub project to share and integrate the research results for KALIMER. 3D CAD database is a schematic overview for KALIMER design structure. And reserved documents database is developed to manage several documents and reports since project accomplishment.

  17. KALIMER database development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Kwan Seong; Lee, Yong Bum; Jeong, Hae Yong; Ha, Kwi Seok


    KALIMER database is an advanced database to utilize the integration management for liquid metal reactor design technology development using Web applications. KALIMER design database is composed of results database, Inter-Office Communication (IOC), 3D CAD database, and reserved documents database. Results database is a research results database during all phase for liquid metal reactor design technology development of mid-term and long-term nuclear R and D. IOC is a linkage control system inter sub project to share and integrate the research results for KALIMER. 3D CAD database is a schematic overview for KALIMER design structure. And reserved documents database is developed to manage several documents and reports since project accomplishment

  18. Database Description - RPSD | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available base Description General information of database Database name RPSD Alternative nam...e Rice Protein Structure Database DOI 10.18908/lsdba.nbdc00749-000 Creator Creator Name: Toshimasa Yamazaki ... Ibaraki 305-8602, Japan National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences Toshimasa Yamazaki E-mail : Databas...e classification Structure Databases - Protein structure Organism Taxonomy Name: Or...or name(s): Journal: External Links: Original website information Database maintenance site National Institu

  19. Database Description - FANTOM5 | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available List Contact us FANTOM5 Database Description General information of database Database name FANTOM5 Rattus norvegicus Taxonomy ID: 10116 Taxonomy Name: Macaca mulatta Taxonomy ID: 9544 Database descriptio...l Links: Original website information Database maintenance site RIKEN Center for Life Science Technologies, ...ilable Web services Not available URL of Web services - Need for user registration Not available About This Database Database... Description Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Database Description - FANTOM5 | LSDB Archive ...

  20. NoSQL databases


    Mrozek, Jakub


    This thesis deals with database systems referred to as NoSQL databases. In the second chapter, I explain basic terms and the theory of database systems. A short explanation is dedicated to database systems based on the relational data model and the SQL standardized query language. Chapter Three explains the concept and history of the NoSQL databases, and also presents database models, major features and the use of NoSQL databases in comparison with traditional database systems. In the fourth ...

  1. Operadores de bases de datos temporales y su implementación Temporary database operators and their implementation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ángela María Castaño Restrepo


    Full Text Available Actualmente, los Sistemas de Gestión de Bases de Datos (SGBD comerciales no soportan adecuadamente las bases de datos temporales. Por ejemplo, el planteamiento de consultas temporales es difícil de expresar. En este artículo se discuten los aspectos referentes a la implementación de operadores temporales con el fin de facilitar la gestión de los datos temporales en un SGBD. Además, se presenta un caso de estudio para ejemplificar los operadores temporales implementados.Nowadays commercial Database Management Systems (DBMS do not offer an appropriate support for temporary databases. For example, the formulation of temporary consultations is a difficult task. In this paper, we discuss an implementation of temporary operators in order to facilitate the management of temporary data in a DBMS. In addition, we present a case study that illustrates the implemented temporary operators.

  2. Proposal of SQL Database to Support the Activities in Small IT Company


    Říha, Petr


    Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na návrh SQL databáze pro podporu činností malé IT firmy a její vytvoření v programu MS SQL Server. This thesis focuses on the design of SQL databases to support the activities of a small IT company and its creation in MS SQL Server. B

  3. Database Description - DMPD | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available base Description General information of database Database name DMPD Alternative nam...e Dynamic Macrophage Pathway CSML Database DOI 10.18908/lsdba.nbdc00558-000 Creator Creator Name: Masao Naga...ty of Tokyo 4-6-1 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8639 Tel: +81-3-5449-5615 FAX: +83-3-5449-5442 E-mail: Database...606 Taxonomy Name: Mammalia Taxonomy ID: 40674 Database description DMPD collects...e(s) Article title: Author name(s): Journal: External Links: Original website information Database maintenan

  4. Database Dump - fRNAdb | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available List Contact us fRNAdb Database Dump Data detail Data name Database Dump DOI 10.18908/lsdba.nbdc00452-002 De... data (tab separeted text) Data file File name: Database_Dump File URL: File size: 673 MB Simple search URL - Data acquisition...s. Data analysis method - Number of data entries 4 files - About This Database Database Description Download... License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Database Dump - fRNAdb | LSDB Archive ...

  5. DOT Online Database (United States)

    Page Home Table of Contents Contents Search Database Search Login Login Databases Advisory Circulars accessed by clicking below: Full-Text WebSearch Databases Database Records Date Advisory Circulars 2092 5 data collection and distribution policies. Document Database Website provided by MicroSearch

  6. Databases

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Kunte, P.D.

    Information on bibliographic as well as numeric/textual databases relevant to coastal geomorphology has been included in a tabular form. Databases cover a broad spectrum of related subjects like coastal environment and population aspects, coastline...

  7. Database Description - eSOL | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available base Description General information of database Database name eSOL Alternative nam...eator Affiliation: The Research and Development of Biological Databases Project, National Institute of Genet...nology 4259 Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 226-8501 Japan Email: Tel.: +81-45-924-5785 Database... classification Protein sequence databases - Protein properties Organism Taxonomy Name: Escherichia coli Taxonomy ID: 562 Database...i U S A. 2009 Mar 17;106(11):4201-6. External Links: Original website information Database maintenance site

  8. Metodevurderinger: Kunnskapsbasert beslutningsstøtte på overordnet nivå i helsetjenesten

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brynjar Fure


    Full Text Available I Norge har vi siden slutten av 1990-tallet utført metodevurderinger om effekt av tiltak i helsetjenesten som støtte til beslutningstakere. Metodevurderingene ble frem til 2004 utført ved Senter for medisinsk metodevurdering, og deretter ved Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten, som i dag er landets nasjonale metodevurderingsorganisasjon. Metodevurderinger kan i prinsippet brukes som beslutningsstøtte på alle nivåer i helsetjenesten, men i praksis benyttes metodevurderinger først og fremst som en del av et kunnskapsbasert beslutningsgrunnlag på overordnet politisk eller administrativt nivå. Hovedhensikten med metodevurderinger er å bidra til at gode og nyttige metoder kommer raskt ut til pasientene. Med metoder menes alle tiltak som er aktuelle i helsetjenesten, både legemidler, medisinsk utstyr, prosedyrerelatert diagnostikk og behandling, screening og organisatoriske tiltak. Metodevurderingene sammenfatter først og fremst kunnskapsgrunnlaget om klinisk effekt og sikkerhet, men ofte inngår også en helseøkonomisk evaluering. Her benyttes en strikt og etterprøvbar metodikk utarbeidet av anerkjente og veletablerte internasjonale metodevurderingsmiljøer. Avhengig av hva slags metode det er snakk om, vurderes også andre aspekter, som for eksempel etiske, sosiale, organisatoriske eller juridiske konsekvenser av å innføre metoden. For å sikre metodevurderingenes relevans i de kliniske miljøene, inviteres vanligvis kliniske spesialister til å delta i arbeidet. Metodevurderingsorganisasjoner samarbeider i økende grad med søsterorganisasjoner i andre land, ikke bare rundt forskning og utvikling av metodikken som benyttes i metodevurderinger, men også ved å dele resultater fra metodevurderinger, og dermed unngå dobbeltarbeid. En metodevurdering oppsummerer utelukkende forskningsresultatene om en metode, og inneholder ingen anbefaling om hvorvidt metoden bør innføres i helsetjenesten. Fure B, Lauvrak V, Arentz-Hansen H

  9. "Mr. Database" : Jim Gray and the History of Database Technologies. (United States)

    Hanwahr, Nils C


    Although the widespread use of the term "Big Data" is comparatively recent, it invokes a phenomenon in the developments of database technology with distinct historical contexts. The database engineer Jim Gray, known as "Mr. Database" in Silicon Valley before his disappearance at sea in 2007, was involved in many of the crucial developments since the 1970s that constitute the foundation of exceedingly large and distributed databases. Jim Gray was involved in the development of relational database systems based on the concepts of Edgar F. Codd at IBM in the 1970s before he went on to develop principles of Transaction Processing that enable the parallel and highly distributed performance of databases today. He was also involved in creating forums for discourse between academia and industry, which influenced industry performance standards as well as database research agendas. As a co-founder of the San Francisco branch of Microsoft Research, Gray increasingly turned toward scientific applications of database technologies, e. g. leading the TerraServer project, an online database of satellite images. Inspired by Vannevar Bush's idea of the memex, Gray laid out his vision of a Personal Memex as well as a World Memex, eventually postulating a new era of data-based scientific discovery termed "Fourth Paradigm Science". This article gives an overview of Gray's contributions to the development of database technology as well as his research agendas and shows that central notions of Big Data have been occupying database engineers for much longer than the actual term has been in use.

  10. Development of the Diamond light source PSS in conformance with EN 61508

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilson, M.C.; Price, A.G.


    Diamond Light Source is constructing a third phase (Phase III) of photon beamlines and experiment stations. Experience gained in the design, realization and operation of the Personnel Safety Systems (PSS) on the first two phases of beamlines is being used to improve the design process for this development. Information on the safety functionality of Phase I and Phase II photon beamlines is maintained in a hazard database. The database is built using Microsoft Access 2007, it consists of table hazards, safeguards, frequencies of opportunity and outcome severities. Reports can be generated to support the EN 61508 process. These reports are used to assist in the design, verification and validation of the new PSSs. The data is used to make comparisons between beamlines, to validate safety functions and to record documentation for each beamline. The ability of the database to produce reports sorted and filtered on different criteria allows the production of reports tailored for specific stages of the EN 61508 process. The database is a useful tool but should not be employed blindly

  11. Mathematics for Databases

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    ir. Sander van Laar


    A formal description of a database consists of the description of the relations (tables) of the database together with the constraints that must hold on the database. Furthermore the contents of a database can be retrieved using queries. These constraints and queries for databases can very well be

  12. Consumenten en hun voorkeuren: een DM toepassing.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    PhD Bob van Limburg


    In dit artikel een toepassing van een segmentatietechniek die gebruikt kan worden binnen Direct Marketing of liever Interactieve Marketing. Door middel van selectie van profielen op basis van consumentenvoorkeuren kan een database geaggregeerd worden en kan er één op één marketing worden bedreven.

  13. Database development and management

    CERN Document Server

    Chao, Lee


    Introduction to Database Systems Functions of a DatabaseDatabase Management SystemDatabase ComponentsDatabase Development ProcessConceptual Design and Data Modeling Introduction to Database Design Process Understanding Business ProcessEntity-Relationship Data Model Representing Business Process with Entity-RelationshipModelTable Structure and NormalizationIntroduction to TablesTable NormalizationTransforming Data Models to Relational Databases .DBMS Selection Transforming Data Models to Relational DatabasesEnforcing ConstraintsCreating Database for Business ProcessPhysical Design and Database

  14. Database reliability engineering designing and operating resilient database systems

    CERN Document Server

    Campbell, Laine


    The infrastructure-as-code revolution in IT is also affecting database administration. With this practical book, developers, system administrators, and junior to mid-level DBAs will learn how the modern practice of site reliability engineering applies to the craft of database architecture and operations. Authors Laine Campbell and Charity Majors provide a framework for professionals looking to join the ranks of today’s database reliability engineers (DBRE). You’ll begin by exploring core operational concepts that DBREs need to master. Then you’ll examine a wide range of database persistence options, including how to implement key technologies to provide resilient, scalable, and performant data storage and retrieval. With a firm foundation in database reliability engineering, you’ll be ready to dive into the architecture and operations of any modern database. This book covers: Service-level requirements and risk management Building and evolving an architecture for operational visibility ...

  15. Evidensbaseret viden om compliance blandt deprimerede HIV-smittede

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tind, Anitha Malling


    Formålet med dette speciale er at undersøge, om depression blandt HIV-smittede fører til utilstrækkelig compliance af HAART, og om antidepressiva kan mediere denne negative effekt. I den forbindelse er der foretaget en systematisk litteraturgennemgang med henblik på at indsamle, sortere, evaluere...... kvalitet. I alt 10 studier er identificeret. Det drejer sig om 5 kohortestudier, 2 randomiserede klinisk kontrollerede studier og 3 tværsnitsundersøgelser. Af de inkluderede studier er 3 nedgradueret grundet metodiske mangler. De 10 studier er ikke homogene i forhold til måling af depression og compliance......, hvilket nedsætter deres komparativitet. Studierne viser, at der er evidens for, at depression føre til utilstrækkelig compliance af HAART blandt HIV-smittede, og at behandling med antidepressiva medierer denne negative effekt....

  16. Solving Relational Database Problems with ORDBMS in an Advanced Database Course (United States)

    Wang, Ming


    This paper introduces how to use the object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) to solve relational database (RDB) problems in an advanced database course. The purpose of the paper is to provide a guideline for database instructors who desire to incorporate the ORDB technology in their traditional database courses. The paper presents…

  17. Generalized Database Management System Support for Numeric Database Environments. (United States)

    Dominick, Wayne D.; Weathers, Peggy G.


    This overview of potential for utilizing database management systems (DBMS) within numeric database environments highlights: (1) major features, functions, and characteristics of DBMS; (2) applicability to numeric database environment needs and user needs; (3) current applications of DBMS technology; and (4) research-oriented and…

  18. Projekt Sundterm

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Toft, Birthe


    terminologisk konsistent dansk klinisk terminologi, der accepteres af sundhedssektorens praktikere. Forfatteren er tilknyttet projektet som ekstern terminologikonsulent og beskriver i artiklen blandt andet arbejdet i projektets redaktionsgruppe, der godkender den oversatte terminologi samt fastlægger de...

  19. License - Trypanosomes Database | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data List Contact us Trypanoso... Attribution-Share Alike 2.1 Japan . If you use data from this database, please be sure attribute this database as follows: Trypanoso...nse Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us License - Trypanosomes Database | LSDB Archive ...

  20. Fækal calprotectin er en klinisk anvendelig markør for intestinal inflammation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Theede, Klaus; Kiszka-Kanowitz, Marianne; Nordgaard-Lassen, Inge


    Faecal calprotectin is a biomarker for inflammation in the intestinal mucosa. Faecal calprotectin has the ability to detect inflammatory causes of gastrointestinal symptoms and to distinguish these from irritable bowel syndrome. The test is very sensitive but not specific to any particular...

  1. Federal databases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Welch, M.J.; Welles, B.W.


    Accident statistics on all modes of transportation are available as risk assessment analytical tools through several federal agencies. This paper reports on the examination of the accident databases by personal contact with the federal staff responsible for administration of the database programs. This activity, sponsored by the Department of Energy through Sandia National Laboratories, is an overview of the national accident data on highway, rail, air, and marine shipping. For each mode, the definition or reporting requirements of an accident are determined and the method of entering the accident data into the database is established. Availability of the database to others, ease of access, costs, and who to contact were prime questions to each of the database program managers. Additionally, how the agency uses the accident data was of major interest

  2. The YH database: the first Asian diploid genome database

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Guoqing; Ma, Lijia; Song, Chao


    genome consensus. The YH database is currently one of the three personal genome database, organizing the original data and analysis results in a user-friendly interface, which is an endeavor to achieve fundamental goals for establishing personal medicine. The database is available at

  3. Database Description - tRNADB-CE | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data List Contact us tRNAD...B-CE Database Description General information of database Database name tRNADB-CE Alter...CC BY-SA Detail Background and funding Name: MEXT Integrated Database Project Reference(s) Article title: tRNAD... 2009 Jan;37(Database issue):D163-8. External Links: Article title: tRNADB-CE 2011: tRNA gene database curat...n Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Database Description - tRNADB-CE | LSDB Archive ...

  4. Database Administrator (United States)

    Moore, Pam


    The Internet and electronic commerce (e-commerce) generate lots of data. Data must be stored, organized, and managed. Database administrators, or DBAs, work with database software to find ways to do this. They identify user needs, set up computer databases, and test systems. They ensure that systems perform as they should and add people to the…

  5. Database Description - TMFunction | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available sidue (or mutant) in a protein. The experimental data are collected from the literature both by searching th...the sequence database, UniProt, structural database, PDB, and literature database

  6. Erfaringer med Journal Club på modul 12

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Koustrup, Pia; Røge Aagaard, Lene


    I Ortopædkirurgisk afdeling, Aarhus Universitets Hospital, har vi i samarbejde med undervisere fra VIA University College udviklet og implementeret studieaktiviteten Journal Club. Studieaktiviteten afvikles indenfor rammerne af den kliniske studiemetode ”Seminar” og den planlagte studieaktivitet ...

  7. PrimateLit Database (United States)

    Primate Info Net Related Databases NCRR PrimateLit: A bibliographic database for primatology Top of any problems with this service. We welcome your feedback. The PrimateLit database is no longer being Resources, National Institutes of Health. The database is a collaborative project of the Wisconsin Primate

  8. License - Yeast Interacting Proteins Database | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available List Contact us Yeast Interacting Proteins Database License to Use This Database Last updated : 2010/02/15 You may use this database...nal License described below. The Standard License specifies the license terms regarding the use of this database... and the requirements you must follow in using this database. The Additional ...the Standard License. Standard License The Standard License for this database is the license specified in th...e Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.1 Japan . If you use data from this database

  9. NoSQL database scaling


    Žardin, Norbert


    NoSQL database scaling is a decision, where system resources or financial expenses are traded for database performance or other benefits. By scaling a database, database performance and resource usage might increase or decrease, such changes might have a negative impact on an application that uses the database. In this work it is analyzed how database scaling affect database resource usage and performance. As a results, calculations are acquired, using which database scaling types and differe...

  10. DataBase on Demand

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aparicio, R Gaspar; Gomez, D; Wojcik, D; Coz, I Coterillo


    At CERN a number of key database applications are running on user-managed MySQL database services. The database on demand project was born out of an idea to provide the CERN user community with an environment to develop and run database services outside of the actual centralised Oracle based database services. The Database on Demand (DBoD) empowers the user to perform certain actions that had been traditionally done by database administrators, DBA's, providing an enterprise platform for database applications. It also allows the CERN user community to run different database engines, e.g. presently open community version of MySQL and single instance Oracle database server. This article describes a technology approach to face this challenge, a service level agreement, the SLA that the project provides, and an evolution of possible scenarios.

  11. Full Data of Yeast Interacting Proteins Database (Original Version) - Yeast Interacting Proteins Database | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available List Contact us Yeast Interacting Proteins Database Full Data of Yeast Interacting Proteins Database ( Version) Data detail Data name Full Data of Yeast Interacting Proteins Database (Original Version) DOI 10....18908/lsdba.nbdc00742-004 Description of data contents The entire data in the Yeast Interacting Proteins Database...eir interactions are required. Several sources including YPD (Yeast Proteome Database, Costanzo, M. C., Hoga...ematic name in the SGD (Saccharomyces Genome Database; /). Bait gene name The gen

  12. Energy Consumption Database (United States)

    Consumption Database The California Energy Commission has created this on-line database for informal reporting ) classifications. The database also provides easy downloading of energy consumption data into Microsoft Excel (XLSX

  13. Using a Semi-Realistic Database to Support a Database Course (United States)

    Yue, Kwok-Bun


    A common problem for university relational database courses is to construct effective databases for instructions and assignments. Highly simplified "toy" databases are easily available for teaching, learning, and practicing. However, they do not reflect the complexity and practical considerations that students encounter in real-world…

  14. Fire test database

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, J.A.


    This paper describes a project recently completed for EPRI by Impell. The purpose of the project was to develop a reference database of fire tests performed on non-typical fire rated assemblies. The database is designed for use by utility fire protection engineers to locate test reports for power plant fire rated assemblies. As utilities prepare to respond to Information Notice 88-04, the database will identify utilities, vendors or manufacturers who have specific fire test data. The database contains fire test report summaries for 729 tested configurations. For each summary, a contact is identified from whom a copy of the complete fire test report can be obtained. Five types of configurations are included: doors, dampers, seals, wraps and walls. The database is computerized. One version for IBM; one for Mac. Each database is accessed through user-friendly software which allows adding, deleting, browsing, etc. through the database. There are five major database files. One each for the five types of tested configurations. The contents of each provides significant information regarding the test method and the physical attributes of the tested configuration. 3 figs

  15. Artificial Radionuclides Database in the Pacific Ocean: HAM Database

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michio Aoyama


    Full Text Available The database “Historical Artificial Radionuclides in the Pacific Ocean and its Marginal Seas”, or HAM database, has been created. The database includes 90Sr, 137Cs, and 239,240Pu concentration data from the seawater of the Pacific Ocean and its marginal seas with some measurements from the sea surface to the bottom. The data in the HAM database were collected from about 90 literature citations, which include published papers; annual reports by the Hydrographic Department, Maritime Safety Agency, Japan; and unpublished data provided by individuals. The data of concentrations of 90Sr, 137Cs, and 239,240Pu have been accumulating since 1957–1998. The present HAM database includes 7737 records for 137Cs concentration data, 3972 records for 90Sr concentration data, and 2666 records for 239,240Pu concentration data. The spatial variation of sampling stations in the HAM database is heterogeneous, namely, more than 80% of the data for each radionuclide is from the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan, while a relatively small portion of data is from the South Pacific. This HAM database will allow us to use these radionuclides as significant chemical tracers for oceanographic study as well as the assessment of environmental affects of anthropogenic radionuclides for these 5 decades. Furthermore, these radionuclides can be used to verify the oceanic general circulation models in the time scale of several decades.

  16. Databases and their application

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Grimm, E.C.; Bradshaw, R.H.W; Brewer, S.; Flantua, S.; Giesecke, T.; Lézine, A.M.; Takahara, H.; Williams, J.W.,Jr; Elias, S.A.; Mock, C.J.


    During the past 20 years, several pollen database cooperatives have been established. These databases are now constituent databases of the Neotoma Paleoecology Database, a public domain, multiproxy, relational database designed for Quaternary-Pliocene fossil data and modern surface samples. The

  17. Database Optimizing Services

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adrian GHENCEA


    Full Text Available Almost every organization has at its centre a database. The database provides support for conducting different activities, whether it is production, sales and marketing or internal operations. Every day, a database is accessed for help in strategic decisions. The satisfaction therefore of such needs is entailed with a high quality security and availability. Those needs can be realised using a DBMS (Database Management System which is, in fact, software for a database. Technically speaking, it is software which uses a standard method of cataloguing, recovery, and running different data queries. DBMS manages the input data, organizes it, and provides ways of modifying or extracting the data by its users or other programs. Managing the database is an operation that requires periodical updates, optimizing and monitoring.

  18. Et klinisk etisk dilemma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bruun, Henriette


    symptoms. However, she agrees to meet with the community treatment team. How are they to act? Should they accept her refusal of antipsychotic medication, though they see it as the best treatment? This dilemma is analysed and described according to Beauchamps and Childress four fundamental principles: 1......Through the presentation of a concrete ethical dilemma, this article presents the praxis of a clinical ethics committee in Denmark. The dilemma was analysed in the clinical ethics committee of psychiatry in the region of Southern Denmark. The dilemma is well known in psychiatry; it concerns....... the non-maleficence principle, 2. the beneficence principle, 3.the principle of autonomy and 4. the principle of justice. Common values in Danish psychiatry; respect, proficiency and responsibility are included in the description....

  19. Akkreditering og klinisk praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hatting, Anne

    There is a growing awareness of a gap between the worlds of theory and practice within the field of organizational thinking, particularly when it comes to organizational change. Scholars are looking for methods to study practice and practitioners are looking for theories reflecting the real world...... and quality. This dissertation addresses quality improvement and organizational change, generally considered to be inseparable. In spite of strong efforts to produce guidelines for change projects, strategies and plans are often said to fail.But is there such a thing as a failing project? I find that this way...... of thinking about ʹfailing to fullfill plansʹ reflects a modern approach to research, a conception of the world as real and thruth as something objective, i.e. a rationalistic mode of thinking about relations between subjects and objects, stimulus and response. With a pragmatistic, interactionistic approach...

  20. Update History of This Database - RED | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data ...List Contact us RED Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2015/12/21 Rice Expression Database English archi...s Database Database Description Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - RED | LSDB Archive ... site is opened. 2000/10/1 Rice Expression Database ( ) is opened. About Thi

  1. Temporální rozšíření pro PostgreSQL


    Jelínek, Radek


    Tato práce se zabývá temporálním rozšířením databázového systému PostgreSQL. Čtenář se tu seznámí se stručným úvodem do temporálních databází, databázovým systémem PostgreSQL, návrhem rozšíření pro PostgreSQL a konkrétní implementací doplněnou příklady. Jsou tu uvedeny i používané temporální databázové systémy a využití temporálních databází v praxi. This thesis is focused on PostgreSQL database system. You can find here introducing to temporal databases, database system PostgreSQL, propos...

  2. GRIP Database original data - GRIPDB | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data List Contact us GRI...PDB GRIP Database original data Data detail Data name GRIP Database original data DOI 10....18908/lsdba.nbdc01665-006 Description of data contents GRIP Database original data It consists of data table...s and sequences. Data file File name: File URL: Database Description Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us GRIP Database original data - GRIPDB | LSDB Archive ...

  3. Update History of This Database - RPD | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data ...List Contact us RPD Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2016/02/02 Rice Proteome Database English archi...s Database Database Description Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - RPD | LSDB Archive ... site is opened. 2003/01/07 Rice Proteome Database ( ) is opened. About Thi

  4. Brasilia’s Database Administrators

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jane Adriana


    Full Text Available Database administration has gained an essential role in the management of new database technologies. Different data models are being created for supporting the enormous data volume, from the traditional relational database. These new models are called NoSQL (Not only SQL databases. The adoption of best practices and procedures, has become essential for the operation of database management systems. Thus, this paper investigates some of the techniques and tools used by database administrators. The study highlights features and particularities in databases within the area of Brasilia, the Capital of Brazil. The results point to which new technologies regarding database management are currently the most relevant, as well as the central issues in this area.

  5. NREL: U.S. Life Cycle Inventory Database - About the LCI Database Project (United States)

    About the LCI Database Project The U.S. Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) Database is a publicly available database that allows users to objectively review and compare analysis results that are based on similar source of critically reviewed LCI data through its LCI Database Project. NREL's High-Performance

  6. Biofuel Database (United States)

    Biofuel Database (Web, free access)   This database brings together structural, biological, and thermodynamic data for enzymes that are either in current use or are being considered for use in the production of biofuels.

  7. NIRS database of the original research database

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morita, Kyoko


    Recently, library staffs arranged and compiled the original research papers that have been written by researchers for 33 years since National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) established. This papers describes how the internal database of original research papers has been created. This is a small sample of hand-made database. This has been cumulating by staffs who have any knowledge about computer machine or computer programming. (author)

  8. Teaching Case: Adapting the Access Northwind Database to Support a Database Course (United States)

    Dyer, John N.; Rogers, Camille


    A common problem encountered when teaching database courses is that few large illustrative databases exist to support teaching and learning. Most database textbooks have small "toy" databases that are chapter objective specific, and thus do not support application over the complete domain of design, implementation and management concepts…

  9. Community Database (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This excel spreadsheet is the result of merging at the port level of several of the in-house fisheries databases in combination with other demographic databases such...

  10. Applications of GIS and database technologies to manage a Karst Feature Database (United States)

    Gao, Y.; Tipping, R.G.; Alexander, E.C.


    This paper describes the management of a Karst Feature Database (KFD) in Minnesota. Two sets of applications in both GIS and Database Management System (DBMS) have been developed for the KFD of Minnesota. These applications were used to manage and to enhance the usability of the KFD. Structured Query Language (SQL) was used to manipulate transactions of the database and to facilitate the functionality of the user interfaces. The Database Administrator (DBA) authorized users with different access permissions to enhance the security of the database. Database consistency and recovery are accomplished by creating data logs and maintaining backups on a regular basis. The working database provides guidelines and management tools for future studies of karst features in Minnesota. The methodology of designing this DBMS is applicable to develop GIS-based databases to analyze and manage geomorphic and hydrologic datasets at both regional and local scales. The short-term goal of this research is to develop a regional KFD for the Upper Mississippi Valley Karst and the long-term goal is to expand this database to manage and study karst features at national and global scales.

  11. Open Geoscience Database (United States)

    Bashev, A.


    Currently there is an enormous amount of various geoscience databases. Unfortunately the only users of the majority of the databases are their elaborators. There are several reasons for that: incompaitability, specificity of tasks and objects and so on. However the main obstacles for wide usage of geoscience databases are complexity for elaborators and complication for users. The complexity of architecture leads to high costs that block the public access. The complication prevents users from understanding when and how to use the database. Only databases, associated with GoogleMaps don't have these drawbacks, but they could be hardly named "geoscience" Nevertheless, open and simple geoscience database is necessary at least for educational purposes (see our abstract for ESSI20/EOS12). We developed a database and web interface to work with them and now it is accessible at In this database a result is a value of a parameter (no matter which) in a station with a certain position, associated with metadata: the date when the result was obtained; the type of a station (lake, soil etc); the contributor that sent the result. Each contributor has its own profile, that allows to estimate the reliability of the data. The results can be represented on GoogleMaps space image as a point in a certain position, coloured according to the value of the parameter. There are default colour scales and each registered user can create the own scale. The results can be also extracted in *.csv file. For both types of representation one could select the data by date, object type, parameter type, area and contributor. The data are uploaded in *.csv format: Name of the station; Lattitude(dd.dddddd); Longitude(ddd.dddddd); Station type; Parameter type; Parameter value; Date(yyyy-mm-dd). The contributor is recognised while entering. This is the minimal set of features that is required to connect a value of a parameter with a position and see the results. All the complicated data

  12. Acurácia em métodos de relacionamento probabilístico de bases de dados em saúde: revisão sistemática Perfeccionamiento en métodos de relacionamiento probabilístico de bases de datos en salud: revisión sistemática Accuracy of probabilistic record linkage applied to health databases: systematic review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniele Pinto da Silveira


    calidad de los métodos empleados se ha mostrado indispensable para validar los resultados obtenidos en estos tipos de estudios, pudiendo aún contribuir para la calificación de las grandes bases de datos en salud disponibles en el País.OBJECTIVE: To analyze both national and international literature on validity of record linkage procedure of health databases focusing on quality assessment of results. METHODS: A systematic review of cohort, case-control, and cross-sectional studies that evaluated quality of probabilistic record linkage of health databases was conducted. Cochrane methodology of systematic reviews was used. The following databases were widely searched: Medline, LILACS, Scopus, SciELO and Scirus. A time filter was not applied and articles were searched in the following languages: Portuguese, Spanish, French and English. RESULTS: Summary measures of the quality of probabilistic record linkage were sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value. There were identified 202 studies, and after applying the inclusion criteria, a total of 33 articles were reviewed. Only six had complete data on the summary measures of interest. The main limitations were: no reviewer to evaluate titles and abstracts; and no blinding of the article's authors in the review process. Most scientific publications in this field were from the United States, United Kingdom, and New Zealand. Overall, the accuracy of probabilistic record linkage of databases ranged from 74% to 98% sensitivity and 99% to 100% specificity. CONCLUSIONS: Probabilistic record linkage of health databases has notably been characterized by high sensitivity and greater flexibility of the procedure's sensitivity, indicating concern with data accuracy. The positive predictive value in studies shows a high proportion of truly positive record pairs. The quality assessment of these procedures has been proved essential for validating the results obtained in these studies, and can also contribute to improve large

  13. Integration of Biodiversity Databases in Taiwan and Linkage to Global Databases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kwang-Tsao Shao


    Full Text Available The biodiversity databases in Taiwan were dispersed to various institutions and colleges with limited amount of data by 2001. The Natural Resources and Ecology GIS Database sponsored by the Council of Agriculture, which is part of the National Geographic Information System planned by the Ministry of Interior, was the most well established biodiversity database in Taiwan. But thisThis database was, however, mainly collectingcollected the distribution data of terrestrial animals and plants within the Taiwan area. In 2001, GBIF was formed, and Taiwan joined as one of the an Associate Participant and started, starting the establishment and integration of animal and plant species databases; therefore, TaiBIF was able to co-operate with GBIF. The information of Catalog of Life, specimens, and alien species were integrated by the Darwin core. The standard. These metadata standards allowed the biodiversity information of Taiwan to connect with global databases.

  14. Database Replication

    CERN Document Server

    Kemme, Bettina


    Database replication is widely used for fault-tolerance, scalability and performance. The failure of one database replica does not stop the system from working as available replicas can take over the tasks of the failed replica. Scalability can be achieved by distributing the load across all replicas, and adding new replicas should the load increase. Finally, database replication can provide fast local access, even if clients are geographically distributed clients, if data copies are located close to clients. Despite its advantages, replication is not a straightforward technique to apply, and

  15. Update History of This Database - PLACE | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data ...List Contact us PLACE Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2016/08/22 The contact address is...s Database Database Description Download License Update History of Thi...s Database Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - PLACE | LSDB Archive ... ... changed. 2014/10/20 The URLs of the database maintenance site and the portal site are changed. 2014/07/17 PLACE English archi

  16. Database Publication Practices

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bernstein, P.A.; DeWitt, D.; Heuer, A.


    There has been a growing interest in improving the publication processes for database research papers. This panel reports on recent changes in those processes and presents an initial cut at historical data for the VLDB Journal and ACM Transactions on Database Systems.......There has been a growing interest in improving the publication processes for database research papers. This panel reports on recent changes in those processes and presents an initial cut at historical data for the VLDB Journal and ACM Transactions on Database Systems....

  17. Klassisk musik som identitet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Koudal, Jens Henrik


    Empirisk baserede studier af musik og identitet udføres ofte på basis af interviews, spørgeskemaer, kliniske musikterapi-sessioner, deltagerobservation eller musikterapi-studenters korte, utrykte beretninger om musikken i deres eget liv. I denne artikel bygger forfatteren derimod på publicerede...

  18. The MAR databases: development and implementation of databases specific for marine metagenomics. (United States)

    Klemetsen, Terje; Raknes, Inge A; Fu, Juan; Agafonov, Alexander; Balasundaram, Sudhagar V; Tartari, Giacomo; Robertsen, Espen; Willassen, Nils P


    We introduce the marine databases; MarRef, MarDB and MarCat (, which are publicly available resources that promote marine research and innovation. These data resources, which have been implemented in the Marine Metagenomics Portal (MMP) (, are collections of richly annotated and manually curated contextual (metadata) and sequence databases representing three tiers of accuracy. While MarRef is a database for completely sequenced marine prokaryotic genomes, which represent a marine prokaryote reference genome database, MarDB includes all incomplete sequenced prokaryotic genomes regardless level of completeness. The last database, MarCat, represents a gene (protein) catalog of uncultivable (and cultivable) marine genes and proteins derived from marine metagenomics samples. The first versions of MarRef and MarDB contain 612 and 3726 records, respectively. Each record is built up of 106 metadata fields including attributes for sampling, sequencing, assembly and annotation in addition to the organism and taxonomic information. Currently, MarCat contains 1227 records with 55 metadata fields. Ontologies and controlled vocabularies are used in the contextual databases to enhance consistency. The user-friendly web interface lets the visitors browse, filter and search in the contextual databases and perform BLAST searches against the corresponding sequence databases. All contextual and sequence databases are freely accessible and downloadable from © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

  19. Update History of This Database - DMPD | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data ...List Contact us DMPD Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2010/03/29 DMPD English archive ) is released. About This Database Database Description Download License Update History of Thi...s Database Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - DMPD | LSDB Archive ...

  20. YAC contig information - RGP physicalmap | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available 8908/lsdba.nbdc00318-06-001 Description of data contents YAC contigs on the rice chromosomes Data file File name: File URL: Data acquisition method The range including YAC con...m Description Chrom. No. Chromosome number Region Region number Physical map image The file name of rice physical...n Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us YAC contig information - RGP physicalmap | LSDB Archive ...

  1. Development of a personalized training system using the Lung Image Database Consortium and Image Database resource Initiative Database. (United States)

    Lin, Hongli; Wang, Weisheng; Luo, Jiawei; Yang, Xuedong


    The aim of this study was to develop a personalized training system using the Lung Image Database Consortium (LIDC) and Image Database resource Initiative (IDRI) Database, because collecting, annotating, and marking a large number of appropriate computed tomography (CT) scans, and providing the capability of dynamically selecting suitable training cases based on the performance levels of trainees and the characteristics of cases are critical for developing a efficient training system. A novel approach is proposed to develop a personalized radiology training system for the interpretation of lung nodules in CT scans using the Lung Image Database Consortium (LIDC) and Image Database Resource Initiative (IDRI) database, which provides a Content-Boosted Collaborative Filtering (CBCF) algorithm for predicting the difficulty level of each case of each trainee when selecting suitable cases to meet individual needs, and a diagnostic simulation tool to enable trainees to analyze and diagnose lung nodules with the help of an image processing tool and a nodule retrieval tool. Preliminary evaluation of the system shows that developing a personalized training system for interpretation of lung nodules is needed and useful to enhance the professional skills of trainees. The approach of developing personalized training systems using the LIDC/IDRL database is a feasible solution to the challenges of constructing specific training program in terms of cost and training efficiency. Copyright © 2014 AUR. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Update History of This Database - KOME | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available List Contact us KOME Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2014/10/22 The URL of the whole is opened. 2003/07/18 KOME ( ) is opened. About This Database Dat...abase Description Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - KOME | LSDB Archive ...

  3. Update History of This Database - PSCDB | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available List Contact us PSCDB Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2016/11/30 PSCDB English archive is opened. 2011/11/13 PSCDB ( ) is opened. About This Database Database... Description Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - PSCDB | LSDB Archive ...

  4. Mycobacteriophage genome database. (United States)

    Joseph, Jerrine; Rajendran, Vasanthi; Hassan, Sameer; Kumar, Vanaja


    Mycobacteriophage genome database (MGDB) is an exclusive repository of the 64 completely sequenced mycobacteriophages with annotated information. It is a comprehensive compilation of the various gene parameters captured from several databases pooled together to empower mycobacteriophage researchers. The MGDB (Version No.1.0) comprises of 6086 genes from 64 mycobacteriophages classified into 72 families based on ACLAME database. Manual curation was aided by information available from public databases which was enriched further by analysis. Its web interface allows browsing as well as querying the classification. The main objective is to collect and organize the complexity inherent to mycobacteriophage protein classification in a rational way. The other objective is to browse the existing and new genomes and describe their functional annotation. The database is available for free at

  5. Logical database design principles

    CERN Document Server

    Garmany, John; Clark, Terry


    INTRODUCTION TO LOGICAL DATABASE DESIGNUnderstanding a Database Database Architectures Relational Databases Creating the Database System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)Systems Planning: Assessment and Feasibility System Analysis: RequirementsSystem Analysis: Requirements Checklist Models Tracking and Schedules Design Modeling Functional Decomposition DiagramData Flow Diagrams Data Dictionary Logical Structures and Decision Trees System Design: LogicalSYSTEM DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION The ER ApproachEntities and Entity Types Attribute Domains AttributesSet-Valued AttributesWeak Entities Constraint

  6. Update History of This Database - Open TG-GATEs Pathological Image Database | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  7. Specialist Bibliographic Databases. (United States)

    Gasparyan, Armen Yuri; Yessirkepov, Marlen; Voronov, Alexander A; Trukhachev, Vladimir I; Kostyukova, Elena I; Gerasimov, Alexey N; Kitas, George D


    Specialist bibliographic databases offer essential online tools for researchers and authors who work on specific subjects and perform comprehensive and systematic syntheses of evidence. This article presents examples of the established specialist databases, which may be of interest to those engaged in multidisciplinary science communication. Access to most specialist databases is through subscription schemes and membership in professional associations. Several aggregators of information and database vendors, such as EBSCOhost and ProQuest, facilitate advanced searches supported by specialist keyword thesauri. Searches of items through specialist databases are complementary to those through multidisciplinary research platforms, such as PubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. Familiarizing with the functional characteristics of biomedical and nonbiomedical bibliographic search tools is mandatory for researchers, authors, editors, and publishers. The database users are offered updates of the indexed journal lists, abstracts, author profiles, and links to other metadata. Editors and publishers may find particularly useful source selection criteria and apply for coverage of their peer-reviewed journals and grey literature sources. These criteria are aimed at accepting relevant sources with established editorial policies and quality controls.

  8. Specialist Bibliographic Databases (United States)


    Specialist bibliographic databases offer essential online tools for researchers and authors who work on specific subjects and perform comprehensive and systematic syntheses of evidence. This article presents examples of the established specialist databases, which may be of interest to those engaged in multidisciplinary science communication. Access to most specialist databases is through subscription schemes and membership in professional associations. Several aggregators of information and database vendors, such as EBSCOhost and ProQuest, facilitate advanced searches supported by specialist keyword thesauri. Searches of items through specialist databases are complementary to those through multidisciplinary research platforms, such as PubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. Familiarizing with the functional characteristics of biomedical and nonbiomedical bibliographic search tools is mandatory for researchers, authors, editors, and publishers. The database users are offered updates of the indexed journal lists, abstracts, author profiles, and links to other metadata. Editors and publishers may find particularly useful source selection criteria and apply for coverage of their peer-reviewed journals and grey literature sources. These criteria are aimed at accepting relevant sources with established editorial policies and quality controls. PMID:27134485

  9. Directory of IAEA databases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This second edition of the Directory of IAEA Databases has been prepared within the Division of Scientific and Technical Information (NESI). Its main objective is to describe the computerized information sources available to staff members. This directory contains all databases produced at the IAEA, including databases stored on the mainframe, LAN's and PC's. All IAEA Division Directors have been requested to register the existence of their databases with NESI. For the second edition database owners were requested to review the existing entries for their databases and answer four additional questions. The four additional questions concerned the type of database (e.g. Bibliographic, Text, Statistical etc.), the category of database (e.g. Administrative, Nuclear Data etc.), the available documentation and the type of media used for distribution. In the individual entries on the following pages the answers to the first two questions (type and category) is always listed, but the answers to the second two questions (documentation and media) is only listed when information has been made available

  10. Update History of This Database - SAHG | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data ...List Contact us SAHG Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2016/05/09 SAHG English archive si...te is opened. 2009/10 SAHG ( ) is opened. About This Database Database Description ...Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - SAHG | LSDB Archive ...

  11. Update History of This Database - RMOS | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data ...List Contact us RMOS Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2015/10/27 RMOS English archive si...12 RMOS ( is opened. About This Database Database Description Download License Update Hi...story of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - RMOS | LSDB Archive ...

  12. The World Bacterial Biogeography and Biodiversity through Databases: A Case Study of NCBI Nucleotide Database and GBIF Database

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Okba Selama


    Full Text Available Databases are an essential tool and resource within the field of bioinformatics. The primary aim of this study was to generate an overview of global bacterial biodiversity and biogeography using available data from the two largest public online databases, NCBI Nucleotide and GBIF. The secondary aim was to highlight the contribution each geographic area has to each database. The basis for data analysis of this study was the metadata provided by both databases, mainly, the taxonomy and the geographical area origin of isolation of the microorganism (record. These were directly obtained from GBIF through the online interface, while E-utilities and Python were used in combination with a programmatic web service access to obtain data from the NCBI Nucleotide Database. Results indicate that the American continent, and more specifically the USA, is the top contributor, while Africa and Antarctica are less well represented. This highlights the imbalance of exploration within these areas rather than any reduction in biodiversity. This study describes a novel approach to generating global scale patterns of bacterial biodiversity and biogeography and indicates that the Proteobacteria are the most abundant and widely distributed phylum within both databases.

  13. An Interoperable Cartographic Database


    Slobodanka Ključanin; Zdravko Galić


    The concept of producing a prototype of interoperable cartographic database is explored in this paper, including the possibilities of integration of different geospatial data into the database management system and their visualization on the Internet. The implementation includes vectorization of the concept of a single map page, creation of the cartographic database in an object-relation database, spatial analysis, definition and visualization of the database content in the form of a map on t...

  14. Software listing: CHEMTOX database

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moskowitz, P.D.


    Initially launched in 1983, the CHEMTOX Database was among the first microcomputer databases containing hazardous chemical information. The database is used in many industries and government agencies in more than 17 countries. Updated quarterly, the CHEMTOX Database provides detailed environmental and safety information on 7500-plus hazardous substances covered by dozens of regulatory and advisory sources. This brief listing describes the method of accessing data and provides ordering information for those wishing to obtain the CHEMTOX Database

  15. Database Dictionary for Ethiopian National Ground-Water DAtabase (ENGDA) Data Fields (United States)

    Kuniansky, Eve L.; Litke, David W.; Tucci, Patrick


    Introduction This document describes the data fields that are used for both field forms and the Ethiopian National Ground-water Database (ENGDA) tables associated with information stored about production wells, springs, test holes, test wells, and water level or water-quality observation wells. Several different words are used in this database dictionary and in the ENGDA database to describe a narrow shaft constructed in the ground. The most general term is borehole, which is applicable to any type of hole. A well is a borehole specifically constructed to extract water from the ground; however, for this data dictionary and for the ENGDA database, the words well and borehole are used interchangeably. A production well is defined as any well used for water supply and includes hand-dug wells, small-diameter bored wells equipped with hand pumps, or large-diameter bored wells equipped with large-capacity motorized pumps. Test holes are borings made to collect information about the subsurface with continuous core or non-continuous core and/or where geophysical logs are collected. Test holes are not converted into wells. A test well is a well constructed for hydraulic testing of an aquifer in order to plan a larger ground-water production system. A water-level or water-quality observation well is a well that is used to collect information about an aquifer and not used for water supply. A spring is any naturally flowing, local, ground-water discharge site. The database dictionary is designed to help define all fields on both field data collection forms (provided in attachment 2 of this report) and for the ENGDA software screen entry forms (described in Litke, 2007). The data entered into each screen entry field are stored in relational database tables within the computer database. The organization of the database dictionary is designed based on field data collection and the field forms, because this is what the majority of people will use. After each field, however, the

  16. Update History of This Database - SSBD | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data ...List Contact us SSBD Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2016/07/25 SSBD English archive si...tion Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - SSBD | LSDB Archive ... ...te is opened. 2013/09/03 SSBD ( ) is opened. About This Database Database Descrip

  17. At finde rundt i klinisk praksis og om de enkelte rums funktion og betydning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Kristian


    de rumlige omgivelser er relevant, fordi læring i praksis i højeste grad foregår i fysiske, arkitektoniske rammer med specifikke sociale spilleregler for, hvad man gør og ikke gør i et konferencerum, en sygestue eller i patientens eget hjem. Arkitektur er således materielt og kropsligt nærværende...... læremester, og rumlige omgivelser involverer også magtrelationer,som hvem der besidder hvilke lokaliteter og artefakter og hvem, der ikke gør det. Dette kapitel angår relationer mellem mennesker og fysiske omgivelser, og det er hensigten at gøre rede for både enkle og komplekse forhold. I den forbindelse vil...

  18. An Interoperable Cartographic Database

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Slobodanka Ključanin


    Full Text Available The concept of producing a prototype of interoperable cartographic database is explored in this paper, including the possibilities of integration of different geospatial data into the database management system and their visualization on the Internet. The implementation includes vectorization of the concept of a single map page, creation of the cartographic database in an object-relation database, spatial analysis, definition and visualization of the database content in the form of a map on the Internet. 

  19. Praeoperativt delay hos patienter med perforeret ulcus: en klinisk audit fra Det Nationale Indikatorprojekt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Morten Hylander; Nørgård, Bente Mertz; Mehnert, Frank


    was conducted to investigate possible reasons. MATERIAL AND METHODS: All patients (n = 89) surgically treated for peptic ulcer perforation in six university hospitals in Denmark over a period of one year were included. The association between a number of predefined variables related to the internal organisation......INTRODUCTION: Mortality following perforated peptic ulcer in Denmark is nearly 30%. Delayed surgery is a prognostic factor, but only half of the patients are operated within six hours of perforation - a predefined quality of care criterion in The Danish National Indicator Project. A clinical audit...... size, this audit suggests that long preoperative delay in patients with peptic ulcer perforation is associated with factors related to both the internal organisation of the healthcare system, the patient's pathological picture, and the quality of diagnosis and treatment given. Udgivelsesdato: 2009-Nov...

  20. Praeoperativt delay hos patienter med perforeret ulcus: en klinisk audit fra Det Nationale Indikatorprojekt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Morten Hylander; Nørgård, Bente Mertz; Mehnert, Frank


    Mortality following perforated peptic ulcer in Denmark is nearly 30%. Delayed surgery is a prognostic factor, but only half of the patients are operated within six hours of perforation - a predefined quality of care criterion in The Danish National Indicator Project. A clinical audit was conducted...

  1. Effekt af sibutramin til vægttabsvedligeholdelse. En randomiseret klinisk kontrolleret undersøgelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Toubro, S; Hansen, D L; Hilsted, J C


    Sibutramine is a tertiary amine that has been shown to induce dose-dependent weight loss and enhance the effects of a low-calorie diet for up to a year. We did a randomised, double-blind trial to assess the usefulness of sibutramine in maintaining substantial weight loss over 18 months....

  2. Praeoperativt delay hos patienter med perforeret ulcus: en klinisk audit fra Det Nationale Indikatorprojekt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Morten Hylander; Nørgård, Bente Mertz; Mehnert, Frank


    size, this audit suggests that long preoperative delay in patients with peptic ulcer perforation is associated with factors related to both the internal organisation of the healthcare system, the patient's pathological picture, and the quality of diagnosis and treatment given. Udgivelsesdato: 2009-Nov......INTRODUCTION: Mortality following perforated peptic ulcer in Denmark is nearly 30%. Delayed surgery is a prognostic factor, but only half of the patients are operated within six hours of perforation - a predefined quality of care criterion in The Danish National Indicator Project. A clinical audit...

  3. Nursing Europe giver international indsigt og forståelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jansen, Mette Marie


    Det er nu lykkes University College Lillebælt at efterkomme et ønske fra de kliniske uddannelsessteder i Svendborg, Odense og Vejle om at udvikle et to uger langt engelsksproget modul. Modulet skal forberede de internationale studerende, som skal på udvekslingsophold ved University College Lilleb...

  4. Implementering af evidensbaseret praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scheel, Linda Schumann; Tewes, Marianne; Petersen, Preben Ulrich


    Projektet omhandler implementering af den kliniske retningslinje om identifikation, forebyggelse og behandling af delirium – i denne sammenhæng relateret til hjertepatienter. Projektet foregår på to hospitaler i Hjertecentret på Rigshospitalet, et intensivt afsnit og et sengeafsnit, i tæt...

  5. Implementering af evidensbaseret praksis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scheel, Linda Schumann; Hansen, Ida Rode


    Projektet omhandler implementering af den kliniske retningslinje om identifikation, forebyggelse og behandling af delirium – i denne sammenhæng relateret til hjertepatienter. Projektet foregår på to hospitaler i Hjertecentret på Rigshospitalet, et intensivt afsnit og et sengeafsnit, i tæt...

  6. Extending Database Integration Technology

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Buneman, Peter


    Formal approaches to the semantics of databases and database languages can have immediate and practical consequences in extending database integration technologies to include a vastly greater range...

  7. Database specification for the Worldwide Port System (WPS) Regional Integrated Cargo Database (ICDB)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Faby, E.Z.; Fluker, J.; Hancock, B.R.; Grubb, J.W.; Russell, D.L. [Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN (United States); Loftis, J.P.; Shipe, P.C.; Truett, L.F. [Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (United States)


    This Database Specification for the Worldwide Port System (WPS) Regional Integrated Cargo Database (ICDB) describes the database organization and storage allocation, provides the detailed data model of the logical and physical designs, and provides information for the construction of parts of the database such as tables, data elements, and associated dictionaries and diagrams.

  8. Specialist Bibliographic Databases


    Gasparyan, Armen Yuri; Yessirkepov, Marlen; Voronov, Alexander A.; Trukhachev, Vladimir I.; Kostyukova, Elena I.; Gerasimov, Alexey N.; Kitas, George D.


    Specialist bibliographic databases offer essential online tools for researchers and authors who work on specific subjects and perform comprehensive and systematic syntheses of evidence. This article presents examples of the established specialist databases, which may be of interest to those engaged in multidisciplinary science communication. Access to most specialist databases is through subscription schemes and membership in professional associations. Several aggregators of information and d...

  9. Nuclear power economic database

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ding Xiaoming; Li Lin; Zhao Shiping


    Nuclear power economic database (NPEDB), based on ORACLE V6.0, consists of three parts, i.e., economic data base of nuclear power station, economic data base of nuclear fuel cycle and economic database of nuclear power planning and nuclear environment. Economic database of nuclear power station includes data of general economics, technique, capital cost and benefit, etc. Economic database of nuclear fuel cycle includes data of technique and nuclear fuel price. Economic database of nuclear power planning and nuclear environment includes data of energy history, forecast, energy balance, electric power and energy facilities

  10. Keyword Search in Databases

    CERN Document Server

    Yu, Jeffrey Xu; Chang, Lijun


    It has become highly desirable to provide users with flexible ways to query/search information over databases as simple as keyword search like Google search. This book surveys the recent developments on keyword search over databases, and focuses on finding structural information among objects in a database using a set of keywords. Such structural information to be returned can be either trees or subgraphs representing how the objects, that contain the required keywords, are interconnected in a relational database or in an XML database. The structural keyword search is completely different from

  11. Update History of This Database - AT Atlas | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available List Contact us AT Atlas Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2013/12/16 The email address i... ( ) is opened. About This Database Database Description Download License Update History of This Data...base Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - AT Atlas | LSDB Archive ...

  12. Download - SKIP Stemcell Database | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  13. 600 MW nuclear power database

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cao Ruiding; Chen Guorong; Chen Xianfeng; Zhang Yishu


    600 MW Nuclear power database, based on ORACLE 6.0, consists of three parts, i.e. nuclear power plant database, nuclear power position database and nuclear power equipment database. In the database, there are a great deal of technique data and picture of nuclear power, provided by engineering designing units and individual. The database can give help to the designers of nuclear power

  14. Hazard Analysis Database Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    GAULT, G.W.


    The Hazard Analysis Database was developed in conjunction with the hazard analysis activities conducted in accordance with DOE-STD-3009-94, Preparation Guide for US Department of Energy Nonreactor Nuclear Facility Safety Analysis Reports, for the Tank Waste Remediation System (TWRS) Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). The FSAR is part of the approved TWRS Authorization Basis (AB). This document describes, identifies, and defines the contents and structure of the TWRS FSAR Hazard Analysis Database and documents the configuration control changes made to the database. The TWRS Hazard Analysis Database contains the collection of information generated during the initial hazard evaluations and the subsequent hazard and accident analysis activities. The database supports the preparation of Chapters 3,4, and 5 of the TWRS FSAR and the USQ process and consists of two major, interrelated data sets: (1) Hazard Evaluation Database--Data from the results of the hazard evaluations; and (2) Hazard Topography Database--Data from the system familiarization and hazard identification.

  15. Collecting Taxes Database (United States)

    US Agency for International Development — The Collecting Taxes Database contains performance and structural indicators about national tax systems. The database contains quantitative revenue performance...

  16. Accessing and using chemical databases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nikolov, Nikolai Georgiev; Pavlov, Todor; Niemelä, Jay Russell


    Computer-based representation of chemicals makes it possible to organize data in chemical databases-collections of chemical structures and associated properties. Databases are widely used wherever efficient processing of chemical information is needed, including search, storage, retrieval......, and dissemination. Structure and functionality of chemical databases are considered. The typical kinds of information found in a chemical database are considered-identification, structural, and associated data. Functionality of chemical databases is presented, with examples of search and access types. More details...... are included about the OASIS database and platform and the Danish (Q)SAR Database online. Various types of chemical database resources are discussed, together with a list of examples....

  17. Column-oriented database management systems


    Možina, David


    In the following thesis I will present column-oriented database. Among other things, I will answer on a question why there is a need for a column-oriented database. In recent years there have been a lot of attention regarding a column-oriented database, even if the existence of a columnar database management systems dates back in the early seventies of the last century. I will compare both systems for a database management – a colum-oriented database system and a row-oriented database system ...

  18. Database Description - Society Catalog | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ion of the academic societies in Japan (organization name, website URL, contact a...sing a category tree or a society website's thumbnail. This database is useful especially when the users are... External Links: Original website information Database maintenance site National Bioscience Database Center *The original was terminated. URL of the original website - Operation start date 2008/06 Last update

  19. Update History of This Database - RMG | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data ...List Contact us RMG Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2016/08/22 The contact address is ) is opened. About This Database Database Description Download License Update Hi...story of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - RMG | LSDB Archive ... ... URL of the portal site is changed. 2013/08/07 RMG archive site is opened. 2002/09/25 RMG ( http://rmg.rice.

  20. Update History of This Database - DGBY | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data ...List Contact us DGBY Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2014/10/20 The URL of the portal ) is opened. About This Database Database Description Download License Update Hi...story of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - DGBY | LSDB Archive ... ... Expression of attribution in License is updated. 2012/03/08 DGBY English archive site is opened. 2006/10/02

  1. Update History of This Database - KAIKOcDNA | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data ...List Contact us KAIKOcDNA Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2014/10/20 The URL of the dat... database ( ) is opened. About This Database Database Description Download License Update Hi...story of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - KAIKOcDNA | LSDB Archive ... ...abase maintenance site is changed. 2014/10/08 KAIKOcDNA English archive site is opened. 2004/04/12 KAIKOcDNA

  2. Dietary Supplement Ingredient Database (United States)

    ... and US Department of Agriculture Dietary Supplement Ingredient Database Toggle navigation Menu Home About DSID Mission Current ... values can be saved to build a small database or add to an existing database for national, ...

  3. Betydningen af PCOS og overvægt for svangerskabs- og fødselskomplikationer efter fertilitetsbehandling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Naver, Klara; Nilas, Lisbeth; Jørgensen, Finn Stener


    Et klinisk prospektivt multicenterstudie. Projektet består af prægravid karakteristik af kvinder med og uden polycystisk ovariesyndrom (PCOS) før de opstarter fertilitetsbehandling. Når deltagerne er blevet gravide følges de i graviditeten med ultralydskanninger og målinger af insulin resistens...

  4. Polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperandrogenemia, sex hormone-binding globulin, and risks of pregnancy complications in singleton pregnancies after assisted reproduction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Naver, Klara


    Et klinisk prospektivt multicenterstudie. Projektet består af prægravid karakteristik af kvinder med og uden polycystisk ovariesyndrom (PCOS) før de opstarter fertilitetsbehandling. Når deltagerne er blevet gravide følges de i graviditeten med ultralydskanninger og målinger af insulin resistens, ...

  5. Database and Expert Systems Applications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Viborg Andersen, Kim; Debenham, John; Wagner, Roland

    schemata, query evaluation, semantic processing, information retrieval, temporal and spatial databases, querying XML, organisational aspects of databases, natural language processing, ontologies, Web data extraction, semantic Web, data stream management, data extraction, distributed database systems......This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2005, held in Copenhagen, Denmark, in August 2005.The 92 revised full papers presented together with 2 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 390...... submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on workflow automation, database queries, data classification and recommendation systems, information retrieval in multimedia databases, Web applications, implementational aspects of databases, multimedia databases, XML processing, security, XML...

  6. Comprehensive analysis of the N-glycan biosynthetic pathway using bioinformatics to generate UniCorn: A theoretical N-glycan structure database. (United States)

    Akune, Yukie; Lin, Chi-Hung; Abrahams, Jodie L; Zhang, Jingyu; Packer, Nicolle H; Aoki-Kinoshita, Kiyoko F; Campbell, Matthew P


    Glycan structures attached to proteins are comprised of diverse monosaccharide sequences and linkages that are produced from precursor nucleotide-sugars by a series of glycosyltransferases. Databases of these structures are an essential resource for the interpretation of analytical data and the development of bioinformatics tools. However, with no template to predict what structures are possible the human glycan structure databases are incomplete and rely heavily on the curation of published, experimentally determined, glycan structure data. In this work, a library of 45 human glycosyltransferases was used to generate a theoretical database of N-glycan structures comprised of 15 or less monosaccharide residues. Enzyme specificities were sourced from major online databases including Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) Glycan, Consortium for Functional Glycomics (CFG), Carbohydrate-Active enZymes (CAZy), GlycoGene DataBase (GGDB) and BRENDA. Based on the known activities, more than 1.1 million theoretical structures and 4.7 million synthetic reactions were generated and stored in our database called UniCorn. Furthermore, we analyzed the differences between the predicted glycan structures in UniCorn and those contained in UniCarbKB (, a database which stores experimentally described glycan structures reported in the literature, and demonstrate that UniCorn can be used to aid in the assignment of ambiguous structures whilst also serving as a discovery database. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Investigaciones actuales del empleo de Allium sativum en medicina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eslhey María Sánchez Dominguez


    Full Text Available Desde tiempos ancestrales el ajo Allium sativum ha sido utilizado por sus propiedades medicinales, ampliamente conocidas. Posee múltiples efectos beneficiosos; tales como: antimicrobiano, hipolipidémico, antitrombótico, actividad antitumoral, antihipertensivo, entre otras. Los compuestos sulfurados presentes en el mismo, principalmente alicina y ajoene, constituyen los principios activos responsables de las actividades biológicas referidas. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica empleando los recursos disponibles en la red Infomed, específicamente Ebsco, PubMed, Hinari y SciELO, a través de los cuales se accedieron a las bases de datos: Medline, Academic Search Premier, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews y MedicLatina, para revisar el estado actual de las investigaciones del ajo en medicina. Existen evidencias científicas que avalan su uso, comprobando los efectos antes referidos. En los últimos años predominan artículos que se centran en el estudio de diferentes formulaciones del ajo: extracto añejo, extracto acuoso, aceite, ajo crudo. En algunas de las referencias consultadas se reconocen limitaciones metodológicas en estas investigaciones. Es consenso que las diferentes formulaciones elaboradas a partir el ajo deben utilizarse como tratamiento complementario.

  8. Optisk scanning af spørgeskemaer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Paulsen, Aksel

    / 1000 felter= 0.370 (95% CI: 0.160-0.729), (p= 0.020)). Der var ingen statistisk forskel mellem optisk scanning (fejl/ 1000 felter= 0.046 (95% CI: 0.001-0.258)) og manuel dobbelt indtastning (p=1.000). Konklusioner: Optisk scanning er et godt alternativ til manuel dobbelt indtastning for spørgeskema med......Formål og baggrund: Patient rapporterede outcomes i form af spørgeskemaer bruges i øgende grad i sundhedssektoren både i klinisk praksis og forskning. Ofte bruges spørgeskemaer i papirformat. Manuel dobbelt indtastning er defineret som guld standard for overføring af data til et elektronisk format......, men processen er tidkrævende. Optisk scanning af spørgeskemaer med automatisk registrering af svar kan være et alternativ, men videre validering af metoden er nødvendig. Design: 200 patienter blev tilfældigt udvalgt fra en kohorte på 5777 patienter der tidligere havde svaret på to forskellige...

  9. National Database of Geriatrics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kannegaard, Pia Nimann; Vinding, Kirsten L; Hare-Bruun, Helle


    AIM OF DATABASE: The aim of the National Database of Geriatrics is to monitor the quality of interdisciplinary diagnostics and treatment of patients admitted to a geriatric hospital unit. STUDY POPULATION: The database population consists of patients who were admitted to a geriatric hospital unit....... Geriatric patients cannot be defined by specific diagnoses. A geriatric patient is typically a frail multimorbid elderly patient with decreasing functional ability and social challenges. The database includes 14-15,000 admissions per year, and the database completeness has been stable at 90% during the past......, percentage of discharges with a rehabilitation plan, and the part of cases where an interdisciplinary conference has taken place. Data are recorded by doctors, nurses, and therapists in a database and linked to the Danish National Patient Register. DESCRIPTIVE DATA: Descriptive patient-related data include...

  10. A new relational database structure and online interface for the HITRAN database

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hill, Christian; Gordon, Iouli E.; Rothman, Laurence S.; Tennyson, Jonathan


    A new format for the HITRAN database is proposed. By storing the line-transition data in a number of linked tables described by a relational database schema, it is possible to overcome the limitations of the existing format, which have become increasingly apparent over the last few years as new and more varied data are being used by radiative-transfer models. Although the database in the new format can be searched using the well-established Structured Query Language (SQL), a web service, HITRANonline, has been deployed to allow users to make most common queries of the database using a graphical user interface in a web page. The advantages of the relational form of the database to ensuring data integrity and consistency are explored, and the compatibility of the online interface with the emerging standards of the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC) project is discussed. In particular, the ability to access HITRAN data using a standard query language from other websites, command line tools and from within computer programs is described. -- Highlights: • A new, interactive version of the HITRAN database is presented. • The data is stored in a structured fashion in a relational database. • The new HITRANonline interface offers increased functionality and easier error correction

  11. Update History of This Database - fRNAdb | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data ...List Contact us fRNAdb Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2016/03/29 fRNAdb English archiv...on Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - fRNAdb | LSDB Archive ... ...e site is opened. 2006/12 fRNAdb ( ) is opened. About This Database Database Descripti

  12. Multilevel security for relational databases

    CERN Document Server

    Faragallah, Osama S; El-Samie, Fathi E Abd


    Concepts of Database Security Database Concepts Relational Database Security Concepts Access Control in Relational Databases      Discretionary Access Control      Mandatory Access Control      Role-Based Access Control Work Objectives Book Organization Basic Concept of Multilevel Database Security IntroductionMultilevel Database Relations Polyinstantiation      Invisible Polyinstantiation      Visible Polyinstantiation      Types of Polyinstantiation      Architectural Consideration

  13. Subject and authorship of records related to the Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS in BINABITROP, a comprehensive database about Costa Rican biology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julián Monge-Nájera


    Full Text Available BINABITROP is a bibliographical database of more than 38 000 records about the ecosystems and organisms of Costa Rica. In contrast with commercial databases, such as Web of Knowledge and Scopus, which exclude most of the scientific journals published in tropical countries, BINABITROP is a comprehensive record of knowledge on the tropical ecosystems and organisms of Costa Rica. We analyzed its contents in three sites (La Selva, Palo Verde and Las Cruces and recorded scientific field, taxonomic group and authorship. We found that most records dealt with ecology and systematics, and that most authors published only one article in the study period (1963-2011. Most research was published in four journals: Biotropica, Revista de Biología Tropical/ International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation, Zootaxa and Brenesia. This may be the first study of a such a comprehensive database for any case of tropical biology literature.BINABITROP es una base de datos bibliográfica con más de 38 000 registros sobre los ecosistemas y organismos de Costa Rica. En contraste con bases de datos comerciales como Web of Knowledge y Scopus, que excluyen a la mayoría de las revistas científicas publicadas en los países tropicales, BINABITROP registra casi por completo la literatura biológica sobre Costa Rica. Analizamos los registros de La Selva, Palo Verde y Las Cruces. Hallamos que la mayoría de los registros corresponden a estudios sobre ecología y sistemática; que la mayoría de los autores sólo registraron un artículo en el período de estudio (1963-2011 y que la mayoría de la investigación formalmente publicada apareció en cuatro revistas: Biotropica, Revista de Biología Tropical/International Journal of Tropical Biology, Zootaxa y Brenesia. Este parece ser el primer estudio de una base de datos integral sobre literatura de biología tropical.

  14. A Case for Database Filesystems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adams, P A; Hax, J C


    Data intensive science is offering new challenges and opportunities for Information Technology and traditional relational databases in particular. Database filesystems offer the potential to store Level Zero data and analyze Level 1 and Level 3 data within the same database system [2]. Scientific data is typically composed of both unstructured files and scalar data. Oracle SecureFiles is a new database filesystem feature in Oracle Database 11g that is specifically engineered to deliver high performance and scalability for storing unstructured or file data inside the Oracle database. SecureFiles presents the best of both the filesystem and the database worlds for unstructured content. Data stored inside SecureFiles can be queried or written at performance levels comparable to that of traditional filesystems while retaining the advantages of the Oracle database.

  15. Update History of This Database - TogoTV | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data ...List Contact us TogoTV Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2017/05/12 TogoTV English archiv...ription Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - TogoTV | LSDB Archive ... ...e site is opened. 2007/07/20 TogoTV ( ) is opened. About This Database Database Desc

  16. Update History of This Database - ConfC | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data ...List Contact us ConfC Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2016/09/20 ConfC English archive ...tion Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - ConfC | LSDB Archive ... is opened. 2005/05/01 ConfC ( is opened. About This Database Database Descrip

  17. Developments in diffraction databases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jenkins, R.


    Full text: There are a number of databases available to the diffraction community. Two of the more important of these are the Powder Diffraction File (PDF) maintained by the International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD), and the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD) maintained by Fachsinformationzentrum (FIZ, Karlsruhe). In application, the PDF has been used as an indispensable tool in phase identification and identification of unknowns. The ICSD database has extensive and explicit reference to the structures of compounds: atomic coordinates, space group and even thermal vibration parameters. A similar database, but for organic compounds, is maintained by the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre. These databases are often used as independent sources of information. However, little thought has been given on how to exploit the combined properties of structural database tools. A recently completed agreement between ICDD and FIZ, plus ICDD and Cambridge, provides a first step in complementary use of the PDF and the ICSD databases. The focus of this paper (as indicated below) is to examine ways of exploiting the combined properties of both databases. In 1996, there were approximately 76,000 entries in the PDF and approximately 43,000 entries in the ICSD database. The ICSD database has now been used to calculate entries in the PDF. Thus, to derive d-spacing and peak intensity data requires the synthesis of full diffraction patterns, i.e., we use the structural data in the ICSD database and then add instrumental resolution information. The combined data from PDF and ICSD can be effectively used in many ways. For example, we can calculate PDF data for an ideally random crystal distribution and also in the absence of preferred orientation. Again, we can use systematic studies of intermediate members in solid solutions series to help produce reliable quantitative phase analyses. In some cases, we can study how solid solution properties vary with composition and

  18. Aviation Safety Issues Database (United States)

    Morello, Samuel A.; Ricks, Wendell R.


    The aviation safety issues database was instrumental in the refinement and substantiation of the National Aviation Safety Strategic Plan (NASSP). The issues database is a comprehensive set of issues from an extremely broad base of aviation functions, personnel, and vehicle categories, both nationally and internationally. Several aviation safety stakeholders such as the Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) have already used the database. This broader interest was the genesis to making the database publically accessible and writing this report.

  19. BDVC (Bimodal Database of Violent Content): A database of violent audio and video (United States)

    Rivera Martínez, Jose Luis; Mijes Cruz, Mario Humberto; Rodríguez Vázqu, Manuel Antonio; Rodríguez Espejo, Luis; Montoya Obeso, Abraham; García Vázquez, Mireya Saraí; Ramírez Acosta, Alejandro Álvaro


    Nowadays there is a trend towards the use of unimodal databases for multimedia content description, organization and retrieval applications of a single type of content like text, voice and images, instead bimodal databases allow to associate semantically two different types of content like audio-video, image-text, among others. The generation of a bimodal database of audio-video implies the creation of a connection between the multimedia content through the semantic relation that associates the actions of both types of information. This paper describes in detail the used characteristics and methodology for the creation of the bimodal database of violent content; the semantic relationship is stablished by the proposed concepts that describe the audiovisual information. The use of bimodal databases in applications related to the audiovisual content processing allows an increase in the semantic performance only and only if these applications process both type of content. This bimodal database counts with 580 audiovisual annotated segments, with a duration of 28 minutes, divided in 41 classes. Bimodal databases are a tool in the generation of applications for the semantic web.

  20. Experiment Databases (United States)

    Vanschoren, Joaquin; Blockeel, Hendrik

    Next to running machine learning algorithms based on inductive queries, much can be learned by immediately querying the combined results of many prior studies. Indeed, all around the globe, thousands of machine learning experiments are being executed on a daily basis, generating a constant stream of empirical information on machine learning techniques. While the information contained in these experiments might have many uses beyond their original intent, results are typically described very concisely in papers and discarded afterwards. If we properly store and organize these results in central databases, they can be immediately reused for further analysis, thus boosting future research. In this chapter, we propose the use of experiment databases: databases designed to collect all the necessary details of these experiments, and to intelligently organize them in online repositories to enable fast and thorough analysis of a myriad of collected results. They constitute an additional, queriable source of empirical meta-data based on principled descriptions of algorithm executions, without reimplementing the algorithms in an inductive database. As such, they engender a very dynamic, collaborative approach to experimentation, in which experiments can be freely shared, linked together, and immediately reused by researchers all over the world. They can be set up for personal use, to share results within a lab or to create open, community-wide repositories. Here, we provide a high-level overview of their design, and use an existing experiment database to answer various interesting research questions about machine learning algorithms and to verify a number of recent studies.

  1. An XCT image database system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Komori, Masaru; Minato, Kotaro; Koide, Harutoshi; Hirakawa, Akina; Nakano, Yoshihisa; Itoh, Harumi; Torizuka, Kanji; Yamasaki, Tetsuo; Kuwahara, Michiyoshi.


    In this paper, an expansion of X-ray CT (XCT) examination history database to XCT image database is discussed. The XCT examination history database has been constructed and used for daily examination and investigation in our hospital. This database consists of alpha-numeric information (locations, diagnosis and so on) of more than 15,000 cases, and for some of them, we add tree structured image data which has a flexibility for various types of image data. This database system is written by MUMPS database manipulation language. (author)

  2. The Danish fetal medicine database

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ekelund, Charlotte Kvist; Kopp, Tine Iskov; Tabor, Ann


    trimester ultrasound scan performed at all public hospitals in Denmark are registered in the database. Main variables/descriptive data: Data on maternal characteristics, ultrasonic, and biochemical variables are continuously sent from the fetal medicine units’Astraia databases to the central database via...... analyses are sent to the database. Conclusion: It has been possible to establish a fetal medicine database, which monitors first-trimester screening for chromosomal abnormalities and second-trimester screening for major fetal malformations with the input from already collected data. The database...

  3. National database

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Helen Grundtvig; Stjernø, Henrik


    Artikel om national database for sygeplejeforskning oprettet på Dansk Institut for Sundheds- og Sygeplejeforskning. Det er målet med databasen at samle viden om forsknings- og udviklingsaktiviteter inden for sygeplejen.......Artikel om national database for sygeplejeforskning oprettet på Dansk Institut for Sundheds- og Sygeplejeforskning. Det er målet med databasen at samle viden om forsknings- og udviklingsaktiviteter inden for sygeplejen....

  4. The CAPEC Database

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Thomas Lund; Abildskov, Jens; Harper, Peter Mathias


    in the compound. This classification makes the CAPEC database a very useful tool, for example, in the development of new property models, since properties of chemically similar compounds are easily obtained. A program with efficient search and retrieval functions of properties has been developed.......The Computer-Aided Process Engineering Center (CAPEC) database of measured data was established with the aim to promote greater data exchange in the chemical engineering community. The target properties are pure component properties, mixture properties, and special drug solubility data....... The database divides pure component properties into primary, secondary, and functional properties. Mixture properties are categorized in terms of the number of components in the mixture and the number of phases present. The compounds in the database have been classified on the basis of the functional groups...

  5. Update History of This Database - AcEST | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data ...List Contact us AcEST Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2013/01/10 Errors found on AcEST ...s Database Database Description Download License Update History of This Data...base Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - AcEST | LSDB Archive ... ...Conting data have been correceted. For details, please refer to the following page. Data correction 2010/03/29 AcEST English archi

  6. The Danish Testicular Cancer database. (United States)

    Daugaard, Gedske; Kier, Maria Gry Gundgaard; Bandak, Mikkel; Mortensen, Mette Saksø; Larsson, Heidi; Søgaard, Mette; Toft, Birgitte Groenkaer; Engvad, Birte; Agerbæk, Mads; Holm, Niels Vilstrup; Lauritsen, Jakob


    The nationwide Danish Testicular Cancer database consists of a retrospective research database (DaTeCa database) and a prospective clinical database (Danish Multidisciplinary Cancer Group [DMCG] DaTeCa database). The aim is to improve the quality of care for patients with testicular cancer (TC) in Denmark, that is, by identifying risk factors for relapse, toxicity related to treatment, and focusing on late effects. All Danish male patients with a histologically verified germ cell cancer diagnosis in the Danish Pathology Registry are included in the DaTeCa databases. Data collection has been performed from 1984 to 2007 and from 2013 onward, respectively. The retrospective DaTeCa database contains detailed information with more than 300 variables related to histology, stage, treatment, relapses, pathology, tumor markers, kidney function, lung function, etc. A questionnaire related to late effects has been conducted, which includes questions regarding social relationships, life situation, general health status, family background, diseases, symptoms, use of medication, marital status, psychosocial issues, fertility, and sexuality. TC survivors alive on October 2014 were invited to fill in this questionnaire including 160 validated questions. Collection of questionnaires is still ongoing. A biobank including blood/sputum samples for future genetic analyses has been established. Both samples related to DaTeCa and DMCG DaTeCa database are included. The prospective DMCG DaTeCa database includes variables regarding histology, stage, prognostic group, and treatment. The DMCG DaTeCa database has existed since 2013 and is a young clinical database. It is necessary to extend the data collection in the prospective database in order to answer quality-related questions. Data from the retrospective database will be added to the prospective data. This will result in a large and very comprehensive database for future studies on TC patients.

  7. Update History of This Database - D-HaploDB | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available List Contact us D-HaploDB Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2016/12/13 Description of the.../ is released. About This Database Database Description Download License Update History of This Database... Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - D-HaploDB | LSDB Archive ...

  8. Sjældne medfødte sygdomme og deres orale manifestationer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauridsen, Eva; Gjørup, Hans


    Behandlingen af patienter med medfødte sjældne sygdomme kan have orale, dentale eller kraniofaciale associerede afvigelser og være meget kompleks. Her beskrives kliniske og radiologiske karakteristika og principper for behandling af patienter med ektodermal dysplasi, cleidocranial dysplasi, osteo......, osteogenesis imperfecta og hereditær rakitis...

  9. Scopus database: a review. (United States)

    Burnham, Judy F


    The Scopus database provides access to STM journal articles and the references included in those articles, allowing the searcher to search both forward and backward in time. The database can be used for collection development as well as for research. This review provides information on the key points of the database and compares it to Web of Science. Neither database is inclusive, but complements each other. If a library can only afford one, choice must be based in institutional needs.

  10. Database principles programming performance

    CERN Document Server

    O'Neil, Patrick


    Database: Principles Programming Performance provides an introduction to the fundamental principles of database systems. This book focuses on database programming and the relationships between principles, programming, and performance.Organized into 10 chapters, this book begins with an overview of database design principles and presents a comprehensive introduction to the concepts used by a DBA. This text then provides grounding in many abstract concepts of the relational model. Other chapters introduce SQL, describing its capabilities and covering the statements and functions of the programmi

  11. Network and Database Security: Regulatory Compliance, Network, and Database Security - A Unified Process and Goal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Errol A. Blake


    Full Text Available Database security has evolved; data security professionals have developed numerous techniques and approaches to assure data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. This paper will show that the Traditional Database Security, which has focused primarily on creating user accounts and managing user privileges to database objects are not enough to protect data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. This paper is a compilation of different journals, articles and classroom discussions will focus on unifying the process of securing data or information whether it is in use, in storage or being transmitted. Promoting a change in Database Curriculum Development trends may also play a role in helping secure databases. This paper will take the approach that if one make a conscientious effort to unifying the Database Security process, which includes Database Management System (DBMS selection process, following regulatory compliances, analyzing and learning from the mistakes of others, Implementing Networking Security Technologies, and Securing the Database, may prevent database breach.

  12. Hazard Analysis Database Report

    CERN Document Server

    Grams, W H


    The Hazard Analysis Database was developed in conjunction with the hazard analysis activities conducted in accordance with DOE-STD-3009-94, Preparation Guide for U S . Department of Energy Nonreactor Nuclear Facility Safety Analysis Reports, for HNF-SD-WM-SAR-067, Tank Farms Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). The FSAR is part of the approved Authorization Basis (AB) for the River Protection Project (RPP). This document describes, identifies, and defines the contents and structure of the Tank Farms FSAR Hazard Analysis Database and documents the configuration control changes made to the database. The Hazard Analysis Database contains the collection of information generated during the initial hazard evaluations and the subsequent hazard and accident analysis activities. The Hazard Analysis Database supports the preparation of Chapters 3 ,4 , and 5 of the Tank Farms FSAR and the Unreviewed Safety Question (USQ) process and consists of two major, interrelated data sets: (1) Hazard Analysis Database: Data from t...

  13. Användning av djur inom arbetsterapi : En systematisk litteraturstudie


    Niklasson, Emma; Smålander, Sofia


    Arbetsterapi ämnar möjliggöra utförande av meningsfulla aktiviteter för klienter. Djur ger positiva effekter på människans fysiska, mentala och sociala funktioner som kan öka dennes aktivitetsförmåga, vilket är en förutsättning för aktivitetsutförande. Syftet var att kartlägga forskning kring djur i relation till arbetsterapi samt betydelsen djuren har på individens aktivitetsliv. Metoden var en systematisk litteratursökning som gjordes med 14 valda sökord i sju databaser som slutligen gav 15...

  14. Database for propagation models (United States)

    Kantak, Anil V.


    A propagation researcher or a systems engineer who intends to use the results of a propagation experiment is generally faced with various database tasks such as the selection of the computer software, the hardware, and the writing of the programs to pass the data through the models of interest. This task is repeated every time a new experiment is conducted or the same experiment is carried out at a different location generating different data. Thus the users of this data have to spend a considerable portion of their time learning how to implement the computer hardware and the software towards the desired end. This situation may be facilitated considerably if an easily accessible propagation database is created that has all the accepted (standardized) propagation phenomena models approved by the propagation research community. Also, the handling of data will become easier for the user. Such a database construction can only stimulate the growth of the propagation research it if is available to all the researchers, so that the results of the experiment conducted by one researcher can be examined independently by another, without different hardware and software being used. The database may be made flexible so that the researchers need not be confined only to the contents of the database. Another way in which the database may help the researchers is by the fact that they will not have to document the software and hardware tools used in their research since the propagation research community will know the database already. The following sections show a possible database construction, as well as properties of the database for the propagation research.

  15. Update History of This Database - TP Atlas | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data ...List Contact us TP Atlas Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2013/12/16 The email address i...s ( ) is opened. About This Database Database Description Download License Update History of Thi...s Database Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - TP Atlas | LSDB Archive ... ...n the contact information is corrected. 2013/11/19 TP Atlas English archive site is opened. 2008/4/1 TP Atla

  16. Coordinating Mobile Databases: A System Demonstration


    Zaihrayeu, Ilya; Giunchiglia, Fausto


    In this paper we present the Peer Database Management System (PDBMS). This system runs on top of the standard database management system, and it allows it to connect its database with other (peer) databases on the network. A particularity of our solution is that PDBMS allows for conventional database technology to be effectively operational in mobile settings. We think of database mobility as a database network, where databases appear and disappear spontaneously and their network access point...

  17. Danish Urogynaecological Database

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Ulla Darling; Gradel, Kim Oren; Larsen, Michael Due


    , complications if relevant, implants used if relevant, 3-6-month postoperative recording of symptoms, if any. A set of clinical quality indicators is being maintained by the steering committee for the database and is published in an annual report which also contains extensive descriptive statistics. The database......The Danish Urogynaecological Database is established in order to ensure high quality of treatment for patients undergoing urogynecological surgery. The database contains details of all women in Denmark undergoing incontinence surgery or pelvic organ prolapse surgery amounting to ~5,200 procedures...... has a completeness of over 90% of all urogynecological surgeries performed in Denmark. Some of the main variables have been validated using medical records as gold standard. The positive predictive value was above 90%. The data are used as a quality monitoring tool by the hospitals and in a number...

  18. LandIT Database

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Iftikhar, Nadeem; Pedersen, Torben Bach


    and reporting purposes. This paper presents the LandIT database; which is result of the LandIT project, which refers to an industrial collaboration project that developed technologies for communication and data integration between farming devices and systems. The LandIT database in principal is based...... on the ISOBUS standard; however the standard is extended with additional requirements, such as gradual data aggregation and flexible exchange of farming data. This paper describes the conceptual and logical schemas of the proposed database based on a real-life farming case study....

  19. Stemcell Information - SKIP Stemcell Database | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available e(Ja) Author Name (Japanese) Author Organization(En) Author Organization (English) Author Organization(Ja) Author Organization... (Japanese) Author Contact Email Author Contact Email PI Organization(En) Principal Investigator (PI) Organization... (English) PI Organization(Ja) PI Organization (Japanese)... Stemcell Availability Provider Organization(En) Provider Organization (English) Provider Organization(Ja) Provider Organization

  20. Network-based Database Course

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, J.N.; Knudsen, Morten; Nielsen, Jens Frederik Dalsgaard

    A course in database design and implementation has been de- signed, utilizing existing network facilities. The course is an elementary course for students of computer engineering. Its purpose is to give the students a theoretical database knowledge as well as practical experience with design...... and implementation. A tutorial relational database and the students self-designed databases are implemented on the UNIX system of Aalborg University, thus giving the teacher the possibility of live demonstrations in the lecture room, and the students the possibility of interactive learning in their working rooms...

  1. El grupo de trabajo sobre consultas en bases de datos del CAICYT: un antecedente argentino en la pre-historia de las búsquedas de información científica y tecnológica en Internet. Parte 2: Desarrollo, actividades y legado = The Work Team on Databases Queries of CAICYT: An Argentine Precedent in the Pre-History of the Scientific and Technological Information Search on the Internet. Part 2: Development, Activities and Legacy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Falcato


    Full Text Available El presente artículo se dedica al desarrollo, actividades y legado del grupo de trabajo para el proyecto Recuperación de información en bases de datos distantes a través de terminal, que funcionó en el CAICYT (Centro Argentino de Información Científica y Tecnológica entre 1981 y 1987. Se aborda aspectos tales como la evolución profesional de sus miembros, las variaciones en la composición del grupo, las actividades de formación de usuarios, los modos de realización de las búsquedas, la problemática económica, las fortalezas y limitaciones del servicio y, finalmente, se repasan algunas facetas de lo expuesto que pueden ser útiles en la actualidad = This article deals with the development, activities and legacy of the workgroup for the Information Retrieval in Remote Databases by means of Terminal project, which met in CAICYT (Centro Argentino de Información Científica y Tecnológica between 1981 and 1987. It addresses issues such as the professional development of its members, changes in the membership, user training activities, ways of conducting searches, economic problems, strengths and limitations of the service. Finally, some aspects of the foregoing that may be useful at present are reviewed.

  2. Uso de bases de datos bibliográficas por investigadores biomédicos latinoamericanos hispanoparlantes: estudio transversal The use of bibliographic databases by Spanish-speaking Latin American biomedical researchers: a cross-sectional study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edgar Guillermo Ospina


    bases de datos fue similar en todos los países estudiados, sin diferencias significativas en cuanto al tipo de acceso (formal, informal o libre y el grado de habilidad. Del total, 87% reconocieron no haber incluido referencias importantes en artículos publicados por no disponer del texto completo y 56% afirmaron haber citado artículos que no habían leído. Además, 7,6% de los encuestados reconocieron haber consultado bases de datos de acceso restringido mediante claves prestadas o discos copiados. Más de dos tercios de los autores manifestaron que obtenían los textos completos de los artículos mediante fotocopia o directamente de los autores. CONCLUSIONES: Es necesario entrenar a los investigadores latinoamericanos en la utilización de las bases de datos de uso más frecuente -especialmente MEDLINE- y mejorar su acceso a las fuentes bibliográficas biomédicas, como medidas esenciales para fomentar el desarrollo de la producción científica en la Región.OBJECTIVE: To describe how Spanish-speaking biomedical professionals in Latin America access and utilize bibliographic databases. METHODS: Based on a MEDLINE search, 2 515 articles published between August 2002 and August 2003 were identified that dealt with and/or had authors from 16 countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela. The search was limited to references to basic science, clinical science, or social medicine. A survey was sent by e-mail to researchers who lived in 15 of the 16 countries (the exception being Nicaragua. The survey asked about the researcher's area of work (basic science, clinical science, or public health, the level of skill in using databases, the frequency and type of access to the databases most utilized, the impact from not having access to the full text of articles when preparing a manuscript, and how the respondent usually obtained the full-text version of

  3. Migration Between NoSQL Databases


    Opačak, Damir


    The thesis discusses the differences and, consequently, potential problems that may arise when migrating between different types of NoSQL databases. The first chapters introduce the reader to the issues of relational databases and present the beginnings of NoSQL databases. The following chapters present different types of NoSQL databases and some of their representatives with the aim to show specific features of NoSQL databases and the fact that each of them was developed to solve specifi...

  4. Update History of This Database - Q-TARO | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data ...List Contact us Q-TARO Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2014/10/20 The URL of the portal...ption Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - Q-TARO | LSDB Archive ... ... site is changed. 2013/12/17 The URL of the portal site is changed. 2013/12/13 Q-TARO English archive site i...s opened. 2009/11/15 Q-TARO ( ) is opened. About This Database Database Descri

  5. Exercise Training in Stable Heart Transplant recipients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dall, Christian Have

    Afhandlingen består af to forsøg, et randomiseret crossover forsøg der undersøger effekten af træning på hjertetransplanterede, samt et klinisk forsøg der undersøger akut blodtryksstigning ved styrketræning hos hjertetransplanterede, hjertesvigtspatienter, og patienter med iskæmisk hjertesygdom. ...

  6. Reminiscens, livshistorie og demensomsorg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Anders Møller


    Reminiscens har vundet indpas i plejen af og omsorgen for mennesker med demens. Der er flere udlægninger af, hvordan reminiscens skal defineres, og det har betydet, at implementeringen har antaget mange former. Det gør det vanskeligt at sammenligne studier på området. Forskning og klinisk praksis...

  7. Comparison of the Frontier Distributed Database Caching System with NoSQL Databases

    CERN Document Server

    Dykstra, David


    One of the main attractions of non-relational "NoSQL" databases is their ability to scale to large numbers of readers, including readers spread over a wide area. The Frontier distributed database caching system, used in production by the Large Hadron Collider CMS and ATLAS detector projects for Conditions data, is based on traditional SQL databases but also has high scalability and wide-area distributability for an important subset of applications. This paper compares the major characteristics of the two different approaches and identifies the criteria for choosing which approach to prefer over the other. It also compares in some detail the NoSQL databases used by CMS and ATLAS: MongoDB, CouchDB, HBase, and Cassandra.

  8. Towards cloud-centric distributed database evaluation


    Seybold, Daniel


    The area of cloud computing also pushed the evolvement of distributed databases, resulting in a variety of distributed database systems, which can be classified in relation databases, NoSQL and NewSQL database systems. In general all representatives of these database system classes claim to provide elasticity and "unlimited" horizontal scalability. As these characteristics comply with the cloud, distributed databases seem to be a perfect match for Database-as-a-Service systems (DBaaS).

  9. Towards Cloud-centric Distributed Database Evaluation


    Seybold, Daniel


    The area of cloud computing also pushed the evolvement of distributed databases, resulting in a variety of distributed database systems, which can be classified in relation databases, NoSQL and NewSQL database systems. In general all representatives of these database system classes claim to provide elasticity and "unlimited" horizontal scalability. As these characteristics comply with the cloud, distributed databases seem to be a perfect match for Database-as-a-Service systems (DBaaS).



    Hendro Nindito; Evaristus Didik Madyatmadja; Albert Verasius Dian Sano


    The use of diverse database technology in enterprise today can not be avoided. Thus, technology is needed to generate information in real time. The purpose of this research is to discuss a database replication technology that can be applied in heterogeneous database environments. In this study we use Windows-based MS SQL Server database to Linux-based Oracle database as the goal. The research method used is prototyping where development can be done quickly and testing of working models of the...

  11. The Danish Testicular Cancer database

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Daugaard, Gedske; Kier, Maria Gry Gundgaard; Bandak, Mikkel


    AIM: The nationwide Danish Testicular Cancer database consists of a retrospective research database (DaTeCa database) and a prospective clinical database (Danish Multidisciplinary Cancer Group [DMCG] DaTeCa database). The aim is to improve the quality of care for patients with testicular cancer (TC......) in Denmark, that is, by identifying risk factors for relapse, toxicity related to treatment, and focusing on late effects. STUDY POPULATION: All Danish male patients with a histologically verified germ cell cancer diagnosis in the Danish Pathology Registry are included in the DaTeCa databases. Data...... collection has been performed from 1984 to 2007 and from 2013 onward, respectively. MAIN VARIABLES AND DESCRIPTIVE DATA: The retrospective DaTeCa database contains detailed information with more than 300 variables related to histology, stage, treatment, relapses, pathology, tumor markers, kidney function...

  12. Replikasi Unidirectional pada Heterogen Database

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hendro Nindito


    Full Text Available The use of diverse database technology in enterprise today can not be avoided. Thus, technology is needed to generate information in real time. The purpose of this research is to discuss a database replication technology that can be applied in heterogeneous database environments. In this study we use Windows-based MS SQL Server database to Linux-based Oracle database as the goal. The research method used is prototyping where development can be done quickly and testing of working models of the interaction process is done through repeated. From this research it is obtained that the database replication technolgy using Oracle Golden Gate can be applied in heterogeneous environments in real time as well.

  13. Danish clinical databases: An overview

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Green, Anders


    Clinical databases contain data related to diagnostic procedures, treatments and outcomes. In 2001, a scheme was introduced for the approval, supervision and support to clinical databases in Denmark.......Clinical databases contain data related to diagnostic procedures, treatments and outcomes. In 2001, a scheme was introduced for the approval, supervision and support to clinical databases in Denmark....

  14. Dictionary as Database. (United States)

    Painter, Derrick


    Discussion of dictionaries as databases focuses on the digitizing of The Oxford English dictionary (OED) and the use of Standard Generalized Mark-Up Language (SGML). Topics include the creation of a consortium to digitize the OED, document structure, relational databases, text forms, sequence, and discourse. (LRW)

  15. INIST: databases reorientation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bidet, J.C.


    INIST is a CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) laboratory devoted to the treatment of scientific and technical informations and to the management of these informations compiled in a database. Reorientation of the database content has been proposed in 1994 to increase the transfer of research towards enterprises and services, to develop more automatized accesses to the informations, and to create a quality assurance plan. The catalog of publications comprises 5800 periodical titles (1300 for fundamental research and 4500 for applied research). A science and technology multi-thematic database will be created in 1995 for the retrieval of applied and technical informations. ''Grey literature'' (reports, thesis, proceedings..) and human and social sciences data will be added to the base by the use of informations selected in the existing GRISELI and Francis databases. Strong modifications are also planned in the thematic cover of Earth sciences and will considerably reduce the geological information content. (J.S.). 1 tab

  16. The Danish Testicular Cancer database

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daugaard G


    Full Text Available Gedske Daugaard,1 Maria Gry Gundgaard Kier,1 Mikkel Bandak,1 Mette Saksø Mortensen,1 Heidi Larsson,2 Mette Søgaard,2 Birgitte Groenkaer Toft,3 Birte Engvad,4 Mads Agerbæk,5 Niels Vilstrup Holm,6 Jakob Lauritsen1 1Department of Oncology 5073, Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, 2Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, 3Department of Pathology, Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, 4Department of Pathology, Odense University Hospital, Odense, 5Department of Oncology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, 6Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark Aim: The nationwide Danish Testicular Cancer database consists of a retrospective research database (DaTeCa database and a prospective clinical database (Danish Multidisciplinary Cancer Group [DMCG] DaTeCa database. The aim is to improve the quality of care for patients with testicular cancer (TC in Denmark, that is, by identifying risk factors for relapse, toxicity related to treatment, and focusing on late effects. Study population: All Danish male patients with a histologically verified germ cell cancer diagnosis in the Danish Pathology Registry are included in the DaTeCa databases. Data collection has been performed from 1984 to 2007 and from 2013 onward, respectively. Main variables and descriptive data: The retrospective DaTeCa database contains detailed information with more than 300 variables related to histology, stage, treatment, relapses, pathology, tumor markers, kidney function, lung function, etc. A questionnaire related to late effects has been conducted, which includes questions regarding social relationships, life situation, general health status, family background, diseases, symptoms, use of medication, marital status, psychosocial issues, fertility, and sexuality. TC survivors alive on October 2014 were invited to fill in this questionnaire including 160 validated questions

  17. Kliniske aspekter af Marfans syndrom

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Belsing, Tina Zimmermann; Lund, Allan Meldgaard; Søndergaard, Lars


    Marfan syndrome (MFS) and MFS-related diseases are inherited connective tissue disorders involving several organ systems. The diagnosis of MFS is difficult as the many symptoms overlap with those of other systemic connective tissue diseases. The phenotype is progressive. Effective surgical therapy...

  18. Laegers kliniske faerdigheder efter turnusuddannelsen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ringsted, Charlotte V; Pallisgaard, Jane; Falck, Geir


    INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to evaluate Danish interns' clinical skills after their internship in order to identify areas where systematic training is needed. This study was a follow-up of a previous study on a group of interns at the beginning of their internship. MATERIAL AND METHODS......: A questionnaire listing 88 practical skills was posted to a group of trainees before and after internship. The interns were asked to rate their level of mastery in each skill on a scale 0-10, where 0 = not mastery/not competent and 10 = mastery/competent. RESULTS: In all, 74 out of 100 trainees returned...... concern that skills particularly in emergency procedures do not improve. There is a need to define clear objectives, implement structured training programmes, and assess skills in order to accomplish a reliable and sufficient level of competency. Udgivelsesdato: 2002-Jun-10...

  19. Comparison of the Frontier Distributed Database Caching System to NoSQL Databases (United States)

    Dykstra, Dave


    One of the main attractions of non-relational “NoSQL” databases is their ability to scale to large numbers of readers, including readers spread over a wide area. The Frontier distributed database caching system, used in production by the Large Hadron Collider CMS and ATLAS detector projects for Conditions data, is based on traditional SQL databases but also adds high scalability and the ability to be distributed over a wide-area for an important subset of applications. This paper compares the major characteristics of the two different approaches and identifies the criteria for choosing which approach to prefer over the other. It also compares in some detail the NoSQL databases used by CMS and ATLAS: MongoDB, CouchDB, HBase, and Cassandra.

  20. Comparison of the Frontier Distributed Database Caching System to NoSQL Databases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dykstra, Dave


    One of the main attractions of non-relational “NoSQL” databases is their ability to scale to large numbers of readers, including readers spread over a wide area. The Frontier distributed database caching system, used in production by the Large Hadron Collider CMS and ATLAS detector projects for Conditions data, is based on traditional SQL databases but also adds high scalability and the ability to be distributed over a wide-area for an important subset of applications. This paper compares the major characteristics of the two different approaches and identifies the criteria for choosing which approach to prefer over the other. It also compares in some detail the NoSQL databases used by CMS and ATLAS: MongoDB, CouchDB, HBase, and Cassandra.

  1. Comparison of the Frontier Distributed Database Caching System to NoSQL Databases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dykstra, Dave [Fermilab


    One of the main attractions of non-relational NoSQL databases is their ability to scale to large numbers of readers, including readers spread over a wide area. The Frontier distributed database caching system, used in production by the Large Hadron Collider CMS and ATLAS detector projects for Conditions data, is based on traditional SQL databases but also adds high scalability and the ability to be distributed over a wide-area for an important subset of applications. This paper compares the major characteristics of the two different approaches and identifies the criteria for choosing which approach to prefer over the other. It also compares in some detail the NoSQL databases used by CMS and ATLAS: MongoDB, CouchDB, HBase, and Cassandra.

  2. Development of database on the distribution coefficient. 2. Preparation of database

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takebe, Shinichi; Abe, Masayoshi [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Research Establishment


    The distribution coefficient is very important parameter for environmental impact assessment on the disposal of radioactive waste arising from research institutes. 'Database on the Distribution Coefficient' was built up from the informations which were obtained by the literature survey in the country for these various items such as value , measuring method and measurement condition of distribution coefficient, in order to select the reasonable distribution coefficient value on the utilization of this value in the safety evaluation. This report was explained about the outline on preparation of this database and was summarized as a use guide book of database. (author)

  3. Development of database on the distribution coefficient. 2. Preparation of database

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takebe, Shinichi; Abe, Masayoshi [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Research Establishment


    The distribution coefficient is very important parameter for environmental impact assessment on the disposal of radioactive waste arising from research institutes. 'Database on the Distribution Coefficient' was built up from the informations which were obtained by the literature survey in the country for these various items such as value , measuring method and measurement condition of distribution coefficient, in order to select the reasonable distribution coefficient value on the utilization of this value in the safety evaluation. This report was explained about the outline on preparation of this database and was summarized as a use guide book of database. (author)

  4. Balkan Vegetation Database

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vassilev, Kiril; Pedashenko, Hristo; Alexandrova, Alexandra; Tashev, Alexandar; Ganeva, Anna; Gavrilova, Anna; Gradevska, Asya; Assenov, Assen; Vitkova, Antonina; Grigorov, Borislav; Gussev, Chavdar; Filipova, Eva; Aneva, Ina; Knollová, Ilona; Nikolov, Ivaylo; Georgiev, Georgi; Gogushev, Georgi; Tinchev, Georgi; Pachedjieva, Kalina; Koev, Koycho; Lyubenova, Mariyana; Dimitrov, Marius; Apostolova-Stoyanova, Nadezhda; Velev, Nikolay; Zhelev, Petar; Glogov, Plamen; Natcheva, Rayna; Tzonev, Rossen; Boch, Steffen; Hennekens, Stephan M.; Georgiev, Stoyan; Stoyanov, Stoyan; Karakiev, Todor; Kalníková, Veronika; Shivarov, Veselin; Russakova, Veska; Vulchev, Vladimir


    The Balkan Vegetation Database (BVD; GIVD ID: EU-00-019; 019) is a regional database that consists of phytosociological relevés from different vegetation types from six countries on the Balkan Peninsula (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Montenegro

  5. Update History of This Database - GenLibi | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data ...List Contact us GenLibi Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2014/03/25 GenLibi English archi...base Description Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - GenLibi | LSDB Archive ... site is opened. 2007/03/01 GenLibi ( ) is opened. About This Database Data

  6. Update History of This Database - dbQSNP | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data ...List Contact us dbQSNP Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2017/02/16 dbQSNP English archiv...e Description Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - dbQSNP | LSDB Archive ... ...e site is opened. 2002/10/23 dbQSNP ( is opened. About This Database Databas

  7. A new relational database structure and online interface for the HITRAN database (United States)

    Hill, Christian; Gordon, Iouli E.; Rothman, Laurence S.; Tennyson, Jonathan


    A new format for the HITRAN database is proposed. By storing the line-transition data in a number of linked tables described by a relational database schema, it is possible to overcome the limitations of the existing format, which have become increasingly apparent over the last few years as new and more varied data are being used by radiative-transfer models. Although the database in the new format can be searched using the well-established Structured Query Language (SQL), a web service, HITRANonline, has been deployed to allow users to make most common queries of the database using a graphical user interface in a web page. The advantages of the relational form of the database to ensuring data integrity and consistency are explored, and the compatibility of the online interface with the emerging standards of the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC) project is discussed. In particular, the ability to access HITRAN data using a standard query language from other websites, command line tools and from within computer programs is described.

  8. Linking the Taiwan Fish Database to the Global Database

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kwang-Tsao Shao


    Full Text Available Under the support of the National Digital Archive Program (NDAP, basic species information about most Taiwanese fishes, including their morphology, ecology, distribution, specimens with photos, and literatures have been compiled into the "Fish Database of Taiwan" ( We expect that the all Taiwanese fish species databank (RSD, with 2800+ species, and the digital "Fish Fauna of Taiwan" will be completed in 2007. Underwater ecological photos and video images for all 2,800+ fishes are quite difficult to achieve but will be collected continuously in the future. In the last year of NDAP, we have successfully integrated all fish specimen data deposited at 7 different institutes in Taiwan as well as their collection maps on the Google Map and Google Earth. Further, the database also provides the pronunciation of Latin scientific names and transliteration of Chinese common names by referring to the Romanization system for all Taiwanese fishes (2,902 species in 292 families so far. The Taiwanese fish species checklist with Chinese common/vernacular names and specimen data has been updated periodically and provided to the global FishBase as well as the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF through the national portal of the Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility (TaiBIF. Thus, Taiwanese fish data can be queried and browsed on the WWW. For contributing to the "Barcode of Life" and "All Fishes" international projects, alcohol-preserved specimens of more than 1,800 species and cryobanking tissues of 800 species have been accumulated at RCBAS in the past two years. Through this close collaboration between local and global databases, "The Fish Database of Taiwan" now attracts more than 250,000 visitors and achieves 5 million hits per month. We believe that this local database is becoming an important resource for education, research, conservation, and sustainable use of fish in Taiwan.

  9. Tradeoffs in distributed databases


    Juntunen, R. (Risto)


    Abstract In a distributed database data is spread throughout the network into separated nodes with different DBMS systems (Date, 2000). According to CAP-theorem three database properties — consistency, availability and partition tolerance cannot be achieved simultaneously in distributed database systems. Two of these properties can be achieved but not all three at the same time (Brewer, 2000). Since this theorem there has b...

  10. Automated Oracle database testing

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Ensuring database stability and steady performance in the modern world of agile computing is a major challenge. Various changes happening at any level of the computing infrastructure: OS parameters & packages, kernel versions, database parameters & patches, or even schema changes, all can potentially harm production services. This presentation shows how an automatic and regular testing of Oracle databases can be achieved in such agile environment.

  11. Database Systems - Present and Future

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available The database systems have nowadays an increasingly important role in the knowledge-based society, in which computers have penetrated all fields of activity and the Internet tends to develop worldwide. In the current informatics context, the development of the applications with databases is the work of the specialists. Using databases, reach a database from various applications, and also some of related concepts, have become accessible to all categories of IT users. This paper aims to summarize the curricular area regarding the fundamental database systems issues, which are necessary in order to train specialists in economic informatics higher education. The database systems integrate and interfere with several informatics technologies and therefore are more difficult to understand and use. Thus, students should know already a set of minimum, mandatory concepts and their practical implementation: computer systems, programming techniques, programming languages, data structures. The article also presents the actual trends in the evolution of the database systems, in the context of economic informatics.

  12. Update History of This Database - ASTRA | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  13. Update History of This Database - GRIPDB | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  14. Update History of This Database - JSNP | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  15. Update History of This Database - GETDB | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  16. Update History of This Database - RPSD | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  17. Database on wind characteristics. Contents of database bank

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Gunner Chr.; Hansen, K.S.


    for the available data in the established database bank and part three is the Users Manual describing the various ways to access and analyse the data. The present report constitutes the second part of the Annex XVII reporting. Basically, the database bank contains three categories of data, i.e. i) high sampled wind...... field time series; ii) high sampled wind turbine structural response time series; andiii) wind resource data. The main emphasis, however, is on category i). The available data, within each of the three categories, are described in details. The description embraces site characteristics, terrain type...

  18. USAID Anticorruption Projects Database (United States)

    US Agency for International Development — The Anticorruption Projects Database (Database) includes information about USAID projects with anticorruption interventions implemented worldwide between 2007 and...

  19. Database design using entity-relationship diagrams

    CERN Document Server

    Bagui, Sikha


    Data, Databases, and the Software Engineering ProcessDataBuilding a DatabaseWhat is the Software Engineering Process?Entity Relationship Diagrams and the Software Engineering Life Cycle          Phase 1: Get the Requirements for the Database          Phase 2: Specify the Database          Phase 3: Design the DatabaseData and Data ModelsFiles, Records, and Data ItemsMoving from 3 × 5 Cards to ComputersDatabase Models     The Hierarchical ModelThe Network ModelThe Relational ModelThe Relational Model and Functional DependenciesFundamental Relational DatabaseRelational Database and SetsFunctional

  20. Respiratory cancer database: An open access database of respiratory cancer gene and miRNA. (United States)

    Choubey, Jyotsna; Choudhari, Jyoti Kant; Patel, Ashish; Verma, Mukesh Kumar


    Respiratory cancer database (RespCanDB) is a genomic and proteomic database of cancer of respiratory organ. It also includes the information of medicinal plants used for the treatment of various respiratory cancers with structure of its active constituents as well as pharmacological and chemical information of drug associated with various respiratory cancers. Data in RespCanDB has been manually collected from published research article and from other databases. Data has been integrated using MySQL an object-relational database management system. MySQL manages all data in the back-end and provides commands to retrieve and store the data into the database. The web interface of database has been built in ASP. RespCanDB is expected to contribute to the understanding of scientific community regarding respiratory cancer biology as well as developments of new way of diagnosing and treating respiratory cancer. Currently, the database consist the oncogenomic information of lung cancer, laryngeal cancer, and nasopharyngeal cancer. Data for other cancers, such as oral and tracheal cancers, will be added in the near future. The URL of RespCanDB is

  1. ADANS database specification

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The purpose of the Air Mobility Command (AMC) Deployment Analysis System (ADANS) Database Specification (DS) is to describe the database organization and storage allocation and to provide the detailed data model of the physical design and information necessary for the construction of the parts of the database (e.g., tables, indexes, rules, defaults). The DS includes entity relationship diagrams, table and field definitions, reports on other database objects, and a description of the ADANS data dictionary. ADANS is the automated system used by Headquarters AMC and the Tanker Airlift Control Center (TACC) for airlift planning and scheduling of peacetime and contingency operations as well as for deliberate planning. ADANS also supports planning and scheduling of Air Refueling Events by the TACC and the unit-level tanker schedulers. ADANS receives input in the form of movement requirements and air refueling requests. It provides a suite of tools for planners to manipulate these requirements/requests against mobility assets and to develop, analyze, and distribute schedules. Analysis tools are provided for assessing the products of the scheduling subsystems, and editing capabilities support the refinement of schedules. A reporting capability provides formatted screen, print, and/or file outputs of various standard reports. An interface subsystem handles message traffic to and from external systems. The database is an integral part of the functionality summarized above.

  2. The Hanford Site generic component failure-rate database compared with other generic failure-rate databases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reardon, M.F.; Zentner, M.D.


    The Risk Assessment Technology Group, Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC), has compiled a component failure rate database to be used during risk and reliability analysis of nonreactor facilities. Because site-specific data for the Hanford Site are generally not kept or not compiled in a usable form, the database was assembled using information from a variety of other established sources. Generally, the most conservative failure rates were chosen from the databases reviewed. The Hanford Site database has since been used extensively in fault tree modeling of many Hanford Site facilities and systems. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reasonableness of the data chosen for the Hanford Site database by comparing the values chosen with the values from the other databases

  3. Method and electronic database search engine for exposing the content of an electronic database

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stappers, P.J.


    The invention relates to an electronic database search engine comprising an electronic memory device suitable for storing and releasing elements from the database, a display unit, a user interface for selecting and displaying at least one element from the database on the display unit, and control

  4. The LHCb configuration database

    CERN Document Server

    Abadie, L; Van Herwijnen, Eric; Jacobsson, R; Jost, B; Neufeld, N


    The aim of the LHCb configuration database is to store information about all the controllable devices of the detector. The experiment's control system (that uses PVSS ) will configure, start up and monitor the detector from the information in the configuration database. The database will contain devices with their properties, connectivity and hierarchy. The ability to store and rapidly retrieve huge amounts of data, and the navigability between devices are important requirements. We have collected use cases to ensure the completeness of the design. Using the entity relationship modelling technique we describe the use cases as classes with attributes and links. We designed the schema for the tables using relational diagrams. This methodology has been applied to the TFC (switches) and DAQ system. Other parts of the detector will follow later. The database has been implemented using Oracle to benefit from central CERN database support. The project also foresees the creation of tools to populate, maintain, and co...

  5. The CUTLASS database facilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jervis, P.; Rutter, P.


    The enhancement of the CUTLASS database management system to provide improved facilities for data handling is seen as a prerequisite to its effective use for future power station data processing and control applications. This particularly applies to the larger projects such as AGR data processing system refurbishments, and the data processing systems required for the new Coal Fired Reference Design stations. In anticipation of the need for improved data handling facilities in CUTLASS, the CEGB established a User Sub-Group in the early 1980's to define the database facilities required by users. Following the endorsement of the resulting specification and a detailed design study, the database facilities have been implemented as an integral part of the CUTLASS system. This paper provides an introduction to the range of CUTLASS Database facilities, and emphasises the role of Database as the central facility around which future Kit 1 and (particularly) Kit 6 CUTLASS based data processing and control systems will be designed and implemented. (author)

  6. Identificación molecular de mutaciones puntuales relacionadas con resistencia a drogas en VIH-1 de pacientes peruanos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Yabar V


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Identificar mutaciones puntuales relacionadas con resistencia a drogas en VIH-1 de pacientes peruanos. Materiales y metodos: Se seleccionaron 11 muestras de VIH provenientes de sangre total de sujetos con tratamiento antirretroviral (ARV. Posteriormente se realizo la optimizacion de la amplificacion de 337 pb del gen de la transcriptasa reversa (tr y 377 pb de todo el gen de la proteasa (prt. Los productos de PCR fueron secuenciados directamente para el analisis de mutaciones de resistencia. Las secuencias finales fueron analizadas en programas de analisis de mutaciones de la HIV Drug Resistance Database de la Universidad de Stanford. mutaciones de la HIV Drug Resistance Database de la Universidad de Stanford. Resultados: La optimizacion de la concentracion de ADN (2,5 ng / µL asi como la concentracion de magnesio (4 mM fueron factores criticos para la amplificacion de la tr y la prt respectivamente. De otro lado, el analisis de secuencia revelo la presencia de las mutaciones T215Y y la M184V en tr, implicadas en conferir resistencia a zidovudina (AZT y estavudina (D4T asi como a lamivudina (3TC y emtricitabina (FTC respectivamente. En prt se observaron las mutaciones D30N y N88D implicadas en conferir resistencia a nelfinavir (NFV. Es importante senalar que solo tres muestras de VIH-1 presentaron mutaciones de resistencia, las demas mostraron mutaciones compensatorias. Conclusiones: Se demuestra la existencia de mutaciones de resistencia a ARV a nivel de tr y prt de VIH-1 en sujetos peruanos que reciben terapia TARGA. Se requieren de mayores estudios para establecer un perfil de resistencia a ARV en la poblacion peruana.

  7. Kazusa Marker DataBase: a database for genomics, genetics, and molecular breeding in plants (United States)

    Shirasawa, Kenta; Isobe, Sachiko; Tabata, Satoshi; Hirakawa, Hideki


    In order to provide useful genomic information for agronomical plants, we have established a database, the Kazusa Marker DataBase ( This database includes information on DNA markers, e.g., SSR and SNP markers, genetic linkage maps, and physical maps, that were developed at the Kazusa DNA Research Institute. Keyword searches for the markers, sequence data used for marker development, and experimental conditions are also available through this database. Currently, 10 plant species have been targeted: tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), pepper (Capsicum annuum), strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa), radish (Raphanus sativus), Lotus japonicus, soybean (Glycine max), peanut (Arachis hypogaea), red clover (Trifolium pratense), white clover (Trifolium repens), and eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis). In addition, the number of plant species registered in this database will be increased as our research progresses. The Kazusa Marker DataBase will be a useful tool for both basic and applied sciences, such as genomics, genetics, and molecular breeding in crops. PMID:25320561

  8. HIV Structural Database (United States)

    SRD 102 HIV Structural Database (Web, free access)   The HIV Protease Structural Database is an archive of experimentally determined 3-D structures of Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 (HIV-1), Human Immunodeficiency Virus 2 (HIV-2) and Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) Proteases and their complexes with inhibitors or products of substrate cleavage.

  9. Hvorledes kommer data om patienters mentale funktioner til udtryk i klinisk sygepleje? : en deskriptiv analyse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Birgitte; Nielsen, Cathrine Sand

    . Resultaterne diskuteres mod forfatternes forforståelse, som væsentligst er repræsenteret ved sygeplejeprocessen, Virginia Hendersons tanker om behov og Peter Thybos skematisering af hjerneprocesser. Konklusionen på undersøgelsen er, at data om patienters mentale funktioner ikke tillægges værdi i sig selv. Data...

  10. Towards Sensor Database Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bonnet, Philippe; Gehrke, Johannes; Seshadri, Praveen


    . These systems lack flexibility because data is extracted in a predefined way; also, they do not scale to a large number of devices because large volumes of raw data are transferred regardless of the queries that are submitted. In our new concept of sensor database system, queries dictate which data is extracted...... from the sensors. In this paper, we define the concept of sensor databases mixing stored data represented as relations and sensor data represented as time series. Each long-running query formulated over a sensor database defines a persistent view, which is maintained during a given time interval. We...... also describe the design and implementation of the COUGAR sensor database system....

  11. Hydrogen Leak Detection Sensor Database (United States)

    Baker, Barton D.


    This slide presentation reviews the characteristics of the Hydrogen Sensor database. The database is the result of NASA's continuing interest in and improvement of its ability to detect and assess gas leaks in space applications. The database specifics and a snapshot of an entry in the database are reviewed. Attempts were made to determine the applicability of each of the 65 sensors for ground and/or vehicle use.

  12. RODOS database adapter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xie Gang


    Integrated data management is an essential aspect of many automatical information systems such as RODOS, a real-time on-line decision support system for nuclear emergency management. In particular, the application software must provide access management to different commercial database systems. This report presents the tools necessary for adapting embedded SQL-applications to both HP-ALLBASE/SQL and CA-Ingres/SQL databases. The design of the database adapter and the concept of RODOS embedded SQL syntax are discussed by considering some of the most important features of SQL-functions and the identification of significant differences between SQL-implementations. Finally fully part of the software developed and the administrator's and installation guides are described. (orig.) [de

  13. Supply Chain Initiatives Database

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The Supply Chain Initiatives Database (SCID) presents innovative approaches to engaging industrial suppliers in efforts to save energy, increase productivity and improve environmental performance. This comprehensive and freely-accessible database was developed by the Institute for Industrial Productivity (IIP). IIP acknowledges Ecofys for their valuable contributions. The database contains case studies searchable according to the types of activities buyers are undertaking to motivate suppliers, target sector, organization leading the initiative, and program or partnership linkages.

  14. The IRPVM-DB database

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davies, L.M.; Gillemot, F.; Yanko, L.; Lyssakov, V.


    The IRPVM-DB (International Reactor Pressure Vessel Material Database) initiated by the IAEA IWG LMNPP is going to collect the available surveillance and research data world-wide on RPV material ageing. This paper presents the purpose of the database; it summarizes the type and the relationship of data included; it gives information about the data access and protection; and finally, it summarizes the state of art of the database. (author). 1 ref., 2 figs

  15. The IRPVM-DB database

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Davies, L M [Davies Consultants, Oxford (United Kingdom); Gillemot, F [Atomic Energy Research Inst., Budapest (Hungary); Yanko, L [Minatom (Russian Federation); Lyssakov, V [International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)


    The IRPVM-DB (International Reactor Pressure Vessel Material Database) initiated by the IAEA IWG LMNPP is going to collect the available surveillance and research data world-wide on RPV material ageing. This paper presents the purpose of the database; it summarizes the type and the relationship of data included; it gives information about the data access and protection; and finally, it summarizes the state of art of the database. (author). 1 ref., 2 figs.

  16. Electron Effective-Attenuation-Length Database (United States)

    SRD 82 NIST Electron Effective-Attenuation-Length Database (PC database, no charge)   This database provides values of electron effective attenuation lengths (EALs) in solid elements and compounds at selected electron energies between 50 eV and 2,000 eV. The database was designed mainly to provide EALs (to account for effects of elastic-eletron scattering) for applications in surface analysis by Auger-electron spectroscopy (AES) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).



    Hendro Nindito; Evaristus Didik Madyatmadja; Albert Verasius Dian Sano


    The application of diverse database technologies in enterprises today is increasingly a common practice. To provide high availability and survavibality of real-time information, a database replication technology that has capability to replicate databases under heterogenous platforms is required. The purpose of this research is to find the technology with such capability. In this research, the data source is stored in MSSQL database server running on Windows. The data will be replicated to MyS...

  18. Database security in the cloud


    Sakhi, Imal


    The aim of the thesis is to get an overview of the database services available in cloud computing environment, investigate the security risks associated with it and propose the possible countermeasures to minimize the risks. The thesis also analyzes two cloud database service providers namely; Amazon RDS and Xeround. The reason behind choosing these two providers is because they are currently amongst the leading cloud database providers and both provide relational cloud databases which makes ...

  19. Clinical databases in physical therapy.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Swinkels, I.C.S.; Ende, C.H.M. van den; Bakker, D. de; Wees, Ph.J van der; Hart, D.L.; Deutscher, D.; Bosch, W.J.H. van den; Dekker, J.


    Clinical databases in physical therapy provide increasing opportunities for research into physical therapy theory and practice. At present, information on the characteristics of existing databases is lacking. The purpose of this study was to identify clinical databases in which physical therapists

  20. Nuclear technology databases and information network systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iwata, Shuichi; Kikuchi, Yasuyuki; Minakuchi, Satoshi


    This paper describes the databases related to nuclear (science) technology, and information network. Following contents are collected in this paper: the database developed by JAERI, ENERGY NET, ATOM NET, NUCLEN nuclear information database, INIS, NUclear Code Information Service (NUCLIS), Social Application of Nuclear Technology Accumulation project (SANTA), Nuclear Information Database/Communication System (NICS), reactor materials database, radiation effects database, NucNet European nuclear information database, reactor dismantling database. (J.P.N.)

  1. Forekomst af parodontitis og FORL hos perserkatte

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Flørnæs, Maria L. Topholm; Lund, Mette; Kortegaard, Hanne Ellen


    I dette studie er omfanget af tandrelaterede sygdomme heriblandt parodontitis og feline odontoklastiske resorptions læsioner (FORL) blandt 19 perserkatte (heraf 2 exotics) på 3 til 9 år undersøgt både klinisk og radiografisk. Ingen af kattene havde tidligere fået renset tænder i anæstesi. Alle ka...

  2. Database Security: A Historical Perspective


    Lesov, Paul


    The importance of security in database research has greatly increased over the years as most of critical functionality of the business and military enterprises became digitized. Database is an integral part of any information system and they often hold sensitive data. The security of the data depends on physical security, OS security and DBMS security. Database security can be compromised by obtaining sensitive data, changing data or degrading availability of the database. Over the last 30 ye...

  3. Diffusivity database (DDB) for major rocks. Database for the second progress report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sato, Haruo


    A database for diffusivity for a data setting of effective diffusion coefficients in rock matrices in the second progress report, was developed. In this database, 3 kinds of diffusion coefficients: effective diffusion coefficient (De), apparent diffusion coefficient (Da) and free water diffusion coefficient (Do) were treated. The database, based on literatures published between 1980 and 1998, was developed considering the following points. (1) Since Japanese geological environment is focused in the second progress report, data for diffusion are collected focused on Japanese major rocks. (2) Although 22 elements are considered to be important in performance assessment for geological disposal, all elements and aquatic tracers are treated in this database development considering general purpose. (3) Since limestone, which belongs to sedimentary rock, can become one of the natural resources and is inappropriate as a host rock, it is omitted in this database development. Rock was categorized into 4 kinds of rocks; acid crystalline rock, alkaline crystalline rock, sedimentary rock (argillaceous/tuffaceous rock) and sedimentary rock (psammitic rock/sandy stone) from the viewpoint of geology and mass transport. In addition, rocks around neutrality among crystalline rock were categorized into the alkaline crystalline rock in this database. The database is composed of sub-databases for 4 kinds of rocks. Furthermore, the sub-databases for 4 kinds of the rocks are composed of databases to individual elements, in which totally, 24 items such as species, rock name, diffusion coefficients (De, Da, Do), obtained conditions (method, porewater, pH, Eh, temperature, atmosphere, etc.), etc. are input. As a result of literature survey, for De values for acid crystalline rock, totally, 207 data for 18 elements and one tracer (hydrocarbon) have been reported and all data were for granitic rocks such as granite, granodiorite and biotitic granite. For alkaline crystalline rock, totally, 32

  4. The magnet components database system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baggett, M.J.; Leedy, R.; Saltmarsh, C.; Tompkins, J.C.


    The philosophy, structure, and usage of MagCom, the SSC magnet components database, are described. The database has been implemented in Sybase (a powerful relational database management system) on a UNIX-based workstation at the Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory (SSCL); magnet project collaborators can access the database via network connections. The database was designed to contain the specifications and measured values of important properties for major materials, plus configuration information (specifying which individual items were used in each cable, coil, and magnet) and the test results on completed magnets. The data will facilitate the tracking and control of the production process as well as the correlation of magnet performance with the properties of its constituents. 3 refs., 9 figs

  5. The magnet components database system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baggett, M.J.; Leedy, R.; Saltmarsh, C.; Tompkins, J.C.


    The philosophy, structure, and usage MagCom, the SSC magnet components database, are described. The database has been implemented in Sybase (a powerful relational database management system) on a UNIX-based workstation at the Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory (SSCL); magnet project collaborators can access the database via network connections. The database was designed to contain the specifications and measured values of important properties for major materials, plus configuration information (specifying which individual items were used in each cable, coil, and magnet) and the test results on completed magnets. These data will facilitate the tracking and control of the production process as well as the correlation of magnet performance with the properties of its constituents. 3 refs., 10 figs

  6. SSC lattice database and graphical interface

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trahern, C.G.; Zhou, J.


    When completed the Superconducting Super Collider will be the world's largest accelerator complex. In order to build this system on schedule, the use of database technologies will be essential. In this paper we discuss one of the database efforts underway at the SSC, the lattice database. The SSC lattice database provides a centralized source for the design of each major component of the accelerator complex. This includes the two collider rings, the High Energy Booster, Medium Energy Booster, Low Energy Booster, and the LINAC as well as transfer and test beam lines. These designs have been created using a menagerie of programs such as SYNCH, DIMAD, MAD, TRANSPORT, MAGIC, TRACE3D AND TEAPOT. However, once a design has been completed, it is entered into a uniform database schema in the database system. In this paper we discuss the reasons for creating the lattice database and its implementation via the commercial database system SYBASE. Each lattice in the lattice database is composed of a set of tables whose data structure can describe any of the SSC accelerator lattices. In order to allow the user community access to the databases, a programmatic interface known as dbsf (for database to several formats) has been written. Dbsf creates ascii input files appropriate to the above mentioned accelerator design programs. In addition it has a binary dataset output using the Self Describing Standard data discipline provided with the Integrated Scientific Tool Kit software tools. Finally we discuss the graphical interfaces to the lattice database. The primary interface, known as OZ, is a simulation environment as well as a database browser

  7. Tibetan Magmatism Database (United States)

    Chapman, James B.; Kapp, Paul


    A database containing previously published geochronologic, geochemical, and isotopic data on Mesozoic to Quaternary igneous rocks in the Himalayan-Tibetan orogenic system are presented. The database is intended to serve as a repository for new and existing igneous rock data and is publicly accessible through a web-based platform that includes an interactive map and data table interface with search, filtering, and download options. To illustrate the utility of the database, the age, location, and ɛHft composition of magmatism from the central Gangdese batholith in the southern Lhasa terrane are compared. The data identify three high-flux events, which peak at 93, 50, and 15 Ma. They are characterized by inboard arc migration and a temporal and spatial shift to more evolved isotopic compositions.

  8. Implementasi Database Auditing dengan Memanfaatkan Sinkronisasi DBMS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gede Anantaswarya Abhisena


    Full Text Available Database auditing dapat menjadi komponen penting dalam keamanan basis data dan kepatuhan terhadap peraturan pemerintah. Database Administrator perlu lebih waspada dalam teknik yang digunakan untuk melindungi data perusahaan, serta memantau dan memastikan bahwa perlindungan yang memadai terhadap data tersedia. Pada tingkat tinggi, database auditing merupakan fasilitas untuk melacak otoritas dan penggunaan sumber daya database. Ketika fungsi auditing diaktifkan, setiap operasi database yang diaudit menghasilkan jejak audit dari perubahan informasi yang dilakukan. Sinkronisasi database adalah bentuk dari replikasi, yang merupakan proses untuk memastikan setiap salinan data pada database berisi objek dan data yang serupa. Sinkronisasi database dapat dimanfaatkan dalam berbagai keperluan, salah satunya membangun auditing untuk mencatat setiap aktivitas yang terjadi pada database. Jejak audit dari operasi database yang dihasilkan, memungkinkan DBA (Database Administrator memelihara audit trails dari waktu ke waktu, untuk melakukan analisis tentang pola akses dan modifikasi terhadap data pada DBMS (Database Management System.

  9. Conceptual considerations for CBM databases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Akishina, E. P.; Aleksandrov, E. I.; Aleksandrov, I. N.; Filozova, I. A.; Ivanov, V. V.; Zrelov, P. V. [Lab. of Information Technologies, JINR, Dubna (Russian Federation); Friese, V.; Mueller, W. [GSI, Darmstadt (Germany)


    We consider a concept of databases for the Cm experiment. For this purpose, an analysis of the databases for large experiments at the LHC at CERN has been performed. Special features of various DBMS utilized in physical experiments, including relational and object-oriented DBMS as the most applicable ones for the tasks of these experiments, were analyzed. A set of databases for the CBM experiment, DBMS for their developments as well as use cases for the considered databases are suggested.

  10. Conceptual considerations for CBM databases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akishina, E.P.; Aleksandrov, E.I.; Aleksandrov, I.N.; Filozova, I.A.; Ivanov, V.V.; Zrelov, P.V.; Friese, V.; Mueller, W.


    We consider a concept of databases for the Cm experiment. For this purpose, an analysis of the databases for large experiments at the LHC at CERN has been performed. Special features of various DBMS utilized in physical experiments, including relational and object-oriented DBMS as the most applicable ones for the tasks of these experiments, were analyzed. A set of databases for the CBM experiment, DBMS for their developments as well as use cases for the considered databases are suggested.

  11. A New Database for Speaker Recognition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Feng, Ling; Hansen, Lars Kai


    In this paper we discuss properties of speech databases used for speaker recognition research and evaluation, and we characterize some popular standard databases. The paper presents a new database called ELSDSR dedicated to speaker recognition applications. The main characteristics of this database...

  12. JICST Factual Database(2) (United States)

    Araki, Keisuke

    The computer programme, which builds atom-bond connection tables from nomenclatures, is developed. Chemical substances with their nomenclature and varieties of trivial names or experimental code numbers are inputted. The chemical structures of the database are stereospecifically stored and are able to be searched and displayed according to stereochemistry. Source data are from laws and regulations of Japan, RTECS of US and so on. The database plays a central role within the integrated fact database service of JICST and makes interrelational retrieval possible.

  13. OECD/NEA thermochemical database

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Byeon, Kee Hoh; Song, Dae Yong; Shin, Hyun Kyoo; Park, Seong Won; Ro, Seung Gy


    This state of the art report is to introduce the contents of the Chemical Data-Service, OECD/NEA, and the results of survey by OECD/NEA for the thermodynamic and kinetic database currently in use. It is also to summarize the results of Thermochemical Database Projects of OECD/NEA. This report will be a guide book for the researchers easily to get the validate thermodynamic and kinetic data of all substances from the available OECD/NEA database. (author). 75 refs.

  14. El grupo de trabajo sobre consultas en bases de datos del CAICYT : un antecedente argentino en la pre–historia de las búsquedas de información científica y tecnológica en Internet. Parte 1: Contexto original y conformación del grupo = The Work Team on Databases Queries of Caicyt: An Argentine Precedent in the Pre-History of the Scientific and Technological Information Search on the Internet. Part 1: Original Context and the Conformation of the Group

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Falcato


    Full Text Available El presente artículo se refiere a la etapa inicial de un proyecto que fue generado a comienzos de la década de 1980 en el CAICYT (Centro Argentino de Información Científica y Tecnológica, dedicado a la recuperación de información bibliográfica en bases de datos, a través de terminales conectadas a computadoras remotas. Para dicho proyecto se formó un grupo de trabajo, integrado por representantes de varias instituciones, que fue pionero en el acceso interactivo a bases de datos científicas y tecnológicas extranjeras desde nuestro país. Se aborda el contexto tecnológico, institucional y disciplinario del proyecto, las tareas encaradas para disponer de la infraestructura y del equipamiento necesarios, el perfil y la capacitación inicial de los profesionales involucrados, así como las actividades de difusión que se realizaron. La segunda parte estará dedicada al desarrollo, actividades y legado del grupo = This article refers to the initial stage of a project generated in the early 1980s in CAICYT (Argentine Centre for Scientific and Technological Information; the project was dedicated to bibliographic information retrieval in databases through terminals connected to remote computers. The project led to the formation of a workgroup composed by representatives from various institutions that pioneered interactive access to foreign science and technology databases from Argentina. It addresses the technological, institutional and disciplinary context of the project, the works undertaken to provide the infrastructure and equipment that were necessary, the profile and initial training of the professionals involved, and dissemination activities that were performed. The second part will deal with the development, activities and legacy of the group.

  15. Native Health Research Database (United States)

    ... Indian Health Board) Welcome to the Native Health Database. Please enter your search terms. Basic Search Advanced ... To learn more about searching the Native Health Database, click here. Tutorial Video The NHD has made ...

  16. E3 Staff Database (United States)

    US Agency for International Development — E3 Staff database is maintained by E3 PDMS (Professional Development & Management Services) office. The database is Mysql. It is manually updated by E3 staff as...

  17. Clinical Databases for Chest Physicians. (United States)

    Courtwright, Andrew M; Gabriel, Peter E


    A clinical database is a repository of patient medical and sociodemographic information focused on one or more specific health condition or exposure. Although clinical databases may be used for research purposes, their primary goal is to collect and track patient data for quality improvement, quality assurance, and/or actual clinical management. This article aims to provide an introduction and practical advice on the development of small-scale clinical databases for chest physicians and practice groups. Through example projects, we discuss the pros and cons of available technical platforms, including Microsoft Excel and Access, relational database management systems such as Oracle and PostgreSQL, and Research Electronic Data Capture. We consider approaches to deciding the base unit of data collection, creating consensus around variable definitions, and structuring routine clinical care to complement database aims. We conclude with an overview of regulatory and security considerations for clinical databases. Copyright © 2018 American College of Chest Physicians. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. The Danish Smoking Cessation Database

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Mette; Tønnesen, Hanne


    Background: The Danish Smoking Cessation Database (SCDB) was established in 2001 as the first national healthcare register within the field of health promotion. Aim of the database: The aim of the SCDB is to document and evaluate smoking cessation (SC) interventions to assess and improve their qu......‐free. The database is increasingly used in register-based research.......Background: The Danish Smoking Cessation Database (SCDB) was established in 2001 as the first national healthcare register within the field of health promotion. Aim of the database: The aim of the SCDB is to document and evaluate smoking cessation (SC) interventions to assess and improve...... their quality. The database was also designed to function as a basis for register-based research projects. Study population The population includes smokers in Denmark who have been receiving a face-to-face SC intervention offered by an SC clinic affiliated with the SCDB. SC clinics can be any organisation...

  19. OCA Oracle Database 11g database administration I : a real-world certification guide

    CERN Document Server

    Ries, Steve


    Developed as a practical book, ""Oracle Database 11g Administration I Certification Guide"" will show you all you need to know to effectively excel at being an Oracle DBA, for both examinations and the real world. This book is for anyone who needs the essential skills to become an Oracle DBA, pass the Oracle Database Administration I exam, and use those skills in the real world to manage secure, high performance, and highly available Oracle databases.

  20. Report on the database structuring project in fiscal 1996 related to the 'surveys on making databases for energy saving (2)'; 1996 nendo database kochiku jigyo hokokusho. Sho energy database system ka ni kansuru chosa 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    With an objective to support promotion of energy conservation in such countries as Japan, China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan and Korea, primary information on energy conservation in each country was collected, and the database was structured. This paper summarizes the achievements in fiscal 1996. Based on the survey result on the database project having been progressed to date, and on various data having been collected, this fiscal year has discussed structuring the database for distribution and proliferation of the database. In the discussion, requirements for the functions to be possessed by the database, items of data to be recorded in the database, and processing of the recorded data were put into order referring to propositions on the database circumstances. Demonstrations for the database of a proliferation version were performed in the Philippines, Indonesia and China. Three hundred CDs for distribution in each country were prepared. Adjustments and confirmation on operation of the supplied computers were carried out, and the operation explaining meetings were held in China and the Philippines. (NEDO)

  1. Danish Pancreatic Cancer Database

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fristrup, Claus; Detlefsen, Sönke; Palnæs Hansen, Carsten


    : Death is monitored using data from the Danish Civil Registry. This registry monitors the survival status of the Danish population, and the registration is virtually complete. All data in the database are audited by all participating institutions, with respect to baseline characteristics, key indicators......AIM OF DATABASE: The Danish Pancreatic Cancer Database aims to prospectively register the epidemiology, diagnostic workup, diagnosis, treatment, and outcome of patients with pancreatic cancer in Denmark at an institutional and national level. STUDY POPULATION: Since May 1, 2011, all patients...... with microscopically verified ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas have been registered in the database. As of June 30, 2014, the total number of patients registered was 2,217. All data are cross-referenced with the Danish Pathology Registry and the Danish Patient Registry to ensure the completeness of registrations...

  2. Functionally Graded Materials Database (United States)

    Kisara, Katsuto; Konno, Tomomi; Niino, Masayuki


    Functionally Graded Materials Database (hereinafter referred to as FGMs Database) was open to the society via Internet in October 2002, and since then it has been managed by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). As of October 2006, the database includes 1,703 research information entries with 2,429 researchers data, 509 institution data and so on. Reading materials such as "Applicability of FGMs Technology to Space Plane" and "FGMs Application to Space Solar Power System (SSPS)" were prepared in FY 2004 and 2005, respectively. The English version of "FGMs Application to Space Solar Power System (SSPS)" is now under preparation. This present paper explains the FGMs Database, describing the research information data, the sitemap and how to use it. From the access analysis, user access results and users' interests are discussed.

  3. [1012.5676] The Exoplanet Orbit Database (United States)

    : The Exoplanet Orbit Database Authors: Jason T Wright, Onsi Fakhouri, Geoffrey W. Marcy, Eunkyu Han present a database of well determined orbital parameters of exoplanets. This database comprises parameters, and the method used for the planets discovery. This Exoplanet Orbit Database includes all planets

  4. Nuclear materials thermo-physical property database and property analysis using the database

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Yeong Seok


    It is necessary that thermo-physical properties and understand of nuclear materials for evaluation and analysis to steady and accident states of commercial and research reactor. In this study, development of nuclear materials thermo-properties database and home page. In application of this database, it is analyzed of thermal conductivity, heat capacity, enthalpy, and linear thermal expansion of fuel and cladding material and compared thermo-properties model in nuclear fuel performance evaluation codes with experimental data in database. Results of compare thermo-property model of UO 2 fuel and cladding major performance evaluation code, both are similar

  5. Comparison of the Frontier Distributed Database Caching System with NoSQL Databases

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Non-relational "NoSQL" databases such as Cassandra and CouchDB are best known for their ability to scale to large numbers of clients spread over a wide area. The Frontier distributed database caching system, used in production by the Large Hadron Collider CMS and ATLAS detector projects, is based on traditional SQL databases but also has the same high scalability and wide-area distributability for an important subset of applications. This paper compares the architectures, behavior, performance, and maintainability of the two different approaches and identifies the criteria for choosing which approach to prefer over the other.

  6. NBIC: Search Ballast Report Database (United States)

    Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Logo US Coast Guard Logo Submit BW Report | Search NBIC Database developed an online database that can be queried through our website. Data are accessible for all coastal Lakes, have been incorporated into the NBIC database as of August 2004. Information on data availability

  7. Cloud database development and management

    CERN Document Server

    Chao, Lee


    Nowadays, cloud computing is almost everywhere. However, one can hardly find a textbook that utilizes cloud computing for teaching database and application development. This cloud-based database development book teaches both the theory and practice with step-by-step instructions and examples. This book helps readers to set up a cloud computing environment for teaching and learning database systems. The book will cover adequate conceptual content for students and IT professionals to gain necessary knowledge and hands-on skills to set up cloud based database systems.

  8. 47 CFR 15.713 - TV bands database. (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false TV bands database. 15.713 Section 15.713... TV bands database. (a) Purpose. The TV bands database serves the following functions: (1) To... databases. (b) Information in the TV bands database. (1) Facilities already recorded in Commission databases...

  9. Update History of This Database - ClEST | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  10. Update History of This Database - DB-SPIRE | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  11. Update History of This Database - RGP physicalmap | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  12. Update History of This Database - TMBETA-GENOME | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  13. Download - Open TG-GATEs Pathological Image Database | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  14. Image of Arabidopsis phenotype - Arabidopsis Phenome Database | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  15. Update History of This Database - CREATE portal | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  16. Update History of This Database - Plabrain DB | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  17. Update History of This Database - RGP caps | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  18. Update History of This Database - eSOL | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  19. Update History of This Database - RGP gmap | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  20. Draft secure medical database standard. (United States)

    Pangalos, George


    Medical database security is a particularly important issue for all Healthcare establishments. Medical information systems are intended to support a wide range of pertinent health issues today, for example: assure the quality of care, support effective management of the health services institutions, monitor and contain the cost of care, implement technology into care without violating social values, ensure the equity and availability of care, preserve humanity despite the proliferation of technology etc.. In this context, medical database security aims primarily to support: high availability, accuracy and consistency of the stored data, the medical professional secrecy and confidentiality, and the protection of the privacy of the patient. These properties, though of technical nature, basically require that the system is actually helpful for medical care and not harmful to patients. These later properties require in turn not only that fundamental ethical principles are not violated by employing database systems, but instead, are effectively enforced by technical means. This document reviews the existing and emerging work on the security of medical database systems. It presents in detail the related problems and requirements related to medical database security. It addresses the problems of medical database security policies, secure design methodologies and implementation techniques. It also describes the current legal framework and regulatory requirements for medical database security. The issue of medical database security guidelines is also examined in detailed. The current national and international efforts in the area are studied. It also gives an overview of the research work in the area. The document also presents in detail the most complete to our knowledge set of security guidelines for the development and operation of medical database systems.

  1. Databases of the marine metagenomics

    KAUST Repository

    Mineta, Katsuhiko


    The metagenomic data obtained from marine environments is significantly useful for understanding marine microbial communities. In comparison with the conventional amplicon-based approach of metagenomics, the recent shotgun sequencing-based approach has become a powerful tool that provides an efficient way of grasping a diversity of the entire microbial community at a sampling point in the sea. However, this approach accelerates accumulation of the metagenome data as well as increase of data complexity. Moreover, when metagenomic approach is used for monitoring a time change of marine environments at multiple locations of the seawater, accumulation of metagenomics data will become tremendous with an enormous speed. Because this kind of situation has started becoming of reality at many marine research institutions and stations all over the world, it looks obvious that the data management and analysis will be confronted by the so-called Big Data issues such as how the database can be constructed in an efficient way and how useful knowledge should be extracted from a vast amount of the data. In this review, we summarize the outline of all the major databases of marine metagenome that are currently publically available, noting that database exclusively on marine metagenome is none but the number of metagenome databases including marine metagenome data are six, unexpectedly still small. We also extend our explanation to the databases, as reference database we call, that will be useful for constructing a marine metagenome database as well as complementing important information with the database. Then, we would point out a number of challenges to be conquered in constructing the marine metagenome database.

  2. Directory of IAEA databases. 3. ed.

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This second edition of the Directory of IAEA Databases has been prepared within the Division of Scientific and Technical Information. Its main objective is to describe the computerized information sources available to staff members. This directory contains all databases produced at the IAEA, including databases stored on the mainframe, LAN's and PC's. All IAEA Division Directors have been requested to register the existence of their databases with NESI. For the second edition database owners were requested to review the existing entries for their databases and answer four additional questions. The four additional questions concerned the type of database (e.g. Bibliographic, Text, Statistical etc.), the category of database (e.g. Administrative, Nuclear Data etc.), the available documentation and the type of media used for distribution. In the individual entries on the following pages the answers to the first two questions (type and category) is always listed, but the answer to the second two questions (documentation and media) is only listed when information has been made available

  3. Database Replication Prototype


    Vandewall, R.


    This report describes the design of a Replication Framework that facilitates the implementation and com-parison of database replication techniques. Furthermore, it discusses the implementation of a Database Replication Prototype and compares the performance measurements of two replication techniques based on the Atomic Broadcast communication primitive: pessimistic active replication and optimistic active replication. The main contributions of this report can be split into four parts....

  4. Molecule database framework: a framework for creating database applications with chemical structure search capability. (United States)

    Kiener, Joos


    Research in organic chemistry generates samples of novel chemicals together with their properties and other related data. The involved scientists must be able to store this data and search it by chemical structure. There are commercial solutions for common needs like chemical registration systems or electronic lab notebooks. However for specific requirements of in-house databases and processes no such solutions exist. Another issue is that commercial solutions have the risk of vendor lock-in and may require an expensive license of a proprietary relational database management system. To speed up and simplify the development for applications that require chemical structure search capabilities, I have developed Molecule Database Framework. The framework abstracts the storing and searching of chemical structures into method calls. Therefore software developers do not require extensive knowledge about chemistry and the underlying database cartridge. This decreases application development time. Molecule Database Framework is written in Java and I created it by integrating existing free and open-source tools and frameworks. The core functionality includes:•Support for multi-component compounds (mixtures)•Import and export of SD-files•Optional security (authorization)For chemical structure searching Molecule Database Framework leverages the capabilities of the Bingo Cartridge for PostgreSQL and provides type-safe searching, caching, transactions and optional method level security. Molecule Database Framework supports multi-component chemical compounds (mixtures).Furthermore the design of entity classes and the reasoning behind it are explained. By means of a simple web application I describe how the framework could be used. I then benchmarked this example application to create some basic performance expectations for chemical structure searches and import and export of SD-files. By using a simple web application it was shown that Molecule Database Framework

  5. Database structure and file layout of Nuclear Power Plant Database. Database for design information on Light Water Reactors in Japan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamamoto, Nobuo; Izumi, Fumio.


    The Nuclear Power Plant Database (PPD) has been developed at the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) to provide plant design information on domestic Light Water Reactors (LWRs) to be used for nuclear safety research and so forth. This database can run on the main frame computer in the JAERI Tokai Establishment. The PPD contains the information on the plant design concepts, the numbers, capacities, materials, structures and types of equipment and components, etc, based on the safety analysis reports of the domestic LWRs. This report describes the details of the PPD focusing on the database structure and layout of data files so that the users can utilize it efficiently. (author)

  6. Cell Centred Database (CCDB) (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — The Cell Centered Database (CCDB) is a web accessible database for high resolution 2D, 3D and 4D data from light and electron microscopy, including correlated imaging.

  7. The plant phenological online database (PPODB): an online database for long-term phenological data (United States)

    Dierenbach, Jonas; Badeck, Franz-W.; Schaber, Jörg


    We present an online database that provides unrestricted and free access to over 16 million plant phenological observations from over 8,000 stations in Central Europe between the years 1880 and 2009. Unique features are (1) a flexible and unrestricted access to a full-fledged database, allowing for a wide range of individual queries and data retrieval, (2) historical data for Germany before 1951 ranging back to 1880, and (3) more than 480 curated long-term time series covering more than 100 years for individual phenological phases and plants combined over Natural Regions in Germany. Time series for single stations or Natural Regions can be accessed through a user-friendly graphical geo-referenced interface. The joint databases made available with the plant phenological database PPODB render accessible an important data source for further analyses of long-term changes in phenology. The database can be accessed via .

  8. JDD, Inc. Database (United States)

    Miller, David A., Jr.


    JDD Inc, is a maintenance and custodial contracting company whose mission is to provide their clients in the private and government sectors "quality construction, construction management and cleaning services in the most efficient and cost effective manners, (JDD, Inc. Mission Statement)." This company provides facilities support for Fort Riley in Fo,rt Riley, Kansas and the NASA John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field here in Cleveland, Ohio. JDD, Inc. is owned and operated by James Vaughn, who started as painter at NASA Glenn and has been working here for the past seventeen years. This summer I worked under Devan Anderson, who is the safety manager for JDD Inc. in the Logistics and Technical Information Division at Glenn Research Center The LTID provides all transportation, secretarial, security needs and contract management of these various services for the center. As a safety manager, my mentor provides Occupational Health and Safety Occupation (OSHA) compliance to all JDD, Inc. employees and handles all other issues (Environmental Protection Agency issues, workers compensation, safety and health training) involving to job safety. My summer assignment was not as considered "groundbreaking research" like many other summer interns have done in the past, but it is just as important and beneficial to JDD, Inc. I initially created a database using a Microsoft Excel program to classify and categorize data pertaining to numerous safety training certification courses instructed by our safety manager during the course of the fiscal year. This early portion of the database consisted of only data (training field index, employees who were present at these training courses and who was absent) from the training certification courses. Once I completed this phase of the database, I decided to expand the database and add as many dimensions to it as possible. Throughout the last seven weeks, I have been compiling more data from day to day operations and been adding the

  9. The flux database concerted action

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mitchell, N.G.; Donnelly, C.E.


    This paper summarizes the background to the UIR action on the development of a flux database for radionuclide transfer in soil-plant systems. The action is discussed in terms of the objectives, the deliverables and the progress achieved so far by the flux database working group. The paper describes the background to the current initiative and outlines specific features of the database and supporting documentation. Particular emphasis is placed on the proforma used for data entry, on the database help file and on the approach adopted to indicate data quality. Refs. 3 (author)

  10. NLTE4 Plasma Population Kinetics Database (United States)

    SRD 159 NLTE4 Plasma Population Kinetics Database (Web database for purchase)   This database contains benchmark results for simulation of plasma population kinetics and emission spectra. The data were contributed by the participants of the 4th Non-LTE Code Comparison Workshop who have unrestricted access to the database. The only limitation for other users is in hidden labeling of the output results. Guest users can proceed to the database entry page without entering userid and password.

  11. Ocean Drilling Program: Janus Web Database (United States)

    JANUS Database Send questions/comments about the online database Request data not available online Janus database Search the ODP/TAMU web site ODP's main web site Janus Data Model Data Migration Overview in Janus Data Types and Examples Leg 199, sunrise. Janus Web Database ODP and IODP data are stored in

  12. The Danish Cardiac Rehabilitation Database

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zwisler, Ann-Dorthe; Rossau, Henriette Knold; Nakano, Anne


    hospitals annually, with 75% receiving one or more outpatient rehabilitation services by 2015. The database has not yet been running for a full year, which explains the use of approximations. CONCLUSION: The DHRD is an online, national quality improvement database on CR, aimed at patients with CHD......AIM OF DATABASE: The Danish Cardiac Rehabilitation Database (DHRD) aims to improve the quality of cardiac rehabilitation (CR) to the benefit of patients with coronary heart disease (CHD). STUDY POPULATION: Hospitalized patients with CHD with stenosis on coronary angiography treated...... with percutaneous coronary intervention, coronary artery bypass grafting, or medication alone. Reporting is mandatory for all hospitals in Denmark delivering CR. The database was initially implemented in 2013 and was fully running from August 14, 2015, thus comprising data at a patient level from the latter date...

  13. Directory of IAEA databases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The first edition of the Directory of IAEA Databases is intended to describe the computerized information sources available to IAEA staff members. It contains a listing of all databases produced at the IAEA, together with information on their availability

  14. Database Description - RGP physicalmap | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available classification Plant databases - Rice Database classification Sequence Physical map Organism Taxonomy Name: ...inobe Journal: Nature Genetics (1994) 8: 365-372. External Links: Article title: Physical Mapping of Rice Ch...rnal: DNA Research (1997) 4(2): 133-140. External Links: Article title: Physical Mapping of Rice Chromosomes... T Sasaki Journal: Genome Research (1996) 6(10): 935-942. External Links: Article title: Physical mapping of

  15. Database Independent Migration of Objects into an Object-Relational Database

    CERN Document Server

    Ali, A; Munir, K; Waseem-Hassan, M; Willers, I


    CERN's (European Organization for Nuclear Research) WISDOM project [1] deals with the replication of data between homogeneous sources in a Wide Area Network (WAN) using the extensible Markup Language (XML). The last phase of the WISDOM (Wide-area, database Independent Serialization of Distributed Objects for data Migration) project [2], indicates the future directions for this work to be to incorporate heterogeneous sources as compared to homogeneous sources as described by [3]. This work will become essential for the CERN community once the need to transfer their legacy data to some other source, other then Objectivity [4], arises. Oracle 9i - an Object-Relational Database (including support for abstract data types, ADTs) appears to be a potential candidate for the physics event store in the CERN CMS experiment as suggested by [4] & [5]. Consequently this database has been selected for study. As a result of this work the HEP community will get a tool for migrating their data from Objectivity to Oracle9i.

  16. Ascertainment of acute liver injury in two European primary care databases. (United States)

    Ruigómez, A; Brauer, R; Rodríguez, L A García; Huerta, C; Requena, G; Gil, M; de Abajo, Francisco; Downey, G; Bate, A; Tepie, M Feudjo; de Groot, M; Schlienger, R; Reynolds, R; Klungel, O


    The purpose of this study was to ascertain acute liver injury (ALI) in primary care databases using different computer algorithms. The aim of this investigation was to study and compare the incidence of ALI in different primary care databases and using different definitions of ALI. The Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) in UK and the Spanish "Base de datos para la Investigación Farmacoepidemiológica en Atención Primaria" (BIFAP) were used. Both are primary care databases from which we selected individuals of all ages registered between January 2004 and December 2009. We developed two case definitions of idiopathic ALI using computer algorithms: (i) restrictive definition (definite cases) and (ii) broad definition (definite and probable cases). Patients presenting prior liver conditions were excluded. Manual review of potential cases was performed to confirm diagnosis, in a sample in CPRD (21%) and all potential cases in BIFAP. Incidence rates of ALI by age, sex and calendar year were calculated. In BIFAP, all cases considered definite after manual review had been detected with the computer algorithm as potential cases, and none came from the non-cases group. The restrictive definition of ALI had a low sensitivity but a very high specificity (95% in BIFAP) and showed higher rates of agreement between computer search and manual review compared to the broad definition. Higher incidence rates of definite ALI in 2008 were observed in BIFAP (3.01 (95% confidence interval (CI) 2.13-4.25) per 100,000 person-years than CPRD (1.35 (95% CI 1.03-1.78)). This study shows that it is feasible to identify ALI cases if restrictive selection criteria are used and the possibility to review additional information to rule out differential diagnoses. Our results confirm that idiopathic ALI is a very rare disease in the general population. Finally, the construction of a standard definition with predefined criteria facilitates the timely comparison across databases.

  17. Randomiseret klinisk undersøgelse af effekten af kognitiv adaptationstræning: design og metodediskussion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Jens Peter; Østergaard, Birte; Nordentoft, Merete


      Kognitiv adaptations træning er afprøvet gennem randomiserede studier i udlandet, men er ikke afprøvet på nydebuterede patienter, som modtager intensiv pleje og behandling. I denne artikel præsenteres et forskningsprojekt, som skal afgøre om kognitiv adaptations træning er velegnet i en dansk...... kontekst som supplement til nuværende tilbud til patienter med debuterende skizofreni. Studiet gennemføres som et randomiseret multicenter forsøg, hvor 164 konsekutivt inkluderede patienter fordeles til henholdsvis kognitiv adaptations træning og standardbehandling. Effekten af interventionen evalueres med......, fordelingsprocedure, bortfald, udvælgelse af patienter og sammenlignelighed mellem tilknyttede centre. Dette studie er det første studie, hvor kognitiv adaptations træning sammenlignes med et ambulant tilbud bestående af psykiatrisk behandling kombineret med hyppige hjemmebesøg ved distriktssygeplejersker. Studiet...

  18. The Danish Urogynaecological Database

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guldberg, Rikke; Brostrøm, Søren; Hansen, Jesper Kjær


    in the DugaBase from 1 January 2009 to 31 October 2010, using medical records as a reference. RESULTS: A total of 16,509 urogynaecological procedures were registered in the DugaBase by 31 December 2010. The database completeness has increased by calendar time, from 38.2 % in 2007 to 93.2 % in 2010 for public......INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: The Danish Urogynaecological Database (DugaBase) is a nationwide clinical database established in 2006 to monitor, ensure and improve the quality of urogynaecological surgery. We aimed to describe its establishment and completeness and to validate selected variables....... This is the first study based on data from the DugaBase. METHODS: The database completeness was calculated as a comparison between urogynaecological procedures reported to the Danish National Patient Registry and to the DugaBase. Validity was assessed for selected variables from a random sample of 200 women...

  19. Moving Observer Support for Databases

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bukauskas, Linas

    Interactive visual data explorations impose rigid requirements on database and visualization systems. Systems that visualize huge amounts of data tend to request large amounts of memory resources and heavily use the CPU to process and visualize data. Current systems employ a loosely coupled...... architecture to exchange data between database and visualization. Thus, the interaction of the visualizer and the database is kept to the minimum, which most often leads to superfluous data being passed from database to visualizer. This Ph.D. thesis presents a novel tight coupling of database and visualizer....... The thesis discusses the VR-tree, an extension of the R-tree that enables observer relative data extraction. To support incremental observer position relative data extraction the thesis proposes the Volatile Access Structure (VAST). VAST is a main memory structure that caches nodes of the VR-tree. VAST...

  20. Advances in knowledge discovery in databases

    CERN Document Server

    Adhikari, Animesh


    This book presents recent advances in Knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) with a focus on the areas of market basket database, time-stamped databases and multiple related databases. Various interesting and intelligent algorithms are reported on data mining tasks. A large number of association measures are presented, which play significant roles in decision support applications. This book presents, discusses and contrasts new developments in mining time-stamped data, time-based data analyses, the identification of temporal patterns, the mining of multiple related databases, as well as local patterns analysis.  

  1. Download - PGDBj Registered plant list, Marker list, QTL list, Plant DB link & Genome analysis methods | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available List Contact us PGDBj Registered plant list, Marker list, QTL list, Plant DB link & Genome analysis methods (36.3 KB) - 6 Genome analysis methods pgdbj_dna_marker_linkage_map_genome_analysis_methods_... of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Download - PGDBj Registered plant list, Marker list, QTL list, Plant DB link & Genome analysis methods | LSDB Archive ...

  2. Human Performance Event Database

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trager, E. A.


    The purpose of this paper is to describe several aspects of a Human Performance Event Database (HPED) that is being developed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. These include the background, the database structure and basis for the structure, the process for coding and entering event records, the results of preliminary analyses of information in the database, and plans for the future. In 1992, the Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data (AEOD) within the NRC decided to develop a database for information on human performance during operating events. The database was needed to help classify and categorize the information to help feedback operating experience information to licensees and others. An NRC interoffice working group prepared a list of human performance information that should be reported for events and the list was based on the Human Performance Investigation Process (HPIP) that had been developed by the NRC as an aid in investigating events. The structure of the HPED was based on that list. The HPED currently includes data on events described in augmented inspection team (AIT) and incident investigation team (IIT) reports from 1990 through 1996, AEOD human performance studies from 1990 through 1993, recent NRR special team inspections, and licensee event reports (LERs) that were prepared for the events. (author)

  3. Eficiencia en el uso de bases de datos digitales para la producción científica en universidades de Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cortés-Sánchez, Julián David


    Full Text Available This paper presents an assessment of efficiency in the use of digital databases (DD for scientific production in Colombian accredited universities in 2013. The methodology used was the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA. The number of DD and the number of tenured professors were used as input. The number of scientific publications indexed in Scopus was used as output. The results show an inefficient use of inputs to produce scientific publications at most of the universities analyzed. The policy recommendations are: the joint purchase of DD, the use of open access resources, and to adjust policies of incentives for research by international trends.Este trabajo presenta una evaluación de eficiencia en el uso de bases de datos digitales (BD para la producción científica en las universidades colombianas acreditadas en el año 2013. Se empleó como metodología el Análisis Envolvente de Datos (AED. Se emplearon como inputs el número de BD y el número de profesores de tiempo completo (PTC. Como outputs se empleó el número de documentos indexados en Scopus. Los resultados indican ineficiencia en el uso de inputs para la producción de documentos en la mayoría de las universidades analizadas. Como recomendaciones de política, se sugiere la compra conjunta de BD, el uso de recursos de libre acceso, y ajustar las políticas de incentivos para la investigación según tendencias internacionales.

  4. For mange svære ord i skriftlig kommunikation fra sundhedsvæsenet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thorsen, H.; Witt, K.; Brodersen, J.


    RESUME INTRODUKTION: Det kan være af vital betydning, at deltagere i f.eks. kliniske fors›g til fulde forstår det sprog, som informationerne er formuleret i. Det samme gælder for indlægssedler i lægemiddelpakninger. Formålet med dette projekt var at undersøge, hvor mange voksne danskere med læsef...

  5. Let's talk about it: dialogues with multimedia databases Database support for human activity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Vries, A.P.; van der Veer, Gerrit C.; Blanken, Henk

    We describe two scenarios of user tasks in which access to multimedia data plays a significant role. Because current multimedia databases cannot support these tasks, we introduce three new requirements on multimedia databases: multimedia objects should be active objects, querying is an interaction

  6. The AMMA database (United States)

    Boichard, Jean-Luc; Brissebrat, Guillaume; Cloche, Sophie; Eymard, Laurence; Fleury, Laurence; Mastrorillo, Laurence; Moulaye, Oumarou; Ramage, Karim


    The AMMA project includes aircraft, ground-based and ocean measurements, an intensive use of satellite data and diverse modelling studies. Therefore, the AMMA database aims at storing a great amount and a large variety of data, and at providing the data as rapidly and safely as possible to the AMMA research community. In order to stimulate the exchange of information and collaboration between researchers from different disciplines or using different tools, the database provides a detailed description of the products and uses standardized formats. The AMMA database contains: - AMMA field campaigns datasets; - historical data in West Africa from 1850 (operational networks and previous scientific programs); - satellite products from past and future satellites, (re-)mapped on a regular latitude/longitude grid and stored in NetCDF format (CF Convention); - model outputs from atmosphere or ocean operational (re-)analysis and forecasts, and from research simulations. The outputs are processed as the satellite products are. Before accessing the data, any user has to sign the AMMA data and publication policy. This chart only covers the use of data in the framework of scientific objectives and categorically excludes the redistribution of data to third parties and the usage for commercial applications. Some collaboration between data producers and users, and the mention of the AMMA project in any publication is also required. The AMMA database and the associated on-line tools have been fully developed and are managed by two teams in France (IPSL Database Centre, Paris and OMP, Toulouse). Users can access data of both data centres using an unique web portal. This website is composed of different modules : - Registration: forms to register, read and sign the data use chart when an user visits for the first time - Data access interface: friendly tool allowing to build a data extraction request by selecting various criteria like location, time, parameters... The request can

  7. SmallSat Database (United States)

    Petropulos, Dolores; Bittner, David; Murawski, Robert; Golden, Bert


    The SmallSat has an unrealized potential in both the private industry and in the federal government. Currently over 70 companies, 50 universities and 17 governmental agencies are involved in SmallSat research and development. In 1994, the U.S. Army Missile and Defense mapped the moon using smallSat imagery. Since then Smart Phones have introduced this imagery to the people of the world as diverse industries watched this trend. The deployment cost of smallSats is also greatly reduced compared to traditional satellites due to the fact that multiple units can be deployed in a single mission. Imaging payloads have become more sophisticated, smaller and lighter. In addition, the growth of small technology obtained from private industries has led to the more widespread use of smallSats. This includes greater revisit rates in imagery, significantly lower costs, the ability to update technology more frequently and the ability to decrease vulnerability of enemy attacks. The popularity of smallSats show a changing mentality in this fast paced world of tomorrow. What impact has this created on the NASA communication networks now and in future years? In this project, we are developing the SmallSat Relational Database which can support a simulation of smallSats within the NASA SCaN Compatability Environment for Networks and Integrated Communications (SCENIC) Modeling and Simulation Lab. The NASA Space Communications and Networks (SCaN) Program can use this modeling to project required network support needs in the next 10 to 15 years. The SmallSat Rational Database could model smallSats just as the other SCaN databases model the more traditional larger satellites, with a few exceptions. One being that the smallSat Database is designed to be built-to-order. The SmallSat database holds various hardware configurations that can be used to model a smallSat. It will require significant effort to develop as the research material can only be populated by hand to obtain the unique data

  8. Ensayos de pérdidas en vacío y con carga en transformadores mediante la adquisición de datos; No-load and load tests on transformer by data adquisition

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Josnier Ramos Guardarrama


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se muestra los resultados del uso de una herramienta informática para facilitar el diagnóstico de los transformadores en el área de pruebas de una fábrica. El sistema adquiere los datos através de un puerto serie del equipo de mediciones eléctricas multipropósito. Este método de realización de los ensayos permite agilizar la cantidad de transformadores analizados en el área de pruebas, incrementando la productividad de la fábrica en su conjunto. La creación de un informe final es posible mediante el volcado de la información directamente en la base de datos de la fábrica. Gracias a esto se reduce la necesidad de utilizar registros impresos para llevar la constancia de los ensayos. La base de datos es accedida a través de la red interna presente en las instalaciones de la fábrica. El programa está desarrollado mediante software libre, con una interface gráfica que facilita el trabajo.The results of the use of an informatic tool to make easy the diagnosis of the transformers in a factory's testing area are shown in the present work. The system acquired data through serial port in the multipurpose electrical measurements equipment. This method of realization of the tests allows expedites the quantity of transformers examined in the testing area, incrementing the productivity of the factory is aggregate. The creation of a final report is possible by means of the dump of the information directly in the database of the factory. Because of this, it is reduces the need of utilize print reports to save all test done. The database is accessed through the internal network in the factory. The program is developed using free software with a graphical interface that makes work easier.

  9. World Database of Happiness

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    R. Veenhoven (Ruut)


    textabstractABSTRACT The World Database of Happiness is an ongoing register of research on subjective appreciation of life. Its purpose is to make the wealth of scattered findings accessible, and to create a basis for further meta-analytic studies. The database involves four sections:

  10. Radiation safety research information database

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yukawa, Masae; Miyamoto, Kiriko; Takeda, Hiroshi; Kuroda, Noriko; Yamamoto, Kazuhiko


    National Institute of Radiological Sciences in Japan began to construct Radiation Safety Research Information Database' in 2001. The research information database is of great service to evaluate the effects of radiation on people by estimating exposure dose by determining radiation and radioactive matters in the environment. The above database (DB) consists of seven DB such as Nirs Air Borne Dust Survey DB, Nirs Environmental Tritium Survey DB, Nirs Environmental Carbon Survey DB, Environmental Radiation Levels, Abe, Metabolic Database for Assessment of Internal Dose, Graphs of Predicted Monitoring Data, and Nirs nuclear installation environment water tritium survey DB. Outline of DB and each DB are explained. (S.Y.)

  11. Core Data of Yeast Interacting Proteins Database (Original Version) - Yeast Interacting Proteins Database | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available y are in the reverse direction. *1 A comprehensive two-hybrid analysis to explore the yeast protein interact...s. 2000 Jan 1;28(1):73-6. *2 The yeast proteome database (YPD) and Caenorhabditis elegans proteome database (WormPD): comprehensive...000 Jan 1;28(1):73-6. *3 A comprehensive analysis of protein-protein interactions in Saccharomyces cerevisia

  12. WMC Database Evaluation. Case Study Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Palounek, Andrea P. T [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    The WMC Database is ultimately envisioned to hold a collection of experimental data, design information, and information from computational models. This project was a first attempt at using the Database to access experimental data and extract information from it. This evaluation shows that the Database concept is sound and robust, and that the Database, once fully populated, should remain eminently usable for future researchers.

  13. Integrating Variances into an Analytical Database (United States)

    Sanchez, Carlos


    For this project, I enrolled in numerous SATERN courses that taught the basics of database programming. These include: Basic Access 2007 Forms, Introduction to Database Systems, Overview of Database Design, and others. My main job was to create an analytical database that can handle many stored forms and make it easy to interpret and organize. Additionally, I helped improve an existing database and populate it with information. These databases were designed to be used with data from Safety Variances and DCR forms. The research consisted of analyzing the database and comparing the data to find out which entries were repeated the most. If an entry happened to be repeated several times in the database, that would mean that the rule or requirement targeted by that variance has been bypassed many times already and so the requirement may not really be needed, but rather should be changed to allow the variance's conditions permanently. This project did not only restrict itself to the design and development of the database system, but also worked on exporting the data from the database to a different format (e.g. Excel or Word) so it could be analyzed in a simpler fashion. Thanks to the change in format, the data was organized in a spreadsheet that made it possible to sort the data by categories or types and helped speed up searches. Once my work with the database was done, the records of variances could be arranged so that they were displayed in numerical order, or one could search for a specific document targeted by the variances and restrict the search to only include variances that modified a specific requirement. A great part that contributed to my learning was SATERN, NASA's resource for education. Thanks to the SATERN online courses I took over the summer, I was able to learn many new things about computers and databases and also go more in depth into topics I already knew about.



    Cristina-Maria Titrade


    This paper presents some security issues, namely security database system level, data level security, user-level security, user management, resource management and password management. Security is a constant concern in the design and database development. Usually, there are no concerns about the existence of security, but rather how large it should be. A typically DBMS has several levels of security, in addition to those offered by the operating system or network. Typically, a DBMS has user a...

  15. A novel approach: chemical relational databases, and the role of the ISSCAN database on assessing chemical carcinogenicity. (United States)

    Benigni, Romualdo; Bossa, Cecilia; Richard, Ann M; Yang, Chihae


    Mutagenicity and carcinogenicity databases are crucial resources for toxicologists and regulators involved in chemicals risk assessment. Until recently, existing public toxicity databases have been constructed primarily as "look-up-tables" of existing data, and most often did not contain chemical structures. Concepts and technologies originated from the structure-activity relationships science have provided powerful tools to create new types of databases, where the effective linkage of chemical toxicity with chemical structure can facilitate and greatly enhance data gathering and hypothesis generation, by permitting: a) exploration across both chemical and biological domains; and b) structure-searchability through the data. This paper reviews the main public databases, together with the progress in the field of chemical relational databases, and presents the ISSCAN database on experimental chemical carcinogens.

  16. An Online Database Producer's Memoirs and Memories of an Online Pioneer and The Database Industry: Looking into the Future. (United States)

    Kollegger, James G.; And Others


    In the first of three articles, the producer of Energyline, Energynet, and Tele/Scope recalls the development of the databases and database business strategies. The second describes the development of biomedical online databases, and the third discusses future developments, including full text databases, database producers as online host, and…

  17. Update History of This Database - Gene Name Thesaurus | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  18. Update History of This Database - PGDBj - Ortholog DB | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  19. Update History of This Database - RED II INAHO | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  20. Update History of This Database - Dicty_cDB | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  1. Update History of This Database - RGP gmap2000 | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  2. Update History of This Database - ChIP-Atlas | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  3. Update History of This Database - RGP estmap2001 | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available search(/contents-en/) != -1 || != -1 ) { document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=.../) != -1 ) { url = url.replace(-e.html,.html); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese |...en/,/jp/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if ( != -1 ) { url = url.replace(/contents/,/contents-en/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanes...e(/contents-en/,/contents/); document.getElementById(lang).innerHTML=[ Japanese | English ]; } else if( url.

  4. Database in Artificial Intelligence. (United States)

    Wilkinson, Julia


    Describes a specialist bibliographic database of literature in the field of artificial intelligence created by the Turing Institute (Glasgow, Scotland) using the BRS/Search information retrieval software. The subscription method for end-users--i.e., annual fee entitles user to unlimited access to database, document provision, and printed awareness…

  5. SAADA: Astronomical Databases Made Easier (United States)

    Michel, L.; Nguyen, H. N.; Motch, C.


    Many astronomers wish to share datasets with their community but have not enough manpower to develop databases having the functionalities required for high-level scientific applications. The SAADA project aims at automatizing the creation and deployment process of such databases. A generic but scientifically relevant data model has been designed which allows one to build databases by providing only a limited number of product mapping rules. Databases created by SAADA rely on a relational database supporting JDBC and covered by a Java layer including a lot of generated code. Such databases can simultaneously host spectra, images, source lists and plots. Data are grouped in user defined collections whose content can be seen as one unique set per data type even if their formats differ. Datasets can be correlated one with each other using qualified links. These links help, for example, to handle the nature of a cross-identification (e.g., a distance or a likelihood) or to describe their scientific content (e.g., by associating a spectrum to a catalog entry). The SAADA query engine is based on a language well suited to the data model which can handle constraints on linked data, in addition to classical astronomical queries. These constraints can be applied on the linked objects (number, class and attributes) and/or on the link qualifier values. Databases created by SAADA are accessed through a rich WEB interface or a Java API. We are currently developing an inter-operability module implanting VO protocols.

  6. Database thinking development in Context of School Education


    Panský, Mikoláš


    The term database thinking is understood as group of Competencies that enables working with Database System. Database thinking development is targeted educational incidence to student with the expected outcome ability working with Database system. Thesis is focused on problematic of purposes, content and methods of database thinking development. Experimental part proposes quantitative metrics for database thinking development. KEYWORDS: Education, Database, Database thinking, Structured Query...

  7. Brain Tumor Database, a free relational database for collection and analysis of brain tumor patient information. (United States)

    Bergamino, Maurizio; Hamilton, David J; Castelletti, Lara; Barletta, Laura; Castellan, Lucio


    In this study, we describe the development and utilization of a relational database designed to manage the clinical and radiological data of patients with brain tumors. The Brain Tumor Database was implemented using MySQL v.5.0, while the graphical user interface was created using PHP and HTML, thus making it easily accessible through a web browser. This web-based approach allows for multiple institutions to potentially access the database. The BT Database can record brain tumor patient information (e.g. clinical features, anatomical attributes, and radiological characteristics) and be used for clinical and research purposes. Analytic tools to automatically generate statistics and different plots are provided. The BT Database is a free and powerful user-friendly tool with a wide range of possible clinical and research applications in neurology and neurosurgery. The BT Database graphical user interface source code and manual are freely available at © The Author(s) 2013.

  8. CD-ROM for the PGAA-IAEA database

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Firestone, R.B.; Zerking, V.


    Both the database of prompt gamma rays from slow neutron capture for elemental analysis and the results of this CRP are available on the accompanying CD-ROM. The file index.html is the home page for the CD-ROM, and provides links to the following information: (a) The CRP - General information, papers and reports relevant to this CRP. (b) The PGAA-IAEA database viewer - An interactive program to display and search the PGAA database by isotope, energy or capture cross-section. (c) The Database of Prompt Gamma Rays from Slow Neutron Capture for Elemental Analysis - This report. (d) The PGAA database files - Adopted PGAA database and associated files in EXCEL, PDF and Text formats. The archival databases by Lone et al. and by Reedy and Frankle are also available. (e) The Evaluated Gamma-Ray Activation File (EGAF) - The adopted PGAA database in ENSDF format. Data can be viewed with the Isotope Explorer 2.2 ENSDF Viewer. (f) The PGAA database evaluation - ENSDF format versions of the adopted PGAA database, and the Budapest and ENSDF isotopic input files. Decay scheme balance and statistical analysis summaries are provided. (g) The Isotope Explorer 2.2 ENSDF viewer - Windows software for viewing the level scheme drawings and tables provided in ENSDF format. The complete ENSDF database is included, as of December 2002. The databases and viewers are discussed in greater detail in the following sections

  9. Electron Inelastic-Mean-Free-Path Database (United States)

    SRD 71 NIST Electron Inelastic-Mean-Free-Path Database (PC database, no charge)   This database provides values of electron inelastic mean free paths (IMFPs) for use in quantitative surface analyses by AES and XPS.

  10. ECMDB: The E. coli Metabolome Database


    Guo, An Chi; Jewison, Timothy; Wilson, Michael; Liu, Yifeng; Knox, Craig; Djoumbou, Yannick; Lo, Patrick; Mandal, Rupasri; Krishnamurthy, Ram; Wishart, David S.


    The Escherichia coli Metabolome Database (ECMDB, is a comprehensively annotated metabolomic database containing detailed information about the metabolome of E. coli (K-12). Modelled closely on the Human and Yeast Metabolome Databases, the ECMDB contains >2600 metabolites with links to ?1500 different genes and proteins, including enzymes and transporters. The information in the ECMDB has been collected from dozens of textbooks, journal articles and electronic databases. E...

  11. The Xeno-glycomics database (XDB): a relational database of qualitative and quantitative pig glycome repertoire. (United States)

    Park, Hae-Min; Park, Ju-Hyeong; Kim, Yoon-Woo; Kim, Kyoung-Jin; Jeong, Hee-Jin; Jang, Kyoung-Soon; Kim, Byung-Gee; Kim, Yun-Gon


    In recent years, the improvement of mass spectrometry-based glycomics techniques (i.e. highly sensitive, quantitative and high-throughput analytical tools) has enabled us to obtain a large dataset of glycans. Here we present a database named Xeno-glycomics database (XDB) that contains cell- or tissue-specific pig glycomes analyzed with mass spectrometry-based techniques, including a comprehensive pig glycan information on chemical structures, mass values, types and relative quantities. It was designed as a user-friendly web-based interface that allows users to query the database according to pig tissue/cell types or glycan masses. This database will contribute in providing qualitative and quantitative information on glycomes characterized from various pig cells/organs in xenotransplantation and might eventually provide new targets in the α1,3-galactosyltransferase gene-knock out pigs era. The database can be accessed on the web at

  12. The ATLAS TAGS database distribution and management - Operational challenges of a multi-terabyte distributed database

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Viegas, F; Nairz, A; Goossens, L; Malon, D; Cranshaw, J; Dimitrov, G; Nowak, M; Gamboa, C; Gallas, E; Wong, A; Vinek, E


    The TAG files store summary event quantities that allow a quick selection of interesting events. This data will be produced at a nominal rate of 200 Hz, and is uploaded into a relational database for access from websites and other tools. The estimated database volume is 6TB per year, making it the largest application running on the ATLAS relational databases, at CERN and at other voluntary sites. The sheer volume and high rate of production makes this application a challenge to data and resource management, in many aspects. This paper will focus on the operational challenges of this system. These include: uploading the data from files to the CERN's and remote sites' databases; distributing the TAG metadata that is essential to guide the user through event selection; controlling resource usage of the database, from the user query load to the strategy of cleaning and archiving of old TAG data.

  13. Prototype Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies: Branded Food Products Database for Public Health Proof of Concept (United States)

    The Prototype Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies (Prototype FNDDS) Branded Food Products Database for Public Health is a proof of concept database. The database contains a small selection of food products which is being used to exhibit the approach for incorporation of the Branded Food ...

  14. Update History of This Database - FANTOM5 | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available CAGE TSS aggregation 」 「 CAGE peaks 」 2015/12/07 FANTOM5 archive site is opened. (Archive V1) 2014/03/27 FANTOM5 ( http://fantom...switchLanguage; BLAST Search Image Search Home About Archive Update History Data List Contact us FANTOM...5 Update History of This Database Date Update contents 2017/03/14 FANTOM5 English arch...escription Download License Update History of This Database Site Policy | Contact Us Update History of This Database - FANTOM5 | LSDB Archive ...

  15. Product Licenses Database Application

    CERN Document Server

    Tonkovikj, Petar


    The goal of this project is to organize and centralize the data about software tools available to CERN employees, as well as provide a system that would simplify the license management process by providing information about the available licenses and their expiry dates. The project development process is consisted of two steps: modeling the products (software tools), product licenses, legal agreements and other data related to these entities in a relational database and developing the front-end user interface so that the user can interact with the database. The result is an ASP.NET MVC web application with interactive views for displaying and managing the data in the underlying database.



    Abdulganiyu Abdu Yusuf; Zahraddeen Sufyanu; Kabir Yusuf Mamman; Abubakar Umar Suleiman


    Bioinformatics is the application of computational tools to capture and interpret biological data. It has wide applications in drug development, crop improvement, agricultural biotechnology and forensic DNA analysis. There are various databases available to researchers in bioinformatics. These databases are customized for a specific need and are ranged in size, scope, and purpose. The main drawbacks of bioinformatics databases include redundant information, constant change, data spread over m...

  17. Atomic Spectra Database (ASD) (United States)

    SRD 78 NIST Atomic Spectra Database (ASD) (Web, free access)   This database provides access and search capability for NIST critically evaluated data on atomic energy levels, wavelengths, and transition probabilities that are reasonably up-to-date. The NIST Atomic Spectroscopy Data Center has carried out these critical compilations.

  18. Network and Database Security: Regulatory Compliance, Network, and Database Security - A Unified Process and Goal


    Errol A. Blake


    Database security has evolved; data security professionals have developed numerous techniques and approaches to assure data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. This paper will show that the Traditional Database Security, which has focused primarily on creating user accounts and managing user privileges to database objects are not enough to protect data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. This paper is a compilation of different journals, articles and classroom discussions ...

  19. De-identifying an EHR Database

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauesen, Søren; Pantazos, Kostas; Lippert, Søren


    -identified a Danish EHR database with 437,164 patients. The goal was to generate a version with real medical records, but related to artificial persons. We developed a de-identification algorithm that uses lists of named entities, simple language analysis, and special rules. Our algorithm consists of 3 steps: collect...... lists of identifiers from the database and external resources, define a replacement for each identifier, and replace identifiers in structured data and free text. Some patient records could not be safely de-identified, so the de-identified database has 323,122 patient records with an acceptable degree...... of anonymity, readability and correctness (F-measure of 95%). The algorithm has to be adjusted for each culture, language and database....

  20. Security Research on Engineering Database System

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    Engine engineering database system is an oriented C AD applied database management system that has the capability managing distributed data. The paper discusses the security issue of the engine engineering database management system (EDBMS). Through studying and analyzing the database security, to draw a series of securi ty rules, which reach B1, level security standard. Which includes discretionary access control (DAC), mandatory access control (MAC) and audit. The EDBMS implem ents functions of DAC, ...

  1. The Lung Image Database Consortium (LIDC) and Image Database Resource Initiative (IDRI): A Completed Reference Database of Lung Nodules on CT Scans

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Purpose: The development of computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) methods for lung nodule detection, classification, and quantitative assessment can be facilitated through a well-characterized repository of computed tomography (CT) scans. The Lung Image Database Consortium (LIDC) and Image Database Resource Initiative (IDRI) completed such a database, establishing a publicly available reference for the medical imaging research community. Initiated by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), further advanced by the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH), and accompanied by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) through active participation, this public-private partnership demonstrates the success of a consortium founded on a consensus-based process. Methods: Seven academic centers and eight medical imaging companies collaborated to identify, address, and resolve challenging organizational, technical, and clinical issues to provide a solid foundation for a robust database. The LIDC/IDRI Database contains 1018 cases, each of which includes images from a clinical thoracic CT scan and an associated XML file that records the results of a two-phase image annotation process performed by four experienced thoracic radiologists. In the initial blinded-read phase, each radiologist independently reviewed each CT scan and marked lesions belonging to one of three categories (''nodule≥3 mm,''''nodule<3 mm,'' and ''non-nodule≥3 mm''). In the subsequent unblinded-read phase, each radiologist independently reviewed their own marks along with the anonymized marks of the three other radiologists to render a final opinion. The goal of this process was to identify as completely as possible all lung nodules in each CT scan without requiring forced consensus. Results: The Database contains 7371 lesions marked ''nodule'' by at least one radiologist. 2669 of these lesions were marked ''nodule≥3 mm'' by at least one radiologist, of which 928 (34.7%) received such marks from all

  2. JT-60 database system, 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Itoh, Yasuhiro; Kurihara, Kenichi; Kimura, Toyoaki.


    The JT-60 central control system, ''ZENKEI'' collects the control and instrumentation data relevant to discharge and device status data for plant monitoring. The former of the engineering data amounts to about 3 Mbytes per shot of discharge. The ''ZENKEI'' control system which consists of seven minicomputers for on-line real-time control has little performance of handling such a large amount of data for physical and engineering analysis. In order to solve this problem, it was planned to establish the experimental database on the Front-end Processor (FEP) of general purpose large computer in JAERI Computer Center. The database management system (DBMS), therefore, has been developed for creating the database during the shot interval. The engineering data are shipped up from ''ZENKEI'' to FEP through the dedicated communication line after the shot. The hierarchical data model has been adopted in this database, which consists of the data files with tree structure of three keys of system, discharge type and shot number. The JT-60 DBMS provides the data handling packages of subroutines for interfacing the database with user's application programs. The subroutine packages for supporting graphic processing and the function of access control for security of the database are also prepared in this DBMS. (author)

  3. National Geographic en España (1997-2007

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vicente Domínguez, Aída María de


    Full Text Available En español: La investigación tiene como objeto de estudio aportar la historia de la edición en español de la revista National Geographic en su primera década de existencia (1997-2007, y analizar su evolución en este periodo cronológico. La metodología ha consistido en una revisión bibliográfica en repertorios, catálogos, metabuscadores, y diversas bases de datos (Teseo, TDR, Dialnet, Compludoc, Rebiun, CSIC, junto a una entrevista personal y exclusiva al director de la revista en España, Josep Cabello. Tras recopilar los datos históricos, para analizar su evolución (contenidos, publicidad, difusión y suscriptores, se han tomado como base de estudio los datos aportados por la Oficina de Justificación de la Difusión y otros elaborados por la analista. Los resultados aportan la historia de la revista, y desvelan que la edición española de National Geographic se convierte en su primera década de existencia en una de las revistas de referencia en el campo de la divulgación científica en España.In english: The investigation aims study provide the history of the Spanish edition of National Geographic magazine in its first decade of existence (1997-2007, and to analyze its evolution in this chronological period. The methodology has consisted in a bibliographic review on directories, catalogs, metasearch, and various databases (Teseo, TDR, Dialnet, Compludoc, Rebiun, CSIC along with a personal interview and exclusive to the director of the magazine in Spain, Joseph Cabello. After collecting historical data, to analyze its evolution (content, adversiting, diffusion and subscribers has been taken as a basis for study data provides by the Office of Justification for Dissemination and others prepared by the analyst. The results provide the history of the magazine, and reveal that the Spanish edition of National Geographic becomes its first decade of existence in one of the reference magazine in the field of popular science in Spain.

  4. Surgery Risk Assessment (SRA) Database (United States)

    Department of Veterans Affairs — The Surgery Risk Assessment (SRA) database is part of the VA Surgical Quality Improvement Program (VASQIP). This database contains assessments of selected surgical...

  5. KALIMER design database development and operation manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Kwan Seong; Hahn, Do Hee; Lee, Yong Bum; Chang, Won Pyo


    KALIMER Design Database is developed to utilize the integration management for Liquid Metal Reactor Design Technology Development using Web Applications. KALIMER Design database consists of Results Database, Inter-Office Communication (IOC), 3D CAD database, Team Cooperation System, and Reserved Documents. Results Database is a research results database for mid-term and long-term nuclear R and D. IOC is a linkage control system inter sub project to share and integrate the research results for KALIMER. 3D CAD Database is a schematic design overview for KALIMER. Team Cooperation System is to inform team member of research cooperation and meetings. Finally, KALIMER Reserved Documents is developed to manage collected data and several documents since project accomplishment

  6. Databases for INDUS-1 and INDUS-2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Merh, Bhavna N.; Fatnani, Pravin


    The databases for Indus are relational databases designed to store various categories of data related to the accelerator. The data archiving and retrieving system in Indus is based on a client/sever model. A general purpose commercial database is used to store parameters and equipment data for the whole machine. The database manages configuration, on-line and historical databases. On line and off line applications distributed in several systems can store and retrieve the data from the database over the network. This paper describes the structure of databases for Indus-1 and Indus-2 and their integration within the software architecture. The data analysis, design, resulting data-schema and implementation issues are discussed. (author)

  7. KALIMER design database development and operation manual

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jeong, Kwan Seong; Hahn, Do Hee; Lee, Yong Bum; Chang, Won Pyo


    KALIMER Design Database is developed to utilize the integration management for Liquid Metal Reactor Design Technology Development using Web Applications. KALIMER Design database consists of Results Database, Inter-Office Communication (IOC), 3D CAD database, Team Cooperation System, and Reserved Documents. Results Database is a research results database for mid-term and long-term nuclear R and D. IOC is a linkage control system inter sub project to share and integrate the research results for KALIMER. 3D CAD Database is a schematic design overview for KALIMER. Team Cooperation System is to inform team member of research cooperation and meetings. Finally, KALIMER Reserved Documents is developed to manage collected data and several documents since project accomplishment.

  8. The ATLAS TAGS database distribution and management - Operational challenges of a multi-terabyte distributed database

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Viegas, F; Nairz, A; Goossens, L [CERN, CH-1211 Geneve 23 (Switzerland); Malon, D; Cranshaw, J [Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Avenue, Argonne, IL 60439 (United States); Dimitrov, G [DESY, D-22603 Hamburg (Germany); Nowak, M; Gamboa, C [Brookhaven National Laboratory, PO Box 5000 Upton, NY 11973-5000 (United States); Gallas, E [University of Oxford, Denys Wilkinson Building, Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3RH (United Kingdom); Wong, A [Triumf, 4004 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T 2A3 (Canada); Vinek, E [University of Vienna, Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1, 1010 Vienna (Austria)


    The TAG files store summary event quantities that allow a quick selection of interesting events. This data will be produced at a nominal rate of 200 Hz, and is uploaded into a relational database for access from websites and other tools. The estimated database volume is 6TB per year, making it the largest application running on the ATLAS relational databases, at CERN and at other voluntary sites. The sheer volume and high rate of production makes this application a challenge to data and resource management, in many aspects. This paper will focus on the operational challenges of this system. These include: uploading the data from files to the CERN's and remote sites' databases; distributing the TAG metadata that is essential to guide the user through event selection; controlling resource usage of the database, from the user query load to the strategy of cleaning and archiving of old TAG data.

  9. An Integrated Molecular Database on Indian Insects. (United States)

    Pratheepa, Maria; Venkatesan, Thiruvengadam; Gracy, Gandhi; Jalali, Sushil Kumar; Rangheswaran, Rajagopal; Antony, Jomin Cruz; Rai, Anil


    MOlecular Database on Indian Insects (MODII) is an online database linking several databases like Insect Pest Info, Insect Barcode Information System (IBIn), Insect Whole Genome sequence, Other Genomic Resources of National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources (NBAIR), Whole Genome sequencing of Honey bee viruses, Insecticide resistance gene database and Genomic tools. This database was developed with a holistic approach for collecting information about phenomic and genomic information of agriculturally important insects. This insect resource database is available online for free at

  10. Urinary EN-2 to predict prostate cancer: Systematic review and meta-analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Inês da Rosa

    Full Text Available Summary Introduction: Prostate cancer is the second type of cancer diagnosed and the fifth cause of death in men worldwide. Early diagnosis helps to control disease progression. Currently, prostate specific antigen is the standard biomarker, as it has a broad scope of identification and, thus, new and more specific biomarkers must be studied. Objective: To evaluate the accuracy of engrailed-2 protein (EN2 in urine as a prostate cancer biomarker. Method: A comprehensive search was conducted in the period from January 2005 to July 2016 using the following electronic databases: Medline (PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library and Lilacs. The keywords used in the databases were: "engrailed-2," "EN2," "prostatic neoplasms." The search was limited to humans and there was no language restriction. Critical appraisal of the included studies was performed according to Quadas-2. Statistical analysis was performed using Meta-DiSc® and RevMan 5.3 softwares. Results: A total of 248 studies were identified. After title and abstract screening, 231 studies were removed. A total of 17 studies were read in full and two studies were included in the meta-analysis. The pooled sensitivity was 66% (95CI 0.56-0.75 and specificity was 89% (95CI 0.86-0.92. The DOR was 15.08 (95CI 8.43-26.97. Conclusion: The EN2 test showed high specificity (89% and low sensitivity (66%.

  11. Physical database design using Oracle

    CERN Document Server

    Burleson, Donald K


    INTRODUCTION TO ORACLE PHYSICAL DESIGNPrefaceRelational Databases and Physical DesignSystems Analysis and Physical Database DesignIntroduction to Logical Database DesignEntity/Relation ModelingBridging between Logical and Physical ModelsPhysical Design Requirements Validation PHYSICAL ENTITY DESIGN FOR ORACLEData Relationships and Physical DesignMassive De-Normalization: STAR Schema DesignDesigning Class HierarchiesMaterialized Views and De-NormalizationReferential IntegrityConclusionORACLE HARDWARE DESIGNPlanning the Server EnvironmentDesigning the Network Infrastructure for OracleOracle Netw

  12. RDD Databases (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This database was established to oversee documents issued in support of fishery research activities including experimental fishing permits (EFP), letters of...



    Raied Salman


    In many business organizations, database applications are designed and implemented using various DBMS and Programming Languages. These applications are used to maintain databases for the organizations. The organization departments can be located at different locations and can be connected by intranet environment. In such environment maintenance of database records become an assignment of complexity which needs to be resolved. In this paper an intranet application is designed an...

  14. BioWarehouse: a bioinformatics database warehouse toolkit. (United States)

    Lee, Thomas J; Pouliot, Yannick; Wagner, Valerie; Gupta, Priyanka; Stringer-Calvert, David W J; Tenenbaum, Jessica D; Karp, Peter D


    This article addresses the problem of interoperation of heterogeneous bioinformatics databases. We introduce BioWarehouse, an open source toolkit for constructing bioinformatics database warehouses using the MySQL and Oracle relational database managers. BioWarehouse integrates its component databases into a common representational framework within a single database management system, thus enabling multi-database queries using the Structured Query Language (SQL) but also facilitating a variety of database integration tasks such as comparative analysis and data mining. BioWarehouse currently supports the integration of a pathway-centric set of databases including ENZYME, KEGG, and BioCyc, and in addition the UniProt, GenBank, NCBI Taxonomy, and CMR databases, and the Gene Ontology. Loader tools, written in the C and JAVA languages, parse and load these databases into a relational database schema. The loaders also apply a degree of semantic normalization to their respective source data, decreasing semantic heterogeneity. The schema supports the following bioinformatics datatypes: chemical compounds, biochemical reactions, metabolic pathways, proteins, genes, nucleic acid sequences, features on protein and nucleic-acid sequences, organisms, organism taxonomies, and controlled vocabularies. As an application example, we applied BioWarehouse to determine the fraction of biochemically characterized enzyme activities for which no sequences exist in the public sequence databases. The answer is that no sequence exists for 36% of enzyme activities for which EC numbers have been assigned. These gaps in sequence data significantly limit the accuracy of genome annotation and metabolic pathway prediction, and are a barrier for metabolic engineering. Complex queries of this type provide examples of the value of the data warehousing approach to bioinformatics research. BioWarehouse embodies significant progress on the database integration problem for bioinformatics.

  15. Mobile Source Observation Database (MSOD) (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — The Mobile Source Observation Database (MSOD) is a relational database being developed by the Assessment and Standards Division (ASD) of the US Environmental...

  16. Jelly Views : Extending Relational Database Systems Toward Deductive Database Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Igor Wojnicki


    Full Text Available This paper regards the Jelly View technology, which provides a new, practical methodology for knowledge decomposition, storage, and retrieval within Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS. Intensional Knowledge clauses (rules are decomposed and stored in the RDBMS founding reusable components. The results of the rule-based processing are visible as regular views, accessible through SQL. From the end-user point of view the processing capability becomes unlimited (arbitrarily complex queries can be constructed using Intensional Knowledge, while the most external queries are expressed with standard SQL. The RDBMS functionality becomes extended toward that of the Deductive Databases

  17. Authority Control and Linked Bibliographic Databases. (United States)

    Clack, Doris H.


    Explores issues related to bibliographic database authority control, including the nature of standards, quality control, library cooperation, centralized and decentralized databases and authority control systems, and economic considerations. The implications of authority control for linking large scale databases are discussed. (18 references)…

  18. Security aspects of database systems implementation


    Pokorný, Tomáš


    The aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive overview of database systems security. Reader is introduced into the basis of information security and its development. Following chapter defines a concept of database system security using ISO/IEC 27000 Standard. The findings from this chapter form a complex list of requirements on database security. One chapter also deals with legal aspects of this domain. Second part of this thesis offers a comparison of four object-relational database s...

  19. Relational Databases and Biomedical Big Data. (United States)

    de Silva, N H Nisansa D


    In various biomedical applications that collect, handle, and manipulate data, the amounts of data tend to build up and venture into the range identified as bigdata. In such occurrences, a design decision has to be taken as to what type of database would be used to handle this data. More often than not, the default and classical solution to this in the biomedical domain according to past research is relational databases. While this used to be the norm for a long while, it is evident that there is a trend to move away from relational databases in favor of other types and paradigms of databases. However, it still has paramount importance to understand the interrelation that exists between biomedical big data and relational databases. This chapter will review the pros and cons of using relational databases to store biomedical big data that previous researches have discussed and used.

  20. Development and application of nuclear power operation database

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shao Juying; Fang Zhaoxia


    The article describes the development of the Nuclear Power Operation Database which include Domestic and Overseas Nuclear Event Scale Database, Overseas Nuclear Power Operation Abnormal Event Database, Overseas Nuclear Power Operation General Reliability Database and Qinshan Nuclear Power Operation Abnormal Event Database. The development includes data collection and analysis, database construction and code design, database management system selection. The application of the database to provide support to the safety analysis of the NPPs which have been in commercial operation is also introduced

  1. The CATH database

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Knudsen Michael


    Full Text Available Abstract The CATH database provides hierarchical classification of protein domains based on their folding patterns. Domains are obtained from protein structures deposited in the Protein Data Bank and both domain identification and subsequent classification use manual as well as automated procedures. The accompanying website provides an easy-to-use entry to the classification, allowing for both browsing and downloading of data. Here, we give a brief review of the database, its corresponding website and some related tools.

  2. Linking genotypes database with locus-specific database and genotype-phenotype correlation in phenylketonuria. (United States)

    Wettstein, Sarah; Underhaug, Jarl; Perez, Belen; Marsden, Brian D; Yue, Wyatt W; Martinez, Aurora; Blau, Nenad


    The wide range of metabolic phenotypes in phenylketonuria is due to a large number of variants causing variable impairment in phenylalanine hydroxylase function. A total of 834 phenylalanine hydroxylase gene variants from the locus-specific database PAHvdb and genotypes of 4181 phenylketonuria patients from the BIOPKU database were characterized using FoldX, SIFT Blink, Polyphen-2 and SNPs3D algorithms. Obtained data was correlated with residual enzyme activity, patients' phenotype and tetrahydrobiopterin responsiveness. A descriptive analysis of both databases was compiled and an interactive viewer in PAHvdb database was implemented for structure visualization of missense variants. We found a quantitative relationship between phenylalanine hydroxylase protein stability and enzyme activity (r(s) = 0.479), between protein stability and allelic phenotype (r(s) = -0.458), as well as between enzyme activity and allelic phenotype (r(s) = 0.799). Enzyme stability algorithms (FoldX and SNPs3D), allelic phenotype and enzyme activity were most powerful to predict patients' phenotype and tetrahydrobiopterin response. Phenotype prediction was most accurate in deleterious genotypes (≈ 100%), followed by homozygous (92.9%), hemizygous (94.8%), and compound heterozygous genotypes (77.9%), while tetrahydrobiopterin response was correctly predicted in 71.0% of all cases. To our knowledge this is the largest study using algorithms for the prediction of patients' phenotype and tetrahydrobiopterin responsiveness in phenylketonuria patients, using data from the locus-specific and genotypes database.

  3. LHCb distributed conditions database

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clemencic, M


    The LHCb Conditions Database project provides the necessary tools to handle non-event time-varying data. The main users of conditions are reconstruction and analysis processes, which are running on the Grid. To allow efficient access to the data, we need to use a synchronized replica of the content of the database located at the same site as the event data file, i.e. the LHCb Tier1. The replica to be accessed is selected from information stored on LFC (LCG File Catalog) and managed with the interface provided by the LCG developed library CORAL. The plan to limit the submission of jobs to those sites where the required conditions are available will also be presented. LHCb applications are using the Conditions Database framework on a production basis since March 2007. We have been able to collect statistics on the performance and effectiveness of both the LCG library COOL (the library providing conditions handling functionalities) and the distribution framework itself. Stress tests on the CNAF hosted replica of the Conditions Database have been performed and the results will be summarized here

  4. Database on wind characteristics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hansen, K.S. [The Technical Univ. of Denmark (Denmark); Courtney, M.S. [Risoe National Lab., (Denmark)


    The organisations that participated in the project consists of five research organisations: MIUU (Sweden), ECN (The Netherlands), CRES (Greece), DTU (Denmark), Risoe (Denmark) and one wind turbine manufacturer: Vestas Wind System A/S (Denmark). The overall goal was to build a database consisting of a large number of wind speed time series and create tools for efficiently searching through the data to select interesting data. The project resulted in a database located at DTU, Denmark with online access through the Internet. The database contains more than 50.000 hours of measured wind speed measurements. A wide range of wind climates and terrain types are represented with significant amounts of time series. Data have been chosen selectively with a deliberate over-representation of high wind and complex terrain cases. This makes the database ideal for wind turbine design needs but completely unsuitable for resource studies. Diversity has also been an important aim and this is realised with data from a large range of terrain types; everything from offshore to mountain, from Norway to Greece. (EHS)

  5. Using Large Diabetes Databases for Research. (United States)

    Wild, Sarah; Fischbacher, Colin; McKnight, John


    There are an increasing number of clinical, administrative and trial databases that can be used for research. These are particularly valuable if there are opportunities for linkage to other databases. This paper describes examples of the use of large diabetes databases for research. It reviews the advantages and disadvantages of using large diabetes databases for research and suggests solutions for some challenges. Large, high-quality databases offer potential sources of information for research at relatively low cost. Fundamental issues for using databases for research are the completeness of capture of cases within the population and time period of interest and accuracy of the diagnosis of diabetes and outcomes of interest. The extent to which people included in the database are representative should be considered if the database is not population based and there is the intention to extrapolate findings to the wider diabetes population. Information on key variables such as date of diagnosis or duration of diabetes may not be available at all, may be inaccurate or may contain a large amount of missing data. Information on key confounding factors is rarely available for the nondiabetic or general population limiting comparisons with the population of people with diabetes. However comparisons that allow for differences in distribution of important demographic factors may be feasible using data for the whole population or a matched cohort study design. In summary, diabetes databases can be used to address important research questions. Understanding the strengths and limitations of this approach is crucial to interpret the findings appropriately. © 2016 Diabetes Technology Society.

  6. [Validation of interaction databases in psychopharmacotherapy]. (United States)

    Hahn, M; Roll, S C


    Drug-drug interaction databases are an important tool to increase drug safety in polypharmacy. There are several drug interaction databases available but it is unclear which one shows the best results and therefore increases safety for the user of the databases and the patients. So far, there has been no validation of German drug interaction databases. Validation of German drug interaction databases regarding the number of hits, mechanisms of drug interaction, references, clinical advice, and severity of the interaction. A total of 36 drug interactions which were published in the last 3-5 years were checked in 5 different databases. Besides the number of hits, it was also documented if the mechanism was correct, clinical advice was given, primary literature was cited, and the severity level of the drug-drug interaction was given. All databases showed weaknesses regarding the hit rate of the tested drug interactions, with a maximum of 67.7% hits. The highest score in this validation was achieved by MediQ with 104 out of 180 points. PsiacOnline achieved 83 points, arznei-telegramm® 58, ifap index® 54 and the ABDA-database 49 points. Based on this validation MediQ seems to be the most suitable databank for the field of psychopharmacotherapy. The best results in this comparison were achieved by MediQ but this database also needs improvement with respect to the hit rate so that the users can rely on the results and therefore increase drug therapy safety.

  7. What is a Lexicographical Database? | Bergenholtz | Lexikos

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Fifty years ago, nolexicographer used a database in the work process. Today, almost all dictionary projects incorporate databases. In our opinion, the optimal lexicographical database should be planned in cooperation between a lexicographer and a database specialist in each specific lexicographical project.

  8. National Transportation Atlas Databases : 2012. (United States)


    The National Transportation Atlas Databases 2012 (NTAD2012) is a set of nationwide geographic databases of transportation facilities, transportation networks, and associated infrastructure. These datasets include spatial information for transportatio...

  9. National Transportation Atlas Databases : 2011. (United States)


    The National Transportation Atlas Databases 2011 (NTAD2011) is a set of nationwide geographic databases of transportation facilities, transportation networks, and associated infrastructure. These datasets include spatial information for transportatio...

  10. National Transportation Atlas Databases : 2009. (United States)


    The National Transportation Atlas Databases 2009 (NTAD2009) is a set of nationwide geographic databases of transportation facilities, transportation networks, and associated infrastructure. These datasets include spatial information for transportatio...

  11. National Transportation Atlas Databases : 2010. (United States)


    The National Transportation Atlas Databases 2010 (NTAD2010) is a set of nationwide geographic databases of transportation facilities, transportation networks, and associated infrastructure. These datasets include spatial information for transportatio...

  12. The USAID Environmental Compliance Database (United States)

    US Agency for International Development — The Environmental Compliance Database is a record of environmental compliance submissions with their outcomes. Documents in the database can be found by visiting the...

  13. Directory of IAEA databases. 4. ed.

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This fourth edition of the Directory of IAEA Databases has been prepared within the Division of NESI. ITs main objective is to describe the computerized information sources available to the public. This directory contains all publicly available databases which are produced at the IAEA. This includes databases stored on the mainframe, LAN servers and user PCs. All IAEA Division Directors have been requested to register the existence of their databases with NESI. At the data of printing, some of the information in the directory will be already obsolete. For the most up-to-date information please see the IAEA's World Wide Web site at URL: http:/ Refs, figs, tabs

  14. Distributed Database Control and Allocation. Volume 3. Distributed Database System Designer’s Handbook. (United States)


    Multiversion Data 2-18 2.7.1 Multiversion Timestamping 2-20 2.T.2 Multiversion Looking 2-20 2.8 Combining the Techniques 2-22 3. Database Recovery Algorithms...See rTHEM79, GIFF79] for details. 2.7 Multiversion Data Let us return to a database system model where each logical data item is stored at one DM...In a multiversion database each Write wifxl, produces a new copy (or version) of x, denoted xi. Thus, the value of z is a set of ver- sions. For each

  15. The PMDB Protein Model Database (United States)

    Castrignanò, Tiziana; De Meo, Paolo D'Onorio; Cozzetto, Domenico; Talamo, Ivano Giuseppe; Tramontano, Anna


    The Protein Model Database (PMDB) is a public resource aimed at storing manually built 3D models of proteins. The database is designed to provide access to models published in the scientific literature, together with validating experimental data. It is a relational database and it currently contains >74 000 models for ∼240 proteins. The system is accessible at and allows predictors to submit models along with related supporting evidence and users to download them through a simple and intuitive interface. Users can navigate in the database and retrieve models referring to the same target protein or to different regions of the same protein. Each model is assigned a unique identifier that allows interested users to directly access the data. PMID:16381873

  16. The Danish Fetal Medicine Database

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ekelund, Charlotte K; Petersen, Olav B; Jørgensen, Finn S


    OBJECTIVE: To describe the establishment and organization of the Danish Fetal Medicine Database and to report national results of first-trimester combined screening for trisomy 21 in the 5-year period 2008-2012. DESIGN: National register study using prospectively collected first-trimester screening...... data from the Danish Fetal Medicine Database. POPULATION: Pregnant women in Denmark undergoing first-trimester screening for trisomy 21. METHODS: Data on maternal characteristics, biochemical and ultrasonic markers are continuously sent electronically from local fetal medicine databases (Astraia Gmbh...... software) to a central national database. Data are linked to outcome data from the National Birth Register, the National Patient Register and the National Cytogenetic Register via the mother's unique personal registration number. First-trimester screening data from 2008 to 2012 were retrieved. MAIN OUTCOME...

  17. Databases and bookkeeping for HEP experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blobel, V.; Cnops, A.-M.; Fisher, S.M.


    The term database is explained as well as the requirements for data bases in High Energy physics (HEP). Also covered are the packages used in HEP, summary of user experience, database management systems, relational database management systems for HEP use and observations. (U.K.)

  18. Content And Multimedia Database Management Systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Vries, A.P.


    A database management system is a general-purpose software system that facilitates the processes of defining, constructing, and manipulating databases for various applications. The main characteristic of the ‘database approach’ is that it increases the value of data by its emphasis on data

  19. Storing XML Documents in Databases


    Schmidt, A.R.; Manegold, Stefan; Kersten, Martin; Rivero, L.C.; Doorn, J.H.; Ferraggine, V.E.


    textabstractThe authors introduce concepts for loading large amounts of XML documents into databases where the documents are stored and maintained. The goal is to make XML databases as unobtrusive in multi-tier systems as possible and at the same time provide as many services defined by the XML standards as possible. The ubiquity of XML has sparked great interest in deploying concepts known from Relational Database Management Systems such as declarative query languages, transactions, indexes ...

  20. The NCBI BioSystems database. (United States)

    Geer, Lewis Y; Marchler-Bauer, Aron; Geer, Renata C; Han, Lianyi; He, Jane; He, Siqian; Liu, Chunlei; Shi, Wenyao; Bryant, Stephen H


    The NCBI BioSystems database, found at, centralizes and cross-links existing biological systems databases, increasing their utility and target audience by integrating their pathways and systems into NCBI resources. This integration allows users of NCBI's Entrez databases to quickly categorize proteins, genes and small molecules by metabolic pathway, disease state or other BioSystem type, without requiring time-consuming inference of biological relationships from the literature or multiple experimental datasets.