
Sample records for histerese por auto-ajuste

  1. El ajuste de plantillas: el papel de los despidos por causas objetivas


    Castillo Lorenzo, Jesús


    Este estudio académico sobre el ajuste de plantillas en las empresas lo he redactado, centrándome en los ajustes que se realizan por despidos por causas objetivas,que en la mayoría de los casos son despidos económicos. El trabajo que he desarrollado me parece un trabajo interesante, porque trata un tema actual como es la crisis económica y social que padece España y los países de la UE. Me agrada haber tratado este tema,porque me interesa la legislación la...

  2. Impacto del ajuste por inflación financiero en la gestión empresarial

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    Oda Hilda Gómez de Angulo


    Full Text Available La inflación es un fenómeno económico que afecta la situación financiera de las organizaciones, por lo que existe la Declaración de Principios de Contabilidad No. 10 (DPC-10 que establece las normas para efectuar el ajuste por inflación a los estados financieros. Con el propósito de conocer el impacto de este ajuste, se seleccionaron dos empresas que realizan actividades diferentes. Se efectuó una revisión bibliográfica y documental de la DPC-10 y, con base a los informes al cierre de cada ejercicio económico de las empresas objeto de estudio, se recopilaron y prepararon los datos en una misma unidad de medida para efectos de comparación, análisis e interpretación. Los resultados obtenidos indican que en la empresa regida por la Comisión Nacional de Valores se justifica el ajuste por inflación financiero debido a la naturaleza de la estructura financiera y a que la toma de decisiones administrativas y legales se realiza con base a esta información; mientras que en la institución regida por la Superintendencia de Cajas de Ahorro no se justifica la presentación del ajuste por inflación financiero, ya que no aporta ningún valor agregado a la organización y la toma de decisiones se realiza con base a los estados financieros históricos.

  3. Incertidumbre y ajuste por las cantidades en the General Theory

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    Adolfo Rodríguez Herrera


    Full Text Available Robert Clower desarrolla una interpretación de la crítica de Keynes al funcionamiento de la economía capitalista en la cual la incertidumbre explica la incapacidad del sistema para alcanzar un equilibrio en todos los mercados, y en particular en el mercado de trabajo. El incumplimiento del principal supuesto de la economía neoclásica, la información perfecta, hace que la tasa de interés pierda su papel regulador y el sistema la capacidad de ajustarse instantáneamente a través de movimientos de los precios: en presencia de desempleo el ingreso individual deja de ser objeto de optimización por parte de los agentes y cualquier shock externo desencadena un ajuste por las cantidades que Keynes denomina efecto multiplicador y que deja al mercado de empleo sin instrumentos para alcanzar su equilibrio.

  4. Comparación entre varias poblaciones estándar para el ajuste por edades

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    Javier Llorca Díaz


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Analizar el efecto que tiene la elección de una población de referencia sobre diferentes indicadores derivados de las tasas de mortalidad ajustadas por edad. MÉTODOS: Las tasas de mortalidad por diferentes causas de muerte en España de 1971 a 1992 son ajustadas empleando cuatro poblaciones de referencia: poblaciones españolas de 1971 y 1992, población estándar europea y población estándar mundial. Los resultados obtenidos con las cuatro poblaciones se comparan empleando tres indicadores: diferencia entre las tasas de 1992 y 1971, razón entre las tasas de 1992 y 1971y cambio anual porcentual entre 1971 y 1992. RESULTADOS: En la mayor parte de las causas de muerte estudiadas incluyendo el total de causas, la cardiopatía isquémica y casi todos los tumores, la razón de tasas y el porcentaje de cambio anual son similares con independencia de cuál sea la población estándar empleada. En cambio, la diferencia de tasas es muy diferente en función de la población de referencia. En las enfermedades infecciosas y el cáncer de testículo se produce la situación contraria: la diferencia de tasas es robusta mientras que la razón de tasas varía con la población estándar. Finalmente, la mortalidad por neumonía, enfermedad de Parkinson y cáncer de encéfalo muestra cambios en los tres indicadores utilizados. CONCLUSIONES: Es necesario realizar un análisis de las tasas específicas por edad antes de proceder a su ajuste. Este análisis permite averiguar si el ajuste por edades es correcto y qué indicador (diferencia, razón o cambio porcentual será adecuado para realizar comparaciones.

  5. Comparación entre Factores de Ajuste Multiplicativos y Aditivos para Producción por Lactancia en un Hato Holstein

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    Arboleda Zapata Elkin Mauricio


    Full Text Available La presente investigación se efectuó a partir de 558 registros de lactancia tomados del hato Holstein Paysandú el cual está situado en el corregimiento Santa Elena de Medellín en una zona ecológica de bosque húmedo montano bajo (bh-MB y pertenece a la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín. El objetivo propuesto fué determinar las ventajas comparativas entre factores de ajuste multiplicativos y aditivos para producción por lactancia. Para ello se trabajó con datos ajustados a 305 días, en vista de la muy alta significancia observada para el efecto duración de la lactancia. Después de confirmar por medio del programa de mínimos cuadrados de Harvey, 1988, que los factores medio-ambientales más influyentes sobre la producción ajustada a 305 días son el año de parto, los días abiertos previos y el número de partos (P£0.01, así como la edad y la época de parto (P£0.05, se procedió a ajustar por estos efectos mediante factores de corrección multiplicativos y aditivos. Inicialmente se utilizó como base la subclase de máxima producción para cada efecto y a ellas fueron llevados los demás registros; luego se obtuvieron factores aditivos mediante el uso de constantes estimadas por el programa Harvey y multiplicativos a partir de la media de mínimos cuadrados. Una vez ajustados los datos se corrió nuevamente el modelo inicial, con el fin de cuantificar la varianza residual presente tanto para factores de ajuste multiplicativos como aditivos, a los dos niveles propuestos. La comparación se realizó mirando las relaciones de la tabla F y las varianzas residuales entre grupos y dentro de ellos. Aunque no se presentaron diferencias marcadas, se observa que, en general los factores de ajuste aditivos tuvieron un mejor comportamiento que los multiplicativos, pues con el empleo de estos últimos queda una pequeña variación sin remover; en tanto que con factores de ajuste

  6. Análisis de los factores de ajuste por utilización de carril en intersecciones semaforizadas de bogotá d. c.


    Peña Lindarte, Ricardo José


    Este artículo está basado en el planteamiento metodológico desarrollado en el Manual de Capacidad de Carreteras de Estados Unidos (HCM - Highway Capacity Manual), de la Transportation Research Board (TRB), para el análisis de capacidad y niveles de servicio en intersecciones semaforizadas, asociado al factor de ajuste por utilización de carril (fLU), que corresponde a uno de los once factores de ajuste propuestos en la metodología de cálculo, en el módulo de intensidades de saturación. La est...

  7. Análisis de los factores de ajuste por utilización de carril en intersecciones semaforizadas de Bogotá D. C.

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    Ricardo José Peña Lindarte


    Full Text Available Este artículo está basado en el planteamiento metodológico desarrollado en el Manual de Capacidad de Carreteras de Estados Unidos (HCM - Highway Capacity Manual, de la Transportation Research Board (TRB, para el análisis de capacidad y niveles de servicio en intersecciones semaforizadas, asociado al factor de ajuste por utilización de carril (fLU, que corresponde a uno de los once factores de ajuste propuestos en la metodología de cálculo, en el módulo de intensidades de saturación. La estimación del factor fLU plantea la definición de una metodología teniendo en cuenta las condiciones operacionales de intersecciones se- maforizadas en Bogotá D. C. a partir del análisis de las corrientes vehiculares, que incluye caracterización vial y del tránsito, con base en muestreos estadísticos, toma y procesamiento de información de campo y análisis de datos. El estudio establece, entre otros aspectos, ecuaciones que permiten obtener datos referenciales para la determinación de factores de ajuste por utilización de carril en vías de Bogotá en función de las tipologías de los accesos y el volumen vehicular prevaleciente para el análisis de intersecciones semaforizadas; por ejemplo, para el caso específico de vías con accesos de dos carriles directos (2CCD la ecuación básica determinada fue y=-3,03E-08X2+3,44E-05X+0,888988, con coeficiente de correlación igual a 1,0, donde la variable dependiente y corresponde al factor fLU y la variable independiente X es el volumen en vehículos mixtos/hora, ecuación considerada estadísticamente significativa. Finalmente, se presenta el análisis comparativo de los factores de ajuste por utilización de carril estimados en el estudio, comparando los valores recomendados por el HCM, sustentándose así las conclusiones y recomendaciones, de las cuales se extracta la validación de los factores recomendados por el HCM, y se propone utilizar para los proyectos de diseño y planeamiento semaf



    Santos, Vera Lucia Conceição de G.; Koizumi, Maria Sumie


    A análise dos sentimentos e das sugestões apresentadas por um grupo de colostomizados que utilizam um determinado método de auto-irrigação da colostomia para a reeducação do hábito intestinal, mostrou que ele è muito bem aceito por esta clientela. Após a obtenção dos resultados considerados positivos para a auto-irrigação, expressos pela ausência e presença esporádica de perdas fecais (37,50% e 42,50% da população, respectivamente), além da ausência e redução dos gases nos intervalos das irri...


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    Vera Lucia Conceição de G. Santos

    Full Text Available A análise dos sentimentos e das sugestões apresentadas por um grupo de colostomizados que utilizam um determinado método de auto-irrigação da colostomia para a reeducação do hábito intestinal, mostrou que ele è muito bem aceito por esta clientela. Após a obtenção dos resultados considerados positivos para a auto-irrigação, expressos pela ausência e presença esporádica de perdas fecais (37,50% e 42,50% da população, respectivamente, além da ausência e redução dos gases nos intervalos das irrigações (27,50% e 35,00% da população, respectivamente, 88,14% dessa clientela referiu sentimentos posiiivos e a média de sugestões de 0,35% por cliente.

  10. Prueba para el error de ajuste de un modelo multivariante


    Rodríguez, Luis H.


    En el ajuste de un modelo a una serie de observaciones se presenta el interesante problema de decidir sobre lo adecuado del modelo para describir tales observaciones .. Una prueba para esta clase de decisión se denomina "Error de ajuste", No conocíamos una tal prueba para el caso de un modelo multivariante  (cada observación es un vector), por lo que este articulo hacemos una extensión de la  técnica de  "error de ajuste" utilizada en el análisis  univariante al caso multivariante,  y se prod...

  11. Estudo de vibrações em auto-tensionador de transmissão por correias


    Ubirajara Garcia


    Resumo: Neste trabalho desenvolve-se um método, que permite avaliações de parâmetros, para o estudo do projeto de um sistema auto-tensionador no controle de suas vibrações transversais e forças atuantes. Parâmetros construtivos e operacionais, como: a geometria, inércia, rigidez da mola do auto-tensionador, rigidez da correia e condições de operação, como: frequências de excitação, forças estáticas e dinâmicas são obtidas em um sistema auto-tensionador de transmissão por correias, aplicados e...

  12. ¿Existe rigidez en el ajuste del empleo en Chile?

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    Jorge Dresdner


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: Estudiamos c mo el nivel de empleo agregado se ajust en la eco- nom a chilena, posterior a la llamada crisis asi tica. Contrastamos distintas hi- p tesis que se han esgrimido en el debate p blico, y que no han sido probadas formalmente, sobre las razones por las cuales el nivel de empleo tard tanto tiempo en recuperar los niveles precrisis. M todos: Especi camos y estimamos un modelo de vectores autorregresivos con series de tiempo para el trimestre 1995.1-2007.4 y aplicamos el m todo de Jo- hansen para identi car vectores de cointegraci n. Resultados: Estimamos un vector de cointegraci n que representa la funci n de demanda laboral. Realizamos las siguientes pruebas de hip tesis sobre esta fun- ci n: homogeneidad de grado cero en precios, elasticidad producto de la de- manda unitaria; quiebre estructural en el intercepto de esta funci n; cambio en la elasticidad producto de la demanda laboral de largo plazo entre subperiodos y existencia de costos de ajuste. Conclusiones: Inestabilidad en la elasticidad demanda del ingreso en la funci n de demanda por trabajo en Chile posterior a la crisis asi tica, pero no en la direc- ci n sugerida por el debate previo. Adicionalmente, el factor que contribuy en forma m s decisiva a la lenta recuperaci n del empleo posterior a la crisis fue el costo de ajuste presentes en la econom a chilena.

  13. Alteração vocal auto-referida em professores: prevalência e fatores associados Alteración vocal auto-referida en profesores: prevalencia y factores asociados Self-reported voice problems among teachers: prevalence and associated factors

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    Cláudia Cossentino Bruck Marçal


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de alteração vocal auto-referida em professores e identificar fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com amostra de 393 professores do ensino fundamental de Florianópolis, SC, por meio de questionário autoaplicado em 2009. Foi realizada análise multivariável de regressão de Poisson estimando-se as razões de prevalência e intervalos de 95% de confiança. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de alteração vocal foi de 47,6% (IC95% 42,6;52,5. Após o ajuste, permaneceram associados à maior prevalência de alteração vocal ser do sexo feminino e a presença de rinite/sinusite e faringite. CONCLUSÕES: Foi observada elevada prevalência de alteração vocal auto-referida entre os professores estudados.OBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia de alteración vocal auto-referida en profesores e identificar factores asociados. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal con muestra de 393 profesores de enseñanza fundamental de Florianópolis, Sur de Brasil, por medio de cuestionario auto-aplicado en 2009. Se realizó análisis multivariable de regresión de Poisson, estimándose las tasas de prevalencia e intervalos de 95% de confianza. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de alteración vocal fue de 47,6% (IC95% 42,6;52,5. Posterior al ajuste, permanecieron asociados a la mayor prevalencia de alteración vocal ser del sexo femenino y la presencia de rinitis/sinusitis y faringitis. CONCLUSIONES: Se observó elevada prevalencia de alteración vocal auto-referida entre los profesores estudiados.OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of self-reported voice problems and to identify associated factors. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out in a sample of 393 public elementary and middle school teachers in Florianópolis, Southern Brazil, in 2009. A self-administered questionnaire was used. A multivariable Poisson regression model was performed to estimate prevalence ratios and their related 95% confidence intervals. RESULTS: The

  14. Ajuste oclusal na Ortodontia: por que, quando e como? Occlusal adjustment in Orthodontics: why, when and how?

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    Roberto Carlos Bodart Brandão


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: o conhecimento sobre oclusão dentária deve ser considerado condição fundamental para a prática de uma Ortodontia de qualidade. O diagnóstico feito sem a manipulação do paciente em Relação Cêntrica pode levar à surpresa desagradável de se planejar o tratamento de uma má oclusão e se deparar com outra, depois dos primeiros arcos de nivelamento. Ao usar arcos retangulares, é importante a checagem dos contatos oclusais para se definir o tipo de movimento dentário necessário para o alcance do equilíbrio oclusal e, principalmente, verificar se este movimento é exeqüível. Durante o tratamento ortodôntico, devido à complexidade das superfícies oclusais, o ajuste oclusal por desgaste deve ser realizado para viabilizar movimentos dentários verticais, reduzindo o tempo de tratamento. Interferências oclusais são responsáveis tanto por efeitos adversos na biomecânica, quanto por aplicação de forças excessivas, que podem causar reabsorções radiculares. Após a Ortodontia, o ajuste oclusal é um dos determinantes da estabilização dentária, devendo-se obter, para cada dente posterior, contatos oclusais "A" e "B", ou "B" e "C" no sentido vestibulolingual, além dos contatos de "parada" e "equilíbrio" no sentido mesiodistal. Os dentes anteriores passam a funcionar em movimentos mandibulares, desocluindo de imediato os dentes posteriores, o que é denominado de guia anterior, visando equilíbrio muscular e proteção do sistema estomatognático. O desgaste seletivo não deve ser utilizado como substituto da movimentação ortodôntica. OBJETIVO: apresentar os princípios relacionados ao ajuste oclusal em Ortodontia.INTRODUCTION: The knowledge of dental occlusion should be considered the basic foundation to an excellent orthodontic practice. The patient’s diagnose without the centric relation assessment can take the orthodontist to an unpleasant surprises. The use of rectangular archwires requires occlusal

  15. Estilos parentales y valores: la socialización en derechos humanos a lo largo del ciclo vital


    Mendes de Oliveira Queiroz, Pablo Vicente


    El principal objetivo de esta tesis fue investigar la relación entre los diferentes estilos parentales de socialización y el ajuste psicosocial de los hijos de distintas generaciones. El ajuste psicológico se evaluó a través del auto-concepto y de la autoestima, el ajuste social se evaluó mediante las prioridades por los valores y el respeto por los Derechos Humanos (DDHH) (percepción del discurso de las madres sobre los DDHH, así como el compromiso de uno mismo hacia estos derechos). La mues...

  16. Ajuste de la fuerza de infección del dengue


    Aldana-Bermúdez, Eliécer; Restrepo-Triviño, Maribel; Muñoz-Loaiza, Aníbal


    RESUMEN Objetivo Plantear un modelo matemático hospedero vector para el ajuste de la fuerza de infección del dengue en una población variable con crecimiento logístico y ciclo de vida del mosquito con tasa de ovoposición periódica, considerando inmunidad a un serotipo. Métodos El modelo matemático propuesto está representado por ocho ecuaciones diferenciales a las que se les calcula la fuerza de infección por el método de las redes libres de escala. Resultados Se presenta una simulación...

  17. ESTRATEGIAS DE AJUSTE ANTE CHOQUES HIPOTÉTICOS DE OFERTA Y DEMANDA. Resultados de una encuesta a empresas mexicanas

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    Paula Sánchez-Romeu


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analizan estrategias de ajuste para hacer frente a choques hipotéticos de oferta y demanda utilizadas por 1 138 empresas mexicanas encuestadas por el Banco de México en 2012. Los resultados del análisis muestran que la respuesta de las empresas ante los dos tipos de choque en general no es simétrica y que éstas reaccionan combinando estrategias (principalmente eligen reducir costos, con lo cual moderan los ajustes a precios y producción. Más competencia hace que las empresas utilicen con más intensidad las estrategias de ajuste y favorece la flexibilidad de los precios. Ante cualquier choque, los costos que más se reducen son los no laborales y los que genera el empleo temporal. Una alta competencia y un mayor porcentaje de costos laborales intensifican el traspaso de los choques al empleo; por el contrario, los acuerdos colectivos de trabajo mitigan dicho traspaso. No se observa un traspaso de los choques a las percepciones salariales, lo cual, aunado a la baja incidencia de la reducción del salario base, evidencia rigidez en los salarios nominales de las empresas entrevistadas.

  18. Histerese das isotermas de sorção da polpa de manga (Mangifera indica L. variedade manteiga Hysteresis of the sorption isotherms of mango pulp (Mangifera indica L. manteiga variety

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    Camila de S. Paglarini


    Full Text Available As isotermas de sorção são de grande importância para predizer processos de secagem e armazenamento de um produto. A histerese é um fenômeno que ocorre devido à diferença entre as curvas de adsorção e dessorção. O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de analisar a influência da temperatura nas isotermas de sorção e na histerese da polpa de manga variedade manteiga. As isotermas foram determinadas pelo método gravimétrico estático, com a utilização de diferentes concentrações ácidas, nas temperaturas de 20, 30, 40 e 50 °C e atividade de água variando de 4,3 a 88,8% até atingir a umidade de equilíbrio. Foram analisados seis modelos matemáticos para isotermas de sorção (GAB, BET, Halsey, Henderson-Thompson, Oswin e Luikov ajustados aos dados experimentais, através de regressão não-linear. A histerese foi calculada pela área compreendida entre as curvas de dessorção e adsorção. De acordo com os resultados obtidos o modelo de GAB foi o que melhor se ajustou às isotermas de equilíbrio da manga. A área da histerese reduziu 51% entre as temperaturas de 20 e 50 °C.The sorption isotherms are of great importance for predicting drying and storage of a product. Hysteresis is a phenomenon that occurs due to the difference between the curves of adsorption and desorption. This study aimed to analyse the influence of temperature on sorption isotherms and hysteresis of mango pulp manteiga variety. The isotherms were determined by the static method with the use of different acid concentrations. The samples were submitted to temperatures of 20, 30, 40 and 50 °C and water activity ranging from 4.3 to 88.8% until the equilibrium moisture content. Six mathematical models for the sorption isotherms (GAB, BET, Halsey, Henderson-Thompson, Oswin and Luikov were analysed and adjusted to the experimental data using nonlinear regression. The hysteresis was calculated as the area between the curves of adsorption and desorption

  19. Auto-avaliação da saúde em adultos no Sul do Brasil Autoevaluación de la salud en adultos en el Sur de Brasil Self-rated health among adults in Southern Brazil

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    Marco Aurélio Peres


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar fatores associados à auto-avaliação da saúde em adultos. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, de base populacional, com amostra de 2.051 adultos de 20 a 59 anos de Lages, SC, em 2007. Foram aplicados questionários domiciliares para obter dados sobre auto-avaliação da saúde, condições socioeconômicas e demográficas, tabagismo, de estilo de vida e morbidades auto-referidas. Foram aferidos pressão arterial, peso, altura e circunferência abdominal. A análise multivariável foi realizada por regressão de Poisson, ajustada pelo efeito do delineamento amostral e estratificada por sexo. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de auto-avaliação da saúde positiva foi de 74,2% (IC 95%: 71,3;77,0, significativamente maior nos homens (82,3%, IC 95%: 79,3;85,0 do que nas mulheres (66,9%, IC 95%: 63,2;70,7. Homens mais pobres, menos escolarizados e mais velhos apresentaram maiores prevalências de auto-avaliação da saúde negativa. Após o ajuste, níveis pressóricos elevados e referir chiado no peito foram fortemente associados à auto-avaliação negativa entre os homens. A prevalência de auto-avaliação negativa foi maior em mulheres mais pobres, menos escolarizadas e mais velhas e dentre as que apresentaram obesidade abdominal. Níveis pressóricos elevados, diabetes, chiado no peito e sintomas de falta de ar permaneceram associados ao desfecho após o ajuste nas mulheres. O número de morbidades auto-referidas por homens e mulheres associou-se à auto-avaliação da saúde negativa. CONCLUSÕES: Os mais velhos, as mulheres, os mais pobres e menos escolarizados avaliam sua condição de saúde como regular ou ruim. Quanto maior o número de morbidades auto-referidas, maior a proporção de indivíduos com auto-avaliação de saúde negativa, sendo o efeito das morbidades maior entre as mulheres.OBJETIVO: Analizar factores asociados con la autoevaluación de la salud en adultos. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal, de base poblacional, con

  20. Avaliação de marcapasso unicameral de ajuste automático de freqüência de pulso mediado por movimentação corporal


    Brofman,Paulo R; Loures,Danton R. da Rocha; Rossi,Paulo R. F; Ardito,Roberto V; Greco,Osvaldo T; Braile,Domingo M; Sant'Anna,João R; Lucchese,Fernando A; Kalil,Renato A. K; Eloy,Ricardo; Barros,Rubens T; Andrade,José Carlos S; Pesarini,Aldo; Gauch,Paulo R. A


    Quarenta e oito pacientes com marcapasso unicameral de ajuste automático de freqüência de pulso mediado por movimentação corporal (AAI-R/VVI-R) foram avaliados através da eletrocardiografia dinâmica, para correlacionar a atividade física com a variação da freqüência de estímulos e teste ergométrico em esteira (pareados e randomizados em modo AAI/VVI e modo AAI-R/VVI-R), para quantificar a capacidade de realizar esforço físico, um mês após o implante do gerador de pulso Activitrax 8400. A idad...

  1. Estableciendo nexos entre Políticas de Ajuste Estructural y su impacto ambiental: una discusión metodológica

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    Rosalba Ortiz


    Full Text Available Las políticas de Ajuste Estructural han sido la base de la política económica costarricense en los últimos 10 años, por lo cual, han tenido gran incidencia en el análisis de los procesos y relaciones de cualquier sector productivo. En este contexto, los efectos ambientales de los últimos años, están decididamente influenciados por estas políticas, pues aunque, los programas de Ajuste no tienen como propósito direccionar aspectos ambientales, al modificar algunos precios relativos, pueden propiciar un cambio en el patrón de uso de un recurso, y es así como, tienen un efecto directo o indirecto sobre el ambiente

  2. Lucha popular, democracia, neoliberalismo: protesta popular en América Latina en los años del ajuste

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    Martha Cecilia García V.


    Full Text Available Margarita López Maya (editora. Lucha popular, democracia, neoliberalismo: protesta popular en América Latina en los años del ajuste. Caracas: Nueva Sociedad, 1999, 264 páginas. Este libro presenta una compilación de diez artículos elaborados por investigadores de Argentina, México, Colombia, Guatemala, Brasil, República Dominicana y Venezuela, producto de sus investigaciones sobre luchas y movimientos sociales en estos países. La intención del libro, según la compiladora, es tratar de llegar de manera conjunta a algunas hipótesis sobre los procesos de protesta y sus relaciones con el neoliberalismo y descubrir el modo en que los sectores más golpeados en sus expectativas y condiciones de vida por las políticas de ajuste han comenzado a demandar sus derechos.

  3. Ajuste del Índice de Pont para mujeres y hombres

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    Paula María Nava–Salcedo


    Full Text Available La forma de arco dental de mujeres y hombres es diferente, en los hombres es amplio y en mujeres de forma parabólica. En ortodoncia existen índices y métodos para la predicción del ancho y forma del arco ideal, uno de estos índices es el de Pont que no toma en cuenta las diferencias entre sexos. Objetivos: determinar la efectividad del índice de Pont al emplearlo en hombres y mujeres, realizar el ajuste si fuera necesario a las formulas del índice de Pont para poder aplicarlo en hombres y mujeres. Materiales y métodos: investigación descriptiva, no experimental y transversal. La muestra fue de 139 modelos de estudio, 94 de pacientes femeninos y 45 de pacientes masculinos, por lo que se seleccionaron 45 modelos de pacientes femeninos de forma aleatoria para igualar las muestras. Se compararon mediante una t de Student los valores reales de la muestra de hombres con los de las mujeres y el resultado del análisis de Pont en hombres y mujeres. Se realizó el ajuste de las constantes del índice de Pont para mujeres y  hombres, se aplicó a ambas poblaciones, el resultado se  comparó con los valores reales interpremolar e intermolar en maxilar y mandíbula. Resultados: el análisis de Pont no es efectivo para utilizarse en mujeres y hombres de Nayarit, se encontraron diferencias transversales entre ambas poblaciones, los ajustes realizados para la población femenina y masculinafue efectiva para utilizase en la población de Nayarit. Conclusiones: El índice de Pont no es aplicable debido a que sobreestima los valores de la población femenina y masculinade la población de Nayarit. Los ajustes realizados fueron efectivos y se recomienda evaluarlo en otras poblaciones.

  4. Preferência por discordância em casos de auto-depreciação: analisando conversas de pessoas com afasia

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    Lívia Miranda de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se a organização da preferência nas conversas, focalizando a preferência por discordância em casos de auto-depreciação, apresentaria-se conforme a descrição de Pomerantz publicada em 1984 sob o título “Concordando e discordando de avaliações: algumas características dos formatos de turno preferidos/despreferidos”. Com tal intuito, foram analisadas conversas gravadas em audio e video, envolvendo pessoas com afasia, segundo a perspectiva da Análise da Conversa Etnometodológica. As análises realizadas neste estudo corroboram a tese de Pomerantz sobre a preferência por discordância em casos de auto-depreciação, chamando a atenção para o fato de que a proposta de organização da preferência da autora também procede em conversas que envolvem pessoas com afasia.

  5. O que se faz e o que se diz: auto-relatos emitidos por terapeutas comportamentais


    Oliveira, Wilton de


    O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de verificar as relações entre os auto-relatos emitidos por terapeutas comportamentais sobre seus próprios comportamentos na interação com seus clientes e os respectivos comportamentos que de fato ocorreram. Como sujeitos da pesquisa foram selecionados três terapeutas analítico-comportamentais com tempo de experiência distintos (seis meses Ta, cinco anos Tb, e oito anos Tc). Cada terapeuta atendeu três clientes (uma sessão cada), de modo a perfazer um total ...


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    Leonardo Garnier Rímolo


    Full Text Available La política social está nuevamente de moda. Hace unos años, eran la estabilización y el ajuste los temas que dominaban la literatura, los debates y hasta las conversaciones de los economistas. Hoy, es cada vez más frecuente la referencia a la pobreza, el costo social del ajuste, el rostro humano de la política económica, el gasto social, la salud, la educación, en fin, todos aquellos temas relativos a la calidad de vida y el desarrollo humano. A diferencia del pasado, sin embargo, este redescubrimiento de los objetivos sociales del desarrollo no olvida, sino que parte precisamente del reconocimiento de las limitaciones materiales y financieras que enfrentan las sociedades menos desarrolladas. La discusión actual busca redefinir el sentido de la política social en los tiempos del ajuste o, si se quiere, redefinir los procesos de ajuste a la luz de su verdadero objetivo: el desarrollo social.

  7. El ajuste estratégico: las relaciones entre la estrategia competitiva, la estrategia de recursos humanos y la estrategia de producción


    González Sánchez, Daniel


    [ES] Este trabajo se centra en el estudio del ajuste estratégico que se produce en la empresa entre distintos niveles de estrategia y entre diferentes funciones de la misma. En concreto, analizamos el ajuste entre la estrategia competitiva, la estrategia de recursos humanos y la estrategia de producción, prestando especial atención al área de recursos humanos. Para ello concebimos la estrategia competitiva de acuerdo al paradigma propuesto por Porter (1980), nos basamos en la teoría de la ...

  8. Representación de la Enfermedad, Afrontamiento y Ajuste en los Trastornos Alimentarios

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    Yolanda Quiles Marcos


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar la representación de la enfermedad en pacientes con un trastorno alimentario (TA, así como su relación con el afrontamiento y el ajuste, utilizando como marco teórico el Modelo del Sentido Común de Leventhal. Método: Participaron 98 mujeres diagnosticadas de un TA. La media de edad fue 20.8 años (dt=5.61. Para evaluar la representación de la enfermedad se administró la adaptación española para los TA del Cuestionario de Percepción de la Enfermedad Revisado (IPQ-R. Resultados: Respecto a la identidad, los síntomas más señalados fueron la "pérdida de peso" (89.8% y las "alteraciones en la menstruación" (81.6%. Consideran que su enfermedad tiene una larga duración y serias consecuencias, así como que tienen control y siguiendo un tratamiento es posible su curación. El 21% de la varianza de las estrategias evitativas fue explicado por diferentes dimensiones de la representación de la enfermedad. Se confirman los efectos directos de la representación de la enfermedad sobre el ajuste, pero no los del afrontamiento. Conclusiones: Los resultados apoyan la necesidad de intervenir sobre las creencias que tienen estas pacientes sobre su enfermedad con el fin de mejorar su ajuste psicosocial.

  9. El auto de fe de 1606

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    María Isabel Pérez de Colosía Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La relación del auto de fe de 1606, está dividida en los siguientes siete apartados: Relajados en persona, Relajados en estatua, Reconciliados por la secta de Mahoma, Reconciliados por la ley de Moisés, Reconciliados por la secta Luterana, Penintenciados con abjuración de behementi y Penitenciados con abjuración de levi.

  10. El ajuste temporal: criterio de ejecución distintivo de la inteligencia deportiva


    Roca i Balasch, Josep


    En este artículo se propone una consideración de la actividad física y el deporte como una actividad inteligente en base a una concepción amplia de inteligencia y en base a la atención al parámetro tiempo como criterio de ajuste psicológico. Por lo que respecta a la primera afirmación, se afirma que tanto las habilidades perceptivo-motrices como las habilidades interactivas constituyen dos dimensiones de adaptación humana tradicionalmente infravaloradas en aras de las habilidades cognoscitiva...

  11. Ausentismo y producción: el esquema de ajuste de primas por siniestralidad observada aplicado al seguro de salud en Francia

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    Sébastien Ménard


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analizan los efectos de la introducción de un esquema de ajuste (experience rating en las contribuciones patronales al seguro de salud. Para ello, se desarrolla un modelo de búsqueda y emparejamiento en un mercado de trabajo segmentado. En el segmento donde los empleos son más riesgosos, las ausencias por enfermedad son más frecuentes y la producción media es más baja. El modelo es calibrado para Francia y los resultados de las simulaciones muestran que la introducción de este esquema mejora levemente la producción y el empleo. En términos cuantitativos, una variación del 1 % en la tasa de experience rating induce una reducción de 0,48 % en la duración del desempleo y de 1,07 % en los días de ausencia, así como un aumento de 0,1 % en la producción. Finalmente, se encuentra que esta política conduce también a un desempeño económico ligeramente mejor que la privatización del seguro de salud

  12. Cálculo, mediante la aplicación del algoritmo de ajuste por mínimos cuadrados, de los componentes de velocidad para estaciones GNSS continuas

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    Jorge Moya Zamora


    Full Text Available El cálculo de la velocidad de una estación de observación continua GNSS representa un insumo fundamental en la geodesia moderna. El hecho de determinar la posición de las estaciones GNSS de forma diaria implica que se puedan establecer las series temporales de las estaciones, con base en las cuales se puede obtener información de la influencia de fenómenos que afecten el comportamiento de estas. En este artículo se plantea una descripción del algoritmo de ajuste por mínimos cuadrados adaptado y aplicado a la determinación de los componentes de velocidad de estaciones de observación continua. Además, se aplica este algoritmo para la calcular la velocidad de la estación ETCG, perteneciente al Sistema Geocéntrico para las Américas (SIRGAS.

  13. Modelo experimental de bandagem ajustável do tronco pulmonar para preparo rápido do ventrículo

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    DIAS Carlos A.


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Um dispositivo de bandagem do tronco pulmonar (TP com ajuste percutâneo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de induzir a hipertrofia rápida do ventrículo subpulmonar. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Consiste de um manguito de silicone insuflável percutaneamente, através de um botão de silicone auto-selante. Os corações de 7 cabritos jovens (peso médio: 8,7 kg foram submetidos à sobrecarga sistólica imposta pelo dispositivo e avaliados sob os aspectos hemodinâmicos, ecocardiográficos e morfológicos. Foram extraídas biópsias basais do miocárdio do ventrículo direito (VD para análise microscópica (perímetro e área do miócito. O dispositivo foi implantado no TP. As pressões do VD, TP e aorta foram monitorizadas. Após convalescença, foi iniciado o protocolo de insuflação do dispositivo de bandagem do TP. Foi injetada água destilada no botão auto-selante (via percutânea, até que a pressão sistólica do VD atingisse 70% da pressão sistólica do VE. As avaliações ecocardiográfica e hemodinâmica foram realizadas a cada 24 horas. A sobrecarga sistólica do VD foi mantida por um período de 96 horas, com insuflações progressivas no limite máximo tolerado, a cada 24 horas. Após esse período, os animais foram sacrificados para análise morfológica dos corações. Outros 9 cabritos (peso médio: 7,7 kg foram utilizados como grupo controle, para análise do peso do VD. RESULTADOS: Após 96 horas de sobrecarga sistólica do VD, foi observado um aumento do gradiente sistólico VD/TP de 10,1±4,3 mmHg para 60,0±11,0 mmHg e da pressão sistólica no VD de 22,4±4,1 mmHg para 71,0±10,0 mmHg (p<0,0001. O ecocardiograma revelou aumento da espessura muscular do VD, de 4,4±0,5 mm para 7,3±1,7 mm (p=0,001. Quando comparado ao grupo controle, houve um ganho de peso de 74% do VD submetido à sobrecarga sistólica (p<0,0001. À microscopia óptica, foi observado aumento de 27% no perímetro e de 69% na área dos miócitos (p=0

  14. Sistema Computacional para Ajuste de Funções Densidade de Probabilidade

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    Daniel Henrique Breda Binoti

    Full Text Available RESUMO Este trabalho teve por objetivo iniciar, implementar e validar um projeto de construção de um sistema computadorizado para ajuste de funções densidade de probabilidade. O FitFD foi desenvolvido utilizando-se a linguagem de programação Java. Como ambiente de desenvolvimento foram utilizadas a IDE (Integrated Development Environment Netbeans 7.1 e a JDK 7.3 (Java Development Kit. Os testes do sistema foram realizados em ambiente Windows. Foram implementadas no sistema as seguintes funções densidade de probabilidade: Weibull (2P, 3P, 2P com dap mínimo como locação, 3P truncada, hiperbólica (2P, 3P, 2P com dap mínimo como locação, 3P truncada, log-logística (2P, 3P, 2P com dap mínimo como locação, logística generalizada, Fatigue life (2P e 3P e Frechet (2P e 3P. O sistema desenvolvido auxilia os usuários na definição e escolha da fdp que melhor atenda suas necessidades, contudo melhorias são necessárias. O projeto iniciado mostrou-se eficiente para ajustes de funções de densidade probabilidade.

  15. Consumo de sustancias durante la adolescencia:trayectorias evolutivas y consecuencias para el ajuste psicológico

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    Alfredo Oliva


    Full Text Available Este estudio ha perseguido dos objetivos fundamentales: encontrar diferentes trayectorias en el consumo de sustancias a lo largo de la adolescencia y analizar las consecuencias que este consumo en la adolescencia temprana y media tiene para el ajuste emocional y comportamental al final de la adolescencia. El estudio, con un diseño descriptivo longitudinal mediante cuestionarios, se llevó a cabo sobre una muestra de 101 adolescentes (63 varones y 38 mujeres que fueron estudiados en 3 ocasiones: a los 13, 15 y 18 años de edad. Los resultados mostraron tres grupos de adolescentes en función de las trayectorias seguidas por su consumo de sustancias: consumo bajo, consumo ascendente y experimentación precoz. La comparación entre estos tres grupos indicó un mejor ajuste psicológico en la adolescencia tardía entre los varones y mujeres del grupo de experimentadores, mientras que los problemas de conducta fueron más frecuentes entre los incluidos en el grupo de consumo ascendente. Por otra parte, los análisis de regresión señalaron que el consumo moderado de sustancias en la adolescencia temprana estaba relacionado con una autoestima más alta y con menos problemas emocionales al final de la adolescencia, pero no con más problemas externos.

  16. O ajuste urbano: as políticas do Banco Mundial e do BID para as cidades

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    Pedro Fiori Arantes


    Full Text Available Ao ajuste estrutural que se seguiu à crise da dívida no Terceiro Mundo, no início dos anos 80 - e ainda persiste como um ajuste permanente -, parece ter ocorrido um correspondente" ajuste urbano". Em ambos os casos, o Banco Mundial e, na América Latina, o BID, tiveram ação decisiva, em parceria com as elites e tecnocracias locais. As estratégias de ação dessas duas instituições financeiras, apesar de sua forte interferência nas políticas públicas dos países em desenvolvimento, constituem um tema novo e ainda pouco abordado pela pesquisa acadêmica. Em nosso caso, o objetivo foi desvendar o modelo de cidade que tem sido por elas defendido e qual seu significado. Na dissertação que realizei pela FAUUSP, constatei que os empréstimos do Banco Mundial e do BID - que aparecem aos gestores públicos como" tábuas de salvação" em tempos de crise -, não são" neutros" e carregam consigo uma agenda afirmativa: pretendem modelar um determinado padrão de uso do recurso público e de organização do Estado. As duas instituições difundem políticas públicas que seguem critérios empresariais de rentabilidade e um modelo de gestão estatal terceirizada, à mercê de um corpo técnico privado - formado por gerenciadoras de projeto, fundações privadas, ONGs e inúmeros consultores. Seu objetivo é transformar uma parcela dos governos locais nos países em desenvolvimento, especialmente os que administram os territórios que dão suporte aos negócios transnacionais, em estruturas administrativas treinadas para responder aos grandes interesses privados, ao mesmo tempo em que se desembaraçam de qualquer compromisso com a democracia real.

  17. Uso de herramientas numéricas y computacionales en el ajuste de curvas


    Ascheri, María; Pizarro, Rubén


    Nuestro objetivo es introducir a los alumnos de Cálculo Numérico en el uso de la técnica de ajuste de curvas por medio de la regresión con mínimos cuadrados en la solución de problemas de ingeniería, de física y de matemática aplicada, utilizando herramientas numéricas y computacionales. La metodología usada para apoyar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de este temática particular de Cálculo Numérico con computadora es la siguiente: se combina la enseñanza tradicional, las técnicas grupales...

  18. Autonomía y ajuste académico: un estudio con estudiantes portugueses de primer año

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    Ana Paula Soares


    Full Text Available Los niveles de autonomía psicológica de los alumnos desempeñan un papel importante en su ajuste a las presiones y desafíos de la vida universitaria. En este sentido, el presente estudio descriptivo analiza las relaciones entre los niveles de autonomía de los estudiantes en su entrada en la Enseñanza Superior y la calidad de su ajuste académico al final del primer año. Se aplicó el Iowa Developing Autonomy Inventory (IDAI en el inicio del año lectivo y el Questionário de Vivências Académicas (QVA al final de ese año a una muestra de 420 alumnos de primer año de la Universidade do Minho. Los resultados revelan que los alumnos poseen percepciones bastante positivas en cuanto a sus niveles de autonomía en las áreas de Gestión del tiempo, Movilidad e Interdependencia, y niveles más bajos en la Gestión del dinero, observándose algunas oscilaciones en función del género. Por otro lado, los alumnos cuya entrada en la Enseñanza Superior no implicó su abandono del hogar familiar, especialmente los de sexo masculino, presentan niveles más elevados de ajuste académico. Finalmente, los resultados sugieren que el ajuste académico se encuentra asociado a los niveles de autonomía de los alumnos, en particular en lo que concierne a la Gestión del tiempo, Independencia emocional de sus compañeros e Interdependencia.

  19. Topoplastia de Cvintal assistida por laser de femtossegundo

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    Alexandre Takayoshi Ishizaki


    Full Text Available Apresentamos um relato de astigmatismo tardio progressivo pós-transplante de córnea para ceratocone, associado à afinamento periférico na junção doador-receptor, o que presumidamente pode ser considerado como recorrência da ectasia. O caso foi tratado por meio de Topoplastia de Cvintal assistida por laser de femtossegundo para a confecção da incisão com geometria "top hat", seguido de sutura com ajuste per-operatório guiado por ceratoscopia.

  20. Líneas de Ensamble Auto-balanceables


    Palomino Sánchez, José Manuel


    Este documento presenta una monografía de las líneas de ensamble auto-balanceables. Este tipo de líneas se han popularizado con la implementación de la manufactura esbelta en muchas empresas de diferentes ramos. Sin embargo, su estudio es aún incipiente, por lo que el objetivo de este proyecto es hacer una revisión de la literatura existente con el propósito de identificar posibles trabajos en esta área. Las líneas de ensamble auto-balanceables, también descritas en la literatura como Buck...

  1. Capacidade máxima de adsorção de fósforo e constante de energia em Latossolo Bruno em razão de diferentes ajustes do modelo Langmuir

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    Clovisson Menotti Boeira de Oliveira


    Full Text Available A capacidade máxima de adsorção de fósforo (CMAP é um parâmetro bastante útil para caracterizar a capacidade de adsorção de fósforo (P do solo e, por isso, o modelo de Langmuir, que possibilita essa estimativa, é bastante difundido. Porém, se o ajuste da equação for realizado por modelos não lineares ou linearizados, ou se forem escolhidos modelos de região única ou múltiplas, nem sempre os valores estimados da CMAP e da constante de energia de ligação (k são semelhantes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do uso de diferentes métodos de ajuste do modelo de Langmuir sobre os valores estimados de CMAP e k. Para isso, utilizouse um único solo de alta capacidade de adsorção de P, o qual foi misturado a quantidades crescentes de areia lavada, construindo-se sistemas com capacidades de sorção crescentes, mas com a fase sólida constituída da mesma mineralogia. Foi utilizado solo do horizonte B de um Latossolo Bruno com 800 g kg-1 de argila, o qual foi misturado com areia em quantidades para obterem-se solos artificiais com 0, 200, 400, 600 e 800 g kg-1 de argila. Esses solos artificiais foram incubados por 30 dias com calcário para elevar o pH(H2O até 6,0 e, após, foram secos em estufa e peneirados. Foram realizadas as isotermas de adsorção e os dados ajustados pelo modelo de Langmuir, usando os seguintes métodos: NLin - não linear com região única; L-1R - linearização com região única; L-2RG - linearização com duas regiões, ajuste gráfico; L-3RG - linearização com três regiões, ajuste gráfico; L-2RE linerização com duas regiões, ajuste estatístico. Os resultados evidenciaram que todos os métodos utilizados estimaram valores de CMAP proporcionais ao teor de argila dos solos e poderiam ser usados para caracterizar os solos. Contudo, quando utilizados ajustes com mais de uma região de adsorção, os valores da CMAP para a última região foram sensivelmente superiores

  2. Auto-estima dos alunos de graduação de enfermagem

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    Lucila Amaral Carneiro Vianna


    Full Text Available Este estudo avalia a auto-estima dos alunos de Graduação em Enfermagem, que por meio da Oficina desenvolvem mecanismos para melhoria da auto-estima, acreditando ser a fase mais propícia para se tornarem multiplicadores das ações de saúde. METODOLOGIA: foi realizado com 156 alunos do 3º ano. Foram utilizadas técnicas do sociodrama, da neurolingüística e a avaliação foi elaborada segundo Minayo. Foi possível verificar que a auto-estima é normalmente confundida com a auto-imagem e estas são estereotipadas, em ambos os sexos. Por estar voltado e preocupado com o bem estar e a qualidade de vida do cliente / paciente, o profissional de enfermagem negligencia a si próprio. Neste caso, a Oficina, foi essencial para que os alunos pudessem resgatar maior conhecimento interior sobre si, e que para prestar assistência eficaz aos clientes/pacientes, devem estar saudáveis física e psicologicamente.

  3. Depleção de célula B no tratamento de citopenias auto-imunes


    Landeiro,Luciana; Almeida,Maiana; Cal,Flávia F. P.; Cerqueira,Tais S.; Frempong,Rosana F.; Espírito Santo,Thyago M.; Santos,Deise A.; Pinto,Thiago B.; Pallotta,Ronald


    A morbidade associada ao tratamento de citopenias auto-imunes tornou necessária a busca por novas terapêuticas. Baseado no fato de que o rituximab reage especificamente contra o antígeno CD 20, induzindo depleção de células B e conseqüentemente levando à diminuição na produção de auto-anticorpos, cinco pacientes com citopenias auto-imunes foram tratados com esta droga. Os pacientes eram refratários à terapia convencional e receberam 375 mg/m² de rituximab semanalmente, por um período de quatr...

  4. Propuesta de un método de ordenador para resolver el ajuste a la ecuación de Zener-Hollomon (Garofalo

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    Rieiro, I.


    Full Text Available An integrated computational method to solve the Zener-Hollomon equation has been developed by the authors. This method solves the fitting problem of the equation of Zener-Hollomon for wide ranges of applied stress, strain rate and work temperature by means of the progressive application of three kinds of algorithms. In the first place a program, by means of a reiterated linear regression by planes, allows to get some values that will be later the initial values of a second block of algorithms. It permits also to purify the experimental data set. The second block of algorithms carries out a fitting by nonlinear least squares using a variation of the modified Gauss-Newton method. In the third place a group of programs is chained that permit iterate starting by the solution of the previous program approaching (if it is necessary line by line in R2 until the optimum value is reached. All this with a support of statistical analysis for they determine the accuracy of each step, of the data, of the residuals and of the last fitting reached.

    Se presenta un método de ordenador integrado, desarrollado por los autores, para resolver la ecuación de Zener-Hollomon. Este método resuelve el problema del ajuste de la ecuación de Zener-Hollomon para amplios rangos de tensión aplicada, velocidad de deformación y temperatura de trabajo, mediante la aplicación progresiva de tres tipos de algoritmos. En primer lugar, una regresión reiterada multivariante por planos, para obtener unos valores que serán considerados como iniciales para un segundo bloque de algoritmos, además de depurar la base experimental de datos. El segundo bloque de algoritmos realiza un ajuste por mínimos cuadrados no lineales usando una modificación del método de Gauss-Newton modificado. En tercer lugar se encadena un grupo de programas que permiten iterar a partir de la solución del programa no lineal acercándose (si es preciso por líneas en R2

  5. Ajuste psicosocial y vivencia de la adopción en niños/as adoptados/as internacionalmente


    Reinoso Bernuz, Marta


    [esp] La adopción internacional ha adquirido en España unas muy notables dimensiones y el desarrollo y la adaptación de estos niños se ha convertido en un asunto de gran importancia. La presente tesis doctoral pretende contribuir al conocimiento en esta área y tiene por objetivo analizar el nivel de ajuste psicosocial, la vivencia de la adopción y el afrontamiento del estrés en la mediana infancia (8-12 años) de los niños adoptados internacionalmente en nuestro país. Esta tesis se con...

  6. Relación entre variables familiares y el ajuste conyugal

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    Nerea Jiménez-Picón


    Full Text Available Resumen: Objetivo: Analizar si las variables familiares tales como tipo de relación de pareja, años de matrimonio, existencia de hijos, número de miembros de la unidad familiar, etapas del ciclo vital familiar, transición entre etapas, apoyo social percibido y/o acontecimientos vitales estresantes se relacionan con el ajuste conyugal. Diseño: Estudio transversal y correlacional mediante encuestas. Emplazamiento: Consultas de atención primaria y unidades de hospitalización de los centros seleccionados de la provincia de Sevilla, España. Participantes: Muestra consecutiva estratificada por cuotas de 369 parejas, mayores de 18 años, heterosexuales, que mantenían una relación de pareja, con o sin hijos, residentes en Sevilla. Mediciones principales: Se emplea cuestionario autoadministrado con las variables sociodemográficas y las escalas Versión Breve de la Escala de Ajuste Diádico, Cuestionario de MOS de Apoyo Social Percibido y Escala de Reajuste Social. Se realizó análisis descriptivo e inferencial con estadísticos de correlación y regresión multivariante. Resultados: Relaciones estadísticamente significativas entre el ajuste conyugal y los años de matrimonio (r = −0,10; p < 0,05, la etapa del ciclo vital familiar (F = 2,65; p < 0,05, la transición entre etapas (rpb = 0,11; p < 0,05 y el apoyo social percibido (r = 0,44; p < 0,001. El modelo de regresión mostró la capacidad predictiva del apoyo social percibido y etapa del ciclo vital familiar (etapa madura-anciana sobre el ajuste conyugal (R2 = 0,21; F = 9,9; DF = 356; p < 0,001. Conclusiones: Desde atención primaria, se puede valorar a las parejas, ofrecer recursos y proporcionar apoyo. También pueden identificarse variables que ayuden a mejorar la relación conyugal. Abstract: Objective: To determine whether family variables, such as type of relationship, years of marriage, existence of offspring, number of members of family, stage of family


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    García Carbonell, Natalia


    Full Text Available Tradicionalmente la literatura ha considerado la necesidad del doble ajuste, vertical y horizontal, de la estrategia de recursos humanos en las organizaciones. Su importancia estratégica ha sido demostrada en buena parte de los estudios empíricos planteados. Sin embargo, la complejidad de este proceso requiere de un análisis más profundo que permita identificar los elementos que lo hacen posible. En el presente trabajo, partiendo de la revisión de la literatura de las perspectivas de investigación en dirección estratégica de recursos humanos y del concepto «fortaleza del sistema de recursos humanos» propuesto por Bowen y Ostroff (2004, discutimos los 3 factores que integran dicho concepto y su relación con el ajuste del sistema. Como consecuencia de ello, definimos 3 proposiciones teóricas que explican la vinculación entre ambas dimensiones y la fortaleza del sistema.

  8. Acontecimientos vitales estresantes, estilo de afrontamiento y ajuste adolescente: un análisis longitudinal de los efectos de moderación


    Rosa María Estévez Campos; Alfredo Oliva Delgado; Águeda Parra Jiménez


    El objetivo principal de este estudio fue analizar la relación entre la vivencia de los acontecimientos vitales estresantes y los problemas de ajuste emocional y comportamental durante la adolescencia, prestando atención al posible efecto moderador del estilo de afrontamiento. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 90 adolescentes que fueron seguidos durante seis años, desde su adolescencia media (15-16 años) hasta la adultez emergente (21-22 años). Completaron cuestionarios sobre su vivencia de aco...

  9. Piropos hacia las mujeres y auto-cosificación: Las consecuencias perversas de conductas aparentemente halagadoras

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    Alba Moya-Garófano


    Full Text Available La auto-cosificación, esto es, adoptar la perspectiva de observarse externamente y considerarse como una cosa, un cuerpo al que las demás personas miran y evalúan, tiene numerosas consecuencias negativas para la salud física y psíquica de las mujeres. En un estudio reciente de nuestro laboratorio hemos analizado la relación entre la auto-cosificación de las mujeres, por un lado, y sus evaluaciones y reacciones ante un piropo (una situación de cosificación, por otro. Los resultados muestran un nuevo efecto pernicioso de la auto-cosificación, hasta ahora inexplorado: la mayor tolerancia ante situaciones cosificadoras como los piropos.

  10. Myocarditis in auto-immune or auto-inflammatory diseases. (United States)

    Comarmond, Cloé; Cacoub, Patrice


    Myocarditis is a major cause of heart disease in young patients and a common precursor of heart failure due to dilated cardiomyopathy. Some auto-immune and/or auto-inflammatory diseases may be accompanied by myocarditis, such as sarcoidosis, Behçet's disease, eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis, myositis, and systemic lupus erythematosus. However, data concerning myocarditis in such auto-immune and/or auto-inflammatory diseases are sparse. New therapeutic strategies should better target the modulation of the immune system, depending on the phase of the disease and the type of underlying auto-immune and/or auto-inflammatory disease. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. AutoCAD 2008 and AutoCAD LT 2008 Bible

    CERN Document Server

    Finkelstein, Ellen


    "Whether you're new to AutoCAD or a veteran, you will undoubtedly find this book to be an excellent resource."-- Abhi Singh, AutoCAD Product Manager, Autodesk, Inc.Here's the book that makes AutoCAD approachableEven the people at Autodesk look to Ellen Finkelstein for AutoCAD training, so who better to teach you about AutoCAD 2008? This comprehensive guide brings veterans up to speed on AutoCAD updates and takes novices from the basics to programming in AutoLISP(r) and VBA. Every feature is covered in a logical order, and with the Quick Start chapter, you'll be creating drawings on your very f

  12. Um Estudo sobre a Governança Corporativa e o Nível de Atendimento aos Critérios de Evidenciação do Ajuste a Valor Presente em Empresas de Construção e Transporte

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    Juliana Gonçalves de Araújo


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo verificar a relação do nível de governança com o atendimento aos critérios de evidenciação dispostos no CPC 12, referente às práticas do Ajuste a Valor Presente, nas empresas do setor de Construção e Transporte listadas na BM&FBovespa entre os anos de 2008 a 2012. No entanto, foram excluídas algumas empresas, por estas não apresentarem indícios, em quaisquer dos anos, da realização do Ajuste a Valor Presente. Assim, a amostra deste estudo foi composta por 72 companhias, as quais evidenciaram, seja em Nota Explicativa ou em conta de Balanço Patrimonial, indício da prática de Ajuste a Valor Presente. Foi possível verificar que as divulgações realizadas estão aquém das propostas pelo CPC 12, e que as mudanças ocorridas no processo de ajuste são pouco divulgadas, constituindo um cenário que pouco se modifica. O único item que sofreu uma grande elevação de atendimento foi o da divulgação das práticas gerais de Ajuste a Valor Presente em Notas Explicativas, principalmente no ano de 2010, devido à compulsoriedade da aplicação das normas contábeis nas entidades de capital aberto. O item que menos foi atendido referiu-se à evidenciação dos modelos de cálculos para aplicação do Ajuste a Valor Presente. Apesar da descrição do item objeto do Ajuste a Valor Presente ter grande representatividade, as entidades ainda necessitam divulgar melhor as premissas, montante e horizonte temporal destes. Também foi possível observar, através do uso do teste Exato de Fisher, uma relação entre o nível de governança e o nível de atendimento, onde aquelas que pertencem ao Novo Mercado se apresentam mais propensas a evidenciar melhor suas informações, enquanto as que não estão enquadradas nos níveis de governança apresentam um nível de atendimento insatisfatório.

  13. Riqueza por vivienda de los hogares y sus efectos amplificadores en el consumo

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    Miguel Ángel Morales Mosquera


    Full Text Available Este documento analiza los efectos que generan los cambios en la riquezade los hogares en el consumo agregado de la economía. Dado que el principalactivo en la riqueza de los hogares es la vivienda, es importante analizar sucomportamiento y entender los canales por los cuales el cambio en la valoración de este activo, puede generar cambios en la riqueza, y por ende, variaciones en el consumo agregado. Para ello se desarrolla un modelo en el que la vivienda hace de colateral y los hogares pueden realizar inversión en este sector. En el modelo se incluyen restricciones al crédito y costos de ajuste a la inversión, en orden de analizar sus implicaciones en el consumo. Al final, se obtiene que los hogares que enfrentan bajos costos de ajuste en la inversión y que, adicionalmente utilizan a la vivienda como colateral, enfrentan mayores fluctuaciones en el consumo dado el efecto del acelerador financiero.

  14. AutoCAD 2014 and AutoCAD LT 2014

    CERN Document Server

    Gladfelter, Donnie


    A step-by-step tutorial introduction to AutoCAD As the only book to teach AutoCAD using a continuous tutorial which allows you to follow along sequentially or jump in at any exercise by downloading the drawing files, this Autodesk Official Press book is ideal for the AutoCAD novice. Industry expert and AutoCAD guru Donnie Gladfelter walks you through the powerful features of AutoCAD, provides you with a solid foundation of the basics, and shares the latest industry standards and techniques. The hands-on tutorial project inspired by real-world workflows that runs throughout the book

  15. Comprehensive Auto CAD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jang, Taekju


    This book starts introduction of conception, application system, software for CAD, function of Auto CAD, kinds and function of Auto CAD files. It deals with starting of Auto CAD, dialogue box and Auto CAD interface, utility command, 2D drawing command, check command, control system, dimension, hatching command, layer command, block, 3D drawing, plotting and printing, auto CAD and application of data, supply program of auto CAD, AME and region modeler, EDLIN, script optimization of Auto CAD and composition on demand.

  16. Sinterização por micro-ondas de ferrita de níquel sintetizada pelo método Pechini

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    J. R. Muñoz Hoyos


    Full Text Available A sinterização por micro-ondas é uma técnica que oferece enorme potencial para a fabricação de diversos materiais cerâmicos com microestruturas cerâmicas diferenciadas. Este trabalho teve por objetivo sinterizar cerâmicas de ferrita de níquel (NiFe2O4 em forno de micro-ondas, visando controle de crescimento de grão e alta densificação. Para realizar esta investigação, foi utilizado o processo de síntese por Pechini para a preparação do pó das ferritas de níquel. Amostras desse material foram sinterizadas em forno convencional e de micro-ondas. A caracterização foi feita por difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, determinação de densidade aparente e obtenção das curvas de histerese magnética. A sinterização da ferrita de níquel por micro-ondas levou apenas 10% do tempo gasto da sinterização convencional. As amostras apresentaram menor tamanho de grão, e densidade e magnetização de saturação semelhantes às obtidas pela sinterização convencional, mostrando o alto potencial de aplicação da técnica de micro-ondas para o processamento desses materiais.

  17. Elementos para el análisis de los programas de ajuste

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    Villamizar Helena


    Full Text Available

    La aplicación de las políticas generales, preconizadas por los programas de ajuste en América Latina, en la mayoría de los casos no dieron los resultados deseados. Su éxito necesariamente requería del cumplimiento de ciertos supuestos y condiciones que permitieran que las políticas de "gestión de demanda no generaran efectos negativos sobre el crecimiento en el largo plazo. Al no cumplirse algunos de 105 supuestos teóricos básicos, y al no contar los países con flujos de capitales adecuados y con un entorno externo abierto, la aplicación de estos programas se tradujo en grandes sacrificios en el crecimiento y muchas veces en la perpetuación de situaciones recesivas. Puesto que la región aun no ha encontrado una verdadera vía de solución, se hace imperioso abordar la construcción de una nueva perspectiva teórica, basada en supuestos realistas, que permita abordar los apremiantes problemas del desarrollo latinoamericano.

  18. AutoCAD / AutoCAD LT 2014 fundamentals metric

    CERN Document Server

    ASCENT center for technical knowledge


    The objective of AutoCAD/AutoCAD LT 2014 Fundamentals is to enable students to create a basic 2D drawing in the AutoCAD software. Even at this fundamental level, the AutoCAD software is one of the most sophisticated computer applications that you are likely to encounter. Therefore learning to use it can be challenging. To make the process easier and provide flexibility for instructors and students, the training guide is divided into two parts that can be taken independently.

  19. Enfermedad poliquística autosómica recesiva Recessive autosomal polycystic disease

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    Sandalio Durán Álvarez


    Full Text Available Como enfermedades renales poliquísticas hereditarias se describen clásicamente la autosómica recesiva y la autosómica dominante, mal llamadas enfermedad poliquística de tipo infantily de;tipo adulto, respectivamente, pues ambas pueden verse tanto en una como en otra edad. Los conceptos cambiantes en cuanto a la enfermedad autosómica recesiva, dados por los progresos en el tratamiento de los recién nacidos con la enfermedad, y la localización del gen, que por su mutación la produce, nos motivan hacer esta breve revisión con la finalidad de contribuir a la comprensión de la enfermedad por los estudiantes de medicina y el médico general básico.Recessive autosomal and dominant autosomal polycystic kidney diseases are classically described as hereditary illnesses; they are also called polycystic disease of child type” and of adult typerespectively since both may be seen in any of these two life stages. The changing concepts of recessive autosomal disease, given the advances made in the treatment of newborns with this disease, and the location of the gen, the mutation of which causes it, encouraged us to make a brief literature review to help medical students and general practitioners to understand this disease.

  20. Ajuste econômico e desemprego recente no Brasil metropolitano

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    Full Text Available resumo O presente artigo trata da evolução da taxa de desemprego no início do ano 2015. Três partes compõem de forma consecutiva e encadeada a partir da premissa de que as mudanças no interior do mercado de trabalho sinalizadas principalmente pelo aumento dos desempregados são geradas fundamentalmente pelo avanço da recessão na economia brasileira. A primeira parte aponta as principais alterações no rendimento e emprego da mão de obra no mercado de trabalho do Brasil metropolitano durante os meses de janeiro a julho de 2015, enquanto a segunda parte descreve brevemente as características mais importantes que decorrem do aumento recente da taxa de desemprego. Por fim, a terceira parte registra comparativamente os reflexos da adoção das políticas de ajustes econômicos no desemprego em anos selecionados durante as últimas três décadas. Dessa forma, constata-se o grau de intensidade atual na evolução da taxa de desemprego com a de outros momentos vividos no país.

  1. Estilos relacionales parentales y ajuste adolescente


    Oliva Delgado, Alfredo; Parra Jiménez, Agueda; Arranz Freijo, Enrique


    En este artículo se presentan los resultados de un estudio realizado sobre una muestra de 848 adolescentes de edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 17 años, que cumplimentaron un cuestionario que incluía una escala con 6 dimensiones sobre su percepción del estilo parental o relacional materno y paterno y otros instrumentos para evaluar el ajuste adolescente. La realización de un análisis de conglomerados a partir de las puntuaciones en las 6 dimensiones que componían la escala re...

  2. AutoCAD 2015 and AutoCAD LT 2015 bible

    CERN Document Server

    Finkelstein, Ellen


    The perfect reference for all AutoCAD users AutoCAD 2015 and AutoCAD LT 2015 Bible is the book you want to have close at hand to answer those day-to-day questions about this industry-leading software. Author and Autodesk University instructor Ellen Finkelstein guides readers through AutoCAD 2015 and AutoCAD LT 2015 with clear, easy-to-understand instruction and hands-on tutorials that allow even total beginners to create a design on their very first day. Although simple and fundamental enough to be used by those new to CAD, the book is so comprehensive that even Autodesk power u

  3. AutoCAD 2012 and AutoCAD LT 2012 Bible

    CERN Document Server

    Finkelstein, Ellen


    The latest version of this perennial favorite, in-depth, reference-tutorial This top-selling book has been updated by AutoCAD guru and author Ellen Finkelstein to provide you with the very latest coverage of both AutoCAD 2012 and AutoCAD LT 2012. It begins with a Quick Start tutorial, so you start creating right away. From there, the book covers so much in-depth material on AutoCAD that it is said that even Autodesk employees keep this comprehensive book at their desks. A DVD is included that features before-and-after drawings of all the tutorials and plenty of great examples from AutoCAD prof

  4. Efectividad del ajuste oclusal en pacientes de alta de ortodoncia Effectiveness of occlusal adjustment in patients with orthodontic discharge

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    Amitis Ruiseco Palomares


    Full Text Available El tratamiento ortodóncico tiene como objetivo llegar a un punto óptimo oclusal, estético y funcional. Con frecuencia son introducidas interferencias que a largo plazo pueden provocar disturbios del sistema estomatognático; una técnica de ajuste oclusal puede ser útil para estabilizar la función y garantizar la salud de este. Se seleccionó una muestra constituida por 14 pacientes con más de 6 meses de alta ortodóncica, diagnosticados con interferencias oclusales en una investigación previa. A cada uno de ellos se les realizó un ajuste oclusal por tallado selectivo, y pasados 6 meses, se procedió a la evaluación de la oclusión para la detección de posibles interferencias, analizándolas durante los diferentes movimientos mandibulares, tanto en las áreas de trabajo como de no trabajo, así como por grupos dentarios. Para ello se les realizó el análisis funcional de la oclusión en boca, completándose el estudio con el montaje de los modelos en el articulador semiajustable Dentatus ARL mediante el uso del arco facial. El estudio reveló que a la mayoría de los pacientes se les reestableció una oclusión funcional, lo que demuestra la efectividad del tratamiento, que el mayor porcentaje de interferencias después del ajuste fueron en el área de no trabajo y durante los movimientos de lateralidad, además de que el grupo molar fue el de mayor cantidad de interferencias, tanto antes como después del tratamiento oclusal.The orthodontic treatment is aimed at reaching an occlusal, aesthetic, and functional optimal point. The frequently introduced interferences may cause disorders of the stomathognatic system, and an occlusal adjustment technique may be useful to stabilize the function and to gurantee its health. A sample of 14 patients with more than 6 months of orthodontic discharge that were diagnosed occlusal interferences in a previous research was selected. Each of them underwent occlusal adjustment by selective grinding, and

  5. Series de días hábiles en Colombia: una aplicación al ajuste del crecimiento industrial

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    Álvaro Montenegro García


    Full Text Available Si bien muchos economistas son conscientes del efecto de los días hábiles sobre la medición de la producción, aún es frecuente encontrar que estas cifras se analizan sin el correspondiente ajuste. En general, el número de días hábiles en un mes cambia de un año a otro, lo cual es cierto para todos los meses, no solo para los que contienen la Semana Santa. Este trabajo recopila la serie de días hábiles mensuales tomando en cuenta los festivos actuales y anteriores a la Ley Emiliani, y la utiliza para ajustar la serie de producción manufacturera del DANE. Para algunos meses, la diferencia entre la cifra de crecimiento industrial reportada por el DANE y la cifra ajustada por días hábiles puede acercarse a los 12 puntos porcentuales, en cualquier dirección

  6. Sintomatología Depresiva, Ideación suicida y Auto-concepto en una muestra de infantes mexicanos

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    Full Text Available Diversas investigaciones demuestran la prevalencia de la Depresión infantil en varios países. Los estudios apuntan al Auto-concepto como predictor asociado de la Depresión, riesgo suicida y otras conductas de riesgo, que pueden manifestarse en la infancia o posteriormente. Existen escasos estudios reportados en México sobre Depresión y riesgo suicida en infantes, pero el suicidio consumado por infantes ha ido en crecimiento continuo. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir la relación entre la Depresión y el Auto-concepto en una muestra de niños escolarizados del estado de Guanajuato, México. El presente fue un estudio de campo, descriptivo, expost-facto, transversal, con un muestreo intencional, no probabilístico conformado por 217 niños de ambos sexos, entre 9 y 13 años de edad, del nivel de educación primaria. Se cumplieron los protocolos éticos correspondientes. Se aplicaron el Inventario de Depresión Infantil y Cuestionario de Auto-concepto general. Los resultados muestran un porcentaje por encima del esperado de infantes con Depresión moderada y severa, Ideación Suicida y bajo Auto-concepto. Se encontraron niveles de correlación significativos entre los factores del Auto-concepto y la sintomatología depresiva y el sexo. Se sugieren estrategias psico-educativas que favorezcan la temprana detección y adecuado abordaje de los signos de sufrimiento emocional y conductas de riesgo en infantes.

  7. AutoCAD platform customization user interface, AutoLISP, VBA, and beyond

    CERN Document Server

    Ambrosius, Lee


    Take control of AutoCAD to boost the speed, quality, and precision of your work Senior drafters and savvy users are increasingly taking AutoCAD customization out of the hands of system administrators, and taking control of their own workflow. In AutoCAD Platform Customization, Autodesk customization guru Lee Ambrosius walks you through a multitude of customization options using detailed tutorials and real-world examples applicable to AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, Civil 3D, Plant 3D, and other programs built on the AutoCAD platform. By unleashing the full power of the software, you'll simplify and str

  8. Propuesta de un proceso de selección del talento humano por competencias para petroindustrial.


    Hormaza Valencia, Sandra Bethzabe


    La Selección por Competencias, es el procedimiento por el cual se atrae, contrata e incorpora talento humano que se ajuste lo más rigurosamente al perfil de competencias requerido para determinado cargo. Este es un paso de suma importancia ya que deben encontrarse candidatos adecuados que reúnan características afines al puesto. Frecuentemente la contratación y retención de candidatos resulta insatisfactoria y sumamente costosa para las empresas.

  9. Document de travail no.8: Ajustement structurel et consolidation de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    13 déc. 2010 ... Marie-France Guimond ... Très peu de recherches ont été faites sur le rôle des plans d'ajustement structurel dans le contexte des pays ... Gender and climate change-induced conflict in pastoral communities: Turkana, Kenya.

  10. Estudio molecular en dos hermanas afectadas por ictiosis congénita autosómica recesiva : descripción de una nueva mutación causal en TGM1


    Moreno Saboya, Meyid Bernardo


    Se describe la variante homocigota c.320-2A>G de TGM1 en dos hermanas con ictiosis congénita autosómica recesiva. El clonaje de los transcritos generados por esta variante permitió identificar tres mecanismos moleculares de splicing alternativos. The variant c.320-2A> G of TGM1 is described in two sisters with autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis. The cloning of the transcripts generated by this variant allowed the identification of three alternative molecular splicing mechanisms. ...

  11. ALTAS HABILIDADES/SUPERDOTAÇÃO: um olhar para o desenvolvimento cognitivo, ajuste emocional e seus impactos na vida profissional

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    Alberto Padrón Abad


    El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar los factores de desarrollo cognitivo, ajuste emocional del individuo AH/SD y sus impactos en la vida profesional y laboral. La metodología empleada está basada en una investigación bibliográfica, exploratoria y descriptiva realizada a partir de referencias teóricas, referentes al tema, previamente analizadas y publicadas. En este sentido, se iniciará considerando los factores que facilitan el ajuste emocional de individuos AH/SD (familiares, escolares, laborales e interpersonales. Posteriormente, se analizará la pregunta: ¿por qué existen personas que a pesar de vivir en situaciones sociales y económicas desfavorables pueden desarrollar sus AH/SD y ser profesionales de éxito, mientras otros, con todas las oportunidades en la vida no llegan al éxito profesional ni contribuyen efectivamente con la sociedad? Con la intención de responder esa pregunta se estudiarán: el concepto de resiliencia, la Teoría de la Evaluación Cognitiva de Lazarus y la Teoría de la Desintegración Positiva de Dabrowski. De esta manera, se concluye la importancia de aplicar de manera efectiva los modelos teóricos ya propuestos, de modo comprensivo y explicativo, de las AH/SD acerca de los aspectos del desarrollo cognitivo y emocional de los individuos.


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    E. Montes de Oca-Cano


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue ajustar ecuaciones lineales y no lineales para estimar biomasa por componente de hojas, ramas, fuste y total, para árboles con edades entre tres y diez años, en la región de El Salto, Dgo. Los resultados indican que las ecuaciones se ajustan mejor a nivel individual, el componente total muestra los mejores estadísticos de ajuste, mientras que las mayores variaciones se detectan en las ramas y en el fuste. Adicionalmente se analizan porcentajes de biomasa por componente donde se observa que el fuste aporta 46.9 % de la biomasa, las hojas 35.6 % y las ramas solamente 17.3 % de la biomasa total. Así mismo, dentro del rango de edad analizado, la biomasa en el fuste aumenta anualmente 2.96 %; la biomasa en las hojas disminuye 3.13 % y la biomasa en las ramas aumenta 0.17 %.

  13. El ajuste o desajuste de las prácticas normativas en Ignacio Ellacuría: hacia una nueva dimensión de lo normativo /

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    Senent, Juan Antonio


    Full Text Available Abstract: This work provides an analysis of adjustment or disadjustment of human rights from Ignacio Ellacuría thesis. We must first place this analysis in the critical context that animatesit, the horizon of historical praxis. From there, a rationale for its adjustment in relation to human praxis is proposed, as well as a critical study of the role such adjustment or maladjustment of regulatory schemes currently plays in the overall regulatory process within the social practices in the contemporary civilization stage.In turn, we conduct an analysis of the struggle to articulate other regulatory schemes that respond more tightly to the demands of justiceagainst others and nature.Resumo: Este trabajo realiza un análisis sobre el ajuste o desajuste de los derechos humanos a partir de la tesis de Ignacio Ellacuría. Se trata primero de ubicar este análisis en el contexto crítico que lo anima, el horizonte de la praxis histórica. Desde ahí se propone una fundamentación del ajuste en su relación con la praxis humana, así como el estudio crítico del papel que ese ajuste o desajuste de los esquemas normativos juega actualmente en el conjunto del procesonormativo en el seno de las prácticas sociales en la presente fase civilizatoria. A su vez, se aborda un análisis de la lucha por articular otros esquemas normativos que respondan más ajustadamentea las exigencias de la justicia frente a los otros y a la naturaleza.

  14. Auto-estima de mulheres hipertensas que vivenciam o climatério - doi:10.5020/18061230.2004.p31

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    Zélia Maria de Sousa Araújo Santos


    Full Text Available O estudo analisou a auto-estima de mulheres hipertensas que vivenciam o climatério. A pesquisa constituiu de estudo descritivo e foi realizada em ambulatório de uma instituição pública de saúde, de referência para o norte e nordeste no atendimento às doenças do coração e do pulmão; situada no município de Fortaleza-CE. Participaram do estudo 20 mulheres hipertensas na faixa etária de 45 a 55 anos. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista,e classificados em categorias, de acordo com as fontes de auto-estima propostas por Brander (1995. A análise portou-se no referencial teórico da auto-estima. As falas foram organizadas e analisadas em 6 categorias: atitude de viver conscientemente, atitude de auto-aceitação; atitude de auto-responsabilidade; atitude de auto-afirmação; atitude de intencionalidade; e atitude de integridade pessoal. As mulheres apresentavam autoestima baixa, em decorrência dos fatores externos e interno. Entre os fatores externos identificouse: baixo poder aquisitivo, dependência econômica e baixa escolaridade; que constituíram barreiras para a realização de seus objetivos. Quanto aos internos, o único que abalou a auto-estima foi a mudança física inerente à fase do ciclo vital em que se encontravam. Estes resultados poderão subsidiar o planejamento da assistência de enfermagem à mulher hipertensa no climatério.

  15. Ajustement structurel et consolidation de la paix Une source de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Tableau 4 : Corrélation : Indicateurs-pays pour la politique étrangère et ajustement .... incorporés aux réformes macroéconomiques du cadre stratégique de lutte ...... Le plafond sur le recrutement de fonctionnaires a été considéré comme une ...

  16. Perfeccionismo, auto-conceito e sintomatologia psicopatológica em estudantes do Ensino Superior


    Freitas, Clémence da Eira


    O estudo desenvolvido nesta dissertação tem como principais objectivos analisar as relações entre o perfeccionismo e o auto-conceito, assim como entre o perfeccionismo e a sintomatologia psicopatológica em estudantes do 1º ciclo da Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI). Pretende-se também analisar eventuais diferenças nestes constructos em função do género e do ano de curso. Por fim, pretende-se caracterizar os níveis de perfeccionismo, auto-conceito e sintomatologia psicopatológica dos estuda...

  17. Elasto-plastic hardening models adjustment to ferritic, austenitic and austenoferritic Rebar; Ajuste de los aceros corrugados ferríticos, austeníticos y austenoferríticos a los modelos de endurecimiento elastoplástico por deformación

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hortigóna, B.; Gallardo, J.M.; Nieto-García, E.J.; López, J.A.


    The elastoplastic behaviour of steel used for structural member fabrication has received attention to facilitate a mechanical-resistant design. New Zealand and South African standards have adopted various theoretical approaches to describe such behaviour in stainless steels. With respect to the building industry, describing the tensile behaviour of steel rebar used to produce reinforced concrete structures is of interest. Differences compared with the homogenous material described in the above mentioned standards and related literatures are discussed in this paper. Specifically, the presence of ribs and the TEMPCORE® technology used to produce carbon steel rebar may alter the elastoplastic model. Carbon steel rebar is shown to fit a Hollomon model giving hardening exponent values on the order of 0.17. Austenitic stainless steel rebar behaviour is better described using a modified Rasmussen model with a free fitted exponent of 6. Duplex stainless steel shows a poor fit to any previous model. [Spanish] Uno de los principales factores tenidos en cuenta en la fabricación de aceros estructurales es su comportamiento durante la fase elastoplástica o de endurecimiento por deformación. Normas neozelandesas y sudafricanas plantean diversas aproximaciones teóricas para describir dicho comportamiento en el caso de los aceros inoxidables. En el campo de la construcción resulta de interés la descripción del comportamiento tenso-deformacional de los aceros corrugados utilizados en las estructuras de hormigón armado. En este artículo se discuten los modelos planteados en las normas citadas anteriormente así como los existentes en la literatura tanto para los aceros corrugados inoxidables como para los aceros al carbono fabricados mediante el proceso denominado TEMPCORE® Los aceros TEMPCORE® analizados arrojan un valor del exponente de endurecimiento por deformación según el modelo de Hollomon de 0.17. Los aceros inoxidables austeníticos se ajustan mejor al modelo

  18. Auto Safety (United States)

    ... Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Auto Safety KidsHealth / For Parents / Auto Safety What's in this ... by teaching some basic rules. Importance of Child Safety Seats Using a child safety seat (car seat) ...

  19. Una encrucijada judicial y una reforma legal por hacer: problemas jurídicos de la gestación por sustitución en España. A propósito del auto del Tribunal Supremo de 2 de febrero de 2015

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    Full Text Available The Supreme Court has stated in its order of February 2, 2015 why it considers that its judgment of February 2014 which determines that it is not possible to access the Spanish Civil Registry the certificates of birth of two children, sons of Spaniards, born in the United States through surrogacy arrangements on the grounds that are contrary to Spanish international public order, it does not conflict with the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights in this area, mainly due to the different scope that the prohibition of surrogacy arrangements in France and Spain. El Tribunal Supremo ha precisado en su auto de 2 de febrero de 2015 por qué considera que su sentencia de febrero de 2014, en la que determina que no es posible que accedan al Registro Civil español las actas registrales de nacimiento de dos menores, hijos de españoles, nacidos en Estados Unidos mediante gestación por sustitución por contrariar el orden público internacional español, no se contrapone con la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos en esta materia, principalmente por el distinto alcance que tiene la prohibición de la gestación por sustitución en Francia y en España.

  20. AutoCAD 2015 and AutoCAD LT 2015 essentials

    CERN Document Server

    Onstott, Scott


    Step-by-step instructions for the AutoCAD fundamentals AutoCAD 2015 Essentials contains 400 pages of full-color, comprehensive instruction on the world's top drafting and architecture software. This 2015 edition features architectural, manufacturing, and landscape architecture examples. And like previous editions, the detailed guide introduces core concepts using interactive tutorials and open-ended projects, which can be completed in any order, thanks to downloadable data sets (an especially useful feature for students and professionals studying for Autodesk AutoCAD certification). Unlike man

  1. Algoritmos Evolutivos y su empleo en el ajuste de controladores del tipo PID: Estado Actual y Perspectivas

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    Gilberto Reynoso-Meza


    Full Text Available Resumen: Los controladores PID continúan siendo una solución fiable, robusta, práctica y sencilla para el control de procesos. Actualmente constituyen la primera capa de control de la gran mayoría de las aplicaciones industriales. De ahí que un número importante de trabajos de investigación se han orientado a mejorar su rendimiento y prestaciones. Las líneas de investigación en este campo van desde nuevos métodos de ajuste, pasando por nuevos tipos de estructura hasta metodologías de diseño integrales. Particularizando en el ajuste de parámetros, una de las formas de obtener una solución novedosa consiste en plantear un problema de optimización, el cual puede llegar a ser no-lineal, no-convexo y con restricciones. Dado que los algoritmos evolutivos han mostrado un buen desempeño para solucionar problemas complejos de optimización, han sido utilizados en diversas propuestas relacionadas con el ajuste de controladores PID. Este trabajo muestra un revisión de estas propuestas y las prestaciones obtenidas en cada caso. Así mismo, se identifican algunas tendencias y posibles líneas de trabajo futuras. Abstract: PID controllers are a reliable, robust, practical and easy to implement control solution for industrial processes. They provide the first control layer for a vast majority of industrial applications. Owing to this, several researches invest time and resources to improve their performance. The research lines in this field scope with new tuning methods, new types of structures and integral design methods. For tuning methods, improvements could be fulfilled stating an optimization problem, which could be non-linear, non-convex and highly constrained. In such instances, evolutionary algorithms have shown a good performance and have been used in various proposals related with PID controllers tuning. This work shows a review of these proposals and the benefits obtained in each case. Some

  2. La norma L1 como alternativa a la norma L2 en el ajuste de la regresión

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    Carlos N. Bouza


    Full Text Available En este trabajo analizamos el desarrollo y los conceptos de las normas L1 y L2 y se comparan con algunos ejemplos. Por una parte la norma L1 es óptima bajo los supuestos de que los errores tienen la distribución de Laplace. Esta fue propuesta mucho antes que el MC, pero las facilidades de cómputo de éstos últimos le dieron primacía. Actualmente va adquiriendo gran importancia para las aplicaciones económicas, dado que en general los problemas de finanzas y de series temporales incumplen con las hipótesis usadas en el teorema de Gauss-Markoff. El uso de la norma L2, es el método de universal aceptación en el ajuste de la regresión. Sin embargo su optimalidad solo es válida bajo una serie de supuestos que no se cumplen en general (Teorema de Gaus- Markoff. Por lo tanto, norma L1 aparece como una alternativa mejor que la L2 en muchas aplicaciones dada su robustez ante las observaciones atípicas.

  3. Program auto

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rawool-Sullivan, M.W.; Plagnol, E.


    The program AUTO was developed to be used in the analysis of dE vs E type spectra. This program is written in FORTRAN and calculates dE vs E lines in MeV. The provision is also made in the program to convert these lines from MeV to ADC channel numbers to facilitate the comparison with the raw data from the experiments. Currently the output of this program can be plotted with the display program, called VISU, but it can also be used independent of the program VISU, with little or no modification in the actual fortran code. The program AUTO has many useful applications. In this article the program AUTO is described along with its applications

  4. Application of Auto CAD 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Hyeong Jun


    This book deals with basic of AutoCAD, beginning AutoCAD 2000, using design center of AutoCAD 2000, adding drawing element with design center, drawing lines, using 2D edit command, making layer, hatching, dimensioning, entering letters on the floor plan, making 3D object, practice of 3D command, edition of 3D object, making solid, rendering object, and using internet in AutoCAD 2000. This book is introduction of AutoCAD 2000 for beginner.

  5. Estudio de las primeras consultas en un Centro de Salud Mental (II). Características clínicas, sucesos vitales, ajuste y apoyo social, motivación y expectativas.


    Oscar Martínez Azumendi; Miriam Beitia; Karmelo J Araluce; José M Ayerra; Carlos Cela; Jorge Grijalvo; José Ignacio Mendezona; Dolores Azkunaga; Patricia Insúa


    Proyecto de evaluación de 749 consultas consecutivas durante año y medio en un Centro de Salud Mental Comunitario. Se presentan las características y diferencias por sexos en relación con la sintomatolog��a diagnóstico, valoración global de la gravedad del caso, ajuste social, autoestima y apoyo social percibido. Además se describe el número y tipo de sucesos vitales referidos en los 6 meses anteriores, así como motivación y expectativas que traen al servicio.

  6. AutoCAD 2010 For Dummies

    CERN Document Server

    Byrnes, David


    AutoCAD is the hot computer-aided design software known for both its powerful tools and its complexity. AutoCAD 2010 for Dummies is the bestselling guide that walks you through this complicated program so you can build complex 3D technical drawings, edit like a pro, enter new dimensions, and plot with style. AutoCAD 2010 for Dummies helps you navigate the program, use the AutoCAD Design Center, create a basic layout and work with dimension, and put your drawings on the Internet. You'll soon be setting up the AutoCAD environment, using the AutoCAD Ribbon, creating annotation and dimension drawi

  7. Easy Auto CAD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Hyeon Jun


    This book explains Auto CAD easily, which introduces improved function in Auto CAD R 13, such as direct import and export of 3 DS pile, revised render order structure, and explanations of assist, view Draw, construct and modify. Next it gives descriptions of Auto CAD conception, application and system. The last part deals with line, arc, circle, ellipse, erase, undo, redo, redraw, line type, multi line, limits, zoom, move, copy, rotate, array, mirror, grid, snap, units, offset and poly line.

  8. Dimensiones familiares relevantes en la consecución del conocimiento parental y sus repercusiones sobre el ajuste adolescente. Un análisis internacional, nacional y local sobre la familia en la adolescencia.


    Jiménez Iglesias, Antonia María


    La familia constituye el contexto principal y fundamental de socialización, que continua ejerciendo gran influencia durante la adolescencia. La evidencia disponible indica que el predictor más simple y consistente de la salud y el ajuste adolescente es la calidad de las relaciones de los chicos y las chicas con sus progenitores. La importancia de la familia en la adolescencia es bien conocida por el Estudio sobre Conductas de los Escolares Relacionadas con la Salud o Health Beha...

  9. Auto-exame das mamas entre estudantes de medicina Breast self-examination among medical students

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    Ruffo de Freitas Júnior


    Full Text Available Objetivo: avaliar o nível de conhecimento e prática do auto-exame da mama entre os estudantes do curso médico e determinar possíveis fatores associados a esta prática. Métodos: foi utilizado um questionário que continha informações sobre os alunos e o seu conhecimento a respeito do auto-exame, permitindo ainda, verificar entre as alunas a prática do mesmo. Utilizaram-se os testes do qui quadrado e "t" de Student, quando aplicáveis, para verificar a associação de alguns fatores com o auto-exame. Resultados: dos 348 questionários respondidos, 55 (16% pertenciam aos alunos do 5º ano (estudantes que haviam cursado a Disciplina de Ginecologia da Universidade Federal de Goiás, 43% eram mulheres, 62% tinham familiares médicos e 17% apresentavam história familiar de câncer de mama. Em relação ao conhecimento do auto-exame, 95% conheciam o método. Das 149 estudantes, apenas 64% o praticavam. Os motivos para não fazê-lo eram: por ser muito jovem (24%, por não acreditar que pudesse acontecer com ela (4%, por medo (9% e por preguiça (19%, sendo que 44% das alunas não souberam explicar o motivo. Tanto o conhecimento quanto a prática do auto-exame não estiveram associados ao ano do curso médico, história familiar de câncer de mama ou à presença de familiar médico. Conclusão: o auto-exame é conhecido por praticamente todos os estudantes de medicina mesmo assim, um terço das estudantes não o praticam. Com isso ressalta-se a importância do auto-exame no curso médico, a fim de que os alunos possam levar mais informações à população, não limitando esta tarefa aos meios de comunicação.Purpose: to evaluate the knowledge and practice of breast self-examination among medical students and to determine possible factors associated with this practice. Method: the authors used a questionnaire to gather information about the students and their knowledge of this self-examination. This questionnaire also allowed the authors to

  10. AutoCAD platform customization VBA

    CERN Document Server

    Ambrosius, Lee


    Boost productivity and streamline your workflow with expert AutoCAD: VBA programming instruction AutoCAD Platform Customization: VBA is the definitive guide to personalizing AutoCAD and the various programs that run on the AutoCAD platform, including AutoCAD Architecture, Civil 3D, Plant 3D, and more. Written by an Autodesk insider with years of customization and programming experience, this book features detailed discussions backed by real-world examples and easy-to-follow tutorials that illustrate each step in the personalization process. Readers gain expert guidance toward managing layout

  11. La influencia de las diferencias entre el padre y la madre sobre el ajuste adolescente

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    Antonia Jiménez-Iglesias


    Full Text Available Este trabajo se centra en analizar cómo influyen en el consumo de sustancias (tabaco, alcohol y cannabis y el bienestar psicológico adolescente (calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y satisfacción vital las diferencias entre el padre y la madre en afecto, promoción de la autonomía, revelación, interés y conocimiento. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 10170 chicos y chicas españoles de 13 a 18 años de familias biparentales que participaron en la edición 2006 del estudio Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC. Los resultados mostraron que los adolescentes que indicaron que su padre y madre coincidían en presentar altos niveles en las dimensiones familiares analizadas consumieron menos sustancias y tuvieron mejor bienestar psicológico. Por el contrario, el ajuste de los adolescentes cuyos progenitores (padre y madre tenían bajos niveles en esas dimensiones familiares fue peor. Concretamente, la dimensión más importante para el consumo de sustancias fue el conocimiento parental y para el bienestar psicológico lo fue el afecto parental; la revelación adolescente solo fue relevante para el consumo de alcohol y la calidad de vida, mientras que la promoción parental de la autonomía lo fue para la calidad de vida.

  12. AutoCAD workbook

    CERN Document Server

    Metherell, Phil


    AutoCAD Workbook helps new users learn the basics of AutoCad, providing guidance on most of the commonly used functions in which the program operates.This book discusses loading AutoCad and starting a drawing; drawing and erasing lines, circles, and arcs; and setting up the drawing environment. The topics on drawing and editing polylines; entering text and text styles; and layers, linetype, and color are also considered. This publication likewise covers creating and using blocks, hatching and extracting information, dimensioning drawings, 3D visualization, and plotting a drawing. Other

  13. Ajustes nos movimentos de alcançar e apreender objetos: impacto da Síndrome de Down Adjustments in the movements of reaching for and grasping objects: the impact of Down Syndrome

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    Mariana Martins dos Santos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: verificar a influência das propriedades dos objetos nos ajustes realizados por lactentes típicos e com Síndrome de Down (SD dos quatro aos oito meses de idade ao alcançar e apreender objetos. MÉTODOS: 16 lactentes, avaliados uma vez ao mês dos 4 aos 8 meses, sendo oito típicos e oito com SD. Quatro objetos esféricos (maleável grande, maleável pequeno, rígido grande e rígido pequeno foram apresentados, e os cinco primeiros movimentos válidos foram registrados para análise das variáveis: ajuste proximal (uni e bimanual, ajuste distal (orientação da palma, abertura da mão e apreensão do objeto. RESULTADOS: os lactentes típicos apresentaram mais ajuste bimanual para objetos grandes aos seis e oito meses e os com SD aos sete meses. Quanto aos ajustes distais, os lactentes típicos variaram seu comportamento enquanto os com SD apresentaram uso predominante da posição oblíqua. Em geral, o grupo típico apresentou maior sucesso na apreensão dos objetos rígidos e maleável pequeno quando comparados aos lactentes com SD. CONCLUSÕES: Os lactentes com SD apresentaram menor variedade de ajustes o que levou a um menor sucesso na apreensão, possivelmente devido a restrições intrínsecas da SD.OBJECTIVES: to verify the influence that properties of objects have on the reaching and grasping adjustments made by infants with and without Down syndrome (DS between four to eight months of age. METHODS: 16 infants, eight typical and eight with DS, were evaluated once a month from months 4 to 8. Four spherical objects (large soft, small soft, large hard and small hard were offered and the first five valid movements were recorded for analysis of the variables: proximal adjustment (uni- and bimanual, distal adjustments (palm orientation, hand opening and grasping of the object. RESULTS: the typical infants displayed greater bimanual adjustment for large objects at six and eight months and those with DS at seven months. As for distal

  14. AutoCAD 2008 for dummies

    CERN Document Server

    Byrnes, David


    A gentle, humorous introduction to this fearsomely complex software that helps new users start creating 2D and 3D technical drawings right awayCovers the new features and enhancements in the latest AutoCAD version and provides coverage of AutoCAD LT, AutoCAD''s lower-cost siblingTopics covered include creating a basic layout, using AutoCAD DesignCenter, drawing and editing, working with dimensions, plotting, using blocks, adding text to drawings, and drawing on the InternetAutoCAD is the leading CAD software for architects, engineers, and draftspeople who need to create detailed 2D and 3D tech

  15. AutoCAD 2014 for dummies

    CERN Document Server

    Fane, Bill


    Find your way around AutoCAD 2014 with this full-color, For Dummies guide!Put away that pencil and paper and start putting the power of AutoCAD 2014 to work in your CAD projects and designs. From setting up your drawing environment to using text, dimensions, hatching, and more, this guide walks you through AutoCAD basics and provides you with a solid understanding of the latest CAD tools and techniques. You'll also benefit from the full-color illustrations that mirror exactly what you'll see on your AutoCAD 2014 screen and highlight the importance of AutoCAD's Mode

  16. AutoCAD platform customization autolisp

    CERN Document Server

    Ambrosius, Lee


    Customize and personalize programs built on the AutoCAD platform AutoLISP is the key to unlocking the secrets of a more streamlined experience using industry leading software programs like AutoCAD, Civil 3D, Plant 3D, and more. AutoCAD Platform Customization: AutoLISP provides real-world examples that show you how to do everything from modifying graphical objects and reading and setting system variables to communicating with external programs. It also features a resources appendix and downloadable datasets and customization examples-tools that ensure swift and easy adoption. Find out how to r

  17. Incorporação da densidade no ajuste de dois modelos à curva de retenção de água no solo

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    C. A. Tormena


    Full Text Available A curva de retenção de água no solo é fundamental para o desenvolvimento de estudos relacionados com a dinâmica da água, com a modelagem de processos físicos do solo e crescimento das plantas. Normalmente, a curva de retenção é obtida por meio de medidas simultâneas do conteúdo de água (θ e do potencial mátrico da água no solo (ψ numa única amostra. Um procedimento alternativo consiste em utilizar várias amostras por ψ para descrever a curva de retenção. A utilização deste procedimento requer a incorporação dos fatores de variação existentes entre as amostras nos parâmetros das funções matemáticas utilizadas para descrever essa curva. O objetivo deste trabalho foi obter a curva de retenção, utilizando esta última sistemática, e ajustar duas diferentes funções não-lineares aos dados de θ(ψ. Amostras indeformadas (0,05 m de diâmetro e 0,05 m de altura foram obtidas num Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico cultivado com milho sob plantio direto e preparo convencional do solo. Foram retiradas 96 amostras por sistema de preparo, na profundidade de 0-0,10 m, na linha e na entrelinha da cultura. A curva de retenção foi obtida utilizando-se 12 ψ, sendo 16 amostras por ψ: oito por sistema de preparo e quatro por posição amostrada. Os modelos de Genuchten (1980 - VG e o de Hutson & Cass (1987 - HC foram ajustados aos dados. Funções relacionando os parâmetros dos modelos com as variáveis independentes preparo, posição de amostragem e densidade do solo (Ds os substituíram no ajuste dos dados. Não houve influência estatisticamente significativa dos sistemas de preparo e posição de amostragem (p > 0,05 no ajuste das funções aos dados . Com a função de VG obtiveram-se efeitos significativos da Ds no parâmetro n, o qual foi descrito por uma função quadrática da Ds. Resultado similar foi obtido com o parâmetro "a" da função de HC. A curva de retenção foi sensível às variações da Ds e o

  18. Learning Auto CAD 2004

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shin, Gyeong Su; Song, Chun Dong; Park, Hyeong Jin; Kim, Yeong Min


    This book introduces basic knowledge of AutoCAD, practice method of command of AutoCAD like poly line, rotate, copy, break, trim, stretch, lengthen, chamfer, grips, extend, array polygon, spline, hatch, and image, writing letters, making library, application of design center and tool palette, drawing floor plan elevation, cross-sectional diagram, presentation materials, effective application of AutoCAD, and construction design using CAD POWER 2004.

  19. Learning Auto CAD 2004

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shin, Gyeong Su; Song, Chun Dong; Park, Hyeong Jin; Kim, Yeong Min


    This book introduces basic knowledge of AutoCAD, practice method of command of AutoCAD like poly line, rotate, copy, break, trim, stretch, lengthen, chamfer, grips, extend, array polygon, spline, hatch, and image, writing letters, making library, application of design center and tool palette, drawing floor plan elevation, cross-sectional diagram, presentation materials, effective application of AutoCAD, and construction design using CAD POWER 2004.

  20. AutoCAD 2012 and AutoCAD LT 2012 No Experience Required

    CERN Document Server

    Gladfelter, Donnie


    The perfect step-by-step introduction to Autodesk's powerful architectural design software With this essential guide, you'll learn how to plan, develop, document, and present a complete AutoCAD project by building a summer cabin from start to finish. You can follow each step sequentially or jump in at any point by downloading the drawing files from the book's companion web site. You'll also master all essential AutoCAD features, get a thorough grounding in the basics, learn the very latest industry standards and techniques, and quickly become productive with AutoCAD 2012.Features concise expla

  1. Se o velho é o outro, quem sou eu? A construção da auto-imagem na velhice

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    Ana Helena de Ávila


    Full Text Available Este estudio investigó como el viejo construye su auto-imagen a partir de la representación social de la vejez. Se realizaron siete entrevistas semi-estructuradas, con viejos de 72 a 91 años, de ambos sexos, diferentes clases sociales y diferentes grados de escolaridad, residentes en Porto Alegre y Grande Porto Alegre. Las entrevistas abordaron las siguientes áreas de interés: auto-imagen en la vejez, representaciones sociales de la vejez y vivencias personales. Los resultados indicaron que existen dos posibilidades para la construcción de esta auto-imagen y ambas están relacionadas por la representación social que el otro tiene de la vejez.

  2. Validación del cuestionario de auto-reporte de comportamiento antisocial en adolescentes: CACSA

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    Paula Alarcón Bañares


    Full Text Available El estudio tiene por objetivo presentar la validación de un instrumento formulado racionalmente para evaluar, mediante auto-reporte, el comportamiento social en adolescentes chilenos (CACSA y describir el comportamiento social de dos grupos: adolescentes escolarizados (N=1914 y adolescentes infractores de ley (N=264. El cuestionario posee 56 ítemes que exploran tres dimensiones generales, a Comportamiento Prosocial (CPRO, b Comportamiento Antisocial Total (CAT; y c Víctima de Abuso de Poder (VAP; CAT contiene seis dimensiones específicas: Delitos (D, Transgresiones Contra la Propiedad (TPRO, Transgresiones Contra las Personas (TPER, Comportamiento Abusivo con Pares (CAP, Consumo de Alcohol y Drogas (OHD; y Transgresiones Sociales Leves (TSL. El estudio incluye también una escala de deseabilidad social y otra actitudinal. Los resultados revelan importantes fortalezas psicométricas del instrumento y capacidad de discriminación entre adolescentes escolarizados e infractores de ley. Se discute la importancia de reconocer por auto-reporte la prevalencia de comportamientos antisociales y la relación entre conductas prosociales y antisociales en adolescentes chilenos.

  3. Ajuste do rendimento para a variação do estande em experimentos de melhoramento genético do feijão Adjustment of the yield for the stand variation in common bean genetic breeding experiments

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Clause Fátima de Brum Piana


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o ajuste do rendimento pela variação do estande em experimentos de feijão e propor procedimento para ajustamento por análise de co-variação. Utilizaram-se dados de 33 ambientes do Ensaio Estadual de Feijão do Rio Grande do Sul. Realizaram-se as análises de variação e de co-variação de rendimento e de estande em cada ambiente. Foram considerados quatro modelos de ajustamento alternativos: sem ajuste para a variação do estande; com ajuste para o estande médio geral; com ajuste para os estandes médios dos genótipos; e com ajuste para os estandes médios dos grupos de genótipos. Em 70% dos ambientes, ocorreu efeito linear ou quadrático significativo de estande sobre rendimento e em 85% efeito significativo de genótipo sobre estande. O efeito compensatório manifestou-se com diferentes intensidades nos ambientes. O ajuste do rendimento para a variação do estande, considerando o efeito de genótipos sobre o estande, é importante em ensaios de melhoramento do feijão. É necessário o registro de informações que permitam discriminar a origem da variação do estande.The objective of this work was to evaluate the adjustment of the yield for the stand in common bean experiments and to propose a procedure for the adjustment through covariance analysis. Data from 33 environments of the Common Bean Assay of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, were used. Variance and covariance analyses of yield and stand were proceeded for each environment. Four alternative models were considered: without adjustment for stand; with adjustment for the average stand; with adjustment for the genotypes average stand; and with adjustment for the groups of genotypes average stand. Significant linear or quadratic effects of stand on yield occurred in 70% of the environments and of genotype on stand in 85%. The compensatory effect was manifested with different intensities in the environments. The adjustment of the yield

  4. Easy Korean Auto CAD 14

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Jae Cheol


    This book introduces Auto CAD 14, which includes summary of basic things of Auto CAD 14, user interface for Auto CAD, basic drawing and advice, layer and set-up drawing, drawing with Auto CAD tools exactly, basic drawing of every thing, edit command, control of display, modeling and view ports of drawing space, various things drawing, writing letters, modification of floor plan, and check, block, X ref, lines and hatch, writing measurement, floor plan and OLE exchange of data, 3D floor plan, and rendering and presentation.

  5. [Comparison of quality of life of patients treated for SUI by surgical approaches AJUST and TVT-O - a 3-month results from randomized trial]. (United States)

    Smažinka, M; Švabík, K; Hubka, P; Haddad El, R; Mašata, J


    The aim of this study is to compare quality of life in 3-month follow-up after the use of transobturator tape TVT-O and single incision tape AJUST in the treatment of urodynamic stress urinary incontinence (USI). Randomized trial. Gynekologicko-porodnická klinika LF UK a FN Plzeň, Gynekologicko-porodnická klinika 1. LF UK a VFN Praha. Between May 2010 and May 2012 100 women with proven urodynamic stress urinary incontinence were included in this randomized trial. These patients were randomly chosen and devided into two group: 50 patients for TVT-O procedure and 50 patients for AJUST procedure. All of the patients underwent a complete urogynecological examination prior to the actual procedure (clinical examination, urodynamic examination, ultrasound examination) and filled in ICIQ-SF and iQol questionnaires. After the surgery, the patients satisfaction was evaluated by visual analoque scale (VAS) and Likert scale and by ICIQ-SF and iQol questionnaires. The intensity and length of postoperative pain was monitored using the visual analogue scale. The patients underwent an examination after 3 months. In both groups of participants no significant differences regarding age, BMI, parity, history of surgery for gynecological disorders, were found. Preoperative urodynamic, ICIQ-SF and iQol parameters were also not significantly different. In the 3-month follow-up 48 participants from TVT-O group and 50 participants from the AJUST group were monitored. No statistically significant differences in subjective and objective parameters were found. Subjectively stress incontinence was not present in 97.9% in the TVT-O and 96.0% in the group AJUST. Objectively stress test was negative in 93.8% in the TVT-O and 94% in group AJUST. By evaluating the ICIQ and iQol were found no statistical differences in the quality of life in both operating groups. At 3-months follow up we did not find any statistical difference between subjective and objective outcome for single incision tape

  6. Ajuste social y escolar de jóvenes víctimas de maltrato infantil en situación de acogimiento residencial

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    Alexander Muela


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo consistió en examinar el ajuste social y escolar de jóvenes que habían sufrido maltrato en la infancia y se encontraban en situación de acogimiento residencial. Además, pretendíamos comprobar si existían diferencias entre los sujetos sometidos a distintas situaciones de desprotección infantil. En el estudio participaron 318 jóvenes residentes en la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco de edades comprendidas entre los 13 y los 18 años (M = 15.35, DT = 1.68 pertenecientes a tres colectivos. El primero de ellos estaba constituido por 69 jóvenes (31 mujeres y 38 varones víctimas de maltrato infantil que se hallaban bajo una medida de protección de acogimiento residencial. El segundo grupo estaba formado por 75 jóvenes (29 mujeres y 46 varones víctimas de maltrato infantil que se encontraban en situación de riesgo de desamparo. Por último, el tercer grupo estaba constituido por 174 jóvenes (95 mujeres y 79 varones que no habían sufrido maltrato. Los resultados pusieron de manifiesto que, independientemente de la situación de desprotección infantil en la que se encontrasen, los jóvenes víctimas de maltrato infantil mostraban mayores dificultades de adaptación social y escolar que los jóvenes que no habían sufrido maltrato en la infancia.

  7. Modelos de ajuste e métodos para a determinação da curva de retenção de água de um Latossolo-vermelho-amarelo Adjustment models and methods for determining the soil water retention curve of a red-yellow Latosol

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wanderley Andrade Costa


    Full Text Available A caracterização da capacidade de retenção de água de um solo é fundamental para a descrição do fluxo de água através dele e para o adequado manejo da irrigação. São apresentadas comparações entre curvas de retenção de água do solo: ajustadas pelos modelos propostos por van Genuchten e por Hutson & Cass; obtidas pelo método do WP4 usando processo de umedecimento e de secagem; obtidas pelo método da centrífuga utilizando amostras deformadas e indeformadas; e obtidas pelo WP4 e centrífuga, usando um processo de secagem e amostra deformada. Amostras deformadas e indeformadas foram coletadas com trados específicos em um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo (LVA, textura argilosa. Foram determinadas as propriedades hídricas do solo necessárias à elaboração das curvas de retenção de água obtidas por análise de regressão. O modelo de van Genuchten possibilitou o melhor ajuste nas diversas situações estudadas. Considerando o processo de secagem, o teor de água útil obtido superou em 13 % o resultado do processo de umedecimento e evidenciou reduzido efeito de histerese. A amostra deformada apresentou-se com um teor de água útil superior 61,7 % ao valor obtido para a amostra indeformada. Entre os métodos estudados, verificou-se que aquele que usa o WP4 subestimou os dados obtidos pela centrífuga. Verificou-se que há diferenças entre amostra deformada e indeformada e os métodos utilizados na obtenção da curva de retenção.The characterization of the soil water retention capacity is fundamental for an adequate irrigation management and water flow description. We present comparisons of soil water retention curves adjusted in distinct ways: by the models proposed by van Genuchten and by Hutson & Cass; by the WP4 method in a wetting and drying process; by the centrifuge method using disturbed as well as undisturbed soil samples; and by the WP4 and centrifuge using a drying process and disturbed soil samples. Disturbed and

  8. Comércio intra-industrial e custos de ajuste para a indústria do Valle del Cauca (1975-2014)


    Hernández García, Edwin Arbey; Universidad del Valle; Raffo López, Leonardo; Universidad del Valle


    RESUMEN El objetivo del artículo es analizar los costos de ajuste para la industria vallecaucana durante el período 1975-2014, considerando el patrón de comercio exterior del Departamento. Para ello, se calcula el índice de Brülhart para analizar el comercio intra-industrial marginal. También se examina la naturaleza vertical y horizontal del comercio intra-industrial, y su relación con los costos de ajuste en la industria del Departamento. Como principal resultado, se obtiene que las relacio...

  9. AutoCAD 2014 essentials

    CERN Document Server

    Onstott, Scott


    Learn crucial AutoCAD tools and techniques with this Autodesk Official Press Book Quickly become productive using AutoCAD 2014 and AutoCAD LT 2014 with this full color Autodesk Official Press guide. This unique learning resource features concise, straightforward explanations and real-world, hands-on exercises and tutorials. Following a quick discussion of concepts and goals, each chapter moves on to an approachable hands-on exercise designed to reinforce real-world tactics and techniques. Compelling, full-color screenshots illustrate tutorial steps, and chapters conclude with relat

  10. AutoCAD 2015 and AutoCAD LT 2015

    CERN Document Server

    Gladfelter, Donnie


    Learn AutoCAD by example with this tutorial-based guide from Autodesk Official Press Whether you are just starting out or an experienced user wanting to brush up on your skills, this Autodesk Official Press book provides you with concise explanations, focused examples, and step-by-step instructions through a hands-on tutorial project that runs throughout the book. As you progress through the project, the book introduces you to the Microsoft Windows-based AutoCAD interface and then guides you through basic commands and creating drawings. A downloadable file is available from the website so that

  11. Auto-immune hepatitis following delivery. (United States)

    Saini, Vandana; Gupta, Mamta; Mishra, S K


    Auto-immune hepatitis first presenting in the early postpartum period is rare. Immunosuppressive effects of pregnancy result in delayed manifestation of auto-immune hepatitis, and in established cases, the spontaneous improvements are there. Auto-immune hepatitis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of liver dysfunction first presenting in the early postpartum period. A case of postpartum hepatitis of auto-immune aetiology is being presented here. It is disease of unknown aetiology, characterised by inflammation of liver (as evidenced by raised serum transaminases, presence of interface hepatitis on histological examination), hypergammaglobulinaemia (> 1.5 times normal), presence of auto-antibodies [(antinuclear antibodies (ANA)], smooth muscle antibody (SMA) and antibody to liver-kidney microsome type 1 (LKM1) in the absence of viral markers ie, hepatitis B (HBsAg) and C (AntiHCV) and excellent response to corticosteroid therapy.

  12. A tecnologia da informação como suporte ao ajuste da previsão da demanda: um estudo de caso em uma empresa de bebidas carbonatadas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandre Pereira Salgado Junior


    Full Text Available A gestão da cadeia de suprimentos é um problema que sempre instigou gestores por todo o mundo, ademais os modelos de previsão da demanda tradicionais não mais satisfazem os novos desafios da gestão dos estoques e da ruptura. Assim, novas soluções foram desenvolvidas, buscando-se melhorar os níveis de serviço prestados ao consumidor final. Dentre elas, destaca-se a utilização da TI que, por disponibilizar a informação em tempo real, pode contribuir para o ajuste dos modelos tradicionais de previsão da demanda. Desta forma, o objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar como a TI pode ajudar o segmento de bebidas a ajustar sua previsão de demanda. O método de pesquisa utilizado foi o estudo de caso, analisando uma empresa de bebidas carbonatadas, escolhida por conveniência. Para análise dos dados, utilizou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo. Como principais resultados destacam-se melhorias no nível dos estoques, na ruptura e no nível de serviço.

  13. Estereotipos de género 2.0: Auto-representaciones de adolescentes en Facebook

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available Chicas y chicos adolescentes hacen un uso diferente de las redes sociales online, y las chicas presentan un mayor riesgo de verse perjudicadas por un uso no adaptativo. El objetivo de este estudio era investigar en qué medida los adolescentes se presentan en términos de estereotipos de género en sus perfiles de Facebook. Los participantes, 623 usuarios de Facebook de ambos sexos, contestaron el Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI y el Personal Well-being Index (PWI. En la primera fase, respondieron sobre cómo ven a un adulto típico en términos de estereotipos de género. En la segunda fase, la mitad de ellos contestó el BSRI en relación a cómo se ven a sí mismos, y la otra mitad cómo se presentan en Facebook. Los resultados muestran que los adolescentes se consideran más sexualmente indiferenciados que un adulto típico de su mismo sexo, tanto en su auto-percepción como en su presentación en Facebook. Se confirma que el bienestar psicológico de las chicas baja considerablemente con la edad, y que está asociado a un mayor grado de masculinidad. Se concluye que los adolescentes producen representaciones verdaderas en sus perfiles de Facebook, y que existe una tendencia hacia una auto-concepción y auto-presentación más sexualmente indiferenciada con una leve preferencia por rasgos masculinos, tanto en chicos como en chicas; además, la masculinidad está asociada a un mayor grado de bienestar psicológico.

  14. AutoCAD

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Henrik


    I 1998 var AutoCAD Arkitektskolens basale CAD-tilbud til de studerende. Kursets vægt ligger på konstruktion og strukturering af 3d-modeller og med udgangspunkt i dette, 2d-tegning. Kurset er opbygget over CAD Clasic skabelonen (se min forskning). Kompendiet kan bruges til selvstudium.......I 1998 var AutoCAD Arkitektskolens basale CAD-tilbud til de studerende. Kursets vægt ligger på konstruktion og strukturering af 3d-modeller og med udgangspunkt i dette, 2d-tegning. Kurset er opbygget over CAD Clasic skabelonen (se min forskning). Kompendiet kan bruges til selvstudium....

  15. Séminaire de l'enseignement technique : Forum AutoCAD 2006 et AutoCAD Mechanical 2006 - French version only

    CERN Multimedia

    Davide Vitè


    Jeudi 17 novembre 2005 de 14:30 à 16:30 - Training Centre Auditorium Forum AutoCAD 2006 et AutoCAD Mechanical 2006 CADSCHOOL, CH-1207 GENEVE, Suisse Ce nouveau séminaire de l'Enseignement technique, organisé en forme de forum et en collabora- tion avec TS-MME et notre entreprise partenaire en formation, sera consacré à la présentation de la nouvelle version d'AutoCAD, AutoCAD 2006 et AutoCAD Mechanical 2006, disponible au CERN. Au programme : Présentation d'AutoCAD Mechanical 2006 Améliorations par rapport à AutoCAD Mechanical 6 Power Pack Questions - Réponses Langue: Français. Séminaire libre, sans inscription. Organisateurs: Manfred Mayer / TS-MME / 74499 ; Davide Vitè / HR-PMD / 75141 Pour plus d'information, veuillez SVP visiter les pages des Séminaires de l'Enseignement Technique à l'adresse . ENSEIGNEMENT TECHNIQUE TECHNICAL TRAINING

  16. A auto-percepção do envelhecimento e os traços de personalidade em idosos


    Yassine, Ismael Macedo Correia


    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde - Núcleo de Psicologia Clínica Dinâmica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2011 O presente estudo foca a auto-percepção do envelhecimento e os traços de personalidade, assumindo como principais objectivos: (1) a exploração da relação entre auto-percepção do processo de envelhecimento por parte dos idosos (com mais de 60 anos de idade) e os traços de personalidade e, (2) a compreensão das dimensõe...

  17. El papel de la concertación social ante la política de ajuste

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Raso Delgue


    Full Text Available Contenido: Introducción. Ajuste. Modos de producción y concertación. Nuevos actores y nuevas dimensiones del conflictos. Las dimensiones de la nueva concertación. Contenidos de la nueva concertación. Conclusiones

  18. Mecanismos de Defensa del Hospedero en Estomatitis Sub-Protesica Inducida por Candida


    Cardozo de Pardi, Elba Inés


    La Estomatitis Sub-Protésica (E.S.P.) es una entidad que se localiza principalmente en la mucosa del paladar que se encuentra por debajo de la superficie de ajuste de las prótesis removibles parciales y totales. Esta patología es más común en mujeres que en hombres y se observa más frecuentemente en sujetos con edades comprendidas entre 25 y 90 años. Diversos estudios han revelado que la E.S.P. está asociada con la detección de especies de Candida y de otros microorganismos, mientras que otro...

  19. Piezoresponse force microscopy of ferroelectric relaxors = (United States)

    Kiselev, Dmitry

    Nesta tese, ferroelectricos relaxor (I dont know uf the order is correct) de base Pb das familias (Pb,La)(Zr,Ti)O3 (PLZT), Pb(Mg1/3,Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 (PMN-PT), Pb(Zn1/3,Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 (PZN-PT) foram investigados e analisados. As propriedades ferroelectricas e dielectricas das amostras foram estudadas por metodos convencionais de macro e localmente por microscopia de forca piezoelectrica (PFM). Nos cerâmicos PLZT 9.75/65/35 o contraste da PFM a escala nanometrica foi investigado em funcao do tamanho e orientacao dos graos. Apurou-se que a intensidade do sinal piezoelectrico das nanoestruturas diminui com o aumento da temperatura e desaparece a 490 K (La mol. 8%) e 420 K (9,5%). Os ciclos de histerese locais foram obtidos em funcao da temperatura. A evolucao dos parâmetros macroscopicos e locais com a temperatura de superficie sugere um forte efeito de superficie nas transicoes de fase ferroelectricas do material investigado. A rugosidade da parede de dominio e determinada por PFM para a estrutura de dominio natural existente neste ferroelectrico policristalino. Alem disso, os dominios ferroelectricos artificiais foram criados pela aplicacao de pulsos electricos a ponta do condutor PFM e o tamanho de dominio in-plane foi medido em funcao da duracao do pulso. Todas estas experiencias levaram a conclusao de que a parede de dominio em relaxors do tipo PZT e quase uma interface unidimensional. O mecanismo de contraste na superficie de relaxors do tipo PLZT e medido por PFMAs estruturas de dominio versus evolucao da profundidade foram estudadas em cristais PZN-4,5%PT, com diferentes orientacoes atraves da PFM. Padroes de dominio irregulares com tamanhos tipicos de 20-100 nm foram observados nas superficies com orientacao das amostras unpoled?. Pelo contrario, os cortes de cristal exibem dominios regulares de tamanho micron normal, com os limites do dominio orientados ao longo dos planos cristalograficos permitidos. A existencia de nanodominios em cristais com orientacao

  20. Second auto-SCT for treatment of relapsed multiple myeloma. (United States)

    Gonsalves, W I; Gertz, M A; Lacy, M Q; Dispenzieri, A; Hayman, S R; Buadi, F K; Dingli, D; Hogan, W J; Kumar, S K


    High-dose therapy and auto-SCT remain integral in the initial treatment of multiple myeloma (MM), and are increasingly being applied for management of relapsed disease. We examined the outcomes in 98 patients undergoing salvage auto-SCT (auto-SCT2) for relapsed MM after receiving an initial transplant (auto-SCT1) between 1994 and 2009. The median age at auto-SCT2 was 60 years (range: 35-74). The median time between auto-SCT1 and auto-SCT2 was 46 months (range: 10-130). Treatment-related mortality was seen in 4%. The median PFS from auto-SCT2 was 10.3 (95% confidence interval (CI): 7-14) months and the median OS from auto-SCT2 was 33 months (95% CI: 28-51). In a multivariable analysis, shorter time to progression (TTP) after auto-SCT1, not achieving a CR after auto-SCT2, higher number of treatment regimens before auto-SCT2 and a higher plasma cell labeling index at auto-SCT2 predicted for shorter PFS. However, only a shorter TTP after auto-SCT1 predicted for a shorter OS post auto-SCT2. Hence, auto-SCT2 is an effective and feasible therapeutic option for MM patients relapsing after other treatments, especially in patients who had a TTP of at least 12 months after their auto-SCT1.

  1. Esma Auto ja Mazda on loodud kestma

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ülevaade olulisematest sündmustest Esma Auto kümne tegevusaasta jooksul. Kommenteerivad Tarmo Järvoja, Mart Laar ja Enn Sau. Diagrammid ja skeemid: AS Esma Auto müügi statistika läbi aastate; AS Esma Auto kasum ja klientide arv aastate lõikes; Esma Auto esindused Eestis ja pakutavad teenused

  2. Auto-estima pessoal e coletiva em mães e não-mães Personal and collective self-esteem in mothers and non-mothers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniela Borges Lima de Souza


    Full Text Available O estudo investigou as implicações da condição de maternidade e de não-maternidade para a construção da auto-estima pessoal e coletiva das mulheres, mediante o teste das hipóteses de que os índices de auto-estima pessoal e de auto-estima coletiva obtidos por mulheres mães seriam significativamente maiores do que os índices obtidos por mulheres não-mães. A amostra foi composta por 310 mulheres, com idades variando entre 30 e 69 anos, distribuídas em um grupo de mães e um outro de não-mães, as quais foram solicitadas a responder às versões brasileiras da Escala de Auto-Estima de Rosenberg e da Escala de Auto-Estima Coletiva. A análise dos resultados revelou que as duas hipóteses do estudo foram corroboradas. Concluiu-se que as concepções e representações tradicionais acerca da maternidade ainda desempenham um importante papel na configuração da identidade feminina.The study investigates the motherhood and non-motherhood conditions, and its implications to women in their construction of personal and collective self-esteem. The hypotheses to be tested were that mothers would present personal and collective self-esteem indexes significantly greater than non-mothers. The sample consisted of 310 women, between 30 and 69 years of age, distributed in two groups, mothers and non-mothers. Both groups were asked to answer the Brazilian versions of the Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale and Collective Self-Esteem Scale. Results confirmed both hypotheses. It was concluded that traditional conceptions and representations of motherhood still play an important role in the construction of feminine identity.

  3. Auto-anticorpos na Esclerose Sistêmica (ES Autoantibody in the Systemic Sclerosis (SS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luís Eduardo Coelho Andrade


    Full Text Available A esclerose sistêmica (ES é uma enfermidade inflamatória crônica idiopática, cujo principal indício de vínculo com a auto-imunidade é a presença de auto-anticorpos na maior parte dos pacientes. Pelo teste de imunofluorescência indireta em células HEp-2, observa-se reatividade predominantemente contra o nucléolo e o núcleo, sendo que títulos de anticorpos antinucléolo acima de 1/640 são fortemente sugestivos de ES. Alguns desses auto-anticorpos apresentam alta especificidade para a ES, sendo considerados marcadores diagnósticos dessa enfermidade. São exemplos os anticorpos anti-Scl-70, antifibrilarina e anti-RNA polimerase I. Outros apresentam interessantes associações com manifestações específicas da ES, como os anticorpos anticentrômero, associados às formas limitadas, os anticorpos anti-RNA polimerase III, associados ao extenso comprometimento da pele, e os anticorpos anti-To/Th, associados às formas limitadas com propensão ao desenvolvimento de hipertensão pulmonar. Algumas dessas associações estão bem estabelecidas em diversos estudos, de diferentes grupos de pesquisadores. Outras, entretanto, devem ser vistas com cautela, pois a exigüidade de casos disponíveis para estudo pode ensejar conclusões preliminares e não acuradas. A detecção de anticorpos anticentrômero por técnica de IFI e anti-Scl-70 por imunodifusão dupla ou por ELISA está disponível nos principais laboratórios clínicos capacitados na área de auto-imunidade. O mesmo não se aplica para a maior parte dos demais auto-anticorpos associados à ES. Espera-se que, com a implementação rotineira de técnicas para detecção desses outros auto-anticorpos, o real significado clínico dos mesmos venha a ser melhor conhecido.Systemic Sclerosis (SS is a chronic idiopathic inflammatory disease whose main hint towards autoimmunity is given by the presence of high serum levels of autoantibodies in the majority of the patients. In indirect

  4. Auto-fotografi som metode

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mogensen, Mette


    Artiklen sætter fokus på auto-fotografi som metode i arbejdsmiljøforskningen. Den organisationsæstetiske tilgang, som metoden ofte forbindes med, udfordres med afsæt i en performativ og aktørnetværks-teoretisk position. Gennem en analyse af et enkelt auto-fotografi vises hvordan en artikulation af...

  5. Determinação analítica da performance da irrigação por sulcos abertos e em declive

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    Aristides Fraga Lima Filho


    Full Text Available Uma solução analítica foi desenvolvida, para avaliar sulcos abertos e em declive, com base na teoria de Balanço de Volume de Walker e Skogerboe (1987. Essa metodologia é capaz de obter, matematicamente, a performance de um sistema, dispensando a construção de gráficos que definem os parâmetros de avaliação. A solução matemática é baseada no ajuste de equações ao modelo potencial, no cálculo das áreas sob as curvas definidas no ajuste e na intercessão de curvas, obtendo-se, assim, a performance de sistemas de irrigação por sulcos abertos e em declive. Para validação da metodologia, foi realizado um experimento de campo, na Fazenda Experimental da Universidade Federal do Ceará, situada no município de Pentecoste, pertencente ao Centro de Ciências Agrárias. Os dados de campo foram submetidos à análise pelas duas metodologias. Os resultados mostraram que a metodologia analítica pode ser usada para avaliar a irrigação por sulcos abertos e em declive.

  6. Séminaire de l'enseignement technique : Forum AutoCAD 2006 et AutoCAD Mechanical 2006

    - French version only

    CERN Multimedia

    Davide Vitè


    Jeudi 17 novembre 2005 de 14:30 à 16:30 - Training Centre Auditorium, Bât 593 Forum AutoCAD 2006 et AutoCAD Mechanical 2006 CADSCHOOL, CH-1207 GENEVE, Suisse Ce nouveau séminaire de l'Enseignement technique, organisé en forme de forum et en collaboration avec TS-MME et notre entreprise partenaire en formation, sera consacré à la présentation de la nouvelle version d'AutoCAD, AutoCAD 2006 et AutoCAD Mechanical 2006, disponible au CERN. Au programme : Présentation d'AutoCAD Mechanical 2006 Améliorations par rapport à AutoCAD Mechanical 6 Power Pack Questions - Réponses Langue: Français. Séminaire libre, sans inscription. Organisateurs: Manfred Mayer / TS-MME / 74499 ; Davide Vitè / HR-PMD / 75141 Pour plus d'information, veuillez SVP visiter les pages des Séminaires de l'Enseignement Technique à l'adresse . ENSEIGNEMENT TECHNIQUE TECHNICAL TRAINING

  7. Control Adaptativo Fraccionario Optimizado por Algoritmos Genéticos, Aplicado a Reguladores Automáticos de Voltaje

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco E. Ortiz-Quisbert


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta la técnica del control adaptable de orden fraccionario por modelo de referencia (CAOFMR, aplicada a los reguladores automáticos de voltaje (RAV. El artículo se enfoca en el ajuste de las ganancias adaptables y los órdenes de derivación de las leyes de ajuste del controlador CAOFMR, determinados por la minimización de una función criterio definida para el modelo simplificado del RAV, mediante la utilización de la técnica de optimización de algoritmos genéticos (AG. En base a un criterio de evaluación propuesto por otros autores, se realizan comparaciones, por medio de simulaciones, de la técnica de control propuesta con los resultados obtenidos por la técnica de control PID de orden entero (OEPID (Zamani et al., 2009. Se muestra que el controlador CAOFMR con parámetros optimizados por AG, entrega mejores resultados en términos de robustez frente a variaciones en los parámetros del sistema controlado y mejoras en relación a la velocidad de convergencia hacia las señales de referencia del sistema RAV. Abstract: The technique Fractional Order Model Reference Adaptive Control (FOMRAC applied to an Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR is presented in this paper. The work is focused on tuning the adaptive gains and the derivation order of the adaptive laws of the FOMRAC, determined through the minimization of a criterion function defined for the simplified model of the AVR, by means of the genetic algorithm (GA optimization technique. Based on the criterion function proposed by other authors a simulated comparative study is performed, comparing the proposed methodology with the integer order PID control reported in (Zamani et al., 2009. It is shown that the FOMRAC with parameters optimized by GA provides better results in terms of robustness under parameters variations of the system under control and improvements in the convergence speed of the control error. Palabras clave: Control Adaptativo de

  8. Adaptación de cofias metálicas confeccionadas con dos técnicas: cera perdida colada por centrifugación convencional y fusión selectiva por láser


    Flores Valverde, Yovana Elisa; Loarte Campos, Micarla Yanira; Zelada Ladrón de Guevara, Cinthya Cecilia; Requena Cisneros, Silvio Over; Castillo Andamayo, Diana Esmeralda; Quintana del Solar, Martín Gilberto


    Una buena adaptación marginal disminuye la probabilidad de caries, enfermedad periodontal y fracaso de la restauración. La adaptación interna es el ajuste entre la superfi cie de la preparación y la superfi cie interna de la restauración, proporcionando retención. La aleación metálica más usada es la de níquel-cromo (Ni-Cr); sin embargo presenta limitaciones como reacciones alérgicas. La aleación cobalto-cromo (Co-Cr) es una alternativa por tener biocompatibilidad, resistencia mecánica, resis...

  9. AutoCAD platform customization user interface and beyond

    CERN Document Server

    Ambrosius, Lee


    Make AutoCAD your own with powerful personalization options Options for AutoCAD customization are typically the domain of administrators, but savvy users can perform their own customizations to personalize AutoCAD. Until recently, most users never thought to customize the AutoCAD platform to meet their specific needs, instead leaving it to administrators. If you are an AutoCAD user who wants to ramp up personalization options in your favorite software, AutoCAD Platform Customization: User Interface and Beyond is the perfect resource for you. Author Lee Ambrosius is recognized as a leader in Au

  10. Auto-relato e relato de informante secundário na avaliação da saúde em idosos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renata Jardim


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar se o modelo explicativo para a avaliação da saúde do idoso com base no auto-relato é comparável com o modelo de relato do informante secundário e se a auto-avaliação de saúde do informante secundário influencia a avaliação da saúde do idoso. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 230 pares idoso-informante secundário realizado em Belo Horizonte, MG, em 2007. Foram investigadas variáveis sociodemográficas e de saúde dos idosos por meio de entrevista estruturada. Utilizou-se regressão logística múltipla para analisar associação com auto-avaliação da saúde do idoso como ruim e com as informações prestadas pelo informante secundário. RESULTADOS: No modelo com base no auto-relato, a variável mais fortemente associada à avaliação da saúde do idoso como ruim foi a presença de restrições ou incapacidade para realizar atividades relacionadas à vida diária e/ou à mobilidade. No modelo baseado no informante secundário, a variável explicativa mais relevante foi o número de doenças crônicas apresentadas pelo idoso. Além disso, a chance de o informante secundário avaliar a saúde do idoso como ruim foi três vezes maior quando ele auto-avaliou sua saúde da mesma forma. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados mostram diferenças importantes entre o modelo da avaliação da saúde do idoso com base nas respostas do próprio indivíduo e nas do informante secundário. O idoso tende a valorizar suas restrições ou incapacidade de realizar atividades da vida diária/mobilidade, enquanto o informante secundário tende a valorizar o diagnóstico de doenças crônicas. O informante secundário com pior auto-avaliação da saúde apresenta chance quase três vezes maior de relatar a saúde do idoso da mesma forma. Assim, informações auto-relatadas refletem melhor a condição de saúde do indivíduo do que se relatadas por informantes secundários.

  11. Assessment of Factors Related to Auto-PEEP. (United States)

    Natalini, Giuseppe; Tuzzo, Daniele; Rosano, Antonio; Testa, Marco; Grazioli, Michele; Pennestrì, Vincenzo; Amodeo, Guido; Marsilia, Paolo F; Tinnirello, Andrea; Berruto, Francesco; Fiorillo, Marialinda; Filippini, Matteo; Peratoner, Alberto; Minelli, Cosetta; Bernardini, Achille


    Previous physiological studies have identified factors that are involved in auto-PEEP generation. In our study, we examined how much auto-PEEP is generated from factors that are involved in its development. One hundred eighty-six subjects undergoing controlled mechanical ventilation with persistent expiratory flow at the beginning of each inspiration were enrolled in the study. Volume-controlled continuous mandatory ventilation with PEEP of 0 cm H2O was applied while maintaining the ventilator setting as chosen by the attending physician. End-expiratory and end-inspiratory airway occlusion maneuvers were performed to calculate respiratory mechanics, and tidal flow limitation was assessed by a maneuver of manual compression of the abdomen. The variable with the strongest effect on auto-PEEP was flow limitation, which was associated with an increase of 2.4 cm H2O in auto-PEEP values. Moreover, auto-PEEP values were directly related to resistance of the respiratory system and body mass index and inversely related to expiratory time/time constant. Variables that were associated with the breathing pattern (tidal volume, frequency minute ventilation, and expiratory time) did not show any relationship with auto-PEEP values. The risk of auto-PEEP ≥5 cm H2O was increased by flow limitation (adjusted odds ratio 17; 95% CI: 6-56.2), expiratory time/time constant ratio 15 cm H2O/L s (3; 1.3-6.9), age >65 y (2.8; 1.2-6.5), and body mass index >26 kg/m(2) (2.6; 1.1-6.1). Flow limitation, expiratory time/time constant, resistance of the respiratory system, and obesity are the most important variables that affect auto-PEEP values. Frequency expiratory time, tidal volume, and minute ventilation were not independently associated with auto-PEEP. Therapeutic strategies aimed at reducing auto-PEEP and its adverse effects should be primarily oriented to the variables that mainly affect auto-PEEP values. Copyright © 2016 by Daedalus Enterprises.

  12. Spot auto-focusing and spot auto-stigmation methods with high-definition auto-correlation function in high-resolution TEM. (United States)

    Isakozawa, Shigeto; Fuse, Taishi; Amano, Junpei; Baba, Norio


    As alternatives to the diffractogram-based method in high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, a spot auto-focusing (AF) method and a spot auto-stigmation (AS) method are presented with a unique high-definition auto-correlation function (HD-ACF). The HD-ACF clearly resolves the ACF central peak region in small amorphous-thin-film images, reflecting the phase contrast transfer function. At a 300-k magnification for a 120-kV transmission electron microscope, the smallest areas used are 64 × 64 pixels (~3 nm2) for the AF and 256 × 256 pixels for the AS. A useful advantage of these methods is that the AF function has an allowable accuracy even for a low s/n (~1.0) image. A reference database on the defocus dependency of the HD-ACF by the pre-acquisition of through-focus amorphous-thin-film images must be prepared to use these methods. This can be very beneficial because the specimens are not limited to approximations of weak phase objects but can be extended to objects outside such approximations.

  13. Apego y Ajuste Socio Emocional: Un Estudio en Embarazadas Primigestas Attachment and Socio-Emotional Adjustment: A Study in First Pregnant Women

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    Chamarrita Farkas


    Full Text Available Este artículo se centra en el estudio del apego adulto y su relación con el ajuste socioemocional durante el primer embarazo. Se utiliza una investigación descriptiva correlacional de carácter transversal. La muestra se compone de 139 embarazadas primigestas de 19 a 40 años y nivel socio-económico medio, medio bajo y bajo. El estilo de apego fue evaluado con el Cuestionario de Apego en Adultos, CaMir, y el ajuste socioemocional con el Cuestionario de Salud Mental, OQ-45.2. Se realizan análisis descriptivos de la muestra y correlaciones entre estilos de apego y las dimensiones del Cuestionario de Ajuste Socioemocional con el Coeficiente Producto Momento de Pearson. Los resultados muestran una relación significativa entre los estilos de apego y los indicadores de ajuste.This article focuses on the study of adult attachment and its relationship with socio-emotional adjustment during the first pregnacy. A correlational descriptive study using a cross-sectional design was conducted. The sample included 139 primípara females between 19 and 40 years of age, from medium, medium-low and low socioeconomic status. The attachment style was evaluated using the Attachment Questionnaire for Adults, CaMir, and the socio-emotional adjustment with the Mental Health Questionnaire, OQ-45.2. Descriptive analyses of the sample were conducted, and the bivariate correlations between attachment styles and adjustment was estimated. The results show a significant relation between attachment styles and adjustment indexes.

  14. AUTO

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gammelgaard Nielsen, Anders; Aagaard, Tine; Diaz, pauline


    AUTO is the first assignment that the students of Architecture are introduced to at the Aarhus school of Architecture. The aim is to give students an understanding of design through a generic working method. This by disassembling a car engine and staging its components through a series of castings...

  15. Auto-relato e relato de informante secundário na avaliação da saúde em idosos


    Jardim, Renata; Barreto, Sandhi Maria; Giatti, Luana


    OBJETIVO: Analisar se o modelo explicativo para a avaliação da saúde do idoso com base no auto-relato é comparável com o modelo de relato do informante secundário e se a auto-avaliação de saúde do informante secundário influencia a avaliação da saúde do idoso. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 230 pares idoso-informante secundário realizado em Belo Horizonte, MG, em 2007. Foram investigadas variáveis sociodemográficas e de saúde dos idosos por meio de entrevista estruturada. Utilizou-se regress...

  16. AutoCAD 2014 review for certification official certification preparation

    CERN Document Server

    ASCENT center for technical knowledge


    The AutoCAD® 2014 Review for Certification book is intended for users of AutoCAD® preparing to complete the AutoCAD 2014 Certified Professional exam. This book contains a collection of relevant instructional topics, practice exercises, and review questions from the Autodesk Official Training Guides (AOTG) from ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge pertaining specifically to the Certified Professional exam topics and objectives. This book is intended for experienced users of AutoCAD in preparation for certification. New users of AutoCAD should refer to the AOTG training guides from ASCENT, such as AutoCAD/AutoCAD LT 2014 Fundamentals, for more comprehensive instruction.

  17. Line Generalization and AutoCAD Map

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    Nada Vučetić


    Full Text Available The paper offers the results of original research made on the application of AutoCAD Map in line generalisation. The differences and similarities have been found out between the Douglas-Peucker method and the method of line simplification that is incorporated in AutoCAD Map. There have been also the inaccuracies found out in AutoCAD Map manual relating to the issues of buffer width and tolerance, and the line width before and after simplification. The paper gives recommendations about pseudo nodes dissolving. It has been noticed that AutoCAD Map simplification method is not independent of the order of points. The application of the method is illustrated by an example of coastal line of Istria.

  18. Projecting pipeline construction by AutoDesk Map; Projektierung von Rohrleitungsbaumassnahmen mit AutoDesk Map

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Taschendorf, M.; Voigtlaender, M. [Hamburger Wasserwerke GmbH, Hamburg (Germany)


    Presented is AutoDesk Map, which enables the construction and planning of big grids for water- and gas supply. In this example industrial equipment is driven as objects in AutoDesk Map. Therefore the consistence of the data is guaranted and comprehensive CAD functions are available for industrial equipment and topologies. (GL)

  19. Inteligencia emocional y ajuste psicosocial en la adolescencia: El papel de la percepción emocional

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    José M. Salguero


    Full Text Available La inteligencia emocional (IE, definida como la habilidad para percibir, usar, comprender y regular las emociones, se ha mostrado como una variable importante a la hora de explicar el ajuste psicosocial de las personas. Pese a ello, la mayor parte de la investigación en torno a la IE ha sido realizada con muestras de población adulta y son escasos los trabajos que, utilizando medidas de ejecución, exploren su papel en la adolescencia. El objetivo del presente estudio fue el de analizar la influencia de la percepción emocional, una de las habilidades recogidas dentro de la IE, sobre el ajuste personal y social de una muestra de adolescentes españoles. Un total de 255 alumnos completaron una tarea de ejecución diseñada para evaluar la percepción emocional en la adolescencia así como diferentes medidas de ajuste social y personal. Los resultados de los análisis de correlación y regresión mostraron cómo los adolescentes con una mayor habilidad para reconocer los estados emocionales de los demás informaron de mejores relaciones sociales con iguales y padres, menor tensión en sus relaciones sociales, así como de un mayor nivel de confianza y competencia percibida. Además, estos resultados se mantuvieron tras controlar los efectos de la edad, el sexo y la personalidad. Se discuten los resultados en el contexto de la investigación sobre la inteligencia emocional y se proponen implicaciones prácticas para el diseño de programas de prevención y tratamiento

  20. Human neutrophils in auto-immunity. (United States)

    Thieblemont, Nathalie; Wright, Helen L; Edwards, Steven W; Witko-Sarsat, Véronique


    Human neutrophils have great capacity to cause tissue damage in inflammatory diseases via their inappropriate activation to release reactive oxygen species (ROS), proteases and other tissue-damaging molecules. Furthermore, activated neutrophils can release a wide variety of cytokines and chemokines that can regulate almost every element of the immune system. In addition to these important immuno-regulatory processes, activated neutrophils can also release, expose or generate neoepitopes that have the potential to break immune tolerance and result in the generation of autoantibodies, that characterise a number of human auto-immune diseases. For example, in vasculitis, anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) that are directed against proteinase 3 or myeloperoxidase are neutrophil-derived autoantigens and activated neutrophils are the main effector cells of vascular damage. In other auto-immune diseases, these neutrophil-derived neoepitopes may arise from a number of processes that include release of granule enzymes and ROS, changes in the properties of components of their plasma membrane as a result of activation or apoptosis, and via the release of Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETs). NETs are extracellular structures that contain chromatin that is decorated with granule enzymes (including citrullinated proteins) that can act as neo-epitopes to generate auto-immunity. This review therefore describes the processes that can result in neutrophil-mediated auto-immunity, and the role of neutrophils in the molecular pathologies of auto-immune diseases such as vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We discuss the potential role of NETs in these processes and some of the debate in the literature regarding the role of this phenomenon in microbial killing, cell death and auto-immunity. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. MS AutoCad

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Michael Rye; Heinicke, Hugo


    Formålet med dette notat er at give en introduktion til tegning af et generalarrangement ved anvendelse af CAD-programmet AutoCAD. Generalarrangementets formål er at skabe en overskuelig præsentation af et skibsprojekt. Det skal gøres indenfor de rammer, som ligger til grund for praktiskprojekter......Formålet med dette notat er at give en introduktion til tegning af et generalarrangement ved anvendelse af CAD-programmet AutoCAD. Generalarrangementets formål er at skabe en overskuelig præsentation af et skibsprojekt. Det skal gøres indenfor de rammer, som ligger til grund...

  2. PERI auto-tuning

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bailey, D H; Williams, S [Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720 (United States); Chame, J; Chen, C; Hall, M [USC/ISI, Marina del Rey, CA 90292 (United States); Dongarra, J; Moore, S; Seymour, K; You, H [University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996 (United States); Hollingsworth, J K; Tiwari, A [University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 (United States); Hovland, P; Shin, J [Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 (United States)], E-mail:


    The enormous and growing complexity of today's high-end systems has increased the already significant challenges of obtaining high performance on equally complex scientific applications. Application scientists are faced with a daunting challenge in tuning their codes to exploit performance-enhancing architectural features. The Performance Engineering Research Institute (PERI) is working toward the goal of automating portions of the performance tuning process. This paper describes PERI's overall strategy for auto-tuning tools and recent progress in both building auto-tuning tools and demonstrating their success on kernels, some taken from large-scale applications.

  3. Control neuronal predictivo por linealización instantánea

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    Rosalba Lamanna


    Full Text Available Resumen: Se desarrolla un esquema de Control Predictivo Generalizado (GPC basado en un modelo neuronal del proceso, y se aplica en un reactor de neutralización de laboratorio. El modelo neuronal se obtiene previamente por identificación, y se linealiza en cada iteración del algoritmo de control. De esta manera se combina la capacidad de ajuste de la redes neuronales con la eficiencia de cálculo del GPC, consiguiéndose un sistema con las ventajas del control predictivo pero extendido a sistemas no lineales, que se comporta con precisión y rapidez ante perturbaciones. Palabras clave: Control Neuronal, Control Predictivo, Redes Neuronales, Linealización Instantánea, Control de pH

  4. Auto-Interviewing, Auto-Ethnography and Critical Incident Methodology for Eliciting a Self-Conceptualised Worldview

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    Béatrice Boufoy-Bastick


    Full Text Available Knowing oneself has been an age-old humanistic concern for many western and oriental philosophers. The same concern is now shared by modern psychologists and anthropologists who seek to understand the "self" and others by eluci­dating their worldviews. This paper presents an auto-anthropological methodology which can ef­fec­tively elucidate one's worldview. This intro­spective qualitative methodology uses integratively three methodological processes, namely auto-inter­viewing, auto-ethnography and critical incident technique to elicit baseline cultural data. The paper reports on how this methodology was used to elicit my current worldview. It first explains how emic data were educed and rendered in emo­tionally enhanced narratives, which were then deconstructed to elicit the major recurring themes in the etic interpretive content analysis. To illus­trate this auto-anthropological methodology, two cultural life events have been used: a critical incident in Singapore and a consciousness raising process in Fiji. The first event revealed my own education ideology while the second made me realise my mitigated support for cultural diversity. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0401371

  5. Inteligência emocional percebida (IEP ajuste emocional e actividade física na terceira idade

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    Maria Manuela Lima de Figueiredo Queirós


    Full Text Available O interesse deste estudo está centrado na forma como interage a inteligência emocional percebida (IEP com a prática da actividade física e que peso específi co tem cada uma das variáveis estudadas sobre o ajuste emocional das pessoas nesta faixa etária e, consequentemente, na sua qualidade de vida.

  6. Os benefícios da hipoterapia nos ajustes posturais em crianças portadoras de paralisia cerebral

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    Daniela Carrogi Vianna


    Full Text Available Paralisia Cerebral é uma afecção encefálica que ocorre na fase maturacional, apresentando seqüelas variáveis, envolvendo desordens de postura e movimentos. Examinaram-se alterações posturais de pacientes portadores de Paralisia Cerebral durante e após a realização de Hipoterapia, observando ajustes posturais. Participaram oito crianças, entre 6 e 12 anos, com tetraparesia espástica, apresentando déficics das reações básicas de endireitamento, proteção e equilíbrio. Utilizou-se a Hipoterapia como terapêutica complementar, exigindo respostas posturais automáticas. As crianças foram submetidas a duas sessões semanais, durante doze meses. Constatou-se melhora das variáveis estudadas, concluindo-se que a Hipoterapia auxilia na ativação dos ajustes posturais em crianças com Paralisia Cerebral.

  7. Historia Funcional de Morfologías Lingüísticas y su Efecto en un Ajuste Convencional

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    Nataly Yáñez Ramírez


    Full Text Available Se observó si diferentes historias funcionales construidas durante la adquisición de un conjunto de morfologías lingüísticas facilitaban un ajuste convencional. Participaron 24 estudiantes universitarios distribuidos en tres grupos, expuestos a entrenamientos construidos bajo la lógica de diferentes niveles de interacción: contextual, suplementario o selector (Ribes y López, 1985; y posteriormente se evaluó su ejecución en una tarea convencional. El entrenamiento cuyo criterio de ajuste era de tipo selector fue la que más facilitó tanto la adquisición de las morfologías lingüísticas como su uso en la tarea, efecto que pareció más evidente en los hablantes que en los escuchas. No se encontraron diferencias entre los entrenamientos contextual y suplementario. Los resultados se discuten en términos de sus implicaciones teóricas y metodológicas.

  8. Repercussões na auto-estima provocadas pela tricotomia em craniotomia Repercusiones en la auto estima provocadas por la tricotomía en craneotomía Hair removal repercussions on patient's self-esteem in craniotomy

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    Solange Diccini


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a repercussão da tricotomia na autoestima do paciente no pós-operatório de craniotomia. Estudo quantitativo do tipo prospectivo. Os dados mostram que a maioria dos pacientes referiu não ter sua autoestima alterada em função da tricotomia; predomina a manutenção da autoestima entre os pacientes que receberam orientação sobre a tricotomia; a maioria fez uso de acessórios como estratégia para ocultar a área raspada, e acredita que a tricotomia não prejudica a qualidade de vida nem interfere nas relações sociais. Conclui-se que os sentimentos relacionados à diminuição da autoestima são a perda da atração, a insegurança e a vergonha; há a necessidade de uso de acessórios para melhorar a auto-imagem, e os profissionais da saúde devem trabalhar com os aspectos psicossociais dos pacientes no pré e pós-operatórios.El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la repercusión de la tricotomía en la auto estima del paciente en el posoperatorio de craneotomía. Estudio cuantitativo del tipo prospectivo. Los datos muestran que la mayoría de los pacientes refirió no tener su auto estima alterada en función de la tricotomía; predomina el mantenimiento de la auto estima entre los pacientes que recibieron orientación sobre la tricotomía; la mayoría hizo uso de accesorios como estrategia para ocultar el área raspada y piensa que la tricotomía no perjudica la calidad de vida y no interfiere en las relaciones sociales. Se concluye que los sentimientos relacionados a la disminución de la auto estima son la pérdida de la atracción, la inseguridad y la vergüenza; hay necesidad de usar de accesorios para mejorar la auto imagen y los profesionales de la salud deben trabajar con los aspectos psicosociales de los pacientes en el pre y pos operatorio.This quantitative-based, prospective-oriented study aims to evaluate the repercussion of hair removal in post-craniotomy's patient self-esteem. Data show that

  9. Auto-irrigação - estratégia facilitadora para a reinserção social de pessoas com colostomia

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    Sônia Ayako Tao Maruyama


    Full Text Available A auto-irrigação se constitui como um importante instrumento de apoio ao controle intestinal, possibilitando a pessoa com colostomia a sua reinserção social. Este estudo teve por objetivo compreender o processo de treinamento para técnica de auto-irrigação intestinal proposto a pessoas com colostomia definitiva, assim como as implicações desta técnica no que diz respeito à qualidade de vida, abordando aspectos sociais e culturais. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório com abordagem qualitativa, realizado em hospital universitário em Cuiabá-MT, no período de maio de 2005 a maio de 2006. Os sujeitos do estudo foram 10 pessoas com colostomia, selecionados conforme critérios estabelecidos previamente, e que aceitaram participar do treinamento da auto-irrigação. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevista semi-estruturada realizada em diferentes momentos do processo de treinamento: antes, durante e depois do mesmo. A análise desses dados resultou em duas categorias: a primeira denominada de “Socializando a informação sobre a auto-irrigação” deu origem as subcategorias: Repercussões da aprendizagem da técnica de auto-irrigação e Realizando a técnica de auto-irrigação; e a segunda denominada “As possibilidades após ensino-aprendizagem da auto-irrigação”. A irrigação se mostrou satisfatória como facilitadora da reinserção social dos indivíduos com colostomia definitiva, trazendo uma melhor qualidade de vida aos mesmos.

  10. Application of Auto CAD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Yong Un; Kim, Geun Ho


    This book has introduction to use this book and explanation of application on Auto CAD, which includes, sub directories, batch files, robot wrist, design of standard paper, title block, robort weld room, robert wrist joint, PC board, plant sym, electro, PID, machines, robots, bubbles, plant, schema, Pid, plant assembly, robots, dim plant, PL-ASSM, plotting line weight control, symbol drawing joint, Auto CAD using script file, set up of workout · MNU, workout MNU, ACAD, LSP and workout · MNU.

  11. Instant AutoIt scripting

    CERN Document Server

    Laso, Emilio Aristides de Fez


    Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks. This is a Packt Instant How-to guide, which provides concise and clear recipes for getting started with AutoIt.Instant AutoIt Scripting Essentials How-to is for beginners who wish to know more about automation and programming, system administration developers who intent to automate/manage clusters and servers, and for computer programmers who want to control any PC to create seamless automation apps.

  12. Ajuste de modelos de platô de resposta via regressão isotônica Response plateau models fitting via isotonic regression

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    Renata Pires Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Dentro do contexto nutricional, a suplementação de microminerais em rações para aves frequentemente é feita em quantidades superiores às exigidas na tentativa de assegurar o bom desempenho dos animais. Os experimentos do tipo dose resposta são muito comuns na determinação de níveis ótimos dos nutrientes na ração e contemplam a utilização de modelos de regressão para atingir tal objetivo. Porém, na análise de regressão usual, geralmente, não se usa uma informação a priori sobre uma possível relação de ordem na variável resposta. A regressão isotônica é um método de estimação por mínimos quadrados que gera estimativas que satisfazem a mesma ordenação dos dados. Na teoria da regressão isotônica, essa informação é utilizada de forma essencial e espera-se que a eficiência do ajuste seja aumentada quando se faz uso dela. Diante do exposto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo utilizar uma metodologia de regressão isotônica, como uma forma alternativa para analisar dados de deposição de zinco (Zn na tíbia de aves machos da linhagem Hubbard. No estudo, foram considerados os modelos de platô de resposta polinomial quadrático e não linear exponencial. Além desses modelos, também foi proposto o ajuste de um modelo logarítmico para os dados e a eficiência da metodologia foi avaliada por meio de um estudo de simulação Monte Carlo, considerando diferentes cenários para os valores paramétricos. A isotonização dos dados propiciou uma melhora em todos os avaliadores de qualidade de ajuste considerados no trabalho. Dentre os modelos utilizados, o logarítmico apresentou estimativas dos parâmetros mais coerentes com os valores relatados na literatura, para os dados de deposição de Zn na tíbia de aves machos.Within the nutritional context, the supplementation of microminerals in bird food is often made in quantities exceeding those required in the attempt to ensure the proper performance of the animals

  13. Comparison of single-incision mini-slings (Ajust) and standard transobturator midurethral slings (Align) in the management of female stress urinary incontinence: A 1-year follow-up. (United States)

    Chang, Chia-Pei; Chang, Wen-Hsun; Hsu, Yen-Mei; Chen, Yi-Jen; Wen, Kuo-Chang; Chao, Kuan-Chong; Yen, Ming-Shyen; Horng, Huann-Cheng; Wang, Peng-Hui


    To investigate the effectiveness and safety of a new single-incision mini-sling (SIMS)-Ajust-compared with the standard transobturator midurethral sling (SMUS)-Align-for the treatment of female stress urinary incontinence (SUI). A retrospective cohort study was conducted between January 1, 2010 and August 31, 2012. Women with SUI who underwent either SMUS-Align or SIMS-Ajust were recruited. The primary outcomes included operation time, estimated operative blood loss, postoperative pain, and complications. The secondary outcomes included subjective and objective success, defined as an International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire (ICIQ) score of 0 or improvement as felt by the patient and a long-term complication, such as dyspareunia and mesh erosion after 6 months and 12 months of follow-up. A total of 136 patients were enrolled, including 76 receiving SMUS-Align and 60 receiving SIMS-Ajust. Baseline characteristics of the patients in both groups were similar, without a statistically significant difference. Primary outcomes between both groups were similar, except that women treated with SIMS-Ajust had statistically significantly shorter operation time (p = 0.003), less intent to treat (p < 0.05), and earlier postoperative discharge (p = 0.001) than women treated with SMUS-Align. Secondary outcomes were similar without a significant difference between the two groups (93% vs. 88% success rate in each group). Our results showed that SIMS-Ajust was not inferior to SMUS-Align with respect to success rate, and might have a slight advantage in early discharge. A long-term follow-up or prospective study is needed to confirm the above findings. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  14. Auto concept y rasgos de personalidad: Un estudio correlacional

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    Débora Cecílio Fernandes

    Full Text Available Este estudio ha investigado las relaciones entre los rasgos de personalidad y auto concepto. Fueron aplicadas la Escala de Traços de Personalidade para Crianças y la Escala de Autoconceito Infanto-Juvenil en 389 niños, con edad de 8 a 10 años de escuelas públicas y particulares. Se han hallado diferencias de sexo para casi todas las medidas hechas. Para los varones, ha sido observado correlaciones positivas entre extroversión y auto conceptos escolar y familiar, neuroticismo y psicoticismo con auto conceptos personal y social, y sociabilidad con auto concepto familiar; y correlaciones negativas entre extroversión y auto concepto social, psicoticismo y auto concepto familiar, y sociabilidad y auto concepto personal. Para las niñas, fueron observadas correlaciones positivas entre el auto concepto social y psicoticismo y sociabilidad con el familiar; y correlaciones negativas entre extroversión y el social, psicoticismo y neuroticismo con el familiar. Los análisis de los grupos extremos confirmaron los datos encontrados.

  15. Respostas a auto cuidado de mulheres brasileiras em perimenopausa estudo piloto

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    Marli Villela Mamede


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo testar a validade e confiabilidade do questionário de respostas ao auto cuidado (SCRQ em outras culturas e países além dos Estados Unidos - especificamente, foi de avaliar a possibilidade de uso do instrumento entre mulheres brasileiras em perimenopausa. Durante o processo de tradução para a língua portuguesa, algumas modificações foram realizadas no SCRQ. O instrumento traduzido foi aplicado durante entrevistas individuais - face a face - com 38 mulheres brasileiras. Os resultados da análise das respostas das mulheres mostraram que o SCRQ é confiável, culturalmente apropriado e adaptado, e assim pode ser empregado para medir padrões de respostas de auto cuidado entre mulheres brasileiras perimenopausais. Este estudo piloto demonstrou que a experiência da mulher em relação à menopausa e o conhecimento e interesse que ela tem sobre o assunto variam de pessoa para pessoa. Foram identificadas outras questões não abordadas pelo SCRQ que merecem ser investigadas, como por exemplo a quantidade e qualidade da atividade sexual durante todo o período menopausal.

  16. Escala de auto-eficácia para atividades ocupacionais: construção e estudos exploratórios

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    Maiana Farias Oliveira Nunes


    Full Text Available Esse estudo visou a construção e validação de uma escala de avaliação da auto-eficácia para atividades ocupacionais e as fontes de auto-eficácia associadas (EAAOc, para uso em Orientação Profissional. O processo de construção foi iniciado pela revisão teórica, tendo passado por testagem piloto, análise de especialistas e verificação da estrutura e da consistência interna. Participaram 333 adolescentes matriculados no ensino médio de escolas públicas e particulares do estado de São Paulo-Brasil. Foram observadas evidências de validade de conteúdo favoráveis, por meio da alta concordância entre juízes e expectativa teórica. A solução fatorial de três fatores apresentou maior coerência teórica, com os fatores Experiência Pessoal Direta, Aprendizagem Vicária e Persuasão Verbal, com alphas de Cronbach 0,88; 0,62 e 0,72, respectivamente. São discutidas possibilidades de uso e limitações da EAAOc.

  17. Software planning and analysis for automated design system AutoCAD


    Koskutė, Lina


    AutoCAD sistemos papildymas sukurtas tam, kad būtų lengviau ir paprasčiau dirbti su AutoCAD grafine sistema. Funkcijos sukurtos naudojant AutoLisp ir VisualLISP programavimo kalbas. Sistemos papildymą galima įdiegti į bet kurią AutoCAD versiją. Sukurtas papildymas lankstus naujų funkcijų prijungimui, lengvai eksploatuojamas. Funkcijos suskirstytos į keletą grupių pagal jų formatą. AutoCAD system complement is created to make more easy working with AutoCAD graphic system. Functions are crea...

  18. Auto-recognition of surfaces and auto-generation of material removal volume for finishing process (United States)

    Kataraki, Pramod S.; Salman Abu Mansor, Mohd


    Auto-recognition of a surface and auto-generation of material removal volumes for the so recognised surfaces has become a need to achieve successful downstream manufacturing activities like automated process planning and scheduling. Few researchers have contributed to generation of material removal volume for a product but resulted in material removal volume discontinuity between two adjacent material removal volumes generated from two adjacent faces that form convex geometry. The need for limitation free material removal volume generation was attempted and an algorithm that automatically recognises computer aided design (CAD) model’s surface and also auto-generate material removal volume for finishing process of the recognised surfaces was developed. The surfaces of CAD model are successfully recognised by the developed algorithm and required material removal volume is obtained. The material removal volume discontinuity limitation that occurred in fewer studies is eliminated.

  19. Genotoxic damage in auto body shop workers. (United States)

    Siebel, Anna Maria; Basso da Silva, Luciano


    Some studies have shown increased DNA damage among car painters, but other professionals working in auto body and paint shops have not been extensively assessed. The aim of this study was to assess DNA damage in different types of auto body shop workers by measuring micronucleus (MN) levels in exfoliated buccal cells. The mean number of cells with MN per 2000 exfoliated buccal cells was analyzed in three groups of male workers: auto body repair technicians, painters, and office workers (control group). All participants answered a questionnaire inquiring about age, smoking habits, alcohol consumption, work practices, occupational exposure time, job activities, and use of protective equipment. The mean number of cells with MN was 3.50 ± 1.50 in auto body painters, 3.91 ± 2.10 in auto body repair technicians, and 0.80 ± 0.78 in office workers, with a significant difference between the control group and the two other groups (p = 0.0001). Age, occupational exposure time, use of protective masks, alcohol consumption, and smoking habit did not affect MN results. The findings indicate that technicians and painters working in auto body shops are at risk for genotoxic damage, while office workers seem to be protected.

  20. Presença de auto-anticorpos não-tireóide-específicos no soro de pacientes com hipotireoidismo auto-imune


    Soares Débora Vieira; Vanderborght Bart O. M.; Vaisman Mário


    Auto-anticorpos contra componentes não-específicos da tireóide foram encontrados no soro de pacientes com doença auto-imune da tireóide. Neste estudo avaliamos a presença de auto-anticorpos antinucleares (ANA), antimúsculo liso (anti-ML) e antimitocôndria (anti-Mc) no soro de pacientes com hipotireoidismo auto-imune (HA), comparando-os a controles saudáveis. Estudamos 70 pacientes com hipotireoidismo auto-imune (tireoidite de Hashimoto ou tireoidite atrófica ) e 70 controles saudáveis (sem di...

  1. La inteligencia emocional y el ajuste psicológico: un estudio transcultural


    Fulquez Castro, Sandra Carina


    La intel·ligència emocional (IE) és una competència de l'ésser humà. Així mateix, elements psicològics com l'autoestima, l-autoconfiança, les relacions amb els iguals i les relacions amb els pares -en el cas dels adolescents- constitueixen eines que guien la salut mental i l'adaptació social de l'individu. L'estudi que es presenta demostra l'associació existent entre la IE (atenció emocional -AE- claredat emocional -CE- i reparació emocional -RE) i les variables d'ajust psicològic, així com d...

  2. Female Infertility and Serum Auto-antibodies: a Systematic Review. (United States)

    Deroux, Alban; Dumestre-Perard, Chantal; Dunand-Faure, Camille; Bouillet, Laurence; Hoffmann, Pascale


    On average, 10 % of infertile couples have unexplained infertility. Auto-immune disease (systemic lupus erythematosus, anti-phospholipid syndrome) accounts for a part of these cases. In the last 20 years, aspecific auto-immunity, defined as positivity of auto-antibodies in blood sample without clinical or biological criteria for defined diseases, has been evoked in a subpopulation of infertile women. A systematic review was performed (PUBMED) using the MESH search terms "infertility" and "auto-immunity" or "reproductive technique" or "assisted reproduction" or "in vitro fertilization" and "auto-immunity." We retained clinical and physiopathological studies that were applicable to the clinician in assuming joint management of both infertility associated with serum auto-antibodies in women. Thyroid auto-immunity which affects thyroid function could be a cause of infertility; even in euthyroidia, the presence of anti-thyroperoxydase antibodies and/or thyroglobulin are related to infertility. The presence of anti-phospholipid (APL) and/or anti-nuclear (ANA) antibodies seems to be more frequent in the population of infertile women; serum auto-antibodies are associated with early ovarian failure, itself responsible for fertility disorders. However, there exist few publications on this topic. The methods of dosage, as well as the clinical criteria of unexplained infertility deserve to be standardized to allow a precise response to the question of the role of serum auto-antibodies in these women. The direct pathogenesis of this auto-immunity is unknown, but therapeutic immunomodulators, prescribed on a case-by-case basis, could favor pregnancy even in cases of unexplained primary or secondary infertility.

  3. Economic evaluation of epinephrine auto-injectors for peanut allergy. (United States)

    Shaker, Marcus; Bean, Katherine; Verdi, Marylee


    Three commercial epinephrine auto-injectors were available in the United States in the summer of 2016: EpiPen, Adrenaclick, and epinephrine injection, USP auto-injector. To describe the variation in pharmacy costs among epinephrine auto-injector devices in New England and evaluate the additional expense associated with incremental auto-injector costs. Decision analysis software was used to evaluate costs of the most and least expensive epinephrine auto-injector devices for children with peanut allergy. To evaluate regional variation in epinephrine auto-injector costs, a random sample of New England national and corporate pharmacies was compared with a convenience sample of pharmacies from 10 Canadian provinces. Assuming prescriptions written for 2 double epinephrine packs each year (home and school), the mean costs of food allergy over the 20-year model horizon totaled $58,667 (95% confidence interval [CI] $57,745-$59,588) when EpiPen was prescribed and $45,588 (95% CI $44,873-$46,304) when epinephrine injection, USP auto-injector was prescribed. No effectiveness differences were evident between groups, with 17.19 (95% CI 17.11-17.27) quality-adjusted life years accruing for each subject. The incremental cost per episode of anaphylaxis treated with epinephrine over the model horizon was $12,576 for EpiPen vs epinephrine injection, USP auto-injector. EpiPen costs were lowest at Canadian pharmacies ($96, 95% CI $85-$107). There was price consistency between corporate and independent pharmacies throughout New England by device brand, with the epinephrine injection, USP auto-injector being the most affordable device. Cost differences among epinephrine auto-injectors were significant. More expensive auto-injector brands did not appear to provide incremental benefit. Copyright © 2017 American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Sobre sueños y visiones en el auto de Calderón Los encantos de la culpa (1645)


    Gilbert , Françoise


    International audience; El auto de Calderón Los encantos de la culpa (1645) alegoriza el conocido episodio de la llegada de Ulises y sus compañeros a la isla de Circe, la transformación de los marineros en animales por la maga y su rescate por el astuto héroe. En la transposición calderoniana, el Hombre, acompañado de sus cinco Sentidos y de su Entendimiento, se enfrenta con la Culpa y sus seducciones, vencidas gracias a la ayuda del cielo y la intervención de Penitencia. La adecuación entre ...

  5. Mimetismo e Recriação do Imaginário Medieval em Auto da Compadecida de Ariano Suassuna e en La Diestra de Dios Padre de Enrique Buenaventura

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    Tereza Aline Pereira de Queiroz


    Full Text Available O artigo tem por objetivo discutir, a partir da análise das peças teatrais Auto da Compadecida, de Ariano Suassuna, e La Diestra de Dios Padre, de Enrico Buenaventura, a presença do imaginário medieval ibérico no continente americano.This article intends to discuss the maintenance of iberian medieval imaginaire in the american continent analysing the plays Auto da Compadecida by Ariano Suassuna and La Diestra de Dios Padre by Enrico Buenaventura.

  6. Efectividad de una intervención educativa para reducir el auto-plagio en alumnos universitarios


    Tauste Francés, Ana; Seguí-Crespo, Mar; Cayuela, Ana; Esteve-Faubel, José-María; Ronda-Pérez, Elena


    El auto-plagio se define como el uso de una investigación propia anterior para presentarla como algo nuevo y original, al que recurren algunos alumnos que entregan un mismo trabajo para cumplir con las tareas de dos asignaturas diferentes. Estudios previos muestran que actúan así por varios motivos, como el desconocimiento de que están haciendo algo incorrecto. Como solución proponen las intervenciones formativas, cuyos resultados no son siempre concluyentes respecto a su efectividad. Esta co...

  7. Auto-immune Haemolytic Anaemia and Paroxys

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    who presented with an acute auto-immune haemolytic anaemia. In addition to a persistently positive Coombs test, with specific red cell auto-antibodies, the acidified serum test and the sucrose haemolysis test were repeatedly positive. CASE REPORT. A 24-year-old Indian woman was admitted to hospital in. July 1969.

  8. [Clinical overview of auto-inflammatory diseases]. (United States)

    Georgin-Lavialle, S; Rodrigues, F; Hentgen, V; Fayand, A; Quartier, P; Bader-Meunier, B; Bachmeyer, C; Savey, L; Louvrier, C; Sarrabay, G; Melki, I; Belot, A; Koné-Paut, I; Grateau, G


    Monogenic auto-inflammatory diseases are characterized by genetic abnormalities coding for proteins involved in innate immunity. They were initially described in mirror with auto-immune diseases because of the absence of circulating autoantibodies. Their main feature is the presence of peripheral blood inflammation in crisis without infection. The best-known auto-inflammatory diseases are mediated by interleukines that consisted in the 4 following diseases familial Mediterranean fever, cryopyrinopathies, TNFRSF1A-related intermittent fever, and mevalonate kinase deficiency. Since 10 years, many other diseases have been discovered, especially thanks to the progress in genetics. In this review, we propose the actual panorama of the main known auto-inflammatory diseases. Some of them are recurrent fevers with crisis and remission; some others evaluate more chronically; some are associated with immunodeficiency. From a physiopathological point of view, we can separate diseases mediated by interleukine-1 and diseases mediated by interferon. Then some polygenic inflammatory diseases will be shortly described: Still disease, Schnitzler syndrome, aseptic abscesses syndrome. The diagnosis of auto-inflammatory disease is largely based on anamnesis, the presence of peripheral inflammation during attacks and genetic analysis, which are more and more performant. Copyright © 2018 Société Nationale Française de Médecine Interne (SNFMI). Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

  9. Auto-regenerative thermoluminescence dating using zircon inclusions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Templer, R.H.


    Fired ceramics containing zircon inclusions have been dated by allowing the zircons to regenerate their own thermoluminescence (TL) signal, hence auto-regenerative TL dating. The technique is conceptually straightforward. One first measures the TL accrued since the last heating of the material. The zircon grains are then stored for six months and the TL signal regenerated through self-irradiation is measured. Since the internal dose-rate for zircon is dominated by the internal component the age of the sample is simply given by the ratio of the natural to auto-regenerated signal times the laboratory storage period. The technique, however, requires the measurement of a very small auto-regenerated signal, which introduces a number of experimental and physical complications. The methods for overcoming these problems and successfully dating zircons by auto-regeneration are described. (Author)

  10. Efficiency calibration of solid track spark auto counter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Mei; Wen Zhongwei; Lin Jufang; Liu Rong; Jiang Li; Lu Xinxin; Zhu Tonghua


    The factors influencing detection efficiency of solid track spark auto counter were analyzed, and the best etch condition and parameters of charge were also reconfirmed. With small plate fission ionization chamber, the efficiency of solid track spark auto counter at various experiment assemblies was re-calibrated. The efficiency of solid track spark auto counter at various experimental conditions was obtained. (authors)

  11. Low auto-fluorescence fabrication methods for plastic nanoslits. (United States)

    Yin, Zhifu; Qi, Liping; Zou, Helin; Sun, Lei; Xu, Shenbo


    Plastic nanofluidic devices are becoming increasingly important for biological and chemical applications. However, they suffer from high auto-fluorescence when used for on-chip optical detection. In this study, the auto-fluorescence problem of plastic nanofluidic devices was remedied by newly developed fabrication methods that minimise their auto-fluorescence: one by depositing a gold (Au) layer on them, the other by making them ultra-thin. In the first method, the Au layer [minimum thickness is 40 nm on 150 μm SU-8, 50 nm on 1 mm polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and 40 on 2 nm polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)] blocks the auto-fluorescence of the polymer; in the second method, auto-fluorescence is minimised by making the chips ultra-thin, selected operating thickness of SU-8 is 20 μm, for PET it is 150 μm, and for PMMA it is 0.8 mm.

  12. Variabilidade da aderência e das propriedades mecânicas do concreto auto-adensável

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    F. M. Almeida Filho

    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo estudar a variabilidade das propriedades mecânicas (resistência à compressão, módulo de elasticidade longitudinal e resistência à tração e da resistência de aderência do concreto auto-adensável (CAA, com resistência à compressão do concreto de 50 MPa aos 28 dias, variando o tamanho máximo do agregado graúdo e sua fluidez. Os ensaios foram realizados em corposde- prova de 15 x 30 cm e em vigas padronizadas de acordo com o Rilem-Ceb-Fib (1973. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que a variabilidade do concreto auto-adensável é pequena para o módulo de elasticidade e para a resistência à compressão e grande para a resistência à tração por causa do modo de ruptura do modelo. Com relação à resistência de aderência, a variabilidade foi pequena mostrando que o concreto auto-adensável é material confiável com grande potencial de utilização no mercado da construção civil.

  13. Rational Thoughts on the Development of Chinese Auto Industry

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Shao Qihui


    @@ In order to keep the steady, fast and sustainable development of auto industry, we should have an overall knowledge of the history and current situation of the world auto industry, and have a correct strategic planning and scientific measures towards the Chinese auto industry.

  14. Depressão e auto-estima entre acadêmicos de enfermagem Depression and self-esteem among nursing students

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    Antonia Regina Ferreira Furegato


    Full Text Available CONTEXTO: Há evidências sobre o aumento dos casos de depressão e suas conseqüências na vida das pessoas. OBJETIVOS: Este estudo objetivou conhecer sinais indicativos de depressão e níveis de auto-estima entre acadêmicos de enfermagem, correlacionando esses indicadores. METODOLOGIA: aplicou-se 2 escalas de avaliação (depressão e auto-estima, auto-respondidas por 242 alunos do 1º, 2º e 3º anos de enfermagem que concordaram em participar. RESULTADOS: Idade entre 17 e 44 anos, sendo 40% acima dos 25, 4,4% não solteiros e 4,9% homens, indicando mudança no perfil dos alunos. Encontrou-se 80,8% de alunos sem depressão sendo que todos com altos níveis de estima pessoal (17% estavam neste grupo. Os demais (80,4% tinham níveis médios de auto-estima. A porcentagem de disforia (10,3% e de depressão moderada e grave (6,7% bem como os níveis de auto-estima condizem com os índices referidos na literatura. CONCLUSÕES: a freqüência de depressão entre estudantes está em níveis esperados, porém níveis de estima pessoal estão abaixo.BACKGROUND: There is growing evidence about the increasing incidence of depression and the consequences in people's lives. OBJECTIVE: This study aymed to describe and correlate depression symptoms and self-esteem levels among nursing students. METHODS: 242 first, second and third-year nursing students agreed to participate and answered two depression scales and one self-esteem assessment instrument. RESULTS: Participants were between 17 and 44 years old; 40% were older than 25; 4.4% were not single and 4.9% were men. These results indicate that the students' profile is changing. 80.8% of students did not present any signs of depression and all students with high self-esteem scores belonged to this group. The remaining (80.4% presented average self-esteem levels. Levels of dysphoria (10.3%, moderate and severe depression (6.7% and low and average self-esteem correspond to results mentioned in literature

  15. Transporte em um sistema binÃrio de partÃculas auto-propelidas.


    Jessà Pereira de Oliveira


    Originalmente introduzidas por T. Vicksek et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 1226 (1995)], partÂıculas auto-propelidas (PAP) possuem uma velocidade intrÂınseca constante que sofre variaÂcËoes em sua direÂcËao como resultados de perturbaÂcËoes externas (outras partÂıculas ou meio) e sËao usadas para modelar sistemas que apresentam efeitos de aglomeraÂcËao. O conceito de PAP Âe aplicado para descrever e entender efeitos dinËamicos de aglomeraÂcËao em sistemas naturais, t...


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    Nataly Yáñez Ramírez


    Full Text Available Se observó si diferentes historias funcionales construidas durante la adquisición de un conjunto de morfologías lingüísticas facilitaban un ajuste convencional. Participaron 24 estudiantes universitarios distribuidos en tres grupos, expuestos a entrenamientos construidos bajo la lógica de diferentes niveles de interacción: contextual, suplementario o selector (Ribes y López, 1985; y posteriormente se evaluó su ejecución en una tarea convencional. El entrenamiento cuyo criterio de ajuste era de tipo selector fue la que más facilitó tanto la adquisición de las morfologías lingüísticas como su uso en la tarea, efecto que pareció más evidente en los hablantes que en los escuchas. No se encontraron diferencias entre los entrenamientos contextual y suplementario. Los resultados se discuten en términos de sus implicaciones teóricas y metodológicas.

  17. Estructura electrónica y propiedades ópticas de puntos cuánticos auto-organizados.


    Llorens Montolío, José Manuel


    RESUMEN En el presente trabajo de Tesis se ha realizado un estudio teórico de las principales propiedades de los puntos cuánticos semiconductores auto-organizados (SAQDs). Estas estructuras surgen de la unión de diferentes materiales semiconductores donde la contribución de uno de ellos presenta una escala nanométrica. Debido a su reducido tamaño, estas nanoestructuras son capaces de confinar espacialmente los electrones que se hallen en su interior. Es por ello que presentan unas propieda...

  18. Cronograma de amostragem de alface cultivada em hidroponia para ajuste de curvas de crescimento vegetativo Sampling chronology of hydroponics lettuce plants for adjusting vegetative growth curves

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    Sidinei José Lopes


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o cronograma de amostragem de plantas de alface hidropônica, para ajuste de curvas de crescimento durante o período vegetativo. Foram realizados dois cultivos de alface, variedade Regina, de 8/9/2004 a 19/11/2004 (primavera/verão e 22/2/2005 a 24/5/2005 (verão/outono, em estufas de plástico do Dep. de Fitotecnia, da UFSM, Santa Maria, RS. A partir do ajuste do modelo co-seno com amostragem diária, registrada como padrão, diferentes intervalos entre as amostragens foram simulados para o ajuste do mesmo modelo. A fim de se encontrar o intervalo adequado, foi comparada a variância de falta de ajuste do modelo de amostragem diária com as variâncias de falta de ajuste dos modelos com diferentes intervalos de amostragens pelo teste F. Os cronogramas de amostragens para ajuste de curvas de crescimento de plantas de alface sob hidroponia, para experimentos de primavera/verão e verão/outono, possuem intervalos iguais a dois dias, para fitomassa seca total da planta e da folha; intervalos de quatro dias, para fitomassa de raiz; e, diariamente, para área foliar.The objective of this work was to determinate a sampling chronology to adjust lettuce hidroponic growth curves during its vegetative development. The variety Regina was grown from September 8, 2004 until November 19, 2004 (spring/summer and February 22, 2005 until May 24, 2005 (summer/fall. Plants were placed inside a plastic covered greenhouse in Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Based on the adjusted cosine model, daily samples were taken as standard and different sampling intervals were simulated in order to better adjust the same model. To estimate de adequate sampling interval a comparison was conducted between the variance of lack of adjustment of the daily sampling with the variance of lack of adjustment of different samplings intervals using an F test. Sampling chronograms for adjusting crop growth curves of hydroponics lettuce plants for both

  19. A case study from Turkey: Turkish auto-gas market towards sustainability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mme Kaya


    Turkish auto-gas market grew uncontrollably trough its initial years, leading to auto-gas product, retrofit cars, auto-gas filing stations and conversion shops in compliance with standards. Moreover, standards were not even adequate for a healthy market. Auto-gas accidents occurred due to mis-applications. Consequently, real benefits of auto-gas could not come into the picture, and general public as well as auto-gas customers came to perceive auto-gas as an inferior, unsafe and low-performance fuel. Today's market is really different than the markets in its initial years and it has covered a long way towards sustainability. To exemplify, the standards and inspections are well established and more strict than before. The image of auto-gas has improved considerably and now customers know that auto-gas is not only economic but also environment-friendly safe and good performance. The critical factor, bringing the market into sustainability and healthiness, are the developments in 4 crucial areas, namely, the government, LPG distribution companies, OEMs and auto-gas conversion firms and lastly, customers. Another important key success factor is cooperation between these 4 forces. The presentation will mainly focus on developments in these areas. (author)

  20. Protocolo para el diseño de una escala específica de auto-eficacia en la adherencia a una dieta sin gluten: Escala de celiaquía y auto-eficacia

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    Ricardo Fueyo-Díaz


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: La enfermedad celíaca es un trastorno autoinmune crónico, caracterizado por una intolerancia permanente al gluten, con una prevalencia del 1%, y para la que el único tratamiento hasta la fecha consiste en seguir una dieta estricta libre de gluten de por vida. La falta de adherencia a este tratamiento está relacionada con problemas de salud graves, mientras que el cumplimiento conduce a la normalización. Recientemente, la auto-eficacia se ha asociado con comportamientos de autogestión de las enfermedades crónicas y el estado de salud en muchos campos.Objetivos: Diseñar y validar una escala para medir la auto-eficacia en la adherencia a una dieta libre de gluten en los diferentes ámbitos a los que se enfrentan todos los días los pacientes con enfermedad celíaca.Material y Métodos: Para el proceso de validación, el equipo de investigación reclutará a 500 personas diagnosticadas de enfermedad celíaca, de más de 12 años de edad, a partir de los servicios de atención primaria y las asociaciones de pacientes. Se diseñará una escala para explorar la autoeficacia específica en la adherencia a una dieta sin gluten en las siguientes áreas: compras, comer fuera de casa, comer en casa con otros, viajar y comer en el trabajo o en el colegio. Se llevará a acabo un panel de expertos para asegurar la calidad de los ítems y la utilidad de la escala. Se realizarán los estudios piloto que sean necesarios para su mejora y se analizará su validez de constructo mediante un análisis factorial exploratorio mientras que la validez concurrente será medida mediante su correlación con la adaptación española del General Self Efficacy Scale de Baessler y Schwarzer. La fiabilidad del instrumento, así como de cada uno de los factores, será determinada utilizando el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach de consistencia interna. Dos semanas más tarde, la escala será administrada a, al menos, un tercio de la muestra para obtener una

  1. Automatic detection of AutoPEEP during controlled mechanical ventilation

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    Nguyen Quang-Thang


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Dynamic hyperinflation, hereafter called AutoPEEP (auto-positive end expiratory pressure with some slight language abuse, is a frequent deleterious phenomenon in patients undergoing mechanical ventilation. Although not readily quantifiable, AutoPEEP can be recognized on the expiratory portion of the flow waveform. If expiratory flow does not return to zero before the next inspiration, AutoPEEP is present. This simple detection however requires the eye of an expert clinician at the patient’s bedside. An automatic detection of AutoPEEP should be helpful to optimize care. Methods In this paper, a platform for automatic detection of AutoPEEP based on the flow signal available on most of recent mechanical ventilators is introduced. The detection algorithms are developed on the basis of robust non-parametric hypothesis testings that require no prior information on the signal distribution. In particular, two detectors are proposed: one is based on SNT (Signal Norm Testing and the other is an extension of SNT in the sequential framework. The performance assessment was carried out on a respiratory system analog and ex-vivo on various retrospectively acquired patient curves. Results The experiment results have shown that the proposed algorithm provides relevant AutoPEEP detection on both simulated and real data. The analysis of clinical data has shown that the proposed detectors can be used to automatically detect AutoPEEP with an accuracy of 93% and a recall (sensitivity of 90%. Conclusions The proposed platform provides an automatic early detection of AutoPEEP. Such functionality can be integrated in the currently used mechanical ventilator for continuous monitoring of the patient-ventilator interface and, therefore, alleviate the clinician task.

  2. Research on data auto-analysis algorithms in the explosive detection system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Haidong; Li Yuanjing; Yang Yigang; Li Tiezhu; Chen Boxian; Cheng Jianping


    This paper mainly describe some auto-analysis algorithms in explosive detection system with TNA method. These include the auto-calibration algorithm when disturbed by other factors, MCA auto-calibration algorithm with calibrated spectrum, the auto-fitting and integral of hydrogen and nitrogen elements data. With these numerical algorithms, the authors can automatically and precisely analysis the gamma-spectra and ultimately achieve the explosive auto-detection. (authors)

  3. Development of ATSR (Auto Thermal Steam Reformer)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ono, J.; Yoshino, Y.; Kuwabara, T.; Fujisima, S.; Kobayashi, S.; Maruko, S.


    'Full text:' Auto-thermal reformers are used popularly for fuel cell vehicle because they are compact and can start up quickly. On the other hand, steam reformers are used for stationary fuel cell power plant because they are good thermal efficiency. While, there are many cases using the auto- thermal reformer for stationary use with expectation of cost reduction in USA, as well. However, they are still insufficient for its durability, compactness and cost. We have been developing the new type of fuel processing system that is auto-thermal steam reformer (ATSR), which is hybrid of a conventional steam reformer (STR) and a conventional auto-thermal reformer (ATR). In this study, some proto-type of ATSR for field test were designed, tried manufacturing and tested performance and durability. And we have tried to operate with fuel cell stack to evaluate the system interface performance, that is, operability and controllability. (author)

  4. Curva dos valores normais de peso fetal estimado por ultra-sonografia segundo a idade gestacional

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    José Guilherme Cecatti

    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a evolução do peso fetal estimado em gestações normais de 20 a 42 semanas. Quanto ao desenho e métodos empregados na pesquisa, realizou-se estudo descritivo de um universo constituído por 2.874 gestantes normais da cidade de Campinas, efetuando-se exame ultra-sonográfico obstétrico de rotina com medida da biometria fetal e utilizando-se, para o cálculo do peso fetal, a fórmula de Hadlock et al. (1991. Calcularam-se os valores dos percentis 10, 50 e 90 do peso fetal, por idade gestacional, com construção de curva posteriormente alisada mediante ajuste polinomial de 2º grau. Como resultado, obteve-se que o valor do percentil 50 foi de 368 gramas na 20ª semana, 1.512 gramas na 30ª semana, atingindo 3.417 gramas na 42ª semana. Constatou-se ter havido ganho médio de 200 gramas de peso por semana, de 27 a 38 semanas, a partir de quando o incremento diminuiu. Concluiu-se que a disponibilidade de curva brasileira do peso fetal estimado normal permitirá o diagnóstico pré-natal de seus desvios pela ultra-sonografia.

  5. Crescimento e produção de plantios comerciais de eucalipto estimados por duas categorias de modelos

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    Renato Vinícius Oliveira Castro


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar e comparar duas categorias de modelos de crescimento e produção em plantios comerciais de eucalipto. Para isso, foram ajustados um modelo de crescimento e produção para povoamento e outro para árvore individual, por meio de equações simultâneas e redes neurais artificiais, respectivamente. O volume de madeira por área foi estimado em diferentes idades e classes de produtividade. Foram avaliados dados de 63 parcelas permanentes de plantios clonais, não desbastados, do híbrido Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla, com os dados de 33 parcelas utilizados para o ajuste do modelo e o treinamento das redes neurais, e os das 30 parcelas restantes, para a validação dos modelos. As duas categorias de modelos ajustaram-se bem aos dados observados. No entanto, na validação dos modelos com dados independentes, o volume de madeira por área foi mais bem estimado com o modelo para árvore individual.

  6. Análisis de factibilidad técnica y ambiental para la propulsión eléctrica de autos particulares en la ciudad de Quito


    Yánez Zurita, Iván Ernesto


    121 hojas : ilustraciones, 29 x 21 cm + CD-ROM 3294 Se caracterizó el parque automotor de la ciudad de Quito, únicamente en referencia a autos particulares. Para esto se diseñó una encuesta que fue utilizada para la medición en los centros de revisión vehicular. Luego de obtener los resultados de las encuestas se comparó con el diagnóstico técnico realizado por la corpaire para los autos de los mismos usuarios encuestados. Se identificó las fuentes de energía eléctrica necesarias para cubr...

  7. AutoCAD-To-NASTRAN Translator Program (United States)

    Jones, A.


    Program facilitates creation of finite-element mathematical models from geometric entities. AutoCAD to NASTRAN translator (ACTON) computer program developed to facilitate quick generation of small finite-element mathematical models for use with NASTRAN finite-element modeling program. Reads geometric data of drawing from Data Exchange File (DXF) used in AutoCAD and other PC-based drafting programs. Written in Microsoft Quick-Basic (Version 2.0).

  8. 46 CFR 78.19-1 - Use of auto pilot. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Use of auto pilot. 78.19-1 Section 78.19-1 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) PASSENGER VESSELS OPERATIONS Auto Pilot § 78.19-1 Use of auto pilot. Except as provided in 33 CFR 164.15, when the automatic pilot is used in— (a...

  9. 46 CFR 97.16-1 - Use of auto pilot. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Use of auto pilot. 97.16-1 Section 97.16-1 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) CARGO AND MISCELLANEOUS VESSELS OPERATIONS Auto Pilot § 97.16-1 Use of auto pilot. Except as provided in 33 CFR 164.15, when the automatic pilot is used...

  10. [Stress and auto-immunity]. (United States)

    Delévaux, I; Chamoux, A; Aumaître, O


    The etiology of auto-immune disorders is multifactorial. Stress is probably a participating factor. Indeed, a high proportion of patients with auto-immune diseases report uncommon stress before disease onset or disease flare. The biological consequences of stress are increasingly well understood. Glucocorticoids and catecholamines released by hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis during stress will alter the balance Th1/Th2 and the balance Th17/Treg. Stress impairs cellular immunity, decreases immune tolerance and stimulates humoral immunity exposing individuals to autoimmune disease among others. The treatment for autoimmune disease should include stress management. Copyright © 2012 Société nationale française de médecine interne (SNFMI). Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

  11. AUTO-EXPANSIVE FLOW (United States)

    Physics suggests that the interplay of momentum, continuity, and geometry in outward radial flow must produce density and concomitant pressure reductions. In other words, this flow is intrinsically auto-expansive. It has been proposed that this process is the key to understanding...

  12. The Status and Trend of Chinese Auto EC

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    <正> As a new information industry, E-commerce is becoming a new growth point of economy, and changing the development of traditional industries such as the auto industry. E-commerce would ultimately bring it profound changes. Therefore, many countries are employing E-commerce to impel the development of the auto industry rapidly. As the final large market, China has to keep up with the trend of global auto development. If we did not explore and establish E-commerce actively, with WTO coming, we

  13. Theory and practice of Auto CAD, computer graphics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hwang, Si Won; Choe, Hong Yeong; Shin, Jae Yeon; Lee, Ryong Cheol


    This book describes theory and practice of Auto CAD, computer graphics, which deals with peripheral of computer, occurrence of digital line by DDA, BRM, theory of conversion, data base and display and shape modeling. This book gives descriptions of outline of CAD system, Auto CAD, basic function practice, simple figure practice, the third angle projection drawing a little complex single object, machine drawing I, function practice of improved Auto CAD, edit, set up layer, and 3D, and 3D display function.

  14. Auto-estima na forma inativa da oftalmopatia de Graves Inactive Graves' ophthalmopathy and self-esteem

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    Carlos Henrique de Toledo Magalhães


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a auto-estima dos pacientes com oftalmopatia de Graves na fase inativa. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 30 pacientes portadores de oftalmopatia de Graves, eutireoideanos, na fase inativa, com idade variando entre 26 e 65 anos, média 43 ± 11,0 anos, denominado grupo estudo e 39 indivíduos que não apresentavam oftalmopatia de Graves, com idade variando entre 18 e 67 anos, média de 41 ± 13,4 anos, selecionados na população geral denominado grupo controle. Para avaliar a auto-estima foi utilizada a escala de auto-estima Rosenberg Unifesp-EPM aplicada por meio de entrevista. Os valores dos escores de auto-estima nos dois grupos estudados foram comparados pelo teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney. O mesmo teste foi aplicado com objetivo de comparar os resultados obtidos no grupo oftalmopatia de Graves considerando a gravidade da doença. RESULTADOS: Não foi observada alteração com significância estatística na auto-estima dos pacientes com oftalmopatia de Graves (p=0,057. O grupo estudo apresentou, em média, valores inferiores de auto-estima, comparado ao grupo controle. Não houve diferença da auto-estima entre os pacientes dos subgrupos leve e moderado-grave (P=0,2710. CONCLUSÃO: A oftalmopatia de Graves na fase inativa não afetou a auto-estima dos pacientes, no grupo estudado.PURPOSE: To assess the self-esteem of Graves' ophthalmopathy patients in the inactive phase. METHODS: Thirty euthyroid patients were evaluated in the inactive phase of disease with age ranging from 26 to 65 years, average of 43 ± 11,0 years, called study group and 39 individuals without Graves' ophthalmopathy with age ranging from 18 to 67 years, average of 41 ± 13,4 years, selected from the general population called control group. To evaluate the self-esteem the Rosenberg UNIFESP/EPM self-esteem scale, applied by means of an interview, was utilized. The self-esteem scores in the two studied groups were compared by means of the non

  15. Auto-focusing accelerating hyper-geometric laser beams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kovalev, A A; Kotlyar, V V; Porfirev, A P


    We derive a new solution to the paraxial wave equation that defines a two-parameter family of three-dimensional structurally stable vortex annular auto-focusing hyper-geometric (AH) beams, with their complex amplitude expressed via a degenerate hyper-geometric function. The AH beams are found to carry an orbital angular momentum and be auto-focusing, propagating on an accelerating path toward a focus, where the annular intensity pattern is ‘sharply’ reduced in diameter. An explicit expression for the complex amplitude of vortex annular auto-focusing hyper-geometric-Gaussian beams is derived. The experiment has been shown to be in good agreement with theory. (paper)

  16. Computing Mass Properties From AutoCAD (United States)

    Jones, A.


    Mass properties of structures computed from data in drawings. AutoCAD to Mass Properties (ACTOMP) computer program developed to facilitate quick calculations of mass properties of structures containing many simple elements in such complex configurations as trusses or sheet-metal containers. Mathematically modeled in AutoCAD or compatible computer-aided design (CAD) system in minutes by use of three-dimensional elements. Written in Microsoft Quick-Basic (Version 2.0).

  17. Double-lumen tubes and auto-PEEP during one-lung ventilation. (United States)

    Spaeth, J; Ott, M; Karzai, W; Grimm, A; Wirth, S; Schumann, S; Loop, T


    Double-lumen tubes (DLT) are routinely used to enable one-lung-ventilation (OLV) during thoracic anaesthesia. The flow-dependent resistance of the DLT's bronchial limb may be high as a result of its narrow inner diameter and length, and thus potentially contribute to an unintended increase in positive end-expiratory pressure (auto-PEEP). We therefore studied the impact of adult sized DLTs on the dynamic auto-PEEP during OLV. In this prospective clinical study, dynamic auto-PEEP was determined in 72 patients undergoing thoracic surgery, with right- and left-sided DLTs of various sizes. During OLV, air trapping was provoked by increasing inspiration to expiration ratio from 1:2 to 2:1 (five steps). Based on measured flow rate, airway pressure (Paw) and bronchial pressure (Pbronch), the pressure gradient across the DLT (ΔPDLT) and the total auto-PEEP in the respiratory system (i.e. the lungs, the DLT and the ventilator circuit) were determined. Subsequently the DLT's share in total auto-PEEP was calculated. ΔPDLT was 2.3 (0.7) cm H2O over the entire breathing cycle. At the shortest expiratory time the mean total auto-PEEP was 2.9 (1.5) cm H2O (range 0-5.9 cm H2O). The DLT caused 27 to 31% of the total auto-PEEP. Size and side of the DLT's bronchial limb did not impact auto-PEEP significantly. Although the DLT contributes to the overall auto-PEEP, its contribution is small and independent of size and side of the DLT's bronchial limb. The choice of DLT does not influence the risk of auto-PEEP during OLV to a clinically relevant extent. DRKS00005648. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  18. 47 CFR 80.307 - Compulsory use of radiotelegraph auto alarm. (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Compulsory use of radiotelegraph auto alarm. 80.307 Section 80.307 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) SAFETY AND SPECIAL... Safety Watches § 80.307 Compulsory use of radiotelegraph auto alarm. The radiotelegraph auto alarm...

  19. Auto MOC-A 2D neutron transport code for arbitrary geometry based on the method of characteristics and customization of AutoCAD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Qichang; Wu Hongchun; Cao Liangzhi


    A new 2D neutron transport code AutoMOC for arbitrary geometry has been developed. This code is based on the method of characteristics (MOCs) and the customization of AutoCAD. The MOC solves the neutron transport equation along characteristic lines. It is independent of the geometric shape of boundaries and regions. So theoretically, this method can be used to solve the neutron transport equation in highly complex geometries. However, it is important to describe the geometry and calculate intersection points of each characteristic line with every boundary and region in advance. In complex geometries, due to the complications of treating the arbitrary domain, the selection of geometric shapes and efficiency of ray tracing are generally limited. The geometry treatment through the customization of AutoCAD, a widely used computer-aided design software package, is given in this paper. Thanks to the powerful capability of AutoCAD, the description of arbitrary geometry becomes quite convenient. Moreover, with the language Visual Basic for Applications (VBAs), AutoCAD can be customized to carry out the ray tracing procedure with a high flexibility in geometry. The numerical results show that AutoMOC can solve 2D neutron transport problems in a complex geometry accurately and effectively

  20. Auto MOC-A 2D neutron transport code for arbitrary geometry based on the method of characteristics and customization of AutoCAD

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen Qichang; Wu Hongchun [School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Xi' an Jiaotong University, Xi' an Shaanxi 710049 (China); Cao Liangzhi [School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Xi' an Jiaotong University, Xi' an Shaanxi 710049 (China)], E-mail:


    A new 2D neutron transport code AutoMOC for arbitrary geometry has been developed. This code is based on the method of characteristics (MOCs) and the customization of AutoCAD. The MOC solves the neutron transport equation along characteristic lines. It is independent of the geometric shape of boundaries and regions. So theoretically, this method can be used to solve the neutron transport equation in highly complex geometries. However, it is important to describe the geometry and calculate intersection points of each characteristic line with every boundary and region in advance. In complex geometries, due to the complications of treating the arbitrary domain, the selection of geometric shapes and efficiency of ray tracing are generally limited. The geometry treatment through the customization of AutoCAD, a widely used computer-aided design software package, is given in this paper. Thanks to the powerful capability of AutoCAD, the description of arbitrary geometry becomes quite convenient. Moreover, with the language Visual Basic for Applications (VBAs), AutoCAD can be customized to carry out the ray tracing procedure with a high flexibility in geometry. The numerical results show that AutoMOC can solve 2D neutron transport problems in a complex geometry accurately and effectively.

  1. El motivo del viaje en los autos sacramentales de Calderón, I: los viajes mitológicos

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    Arellano, Ignacio


    Full Text Available The article examines the aspects of the travel in five allegorical plays of Calderón with mythological argument, analyzing the main elements of travel narrative and allegorical use in relation with conventions of the sacramental plays. Especially important is the structure of travel in El divino Jasón and Los encantos de la Culpa organized on the story of the Argonauts and the Odyssey respectively.El artículo examina los aspectos del viaje en cinco autos de argumento mitológico de Calderón, analizando los principales elementos de relato de viaje y su utilización alegórica en el marco del género sacramental. Destaca por su importancia la estructura del viaje en los autos El divino Jasón y Los encantos de la Culpa, sobre la historia de los argonautas y la Odisea respectivamente.

  2. Urgencia hipertensiva secundaria a enfermedad poliquística renal autosómica recesiva en lactante. Reporte de caso

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    Roxana Quisbert-Cruz


    Full Text Available La enfermedad poliquística renal asociada a la fibrosis hepática congénita es una enfermedad hereditaria; se encuentra dentro del espectro de las enfermedades fibroquísticas hepatorrenales. Su frecuencia estimada es de 1 en 20.000 nacidos vivos para la variedad de enfermedad poliquística renal autosómica recesiva y más rara para la variedad autosómica dominante. Se presenta un reporte de caso de un paciente cuyo padecimiento se inició con crisis hipertensiva de difícil control, debido a enfermedad poliquística renal y fibrosis hepática congénita, presentación clínica poco frecuente; cabe mencionar sobre la importancia del control de la tensión arterial para prevenir complicaciones causadas por la hipertensión arterial: hipertrofia cardiaca, falla cardiaca y retinopatía crónica.

  3. Desenvolvimento e avaliação de uma servoválvula de baixo custo para a aplicação de insumos líquidos Development and evaluation of a low cost servo-valve for liquid inputs application

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    André L. Johann


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de desenvolver uma servoválvula de baixo custo, que respondesse a um sinal eletrônico de controle, para a aplicação de insumos líquidos a taxas variáveis. Depois de realizada pesquisa na literatura das opções de válvulas existentes para a dosagem de líquidos a baixas pressões, partiu-se para o desenvolvimento de uma válvula proporcional com acionamento mecânico por intermédio de um servomotor controlado eletronicamente. Uma vez desenvolvida a servoválvula, o sistema foi submetido a um conjunto de testes, realizados em bancada desenvolvida especificamente para esse fim, onde se procurou avaliar seu comportamento em termos de repetitividade, histerese e linearidade. Como resultados, obtiveram-se três curvas de vazão em função do percentual de abertura, descrevendo três incrementos de abertura e fechamento em duas pressões diferentes de trabalho. A servoválvula apresentou boa repetitividade, razoável histerese e curva tipicamente quadrática, bem como manteve a proposta de baixo custo. Esses resultados apresentaram-se bastante satisfatórios, uma vez que a não-linearidade e a histerese podem ser facilmente corrigidas por meio de software.The present work aimed the development of a low cost servo-valve that answers to an electronic control signal, for variable rates liquid inputs application. A literature research to define which valve type should be used was made. A mechanically activated proportional valve with an electronically controlled servo-engine was designed and evaluated. Since developed the servo-valve, the system was submited to a number of tests .The evaluation of its behavior was obtained in terms of repeatability, hystheresis and linearity. The test was accomplished in a bench, specially developed for this aim. As a result, were obtained three curves of opening percentage as function of flow rate, describing three opening and closing increments in two different work pressures

  4. Vulnerabilidad social de la población desplazada ambiental por las inundaciones de 2007 en Tabasco (México

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    Guadalupe del Carmen Álvarez Gordillo


    Full Text Available En este artículo se analizan los desplazamientos ambientales de la población tabasqueña durante el desastre por inundación del 2007, así como los factores de vulnerabilidad social relacionados. Se realizó una encuesta poblacional para conocer las características demográficas, sociales y culturales vinculadas a los desplazamientos posteriores a la inundación, así como los retornos y la intención de migración definitiva. Se encontró un alto retorno con apego al patrimonio económico y cultural, la reanudación de la vida cotidiana y la no intención de movilización hacia una migración definitiva. A partir de estos resultados, se sugiere la implementación a futuro de ajustes para la atención de la población desplazada por las inundaciones.

  5. Comparación de la prevalencia de discapacidades basada en auto-reportes en países de América Latina

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    Malena Monteverde-Verdenelli


    Full Text Available En general, la medición de prevalencias de discapacidades a nivel de población o de grandes muestras se basa en auto-reportes. Resulta de interés evaluar en qué medida dichos auto-reportes permiten realizar comparaciones entre grupos de población. El objetivo del presente trabajo es medir, comparar y analizar la consistencia de las comparaciones de la prevalencia de discapacidades en actividades de la vida diaria (AVD entre poblaciones de América Latina. El análisis incluye las poblaciones de Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Sao Pablo, Ciudad de México, Montevideo y La Habana. Para evaluar la consistencia de las comparaciones basadas en auto-reportes, se estiman prevalencias de discapacidades en AVD y prevalencias de enfermedades crónicas relacionadas con la discapacidad. Luego se comparan los patrones observados en países con ambas condiciones. Las poblaciones de 60 años y más de Buenos Aires y Montevideo reportan menores dificultades para la realización de AVD y menores prevalencias de condiciones crónicas discapacitantes como diabetes, enfermedades pulmonares, enfermedades cerebrovasculares y problemas cognitivos. Sin bien ello sugiere que al menos parte de las diferencias de auto-reporte de discapacidades podrían deberse a diferencias de morbilidad, no se descarta la existencia de efectos por diferencias en factores contextuales o en las propensiones a reportar discapacidades, entre otros. En este sentido, sería de utilidad llevar a cabo estudios ad- hoc que permitan medir simultáneamente diagnósticos y auto-reportes, la implementar instrumentos como viñetas e incluir información sobre factores contextuales (al menos para sub- muestras, y así poder evaluar la existencia de sesgos sistemáticos y la importancia de factores contextuales en los auto-reportes de discapacidades.

  6. Comparación de la prevalencia de discapacidades basada en auto-reportes en países de América Latina

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    Malena Monteverde-Verdenelli


    Full Text Available En general, la medición de prevalencias de discapacidades a nivel de población o de grandes muestras se basa en auto-reportes. Resulta de interés evaluar en qué medida dichos auto-reportes permiten realizar comparaciones entre grupos de población. El objetivo del presente trabajo es medir, comparar y analizar la consistencia de las comparaciones de la prevalencia de discapacidades en actividades de la vida diaria (AVD entre poblaciones de América Latina. El análisis incluye las poblaciones de Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Sao Pablo, Ciudad de México, Montevideo y La Habana. Para evaluar la consistencia de las comparaciones basadas en auto-reportes, se estiman prevalencias de discapacidades en AVD y prevalencias de enfermedades crónicas relacionadas con la discapacidad. Luego se comparan los patrones observados en países con ambas condiciones. Las poblaciones de 60 años y más de Buenos Aires y Montevideo reportan menores dificultades para la realización de AVD y menores prevalencias de condiciones crónicas discapacitantes como diabetes, enfermedades pulmonares, enfermedades cerebrovasculares y problemas cognitivos. Sin bien ello sugiere que al menos parte de las diferencias de auto-reporte de discapacidades podrían deberse a diferencias de morbilidad, no se descarta la existencia de efectos por diferencias en factores contextuales o en las propensiones a reportar discapacidades, entre otros. En este sentido, sería de utilidad llevar a cabo estudios ad-hoc que permitan medir simultáneamente diagnósticos y auto-reportes, la implementar instrumentos como viñetas e incluir información sobre factores contextuales (al menos para sub-muestras, y así poder evaluar la existencia de sesgos sistemáticos y la importancia de factores contextuales en los auto-reportes de discapacidades.

  7. Diferencias en el ajuste psicológico, familiar y escolar en adolescentes agresores de cyberbullying


    Ortega-Barón, J.; Buelga, S.; Carrascosa, L.; Cava, M.J.


    INTRODUCCIÓN: El acoso a través de las TICs entre niños y adolescentes suscita gran preocupación en la comunidad científica. Sin embargo, en comparación con la amplia investigación realizada sobre las cibervíctimas, todavía no son muchos los estudios realizados sobre los ciberagresores. El objetivo principal del presente estudio fue analizar la existencia de diferencias entre ciberagresores (severos y ocasionales) y adolescentes no implicados en cyberbullying en los indicadores de ajuste psic...

  8. El geosistema y la auto-organización de la geografía física

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    Traductor Antonio Florez (Georges Bertrand


    Full Text Available El profesor Georges Bertrand, de la Universidad de Toulouse-Le Mirail, es una de las figuras conotadas de la geografía francesa y, especialmente, de la geografía física; razón por la que el Departamento de Geografía de la Universidad Nacional aporta esta traducción sobre "El geosistema y la auto-organización de la geografía física" para enriquecer la conceptualización de la ciencia geográfica en nuestro medio.

  9. Los Programas de Desarrollo Rural en la Argentina (en el contexto del ajuste macroeconómico neoliberal

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    Mabel Manzanal


    Full Text Available Este trabajo expone las estrategias de los principales programas de desarrollo rural en la Argentina, y sus alcances y posibilidades en el contexto del ajuste macroeconómico neoliberal. Discute si se están dando, o no, los cursos de acción adecuados, y si es viable la asistencia a los pobres rurales, promovida por los organismos internacionales de financiamiento, frente al impacto negativo de las políticas neoliberales sobre los pequeños y medianos productores agropecuarios.El desarrollo rural se inicia en la Argentina junto con la recuperación democrática de la década del 80, pero las primeras acciones recién comienzan a ejecutarse a principios de los 90. Desde entonces se sucedieron y se superpusieron diferentes programas, que son el objeto de este artículoThis paper discusses the strategies of Argentina’s main rural development programs, and their accomplishments and possibilities in the context of neoliberal macroeconomic adjustment. It analyzes whether the actions being carried out are suitable and whether assistance to the rural poor (promoted by international financing organizations is feasible in the face of the neoliberal policies’ negative impact on small and intermediate farmers and ranchers. Although rural development programs began in Argentina with the restoration of democracy in the 1980s, the first significant actions were not taken until the 1990s. The different programs that have followed, often overlapping, are the object of our study

  10. [Auto-immune disorders as a possible cause of neuropsychiatric syndromes]. (United States)

    Martinez-Martinez, P; Molenaar, P C; Losen, M; Hoffmann, C; Stevens, J; de Witte, L D; van Amelsvoort, T; van Os, J; Rutten, B P F


    Changes that occur in the behaviour of voltage-gated ion channels and ligand-gated receptor channels due to gene mutations or auto-immune attack are the cause of channelopathies in the central and peripheral nervous system. Although the relation between molecular channel defects and clinical symptoms has been explained in the case of many neuromuscular channelopathies, the pathophysiology of auto-immunity in neuropsychiatric syndromes is still unclear. To review recent findings regarding neuronal auto-immune reactions in severe neuropsychiatric syndromes. Using PubMed, we consulted the literature published between 1990 and August 2014 relating to the occurrence of auto-immune antibodies in severe and persistent neuropsychiatric syndromes. Auto-antibodies have only limited access to the central nervous system, but if they do enter the system they can, in some cases, cause disease. We discuss recent findings regarding the occurrence of auto-antibodies against ligand-activated receptor channels and potassium channels in neuropsychiatric and neurological syndromes, including schizophrenia and limbic encephalitis. Although the occurrence of several auto-antibodies in schizophrenia has been confirmed, there is still no proof of a causal relationship in the syndrome. We still have no evidence of the prevalence of auto-immunity in neuropsychiatric syndromes. The discovery that an antibody against an ion channel is associated with some neuropsychiatric disorders may mean that in future it will be possible to treat patients by means of immunosuppression, which could lead to an improvement in a patient's cognitive abilities.

  11. Multilevel Parallelization of AutoDock 4.2

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    Norgan Andrew P


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Virtual (computational screening is an increasingly important tool for drug discovery. AutoDock is a popular open-source application for performing molecular docking, the prediction of ligand-receptor interactions. AutoDock is a serial application, though several previous efforts have parallelized various aspects of the program. In this paper, we report on a multi-level parallelization of AutoDock 4.2 (mpAD4. Results Using MPI and OpenMP, AutoDock 4.2 was parallelized for use on MPI-enabled systems and to multithread the execution of individual docking jobs. In addition, code was implemented to reduce input/output (I/O traffic by reusing grid maps at each node from docking to docking. Performance of mpAD4 was examined on two multiprocessor computers. Conclusions Using MPI with OpenMP multithreading, mpAD4 scales with near linearity on the multiprocessor systems tested. In situations where I/O is limiting, reuse of grid maps reduces both system I/O and overall screening time. Multithreading of AutoDock's Lamarkian Genetic Algorithm with OpenMP increases the speed of execution of individual docking jobs, and when combined with MPI parallelization can significantly reduce the execution time of virtual screens. This work is significant in that mpAD4 speeds the execution of certain molecular docking workloads and allows the user to optimize the degree of system-level (MPI and node-level (OpenMP parallelization to best fit both workloads and computational resources.

  12. Multilevel Parallelization of AutoDock 4.2. (United States)

    Norgan, Andrew P; Coffman, Paul K; Kocher, Jean-Pierre A; Katzmann, David J; Sosa, Carlos P


    Virtual (computational) screening is an increasingly important tool for drug discovery. AutoDock is a popular open-source application for performing molecular docking, the prediction of ligand-receptor interactions. AutoDock is a serial application, though several previous efforts have parallelized various aspects of the program. In this paper, we report on a multi-level parallelization of AutoDock 4.2 (mpAD4). Using MPI and OpenMP, AutoDock 4.2 was parallelized for use on MPI-enabled systems and to multithread the execution of individual docking jobs. In addition, code was implemented to reduce input/output (I/O) traffic by reusing grid maps at each node from docking to docking. Performance of mpAD4 was examined on two multiprocessor computers. Using MPI with OpenMP multithreading, mpAD4 scales with near linearity on the multiprocessor systems tested. In situations where I/O is limiting, reuse of grid maps reduces both system I/O and overall screening time. Multithreading of AutoDock's Lamarkian Genetic Algorithm with OpenMP increases the speed of execution of individual docking jobs, and when combined with MPI parallelization can significantly reduce the execution time of virtual screens. This work is significant in that mpAD4 speeds the execution of certain molecular docking workloads and allows the user to optimize the degree of system-level (MPI) and node-level (OpenMP) parallelization to best fit both workloads and computational resources.

  13. [Oral diseases in auto-immune polyendocrine syndrome type 1]. (United States)

    Proust-Lemoine, Emmanuelle; Guyot, Sylvie


    Auto-immune polyendocrine syndrome type 1 (APS1) also called Auto-immune Polyendocrinopathy Candidiasis Ectodermal Dystrophy (APECED) is a rare monogenic childhood-onset auto-immune disease. This autosomal recessive disorder is caused by mutations in the auto-immune regulator (AIRE) gene, and leads to autoimmunity targeting peripheral tissues. There is a wide variability in clinical phenotypes in patients with APSI, with auto-immune endocrine and non-endocrine disorders, and chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis. These patients suffer from oral diseases such as dental enamel hypoplasia and candidiasis. Both are frequently described, and in recent series, enamel hypoplasia and candidiasis are even the most frequent components of APS1 together with hypoparathyroidism. Both often occur during childhood (before 5 years old for canrdidiasis, and before 15 years old for enamel hypoplasia). Oral candidiasis is recurrent all life long, could become resistant to azole antifungal after years of treatment, and be carcinogenic, leading to severe oral squamous cell carcinoma. Oral components of APS1 should be diagnosed and rigorously treated. Dental enamel hypoplasia and/or recurrent oral candidiasis in association with auto-immune diseases in a young child should prompt APS1 diagnosis. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  14. Tagaotsitav "Auto" / Kristiina Vaarik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaarik, Kristiina


    Chris O'Connelli "Auto" Vanemuises, lavastaja Mark Babych. Etendusele tegid muusika ansamblist Bizarre tuntud muusikud Tristan Priimägi ja Lauri Liivak, kes artiklis sellest räägivad. Esietendus 2. detsembril 2000

  15. La elasticidad de la demanda por electricidad y la política energética

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    Alexander Galetovic


    Full Text Available En el análisis y la práctica de la política energética se suele suponer que la elasticidad de la demanda por energía eléctrica es irrelevante. Este trabajo muestra que durante episodios de escasez de energía una “pequeña” elasticidad basta para generar caídas “grandes” de la probabilidad de déficit y del costo del abastecimiento eléctrico. Esto se debe a que en la vecindad de la capacidad del sistema, la oferta de energía de corto plazo es cercana a vertical. Ilustramos nuestro punto cuantitativamente simulando la operación esperada del sistema eléctrico chileno durante los años de ajuste a la crisis causada por los cortes de gas argentinos, el periodo 2006-2010. Mostramos que el aumento de los precios causado por el retraso de las inversiones y los cortes de gas argentino, combinado con una “pequeña” elasticidad de la demanda mensual por energía (0.0548 en valor absoluto eran suficientes para reducir mucho la probabilidad de déficit mensual y retornarla a niveles normales. Más aún, si se soslaya el efecto de los mayores precios en el consumo, el costo marginal se sobreestima en 32% y el costo de operación esperado en 41 por ciento.

  16. Development of simulation technology on full auto air conditioning system; Auto eakon no simulation gijutsu no kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fujita, N; Otsubo, Y; Matsumura, K; Sako, H [Mazda Motor Corp., Hiroshima (Japan)


    Mazda has developed simulation technology on control of full auto air conditioning system. We have developed the development tool based on the technology, aiming at higher controllability of full auto air conditioning system and shorter development period. The tool performs simulation on control, on-vehicle evaluation of actual load operation, collecting data and analyzing them by personal computer. This paper reports our verification results on effectiveness of the technology/ and the tool. 4 refs., 9 figs.

  17. Auto-aplicação de insulina em crianças portadoras de diabetes mellitus tipo 1 Auto-aplicación de insulina en niños diabéticos tipo 1 Self-administration of insulin by diabetic type 1 children

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    Cristina Dall'Antonia


    Full Text Available Estudo de natureza descritiva que tem por objetivos caracterizar a criança diabética tipo 1, segundo as variáveis sócio-demográficas e identificar as dificuldades relacionadas a auto-aplicação de insulina e controle domiciliar. Foram entrevistadas 34 crianças diabéticas tipo 1, em um hospital de grande porte. Os resultados obtidos apontam que as crianças são brancas (82,4%, feminina (61,8%, idade entre nove e onze anos (54,1% católicas (67,7%, são portadoras da doença há três anos (64,3%. Aprenderam a administrar a insulina com as mães (35,3%, realizam rodízio para auto-aplicação (32,3%. As dificuldades para realizar o controle domiciliar estão relacionadas aos recursos disponíveis e a falta de informação. Os resultados indicam a necessidade de um trabalho planejado e integrado da equipe multiprofissional a criança que atenda a cada aspecto abordado, observando a sua independência para o êxito do cuidado à criança diabética tipo 1.Estudio de naturaleza descriptiva que tiene por objetivos caracterizar el niño diabético tipo 1, de acuerdo con las variables demográficas e identificar las dificultades relacionadas a la auto-aplicación de insulina y su control domiciliario. Fueron entrevistados 34 niños diabéticos tipo 1, en un hospital de gran porte. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que son niños blancos (82,4%, mujeres (61,8%, edad entre nueve Y once años (54,1%, católicos (67,7%, son portadores de la enfermedad por tres años (64,3%. Aprendieron a administrarse la insulina con las madres (35,3%, realizan rotación para auto-aplicación (32,3%. Las dificultades para realizar el control domiciliario están relacionadas con los recursos disponibles y con la falta de información. Los resultados indican la necesidad de un trabajo planeado e integrado por el equipo multiprofesional que atienda cada aspecto abordado, observando su independencia para el éxito del cuidado al niño diabético tipo 1.The present

  18. Intrinsic Tau Acetylation Is Coupled to Auto-Proteolytic Tau Fragmentation.

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    Todd J Cohen

    Full Text Available Tau proteins are abnormally aggregated in a range of neurodegenerative tauopathies including Alzheimer's disease (AD. Recently, tau has emerged as an extensively post-translationally modified protein, among which lysine acetylation is critical for normal tau function and its pathological aggregation. Here, we demonstrate that tau isoforms have different propensities to undergo lysine acetylation, with auto-acetylation occurring more prominently within the lysine-rich microtubule-binding repeats. Unexpectedly, we identified a unique intrinsic property of tau in which auto-acetylation induces proteolytic tau cleavage, thereby generating distinct N- and C-terminal tau fragments. Supporting a catalytic reaction-based mechanism, mapping and mutagenesis studies showed that tau cysteines, which are required for acetyl group transfer, are also essential for auto-proteolytic tau processing. Further mass spectrometry analysis identified the C-terminal 2nd and 4th microtubule binding repeats as potential sites of auto-cleavage. The identification of acetylation-mediated auto-proteolysis provides a new biochemical mechanism for tau self-regulation and warrants further investigation into whether auto-catalytic functions of tau are implicated in AD and other tauopathies.

  19. ¿Financian los franquiciados la expansión de los franquiciadores?: evidencia para el caso español.

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    Vanesa Solís Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar si la dificultad para acceder a los recursos financieros es un factor determinante de la propensión franquiciadora de las cadenas españolas. Para ello, se ha tomado como muestra un panel de datos formado por cadenas observadas entre 1996 y 2002. Además, empleamos un modelo dinámico de ajuste parcial de la estructura de propiedad de las cadenas utilizando el método generalizado de los momentos en primeras diferencias, lo que nos permite, no sólo introducir un componente autorregresivo, sino también el empleo de variables explicativas endógenas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que cuanto mayor es la liquidez y la rentabilidad económica y menor es el endeudamiento de una determinada cadena menor es su propensión franquiciadora, lo que apoya el argumento financiero. Por el contrario, los requisitos de inversión necesarios para la expansión no son significativos. Además, la antigüedad presenta un signo contrario al previsto. Finalmente, observamos que se verifica el modelo de ajuste parcial de la estructura de propiedad, obteniendo una elevada velocidad de ajuste, entre un 78-69%.This work considers whether the difficulty for obtaining funding affects the choice of organizational form for franchise chains. We created a panel of Spanish franchisers who were observed from 1996 to 2002, and calculated a dynamic, partial-fit model for ownership structure, using the generalised method of moments in first differences. This allowed us to introduce auto-regression and to use endogenous explanatory variables. The results obtained show that the greater a chain's liquidity and profitability and the lower its debt, the less likely it is to operate as a franchiser. This supports the financial argument. However, the requirements for investment in growth are not significant, and age shows does not show the expected sign. Finally, we verified the partial-fit model for ownership structure, obtaining a high


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    Cruz Meléndez Roxana


    Full Text Available Resumen:En este artículo se presentan los resultados de una investigación aplicada cuyo objeto de estudio fue un grupo de hombres exfuncionarios y mujeres exfuncionarias del área administrativa de la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR que se encuentran en la etapa de vida denominada “la mediana edad” y que enfrentan el proceso trabajo-retiro laboral. El estudio consistió en identificar los principales factores que inciden en el retiro laboral a una edad más temprana; la viviencia del proceso, el ajuste a la jubilación y sus implicaciones a nivel personal y social. La información recopilada se obtuvo a partir de la técnica “la entrevista fenomenológica” concebida como una exploración profunda que proporciona datos de gran valor conceptual y humana; en ella, tanto la persona que entrevista como la entrevistada mantienen un compromiso para que la búsqueda de la información sea dentro de una relación empática. Partiendo de lo subjetivo por su historia de vida al mandato social por lo roles asignados y asumidos por la población en estudio. Los resultados obtenidos indican que pareciera que la valoración que cada uno de los participantes hace de su rol laboral y el significado del trabajo en sus vidas es determinante en el proceso de retiro laboral y su ajuste al rol de persona jubilada.Abstract: This article presents the results of applied research study that was aimed at a group of men and women, former administrative staff of the University of Costa Rica that are in the stage of life called middle age and facing work-retirement process work. The study consist in identify the main factors affecting the removal from work at a younger age, the experiencing process, adjustment to retirement and its implications for personal and social level. Information collected was obtained from the technique "the phenomenological interview “conceived as a deep exploration that provides valuable data conceptual and human, in her interview both

  1. On the road again: traffic fatalities and auto insurance minimums

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    Pavel A. Yakovlev


    Full Text Available Prior research on policy-induced moral hazard effects in the auto insurance market has focused on the impact of compulsory insurance, no-fault liability, and tort liability laws on traffic fatalities. In contrast, this paper examines the moral hazard effect of a previously overlooked policy variable: minimum auto insurance coverage. We hypothesize that state-mandated auto insurance minimums may “over-insure” some drivers, lowering their incentives to drive carefully. Using a longitudinal panel of American states from 1982 to 2006, we find that policy-induced increases in auto insurance minimums are associated with higher traffic fatality rates, ceteris paribus.

  2. Cirurgias conservadoras do baço para tratamento da esplenomegalia por mielofibrose

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    Petroianu Andy


    Full Text Available A mielofibrose idiopática é uma doença mieloproliferativa crônica, que pode evoluir com hepatoesplenomegalia, também denominada metaplasia, e acometer vários órgãos. Ocasionalmente, o baço alcança proporções gigantescas e precisa ser retirado. Entretanto, esse procedimento é seguido de elevada morbidade e mortalidade. As esplenectomias parciais, que preservam o pedículo esplênico, foram propostas para reduzir complicações pós-operatórias. Após melhora transitória do quadro clínico, surge a recorrência da esplenomegalia e da sintomatologia. A presente comunicação relata duas alternativas para tratamento de esplenomegalia: a esplenectomia subtotal, com preservação do pólo esplênico superior suprido apenas pelos vasos esplenogástricos, e a esplenectomia total, com auto-implantes de tecido esplênico. Realizamos a esplenectomia subtotal em cinco pacientes. O acompanhamento por até dez anos e a melhora clínica dos doentes sugerem que essa operação deva ser considerada para o tratamento de baços gigantes devido à esplenomegalia decorrente de mielofibrose. Um outro paciente foi submetido a esplenectomia total e auto-implante esplênico no omento maior. No seguimento de três anos deste último paciente, não foram registradas complicações relacionadas ao remanescente esplênico. Entretanto, o paciente necessitou de controle hematológico intensivo por causa da gravidade de sua doença de base. Concluindo, se for indicada operação para complementar a terapêutica hematológica da esplenomegalia, deve-se realizar um procedimento conservador do baço. A esplenectomia subtotal ou a esplenectomia total com auto-implantes de tecido esplênico são duas boas escolhas em tais situações.

  3. Auto Market

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    <正> Editor’s notes: the "online investigation of the updated condition of auto market in China", organized by BAGAE together with 7 websites, ended recently. The participants were from 32 provinces, cities and autonomous regions throughout China. Diplomas of the 4,657 participants were generally high, of which college or/over accounted for 80.7%; the participants were mainly middle-aged and young people in which 92.1% were below 40 years old.

  4. AutoFACT: An Automatic Functional Annotation and Classification Tool

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    Lang B Franz


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Assignment of function to new molecular sequence data is an essential step in genomics projects. The usual process involves similarity searches of a given sequence against one or more databases, an arduous process for large datasets. Results We present AutoFACT, a fully automated and customizable annotation tool that assigns biologically informative functions to a sequence. Key features of this tool are that it (1 analyzes nucleotide and protein sequence data; (2 determines the most informative functional description by combining multiple BLAST reports from several user-selected databases; (3 assigns putative metabolic pathways, functional classes, enzyme classes, GeneOntology terms and locus names; and (4 generates output in HTML, text and GFF formats for the user's convenience. We have compared AutoFACT to four well-established annotation pipelines. The error rate of functional annotation is estimated to be only between 1–2%. Comparison of AutoFACT to the traditional top-BLAST-hit annotation method shows that our procedure increases the number of functionally informative annotations by approximately 50%. Conclusion AutoFACT will serve as a useful annotation tool for smaller sequencing groups lacking dedicated bioinformatics staff. It is implemented in PERL and runs on LINUX/UNIX platforms. AutoFACT is available at

  5. Design Of Toyota Home Service Applications For AUTO2000 Based On Android


    Aswin, Arief Rahmadian


    AUTO2000 is a network of sales services, maintenance, repair and supply of spare parts Toyota that was established in 1975 under the name Astra Motor Sales, in 1989 changed its name to AUTO2000 with management that has been handled entirely by PT. Astra International Tbk. Services provided by AUTO2000 one of which is a service of Toyota Home Service, a service provided by the service vehicle Auto 2000 where customers can service their vehicles without having to come to the dealership Auto 200...

  6. Auto conceito e imagem corporal em crianças obesas

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    Ana Maria Pimenta Carvalho


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever o que pensam crianças obesas sobre seus corpos. Para tanto o delineamento metodológico incluiu um grupo de obesos e outro de não obesos. As crianças responderam a dois instrumentos que tocam nessas questões de forma sistematizada - Escala Piers Harris de Auto-Conceito e Eating Behviours and Body Image Test. O grupo de crianças obesas era composto por 14 meninas e 13 meninos, com idades entre 10 a 12 anos e índice de massa corporal variando de P85 a P95 ou acima; o de não obesas era composto por 15 meninas e 12 meninos, com a mesma faixa etária e índice de massa corporal entre P5 a P<85. Os resultados mostraram que as crianças obesas estão mais insatisfeitas com seu corpo e aparência. Entretanto, elas identificam em si características físicas positivas e outros atributos pessoais. Embora menos preocupadas, as crianças não obesas também manifestam insatisfação, possivelmente devido às pressões culturais sobre a aparência física.

  7. Depleção de célula B no tratamento de citopenias auto-imunes B-Cell depletion in the treatment of autoimmune cytopenias

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    Luciana Landeiro


    Full Text Available A morbidade associada ao tratamento de citopenias auto-imunes tornou necessária a busca por novas terapêuticas. Baseado no fato de que o rituximab reage especificamente contra o antígeno CD 20, induzindo depleção de células B e conseqüentemente levando à diminuição na produção de auto-anticorpos, cinco pacientes com citopenias auto-imunes foram tratados com esta droga. Os pacientes eram refratários à terapia convencional e receberam 375 mg/m² de rituximab semanalmente, por um período de quatro semanas. Todos os pacientes apresentaram melhora, seja pelo aumento do número de células (níveis de hemoglobina ou contagem de plaquetas, seja pela suspensão do uso de corticoesteróides. Não foram observadas reações importantes durante infusão do medicamento, ou mesmo episódios de infecção durante acompanhamento subseqüente. Desta forma, o rituximab se mostrou eficaz e seguro para pacientes portadores de anemia hemolítica e púrpura trombocitopênica de etiologia imunológica, sugerindo que esta droga deva fazer parte do arsenal terapêutico utilizado nestas doenças auto-imunes.The morbidity associated with the treatment of autoimmune cytopenias has created a need for new approaches. Based on the fact that rituximab reacts specifically against the CD 20 antigen and induces B-cell depletion interfering with the production of auto-antibodies, five patients with autoimmune cytopenias were treated. All patients were previously refractory to conventional therapy and received 375 mg/m² of rituximab infusion weekly, for four weeks. All patients improved either by increasing the number of cells or by being able to reach steroid suspension. No major reactions occurred during infusion, and no major infections occurred during the follow up. Rituximab appears to be active and safe for patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia, suggesting that this agent can play an important part in the therapeutic arsenal for

  8. Homicídio juvenil por arma de fogo e reorganização familiar: um estudo de caso

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    Domingues, Daniela Fontoura


    Full Text Available No Brasil, a morte de jovens provocada por armas de fogo tem vitimado inúmeras famílias, exigindo ajustes no sistema familiar para lidar com a perda. Este estudo de caso teve por objetivo investigar fatores de risco e de proteção que interferiram na reorganização da família de um jovem vitimado por homicídio por arma de fogo, nos primeiros cinco anos após o episódio. Participaram da pesquisa a mãe e uma das irmãs da vítima, que responderam a um questionário de caracterização do sistema familiar e a uma entrevista semiestruturada, submetida à análise dos núcleos de sentido. Foram identificados três núcleos: os sentimentos vivenciados frente à perda, o modo como a família lidou com a situação e as mudanças decorrentes do homicídio. O estudo apontou a presença tanto de fatores de risco quanto de proteção que influenciaram as relações interpessoais e a reorganização da família do jovem

  9. Matched-pair analysis to compare the outcomes of a second salvage auto-SCT to systemic chemotherapy alone in patients with multiple myeloma who relapsed after front-line auto-SCT. (United States)

    Yhim, H-Y; Kim, K; Kim, J S; Kang, H J; Kim, J-A; Min, C-K; Bae, S H; Park, E; Yang, D-H; Suh, C; Kim, M K; Mun, Y-C; Eom, H S; Shin, H J; Yoon, H-J; Kwon, J H; Lee, J H; Kim, Y S; Yoon, S-S; Kwak, J-Y


    The aims of this study were to investigate the outcomes of second salvage auto-SCT and to identify the impacts of a second auto-SCT compared with systemic chemotherapy alone on disease outcome. Data from 48 patients who underwent second auto-SCT were matched to 144 patients (1:3) who received systemic chemotherapy alone from the Korean Myeloma Registry. Groups were matched for nine potential prognostic factors and compared for treatment outcomes. The median age of matching-pairs at relapse was 55.5 years. A total of 156 patients (81%) received vincristine, doxorubicin and dexamethasone induction therapy before the first auto-SCT. Thirty-five patients (73%) in the second auto-SCT group received novel agent-based therapies before the second auto-SCT, and similar proportion in both groups received novel therapies after relapse of front-line auto-SCT. With a median follow-up of 55.3 months, patients who underwent a second auto-SCT had significantly better median OS (55.5 vs 25.4 months, P=0.035). In multivariate analysis for OS, SCT, International Staging System III and salvage chemotherapy alone were independent predictors for worse OS. The outcomes of second auto-SCT appear to be superior to those of systemic chemotherapy alone. A randomized trial comparing both treatment strategies is required.

  10. 46 CFR 131.960 - Use of auto-pilot. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Use of auto-pilot. 131.960 Section 131.960 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) OFFSHORE SUPPLY VESSELS OPERATIONS Miscellaneous § 131.960 Use of auto-pilot. When the automatic pilot is used in areas of high traffic density...

  11. 46 CFR 185.360 - Use of auto pilot. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Use of auto pilot. 185.360 Section 185.360 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) SMALL PASSENGER VESSELS (UNDER 100 GROSS TONS) OPERATIONS Miscellaneous Operating Requirements § 185.360 Use of auto pilot. Whenever an automatic pilot is...

  12. Cirurgia de estrabismo ajustável no peroperatório com anestesia tópica em pacientes com orbitopatia de Graves Intraoperative adjustable strabismus surgery under drop anesthesia in patients with Graves' orbitopathy

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    Patrícia Grativol Costa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever as características clínicas pré-operatórias dos pacientes com estrabismo secundário à orbitopatia de Graves e os resultados da cirurgia com anestesia tópica e sutura ajustável. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo realizado no Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade de São Paulo. Foram pesquisados os prontuários de todos os pacientes atendidos no ambulatório de estrabismo no período de março de 1994 a maio de 2004. Destes, foram separados aqueles com estrabismo associado à orbitopatia de Graves submetidos à cirurgia ajustável com anestesia tópica. As características clínicas pré-operatórias e os resultados cirúrgicos foram levantados a partir desta análise. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 13 pacientes. O tipo de desvio mais freqüentemente encontrado foi esotropia com hipotropia. Em 9 pacientes modificou-se o retrocesso programado no pré-operatório. Três casos necessitaram de uma segunda cirurgia. Após 6 meses de seguimento, 8 dos 13 pacientes estavam ortotrópicos ou com foria pequena e com algum grau de estereopsia. CONCLUSÃO: Neste estudo observou-se que 62% (8/13 dos pacientes apresentavam hipotropia com esotropia, provavelmente por causa do comprometimento associado do reto inferior e reto medial. Nove dos 13 pacientes necessitaram de ajuste no peroperatório e apenas 3 foram reoperados, indicando a importância da técnica ajustável para melhor alinhamento ocular no pós-operatório, possibilitando obter resultados mais satisfatórios.PURPOSE: To report the clinical features of strabismus associated with Graves' orbitopathy, and the results of surgery with adjustable suture under drop anesthesia. METHODS: The charts of 13 patients who had surgical treatment for strabismus related to Graves' orbitopathy at Hospital das Clínicas of University of São Paulo were retrospectively reviewed. Ocular motility, sensorial examination and the follow-up after strabismus correction were studied. RESULTS

  13. Análise de um processo de reforma curricular vivenciado por professores formadores de nutricionistas

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    Ester de Queirós Costa


    Full Text Available Apresenta-se a análise de um processo de reforma curricular vivenciado por professores formadores de nutricionistas, iniciado em 2007. Objetiva-se contribuir para a discussão desse tema, ainda pouco explorado na literatura sobre formação de nutricionistas. Utilizou-se questionário, enviado, em 2009, por meio eletrônico. As questões seguiram orientação do Projeto Pedagógico do Curso. Participaram 23 professores responsáveis por 21 das 37 disciplinas do período avaliado. Revelou-se dificuldade docente para implantar metodologias ativas de ensino-aprendizagem e avaliar competências e habilidades; necessidade de reuniões periódicas dos gestores com professores para os ajustes necessários; professores empenhados em integrar conteúdos de diferentes disciplinas, teoria e prática na apresentação dos conteúdos e atividades de ensino com atividades de pesquisa. Debateram-se os resultados em reunião entre professores e estudantes da instituição pesquisada. O instrumento utilizado para a pesquisa se mostrou eficiente em apontar alguns dos obstáculos à reforma em curso e possíveis caminhos para transpô-los.

  14. Some advice for Skoda Auto on the Chinese Market


    Guo, Yun


    Auto industry is an eternal topic. The development of auto industry can be considered as a vital part of GDP in a country. Meanwhile it is a standard to measure technology in a country. Therefore Czech made Skoda Auto Company. Then Volkswagen Group purchased it. It is means Skoda is also a mem-ber of Volkswagen. The quality of the car is really great. The cars of Skoda are entering into Chinese market. Chinese accepts them, however, compare with some old brands, which are Mercedes-Benz, BMW, ...

  15. Podniková kultura ve ŠKODA AUTO a. s.


    Tomoriová, Sandra


    This bachelor thesis called "Corporate Culture in the ŠKODA AUTO a. s." is focused on analysing a current situation of the corporate culture in the ŠKODA AUTO a. s. It compares it with my own definition of the "Simply Clever" corporate culture determined for this company which is nowadays developing. The aim is to suggest recommendations that will lead to the better level of the corporate culture in the ŠKODA AUTO a. s. That means to reach the corporate culture under "Simply clever" condition...

  16. Enfermedad cardiovascular en pacientes cubanos afectados por Ataxia de Friedreich.


    Tania Cruz Mariño; Ana Luz Portelles Caminero; William Áreas Zalazar; Luís Velázquez Pérez


    Al describir la ataxia de Friedreich, Nicholaus hizo referencia a la patología cardiaca. Esta enfermedad autosómica recesiva se debe a una mutación dinámica en el gen FRDA, codificándose deficientemente la proteína Frataxina, conduciendo a estrés oxidativo y muerte celular cardiaca. La presente investigación se desarrolló con el objetivo de describir las anomalías cardiovasculares presentes en los pacientes cubanos afectados por ataxia de Friedreich. A los individuos con diagnóstico molecular...

  17. Auto-correlograms and auto-regressive models of trace metal distributions in Cochin backwaters

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Jayalakshmy, K.V.; Sankaranarayanan, V.N.

    Auto-correlation technique has been applied to study fluctuations in concentration profiles of chemical species in Cochin Backwaters (Kerala, India). No stability in time can be detected for particulate Mn at all stations, for Fe at stations 1...

  18. Measurement of anti- acetylcholine receptor auto-antibodies in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    auto-antibodies in myasthenia gravis. K. J. Steenkamp, W. Duim, M. s. Myer,. S. C. K. Malfeld, R. Anderson. Two different acetylcholine receptor (AChR) preparations derived from ... the detection of AChR auto-antibodies in serum specimens from 20 ... 4°C. Thereafter, 1 ml of washing solution (phosphate- buffered saline ...

  19. Preocupación por el cliente: ¿ética, responsabilidad o simplemente negocio?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jesús J. Cambra-Fierro


    Full Text Available Este artículo, tomando como referencia básica los conceptos de Orientación al Mercado (OM y Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC pretende i identificar y analizar la importancia real de aquellos factores que determinan el mayor o menor nivel de preocupación por el cliente, y ii establecer un nexo entre ambos conceptos (OM y RSC. Para alcanzar los objetivos propuestos la investigación está basada en un estudio de casos múltiple (multiple case-study de empresas pertenecientes a sectores diversos. Los datos sugieren que la presión competitiva y las normas legales son los factores críticos de dicha preocupación, mientras que el patrón de responsabilidad social de la empresa es un elemento secundario. Por tanto, en determinadas situaciones el mercado puede actuar como mecanismo de ajuste soberano a largo plazo, mientras que en otras será necesario articular un conjunto de normas y leyes que regulen la actividad de las empresas y protejan al consumidor. Las implicaciones de estos resultados y las conclusiones del estudio se incluyen en la parte final del artículo.

  20. Por uma 'nova pragmática emancipatória'


    Ferreira,Dina Maria Martins; Alencar,Claudiana Nogueira de


    Neste artigo propomos o modus operandi de uma pragmática contra-hegemônica no que tange às teorias do mainstream, ou seja, as internalistas (auto-suficiência da língua como sistema) e as externalistas (aspecto social aliado à língua e não constitutivo da língua). Para tal, constroem-se dois percursos argumentativos para dar conta de uma nova Pragmática emancipatória: (1) nova, que mostra a incompatibilidade conceitual entre a teoria austiniana e a interpretada por seu discípulo Searle; (2) em...

  1. Auto/Ethnography and the Question of Ethics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wolff-Michael Roth


    Full Text Available Auto/ethnography has emerged as an important method in the social sciences for contributing to the project of understanding human actions and concerns. Although the name of the method includes "ethnography," auto/ethnography often is concerned exclusively with an abstract (i.e., undeveloped and abstracting understanding, and therefore the writing, of the Self rather than the writing of the "ethno." Auto/ethnography, such conceived, is a form of therapy, in the best case, and a form of narcissism and autoerotic relation, in the worst case. But because the Self exists in relation to the world, becomes in and through participation in everyday events, and because the human relation is inherently ethical, there are inherent ethical questions where the Other may come to be harmed as much as the Self. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0901381


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Xiangchong; Zhang, Jun


    We study the possibility of using quadrupole moments of auto-convolved galaxy images to measure cosmic shear. The autoconvolution of an image corresponds to the inverse Fourier transformation of its power spectrum. The new method has the following advantages: the smearing effect due to the point-spread function (PSF) can be corrected by subtracting the quadrupole moments of the auto-convolved PSF; the centroid of the auto-convolved image is trivially identified; the systematic error due to noise can be directly removed in Fourier space; the PSF image can also contain noise, the effect of which can be similarly removed. With a large ensemble of simulated galaxy images, we show that the new method can reach a sub-percent level accuracy under general conditions, albeit with increasingly large stamp size for galaxies of less compact profiles.

  3. [Dermatological features of auto-inflammatory recurrent fevers]. (United States)

    Escudier, A; Mauvais, F-X; Bastard, P; Boussard, C; Jaoui, A; Koskas, V; Lecoq, E; Michel, A; Orcel, M-C; Truelle, P-E; Wohrer, D; Piram, M


    Auto-inflammatory diseases are characterized by unexplained and recurrent attacks of systemic inflammation often involving the skin, joints, or serosal membranes. They are due to a dysfunction or dysregulation of the innate immunity, which is the first line of defense against pathogens. Early recognition of these diseases by the clinician, especially by pediatricians encountering such pathologies in pediatric patients, is primordial to avoid complications. Skin manifestations, common in most auto-inflammatory diseases, are helpful for prompt diagnosis. After a brief physiopathological review, we will describe auto-inflammatory recurrent fevers by their main dermatological presentations: urticarial lesions, neutrophilic dermatoses, panniculitis, other maculopapular eruptions, dyskeratosis, skin vasculitis, and oral aphthous. We finally suggest a decision tree to help clinicians better target genetic exams in patients with recurrent fevers and dermatological manifestations. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  4. Plano de marketing para a venda de camiões Volvo em Portugal – Auto Sueco, Lda.


    Martins, José Nuno da Rocha


    O principal objetivo deste estudo foi o desenvolvimento de um plano de marketing para a venda de camiões Volvo em Portugal. O estudo pretende dotar a Auto Sueco Lda. de ferramentas que lhe permitam melhorar a performance no negócio da venda de camiões Volvo em Portugal. Nesse sentido, o plano começa por fazer uma caracterização detalhada da envolvente externa, bem como elaborar um diagnóstico da situação interna da empresa. Mediante esta análise, são enumerados os pontos que a empresa deve...

  5. Varios genes descartados como causantes de retinosis pigmentaria autosómica recesiva en dos familias costarricenses


    Leal, Alejandro; Gutiérrez Espeleta, Gustavo A.; Barrantes Mesén, Ramiro


    Se estudiaron dos familias costarricenses con Retinosis Pigmentaria (RP) de herencia autosómica recesiva, con el fin de descartar genes relacionados con la enfermedad. Para esto se efectuó un análisis de ligamiento con marcadores polimórficos por repeticiones en tandem (STRPs). En una familia (C1) los afectados presentan una degeneración de aparición temprana y severa. En la otra familia (P1) la aparición es temprana pero con una degeneración más lenta que en C1. Las diferencias fenotípicas s...

  6. 46 CFR 109.585 - Use of auto pilot. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Use of auto pilot. 109.585 Section 109.585 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) A-MOBILE OFFSHORE DRILLING UNITS OPERATIONS Miscellaneous § 109.585 Use of auto pilot. Except as provided in 33 CFR 164.15, when the automatic pilot is used...

  7. 46 CFR 122.360 - Use of auto pilot. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Use of auto pilot. 122.360 Section 122.360 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) SMALL PASSENGER VESSELS CARRYING MORE THAN 150... Requirements § 122.360 Use of auto pilot. Whenever an automatic pilot is used the master shall ensure that: (a...

  8. [DNA Extraction from Old Bones by AutoMate Express™ System]. (United States)

    Li, B; Lü, Z


    To establish a method for extracting DNA from old bones by AutoMate Express™ system. Bones were grinded into powder by freeze-mill. After extraction by AutoMate Express™, DNA were amplified and genotyped by Identifiler®Plus and MinFiler™ kits. DNA were extracted from 10 old bone samples, which kept in different environments with the postmortem interval from 10 to 20 years, in 3 hours by AutoMate Express™ system. Complete STR typing results were obtained from 8 samples. AutoMate Express™ system can quickly and efficiently extract DNA from old bones, which can be applied in forensic practice. Copyright© by the Editorial Department of Journal of Forensic Medicine

  9. ACCTuner: OpenACC Auto-Tuner For Accelerated Scientific Applications

    KAUST Repository

    Alzayer, Fatemah


    ciently on the hardware. Following successful approaches to obtain high performance in kernels for cache-based processors using auto-tuning, we approach this compiler-hardware gap in GPUs by employing auto-tuning for the key parameters “gang” and “vector

  10. What factors affect the carriage of epinephrine auto-injectors by teenagers? (United States)

    Macadam, Clare; Barnett, Julie; Roberts, Graham; Stiefel, Gary; King, Rosemary; Erlewyn-Lajeunesse, Michel; Holloway, Judith A; Lucas, Jane S


    Teenagers with allergies are at particular risk of severe and fatal reactions, but epinephrine auto-injectors are not always carried as prescribed. We investigated barriers to carriage. Patients aged 12-18 years old under a specialist allergy clinic, who had previously been prescribed an auto-injector were invited to participate. Semi-structured interviews explored the factors that positively or negatively impacted on carriage. Twenty teenagers with food or venom allergies were interviewed. Only two patients had used their auto-injector in the community, although several had been treated for severe reactions in hospital. Most teenagers made complex risk assessments to determine whether to carry the auto-injector. Most but not all decisions were rational and were at least partially informed by knowledge. Factors affecting carriage included location, who else would be present, the attitudes of others and physical features of the auto-injector. Teenagers made frequent risk assessments when deciding whether to carry their auto-injectors, and generally wanted to remain safe. Their decisions were complex, multi-faceted and highly individualised. Rather than aiming for 100% carriage of auto-injectors, which remains an ambitious ideal, personalised education packages should aim to empower teenagers to make and act upon informed risk assessments.

  11. What factors affect the carriage of epinephrine auto-injectors by teenagers?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Macadam Clare


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Teenagers with allergies are at particular risk of severe and fatal reactions, but epinephrine auto-injectors are not always carried as prescribed. We investigated barriers to carriage. Methods Patients aged 12-18 years old under a specialist allergy clinic, who had previously been prescribed an auto-injector were invited to participate. Semi-structured interviews explored the factors that positively or negatively impacted on carriage. Results Twenty teenagers with food or venom allergies were interviewed. Only two patients had used their auto-injector in the community, although several had been treated for severe reactions in hospital. Most teenagers made complex risk assessments to determine whether to carry the auto-injector. Most but not all decisions were rational and were at least partially informed by knowledge. Factors affecting carriage included location, who else would be present, the attitudes of others and physical features of the auto-injector. Teenagers made frequent risk assessments when deciding whether to carry their auto-injectors, and generally wanted to remain safe. Their decisions were complex, multi-faceted and highly individualised. Conclusions Rather than aiming for 100% carriage of auto-injectors, which remains an ambitious ideal, personalised education packages should aim to empower teenagers to make and act upon informed risk assessments.

  12. Validación del programa de intervención para el consumo abusivo de alcohol: pactos por la vida

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    Karen Liseth Cabarcas Acosta


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio era evaluar los alcan - ces de la aplicación del programa de prevención del consumo abusivo y la dependencia alcohólica “Pac - tos por la Vida” propuesto por Flórez-Alarcón y Vélez (2012, en la modificación de factores asociados al consumo de drogas en un Municipio Pequeño. Los instrumentos usados para la evaluación cuantitativa y cualitativa de los alcances del programa fueron: entrevista en profundidad, diarios de campo, ma - peo, encuestas y registros de observación directa. Se realizaron análisis cualitativos del material obte - nido y comparaciones de medias de las medidas aso - ciadas con el consumo de alcohol; además de incluir un cuadro de análisis de la eficacia del programa. Se concluye que la estrategia es probablemente efec - tiva, y que en su aplicación a Municipios pequeños requiere de un ajuste.


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    Henry Manuel Mora Jiménez


    Full Text Available Aunque en Costa Rica no se ha seguido en los últimos quince años una política económica neoliberal a ultranza, sino una “a la tica”; todo el debate económico y el accionar del sector público durante este período ha sido permeable a la lógica del ajuste estructural. Pero la actual encrucijada obliga a “tirios y troyanos”, a críticos y defensores del ajuste, a superar este enfoque aún predominante. Independientemente de los logros y fracasos acumulados desde 1983 hasta la fecha, en el campo económico y social, el país debe, urgentemente, realizar un “viraje estratégico”, pues la sensación de estancamiento o lento crecimiento de los últimos años se ha convertido en cruda realidad, con el agravante de que ya no podemos seguir viviendo del pasado. En el texto se aborda la problemática nacional en las siguientes cinco áreas:Estabilidad macroeconómica: sin ser artificial, continúa siendo frágil, dependiente en alto grado de la entrada de capitales externos y arrastrando una crisis fiscal latente que recurrentemente estalla. Esto en gran parte se explica por los rasgos de inestabilidad estructural que aun persisten.Gobernabilidad y Reforma del Estado: el estilo de gobernabilidad moldeada durante el período 1950-1975 ya no es viable, y la vacilante reforma del Estado está contribuyendo solo de manera precaria a construir nuevas formas de gobernabilidad acordes con las exigencias de las modernas sociedades democráticas. La gran tarea por delante es reconstruir un Estado estratégico y solidario; que facilite la irrupción de la sociedad civil en la vida pública nacional.Transformación productiva y competitividad: avanza, pero sin un rumbo claro y seguro, pues se adolece de una estrategia nacional de desarrollo de la competitividad internacional, que supere prácticas anticuadas de intervención estatal y viejos pero maquillados dogmas antiestatales que conducen a visiones parciales sobre el papel de las empresas y del


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    Raquel Ruiz Aparicio


    Full Text Available Las personas con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA tienen características únicas y hay una falta de conocimiento sobre cómo estas características podrían influir en sus familias y en el ajuste conductual, emocional y social de sus hermanos. El presente estudio tiene el objetivo de centrarse en los hermanos de estas personas con TEA y realizar una revisión teórica relacionada con el ajuste conductual, emocional y social de hermanos de niños con TEA. Un total de 24 artículos han sido incluidos y analizados con el fin de encontrar resultados relevantes que puedan ayudar a entender las necesidades de estos hermanos. El estudio sugiere, en ocasiones, resultados diferentes pero identifica aquellos factores de riesgo que podrían impactar en el núcleo familiar y, principalmente, en los hermanos de niños con TEA.


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    Germán Morales-Chávez


    Full Text Available La presente investigación evaluó los efectos de entrenar estudiantes universitarios para satisfacer criterios de congruenciaen tareas de ajuste lector con base en parámetros de congruenciay de coherencia. El grupo experimental fue entrenadopara satisfacer criterios de congruencia y fue expuestoa dos pruebas de evaluación en satisfacción de criterios decongruencia y coherencia. El grupo control solo fue sometidoa las pruebas de evaluación. Los resultados revelan que elentrenamiento favoreció la satisfacción de criterios tanto decongruencia como de coherencia. Se discute la relevancia deldesempeño efectivo en una situación lectora con criterios decongruencia como condición para el desarrollo de conductaslectoras funcionalmente más complejas.

  16. Kommest Auto ostmisest huvitub ka Hillar Teder / Andres Eilart

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Eilart, Andres


    Kommest Auto ostmise vastu tunnevad huvi suurärimees Andres Sarri, Rootsis Peugeot' sõidukeid müüv Taani päritolu K. W. Bruun Import ja multimiljonär Hillar Teder, kellele kuulub Audisid müüv Reval Auto

  17. Auto fluorescence of intervertebral disc tissue: a new diagnostic tool. (United States)

    Hoell, T; Huschak, G; Beier, A; Hüttmann, G; Minkus, Y; Holzhausen, H J; Meisel, H J


    The paper reports on auto fluorescence phenomena of inter-vertebral human discs. It systematically investigates the auto fluorescence effects of ex vivo disc specimen and reports on surgical cases to demonstrate the potential value of the new method. The paper offers biologic explanations of the phenomenon and discusses the potential value of the UV auto fluorescence technique as a diagnostic tool. Intra- and postoperative observations are made by a surgical microscope with an integrated UV light source. Quantitative measurements were carried out using a photon counter and a spectrometer ex vivo. The auto fluorescence phenomenon allows the differentiation of traumatized and degenerated disc tissue intraoperatively in some cases, it allows the differentiation of bony and collagen endplate in cervical disc surgery. The source of the auto fluorescent light emission are amino acids of the collagen molecules. The proteoglycan components and the liquid components of the disc do not show relevant auto fluorescence. Emission wavelength of disc material is equivalent to color perception. It differs due to different collagen composition of the intervertebral disc components from yellow-green to blue-green and can be visualized in situ by naked eye.UV-auto fluorescence of inter-vertebral discs is a new clinical tool that has the potential to differentiate disc material from the anatomical surrounding, to distinguish between different fractions of the disc and to give information on the quality and status of the disc material. Since the technology has just emerged, it needs further investigations to quantify the clinical observations reported in this paper.



    Claudia González Fragoso; Amada Ampudia Rueda; Yolanda Guevara Benítez


    Las habilidades sociales en la infancia guardan una estrech a relación con aspectos como autoestima, ansiedad y depresión. Tales variables son indicadoras del ajuste psicológico, que puede alterarse en los niños que son víctimas de violencia o que viven en institucion es. Para contar con datos sobre niños mexicanos, el presente estudio exploratorio evaluó y comparó los niveles mostrados en habilidades sociales, autoestima, ansiedad y depresión en tres grupos de niños que se hallaban en cond...

  19. Cirios, trompetas y altares : el auto de fe como fiesta

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    Doris Moreno Martínez


    Full Text Available El análisis del auto de fe en su vertiente festiva nos permite superar la vieja polémica de la historiografía liberal y la historiografia conservadora, en torno a la popularidad/repulsión social de la Inquisición. Trascendiendo las visiones unidireccionales, se intenta aprender el auto de fe general desde una perspectiva global; se integran las vertientes jurídica, religiosa y social a través de algunos de los múltiples ingredientes del auto: sensitivos (luz, colores, sonidos..., sociales (participación activa de artesanos, familiares y asistentes... y simbólicos (orden preeminencial en las procesiones y en los tablados, juramentos..., para configurar el auto de fe como una fiesta compleja. poliédrica. En el auto de fe la Iglesia y el Estado tantas veces enfrentados, mostraban sus respectivos poderes concertados, con toda la capacidad intimidatoría de una simbología muy funcional y efectiva, y los componentes mórbidos de identificación personal del mal y la escenificación dramática.The analysis of the auto de fe on its festive side allows us to overecome the old discussion between the liberal histórical view and the conservative view that surrounds the social popularity/repulsion of the Inquisition. Overcoming the narrow visión we try to understand a global perspective; we intégrate the juridical, religious and social aspects through some of the many ingredients of the auto de fe: sensory (light, colours, sounds..., social (active participation of artisans, families and people present... and symbolical (order of rank in processions on stages and oath taking.... All those aspects combine to make the auto de fe a very complex and many sided festivity. In the auto de fe, the Church and the State, many times oppossed to one another, showed that their respective powers were united, with all the intimidating power of a very effective and functional symbolism and the morbid components of a personal identification of evil and the

  20. Rüütmann taandub Kommest Auto juhtimisest / Kaisa Tahlfeld

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tahlfeld, Kaisa


    AS-i Kommest Auto asutaja ja omanik Toomas Rüütmann loobub ettevõtte juhtimisest, kuid jätkab juhatuse liikmena ning keskendub eksportturgudele ja koostööle edasimüüjatega. Kommest Auto uueks juhiks saab Raido Toonekurg. Lisa: Mis on mis; Taust

  1. Adaptive endpoint detection of seismic signal based on auto-correlated function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fan Wanchun; Shi Ren


    Based on the analysis of auto-correlation function, the notion of the distance between auto-correlation function was quoted, and the characterization of the noise and the signal with noise were discussed by using the distance. Then, the method of auto- adaptable endpoint detection of seismic signal based on auto-correlated similarity was summed up. The steps of implementation and determining of the thresholds were presented in detail. The experimental results that were compared with the methods based on artificial detecting show that this method has higher sensitivity even in a low signal with noise ratio circumstance

  2. [Design of blood-pressure parameter auto-acquisition circuit]. (United States)

    Chen, Y P; Zhang, D L; Bai, H W; Zhang, D A


    This paper presents the realization and design of a kind of blood-pressure parameter auto-acquisition circuit. The auto-acquisition of blood-pressure parameter controlled by 89C2051 single chip microcomputer is accomplished by collecting and processing the driving signal of LCD. The circuit that is successfully applied in the home unit of telemedicine system has the simple and reliable properties.

  3. The auto-amputated adnexa: a review of findings in a pediatric population. (United States)

    Focseneanu, Mariel A; Omurtag, Kenan; Ratts, Valerie S; Merritt, Diane F


    To quantify our experience and that of the literature with diagnosis and management of the auto-amputated adnexa in a pediatric population. Case series and literature review. Tertiary care medical center. Case series of pediatric patients (auto-amputation collected from our medical center and the literature. None. Auto-amputated adnexa. In addition to the 3 cases discussed from our institution, 91 cases of auto-amputated adnexa were identified in the literature dating back to 1943, for a total of 94 cases. Forty-nine percent (46/94) of the cases involved girls in a pediatric population (auto-amputated adnexa. 34 out of 46 cases were analyzed in detail. The right adnexa were involved in 56% of the cases. The most common presenting complaint verbalized by the older girls was pain; however, 8 cases were identified in asymptomatic girls undergoing unrelated diagnostic testing. The auto-amputated adnexa is a rare finding in the pediatric population, but it must be considered as a possible explanation for the incidental finding of absence of the fallopian tube or ovary in the subgroup of patients who undergo surgery for any reason. Patients with an antecedent history of pelvic pain either chronic or intermittent in nature may be diagnosed with torsion or less frequently auto-amputation of the adnexa. A fetal "pelvic mass" or "ovarian cyst" may predispose the adnexa to torsion and subsequent auto-amputation either in-utero or post-delivery. Many of these antenatally diagnosed cysts and even subsequent auto-amputations are completely asymptomatic, however, and do not compromise fertility assuming the contralateral adnexa are normal. Thus expectant management is appropriate for small (less than 4 cm), asymptomatic simple cysts and even suspected auto-amputated adnexa in an asymptomatic patient. Copyright © 2013 North American Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. The Durban Auto Cluster

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lorentzen, Jochen; Robbins, Glen; Barnes, Justin


    The paper describes the formation of the Durban Auto Cluster in the context of trade liberalization. It argues that the improvement of operational competitiveness of firms in the cluster is prominently due to joint action. It tests this proposition by comparing the gains from cluster activities...

  5. Modelo auto-regresivo aplicado a la eliminación de ruidos de los mapas de anomalías de resistividad en fosfatos asociadas a bolsones estériles

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    Saad Bakkali


    Full Text Available Actualmente se emplean varios métodos para perfeccionar los bordes y contornos de mapas geofísicos. En Marruecos se realizó una prospección de fosfatos empleando el método eléctrico de resistividad; para ello se utilizó un dispositivo Schlumberger, cubriendo una superficie de 50 hectáreas, con el objetivo de detectar anomalías asociadas a bolsones estériles en los depósitos de fosfatos. Para la eliminación del ruido blanco se empleó un método basado en un modelo auto-regresivo (ARM, siglas en inglés; este se implementó por medio del algoritmo AutoSignal; el resultado muestra que el método ARM es efectivo para el filtrado, atenúa considerablemente el ruido producido por bolsones dispersos y de pequeño tamaño, además brinda una reducción considerable de la distorsión de la forma de la señal de resistividad original.

  6. Family factors associated with auto-aggressiveness in adolescents in Croatia. (United States)

    Tripković, Mara; Francisković, Tanja; Grgić, Neda; Ercegović, Nela; Graovac, Mirjana; Zecević, Iva


    The aim of this research is to look into the roles of families' social situation and cohesion in adolescent auto-aggressiveness in Croatia. The research was conducted on a sample of Zagreb high school students which encompassed 701 pupils of both genders aged 14-19. The basic demographic data were obtained using the Structured Demographic and Family Data Questionnaire. Auto-aggressiveness was tested using a section of the Report on Youth Aged 11-18 and the Scale of Auto-destructiveness--SAD, whereas the family cohesion was tested with the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales FACES III. The obtained results show differences according to the gender: girls are more prone to auto-aggressiveness than boys (t = -3.385, df = 565, p = 0.001) and girls more often show symptoms of destructiveness (t = -3.809, df = 637, p parents' marital status (chi2 = 18.039, df = 4, p = 0.001), their financial situation (F(2.548) = 4.604, p = 0.010), alcoholic father (chi2 = 9.270, df = 2, p = 0.010), mentally ill mother (t = 5.264, df = 541, p problems (chi2 = 29.98, df = 2, p < 0.001). There is a connection between auto-destructive behavior in adolescents and family factors. Knowledge of family's social situation and cohesion may help understand, prevent and treat auto-aggressiveness in adolescents.

  7. Parliament tears up 'feeble' auto-oil proposals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Recent discussions in the European Parliament concerning the ''auto-oil'' proposals, i.e. the effects of automotive fuel specifications on the environment, are described in this paper. Legislative changes or amendments proposed by various national, or other interest groups are also noted. In particular, the sulphur content of diesel fuels is a matter of widespread concern because of its use for city taxis and buses. Further fuel proposals in the ''auto-oil'' style are expected in the near future. (UK)

  8. Ajuste de modelos estocásticos lineares e não-lineares para a descrição do perfil longitudinal de árvores Fitting linear and nonlinear stochastic models to describe longitudinal tree profile

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    Leonardo Machado Pires


    Full Text Available Os modelos polinomiais são mais difundidos no meio florestal brasileiro na descrição do perfil de árvores devido à sua facilidade de ajuste e precisão. O mesmo não ocorre com os modelos não-lineares, os quais possuem maior dificuldade de ajuste. Dentre os modelos não-lineares clássicos, na descrição do perfil, podem-se citar o de Gompertz, o Logístico e o de Weibull. Portanto, este estudo visou comparar os modelos lineares e não lineares para a descrição do perfil de árvores. As medidas de comparação foram o coeficiente de determinação (R², o erro-padrão residual (s yx, o coeficiente de determinação corrigido (R²ajustado, o gráfico dos resíduos e a facilidade de ajuste. Os resultados ressaltaram que, dentre os modelos não-lineares, o que obteve melhor desempenho, de forma geral, foi o modelo Logístico, apesar de o modelo de Gompertz ser melhor em termos de erro-padrão residual. Nos modelos lineares, o polinômio proposto por Pires & Calegario foi superior aos demais. Ao comparar os modelos não-lineares com os lineares, o modelo Logístico foi melhor em razão, principalmente, do fato de o comportamento dos dados ser não-linear, à baixa correlação entre os parâmetros e à fácil interpretação deles, facilitando a convergência e o ajuste.Polynomial models are most commonly used in Brazilian forestry for taper modeling due to its straightforwardly fitting and precision. The use of nonlinear regression classic models, like Gompertz, Logistic and Weibull, is not very common in Brazil. Therefore, this study aimed to verify the best nonlinear and linear models, and among these the best model to describe the longitudinal tree profile. The comparison measures were: R², syx, R²adjusted, residual graphics and fitting convergence. The results pointed out that among the non-linear models the best behavior, in general, was given by the Logistic model, although the Gompertz model was superior compared with the Weibull

  9. Genetic aspects of auto-immune profiles of healthy chickens. (United States)

    Parmentier, Henk K; van der Vaart, Priscilla S; Nieuwland, Mike G B; Savelkoul, Huub F J


    Auto-antibody profiles binding liver antigens differed between chicken lines divergently selected for specific antibody responses to SRBC, and were affected by ageing suggesting both genetic and environmental effects. Presence and levels of IgM and IgG antibodies binding chicken liver cell lysate (CLL) fragments in plasma at 5 weeks of age from 10 individual full sibs and their parents from 5 H srbc and 5 L srbc line families was studied to reveal genetic relations. Non-genetic maternal effects were studied by comparing auto-antibody profiles of 36 weeks old hens from 2 other unrelated lines with the profiles from their chicks at hatch. IgM and IgG antibodies from parents and progeny from both H srbc and L srbc lines bound CLL fragments. Significant line and generation differences and their interactions were found for both isotypes. Higher staining of CLL fragments was usually found for H srbc line birds. Lines were clustered by auto-antibody profiles, but staining by birds of both lines in both generations was very individual for IgG and IgM. The current data with full sibs therefore not supported a genetic basis for auto-antibody profiles. IgG but not IgM auto-antibody profiles of chicks correlated with maternal auto-antibody profiles. The results suggest that the auto-antibody repertoire of healthy chickens is largely stochastically initiated and may be affected by environmental challenges during ageing, but genetic mechanisms may underlie staining intensity of individual bound CLL fragments. The present results suggest that identification of fragments or profiles to be used at early age for genetic selection for health traits is not feasible yet. Secondly, the IgM profile of neonatal chickens seems non-organised independent of the maternal profile, but the neonatal IgG profile is much more related with the maternal profile. Consequences of these findings for disease susceptibility or breeding for optimal health are discussed. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All

  10. Diseño y Validación del Cuestionario de Autoesquemas Desadaptativos en Fobia Social CAD-FS

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    Full Text Available Se diseñó y validó el Cuestionario de Auto- esquemas Desadaptativos en la Fobia Social ( CAD-FS para evaluar los contenidos cognitivos disfuncionales de estos trastornos. Se obtuvo la validez de contenido por medio de tres jurados expertos. Con una muestra de 1,413 participantes con edad promedio de 26.41 años ( DE =8.51, la consistencia interna fue α =.86, con una adecua - da validez de criterio con la escala de Temor a la Evaluación Negativa ( r =656, p <.01. A su vez, se - gún el análisis de la teoría de respuesta al ítem se ajustó a los parámetros del modelo de crédito par - cial de Masters. Se recomienda este instrumento para la evaluación de la fobia social durante el tratamiento cognitivo conductual.

  11. An Instructional Method for the AutoCAD Modeling Environment. (United States)

    Mohler, James L.


    Presents a command organizer for AutoCAD to aid new uses in operating within the 3-D modeling environment. Addresses analyzing the problem, visualization skills, nonlinear tools, a static view of a dynamic model, the AutoCAD organizer, environment attributes, and control of the environment. Contains 11 references. (JRH)

  12. Depression and auto-aggressiveness in adolescents in Zagreb. (United States)

    Tripković, Mara; Vuković, Iris Sarajlić; Frančišković, Tanja; Pisk, Sandra Vuk; Krnić, Silvana


    The aim of the study was to explore the frequency of depression among the general population of adolescents who were high school students in the city of Zagreb. As depression is associated with increased suicidal risk we wanted to check to what extent depression, as an emotional problem among youth, is associated with auto-aggression in the general population of adolescents. The study was conducted on a sample of high school students in Zagreb and it included 701 students of both genders aged from 14-19 years of age. To test the depression a Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was administered for youth between 11-18 years of age (Youth Self Report for ages 11-18). To test auto-aggression a Scale of Auto-destructiveness (SAD) was used. Results obtained by this study show that about 20.7% of high school students have mild and borderline depressive disorders while moderate or severe depression shows about 5% of them, whereby depression is statistically significant among girls who, on average, report more symptoms of depression. It has also been proven a significant impact of depression levels (F (2,423)=35.860, p<0.001) on auto-aggression in subjects of both genders. In both genders, moderately depressed show more auto destructiveness than those without depression symptoms (p<0.01). In the group of heavily depressed (n=30), significantly higher self-destructiveness is shown by girls (p<0.01). The data suggest the importance of early recognition, understanding and treatment of depressive symptoms in adolescents in order to reduce the risk of subsequent chronic psychosocial damage.

  13. AutoBayes Program Synthesis System Users Manual (United States)

    Schumann, Johann; Jafari, Hamed; Pressburger, Tom; Denney, Ewen; Buntine, Wray; Fischer, Bernd


    Program synthesis is the systematic, automatic construction of efficient executable code from high-level declarative specifications. AutoBayes is a fully automatic program synthesis system for the statistical data analysis domain; in particular, it solves parameter estimation problems. It has seen many successful applications at NASA and is currently being used, for example, to analyze simulation results for Orion. The input to AutoBayes is a concise description of a data analysis problem composed of a parameterized statistical model and a goal that is a probability term involving parameters and input data. The output is optimized and fully documented C/C++ code computing the values for those parameters that maximize the probability term. AutoBayes can solve many subproblems symbolically rather than having to rely on numeric approximation algorithms, thus yielding effective, efficient, and compact code. Statistical analysis is faster and more reliable, because effort can be focused on model development and validation rather than manual development of solution algorithms and code.

  14. Que há de tão queer na teoria queer por-vir?

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    Michael O’Rourke


    Full Text Available O artigo propõe-se desembrulhar uma série de termos-chave que preocuparam Jacques Derrida após a chamada viragem político-ético-religiosa deste autor, desde um texto como Force of Law (1989 até Voyous (2004: termos como “auto-imunidade”, “messianicidade sem messianismo”, a “chegança” e a “democracia por-vir”, entre outros. Irei debruçar-me sobre os últimos textos de Derrida, em particular sobre a obra Voyous – em minha opinião, uma importante carta fundadora de uma teoria queer a considerar para o futuro –, bem como sobre o recente número da revista Social Text intitulado “Que há de queer nos estudos queer hoje?” e ainda sobre os trabalhos mais recentes de Judith Butler (sobretudo a obra de 2005 Giving an Account of Oneself – “Prestando contas de si”. Proponho, assim, que a palavra “auto-imunização”, um termo do léxico derridiano que se reveste de alguma novidade e ambiguidade (e muitas vezes é entendido negativamente constitui um útil ponto de partida para se falar do indeterminável, monstruoso e até vadio futuro dos estudos queer, ou daquilo a que chamo a teoria queer por-vir.

  15. Autosähköinsinöörikoulutuksen kehittäminen


    Kovanen, Pasi


    Tässä opinnäytetyössä analysoidaan ja verrataan Metropolian ajoneuvotekniikan tutkinto-ohjelman autosähkötekniikan opetussuunnitelmaa kotimaisten ja ulkomaisten korkeakoulujen opetussuunnitelmiin. Metropolian autosähkötekniikan opetussuunnitelmassa on vertailluista kohteista eniten autosähköteknistä opetusta. Ulkomaisissa korkeakouluissa suoritetuttujen teemahaastattelujen avulla analysoidaan sidosryhmien käyttöä opetusmateriaalin lähteenä, sekä ajoneuvoteollisuuden vaikutusta opetussuun...

  16. Parallel auto-correlative statistics with VTK.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pebay, Philippe Pierre; Bennett, Janine Camille


    This report summarizes existing statistical engines in VTK and presents both the serial and parallel auto-correlative statistics engines. It is a sequel to [PT08, BPRT09b, PT09, BPT09, PT10] which studied the parallel descriptive, correlative, multi-correlative, principal component analysis, contingency, k-means, and order statistics engines. The ease of use of the new parallel auto-correlative statistics engine is illustrated by the means of C++ code snippets and algorithm verification is provided. This report justifies the design of the statistics engines with parallel scalability in mind, and provides scalability and speed-up analysis results for the autocorrelative statistics engine.

  17. AutoCAD-To-GIFTS Translator Program (United States)

    Jones, Andrew


    AutoCAD-to-GIFTS translator program, ACTOG, developed to facilitate quick generation of small finite-element models using CASA/GIFTS finite-element modeling program. Reads geometric data of drawing from Data Exchange File (DXF) used in AutoCAD and other PC-based drafting programs. Geometric entities recognized by ACTOG include points, lines, arcs, solids, three-dimensional lines, and three-dimensional faces. From this information, ACTOG creates GIFTS SRC file, which then reads into GIFTS preprocessor BULKM or modified and reads into EDITM to create finite-element model. SRC file used as is or edited for any number of uses. Written in Microsoft Quick-Basic (Version 2.0).

  18. Research on remote sensing image pixel attribute data acquisition method in AutoCAD (United States)

    Liu, Xiaoyang; Sun, Guangtong; Liu, Jun; Liu, Hui


    The remote sensing image has been widely used in AutoCAD, but AutoCAD lack of the function of remote sensing image processing. In the paper, ObjectARX was used for the secondary development tool, combined with the Image Engine SDK to realize remote sensing image pixel attribute data acquisition in AutoCAD, which provides critical technical support for AutoCAD environment remote sensing image processing algorithms.

  19. Influencia de los cementos y de los diseños protésicos en el ajuste interno de estructuras de zirconia confeccionadas mediante tecnología Cad-Cam para prótesis fija


    Sánchez Monescillo, Andrés


    1. INTRODUCCIÓN Y JUSTIFICACIÓN Aún quedan gran cantidad de elementos y variables que pueden influir en el ajuste interno de las restauraciones y cuyo desconocimiento obliga a seguir investigando. Este estudio permite conocer si existe una influencia real en el ajuste interno de estructuras de zirconia fabricadas mediante tecnología CAD-CAM en función del tipo de cemento utilizado y del tipo de convergencia oclusal de la preparación realizada. 2. OBJETIVOS - Evaluar la influencia de disti...

  20. Propuesta de un sistema de contabilidad de costos por órdenes de producción para empresas dedicadas al revestimiento de rodillos industriales caso: Alfiza


    Cobo Onofre, Carina Paola


    Toda empresa o negocio propio requiere de un control y de una organización sobre su actividad económica, es por eso que es necesario el diseño de un Sistema de Contabilidad de Costos que se ajuste a la empresa estudiada. ALFIZA no cuenta con un Sistema de Costos, además tiene muchos problemas Administrativos que afectan tanto a la parte Contable como a la parte Productiva. En primer capítulo se desarrollará el Marco Teórico, aquí se resume todas los aspectos teóricos que se encuentran i...

  1. Efectos de entrenar para cumplir criterios de congruencia en tareas de ajuste lector

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    Germán Morales-Chávez


    Full Text Available La presente investigación evaluó los efectos de entrenar estudiantes universitarios para satisfacer criterios de congruencia en tareas de ajuste lector con base en parámetros de congruencia y de coherencia. El grupo experimental fue entrenado para satisfacer criterios de congruencia y fue expuesto a dos pruebas de evaluación en satisfacción de criterios de congruencia y coherencia. El grupo control solo fue sometido a las pruebas de evaluación. Los resultados revelan que el entrenamiento favoreció la satisfacción de criterios tanto de congruencia como de coherencia. Se discute la relevancia del desempeño efectivo en una situación lectora con criterios de congruencia como condición para el desarrollo de conductas lectoras funcionalmente más complejas.

  2. Estudo da auditoria de contas em um hospital de ensino


    Guerrer, Gabriela Favaro Faria; Lima, Antônio Fernandes Costa; Castilho, Valéria


    RESUMOObjetivos:verificar os itens componentes das contas hospitalares, conferidos por enfermeiros auditores, que mais recebem ajustes no momento da pré-análise; identificar o impacto dos ajustes no faturamento das contas analisadas por enfermeiros e médicos auditores e identificar as glosas relacionadas aos itens conferidos pela equipe de auditoria.Método:pesquisa quantitativa exploratória, descritiva, do tipo estudo de caso único.Resultados:após a análise de 2.613 contas constatou-se que o ...

  3. Ajustement de la courbe de lactation de la chèvre locale dans les zones arides Tunisiennes

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    Ilyes Mekki


    Full Text Available Les performances laitières de la chèvre locale dans les zones arides tunisiennes dépendent des capacités génétiques de l’effet des conditions du milieu et du mode de conduite des troupeaux. L’objectif de cette étude est d’analyser les performances laitières de la chèvre locale en fonction de ces facteurs à travers l’ajustement de la courbe de lactation. De telles connaissances sont indispensables pour planifier la gestion raisonnable de cette ressource animale rustique dans des conditions naturelles difficiles. Les données utilisées pour cette étude sont issues de 10 campagnes de contrôle laitier réalisé au niveau d’un troupeau caprin expérimental conduit dans les régions arides. Suite à l’élaboration des données, l’application des procédures de régression non linéaire a identifié le modèle de Wood comme le plus adaptée pour l’ajustement de la courbe de lactation de la chèvre locale. Ce modèle a été appliqué pour estimer les paramètres de la lactation individuelle et l’étude des facteurs de variation. Les résultats d’ajustements des données montrent que la lactation de la chèvre locale évolue après la mise bas selon une trajectoire assez aplatie. Les performances de la chèvre locale sont assez réduites et similaires à celles observées pour des populations élevées dans des zones difficiles tunisiennes de point de vue climatique et pastorale. La moyenne de production initiale observée est de 720 g/j, le pic de lactation est observé au 17ème jour lorsqu’une chèvre produit en moyenne 980g/j. La réduction des potentialités laitières de la chèvre locale illustre les effets du processus de sélection naturelle qui a favorisé l’adaptation aux conditions difficiles des régions arides. Les résultats contribuent à la caractérisation de la chèvre locale et à la planification de son amélioration comme étant une ressource génétique locale et rustique.

  4. Resultados de tres años de ensayo en el ajuste de la tecnología de “Tree Row Volume” (TRV para el control de mancha negra en naranja Valencia

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    Full Text Available Actualmente, los consumidores de fruta son altamente exigentes tanto en la calidad externa como interna de la fruta. En el aspecto externo, exigen ausencia de daños causados por plagas y/o enfermedades con énfasis en aquellas consideradas cuarentenarias como es Mancha Negra (MN causada por el hongo Guignardia citricarpa Kiely. Con respecto a los aspectos internos, se considera que debe tener alta calidad organoléptica y, sobre todo, tener mínimos residuos de plaguicidas. Para contribuir con ambos objetivos, se están realizando desde hace varios años tratamientos para optimizar la dosis de fungicidas y volúmenes aplicados a lotes con frutas con destino de exportación. A tal efecto se han realizado ensayos por tres años para el ajuste del volumen de caldo a aplicar por hectárea en función del tamaño de los árboles aplicando la fórmula del TRV (“Tree Row Volume” en un lote de naranja Valencia (Citrus sinensis L. Osb. con alta incidencia de (MN. Los ensayos consistieron en la utilización de picos inyectores de aire ID instalados en turbinas de alto volumen con el fin de reducir el volumen total de caldo de modo similar al logrado con la tecnología de bajo volumen. Los resultadosobtenidos en diferentes campañas con picos ID en tratamientos reducidos al 50% en volumen ejercieron un muy buen control de la enfermedad sin diferencias significativas con respecto a los tratamientos de alto volumen convencionales. Esta estrategia permite optimizar la utilización de equipos existentes con el beneficiodel ahorro de agua, insumos y, además, sustentable con el ambiente.

  5. Assessment of the Use of AutoCAD in Mechanical Engineering Technical Drawing Education


    Akyürek, Turgut


    AutoCAD is one of the widely used software tools in engineering education. In this study, ageneral assessment of AutoCAD for the usage in the mechanical engineering technical drawing educationis made. AutoCAD is assessed in terms of the fulfilment of the requirements defined for the main twotechnical drawing courses. AutoCAD is assessed in terms of its capability in meeting the requirements ofthe technical drawing courses.

  6. AutoClickChem: click chemistry in silico.

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    Jacob D Durrant

    Full Text Available Academic researchers and many in industry often lack the financial resources available to scientists working in "big pharma." High costs include those associated with high-throughput screening and chemical synthesis. In order to address these challenges, many researchers have in part turned to alternate methodologies. Virtual screening, for example, often substitutes for high-throughput screening, and click chemistry ensures that chemical synthesis is fast, cheap, and comparatively easy. Though both in silico screening and click chemistry seek to make drug discovery more feasible, it is not yet routine to couple these two methodologies. We here present a novel computer algorithm, called AutoClickChem, capable of performing many click-chemistry reactions in silico. AutoClickChem can be used to produce large combinatorial libraries of compound models for use in virtual screens. As the compounds of these libraries are constructed according to the reactions of click chemistry, they can be easily synthesized for subsequent testing in biochemical assays. Additionally, in silico modeling of click-chemistry products may prove useful in rational drug design and drug optimization. AutoClickChem is based on the pymolecule toolbox, a framework that may facilitate the development of future python-based programs that require the manipulation of molecular models. Both the pymolecule toolbox and AutoClickChem are released under the GNU General Public License version 3 and are available for download from

  7. AutoClickChem: click chemistry in silico. (United States)

    Durrant, Jacob D; McCammon, J Andrew


    Academic researchers and many in industry often lack the financial resources available to scientists working in "big pharma." High costs include those associated with high-throughput screening and chemical synthesis. In order to address these challenges, many researchers have in part turned to alternate methodologies. Virtual screening, for example, often substitutes for high-throughput screening, and click chemistry ensures that chemical synthesis is fast, cheap, and comparatively easy. Though both in silico screening and click chemistry seek to make drug discovery more feasible, it is not yet routine to couple these two methodologies. We here present a novel computer algorithm, called AutoClickChem, capable of performing many click-chemistry reactions in silico. AutoClickChem can be used to produce large combinatorial libraries of compound models for use in virtual screens. As the compounds of these libraries are constructed according to the reactions of click chemistry, they can be easily synthesized for subsequent testing in biochemical assays. Additionally, in silico modeling of click-chemistry products may prove useful in rational drug design and drug optimization. AutoClickChem is based on the pymolecule toolbox, a framework that may facilitate the development of future python-based programs that require the manipulation of molecular models. Both the pymolecule toolbox and AutoClickChem are released under the GNU General Public License version 3 and are available for download from

  8. Crashworthiness Assessment of Auto-body Members Considering the Fabrication Histories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huh, Hoon; Song, Jung-Han; Kim, Kee-Poong; Kim, Hyun-Sub


    This paper is concerned with crashworthiness of auto-body members considering the effect of fabrication. Most auto-body members are fabricated with sheet metal forming process and welding process that induce fabrication histories such as the plastic work hardening, non-uniform thickness distribution and residual stress. Crash simulation is carried out for auto-body members with LS-DYNA3D in order to identify the fabrication effect on the crashworthiness. The analysis calculated crash mode, the reaction force and the energy absorption for crashworthiness assessment with the forming effect. The result shows that the crash analysis with considering the forming history leads to a different result from that without considering the forming effect. The analysis results demonstrate that the design of auto-body members should be carried out considering the forming history for accurate assessment of the crashworthiness.

  9. Bloqueios nervosos guiados por ultra-som Bloqueos nerviosos guiados por ultrasonido Ultrasound-guided nerve blocks

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    Pablo Escovedo Helayel


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: As técnicas de bloqueios nervosos guiados por ultra-som são baseadas na visualização direta das estruturas nervosas, da agulha de bloqueio e das estruturas anatômicas adjacentes. Desta maneira, é possível depositar a solução de anestésico local precisamente em torno dos nervos e acompanhar a sua dispersão em tempo real, obtendo-se, assim, um bloqueio mais eficaz, de menor latência, menor dependência de referências anatômicas, menor volume de solução anestésica e maior segurança. CONTEÚDO: O artigo revisa os aspectos relativos aos mecanismos físicos para formação de imagens, a anatomia ultra-sonográfica do neuroeixo e dos plexos braquial e lombossacral, os equipamentos e materiais empregados nos bloqueios, os ajustes do aparelho de ultra-som para melhorar as imagens, os planos de visualização das agulhas de bloqueio e as técnicas e o treinamento em bloqueios guiados por ultra-som. CONCLUSÕES: Os passos para se obter sucesso em anestesia regional incluem a identificação exata da posição dos nervos, a localização precisa da agulha, sem lesões nas estruturas adjacentes e, finalmente, a injeção cuidadosa de anestésico local junto aos nervos. Embora a neuroestimulação forneça grande auxílio na identificação dos nervos, esta não consegue, isoladamente, preencher todas essas exigências. Por isso, acredita-se que os bloqueios guiados por ultra-som serão a técnica de eleição para anestesia regional num futuro não muito distante.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Las técnicas de bloqueos nerviosos guiados por ultrasonido se basan en la visualización directa de las estructuras nerviosas, de la aguja de bloqueo y de las estructuras anatómicas adyacentes. De esa manera, se puede depositar la solución de anestésico local precisamente en torno de los nervios y acompañar su dispersión en tiempo real, obteniéndose así, un bloqueo más eficaz, de menor latencia, menor dependencia de


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    Full Text Available Estudio descriptivo con el objetivo de identificar el perfil de compromiso con el auto cuidado en personas hipertensas acompañadas clínicamente en la Unidad Básica de Salud de la Familia. Utilizamos los instrumentos para establecer el perfil de compromiso en el autocuidado teniendo como conjetura la teoría del autocuidado de Orem. Pesquisadas 31 personas, registradas en (HIPER/DÍA el año 2004. Identificados los requisitos de autocuidado con calificación positiva en relación a las eliminaciones, a la adaptación a los cambios del ciclo vital; ajuste social; al conocimiento de la enfermedad y del tratamiento; aceptación del diagnóstico; adaptación al problema con la salud y a las conductas orientadas. Y calificación no satisfactoria a la ingestión de alimentos y líquidos; desequilibrio entre soledad e interacción social; a la prevención de riesgo de vida y al bienestar; a la promoción de la salud. Constatamos que una fracción de portadores de hipertensión acompañados clínicamente por el PSF se compromete con el auto-cuidado frente a las acciones llevadas a cabo.

  11. Regulación de la afectividad en el ámbito laboral: validez de las escalas de heteroregulación EROS y EIM

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    Silvia da Costaa


    Full Text Available Una muestra de trabajadores y estudiantes de máster organizacional de dos universidades españolas respondió a las escalas de regulación interpersonal EROS y EIM, una sub-escala del test de inteligencia emocional MSCEIT, una escala de creatividad emocional, de auto-regulación, MARS, así como a la percepción de ajuste emocional después de episodios laborales estresantes. Todas mostraron en general fiabilidades satisfactorias. Un análisis factorial confirmatorio encontró que las dimensiones postuladas se adaptaban bien al perfil de datos. También confirmaron su validez de constructo. Las formas de hetero-regulación de mejora de las emociones de los demás, la alta modificación de la situación, la reevaluación cognitiva y la baja supresión y expresión emocional se asociaron al manejo de emociones evaluados por el MSCEIT, a la creatividad emocional y a formas de auto-regulación adaptativa. Se discuten los resultados en relación a la validez de constructo de las dimensiones de regulación interpersonal y a sus implicaciones para un clima emocional laboral positivo.

  12. Doença crônica, auto-avaliação de saúde e comportamento de risco: diferença de gênero Enfermedad crónica, auto-evaluación de salud y comportamiento de riesgo: diferencia de género Chronic diseases, self-perceived health status and health risk behaviors: gender differences

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    Sandhi Maria Barreto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a associação entre relato de doenças crônicas com comportamentos de risco e auto-avaliação da saúde, segundo o gênero. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos 39.821 participantes com idade >30 anos do sistema de Vigilância de Fatores de Risco e Proteção para Doenças Crônicas por Inquérito Telefônico (VIGITEL realizado em 27 capitais brasileiras em 2006. A variável dependente foi construída pelo relato de diagnóstico médico de diabetes, hipertensão e infarto e/ou acidente vascular cerebral. Os indivíduos foram agrupados segundo ausência de doença, uma doença crônica, e mais de uma. A associação dessa variável com comportamento de risco (composto por: fumar, consumir carnes com gordura e leite integral, não realizar atividade física regular no lazer, não consumir frutas e hortaliças regularmente e adicionar sal à refeição pronta, auto-avaliação da saúde, indicadores de saúde e sociodemográficos foi investigada por regressão logística multinomial segundo o sexo, tendo como referência a ausência de doença. RESULTADOS: O relato de uma e mais de uma doença crônica foi maior entre homens e mulheres mais velhos e com menor escolaridade, com IMC>30kg/m², e que faziam dieta. Observou-se relação inversa entre número de comportamentos de risco e relato de duas ou mais doenças (OR=0,64; IC 95%: 0,54;0,76 entre homens e (OR=0,86; IC 95%: 0,77;0,97 entre mulheres. Homens (OR=33,61; IC 95%: 15,70;71,93 e mulheres (OR=13,02; IC 95%: 6,86;24,73 que auto-avaliaram a saúde como ruim relataram mais doenças crônicas. Não houve interação estatística entre auto-avaliação da saúde e sexo. CONCLUSÕES: Associação inversa entre número de comportamentos de risco e relato de duas ou mais doenças crônicas sugere causalidade reversa e/ou maior sobrevivência dos que se cuidam melhor. Homens parecem perceber sua saúde pior que as mulheres na presença de doença crônica, após ajustamento por fatores

  13. 46 CFR 167.65-35 - Use of auto pilot. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Use of auto pilot. 167.65-35 Section 167.65-35 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) NAUTICAL SCHOOLS PUBLIC NAUTICAL SCHOOL SHIPS Special Operating Requirements § 167.65-35 Use of auto pilot. Except as provided in 33 CFR 164.15, when...

  14. the impacts of auto-mechanic workshops on the environment of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    The extents of groundwater and soil pollution arising from auto-mechanic ..... Conductivity is the ability of a solution to pass electric .... processes used at an auto-mechanic workshop, which ... Levels of Heavy Metals in Top Soils of Motor. Parks ...

  15. Auto-Bäcklund transformations for a differential-delay equation (United States)

    Gordoa, Pilar R.; Pickering, Andrew


    Discrete Painlevé equations have, over recent years, generated much interest. One property of such equations that is considered to be particularly important is the existence of auto-Bäcklund transformations, that is, mappings between solutions of the equation in question, usually involving changes in the values of parameters appearing as coefficients. We have recently presented extensions of discrete Painlevé equations to equations involving derivatives as well as shifts in the independent variable. Here we show how auto-Bäcklund transformations can also be constructed for such differential-delay equations. We emphasise that this is the first time that an auto-Bäcklund transformation has been given for a differential-delay equation.

  16. Relacionamento professor-aluno e auto-regulação da aprendizagem no 3º ciclo do ensino médio português

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    Ângela Sá Azevedo


    Full Text Available Este artigo teve como objetivo explorar a relação entre a percepção do comportamento do professor e auto-regulação da aprendizagem na Matemática. As respostas de 625 alunos do 3ºciclo do Ensino Médio Português (7º ao 9º anos aos questionários QIPBásico e IPAAr permitiram perceber diferenças nas variáveis supracitadas em função do sexo, da idade, do ano de escolaridade e do número de retenções, do nível educacional dos pais, do sexo do professor de Matemática e do número de anos com o mesmo professor. As conclusões mais relevantes para a prática pedagógica prendem-se à relação positiva entre a auto-regulação da aprendizagem dos alunos e a percepção de liderança, apoio e compreensão por parte dos professores, e relação negativa entre a auto-regulação e a percepção de insatisfação, insegurança e repreensão dos seus professores.

  17. 70 MeV injector auto tuning system handbook

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ellis, J.E.; Munn, R.W.; Sandels, E.G.


    The handbook is in three sections: (1) description and location; (2) operating instructions; and (3) design notes on the tank and debuncher auto tuning systems for the 70 MeV injector. The purpose of the auto tuning system is to maintain the 'tune' of the four tanks and debuncher to within a few Hz, stabilizing against changes of temperature and other physical factors affecting the resonant frequency of the tanks. (U.K.)

  18. Interpolis SlimOpWeg-programma : de AutoModus-app : vragenlijstonderzoek naar het effect van een app om smartphonegebruik in de auto te verminderen.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Groot-Mesken, J. de Wijnen, W. Stelling-Konczak, A. & Commandeur, J.J.F.


    Interpolis SlimOpWeg programme: the AutoModus app; Survey into the effect of an app on reducing smartphone use while driving a car. Within the programme SlimOpWeg the Dutch insurance company Interpolis had a smartphone app developed. The purpose of this ‘AutoModus app’ is to help young drivers to

  19. Sarri võttis Talleksiga taanlastelt Saksa Auto / Villy Paimets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paimets, Villy, 1972-


    Andres Sarri poolt kontrollitav AS Talleks ostis Taani partnerilt Semler Holding välja 50-protsendilise osaluse AS-is Saksa Auto. Lisa: Viimastel aastatel eestlaste poolt välja ostetud ettevõtted. Diagramm: Saksa Auto tulemused paranesid mullu märgatavalt. Vt. samas: Sarri: me ei tee halbu tehinguid; Peeter Raidla. Tuleristsed 90ndate alguse võimuvõitlusest


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    Andrea Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available El autotransporte público de Buenos Aires trascendió internacionalmente por su buen nível de servicio siendo gestionado por pequeñas y medianas empresas bajo regulación estatal y sin subvención. La regulación se revisa en los 90, al igual que en otras partes del mundo, con el objetivo de promover mejoras sin cambios estructurales.Los resultados a diez años muestran paradojas. Por un lado, la subvención no motiva la revisión pero tiene lugar trás ella. Por el otro, la regulación introduce cambios menores y más bien formales, pero emerge un perfil de empresa y de servicio diferente. Por último, se comparten resultados com revisiones internacionales de distinta orientación. El trabajo busca interpretar las paradojas entre objetivos y resultados de las políticas públicas, organizando la evidencia empírica mediante la aplicación de un esquema metodológico al análisis integrado (servicios públicos y de oferta libre y comparativo (con experiencias internacionales del caso. Finalmente, intenta una reflexión teórica sobre el auto transporte colectivo urbano, observando tendencias compartidas e identificando continuidades y rupturas respecto a momentos anteriores.

  1. Sistemas homogéneos de ecuaciones diofánticas. Resolución y aplicación al ajuste automático de reacciones químicas

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    Recuero, Alfonso


    Full Text Available An algorithm to solve systems of linear homogeneous diophantine equations is given here. Subsequently, as an example of application, a method of heuristic search for the best solution is described; this fulfils certain conditions within an infinite space of solutions of various dimensions. Finally, an application of the algorithm and of the process of heuristic search for the best solution in adjusting chemical reactions is described. The listing in BASIC of the program of application mentioned is included, for the HP-75 portable computer.

    Se presenta un algoritmo de resolución de sistemas de ecuaciones diofánticas lineales y homogéneas. Seguidamente y como ejemplo de aplicación se describe un método de búsqueda heurística de una solución óptima que cumpla unas ciertas condiciones dentro de un espacio infinito de soluciones de varias dimensiones. Por último se describe la aplicación del algoritmo y del procedimiento de búsqueda heurística para el caso de ajuste de reacciones químicas. Se incluye el listado en BASIC del programa para el ordenador HP-75.

  2. Stitching-aware in-design DPT auto fixing for sub-20nm logic devices (United States)

    Choi, Soo-Han; Sai Krishna, K. V. V. S.; Pemberton-Smith, David


    As the technology continues to shrink below 20nm, Double Patterning Technology (DPT) becomes one of the mandatory solutions for routing metal layers. From the view point of Place and Route (P&R), the major concerns are how to prevent DPT odd-cycles automatically without sacrificing chip area. Even though the leading-edge P&R tools have advanced algorithms to prevent DPT odd-cycles, it is very hard to prevent the localized DPT odd-cycles, especially in Engineering Change Order (ECO) routing. In the last several years, we developed In-design DPT Auto Fixing method in order to reduce localized DPT odd-cycles significantly during ECO and could achieve remarkable design Turn-Around Times (TATs). But subsequently, as the design complexity continued increasing and chip size continued decreasing, we needed a new In-design DPT Auto Fixing approach to improve the auto. fixing rate. In this paper, we present the Stitching-Aware In-design DPT Auto Fixing method for better fixing rates and smaller chip design. The previous In-design DPT Auto Fixing method detected all DPT odd-cycles and tried to remove oddcycles by increasing the adjacent space. As the metal congestions increase in the newer technology nodes, the older Auto Fixing method has limitations to increase the adjacent space between routing metals. Consequently, the auto fixing rate of older method gets worse with the introduction of the smaller design rules. With DPT stitching enablement at In-design DRC checking procedure, the new Stitching-Aware DPT Auto Fixing method detects the most critical odd-cycles and revolve the odd-cycles automatically. The accuracy of new flow ensures better usage of space in the congested areas, and helps design more smaller chips. By applying the Stitching-Aware DPT Auto Fixing method to sub-20nm logic devices, we can confirm that the auto fixing rate is improved by 2X compared with auto fixing without stitching. Additionally, by developing the better heuristic algorithm and flow for DPT

  3. Ajuste social em pacientes com transtorno afetivo bipolar, unipolar, distimia e depressão dupla Social disability in patients with bipolar and unipolar affective disorders, dysthymia and double depression

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    Adriana M Tucci


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Dados internacionais mostram que os transtornos afetivos têm uma prevalência de, aproximadamente, 11,3% da população. Além disso, são uma das doenças que mais geram perdas sociais e nos relacionamentos familiares. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o ajuste social e familiar de pacientes com transtornos afetivos (bipolar, unipolar, distimia e com depressão dupla, comparando o resultado entre as categorias diagnósticas, além de verificar quais variáveis estão associadas e conduzem ao pior ajuste. MÉTODOS: Foram feitos a caracterização socioeconômica e demográfica e um levantamento dos dados de evolução e de história da doença por meio de um questionário elaborado para essa finalidade. Para a avaliação de ajuste social, utilizou-se a Escala de Avaliação da Incapacitação Psiquiátrica (DAS/OMS, 1998. O relacionamento familiar foi avaliado pelo Global Assessment of Relational Functioning Scale (GARF/APA, 1994. Foram estudados 100 pacientes em tratamento, por pelo menos seis meses, no Ambulatório de Psiquiatria da Faculdade de Medicina Unesp, Botucatu, SP. RESULTADOS/CONCLUSÕES: Com predomínio de mulheres, a maioria dos pacientes tinha no mínimo dois anos de seguimento, idade acima de 50 anos, baixa escolaridade e nível socioeconômico baixo. Não houve diferença estatística significativa quanto aos dados socioeconômicos e demográficos. Na análise de regressão logística, o diagnóstico e o relacionamento familiar tiveram papel significativo no resultado de ajustamento social. Os pacientes unipolares e os distímicos tiveram melhores resultados no ajustamento social e no relacionamento familiar do que os bipolares e aqueles com depressão dupla.OBJECTIVES: International data show that affective disorders have a prevalence of 11.3% in the general population. Besides that, they are responsible for social dysfunctioning and family relationship distress. The aim of this study was to assess social and

  4. Estilos parentais e compreensão emocional de crianças em idade pré-escolar


    Sá, Vanessa


    A compreensão emocional, bem como, a comunicação das emoções são competências relevantes na idade pré-escolar, com impacto em diversas áreas do desenvolvimento. Nestas idades, os Estilos Parentais adotados pela mãe e pelo pai podem assumir um papel central nas experiências das crianças ao nível emocional, nomeadamente, no auto-conhecimento, auto-regulação e no ajuste das suas interações com os outros. Neste sentido, analisou-se as relações entre os estilos parentais e a compree...

  5. Adaptive endpoint detection of seismic signal based on auto-correlated function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fan Wanchun; Shi Ren


    There are certain shortcomings for the endpoint detection by time-waveform envelope and/or by checking the travel table (both labelled as the artificial detection method). Based on the analysis of the auto-correlation function, the notion of the distance between auto-correlation functions was quoted, and the characterizations of the noise and the signal with noise were discussed by using the distance. Then, the method of auto-adaptable endpoint detection of seismic signal based on auto-correlated similarity was summed up. The steps of implementation and determining of the thresholds were presented in detail. The experimental results that were compared with the methods based on artificial detecting show that this method has higher sensitivity even in a low SNR circumstance

  6. Auto-eficacia de docentes de Educação Fisica


    Roberto Tadeu Iaochite


    Resumo: Os estudos sobre as crenças de auto-eficácia fundamentados no referencial da teoria social cognitiva têm revelado contribuições significativas para as áreas da educação, psicologia, medicina, educação física, administração, dentre outras. No cenário educacional, esses estudos têm focalizado sobre as crenças de auto-eficácia dos docentes em diferentes contextos, disciplinas e níveis de ensino. Auto-eficácia docente diz respeito a um julgamento que o professor faz acerca das próprias ca...

  7. Estudo da auditoria de contas em um hospital de ensino

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    Gabriela Favaro Faria Guerrer


    Full Text Available RESUMOObjetivos:verificar os itens componentes das contas hospitalares, conferidos por enfermeiros auditores, que mais recebem ajustes no momento da pré-análise; identificar o impacto dos ajustes no faturamento das contas analisadas por enfermeiros e médicos auditores e identificar as glosas relacionadas aos itens conferidos pela equipe de auditoria.Método:pesquisa quantitativa exploratória, descritiva, do tipo estudo de caso único.Resultados:após a análise de 2.613 contas constatou-se que o item mais incluído por enfermeiros foram gases (90,5% e o mais excluído medicamentos de internação (41,2%. Materiais de hemodinâmica; gases e equipamentos foram os que mais impactaram nos ajustes positivos. Os ajustes negativos decorreram de lançamentos indevidos nas contas e não geraram prejuízos de faturamento. Do total de glosas 52,24% referiu-se à pré-análise dos enfermeiros e 47,76% a dos médicos.Conclusão:a presente investigação do processo de pré-análise fornece subsídios que contribuem para o avanço no conhecimento sobre a auditoria de contas hospitalares.

  8. Utilização do AutoCAD 2004 para quantificação de pesquisas usando fotomicrografias eletrônicas AutoCAD 2004 to quantify electron-photomicrography

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    Carla Albertina Martins Almeida


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o uso do programa AutoCAD 2004 para estudos quantitativos em microscopia eletrônica. MÉTODOS: A demonstração da utilização do AutoCAD 2004 foi feita em um modelo experimental de diabetes induzido em ratos, divididos em Grupo Controle (GC-10 animais e Grupo Diabético (GD - 10 animais, avaliados 1 mês depois da indução do diabetes. Os olhos foram removidos após o sacrifício dos animais e preparados para exame em microscópio eletrônico, tendo sido feitas fotografias dos vasos retinianos. Foi utilizado o programa AutoCAD2004 para avaliar a espessura da membrana basal dos vasos. Os resultados foram avaliados estatisticamente. RESULTADOS: Usando o método proposto foi possível realizar medidas quantitativas na membrana basal de vasos retinianos de ratos diabéticos. CONCLUSÃO: O AutoCAD 2004 se mostrou efetivo, seguro e de fácil utilização para a quantificação de fenômenos biológicos, sendo possível sugerir este meio para a realização de avaliações quantitativas em experimentos biológicos.OBJECTIVE: To determine if the AutoCAD 2004 program is available to be used in quantitative research on electron microscopy. METHODS: A demonstrative of the AutoCAD2004 was done in an experimental model of diabetes induced in rats. The animals were divided by lot in control group animals (GC-10 animals and diabetic group (GD - 10 animals, evaluated 1 month after the diabetes induction. The eyes were removed after sacrifice and prepared to electron microscopy. The retina was photographed and the AutoCAD2004 program was used to measure the basal membrane of retina vessels. The results were submitted to statistical analysis. RESULTS: The AutoCAD2004 was effective to obtain quantitative measures from the basal membrane of retina vessels and there were no difference between the studied groups. CONCLUSION: The AutoCAD2004 was effective, safe and easy to apply to quantify biological parameters, which allowed suggest it to

  9. A auto-estima e o não-verbal dos pacientes com queimaduras La autoestima y el no verbal de los pacientes con quemaduras The self-esteem and the nonverbal signs of the burn patients

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    Milena Froes da Silva


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa teve como objetivos identificar o grau de auto-estima dos pacientes do Ambulatório de Seqüelas de Queimaduras do HC-FMUSP e identificar os sinais não-verbais emitidos pelos pacientes, quando questionados sobre sua auto-estima. Realizado com 80 pacientes (54 mulheres e 26 homens atendidos na unidade durante o mês de fevereiro de 2002, o projeto foi aprovado pelas Comissões de Ética em Pesquisa da EEUSP e do HC-FMUSP e as entrevistas individuais com os pacientes baseadas em uma escala para avaliação de auto-estima validada no Brasil e na classificação de sinais não-verbais proposta por Silva. Dentre os resultados, verificamos que 18,75% pacientes apresentam baixa auto-estima, 32,50% média auto-estima e 48,75% pacientes alta auto-estima. O complemento foi a função dos sinais não-verbais mais freqüente entre os pacientes.Esta investigación tuvo como objetivos identificar el grado de autoestima de los pacientes de Consulta Externa de Secuelas de Quemaduras del HC-FMUSP e identificar las señales no verbales emitidas por los pacientes, al ser interrogados sobre su autoestima. Realizado con 80 pacientes (54 mujeres y 26 hombres atendidos en la unidad en el mes de febrero del 2002, el proyecto fue aprobado por las Comisiones de Ética en Investigación de la EEUSP y del HC-FMUSP y las entrevistas individuales con los pacientes basadas en una escala para evaluación de autoestima validada en Brasil y en la clasificación de señales no verbales propuesta por Silva. Entre los resultados, verificamos que el 18.75% de pacientes presentan baja autoestima, 32.50% media autoestima y 48.75% de pacientes alta autoestima. El complemento fue la función de las señales no verbales más frecuente entre los pacientes.This research aimed to identify the self-esteem degree and the nonverbal signs of the Burn Center patients at HC-FMUSP. Those signs complement, contradict or demonstrate the patients' feelings when they are asked about

  10. Prevalência de acidentes de trânsito auto-referidos em Rio Branco, Acre Prevalencia de accidentes de tránsito auto-referidos en Rio Branco, Norte de Brasil Prevalence of self-reported traffic accidents in Rio Branco, Northern Brazil

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    Andréa Fernandes Magalhães


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de acidentes de trânsito auto-referidos e identificar fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional realizado de setembro de 2007 a agosto de 2008, nas zonas urbana e rural de Rio Branco, AC. Foram analisados dados referentes aos adultos (18 a 96 anos, n = 1.516 do inquérito Saúde e Nutrição de Adultos e Crianças de Rio Branco, obtidos em entrevistas domiciliares. As relações entre acidente de trânsito auto-referido e variáveis socioeconômicas e comportamentais foram analisadas por meio de razões de prevalência e intervalos de 95% de confiança; foi efetuada análise de regressão múltipla de Poisson. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de acidente de trânsito auto-referido foi de 36%. Na análise de Poisson, os indivíduos do sexo masculino (RP=1,45 e IC95%: 1,12;1,87, que relatavam consumo de bebida alcoólica (RP=1,25 e IC95%: 0,97;1,62, com renda acima de cinco salários mínimos (RP=1,88 e IC95%: 1,25;2,83, idade entre 18 e 25 anos (RP=1,45 e IC95%: 1,02;2,05 apresentaram maior probabilidade de referir envolvimento em acidente de trânsito. As variáveis idade e escolaridade mostraram associação inversa com o desfecho, enquanto renda apresentou associação positiva, todas elas com tendência significativa. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência dos acidentes de trânsito auto-referidos aponta risco mais elevado para homens, com renda mais elevada, menor escolaridade e que ingerem bebida alcoólica, os quais devem ser alvo das campanhas preventivas.OBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia de accidentes de tránsito auto-referidos e identificar factores asociados. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal de base poblacional realizado de septiembre de 2007 a agosto de 2008, en las zonas urbana y rural de Rio Branco, Norte de Brasil. Se analizaron datos referentes a los adultos (18 a 96 años, n=1.516 de la Pesquisa Salud y Nutrición de Adultos y Niños de Rio Branco, obtenidos en entrevistas domiciliares

  11. Collective Mind: Towards Practical and Collaborative Auto-Tuning

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    Grigori Fursin


    Full Text Available Empirical auto-tuning and machine learning techniques have been showing high potential to improve execution time, power consumption, code size, reliability and other important metrics of various applications for more than two decades. However, they are still far from widespread production use due to lack of native support for auto-tuning in an ever changing and complex software and hardware stack, large and multi-dimensional optimization spaces, excessively long exploration times, and lack of unified mechanisms for preserving and sharing of optimization knowledge and research material. We present a possible collaborative approach to solve above problems using Collective Mind knowledge management system. In contrast with previous cTuning framework, this modular infrastructure allows to preserve and share through the Internet the whole auto-tuning setups with all related artifacts and their software and hardware dependencies besides just performance data. It also allows to gradually structure, systematize and describe all available research material including tools, benchmarks, data sets, search strategies and machine learning models. Researchers can take advantage of shared components and data with extensible meta-description to quickly and collaboratively validate and improve existing auto-tuning and benchmarking techniques or prototype new ones. The community can now gradually learn and improve complex behavior of all existing computer systems while exposing behavior anomalies or model mispredictions to an interdisciplinary community in a reproducible way for further analysis. We present several practical, collaborative and model-driven auto-tuning scenarios. We also decided to release all material at to set up an example for a collaborative and reproducible research as well as our new publication model in computer engineering where experimental results are continuously shared and validated by the community.


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    Full Text Available Este artículo es continuación de la línea de trabajo desarrollada por las autoras acerca de la existen - cia de diferencias de género en la relación entre tres variables centrales del emprendedorismo: auto- eficacia emprendedora, inteligencia emocional y satisfacción vital. El objetivo del presente trabajo es establecer si las variables psico-sociales (inteligencia emocional y satisfacción vital influyen en las dimensiones que conforman la auto-eficacia emprendedora de los hombres y las mujeres argentinos en el sector de las TIC. Se realizó una investigación exploratorio-descriptiva y transversal, con una muestra de 329 emprendedores, utilizando encuestas on-line. Los datos obtenidos fueron procesa - dos y sometidos a análisis de regresión, surgiendo notables diferencias entre hombres y mujeres, especialmente en la variable satisfacción vital. Particularmente, en el caso de los hombres se observa que la inteligencia emocional es determinante para desarrollar nuevos productos y oportunidades de mercado, mientras que la inteligencia emocional y la satisfacción vital influyen en el resto de las dimensiones (gestión de recursos humanos, nuevas relaciones con inversores, creación de entornos innovadores y trabajo bajo estrés. Estos hallazgos difieren en el caso de las mujeres, donde se apre - cia que sólo la inteligencia emocional influye en la totalidad de las dimensiones que conforman la auto-eficacia emprendedora.

  13. A visual LISP program for voxelizing AutoCAD solid models (United States)

    Marschallinger, Robert; Jandrisevits, Carmen; Zobl, Fritz


    AutoCAD solid models are increasingly recognized in geological and geotechnical 3D modeling. In order to bridge the currently existing gap between AutoCAD solid models and the grid modeling realm, a Visual LISP program is presented that converts AutoCAD solid models into voxel arrays. Acad2Vox voxelizer works on a 3D-model that is made up of arbitrary non-overlapping 3D-solids. After definition of the target voxel array geometry, 3D-solids are scanned at grid positions and properties are streamed to an ASCII output file. Acad2Vox has a novel voxelization strategy that combines a hierarchical reduction of sampling dimensionality with an innovative use of AutoCAD-specific methods for a fast and memory-saving operation. Acad2Vox provides georeferenced, voxelized analogs of 3D design data that can act as regions-of-interest in later geostatistical modeling and simulation. The Supplement includes sample geological solid models with instructions for practical work with Acad2Vox.

  14. The role of brand image congruity in Iranian consumers’ demand for auto parts

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    Naser Azad


    Full Text Available One of the primary issues in handling demands for auto parts in the world is to build a mutual trust between consumers and vendors. When people trust a brand, they purchase more easily and it is possible to develop market. In Iran, there is a growing interest in demand for auto parts and each year, tens of millions of auto parts are getting sold. This paper presents an empirical investigation to detect the effects of brand image on demand for auto parts. Using a sample of 202 randomly selected people who buy/sell auto parts in city of Tehran, Iran, the study determines three variables including brand strength, brand attributes and consumer trust through the implementation of structural equation modeling.

  15. Analysis on the workspace of palletizing robot based on AutoCAD (United States)

    Li, Jin-quan; Zhang, Rui; Guan, Qi; Cui, Fang; Chen, Kuan


    In this paper, a four-degree-of-freedom articulated palletizing robot is used as the object of research. Based on the analysis of the overall configuration of the robot, the kinematic mathematical model is established by D-H method to figure out the workspace of the robot. In order to meet the needs of design and analysis, using AutoCAD secondary development technology and AutoLisp language to develop AutoCAD-based 2D and 3D workspace simulation interface program of palletizing robot. At last, using AutoCAD plugin, the influence of structural parameters on the shape and position of the working space is analyzed when the structure parameters of the robot are changed separately. This study laid the foundation for the design, control and planning of palletizing robots.

  16. High speed auto-charging system for condenser bank

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mizuno, Yasunori; Bito, Fumio; Fujita, Kazuhiko; Sometani, Taro


    A current-control type high-speed charging system, which is intended for auto-charging of the condenser bank, is developed. Moreover, the system can also serve to compensate the current leakage from the condenser bank so that the charged voltage can be kept constant. The system consists of a sequence circuit, a charging current control circuit (or auto-charging circuit) and a charging circuit. The auto-charging circuit is characterized by the use of a triac to control the current. The current, controlled by the circuit, is supplied to the condenser bank through a step-up transformer and voltage doubler rectifier circuit. It is demonstrated that the use of the high-speed auto-charging circuit can largely decrease the required charging time, compared to constant voltage charging. In addition, the compensation function is shown to serve effectively for maintaining a constant voltage after the completion of charging. The required charging time is decreases as the charging current increases. The maximum charging current is decided by the rating of the traic and the current rating of the rectifier diode in the secondary circuit. Major components of these circuits have decreased impedances to minimize the effect of noise, so that the possibility of an accident can be eliminated. Other various improvements are made in the grounding circuit and the charging protection circuit in order to ensure safety. (Nogami, K.)

  17. 46 CFR 28.875 - Radar, depth sounding, and auto-pilot. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Radar, depth sounding, and auto-pilot. 28.875 Section 28.875 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY UNINSPECTED VESSELS REQUIREMENTS FOR COMMERCIAL FISHING INDUSTRY VESSELS Aleutian Trade Act Vessels § 28.875 Radar, depth sounding, and auto-pilot...

  18. Innovaatioiden esteet ja profiloitumisen keinot AutoPalinin markkinoinnissa


    Vallin, Veera


    Tämän opinnäytetyön aiheena olivat innovaatioiden esteet ja profiloitumisen keinot AutoPalinin markkinoinnissa. Työssä tutkittiin ja analysoitiin Satakunnan suurimman autotalon AutoPalinin uusien autojen sanomalehtimainontaa ja selvitettiin ilmoi-tusten sisältöön rajoittavasti vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tavoitteena oli selittää automainonnan samankaltaisuuden aiheuttajia ja etsiä keinoja jälleenmyyjän parempaan profiloitumiseen painetussa mediassa. Opinnäytetyössä esiteltiin erilaisia sanomal...

  19. A Logistic Regression Based Auto Insurance Rate-Making Model Designed for the Insurance Rate Reform

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    Zhengmin Duan


    Full Text Available Using a generalized linear model to determine the claim frequency of auto insurance is a key ingredient in non-life insurance research. Among auto insurance rate-making models, there are very few considering auto types. Therefore, in this paper we are proposing a model that takes auto types into account by making an innovative use of the auto burden index. Based on this model and data from a Chinese insurance company, we built a clustering model that classifies auto insurance rates into three risk levels. The claim frequency and the claim costs are fitted to select a better loss distribution. Then the Logistic Regression model is employed to fit the claim frequency, with the auto burden index considered. Three key findings can be concluded from our study. First, more than 80% of the autos with an auto burden index of 20 or higher belong to the highest risk level. Secondly, the claim frequency is better fitted using the Poisson distribution, however the claim cost is better fitted using the Gamma distribution. Lastly, based on the AIC criterion, the claim frequency is more adequately represented by models that consider the auto burden index than those do not. It is believed that insurance policy recommendations that are based on Generalized linear models (GLM can benefit from our findings.

  20. Indultos concedidos por la Cámara de Castilla en tiempos de los Austrias

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    José Luis de las HERAS SANTOS


    Full Text Available Maquiavelo aconsejaba a los príncipes que se reservaran para sí la disposición de las materias de gracia. Este principio nunca fue olvidado por los reyes castellanos que consideraron el derecho de perdonar como una regalía. A lo largo del Antiguo Régimen se concedieron perdones reales por motivos diversos: políticos, religiosos, acontecimientos cortesanos, triunfos militares de la monarquía, o merced especial que el soberano deseó hacer a algún subdito. Por el número de afectados pueden clasificarse en generales, si absuelven a un colectivo de reos, o particulares, cuando el agraciado es uno solo. Los generales se regulaban por cédula específica que el rey despachaba al efecto. Su cumplimiento era vigilado por comisiones formadas por miembros de la Cámara, y los aspirantes a sus beneficios no necesitaban presentar solicitud personal ante ningún consejo regio, sino que siendo el caso de los incluidos en la cédula, las justicias de la causa se encargaban de su ejecución. Por está razón este tipo de indultos no han dejado huella en los archivos centrales, salvo las cédulas de concesión. Por el contrario, los individuales eran despachados por la Cámara en nombre del rey después de estudiar los autos procesales y han dejado en los archivos de la corona miles de testimonios. Estos van a ser el objeto de nuestro estudio.

  1. Auto-regenerative TL dating with zircon inclusions from fired materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Templer, R.H.; Smith, B.W.


    In this paper it is shown that it is possible to date fired material using zircon inclusions. The effects of zoning and anomalous fading are overcome using an auto-regenerative dating procedure. The high radioactivity of the grains gives a measurable self-induced TL (thermoluminescence) signal within a few months. Comparison of this ''auto-regenerated'' TL with the natural TL (which has accumulated since the firing) yields the age of the material. A sensitive TL reader capable of recording the auto-regenerated signal after 6 months is also described, and the results of age determinations on a number of known age samples are presented. (author)

  2. Intervención educativa escolar para prevenir el tabaquismo: evaluación del proceso

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    Leijs Ingrid


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Los datos publicados sobre eficacia de programas escolares para la prevención del tabaquismo son inconsistentes. No está suficientemente estudiado el proveedor de tales programas como variable de confusión. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el proceso de una intervención educativa intraescolar. MÉTODO: Líderes estudiantiles y profesores, entrenados y con guías, desarrollaron un programa de base social. Se encuestó aleatoriamente a 2 alumnos por cada aula, mediante cuestionario validado y pilotado: 318 niños. Se utilizó el Indice Kappa para medir la fiabilidad, y el Coeficiente de Correlación Intraclase, el de Pearson y el análisis de las diferencias individuales para comparar los datos de ajuste al programa, proporcionados por alumnos y profesores. RESULTADOS: La media de ajuste por aula fue 30,07 puntos (48 =100% de ajuste. El 26% de los niños no pudo citar una alternativa a las ventajas de fumar, 71,7% desconocía la frecuencia de consumo en adultos y 19,5% no pudo evocar ningún truco propio de la publicidad del tabaco. Menos de la mitad realizó un sociodrama sobre el tema, como era preceptivo. El CCI fue 0,21, Pearson 0,25 (p = 0,02 y el intervalo de concordancia entre las calificaciones de profesores y alumnos fue de 6,93 puntos (-1,70 a 5,23. CONCLUSIONES: El ajuste de la implementación al modelo de programa propuesto fue insuficiente. Encontramos escasa correspondencia entre la autocalificación del profesorado y la puntuación alcanzada por los alumnos en el ajuste al programa. La evaluación del proceso es esencial para interpretar correctamente la evaluación del impacto.

  3. AutoTutor and Family: A Review of 17 Years of Natural Language Tutoring (United States)

    Nye, Benjamin D.; Graesser, Arthur C.; Hu, Xiangen


    AutoTutor is a natural language tutoring system that has produced learning gains across multiple domains (e.g., computer literacy, physics, critical thinking). In this paper, we review the development, key research findings, and systems that have evolved from AutoTutor. First, the rationale for developing AutoTutor is outlined and the advantages…

  4. AutoCAD electrical 2013 for electrical control designers

    CERN Document Server

    Tickoo, Sham; CADCIM Technologies


    The AutoCAD Electrical 2013 for Electrical Control Designers textbook has been written to assist the engineering students and the practicing designers learn the application of various AutoCAD Electrical tools and options for creating electrical control designs. After reading this textbook, the users will be able to create professional electrical-control drawings easily and effectively. Moreover, the users will be able to automate various control engineering tasks such as building circuits, numbering wires, creating bills of materials, and many more. The textbook takes the users across a wide spectrum of electrical control drawings through progressive examples and numerous illustrations and exercises, thereby making it an ideal guide for both the novice and the advanced users. Salient Features of the Textbook Consists of 14 chapters that are organized in a pedagogical sequence covering various tools and features of AutoCAD Electrical such as schematic drawings, parametric and non-parametric PLC modules, Circu...

  5. AutoCAD electrical 2016 for electrical control designers

    CERN Document Server

    Tickoo, Sham


    The AutoCAD Electrical 2016 for Electrical Control Designers textbook has been written to assist the engineering students and the practicing designers who are new to AutoCAD Electrical. Using this textbook, the readers can learn the application of basic tools required for creating professional electrical control drawings with the help of AutoCAD Electrical. Keeping in view the varied requirements of the users, this textbook covers a wide range of tools and features such as schematic drawings, Circuit Builder, panel drawings, parametric and nonparametric PLC modules, stand-alone PLC I/O points, ladder diagrams, point-to-point wiring diagrams, report generation, creation of symbols, and so on. This will help the readers to create electrical drawings easily and effectively. Special emphasis has been laid on the introduction of concepts, which have been explained using text and supported with graphical examples. The examples and tutorials used in this book ensure that the users can relate the information provided...

  6. Desarrollo por ultrafiltración de un concentrado protéico a partir de lactosuero / Protein concentrate from whey developed by ultrafiltration


    Riquelme Gymesy, Luis Felipe


    Esta monografía se centra en la operación de un sistema de ultrafiltración con miras a la obtención de un concentrado protéico a partir del subproducto de la elaboración de quesos: el suero lácteo. Se propone la metodología de operación del equipo con que cuenta el Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos (ICTA), el cual mediante unos ajustes, podría entrar en operación en el corto plazo. Se hace una exhaustiva revisión, de acuerdo a los manuales de operación proveídos por el fabricante...

  7. Inflación y su impacto en la lectura y análisis de estados financieros en la toma de decisiones


    Calderón, Karina Andrea


    I. INTRODUCCIÓN - II. METODOLOGÍA - 1) Estudio exploratorio bibliográfico sobre inflación y su impacto en los Estados Financieros y en la toma de decisiones - 2) Estudio exploratorio sobre la normativa contable vigente a nivel nacional e internacional referida al ajuste por pérdida del poder adquisitivo - 3) Identificación de los efectos de la inflación sobre la gestión empresarial - 4) Análisis de índices que permitan establecer la importancia de la implementación del ajuste por inflación. ...

  8. Os benefícios da hipoterapia nos ajustes posturais em crianças portadoras de paralisia cerebral


    Daniela Carrogi Vianna; Maria Elisabete Salina Saldanha; Leide Masieiro Taques Moeckel Amaral


    Paralisia Cerebral é uma afecção encefálica que ocorre na fase maturacional, apresentando seqüelas variáveis, envolvendo desordens de postura e movimentos. Examinaram-se alterações posturais de pacientes portadores de Paralisia Cerebral durante e após a realização de Hipoterapia, observando ajustes posturais. Participaram oito crianças, entre 6 e 12 anos, com tetraparesia espástica, apresentando déficics das reações básicas de endireitamento, proteção e equilíbrio. Utilizou-se a Hipoterapia c...

  9. Beyond NextGen: AutoMax Overview and Update (United States)

    Kopardekar, Parimal; Alexandrov, Natalia


    Main Message: National and Global Needs - Develop scalable airspace operations management system to accommodate increased mobility needs, emerging airspace uses, mix, future demand. Be affordable and economically viable. Sense of Urgency. Saturation (delays), emerging airspace uses, proactive development. Autonomy is Needed for Airspace Operations to Meet Future Needs. Costs, time critical decisions, mobility, scalability, limits of cognitive workload. AutoMax to Accommodate National and Global Needs. Auto: Automation, autonomy, autonomicity for airspace operations. Max: Maximizing performance of the National Airspace System. Interesting Challenges and Path Forward.

  10. Auto-compensation of ion beam in an accelerator with anode layer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bizyukov, A.A.; Kashaba, A.E.; Sereda, K.N.; Tselujko, A.F.; Yunakov, N.N.


    Experiments of studies on the ion beam auto-compensation are described. It is shown that in the accelerators with anode layer in the case of insulated collector there appears the auto-compensation due to excitation of additional non-independent gaseous discharge

  11. Using AutoCAD to improve the visibility of the organizational technological design

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    Lebedeva Irina Mikhailovna


    Full Text Available The article describes the issue of increasing the visibility of technological solutions in organizational-technological design. The ability to visualize the main stages of building process technology contributes to organic integration of all the requirements. A special role for the harmonious perception is played by correct display of the lighting facilities, shadowing. Realistic shadows help to analyze the rooms’ insolation of the designed facility and the surrounding areas. We give a justification for the use of AutoCAD in order to automate the process of visualizing the results of organizational-technological design. The author describes the methods of obtaining realistic natural lighting in AutoCAD without significantly increasing the complexity of the process. Engineering companies in 46 % of cases use the software AutoCAD in order to create construction plans. AutoCAD has a variety of possibilities and is constantly evolving. Continuation is one of the benefits of this program. AutoCAD is unique in terms of customization, because, apart from instruction languages, it has two built-in programming languages: AutoLISP and VisualBasic. Because of these specific features AutoCAD allows to create any applications related to graphics implementation. Constant monitoring of lightning changes allows finding the appropriate in terms of aesthetics, ergonomics and insolation decisions on planning and associating a building or structure to the environment. Solar lighting is simulated by a combination of several directional lightning point sources. The author offers a brief description of the program algorithm, which allows automatically managing lighting settings and creating a file with a realistic visualization of the design solutions.

  12. Testing First-Order Logic Axioms in AutoCert (United States)

    Ahn, Ki Yung; Denney, Ewen


    AutoCert [2] is a formal verification tool for machine generated code in safety critical domains, such as aerospace control code generated from MathWorks Real-Time Workshop. AutoCert uses Automated Theorem Provers (ATPs) [5] based on First-Order Logic (FOL) to formally verify safety and functional correctness properties of the code. These ATPs try to build proofs based on user provided domain-specific axioms, which can be arbitrary First-Order Formulas (FOFs). These axioms are the most crucial part of the trusted base, since proofs can be submitted to a proof checker removing the need to trust the prover and AutoCert itself plays the part of checking the code generator. However, formulating axioms correctly (i.e. precisely as the user had really intended) is non-trivial in practice. The challenge of axiomatization arise from several dimensions. First, the domain knowledge has its own complexity. AutoCert has been used to verify mathematical requirements on navigation software that carries out various geometric coordinate transformations involving matrices and quaternions. Axiomatic theories for such constructs are complex enough that mistakes are not uncommon. Second, adjusting axioms for ATPs can add even more complexity. The axioms frequently need to be modified in order to have them in a form suitable for use with ATPs. Such modifications tend to obscure the axioms further. Thirdly, speculating validity of the axioms from the output of existing ATPs is very hard since theorem provers typically do not give any examples or counterexamples.


    Yanagida, Noriyuki; Iikura, Katsuhito; Ogura, Kiyotake; Wang, Ling-jen; Asaumi, Tomoyuki; Sato, Sakura; Ebisawa, Motohiro


    Reports on accidental auto-injection of adrenaline are few. We encountered three cases of accidental injection of adrenaline. In this study, we have examined and reported the clinical courses and symptoms of our cases. CASE 1 involved a female physician in her 50s who had attended an explanatory meeting on auto-injection of adrenaline. She mistook EpiPen® to be the EpiPen trainer and accidentally injected herself with 0.3 mg EpiPen®. Her systolic/diastolic pressure peaked at 7 min to reach 144/78 mmHg and decreased to 120/77 mmHg at 14 min. Except for palpitation after 7 min, the only subjective symptom was local pain at the injection site. CASE 2 was noted in a 6-year-old boy. He accidentally pierced his right forefinger with 0.15 mg EpiPen®, and after 20 min, his right forefinger was swollen. The swelling improved 80 min after the accidental injection. CASE 3 was noted in a 4-year-old girl. She accidentally injected herself with 0.15 mg EpiPen®. Her systolic/diastolic pressure peaked at 23 min to reach 123/70 mmHg and decreased to 96/86 mmHg at 28 min. Severe adverse effects of accidental auto-injection of adrenaline were not observed in these three cases. Our findings suggest that while handling adrenaline auto-injectors, we should keep in mind the possibility of accidental injection.

  14. 78 FR 74128 - Proposed CERCLA Administrative Cost Recovery Settlement; Cadie Auto Salvage Site, Belvidere... (United States)


    ... Recovery Settlement; Cadie Auto Salvage Site, Belvidere, Boone County, Illinois AGENCY: Environmental... Auto Salvage Site in Belvidere, Boone County, Illinois with the following settling parties: UOP, LLC... Cadie Auto Salvage Site, Belvidere, Boone County, Illinois and EPA Docket No. and should be addressed to...

  15. 78 FR 77673 - Proposed CERCLA Administrative Cost Recovery Settlement; Cadie Auto Salvage Site, Belvidere... (United States)


    ... Recovery Settlement; Cadie Auto Salvage Site, Belvidere, Boone County, Illinois AGENCY: Environmental... Auto Salvage Site in Belvidere, Boone County, Illinois with the following settling party: Helen E... reference the Cadie Auto Salvage Site, Belvidere, Boone County, Illinois and EPA Docket No. and should be...

  16. Implementasi Penggunaan Aplikasi AutoCAD dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Dasar Menggambar teknik bagi Masyarakat

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    Risma Dwi Atmajayani


    Full Text Available Dengan berkembangnya teknologi, maka gambarpun ikut mengalami kemajuan dalam penggunaannya. Dengan kecanggihan dan kemajuan teknologi dapat melahirkan suatu cara menggambar dengan media komputer. Teknologi dapat membantu mempercepat menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan, tidak terkecuali aplikasi CAD (Computer Aided Design. Program yang sering digunakan untuk pengajaran CAD adalah AutoCAD yang merupakan sebuah aplikasi (software yang digunakan untuk menggambar, mendesain gambar, menguji material dimana program tersebut mempunyai kemudahan dan keunggulan untuk membuat gambar secara tepat dan akurat. Berdasarkan temuan dilapangan yang didasari tinjauan langsung, didapatkan informasi bahwa materi AutoCAD yang diperoleh dari jenjang sebelumnya masih banyak yang jauh dari kondisi ideal. Materi AutoCAD yang didapatkan masih banyak tentang teori sedikit praktek, perangkat hardware yang terbatas sampai pada ketersediaan sumber daya manusia yang kurang adalah permasalahan umum yang terjadi. Adapun tujuan yang ingin dicapai adalah (1 Meningkatkan mutu peserta pelatihan melalui workshop pemanfaatan aplikasi AutoCAD (2 Meningkatkan ketrampilan peserta pelatihan dengan membuat suatu proyek desain gambar bangun berbasis aplikasi AutoCAD. Manfaat kegiatan pelatihan adalah: (1 Peserta pelatihan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman tentang program AutoCAD; (2 Peserta pelatihan dapat menyalurkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan yang didapatkan nantinya kepada yang membutuhkan dan terutama akan sangat membantu para calon civil engineer dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan yang berkaitan dengan desain rancang bangun; (3 Peserta pelatihan dapat mendesain gambar menggunakan program AutoCAD.

  17. The Auto-Gopher: A Wireline Rotary-Percussive Deep Sampler (United States)

    Bar-Cohen, Yoseph; Zacny, Kris; Badescu, Mircea; Lee, Hyeong Jae; Sherrit, Stewart; Bao, Xiaoqi; Paulsen, Gale L.; Beegle, Luther


    Accessing regions on planetary bodies that potentially preserved biosignatures or are presently habitable is vital to meeting NASA solar system "Search for Life" exploration objectives. To address these objectives, a wireline deep rotary-percussive corer called Auto-Gopher was developed. The percussive action provides effective material fracturing and the rotation provides effective cuttings removal. To increase the drill's penetration rate, the percussive and rotary motions are operated simultaneously. Initially, the corer was designed as a percussive mechanism for sampling ice and was demonstrated in 2005 in Antarctica reaching about 2 m deep. The lessons learned suggested the need to use a combination of rotation and hammering to maximize the penetration rate. This lesson was implemented into the Auto-Gopher-I deep drill which was demonstrated to reach 3-meter deep in gypsum. The average drilling power that was used has been in the range of 100-150 Watt, while the penetration rate was approximately 2.4 m/hr. Recently, a task has started with the goal to develop Auto-Gopher-II that is equipped to execute all the necessary functions in a single drilling unit. These functions also include core breaking, retention and ejection in addition drilling. In this manuscript, the Auto-Gopher-II, its predecessors and their capability are described and discussed.

  18. Gene-Auto: Automatic Software Code Generation for Real-Time Embedded Systems (United States)

    Rugina, A.-E.; Thomas, D.; Olive, X.; Veran, G.


    This paper gives an overview of the Gene-Auto ITEA European project, which aims at building a qualified C code generator from mathematical models under Matlab-Simulink and Scilab-Scicos. The project is driven by major European industry partners, active in the real-time embedded systems domains. The Gene- Auto code generator will significantly improve the current development processes in such domains by shortening the time to market and by guaranteeing the quality of the generated code through the use of formal methods. The first version of the Gene-Auto code generator has already been released and has gone thought a validation phase on real-life case studies defined by each project partner. The validation results are taken into account in the implementation of the second version of the code generator. The partners aim at introducing the Gene-Auto results into industrial development by 2010.

  19. Investigating the Simulink Auto-Coding Process (United States)

    Gualdoni, Matthew J.


    Model based program design is the most clear and direct way to develop algorithms and programs for interfacing with hardware. While coding "by hand" results in a more tailored product, the ever-growing size and complexity of modern-day applications can cause the project work load to quickly become unreasonable for one programmer. This has generally been addressed by splitting the product into separate modules to allow multiple developers to work in parallel on the same project, however this introduces new potentials for errors in the process. The fluidity, reliability and robustness of the code relies on the abilities of the programmers to communicate their methods to one another; furthermore, multiple programmers invites multiple potentially differing coding styles into the same product, which can cause a loss of readability or even module incompatibility. Fortunately, Mathworks has implemented an auto-coding feature that allows programmers to design their algorithms through the use of models and diagrams in the graphical programming environment Simulink, allowing the designer to visually determine what the hardware is to do. From here, the auto-coding feature handles converting the project into another programming language. This type of approach allows the designer to clearly see how the software will be directing the hardware without the need to try and interpret large amounts of code. In addition, it speeds up the programming process, minimizing the amount of man-hours spent on a single project, thus reducing the chance of human error as well as project turnover time. One such project that has benefited from the auto-coding procedure is Ramses, a portion of the GNC flight software on-board Orion that has been implemented primarily in Simulink. Currently, however, auto-coding Ramses into C++ requires 5 hours of code generation time. This causes issues if the tool ever needs to be debugged, as this code generation will need to occur with each edit to any part of

  20. Item Response Theory analysis of the Autonomy over Tobacco Scale (AUTOS). (United States)

    Wellman, Robert J; Edelen, Maria Orlando; DiFranza, Joseph R


    The Autonomy over Tobacco Scale (AUTOS) is composed of 12-symptoms of nicotine dependence. While it has demonstrated excellent reliability and validity, several psychometric properties have yet to be investigated. We aimed to determine (1) whether items functioned differently across demographic groups, (2) the likelihood that individual symptoms would be endorsed by smokers at different levels of diminished autonomy, and (3) the degree of information provided by each item and the reliability of the full AUTOS across the range of diminished autonomy. Data for this study come from two convenience samples of American adult current smokers (n=777; 69% female; 88% white; Mage=34 years, range: 18-78), of whom 66% were daily smokers (Mcigarettes/smoking day=10.1, range: AUTOS online as part of "a research study about the experiences people have when they smoke." After p value correction, items remained invariant across sex and minority status, while two items functioned differently according to age, with minimal impact on the total AUTOS score. Discriminative power of the items was high. The greatest amount of information is provided at just under one-half SD above the mean and the least at the extremes of diminished autonomy. The AUTOS maintains acceptable reliability (>0.70) across the range of diminished autonomy within which more than 95% of smokers' scores could be anticipated to fall. The AUTOS is a versatile and psychometrically sound instrument for measuring the loss of autonomy over tobacco use. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Uso de álcool e drogas por estudantes de medicina da Unesp


    Kerr-Corrêa,Florence; Andrade,Arthur Guerra de; Bassit,Ana Zahira; Boccuto,Neusa Maria Vilella Fonseca


    INTRODUÇÃO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a prevalência do uso de drogas por estudantes da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu - Unesp, comparada com outras oito escolas médicas paulistas (uso na vida, nos últimos 12 meses e nos últimos 30 dias). A pesquisa foi realizada entre 1994 e 1995, com 5.227 estudantes do 1o ao 6o ano de graduação. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foi usado um questionário de auto-respostas, anônimo, incluindo o questionário da Organização Mundial da Saúde para levantamento ...

  2. From Single- to Multi-Objective Auto-Tuning of Programs: Advantages and Implications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Durillo


    Full Text Available Automatic tuning (auto-tuning of software has emerged in recent years as a promising method that tries to automatically adapt the behaviour of a program to attain different performance objectives on a given computing system. This method is gaining momentum due to the increasing complexity of modern multicore-based hardware architectures. Many solutions to auto-tuning have been explored ranging from simple random search to more sophisticate methods like machine learning or evolutionary search. To this day, it is still unclear whether these approaches are general enough to encompass all the complexities of the problem (e.g. search space, parameters influencing the search space, input data sensitivity, etc., or which approach is best suited for a given problem. Furthermore, the growing interest in auto-tuning a program for several objectives is increasing this confusion even further. The goal of this paper is to formally describe the problem addressed by auto-tuning programs and review existing solutions highlighting the advantages and drawbacks of different techniques for single-objective as well as multi-objective auto-tuning approaches.

  3. Auto-optimisation for three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy of nasopharyngeal carcinoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wu, V.W.C. E-mail:; Kwong, D.W.L.; Sham, J.S.T.; Mui, A.W.L


    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the application of auto-optimisation in the treatment planning of three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT) of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Methods: Twenty-nine NPC patients were planned by both forward planning and auto-optimisation methods. The forward plans, which consisted of three coplanar facial fields, were produced according to the routine planning criteria. The auto-optimised plans, which consisted of 5-15 (median 9) fields, were generated by the planning system after prescribing the dose requirements and the importance weightings of the planning target volume and organs at risk. Plans produced by the two planning methods were compared by the dose volume histogram, tumour control probability (TCP), conformity index and normal tissue complication probability (NTCP). Results: The auto-optimised plans reduced the average planner's time by over 35 min. It demonstrated better TCP and conformity index than the forward plans (P=0.03 and 0.04, respectively). Besides, the parotid gland and temporo-mandibular (TM) joint were better spared with the mean dose reduction of 31.8 and 17.7%, respectively. The slight trade off was the mild dose increase in spinal cord and brain stem with their maximum doses remaining within the tolerance limits. Conclusions: The findings demonstrated the potentials of auto-optimisation for improving target dose and parotid sparing in the 3DCRT of NPC with saving of the planner's time.

  4. Auto-optimisation for three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy of nasopharyngeal carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, V.W.C.; Kwong, D.W.L.; Sham, J.S.T.; Mui, A.W.L.


    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the application of auto-optimisation in the treatment planning of three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT) of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Methods: Twenty-nine NPC patients were planned by both forward planning and auto-optimisation methods. The forward plans, which consisted of three coplanar facial fields, were produced according to the routine planning criteria. The auto-optimised plans, which consisted of 5-15 (median 9) fields, were generated by the planning system after prescribing the dose requirements and the importance weightings of the planning target volume and organs at risk. Plans produced by the two planning methods were compared by the dose volume histogram, tumour control probability (TCP), conformity index and normal tissue complication probability (NTCP). Results: The auto-optimised plans reduced the average planner's time by over 35 min. It demonstrated better TCP and conformity index than the forward plans (P=0.03 and 0.04, respectively). Besides, the parotid gland and temporo-mandibular (TM) joint were better spared with the mean dose reduction of 31.8 and 17.7%, respectively. The slight trade off was the mild dose increase in spinal cord and brain stem with their maximum doses remaining within the tolerance limits. Conclusions: The findings demonstrated the potentials of auto-optimisation for improving target dose and parotid sparing in the 3DCRT of NPC with saving of the planner's time

  5. Introduction to AutoCAD 2013 2D and 3D design

    CERN Document Server

    Yarwood, Alf


    Master the complexities of the world's bestselling 2D and 3D software with Alf Yarwood's Introduction to AutoCAD 2013. Ideally suited to new users of AutoCAD, this book will be a useful resource for drawing modules in both vocational and introductory undergraduate courses in engineering and construction.Alf Yarwood has once again produced a comprehensive, step-by-step introduction to the latest release of AutoCAD. Covering all the basic principles and acting as an introduction to 2D drawing, it also contains extensive coverage of all 3D topics, including 3D solid modelling a

  6. Should we systematically test patients with clinically isolated syndrome for auto-antibodies? (United States)

    Negrotto, Laura; Tur, Carmen; Tintoré, Mar; Arrambide, Georgina; Sastre-Garriga, Jaume; Río, Jordi; Comabella, Manuel; Nos, Carlos; Galán, Ingrid; Vidal-Jordana, Angela; Simon, Eva; Castilló, Joaquín; Palavra, Filipe; Mitjana, Raquel; Auger, Cristina; Rovira, Àlex; Montalban, Xavier


    Several autoimmune diseases (ADs) can mimic multiple sclerosis (MS). For this reason, testing for auto-antibodies (auto-Abs) is often included in the diagnostic work-up of patients with a clinically isolated syndrome (CIS). The purpose was to study how useful it was to systematically determine antinuclear-antibodies, anti-SSA and anti-SSB in a non-selected cohort of CIS patients, regarding the identification of other ADs that could represent an alternative diagnosis. From a prospective CIS cohort, we selected 772 patients in which auto-Ab levels were tested within the first year from CIS. Baseline characteristics of auto-Ab positive and negative patients were compared. A retrospective revision of clinical records was then performed in the auto-Ab positive patients to identify those who developed ADs during follow-up. One or more auto-Ab were present in 29.4% of patients. Only 1.8% of patients developed other ADs during a mean follow-up of 6.6 years. In none of these cases the concurrent AD was considered the cause of the CIS. In all cases the diagnosis of the AD resulted from the development of signs and/or symptoms suggestive of each disease. Antinuclear-antibodies, anti-SSA and anti-SSB should not be routinely determined in CIS patients but only in those presenting symptoms suggestive of other ADs. © The Author(s), 2015.

  7. Sistema de financiamiento a corto plazo a través de la titularización de activos enfocado a la cartera de cuentas por cobrar de las pymes del sector comercial de electrodomésticos de la ciudad de Guayaquil


    Quinde Mite, Cristhian Enrique; Veliz Ladines, Roberto Andres


    Las Pymes en Guayaquil vienen representando un componente importante en la economía y son generadoras de empleo convirtiéndose en uno de los principales objetivos de los bancos. Pero actualmente existen ajustes en las leyes que regulan esta actividad empresarial a través del Ministerio de industrias y productividad por medio del código orgánico de la producción, comercio e inversiones, que buscan fuentes de financiamiento no tradicionales, para financiar actividades productivas y comerciales...

  8. Auto-oscillations of temperature and defect density in impure crystals under irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Selishchev, P.A.; Sugakov, V.I.


    Appearance of auto-oscillations in temperature and defect density of impurity crystals under irradiation is studied. It is shown that at certain critical parameters stationary distribution of temperature and defect density of the sample irradiated becomes unstable as regards the formation of temporal dissipative structures: auto-oscillations of temperature and defect density. Critical parameters are determined (the rate of defect formation, temperature of crystal environment, etc.) and the frequency of appearing auto-oscillations, its dependence on irradiation conditions and crystal properties are found

  9. La auditoría de control de la calidad y los niveles de auto-evaluación y acreditación universitaria


    Rojas García, José Domingo


    Determina de qué manera la auditoria de calidad influye en los niveles de evaluación y acreditación universitaria. Se investigaron temas muy puntuales relacionados con la calidad de la educación superior, por ejemplo: el control de calidad como herramienta de la auditoría, las acciones y recomendaciones de auditoría de calidad relacionadas con los niveles de auto-evaluación y acreditación universitaria. Durante la investigación, se consultó bibliografía vinculada con la auditoría de control d...

  10. Leucócitos totais em cães com gastroenterite hemorrágica tratados por autohemoterapia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rallyson Ramon Fernando Barbosa Lopes


    Full Text Available A gastroenterite hemorrágica (GEH é comum em cães jovens com sinais clínicos característicos como vômitos e diarreia. Entre as principais causas desse tipo de enfermidade estão as viroses como parvovirose e cinomose. O tratamento de GEH geralmente é sintomático com índice de recuperação em torno de 70%. A autohemoterapia é uma técnica em que se utiliza a administração de sangue autólogo por via intramuscular, a fim de estimular o sistema imunológico. Com o objetivo de avaliar a resposta leucocitária em cães acometidos de GEH e tratados com auto-hemoterapia foram utilizados 23 cães, divididos em dois grupos. No primeiro grupo (11 animais, foi realizada esta técnica em associação com o tratamento sintomático. No segundo grupo (12 animais, foi feito apenas o tratamento sintomático. Os animais foram avaliados por meio de hemograma e taxa de sobrevivência. Concluiu-se que a auto-hemoterapia não influenciou na recuperação dos animais. No entanto, produziu intensa leucocitose, efeito que pode ser investigado com maior amostragem de animais e em situações diversas.

  11. Clinical utility of anti-p53 auto-antibody: systematic review and focus on colorectal cancer. (United States)

    Suppiah, Aravind; Greenman, John


    Mutation of the p53 gene is a key event in the carcinogenesis of many different types of tumours. These can occur throughout the length of the p53 gene. Anti-p53 auto-antibodies are commonly produced in response to these p53 mutations. This review firstly describes the various mechanisms of p53 dysfunction and their association with subsequent carcinogenesis. Following this, the mechanisms of induction of anti-p53 auto-antibody production are shown, with various hypotheses for the discrepancies between the presence of p53 mutation and the presence/absence of anti-p53 auto-antibodies. A systematic review was performed with a descriptive summary of key findings of each anti-p53 auto-antibody study in all cancers published in the last 30 years. Using this, the cumulative frequency of anti-p53 auto-antibody in each cancer type is calculated and then compared with the incidence of p53 mutation in each cancer to provide the largest sample calculation and correlation between mutation and anti-p53 auto-antibody published to date. Finally, the review focuses on the data of anti-p53 auto-antibody in colorectal cancer studies, and discusses future strategies including the potentially promising role using anti-p53 auto-antibody presence in screening and surveillance.

  12. Diagnostic Utility of Auto-Antibodies in Inflammatory Muscle Diseases. (United States)

    Allenbach, Y; Benveniste, O


    To date, there are four main groups of idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM): polymyositis (PM), dermatomyositis (DM), immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy (IMNM) and sporadic inclusion body myositis; based on clinical presentation and muscle pathology. Nevertheless, important phenotypical differences (either muscular and/or extra-muscular manifestations) within a group persist. In recent years, the titration of different myositis-specific (or associated) auto-antibodies as a diagnostic tool has increased. This is an important step forward since it may facilitate, at a viable cost, the differential diagnosis between IIM and other myopathies. We have now routine access to assays for the detection of different antibodies. For example, IMNM are related to the presence of anti-SRP or anti-HMGCR. PM is associated with anti-synthetase antibodies (anti-Jo-1, PL-7, PL-12, OJ, and EJ) and DM with anti-Mi-2, anti-SAE, anti-TIF-1-γ and anti-NXP2 (both associated with cancer) or anti-MDA5 antibodies (associated with interstitial lung disease). Today, over 30 myositis specific and associated antibodies have been characterised, and all groups of myositis may present one of those auto-antibodies. Most of them allow identification of homogenous patient groups, more precisely than the classical international classifications of myositis. This implies that classification criteria could be modified accordingly, since these auto-antibodies delineate groups of patients suffering from myositis with consistent clinical phenotype (muscular and extra-muscular manifestations), common prognostic (cancer association, presence of interstitial lung disease, mortality and risk of relapse) and treatment responses. Nevertheless, since numerous auto-antibodies have been recently characterised, the exact prevalence of myositis specific antibodies remains to be documented, and research of new auto-antibodies in the remaining seronegative group is still needed.

  13. Ajuste fiscal nos estados: uma análise do período 1998-2006 Fiscal adjustment in brazilian states

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sérgio Wulff Gobetti


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a forma de enquadramento dos estados ao Programa de Ajuste Fiscal (PAF e à Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal (LRF, destacando seus impactos nas escolhas de alocação dos recursos públicos e na taxa de investimento. Os resultados obtidos após minucioso trabalho de depuração das bases de dados confirmam a melhoria da situação financeira de estados no período posterior à LRF, mas sugerem que existe um trade-off entre os indicadores fiscais, de um lado, e os investimentos e gastos em infraestrutura, de outro, exigindo uma reflexão sobre a qualidade e sustentabilidade do ajuste fiscal. Os dados orçamentários analisados também apontam evidências de contabilidade criativa.The objective of this article is to offer an analysis of the accommodation by Brazilian states with Fiscal Adjustment Program and with Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA, showing their impacts on the choices of public resources allocation and on the investment rate. The results obtained after detailed work of data depuration confirm the improvement of financial situation of the states in the period post FRA, but also suggest the existence of a trade-off between fiscal indicators and infrastructure investment, demanding a reflection about the quality and the sustainability of the fiscal adjustment. The budget data analyzed also indicate evidences of creative accountability.

  14. A new data integration approach for AutoCAD and GIS (United States)

    Ye, Hongmei; Li, Yuhong; Wang, Cheng; Li, Lijun


    GIS has its advantages both on spatial data analysis and management, particularly on the geometric and attributive information management, which has also attracted lots attentions among researchers around world. AutoCAD plays more and more important roles as one of the main data sources of GIS. Various work and achievements can be found in the related literature. However, the conventional data integration from AutoCAD to GIS is time-consuming, which also can cause the information loss both in the geometric aspects and the attributive aspects for a large system. It is necessary and urgent to sort out new approach and algorithm for the efficient high-quality data integration. In this paper, a novel data integration approach from AutoCAD to GIS will be introduced based on the spatial data mining technique through the data structure analysis both in the AutoCAD and GIS. A practicable algorithm for the data conversion from CAD to GIS will be given as well. By a designed evaluation scheme, the accuracy of the conversion both in the geometric and the attributive information will be demonstrated. Finally, the validity and feasibility of the new approach will be shown by an experimental analysis.

  15. Clinical laboratory evaluation of the Auto-Microbic system for rapid identification of Enterobacteriaceae.


    Hasyn, J J; Cundy, K R; Dietz, C C; Wong, W


    The capability of the Auto-Microbic system (Vitek Systems, Inc., Hazelwood, Mo.) has been expanded to identify members of the family Enterobacteriaceae with the use of a sealed, disposable accessory card (the Enterobacteriaceae Biochemical Card) containing 26 biochemical tests. To judge the accuracy of the AutoMicrobic system's identification in a hospital laboratory, 933 Enterobacteriaceae isolates were studied. The AutoMicrobic system provided the correct identification for 905 of the isola...

  16. Neuropatia óptica auto-imune: relato de caso Autoimmune optic neuropathy: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Martins C. Duprat Cardoso


    Full Text Available Descrevemos uma paciente de 9 anos, sexo feminino, com perda visual bilateral grave tratada com corticóide por via oral apresentando melhora em apenas um olho. Nove anos depois apresentou recidiva que inicialmente respondeu à pulsoterapia corticóide mas foi seguida de perda progressiva e completa da visão após a redução do tratamento. Novas tentativas terapêuticas não melhoraram a visão. Avaliação clínico-laboratorial não revelou doença sistêmica, mas apresentava anticorpos antinucleares (1/640, anti-Ro e anti-La positivos. Neuropatia óptica auto-imune é uma afecção rara, que simula neurite óptica idiopática e se caracteriza por perda visual aguda, sem doença sistêmica, mas com evidências laboratoriais de doença auto-imune, em especial o FAN positivo. Biópsia de pele freqüentemente mostra evidências de vasculite. Esta condição deve ser tratada agressivamente, com corticóide e imunossupressores, uma vez que o acometimento visual geralmente é mais grave do que o da neurite óptica idiopática/desmielinizante e pode ser irreversível.We report on a 9-year-old female patient who had bilateral severe visual loss and was treated with oral corticosteroids. Visual improvement occurred in one eye. Nine years later she presented relapse of visual loss in her only seeing eye. Pulse corticosteroid therapy resulted in dramatic visual improvement followed, however, by progressive and complete visual loss as soon as the corticosteroid was tapered. Repeat treatment did not result in visual improvement. Clinical and laboratory investigation failed to find a systemic disease but the patient had positive antinuclear (1/640, anti-Ro and anti-La antibodies. Autoimmune optic neuropathy is a rare condition that may mimic an idiopathic optic neuritis and is characterized by acute visual loss, without systemic disease but with laboratory evidence of an autoimmune disorder, usually a positive ANA. A skin biopsy usually shows evidence of

  17. Instant Autodesk AutoCAD 2014 customization with .NET

    CERN Document Server

    Nelson, Tom


    Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks. An instruction-based guide with examples written in the C# programming language. VB.NET programmers can also take advantage of these examples by using one of the free conversion websites to convert the examples to VB.NET.Clear, step-by-step instructions and complete code examples illustrate the processes, making it easy to develop your own custom AutoCAD tools.This book is perfect if you are interested in customizing AutoCAD 2014 using the .NET API. You should have a basic familiari

  18. Auto Body Welding 2 (Course Outline), Automotive Body Repair and Refinishing 1: 9033.04. (United States)

    Dade County Public Schools, Miami, FL.

    The 90-hour course is a foundation quinmester course in welding for the auto body repairman. The outline consists of seven blocks of instruction (orientation, 6 hours; auto body oxyacetylene welding, 10 hours; electric arc welding equipment, 6 hours; auto body electric arc welding, 8 hours; position welding, 40 hours; electric spot welders, 16…

  19. Afectividad inducida e impacto en la creatividad, crecimiento personal después del cambio y ajuste percibido al narrar una experiencia emocional intensa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvia da Costa


    Full Text Available Se examinan en un estudio experimental los efectos de la inducción de afectividad positiva en la creatividad y la importancia de las emociones como variables mediadoras. Se indujo alta y baja afectividad positiva pidiendo a las personas participantes que redactaran tres poemas haikus sobre dos estímulos de connotación positiva, alta (N = 28 y baja (N = 28. Las personas escribieron sobre su experiencia de enamoramiento más intenso y contestaron una escala sobre las emociones sentidas al redactar el texto, una medida de crecimiento personal y una tercera referida a la obtención de metas adaptativas después del episodio. En la condición de alta afectividad positiva se informó de más emociones positivas y menos negativas al narrar la experiencia, un mayor crecimiento personal y un mayor ajuste. Jueces independientes evaluaron como más originales el último poema y la narración de la experiencia en la condición de alta afectividad positiva. Un análisis mediacional mostró que las emociones positivas explicaban la influencia de la manipulación sobre el crecimiento personal y el ajuste percibido.


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    Maria José D'Elboux Diogo

    Full Text Available O presente estudo é parte da monografia de DIOGO6 e tem por objetivo verificar junto a idosos submetidos à amputação de membros inferiores os sentimentos relacionados à sua auto-imagem. Os dados foram coletados com 25 pacientes internados e de ambulatório, de um hospital universitário governamental. A análise dos resultados nos 3ugere que os sentimentos relatados pelos pacientes submetidos à amputação há menos de 10 dias são diferentes dos referidos pelos idosos que tiveram membros amputados há um mês ou mais enquanto, a dependência foi manifestada nos dois grupos. Com relação às reações de parentes e amigos, em ambos os grupos houve semelhança.

  1. El papel de la categorización social y las diferencias sociodemográficas en la autoestima, el ajuste y el bienestar psicológicos de una muestra de inmigrantes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Andrés Peña-Pinzón


    Full Text Available Se explora el efecto de la saliencia de la categorización social inmigrante y su interacción con diferencias sociodemográficas (nivel de estudios, situación laboral, sexo de los sujetos, en ajuste psicológico, bienestar psicológico y autoestima. 210 inmigrantes de origen sudamericano, residentes en las provincias de Granada y Almería, fueron distribuidos en dos condiciones experimentales: "saliencia baja/alta de la categorización social inmigrante". Encontramos efecto de la manipulación sobre las medidas de pertenencia e identidad (autoestima colectiva, autoestima individual, ansiedad (SA-45 y bienestar laboral. Cuando la saliencia de la categorización social es baja (vs. alta, los sujetos presentan mejor autoestima, menos ansiedad y menos bienestar laboral. El sexo se asocia con la manipulación experimental en las escalas privada y pública (autoestima colectiva y en somatización, depresión y ansiedad (SA45. Los hombres para los que es menos saliente su condición de inmigrante presentan resultados más óptimos. El nivel de estudios y la situación laboral se asocian con ajuste psicológico: los sujetos sin trabajo (vs. los que están trabajando y los de estudios básicos o sin estudios (vs. los de estudios medios o superiores presentan peor ajuste.

  2. Flipped-Adversarial AutoEncoders


    Zhang, Jiyi; Dang, Hung; Lee, Hwee Kuan; Chang, Ee-Chien


    We propose a flipped-Adversarial AutoEncoder (FAAE) that simultaneously trains a generative model G that maps an arbitrary latent code distribution to a data distribution and an encoder E that embodies an "inverse mapping" that encodes a data sample into a latent code vector. Unlike previous hybrid approaches that leverage adversarial training criterion in constructing autoencoders, FAAE minimizes re-encoding errors in the latent space and exploits adversarial criterion in the data space. Exp...

  3. Auto Euroopa Liidus kallim / Sulev Oll

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oll, Sulev, 1964-


    Euroopa Liiduga liitumisel tuleb uue auto eest välja käia vähemalt 10 000 krooni rohkem, kuna plaanide kohaselt ei tohi liikmesriikides autode hinnaerinevused ületada 12%. Ilmunud ka: Delovõje Vedomosti, 28. märts 2001, lk. 7

  4. A voxel visualization and analysis system based on AutoCAD (United States)

    Marschallinger, Robert


    A collection of AutoLISP programs is presented which enable the visualization and analysis of voxel models by AutoCAD rel. 12/rel. 13. The programs serve as an interactive, graphical front end for manipulating the results of three-dimensional modeling software producing block estimation data. ASCII data files describing geometry and attributes per estimation block are imported and stored as a voxel array. Each voxel may contain multiple attributes, therefore different parameters may be incorporated in one voxel array. Voxel classification is implemented on a layer basis providing flexible treatment of voxel classes such as recoloring, peeling, or volumetry. A versatile clipping tool enables slicing voxel arrays according to combinations of three perpendicular clipping planes. The programs feature an up-to-date, graphical user interface for user-friendly operation by non AutoCAD specialists.

  5. Europe's Auto/Oil 2 program, understanding the cost-benefits of NGV's

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Weide, J. van der


    In the mid-nineties in Europe, the so-called Auto/Oil 1 Program was carried out. The aim was to improve air quality in urban areas by setting new emissions standards based on improved vehicle and fuel technology. The program was carried out by the auto and oil industry under leadership of the

  6. Influência do tamanho e da rigidez dos objetos nos ajustes proximais e distais do alcance de lactentes Influence of object size and rigidity on proximal and distal adjustments to infant reaching

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    NACF Rocha


    Full Text Available CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: Estudos têm identificado que as propriedades dos objetos induzem os ajustes no alcance; no entanto, poucos investigaram a influência específica do tamanho e rigidez dos objetos em lactentes jovens. OBJETIVO: Verificar se lactentes de 4 a 6 meses realizam ajustes proximais e distais ao alcançarem objetos de diferentes tamanhos e rigidez. MÉTODOS: Nove lactentes saudáveis foram posicionados em uma cadeira inclinada a 50º. Quatro objetos foram apresentados, um rígido grande (RG, um rígido pequeno (RP, um maleável grande (MG e um maleável pequeno (MP, por um período de 1 minuto cada. Em um total de 384 alcances, foram analisados os ajustes proximais (alcance uni e bimanual e distais (orientação da mão horizontal, vertical e oblíqua; mão aberta, fechada e semi-aberta e o sucesso do alcance dos objetos. RESULTADOS: Constatou-se ajuste bimanual para o objeto RG e unimanual para os demais. A orientação da mão oblíqua foi predominante no toque dos objetos, enquanto para a preensão dos mesmos, a predominância foi a vertical, principalmente para o objeto RG. A orientação horizontal não foi observada na preensão do objeto RG. A mão semi-aberta foi mais freqüente no início do alcance para todos os objetos, enquanto no toque do objeto RG a mão aberta foi predominante. O sucesso do alcance foi maior para os objetos maleáveis (MG, MP do que para os rígidos (RG e RP. CONCLUSÃO: Lactentes jovens estudados são capazes de planejar e ajustar seus movimentos baseados na percepção das propriedades físicas dos objetos, o que sugere interação percepção-ação.BACKGROUND: Studies have identified that object properties lead to adjustments to reaching. However, few have investigated the specific influence of object size and rigidity among young infants. OBJECTIVE: To verify whether four to six-month-old infants make proximal and distal adjustments when reaching for objects of different sizes and rigidity. METHOD

  7. A multicentre prospective randomised study of single-incision mini-sling (Ajust®) versus tension-free vaginal tape-obturator (TVT-O™) in the management of female stress urinary incontinence: pain profile and short-term outcomes. (United States)

    Mostafa, Alyaa; Agur, Wael; Abdel-All, Mohamed; Guerrero, Karen; Lim, Chi; Allam, Mohamed; Yousef, Mohamed; N'Dow, James; Abdel-fattah, Mohamed


    To compare the postoperative pain profile, peri-operative details, and short-term patient-reported and objective success rates of single-incision mini-slings (SIMS) versus standard mid-urethral slings (SMUS). In a multicentre prospective randomised trial in six UK centres in the period between October 2009 and October 2010, 137 women were randomised to either adjustable SIMS (Ajust®, C. R. Bard Inc., NJ, USA), performed under local anaesthesia as an opt-out policy (n=69), or SMUS (TVT-O™, Ethicon Inc., Somerville, USA) performed under general anaesthesia (n=68). Randomisation was done through number-allocation software and using telephone randomisation. Postoperative pain profile (primary outcome) was assessed on a ten-point visual analogue scale at fixed time-points. Pre- and post operatively (4-6 months) women completed symptom severity, urgency perception scale (UPS), quality of life and sexual function questionnaires. In addition, women completed a Patient Global Impression of Improvement Questionnaire and underwent a cough stress test at 4-6 months follow up. Sample size calculation was performed and data were analysed using SPSS 18. Descriptive analyses are given and between-group comparisons were performed using chi-square, Fischer exact test and Mann-Whitney test as appropriate. Significance level was set at 5%. Women in the SIMS Ajust® group had a significantly lower postoperative pain profile up to 4 weeks (p=TVT-O™ groups respectively. There was a trend towards higher rates of de novo urgency or worsening of pre-existing urgency in the SIMS Ajust® group (21.7% versus 8.8%) but this did not reach statistical significance (p=0.063). Women in the SIMS Ajust® group had shorter hospital stay (median (IQR) 3.65 (2.49, 4.96)) compared to (4.42 (3.16, 5.56)) the TVT-O™ group 95% CI (-0.026, 1.326), with significantly earlier return to normal activities (p=0.025) and to work (p=0.006). The adjustable single-incision mini-sling (Ajust®) is associated

  8. Obtenção de concretos auto-escoantes zero-cimento a partir do controle reológico da matriz Production of self-flow zero-cement castables based on matrix rheological control

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. R. Studart


    Full Text Available Os concretos refratários auto-escoantes com reduzido teor de cimento têm se destacado pelo fato de associarem a facilidade de aplicação dos concretos de elevada fluidez, com o bom desempenho termomecânico dos refratários contendo baixo teor de CaO. Através do controle simultâneo da distribuição granulométrica e do estado de dispersão da matriz, é possível eliminar o cimento aluminoso (fonte de CaO e quaisquer outros ligantes hidráulicos do concreto, mantendo sua auto-escoabilidade. Os concretos obtidos, denominados zero-cimento, apresentam resistência mecânica a verde compatível com aplicações industriais e excelentes propriedades a altas temperaturas. Neste trabalho, são apresentadas as condições de dispersão da matriz necessárias para a obtenção dos concretos zero-cimento, após um ajuste granulométrico prévio. As faixas de pH e de teor de dispersante ideais para a otimização da reologia da matriz são apresentadas graficamente em um mapa de estabilidade, o qual mostrou-se uma ferramenta bastante útil para a formulação dos concretos auto-escoantes zero-cimento.Self-flow low-cement refractory castables have attracted much attention in the latest years because they combine the installation benefits of high-flowability castables with the good thermomechanical behaviour of low CaO-content refractories. By simultaneously controlling the castable particle size distribution and the matrix dispersion state, it becomes possible to eliminate the aluminous cement (CaO source or any other hydraulic binder in the castable, keeping its self-flow ability. Such castables, named self-flow zero-cement castables, exhibit pre-firing mechanical strength compatible with industrial applications and outstanding high temperature properties. The matrix dispersion conditions necessary to obtain these castables are presented in this work. The optimum range of pH and dispersant amount for the matrix rheological optimisation are


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    Claúdia Mazzei Nogueira


    Full Text Available Esse texto trata, em especial, da luta por uma divisão sócio-sexual do trabalho mais justa, travada pelas mulheres inseridas nos movimentos sociais presentes no espaço rural, que tem como objetivo a igualdade substantiva. Para tanto, indicamos e analisamos, introdutoriamente, alguns elementos que perfazem a auto-organização das mulheres do MST e Via Campesina no Brasil, que tem como apoio a centralidade do trabalho enquanto fundamento ontológico necessário para a luta da classe trabalhadora contra a “exploração” agroindustrial.

  10. The Devil and his Dramatic Function in Calderon’s Autos Sacramentales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Iglesias Feijoo


    Full Text Available In some Calderón’s autos sacramentales the character of the Devil draws the plot and establishes the dramatic action as a demiurge. He elaborates plans and strategies to confuse the Man, but he always fails. This function approaches the autos to the metatheater. Finally certain parallels with Shakespeare are suggested.

  11. Auto-correlation analysis of wave heights in the Bay of Bengal

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Time series observations of significant wave heights in the Bay of Bengal were subjected to auto- correlation analysis to determine temporal variability scale. The analysis indicates an exponen- tial fall of auto-correlation in the first few hours with a decorrelation time scale of about six hours. A similar figure was found earlier ...

  12. Prevalencia de bruxismo de vigilia evaluado por auto-reporte en relación con estrés, ansiedad y depresión


    Ordóñez-Plaza, Miriam Patricia; Villavicencio-Caparó, Ébingen


    Objetivos: El objetivo de este estudio fue relacionar el estrés, la ansiedad y la depresión con la prevalencia del bruxismo probable de vigilia en los estudiantes universitarios de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Cuenca. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un diseño de casos y controles, donde se evaluaron en total 284 pacientes, se utilizó un cuestionario de auto reporte más la examinación clínica para determinar el bruxismo “probable” de vigilia y se aplicó la escala DASS-21 pa...

  13. Prevalencia de bruxismo de vigilia evaluado por auto-reporte en relación con estrés, ansiedad y depresión


    Ordóñez-Plaza, Miriam Patricia; Villavicencio-Caparó, Ébingen; Alvarado-Jiménez, Omar Ricardo; Vanegas-Avecillas, María Elizabeth


    Objetivos: El objetivo de este estudio fue relacionar el estrés, la ansiedad y la depresión con la prevalencia del bruxismo probable de vigilia en los estudiantes universitarios de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Cuenca. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un diseño  de casos y controles, donde se evaluaron en total 284 pacientes, se utilizó un cuestionario de auto reporte más la examinación clínica para determinar el bruxismo “probable” de vigilia y se aplicó la escala DASS-21 p...

  14. Diabetes mellitus auto-referido e sua associação com excesso de peso em idosos.DOI:10.5007/1980-0037.2011v13n6p442

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andreia Pelegrini


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi identificar a prevalência de diabetes mellitus auto-referida em idosos de Florianópolis e sua relação com excesso de peso. Participaram do estudo 875 idosos. Foram coletadas informações sociodemográficas (sexo, grupo etário, escolaridade, renda mensal, antropométricas (massa corporal, estatura, atividade física habitual, hipertensão arterial e diabetes mellitus. Adotou-se o Índice de Massa Corporal para diagnosticar o excesso de peso. As variáveis de ajuste foram: sociodemográficas, atividade física habitual e hipertensão arterial. A prevalência de diabetes mellitus foi de 13,5% (masculino = 12,1%; feminino = 14,8%; p<0,05 e a de excesso de peso foi de 59,4% (masculino = 58,0%; feminino = 60,7%; p=0,40. Maior prevalência de diabetes mellitus foi observada nos idosos com excesso de peso. O excesso de peso foi positivamente associado à diabetes, independentemente do sexo, idade, escolaridade, renda mensal, atividade física habitual e hipertensão arterial. Conclui-se que o excesso de peso em idosos de Florianópolis foi fator independente e positivamente associado à diabetes mellitus.


    A compact, CONEX-housed waste to energy unit, Micro Auto Gasification System (MAGS), was characterized for air emissions from burning of military waste types. The MAGS unit is a dual chamber gasifier with a secondary diesel-fired combustor. Eight tests were conducted with multipl...

  16. Lowest auto-detachment state of the water anion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Houfek, K.; Cizek, M.


    Because of the abundance of water in living tissue the reactive low-energy electron collisions with the water molecule represent an important step in the radiation damage of cells. In this paper, the potential energy surface of the ground state of the water anion H_2O"- is carefully mapped using multireference configuration interaction (MRCI) calculations for a large range of molecular geometries. Particular attention is paid to a consistent description of both the O"-+H_2 and OH"-+H asymptotes and to a relative position of the anion energy to the ground state energy of the neutral molecule. The auto-detachment region, where the anion state crosses to the electronic continuum is identified. The local minimum in the direction of the O"- + H_2 channel previously reported by Werner et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 87, 2913 (1987)] is found to be slightly off the linear geometry and is separated by a saddle from the auto-detachment region. The auto-detachment region is directly accessible from the OH"-+H asymptote. For the molecular geometries in the auto-detachment region and in its vicinity we also performed fixed-nuclei electron-molecule scattering calculations using the R-matrix method. Tuning of consistency of a description of the correlation energy in both the multireference CI and R-matrix calculations is discussed. Two models of the correlation energy within the R-matrix method that are consistent with the quantum chemistry calculations are found. Both models yield scattering quantities in a close agreement. The results of this work will allow a consistent formulation of the nonlocal resonance model of the water anion in a future publication

  17. Diseño de una entrevista de evaluación del desempeño por competencias desde una perspectiva microsociológica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ángel Olaz


    Full Text Available La consecución de un ajuste óptimo entre los recursos humanos y las necesidades empresariales es uno de los objetivos más deseados por el management empresarial en la actualidad. A su vez, la administración y utilización de un sistema de competencias en el campo educativo y profesional se ha constituido como un ámbito de trabajo de especial relevancia en las últimas décadas. Partiendo de la vinculación entre estas dos ideas, eficaz gestión de los recursos humanos y manejo de un sistema de competencias, este trabajo propone un modelo de entrevista de evaluación del desempeño basado en la gestión por competencias. Entendemos que dicho modelo permitiría a las empresas evaluar la adecuación del trabajador a su puesto a partir del análisis comparativo entre las competencias asignadas al puesto y las que efectivamente aporta el trabajador y, en caso de desajustes, actuar en consecuencia.

  18. Externalización de la gestión documental audiovisual en las televisiones por medio de productoras audiovisuales y agencias de noticias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available Se analiza la simplificación en el método de análisis de contenido en los archivos televisivos derivados de factores diversos tales como la reestructuración de la organización documental, los ajustes de los recursos humanos y económicos así como la adquisición de la descripción de análisis del contenido a empresas creadoras de contenidos tales como las productoras y las agencias de noticias audiovisuales. Ambos factores, de forma simbiótica, han modificado la descripción documental eliminando la descripción de contenido temático, geográfico y onomástico así como el control terminológico y documental por medio de herramientas propias del lenguaje documental. Estos cambios se traducen en graves problemas de normalización y recuperación que no parecen solventados por medio de técnicas para la identificación automática de contenido audiovisual (herramientas biométricas.

  19. Realization of method of characteristics based on customization of AutoCAD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Qichang; Wu Hongchun; Cao Liangzhi


    The method of characteristics (MOC) solves the neutron transport equation along each characteristics line. Theoretically, it is independent of the geometry shape of boundary and region. However, the geometry should be described, and ray tracing should be carried out firstly. In most of the existing MOC codes, the geometry description and ray tracing still have more or less limitation. To wipe off these geometry limitations for using MOC in more complex fuel assembly calculation, a new MOC code AutoMOC based on the customization of AutoCAD was developed. The numerical results show that AutoMOC not only has high flexibility in geometry but also gives accurate solutions in comparison with state-of-the-art methodologies. (authors)

  20. Antecedents affecting Thai auto parts enterprise organizational performance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Somyos Phoosawad


    Full Text Available Thailand is ranked 12th in the world in automotive production, with 57 of the world’s top 100 auto parts manufacturers having factories in Thailand. The industry employs 525,000 workers and represents 12% of Thailand’s gross domestic production (GDP. The automotive industry has also been identified as a core industry in the transition to Thailand 4.0, with digitally enabled, knowledge workers key to its success. This study, therefore, undertook structural equation modeling to conduct an analysis of variables affecting Thai auto parts industry enterprises organizational performance. Using purposive sampling, 320 executives in the Thai automotive industry were selected whose responses to the question constructs were captured using a five-point Likert type agreement scale. Results determined that leadership skills have a significant effect on management skills, and that management skills have a direct and positive effect on management innovation. Additionally, innovation thus far has been viewed as an external process, primarily in response to customer demands or ‘home office’ requirements. Research findings, therefore, suggest that the Thai auto parts industry must develop innovative leadership management which is crucial to sustaining a competitive, domestic capability.

  1. AutoBayes Program Synthesis System System Internals (United States)

    Schumann, Johann Martin


    This lecture combines the theoretical background of schema based program synthesis with the hands-on study of a powerful, open-source program synthesis system (Auto-Bayes). Schema-based program synthesis is a popular approach toward program synthesis. The lecture will provide an introduction into this topic and discuss how this technology can be used to generate customized algorithms. The synthesis of advanced numerical algorithms requires the availability of a powerful symbolic (algebra) system. Its task is to symbolically solve equations, simplify expressions, or to symbolically calculate derivatives (among others) such that the synthesized algorithms become as efficient as possible. We will discuss the use and importance of the symbolic system for synthesis. Any synthesis system is a large and complex piece of code. In this lecture, we will study Autobayes in detail. AutoBayes has been developed at NASA Ames and has been made open source. It takes a compact statistical specification and generates a customized data analysis algorithm (in C/C++) from it. AutoBayes is written in SWI Prolog and many concepts from rewriting, logic, functional, and symbolic programming. We will discuss the system architecture, the schema libary and the extensive support infra-structure. Practical hands-on experiments and exercises will enable the student to get insight into a realistic program synthesis system and provides knowledge to use, modify, and extend Autobayes.

  2. Anti-pentraxin 3 auto-antibodies might be protective in lupus nephritis: a large cohort study. (United States)

    Yuan, Mo; Tan, Ying; Pang, Yun; Li, Yong-Zhe; Song, Yan; Yu, Feng; Zhao, Ming-Hui


    Anti-pentraxin 3 (PTX3) auto-antibodies were found to be associated with the absence of renal involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). This study is to investigate the prevalence of anti-PTX3 auto-antibodies and their clinical significance based on a large Chinese lupus nephritis cohort. One hundred and ninety-six active lupus nephritis patients, 150 SLE patients without clinical renal involvement, and 100 healthy controls were enrolled. Serum anti-PTX3 auto-antibodies and PTX3 levels were screened by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The associations between anti-PTX3 auto-antibodies and clinicopathological parameters in lupus nephritis were further analyzed. Anti-PTX3 auto-antibodies were less prevalent in active lupus nephritis patients compared with SLE without renal involvement (19.4% (38/196) versus 40.7% (61/150), p auto-antibodies were negatively correlated with proteinuria in lupus nephritis (r = -.143, p = .047). The levels of proteinuria, serum creatinine, and the prevalence of thrombotic microangiopathy were significantly higher in patients with higher PTX3 levels (≥3.207 ng/ml) and without anti-PTX3 auto-antibodies compared with patients with lower PTX3 levels (auto-antibodies (4.79 (3.39-8.28) versus 3.95 (1.78-7.0), p = .03; 168.84 ± 153.63 versus 101.44 ± 47.36, p = .01; 34.1% (14/41) versus 0% (0/9), p = .04; respectively). Anti-PTX3 auto-antibodies were less prevalent in active lupus nephritis patients compared with SLE without renal involvement and associated with less severe renal damage, especially with the combined evaluation of serum PTX3 levels.

  3. Auto-tuning systems for J-PARC LINAC RF cavities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fang, Z.; Kobayashi, T.; Fukui, Y.; Futatsukawa, K.; Michizono, S.; Yamaguchi, S.; Anami, S.; Suzuki, H.; Sato, F.; Shinozaki, S.; Chishiro, E.


    The 400-MeV proton linear accelerator (LINAC) at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) consists of 324-MHz low-β and 972-MHz high-β accelerator sections. From October 2006 to May 2013, only the 324-MHz low-β accelerator section was in operation. From the summer of 2013 the J-PARC LINAC was upgraded by installing the 972-MHz high-β accelerator section, and the proton beam was successfully accelerated to 400 MeV in January 2014. Auto-tuning systems for the J-PARC LINAC RF cavities have been successfully developed. A first generation design, an auto-tuning system using a mechanical tuner controller, was developed and operated for the first 3 years. Then the second-generation auto-tuning system was developed using a new approach to the RF cavity warm-up process, and this was applied to the accelerator operation for the subsequent 4 years. During the RF cavity warm-up process in this system, the mechanical tuner is constantly fixed and the input RF frequency is automatically tuned to the cavity resonance frequency using the FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) of the digital feedback RF control system. After the input power level reaches the required value, input RF frequency tuning is stopped and it is switched to the operation frequency. Then, the mechanical tuner control begins operation. This second-generation auto-tuning system was extremely effective for the 324-MHz cavity operation. However, if we apply this approach to the 972-MHz RF cavities, an interlock due to the RF cavity reflection amplitude occasionally occurs at the end of the warm-up process. In order to solve this problem a third generation novel auto-tuning system was successfully developed in December 2013 and applied to the operation of the J-PARC LINAC, including the 972-MHz ACS RF cavities. During the warm-up process both the mechanical tuner controller and the input RF frequency tuning are in operation, and good matching between the input RF frequency and the RF cavity is

  4. Auto-tuning systems for J-PARC LINAC RF cavities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fang, Z., E-mail: [High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801 (Japan); Kobayashi, T.; Fukui, Y.; Futatsukawa, K.; Michizono, S.; Yamaguchi, S.; Anami, S. [High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801 (Japan); Suzuki, H.; Sato, F.; Shinozaki, S.; Chishiro, E. [Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), 2-4 Shirane Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1195 (Japan)


    The 400-MeV proton linear accelerator (LINAC) at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) consists of 324-MHz low-β and 972-MHz high-β accelerator sections. From October 2006 to May 2013, only the 324-MHz low-β accelerator section was in operation. From the summer of 2013 the J-PARC LINAC was upgraded by installing the 972-MHz high-β accelerator section, and the proton beam was successfully accelerated to 400 MeV in January 2014. Auto-tuning systems for the J-PARC LINAC RF cavities have been successfully developed. A first generation design, an auto-tuning system using a mechanical tuner controller, was developed and operated for the first 3 years. Then the second-generation auto-tuning system was developed using a new approach to the RF cavity warm-up process, and this was applied to the accelerator operation for the subsequent 4 years. During the RF cavity warm-up process in this system, the mechanical tuner is constantly fixed and the input RF frequency is automatically tuned to the cavity resonance frequency using the FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) of the digital feedback RF control system. After the input power level reaches the required value, input RF frequency tuning is stopped and it is switched to the operation frequency. Then, the mechanical tuner control begins operation. This second-generation auto-tuning system was extremely effective for the 324-MHz cavity operation. However, if we apply this approach to the 972-MHz RF cavities, an interlock due to the RF cavity reflection amplitude occasionally occurs at the end of the warm-up process. In order to solve this problem a third generation novel auto-tuning system was successfully developed in December 2013 and applied to the operation of the J-PARC LINAC, including the 972-MHz ACS RF cavities. During the warm-up process both the mechanical tuner controller and the input RF frequency tuning are in operation, and good matching between the input RF frequency and the RF cavity is

  5. Estudo de caso controlo emparelhado da depressão, sintomas psicopatológicos, auto-estima e auto-conceito em mulheres obesas e normativas


    Carneiro, Ana


    O presente estudo teve como objectivo avaliar se existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas no que respeita à auto – estima e ao auto – conceito em mulheres obesas, utentes de uma unidade de saúde a usufruir de apoio psicoterapêutico comparativamente com mulheres normativas. Pretendeu-se ainda verificar a existência de indicadores de maior incidência de depressão e de sintomas psicopatológicos nas mulheres obesas relativamente às mulheres normativas. A amostra foi constituída po...

  6. Retrofitting the AutoBayes Program Synthesis System with Concrete Syntax (United States)

    Fischer, Bernd; Visser, Eelco


    AutoBayes is a fully automatic, schema-based program synthesis system for statistical data analysis applications. Its core component is a schema library. i.e., a collection of generic code templates with associated applicability constraints which are instantiated in a problem-specific way during synthesis. Currently, AutoBayes is implemented in Prolog; the schemas thus use abstract syntax (i.e., Prolog terms) to formulate the templates. However, the conceptual distance between this abstract representation and the concrete syntax of the generated programs makes the schemas hard to create and maintain. In this paper we describe how AutoBayes is retrofitted with concrete syntax. We show how it is integrated into Prolog and describe how the seamless interaction of concrete syntax fragments with AutoBayes's remaining legacy meta-programming kernel based on abstract syntax is achieved. We apply the approach to gradually mitigate individual schemas without forcing a disruptive migration of the entire system to a different First experiences show that a smooth migration can be achieved. Moreover, it can result in a considerable reduction of the code size and improved readability of the code. In particular, abstracting out fresh-variable generation and second-order term construction allows the formulation of larger continuous fragments.

  7. 75 FR 24753 - The Walker Auto Group, Inc., Miamisburg, OH; Notice of Negative Determination Regarding... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration [TA-W-72,471] The Walker Auto Group... Auto Group, Inc., Miamisburg, Ohio, was based on the finding that the subject firm did not shift abroad... of the subject firm should be eligible for TAA because the Walker Auto Group, Inc., Miamisburg, Ohio...

  8. Long-term outcome of patients with multiple [corrected] myeloma-related advanced renal failure following auto-SCT. (United States)

    Glavey, S V; Gertz, M A; Dispenzieri, A; Kumar, S; Buadi, F; Lacy, M; Hayman, S R; Kapoor, P; Dingli, D; McCurdy, A; Hogan, W J; Gastineau, D A; Leung, N


    Renal failure commonly complicates multiple myeloma (MM) and is associated with reduced survival. It is not clear whether auto-SCT results in improved renal function or attainment of independence from dialysis in patients with advanced renal impairment due to MM. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of all patients who underwent auto-SCT for MM complicated by advanced renal failure at our institution over a 10-year period (2000-2010). We aimed to assess the association between auto-SCT and renal outcome in patients with serum creatinine (SCr) over 3 mg/dL, attributable to MM, including those who were dialysis dependent. Thirty patients (2.8% of all auto-SCT patients) met inclusion criteria. Fourteen of 15 patients who were dialysis dependent before auto-SCT remained dialysis dependent in the long term despite hematological response (HR). Of the remaining 15 patients with SCr >3 mg/dL, an improvement in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) from 15 to 19.4 mL/min/1.73 m(2) was noted post auto-SCT (P=0.035); however, neither HR post auto-SCT or pre-existing renal function were independently associated with renal outcome. Auto-SCT was not associated with independence from dialysis in patients with renal failure due to MM at our institution. Although auto-SCT was associated with an improvement in GFR in patients with SCr >3 mg/dL, this improvement was not related to HR.

  9. AutoPowerOff plug banks - a story with energy saving perspectives

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hjort Jensen, Anders (The Danish Electricity Saving Trust (Denmark)); Fjordbak, Troels (IT Energy ApS (Denmark))


    Denmark uses around 35 TWh of electricity per year, with residential dwellings accounting for around 10 TWh of this figure. Standby consumption comprises around 12% of power used in homes. If every Danish home installed AutoPowerOff plug banks, savings exceeding 500 GWh per year would be possible, equivalent to 5% of household electricity consumption, or 1.5% of the total in Denmark. This paper describes the estimated standby consumption in Danish homes in 2006, and possible energy savings through the use of AutoPowerOff plug banks. The estimates were subsequently used as background information for a 2007-2008 campaign to promote the wider use of these devices in Denmark. In order to increase the sale of AutoPowerOff plug banks by 1 million units, it was agreed that retail chains selling consumer electronics would include an AutoPowerOff when selling a TV or PC. A nationwide TV advertising campaign was launched featuring the names of participating retailers. Sales of AutoPowerOff plug banks in the first 7 months of 2008 passed the 515,000 mark, with over 1 million units now installed in 2.5 million Danish households. Annual savings are estimated to be over 80 GWh, equivalent to 40,000 tons of CO{sub 2}. This equates to potential savings on an EU-wide basis of more than 7 TWh, or 3.6 million tons of CO{sub 2} in Denmark.

  10. Auto Carrier Transporter Loading and Unloading Improvement

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Miller, Brian


    .... Any reduction in time and energy will result in a significant savings of money. The intent of this research is to develop an algorithm to solve the Auto Carrier Transport Pickup and Delivery Problem...

  11. Skill Formation in Malaysia: The Case of Auto Parts Industry


    Sadoi, Yuri


    This study takes the auto parts industry in Malaysia to demonstrate the difficulties a developing country faces in promoting skill development. Auto parts production needs a wide range of production techniques, which in turn require many types and levels of skilled workers. Realizing the importance of skilled workers, the Malaysian government has been emphasizing skill formation by increasing the number of technical schools, introducing a skill certification system, and giving a tax incentive...

  12. Up and running with AutoCAD 2014 2D and 3D drawing and modeling

    CERN Document Server

    Gindis, Elliot


    Get ""Up and Running"" with AutoCAD using Gindis's combination of step-by-step instruction, examples, and insightful explanations. The emphasis from the beginning is on core concepts and practical application of AutoCAD in architecture, engineering and design. Equally useful in instructor-led classroom training, self-study, or as a professional reference, the book is written with the user in mind by a long-time AutoCAD professional and instructor based on what works in the industry and the classroom. Strips away complexities, both real and perceived, and reduces AutoCAD t

  13. Phenotypic modulation of auto-reactive cells by insertion of tolerogenic molecules via MSC-derived exosomes. (United States)

    Mokarizadeh, Aram; Delirezh, Nowruz; Morshedi, Ahhmad; Mosayebi, Ghasem; Farshid, Amir-Abbas; Dalir-Naghadeh, Bahram


    Auto-reactive cells-mediated immune responses are responsible for the current tissue damages during autoimmunity. Accordingly, functional modulation of auto-reactive cells has been a pivotal aim in many of recent studies. In the current study, we investigated the possibility for insertion of regulatory molecules onto auto-reactive cells through exosomal nano-shuttles as a novel approach for phenotype modification of auto-reactive cells. The exosomes were isolated from supernatant of mesenchymal stem cells culture. Resultant exosomes co-cultured with lymphocytes were harvested from established EAE mice in the presence of antigenic MOG35-55 peptide. After 24 hr, insertion of exosomal tolerogenic molecules (PD-L1, TGF-β, galectin-1) onto auto-reactive cells were explored through flow cytometry. The potency of exosomal inserted membrane molecules to modulate phenotype of auto-reactive lymphocytes was assessed upon ELISA test for their-derived cytokines IFN-γ and IL-17. Incorporation of exosomal molecules into lymohocytes' membrane was confirmed by flow cytometric analyses for surface levels of mentioned molecules. Additionally, the decreased secretion of IFN-γ and IL-17 were detected in exosome pre-treated lymphocytes upon stimulation with MOG peptide. Mesenchymal stem cells -derived exosomes showed to be efficient organelles for insertion of bioactive tolerogenic molecules onto auto-reactive cells and modulation of their phenotypes.

  14. Auto-trilevel versus bilevel positive airway pressure ventilation for hypercapnic overlap syndrome patients. (United States)

    Su, Mei; Huai, De; Cao, Juan; Ning, Ding; Xue, Rong; Xu, Meijie; Huang, Mao; Zhang, Xilong


    Although bilevel positive airway pressure (Bilevel PAP) therapy is usually used for overlap syndrome (OS), there is still a portion of OS patients in whom Bilevel PAP therapy could not simultaneously eliminate residual apnea events and hypercapnia. The current study was expected to explore whether auto-trilevel positive airway pressure (auto-trilevel PAP) therapy with auto-adjusting end expiratory positive airway pressure (EEPAP) can serve as a better alternative for these patients. From January of 2014 to June of 2016, 32 hypercapnic OS patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) and moderate-to-severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) were recruited. Three variable modes of positive airway pressure (PAP) from the ventilator (Prisma25ST, Weinmann Inc., Germany) were applicated for 8 h per night. We performed the design of each mode at each night with an interval of two nights with no PAP treatment as a washout period among different modes. In Bilevel-1 mode (Bilevel-1), the expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP) delivered from Bilevel PAP was always set as the lowest PAP for abolishment of snoring. For each patient, the inspiratory positive airway pressure (IPAP) was constantly set the same as the minimal pressure for keeping end-tidal CO 2 (ETCO 2 ) ≤45 mmHg for all three modes. However, the EPAP issued by Bilevel PAP in Bilevel-2 mode (Bilevel-2) was kept 3 cmH 2 O higher than that in Bilevel-1. In auto-trilevel mode (auto-trilevel) with auto-trilevel PAP, the initial part of EPAP was fixed at the same PAP as that in Bilevel-1 while the EEPAP was automatically regulated to rise at a range of ≤4 cmH 2 O based on nasal airflow wave changes. Comparisons were made for parameters before and during or following treatment as well as among different PAP therapy modes. The following parameters were compared such as nocturnal apnea hypopnea index (AHI), minimal SpO 2 (minSpO 2 ), arousal index, sleep structure and efficiency

  15. Sociolingüística y etnografía: análisis de interacciones en la Mesa de grupos auto-gestionados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heras Monner Sans, Ana Inés


    Full Text Available [es] Presentamos un análisis de un dispositivo de reflexión sobre la práctica auto-gestionada denominado “Mesa Colectiva”,conformado por representantes de seis organizaciones de Argentina. Nuestro análisis busca responder: ¿Qué formas asume la construcción de conocimiento en la Mesa Colectiva?¿Cuáles son los contenidos que las organizaciones construyen para interpelar su acción colectiva? Aportamos una perspectiva poco trabajada en lo que refiere a la auto gestión,ya que, en tanto los grupos auto-gestionados se conforman como espacios de acción política, sus prácticas e interacciones no resultan fáciles de documentar y sistematizar.Quienes escribimos este artículo somos participantes en la Mesa (pertenecemos a una de las organizaciones participantesy también en la institución que formuló el proyecto de investigación. Este doble posicionamiento nos permite construir conocimiento en colaboración, sistematizarlo y analizarlo, poniéndolo a disposición para la discusión a través de diversos canales de comunicación (multimedia, performances,encuentros abiertos. Además, nuestro aporte es original en tanto tomamos una perspectiva sociolingüística combinada con la etnografía, metodológica y teóricamente,para analizar el aprendizaje. Nuestro análisis da cuenta deque hay una estrecha relación entre la Mesa Colectiva como dispositivo, los géneros discursivos que se construyen entre los participantes, y los contenidos que se van elaborando acerca de la autonomía como proyecto. Creemos aportar un punto de partida innovador para analizar la relación entre los contenidos que sustentan a la autonomía como proyecto y las formas que asumen esos contenidos en las prácticas de reflexión e interacción de los grupos auto-gestionados.

  16. Socio-demographic determinants of self-rated health in Brazil Determinantes sócio-demográficos da auto-avaliação da saúde no Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Célia Landmann Szwarcwald


    Full Text Available Self-rated health has been used extensively in epidemiologic studies, not only due to its importance per se but also due to the validity established by its association with clinical conditions and with greater risk of subsequent morbidity and mortality. In this study, the socio-demographic determinants of good self-rated health are analyzed using data from the World Health Survey, adapted and carried out in Brazil in 2003. Logistic regression models were used, with age and sex as covariables, and educational level, a household assets index, and work-related indicators as measures of socioeconomic status. Besides the effects of sex and age, with consistently worst health perception among females and among the eldest, the results showed pronounced socioeconomic inequalities. After adjusting for age, among females the factors that contributed most to deterioration of health perception were incomplete education and material hardship; among males, besides material hardship, work related indicators (manual work, unemployment, work retirement or incapable to work were also important determining factors. Among individuals with long-term illness or disability, the socioeconomic gradient persisted, although of smaller magnitude.A auto-avaliação da saúde vem sendo amplamente utilizada nos estudos epidemiológicos, não só por ser importante por si, mas também pela sua validade, estabelecida por suas relações com as condições clínicas e com o maior risco de morbi-mortalidade subseqüente. Neste trabalho, são analisados os determinantes sócio-demográficos da auto-avaliação de saúde boa, utilizando os dados da Pesquisa Mundial de Saúde, inquérito domiciliar realizado no Brasil, em 2003. Foram utilizados modelos de regressão logística, considerando idade e sexo como co-variáveis, e o grau de instrução, a posse de bens no domicílio e a situação de trabalho como indicadores do nível sócio-econômico. Além das diferenças por sexo e

  17. Auto-Scaling of Geo-Based Image Processing in an OpenStack Cloud Computing Environment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sanggoo Kang


    Full Text Available Cloud computing is a base platform for the distribution of large volumes of data and high-performance image processing on the Web. Despite wide applications in Web-based services and their many benefits, geo-spatial applications based on cloud computing technology are still developing. Auto-scaling realizes automatic scalability, i.e., the scale-out and scale-in processing of virtual servers in a cloud computing environment. This study investigates the applicability of auto-scaling to geo-based image processing algorithms by comparing the performance of a single virtual server and multiple auto-scaled virtual servers under identical experimental conditions. In this study, the cloud computing environment is built with OpenStack, and four algorithms from the Orfeo toolbox are used for practical geo-based image processing experiments. The auto-scaling results from all experimental performance tests demonstrate applicable significance with respect to cloud utilization concerning response time. Auto-scaling contributes to the development of web-based satellite image application services using cloud-based technologies.

  18. Auto-Generated Semantic Processing Services (United States)

    Davis, Rodney; Hupf, Greg


    Auto-Generated Semantic Processing (AGSP) Services is a suite of software tools for automated generation of other computer programs, denoted cross-platform semantic adapters, that support interoperability of computer-based communication systems that utilize a variety of both new and legacy communication software running in a variety of operating- system/computer-hardware combinations. AGSP has numerous potential uses in military, space-exploration, and other government applications as well as in commercial telecommunications. The cross-platform semantic adapters take advantage of common features of computer- based communication systems to enforce semantics, messaging protocols, and standards of processing of streams of binary data to ensure integrity of data and consistency of meaning among interoperating systems. The auto-generation aspect of AGSP Services reduces development time and effort by emphasizing specification and minimizing implementation: In effect, the design, building, and debugging of software for effecting conversions among complex communication protocols, custom device mappings, and unique data-manipulation algorithms is replaced with metadata specifications that map to an abstract platform-independent communications model. AGSP Services is modular and has been shown to be easily integrable into new and legacy NASA flight and ground communication systems.

  19. 46 CFR 35.20-45 - Use of Auto Pilot-T/ALL. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Use of Auto Pilot-T/ALL. 35.20-45 Section 35.20-45 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY TANK VESSELS OPERATIONS Navigation § 35.20-45 Use of Auto Pilot—T/ALL. Except as provided in 33 CFR 164.13, when the automatic pilot is used in: (a) Areas...

  20. Motor de histerese multifásico com polos variáveis de rotor cilíndrico supercondutor


    Dionísio, Raúl Manuel Mendes


    Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores, especialidade em Máquinas Eléctricas pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia Os materiais supercondutores de alta temperatura têm sido estudados e aplicados em conversores electromecânicos de energia onde se reconhecem oportunidades de melhoria das densidades volumétrica e gravimétrica de potência, por exemplo, face às máquinas de constru...

  1. Auto-Regulatory RNA Editing Fine-Tunes mRNA Re-Coding and Complex Behaviour in Drosophila (United States)

    Savva, Yiannis A.; Jepson, James E.C; Sahin, Asli; Sugden, Arthur U.; Dorsky, Jacquelyn S.; Alpert, Lauren; Lawrence, Charles; Reenan, Robert A.


    Auto-regulatory feedback loops are a common molecular strategy used to optimize protein function. In Drosophila many mRNAs involved in neuro-transmission are re-coded at the RNA level by the RNA editing enzyme dADAR, leading to the incorporation of amino acids that are not directly encoded by the genome. dADAR also re-codes its own transcript, but the consequences of this auto-regulation in vivo are unclear. Here we show that hard-wiring or abolishing endogenous dADAR auto-regulation dramatically remodels the landscape of re-coding events in a site-specific manner. These molecular phenotypes correlate with altered localization of dADAR within the nuclear compartment. Furthermore, auto-editing exhibits sexually dimorphic patterns of spatial regulation and can be modified by abiotic environmental factors. Finally, we demonstrate that modifying dAdar auto-editing affects adaptive complex behaviors. Our results reveal the in vivo relevance of auto-regulatory control over post-transcriptional mRNA re-coding events in fine-tuning brain function and organismal behavior. PMID:22531175


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    Eliseo Avella


    Full Text Available Se presentan y discuten resultados de ladeterminación de hidrógeno en mezclasde hidrocarburos y de fracciones pesadasde petróleo por integración de las señalesen sus espectros RMN 1H de alta resolución.Los resultados muestran la posibilidadde cuantificar de manera rápida yprecisa el hidrógeno en 37 fragmentosestructurales, además del hidrógeno totalen la muestra, mediante aplicación deintervalos de integración unificados. Adiferencia de los métodos publicados enla literatura, la determinación de hidrógenoes posible con menor cantidad demuestra en disolución, con corto tiempode reciclado, d1, sin ajustes estrictos detemperatura ni adición de agente de relajacióno uso de algún estándar de cuantificaciónexterno.

  3. Death and Taxes: Auto Dealers Face Their Final Reckoning

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    Robert Hutchinson


    While a paring down of the auto retail industry, particularly the domestic dealer networks, may be necessary and even welcomed by surviving dealers and the manufacturers they represent, the impact of this sector of the economy cannot be understated. Despite its importance, it has been often overlooked, as the government and public have focused their attention on large individual corporations, such as banks and the auto manufacturers themselves. While even the largest private dealerships in the nation, and even the large publicly-traded dealers such as Auto Nation and J.D. Buyrider, are relatively small in comparison with the likes of General Motors, Chrysler, AIG, Bank of America, etc., collectively they make up the single largest portion of the retail sector of the economy at 17%, accounting for $789B in annual sales in 2008[i] and 1,114,500 jobs with an annual payroll of $54B in 2007[ii]. Moreover, many dealers represent the backbone of small business, especially in small and rural communities throughout the country, paying some $20B in annual sales taxes to state and local municipalities.[iii

  4. Accuracy of the Auto Scoring by the S9 CPAP in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joon Hyun Baek


    Full Text Available Background and Objective Several continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP devices currently in use automatically estimate and provide information of the residual respiratory events such as apnea-hypopnea index (AHI, apnea index (AI, and hypopnea index (HI. To compare the auto scoring of the residual respiratory events using the S9 CPAP device with simultaneous manual scoring and identify factors that are associated with difference between auto scoring and manual scoring in patients with OSA. Methods Patients with moderate to severe OSA titrated manually using S9 CPAP device were included. The correlation between auto scoring and manual scoring was assessed during an overnight standard in-hospital CPAP titration. Results Eighty-six patients with moderate to severe OSA were included. There was a strong correlation between auto scoring and manual scoring on AHI (r = 0.74, p < 0.001, with a stronger correlation on the AI (r = 0.86, p < 0.001, and a weaker correlation on HI (r = 0.56, p < 0.001. Overall, S9 auto scoring tended to underestimate the AHI (mean AHI difference: −1.30 owing to the strong underestimation on HI. Higher BMI, higher AHI from diagnostic polysomnography, higher leakage and lower oxygen saturation were independent factors for greater difference between auto scoring and manual scoring. Conclusions Auto scoring showed strong correlation with manual scoring. However, auto scoring of S9 CPAP tended to underestimate the AHI, as compared to manual scoring. Characteristic features of severe OSA were associated factors for difference between auto scoring and manual scoring.

  5. Fast radio burst search: cross spectrum vs. auto spectrum method (United States)

    Liu, Lei; Zheng, Weimin; Yan, Zhen; Zhang, Juan


    The search for fast radio bursts (FRBs) is a hot topic in current radio astronomy studies. In this work, we carry out a single pulse search with a very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) pulsar observation data set using both auto spectrum and cross spectrum search methods. The cross spectrum method, first proposed in Liu et al., maximizes the signal power by fully utilizing the fringe phase information of the baseline cross spectrum. The auto spectrum search method is based on the popular pulsar software package PRESTO, which extracts single pulses from the auto spectrum of each station. According to our comparison, the cross spectrum method is able to enhance the signal power and therefore extract single pulses from data contaminated by high levels of radio frequency interference (RFI), which makes it possible to carry out a search for FRBs in regular VLBI observations when RFI is present.

  6. Auto Code Generation for Simulink-Based Attitude Determination Control System (United States)

    MolinaFraticelli, Jose Carlos


    This paper details the work done to auto generate C code from a Simulink-Based Attitude Determination Control System (ADCS) to be used in target platforms. NASA Marshall Engineers have developed an ADCS Simulink simulation to be used as a component for the flight software of a satellite. This generated code can be used for carrying out Hardware in the loop testing of components for a satellite in a convenient manner with easily tunable parameters. Due to the nature of the embedded hardware components such as microcontrollers, this simulation code cannot be used directly, as it is, on the target platform and must first be converted into C code; this process is known as auto code generation. In order to generate C code from this simulation; it must be modified to follow specific standards set in place by the auto code generation process. Some of these modifications include changing certain simulation models into their atomic representations which can bring new complications into the simulation. The execution order of these models can change based on these modifications. Great care must be taken in order to maintain a working simulation that can also be used for auto code generation. After modifying the ADCS simulation for the auto code generation process, it is shown that the difference between the output data of the former and that of the latter is between acceptable bounds. Thus, it can be said that the process is a success since all the output requirements are met. Based on these results, it can be argued that this generated C code can be effectively used by any desired platform as long as it follows the specific memory requirements established in the Simulink Model.

  7. Biometric feature extraction using local fractal auto-correlation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Xi; Zhang Jia-Shu


    Image texture feature extraction is a classical means for biometric recognition. To extract effective texture feature for matching, we utilize local fractal auto-correlation to construct an effective image texture descriptor. Three main steps are involved in the proposed scheme: (i) using two-dimensional Gabor filter to extract the texture features of biometric images; (ii) calculating the local fractal dimension of Gabor feature under different orientations and scales using fractal auto-correlation algorithm; and (iii) linking the local fractal dimension of Gabor feature under different orientations and scales into a big vector for matching. Experiments and analyses show our proposed scheme is an efficient biometric feature extraction approach. (condensed matter: structural, mechanical, and thermal properties)

  8. Fra form-Z til AutoCad

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Henrik


    Dette kursus er lavet for at forberede de studerende til deres tegnestuepraktik, og dets indhold er planlagt i samarbejde med tegnestuerne. I 2003 var form-Z Arkitektskolens grundlæggende CAD-program; men på tegnestuerne arbejde man med AutoCad. Kurset er opbygget over CAD Clasic skabelonen (se min...

  9. AutoT&T v.2: An Efficient and Versatile Tool for Lead Structure Generation and Optimization. (United States)

    Li, Yan; Zhao, Zhixiong; Liu, Zhihai; Su, Minyi; Wang, Renxiao


    In structure-based drug design, automated de novo design methods are helpful tools for lead discovery as well as lead optimization. In a previous study ( J. Chem. Inf. 2011 , 51 , 1474 - 1491 ) we reported a new de novo design method, namely, Automatic Tailoring and Transplanting (AutoT&T). It overcomes some intrinsic problems in conventional fragment-based buildup methods. In this study, we describe an upgraded version, namely, AutoT&T2. Structural operations conducted by AutoT&T2 have been largely optimized by introducing several new algorithms. As a result, its overall speed in multiround optimization jobs has been improved by a few thousand fold. With this improvement, it is now practical to conduct structural crossover among multiple lead molecules using AutoT&T2. Three different test cases are described in this study that demonstrate the new features and versatile applications of AutoT&T2. The AutoT&T2 software suite is available to the public. Besides, a Web portal for running AutoT&T2 online is provided at for testing.

  10. Study on auto-plating process time versus recovery for polonium, Po-210 in environmental sample

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jalal Sharib; Zaharudin Ahmad; Abdul Kadir Ishak; Norfaizal Mohamed; Ahmad Sanadi Abu Bakar; Yii Mei Wo; Kamarozaman Ishak; Siti Aminah Yusoff


    This study was carried out to evaluate time effectiveness and recovery 16 samples of 4 Kuala Muda stations during auto-plating process procedures for determination Polonium, Po 210 activity concentration in environmental sample. The study was performed using Kuala Muda sediment as sample in the same methodology. The auto-plating process runs for 4, 12, 24 and 30 hours on a silver disc for 4 samples each station, and then counted for one (1) day using an alpha spectrometry counting system. The objectives for this study is to justify on time duration for auto-plating process effecting a chemical yield of Po-209.The results showed recovery are increasing versus time and constantly at 24 hour auto-plating. Its mean, 24 hour is an optimum time for auto-plating process for determination of Polonium, Po 210 activity concentration in environmental sample. (Author)

  11. Auto-instruções: estratégia de regulação atencional da THDA Self-instructions: strategy of attentional regulation in ADHD

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joaquim Ramalho


    Full Text Available A estratégia de auto-instruções tem vindo a ser reconhecida como uma relevante forma de regulação cognitivo-comportamental no incremento das capacidades atencionais, nomeadamente em sujeitos com Transtorno do Deficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade (TDAH. Neste artigo foi avaliada a atenção seletiva e a atenção sustentada em 2 grupos, ambos formados por pessoas com e sem TDAH, sendo que a um deles foi solicitada a realização de auto-instrução, com o objetivo de verificar se o uso desta estratégia promove as capacidades da atenção. Os resultados demonstraram que os sujeitos que realizam a estratégia de auto-instruções, quer apresentem ou não TDAH, manifestam melhores resultados do que os sujeitos que não a realizaram.Self-instruction strategy has been recognized as a relevant strategy in cognitive and behavioural regulation as a way of improving attention skills, namely in subjects with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD. This paper aims at demonstrating the effectiveness of this strategy regarding this disorder in subjects with and without ADHD as a mean of promoting attention skills, particularly selective and sustained attention. The results showed that subjects who performed the verbal self-instruction strategy presented better results in both attention processes assessed, than those who did not do it.

  12. A deep auto-encoder model for gene expression prediction. (United States)

    Xie, Rui; Wen, Jia; Quitadamo, Andrew; Cheng, Jianlin; Shi, Xinghua


    Gene expression is a key intermediate level that genotypes lead to a particular trait. Gene expression is affected by various factors including genotypes of genetic variants. With an aim of delineating the genetic impact on gene expression, we build a deep auto-encoder model to assess how good genetic variants will contribute to gene expression changes. This new deep learning model is a regression-based predictive model based on the MultiLayer Perceptron and Stacked Denoising Auto-encoder (MLP-SAE). The model is trained using a stacked denoising auto-encoder for feature selection and a multilayer perceptron framework for backpropagation. We further improve the model by introducing dropout to prevent overfitting and improve performance. To demonstrate the usage of this model, we apply MLP-SAE to a real genomic datasets with genotypes and gene expression profiles measured in yeast. Our results show that the MLP-SAE model with dropout outperforms other models including Lasso, Random Forests and the MLP-SAE model without dropout. Using the MLP-SAE model with dropout, we show that gene expression quantifications predicted by the model solely based on genotypes, align well with true gene expression patterns. We provide a deep auto-encoder model for predicting gene expression from SNP genotypes. This study demonstrates that deep learning is appropriate for tackling another genomic problem, i.e., building predictive models to understand genotypes' contribution to gene expression. With the emerging availability of richer genomic data, we anticipate that deep learning models play a bigger role in modeling and interpreting genomics.

  13. Graph Regularized Auto-Encoders for Image Representation. (United States)

    Yiyi Liao; Yue Wang; Yong Liu


    Image representation has been intensively explored in the domain of computer vision for its significant influence on the relative tasks such as image clustering and classification. It is valuable to learn a low-dimensional representation of an image which preserves its inherent information from the original image space. At the perspective of manifold learning, this is implemented with the local invariant idea to capture the intrinsic low-dimensional manifold embedded in the high-dimensional input space. Inspired by the recent successes of deep architectures, we propose a local invariant deep nonlinear mapping algorithm, called graph regularized auto-encoder (GAE). With the graph regularization, the proposed method preserves the local connectivity from the original image space to the representation space, while the stacked auto-encoders provide explicit encoding model for fast inference and powerful expressive capacity for complex modeling. Theoretical analysis shows that the graph regularizer penalizes the weighted Frobenius norm of the Jacobian matrix of the encoder mapping, where the weight matrix captures the local property in the input space. Furthermore, the underlying effects on the hidden representation space are revealed, providing insightful explanation to the advantage of the proposed method. Finally, the experimental results on both clustering and classification tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our GAE as well as the correctness of the proposed theoretical analysis, and it also suggests that GAE is a superior solution to the current deep representation learning techniques comparing with variant auto-encoders and existing local invariant methods.

  14. Auto-immune haematological complications occurring during the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Auto-immune haematological complications occurring during treatment for malignant Iymphoproliferative diseases are described in 5 patients. There appeared to be a temporal relationship between the development of these complications and the administration of chemotherapeutic drugs or extensive radiotherapy.

  15. Analysis of Faraday Mirror in Auto-Compensating Quantum Key Distribution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wei Ke-Jin; Ma Hai-Qiang; Li Rui-Xue; Zhu Wu; Liu Hong-Wei; Zhang Yong; Jiao Rong-Zhen


    The ‘plug and play’ quantum key distribution system is the most stable and the earliest commercial system in the quantum communication field. Jones matrix and Jones calculus are widely used in the analysis of this system and the improved version, which is called the auto-compensating quantum key distribution system. Unfortunately, existing analysis has two drawbacks: only the auto-compensating process is analyzed and existing systems do not fully consider laser phase affected by a Faraday mirror (FM). In this work, we present a detailed analysis of the output of light pulse transmitting in a plug and play quantum key distribution system that contains only an FM, by Jones calculus. A similar analysis is made to a home-made auto-compensating system which contains two FMs to compensate for environmental effects. More importantly, we show that theoretical and experimental results are different in the plug and play interferometric setup due to the fact that a conventional Jones matrix of FM neglected an additional phase π on alternative polarization direction. To resolve the above problem, we give a new Jones matrix of an FM according to the coordinate rotation. This new Jones matrix not only resolves the above contradiction in the plug and play interferometric setup, but also is suitable for the previous analyses about auto-compensating quantum key distribution. (paper)

  16. Otimização do processamento para a fabricação de filtros no sistema Al2O3-SiC


    Salvini,V. R.; Pupim,A. M.; Innocentini,M. D. M.; Pandolfelli,V. C.


    Neste trabalho avaliou-se o efeito das condições de processamento cerâmico na permeabilidade e resistência mecânica de filtros celulares. Esta avaliação compreendeu a fabricação e caracterização de filtros cerâmicos de 8 ppi (poros por polegada linear) no sistema Al2O3-SiC produzidos a partir de suspensões cerâmicas com diferentes ajustes granulométricos. O ajuste granulométrico tem por objetivo otimizar o empacotamento das partículas nos filamentos sólidos e, conseqüentemente, melhorar as pr...

  17. Auto-calibration of Systematic Odometry Errors in Mobile Robots

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bak, Martin; Larsen, Thomas Dall; Andersen, Nils Axel


    This paper describes the phenomenon of systematic errors in odometry models in mobile robots and looks at various ways of avoiding it by means of auto-calibration. The systematic errors considered are incorrect knowledge of the wheel base and the gains from encoder readings to wheel displacement....... By auto-calibration we mean a standardized procedure which estimates the uncertainties using only on-board equipment such as encoders, an absolute measurement system and filters; no intervention by operator or off-line data processing is necessary. Results are illustrated by a number of simulations...... and experiments on a mobile robot....

  18. Analysis and Prediction of ’94-’95 Auto Market in China

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    <正> After a sluggish market in 1994, both the sale and the production of automobiles will be raised constantly in China, especially in the second half of 1995. In order to understand this, we shall begin with the analysis of the auto market in 1994. Retrospect of China’s Auto Market in 1994

  19. Clinical assessment of auto-positive end-expiratory pressure by diaphragmatic electrical activity during pressure support and neurally adjusted ventilatory assist. (United States)

    Bellani, Giacomo; Coppadoro, Andrea; Patroniti, Nicolò; Turella, Marta; Arrigoni Marocco, Stefano; Grasselli, Giacomo; Mauri, Tommaso; Pesenti, Antonio


    Auto-positive end-expiratory pressure (auto-PEEP) may substantially increase the inspiratory effort during assisted mechanical ventilation. Purpose of this study was to assess whether the electrical activity of the diaphragm (EAdi) signal can be reliably used to estimate auto-PEEP in patients undergoing pressure support ventilation and neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA) and whether NAVA was beneficial in comparison with pressure support ventilation in patients affected by auto-PEEP. In 10 patients with a clinical suspicion of auto-PEEP, the authors simultaneously recorded EAdi, airway, esophageal pressure, and flow during pressure support and NAVA, whereas external PEEP was increased from 2 to 14 cm H2O. Tracings were analyzed to measure apparent "dynamic" auto-PEEP (decrease in esophageal pressure to generate inspiratory flow), auto-EAdi (EAdi value at the onset of inspiratory flow), and IDEAdi (inspiratory delay between the onset of EAdi and the inspiratory flow). The pressure necessary to overcome auto-PEEP, auto-EAdi, and IDEAdi was significantly lower in NAVA as compared with pressure support ventilation, decreased with increase in external PEEP, although the effect of external PEEP was less pronounced in NAVA. Both auto-EAdi and IDEAdi were tightly correlated with auto-PEEP (r = 0.94 and r = 0.75, respectively). In the presence of auto-PEEP at lower external PEEP levels, NAVA was characterized by a characteristic shape of the airway pressure. In patients with auto-PEEP, NAVA, compared with pressure support ventilation, led to a decrease in the pressure necessary to overcome auto-PEEP, which could be reliably monitored by the electrical activity of the diaphragm before inspiratory flow onset (auto-EAdi).

  20. AutoCategorization for Customized Knowledge Portals, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — An AutoCategorizing Knowledge Management Engine ("AKM") will automate key capabilities for both human-human and human-agent collaboration tools in aerospace...


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    Edier Aristizábal


    Full Text Available En el valle de Aburrá las complejas condiciones físicas del territorio, sumadas a los altos índices de vulnerabilidad, han propiciado escenarios con un alto potencial de pérdidas humanas y económicas ante la ocurrencia de fenómenos de origen natural tales como movimientos en masa, los cuales representan el 35 % de los eventos que ocurren en el valle y el 77 % de las víctimas mortales. Debido a esta grave problemática, desde el año 2008 se ha venido utilizando un sistema de alerta temprana por movimientos en masa inducidos por lluvia soportado en umbrales de lluvia empíricos. Estos sistemas proporcionan un rápido medio para monitorear y comunicar información sobre amenazas a una comunidad vulnerable, por lo que se usan para proteger vidas, señalando con anterioridad la posibilidad de un evento, lo que proporciona tiempo para tomar acciones que pueden reducir las condiciones de riesgo. Este artículo describe la definición y ajuste del modelo, al igual que presenta los resultados de la validación de los umbrales para el periodo 2004-2008. Los resultados encontrados indican que, aunque el modelo ajustado predice la ocurrencia de un alto porcentaje de eventos para la ciudad de Medellín, existe aún un gran número de eventos que se presentan en condiciones normales, lo cual indica que se requiere la definición de umbrales que se ajusten a las condiciones locales del valle y reduzcan los niveles de incertidumbre propios de un modelo estocástico.No vale de Aburrá as complexas condições físicas do território, somadas aos altos índices de vulnerabilidade, propiciaram cenários com um alto potencial de perdas humanas e econômicas ante a ocorrência de fenômenos de origem natural tais como movimentos em massa, os quais representam 35 % dos eventos que ocorrem no vale e 77 % das vítimas fatais. Devido a esta grave problemática, desde o ano 2008 se vem utilizando um sistema de alerta adiantada por movimentos em massa induzidos

  2. Incertidumbre y ajuste por las cantidades en the General Theory


    Rodríguez Herrera, Adolfo


    Robert Clower desarrolla una interpretación de la crítica de Keynes al funcionamiento de la economía capitalista en la cual la incertidumbre explica la incapacidad del sistema para alcanzar un equilibrio en todos los mercados, y en particular en el mercado de trabajo. El incumplimiento del principal supuesto de la economía neoclásica, la información perfecta, hace que la tasa de interés pierda su papel regulador y el sistema la capacidad de ajustarse instantáneamente a través de movimientos d...

  3. 75 FR 65524 - United Auto Workers Local 1999, Oklahoma City, OK; Notice of Negative Determination Regarding... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration [TA-W-71,863] United Auto Workers Local... workers and former workers of United Auto Workers Local 1999, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (the subject firm... Auto Workers Local 1999, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, was based on the findings that the workers at the...

  4. Tendência temporal da mortalidade por homicídios na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil, 1979-1994

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    Rita Barradas Barata

    Full Text Available Estudou-se a tendência da mortalidade por homicídios segundo sexo e idade na cidade de São Paulo entre 1979 e 1994, utilizando modelos de ajuste de tendência temporal selecionados com base na significância de beta e valor de R², e análise de resíduos pela técnica de box and whisker plot. A mortalidade por homicídios em São Paulo passou de 12,2 óbitos por 100.000 hab. em 1979 para 34,2 em 1994, apresentando crescimento linear de 1,17 ao ano. O mesmo comportamento é observado em ambos os sexos, embora as taxas para os homens sejam cerca de 14 vezes maiores, denotando a deterioração das condições de vida urbana. Tanto os menores de dez anos como os maiores de 60 anos apresentam taxas constantes no período em valores relativamente baixos. O grupo de 10 a 19 anos apresenta crescimento das taxas segundo o modelo multiplicativo (incrementos 132,55. Os adultos jovens de 20 a 39 anos apresentam taxas crescentes durante todo o período, segundo o modelo linear, enquanto os adultos de 40 a 59 anos apresentam crescimento segundo o modelo recíproco. Observa-se, assim, que cada grupo de idade e sexo apresenta tendência temporal peculiar no período considerado.

  5. Auto Body Repair 103, 203, 303. (United States)

    Manitoba Dept. of Education, Winnipeg.

    As part of the high school vocational industrial program in Manitoba, this course has been designed to provide students with the foundation for a career in auto-body repair. The program introduces and provides opportunities for student skill development in the theories and techniques of tool and equipment operation, metallurgy and welding, damage…


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    Full Text Available El ácido clavulánico (AC es un antibiótico b-lactámico con una potente capacidad inhibidora de la actividad b-lactamasa. En el presente trabajo se evaluaron cuatro medios de cultivo reportados en la bibliografía y uno propuesto por los autores, para la producción de AC. Se evaluó también la concentración de glicerol adecuada para el medio seleccionado y con base en los resultados obtenidos se realizó una evaluación de la producción de AC en un biorreactor de laboratorio. Se propuso un modelo matemático y se evaluó su ajuste a los resultados experimentales. Se observó que los medios complejos con presencia de una mezcla de aminoácidos libres, son adecuados para la producción de AC. El glicerol presentó un valor óptimo frente a la producción de AC en 50 g.L-1 y se observó el efecto inhibitorio a concentraciones de 100 g.L-1. Con el medio complejo y 50 g.L-1 de glicerol, la concentración de AC alcanzada fue de 994 mg.L-1. El modelo matemático propuesto que incluye una cinética tipo Contois para la biomasa y una cinética de formación de producto parcialmente asociado al crecimiento, presentan un ajuste significativo con un 95% de nivel de confianza.

  7. Uso da prótese endovascular auto-expansível para tratamento das doenças da aorta torácica descendente

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    STOLF Noedir A. G.


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam a experiência com o tratamento de aneurisma e dissecção da aorta descendente associada ou não a comprometimento do arco aórtico com o uso de prótese intraluminal auto-expansível introduzida cirurgicamente através do arco aórtico. Foram operados 11 pacientes, 9 do sexo masculino e com idades variando de 49 a 78 anos. O diagnóstico era de aneurisma em 6, sendo 2 rotos e dissecção em 5, sendo aguda em 2. Quatro doentes apresentavam afecções cirúrgicas associadas: aneurisma de aorta ascendente (1, aneurisma de arco (1, insuficiência coronária (1 e insuficiência da valva aórtica (1. Os pacientes foram operados com colocação de prótese intraluminal auto-expansível cirurgicamente através do arco aórtico sob hipotermia profunda e parada circulatória total. Em 4 pacientes foram realizadas operações associadas: troca da valva aórtica (1, substituição da aorta ascendente (2, troca do arco aórtico (1 e revascularização miocárdica (1. Houve um óbito intra-operatório por dissecção da aorta ascendente e dois óbitos hospitalares por associação de complicações. Oito pacientes tiveram alta sendo que 1 faleceu no terceiro mês de pós-operatório. Os sobreviventes estavam bem clinicamente e o estudo por imagem mostrou adequada correção da doença. Os autores concluem que o uso da prótese intraluminal simplifica e corrige adequadamente as afecções da aorta descendente. A morbimortalidade observada nessa série deve-se a outros fatores independentes da técnica.

  8. AutoBD: Automated Bi-Level Description for Scalable Fine-Grained Visual Categorization. (United States)

    Yao, Hantao; Zhang, Shiliang; Yan, Chenggang; Zhang, Yongdong; Li, Jintao; Tian, Qi

    Compared with traditional image classification, fine-grained visual categorization is a more challenging task, because it targets to classify objects belonging to the same species, e.g. , classify hundreds of birds or cars. In the past several years, researchers have made many achievements on this topic. However, most of them are heavily dependent on the artificial annotations, e.g., bounding boxes, part annotations, and so on . The requirement of artificial annotations largely hinders the scalability and application. Motivated to release such dependence, this paper proposes a robust and discriminative visual description named Automated Bi-level Description (AutoBD). "Bi-level" denotes two complementary part-level and object-level visual descriptions, respectively. AutoBD is "automated," because it only requires the image-level labels of training images and does not need any annotations for testing images. Compared with the part annotations labeled by the human, the image-level labels can be easily acquired, which thus makes AutoBD suitable for large-scale visual categorization. Specifically, the part-level description is extracted by identifying the local region saliently representing the visual distinctiveness. The object-level description is extracted from object bounding boxes generated with a co-localization algorithm. Although only using the image-level labels, AutoBD outperforms the recent studies on two public benchmark, i.e. , classification accuracy achieves 81.6% on CUB-200-2011 and 88.9% on Car-196, respectively. On the large-scale Birdsnap data set, AutoBD achieves the accuracy of 68%, which is currently the best performance to the best of our knowledge.Compared with traditional image classification, fine-grained visual categorization is a more challenging task, because it targets to classify objects belonging to the same species, e.g. , classify hundreds of birds or cars. In the past several years, researchers have made many achievements on this topic

  9. A dedicated on-line detecting system for auto air dryers (United States)

    Shi, Chao-yu; Luo, Zai


    According to the correlative automobile industry standard and the requirements of manufacturer, this dedicated on-line detecting system is designed against the shortage of low degree automatic efficiency and detection precision of auto air dryer in the domestic. Fast automatic detection is achieved by combining the technology of computer control, mechatronics and pneumatics. This system can detect the speciality performance of pressure regulating valve and sealability of auto air dryer, in which online analytical processing of test data is available, at the same time, saving and inquiring data is achieved. Through some experimental analysis, it is indicated that efficient and accurate detection of the performance of auto air dryer is realized, and the test errors are less than 3%. Moreover, we carry out the type A evaluation of uncertainty in test data based on Bayesian theory, and the results show that the test uncertainties of all performance parameters are less than 0.5kPa, which can meet the requirements of operating industrial site absolutely.

  10. Tumour auto-antibody screening: performance of protein microarrays using SEREX derived antigens

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stempfer, René; Weinhäusel, Andreas; Syed, Parvez; Vierlinger, Klemens; Pichler, Rudolf; Meese, Eckart; Leidinger, Petra; Ludwig, Nicole; Kriegner, Albert; Nöhammer, Christa


    The simplicity and potential of minimal invasive testing using serum from patients make auto-antibody based biomarkers a very promising tool for use in diagnostics of cancer and auto-immune disease. Although several methods exist for elucidating candidate-protein markers, immobilizing these onto membranes and generating so called macroarrays is of limited use for marker validation. Especially when several hundred samples have to be analysed, microarrays could serve as a good alternative since processing macro membranes is cumbersome and reproducibility of results is moderate. Candidate markers identified by SEREX (serological identification of antigens by recombinant expression cloning) screenings of brain and lung tumour were used for macroarray and microarray production. For microarray production recombinant proteins were expressed in E. coli by autoinduction and purified His-tag (histidine-tagged) proteins were then used for the production of protein microarrays. Protein arrays were hybridized with the serum samples from brain and lung tumour patients. Methods for the generation of microarrays were successfully established when using antigens derived from membrane-based selection. Signal patterns obtained by microarrays analysis of brain and lung tumour patients' sera were highly reproducible (R = 0.92-0.96). This provides the technical foundation for diagnostic applications on the basis of auto-antibody patterns. In this limited test set, the assay provided high reproducibility and a broad dynamic range to classify all brain and lung samples correctly. Protein microarray is an efficient means for auto-antibody-based detection when using SEREX-derived clones expressing antigenic proteins. Protein microarrays are preferred to macroarrays due to the easier handling and the high reproducibility of auto-antibody testing. Especially when using only a few microliters of patient samples protein microarrays are ideally suited for validation of auto

  11. Optimum injection and combustion for gaseous fuel engine : characteristics of hydrogen auto-ignition phenomena

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tsujimura, T.; Mikami, S.; Senda, J.; Fujimoto, H. [Doshisha Univ. (Japan). Dept. of Mechanical Engineering; Nakatani, K. [Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. (Japan); Tokunaga, Y. [Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. (Japan)


    A study was conducted in which the auto-ignition characteristics of hydrogen were examined in order to determine which factors dominate auto-ignition delay of hydrogen jets. Experiments were performed in a rapid compression/expansion machine in order to study the effects of ambient gas density and oxygen concentration on the auto-ignition delays. The focus of research was on an inert gas circulation type cogeneration system to apply hydrogen to a medium-sized diesel engine. Freedom of fuel-oxidizer mixing, ignition and combustion in the system could be achieved for stable combustion, high thermal efficiency, and zero emission. The study also involved chemical analysis using a detailed hydrogen reaction model that could simulate auto-ignition delays under various temperature, pressures, equivalence ratio, and dilution. It is shown that auto-ignition delays of hydrogen jets are very dependent on the ambient gas temperature and less dependent on its density and oxygen concentration. Temperature and hydrogen concentrations have significant impacts on the production and consumption rates of H{sub 2}O{sub 2} and OH radicals. 21 refs., 1 tab., 10 figs.

  12. Sensor-Based Auto-Focusing System Using Multi-Scale Feature Extraction and Phase Correlation Matching

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    Jinbeum Jang


    Full Text Available This paper presents a novel auto-focusing system based on a CMOS sensor containing pixels with different phases. Robust extraction of features in a severely defocused image is the fundamental problem of a phase-difference auto-focusing system. In order to solve this problem, a multi-resolution feature extraction algorithm is proposed. Given the extracted features, the proposed auto-focusing system can provide the ideal focusing position using phase correlation matching. The proposed auto-focusing (AF algorithm consists of four steps: (i acquisition of left and right images using AF points in the region-of-interest; (ii feature extraction in the left image under low illumination and out-of-focus blur; (iii the generation of two feature images using the phase difference between the left and right images; and (iv estimation of the phase shifting vector using phase correlation matching. Since the proposed system accurately estimates the phase difference in the out-of-focus blurred image under low illumination, it can provide faster, more robust auto focusing than existing systems.

  13. Iterative model building, structure refinement and density modification with the PHENIX AutoBuild wizard

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Terwilliger, Thomas C.; Grosse-Kunstleve, Ralf W.; Afonine, Pavel V.; Moriarty, Nigel W.; Zwart, Peter H.; Hung, Li-Wei; Read, Randy J.; Adams, Paul D.


    The highly automated PHENIX AutoBuild wizard is described. The procedure can be applied equally well to phases derived from isomorphous/anomalous and molecular-replacement methods. The PHENIX AutoBuild wizard is a highly automated tool for iterative model building, structure refinement and density modification using RESOLVE model building, RESOLVE statistical density modification and phenix.refine structure refinement. Recent advances in the AutoBuild wizard and phenix.refine include automated detection and application of NCS from models as they are built, extensive model-completion algorithms and automated solvent-molecule picking. Model-completion algorithms in the AutoBuild wizard include loop building, crossovers between chains in different models of a structure and side-chain optimization. The AutoBuild wizard has been applied to a set of 48 structures at resolutions ranging from 1.1 to 3.2 Å, resulting in a mean R factor of 0.24 and a mean free R factor of 0.29. The R factor of the final model is dependent on the quality of the starting electron density and is relatively independent of resolution

  14. Field and power dependence of auto-oscillations in yttrium-iron-garnet films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McMichael, R.D.; Wigen, P.E.


    The nonlinear response of the magnetic spin system in yttrium-iron-garnet (YIG) thin films to high-power ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) at perpendicular resonance was studied and the results are presented. A diagram of the regions of auto-oscillation of the system as a function of field and power is presented which shows the modes that appear in low-power FMR becoming unstable to auto-oscillations with increased power. The auto-oscillations exhibit periodic, quasiperiodic, period doubling, and chaotic behavior with typical frequencies in the MHz range. The domains of oscillatory behavior due to individual resonance modes are seen to merge and shift to lower fields as power is increased. Possible mechanisms for the behavior are proposed

  15. The influence of different auto-ignition modes on the behavior of pressure waves

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu, Han; Yao, Anren; Yao, Chunde


    Highlights: • Modes of pressure oscillations in knocking, HCCI and super knock are recognized. • Three representative auto-ignition modes in engines are proposed. • A new method of “Energy Injected” is brought into understanding pressure wave. • Simulation results revealed the decisive factors for these three auto-ignition modes. • Different modes lead to different pressure wave behaviors damaging engines. - Abstract: For internal combustion engines, the knock of Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition engines, the conventional knock of gasoline engines and the super knock are all caused by the auto-ignition of unburned mixture which leads to the oscillation burning, but their Maximal Pressure Oscillation Amplitude (MPOA) and Maximum Pressure Rising Rate (MPRR) are totally different. In order to explore the reason, we propose three typical auto-ignition modes and then bring up the method of “Energy Injected” (EI) which is based on the experiment measured heat release rate. Through changing the heat source term in the energy equation for different auto-ignition modes, we conducted a series of numerical simulations for these three modes. After that, the following pressure oscillations can be compared and analyzed. The numerical simulation results show that different combustion pressure waves with different oscillation characteristics come from different auto-ignition modes, thus the macroscopic MPRR and MPOA are totally different. Furthermore, the method of “EI” based on the experiment measured heat release rate can accurately and rapidly help to research the formation and propagation of pressure waves in the engine combustion chamber.

  16. Auto-Context Convolutional Neural Network (Auto-Net) for Brain Extraction in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. (United States)

    Mohseni Salehi, Seyed Sadegh; Erdogmus, Deniz; Gholipour, Ali


    Brain extraction or whole brain segmentation is an important first step in many of the neuroimage analysis pipelines. The accuracy and the robustness of brain extraction, therefore, are crucial for the accuracy of the entire brain analysis process. The state-of-the-art brain extraction techniques rely heavily on the accuracy of alignment or registration between brain atlases and query brain anatomy, and/or make assumptions about the image geometry, and therefore have limited success when these assumptions do not hold or image registration fails. With the aim of designing an accurate, learning-based, geometry-independent, and registration-free brain extraction tool, in this paper, we present a technique based on an auto-context convolutional neural network (CNN), in which intrinsic local and global image features are learned through 2-D patches of different window sizes. We consider two different architectures: 1) a voxelwise approach based on three parallel 2-D convolutional pathways for three different directions (axial, coronal, and sagittal) that implicitly learn 3-D image information without the need for computationally expensive 3-D convolutions and 2) a fully convolutional network based on the U-net architecture. Posterior probability maps generated by the networks are used iteratively as context information along with the original image patches to learn the local shape and connectedness of the brain to extract it from non-brain tissue. The brain extraction results we have obtained from our CNNs are superior to the recently reported results in the literature on two publicly available benchmark data sets, namely, LPBA40 and OASIS, in which we obtained the Dice overlap coefficients of 97.73% and 97.62%, respectively. Significant improvement was achieved via our auto-context algorithm. Furthermore, we evaluated the performance of our algorithm in the challenging problem of extracting arbitrarily oriented fetal brains in reconstructed fetal brain magnetic

  17. Data Acquisition in a Manoeuver Auto-negotiation System

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    Joanna Szlapczynska


    Full Text Available Typical approach to collision avoidance systems with artificial intelligence support is that such systems assume a central communication and management point (such as e.g. VTS station, usually located on shore. This approach is, however, not applicable in case of an open water encounter. Thus, recently a new approach towards collision avoidance has been proposed, assuming that all ships in the encounter, either restricted or open water, communicate with each other and negotiate their maneuvers, without involving any outer management or communication center. Usually the negotiation process is driven by the collision avoidance software and called auto-negotiation. This paper elaborates on data acquisition problem in case of the maneuver auto-negotiation. It focuses on ships' initialization in the system and data gathering.

  18. Proliferation of epithelial rests of Malassez following auto-transplantation of third molars: a case report

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    Schepers Serge


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction Auto-transplantation of third molars is frequently undertaken in order to restore a perfect occlusion and to improve mastication following a substantial loss of molars. However, little is known about the precise role of the periodontal membrane during this procedure. Therefore, we investigated if the epithelial rests of Malassez persist in the periodontal ligament of auto-transplanted teeth and, if so, whether these may show signs of a neuro-epithelial relationship. Case presentation We report a case of a 21-year-old Caucasian woman who underwent an auto-transplantation of two third molars. After two years, renewed progressive caries of the auto-transplanted teeth led to the removal of the auto-transplanted elements. The periodontal ligament was removed and studied with a light and transmission electron microscope. Conclusion In this report we examined the ultrastructure of the periodontal ligament after auto-transplantation in order to see if the periodontal ligament recovers completely from this intervention. We observed fully developed blood vessels and a re-innervation of the epithelial rests of Malassez which were proliferating following auto-transplantation. This proliferation might be critical in the remodelling of the alveolar socket in order to provide a perfect fit for the transplanted tooth. In order to minimalise the damage to the epithelial rests of Malassez, the extraction of the tooth should be as atraumatic as possible in order to provide an optimal conservation of the periodontal ligament which will be beneficial to the healing-process.

  19. Les particules illocutoires, variable d’ajustement de la traduction sous-titrante au cinéma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ève Vayssière


    Full Text Available Die illokutiven Partikel fungieren als Anpassungsvariable, die beim Übersetzungsakt zur Untertitelung von Filmen entweder weggelassen werden oder erscheinen. Wenn sie einfach gelöscht werden, ergeben sich weder grammatikalische Störungen noch Informationsverlust. Das Auftauchen dieser Partikel in den deutschen Untertiteln zeigt jedoch, wie wichtig sie sind: Als Partikel der Oralität tragen sie zur Idiomatizität bei.Les particules illocutoires sont des variables d’ajustement lors de l’acte de traduction sous-titrante au cinéma, elles peuvent être supprimées sans que cela occasionne de dysfonctionnement grammatical et elles disparaissent lors de la traduction en français sans que cela occasionne une perte d’informations. Leur apparition dans les sous-titres allemands montre néanmoins leur importance : particules de l’oralité, elles sont vecteur d’« idiomaticité ».

  20. Auto-immune Haematological Complications Occurring during the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Oct 19, 1974 ... Immunohaematological disorders may complicate the clini- cal course of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, lymphocytic lymphoma and Hodgkin's disease.'" Auto- immune haemolytic anaemia is the most common of these complications, occurring in approximately 10 - 25'% of patients with ...

  1. Auto-ubiquitination of Mdm2 Enhances Its Substrate Ubiquitin Ligase Activity* (United States)

    Ranaweera, Ruchira S.; Yang, Xiaolu


    The RING domain E3 ubiquitin ligase Mdm2 is the master regulator of the tumor suppressor p53. It targets p53 for proteasomal degradation, restraining the potent activity of p53 and enabling cell survival and proliferation. Like most E3 ligases, Mdm2 can also ubiquitinate itself. How Mdm2 auto-ubiquitination may influence its substrate ubiquitin ligase activity is undefined. Here we show that auto-ubiquitination of Mdm2 is an activating event. Mdm2 that has been conjugated to polyubiquitin chains, but not to single ubiquitins, exhibits substantially enhanced activity to polyubiquitinate p53. Mechanistically, auto-ubiquitination of Mdm2 facilitates the recruitment of the E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme. This occurs through noncovalent interactions between the ubiquitin chains on Mdm2 and the ubiquitin binding domain on E2s. Mutations that diminish the noncovalent interactions render auto-ubiquitination unable to stimulate Mdm2 substrate E3 activity. These results suggest a model in which polyubiquitin chains on an E3 increase the local concentration of E2 enzymes and permit the processivity of substrate ubiquitination. They also support the notion that autocatalysis may be a prevalent mode for turning on the activity of latent enzymes. PMID:23671280

  2. Apego, conflito e auto-estima em adolescentes de famílias intactas e divorciadas Attachment, conflict and self-esteem in adolescents from intact and divorced families

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Catarina Pinheiro Mota


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objectivo analisar a contribuição da estrutura familiar (intacta e divorciada, do conflito interparental, do apego aos pais e aos pares para a auto-estima do adolescente. A amostra foi constituída por 403 adolescentes, entre os 14 e os 19 anos de idade. A análise univariada da variância mostrou que a estrutura familiar não prediz a auto-estima. Contudo, os estilos de apego aos pais derivados das análises de clusters e baseados no modelo bidimensional de Bartholomew foram associados à auto-estima , com níveis mais elevados para adolescentes de estilo seguro. A variância multivariada com o apego aos pais e aos pares como fatores independentes mostraram que o apego aos pares não desempenha um papel moderador na predição da auto-estima nos adolescentes. A regressão múltipla hierárquica indicou que uma elevada qualidade dos apegos aos pais e pares se mostram relevantes na predição da auto-estima.This study aimed to analyze the differential contribution to adolescent's self-esteem concerning family structure (intact and divorced families, interparental conflict, and attachment to parents and peers. The sample consisted of 403 adolescents, aged from 14 to 19. Univariate ANOVA showed that family structure does not predict self-esteem, but adolescents from intact families with higher levels of interparental conflict presented lower self-esteem. Parental attachment patterns derived from cluster analysis and based on Bartholomew bi-dimensional model were associated with self-esteem, namely, with higher levels for adolescents with a secure style. An ANOVA showed no moderation role in predicting adolescents' self-esteem, when attachment to parents and peers were considered as independent factors. On the other hand, multiple regression results indicated that high quality bonds to parents and peers are predictors of self-esteem.

  3. Fault tolerant control of multivariable processes using auto-tuning PID controller. (United States)

    Yu, Ding-Li; Chang, T K; Yu, Ding-Wen


    Fault tolerant control of dynamic processes is investigated in this paper using an auto-tuning PID controller. A fault tolerant control scheme is proposed composing an auto-tuning PID controller based on an adaptive neural network model. The model is trained online using the extended Kalman filter (EKF) algorithm to learn system post-fault dynamics. Based on this model, the PID controller adjusts its parameters to compensate the effects of the faults, so that the control performance is recovered from degradation. The auto-tuning algorithm for the PID controller is derived with the Lyapunov method and therefore, the model predicted tracking error is guaranteed to converge asymptotically. The method is applied to a simulated two-input two-output continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) with various faults, which demonstrate the applicability of the developed scheme to industrial processes.

  4. Open loop, auto reversing liquid nitrogen circulation thermal system for thermo vacuum chamber

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Naidu, M C A; Nolakha, Dinesh; Saharkar, B S; Kavani, K M; Patel, D R


    In a thermo vacuum chamber, attaining and controlling low and high temperatures (-100 Deg. C to +120 Deg. C) is a very important task. This paper describes the development of 'Open loop, auto reversing liquid nitrogen based thermal system'. System specifications, features, open loop auto reversing system, liquid nitrogen flow paths etc. are discussed in this paper. This thermal system consists of solenoid operated cryogenic valves, double embossed thermal plate (shroud), heating elements, temperature sensors and PLC. Bulky items like blowers, heating chambers, liquid nitrogen injection chambers, huge pipe lines and valves were not used. This entire thermal system is very simple to operate and PLC based, fully auto system with auto tuned to given set temperatures. This system requires a very nominal amount of liquid nitrogen (approx. 80 liters / hour) while conducting thermo vacuum tests. This system was integrated to 1.2m dia thermo vacuum chamber, as a part of its augmentation, to conduct extreme temperature cycling tests on passive antenna reflectors of satellites.

  5. Reliability and validity of the AutoCAD software method in lumbar lordosis measurement. (United States)

    Letafatkar, Amir; Amirsasan, Ramin; Abdolvahabi, Zahra; Hadadnezhad, Malihe


    The aim of this study was to determine the reliability and validity of the AutoCAD software method in lumbar lordosis measurement. Fifty healthy volunteers with a mean age of 23 ± 1.80 years were enrolled. A lumbar lateral radiograph was taken on all participants, and the lordosis was measured according to the Cobb method. Afterward, the lumbar lordosis degree was measured via AutoCAD software and flexible ruler methods. The current study is accomplished in 2 parts: intratester and intertester evaluations of reliability as well as the validity of the flexible ruler and software methods. Based on the intraclass correlation coefficient, AutoCAD's reliability and validity in measuring lumbar lordosis were 0.984 and 0.962, respectively. AutoCAD showed to be a reliable and valid method to measure lordosis. It is suggested that this method may replace those that are costly and involve health risks, such as radiography, in evaluating lumbar lordosis.

  6. The Coordinate Transformations Method Combined with AutoLisp to the Archimedean Spiral Representation in Autocad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sorin Cristian ALBU


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to make the geometric model to the Archimedean spiral, curve often used in practice. Although it is a widely used, in AutoCAD there is no command with which to represent the Archimedean spiral. The method used for determining the mathematical relationships that define the spiral is the coordinate transformation, and for the calculation of the points which define it, is use AutoLISP, representation being made in AutoCAD. The result of this work is to develop an AutoLISP program which can represent the Archimedean spiral, presented a method that can be applied to the representation of any curves used in the technique.

  7. The Marketing Channels of China Auto Industry

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    our reporter


    <正> After the 1990’s, the multi-channel structure of sales has still existed although the market mechanism is playing a main role in Chinese auto marketing circulation. Now, the channels of automobile marketing in China are as follows: 1. Manufacturer-established marketing channels

  8. A phase II study of V-BEAM as conditioning regimen before second auto-SCT for multiple myeloma. (United States)

    Wang, T-F; Fiala, M A; Cashen, A F; Uy, G L; Abboud, C N; Fletcher, T; Wu, N; Westervelt, P; DiPersio, J F; Stockerl-Goldstein, K E; Vij, R


    High-dose melphalan has been the standard conditioning regimen for auto-SCT in multiple myeloma (MM) for decades. A more effective conditioning regimen may induce deeper responses and longer remission duration. It is especially needed in the setting of second auto-SCT, which rarely achieves comparable results with the first auto-SCT using the same conditioning regimen. Here we conducted a phase II study to investigate the efficacy and safety of a conditioning regimen V-BEAM (bortezomib-BEAM) before second auto-SCT for multiple myeloma. Ten patients were enrolled from September 2012 to May 2013. The CR rate at day +100 after auto-SCT was 75%; all except for one patient remained in remission after a median follow-up of 6 months. Three patients developed Clostridium difficile infection. Two patients died within the first 30 days of auto-SCT from neutropenic colitis and overwhelming sepsis, respectively. Due to the high rate of morbidity and mortality, the study was terminated after 10 patients. In summary, although the conditioning regimen V-BEAM before second auto-SCT for MM provided promising responses, it was associated with unexpected treatment-related toxicity and should not be investigated further without modifications.

  9. Formación en valores sociales en adolescentes que juegan Grand Theft Auto V

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    Clara Victoria Meza-Maya


    Full Text Available Objeto: Comprensión de las relaciones entre los preadolescentes y las nuevas prácticas comunicativas en las redes informáticas, respecto a la construcción de valores sociales que se propician mediante su participación en los videojuegos colaborativos, en una observación en adolescentes con el videojuego Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V. Metodología: es un estudio cualitativo, con herramientas etnográficas, apoyado por una encuesta tipo Likert, con estudiantes de un colegio de Bogotá. Resultados y conclusiones: Los estudiantes diferencian con claridad el contexto valorativo del juego y el de la vida real. Los valores sociales como el respeto, la solidaridad, la otredad y el cumplimiento de las normas tienen significaciones diferentes en el juego y en la vida. La familia es la fuente de valores más reconocida en la vida real. Se extraen enseñanzas del mundo avieso del juego.

  10. Auto-avaliação da atuação da tutoria no curso de licenciatura em pedagogia a distância de uma universidade brasileira

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    Lilian Schwab Gelatti


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene como objetivo relatar y analizar la auto-evaluación de la función de la Tutoría en el Curso de Graduación en Pedagogía a la Distancia - PEAD/UFRGS, ofrecido por una universidad brasileña. Con el intuito de sondear la función de los tutores en este curso a la distancia, fue utilizado el estudio de caso, en conformidad con la Guía del Tutor, y percibir si tales procedimientos posibilitan mejores aprendizajes.

  11. Presença de auto-anticorpos não-tireóide-específicos no soro de pacientes com hipotireoidismo auto-imune Presence of nonthyroid-specific autoantibodies in autoimmune hypothyroidism

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    Débora Vieira Soares


    Full Text Available Auto-anticorpos contra componentes não-específicos da tireóide foram encontrados no soro de pacientes com doença auto-imune da tireóide. Neste estudo avaliamos a presença de auto-anticorpos antinucleares (ANA, antimúsculo liso (anti-ML e antimitocôndria (anti-Mc no soro de pacientes com hipotireoidismo auto-imune (HA, comparando-os a controles saudáveis. Estudamos 70 pacientes com hipotireoidismo auto-imune (tireoidite de Hashimoto ou tireoidite atrófica e 70 controles saudáveis (sem diagnóstico de doença auto-imune e tireoidiana, todos do sexo feminino, com média de idade de 50,2 anos (+ 15,9 e 49,6 anos (+ 14,4, respectivamente. O ANA, detectado através do sistema Inno-LIA™ ANA (Innogenetics, Bélgica, foi positivo em 26% dos pacientes com HA e em 14% dos controles, não sendo esta diferença significativa (p = 0,09. Não houve diferença entre tempo de doença ou idade entre os grupos ANA positivo ou negativo. Anticorpos anti-ML e anti-Mc foram negativos em todas as amostras, sendo analisados através de imunofluorescência indireta. Concluímos que pacientes com hipotireoidismo auto-imune não apresentaram maior incidência de auto-anticorpos não-específicos para tireóide do que controles saudáveis. Ressaltamos, contudo, que a associação entre doenças auto-imunes da tireóide e outras doenças auto-imunes é fato incontestável, podendo ocorrer em qualquer período no curso de sua evolução. Portanto avaliações regulares são recomendadas.Autoantibodies against nonthyroid-specific components were detected in sera of patients with autoimmune thyroid disease. In this study we investigated the presence of the antinuclear antibody (ANA, antismooth muscle antibody (anti-SM and antimitochondrial antibody (anti-Mc in the sera of patients with autoimmune hypothyroidism comparing them to a control group. We studied 70 patients with autoimmune hypothyroidism (Hashimoto's or atrophic thyroiditis and 70 healthy controls

  12. Evaluation of auto-assessment method for C-D analysis based on support vector machine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takei, Takaaki; Ikeda, Mitsuru; Imai, Kuniharu; Kamihira, Hiroaki; Kishimoto, Tomonari; Goto, Hiroya


    Contrast-Detail (C-D) analysis is one of the visual quality assessment methods in medical imaging, and many auto-assessment methods for C-D analysis have been developed in recent years. However, for the auto-assessment method for C-D analysis, the effects of nonlinear image processing are not clear. So, we have made an auto-assessment method for C-D analysis using a support vector machine (SVM), and have evaluated its performance for the images processed with a noise reduction method. The feature indexes used in the SVM were the normalized cross correlation (NCC) coefficient on each signal between the noise-free and noised image, the contrast to noise ratio (CNR) on each signal, the radius of each signal, and the Student's t-test statistic for the mean difference between the signal and background pixel values. The results showed that the auto-assessment method for C-D analysis by using Student's t-test statistic agreed well with the visual assessment for the non-processed images, but disagreed for the images processed with the noise reduction method. Our results also showed that the auto-assessment method for C-D analysis by the SVM made of NCC and CNR agreed well with the visual assessment for the non-processed and noise-reduced images. Therefore, the auto-assessment method for C-D analysis by the SVM will be expected to have the robustness for the non-linear image processing. (author)

  13. Contactin-1 and Neurofascin-155/-186 Are Not Targets of Auto-Antibodies in Multifocal Motor Neuropathy.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kathrin Doppler

    Full Text Available Multifocal motor neuropathy is an immune mediated disease presenting with multifocal muscle weakness and conduction block. IgM auto-antibodies against the ganglioside GM1 are detectable in about 50% of the patients. Auto-antibodies against the paranodal proteins contactin-1 and neurofascin-155 and the nodal protein neurofascin-186 have been detected in subgroups of patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. Recently, auto-antibodies against neurofascin-186 and gliomedin were described in more than 60% of patients with multifocal motor neuropathy. In the current study, we aimed to validate this finding, using a combination of different assays for auto-antibody detection. In addition we intended to detect further auto-antibodies against paranodal proteins, specifically contactin-1 and neurofascin-155 in multifocal motor neuropathy patients' sera. We analyzed sera of 33 patients with well-characterized multifocal motor neuropathy for IgM or IgG anti-contactin-1, anti-neurofascin-155 or -186 antibodies using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, binding assays with transfected human embryonic kidney 293 cells and murine teased fibers. We did not detect any IgM or IgG auto-antibodies against contactin-1, neurofascin-155 or -186 in any of our multifocal motor neuropathy patients. We conclude that auto-antibodies against contactin-1, neurofascin-155 and -186 do not play a relevant role in the pathogenesis in this cohort with multifocal motor neuropathy.

  14. Estimates of Average Glandular Dose with Auto-modes of X-ray Exposures in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Izdihar Kamal


    Full Text Available Objectives: The aim of this research was to examine the average glandular dose (AGD of radiation among different breast compositions of glandular and adipose tissue with auto-modes of exposure factor selection in digital breast tomosynthesis. Methods: This experimental study was carried out in the National Cancer Society, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, between February 2012 and February 2013 using a tomosynthesis digital mammography X-ray machine. The entrance surface air kerma and the half-value layer were determined using a 100H thermoluminescent dosimeter on 50% glandular and 50% adipose tissue (50/50 and 20% glandular and 80% adipose tissue (20/80 commercially available breast phantoms (Computerized Imaging Reference Systems, Inc., Norfolk, Virginia, USA with auto-time, auto-filter and auto-kilovolt modes. Results: The lowest AGD for the 20/80 phantom with auto-time was 2.28 milliGray (mGy for two dimension (2D and 2.48 mGy for three dimensional (3D images. The lowest AGD for the 50/50 phantom with auto-time was 0.97 mGy for 2D and 1.0 mGy for 3D. Conclusion: The AGD values for both phantoms were lower against a high kilovolt peak and the use of auto-filter mode was more practical for quick acquisition while limiting the probability of operator error.

  15. Optimal Recovery Trajectories for Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance Systems (Auto GCAS) (United States)

    Suplisson, Angela W.

    The US Air Force recently fielded the F-16 Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System (Auto GCAS). This system meets the operational requirements of being both aggressive and timely, meaning that extremely agile avoidance maneuvers will be executed at the last second to avoid the ground. This small window of automatic operation maneuvering in close proximity to the ground makes the problem challenging. There currently exists no similar Auto GCAS for manned military 'heavy' aircraft with lower climb performance such as transport, tanker, or bomber aircraft. The F-16 Auto GCAS recovery is a single pre-planned roll to wings-level and 5-g pull-up which is very effective for fighters due to their high g and climb performance, but it is not suitable for military heavy aircraft. This research proposes a new optimal control approach to the ground collision avoidance problem for heavy aircraft by mapping the aggressive and timely requirements of the automatic recovery to the optimal control formulation which includes lateral maneuvers around terrain. This novel mapping creates two ways to pose the optimal control problem for Auto GCAS; one as a Max Distance with a Timely Trigger formulation and the other as a Min Control with an Aggressive Trigger formulation. Further, the optimal path and optimal control admitted by these two formulations are demonstrated to be equivalent at the point the automatic recovery is initiated for the simplified 2-D case. The Min Control formulation was demonstrated to have faster computational speed and was chosen for the 3-D case. Results are presented for representative heavy aircraft scenarios against 3-D digital terrain. The Min Control formulation was then compared to a Multi-Trajectory Auto GCAS with five pre-planned maneuvers. Metrics were developed to quantify the improvement from using an optimal approach versus the pre-planned maneuvers. The proposed optimal Min Control method was demonstrated to require less control or trigger later

  16. Multi-site and multi-depth in vivo cancer localization enhancement after auto-fluorescence removal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Montcuquet, A.S.; Herve, L.; Navarro, F.; Dinten, J.M.; Mars, J.I.


    Fluorescence imaging in diffusive media locates tumors tagged by injected fluorescent markers in NIR wavelengths. For deep embedded markers, natural auto-fluorescence of tissues comes to be a limiting factor to tumor detection and accurate FDOT reconstructions. A spectroscopic approach coupled with Non-negative Matrix Factorization source separation method is explored to discriminate fluorescence sources according to their fluorescence spectra and remove unwanted auto-fluorescence. We successfully removed auto-fluorescence from acquisitions on living mice with a single subcutaneous tumor or two capillary tubes inserted at different depths. (authors)

  17. Confiabilidade da causa basica de obito por cancer entre Sistema de Informacoes sobre Mortalidade do Brasil e Registro de Cancer de Base Populacional de Goiania, Goias, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricia Pereira Vasconcelos de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O presente estudo avaliou a confiabilidade das causas básicas de óbito por câncer por meio do relacionamento probabilístico entre Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM e Registro de Câncer de Base Populacional (RCBP de Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil, entre 2000 e 2005. Foi utilizado o RecLink III para o relacionamento e a confiabilidade foi avaliada pela utilização do coeficiente Kappa de Cohen e o ajustado por prevalência e viés discórdia marginal (prevalence- adjusted and bias-ajusted kappa – PABAK. Foram identificados 2.874 indivíduos no relacionamento para análise da confiabilidade. O kappa bruto variou de 0,336 a 0,846 e o ajustado por prevalência de 0,810 a 0,990 para os 14 grupos de neoplasias. Para os 35 principais cânceres, 12 (34,3% deles apresentaram valores de kappa bruto abaixo de 0,600 e PABAK de 0,981. Entre as principais neoplasias comuns entre os sexos, a concordância bruta variou em 0,672 e 0,790; a ajustada entre 0,894 e 0,961. Foram reclassificadas 67% de câncer de localização mal definida no SIM com as informações do RCBP. Este estudo mostrou-se útil para a qualificação das estimativas de mortalidade por câncer em áreas cobertas por RCBP.

  18. Auto-ignition control in turbocharged internal combustion engines operating with gaseous fuels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duarte, Jorge; Amador, Germán; Garcia, Jesus; Fontalvo, Armando; Vasquez Padilla, Ricardo; Sanjuan, Marco; Gonzalez Quiroga, Arturo


    Control strategies for auto-ignition control in turbocharged internal combustion engines operating with gaseous fuels are presented. Ambient temperature and ambient pressure are considered as the disturbing variables. A thermodynamic model for predicting temperature at the ignition point is developed, adjusted and validated with a large experimental data-set from high power turbocharged engines. Based on this model, the performance of feedback and feedforward auto-ignition control strategies is explored. A robustness and fragility analysis for the Feedback control strategies is presented. The feedforward control strategy showed the best performance however its implementation entails adding a sensor and new control logic. The proposed control strategies and the proposed thermodynamic model are useful tools for increasing the range of application of gaseous fuels with low methane number while ensuring a safe running in internal combustion engines. - Highlights: • A model for predicting temperature at the ignition point. • Robust PID, modified PID, and feedforward strategies for auto-ignition control. • λ′ were the best set of tuning equations for calculating controller parameters. • Robust PID showed significant improvements in auto-ignition control. • Feedforward control showed the best performance

  19. Magnonic Crystal as a Delay Line for Low-Noise Auto-Oscillator (United States)


    Magnonic crystal as a delay line for low-noise auto-oscillator Elena Bankowski and Thomas Meitzler U.S. Army TARDEC, Warren, Michigan 48397, USA...authors propose to use the magnonic crystal patterned on the YIG magnetic film as an efficient delay line in the feedback loop of tunable auto-oscillator...increasing the thickness of such delay line as compare to the YIG film with no pattern. In turn, use of this magnonic crystal opens a way to improve

  20. Auto-organização urbana em bairros desprivilegiados: possibilidades e limites para a articulação autônoma em Salvador, Bahia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katja Hölldampf


    Full Text Available A partir de uma perspectiva comparativa, o artigo aborda as possibilidades e restrições da auto-organização urbana em unidades de vizinhança. Por meio de uma comparação qualitativa de dois estudos de caso, Alto de Ondina e Alto da Sereia, dois bairros desprivilegiados no centro sul de Salvador da Bahia (Brasil, e levando-se em consideração as condições gerais do cotidiano de cada lugar, se depreendem indutivamente dos dados empíricos as condições idiográficas do contexto que fomentam e restringem a auto-organização. Com isto, as interpretações baseadas nos dados empíricos vão além do contexto local e regional e oferecem um conhecimento básico sobre a articulação autocentrada e autônoma. Até o momento, os processos participativos de planejamento têm se guiado no Brasil pelo senso comum no que tange a governança urbana. Enquanto estratégias participativas possam tendencialmente ser caracterizadas por cogestão, a auto-organização civil, sendo expressão de autodeterminação, consiste na articulação de interesses coletivos. Com isto, as comunidades auto-organizadas não se amoldam num enquadramento institucional ou num sistema existente e são, consequentemente, capazes de articular coletivamente seus interesses, opiniões e necessidades. O conceito subjacente da “Governança-Ágora/Agora-Governance”, segundo Korff e Rothfuss (2009, pode estar na base da gestão urbana sustentável, levando a um processo de negociação consensual, mas, muitas vezes, assumindo também um caráter competitivo, entre a perspectiva dos cidadãos da “cidade humana” e a perspectiva dos especialistas da “cidade da infraestrutura”. Abstract URBAN SELF-ORGANISATION IN DEPRIVED NEIGHBORHOODS: POSSIBILITIES AND LIMITS OF AUTONOMOUS COLLECTIVE ARTICULATION IN SALVADOR DA BAHIA From a comparative point of view, the given article is concerned with the possibilities and restrictions of urban self-organization within city

  1. Gamma ray auto absorption correction evaluation methodology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gugiu, Daniela; Roth, Csaba; Ghinescu, Alecse


    Neutron activation analysis (NAA) is a well established nuclear technique, suited to investigate the microstructural or elemental composition and can be applied to studies of a large variety of samples. The work with large samples involves, beside the development of large irradiation devices with well know neutron field characteristics, the knowledge of perturbing phenomena and adequate evaluation of correction factors like: neutron self shielding, extended source correction, gamma ray auto absorption. The objective of the works presented in this paper is to validate an appropriate methodology for gamma ray auto absorption correction evaluation for large inhomogeneous samples. For this purpose a benchmark experiment has been defined - a simple gamma ray transmission experiment, easy to be reproduced. The gamma ray attenuation in pottery samples has been measured and computed using MCNP5 code. The results show a good agreement between the computed and measured values, proving that the proposed methodology is able to evaluate the correction factors. (authors)

  2. Programa de ajuste multiparamétrico de curvas de titulação potenciométricas de ácidos húmicos Multiparametric adjustment program of potentiometric titration curves of humic acids

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Clausius Duque Gonçalves Reis


    Full Text Available Tendo em vista a dificuldade de determinação dos pontos de inflexão na curva de titulação potenciométrica de ácidos húmicos, por metodologias tradicionais, foi desenvolvido foi desenvolvido um programa na linguagem Delphi para ajuste multiparamétrico de dados de titulação potenciométrica. Para isso um processo iterativo para estimar as raízes de um polinômio, com base no método de Newton-Raphson, foi utilizado. Os dados das titulações potenciométricas de ácidos húmicos usados nas regressões foram obtidos em um sistema automatizado de titulação potenciométrica. O programa desenvolvido na linguagem Delphi permite maior versatilidade e facilidade de operação, com uma interação mais amigável com o usuário. As curvas de titulação potenciométricas ajustadas sobrepuseram-se quase que totalmente às curvas experimentais. Os valores de pKa e as percentagens de grupos tituláveis dos ácidos húmicos, parâmetros ajustáveis na regressão multiparamétrica, apresentaram valores comparáveis com dados da literatura.Regarding the difficulty of determining the inflection points in the potentiometric titration curve of humic acids by means of traditional methodologies, a Delphi program a Delphi program was developed for the multiparametric data adjustment in potentiometric titration. For this purpose, an iterative process was used, based on the Newton-Raphson method to estimate the roots of a polynomial. The humic acid potentiometric titration data, used in regressions, were obtained in an automated system of potentiometric titration. The program developed in Delphi language features greater versatility, ease of operation and better interaction with the user. The adjusted potentiometric titration curves overlap the experimental curves almost entirely. The pKa values and percentages of titrable groups of humic acids extracted from soil, adjustable parameters in the multiparametric regression, were comparable with those reported

  3. Prognostic value of comorbidity for auto-SCT eligibility and outcome in relapsed or refractory aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. (United States)

    Plattel, W J; Kluin-Nelemans, H C; de Bock, G H; van Imhoff, G W


    Salvage reinduction therapy followed by high-dose chemotherapy (HDCT) and auto-SCT is the treatment of choice for fit patients with refractory or relapsed aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). We assessed the prognostic value of comorbidity at the time of relapse to predict receipt of auto-SCT and outcome. We analyzed 156 consecutive NHL patients, referred to our center between 1999 and 2007 for salvage reinduction therapy, followed by HDCT and auto-SCT. Comorbidity according to the hematopoietic SCT comorbidity index was scored at relapse and directly before HDCT and auto-SCT. Primary end points were actual receipt of auto-SCT and survival. At relapse, comorbidity scores of 0, 1-2 and ≥3 were found among 64 (41%), 62 (40%) and 30 (19%) patients, respectively. Ultimately, 95 patients received auto-SCT. Higher comorbidity scores at relapse were associated with significantly less chance of receiving auto-SCT and with inferior OS, independently from secondary age-adjusted International Prognostic Index (sAAIPI) scores. For transplanted patients, OS rates at 5 years were 62, 30 and 17% for relapse comorbidity scores of 0, 1-2 and ≥3, respectively. In patients with relapsed NHL, comorbidity at relapse is associated with receipt of auto-SCT and subsequent survival independently from the sAAIPI.

  4. [Trial digitalization of analog-data obtained from the AutoAnalyzer]. (United States)

    Omori, S


    The AutoAnalzer(Basic Model) manufactured on Technicon corporation was a very useful instrument for clinical laboratory automation, but it was necessary to convert the data obtained from the instrument to digital values used the chart reader. This was very troublesome and there was apprehension that there would be errors in A-D conversion. We tried converting data obtained from the AutoAnalzer to a digital value by on-line connection of the instruments with minicomputers(LINC-8 and FACOM-R). The output of the recorder was converted to voltage(0 to 100 V) using a potentiometer, quantitated(0 to 1.000) by the A-D converter attached to LINC-8, and processed by the minicomputer. The control-box was an experimental device mainly designed for the convenience of users. The functions of the control-box were designated analytical items, No. of A-D converters, start and stop of the AutoAnalzer operation to the minicomputer. Employing the control-box, a technician operated this system freely, without direct computer operation. We established a generally satisfactory system for clinical laboratory automation using the minicomputer.

  5. Introducing Translation Studies:a Case Study of the Text of an Auto Company's Market Strategy%Introducing Translation Studies: a Case Study of the Text of an Auto Company's Market Strategy

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    盛洁; 谢玖兰


    This paper starts with the necessity of the translation from English to Chinese and the other way around in auto indus?try. Then, talks about the nature of translation and translating, translation standards, translation strategies and discusses the charac?teristics of the texts of the auto company's strategy, translation techniques and at last make the conclusion.

  6. 76 FR 1065 - Security Zone; 23rd Annual North American International Auto Show, Detroit River, Detroit, MI (United States)


    ...-AA87 Security Zone; 23rd Annual North American International Auto Show, Detroit River, Detroit, MI... officials at the 23rd Annual North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) being held at Cobo Hall in... 23rd Annual North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) being held at Cobo Hall in downtown Detroit...

  7. 77 FR 76411 - Security Zone; 25th Annual North American International Auto Show, Detroit River, Detroit, MI (United States)


    ...-AA87 Security Zone; 25th Annual North American International Auto Show, Detroit River, Detroit, MI..., visitors, and public officials at the 25th Annual North American International Auto Show (NAIAS), which is... Purpose The 25th Annual North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) will be held at Cobo Hall in...

  8. 77 FR 2453 - Security Zone; 24th Annual North American International Auto Show, Detroit River, Detroit, MI (United States)


    ...-AA87 Security Zone; 24th Annual North American International Auto Show, Detroit River, Detroit, MI..., visitors, and public officials at the 24th Annual North American International Auto Show (NAIAS), which is... The 24th Annual North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) will be held at Cobo Hall in downtown...

  9. Controlled auto-ignition characteristics of methane-air mixture in a rapid intake compression and expansion machine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cho, Gyubaek; Jeong, Dongsoo [Engine Research Team, Eco-Machinery Research Division, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, 104 Sinseongno, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701 (Korea); Moon, Gunfeel [Department of Clean Environmental system, University of Science and Technology, 52 Eoeun-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon (Korea); Bae, Choongsik [Engine Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 373-1 GuSeong-Dong, Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon 305-701 (Korea)


    The characteristics of controlled auto-ignition (CAI) were investigated with a methane-air mixture and simulated residual gas, that represents internal exhaust gas recirculation (IEGR). Supply systems were additionally installed on the conventional rapid compression machine (RCM), and this modified machine - a rapid intake compression and expansion machine (RICEM) - was able to simulate an intake stroke for the evaluation of controlled auto-ignition with fuel-air mixture. The fuel-air mixture and the simulated residual gas were introduced separately into the combustion chamber through the spool valves. Various IEGR rates and temperatures of the IEGR gas were tested. The initial reaction and the development in controlled auto-ignition combustion were compared with spark-ignited combustion by visualization with a high-speed digital camera. Under the controlled auto-ignition operation, multi-point ignition and faster combustion were observed. With increasing the temperature of IEGR gas, the auto-ignition timing was advanced and burning duration was shortened. The higher rate of IEGR had the same effects on the combustion of the controlled auto-ignition. However, this trend was reversed with more than 47 per cent of IEGR. (author)

  10. AutoPyFactory: A Scalable Flexible Pilot Factory Implementation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caballero, J; Hover, J; Love, P; Stewart, G A


    The ATLAS experiment at the CERN LHC is one of the largest users of grid computing infrastructure, which is a central part of the experiment's computing operations. Considerable efforts have been made to use grid technology in the most efficient and effective way, including the use of a pilot job based workload management framework. In this model the experiment submits ‘pilot’ jobs to sites without payload. When these jobs begin to run they contact a central service to pick-up a real payload to execute. The first generation of pilot factories were usually specific to a single Virtual Organization (VO), and were bound to the particular architecture of that VO's distributed processing. A second generation provides factories which are more flexible, not tied to any particular VO, and provide new and improved features such as monitoring, logging, profiling, etc. In this paper we describe this key part of the ATLAS pilot architecture, a second generation pilot factory, AutoPyFactory. AutoPyFactory has a modular design and is highly configurable. It is able to send different types of pilots to sites and exploit different submission mechanisms and queue characteristics. It is tightly integrated with the PanDA job submission framework, coupling pilot flow to the amount of work the site has to run. It gathers information from many sources in order to correctly configure itself for a site and its decision logic can easily be updated. Integrated into AutoPyFactory is a flexible system for delivering both generic and specific job wrappers which can perform many useful actions before starting to run end-user scientific applications, e.g., validation of the middleware, node profiling and diagnostics, and monitoring. AutoPyFactory also has a robust monitoring system that has been invaluable in establishing a reliable pilot factory service for ATLAS.

  11. Sensitivity to external signals and synchronization properties of a non-isochronous auto-oscillator with delayed feedback (United States)

    Tiberkevich, Vasil S.; Khymyn, Roman S.; Tang, Hong X.; Slavin, Andrei N.


    For auto-oscillators of different nature (e.g. active cells in a human heart under the action of a pacemaker, neurons in brain, spin-torque nano-oscillators, micro and nano-mechanical oscillators, or generating Josephson junctions) a critically important property is their ability to synchronize with each other. The synchronization properties of an auto oscillator are directly related to its sensitivity to external signals. Here we demonstrate that a non-isochronous (having generation frequency dependent on the amplitude) auto-oscillator with delayed feedback can have an extremely high sensitivity to external signals and unusually large width of the phase-locking band near the boundary of the stable auto-oscillation regime. This property could be used for the development of synchronized arrays of non-isochronous auto-oscillators in physics and engineering, and, for instance, might bring a better fundamental understanding of ways to control a heart arrythmia in medicine.

  12. AutoDrug: fully automated macromolecular crystallography workflows for fragment-based drug discovery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsai, Yingssu; McPhillips, Scott E.; González, Ana; McPhillips, Timothy M.; Zinn, Daniel; Cohen, Aina E.; Feese, Michael D.; Bushnell, David; Tiefenbrunn, Theresa; Stout, C. David; Ludaescher, Bertram; Hedman, Britt; Hodgson, Keith O.; Soltis, S. Michael


    New software has been developed for automating the experimental and data-processing stages of fragment-based drug discovery at a macromolecular crystallography beamline. A new workflow-automation framework orchestrates beamline-control and data-analysis software while organizing results from multiple samples. AutoDrug is software based upon the scientific workflow paradigm that integrates the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource macromolecular crystallography beamlines and third-party processing software to automate the crystallography steps of the fragment-based drug-discovery process. AutoDrug screens a cassette of fragment-soaked crystals, selects crystals for data collection based on screening results and user-specified criteria and determines optimal data-collection strategies. It then collects and processes diffraction data, performs molecular replacement using provided models and detects electron density that is likely to arise from bound fragments. All processes are fully automated, i.e. are performed without user interaction or supervision. Samples can be screened in groups corresponding to particular proteins, crystal forms and/or soaking conditions. A single AutoDrug run is only limited by the capacity of the sample-storage dewar at the beamline: currently 288 samples. AutoDrug was developed in conjunction with RestFlow, a new scientific workflow-automation framework. RestFlow simplifies the design of AutoDrug by managing the flow of data and the organization of results and by orchestrating the execution of computational pipeline steps. It also simplifies the execution and interaction of third-party programs and the beamline-control system. Modeling AutoDrug as a scientific workflow enables multiple variants that meet the requirements of different user groups to be developed and supported. A workflow tailored to mimic the crystallography stages comprising the drug-discovery pipeline of CoCrystal Discovery Inc. has been deployed and successfully

  13. Auto-avaliação de saúde entre trabalhadores de uma indústria no sul do Brasil Self-rated health among industrial workers in Southern Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Doroteia Aparecida Höfelmann


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a prevalência de auto-avaliação de saúde negativa e seus fatores associados, entre trabalhadores industriais. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com amostra probabilística de 482 trabalhadores de indústria metal-mecânica de Joinville, estado de Santa Catarina, em 2005. As informações foram obtidas por meio de questionário auto-administrado e medidas antropométricas. Para estimar a magnitude de associação entre a auto-avaliação e variáveis, foram calculadas as razões de chances (RC com intervalos de confiança de 95%. Foram obtidos modelos logísticos múltiplos por meio de análise de regressão logística utilizando um referencial teórico hierárquico. RESULTADOS: A taxa de resposta foi de 98,6%. A auto-avaliação de saúde negativa foi referida por 16,6% dos trabalhadores. A maioria era do sexo masculino (84,8% e desenvolvia atividades predominantemente ligadas ao setor produtivo (79,4%. A queixa mais comum entre os trabalhadores foi dor nas costas (30,9%. Após modelagem estatística, as seguintes variáveis permaneceram associadas à auto-avaliação negativa de saúde: sexo feminino (RC=3,0; IC 95%: 1,5;6,2, inatividade física (RC=1,8; IC 95%: 1,0;3,4, tensão psicológica (RC=3,0; IC 95%: 1,6;5,6, falta de controle sobre a vida (RC=3,0; IC 95%: 1,5;6,1, referência a uma (RC=3,2; IC 95%: 1,4;7,2 ou duas ou mais doenças crônicas (RC=7,7; IC 95%: 3,4;17,8, licença de saúde de curta duração (RC=2,9; IC 95%: 1,5;5,5 e doença limitante (RC=2,8; IC 95%: 1,2;6,6. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de auto-avaliação de saúde negativa esteve associada às dimensões socioeconômica/demográfica, estilo de vida, psicossocial e situação de saúde. A variável que mais influenciou na auto-avaliação negativa foi a referência a mais de duas doenças crônicas.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the prevalence of negative self-rated health and its factors associates among industrial workers. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with

  14. A New Auto-Baecklund Transformation and Two-Soliton Solution for (3+1)-Dimensional Jimbo-Miwa Equation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Chunping; Zhou Ling


    By improving the extended homogeneous balance method, a general method is suggested to derive a new auto-Baecklund transformation (BT) for (3+1)-Dimensional Jimbo-Miwa (JM) equation. The auto-BT obtained by using our method only involves one quadratic homogeneity equation written as a bilinear equation. Based on the auto-BT, two-soliton solution of the (3+1)-Dimensional JM equation is obtained. (general)

  15. Auto-SCT improves survival in systemic light chain amyloidosis: a retrospective analysis with 14-year follow-up. (United States)

    Parmar, S; Kongtim, P; Champlin, R; Dinh, Y; Elgharably, Y; Wang, M; Bashir, Q; Shah, J J; Shah, N; Popat, U; Giralt, S A; Orlowski, R Z; Qazilbash, M H


    Optimal treatment approach continues to remain a challenge for systemic light chain amyloidosis (AL). So far, Auto-SCT is the only modality associated with long-term survival. However, failure to show survival benefit in randomized study raises questions regarding its efficacy. We present a comparative outcome analysis of Auto-SCT to conventional therapies (CTR) in AL patients treated over a 14-year period at our institution. Out of the 145 AL amyloidosis patients, Auto-SCT was performed in 80 patients with 1-year non-relapse mortality rate of 12.5%. Novel agents were used as part of induction therapy in 56% of transplant recipients vs 46% of CTR patients. Hematological and organ responses were seen in 74.6% and 39% in the Auto-SCT arm vs 53% and 12% in the CTR arm, respectively. The projected 5-year survival for Auto-SCT vs CTR was 63% vs 38%, respectively. Landmark analysis of patients alive at 1-year after diagnosis showed improved 5-year OS of 72% with Auto-SCT vs 65% in the CTR arm. In the multivariate analysis, age SCT were associated with improved survival. In conclusion, Auto-SCT is associated with long-term survival for patients with AL amyloidosis.

  16. Measurement of antiacetylcholine receptor auto-antibodies in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Two different acetylcholine receptor (AChR) preparations derived from amputated human muscle (AChRAMP) and from the human rhabdomyosarcoma cell line TE671 (AChRTE67,) were compared in radio-immunoprecipitation assays for the detection of AChR auto-antibodies in serum specimens from 20 patients with ...

  17. ¿Ajustar o No Ajustar? Un Modelo para la Medición de la Significatividad de las Distorsiones Provocadas por los Cambios en el Nivel General de Precios sobre la Información Contable

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leila Di Russo


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo profundiza una línea de análisis iniciada en 2003 por algunos de los autores. Nos internamos aquí en los efectos sobre la información contable, y consecuentemente sobre las decisiones que ésta determina, que producen los cambios en los niveles generales de precios absolutos. Formulamos modelos que permiten analizar los casos tradicionales con ejercicios económicos que incluyen varios períodos mensuales, e iniciamos luego el análisis más preciso que se hace posible al trabajar con un único período mensual en el que se suponen cambios en el nivel de precios absolutos. Los modelos sirven esencialmente para determinar rápidamente la existencia de distorsiones significativas sobre la información contable en los casos en los que el profesional duda entre realizar el ajuste o no hacerlo, sobre la base del principio de productividad de la información y plantea promisorios avances de investigación para profundizar en la fijación precisa de los parámetros que determinan las distorsiones que se generan en la información contable, conforme una normativa ad-hoc que defina la obligatoriedad del ajuste integral para períodos y entes dados.

  18. Analisis Pengukuran Waktu Kerja Karyawan Bengkel Toyota Auto 2000 di Balikpapan


    -, Agus -


    This study aims to determine the specific labor standard time engine oil replacement vehicle machine Toyota Auto 2000 MT. Balikpapan Haryono used standard working time. Based on interviews with employees of Auto 2000 Toyota workshop. MT. Haryono completed replacement of engine oil required an average completion time of 1 hour of receipt to the consumer.The problem of this study is the labor time required to complete the work car oil changes are in accordance with the standart time in the wor...

  19. Auto y heteroestereotipo étnico en estudiantes preuniversitarios de Lima Metropolitana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carmen Zornoza


    Full Text Available La autora revisa algunas de las investigaciones hechas en el Perú acerca de la influencia de factores étnicos. Luego expone los resultados de una investigación acerca de auto y hetero estereotipos en grupos raciales diferentes.  Queda demostrado que el auto estereotipo de los blancos es más alto que el de los mestizos y que el hetero estereotipo de estos últimos es más alto que el de los primeros.

  20. Research on AutoCAD secondary development and function expansion based on VBA technology (United States)

    Zhang, Runmei; Gu, Yehuan


    AutoCAD is the most widely used drawing tool among the similar design drawing products. In the process of drawing different types of design drawings of the same product, there are a lot of repetitive and single work contents. The traditional manual method uses a drawing software AutoCAD drawing graphics with low efficiency, high error rate and high input cost shortcomings and many more. In order to solve these problems, the design of the parametric drawing system of the hot-rolled I-beam (steel beam) cross-section is completed by using the VBA secondary development tool and the Access database software with large-capacity storage data, and the analysis of the functional extension of the plane drawing and the parametric drawing design in this paper. For the secondary development of AutoCAD functions, the system drawing work will be simplified and work efficiency also has been greatly improved. This introduction of parametric design of AutoCAD drawing system to promote the industrial mass production and related industries economic growth rate similar to the standard I-beam hot-rolled products.

  1. Observation of auto-oscillations and chaos in subsidiary absorption in yttrium iron garnet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Srinivasan, G.; Chen, M.; Patton, C.E.


    Auto-oscillations of the dynamic magnetization and routes to chaos for the first-order transverse pump spin-wave instability have been studied in single-crystal yttrium-iron-garnet (YIG) films. The measurements reported here were made on a 20.8-μm-thick YIG film at 9.4 GHz with the static and microwave fields in the plane of the film. Auto-oscillations at 100--400 kHz were observed in the power absorbed by the film over a relatively narrow static field range of 1100--1460 Oe, compared to the first-order instability (FOI) range of 0--1630 Oe. The auto-oscillation frequency and threshold microwave field amplitude were both strongly field dependent. The threshold amplitudes were about a factor of 2 larger than the FOI threshold amplitudes. At even higher power levels and for an even narrower field range of 1300--1380 Oe, the auto-oscillations showed frequency changes indicative of chaotic behavior. Several different subharmonic bifurcation routes to chaos were observed for different fields within the chaotic region

  2. Valores humanos como moderadores e supressores na preferência do consumidor por marcas e produtos

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    Rafael Barreiros Porto


    Full Text Available Alguns estudos presumem que a predição dos valores humanos sobre as escolhas dos consumidores é mediada pelas atitudes dos produtos, todavia não testam se eles são moderadores dessa relação e supressores da escolha anterior. A moderação e supressão seriam prováveis ao observar a qualidade e o grau das intensificações ou atenuações dos valores nas decisões e nas inércias das escolhas, não pressupondo serem causas delas. Efetuaram-se testes de interação dos valores junto à importância dos critérios de decisão para predizer preferência por produtos e marcas, considerando a escolha anterior. As regressões logísticas e ordinais demonstram que os valores humanos moderam a relação decisões-preferência e suprimem a influência inercial da escolha anterior com bons ajustes e poderes preditivos. Os resultados auxiliam a compreender o papel dos valores humanos nas escolhas dos consumidores.

  3. AutoDJ: the art of electronic music mixing (United States)

    Lemma, Aweke N.


    As a result of advances in audio compression, availability of broadband Internet access at home and the popularity of electronic music distribution systems, today consumers acquire and store ever-increasing number of songs in their local databases. Moreover, consumer-devices with mass random-access storage and sophisticated rendering capabilities make the whole electronic music database available for instant playback. As opposed to traditional music playback where only a limited number of songs are manually selected, there is a strong need for intelligent play-list generation techniques that utilize the whole database while taking the user's interests into account. Moreover, it is desirable to present these songs in a seamlessly streaming manner with smooth transitions. In this paper, we propose a systematic expressive content retrieval system, called AutoDJ, that achieves both objectives. It automatically creates a play-list by sorting songs ac-cording to their low-level features and plays them in a smooth rhythmically consistent way after audio mixing. AutoDJ first builds a profile for each song using features such as tempo, beat and major. Afterwards, it uses a similarity metric to build up a play-list based on a "seed" song. Finally, it introduces smooth transition from one song (profile) to the other by equalizing the tempo and synchronizing the beat phase. We present the system design principles and the signal processing techniques used, as well as a simple AutoDJ demonstrator.

  4. Virtual screening for HIV protease inhibitors: a comparison of AutoDock 4 and Vina.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Max W Chang

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The AutoDock family of software has been widely used in protein-ligand docking research. This study compares AutoDock 4 and AutoDock Vina in the context of virtual screening by using these programs to select compounds active against HIV protease. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Both programs were used to rank the members of two chemical libraries, each containing experimentally verified binders to HIV protease. In the case of the NCI Diversity Set II, both AutoDock 4 and Vina were able to select active compounds significantly better than random (AUC = 0.69 and 0.68, respectively; p<0.001. The binding energy predictions were highly correlated in this case, with r = 0.63 and iota = 0.82. For a set of larger, more flexible compounds from the Directory of Universal Decoys, the binding energy predictions were not correlated, and only Vina was able to rank compounds significantly better than random. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In ranking smaller molecules with few rotatable bonds, AutoDock 4 and Vina were equally capable, though both exhibited a size-related bias in scoring. However, as Vina executes more quickly and is able to more accurately rank larger molecules, researchers should look to it first when undertaking a virtual screen.

  5. Distress, problems and supportive care needs of patients treated with auto- or allo-SCT. (United States)

    Braamse, A M J; van Meijel, B; Visser, O; Huijgens, P C; Beekman, A T F; Dekker, J


    Hematological malignancies and treatment with hematopoietic SCT are known to affect patients' quality of life. The problem profile and care needs of this patient group need clarification, however. This study aimed to assess distress, problems and care needs after allo- or auto-SCT, and to identify risk factors for distress, problems or care needs. In this cross-sectional study, patients treated with allo-SCT or auto-SCT for hematological malignancies completed the Distress Thermometer and Problem List. Three patient groups were created: 0-1, 1-2.5 and 2.5-5.5 years after transplantation. After allo-SCT, distress and the number of problems tended to be lower with longer follow-up. After auto-SCT, distress was highest at 1-2.5 year(s). Patients mainly reported physical problems, followed by cognitive-emotional and practical problems. A minority reported care needs. Risk factors for distress as well as problems after allo-SCT included younger age, shorter time after transplantation and GVHD. A risk factor for distress as well as problems after auto-SCT was the presence of comorbid diseases. Up to 5 years after auto-SCT or allo-SCT, patients continue to experience distress and problems. Judged by prevalence, physical problems are first priority in supportive care, followed by cognitive-emotional and practical problems.

  6. Measurements of auto-antibodies to α-synuclein in the serum and cerebral spinal fluids of patients with Parkinson's disease. (United States)

    Akhtar, Rizwan S; Licata, Joseph P; Luk, Kelvin C; Shaw, Leslie M; Trojanowski, John Q; Lee, Virginia M-Y


    Biomarkers for α-synuclein are needed for diagnosis and prognosis in Parkinson's disease (PD). Endogenous auto-antibodies to α-synuclein could serve as biomarkers for underlying synucleinopathy, but previous assessments of auto-antibodies have shown variability and inconsistent clinical correlations. We hypothesized that auto-antibodies to α-synuclein could be diagnostic for PD and explain its clinical heterogeneity. To test this hypothesis, we developed an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for measuring α-synuclein auto-antibodies in human samples. We evaluated 69 serum samples (16 healthy controls (HC) and 53 PD patients) and 145 CSF samples (52 HC and 93 PD patients) from our Institution. Both serum and CSF were available for 24 participants. Males had higher auto-antibody levels than females in both fluids. CSF auto-antibody levels were significantly higher in PD patients as compared to HC, whereas serum levels were not significantly different. CSF auto-antibody levels did not associate with amyloid-β 1-42 , total tau, or phosphorylated tau. CSF auto-antibody levels correlated with performance on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, even when controlled for CSF amyloidβ 1-42 . CSF hemoglobin levels, as a proxy for contamination of CSF by blood during lumbar puncture, did not influence these observations. Using recombinant α-synuclein with N- and C-terminal truncations, we found that CSF auto-antibodies target amino acids 100 through 120 of α-synuclein. We conclude that endogenous CSF auto-antibodies are significantly higher in PD patients as compared to HC, suggesting that they could indicate the presence of underlying synucleinopathy. These auto-antibodies associate with poor cognition, independently of CSF amyloidβ 1-42 ., and target a select C-terminal region of α-synuclein. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  7. An Explanation on the Tenth-Five-Year Plan of China’s Auto Industry

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    <正> The Tenth-Five-Year-Plan of the auto industry recently issued has made an analysis on the market demand, development environment and situation that the auto industry will face and advanced the idea for solving contractions and problems, taking the restructuring as motif. Compared with the previous medium-and-long-term programs, the plan is more macroscopic, strategical,

  8. Mathematical model of three winding auto transformer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Volcko, V.; Eleschova, Z.; Belan, A.; Janiga, P.


    This article deals with the design of mathematical model of three-winding auto transformer for steady state analyses. The article is focused on model simplicity for the purposes of the use in complex transmission systems and authenticity of the model taking into account different types of step-voltage regulator. (Authors)

  9. Adrenaline auto-injectors for the treatment of anaphylaxis with and without cardiovascular collapse in the community. (United States)

    Sheikh, Aziz; Simons, F Estelle R; Barbour, Victoria; Worth, Allison


    Anaphylaxis is a serious hypersensitivity reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death. Adrenaline (epinephrine) auto-injectors are recommended as the initial, potentially life-saving treatment of choice for anaphylaxis in the community, but they are not universally available and have limitations in their use. To assess the effectiveness of adrenaline (epinephrine) auto-injectors in relieving respiratory, cardiovascular, and other symptoms during episodes of anaphylaxis that occur in the community. We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2012, Issue 1), MEDLINE (Ovid SP) (1950 to January 2012), EMBASE (Ovid SP) (1980 to January 2012 ), CINAHL (EBSCO host) (1982 to January 2012 ), AMED (EBSCO host) (1985 to January 2012 ), LILACS, (BIREME) (1980 to January 2012 ), ISI Web of Science (1950 to January 2012 ). We adapted our search terms for other databases. We also searched websites listing on-going trials: the World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry Platform, the UK Clinical Research Network Study Portfolio, and the meta Register of Controlled Trials; and contacted pharmaceutical companies who manufacture adrenaline auto-injectors in an attempt to locate unpublished material. Randomized and quasi-randomized controlled trials comparing auto-injector administration of adrenaline with any control including no intervention, placebo, or other adrenergic agonists were eligible for inclusion. Two authors independently assessed articles for inclusion. None of the 1328 studies that were identified satisfied the inclusion criteria. Based on this review, we cannot make any new recommendations on the effectiveness of adrenaline auto-injectors for the treatment of anaphylaxis. Although randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials of high methodological quality are necessary to define the true extent of benefits from the administration of adrenaline in anaphylaxis via an auto

  10. Ajustamento psicológico e perspectiva de velhice pessoal em adultos com deficiência física Ajuste psicológico e la perspectiva percibida del envejecimiento personal en adulto y adultos moyores con discapacidad física Psychological adjustment and personal aging perspective in adults and older adults with physical disability

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marineia Crosara de Resende


    Full Text Available Foram investigadas relações entre senso de ajustamento psicológico e perspectiva de velhice em adultos e idosos com deficiência física. Participaram 90 pessoas, de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 25 e 84 anos, que responderam aos instrumentos: questionários sociodemografico e sobre a deficiência física; Inventário Sheppard de Atitudes em Relação à Velhice Pessoal; Escala de Desenvolvimento Pessoal (ajustamento psicológico. Os índices de ajustamento pessoal foram de moderados a altos, mas as mulheres pontuaram mais baixo. Para toda a amostra, quanto maior o senso de ajustamento, mais positiva a perspectiva de velhice pessoal. Os com deficiência congênita e os mais ajustados psicologicamente mostraram perspectivas mais positivas de velhice pessoal. Concluiu-se que envelhecer com uma deficiência física é um processo que exige competência adaptativa e resiliência aos eventos de vida e aos desafios acarretados pela deficiência.Realizamos una investigación para analizar las relaciones entre el ajuste psicológico y la perspectiva percibida del envejecimiento personal en adulto y adultos mayores con discapacidad física. Materiales y método: 90 participantes, ambos géneros, adultos con 25 a 84 respondieron a cuestionarios contestados pidiendo la información sobre características socio demográficas y discapacidad; el inventario de Sheppard de actitudes acerca del propio envejecimiento; y una escala que determina el ajuste psicológico percibido. Resultados: Los índices del ajuste personal eran moderados y altos. Las mujeres tenían las cuentas más bajas. Había correlaciones positivas observadas entre el ajuste psicológico positivo y las actitudes positivas acerca del propio envejecimiento. Los que tenían discapacidad congénita y el ajuste psicológico más alto divulgado demostraron perspectivas más positivas del envejecimiento personal. Conclusión: El envejecer con discapacidad física es un proceso complejo que

  11. Ajuste de particiones planas mediante diagramas de Voronoi discretos


    García Bernal, Daniel


    La geometría computacional se centra en el diseño y análisis de algoritmos para problemas geométricos. En la última decada, esta disciplina ha atraído un enorme interés. Pero ha sido en los últimos a~nos cuando se ha incrementado el interés en una estructura geométrica, concretamente los diagramas de Voronoi. No solo por sus características y propiedades matemáticas, sino también por aparecer ampliamente relacionados con fenómenos y procesos físicos que se dan en la naturale...

  12. Pareto-optimal multi-objective dimensionality reduction deep auto-encoder for mammography classification. (United States)

    Taghanaki, Saeid Asgari; Kawahara, Jeremy; Miles, Brandon; Hamarneh, Ghassan


    Feature reduction is an essential stage in computer aided breast cancer diagnosis systems. Multilayer neural networks can be trained to extract relevant features by encoding high-dimensional data into low-dimensional codes. Optimizing traditional auto-encoders works well only if the initial weights are close to a proper solution. They are also trained to only reduce the mean squared reconstruction error (MRE) between the encoder inputs and the decoder outputs, but do not address the classification error. The goal of the current work is to test the hypothesis that extending traditional auto-encoders (which only minimize reconstruction error) to multi-objective optimization for finding Pareto-optimal solutions provides more discriminative features that will improve classification performance when compared to single-objective and other multi-objective approaches (i.e. scalarized and sequential). In this paper, we introduce a novel multi-objective optimization of deep auto-encoder networks, in which the auto-encoder optimizes two objectives: MRE and mean classification error (MCE) for Pareto-optimal solutions, rather than just MRE. These two objectives are optimized simultaneously by a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm. We tested our method on 949 X-ray mammograms categorized into 12 classes. The results show that the features identified by the proposed algorithm allow a classification accuracy of up to 98.45%, demonstrating favourable accuracy over the results of state-of-the-art methods reported in the literature. We conclude that adding the classification objective to the traditional auto-encoder objective and optimizing for finding Pareto-optimal solutions, using evolutionary multi-objective optimization, results in producing more discriminative features. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Iterative model-building, structure refinement, and density modification with the PHENIX AutoBuild Wizard

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Los Alamos National Laboratory, Mailstop M888, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, One Cyclotron Road, Building 64R0121, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA; Department of Haematology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 0XY, England; Terwilliger, Thomas; Terwilliger, T.C.; Grosse-Kunstleve, Ralf Wilhelm; Afonine, P.V.; Moriarty, N.W.; Zwart, P.H.; Hung, L.-W.; Read, R.J.; Adams, P.D.


    The PHENIX AutoBuild Wizard is a highly automated tool for iterative model-building, structure refinement and density modification using RESOLVE or TEXTAL model-building, RESOLVE statistical density modification, and phenix.refine structure refinement. Recent advances in the AutoBuild Wizard and phenix.refine include automated detection and application of NCS from models as they are built, extensive model completion algorithms, and automated solvent molecule picking. Model completion algorithms in the AutoBuild Wizard include loop-building, crossovers between chains in different models of a structure, and side-chain optimization. The AutoBuild Wizard has been applied to a set of 48 structures at resolutions ranging from 1.1 {angstrom} to 3.2 {angstrom}, resulting in a mean R-factor of 0.24 and a mean free R factor of 0.29. The R-factor of the final model is dependent on the quality of the starting electron density, and relatively independent of resolution.

  14. Numerical Analysis of the Interaction between Thermo-Fluid Dynamics and Auto-Ignition Reaction in Spark Ignition Engines (United States)

    Saijyo, Katsuya; Nishiwaki, Kazuie; Yoshihara, Yoshinobu

    The CFD simulations were performed integrating the low-temperature oxidation reaction. Analyses were made with respect to the first auto-ignition location in the case of a premixed-charge compression auto-ignition in a laminar flow field and in the case of the auto-ignition in an end gas during an S. I. Engine combustion process. In the latter simulation, the spatially-filtered transport equations were solved to express fluctuating temperatures in a turbulent flow in consideration of strong non-linearity to temperature in the reaction equations. It is suggested that the first auto-ignition location does not always occur at higher-temperature locations and that the difference in the locations of the first auto-ignition depends on the time period during which the local end gas temperature passes through the region of shorter ignition delay, including the NTC region.

  15. Competitive strategies of late followers in auto industry: Case study Hyundai-Kia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rakita Branko


    Full Text Available This paper analyzes competitive strategy of late followers in auto industry in the case of Hyundai Kia Auto Group (HKAG. The global economic crisis has had a strong impact on the leaders in auto industry. HKAG took advantage of the crisis and increased sales and global market share at the expense of the leaders in the industry. We found that during the crisis the company achieved excellent results thanks to innovative marketing and sales strategies combined with top quality, product design and productivity. Growing competition and changes in business environment in the post-crisis period jeopardized the future growth of the company. The company reacted to the changes in business environment by shifting the focus to the luxury segment and green vehicles, by launching independent luxury brand Genesis and by scaling up investment in R&D.

  16. Comparison of two (geometric) algorithms for auto OMA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Juul, Martin; Olsen, Peter; Balling, Ole


    parameters. The two algorithms are compared and illustrated on simulated data. Different choices of distance measures are discussed and evaluated. It is illustrated how a simple distance measure outperforms traditional distance measures from other Auto OMA algorithms. Traditional measures are unable...

  17. A Moment in the Auto/biographical Enterprise | Jansen | Current ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Abstract. Judith Lütge Coullie, Stephan Meyer, Thengani H Ngwenya and Thomas Olver (eds). (2006) Selves in Question: Interviews on Southern African Auto/biography. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.

  18. Estudio de apoptosis linfoide por esteroides en 1 caso con miastenia gravis: Seguimiento por ultrasonografía

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    Leticia de la Caridad Christian López


    Full Text Available La miastenia gravis es una entidad clínica de origen autoinmune, cuya terapia habitual se realiza con drogas anticolinérgicas, la timectomía o la terapia con esteroides. Fue el objetivo del trabajo el conocer los cambios que se producen en el tamaño del área tímica, con el uso de esteroides, en una paciente de 2 años de edad, que presentaba miastenia gravis juvenil, con una hiperplasia tímica. Esta glándula alcanzó un área máxima de 1 928 mm. Con el uso de la prednisona a 60 mg por semanas se produjo una timectomía medicamentosa, con la reducción del área tímica a 439 mm y remisión total de la sintomatología. Se realizaron las mediciones periódicamente durante un año de los cambios del área de este órgano. No se produjeron recaídas de la enfermedad de base. La ultrasonografía demostró ser un método útil, por ser rápido, barato y no invasiva y permite un ajuste adecuado de la dosis de esteroides que se administrará.Myasthenia gravis is a clinical agent of autoimmune origin, whose habitual therapy includes anticholinergic drugs, thymectomy, or therapy with steroids. The objective of this paper was to know the changes that occur in the size of the thymic area in a 2-year-old patient with juvenile myasthenia gravis and with thymic hyperplasia. This gland reached a maximum area of 1 928 mm and with the use of 60 mg of prednisone per week a medicamentosus thymectomy was performed with the reduction of the thymic area to 439 mm and total remission of the symptomatology. The changes of the area of this organ were periodically measured during a year. There were no relapses of the base disease. The ultrasonography proved to be a useful method, since it is fast, cheap and noninvasive and allows an adequate control of the steroids dose to be administered.

  19. Prevalência de diagnóstico auto-referido de osteoporose, Brasil, 2006 Prevalencia de diagnóstico auto-referido de osteoporosis, Brasil, 2006 Prevalence of self-reported diagnosis of osteoporosis in Brazil, 2006

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lígia Araujo Martini


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de osteoporose auto-referida (com diagnóstico médico prévio e de fatores de risco e proteção associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal baseado em dados do sistema de Vigilância de Fatores de Risco e Proteção para Doenças Crônicas por Inquérito Telefônico (VIGITEL. Foram entrevistados 54.369 indivíduos com idade >18 anos residentes em domicílios servidos por pelo menos uma linha telefônica fixa nas capitais brasileiras e Distrito Federal em 2006. Estimativas de osteoporose segundo fatores socioeconômicos, comportamentais e índice de massa corporal foram estratificadas por sexo. Foram calculados riscos de ocorrência de osteoporose para cada variável individualmente, e em modelo multivariado, considerando-se odds ratio como proxy da razão de prevalência. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de osteoporose referida foi de 4,4%, predominantemente entre mulheres (7,0%, com idade >45 anos, estado civil não solteiro e ex-fumante. Entre homens, ter mais de 65 anos, ser casado ou viúvo e sedentário associaram-se positivamente ao desfecho. CONCLUSÕES: Dentre os fatores associados à osteoporose, destacam-se aspectos modificáveis relacionados com a prevenção da doença, como a atividade física e tabagismo.OBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia de osteoporosis auto-referida (con diagnóstico médico previo y de factores de riesgo y protección asociados. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal basado en datos del Sistema de Vigilancia de Factores de Riesgo y Protección para Enfermedades Crónicas por Pesquisa Telefónica (VIGITEL. Fueron entrevistados 54.369 individuos con edad >18 años residentes en domicilios servidos por al menos una línea telefónica fija en las capitales brasileras y Distrito Federal en 2006. Estimaciones de osteoporosis según factores socioeconómicos, de comportamiento e índice de masa corporal fueron estratificados por sexo. Fueron calculados riesgos de ocurrencia de osteoporosis para cada

  20. When should we perform a repeat training on adrenaline auto-injector use for physician trainees? (United States)

    Topal, E; Bakirtas, A; Yilmaz, O; Karagol, I H E; Arga, M; Demirsoy, M S; Turktas, I


    Studies demonstrate that both doctors and patients may use adrenaline auto-injector improperly and the usage skills are improved by training. In this study, we aimed to determine the appropriate frequency of training to maintain skills for adrenaline auto-injector use. We invited all interns of 2011-2012 training period. At baseline, all participants were given theoretical and practical training on adrenaline auto-injector use. The participants were randomly assigned into two groups. We asked those in group 1 to demonstrate the use of adrenaline auto-injector trainer in the third month and those in group 2 in the sixth month. One hundred and sixty interns were enrolled. Compared with the beginning score, demonstration of skills at all the steps and total scores did not change for the group tested in the third month (p=0.265 and p=0.888, respectively). However; for the group examined in the sixth month; the demonstration of skills for proper use of the auto-injector at all steps and the mean time to administer adrenaline decreased (p=0.018 and padrenaline (p<0.001) and presumptive self-injection into thumb (p=0.029). Auto-injector usage skills of physician trainees decrease after the sixth month and are better in those who had skill reinforcement at 3 months, suggesting continued education and skill reinforcement may be useful. Copyright © 2013 SEICAP. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.