
Sample records for hiponatremia aguda grave

  1. Resultados do tratamento da pancreatite aguda grave

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    Franz Robert Apodaca-Torrez

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados do Protocolo de Atendimento de pacientes com diagnóstico de pancreatite aguda grave. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados, consecutivamente, a partir de janeiro de 2002, idade, sexo, etiologia, tempo de internação, tipo de tratamento e mortalidade de 37 pacientes portadores de pancreatite aguda grave. RESULTADOS: A idade dos pacientes variou de 20 a 88 anos (média de 50 anos; 27% foram do sexo feminino e 73% do masculino. O tempo médio global de internação foi 47 dias. Treze pacientes foram tratados cirurgicamente; a média de operações realizadas foi duas por paciente. Ocorreram seis óbitos dentre os pacientes submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico (46% e dois óbitos no grupo submetido somente ao tratamento clínico (8,3%. A mortalidade global foi 21% CONCLUSÃO: Após a modificação na forma de abordagem dos pacientes com pancreatite aguda grave, houve diminuição da mortalidade e uma tendência para a conduta expectante.

  2. Pancreatitis aguda grave asociada a gangrena vesicular


    Arroyo-Sánchez, Abel S; Aguirre-Mejía, Rosa Y; Echenique-Martínez, Sergio E


    Se presenta el caso un paciente diabético que desarrolló un cuadro de pancreatitis aguda grave asociada a gangrena vesicular, en el que se evaluó la aplicabilidad de los criterios de clasificación y manejo de la hoja de ruta para pancreatitis aguda, así mismo se proponen algunos tópicos que pudieran ser investigados a futuro We present a diabetic patient who developed severe acute pancreatitis associated to gallbladder gangrene, in this case we assessed the applicability of classification ...

  3. Rabdomiólise recorrente secundária à hiponatremia em doente com polidipsia psicogênica primária

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    Diana Tavares Aguiar


    Full Text Available A rabdomiólise é caracterizada por destruição de tecido muscular esquelético, sendo as suas principais causas o trauma, os tóxicos e os distúrbios hidroeletrolíticos. Entre esses últimos, inclui-se a rabdomiólise induzida por hiponatremia, uma situação rara, que ocorre principalmente em doentes com polidipsia psicogênica. Esta acomete maioritariamente doentes com esquizofrenia, cursando com hiponatremia em quase 25% dos casos. É também nesse contexto que a rabdomiólise secundária a hiponatremia ocorre mais frequentemente. Neste artigo, descreveu-se o caso de um homem de 49 anos, com antecedentes de esquizofrenia, medicado com clozapina, trazido ao serviço de urgência por quadro de coma e convulsões. Foi objetivada hiponatremia hiposmolar grave, com edema cerebral em tomografia computorizada, sendo feito posteriormente o diagnóstico de hiponatremia secundária à polidipsia psicogênica. Foi iniciada terapêutica de correção de hiponatremia e internado em unidade de terapia intensiva. Feita correção de hiponatremia, contudo apresentou analiticamente marcada rabdomiólise, de agravamento crescente, com creatinofosfoquinase de 44.058UI/L no 3º dia de internação. Houve posterior redução progressiva com a terapêutica, sem ocorrência de lesão renal. Este caso alerta para a necessidade de monitorização dos marcadores de rabdomiólise na hiponatremia grave, ilustrando um quadro de rabdomiólise secundária à hiponatremia induzida por polidipsia psicogênica, situação a considerar em doentes sob terapêutica com neurolépticos.

  4. Intoxicaciones agudas graves en un servicio de medicina intensiva durante doce años

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    Palazón Sánchez C


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Conocer la epidemiología de las intoxicaciones agudas graves en un servicio de medicina intensiva y evaluar el pronóstico de la PCR y mortalidad asociada a los distintos tóxicos Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo realizado en el servicio de medicina intensiva polivalente de 10 camas, ubicado en un Hospital General de adultos. Período de estudio 12 años. Revisión de las historias clínicas de las personas ingresadas en el servicio de medicina intensiva por intoxicaciones agudas graves. Se recogieron datos demográficos, existencia de PCR al ingreso, necesidad de VM, complicaciones de las intoxicaciones agudas graves y mortalidad de la serie. Se realizó un análisis global y por año de estudio. El tratamiento estadístico de los datos se realizó con el paquete SPSS mediante la "t" de Student o la "chi" cuadrado, considerando valores significativos si p<0,05 Resultados: Se han incluido 233 sujetos, de los que 130 fueron varones. La estancia media fue de 4 días. El 63% de los pacientes fueron menores de 40 años (p<0,05. La intoxicación más frecuente fue la medicamentosa debida a un solo producto (72%. La supervivencia tras la PCR fue del 40% (4/10. La mortalidad global se situó en el 5,6% (n=13, habiendo precisado el 92% de los sujetos que posteriormente murieron, VM en algún momento de su ingreso en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. Conclusiones: En nuestro medio, la intoxicación más frecuente es la medicamentosa. La mortalidad se muestra dependiente del carácter de voluntariedad, pero independiente del tipo de tóxico (medicamentoso o no. La PCR asociada a las intoxicaciones agudas graves tiene, en nuestra serie, un mejor pronostico que la asociada a otras patologías. La VM asociada a las intoxicaciones agudas graves tiene una mortalidad baja (15,7%

  5. O mosaico patogênico da pancreatite aguda grave

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    Márcio Cavalcante Carneiro

    Full Text Available A pancreatite aguda tem sido alvo de grandes discussões que vão desde o entendimento de sua fisiopatologia até a investigação de novas modalidades terapêuticas. Reconhece-se que a necrose pancreática e a falência orgânica múltipla - mormente associadas à infecção - representam os principais fatores determinantes da evolução para o óbito, mas, apesar dos grandes avanços em seu estudo, a doença permanece como um desafio para o clínico e o cirurgião. Deste modo, um melhor conhecimento dos mecanismos envolvidos em sua fisiopatologia pode ser a chave para um tratamento mais eficaz, principalmente em relação às formas graves, cuja letalidade ainda encontra-se substancialmente elevada. Baseado nestas considerações, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo a revisão bibliográfica da fisiopatologia, dos fatores patogênicos envolvidos na história natural da pancreatite aguda grave e dos eventos associados à síndrome da resposta inflamatória sistêmica e à sepse, esboçando-se assim o mosaico patogênico desta importante condição.

  6. Hiponatremias hospitalarias


    Sánchez de la Nieta García, María Dolores


    INTRODUCCIÓN La hiponatremia constituye la principal alteración hidroelectrolítica en el medio hospitalario, aunque habitualmente pasa desaparecida probablemente por cursar mayoritariamente de forma asintomática, por su aparente baja mortalidad o por la insuficiente comprensión de sus génesis y tratamiento por facultativos no nefrológos. Al revisar la literatura reciente, cada vez son más los estudios que analizan las hiponatremias y su incidencia. Actualmente se reconoce como un trastorno co...

  7. Efeito da hipertermia na pancreatite aguda grave experimental

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    Maurício Gustavo Ieri Yamanari

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar os efeitos da hipertermia na pancreatite aguda (PA grave experimental induzida por ácido taurocólico. MÉTODO: A PA grave foi induzida pela injeção retrógrada de ácido taurocólico a 2,5% ou 5% no ducto pancreático principal. Após a indução, os animais foram colocados numa gaiola contendo duas lâmpadas de 100 W. A temperatura corporal foi aumentada para 39,5ºC e mantida neste nível por 45 minutos. Foram estudados taxa de mortalidade em 72 horas, permeabilidade vascular no pâncreas, porcentagem de água no tecido pancreático, amilase sérica, histologia (edema, necrose acinar e infiltrado inflamatório e níveis séricos de IL-6 e IL-10. RESULTADOS: Não houve alteração em nenhum dos parâmetros avaliados. CONCLUSÃO: Não há benefício da hipertermia na PA grave experimental induzida por ácido taurocólico.

  8. Intoxicaciones agudas graves en un servicio de medicina intensiva durante doce años

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    César Palazón Sánchez


    Full Text Available Conocer 12 epidemiología de las u~tux~- aciones agudas graves en un servicio de medicina intensiva y evaluar el pronóstico de la PCR y mortalidad asociada a los distintos tóxicos.

  9. Hiponatremia associada a antidepressivos: uma revisão

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    Margarete Costa

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo Rever a literatura mais recente sobre a associação entre a hiponatremia e o uso de antidepressivos. Métodos Pesquisa bibliográfica nas bases de dados PubMed e SciELO, com os descritores “antidepressive agents” e “hyponatremia”, incluindo artigos de janeiro de 2006 a maio de 2016. Resultados Foram incluídos 45 artigos. A idade, o sexo feminino e a polimedicação são os fatores de risco mais relevantes, e os sintomas dependem da gravidade da hiponatremia. A hiponatremia pode ter várias causas, sendo a mais comum a síndrome da secreção inapropriada do hormônio antidiurético. Entre os inibidores seletivos da recaptação de serotonina, o citalopram e o escitalopram apresentam risco superior, à semelhança da venlafaxina. O risco de hiponatremia parece ser inferior com as classes restantes, à exceção dos inibidores da monoaminoxidase. Recomenda-se um ionograma prévio ao tratamento em doentes com mais de 60 anos e, sempre, um ionograma um mês após o seu início. O primeiro passo do tratamento é a suspensão do fármaco, revertendo a maioria dos casos leves. No entanto, o tratamento deve ser individualizado, considerando os riscos da hiponatremia e da correção. Conclusões A hiponatremia é um efeito colateral a considerar nos doentes que tomam antidepressivos. Quando a manutenção do tratamento é necessária, deve ser evitado o mesmo antidepressivo ou outro da mesma classe, sendo opções a trazodona, abupropiona, a agomelatina, a mirtazapina e a reboxetina, porque existem poucos relatos de hiponatremia com esses fármacos.

  10. Guía de práctica clínica sobre el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la hiponatremia

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    Goce Spasovski


    Full Text Available La hiponatremia se define como una concentración sérica de sodio <135 mmol/L y es el trastorno hidroelectrolítico más frecuente en la práctica clínica. La hiponatremia puede causar un amplio espectro de síntomas clínicos, desde sutiles hasta graves o incluso mortales, y se asocia con aumento de la morbimortalidad y prolongación de la estancia hospitalaria. A pesar de ello, el manejo de los pacientes con hiponatremia sigue siendo problemático. La prevalencia de hiponatremia en enfermedades muy diferentes y su manejo por muy diversos especialistas han fomentado la existencia de protocolos de diagnóstico y tratamiento muy diversos, que varían con la especialidad y la institución. La Sociedad Europea de Medicina Intensiva (ESICM, la Sociedad Europea de Endocrinología (ESE y la Asociación Renal Europea-Asociación Europea de Diálisis y Trasplante (ERA-EDTA, representada por la European Renal Best Practices (ERBP, han desarrollado la guía de práctica clínica sobre el enfoque diagnóstico y tratamiento de la hiponatremia como una empresa conjunta de las 3 sociedades que representan a los especialistas con un interés natural en la hiponatremia, a fin de ofrecer una visión común y holística del abordaje del problema. Además de ofrecer un enfoque riguroso en la metodología y la evaluación de la evidencia, el documento está centrado en resultados importantes para el paciente y en facilitar una herramienta útil para los médicos en la práctica clínica cotidiana. Presentamos ahora una versión abreviada de las recomendaciones y sugerencias sobre el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la hiponatremia recogidas en la guía completa.

  11. Uso do sulfato de magnésio venoso para tratamento da asma aguda grave da criança no pronto-socorro

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    Tânia Mara Baraky Bittar


    Full Text Available A asma aguda grave é uma emergência médica que deve ser diagnosticada e tratada rapidamente. O tratamento inicial inclui broncodilatadores e corticosteróides sistêmicos. Em casos graves, com fraca resposta ao tratamento padrão, o sulfato de magnésio venoso surge como opção terapêutica. O objetivo deste artigo foi revisar a literatura sobre o uso do sulfato de magnésio venoso na asma aguda em crianças no pronto-socorro no que se refere a eficácia, indicação, dosagem, efeitos adversos e contraindicações. Realizada revisão narrativa por meio das Bases de dados Medline, Lilacs e Cochrane Database of Systmatic Reviews, entre 2000 e 2010. Utilizados os descritores: asthma, children, emergency, magnesium sulfate. Incluídos oito ensaios clínicos controlados, três meta-análises, um estudo retrospectivo, oito artigos de revisão e um estudo transversal. A eficácia do magnésio venoso em crianças foi observada por vários autores, com raros efeitos adversos. Seu uso foi indicado para os pacientes com asma aguda moderada e grave que não responderam ao tratamento inicial com broncodilatador e corticosteróide. As contraindicações em pediatria são poucas. Entre elas estão insuficiência renal e bloqueio atrioventricular. Existem poucos relatos da interação do magnésio com drogas de uso pediátrico. Apesar da segurança, na prática, o magnésio venoso é pouco usado na asma aguda em pediatria. Na maioria das vezes, é indicado tardiamente para impedir falência respiratória e internação na unidade de cuidados intensivos. Os estudos demonstram que o magnésio venoso é uma droga eficaz e segura na criança com asma aguda grave, porém o seu uso no pronto-socorro ainda é limitado.

  12. Insuficiência renal aguda em pacientes com sepse grave: fatores prognósticos = Acute renal injury in patients with severe sepsis: prognostic factors

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    Okamoto, Thábata Yaedu


    Conclusões: A insuficiência renal aguda foi ocorrência comum nos pacientes com sepse, fazendo parte de um quadro de disfunção de múltiplos órgãos e sistemas, particularmente nos pacientes com diagnóstico de choque séptico, estando associada a aumento da probabilidade de morte nesses pacientes graves. O uso de drogas vasoativas foi o único fator de risco para mortalidade em pacientes com sepse e insuficiência renal aguda que se manteve na análise multivariada. Estes resultados apontam para a importância do tratamento precoce dos quadros de sepse grave a tempo de prevenir a evolução para choque séptico e para insuficiência renal

  13. Changes in the management of patients with severe acute pancreatitis Mudanças no manejo de doentes com pancreatite aguda grave

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    Tercio De Campos


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Severe acute pancreatitis is present in up to 25% of patients with acute pancreatitis, with considerable mortality. Changes in the management of acute pancreatitis in the last 2 decades contributed to reduce the mortality. AIM: To show the evolution in the management of severe acute pancreatitis, comparing two different approaches. METHODS: All patients with severe acute pancreatitis from 1999 to 2005 were included. We compared the results of a retrospective review from 1999 to 2002 (group A with a prospective protocol, from 2003 to 2005 (group B. In group A severe pancreatitis was defined by the presence of systemic or local complications. In group B the Atlanta criteria were used to define severity. The variables analyzed were: age, gender, etiology, APACHE II, leukocytes, bicarbonate, fluid collections and necrosis on computed tomography, surgical treatment and mortality. RESULTS: Seventy-one patients were classified as severe, 24 in group A and 47 in group B. The mean APACHE II in groups A and B were 10.7 ± 3.5 and 9.3 ± 4.5, respectively. Necrosis was seen in 12 patients (50% in group A and in 21 patients (44.7% in group B. Half of the patients in group A and two (4.3% in group B underwent to pancreatic interventions. Mortality reached 45.8% in group A and 8.5% in group B. CONCLUSION: A specific approach and a prospective protocol can change the results in the treatment of patients with severe acute pancreatitis.RACIONAL: A pancreatite aguda grave está presente em até 25% dos doentes com pancreatite aguda, com mortalidade considerável. Mudanças no tratamento da pancreatite aguda nas últimas duas décadas contribuíram para a redução da mortalidade destes doentes. OBJETIVO: Mostrar a evolução do manejo da pancreatite aguda, comparando duas diferentes abordagens. MÉTODOS: Todos os doentes com pancreatite aguda grave de 1999 a 2005 do Serviço de Emergência da Santa Casa de São Paulo, SP, foram incluídos. Os

  14. Algunas observaciones sobre la apendicitis aguda en los niños

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    Luis Piñeros Suárez


    Full Text Available La apendicitis aguda en los niños, presenta actitudes particulares que diferencian de la apendicitis aguda del adulto y que vienen a formar grupos clínicos casi exclusivamente de la infancia. De una manera general, las formas más graves, las formas fulminantes de la apendicitis aguda se encuentran especialmente en la infancia y en estas formas graves llama poderosamente la atención, la falta de relación entre los signos clínicos observados y la importancia de las lesiones encontradas en el apéndice y el peritoneo, pues en los niños con signos de intensidad media y sin que se hayan presentado los síntomas que en el adulto caracterizan las formas graves de apendicitis, podemos encontrar en las operaciones practicadas en las primeras 24 a 36 horas, peritonitis generalizadas, formas de apendicitis gangrenosas, que no son frecuentes en el adulto y mucho menos en un lapso de tiempo tan corto.

  15. Nutritional support in patients with severe acute pancreatitis Soporte nutricional en pacientes con pancreatitis aguda grave

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    Mónica Marcela Peláez Hernández


    Full Text Available Severe acute pancreatitis is associated with a systemic inflammatory response leading to a hypermetabolic, hypercatabolic condition; for those reasons, patients suffering from this disease require an excellent artificial nutritional support in order to maintain the structural integrity and the function of vital organs with minimal pancreatic secretion. Total parenteral nutrition has been the standard practice in the treatment of patients with severe acute pancreatitis because of the favorable outcomes of early nutritional support while avoiding pancreatic stimulation; however, recent evidence suggests there are potentially greater benefits with enteral as compared with parenteral nutrition, including fewer septic and metabolic complications and lesser costs. That is why present guidelines for the management of acute pancreatitis recommend that enteral instead of parenteral nutrition be used in patients with severe acute pancreatitis. La pancreatitis aguda, especialmente en su forma grave, está asociada con una respuesta inflamatoria sistémica que lleva a un estado de hipermetabolismo e hipercatabolismo, en el que se requiere un excelente soporte nutricional que permita mantener la integridad estructural y la función de los órganos vitales con un estímulo mínimo de la secreción pancreática. La nutrición parenteral total era el soporte de elección, que permitía obtener todos los beneficios de la nutrición temprana sin estimular la secreción pancreática; pero la evidencia actual muestra mayores beneficios con la nutrición enteral, porque se asocia con menos complicaciones infecciosas y metabólicas y con disminución en los costos. Por ello las guías actuales de tratamiento de la pancreatitis aguda grave recomiendan como primera elección el soporte nutricional enteral.

  16. Injuria renal aguda en la sepsis grave Acute kidney injury in severe sepsis

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    Hernán Trimarchi


    Full Text Available La sepsis afecta al 40% de los pacientes críticos, siendo su mortalidad de aproximadamente un 30% en el caso de la sepsis grave, y de 75% con injuria renal aguda, la cual sucede en el 20-51% de los casos. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, observacional, longitudinal, en 80 pacientes sépticos graves en el lapso de 1 año para determinar el desarrollo de injuria renal aguda y su relación con la mortalidad; correlacionar antecedentes clínicos y variaciones del laboratorio con la mortalidad; determinar la tasa de mortalidad de la sepsis grave; relacionar óbito y foco séptico primario; evaluar la predictibilidad de mortalidad según niveles de creatinina de ingreso y sus variaciones finales. Se definieron dos grupos: Obito (n = 25 y No-óbito (n = 55. Analizados según la creatinina de ingreso, 39 tenían valores normales de creatinina (10 óbitos y 41 la presentaban elevada (15 óbitos; según la creatinina de egreso, 48 presentaron creatinina normal y fallecieron 7, mientras que 32 tenían daño renal agudo, de los cuales 18 fallecieron. De los 25 pacientes fallecidos, el 72% presentaron daño renal. De éstos, 7 pacientes vivos y 2 fallecidos requirieron hemodiálisis. El foco primario más frecuente fue el respiratorio (26.4%. El desarrollo de daño renal es un alto predictor de mortalidad en la sepsis, independientemente de los valores iniciales de creatinina. Edad más avanzada, hipertensión arterial, score APACHE más elevado, anemia más grave, hipoalbuminemia, hiperfosfatemia e hiperkalemia se asociaron a mayor mortalidad. La mortalidad global fue 31.3%. La imposibilidad de identificar el foco séptico primario se asoció a mayor mortalidad. El foco respiratorio se relacionó a mayor riesgo de requerir hemodiálisis.Sepsis affects 40% of critically ill patients, with a reported mortality of approximately 30% in severe sepsis, raising to 75% when acute kidney injury ensues, which occurs in about 20-51% of cases. The present study

  17. La hiponatremia como marcador de riesgo en pacientes sometidos a implante de desfibrilador en prevención primaria

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    Ana Andrés Lahuerta


    Conclusiones: La hiponatremia ligera en el momento del implante de un desfibrilador se asocia a una mayor incidencia de ingreso por insuficiencia cardiaca en el seguimiento, mientras que en el caso de una hiponatremia moderada-severa, se asocia a un riesgo de muerte 4 veces mayor.

  18. Pneumonia eosinofílica aguda com evolução para síndroma de dificuldade respiratória aguda: caso clínico


    J.P.F. Baptista; P.C. Casanova; J.P.A. Sousa; P.J. Martins; A. Simões; V. Fernandes; J. Souto; J.J. Costa; A. Rebelo; L. Carvalho; J. Pimentel


    RESUMO: Os autores apresentam um caso de pneumonia eosinofílica aguda (PEA) associada a síndroma de dificuldade respiratória aguda grave num adolescente previamente saudável, medicado com nitrofurantoína. A PEA deve ser incluída no diagnóstico diferencial da pneumonia adquirida na comunidade, bem como na lista das patologias causadoras de síndroma de dificuldade respiratória aguda, e o seu diagnóstico deve ser sugerido pela presença de alveolite eosinofílica no líquido de lavagem broncoalveol...

  19. Factores de riesgo para infección respiratoria aguda baja grave en Bogotá, 2001.

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    María Belén Jaimes


    Full Text Available La gravedad de la infección respiratoria aguda (IRA es mayor en países en desarrollo, sobre todo entre grupos social y económicamente pobres. Las neumonías virales son las más comunes, especialmente en niños. Con el fin de medir algunos factores asociados con formas graves de infección respiratoria baja realizamos un estudio de casos y controles prospectivo y de base hospitalaria en Bogotá entre noviembre de 2000 y agosto de 2001. Los casos fueron niños entre 2 meses y 5 años que llenaban los criterios de la OMS para IRA grave o muy grave. Los controles eran niños con IRA en el mismo rango de edad, que consultaban al mismo hospital y que no presentaban tirajes. Se estudiaron 638 niños entre los 2 meses y los 5 años de edad (277 casos y 361 controles. Los factores más importantes fueron: vivienda en préstamo (OR=2,7; IC95%: 1,06-7,07, compartir la cama (OR=1,88; IC95%: 1,0-3,7, más de 9 personas en la misma casa (OR=1,82; IC95%: 1,0-3,51 y fumadores en la vivienda (OR=1,4; IC95%: 1,0-2,05. Se tomaron 114 muestras nasofaríngeas (niños con 3 días de haber iniciado síntomas y se obtuvieron virus en 98 de ellas, y se identificó el virus sincitial respiratorio en 41,8%, virus influenza A en 3,1% y virus influenza B en 1%. El 100% de los aislamientos positivos para influenza A y B fueron enviados al CDC en Atlanta, donde fueron clasificados como influenza A/PANAMA/2007/99-like e influenza B/SICHUAN/379/99-like, respectivamente.

  20. Classificação de gravidade na pancreatite aguda

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    Tercio De Campos

    Full Text Available De acordo com a Classificação de Atlanta a pancreatite aguda pode ser dividida, baseado em sua severidade, em uma forma leve ou grave. Uma série de aspectos têm sido discutidos nos últimos anos, tais como, quantas categorias de gravidade devem ser consideradas; se o doente com falência orgânica é igual ao doente com necrose infectada; qual o papel da falência orgânica transitória; e como avaliar a falência orgânica. A reunião de revista"Telemedicina Baseada em Evidência - Cirurgia do Trauma e Emergência" (TBE-CiTE realizou uma avaliação crítica de artigos relacionados a este tema, considerando três artigos recentes que delinearam duas grandes revisões publicadas nos últimos meses. Estes artigos sugerem a classificação de gravidade em três ou quatro categorias, ao invés de pancreatite aguda leve ou grave, além de discutir qual o melhor escore para avaliar a falência orgânica. As seguintes recomendações foram propostas: (1 A pancreatite aguda deve ser classificada em quatro categorias: leve, moderada, grave e crítica, o que permite uma melhor determinação das características dos doentes; (2 Avaliação de falência orgânica com um escore de gravidade, preferencialmente algum que avalie diretamente cada falência orgânica, tais como o SOFA e o MODS (Marshall. O SOFA parece ter maior acurácia, mas o MODS tem melhor aplicabilidade devido à facilidade de uso.

  1. Estudo comparativo, prospectivo e randomizado do resultado de duas formas de tratamento clínico das lesões ligamentares primárias agudas e graves do tornozelo


    Marcelo Pires Prado


    Objetivo: Este trabalho tem como objetivo a avaliação dos resultados funcionais, e da incidência da instabilidade articular mecânica, resultantes do tratamento clínico das lesões ligamentares primárias, agudas e graves do tornozelo (associada a instabilidade articular). Esta lesão é extremamente frequente e acomete indivíduos jovens, economicamente e fisicamente ativos, causando prejuízos pessoais e econômicos importantes. Existe dificuldade no adequado diagnóstico e heterogeneidade na escolh...

  2. NGAL urinária em pacientes sem e com lesão renal aguda em unidade de terapia intensiva

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    Mirian Watanabe


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia diagnóstica e prognóstica da lipocalina associada à gelatinase neutrofílica urinária em pacientes de unidade de terapia intensiva. Métodos: Estudo do tipo coorte, prospectivo, longitudinal desenvolvido em uma unidade de terapia intensiva clínica especializada em cardiologia. Os pacientes foram estratificados segundo os grupos sem e com lesão renal aguda, acompanhados a partir das primeiras 24 horas de internação até a alta hospitalar ou óbito. A creatinina sérica, o fluxo urinário e a lipocalina associada à gelatinase neutrofílica urinária foram coletadas em dois períodos: 24 horas e 48 horas de admissão. Resultados: Foram avaliados 83 pacientes clínicos da unidade de terapia intensiva, com predomínio do gênero masculino (57,8%. Os pacientes foram agrupados em sem lesão renal aguda (N=18, com lesão renal aguda (N=28 ou com lesão renal aguda grave (N=37. Entre os pacientes com lesão renal aguda e lesão renal aguda grave, foram prevalentes os portadores de doenças crônicas, em uso de ventilação mecânica e em terapia de substituição renal, além daqueles com maiores taxas de permanência na unidade de terapia intensiva e hospitalar, e maior mortalidade. O grupo com lesão renal aguda não apresentou alteração significativa da creatinina sérica nas primeiras 24 horas na unidade de terapia intensiva, apesar dos níveis elevados de lipocalina associada à gelatinase neutrofilica urinária demonstrados nos grupos com lesão renal aguda e lesão renal aguda grave (p<0,001. Níveis elevados de lipocalina associada à gelatinase neutrofílica urinária na amostra foram associados ao óbito. Conclusão: A elevação nos níveis de lipocalina associada à gelatinase neutrofílica urinária antecede as variações da creatinina sérica em pacientes com lesão renal aguda e pode ser associada ao óbito.

  3. Caracterización epidemiológica de la infección respiratoria aguda grave y circulación viral en Boyacá, julio de 2012 a julio de 2013


    García García, Constanza Marcela


    Objetivo. Caracterizar clínica y epidemiológicamente la Infección respiratoria aguda grave y circulación viral en Boyacá a partir de la vigilancia centinela entre Julio de 2012 y Julio de 2013. Metodología. Estudio descriptivo a partir de información del Sistema de Vigilancia en Salud Pública. La población estuvo conformada por 530 casos con muestra de hisopado nasofaríngeo de las Instituciones centinela en Tunja, las muestras se procesaron por inmunofluorescencia indirecta ...

  4. Lesão renal aguda séptica versus não séptica em pacientes graves: características e desfechos clínicos

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    Marília Galvão Cruz


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Descrever e comparar as características e os desfechos clínicos de pacientes com lesão renal aguda séptica e não séptica. Métodos: Coorte aberta com 117 pacientes graves com lesão renal aguda consecutivamente admitidos em unidade de terapia intensiva, sendo excluídos aqueles que apresentavam doença renal crônica em estágio avançado, transplante renal, internação ou morte em um período inferior a 24 horas. Presença de sepse e óbito intra-hospitalar representaram, respectivamente, a exposição e o desfecho principal. Análise de confundimento foi realizada com a regressão logística. Resultados: Não houve diferenças na média de idade entre os grupos com lesão renal aguda séptica e não séptica [65,30±(21,27 anos versus 66,35±12,82 anos; p=0,75]. Nos dois grupos, similarmente, observou-se predomínio do sexo feminino (57,4% versus 52,4%; p=0,49 e de afrodescendentes (81,5% versus 76,2%; p=0,49. Os pacientes com sepse apresentaram maiores médias de escore Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II [21,73±7,26 versus 15,75± (5,98; p18,5 (OR: 9,77; IC95%: 3,73-25,58 foram associados ao óbito. Conclusão: Sepse foi um preditor independente para óbito. Existem diferenças entre as características e desfechos clínicos dos pacientes com lesão renal aguda séptica versus não séptica.

  5. Porfiria aguda intermitente: relato de caso e revisão da literatura Acute intermittent porphyria: case report and review of the literature

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    Daniela von Ah Lopes


    Full Text Available Porfiria aguda intermitente é patologia incomum, com conseqüências potencialmente graves se não reconhecida precocemente. Dentre as possíveis causas de indução de crises de porfiria, a redução da ingestão calórica é descrita na literatura. Relatamos um caso de porfiria aguda intermitente no pós-operatório tardio de gastroplastia indicada para tratamento da obesidade, revisando aspectos do diagnóstico e tratamento da patologia na unidade de terapia intensiva. Paciente feminina, 31 anos, com história de gastroplastia há 3 semanas admitida na unidade de terapia intensiva com rebaixamento do nível de consciência e desconforto respiratório. Evoluiu com agitação psicomotora, confusão mental, dor abdominal e tetraparesia proximal. Na investigação diagnóstica foi encontrado hiponatremia grave (92 mEq/L, hipomagnesemia, hipofosfatemia e hipocalcemia, urina turva, sem hematúria. Aventou-se hipótese de porfiria aguda, realizado dosagem do ácido delta-aminolevulínico e porfobilinogênio na urina de 24h, com elevação de ambos. Iniciado tratamento com dieta rica em carboidratos, sem utilizar hematina ou arginato de heme, devido à dificuldades no fornecimento destas medicações. Evoluiu com melhora clínica gradativa e recuperação completa da força muscular após 8 meses. A porfiria aguda intermitente possui sinais e sintomas comuns a muitas patologias clínicas e neuropsiquiátricas dificultando o diagnóstico, em especial quando estes se manifestam isoladamente. Assim, deve-se incluir a porfiria aguda intermitente no diagnóstico diferencial de distúrbios neurológicos, psiquiátricos e gastroenterológicos em crises, no qual todos os demais exames estejam normais. Atenção deve ser dada a pacientes submetidos à cirurgias, em especial cirurgia bariátrica que, além do estresse cirúrgico, limita substancialmente a ingesta calórica podendo desencadear crises. Não há descrito na literatura, até o momento, nenhum

  6. Ventilação mecânica não invasiva na crise de asma aguda grave em crianças: níveis de evidências

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    Paula de Souza Silva


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade das evidências existentes para embasar diretrizes do emprego da ventilação mecânica não invasiva no manejo da crise de asma aguda grave em crianças não responsivas ao tratamento padrão. Métodos: Busca, seleção e análise de todos os artigos originais sobre asma e ventilação mecânica não invasiva em crianças, publicados até 1º de setembro de 2014, em todos os idiomas, nas bases de dados eletrônicas PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Scopus e SciELO, encontrados por meio de busca pelos descritores "asthma", "status asthmaticus", "noninvasive ventilation", "bronchospasm", "continuous positive airway pressure", "child", "infant", "pediatrics", "hypercapnia", "respiratory failure", e das palavras-chave "BIPAP", "CPAP", "bilevel", "acute asthma" e "near fatal asthma". Os artigos foram qualificados segundo os graus de evidências do Sistema GRADE. Resultados: Foram obtidos apenas nove artigos originais. Destes, dois (22% apresentaram nível de evidência A, um (11% apresentou nível de evidência B e seis (67% apresentaram nível de evidência C. Conclusão: Sugere-se que o emprego da ventilação mecânica não invasiva na crise de asma aguda grave em crianças não responsivas ao tratamento padrão é aplicável à maioria desses pacientes, mas as evidências não podem ser consideradas conclusivas, uma vez que pesquisa adicional de alta qualidade provavelmente tenha um impacto modificador na estimativa de efeito.

  7. Nutrição na pancreatite aguda : monografia : Nutrition in acute pancreatitis


    Oliveira, Joana da Silva


    Resumo da tese:A pancreatite aguda (PA) é uma doença inflamatória aguda do pâncreas de etiologia multifactorial e pode ter atingimento local (PA ligeira a moderada) ou sistémico (PA grave). A magnitude da lesão pancreática, a presença e extensão da necrose e de infecção determinam o grau de gravidade. Prever a gravidade é fundamental para direccionar antecipadamente a terapêutica médica e nutricional. Na sua maioria, os episódios de PA são ligeiros a moderados, de resolução espontânea, enquan...

  8. Incidencia de la enfermedad diarreica aguda en menores de cinco años

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    Mayelín Ávila Labrada


    Full Text Available La enfermedad diarreica aguda es motivo frecuente de consulta pediátrica, representando un problema grave de salud pública. Los agentes infecciosos son causa frecuente de diarrea aguda. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo sobre la prevalencia de la enfermedad diarreica aguda en menores de cinco años, atendidos en la clínica “Simón Bolívar” en la ciudad de Mariara del municipio Diego Ibarra, Carabobo, Venezuela; en el periodo comprendido entre enero de 2008 y diciembre de 2012, lo cual ofreció información de cinco años completos. La prevalencia de la enfermedad diarreica aguda disminuyó significativamente en el intervalo 2009-2011, sin embargo, se caracterizó por tener la mayor prevalencia en los años extremos, 2012 y 2008, por ese orden. Los varones y los del grupo de uno a cuatro años fueron los que más incidieron en cada uno de los años estudiados

  9. Hiponatremia severa e hidrocefalia normotensiva del adulto: Reporte de un caso


    Rosano, Sebastián; González, Noelia; Zabiaurre, Valentina; Retamoso, Irene; Sosa, Leonardo


    Presentamos una paciente de 62 años de edad que ingresa por cefalea, alteraciones conductuales, síndrome tónico-frontal simétrico y síndrome cerebeloso de dos meses de evolución asociado a hiponatremia crónica severa. Se plantea el diagnóstico de síndrome de secreción inadecuada de hormona antidiurética (ADH) secundario a hidrocefalia normotensiva del adulto, presentando clara mejoría con la derivación ventrículo-peritoneal. Este caso pretende aportar información sobre una asociación descrita...

  10. Severe hyponatremia and the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH associated with fluoxetine: case report Hiponatremia grave e síndrome da secreção inapropriada de hormônio antidiurético (SSIHAD associada com fluoxetina: relato de caso

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    Carlos Alexandre Twardowschy


    Full Text Available Hyponatremia is a significant complication of treatment with serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors (SSRI. We describe a case of a 53-year-old woman that was started on fluoxetine 20 mg/day for depression. Nine days later, the patient started with weakness, nausea, progressing to confusion, inapetence and vomit. Three hours later she became unresponsive and had a generalized seizure. She was brought to our emergency service. On admission, the patient was normovolemic, without focal motor deficits, but had mild generalized muscle rigidity and Babinski's sign bilaterally. Serum sodium was 105 mmol/L, serum osmolality, 220 mmol/L, and urinary osmolality, 400 mmol/L. The other laboratory exams, chest X-ray, cerebrospinal fluid and cranium tomography were normal. She was found to have fluoxetine-induced SIADH and it was descontinued. We started the hyponatremia correction and, in 5 days, the mental status of the patient gradually returned to a normal baseline, paralleling the resolution of her hyponatremia, without recurrence. Hyponatremia and SIADH should be considered if a patient experiences deterioration in his or her clinical condition while taking SSRI. The use of SSRI antidepressants should be remembered in the differential diagnosis of drug-induced hyponatremia.A hiponatremia é complicação significativa do tratamento com inibidores seletivos da recaptação da serotonina (ISRS. Descrevemos o caso de uma paciente de 53 anos de idade que iniciou uso de fluoxetina 20 mg/dia para depressão. Nove dias depois, a paciente apresentou fraqueza, náusea, progredindo para confusão, inapetência e vômitos. Três horas depois ela tornou-se irresponsiva e teve uma crise convulsiva generalizada. Foi então trazida ao nosso serviço de emergência. Na admissão, a paciente estava normovolêmica, sem déficits motores focais, mas apresentava leve rigidez muscular generalizada e sinal de Babinski bilateralmente. O sódio sérico era 105 mmol

  11. Bases moleculares de la depleción de glutatión y de la necrosis celular en la pancreatitis aguda. Papel de las proteín quinasas activadas por mitógenos.


    Pereda Cervera, Javier


    RESUMEN La pancreatitis aguda es el proceso inflamatorio agudo del páncreas con afectación variable de otros tejidos regionales y sistemas orgánicos alejados. Es una enfermedad con una incidencia relativamente elevada en España y en el resto del mundo y con una mortalidad entre el 10 y el 45% de los casos graves de la enfermedad. Los mecanismos moleculares por los que una pancreatitis aguda se desarrolla, así como aquellos que conducen a una pancreatitis grave, aún no están del todo esclar...

  12. Hepatite aguda colestática pelo propiltiouracil: relato de caso

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    PAROLIN Mônica Beatriz


    Full Text Available Propiltiouracil é uma droga amplamente utilizada no tratamento do hipertiroidismo. A hepatotoxicidade é um dos efeitos colaterais mais raros e também mais graves associados a ela. Relata-se um caso de hepatite aguda colestática que acomete um jovem de 15 anos em uso de propiltiouracil para tratamento de hipertiroidismo. Causas virais, metabólicas e autoimunes foram excluídas e a biopsia hepática revelou achados histopatológicos sugestivos de hepatite colestática induzida por droga. Com a suspensão da droga, houve remissão dos sintomas e normalização progressiva das provas de função hepática. Raramente, os pacientes em uso de propiltiouracil podem desenvolver injúria hepática grave.

  13. Infarto esplénico secundario a pancreatitis aguda Splenic infarction secondary to acute pancreatitis

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    J. J. Arenal Vera


    Full Text Available Fundamento y objetivo: la estrecha relación anatómica del páncreas con los vasos esplénicos y el bazo es responsable de complicaciones esplénicas en el curso de la pancreatitis aguda. El objetivo es presentar dos casos clínicos de pancreatitis aguda grave que sufrieron infarto esplénico como complicación de la enfermedad pancreática. Pacientes, participantes: en un periodo de tres meses, dos pacientes fueron diagnosticados de infarto esplénico secundario a pancreatitis aguda. En ambos casos el diagnóstico y seguimiento evolutivo del infarto esplénico se hizo a través de tomografía axial computerizada. Resultados: en el primer paciente, las imágenes muestran de forma inequívoca la afectación de la arteria esplénica por el proceso inflamatorio pancreático. En el segundo, no se pudo demostrar afectación de los vasos esplénicos, por lo que la única posible explicación etiológica es un incremento de coagulabilidad intravascular. Conclusiones: sería recomendable añadir las complicaciones esplénicas al conjunto de complicaciones graves extrapancreáticas de la pancreatitis aguda. La tomografía axial computerizada es de gran utilidad para la detección y seguimiento de las complicaciones esplénicas de la pancreatitis aguda.Background and objective: the close anatomic relationship of the pancreas with the splenic vessels and the spleen is responsible for splenic complications in the course of acute pancreatitis. Our objective was to report two cases of severe acute pancreatitis complicated by splenic infarction. Patients: in a three-month period of time two patients were diagnosed with splenic infarction secondary to acute pancreatitis. In both cases splenic infarction diagnosis and follow-up were carried out using computed tomography. Results: in the first case images clearly showed a narrowing of the splenic artery due to the inflammatory pancreatic condition. In the second case no involvement of the splenic vessels could

  14. Hipertrigliceridemia familiar grave durante a gestação Severe familial hypertriglyceridemia during pregnancy

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    Luiz Augusto Casulari


    Full Text Available A presença de hipertrigliceridemia grave durante a gravidez é rara, mas comporta grande possibilidade de desenvolver complicações, como a pancreatite aguda, que coloca em risco a mãe e o feto. Apresentamos o relato da evolução da gestação de uma paciente portadora de hipertrigliceridemia grave que havia apresentado pancreatite aguda dois meses antes da fecundação. Foi tratada durante o pré-natal com dieta e 3,0 g de ácidos graxos de cadeia ômega-3 (ácidos eicosapentaenóico 14% e docosahexaenóico 11,13%. Os níveis de triglicerídeos foram mantidos abaixo de 800 mg/dl, sendo este limite considerado seguro para evitar o desenvolvimento de pancreatite aguda. A gestação evoluiu, sem intercorrências, para parto vaginal, a termo. O recém-nato não apresentou alterações morfológicas ao nascimento. Concluímos que, nesta paciente grávida e portadora de hipertrigliceridemia grave, uma dieta adequada e o emprego de ácidos graxos de cadeia ômega-3 foram eficazes em prevenir a pancreatite aguda. Esta abordagem terapêutica pode ser uma alternativa para as gestantes portadoras de hipertrigliceridemia familiar.Severe hypertriglyceridemia during pregnancy rarely occurs but it frequently produces complications, such as acute pancreatitis, a serious health risk both for the mother and the fetus. The treatment of a patient who had had acute pancreatitis due to hypertriglyceridemia (triglyceridemia = 5100 mg/dl two months before fecundation is presented in this paper. During gestation, bezafibrate was substituted for 3.0 g omega-3 fatty acids (14% eicosapentaenoic and 11.13% docosahexaenoic acids. With this therapy, the triglyceride levels were maintained below 800 mg/dl, which is considered to be the safe limit to avoid acute pancreatitis. No complication occurred during pregnancy, the patient delivered vaginally (40 weeks, and the newborn (3075 g did not present any morphological alterations. We conclude that an adequate diet and the

  15. Mielopatia transversa em adulto portador de leucemia aguda linfoblástica: relato de caso

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    Brito José Correia de Farias


    Full Text Available Relatamos um caso de mielopatia transversa aguda em paciente masculino de 31 anos de idade, branco, portador de leucemia aguda linfoblástica, subtipo L3 (LLA-L3. Esta é uma forma grave de leucemia e compromete mais crianças em relação aos adultos. Menos de 1% dos pacientes leucêmicos apresentam complicações espinais. No paciente em estudo, a sintomatologia instalou-se de modo abrupto e com as seguintes características: dores nas costas, paraplegia crural flácida e perda das funções sensitivas e vegetativas abaixo do segmento afetado. O diagnóstico etiológico foi estabelecido após a realização dos seguintes exames: hemograma, mielograma, análise do líquido cefalorraqueano e ressonância magnética de coluna dorsal. Foi instituído tratamento específico, que não interferiu com a evolução fatal da doença.

  16. Malondialdehyde in early phase of acute pancreatitis Malondialdehído en la fase inicial de la pancreatitis aguda

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    Vicent Hernández


    grave. La concentración de malondialdehído descendió desde el primer al cuarto día (0,600 vs. 0,451 vs. 0,343 μM, respectivamente, p 0,05. En los episodios graves la concentración de malondialdehído fue superior que en el grupo control en el día 2 (grave: 0,514; leve: 0,440; control: 0.347 μM, p < 0,05 grave vs. control. Conclusiones: en la pancreatitis aguda existe un estrés oxidativo precoz. En los episodios graves, el estrés oxidativo permanece elevado durante más tiempo que en los episodios leves. El desarrollo de complicaciones se asocia a una elevada concentración de malondialdehído.

  17. Malária grave importada: relato de caso Severe imported malaria: case report

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    Alessandra Alves


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A malária ainda representa um problema de saúde global. A forma grave da doença é causada principalmente por P. falciparum e pode cursar com complicações cerebrais, renais, pulmonares, hematológicas, circulatórias e hepáticas. O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar um caso de paciente portador de malária grave importada. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 30 anos, pardo, filipino, marinheiro, proveniente de embarcação vinda da Nigéria, com história de dor abdominal no hipocôndrio direito, icterícia, febre e rebaixamento do nível de consciência. Os exames laboratoriais de admissão mostraram hiperbilirrubinemia de 50 mg/dL, acidose metabólica grave, trombocitopenia, creatinina de 5,6 mg/dL, leucocitose com desvio até metamielócitos. O escore APACHE II foi de 37, com risco de óbito de 88%. Durante a internação foi diagnosticada malária por P. falciparum pelo teste de gota espessa. Mesmo com tratamento antimalárico adequado, o paciente evoluiu com insuficiência renal aguda necessitando de hemodiálise e síndrome de angústia respiratória aguda (SARA, necessitando de ventilação mecânica (VM, choque refratário tratado com aminas vasoativas, além de quadro hematológico, configurando um caso grave de disfunção de múltiplos de órgãos. Ainda apresentou pneumonia associada à VM e sepse relacionada ao uso de cateteres. Após a alta hospitalar, o paciente não apresentou seqüelas cerebral, pulmonar ou renal. CONCLUSÕES: Dos critérios definidores de malária grave descritos na literatura, o paciente preenchia: insuficiência renal aguda, síndrome da angústia respiratória aguda (SARA, acidose metabólica, alteração do nível de consciência, hemoglobinúria macroscópica, hiperparasitemia e hiperbilirrubinemia, que se relaciona a uma mortalidade maior que 10%, na dependência do tratamento precoce e dos recursos disponíveis. A malária grave exige diagnóstico e tratamento

  18. Síndrome coronariana aguda em paciente jovem com sintomas atípicos

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    Gustavo Daher


    Full Text Available O diagnóstico da dor torácica aguda no setor de emergência pode ser difícil e desafiador, incluindo diversos diagnósticos diferenciais, dentre eles: causas benignas a causas potencialmente fatais. O diagnóstico na maioria das vezesé estabelecido através do quadro clínico e de exames complementares como: marcadores de necrose miocárdica, eletrocardiograma e radiografia de tórax.A angiotomografia coronariana tem sido utilizada nos casos de dor torácica aguda com baixa ou intermediária probabilidade de síndrome coronariana aguda, permitindo sua exclusão e conseqüente alta precoce dos pacientes. Apresentamosrelato de caso de uma paciente jovem com dor precordial atípica e marcadores de necrose miocárdica discretamente elevados. Considerando-se a epidemiologia e o quadro clínico da paciente, foi feita hipótese diagnóstica inicial de miocardite. A angiotomografia cardíaca com pesquisa de realce tardiofoi solicitada. Apesar do escore de cálcio ter sido zero, foi diagnosticada lesão estenosante grave no terço médio da artéria coronária descendente anterior com realce tardio na parede anterior do ventrículo esquerdo, compatível comnecrose miocárdica. A paciente foi submetida a cateterismo com angioplastia da lesão.

  19. Sertralina e pancreatite aguda: relato de caso Sertraline and acute pancreatitis: a case-report

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    André Malbergier


    Full Text Available A pancreatite aguda é uma patologia grave e com considerável morbidade e mortalidade. Vários fatores são apontados como possíveis causas de pancreatite aguda. Neste relato, será apresentado um caso de pancreatite aguda com possível associação causal com um inibidor seletivo de recaptura de serotonina: sertralina. Após um mês de tratamento com sertralina, uma paciente do sexo feminino, 55 anos, desenvolveu forte dor abdominal e elevação da amilase sérica. Após internação e retirada da sertralina, seus sintomas remitiram e os níveis de amilase voltaram ao normal. Pela potencial gravidade do quadro e pelo amplo uso desta medicação, tal associação deve ser lembrada em investigações de casos de pancreatite aguda.Acute pancreatitis is a severe disease with considerable morbidity and mortality. Many risk factors are causally related to acute pancreatitis. In this report, a case of acute pancreatitis with possible causal relationship with the use of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, sertraline, will be discussed. After one month of treatment with sertraline, a female patient, 55 years-old, developed a severe abdominal pain and showed a serum amylase elevation. She was admitted to the hospital and the use of sertraline was interrupted. After that, the symptoms remitted and the serum amylase level returned to normal. Because of the potential severity of this disease and the widespread use of sertraline, this association should be reminded when investigating possible causes for acute pancreatitis.

  20. Insuficiencia renal aguda en pacientes de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos, Hospital Regional de Cuilapa, Santa Rosa, Guatemala

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    Ronald J. Ajcalon


    Full Text Available La insuficiencia renal aguda, es una condición común en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos de Adultos (UCIA y probablemente una consecuencia de la enfermedad crítica que se asocia a resultados clínicos adversos, altos costos y una mortalidad de más del 50%, sobre todo si se requiere tratamiento de reemplazo renal. El objetivo fue determinar la incidencia de insuficiencia renal aguda en pacientes ingresados a la UCIA. El estudio fue prospectivo, longitudinal, observacional, en 101 pacientes ingresados en la UCIA del Hospital Regional de Cuilapa. Se diagnosticaron 101 pacientes durante el periodo de estudio con insuficiencia renal aguda represento el 27.4% del total de pacientes internados (368 en el servicio en un año. La incidencia de mortalidad en pacientes que requieren terapia de reemplazo renal y se encuentran en ventilación mecánica es del 100%. Del total de pacientes estudiados, según la escala Akin, se encontró que el 49.5% de los pacientes correspondían a grado II, aunque el grado I también fue frecuente (29%, y que el 22 % de los pacientes correspondían a grado III. La patología que mayormente se asoció al desarrollo de insuficiencia renal aguda fue sepsis grave con un 31%, seguido de pacientes sometidos a cirugía mayor e hipovolemia con el 21 y 18% respectivamente. Se halló una incidencia aumentada de insuficiencia renal aguda comparado con estadísticas internacionales, cuya etiología fue mayormente causada por procesos sépticos.

  1. Infección por metapneumovirus humano en niños hospitalizados por una enfermedad respiratoria aguda grave: Descripción clínico- epidemiológica A human metapneumovirus infection in hospitalized infant patients with severe acute respiratory tract infection: A clinical and epidemiological view




    El metapneumovirus humano (hMPV) es un virus de reciente diagnóstico. Se asocia con infecciones respiratorias agudas altas y bajas (IRAb). Se efectuó un estudio prospectivo durante dos años con el objetivo de evaluar la tasa de circulación y los hallazgos clínicos asociados a la infección por hMPV en niños hospitalizados por una IRAb grave. Resultados: hMPV fue demostrado en 24 (10,5%) de los 229 niños enrolados. 42% de los pacientes con hMPV eran menores de 12 meses de edad y el 58% tenía al...

  2. Relação entre polimorfismos de IL-8 e a gravidade da bronquiolite viral aguda


    Leitão, Lidiane Alves de Azeredo


    Introdução : Até os 2 anos de idade, praticamente, todos os lactentes apresentam infecção por vírus sincicial respiratório (VSR). Entretanto, a gravidade da bronquiolite viral aguda (BVA) pode variar significativamente. Essa grande variação pode ser causada por fatores genéticos e imunológicos. Estudos prévios indicam que vias aéreas infectadas por VSR contêm níveis elevados de interleucina-8 (IL-8). O conhecimento de polimorfismos genéticos associados à BVA grave pode ter grande relevância c...

  3. Comportamento da síndrome coronariana aguda: resultados de um registro brasileiro

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    Leopoldo Soares Piegas


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: O Brasil carece de registros multicêntricos publicados de síndrome coronariana aguda. OBJETIVO: O Registro Brasileiro de Síndrome Coronariana Aguda é um estudo multicêntrico nacional com objetivo de apresentar dados representativos das características clínicas, e manejo e evolução hospitalares dessa síndrome. MÉTODOS: Participaram 23 hospitais de 14 cidades. Foram elegíveis pacientes que se apresentaram com suspeita de síndrome coronariana aguda nas primeiras 24 horas, com quadro clínico sugestivo, associado a alterações eletrocardiográficas compatíveis e/ou marcadores de necrose. O seguimento foi realizado até o óbito ou a alta hospitalar. RESULTADOS: Entre os anos de 2003 e 2008, foram incluídos 2.693 pacientes com diagnóstico de síndrome coronariana aguda, sendo 864 (32,1% mulheres. O diagnóstico final foi de angina instável para 1.141 (42,4% pacientes, com mortalidade de 3,06% deles; de infarto agudo do miocárdio sem supradesnível de ST para 529 (19,6% pacientes, com mortalidade de 6,8% deles; e de infarto agudo do miocárdio com supradesnível de ST para 950 (35,3% pacientes, com mortalidade de 8,1% deles; tiveram diagnóstico não confirmado 73 (2,7% pacientes, com mortalidade de 1,36% deles. A mortalidade global foi de 5,53%. O modelo de regressão logística múltipla identificou o gênero feminino (OR=1,45, o diabetes melito (OR=1,59, o índice de massa corporal (OR=1,27 e a intervenção coronariana percutânea (OR=0,70 como fatores de risco de óbito, para demografia e intervenções. Um modelo para óbito por complicações maiores identificou choque cardiogênico/Edema Agudo de Pulmão (OR=4,57, reinfarto (OR=3,48, acidente vascular cerebral (OR=21,56, sangramento grave (OR=3,33, parada cardiorrespiratória (OR=40,27 e classe funcional de Killip (OR=3,37. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados do Registro Brasileiro de Síndrome Coronariana Aguda não diferem de outros coletados fora do país. Seus achados poder

  4. Suscetibilidade genética na lesão pulmonar aguda e síndrome da angústia respiratória aguda Genetic susceptibility in acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome

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    Fernando Suparregui Dias


    Full Text Available A lesão pulmonar aguda e sua forma mais grave, a síndrome da angústia respiratória aguda, são o denominador comum de várias doenças que podem provocar uma inflamação exagerada nos pulmões. Nos últimos anos, essa variabilidade tem sido atribuída, pelo menos em parte, a fatores genéticos. O presente estudo tem por objetivos revisar o papel dos principais genes envolvidos na suscetibilidade, morbidade e mortalidade na lesão pulmonar aguda e na síndrome da angústia respiratória aguda. Através de pesquisa nas bases de dados PubMed e LiLACS, empregando-se os unitermos lesão pulmonar aguda, síndrome da angústia respiratória aguda e síndrome da angústia respiratória do adulto em combinação com polimorfismos genéticos, foram selecionados 69 artigos, dos quais 38 foram incluídos nesta revisão. Foram também considerados artigos relevantes extraídos das referências bibliográficas nos artigos selecionados das bases de dados. Os polimorfismos genéticos são variantes gênicas presentes em pelo menos 1% da população. A presença destas variantes genéticas pode influenciar a expressão de mediadores da resposta inflamatória, afetando diretamente a suscetibilidade à lesão pulmonar aguda, a intensidade da inflamação no parênquima pulmonar, a evolução e o desfecho destes pacientes. Estudos de associação com grandes populações e passíveis de reprodução permitirão de modo definitivo a inclusão da genômica no arsenal diagnóstico, prognóstico e terapêutico de pacientes com lesão pulmonar aguda/síndrome da angústia respiratória agudaAcute lung injury and its most severe presentation, acute respiratory distress syndrome, are a common denominator for several diseases which can lead to exaggerated lung inflammation. In the last years this variability has been ascribed, at least partially, to genetic issues. This study aims to review the role of the main genes involved in acute lung injury and acute respiratory

  5. Hipoxia após traumatismos crânio-encefálicos graves

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    R. A. Frowein


    Full Text Available Após traumatismos crânio-encefálicos graves ocorre hipoxia cerebral, não apenas nas primeiras horas mas também durante vários dias da fase aguda. A saturação arterial de O2 é muitas vêzes normal, mas, com mais freqüência do que se supõe, existe anemia; como conseqüência do aumento da pressão intracraniana, da hipotensão arterial ou da alcalose respiratória, diminui o afluxo sangüíneo ao encéfalo, baixando a tensão do O2 celular, o que é demonstrado pela diminuição da tensão de O2 no sangue venoso provindo do encéfalo. Por isso, no tratamento da fase aguda pós-traumática deve-se, ao lado da normalização da pressão intracraniana, manter a pressão arterial, evitar a hiperventilação pulmonar mediante a administração de neuroplégicos e impedir a anemia mediante transfusões de sangue.

  6. Inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 in experimental severe acute pancreatitis Inibição da Ciclo-Oxigenase-2 na pancreatite aguda grave experimental

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    José Luiz Jesus de Almeida


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The standard treatment for acute pancreatitis (AP is still based on supportive care. The search for a new drug that could change the natural history of the disease is a continuing challenge for many researchers. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of a cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2 inhibitor on experimental AP in rats. METHODS: The animals were divided into 2 groups: Group 1 (n = 30-animals with taurocholate-induced AP treated with parecoxib (40 mg/kg. Group 2 (n = 30-animals with taurocholate-induced AP that received saline. The COX-2 inhibitor (parecoxib was injected immediately after AP induction, through the penis dorsal vein. The parameters evaluated were histology, serum levels of amylase, IL-6 and IL-10, and mortality rate. RESULTS: The serum levels of IL-6 and IL-10 in the parecoxib-treated group were lower than the control group. The amylase serum levels and the mortality rate remained unchanged in the treated animals. Histologic morphology also was unaltered, except for fat necrosis, which was higher in parecoxib-treated rats. CONCLUSION: Inhibition of Cox-2 decreases the systemic release of inflammatory cytokines, but has a poor effect on the direct pancreas injury caused by taurocholate.INTRODUÇÃO: O tratamento padrão para a pancreatite aguda permanece baseado em medidas de suporte. A busca por uma droga que altere a história natural da doença ainda é um desafio para muitos pesquisadores. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o efeito de um inibidor da COX-2 na pancreatite aguda grave experimental (PA em ratos. MÉTODO: Os animais foram divididos em dois Grupos: Grupo 1 (n=30 - animais com PA induzida por taurocolato e tratados com parecoxib (40mg/Kg. Grupo 2 (n=30 - animais com PA induzida por taurocolato que receberam solução salina. O inibidor de COX-2 (parecoxib foi injetado imediatamente após a indução, através da veia dorsal do pênis. Os parâmetros avaliados foram histologia, níveis séricos de


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    Musso CG


    Full Text Available RESUMEN:La insuficiencia renal aguda es un sindrome que característicamente cursa con niveles plasmáticos elevados de urea y creatinina. Sin embargo, hay situaciones clínicas en las cuales este sindrome puede cursar con un incremento de la creatininemia sin presentar elevación de la uremia.En este reporte presentamos un caso clínico de una insuficiencia renal aguda con uremia normal secundaria a una pielonefritis aguda en un paciente con riñón único. El paciente presentaba una elevada excreción fraccional de urea lo cual podía explicar su uremia normal pese a estar cursando una caída del filtrado gomerular. Dicha excreción de urea elevada fue interpretada como secundaria a una diabetes insipida nefrogénica y una alteración en el recirculado intra-renal de la urea ambos producto de la pielonefritis aguda. Concluimos que la pielonefritis aguda en un paciente mono-reno puede presentarse con un patrón de insuficiencia renal aguda con uremia normal. SUMMARYAcute renal failure is a syndrome that usually runs with an increase in creatinine and urea plasma levels. However, there are clinical situations in which this syndrome may run with an increase in plasma creatinine keeping normal the urea one.In this report we present a case of acute renal failure with normal plasma urea level secondary to an acute pyelonephritis in a single kidney patient. The patient had an increased fractional excretion of urea which could explain the normal plasma urea levels found despite of his reduced glomerular filtration. This increased urea excretion state was interpreted as a consequence of the nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and alteration of the intra-renal urea reciclying process that the acute pyelonephritis induced. In conclusion: Acute pyelonephritis in a single kidney patient can appear as a pattern of acute renal failure with normal plasma urea levels.


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    Musso CG


    Full Text Available RESUMENLa insuficiencia renal aguda es un sindrome que característicamente cursa con niveles plasmáticos elevados de urea y creatinina. Sin embargo, hay situaciones clínicas en las cuales este sindrome puede cursar con un incremento de la creatininemia sin presentar elevación de la uremia. En este reporte presentamos un caso clínico de una insuficiencia renal aguda con uremia normal secundaria a una pielonefritis aguda en un paciente con riñón único. El paciente presentaba una elevada excreción fraccional de urea lo cual podía explicar su uremia normal pese a estar cursando una caída del filtrado gomerular. Dicha excreción de urea elevada fue interpretada como secundaria a una diabetes insipida nefrogénica y una alteración en el recirculado intra-renal de la urea ambos producto de la pielonefritis aguda. Concluimos que la pielonefritis aguda en un paciente mono-reno puede presentarse con un patrón de insuficiencia renal aguda con uremia normal.SUMMARYAcute renal failure is a syndrome that usually runs with an increase in creatinine and urea plasma levels. However, there are clinical situations in which this syndrome may run with an increase in plasma creatinine keeping normal the urea one. In this report we present a case of acute renal failure with normal plasma urea level secondary to an acute pyelonephritis in a single kidney patient. The patient had an increased fractional excretion of urea which could explain the normal plasma urea levels found despite of his reduced glomerular filtration. This increased urea excretion state was interpreted as a consequence of the nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and alteration of the intra-renal urea reciclying process that the acute pyelonephritis induced. In conclusion: Acute pyelonephritis in a single kidney patient can appear as a pattern of acute renal failure with normal plasma urea levels.

  9. Notas sobre apendicitis aguda


    Méndez S., Martín


    Hacer un buen diagnóstico, tener el valor de la responsabilidad operando precozmente los enfermos, en los cuales después de minucioso examen se cree o se tiene certeza de una apendicitis aguda, es uno de los méritos de todo buen cirujano. Sin duda tendrá que luchar contra todo, la familia, el enfermo y los allegados; pero si triunfa y vence logrará éxitos y salvará vidas. Parece fácil diagnosticar unaapendicitis aguda y sin embargo, es necesario decirlo claro, nada hay tan complicado y en oca...

  10. Leucemia congénita aguda

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    Nilvia Esther González García


    Full Text Available La leucemia aguda durante el período neonatal es poco frecuente de evolución rápida y pronóstico sombrío. Sus características clínicas y biológicas difieren de las encontradas en niños de mayor edad, y su inicio se caracteriza por afectación cutánea, hepatoesplenomegalia, hiperleucocitosis e infiltración del sistema nervioso central. Se han observado pacientes con formas tanto mieloides como linfoides, pero la leucemia mieloide aguda parece predominar en esta etapa de la vida. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con leucemia congénita clasificada morfológicamente, con aparición de manifestaciones clínicas de enfermedad hematológica desde el nacimiento y diagnóstico de leucemia linfoblástica aguda congénita.

  11. Presentación clínica del golpe de calor en niños menores de 2 años en Lima - Perú

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    Reyner Loza Munarriz


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir el cuadro clínico de lactantes con golpe de calor (GC durante El Fenómeno de El Niño de 1998. Material y métodos: Se incluyeron 13 lactantes con criterios de GC, que acudieron a Emergencia Pediátrica del Hospital Cayetano Heredia entre el 1º de enero y el 31 de marzo de 1998. Se registró hematocrito, pruebas de coagulación, función hepática y renal, gasometría, electrolitos séricos y urinarios. Asimismo el flujo urinario, tipo de solución endovenosa utilizada para la rehidratación y la condición final del paciente al alta. Resultados: De los 13 lactantes, 4 fallecieron y 4 quedaron con secuelas neurológicas graves al alta. Los hallazgos clínicos relevantes fueron convulsiones (77%, dificultad respiratoria (85%, deshidratación (77%, shock (61%, diarrea aguda (85% y poliuria (75%. En el laboratorio general: anemia (84%, leucocitosis (60% tiempo de protrombina prolongado (53%, hiperglicemia (53% elevación de transaminasas (83%. En las alteraciones del medio interno; hiponatremia (84%, hipokalemia (70%, creatinina elevada (84%, urea elevada (53% y acidosis metabólica (100%. En el análisis sólo hubo asociación estadística entre el tiempo de protombina prolongado y el manejo inicial de fluidos con la condición final desfavorable. Conclusión: El GC es una enfermedad de pronóstico grave, donde el tiempo de protrombina prolongado, y el uso de soluciones hipertónicas en el manejo inicial, se asociaron a riesgo de muerte o secuelas neurológicas graves. Consideramos importante dar a conocer el comportamiento clínico y los factores asociados con un final catastrófico. (Rev Med Hered 2001; 12: 113-119.

  12. Alterações hidroeletrolíticas agudas ocorridas no Triatlon Ironman Brasil Acute hydroelectrolytic changes occurred in the Brazilian Ironman Triathlon

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    Lourenço Sampaio de Mara


    Full Text Available O Triatlon Ironman caracteriza-se por ser uma atividade de resistência constituída por 3,8km de natação, 180km de ciclismo e 42,2km de corrida, no qual o atleta exercita-se, em média, por cerca de 13 horas. Neste contexto, o atleta exposto a tal carga de esforço e adversidades ambientais, experimenta alterações orgânicas agudas em seus sistemas biológicos, incluindo os distúrbios hidroeletrolíticos. O objetivo deste estudo é descrever as alterações hídricas e eletrolíticas encontradas em atletas de triatlon Ironman. De 2002 a 2005 foram avaliados 109 atletas voluntários antes e imediatamente após as provas realizadas em Florianópolis-SC Brasil, com análise sanguínea dos eletrólitos sódio, e potássio, e medida de massa corporal. Os dados do sódio sérico de 89 atletas foram correlacionados com o grau de desidratação e modificações percentuais de peso corporal. Dados de 77 atletas, quanto ao potássio sérico, foram avaliados isoladamente de forma descritiva. Seis atletas (6,7% apresentaram-se euhidratados ou superhidratados ao final da prova, 50 atletas desidrataram de 0 a 3% (56,2%, 29 de 3 a 6% (32,6% e 4 atletas (4,5% desidrataram mais que 6%. Houve uma tendência a ocorrer hiponatremia entre aqueles que desidrataram menos ou ganharam peso. O potássio teve um comportamento dentro dos limites da normalidade em toda amostra. Conclui-se que os distúrbios hidroeletrolíticos (hiponatremia e desidratação são incidentes nesta modalidade esportiva, sendo a superhidratação a etiologia provável da hiponatremia denotada pelo ganho ou perdas discretas de peso.The Ironman Triathlon is characterized for being an endurance activity consisting of 3.8 km of swimming, 180 km of cycling and 42.2 km of running, in which the athlete exercises an average of about 13 hours. In this context, the athlete exposed to such load of effort and environmental adversities, experiences acute organic alterations in his biological systems

  13. Ataxias agudas en la infancia

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    Yaline Betancourt Fursow


    Full Text Available La ataxia cerebelosa aguda infantil (ACAI es la forma más frecuente de complicación neurológica por el virus de la varicela.Descritas dentro del grupo de las cerebelitis agudas. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron: evaluar la presentación clínica, manejo y seguimiento de niños hospitalizados con ACAI en un hospital pediátrico terciario donde la inmunización para varicela no está disponible (parte I y describir los diagnósticos diferenciales de la cerebelitis aguda (parte II. Estudiamos 95 pacientes. Los criterios diagnósticos de ataxia aguda se basaron en: pérdida aguda de la coordinación o dificultad para la marcha con o sin nistagmo asociado y duración menor de 48 horas, en un niño previamente sano. Estos criterios se cumplían en todos los casos valorados, excepto en las ataxias secundarias a ingesta de tóxicos, en los que la duración debía ser menor de 24 horas para su inclusión en el estudio. Se registraron los datos en una historia clínica pediátrica y neurológica. Entre los pacientes inmunosuprimidos la incidencia mayor fue la complicación por varicela. La mayoría de los pacientes fueron varones. El rango de edad fue la preescolar, 5 años . El intervalo entre la presentación del rash y el ingreso fue de 1 a 3 días. El estudio de LCR se practicó en 59.5% de los casos. La TAC y la resonancia magnética cerebral (RM presentaron edema en el 33.3%. El aciclovir endovenoso fue utilizado en 23 pacientes; pero no hubo diferencias significativas en las manifestaciones clínicas y seguimiento entre tratados y no tratados. La ataxia fue la primera manifestación clínica. La estadía hospitalaria fue de 4 días (rango: 2-11 días.

  14. Insuficiencia renal aguda con necrosis tubular aguda secundaria a picadura masiva de abejas

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    Gustavo A. Aroca - Martínez


    Full Text Available Leñador de 46 años consulta al servicio de nefrología, de la Clínica Renal de la Costa en Barranquilla, con episodio de insuficiencia renal aguda 48 horas después de haber sufrido múltiples picaduras por abejas africanizadas. Durante su estancia hospitalaria presentó incremento de enzimas musculares (AST LDH, y de pruebas de función renal, motivo por el cual fue dializado en varias ocasiones. Con mejoría total, se decide egresar y manejar ambulatoriamente. Se concluye que el caso se trata de una insuficiencia renal por necrosis tubular aguda por rabdomiolisis debida a la picadura múltiple de abejas africanizadas.

  15. Etnografía de la infección respiratoria aguda en una zona rural del altiplano mexicano

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    Full Text Available Objetivo. Identificar los términos utilizados por las madres para referirse a enfermedades, signos y síntomas relacionados con infecciones respiratorias agudas, así como los signos de alarma que las motivan a buscar atención médica; asimismo, describir prácticas comunes de manejo de la enfermedad en el hogar. Material y métodos. Se trata de un estudio etnográfico en seis comunidades rurales del altiplano mexicano. Se entrevistó a 12 informantes clave, a seis madres de niños fallecidos por infección respiratoria aguda, y a 24 madres de niños menores de cinco años, con diversas técnicas etnográficas para complementar la información obtenida ("triangulación". Resultados. Las enfermedades comúnmente identificadas incluyeron gripa, anginas, tos, bronquitis, pulmonía, neumonía y "broncomonía". Los síntomas clave para el diagnóstico fueron escurrimiento de moco nasal, dolor de garganta, tos, dolor de cabeza o de cuerpo, calentura, "hervor" de pecho, y referencias a que el niño "está molesto o llorón", se pone morado o le hace falta el aire. La taquipnea fue referida como "respira fuerte", "respira mucho", "respira rápido" y "tiene sesido"; el tiraje, "se le hunde el pecho"; el estridor, como "quejido o ronquido de pecho"; la sibilancia, como "ronquido de pecho", y para la cianosis; "se pone morado". Entre los tratamientos ofrecidos en el hogar destacan el uso de tés, aplicación de limón, jitomate, tomate o papa en la garganta, y aplicación de sebo o pomada en pecho y espalda. No fue común la autoprescripción de antibióticos pero sí la de antipiréticos. La mayoría de las madres reconoció enfermedades leves y, en menor proporción, graves. Ante un caso grave de insuficiencia respiratoria aguda, la opción más frecuentemente elegida fue acudir a la clínica del proyecto; en segundo lugar al médico particular en la cabecera municipal, y al hospital de la Secretaría de Salud en la Jurisdicción. La cercanía y el

  16. Escala de Alvarado como herramienta diagnóstica para apendicitis aguda

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    Iván Pimienta Concepción


    Full Text Available Introducción: La apendicitis aguda es la enfermedad intrabdominal más frecuente tratada de urgencia. Resulta de interés la utilización de la Escala de Alvarado en el diagnóstico de esta patología por su contribución a la disminución de apendicectomías negativas. Objetivo: Determinar la validez de la Escala de Alvarado como herramienta diagnóstica para apendicitis aguda en pacientes atendidos en el Servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital IESS Ambato. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación observacional, descriptiva y transversal en pacientes hospitalizados con cuadro de dolor abdominal y sospecha de apendicitis aguda, valorados en el Servicio de Cirugía General en el Hospital General IESS Ambato en el período junio 2015 a noviembre del año 2015. Resultados: De acuerdo al resultado histopatológico predominó la apendicitis aguda supurada con (n=83, 54.9%; seguida de apendicitis aguda gangrenosa (n=35, 23.2%; apendicitis aguda precoz (n=15, 9.9%; mientras que el resultado normal y apendicitis aguda gangrenosa perforada se encontraron con los mismos valores (n=9, 5.9%. Conclusiones: Existió un puntaje elevado de la Escala de Alvarado para el diagnóstico de apendicitis aguda según la severidad de los hallazgos descritos en el resultado histopatológico posterior a la apendicectomía. El resultado histopatológico de mayor frecuencia fue la apendicitis aguda supurada, con un riesgo medio en la Escala de Alvarado, la cual es más sensible en periodos de gravedad.

  17. Interleucina-18 (IL-18 y otros parámetros inmunológicos como marcadores de gravedad en la pancreatitis aguda Interleukin 18 (IL-18 and other immunological parameters as markers of severity in acute pancreatitis

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    M. A. Martín


    Full Text Available Objetivo: se trata de comparar prospectivamente el comportamiento durante la primera semana del ingreso de los niveles de interleucina-18 (IL-18, y otros parámetros inmunológicos entre pacientes con pancreatitis aguda con y sin criterios de gravedad, así como entre pacientes con y sin desarrollo ulterior de seudoquiste. Pacientes y métodos: se compararon en 36 pacientes con pancreatitis aguda los resultados de sTNF-RI, IL-1Ra, IL-6 e IL-18 los días 1, 2, 3 y 7 desde el ingreso entre pancretitis leve, grave y un grupo control (13 pacientes con cólico biliar simple, así como entre pacientes con o sin seudoquiste. Resultados: al comparar pancreatitis leve con grave, IL-18 fue significativamente superior sólo el primer día en las pancreatitis graves y los otros parámetros a partir del segundo día de forma mantenida. También en pacientes que desarrollaron seudoquiste, IL-18 estuvo significativamente elevada el primer día. Conclusiones: IL-18 resultó el marcador más precoz de complicaciones y gravedad de la pancreatitis aguda a nivel sistémico y local (seudoquiste.Objective: our aim was to prospectively compare the behavior of interleukin 18 (IL-18 levels and other immunological parameters during the first week of hospitalization between acute pancreatitis patients with and without severity criteria, as well as between patients with and without late pseudocyst development. Patients and methods: in 36 patients with acute pancreatitis we compared sTNF-RI, IL-1Ra, IL-6, and IL-18 levels at days 1, 2, 3 and 7 after hospitalization between mild pancreatitis, severe pancreatitis, and a "control" group (13 patients with uncomplicated biliary colic, as well as between patients with and without pseudocyst. Results: on comparing mild to severe pancreatitis, IL-18 was significantly higher only the first day in severe pancreatitis, while the other parameters were steadily higher after the second day. In patients developing pseudocyst, IL-18 was

  18. Comportamiento de la otitis media aguda

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    Gladys Fuentes Fernández

    Full Text Available Introducción: la otitis media aguda es una complicación de las infecciones respiratorias agudas altas, frecuente en los niños menores de 5 años. Objetivos: caracterizar su comportamiento, según edad y sexo, e identificar algunos factores de riesgo en este grupo de edad. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de 554 niños ingresados en el hospital Pediátrico de Centro Habana con el diagnóstico de otitis media aguda, durante los años 2006-2010. Los datos se recogieron de las historias clínicas. Resultados: la otitis media aguda fue más frecuente en el sexo masculino (58,7 % y en los menores de 1 año (53,1 %. El antecedente de bajo peso (33,9 % y la prematuridad (27,5 %, la asistencia a círculos infantiles (43,5 % y el hábito de fumar de los padres (58,4 %, además del antecedente de ingresos hospitalarios por otitis media en el mes previo a la aparición del episodio actual (59,0 %, constituyeron los principales factores de riesgo en el presente estudio. Conclusiones: la otitis media es una causa frecuente de ingresos hospitalarios, y se identifican como principales factores de riesgo la asistencia a círculos infantiles y el tabaquismo de algunos de los padres.

  19. Inalação contínua com fenoterol na criança com asma aguda grave: efeitos clínicos imediatos Continuous fenoterol inhalation by children with severe acute asthma: immediate clinical effects

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    Lourdes Z. Zanoni


    Full Text Available Objetivos: avaliar as alterações da freqüência cardíaca, da pressão arterial, do psiquismo e da saturação arterial de oxigênio, após a inalação contínua com fenoterol, na criança com asma aguda grave. Casuística e Métodos: foram estudados 30 pacientes com asma aguda grave, atendidos no PAM-Pediatria do Hospital Universitário - UFMS. Os pacientes receberam inalação contínua durante uma hora, com 0,5 mg/kg (2 gotas/kg de fenoterol. O psiquismo, a saturação arterial de oxigênio, a freqüência cardíaca e a pressão arterial foram avaliados antes, imediatamente após, e uma hora após a inalação com fenoterol. Resultados: 17 crianças eram do sexo masculino (56,6%, e 13 do sexo feminino (43,4%. Foi observado sonolência em 16 (53,3%, agitação psicomotora em 1 (3,3%, náusea e vômito em 12 pacientes (40%. A média da saturação arterial de oxigênio aumentou de 90,9 2,8% para 92,7 2,5% (pObjective: to evaluate the alterations of heart rate, blood pressure, psychological aspects and oxygen saturation after continuous fenoterol inhalation (0.5 mg/Kg by children with severe acute asthma. Methods: we studied 30 patients with severe acute asthma who were treated at the pediatric ward of Hospital Universitário - UFMS. The patients inhaled 0.5 mg/Kg of fenoterol (two drops/Kg during one hour. Psychological aspects, oxygen arterial saturation, heart rate and blood pressure were evaluated at three different moments: before, after and one hour after the fenoterol inhalation. Results: there were 17 males (56.6% and 13 females (43.4%. Sleepiness was observed in 16 (53.3%, psychomotor agitation in one (33% and nausea and vomiting in 12 patients (40%. The average of oxygen arterial saturation increased from 90.9 ± 2.8% to 92.7 ± 2.5% (P<0.05 after inhalation. There was statistically significant increase in the average heart rate before and after inhalation (139.5 ± 13.5 beats/min, 166.5 ± 11.1 beats/min, respectively, P<0.05. A

  20. Miastenia grave y miastenia grave ocular

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    Rosa María Naranjo Fernández

    Full Text Available La miastenia grave es una enfermedad caracterizada por debilidad y fatiga de los músculos voluntarios debido a una trasmisión anómala a nivel de la unión neuromuscular. La prevalencia es aproximadamente de 5 casos/100 000 personas. La miastenia grave puede ser bulbar, ocular o generalizada.Existen formas clínicas en la infancia como son la miastenia neonatal transitoria, la miastenia congénita y la miastenia juvenil. Los músculos oculares, faciales y bulbares son los más frecuentes afectados por la enfermedad. Cuando los síntomas se limitan a la musculatura cercana al ojo se denomina miastenia grave ocular. Una vez el oftalmólogo diagnostica o sospecha la miastenia grave, un neurólogo generalmente dirige la comprobación y tratamiento. El papel del oftalmólogo continúa siendo importante, además de chequear la motilidad y disfunción palpebral y proporcionar el alivio sintomático para estos desórdenes, debe estar alerta a la posibilidad de ambliopía.

  1. O nefrologista como consultor ante a intoxicação aguda: epidemiologia das intoxicações graves no Rio Grande do Sul e métodos de aumento da depuração renal

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    José Alberto Rodrigues Pedroso


    Full Text Available Intoxicações acidentais e intencionais constituem- se em fonte significativa de morbimortalidade. Em emergências ou UTIs, frequentemente o Nefrologista é chamado como consultor para auxiliar na indicação de medidas de aumento da depuração renal de agentes tóxicos. Revisamos o emprego de diálise nas intoxicações agudas por medicamentos ou pesticidas, cujo suporte especializado toxicológico foi realizado por telefone pelo Centro de Informação Toxicológica do Rio Grande do Sul (CIT-RS. Avaliamos a correlação entre necessidade de diálise e óbitos em coorte retrospectivo (1998- 2000. Dos 36.055 atendimentos, 337 foram identificados como graves, 245 preenchendo os critérios de inclusão exigidos. A idade média foi 30 ± 18 anos; 53% mulheres. Medicamentos frequentemente envolvidos foram anticonvulsivantes e antidepressivos, entre outros; quanto aos pesticidas, organofosforados, bipiridílicos e glifosato. Métodos de aumento da eliminação incluíram alcalinização urinária (n = 37 e métodos dialíticos. Diálise entre intoxicações severas ocorreu em 4,5% (n = 11, 3,67 procedimentos/ano (1/22,7 relatos de casos severos. No grupo que dialisou, em 91%, a circunstância foi tentativa de suicídio (principalmente fenobarbital e paraquat. Dois casos requereram hemoperfusão (cloranfenicol e paraquat. Óbitos entre pacientes graves não submetidos a diálise ocorreram em 25,6%, versus 36,3% entre dialisados (RR = 0,89; IC 95% = 0,54-1,35. Os achados podem ser explicados pelo poder estatístico associado ao número de procedimentos realizados. O Nefrologista deve estar atento para situações que requerem o emprego de medidas dialíticas, ainda que não necessariamente para substituição renal, mas para aumento da depuração do agente tóxico.

  2. Daño pulmonar agudo relacionado con la transfusión (Trali y Bartonelosis aguda

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    Douglas López de Guimaraes


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un varón de 22 años procedente de la periferia de la ciudad de Huaraz, Perú, que acude al Hospital "Victor Ramos Guardia" de Huaraz con un tiempo de enfermedad de 14 días, febril, pálido e ictérico, en el frotis de sangre periférica se encuentran formas bacilares de Bartonella bacilliformis en 99% de la lámina; se inicia tratamiento antibiótico con ceftriaxona y ciprofloxacino. Al día siguiente se le indica transfusión de dos paquetes globulares (puesto que tenía 6,2 g/dL de Hb, dos horas después presenta dolor toráxico, tos seca exigente, vómitos, dificultad respiratoria y cianosis, en la auscultación se encuentran roncantes y crepitantes, la radiografía de tórax muestra infiltrado alveolar difuso a predominio derecho. Es trasladado a la UCI donde recibe oxígeno con máscara de reservorio, dopamina, corticoides y se inicia el monitoreo hemodinámico; responde en forma satisfactoria, sale de alta con frotis negativo a Bartonella bacilliformis. Es el primer caso de daño pulmonar agudo relacionado con la transfusión (TRALI asociado con Bartonelosis aguda con cuadro clínico - radiológico y evolución compatible, es importante distinguir entre la complicación pulmonar debido a la sepsis grave por Bartonelosis aguda, que puede producir un cuadro clínico similar y el TRALI.

  3. Diarréia aguda grave associada à Escherichia coli enteropatogênica clássica (EPEC: características clínicas e perdas fecais em lactentes hospitalizados Severe acute diarrhea associated to classic enteropathogenic by clinical features and fecal losses in hospitalized infants

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    C.A.G. Oliva


    Full Text Available Escherichia coli enteropatogênica clássica (EPEC tem sido o agente enteropatogênico mais freqüentemente isolado nas fezes de lactentes, de baixo nível socioeconômico, hospitalizados com diarréia aguda grave, na cidade de São Paulo. OBJETIVOS. 1 Analisar as características clínicas de lactentes do sexo masculino, hospitalizados com diarréia aguda grave associada à EPEC; 2 quantificar suas perdas fluidas fecais, ingestão de fórmulas alimentares e variações de peso corporal durante a evolução intra-hospitalar. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS. Estudaram-se 38 lactentes do sexo masculino. Foram avaliadas as características clínicas e epidemiológicas dos pacientes e a freqüência dos diferentes sorogrupos de EPEC identificados. As crianças foram mantidas em cama metabólica, e balanços metabólicos diários foram obtidos durante toda a duração do quadro diarréico. Os lactentes permaneceram, em média, 5,8 dias em estudo metabólico. Duzentos e vinte balanços diários foram acumulados e analisados. RESULTADOS. O grupo estudado apresentou como principais características clínicas: idade inferior a 12 meses, peso insuficiente ao nascer; desmame precoce e formas graves de desnutrição protéico-calórica. O sorogrupo O111 foi o mais freqüentemente identificado (68,4%, sendo a idade dos pacientes com tal agente significativamente maior que a dos portadores do sorogrupo O55. A média dos volumes fecais diários foi de 66mL/kg/dia, havendo diferenças segundo dias de estudo. A média de ingestão diária de fórmulas alimentares foi de 85,2mL/kg/dia. Leite de vaca foi a dieta mais precocemente utilizada e as crianças que dela fizeram uso apresentaram volumes fecais maiores que os que receberam caseinato ou nutrição parenteral e incremento de peso corporal menor que os que utilizaram hidrolisado protéico ou NPT. CONCLUSÕES. Os sorogrupos de EPEC acarretaram perdas fluidas fecais de moderada e grave intensidade nos lactentes

  4. Temporal relationship between onset of Graves' ophthalmopathy and onset of thyroidal Graves' disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wiersinga, W. M.; Smit, T.; van der Gaag, R.; Koornneef, L.


    The temporal relationship between the onset of Graves' ophthalmopathy and the onset of thyroidal Graves' disease was evaluated in 125 consecutive patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy. Thyroidal Graves' disease--past or present--was clinically evident in 99 patients (79%): hyperthyroidism in 3 cases.

  5. VIH: Infeccion aguda, pesquisa y manejo

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    Cortés S. Esteban, Dr.


    Si bien existe una relativa facilidad para realizar el diagnóstico de un paciente con la infección crónica por VIH, existe por otro lado una relativa dificultad para realizar el diagnóstico de la infección aguda en etapas tempranas de la infección. Esta situación es de importancia desde el punto de vista de la Salud Pública por cuanto en la infección aguda es cuando se producen las viremias más elevadas y por tanto la mayor facilidad para que el sujeto sea infectante y disemine la infección viral.

  6. Comparacao dos criterios RIFLE, AKIN e KDIGO quanto a capacidade de predicao de mortalidade em pacientes graves

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    Talita Machado Levi


    Full Text Available Objetivo: A lesão renal aguda é uma complicação comum em pacientes gravemente enfermos, sendo os critérios RIFLE, AKIN e KDIGO utilizados para sua classificação. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo a comparação dos critérios citados quanto à capacidade de predição de mortalidade em pacientes gravemente enfermos. Métodos: Estudo de coorte prospectiva, utilizando como fonte de dados prontuários médicos. Foram incluídos todos os pacientes admitidos na unidade de terapia intensiva. Os critérios de exclusão foram tempo de internamento menor que 24 horas e doença renal crônica dialítica. Os pacientes foram acompanhados até a alta ou óbito Para análise dos dados, foram utilizados os testes t de Student, qui-quadrado, regressão logística multivariada e curva ROC. Resultados: A média de idade foi de 64 anos, com mulheres e afrodescendentes representando maioria. Segundo o RIFLE, a taxa de mortalidade foi de 17,74%, 22,58%, 24,19% e 35,48% para pacientes sem lesão renal aguda e em estágios Risk, Injury e Failure, respectivamente. Quanto ao AKIN, a taxa de mortalidade foi de 17,74%, 29,03%, 12,90% e 40,32% para pacientes sem lesão renal aguda, estágio I, estágio II e estágio III, respectivamente. Considerando o KDIGO 2012, a taxa de mortalidade foi de 17,74%, 29,03%, 11,29% e 41,94% para pacientes sem lesão renal aguda, estágio I, estágio II e estágio III, respectivamente. As três classificações apresentaram resultados de curvas ROC para mortalidade semelhantes. Conclusão: Os critérios RIFLE, AKIN e KDIGO apresentaram-se como boas ferramentas para predição de mortalidade em pacientes graves, não havendo diferença relevante entre os mesmos.

  7. Death by suicide in Graves' disease and Graves' orbitopathy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ferløv-Schwensen, Charlotte; Brix, Thomas Heiberg; Hegedus, Laszlo


    BACKGROUND: Graves' disease is associated with excess morbidity and mortality, but little is known about unnatural manners of death and the potential relation with Graves' orbitopathy. Here we investigate the risk of unnatural death in Graves' patients with orbitopathy (GO) and without (GD), comp...... in the pathophysiological mechanisms of suicidal behavior. Beyond independent confirmation, reasons for this need to be explored in order to introduce preventive measures....... with GD, and 3,965 with GO were identified and matched for age and gender with four subjects from the background population. Manner of death was identified and hazard ratios (HR) for mortality due to unnatural deaths (accident, suicide, violence/homicide, and unknown) were calculated using Cox regression...... analyses, adjusted for pre-existing somatic and psychiatric morbidity. RESULTS: In Graves' disease overall there was an increased risk of death from unknown unnatural manners [HR: 2.01 (95% confidence interval: 1.17-3.45); P=0.012] and of suicide, although the latter difference was not with certainty...

  8. Nefrite Intersticial Aguda Após Exposição a Losartan

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    Letícia Schwerz Weinert


    Full Text Available Nefrite intersticial aguda é uma causa comum de perda aguda de função renal. Exposição a drogas é o fator desencadeante mais freqüentemente relatado, porém auto-imunidade e infecções também estão associadas. Os inibidores da enzima de conversão da angiotensina têm sido relatados como possíveis agentes, porém não há relato na literatura de nefrite intersticial com uso de losartan. Descrevemos então, o caso de perda aguda de função renal após exposição a losartan, em paciente com dano renal prévio por nefropatia diabética, cuja biópsia renal diagnosticou nefrite intersticial aguda.

  9. Apendicitis Aguda


    Jorge Fallas González


    La apendicitis aguda, descrita desde 1886, es la emergencia quirúrgica más común. Tiene su mayor incidencia durante la adultez joven y su menor incidencia en niños y adultos mayores. Su diagnóstico se basa en una historia clínica completa, un examen físico bien orientado y en una adecuada interpretación de los exámenes de laboratorio y gabinete. A pesar de ser una entidad de resolución quirúrgica, su tratamiento engloba diferentes aspectos médicosAcute appendicitis, described since 1886, is t...

  10. Nutrición enteral total vs. nutrición parenteral total en pacientes con pancreatitis aguda grave Total enteral nutrition vs. total parenteral nutrition in patients with severe acute pancreatitis

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    M. Casas


    Full Text Available Objetivo: comparar la eficacia de la instauración precoz de nutrición enteral total (NET frente a nutrición parenteral total (NPT en pacientes con pancreatitis aguda grave (PAG. Métodos: estudio prospectivo aleatorio. Se incluyeron consecutivamente 22 pacientes con PAG aplicando los criterios APACHE II, valores de PCR y graduación de Balthazar en la TC. El grupo I (n = 11 recibió NPT y el grupo II (n = 12 NET. Se valoró la respuesta inflamatoria (PCR, TNF-alfa, IL-6, las proteínas viscerales (pre-albúmina, albúmina, la tasa de complicaciones (síndrome de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica, fallo multiorgánico, infecciones, las intervenciones quirúrgicas, la estancia hospitalaria y la mortalidad. Resultados: no hubo diferencias significativas en los primeros 10 días entre los dos grupos en la evolución de los criterios APACHE II, en las concentraciones de PCR, TNF-alfa e IL-6 ni tampoco en los valores de pre-albúmina y albúmina. Siete pacientes del grupo I presentaron complicaciones graves frente a 4 del grupo II. Requirieron intervención quirúrgica 3 pacientes del grupo I. La estancia hospitalaria fue similar en los dos grupos. Dos pacientes del grupo I fallecieron. Conclusiones: se ha observado una tendencia a una mejor evolución de los pacientes con PAG que utilizaron NET frente a los que utilizaron NPT.Objective: to compare the efficacy of early total enteral nutrition (TEN vs. total parenteral nutrition (TPN in patients with severe acute pancreatitis (SAP. Methods: a total of 22 consecutive patients with SAP were randomized to receive TPN (group I or TEN (group II. SAP was defined applying APACHE II score, C-reactive protein (CRP measurements and/or Balthazar CT scan score. Acute inflammatory response (CRP, TNF-alpha, IL-6, visceral proteins (pre-albumin, albumin, complications (systemic inflammatory response syndrome, multiorgan failure, infections, surgical interventions, length of hospital stay and mortality were

  11. Gingivitis ulceronecrosante aguda

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    Eduardo de la Teja-Ángeles


    Full Text Available La gingivitis ulcerativa necrosante, conocida por sus siglas en inglés como GUN (anteriormente se le conocía como enfermedad de Vincent o “boca de trinchera” por afectar a soldados en guerra, es una enfermedad poco frecuente.1-6 Se caracteriza por ser una infección aguda y dolorosa en la que las encías sangran, hay necrosis de las papilas interdentales y ataque al estado general.

  12. Graves' disease following subacute thyroiditis. (United States)

    Nakano, Yoshishige; Kurihara, Hideo; Sasaki, Jun


    Subacute thyroiditis is a painful, inflammatory disease frequently accompanied with fever. It is suspected to be a viral infectious disease, while Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease. Thus, there appears to be no etiological relationship between the two diseases. A total of 25,267 thyroid disease patients made their first visits to our thyroid clinic during a period of 24 years between 1985 and 2008. Among them, subacute thyroiditis and Graves' disease accounted for 918 patients (3.6%) and 4,617 patients (18.2%), respectively. We have encountered 7 patients (one male and six female) with subacute thyroiditis followed by Graves' disease in this period (0.15% of the 4,617 patients with Graves' disease and 0.76% of the 918 patients with subacute thyroiditis). The age ranges were 40~66 years (mean 48.7 years) at the onset of subacute thyroiditis. The intervals between the onsets of subacute thyroiditis and Graves' disease were 1~8 months (mean 4.7 months). Because Graves' disease was preceded by subacute thyroiditis, the signs and symptoms of both diseases were evident together in the intervening period. The diagnosis of Graves' disease in those patients is always difficult because of atypical signs and symptoms and an unclear onset time. The causes of the Graves'disease that followed subacute thyroiditis are still unknown. However, the inflammatory nature of subacute thyroiditis may lead to the activation of the autoimmune response in susceptible subjects, resulting in the onset of Graves' disease. Graves' disease should be suspected when a high blood level of thyroid hormone persists after subacute thyroiditis.

  13. Genetics Home Reference: Graves disease (United States)

    ... Email Facebook Twitter Home Health Conditions Graves disease Graves disease Printable PDF Open All Close All Enable Javascript to view the expand/collapse boxes. Description Graves disease is a condition that affects the function of ...

  14. Pneumonia aguda fibrinosa e organizante

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    Cláudia Santos


    Full Text Available Resumo: O padrão histológico de Pneumonia Aguda Fibrinosa e Organizante (AFOP – Acute Fibrinous And Organizing Pneumonia, descrito por Beasley em 2002, caracteriza-se pela existência de fibrina intra-alveolar sob a forma de bolas de fibrina e pneumonia organizativa difusa. A apresentação clínica desta doença intersticial pulmonar pode ser aguda ou subaguda, diferindo no entanto dos outros padrões histológicos habitualmente associados a lesão pulmonar aguda – Lesão Alveolar Difusa (DAD, Pneumonia Organizativa (OP e Pneumonia Eosinofílica (EP.A propósito deste tema, os autores fazem uma revisão da literatura e descrevem o caso clínico de um doente de 44 anos, com aspectos imagiológicos e evolução pouco habituais. Abstract: The histologic pattern of Acute Fibrinous and Organizing Pneumonia (AFOP, described by Beasley in 2002, is characterized by the existence of intra alveolar fibrin in the form of fibrin “balls” and diffuse organizing pneumonia. Presenting symptoms of this interstitial pulmonary disease can be acute or subacute. However, it differs from the well-recognized histologic patterns of acute pulmonary lesion – Diffuse Alveolar Damage (DAD, Organizing Pneumonia (OP and Eosinophilic Pneumonia (EP.The authors carry out a review of the literature concerning this topic and describe the clinical case of a 44-year-old patient with unusual imaging features and outcome. Palavras-chave: AFOP, bolas de fibrina, pneumonia organizativa, Key-word: AFOP, fibrin balls, organizing pneumonia

  15. Thyroid surgery for Graves' disease and Graves' ophthalmopathy. (United States)

    Liu, Zi Wei; Masterson, Liam; Fish, Brian; Jani, Piyush; Chatterjee, Krishna


    Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease caused by the production of auto-antibodies against the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor, which stimulates follicular cell production of thyroid hormone. It is the commonest cause of hyperthyroidism and may cause considerable morbidity with increased risk of cardiovascular and respiratory adverse events. Five per cent of people with Graves' disease develop moderate to severe Graves' ophthalmopathy. Thyroid surgery for Graves' disease commonly falls into one of three categories: 1) total thyroidectomy, which aims to achieve complete macroscopic removal of thyroid tissue; 2) bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy, in which bilateral thyroid remnants are left; and 3) unilateral total and contralateral subtotal thyroidectomy, or the Dunhill procedure. Recent American Thyroid Association guidelines on treatment of Graves' hyperthyroidism emphasised the role of surgery as one of the first-line treatments. Total thyroidectomy removes target tissue for the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibody. It controls hyperthyroidism at the cost of lifelong thyroxine replacement. Subtotal thyroidectomy leaves a thyroid remnant and may be less likely to lead to complications, however a higher rate of recurrent hyperthyroidism is expected and revision surgery would be challenging. The choice of the thyroidectomy technique is currently largely a matter of surgeon preference, and a systematic review of the evidence base is required to determine which option offers the best outcomes for patients. To assess the optimal surgical technique for Graves' disease and Graves' ophthalmopathy. We searched the Cochrane Library, MEDLINE and PubMed, EMBASE,, and the World Health Organization (WHO) International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP). The date of the last search was June 2015 for all databases. We did not apply any language restrictions. Only randomised controlled trials (RCTs) involving participants with a diagnosis

  16. Insuficiencia respiratoria aguda


    Gutiérrez Muñoz, Fernando R.


    La función respiratoria básica es el intercambio gaseoso de oxígeno y dióxido carbono; lo que implica un perfecto equilibrio y control entre los componentes del sistema respiratorio. a insuficiencia respiratoria aguda (IRA) es la incapacidad del sistema respiratorio de cumplir su función básica, que es el intercambio gaseoso de oxígeno y dióxido de carbono. Basic respiratory function is gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, which implies a perfect balance and control between the compo...

  17. Insuficiência Hepática Aguda da Gravidez Experiência Clínica com Sete Casos Acute Liver Failure of Pregnancy ¾ Clinical Experience with Seven Cases

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    Marcelo Perosa


    Full Text Available Objetivos: avaliar a dificuldade diagnóstica, o tratamento e seu resultado em casos de insuficiência hepática aguda da gravidez. Métodos: sete pacientes com insuficiência hepática aguda da gravidez admitidas em nosso Serviço nos últimos quatro anos foram estudadas com ênfase nos sintomas presentes, achados laboratoriais, curso clínico, complicações maternas e sobrevida fetal. Resultados: a média de idade foi de 25,8 anos (sendo duas primigestas com idade gestacional média de 30,1. Destas, quatro receberam diagnóstico final de esteatose hepática aguda da gravidez e três de colestase intra-hepática da gravidez. Os principais sinais e sintomas encontrados foram: anorexia, náusea, dor abdominal, icterícia e encefalopatia. Ocorreu morte materna em dois casos: uma paciente por falência hepática enquanto aguardava órgão para transplante e outra por falência hepática, coagulopatia grave e choque hemorrágico após biópsia hepática. Uma paciente com esteatose hepática aguda evoluiu para cronicidade e encontra-se viva um ano após transplante hepático. Nos quatro casos restantes houve completa remissão do quadro com as medidas de suporte, associadas à interrupção da gravidez. As mortalidades materna e fetal foram, respectivamente, 28,6% e 57,1%. Conclusões: concluiu-se, nesta experiência inicial, que a insuficiência hepática aguda da gravidez constitui evento clínico grave, de elevada mortalidade materno-fetal, e que seu pronto reconhecimento e encaminhamento para centros terciários especializados em fígado, além da imediata interrupção da gestação, são fatores decisivos para o sucesso do tratamento.Purpose: to evaluate the diagnostic difficulties, treatment and outcome in cases of acute liver failure of pregnancy. Methods: seven patients with acute liver failure of pregnancy, managed during the past 4 years, were studied with emphasis on presenting symptoms, laboratory findings, clinical course, maternal

  18. Hashimoto's thyroiditis following Graves' disease. (United States)

    Umar, Husaini; Muallima, Nur; Adam, John M F; Sanusi, Harsinen


    Both Graves' disease and chronic thyroiditis (Hashimoto's thyroiditis) are autoimmune diseases of thyroid gland. Graves' disease is caused by stimulation of TSH receptor located on the thyroid gland by an antibody, which is known as TSH receptor antibody (TRAb). Furthermore, this may lead to hyperplasia and hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. On the contrary, the cause of Hashimoto's thyroiditis is thought due to a TSH stimulation-blocking antibody (TSBAb) which blocks the action of TSH hormone and subsequently brings damage and atrophy to thyroid gland. Approximately 15-20% of patients with Graves' disease had been reported to have spontaneous hypothyroidism resulting from the chronic thyroiditis (Hashimoto's disease). Pathogenesis for chronic thyroiditis following anti-thyroid drug treatment in patients with Graves' disease remains unclear. It has been estimated that chronic thyroiditis or Hashimoto's disease, which occurs following the Graves' disease episode is due to extended immune response in Graves' disease. It includes the immune response to endogenous thyroid antigens, i.e. thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin, which may enhance lymphocyte infiltration and finally causes Hashimoto's thyroiditis. We report four cases of chronic thyroiditis (Hashimoto's disease) in patients who have been previously diagnosed with Graves' hyperthyroidism. In three cases, Hashimoto's thyroiditis occurs in 7 to 25 years after the treatment of Grave's disease; while the other case has it only after few months of Grave's disease treatment. The diagnosis of Hashimoto's disease (chronic thyroiditis) was based on clinical manifestation, high TSHs level, positive thyroid peroxidase antibody and thyroglobulin antibody, and supported by positive results of fine needle aspiration biopsy. Moreover, the result of histopathological test has also confirmed the diagnosis in two cases. All cases have been successfully treated by levothyroxine treatment.

  19. Microcristais biliares na pancreatite aguda idiopática: indício para etiologia biliar oculta subjacente

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    CHEBLI Júlio Maria Fonseca


    Full Text Available As principais causas de inflamação pancreática no mundo são a litíase biliar e o alcoolismo crônico. Admite-se que 10 a 30% das pancreatites agudas sejam idiopáticas. Sugere-se que parte destas são causadas por microlitíase ou barro biliar, identificados pela presença de microcristais no sedimento biliar. Neste estudo, realizou-se análise microscópica da bile obtida por colangiopancreatografia endoscópica, em pacientes com pancreatite aguda idiopática, pancreatite aguda biliar e pancreatite crônica alcoólica - 20 em cada grupo. Pacientes com pancreatite aguda idiopática e microcristais na bile foram submetidos a colecistectomia. Naqueles inaptos à cirurgia efetuou-se esfincterotomia endoscópica ou tratamento com ácido ursodesoxicólico. Pacientes com pancreatite aguda idiopática sem cristais não receberam tratamento específico. A prevalência de microcristais biliares em pacientes com pancreatite aguda idiopática (75% e pancreatite aguda biliar (90% foi significativamente maior que naqueles com pancreatite crônica alcoólica (15%. A detecção de microcristais apresentou sensibilidade de 90%, especificidade de 85%, valor preditivo positivo de 85,7%, valor preditivo negativo de 89,4% e acurácia de 87,5% em identificar pancreatite de origem biliar. Nos pacientes com pancreatite aguda idiopática recurrente, cursando com microcristais, houve redução significante dos episódios de pancreatite após tratamento específico. No seguimento deste grupo durante 23,3 meses, recidiva ocorreu apenas naqueles que apresentavam "fator biliar persistente" (coledocolitíase ou microcristais. Todos os pacientes com pancreatite aguda idiopática submetidos a colecistectomia apresentavam colecistite crônica, e microlitíase foi observada em um paciente. No seguimento ultra-sonográfico, colelitíase foi detectada em um dos casos. No subgrupo de cinco pacientes com pancreatite aguda idiopática sem microcristais houve uma recidiva. Estudo

  20. Insuficiência respiratória aguda durante anestesia pediátrica: atelectasia e pneumotórax hipertensivo: relato de caso

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    Joel Massari Rezende


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A tarefa primordial do anestesiologista é garantir a adequada oxigenação do paciente. O objetivo deste relato é des crever o diagnóstico e conduta em um caso de insuficiência respiratória aguda durante anestesia, com finalidade didática. RELATO DO CASO: Criança de três anos submetida à anestesia para cirurgia urológica apresentou insuficiência respiratória por obstruções de brônquios por secreção, evoluindo com atelectasia e pneumotórax hipertensivo. Apresentamos o desenrolar do caso, e os meios de tratamento aplicado, com destaque para a urgência e técnica da drenagem no pneumotórax hipertensivo. CONCLUSÕES: A atenção do anestesiologista para o diagnóstico precoce de complicações respiratórias e o conhecimento das medidas prioritárias em cada momento pode evitar efeitos adversos graves

  1. Thyroid cancer in Graves' disease: is surgery the best treatment for Graves' disease? (United States)

    Tamatea, Jade A U; Tu'akoi, Kelson; Conaglen, John V; Elston, Marianne S; Meyer-Rochow, Goswin Y


    Graves' disease is a common cause of thyrotoxicosis. Treatment options include anti-thyroid medications or definitive therapy: thyroidectomy or radioactive iodine (I(131) ). Traditionally, I(131) has been the preferred definitive treatment for Graves' disease in New Zealand. Reports of concomitant thyroid cancer occurring in up to 17% of Graves' patients suggest surgery, if performed with low morbidity, may be the preferred option. The aim of this study was to determine the rate of thyroid cancer and surgical outcomes in a New Zealand cohort of patients undergoing thyroidectomy for Graves' disease. This study is a retrospective review of Waikato region patients undergoing thyroid surgery for Graves' disease during the 10-year period prior to 1 December 2011. A total of 833 patients underwent thyroid surgery. Of these, 117 were for Graves' disease. Total thyroidectomy was performed in 82, near-total in 33 and subtotal in 2 patients. Recurrent thyrotoxicosis developed in one subtotal patient requiring I(131) therapy. There were two cases of permanent hypoparathyroidism and one of permanent recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy. Eight patients (6.8%) had thyroid cancer detected, none of whom had overt nodal disease. Five were papillary microcarcinomas (one of which was multifocal), two were papillary carcinomas (11 mm and 15 mm) and one was a minimally invasive follicular carcinoma. Thyroid cancer was identified in approximately 7% of patients undergoing surgery for Graves' disease. A low complication rate (<2%) of permanent hypoparathyroidism and nerve injury (<1%) supports surgery being a safe alternative to I(131) especially for patients with young children, ophthalmopathy or compressive symptoms. © 2012 The Authors. ANZ Journal of Surgery © 2012 Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.

  2. Efectividad de la magnetoterapia como tratamiento en pacientes con lumbalgia aguda

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    Raidel González Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Son numerosos los pacientes aquejados de algias vertebrales, tanto lumbares como dorsales y cervicales. Se realizó esta investigación con el objetivo de determinar la efectividad de la magnetoterapia como tratamiento en la lumbalgia aguda, en pacientes atendidos en el policlínico universitario “Raúl Sánchez” de la provincia de Pinar del Río, Cuba. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de corte transversal en pacientes con lumbalgia aguda, pertenecientes a dicha área de salud. La muestra quedó conformada por 68 pacientes de ambos sexos con lumbalgia aguda, diagnosticados clínicamente y mayores de 17 años de edad. En la investigación predominó el sexo femenino (67,6 % y el rango de edad estuvo entre 40 y 49 años. El esfuerzo físico fue el principal factor desencadenante (47,1 %. Con el tratamiento de la magnetoterapia aplicado a los pacientes se redujeron los estadios del dolor. La mayoría de los pacientes presentaron una respuesta clínica excelente y mejoraron los síntomas entre los siete y diez días (61,8 %. No se reportaron efectos adversos. La magnetoterapia resultó efectiva en el tratamiento de pacientes aquejados de lumbalgia aguda

  3. Current Concepts in Graves' Disease (United States)

    Girgis, Christian M.; Champion, Bernard L.; Wall, Jack R.


    Graves' disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in the developed world. It is caused by an immune defect in genetically susceptible individuals in whom the production of unique antibodies results in thyroid hormone excess and glandular hyperplasia. When unrecognized, Graves' disease impacts negatively on quality of life and poses serious risks of psychosis, tachyarrhythmia and cardiac failure. Beyond the thyroid, Graves' disease has diverse soft-tissue effects that reflect its systemic autoimmune nature. Thyroid eye disease is the most common of these manifestations and is important to recognise given its risk to vision and potential to deteriorate in response to radioactive iodine ablation. In this review we discuss the investigation and management of Graves' disease, the recent controversy regarding the hepatotoxicity of propylthiouracil and the emergence of novel small-molecule thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor ligands as potential targets in the treatment of Graves' disease. PMID:23148179

  4. Serie de 8 casos de parotiditis supurada aguda neonatal

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    Manuel Díaz Álvarez

    Full Text Available La parotiditis supurada aguda es una infección poco frecuente en la práctica del pediatra y neonatólogo. El objetivo es mostrar nuestra experiencia en la atención de serie de casos con parotiditis supurada aguda en el período neonatal, y describir sus características de presentación. Se presentan los hallazgos clínicos en 8 pacientes con parotiditis supurativa neonatal, quienes estuvieron ingresados en el Servicio de Neonatología del Hospital Pediátrico Universitario "Juan Manuel Márquez", durante el período de 22 años (desde el año 1992 hasta el año 2013, y se contrasta con los reportes publicados en la literatura internacional. Las características de presentación de la parotiditis aguda supurada de nuestros casos concuerdan con la literatura revisada en muchos aspectos, y se demuestra que es, además, una infección poco frecuente en el período neonatal. Es la primera publicación sobre esta entidad en neonatos en Cuba, y la mayor serie de casos en el ámbito latinoamericano.

  5. Auto-estima na forma inativa da oftalmopatia de Graves Inactive Graves' ophthalmopathy and self-esteem

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    Carlos Henrique de Toledo Magalhães


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a auto-estima dos pacientes com oftalmopatia de Graves na fase inativa. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 30 pacientes portadores de oftalmopatia de Graves, eutireoideanos, na fase inativa, com idade variando entre 26 e 65 anos, média 43 ± 11,0 anos, denominado grupo estudo e 39 indivíduos que não apresentavam oftalmopatia de Graves, com idade variando entre 18 e 67 anos, média de 41 ± 13,4 anos, selecionados na população geral denominado grupo controle. Para avaliar a auto-estima foi utilizada a escala de auto-estima Rosenberg Unifesp-EPM aplicada por meio de entrevista. Os valores dos escores de auto-estima nos dois grupos estudados foram comparados pelo teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney. O mesmo teste foi aplicado com objetivo de comparar os resultados obtidos no grupo oftalmopatia de Graves considerando a gravidade da doença. RESULTADOS: Não foi observada alteração com significância estatística na auto-estima dos pacientes com oftalmopatia de Graves (p=0,057. O grupo estudo apresentou, em média, valores inferiores de auto-estima, comparado ao grupo controle. Não houve diferença da auto-estima entre os pacientes dos subgrupos leve e moderado-grave (P=0,2710. CONCLUSÃO: A oftalmopatia de Graves na fase inativa não afetou a auto-estima dos pacientes, no grupo estudado.PURPOSE: To assess the self-esteem of Graves' ophthalmopathy patients in the inactive phase. METHODS: Thirty euthyroid patients were evaluated in the inactive phase of disease with age ranging from 26 to 65 years, average of 43 ± 11,0 years, called study group and 39 individuals without Graves' ophthalmopathy with age ranging from 18 to 67 years, average of 41 ± 13,4 years, selected from the general population called control group. To evaluate the self-esteem the Rosenberg UNIFESP/EPM self-esteem scale, applied by means of an interview, was utilized. The self-esteem scores in the two studied groups were compared by means of the non

  6. Notas sobre apendicitis aguda

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    Martín Méndez S.


    apendicitis aguda y sin embargo, es necesario decirlo claro, nada hay tan complicado y en ocasiones tan oscuro. Sin duda, a medida que los conocimientos clínicos se extienden, se va iluminando el campo, antes inexplorado, de la cirugía apendicular, y hoy día casi todos los médicos y cirujanos tienen un criterio científico muy bien formado para lograr hacer un buen diagnóstico y aconsejar o llevar a cabo una intervención quirúrgica.

  7. Hepatitis viral aguda

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    Héctor Rubén Hernández Garcés


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de las hepatitis virales agudas sobre aspectos vinculados a su etiología. Se tuvieron en cuenta además algunos datos epidemiológicos, las formas clínicas más importantes, los exámenes complementarios con especial énfasis en los marcadores virales y el diagnóstico positivoA bibliographical review of acute viral hepatitis was made taking into account those aspects connected with its etiology. Some epidemiological markers, the most important clinical forms, and the complementary examinations with special emphasis on the viral markers and the positive diagnosis were also considered

  8. Enfermedad respiratoria grave en terapia intensiva durante la pandemia por el virus de influenza A (H1N1 2009

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    José Aquino-Esperanza


    Full Text Available Se describen pacientes hospitalizados en una unidad de terapia intensiva por enfermedad respiratoria aguda grave con características de influenza durante los primeros meses de la pandemia por influenza A(H1N1 2009 en la Argentina. Evaluamos datos clínicos, scores de gravedad, pruebas de laboratorio, microbiología y radiología torácica al ingreso, evolución y mortalidad hospitalaria, comparando pacientes con y sin confirmación de H1N1 por test de reacción de polimerasa en cadena, transcriptasa reversa (RT-PCR. Entre junio y julio de 2009 se internaron 31 pacientes adultos con una mediana de edad de 54 años (percentilo 25-75: 33-66. Presentaron test positivo para H1N1, 17 pacientes. Tenían al menos una condición concurrente 16 pacientes. La expresión radiográfica más frecuente fue infiltrados intersticio-alveolares bilaterales en 20 casos; 5 tenían consolidación lobar unilateral. La coinfección bacteriana (aislamiento de bacterias o IgM positiva para infecciones bacterianas, se demostró en 21 pacientes. Requirieron ventilación mecánica 23 pacientes y 18 desarrollaron síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo (SDRA. La linfopenia y elevación de creatinina-fosfoquinasa fue frecuente (83% y 65%, respectivamente. Los 6 pacientes que murieron (19% eran mayores de 75 años o tenían cáncer o inmunodepresión. El tratamiento antiviral temprano (≤ 48 horas se asoció a menor necesidad de ventilación mecánica (54% vs. 89%; p: 0.043. No hubo diferencia significativa en las variables analizadas entre el grupo H1N1 positivo y el negativo, lo que sugiere tener igual enfoque terapéutico frente a una epidemia. La infección por H1N1 determinó falla respiratoria aguda y SDRA. La mortalidad ocurrió en pacientes añosos o con co-morbilidades graves.

  9. Optimal management of Graves orbitopathy: a multidisciplinary approach

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Soeters, M. R.; van Zeijl, C. J. J.; Boelen, A.; Kloos, R.; Saeed, P.; Vriesendorp, T. M.; Mourits, M. P.


    Graves' thyroid disease is a relatively common disorder in endocrinology and general internal medicine practice. Graves' hyperthyroidism is mediated by circulating stimulating autoantibodies. Up to 60% of patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism develop some form of Graves' orbitopathy. Immune

  10. Estado oxidante e antioxidante de crianças com bronquiolite aguda

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    Rusen Dundaroz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O estresse oxidativo demonstrou contribuir para a patogênese de doenças pulmonares inflamatórias agudas e crônicas. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar o estado oxidante/antioxidante de crianças com bronquiolite aguda por meio de mensuração da capacidade antioxidante total do plasma, estado oxidante total e índice de estresse oxidativo. MÉTODOS: As crianças com bronquiolite aguda encaminhadas para o Departamento de Emergência Pediátrica do hospital universitário entre janeiro e abril 2012 foram comparadas a controles saudáveis de mesma idade. Os pacientes com bronquiolite aguda tiveram essa doença classificada como leve e moderada. O estado oxidante e antioxidante foi avaliado pela mensuração da capacidade antioxidante total do plasma, estado oxidante total e índice de estresse oxidativo. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídas 31 crianças com bronquiolite aguda com idade de três meses a dois anos e 37 crianças saudáveis. O estado oxidante total (EOT foi maior em pacientes com bronquiolite aguda do que no grupo de controle (5,16±1,99 µmol H2O2 em comparação a 3,78±1,78 µmol H2O2 [p = 0,004]. A capacidade antioxidante total (CAT foi significativamente menor em crianças com bronquiolite que no grupo de controle (2,51±0,37 µmol Trolox equivalente/L em comparação a 2,75±0,39 µmol Trolox Eqv/L (p = 0,013. Os pacientes com bronquiolite moderada apresentaram níveis de EOT mais elevados que os com bronquiolite leve e os do grupo de controle (p = 0,03, p < 0,001. Os pacientes com bronquiolite moderada apresentaram níveis de IEO mais elevados que os do grupo de controle (p = 0,015. O nível de saturação de oxigênio de pacientes com bronquiolite foi inversamente correlacionado ao nível de EOT (r = -0,476, p < 0,05. CONCLUSÃO: O equilíbrio entre os sistemas oxidante e antioxidante é interrompido em crianças com bronquiolite moderada, indicando que o fator de estresse poderá ter um papel na patogênese da doença.

  11. Necrose pancreática delimitada e outros conceitos atuais na avaliação radiológica da pancreatite aguda

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    Elen Freitas de Cerqueira Cunha


    Full Text Available A pancreatite aguda é uma condição inflamatória causada por ativação intracelular e extravasamento inapropriado de enzimas proteolíticas que determinam destruição do parênquima pancreático e dos tecidos peripancreáticos. Consiste em uma condição clínica bastante frequente, identificando-se duas formas principais de apresentação: a forma edematosa, menos intensa, e a forma necrosante, a forma grave da doença que acomete uma proporção significativa dos pacientes. A avaliação radiológica, sobretudo por tomografia computadorizada, tem papel fundamental na definição da conduta nos casos graves, sobretudo no que diz respeito à caracterização das complicações locais, que têm implicação prognóstica, e na determinação do tipo de abordagem terapêutica. Novos conceitos incluem a subdivisão da pancreatite necrosante nas formas de necrose do parênquima pancreático concomitante com necrose dos tecidos peripancreáticos ou necrose restrita aos tecidos peripancreáticos. Além disso, houve sistematização dos termos: acúmulos líquidos agudos peripancreáticos, pseudocisto, alterações pós-necróticas pancreáticas/peripancreáticas e necrose pancreática delimitada. Tal conhecimento é de extrema relevância no sentido de uniformizar a linguagem entre os especialistas envolvidos no diagnóstico e tratamento desses pacientes.

  12. Otomastoidite Aguda em Criança

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    João Araújo


    Full Text Available Criança de 2 anos, sexo masculino, diagnóstico de otite média aguda bilateral, medicada inicialmente com amoxicilina + clavulanato 90 mg/kg/dia desde há 7 dias, internada por agravamento do quadro à esquerda, com edema e eritema retroauricular, apagamento do sulco retroauricular [...] Recebido: 07/09/2015 · Aceite: 7/01/2016

  13. Leucemia congénita aguda Acute congenital leukemia

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    Nilvia Esther González García


    Full Text Available La leucemia aguda durante el período neonatal es poco frecuente de evolución rápida y pronóstico sombrío. Sus características clínicas y biológicas difieren de las encontradas en niños de mayor edad, y su inicio se caracteriza por afectación cutánea, hepatoesplenomegalia, hiperleucocitosis e infiltración del sistema nervioso central. Se han observado pacientes con formas tanto mieloides como linfoides, pero la leucemia mieloide aguda parece predominar en esta etapa de la vida. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con leucemia congénita clasificada morfológicamente, con aparición de manifestaciones clínicas de enfermedad hematológica desde el nacimiento y diagnóstico de leucemia linfoblástica aguda congénita.Acute leukemia during neonatal period is not frequent, of a fast course and gloomy prognosis. Its clinical and biological features differ of that present in older children and it onset is characterized by cutaneous affection, hepatosplenomegaly, hyperleukocytosis and infiltration of central nervous system (CNS. There are patients presenting with myeloid and lymphoid types, but the acute leukemia seems to predominate in this stage of life. This is the case of a patient with acute leukemia morphologically classified, with appearance of clinical manifestations of hematologic disease from birth and a diagnosis of congenital acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

  14. Parenteral nutrition versus enteral nutrition in severe acute pancreatitis Nutrição parenteral versus enteral em pacientes com pancreatite aguda grave

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    Josiel Paiva Vieira


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To compare the effect of parenteral versus enteral nutritional support in severe acute pancreatitis, with respect to efficacy, safety, morbidity, mortality and length of hospitalization. METHODS: The study was comprised of 31 patients, divided into a parenteral group (n=16 and an enteral group (n=15, who met severity criteria for abdominal tomography (Balthazar classes C, D, and E. The patients were compared by demographics, disease etiology, antibiotic prophylaxis, use or not of somatostatin, nutritional support, complications and disease progression. RESULTS: There was no statistical difference in the average duration of nutritional support, somatostatin, or antibiotics in the two groups. Imipenem was the drug of choice for prophylaxis of pancreatic infections in both groups. More complications occurred in the parenteral group, although the difference was not statistically significant (p=0.10. Infectious complications, such as catheter sepsis and infections of the pancreatic tissue, were significantly more frequent in the parenteral group (p=0.006. There was no difference in average length of hospitalization in the two groups. There were three deaths in the parenteral group and none in the enteral group. CONCLUSION: Enteral nutritional support is associated with fewer septic complications compared to parenteral nutritional support.OBJETIVO: Comparar o efeito do suporte nutricional parenteral versus enteral, em pancreatite aguda grave, com relação à eficácia, à segurança, à morbi-mortalidade e ao tempo de internação. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 31 pacientes distribuídos em grupo parenteral (n=16, no período de 1995 a 1998 e grupo enteral (n=15, no período de 1999 a 2002, que preencheram os critérios de gravidade pela tomografia de abdome (Balthazar C,D,E. Os pacientes foram comparados quanto aos dados demográficos, etiologia, antibioticoprofilaxia, somatostatina, suporte nutricional, complicações e evolução. RESULTADOS

  15. Efeito econômico do uso da oxigenação extracorpórea para suporte de pacientes adultos com insuficiência respiratória grave no Brasil: uma análise hipotética


    Park, Marcelo; Mendes, Pedro Vitale; Zampieri, Fernando Godinho; Azevedo, Luciano Cesar Pontes; Costa, Eduardo Leite Vieira; Antoniali, Fernando; Ribeiro, Gustavo Calado de Aguiar; Caneo, Luiz Fernando; Cruz Neto, Luiz Monteiro da; Carvalho, Carlos Roberto Ribeiro; Trindade, Evelinda Marramon


    Objetivo: Analisar o custo-utilidade do uso da oxigenação extracorpórea para pacientes com síndrome da angústia respiratória aguda grave no Brasil. Métodos: Com bancos de dados de estudos previamente publicados, foi construída uma árvore encadeada de decisões. Os custos foram extraídos da média de 3 meses do preço pago pelo Sistema Único de Saúde em 2011. Com 10 milhões de pacientes simulados com desfechos e custos predeterminados, uma análise da relação de incremento de custo e de anos d...

  16. Inibição da guanilato ciclase pelo azul de metileno no choque circulatório causado por pancreatite aguda necrosante: uma palavra de cuidado embasada em modelo suíno

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    Caroline Floreoto Baldo

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: estudar o uso terapêutico do bloqueio da guanilato ciclase pelo azul de metileno em um modelo experimental de pancreatite aguda grave em suínos. MÉTODOS: a pancreatite aguda necrotizante foi induzida em porcos anestesiados por infusão ductal pancreática retrógrada de 1ml/kg de taurocolato de sódio a 5% e 8U/kg de enteroquinase. Três grupos foram estudados (n=5: controle (C, pancreatite (PA, "bolus" de azul seguido por pancreatite (AM+PA. Os dados incluíram enzimas séricas e do líquido abdominal, variáveis hemodinâmicas, hemogasometria arterial, volume de líquido abdominal, marcadores inflamatórios plasmáticos, nitrito/nitrato e mieloperoxidase e malondialdeído plasmático. Aplicou-se a análise de variância seguida do pós-teste de Bonferroni (p<0,05. RESULTADOS: os valores de amilase e lipase foram três e dez vezes mais elevados no grupo PA. A atividade da mieloperoxidase foi 50% superior no grupo PA. Os dados hemodinâmicos indicaram choque hipovolêmico precoce seguido de choque cardiogênico. Observou-se grave translocação de líquidos para a cavidade peritoneal. A nitrito/nitrato plasmática permaneceu inalterada. O grupo AM+PA teve aumento de cinco vezes do mieloperoxidase em comparação com o grupo C. CONCLUSÕES: a utilização de azul de metileno em suínos com pancreatite não demonstrou efeitos significativos sobre variáveis hemodinâmicas e inflamatórias. Seu uso terapêutico na pancreatite necro-hemorrágica pode ser inadequado e extremo cuidado deve ser tomado dado o aumento da peroxidação lipídica evidenciado pelo aumento dos valores do malondialdeído.

  17. Lúpus eritematoso sistêmico e pancreatite aguda: relato de dois casos


    Azevedo, Ana Beatriz Cordeiro de; Brito, Fabiano Almeida; Santos, Flávia Patrícia Sena Teixeira; Ferreira, Gilda Aparecida; Carvalho, Marco Antônio Parreiras de


    A pancreatite aguda é uma manifestação incomum do lúpus eritematoso sistêmico (LES) e a freqüência desta associação não é conhecida. Contudo, a pancreatite aguda é um diagnóstico diferencial importante na avaliação da dor abdominal em pacientes com LES. Os pacientes, normalmente, apresentam dor de intensidade variável, algumas vezes simulando abdome agudo. Vários fatores têm sido implicados na patogênese desta condição, tais como fenômenos autoimunes, vasculite, anticorpos antifosfolípides e ...

  18. Factores pronósticos del éxito de la ventilación mecánica no invasiva en la insuficiencia respiratoria aguda

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    Zadis Navarro Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y analítico, de casos y controles, de 41 afectados con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda, tratados con ventilación mecánica no invasiva y egresados de las unidades de atención a pacientes en estado grave en el Hospital Provincial Docente Clinicoquirúrgico "Saturnino Lora Torres" de Santiago de Cuba, del 2012 al 2013, con vistas a describir la variabilidad de los parámetros fisiológicos y hemogasométricos, así como estimar la capacidad de pronóstico de estos en el desenlace exitoso del procedimiento. En la serie la media de edad fue de 60 años, predominó el sexo masculino (61,0 %, la técnica fue exitosa en 80,5 % y se constataron resultados significativos de éxito en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, asma bronquial e insuficiencia respiratoria aguda posextubación (76,9; 87,5 y 100,0 %, respectivamente. El éxito de la ventilación mecánica no invasiva trajo aparejada una mejoría considerable en los integrantes de la casuística al final de la evaluación de todos los parámetros fisiológicos y hemogasométricos, a excepción, en este último caso, de la presión arterial de dióxido de carbono y el bicarbonato sódico. Finalmente se concluyó que solo la escala de coma de Glasgow y la presión arterial de oxígeno presentaron importancia significativa para el pronóstico de éxito

  19. Grave's disease 1835-2002. (United States)

    Weetman, A P


    This brief review describes the history of Graves' disease, starting with the original descriptions by Parry, Graves and von Basedow. The true aetiology of the disorder was uncovered in the 1950s and 1960s, based on the search for a novel thyroid stimulator which turned out to be an immunoglobulin G autoantibody. Assays for these thyroid stimulatory antibodies have been continually refined and their epitopes on the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor are increasingly well characterized. We also understand far more about the genetic and environmental susceptibility factors that predispose to disease, and even thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy has now been better defined as primarily a T-cell-mediated disease resulting from cytokine stimulation of orbital fibroblasts. These advances should improve treatment options for Graves' disease in the foreseeable future.

  20. Follow up of Graves' Opthalmopathy after radioiodine therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miah, M.S.R.; Paul, A. K.; Rahman, H.A.


    Graves' ophthalmopathy may first appear or worsen during or after treatment for hyperthyroidism. We followed up 158 Graves' hyperthyroid patients treated with radioiodine of which 49 had Grave's' ophthalmopathy during presentation in Nuclear Medicine Centre, Khulna during the period from 1995 to 2000. The aim of our study is to see the effect of radioiodine in Graves' ophthalmopathy. All the patients received radioiodine at fixed dose regime ranged from 7 mCi to 12 mCi. The duration of follow up was at least 12 months Graves' ophthalmopathy patients, 4 (4/49 i.e., 8.2%) showed exaggeration of ophthalmopathy and the rest (45/49 i.e., 91.8%) remained unchanged. None of ophthalmopathy developed among any of Graves' hyperthyroid or disappeared after radioiodine treatment during follow up period. From the study we concluded that eye changes in Graves' hyperthyroidism remain unchanged or exaggerated after radioiodine therapy and needs ophthalmologist care.(author)

  1. Esofagitis necrosante aguda: análisis retrospectivo Acute esophageal necrosis: a retrospective case series

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    R. Ramos


    Full Text Available Introducción: la esofagitis necrosante aguda es una entidad rara. Se reconoce por el aspecto negro difuso del esófago a la endoscopia. Su incidencia e patogénesis se desconoce. Pacientes y métodos: se analizaron retrospectivamente 11 pacientes con esofagitis necrosante aguda desde el punto de vista de los datos clínicos, de laboratorio y endoscopicos en 2 años. Resultados: se analizaron las endoscopias realizadas a 3.976 pacientes, observándose esofagitis necrosante aguda en 11 pacientes. El estado nutricional era malo en 6 pacientes. La resolución completa de la esofagitis se observó en cuatro pacientes. Durante el seguimiento se observó una estenosis en un paciente y un nuevo episodio de esofagitis necrosante aguda en otro paciente. Siete pacientes fallecieron, pero esta elevada mortalidad parece deberse a las enfermedades de base y no es atribuible a las lesiones de la esofagitis necrosante. Conclusiones: la incidencia de esofagitis necrosante aguda en nuestra serie fue 0,28%. La esofagitis necrosante aguda tiene una elevada mortalidad.Background: acute esophageal necrosis has been considered a rare event. It is defined as the presence of diffuse dark pigmentation of the esophagus on upper endoscopy. Its incidence has not yet been established. The pathogenesis remains unknown. Patients and methods: a retrospective analysis of clinical, laboratory, endoscopic, and histological data, and of the clinical course of 11 patients with acute necrotizing esophagitis was carried out over a 2-year period. Results: among 3,976 patients who underwent upper endoscopy, 11 (0.28% with acute esophageal necrosis were identified. Nutritional status was poor for 6 patients. Complete resolution of acute esophageal necrosis without further recurrence was observed in 4. One stricture appeared during follow-up and other patient developed new-onset acute esophageal necrosis. Seven patients died, but no death was directly related to acute esophageal necrosis

  2. [Thyroid cancer in patients with Grave's Disease]. (United States)

    Mssrouri, R; Benamr, S; Essadel, A; Mdaghri, J; Mohammadine, El H; Lahlou, M-K; Taghy, A; Belmahi, A; Chad, B


    To evaluate the incidence of thyroid carcinoma in patients operated on for Graves' disease, to identify criteria which may predict malignancy, and to develop a practical approach to determine the extensiveness of thyroidectomy. Retrospective study of all patients who underwent thyroidectomy for Graves' disease between 1995 and 2005. 547 patients underwent subtotal thyroidectomy for Graves' disease during this period. Post-operative pathology examination revealed six cases of thyroid cancer (1.1%). All six cases had differentiated thyroid carcinoma (papillary carcinoma in 3 cases, follicular carcinoma in 2 cases and papillo-follicular carcinoma in 1 case). The indication for initial thyroidectomy was a palpable thyroid nodule in 3 cases (50%), failure of medical treatment for Grave's disease in 2 cases (33%), and signs of goiter compression in 1 case (17%). Five patients underwent re-operative total thyroidectomy. This study shows that while malignancy in Grave's disease is uncommon, the presence of thyroid nodule(s) in patients with Grave's disease may be considered as an indication for radical surgery. The most adequate radical surgery in this situation is to perform a total thyroidectomy.

  3. Intoxicaciones agudas en pediatría

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    Yalena Prado Vizcaíno


    Full Text Available Introducción: las intoxicaciones han sido en los últimos años una importante causa de aumento de la morbilidad y mortalidad en edades pediátricas. Objetivo: determinar el comportamiento clínico de las intoxicaciones agudas en la etapa de enero de 2005 a diciembre de 2009 en el Hospital Pediátrico "William Soler". Métodos: el estudio se realizó en el Hospital "William Soler". Se revisaron las historias clínicas, los registros de intoxicaciones agudas y las tarjetas de codificación de egresos hospitalarios por intoxicaciones de los pacientes llegados al hospital en esta etapa. Resultados: se recibieron en el hospital 886 pacientes. El grupo de mayor frecuencia de intoxicaciones fue el de 1 a 5 años, con predominio del sexo masculino, aunque sin diferencias significativas con respecto al sexo femenino. Las intoxicaciones más frecuentes fueron por medicamentos, fundamentalmente psicofármacos y antibióticos, seguido por alimentos y por productos químicos del hogar. El 30,2 % de los casos fueron ingresados. Conclusiones: estos resultados nos hacen pensar en la necesidad de estar alertas y crear acciones encaminadas a proteger o evitar las intoxicaciones en edades tan vulnerables.

  4. Bases moleculares de las leucemias agudas

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    G. Martínez Antuña


    Full Text Available El gran desarrollo de la biología molecular en los últimos años ha contribuido a un importante avance en los conocimientos relacionados con las bases moleculares de las leucemias agudas (LA. Ademas de profundizar en la biología de estas enfermedades y conocer las bases moleculares, ha renido también gran impacto en mejorar el resultado de los tratamientos y disminuir la toxicidad de las terapias.

  5. Notes on Glasinac: The chronology of princely graves

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    Vasić Rastko


    Full Text Available Princely graves of the Iron Age represent a particular phenomenon in archaeology, which is constantly the subject of interest. They are usually dated to the end of the 6th and the beginning of the 5th century. The author discusses the chronology of princely graves in the Central Balkans and analyses their appearance in each part of this territory: on the Glasinac plateau, in Serbia, Kosovo and Metohija, Montenegro, North Albania and Nordwest Bulgaria. He concludes that they date from the middle of the 7th to the middle of the 4th century, depending on the cultural and socio-economic situation in the respective area. In the middle of the 7th century princely graves in the true sense of the word were known only on the Glasinac plateau, in the Ilijak necropolis. At the end of the 7th and in the beginning of the 6th century they still appear on Glasinac, though in greater number and in various parts of the plateau. In northwest Bulgaria a grave dating to the second half of the 7th century was found, which would, according to grave goods, correspond to the Glasinac princely graves. On the other hand, there are no princely graves in Serbia and north Albania from that time but some outstanding warrior graves are known, belonging possibly to the chiefs of smaller warlike bands, whose power was limited. Princely graves from Arareva gromila on Glasinac, Pilatovići by Požega and Lisijevo Polje by Berane date to the beginning of the second half of the 6th century, and according to their characteristics represent princes, whose power and wealth were considerable and known to the neighbours. Culmination of the rise of the princes in this region was demonstrated by the graves from Novi Pazar, Atenica, and Pećka banja, which date to the end of the 6th and the first quarter of the 5th century. Some decades later there are several rich graves, e.g. the recently discovered grave from Velika Krsna, which could belong to a prince, but can not be compared with the

  6. Effect of 131I therapy on outcomes of Graves' ophthalmopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Renfei; Tan Jian; Zhang Guizhi; Yin Liang


    Objective: To analyze the correlation between the therapeutic effect of Graves' hyperthyroidism and the outcomes of Graves' ophthalmopathy after 131 I therapy, and to explore the effect of 131 I treatment on turnout of Graves' ophthalmopathy. Methods: Six hundreds and fifty-two patients of Graves' disease accompanied with Graves' ophthalmopathy, received one-time 131 I treatment according to routine procedure. We recorded exophthalmometer readings, the signs and symptoms of eyes before therapy. Regular follow-up and appraisal of curative effect were carried out. Results: At least six months after 131 I therapy, the effective rate of Graves' hyperthyroidism and Graves' ophthalmopathy were 94.3% and 73.3% respectively. The total effective rate of hyperthyroidism with ophthalmopathy was 71.2%. There was a significant correlation between the prognosis of Graves' ophthalmopathy and therapeutic efficacy of hyperthyroidism (r=0.302, P 131 I therapy (χ 2 =0.296, P>0.05). Conclusions: The key to treat Graves' ophthalmopathy is the cure of Graves' hyperthyroidism through 131 I therapy. The timely diagnosis and replacement treatment of hypothyroidism can effectively avoid the aggravation of Graves' ophthalmopathy after 131 I therapy. (authors)

  7. Lesão pulmonar aguda associada à transfusão Transfusion-related acute lung injury

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    Antonio Fabron Junior


    Full Text Available Lesão pulmonar aguda associada à transfusão (transfusion-related acute lung injury, TRALI é uma complicação clínica grave relacionada à transfusão de hemocomponentes que contêm plasma. Recentemente, TRALI foi considerada a principal causa de morte associada à transfusão nos Estados Unidos e Reino Unido. É manifestada tipicamente por dispnéia, hipoxemia, hipotensão, febre e edema pulmonar não cardiogênico, que ocorre durante ou dentro de 6 h, após completada a transfusão. Embora o exato mecanismo não tenha sido totalmente elucidado, postula-se que TRALI esteja associada à infusão de anticorpos contra antígenos leucocitários (classes I ou II ou aloantígenos específicos de neutrófilos e a mediadores biologicamente ativos presentes em componentes celulares estocados. A maioria dos doadores implicados em casos da TRALI são mulheres multíparas. TRALI, além de ser pouco diagnosticada, pode ainda ser confundida com outras situações de insuficiência respiratória aguda. Um melhor conhecimento sobre TRALI pode ser crucial na prevenção e tratamento desta severa complicação transfusional.Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI is a serious clinical syndrome associated with the transfusion of plasma-containing blood components. Recently, TRALI has come to be recognized as the leading cause of transfusion-related death in the United States and United Kingdom. This complication typically presents as shortness of breath, hypoxemia, hypotension, fever and noncardiogeneic pulmonary edema, all occurring during or within 6 h after transfusion. Although the mechanism of TRALI has not been fully elucidated, it has been associated with human leukocyte antigen antibodies (class I, class II or neutrophil alloantigens and with biologically active mediators in stored cellular blood components. Most of the donors implicated in cases of TRALI are multiparous women. Rarely diagnosed, TRALI can be confused with other causes of acute

  8. [Serum glycosaminoglycans in Graves' disease patients]. (United States)

    Winsz-Szczotka, Katarzyna B; Olczyk, Krystyna Z; Koźma, Ewa M; Komosińska-Vassev, Katarzyna B; Wisowski, Grzegorz R; Marcisz, Czesław


    The aim of the study was to determine the blood serum sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and hyaluronic acid (HA) concentration of Graves' disease patients before treatment and after attainment of the euthyroid state. The study was carried out on the blood serum obtained from 17 patients with newly recognised Graves' disease and from the same patients after attainment of the euthyroid state. Graves' patients had not any clinical symptoms neither of ophthalmopathy nor pretibial myxedema. GAGs were isolated from the blood serum by the multistage extraction and purification using papaine hydrolysis, alkali elimination, as well as cetylpyridium chloride binding. Total amount of GAGs was quantified by the hexuronic acids assay. HA content in obtained GAGs sample was evaluated by the ELISA method. Increased serum concentration of sulfated GAGs in non-treated Graves' disease patients was found. Similarly, serum HA level in untreated patients was significantly elevated. The attainment of euthyroid state was accompanied by the decreased serum sulfated GAGs level and by normalization of serum HA concentration. In conclusion, the results obtained demonstrate that the alterations of GAGs metabolism connected with Graves' disease can lead to systemic changes of the extracellular matrix properties.

  9. Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome complicated by Grave's disease. (United States)

    Takahashi, Ayumi; Tamura, Atsushi; Ishikawa, Osamu


    The report describes a woman with primary antiphospholipid antibody syndrome complicated with Grave's disease. Developing symptoms included a small cutaneous nodule on her finger and subsequently ecchymotic purpura on the cheeks, ears, buttocks and lower legs. Histological examinations showed thrombosed vessels in the dermis without or with hemorrhage, respectively. Laboratory investigation revealed positive lupus anticoagulant and immunogenic hyperthyroidism due to Grave's disease. There is a close relationship between the cutaneous manifestation of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome and the activities of Grave's disease and a possible link of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome with Grave's disease was suggested both by the etiology of the disease as well as the disease activity.

  10. Graves' disease and Thyroid anaplasic carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guerrero E, Helena; Quintero A, Flor Maria; Carmona C, Antonio


    A case of a 34 year-old patient is presented, who was diagnosed with Graves' disease and developed a thyroid anaplastic carcinoma from a clinically detected nodular mass. The incidence of thyroid cancer associated with Graves' disease is revisited

  11. Outcome of very long-term treatment with antithyroid drugs in Graves' hyperthyroidism associated with Graves' orbitopathy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elbers, Laura; Mourits, Maarten; Wiersinga, Wilmar


    It is still debated which treatment modality for Graves' hyperthyroidism (GH) is most appropriate when Graves' orbitopathy (GO) is present. The preference in our center has been always to continue antithyroid drugs for GH (as the block-and-replace [B-R] regimen) until all medical and/or surgical

  12. Postoperative hypocalcemia after thyroidectomy for Graves' disease. (United States)

    Pesce, Catherine E; Shiue, Zita; Tsai, Hua-Ling; Umbricht, Christopher B; Tufano, Ralph P; Dackiw, Alan P B; Kowalski, Jeanne; Zeiger, Martha A


    It is believed that patients who undergo thyroidectomy for Graves' disease are more likely to experience postoperative hypocalcemia than patients undergoing total thyroidectomy for other indications. However, no study has directly compared these two groups of patients. The aim of this study was to determine whether there was an increased incidence or severity of postoperative hypocalcemia in patients who underwent thyroidectomy for Graves' disease. An institutional review board-approved database was created of all patients who underwent thyroidectomy from 1998 to 2009 at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. There were a total of 68 patients with Graves' disease who underwent surgery. Fifty-five patients who underwent total thyroidectomy were randomly selected and served as control subjects. An analysis was conducted that examined potential covariates for postoperative hypocalcemia, including age, gender, ethnicity, preoperative alkaline phosphatase level, size of goiter, whether parathyroid tissue or glands were present in the specimen, and the reason the patient underwent surgery. Specific outcomes examined were calcium levels on postoperative day 1, whether or not patients experienced symptoms of hypocalcemia, whether or not Rocaltrol was required, the number of calcium tablets prescribed upon discharge, whether or not postoperative tetany occurred, and calcium levels 1 month after discharge. Each outcome was analyzed using a logistic regression. Graves' disease patients had a significantly (p-value Graves' disease and no patient in the control group were readmitted with tetany (p = 0.033). There was a trend, though not significant, toward patients with Graves' disease having a higher prevalence of hypocalcemia the day after thyroidectomy and 1 month later. Patients with Graves' disease are more likely to require increased dosages of calcium as well as experience tetany postoperatively than patients undergoing total thyroidectomy for other indications. This suggests that

  13. Thyroid carcinoma in Graves' disease: A meta-analysis. (United States)

    Staniforth, Joy U L; Erdirimanne, Senarath; Eslick, Guy D


    The incidence of thyroid carcinoma is increasing worldwide. Graves' disease is the most common hyperthyroid disease. Studies have suggested an increased risk of thyroid malignancy in Graves' disease: there has not yet been a meta-analysis to allow quantitative comparison. The purpose of this study was to determine the risk of thyroid carcinoma in Graves' disease, and to gather information on the histological subtypes of carcinoma and the co-existence of thyroid nodules. Several databases and article reference lists were searched. Inclusion criteria included appropriate diagnostic criteria for thyroid conditions and a diagnoses of carcinoma based on histology. 33 studies were selected, all reporting on surgically-resected specimens. The event rate of thyroid carcinoma in Graves' disease was 0.07 (95% CI 0.04 to 0.12). There was no data to allow comparison with patients without hyperthyroid diseases. There was no increase in the odds of developing carcinoma in Graves' disease compared to toxic multinodular goitre and toxic uninodular goitre. 88% of thyroid carcinomas in Graves' disease were papillary, with solitary papillary micro-carcinoma (diameter 10 mm or less) comprising 23% of all detected thyroid carcinomas. Patients with Graves' disease and co-existing thyroid nodules were almost 5 times more likely to be diagnosed with thyroid carcinoma than those without nodules. Thyroid malignancy in Graves' disease requiring surgical treatment should be considered as likely as in other hyperthyroid diseases needing surgical treatment. Clinicians should consider screening selected patients with Graves' disease for nodules whilst being aware of potentially over-diagnosing papillary micro-carcinoma. Crown Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. PREGO (presentation of Graves' orbitopathy) study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Perros, Petros; Žarković, Miloš; Azzolini, Claudio


    BACKGROUND/AIMS: The epidemiology of Graves' orbitopathy (GO) may be changing. The aim of the study was to identify trends in presentation of GO to tertiary centres and initial management over time. METHODS: Prospective observational study of European Group On Graves' Orbitopathy (EUGOGO) centres...

  15. Predictive score for the development or progression of Graves' orbitopathy in patients with newly diagnosed Graves' hyperthyroidism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wiersinga, Wilmar; Žarković, Miloš; Bartalena, Luigi


    OBJECTIVE: To construct a predictive score for the development or progression of Graves' orbitopathy (GO) in Graves' hyperthyroidism (GH). DESIGN: Prospective observational study in patients with newly diagnosed GH, treated with antithyroid drugs (ATD) for 18 months at ten participating centers f...

  16. Tratamiento quirúrgico de las colecciones agudas y crónicas del pericardio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Orestes Noel Mederos Curbelo

    Full Text Available Introducción: las colecciones agudas o crónicas del pericardio con frecuencia producen una compresión del corazón que en los casos crónicos conlleva invalidez y, en los agudos, peligro de muerte por taponamiento cardíaco. Objetivo: caracterizar a los pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente en el Hospital Universitario "Comandante Manuel Fajardo" entre 1995 y 2012 a causa de colecciones pericárdicas. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal con los pacientes atendidos quirúrgicamente en dicha institución por colecciones del pericardio. Constituyeron el universo 24 pacientes: 22 con colecciones agudas y 2 con colecciones crónicas. Resultados: la causa más frecuente de los derrames agudos fue la pericarditis aguda idiopática (25 %. Las colecciones crónicas fueron por pericarditis fibrosa de causa idiopática en el 100 % de los enfermos. La intervención realizada fue la resección del pericardio y el drenaje de las colecciones agudas mediante toracotomía izquierda o por vía preperitoneal subxifoidea. En las colecciones de origen maligno se realizó la resección pericárdica con fines paliativos y, en los derrames por lesión traumática del corazón, la sutura de este órgano fue el tratamiento quirúrgico empleado en todos los casos. En las pericarditis constrictivas, la pericardiectomía radical fue el tratamiento empleado en el 100 % de los casos. Conclusiones: el tratamiento quirúrgico en las colecciones agudas y crónicas del pericardio permite drenar el contenido por una ventana pericárdica obtenida por toracoscopia o por vía preperitoneal subxifoidea, mientras que la toracotomía izquierda es útil en las emergencias. En los derrames crónicos con fibrosis y síntomas de insuficiencia cardíaca, la pericardiectomía radical mediante esternotomía media ofrece los mejores resultados.

  17. Epidemiology and prevention of Graves' ophthalmopathy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wiersinga, Wilmar M.; Bartalena, Luigi


    Graves' ophthalmopathy is clinically relevant in approximately 50% of patients with Graves' disease, severe forms affecting 3%-5% of patients. Two age peaks of incidence are observed in the fifth and seventh decades of life, with slight differences between women and men. The disease is more frequent

  18. The 2016 European Thyroid Association/European Group on Graves' Orbitopathy Guidelines for the Management of Graves' Orbitopathy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bartalena, Luigi; Baldeschi, Lelio; Boboridis, Kostas; Eckstein, Anja; Kahaly, George J.; Marcocci, Claudio; Perros, Petros; Salvi, Mario; Wiersinga, Wilmar M.; Adamidou, Fotini; Anagnostis, Panagiotis; Ayvaz, Goksun; Azzolini, Claudio; Boschi, Antonella; Bournaud, Claire; Clarke, Lucy; Currò, Nicola; Daumerie, Chantal; Dayan, Colin; Fuhrer, Dagmar; Konuk, Onur; Marinò, Michele; Morris, Daniel; Nardi, Marco; Pearce, Simon; Pitz, Susanne; Rudovsky, Gottfried; Vannucchi, Guia; Vardanian, Christine; von Arx, Georg


    Graves' orbitopathy (GO) is the main extrathyroidal manifestation of Graves' disease, though severe forms are rare. Management of GO is often suboptimal, largely because available treatments do not target pathogenic mech anisms of the disease. Treatment should rely on a thorough assessment of the

  19. Citarabina y reacciones cutáneas en leucemia aguda mieloide

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    Sofía Grille


    Full Text Available La citarabina es un antimetabolito utilizado en el tratamiento de las leucemias agudas mieloides (LAM. Esta droga presenta numerosos efectos adversos (mielosupresión, toxicidad en sistema nervioso central, hepática, gastrointestinal, ocular y cutánea. La toxicidad dermatológica es habitualmente descrita como rara, sin embargo existen diferencias en la incidencia comunicada. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo donde se incluyeron todas las LAM tratadas con quimioterapia que incluía citarabina, entre el 1º de julio 2006 y el 1° de julio 2012. Se incluyeron 46 pacientes con una mediana de edad de 55 años. La incidencia global de reacciones cutáneas fue de 39% (n = 18. La presencia de lesiones cutáneas no se asoció con sexo, edad, antecedentes de atopía, de reacciones medicamentosas, tipo de LAM ni dosis de citarabina utilizada. Las lesiones se observaron entre 2 a 8 días de iniciado el tratamiento. En cuanto al grado lesional, 27.8% presentaron grado 1, 38.9% grado 2 y 33.3% grado 3. No existieron lesiones grado 4 ni muerte vinculada a toxicidad cutánea. En cuanto al tipo de lesiones, 55.6% se presentaban con máculas, 22.2% con pápulas y 22.2% con eritema. Con respecto a la distribución de las lesiones, 52% de los pacientes presentaron una distribución difusa, 39.3% acral y 8.7% a nivel flexural. Las reacciones adversas cutáneas con la administración de citarabina son frecuentes en nuestro medio, en algunos casos con afectación grave. Si bien suelen resolverse espontáneamente, pueden determinar mayor riesgo de infección, así como comprometer la calidad de vida.

  20. Sindrome confusional agudo por abstinencia aguda de nicotina Delirium due to acute nicotine withdrawal

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    Manuel Klein


    Full Text Available El síndrome confusional agudo (SCA o delirium en pacientes hospitalizados es un problema frecuente y grave. Se caracteriza por síntomas de comienzo agudo y curso fluctuante con inatención, pensamiento desorganizado, y con distintos niveles de alteración de la conciencia.En la bibliografía consultada, el SCA como manifestación de un síndrome de abstinencia aguda nicotínica fue descripto en solo ocho casos. Presentamos el caso de un tabaquista grave que, internado por una reagudización de su enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC, presentó un cuadro de SCA al tercer día de abstinencia tabacal, cediendo los síntomas tras la administración de un parche de nicotina. Lo descripto sugiere que en pacientes internados que presentan SCA y agitación, con fuertes antecedentes de tabaquismo, un simple ensayo con un parche de nicotina puede ofrecer en pocas horas una notable respuesta terapéutica y a su vez un test confirmatorio. El reconocimiento del SCA como forma de presentación de la abstinencia nicotínica permitirá identificar casos habitualmente complejos en los que se podrá implementar una sencilla y eficaz alternativa terapéutica.Delirium or acute confusional state among hospitalized patients is a frequent and serious problem. It is characterized by acute onset symptoms, fluctuating course, impaired attention, unorganized thinking, and altered level of conciousness. Delirium, as a manifestation of acute nicotine withdrawal syndrome has been reported in the reviewed literature only in eight cases. We report the case of a heavy smoker admitted because of a reagudization of his chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. At the third day of nicotine abstinence, he developed delirium with a rapid improvement of his symptoms after treatment with a transdermal nicotine patch. This description suggests that in hospitalized heavy smokers who develop delirium with agitation, a simple trial with a nicotine patch can offer a dramatic

  1. Graves' Disease (United States)

    ... 2011 survey of clinical practice patterns in the management of Graves' disease. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2012 Dec;97( ... 30 a.m. to 5 p.m. eastern time, M-F Follow Us NIH… Turning Discovery Into ... Disease Urologic Diseases Endocrine Diseases Diet & Nutrition ...

  2. Mouse Models of Graves' Disease


    Nagayama, Yuji


    Graves' disease is characterized by overstimulation of the thyroid gland with agonistic autoantibodies against the thyrotropin (TSH) receptor, leading to hyperthyroidism and diffuse hyperplasia of the thyroid gland. Our and other laboratories have recently established several animal models of Graves' hyperthyroidism with novel immunization approaches, i.e., in vivo expression of the TSH receptor by injection of syngeneic living cells co-expressing the TSH receptor and major histocompatibility...

  3. TSHR intronic polymorphisms (rs179247 and rs12885526) and their role in the susceptibility of the Brazilian population to Graves' disease and Graves' ophthalmopathy. (United States)

    Bufalo, N E; Dos Santos, R B; Marcello, M A; Piai, R P; Secolin, R; Romaldini, J H; Ward, L S


    Intronic thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor polymorphisms have been associated with the risk for both Graves' disease and Graves' ophthalmopathy, but results have been inconsistent among different populations. We aimed to investigate the influence of thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor intronic polymorphisms in a large well-characterized population of GD patients. We studied 279 Graves' disease patients (231 females and 48 males, 39.80 ± 11.69 years old), including 144 with Graves' ophthalmopathy, matched to 296 healthy control individuals. Thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor genotypes of rs179247 and rs12885526 were determined by Real Time PCR TaqMan(®) SNP Genotyping. A multivariate analysis showed that the inheritance of the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor AA genotype for rs179247 increased the risk for Graves' disease (OR = 2.821; 95 % CI 1.595-4.990; p = 0.0004), whereas the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor GG genotype for rs12885526 increased the risk for Graves' ophthalmopathy (OR = 2.940; 95 % CI 1.320-6.548; p = 0.0083). Individuals with Graves' ophthalmopathy also presented lower mean thyrotropin receptor antibodies levels (96.3 ± 143.9 U/L) than individuals without Graves' ophthalmopathy (98.3 ± 201.9 U/L). We did not find any association between the investigated polymorphisms and patients clinical features or outcome. We demonstrate that thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor intronic polymorphisms are associated with the susceptibility to Graves' disease and Graves' ophthalmopathy in the Brazilian population, but do not appear to influence the disease course.

  4. O papel da avaliação inicial simplificada no prognóstico da pancreatite aguda

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    Márcio Cavalcante Carneiro

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Correlacionar a avaliação clínico-laboratorial inicial simplificada com a gravidade da pancreatite aguda e a presença de necrose. MÉTODO: Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo dos pacientes com diagnóstico final de PA internados no Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho - UFRJ entre janeiro de 1990 e agosto de 2002. Foi considerado apenas o primeiro episódio de cada paciente. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos a análise estatística. Foram estudados 164 pacientes onde a idade média foi de 43,7 anos. RESULTADOS: A etiologia biliar foi a mais freqüente com 43,9% dos casos. A incidência de necrose foi de 21,3% e a mortalidade global de 23,2%. Observamos que a ausência de taquicardia na admissão estava associada à forma branda da doença, e que os níveis plasmáticos de uréia e creatinina elevados na admissão estão associados à forma grave da doença, e a hiperglicemia (121mg/dl à necrose pancreática. CONCLUSÕES: A avaliação inicial simplificada ainda tem espaço, embora que limitado, no acompanhamento do paciente com PA.

  5. Detección molecular de las translocaciones más comunes en Leucemia aguda mediante RT-PCR

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    L. García


    Full Text Available Evaluar la incidencia de las translocaciones t(4;11, t(1;19, t(9;22 y t(12;21 en leucemia linfoide aguda (LLA y t(15;17, t(8;21 e Inv.(16 en leucemia mieloide aguda (LMA. Correlacionar los resultados obtenidos con el diagnóstico morfológico y citogenético.

  6. Consenso intersociedades para el manejo de infecciones respiratorias: bronquitis aguda y enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica

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    Gustavo Lopardo


    Full Text Available La Sociedad Argentina de Infectología convocó a otras sociedades científicas para elaborar una guía práctica y actualizada para el manejo del tratamiento antibiótico de las bronquitis agudas (BA y los episodios de reagudización de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC, con el objetivo de promover el uso racional de los recursos diagnósticos y terapéuticos. La BA se caracteriza por la inflamación del árbol bronquial que afecta tanto a adultos como a niños sin enfermedades pulmonares crónicas, siendo de origen viral en la mayoría de los casos. El diagnóstico es clínico, debiéndose diferenciar de los episodios de neumonía adquirida en la comunidad. El tratamiento de los episodios de BA es fundamentalmente sintomático. En huéspedes inmunocomprometidos, con enfermedades crónicas respiratorias o cardíacas y en adultos mayores con comorbilidades debe evaluarse el requerimiento de tratamiento antibiótico caso por caso. Se define como exacerbación de la EPOC al cambio agudo en la situación clínica basal del paciente más allá de la variabilidad diaria, que cursa con aumento de la disnea, aumento de la expectoración, expectoración purulenta, o cualquier combinación de estos tres síntomas, y que precisa un cambio terapéutico. La presencia de uno de estos síntomas se define como episodio leve, dos como moderado y tres como grave. En un 50 a 75% de las exacerbaciones de EPOC se aísla en el esputo un agente infeccioso. En los episodios moderados y graves debe iniciarse tratamiento antibiótico. Amoxicilina-inhibidor de betalactamasas, macrólidos y fluoroquinolonas se encuentran entre las opciones terapéuticas.

  7. Nodular Graves' disease with medullary thyroid cancer. (United States)

    Khan, Shoukat Hussain; Rather, Tanveer Ahmed; Makhdoomi, Rumana; Malik, Dharmender


    Co-existence of thyroid nodules with Graves' disease has been reported in various studies. 10-15% of such nodules harbor thyroid cancer with papillary thyroid cancer being the commonest. Medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) in nodules associated with Graves' disease is rare. On literature survey, we came across 11 such cases reported so far. We report a 62-year-old female with Graves' disease who also had a thyroid nodule that on fine-needle aspiration cytology and the subsequent postthyroidectomy histopathological examination was reported to be MTC.

  8. Falla cardíaca aguda


    Sénior Sánchez, Juan Manuel; Gándara Ricardo, Jairo Alfonso


    Se presenta el caso clínico de una mujer de 26 años de edad, que acudió al Hospital Universitario San Vicente Fundación (Medellín) con síntomas y signos de falla cardíaca aguda y diagnóstico previo de falla cardíaca crónica con fracción de expulsión disminuida, de origen no claro, tromboembolismo pulmonar y ataque cerebrovascular isquémico, sin modulación neurohormonal óptima. Ingresó a la institución con hallazgos clínicos de sobrecarga hídrica y baja perfusión tisular, con requerimiento de ...

  9. Abdomen agudo ocasionado por apendicitis aguda de probable origen tuberculoso. Informe de un caso


    Montiel-Jarquín, Álvaro José; Alvarado-Ortega, Iván; Romero-Figueroa, María del Socorro; Rodríguez-Pérez, Fabiola; Rodríguez-Lima, Felipe; Loria-Castellanos, Jorge


    RESUMEN Antecedentes: la apendicitis aguda tuberculosa es una enfermedad rara, constituye de 0,001 % a 0,01 % de las formas clínicas de tuberculosis. Se presenta un caso de apendicitis aguda probablemente tuberculosa como causa de abdomen agudo quirúrgico. Caso clínico: hombre de 29 años con cuadro de dolor abdominal leve a moderado que se intensificó y localizó en el hemiabdomen derecho, claudicación, febrícula, vómito, mal estado general, leucocitosis de 11 300/µL y neutrofilia de 91 %....

  10. [Association Budd Chiari syndrome, antiphospholipid syndrome and Grave's disease]. (United States)

    Mouelhi, Leila; Chaieb, Mouna; Debbeche, Radhouane; Salem, Mohamed; Sfar, Imene; Trabelsi, Sinda; Gorgi, Yosr; Najjar, Taoufik


    Antiphospholipid syndrome is revealed by Budd Chiari syndrome in 5% of the cases. Antiphospholipid syndrome is characterized by venous or arterial thrombosis, foetal loss and positivity of antiphospholipid antibodies, namely lupus anticoagulant, anticardiolipin antibodies and anti-beta2-glycoprotein I. Anticardiolipin antibodies was reported in auto-immune thyroid disorders, particularly in Grave's disease. Antiphospholipid syndrome associated to Grave's disease was reported in only three cases. To describe a case report of association of Grave's disease and antiphospholipid syndrome. We report the first case of Grave's disease associated with antiphospholipid syndrome, revealed by Budd Chiari syndrome. Our observation is particular by the fact that it is about a patient presenting a Grave's disease associated with antiphospholipid syndrome revealed by Budd Chiari syndrome. This triple association has never been reported in literature. Although association between antiphospholipid syndrome and Grave's disease was previously described, further studies evaluating the coexistence of these two affections in the same patient would be useful.

  11. Dor aguda no joelho do paciente idoso Acute knee pain in elderly patients

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    Gilberto Luís Camanho


    Full Text Available A dor aguda no joelho de pacientes idosos é freqüente, sendo caracterizada por seu aparecimento súbito, sem causa aparente, com exame radiográfico dentro dos padrões da normalidade, na maioria dos casos. A etiologia da dor aguda no joelho é decorrente de insuficiência das estruturas, e seu quadro clínico difere completamente daquele determinado pela osteoartrose, sendo sempre unilateral e ocorre na grande maioria em pacientes do sexo feminino, após a quinta década de vida, e na região medial do joelho (local de maior carga. Com o propósito de analisar as possíveis etiologias para a dor aguda do joelho de pacientes acima de 60 anos de idade, suas características e tratamento, os autores discutem as etiologias relacionadas à dor aguda: lesão meniscal, fratura por fadiga e osteonecrose idiopática.Acute knee pain in elderly patients is not uncommon, and is characterized by a sudden onset, no apparent cause, and by normal radiographic findings in most cases. The etiology of acute knee pain is the result of insufficient structures, and clinical symptoms are totally different from the symptoms seen in osteoarthrosis. This acute pain in the knee is always unilateral and in the medial region of the knee joint (site with the heaviest load, predominantly in females after the fifth decade of live. In order to consider the possible etiologies for acute knee joint pain in patients older than 60 years, its characteristics and treatment, the authors discuss etiologies related to acute pain: lesion of the meniscus, stress fracture, and idiopathic osteonecrosis.

  12. Effect of abnormal thyroid function on the severity of Graves' ophthalmopathy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Prummel, M. F.; Wiersinga, W. M.; Mourits, M. P.; Koornneef, L.; Berghout, A.; van der Gaag, R.


    Many clinicians have the impression that treatment of thyroid dysfunction ameliorates ophthalmopathy in Graves' disease. The aim of our study was to relate thyroid function to the severity of Graves' ophthalmopathy. We studied 90 patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy and Graves' hyperthyroidism in

  13. Ultrasonographic Features of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma in Patients with Graves' Disease (United States)

    Chung, Jin Ook; Cho, Dong Hyeok; Chung, Dong Jin


    Background/Aims To characterize ultrasonographic findings in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) combined with Graves' disease. Methods Medical records and ultrasonographic findings of 1,013 patients with Graves' disease and 3,380 patients without Graves' disease were analyzed retrospectively. A diagnosis of PTC was based on a pathologic examination. Results The frequency of hypoechogenicity was lower in patients with PTC and Graves' disease than in patients with PTC alone (p Graves' disease was significantly higher than in those with PTC alone (p Graves' disease was characterized by more ill-defined borders and less frequency of overall calcification, punctate calcification, and heterogeneous echogenicity, although the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusions Our results suggest that patients with Graves' disease more frequently have atypical PTC findings on ultrasonography. PMID:20195406

  14. The Eye/Brain Radioactivity Ratio for Assessment of Graves Ophthalmopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, B. W.; Sung, S. K.; Suh, K. S.; Park, W.; Choi, D. J.; Kim, J. S.


    In Graves' disease, changes in orbital tissue and structure are caused by inflammatory infiltration, which induces increase of capillary permeability and breakdown of blood-tissue barriers. Using the uptake of 99m Tc-DTPA in inflammatory lesion, Eye/Brain radioactivity ratios in brain scintigraphy were evaluated in 15 normal controls and 40 Graves' patients. The results were as follows; 1) Eye/Brain radioactivity ratio was significantly higher in Graves' ophthalmopathy group than in control group (p 99m Tc-DTPA brain scintigraphy may be useful to determine the activity of Graves' ophthalmopathy and whether treatment of Graves' ophthalmopathy is necessary or not.

  15. Carambola como causa de lesão renal aguda

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    Karilla Lany Scaranello


    Full Text Available A carambola pertence à família das Oxalidáceas, espécie Averrhoa carambola. É rica em sais minerais, vitaminas A, C, complexo B e ácido oxálico. Estudos recentes demonstram que a toxicidade da fruta difere entre os indivíduos e pode ser explicada pelas respostas biológicas individuais como idade, quantidade da ingestão, neurotoxinas em cada tipo de fruta. Adicionalmente, a nefrotoxicidade causada pela fruta é dose dependente, podendo levar ao desenvolvimento de lesão renal aguda pela deposição de cristais de oxalato de cálcio intratubular, assim como por lesão direta das células epiteliais tubulares, levando à apoptose das mesmas. Relatamos o caso de uma paciente que, após a ingestão do suco da fruta e fruta in natura, desenvolveu lesão renal aguda, necessitando de terapia dialítica, evoluindo com desfecho favorável e recuperação da função renal.

  16. Enhanced thyroid iodine metabolism in patients with triiodothyronine-predominant Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takamatsu, J.; Hosoya, T.; Naito, N.


    Some patients with hyperthyroid Graves' disease have increased serum T3 and normal or even low serum T4 levels during treatment with antithyroid drugs. These patients with elevated serum T3 to T4 ratios rarely have a remission of their hyperthyroidism. The aim of this study was to investigate thyroid iodine metabolism in such patients, whom we termed T3-predominant Graves' disease. Mean thyroid radioactive iodine uptake was 51.0 +/- 18.1% ( +/- SD) at 3 h, and it decreased to 38.9 +/- 20.1% at 24 h in 31 patients with T3-predominant Graves' disease during treatment. It was 20.0 +/- 11.4% at 3 h and increased to 31.9 +/- 16.0% at 24 h in 17 other patients with hyperthyroid Graves' disease who had normal serum T3 and T4 levels and a normal serum T3 to T4 ratio during treatment (control Graves' disease). The activity of serum TSH receptor antibodies was significantly higher in the patients with T3-predominant Graves' disease than in control Graves' disease patients. From in vitro studies of thyroid tissue obtained at surgery, both thyroglobulin content and iodine content in thyroglobulin were significantly lower in patients with T3-predominant Graves' disease than in the control Graves' disease patients. Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) activity determined by a guaiacol assay was 0.411 +/- 0.212 g.u./mg protein in the T3-predominant Graves' disease patients, significantly higher than that in the control Graves' disease patients. Serum TPO autoantibody levels determined by immunoprecipitation also were greater in T3-predominant Graves' disease patients than in control Graves' disease patients. Binding of this antibody to TPO slightly inhibited the enzyme activity of TPO, but this effect of the antibody was similar in the two groups of patients

  17. Death by Suicide in Graves' Disease and Graves' Orbitopathy: A Nationwide Danish Register Study. (United States)

    Ferløv-Schwensen, Charlotte; Brix, Thomas Heiberg; Hegedüs, Laszlo


    Graves' disease (GD) is associated with excess morbidity and mortality, but little is known about unnatural manners of death and the potential relation with Graves' orbitopathy (GO). This study investigated the risk of unnatural death in Graves' patients with and without orbitopathy compared to matched control populations. This was a cohort study covering all adult Danes (≥18 years) diagnosed with GD or GO during 1995-2012. Median follow-up time was 7.9 years (range 0-17.5 years). Utilizing the Danish Register of Causes of Death and the Danish National Patient Registry, 28,461 subjects with GD and 3965 with GO were identified and matched for age and sex with four subjects from the background population. The manner of death was identified, and hazard ratios (HR) for mortality due to unnatural deaths (accident, suicide, violence/homicide, and unknown) were calculated using Cox regression analyses, adjusted for pre-existing somatic and psychiatric morbidity. In Graves' disease overall (GD + GO), there was an increased risk of death from unknown unnatural manners (HR = 2.01 [confidence interval (CI) 1.17-3.45], p = 0.012) and of suicide, although the latter difference was not with certainty statistically significant (HR = 1.43 [CI 1.00-2.04], p = 0.053). There was no significant difference in risk of death from suicide in GD subjects compared to their controls (HR = 1.27 [CI 0.85-1.89], p = 0.253). However, GO patients had a significantly higher risk of death from suicide (HR = 2.71 [CI 1.16-6.32], p = 0.022). Mortality by suicide was increased in Graves' disease overall, most significantly in patients with GO, also after adjustment for pre-existing somatic and psychiatric disease. These findings indicate that GD and GO may have a significant role in the pathophysiological mechanisms of suicidal behavior. Beyond independent confirmation, reasons for this need to be explored in order to introduce preventive measures.


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    Cuevas-Ruiz MV


    Full Text Available El ácido trans retinoico es el fármaco de elección en el tratamiento de la Leucemia Promielocítica Aguda. El efecto secundario más grave del fármaco es el síndrome de diferenciación, pero puede ocasionar lesiones en piel y úlceras escrotales. Presentamos el caso de un varón con leucemia promielocítica aguda que recibió ATRA y presentó úlceras escrotales

  19. Significance of changes of serum FT3, FT4, s-TSH, TGA, TPO-Ab levels in patients with non-Graves' hyperthyroidism and Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Lindi; Xu Changde; Xu Huogen; Wang Wei; Zhang Jie; Nie Shufen; Gu Zhenqi; Zeng Jihua


    Objective: To investigate the clinical significance of the changes of thyroid-related hormones (FT 3 , FT 4 , s-TSH, TGA, TPO-Ab) levels in patients with Graves' and non-Graves' hyperthyroidism. Methods: Serum FT 3 , FT 4 , TGA, TPO-Ab (with RIA) and s-TSH (with IRMA) were determined in 43 patients with non-Graves' hyperthyroidism, 29 patients with Graves' disease and 40 controls. Results: In both groups of hyperthyroid patients, the serum levels of FT 3 (15.01 ± 11.01 pg/ml in the non - Graves' group and 15.23 ± 9.57pg/ml in the Graves' group), FT 4 (38.30 ± 19.82, 38.87 ± 17.39pg/ml), TGA(33.89 ± 22. 43%, 49.72 ± 20.55% ) and TPO-Ab (1319.24 ± 1037.78, 2023.24 ± 621.00IU/ml) were significantly higher than those (FT 3 , 6.76 ± 2.01pg/ml, FT 4 16.16 ± 2.58pg/ml, TGA 6.76 ± 2.01%, TPO-Ab 0.01 ± 0.01IU/ml) in the controls (all P 3 , FT 4 and s-TSH levels in both groups were not significantly different from each other. Conclusion: In this study, serum TGA and TPO -Ab levels were lower in patients with non-Graves' hyperthyroidism than those in patients with Graves' disease. (authors)

  20. Graves' Disease that Developed Shortly after Surgery for Thyroid Cancer. (United States)

    Yu, Hea Min; Park, Soon Hyun; Lee, Jae Min; Park, Kang Seo


    Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder that may present with various clinical manifestations of hyperthyroidism. Patients with Graves' disease have a greater number of thyroid nodules and a higher incidence of thyroid cancer compared with patients with normal thyroid activity. However, cases in which patients are diagnosed with recurrence of Graves' disease shortly after partial thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer are very rare. Here we report a case of hyperthyroid Graves' disease that occurred after partial thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid cancer. In this case, the patient developed hyperthyroidism 9 months after right hemithyroidectomy, and antithyroglobulin autoantibody and thyroid stimulating hormone receptor stimulating autoantibody were positive. Therefore, we diagnosed Graves' disease on the basis of the laboratory test results and thyroid ultrasonography findings. The patient was treated with and maintained on antithyroid drugs. The mechanism of the recurrence of Graves' disease in this patient is still unclear. The mechanism may have been the improper response of the immune system after partial thyroidectomy. To precisely determine the mechanisms in Graves' disease after partial thyroidectomy, further studies based on a greater number of cases are needed.

  1. Graves' disease: thyroid function and immunologic activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gossage, A.A.; Crawley, J.C.; Copping, S.; Hinge, D.; Himsworth, R.L.


    Patients with Graves' disease were studied for two years during and after a twelve-month course of treatment. Disease activity was determined by repeated measurements of thyroidal uptake of [/sup 99m/Tc]pertechnetate during tri-iodothyronine administration. These in-vivo measurements of thyroid stimulation were compared with the results of in-vitro assays of Graves, immunoglobulin (TSH binding inhibitory activity--TBIA). There was no correlation between the thyroid uptake and TBIA on diagnosis. Pertechnetate uptake and TBIA both declined during the twelve months of antithyroid therapy. TBIA was detectable in sera from 19 of the 27 patients at diagnosis; in 11 of these 19 patients there was a good correlation (p less than 0.05) throughout the course of their disease between the laboratory assay of the Graves, immunoglobulin and the thyroid uptake. Probability of recurrence can be assessed but sustained remission of Graves' disease after treatment cannot be predicted from either measurement alone or in combination

  2. Graves' disease: thyroid function and immunologic activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gossage, A.A.R.; Crawley, J.C.W.; Copping, S.; Hinge, D.; Himsworth, R.L.


    Patients with Graves' disease were studied for two years during and after a twelve-month course of treatment. Disease activity was determined by repeated measurements of thyroidal uptake of [ 9 -9μTc]pertechnetate during tri-iodothyronine administration. These in-vivo measurements of thyroid stimulation were compared with the results of in-vitro assays of Graves, immunoglobulin (TSH binding inhibitory activity - TBIA). There was no correlation between the thyroid uptake and TBIA on diagnosis. Pertechnetate uptake and TBIA both declined during the twelve months of antithyroid therapy. TBIA was detectable in sera from 19 of the 27 patients at diagnosis; in 11 of these 19 patients there was a good correlation (p<0.05) throughout the course of their disease between the laboratory assay of the Graves, immunoglobulin and the thyroid uptake. Probability of recurrence can be assessed but sustained remission of Graves' disease after treatment cannot be predicted from either measurement alone or in combination

  3. Ataxia cerebelar aguda na criança

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    Valeriana Moura Ribeiro


    Full Text Available São relatados os casos de 6 crianças com ataxia cerebelar aguda. Admitem os autores a presença de um fator etiológico de caráter viral comum a todos êles, discutindo os mecanismos patogênicos com base nos casos da literatura. A evolução foi favorável em todos os pacientes, com regressão completa da sintomatologia, dentro do período de 6 a 60 dias.

  4. Hyperparathyroidism after radioactive iodine therapy for Graves disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Esselstyn, C.B. Jr.; Schumacher, O.P.; Eversman, J.; Sheeler, L.; Levy, W.J.


    The association of external ionizing radiation to the head and neck and the subsequent development of hyperfunctioning parathyroid glands has been documented in recent years. This also has been demonstrated experimentally in animals. Despite the numbers of patients with Graves disease who have been treated with radioactive iodine, there are no reports in the literature of parathyroid surgery for hyperparathyroidism secondary to earlier treatment with radioactive iodine for Graves disease. This report describes the operative and pathologic findings in four patients with hyperparathyroidism. These patients had previously been treated with radioactive iodine for Graves disease. The pathologic findings at surgery included in three cases a single enlarged hyperplastic gland consistent with a parathyroid adenoma. One patient had hyperplasia of all four glands. The two largest glands and halves of the two remaining glands were removed. In a long-term follow-up of children and adolescents treated with radioactive iodine for Graves disease, Levy and Schumacher found calcium elevations in 10 of 159 patients. The increased incidence of hyperparathyroidism following radioactive iodine treatment for Graves disease in children and adolescents would seem several times higher than normal. Whether adults who have radioactive iodine treatment for Graves disease have a similar increase incidence is not known. Meanwhile it would seem reasonable to suggest that patients whose hyperthyroidism is treated with radioactive iodine should have their serum calcium levels determined at 5-year intervals

  5. Graves' disease: diagnostic and therapeutic challenges (multimedia activity). (United States)

    Kahaly, George J; Grebe, Stefan K G; Lupo, Mark A; McDonald, Nicole; Sipos, Jennifer A


    Graves' disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in the United States. Graves' disease occurs more often in women with a female:male ratio of 5:1 and a population prevalence of 1% to 2%. A genetic determinant to the susceptibility to Graves' disease is suspected because of familial clustering of the disease, a high sibling recurrence risk, the familial occurrence of thyroid autoantibodies, and the 30% concordance in disease status between identical twins. Graves' disease is an autoimmune thyroid disorder characterized by the infiltration of immune effector cells and thyroid antigen-specific T cells into the thyroid and thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor expressing tissues, with the production of autoantibodies to well-defined thyroidal antigens, such as thyroid peroxidase, thyroglobulin, and the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor. The thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor is central to the regulation of thyroid growth and function. Stimulatory autoantibodies in Graves' disease activate the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor leading to thyroid hyperplasia and unregulated thyroid hormone production and secretion. Below-normal levels of baseline serum thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor, normal to elevated serum levels of T4, elevated serum levels of T3 and thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor autoantibodies, and a diffusely enlarged, heterogeneous, hypervascular (increased Doppler flow) thyroid gland confirm diagnosis of Graves' disease (available at: This Resource Center is also available through the website of The American Journal of Medicine ( Click on the “Thyroid/Graves' Disease” link in the “Resource Centers” section, found on the right side of the Journal homepage. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Relación entre las infecciones respiratorias agudas altas y el asma bronquial

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    Verónica Soler Fonseca

    Full Text Available Introducción: la infección respiratoria es la enfermedad más frecuente en los seres humanos, pues es responsable de la mitad de todas las enfermedades agudas. En Cuba al igual que en el resto del mundo, el asma bronquial constituye un importante problema de salud con incidencia relevante en los niños. Se señala que las infecciones virales están involucradas en la patogénesis del asma, sobre todo en el paciente pediátrico. Objetivo: identificar la influencia de las Infecciones Respiratorias Agudas Altas en la aparición y exacerbación de las crisis de asma bronquial. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal y prospectivo de los pacientes ingresados con asma bronquial en el servicio de enfermedades respiratorias del Hospital Pediátrico Docente de San Miguel del Padrón, durante todo el año 2008. Resultados: el tiempo de evolución de la IRAA más frecuente que desencadenó la crisis de asma bronquial fue de más de 7 días, con un 54,8 %. Un total de 188 pacientes presentaron rinofaringitis aguda catarral relacionada con la aparición de la crisis de asma bronquial, lo que representó el 82,4 % del total de la muestra. Conclusiones: predominó el grupo de 1 a 4 años con manifestaciones respiratorias altas de posible etiología viral sin diferencias apreciables en relación con el sexo. La mayoría de los pacientes que participaron en el estudio presentaron IRAA de etiología viral (Rinofaringitis, que precedieron la aparición y exacerbación de las crisis agudas de asma bronquial.

  7. Aspectos disautonômicos da porfiria aguda intermitente: a propósito de seis casos

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    Charles P. Tilbery


    Full Text Available Foram estudados seis casos de porfiria aguda intermitente, sendo enfocados os aspectos disautonômicos apresentados durante a longa permanência hospitalar dos doentes (média de 64 dias. Foram observados taquicardia sinusal e hipertensão arterial (4 casos, parada cardíaca (3 casos e depressão respiratória (5 casos. Os autores tecem comentários a propósito da fisiopatologia destas alterações e chamam a atenção sobre o prognóstico sombrio da porfiria aguda intermitente.

  8. Prevalência e caracterização clínica dos doentes com insuficiência respiratória parcial grave internados numa UCI

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    Alexandra Borba


    Full Text Available Resumo: Objectivos: A insuficiência respiratória parcial aguda (IRPA grave é uma situação comum na prática dos cuidados intensivos, mas os estudos existentes são insuficientes. Com este trabalho pretendeu-se estudar a prevalência e caracterizar clinicamente a população de doentes internados numa UCI que apresentam insuficiência respiratória parcial aguda grave.Material e métodos: Numa unidade de cuidados intensivos médico-cirúrgica avaliaram-se retrospectiva-mente os doentes internados durante o ano de 2004.Resultados: 37,6% dos doentes apresentaram IRPA grave. A análise estatística demonstrou que estes doentes diferiam dos doentes sem IRPA nos tempos de internamento e ventilação, índices de gravidade e mortalidade.Conclusão: A IRPA é uma situação com elevada prevalência e relevância em cuidados intensivos, mas as carac-terísticas destes doentes estão mal definidas, em parte devido à ausência de critérios claros na sua definição. Para melhor compreender este fenómeno são necessá-rios mais estudos, prospectivos e multicêntricos.Rev Port Pneumol 2008; XIV (3: 339-352 Abstract: Objective: The authors analysed patients with severe partial respiratory failure (SPRF admitted to a general Intensive Care Unit (ICU. The prevalence and clinical characteristics of these patients were evaluated.This work aims to study the rate of and to clinically characterise the patient population admitted to an Intensive Care Unit with acute severe partial respiratory failure.Material and methods: In 16-bed ICU of a central Hospital in Lisbon, patients admitted in the year 2004 were analysed. Patients with SPRF were recruited form patients with an ICU stay>24 hours. They were selected according to PaO2 and FiO2 and clinically characterized.Results: During the study period 472 patients were admitted, and 378 presented an ICU stay>24 hours and were enrolled. From those, 142 (37.6% met criteria for SPRF. Of these, 45 (31.7% a pulmonary

  9. Resolution of Graves' disease after renal transplantation. (United States)

    Lee, Yvonne; Butani, Lavjay; Glaser, Nicole; Nguyen, Stephanie


    We report a case of an adolescent boy with Down's syndrome and ESRD on hemodialysis who developed mild Graves' disease that was not amenable to radioablation, surgery, or ATDs. After 14 months of observation without resolution of Graves' disease, he successfully received a DDRT with a steroid minimization protocol. Thymoglobulin and a three-day course of steroids were used for induction and he was started on tacrolimus, MMF, and pravastatin for maintenance transplant immunosuppression. One month after transplantation, all biochemical markers and antibody profiling for Graves' disease had resolved and remain normal one yr later. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. Graves disease hyperthyroidism and glycometabolism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun Qiting; Zhao Deshan


    The Patients with Graves disease hyperthyroidism are often accompanied by disorder of glycometabolism. β-cell dysfunction and insulin resistance play a main role in this disease, while the immune and genetic factors are also relevant with the disease. The blood glycose level can become normal gradually with the recovery of thyroid hormone after 131 I and antithyroid drug treatment. Therefore, the blood glycose level could be improved and complications could be prevented by early treatment in the patients with Graves disease hyperthyroidism accompanied with glycometabolism disorder is helpful for improving the blood glycose level. (authors)

  11. Microchimerism in Graves' Disease (United States)

    Galofré, Juan C.


    Microchimerism is the presence of cells from one individual in another genetically distinct individual. Pregnancy is the main cause of natural microchimerism through transplacental bidirectional cell trafficking between mother and fetus. The consequences of pregnancy-related microchimerism are under active investigation. However, many authors have suggested a close relationship linking fetal microchimerism and the development of autoimmune diseases. It has been more than ten years now since the demonstration of the presence of a significant high number of fetal microchimeric cells residing in thyroid glands from operated patients with Graves' disease. This intrathyroidal fetal microchimerism is an attractive candidate mechanism for the modulation of Graves' disease in pregnancy and the postpartum period. PMID:22577597

  12. Caracterización epidemiológica de la descompensación aguda del asma bronquial

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    Yanin Arteaga Prado


    Full Text Available Introducción: el asma bronquial tiene una compleja fisiopatología que involucra la presencia en el paciente de factores genéticos de atopia, mecanismos inmunológicos disfuncionales. Objetivo: caracterizar la asociación de diversos aspectos epidemiológicos con la aparición de descompensaciones agudas del asma bronquial. Material y método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal a 118 pacientes del área de dos consultorios médicos del Policlínico Universitario "Hermanos Cruz" de la Ciudad de Pinar del Río durante el primer trimestre del 2012. Se comparó el grupo de pacientes que presentaron descompensaciones de la enfermedad con el grupo de pacientes que no se descompensó. Se aplicó un cuestionario para explorar las variables de interés. Para verificar la asociación entre variables se utilizó el estadígrafo ji cuadrado para un valor de significación estadística á=0.05. Resultados: las descompensaciones agudas fueron casi dos veces más frecuentes en el sexo femenino. De manera muy significativa (Z=3,26 p<0,01 una tercera parte de los asmáticos de su enfermedad; las amas de casa y los estudiantes fueron los más afectados. Solo el 38,1 % de los asmáticos tuvo un adecuado seguimiento por un especialista (clínico, pediatra, alergólogo o inmunólogo y de estos solo el 11,1 % presentaron descompensaciones agudas, en tanto se descompensó un 39,7 % de los que no tienen seguimiento especializado. Conclusiones: la degradación de las condiciones de la vivienda favoreció la aparición de descompensaciones agudas del asma. En tres cuartas partes de las casas había animales domésticos, existiendo una fuerte asociación entre esta condición y la aparición de descompensaciones agudas del paciente asmático.

  13. Graves' Disease that Developed Shortly after Surgery for Thyroid Cancer

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    Hea Min Yu


    Full Text Available Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder that may present with various clinical manifestations of hyperthyroidism. Patients with Graves' disease have a greater number of thyroid nodules and a higher incidence of thyroid cancer compared with patients with normal thyroid activity. However, cases in which patients are diagnosed with recurrence of Graves' disease shortly after partial thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer are very rare. Here we report a case of hyperthyroid Graves' disease that occurred after partial thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid cancer. In this case, the patient developed hyperthyroidism 9 months after right hemithyroidectomy, and antithyroglobulin autoantibody and thyroid stimulating hormone receptor stimulating autoantibody were positive. Therefore, we diagnosed Graves' disease on the basis of the laboratory test results and thyroid ultrasonography findings. The patient was treated with and maintained on antithyroid drugs. The mechanism of the recurrence of Graves' disease in this patient is still unclear. The mechanism may have been the improper response of the immune system after partial thyroidectomy. To precisely determine the mechanisms in Graves' disease after partial thyroidectomy, further studies based on a greater number of cases are needed.

  14. Comportamento da síndrome coronariana aguda: resultados de um registro brasileiro Acute coronary syndrome behavior: results of a Brazilian registry

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    Leopoldo Soares Piegas


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: O Brasil carece de registros multicêntricos publicados de síndrome coronariana aguda. OBJETIVO: O Registro Brasileiro de Síndrome Coronariana Aguda é um estudo multicêntrico nacional com objetivo de apresentar dados representativos das características clínicas, e manejo e evolução hospitalares dessa síndrome. MÉTODOS: Participaram 23 hospitais de 14 cidades. Foram elegíveis pacientes que se apresentaram com suspeita de síndrome coronariana aguda nas primeiras 24 horas, com quadro clínico sugestivo, associado a alterações eletrocardiográficas compatíveis e/ou marcadores de necrose. O seguimento foi realizado até o óbito ou a alta hospitalar. RESULTADOS: Entre os anos de 2003 e 2008, foram incluídos 2.693 pacientes com diagnóstico de síndrome coronariana aguda, sendo 864 (32,1% mulheres. O diagnóstico final foi de angina instável para 1.141 (42,4% pacientes, com mortalidade de 3,06% deles; de infarto agudo do miocárdio sem supradesnível de ST para 529 (19,6% pacientes, com mortalidade de 6,8% deles; e de infarto agudo do miocárdio com supradesnível de ST para 950 (35,3% pacientes, com mortalidade de 8,1% deles; tiveram diagnóstico não confirmado 73 (2,7% pacientes, com mortalidade de 1,36% deles. A mortalidade global foi de 5,53%. O modelo de regressão logística múltipla identificou o gênero feminino (OR=1,45, o diabetes melito (OR=1,59, o índice de massa corporal (OR=1,27 e a intervenção coronariana percutânea (OR=0,70 como fatores de risco de óbito, para demografia e intervenções. Um modelo para óbito por complicações maiores identificou choque cardiogênico/Edema Agudo de Pulmão (OR=4,57, reinfarto (OR=3,48, acidente vascular cerebral (OR=21,56, sangramento grave (OR=3,33, parada cardiorrespiratória (OR=40,27 e classe funcional de Killip (OR=3,37. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados do Registro Brasileiro de Síndrome Coronariana Aguda não diferem de outros coletados fora do país. Seus achados poder

  15. Neonatal Graves' Disease with Maternal Hypothyroidism. (United States)

    Akangire, Gangaram; Cuna, Alain; Lachica, Charisse; Fischer, Ryan; Raman, Sripriya; Sampath, Venkatesh


    Neonatal Graves' disease presenting as conjugated hyperbilirubinemia is a diagnostic challenge because the differential includes a gamut of liver and systemic diseases. We present a unique case of neonatal Graves' disease in a premature infant with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia born to a mother with hypothyroidism during pregnancy and remote history of Graves' disease. Infant was treated with a combination of methimazole, propranolol, and potassium iodide for 4 weeks. Thyroid function improved after 8 weeks of treatment with full recovery of thyroid function, disappearance of thyroid-stimulating antibodies, and resolution of failure to thrive and conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. This case provides several clinical vignettes as it is a rare, severe, presentation of an uncommon neonatal disease, signs, symptoms, and clinical history presented a diagnostic challenge for neonatologists and endocrinologists, normal newborn screen was misleading, and yet timely treatment led to a full recovery.

  16. [Neonatal hyperthyroidism and maternal Graves disease]. (United States)

    Ben Ameur, K; Chioukh, F Z; Marmouch, H; Ben Hamida, H; Bizid, M; Monastiri, K


    The onset of Graves disease during pregnancy exposes the neonate to the risk of hyperthyroidism. The newborn must be monitored and treatment modalities known to ensure early treatment of the newborn. We report on the case of an infant born at term of a mother with Graves disease discovered during pregnancy. He was asymptomatic during the first days of life, before declaring the disease. Neonatal hyperthyroidism was confirmed by hormonal assays. Hyperthyroidism was treated with antithyroid drugs and propranolol with a satisfactory clinical and biological course. Neonatal hyperthyroidism should be systematically sought in infants born to a mother with Graves disease. The absence of clinical signs during the first days of life does not exclude the diagnosis. The duration of monitoring should be decided according to the results of the first hormonal balance tests. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  17. Psychiatric manifestations of Graves' hyperthyroidism: pathophysiology and treatment options. (United States)

    Bunevicius, Robertas; Prange, Arthur J


    Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder that is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism. Other symptoms associated with the disease are goitre, ophthalmopathy, and psychiatric manifestations such as mood and anxiety disorders and, sometimes, cognitive dysfunction. Graves' hyperthyroidism may result in these latter manifestations via the induction of hyperactivity of the adrenergic nervous system. This review addresses the psychiatric presentations, and their pathophysiology and treatment, in patients with hyperthyroidism, based on literature identified by a PubMed/MEDLINE database search. Although the focus is on mental symptoms associated with Graves' disease, it is not always clear from the literature whether patients had Graves' disease: in some studies, the patients were thought to have Graves' disease based on clinical findings such as diffuse goitre or ophthalmopathy or on measurements of thyroid antibodies in serum; however, in other studies, no distinction was made between Graves' hyperthyroidism and hyperthyroidism from other causes. Antithyroid drugs combined with beta-adrenoceptor antagonists are the treatments of choice for hyperthyroidism, as well as for the psychiatric disorders and mental symptoms caused by hyperthyroidism. A substantial proportion of patients have an altered mental state even after successful treatment of hyperthyroidism, suggesting that mechanisms other than hyperthyroidism, including the Graves' autoimmune process per se and ophthalmopathy, may also be involved. When psychiatric disorders remain after restoration of euthyroidism and after treatment with beta-adrenoceptor antagonists, specific treatment for the psychiatric symptoms, especially psychotropic drugs, may be needed.

  18. The Role of Oxidative Stress on the Pathogenesis of Graves' Disease

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    Miloš Žarković


    Full Text Available Graves' disease is a most common cause of hyperthyroidism. It is an autoimmune disease, and autoimmune process induces an inflammatory reaction, and reactive oxygen species (ROSs are among its products. When balance between oxidants and antioxidants is disturbed, in favour of the oxidants it is termed “oxidative stress” (OS. Increased OS characterizes Graves' disease. It seems that the level of OS is increased in subjects with Graves' ophthalmopathy compared to the other subjects with Graves' disease. Among the other factors, OS is involved in proliferation of orbital fibroblasts. Polymorphism of the 8-oxoG DNA N-glycosylase 1 (hOGG1 involved in repair of the oxidative damaged DNA increases in the risk for developing Grave's disease. Treatment with glucocorticoids reduces levels of OS markers. A recent large clinical trial evaluated effect of selenium on mild Graves' ophthalmopathy. Selenium treatment was associated with an improved quality of life and less eye involvement and slowed the progression of Graves' orbitopathy, compared to placebo.

  19. Hickam's dictum: Myasthenia Gravis presenting concurrently with Graves' disease. (United States)

    Sehgal, Shekhar; Rebello, Roshan; Wolmarans, Louise; Elston, Marianne


    We present two patients with Graves' disease and concurrent myasthenia gravis. The impact of the dual diagnosis on the clinical course and the potential for a delayed diagnosis of myasthenia gravis is discussed. Patient 1, a 28-year-old man was diagnosed with Graves' disease following his second respiratory arrest. His history was strongly suggestive of a second pathology. Patient 2, a 66-year-old Cantonese woman with established Graves' disease presented with thionamide-related neutropaenia. Examination revealed bilateral ptosis and right lateral rectus palsy. Both patients had thyrotoxicosis secondary to Graves' disease with concurrent myasthenia gravis. Although neuromuscular weakness is common in Graves' disease, coexisting myasthenia gravis (MG) is rare and can cause profound morbidity. Ocular signs in both diseases may cause diagnostic confusion although ptosis suggests coexisting MG. In both cases, the thyrotoxicosis delayed the diagnosis of MG. © BMJ Publishing Group Ltd (unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  20. Vitamin D and Graves' disease: a meta-analysis update. (United States)

    Xu, Mei-Yan; Cao, Bing; Yin, Jian; Wang, Dong-Fang; Chen, Kai-Li; Lu, Qing-Bin


    The association between vitamin D levels and Graves' disease is not well studied. This update review aims to further analyze the relationship in order to provide an actual view of estimating the risk. We searched for the publications on vitamin D and Graves' disease in English or Chinese on PubMed, EMBASE, Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure, China Biology Medical and Wanfang databases. The standardized mean difference (SMD) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated for the vitamin D levels. Pooled odds ratio (OR) and 95% CI were calculated for vitamin D deficiency. We also performed sensitivity analysis and meta-regression. Combining effect sizes from 26 studies for Graves' disease as an outcome found a pooled effect of SMD = -0.77 (95% CI: -1.12, -0.42; p Graves' disease were more likely to be deficient in vitamin D compared to the controls (OR = 2.24, 95% CI: 1.31, 3.81) with a high heterogeneity (I2 = 84.1%, p Graves' disease.

  1. Thymic hyperplasia in a patient with Grave's disease. (United States)

    Hamzaoui, Amira A; Klii, Rim R; Salem, Randa R; Kochtali, Ines I; Golli, Mondher M; Mahjoub, Silvia S


    Hyperplastic changes of the thymus may be found in patients with Graves' disease. However, this rarely presents as an anterior mediastinal mass, particularly among adults. In this report, we describe a 46-year old woman with Graves' disease and thymic hyperplasia.

  2. Soporte nutricional en la insuficiencia renal aguda

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    O. Cristina Olivos, Dra.


    Full Text Available La insuficiencia renal aguda (IRA se presenta frecuentemente en distintas condiciones clínicas y es especialmente frecuente en unidades de cuidados intensivos. La presencia de IRA se considera como un factor de riesgo independiente de morbilidad y mortalidad hospitalaria. De ahí la importancia de evaluar los diversos factores determinantes de su evolución, entre los que cuenta la desnutrición calórico-proteica. El propósito de esta revisión es analizar la literatura más relevante hasta la actualidad en este tema.


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    Laura Rocío Orellana-Cuéllar


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la toxicidad aguda por Aleurites moluccana por administración oral en ratas Sprague-Dawley. Metodología: Estudio experimental realizado en el Instituto de Patología de la Facultad de Medicina-UNMSM. Se usaron treinta ratas Sprague-Dawley, hembras y machos, de 6 semanas de edad. Se formaron aleatoriamente tres grupos de diez ratas: grupo A1, recibió 8,2 mg/Kg de peso de A. moluccana; grupo  A2, recibió 2000 mg/Kg de peso de A. moluccana; grupo control, recibió agua ad libitum. Se evaluaron los signos clínicos de toxicidad, los pesos, variables bioquímicas y las características histopatológicas de hígado, riñón, corazón, intestino, bazo y gónadas. Se consideró significativo un p0,05. Los grupos  A1 y A2 presentaron signos clínicos de toxicidad y la muerte de tres ratas; células hepáticas binucleadas y regenerativas en el hígado; y hemorragia glomerular en el riñón. Conclusiones: Las variables clínicas e histopatológicas en hígado y riñón demostraron que la Aleurites moluccana produce toxicidad aguda, las variables bioquímicas no demostraron este efecto. Palabras Claves: Aleurites moluccana, Toxicidad aguda, Ratas Sprague-Dawley.

  4. The clinical value of serum thyrotrophin receptor antibody level in patients with Graves ophthalmopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Chaodian; Shi Yuhong; Yan Bing


    Objective: To explore the value of serum thyrotrophin receptor antibody (TRAb) on the pathological mechanism of Graves ophthalmopathy. Methods: Two hundred and nineteen newly diagnosed Graves disease patients who were divided into Graves ophthalmopathy group (n=121) and without Graves ophthalmopathy group (n=98) were tested serum concentration with thyroid function, thyroperoxidase antibodies (TPOAb), thyroglobulin antibodies (TgAb) and TRAb. According to the consensus statement of the European Group on Graves ophthalmopathy, clinical activity score (CAS) and severity evaluation were carried out on Graves ophthalmopathy patients. Results: There was no significant difference in serum concentration of free thyroxine (FT 4 ), free triiodothyronine (FT 3 ), TPOAb and TRAb between the Graves ophthalmopathy group and the without Graves ophthalmopathy group. Serum concentration of TRAb was not correlated with the severity and CAS of Graves ophthalmopathy. Conclusions: The CAS and the severity of Graves ophthalmopathy were irrelevant to the serum concentration of TRAb. Therefore, the correlation between TRAb and Graves ophthalmopathy still needs further study. (authors)

  5. Cerebelite aguda causada por vírus Epstein-Barr: relato de caso

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    Teive Hélio A.G.


    Full Text Available A cerebelite aguda pode ocorrer em associação a infecção pelo vírus da varicela-zoster, enterovirus, caxumba, micoplasma e outros agentes infecciosos. A cerebelite aguda é uma complicação rara da infecção pelo vírus Epstein-Barr (EBV. Relatamos o caso de uma mulher de 21 anos com história de 12 dias de evolução com náuseas, vômitos, ataxia de marcha e membros, tremor cefálico e de membros, opsoclono, mioclonias e rash cutâneo. Sorologia para EBV foi positiva. A infecção pelo EBV, com complicações neurológicas, pode não se apresentar com os sinais e sintomas clássicos da mononucleose infeciosa.

  6. Thymic hyperplasia in a patient with Grave's disease

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    Hamzaoui Amira A


    Full Text Available Abstract Hyperplastic changes of the thymus may be found in patients with Graves' disease. However, this rarely presents as an anterior mediastinal mass, particularly among adults. In this report, we describe a 46-year old woman with Graves' disease and thymic hyperplasia.

  7. Standardization of 131I therapy for Graves disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang Jianlin; Li Yuying; Gao Liuyan; Tang Xiuping; Hu Hongyong


    Objective: To establish the normative and standard measures, to ensure medical safety and quality of care of the patients with Graves disease treated by 131 I therapy. Methods: Formulating and strictly implementing the medical organizational and technical measures of 131 I therapy for Graves disease and regular follow-up. Results: Receiving 131 I treatment of 104 patients, follow-up 6-36 months, no adverse events, the cure rate of 59.6%, the efficient rate is 99.9%. Conclusion: It is important guarantee for the medical quality and safety to standardize the 131 I therapy of Graves disease. (authors)

  8. Effect of hyperthermia on experimental acute pancreatitis Efeito da hipertermia na pancreatite aguda experimental

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    José Luiz Jesus de Almeida


    Full Text Available BACKGROUD: Recent studies indicate that hyperthermia can change inflammatory mechanisms and protect experimental animals from deleterious effects of secretagogue-induced acute pancreatitis AIM: To evaluate the effects of hyperthermia post-treatment on cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis in rats METHODS: Twenty animals were divided in two groups: group I (n = 10, rats with cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis undergone hyperthermia, and group II (n = 10, animals with cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis that were kept normothermic. In all groups, amylase serum levels, histologic damage, vascular permeability and pancreatic water content were assessed. Acute pancreatitis was induced by administration of two cerulein injections (20 mcg/kg. A single dose of Evans' blue dye was administered along with the second dose of cerulein. All animals also received a subcutaneous injection of saline solution. After this process, animals undergone hyperthermia were heated in a cage with two 100 W lamps. Body temperature was increased to 39.5ºC and maintained at that level for 45 minutes. Normothermia rats were kept at room temperature in a second cage RESULTS: Control animals had typical edema, serum amylase activity and morphologic changes of this acute pancreatitis model. Hyperthermia post-treatment ameliorated the pancreatic edema, whereas the histologic damage and the serum amylase level remained unchanged CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest a beneficial effect of the thermal stress on inflammatory edema in experimental acute pancreatitis.RACIONAL: Estudos recentes indicam que a hipertermia pode modificar mecanismos inflamatórios e proteger animais experimentais dos efeitos deletérios da pancreatite aguda induzida por secretagogos OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia da hipertermia como tratamento da pancreatite aguda induzida por ceruleína em ratos MÉTODOS: Vinte animais foram divididos em dois grupos: grupo I (n = 10, ratos com pancreatite aguda induzida por

  9. Enhanced thyroid iodine metabolism in patients with triiodothyronine-predominant Graves' disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takamatsu, J.; Hosoya, T.; Naito, N.; Yoshimura, H.; Kohno, Y.; Tarutani, O.; Kuma, K.; Sakane, S.; Takeda, K.; Mozai, T.


    Some patients with hyperthyroid Graves' disease have increased serum T3 and normal or even low serum T4 levels during treatment with antithyroid drugs. These patients with elevated serum T3 to T4 ratios rarely have a remission of their hyperthyroidism. The aim of this study was to investigate thyroid iodine metabolism in such patients, whom we termed T3-predominant Graves' disease. Mean thyroid radioactive iodine uptake was 51.0 +/- 18.1% ( +/- SD) at 3 h, and it decreased to 38.9 +/- 20.1% at 24 h in 31 patients with T3-predominant Graves' disease during treatment. It was 20.0 +/- 11.4% at 3 h and increased to 31.9 +/- 16.0% at 24 h in 17 other patients with hyperthyroid Graves' disease who had normal serum T3 and T4 levels and a normal serum T3 to T4 ratio during treatment (control Graves' disease). The activity of serum TSH receptor antibodies was significantly higher in the patients with T3-predominant Graves' disease than in control Graves' disease patients. From in vitro studies of thyroid tissue obtained at surgery, both thyroglobulin content and iodine content in thyroglobulin were significantly lower in patients with T3-predominant Graves' disease than in the control Graves' disease patients. Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) activity determined by a guaiacol assay was 0.411 +/- 0.212 g.u./mg protein in the T3-predominant Graves' disease patients, significantly higher than that in the control Graves' disease patients. Serum TPO autoantibody levels determined by immunoprecipitation also were greater in T3-predominant Graves' disease patients than in control Graves' disease patients. Binding of this antibody to TPO slightly inhibited the enzyme activity of TPO, but this effect of the antibody was similar in the two groups of patients.

  10. Graves' disease in Albanian children. (United States)

    Gjikopulli, A; Tomori, Sonila; Kollçaku, L; Hoxha, P; Grimci, Lindita; Ylli, Zamira


    Graves' disease (GD) accounts for 10-15% of thyroid disorders in patients less than 18 years of age. It is the most common cause of thyrotoxicosis in children and accounts for at least 95% of cases in children. Pediatric Treatment of Graves' disease consists of anti-thyroid drugs, radioactive iodide and thyroidectomy but the optimal treatment of GD in children is still controversial. To review treatment outcome of pediatric Graves' disease in Albania. Descriptive review of 15 children with Graves' disease, diagnosed from Jan.2007 to Dec. 2013, at the Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital Centre "Mother Teresa", Albania was performed. All patients, mean age 10.56 ± 3.37 years, (range 2.02-16.09 years) were presented with goiter and increased serum FT4, mean 39.80 ± 16.02 ng/mL, (range 21.0-74.70 ng/mL), serum FT3, mean 12.98 ± 3.45 pg/mL, (range 6.90 -17.90 pg/mL) and suppressed TSH levels, mean 0.02 ± 0.01 mUI/L, (range 0.01-0.05 mUI/L). Anti TSH Receptor were positive in 100% of patients mean value 6.51 ± 3.61 UI/mL (range 1.63 - 14.10 UI/mL). Anti-thyroglobulin and Anti-TPO antibodies were positive in 60% and 46.6% respectively. Clinical course of 15 patients after treatment with anti-thyroid drugs mainly MMI for 3.19 ± 1.48 (range 0.60 - 6.20) years is as follows: seven (46.66%) underwent remission, five out of seven (71.41%) who underwent remission, relapsed. Three of them (20%) were treated with I(131), and two (13.3%) underwent to total thyroidectomy. MMI was the most common first line therapy in the presented patients with Graves' disease. Remission rate was 46.66% after an average 1.48 ± 0.71 years (range 0.60 - 2.70 years) of treatment with anti-thyroid drugs. Remission period was 2.70 ± 0.36 years (2.1 - 3.1 years) Relapse occurred in 71.41% of patient. I(131) and thyroidectomy were used as second line therapy in the present study.

  11. Development of Graves' ophthalmopathy and uveitis after radioiodine therapy for Graves' disease in a patient with HTLA-I associated myelopathy (HAM)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ozawa, Yasunori; Migita, Masayoshi; Watanabe, Tomoji; Okuda, Itsuko; Takeshita, Akira; Takagi, Akio; Shishiba, Yoshimasa


    HTLV-I carriers or patients with HTLV-I associated myelopathy (HAM) are prone to immune-mediated inflammatory disorders. We present a 44-year-old female with HAM who developed Graves' disease. She developed severe Graves' ophthalmopathy shortly after 131 I therapy, concurrently with a remarkable increase in TSH-receptor antibody titer. Ophthalmopathy was aggravated in spite of prednisolone therapy and euthyroidism being maintained by thyroxine replacement. Uveitis also developed after 131 I therapy and iridocyclitis finally required trabeculotomy. This case suggests that HAM patients may have a higher risk of immune-mediated Graves' ophthalmopathy after 131 I therapy.(author)

  12. [Diagnostic difficulties in Grave's orbitopathy--case report]. (United States)

    Jedrzejowski, Maciej; Grzesiuk, Wiesław; Szwejda, Elzbieta; Bar-Andziak, Ewa


    Graves' orbitopathy is caused by intraorbital inflammatory reaction due to autoimmune thyroid disease. In most cases the diagnosis is based on the coexistence of typical eye signs and hyperthyroidism symptoms. In presented case, the absence of thyroid dysfunction implicated performance of differential diagnosis. Among many available diagnostic tools nuclear magnetic resonance seems to be the most accurate in confirmation of diagnosis of Graves' orbitopathy.

  13. Miopia aguda induzida por topiramato: relato de dois casos

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    Kathy Dadam Sgrott


    Full Text Available RESUMO A miopia aguda pode ser desencadeada pelo uso de medicações sistêmicas, dentre elas, o anticonvulsivante topiramato. Este trabalho descreve dois casos de pacientes jovens com quadro agudo bilateral de miopia induzida por terapia com topiramato para controle de síndrome depressiva, fazendo relação com casos semelhantes descritos na literatura e revisão bibliográfica pertinente.

  14. Graves disease with ophthalmopathy following radiotherapy for Hodgkin's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jacobson, D.R.; Fleming, B.J.


    The number of patients achieving long-term survival following neck irradiation for Hodgkin's disease and other malignancies is increasing. Paralleling this increase in survivors is the development of late complications of the therapy itself. Eleven patients have previously been reported who developed Graves ophthalmopathy 18 months to seven years after receiving neck radiotherapy for nonthyroidal malignancies. The seven patients who had HLA typing were all HLA-B8 negative, despite the reported association of the HLA-B8 antigen with Graves disease. A patient who is HLA-B8 positive who developed Graves ophthalmopathy and hyperthyroidism nine years after receiving mantle radiotherapy for Hodgkin's disease is reported. It is recommended that Graves disease be included among the thyroid diseases that receive consideration during follow-up of patients who have received mantle radiotherapy

  15. Diagnosis of Grave's disease with pulmonary hypertension on chest CT. (United States)

    Lee, Hwa Yeon; Yoo, Seung Min; Kim, Hye Rin; Chun, Eun Ju; White, Charles S

    To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of chest CT findings to diagnose Grave's disease in pulmonary hypertension. We retrospectively evaluated chest CT and the medical records of 13 patients with Grave's disease with (n=6) or without pulmonary hypertension (n=7) and in 17 control patients. Presence of iso-attenuation of diffusely enlarged thyroid glands compared with adjacent neck muscle on non-enhanced CT as a diagnostic clue of Grave's disease, and assessment of pulmonary hypertension on CT has high diagnostic accuracy. Chest CT has the potential to diagnose Grave's disease with pulmonary hypertension in the absence of other information. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Graves' disease with special reference to radiation therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seegenschmidt, M. H.; Heyd, R.; Esser, J.; Mould, R.F.


    Graves' disease, although not malignant, nevertheless can lead to serious events such as permanent loss of vision if it remains untreated. This review article describes the clinical symptoms of the disease, includes a commentary on the Graves' disease subgroup of thyroid-associated orbitipathy (TAO), and defines clinical activity scoring systems which grade the severity of the disease in patients (clinical activity, NOSPECS and LEMO scoring ). An review of radiotherapy in the 1980s is followed by a summary of the 2003 German national survey on radiotherapy for Graves' disease. Radiation therapy technique is then described and discussed. Case histories are from the Alfred Krupp Hospital in Essen. (author)

  17. Højfolkets Grave

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    For the special exhibition 'Højfolkets Grave - Oak Coffins from Borum Eshøj' on Moesgaard Museum in 2007: The development of 3D graphics which was displayed on a big screen in the exhibition. The animation shows - in a very stylistic way - the design principles behind the construction of Bronze Age...

  18. Guidelines for the treatment of childhood-onset Graves' disease in Japan, 2016. (United States)

    Minamitani, Kanshi; Sato, Hirokazu; Ohye, Hidemi; Harada, Shohei; Arisaka, Osamu


    Purpose behind developing these guidelines: Over one decade ago, the "Guidelines for the Treatment of Graves' Disease with Antithyroid Drug, 2006" (Japan Thyroid Association (JTA)) were published as the standard drug therapy protocol for Graves' disease. The "Guidelines for the Treatment of Childhood-Onset Graves' Disease with Antithyroid Drug in Japan, 2008" were published to provide guidance on the treatment of pediatric patients. Based on new evidence, a revised version of the "Guidelines for the Treatment of Graves' Disease with Antithyroid Drug, 2006" (JTA) was published in 2011, combined with the "Handbook of Radioiodine Therapy for Graves' Disease 2007" (JTA). Subsequently, newer findings on pediatric Graves' disease have been reported. Propylthiouracil (PTU)-induced serious hepatopathy is an important problem in pediatric patients. The American Thyroid Association's guidelines suggest that, in principle, physicians must not administer PTU to children. On the other hand, the "Guidelines for the Treatment of Graves' Disease with Antithyroid Drug, 2011" (JTA) state that radioiodine therapy is no longer considered a "fundamental contraindication" in children. Therefore, the "Guidelines for the Treatment of Childhood-Onset Graves' Disease with Antithyroid Drug in Japan, 2008" required revision.

  19. Premature hair greying may predict reduced bone mineral density in Graves' disease.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Leary, A C


    BACKGROUND: Premature hair greying has been associated with low bone mineral density (BMD), and it may be more frequent in Graves\\' disease. AIMS: To determine whether premature greying is associated with reduced BMD in women with Graves\\' disease and in control women, and to examine whether premature greying is more common in Graves\\' disease. METHODS: Premature greying (> 50% grey by 40 years) and BMD were determined in 44 women with a history of Graves\\' disease and 133 female controls referred for routine BMD measurement. Exclusion criteria included diseases or drugs known to affect BMD. RESULTS: Mean Z and T scores at the lumbar spine were significantly lower (P < 0.04) in subjects with premature greying than in those not prematurely grey among women with Graves\\' disease, but not among control women. Multiple regression confirmed this difference between Graves\\' and control women (P = 0.041). There were no differences at other measurement sites. Of Graves\\' patients, 36% were prematurely grey compared with 25% of control women (P = 0.14). CONCLUSION: Premature greying may be a weak marker for reduced BMD in women with a history of Graves\\' disease, but it is not a marker in normal women.

  20. Factores de Risco da Asma Grave

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    N. Adel


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Apesar da rápida progressão do conhecimento da fisiopatologia da asma e da larga difusão de meios terapêuticos de eficácia acrescida, observase um aumento da morbalidade e da morbildade da asma em numerosos paises, em particular nos paises industrialtzados, por razões ainda pouco conhecidas Estes factos permitem questionar o funcionamento do sistema de cuidados de saúde e a difusão dos progressos terapêuticos na população asmática. Os autores definem o concetto de asma aguda grave, salientando dois tipos: o tipo 1, de «instalação progressiva» em algumas horas ou dtas eo upo 2 de «instalação brutal» em menos de três horas Os factores de risco para cada urn deles parecem ser diferentes.Os autores fazem uma revisão dos factores de risco da asma grave, tendo em conta as caracterisucas individuais do doente, os factores ambientats e a intervenção da sociedade.Em relação aos factores individuais como a idade e o sexo, verificase que na infância, as taxas de internarmento por asma são mais elevadas no sexo masculino, sendo no total de internamentos em todas as idades, mais elevadas no sexo feminino e em doentes com internamentos anteriores por asma. O aumento da mortalidade por asma atinge em particular os doentes jovens economicamente desfavorecidos, pela dificuldade no acesso aos cuidados de saúde e na compra dos medicamentos, por utilizarem com menor frequência os tratamentos de crise e de fundo. Os factores psicológicos podem predispor à morte por asma no adolescente, sendo relevantes a subvalo-rização e a negação da doença por parte do doente ou da família Verificase por outro lado, um aumento da prevalência da depressão e do desespero nas cnanças com asma grave. As reacçõs psicológicas face a acontecimentos negauvos, como a morte de um ente próximo, a perda de emprego, conflitos familiares, provocam maior

  1. Predictive factors of thyroid cancer in patients with Graves' disease. (United States)

    Ren, Meng; Wu, Mu Chao; Shang, Chang Zhen; Wang, Xiao Yi; Zhang, Jing Lu; Cheng, Hua; Xu, Ming Tong; Yan, Li


    The best preoperative examination in Graves' disease with thyroid cancer still remains uncertain. The objectives of the present study were to investigate the prevalence of thyroid cancer in Graves' disease patients, and to identify the predictive factors and ultrasonographic features of thyroid cancer that may aid the preoperative diagnosis in Graves' disease. This retrospective study included 423 patients with Graves' disease who underwent surgical treatment from 2002 to 2012 at our institution. The clinical features and ultrasonographic findings of thyroid nodules were recorded. The diagnosis of thyroid cancer was determined according to the pathological results. Thyroid cancer was discovered in 58 of the 423 (13.7 %) surgically treated Graves' disease patients; 46 of those 58 patients had thyroid nodules, and the other 12 patients were diagnosed with incidentally discovered thyroid carcinomas without thyroid nodules. Among the 58 patients with thyroid cancer, papillary microcarcinomas were discovered in 50 patients, and multifocality and lymph node involvement were detected in the other 8 patients. Multivariate regression analysis showed younger age was the only significant factor predictive of metastatic thyroid cancer. Ultrasonographic findings of calcification and intranodular blood flow in thyroid nodules indicate that they are more likely to harbor thyroid cancers. Because the influencing factor of metastatic thyroid cancers in Graves' disease is young age, every suspicious nodule in Graves' disease patients should be evaluated and treated carefully, especially in younger patients because of the potential for metastasis.

  2. Immunoreactive 'TSH' in urinary concentrates of Graves' disease patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Herle, A.; Orgiazzi, J.; Greipel, M.A.; Slucher, J.A.; Honbo, K.S.; Hopital de l'Antiquaille, 69 - Lyon


    A double antibody radioimmunoassay was used to analyse immunoreactive thyrotrophin in urinary concentrates from fourteen patients with hyperthyroidism due to Graves' disease, in three subjects with primary hypothyroidism, and in six normal subjects. Immunoreactive thyrotrophin was detectable in eleven subjects with Graves' disease, in one subject with primary hypothyroidism, and in four normal subjects. The mean urinary thyrotrophin concentration was significantly higher in Graves' disease (492+-99.9μU/24h(SEM)(n=11)) than in normal subjects (177+-26.4μU/24h(SEM)(n=4)(P [de

  3. Rituximab in relapsing Graves' disease, a phase II study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heemstra, Karen A.; Toes, Rene E.; Sepers, Jan; Pereira, Alberto M.; Corssmit, Eleonora P.; Huizinga, Tom W. J.; Romijn, Johannes A.; Smit, Johannes W.


    Conventional therapies for Graves' disease, consisting of medical therapy or radioiodine are unsatisfactory, because of limited efficacy and adverse events. Interventions aimed at the underlying autoimmune pathogenesis of Graves' disease may be worthwhile to explore. We therefore performed a

  4. Graves' Disease Pharmacotherapy in Women of Reproductive Age. (United States)

    Prunty, Jeremy J; Heise, Crystal D; Chaffin, David G


    Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder in which inappropriate stimulation of the thyroid gland results in unregulated secretion of thyroid hormones resulting in hyperthyroidism. Graves' disease is the most common cause of autoimmune hyperthyroidism during pregnancy. Treatment options for Graves' disease include thioamide therapy, partial or total thyroidectomy, and radioactive iodine. In this article, we review guideline recommendations for Graves' disease treatment in women of reproductive age including the recent guideline from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Controversy regarding appropriate thioamide therapy before, during, and after pregnancy is reviewed. Surgical and radioactive iodine therapy considerations in this patient population are also reviewed. In patients who may find themselves pregnant during therapy or develop Graves' disease during their pregnancy, consideration should be given to the most appropriate treatment course for the mother and fetus. Thioamide therapy should be used with either propylthiouracil or methimazole at appropriate doses that target the upper range of normal to slightly hyperthyroid to avoid creating hypothyroidism in the fetus. Consideration should also be given to the adverse effects of thioamide, such as agranulocytosis and hepatotoxicity, with appropriate patient consultation regarding signs and symptoms. Individuals who wish to breastfeed their infants while taking thioamide should receive the lowest effective dose. Surgery should be reserved for extreme cases and limited to the second trimester, if possible. Radioactive iodine therapy may be used in nonpregnant individuals, with limited harm to future fertility. Radioactive iodine therapy should be withheld in pregnant women and those who are actively breastfeeding. Clinicians should keep abreast of developments in clinical trials and evidence-based recommendations regarding Graves' disease in reproductive-age women for any changes in evidence

  5. [Rituximab: a new therapeutic alternative in Grave's disease]. (United States)

    Tello-Winniczuk, Nina; Díaz-Jouanen, Efraín


    Graves' disease is the most frequent cause of hyperthyroidism, affecting mainly young aged women, with an etiology of autoimmune basis. One of its manifestations, Graves' ophthalmopathy whose pathophysiology is unknown, represents one of the greatest therapeutic challenges in these patients, because they require aggressive treatment with steroids and multiple subsequent reconstructive surgeries in certain cases. It also represents a high burden to the health system. Drugs targeting B cells have been very effective for many autoimmune diseases. Rituximab is a murine humanized monoclonal antibody against CD20 + cells currently being studied in various autoimmune diseases including Graves' disease. The objective of this paper is to expose possible mechanisms by which rituximab could act in both hyperthyroidism and ophthalmopathy of Graves' disease, as well as the experience with its use acquired so far. The employment of rituximab in recently diagnosed patients or with mild ophthalmopathy is questionable with the evidence available today however, we think that it may have a role in refractory cases or those who have a contraindication for steroid use.

  6. Management of Graves' ophthalmopathy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wiersinga, Wilmar M.


    Management of Graves' ophthalmopathy is preferably done in a multidisciplinary setting. Smoking is associated with worse disease outcome. (131)I therapy for hyperthyroidism can also worsen ophthalmopathy, especially if administered during active disease or to patients who smoke or have severe

  7. Enhancement of soluble CD28 levels in the serum of Graves' disease. (United States)

    Sun, Zhongwen; Yi, Lixian; Tao, Hong; Huang, Jingfang; Jin, Zhenghong; Xiao, Yang; Feng, Caiyun; Sun, Jing


    Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland mediated by T cells. CD28, a member of costimulatory molecules, plays a pivotal role in regulating T-cell responses. Plasma-soluble CD28 is one form of CD28 in peripheral blood. To investigate the concentrations of soluble CD28 in patients with Graves' disease, we used a sensitive dual monoclonal antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect the soluble form of CD28. Our results suggested that mean concentrations of soluble CD28 in plasma of patients with Graves' disease were 1.79 ±1.52 ng/ml, and levels of soluble CD28 in healthy subjects were only 0.83 ±1.35 ng/ml. Concentrations of soluble CD28 detected in patients with Graves' disease were significantly higher than those of healthy subjects (p Graves' disease. Therefore, aberrant elevation of plasma-soluble CD28 in patients with Graves' disease may reflect the dysregulation of immune system, and may serve as a useful biomarker in Graves' disease diagnosis.

  8. Colistina parenteral no tratamento de infeccoes graves: experiencia em centro unico

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    Marcos Toshyiuki Tanita


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Descrever a experiência de um único centro com o uso de colistina para tratar infecções hospitalares causadas por bactérias Gram-negativas resistentes a múltiplos fármacos e identificar fatores associados com lesão renal aguda e mortalidade. Métodos: Estudo longitudinal retrospectivo que avaliou pacientes gravemente enfermos, com infecções causadas por bactérias Gram-negativas resistentes a múltiplos fármacos. Foram considerados elegíveis para este estudo, durante o período compreendido entre janeiro e dezembro de 2008, todos os pacientes adultos com necessidade de tratamento com colistina endovenosa (colistimetato de sódio. As informações coletadas incluem dados demográficos, diagnóstico, duração do tratamento, presença de lesão renal aguda e mortalidade em 30 dias. Resultados: A colistina foi utilizada para tratar uma infecção em 109 de 789 pacientes (13,8% admitidos à unidade de terapia intensiva. A mortalidade em 30 dias observada nestes pacientes foi de 71,6%. Vinte e nove pacientes (26,6% tinham lesão renal prévia ao tratamento com colistina, sendo que seis deles conseguiram recuperar a função renal, mesmo durante o tratamento com colistina. Vinte e um pacientes (19,2% desenvolveram lesão renal aguda durante o tratamento com colistina, sendo que 11 destes pacientes necessitaram ser submetidos à diálise. A variável independentemente associada com a presença de lesão renal aguda foi a pontuação segundo o sistema Sequential Organ Failure Assessment no início do tratamento com colistina (OR=1,46; IC95%=1,20-1,79; p<0,001. Idade (OR=1,03; IC95%=1,00-1,05; p=0,02 e uso de vasopressores (OR=12,48; IC95%=4,49-34,70; p<0,001 foram fatores associados a óbito, segundo um modelo de regressão logística. Conclusões: Disfunção de órgão quando do início do tratamento com colistina associou-se com lesão renal aguda. Em um pequeno grupo de pacientes, pudemos observar uma melhora da função renal

  9. Programa de prevención y control de las enfermedades respiratorias agudas de la infancia en Santiago, Chile

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    Véjar M Leonardo


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se describen y examinan las actividades de un programa pediátrico para la prevención y el control de las infecciones respiratorias agudas (IRA en un servicio de salud estatal que atiende a la población de bajos ingresos de Santiago, Chile. En un área de salud correspondiente a una población de algo más de un millón de habitantes, con un hospital de base, 16 consultorios de atención primaria y ocho postas rurales, se desarrollaron actividades específicas de capacitación de personal, así como acciones de control en atención primaria y de hospitalización de niños con IRA grave. En los primeros 5 años de funcionamiento del programa (1990­1994 se observó entre niños menores de un año una disminución de la mortalidad anual por neumonía de 3,0 a 1,7 por 1 000, lo que ha contribuido a un descenso de la mortalidad infantil de 13,5 a 8,9 defunciones por 1 000 nacidos vivos. En 1994 los costos del programa alcanzaron los US$ 224 000. A juzgar por los resultados obtenidos, el programa de prevención y control de IRA puede haber sido un aporte valioso a la salud infantil del área.

  10. Impactos de adoecimento de longa duração: experiência de adultos jovens com Leucemia Mieloide Aguda

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    Reni Aparecida Barsaglini

    Full Text Available Resumo O presente artigo analisa os impactos materiais e imateriais imersos na experiência de adultos jovens com um adoecimento de longa duração – Leucemia Mieloide Aguda. Decorre de pesquisa mais ampla, inspirada na Fenomenologia de Alfred Schutz. Os dados foram obtidos por entrevistas em profundidade com quatro jovens, de 20 a 28 anos, em fase de manutenção no tratamento oncológico, entre novembro de 2013 a janeiro de 2014, em Mato Grosso. Os resultados enfocam aspectos marcantes dos impactos na experiência como o processo de descoberta da enfermidade em que o diagnóstico provocou sentimentos mobilizados por ideias sobre uma doença grave. Seguem-se os impactos na aparência devidos ao tratamento, sobressaindo a queda de cabelo e as estratégias cotidianas de enfrentamento, bem como o aumento ou a perda de peso. Por fim, é marcante o impacto da iminência da morte diante da letalidade da doença e o testemunho da ocorrência em pessoas conhecidas, colocando-a como possibilidade concreta para si, mas também como sobreviventes. Os impactos são os efeitos e as transformações na vida das pessoas e seu entorno e evocam (re ações, contudo, diluem-se na experiência compondo-a, e não sendo homogênea, sua abordagem privilegia a singularidade inscrita em biografias contextualizadas.

  11. Epidemiological survey of graves' disease in Tianjin area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao Shuo; Fang Peihua; Lai Zemin; Chen Bingzhong; Lu Tizhang; Zhou Yinbao; Tan Jian; Ni Xiaoyan


    Objective: To study the incidence of Graves' disease and associated factors. Methods: From 1997.4 to 1999.12, by using cluster and stratified sampling, total of 31530 people aged 6 years and over were surveyed epidemiologically for Graves' disease in five districts and one county of Tianjin area where the study subjects had been resided for at least one year. The researching team consisted of endocrinologists, epidemiologists and technicians and was divided into three branches, they served as investigators, professional experts and technicians, respectively. The serum thyroid hormones, thyroid antibodies, iodine in table salt, urine iodine and B-US were examined for the suspected cases, the final diagnoses were concluded by the professional experts. Results: Eighty-nine patients with Graves' disease were confirmed, 26 (0.166%) of them were males and 63(0.397%) of them were females, the total incidence was 0.282%. The incidence significantly associated with sex (female higher than male, P<0.001), age (50-60 group for male and 30-40 group for female higher than others, P<0.001) and family history (the patients with vs without family history, P<0.001). The survey showed an ascending trend of incidence of Graves' disease, along with decreasing of goiter rate and increasing of iodine contents in table salt and in urine. Further research work should be pursued. Conclusion: This study may provide some theoretical basis for prevention and treatment of Graves' disease

  12. Changes of hepatofibrosis markers in Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Feihua; Xu Haifeng; Zhou Runsuo; Gao Feng; Wang Lei


    Objective: To study the changes of hepatofibrosis markers (IV-C, PC III, HA, LN) in Graves' disease. Methods: Serum levels of hepatofibrosis were measured with RIA in 40 patients with Graves' disease (CD) before any treatment and 35 patients with Graves' disease after successful anti-thyroid drug therapy as well as in 30 controls. Results: The serum IV-C and PC III levels in GD patients were significant higher than those in controls before treatment (P<0.01). After successful treatment, the IV-C, PC III levels dropped markedly (vs before treatment, P<0.01). However, there were no significant differences among the serum HA, LN levels in all the subjects tested. Conclusion: Serum levels of IV-C and PC III increased markedly with hyperthyroidim. When IV-C and PC III levels were taken for assessment of degree of hepatofibeosis, GD must be ruled out first. (authors)

  13. Inmunofenotipos aberrantes en leucemias agudas en una población hospitalaria de Buenos Aires

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    Viviana Novoa


    Full Text Available La citometría de flujo multiparamétrica es el método de elección para la caracterización inmunofenotípica de las células hematopoyéticas clonales presentes en los distintos procesos leucémicos agudos. El objetivo fue analizar la expresión de antígenos de membrana y evaluar la presencia de fenotipos aberrantes en los blastos de pacientes con diagnóstico de leucemia aguda, que permiten el monitoreo de la respuesta al tratamiento. Se revisaron los inmunofenotipos de 364 muestras de pacientes adultos derivadas a nuestro laboratorio en un período de 7 años. El inmunofenotipo se realizó por citometría de flujo con un amplio panel de anticuerpos monoclonales con el que se evaluó la expresión de antígenos de linaje linfoide, mieloide y también antígenos de maduración. De las 364 muestras estudiadas, 60.2% presentaron un fenotipo compatible con leucemia mieloide aguda (LMA, 28.8% con leucemia linfoblástica B (LLA-B, 6.6% con leucemia linfoblástica T (LLA-T y 4.4% con leucemias agudas poco frecuentes. La presencia de fenotipos aberrantes se observó en 89% de los casos, los fenotipos aberrantes identificados fueron: 1 infidelidad de linaje: LMA (54%, LLA-B (40%, LLA-T (29%; 2 ausencia de expresión antigénica: LMA (21%, LLA-B (35%, LLA-T (70%; 3 alteración de la expresión antigénica: LMA (67%, LLA-B (66%, LLA-T (84%; 4 asincronismo madurativo: LMA (26%, LLA-B (37% y 5 fenotipo ectópico: LLA-T 96%. El análisis por citometría de flujo multiparamétrica de las leucemias agudas permitió la identificación de fenotipos aberrantes en la mayoría de nuestros pacientes, que son de utilidad para el monitoreo de la respuesta al tratamiento.

  14. Grave's Disease and Primary Biliary Cirrhosis—An Unusual and Challenging Association


    Shetty, Shiran; Rajasekaran, Senthilkumar; Venkatakrishnan, Leela


    Jaundice in Grave's diseases is uncommon, but when it does occur, complication of thyrotoxicosis (heart failure/infection) or intrinsic liver disease should be considered. Grave's disease can cause asymptomatic elevation of liver enzymes, jaundice and rarely acute liver failure. It is associated with other autoimmune diseases like autoimmune hepatitis, or primary biliary cirrhosis. The cause of jaundice in Grave's disease is multifactorial.

  15. Grave's Disease and Primary Biliary Cirrhosis-An Unusual and Challenging Association. (United States)

    Shetty, Shiran; Rajasekaran, Senthilkumar; Venkatakrishnan, Leela


    Jaundice in Grave's diseases is uncommon, but when it does occur, complication of thyrotoxicosis (heart failure/infection) or intrinsic liver disease should be considered. Grave's disease can cause asymptomatic elevation of liver enzymes, jaundice and rarely acute liver failure. It is associated with other autoimmune diseases like autoimmune hepatitis, or primary biliary cirrhosis. The cause of jaundice in Grave's disease is multifactorial.

  16. Coréia aguda na gravidez

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    Walter C. Pereira


    Full Text Available São apresentados doze casos de coréia aguda observados entre 150.000 gestantes (1/12.500. A maioria dos surtos ocorreu no segundo trimestre da primeira gravidez. A duração média dos sintomas foi de três meses, não tendo sido registrado caso algum de óbito materno. Todos os partos foram espontâneos e normais. Houve apenas um óbito fetal conseqüente a choque hemorrágico. São tecidas considerações a propósito dos aspectos clínico, laboratorial e prognóstico da coréia gravídica, sendo focalizado mais pormenorizadamente o problema fisiopatogênico dessa afecção.

  17. Impacto de la introducción de la vacuna contra el rotavirus en la hospitalización por gastroenteritis aguda grave en el Hospital del Niño de la Ciudad de Panamá Impact of rotavirus vaccine introduction on hospital admissions for severe acute gastroenteritis at the Children's Hospital in Panama City

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier Nieto Guevara


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Determinar si la introducción de la vacunación infantil contra el rotavirus en Panamá permitió reducir la tasa de hospitalización por gastroenteritis en niños menores de 5 años. MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional de corte transversal en dos períodos: del 1 de enero al 31 de agosto de 2005 (antes de la introducción de la vacunación contra el rotavirus y del 1 de enero al 31 de agosto de 2007 (un año después de la introducción. Se estudiaron todos los niños y niñas entre 2 meses y 5 años de edad hospitalizados con diagnóstico de gastroenteritis aguda grave en la sala de corta estancia de gastroenteritis del Hospital del Niño, en Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá. Las variables fueron: número de episodios de gastroenteritis, número de casos hospitalizados por gastroenteritis aguda grave, días de hospitalización y uso de antibióticos, según dos grupos de edad (de 2 meses a 1 año y de más de 1 año a 5 años. Se calculó el riesgo relativo (RR con intervalos de confianza de 95% (IC95% y un nivel de significación P OBJECTIVES: To determine if infant rotavirus vaccination in Panama has reduced the rate of hospital admission for gastroenteritis among children under 5 years of age. METHODS: An observational, cross-sectional study of two time periods: 1 January-31 August 2005 (prior to initiating rotavirus vaccination and 1 January-31 August 2007 (one year after introducing rotavirus vaccination. All the children from 2 months-5 years of age admitted with a diagnosis of acute gastroenteritis to the short-stay gastroenteritis area of the Children's Hospital in Panama City, Panama, were studied. The variables were: number of gastroenteritis episodes; number of cases admitted for severe acute gastroenteritis; number of days hospitalized; and antibiotics treatment for each of the two age groups (2 months-1 year and >1-5 years. The relative risk (RR was calculated with a 95% confidence interval (95%CI and a significance level of P

  18. Smoking and other lifestyle factors and the risk of Graves' hyperthyroidism. (United States)

    Holm, Ingrid A; Manson, Joann E; Michels, Karin B; Alexander, Erik K; Willett, Walter C; Utiger, Robert D


    Hyperthyroidism caused by Graves' disease is common in women, yet little is known about risk factors for the disease. We sought to determine whether lifestyle factors, including smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity level, and body mass index, are risk factors for Graves' hyperthyroidism. This analysis was conducted using data from the Nurses' Health Study II, among 115109 women aged 25 to 42 at entry. Incident reports of women with Graves' hyperthyroidism, confirmed to have the disorder, were included. During 1 328 270 person-years of follow-up, incident diagnoses of Graves' hyperthyroidism were confirmed in 543 women; the 12-year incidence was 4.6 per 1000 women. Cigarette smoking was a predictor of Graves' hyperthyroidism. The hazard ratio among current smokers was 1.93 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.54-2.43), and among past smokers it was 1.27 (95% CI, 1.03-1.56), after adjusting for recent pregnancy, parity, and other variables. Among current smokers, the hazard ratio increased with the intensity of smoking and was 2.63 (95% CI, 1.71-4.04) among women who smoked 25 or more cigarettes daily. Obesity was associated with a decreased risk of Graves' hyperthyroidism. The hazard ratio for the disorder among women with a body mass index of 30 kg/m(2) or higher was 0.68 (95% CI, 0.49-0.92). Alcohol intake and physical activity level were not associated with risk of Graves' hyperthyroidism. Smoking is a risk factor for Graves' hyperthyroidism in women. Obesity may be associated with a reduced risk, although weight loss as the first manifestation of hyperthyroidism cannot be excluded.

  19. Primary biliary cirrhosis associated with Graves' disease in a male patient. (United States)

    Suzuki, Yuji; Ishida, Kazuyuki; Takahashi, Hiroshi; Koeda, Norihiko; Kakisaka, Keisuke; Miyamoto, Yasuhiro; Suzuki, Akiko; Takikawa, Yasuhiro


    Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), which predominantly affects women, has been associated with various autoimmune diseases. Although hypothyroidism accompanying PBC is well documented, the concomitance of PBC and hyperthyroidism is rare. Herein, we report the case of a 62-year-old man who was diagnosed with PBC several years after the development of Graves' disease. This is the first case of a male patient developing PBC with Graves' disease. Both serum alanine aminotransferase levels and serum thyroid hormone levels were normalized after the administration of thiamazole for Graves' disease. However, the cholestatic liver enzyme abnormalities continued, indicating that the PBC was actualized by the administration of thiamazole. After starting ursodeoxycholic acid treatment, cholestatic liver enzyme abnormalities improved. Taken together, when a cholestatic pattern of liver enzymes is observed during follow-up for Graves' disease, an association between Graves' disease and PBC should be considered as a differential diagnosis.

  20. Grave's Disease and Primary Biliary Cirrhosis—An Unusual and Challenging Association (United States)

    Shetty, Shiran; Rajasekaran, Senthilkumar; Venkatakrishnan, Leela


    Jaundice in Grave's diseases is uncommon, but when it does occur, complication of thyrotoxicosis (heart failure/infection) or intrinsic liver disease should be considered. Grave's disease can cause asymptomatic elevation of liver enzymes, jaundice and rarely acute liver failure. It is associated with other autoimmune diseases like autoimmune hepatitis, or primary biliary cirrhosis. The cause of jaundice in Grave's disease is multifactorial. PMID:25755537


    Vincent, P J; Garg, M K; Singh, Y; Bhalla, V P; Datta, S


    Treatment options for Grave's disease include radio-iodine ablation, which is the standard treatment in the USA, antithyroid drug therapy, which is popular in Japan, and surgery, which is commonly employed in Europe and India. There are very few reports about the outcome of surgery in Grave's disease in the Indian setting. Surgery for Grave's disease is an attractive option in under developed countries to cut short prolonged drug treatment, costly follow up and avoid the need for radio-isotope facilities for 1311 ablation. Aim of the present study was to assess the result of subtotal thyroidectomy in 32 cases of Grave's Disease referred for surgery by the endocrinologist in a teaching hospital. Patients were prepared for surgery with Lugol's iodine and propranalol. Subtotal thyroidectomy was performed by a standard technique, which included dissection and exposure of recurrent laryngeal nerves and parathyroid glands. Actual estimation of weight of the remnant gland was not part of the study. Duration of follow up ranged from 6 months to 4 years. 13 of 32 cases were males. Age ranged from 20 to 57 years. There was 1 death in the immediate post-operative period. There were no cases of permanent hypoparathyroidism or recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy. 1 patient developed temporary hypoparathyroidism. 1 patient developed recurrence of hyperthyroidism and 3 cases developed hypothyroidism all within 2 years of surgery. The study has demonstrated the safety and effectiveness of surgery for Grave's Disease in comparison to the reported high incidence of hypothyroidism following radio-iodine therapy and high recurrence rate after anti thyroid drug therapy.

  2. Evaluación rápida de la etiología del síndrome febril en Lima-Callao


    Torres de Yon, Yvonne; Espinosa, Manuel


    Según la Oficina General de Epidemiología (OGE) durante el año 2004 a nivel nacional se presentaron 59 850 casos de infecciones respiratorias agudas, de ellas, 835 casos se presentaron como neumonía, de esta forma grave de infección.

  3. Prevention of Graves' ophthalmopathy. (United States)

    Bartalena, Luigi


    Smoking is the most important risk factor for the occurrence/progression of Graves' ophthalmopathy (GO), as well as for its lower/slower response to immunosuppression. Accordingly, refrain from smoking should be urged, both as primary prevention (removal of risk factors in Graves' patients without GO), secondary prevention (early detection and treatment of asymptomatic/very mild GO) and tertiary prevention (reduction of complications/disability of overt GO). A 6-month course of 200 μg/day sodium selenite can prevent progression of mild GO to more severe GO and is, therefore, a form of secondary prevention and, probably, primary prevention. Correction of thyroid dysfunction and stable maintenance of euthyroidism are important preventive measures. The optimal treatment for hyperthyroidism in patients with GO is uncertain, because evidence demonstrating the superiority of antithyroid drugs over thyroid ablation (radioiodine, thyroidectomy, or both) is lacking. If radioiodine is used, low-dose steroid prophylaxis is recommended, particularly in smokers, to prevent radioiodine-associated GO progression. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1 affect the severity of Graves' disease. (United States)

    Di Cerbo, Alfredo; Pezzuto, Federica; Di Cerbo, Alessandro


    Graves' disease, the most common form of hyperthyroidism in iodine-replete countries, is associated with the presence of immunoglobulins G (IgGs) that are responsible for thyroid growth and hyperfunction. In this article, we report the unusual case of a patient with acromegaly and a severe form of Graves' disease. Here, we address the issue concerning the role of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) in influencing thyroid function. Severity of Graves' disease is exacerbated by coexistent acromegaly and both activity indexes and symptoms and signs of Graves' disease improve after the surgical remission of acromegaly. We also discuss by which signaling pathways GH and IGF1 may play an integrating role in regulating the function of the immune system in Graves' disease and synergize the stimulatory activity of Graves' IgGs. Clinical observations have demonstrated an increased prevalence of euthyroid and hyperthyroid goiters in patients with acromegaly.The coexistence of acromegaly and Graves' disease is a very unusual event, the prevalence being Graves' disease associated with acromegaly and show that surgical remission of acromegaly leads to a better control of symptoms of Graves' disease.

  5. Efecto de la restitución temprana de la nutrición oral en la pancreatitis aguda leve


    Vega Sandoval, Carlos Andres; Isaza Restrepo, Andres; Moscoso Daza, Alejandro


    Aunque el manejo nutricional de los pacientes con Pancreatitis Aguda Severa ha sido bien establecido por la evidencia disponible, el inicio de la vía oral en Pancreatitis Leve no ha sido igualmente estudiado. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar el efecto del inicio temprano de la nutrición por vía oral en estos pacientes. Métodos: Realizamos un descriptivo serie de comparación de casos en los cuales comparamos la evolución y resultados del manejo de los pacientes con pancreatitis aguda ant...

  6. Total thyroidectomy: is morbidity higher for Graves' disease than nontoxic goiter? (United States)

    Welch, Kellen C; McHenry, Christopher R


    Total thyroidectomy for treatment of Graves' disease is controversial and much of the debate centers on the concern for complications. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the morbidity of total thyroidectomy for Graves' disease and determine if it is different than for patients with nontoxic nodular goiter. The rates of life threatening neck hematoma, recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) injury, transient hypocalcemia, and hypoparathyroidism were determined for consecutive patients with Graves' disease treated with total thyroidectomy from 1996 to 2010. Results were compared with patients who underwent total thyroidectomy for nontoxic nodular goiter during the same period, matched for the weight of the excised thyroid gland. Total thyroidectomy was performed in 111 patients with Graves' disease (group I) and 283 patients with nontoxic nodular goiter (group II). Parathyroid autotransplantation was performed in 31(28%) patients in group I and 98 (35%) patients in group II (P = NS). Comparative analysis of morbidity revealed no significant difference in neck hematoma, 0(0%) (I) versus 3(1%) (II); permanent RLN injury, 0(0%) (I) versus 2(1%) (II); and permanent hypoparathyroidism in 1(1%) (I) versus 1 (0.4%) (II) (P = NS). Transient hypocalcemia was more common in patients with Graves' disease, 80(72%) (I) versus 170 (60%) (II) (P Graves' disease; only transient hypocalcemia occurred more often than in patients with nodular goiter. Total thyroidectomy should be presented as a therapeutic option for all patients with Graves' disease. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Simultaneous induction of Graves' hyperthyroidism and Graves' ophthalmopathy by TSHR genetic immunization in BALB/c mice.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nan Xia

    Full Text Available Graves' disease is the most common form of autoimmune thyroid disorder, characterized by hyperthyroidism due to circulating autoantibodies. To address the pathological features and establish a therapeutic approach of this disease, an animal model carrying the phenotype of Graves' disease (GD in concert with Graves' Ophthalmopathy (GO will be very important. However, there are no ideal animal models that are currently available. The aim of the present study is to establish an animal model of GD and GO disease, and its pathological features were further characterized.A recombinant plasmid pcDNA3.1- T289 was constructed by inserting the TSHR A-subunit gene into the expression vector pcDNA3.1, and genetic immunization was successfully performed by intramuscular injection of the plasmid pcDNA3.1-T289 on female 8-week-old BALB/c mice. Each injection was immediately followed by in vivo electroporation using ECM830 square wave electroporator. Morphological changes of the eyes were examined using 7.0T MRI scanner. Levels of serum T4 and TSHR antibodies (TRAb were assessed by ELISA. The pathological changes of the thyroid and orbital tissues were examined by histological staining such as H&E staining and Alcian blue staining.More than 90% of the immunized mice spontaneously developed goiter, and about 80% of the immunized mice manifested increased serum T4 and TRAb levels, combined with hypertrophy and hyperplasia of thyroid follicles. A significantly increased synthesis of hyaluronic acid was detected in in the immunized mice compared with the control groups.We have successfully established an animal model manifesting Graves' hyperthyroidism and ophthalmopathy, which provides a useful tool for future study of the pathological features and the development of novel therapies of the diseases.

  8. Sumário de atualização da II Diretriz Brasileira de Insuficiência Cardíaca Aguda 2009/2011

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Westerlund Montera


    Full Text Available Nos últimos dois anos, observamos diversas modificações na abordagem diagnóstica e terapêutica dos pacientes com Insuficiência Cardíaca aguda (IC aguda, o que nos motivou quanto à necessidade da realização de um sumário de atualização da II Diretriz Brasileira de Insuficiência Cardíaca Aguda de 2009. Na avaliação diagnóstica, o fluxograma diagnóstico foi simplificado e foi fortalecido o papel da avaliação clínica e ecocardiograma. Na avaliação clínico-hemodinâmica admissional, o ecocardiograma hemodinâmico ganhou destaque no auxilio da definição dessa condição no paciente com IC aguda na sala de emergência. Na avaliação prognóstica, os biomarcadores tiveram seu papel mais bem estabelecido, e a síndrome cardiorrenal teve seus critérios e valor prognóstico mais bem definidos. Os fluxogramas de abordagem terapêutica foram revistos, tornando-se mais simples e objetivos. Dentre os avanços na terapêutica medicamentosa destacam-se a segurança e a importância da manutenção ou introdução dos betabloqueadores na terapêutica admissional. A anticoagulação, de acordo com as novas evidências, ganha um espectro maior de indicações. O edema agudo de pulmão tem bem estabelecido os seus modelos hemodinâmicos de apresentação com suas distintas formas de abordagens terapêuticas, com novos níveis de indicação e evidência. No tratamento cirúrgico da IC aguda, a revascularização miocárdica, a abordagem das lesões mecânicas e o transplante cardíaco foram revistos e atualizados. Este sumário de atualização fortalece a II Diretriz Brasileira de Insuficiência Cardíaca Aguda por mantê-la atualizada e rejuvenescida. Todos os clínicos cardiologistas que lidam com pacientes com IC aguda encontrarão na diretriz e em seu sumário de atualização importantes instrumentos no auxílio da prática clínica para o melhor diagnóstico e tratamento de seus pacientes.

  9. Graves, Ancestors and Cement in Land disputes in Acholi and Ikland, Uganda

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meinert, Lotte; Willerslev, Rane; Seebach, Sophie Hooge


    graves are made concrete and increasingly cemented indices of belonging in wrangles over land. Belonging is often justified through the presence of ancestor graves on land. The cementing of graves turns them into more concrete and durable proofs of ownership, and the reburial of relatives to disputed......The paper explores the roles of graves, ancestors and concrete pillars in disputes over land across different land-systems, -conflicts, and territory making in northern Uganda by comparing extended cases between Acholi in Gulu district and Ik in Kaabong district . In the post-conflict Acholi region...

  10. Pretibial myxedema without ophthalmopathy: an initial presentation of Graves' disease. (United States)

    Lohiya, Sheela; Lohiya, Vipin; Stahl, Elizabeth J


    To report a rare case of Graves' disease without ophthalmopathy presenting with pretibial myxedema (PM) as an initial presentation. We present the clinical history, physical findings, laboratory studies and biopsy data of a 62-year-old man with a history of uncontrolled type 2 diabetes (DM2) presenting with arm and leg skin lesions in the absence of other physical findings. Histopathology confirmed PM. Graves' disease and its association with PM without Graves' ophthalmopathy and the pertinent literature are reviewed. A 60-year-old man with a history of uncontrolled DM2 presented for glycemic management. He described symptoms of anxiety, insomnia and fatigue for the last 5 to 6 months. He described diffuse chest pain, occasionally associated with palpitations, and a 50-pound weight loss. He also complained of severe itching and burning of his arms and legs for the past several months. Subsequent thyroid studies revealed hyperthyroidism suggestive of Graves' disease. In the interim, he was hospitalized for atrial flutter and was cardioverted. After being started on methimazole, his symptoms abated. His skin lesions were biopsied, and the leg biopsy was consistent with PM. He however had no lid lag or proptosis characteristic of Graves' disease. He subsequently underwent radioiodine ablation. His hyperglycemia was better control led after treatment of his hyperthyroidism. PM is an autoimmune manifestation of Graves' disease. Almost all cases of thyroid dermopathy are associated with relatively severe ophthalmopathy. Usually ophthalmopathy appears first and dermopathy much later. However, this case represents a rare initial presentation of Graves' disease with PM without ophthalmologic symptoms or findings. Hyperthyroidism is typically associated with worsening glycemic control and increased insulin requirements. In patients with diabetes having hyperthyroidism, deterioration in glycemic control should be anticipated and treatment should be adjusted accordingly

  11. Pancytopenia in a Patient with Grave's Disease. (United States)

    Loh, Huai Heng; Tan, Florence


    Pancytopenia can rarely complicate Grave's disease. It can be due to uncontrolled thyrotoxicosis or as a result of rare side effect of antithyroid medication. Pernicious anemia leading to Vitamin B12 deficiency is another rare associated cause. We report a case of a patient with Grave's disease and undiagnosed pernicious anemia whom was assumed to have antithyroid drug induced pancytopenia. Failure to recognize this rare association of pernicious anemia as a cause of pancytopenia had resulted in delay in treatment and neurological complication in our patient.

  12. Development of Graves' ophthalmopathy and uveitis after radioiodine therapy for Graves' disease in a patient with HTLA-I associated myelopathy (HAM)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ozawa, Yasunori; Migita, Masayoshi; Watanabe, Tomoji; Okuda, Itsuko; Takeshita, Akira; Takagi, Akio; Shishiba, Yoshimasa (Toranomon Hospital, Tokyo (Japan))


    HTLV-I carriers or patients with HTLV-I associated myelopathy (HAM) are prone to immune-mediated inflammatory disorders. We present a 44-year-old female with HAM who developed Graves' disease. She developed severe Graves' ophthalmopathy shortly after [sup 131]I therapy, concurrently with a remarkable increase in TSH-receptor antibody titer. Ophthalmopathy was aggravated in spite of prednisolone therapy and euthyroidism being maintained by thyroxine replacement. Uveitis also developed after [sup 131]I therapy and iridocyclitis finally required trabeculotomy. This case suggests that HAM patients may have a higher risk of immune-mediated Graves' ophthalmopathy after [sup 131]I therapy.(author).

  13. Genetic susceptibility to Grave's disease. (United States)

    Li, Hong; Chen, Qiuying


    The variety of clinical presentations of eye changes in patients with Graves' disease (GD) suggests that complex interactions between genetic, environmental, endogenous and local factors influence the severity of Graves' ophthalmopathy (GO). It is thought that the development of GO might be influenced by genetic factors and environmental factors, such as cigarette smoking. At present, however, the role of genetic factors in the development of GO is not known. On the basis of studies with candidate genes and other genetic approaches, several susceptibility loci in GO have been proposed, including immunological genes, human leukocyte antigen (HLA), cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4), regulatory T-cell genes and thyroid-specific genes. This review gives a brief overview of the current range of major susceptibility genes found for GD.

  14. Development of Graves' disease following radiation therapy in Hodgkin's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loeffler, J.S.; Tarbell, N.J.; Garber, J.R.; Mauch, P.


    Radiation-related thyroid dysfunction is a common occurrence in patients with Hodgkin's disease treated with mantle field radiation. Although chemical and clinical hypothyroidism are most commonly seen, Graves' disease has also been described. We have examined the records of 437 surgically staged patients who received mantle field irradiation between April 1969 and December 1980 to ascertain the frequency of manifestations of Graves' disease. Within this group, seven patients developed hyperthyroidism accompanied by ophthalmic findings typical of those seen in Graves' disease. The actuarial risk of developing Graves' disease at 10 years following mantle irradiation for Hodgkin's disease was 3.3% in female patients and 1% in male patients in this study. The observed/expected ratios were 5.9 and 5.1 for female and male patients, respectively. This observed risk significantly exceeded that seen in the general population

  15. Respostas cardiovasculares agudas em ambiente virtualmente simulado pelo Nintendo Wii

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renato Aparecido de Souza


    Full Text Available DOI: Recentemente, tem sido verificada a utilização do Nintendo Wii no contexto da saúde. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar as respostas cardiovasculares agudas monitoradas por meio do comportamento da frequência cardíaca, pressão arterial sistólica, pressão arterial diastólica e duplo produto, em ambiente virtualmente simulado pelo console Nintendo Wii. A amostra foi composta por 18 universitários saudáveis, com média de idade de 22,07 ± 1,34 anos. As variáveis foram observadas com uso de deltas (valor final - inicial após 25 arremessos de basquetebol em duas situações experimentais: (I com o voluntário sentado e, (II com o voluntário saltando verticalmente. Os resultados sugerem que a prática de atividade física em ambiente virtual emulado pelo Nintendo Wii é capaz de alterar as respostas cardiovasculares agudas, especialmente, quando realizada em associação a saltos verticais. Assim, os resultados sustentam a viabilidade do uso do Nintendo Wii em programas de treinamento e favorecem sua indicação de forma mais segura.

  16. Persistent hyperthyroidism and de novo Graves' ophthalmopathy after total thyroidectomy. (United States)

    Tay, Wei Lin; Loh, Wann Jia; Lee, Lianne Ai Ling; Chng, Chiaw Ling


    We report a patient with Graves' disease who remained persistently hyperthyroid after a total thyroidectomy and also developed de novo Graves' ophthalmopathy 5 months after surgery. She was subsequently found to have a mature cystic teratoma containing struma ovarii after undergoing a total hysterectomy and salpingo-oophorectomy for an incidental ovarian lesion. It is important to investigate for other causes of primary hyperthyroidism when thyrotoxicosis persists after total thyroidectomy.TSH receptor antibody may persist after total thyroidectomy and may potentially contribute to the development of de novo Graves' ophthalmopathy.

  17. Applied anatomy of thyroid arteries for interventional embolization of Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ding Zhongxiang; Zhao Wei; Hou Jialin; Xiang Shutian; Li Liyuan; Zou Zhirong; Li Xingguo; Song Dianping; Yuan Jianhua


    Objective: To explore the anatomy and imaging manifestations of thyroid arteries for improving the efficiency and lowering the complication in interventional embolization of Graves' disease. Methods: Thyroid arteries were investigated, including 16 adult cadavers (Cadaver group), 8 non-thyropathic patients (Normal group)and 17 Graves patients (Graves group). The inner diameters of the trunk and supplying branches of thyroid artery, the angles between the origination of branches and the beginning of the trunk, and the angles between the trunk of thyroid artery and carotid or subclavian artery were measured. In addition, data of the three groups were statistically analyzed. Results: Many non-thyroid arterial branches arose from thyroid artery, with no statistical difference in their indexes between Cadaver group and Normal group. The thyroid arteries showed much longer, obviously wider in diameter, and larger angles between the trunk of thyroid artery and carotid artery in Graves group than those of Cadaver group and Normal group; outcoming with significant statistical differences; and furthermore, with increase of interglandular branches and dangerous internal and external anastomoses. Conclusions: The specific thyroid arterial changes of Graves' disease are helpful for the interventional embolization. Non-thyroid branches and dangerous anastomoses should not be embolized as far as possible, for decreasing the complications of the interventional procedure for Graves' disease. (authors)

  18. Serum immunoglobulin G4 levels and Graves' disease phenotype. (United States)

    Martin, Carmen Sorina; Sirbu, Anca Elena; Betivoiu, Minodora Andreea; Florea, Suzana; Barbu, Carmen Gabriela; Fica, Simona Vasilica


    We investigated, at diagnosis, the relationship between serum immunoglobulin G4 levels and the main characteristics of Graves' disease: hyperthyroidism severity, goiter size, presence of active Graves' ophthalmopathy, antithyroid antibodies status, and titer. This prospective study included 80 newly diagnosed Graves' disease patients. The main parameters measured at diagnosis: thyroid-stimulating hormone, free thyroxine, free triiodothyronine, total triiodothyronine, thyroglobulin, antithyroid peroxidase antibodies, anti-thyroglobulin antibodies, thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibodies, immunoglobulin G4. In Graves' disease patients, serum immunoglobulin G4 levels were higher than in general population (p = 0.028) and higher in men compared to women (p = 0.002). Only one female patient with intense hypoechoic goiter, high anti-thyroglobulin antibody, and antithyroid peroxidase antibody titers had an elevated serum immunoglobulin G4 level at diagnosis. Patients with immunoglobulin G4 levels above the 75th percentile (>237.52 mg/dl, N = 20) were younger at Graves' ophthalmopathy onset (p 286.28 mg/dl, N = 8) had lower total triiodothyronine values (p = 0.001) than patients with IgG below the 90th percentile. No significant correlations were found between smoking status (p = 0.58), goiter size (p = 0.50), the presence of ophthalmopathy (p = 0.42) or thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibody titers (p = 0.45) and the mean value of immunoglobulin G4 levels at diagnosis. Our data suggest that Graves' disease patients with elevated immunoglobulin G4 levels at diagnosis have a phenotype characterized by higher anti-thyroglobulin antibody and antithyroid peroxidase antibody titers, less severe T3 hyperthyroidism, younger age at ophthalmopathy onset and require a shorter duration of the first methimazole treatment cycle.

  19. Clinical significance of determination of serum TRAb levels in patients with relapsing graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo Chunlei; Zhou Jiaqiang; Li Wenpeng


    Objective: To explore the clinical significance of changes of serum TRAb levels in patients with relapsing Graves' disease. Methods: Serum TRAb (with RRA) and several other thyroid-related hormones (TT 4 , TT 3 , TSH, FT 3 , with CLIA) were determined in the following subjects: 1. 25 cases of relapsing Graves' disease after previous successful treatment; 2. 18 cases of recently diagnosed Graves' disease; 3. 31 cases of successfully treated Graves' disease; 4. 15 cases of simple goiter; 5. 10 cases of nodular goiter; 6. 18 cases of hypothyroidism due to Hashimoto disease. Results: Positive rate of TRAb was 76.00% in patients with relapsing Graves' disease and 77.78% in recently diagnosed Graves' disease cases, both being significantly higher than that in all the other sets of patients studied (P<0.01). Conclusion: Determination of serum TRAb levels was helpful for the diagnosis of relapse in Graves' disease

  20. Postoperative Outcomes in Graves' Disease Patients: Results from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample Database. (United States)

    Rubio, Gustavo A; Koru-Sengul, Tulay; Vaghaiwalla, Tanaz M; Parikh, Punam P; Farra, Josefina C; Lew, John I


    Current surgical indications for Graves' disease include intractability to medical and/or radioablative therapy, compressive symptoms, and worsening ophthalmopathy. Total thyroidectomy for Graves' disease may be technically challenging and lead to untoward perioperative outcomes. This study examines outcomes in patients with Graves' disease who underwent total thyroidectomy and assesses its safety for this patient population. A retrospective cross-sectional analysis was performed using the Nationwide Inpatient Sample database from 2006 to 2011. Total thyroidectomy performed in patients with Graves' disease, benign multinodular goiter (MNG), and thyroid cancer was identified. Demographic factors, comorbidities, and postoperative complications were evaluated. Chi-square, one-way analysis of variance, and risk-adjusted multivariable logistic regression were performed. Of 215,068 patients who underwent total thyroidectomy during the study period, 11,205 (5.2%) had Graves' disease, 110,124 (51.2%) MNG, and 93,739 (43.6%) thyroid malignancy. Patients with Graves' disease were younger than MNG and thyroid cancer patients (M age  = 42.8 years vs. 55.5 and 51.0 years; p Graves' disease group included a higher proportion of women (p Graves' disease was independently associated with a higher risk of vocal-cord paralysis (odds ratio [OR] = 1.36 [confidence interval (CI) 1.08-1.69]), tracheostomy (OR = 1.35 [CI 1.1-1.67]), postoperative hypocalcemia (OR = 1.65 [CI 1.54-1.77]), and hematoma requiring reoperation (OR = 2.79 [CI 2.16-3.62]) compared to MNG patients. High-volume centers for total thyroidectomy were independently associated with lower risk of postoperative complications, including in patients with Graves' disease. Despite low overall morbidity following total thyroidectomy, Graves' disease patients are at increased risk of postoperative complications, including bleeding, vocal-cord paralysis, tracheostomy, and hypocalcemia. These risks appear

  1. Leucemia linfoblástica aguda em lactentes: 20 anos de experiência

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amanda Ibagy


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar pacientes com menos de dois anos de idade com leucemia linfoblástica aguda atendidos no período de 1990 a 2010, em um centro de referência estadual. MÉTODOS: Estudo clínico, epidemiológico, transversal, descritivo e observacional. Pacientes incluídos tinham menos de dois anos de idade, com leucemia linfoblástica aguda, tratados no período de 1990 a 2010 na unidade de oncologia pediátrica de um centro de referência estadual, totalizando 41 casos. RESULTADOS: Todos os pacientes eram Caucasianos e 60,9% eram do sexo feminino. Com relação à idade, 24,38% tinham menos de seis meses, 17,07% tinham entre seis meses e um ano e 58,53% mais do que um ano de idade. A idade de seis meses foi estatisticamente significante para o desfecho de óbito. Os sinais e sintomas predominantes foram febre, hematomas e petéquias. Uma contagem de leucócitos superior a 100.000 foi observada em 34,14% dos casos; hemoglobina inferior a 11 em 95,13% e contagem de plaquetas inferior a 100.000, em 75,61% dos casos. Infiltração do sistema nervoso central estava presente em 12,91% dos pacientes. Em relação à linhagem, a linhagem B predominou (73%, mas a linhagem de células T foi estatisticamente significativa para o óbito. Trinta e nove por cento dos pacientes tiveram recorrência da doença. Em relação ao estado vital, 70,73% dos pacientes morreram, sendo choque séptico a principal causa. CONCLUSÕES: leucemia linfoblástica aguda em crianças tem uma alta taxa de mortalidade, principalmente em crianças menores de um ano e linhagem derivada de células T.

  2. Characteristics of patients with graves disease and intrathyroid hypovascularity compared to painless thyroiditis. (United States)

    Uchida, Toyoyoshi; Shigihara, Nayumi; Takeno, Kageumi; Komiya, Koji; Goto, Hiromasa; Abe, Hiroko; Sato, Junko; Honda, Akira; Fujitani, Yoshio; Watada, Hirotaka


    The purpose of this study was to assess the frequency and sonographic and laboratory characteristics of Graves disease with intrathyroid hypovascularity in Japanese patients and to compare these characteristics in patients with painless thyroiditis. A total of 194 consecutive patients with Graves disease and 21 patients with painless thyroiditis were enrolled. The patients underwent thyroid volume measurement, mean superior thyroid artery peak systolic velocity (PSV) measurement, power Doppler sonography, and proper blood testing to discriminate between Graves disease and painless thyroiditis. Based on the power Doppler sonographic findings, they were divided into 4 groups: from pattern 0 (most hypovascular thyroid) to pattern III (most hypervascular thyroid). Comparisons of multiple thyroid parameters were made among the groups. The prevalence of Graves disease with pattern 0 (n = 27) was 13.9% among the patients with Graves disease. The sonographic and laboratory data for patients with Graves disease and pattern 0 were compared to those of the 21 patients with painless thyroiditis, which typically shows intrathyroid hypovascularity. Free triiodothyronine and thyroxine levels and the superior thyroid artery PSV were significantly lower in patients with Graves disease and pattern 0 than those with patterns I, II, and III (P thyroid volume and thyrotropin receptor antibody level were significantly lower in patients with Graves disease and pattern 0 than those with pattern III. In the comparison between patients with Graves disease and pattern 0 and those with painless thyroiditis and pattern 0, apart from thyrotropin receptor antibody, only the superior thyroid artery PSV was different. Although the clinical features of patients with Graves disease and intrathyroid hypovascularity were similar to those patients with painless thyroiditis, the superior thyroid artery PSV showed a moderate ability to discriminate these patients. © 2014 by the American Institute of

  3. Radiation retinopathy after orbital irradiation for Graves' ophthalmopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kinyoun, J.L.; Kalina, R.E.; Brower, S.A.; Mills, R.P.; Johnson, R.H.


    Recent reports indicate that orbital irradiation for Graves' ophthalmopathy is sometimes beneficial, particularly for dysthyroid optic neuropathy, and is not associated with serious complications. We are aware, however, of four patients who were found to have radiation retinopathy after orbital irradiation for Grave's ophthalmopathy. All four patients have decreased central acuity, and three of the four are legally blind in one or both eyes. Computer reconstruction of the dosimetry, based on computed tomography and beam profiles, shows that errors in dosage calculations and radiotherapy technique probably account for the radiation retinopathy in three of the four patients. Radiotherapy for Graves' ophthalmopathy should be administered only by competent radiotherapists who are experienced in the treatment of this disease. Similar errors in dosage calculations and treatment techniques may account for other reports of radiation retinopathy after reportedly safe dosages

  4. Síndrome de ativação macrofágica secundária à infecção aguda pelo vírus Epstein-Barr Macrophage activation syndrome triggered by Epstein-Barr virus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adolpho X. de Carvalho Filho


    Full Text Available A síndrome de ativação macrofágica (SAM ou síndrome hemofagocítica secundária (reativa consiste de uma rara, grave e potencialmente fatal complicação das doenças reumáticas crônicas, particularmente da artrite idiopática juvenil de início sistêmico, doença de Still do adulto e lúpus eritematoso sistêmico. É caracterizada pela excessiva ativação dos macrófagos, resultando febre, hepatoesplenomegalia, linfadenomegalia, envolvimento neurológico, graus variáveis de citopenias, hiperferritinemia, distúrbio hepático, coagulação intravascular e freqüente falência de múltiplos órgãos. Também ocorre em associação com neoplasias, imunodeficiências e variedade de agentes infecciosos virais (sobretudo do grupo do herpes, bacterianos e fúngicos. Relatamos um caso de SAM decorrente de infecção viral aguda pelo vírus Epstein-Barr tratado com corticóide oral

  5. Thyrotoxic Graves' disease with normal thyroidal technetium-99m pertechnetate uptake

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ikekubo, Katsuji; Hino, Megumu; Ito, Hidetomi; Koh, Toshikiyo; Ishihara, Takashi; Kurahachi, Hiroyuki (Kobe City General Hospital (Japan)); Kasagi, Kanji; Hidaka, Akinari; Mori, Toru


    We saw 24 thyrotoxic Graves' patients with normal thyroidal uptake of technetium-99m pertechnetate ({sup 99m}Tc) out of 201 untreated thyrotoxic Graves' patients seen over 4 years. The clinical and laboratory findings for these patients were studied and analyzed. Thyroid uptake and scintigraphic examinations by means of {sup 99m}Tc, TBII and TSab activity measurement clearly distinguished these patients from other thyrotoxic disorders (destruction-induced thyrotoxicosis and autonomously functioning thyroid lesions). Different from other disorders, these patients had not lower but normal thyroid uptake and also showed diffuse and discrete trapping into the enlarged glands. These patients had significantly smaller goiters, a lower serum thyroid hormone level, and lower TBII and TSab activity, when compared with other high {sup 99m}Tc uptake groups with Graves' disease, and their condition could be easily controlled with small amounts of antithyroid drugs. Our study indicates that thyrotoxic Graves' disease with normal {sup 99m}Tc uptake exists and {sup 99m}Tc uptake study and TBII activity measurement is very useful for the diagnosis. The normal {sup 99m}Tc uptake thyrotoxic Graves' patient might be early stage patients with general Graves' disease and their early discrimination from general Graves' patients is very advantageous for treatment and prognosis. (author).

  6. The observation on plasma endothelin levels in patients with graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hao Xiaojun; Liu Changshan; Yang Lianrong; Zhang Qiliang; Wang Honggang; Liu Xudong


    Observing the plasma endothelin levels in patients with Graves' disease to probe its clinical significance, plasma endothelin levels were measured in 55 cases of Graves' disease before and after treatment respectively, and these were compared with that of 23 health subjects. Results: plasma endothelin levels in patients with Graves' disease significantly increase, compared with heath subjects (150.4 +- 29.31 ng/L vs 42.80 +- 7.58 ng/L, P < 0.01); post-treatment endothelin levels apparently decrease (97.61 +- 15.99 ng/L vs 150.4 +- 29.31 ng/L, P < 0.01). Plasma endothelin levels in patients with Graves' disease significantly increase, and after treatment the endothelin levels decrease following decreasing of thyroid hormone level and high hemodynamics

  7. Thyroid Ultrasonography in Differentiation between Graves' Disease and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. (United States)

    Pishdad, P; Pishdad, G R; Tavanaa, S; Pishdad, R; Jalli, R


    Graves' disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis are the most common causes of hyper and hypothyroidism, respectively. Differentiation of these 2 diseases, if the patient is euthyroid, may sometimes be extremely difficult on the basis of clinical and laboratory findings. The purpose of this study was to determine the sensitivity and specificity of gray scale sonography in differentiation of Graves' disease from Hashimoto's thyroiditis. This study included 149 patients divided into three groups, patients with Graves' disease (34 patients, mean age = 36.8 ± 10.17 years), Patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (62 patients, mean age = 33.4 ± 12.16 years) and control group (53 healthy people, mean age = 34.74 ± 16.87 years). Members of all groups were referred to a single radiologist for thyroid sonography for evaluation of thyroid echogenicity pattern. A total of 117 women and 32 men were examined by sonography. The most common sonographic pattern in Hashimoto and Graves' was homogenous hypo-echogenicity which was observed in 45.2% and 47.1% of cases, respectively. Peripheral hypo-echogenicity pattern was seen in 40.3% of Hashimoto's group with 100% specificity and 40.3% sensitivity. Central-hypoechogenic pattern was observed in 17.6% of Graves' group with 100% and 17.6% specificity and sensitivity, respectively. Our findings indicate that sonography has high specificity but low sensitivity in the diagnosis of either Graves' disease or Hashimoto's thyroiditis. It is therefore not possible to differentiate between these two diseases using sonography alone. Confirmation by laboratory data is also needed.

  8. Hypocalcaemia after total thyroidectomy for Graves' disease and for benign atoxic multinodular goitre. (United States)

    Hallgrimsson, Páll; Nordenström, E; Bergenfelz, A; Almquist, M


    Postoperative hypocalcaemia has been reported to be more common after total thyroidectomy (TT) for Graves' disease than after TT for benign atoxic multinodular goitre (MNG). The reasons for this potential association are not clear. In the present study, the frequency and risk factors of hypocalcaemia after TT for Graves' vs MNG were compared. Between January 1999 and October 2009, patients with first-time surgery for Graves' disease or MNG treated with a TT were included in the study. Postoperative hypocalcaemia was defined by symptoms, calcium levels and treatment with calcium and/or vitamin D analogues during postoperative hospital stay, at discharge, and at the 6-week and 6-month follow-ups. Outcomes were compared with Mann-Whitney, chi(2) and Fishers' exact test where appropriate and by multivariable logistic regression analysis. There were 128 patients with Graves' disease and 81 patients with MNG. Patients with Graves' disease were younger than patients with MNG (median age, 35 vs 51 years, p Graves' disease (p Graves' disease, there was no difference in the overall frequency of biochemical hypocalcaemia, low levels of PTH and/or treatment with calcium and vitamin D.

  9. Magnetic Ghosts: Mineral Magnetic Measurements On Roman and Anglo-saxon Graves (United States)

    Linford, N.

    The location of inhumations, in the absence of ferrous grave goods, often presents a considerable challenge to archaeological geophysics given the small physical size of the features and the slight contrast between the fill of the grave and the surround- ing subsoil. Even during excavation, the identification of graves may be complicated where site conditions do not favour the preservation of human skeletal remains and often only a subtle soil stain is likely to survive. A recent initiative in the United King- dom has seen the formation of the Buried Organic Matter Decomposition Integrated with Elemental Status (BODIES) research group, to examine the decomposition of organic artefacts in ancient graves with respect to localised changes in pH, redox po- tential and nutrient status. This paper presents initial results from a limited mineral magnetic study of two grave sites in an attempt to ascertain whether the decomposi- tion of organic remains may lead to a detectable magnetic signature within the soil. Results from a series of isothermal, hysteresis and magneto-thermal experiments will be presented together with surface magnetometer and topsoil susceptibility surveys.

  10. Concomitant Graves' disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis, presenting as primary hypothyroidism.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Cronin, C C


    Hypothyroidism in patients with Graves\\' disease is usually the result of ablative treatment. We describe a 58 year old man with Graves\\' ophthalmopathy and pre-tibial myxoedema, who presented with spontaneous primary hypothyroidism. Circulating TSH receptor antibody activity was increased, while thyroid microsomal antibody was detectable in titres greater than one in one hundred thousand. It is likely that the TSH receptor antibody of Graves\\' disease was ineffective in stimulating hyperthyroidism because of concomitant thyroid destruction due to Hashimoto\\'s disease. Alternatively, primary hypothyroidism could have resulted from the effects of a circulating TSH receptor blocking antibody.

  11. Grave's disease associated with immunoglobulin A nephropathy: A rare association. (United States)

    Khan, I; Bhat, R A; Khan, I; Hameed, I


    Immunoglobulin A (Ig A) nephropathy is the most common form of primary glomerulonephritis. The association of Ig A nephropathy with Grave's disease has not been reported so far. We report a case of 20-year-old female with Grave's disease who presented with edema, facial puffiness, and decreased urine output. She was found to be hypertensive with renal failure and nephrotic range proteinuria. Renal biopsy revealed features of Ig A nephropathy. The patient was treated with oral corticosteroids (1 mg/kg/day). To our knowledge, this is the first case showing association of Grave's disease with Ig A nephropathy.

  12. Grave Tending: With Mom at the Cemetery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carolyn Ellis


    Full Text Available This autoethnographic story shows the process of tending the graves of family members. In the past, the author reluctantly accompanied her mother on her visits to the family cemetery. Once there, she took on the role of distant observer as her mother took care of the family cemetery plots. When her mother becomes disabled, the author begins to arrange the flowers on the graves. Doing so leads her to examine the meaning of visiting the cemetery, feel and connect with her losses, and consider the customs she wants to be part of her own death. When her mother dies, the next generation of women in the family—the author, her sister, and sister-in-law—take on the role of tending the graves, connected in their love and respect for their mother and their feelings of family and family responsibility. This story examines the meanings of family rituals around death and how they are passed from generation to generation. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0302285

  13. Thyroid Follicular Carcinoma in a Fourteen-year-old Girl with Graves' Disease. (United States)

    Kojima-Ishii, Kanako; Ihara, Kenji; Ohkubo, Kazuhiro; Matsuo, Terumichi; Toda, Naoko; Yamashita, Hiroyuki; Kono, Shinji; Hara, Toshiro


    Here we present the case of a 14-yr-old girl who developed thyroid follicular carcinoma accompanied by Graves' disease. She was diagnosed with Graves' disease at 10 yr of age and soon achieved a euthyroid state after starting treatment. When she was 13 yr of age, her hyperthyroidism and goiter worsened despite medical therapy. Multiple nodules were found in her enlarged thyroid gland by ultrasonography. Her serum Tg level seemed within the normal range. She underwent near-total thyroidectomy for control of thyroid function. Histopathological study demonstrated that multiple oxyphilic follicular neoplasms were surrounded by the thyroid tissue compatible with Graves' disease. Capsular invasion was identified in one of the nodules, and thus the histological diagnosis was minimally invasive follicular carcinoma. She did not have signs suggesting metastasis, and has had no relapse for 18 mo after the operation. Although some previous studies showed a high prevalence of thyroid cancer with an aggressive nature in adult patients with Graves' disease, few reports about thyroid cancer accompanied by Graves' disease are available in children. The present case, however, suggests that careful investigation is needed when we detect thyroid nodules or progressive thyroid enlargement, especially in children with Graves' disease.

  14. Significance of changes of serum TPOAb and TRAb levels in patients with Graves' disease (GD)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Zhongshu Xu Ruiji; Wang Guohong


    Objective: To investigate the significance of changes of serum TPOAb and TRAb levels in patients with Graves' dis- ease (GD). Methods: Serum TPOAb (with RIA) and TRAb (with RRA) levels were determined in 27 patients with Graves' disease, before treatment 10 patients with Graves' disease clinically cured and 35 controls. Results: The serum levels and positive rates of TPOAb and TRAb in patients with Graves' disease before treatment were significantly higher than those in the patients with Graves' disease clinically cured and controls (P<0.01). Conclusion: TPOAb and TRAb were involved in the pathogenesis of Graves' dis- ease and could be used as diagnostic and treatment indicators. (authors)

  15. Biologiske behandlingsmuligheder ved Graves' oftalmopati

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    El Fassi, Daniel; Nielsen, Claus Henrik; Hegedüs, Laszlo


    The current medical treatment options for Graves' ophthalmopathy (GO) are unsatisfactory. Recent treatment of GO patients with the B-lymphocyte depleting monoclonal antibody rituximab or with the anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha agents etanercept and infliximab has shown promising results. We...

  16. Study progress on free radicals and graves disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Ruiguo; Jin Jianhua


    Free radical-mediated oxidative injury has been closely implicated in the occurrence and development of many diseases. Graves disease was also accompanied by changes of the free radicals, especially for reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen, et al, and the oxidative stress can cause a certain degree of injury on the thyroid and other human important organs. Antithyroid drug and 131 I treatment of Graves disease, the oxidative and antioxidative parameters can also be changed. (authors)

  17. Transient hypothyroidism after 131I treatment of Graves disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Jianfeng; Fang Yi; Zhang Xiuli; Ye Genyao; Xing Jialiu; Zhang Youren


    Objective: To evaluate the results of the transient hypothyroidism after 131 I treatment of Graves disease. Methods: A total of 32 transient hypothyroidism patients treated with 131 I for Graves disease were studied and followed up. Results: Transient hypothyroidism occurred within 2-6 months after 131 I treatment and 19 patients were symptomatic. At diagnosis of transient hypothyroidism, T 3 and T 4 levels were decreased had normal, TSH levels were increased, normal or low. Follow-up examination found that 20 patients were normal and 12 patients had relapse of hyperthyroidism. Conclusions: Therapy of Graves disease with low doses of 131 I causes a high incidence of transient hypothyroidism. After recovery of transient hypothyroidism, some patients have relapse of hyperthyroidism

  18. 131I-therapy of graves' disease and non-immunogenic thyrotoxicosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoeschel, M.; Heinze, H.G.


    From 1977 to 1982, 315 patients suffering from thyrotoxicosis with diffuse and/or nodular goitre or Graves' disease were treated with 131 I. In 246 patients, the results of treatment after 7 months to 5 1/2 years could be evaluated. After a single treatment with 131 I, 72% of the patients with hyperthyroid nodular goitre and 61% of those with diffuse goitre, but only 36% of the patients with Graves' disease showed normal thyroid function. By repeated 131 I treatments - as many as 5 for those with Graves' disease - normal thyroid function could be achieved in nearly all patients examined. Patients with immune thyrotoxicosis, type Graves' disease, showed a high resistance to therapy. A dependence was found between the results of these treatments and previous antithyroidal drug therapy or surgery. The rate of hypothyroidism varied between 4 and 15%. The highest rate of hypothyroidism was observed in operated patients with persistent or recurring thyrotoxicosis. (orig.) [de

  19. Graves hyperthyroidism and pregnancy: a clinical update. (United States)

    Patil-Sisodia, Komal; Mestman, Jorge H


    To provide a clinical update on Graves' hyperthyroidism and pregnancy with a focus on treatment with antithyroid drugs. We searched the English-language literature for studies published between 1929 and 2009 related to management of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy. In this review, we discuss differential diagnosis of hyperthyroidism, management, importance of early diagnosis, and importance of achieving proper control to avoid maternal and fetal complications. Diagnosing hyperthyroidism during pregnancy can be challenging because many of the signs and symptoms are similar to normal physiologic changes that occur in pregnancy. Patients with Graves disease require prompt treatment with antithyroid drugs and should undergo frequent monitoring for signs of fetal and maternal hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Rates of maternal and perinatal complications are directly related to control of hyperthyroidism in the mother. Thyroid receptor antibodies should be assessed in all women with hyperthyroidism to help predict and reduce the risk of fetal or neonatal hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. The maternal thyroxine level should be kept in the upper third of the reference range or just above normal, using the lowest possible antithyroid drug dosage. Hyperthyroidism may recur in the postpartum period as Graves disease or postpartum thyroiditis; thus, it is prudent to evaluate thyroid function 6 weeks after delivery. Preconception counseling, a multidisciplinary approach to care, and patient education regarding potential maternal and fetal complications that can occur with different types of treatment are important. Preconception counseling and a multifaceted approach to care by the endocrinologist and the obstetric team are imperative for a successful pregnancy in women with Graves hyperthyroidism.

  20. Insuficiencia renal aguda inducida por mordedura de serpiente Bothrops

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo A. Aroca Martínez


    Full Text Available Mujer de 58 años de edad, remitida a urgencias por presentar cuadro clínico de insuficiencia renal aguda (IRA secundaria a mordedura de serpiente (Bothrops Atrox. Ingresa hipotensa con elevación de azoados e hiperkalemia, ecografía renal dentro de parámetros normales. Se maneja terapia dialítica con lo cual presenta mejoría clínica. En este reporte se detallan aspectos del diagnóstico, manejo clínico y posibles mecanismos fisiopatológicos que explican el daño renal.

  1. PREGO (presentation of Graves' orbitopathy) study: changes in referral patterns to European Group On Graves' Orbitopathy (EUGOGO) centres over the period from 2000 to 2012

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Perros, Petros; Žarković, Miloš; Azzolini, Claudio; Ayvaz, Göksun; Baldeschi, Lelio; Bartalena, Luigi; Boschi, Antonella; Bournaud, Claire; Brix, Thomas Heiberg; Covelli, Danila; Ćirić, Slavica; Daumerie, Chantal; Eckstein, Anja; Fichter, Nicole; Führer, Dagmar; Hegedüs, Laszlo; Kahaly, George J.; Konuk, Onur; Lareida, Jürg; Lazarus, John; Leo, Marenza; Mathiopoulou, Lemonia; Menconi, Francesca; Morris, Daniel; Okosieme, Onyebuchi; Orgiazzi, Jaques; Pitz, Susanne; Salvi, Mario; Vardanian-Vartin, Cristina; Wiersinga, Wilmar; Bernard, Martine; Clarke, Lucy; Currò, Nicola; Dayan, Colin; Dickinson, Jane; Knežević, Miroslav; Lane, Carol; Marcocci, Claudio; Marinò, Michele; Möller, Lars; Nardi, Marco; Neoh, Christopher; Pearce, Simon; von Arx, George; Törüner, Fosun Baloş


    The epidemiology of Graves' orbitopathy (GO) may be changing. The aim of the study was to identify trends in presentation of GO to tertiary centres and initial management over time. Prospective observational study of European Group On Graves' Orbitopathy (EUGOGO) centres. All new referrals with a

  2. Estado nutricional de niños palúdicos residentes en El Bagre y Turbo, Antioquia, Colombia, 2004-2005

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosa Magdalena Uscátegui


    Resultados. La prevalencia de niños con desnutrición crónica moderada o grave fue de 22,6%; la de desnutrición global moderada o grave de 10,8% y la aguda de 2,3%. Las prevalencias fueron mayores entre varones y residentes en Turbo. Conclusiones. Las prevalencias de desnutrición fueron superiores a las reportadas en la última Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud (2005, y en los residentes en Turbo fueron mayores a las encontradas en el Urabá antioqueño.

  3. Shock cardiogénico asociado a un programa nutricional inapropiado: síndrome de realimentación Cardiogenic shock associated with an inappropriate nutritional programme: re-feeding syndrome


    C. Campos-Ferrer; M. Cervera-Montes; A. Romero; S. Borrás; E. Gómez; C. Ricart


    Se han comunicado situaciones de paro cardíaco en pacientes con desnutrición proteico-calórica en los que se iniciaba aporte de nutrientes de manera incontrolada. El reconocimiento de la asociación entre el aporte de alimentos en estas circunstancias y los eventos clínicos graves, generalmente trastornos del ritmo cardíaco, llevó a describirlo como "síndrome de realimentación". Presentamos un caso de influencia respiratoria aguda grave y shock cardiogénico en una paciente de 44 años con desnu...

  4. 77 FR 39406 - Safety Zone; Tom Graves Memorial Fireworks, Port Bay, Wolcott, NY (United States)


    ...-AA00 Safety Zone; Tom Graves Memorial Fireworks, Port Bay, Wolcott, NY AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS. ACTION..., NY. This safety zone is intended to restrict vessels from a portion of Port Bay during the Tom Graves... necessary to ensure the safety of spectators and vessels during the Tom Graves Memorial Fireworks. This zone...

  5. Personalised immunomodulating treatments for Graves' disease: fact or fiction? (United States)

    Struja, Tristan Mirko; Kutz, Alexander; Fischli, Stefan; Meier, Christian; Müller, Beat; Schütz, Philipp


    Although Graves' disease has been recognised for more than 100 years, its physiopathological mechanisms are incompletely understood. Treatment strategies today mainly focus on suppression of thyroid hormone production by use of antithyroid drugs or radio-iodine, but neglect the underlying immunological mechanisms. Although Graves' disease is often seen as a prototype for an autoimmune mechanism, it is more likely to be a heterogeneous syndrome showing characteristics of both autoimmunity and immunodeficiency. The interplay of these two mechanisms may well characterise the physiopathology of this disease and its complications. Immunodeficiency may be either genetically determined or secondarily acquired. Various triggering events lead to autoimmunity with stimulation of the thyroid gland resulting in the clinical syndrome of hyperthyroidism. Also, relapse risk differs from patient to patient and can be estimated from clinical parameters incorporated into the Graves' Recurrent Events After Therapy (GREAT) score. Accurate risk stratification may help to distinguish high-risk patients for whom a more definitive treatment approach should be used from others where there is a high probability that the disease will recover with medical treatment alone. Several smaller trials having found positive effects of immunosuppressive drugs on recurrence risk in Graves' disease; therefoore, there is great potential in the use of novel immunomodulating drugs in addition to the currently used antithyroid drugs for the successful treatment of this condition. Further in-depth exploration of susceptibility, triggering factors and immunological mechanisms has the potential to improve treatment of Graves' disease, with more personalised, risk-adapted treatment strategies based on the different physiopathological concepts of this heterogeneous condition.

  6. Isquemia aguda de miembros inferiores secundaria a ergortismo

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    Franco J. Vallejo, MD


    Full Text Available Paciente de género femenino, de 21 años de edad, quien ingresó por dolor progresivo e intenso en miembros inferiores, y refirió antecedente reciente de ingestión de derivados del ergot. Al examen físico se observó ausencia de pulsos en ambos miembros inferiores. Por angiotomografia se documentó disminución severa, generalizada y bilateral, del calibre de los vasos arteriales de miembros inferiores. Se diagnosticó isquemia arterial aguda secundaria a ergotismo y se inició tratamiento con vasodilatadores y calcio-antagonistas, que resolvió los síntomas en su totalidad.

  7. Caracterización del comportamiento clínico-quirúrgico de la pancreatitis aguda en una unidad hospitalaria de Pinar del Río

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Rogelio García Noguera


    Full Text Available Introducción: la pancreatitis aguda es una enfermedad que produce diversos grados de inflamación en el órgano y puede llegar hasta la necrosis glandular. Objetivo: caracterizar el comportamiento clínico-quirúrgico en los pacientes con pancreatitis aguda en el Hospital General Docente "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" de Pinar del Rio, en el periodo de 2009-2012. Material y método: se realizó una investigación observacional, descriptiva, longitudinal, retrospectiva, en pacientes con diagnóstico de pancreatitis aguda, ingresados en el Hospital General Docente "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado", de Pinar del Río, entre el 2009 y el 2012. Resultados: el 53,3% de los pacientes ingresó en el Servicio de Cirugía y el resto en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. El 77,8% de los pacientes fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente antes de transcurrir 48 horas desde el ingreso. Existió un predominio notable de enfermos complicados que ingresaron en las salas de cirugía, prevaleciendo en estos las complicaciones agudas o sistémicas. En los pacientes operados la mortalidad se elevó considerablemente un 42,1%. Conclusiones: para llevar a cabo una conducta adecuada en los pacientes ingresados con pancreatitis aguda, y de esta manera reducir las complicaciones y fallecimiento por esta causa, se deben ingresar desde el inicio en una sala de cuidados intensivos; además de incrementar el empleo de investigaciones como la TAC abdominal y disminuir los casos intervenidos quirúrgicamente.


    Garófoli, Adrián; Montoya, Paola; Elías, Carlos; Benzo, Roberto


    El Mal Agudo de Montaña (MAM) es un conjunto de síntomas inespecíficos padecidos por sujetos que ascienden rápidamente desde baja a alta altura sin adecuada aclimatación. Usualmente es autolimitado, pero las formas graves (edema pulmonar y cerebral) pueden causar la muerte. La hipoxemia exagerada en reposo está relacionada con el desarrollo de MAM pero su valor predictivo es limitado. Dado que el ejercicio en altura se acompaña de mayor hipoxemia y síntomas, postulamos el valor predictivo de un simple test de ejercicio para pronosticar MAM grave. Se estudió el valor predictivo de la saturación de oxígeno en reposo y ejercicio submáximo a 2 700m y 4 300m en 63 sujetos que ascendían al cerro Aconcagua (6 962m). Se consideró desaturación de oxígeno con ejercicio a una disminución >=5% respecto al reposo. Se utilizó la escala de Lake-Louise para establecer la presencia de MAM grave. 6 sujetos presentaron MAM grave (9.5%) y requirieron evacuación. La saturación de oxígeno en reposo a 2 700m no fue significativa para clasificar sujetos que luego desarrollaron MAM grave. Por el contrario, la asociación de desaturación durante el ejercicio a 2 700m más la saturación inapropiada en reposo a 4 300m fue significativa para clasificar a los sujetos que desarrollaron MAM grave con un valor predictivo positivo de 80% y un valor predictivo negativo del 97%. Nuestros resultados son relevantes para el montañismo y sugieren la adición de un simple test de ejercicio en la predicción del MAM grave. PMID:20228017

  9. Calcio sérico total y calcio corregido como predictores de severidad en pancreatitis aguda

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A.A. Gutiérrez-Jiménez


    Conclusiones: El CT y CCA tomados en las primeras 24 h son útiles como predictores de severidad en pancreatitis aguda, con valores de S y predictivos comparables o superiores a los de las escalas pronósticas tradicionales.

  10. Primeiro consenso brasileiro do tratamento da fase aguda do acidente vascular cerebral

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available Este texto apresenta a síntese das conclusões do Iº Consenso Brasileiro do Tratamento da Fase Aguda do Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC. Tratou-se de reunião patrocinada e coordenada pela Sociedade Brasileira de Doenças Cerebrovasculares, com neurologistas especializados nas doenças cerebrovasculares, que analisaram os principais itens da conduta dos AVC.

  11. Clinical experience of radiation therapy for Graves` ophthalmopathy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takahashi, Takeo; Mitsuhashi, Norio; Nagashima, Hisako; Sakurai, Hideyuki; Murata, Osamu; Ishizeki, Kei; Shimaya, Sanae; Hayakawa, Kazushige; Niibe, Hideo [Gunma Univ., Maebashi (Japan). School of Medicine


    The effect of radiation therapy for Graves` ophthalmopathy was evaluated. Ten patients with Graves` ophthalmopathy were treated with radiation therapy between 1992 and 1993 in Gunma University Hospital. All patients had a past history of hyperthyroidism and received 2,000 cGy to the retrobulbar tissues in 20 fractions. Nine of ten patients were treated with radiation therapy after the failure of corticosteroids. Six patients (60%) showed good or excellent responses. The exophthalmos type was more responsive to radiation therapy than the double vision type in this series. Two of five patients with the exophthalmos type demonstrated excellent responses, and their symptoms disappeared almost completely. The improvement of symptoms appeared within 3-6 months, and obvious clinical effects were demonstrated after 6 months of radiotherapy. Radiation therapy was well tolerated, and we have not observed any side effects of radiation therapy. In conclusion, radiation therapy is effective treatment for Graves` ophthalmopathy. (author)

  12. Clinical experience of radiation therapy for Graves' ophthalmopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takahashi, Takeo; Mitsuhashi, Norio; Nagashima, Hisako; Sakurai, Hideyuki; Murata, Osamu; Ishizeki, Kei; Shimaya, Sanae; Hayakawa, Kazushige; Niibe, Hideo


    The effect of radiation therapy for Graves' ophthalmopathy was evaluated. Ten patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy were treated with radiation therapy between 1992 and 1993 in Gunma University Hospital. All patients had a past history of hyperthyroidism and received 2,000 cGy to the retrobulbar tissues in 20 fractions. Nine of ten patients were treated with radiation therapy after the failure of corticosteroids. Six patients (60%) showed good or excellent responses. The exophthalmos type was more responsive to radiation therapy than the double vision type in this series. Two of five patients with the exophthalmos type demonstrated excellent responses, and their symptoms disappeared almost completely. The improvement of symptoms appeared within 3-6 months, and obvious clinical effects were demonstrated after 6 months of radiotherapy. Radiation therapy was well tolerated, and we have not observed any side effects of radiation therapy. In conclusion, radiation therapy is effective treatment for Graves' ophthalmopathy. (author)

  13. Esclerodermia, tireoidite e miastenia grave: estudo de um caso

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    Antonio L. dos Santos Werneck


    Full Text Available Uma paciente de 36 anos com miastenia grave desenvolveu após dois anos intolerância ao frio, o que conduziu ao diagnóstico de tireoidite de Hashimoto. Quatro anos mais tarde apresentou pele espessada nas mãos (esclerodermia limitada. O quadro clínico e os exames complementares encaminharam o diagnóstico para a forma CREST de esclerodermia sistêmica progressiva. Discute-se a dificuldade diagnóstica da esclerodermia, assim como suas síndromes de superposição. Doença de Hashimoto e miastenia grave constituem associação pouco frequente. A presença de esclerodermia e miastenia grave é rara. Não encontramos na literatura a coincidência destas três doenças.

  14. Asma aguda em adultos na sala de emergência: o manejo clínico na primeira hora

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    Full Text Available Asma é doença com alta prevalência em nosso meio e ao redor do mundo. Embora novas opções terapêuticas tenham sido recentemente desenvolvidas, parece haver aumento mundial na sua morbidade e mortalidade. Em muitas instituições, as exacerbações asmáticas ainda constituem emergência médica muito comum. As evidências têm demonstrado que a primeira hora no manejo da asma aguda na sala de emergência concentra decisões cruciais que podem determinar o desfecho desta situação clínica. Nesta revisão não-sistemática, os autores enfocaram a primeira hora da avaliação e tratamento do paciente com asma aguda na sala de emergência, descrevendo uma estratégia apropriada para o seu manejo. São consideradas as seguintes etapas: diagnóstico, avaliação da gravidade, tratamento farmacológico, avaliação das complicações e decisão sobre onde se realizará o tratamento adicional. Espera-se que estas recomendações contribuam para que o médico clínico tome a decisão apropriada na primeira hora do manejo da asma aguda.

  15. Radioiodine treatment of Graves' disease. An assessment of its potential risks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Graham, G.D.; Burman, K.D.


    Concern about the side effects of radiation exposure has deterred physicians from using radioiodine treatment for Graves' disease, although the efficacy and safety of this treatment have been established in the 35 years since its introduction. In that time, no significant side effects have been discovered. We believe iodine-131 should be considered the treatment of choice in most patients with Graves' disease. This article reviews the current understanding of the risks in radioiodine treatment of Graves' disease, including the risks for teratogenicity, genetic damage, carcinogenesis, and cellular dysfunction

  16. Medical management of Graves' ophthalmopathy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Prummel, M. F.; Wiersinga, W. M.


    In most patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism the eye signs are self-limiting and mostly subclinical. However, about one-third of the patients have clinically relevant ophthalmopathy, which can be disabling and disfiguring. The mechanical causes of the symptoms and signs of the eye disease are

  17. Incidencia y factores de riesgo para adquirir diarrea aguda en una comunidad rural de la selva peruana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    César Henríquez Camacho


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la incidencia y factores de riesgo para adquirir diarrea aguda en una comunidad rural localizada en la selva del departamento de San Martín, Perú. Material y métodos: Una cohorte de 119 personas fue seleccionada al azar entre la población de 446 habitantes y seguida diariamente por un mes entre enero y febrero de 1999, buscando casos de diarrea aguda, definida como tres ó más cámaras de deposiciones al día por no más de 3 días. Un estudio caso control pareado fue diseñado para determinar los factores de riesgo para adquirir diarrea. Resultados: Fueron observados 18 casos de diarrea aguda; la incidencia fue 15.1 casos por 100 personas-mes (IC 95%: 9.45-23.12. La edad media de los casos fue de 10.7 años (rango: 1-34 años y 66% de los casos fueron niños menores de 10 años de edad. Los factores de riesgo para adquirir diarrea fueron: consumo de alimentos crudos, RR: 2.2 (IC 95%: 1.12-4.33, consumo de alimentos no lavados, RR: 4.47 (IC 95%: 1.56-12.82, falta de lavado de manos antes de alimentarse, RR: 9.61 (95% IC: 1.44-64.16, consumo de agua no hervida, RR: 4.52 (IC 95%: 1.23-16.65 y alimentación fuera de casa, RR: 2.2 (IC 95%: 1.51-3.20. La diferencia en el número promedio (DE de personas que vivían por casa entre casos y controles fue de 4.38 (1.03 vs. 3.22 (0.54, p=0.0003, respectivamente. No hubo diferencia en el tiempo de residencia en la comunidad entre casos y controles, media de 5.61 ( 5.04 años vs. 8.83 (9.79, p=0.5747. Conclusiones: Diarrea aguda es un problema de salud pública en la selva de San Martín. Hacinamiento, carencia de saneamiento y pobres prácticas higiénicas son los responsables para adquirir diarrea aguda en esta comunidad de bajo nivel socioeconómico. Campañas educativas y mejora en las condiciones sanitarias son claramente necesarias para superar este problema.

  18. Clinical significance of determination of serum BGP levels in patients with Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tu Liping; Zhang Chunyan; Wang Linglong; Yu Yuefang; Zhu Weijie; Cai Ao


    Objective: To study the clinical significance of changes of serum BGP levels in patients with Graves' disease. Methods: Serum BOP levels as well as T 3 , T 4 , FT 3 , FT 4 , TSH, TGA, TMA levels were determined with RIA in 158 patients with Graves' disease and 145 controls. Results: The serum BGP levels in patients with Graves' disease were significantly higher than those in controls (P 3 , T 4 , FT 3 , FT 4 levels, but not with TSH, TGA, TMA. Conclusion: Serum BGP levels is a useful marker for monitoring bone metabolism in patients with Graves' disease. (authors)

  19. Epidemiology, management and outcomes of Graves' disease-real life data. (United States)

    Hussain, Y S; Hookham, J C; Allahabadia, A; Balasubramanian, S P


    Treatment options in Graves' disease are clearly defined, but management practices and the perceptions of success are varied. The outcomes of treatment in large consecutive cohorts of Graves' disease have not been well characterised. The study describes the epidemiology, management strategies and medium term outcomes following anti-thyroid drug treatment, radio-iodine ablation and surgery in Graves' disease. All patients (n = 659) who received treatment for a new diagnosis of Graves' disease in secondary care over a 5 year period were included with a median (interquartile range) follow-up of 42.9 (29-57.5) months. The age adjusted incidence of adult onset Graves' disease in Sheffield, UK was 24.8 per 100,000 per year. Excluding 35 patients lost to follow-up, 93.1% (n = 581) were controlled on anti-thyroid drug treatment. Of these, 73.6% went into remission following withdrawal of anti-thyroid drugs; 5.2% were still undergoing initial therapy; 13.3% lost control whilst on anti-thyroid drugs; and 7.9% went on to have either surgery or radio-iodine ablation whilst controlled on anti-thyroid drugs. Of the 428 patients who achieved remission, 36.7% relapsed. Of 144 patients who had radio-iodine ablation treatment, 5.6% relapsed and needed further treatment. Of 119 patients having surgery, 5.2% had long-term hypoparathyroidism and none had documented long-term recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy. In the follow-up, 39.9% of patients underwent surgery or radio-iodine ablation with little morbidity. Up to two-thirds of patients who achieved remission did not relapse. Data on effectiveness and risks of treatments for Graves' disease presented in this study will help clinicians and patients in decision making.

  20. Anxiety and depression are more prevalent in patients with graves' disease than in patients with nodular goitre

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bové, Kira Bang; Watt, Torquil; Vogel, Asmus


    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Graves' disease has been associated with an increased psychiatric morbidity. It is unclarified whether this relates to Graves' disease or chronic disease per se. The aim of our study was to estimate the prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms in patients with Graves......' disease compared to patients with another chronic thyroid disease, nodular goitre, and to investigate determinants of anxiety and depression in Graves' disease.METHODS: 157 cross-sectionally sampled patients with Graves' disease, 17 newly diagnosed, 140 treated, and 251 controls with nodular goitre......'/probable 'depression'. Determinants of anxiety and depression symptoms in Graves' disease were examined using multiple linear regression.RESULTS: In Graves' disease levels of anxiety (p = 0.008) and depression (p = 0.014) were significantly higher than in controls. The prevalence of depression was 10% in Graves...

  1. F-18-FDG PET of the thyroid in Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boerner, A.R.; Voth, E.; Schicha, H.; Wienhard, K.; Wagner, R.


    This study evaluates F-18-FDG PET of the thyroid in Graves' disease. Methods: Thirty patients were investigated the day before radioiodine therapy, 15 patients 3-10 days after radioiodine therapy. Twenty patients with cancer of the head or neck and normal thyroid function served as controls. Results: F-18-FDG uptake was higher in Graves' disease patients than in controls. Negative correlations of F-18-FDG uptake with half-life of radioiodine and absorbed radiation dose due to radioiodine therapy were found along with a positive correlation to autoantibody levels. Conclusion: Thus F-18-FDG PET is likely to give information on the biological activity of Graves' disease as well as on early radiation effects. (orig.) [de

  2. Important considerations in the management of Graves' disease in pregnant women. (United States)

    Okosieme, Onyebuchi E; Lazarus, John H


    Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder in which autoantibodies to the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor cause hyperthyroidism through unregulated stimulation of the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor. Effective management of Graves' disease in pregnancy must address the competing fetal and maternal priorities of controlling hyperthyroidism in the mother on the one hand, and on the other, minimizing the impact of maternal disease and antithyroid drugs on the well-being of the fetus. Optimal strategies for achieving this intricate balance are currently a source of continued debate among thyroid experts and studies in recent decades are now providing greater clarity into the risk posed to the unborn baby by the combination of biochemical, immunological and pharmacological hazards arising from Graves' disease and its therapy. This review summarizes the current best practice and highlights important considerations and areas of uncertainty in the management of Graves' disease in pregnant women.

  3. 131I therapy of Graves' disease using lithium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, Kenshi


    Lithium is known to cause goiter and hypothyroidism. In the mechanism of goitrogenesis, there is general agreement that lithium inhibits the release of the thyroid hormones from the thyroid gland without significantly impairing other thyroid functions. The present study was undertaken, therefore, to investigate the usefulness of lithium in the radioiodine treatment of Graves' disease. Nine patients with Graves' disease who were all, except one, previously treated with antithyroid drugs were studied. 600 mg of lithium carbonate were administered daily to investigate the effects on thyroidal 131 I uptake, disappearance rate of 131 I from the prelabeled thyroid and the serum concentrations of thyroid hormones. Lithium showed no significant effect on the thyroidal 131 I uptake when the 24 hour thyroidal 131 I uptakes were determined both before and during lithium treatment in the five cases. On the other hand, lithium clearly prolonged the mean value of effective half-lives of 131 I to approximately 8 days vs. 5.1 days before lithium treatment (p 4 and T 3 levels significantly decreased during lithium treatment, from 21.3 to 12.4μg/dl (n=9, p 131 I for the Graves' disease can be reduced by using lithium, the radiation exposure to the total body is decreased. Moreover, it is possible to perform the 131 I therapy while improving the thyrotoxicosis with lithium. Finally, it is concluded that lithium is a very useful drug to be combined with the 131 I therapy of Graves' disease. (author)

  4. A mild Grave's ophthalmopathy during pregnancy. (United States)

    Abbouda, Alessandro; Trimboli, Pierpaolo; Bruscolini, Alice


    Thyroid ophthalmopathy is a complication most commonly associated with Grave's disease. The disease course ranges from mild to severe, with severe cases resulting in major visual impairment. A complete ophthalmic examination in a 35-year-old secundigravida to 14 weeks of gestation presented to the hospital for a routine ophthalmological examination with eyelid retraction in the right eye was made. We studied the course of ocular disease through the gestation with orbit ecography and a 3T MRI. A diagnosis of Grave's Ophthalmopathy was made. This case presents an unusual course of the GD during pregnancy and a normal post-partum relapse, according to the Th1/Th2 balance. The frequent follow-up and the use of MRI allowed a prompt identification and complete control of the disease.

  5. Airway complication occurring during radioiodine treatment for Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kinuya, Seigo; Yoneyama, Tatsuya; Michigishi, Takatoshi


    Airway complications rarely occur in 131 I radioiodine therapy for Graves' disease. This study presents two cases in which 131 I therapy caused this acute complication. The patients complained of the symptom 6 h and 33 h after administration of 131 I. A histamine H1 receptor antagonist and hydrocortisone rapidly resolved symptoms in both cases. These two cases remind physicians that 131 I therapy for Graves' disease may cause potentially life-threatening complications. (author)

  6. Comparative Study on the Long-Acting Thyroid Stimulator in Graves' Disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Dong Sup; Koh, Chang Soon; Lee, Mun Ho


    In order to study the role of LATS in the pathogenesis of the Graves' disease, the serum activity of the LATS was determined by the bioassay of the modified McKenzie method. The subjects examined in the study consisted of 76 individuals including 12 cases of normal control, 54 cases with typical Graves' disease and 10 cases of chronic thyroiditis. The data observed in the patients with the Graves' disease were analyzed in comparison with the clinical features, laboratory findings, and responsiveness to the treatment. The results obtained are as follows: 1) None of the subjects which did not have the Graves' disease showed a positive LATS activity, except one case with the chronic thyroiditis. 2) Twenty-two oui of the 54 cases with the Graves' disease showed positive results for LATS (40.7%). The positivity was significantly higher in the patients who had been treated with antithyroid regimen but still showed hyperthyroidism than in the patients who had not been treated. 3) The activity of LATS was gradually decreased or even became absent as the hyperthyroidism was corrected after the treatment. 4) No significant difference was noticed in age and-sex between the positive and negative groups of LATS. 5) There was no evidence of significant correlation between the LATS activity and clinical features.

  7. Hypocalcaemia following thyroidectomy for treatment of Graves' disease: implications for patient management and cost-effectiveness. (United States)

    Hughes, O R; Scott-Coombes, D M


    No consensus exists on optimal treatment for Graves' disease once anti-thyroid medication fails to induce remission. Total thyroidectomy is a more cost-effective treatment than radioactive iodine or life-long anti-thyroid medication, but hypocalcaemia is an important complication, leading to longer hospital admissions and increased prescription costs. This study aimed to compare the relative risk of hypocalcaemia requiring medical treatment for patients with Graves' disease. Prospective cohort study of patients undergoing total thyroidectomy for Graves' disease and for multinodular goitre, calculating serum calcium levels 24-hours post-operatively and prescription rates. Mean corrected calcium concentrations 24 hours post-operatively were 2.05 mmol/l for Graves' disease patients and 2.14 mmol/l for multinodular goitre patients (p = 0.003). Biochemical hypocalcaemia developed in 92 per cent (n = 34) of Graves' disease patients and 71 per cent (n = 43) of multinodular goitre patients (p = 0.012). Graves' disease patients were more likely to be prescribed calcium supplementation pre-discharge (p = 0.037). Total thyroidectomy for Graves' disease carries an increased risk of hypocalcaemia at 24 hours, and of calcium supplementation pre-discharge. Graves' disease patients should be informed of the increased risk of hypocalcaemia associated with total thyroidectomy, and this risk must be factored into future cost-effectiveness analysis.

  8. Acidosis láctica severa y leucemia aguda

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Loja


    Full Text Available Reportamos el caso de una paciente de 27 años de edad con leucemia linfoblástica aguda, quien presentó acidosis láctica severa como complicación metabólica. Ella acudió con desnutrición severa, anemia marcada y síndrome consuntivo. No había compromiso del sistema reticuloendotelial y un mielograma inicial fue normal. Estos factores retardaron el diagnóstico y obligaron a ampliar el diagnóstico diferencial. La sospecha de neoplasia hematológica asociada a acidosis láctica sin causa aparente permitió reevaluar el caso con un nuevo mielograma y establecer el diagnóstico.

  9. Caso para diagnóstico Case for diagnosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvio Alencar Marques


    Full Text Available A paracoccidioidomicose é enfermidade potencialmente grave podendo levar ao óbito. Lesões cutâneas específicas são freqüentes e propícias ao diagnóstico precoce. A disseminação para órgãos do sistema monocítico-macrofágico corresponde à forma aguda-subaguda da enfermidade. Derrame pleural e ascite, raros na paracoccidioidomicose, no presente caso foram conseqüentes à pancreatite aguda hemorrágica. Nos casos graves a anfotericina B e o suporte hospitalar adequado são decisivos na recuperação.Paracoccidioidomycosis is a potentially severe disease that may lead to death. Specific skin lesions are common and suitable for early diagnosis. Dissemination to the reticuloendothelial system is the main characteristic of the acute and subacute clinical forms. Pleural exudate and ascitis are rare in paracoccidioidomycosis. In the present case, these followed an acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis. Amphotericin B and proper hospital care are crucial for the recovery of severe cases.

  10. Aspergillosis in immunocompromised children acute myeloid leukemia and bone marrow aplasia.: Report of two cases Aspergilose em crianças imunocomprometidas com leucemia mielóide aguda e aplasta de medula óssea: Registro de 2 casos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Zilda de Aquino


    Full Text Available Two cases of Aspergillosis in immunocompromised children are reported. Both were caused by Aspergillns flavus. Early diagnosis and treatment led to the remission of the process. One patient had acute myeloid leukemia; the fungus was isolated from the blood. The other patient with bone marrow aplasia, presented an invasive aspergillosis of the paranasal sinuses with dissemination of fungal infection; the diagnosis was obtained by histology and culture of biopsied tissue from a palatal ulceration.No presente trabalho são registrados dois casos de aspergilose em crianças imunocomprometidas. O estudo micológico completo identificou Aspergillus flavus como agente dos dois processos. A presença cada vez mais frequente da aspergilose invasiva deve-se ao número crescente de pacientes imunocomprometidos, muitos com hemopatias graves submetidos à quimioterapia. O diagnóstico precoce em um dos casos possibilitou remissão do processo. Tratava-se de paciente com leucemia mielóide aguda, tendo sido isolado o fungo do sangue circulante. O segundo caso evoluiu para óbito, com infecção fúngica generalizada.

  11. Grave pit modifications and wooden structures in the Great Moravian graves and their information potential for cognition of the social structure of the Great Moravian society

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Mazuch, Marian; Hladík, Marek


    Roč. 54, č. 2 (2013), s. 45-55 ISSN 1211-7250 R&D Projects: GA ČR GP13-20936P Keywords : Early Middle Ages * Great Moravia * Mikulčice * burial sites * graves * grave pits * burial pits * wooden structures * funeral rite * social structure * GIS * statistics Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  12. Graves' disease and toxic nodular goiter - radioiodine therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schicha, H.; Dietlein, M.


    At the 15th conference on the human thyroid in Heidelberg in 2001 the following aspects of the radioiodine therapy of benign thyroid disorders were presented: General strategies for therapy of benign thyroid diseases, criterions for conservative or definitive treatment of hyperthyroidism as first line therapy and finally preparation, procedural details, results, side effects, costs and follow-up care of radioiodine therapy as well as legal guidelines for hospitalization in Germany. The diagnosis Graves' hyperthyroidism needs the decision, if rather a conservative treatment or if primary radioiodine therapy is the best therapeutic approach. In the USA 70-90% of these patients are treated with radioiodine as first line therapy, whereas in Germany the conservative therapy for 1-1.5 years is recommended for 90%. This review describes subgroups of patients with Graves' disease showing a higher probability to relapse after conservative treatment. Comparing benefits, adverse effects, costs, and conveniences of both treatment strategies the authors conclude that radioiodine therapy should be preferred as first line therapy in 60-70% of the patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism. (orig.) [de

  13. Regression of the carotid intima media thickness by propylthiouracil therapy in Graves' hyperthyroidism. (United States)

    Bilir, Cemil; Gökosmanoglu, Feyzi; Caliskan, Mustafa; Cinemre, Hakan; Akdemir, Ramazan


    One of the cardiovascular effects of hyperthyroidism is increased carotid intima media thickness (CIMT). The aim of this study is to investigate the CIMT in patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism and the effect of propylthiouracil (PTU) therapy on CIMT. Twenty-six patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism and 33 healthy controls were included in the study. CIMT was measured at the right and left external carotid arteries in every patient in both groups. CIMT was measured before and after the PTU therapy in patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism. There was a significant difference in CIMT between the group of Graves' hyperthyroid patients and the control group (0.72 versus 0.55 mm, P treatment, CIMT decreased significantly compared with the baseline values [0.84 (0.54-1.3) to 0.72 (0.50-1.2), change 0.12 mm, P hyperthyroidism is associated with atherosclerosis as assessed by CIMT. Treatment of Graves' hyperthyroidism with PTU decreases the CIMT.

  14. CD28/CTLA-4/ICOS haplotypes confers susceptibility to Graves' disease and modulates clinical phenotype of disease. (United States)

    Pawlak-Adamska, Edyta; Frydecka, Irena; Bolanowski, Marek; Tomkiewicz, Anna; Jonkisz, Anna; Karabon, Lidia; Partyka, Anna; Nowak, Oskar; Szalinski, Marek; Daroszewski, Jacek


    Graves' disease, an autoimmune disease with heterogeneous symptoms including Graves' orbitopathy, has a combined genetic/environmental background, where variations within CD28/CTLA-4/ICOS genes are considered as disease markers.Association of CD28c.17+3T>C(rs3116496), CTLA-4g.319C>T(rs5742909), CTLA-4c.49A>G(rs231775), CTLA-4g.*642AT(8_33), CT60(rs3087243), Jo31(rs11571302), ICOSc.1554+4GT(8_15) polymorphisms with susceptibility to Graves' disease and clinical outcome was investigated. The study group comprised of 561 Polish Caucasians, including 172 unrelated Graves' disease patients. CTLA-4c.49A>G, CTLA-4g.319C>T, and CT60 were genotyped by PCR-RFLP; Jo31 and CD28c.17+3C>T by minisequencing; CTLA-4g.*642AT(8_33) and ICOSc.1554+4GT(8_15)-PCR and fluorescence-based technique. CD28c.17+3T>C(rs3116496)T/CTLA-4g.319C>T(rs5742909)C/CTLA-4c.49A>G(rs231775)G/CTLA-4g.*642AT(8_33)(AT 16-21 )/CT60(rs3087243)G/Jo31(rs11571302)G/ICOSc.1554+4GT(8_15)(m) and TCA(AT Graves' disease, especially in males, as well as overall Graves' orbitopathy development with severe outcome. TCG(AT 16-21 )GG(l) haplotype increased risk of Graves' disease and reduced the chance of successful medical treatment. Although this haplotype was mainly observed in patients without signs of Graves' orbitopathy, if Graves' orbitopathy developed it favored a Graves' orbitopathy outcome. Haplotype TCA(AT >21 )GT(m) increased Graves' disease risk in women and, in all patients, was linked to Graves' disease without Graves' orbitopathy. TCG(AT Graves' disease risk factor, whereas CT60 was an independent factor for disease progression. Sporadic Graves' disease was related to presence of CTLA-4c.49A>G[A] and the rare CTLA-4g.319C>T[T] allele variant. Familial background of the disease was exclusively associated with CTLA-4g.*642AT(8_33)[AT >21 ]/[AT >21 ] genotype. CD28/CTLA-4/ICOS loci may confer inherited susceptibility to Graves' disease or may be involved in susceptibility to Graves' disease and play a

  15. Hyperthyroidism: diagnosis and management of Graves' disease. (United States)

    Schilling, J S


    Hyperthyroidism, or thyrotoxicosis, results when the body's tissues are exposed to excessive levels of thyroid hormone. Hyperthyroidism affects 2% of women but only one-tenth as many men. Graves' disease is the most common form of hyperthyroidism, often occurring in young adults. It is an autoimmune disorder with an important genetic component. Hyperthyroidism's hallmarks include goiter and myriad signs and symptoms related to increased metabolic activity in virtually all body tissues. Increased sensitivity to circulating catecholamines adds to the clinical picture. Diagnosed by patient history, physical examination, and laboratory tests, Graves' disease is treated with antithyroid drugs, radioactive iodine, and/or surgery, plus supportive therapy. A good treatment outcome can be expected; long-term follow-up is indicated.

  16. An update on the medical treatment of Graves' hyperthyroidism. (United States)

    Marinò, Michele; Latrofa, Francesco; Menconi, Francesca; Chiovato, Luca; Vitti, Paolo


    Medical treatment of Graves' hyperthyroidism is based on the use of thionamides; namely, methimazole and propylthiouracil. In the past, methimazole was preferred by European endocrinologists, whereas propylthiouracil was the first choice for the majority of their North American colleagues. However, because of the recent definition of a better side-effect profile, methimazole is nowadays the first choice world while. Although thionamides are quite effective for the short-term control of Graves' hyperthyroidism, a relatively high proportion of patients relapses after thionamide withdrawal. Other possible medical treatments, include iodine and compounds containing iodine, perchlorate, lithium (as an adjuvant in patients undergoing radioiodine therapy), β-adrenergic antagonists, glucocorticoids, and some new molecules still under investigation. Management of Graves' hyperthyroidism using thionamides as well as the other available medical treatments is here reviewed in detail, with a special mention of situations such as pregnancy and lactation, as well as neonatal and fetal thyrotoxicosis.

  17. Follow-up of newborns of mothers with Graves' disease. (United States)

    Levy-Shraga, Yael; Tamir-Hostovsky, Liran; Boyko, Valentina; Lerner-Geva, Liat; Pinhas-Hamiel, Orit


    Overt neonatal Graves' disease is rare, but may be severe, even life threatening, with deleterious effects on neural development. The main objective of this study was to describe the course of thyrotropin (TSH) and free thyroxin (fT4) levels, as well as postnatal weight gain in relation to fT4 levels, in neonates born to women with Graves' disease without overt neonatal thyrotoxicosis. Such information is important to deduce the optimal schedule for evaluation. We conducted a retrospective chart review of neonates born to mothers with Graves' disease between January 2007 and December 2012. The records were reviewed for sex, gestational age, birth weight, maternal treatment during pregnancy, and maternal thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin (TSI) level. For each visit in the clinic, the data included growth parameters, presence of symptoms suspected for hyperthyroidism, blood test results (levels of TSH, fT4, and TSI), and treatment. Ninety-six neonates were included in the study (49 males), with a total of 320 measurements of thyroid function tests (TSH and fT4). Four neonates (4%) had overt neonatal Graves' disease; one of them along with nine others were born preterm. In 77 (92.9%) of the remaining 83 neonates (the subclinical group), fT4 levels were above the 95th percentile on day 5. All had normal fT4 on day 15. A negative association was found between fT4 and weight gain during the first two weeks. In this cohort, most neonates born to mothers with Graves' disease had a subclinical course with abnormal fT4 levels that peaked at day 5. After day 14, all measurements of fT4 returned to the normal range, although measurements of TSH remained suppressed for up to three months. Elevated fT4 was associated with poor weight gain.

  18. Amigdalitis aguda recurrente bacteriana: Estudio prospectivo, comparativo y controlado de sus características clínicas y microbiológicas


    Der M,Carolina; Iñiguez C,Rodrigo; Guzman D,Ana Maria; Jofré P,David; Iñiguez C,Armando; Labarca L,Jaime


    Introducción: La amigdalitis aguda recurrente es una patología de frecuente consulta, es una de las indicaciones de amigdalectomía. No se sabe con exactitud el origen de esta patología. Objetivo: Identificar la microbiología y patrones de susceptibilidad de las bacterias en la amigdalitis aguda recurrente bacteriana (AARB) a los antimicrobianos más comúnmente en el medio nacional, usados en su tratamiento. Material y método: Se planificó un estudio prospectivo, controlado y ciego. Se evaluaro...

  19. Glomerulonefritis aguda post-infecciosa asociada a neumonía neumocócica Acute post infectious glomerulonephritis associated to pneumococcal pneumonia


    S. Fernández de Miguel; E. de Goicoechea Manzanares; M. Gaboli; J.M. Sánchez Granados; V. Murga Herrera


    Presentamos un niño de 6 años con insuficiencia renal aguda secundaria a glomerulonefritis asociada a neumonía neumocócica. El paciente presentó en primer lugar un síndrome nefrítico con hematuria, proteinuria, oliguria, edemas y deterioro de la función renal, siendo diagnosticado a continuación de neumonía con derrame pleural. La función renal se normalizó tras 72 horas, persistiendo una hipertensión arterial que precisó tratamiento en la fase aguda. El cuadro se resolvió sin secue...

  20. [Grave's disease in 2009]. (United States)

    Philippe, Jacques


    Grave's disease is an autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland characterized by hyperthyroidism, a homogenous goiter and occasionally an ophtalmopathy. It occurs in less than 1% of the population with a large predominance in women (10/1). Treatment is directed to inhibit thyroid hormone synthesis with carbimazole during 12-18 months. Recurrence rates after stopping treatment is about 50%; in these patients, radioactive iodine is the preferred treatment.

  1. Quality control of 131I treatment of graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Zeng; Liu Guoqiang


    To make a preliminary quality control (QC) criteria and apply on the various stages of clinic 131 I treatment of Graves' disease in order to decrease the early happening of hypothyroidism and enhance the onetime 131 I cure rate of Graves' disease, the quality control criteria in the stochastic outpatient with 131 I treatment, such as plan of the indication, contraindication, method of treatment, matters needing attention, follow-up observation and curative effect appraisal, patient selection, RAIU, thyroid gland weight measurement and 131 I dose criteria for the various steps of 131 I medication were determined. The 131 I treatment effects of Graves' disease including the once-cure rate, the improving rate, duplicate cure rate and the early happening rate of hypothyroidism were analyzed in patients with applying QC and without QC ccriteria. The results showed that the oncecure rate in patients with applying QC criteria was increased from 76.6% to 90.9% (P≤0.01); the improving rate was decreased from 12.2% to 7.0% (P≤0.01); the duplicate cure rate was increased from 90.1% to 93.0% (P>0.05); the early happening rate of hypothyroidism was decreased from 11.0% to 2.1% (P≤0.01). The 131 I treatment of Graves' disease applying with QC criteria had tremendously improved the oncecure rate and decreased the early happening of hypothyroidism rate. (authors)

  2. ¿Hay diferencias entre la violencia grave y la violencia menos grave contra la pareja?: un análisis comparativo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique Echeburúa


    Full Text Available En este estudio ex post facto se lleva a cabo una descripción de las características presentadas por 1.081 casos denunciados por violencia contra la mujer en las comisarías de la Ertzaintza del País Vasco. En primer lugar, se presentan las variables psicológicas y sociodemográficas del agresor y de la víctima, así como de la relación de pareja. Y en segundo lugar, se determinan las diferencias más significativas entre la violencia grave y la violencia menos grave en relación con esas mismas variables. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que tanto los agresores como las víctimas tienden a ser jóvenes, con una sobrerrepresentación de agresores y víctimas extranjeros inmigrantes. En el caso de los maltratadores graves, tienden a ser celosos o posesivos, a sentirse humillados por la ruptura de la pareja, lo que redunda directamente en un descenso de su autoestima y a consumir abusivamente alcohol o drogas. Por lo que se refiere a las víctimas de la violencia grave, se suelen sentir con frecuencia en peligro de muerte y están más fácilmente en circunstancias de vulnerabilidad, como una edad muy joven, una personalidad muy dependiente, una situación de enfermedad crónica o de dependencia económica, un consumo de drogas o un entorno de soledad. Se comentan las implicaciones de este estudio para la investigación y para la práctica clínica.

  3. A report of three cases of untreated Graves' disease associated with pancytopenia in Malaysia. (United States)

    Rafhati, Abdullah Noor; See, Chee Keong; Hoo, Fan Kee; Badrulnizam, Long Bidin Mohamed


    Generally, clinical presentations of Graves' disease range from asymptomatic disease to overt symptomatic hyperthyroidism with heat intolerance, tremor, palpitation, weight loss, and increased appetite. However, atypical presentation of Graves' disease with hematological system involvement, notably pancytopenia, is distinctly uncommon. Hereby, we present and discuss a series of three untreated cases of Graves' disease clinically presented with pancytopenia and the hematological abnormalities that responded well to anti-thyroid treatment. With resolution of the thyrotoxic state, the hematological parameters improved simultaneously. Thus, it is crucial that anti-thyroid treatment be considered in patients with Graves' disease and pancytopenia after a thorough hematological evaluation.

  4. Graves' ophthalmopathy evaluated by infrared eye-movement recordings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feldon, S.E.; Unsoeld, R.


    Thirteen patients with varying degrees of Graves' ophthalmopathy were examined using high-resolution infrared oculography to determine peak velocities for horizontal eye movements between 3 degrees and 30 degrees. As severity of the orbital disease increased, peak velocities became substantially lower. Vertical-muscle surgery failed to have any effect on peak velocity of horizontal eye movements. In contrast, orbital decompression caused notable improvement in peak velocity of eye movements. Eye-movement recordings, which provide a measure of extraocular muscle function rather than structure, may provide a safe, sensitive, and accurate method for classifying and following up patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy

  5. Crisis aguda de Asma Bronquial. Diagnóstico y tratamiento estandarizado

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    Anelia de la Caridad Rojas-Pérez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio prospectivo de intervención en 150 pacientes con diagnóstico de Asma Bronquial que acudieron con crisis aguda al Servicio de Urgencias del Hospital Pediátrico de Holguín, de Enero del 2009 hasta Diciembre del 2010; para evaluar la evolución de los mismos después de la aplicación de Guías de Buenas Prácticas. Se aplicó tratamiento a los pacientes según lo establecido, observando su respuesta. Predominó el grupo de 4 a 8 años del sexo masculino, el 52 % de los pacientes presentaron crisis ligeras, buena respuesta al uso de broncodilatadores en aerosol, se aplicó la Prednisona por vía oral en la mayoría de los casos que lo requirieron, el 68,7 % realizó tratamiento domiciliario con respuestas controladas y solo en el 31,3 % se decidió ingreso hospitalario lo que permitió arribar a la siguiente conclusión: Con la aplicación de Guías de Buenas Prácticas Clínicas par a el manejo de la exacerbación aguda del Asma Bronquial se logró una clasificación adecuada de la severidad de la misma, buena respuesta a los tratamientos utilizados y disminución de los ingresos hospitalarios.

  6. Nutrición parenteral total en una paciente gestante con pancreatitis aguda e hipertrigliceridemia por déficit de lipoproteín lipasa


    Contreras-Bolívar, Victoria; González-Molero, Inmaculada; Valdivieso, Pedro; Olveira, Gabriel


    Presentamos un caso de pancreatitis aguda severa inducida por hipertrigliceridemia secundaria a déficit de lipoproteín lipasa (LPL) en una paciente gestante con diabetes gestacional, manejada inicialmente con dieta, siendo necesario posteriormente llevar a cabo medidas de soporte nutricional artificial: nutrición parenteral total. El déficit de LPL causa hipertrigliceridemia severa y, frecuentemente, pancreatitis aguda de repetición, situación de difícil manejo y de importante gravedad durant...

  7. Clinical significance and changes of TRAb and TSI assay in patients with Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu Xiaolin; Zhang Haiyan


    Objective: To explore the changes and clinical significance of TRAb and TSI detection in patients with Graves' disease. Methods: Serum TRAb and TSI levels were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and thyroid hormone levels were detected by microparticle enzyme immunoassay, including normal controls, Graves' disease in period of onset, catabsis group and hashimotos thyroiditis group. Results: The positive rate of TRAb and TSI in Graves' in period of onset group is 86.67% and 95.0%, TGA and TMA in hashimotos thyroiditis group is 85.29% and 91.18%, respectively. More importantly these results were significant difference than normal controls. Conclusions: It's very important for Graves' disease patients to detect TRAb, TSI, TGA, TMA and thyroid hormone simulta-neously, especially to the curative effect and prognosis criterin in patients with Graves' disease and antidi-astole in patients with hashimotos thyroiditis. (authors)

  8. ¿Hay diferencias entre la violencia grave y la violencia menos grave contra la pareja?: un análisis comparativo


    Enrique Echeburúa; Javier Fernández-Montalvo; Paz de Corral


    En este estudio ex post facto se lleva a cabo una descripción de las características presentadas por 1.081 casos denunciados por violencia contra la mujer en las comisarías de la Ertzaintza del País Vasco. En primer lugar, se presentan las variables psicológicas y sociodemográficas del agresor y de la víctima, así como de la relación de pareja. Y en segundo lugar, se determinan las diferencias más significativas entre la violencia grave y la violencia menos grave en relación con esas mismas v...

  9. An evaluation of supervoltage orbital irradiation for Graves' opthalmopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Teng, C.S.; Crombie, A.L.; Hall, R.; Ross, W.M.


    Twenty patients with moderately severe ophthalmopathy due to Graves' disease or ophtalmic Graves' disease were treated by supervoltage orbital radiotherapy generated by a linear accelerator. Seven patients (35%) showed some response within 3 weeks of the treatment, four patients (20%) improved minimally while nine patients (45%) were unchanged. Improvement was noted mainly in soft tissue changes while proptosis decreased in only four patients. With one exception, ophthalmoplegia did not improve after the radiotherapy. The benefit obtained with the treatment was not impressive. (author)

  10. Aféresis en el tratamiento de pancreatitis aguda hipertrigliceridémica: Reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura


    Zaragoza, José J.; Villa, Gianluca; Borbolla-Arizti, Juan Pablo; Salgado-Hernández, Turmalina; Cerón-Díaz, Ulises


    La hipertrigliceridemia severa está asociada con varias patologías incluyendo pancreatitis aguda. Las opciones de tratamiento para la pancreatitis aguda hipertrigliceridémica incluyen insulina, glucosa y heparina en infusión, así como muchos tipos de aféresis. Los pacientes se pueden beneficiar del uso temprano de recambio plasmático para reducir los niveles de lípidos en sangre. El tiempo de inicio y el tipo de terapia juegan un papel importante para conseguir los beneficios completos del pr...

  11. Remission of Grave's disease after oral anti-thyroid drug treatment. (United States)

    Ishtiaq, Osama; Waseem, Sabiha; Haque, M Naeemul; Islam, Najmul; Jabbar, Abdul


    To evaluate remission rate of anti-thyroid drug treatment in patients with Grave's disease, and to study the factors associated with remission. A cross sectional study. The Endocrine Department of the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi from 1999 to 2000. Seventy four patients of Grave's disease were recruited who were prescribed medical treatment. Grave's disease was diagnosed in the presence of clinical and biochemical hyperthyroidism along with anti-microsomal (AMA) and anti-thyroglobulin antibodies (ATA) and thyroid scan. These patients were prescribed oral anti-thyroid drugs using titration regime and followed at 3, 6, 12 and 18 months. Patients were categorized into two groups: "remission group" and "treatment failure group" and results were compared using a chi-square test, t-test and logistic regression model with significance at p disease on initial presentation.

  12. A case of severe autoimmune hepatitis associated with Graves' disease

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    Samia Abdulla Bokhari


    Full Text Available Graves' disease is a common condition and is known to have a wide range of effects on a variety of organs. Hepatic dysfunction ranging from mild to severe due to direct effect of high circulating thyroid hormones as well as a deleterious effect of antithyroid medications (methimazole and propylthiouracil has been well - documented in literature. However, severe autoimmune hepatitis (AIH associated with Graves' disease is rare and limited to few case reports only. A 38-year-old woman presented with abdominal pain and yellowish discolouration of conjunctivae. On investigation, she was found to have Graves' disease and AIH. The liver histopathology showed typical features of AIH. She responded excellently to glucocorticoid therapy with normalisation of thyroid function and liver histology. The case is discussed with relevant literature review.

  13. Secrets of a Mass Grave (United States)

    Ament, Caitlin Marie; Graham, Theodore J.


    This article presents a unit of study in which students examine skeletons and draw conclusions from the evidence they find in a simulated mass grave. The activity involves the foundation of forensic anthropology--interpreting the structure of skeletal remains to determine sex, age, height, and possible cause of death. Working through a series of…

  14. Primeras experiencias con drenaje biliar percutáneo de urgencia en la colangitis aguda

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    José Luis González González

    Full Text Available Introducción: la obstrucción biliar es motivo frecuente de morbilidad en los pacientes con metástasis hepáticas, adenopatías periportales y cáncer hepatobiliopancreático. La colangitis aguda es la complicación más temida, debido a su mortalidad. En este trabajo se presentan los primeros abordajes percutáneos realizados por cirujanos del Hospital Clínicoquirúrgico "Hermanos Ameijeiras" como herramienta para el tratamiento urgente de esta entidad. Objetivo: caracterizar el drenaje percutáneo transparietohepático de urgencia en pacientes con colangitis aguda e ictericia obstructiva. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo y aplicado con 30 pacientes atendidos de esta forma en dicha institución entre enero de 2008 y diciembre de 2010. Resultados: el diagnóstico etiológico preponderante fue el de tumor maligno de la cabeza del páncreas. La localización baja de la lesión duplicó a la localización alta. La mejoría clínica de la ictericia se evidenció en la mayoría de los pacientes después de una semana tras el procedimiento: el drenaje percutáneo constituyó el método definitivo en el 73,3 % de los pacientes. Las edades medias para los distintos diagnósticos etiológicos exhibieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas. No hubo complicaciones ni mortalidad relacionadas con el procedimiento. Conclusiones: el drenaje biliar percutáneo guiado por ultrasonido es una herramienta útil y segura para el tratamiento de urgencia de la colangitis aguda. Es un método que pueden realizar los cirujanos generales con entrenamiento adecuado y específico, y tiene asociadas pocas complicaciones.

  15. Predictive factors for intraoperative excessive bleeding in Graves' disease. (United States)

    Yamanouchi, Kosho; Minami, Shigeki; Hayashida, Naomi; Sakimura, Chika; Kuroki, Tamotsu; Eguchi, Susumu


    In Graves' disease, because a thyroid tends to have extreme vascularity, the amount of intraoperative blood loss (AIOBL) becomes significant in some cases. We sought to elucidate the predictive factors of the AIOBL. A total of 197 patients underwent thyroidectomy for Graves' disease between 2002 and 2012. We evaluated clinical factors that would be potentially related to AIOBL retrospectively. The median period between disease onset and surgery was 16 months (range: 1-480 months). Conventional surgery was performed in 125 patients, whereas video-assisted surgery was performed in 72 patients. Subtotal and near-total/total thyroidectomies were performed in 137 patients and 60 patients, respectively. The median weight of the thyroid was 45 g (range: 7.3-480.0 g). Univariate analysis revealed that the strongest correlation of AIOBL was noted with the weight of thyroid (p Graves' disease, and preparation for blood transfusion should be considered in cases where thyroids weigh more than 200 g. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Taiwan.

  16. Anxiety and depression are more prevalent in patients with graves' disease than in patients with nodular goitre. (United States)

    Bové, Kira Bang; Watt, Torquil; Vogel, Asmus; Hegedüs, Laszlo; Bjoerner, Jakob Bue; Groenvold, Mogens; Bonnema, Steen Joop; Rasmussen, Åse Krogh; Feldt-Rasmussen, Ulla


    Graves' disease has been associated with an increased psychiatric morbidity. It is unclarified whether this relates to Graves' disease or chronic disease per se. The aim of our study was to estimate the prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms in patients with Graves' disease compared to patients with another chronic thyroid disease, nodular goitre, and to investigate determinants of anxiety and depression in Graves' disease. 157 cross-sectionally sampled patients with Graves' disease, 17 newly diagnosed, 140 treated, and 251 controls with nodular goitre completed the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). The differences in the mean HADS scores between the groups were analysed using multiple linear regression, controlling for socio-demographic variables. HADS scores were also analysed dichotomized: a score >10 indicating probable 'anxiety'/probable 'depression'. Determinants of anxiety and depression symptoms in Graves' disease were examined using multiple linear regression. In Graves' disease levels of anxiety (p = 0.008) and depression (p = 0.014) were significantly higher than in controls. The prevalence of depression was 10% in Graves' disease versus 4% in nodular goitre (p = 0.038), anxiety was 18 versus 13% (p = 0.131). Symptoms of anxiety (p = 0.04) and depression (p = 0.01) increased with comorbidity. Anxiety symptoms increased with duration of Graves' disease (p = 0.04). Neither thyroid function nor autoantibody levels were associated with anxiety and depression symptoms. Anxiety and depression symptoms were more severe in Graves' disease than in nodular goitre. Symptoms were positively correlated to comorbidity and duration of Graves' disease but neither to thyroid function nor thyroid autoimmunity.

  17. Consideraciones actuales sobre el diagnóstico de la apendicitis aguda: Current criteria Diagnosis of acute appendicitis:

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    Zenén Rodríguez Fernández


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue identificar algunos aspectos relacionados con el diagnóstico preoperatorio de la apendicitis aguda, según variables seleccionadas, así como establecer comparaciones con los hallazgos de otros autores. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y prospectivo de 560 pacientes operados y dados de alta con el diagnóstico histopatológico de apendicitis aguda. Los pacientes fueron atendidos en el Servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital Provincial Docente «Saturnino Lora» de Santiago de Cuba, durante el 2006. RESULTADOS. Entre los resultados más importantes sobresalieron el predominio de los varones jóvenes con mediana de edad de 25,5 años y la preponderancia del diagnóstico clínico. La mediana del tiempo de evolución preoperatoria fue mayor en los hombres y predominaron las variedades gangrenosa y perforada, aunque la primacía correspondió a la apendicitis supurada. En los fallecidos se detectaron las formas histopatológicas más graves, y estos fueron ancianos con manifestaciones clínicas atípicas de la enfermedad. CONCLUSIONES. El método clínico continúa teniendo una importancia capital, pues a través de él se puede diagnosticar precozmente esta urgencia tan común y reducir el tiempo de evolución preoperatoria, cuya prolongación es causa de morbilidad y mortalidad innecesarias.INTRODUCTION: The aim of present paper was to identify some features related to preoperative diagnosis of acute appendicitis, according the selected variables, as well as to establish comparisons with findings from other authors. METHODS: We made a prospective, descriptive and observational study of 560 patients operated on and discharged with the histopathology diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Patients were seen in General Surgery Service of the "Saturnino Lora" Teaching Provincial Hospital of Santiago de Cuba during year 2006. RESULTS: Among the more significant results

  18. Evaluation of the patients with Grave's ophthalmopathy after the corticosteroids treatment. (United States)

    Petrović, Mirjana Janićijević; Sarenac, Tatjana; Srećković, Suncica; Petrović, Marko; Vulović, Dejan; Janićijević, Katarina


    Graves' ophthalmopthy is one of the most common causes of exophthalmos as well as the most common manifestation of Graves' disease. The treatment of Graves' ophthalmopathy includes ophthalmological and endocrinological therapy. The aim of this study was to clinically evaluate the patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy treated with corticosteroids. Evaluation of 21 patients was performed in the Ophthalmology Clinic and Endocrinology Clinic, Clinical Centre Kragujevac, in the period from 2009 to 2010. They were treated with pulse doses of intravenous corticosteroids. They were referred to ophthalmologist by endocrinologist in euthyroid condition in the active phase of Graves' ophthalmopathy (ultrasonography of orbit findings and positive findings of antithyroid stimulating hormone receptor antibody--anti-TSH R Ab). The clinical activity score (CAS) and NO SPECS classification for evaluation of disease severity were used. Ophthalmological examination includes: best corrected visual acuity, slit-lamp exam, Hertels' test, direct ophthalmoscopy and ultrasonography of the orbit. According to our results 76.19% of the patients were female; mean age of the patients was 35.2 +/- 5.6 years. According to CAS classification after 6 months of the treatment recovery was shown in 23.81% of the patients, partial amelioration in 47.62% and no clinical amelioration in 28.57% of the patients. We achieved better results with male, young patients with high clinical activity score. Good results were observed after the first dose of corticosteroids, much better CAS after the third dose, which maintained until 6 months after the first treatment. Our results signify that intravenous pulse dose of corticosteroids treatment of the patients with Graves' ophthalmopthy is safe, comfortable, clinically justified and accessible for the clinicians and patients. Positive results are achieved after the first dose with increasing trend up to the third dose, which was maintained for the next three months.

  19. Tratamiento de la enfermedad de Graves Basedow

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    Hernando Vargas-Uricoechea


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión narrativa rigurosa de la literatura inglesa y en español sobre diferentes aspectos de la Enfermedad de Graves-Basedow e hipertiroidismo. Esta patología –parte de la llamada “enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune”- se produce como consecuencia de la presencia de anticuerpos circulantes que se unen y activan al receptor de tirotropina, desencadenándose generalmente el hipertiroidismo en asociación con un estrés agudo. En este artículo actualizamos tanto el manejo de hipertiroidismo como el de problemas especiales con el que puede estar asociado. La fisiopatología y el diagnóstico de la Enfermedad de Graves-Basedow son motivo de otra publicación.

  20. Documentation of Urn Graves of Knovíz Culture by RPAS

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    Jaroslav Šedina


    Full Text Available This paper deals with the documentation, positional determination of urn graves of the Knovíz culture (1200 - 1000 BC, and geometric and positional determination of tumulus at the archaeological site located near the village Ctiněves, in the Usti region in the Czech Republic. Several hundred urn graves are located in the archaeological site and it is one of the biggest burial sites of Knovíz culture in the Czech Republic. RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System was used for the documentation and positional determination of urn graves and tumulus. RPAS was equipped by visible spectral range, two near-infrared range, multispectral and thermal camera (one camera for a single flight. The result is a unique data set documenting this archaeological site. Thanks to the suitable winter and spring conditions in 2016 urn graves and tumulus could be detected on the basis of vegetation symptoms. The paper is also focused on how to process the data and creation of a differential digital surface model.

  1. A 3-year-old girl with Graves' disease with literature review

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    Yo Han Ho


    Full Text Available Graves' disease, the main cause of hyperthyroidism in the pediatric age group, is very rare in children younger than 4 years old but can seriously interfere with growth and development if not recognized and treated. Here we report a case of a 3-year-old girl with Graves' disease who presented with goiter, exophthalmos, heat intolerance, and hyperactivity. At her first visit, her serum concentrations of triiodothyronine (T3 and free thyroxine (free T4 were normal, whereas that of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH was decreased. Antimicrosomal antibody was 7,053.94 IU/mL, and TSH-binding inhibitory immunoglobulin was 31.62%. A thyroid scan showed diffuse enlargement with markedly increased uptake of both thyroid glands. Although T3 and free T4 levels were initially normal, she developed hyperthyroidism 3 months later. She was finally diagnosed with Graves' disease and treated with methimazole for 6 months. This is the first report of Graves' disease in children younger than 4 years old in Korea.

  2. Modified lateral orbital wall decompression in Graves' orbitopathy using computer-assisted planning. (United States)

    Spalthoff, S; Jehn, P; Zimmerer, R; Rana, M; Gellrich, N-C; Dittmann, J


    Graves' orbitopathy, a condition seen in the autoimmune syndrome Graves' disease, affects the fatty tissue and muscles inside the orbit. Graves' orbitopathy is associated with increasing exophthalmos and sometimes leads to compressive dysthyroid optic neuropathy, resulting in progressive vision loss. Dysthyroid compressive optic neuropathy, functional problems, and cosmetic problems are the main indications for surgical decompression of the orbit, especially if conservative treatment has not led to a reduction in symptoms. Many surgical techniques are described in the literature. This article presents a modification of the lateral orbital wall osteotomy, involving the rotation and reduction of the osteotomized bone segment using preoperative planning, intraoperative computed navigation, and piezoelectric surgery. This new method combines the advantages of different techniques and appears to be a valid approach to the treatment of severe cases of Graves' orbitopathy. Copyright © 2017 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Infecção por Bordetella pertussis com hipertensão pulmonar grave num recém-nascido com boa evolução clínica – Caso clínico

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    Sérgia Soares


    Full Text Available Resumo: Apesar da ampla cobertura vacinal, a infecção por Bordetella pertussis está longe de estar controlada. Os recém-nascidos e lactentes ainda sem imunização completa e filhos de mães com baixos títulos de anticorpos para a Bordetella pertussis são altamente susceptíveis à infecção e têm maior risco de doença grave e morte. A infecção por Bordetella pertussis associada a hipertensão pulmonar no recém-nascido é frequentemente fatal. Os autores descrevem um caso clínico de doença grave num recém-nascido com insuficiência respiratória aguda e hipertensão pulmonar grave, tratado com sucesso com sildenafil e óxido nítrico inalado.Rev Port Pneumol 2008; XIV (5: 687-692 Abstract: In spite of the availability and widespread use of vaccines, pertussis is far from controlled. Newborns and infants too young to be fully vaccinated, born from mothers with low antibody titers to Bordetella pertussis, are highly susceptible to infection and at risk of severe disease and death. Pertussis associated with pulmonary hypertension in the newborn is often fatal. The authors report a clinical case of severe pertussis-induced respiratory failure associated to severe pulmonary hypertension in a neonate successfully treated with sildenafil and inhaled nitric oxide.Rev Port Pneumol 2008; XIV (5: 687-692 Palavras-chave: Recém-nascido, oxido nítrico, pertussis, hipertensão pulmonar, sildenafil, Key-words: Neonate, nitric oxide, pertussis, pulmonary hypertension, sildenafil

  4. Radioiodine therapy of autonomously functioning thyroid nodules and of Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guhlmann, C.A.; Rendl, J.; Boerner, W.


    We studied the effects of radioiodine therapy (RIT) for autonomously functioning thyroid nodules (AFTNs) and Graves' disease on thyroid function and size up to one year after RIT. In 230 patients with AFTNs, a dose of 300 Gy was effective in about 90% of the cases 6 months after RIT. Out of 65 patients suffering from Graves' disease, 5 patients (8%) had persisting hyperthyroidism 6 months after RIT with a dose of 150 Gy. This group consisted exclusively of patients with manifest hyperthyroidism at the time of RIT. As determined by ultrasonography 6 months after RIT, a reduction of thyroid size by about 40% and 60% was observed in patients with AFTNs and Graves' disease, respectively. (orig.) [de

  5. CT volumetric measurements of the orbits in Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krahe, T.; Schlolaut, K.H.; Poss, T.; Trier, H.G.; Lackner, K.; Bonn Univ.; Bonn Univ.


    The volumes of the four recti muscles and the orbital fat was measured by CT in 40 normal persons and in 60 patients with clinically confirmed Graves' disease. Compared with normal persons, 42 patients (70%) showed an increase in muscle volume and 28 patients (46.7%) an increase in the amount of fat. In nine patients (15%) muscle volume was normal, but the fat was increased. By using volumetric measurements, the amount of fat in the orbits in patients with Graves' disease could be determined. (orig.) [de

  6. Radioiodine therapy versus antithyroid medications for Graves' disease. (United States)

    Ma, Chao; Xie, Jiawei; Wang, Hui; Li, Jinsong; Chen, Suyun


    Graves' disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism. Both antithyroid medications and radioiodine are commonly used treatments but their frequency of use varies between regions and countries. Despite the commonness of the diagnosis, any possible differences between the two treatments with respect to long-term outcomes remain unknown. To assess the effects of radioiodine therapy versus antithyroid medications for Graves' disease. We performed a systematic literature search in the Cochrane Library, MEDLINE and EMBASE and the trials registers ICTRP Search Portal and The date of the last search was September 2015 for all databases. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) comparing the effects of radioiodine therapy versus antithyroid medications for Graves' disease with at least two years follow-up. Two authors independently screened titles and abstracts for relevance. One author carried out screening for inclusion, data extraction and 'Risk of bias' assessment and a second author checked this. We presented data not suitable for meta-analysis as descriptive data. We analysed the overall quality of evidence utilising the GRADE instrument. We included two RCTs involving 425 adult participants with Graves' disease in this review. Altogether 204 participants were randomised to radioiodine therapy and 221 to methimazole therapy. A single dose of radioiodine was administered. The duration of methimazole medication was 18 months. The period of follow-up was at least two years, depending on the outcome measured. For most outcome measures risk of bias was low; for the outcomes health-related quality of life as well as development and worsening of Graves' ophthalmopathy risks of performance bias and detection bias were high in at least one of the two RCTs.Health-related quality of life appeared to be similar in the radioiodine and methimazole treatment groups, however no quantitative data were reported (425 participants; 2 trials; low quality evidence

  7. Treatment choice, satisfaction and quality of life in patients with Graves' disease. (United States)

    Conaglen, Helen M; Tamatea, Jade A U; Conaglen, John V; Elston, Marianne S


    Thyrotoxicosis, most often caused by Graves' disease (GD), when treated inadequately may result in premature mortality. There is little consensus as to which of the 3 treatment options available - antithyroid drugs (ATD), radioactive iodine (RAI) and surgery, is better. (i) To assess factors involved in treatment choice and treatment satisfaction in patients treated for Graves' disease; (ii) To assess quality of life (QoL) following treatment of Graves' disease. Participants were selected from a prospective study cohort assessing thyrotoxicosis incidence and severity. Of the 172 eligible patients with Graves' disease, 123 treated patients participated (64% had received ATD only, 11% RAI and 25% total thyroidectomy, the latter 2 usually after a period of ATD), along with 18 untreated patients with newly diagnosed Graves' disease (overall participation rate, 73%). Consented patients completed a questionnaire detailing factors involved in treatment choice, QoL and satisfaction with treatment. Participants reported that the most important factors in choosing a treatment were the following: the effects on activities of daily living, concern about use of radioiodine, possibility of depression or anxiety, and doctor's recommendations. Satisfaction levels were high across all 3 treatment types. QoL 1-year following treatment was higher than in untreated patients, and comparable with other international studies. Patient satisfaction with therapy and QoL does not differ by treatment type. Therefore, clinical and social factors, in combination with patient choice and resource availability, should determine which treatment modality patients with Graves' disease should receive. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  8. Measurements of Actual Effective Half - Life in 131I Therapy for Graves' Hyperthyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    So, Yong Seon; Kim, Myung Seon; Kwon, Ki Hyun; Kim, Seok Whan; Kim, Tae Hyung; Han, Sang Woong; Kim, Eun Sil; Kim, Chong Soon


    Radioiodine[131I] has been used for the treatment of Graves' hyperthyroidism since the late 1940's and is now generally regarded as the treatment of choice for Graves' hyperthyroidism who does not remit following a course of antithyroid drugs. But for the dose given, several different protocols have been described by different centers, each attempting to reduce the incidence of long-term hypothyroidism while maintaining an acceptable rate control of Graves' hyperthyroidism. Our goals were to evaluate effective half-life and predict absorbed dose in Graves' hyperthyroidism patients, therefore, to calculate and read minister radioiodine activity needed to achieve aimed radiation dose. Our data showed that the mean effective 131I half-life for Graves' disease is 5.3 days(S.D=0.88) and mean biologic half-life is 21 days, range 9.5-67.2 days. The mean administered activity and the mean values of absorbed doses wet: 532 MBq(S.D.=254), 112 Gy (S.D.=50.9), respectively. The mean activity needed to achieve aimed radiation dose were 51 MBq and marked differences of 131I thyroidal uptake between tracer and therapy occurred in our study. We are sure that the dose calculation method that uses 5 days thyroidal 131I uptake measurements after tracer and therapy dose, provides sufficient data about the effective treatment in Graves' hyperthyroidism.

  9. Características clínico epidemiologicas de los pacientes con Leucemia Aguda del Servicio de Hematologia del Hospital Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo


    Polo-Capuñay, Ana María; Universidad de San Martín de Porres; León-Seminario, Carlos Alberto; Universidad de San Martín de Porres; Pérez-Villena, Joan Flaubert; Universidad de San Martín de Porres; Yovera-Merino, Jhonny David; Universidad de San Martín de Porres; Barraza-Chavesta, Omar; Universidad de San Martín de Porres; Torres-Anaya, Victor; Universidad de San Martín de Porres; Diaz-Vélez., Cristian; Universidad de San Martín de Porres


    OBJETIVOIdentificar las características clínico-epidemiológicas de los pacientes con leucemia en el área de Hematología del H.A.A.A.MATERIAL Y MÉTODOEstudio retrospectivo, transversal y descriptivo. Se revisaron 55 historias clínicas de pacientes con diagnóstico de Leucemia Aguda, tomadas de la oficina de registro del HNAAA, durante el periodo de Enero 2005 a Marzo 2010.RESULTADOSEn el periodo de estudio, se diagnosticaron 142 casos de Leucemia, 105 (73.94%) correspondieron a Leucemia aguda. De...

  10. Chylothorax Associated with Substernal Goiter in Graves' Disease Treated with Radioactive Iodine. (United States)

    Young Oh, Seo; Hyun Kim, Bo; Young Kim, Do; Min Lee, Kyu; Jin Lee, Min; Su Kim, Sung; Ho Kim, Jong; Kyung Jeon, Yun; Soo Kim, Sang; Ki Kim, Yong; Joo Kim, In


    We present a rare case of chylothorax associated with an intrathoracic goiter in Graves' disease that was treated with radioactive iodine. A 23-year-old woman with Graves' disease was referred to our clinic with a pleural effusion, dyspnea, characteristic bilateral proptosis, and a diffuse goiter. The pleural fluid biochemistry was consistent with chylothorax. However, the chylothorax did not decrease with conservative therapy. Therefore, RAI was administered. Subsequently, the chylothorax and goiter improved more quickly than expected. This case illustrates that chylothorax associated with a substernal goiter in Graves' disease can be treated successfully with radioactive iodine instead of surgery.

  11. Activation of latent Graves' disease in children. Review of possible psychosomatic mechanisms. (United States)

    Morillo, E; Gardner, L I


    In some children, psychological events have appeared to be important in the triggering of Graves' disease. This report examines the case histories of three children in whom the appearance of symptomatology of Graves' disease was associated with depression following the death of a loved one. An analysis of neuroendocrine and immunologie pathways suggests that depression, set off by bereavement, causes low levels of norepinephrine in the brain. The latter in turn may mediate an increase in ACTH and cortisol, leading to reductions in immune surveillance and resultant production of thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulins, hence the development of Graves' disease.

  12. Hyperparathyroidism after radioactive iodine therapy for Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawamura, Juichi; Tobisu, Kenichi; Sanada, Shingo


    Herein we report a 36-year-old man with hyperparathyroidism and a past history of internal irradiation to the thyroid. Twelve years previously at age 24 years he had received 8 mCi of radioactive iodine for Graves' disease. An additional dose of 4 mCi was required 3 years later. A right lower parathyroid adenoma (28 x 23 x 20 mm, 5.7 g) was found at neck exploration. Although the association of external ionizing radiation to the head and neck and the subsequent development of hyperfunctioning parathyroid glands has been described in recent years, there are only 4 cases in the literature of parathyroid surgery for hyperparathyroidism secondary to earlier treatment with radioactive iodine for Graves' disease. In a long-term follow-up of 180 patients treated with radioactive iodine for Graves' disease, neither hypercalcemia nor hypophosphatemia was found. Whether internal radiation therapy can be a causative factor in the development of hyperparathyroidism should be elucidated in future. However, it seems reasonable to suggest that patients whose hyper-thyroidism has been treated with radioactive iodine should have their scrum calcium levels examined at 5-year intervals. (author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edna Ikumi Umebayashi Takahashi

    Full Text Available Trata-se de um estudo exploratório que teve por finalidade identificar as necessidades básicas das esposas de pacientes infartados, na fase aguda do tratamento. Foi utilizado como referencial para análise os conceitos de Necessidades Básicas de Maslow. Os resultados permitiram identificar como principais necessidades afetadas das esposas: segurança, amor e gregária, estima.

  14. The curative effect analysis of 131I-therapy on patients with Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cui Qin; Lu Shujun; Lu Tianhe


    To investigate the curative effect of 131 I-therapy on Graves' disease, the authors analyse conditions of patients who have received 131 I-therapy (n -674). These results showed that the incidence of fully recover, improve, Graves' disease and invalid is 80.11%, 7.28%, 11.87% and 0.74% respectively. Therefore, 131 I-therapy on Graves' disease is convenient. It has little side effect, low cost and better curative effect, it is one of the best therapeutic methods to treat hyperthyroidism

  15. Graves' orbitopathy: Management of difficult cases

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wiersinga, Wilmar M.


    Management of Graves' ophthalmopathy (GO) is based on three pillars: to stop smoking, to restore and maintain euthyroidism, and to treat the eye changes according to severity and activity of GO. Difficulties are frequently encountered in each of these three management issues. The advice to

  16. Graves' disease associated with infectious mononucleosis due to primary Epstein-Barr virus infection: report of 3 cases. (United States)

    Akahori, Hiroshi; Takeshita, Yumie; Saito, Reina; Kaneko, Shuichi; Takamura, Toshinari


    Although the etiology of Graves' disease is still not clear, it is generally suggested that environmental factors such as infections contribute to the development of Graves' disease. We report here three cases of Graves' disease which presented simultaneously with infectious mononucleosis due to primary EBV infection. Acute EBV infection might play an important role in the onset of Graves' disease. These three women complained of a sore throat or neck pain, resembling subacute thyroiditis. In the case of thyrotoxicosis accompanied by sore throat or neck pain, Graves' disease must be distinguished from subacute thyroiditis.

  17. p27kip1 expression distinguishes papillary hyperplasia in Graves' disease from papillary thyroid carcinoma. (United States)

    Erickson, L A; Yousef, O M; Jin, L; Lohse, C M; Pankratz, V S; Lloyd, R V


    In most cases, the histopathologic and cytologic distinction between Graves' disease and papillary thyroid carcinoma is relatively easy, but on occasion Graves' disease may simulate a thyroid papillary carcinoma. For example, papillary fronds with fibrovascular cores may be present in both Graves' disease and papillary carcinoma. p27kip1 (p27) is a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitory protein that has been shown to be an independent prognostic factor in a variety of human tumors. Our previous studies of p27 expression in hyperplastic and neoplastic endocrine lesions showed that the level of p27 was quite different in these two conditions. To determine if this distinction could also be made between Graves' disease and papillary carcinoma, we analyzed expression of p27 and other cell cycle proteins in a series of cases of Graves' disease with papillary hyperplasia and a series of papillary thyroid carcinomas. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues from 61 randomly selected patients with thyroid disease, including 29 cases of Graves' disease with papillary architectural features and 32 cases of papillary carcinoma, were analyzed for expression of p27, Ki-67, and DNA topoisomerase II alpha (topo II alpha) by immunostaining. The distribution of immunoreactivity was analyzed by quantifying the percentage of positive nuclei that was expressed as the labeling index (LI) plus or minus the standard error of the mean. The papillary hyperplasia of Graves' disease had a p27 LI of 68.2 +/- 3.1 (range, 24 to 88), whereas papillary carcinomas had a LI of 25.6 +/- 2.5 (range, 12 to 70) (P hyperplasia in Graves' disease and papillary carcinoma. These results indicate that p27 protein expression is significantly higher in papillary hyperplasia of Graves' disease compared to papillary carcinoma, which may be diagnostically useful in difficult cases.

  18. Change in Practice over Four Decades in the Management of Graves' Disease in Scotland. (United States)

    Smith, D M; Dutta, S; Ahmed, F; Thaha, M A


    There is continuing debate on the optimal treatment for Grave's thyrotoxicosis with a resultant variation in clinical practice. The present study aimed to ascertain changes in practice in the treatment of Grave's thyrotoxicosis in Tayside, Scotland, over the past four decades. Methods. The "Scottish automated follow-up register" (SAFUR) was queried to identify all patients treated for Grave's thyrotoxicosis from 1968 to 2007 inclusive. Patients were divided into 4 groups (Groups A to D) according to the decades. Demographic profile, treatment modalities, radioactive iodine (RAI) dose, and recurrence rates were studied and outcomes were compared by χ (2) test and ANOVA using SPSS v15.0. A p value of Grave's thyrotoxicosis over the 4 decades. Use of RAI has increased from 43.1% in Group A to 68% in Group D (p Grave's thyrotoxicosis suggests increasing use of RAI as the preferred first line of treatment. Furthermore, using a single higher dose of RAI and adoption of total thyroidectomy have decreased recurrence rates.

  19. Treating the thyroid in the presence of Graves' ophthalmopathy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hegedüs, Laszlo; Bonnema, Steen J; Smith, Terry J


    The etiology of Graves' orbitopathy (GO) remains enigmatic. Optimal therapeutic choices for the hyperthyroidism associated with Graves' disease (GD) in the presence of GO remain controversial. Whether antithyroid drugs (ATDs), radioiodine (RAI), or thyroidectomy should be favored in such patients...... - independent of extent - do not influence the natural course of GO. RAI can cause de novo development or progression of GO, which is largely preventable with oral steroid prophylaxis. In patients with mild GO, the thyroid treatment is largely independent of GO. Moderate to severe GO should be treated promptly...

  20. Dissociative disorder due to Graves' hyperthyroidism: a case report. (United States)

    Mizutani, Kaoru; Nishimura, Katsuji; Ichihara, Atsuhiro; Ishigooka, Jun


    We report the case of a 20-year-old Japanese woman with no psychiatric history with apparent dissociative symptoms. These consisted of amnesia for episodes of shoplifting behaviors and a suicide attempt, developing together with an exacerbation of Graves' hyperthyroidism. Patients with Graves' disease frequently manifest various psychiatric disorders; however, very few reports have described dissociative disorder due to this disease. Along with other possible causes, for example, encephalopathy associated with autoimmune thyroid disease, clinicians should be aware of this possibility. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. La enfermedad de Graves, signos y síntomas


    Young, P.; Finn, B. C.; Bruetman, J. E.


    La enfermedad de Graves es la causa más común de hipertiroidismo, es de patogenia autoinmune. Se distingue clínicamente de otras formas de hipertiroidismo por la presencia de bocio difuso, oftalmopatía y ocasionalmente mixedema pretibial. En este artículo describimos la vida y obra de Robert Graves, realizando posteriormente una revisión de los signos y síntomas de la enfermedad. En el mundo de la medicina actual, en donde la tecnología juega un rol preponderante, queremos recordar la importa...

  2. Infección odontogénica grave: Posibles factores predictores

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oscar García-Roco Pérez


    Full Text Available Se analizaron factores que pudieran predisponer a una infección odontogénica grave que requiera cuidados intensivos. Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo a 100 pacientes ingresados consecutivamente con infección odontogénica severa en el Hospital "Manuel Ascunce Domenech" de Camagüey desde 1999 al 2001. A partir de las historias clínicas se estudiaron diferentes variables que incluyeron parámetros médicos, sociales y procedimientos dentales previos. Se prestó particular atención al resultado de los cultivos bacterianos. La edad media de los 59 pacientes masculinos y 41 femeninos fue de 41 ± 15,8 años; 18 pacientes requirieron cuidados intensivos. El 41 % de los pacientes era de bajo nivel de escolaridad; 11 pacientes graves (61,1 % y 42 no graves (51,2 % eran fumadores. Dos pacientes (11,1 % de los graves y 8 (9,8 % de los no graves referían consumo excesivo de bebidas alcohólicas. La prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas fue mayor entre los no graves (31,7 %. La afección subyacente más común fue la osteítis periapical (70 % de los episodios infecciosos, seguido por la extracción dental en el 27,5 % de los graves y 10,9 % de los no graves. Ninguno de estos factores predijo la necesidad de cuidados intensivos. No existieron diferencias significativas en cuanto a síntomas, demora en solicitar atención médica, procedimientos dentales previos o terapéutica antimicrobiana. Predominaron los estreptococos aerobios (grupo S. milleri asociados con bacterias anaerobias variadas. No se encontraron variables sociales o clínicas predictoras de un curso grave en infecciones odontogénicas. Todos los pacientes deben ser cuidadosamente monitoreados para evitar complicaciones severas.Those factors that may predispose to a severe odontogenic infection requiring intensive care were analyzed. An observational descriptive study was conducted among 100 patients that were consecutively admitted with severe odontogenic infection at

  3. Grave's Eye disease developing following radioiodine treatment for toxic nodular goitre. (United States)

    Tahrani, A A; Rangan, S; Moulik, P


    The development of Grave's ophthalmopathy (GO) following radioiodine (RI) treatment for Grave's thyrotoxicosis, though controversial, is well described. The development of ophthalmopathy following RI treatment for toxic nodular goitre is much less recognised. We report a 49 year-old female patient who developed thyrotoxicosis and GO after receiving RI treatment for toxic nodular goitre and we also review the relevant literature.

  4. Pooled genome wide association detects association upstream of FCRL3 with Graves' disease. (United States)

    Khong, Jwu Jin; Burdon, Kathryn P; Lu, Yi; Laurie, Kate; Leonardos, Lefta; Baird, Paul N; Sahebjada, Srujana; Walsh, John P; Gajdatsy, Adam; Ebeling, Peter R; Hamblin, Peter Shane; Wong, Rosemary; Forehan, Simon P; Fourlanos, Spiros; Roberts, Anthony P; Doogue, Matthew; Selva, Dinesh; Montgomery, Grant W; Macgregor, Stuart; Craig, Jamie E


    Graves' disease is an autoimmune thyroid disease of complex inheritance. Multiple genetic susceptibility loci are thought to be involved in Graves' disease and it is therefore likely that these can be identified by genome wide association studies. This study aimed to determine if a genome wide association study, using a pooling methodology, could detect genomic loci associated with Graves' disease. Nineteen of the top ranking single nucleotide polymorphisms including HLA-DQA1 and C6orf10, were clustered within the Major Histo-compatibility Complex region on chromosome 6p21, with rs1613056 reaching genome wide significance (p = 5 × 10 -8 ). Technical validation of top ranking non-Major Histo-compatablity complex single nucleotide polymorphisms with individual genotyping in the discovery cohort revealed four single nucleotide polymorphisms with p ≤ 10 -4 . Rs17676303 on chromosome 1q23.1, located upstream of FCRL3, showed evidence of association with Graves' disease across the discovery, replication and combined cohorts. A second single nucleotide polymorphism rs9644119 downstream of DPYSL2 showed some evidence of association supported by finding in the replication cohort that warrants further study. Pooled genome wide association study identified a genetic variant upstream of FCRL3 as a susceptibility locus for Graves' disease in addition to those identified in the Major Histo-compatibility Complex. A second locus downstream of DPYSL2 is potentially a novel genetic variant in Graves' disease that requires further confirmation.

  5. Histological Changes in Autoimmune Hepatitis with Graves' Disease: A Child Case Report. (United States)

    Yamada, Mamiko; Shibata, Hironori; Masugi, Yohei; Ishi, Tomohiro; Kameyama, Kaori; Ebinuma, Hirotoshi; Hasegawa, Tomonobu


    We herein report a child case of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) accompanied with Graves' disease. Elevated aminotransferase levels were found in a 12-year-old Japanese girl with Graves' disease. In her first liver biopsy, necrosis and inflammation was limited to the centrilobular area, while the second biopsy showed different findings. Namely, portal injury newly appeared, including interface hepatitis, which represents the histological characteristics of AIH. As the histological findings at the onset of AIH do not always show typical findings, a re-biopsy is considered to be important in individuals suspected to have AIH. AIH should be included in the differential diagnosis of liver dysfunction in Graves' disease, even in children.

  6. Comparison of Bilateral Axillo-Breast Approach Robotic Thyroidectomy with Open Thyroidectomy for Graves' Disease. (United States)

    Kwon, Hyungju; Yi, Jin Wook; Song, Ra-Yeong; Chai, Young Jun; Kim, Su-jin; Choi, June Young; Lee, Kyu Eun


    There is an ongoing debate about whether robotic thyroidectomy (RT) is appropriate for Graves' disease. The aim of this study was to compare the safety of bilateral axillo-breast approach (BABA) RT with that of open thyroidectomy (OT) in patients with Graves' disease. From January 2008 to June 2014, 189 (44 BABA RT and 145 OT) patients underwent total thyroidectomy for Graves' disease. Recurrence of Graves' disease, intraoperative blood loss, hospital stay, and complication rates including recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) palsy and hypoparathyroidism were analyzed between BABA RT and OT groups, after propensity score matching according to age, gender, body mass index, surgical indication, the extent of operation, excised thyroid weight, and follow-up period. No patient experienced recurrence of Graves' disease after median follow-up of 35.0 months. Intraoperative blood loss (151.8 ± 165.4 mL vs. 134.5 ± 75.4 mL; p = 0.534) and hospital stay (3.4 ± 0.7 day vs. 3.3 ± 0.7 day; p = 0.564) were not different between BABA RT and OT groups. Complication rates including transient RLN palsy (11.4 vs. 11.4%; p = 1.000), transient hypoparathyroidism (18.2 vs. 20.5%; p = 0.787), permanent RLN palsy (0 vs. 2.3%; p = 0.315), and permanent hypoparathyroidism (2.3 vs. 2.3%; p = 1.000) were also comparable between groups. BABA RT for Graves' disease showed comparable surgical completeness and complications to conventional OT. BABA RT can be recommended as an alternative surgical option for patients with Graves' disease who are concerned about cosmesis.

  7. Insuficiencia renal aguda obstructiva: Estudio de 42 pacientes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isabel Caravia Pubillones


    Full Text Available Se revisaron las historias clínicas de 42 pacientes ingresados en el Servicio de Cuidados Intensivos del Instituto de Nefrología con el diagnóstico de insuficiencia renal aguda obstructiva (IRAO, con 1 ó 2 riñones funcionantes. Los pacientes estudiados estaban entre la 5ta y la 7ma década de la vida, con una mayor incidencia en el sexo masculino. La causa más frecuente de IRAO fue la litiasis renal (47,62 %, seguida por las enfermedades tumorales que infiltraban los uréteres (28,57 %. Se empleó tratamiento médico en 9 pacientes y el resto (33 fueron sometidos a tratamiento quirúrgico. Las principales complicaciones fueron sépticas con un franco predominio de las infecciones del tractus urinario (38,5 %. Hubo 3 fallecidos, 2 de ellos por complicaciones cardiovasculares. Del total de insuficiencias renales agudas que se atendieron en nuestro Centro, el 10,6 % correspondió a IRAO. La efectividad del tratamiento quirúrgico empleado fue del 94,4 % de curación en los pacientes atendidosMedical records of 42 patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of the Institute of Nephrology diagnosed as having acute obstructive renal failure with 1 or 2 kidneys functioning, were revised. Patients studied ware at the 5th and 7th decade of life with a greater incidence in males. The most frequent cause of acute obstructive renal failure was renal lithiasis (47.62 %, followed by tumor diseases which were infiltrating the ureters (28.57 %. Medical treatment was employed in 9 patients and the remaining (33 were submitted to surgical treatment. The main complications were septic with predominance of urinary tract infections (38.5 %. Three patients died, 2 of them as a result of cardiovascular complications. Of the total number of cases presenting with acute renal failure and treated in our center, 10.6 % had an acute obstructive renal failure. The effectiveness of the surgical treatment performed was 94.4 % of healing in patients treated for this

  8. The clinical experience of interventional embolization in treatment of graves disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Di Zhenhai; Wang Xiaochuan; Liu Longtu; Wang Xiuhua; Wang Zubin


    Objective: To evaluate the method and result of thyroid artery embolization as a new therapy for Graves disease. Methods: Ten patients with Graves disease underwent selective thyroid artery embolization. Totally 25 thyroid arteries were embolized with PVA microspheres. The indications to this therapy were as following: Graves disease with recurrent clinical symptoms or with leucopenia during the period of treating with administration of antithyroid drugs or recurrence after subtotal thyroidectomy. Results: Serum level of thyroid hormones dropped significantly [median FT 3 from 20.90 pmol/L (13.36-50.92 pmol/L) to 7.81 pmol/L (3.67-35.3 pmol/L), median FT 4 from 57.9 pmol/L (30.96-57.9 pmol/L) to 28.13 pmol/L (20.44-39.60 pmol/L), (P < 0.005)] and then followed-up for 5-8 months. The symptoms of hyperthyroidism were controlled in 7 patients and the remaining 3 cases were treated with lower dosage of antithyroid drug therapy. None serious complications were found. Conclusions: thyroid artery embolization represents a promising new method for treating Graves disease with safety and good clinical results. Further investigation would be required to assess its long-term effect

  9. Graves' orbitopathy as a rare disease in Europe: a European Group on Graves' Orbitopathy (EUGOGO) position statement

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Perros, P.; Hegedüs, L.; Bartalena, L.; Marcocci, C.; Kahaly, G. J.; Baldeschi, L.; Salvi, M.; Lazarus, J. H.; Eckstein, A.; Pitz, S.; Boboridis, K.; Anagnostis, P.; Ayvaz, G.; Boschi, A.; Brix, T. H.; Currò, N.; Konuk, O.; Marinò, M.; Mitchell, A. L.; Stankovic, B.; Törüner, F. B.; von Arx, G.; Zarković, M.; Wiersinga, W. M.


    Graves' orbitopathy (GO) is an autoimmune condition, which is associated with poor clinical outcomes including impaired quality of life and socio-economic status. Current evidence suggests that the incidence of GO in Europe may be declining, however data on the prevalence of this disease are sparse.

  10. Epidemia de infección respiratoria aguda observaciones hospitalarias


    Chavarría Milanés, José Fernando; Mata, Leonardo; Mohs Villalta, Edgar; Ramírez, Giselle; Lizano, Lucía


    artículo -- Universidad de Costa Rica. Instituto de Investigaciones en Salud, 1985 Se describe la clínica, tratamiento y complicaciones de 81 niños lactantes con infección respiratoria aguda. Los niños provenían del cantón central de San José y fueron admitidos en el Hospital Nacional de Niños del 10 de noviembre al 15 de diciembre de 1983. Se encontró un 57% de varones y un 43% de mujeres; los más afectados fueron los niños menores de 3 meses. Más de la mitad de los niños egresó con el di...

  11. Leucemia Linfoblástica Aguda Caso clínico


    Jiménez Navarro, Nuria


    El cáncer es una de las segundas causas de muerte de nuestra población considerándose también la segunda causa de muerte entre los 0-14 años de edad. Es una enfermedad multifactorial que consigue deteriorar al paciente tanto física como psíquicamente. La leucemia linfoblástica aguda es el cáncer más relevante en niños, constituyendo el 80% de los casos. Está localizado en las células sanguíneas, normalmente en los glóbulos blancos, de la médula ósea, afectando a la función inmunológica. Debid...

  12. Two adolescent patients with coexistent Graves' disease and Moyamoya disease in Korea. (United States)

    Cheon, Chong Kun; Kim, Su Yung; Yoo, Jae-Ho


    Moyamoya disease is a cerebrovascular condition that results in the narrowing of the vessels of the circle of Willis and collateral vessel formation at the base of the brain. Although relationships between Graves' disease and cerebrovascular accidents in Moyamoya disease are obscure, the coexistence of the two diseases is noteworthy. Moyamoya disease has been rarely reported in adolescent patients with thyrotoxicosis. Recently, we encountered two adolescent Korean patients with Moyamoya disease associated with Graves' disease who presented with episodic right-sided hemiparesis and syncope. These two girls who had Graves' disease had no history of other diseases or head trauma. A thyroid function test revealed a euthyroid state and a high thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor antibody titer at that time. The patients were diagnosed with Moyamoya disease based on brain magnetic resonance angiography and cerebral four-vessel angiography. The patients underwent cranial revascularization by encephalo-duroarterio-synangiosis as soon as a diagnosis was made, which resulted in successful symptom resolution. They fared well and had no additional neurological symptoms as of their last follow-up visits. Here, we report these two cases of confirmed Moyamoya disease complicated by Graves' disease with a review of the literature, and discuss the possible association between the two diseases. To our knowledge, this is the first report in South Korea on Moyamoya disease associated with Graves' disease in adolescents with a euthyroid.

  13. Toxicidade aguda e risco ambiental do antibiótico oxitetraciclina para tilápia ( Oreochromis niloticus , Daphnia magna e Lemna minor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A.A. Machado

    Full Text Available RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi classificar o antibiótico Terramicina(r de acordo com a toxicidade aguda e o risco de intoxicação ambiental para Oreochromis niloticus, Daphnia magna e Lemna minor, com base no seu ingrediente ativo oxitetraciclina (OTC. Além disso, observou-se a ocorrência de sinais de intoxicação aguda em peixes e o efeito da diluição do antibiótico sobre as variáveis de qualidade de água. Alevinos, neonatos e frondes foram expostos a concentrações de OTC. De acordo com os resultados dos testes de toxicidade aguda, a Terramicina(r foi classificada pela toxicidade aguda e pelo risco de intoxicação ambiental. Para O. niloticus, a CL(I50; 48h calculada foi de 6,92 mg L-1, para D. magna a CE(I50; 48h foi de 0,17mg.L-1, enquanto para L. minor a CI(I50;7d foi de 0,68 mg L-1. A Terramicina(r foi classificada como muito tóxica para O. niloticus e extremamente tóxica para D. magna e L. minor e causa risco de intoxicação ambiental para os três organismos testados. Concentrações de 7,5 e 8,0 mg L-1 de OTC reduziram a concentração de oxigênio dissolvido na água. De acordo com este estudo, a Terramicina(r não deve ser utilizada na aquicultura, pois é altamente tóxica e causa risco de intoxicação ambiental aos organismos teste.

  14. Habitat Evaluation Procedures Report; Graves Property - Yakama Nation.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ashley, Paul; Muse, Anthony


    A habitat evaluation procedures (HEP) analysis was conducted on the Graves property (140 acres) in June 2007 to determine the number of habitat units to credit Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) for providing funds to acquire the property as partial mitigation for habitat losses associated with construction of McNary Dam. HEP surveys also documented the general ecological condition of the property. The Graves property was significantly damaged from past/present livestock grazing practices. Baseline HEP surveys generated 284.28 habitat units (HUs) or 2.03 HUs per acre. Of these, 275.50 HUs were associated with the shrubsteppe/grassland cover type while 8.78 HUs were tied to the riparian shrub cover type.

  15. Efecto de los inotrópicos sobre la mortalidad en falla cardiaca aguda. Metaanálisis en red de ensayos clínicos


    Juan M. Sénior; Edison Muñoz; James Díaz


    Introducción: en pacientes con falla cardiaca aguda es necesario el uso de inotrópicos para lograr su estabilización. Objetivo: definir cuál de los medicamentos inotrópicos se asocia con menor mortalidad. Metodología: se realizó un metaanálisis en red con la aproximación frecuentista. La búsqueda sistemática incluyó PUBMED, EMBASE, CENTRAL, DARE, Epistemonikos, SieELO, LILACS y OpenGray. Se incluyeron ensayos clínicos con asignación aleatoria en pacientes con falla cardiaca aguda que re...

  16. Fatal and non-fatal adverse events of glucocorticoid therapy for Graves' orbitopathy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Marcocci, Claudio; Watt, Torquil; Altea, Maria Antonietta


    The objective of this study was to investigate the side effects of glucocorticoid (GC) therapy observed by European thyroidologists during the treatment of Graves' orbitopathy (GO).......The objective of this study was to investigate the side effects of glucocorticoid (GC) therapy observed by European thyroidologists during the treatment of Graves' orbitopathy (GO)....

  17. Infección respiratoria aguda en niños que acuden a un centro de desarrollo infantil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nandí-Lozano Eugenia


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Establecer la incidencia de infección respiratoria y los patrones de colonización faríngea en niños que asisten a guarderías. Material y métodos. Se realizó un estudio de cohorte en niños menores de cuatro años de edad, de uno u otro sexo, asistentes a la guardería del Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez, de la Ciudad de México, durante abril a octubre de 1999. Se registró la presencia de infección de vías aéreas superiores cada semana, y de colonización cada tres meses, mediante un exudado nasofaríngeo. Se hizo estadística descriptiva de las variables analizadas. Se determinaron tasas de infección respiratoria aguda. Resultados. Se estudiaron 85 niños, 40 del sexo femenino (47% y 45 del sexo masculino (53% durante un total de 9 090 niños/día de seguimiento. Tres niños tenían antecedentes de atopia (3.52%, seis niños antecedentes de asma (7.05%, y 39 eran expuestos a tabaquismo pasivo (45.88%. Se diagnosticaron 246 rinofaringitis (95.3%, nueve otitis media aguda (3.48%, tres bronquiolitis (1.16%, para un total de 258 eventos de infección respiratoria aguda. La tasa de incidencia global fue de 10.35 infecciones por niño/año de observación (IC 95% 8.7-12.0. La incidencia de otitis y bronquiolitis fue de 0.36 y 0.12 eventos por niño/año de observación. Se tomaron cultivos nasofaríngeos con una prevalencia de colonización para S. pneumoniae de 20.4%, H. influenzae no tipificable 13.1% y Moraxella catarrhalis 8.1%. Conclusiones. Los resultados no sólo demuestran una alta prevalencia de colonización debido a cepas invasivas, sino que también revelan una tasa de incidencia de infección respiratoria aguda del doble de lo reportado en estudios de comunidad. Estos resultados ayudan a caracterizar un problema pobremente documentado en nuestro país.

  18. [Echo-tracking technology for evaluating femoral artery endothelial function in patients with Grave's disease]. (United States)

    Wei, Wei; Wang, Jingyuan; Zhao, Qiaoling; Yang, Jinru


    To assess the value of echo-tracking technology in evaluating endothelial function of the femoral artery in patients with Grave's disease. Thirty-four patients with Grave's disease patients and 30 normal adults as controls were recruited in this study. The intima-media thickness (IMT), arterial stiffness (β), pressure strain elastic modulus (Ep), arterial compliance (AC), pulse wave conducting velocity (PWVβ) and augmentation index (AI) parameters were examined using echo-tracking technology for evaluating the right femoral arterial elasticity. Compared with the control subjects, the patients with Grave's disease showed significantly increased β, Ep, and PWVβ and significantly decreased AC (P0.05). In patients with Grave's disease, β and Ep were positively correlated with FT3, FT4, TT3, TT4, and PWVβ was positively correlated with FT3 and FT4. Echo-tracking technology can provide more accurate quantitative evidences for early diagnosis of femoral artery endothelial dysfunction in patients with Grave's disease, but the influence of procedural factors on the measurement accuracy should be considered in the evaluation.

  19. Custo-efetividade de fondaparinux em pacientes com Síndrome Coronariana Aguda sem supradesnivelamento do ST

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    Camila Pepe


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: O uso combinado de agentes antitrombínicos, antiplaquetários e estratégias invasivas na síndrome coronariana aguda sem supradesnivelamento do ST (SCAsSST reduz eventos cardiovasculares. O fondaparinux demonstrou equivalência à enoxaparina na redução de eventos cardiovasculares, porém com menor índice de sangramento nos pacientes que usaram fondaparinux. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o custo-efetividade de fondaparinux versus enoxaparina em pacientes com SCAsSST no Brasil a partir da perspectiva econômica do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS. MÉTODOS: Um modelo de decisão analítico foi construído para calcular os custos e consequências resultantes dos tratamentos comparados. Os parâmetros do modelo foram obtidos do estudo OASIS-5 (N = 20.078 pacientes com SCAsSST randomizados para fondaparinux ou enoxaparina. O desfecho avaliado foi um composto de eventos cardiovasculares (isto é, morte, infarto agudo do miocárdio, isquemia refratária e sangramentos graves nos dias 9, 30 e 180 pós-SCAsSST. Foram avaliados todos os custos diretos de tratamento e eventos relacionados à SCAsSST. O ano da análise foi 2010 e os custos foram descritos em reais (R$. RESULTADOS: No dia 9, o custo de tratamento por paciente foi R$ 2.768 para fondaparinux e R$ 2.852 para enoxaparina. Aproximadamente 80% do custo total foram associados a tratamentos invasivos. Os custos com medicamentos representaram 10% do custo total. As taxas combinadas de eventos cardiovasculares e de sangramentos maiores foram 7,3% e 9,0% para fondaparinux e enoxaparina, respectivamente. Análises de sensibilidade confirmaram os resultados iniciais do modelo. CONCLUSÃO: O fondaparinux para tratamento de pacientes com SCAsSST é superior à enoxaparina em termos de prevenção de novos eventos cardiovasculares com menor custo. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2012; [online].ahead print, PP.0-0

  20. Ecocardiograma e fatores de risco cardiovascular em obesos graves


    Elaine Gonçalves Moreira Rocha, Isaura


    Introducão: Alterações em parâmetros hemodinâmicos e na função cardíaca ocorrem na obesidade grave, em associação a outros fatores de risco cardiovascular, como dislipidemia, hipertensão arterial e diabete melito. Material e métodos: Foi descrito o perfil clínico, metabólico, ecocardiográfico e o risco de doença cardiovascular, avaliado através do escore de Framingham, em 32 obesos graves candidatos à gastroplastia, no Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, entre jane...

  1. Thyrotropin-producing pituitary adenoma simultaneously existing with Graves' disease: a case report. (United States)

    Arai, Nobuhiko; Inaba, Makoto; Ichijyo, Takamasa; Kagami, Hiroshi; Mine, Yutaka


    Thyrotropin-producing pituitary tumor is relatively rare. In particular, concurrent cases associated with Graves' disease are extremely rare and only nine cases have been reported so far. We describe a case of a thyrotropin-producing pituitary adenoma concomitant with Graves' disease, which was successfully treated. A 40-year-old Japanese woman presented with mild signs of hyperthyroidism. She had positive anti-thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibody, anti-thyroglobulin antibody, and anti-thyroid peroxidase antibody. Her levels of serum thyroid-stimulating hormone, which ranged from low to normal in the presence of high levels of serum free thyroid hormones, were considered to be close to a state of syndrome of inappropriate secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a macropituitary tumor. The coexistence of thyrotropin-producing pituitary adenoma and Graves' disease was suspected. Initial therapy included anti-thyroid medication, which was immediately discontinued due to worsening symptoms. Subsequently, surgical therapy for the pituitary tumor was conducted, and her levels of free thyroid hormones, including the thyroid-stimulating hormone, became normal. On postoperative examination, her anti-thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibody levels decreased, and the anti-thyroglobulin antibody became negative. The coexistence of thyrotropin-producing pituitary adenoma and Graves' disease is rarely reported. The diagnosis of this condition is complicated, and the appropriate treatment strategy has not been clearly established. This case suggests that physicians should consider the coexistence of thyrotropin-producing pituitary adenoma with Graves' disease in cases in which thyroid-stimulating hormone values range from low to normal in the presence of thyrotoxicosis, and the surgical treatment of thyrotropin-producing pituitary adenoma could be the first-line therapy in patients with both thyrotropin-producing pituitary adenoma

  2. Clinical value of serum TRAb levels determination in diagnosis of Graves's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang Zhaosui; Huang Chunhong; Liu Kaiyuan; Huang Shengli


    Objective: To investigate the clinical diagnostic value of serum TRAb levels determination in patients with Graves' disease. Methods: Serum TRAb (with RRA), FT 3 , FT 4 , TSH (with CLIA) levels were measured in 223 patients with Graves' disease both before and 6, 12, 36 months after treatment with antithyroid drugs (ATD) as well as in 50 controls. Results: Positive rate of serum TRAb was 93.3% in patients with Graves' disease before treatment. Six months after ATD therapy the positive rate dropped to 41.3%, being still significantly higher than that in controls (P<0.05). The TRAb positive rate dropped steadily with 12 (18.3% ), 24 (8.9% ) and 36 months (4.9%) of ATD treatment. In the 21 patients who had hyperthyroidism recurred after the course of treatment, TRAb remained positive in 18 of them (80.7%). Conclusion: Persistent positive TRAb despite euthyroid status in patients with Graves' disease after seemingly successful ATD treatment donates persistent immunodysfunction and possible recurrence. It is mandatory to continue ATD treatment until TRAb negative. (authors)

  3. Infecciones respiratorias agudas en los niños. Posibles medidas de control


    Mohs Villalta, Edgar


    Artículo científico -- Universidad de Costa Rica. Instituto de Investigaciones en Salud, 1985 Las infecciones respiratorias agudas que representan el 50% aproximadamente, de los casos de enfermedades que deben notificarse a las autoridades y de las consultas pediátricas de pacientes ambulatorios en los países en desarrollo, son también una de las principales causas de las enfermedades contraídas en los hospitales y de mortalidad por enfermedades nosocomiales. En 1982, por *mph:), fueron la...

  4. Clinical studies on thyroid CT number in Graves' disease and destructive thyrotoxicosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamijo, Keiichi


    The purpose of the present study was to investigate CT Hounsfield unit (H.U.) of the thyroid in hyperthyroid and euthyroid Graves' disease and destructive thyrotoxicosis. The mean thyroid CT number in 95 controls was 122±18 H.U.(±SD) and did not change significatly with advancing age. The mean thyroid CT number (±SD) of 85±22 H.U. in 60 patients with hyperthyroid Graves' disease was significantly lower than either in normal controls or 116±22 H.U. in 11 patients with euthyroid Graves' disease. Comparison of thyroid hormones and TSH receptor Ab values of untreated patients with a normal and an abnormally low thyroid CT number showed that serum total and free T 3 were significantly higher in the latter group than the former group. With respect to the effect of methimazol (MMI) on the thyroid CT number, in the untreated 10 patients with a low thyroid CT number, the initial mean CT number was 65±11 H.U. and increased significantly to 76±14 H.U. after treatment with MMI. In contrast, in 6 patients with a normal thyroid CT number prior to therapy, the initial mean thyroid CT number was 102±11 H.U. and fell significantly to 84±16 H.U. after treatment with MMI. The thyroid CT number in destructive thyrotoxicosis is markedly decreased to less than 70 H.U. and the mean values of 57±7 H.U. in 6 patients with silent thyroiditis and of 61±5 H.U. in 7 with subacute thyroiditis differ significantly from Graves' disease. In conclusion, the thyroid CT number is significantly reduced in hyperthyroid Graves' disease, normal in euthyroid Graves' disease and markedly decreased in destructive thyrotoxicosis. The high T-3 value seemed to play an important role in the pathogenesis of a decline in the thyroid CT number in Graves' disease. An antithyroid drug therapy caused two different changes in the thyroid CT number, depending on whether the thyroid CT number prior to therapy was normal or low. (author)

  5. A 27-year-old woman diagnosed as polycystic ovary syndrome associated with Graves' disease. (United States)

    Jung, Jung Hwa; Hahm, Jong Ryeal; Jung, Tae Sik; Kim, Hee Jin; Kim, Ho Soo; Kim, Sungsu; Kim, Soo Kyoung; Lee, Sang Min; Kim, Deok Ryong; Choi, Won Jun; Seo, Yeong Mi; Chung, Soon Il


    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and Graves' disease are the common causes of menstrual irregularity leading to infertility in women of child-bearing age. A 21-year-old female patient visited us with complaints of oligomenorrhea and hand tremor. She was diagnosed as having PCOS and hyperthyroid Graves' disease, simultaneously. She had low body weight (BMI: 16.4 kg/m(2)), mild hirsutism, and thyrotoxicosis. The patient was treated with anti-thyroid drug and beta-blocker for about two years, and then recovered to normal thyroid function. Although some studies have suggested a connection between PCOS and autoimmune thyroiditis, no study indicated that PCOS is associated with Graves' disease until now. Here, we describe the first case report of a lean woman with normal insulin sensitivity presenting PCOS and Graves' disease simultaneously.

  6. Doença de Graves associada à artrite idiopática juvenil Graves' disease associated with juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    Vanessa de Matos Santos Mendonça Marques


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam o caso de uma menina de 10 anos de idade com diagnóstico de doença de Graves (DG, em tratamento com propiltiouracil, que desenvolveu uveíte e artrite poliarticular e cuja mãe também tem DG e lúpus discoide. São discutidos os diagnósticos diferenciais de artrite inflamatória que surge em uma criança com doença tireoidiana autoimune medicada com drogas antitireóideas.The authors report the case of a 10-year-old girl with Graves' disease (GD, treated with propylthiouracil, who developed uveitis and polyarticular arthritis, and whose mother also had GD and discoid lupus. The differential diagnosis of inflammatory arthritis that appears in a child with autoimmune thyroid disease managed with antithyroid drugs is discussed.

  7. Perfiles clínicos y hemodinámicos en pacientes con falla cardiaca aguda

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    Luis Eduardo Calderón


    Conclusiones: la falla cardíaca aguda descompensada es el perfil de presentación clínica más común en nuestra población con dos tercios del total de casos. El perfil hemodinámico más frecuente fue el “caliente y húmedo” (Stevenson B, resultados que concuerdan con lo observado en estudios locales y registros internacionales.

  8. Necessidades básicas das esposas de pacientes infartados na fase aguda do tratamento

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    Edna Ikumi Umebayashi Takahashi


    Full Text Available Trata-se de um estudo exploratório que teve por finalidade as necessidades básicas das esposas de pacientes infartados, na fase aguda do tratamento. Foi utlizado como referencial para análise os conceitos de Nacessidades Básicas de MASLOW. Os resultados permitiram identificar como principais necessidades afetadas das esposas: segurança, amor e gregária, estima.

  9. Necessidades básicas das esposas de pacientes infartados na fase aguda do tratamento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edna Ikumi Umebayashi Takahashi

    Full Text Available Trata-se de um estudo exploratório que teve por finalidade as necessidades básicas das esposas de pacientes infartados, na fase aguda do tratamento. Foi utlizado como referencial para análise os conceitos de Nacessidades Básicas de MASLOW. Os resultados permitiram identificar como principais necessidades afetadas das esposas: segurança, amor e gregária, estima.

  10. Raman spectroscopy of gemstones on the necklaces from ancient graves at the Castle of Devin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gregor, M.; Vanco, L.; Kadlecikova, M.; Breza, J.


    The subjects of Raman and X-ray analyses were the beads from two necklaces found in ancient graves from the 11'"t"h and 12"t"h centuries at the Castle of Devin. One of the necklaces, consisting of 23 beads, was found in tomb 12/1980. Inside the grave, an incomplete skeleton of a woman was found, oriented in the west - east direction. The skull, shoulder blades and lower limbs were preserved in good condition. The grave contained a rich inventory: a silver ear-ring at the left side of the skull, a necklace between the shoulder blades and a ring on the right side at the height of the right hand. The other necklace, consisting of six stones, was found in grave 145/1985 in which, similarly like in the first grave, a woman's skeleton was discovered. The stones were found below the mandible. All beads are drilled through axially. (authors)

  11. Generalised pruritus as a presentation of Grave's disease. (United States)

    Tan, Ce; Loh, Ky


    Pruritus is a lesser known symptom of hyperthyroidism, particularly in autoimmune thyroid disorders. This is a case report of a 27-year-old woman who presented with generalised pruritus at a primary care clinic. Incidental findings of tachycardia and a goiter led to the investigations of her thyroid status. The thyroid function test revealed elevated serum free T4 and suppressed thyroid stimulating hormone levels. The anti-thyroid antibodies were positive. She was diagnosed with Graves' disease and treated with carbimazole until her symptoms subsided. Graves' disease should be considered as an underlying cause for patients presenting with pruritus. A thorough history and complete physical examination are crucial in making an accurate diagnosis. Underlying causes must be determined before treating the symptoms.

  12. Clinical studies on thyroid CT number in Graves' disease and destructive thyrotoxicosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kamijo, Keiichi (Kamijo Thyroid and Pituitary Clinic, Sapporo (Japan))


    The purpose of the present study was to investigate CT Hounsfield unit (H.U.) of the thyroid in hyperthyroid and euthyroid Graves' disease and destructive thyrotoxicosis. The mean thyroid CT number in 95 controls was 122[+-]18 H.U.([+-]SD) and did not change significatly with advancing age. The mean thyroid CT number ([+-]SD) of 85[+-]22 H.U. in 60 patients with hyperthyroid Graves' disease was significantly lower than either in normal controls or 116[+-]22 H.U. in 11 patients with euthyroid Graves' disease. Comparison of thyroid hormones and TSH receptor Ab values of untreated patients with a normal and an abnormally low thyroid CT number showed that serum total and free T[sub 3] were significantly higher in the latter group than the former group. With respect to the effect of methimazol (MMI) on the thyroid CT number, in the untreated 10 patients with a low thyroid CT number, the initial mean CT number was 65[+-]11 H.U. and increased significantly to 76[+-]14 H.U. after treatment with MMI. In contrast, in 6 patients with a normal thyroid CT number prior to therapy, the initial mean thyroid CT number was 102[+-]11 H.U. and fell significantly to 84[+-]16 H.U. after treatment with MMI. The thyroid CT number in destructive thyrotoxicosis is markedly decreased to less than 70 H.U. and the mean values of 57[+-]7 H.U. in 6 patients with silent thyroiditis and of 61[+-]5 H.U. in 7 with subacute thyroiditis differ significantly from Graves' disease. In conclusion, the thyroid CT number is significantly reduced in hyperthyroid Graves' disease, normal in euthyroid Graves' disease and markedly decreased in destructive thyrotoxicosis. The high T-3 value seemed to play an important role in the pathogenesis of a decline in the thyroid CT number in Graves' disease. An antithyroid drug therapy caused two different changes in the thyroid CT number, depending on whether the thyroid CT number prior to therapy was normal or low. (author).

  13. Características epidemiológicas e genéticas associadas à gravidade da bronquiolite viral aguda pelo vírus sincicial respiratório

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    Alfonso E. Alvarez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar os fatores epidemiológicos e genéticos associados à gravidade da Bronquiolite Viral Aguda (BVA pelo Vírus Sincicial Respiratório (VSR. FONTE DOS DADOS: foram utilizados descritores "bronchiolitis", "risk factor", "genetics" e "respiratory syncytial virus" e todas as combinações entre eles, nas bases de dados PubMed, SciELO e Lilacs publicados após o ano de 2000 e que incluíram indivíduos menores de dois anos de idade. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: foram encontrados 1.259 artigos e lidos seus respectivos resumos. Destes foram selecionados 81 que avaliaram fatores de risco para a gravidade da BVA para leitura na íntegra, e foram incluídos os 60 estudos mais relevantes. Os fatores epidemiológicos associados com a gravidade da BVA pelo VSR foram: prematuridade, tabagismo passivo, baixa idade, ausência de aleitamento materno, doença pulmonar crônica, cardiopatia congênita, sexo masculino, etnia, coinfecção viral, baixo peso na admissão hospitalar, tabagismo materno na gestação, dermatite atópica, ventilação mecânica no período neonatal, antecedente materno de atopia e/ou asma na gestação, estação do nascimento, baixo nível socioeconômico, síndrome de Down, poluição ambiental, morar em altitude acima de 2.500 metros do nível do mar e parto cesariana. Em contrapartida, algumas crianças com BVA grave não apresentam nenhum desses fatores de risco. Neste sentido, estudos recentes têm verificado a influência de fatores genéticos relacionados à gravidade da BVA pelo VSR. Polimorfismos dos genes TLRs, RANTES, JUN, IFNA5, NOS2, CX3CR1, ILs e VDR têm-se mostrado associados com a evolução mais grave da BVA pelo VSR. CONCLUSÃO: a gravidade da BVA pelo VSR é um fenômeno dependente da interação entre variáveis epidemiológicas, ambientais e genéticas em seus diferentes graus de interação.

  14. A controlled monitoring study of simulated clandestine graves using 3D ground penetrating radar

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    van Schoor, Michael


    Full Text Available A controlled three-dimensional ground penetrating radar monitoring study over simulated clandestine graves was conducted near Pretoria, South Africa, in which the detectability of graves as a function of post-burial interval was assessed...

  15. Graves' disease presenting as right heart failure with severe pulmonary hypertension


    Furqan Mohd Akram Khan; Anannya Mukherji; Shekhar T. Nabar; Ashwini G


    We report a patient who presented to our institution with clinical features of right sided heart failure and hyperthyroidism. Diagnosis of grave's disease induced reversible severe pulmonary hypertension leading to severe tricuspid regurgitation and right sided heart failure was made after all the common causes were ruled out using the biochemical and radiological investigations and review of literature. Graves disease is a common cause hyperthyroidism, is an immune system disorder that resul...

  16. First reported case of unilateral Graves' disease in the left lobe of a bilobar thyroid gland. (United States)

    Chen, Louis C; Green, Jennifer B


    Unilateral Graves' disease is a rare disease variant that can occur in a bilobar thyroid gland. We report the first documented case of unilateral Graves' disease in the left lobe of a bilobar thyroid gland and review the pertinent literature. A 48-year-old man presented in June 2010 with thyrotoxicosis. I-131 radioisotope uptake was elevated at 33.4%, and scintigraphy revealed that uptake of the radioisotope was uniformly increased in the left lobe of the thyroid gland. Ultrasonography of the thyroid gland revealed a non-nodular, enlarged, and heterogeneous left lobe; Doppler investigation of the lobe showed hypervascularity classically seen in Graves' disease. The right lobe of the thyroid, on the other hand, appeared homogeneous and hypovascular on ultrasonography. Thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin was significantly elevated at 191% (reference range disease was the most likely diagnosis. As has occasionally been described in the literature, unilateral involvement of the thyroid gland is a rare presentation of Graves' disease. Pre-existing functional or structural differences (either congenital or acquired) between the two lobes may contribute to this rare presentation. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of unilateral Graves' disease presenting in the left lobe of a bilobar thyroid gland. Although the pathophysiology of unilateral Graves's disease has not been clearly elucidated, clinicians should be aware that Graves' disease can present unilaterally in either lobe of the thyroid gland.

  17. Embolectomía en una embolia pulmonar aguda masiva

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    Manuel Carnero Alcázar


    Full Text Available Presentamos el caso de un varón de 57 años que, en el seno de un meningioma microcítico, padece una tromboembolia pulmonar masiva aguda con inestabilidad hemodinámica. Dado el riesgo de hemorragia por el tumor craneal, se contraindica la terapia fibrinolítica y se procede a practicar embolectomía pulmonar. Ésta se realiza bajo anestesia general, con canulación convencional y bajo hipotermia moderada. Se extrae émbolo en el tronco de la arteria pulmonar y con catéter de Fogarty se extraen émbolos en ramas lobares y segmentarias. Discutimos la asociación de enfermedad tromboembólica con determinadas neoplasias y el tratamiento de la tromboembolia pulmonar

  18. The microclimate within a Neolithic passage grave

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klenz Larsen, Poul; Aasbjerg Jensen, Lars; Ryhl-Svendsen, Morten


    Microclimate measurements in a Neolithic passage grave in Denmark have shown that natural ventilation through the open entrance destabilizes the relative humidity (RH), whereas a sealed entrance gives a much more stable RH, above 90%. Episodes of condensation occur on the stone surfaces in summer...... with too much ventilation and in winter with too little ventilation. Soil moisture measurements above, below, and beside the grave mound indicate that rainfall on the mound is not a significant source of moisture to the chamber, whereas the ground below the sealed chamber is constantly moist. The chamber...... can be kept dry all year by putting a moisture barrier membrane over the floor. Apart from the more variable climate within the open chamber, there is also a significant penetration of ozone, which is absent in the sealed chamber. The ozone may have deteriorated the folds of birch bark put between...

  19. Colesterol y triglicéridos como marcadores bioquímicos del estado de la enfermedad del paciente con leucemia linfocítica aguda


    Marco Guzmán; Miguel Sandoval


    Objetivo: Determinar la relación de los niveles séricos de colesterol y triglicéridos con el estado de respuesta al tratamiento quimioterápico de inducción de pacientes con leucemia linfocítica aguda. Material y Métodos: La muestra la conforman 25 pacientes de 2 a 18 años de edad, admitidos al Instituto de Enfermedades Neoplásicas con un diagnóstico reciente de leucemia linfocítica aguda; determinándose en ellos sus concentraciones séricas de colesterol total, colesterol-HDL, colesterol-LDL y...

  20. Graves' disease presenting as pseudotumor cerebri: a case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Freitas Cláudia


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction Pseudotumor cerebri is an entity characterized by elevated intracranial pressure with normal cerebrospinal fluid and no structural abnormalities detected on brain MRI scans. Common secondary causes include endocrine pathologies. Hyperthyroidism is very rarely associated and only three case reports have been published so far. Case presentation We report the case of a 31-year-old Luso-African woman with clinical symptoms and laboratory confirmation of Graves' disease that presented as pseudotumor cerebri. Conclusion This is a rare form of presentation of Graves' disease and a rare cause of pseudotumor cerebri. It should be remembered that hyperthyroidism is a potential cause of pseudotumor cerebri.

  1. Severe aplastic anaemia and Grave's disease in a paediatric patient. (United States)

    Kumar, Manjusha; Goldman, Jeffrey


    Severe aplastic anaemia (SAA) is considered to be an autoimmune disorder affecting the haematopoietic cells and most often is idiopathic. An association between SAA and other autoimmune diseases is rare and has been described in adults for eosinophilic fasciitis, thymomas, systemic lupus erythematosus and thyroid disorders. We describe the first paediatric patient with chronic relapsing SAA and Grave's disease. We discuss the difficulty in diagnosis of Grave's disease, the possibility of its manifestation due to withdrawal of immunosuppressants, and issues to consider in the treatment of this disease in the setting of bone marrow failure.

  2. Genotypes in relation to phenotypic appearance and exposure to environmental factors in Graves' hyperthyroidism

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vos, Xander G.; Endert, Erik; Tijssen, Jan G. P.; Wiersinga, Wilmar M.


    Background: Genetic polymorphisms and environmental factors are both involved in the pathogenesis of Graves' disease, but their interaction and effect on Graves' phenotypes have scarcely been investigated. Objective: To test the hypothesis that subjects with susceptibility genotypes develop more

  3. Multiple Fractures in Patient with Graves' Disease Accompanied by Isolated Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism. (United States)

    Yi, Hyon-Seung; Kim, Ji Min; Ju, Sang Hyeon; Lee, Younghak; Kim, Hyun Jin; Kim, Koon Soon


    Isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH) is known to decrease bone mineral density due to deficiency of sex steroid hormone. Graves' disease is also an important cause of secondary osteoporosis. However, IHH does not preclude the development of primary hyperthyroidism caused by Graves' disease, leading to more severe osteoporosis rapidly. Here, we describe the first case of 35-year-old Asian female patient with IHH accompanied by Graves' disease and osteoporosis-induced multiple fractures. Endocrine laboratory findings revealed preserved anterior pituitary functions except for secretion of gonadotropins and showed primary hyperthyroidism with positive autoantibodies. Sella magnetic resonance imaging showed slightly small sized pituitary gland without mass lesion. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry revealed severe osteoporosis in lumbar spine and femur neck of the patient. Plain film radiography of the pelvis and shoulder revealed a displaced and nondisplaced fracture, respectively. After surgical fixation with screws for the femoral fracture, the patient was treated with antithyroid medication, calcium, and vitamin D until now and has been recovering fairly well. We report a patient of IHH with Graves' disease and multiple fractures that is a first case in Korea.

  4. Caracterización inmunofenotípica de pacientes con leucemia mieloide aguda

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    Daily Pino Blanco

    Full Text Available Introducción: la leucemia mieloide aguda incluye un grupo heterogéneo de neoplasias caracterizadas por una expansión clonal de mieloblastos, cuya clasificación involucra varios criterios, incluidos los inmunológicos. Objetivo: caracterizar el inmunofenotipo de los pacientes con leucemia mieloide aguda evaluados en el Instituto de Hematología e Inmunología. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal de los pacientes diagnosticados con este tipo de leucemia, cuyas muestras de sangre fueron procesadas en el Departamento de Inmunología en el período 2008-2012. Se usó un ultramicrométodo inmunocitoquímico que utiliza un panel de anticuerpos monoclonales específicos de antígenos mieloides y linfoides. Las variables analizadas fueron: edad, sexo, subtipo de leucemia y expresión de marcadores inmunológicos, cuyas asociaciones fueron analizadas con los estadígrafos Chi-cuadrado y coeficiente de correlación de Spearman. Resultados: se estudiaron 58 pacientes, 28 del sexo femenino y 30 del masculino. El grupo de edad predominante fue de 0 a 9 años con una mediana de 26 años. El subtipo M4 resultó el más frecuente (30,4 %. Los subtipos M4 y M7 predominaron en niños, mientras que el M0, predominó en adultos, con diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p d»0,05. La combinación de los antígenos panmieloides CD13 y CD33 se presentó en el 91 % de los enfermos. Las combinaciones de CD13/CD33, CD14/CD15, CD33/CD14 y CD33/CD15 mostraron correlación significativa. En el 20,6 % de los pacientes evaluados, fueron detectados, además, antígenos linfoides. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto al sexo y la edad. El antígeno CD7 fue el más expresado, seguido de los antígenos: CD3, CD20, CD22 y CD79, en igual proporción. Conclusiones: el inmunofenotipaje celular demostró ser un procedimiento útil para confirmar el diagnóstico morfológico y clínico de la leucemia mieloide aguda.

  5. Risk factors for maternal death in patients with severe preeclampsia and eclampsia Fatores de risco para morte materna em pacientes com pré-eclâmpsia grave/ eclâmpsia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Melania Maria Ramos de Amorim


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: to determine the principal death causes in patients with severe preeclampsia/eclampsia and identify related risk factors. METHODS: a case-control study was performed comprising all cases of maternal death (n = 20 in patients with severe preeclampsia or eclampsia (n = 2.541. 80 controls (survivors were randomly selected. The odds ratio and an estimate of maternal death relative risk were determined, and a multiple logistic regression analysis performed to determine the adjusted odds ratio. RESULTS: the basic causes for death were: acute pulmonary edema, disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, hemorrhagic shock, pulmonary embolism, acute renal failure, sepsis and three cases of undetermined causes of death. The principal risk factors were: age > 25 years old, multiparity, gestational age 110mmHg, convulsions, chronic systemic arterial hypertension, HELLP syndrome, pulmonary edema, normally inserted abruptio placenta, disseminated intravascular coagulation, acute renal failure. Variables persistently related to maternal death were: HELLP syndrome, eclampsia, acute pulmonary edema, eclampsia, chronic hypertension and lack of prenatal care. CONCLUSIONS: the principal risk factors for death in women with preeclampsia/eclampsia are the lack of prenatal care, associated to chronic hypertension, HELLP syndrome, eclampsia and acute pulmonary edema.OBJETIVOS: determinar as principais causas de óbito em pacientes com pré-eclâmpsia grave/eclâmpsia e identificar os fatores de risco associados. MÉTODOS: realizou-se um estudo de caso-controle, com todos os casos de morte materna (n = 20 em pacientes com pré-eclâmpsia grave ou eclâmpsia (n = 2.541. Selecionaram-se aleatoriamente 80 controles (sobreviventes. Determinou-se o odds ratio como estimativa do risco relativo de morte materna, realizando-se análise de regressão logística múltipla para determinação do odds ratio ajustado. RESULTADOS: as causas básicas de óbito foram: edema

  6. B-cell depletion with rituximab in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Graves' ophthalmopathy the latest addition to an expanding family

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Claus H; El Fassi, Daniel; Hasselbalch, Hans K


    In this review, the authors summarise the clinical results obtained after therapy with rituximab in autoimmune diseases, including Graves' disease and Graves' ophthalmopathy. On the basis of qualitative and quantitative analyses of B- and T-cell subsets, and autoantibody levels obtained in other...... diseases before and after rituximab therapy, the authors interpret the results of the only two clinical investigations of the efficacy of rituximab in the treatment of Graves' disease and Graves' opthalmopathy reported so far. No significant effect on autoantibody levels was observed. Nonetheless, 4 out...... of 10 Graves' disease patients remained in remission 400 days after rituximab treatment versus none in the control group, and remarkable improvements in the eye symptoms of patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy were observed. This supports a role for B cells in the pathogenesis of Graves' ophthalmopathy...

  7. Outcomes analysis of radioactive iodine and total thyroidectomy for pediatric Graves' disease. (United States)

    Cohen, Reuven Zev; Felner, Eric I; Heiss, Kurt F; Wyly, J Bradley; Muir, Andrew B


    The majority of pediatric patients with Graves' disease will ultimately require definitive therapy in the form of radioactive iodine (RAI) ablation or thyroidectomy. There are few studies that directly compare the efficacy and complication rates between RAI and thyroidectomy. We compared the relapse rate as well as the acute and long-term complications of RAI and total thyroidectomy among children and adolescents with Graves' disease treated at our center. Medical records from 81 children and adolescents with a diagnosis of Graves' disease who received definitive therapy over a 12-year period were reviewed. Fifty one patients received RAI and 30 patients underwent thyroidectomy. The relapse rate was not significantly different between RAI and thyroidectomy (12.1% vs. 0.0%, p=0.28). There were no acute or long-term complications in the RAI group, but there were eight cases of hypoparathyroidism (two transient and six permanent) in the thyroidectomy group. None of the patients developed a recurrent laryngeal nerve injury. RAI is a safe and effective option for treatment of children and adolescents with Graves' disease. In light of the rate of permanent hypoparathyroidism seen at our center with thyroidectomy and previously published long-term safety of RAI, we recommend RAI as the first line treatment for children and adolescents with Graves' disease. For those centers performing thyroidectomies, we recommend that each center select 1-2 high-volume pediatric surgeons to perform all thyroid procedures, allowing individuals to increases case volume and potentially decrease long-term complications of thyroidectomy.

  8. Controvérsias no manejo farmacológico da asma aguda infantil Controversies in the pharmacological management of acute asthma in children

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    Sérgio Luís Amantéa


    Full Text Available Objetivos: apresentar uma revisão acerca de questões controversas, relativas ao manejo farmacológico utilizado nos pacientes pediátricos portadores de asma aguda. Fontes dos dados: foram utilizadas informações de artigos publicados em revistas científicas nacionais e internacionais, selecionadas das bases de dados Lilacs e Medline. Síntese dos dados: o artigo foi estruturado em tópicos, apresentando aspectos consensuais no tratamento farmacológico da asma infantil. Questões relacionadas à utilização de inaladores dosimetrados versus nebulizadores, o papel das drogas ß2-adrenérgicas utilizadas pela via endovenosa, bem como das metilxantinas e do sulfato de magnésio, são abordados de maneira crítica. Conclusões: os ß2-agonistas administrados pela via inalatória, associados aos coricosteróides, permanecem o tratamento de eleição para episódios agudos de asma na população pediátrica. Tanto os nebulizadores quanto os inaladores dosimetrados, acoplados a espaçadores, são efetivos para alívio dos sintomas agudos. Pacientes refratários ao tratamento convencional, que evoluem para quadros de asma aguda grave, devem ter considerada a utilização de drogas ß2-agonistas pela via endovenosa, desde que adequadamente monitorizados. Quanto às metilxantinas e ao sulfato de magnésio, devem ser considerados alternativas secundárias para pacientes selecionados.Objective: to present a review of controversial issues related to the pharmacological management of the treatment of acute asthma in children. Sources: articles published in national and international scientific journals. Data were selected from Lilacs and Medline databases. Summary of the findings: the article was organized into topics, presenting aspects on which there is consensus regarding the pharmacological treatment of asthma in children. Issues related to the use of metered dose inhaler versus nebulizers, the role of ß2-adrenergic drugs administered intravenously

  9. Prenatal diagnosis and management of fetal goiter caused by maternal Grave's disease. (United States)

    Hadi, H A; Strickland, D


    We present a case of maternal Grave's disease associated with fetal goitrous hyperthyroidism. Fetal goiter was diagnosed by ultrasound and diagnosis of fetal hyperthyroidism was established by umbilical blood sampling. Fetus was successfully treated by increasing maternal propylthiouracil dosage. Fetal thyroid status was normal at birth. Role of sonography and umbilical blood sampling in management of fetal goiter complicated with maternal Grave's disease is discussed.

  10. The role of radiation therapy in Graves` ophthalmopathy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chowdhury, A.D.; Moriaty, M.J. [Saint Luke`s Hospital, Dublin (Ireland)


    Graves` ophthalmopathy can occur in 25-30% of patients with hyperthyroidism. This condition can result in serious visual disturbance and disfigurement. The treatment options for symptomatic disease are oral corticosteroids or orbital irradiation. Ten patients with Graves` ophthalmopathy were treated with external beam radiotherapy at Saint Lukes Hospital from March 1991 to February 1994. Eight of these patients had excellent response with minimal morbidity. A dose of 2000 cGy in 10 fractions over 2 weeks is considered to be sufficient to alleviate symptoms in most patients. It is concluded that orbital radiotherapy is effective and well tolerated, and should replace corticosteroid therapy as the initial treatment modality in these patients. A minimum follo-up of 6 months is considered adequate for detecting radiation-induced complications. 7 refs., 1 fig.

  11. [Orbital decompression in Grave's disease: comparison of techniques]. (United States)

    Sellari-Franceschini, S; Berrettini, S; Forli, F; Bartalena, L; Marcocci, C; Tanda, M L; Nardi, M; Lepri, A; Pinchera, A


    Grave's ophthalmopathy is an inflammatory, autoimmune disorder often associated with Grave's disease. The inflammatory infiltration involves the retrobulbar fatty tissue and the extrinsic eye muscles, causing proptosis, extraocular muscle dysfunction and often diplopia. Orbital decompression is an effective treatment in such cases, particularly when resistant to drugs and external radiation therapy. This work compares the results of orbital decompression performed by removing: a) the medial and lateral walls (Mourits technique) in 10 patients (19 orbits) and b) the medial and lower walls (Walsh-Ogura technique) in 17 patients (31 orbits). The results show that removing the floor of the orbit enables better reduction of proptosis but more easily leads to post-operative diplopia. Thus it proves necessary to combine the two techniques, modifying the surgical approach on a case-by-case basis.

  12. Relação lipase/amilase nas pancreatites agudas de causa biliar e nas pancreatites agudas/crônicas agudizadas de causa alcoólica Lipase/amylase ratio in biliary acute pancreatitis and alcoholic acute/acutized chronic pancreatitis

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    Ricardo Custódio Pacheco


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: Pancreatites agudas de causas alcoólica ou biliar podem necessitar de abordagens terapêuticas diferentes. OBJETIVO: Verificar a validade da relação lipase/amilase em diferenciar as causas alcoólica ou biliar na pancreatite aguda/pancreatite crônica agudizada. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados nove pacientes com pancreatite aguda/pancreatite crônica agudizada alcoólica, todos homens, com idade média (desvio padrão de 39,8 ± 7,0 anos (grupo I e 29 com pancreatite aguda biliar, sendo 8 homens e 21 mulheres, com idade média de 43,6 ± 19,9 anos (grupo II. As amilasemias e lipasemias foram determinadas em pacientes com sintomatologia há, no máximo, 48 horas. A relação lipase/amilase foi calculada utilizando-se valores de amilasemia e lipasemia expressas como múltiplos de seus respectivos valores superiores de referência. RESULTADOS: As médias das lipasemias (4.814 ± 3.670 U/L e amilasemias (1.282 ± 777 U/L no grupo I foram semelhantes às do grupo II (2.697 ± 2.391 e 1.878 ± 1.319 U/L, respectivamente, mas a média das relações lipase/amilase foi significantemente maior no grupo I (4,4 ± 3,6 do que no grupo II (2,2 ± 2,2. Relação lipase/amilase >3 foi significantemente mais freqüente no grupo I (66,7% do que no grupo II (24,1% e diferenciou os dois grupos com sensibilidade de 67% e especificidade de 76%. CONCLUSÕES: 1 as amilasemias e lipasemias não diferenciaram os dois grupos avaliados; 2 relação lipase/amilase >3 é mais freqüente na pancreatite aguda/pancreatite crônica agudizada alcoólica do que na pancreatite aguda biliar, e pode ser útil na diferenciação destas duas causas de pancreatite.BACKGROUND: Alcoholic or biliary acute pancreatitis may need different therapeutic approaches. AIM: Assessing the validity of lipase/amylase ratio in differentiating biliary from alcoholic acute pancreatitis/acutized chronic pancreatitis. METHODS: Nine male patients (mean age and standard deviation: 39.8 ± 7.0 years

  13. Case report of recurrent atrial fibrillation induced by thyrotropin-secreting pituitary adenoma with Graves' disease. (United States)

    Li, Jiaqi; Tan, Huiwen; Huang, Juan; Luo, Dan; Tang, Ying; Yu, Ruichao; Huang, Hui


    Thyrotropin-secreting adenoma (TSHoma) is rare. Even though the thyrotoxicosis is mild in patients with TSHoma, it is still a rare cause of arrhythmia, ignore of mild disfunction of thyroid function of TSHoma can lead to the delayed diagnosis of pituitary tumor or leading to recurring of complications. Graves' disease is an auto-immue endocrinological disorder. Association of TSHoma and Graves's disease is extremely rare. Coexistence of these two diseases made the diagnosis and treatment complicated. This patient was a 55-year-old man who had been referred to the department of endocrinology and metabolism of the West China Hospital due to recurrent atrial fibrillation (AF) and thyroxicosis. Examinations revealed pituitary thyrotropin-secreting macroadenoma with Graves' disease. We conducted transsphenoidal surgery. Thyrozol was used to treat the recurrence of Graves' disease after pituitary surgery. The TSHoma was successfully cured, and recurrent Graves' disease was controlled very well. The association of TSHoma and Graves' disease is extremely rare. Even though the clinical features of thyrotoxicosis are milder in patients with TSHoma, thyroid function tests are still important clinical assessment of patients with AF, which is an arrhythmia associated with hyperthyroidism. TSHoma is a rare cause of thyrotoxicosis; however, ignoring of the mild disfunction caused by TSHoma can lead to the delayed diagnosis of pituitary tumors or to recurring of complications of TSHoma.

  14. The role of diffusion weighted MR imaging for differentiation between Graves' disease and Hashimoto thyroiditis. (United States)

    Ozturk, T; Bozgeyik, Z; Ozturk, F; Burakgazi, G; Akyol, M; Coskun, S; Ozkan, Y; Ogur, E


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWMRI) for differentation between Graves' disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Fifty patients (27 Graves diseases and 23 Hashimoto thyroiditis) and twenty healthy volunteers were examined using T1, T2 and DWMRI. The patients were diagnosed on the basis of physical findings and the results of thyroid function tests and serological tests. Circular ROIs were positioned on the bilateral thyroid lobes and isthmus. All measurements were repeated three different b values including 100, 600 and 1000 s/mm2 in all cases. ADC (Apparent diffusion coefficient) maps were calculated automatically with the MR system. Mean ADC values were 2.93 × 10-3, 1.97 × 10-3 and 1.62 × 10-3 mm2/s in the healthy volunteers; 3.47 × 10-3, 2.25 × 10-3 and 1.64 × 10-3 mm2/s in Graves' disease; 2.53 × 10-3, 1.76 × 10-3, 1.28 × 10-3 mm2/s in Hashimoto thyroiditis for b100, b600 and b1000, respectively. The ADC values of the Graves diseases were higher than healty volunteers and Hashimoto thyroiditis. ADC values were statistically significant for differentation between Hashimoto thyroiditis and Graves' disease all b values (p Hashimoto thyroiditis and Graves' disease.

  15. Measurements of Actual Effective Half - Life in {sup 131}I Therapy for Graves' Hyperthyroidism

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    So, Yong Seon; Kim, Myung Seon; Kwon, Ki Hyun; Kim, Seok Whan; Kim, Tae Hyung; Han, Sang Woong; Kim, Eun Sil; Kim, Chong Soon [Hanil General Hospital, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Radioiodine[131I] has been used for the treatment of Graves' hyperthyroidism since the late 1940's and is now generally regarded as the treatment of choice for Graves' hyperthyroidism who does not remit following a course of antithyroid drugs. But for the dose given, several different protocols have been described by different centers, each attempting to reduce the incidence of long-term hypothyroidism while maintaining an acceptable rate control of Graves' hyperthyroidism. Our goals were to evaluate effective half-life and predict absorbed dose in Graves' hyperthyroidism patients, therefore, to calculate and read minister radioiodine activity needed to achieve aimed radiation dose. Our data showed that the mean effective 131I half-life for Graves' disease is 5.3 days(S.D=0.88) and mean biologic half-life is 21 days, range 9.5-67.2 days. The mean administered activity and the mean values of absorbed doses wet: 532 MBq(S.D.=254), 112 Gy (S.D.=50.9), respectively. The mean activity needed to achieve aimed radiation dose were 51 MBq and marked differences of 131I thyroidal uptake between tracer and therapy occurred in our study. We are sure that the dose calculation method that uses 5 days thyroidal 131I uptake measurements after tracer and therapy dose, provides sufficient data about the effective treatment in Graves' hyperthyroidism.

  16. Retinopatia de Purtscher-like e pancreatite aguda Purtscher-like retinopathy and acute pancreatitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kelly Fernandes de Paula Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Retinopatia de Purtscher-like é uma baixa súbita da visão associada à imagem de múltiplas áreas branco-amareladas (manchas algodonosas e hemorragias no pólo posterior de ambos os olhos. O exato mecanismo da injúria ainda não é claro, mas provavelmente seria de natureza embólica.Tem sido descrita em uma variedade de condições, incluindo pancreatite aguda, síndrome de embolia gordurosa, insuficiência renal, nascimento (parto e pós-parto, desordens do tecido conectivo, entre outras. Serão relatados três casos de pancreatite aguda confirmada pelos exames laboratoriais e história clínica, associadas a alterações no exame do fundo de olho, compatíveis com esta retinopatia.Purtscher-like retinopathy is acute loss of vision associated image of the multiple areas of retinal whitening and hemorrhage in the posterior pole of both eyes. The exact mechanism of injury remains unclear, current evidence suggests that it is embolic in nature. In a variety of conditions are been described including acute pancreatitis, fat embolism syndrome, renal failure, childbirth, and connective tissue disorders. Will are related three cases of the acute pancreatitis which was confirmed by complementary laboratory studies and clinical history, associated from exam of the fundus of the eye, similar is this retinopathy.

  17. Sarcoidosis aguda: Variante de Síndrome de Löfgren sin eritema nodoso


    Pérez, Gerardo; Facal, Jorge


    El síndrome de Löfgren, es una variante aguda de la sarcoidosis, que se caracteriza por fiebre, eritema nodoso, adenomegalias hiliares pulmonares y artritis. En general, tiene un curso benigno y autolimitado, que contrasta con las formas crónicas que requieren uso de corticoides y tienen tendencia a la recidiva. Se describe aquí el caso clínico de un paciente joven, de sexo masculino, con artritis pero sin eritema nodoso, lo que dificultó el planteo diagnóstico de síndrome de Löfgren. Se real...

  18. Treatment of Graves' disease and the course of ophthalmopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sridama, V.; DeGroot, L.J.


    Contradictory results have been obtained with regards to the effect of various treatment modes on the exacerbation of Graves' ophthalmopathy, probably because the number of patients in each study was small and some studies were analyzed only in relation to one type of treatment. To circument these problems, we studied the course of Graves' ophthalmopathy after various modes of therapy for thyrotoxicosis among 537 patients with Graves' disease. A total of 537 patients with Graves' disease were prospectively studied over an 11-year period. Thirty-one patients were lost to follow-up during the first six months after treatment and were excluded from the study. Of those remaining, 426 received one form of treatment, 79 received two kinds of therapy, and one received three kinds of therapy. Thus, surgical treatments numbered 164, radioactive iodine-131 ( 13 1I) treatments numbered 241, and medical treatments numbered 182. Ocular signs were considered improved or exacerbated by the following criteria: decrement or increment of the exophthalmos of 2 mm or more, improvement or deterioration of visual acuity, and regression or progression of extraocular muscle involvement causing diplopia. Among patients who did not have infiltrative ophthalmopathy before treatment, there was no difference in the occurrence of posttreatment exophthalmos in the surgically, medically, and 131I-treated patients (7.1%, 6.7%, and 4.9%, respectively). The incidence and the degree of progression of ophthalmopathy in patients who already had exophthalmos before treatment were similar in the medically, surgically, and 131I-treated groups (19.2%, 19.8%, and 22.7%, respectively). Most of the progression occurred in the posttreatment euthyroid stage. The incidence of improvement of ophthalmopathy was also similar 14.1%, 12.6%, and 12.3% in the medically, surgically, and 131I-treated patients

  19. Radioiodine therapy in patients with Graves' disease and the effects of prior carbimazole therapy. (United States)

    Karyampudi, Arun; Hamide, Abdoul; Halanaik, Dhanapathi; Sahoo, Jaya Prakash; Kamalanathan, Sadishkumar


    The use of radioiodine as the first line of treatment in Graves' disease is restricted in India because of its limited availability and an unrealistic risk perception associated with it. Additionally, the effectiveness of radioiodine ablation in Graves' disease is influenced by many factors. Prior medical antithyroid therapy is one such important factor. To analyze the efficacy of low dose radioiodine therapy (5 mCi) in treatment of naive patients of Graves' disease in comparison to that in which it was already primed with an antithyroid drug, carbimazole. A non-randomized, interventional study conducted in the Department of Medicine and Endocrinology of a tertiary care institute in South India. The study had two groups; Group A (36 treatment naive, uncomplicated Graves' disease patients) and B (34 Graves' disease patients on carbimazole prior to radioiodine therapy). Both groups had baseline clinical, biochemical evaluation and were reassessed at 3 and 6 months for evaluating the clinical status for possible documentation of cure. The cure rate was 61.1% in drug naive group and 58.8% in pretreated group at 6 months following radioiodine (P = 0.845). Higher baseline 999m technicium (99m Tc) uptake, male gender, BMI and higher baseline free thyroxine (fT4) level predicted treatment failure following radioiodine therapy. Administration of carbimazole prior to low dose radioiodine therapy does not alter the efficacy of radioiodine. Low fixed dose (5 mCi) of radioactive iodine may be a safe and effective primary therapeutic option in Graves' disease patients pretreated with antithyroid drugs.

  20. Long-term sequential monitoring of controlled graves representing common burial scenarios with ground penetrating radar: Years 2 and 3 (United States)

    Schultz, John J.; Walter, Brittany S.; Healy, Carrie


    Geophysical techniques such as ground-penetrating radar (GPR) have been successfully used for forensic searches to locate clandestine graves and physical evidence. However, additional controlled research is needed to fully understand the applicability of this technology when searching for clandestine graves in various environments, soil types, and for longer periods of time post-burial. The purpose of this study was to determine the applicability of GPR for detecting controlled graves in a Spodosol representing multiple burial scenarios for Years 2 and 3 of a three-year monitoring period. Objectives included determining how different burial scenarios are factors in producing a distinctive anomalous response; determining how different GPR imagery options (2D reflection profiles and horizontal time slices) can provide increased visibility of the burials; and comparing GPR imagery between 500 MHz and 250 MHz dominant frequency antennae. The research site contained a grid with eight graves representing common forensic burial scenarios in a Spodosol, a common soil type of Florida, with six graves containing a pig carcass (Sus scrofa). Burial scenarios with grave items (a deep grave with a layer of rocks over the carcass and a carcass wrapped in a tarpaulin) produced a more distinctive response with clearer target reflections over the duration of the monitoring period compared to naked carcasses. Months with increased precipitation were also found to produce clearer target reflections than drier months, particularly during Year 3 when many grave scenarios that were not previously visible became visible after increased seasonal rainfall. Overall, the 250 MHz dominant frequency antenna imagery was more favorable than the 500 MHz. While detection of a simulated grave may be difficult to detect over time, long term detection of a grave in a Spodosol may be possible if the disturbed spodic horizon is detected. Furthermore, while grave visibility increased with the 2D

  1. Particularidades del síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda en edades pediátricas

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    Valentín Santiago Rodríguez Moya

    Full Text Available Desde las primeras descripciones del síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda los pediatras intensivistas reconocieron que posee particularidades que la hacen diferente en la población pediátrica. El objetivo de este trabajo es divulgar la definición específica en el modelo infantil, aunque existen similitudes en la fisiopatología del síndrome de dificultad respiratoria en adultos y niños. Se revisaron los conceptos vigentes sobre el síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda desde su descripción, a través de los diferentes consensos (desde el de 1994 hasta el de 2015 y se señalaron las recomendaciones en el tratamiento y seguimiento de esta entidad. Los tópicos que se trataron fueron: concepto; prevalencia y epidemiología; fisiopatología, severidad y enfermedades asociadas; soporte ventilatorio; tratamientos secundarios específicos sobre el pulmón; tratamientos concomitantes; monitoreo general y pulmonar; soporte ventilatorio no invasivo; terapia extracorpórea y el seguimiento a largo plazo. Las recomendaciones propuestas en la última conferencia de consenso para el tratamiento del síndrome de dificultad respiratoria en edades pediátricas permiten optimizar el tratamiento e identificar necesidades futuras de investigación del tema.

  2. Esofagitis necrotizante aguda: Una entidad inusual

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvana E. Pramparo


    Full Text Available La esofagitis necrotizante aguda (ENA, también denominada esófago negro, es una rara enfermedad poco descripta en la literatura médica. Describimos el caso de un hombre de 80 años, con hemorragia digestiva alta quien desarrolló un esófago negro luego de un episodio de hipotensión. La necrosis fue confirmada histológicamente. Los pacientes se presentan con hematemesis y melena en más del 70% de los casos. Los hallazgos endoscópicos muestran una coloración negruzca de la mucosa esofágica. El diagnóstico se realiza con endoscopia y confirmación histológica. La mortalidad es alta (más del 50% aunque relacionada a las enfermedades de base del paciente. Por último, podemos decir que la sospecha es muy importante en el diagnóstico de ENA, particularmente en pacientes ancianos con enfermedades asociadas y evidencia de hemorragia digestiva alta. En este trabajo describimos las características clínicas, endoscópicas e histopatológicas de un paciente con ENA.

  3. Graves' disease in children: long-term outcomes of medical therapy. (United States)

    Rabon, Shona; Burton, Amy M; White, Perrin C


    Management options are limited for the treatment of Graves' disease, and there is controversy regarding optimal treatment. We describe the demographic and biochemical characteristics of children with Graves' disease and the outcomes of its management. This is a retrospective study reviewing medical records from 2001 to 2011 at a tertiary-care paediatric hospital. Diagnostic criteria included elevated free T4 and total T3, suppressed TSH, and either positive thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin or thyroid receptor antibodies or clinical signs suggestive of Graves' disease, for example exophthalmos. Patients were treated with antithyroid drugs (ATD), radioactive iodine, or thyroidectomy. The main outcome measures were remission after medical therapy for at least 6 months and subsequent relapse. A total of 291 children met diagnostic criteria. A total of 62 were male (21%); 117 (40%) were Hispanic, 90 (31%) Caucasian, and 59 (20%) African American. Mean age (±standard deviation) at diagnosis was 12·3 ± 3·8 (range 3-18·5) years. At diagnosis, 268 patients were started on an antithyroid drug and 23 underwent thyroid ablation or thyroidectomy. Fifty-seven (21%) children achieved remission and 16 (28%) of these patients relapsed, almost all within 16 months. Gender and ethnicity did not affect rates of remission or relapse. Of 251 patients treated with methimazole, 53 (21%) had an adverse reaction, including rash, arthralgias, elevated transaminases, or neutropenia. Most children with Graves' disease treated with ATD do not experience remission, but most remissions do not end in relapse. Adverse reactions to methimazole are common but generally mild. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  4. Efecto del calcio sobre la toxicidad aguda de aluminio en alevines de trucha arcoiris (Oncorhynchus mykiss expuestos en aguas de diferente pH

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    Rolando Vega


    Full Text Available En la producción de alevines de salmón de la región de la Araucanía (sur de Chile se presentan importantes eventos de mortalidad aguda sin rasgos patológicos aparentes. El problema se focaliza en ejemplares de 0,2 a 1 g y las causas apuntan a procesos de acidificación del pH del agua y a la presencia de ciertos metales pesados, entre los cuales destaca el aluminio, que alcanza concentraciones más allá de los rangos de tolerancia de los peces. La información científica indica que concentraciones de 5 mg Ca L-1 en el afluente son suficientes para mantener a salvo los peces del efectos tóxico del aluminio. Sin embargo, los problemas en la producción de alevines de salmón indican que se requiere un mayor conocimiento científico y evidencia experimental que soporte el desarrollo de procesos y tecnologías para el tratamiento de los afluentes de las pisciculturas chilenas. En este trabajo se evaluó el efecto de cuatro concentraciones de calcio (0, 5, 10 y 20 mg Ca L-1 sobre la toxicidad aguda de 500 μg Al L-1 en alevines de trucha arcoiris (Oncorhynchus mykiss de 0,1 g en agua de cultivo a pH 5, 6 y 7. El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar la dosis de calcio que reduce la toxicidad aguda de aluminio y los tiempos mínimos de reacción que podrían disponer los piscicultores para tomar medidas preventivas ante una concentración aguda de aluminio en el agua de cultivo. Los resultados indican que antes de 8 h de exposición a una concentración tóxica de aluminio los piscicultores deberían asegurar en el agua de cultivo una dosis superior a 10 mg Ca L-1 y un pH >6 como medida remedial para reducir el efecto de intoxicación aguda causada por aluminio.

  5. Proteinograma sérico, com ênfase em proteínas de fase aguda, de bovinos sadios e bovinos portadores de enfermidade aguda de ocorrência natural


    Simplício,K.M.M.G.; Sousa,F.C.; Fagliari,J.J.; Silva,P.C.


    Nas últimas décadas, as proteínas de fase aguda (PFAs) tornaram-se biomarcadores de escolha em medicina humana para identificação e monitoração de doenças. Não há razão para imaginar que tais pesquisas clínicas não sejam igualmente úteis na medicina veterinária. Com o objetivo de verificar a importância das PFAs como biomarcadores de doenças inflamatórias em bovinos, determinou-se o proteinograma sérico, por meio da técnica de eletroforese SDS-PAGE, com interesse especial nas PFAs. Foram util...

  6. Rectus extraocular muscle paths and decompression surgery for Graves orbitopathy: mechanism of motility disturbances

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Abràmoff, Michael D.; Kalmann, Rachel; de Graaf, Mieke E. L.; Stilma, Jan S.; Mourits, Maarten P.


    PURPOSE: To study possible causes of motility disturbances that may result from orbital decompression surgery in patients with Graves orbitopathy and especially the role of rectus extraocular muscle paths. METHODS: Sixteen patients with Graves orbitopathy were studied before and 3 to 6 months after

  7. Remission of aplastic anemia induced by treatment for Graves disease in a pediatric patient. (United States)

    Das, Prabodh Kumar; Wherrett, Diane; Dror, Yigal


    Aplastic anemia (AA) is mediated by T-cell autoimmunity in the majority of cases; it is rare and mostly idiopathic in children. We describe a child, who developed AA following Graves' disease which could not be attributed to antithyroid drugs. We hypothesized that both diseases were caused by similar autoimmune process. We monitored the blood counts and did not administer any conventional treatment for AA assuming that the existing anti- hematopoietic stem cell humoral and cellular immunity might subside with induction of remission of Grave's disease. The child went into complete remission with the treatment of the Graves' disease.

  8. Prevalência de toxoplasmose aguda em gestantes, incidência de toxoplasmose congênita e desempenho de testes diagnósticos em toxoplasmose congênita


    Ivana Rosângela dos Santos Varella


    Introdução: A infecção aguda pelo Toxoplasma gondii em gestantes pode determinar infecção fetal através de passagem transplacentária. As crianças afetadas podem desenvolver coriorretinite e déficit neurológico, na ausência de tratamento adequado. Objetivos: Estimar a prevalência de toxoplasmose aguda em gestantes atendidas na maternidade do Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição, avaliando possíveis diferenças nas freqüências ao longo do período estudado; medir a incidência de toxoplasmose congê...

  9. Effects of radioiodine on thyrotrophin binding inhibiting immunoglobulins in Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McGregor, A.M.; Petersen, M.M.; Capiferri, R.; Evered, D.C.; Rees Smith, B.; Hall, R.


    The effects of 131 I therapy on thyrotrophin binding inhibiting immunoglobulins (TBII) were studied in fifty-five patients with Graves' disease and five patients with toxic multinodular goitre (MNG). A group of forty patients with Graves' disease and four patients with toxic MNG were treated with drugs and acted as controls. In 78% of patients treated with 131 I there was a dramatic increase in serum TBII activity during the 3 months following therapy, whereas drug-treated patients showed a decrease (77%) or no change in TBII activity over the same period. TBII activity was not detectable in patients with toxic MNG before or after drug or 131 I therapy. Consideration of the mechanisms involved in the changes in serum TBII activity after 131 I treatment or during drug treatment provide insight into the basic defects responsible for the development of Graves' disease and suggest that both the thyroid and immune system are involved. (author)

  10. Thyroxine, shape, and weight: interaction of Graves' disease and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    Teufel, Martin; Giel, Katrin Elisabeth; Lehr, Jule; Becker, Sandra; Muthig, Michaela; Zipfel, Stephan; Kuprion, Jürgen


    A case of a 25-year-old woman with bulimia nervosa and Graves' disease is presented. Graves' disease is the cause of 50-80 % of hyperthyroidism. The disease is characterized by increases of thyroid hormone production, activation of the metabolism, and successive weight loss. Bulimia nervosa is characterized by purging behavior after binge eating episodes. We report a patient suffering from both entities. A pronounced non-compliance to the intake of antithyroid drugs (Carbimazole) correlated with eating disorder symptoms like negative evaluation of the body and fear of weight gain. Thus, elevated hyperthyroidism due to Graves' disease served as a purging method. During 8 weeks of inpatient psychotherapy, the patient adapted to a structured eating behavior. Self-esteem was less influenced by body shape and body weight, and compliance to endocrinological recommendations improved. Non-compliance to antithyroid drugs may be a symptom of an eating disorder. A careful and primarily non-confronting interdisciplinary diagnostic and treatment approach is required.

  11. Tratamento cirúrgico da laringomalácia grave: estudo retrospectivo de 11 casos

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    José Antonio Pinto


    Full Text Available A laringomalácia é a anomalia congênita da laringe mais frequente, sendo responsável por cerca de 60% a 75% dos casos de estridor congênito. Apesar de seu curso benigno e autolimitado, 10% dos casos necessitam de intervenção. Atualmente, as supraglotoplastias são consideradas o tratamento padrão da laringomalácia grave. OBJETIVO: Descrever a experiência adquirida pelos autores no tratamento cirúrgico dos pacientes com laringomalácia grave. Metodologia: Estudo retrospectivo. MÉTODO: Os prontuários de 11 casos consecutivos de laringomalácia grave, submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico entre 2003 e 2012, foram analisados quanto à idade, gênero, sintomas, doenças associadas, técnica cirúrgica adotada, tempo de extubação, complicações cirúrgicas, tempo de internação e evolução clínica. RESULTADOS: Dos 11 casos de laringomalácia grave, seis pacientes (54,5% foram operados com o uso do laser de CO2 e em cinco pacientes (45,5% foram realizadas a técnica a frio. Apenas um paciente (9,1% necessitou reabordagem cirúrgica. Não foram observados casos de complicações cirúrgicas. Todos os pacientes apresentaram melhora clínica importante. CONCLUSÃO: A supraglotoplastia mostrou-se um procedimento eficaz e seguro no tratamento da laringomalácia grave.

  12. Treatment of Grave's hyperthyroidism-prognostic factors for outcome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alfadda, A.; Malabu, Usman H.; El-Desouki, Mahmoud I.; Al-Rubeaan, Khalid A.; Al-Ruhaily, Atallah D.; Fouda, Mona A.; Al-Maatouq, Mohamed A.; Sulimani, Riad A.


    To determine clinical and biochemical features of Grave's disease at presentation predict response to medical and radioiodine treatment. We carried out a retrospective 10-year study of 194 consecutive Saudi subjects with Grave's disease who was treated with antithyroid drugs, radioiodine therapy, or both, between January 1995 and December 2004 at King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. At diagnosis, the mean age was 32+-0.9 years. Only 26% of patients had successful outcome after a course of antithyroid medication. None of the clinical or biochemical factors were associated with a favorable outcome of antithyroid treatment. One dose of radioiodine [13-15 mCi (481-555 MBq)] cured hyperthyroidism in 83% of patients. Presence of ophthamopathy at presentation was shown to be a significant contributing factor to failure to respond to a single dose of radioiodine (odds ratio, 6.4; 95%CI, 1.51-24.4; p<0.01). Failure of radioiodine treatment was also associated with higher serum free T3 concentration at presentation (p=0.003). In patients with Grave's hyperthyroidism, radioiodine treatment is associated with higher success rate than antithyroid drugs. A dose of 13-15 mCi (481-555 MBq) seems to practical and effective, and should be considered as first line therapy. Patients with high free T3 concentration and, those with ophthalmopathy at presentation were more likely to fail radioiodine treatment. A higher dose of radioiodine may be advisable in such patients. (author)



    Singh, S.K.; Hatwal, A.; Agarwal, J.K.; Bajpai, H.S.; Sharma, I.


    SUMMARY The case of a 37 year old male is described who initially presented as paranoid schizophrenia unresponsive to anti-psychotic drug treatment and subsequently developed features of Grave's disease. Treatment with carbimazole alone improved his psychiatric symptoms.

  14. Preeclampsia grave: características y consecuencias

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    Arturo Pérez de Villa Amil Álvarez


    Full Text Available Fundamento: la preeclampsia es un trastorno hipertensivo del embarazo y es una de las principales causas de morbimortalidad perinatal y materna. Objetivo: identificar los factores maternos, terapéuticos, y daños asociados a la preeclampsia grave en gestantes. Método: estudio de serie de casos, que incluyó 69 pacientes diagnosticadas con preeclampsia grave en el período del 1ro de enero de 2012 al 31 de diciembre de 2013, atendidas en el Hospital General Universitario Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima. Se clasificaron en dos grupos correspondiendo ambos a los criterios de preeclampsia grave con y sin asociación de factores agravantes. Se evaluaron variables relacionadas a: características maternas, características de atención médica, características neonatales y fetales. Se aplicó un formulario confeccionado según los datos obtenidos de las historias clínicas, acorde a la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades Décima Revisión. Las comparaciones entre grupos se efectuaron por el estadístico X2 aceptándose como significativo una p<0,05. Resultados: la frecuencia de preeclampsia grave fue de 0,8x100 partos. La mayor frecuencia correspondió al rango de edad de 31-35 años. La eclampsia se observó en 0,91x1000 partos. El daño materno ascendió a 30,4 %. El sulfato de magnesio se utilizó como profilaxis en el 89 % de los casos. La frecuencia de eclampsia en las que no se usó fue del 50 %, mientras que en las que se usó fue de solo 6,4 %. La cesárea se realizó en el 85,5 % de las pacientes. El daño neonatal se asoció al 52,3 %. La mortalidad fetal tardía fue de 4,6x100 nacimientos. En las diferencias intergrupos se observaron divergencias significativas respecto al daño neonatal. Conclusión: es evidente la alta asociación de restricción del crecimiento intrauterino con la prematuridad inducida, alto índice de cesárea primitiva y el elevado daño materno, neonatal y fetal. El uso del sulfato de magnesio impresiona con

  15. Mood and anxiety disorders in women with treated hyperthyroidism and ophthalmopathy caused by Graves' disease. (United States)

    Bunevicius, Robertas; Velickiene, Dzilda; Prange, Arthur J


    To evaluate the prevalence of mood and anxiety disorders in women with treated hyperthyroidism caused by Graves' disease and to compare them with the prevalence of such findings in women without past or present thyroid disease. Thirty inpatient women with treated hyperthyroidism and ophthalmopathy caused by Graves' disease and 45 women hospitalized for treatment of gynecologic disorders such as abnormal vaginal bleeding, benign tumors or infertility were evaluated for the prevalence of mood and anxiety diagnoses using a standard Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview and for mood and anxiety ratings using the Profile of Mood States (POMS). At the time of assessment, it was discovered that 14 of 30 women with treated hyperthyroidism caused by Graves' disease were still hyperthyroid, while 16 women were euthyroid. Significantly greater prevalence of social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, major depression and total mood and anxiety disorders, as well as higher symptom scores on the POMS, was found in hyperthyroid women with Graves' disease in comparison with the control group. A prevalence of total anxiety disorder, as well as history of mania or hypomania and lifetime bipolar disorder, but not lifetime unipolar depression, was more frequent in both the euthyroid and the hyperthyroid subgroups of study women in comparison with the control group. These results confirm a high prevalence of mood and anxiety disorders in women with treated hyperthyroidism and ophthalmopathy caused by Graves' disease. Hyperthyroidism plays a major role in psychiatric morbidity in Graves' disease.

  16. Analysis of adverse reactions and complications of Graves' disease after thyroid arteries embolization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhuang Wenquan; Chen Wei; Yang Jianyong; Xiao Haipeng; Huang Yonghui; Li Jiaping; Guo Wenbo


    Objective: To retrospectively analyse the adverse reactions and complications of Graves' disease after thyroid arteries embolization. Methods: 41 patients of Graves' disease underwent interventional embolization have been analysed with its adverse reactions and complications. Polyvinyl alcohol or bletilla microspheres and micro-coils were used in these patients. Results: Laryngopharyngeal and neck pain occurred in all patients. T 3 and T 4 increased in 3 days to one week after the procedure. Thirty of them showed fever. Dystopia embolism happened in two cases with one of transitory hypoparathyroidism. No hypothyroidism or hypoparathyroidism or hoarseness occur during long term follow up. Conclusions: The adverse reactions and complications of Graves disease after thyroid arteries embolization may occur. Some of them are preventable and curable

  17. Secondary Pulmonary Hypertension and Right-Sided Heart Failure at Presentation in Grave's Disease. (United States)

    Ganeshpure, Swapnil Panjabrao; Vaidya, Gaurang Nandkishor; Gattani, Vipul


    A young female presented with evidence of right-sided heart failure and was subsequently found to have significant pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH). Because of her normal left ventricular function and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, the most probable site of etiology seemed to be the pulmonary vasculature. All the common possible secondary causes of PAH were ruled out, but during the investigations, she was found to have elevated thyroid function tests compatible with the diagnosis of Grave's disease. The treatment of Grave's disease, initially by medications and subsequently by radioiodine therapy, was associated with a significant reduction in the pulmonary artery systolic pressure. The purpose of this case report is to highlight one of the unusual and underdiagnosed presentations of Grave's disease.

  18. The mid-to-long term therapeutic efficacy of Graves' disease after interventional embolization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Weiduo; Yang Jianyong; Zhuang Wenquan; Chen Wei; Li Heping


    Objective: To explore the mid-to-long term therapeutic efficacy of Graves' disease after interventional embolization. Methods: Twenty-five patients of Graves' disease treated with interventional embolization were followed up for 24-57 months. T 3 and T 4 were monitored at pre-operation, six months, 12 months, 2, 3 and 4 years after operation, respectively. Other references included pulse, thyroid size, and vessel's murmur. Results: Twenty-two patients completely relieved from the hyperthyroidism during the follow-up. Only one patient suffered from recurrence. Other two patients were still on maintaining dosage of antithyroid drug therapy. No hypothyroidism or hypoparathyroidism was found during this term. Conclusion: Mid-to-long term follow-up showed satisfactory efficacy of interventional therapy, offering another alternative for treatment of refractory Graves' disease

  19. Introduction to Special Issue "War Graves / Die Bauaufgabe Soldatenfriedhof, 1914-1989"

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    Fuhrmeister, Christian


    Full Text Available Commemoration of the dead is intricately linked to the history of civilization itself. Consequently, art history (understood in a broad sense, encompassing architectural history, social history of art, aesthetics, political iconography, etc. is characterized by a long tradition of paying minute attention to Christian and profane iconography of chapels, epitaphs, and death dances; and to memorials, tombs, and other manifestations, particularly with regard to the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times. Twentieth century war graves, war cemeteries, memorial shrines, and burial sites of the fallen, however, have received only little attention. This assessment was the starting point of our joint endeavor: If the history of conflicts and wars, and the history of war death in particular, is such a major topic for the humanities at large, and especially for contemporary and cultural history, memory studies, etc., then the question arises to what degree art history can contribute to that ongoing discourse. Sketching a Potentially Global Field of Research Table of Contents Acknowledgements Sources and Materials Basic Research on War Graves and War Cemeteries in The Political Archive of the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin / Kriegsgräber im Politischen Archiv des Auswärtigen Amtes in Berlin The Archive of the German War Graves Commission in Kassel / Das Archiv des Volksbundes Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e. V. in Kassel War Graves, War Cemeteries, and Memorial Shrines since 1914: A Selected Bibliography Selected Printed Source Material


    Singh, S.K.; Hatwal, A.; Agarwal, J.K.; Bajpai, H.S.; Sharma, I.


    SUMMARY The case of a 37 year old male is described who initially presented as paranoid schizophrenia unresponsive to anti-psychotic drug treatment and subsequently developed features of Grave's disease. Treatment with carbimazole alone improved his psychiatric symptoms. PMID:21927380

  1. Lesao óssea em leucemias agudas linfoblásticas tipo T e TIPO nao T / nao B


    Martins, Fernando Lopes



  2. Valor Diagnóstico do Aumento dos Eosinóftlos e Linfocitos no Lavado Bronco-Alveolar em Doentes com Insuficiência Respiratória Aguda e Infiltrados Pulmonares Difusos


    Kazui Soma; Nobukazu Takada; Masaru Kubota; Masato Katagiri; Nobuo Yanase; Tomoyuki Tomita; Takashj Ohwada


    RESUMO: Os autores analisaram de 1983 a 199 1, a utilidade da contagem diferencial de células no Lavado Bronco-Alveolar (LBA) em doentes com Insuficiência Respiratória Aguda (IRA) e Infiltrados Pulmonares Difusos (IPD), com particular interesse nos que apresentavam níveis elevados de eosinóflos ou de linfocitos no LBA. Foram estudados 118 doentes com insuficiência respiratória para aguda e com PaO2

  3. Facts and fallacies about radioactive iodine therapy for Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miller, J.L.


    The therapeutic options available in the hyerthyroidism of Graves' disease are two basic treatments. Firstly antithyroid drugs and secondly one can 'ablate' the thyroid gland by means of thyroidectomy or radioactive iodine ( 131 I). At present 131 I is the current treatment of chioce for Graves' disease. In a follow-up study of 21 714 patients who were treated with 131 I and observed for a period of 8 years, there was no increase in the incidence of thyriod carcinoma. A possible explanation for this is that the dose of 131 I used destroys the ability of the thyroid cells to replicate and thus transmit genetically damaged material

  4. Circulating microRNA-1a is a biomarker of Graves' disease patients with atrial fibrillation. (United States)

    Wang, Fang; Zhang, Sheng-Jie; Yao, Xuan; Tian, Dong-Mei; Zhang, Ke-Qin; She, Dun-Min; Guo, Fei-Fan; Zhai, Qi-Wei; Ying, Hao; Xue, Ying


    It has been increasingly suggested that specific microRNAs expression profiles in the circulation and atrial tissue are associated with the susceptibility to atrial fibrillation. Nonetheless, the role of circulating microRNAs in Graves' disease patients with atrial fibrillation has not yet been well described. The objective of the study was to identify the role of circulating microRNAs as specific biomarkers for the diagnosis of Graves' disease with atrial fibrillation. The expression profiles of eight serum microRNAs, which are found to be critical in the pathogenesis of atrial fibrillation, were determined in patients with Graves' disease with or without atrial fibrillation. MicroRNA expression analysis was performed by real-time PCR in normal control subjects (NC; n = 17), patients with Graves' disease without atrial fibrillation (GD; n = 29), patients with Graves' disease with atrial fibrillation (GD + AF; n = 14), and euthyroid patients with atrial fibrillation (AF; n = 22). Three of the eight serum microRNAs,i.e., miR-1a, miR-26a, and miR-133, had significantly different expression profiles among the four groups. Spearman's correlation analysis showed that the relative expression level of miR-1a was positively correlated with free triiodothyronine (FT3) and free thyroxine (FT4), and negatively related to thyroid stimulating hormone. Spearman's correlations analysis also revealed that the level of miR-1a was negatively correlated with a critical echocardiographic parameter (left atrial diameter), which was dramatically increased in GD + AF group compared to GD group. Furthermore, the receiver-operating characteristic curve analysis indicated that, among the eight microRNAs, miR-1a had the largest area under the receiver-operating characteristic curves not only for discriminating between individuals with and without Graves' disease, but also for predicting the presence of atrial fibrillation in patients with Graves' disease. Our findings

  5. Radiotherapy for Graves' orbitopathy : randomised placebo-controlled study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mourits, MP; van Kempen-Harteveld, ML; Garcia, MBG; Koppeschaar, HPF; Tick, L; Terwee, CB


    Background The best treatment (steroids, irradiation, or both) for moderately severe Graves' orbitopathy, a self-limiting disease is not known. We tested the efficacy of external beam irradiation compared with sham-irradiation. Methods In a double-blind randomised clinical trial, 30 patients with

  6. Modulação da pressão intracraniana em um modelo experimental de hipertensão abdominal e lesão pulmonar aguda


    Zampieri,Fernando Godinho; Almeida,Juliana Roberta; Schettino,Guilherme Pinto de Paula; Park,Marcelo; Machado,Fabio Santana; Azevedo,Luciano Cesar Pontes


    OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito de alterações hemodinâmicas, respiratórias e metabólicas sobre a pressão intracraniana em um modelo de lesão pulmonar aguda e síndrome compartimental abdominal. MÉTODOS: Oito porcos Agroceres foram submetidos, após a instrumentação, a cinco cenários clínicos: 1) estado basal com baixa pressão intra-abdominal e pulmão sadio; 2) pneumoperitôneo, com pressão intra-abdominal de 20 mm Hg; 3) lesão pulmonar aguda induzida por lavagem pulmonar e desativação de surfactante;...

  7. Preoperative management in patients with Graves' disease. (United States)

    Piantanida, Eliana


    Graves' disease is the most frequent cause of hyperthyroidism in iodine-sufficient geographical areas and is characterized by the presence in patients' serum of autoantibodies directed against the thyrotropin receptor (TRAb) that cause overproduction and release of thyroid hormones. Clinical presentation results from both hyperthyroidism and underlying autoimmunity. The diagnosis is based on characteristic clinical features and biochemical abnormalities. If serum thyrotropin (TSH) is low, serum free thyroxine (FT4) and free triiodothyronine (FT3) concentrations should be measured to distinguish between subclinical (with normal circulating thyroid hormones) and overt hyperthyroidism (with increased circulating thyroid hormones). Graves' disease is treated with any of three effective and relatively safe initial treatment options: antithyroid drugs (ATDs), radioactive iodine ablation (RAIU), and surgery. Total thyroidectomy is favored in several clinical situations, such as intolerance, ineffectiveness or recurrence after ATD treatment, radioiodine therapy contraindicated, documented or suspected thyroid malignancy, one or more large thyroid nodules, coexisting moderate-to-severe active Graves' orbitopathy, women planning a pregnancy within 6 months. Whenever surgery is selected as treatment, selection of an expert high-volume thyroid surgeons is fundamental and careful preoperative management is essential to optimize surgical outcomes. Pretreatment with ATDs in order to promptly achieve the euthyroid state is recommended to avoid the risk of precipitating thyroid storm during surgery. For the majority of patients, euthyroidism is achieved after few weeks of ATD treatment. Beta-blockers, such as propranolol, are often added effectively to control hyperthyroid symptoms. Saturated solution of potassium iodide (SSKI) or potassium iodine (Lugol's solution), given for a short period prior to surgery, in order to reduce both thyroid hormone release and thyroid gland

  8. Epiteliopatía pigmentaria placoide posterior multifocal aguda unilateral. A propósito de un caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Isabel Díaz Zapién


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 48 años de edad, que inicia su cuadro clínico con disminución súbita de agudeza visual acompañado de la presencia de un escotoma central en ojo derecho unilateral, sin otros síntomas acompañantes, antecedentes personales patológicos negados, 4 semanas después la paciente recupera visión llegando a un 20/20 sin la presencia del escotoma. La epiteliopatía pigmentaria placoide posterior multifocal aguda (EPPPMA es una patología inflamatoria coriorretiniana, que se presenta en adultos jóvenes, sanos, sin predominio por algún género, produciendo alteraciones visuales agudas, con hallazgos fundoscópicos característicos de lesiones placoides blanco-amarillentas a nivel del epitelio pigmentario de la retina. El diagnóstico se basa en los datos clínicos y la evolución complementado con la fluorangiografía, la mayoría de los casos con buen pronóstico visual, con una recuperación de la agudeza visual completa dentro de las primeras 3-6 semanas.

  9. Reacciones adversas graves y mortales a los antimicrobianos. Sistema Cubano de Farmacovigilancia, 2003-2012

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    Ismary Alfonso Orta

    Full Text Available Introducción: las reacciones adversas a los antimicrobianos ocasionan más de 142 000 visitas a las salas de urgencias hospitalarias por año en los Estados Unidos. En Cuba han ocupado el primer lugar en el reporte, por ejemplo, en el año 2008 representaron el 31,4 % del total de las reacciones adversas graves y el 25 % de las reacciones adversas mortales. Objetivo: caracterizar las reacciones adversas graves y mortales a los antimicrobianos notificadas a la Unidad Nacional Coordinadora de Farmacovigilancia, durante el periodo 2003-2012. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de farmacovigilancia, observacional, descriptivo y transversal, utilizando la base de datos nacional de farmacovigilancia durante el periodo 2003-2012. Se trabajó con el total de reportes de reacciones adversas graves y mortales a los antimicrobianos. Las reacciones adversas se clasificaron según tipo de reacción, sistema de órgano afectado, imputabilidad y frecuencia. Se identificaron los principales antimicrobianos sospechosos y se estudiaron los pacientes que presentaron reacciones adversas según sexo y edad. Resultados: se detectaron 631 sospechas de reacciones adversas graves y mortales a los antimicrobianos, de ellas fueron 550 graves y 81 mortales. Predominaron el sexo femenino con 60,1 % y 405 adultos. Las reacciones adversas comprometieron los sistemas: general (30,4 %, respiratorio (25,2 % y cardiovascular (14,9 %. El shock anafiláctico fue la reacción más reportada y la penicilina el fármaco más relacionado con esta. El 73,5 % fueron probables y el 58,9 % ocasionales. Conclusiones: las reacciones adversas graves y mortales predominaron en el sexo femenino y en los adultos. La penicilina fue el fármaco más relacionado. Las reacciones adversas probables y ocasionales fueron la mayoría en el estudio.

  10. Effectiveness and Mechanism of Preoperative Lugol Solution for Reducing Thyroid Blood Flow in Patients with Euthyroid Graves' Disease. (United States)

    Huang, Shih-Ming; Liao, Wei-Ting; Lin, Chiou-Feng; Sun, H Sunny; Chow, Nan-Haw


    To reduce intraoperative and postoperative complications, using Lugol solution to preoperatively prepare patients with Graves' disease has (1) rapidly reduced the severity of thyrotoxicosis and (2) reduced the vascularity of the thyroid gland. The vascularity reduction normally accompanies reducing the severity of thyrotoxicosis. However, the effects and mechanism of Lugol solution for reducing blood flow have not been well investigated in the patients with euthyroid (normally functioning thyroid) Graves' disease. Twenty-five patients with euthyroid Graves' disease being preoperatively treated with Lugol solution for 10 days were measured, at baseline and on the operative day, for (1) superior thyroid artery blood flow; (2) systemic angiogenic factor (VEGF); and (3) systemic inflammatory factor [interleukin (IL)-16]. All three parameters were significantly (p Graves' disease. We recommend routine preoperative Lugol solution treatment for all patients with Graves' disease.

  11. Mortality in Graves' orbitopathy is increased and influenced by gender, age and pre-existing morbidity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schwensen, Charlotte F; Hjelm Brandt Kristensen, Frans; Hegedüs, Laszlo


    INTRODUCTION: It is unclear whether the excess mortality associated with Graves' disease differs between individuals with Graves' orbitopathy (GO) or without (GD). SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A nationwide, register-based cohort study in which all adult Danes diagnosed with GD (n = 28 461) and GO (n......-existing morbidity using the Charlson score. RESULTS: Adjusted mortality in Graves' disease overall (GD + GO) was significantly increased compared to that in the background population (HR = 1.18 (95% confidence interval: 1.15-1.21)). In GD and GO separately, adjusted mortality was also significantly higher than...

  12. Aesthetic refinements in the treatment of graves ophthalmopathy. (United States)

    Doumit, Gaby; Abouhassan, William; Yaremchuk, Michael J


    Graves ophthalmopathy is a chronic, multisystem, autoimmune disorder characterized by increased volume of intraorbital fat and hypertrophic extraocular muscles. Proptosis, impaired ocular motility, diplopia, lid retraction, and impaired visual acuity are treated with orbit decompression and fat reduction. The authors present the addition of skeletal augmentation to further improve periorbital aesthetics. Through a transconjunctival with lateral canthotomy incision, a balanced orbital decompression was executed, removing medial and lateral walls and medial floor. Intraorbital fat was excised. All patients underwent placement of porous polyethylene infraorbital rim implants and midface soft-tissue elevation, increasing inferior orbital rim projection and improving the globe-cheek relationship. From 2009 to 2012, 13 patients (11 female and two male; 26 eyes) with Graves ophthalmopathy underwent surgery at two institutions. Outcomes were evaluated for improvements of proptosis, diplopia, dry eye symptoms, and cosmetic satisfaction. Postoperative follow-up ranged from 0.5 to 3 years (median, 1.5 years). The mean improvement on Hertel exophthalmometry was 5.4 mm. Diplopia resolved in three patients (23 percent). No patients had worsening diplopia, and 12 (92 percent) discontinued use of eye lubricants. All patients had cosmetic satisfaction. One patient suffered temporary inferior orbital nerve paresthesia. There were no infections, hematomas, or ocular complications. Skeletal augmentation is a useful adjunct to orbital decompression and fat excision for treating Graves ophthalmopathy. Balanced orbital decompression with infraorbital rim implants is reliable, effective, and safe, with good, lasting results. Resolution of ocular symptoms is improved, as are the patient's personal well-being and social life, with a high-benefit-to-low-risk. Therapeutic, IV.

  13. Avaliação e tratamento da hiperglicemia em pacientes graves

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina Verçoza Viana


    Full Text Available A hiperglicemia é um problema frequentemente encontrado em pacientes graves em ambiente de terapia intensiva. Sua presença se associa ao aumento da morbidade e da mortalidade, independentemente da causa da admissão (infarto agudo do miocárdio, condição após cirurgia cardiovascular, acidente vascular cerebral e sepse. Entretanto, permanecem muitas dúvidas com relação à fisiopatologia e, particularmente, em relação ao tratamento da hiperglicemia no paciente graves. Na prática clínica, devem ser levados em consideração diversos aspectos para o controle desses pacientes, inclusive os alvos de glicemia, o histórico de diabetes mellitus, a via de nutrição (enteral ou parenteral e o equipamento de monitoramento disponível, o que aumenta substancialmente a carga de trabalho dos profissionais envolvidos nesse tratamento. Esta revisão descreveu a epidemiologia, a fisiopatologia, o tratamento e o monitoramento da hiperglicemia no paciente adulto grave.

  14. Fatores preditivos de coledocolitíase em doentes com pancreatite aguda biliar Predictors of choledocholithiasis in patients sustaining acute biliary pancreatitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Gustavo Parreira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o papel da fosfatase alcalina (FA, gama glutamiltransferase (gamaGT e ultra-sonografia (US como fatores preditivos de coledocolitíase em doentes com pancreatite aguda biliar (PAB. MÉTODOS: Os dados foram coletados prospectivamente durante um período de 31 meses. Quarenta doentes foram incluídos, sendo 30 mulheres, com média etária de 49 + 16 anos. Foram registrados os dados de todos os doentes com pancreatite aguda biliar. Aqueles doentes ictéricos e com a forma grave da doença foram excluídos. As dosagens de FA e GGT, assim como a US, eram realizadas na admissão e 48 horas antes da cirurgia. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à colangiografia intra-operatória (CIO ou à colangiografia retrógrada endoscópica (CPRE pré-operatória, que era definida baseada na probabilidade de coledocolitíase. Com o intuito de identificar os indicadores de coledocolitíase, as variáveis foram comparadas entre os pacientes com ou sem coledocolitíase. Os testes t de Student, Qui-quadrado e Fisher foram empregados para a análise estatística, considerando-se pBACKGROUND: To assess the role of alkaline phosphatase (AP, gamil-glutamyltransferase (gammaGT and abdominal ultrasound (US as predictors of choledocholithiasis in patients sustaining acute biliary pancreatitis. METHODS: Data was prospectively collected during a period of 31 months. Forty patients were included, 30 were female and the mean age was 49 + 16. All patients sustaining acute biliary pancreatitis were enrolled. Patients with clinical jaundice and severe pancreatitis were excluded. Serum content of AP and gGT as well as US were assessed at admission and 48 hours before cholecistectomy. All patients underwent intra-operative cholangiography (IOC or pre-operative endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERCP, which was indicated based on the odds of choledocholithiasis. In order to identify the predictors of choledocholithiasis, variables were compared between patients

  15. Graves' orbitopathy as a rare disease in Europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Perros, Petros; Hegedüs, L; Bartalena, L.


    BACKGROUND: Graves' orbitopathy (GO) is an autoimmune condition, which is associated with poor clinical outcomes including impaired quality of life and socio-economic status. Current evidence suggests that the incidence of GO in Europe may be declining, however data on the prevalence of this dise...

  16. Sjiele sacrifices, Odin treasures and Saami graves?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Inger Zachrisson


    Full Text Available This paper presents archaeological findings described as Saami metal deposits. These well-known "Finds from Lapp Places of Sacrifice", objects from the Viking Age and Early Middle Ages, were mostly found in northern Sweden. The author also presents a research project dealing with prehistoric and medieval Saami graves from the south Saami area.

  17. The observation of the therapeutic effectiveness of 131I on 260 youngster with Grave's hyperthyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Binwen; Gao Xiusheng; Zhang Yahua; Pu Dongli


    Objective: To study the therapeutic effect and find new ways on treatment of Grave's hyperthyroidism in youngsters. Methods: 260 Grave's hyperthyroidism patients (age under 21 years) treated with 131 I were followed up 1-16 years later. Results: 118 of all patients were cured and 55 cases improved, failed treatment 2 cases, subclinical hypothyroidism 9 cases, clinical hypothyroidism 6 cases. 35 cases were treated with 131 I two or three times. All the patients with subclinical hypothyroidism and clinical hypothyroidism caused by 131 I were cured with medicine. 131 I treatment had no effect on growth and mentality and didn't cause leukemia nor thyroid cancer. Conclusions: The therapy of youngsters with Grave's hyperthyroidism with 131 I has the same effectiveness as adult. To the youngster Grave's patients who failed medical treatment, therapy with 131 I is safe and effective. It leads to temporary hypothyroidism which can be cured with medicine, no delayed hypothyroidism has been found

  18. Paradoxical euthyroid hormone profile in a case of Graves' disease with cardiac failure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kapoor Aditya


    Full Text Available Abstract Cardiac failure is an uncommon complication of juvenile hyperthyroidism. We describe an adolescent boy with Graves' disease who developed manifestations of heart failure while on antithyroid medications. There was no evidence of any underlying cardiac disease. He had paradoxical euthyroid hormone profile which rose to hyperthyroid range when the manifestations of the cardiac failure subsided. The case highlights several unusual features of Graves' disease.

  19. Caries dental aguda del primer molar permanente en niños de 12 años

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Enrique Reyes Romagosa

    Full Text Available Introducción: el primer molar permanente es considerado la llave de la oclusión dentaria, la presencia de caries en éste es elevada, lo que dificulta el logro de las metas trazadas por organizaciones de salud a nivel mundial en este grupo de edad. Objetivo: determinar el comportamiento de la caries dental aguda en primer molar permanente en una población de 12 años de edad atendida en la Clínica Estomatológica Santa Cruz de la Parroquia Goaigoaza. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en la Clínica Estomatológica Santa Cruz. Parroquia Goaigoaza, municipio Puerto Cabello, estado Carabobo, en el período comprendido entre abril del 2009 a abril 2010. Se seleccionaron 97 pacientes de 12 años de edad los que constituyeron el universo y la muestra. Acudieron a la consulta por dolor debido a la presencia de caries dental aguda. Se registraron las variables: edad, sexo, grado clínico de la caries dental, estímulos externos que provocaron dolor, la cara dental y la arcada dentaria más afectadas. La información fue recogida mediante interrogatorio y examen clínico. Resultados: el sexo masculino representó el 63,9 %. La caries dental de 3er grado estuvo presente en un 68 %. Los estímulos externos que provocaron dolor fueron: el frío presente en 75,2 % y los alimentos dulces en 69,1 % en ambos sexos. El primer molar inferior derecho resultó más afectado (46,4 % que el izquierdo (36,1 %, así como la arcada dentaria inferior (25,8 % y la cara oclusal (64,9 %. Conclusiones: predominaron el sexo masculino y la caries dental aguda de 3er grado. El frío y los alimentos dulces fueron los estímulos externos más frecuentes. Los más afectados resultaron el primer molar inferior derecho, la cara oclusal y la arcada dentaria inferior.

  20. Diabetes insipidus como manifestação inicial de leucemia mieloide aguda em paciente com monossomia do cromossomo 7

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    Amanda Dias Lima Morais


    Full Text Available O diabetes insipidus (DI central é uma síndrome caracterizada pela incapacidade de concentração urinária devido à deficiência do hormônio antidiurético. O envolvimento do sistema nervoso central é frequente nas leucemias, mas a ocorrência de DI é rara e confere pior prognóstico. A patogênese do DI na leucemia não é totalmente conhecida, mas a infiltração do eixo hipotálamo-hipofisário por células leucêmicas parece ser um fator responsável. O presente relato descreve o caso de um paciente que apresentou DI como primeira manifestação de leucemia mieloide aguda e que evoluiu com dificuldades de ajustes do sódio sérico, da poliúria e da reposição volêmica, necessitando de permanência prolongada em unidade de cuidados intensivos. Palavras-chave: diabetes insipidus; leucemia mieloide aguda; monossomia; cromossomo 7.

  1. Hyperthyroidism in Patients with Graves' Ophthalmopathy, and Thyroidal, Skeletal and Eye Muscle Specific Type 2 Deiodinase Enzyme Activities. (United States)

    Molnár, Ildikó; Szentmiklósi, József A; Somogyiné-Vári, Éva


    Graves' ophthalmopathy is characterized by hyperthyroidism, which is associated with higher serum T 3 levels than T 4 due to deiodinase enzymes.The effect of Graves' patient's sera (n=52) with elevated thyroid hormone and TSH receptor or thyroid peroxidase antibody (anti-TPO) levels was investigated on thyroidal, skeletal and eye muscle type 2 deiodinase enzyme (DII) activities. DII activities were measured with 125 I-T 4 substrate, while thyroid hormone and antibody levels with immunoassays.In Graves' ophthalmopathy, sera with elevated FT 4 or FT 3 levels reduced DII activites remarkably in all tissue fractions. Thyroidal DII activities were lower than those using eye muscle fraction (0.6±0.22 vs 1.14±0.43 pmol/mg/min, PEffect of sera with increased FT 3 levels demonstrated also reduced DII activities in patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy after methimazole therapy compared to those who had no ophthalmopathy (2.88±2 vs 20.42±11.82 pmol/mg/min, PHyperthyroid sera with TSH receptor antibodies resulted in increased DII activities, while sera with anti-TPO antibodies were connected to lower DII activities in Graves' ophthalmopathy.In summary, the actions of hyperthyroid sera derived from patients with Graves' disease were tested on tissue-specific DII activities. Elevated FT 4 level-induced DII inactivation is present in Graves' ophthalmopathy, which seems to be also present at the beginning of methimazole therapy. Stimulating TSH receptor antibiodies increased DII activities via their nongenomic effects using sera of hyperthyroid Graves' ophthalmopathy, but anti-TPO antibodies could influence DII activities via altering FT 4 levels. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  2. A study of the effect of seasonal climatic factors on the electrical resistivity response of three experimental graves (United States)

    Jervis, John R.; Pringle, Jamie K.


    Electrical resistivity surveys have proven useful for locating clandestine graves in a number of forensic searches. However, some aspects of grave detection with resistivity surveys remain imperfectly understood. One such aspect is the effect of seasonal changes in climate on the resistivity response of graves. In this study, resistivity survey data collected over three years over three simulated graves were analysed in order to assess how the graves' resistivity anomalies varied seasonally and when they could most easily be detected. Thresholds were used to identify anomalies, and the ‘residual volume' of grave-related anomalies was calculated as the area bounded by the relevant thresholds multiplied by the anomaly's average value above the threshold. The residual volume of a resistivity anomaly associated with a buried pig cadaver showed evidence of repeating annual patterns and was moderately correlated with the soil moisture budget. This anomaly was easiest to detect between January and April each year, after prolonged periods of high net gain in soil moisture. The resistivity response of a wrapped cadaver was more complex, although it also showed evidence of seasonal variation during the third year after burial. We suggest that the observed variation in the graves' resistivity anomalies was caused by seasonal change in survey data noise levels, which was in turn influenced by the soil moisture budget. It is possible that similar variations occur elsewhere for sites with seasonal climate variations and this could affect successful detection of other subsurface features. Further research to investigate how different climates and soil types affect seasonal variation in grave-related resistivity anomalies would be useful.

  3. Comparison of curative effect of 131I and antithyroid drugs in Graves' disease: a meta analysis. (United States)

    Yuan, Ju; Lu, Xiuqing; Yue, Yan


    Radioactive 131I is currently reported to be a potential effective intervention for Graves' Disease treatment in China. Whether 131I treatment was associated with effective outcome or reduced risk of side effects, reccurence rate remained unknown. Eligible studies were selected from Chinese VIP, Wangfang, CNKI databases using the keywords "Iodine" and "Graves Disease". Finally, 13 clinical trials met the inclusion criterion and were included this meta-analysis. Our meta-analysis included 1355 patients diagnosed of Graves' Disease with regular anti-thyroid drugs oral administration and 1320 patients with 131I therapy. The results showed that there was significant symptom improvement with radioactive iodine intervention (Odd Ratio (OR)=4.50, 95% CI [3.55, 5.71], PGraves' Disease. Treatment with 131I was associated with better clinical outcome; it reduced side effects and reccurence rate but increased hypothyroidism in Graves' Disease.

  4. Efeitos de um programa de reabilitação acelerado após o tratamento cirúrgico da ruptura aguda do tendão de Aquiles


    Ott, Rafael Duvelius


    Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos de um protocolo acelerado de reabilitação (ACE) versus um protocolo tradicional de imobilização do tornozelo (TRA) sobre a função muscular e articular, após o tratamento cirúrgico da ruptura aguda do tendão de Aquiles. Método: 37 pacientes com diagnóstico de ruptura aguda do tendão de Aquiles foram submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico aberto com reparo término-terminal pela técnica de Krackow. Após a cirurgia, foram divididos em dois grupos: no grupo ACE foi utiliza...

  5. Avaliação do antígeno SAG2a recombinante de Toxoplasma gondii como um potencial marcador diagnóstico para Toxoplasmose humana aguda


    Béla, Samantha Ribeiro


    Proteínas recombinantes têm sido utilizadas para o diagnóstico sorológico da infecção por Toxoplasma gondii para diferenciar entre as fases aguda e crônica da toxoplasmose. Neste estudo, foi avaliada a reatividade de anticorpos IgG e IgG1 através de imunoensaios em soros de pacientes com toxoplasmose aguda e crônica dirigidos contra dois antígenos recombinantes clonados e expressos em E. coli, SAG2A (molécula recombinante total) e SAG2A(DELTA) (molécula recombinante deletada do...

  6. Atresia biliar: una enfermedad grave


    Ramonet, Margarita; Ciocca, Mirta; Alvarez, Fernando


    La atresia biliar es una grave enfermedad que se manifiesta en los recién nacidos, y se desconoce su causa. La inflamación y destrucciónprogresiva de los conductos biliares conducen a la aparición de ictericia, coluria y acolia entre la segunda y sexta semana de vida. Como existen múltiples causas de colestasis neonatal en esta etapa de la vida, es necesario realizar un diagnóstico y derivación precoz para ofrecer un tratamiento quirúrgico, con el fin de restablecer el flujo biliar. Alrededor...

  7. Neumonía aguda de la comunidad y hemorragia pulmonar por leptospirosis en el área metropolitana Buenos Aires

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alfredo Seijo


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo es comunicar los hallazgos epidemiológicos, clínicos y de diagnóstico de la neumonía y hemorragia pulmonar por leptospirosis, en el período enero 2007 a octubre 2009. Un 64% (20/31 de pacientes con diagnóstico de leptospirosis tuvieron neumonía. Quince de ellos (75% presentaron neumonía grave, de los cuales siete (35% desarrollaron hemorragia pulmonar. En diez enfermos (32% el motivo de consulta e inicio del cuadro clínico fue una gastroenteritis secretoria con fiebre y dolor abdominal. La ictericia sólo se manifestó en once pacientes (35%. La técnica de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR fue útil para el diagnóstico en muestra obtenida post mortem. De un hemocultivo se aisló una cepa clasificada dentro del serogrupo canicola. Se clasificaron las neumonías en tres tipos: neumonías de curso no grave con escasa repercusión general; neumonías graves asociadas a formas clínicas sistémicas con ictericia, insuficiencia renal, trombocitopenia y hemorragia pulmonar; también de curso grave, no asociada a ictericia, insuficiencia renal o trombocitopenia grave. El tratamiento antibiótico iniciado en los primeros días de enfermedad (promedio 3.2 días no tuvo influencia en la evolución de las neumonías graves. Se plantea además considerar tres formas clínicas de leptospirosis: anictérica, ictérica (con sus variantes evolutivas y hemorragia pulmonar.

  8. Classification of the eye changes of Graves' disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wiersinga, W. M.; Prummel, M. F.; Mourits, M. P.; Koornneef, L.; Buller, H. R.


    Classification of the eye changes of Graves' disease may have clinical use in the description of the present eye state, in the assessment of treatment results, and in the choice of therapy. Requirements for any classification system should include simplicity, clinical nature (i.e., easily carried

  9. Relationship between the management of Graves' disease and the course of Graves' ophthalmopathy: a systematic review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Suping; Kuang Anren


    Objective: To perform literature search and review on the controversial relationship between therapies of hyperthyroidism due to Graves' disease (GD) and the course of Graves' ophthalmopathy (GO). Methods: We searched the database of MEDLINE (1966-2006.3), EMBASE (1984-2005), Cochrane Library(2006 No. 1), CBMdisc (1978.1-2006.4) and CNKI (1994-2006). The methodological quality of the studies selected for review was assessed according to the quality assessment criteria suggested by the Cochrane systematic review guideline. Meta-analysis was performed by RevMan 4.2 software. Results: Eight studies were included in the systematic review. Meta-analysis showed that there was statistically significant difference between mi and other forms of therapy [surgery or antithyroid drugs (ATD)] (test value: 2.31, 5.97, 3.70, 5.55; all P 0.05). There were not yet any studies on the impact between early prevention of hypothyroidism after mi therapy and GO. Conclusions: Based on meta-analysis on literature data, if early measures are not performed to prevent hypothyroidism after mi therapy, it may induce or aggravate GO more frequently than ATD or surgical treatment. Symptomatic relief of GO after 131 I therapy is also less effective than the other 2 forms of therapy. Therefore, 131 I therapy should be delivered carefully in those patients with GO. (authors)

  10. The experience of gasless endoscopic-assisted thyroidectomy via the anterior chest approach for Graves' disease. (United States)

    Hong, Yun; Yu, Shi-Tong; Cai, Qian; Liang, Fa-Ya; Han, Ping; Huang, Xiao-Ming


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety, feasibility, effectiveness, and cosmesis of a gasless endoscopic-assisted thyroidectomy via the anterior chest in patients with Graves' disease. We retrospectively reviewed 38 patients with Graves' disease treated with thyroidectomy from November 2007 to June 2015. We analyzed clinical characteristics of patients, type of operation, operative indications, operative duration, length of postoperative hospital stay, and postoperative complications. The thyroidectomies were classified as total thyroidectomy (n = 12) or near-total thyroidectomy with a remnant of Graves' disease is a safe, feasible, and effective and provides an excellent cosmetic outcome procedure. It is a valid option in appropriately selected patients.

  11. Hypothyroid Graves' disease complicated with elephantiasis nostras verrucosa (ENV): a case report and review of the literature. (United States)

    Ukinç, Kubilay; Bayraktar, Miyase; Gedik, Arzu


    Thyroid dermopathy is not a frequent feature of hyperthyroid Graves' disease, being present in less than 5% of the patients. Graves' disease has been shown to exist in euthyroid or hypothyroid forms in untreated patients. Here, we describe a case of hypothyroid Graves' disease with elephantiasis nostras verrucosa (ENV), which is an extreme form of thyroid dermopathy (TD). A 58-year-old female patient was admitted to the emergency department with somnolence, hypothermia, and bradycardia. Her mental status gradually worsened, resulting in a deep coma. She was intubated and followed in the intensive care unit, as she needed mechanical ventilatory assistance due to respiratory failure. She also had bilateral non-pitting edema, a cobblestone-like appearance, and hyperkeratotic greenish-brown-colored lesions in the pretibial and dorsal regions of the feet that were compatible with ENV. Hypothyroid Graves' disease is a very rare condition among autoimmune thyroid disorders, and ENV is an extremely rare form of TD. Here, we present a patient with hypothyroid Graves' disease and ENV.

  12. Age and stress as determinants of the severity of hyperthyroidism caused by Graves' disease in newly diagnosed patients. (United States)

    Vos, Xander G; Smit, Natalie; Endert, Erik; Brosschot, Jos F; Tijssen, Jan G P; Wiersinga, Wilmar M


    The evidence that stress may provoke Graves' hyperthyroidism in genetically susceptible subjects is substantial. Whether exposure to stress is related to the severity of thyrotoxicosis has not been studied. Advancing age is associated with not only less severe Graves' hyperthyroidism but also self-reported stress. We tested the hypothesis whether advancing age is associated with less exposure to stress, resulting in a lower immunological response, and less severe Graves' hyperthyroidism. Cross-sectional multicenter study. Two hundred and sixty-three consecutive untreated patients with a first episode of Graves' hyperthyroidism were included. The severity of Graves' hyperthyroidism was evaluated biochemically (freeT(4)-index and freeT(3)-index, thyrotropin-binding inhibitory immunoglobulin (TBII)) and clinically by the hyperthyroid symptom scale score (HSS score). Stress exposure was quantitated by three questionnaires. Advancing age was associated with less severe Graves' hyperthyroidism, both biochemically by lower serum freeT(3)-index and freeT(4)-index (Phyperthyroidism. Advancing age was associated with lower scores for stress exposure. Multivariate regression analysis showed that HSS score was independently related to the tendency to report negative feelings (Phyperthyroidism. Because no direct relationship exists between stress exposure and TBII or freeT(3)-index and freeT(4)-index, we reject our hypothesis that less stress is causally related to biochemically less severe Graves' hyperthyroidism in old age. HSS score is primarily determined by negative feelings and not by age.

  13. Transposición del ligamento coracoacromial en el tratamiento quirúrgico de la luxación acromioclavicular aguda

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Osvaldo Pereda Cardoso


    Full Text Available Introducción: la luxación de la articulación acromioclavicular es frecuente en la práctica ortopédica diaria, estimándose su incidencia en aproximadamente el 10 % de todas las luxaciones alrededor del hombro. Existen numerosas técnicas quirúrgicas descritas para su tratamiento con resultados variables. Objetivo: describir la evolución clínica del dolor, la movilidad del hombro y la reincorporación de los pacientes a sus actividades habituales, con el uso de la técnica de transposición del ligamento acromioclavicular. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de descriptivo de 22 pacientes con diagnóstico de luxación acromioclavicular aguda tratados quirúrgicamente mediante la técnica mencionada; se tuvo en cuenta la evolución clínica del dolor, la movilidad del hombro y la reincorporación de los pacientes a sus actividades después de la cirugía, y para ello se empleó el test funcional de Imatani. Resultados: la transposición del ligamento coracoacromial resultó ser una técnica útil y relativamente sencilla para el tratamiento quirúrgico de la luxación acromioclavicular aguda, con muy buenos resultados inmediatos, se logró considerable disminución o alivio total del dolor y recuperación completa o casi completa del rango de movilidad de la articulación del hombro, que le permite al paciente una vez rehabilitado, reincorporarse a sus actividades habituales. Conclusiones: la transposición del ligamento coracoacromial resultó útil en el tratamiento quirúrgico de la luxación acromioclavicular aguda, en cuanto al alivio del dolor, la movilidad y reincorporación a las actividades habituales.

  14. [Grave's disease in children with 22q11 deletion. Report of three cases]. (United States)

    Gosselin, J; Lebon-Labich, B; Lucron, H; Marçon, F; Leheup, B


    Hypothyroidism is a well recognized complication of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. Auto-immune hyperthyroidism is less common. We report three patients with a 22q11.2 deletion and Graves' disease diagnosed at age 17, 14 and 11 years, respectively. The clinical and biological presentation was typical for auto-immune hyperthyroidism. Graves' disease should be periodically sought during the follow-up program of patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome.

  15. Determinación del nivel de colinesterasa sérica en una población ocupacionalmente expuesta a plaguicidas en el municipio Zona Bananera, Magdalena (Colombia), 2012


    Lozano-Socarras, Sonja Liliana


    Introducción: los compuestos organofosforados y carbamatos son los responsables de gran parte de las intoxicaciones por plaguicidas que tienen lugar en poblaciones laboralmente expuestas, dado que son los más usados en Colombia y son potentes inhibidores de las enzimas colinesterasas, causando graves intoxicaciones agudas de tipo laboral, y en algunas ocasiones con efectos a largo plazo. Objetivo: evaluar la cantidad de colinesterasa sérica en trabajadores bananeros expuestos ocupacionalmente...

  16. B-cell depletion with rituximab in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Graves' ophthalmopathy the latest addition to an expanding family

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Claus H; El Fassi, Daniel; Hasselbalch, Hans K


    of 10 Graves' disease patients remained in remission 400 days after rituximab treatment versus none in the control group, and remarkable improvements in the eye symptoms of patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy were observed. This supports a role for B cells in the pathogenesis of Graves' ophthalmopathy...

  17. Surto de toxoplasmose aguda transmitida através da ingestão de carne crua de gado ovino

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bonametti Ana Maria


    Full Text Available Os autores apresentam 17 casos de toxoplasmose aguda sintomática adquirida pela ingestão de carne crua de carneiro, servida em uma festa à qual todos os pacientes compareceram. Em relação ao quadro clínico, o período de incubação da doença variou de 6 a 13 dias (10,9 ± 7,0 e 16 (94,5% pacientes apresentaram febre, cefaléia, mialgia, artralgia e adenomegalia (cervical ou cervical/axilar. Outros sinais clínicos encontrados foram: hepatomegalia em 6 pacientes, esplenomegalia em 4 e exantema em 2. Um paciente apresentou quadro clínico de corioretinite, confirmada através de exame oftalmológico. Todos os pacientes apresentavam títulos séricos de anticorpos específicos (IgG e IgM que evidenciavam fase aguda de toxoplasmose, pela Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta. Todos os pacientes foram tratados especificamente e houve boa resposta clínica e laboratorial ao tratamento.

  18. Estrategia de atención de niños hospitalizados por infecciones respiratorias agudas bajas

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    Ana M Ferrari


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Mejorar la calidad de la atención hospitalaria de los niños con infecciones respiratorias agudas bajas, aumentar los conocimientos sobre esa patología y mejorar la eficiencia en el uso de los recursos asistenciales, por medio de una estrategia que se denominó Plan de Invierno.MÉTODOS: La estrategia se basó en la utilización de protocolos de diagnóstico y tratamiento, internación por cuidados progresivos y por enfermedad, adecuación de los recursos asistenciales y creación de un sistema de registro permanente, informatizado. Se incorporó la investigación sistemática de la etiología viral para racionalizar el uso de la medicación y reducir las infecciones intrahospitalarias. RESULTADOS: Durante la aplicación del Plan (19/V-19/IX/99 ingresaron 3.317 niños; 1.347 (40.61% presentaban infecciones respiratorias agudas bajas. Se captaron 1.096 (81%, de los cuales 71% eran menores de un año. Predominaron las infecciones respiratorias virales (68%. Los criterios de ingreso fueron saturación de oxígeno <95%, polipnea, tiraje o derrame pleural en el 92.4% de los niños. La magnitud de la demanda impidió que las pautas de aislamiento individual o en grupo se cumplieran en todos los casos. El uso de la medicación se ajustó a lo recomendado en un elevado porcentaje: no recibieron antibióticos 73% de las bronquiolitis ni 72% de las neumonías virales, y 96% de las neumonias bacterianas los recibieron según pauta; se redujo el uso de broncodilatadores y de corticoides. El gasto en medicamentos disminuyó fundamentalmente en el grupo de los corticoides y tuvo el mayor impacto en el costo por día/cama de antibióticos. CONCLUSIONES: Disminuir la morbimortalidad por infecciones respiratorias agudas bajas requiere continuar mejorando la calidad de la atención hospitalaria y fortalecer los programas de promoción de salud y de control de las enfermedades prevalentes, en el primer nivel de atención.

  19. Estrategia de atención de niños hospitalizados por infecciones respiratorias agudas bajas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ferrari Ana M


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Mejorar la calidad de la atención hospitalaria de los niños con infecciones respiratorias agudas bajas, aumentar los conocimientos sobre esa patología y mejorar la eficiencia en el uso de los recursos asistenciales, por medio de una estrategia que se denominó Plan de Invierno.MÉTODOS: La estrategia se basó en la utilización de protocolos de diagnóstico y tratamiento, internación por cuidados progresivos y por enfermedad, adecuación de los recursos asistenciales y creación de un sistema de registro permanente, informatizado. Se incorporó la investigación sistemática de la etiología viral para racionalizar el uso de la medicación y reducir las infecciones intrahospitalarias. RESULTADOS: Durante la aplicación del Plan (19/V-19/IX/99 ingresaron 3.317 niños; 1.347 (40.61% presentaban infecciones respiratorias agudas bajas. Se captaron 1.096 (81%, de los cuales 71% eran menores de un año. Predominaron las infecciones respiratorias virales (68%. Los criterios de ingreso fueron saturación de oxígeno <95%, polipnea, tiraje o derrame pleural en el 92.4% de los niños. La magnitud de la demanda impidió que las pautas de aislamiento individual o en grupo se cumplieran en todos los casos. El uso de la medicación se ajustó a lo recomendado en un elevado porcentaje: no recibieron antibióticos 73% de las bronquiolitis ni 72% de las neumonías virales, y 96% de las neumonias bacterianas los recibieron según pauta; se redujo el uso de broncodilatadores y de corticoides. El gasto en medicamentos disminuyó fundamentalmente en el grupo de los corticoides y tuvo el mayor impacto en el costo por día/cama de antibióticos. CONCLUSIONES: Disminuir la morbimortalidad por infecciones respiratorias agudas bajas requiere continuar mejorando la calidad de la atención hospitalaria y fortalecer los programas de promoción de salud y de control de las enfermedades prevalentes, en el primer nivel de atención.

  20. Characterization of radioiodine therapy failures in Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sabri, O.; Zimny, M.; Schreckenberger, M.; Reinartz, P.; Nowak, B.; Ostwald, E.; Schaefer, W.; Block, S.; Setani, K.; Buell, U.


    Aim of this study was a characterization of radioiodine therapy (RIT) failures in Graves' disease without simultaneous carbimazole. Method: 226 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of Graves' disease received 686.8 ± 376.4 MBq of iodine-131 orally for thyroid ablation. Target dose was 250 Gy. All patients were followed up for 6 months. Therapy failures were compared with successes regarding possible influencing variables initial thyroid volume, thyroid function, immune activity (TRAb), I-131 uptake, effective half-life, absorbed energy dose, age and gender. Results: 212 of 226 patients (93.8%) were treated successfully, 14 (6.2%) showed a hyperthyroidism relapse within 6 months which required a second radioiodine therapy. A success rate of 92.5% (62/67) could also be achieved with 67 patients who were hyperthyroid at the time of RIT. Compared to the therapy successes, the 14 failures achieved significantly lower absorbed doses (223.8 ± 76.6 Gy vs. 285.2 ± 82.1 Gy, p 0.2). Of the 14 failures, n = 8 reached an absorbed dose 250 Gy. Stepwise logistic regression revealed only absorbed energy dose as a variable significantly influencing therapy success (p 0.2) or gender (p = 0.13). Two-tailed Fisher's exact test showed no significant influence of gender on success rates (failures/successes: male 1/36, female 13/176, p = 0.48). Conclusions: Except for the absorbed energy dose, no other significant variable influencing the outcome of radioiodine therapy in Graves' disease without simultaneous carbimazole could be found. It should be noted, though, that 5 therapy failures (2.2%) reached an absorbed energy dose of >250 Gy. (orig.) [de

  1. Morbidade Materna Grave e Near Misses em Hospital de Referência Regional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Márcia Lait Morse


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar perfil epidemiológico da morbidade materna grave/near miss em uma maternidade pública de referência regional, utilizando diferentes critérios identificadores. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo de corte transversal dos casos de morbidade materna grave/near miss realizado em Hospital de referência regional entre junho e outubro de 2009, identificados a partir dos livros de registro de internação da maternidade e análise dos prontuários clínicos. Foram estudadas mulheres que, durante a gestação, parto ou puerpério, apresentaram qualquer quadro clínico compatível com os critérios definidores de morbidade materna grave/near miss de Waterstone et al., Mantel et al. e Organização Mundial de Saúde. RESULTADOS: Entre as 1.544 internações foram identificadas 89 mulheres com morbidade materna grave, considerando os critérios adotados. As razões de morbidade materna grave/near miss variaram entre 81,4 a 9,4 por 1.000 NV, dependendo do critério utilizado. O índice de Mortalidade foi de 3,2%, chegando a 23% no critério da OMS. Das 89 mulheres, apenas 40% fizeram mais de seis consultas de pré-natal e 10% não realizaram qualquer consulta. Os marcadores mais encontrados foram a pré-eclâmpsia grave seguida de hemorragia grave, internação em UTI, Síndrome HELLP e eclâmpsia. Ocorreram três mortes maternas por causas obstétricas com RMM de 280/100.000 NV e uma morte tardia. O critério da OMS se mostrou mais específico, identificando os casos mais graves, enquanto o de Waterstone foi mais sensível. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo da morbidade materna grave/near miss em um hospital de referência regional pode contribuir para o conhecimento da magnitude deste evento, como também identificar suas características e condições clínicas mais frequentes, sendo extremamente importante para o enfrentamento da morbi-mortalidade materna.OBJECTIVE: To investigate severe maternal morbidity/near misses in a tertiary

  2. Hemiplejía aguda infantil asociada a infección por enterovirus


    Muñoz, Erika; Caramuta, Luciana; Frenkel, Susana; Cáceres, Lidia


    El ictus isquémico en la infancia es una entidad infrecuente, en el 50% de los casos no existe una causa identificable. Sin embargo, con el advenimiento de nuevas técnicas diagnósticas se han podido conocer más afecciones causales. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 9 años con hemiplejía aguda izquierda, con estudios de neuroimágenes poco significativos y en la cual el análisis del líquido cefalorraquídeo por método de reacción en cadena de polimerasa (PCR) para ARN viral, fue positivo pa...

  3. Analysis of the factors associated with Tc-99m pertechnetate uptake in thyrotoxicosis and Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kidokoro-kunii, Yo; Emoto, Naoya; Cho, Keiichi; Oikawa, Shinichi


    To determine the factors associated with 20 minute Tc-99m pertechnetate thyroid uptake, we examined all patients in whom thyrotoxicosis was diagnosed at Chiba-Hokusoh Hospital, Nippon Medical School from 2001 April through 2003 March. Patients with thyrotoxicosis diagnosed during this period were 57 with Graves' disease (76%), 11 with transient hyperthyroxinemia (TH) (14.7%), and 7 with subacute thyroiditis (SAT) (9.3%). The uptake of Tc-99m ranged from 0.97% to 40.1% in Graves' disease and from 0.15% to 0.8% in TH. Although TH may include spontaneous resolution of Graves' disease as well as painless thyroiditis, no treatment was necessary for these patients. Uptake in all patients with SAT was less than 0.5%. There were significant correlations between the level of Tc-99m uptake and the levels of free triiodothyronine (fT3), free thyroxine (fT4), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)-binding inhibitory immunoglobulin (TBII), and thyroid stimulating antibody (TSAb) in patients with Graves' disease. Older patients with Graves' disease showed lower uptake than did younger patients. Both Tc-99m pertechnetate uptake and TBII levels, but not fT3, fT4 or TSAb levels, at the beginning of antithyroid drug treatment correlated significantly with the duration of treatment until the daily dose of methimazole reached 5 mg. These data suggest that Tc-99m pertechnetate uptake reflects the severity of Graves' disease and its response to the medical treatment and that antithyroid drug therapy is not necessary when the uptake is less than 0.9%. (author)

  4. Course of depression in Cushing's syndrome: response to treatment and comparison with Graves' disease. (United States)

    Sonino, N; Fava, G A; Belluardo, P; Girelli, M E; Boscaro, M


    Depression in a common, life-threatening complication of Cushing's syndrome and may occur in several other endocrine disorders. It is not clear, however, whether distinct features pertain to hypercortisolism. We studied depression in Cushing's syndrome differentiating pituitary-dependent and pituitary-independent forms, its incidence compared to Graves' disease, and its appearance in the prodromal phase of both conditions. To 66 consecutive patients with Cushing's syndrome and 70 with Graves' disease, after treatment, a semistructured interview for depressive symptoms based on Paykel's clinical interview for depression was administered. In Cushing's syndrome, the response of depression to normalization of urinary cortisol levels was evaluated by Kellner's global rating method. There was a significant difference in the occurrence of depression (p Cushing's syndrome (62%) and Graves' disease (23%). Depression appeared in the prodromal phase in 27% of patients with Cushing's syndrome and in 14% of those with Graves' disease, but the difference was not significant. In Cushing's syndrome, there were no significant differences in depression between patients with pituitary-dependent (n = 41) and pituitary-independent (n = 20) forms, or in their response to treatment. About 70% of patients fully recovered from their depression, whereas there was no substantial change in the others and even worsening in 2. Our findings in Cushing's syndrome and Graves' disease are in agreement with previous investigations using specific diagnostic criteria for depression. We found a tendency for this symptom to manifest in the prodromal phase of both illnesses. An endocrine etiology should be, therefore, considered in depressed patients not responding to standard psychiatric treatment.

  5. Long-term results of radiotherapy for 104 patients with Graves' orbitopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qu Baolin; Yang Dong; Feng Linchun; Luo Zhiyuan


    Objective: To evaluate the long-term outcome and the sequelae of Graves' orbitopathy treated with radiotherapy, and to specify the prognostic factors. Methods: From 1979 to 1999, 104 patients with progressive Graves' orbitopathy were treated with conventional orbital radiotherapy. Post globe and pituitary irradiation of 25-35 Gy was given to 56 patients, which was followed by a boost of 15-20 Gy to the pituitary. Follow-up time was 7.5 - 25.0 years. The result of radiotherapy was analyzed. Results: Overall response rate was 71.1%. The response rate of patients with soft-tissue infiltration, corneal involvement, proptosis, sight loss and extraocular muscle dysfunction was 88.4%, 75.1%, 55.6%, 68.8% and 64.4%, respectively. Twelve patients (11.5%) developed cataracts 2.5-18.3 years (median 11.2 years) after irradiation. One patient developed left-eye retinopathy 3.2 years after irradiation. No patient developed secondary tumor within the irradiation field. Conclusions: Orbital radiotherapy for progressive Graves' orbitopathy, being effective and safe, can control the disease progression and improve the symptoms. The side effect of radiotherapy is fewer than other treatment modalities. (authors)

  6. Ciencia, tecnología y sociedad: reflexiones sobre el tratamiento antimicrobiano secuencial en la apendicitis aguda complicada

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    José Carlos Bueno Rodríguez

    Full Text Available Actualmente los estudios de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad (CTS constituyen un importante espacio de trabajo en la política pública, la educación y la investigación. La introducción de nuevos procedimientos y tecnologías en la atención médica debe analizarse desde la perspectiva de los estudios de CTS porque requiere de un sustento científico-tecnológico y tiene que cumplir, entre otros, con los requisitos éticos de aplicabilidad a los seres humanos. La utilización secuencial de los antimicrobianos en el tratamiento postoperatorio de la apendicitis aguda complicada en los niños, constituye una modificación de la terapéutica comúnmente empleada en Cuba y en muchas instituciones de salud del mundo. El presente trabajo muestra una reflexión sobre los pilares científicos, tecnológicos y sociales que sustentan la aplicación de un nuevo protocolo de tratamiento con el uso secuencial de los antimicrobianos en los niños con apendicitis aguda complicada.

  7. Abordaje transumbilical en pacientes pediátricos con sospecha de apendicitis aguda. Un serie de 424 pacientes

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    Luis Augusto Zárate Suárez


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: El tratamiento de la apendicitis aguda implica su extirpación; es frecuente la solicitud de cicatrices postquirúrgicas del mejor tamaño posible. Una de las estrategias disponibles es el abordaje transumbilical. Objetivos: Descubrir las características clínicas y los desenlaces operatorios de los pacientes pediátricos en quienes se realiza apendicectomía vía transumbilical. Metodología: Estudio prospectivo de 424 pacientes sucesivos en cuanto a los desenlaces operatorios a corto plazo. Resultados: El tiempo promedio de intervención quirúrgica fue de 22 minutos; 95,8% de los pacientes presentó evolución satisfactoria del postquirúrgico; 1,4% de los pacientes se reintervino para drenar un absceso intracavitario residual y 0,2% presentó infencción de sitio operatorio sin mas complicaciones. Conclusión: El abordaje transumbilical de la apendicitis es una alternativa minimamente invasiva para todos los estados de apendicitis aguda e implica disminución del tiempo de realización, menor estancia del postquirúrgico, menor incidencia de complicaciones y mayor conformidad con los resultados estéticos.

  8. Radioreceptor assay study of thyrotropin receptor antibody (TRAb) in Grave's diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu Chao; Lin Xiangtong


    Here was reported the assay system using pig thyroid TSH receptor and 125 I-bTSH purified by receptor of thyroid cell membrane for the study of TRAb activity. The binding rate of ASH soluble receptor with 125 I-bTSH was 22.2 ∼ 37.4%, while as the control was only 1.0 ∼ 2.1%. TRAb was measured clinically in 48 cases of Grave's diseases and 25 normal persons. The TSH binding inhabitory index(TRII) was introduced for reflection of TRAb activity. The results showed that TBII was positure in 30 of 48 patients of Grave's diseases, the detctactibility was 79.2%

  9. The change of serum TRAb after 131I radiotherapy in patients of Graves' hyperthyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cui Bangping; Jiang Changbin; Hu Wei; Yang Jianhua; Guo Zugao


    Objective: The clinical value of thyrotrophin receptor antibody (TRAb) in patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism was investigated during 131 I radiotherapy. Methods: A total of 130 patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism and 50 normal controls were included in the study. Serum concentration of TRAb was measured by radioreceptor assay (RRA) before and at 3, 6, 12 and 24 months after 131 I radiotherapy. Results: Abnormally higher TRAb level [(92.93±68.99)U/L] was noted in patients before treatment(P 131 I radiotherapy, the TRAb [(12.99±5.52) U/L] was back to normal with no difference to that of controls (P>0.05). Conclusion: Serum concentration of TRAb was of clinical significance in the diagnosis of Graves' hyperthyroidism and in the monitoring of 131 I radiotherapy. (authors)

  10. Clinical evaluation of the 2nd generation radio-receptor assay for anti-thyrotropin receptor antibodies (TRAb) in Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giovanella, L.; Ceriani, L.; Garancini, S.


    Full text: Detection of autoantibodies to the TSH receptor by radioreceptorial assays (RRA) is largely requested in clinical practice for the diagnosis of Graves' disease and its differentiation from diffuse thyroid autonomy. Additionally, TRAb measurement during antithyroid drug treatment can be useful to evaluate the risk of disease's relapse alter therapy discontinuation. Nevertheless, some patients affected by Graves' disease are TRAb negative when 1st generation assay is used. Recently a new RRA method for TRAb assay was developed by using human recombinant TSH-receptor and solid-phase technique. Aim of our work was the comparison between 1st and 2nd generation TRAb assays in Graves' disease patients and, particularly, the evaluation of 2nd generation test in a sub-group of patients affected by Graves' disease but with negative 1st generation TRAb assay. We evaluated the diagnostic performance of a newly developed 2nd generation TRAb assay (DYNOtest(r) TRAK human, BRAHMS Diagnostica GmbH, Germany) in 46 patients affected by Graves' disease with negative 1st generation TRAb assay (TRAK Assay(r), BRAHMS Diagnostica GmbH, Germany) . A control groups of 50 Graves' disease patients with positive 1st generation TRAb assay, 50 patients affected by Hashimoto's thyroiditis and 50 patients affected by nodular goiter were also examined. 41 out of 46 patients affected by Graves' disease with negative 1st generation TRAb assay showed a positive 2nd generation test. The overall sensitivity of the 2nd generation test was significantly improved respect the 1st generation assay in Graves' disease patients (χ 2 = 22.5, p<0.0001). 1 and 3 out of 50 patients affected by Hashimoto's thyroiditis were positive by 1st and 2nd generation TRAB assay, respectively. All these patients showed primary hypothyroidism. No differences resulted in euthyroid Hashimoto's thyroiditis sub-group and in nodular goiter control group. The 2nd generation TRAB assay is clearly more sensitive than the 1

  11. Diagnósticos de enfermagem em adultos com leucemia mielóide aguda


    Souza, Luccas Melo de; Gorini, Maria Isabel Pinto Coelho


    Trata-se de um estudo de casos, que objetivou identificar os Diagnósticos de Enfermagem (DE) de pacientes adultos com Leucemia Mielóide Aguda, a fim de fornecer subsídios à Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem. Utilizaram-se as técnicas de entrevista e observação, além da aplicação do Processo de Enfermagem. Durantes os três meses da coleta de dados, outros DEs foram encontrados através de novas buscas nos prontuários dos 6 pacientes. Os 32 DEs encontrados foram agrupados conforme a Te...



    Hidalgo M,Juan José; Molina P,Marta; Varo GM,Begoña; Rivas R,Salvador; Bernabeu A,José Ramón; Perales M,Alfredo


    La apendicitis aguda es la urgencia quirúrgica no obstétrica más frecuente durante el embarazo. Se ha asociado a parto pretérmino y a morbimortalidad fetal y materna, especialmente cuando se complica con peritonitis. Los cambios anatómicos, fisiológicos y bioquímicos que se producen durante la gestación pueden alterar los síntomas y signos típicos asociados a la apendicitis. Esto puede retrasar el diagnóstico y dar lugar a un aumento de la morbimortalidad materna y fetal. Presentamos el caso ...

  13. Guide-line of the radio-iodine (131I) therapy in Graves' disease and thyroid cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mori, Yutaka; Ikekubo, Katsuji


    Radio-iodine ( 131 I) therapy has been using in Graves' disease and well differentiated thyroid cancer. The rules of control in the discharge from radio-isotope hospital were notified in 1999 in Japan. Guideline of the 131 I therapy in Graves' disease and thyroid cancer were prepared by sub-group of Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine. (author)

  14. Dosimetry-based treatment for Graves' disease. (United States)

    Hyer, Steve L; Pratt, Brenda; Gray, Matthew; Chittenden, Sarah; Du, Yong; Harmer, Clive L; Flux, Glenn D


    The aim of this retrospective study was to assess the long-term outcome of a personalized dosimetry approach in Graves' disease aiming to render patients euthyroid from a planned thyroid absorbed dose of 60 Gy. A total of 284 patients with Graves' disease were followed prospectively following administration of radioiodine calculated to deliver an absorbed dose of 60 Gy. Patients with cardiac disease were excluded. Outcomes were analysed at yearly intervals for up to 10 years with a median follow-up of 37.5 months. A single radioiodine administration was sufficient to render a patient either euthyroid or hypothyroid in 175 (62%) patients, the remainder requiring further radioiodine. The median radioactivity required to deliver 60 Gy was 77 MBq. Less than 2% patients required 400-600 MBq, the standard activity administered in many centres. In the cohort receiving a single administration, 38, 32 and 26% were euthyroid on no specific thyroid medication at 3, 5 and 10 years, respectively. Larger thyroid volumes were associated with the need for further therapy. The presence of nodules on ultrasonography did not adversely affect treatment outcome. A personalized dosimetric approach delayed the long-term onset of hypothyroidism in 26% of patients. This was achieved using much lower administered activities than currently recommended. Future studies will aim to identify those patients who would benefit most from this approach.

  15. Intoxicación aguda por cocaína en un lactante no asociada a lactancia materna: A propósito de un caso clínico


    Decia1, Mónica; Pan, Melina; Telechea, Héctor; Laborde, Amalia; Menchaca, Amanda


    La intoxicación aguda por cocaína es infrecuente en lactantes y niños. Las formas más frecuentes de presentación clínica son las convulsiones tónico-clónicas en apirexia, alteraciones motoras y la excitación psicomotriz. Se presenta el caso de un lactante de 1 mes que ingresó a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos de Niños del Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell por una intoxicación aguda por cocaína. El cuadro clínico consistió en manifestaciones secundarias a un estado hiperadrenérgico generali...

  16. Conservative approach versus urgent appendectomy in surgical management of acute appendicitis with abscess or phlegmon Resultados del tratamiento conservador inicial y de la cirugía urgente en la apendicitis aguda evolucionada

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    J. M. Aranda-Narváez


    Full Text Available Background: Surgical management of acute appendicitis with appendiceal abscess or phlegmon remains controversial. We studied the results of initial conservative treatment (antibiotics and percutaneous drainage if necessary, with or without interval appendectomy compared with immediate surgery. Methods: We undertook an observational, retrospective cohort study of patients with a clinical and radiological diagnosis of acute appendicitis with an abscess or phlegmon, treated in our hospital between January 1997 and March 2009. Patients younger than 14, with severe sepsis or with diffuse peritonitis were excluded. A study group of 15 patients with acute appendicitis complicated with an abscess or phlegmon underwent conservative treatment. A control group was composed of the other patients, who all underwent urgent appendectomy, matched for age and later randomized 1:1. The infectious risk stratification was established with the National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance System (NNIS index. Dependent variables were hospital stay and surgical site infection. Analysis was with SPSS, with p Introducción: Existe controversia acerca del tratamiento idóneo de la apendicitis aguda evolucionada en forma de absceso o flemón. Realizamos un estudio para la evaluación de resultados del tratamiento conservador inicial (antibiótico y drenaje percutáneo si se precisa, con/sin apendicectomía diferida y del tratamiento quirúrgico urgente. Método: Estudio observacional analítico de cohortes retrospectivas. Criterios de inclusión: pacientes con diagnóstico clínico y radiológico de apendicitis aguda evolucionada en forma de absceso o flemón, tratados en nuestro hospital entre enero 1997 y marzo 2009, excluyendo pacientes pediátricos, con sepsis grave o peritonitis difusa. En 15 pacientes con apendicitis complicada con absceso o flemón (cohorte de estudio se indicó tratamiento conservador inicial. El grupo control se obtuvo del resto de pacientes (en

  17. Orbital flourine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in patients with Graves' disease for evaluation of active inflammation. (United States)

    Uslu-Beşli, Lebriz; Kabasakal, Levent; Sağer, Sait; Cicik, Erdoğan; Asa, Sertaç; Sönmezoğlu, Kerim


    Prediction and early diagnosis of orbitopathy is needed in patients with Graves' disease, especially when radioiodine therapy is planned. Positron emission tomography/computerized tomography (PET/CT) using flourine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) is an effective imaging modality in detection of inflammation, however, its ability to detect orbital inflammation has not been well studied. The aim of our study is to determine the ability of FDG PET/CT to detect orbital inflammation related with Graves' disease, identify active orbitopathy, predict the radioiodine-triggered orbitopathy, and find out the effects of radioiodine on orbital inflammation. Total 31 Graves' disease patients and 17 controls were included. All Graves' disease patients underwent cranial FDG PET/CT imaging prior therapy. Radioiodine therapy and post-treatment PET/CT study was applied to 21 patients. PET/CT images of all examinees were evaluated, measuring extraocular muscle maximum standard uptake value (SUVmax) and muscle thickness. FDG uptake was increased in the majority of extraocular muscles in Graves' disease patients in comparison to controls and this increase was found to be irrelevant from muscle thickness. Extraocular muscle SUVmax values did not increase in Graves' orbitopathy patients who received radioiodine under corticosteroid prophylaxis. SUVmax level of all orbital rectus muscles were increased after radioiodine therapy in nonsmokers, whereas no increase was detected in smokers. FDG PET/CT may be helpful in detection of extraocular muscle inflammation and it may show ongoing orbitopathy in early stages of inflammation before anatomical changes occur.

  18. Actualización en el tratamiento del síndrome urémico hemolítico endémico: Patogénesis y tratamiento de la complicación sistémica más grave de las infecciones por Escherichia coli productor de toxina Shiga

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    Romina J. Fernández-Brando


    Full Text Available La forma típica o post-diarreica del síndrome urémico hemolítico (SUH es la complicación más grave de las infecciones por cepas de Escherichia coli productoras de toxina Shiga (STEC. En la Argentina el SUH es un problema crítico de salud pública, ya que representa la principal causa de falla renal aguda en la infancia, la segunda causa de falla renal crónica, y aporta el 20% de los casos de transplante renal durante la infancia y la adolescencia. A pesar de los avances en el conocimiento de su patogénesis, el único tratamiento actual de los pacientes con SUH es de sostén, y no existen terapias específicas ni preventivas. En la presente revisión expondremos los conocimientos básicos de los mecanismos patogénicos y discutiremos los enfoques terapéuticos tradicionales e innovadores, con especial foco en la situación nacional y los aportes hechos por grupos de la Argentina.

  19. James George Frazer’s Anthropologic Heritage in the Work of Robert Graves

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    Tomislav M. Pavlović


    Full Text Available The works of Sir James George Frazer had an outstanding influence on the literature of modernism. Among those who benefited from Frazer’s ritualism were W. B. Yeats, T. S. Eliot. James Joyce, Ernest Hemingway, D. H. Lawrence, Ezra Pound, Mary Renault, Joseph Campbell, Robert Graves and many others. Robert Graves was known for his famous adaptation of Frazer’s concept of the sacred king who is sacrificed for the benefit of his subjects thus forming the narrative frame for the one of his most controversial novels. The dying king is also identified with the poet striving to attain the favour of the Triple Muse Goddess - who represents the embodiment of true poetic inspiration. The aforementioned concept is not the only thing that Graves inherited from his famous ancestor. In our analysis we laid stress on the customs, rituals, magic symbols and deities both authors dealt with. We also observed a striking resemblance of the style Greves and Frazer developed and their euchemeristic approach to myths as well.

  20. Inmunofenotipaje celular en el diagnóstico de las leucemias agudas híbridas Cellular immunophenotyping in the diagnosis of acute hybrid leukemias

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    Vianed Marsán Suárez


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron 118 leucemias agudas en un período de 4 años. El fenotipaje celular se realizó a través del ultramicrométodo inmunocitoquímico (UMICIQ, mediante la utilización de un panel de anticuerpos monoclonales con el que se evaluó la expresión de antígenos linfoides y mieloides. La expresión de antígenos mieloides en pacientes con leucemia linfoide aguda se encontró en el 28,4 % y de antígenos linfoides en pacientes con leucemia mieloide aguda en el 56,7 %. Las leucemias agudas híbridas representaron el 16,1 % del total de pacientes estudiados: 73,7 % al inicio de la enfermedad y el 26,3 % restante en el estudio posterior al tratamiento de inducción de la remisión, lo que sugiere en estos últimos la posibilidad de cambio de linaje por la selección de variantes resistentes a drogas procedentes del clon original, o la aparición de neoplasias secundarias por el uso de drogas genotóxicas118 acute leukemias were studied during 4 years. The cellular phenotyping was carried out through the immunocytochemical ultramicromethod by using a panel of monoclonal antibodies with which the expression of lymphoid and myeloid antigens was evaluated. The expression of myeloid antigens in patients with acute lymphoid leukemia was found in 28.4 %, whereas the expression of lymphoid antigens in patients suffering from acute myeloid leukemia was observed in 56.7 %. The acute hybrid leukemias accounted for 16.1 % of the total of patients studied: 73.7 % at the onset of the disease and the other 26.3 % in the study following the induction treatment of the referred patients, which suggests in the latter the possibility of changing lineage by selecting variantes resistant to drugs from the original clon, or the appearance of secondary neoplasias due to the use of genotoxic drugs

  1. El problema Patogénico de las Pancreatitis Agudas. Lesiones producidas por la Etionina.


    Pera Blanco-Morales, Cristóbal


    Cuando en el año 1952 realizamos una extensa revisión del problema de la necrosis aguda del páncreas, conveníamos en que eran tres las razones que justifican el gran interés que el estudio de esta afección conserva en la actualidad: a) Las dudas existentes acerca de su etiología y patogénesis. b) La extraordinaria gravedad del proceso que conduce a la muerte en una elevada proporción de casos. c) La incertidumbre sobre cua...

  2. Multi-center study on the characteristics and treatment strategies of patients with Graves' orbitopathy: the first European Group on Graves' Orbitopathy experience

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Prummel, Mark F.; Bakker, Annemieke; Wiersinga, Wilmar M.; Baldeschi, Lelio; Mourits, Maarten P.; Kendall-Taylor, Pat; Perros, Petros; Neoh, Chris; Dickinson, A. Jane; Lazarus, John H.; Lane, Carol M.; Heufelder, Armin E.; Kahaly, George J.; Pitz, Suzanne; Orgiazzi, Jacques; Hullo, Alain; Pinchera, Aldo; Marcocci, Claudio; Sartini, Maria S.; Rocchi, Roberto; Nardi, Marco; Krassas, Gerry E.; Halkias, A.


    To improve management of patients with Graves' orbitopathy, a multi-center collaborative approach is necessary in order to have large enough sample sizes for meaningful randomized clinical trials. This is hampered by a lack of consensus on how to investigate the eye condition. The European Group on

  3. Earliest floral grave lining from 13,700-11,700-y-old Natufian burials at Raqefet Cave, Mt. Carmel, Israel. (United States)

    Nadel, Dani; Danin, Avinoam; Power, Robert C; Rosen, Arlene M; Bocquentin, Fanny; Tsatskin, Alexander; Rosenberg, Danny; Yeshurun, Reuven; Weissbrod, Lior; Rebollo, Noemi R; Barzilai, Omry; Boaretto, Elisabetta


    Flowering plants possess mechanisms that stimulate positive emotional and social responses in humans. It is difficult to establish when people started to use flowers in public and ceremonial events because of the scarcity of relevant evidence in the archaeological record. We report on uniquely preserved 13,700-11,700-y-old grave linings made of flowers, suggesting that such use began much earlier than previously thought. The only potentially older instance is the questionable use of flowers in the Shanidar IV Neanderthal grave. The earliest cemeteries (ca. 15,000-11,500 y ago) in the Levant are known from Natufian sites in northern Israel, where dozens of burials reflect a wide range of inhumation practices. The newly discovered flower linings were found in four Natufian graves at the burial site of Raqefet Cave, Mt. Carmel, Israel. Large identified plant impressions in the graves include stems of sage and other Lamiaceae (Labiatae; mint family) or Scrophulariaceae (figwort family) species; accompanied by a plethora of phytoliths, they provide the earliest direct evidence now known for such preparation and decoration of graves. Some of the plant species attest to spring burials with a strong emphasis on colorful and aromatic flowers. Cave floor chiseling to accommodate the desired grave location and depth is also evident at the site. Thus, grave preparation was a sophisticated planned process, embedded with social and spiritual meanings reflecting a complex preagricultural society undergoing profound changes at the end of the Pleistocene.

  4. Etnografía de la infección respiratoria aguda en una zona rural del altiplano mexicano Ethnography of acute respiratory illnesses in a rural zone of the Mexican central highlands

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    Full Text Available Objetivo. Identificar los términos utilizados por las madres para referirse a enfermedades, signos y síntomas relacionados con infecciones respiratorias agudas, así como los signos de alarma que las motivan a buscar atención médica; asimismo, describir prácticas comunes de manejo de la enfermedad en el hogar. Material y métodos. Se trata de un estudio etnográfico en seis comunidades rurales del altiplano mexicano. Se entrevistó a 12 informantes clave, a seis madres de niños fallecidos por infección respiratoria aguda, y a 24 madres de niños menores de cinco años, con diversas técnicas etnográficas para complementar la información obtenida ("triangulación". Resultados. Las enfermedades comúnmente identificadas incluyeron gripa, anginas, tos, bronquitis, pulmonía, neumonía y "broncomonía". Los síntomas clave para el diagnóstico fueron escurrimiento de moco nasal, dolor de garganta, tos, dolor de cabeza o de cuerpo, calentura, "hervor" de pecho, y referencias a que el niño "está molesto o llorón", se pone morado o le hace falta el aire. La taquipnea fue referida como "respira fuerte", "respira mucho", "respira rápido" y "tiene sesido"; el tiraje, "se le hunde el pecho"; el estridor, como "quejido o ronquido de pecho"; la sibilancia, como "ronquido de pecho", y para la cianosis; "se pone morado". Entre los tratamientos ofrecidos en el hogar destacan el uso de tés, aplicación de limón, jitomate, tomate o papa en la garganta, y aplicación de sebo o pomada en pecho y espalda. No fue común la autoprescripción de antibióticos pero sí la de antipiréticos. La mayoría de las madres reconoció enfermedades leves y, en menor proporción, graves. Ante un caso grave de insuficiencia respiratoria aguda, la opción más frecuentemente elegida fue acudir a la clínica del proyecto; en segundo lugar al médico particular en la cabecera municipal, y al hospital de la Secretaría de Salud en la Jurisdicción. La cercanía y el

  5. Mediastinal neoplasms in patients with Graves disease: a possible link between sustained hyperthyroidism and thymic neoplasia?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Boyd Jonathan D


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Anterior mediastinal masses are a rare but well documented finding in Graves disease. The vast majority of these lesions represents benign thymic hypertrophy and regress after treatment of the hyperthyroidism. A small percentage of these cases however represent neoplastic/malignant diseases which require further treatment. Cases 12 year old boy with one year history of refractory Graves disease was found to have an anterior mediastinal mass and underwent curative thyroidectomy for sustained hyperthyroidism. Cervical lymphadenopathy was detected during the procedure and biopsy was obtained. A 23 year old woman who presented with a one month history of hyperthyroid symptoms, was diagnosed with Graves disease and also was found to have an anterior mediastinal mass on imaging. Biopsy of the anterior mediastinal mass was obtained and subsequently the patient underwent robotic thymectomy. Histologic examination and immunophenotyping of the cervical lymph node in a 12 year old boy revealed neoplastic proliferation of T lymphoblasts diagnostic of T lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma. Examination of the anterior mediastinal mass biopsy in the 23 year old woman revealed type B1 thymoma which was confirmed after examination of the subsequent robotic thymectomy specimen. Conclusion This is the first reported case of T cell lymphoblastic lymphoma and the third reported case of thymoma associated with sustained hyperthyroidism due to Graves disease. These cases indicate that an anterior mediastinal mass in a patient with active Graves disease may be due to a neoplastic cause, which may require definitive treatment. Caution should be exercised when dismissing a mediastinal mass as benign thymic hyperplasia in patients with active Graves disease.

  6. Pregnancy after definitive treatment for Graves' disease--does treatment choice influence outcome? (United States)

    Elston, Marianne S; Tu'akoi, Kelson; Meyer-Rochow, Goswin Y; Tamatea, Jade A U; Conaglen, John V


    Women requiring thyroid hormone replacement after definitive therapy (surgery or radioiodine) for Graves' disease who later conceive require an early increase in levothyroxine dose and monitoring of thyroid hormone levels throughout pregnancy. In addition, as TSH receptor antibodies (TRAb) can cross the placenta and affect the fetus, measurement of these antibodies during pregnancy is recommended. To review the management of pregnancies following definitive treatment for Graves' disease in order to assess the rates of maternal hypothyroidism and TRAb measurement. Retrospective chart review of women who had undergone definitive treatment for Graves' disease at a tertiary hospital and subsequently had one or more pregnancies. A total of 29 women were identified, each of whom had at least one pregnancy since receiving definitive treatment for Graves' disease: there were a total of 49 pregnancies (22 in the surgical group and 27 in the radioiodine group). Both groups had high rates of hypothyroidism documented during pregnancy (47 and 50%, respectively). The surgical group was more likely to be euthyroid around the time of conception. Less than half of the women were referred to an endocrinologist or had TRAb measured during pregnancy. Neonatal thyroid function was measured in one-third of live births. One case of neonatal thyrotoxicosis was identified. Adherence to the current American Thyroid Association guidelines is poor. Further education of both patients and clinicians is important to ensure that treatment of women during pregnancy after definitive treatment follows the currently available guidelines. © 2014 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

  7. A dosimetry based on artificial neural net theory in treatment of Graves disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Ping; Luo Dongyun; Lin Yongxia; Zeng Shiquan


    Objective: To study the feasibility of radioactive treatment of Graves disease with dosimetry of 131 I in novel method by computer. Methods: The database comprised 206 selected Graves disease cases and according to this database the nonlinear functions could be inferred consequently, then 206 Graves disease patients were divided into two groups. The group one, 109 patients, was treated with back-propagation (BP) dosimetry method. The group two was treated with traditional method. The results were analyzed. Results: Group one had an effective rate of 93.5%, cure rate of 90.8%, recurrent rate of 3.6% and early stage of hypothyroidism rate of 3.6%. Group two had an effective rate of 90.7%, cure rate of 85.5%, recurrent rate of 5.1% and early stage of hypothyroidism rate of 5.1%. Conclusion: The BP method is efficient and the results reflect that this method might increase the accuracy of the dosimetry of 131 I and reduce recurrent rate and early stage of hypothyroidism occurrence

  8. Graves' hyperthyroidism and moderate alcohol consumption: evidence for disease prevention. (United States)

    Carlé, Allan; Bülow Pedersen, Inge; Knudsen, Nils; Perrild, Hans; Ovesen, Lars; Rasmussen, Lone Banke; Jørgensen, Torben; Laurberg, Peter


    We recently demonstrated that moderate alcohol consumption is associated with a considerable reduction in the risk of autoimmune hypothyroidism, similar to findings in other autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis. We aimed to study a possible association between alcohol intake and autoimmune Graves' hyperthyroidism. This is a population-based, case-control study. In a well-defined Danish population (2,027,208 person-years of observation), we prospectively identified patients with new overt thyroid dysfunction and studied 272 patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism. For each patient, we recruited four age-gender-region-matched controls with normal thyroid function (n = 1088). Participants gave detailed information on current and previous alcohol intake as well as other factors to be used for analyses. The association between alcohol intake and development of hyperthyroidism was analysed in conditional multivariate Cox regression models. Graves' patients had a lower reported alcohol consumption than controls (median units of alcohol (12 g) per week: 2 vs 4, P hyperthyroidism. Odds ratios (95% confidence interval) compared with the reference group with a recent (last year) consumption of 1-2 units of alcohol per week were as follows: 0 units/week 1·73 (1·17-2·56), 3-10 units/week 0·56 (0·39-0·79), 11-20 units/week 0·37 (0·21-0·65), ≥21 units/week 0·22 (0·08-0·60). Similar results were found for maximum previous alcohol consumption during a calendar year. No interaction was found with the type of alcohol consumed (wine vs beer), smoking habit, age, gender or region of inhabitancy. Moderate alcohol consumption is associated with a considerable reduction in the risk of Graves' disease with hyperthyroidism--irrespective of age and gender. Autoimmune thyroid disease seems to be much more dependent on environmental factors than hitherto anticipated. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Incidencia de las leucemias agudas en niños de la ciudad de México, de 1982 a 1991

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mejía-Aranguré Juan Manuel


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Medir la tasa de incidencia de las leucemias agudas (LA en las diferentes delegaciones políticas del Distrito Federal y evaluar si existe una tendencia significativa en dichos padecimientos en tales delegaciones. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio longitudinal descriptivo realizado en seis hospitales de la ciudad de México, los que atienden a cerca de 97.5% de todos los niños con cáncer de esta ciudad. Los datos se capturaron de 1995 a 1996, y se analizaron en 1999, en el Hospital de Pediatría del Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI, del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Para cada delegación se calcularon la tasa de incidencia anual promedio, la tasa estandarizada y la razón estandarizada de morbilidad (REM con intervalos de confianza al 95% (IC 95%. La tendencia se evaluó con la tasa de cambio promedio. RESULTADOS: Se observó una tendencia al incremento en la incidencia de la leucemia aguda linfoblástica (LAL en cinco delegaciones: Alvaro Obregón, Cuauhtémoc, Gustavo A. Madero, Iztacalco y Venustiano Carranza. En la leucemia aguda mieloblástica (LAM no se notificaron cambios estadísticamente significativos en la incidencia en ninguna delegación política. Sólo con LAM se encontró una REM significativa y correspondió a la delegación Alvaro Obregón (REM= 2.91, IC 95% 1.63 - 4.80. Las REM más altas se encontraron en el sur y suroeste de la ciudad. CONCLUSIONES: Sólo se observó incremento en la incidencia de LAL en cinco delegaciones políticas. La incidencia más alta de LAM se encontró en la delegación Alvaro Obregón.

  10. Efficiency of radioiodine therapy in Graves disease and adenoma toxicum and incidence of hypothyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petrovski, Z.P.


    The aim of the this study was to evaluate different states in hyperthyroid patients and incidence of hypothyroidism after I-131 therapy.We observed a total of 184 hyperthyroid pts, from which 108(58,7%)pts with Graves' disease,65(35,3%)pts with single toxicum nodule and 11(6%)pts with toxicum multinodular goitre,treated with radioiodine therapy during the period 1986-2001.Dose of I-131 orally administered ranged 150-1100MBq and was calculated according to the 'MBq/gram' method.The radioiodine-131 therapy was performed once in 69,5%(128/184)pts,twice in 21,2%(39/184)pts and in 9,3%(17/184)pts more than two doses. Completely cured of hyperthyroidism occurred in 61%(66/108)pts with Graves' disease,81,8%(9/11)pts with toxic multinodular goiter and 90,7%(59/65)pts with single toxic nodule. The patients in our study were evaluated 6 months to 15 years after received J-131 therapy. Incidence of early hypothyroidism within one year was 23,1%(25/108) in Graves' disease,9%(1/11) in toxic multinodular goiter and 4,6%(3/65) with single toxicum nodule.Overall incidence of hypothyroidism within one year was 17,6% and had cumulative increase of Graves' disease every following year approximately for 3%,while for adenoma toxicum there was no any significant changes. We concluded that radioiodine therapy is simple,comfortable radical method for medical treatment of hyperthyroidism and indicate higher incidence of hypothyroidism in patients treated with I-131 for Graves' disease than that of patients treated for toxicum multinodular goiters and single toxic nodule

  11. The negative correlation between thyrotropin receptor-stimulating antibodies and bone mineral density in postmenopausal patients with Graves' disease. (United States)

    Amashukeli, Medea; Korinteli, Maka; Zerekidze, Tamar; Jikurauli, Nino; Shanava, Shorena; Tsagareli, Marina; Giorgadze, Elen


    Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder with various clinical manifestations. Thyrotropin receptor antibodies (TRAbs), the circulating autoantibodies specific to Graves' disease, are the cause for hyperthyroidism, the most prevalent abnormality. Hyperthyroidism leads to increased bone turnover and a negative bone balance. The aims of the present study were to determine the relationship between TRAbs and bone mineral density (BMD), to assess the extent of BMD change in patients with Graves' disease, and to determine the impact of conservative and surgical therapy on BMD. Fifty female postmenopausal patients with Graves' disease were chosen for this study. Twenty women had a recent diagnosis of Graves' disease, 30 women presented with a compensated disease state after either conservative or surgical treatment, and 30 healthy postmenopausal women served as controls. Thyroid parameters were measured, and BMD values were obtained by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry scan.Femoral neck and lumbar spine BMD and T-scores were significantly lower in newly diagnosed patients compared with the control group, but a difference was not observed between the treated and control groups. Statistical analysis revealed a strong and significant negative correlation between femoral neck and lumbar spine BMD and TRAb values.Both surgical and conservative therapies are effective for restoring BMD in postmenopausal patients with Graves' disease, and the increased level of TRAb can be a useful marker of bone density impairment.

  12. A case of metastatic follicular thyroid carcinoma complicated with Graves' disease after total thyroidectomy. (United States)

    Aoyama, Mariko; Takizawa, Hiromitsu; Tsuboi, Mitsuhiro; Nakagawa, Yasushi; Tangoku, Akira


    Thyroid cancer and Graves' disease may present simultaneously in one patient. The incidence of the development of hyperthyroidism from metastatic differentiated thyroid carcinoma is rare. We herein report a case of metastatic follicular carcinoma complicated with Graves' disease after total thyroidectomy. A 57-year-old woman underwent right hemithyroidectomy for follicular carcinoma. Metastatic lesions appeared in the lungs and skull two years after the first surgery, and remnant thyroidectomy was performed for radioactive iodine-131 (RAI) therapy, during which the TSH receptor antibody (TRAb) was found to be negative. The patient was treated with RAI therapy four times for four years and was receiving levothyroxine suppressive therapy. Although radioiodine uptake was observed in the lesions after the fourth course of RAI therapy, metastatic lesions had progressed. Four years after the second surgery, she had heart palpitations and tremors. Laboratory data revealed hyperthyroidism and positive TRAb. She was diagnosed with Graves' disease and received a fifth course of RAI therapy. 131I scintigraphy after RAI therapy showed strong radioiodine uptake in the metastatic lesions. As a result, the sizes and numbers of metastatic lesions decreased, and thyroid function improved. Metastatic lesions produced thyroid hormone and caused hyperthyroidism. RAI therapy was effective for Graves' disease and thyroid carcinoma.

  13. Graves hyperthyroidism 131I treatment the clinical curative effect of observation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duan Yongqiang; Wang Zuobing; Yu Hui; Wang Jing; Li Xiaoqin; Chen Yuanhao; Wu Jiquan


    Objective: to study the clinical treatment of 131 I Graves hyperthyroidism curative effect. Methods: the clinical data of Graves hyperthyroidism patients were retrospectively analyzed. Results: 258 cases of patients with hyperthyroidism Graves. 131 I treatment 1∼2 times after healed 200 cases, improvement of 38 patients, a low, 10 cases were invalid 10 cases failure; the total effective 96.12%. 1 year after treatment 131 I thyroid quality by before treatment 43.6 + 20.9 grams shrinks to 1.98 + 18.5 grams (p 131 I before treatment with prominent eyes 68 cases (26.4%) 131 I after treatment, the prominent eyes healed 24 cases (34.8%), improvement 30 patients (43.5%), invalid in 12 cases (17.4%), aggravating in 2 cases (2.9%), efficient for 79.7%. Concurrent hyperthyroidism 131 I before treatment in patients with 31 patients (heart), after the treatment of 131 I 12.0% in 25 patients recovered, 6 patients get better, efficient 100%. After the treatment of 131 I temporary armor low in 25 patients (9.7%) , permanent armour low 27 cases (10.5%). After the treatment of 131 I 15 cases have been reduced to a sex WBC (5.8%), 8 cases of liver function mild damage (3.1%), 13 cases itchy skin (1 case), cholesterol by 5.0% compared appear suspected hyperthyroidism crises (0.4%). 258 patients with thyroid type micronodular 41 cases, treatment cured after 131 I in 25 patients (61.0%), improvement in 16 (39.0%), laseris 100%, Diffuse 217 example, cure 175 cases (80.6%), improvement 22 patients (10%), a low 10 (4.6%), invalid 10 (4.6%), laseris 95.4 percent. Conclusion: 131 I treatment Graves hyperthyroidism is simple, safe, effective, and can be used as the preferred treatment method outperforms that of anti-thyroid drugs. (authors)

  14. Coma hiponatrêmico como manifestação de doença de Addison Hyponatremic coma as a manifestation of Addison's disease

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    Paulo S.M. Esperon


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: alertar sobre a importância de distúrbio hidroeletrolítico grave devido a doença crônica não previamente diagnosticada. MÉTODO: relato de um caso de coma hiponatrêmico devido a crise adrenal em criança portadora de doença de Addison não diagnosticada previamente, apesar de história clínica sugestiva desta doença há cerca de quatro anos. RESULTADO: Após atendimento inicial à emergência, com correção da hiponatremia grave com hipovolemia discreta, hipernatriúria e hiperpotassemia, o diagnóstico diferencial deste distúrbio hidroeletrolítico revelou tratar-se de uma crise adrenal secundária a uma insuficiência adrenal primária crônica. O tratamento com hidrocortisona oral possibilitou alta hospitalar com correção total dos distúrbios metabólicos. CONCLUSÃO: é importante manter um alto grau de suspeita de doença de Addison para evitar as graves conseqüências de seu diagnóstico tardio, como distúrbios hidroeletrolíticos graves, além de atraso de crescimento e desenvolvimento.OBJECTIVE: To show the importance of severe hydroelectrolytic disorder as a consequence of previously undiagnosed chronic disease. DESCRIPTION: Case report of hyponatremic coma caused by adrenal crisis in a child with previously undiagnosed Addison's disease despite suggestive clinical findings of this disease in the last four years. After correction of severe hyponatremia, mild hypovolemia, hypernatriuria and hyperkalemia, the differential diagnosis of this hydroelectrolytic disorder revealed an adrenal crisis resulting from a primary chronic adrenal insufficiency. Oral treatment with hydrocortisone was efficient in correcting the metabolic disorder and the patient was then discharged. COMMENTS: It is very important to highly suspect of Addison's disease in order to avoid the dangerous consequences of late diagnosis such as severe hydroelectrolytic disorders and retarded growth and development.

  15. Stressful life events and Graves' disease: Results of a case control study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pintor, A.B.; Barrenechea, E.A.; Laureta, E.G.; Ligon, R.A.


    Prolonged worry has generally been acknowledged as one of the main precipitating factors of the onset of Graves' disease. A review of literature reveals that emotional stresses of considerable severity precede the onset of hyperthyroidism in about 90% of cases. However, not everyone subscribes to the Stress/Graves' disease hypothesis. Attempts to resolve this issue have tended to focus on whether a correlation can be shown between the magnitude of antecedent life events and the disease. Hence the main objective of the present study was to identify the possible association between stressful life events and Graves' disease. This paper presents the results of a case-control study, involving patents and subjects from the Veterans Memorial Medical Centre of Manila. A total of 224 patients of Graves' disease, newly or previously diagnosed, representing the 'patient's' arm were interviewed. All patients were questioned regarding various stresses, which greatly affected their life style spanning over a 12-month period prior to the onset of the disease. Simultaneously, 224 control subjects were also interviewed, and their stresses spanning over a similar period preceding the dates of interviews were recorded in quantifiable terms. Different stresses were given different intensity scores based on a social readjustment scale taking into consideration the life situations, emotions and diseases. In cases of multiple stresses, intensity scores were added to obtain the total stress intensity. Results were expressed as mean, standard deviation, median, frequency and percent distribution. Scatter plot was also constructed for intensity of stressful life events. To determine association of different factors with Graves' disease, Students t-test and chi-square tests were applied to the data. Odds ratio (OR) was also computed to determine risk attributed to each factor. Since there was significant difference in gender distribution between the patients and controls, stratified Mantel

  16. Thyroidectomy for Graves' disease: is hypothyroidism inevitable?


    Davenport, M.; Talbot, C. H.


    The outcome of 234 patients with Graves' disease treated by subtotal thyroidectomy over a 12-year period is analysed with specific reference to hypothyroidism. Of definite hypothyroid cases, 98% occurred within 2 years. Failure to develop hypothyroidism was statistically related to large remnant size and a large goitre preoperatively. Histological review showed that any degree of lymphocytic infiltration was associated with the development of hypothyroidism (50% vs 22%). Late onset hypothyroi...

  17. Periodic Granulocyte Count Measuring Is Useful for Detecting Asymptomatic Agranulocytosis in Antithyroid Drug-Treated Patients with Graves' Disease. (United States)

    Nakamura, Hirotoshi; Ide, Akane; Kudo, Takumi; Nishihara, Eijun; Ito, Mitsuru; Miyauchi, Akira


    Finding agranulocytosis (AG) at an early stage is important to improve outcome, but periodic granulocyte count monitoring is not generally recommended for patients with Graves' disease, because AG develops suddenly. At the Kuma Hospital, Graves' patients under antithyroid drug (ATD) treatment in an outpatient clinic have a granulocyte count examination during each visit, and if it is Graves' disease were 131 I-radioisotope therapy (19 patients), thyroidectomy (2 patients), inorganic iodine (1 patient), or another ATD (1 patient). Among the 33 GP patients, 31 (94%), including 20 asymptomatic cases, were discovered during periodic granulocyte count monitoring. Most of them stopped ATD, and other treatments for Graves' disease were selected. Periodic monitoring of granulocyte counts is useful for identifying AG and GP patients with no or minimum infection symptoms.

  18. Diagnosis and treatment of Graves' disease with particular emphasis on appropriate techniques in nuclear medicine. General state of knowledge. (United States)

    Prasek, Karolina; Płazińska, Maria Teresa; Królicki, Leszek


    Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease. It accounts for 50-80% of cases of hyperthyroidism. Antibodies against the TSH receptor (TRAb) are responsible for hyperthyroidism (TRAB). The key role in monitoring and diagnosis of Graves' disease plays the level of hormones of free thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Helpful is an ultrasound of the thyroid scintigraphy which due to its functional character is both a valuable addition to morphological studies as well as plays an important role in the diagnosis and therapy in patients with Graves' disease. There is no perfect treatment for Graves' disease. The reason for this is the lack of therapy directed against primary pathogenic mechanisms. Currently available treatments need to be thoroughly discussed during the first visit as the patient's understanding of the choice of a treatment constitutes a vital role in the success of therapy. Graves' disease treatment is based on three types of therapies that have been carried out for decades including: pharmacological treatment anti-thyroid drugs, I131 therapy and radical treatment - thyroidectomy. The purpose of the treatment is to control symptoms and patient to return to euthyreosis. Treatment of Graves' disease is of great importance because if left untreated, it can lead to long-term harmful effects on the heart, bone and mental well-being of patients.

  19. Changes and clinical significance of CD4+CD25+CD127- regulatory T cells in Graves disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zou Jintao; Yu Peiling; Dong Jingwei; Liao Qihong; Liu Dongliang; Zeng Hongyi


    Objective: To investigate the mechanism of Graves disease by observing the changes of CD4 + CD25 + CD127 - regulatory T cells (Treg) population in the patients. Methods: Flow cytometry was used to detect the proportion of CD4 + CD25 + CD127 - Treg of CD4 + T cells in 90 Graves disease patients (Graves disease group) and 50 healthy adults (control group). Thyroid function and autoantibody levels were determined simultaneously. The t test was adopted for comparison between groups. The relationship between CD4 + CD25 + CD127 - Treg and thyroid function was analyzed by linear correlation analysis. Results: The percentages of CD4 + CD25 + CD127 - Treg in Graves disease group and control group were 1.39%±1.09% and 4.59%±1.14% separately. There was significant difference between the two groups (t=16.4, P<0.01). There were negative correlation between CD4 + CD25 + CD127 - Treg percentages and total triiodothyronine, total thyroxine,free triiodothyronine, free thyroxine and thyrotropin receptor antibody,thyroglobulin antibody, thyroid microsomal antibody (r=-0.62, -0.65, -0.56, -0.71, -0.50, -0.15, all P<0.01). Conclusions: The reduction of CD4 + CD25 + CD127 - Treg percentages in Graves disease group and close relations of CD4 + CD25 + CD127 - Treg with thyroid function and thyroid autoantibody levels suggest that CD4 + CD25 + CD127 - Treg decrease in the number may be associated with the onset of Graves disease. CD4 + CD25 + CD127 - may be the specific marker of Treg. (authors)

  20. Effect of Selenium Supplementation on Recurrent Hyperthyroidism Caused by Graves' Disease: A Prospective Pilot Study. (United States)

    Wang, L; Wang, B; Chen, S R; Hou, X; Wang, X F; Zhao, S H; Song, J Q; Wang, Y G


    The effect of selenium supplementation on recurrent hyperthyroidism caused by Graves' disease is unclear. Our study aimed to assess the efficacy of selenium supplementation therapy on recurrent Graves' disease. Forty-one patients with recurrent Graves' disease were enrolled in this study. All patients received the routine treatment using methimazole (MMI), while patients allocated to the selenium group received additional selenium therapy for 6 months. The influence of selenium supplementation on the concentrations of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), anti-TSH-receptor antibodies (TRAb), free thyroxine (FT4), and free triiodothyronine (FT3) were assessed. The remission rate was also compared between 2 groups. There was no obvious difference in the demographic data and the levels of serum FT4, FT3, TSH, and TRAb between the 2 groups at baseline. Both FT4 and FT3 decreased more at 2 months in the selenium group than the controls, while the TSH level increased more in patients receiving selenium supplementation (pGraves' disease. Randomized trials with large number of participants are needed to validate the finding above. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  1. Occurrence of Type 1 Diabetes in Graves' Disease Patients Who Are Positive for Antiglutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibodies: An 8-Year Followup Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matsuo Taniyama


    Full Text Available Glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies (GADAs are one of the markers of islet cell autoimmunity and are sometimes present before the onset of type 1 diabetes (T1D. GADA can be present in Graves' patients without diabetes; however, the outcome of GADA-positive Graves' patients is not fully understood, and the predictive value of GADA for the development of T1D in Graves' patients remains to be clarified. We investigated the prevalence of GADA in 158 patients with Graves' disease and detected GADA in 10 patients. They were followed up to discover whether or not T1D developed. In the course of eight years, 2 patients with high titers of GADA developed T1D, both had long-standing antithyroid drug-resistant Graves' disease. Thus, Graves' disease with high GADA titer seems to be at high risk for T1D.

  2. An assessment of psychiatric disturbances in graves disease in a ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    An assessment of psychiatric disturbances in graves disease in a medical college in eastern India. ... standard error of difference, the chi-square test, and paired Student's T-test. ... The common symptoms were insomnia, irritability, and anxiety.

  3. 78 FR 31570 - Prospective Grant of a Start-Up Exclusive Patent License Agreement: Treatment of Graves' Disease... (United States)


    ...-Up Exclusive Patent License Agreement: Treatment of Graves' Disease, Hyperthyroidism and Thyroid... Patent License Agreement may be worldwide and the field of use may be limited to: Treatment of Graves' Disease, hyperthyroidism and thyroid cancer. DATES: Only written comments or applications for a license...

  4. Hypofractionated radiotherapy for Graves' orbitopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heyd, R.; Herkstroeter, M.; Martin, T.; Zamboglou, N.; Strassmann, G.


    Background: Radiotherapy (RT) has been proven effective in the management of Graves' orbitopathy in numerous studies. Most commonly is the use of conventional fractionated RT and the value of hypofractionated irradiation has not been investigated. Materials and methods: The results in 33 euthyroid cases who underwent RT with a total dose of 21.0 Gy given in three weekly fractions of 3.0 Gy are retrospectively analyzed. The duration of symptoms ranged from 1-84 months and all of the cases had treatment failure after previous administration of corticosteroids. After a mean follow-up period of 33.6 months the overall results were assessed according to the criteria by Donaldson et al. and for evaluation of the clinical outcome a classification with the main criteria being eye-lid changes, exophthalmos, myopathy and eye nerve involvement was used. Results: At follow-up, the overall response to RT was 84.8% (28/33 cases). The analysis with the clinical classification demonstrated that in 19/33 (57.6%) cases occurred a decrease of eye lid changes and exophthalmos and 12/33 (36.4%) had a relief of myopathy. 2/33 cases (6.0%) developed an eye nerve compression causing the necessity of surgical decompression. 3/33 cases (9.0%) had a progression of at least of one of the single criteria of the score and therefore they were classified as non-responders. Conclusions: Hypofractionated RT has been proven effective for treatment of severe cases of Graves' orbitopathy in cases with a prolongated duration of symptoms. The comparison with literature data demonstrate that the results after hypofractionated RT are comparable to those obtained after conventional fractionated RT. (orig.)

  5. O uso do Aloe sp (aloe vera em feridas agudas e crônicas: revisão integrativa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucélia Terra Chini


    Full Text Available Objetivos: buscar evidencias disponibles en la literatura acerca del uso de Aloe sp (sábila en la cicatrización de heridas agudas y crónicas. Materiales y método: se trata de una revisión integradora realizada en las bases de datos LILACS, PubMed y Scopus, en el periodo de febrero a marzo del 2015. La búsqueda resultó en 178 publicaciones. Resultados: siete estudios constituyeron la revisión, los cuales involucraron personas con heridas de cesárea, heridas de episiotomía, quemaduras, área donadora de injerto, heridas posthemorroidectomía y heridas fisuarias anales crónicas. Se evidenció que la sábila promueve la cicatrización de heridas, además de disminuir el dolor en fisuras anales crónicas y quemaduras. Conclusiones: la sábila representa una nueva terapéutica en el tratamiento de heridas; sin embargo, las evidencias disponibles sobre su eficacia y seguridad son ineficientes para legitimar su uso en la cicatrización de heridas agudas y crónicas; por lo tanto, no se pueden generalizar.

  6. Low-dose radioiodine given six-monthly in Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoskin, P.J.; McCready, V.R.; Harmer, C.L.; Spathis, G.S.; Cosgrove, D.O.


    Experience using low-dose radioiodine given six-monthly instead of yearly in hyperthyroid patients with Graves' disease is reported. One hundred and thirty-five patients have been treated over a three-year period with 74 MBq (2 mCi) doses of 131 I. |Thirty-eight|percent| were controlled with a single dose. Those patients requiring more than one dose were treated with a further 74 MBq (2 mCi) 131 I at six-monthly intervals until euthyroid. Using this approach, 46% were euthyroid one year after starting treatment, and 75% were euthyroid at two years. The incidence of hypothyroidism following treatment was 2.2% at one year, with a yearly incidence thereafter of 4-6%. Six-monthly scheduling of low-dose radioiodine in Graves' disease can reduce the time taken to become euthyroid, compared with conventional yearly low-dose treatments. Further follow up is required to confirm the present low incidence of hypothyroidism following treatment. (author)

  7. Hyperthyroidism and Graves' disease: Is an ultrasound examination needed?

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    Lakshminarayanan Varadhan


    Full Text Available Aim: The aim of our study was to assess the limitation of clinical examination in determining the morphology of thyroid gland in patients with hyperthyroidism and its implications. Methods: A retrospective analysis of consecutive patients with hyperthyroidism seen in a tertiary endocrine clinic were analyzed. Sub-analysis was performed on patients with proven Graves' disease. Results: Of the 133 patients included in this study with hyperthyroidism, 60 (45% patients had significant nodularity on ultrasound (US. However, only 67% of these were identified on clinical examination. In patients with confirmed Graves' disease (n = 73, the discordance between US and clinical examination was very similar (18 of 30 patients, 60%. Conclusion: US should form an essential part of the evaluation of hyperthyroidism as the morphology of thyroid gland could be variable and nodules in these glands would also need to be appropriately investigated. This would also significantly influence decision-making and appropriate immediate and follow-up management plan.

  8. Fatores de risco para internação por doença respiratória aguda em crianças até um ano de idade


    Macedo,Silvia Elaine Cardozo; Menezes,Ana Maria Baptista; Albernaz,Elaine; Post,Paulo; Knorst,Marli


    OBJETIVO: Avaliar fatores de risco para hospitalização por doença respiratória aguda em crianças até um ano de idade. MÉTODOS: Estudo de casos e controles na cidade de Pelotas, RS. Os casos foram crianças de até um ano de idade, que se hospitalizaram por doença respiratória aguda, de agosto de 1997 a julho de 1998. Os controles foram crianças da comunidade, da mesma idade, sem hospitalização prévia por essa doença. Um questionário investigando exposição a fatores de risco foi aplicado às mães...

  9. Graves' ophthalmopathy and 131I therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marcocci, C.; Bartalena, L.; Tanda, M.L.; Manetti, L.; Dell'Unto, E.; Mazzi, B.; Rocchi, R.; Barbesino, G.; Pinchera, A.


    Graves' ophthalmopathy is an autoimmune process initiated and maintained by antigen(s) shared by the thyroid and the orbit. A matter of argument concerns the choice of the method of treatment for Graves' hyperthyroidism when clinically evident ophthalmopathy is present. Restoration of euthyroidism appears to be beneficial for ophthalmopathy. On the other hand the continuing disease activity associated with the recurrence of hyperthyroidism appears to adversely affect the course of ophthalmopathy. For these reasons it is our opinion that in patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism and ophthalmopathy the permanent control of thyroid hyper function by ablation of thyroid tissue should be obtained by radioiodine therapy or thyroidectomy. The rationale for an ablative strategy is the following: i) permanent control of hyperthyroidism avoids exacerbations of eye disease associated with recurrence of hyperthyroidism; i i) hypothyroidism, which follows thyroid tissue ablation, should be regarded as a therapeutic end point rather than as an undesirable result; iii) ablation of thyroid tissue may result in the removal of both the thyroid-orbit cross-reacting antigen(s) and the major source of thyroid-auto reactive lymphocytes. The relationship between radioiodine therapy and the course of GO is a matter of controversy, and some authors have suggested that radioiodine administration ma be associated with a worsening of preexisting ophthalmopathy. This was not observed when radioiodine treatment was associated with a 3-month oral course of prednisone. The development or progression of GO after radioiodine therapy might be due to the release of thyroid antigens following radiation injury and to subsequent exacerbations of autoimmune reactions directed towards antigens shared by the thyroid and the orbit. The view that radioiodine therapy may be associated with a progression of ophthalmopathy is not shared by some authors who claim that the apparent link between progression of

  10. [Neonatal hyperthyroidism in a premature infant born to a mother with Grave's disease]. (United States)

    Nicaise, C; Gire, C; Brémond, V; Minodier, P; Soula, F; d'Ercole, C; Palix, C


    Neonatal thyrotoxicosis is most commonly due to transplacental transfer of maternal thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibodies (TRAb). Bioassay of thyrotropin receptor antibodies may help to determine the risk for neonatal hyperthyroidism. Thyrotoxicosis developed in a premature infant born to a mother with Graves' disease, with a low level of TRAb by bioassay. The infant was treated with carbimazole for two months, until TRAb had disappeared. Bioassay TRAb is not always reliable for predicting the development of neonatal hyperthyroidism in infants born to mothers with Graves' disease. Thyroid function should be measured in all these neonates.

  11. Estudio de factores predisponentes de enfermedad diarreica aguda en la comunidad de San Simón, Yucatán en base a un análisis de vulnerabilidad nutricional y ambiental

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariel Gullian-Klanian


    Full Text Available Durante el periodo 2005-2008, 32.1% de los residentes de la comunidad de San Simón padecieron de enfermedad diarreica aguda (EDA. Durante este periodo la población más afectada fue la infantil, específicamente los niños menores de 10 años de los cuales 40% se encontraban en diferente rango de desnutrición. Objetivo: Identificar factores predisponentes de enfermedad diarreica aguda (EDA de origen bacteriano en San Simón en base a un análisis de vulnerabilidad (AV nutricional y ambiental. Metodología: La descripción socio-demográfica y ambiental de la comunidad se realizó en base a datos obtenidos de un censo poblacional. Los datos del censo se agruparon en 2 indicadores: indicadores de demanda de servicios (D e indicadores de oferta de servicios (O los cuales sirvieron para calcular el índice de vulnerabilidad de la comunidad [AV (AV=D/S]. Mediante indicadores antropométricos se determinó la vulnerabilidad nutricional en 106 personas. Como factor indicador de EDA se realizó el diagnóstico microbiológico y serológico de Escherichia coli O157:H7 y Salmonella spp. en hortalizas (n=45 y animales portadores (n=64. La presencia de estas bacterias se tomó como factor de amenaza. La valoración del riesgo de la población de padecer EDA se consideró teniendo en cuenta la predisposición hacia la amenaza y su efecto sobre la salud de la población. Resultados: El estado nutricional, el porcentaje de morbilidad y el bajo nivel de educación, fueron los indicadores de mayor peso en el AV. Se presentaron 43.2 % de casos de desnutrición grave en niños. El 60.6 % de las mujeres y el 53.5% de los hombres presentaron obesidad. Respecto al riesgo, 80.6% de los cerdos fueron portadores de E. coli O157:H7. El 35.7% de las aves y 8.3% de las hortalizas presentaron Salmonella spp. Conclusiones: San Simón presenta un riesgo ambiental alto (R=39±10.6 y una vulnerabilidad intermedia (V=4.9 de padecer EDA.

  12. Estudio de factores predisponentes de enfermedad diarreica aguda en la comunidad de San Simón, Yucatán en base a un análisis de vulnerabilidad nutricional y ambiental

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esfefanía Suárez Wegan


    Full Text Available Durante el periodo 2005-2008, 32.1% de los residentes de la comunidad de San Simón padecieron de enfermedad diarreica aguda (EDA. Durante este periodo la población más afectada fue la infantil, específicamente los niños menores de 10 años de los cuales 40% se encontraban en diferente rango de desnutrición. Objetivo: Identificar factores predisponentes de enfermedad diarreica aguda (EDA de origen bacteriano en San Simón en base a un análisis de vulnerabilidad (AV nutricional y ambiental. Metodología: La descripción socio-demográfica y ambiental de la comunidad se realizó en base a datos obtenidos de un censo poblacional. Los datos del censo se agruparon en 2 indicadores: indicadores de demanda de servicios (D e indicadores de oferta de servicios (O los cuales sirvieron para calcular el índice de vulnerabilidad de la comunidad [AV (AV=D/S]. Mediante indicadores antropométricos se determinó la vulnerabilidad nutricional en 106 personas. Como factor indicador de EDA se realizó el diagnóstico microbiológico y serológico de Escherichia coli O157:H7 y Salmonella spp. en hortalizas (n=45 y animales portadores (n=64. La presencia de estas bacterias se tomó como factor de amenaza. La valoración del riesgo de la población de padecer EDA se consideró teniendo en cuenta la predisposición hacia la amenaza y su efecto sobre la salud de la población. Resultados: El estado nutricional, el porcentaje de morbilidad y el bajo nivel de educación, fueron los indicadores de mayor peso en el AV. Se presentaron 43.2 % de casos de desnutrición grave en niños. El 60.6 % de las mujeres y el 53.5% de los hombres presentaron obesidad. Respecto al riesgo, 80.6% de los cerdos fueron portadores de E. coli O157:H7. El 35.7% de las aves y 8.3% de las hortalizas presentaron Salmonella spp. Conclusiones: San Simón presenta un riesgo ambiental alto (R=39±10.6 y una vulnerabilidad intermedia (V=4.9 de padecer EDA.

  13. Heterotopic relation between media and materiality in children's online memorials and on children's graves

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sandvik, Kjetil; Christensen, Dorthe Refslund

    place across media. We show how the death of an infant can lead to mediation, remediation and mediatization strategies which involves both the uses and arrangement of objects on memorial pages and on children’s graves as well as uses of new social technologies, that produce, negotiate and develop social......In this paper we analyze how bereaved parents make use of various media-strategies on online memorial sites and on children’s graves when performing processes of grief and commemoration for their stillborns and infants, and how these processes are not just linked to one particular media but take...... relations with the dead child and the (re)negotiating of parenthood. We understand media as a function of an object reflected in human practices and embedded and structured by the different materialities they are intertwined with. We argue that the use of media and materiality online and on the graves are...

  14. Image and Role of the Queen Mother of the West in Han Grave Art

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    Full Text Available The present article is a detailed study of the image of an ancient Chinese goddess, The Queen Mother of the West, called Xiwangmu 西王母 in Chinese. In the mythological tradition, Xiwangmu is a goddess who possesses the elixir of immortality and dwells in the western paradise, on the magic mountain Kunlun 崑崙. While her image can be found in mural paintings, and on lacquered objects and bronze mirrors, it appears primarily in the form of relief images on the stones and bricks of grave chambers and temples in the Han (206 BCE–220 CE grave complexes. The literary tradition reveals a multifunctional role of the mother, with her many attributes developing in accordance with the changing values of social and mythological concepts. The article concludes with a detailed discussion of her image and role within the wider cosmological context of Han grave art.

  15. Glucocorticoid administration for Graves' hyperthyroidism treated by radioiodine. A questionnaire survey among members of the European Thyroid Association

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lazarus, J. H.; Bartalena, L.; Marcocci, C.; Kahaly, G. J.; Krassas, G.; Wiersinga, W. M.; Baldeschi, L.; Boboridis, K.; Boschi, A.; Currò, N.; Daumerie, C.; Dickinson, A. J.; Eckstein, A.; Kendall-Taylor, P.; Lane, C. M.; Ludgate, M. E.; Mann, K.; Marinò, M.; Mourits, M. P.; Nardi, M.; Neoh, C.; Orgiazzi, J.; Pearce, S.; Perros, P.; Pinchera, A.; Pitz, S.; Salvi, M.; Sivelli, P.; Stahl, M.; von Arx, G.


    Background: Glucocorticoid prophylaxis is required in some instances after radioiodine (RAI) treatment for Graves' hyperthyroidism to prevent progression of Graves' orbitopathy (GO). However, no randomized clinical trial has been performed to ascertain the optimum glucocorticoid therapy. Aim and

  16. Persistent Graves' hyperthyroidism despite rapid negative conversion of thyroid-stimulating hormone-binding inhibitory immunoglobulin assay results: a case report. (United States)

    Ohara, Nobumasa; Kaneko, Masanori; Kitazawa, Masaru; Uemura, Yasuyuki; Minagawa, Shinichi; Miyakoshi, Masashi; Kaneko, Kenzo; Kamoi, Kyuzi


    Graves' disease is an autoimmune thyroid disorder characterized by hyperthyroidism, and patients exhibit thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibody. The major methods of measuring circulating thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibody include the thyroid-stimulating hormone-binding inhibitory immunoglobulin assays. Although the diagnostic accuracy of these assays has been improved, a minority of patients with Graves' disease test negative even on second-generation and third-generation thyroid-stimulating hormone-binding inhibitory immunoglobulins. We report a rare case of a thyroid-stimulating hormone-binding inhibitory immunoglobulin-positive patient with Graves' disease who showed rapid lowering of thyroid-stimulating hormone-binding inhibitory immunoglobulin levels following administration of the anti-thyroid drug thiamazole, but still experienced Graves' hyperthyroidism. A 45-year-old Japanese man presented with severe hyperthyroidism (serum free triiodothyronine >25.0 pg/mL; reference range 1.7 to 3.7 pg/mL) and tested weakly positive for thyroid-stimulating hormone-binding inhibitory immunoglobulins on second-generation tests (2.1 IU/L; reference range hyperthyroidism for more than 8 years, requiring 15 mg/day of thiamazole to correct. During that period, he tested negative on all first-generation, second-generation, and third-generation thyroid-stimulating hormone-binding inhibitory immunoglobulin assays, but thyroid scintigraphy revealed diffuse and increased uptake, and thyroid ultrasound and color flow Doppler imaging showed typical findings of Graves' hyperthyroidism. The possible explanations for serial changes in the thyroid-stimulating hormone-binding inhibitory immunoglobulin results in our patient include the presence of thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibody, which is bioactive but less reactive on thyroid-stimulating hormone-binding inhibitory immunoglobulin assays, or the effect of reduced levels of circulating thyroid

  17. Radioiodine treatment of recurrent hyperthyroidism in patients previously treated for Graves' disease by subtotal thyroidectomy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestergaard, H; Laurberg, P


    showed a higher sensitivity to radioiodine, with more cases of early hypothyroidism, than non-operated patients. However, after 50 months of follow-up the outcome was identical. The results indicate that frequent assessment is necessary after radioiodine treatment of previously operated patients, since......Radioiodine therapy is often employed for treatment of patients with relapse of hyperthyroidism due to Graves' disease, after previous thyroid surgery. Little is known about the outcome of this treatment compared to patients with no previous surgery. A total of 20 patients who had received surgical...... treatment for Graves' hyperthyroidism 1-46 years previously and with relapse of the hyperthyroidism, and 25 patients with hyperthyroidism due to Graves' disease and no previous thyroid surgery were treated with radioiodine, following the same protocol. Early after treatment the previously operated patients...

  18. Piezosurgery in Modified Pterional Orbital Decompression Surgery in Graves Disease. (United States)

    Grauvogel, Juergen; Scheiwe, Christian; Masalha, Waseem; Jarc, Nadja; Grauvogel, Tanja; Beringer, Andreas


    Piezosurgery uses microvibrations to selectively cut bone, preserving the adjacent soft tissue. The present study evaluated the use of piezosurgery for bone removal in orbital decompression surgery in Graves disease via a modified pterional approach. A piezosurgical device (Piezosurgery medical) was used in 14 patients (20 orbits) with Graves disease who underwent orbital decompression surgery in additional to drills and rongeurs for bone removal of the lateral orbital wall and orbital roof. The practicability, benefits, and drawbacks of this technique in orbital decompression surgery were recorded. Piezosurgery was evaluated with respect to safety, preciseness of bone cutting, and preservation of the adjacent dura and periorbita. Preoperative and postoperative clinical outcome data were assessed. The orbital decompression surgery was successful in all 20 orbits, with good clinical outcomes and no postoperative complications. Piezosurgery proved to be a safe tool, allowing selective bone cutting with no damage to the surrounding soft tissue structures. However, there were disadvantages concerning the intraoperative handling in the narrow space and the efficiency of bone removal was limited in the orbital decompression surgery compared with drills. Piezosurgery proved to be a useful tool in bone removal for orbital decompression in Graves disease. It is safe and easy to perform, without any danger of damage to adjacent tissue because of its selective bone-cutting properties. Nonetheless, further development of the device is necessary to overcome the disadvantages in intraoperative handling and the reduced bone removal rate. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Graves' Disease Associated with Cerebrovascular Disease and Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ines Khochtali


    have increased risk for developing thromboembolic accidents, which are favoured by a simultaneous presence of antiphospholipid antibodies syndrome. in this paper, we describe the case of a patient with Graves' disease, who developed strokes with antiphospholipid antibodies syndrome.

  20. Common genetic variants associated with thyroid function may be risk alleles for Hashimoto's disease and Graves' disease. (United States)

    Campbell, Purdey; Brix, Thomas H; Wilson, Scott G; Ward, Lynley C; Hui, Jennie; Beilby, John P; Hegedüs, Laszlo; Walsh, John P


    Recent studies have identified common genetic variants associated with TSH, free T4 and thyroid peroxidase antibodies, but it is unclear whether these differ between patients with Hashimoto's disease and Graves' disease. To examine whether 11 common genetic variants differ between Graves' disease and Hashimoto's disease. We genotyped 11 common variants in a discovery cohort of 203 Australian patients with autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD). Two variants with significant or suggestive associations were analysed in a replication cohort of 384 Danish patients. For rs753760 (PDE10A), the minor allele frequency in Graves' disease and Hashimoto's disease was 0·38 vs. 0·23, respectively, (P = 6·42 × 10 -4 ) in the discovery cohort, 0·29 vs. 0·24 (P = 0·147) in the replication cohort and 0·32 vs. 0·24 in combined analysis (P = 0·0021; all analyses adjusted for sex). In healthy controls from Busselton, the frequency was 0·29, significantly different from Hashimoto's disease but not Graves' disease. For rs4889009 (MAF gene region), the frequency of the minor G-allele in Graves' disease and Hashimoto's disease was 0·48 vs. 0·36 (P = 0·0156) in the discovery cohort, 0·48 vs. 0·34 (P = 1·83 × 10 -4 ) in the replication cohort and 0·48 vs. 0·35 in the combined analysis (P = 7·53 × 10 -6 ); in controls, the frequency was 0·38, significantly different from Graves' disease but not Hashimoto's disease. After further adjustment for smoking, associations with rs4889009 remained significant, whereas those with rs753760 were not. Common variants in PDE10A and MAF gene regions may influence whether patients with AITD develop Graves' disease or Hashimoto's disease. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.