
Sample records for high school ochs

  1. Musik- och Kulturskolans framtid… : En kvalitativ studie om musiklärares och rektorers tankar om dagens och framtidens musik- och kulturskola


    Nilsson, David


    Den här undersökningen syftar till att få en djupare förståelse för hur musik- och kulturskolans verksamhet kan se ut i framtiden. Jag vill få en inblick i vilka faktorer som påverkar utvecklingen av den kommunala musik- och kulturskolan, samt hur musik- och kulturskolan väljer att förhålla sig till dessa faktorer. För att undersöka detta har jag använt mig av kvalitativ intervju som forskningsmetod för att därigenom få fram fyra instrumentallärares och tre musikledares tankar och erfarenhete...

  2. Kreativitet och innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Jacob Østergaard; Skov, Hanne


    Kreativitet i arbetsterapi beskriver och analyserar kreativitetens många uttryck ur flera olika perspektiv: dels som en etablerad dimension av arbetsterapeutiska arbetsmetoder och yrkeskunskap, dels som en aktuell och efterfrågad grund för ny utveckling och innovation inom framtidens vård. Boken...... innehåller många praktiska exempel på hur vi kan se krea­tiviteten i arbetsterapeutens arbete såväl med klienter som när det gäller de system och den miljö människor lever och arbetar i. Boken beskriver också hur arbetsterapeuter arbetar och tänker kreativt samt hur de använder sig av kreativa strategier...

  3. Förskolechefens anavar och uppdrag i ett kommunalt förvaltningsperspektiv

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anita Eriksson


    Full Text Available The revision of the Swedish Education Act and of the Pre-School Curriculum of 2010 involved a demand for improved pedagogical quality and for an alteration and clarification of roles and responsibilities within the pre-school sector. In the revision the responsibilities, authorizations and rights to make decisions of the Heads of Preschool were articulated and clarified. This article describes and discusses how the new responsibilities and tasks of the Heads of Preschool have been interpreted and how the response to the revisions has manifested itself within a framework of municipal public administration. The data used consists of a questionnaire answered by 48 administrative officials with responsibility for education government in different municipalities. The result shows that the Heads of Preschool in a majority of municipalities are faced with increasing responsibilities and a new accountability structure. In order to meet the demands for improved pedagogical quality they are also expected to provide competence development opportunities for preschool staff.2010-års revideringen av skollagen och förskolans läroplan innebar dels ökade krav på pedagogisk kvalitet och dels på en förändrad och förtydligad ansvarsstruktur i förskolan. För förskolechefens del explicitgjordes och förtydligades både ansvar, befogenhet och beslutsrätt. I artikeln beskrivs och problematiseras hur förskolechefens ansvar och uppdrag tolkas och kommer till uttryck i ett övergripande kommunalt förvaltningsperspektiv i samband med dessa revideringar. Data utgörs av en enkätundersökning besvarad av 48 förvaltningstjänstemän anställda i olika kommuner. Resultatet visar att förskolechefen i flertalet kommuner har tilldelats ett stort ansvar när det gäller att tolka och initiera den förtydligade ansvarsstrukturen och skapa förutsättningar i form av kompetensutvecklingsinsatser för förskolepersonalen för att möta de ökade kraven p

  4. Autism och Asperger syndromtvå studier om pedagogers ochspecialpedagogers kunskaper och erfarenheter


    Lindgren, Pauline; Olsson, Sofia; Simonsson, Daniel


    Lindgren, P, Olsson, S & Simonsson, D. (2008) Autism och Asperger syndrom – två studier om pedagogers och specialpedagogers kunskaper och erfarenheter (Autism and Asperger syndrome – two studies of teachers´ and special educators´ knowledge and experience). Högskolan, Kristianstad. Specialpedagogiska programmet. Syftet med vårt arbete är att undersöka vilka kunskaper som specialpedagoger inom grund-skola och grundsärskola har, samt hur pedagoger uppfattar sina kunskaper och erfarenheter när d...

  5. Hjälplöshet och hopplöshet : samtidig och prediktiv relation till depression och ångest


    Hansson, Charlotta; Lindberg, Sarah


    Forskning visar att hjälplöshet och hopplöshet är betydelsefulla faktorer för förståelse av depression och ångest. Enligt Cognitive Activation Theory of Stress (CATS) är känslor av hjälplöshet och hopplöshet dessutom prediktiva för psykopatologi. Hjälplöshet definieras som den inlärda förväntan att egen ansträngning inte kan åstadkomma skillnad, och hopplöshet som att egen ansträngning leder till försämring. Den här studien undersökte relationen mellan hjälplöshet/hopplöshet och depression/ån...

  6. Sociala medier och levnadsvanor : Användning av Facebook och Twitter samt mat-, motions- och sömnvanor


    Lindström, Anna


    Bakgrund: Ohälsosamma levnadsvanor bidrar avsevärt till sjukdomsbördan. Allt mer tid spenderas vid skärm och forskning tyder på negativa effekter på mat-, motions- och sömnvanor. Teknikens utveckling har förändrat skärmtiden. Sociala medier har intagit en viktig plats i mångas liv och skärmtid är inte längre automatisk förknippat till faktorer såsom stillasittande samt möjlighet att äta mer. Forskning om levnadsvanor och sociala medier saknas. Syfte: Att undersöka graden av användning av de s...

  7. Metoder och verktyg för motivation till och integration av arbetsmiljöarbete


    Åteg, Mattias; Nygren, Olle; Andersson, Ing-Marie; Laring, Jonas; Neely, Greg; Rosén, Gunnar


    Rapporten utgår från forskningsområdet "Hur kan och bör arbetsmiljöarbete bedrivas och integreras i organisationers kärnverksamhet?" vid tema SMARTA, Arbetslivsinstitutet. I ett tidigare arbete har ett antal egenskaper identifierats som viktiga för motivation och engagemang för arbetsmiljöarbete, sk Moveit-egenskaper. Dessa egenskaper och deras roll i arbetsmiljöarbetet ställs här i relation till perspektivet integrerat arbetsmiljöarbete, där arbetsmiljön ingår i styrsystemet och arbetsmiljöa...

  8. Fotboll och huliganism i Skandinavien

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Kristian

    De skandinaviska länderna är lika i en rad hänseenden, exempelvis samhällsstruktur, lagstiftning och kultur. Också när det gäller fotboll finns stora likheter ? Danmark, Norge och Sverige introducerades ungefär samtidigt under 1970- och 80-talen till den engelska fotbollen och dess supporterkultu...

  9. Bland prinsessor och soldater : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av genus och stereotyper i två Disneyfilmer


    Jonsson, Andreas


    Syfte: Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur genus representeras och hur feministisk kritik syns i Disneyfilmerna Mulan och Frost. Arbetet behandlar kopplingen till tidigare Disneyfilmer och stereotypa framställningar av manligt och kvinnligt. Det utgår från ett genusperspektiv som tar hänsyn till könsroller som är resultatet av sociala konstruktioner. Metod: Filmerna har studerats i sin helhet och sedan har specifika scener och sekvenser valts ut för närmare studie. De har analys...

  10. Projektering av produktions- och lagerhall


    Englund, Elin


    Detta examensarbete är utfört åt Ingenjörsbyrå Mathias Smeds. Syftet med arbetet var att projektera en hallbyggnad som skulle fungera som produktions- och lagerhall åt företaget i fråga och åt andra företag som köper delar i hallen. I arbetet ingår att uppgöra bygglovshandlingar, en byggsättsbeskrivning, en jämförelse mellan energikällor och enkel kostnadskalkyl. Efter diskussioner och möten med beställaren blev resultatet en hall med limträstomme och med NR-takstolar som vindsbjälklag. Y...

  11. Teckensnitt och dess personlighetsdrag


    Linnarsson, Johan; Borja, Mårten


    När du arbetar med teckensnitt, vare sig du skapar – eller helt enkelt väljer ett teckensnitt, finns det konsekvenser till följd av skapandet och/eller valet. Läslighet och läsbarhet ligger i hjärtat av teckensnitts utformning – men principerna kring läslighet och läsbarhet är flexibla och kan komma att bortses ifrån, beroende på den tänkta kontexten för teckensnittet. Ett grepp om historiken bakom användningen av vissa teckensnitt, såväl som kunskap om de möjliga associationer de kan väcka ä...

  12. Sex- och samlevnadsundervisning i Sörmlands skolor


    Karolina Öjemalm, Karolina


    Sexualitet är ett grundläggande behov hos människor och påverkar individens upplevelse av hälsa och välbefinnande. Skolan fungerar som en viktig arena för att främja unga vuxnas sexuella hälsa och sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen i skolan kan ha stor betydelse för unga vuxnas utveckling. Sex- och samlevnadsundervisning har varit obligatorisk i svenska skolor sedan år 1955. Trots det visar en kvalitetsgranskning av sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen i svenska skolor från år 1999 att kvaliteten...

  13. Vinylskivor, Nivea och Teinitalo, Genus- och åldersperspektiv på reklam i ungdomstidningen Suosikki 1964


    Rydman, Ina


    Populärkulturen och ungdomskulturen uppkom på 1950-talet då Finland hade börjat klassas som ett modernt konsumtionssamhälle. Ett ekonomiskt uppsving under efterkrigstiden ledde till ökad konsumtion i samhället och till den så kallade tonårsindustrin. Det skedde en amerikanisering som syntes i finsk media och i reklam vilket präglade ungdomskulturen. I början av 1960-talet var en stor del av landets befolkning unga och de hörde till babyboom-generationen. I ungdomstidningar kan man se tecken p...

  14. KR’PTA. Samtidspoesin och Derrida : Spår och ärrbildningar hos Johannes Heldén, Ingrid Storholmen och Anna Hallberg


    Schmidt, Lisa


    Lisa Schmidt, KR’PTA. Samtidspoesin och Derrida. Spår och ärrbildningar hos Johannes Hel­dén, Ingrid Storholmen och Anna Hallberg. (CR’PT. Contemporary Poetry and Derrida: Traces and Scarring in the Poetry of Johannes Heldén, Ingrid Storholmen and Anna Hallberg.) Through the analyses of three contemporary Nordic poets whose work challenges the boun­daries of literature and even the laws of grammar, I draw attention to the term linguistic materialism. I also sketch an historical line between t...

  15. Tidsperspektiv, mindfulness och stress: : en korrelationsstudie


    Koudriavtseva, Antonina


    Denna studie undersökte det potentiella sambandet mellan tidsperspektiv, mindfulness och upplevd stress. Kring 60 studenter besvarade en online-enkät som inkluderade den svenska versionen av Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, Five Facets of Mindfulness Questionnaire och Perceived Stress Scale. Analyserna omfattade bivariata korrelationer, multipel linjär regressionsanalys och path analys. I linje med hypoteserna indikerade resultaten statistiskt signifikanta samband mellan mindfulness, ett ...

  16. Lämplighetsbedömningar av unga kvinnor och män – Värme- och kompetensdimensionernas betydelse i rekrytering


    Rönnblad, Charlotta


    I frågan om social bedömning av andra individer och grupper utgör värme och kompetens två centrala dimensioner. Värme syftar på hur snäll, vänlig och omtänksam en person är, dess funktion är att bedöma vad personens avsikt är. Kompetens tyder på hur intelligent, självsäker och rationell en person är, dess funktion är att bedöma hur kapabel personen är att utföra avsikterna. Vanligtvis attribueras män utgående från kompetensdimensionen och kvinnor från värmedimensionen. Utgående från teorin om...

  17. Budgetering och budgeteringsprocessen inom ekonomiförvaltningen


    Finnström, Anders


    Syftet med undersökningen är att ge en bild av vad budgetering är och budgeteringsprocessen inom ekonomiförvaltningen. Forskningsproblemet är att ta reda på vilken kritiken är mot budgetering, hur man kan förbättra budgetarbetet och få fram vilka de alternativa metoderna är till budgetering. I lärdomsprovets teoretiska del behandlas vad en budget är, syften med en budget, huvud- och delbudgetar, budgeteringsprocessen, kritik och alternativa metoder till budgeteringen. I den empiriska delen ha...

  18. Barbröstade grabbar, med färgat hår och litervis med öl : En analys av Aftonbladets skildring av herr- och damfotboll i Herr-VM 2006 och Dam-VM 2007


    Mårtensson, Henning


    I den här uppsatsen har jag undersökt hur män och kvinnor framställs i bild och text i Aftonbladets rapportering från herrarnas fotbolls-VM i Tyskland 2006 och damernas fotbolls-VM i Kina 2007. Mitt syfte var att titta på hur konstrueringen av en nationell diskurs skiljer sig åt i texterna om dam- och herrfotboll, om det finns någon tydlig manlig och kvinnlig diskurs på bilderna, samt hur väl min undersökning stämmer in på beprövade genusteorier. För att kunna besvara mitt syfte använde jag m...

  19. Vad och hur gör de? − att synliggöra lärande i grundskolans slöjdpraktik via videoetnografi och mikroanalys

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marléne Johansson


    Full Text Available Artikeln bygger på resultat och erfarenheter av etnografiskt insamlade videoinspelningar från grundskolans slöjdundervisning utgående från tre studier; dels vid ett projekt med förstudier under slutet av 1990-talet (Johansson, 1996, dels vid avhandlingsprojektet Slöjdpraktik i skolan (Johansson, 2002 och dels inom forskningsprojektet Kommunikation och lärande i slöjdpraktiker, (”Komolär-projektet”, under 2005−2010 (Lindström, Borg, Johansson & Lindberg, 2003.Att insamla empiri i autentiska slöjdmiljöer är av intresse då lärandesituationer kan synliggöras när elever med hjälp av material och redskap arbetar med att tillverka artefakter. Utifrån detaljerade analyser av slöjdaktiviteter går det att upptäcka det som utspelar sig och möjligheter ges att uppfatta något annat jämfört med vad man kan tro känna väl eller ha förenklade och till och med felaktiga uppfattningar om. Videoobservationer möjliggör att antaganden istället görs på empiriskt grundat datamaterial. Med risk att videofilma och analysera det man tror sig veta och söka har forskningsprojektens insamlingar mer förutsättningslöst arbetat efter vad och hur elever och lärare gör i slöjdpraktik och vad man får veta när slöjdaktiviteter analyseras mer ingående. Videomaterialen har analyserats både på en mer övergripande nivå och detaljerat med hjälp av mikroanalyser. Därefter har lärandet synliggjorts och beskrivits bland annat i teman för att visa hur personerna är resurser för varandra och hur lärandet utvecklas genom olika språkanvändning och med slöjdpraktikens fysiska redskap och material.Sökord: metod, slöjd, klassrumsforskning, videoetnografi, mikroanalysURN:NBN:no-29955

  20. Surdegsbröd och jästbröd : skillnad i smak och GI-värde


    Björkman, Andreas; Jeppsson, Julia


    Inledning: Surdeg är idag en trend som fångats av många och de flesta bagerier ochdagligvarubutiker säljer bröd som kallas för surdegsbröd. Ett traditionellt surdegsbröd är ettbröd där surdegen används som enda hävningsmedel i brödet. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka skillnader i sensoriska egenskaper, utifrån ettkonsumentperspektiv, samt GI-värde mellan surdegsbröd, jästbröd och bröd bakat på bådesurdeg och jäst. Material och metod: Metoderna som användes var två olika konsumenttester för att...

  1. Förbättring av IKEAs Kvalitetstester och Hantering av Kundklagomål : - Köksluckor och Bänkskivor


    Assbring, Lisa; Halilović, Elma


    IKEA grundades 1943 av Ingvar Kamprad och återförsäljs idag i 44 länder runt om i världen. Med den 25-års garanti på kök som IKEA erbjuder har det blivit allt viktigare för dem att bekräfta kvaliteten på kökssortimentet och hur tillfredsställd kunden är. Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att identifiera de mest kritiska faktorerna för köksfronter och bänkskivor baserat på nuvarande kundklagomål och vilka testmetoder som kan användas för att testa dessa faktorer i produktutvecklingsproc...

  2. Crystallization-induced dynamic resolution R-epimer from 25-OCH3-PPD epimeric mixture. (United States)

    Zhang, Sainan; Tang, Yun; Cao, Jiaqing; Zhao, Chen; Zhao, Yuqing


    25-OCH3-PPD is a promising antitumor dammarane sapogenin isolated from the total saponin-hydrolyzed extract of Panax ginseng berry and Panax notoginseng leaves. 20(R)-25-OCH3-PPD was more potent as an anti-cancer agent than 20(S)-25-OCH3-PPD and epimeric mixture of 25-OCH3-PPD. This paper describes the rapid separation process of the R-epimer of 25-OCH3-PPD from its epimeric mixture by crystallization-induced dynamic resolution (CIDR). The optimized CIDR process was based on single factor analysis and nine well-planned orthogonal design experiments (OA9 matrix). A rapid and sensitive reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method with evaporative light-scattering detector (ELSD) was developed and validated for the quantitation of 25-OCH3-PPD epimeric mixture and crystalline product. Separation and quantitation were achieved with a silica column using a mobile phase consisting of methanol and water (87:13, v/v) at a flow rate of 1.0mL/min. The ELSD detection was performed at 50°C and 3L/min. Under conditions involving 3mL of 95% ethanol, 8% HCl, and a hermetically sealed environment for 72h, the maximum production of 25(R)-OCH3-PPD was achieved with a chemical purity of 97% and a total yield of 87% through the CIDR process. The 25(R)-OCH3-PPD was nearly completely separated from the 220mg 25-OCH3-PPD epimeric mixture. Overall, a simple and steady small-batch purification process for the large-scale production of 25(R)-OCH3-PPD from 25-OCH3-PPD epimeric mixture was developed. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Belöning och motivation


    Blomqvist, Johnny


    Många företag använder sig av belöningssystem för att hålla kvar den nuvarande personalen och för att motivera personalen till ett bättre resultat i framtiden. För att ett belöningssystem skall fungera måste personalen vara motiverade. Syftet med detta arbete är att utreda vad personalen i några företag på Kimitoön anser om belöning och betydelsen av belöning i arbetet. I undersökningen utreder jag även motivationens betydelse i arbetet och vilken typ av belöning som motiverar på längre si...

  4. Chaos Paintball : -En investering och finansieringsbedömning


    Eriksson, Per; Söderqvist, Hanna


     I uppsatsen "Chaos Paintball, en investerings- och finansieringsbedömning" har en undersökning gällande en nyinvestering och finansieringen avseende nya aktiviteter och en byggnad genomförts. Undersökningen har utförts genom att tre olika byggnadsalternativ har tagits i beaktande och beräkningar på byggnadsalternativen har gjorts. Företagets planerade aktiviteter har undersökts genom att, med hjälp av kalkyler, genomföra beräkningar. Detta har lett fram till en rekommendation om vilka aktivi...

  5. ADO.NET och Entity Framework : En jämförelse av prestanda mellan en objektorienterad databas och en relationsdatabas


    Lindgren, Emelie; Andreasen, Ulrika


    Denna uppsats mäter och jämför prestanda mellan en objektorienterad databas och en relationsdatabas. Uppsatsen bygger på en utredande karaktär utifrån vår hypotes och vårt intresse att testa den.Hypotesen bygger på problematiken omkring mängden kod utvecklaren måste skriva för att kunna koppla ihop applikation med databas. En större mängd skriven kod som utvecklaren måste skriva borde göra att prestanda och svarstider blir långsammare. Därför ville vi undersöka om verktyg som medför en mindre...

  6. Room-temperature plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition of SiOCH films using tetraethoxysilane

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamaoka, K.; Yoshizako, Y.; Kato, H.; Tsukiyama, D.; Terai, Y.; Fujiwara, Y.


    Carbon-doped silicon oxide (SiOCH) thin films were deposited by room-temperature plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) using tetraethoxysilane (TEOS). The deposition rate and composition of the films strongly depended on radio frequency (RF) power. The films deposited at low RF power contained more CH n groups. The SiOCH films showed high etch rate and low refractive index in proportion to the carbon composition. The deposition with low plasma density and low substrate temperature is effective for SiOCH growth by PECVD using TEOS

  7. Facebook applikationsutveckling : En analys och guide


    Klinkmann, Samuel


    Facebook har blivit det ledande sociala nätverket på nätet. Facebook erbjuder även mycket goda möjligheter för företag att presentera sig, skapa sig ett brand på sidan och utveckla nya försäljningsinitiativ. Arcada har redan en tid haft en Facebook-sida. Nu ville de satsa mera på den och därför prova på att göra en kampanj i form av en facebook-applikation. Detta gjordes i och med deras brandförnyelse för läsåret 2011-2012. Detta examensarbete analyserar applikationen jag gjort tillsamma...

  8. Gymnasierektors ledarskapsparadox: att vara verksamhetschef och pedagogisk utvecklare

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ingemar Johansson


    Full Text Available Forskning om rektors ledarskap är omfattande, men studier som undersöker gymnasierektors arbetssituation och ledarskap är mer sällsynta. Avsikten med den föreliggande studien var att bidra till att denna kunskapslucka fylls igen. Semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio gymnasierektorer genomfördes med fokus på rektors arbetsuppgifter, möjlighet att planera och styra arbetet, förväntningar kring ledarskapet, samt möjlighet att utvecklas och lära i arbetet. I resultaten av den tematiska analysen framträdde fyra teman: (1 ledarskapsideal, (2 kollegialt stöd, (3 ledarskap i en förändringsbenägen organisation, och (4 begränsat utrymme för reflektion. Ett övergripande, gemensamt tema: "Ledarskapsparadox" speglar de högst varierande omständigheter och förhållanden i vardagen som en gymnasierektor ska kunna hantera, vilka också präglar resultatet av analysen. Ett något oväntat resultat var att gymnasierektor upplevde stort, eget ansvar för elevernas bästa. Studien kastar nytt ljus på gymnasierektorers ledarskap, och bidrar till ökad förståelse för vad rollen som ledare för en komplex organisation som gymnasieskolan kan innebära. Genom att knyta an till en arbetspsykologisk ledarskapsteori och formulera en arbetspsykologisk hypotes kan studien bidra till forskningen om arbetsintegrerat lärande (AIL.

  9. Konflikter och mobbning på arbetsplatsen : En osynlig kostnad


    Karlsson, Linda


    Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka vilka negativa konsekvenser konflikter och mobbning kan orsaka medarbetare och organisationer. Den ekonomiska krisen har medfört nedskärningar, ökad osäkerhet och hård konkurrens som påverkat arbetsmiljöerna i Finland. Eftersom arbetsvälbefinnande sjunkit på grund av dessa yttre faktorer, vill jag med detta examensarbete beskriva varför arbetsvälfärden borde få hög proritet. Detta examensarbete är baserat på litteratur, lagar, statistik och inter...

  10. Komplexitet för kvalitet i lärande och undervisning: bedömning av komplexa problem och studenters resonemang

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sofia Kjellström


    Full Text Available Vi utbildar studenter för att de ska ha möjlighet att lösa mycket komplexa samhällsproblem,men hur vet vi att de har utvecklat de former av tänkande och handlande som krävs? Forskning visar att vuxna tänker, talar och handlar utifrån olika nivåer av komplexitet, och att utbildning i hög grad påverkar människors förmågor. Model of Hierarchical Complexity(MHC är en teori som beskriver hur komplext information sätts samman och hur komplext personer resonerar i en fråga, vanligtvis på någon av nivåerna konkret, abstrakt, formellt, systematiskt eller metasystematisk. Syftet med denna artikel är att introducera MHC och visa på dess relevans som verktyg inom högre utbildning. Med hjälp av teorin är det möjligt att analysera både hur komplex en uppgift är och hur studenter klarar av att lösa den, vilket speglar förståelse inom ett ämne. Med modellen som mått på komplexitet tydliggörs svårighetsgraden i det som ska läras och på vilken nivå studenterna klarar att ta till sig kunskapsinnehållet. Avslutningsvis diskuteras hur studenter kan stödjas att utvecklasina förmågor till komplext resonerande och därmed skapa kvalitet i både lärande och undervisningOne of the aims of higher education is to teach students to solve complex problems, but what is the complexity of problems and the reasoning of students? The Model of Hierarchical Complexity (MHC is a theory applicable to all domains in which information is organized and accounts for increases in behavioral complexity which includes cognitive or reasoning complexity. The paper is a theoretical introduction to MHC as a tool for teaching in higher education. The model clarifies and shows the gap between the complexity in the subject and the students understanding of the same subject. We also discuss how to support the development of more complex reasoning in students.

  11. Employer branding. : - En fallstudie vid Sandvik AB om uppfattningar av begreppet employer branding och hur detta tillämpas idag och i framtiden.


    Eriksson, Johan


    Employer branding är ett begrepp som är aktuellt bland företagen just nu och allt fler väljer att satsa på employer branding som marknadsföringsstrategi. Den här studien handlar om employer branding på Sandvik och begreppet employer branding.Syftet med denna fallstudie av en global koncern är att förklara och beskriva begreppet employerbranding, samt hur man arbetar med detta och vilka framtidsvisioner man har på Sandvik.Studien genomfördes med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med ett antal ny...

  12. Konflikten mellan arbetsliv och familjeliv : En kvalitativ studie om småbarnsföräldrars upplevelser av psykisk hälsa och balans i tillvaron


    Ahlzén, Amanda


    Dagens arbetsliv ställer helt andra krav på individen än förr. På arbetsmarknaden krävs flexibilitet och eget ansvar, där individen förväntas kunna arbeta när som helst och var som helst. Dessa faktorer har bidragit till en obalans mellan arbetsliv och familjeliv som kan orsaka olika former av ohälsa. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur småbarnsföräldrar upplever sin psykiska hälsa i relation till balansen mellan arbetsliv och familjeliv. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod och dat...

  13. Millennials och baby boomers attityder till fake news : Generationernas upplevelser av nyhetsmediers sanningshalt


    Adolfsson, Claes; Strömberg, Markus; Stenberg, John


    Syftet med denna uppsats var att ta reda på generationerna millennials och baby boomers inställning till mediernas sanningshalt och politiska neutralitet. Detta gjordes med hjälp av följande frågeställningar: Vilka attityder och vilken inställning har millennials och baby boomers till nyhetsmediernas sanningshalt? Finns skillnader och likheter kvar när vi väger in variablerna kön och politiskt ställningstagande?   För att definiera generationerna använde vi oss av Cliff Zukins generationsteor...

  14. Starbucksfenomenet i Finland : Hur uppfattar och upplever finska konsumenter tillhörande generation Y och Z varumärket Starbucks?


    Emtö, Anna


    I den här undersökningen har jag undersökt hur finska konsumenter uppfattar och upplever varumärket Starbucks. Jag har utfört undersökningen genom att använda mig av fokusgruppintervjuer. Intervjuerna utfördes på basen av min frågeguide som utvecklats kring de relevanta teoriområden som är presenterade i arbetet. Mitt urval för intervjuerna var finska konsumenter tillhörande generationerna Y och Z i och med att dessa vuxit upp med varumärket samt upplevt inflytandet av sociala medier i vardag...

  15. Atmospheric Chemistry of CH3CH2OCH3

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Mads Peter Sulbæk; Bjørn Svendsen, Sissel; Østerstrøm, Freja From


    The atmospheric chemistry of methyl ethyl ether, CH3CH2OCH3, was examined using FT-IR/relative-rate methods. Hydroxyl radical and chlorine atom rate coefficients of k(CH3CH2OCH3+OH) = (7.53 ± 2.86) × 10−12 cm3 molecule−1 s−1 and k(CH3CH2OCH3+Cl) = (2.35 ± 0.43) × 10−10 cm3 molecule−1 s−1 were...

  16. Thermal decomposition of FC(O)OCH3 and FC(O)OCH2CH3. (United States)

    Berasategui, M; Argüello, G A; Burgos Paci, M A


    The thermal decomposition of methyl and ethyl formates has been extensively studied due to their importance in the oxidation of several fuels, pesticidal properties and their presence in interstellar space. We hitherto present the study of the thermal decomposition of methyl and ethyl fluoroformates, which could help in the elucidation of the reaction mechanisms. The reaction mechanisms were studied using FTIR spectroscopy in the temperature range of 453-733 K in the presence of different pressures of N2 as bath gas. For FC(O)OCH3 two different channels were observed; the unimolecular decomposition which is favored at higher temperatures and has a rate constant kFC(O)OCH3 = (5.3 ± 0.5) × 1015 exp[-(246 ± 10 kJ mol-1/RT)] (in units of s-1) and a bimolecular channel with a rate constant kFC(O)OCH3 = (1.6 ± 0.5) × 1011 exp[-(148 ± 10 kJ mol-1/RT)] (in units of s-1 (mol L)-1). However for ethyl formate, only direct elimination of CO2, HF and ethylene operates. The rate constants of the homogeneous first-order process fit the Arrhenius equation kFC(O)OCH2CH3 = (2.06 ± 0.09) × 1013 exp[-(169 ± 6 kJ mol-1/RT)] (in units of s-1). The difference between the mechanisms of the two fluoroformates relies on the stabilization of a six-centered transition state that only exists for ethyl formate. First principles calculations for the different channels were carried out to understand the dynamics of the decomposition.

  17. IKEA nätbutik och hemleverans - En marknadsundersökning


    Hasselström, Matias


    Konkurrensen på marknaderna blir ständigt hårdare. Internet och nät handel har medfört möjligheten att nå kunder dygnet runt och nästan helt utan geografiska begränsningar. För att företaget skall klara av konkurrensen måste deras produkter och tjänster tillfredsställa de alltmer krävande kundernas behov. För att tillfredsställa kundernas behov måste företagen undersöka vad kunderna efterfrågar och om företaget möter dessa krav. I detta arbete beskrivs hur en marknadsundersökning för IKEA nät...

  18. Sociala medier - en påverkande faktor på identitetsutveckling och psykiskt välbefinnande : En kvalitativ studie om unga kvinnors uppfattningar och erfarenheter av sociala medier


    Wiksten, Isabell; Ström, Johanna


    Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka och uppmärksamma unga kvinnors uppfattningar och erfarenheter avseende hur sociala medier påverkar deras identitetsutveckling och psykiska välbefinnande. Det är en kvalitativ studie baserad på två fokusgrupper med tre högskole- och universitetsstuderande kvinnor, i åldern 18 - 25. Det genomfördes även en individuell intervju med en professionell som är verksam på en stödmottagning för psykisk ohälsa. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten i analysen är symbolis...

  19. Teoretisk och praktisk genomgång av IPv6 och dess säkerhetsaspekter


    Andersson, David


    Den här uppsatsen går teoretiskt och praktiskt igenom IPv6 för att skapa en förståelse för det nya protokollet. Uppsatsen beskriver utöver den teoretiska genomgången av protokollet även det praktiska arbete som ligger bakom implementationen som är tänkt att kunna ge såväl privatpersoner som mindre organisationer tillgång till en säker IPv6 lösning även om Internetleverantören endast kan erbjuda IPv4.   Arbetet är gjort på eget initiativ då behovet av kunskap kring IPv6 växer lavinartat och då...

  20. Balans mellan arbete och familjeliv : Ett vinnande koncept för alla


    Holmgren, Viktor; Ajena, David


    Under de senaste årtionden har en stor förändring skett hos familjers olika sätt att förhålla sig till arbetslivet. Den traditionella arbetsdagen på 8-timmar är inte längre normen, och den framväxande informations- och kommunikations teknologin gör att en anställd kan få tillgång till allt arbete 24/7. En följd av dessa förändringar är att efterfrågan på familjerelaterande- och hushållsnäratjänster har ökat både för män och kvinnor. Rapporten har visat forskning och studier som påvisar att de...

  1. Ogräs, åkertistlar och taggiga växter

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lars Klintwall


    Full Text Available Psykiatriska diagnoser är kontroversiella. Vissa, ofta psykiatriker, menar att psykiska tillstånd går att dela upp i distinkta klasser medan andra, ofta psykologer, menar att all sådan uppdelning gör våld på verkligheten. Dessutom har psykiatrin anklagats för att vara moraliserande: vem kan avgöra vad som är sjukt och friskt? Är autism en sjukdom? Utifrån en pragmatisk begreppsanalys är uppdelningen mellan sjukt och friskt nödvändigtvis godtycklig. Precis som när en trädgårdsmästare avgör vad som är ogräs så beror det på situationen och ens syften. Och precis som växterarter ibland är distinkta arter så kan vissa psykiatriska diagnoser vara distinkta klasser, och andra inte. Kanske är autism en avgränsad diagnos, kanske inte. Men ibland är inte artsuppdelning det mest användbara för en trädgårdsmästare, precis som det inte behöver vara det för psykiatrin. Istället kan man formulera nya kategoriseringar helt baserade på pragmatiska hänsyn. Ibland räcker det med taggiga växter och socialt indifferenta barn.

  2. Från outsiderfilmmakare till etablerad indieregissör : David Lynch, Jim Jarmusch och Steven Soderbergh


    Simberg, Maximilian


    Det här arbetet behandlar kreativ frihet och konstnärligt oberoende i filmskapande, utgående från begreppet independent film och regissörerna David Lynch, Jim Jarmusch och Steven Soderbergh. Den centrala frågeställningen är hur det har varit möjligt för en filmkonstnär att uppnå konstnärligt oberoende och samtidigt ha en långlivad och framgångsrik karriär. Arbetets fokus ligger på de tre regissörernas genombrottsfilmer; Eraserhead, Stranger Than Paradise och sex, lies, and videotape, och förs...

  3. Evidensgraderingssystemet GRADE : Ett sätt att granska vetenskaplig kunskap om metoder och arbetssätt i hälso- och sjukvården


    Roback, Kerstin; Carlsson, Per


    Beslut om införande av nya behandlingsmetoder och arbetssätt i sjukvården präglas alltid av en viss grad av osäkerhet. De studier som gjorts av metodens för- och nackdelar kan vara av olika god kvalitet och därmed ge mer eller mindre säkra resultat. Efter att användningen av systematiska litteraturstudier vid medicinsk teknologiutvärdering tog fart på 1980-talet började man efterfråga ett beslutsunderlag som även tar hänsyn till olika studiers kvalitet. Detta initierade utvecklingen av flera ...

  4. Anti-lung cancer effects of novel ginsenoside 25-OCH(3)-PPD. (United States)

    Wang, Wei; Rayburn, Elizabeth R; Hang, Jie; Zhao, Yuqing; Wang, Hui; Zhang, Ruiwen


    20(S)-25-methoxyl-dammarane-3beta, 12beta, 20-triol (25-OCH(3)-PPD), a newly identified natural product from Panax notoginseng, exhibits activity against a variety of cancer cells. Herein, we report the effects of this compound on human A549, H358, and H838 lung cancer cells, and compare these effects with a control lung epithelial cell line, BEAS-2B. 25-OCH(3)-PPD decreased survival, inhibited proliferation, and induced apoptosis and G1 cell cycle arrest in the lung cancer cell lines. The P. notoginseng compound also decreased the levels of proteins associated with cell proliferation and cell survival. Moreover, 25-OCH(3)-PPD inhibited the growth of A549 lung cancer xenograft tumors. 25-OCH(3)-PPD demonstrated low toxicity to non-cancer cells, and no observable toxicity was seen when the compound was administered to animals. In conclusion, our preclinical data indicate that 25-OCH(3)-PPD is a potential therapeutic agent in vitro and in vivo, and further preclinical and clinical development of this agent for lung cancer is warranted.

  5. Flavours – det smakar doft : Upplevelsen av mat och vin i kombination


    Hult, Jonas; Lagnetoft, David; Nygren, Nadia


    Inledning: Den vetenskapliga förankringen om mat och vin i kombination är låg. Upplevelsenav en måltid involverar alla de mänskliga sinnena, vilket således har gjort den svår att mäta.Hur stor roll spelar egentligen grundsmakerna och krävs det ytterligare element för att lyfta enkombination av mat och vin till högre höjder?Bakgrund: Förutom smaklökarna på tungan som bildar den grundläggande uppfattningen avdet vi stoppar i munnen, är det främst munkänsla och flavours som bidrar till helheten ...

  6. Dubbel ABC-analys av inrednings- och gåvoartiklar för en blombutik


    Ruokolainen, Daniela


    Kirkkonummen Kukkapiste är en blombutik i Kyrkslätt centrum, som år 2012 utvidgade sitt sortiment av inrednings- och gåvoartiklar. Konkurrensen är hög och en ABC-analys kan hjälpa företagare att identifiera vilka faktorer i ett företag som det lönar sig att lägga tid och resurser på, vilket i sin tur effektiverar verksamheten. Syftet med detta arbete är att med hjälp av en dubbel ABC-analys för Kirkkonummen Kukkapiste ta reda på vilka inrednings- och gåvoartiklar som binder mest kapital och v...

  7. Ramverk för en drift- och underhållsstrategi ur ett regelstyrt infrastrukturperspektiv


    Espling, Ulla


    Att förvalta statens järnvägar är en komplex uppgift där hänsyn måste tas till interna och externa faktorer och processer samtidigt som krav på effektivitet ställs från ägare, kunder och slutkunder. Banverket bildade 1988 genom att det affärsdrivande verket Statens Järnvägar delades i ett infrastrukturverk, Banverket, och ett trafikutövningsverk SJ. Vid tidpunkten för delningen var infrastrukturanläggningarna i stort behov av upprustning och förnyelse. Till att börja med tillämpades regelstyr...

  8. Etching Enhancement Followed by Nitridation on Low-k SiOCH Film in Ar/C5F10O Plasma (United States)

    Miyawaki, Yudai; Shibata, Emi; Kondo, Yusuke; Takeda, Keigo; Kondo, Hiroki; Ishikawa, Kenji; Okamoto, Hidekazu; Sekine, Makoto; Hori, Masaru


    The etching rates of low-dielectric-constant (low-k), porous SiOCH (p-SiOCH) films were increased by nitrogen-added Ar/C5F10O plasma etching in dual-frequency (60 MHz/2 MHz)-excited parallel plate capacitively coupled plasma. Previously, perfluoropropyl vinyl ether [C5F10O] provided a very high density of CF3+ ions [Nagai et al.: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 45 (2006) 7100]. Surface nitridation on the p-SiOCH surface exposed to Ar/N2 plasma led to the etching of larger amounts of p-SiOCH in Ar/C5F10O plasma, which depended on the formation of bonds such as =C(sp2)=N(sp2)- and -C(sp)≡N(sp).

  9. Bankvärldens framtid : En studie kring hur banker utnyttjar den teknologiska utvecklingen och digitaliseringen av tjänster, samt dess påverkan på kundrelationer, förtroende och lojalitet


    Grip, Sebastian; Hellström, Gustav; Skyttevall, Tobias


    Titel: Bankvärldens framtid: En studie kring hur banker utnyttjar den teknologiska utvecklingen och digitaliseringen av tjänster samt dess påverkan på kundrelationer, förtroende och lojalitet   Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi   Akademi: Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, Mälardalens Högskola   Författare: Sebastian Grip, Gustav Hellström och Tobias Skyttevall (92/04/22), (94/02/28), (95/05/21) Handledare: Hadjikhani, Annoch   Datum: 05–06–17   Bakgrund: Att skapa en lojal kun...

  10. Lärares yrkesetiska dilemman och den ökande juridifieringen i Sverige

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gunnel Colnerud


    Full Text Available Följande artikel under temat “Etikbølgen i yrkesutdanning og praksis” beskriver och diskuterar etik och juridik i läraryrket med utgångspunkt i det dilemma som lärare själva anser vara ett av de svåraste enligt två svenska empiriska studier – att ingripa mot en kollega som handlar etiskt klandervärt mot elever. Artikeln diskuterar vidare den dygdetiska kritik mot regeletik som förekom vid tillkomsten av de etiska principerna. Vidare pekar den på de problem som följer av att lärarna är föremål för en tilltagande juridifiering. En våg, en bølge, kan beröra endast ytan som en krusning eller vara en djupgående och energirik rörelse. För att använda den aktuella metaforen på mitt studieobjekt skulle jag vilja påstå att diskussionen av lärares yrkesetik och medvetenheten om svenska lärares etiska riktlinjer utvecklades till en våg av endast blygsam storlek. I dagsläget (2014 har den ersatts av en juridisk våg med stor kraft.Nyckelord: etik i läraryrket, etiska dilemman, juridifiering av lärarpraktikenEnglish summary: Teachers’ ethical dilemmas and the juridification of the Swedish schoolIn this article, ethics and law in the teaching profession are described and discussed, starting with the ethical dilemma that teachers point to as the most difficult, according to referred empirical studies – intervention when a colleague acts in an ethically incorrect way towards students. Furthermore the author discusses the critique coming from virtue ethics in relation to ethical principles and shows that even Aristotle suggests ethical principles under certain circumstances. Swedish teachers’ ethical principles had very little time to be achieved before an increasing juridification of teaching took place. This phenomenon is discussed in terms of professional autonomy and professional judgement.

  11. Vad behöver eleverna undervisning i för att utveckla sitt skrivande? Förväntningsnormer och didaktiska beslut i svensklärares bedömningssamtal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Per Blomqvist


    Full Text Available I studien samtalar tre lärargrupper om elevers skrivande och skrivundervisning i ämnet svenska på gymnasiet. Det teoretiska perspektiv som läggs på dessa samtal är didaktiskt och inriktas på hur lärare formulerar och använder bedömningsinformation om elevers skrivande för beslut om skrivundervisningens innehåll. Resultatet visar att lärares bedömningar av elevers skrivande behandlar fler och delvis andra aspekter av skrivförmåga än vad deras didaktiska beslut sedan omfattar. De kvalitetsuppfattningar och förväntningsnormer som lärarna uttrycker i sina bedömningar av elevers skrivande inriktas huvudsakligen på texters kommunikativa kvaliteter, den stilistiska utformningen och textuppbyggnaden, följt av ämnesinnehåll och källanvändning. De didaktiska beslut som fattas utifrån bedömningen av elevers texter inriktas däremot i stort sett enbart på att eleverna behöver skrivundervisning i att disponera text och att använda källor. Detta gör att överensstämmelsen är låg mellan lärarnas beslut om skrivundervisningens inriktning och deras förväntningar på vad eleverna ska kunna. De didaktiska besluten omfattar i begränsad utsträckning den bedömningsinformation som lärarna själva har formulerat.Nyckelord: Skrivbedömning, kvalitetsuppfattningar, förväntningsnormer, didaktiska beslut, formativ bedömning, svenskämnets didaktik, svenska på gymnasietAbstractThis article presents an analysis of teacher group discussions about students’ writing in the subject of Swedish in upper secondary school. The study adopts a pedagogical perspective on these discussions and focuses on examining teachers’ expressed assessment criteria and relating them to their pedagogical decision-making. The results reveal that the teachers’ assessments of students’ writing focus on much more, and partly other, criteria than their pedagogical decisions. The quality standards that teachers express in the discussions about

  12. Ledarskapet och de två faktorerna : En induktiv studie för att förstå hur organisationsfaktorer och könsstereotyper påverkar ledarskap


    Larsson, Hampus; Tang, Vinh; Vannfält, Jessica


    Sammanfattning   Titel: Ledarskapet och de två faktorerna: En induktiv studie för att förstå hur organisationsfaktorer och könsstereotyper påverkar ledarskap.   Seminariedatum: 2018-01-09   Akademi: Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, Mälardalen Högskola   Ämne/kurs: FOA300, examensarbete i företagsekonomi på kandidatnivå.   Författare: Larsson, Hampus 930903, Tang, Vinh 940523, Vannfält, Jessica 911031   Handledare: Magnus Linderström   Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att genom en i...

  13. Water-soluble derivatives of 25-OCH3-PPD and their anti-proliferative activities. (United States)

    Zhou, Wu-Xi; Sun, Yuan-Yuan; Yuan, Wei-Hui; Zhao, Yu-Qing


    (20R)-25-Methoxyl-dammarane-3β,12β,20-triol (25-OCH 3 -PPD, AD-1) is a dammarane-type sapogenin showing anti-tumor potential. In the search for new anti-tumor agents with higher potency than our previously identified compound 25-OCH 3 -PPD, 11 novel sulfamic acid and diacid derivatives that could improve water solubility and contribute to good drug potency and pharmacokinetic profiles were designed and synthesized. Their in vitro anti-tumor activities in MCF-7, A-549, HCT-116, and BGC-823 cell lines and one normal cell line were tested by standard MTT assay. Results showed that compared with compound 25-OCH 3 -PPD, compounds 1, 4, and 5 exhibited higher cytotoxic activity on almost all cell lines, together with lower toxicity in the normal cell. In particular, compound 1 exhibited the best anti-tumor activity in the in vitro assays. The water solubility of 25-OCH 3 -PPD and its derivatives was tested and the results showed that the solubility of 25-OCH 3 -PPD sulfamic acid and diacid derivatives were better than that of 25-OCH 3 -PPD in water, which may provide valuable data for the research and development of new anti-tumor agents. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Tre lampor och ett ben : produktserie för Gotlands Lampfabrik


    Johansson, Emma


    Gotlands Lampfabrik är en nystartad verksamhet (2009) som drivs av Jonas Kling och Jane Odell centralt på Gotland. De producerar stilrena lampskärmar i ett ljust polymermaterial med papp på båda sidorna. Produktionen är liten och görs för hand på plats i den egna fabriken i Väskinde. Sortimentet består av 33 lampskärmar och i nuläget producerar inte Gotlands Lampfabrik sina egna lampben eller upphängningar utan köper in dem från fristående parter vilket medför att sortimentet kan uppfattas so...

  15. LCA som verktyg för ökad kunskap om miljöpåverkan från golvmaterialen vinyl, linoleum och parkett : Utifrån certifieringskriterier om relevans, potential och styrbarhet


    Yilmaz, Secil


    Life Cycle Assesment, LCA, används för att sammanställa och utvärdera in- och utflöden ur ett system samt potentiell miljöpåverkan under en produkts livscykel. Beräkningarna görs genom att se hela produkten ur ett livscykelperspektiv, dvs. från det att produkten är en råvara till det att den hanteras som avfall. Beroende på måldefinition och systemgränser kan detaljgraden och tidsramen för LCA-studien varieras. LCA används för att identifiera möjligheter att förbättra produkten i olika delar ...

  16. Den komplexa väven Att organisera för barns övergångar till och från förskoleklass

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helena Ackesjö


    Full Text Available This study focuses on how children's transitions to and from preschool classes are organized in different schools. Principal’s arguments for this organization were sought via a web-based survey and analyzed using the frame factor theory in addition to theories of practical sense and the concept of continuity. The results show that children tend to make more transitions between social communities the younger they are. The distribution of the principal’s answers show that the majority of them, because of external conditions, split the preschool groups to new classes in the transition to preschool class. However, the same movements are not indicated in the transition to first grade. The results show how the work of organizing chidren’s transitions represent a complex web of external actual conditions as the number of children and the recruitment area of the school, the internal logics and ideas about what is best for children and best for continued learning as well as the school's own traditions of working with transitions. Föreliggande studie fokuserar på hur barns övergångar till och från förskoleklass organiseras på olika skolor. Via en webbaserad enkät söks skolledares argument för denna organisering. I analysen nyttjas ett ramfaktorteoretiskt tänkande som kompletteras med teorier om praktiskt förnuft samt kontinuitetsbegreppet. Resultaten visar att barn tenderar att göra fler övergångar mellan barngrupper och sociala gemenskaper ju yngre de är. Fördelningen av skolledarnas svar visar att majoriteten, på grund av yttre villkor, delar förskolegrupperna till nya klasser i övergången till förskoleklass. Däremot indikeras inte samma rörlighet i övergången till årskurs 1. Resultaten visar hur arbetet med att organisera övergångarna utgör en komplex väv av yttre faktiska villkor som barnantal och upptagningsområdets storlek, av inre logiker och föreställningar om vad som är det bästa för barnen och det b

  17. Boye och "jag" : En grammatisk analys av en litterär persona


    Lindström, Elina


    I denna uppsats använder jag den interpersonella metafunktionen inom systemisk-funktionell grammatik för att undersöka sex av Karin Boyes dikter, detta med syfte att se huruvida en sådan här analys kan säga något av intresse om diktjaget. Analysen genomfördes enligt Holmberg och Karlssons modell i Grammatik med betydelse, där subjekt och finit tagits ut varpå språkhandlingar markerats och modalitet kommenterats. Dikterna är hämtade ur Boyes Samlade dikter. Av min analys framgår att jaget beha...

  18. Krav och Kontroll på arbetet : - vilka förklaringsvariabler påverkar individens upplevelse?


    Sjöberg-Linna, Annica


    Arbetsmiljön kan enligt Karasek och Theorell (1990) karaktäriseras i två dimensioner, psykologiska krav från arbetet och i vilken utsträckning individen möter dessa med hjälp av egenkontrollen. De har utvecklat krav-kontroll modellen som mäter den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Modellen används i denna studie för att undersöka huruvida några förklaringsvariabler relaterar till individens upplevelse av krav och kontroll på arbetet. Deltagarna fick besvara en enkät besående av olika variabler och s...

  19. Nu mår man? : en kvalitativ studie om tidspress och välmående


    Asfedai Larsson, Joel; Falk, Emil


    Tidigare forskning visar att många akademiker upplever hög arbetsbelastning och påtaglig tidspress på arbetsplatsen. Det kan leda till en konflikt mellan arbete och fritid. Tidspress och välmående är aktuella ämnen, vilket dagspressen styrker. Tidigare forskning upplever dessutom en kunskapslucka vad gäller forskning om obalans mellan arbete och fritid, samt vilket effekt det får på individens välmående. Studiens syfte är således att utforska hur redovisningskonsulten upplever tidspress utifr...

  20. Vinstvarningars påverkan på företag i Large och Small Cap? :  


    Maliqi, Agon; Persson, Henric


    Den här studien undersöker hur vinstvarningar påverkar stora och små företag. För att förklara dess påverkan på företagen har den effektiva marknadshypotesen och behavioral finance använts som grund. Avgränsningen har gjorts till Stockholmsbörsen då inga tidigare studier haft fokus på den. Empirin visar att företag i Large Cap påverkas med i snitt -4,63% och företagen i Small Cap med -8,42%. Large Cap visade signifikanta abnorma avkastningar under eventdatumet och dagen efter medan Small Cap ...

  1. Inre och yttre motivation till träning : en kvalitativ studie bland regebundet aktiva kvinnor


    Jonsson, Johanna


    Bakgrund: Regelbunden träning är viktig för både fysiskt och psykisktvälbefinnande. För att bibehålla en regelbundenhet i träningen krävs det ettengagemang och en motivation. En person kan motiveras av både inre ochyttre faktorer beroende på personens intresse. Trots att människor tenderaratt vara mer stillasittande, tycks intresset för träning och hälsa öka. Inteminst syns detta på sociala medier, där bilder och inlägg medträningsbudskap förmedlas frekvent. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att under...

  2. Varumärket IKEA : en studie om identitet och image vid företagets etablering i Karlstad


    Almqvist, Jessica; Reinholdsson, Åsa


    IKEA är i nuläget ett av Sveriges och världens starkaste varumärken och under sommaren 2007 kommer IKEA att etablera sig i Karlstad. För att ett varumärke ska kunna anses vara starkt krävs det att företagets identitet och image stämmer överens. Identitet är de signaler som företaget sänder ut till kunden och image är den uppfattning som uppstår i kundens medvetande om själva företaget. Intresset i nuläget var att se till vad IKEA har för identitet och vad boende i Karlstad med omnejd har för ...

  3. Imageskapande och marknadsföringskommunikation : En deskriptiv studie om Örebro Bostäders arbete i Vivalla och Markbacken


    Abedian Sanandaji, Foad


    Slutsatsen efter genomfört arbetet är att Örebro Bostäder AB bland annat har en önskvärd image av Vivalla som ett område med en unik och personlig omgivning med mindre individuella bostadsområden där det finns något för alla smaker. I Markbacken vill Öbo behålla och förstärka en image av variation, där allt från barnfamiljer till den som söker ett lite mer exklusivt boende skall lockas. Vidare har undersökningen visat att dessa önskvärda imager främst förmedlas via mun till mun-metoden, massm...

  4. Motivation beroende på anställningsform? : En fallstudie om motivationsrelaterade skillnader mellan fast anställda och inhyrda medarbetare på ett bank- och försäkringsföretag


    Sundqvist Swahn, Sofia; Emthén, Niklas; Persson, Katarina


    Bemanningsbranschen växer och allt fler personer blir anställda via bemanningsföretag. Bemanningsföretagens viktigaste uppgift är att öka flexibiliteten på arbetsmarknaden. De gör det lättare för företagen att snabbt anpassa arbetsstyrkan till efterfrågan. Samtidigt finns problem och risker med att hyra in personal. Flertalet studier kring dessa problem tangerar ämnena motivation och/eller inhyrda medarbetare, men forskningen är begränsad vad gäller inhyrda medarbetares motivation. Under anta...

  5. Sol och stränder eller bra bibliotek? : En studie över vilka faktorer som påverkar utlandsstudenters val av destination och lärosäte


    Jokinen, Charlotta; Halling, Lisa Kristin


    Sammanfattning Akademi:     Akademin för hållbar samhälls- och teknikutveckling, Mälardalens högskola. Nivå:             Kandidatuppsats i marknadsföring, 15 hp. Datum:         2009-05-18 Författare:   Lisa Kristin Halling och Charlotta Jokinen. Handledare: Lars Albert. Bakgrund:   I dagens samhälle är det vanligt att åka utomlands på semester och tidigare forskning har gjorts för att undersöka vilka faktorer det är som påverkar en resenär vid val av destination. Det är även vanligt förekomma...

  6. För vilka finns kroppspositivismen? : En diskursanalytisk och semiotisk studie av hur kroppsaktivister på Instagram artikulerar kroppspositivism


    Wallén, Camilla


    Denna studie har genomförts med syfte att undersöka hur kroppsaktivister artikulerar kropp och kroppspositivitet genom bilder och texter på deras Instagramkonton. Studien syftar även till att undersöka om, och i så fall hur, artikulationerna av kroppspositivitet skiljer sig mellan olika kroppsaktivister. Slutligen syftar studien till att studera hur kroppsaktivisterna artikulerar syftet med rörelsen. Det teoretiska ramverket består av tidigare forskning och etablerade teorier i postmodern fem...

  7. Bristande samsyn i lärares definition av hot och våld : En kvalitativ studie om förekomst av hot och våld mot lärare på högstadieskolor.


    Eklund, Anton; Johansson, Tommy


    Denna kvalitativa studie syftar till att studera förekomsten av hot och våld mot lärare på högstadieskolor, hur man på de undersökta skolorna arbetar med att minimera förekomsten av hot och våld samt hur lärare definierar sin syn på vad som kan vara hot och våld från föräldrar och elever. Studien är baserad på ett riktat bekvämlighetsurval där skyddsombud på högstadieskolor i den undersökta kommunen valdes ut. I samband med analysen av studiens resultat har Lintons rollteori använts för att s...

  8. Kan ekologisk och ekonomisk hållbarhet kombineras? : En studie av en neoklassisk jämviktsmodell och dess relation till hållbarhet


    Pettersson, David


    Bakgrunden till examensarbetet är att aktiviteter kopplat till den globala ekonomin samt tillväxt av denna har skapat en situation som i dagsläget inte uppfyller den ekologiska dimensionen av hållbarhet. Lösningar för att minska den miljöpåverkan som sker idag samtidigt som ekonomisk tillväxt sker har kritiserats och istället föreslås ekonomier med låg eller ingen tillväxt. Med bakgrund till detta har forskningsprojektet Bortom BNP-tillväxt startat och examensarbetet genomförs hos ekonomiska ...

  9. Om rättssäkerheten i instans- och processordningen : ur ett svenskt asylrättsligt perspektiv


    Gisslén, Kristofer


    Den 1 Mars 2006 ersattes den gamla UtlL (1989:529) av en ny UtlL (2005:716) med stora förändringar i instans- och processordningen. De grundläggande kraven på denna var att öppenheten i asylprocessen skulle öka, att de sökande skulle ges ökade möjligheter till muntlig förhandling vid överklagande av asyl- och medborgarskapsärenden, att processen skulle bestå av en tvåpartsprocess och att instans- och processordningen skulle utformas så att kraven på skyndsam handläggning uppfylldes. I denna u...

  10. Hur äldres sexualitet och sexuella hälsa är kopplade till deras livskvalitet : En litteraturstudie


    Heinrich, Elsa; Johansson, Amanda


    Sexualiteten och den sexuella hälsan är en grundpelare i att varje människas individualitet. Det finns ett fördomsfullt synsätt angående äldre och deras sexualitet där gruppen blir betraktade som asexuell. Ämnet är tabubelagt och det föreligger relativt lite kunskap kring det. Livskvalitet är en subjektiv upplevelse som förändras över tid. Åldrandet bidrar till flera riskfaktorer som kan leda till nedsatt livskvalitet. Denna litteraturstudies syfte var att undersöka hur sexualitet och sexuell...

  11. "Oftast du vet själv vad är det rätta" : Högstadieelevers sociala mediavanor och regelperception i onlinesammanhang


    Bergman, Mikael


    Sammanfattning: Sociala medier spelar en allt större roll i hur vi kommunicerar och uttrycker oss. Denna studie är ämnad att utveckla och koppla ihop den redan existerande forskningen om ungdomars sociala mediavanor på Snapchat och Instagram, och forskning om vad sociala mediaanvändare upplever vad man kan och får publicera på dessa sociala medier. Denna studie utforskar detta genom tre fokusgruppsintervjuer med 15 åriga niondeklassare. Resultatet analyseras genom dramaturgi som till stor del...

  12. Higher Ground : Stevie Wonder och New Age


    Nyman, Jonas


    Syftet med min uppsats är att jämföra religiösa företeelser från tre av Stevie Wonders album med New Age för att på så sätt uttröna om Stevie Wonders texter påverkats av New Age- föreställningar. Jag hittar både skillnader och likheter när jag jämför det religiösa budskapet i Stevie Wonders texter med New Age. De New Age- företeelser som går att hitta i texterna är få i förhållande till New Age i sin helhet och det är svårt att avgöra vilka influenser som kommer ifrån Stevie Wonder, New Age ...

  13. Lekfull kreativitet. Fysiska användargränssnitt som erbjuder social och fysisk interaktion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brooks, Eva Irene


    I den här artikeln presenteras en studie som ägde rum under två år i fem olika förskolor i Danmark och som inkluderade 55 barn. Specifikt undersökte vi hur fysiska användargränssnitt kan stötta social och fysisk interaktion. Studien applicerade en design-baserad metodologi som följde en iterativ,......, cyklisk process. Analysen visade att fysiska gränssnitt som främjar utforskande aktiviteter, verbala interaktioner och samarbete har en potential att erbjuda lekfulla lärande situationer som understödjer fria men också guidade aktiviteter....

  14. Arkitekturer i operativsystem : en fallstudie i monolitisk och micro kernel


    Hjortsberg, Andreas; Frederiksen, Kristofer


    Den tekniska utvecklingen driver fram allt mer avancerade datorsystem. Samtidigt ställs allt större krav på stabilitet och flexibilitet i de operativsystem som ska användas på dessa system. De senaste årtiondena har micro kernel arkitekturen varit föremål för intensiv forskning och det finns idag ett flertal operativsystem på marknaden som använder denna arkitektur. Traditionella monolitiska operativsystem är relativt resurskrävande system som ofta anklagats för att sakna struktur. Micro kern...

  15. Digitala spel : En kvalitativ studie om E-sportspelares erfarenheter från karriär och upplevd hälsa


    Szilagyi, Ivan


    Ungdomar och unga vuxna är de främsta användarna av digitala spel och även de främsta entusiasterna av fenomenet E-sport. Spelvanor är av betydelse då studier har påvisat att det finns determinanter, både fysiologiska och psykologiska som kan påverka individens välbefinnande.Syftet med studien var att undersöka professionella E-sportspelares erfarenheter av att utöva sin sport och hur de upplever att detta påverkar hälsan. En kvalitativ metod användes och datainsamling utfördes genom intervju...

  16. Löslighet och transport av sällsynta jordartsmetaller i Källfallsfältets gruvsandsmagasin


    de Campos Pereira, Hugo


    Löslighet och transport av sällsynta jordartsmetaller i Källfallsfältets gruvsandsmagasin Hugo de Campos Pereira Syftet med detta arbete har varit att kartlägga vilka mekanismer som styr lösligheten av sällsynta jordartsmetaller (eng. rare earth elements, REE) i sulfidhaltig anrikningssand vid den föredetta gruvan Källfallsfältet i Västmanland. För syftet har markvatten- och grundvattenprovtagning utförts, tillsammans med laktester och geokemisk modellering med Visual MINTEQ ver. 3.0. Resulta...

  17. Verksamhetsanalys, Planering och Utveckling av en webbtjänst


    Kindstedt, Tomas


    Arbetet behandlar utvecklingsprocessen av programmet SECTMA, ett cirkeltränings-program designat för människor som utövar kampsporter. Programmet är designat för alla konditionsnivåer från toppidrottare till de som endast vill förbättra sin kondition. Arbetet är tudelat, i den första delen går jag igenom teori för STOF och Agile för att skapa en grund och en förståelse för hur jag vill utveckla programmet. Den andra delen följer med utvecklingsprocessen stegvis. STOF erbjuder ett ramverk...

  18. Guide för referenshantering : APA-manual inom Barn- och ungdomsvetenskap (BUVA)


    Engdahl, Ingrid


    Denna guide behandlar först hur du enligt APA refererar i löpande text och därefter hur man skriver en referenslista. För en komplett guide till APA Style hänvisas till Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (American Psychological Association, 2010) eller till hemsidan, där det finns tydlig introduktion i ljud och bild till APA Style.

  19. M2-metoden: Minne och motivation i harmoni för ökad genomströmning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonard Suppatt Ngaosuvan


    Full Text Available God genomströmning är en ekonomisk förutsättning för lärosäten inom högre utbildning. Studiens syfte var att testa en didaktisk metod där studenter övar med tentamensuppgifter under kursens gång. Metoden testades på ett moment i metod och statistik på en samhällsvetenskaplig utbildning. Ett treveckorsmoment i kvantitativ metod och statistik genomfördes på avancerad nivå och bestod av föreläsningar, statistikövningar och gruppövningar. Inför momentet presenterades 117 uppgifter ur vilka ett stratifierat slumpvist urval konstituerade salstentan. Studenterna arbetade självständigt med studieuppgifterna med lärarstöd. Resultatet visade god genomströmning, där samtliga 64 förstagångstentander blev godkända. Metodens framgång i genomströmning förklaras i termer av både minnes- och motivationspsykologi. 

  20. Batman: En musikalisk berättelse : En analys av filmerna Batman: The Movie, Batman och The Dark Knight


    Bohlin, Benjamin


    Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera hur filmmusiken har använts i Batman: The Movie (1966), Batman (1989) och The Dark Knight (2008). Att se en narrativ användning och beskrivning av Batman samt hur upplevelsen av filmen ändras när man ser den utan musik. Kompositörerna till filmerna är, för Batman: The Movie (1966) Nelson Riddle, till Batman (1989) är det Danny Elfman och till The Dark Knight (2008) är kompositörerna Hans Zimmer och James Newton Howard. Filmerna analyserats från ett mult...

  1. Work-life balance utifrån ett arbetsgivarperspektiv : Om arbetsgivares arbete och inställning mot work-life balance


    Eriksson, Johan


    I och med att tid spenderad på arbetsplatsen verkar fortsätta öka blir allt mindre och mindre tid kvar till familj och fritid, eller det som i denna uppsats benämns som övrigt liv. Den vanligaste orsaken till att en individ upplever obalans är att arbetssfären är för dominerande och lämnar kvar för lite tid till övriga sfärer. Därför har syftet i denna uppsats varit att öka förståelsen för hur och varför olika arbetsgivare arbetar med work-life balance samt att ta reda på vad de har för instä...

  2. Etik och marknadsföring i bloggar : Var går gränsen för smygreklam?


    Hellman, Anna


    Syftet med detta examensarbete är att belysa marknadsföringen i bloggar och dess etiska problem. Avsikten är att redogöra för var gränsen för smygreklam går och att få reda på hur mycket bloggarna känner till om ämnet. Bloggarnas andel av sociala medier samt mängden bloggläsare har vuxit explosionsartat. Marknadsföring och reklam i soci-ala medier har vuxit i och med populariteten av sociala medier bland folket. På grund av den ökade marknadsföringen i bloggar har smygreklam uppstått. Efterso...

  3. Fascians funktion och olika fysioterapeutiska interventioners effekt på fascian


    Hackman, Mikaela


    Fasciabehandlingar är ett relativt nytt område inom fysioterapin, även om intresse för ämnet funnits redan under antikens tid. Forskningsmetoderna har i dag blivit bättre och vi kan undersöka vävnader som varit omöjliga att undersöka tidigare, på grund av tek-nikbrist. Syftet med det här arbetet är att ta reda på vad forskningen idag kommit fram till i fråga om fascia, ffa då det handlar om smärta, och hur fysioterapeuten kan ha nytta av kunskapen vid behandling av klienter. Den första forskn...

  4. Från yrkesvalslärare till karriärvägledare : Studie- och yrkesvägledaryrket i ett professionaliseringsperspektiv


    Holmsten, Nina; Lehninger, Jeannette


    I Sverige finns det idag ett stort antal yrken och en del av dessa är i en professionaliseringsprocess. Studie- och yrkesvägledaryrket är ett exempel på ett yrke i denna process. Syftet är att beskriva utvalda aktörers syn på studie- och yrkesvägledaryrkets avgränsningar, kompetens samt eventuella auktorisation i ett professionaliseringsperspektiv. En kvalitativ metod har använts och fem elitintervjuer har genomförts med representanter från Lärarförbundet, Lärarnas Riksförbund, Sveriges vägle...

  5. Musikbranschen i förändring : Artistens möjligheter med och utan skivbolag


    Järnström, Sofia Maria


    Syftet med mitt examensarbete är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning artister kan nå en publik utan att ingå ett skivkontrakt och att klargöra för vilka kanaler som finns tillgäng-liga för självständig marknadsföring. Undersökningen är kvalitativ och jag kommer att fokusera på fyra intervjuer med personer inom branschen. Jag fokuserar på dessa frågor: 1) Hur kan en artist nå ut med sin musik, utan att ha ett skivbolag bakom sig som marknadsförare och distributör? 2) Vilka nya...

  6. 25-OCH3-PPD induces the apoptosis of activated t-HSC/Cl-6 cells via c-FLIP-mediated NF-κB activation. (United States)

    Wu, Yan-ling; Wan, Ying; Jin, Xue-Jun; OuYang, Bing-Qing; Bai, Ting; Zhao, Yu-Qing; Nan, Ji-Xing


    25-OCH(3)-PPD is a dammarane-type triterpene sapogenin isolated from the roots, leaves and seeds of Panax notoginseng, which has shown anti-tumor effects in several human cancer lines. In this study, we evaluated the effects of 25-OCH(3)-PPD on apoptosis of activated t-HSC/Cl-6 cells induced by tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). The inhibitory effects of eleven compounds isolated from Panax ginseng and P. notoginseng were detected in activated t-HSC/Cl-6 cells. 25-OCH(3)-PPD produced a significant inhibitory effect on activated t-HSC/Cl-6 cells. However, 25-OCH(3)-PPD showed almost no effect on the cell viability of Chang liver cells, a type of normal human hepatic cell line. Therefore, we aimed to determine the anti-fibrotic potential of 25-OCH(3)-PPD and to characterize the signal transduction pathways involved in activated HSCs. 25-OCH(3)-PPD decreased the fibrosis markers, including α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), transforming growth factor β-1 (TGF-β1) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1). 25-OCH(3)-PPD elevated the level of cellular GSH in activated HSCs, which demonstrated that 25-OCH(3)-PPD might inhibit HSC activation by its antioxidant capacity. Further analyses revealed that 25-OCH(3)-PPD increased the levels of cleaved caspase-3, decreased the ratio of Bcl-2/Bax and the expression of survivin via c-FLIP-mediated NF-κB activation and shed light on the regulation of apoptosis. Therefore, 25-OCH(3)-PPD may prove to be an excellent candidate agent for the therapy of hepatic fibrosis. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Determination of 25-OCH3-PPD and the related substances by UPLC-MS/MS and their cytotoxic activity. (United States)

    Ding, Meng; Lu, Jingjing; Zhao, Chen; Zhang, Sainan; Zhao, Yuqing


    20(R)-25-methoxyl-dammarane-3β,12β,20-triol (25-OCH3-PPD) is a promising antitumor compound belonging to triterpenoid saponins isolated from radix notoginseng. A systematic research on the related impurities in raw material of 25-OCH3-PPD has not been conducted. In this study, three impurities obtained by HPLC-ELSD and characterized by (13)C NMR and MS were observed in the raw material of 25-OCH3-PPD. Cytotoxic activities of the related substances were also evaluated, of which impurity B with 25-OCH3-PPD showed synergistic inhibitory activity against BGC-823 with IC50 values of 8.33μM. Furthermore, a rapid and selective UPLC-MS/MS method was developed for simultaneous determination of the principal component and three related substances in the raw material of 25-OCH3-PPD. Multiple reaction monitoring scan mode was used for the quantification of 20(R)-25-OCH3-PPD and its three related substances. The four constituents were separated within 11min on a BEH C18 column (100 mm×2.1mm, 1.7μm) using a mobile phase comprising methanol and 0.03% formic acid water (82:18, v/v) at a flow rate of 0.2mL/min. The proposed UPLC-MS/MS method displayed acceptable levels of linearity, precision, repeatability, and accuracy. In addition, the proposed method was successfully applied for the establishment of a rational quality control standard for the raw material of 25-OCH3-PPD. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Effektivisering av materialhantering inom hälso- och sjukvård : En fallstudie på Barnonkologen, Uppsala Akademiska sjukhus


    Forsberg, Marcus; Tådne, Lukas


    Barnonkologen vid Uppsala Akademiska sjukhus är en barnavdelning för blod- och tumörsjukdomar. Avdelningen hanterar dagligen en stor mängd förbrukningsvaror för att kunna utföra en högkvalitativ och säker vård för patienterna. Ett identifierat behov är att effektivisera det nuvarande inventerings- och beställningsförfarandet på avdelningen, samt att organisera förråden efter personalens behov. Denna studie utreder och ger förslag på hur Barnonkologen kan förbättra sin hantering av förbrukning...

  9. Föräldrar och förskolans matematik : En enkätundersökning om föräldrars inställning och uppfattning om matematik på förskolan


    Elvsén, Johanna


    Enligt Lpfö-98 skall man på förskolan arbeta med att barnen utvecklar sin förmåga att upptäcka och använda matematik i meningsfulla sammanhang. Jag tror att en förutsättning för en lyckad förskoleverksamhet är att man har föräldrarnas stöd och intresse i de aktiviteter som förekommer och har därför genom enkäter undersökt hur föräldrar uppfattar matematik i förskolan, viken inställning de har, samt deras eventuella tankar om utformningen. Detta har jämförts med den aktuella förskolans tankar ...

  10. Slutrapport - utökad samordning av landskapsövervakning och uppföljning av Natura 2000


    Ståhl, Göran; Gardfjell, Hans; Glimskär, Anders; Hagner, Åsa; Holm, Sören; Walheim, Mats


    I denna kortversion av 2006 års slutrapport från projektet ”utökad samordning av landskaps- övervakning och uppföljning av Natura 2000” redovisas de viktigaste resultaten på ett sätt som gör dem enklare tillgängliga för inriktningsbeslut om ambitionsnivå för uppföljnings- arbetet. Nuvarande målsättning är att Naturamoment införlivas i Nationell Inventering av Landskapet i Sverige (NILS) och Riksinventeringen av Skog (RIS) från och med 2008; under 2009 beräknas kompletteran...

  11. I betraktarens ögon – Betydelsen av kön och ålder för studenters läraromdömen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martin Karlsson


    Full Text Available Under senare år har studenters läraromdömen allt mer hamnat i fokus inom skola såväl som högre utbildning. Parallellt med dessa utvecklingar har olika typer av internettjänster genom vilka studenter kan betygsätta sina lärare dykt upp i flera länder. I Sverige lanserades 2008 tjänsten ”Studenter tycker till” (STT där studenter kan registrera sig och fylla i bedömningar av lärare enligt kriterierna utlärningsförmåga, kunskap, engagemang och lärandestöd. I denna studie undersöks betydelsen av lärarens kön och ålder för studenters läraromdömen genom en kvantitativ analys av omdömen av 98 högskole- och universitetslärare som givits på hemsidan STT. Syftet är att synliggöra hur sociala markörer, i detta fall om läraren är man eller kvinna, ung eller gammal, spelar en stor roll för hur en lärare utvärderas. Resultaten visar att kvinnor och unga lärare systematiskt ges lägre betyg av studenter, än män och äldre lärare. Studenter är således inte könsblinda eller oberoende av föreställningar om förhållandet mellan ålder och kompetens i sina bedömningar. Studien aktualiserar betydelsen av sociala markörer så som kön och ålder måste synliggöras och tas i beaktning när studenters utvärderingar av lärare och kurser behandlas inom högre utbildning.

  12. Motivation : En studie om lärares och elevers syn på motivation i skolan


    Sundström, Jenny; Wiman, Malin


    I vårt examensarbete undersöker vi olika typer av motivation. Vårt syfte med arbetet var att undersöka lärares syn motivation samt elevers egen motivation i skolan. De frågeställningar vi utgick från var: 1. Vilken typ av motivation har elever i år 4 och år 5? 2. Finns det någon skillnad mellan pojkars och flickors motivation? 3. Vilken typ av motivation strävar lärare efter att elever ska erhålla och använda sig av? 4. Hur ser lärare på intrinsic (inre) motivation, extrinsic (yttre) motivati...

  13. Sjuksköterskor och skötares upplevelser av möten i psykiatrisk öppenvård : En intervjustudie


    Bäckman, Jenny; Nyman, Nyman


    Syftet med studien var att undersöka sjuksköterskors och skötares upplevelser av möten med patienter i psykiatrisk öppenvård.   Bakgrund – I psykiatrisk öppenvård möter sjuksköterskor och skötare många olika människor med individuella behov. Sedan tidigare forskning har det framkommit att patienters känsla av trygghet uppkommer genom faktorer som personalens inställning och empati. Relationen mellan personal och patient är viktig för patientens känsla av att bli tagen på allvar samt att bli b...

  14. "Humankind before the flood" : En kvalitativ studie om användningen av retorik i en dokumentärfilm av och med Leonardo DiCaprio


    Björnberg, Nana; Hansen, Jonna


    Följande studie undersökte Before the Flood, en dokumentärfilm av och med Leonardo DiCaprio, utifrån ett retoriskt perspektiv. Studiens syfte var att undersöka om och i så fall på vilket sätt Leonardo DiCaprio, experter och skaparna bakom dokumentärfilmen använde retoriska strategier för att förstärka Before the Flood’s budskap och verka övertygande inför sin publik. Som metod tillämpade studien kvalitativ textanalys och de tre grundläggande appellformerna, visuell retorik samt argumentation ...

  15. Analys och förslag till förbättringar med avseende på GUI och funktion ur ett användbarhetsperpektiv av programvaran Service Desk Manager


    Lindström, Håkan


    Företaget Kerfi AB i Norrköping är en leverantör av informationsteknik och har bland annat specialistkompetens inom service management. För detta använder de programvara från företaget CA technologies. CA Service Desk Manager är en så kallad IT Service Management applikation med processer för samordning och styrning av service management. Under inledande diskussioner kom det fram att även om programvaran har varit i bruk under flera år så finns det fortfarande problem med användargränssnittet...

  16. Hållbarhetsredovisning : Identifiering och prioritering av hållbarhetsfrågor i en verksamhet som Sweco Environment


    Söderström, Anna-Karin


    I en hållbarhetsredovisning redovisar en organisation information om sin påverkan inom ekonomisk, miljömässig och social hållbar utveckling. Några av de inledande stegen i en redovisningsprocess är att identifiera organisationens hållbarhetsfrågor, och att bestämma frågornas prioriteringsordning för att på så sätt kunna bestämma ett väsentligt innehåll till redovisningen. De här stegen av redovisningsprocessen har varit i fokus under arbetet. En identifiering och prioritering av konsultbolage...

  17. Machoideal och/eller meningslös underhållning? : Om fem mäns berättelser kring krigsfilmen Saving Private Ryan med fokus på maskulinitet och publiken som meningsskapare.


    Olsson, Eva


    Uppsatsen undersöker fem mäns berättelser kring krigsfilmen Saving Private Ryan, med fokus på maskulinitet. Föreställningarna och bilderna kring maskulinitet som kan urskiljas i intervjupersonernas berättelser, knyts till R.W. Connells teoretiska ramverk kring hegemonisk maskulinitet och de hierarkiska relationerna mellan olika maskuliniteter. Vidare resoneras det kring hur berättelserna exemplifierar en syn på mediepublik som aktiva meningsskapare, då intervjupersonerna tar fasta på olika as...

  18. Fantasifull utflykt med skilda perspektiv : En studie om genus, normbrytning och stereotyper i bilderboken Se upp för krokodilen! (2013)


    Ljungberg, Sofia


    Studien undersöker hur könsroller gestaltas ur ett genusperspektiv i bilderboken Se upp för krokodilen! (Moroni & Eriksson, 2013). Syftet är att få djupare kunskaper om hur dessa skildringar speglar målen i läroplanen för förskolan om att motverka traditionella könsnormer och främja jämställdhet och likabehandling mellan könen. Forskare menar att bilderboken är ett användbart och didaktiskt verktyg för att fånga barns intressen och påverka deras tankegångar. Tidigare forskning (Kåreland, ...

  19. Karlstads universitet - Ut i skogen, vad ska jag dit och göra? : En rapport om skapandet av ett unikt monterkoncept


    Bergman, Karin; Jernberg, Jonna


    Sammanfattning Mässor förekom som fenomen redan under medeltiden och har allt sedan dess använts som en kanal för försäljning och marknadsföring. Idag tävlar företag och organisationer om mässbesökares uppmärksamhet genom att skapa attraktiva montrar med vinnande koncept som ska locka människor och få dem att lägga företagsnamnet på minnet. Detta är vad Karlstads universitet haft i åtanke då de utformat beskrivningen till detta projekt. Bakgrunden till projektet är att universitetet finns r...

  20. It´s called being fabulous! : Genus och sexualitet i de visuella praktikerna kring Youtube-fenomenet Pewdiepie


    Abrahamsson, Ola


    Denna uppsats behandlar hur olika föreställningar kring genus och sexualitet tar sig uttryck, dels i de videos som producerar på internet av karaktären Pewdiepie men också i det material som fansen genererar. Studien fokusera på en specifik videohändelse, en sekvens där Pewdiepie ikläder sig en rosa boa och bland annat säger säger ”It’s not called being gay. It’s called being fabulous!” samt vad som görs med denna händelse, hur den remedieras och tas i bruk av fansen. Detta har jag gjort geno...

  1. Gympa på skärmen : En kvalitativ studie om IKT-stöd i undervisning i idrott och hälsa


    Herco, Adnan


    Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka elevernas upplevelser och erfarenheter av IKT-stöd i undervisningen i idrott och hälsa och hur användningen av IKT bidrog till deras lärande. Den metod som användes i studien var kvalitativa intervjuer genom stimulated recall och nio elever från en högstadieskola intervjuades. Eleverna som intervjuades i studien hade deltagit i IKT-stödd undervisning under en tvåårsperiod där en del av lektionerna spelades in på video. Videodokumentationens syf...

  2. Functional characterization of the gene FoOCH1 encoding a putative α-1,6-mannosyltransferase in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense. (United States)

    Li, Min-Hui; Xie, Xiao-Ling; Lin, Xian-Feng; Shi, Jin-Xiu; Ding, Zhao-Jian; Ling, Jin-Feng; Xi, Ping-Gen; Zhou, Jia-Nuan; Leng, Yueqiang; Zhong, Shaobin; Jiang, Zi-De


    Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (FOC) is the causal agent of banana Fusarium wilt and has become one of the most destructive pathogens threatening the banana production worldwide. However, few genes related to morphogenesis and pathogenicity of this fungal pathogen have been functionally characterized. In this study, we identified and characterized the disrupted gene in a T-DNA insertional mutant (L953) of FOC with significantly reduced virulence on banana plants. The gene disrupted by T-DNA insertion in L953 harbors an open reading frame, which encodes a protein with homology to α-1,6-mannosyltransferase (OCH1) in fungi. The deletion mutants (ΔFoOCH1) of the OCH1 orthologue (FoOCH1) in FOC were impaired in fungal growth, exhibited brighter staining with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-Concanavalin A, had less cell wall proteins and secreted more proteins into liquid media than the wild type. Furthermore, the mutation or deletion of FoOCH1 led to loss of ability to penetrate cellophane membrane and decline in hyphal attachment and colonization as well as virulence to the banana host. The mutant phenotypes were fully restored by complementation with the wild type FoOCH1 gene. Our data provide a first evidence for the critical role of FoOCH1 in maintenance of cell wall integrity and virulence of F. oxysporum f. sp. cubense. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. MKB and SMB in the Northern countries[Environmental impact assessment; Strategic environmental assessment; Radiactive waste disporal]; MKB och SMB i Norden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Broden, K. [Studsvik RadWaste AB (Sweden); Andersson, K. [Krinta konsult (Sweden)


    A meeting on Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment has been held in Turku, Finland, August 22-24 2001. It was held within the framework of two NKS projects: SOS-3 (Radioactive waste) and SOS- 1 (Risk assessment and strategies for safety). The meeting included presenta- tions, discussions and a study visit to the final repository for low- and intermedi- ate level radioactive waste and the intermediate storage for spent nuclear fuel at Olkiluoto. Abstract in Danish: Inom ramen for NKS-projekten SOS-3 (Avfall) och SOS-1 (Riskvaardering och strategi for saakerhet) har ett seminarium om miljokonsekvensbeskrivningar och strategisk miljokonsekvensbedomning haallits i Aabo 22-24 augusti, 2001. Seminariet omfattade foredrag, diskussioner samt en studieresa till Olkoluoto daar besok gjordes till mellanlagret for anvaant braansle och till slutforvaret for laag- och medelaktivt avfall. Under forutsaattning att styrelsen for NKS samtycker kommer ett nytt MKB- seminarium att haallas i Osthammar 2002. (au)

  4. Leksaker baserade på teknik sedda ur ett genusperspektiv : En studie om 6-åringars preferenser och användande av könsstereotypa konstruktionsleksaker


    Bernström, Annelie


    Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med barn i förskoleklass och genom enkätundersökningar hos pedagoger har jag fått svar på mina frågeställningar som handlar om pojkar, flickor och deras leksaksval då det gäller teknikbaserade leksaker. Syftet var att försöka se om det fanns skillnader i valet och användandet av dessa leksaker och i så fall försöka tydliggöra dem, och dessutom ta reda på varför barnen är olika i sina leksakspreferenser. Resultatet påvisar att för barnen i denna förskoleklass är ko...

  5. Natural product ginsenoside 25-OCH3-PPD inhibits breast cancer growth and metastasis through down-regulating MDM2. (United States)

    Wang, Wei; Zhang, Xu; Qin, Jiang-Jiang; Voruganti, Sukesh; Nag, Subhasree Ashok; Wang, Ming-Hai; Wang, Hui; Zhang, Ruiwen


    Although ginseng and related herbs have a long history of utility for various health benefits, their application in cancer therapy and underlying mechanisms of action are not fully understood. Our recent work has shown that 20(S)-25-methoxyl-dammarane-3β, 12β, 20-triol (25-OCH(3)-PPD), a newly identified ginsenoside from Panax notoginseng, exerts activities against a variety of cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. This study was designed to investigate its anti-breast cancer activity and the underlying mechanisms of action. We observed that 25-OCH(3)-PPD decreased the survival of breast cancer cells by induction of apoptosis and G1 phase arrest and inhibited the growth of breast cancer xenografts in vivo. We further demonstrated that, in a dose- and time-dependent manner, 25-OCH(3)-PPD inhibited MDM2 expression at both transcriptional and post-translational levels in human breast cancer cells with various p53 statuses (wild type and mutant). Moreover, 25-OCH(3)-PPD inhibited in vitro cell migration, reduced the expression of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) markers, and prevented in vivo metastasis of breast cancer. In summary, 25-OCH(3)-PPD is a potential therapeutic and anti-metastatic agent for human breast cancer through down-regulating MDM2. Further preclinical and clinical development of this agent is warranted.

  6. I nöd och lust : En praktisk studie om hållbara bröllopssminkningar inspirerat av årstidernas färger


    Guldbrand, Ida


    Syftet med detta arbete är att beskriva med vilka sminktekniker och produkter man får till hållbara bröllopssminkningar inspirerade av årstidernas färger, för att visa hur färger, tekniker och produkter anpassas i bröllopssminkningar. Detta för att visa de egna kunskaperna inom området och för att kunna inspirera blivande brudar. Arbetet kommer även vara till nytta för estenomer, branschmänniskor och andra människor som är intresserade av området då de också kan inspireras av arbetet. So...

  7. Tjernobyl och rennäringen - Lägesrapport från Sverige

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. Åhman


    Full Text Available Status report about Chernobyl and reindeer husbandry in Sweden including participants' discussion.Abstract in Swedish / Sammanfattning: Den 1 juli hojdes grånsvårdet for Cs-137 i bl a renkott från 300 till 1 500 Bq/kg. Efter hojningen av grånsvårdet friklassades nåstan alla samebyar i Norrbottens lån under sarvslakten. Samtliga fjållsamebyar i Norrbottens lån utom den sydligaste år tills vidare helt friklassade. Tre samebyar i sodra delen av Jåmtlands lån var friklassade under sarvslakten. I ovrigt omfattas all renslakt i Våsterbottens och Jåmtlands lån av kontroll betråffande Cs-137. Under juli - aug i år var cesiumhalten lågre ån vid motsvarande tidpunkt i f jol (tabell 1 och figur 1. Under juli - aug slaktades drygt 1 000 renar i skogslandet i sodra delen av Våsterbottens lån (tabell 3. Fr.o.m. andra veckan i juli godkåndes de fiesta slaktkropparna. Halveringstiden for Cs-137 i renarna, som betade i skogslandet kring inlandsbanan i sodra delen av Våsterbottenslån, har beråknats till ca en vecka. Genom tidigarelåggning av sarvslakter i Våsterbottens lån (tabell 3 och norra delen av Jåmtlands lån (tabell 5 minskades kassationen med ett par tusen slaktkroppar. Under senare delen av september steg cesiumhalten till ungefår samma nivå som i f jol. En långsiktig prognos har utarbetats betråffande halten Cs-137 i renar på naturbete. Prognosen visar att omfattande åtgårder kommer att behova vidtagas under de nårmaste 15 - 25 åren om ren-kottet från samebyarna i sodra delen av Våsterbottens lån och norra delen av Jåmtlands lån skall kunna god-kånnas som livsmedel vid ett riktvårde på 1 500 Bq Cs-137/kg kott.

  8. Word of mouth muntligt och via sociala medier : - På vilket sätt påverkar det turisters reseplanering?


    Hugosson, Jennie; Ahlberg, Madeleine


    Vår studie belyser hur informationsspridning både muntligt och via internet kan påverka turisters reseplaneringsprocess. Studien undersöker vilka känslomässiga attityder individer upplever genom word of mouth och electronic word of mouth och hur vida dessa attityder påverkar valet av ett nytt resmål. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur word of mouth kan påverka turisters val av nya resmål. För att möjliggöra detta har vi genomfört intervjuer med respondenter utifrån förutbestämda kriterie...

  9. Webb Couture : En studie om hur modedesign kan inspirera och förändra webbdesignprocessen för att utmana User Experience standarder


    Carlfjord, Adam; Gustavsson, Henrik


    Webbdesign är ett hantverk med potential till oändlig variation och oräkneliga möjligheter, men det är även en process styrd av standarder och förhållningssätt för att optimera resultatet för slutanvändaren. Begrepp så som user experience och framför allt user experience design har i och med utvecklingen blivit allt viktigare aktörer inom webbdesign. Samtidigt som de underlättar i utvecklingsprocessen genom att diktera hur design bör utformas, skapar de inte också då begränsningar av potentia...

  10. Vem leder organisationens narrativ? : En jämförelse mella Kvinnojouren Emblas och Rädda Barnens kommunikation på Facebook


    Pakola Monsen, Rebecca


    Det är inget nytt att undersöka interaktioner på Facebook, dock är det oftast ur privatpersoners synvinkel Facebook undersöks och inte lika ofta ur en organisations synvinkel. Den här studien syftar till att fylla en del av gapet i medie- och kommunikationsforskningen om hur ideella organisationer beter sig på Facebook genom att undersöka den narrativa processen hos två ideella organisationer och hur delaktiga användare är i organisationernas berättelse beroende på organisationens storlek, Kv...

  11. Bör Barnkonventionen bli lag i Sverige? : En komparativrättslig studie om barnets rättigheter i Sverige och Norge.


    Hedman, Wendela


    Abstrakt ”Bör barnkonventionen bli lag i Sverige? – En komparativrätts-lig studie on barnets rättigheter genom barnkonventionen i Sverige & Norge” Uppsatsen diskuterar med en komparativrättslig metodik implementeringen och inkorporering av barnkonventionen i Sverige och Norge. I tre steg ämnar uppsatsen att undersöka huruvida barnkonventionen bör implementeras till fullo och göras till svensk lag på samma sätt som Norge har valt att göra.Uppsatsen fokuserar på FN:s barnrättkommittés yttra...

  12. Bildskapande i relation till genus i förskolans verksamhet : Att skapa sig själv och genus


    Brännlund, Angelika


    Studiens syfte är att bidra till ökad medvetenhet för verksamma inom förskolans område kring frågor som rör pedagogers förhållningssätt kring relationen mellan bildskapande och genus, men även hur dessa förhållningssätt kan påverka barnens möjligheter i deras bildskapande. En viktig fråga som burits med från starten av arbetet och som lyser igenom i resultatdelen har varit: Vilka möjligheter att förhålla sig till bildskapande och genus kan uppstå om ett kritiskt sätt att tänka kring könsstere...

  13. High School Principals and the High School Journalism Program. (United States)

    Peterson, Jane W.

    A study asked selected high school principals to respond to statements about the value of high school journalism to the high school student and about the rights and responsibilities of the high school journalist. These responses were then checked against such information as whether or not the high school principal had worked on a high school…

  14. Modellering och analys av grundvattenflödet i en byggnads grundläggning


    Hargelius, Malcolm


    På en fastighet i Luthagen i Uppsala uppfördes en byggnad grundlagd på träpålar år 1936. Under 60-talet uppstod läckage på en spillvattenledning vilket ledde till en kontaminering av sprickvattenakviferen där träpålar är särskilt utsatta för påverkan av bakterie, svamp- och virusangrepp till följd av torrläggning. För att spola bort kontaminerat sprickvatten och för att hålla en jämn sprickvattennivå i akviferen installerades påfyllningsbrunnar på två platser i källaren under huset. Brunnarna...

  15. "Vi är inte en tummelplats för dårar" : Hur journalister och ansvariga utgivare resonerar kring och förhåller sig till användargenererat material i lokaltidningar


    Öberg, Therese; Borgström, Johanna


    Sedan 1700-talet har läsarnas medverkan varit en väsentlig del i tidningarnas produktion. Utan deras deltagande har det inte heller blivit någon tidning. En förändring på området skedde när professionaliseringen av publicistrollen blev ett faktum och läsarnas medverkan ifrågasattes. Samhällsförändringar och tekniska utvecklingar har sedan lett fram till det vi har idag: ett samhälle där medieorganisationerna är i allt större behov av att läsarna återigen deltar i olika former. Syftet med stud...

  16. Face to Face : Marknadsföring på Facebook - en studie av åsikter från ett inifrån- och utifrånperspektiv.


    Christensson, Annika; Hedborn, Jenny; Källberg, Hanna


    Sociala nätverk, eller så kallade communityn är ett fenomen som fått större betydelse idag och snabbt spridit sig runt om i världen. Communityn Facebook har blivit känd för att den samlar många användare och har en god målgruppskännedom, vilket gör Facebook till en attraktiv marknadsföringsplats som har uppmärksammats av en rad olika företag och organisationer. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilka möjligheter och begränsningar Facebook har som marknadsföringskanal, samt undersöka s...

  17. Finansiell Bootstrapping i SME : en kvantitativ studie om hur ett starkt socialt och affärsmässigt nätverk påverkar valet av bootstrappingmetoder


    Nilsson, Ida; Sacic, Zehra


    Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är se hur ett starkt socialt och affärsmässigt nätverk påverkar valet av bootstrappingmetoder i små och medelstora företag (SME). Detta eftersom SME står för 99,9 procent av samtliga företag på den svenska marknaden och därmed är betydelsefulla för landets ekonomiska tillväxt och sysselsättning. Däremot möter SME svårigheter vid extern finansiering av sin verksamhet. SME kompenserar detta genom att engagera sig i olika ”bootstrappingaktiviteter”. Bootstrapping...

  18. Disproportionation and thermochemical sulfate reduction reactions in S-H20-Ch4 and S-D2O-CH4 systems from 200 to 340 °C at elevated pressures (United States)

    Yuan, Shunda; Chou, I-Ming; Burruss, Robert A.


    Elemental sulfur, as a transient intermediate compound, by-product, or catalyst, plays significant roles in thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR) reactions. However, the mechanisms of the reactions in S-H2O-hydrocarbons systems are not clear. To improve our understanding of reaction mechanisms, we conducted a series of experiments between 200 and 340 °C for S-H2O-CH4, S-D2O-CH4, and S-CH4-1m ZnBr2 systems in fused silica capillary capsules (FSCC). After a heating period ranging from 24 to 2160 hours (hrs), the quenched samples were analyzed by Raman spectroscopy. Combined with the in situ Raman spectra collected at high temperatures and pressures in the S-H2O and S-H2O-CH4 systems, our results showed that (1) the disproportionation of sulfur in the S-H2O-CH4 system occurred at temperatures above 200 °C and produced H2S, SO42-, and possibly trace amount of HSO4-; (2) sulfate (and bisulfate), in the presence of sulfur, can be reduced by methane between 250 and 340 °C to produce CO2 and H2S, and these TSR temperatures are much closer to those of the natural system (2O-CH4 system may take place simultaneously, with TSR being favored at higher temperatures; and (4) in the system S-D2O-CH4, both TSR and the competitive disproportionation reactions occurred simultaneously at temperatures above 300 °C, but these reactions were very slow at lower temperatures. Our observation of methane reaction at 250 °C in a laboratory time scale suggests that, in a geologic time scale, methane may be destroyed by TSR reactions at temperatures > 200 °C that can be reached by deep drilling for hydrocarbon resources.

  19. Expansion av e-handelsverksamhet i detaljhandeln : En studie om utmaningar och framgångsfaktorer


    Steen Lagerstam, Nathalie


    I vårt allt mer digitaliserade samhälle har internet fått en central roll, och har förändrat många aspekter i vårt vardagsliv. Ett av de områden som påverkats starkt av denna utveckling, är den svenska detaljhandelns e-handelsmarknad. De senaste 10 åren har dess omsättning sexdubblats, och prognoser tyder på att denna expansiva trend kommer att hålla i sig. Detta innebär helt nya förutsättningar för de svenska detaljhandelsföretag som tidigare bara bedrivit försäljning i fysiska butiker, elle...

  20. Solcellsparkeringen : En jämförande fallstudie för elbilar och bensinbilar


    Myrén Andersson, Isac; Yttermyr-Sütt, Frans


    Av Sveriges totala växthusgasutsläpp är det i nuläget transportsektorn som står för den största andelen och står för mer än 30 % av alla utsläpp. Med ett ökande fordonsbestånd och ett fortsatt behov av transporter blir lösningar som minskar utsläppen från denna sektor avgörande för Sveriges hållbara utveckling. Eftersom 93 % av Sveriges drygt 4,7 miljoner personbilar drivs av fossila bränslen skulle investeringar i alternativa färdmedel såsom elbilar kunna leda Sverige i rätt riktning. Förfat...

  1. Låt inte gästen få sista ordet. : En kvalitativ studie om hur tjänsteföretag inom besöksnäringen arbetar och skulle kunna arbeta med Sociala medier, WOM och eWOM


    Braunander, Joacim; Olofsson, Fredrik


    Internet har utvecklats snabbt de senaste åren och med utvecklingen har sociala medier blivit en stor del av Internet. Sociala medier innebär all form av kommunikation som sker på Internet så som exempelvis Tripadvisor, Facebook, Twitter, eller Instagram. Konsumenter som väljer att kommentera upplevelser och produkter på sociala medier ökar. Enligt forskning så litar framtida konsumenter mer på andra konsumenters kommentarer än vad de litar på företagets marknadsföring över deras ...

  2. Hydrologi i Ulleråker : En studie om dagvattenhantering och dess inverkan på grundvatten


    Dahlquist, Josefin; Larsson, Martin; Rickfält, Tea


    Vattenbehovet stiger i världen till följd av ökande befolkning. Med ökad urbaniseringskapas mer hårdgjorda ytor där föreningar ackumuleras. Dagvattnet transporterar dessa föroreningar som således kan nå grundvattnet. Ett miljömål har antagits i Sverigeför att skydda grundvattentäkter och därmed säkra framtida dricksvattenförsörjning. Rullstensåsar innehåller stora grundvattenmagasin och har hög infiltrationsförmåga för vatten från markytan. Uppsala kommun tar 95 % av sitt dricksvatten från ru...

  3. Multifaktormodeller på den svenska marknaden - En studie av OMX Stockholm mellan 1996 och 2014


    Hammarfrid, Peter; Henningsson, Tom


    Bakgrund:CAPM räcker i flera tillfällen inte till för att estimera framtida avkastning. Vissa av prisavvikelsernafrån CAPM är väldokumenterade och har bestått över tid, vilket har lett till uppkomsten avkorrigerande faktorer. En modell som använder sig av två sådana korrigerande faktorer är Fama ochFrenchs tre-faktormodell. Den har testats flertalet gånger på den svenska marknaden där den visat gehögre förklaringsgrader än CAPM. År 2012 samt år 2014 presenterades två nya multifaktormodeller,s...

  4. Våga vara dig själv : Att förstå och skapa en illusion av ljus med digitala medier


    Persson, Jasmin; Lundbladh, Mia


    Vi omges ständigt av ljus i vår vardag, det finns naturligt ljus samt artificiellt. Även under de grå dagarna finns det ljus och dess närvaro är alltid där även om den inte alltid är som klarast. I detta kandidatarbete beskrivs ljuset ur olika synvinklar, men framförallt hur Rembrandt och impressionisterna i sina konstverk använt ljuset i sitt skapande. För att få en bredare syn på vår process tar vi hjälp av de två begreppen “fluid” och “fire” som kommer från aktör-nätver...

  5. Employer branding på Q-Med : En fallstudie i hur företagsspecifika värden förmedlas till potentiella och befintliga medarbetare


    Nilsson, Stina; Ljungmark, Erik


    Sammanfattning "Employer branding på Q-Med – En fallstudie i hur företagsspecifika värden förmedlas till potentiella och befintliga medarbetare" Datum: 19 januari, 2011 Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 ECTS Institution: Akademin för hållbar samhälls‐ och teknikutveckling, HST, Mälardalens Högskola Författare: Erik Ljungmark 29 januari 1980, Stina Nilsson 25 april 1983 Titel: Employer branding på Q-Med – En fallstudie i hur företagsspecifika värden förmedlas till potentiella och...

  6. Feminismens skilda erfarenheter : Problematiken att kombinera islam och feminism för muslimska kvinnor i Sverige


    Malmberg, Erik


    Till följd av att en muslimsk kvinna misshandlades i en förort till Stockholm på grund av att hon bar slöja, genomfördes den politiska manifestationen Hijabuppropet. Denna manifestation resulterade i att kvinnor uppmanades att beslöja sig i syfte att visa solidaritet för den misshandlade kvinnan, och muslimska kvinnor som en marginaliserad samhällsgrupp. Agerandet möttes med en stark kritik från bland annat den svenska kvinnorörelsen som menade att slöjan är anti-feministisk och representerar...

  7. Reduktion av slöseri inom den spanska ölindustrin : – en studie av åtgärder och metoder i spåren av krisen


    Carlström, Carl


    Den rådande eurokrisen har påverkat det spanska samhället och den spanska ölindustrin negativt. Industrin står inför utmaningar vad gäller minskad försäljning och förändrade kundpreferenser. I tider då intäkterna och försäljningen minskar finns det många sätt att öka sina marginaler. Ett av detta sätt är att börja arbeta med resurseffektivitet och att se till att slöseriet av de resurser man har minskar. De frågor studien besvarar är hur bryggeriindustrin i Spanien har arbetat för att minska ...

  8. Parental Expectations of the Swedish Municipal School of Arts (United States)

    Lilliedahl, Jonathan; Georgii-Hemming, Eva


    This article draws on a study designed to analyse parental expectations of the Swedish municipal school of arts (hereafter MSA) (in Swedish: kommunal musik- och kulturskola). The study is based on in-depth interviews conducted and informed by grounded theory. Although parental expectations are scarcely uniform, the study reveals a hope that the…

  9. She’s the Boss – HR och kvinnligt chefskap : Hur Human Resources kan arbeta för att främja kvinnorschefskarriärer


    Linderfyhr, Jessica; Malm, Mikaela


    Enligt undersökningar som chefsorganisationen Ledarna publicerar årligen finns det en återkommande problematik med att rekrytera unga kvinnor till chefspositioner. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka vad som kan inverka på kvinnors vilja att söka en chefstjänst och att utforma en HR strategi som främjar och motiverar kvinnor att söka chefstjänster. Unga kvinnor kan känna tvekan inför chefskap på grund av känslan av bristande erfarenhet och svårighet med att identifiera sig med den ster...

  10. Det gränslösa arbetslivets genomtränglighet i Spotify-rekryterarnas sfärer : hur flexibilitet och tillgänglighet påverkar work-life balance


    Andersson, Emelie; Hallgren, Malin


    Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med en förståelse för hur rekryterare upplever och hanterar flexibilitet, tillgänglighet och work-life balance i en multinationell och expanderande organisation präglad av det gränslösa arbetslivet. Denna förståelse är betydelsefull då det gränslösa arbetslivet innebär ett stort eget ansvar för individen, vilket skapar en utmaning för individen själv att måna om sin work-life balance och upprätthållandet av ett långsiktigt välmående. För att uppfylla studi...

  11. Livsbalans i det nya arbetslivet : En kvantitativ studie om chefer och övriga anställda


    Eltell, Maria; Nordin, Matilda


    Syfte: Det nya arbetslivet har inneburit en rad förändringar för den lönearbetande populationen i Sverige, gällande allt ifrån tid, rum och tillgänglighet i de alltmer flexibla arbetsvillkoren. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka ett antal faktorer i det nya arbetslivet som kan ha inverkan på den lönearbetande populationens livsbalans. Studien undersöker också om det finns skillnader mellan chefers och övriga anställdas livsbalans samt även om chefens nivå i hierarkin påverkar liv...

  12. Landbaserade godstransporter, klimat och styrmedel : underlagsrapporter 1-10


    Carlén, Björn; Hultkrantz, Lars; Liu, Xing; Lunander, Anders; Mandell, Svante; Mellin, Anna; Nilsson, Jan-Eric; Pyddoke, Roger; Sorkina, Edith; Vierth, Inge


    VTI notat 28-2014 innehåller de tio underlagsrapporter som ligger till grund för VTI rapport 831: ”Landbaserade godstransporter, klimat och styrmedel – Sammanfattande rapport”. I VTI rapport 831 diskuterar forskarna flera dimensioner av hur växthusgaserna från godstransportsektorn ska kunna minskas, till exempel med hjälp av så kallade Gröna korridorer. Vidare diskuteras hur man ska se på de klimatpolitiska konsekvenserna av överflyttning från väg till järnväg eller elektrifierade fordon på v...

  13. Importprocessen för inrednings- och gåvoartiklar från USA till Finland : En handbok för företagaren


    Smeds, Desiré; Backlund, Johanna


    Det här examensarbetet handlar om import från USA med fokus på inrednings- och gåvoartiklar. I arbetet lyfter vi steg för steg fram de delar som utgör importprocessen hela vägen från hur man hittar en pålitlig leverantör till förtullningen av produkterna här i Finland. Syftet med arbetet är att det skall kunna fungera som en handbok för företag som vill starta en småskalig importverksamhet av inrednings- och gåvoartiklar. Vi tar även upp information om import och internationell handel i a...

  14. Att arbeta i restaurangbranschen : En kvalitativ studie om arbetstagares upplevelser av psykosocial arbetsmiljö och stress


    Sauer, Emma


    En utgångspunkt för arbetslivet bör vara att skapa en arbetsmiljö som ger individer förutsättningar att ingå, kvarstå och utvecklas i arbetet. Arbetsmiljön är betydande för både individers hälsa och verksamheters utveckling samt förutsättningar för tillväxt. Arbetsplatsen betonas därmed vara en betydande arena för förebyggande insatser. Det är arbetsgivaren som har huvudsakligt ansvar för arbetsmiljön. Ingen arbetstagare ska riskera att skadas eller drabbas av ohälsa i arbetet. Syftet med stu...

  15. Riskuppfattningar om preventivmedel för män och kvinnor : altruism, riskbenägenhet och traditionella könsroller


    Nilsson Gauffin, Rebecka


    Preventivmedel för kvinnor innefattar en betydande andel biverkningar. Hittills har män inte upplevt några allvarliga biverkningar av de testade preventivmedlen för män, trots detta är det biverkningarna som stoppat preventivmedel för män från att lanseras på marknaden. I denna studie argumenteras för att en möjlig förklaring till detta ligger i skilda riskuppfattningar om preventivmedel för män och kvinnor. Studien undersöker riskuppfattningar om preventivmedel samt hur individers egenskaper...

  16. Interkulturell kommunikation i en kinesisk kontext : En undersökning av svenska och kinesiska företagsrepresentanters upplevelser av det interkulturella mötet. Ett teoretiskt perspektiv på en praktisk utmaning.


    Hjalmarsson, Ida


    Jag har genom en förberedande fältstudie, litteraturgenomgång och enkätintervjuer undersökt svenska och kinesiska företagsrepresentanters upplevelser av det interkulturella mötet, med utgångspunkt i svenska företag som opererar på den kinesiska marknaden. Det var uppsatsens syfte och jag har utgått ifrån frågeställningen: Hur upplever svenska och kinesiska företagsrepresentanter det interkulturella mötet? Subfrågor till denna är: Vilka kulturella faktorer skapar det kinesiska sättet att kommu...

  17. Vem vill betala för musik? : En studie om populariteten av digitala musiktjänster och illegal fildelning bland Generation Y i en svenskspråkig yrkeshögskola


    Hjort, Ted


    Generation Y skiljer sig mycket från tidigare generationer enligt många forskare och inte minst då när det gäller konsumtionsbeteende och värderingar. Till Generation Y tillhör de personer som är födda från åttiotalets början till mitten av nittiotalet. Under de senaste tio åren har sättet vi konsumerar musik ändrat mycket drastiskt. Genom internet och digitaliseringen av musiken har de flesta och inte minst Generation Y gått över från att köpa Cd-skivor i butiken till att ladda ner, båd...

  18. Ginsenoside 25-OCH3-PPD promotes activity of LXRs to ameliorate P2X7R-mediated NLRP3 inflammasome in the development of hepatic fibrosis. (United States)

    Han, Xin; Song, Jian; Lian, Li-Hua; Yao, You-Li; Shao, Dan-Yang; Fan, Ying; Hou, Li-Shuang; Wang, Ge; Zheng, Shuang; Wu, Yan-Ling; Nan, Ji-Xing


    Ginseng is widely used in energy drinks, dietary supplements and herbal medicines, and its pharmacological actions are related with energy metabolism. As an important modulating energy metabolism pathway, liver X receptors (LXRs) can promote the resolving of hepatic fibrosis and inflammation. The present study aims to evaluate the regulation of 25-OCH3-PPD, a ginsenoside isolated from Panax ginseng, against hepatic fibrosis and inflammation in thioacetamide (TAA)-stimulated mice by activating LXRs pathway. 25-OCH3-PPD decreases serum ALT/AST levels and improves the histological pathology of liver in TAA-induced mice; attenuates transcripts of pro-fibrogenic markers associated with hepatic stellate cell activation; attenuates the levels of pro-Inflammatory cytokines and blocks apoptosis happened in liver; inhibits NLRP3 inflammasome by affecting P2X7R activation; regulates PI3K/Akt and LKB1/AMPK-SIRT1. 25-OCH3-PPD also facilitates LX25Rs and FXR activities decreased by TAA stimulation. 25-OCH3-PPD also decreases α-SMA via regulation of LXRs and P2X7R-NLRP3 in vitro. Our data suggest the possibility that 25-OCH3-PPD promotes activity of LXRs to ameliorate P2X7R-mediated NLRP3 inflammasome in the development of hepatic fibrosis.

  19. Sambandet mellan Theory of Mind, språkliga förmågor och exekutiva funktioner hos barn i treårsåldern


    Nilsson, Anna; Sirén, Ellen


    Barns fem första levnadsår präglas av en omfattande utveckling av språkliga förmågor och exekutiva funktioner, vilka är färdigheter som visat sig ha en stor påverkan på hur barn utvecklar förståelse för sina egna och andras tankar, det vill säga deras Theory of Mind. En central aspekt inom forskning har varit att undersöka hur förmågorna samvarierar vid olika åldrar. Syftet i föreliggande studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan Theory of Mind, språkliga förmågor och exekutiva funktioner hos...

  20. Låt medborgarna skapa staden : Om tactical urbanism och idéburen stadsförbättring samt medborgarnas rätt till staden


    Bretz, Martin


    I skapandet av staden har människan möjlighet att göra om sig själv och förverkliga sitt hjärtas önskan. Hur och för vem staden ska utformas för är troligtvis en diskussion vilken kommer att finnas lika länge som staden i sig. Genom historien har privat ägande och andra samhälleliga former av dominans kontrollerat dess rum, vilket ofta resulterat i olika former av proteströrelser.   Tactical urbanism har i flertalet städer världen över blivit en populär metod för att förbättra livskvaliteten ...

  1. Investigation of the O+allyl addition/elimination reaction pathways from the OCH2CHCH2 radical intermediate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    FitzPatrick, Benjamin L.; Lau, K.-C.; Butler, Laurie J.; Lee, S.-H.; Lin, Jim Jr-Min


    These experiments study the preparation of and product channels resulting from OCH 2 CHCH 2 , a key radical intermediate in the O+allyl bimolecular reaction. The data include velocity map imaging and molecular beam scattering results to probe the photolytic generation of the radical intermediate and the subsequent pathways by which the radicals access the energetically allowed product channels of the bimolecular reaction. The photodissociation of epichlorohydrin at 193.3 nm produces chlorine atoms and c-OCH 2 CHCH 2 radicals; these undergo a facile ring opening to the OCH 2 CHCH 2 radical intermediate. State-selective resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) detection resolves the velocity distributions of ground and spin-orbit excited state chlorine independently, allowing for a more accurate determination of the internal energy distribution of the nascent radicals. We obtain good agreement detecting the velocity distributions of the Cl atoms with REMPI, vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoionization at 13.8 eV, and electron bombardment ionization; all show a bimodal distribution of recoil kinetic energies. The dominant high recoil kinetic energy feature peaks near 33 kcal/mol. To elucidate the product channels resulting from the OCH 2 CHCH 2 radical intermediate, the crossed laser-molecular beam experiment uses VUV photoionization and detects the velocity distribution of the possible products. The data identify the three dominant product channels as C 3 H 4 O (acrolein)+H, C 2 H 4 +HCO (formyl radical), and H 2 CO (formaldehyde)+C 2 H 3 . A small signal from C 2 H 2 O (ketene) product is also detected. The measured velocity distributions and relative signal intensities at m/e=27, 28, and 29 at two photoionization energies show that the most exothermic product channel, C 2 H 5 +CO, does not contribute significantly to the product branching. The higher internal energy onset of the acrolein+H product channel is consistent with the relative barriers en route to

  2. Investigation of the O+allyl addition/elimination reaction pathways from the OCH2CHCH2 radical intermediate (United States)

    Fitzpatrick, Benjamin L.; Lau, Kai-Chung; Butler, Laurie J.; Lee, Shih-Huang; Lin, Jim-Min, Jr.


    These experiments study the preparation of and product channels resulting from OCH2CHCH2, a key radical intermediate in the O+allyl bimolecular reaction. The data include velocity map imaging and molecular beam scattering results to probe the photolytic generation of the radical intermediate and the subsequent pathways by which the radicals access the energetically allowed product channels of the bimolecular reaction. The photodissociation of epichlorohydrin at 193.3 nm produces chlorine atoms and c-OCH2CHCH2 radicals; these undergo a facile ring opening to the OCH2CHCH2 radical intermediate. State-selective resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) detection resolves the velocity distributions of ground and spin-orbit excited state chlorine independently, allowing for a more accurate determination of the internal energy distribution of the nascent radicals. We obtain good agreement detecting the velocity distributions of the Cl atoms with REMPI, vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoionization at 13.8 eV, and electron bombardment ionization; all show a bimodal distribution of recoil kinetic energies. The dominant high recoil kinetic energy feature peaks near 33 kcal/mol. To elucidate the product channels resulting from the OCH2CHCH2 radical intermediate, the crossed laser-molecular beam experiment uses VUV photoionization and detects the velocity distribution of the possible products. The data identify the three dominant product channels as C3H4O (acrolein)+H, C2H4+HCO (formyl radical), and H2CO (formaldehyde)+C2H3. A small signal from C2H2O (ketene) product is also detected. The measured velocity distributions and relative signal intensities at m/e=27, 28, and 29 at two photoionization energies show that the most exothermic product channel, C2H5+CO, does not contribute significantly to the product branching. The higher internal energy onset of the acrolein+H product channel is consistent with the relative barriers en route to each of these product channels

  3. Low-k SiOCH Film Etching Process and Its Diagnostics Employing Ar/C5F10O/N2 Plasma (United States)

    Nagai, Mikio; Hayashi, Takayuki; Hori, Masaru; Okamoto, Hidekazu


    We proposed an environmental harmonic etching gas of C5F10O (CF3CF2CF2OCFCF2), and demonstrated the etching of low-k SiOCH films employing a dual-frequency capacitively coupled etching system. Dissociative ionization cross sections for the electron impact ionizations of C5F10O and c-C4F8 gases have been measured by quadrupole mass spectroscopy (QMS). The dissociative ionization cross section of CF3+ from C5F10O gas was much higher than those of other ionic species, and 10 times higher than that of CF3+ from C4F8 gas. CF3+ is effective for increasing the etching rate of SiO2. As a result, the etching rate of SiOCH films using Ar/C5F10O/N2 plasma was about 1000 nm/min, which is much higher than that using Ar/C4F8/N2 plasma. The behaviours of fluorocarbon radicals in Ar/C5F10O/N2 plasma, which were measured by infrared diode laser absorption spectroscopy, were similar to those in Ar/C4F8/N2 plasma. The densities of CF and CF3 radicals were markedly decreased with increasing N2 flow rate. Etching rate was controlled by N2 flow rate. A vertical profile of SiOCH with a high etching rate and less microloading was realized using Ar/C5F10O/N2 plasma chemistry.

  4. Från tonåring till toppbloggare : En kvalitativ fallstudie om självpresentation och det personliga varumärket kommunicerat genom en blogg


    Laricchia, Daniela


    Sammanfattning Detta är en fallstudie över en Sveriges mest välkända och framgångsrika bloggar –, driven av Kenza Zouiten. Syftet med studien var att ta reda på hur man via självpresentation genom en blogg kan bygga upp och skapa sig ett starkt personligt varumärke. De frågeställningar studien utgick ifrån var hur Kenza Zouiten väljer att framställa sig själv som person i skriven text och i bilder, samt huruvida det finns några skillnader i hur hon väljer att framställa sig själ...

  5. En undersökning av Norwegians kriskommunikation under flygstrejken 2015. : En textanalys av Facebookinlägg och pressmeddelanden.


    Emma, Mickelsson


    Numera lever vi i ett krissamhälle där vi nästan varje dag nås av budskap från olika typer av kriser. När en organisation drabbas av en kris är det viktigt att tänka på vilken kommunikation man använder för att nå ut med sitt budskap. Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka hur en organisation använder sig av olika försvarsstrategier och retoriska appeller i sin kriskommunikation. Organisationen som valdes ut var flygbolaget Norwegian och deras hantering av den 11 dagar långa flygs...

  6. Ripsteg mot spetskunskap i samisk matematik:lärares perspektiv på transformeringsaktiviteter i samisk förskola och sameskola


    Jannok-Nutti, Ylva


    Syftet med föreliggande avhandling är att utifrån lärarperspektiv beskriva, analysera och försöka förstå transformering av utbildning i matematik så att ett samiskt perspektiv blir utgångspunkt för utbildningen. Avhandlingen genomfördes såsom ett aktionsforskningsprojekt med fokus på lärares perspektiv avseende transformering och genomförande av transformeringsaktiviteter i matematik. Teoretiska utgångspunkter togs utifrån Smiths teori om urfolksperspektiv, Banks teori för integrering av mult...

  7. Att lära sig se trådraken – om tvekan och fokusförskjutning på väg mot förändrat kunnande

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marléne Johansson


    Full Text Available Utgångspunkten i denna artikel är empiriskt förankrade exempel från textilslöjdspraktiker i den svenska skolan; grundskolans slöjdundervisning årskurs 8 och ett specialutformat program inom gymnasieskolan med textil inriktning i årskurserna 1 och 3. Artikelns videoutdrag handlar alla om principiellt samma handling – trådrak mönsterutläggning på tyg – men, dels finns det två olika inramningar (grundskolan och gymnasieskolan, och dels exemplifierar de olika skeden av kunnande. Syftet är att beskriva skillnader i kunnande och vad som framstår som svårt för elever med liten eller ingen erfarenhet av att lägga ut mönster på ett tyg inför tillklippning och hur kunnandet förändras med ökande erfarenhet, liksom vilka nya svårigheter som följer med att elever arbetar med mönster av ökande komplexitet. Det som vid en första blick kan framstå som samma handling utvecklas över tid från något som framstår som enkel handling till att utvecklas i komplexitet. I de tvekan-situationer som beskriv finns potential för ett förändrat deltagande, där förändringen idealt är ett mer kompetent deltagande där ingen tvekan förekommer. Med ökad förtrogenhet kan uppmärksamheten förflyttas till något annat. Det vi är förtrogna med blir till rutiner och därmed behövs det en avvikelse för att fånga uppmärksamheten. I avvikelsen ligger möjligheterna till fortsatt lärande. Artikelns empiriska exempel synliggör dessa skillnader i kunnande som annars oreflekterat kan uppfattas som lika. Eleverna bygger in kunskap i sina handlingar, fokus flyttar från att inte veta vad man tittar på till självklarheten i handlingen. Eleverna lär sig se och urskilja.

  8. Arbetet med arbetsgivarvarumärkets attraktivitet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie i tre företag om hur arbetet med "Employer branding" ser ut och implementeras i företag.


    Drugge, Marie; Bernelind, Diana


    Arbetet med att stärka ett arbetsgivarvarumärkes attraktivitet, både internt och externt, det alltmer välbekanta begreppet “Employer branding”, är ett vanligt förekommande koncept i dagens organisationer. Syftet med studien är att försöka ta reda på vad fenomenet “Employer branding” är och hur organisationer kan bedriva arbetet med att göra sitt arbetsgivarvarumärket attraktiv på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Tieto, COWI och Klarna AB är de företag som deltar i studien. Begreppen legitimitet o...

  9. Authoritative school climate and high school dropout rates. (United States)

    Jia, Yuane; Konold, Timothy R; Cornell, Dewey


    This study tested the association between school-wide measures of an authoritative school climate and high school dropout rates in a statewide sample of 315 high schools. Regression models at the school level of analysis used teacher and student measures of disciplinary structure, student support, and academic expectations to predict overall high school dropout rates. Analyses controlled for school demographics of school enrollment size, percentage of low-income students, percentage of minority students, and urbanicity. Consistent with authoritative school climate theory, moderation analyses found that when students perceive their teachers as supportive, high academic expectations are associated with lower dropout rates. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  10. Middle School Concept Helps High-Poverty Schools Become High-Performing Schools (United States)

    Picucci, Ali Callicoatte; Brownson, Amanda; Kahlert, Rahel; Sobel, Andrew


    The results of a study conducted by the Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin for the U.S. Department of Education during the 2001-02 school year showed that elements of the middle school concept can lead to improved student performance, even in high-poverty schools. This article describes common elements of the middle school…

  11. Antitumor activity of ginseng sapogenins, 25-OH-PPD and 25-OCH3-PPD, on gastric cancer cells. (United States)

    Zhao, Chen; Su, Guangyue; Wang, Xude; Zhang, Xiaoshu; Guo, Shuang; Zhao, Yuqing


    25-Hydroxyprotopanaxadiol (25-OH-PPD) and 25-methoxylprotopanaxadiol (25-OCH3-PPD), two ginseng sapogenins, have potent antitumor activity and their effects on gastric cancer (BGC-823, SGC-7901, MKN-28) cells and a gastric mucosa (GES-1) cell line are reported. Both compounds significantly inhibited the growth of gastric cancer cells, while having lesser inhibitory effects on GES-1 cells by MTT assay. A mechanistic study revealed that the two ginseng sapogenins could induce apoptosis in BGC-823 cells by morphological observation, DNA fragmentation, flow cytometry and western blot analysis. Besides, the apoptosis was inhibited by Ac-DEVD-CHO, a caspase 3 inhibitor, which was confirmed by cell viability analysis. These results indicate that 25-OH-PPD and 25-OCH3-PPD have potential to be promising agents for the treatment of gastric cancer.

  12. Dömda att leva i skuggan : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hälsan hos personer med albinism i Rwanda, utifrån begreppen diskriminering, coping och socialt stöd


    Niyonkuru, Elsie Diane


    Bakgrund: Oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) är en ärftlig sjukdom som fysiskt, psykiskt och socialt påverkar de drabbade individerna. Okunskap, fördomar och myter om albinism utgör de största orsakerna till den diskriminering som personer med albinism utsatts för särskilt i vissa länder i Afrika söder om Sahara. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva hälsan hos personer med albinism i Rwanda, utifrån begreppen diskriminering, coping och socialt stöd. Metod: En kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats ligger t...

  13. Den inre och yttre självkänslans betydelse för tendensen att bruka self-handicapping


    Ottosson, Olivia


    Självkänsla är något vi ständigt bär med oss och den inverkar på vårt agerande samt våra val i livet. Johnson (2003) delar in självkänslan i två delar den inre och yttre, vilka kan kombineras till fyra personligheter. Forskning har visat att självkänslan samvarierar med tendensen till att bruka self-handicapping. Self-handicapping innebär att människan skapar hinder för sig själv påhittade eller verkliga. Etthundrasju studenter fyllde i en enkät bestående av 58 påståenden, vilken mätte inre, ...

  14. Authoritative School Climate and High School Dropout Rates (United States)

    Jia, Yuane; Konold, Timothy R.; Cornell, Dewey


    This study tested the association between school-wide measures of an authoritative school climate and high school dropout rates in a statewide sample of 315 high schools. Regression models at the school level of analysis used teacher and student measures of disciplinary structure, student support, and academic expectations to predict overall high…

  15. Isolation, structural determination, and evaluation of the biological activity of 20(S)-25-methoxyl-dammarane-3beta, 12beta, 20-triol [20(S)-25-OCH3-PPD], a novel natural product from Panax notoginseng. (United States)

    Zhao, Y; Wang, W; Han, L; Rayburn, E R; Hill, D L; Wang, H; Zhang, R


    Ginseng has been used extensively for medicinal purposes, with suggested utility for indications as diverse as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Herein we report the discovery and characterization of 20(S)-25-OCH3-PPD, a ginsenoside that inhibits growth and survival of cancer cells. The novel dammarane triterpene sapogenin (C31H56O4; molecular weight 492) was isolated from the total hydrolyzed saponins extracted from the leaves of Panax notoginseng using conventional and reverse-phase silica gel chromatography. Based on physicochemical characteristics and NMR data, the compound was identified as 20(S)-25-OCH3-PPD. The biological activities of 20(S)-25-OCH3-PPD and its known analogs, 20(S)-PPD and Rg3, were evaluated in 12 human cancer cell lines. In all cell lines, the order of cytotoxicity of the test compounds was 20(S)-25-OCH3-PPD > 20(S)-PPD > Rg3. 20(S)-25-OCH3-PPD also induced apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in the G1 phase, and inhibited proliferation in breast cancer cell lines, demonstrating its potent biological effects. In regard to cytotoxicity, the IC50 values of 20(S)-25-OCH3-PPD for most cell lines were in the lower microM range, a 5-15-fold greater cytotoxicity relative to 20(S)-PPD and a 10-100-fold increase over Rg3. These findings suggest a structure-activity relationship among dammarane-type sapogenins. The data presented here may provide a basis for the future development of 20(S)-25-OCH3-PPD as a novel anti-cancer agent.

  16. School-Within-A-School (Hawaii Nui High) Hilo High School Report 1969-70. (United States)

    Hawaii Univ., Honolulu. Social Welfare Development and Research Center.

    The second year of operation of Hilo High School's "School-Within-A-School" [SWS] program is evaluated in this paper. Planning, training, and program implementation are described in the document. The following are the results of the program: There was an improvement in attendance among project students when compared to their record in…

  17. Journalism Beyond High School. (United States)

    Turner, Sally


    Discusses the shift from high school journalism to college journalism for students. Describes the role of the high school journalism advisor in that process. Offers checklists for getting to know a college publication. Outlines ways high school journalism teachers can take advantage of journalism resources available at local colleges and…

  18. Är vi överens om det? Samspel och samstämmighet i svensklärares bedömningssamtal om gymnasieelevers skrivande

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Per Blomqvist


    Full Text Available Artikeln beskriver svensklärares interaktion och samstämmighet i samtal om summativ bedömning av gymnasieelevers skrivande. I ett dialogiskt perspektiv (Linell, 2011 undersöks interaktionella mönster avseende dominans, dynamik och koherens i tre svensklärargruppers bedömningssamtal. Dessa interaktionella mönster ställs i relation till uttryck för samstämmighet inom och mellan lärargrupperna. Resultatet visar att lärarna uttrycker hög grad av samstämmighet i bedömningssamtalen men att de bedömningar som lärarna gör enskilt i anslutning till samtalen enbart till viss del överensstämmer med gruppens beslut. Lägst grad av samstämmighet uppvisar den lärargrupp som i samtalen framstod som mest samstämmig. Där kännetecknas beslutsprocesserna av låg intensitet genom att få alternativ till bedömningar prövas. I de lärargrupper där intensiteten är högre genom att flera lärare styr samtalet i olika riktningar och där lärarna tillsammans prövar flera olika förslag på bedömning överensstämmer även enskilda lärares bedömningar i högre grad med gruppens beslut. Bedömningsöverensstämmelsen mellan lärargrupperna är däremot låg.

  19. Planering och genomförandet av en leende-kampanj för de anställda på Esbo IKEA


    Hietanen, Laura


    Kundservice är viktigt för ett företags framgång och därför bör de investera i det. Då kundernas upplevelser överrensstämmer med de förväntningar de haft för företaget kommer de mer sannolikt att komma tillbaka och berätta om upplevelserna till personer i sin omgivning. De anställda har en avgörande roll i detta sammanhang. De kan med sitt agerande inverka både positivt samt negativt på synen på kundservicenivån i företaget. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att planera samt genomföra en leen...

  20. Evaluating High School IT (United States)

    Thompson, Brett A.


    Since its inception in 1997, Cisco's curriculum has entered thousands of high schools across the U.S. and around the world for two reasons: (1) Cisco has a large portion of the computer networking market, and thus has the resources for and interest in developing high school academies; and (2) high school curriculum development teams recognize the…

  1. [Minna Ahokas. Valistus suomalaisessa kirjakulttuurissa 1700-luvulla. Bidrag till kännedom av Finlands natur och folk 188] / Tuija Laine

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laine, Tuija, 1964-


    Arvustus: Minna Ahokas. Valistus suomalaisessa kirjakulttuurissa 1700-luvulla. Bidrag till kännedom av Finlands natur och folk 188. Diss. Sasatamala : Finska Vetenskaps-societeten. (Suomen Tiedeseura, 2011)

  2. Pedagogical Stances of High School ESL Teachers: "Huelgas" in High School ESL Classrooms (United States)

    del Carmen Salazar, Maria


    This article presents a qualitative case study of the pedagogical stances of high school English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers, and the subsequent responses of resistance or conformity by their English Language Learners (ELLs). The participants include three high school ESL teachers and 60 high school ESL students of Mexican origin. Findings…

  3. Case Studies of Leading Edge Small Urban High Schools. Relevance Strategic Designs: 8. High Tech High School (United States)

    Shields, Regis Anne; Ireland, Nicole; City, Elizabeth; Derderian, Julie; Miles, Karen Hawley


    This report is one of nine detailed case studies of small urban high schools that served as the foundation for the Education Resource Strategies (ERS) report "Strategic Designs: Lessons from Leading Edge Small Urban High Schools." These nine schools were dubbed "Leading Edge Schools" because they stand apart from other high…

  4. Early College High Schools (United States)

    Dessoff, Alan


    For at-risk students who stand little chance of going to college, or even finishing high school, a growing number of districts have found a solution: Give them an early start in college while they still are in high school. The early college high school (ECHS) movement that began with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 10 years ago…

  5. Participation in Summer School and High School Graduation in the Sun Valley High School District (United States)

    Trujillo, Gabriel


    This study examines the effectiveness of a summer school credit recovery program in the Sun Valley High School District. Using logistic regression I assess the relationship between race, gender, course failure, school of origin and summer school participation for a sample of students that failed one or more classes in their first year of high…

  6. Concussion Knowledge and Reporting Behavior Differences Between High School Athletes at Urban and Suburban High Schools. (United States)

    Wallace, Jessica; Covassin, Tracey; Nogle, Sally; Gould, Daniel; Kovan, Jeffrey


    We determined differences in knowledge of concussion and reporting behaviors of high school athletes attending urban and suburban high schools, and whether a relationship exists between underreporting and access to an athletic trainer in urban schools. High school athletes (N = 715) from 14 high schools completed a validated knowledge of concussion survey consisting of 83 questions. The independent variable was school type (urban/suburban). We examined the proportion of athletes who correctly identified signs and symptoms of concussion, knowledge of concussion and reasons why high school athletes would not disclose a potential concussive injury across school classification. Data were analyzed using descriptive, non-parametric, and inferential statistics. Athletes attending urban schools have less concussion knowledge than athletes attending suburban schools (p urban schools without an athletic trainer have less knowledge than urban athletes at schools with an athletic trainer (p urban schools and 10 reasons for not reporting. Concussion education efforts cannot be homogeneous in all communities. Education interventions must reflect the needs of each community. © 2017, American School Health Association.

  7. Hur reagerar läsarna på sponsrade inlägg publicerade på Isabella Löwengrips blogg? : En teoriprövande studie av Stuart Halls teori om inkodning och avkodning.


    Lorentzon, Karin; Gustafsson, Victor


    Denna studie handlar om hur ett sponsrat blogginlägg av en influencer inkodas och hur läsarna i kommentarerna avkodar meddelandet och reagerar på inlägget. Studiens syfte är att öka förståelsen för hur läsare avkodar sponsrade blogginlägg. Vi antog innan genomförandet att fler skulle avkoda meddelandena på ett sätt som skulle vara mer kritiskt gentemot samarbetet, därför har det gjorts en teoriprövande studie av Stuart Halls teori om inkodning och avkodning. För uppnå vårt syfte har vi använt...

  8. Självkänsla hos daghemsbarn : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur barnträdgårdslärare bekräftar och stärker barnets självkänsla på daghem


    Fant, Sofia


    Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ta reda på hur en barnträdgårdslärare kan stärka och bekräfta barnets självkänsla på daghem. Vilken syn och uppfattning finns det om självkänslan på daghem och hur kan man stödja barnen på bästa sätt när det gäller självkänslan? I detta examensarbete har jag genom litteratur tagit fram vad självkänsla är, men även olika definitioner kring självkänslan och hur miljön runt om kan påverka självkänslan hos barnet. I intervjuerna som blev gjorda framkom ...

  9. Luhmanns masmedieteori och Internet som ett artificiellt intelligent semiotiskt system Luhmanns massmedieteori och Internet som ett artificiellt intelligent semiotiskt system [Luhmann’s mass-media theory and Internet as an artificial intelligent semiotic system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peter Kåhre


    Full Text Available Artikeln diskuterar hur en modern form av AI-programmering, som kallas Konnektionism i en design som kallas Distribuerad AI (DAI, påverkar den uppfattning Luhmann har om massmediernas roll för den andra ordningens observationer. DAI använder noder för att skapa aktivitet i systemen och inte de koder som styr processerna i den klassiska eller symboliska formen av AI. Luhmanns teori kan utvecklas genom att ersätta systemens koder med noder som förändras beroende på i vilken relation de står till andra noder. På så sätt kan kommunikationsbegreppet utvecklas så att det också omfattar systemens interaktioner med omvärlden. Det skapar en bättre förutsättning för att observationsmöjligheter direkt uppstår genom systemens relationer till omvärlden. Internet och AI-programmerade söksystem och robotar kan då fungera som ett artificiellt semiotiskt system som skapar möjligheter att göra observationer.The article discusses how a modern form of AI programming, known as Connectionism in a design known as Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI, affects the perception Luhmann has on mass media's role concerning second-order observations. DAI uses nodes to create activity in the systems and not the codes used by the Classic or Symbolic form of AI. Luhmann’s theory can be developed by replacing the systems codes with nodes that change depending on their relations to other nodes. In this way, we can reformulate the concept of communication, so that it includes the systems interactions with the environment. It creates better conditions so that observing opportunities may arise directly from these interactions. Internet and AI-programmed search systems and robots can then act as an artificial semiotic system that creates opportunities for making observations.

  10. Fixing High Schools (United States)

    Perkins-Gough, Deborah


    Reports from national education organizations in the US indicate the sorry state of high schools in the country that are accused of failing to adequately prepare their graduates for college or for the workforce, highlighting what is a serious problem in light of the troubled state of the US economy. The need to improve high schools is urgent and…

  11. Comparison of physical activities of female football players in junior high school and high school. (United States)

    Inoue, Yuri; Otani, Yoshitaka; Takemasa, Seiichi


    [Purpose] This study aimed to compare physical activities between junior high school and high school female football players in order to explain the factors that predispose to a higher incidence of sports injuries in high school female football players. [Subjects and Methods] Twenty-nine female football players participated. Finger floor distance, the center of pressure during single limb stance with eyes open and closed, the 40-m linear sprint time, hip abduction and extension muscle strength and isokinetic knee flexion and extension peak torque were measured. The modified Star Excursion Balance Test, the three-steps bounding test and three-steps hopping tests, agility test 1 (Step 50), agility test 2 (Forward run), curl-up test for 30 seconds and the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test were performed. [Results] The high school group was only significantly faster than the junior high school group in the 40-m linear sprint time and in the agility tests. The distance of the bounding test in the high school group was longer than that in the junior high school group. [Conclusion] Agility and speed increase with growth; however, muscle strength and balance do not develop alongside. This unbalanced development may cause a higher incidence of sports injuries in high school football players.

  12. Conformational and spectroscopic study of xanthogen ethyl formates, ROC(S)SC(O)OCH2CH3. Isolation of CH3CH2OC(O)SH (United States)

    Juncal, Luciana C.; Cozzarín, Melina V.; Romano, Rosana M.


    ROC(S)SC(O)OCH2CH3, with R = CH3sbnd , (CH3)2CHsbnd and CH3(CH2)2sbnd , were obtained through the reaction between potassium xanthate salts, ROC(S)SK, and ethyl chloroformate, ClC(O)OCH2CH3. The liquid compounds were identified and characterized by 1H and 13C NMR and mass spectrometry. The conformations adopted by the molecules were studied by DFT methods. 6 conformers were theoretically predicted for R = CH3sbnd and (CH3)2CHsbnd , while the conformational flexibility of the n-propyl substituent increases the total number of feasible rotamers to 21. For the three molecules, the conformers can be associated in 3 groups, being the most stable the AS forms - the Cdbnd S double bond anti (A) with respect to the Csbnd S single bond and the Ssbnd C single bond syn (S) with respect to the Cdbnd O double bond - followed by AA and SS conformers. The vibrational spectra were interpreted in terms of the predicted conformational equilibrium, presenting the ν(Cdbnd O) spectral region signals corresponding to the three groups of conformers. A moderated pre-resonance Raman enhancement of the ν(Cdbnd S) vibrational mode of CH3(CH2)2OC(S)SC(O)OCH2CH3 was detected, when the excitation radiation approaches the energy of a n → π∗ electronic transition associated with the Cdbnd S chromophore. UV-visible spectra in different solvents were measured and interpreted in terms of TD-DFT calculations. The unknown molecule CH3CH2OC(O)SH was isolated by the UV-visible photolysis of CH3OC(S)SC(O)OCH2CH3 isolated in Ar matrix, and also obtained as a side-product of the reaction between potassium xanthate salts, ROC(S)SK, and ethyl chloroformate, ClC(O)OCH2CH3.

  13. The Relationship between High School Math Courses, High School GPA, and Retention of Honors Scholarships (United States)

    Megert, Diann Ackerman


    This research examined the high school transcripts of honors scholarship recipients to identify a better criterion for awarding scholarships than high school grade point average (GPA) alone. Specifically, this study compared the honors scholarship retention rate when the scholarship was awarded based on completed advanced high school math classes…

  14. Switching Schools: Reconsidering the Relationship Between School Mobility and High School Dropout (United States)

    Gasper, Joseph; DeLuca, Stefanie; Estacion, Angela


    Youth who switch schools are more likely to demonstrate a wide array of negative behavioral and educational outcomes, including dropping out of high school. However, whether switching schools actually puts youth at risk for dropout is uncertain, since youth who switch schools are similar to dropouts in their levels of prior school achievement and engagement, which suggests that switching schools may be part of the same long-term developmental process of disengagement that leads to dropping out. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997, this study uses propensity score matching to pair youth who switched high schools with similar youth who stayed in the same school. We find that while over half the association between switching schools and dropout is explained by observed characteristics prior to 9th grade, switching schools is still associated with dropout. Moreover, the relationship between switching schools and dropout varies depending on a youth's propensity for switching schools. PMID:25554706

  15. A Study of School Size among Alabama’s Public High Schools

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ronald A. Lindahl


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the size of Alabama’s public high schools, selected school quality and financial indicators, and their students’ performance on standardized exams. When the socioeconomic level of the student bodies is held constant, the size of high schools in Alabama has relatively little relationship with 11th grade student (both regular and special education performance on the reading and math portions of the Alabama High School Graduation Exam (AHSGE. High schools’ average daily attendance rates and pupil-to-computer (and computer with Internet connections ratios do not vary in accordance with school size. Higher percentages of highly qualified teachers are found in Alabama’s largest high schools. There was very little difference in the percentage of teachers with a master’s degree or above across school size categories. Very little difference exists across size categories in regard to mean expenditures per pupil (range = $7,322 to $7,829. However, districts of the large high schools exert over twice the effort of those with small high schools (3.2 mills to 1.5 mills and approximately 50 percent greater local effort than the districts of the medium-size high schools.

  16. At-risk high school seniors: Science remediation for Georgia's High School Graduation Test (United States)

    Carroll, Carolyn M.

    State departments of education have created a system of accountability for the academic achievement of students under the mandate of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The Georgia Department of Education established the Georgia High School Graduation Test (GHSGT) as their method of evaluating the academic achievement of high school students. The GHSGT consist of five sections and students must pass all five sections before students they are eligible to receive a diploma. The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of teacher-lead and computer based remediation for a group of high school seniors who have been unsuccessful in passing the science portion of the GHSGT. The objectives of this study include (a) Identify the most effective method of remediation for at-risk students on the science section of the GHSGT, and (b) evaluate the methods of remediation for at-risk students on the science section of GHSGT available to high school students. The participants of this study were at-risk seniors enrolled in one high school during the 2007-2008 school year. The findings of this research study indicated that at-risk students who participated in both types of remediation, teacher-led and computer-based, scored significantly higher than the computer-based remediation group alone. There was no significant relationship between the test scores and the number of times the students were tested.

  17. School Start Times for Middle School and High School Students - United States, 2011-12 School Year. (United States)

    Wheaton, Anne G; Ferro, Gabrielle A; Croft, Janet B


    Adolescents who do not get enough sleep are more likely to be overweight; not engage in daily physical activity; suffer from depressive symptoms; engage in unhealthy risk behaviors such as drinking, smoking tobacco, and using illicit drugs; and perform poorly in school. However, insufficient sleep is common among high school students, with less than one third of U.S. high school students sleeping at least 8 hours on school nights. In a policy statement published in 2014, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) urged middle and high schools to modify start times as a means to enable students to get adequate sleep and improve their health, safety, academic performance, and quality of life. AAP recommended that "middle and high schools should aim for a starting time of no earlier than 8:30 a.m.". To assess state-specific distributions of public middle and high school start times and establish a pre-recommendation baseline, CDC and the U.S. Department of Education analyzed data from the 2011-12 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS). Among an estimated 39,700 public middle, high, and combined schools* in the United States, the average start time was 8:03 a.m. Overall, only 17.7% of these public schools started school at 8:30 a.m. or later. The percentage of schools with 8:30 a.m. or later start times varied greatly by state, ranging from 0% in Hawaii, Mississippi, and Wyoming to more than three quarters of schools in Alaska (76.8%) and North Dakota (78.5%). A school system start time policy of 8:30 a.m. or later provides teenage students the opportunity to achieve the 8.5-9.5 hours of sleep recommended by AAP and the 8-10 hours recommended by the National Sleep Foundation.

  18. School connectedness and high school graduation among maltreated youth. (United States)

    Lemkin, Allison; Kistin, Caroline J; Cabral, Howard J; Aschengrau, Ann; Bair-Merritt, Megan


    Maltreated youth have higher rates of school dropout than their non-maltreated peers. School connectedness is a modifiable predictor of school success. We hypothesized maltreated youth's school connectedness (supportive relationships with adults at school and participation in school clubs) would be positively associated with high school graduation. We included youth with at least one Child Protective Services (CPS) report by age twelve from Longitudinal Studies of Child Abuse and Neglect, a prospective cohort study. Participation in extracurricular activities and adult relationships reported at age 16, high school graduation/General Education Development (GED) status reported at age 18, and demographics were provided by youth and caregivers. Maltreatment data were coded from CPS records. The outcome was graduation/receipt of GED. Multivariable logistic regressions examined the association between school connectedness and graduation/receipt of GED, controlling for confounders. In our sample of 318 maltreated youth, 73.3% graduated. School club was the only activity with a statistically significant association with graduation in bivariate analysis. Having supportive relationships with an adult at school was not significantly associated with graduation, though only 10.7% of youth reported this relationship. Maltreated youth who participated in school clubs had 2.54 times the odds of graduating, adjusted for study site, gender, poverty status, caregiver high school graduation status, and age at first CPS report (95% CI: [1.02, 6.33]). Few maltreated youth reported relationships with adults at school, and additional efforts may be needed to support these vulnerable youth. School club participation may represent an opportunity to modify maltreated youth's risk for school dropout. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Variable-energy positron annihilation study of subnanopores in SiOCH-based PECVD films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, Kenji; Oka, Toshitaka; Kobayashi, Yoshinori; Suzuki, Ryoichi; Ohdaira, Toshiyuki


    Subnanoporosity was introduced into SiOCH-based thin films by mixing tetraethyl orthosilicate with hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDSO) in the plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition process, and was evaluated by the variable-energy positron annihilation lifetime technique. It was found that with increasing the HMDSO fraction both porosity and pore size were enhanced, as evidenced by the decreased refractive index and increased ortho-positronium lifetime. The lifetimes from 2.0 to 6.8 ns suggested the tunable pore volumes within a range of 0.1-0.7 nm 3

  20. Att veta när man ska göra det man vet att man ska göra : om barn med ADHD, uppfattning av tid och att komma ihåg att göra det man har planerat


    Hillertz, Anna


    I den här studien undersöks om det är bristande tidsuppfattning som orsakar sämre prospektivt minne hos barn med diagnos ADHD. Studien syftar även till att utreda vad prospektivt minne har för relation till arbetsminne och exekutiva funktioner. Studien har genomförts genom att två grupper, en grupp barn med diagnos ADHD och en kontrollgrupp, har utfört uppgifter som ger mått på prospektivt minne, tidsuppfattning, arbetsminne och exekutiva funktioner. Barnen i ADHD-gruppen har även deltagit i ...

  1. Förhållandet mellan den fria rörligheten inom EU och internationella dubbelbeskattningsavtal : En analys med utgångspunkt i EU-domstolens praxis


    Österman, Catharina


    När en skattskyldig blir beskattad flera gånger för samma inkomst, i minst två länder och under samma tidsperiod, uppstår juridisk dubbelbeskattning. En vanlig metod för att i möjligaste mån undvika dubbelbeskattning är att stater ingår bilaterala dubbelbeskattningsavtal med varandra. I ett dubbelbeskattningsavtal avgör de avtalsslutande staterna vilken stat som, i en rad olika situationer, ska ha beskattningsrätt och vilken stat som till följd därav avstår från sin rätt till beskattning. Där...

  2. Timetabling at High Schools

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Matias

    on the publicly available XHSTT format for modeling instances and solutions of the HSTP) and the Danish High School Timetabling Problem (DHSTP). For both problems a complex Mixed-Integer Programming (MIP) model is developed, and in both cases are empirical tests performed on a large number of real-life datasets......High school institutions face a number of important planning problems during each schoolyear. This Ph.D. thesis considers two of these planning problems: The High School Timetabling Problem (HSTP) and the Consultation Timetabling Problem (CTP). Furthermore a framework for handling various planning....... The second part contains the main scienti_c papers composed during the Ph.D. study. The third part of the thesis also contains scienti_c papers, but these are included as an appendix. In the HSTP, the goal is to obtain a timetable for the forthcoming school-year. A timetable consists of lectures scheduled...

  3. Especially for High School Teachers (United States)

    Howell, J. Emory


    Secondary School Feature Articles * Authentic Research within the Grasp of High School Students, by Annis Hapkiewicz, p 1212 * JCE Classroom Activity #19: Blueprint Photography by the Cyanotype Process, by Glen D. Lawrence and Stuart Fishelson, p 1216A Author Recognition A new program has been instituted to recognize high school teachers who are authors or coauthors of manuscripts published in the Journal. In May, letters were sent to teachers who wrote articles published in JCE beginning with Volume 74 (1997). If you were an author, you should have received a letter from us in late May or early June stating that your high school principal has been sent a Certificate of High School Author Recognition to be presented to you at a suitable occasion. Because the letters were sent late in the school year, you may not see the certificate until fall, or you may not receive your letter until then if we had only your school address. If you have authored or coauthored an article published in JCE and did not receive a letter, please contact me using the information about the Secondary School Chemistry Editor appearing on the Information Page in this issue. Syllabus Swap In the August issue, this column contained an invitation to exchange high school syllabi. The day after my copy of the August issue arrived, I received an email from a teacher indicating an interest in participating in an exchange. If you are interested, check the August "Especially for High School Chemistry Teachers" column for a brief discussion of the informal exchange program, or contact me. Research Conducted by High School Students In his June 1999 editorial "Learning Is a Do-It-Yourself Activity", p 725, John Moore wrote about the need to engage students actively in the learning process. As I have mentioned in this column previously, research conducted by students is one means of accomplishing this goal. In this issue, p 1212, Annis Hapkiewicz explains how she has drawn her Okemos [Michigan] High School

  4. Carpet Aids Learning in High Performance Schools (United States)

    Hurd, Frank


    The Healthy and High Performance Schools Act of 2002 has set specific federal guidelines for school design, and developed a federal/state partnership program to assist local districts in their school planning. According to the Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS), high-performance schools are, among other things, healthy, comfortable,…

  5. School lunch and snacking patterns among high school students: Associations with school food environment and policies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Story Mary


    Full Text Available Abstract Objectives This study examined associations between high school students' lunch patterns and vending machine purchases and the school food environment and policies. Methods A randomly selected sample of 1088 high school students from 20 schools completed surveys about their lunch practices and vending machine purchases. School food policies were assessed by principal and food director surveys. The number of vending machines and their hours of operation were assessed by trained research staff. Results Students at schools with open campus policies during lunchtime were significantly more likely to eat lunch at a fast food restaurant than students at schools with closed campus policies (0.7 days/week vs. 0.2 days/week, p Conclusion School food policies that decrease access to foods high in fats and sugars are associated with less frequent purchase of these items in school among high school students. Schools should examine their food-related policies and decrease access to foods that are low in nutrients and high in fats and sugars.

  6. High-Performance Schools: Affordable Green Design for K-12 Schools; Preprint

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Plympton, P.; Brown, J.; Stevens, K.


    Schools in the United States spend $7.8 billion on energy each year-more than the cost of computers and textbooks combined, according to a 2003 report from the National Center for Education Statistics. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) estimates that these high utility bills could be reduced as much as 25% if schools adopt readily available high performance design principles and technologies. Accordingly, hundreds of K-12 schools across the country have made a commitment to improve the learning and teaching environment of schools while saving money and energy and protecting the environment. DOE and its public- and private-sector partners have developed Energy Design Guidelines for High Performance Schools, customized for nine climate zones in U.S. states and territories. These design guidelines provide information for school decision makers and design professionals on the advantages of energy efficiency and renewable energy designs and technologies. With such features as natural day lighting, efficient electric lights, water conservation, and renewable energy, schools in all types of climates are proving that school buildings, and the students and teachers who occupy them, are indeed high performers. This paper describes high performance schools from each of the nine climate zones associated with the Energy Design Guidelines. The nine case studies focus on the high performance design strategies implemented in each school, as well as the cost savings and benefits realized by students, faculty, the community, and the environment.

  7. School-Based Drug Abuse Prevention Programs in High School Students (United States)

    Sharma, Manoj; Branscum, Paul


    Drug abuse, or substance abuse, is a substantial public health problem in the United States, particularly among high school students. The purpose of this article was to review school-based programs implemented in high schools for substance abuse prevention and to suggest recommendations for future interventions. Included were English language…

  8. Case Studies of Leading Edge Small Urban High Schools. Personalization Strategic Designs: 9. MetWest High School (United States)

    Shields, Regis Anne; Ireland, Nicole; City, Elizabeth; Derderian, Julie; Miles, Karen Hawley


    This report is one of nine detailed case studies of small urban high schools that served as the foundation for the Education Resource Strategies (ERS) report "Strategic Designs: Lessons from Leading Edge Small Urban High Schools." These nine schools were dubbed "Leading Edge Schools" because they stand apart from other high…

  9. The Effect of High School Shootings on Schools and Student Performance


    Louis-Philippe Beland; Dongwoo Kim


    We analyze how fatal shootings in high schools affect schools and students using data from shooting databases, school report cards, and the Common Core of Data. We examine schools’ test scores, enrollment, and number of teachers, as well as graduation, attendance, and suspension rates at schools that experienced a shooting, employing a difference-in-differences strategy that uses other high schools in the same district as the comparison group. Our findings suggest that homicidal shootings s...

  10. Catholic High Schools and Rural Academic Achievement. (United States)

    Sander, William


    A study of national longitudinal data examined effects of rural Catholic high schools on mathematics achievement, high school graduation rates, and the likelihood that high school graduates attend college. Findings indicate that rural Catholic high schools had a positive effect on mathematics test scores and no effect on graduation rates or rates…

  11. Teaching Ethics to High School Students (United States)

    Pass, Susan; Willingham, Wendy


    Working with two teachers and thirty-four high school seniors, the authors developed procedures and assessments to teach ethics in an American high school civics class. This approach requires high school students to discover an agreement or convergence between Kantian ethics and virtue ethics. The authors also created an instrument to measure…

  12. A computational study of the addition of ReO3L (L = Cl(-), CH3, OCH3 and Cp) to ethenone. (United States)

    Aniagyei, Albert; Tia, Richard; Adei, Evans


    The periselectivity and chemoselectivity of the addition of transition metal oxides of the type ReO3L (L = Cl, CH3, OCH3 and Cp) to ethenone have been explored at the MO6 and B3LYP/LACVP* levels of theory. The activation barriers and reaction energies for the stepwise and concerted addition pathways involving multiple spin states have been computed. In the reaction of ReO3L (L = Cl(-), OCH3, CH3 and Cp) with ethenone, the concerted [2 + 2] addition of the metal oxide across the C=C and C=O double bond to form either metalla-2-oxetane-3-one or metalla-2,4-dioxolane is the most kinetically favored over the formation of metalla-2,5-dioxolane-3-one from the direct [3 + 2] addition pathway. The trends in activation and reaction energies for the formation of metalla-2-oxetane-3-one and metalla-2,4-dioxolane are Cp Cp Cp Cp Cp. The direct [2 + 2] addition pathways leading to the formations of metalla-2-oxetane-3-one and metalla-2,4-dioxolane is thermodynamically the most favored for the ligands L = OCH3 and Cl(-). The difference between the calculated [2 + 2] activation barriers for the addition of the metal oxide LReO3 across the C=C and C=O functionalities of ethenone are small except for the case of L = Cl(-) and OCH3. The rearrangement of the metalla-2-oxetane-3-one-metalla-2,5-dioxolane-3-one even though feasible, are unfavorable due to high activation energies of their rate-determining steps. For the rearrangement of the metalla-2-oxetane-3-one to metalla-2,5-dioxolane-3-one, the trends in activation barriers is found to follow the order OCH3 Cp. The trends in the activation energies for the most favorable [2 + 2] addition pathways for the LReO3-ethenone system is CH3 > CH3O(-) > Cl(-) > Cp. For the analogous ethylene-LReO3 system, the trends in activation and reaction energies for the most favorable [3 + 2] addition pathway is CH3 > CH3O(-) > Cl(-) > Cp [10]. Even though the most favored pathway in the ethylene-LReO3 system is

  13. Comparison Of Several Metrology Techniques For In-line Process Monitoring Of Porous SiOCH

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fossati, D.; Imbert, G.; Beitia, C.; Yu, L.; Plantier, L.; Volpi, F.; Royer, J.-C.


    As porous SiOCH is a widely used inter-metal dielectric for 65 nm nodes and below, the control of its elaboration process by in-line monitoring is necessary to guarantee successful integration of the material. In this paper, the sensitivities of several non-destructive metrology techniques towards the film elaboration process drifts are investigated. It appears that the two steps of the process should be monitored separately and that corona charge method is the most sensitive technique of the review for this application

  14. Credentialing high school psychology teachers. (United States)

    Weaver, Kenneth A


    The National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula (American Psychological Association, 2013b) require a teacher with considerable psychology content knowledge to teach high school psychology courses effectively. In this study, I examined the initial teaching credential requirements for high school psychology teachers in the 50 states plus the District of Columbia. Thirty-four states (the District of Columbia is included as a state) require the social studies credential to teach high school psychology. An analysis of the items on standardized tests used by states to validate the content knowledge required to teach social studies indicates little or no presence of psychology, a reflection of psychology's meager presence in the social studies teacher preparation curricula. Thus, new teachers with the social studies teaching credential are not prepared to teach high school psychology according to the National Standards. Approval of The College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards: Guidance for Enhancing the Rigor of K-12 Civics, Economics, Geography, and History (National Council for the Social Studies, 2013) presents an opportunity to advocate for establishing a psychology credential in the 34 states. (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved.

  15. Analysis of Institutional Competitiveness of Junior High Schools through the Admission Test to High School Education (United States)

    Armendáriz, Joyzukey; Tarango, Javier; Machin-Mastromatteo, Juan Daniel


    This descriptive and correlational research studies 15,658 students from 335 secondary schools in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico, through the results of the examination of admission to high school education (National High School Admission Test--EXANI I from the National Assessment Center for Education--CENEVAL) on logical-mathematical and verbal…

  16. Studiemotivation en jämförelse mellan gymnasieelevers egen uppfattning om motivationsnivå och Self-Determination Theory : en jämförelse mellan gymnasieelevers egen uppfattning om motivationsnivå och Self-Determination Theory


    Hagdahl, Kristina; Jimmy, Hammarbäck


    Studien handlar om svenska gymnasieelevers motivation för att studera matematikämnet. Den teoretiska grunden hämtas ifrån Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985). Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur väl gymnasieelevers egen uppfattning om sin motivationsnivå kan prediceras genom de fyra ingående motivationsorienteringarna i Self-Determination Theory: (1) external regulation; (2) introjected regulation; (3) identified regulation; och (4) intrinsic motivation. Deltagarna (n = 132), 44...

  17. UV absorption spectrum of CH3OCH2 radicals and kinetics of the reaction of CH3OCH2O2 radicals with NO and NO2 in the gas phase

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Langer, S.; Ljungström, E.; Ellermann, T.


    Alkyl and alkylperoxy radicals originating from dimethyl ether have been studied in the gas phase at 296 K. A pulse radiolysis-UV absorption technique was used. Absorption cross-sections were quantified over the wavelength range 220-350 nm. At 230 nm, sigma(CH3OCH2) = (4.2 +/- 0.5) X 10(-18) cm(2...

  18. School Uniforms in Urban Public High Schools (United States)

    Draa, Virginia Ann Bendel


    The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not the implementation of a mandatory uniform policy in urban public high schools improved school performance measures at the building level for rates of attendance, graduation, academic proficiency, and student conduct as measured by rates of suspensions and expulsions. Sixty-four secondary…

  19. High School Physics Courses & Enrollments: Results from the 2012-13 Nationwide Survey of High School Physics Teachers. Focus On (United States)

    White, Susan; Tesfaye, Casey Langer


    This report examines enrollments in high school physics during the 2012-13 school year. Based on data from the most recent survey (which includes both public and private high schools in the U.S.), it is estimated that 39% of the class of 2013 took high school physics before graduating. During the 2012-13 school year, 1.38 million students were…

  20. High School Physics Availability: Results from the 2012-13 Nationwide Survey of High School Physics Teachers. Focus On (United States)

    White, Susan; Tesfaye, Casey Langer


    In this report, the authors share their analysis of the data from over 3,500 high schools in the U.S. beginning with an examination of the availability of physics in U.S. high schools. The schools in their sample are a nationally-representative random sample of the almost 25,000 high schools in forty-nine of the fifty states. Table 1 shows the…

  1. After Installation: Ubiquitous Computing and High School Science in Three Experienced, High-Technology Schools (United States)

    Drayton, Brian; Falk, Joni K.; Stroud, Rena; Hobbs, Kathryn; Hammerman, James


    There are few studies of the impact of ubiquitous computing on high school science, and the majority of studies of ubiquitous computing report only on the early stages of implementation. The present study presents data on 3 high schools with carefully elaborated ubiquitous computing systems that have gone through at least one "obsolescence cycle"…

  2. [Stat-kyrka-samhälle : Den stormaktstida samhällsordningen i Sverige och Östersjöpinserna] / Enn Küng

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Küng, Enn, 1963-


    Arvustus: Stat-kyrka-samhälle : Den stormaktstida samhällsordningen i Sverige och Östersjöpinserna. (Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis Studia Baltica Stockholmiensa, 21). Stockholm, 2000. Stockholmi Ülikooli Balti Uuringute Keskuse teaduslik väljaanne "Riik-kirik-ühiskond" Rootsi suurriigi provintsipoliitikast Eesti- ja Liivimaal 16.-17. sajandil

  3. Omvårdnadsåtgärder för att minska rädsla, oro och ångest hos barn 0-18 år i samband med en röntgenundersökning : En litteraturstudie


    Mohsen, Nadja; Imsirovic, Amela


    Bakgrund: Att besöka en röntgenavdelning kan vara något nytt och skrämmande för många barn. Den nya miljön kan orsaka rädsla, oro och ångest hos barn. Därför är det viktigt att röntgensjuksköterskan har kunskap om barnets behov för att upplevelsen på röntgenavdelningen ska vara så bra som möjligt. Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att beskriva omvårdnadsåtgärder för att minska rädsla, oro och ångest hos barn 0-18 år i samband med röntgenundersökning. Metod: Detta arbete är en litteraturstu...

  4. Sequence Curriculum: High School to College. Middlesex Community College/Haddam-Killingworth High School. Final Report. (United States)

    Middlesex Community Coll., Middletown, CT.

    Through a collaborative effort between Middlesex Community College (MxCC) and Haddam-Killingworth High School (HKHS), students taking specific high school courses in television production, broadcast journalism, electronics, and photography are granted college credit by MxCC upon admission to the college's Broadcast Communication Program. The…

  5. Middle School and High School Students Who Stutter: A Qualitative Investigation of School Experiences (United States)

    Cobb, Tiffany R.


    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore and further understand the ways in which middle school and high school students perceive their school experiences within the school environment. School has an important impact on the social development of children (Milsom, 2006). Learning is not done individually as classrooms are inherently social…

  6. Rebellion in a High School. (United States)

    Stinchcombe, Arthur L.

    The premise of this book is that high school rebellion is an "expression of alienation from socially present authorities." Such rebellion is a manifestation of "expressive alienation" and has the quality of hatred or sullenness. Rebellious high school students are likely to be non-utilitarian, negativistic, hedonistic, and to stress group…

  7. Continuing Care in High Schools: A Descriptive Study of Recovery High School Programs (United States)

    Finch, Andrew J.; Moberg, D. Paul; Krupp, Amanda Lawton


    Data from 17 recovery high schools suggest programs are dynamic and vary in enrollment, fiscal stability, governance, staffing, and organizational structure. Schools struggle with enrollment, funding, lack of primary treatment accessibility, academic rigor, and institutional support. Still, for adolescents having received treatment for substance…

  8. Characterization of a distonic isomer C6H5C+(OH)OCH2 of methyl benzoate radical cation by associative ion-molecule reactions (United States)

    Dechamps, Noémie; Flammang, Robert; Gerbaux, Pascal; Nam, Pham-Cam; Nguyen, Minh Tho


    The C6H5C+(OH)OCH2 radical cation, formally a distonic isomer of ionized methyl benzoate, has been prepared by dissociative ionization of neopentyl benzoate, as earlier suggested by Audier et al. [H.E. Audier, A. Milliet, G. Sozzi, S. Hammerum, Org. Mass. Spectrom. 25 (1990) 44]. Its distonic character has now been firmly established by its high reactivity towards neutral methyl isocyanide (ionized methylene transfer) producing N-methyl ketenimine ions. Other mass spectrometric experiments and ab initio quantum chemical calculations also concur with each other pointing toward the existence of a stable distonic radical cation.

  9. Especially for High School Teachers (United States)

    Emory Howell, J.


    many of our readers. The High School/College Interface Luncheon was part of the very rich day-long High School Program at the New Orleans ACS Meeting. Shown here (from left) are Glenn Crosby, the luncheon speaker; Lillie Tucker-Akin, the High School Day program chair; and Fred Johnson, Assistant Superintendent of Shelby County (TN) schools and Immediate Past President of NSTA. The recipient of the James Bryant Conant Award in High School Chemistry Teaching is Frank G. Cardulla, who taught for many years at Niles North High School, Skokie, Illinois. His extensive record of service to fellow teachers includes editing the JCE "View from My Classroom" feature for several years and writing several articles, as well as his recent appointment to the JCE Board of Publication. The recipient of the George C. Pimentel Award in Chemical Education is Jerry A. Bell of the American Chemical Society in Washington, DC. An author of numerous articles appearing in JCE and a member of the JCE Board of Publication for several years, he currently serves as Board Chair. The 16th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education Readers who attended the 15th BCCE in Waterloo, Ontario, know that much of the programming at these conferences is of interest to high school teachers. Many work shops, papers, and demonstrations are presented by high school teachers. There are many other outstanding papers and posters, plenary speakers, and exciting demonstrations. The 16th BCCE will be held at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, July 30-August 3, 2000. Among the high school teachers already scheduled to present workshops at the 16th BCCE are George Hague, Lynn Hershey, and Jack Randall, and there will be many more before the program is completed. The High School Chemistry Program Chair is Tim Graham, Roosevelt High School (MI). The Organizing Committee is seeking the assistance of local sections of the American Chemical Society within a 300-mile radius of Ann Arbor in providing support for high school

  10. A photovoice study of school belongingness among high school students in Norway. (United States)

    Lieblein, Vaiva Sunniva Deraas; Warne, Maria; Huot, Suzanne; Laliberte Rudman, Debbie; Raanaas, Ruth Kjærsti


    Although high school graduation is important for living conditions and health throughout life, many students do not complete. In Norway's northern most county, Finnmark, up to 45% of students do not complete high school. Contrary to prior research that has primarily focused on causes for dropout, this study's aim was to deepen understanding of factors that support high school attendance. A strengths-based participatory approach using photovoice addressed attendance factors as perceived by seven participating students from one high school in Finnmark. Qualitative content analysis of data generated through group dialogue about participant-generated photos and individual interviews identified six factors important for students' school attendance: a supportive school environment, a good learning environment, recuperation and recreation, family and friends, goals and ambitions, and place attachment. Related aspects of a supportive environment and belongingness, where school staff made important contributions to promoting a positive environment, were essential.

  11. Green accounts & day high schools

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Michael Søgaard


    The arcticle presents the concept of green accounts and describes how it can be used in the daily work and the teaching at day high schools.......The arcticle presents the concept of green accounts and describes how it can be used in the daily work and the teaching at day high schools....

  12. High Pressure Reform: Examining Urban Schools' Response to Multiple School Choice Policies (United States)

    Holme, Jennifer Jellison; Carkhum, Rian; Rangel, Virginia Snodgrass


    Over the past several decades, policymakers have sought to address the problem of school failure by exposing traditional public schools to competitive market forces. In this analysis, we examine how two traditional public schools in a "high pressure/high choice" urban school cluster in Texas responded to a number of overlapping choice…

  13. The Effect of High School Shootings on Schools and Student Performance (United States)

    Beland, Louis-Philippe; Kim, Dongwoo


    We analyze how fatal shootings in high schools affect schools and students using data from shooting databases, school report cards, and the Common Core of Data. We examine schools' test scores, enrollment, number of teachers, graduation, attendance, and suspension rates at schools that experienced a shooting, employing a difference-in-differences…

  14. Attitudes of High School Students towards Geometry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esat Avcı


    Full Text Available In this research, attitudes of high school students towards geometry were investigated in terms of gender, grade, types of the field and school. Population of research includes students who were studying at high school in five distincs of Mersin in 2013-2014 academical year. Sample of research includes 935 students from twelve high schools. Attitude scale which was developed by Su-Özenir (2008 was used for data collection. For data analysis, mean, standart deviation, t test and ANOVA were used. A meaningful difference between students’ attitudes towards geometry and variance of gender and grade level wasn’t observed, on the other hand a meaningful difference according to field and school type is observed.Key Words:    Attitudes towards geometry, high school geometry lesson, attitude scale

  15. Investing in High School (United States)

    Green, Daniel G.


    Strapped for cash, a Massachusetts high school creates its own venture capital fund to incentivize teachers to create programs that improve student learning. The result has been higher test scores and higher job satisfaction. One important program is credited with helping close the achievement gap at the school, while others have helped ambitious…

  16. Especially for High School Teachers (United States)

    Howell, J. Emory


    Chemistry and the Environment This issue contains more than 20 articles relating to the environment. Several articles of potential interest are indicated in the Table of Contents with the SSC mark (). Others are not so indicated because they depict use of expensive instrumentation or costly procedures, but if you have an interest in environmental chemistry you may wish to examine all the environmentally related articles. While many of the articles, both marked and unmarked, are targeted to college-level environmental chemistry curricula or to introductory courses for non-major, the methods described in several could be readily adapted to high school chemistry courses. One article likely to be of interest to teachers is found in News from Online, pp 1608-1609. The author explains how to use the U.S. Environment Protection Agency's EnviroMapper Web site to view and query environmental information. She mentioned finding a hazardous waste handler located near her home, so I decided to check the area near my home. I quickly located a natural gas salt dome storage facility marked on the map and, with a few more mouse clicks, I found information that included status of compliance with regulations, amounts of each compound released to the air in tons per year, and how to contact the corporation owning the site. Email and Web site addresses were included for the convenience of anyone wishing to contact the corporation. Students could learn a great deal about where they live that is relevant to chemistry by using the EPA site. Additional Web sites dealing with environmental issues and chemistry are cited in the sidebar at the bottom of p 1609. Among the articles that could be adapted to an advanced high school chemistry class or possibly even to an introductory class is one titled Bridge of Mandolin County (pp 1671-1672). It describes a case-study strategy similar to the scenarios used in ChemStudy. Students analyze information from various sources, including laboratory

  17. How High School Students Select a College. (United States)

    Gilmour, Joseph E., Jr.; And Others

    The college selection process used by high school students was studied and a paradigm that describes the process was developed, based on marketing theory concerning consumer behavior. Primarily college freshmen and high school seniors were interviewed, and a few high school juniors and upper-level college students were surveyed to determine…

  18. High School Students’ Social Media Addiction


    Deniz, Levent; Gürültü, Ercan


    Theaim of this study is to investigate high school students’ social mediaaddiction. The study was conducted with 473 students who were educated in2014-2015 academic year at 6 different schools in İstanbul, Eyüp disctrict.‘Social Media Addiction Scale’ developed by Tutgun, Ünal and Deniz (2015) wasused to determine the students’ social media addiction. The results in general showedthat high school students have a medium level social media addiction. Besides,it was also concluded that high scho...

  19. Case Studies of Leading Edge Small Urban High Schools. Core Academic Strategic Designs: 2. Noble Street Charter High School (United States)

    Shields, Regis Anne; Ireland, Nicole; City, Elizabeth; Derderian, Julie; Miles, Karen Hawley


    This report is one of nine detailed case studies of small urban high schools that served as the foundation for the Education Resource Strategies (ERS) report "Strategic Designs: Lessons from Leading Edge Small Urban High Schools." These nine schools were dubbed "Leading Edge Schools" because they stand apart from other high…

  20. Eye Injuries in High School and Collegiate Athletes. (United States)

    Boden, Barry P; Pierpoint, Lauren A; Boden, Rebecca G; Comstock, R Dawn; Kerr, Zachary Y

    Although eye injuries constitute a small percentage of high school and college sports injuries, they have the potential to be permanently debilitating. Eye injury rates will vary by sport, sex, and between the high school and college age groups. Descriptive epidemiology study. Level 3. Data from eye injury reports in high school and college athletes were obtained from the National High School Sports-Related Injury Surveillance System, High School Reporting Information Online (HS RIO) database over a 10-year span (2005-2006 through 2014-2015 school years) and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Injury Surveillance Program (ISP) over an 11-year span (2004-2005 through 2014-2015 school years). Injury rates per 100,000 athlete-exposures (AEs), injury rate ratios (RRs), and 95% CIs were calculated. Distributions of eye injuries by diagnosis, mechanism, time loss, and surgery needs were also examined. A total of 237 and 273 eye injuries were reported in the HS RIO and the NCAA ISP databases, respectively. The sports with the highest eye injury rates (per 100,000 AEs) for combined high school and college athletes were women's basketball (2.36), women's field hockey (2.35), men's basketball (2.31), and men's wrestling (2.07). Overall eye injury rates at the high school and college levels were 0.68 and 1.84 per 100,000 AEs, respectively. Eye injury rates were higher in competition than practice in high school (RR, 3.47; 95% CI, 2.69-4.48) and college (RR, 3.13; 95% CI, 2.45-3.99). Most injuries were contusions (high school, 35.9%; college, 33.3%) and due to contact (high school, 89.9%; college, 86.4%). Only a small percentage of injuries resulted in time loss over 21 days (high school, 4.2%; college, 3.0%). Eye injury rates and patterns vary by sport, sex, and between the high school and college age groups. Although severe injuries do occur, most eye injuries sustained by high school and college athletes are minor, with limited time loss and full recovery


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rubén Sánchez-Carranza


    Full Text Available This article aims to reflect on the figure and role of high school counselor in the task of addressing conflict situations in which students are immersed. The existence of a rising tide of violence in school conflicts and how important it is to know what countries in Europe , Asia and Latin America is done to promote a culture of peace is recognized. What happened it is exposed in a high school in Germany and how questions from the critical eye that are applicable to our Mexican reality are issued. Finally, it highlights the importance of skills that the counselor must possess or develop to prevent school conflicts escalate to levels of violence.Finally experience working with the School counselors S033 about this subject area is described.

  2. Correlation Among Students’ Family Background, Academic Performance in Junior High School, and Senior High School Tracking in Taiwan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ming-Fu Huang


    Full Text Available There were numerous previous studies on educational tracking. However, most of the data adopted in these studies were collected a decade ago, involving sample population 20-64 years of age. Among them, many elderly samples had undergone senior high school tracking in the early years. The present study used the data of students and parents from the 3rd wave (2005 of the Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS. A path analysis was conducted to investigate the inequality of opportunities involved in the influence of student family background on educational tracking at the senior high school stage. The results show: although the overall percentage of junior high school graduates entering advanced levels was approximately 100% and almost all students of different family backgrounds entered advanced levels, the most crucial factor among those affecting educational tracking of senior high school stage was students’ academic performance during junior high school. Students with higher family socioeconomic status and fewer siblings showed better academic performance in junior high schools, and consequently had higher possibilities of entering public senior high schools leading to a more promising future. This indicates that though the inequality in the quantity of opportunities approached 0, the inequality in the quality of opportunities still remained, which fails to support the hypothesis of the maximally maintained inequality of educational opportunity (MMI; however, the result supports the hypothesis of the effectively maintained inequality of educational opportunity (EMI.

  3. Availability of high school extracurricular sports programs and high-risk behaviors. (United States)

    Cohen, Deborah A; Taylor, Stephanie L; Zonta, Michela; Vestal, Katherine D; Schuster, Mark A


    The Surgeon General has called for an expansion of school-based extracurricular sports programs to address the obesity epidemic. However, little is known about the availability of and participation in high school extracurricular sports and how participation in these sports is related to high-risk behaviors. We surveyed Los Angeles County public high schools in 2002 to determine the number of extracurricular sports programs offered and the percentage of students participating in those programs. We used community data on rates of arrests, births, and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among youth to examine associations between risk behaviors and participation in sports programs. The average school offered 14 sports programs, and the average participation rate was 39% for boys and 30% for girls. Smaller schools and schools with higher percentages of disadvantaged students offered fewer programs. The average school offering 13 or fewer programs had 14% of its students participating, while the average school offering 16 or more programs had 31% of its students participating in sports. Controlling for area-level demographics, juvenile arrest rates and teen birth rates, but not STD rates, were lower in areas where schools offered more extracurricular sports. Opportunities for participation in high school extracurricular sports are limited. Future studies should test whether increased opportunities will increase physical activity and impact the increasing overweight problem in youths.

  4. Should School Boards Discontinue Support for High School Football? (United States)

    Margolis, Lewis H; Canty, Greg; Halstead, Mark; Lantos, John D


    A pediatrician is asked by her local school board to help them decide whether to discontinue their high school football program. She reviews the available evidence on the risks of football and finds it hopelessly contradictory. Some scholars claim that football is clearly more dangerous than other sports. Others suggest that the risks of football are comparable to other sports, such as lacrosse, ice hockey, or soccer. She finds very little data on the long-term sequelae of concussions. She sees claims that good coaching and a school culture that prioritizes the health of athletes over winning can reduce morbidity from sports injuries. In this paper, 3 experts also review the evidence about sports risks and discuss what is known and not known about the science and the ethics of high school football. Copyright © 2017 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

  5. School and community predictors of smoking: a longitudinal study of Canadian high schools. (United States)

    Lovato, Chris; Watts, Allison; Brown, K Stephen; Lee, Derrick; Sabiston, Catherine; Nykiforuk, Candace; Eyles, John; Manske, Steve; Campbell, H Sharon; Thompson, Mary


    We identified the most effective mix of school-based policies, programs, and regional environments associated with low school smoking rates in a cohort of Canadian high schools over time. We collected a comprehensive set of student, school, and community data from a national cohort of 51 high schools in 2004 and 2007. Hierarchical linear modeling was used to predict school and community characteristics associated with school smoking prevalence. Between 2004 and 2007, smoking prevalence decreased from 13.3% to 10.7% in cohort schools. Predictors of lower school smoking prevalence included both school characteristics related to prevention programming and community characteristics, including higher cigarette prices, a greater proportion of immigrants, higher education levels, and lower median household income. Effective approaches to reduce adolescent smoking will require interventions that focus on multiple factors. In particular, prevention programming and high pricing for cigarettes sold near schools may contribute to lower school smoking rates, and these factors are amenable to change. A sustained focus on smoking prevention is needed to maintain low levels of adolescent smoking.

  6. School-wide implementation of the elements of effective classroom instruction: Lessons from a high-performing, high-poverty urban school (United States)

    Dyson, Hilarie


    The purpose of the study was to identify structures and systems implemented in a high-performing high-poverty urban school to promote high academic achievement among students of color. The researcher used a sociocultural theoretical framework to examine the influence of culture on the structures and systems that increased performance by African American and Hispanic students. Four research questions guided the study: (1) What are the trends and patterns of student performance among students of color? (2) What are the organizational structures and systems that are perceived to contribute to high student performance in high-poverty urban schools with high concentrations of students of color? (3) How are the organizational structures and systems implemented to support school-wide effective classroom instruction that promotes student learning? (4) How is the construct of race reflected in the school's structures and systems? Qualitative data were collected through interviews, observations, and artifact collection. A single case study method was employed and collected data were triangulated to capture and explore the rich details of the study. The study focused on a high-performing high-poverty urban elementary school located in southern California. The school population consisted of 99% students of color and 93% were economically disadvantaged. The school was selected for making significant and consistent growth in Academic Performance Index and Adequate Yearly Progress over a 3-year period. The school-wide structures and systems studied were (a) leadership, (b) school climate and culture, (c) standards-based instruction, (d) data-driven decision making, and (e) professional development. Four common themes emerged from the findings: (a) instructional leadership that focused on teaching and learning; (b) high expectations for all students; (c) school-wide focus on student achievement using standards, data, and culturally responsive teaching; and (d) positive

  7. High school science fair and research integrity (United States)

    Dalley, Simon; Shepherd, Karen; Reisch, Joan


    Research misconduct has become an important matter of concern in the scientific community. The extent to which such behavior occurs early in science education has received little attention. In the current study, using the web-based data collection program REDCap, we obtained responses to an anonymous and voluntary survey about science fair from 65 high school students who recently competed in the Dallas Regional Science and Engineering Fair and from 237 STEM-track, post-high school students (undergraduates, 1st year medical students, and 1st year biomedical graduate students) doing research at UT Southwestern Medical Center. Of the post-high school students, 24% had competed in science fair during their high school education. Science fair experience was similar overall for the local cohort of Dallas regional students and the more diverse state/national cohort of post-high school students. Only one student out of 122 reported research misconduct, in his case making up the data. Unexpectedly, post-high school students who did not participate in science fair anticipated that carrying out science fair would be much more difficult than actually was the case, and 22% of the post-high school students anticipated that science fair participants would resort to research misconduct to overcome obstacles. No gender-based differences between students’ science fair experiences or expectations were evident. PMID:28328976

  8. Schools or Students? Identifying High School Effects on Student Suspensions (United States)

    Baker-Smith, E. Christine


    Evidence is clear that discipline in high school is associated with negative outcomes across the life course. Not only are suspensions related to declining academic trajectories during high school in the form of attendance and academic achievement, students suspended once are also more likely to be suspended again and also substantially increase…

  9. High School Book Fairs (United States)

    Fitzgerald, Marianne


    Many secondary students have given up the joy of reading. When asked why they don't read for pleasure, students came up with many different reasons, the first being lack of time. High school students are busy with after school jobs, sports, homework, etc. With the growing number of students enrolled in AP classes, not only is there not much time…

  10. The New Urban High School: A Practitioner's Guide. (United States)

    Big Picture Co., Cambridge, MA.

    In October 1996, the Big Picture Company set out to find six urban high schools that use school-to-work strategies as a lever for whole-school reform. In the schools finally selected for the New Urban High Schools Project, and in others examined for the study, "school-to-work" is a misnomer, because the majority of students are entering…

  11. Excellence in Urban High Schools: An Emerging District/School Perspective. (United States)

    Yin, Robert K.; And Others

    This report presents the preliminary findings of the District/Secondary School Study. The study had two purposes: (1) to identify ways of managing urban high schools to produce excellence, and (2) to recommend policy-relevant guidance to existing school and district administrators. The study design focused on the testing of two specific theories…

  12. Building a Virtual High School...Click by Click (United States)

    Podoll, Sue; Randle, Darcy


    The Rapid City Academy is the alternative high school program for South Dakota's Rapid City Area Schools, which has an enrollment of about 13,000 K-12 students, with five middle schools feeding two large traditional high schools and the alternative program. A high percentage of students at the academy are considered "at-risk" due to…

  13. Case Study of Leadership Practices and School-Community Interrelationships in High-Performing, High-Poverty, Rural California High Schools (United States)

    Masumoto, Marcia; Brown-Welty, Sharon


    Many rural California high schools are impacted by the disadvantages of poverty, non-English speaking students, limited resources, changing demographics, and challenges of the rural context. Focusing on contemporary leadership theories and school-community interrelationships, this qualitative study examines the practices of educational leaders in…

  14. Effects of Part-Time Work on School Achievement During High School (United States)

    Singh, Kusum; Chang, Mido; Dika, Sandra


    The authors explored the effects of part-time work on school achievement during high school. To estimate the true effects of part-time work on school grades, the authors included family background, students' educational aspirations, and school engagement as controls. Although a substantial literature exists on the relationship of part-time work…

  15. The Preparation of Schools for Serious School Violence: An Analysis of New Mexico Public High Schools (United States)

    DiMatteo, Henry


    This study surveyed New Mexico high school principals on their current state of preparedness for serious school violence. The researcher surveyed 119 public high schools, receiving a 65% return rate from a 25-question survey. Specifically, this study analyzed the relationships of three predictor variables: prevention, response, and building of…

  16. Dual Campus High School

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carmen P. Mombourquette


    Full Text Available September 2010 witnessed the opening of the first complete dual campus high school in Alberta. Catholic Central High School, which had been in existence since 1967 in one building, now offered courses to students on two campuses. The “dual campus” philosophy was adopted so as to ensure maximum program flexibility for students. The philosophy, however, was destined to affect student engagement and staff efficacy as the change in organizational structure, campus locations, and course availability was dramatic. Changing school organizational structure also had the potential of affecting student achievement. A mixed-methods study utilizing engagement surveys, efficacy scales, and interviews with students and teachers was used to ascertain the degree of impact. The results of the study showed that minimal impact occurred to levels of student engagement, minor negative impact to staff efficacy, and a slight increase to student achievement results.

  17. A Study of Democratic School Culture Perceptions of Sport High School Students (United States)

    Isikgöz, Enes


    In this study; the perceptions of the students studying at sport high schools about democratic school culture were analysed in accordance with different variables. Participants of the research consisted of 216 students studying at Sport High Schools in Sakarya and Batman Provinces of Turkey. The data were collected with the Democratic School…

  18. Teacher Accountability at High Performing Charter Schools (United States)

    Aguirre, Moises G.


    This study will examine the teacher accountability and evaluation policies and practices at three high performing charter schools located in San Diego County, California. Charter schools are exempted from many laws, rules, and regulations that apply to traditional school systems. By examining the teacher accountability systems at high performing…

  19. National standards for high school psychology curricula. (United States)


    The National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula attempts to represent current knowledge in the field of psychology in developmentally appropriate ways. Psychology is a popular high school course, one that can introduce students to scientific ideas and engage students in the learning process. However, it is difficult for even the best of teachers to present all of psychology in a single course for students who begin with virtually no formal knowledge of psychology. The standards presented here constitute the first of two reports in this issue of the American Psychologist (January 2013) representing recent American Psychological Association (APA) policies that support high-quality instruction in the teaching of high school psychology. These standards provide curricular benchmarks for student learning in the high school course.

  20. Cyberbullying Among Greek High School Adolescents. (United States)

    Gkiomisi, Athanasia; Gkrizioti, Maria; Gkiomisi, Athina; Anastasilakis, Dimitrios A; Kardaras, Panagiotis


    To investigate the presence of cyberbullying among Greek students and the efficacy of proposed preventive interventions. Three types of high schools (private, experimental and public) with different politics on on-line aggression were enrolled. All students of the aforementioned schools were asked to complete an anonymous questionnaire. Around 62 % of the high school students experienced cyberbullying by electronic means, especially by cell phone, mostly the public school students (p 0.008). The bully was a stranger in more than 40 % of the cases. Over 60 % of the victims had not seeked help but dealt with the attack on their own. Only 20 % of the victims manifested sleep or eating disorders, physical/ psychological symptoms or changes in their social life as a consequence of the cyber-attack. Cyberbullying is a usual phenomenon among high school students. The bully is frequently unacquainted to the victim. Most of the victims are not physically or psychologically affected by the cyber-attack and do not share the event with anyone. There was a slight difference in the response of the students to cyberbullying among the different school politics of on-line aggression.

  1. Sports-related injuries among high school athletes--United States, 2005-06 school year. (United States)


    Participation in high school sports helps promote a physically active lifestyle. High school sports participation has grown from an estimated 4 million participants during the 1971-72 school year to an estimated 7.2 million in 2005-06. However, despite the documented health benefits of increased physical activity (e.g., weight management, improved self-esteem, and increased strength, endurance, and flexibility), those who participate in athletics are at risk for sports-related injuries. High school athletes account for an estimated 2 million injuries, 500,000 doctor visits, and 30,000 hospitalizations annually. To date, the study of these injuries has been limited by inabilities to calculate injury rates, compare results among groups, and generalize findings from small, nonrepresentative samples. During the 2005-06 school year, researchers at a children's hospital in Ohio used an Internet-based data-collection tool to pilot an injury surveillance system among athletes from a representative national sample of U.S. high schools. This report summarizes the findings of that study, which indicated that participation in high school sports resulted in an estimated 1.4 million injuries at a rate of 2.4 injuries per 1,000 athlete exposures (i.e., practices or competitions). Surveillance of exposure-based injury rates in a nationally representative sample of high school athletes and analysis of injury patterns can help guide activities aimed at reducing these injuries.

  2. Demographic Factors Affecting Internet Using Purposes of High School Students (United States)

    Kilic, Abdullah Faruk; Güzeller, Cem Oktay


    This study aimed at determining the impact of demographic factors on the Internet usage purposes of high school students. The population of the study consisted of students between 9th and 12th grades from the Anatolian high schools, science high schools, social sciences high schools, sports high schools and fine arts high schools in Turkey. The…

  3. Success Despite Socioeconomics: A Case Study of a High-Achieving, High-Poverty School (United States)

    Tilley, Thomas Brent; Smith, Samuel J.; Claxton, Russell L.


    This case study of a high-achieving, high-poverty school describes the school's leadership, culture, and programs that contributed to its success. Data were collected from two surveys (the School Culture Survey and the Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education), observations at the school site, and interviews with school personnel. The…

  4. Short Sleep Duration Among Middle School and High School Students - United States, 2015. (United States)

    Wheaton, Anne G; Jones, Sherry Everett; Cooper, Adina C; Croft, Janet B


    Insufficient sleep among children and adolescents is associated with increased risk for obesity, diabetes, injuries, poor mental health, attention and behavior problems, and poor academic performance (1-4). The American Academy of Sleep Medicine has recommended that, for optimal health, children aged 6-12 years should regularly sleep 9-12 hours per 24 hours and teens aged 13-18 years should sleep 8-10 hours per 24 hours (1). CDC analyzed data from the 2015 national, state, and large urban school district Youth Risk Behavior Surveys (YRBSs) to determine the prevalence of short sleep duration (school nights among middle school and high school students in the United States. In nine states that conducted the middle school YRBS and included a question about sleep duration in their questionnaire, the prevalence of short sleep duration among middle school students was 57.8%, with state-level estimates ranging from 50.2% (New Mexico) to 64.7% (Kentucky). The prevalence of short sleep duration among high school students in the national YRBS was 72.7%. State-level estimates of short sleep duration for the 30 states that conducted the high school YRBS and included a question about sleep duration in their questionnaire ranged from 61.8% (South Dakota) to 82.5% (West Virginia). The large percentage of middle school and high school students who do not get enough sleep on school nights suggests a need for promoting sleep health in schools and at home and delaying school start times to permit students adequate time for sleep.

  5. School-Related Factors Affecting High School Seniors' Methamphetamine Use (United States)

    Stanley, Jarrod M.; Lo, Celia C.


    Data from the 2005 Monitoring the Future survey were used to examine relationships between school-related factors and high school seniors' lifetime methamphetamine use. The study applied logistic regression techniques to evaluate effects of social bonding variables and social learning variables on likelihood of lifetime methamphetamine use. The…

  6. Effect of Nanotechnology Instructions on Senior High School Students (United States)

    Lu, Chow-Chin; Sung, Chia-Chi


    In this research, we cooperate with senior high school teachers to understand current nanotechnology model of senior high school nanotechnology curriculum in Taiwan. Then design senior high school nanotechnology (nano-tech) curriculum to teach 503 senior high school students. After teaching the nano-tech curriculum we use the "Nanotechnology…

  7. En socialpsykologisk analys av samkönat partnervåld ur ett makt- och normativitetsperspektiv


    von Braun, Thérèse


    Uppsatsens syfte var att nå en större teoretisk förståelse av samkönat partnervåld, genom att analysera olika forskningsartiklars narrativa konstruktioner av våldet. De två frågeställningarna var: 1. Hur diskuterar forskningslitteraturen samkönat partnervåld med fokus på temana relationsdynamik, karaktär hos parterna, kön, genus och sexualitet samt betydelsen av social kontext? 2. Hur diskuterar forskningslitteraturen det professionella bemötandet av samkönat partnervåld? De 21 valda primärdo...

  8. Creating a Comprehensive School Reform Model: The Talent Development High School with Career Academies. (United States)

    Jordan, Will J.; McPartland, James M.; Legters, Nettie E.; Balfanz, Robert


    Discusses the need for comprehensive reforms in school organization, curriculum and instruction, and professional development to address the problems of large urban high schools. Describes the Talent Development High School with Career Academies model being developed to meet the needs of such schools. (SLD)

  9. Dual Enrollment for High School Students (United States)

    Edwards, Linsey; Hughes, Katherine


    Dual enrollment programs allow high school students to enroll in college courses and potentially earn college credit. The term concurrent enrollment is sometimes used interchangeably with dual enrollment, and sometimes to refer to a particular model of dual enrollment. In some programs, students earn high school and college credit simultaneously;…

  10. Especially for High School Teachers (United States)

    Howell, J. Emory


    Care to Share? An Informal Syllabus Exchange A recent email message from Thomas Shiland, who teaches at Saratoga Springs Senior High School, noted that the process of revising the high school chemistry syllabus is underway in New York State. He expressed a strong interest in helping construct a chemistry syllabus that represents the best thinking about appropriate content. He wondered if it would be possible to develop a way in which different secondary chemistry syllabi could easily be exchanged. It is likely that readers from other states and countries are involved in a similar process and might also be interested in exchanging syllabi. Many states do not use the term syllabus to describe their guiding curricular document for chemistry but rather refer to it as a framework or as guidelines. In most cases, the document includes a list of key ideas or topics, performance indicators, and the major understandings associated with each key idea. Such documents would be appropriate for exchange among those of you involved in the revision process. If you are interested in arranging an exchange please contact me by email at or by mail at J. E. Howell, Box 5043, USM, Hattiesburg, MS39406-5043, USA. High School Day Information The High School Chemistry Program at the American Chemical Society National Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana will be held Sunday, August 22, 1999, at the Doubletree Hotel, 300 Canal Street. If you wish to register only for the High School Day activities, which includes a pass to the ACS Exposition, a special registration form is available from Lillie Tucker-Akin, 2800 Reynard Dr., Tupelo, MS38801;; fax: 662/566-7906. Advance registration is 25 and the cost of the High School Luncheon is 12. Register in advance by August 1, 1999, or from 7:45 to 8:30 a.m. at the High School Day table in the conference room area of the Doubletree. The workshop schedule is shown below. Secondary School Feature Articles * Exploring the

  11. Transitions from high school to college. (United States)

    Venezia, Andrea; Jaeger, Laura


    The vast majority of high school students aspire to some kind of postsecondary education, yet far too many of them enter college without the basic content knowledge, skills, or habits of mind they need to succeed. Andrea Venezia and Laura Jaeger look at the state of college readiness among high school students, the effectiveness of programs in place to help them transition to college, and efforts to improve those transitions. Students are unprepared for postsecondary coursework for many reasons, the authors write, including differences between what high schools teach and what colleges expect, as well as large disparities between the instruction offered by high schools with high concentrations of students in poverty and that offered by high schools with more advantaged students. The authors also note the importance of noncurricular variables, such as peer influences, parental expectations, and conditions that encourage academic study. Interventions to improve college readiness offer a variety of services, from academic preparation and information about college and financial aid, to psychosocial and behavioral supports, to the development of habits of mind including organizational skills, anticipation, persistence, and resiliency. The authors also discuss more systemic programs, such as Middle College High Schools, and review efforts to allow high school students to take college classes (known as dual enrollment). Evaluations of the effectiveness of these efforts are limited, but the authors report that studies of precollege support programs generally show small impacts, while the more systemic programs show mixed results. Dual-enrollment programs show promise, but the evaluation designs may overstate the results. The Common Core State Standards, a voluntary set of goals and expectations in English and math adopted by most states, offer the potential to improve college and career readiness, the authors write. But that potential will be realized, they add, only if the

  12. A longitudinal study of school belonging and academic motivation across high school. (United States)

    Neel, Cari Gillen-O'; Fuligni, Andrew


    This longitudinal study examined how school belonging changes over the years of high school, and how it is associated with academic achievement and motivation. Students from Latin American, Asian, and European backgrounds participated (N = 572; age span = 13.94-19.15 years). In ninth grade, girls' school belonging was higher than boys'. Over the course of high school, however, girls' school belonging declined, whereas boys' remained stable. Within-person longitudinal analyses indicated that years in which students had higher school belonging were also years in which they felt that school was more enjoyable and more useful, above and beyond their actual level of achievement. Results highlight the importance of belonging for maintaining students' academic engagement during the teenage years. © 2012 The Authors. Child Development © 2012 Society for Research in Child Development, Inc.

  13. Demographic Factors Affecting Internet Using Purposes of High School Students


    Abdullah Faruk Kılıç; Cem Oktay Güzeller


    This study aimed at determining the impact of demographic factors on the Internet usage purposes of high school students. The population of the study consisted of students between 9th and 12th grades from the Anatolian high schools, science high schools, social sciences high schools, sports high schools and fine arts high schools in Turkey. The sample was chosen through the stratified and cluster sampling procedure. The students were chosen randomly depending on the regions of their school at...

  14. An Approach to Energy Education for High School, Junior High School and Elementary School Students at Aichi Institute of Technology (United States)

    Yukita, Kazuto; Ichiyanagi, Katsuhiro; Mori, Tsuyoshi; Goto, Yasuyuki

    This paper discusses the methods of implementation and improvement adopted in the energy education program of “Marugoto Taiken World” (“Total Experience World”) at Aichi Institute of Technology. The program, which is aimed at high school, junior high school and elementary school students, has been carried on at Aichi Institute of Technology for a number of years now, and the authors have been involved in the energy education project for the past four years. During that time, the following four courses have been held : 1) Let's use wind power to generate electricity, 2) Let's use flowers to build a solar battery, 3) Let's use bottles to build a fuel cell battery, 4) Let's make all sorts of batteries.

  15. High School Graduation Rates:Alternative Methods and Implications


    Jing Miao; Walt Haney


    The No Child Left Behind Act has brought great attention to the high school graduation rate as one of the mandatory accountability measures for public school systems. However, there is no consensus on how to calculate the high school graduation rate given the lack of longitudinal databases that track individual students. This study reviews literature on and practices in reporting high school graduation rates, compares graduation rate estimates yielded from alternative methods, and estimates d...

  16. Omsättning, rörelseresultat och kapitalstruktur – Påverkas företags kapitalstruktur av förändringar i dess omsättning eller rörelseresultat?


    Lisstorp, Mattias; Steinberger, Paul


    Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur omsättning och rörelseresultat har samband med företagets kapitalstruktur. Resultaten jämförs med befintlig teori för att verifiera de teoretiska ansatserna. Regressionsanalys av tidsserier för 32 svenska börsnoterade företag med mer än 20 miljarder svenska kronor i omsättning 2010 har använts vid den här undersökningen. Data från åren 2004 till 2010 till varje företag är tagen från databasen ”Affärsdata” och undersöks genom regressionsanalys. Först u...

  17. Highlighting High Performance: Whitman Hanson Regional High School; Whitman, Massachusetts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This brochure describes the key high-performance building features of the Whitman-Hanson Regional High School. The brochure was paid for by the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative as part of their Green Schools Initiative. High-performance features described are daylighting and energy-efficient lighting, indoor air quality, solar and wind energy, building envelope, heating and cooling systems, water conservation, and acoustics. Energy cost savings are also discussed.

  18. Trust, Behavior, and High School Outcomes (United States)

    Romero, Lisa S.


    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the literature on student trust and to examine the relationship between student trust, behavior, and academic outcomes in high school. It asks, first, does trust have a positive effect on high school outcomes? Second, does trust influence student behavior, exerting an indirect effect on…

  19. High School Redesign Gets Presidential Lift (United States)

    Adams, Caralee J.


    President Barack Obama applauded high school redesign efforts in his State of the Union address and encouraged districts to look to successful models for inspiration. Last week, he followed up with a request in his fiscal 2014 budget proposal for a new, $300 million competitive-grant program. Recognition is widespread that high schools need to…

  20. The Classification of Romanian High-Schools (United States)

    Ivan, Ion; Milodin, Daniel; Naie, Lucian


    The article tries to tackle the issue of high-schools classification from one city, district or from Romania. The classification criteria are presented. The National Database of Education is also presented and the application of criteria is illustrated. An algorithm for high-school multi-rang classification is proposed in order to build classes of…

  1. Direct Self-Injurious Behavior (D-SIB and Life Events among Vocational School and High School Students

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lili O. Horváth


    Full Text Available Although several studies have recently assessed direct self-injurious behavior (D-SIB among adolescents, it is still understudied in adolescents attending vocational schools: an educational setting generally associated with lower socioeconomic status. After extending the “Saving and Empowering Young Lives in Europe” (SEYLE project to a vocational school population, we examined their D-SIB and life event characteristics compared to the high school population. SEYLE’s Hungarian randomly selected high school sample (N = 995 was completed with a randomly selected vocational school sample (N = 140 in Budapest, Hungary. Participants aged 14–17 years completed the SEYLE project’s self-administered questionnaires. D-SIB lifetime prevalence was significantly higher (29.4% in the vocational school group compared to the high school group (17.2% (Χ2(1 = 12.231, p< 0.001. D-SIB was associated with suicidal ideation in the vocational school group. Different life events were more frequent in the high school than in the vocational school group, and associations between D-SIB and life events differed in the vocational school group compared to the high school group. In conclusion, vocational school students are a vulnerable population with a higher prevalence of D-SIB compared to high school students. Life events and their association with D-SIB also differ in vocational school students compared to high school students. Taking all these into account might contribute to prevention/intervention designed for this population.

  2. Predicting Parental Home and School Involvement in High School African American Adolescents (United States)

    Hayes, DeMarquis


    Predictors of parental home and school involvement for high school adolescents were examined within two groups of urban African American parents from various socioeconomic levels. Home involvement was defined as parent-adolescent communication about school and learning, while school involvement was defined in terms of parent attendance and…

  3. Rotational Spectrum, Conformational Composition, and Quantum Chemical Calculations of Cyanomethyl Formate (HC(O)OCH2C≡N), a Compound of Potential Astrochemical Interest. (United States)

    Samdal, Svein; Møllendal, Harald; Carles, Sophie


    The rotational spectrum of cyanomethyl formate (HC(O)OCH2C≡N) has been recorded in the 12–123 GHz spectral range. The spectra of two conformers were assigned. The rotamer denoted I has a symmetry plane and two out-of plane hydrogen atoms belonging to the cyanomethyl (CH2CN) moiety. In the conformer called II, the cyanomethyl group is rotated 80.3° out of this plane. Conformer I has an energy that is 1.4(6) kJ/mol lower than the energy of II according to relative intensity measurements. A large number of rotational transitions have been assigned for the ground and vibrationally excited states of the two conformers and accurate spectroscopic constants have been obtained. These constants should predict frequencies of transitions outside the investigated spectral range with a very high degree of precision. It is suggested that cyanomethyl formate is a potential interstellar compound. This suggestion is based on the fact that its congener methyl formate (HC(O)OCH3) exists across a large variety of interstellar environments and the fact that cyanides are very prevalent in the Universe. The experimental work has been augmented by high-level quantum chemical calculations. The CCSD/cc-pVQZ calculations are found to predict structures of the two forms that are very close to the Born–Oppenheimer equilibrium structures. MP2/cc-pVTZ predictions of several vibration–rotation interaction constants were generally found to be rather inaccurate. A gas-phase reaction between methyl formate and the cyanomethyl radical CH2CN to produce a hydrogen atom and cyanomethyl formate was mimicked using MP2/cc-pVTZ calculations. It was found that this reaction is not favored thermodynamically. It is also conjectured that the possible formation of cyanomethyl formate might be catalyzed and take place on interstellar particles.

  4. James Madison High: A School at the Crossroads (United States)

    Stroup, John T.; Salmonowicz, Michael J.; Broom, Christopher C.


    This case tells the story of James Madison High School, which became the epicenter of a debate over the future reorganization and control of large secondary schools in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). The LAUSD, recently taken over by the newly elected mayor, was fighting for control of this 3,000-student high school with a charter…

  5. Indoor Air Quality in High Performance Schools (United States)

    High performance schools are facilities that improve the learning environment while saving energy, resources, and money. The key is understanding the lifetime value of high performance schools and effectively managing priorities, time, and budget.

  6. Freedom of Expression for High School Journalists: A Case Study of Selected North Carolina Public Schools. (United States)

    Phillips, Kay D.

    A study examined the freedom of the high school press in North Carolina to determine whether publication guidelines should be in place, and if so, what those guidelines should contain. High school newspaper advisors, high school principals, and high school newspaper editors from large and small, urban and rural, eastern and western high schools…

  7. Relations between Popularity and Prosocial Behavior in Middle School and High School Chinese Adolescents (United States)

    Lu, Ting; Li, Ling; Niu, Li; Jin, Shenghua; French, Doran C.


    The concurrent and longitudinal associations between popularity, likeability, and prosocial behavior were evaluated in this three-year study of middle school and high school Chinese adolescents. The initial sample included 766 middle school (mean age = 13.3 years) and 668 high school participants (mean age = 16.6 years); there were 880 (399 girls)…

  8. Principals' Perceptions of Professional Development in High- and Low-Performing High-Poverty Schools (United States)

    Moore, Sheila; Kochan, Frances


    This is the second part of a two-part study examining issues related to professional development in high-poverty schools. The findings from the initial study indicated that principals in high-poverty, high-performing schools perceived higher levels of implementation of quality professional development standards in their schools than did principals…

  9. Especially for High School Teachers (United States)

    Howell, J. Emory


    Literature Cited National Science Education Standards; National Academy Press: Washington, DC, 1996; http://www. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics: Washington, DC, 2000; Visit CLIC, an Online Resource for High School Teachers at

  10. A Positive Model for Reducing and Preventing School Burnout in High School Students (United States)

    Aypay, Ayse


    This study aims to develop and test the validity of a model limited to attitude towards the future and subjective well-being for reducing and preventing the school burnout that high school students can experience. The study is designed as a relational screening model conducted over 389 high school students. The data in this study are analyzed…

  11. UV tanning advertisements in national high school newspapers. (United States)

    Lofgreen, Seth J; Domozych, Renee; Doctor, Monica; Reimer, Christine; Self, Alyssa; Dellavalle, Robert P


    Many young adults have utilized indoor ultraviolet(UV) tanning, putting them at higher risk for development of skin cancers. Prior to the increased regulations on indoor tanning for minors, indoor tanning businesses marketed to teens through modalities such as advertisements in high school newspapers. The purpose of this study was to quantify tanning advertisements in high school newspapers published across the United States between August 2014 and July 2015. Online versions of the newspaper issues were available on Tanning advertisements appeared in 3 of 23 high school newspapers with advertisements of any kind(13%). Among all newspapers with advertisements, 10% were indoor tanning advertisements. One newspaper in Colorado contained advertisements of any kind and had 0 tanning advertisements. A prior study of Colorado high schools showed 11 of 23 schools (48%) to contain tanning advertisements. This suggests that there may be a decrease in indoor UV tanning advertisements owing to increased tanning regulation by state legislatures, national attention to UV tanning, or a general decrease in high school tanning advertisements.

  12. Sleep disorders among high school students in New Zealand


    Fernando AT; Samaranayake CB; Blank CJ; Roberts G; Arroll B


    INTRODUCTION: Adolescents are known to have high risk factors for sleep disorders, yet the youth rates of sleep disturbances are unknown. AIM: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of sleep disorders among New Zealand high school students. METHODS: The Auckland Sleep Questionnaire (ASQ) was administered to high school students at six schools in the North Island. Schools were chosen to reflect a range of ethnicities and school deciles, which identify the socioeconomic status of househol...

  13. Effects of Perceived Discrimination on the School Satisfaction of Brazilian High School Graduates

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rubia R. Valente


    Full Text Available This paper analyzes the consequences of peer victimization for the satisfaction with schooling (“happiness” of college-bound high school graduates in Brazil.  Several types of victimization are explored including discrimination due to race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, and disability. We compare the satisfaction with their schooling of students planning to head to college straight from high school and older students applying for college later in life (“nontraditional students”. We conclude that students who perceived that they had been discriminated against were more dissatisfied with their school experience than those who did not, ceteris paribus, and we relate level of dissatisfaction to type of discrimination. The older student evidence reveals that this dissatisfaction wanes with time and age, however. Our conclusions are based upon ordered logistic analyses of data for 2.4 million current high school seniors and 78.7 thousand older students drawn from the Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio questionnaire (ENEM.

  14. Adolescent Views of Time Management: Rethinking the School Day in Junior High School (United States)

    Strom, Paris S.; Strom, Robert D.; Sindel-Arrington, Tricia


    Junior high school presents a significant increase in time demands both for study and for social relationships. The students (N = 240) in grades 7 and 8 at a junior high school anonymously completed online the Time Management Poll concerning their own use of time and the way their school managed time. The 20 items in the poll allowed them to…

  15. The association between higher body mass index and poor school performance in high school students. (United States)

    Tonetti, L; Fabbri, M; Filardi, M; Martoni, M; Natale, V


    This study aimed to examine the association between body mass index (BMI) and school performance in high school students by controlling for relevant mediators such as sleep quality, sleep duration and socioeconomic status. Thirty-seven high school students (mean age: 18.16 ± 0.44 years) attending the same school type, i.e. 'liceo scientifico' (science-based high school), were enrolled. Students' self-reported weight and height were used to calculate BMI. Participants wore an actigraph to objectively assess the quality and duration of sleep. School performance was assessed through the actual grade obtained at the final school-leaving exam, in which higher grades indicate higher performance. BMI, get-up time, mean motor activity, wake after sleep onset and number of awakenings were negatively correlated with the grade, while sleep efficiency was positively correlated. When performing a multiple regression analysis, BMI proved the only significant (negative) predictor of grade. When controlling for sleep quality, sleep duration and socioeconomic status, a higher BMI is associated with a poorer school performance in high school students. © 2015 World Obesity Federation.

  16. Solutions for Failing High Schools: Converging Visions and Promising Models. (United States)

    Legters, Nettie; Balfanz, Robert; McPartland, James

    Promising solutions to the failings of traditional comprehensive high schools were reviewed to identify basic principles and strategies for improving high schools nationwide. Selected research studies, policy documents, and promising high school programs were reviewed. The review revealed the following principles for helping high schools better…

  17. Attitudes of Turkish High School Students toward Mathematics (United States)

    Yenilmez, Kursat


    This study examines high school students' attitudes toward mathematics and analyzes whether there were differences in attitude and its source that could be attributed to gender, class level, type of school, mathematics success, whether the students received preschool education, families' income level, and high school student's place of living.…

  18. Especially for High School Teachers (United States)

    Howell, J. Emory


    Secondary School Feature Articles * Super Science Connections, by Patricia B. McKean, p 916 * A pHorseshoe, by Roger Plumsky, p 935 National Conferences in Your Part of the Country For the past several months, considerable space in this column has been devoted to forthcoming national conferences and conventions and to highlights of conferences past. For some of us, location is fairly unimportant; but for most of us travel costs and time are both factors to consider when choosing a conference. The community of high school chemistry teachers is favored by the number of national conventions and conferences that are held each year in different locations. In 1999, for example, the spring National Meeting of the American Chemical Society was in Anaheim and the National Science Teachers Association National Convention was in Boston. This summer CHEMED '99 will be held in Fairfield, CT, August 1-5, and the fall National ACS Meeting will be in New Orleans. Teachers from the mid-South especially should consider attending the High School Program at New Orleans, described below by Lillie Tucker Akin, Chairperson of the Division's High School Program Committee. The event will be held on Sunday to minimize conflicts with the beginning of the school year. JCE at CHEMED '99 Stop by the JCE booth at CHEMED '99 in the exhibits area to learn more about the wide array of print and nonprint resources you can use in your classroom and laboratory. Members of the editorial staff will be on hand to talk with you. You are invited to participate in a workshop, "Promoting Active Learning through JCE Activity Sheets and Software", on Monday, August 1, 8:30-10:30. The free hands-on workshop is number WT11 and we encourage you to include it among your choices in the blanks provided on the third page of the registration form. We will also conduct an interactive session to listen to ideas for making the Journal more useful to you. Check the final program for location and time or inquire at the JCE

  19. High School Teacher Perceptions of Empowerment


    Jacobs, Tricia Susan


    As the responsibilities of principals become more complex and as accountability becomes more evident in K-12 cultures, it becomes increasingly important that high school principals be trained to empower teachers. This paper examined the research concerning the conditions of the empowerment of teachers. More specifically, it measured high school teachers' perspectives concerning their levels of empowerment by their principals based on the four domains of empowerment: meaning, competence, sel...

  20. Predicting Success in College Mathematics from High School Mathematics Preparation


    Shepley, Richard A.


    The purpose of this study was to develop a model to predict the college mathematics courses a freshman could expect to pass by considering their high school mathematics preparation. The high school information that was used consisted of the student's sex, the student's grade point average in mathematics, the highest level of high school mathematics courses taken, and the number of mathematics courses taken in high school. The high school sample was drawn from graduated Seniors in the State...

  1. Middle School Teachers and School Leadership Perceptions of School Culture: An Examination of the Transition from Junior Highs to Middle Schools (United States)

    Chaney, Maura Chase


    The purpose of this case study was to examine the transition from junior high school to a middle school as experienced in two middle schools from a mid-sized urban school district located in the Rocky Mountains. The overarching question that guided data collection for this study centered on the factors that influenced school culture before,…

  2. School Variables as Mediators of Personal and Family Factors on School Violence in Taiwanese Junior High Schools (United States)

    Chen, Ji-Kang; Astor, Ron Avi


    Using a nationally representative sample of 3,058 junior high school students in Taiwan, this study examines a model of how personal traits, family factors, and school dynamics influence school violence committed by students against students and teachers. This model proposed that school violence is directly influenced by personal traits,…

  3. High School Start Times and the Impact on High School Students: What We Know, and What We Hope to Learn (United States)

    Morgenthaler, Timothy I.; Hashmi, Sarah; Croft, Janet B.; Dort, Leslie; Heald, Jonathan L.; Mullington, Janet


    Study Objectives: Several organizations have provided recommendations to ensure high school starts no sooner than 08:30. However, although there are plausible biological reasons to support such recommendations, published recommendations have been based largely on expert opinion and a few observational studies. We sought to perform a critical review of published evidence regarding the effect of high school start times on sleep and other relevant outcomes. Methods: We performed a broad literature search to identify 287 candidate publications for inclusion in our review, which focused on studies offering direct comparison of sleep time, academic or physical performance, behavioral health measures, or motor vehicular accidents in high school students. Where possible, outcomes were combined for meta-analysis. Results: After application of study criteria, only 18 studies were suitable for review. Eight studies were amenable to meta-analysis for some outcomes. We found that later school start times, particularly when compared with start times more than 60 min earlier, are associated with longer weekday sleep durations, lower weekday-weekend sleep duration differences, reduced vehicular accident rates, and reduced subjective daytime sleepiness. Improvement in academic performance and behavioral issues is less established. Conclusions: The literature regarding effect of school start time delays on important aspects of high school life suggests some salutary effects, but often the evidence is indirect, imprecise, or derived from cohorts of convenience, making the overall quality of evidence weak or very weak. This review highlights a need for higher-quality data upon which to base important and complex public health decisions. Citation: Morgenthaler TI, Hashmi S, Croft JB, Dort L, Heald JL, Mullington J. High school start times and the impact on high school students: what we know, and what we hope to learn. J Clin Sleep Med 2016;12(12):1681–1689. PMID:27855730

  4. School-Related Variables in the Dimensions of Anger in High School Students in Turkey (United States)

    Siyez, Digdem M.


    The study aimed to examine the effects of perceived social support from teachers, expectation of academic achievement, school control, and gender on anger dimensions in high school students in Izmir, Turkey. In total, 446 high school students (234 girls, 212 boys) participated in the study. Pearson's correlation and multiple regression analyses…

  5. Investigating the Link between Home-School Dissonance and Academic Cheating among High School Students (United States)

    Brown-Wright, Lynda; Tyler, Kenneth M.; Stevens-Watkins, Danelle; Thomas, Deneia; Mulder, Shambra; Hughes, Travonia; Stevens-Morgan, Ruby; Roan-Belle, Clarissa; Gadson, Nadia; Smith, La Toya


    The current study examined the association between home-school dissonance and academic cheating among 344 high school juniors and seniors at two urban high schools. Students completed two subscales of the Patterns of Adaptive Learning Scale (PALS) and one subscale of the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS). Analyses revealed that home-school…

  6. The Relationships among the Fine Arts, School Culture, and High School Graduation Rates in Georgia (United States)

    Lovett, Andrew, Jr.


    High school graduation is the single largest hurdle that students must achieve to prepare for college and career (National Governor's Association, 2011). Fleischman & Heppen (2009) agree that American high schools must address the problem of declining graduation rate. Approximately 1.28 million students drop out of high school annually (Amos,…

  7. [Frequency of use of school cafeterias in middle and high schools in 3 French districts]. (United States)

    Michaud, C; Feur, E; Gerbouin-Rérolle, P; Leynaud-Rouaud, C; Chateil, S; Gourdon, M


    Reports from the French Ministry of Education warn of a decrease in the use of school food services, especially in sensitive urban areas. They also suggest that this decline has led to cases of malnutrition. This article describes the characteristics of the current supply of school meals and measures the evolution of demand observed between 1992 and 1996 in relation to the economic situation of students' families. The study was carried out in 3 departments in France: Doubs, Herault, and Val de Marne. The administrators of all public and private middle and high schools in the 3 departments received a questionnaire asking them to describe the services offered in their cafeterias and to provide the corresponding statistical and accounting data. External food services near the schools were also taken into account. Seventy-nine percent of schools responded to the survey. Concerning the services offered, 91% of schools have their own cafeterias, of which 81% are managed by the schools. Concerning the evolution of utilisation, a significant decrease in the number of meals served in seen in middle schools. On the other hand, high schools have observed stable utilisation. The positive changes in utilisation are linked, in middle schools, to characteristics of the schools' internal food services (self-service, choice of main courses, modulation of seats). In high schools, positive changes in the utilisation of school services are linked to the lack of external food services near the schools. As middle schools and high schools control the logistics and management of food services offered to students, they are potentially in a position to influence a policy on this issue. The evolution in utilisation is very different among departments and between middle and high schools. While economic precariousness has a negative structural effect on utilisation, it doesn't seem to be a major factor in the evolution of the decrease observed over the past few years.

  8. Case Study: North Laurel High School, London, Kentucky. (United States)

    Southern Regional Education Board, Atlanta, GA.

    When North Laurel High School, London, Kentucky, opened in Fall 1992, students and teachers entered a new facility and a new era of commitment to excellence for all students. In Spring 1993, North Laurel joined the Southern Regional Education Board's High Schools That Work initiative. The new school replaced the general track and raised graduation…

  9. Sexuality Education in Junior High Schools in Japan (United States)

    Hashimoto, N.; Shinohara, H.; Tashiro, M.; Suzuki, S.; Hirose, H.; Ikeya, H.; Ushitora, K.; Komiya, A.; Watanabe, M.; Motegi, T.; Morioka, M.


    This paper aims to determine via responses to three questionnaire surveys how sexuality education programs are conducted at junior high schools in Japan. Study 1 examined the practice of sexuality education in schools, Study 2 investigated junior high school students' (age 12-13 and 14-15 years) knowledge of sexuality, and Study 3 examined…

  10. [The influencing factors on alienation in high school students]. (United States)

    Lee, Eun-Sook


    This study was performed to identify the influencing factors on alienation among high school students. Data was collected by questionnaires from 550 students of academic and vocational high schools in G city. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, pearson correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regression. The scores of alienation among students in financially lower middle class and lower class were higher than those of the upper middle class students, resulting in significant differences(F=6.87, p=.00). A sense of alienation showed a significantly negative correlation with the scores of responding parenting style(r=-.32), family cohesion(r=-.33), school attachment(r=-.51), academic performance(r=-.34), peer relationships(r=-.38), self-control (r=-.43), and social skills(r=-.33). The most powerful predictor of alienation among high school students was school attachment and the variance explained was 26%. A combination of school attachment, self control, peer relationships, family cohesion, demanding parenting style, and academic performance account for 40% of the variance in alienation among high school students. This study suggests that school attachment, self control, peer relationships, family cohesion, demanding parenting style, and academic performance are significant influencing factors on alienation in high school students. Therefore, nursing strategy is needed to manage these revealed factors.

  11. The Educational Benefits of Attending Higher Performing Schools: Evidence from Chicago High Schools (United States)

    Allensworth, Elaine M.; Moore, Paul T.; Sartain, Lauren; de la Torre, Marisa


    Policymakers are implementing reforms with the assumption that students do better when attending high-achieving schools. In this article, we use longitudinal data from Chicago Public Schools to test that assumption. We find that the effects of attending a higher performing school depend on the school's performance level. At elite public schools…

  12. Development of an Attitude Scale towards High School Physics Lessons (United States)

    Yavas, Pervin Ünlü; Çagan, Sultan


    The aim of this study was to develop a Likert type attitude scale for high school students with regard to high school physics lessons. The research was carried out with high school students who were studying in Ankara. First, the opinions of 105 high school students about physics lessons were obtained and then 55 scale items were determined from…

  13. The interactive impacts of high school gay-straight alliances (GSAs) on college student attitudes toward LGBT individuals: an investigation of high school characteristics. (United States)

    Worthen, Meredith G F


    Although gay-straight alliances (GSAs) are becoming more popular in high schools across the U.S., empirical studies investigating GSAs and their impact are sparse. Utilizing a sample of college students drawn from a large Southern university (N = 805; 78% White; 61% female; average age 22), the current study investigates the ways that the presence of high school GSAs affect college student attitudes toward LGBT individuals and how these relationships may vary by high school GSA location (South vs. non-South), town type (rural/small town, suburban, large city), and high school student population size. Overall, results from the current study show that the presence of a GSA in high school is a robust positive predictor of supportive attitudes toward LGBT individuals, even when considering many control variables. Such results suggest that the presence of GSAs in high schools may have significant positive and potentially long-lasting effects on college students' attitudes toward LGBT individuals.

  14. Multicultural and multilingual approach: Mathematics, science, and engineering education for junior high school minority students and high school administrators. Final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Crumbly, I.J.; Hodges, J.


    During the 1993 school year, LLNL and the US Department of Energy`s San Francisco Field Office provided funds through grant {number_sign}DE-FG03-93SF20045/A000 to assist Cooperative Developmental Energy Program (CDEP) with its network coalition of high school counselors from 19 states and with its outreach and early intervention program in mathematics, science and engineering for minority junior high school students. The program for high school counselors is called the National Educators Orientation Program (NEOP) and the outreach program for minority junior high school students is called the Mathematics, Science and Engineering Academy (MSEA). A total of 35 minority and female rising eighth grade students participated in the Second Annual Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Academy sponsored by the Cooperative Developmental Energy Program of Fort Valley State College (FVSC). There were 24 students from the middle Georgia area, 4 students from Oakland, California, and 7 students from Portland, Oregon. Each student was selected by counselor in his or her respective school. The selection criteria were based on the students` academic performance in science and mathematics courses.

  15. An Analysis of Florida's School Districts' Attendance Policies and their Relationship to High School Attendance Rates (United States)

    Reardon, Ryan Turner


    The purpose of this non-experimental correlational study was to determine the relationship between the type of attendance policies in the high schools of the 67 Florida school districts, the size of the school district (number of high school students), the socioeconomic status SES) of the school district, and the average daily attendance rate of…

  16. 25 CFR 39.145 - Can a school receive both a small school adjustment and a small high school adjustment? (United States)


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Can a school receive both a small school adjustment and a small high school adjustment? 39.145 Section 39.145 Indians BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR EDUCATION THE INDIAN SCHOOL EQUALIZATION PROGRAM Indian School Equalization Formula Small School...

  17. "Stendum, feg och impotent är Turkiets president" : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av den tyska mediedebatten om Jan Böhmermann-affären utifrån olika argument för yttrandefrihet.


    Lindström, Malin


    Den här uppsatsen undersöker argument för yttrandefrihet som framkommit i den så kallade Böhmermannaffären som inträffade våren 2016 i Tyskland, då den tyska satirikern Jan Böhmermann läste upp en niddikt om Turkiets president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Erdoğan kände sig kränkt och anmälde Böhmermann enligt ett tyskt lagrum. Undersökningen syftar till att utröna vilka typargument för yttrandefrihet som framkommit i debatten om Böhmermannaffären från olika aktörer och utifrån vilket intresse dessa ...




  19. An Examination of the Job Training and Job Experiences of High School Students as They Exit School (United States)

    Andrews, Wilbur Drew


    The purpose of this investigation was (a) to determine the level of satisfaction that exiting high school students felt regarding the job preparation and training they received in high school, (b) gather data on work experiences during high school, (c) gather data on job training experiences during high school, and (d) gather data on students…

  20. High School Graduation Rates:Alternative Methods and Implications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jing Miao


    Full Text Available The No Child Left Behind Act has brought great attention to the high school graduation rate as one of the mandatory accountability measures for public school systems. However, there is no consensus on how to calculate the high school graduation rate given the lack of longitudinal databases that track individual students. This study reviews literature on and practices in reporting high school graduation rates, compares graduation rate estimates yielded from alternative methods, and estimates discrepancies between alternative results at national, state, and state ethnic group levels. Despite the graduation rate method used, results indicate that high school graduation rates in the U.S. have been declining in recent years and that graduation rates for black and Hispanic students lag substantially behind those of white students. As to graduation rate method preferred, this study found no evidence that the conceptually more complex methods yield more accurate or valid graduation rate estimates than the simpler methods.

  1. National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula (United States)

    American Psychologist, 2013


    The "National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula" attempts to represent current knowledge in the field of psychology in developmentally appropriate ways. Psychology is a popular high school course, one that can introduce students to scientific ideas and engage students in the learning process. However, it is difficult for even the best…

  2. The Availability and Utilization of School Library Resources in Some Selected Secondary Schools (High School) in Rivers State (United States)

    Owate, C. N.; Iroha, Okpa


    This study investigates the availability and utilization of school library resources by Secondary School (High School) Students. Eight Selected Secondary Schools in Rivers State, Nigeria were chosen based on their performance in external examinations and geographic locations. In carrying out the research, questionnaires were administered to both…

  3. High School Students' Recommendations to Improve School Food Environments: Insights From a Critical Stakeholder Group. (United States)

    Asada, Yuka; Hughes, Alejandro G; Read, Margaret; Schwartz, Marlene B; Chriqui, Jamie F


    The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA) directed the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) to revise school meal standards. Students are most affected by efforts to improve the school food environment; yet, few studies directly include students. This study examined high school students' experiences of school meal reform to gain insight into implementation recommendations. We conducted 5 focus groups with high school students (N = 15) from high schools across 9 states. We also conducted follow-up interviews to further explore personal experiences. Focus groups and interview transcripts were coded and organized in Atlas.ti v7 by analysts, following principles of constant comparative analysis. Students reported overall positive perceptions of the revised school meal standards and supported continued efforts to improve the food environment. Recommendations to improve the food environment included engaging students, focusing on the quality and palatability of meal items, moving toward scratch-cooking, and addressing cafeteria infrastructure. Students' recommendations point to opportunities where school districts, as well as local, state, and federal organizations can work to improve the school food environment. Their insights are directly relevant to USDA's recently released Local School Wellness Policy final rule, of which school meal standards are one provision. © 2017, American School Health Association.

  4. Gay Youth in American Public High Schools: Invisible Diversity. (United States)

    Reed, Donald B.

    Gay youth enter high school with the knowledge that they are different and with the belief that heterosexuality is normal and that homosexuality is not normal. Also, gay youth enter high school with the belief that honesty and integrity are important personal values. Additionally, the gay youth enter high school without family knowledge of their…

  5. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation training in Washington state public high schools. (United States)

    Reder, Sheri; Quan, Linda


    To determine the best approaches for increasing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training opportunities for public high school students, we conducted a statewide survey of all 310 public high schools in Washington State. The findings describe CPR student training currently provided by high schools, barriers to providing, and strategies to increase CPR training of high school students. The response rate was 89% (276 schools) from a combination of mail and telephone surveys; 35% (n=97) reported that they did not provide any CPR student training. Of the 132 schools that provided CPR student training, 23% trained less than 10% of their students, and 39% trained more than 90% of their students. The majority of public high schools, 70%, did not have any teacher trained to teach CPR or had only one teacher with such training. Yet 80% of schools felt that CPR training is best provided in school settings. Schools perceived the greatest benefit of CPR training as providing students with the skill to save a life (43%). The most frequently identified barriers were logistical: limited time to teach the curriculum (24%), lack of funds (16%), and instructor scheduling difficulties (17%). Less than 5% of respondents voiced any opposition to CPR training, and that opposition was for logistical reasons. To increase CPR training, the single best strategies suggested were: increase funding, provide time in the curriculum, have more certified instructors, and make CPR student training a requirement.

  6. Midcentury Modern High Schools: Rebooting the Architecture (United States)

    Havens, Kevin


    A high school is more than a building; it's a repository of memories for many community members. High schools built at the turn of the century are not only cultural and civic landmarks, they are also often architectural treasures. When these facilities become outdated, a renovation that preserves the building's aesthetics and character is usually…

  7. When and Why Dropouts Leave High School (United States)

    Stearns, Elizabeth; Glennie, Elizabeth J.


    Teens may leave school because of academic failure, disciplinary problems, or employment opportunities. In this article, the authors test whether the reasons dropouts leave school differ by grade level and age. We compare dropout rates and reasons across grade levels and ages for all high school students, ethnic groups, and gender groups. Across…

  8. Highlighting High Performance: Clearview Elementary School, Hanover, Pennsylvania

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Case study on high performance building features of Clearview Elementary School in Hanover, Pennsylvania. Clearview Elementary School in Hanover, Pennsylvania, is filled with natural light, not only in classrooms but also in unexpected, and traditionally dark, places like stairwells and hallways. The result is enhanced learning. Recent scientific studies conducted by the California Board for Energy Efficiency, involving 21,000 students, show test scores were 15% to 26% higher in classrooms with daylighting. Clearview's ventilation system also helps students and teachers stay healthy, alert, and focused on learning. The school's superior learning environment comes with annual average energy savings of about 40% over a conventional school. For example, with so much daylight, the school requires about a third less energy for electric lighting than a typical school. The school's innovative geothermal heating and cooling system uses the constant temperature of the Earth to cool and heat the building. The building and landscape designs work together to enhance solar heating in the winter, summer cooling, and daylighting all year long. Students and teachers have the opportunity to learn about high-performance design by studying their own school. At Clearview, the Hanover Public School District has shown that designing a school to save energy is affordable. Even with its many innovative features, the school's $6.35 million price tag is just $150,000 higher than average for elementary schools in Pennsylvania. Projected annual energy cost savings of approximately $18,000 mean a payback in 9 years. Reasonable construction costs demonstrate that other school districts can build schools that conserve energy, protect natural resources, and provide the educational and health benefits that come with high-performance buildings.

  9. Scientific Literacy of High School Students. (United States)

    Lucas, Keith B.; Tulip, David F.

    This investigation was undertaken in order to establish the status of scientific literacy among three groups of secondary school students in four Brisbane, Australia high schools, and to reduce the apparent reticence of science teachers to evaluate students' achievement in the various dimensions of scientific literacy by demonstrating appropriate…

  10. The Effects of Home-School Dissonance on African American Male High School Students (United States)

    Brown-Wright, Lynda; Tyler, Kenneth Maurice


    The current study examined associations between home-school dissonance and several academic and psychological variables among 80 African American male high school students. Regression analyses revealed that home-school dissonance significantly predicted multiple academic and psychological variables, including amotivation, academic cheating,…

  11. High school students as science researchers: Opportunities and challenges (United States)

    Smith, W. R.; Grannas, A. M.


    Today's K-12 students will be the scientists and engineers who bring currently emerging technologies to fruition. Existing research endeavors will be continued and expanded upon in the future only if these students are adequately prepared. High school-university collaborations provide an effective means of recruiting and training the next generation of scientists and engineers. Here, we describe our successful high school-university collaboration in the context of other models. We have developed an authentic inquiry-oriented environmental chemistry research program involving high school students as researchers. The impetus behind the development of this project was twofold. First, participation in authentic research may give some of our students the experience and drive to enter technical studies after high school. One specific goal was to develop a program to recruit underrepresented minorities into university STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) programs. Second, inquiry-oriented lessons have been shown to be highly effective in developing scientific literacy among the general population of students. This collaboration involves the use of local resources and equipment available to most high schools and could serve as a model for developing high school- university partnerships.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Héctor José Peinado-Guevara


    Full Text Available The semipresential modality at high school level for adults, as the offered in the nightlife high school of the Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa, that creates high expectations for Sinaloa´s society, to give the student an opportunity to continue its educational development in high school level and, lead him to continue with their vocational training. With this investigation, and given to their conditions, the objective it´s to know the competitive level at the beginning and during the development in the institution, also to identify the influence of the school tutoring in the development of adult students in high school. It was identified the income profile of students to the institution; was necessary to rescue the results of CENEVAL and EDAOM tests, practiced at the entry of students to the institution. Together this tools, was necessary to practice two questionnaires to evaluate the students perception about their teachers; and another one to identify the main problems they faced and the function of their school tutor in the institution. With the data obtained, were identified some deficiencies of semipresential system, especially in educational planning. Even though the students recognizes that the tutoring its fundamental to the incorporation of students to academic activities and that exists a high level of acceptance to the programs set by the institution.

  13. High School Students' Views on Blended Learning (United States)

    Yapici, Ibrahim Umit; Akbayin, Hasan


    In this study, it is aimed to determine the high school students' views on blended learning. The study was carried out in biology course for the lesson unit of "Classification of Living Things and Biodiversity" with 47 9[superscript th] grade students attending Nevzat Ayaz Anatolian High School in the second term of the academic year of…

  14. Analyzing the Cost-Effectiveness of Instruction Expenditures towards High School Completion among Oahu's Public School Districts (United States)

    Ng, Larson S. W. M.


    The following study attempted to ascertain the instructional cost-effectiveness of public high school teachers towards high school completion through a financially based econometric analysis. Essentially, public high school instruction expenditures and completer data were collected from 2000 to 2007 and bivariate interaction analyzed through a…

  15. Humanizing the High School: The Power of Peers. (United States)

    Stader, David L.; Gagnepain, F. J.


    Discusses what high schools can do to improve student relationships, highlighting a St. Louis area school's efforts to develop peer-mentoring and peer-mediation programs. Offers guidelines to help other schools develop a school culture that promotes caring, teaches constructive conflict resolution, and reduces potential for violence. (MLH)

  16. Approaches to School Leadership in Inclusive STEM High Schools: A Cross-Case Analysis (United States)

    Ford, Michael Robert

    Inclusive STEM-focused high schools (ISHSs) are a relatively new phenomenon in the landscape of public education. This study of four exemplar ISHSs (identified by experts in STEM education as highly successfully in preparing students underrepresented in STEM for STEM majors in college and future STEM careers) provides a rich description of the approach to ISHS school leadership by identifying various internal and external leadership factors influencing school leadership. This study examined an existing data set that included site visits to four ISHSs along with pre- and post-visit data, and a cross-case analysis focused on the leadership contributions of ISHS leaders and their larger community. This study found that the ISHSs expanded the concept of school leadership to include leadership both within and outside the school. In addition, school leaders needed autonomy to innovate and respond to their schools' needs. This included autonomy in hiring new teachers, autonomy from school district influence, and autonomy from restrictive teachers' union regulation and policies. Finally, ISHSs needed to continually invest in increasing their schools' capacities. This included investing in teacher professionalization, providing pathways for school leadership, collaborating with business and industry, and identifying the best student supports. A product of this study was a proposition for characterizing school leadership in an ISHS. This proposition may offer valuable insight, implications, and information for states and schools districts that may be planning or improving STEM education programs.

  17. Case Studies of Leading Edge Small Urban High Schools. Relevance Strategic Designs: 6. Perspectives Charter School (United States)

    Shields, Regis Anne; Ireland, Nicole; City, Elizabeth; Derderian, Julie; Miles, Karen Hawley


    This report is one of nine detailed case studies of small urban high schools that served as the foundation for the Education Resource Strategies (ERS) report "Strategic Designs: Lessons from Leading Edge Small Urban High Schools." These nine schools were dubbed "Leading Edge Schools" because they stand apart from other high…

  18. A School-Based Multilevel Study of Adolescent Suicide Ideation in California High Schools. (United States)

    Benbenishty, Rami; Astor, Ron Avi; Roziner, Ilan


    To assess the between-school variation in suicide ideation and to estimate the contribution of school-level attributes, student-level characteristics, and 2 cross-level interactions (school by student) to student suicide ideation. A secondary analysis of the California Healthy Kids Survey in 2 large and representative samples of California high schools and students: 2009-2011 and 2011-2013. This is a population sample of all public high school students (grades 9 and 11) in California. Analyses were first conducted on surveys administered in the 2011-2013 academic years to 790 schools with 345 203 students and replicated on surveys administered in 2009-2011 to 860 schools with 406 313 students. School-level suicide ideation rates ranged between 4% and 67%, with a median of 19.3% and mean of 20.0% (SD, 5.7%). Student suicide ideation was explained by student-level characteristics (R 2  = .20) and to a larger extent by school-level attributes (R 2  = .55). Student-level characteristics predictive of suicide ideation included, sex, ethnic and racial affiliation, victimization, and perceptions of school climate. In both samples, school size and average level of academic achievement were not associated with rates of school suicide ideation. Schools with a larger number of girls and higher levels of victimization had higher rates of suicide ideation in both samples. The hypotheses regarding cross-level interactions were not confirmed. Differences among schools in student suicide ideation are meaningful. The findings suggest an emphasis on the role of schools in prevention programs, public health campaigns to reduce suicide, multilevel research, and theory development. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Atmospheric chemistry of (CF3)2CHOCH3, (CF3)2CHOCHO, and CF3C(O)OCH3

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østerstrøm, Freja From; Wallington, Timothy J.; Andersen, Mads Peter Sulbæk


    Smog chambers with in situ FTIR detection were used to measure rate coefficients in 700 Torr of air and 296 ± 2 K of: k(Cl+(CF3)2CHOCH3) = (5.41 ± 1.63) × 10(-12), k(Cl+(CF3)2CHOCHO) = (9.44 ± 1.81) × 10(-15), k(Cl+CF3C(O)OCH3) = (6.28 ± 0.98) × 10(-14), k(OH+(CF3)2CHOCH3) = (1.86 ± 0.41) × 10(-1...

  20. Affect of school related factors in the student's choices of the high school


    Gönül Cengiz; Osman Titrek; Özcan Erkan Akgün


    It is studied that to determine the school related factors which affects the students’ choices of the high school, according to the type of the schools. This is a survey study. The participants are 523  9 th grade students in 21 secondary schools in Adapazarı. SPSS is used for analyzing data. Kay-Kare Test is used to determine the demografic differences due to the type of the school. To analyze the data for the school related factors, Kruskal Wallis is used. As a result, it is expr...

  1. Sexual Harassment, Bullying, and School Outcomes for High School Girls and Boys. (United States)

    Gruber, James; Fineran, Susan


    A comparison of the impact of bullying and sexual harassment on five school outcomes was conducted on a sample of high school students. Results revealed that sexual harassment was a stronger predictor than bullying of all school outcomes for both sexes, but especially for girls. This study suggests that sexual harassment, which activates sexist and heterosexist stereotypes, erodes school engagement, alienates students from teachers, and adversely affects academic achievement, to a greater degree than bullying does. © The Author(s) 2015.

  2. The Impact of Low, Moderate, and High Military Family Mobility School District Transfer Rates on Graduating Senior High School Dependents' Achievement and School Engagement (United States)

    Rippe, Jeffrey K.


    The results of this study suggest that there were no significant differences in the academic performance of military dependents' with low (n = 20), moderate (n = 20), and high (n = 20) mobility school district transfer rates compared to non-military control students (n = 20) before completing high school. The findings were not consistent with…

  3. Highlighting High Performance: Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School; Upton, Massachusetts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This brochure describes the key high-performance building features of the Blackstone Valley High School. The brochure was paid for by the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative as part of their Green Schools Initiative. High-performance features described are daylighting and energy-efficient lighting, indoor air quality, solar energy, building envelope, heating and cooling systems, and water conservation. Energy cost savings are also discussed.

  4. Graduation Rates in South Carolina Public High Schools: The Effect of School Size and Socioeconomic Status (United States)

    Rivers, Thomas E., Jr.


    This study included a comparison of the graduation rates among high schools in South Carolina closely analyzing school size and socioeconomic status. The purpose for the study was to answer two questions: What patterns and relationships exist between school size and graduation rates at high schools in South Carolina? What patterns and…

  5. The 9th Grade Shock and the High School Dropout Crisis (United States)

    Pharris-Ciurej, Nikolas; Hirschman, Charles; Willhoft, Joseph


    Retrospective questions on educational attainment in national surveys and censuses tend to over-estimate high school graduation rates by 15 to 20 percentage points relative to administrative records. Administrative data on educational enrollment are, however, only available at the aggregate level (state, school district, and school levels) and the recording of inter-school transfers are generally incomplete. With access to linked individual-level administrative records from a very large “West Coast metropolitan school district” we track patterns of high school attrition and on-time high school graduation of individual students. Even with adjustments for the omission of out-of-district transfers (estimates of omission are presented), the results of this study show that failure in high school, as indexed by retention and attrition, are almost as common as on-time high school graduation. In addition to the usual risk factors of disadvantaged background, we find that the “9th grade shock”—an unpredicted decline in academic performance upon entering high school—is a key mechanism behind the continuing crisis of high school attrition. PMID:23017804

  6. Bullying among High School Students (United States)

    Nursel TÜRKMEN, Delia; Halis DOKGÖZ, Mihai; Semra AKGÖZ, Suzana; Bülent EREN, Bogdan Nicolae; Pınar VURAL, Horatiu; Oğuz POLAT, Horatiu


    ABSTRACT Objective: The main aim of this research is to investigate the prevalence of bullying behaviour, its victims and the types of bullying and places of bullying among 14-17 year-old adolescents in a sample of school children in Bursa, Turkey. Methodology: A cross-sectional survey questionnaire was conducted among class 1 and class 2 high school students for identification bullying. Results: Majority (96.7%) of the students were involved in bullying behaviours as aggressors or victims. For a male student, the likelihood of being involved in violent behaviours was detected to be nearly 8.4 times higher when compared with a female student. Conclusion: a multidisciplinary approach involving affected children, their parents, school personnel, media, non-govermental organizations, and security units is required to achieve an effective approach for the prevention of violence targeting children in schools as victims and/or perpetrators. PMID:24371478

  7. The physical activity climate in Minnesota middle and high schools. (United States)

    Samuelson, Anne; Lytle, Leslie; Pasch, Keryn; Farbakhsh, Kian; Moe, Stacey; Sirard, John Ronald


    This article describes policies, practices, and facilities that form the physical activity climate in Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota metro area middle and high schools and examines how the physical activity climate varies by school characteristics, including public/private, school location and grade level. Surveys examining school physical activity practices, policies and environment were administered to principals and physical education department heads from 115 middle and high schools participating in the Transdisciplinary Research on Energetics and Cancer-Identifying Determinants of Eating and Activity (TREC-IDEA) study. While some supportive practices were highly prevalent in the schools studied (such as prohibiting substitution of other classes for physical education); other practices were less common (such as providing opportunity for intramural (noncompetitive) sports). Public schools vs. private schools and schools with a larger school enrollment were more likely to have a school climate supportive of physical activity. Although schools reported elements of positive physical activity climates, discrepancies exist by school characteristics. Of note, public schools were more than twice as likely as private schools to have supportive physical activity environments. Establishing more consistent physical activity expectations and funding at the state and national level is necessary to increase regular school physical activity.

  8. High School Sport Specialization Patterns of Current Division I Athletes. (United States)

    Post, Eric G; Thein-Nissenbaum, Jill M; Stiffler, Mikel R; Brooks, M Alison; Bell, David R; Sanfilippo, Jennifer L; Trigsted, Stephanie M; Heiderscheit, Bryan C; McGuine, Timothy A

    Sport specialization is a strategy to acquire superior sport performance in 1 sport but is associated with increased injury risk. Currently, the degree of high school specialization among Division I athletes is unknown. College athletes will display increased rates of specialization as they progress through their high school careers. Descriptive epidemiological study. Level 4. Three hundred forty-three athletes (115 female) representing 9 sports from a Midwest Division I University completed a previously utilized sport specialization questionnaire regarding sport participation patterns for each grade of high school. McNemar and chi-square tests were used to investigate associations of grade, sport, and sex with prevalence of sport specialization category (low, moderate, high) (a priori P ≤ 0.05). Specialization increased throughout high school, with 16.9% (n = 58) and 41.1% (n = 141) of athletes highly specialized in 9th and 12th grades, respectively. Football athletes were less likely to be highly specialized than nonfootball athletes for each year of high school ( P 0.23). The majority of Division I athletes were not classified as highly specialized throughout high school, but the prevalence of high specialization increased as athletes progressed through high school. Nonfootball athletes were more likely to be highly specialized than football athletes at each grade level. Most athletes who are recruited to participate in collegiate athletics will eventually specialize in their sport, but it does not appear that early specialization is necessary to become a Division I athlete. Athletes should be counseled regarding safe participation in sport during high school to minimize injury and maximize performance.

  9. Using a Computer-based Messaging System at a High School To Increase School/Home Communication. (United States)

    Burden, Mitzi K.

    Minimal communication between school and home was found to contribute to low performance by students at McDuffie High School (South Carolina). This report describes the experience of establishing a computer-based telephone messaging system in the high school and involving parents, teachers, and students in its use. Additional strategies employed…

  10. Developing High School Geoscientists through Summer Internships (United States)

    Saltzman, J.


    High school students in the San Francisco Bay Area have the opportunity to contribute to Earth sciences research during the summer at Stanford University. The School of Earth Sciences hosts about 25 high school students each summer to support ongoing research, through more than just washing glassware. To increase diversity in the geosciences, we select students from diverse backgrounds through an application process which lessens the burden on busy faculty. The students work for 15-20 hours per week under the supervision of graduate students or postdoctoral fellows. The supervisors come to value the interns for a few reasons: not only are they getting some extra help with their research, but they are getting teaching experience in an informal but powerful way and supervising the interns' work over the summer. Another key part of the internship is bringing all of the interns together regularly. Whether it is for career talks, lab tours or field trip, high school students find kindred spirits in the group. Another important reason for weekly gatherings is to introduce the students to the wide field of Earth sciences and the different approaches and paths that scientists take. The summer ends with a culminating event where interns make short informal presentations about their research which give them an opportunity to articulate the big questions they have been helping to answer. Some interns are also invited to present a poster in a session for high school students at the Fall AGU meeting. These experiences of working in the laboratory and communicating about the research are part of the world of Earth sciences that are absent for most youth. The high school internships foster good will between Stanford and the local communities, help develop a more Earth and environmentally knowledgeable public and may have a long-term affect on diversifying the geosciences by exposing more young people to these fields.

  11. "Higher Expectations" in the Catholic Inner City High School. (United States)

    Harkins, William


    Considers the implications of statistics on death and poverty in minority communities for Catholic high schools with large minority populations. Sees hope at the heart of the Catholic high school. Discusses how teachers, school climate, and careful curriculum design can help instill this hope in the students. (DMM)

  12. Examples from Astronomy for High School Physics (United States)

    Dieterich, Sergio


    A formal course in physics is increasingly becoming a standard requirement in the high school curriculum. With that dissemination comes the challenge of reaching and motivating a population that is more diverse in their academic abilities and intrinsic motivation. The abstract nature of pure physics is often made more accessible when motivated by examples from everyday life, and providing copious mathematical as well as conceptual examples has become standard practice in high school physics textbooks. Astronomy is a naturally captivating subject and astronomical examples are often successful in capturing the curiosity of high school students as well as the general population. This project seeks to diversify the range of pedagogical materials available to the high school physics instructor by compiling and publishing specific examples where an astronomical concept can be used to motivate the physics curriculum. This collection of examples will consist of both short problems suitable for daily homework assignments as well as longer project style activities. Collaborations are encouraged and inquiries should be directed to sdieterich at carnegiescience dot edu.This work is funded by the NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship Program through NSF grant AST-1400680.

  13. Effects of Optometry School Recruitment Efforts on Urban and Suburban High School Students. (United States)

    Graham, Andrew D.; Shepard, Jodi; Orleans, Elizabeth; Chae, Eunmi; Ng-Sarver, Joy


    In two Oakland (California) high schools, one urban and one suburban, an audiovisual presentation designed to enhance student interest in optometry as a career was given. Results of the presentation, measured by a questionnaire, suggest that few high school students are considering pursuing an optometry doctoral degree, but an on-site presentation…

  14. 3rd Asia-Europe-Pacific School of High-Energy Physics

    CERN Document Server


    AEPSHEP (Asia-Europe-Pacific School of High-Energy Physics) is a series of Schools held in the Asia-Pacific region every two years, in even-numbered years. It caters to students at a similar level to the annual CERN-JINR European School of High-Energy physics, and the CERN Latin-American School of High-Energy Physics (held every two years, in odd-numbered years). AEPSHEP is built upon the experience from these Schools as well as from the successful France-Asia Particle-Physics School. The purpose of the School is to provide young physicists with an opportunity to learn about recent advances in elementary-particle physics from world-leading researchers. It also aims to encourage communications among Asian, European and Pacific-region young researchers. The School provides High-Energy Physics courses from an experimental and phenomenological perspective, with a focus on accelerator-based programmes in Asia and Europe, and other related fields such as astro-particle physics and cosmological aspects of particle ...

  15. Violence Prevention after Columbine: A Survey of High School Mental Health Professionals (United States)

    Crepeau-Hobson, M. Franci; Filaccio, Marylynne; Gottfried, Linda


    The authors examined changes in mental health services and violence prevention strategies in public high schools since the shootings at Columbine High School. Surveys were mailed to school mental health professionals at public high schools in Colorado. Respondents included school counselors, school psychologists, school social workers, principals,…

  16. Split School of High Energy Physics 2015

    CERN Document Server


    Split School of High Energy Physics 2015 (SSHEP 2015) was held at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FESB), University of Split, from September 14 to September 18, 2015. SSHEP 2015 aimed at master and PhD students who were interested in topics pertaining to High Energy Physics. SSHEP 2015 is the sixth edition of the High Energy Physics School. Previous five editions were held at the Department of Physics, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  17. Survey on a sleep habits for university and high school students.


    林, 光緒; 堀, 忠雄


    A survey was performed on 466 high school students and 403 university students. 86% of high school students and 89% of university students estimated their customary sleep time to be 6-8 hours. Although there was no significant difference between high school students and university students with awake time, bed time was later for university students than high school students. So that sleep time was shorter for university students. Also there was more regular sleepers for high school students a...

  18. Transformational Leadership and Teacher Motivation in Southwestern Arizona High Schools (United States)

    Reynolds, Catherine L.


    The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between transformational leadership and teacher motivation in Southwestern Arizona high schools. Teachers in a school district in Southwestern Arizona comprised of high schools were surveyed using two instruments, Leithwood and Jantzi's (1998) The Leadership and Management of Schools in…

  19. High schools and labour market outcomes: Italian graduates

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pozzoli, Dario


    To provide empirical evidence on differences across high school tracks in early occupational labour market outcome, I estimate how the employment probability, the time before the first job is taken up, and earnings depend on high school type, controlling for student characteristics by a propensit...

  20. CERN High School Teachers Training Programme meets DG

    CERN Multimedia

    Brice, Maximilien


    CERN's DG Rolf Heuer met with the participants of the High School Teachers Training Programme on 23 July 2014 for a Q&A Session. Following the interaction, he met with the HST Working Group collaborating on a lesson plan for teaching SESAME in high schools.

  1. Effects of High School Students' Perceptions of School Life Quality on Their Academic Motivation Levels (United States)

    Akin Kösterelioglu, Meltem; Kösterelioglu, Ilker


    This study aims to identify the effects of high school students' perceptions of school life quality on their academic motivation levels. The study was conducted on a sample of high school students (n = 2371) in Amasya Province in the fall semester of 2013-2014 academic year. Study sample was selected with the help of cluster sampling method. Data…



    Gürbüz Ocak; İjlal Ocak; Emine A. Baysal


    The purpose of this study is to find out the causes of high school students’ absenteeism. Survey method was used. The population was comprised of 531 students in the public high schools. The data was collected with "The Scale of Absenteeism Causes" developed by the researchers. Cronbach Alpha was calculated as α=0.936. Findings show the causes of students' absenteeism aren't related to school, students themselves and their parent, however, student absenteeism causes partly psychological reaso...

  3. Främja medarbetarnas engagemang : Ett ledarskapsverktyg för att öka engagemang och undvika utbrändhet


    Järnström, Ida


    De senaste åren har engagemang varit ett mycket omtalat ämne, då forskning har visat att engagemang har en positiv inverkan på organisationens framgång. Dagens turbulenta värld tvingar dock organisationerna att kräva högre prestationer av sina medarbetare trots färre resurser, vilket kan resultera i oengagemang och utbrändhet. Detta bekräftas utgående från gallupundersökningar, vilka visar att en endast en liten del av medarbetarna verkligen är engagerade på sina arbetsplatser. Syftet med...

  4. Manga High: Literacy, Identity, and Coming of Age in an Urban High School (United States)

    Bitz, Michael


    Based on a four-year study, "Manga High" explores the convergence of literacy, creativity, social development, and personal identity in one of New York City's largest high schools. Since 2004, students at Martin Luther King, Jr., High School in Manhattan have been creating manga--Japanese comic books. They write the stories, design the…

  5. Harmfulness of smoking among high school students

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iwona Rotter


    Full Text Available Introduction: The aim of the study was to assess the level of awareness of smoking and non smoking students on harmful impact of nicotine and cigarette smoke on human body. Material and methods: The study was carried out in March 2011 in high schools in Szczecin. Own elaborated questionnaire was used. 288 students from high school, technical college and vocational school were tested. Results: The majority of responders (95,1% claimed that cigarette smoke is harmful both for passive and active smokers. They most often pinpoint the direct cause connected with smoking to pulmonary diseases (264 persons and cancers (240 persons. Almost 90% of students found negative impact of tobacco products on development of fetus of pregnant women. Overwhelming majority of respondents (83,2% feels anxious if it comes to stay in a room filled with smoke. Conclusions: The awareness of high school students on negative influence of smoking on human body is quite satisfactory, but there is still a need for more education in the range of diseases and symptoms connected with smoking.

  6. Smartphone Addiction and School Life Adjustment Among High School Students: The Mediating Effect of Self-Control. (United States)

    Heo, YoungJin; Lee, Kyunghee


    Previous studies have reported associations among smartphone addiction, school adjustment, and self-control. However, the causal relationship between smartphone addiction and school adjustment has not been clearly demonstrated. The current study examined the association between smartphone addiction and school adjustment and investigated the mediating effect of self-control in this association. A total of 790 students from five high schools in Daegu City, South Korea, were asked to provide demographic information and complete a self-diagnostic smartphone addiction scale and validated Korean version of a self-control scale. Among at-risk students, self-control did not mediate the relation between smartphone addiction and school adjustment; among those not at risk, there was a partial mediating effect. To improve school adjustment among high school students, prevention of smartphone addiction seems important. Smartphone addiction could be managed by strengthening self-control to promote healthy use of smartphones. The current results can serve as groundwork for the development of programs to improve school adjustment among high school students. [Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, xx(x), xx-xx.]. Copyright 2018, SLACK Incorporated.

  7. Tanzanian High School students' attitude towards five University ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: To determine the attitude of high school students majoring in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (PCB) towards Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine and Nursing as professions at university. Design: A cross sectional study of a representative sample of high school students using a pretested attitudinal ...

  8. Analyzing High School Students' Reasoning about Electromagnetic Induction (United States)

    Jelicic, Katarina; Planinic, Maja; Planinsic, Gorazd


    Electromagnetic induction is an important, yet complex, physics topic that is a part of Croatian high school curriculum. Nine Croatian high school students of different abilities in physics were interviewed using six demonstration experiments from electromagnetism (three of them concerned the topic of electromagnetic induction). Students were…

  9. Adolescent use of school-based health centers and high school dropout. (United States)

    Kerns, Suzanne E U; Pullmann, Michael D; Walker, Sarah Cusworth; Lyon, Aaron R; Cosgrove, T J; Bruns, Eric J


    To determine the association between use of school-based health centers (SBHCs) and school dropout. Quasi-experimental longitudinal analysis of a retrospective student cohort, with SBHC use as the independent variable. We statistically controlled for dropout risk and used propensity score regression adjustment to control for several factors associated with SBHC use. Integrated database from an urban public school district (academic outcomes) and department of public health (SBHC use). District-enrolled students in their first semester of ninth grade in 2005 (N = 3334), followed up through their anticipated on-time graduation semester of 12th grade in 2009. Students were divided into 4 groups: never used (47%); low use (23%); moderate use (20%); and high users (10%). Time to nongraduation (described as dropout). Low to moderate SBHC use (0.125-2.5 visits per semester) was associated with a 33% reduction in dropout compared with non-SBHC users. The high-use group (>2.5 visits per semester) did not have dropout rates that differed from nonusers. For SBHC users who did drop out, dropout occurred approximately 1 semester later than nonusers. Exploratory analyses revealed that the association between SBHC use and prevention of dropout was greatest for higher-risk students. This study found an association between low to moderate SBHC use and reductions in dropout for high school students in an urban school district, especially for students at higher risk for dropout. This study supports the theory that benefits of SBHCs extend beyond managing physical and mental health needs to include academic outcomes.

  10. Arbetstidsförkortning : för ökad arbetstillfredsställelse och bättre relationer.


    Hultberg, Jenny; Klarenius, Karna; Liljekvist, Per


    Bakgrund: Redan på 1700-talet diskuterade Owen att det inte var bra att ha barn som arbetade långa arbetspass i treskift. Detta synsätt införde han på sin fabrik, vilket han fick mycket kritik för. Först 1962 väcktes tanken på 6-timmars arbetsdag i Sverige. Sedan dess har flera försök genomförts bl.a. hos Helsingborgs stads äldreomsorg, äldreomsorgen i Höganäs kommun samt Toyota Center i Mölndal. Problem: Dagens företag är relativt fokuserade på traditionella mått som t.ex. lönsamhet och prod...

  11. Patientstråldosjämförelse vid konventionell urografi och lågdos CT-urografi


    Gohil, Jignasa; Bertell, Sara


    Röntgensjuksköterskans huvudområde är radiografi som innefattar bland annat användning av joniserande strålning. CT undersökningar av urinvägssystemen och dess funktion ökar. CT ger en högre stråldos till patienter, jämfört med konventionell röntgen, vilket kan medföra olika sorters skador hos den som bestrålats. ALARAprincipen skall användas för att minska joniserande strålning så mycket som möjligt. Studien är utförd på Höglandsjukhuset i Eksjö där de har implementerat lågdosprotokoll på CT...

  12. NASA Ames Summer High School Apprenticeship Research Program (United States)

    Powell, P.


    The Summer High School Apprenticeship Research Program (SHARP) is described. This program is designed to provide engineering experience for gifted female and minority high school students. The students from this work study program which features trips, lectures, written reports, and job experience describe their individual work with their mentors.

  13. Reshaping High School English. (United States)

    Pirie, Bruce

    This book takes up the question of what shape high school English studies should take in the coming years. It describes an English program that blends philosophical depth with classroom practicality. Drawing examples from commonly taught texts such as "Macbeth,""To Kill a Mockingbird," and "Lord of the Flies," the…

  14. Reducing School Factors That Lead to Student Dropout at Sussex Central High School (United States)

    Jerns, Pamela Renee


    The focus of this Executive Position Paper (EPP) is to address the dropout rate at Sussex Central High School (SCHS) in the Indian River School District (IRSD). Studies conducted for this EPP align with current research--student dropout is a result of culminating school-based factors that include poor attendance and lack of exposure to rigorous…

  15. The Nature, Causes and Effects of School Violence in South African High Schools (United States)

    Ncontsa, Vusumzi Nelson; Shumba, Almon


    We sought to investigate the nature, causes and effects of school violence in four South African high schools. A purposive sample of five principals, 80 learners and 20 educators was selected from the four schools used in the study. A sequential mixed method approach was used in this study; both questionnaires and interviews were used. The design…

  16. High School Renewal in South Carolina: An Angry Response to Abandonment. (United States)

    Hicks, Anna T.; Anderson, Lorin W.


    Feeling angry and abandoned over losing a cooperative training center, South Carolina high school educators began a series of "what next?" conversations. Following two information-sharing conferences, 17 high schools and the University of South Carolina formed a school-university partnership called the South Carolina High School Renewal…

  17. Re-Conceptualizing Extra Help for High School Students in a High Standards Era. (United States)

    Balfanz, Robert; McPartland, James; Shaw, Alta

    The push for higher academic standards has resulted in an increase in the numbers of high school students needing extra help. The need for extra help is most pervasive in high-poverty areas and most high school students need extra help not in traditional basic elementary skills but in reading, mathematics, and advanced reasoning skills. Most…

  18. TOCUSO: Test of Conceptual Understanding on High School Optics Topics (United States)

    Akarsu, Bayram


    Physics educators around the world often need reliable diagnostic materials to measure students' understanding of physics concept in high school. The purpose of this study is to evaluate a new diagnostic tool on High School Optics concept. Test of Conceptual Understanding on High School Optics (TOCUSO) consists of 25 conceptual items that measures…

  19. Space and place in researching male early high school leaving in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    question the school systems' organisational components (Coleman, 1988), curriculum .... 2001:379) because of the value placed on a high-school certificate. Early school ..... Male early high school leaving in Orange Farm Township: A hidden.

  20. Intertextuality in Chinese High School Students' Essay Writing (United States)

    Liddicoat, Anthony J.; Scrimgeour, Andrew; Chen, Toni


    This paper investigates the intertextual practices developed for writing in Chinese of high school students in Taiwan. On the basis of texts written by Chinese high school students, we investigate these practices within their own cultural context to develop an understanding of intertextual practices into which Chinese learners are socialised. We…

  1. Perceptions of sexual harassment in Swedish high schools: experiences and school-environment problems. (United States)

    Witkowska, Eva; Menckel, Ewa


    Sexual harassment in schools is recognized as a public-health problem detrimental to girls' psychosomatic health. This study examines the magnitude of sexual harassment and types of behaviours related to sexual harassment that female students are exposed to in a school environment, and their perceptions of them as problems in school. A random sample of 540 female high school students, from all over Sweden, responded to an anonymous self-report mail questionnaire consisting of items related to personal experiences of different behaviours related to sexual harassment during the previous school year. Sexual harassment was identified by 49% of the female students as a problem present in their schools. The most common types were verbal behaviours, such as: sexualized conversations, attractiveness rating, demeaning comments about gender, name-calling, and sexual personal comments. The most common non-verbal displays were: sexualized contact seeking and sexual looks. Behaviours in the sexual assault and teacher-to-student categories were less prevalent. In all four categories, the respondents who reported exposure to a particular behaviour were significantly more likely to identify that behaviour as a problem in their school. However, many non-exposed respondents also perceived such behaviours as problems in their school. Female high-school students in Sweden are exposed to a variety of inappropriate and/or unacceptable behaviours of a sexual nature, or based on sex, that may infringe their right to a supportive, respectful and safe learning environment or their dignity. Greater efforts are needed to analyse and prevent sexual harassment in schools.

  2. Educational Management Organizations as High Reliability Organizations: A Study of Victory's Philadelphia High School Reform Work (United States)

    Thomas, David E.


    This executive position paper proposes recommendations for designing reform models between public and private sectors dedicated to improving school reform work in low performing urban high schools. It reviews scholarly research about for-profit educational management organizations, high reliability organizations, American high school reform, and…

  3. Changes in cognitive functions of students in the transitional period from elementary school to junior high school. (United States)

    Mizuno, Kei; Tanaka, Masaaki; Fukuda, Sanae; Sasabe, Tetsuya; Imai-Matsumura, Kyoko; Watanabe, Yasuyoshi


    When students proceed to junior high school from elementary school, rapid changes in the environment occur, which may cause various behavioral and emotional problems. However, the changes in cognitive functions during this transitional period have rarely been studied. In 158 elementary school students from 4th- to 6th-grades and 159 junior high school students from 7th- to 9th-grades, we assessed various cognitive functions, including motor processing, spatial construction ability, semantic fluency, immediate memory, delayed memory, spatial and non-spatial working memory, and selective, alternative, and divided attention. Our findings showed that performance on spatial and non-spatial working memory, alternative attention, divided attention, and semantic fluency tasks improved from elementary to junior high school. In particular, performance on alternative and divided attention tasks improved during the transitional period from elementary to junior high school. Our finding suggests that development of alternative and divided attention is of crucial importance in the transitional period from elementary to junior high school. Copyright © 2010 The Japanese Society of Child Neurology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. School Engagement, Risky Peers, and Student-Teacher Relationships as Mediators of School Violence in Taiwanese Vocational versus Academically Oriented High Schools (United States)

    Chen, Ji-Kang; Astor, Ron Avi


    Educational tracking based on academic ability accounts for different school dynamics between vocational versus academically-oriented high schools in Taiwan. Many educational practitioners predict that the settings of vocational schools and academic schools mediate school violence in different ways. Alternatively, some researchers argue the actual…

  5. Every Student Succeeds Act High School Graduation Rate: Non-Regulatory Guidance (United States)

    US Department of Education, 2017


    Student graduation from high school with a regular high school diploma is an important indicator of school success and one of the most significant indicators of student college and career readiness. In addition, there are substantial economic benefits to high school completion. For example, according to the U.S. Department of Education's National…

  6. Distance Education of Vocational High Schools in Turkey

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tuğçe GÜNTER


    Full Text Available The aim of vocational high schools is to teach qualified, high self-sufficient, self-confident, technical staff who have critical and mathematical thinking competence and who can utilize science and technology efficiently. However, because of the limitations of traditional education, students can not take enough education attendance. In this context; along with the advances in science and technology area, “Web- Based Distance Education Programme”, which provides equal education conditions to students, is developed. This programme has got great progresses in abroad, and has also started to practice in Turkish Vocational High Schools. It is determined that some Vocational High Schools have applied Web-Based Distance Education in Medical Documentation and Secretarial (MDS and Medical Laboratory Techniques (MLT Associate Degree Programmes which are also existed in Bülent Ecevit University (BEU Ahmet Erdoğan Health Services Vocational High School. It is observed that the universities, that implemented distance education in these associate degree programmes, have higher technical infrastructure and they design a constructivism-based modules. It is considered that this distance education programme for MDS and MLT Associate Degree Programmes in certain Vocational Schools, can also be implemented for students in Medical Documentation and Secretarial (MDS and Medical Laboratory Techniques (MLT which continues education by computers and overhead projector that is slightly different from traditional education.

  7. High School Start Times and the Impact on High School Students: What We Know, and What We Hope to Learn. (United States)

    Morgenthaler, Timothy I; Hashmi, Sarah; Croft, Janet B; Dort, Leslie; Heald, Jonathan L; Mullington, Janet


    Several organizations have provided recommendations to ensure high school starts no sooner than 08:30. However, although there are plausible biological reasons to support such recommendations, published recommendations have been based largely on expert opinion and a few observational studies. We sought to perform a critical review of published evidence regarding the effect of high school start times on sleep and other relevant outcomes. We performed a broad literature search to identify 287 candidate publications for inclusion in our review, which focused on studies offering direct comparison of sleep time, academic or physical performance, behavioral health measures, or motor vehicular accidents in high school students. Where possible, outcomes were combined for meta-analysis. After application of study criteria, only 18 studies were suitable for review. Eight studies were amenable to meta-analysis for some outcomes. We found that later school start times, particularly when compared with start times more than 60 min earlier, are associated with longer weekday sleep durations, lower weekday-weekend sleep duration differences, reduced vehicular accident rates, and reduced subjective daytime sleepiness. Improvement in academic performance and behavioral issues is less established. The literature regarding effect of school start time delays on important aspects of high school life suggests some salutary effects, but often the evidence is indirect, imprecise, or derived from cohorts of convenience, making the overall quality of evidence weak or very weak. This review highlights a need for higher-quality data upon which to base important and complex public health decisions. © 2016 American Academy of Sleep Medicine

  8. "Life Skills": A Single-Sex Classroom Intervention for Black Boys Transitioning from Middle School to High School (United States)

    Flennaugh, Terry


    The transition from middle school to high school can be difficult for many students due to increases in school size, the structure of an academic schedule, and the complexity of social interactions in high school. However, Black boys face unique challenges during this transition period due to racism and structural inequalities. In response to…

  9. Multimodal Behavior Therapy: Case Study of a High School Student. (United States)

    Seligman, Linda


    A case study of a high school student concerned with weight problems illustrates multimodal behavior therapy and its use in a high school setting. Multimodal therapy allows the school counselor to maximize referral sources while emphasizing growth and actualization. (JAC)

  10. School District Wellness Policy Quality and Weight-Related Outcomes among High School Students in Minnesota (United States)

    Hoffman, Pamela K.; Davey, Cynthia S.; Larson, Nicole; Grannon, Katherine Y.; Hanson, Carlie; Nanney, Marilyn S.


    Weight-related outcomes were examined among high school students in Minnesota public school districts according to the quality of district wellness policies. Wellness policy strength and comprehensiveness were scored using the Wellness School Assessment Tool (WellSAT) for 325 Minnesota public school districts in 2013. The associations between…

  11. Creative Approaches to Teaching Shakespeare in High School. (United States)

    Dienstfrey, Sherri R.

    William Shakespeare should be taught in high schools in an entertaining fashion so the high school student will appreciate his genius, keen insights, and talents. A strategy to accomplish this goal starts with simple material and progresses to the more difficult. Shakespeare's personal and historical background are presented in a short lecture,…

  12. Interpretation Awareness of Creativity Mathematics Teacher High School (United States)

    Mastuti, Ajeng Gelora; Nusantara, Toto; Purwanto; As'ari, Abdurrahman; Subanji; Abadyo; Susiswo


    The purposes of this study are: a) to investigate high school math teacher creativity equality, b) to investigate what factors can inhibit their creativity consciousness. The subjects of this study consisted of two high school math teacher who had a different experience academically. The results of the qualitative research show the relationship…

  13. Rehabilitering efter dekompression och diskoperation - framställandet av en fysioterapeutisk patientanvisning : Ett beställningsarbete av Tölö sjukhus


    Nyberg, Jasmina


    Examensarbetet är ett praktiskt inriktat examensarbete med fokus på rehabiliteringen efter en dekompressions- och diskoperation. Det är ett beställningsarbete av Tölö sjukhus med syftet att framställa en fysioterapeutisk patientanvisning. Önskemål från uppdragsgivare var att utforma en tydlig patientanvisning för ryggopererade bestående av skriftliga instruktioner angående postoperativ rehabilitering i form av vardagliga aktiviteter, fysisk aktivitet, ryggens viloställningar, vi...

  14. High School Education in Vietnam


    Hasebe, Io


    In this report, I will introduce high school school education in Vietnam in two aspects: time schedule and language instruction. When I had an international exchange with local high school students, I was surprised at how fluently students spoke English and Japanese and thus became interested in language instruction in Vietnam. As I continued my research, I discovered many unique differences between Vietnam and Japan in terms of education. This is why I chose high school education as my repor...

  15. Improving low-performing high schools: searching for evidence of promise. (United States)

    Fleischman, Steve; Heppen, Jessica


    Noting that many of the nation's high schools are beset with major problems, such as low student reading and math achievement, high dropout rates, and an inadequate supply of effective teachers, Steve Fleischman and Jessica Heppen survey a range of strategies that educators have used to improve low-performing high schools. The authors begin by showing how the standards-based school reform movement, together with the No Child Left Behind Act requirement that underperforming schools adopt reforms supported by scientifically based research, spurred policy makers, educators, and researchers to create and implement a variety of approaches to attain improvement. Fleischman and Heppen then review a number of widely adopted reform models that aim to change "business as usual" in low-performing high schools. The models include comprehensive school reform programs, dual enrollment and early college high schools, smaller learning communities, specialty (for example, career) academies, charter high schools, and education management organizations. In practice, say the authors, many of these improvement efforts overlap, defying neat distinctions. Often, reforms are combined to reinforce one another. The authors explain the theories that drive the reforms, review evidence of their reforms' effectiveness to date, and suggest what it will take to make them work well. Although the reforms are promising, the authors say, few as yet have solid evidence of systematic or sustained success. In concluding, Fleischman and Heppen emphasize that the reasons for a high school's poor performance are so complex that no one reform model or approach, no matter how powerful, can turn around low-performing schools. They also stress the need for educators to implement each reform program with fidelity to its requirements and to support it for the time required for success. Looking to the future, the authors suggest steps that decision makers, researchers, and sponsors of research can take to promote

  16. Homeless High School Students in America: Who Counts? (United States)

    Cumming, John M.; Gloeckner, Gene W.


    After interviewing homeless high school students, the research team in a Colorado school district discovered that many students had not revealed their true living conditions (homelessness) to anyone in the school district. This research team developed an anonymous survey written around the homeless categories identified in the McKinney-Vento…

  17. The anthropometric match between high school learners and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: A South African study illustrated that the school computer chair was the least ergonomic aspect of a school computer workstation and this may explain why computer usage was the only predictor of cervical pain among high school students (Smith et al. 2007). An alarming percentage of South African learners ...

  18. In-Service Teacher Training to Provide Psychosocial Support and Care in High-Risk and High-Need Schools: School-Based Intervention Partnerships (United States)

    Ebersöhn, Liesel; Loots, Tilda; Eloff, Irma; Ferreira, Ronél


    This article uses a South African case study to argue that postcolonial, emerging economy societies in transition often contain schools characterised as high risk and high need. Such schools require teachers to adapt to roles other than facilitating learning, such as psychosocial support and care, and which requires additional professional…

  19. Measuring school climate in high schools: a focus on safety, engagement, and the environment. (United States)

    Bradshaw, Catherine P; Waasdorp, Tracy E; Debnam, Katrina J; Johnson, Sarah Lindstrom


    School climate has been linked to multiple student behavioral, academic, health, and social-emotional outcomes. The US Department of Education (USDOE) developed a 3-factor model of school climate comprised of safety, engagement, and environment. This article examines the factor structure and measurement invariance of the USDOE model. Drawing upon 2 consecutive waves of data from over 25,000 high school students (46% minority), a series of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses examined the fit of the Maryland Safe and Supportive Schools Climate Survey with the USDOE model. The results indicated adequate model fit with the theorized 3-factor model of school climate, which included 13 subdomains: safety (perceived safety, bullying and aggression, and drug use); engagement (connection to teachers, student connectedness, academic engagement, school connectedness, equity, and parent engagement); environment (rules and consequences, physical comfort, and support, disorder). We also found consistent measurement invariance with regard to student sex, grade level, and ethnicity. School-level interclass correlation coefficients ranged from 0.04 to .10 for the scales. Findings supported the USDOE 3-factor model of school climate and suggest measurement invariance and high internal consistency of the 3 scales and 13 subdomains. These results suggest the 56-item measure may be a potentially efficient, yet comprehensive measure of school climate. © 2014, American School Health Association.

  20. School Improvement in High-Capacity Schools: Educational Leadership and Living-Systems Ontology (United States)

    Mitchell, Coral; Sackney, Larry


    Although school improvement continues to present as an unresolved educational problem, the required changes are relatively straightforward. Essentially, schools need to be retooled with students' experiences and high-quality instruction at the center of the design. In this article, we present the findings of research into the leadership of…

  1. Sleep patterns in high school and university students: a longitudinal study. (United States)

    Urner, Martin; Tornic, Jure; Bloch, Konrad E


    We performed a longitudinal study to investigate whether changes in social zeitgebers and age alter sleep patterns in students during the transition from high school to university. Actimetry was performed on 24 high-school students (mean age+/-SD: 18.4+/-0.9 yrs; 12 females) for two weeks. Recordings were repeated in the same subjects 5 yrs later when they were university students. The sleep period duration and its center, the mid-sleep time, and total sleep time were estimated by actimetry. Actigraphic total sleep time was similar when in high school and at the university on school days (6.31+/-0.47 vs. 6.45+/-0.80 h, p = ns) and longer on leisure days by 1.10+/-1.10 h (p school days) when in high school, but not at the university. Compared to the high school situation, the mid-sleep time was delayed when at the university on school days (03:11+/-0.6 vs. 03:55+/-0.7 h, p sleep times on school and leisure days when in high school were significantly correlated with the corresponding values 5 yrs later when at the university (r = 0.58 and r = 0.55, p sleep time between school and leisure days when students attended high school and the delayed mid-sleep time on school days when students attended university are consistent with a circadian phase shift due to changes in class schedules, other zeitgebers, and lifestyle preferences. Age-related changes may also have occurred, although some individuality of the sleep pattern was maintained during the 5 yr study span. These findings have important implications for optimizing school and work schedules in students of different age and level of education.

  2. Energy Design Guidelines for High Performance Schools: Tropical Island Climates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The Energy Design Guidelines for High Performance Schools--Tropical Island Climates provides school boards, administrators, and design staff with guidance to help them make informed decisions about energy and environmental issues important to school systems and communities. These design guidelines outline high performance principles for the new or retrofit design of your K-12 school in tropical island climates. By incorporating energy improvements into their construction or renovation plans, schools can significantly reduce energy consumption and costs.

  3. On the Front Lines of Schools: Perspectives of Teachers and Principals on the High School Dropout Problem (United States)

    Bridgeland, John M.; Dilulio, John J., Jr.; Balfanz, Robert


    Teachers and administrators in public high schools recognize there is a dropout problem, know they are confronted with daunting challenges in classrooms and in schools, and express strong support for reforms to address high dropout rates. Yet, less than one-third of teachers believe that schools should expect all students to meet high academic…

  4. High School Psychology: A Coming of Age Story (United States)

    Keith, Kenneth D.; Hammer, Elizabeth Yost; Blair-Broeker, Charles T.; Ernst, Randal M.


    Although institutional recognition of high school psychology is fairly recent, psychology and psychological subject matters have a history dating to at least the 1830s. By the middle of the twentieth century, high school psychology courses existed in nearly all U.S. states, and enrollments grew throughout the second half of the century. However,…

  5. Parental attitudes towards soft drink vending machines in high schools. (United States)

    Hendel-Paterson, Maia; French, Simone A; Story, Mary


    Soft drink vending machines are available in 98% of US high schools. However, few data are available about parents' opinions regarding the availability of soft drink vending machines in schools. Six focus groups with 33 parents at three suburban high schools were conducted to describe the perspectives of parents regarding soft drink vending machines in their children's high school. Parents viewed the issue of soft drink vending machines as a matter of their children's personal choice more than as an issue of a healthful school environment. However, parents were unaware of many important details about the soft drink vending machines in their children's school, such as the number and location of machines, hours of operation, types of beverages available, or whether the school had contracts with soft drink companies. Parents need more information about the number of soft drink vending machines at their children's school, the beverages available, the revenue generated by soft drink vending machine sales, and the terms of any contracts between the school and soft drink companies.

  6. Survey of biological processes for odor reduction; Kartlaeggning och studie av biologiska processer foer luktreduktion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arrhenius, Karine; Rosell, Lars [SP Technical Research Inst. of Sweden, Boraas (Sweden); Hall, Gunnar [SIK Swedish Inst. for Food and Biotechnology, Gothenburg (Sweden)


    This project aims to characterize chemical and subsequently odor emissions from a digester plant located closed to Boraas in Sweden (Boraas Energi och Miljoe AB). The digestion produces mainly 2 by-products, biogas and high quality organic biofertilizer. Biogas is a renewable source of electrical and heat energy and subsequently digester have a promising future. Unfortunately, release of unpleasant odours is one of the problems that may limit development of the technique as odours strongly influence the level of acceptance of the neighbours. The number of complaints due to odours depends mostly, upon the degree of odour release, the weather condition and plant environment (which influence the risks for spreading out), and the tolerance of the neighbours. These parameters are strongly variable. Many processes inside the plant distributed on a large surface may contribute to odour release. Chemical emissions were studied, in this project, by extensive sampling inside the plant. Results were then evaluated regarding risk for odour releases. The goal was to suggest controls and routines to limit releases. The conditions leading to the higher risks for odour emissions were studied by performing sampling at different periods of the year and subsequently different weather conditions. At first, places for measurement were chosen together with personal of the plant. Three zones are considered to mainly contribute to the odour emissions: the landfill region, the cisterns region and the leaching lake region. Totally 13 places were studied with regard to odour and chemical emissions under 2008-2009 at different weather conditions. Some results from a previous project (2007) are also presented here. Results show that the spreading out of can be maintained to an acceptable level as long as the plant is functioning without disturbances. The early stages of the treatment of waste should be confined in locals with closed doors to avoid spreading out of odours. Through controlled

  7. School Reform in a High Poverty Elementary School: A Grounded Theory Case Study of Capacity Building (United States)

    Dodman, Stephanie Lynn


    There is a persistent and significant gap in the achievement of students who attend high-poverty schools and those who attend low-poverty schools. Students in high-poverty schools, the majority of whom are African American and Hispanic, are not achieving the same levels of academic success as their low-poverty or White counterparts. Retention…

  8. Understanding Students' Precollege Experiences with Racial Diversity: The High School as Microsystem (United States)

    Park, Julie J.; Chang, Stephanie H.


    Few qualitative studies consider how high school experiences affect readiness for diversity engagement in college. Using data from an ethnographic case study, three central trends (student experiences within homogeneous high schools, racial divisions within diverse high schools, and students who attended diverse high schools but had little…

  9. High School Dropouts: Interactions between Social Context, Self-Perceptions, School Engagement, and Student Dropout (United States)

    Fall, Anna-Maria; Roberts, Greg


    Research suggests that contextual, self-system, and school engagement variables influence dropping out from school. However, it is not clear how different types of contextual and self-system variables interact to affect students' engagement or contribute to decisions to dropout from high school. The self-system model of motivational development…

  10. ExpandED Options: Learning beyond High School Walls (United States)

    ExpandED Schools, 2014


    Through ExpandED Options by TASC, New York City high school students get academic credit for learning career-related skills that lead to paid summer jobs. Too many high school students--including those most likely to drop out--are bored or see classroom learning as irrelevant. ExpandED Options students live the connection between mastering new…

  11. The Method of High School English Word Learning

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    Most Chinese students are not interested in English learning, especially English words. In this paper, I focus on English vocabulary learning, for example, the study of high school students English word learning method, and also introduce several ways to make vocabulary memory becomes more effective. The purpose is to make high school students grasp more English word learning skills.

  12. Demographic Factors Affecting Internet Using Purposes of High School Students

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abdullah Faruk Kılıç


    Full Text Available This study aimed at determining the impact of demographic factors on the Internet usage purposes of high school students. The population of the study consisted of students between 9th and 12th grades from the Anatolian high schools, science high schools, social sciences high schools, sports high schools and fine arts high schools in Turkey. The sample was chosen through the stratified and cluster sampling procedure. The students were chosen randomly depending on the regions of their school attendance. The sample for this research numbered 3170 students. The research was conducted in the second term of the 2014-2015 academic year. The data were obtained through online forms and the bases of participation are honesty, sincerity, and volunteerism. The data collection tool is a questionnaire and a demographic information form prepared by the researchers. Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detector (CHAID analysis was conducted through SPSS in order to determine the demographic factors affecting the purposes of internet usage among high school students. The results of this research show that 9th grade students in Turkey mostly use the Internet to do homework while students from other grades mostly use the Internet for social networking. The male students use the Internet for playing video games more frequently in comparison with female students. Also, socioeconomic status affects the purpose of Internet usage. Hence it is suggested that teachers talking to male students might use the examples of computers and games and with female students they might relate the topics to social media.

  13. Impact of Texas high school science teacher credentials on student performance in high school science (United States)

    George, Anna Ray Bayless

    A study was conducted to determine the relationship between the credentials held by science teachers who taught at a school that administered the Science Texas Assessment on Knowledge and Skills (Science TAKS), the state standardized exam in science, at grade 11 and student performance on a state standardized exam in science administered in grade 11. Years of teaching experience, teacher certification type(s), highest degree level held, teacher and school demographic information, and the percentage of students who met the passing standard on the Science TAKS were obtained through a public records request to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC). Analysis was performed through the use of canonical correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the multiple linear regression analysis indicate that a larger percentage of students met the passing standard on the Science TAKS state attended schools in which a large portion of the high school science teachers held post baccalaureate degrees, elementary and physical science certifications, and had 11-20 years of teaching experience.

  14. Relationships Among Student-body Composition, School Process, and Mathematics Achievement in Argentina’s High Schools

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rubén Alberto Cervini Iturre


    Full Text Available This is a study of the relationships between the student-body composition of the school, some characteristics of the scholastic process—culture and school climate—according to learners’ perceptions, and the mathematics achievement of students in the last year of high school in Argentina. The data used came from the 1998 National Census of High School Completion, carried out by the nation’s Ministry of Culture and Education. The file contains data for 135,000 students of 2,708 schools in 25 states. Multilevel linear modeling with three levels (student, school and state was applied. A strong relationship was detected between mathematics achievement and the variables student-body composition and school process. When both variables acted together, the effect of other variables experienced a pronounced descent. Although reduced, the variables of the process influenced the student’s achievement. There was identified for future works a reference model which would evaluate other institutional learning factors.

  15. Values for gender roles and relations among high school and non-high school adolescents in a Maya community in Chiapas, Mexico. (United States)

    Manago, Adriana M


    In the current study, I describe values for gender roles and cross-sex relations among adolescents growing up in a southern Mexican Maya community in which high school was introduced in 1999. A total of 80 adolescent girls and boys, half of whom were attending the new high school, provided their opinions on two ethnographically derived vignettes that depicted changes in gender roles and relations occurring in their community. Systematic coding revealed that adolescents not enrolled in high school tended to prioritise ascribed and complementary gender roles and emphasise the importance of family mediation in cross-sex relations. Adolescents who were enrolled in high school tended to prioritise equivalent and chosen gender roles, and emphasised personal responsibility and personal fulfillment in cross-sex relations. Perceptions of risks and opportunities differed by gender: girls favourably evaluated the expansion of adult female role options, but saw risks in personal negotiations of cross-sex relations; boys emphasised the loss of the female homemaker role, but favourably evaluated new opportunities for intimacy in cross-sex relations. © 2014 International Union of Psychological Science.

  16. Characteristics of headaches in Japanese elementary and junior high school students: A school-based questionnaire survey. (United States)

    Goto, Masahide; Yokoyama, Koji; Nozaki, Yasuyuki; Itoh, Koichi; Kawamata, Ryou; Matsumoto, Shizuko; Yamagata, Takanori


    Few studies have investigated pediatric headaches in Japan. Thus, we examined the lifetime prevalence and characteristics of headaches among elementary and junior high school students in Japan. In this school-based study, children aged 6-15years completed a questionnaire based on the diagnostic criteria of the International Classification of Headache Disorders-3β to assess headache characteristics and related disability. Of the 3285 respondents, 1623 (49.4%) experienced headaches. Migraine and tension-type headaches (TTH) were reported by 3.5% and 5.4% of elementary school students, respectively, and by 5.0% and 11.2% of junior high school students. Primary headaches increased with age. Compared with TTH sufferers, the dominant triggers in migraine sufferers were hunger (odds ratio=4.7), sunny weather (3.3), and katakori (neck and shoulder pain) (2.5). Compared with TTH, migraine caused higher headache-related frustration (P=0.010) as well as difficulty concentrating (P=0.017). Migraine-related disability was greater among junior high school students (feeling fed up or irritated, P=0.028; difficulty concentrating, P=0.016). TTH-related disability was also greater among junior high school students (feeling fed up or irritated, P=0.035). Approximately half of the students who complained of headache-related disability were not receiving medical treatment. This is the first detailed study of headaches in Japanese children to include elementary school students. Nearly 50% of the school children reported headaches and the disruption of daily activities caused by migraine was higher among junior high students than elementary school students. Copyright © 2017 The Japanese Society of Child Neurology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Using Dance Therapy with High School Students: A Strategy for School Counselors (United States)

    Chibbaro, Julia S.; Holland, Charleta Reshae


    Professional school counselors are challenged to meet the needs of all students and need a variety of interventions enabling them to meet those needs. High school is a time when many adolescents struggle with social, emotional, and physical issues (Gysbers & Henderson, 2006). Ninth through twelfth grades are critical years of any teenager's…

  18. A Survey of the Problem of Unbalanced High School Educational Resource Allocation within the County Region in Gansu Province--Using Seven High Schools in Three Counties as an Example (United States)

    Kai, Liu; Gaofu, Du


    The imbalance in allocating high school educational resources within the county region has expanded the imbalances in local high school educational development. This has caused "diseconomies of scale" in high schools, aggravated the "expansion impulse" in building model high schools, limited the growth of effective demand by…

  19. Incremental Theory of Intelligence Moderated the Relationship between Prior Achievement and School Engagement in Chinese High School Students. (United States)

    Li, Ping; Zhou, Nan; Zhang, Yuchi; Xiong, Qing; Nie, Ruihong; Fang, Xiaoyi


    School engagement plays a prominent role in promoting academic accomplishments. In contrast to the relative wealth of research that examined the impact of students' school engagement on their academic achievement, considerably less research has investigated the effect of high school students' prior achievement on their school engagement. The present study examined the relationship between prior achievement and school engagement among Chinese high school students. Based on the Dweck's social-cognitive theory of motivation, we further examined the moderating effect of students' theories of intelligence (TOIs) on this relationship. A total of 4036 (2066 girls) students from five public high school enrolled in grades 10 reported their high school entrance exam achievement in Chinese, Math and English, school engagement, and TOIs. Results showed that (a) students' prior achievement predicted their behavioral, emotional, and cognitive engagement, respectively, and (b) the association between prior achievement and behavioral, emotional, and cognitive engagement is strong for students with an incremental theory but not for those with an entity theory in the emotional and cognitive engagement. These findings suggest that prior achievement and incremental theory were implicated in relation to adolescents' school engagement. Implications and future research directions were discussed.

  20. Incremental Theory of Intelligence Moderated the Relationship between Prior Achievement and School Engagement in Chinese High School Students

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ping Li


    Full Text Available School engagement plays a prominent role in promoting academic accomplishments. In contrast to the relative wealth of research that examined the impact of students’ school engagement on their academic achievement, considerably less research has investigated the effect of high school students’ prior achievement on their school engagement. The present study examined the relationship between prior achievement and school engagement among Chinese high school students. Based on the Dweck’s social-cognitive theory of motivation, we further examined the moderating effect of students’ theories of intelligence (TOIs on this relationship. A total of 4036 (2066 girls students from five public high school enrolled in grades 10 reported their high school entrance exam achievement in Chinese, Math and English, school engagement, and TOIs. Results showed that (a students’ prior achievement predicted their behavioral, emotional, and cognitive engagement, respectively, and (b the association between prior achievement and behavioral, emotional, and cognitive engagement is strong for students with an incremental theory but not for those with an entity theory in the emotional and cognitive engagement. These findings suggest that prior achievement and incremental theory were implicated in relation to adolescents’ school engagement. Implications and future research directions were discussed.

  1. Bullying victimization and student engagement in elementary, middle, and high schools: Moderating role of school climate. (United States)

    Yang, Chunyan; Sharkey, Jill D; Reed, Lauren A; Chen, Chun; Dowdy, Erin


    Bullying is the most common form of school violence and is associated with a range of negative outcomes, including traumatic responses. This study used hierarchical linear modeling to examine the multilevel moderating effects of school climate and school level (i.e., elementary, middle, and high schools) on the association between bullying victimization and student engagement. Participants included 25,896 students in 4th to 12th grades from 114 schools. Results indicated that, after controlling for student and school demographic factors, positive school climate was associated with higher behavioral/cognitive and emotional engagement of students across all grades. This highlights the critical and fundamental role of positive school climate in bullying prevention and intervention, among students across all grade levels, including those with frequent bullying victimization experience. Results also showed that negative associations between student-level bullying victimization and engagement were intensified in more positive school climates. This finding suggests that, in comparison with students in schools with less positive school climates, the engagement of bullying victims in schools with a more positive school climate might be more negatively influenced by their victimization experience. Additionally, the relation between student-level bullying victimization and emotional engagement was significantly different across middle and high schools. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved).

  2. Availability of Automated External Defibrillators in Public High Schools. (United States)

    White, Michelle J; Loccoh, Emefah C; Goble, Monica M; Yu, Sunkyung; Duquette, Deb; Davis, Matthew M; Odetola, Folafoluwa O; Russell, Mark W


    To assess automated external defibrillator (AED) distribution and cardiac emergency preparedness in Michigan secondary schools and investigate for association with school sociodemographic characteristics. Surveys were sent via electronic mail to representatives from all public high schools in 30 randomly selected Michigan counties, stratified by population. Association of AED-related factors with school sociodemographic characteristics were evaluated using Wilcoxon rank sum test and χ(2) test, as appropriate. Of 188 schools, 133 (71%) responded to the survey and all had AEDs. Larger student population was associated with fewer AEDs per 100 students (P schools. Schools with >20% students from racial minority groups had significantly fewer AEDs available per 100 students than schools with less racial diversity (P = .03). Schools with more students eligible for free and reduced lunch were less likely to have a cardiac emergency response plan (P = .02) and demonstrated less frequent AED maintenance (P = .03). Although AEDs are available at public high schools across Michigan, the number of AEDs per student varies inversely with minority student population and school size. Unequal distribution of AEDs and lack of cardiac emergency preparedness may contribute to outcomes of sudden cardiac arrest among youth. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Remote Research Mentoring of Virginia High School Students (United States)

    Corby, Joanna; Dirienzo, W. J.; Beaton, R.; Pennucci, T.; Zasowski, G.


    Graduate students at the University of Virginia (UVa) are volunteering as research advisors on astronomy projects for Virginia's science and technology high schools. In previous years, we have worked with more than a dozen students through a research class at Central Virginia Governor's School in Lynchburg to develop an astronomy research curriculum that teaches background concepts and terminology, guides students in data analysis, and prepares them to present material in poster and oral forums. In our fourth year of operation, we are continuing to work with Central Virginia Governor's School and adapting the research curriculum to an independent course at Roanoke Valley Governor's School in Roanoke. Because both schools are far from UVa in Charlottesville, the program operates remotely; graduate advisors and high school students interact through "virtual" means, establishing a successful framework for meaningful remote mentoring. In the current year, six students will complete projects on astrophysical topics including megamasers, astrochemistry, and pulsars using data taken by the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). Students at Roanoke Valley were directly trained on the GBT as part of a separate outreach program called the Pulsar Search Collaboratory, and all six students will receive hands-on experience in handling GBT data. The current projects are components of larger research efforts by graduate student and professional level researchers, so that the projects contribute to high-level projects only possible with the GBT. This stands as a rare outreach program that uses the principle of “deliberative practice” to train high school students in the development of skills that are crucial to success in science. Furthermore, it provides graduate students with an opportunity to plan and advise research projects, developing a skill set that is required in more advanced academic positions. Our poster discusses the implementation of our online curriculum in two distinct

  4. School motivation and high school dropout: the mediating role of educational expectation. (United States)

    Fan, Weihua; Wolters, Christopher A


    A good deal of evidence indicates that students' motivational beliefs and attitudes play a critical role in their academic success. Research studies on how motivational factors may help determine whether students remain in high school or drop out, however, are relatively few. More specifically, there is a lack of research examining the dynamics of whether students' motivational beliefs from earlier in high school might be used to predict their status as a dropout in their final year. The aim of the present study was to examine the mediating role of students' educational expectations in linking students' school motivation to their dropout status by utilizing a nationally representative dataset. The present study used data from the Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS: 2002). The final sample consisted of 16,194 students, with approximately 54% White, 13% Black, 16% Hispanic, and 10% Asian students, and the rest were Native American, Hawaiian, multiracial, or of other races. Structural equation modelling was employed to conduct the mediational analysis. The results of the present study demonstrated that the relationships between student ability beliefs in math and English and student behaviour of dropping out were fully mediated by students' educational expectations. The results also revealed that student intrinsic value in math and English had significant indirect relations with student behaviour of leaving school through students' educational expectations. The results of this study suggest that explanations for student dropout status that rely solely on students' social background and school behaviours without considering their motivation are incomplete. The study expands the extant research by showing possible pathways that motivate students to persist in high school. These pathways are specifically rooted in students' ability beliefs and intrinsic interest in learning through their relationships with students' expectations for their education. © 2012 The

  5. Preventing Sudden Cardiac Death: Automated External Defibrillators in Ohio High Schools. (United States)

    Lear, Aaron; Hoang, Minh-Ha; Zyzanski, Stephen J


    Ohio passed legislation in 2004 for optional public funding of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in all Ohio high schools. To report occurrences of sudden cardiac arrest in which AEDs were used in Ohio high schools and to evaluate the adherence of Ohio high schools with AEDs to state law and published guidelines on AEDs and emergency action plans (EAPs) in schools. Cross-sectional survey. Web-based survey. A total of 264 of 827 schools that were members of the Ohio High School Athletic Association. We surveyed schools on AED use, AED maintenance, and EAPs. Twenty-five episodes of AED deployment at 22 schools over an 11-year period were reported; 8 (32%) involved students and 17 (68%) involved adults. The reported survival rate was 60% (n = 15). Most events (n = 20, 80%) in both students and adults occurred at or near athletic facilities. The annual use rate of AEDs was 0.7%. Fifty-three percent (n = 140) of schools reported having an EAP in place for episodes of cardiac arrest. Of the schools with EAPs, 57% (n = 80) reported having rehearsed them. Our data supported the placement of AEDs in high schools given the frequency of use for sudden cardiac arrest and the survival rate reported. They also suggested the need for increased awareness of recommendations for EAPs and the need to formulate and practice EAPs. School EAPs should emphasize planning for events in the vicinity of athletic facilities.

  6. Case Studies of Leading Edge Small Urban High Schools. Core Academic Strategic Designs: 3. University Park Campus School (United States)

    Shields, Regis Anne; Ireland, Nicole; City, Elizabeth; Derderian, Julie; Miles, Karen Hawley


    This report is one of nine detailed case studies of small urban high schools that served as the foundation for the Education Resource Strategies (ERS) report "Strategic Designs: Lessons from Leading Edge Small Urban High Schools." These nine schools were dubbed "Leading Edge Schools" because they stand apart from other high…

  7. Effects of Comprehensive, Multiple High-Risk Behaviors Prevention Program on High School Students (United States)

    Collier, Crystal


    The purpose of this mixed methods study was to examine the effect of a multiple high-risk behaviors prevention program applied comprehensively throughout an entire school-system involving universal, selective, and indicated levels of students at a local private high school during a 4-year period. The prevention program was created based upon the…

  8. Elective course student sectioning at Danish high schools

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristiansen, Simon; Stidsen, Thomas Riis


    . This paper presents an Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search heuristic for the ESCC. The algorithm is applied to 80 real-life instances from Danish high schools and compared with solutions found by using the state-of-the-art MIP solver Gurobi. The algorithm has been implemented in the commercial product Lectio......, and is thereby available for approximately 200 high schools in Denmark....

  9. Self-Esteem of Junior High and High School Students. (United States)

    Lee, Kimberly E.

    The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the self-esteem of junior high and high school students. The independent variables investigated were quality of family life, birth order, family size, maternal employment, grade level and family structure. The dependent variables were the self-esteem scores from the following sub-scales of the Texas…

  10. The school food environment and adolescent obesity: qualitative insights from high school principals and food service personnel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ellerbeck Edward F


    Full Text Available Abstract Objectives To examine high school personnel's perceptions of the school environment, its impact on obesity, and the potential impact of legislation regulating schools' food/beverage offerings. Methods Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the principal (n = 8 and dietitian/food service manager (n = 7 at 8 schools (4 rural, 4 suburban participating in a larger study examining the relationship between the school environment and adolescent health behavior patterns. Results Principal themes included: 1 Obesity is a problem in general, but not at their school, 2 Schools have been unfairly targeted above more salient factors (e.g., community and home environment, 3 Attempts at change should start before high school, 4 Student health is one priority area among multiple competing demands; academic achievement is the top priority, 5 Legislation should be informed by educators and better incorporate the school's perspective. Food service themes included: 1 Obesity is not a problem at their school; school food service is not the cause, 2 Food offerings are based largely on the importance of preparing students for the real world by providing choice and the need to maintain high participation rates; both healthy and unhealthy options are available, 3 A la carte keeps lunch participation high and prices low but should be used as a supplement, not a replacement, to the main meal, 4 Vending provides school's additional revenue; vending is not part of food service and is appropriate if it does not interfere with the lunch program. Conclusion Discrepancies exist between government/public health officials and school personnel that may inhibit collaborative efforts to address obesity through modifications to the school environment. Future policy initiatives may be enhanced by seeking the input of school personnel, providing recommendations firmly grounded in evidence-based practice, framing initiatives in terms of their potential impact on the

  11. The High School Dropout Problem: Perspectives of Teachers and Principals (United States)

    Bridgeland, John M.; Dilulio, John J., Jr.; Balfanz, Robert


    To better understand the views of teachers and administrators on the high school dropout problem, focus groups and nationally representative surveys were conducted of high school teachers and principals. A focus group of superintendents and school board members was also included. To help interpret the results, the authors convened a colloquium…

  12. High school mathematics teachers' perspectives on the purposes of mathematical proof in school mathematics (United States)

    Dickerson, David S.; Doerr, Helen M.


    Proof serves many purposes in mathematics. In this qualitative study of 17 high school mathematics teachers, we found that these teachers perceived that two of the most important purposes for proof in school mathematics were (a) to enhance students' mathematical understanding and (b) to develop generalized thinking skills that were transferable to other fields of endeavor. We found teachers were divided on the characteristics (or features) of proofs that would serve these purposes. Teachers with less experience tended to believe that proofs in the high school should adhere to strict standards of language and reasoning while teachers with more experience tended to believe that proofs based on concrete or visual features were well suited for high school mathematics. This study has implications for teacher preparation because it appears that there is a wide variation in how teachers think about proof. It seems likely that students would experience proof very differently merely because they were seated in different classrooms.

  13. High School Teachers' Identities: Constructing Civic Selves (United States)

    Obenchain, Kathryn M.; Balkute, Asta; Vaughn, Erin; White, Shannon


    Research suggests that teachers play a role in the type of citizenship education implemented in schools. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore how two high school teachers understood and enacted their civic identities as a dimension of their teacher identities. Findings suggest that factors contributing to an individual's civic…

  14. Sports-Related Emergency Preparedness in Oregon High Schools. (United States)

    Johnson, Samuel T; Norcross, Marc F; Bovbjerg, Viktor E; Hoffman, Mark A; Chang, Eunwook; Koester, Michael C

    Best practice recommendations for sports-related emergency preparation include implementation of venue-specific emergency action plans (EAPs), access to early defibrillation, and first responders-specifically coaches-trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillator (AED) use. The objective was to determine whether high schools had implemented these 3 recommendations and whether schools with a certified athletic trainer (AT) were more likely to have done so. Schools with an AT were more likely to have implemented the recommendations. Cross-sectional study. Level 4. All Oregon School Activities Association member school athletic directors were invited to complete a survey on sports-related emergency preparedness and AT availability at their school. Chi-square and Fisher exact tests were used to analyze the associations between emergency preparedness and AT availability. In total, 108 respondents (37% response rate) completed the survey. Exactly half reported having an AT available. Only 11% (95% CI, 6%-19%) of the schools had implemented all 3 recommendations, 29% (95% CI, 21%-39%) had implemented 2, 32% (95% CI, 24%-42%) had implemented 1, and 27% (95% CI, 19%-36%) had not implemented any of the recommendations. AT availability was associated with implementation of the recommendations (χ 2 = 10.3, P = 0.02), and the proportion of schools with ATs increased with the number of recommendations implemented (χ 2 = 9.3, P Schools with an AT were more likely to implement venue-specific EAPs (52% vs 24%, P schools were inadequately prepared for sports-related emergencies. Schools with an AT were more likely to implement some, but not all, of the recommendations. Policy changes may be needed to improve implementation. Most Oregon high schools need to do more to prepare for sports-related emergencies. The results provide evidence for sports medicine professionals and administrators to inform policy changes that ensure the safety of athletes.

  15. Publishing the pamphlet of radiation education for junior high school students

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamezawa, Chika; Kamogawa, Masashi; Kanai, Yuko; Nishiura, Shingo; Banda, Kiyomi; Arakawa, Etsuo


    We made supplementary materials of the radiation education as a pamphlet for junior high school students along the government course guidelines for junior high school pressed by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The pamphlet was published as booklet and calendar. For teachers at junior high schools, a pdf file of the booklet was also appended. The pamphlet focused natural phenomenon and latest researches in the radiation science. Many pictures in the booklet could help students to study the radiation science visually. For 100 days since March 2012 published day, 4119 booklets had been distributed to junior high schools and other schools of applicants, free of charge. (author)

  16. Developing Cloud Chambers with High School Students (United States)

    Ishizuka, Ryo; Tan, Nobuaki; Sato, Shoma; Zeze, Syoji

    The result and outcome of the cloud chamber project, which aims to develop a cloud chamber useful for science education is reported in detail. A project includes both three high school students and a teacher as a part of Super Science High School (SSH) program in our school. We develop a dry-ice-free cloud chamber using salt and ice (or snow). Technical details of the chamber are described. We also argue how the project have affected student's cognition, motivation, academic skills and behavior. The research project has taken steps of professional researchers, i.e., in planning research, applying fund, writing a paper and giving a talk in conferences. From interviews with students, we have learnt that such style of scientific activity is very effective in promoting student's motivation for learning science.

  17. Transition from high schools to engineering education

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kolmos, Anette; Holgaard, Jette Egelund; Clausen, Nicolaj Riise


    Pre-university engineering education has received increasing attention to attract more students to engineering and make them better prepared to enter engineering studies at university level. Denmark is one of the countries that offer established high school curriculum that makes engineering...... the core identity of the school. In a longitudinal research project, the cohort of all Danish engineering students who were enrolled in 2010 has been followed. This study takes a quantitative approach to highlight the differences in preparedness for engineering students who have a background...... themselves as being better prepared in relation to the conduct of experiments, engineering analysis and tolls, as well as in relation to process competences as design, problem solving and teamwork. The students from the profession-oriented high schools also find themselves better prepared in relation...

  18. Early predictors of high school mathematics achievement. (United States)

    Siegler, Robert S; Duncan, Greg J; Davis-Kean, Pamela E; Duckworth, Kathryn; Claessens, Amy; Engel, Mimi; Susperreguy, Maria Ines; Chen, Meichu


    Identifying the types of mathematics content knowledge that are most predictive of students' long-term learning is essential for improving both theories of mathematical development and mathematics education. To identify these types of knowledge, we examined long-term predictors of high school students' knowledge of algebra and overall mathematics achievement. Analyses of large, nationally representative, longitudinal data sets from the United States and the United Kingdom revealed that elementary school students' knowledge of fractions and of division uniquely predicts those students' knowledge of algebra and overall mathematics achievement in high school, 5 or 6 years later, even after statistically controlling for other types of mathematical knowledge, general intellectual ability, working memory, and family income and education. Implications of these findings for understanding and improving mathematics learning are discussed.

  19. The Characteristics of High School Department Chairs: A National Perspective (United States)

    DeAngelis, Karen J.


    Department chairs occupy a potentially important leadership position in high schools, yet little is known about them, particularly with regard to who they are and how they compare to other high school teachers. This is surprising given growing expectations for distributed leadership practice in schools. In this study, I utilize a national dataset…

  20. School Socioeconomic Classification, Funding, and the New Jersey High School Proficiency Assessment (HSPA) (United States)

    Bao, D. H.; Romeo, George C.; Harvey, Roberta


    This study examines the relationship between educational effectiveness, as measured by the New Jersey High School Proficiency Assessment (HSPA), and funding of school districts based on socioeconomic classification. Results indicate there is a strong relationship between performance in HSPA, socioeconomic classification, and the different sources…

  1. Factors Affecting Burnout and School Engagement among High School Students: Study Habits, Self- Efficacy Beliefs, and Academic Success (United States)

    Bilge, Filiz; Tuzgol Dost, Meliha; Cetin, Bayram


    This study examines high school students' levels of burnout and school engagement with respect to academic success, study habits, and self-efficacy beliefs. The data were gathered during the 2011-2012 school year from 633 students attending six high schools located in Ankara, Turkey. The analyses were conducted on responses from 605 students. The…

  2. Inequality in Black and White High School Students' Perceptions of School Support: An Examination of Race in Context. (United States)

    Bottiani, Jessika H; Bradshaw, Catherine P; Mendelson, Tamar


    Supportive relationships with adults at school are critical to student engagement in adolescence. Additional research is needed to understand how students' racial backgrounds interact with the school context to shape their perceptions of school support. This study employed multilevel, latent variable methods with a sample of Black and White students (N = 19,726, 35.8 % Black, 49.9 % male, mean age = 15.9) in 58 high schools to explore variation in perceived caring, equity, and high expectations by student race, school diversity, and socioeconomic context. The results indicated that Black students perceived less caring and equity relative to White students overall, and that equity and high expectations were lower in diverse schools for both Black and White students. Nonetheless, racial disparities were attenuated in more diverse schools. The findings point to the need for intervention to improve perceptions of school support for Black youth and for all students in lower income and more diverse schools.

  3. Place Attachment and Place Disruption: The Perceptions of Selected Adults and High School Students on a Rural School District Reorganization. (United States)

    Wieland, Regi Leann


    Interviews with adult residents and high school students in two rural Kansas communities that had consolidated their high schools found that adults in the community that lost its high school had more negative reactions and feelings of loss than adults in the community that retained its high school. Student reactions were generally positive.…

  4. Teacher Reflective Practice in Jesuit High Schools (United States)

    Klug, Joseph H.


    Teachers who engage in reflective practice are more effective and may encourage higher student achievement. The purpose of this study is to explore and describe the methods that teachers use in order to engage in reflective practice. Further, it is essential to gain an understanding of how schools, including Jesuit high schools, promote reflective…

  5. Cultures of Learning in Effective High Schools (United States)

    Tichnor-Wagner, Ariel; Harrison, Christopher; Cohen-Vogel, Lora


    Purpose: Research indicates that a culture of learning is a key factor in building high schools that foster academic achievement in all students. Yet less is known about which elements of a culture of learning differentiate schools with higher levels of academic performance. To fill this gap, this comparative case study examined the cultures of…

  6. Perceptions of Missouri High School Principals Regarding the Effectiveness of In-School Suspension as a Disciplinary Procedure. (United States)

    Billings, Ward H.; Enger, John M.

    This paper presents findings of a study that examined Missouri high school principals' perceptions of the effectiveness of various disciplinary procedures, with a focus on in-school suspension (ISS). A survey mailed to 200 Missouri high school principals elicited 159 responses, a 77 percent response rate. The questionnaire asked principals to…

  7. Meanings of living in lodgings during senior high school

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wannebo, Wenche; Devik, Siri Andreassen; Uhrenfeldt, Lisbeth


    Studies show that senior high school students living in lodgings (away from home) when attending high school are vulnerable to stress and mental health problems. Moving away from home at the age of 15-16 is a transition that might affect adolescents' well-being. The aim of this study is to explore...... the experience of living in lodgings during senior high school. In-depth interviews were conducted with 21 Norwegian lodgers of both genders between the ages of 16-18. Interviews were analyzed according to a phenomenological hermeneutical approach. Four main themes were identified: (a) striving between...

  8. Gait analysis by high school students

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heck, A.; van Dongen, C.


    Human walking is a complicated motion. Movement scientists have developed various research methods to study gait. This article describes how a high school student collected and analysed high quality gait data in much the same way that movement scientists do, via the recording and measurement of

  9. Academic attainment and the high school science experiences among high-achieving African American males (United States)

    Trice, Rodney Nathaniel

    This study examines the educational experiences of high achieving African American males. More specifically, it analyzes the influences on their successful navigation through high school science. Through a series of interviews, observations, questionnaires, science portfolios, and review of existing data the researcher attempted to obtain a deeper understanding of high achieving African American males and their limitations to academic attainment and high school science experiences. The investigation is limited to ten high achieving African American male science students at Woodcrest High School. Woodcrest is situated at the cross section of a suburban and rural community located in the southeastern section of the United States. Although this investigation involves African American males, all of whom are successful in school, its findings should not be generalized to this nor any other group of students. The research question that guided this study is: What are the limitations to academic attainment and the high school science experiences of high achieving African American males? The student participants expose how suspension and expulsion, special education placement, academic tracking, science instruction, and teacher expectation influence academic achievement. The role parents play, student self-concept, peer relationships, and student learning styles are also analyzed. The anthology of data rendered three overarching themes: (1) unequal access to education, (2) maintenance of unfair educational structures, and (3) authentic characterizations of African American males. Often the policies and practices set in place by school officials aid in creating hurdles to academic achievement. These policies and practices are often formed without meaningful consideration of the unintended consequences that may affect different student populations, particularly the most vulnerable. The findings from this study expose that high achieving African American males face major

  10. Aggressive Students and High School Dropout: An Event History Analysis (United States)

    Orozco, Steven R.


    Aggressive students often struggle in multiple domains of their school functioning and are at increased risk for high school dropout. Research has identified a variety of warning flags which are strong predictors of high school dropout. While it is known that aggressive students exhibit many of these warning flags, there is little research which…

  11. Mental skills of South African male high school rugby players ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The aim of this study was to establish preliminary South African high school rugby norms for the BMSQ. The sample consisted of 152 male high school rugby players from two schools in the Ethekwini region. Preliminary norms are presented in the form of means and standard deviations. Results are compared with those of ...

  12. Centauri High School Teacher Honored as Colorado Outstanding Biology (United States)

    Teacher Centauri High School Teacher Honored as Colorado Outstanding Biology Teacher For more information contact: e:mail: Public Affairs Golden, Colo., May 2, 1997 -- Tracy Swedlund, biology teacher at Centauri High School in LaJara, was selected as Colorado's 1997 Outstanding Biology Teacher and will be

  13. Turnaround High School Principals: Recruit, Prepare and Empower Leaders of Change. (United States)

    Schmidt-Davis, Jon; Bottoms, Gene


    Recent studies make one reality clear: While multiple factors can cause a low-performing high school to be in a turnaround situation, every high school that makes dramatic academic improvement has strong, effective school leadership. Turning a school around is no work for novices. It takes a skilled, visionary and proactive principal to pull apart…

  14. Solving Multiple Timetabling Problems at Danish High Schools

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristiansen, Simon

    name; Elective Course Student Sectioning. The problem is solved using ALNS and solutions are proven to be close to optimum. The algorithm has been implemented and made available for the majority of the high schools in Denmark. The second Student Sectioning problem presented is the sectioning of each...... high schools. Two types of consultations are presented; the Parental Consultation Timetabling Problem (PCTP) and the Supervisor Consultation Timetabling Problem (SCTP). One mathematical model containing both consultation types has been created and solved using an ALNS approach. The received solutions...... problems as mathematical models and solve them using operational research techniques. Two of the models and the suggested solution methods have resulted in implementations in an actual decision support software, and are hence available for the majority of the high schools in Denmark. These implementations...

  15. Sexuella trakasserier och identitetsskapande bland unga


    Runsö, Anna


    Sexual harassments have since long been an issue all over the world and schools have not been an exception. Reports from Swedish secondary schools show how 47% of the female pupils state that they have, sometime during their time in school, been the victim of sexual harassment. Other studies claim that pupils exposed to sexual harassments will develop low self-esteem and a decreased sense of self. The Swedish curriculum state that all children shall have the right to a harassment free school ...

  16. Successful Transition to High School. Research Brief (United States)

    Education Partnerships, Inc., 2012


    What steps can be taken to assure that 8th graders make a successful transition to 9th grade? More students fail ninth grade than any other grade level. When middle school students took part in high school transition programs with a variety of different articulation activities, fewer students were retained in ninth grade. Ideally, these transition…

  17. Technology Leadership in Malaysia's High Performance School (United States)

    Yieng, Wong Ai; Daud, Khadijah Binti


    Headmaster as leader of the school also plays a role as a technology leader. This applies to the high performance schools (HPS) headmaster as well. The HPS excel in all aspects of education. In this study, researcher is interested in examining the role of the headmaster as a technology leader through interviews with three headmasters of high…

  18. Examining the Internet Addiction Levels of High School Senior Students (United States)

    Aydemir, Hasan


    In the present study, the internet addiction status of high school senior students in Yesilyurt county of Malatya was analyzed and examined in terms of gender variable. The study population consisted of 3442 senior students who were studying at 37 high schools in state schools in Yesilyurt County of the city of Malatya in 2016-2017 academic year.…

  19. A Workshop for High School Students on Naive Set Theory (United States)

    Wegner, Sven-Ake


    In this article we present the prototype of a workshop on naive set theory designed for high school students in or around the seventh year of primary education. Our concept is based on two events which the author organized in 2006 and 2010 for students of elementary school and high school, respectively. The article also includes a practice report…

  20. Biology Factual Knowledge at Eleventh Grade of Senior High School Students in Pacitan based on Favorite Schools (United States)

    Yustiana, I. A.; Paidi; Mercuriani, I. S.


    This study aimed to determine the Biology factual knowledge at eleventh grade of senior high school students in Pacitan based on favorite schools. This research was a descriptive research by using survey method. The population in this study was all of senior high school students in Pacitan. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique and obtained 3 favorite schools and 3 non-favorite schools. The technique of collecting data used test form which was as the instrument of the research. Data analysis technique used Mann-Whitney U test. Based on the test, it was obtained p = 0,000 (p <0,05) so there was a significant difference between the factual knowledge of the students in the favorite schools and non-favorite schools in Pacitan. The factual knowledge of students in favorite schools was higher with an average of 5.32 while non-favorite schools were obtained an average of 4.36.

  1. Bullying Victimization and Student Engagement in Elementary, Middle, and High Schools: Moderating Role of School Climate (United States)

    Yang, Chunyan; Sharkey, Jill D.; Reed, Lauren A.; Chen, Chun; Dowdy, Erin


    Bullying is the most common form of school violence and is associated with a range of negative outcomes, including traumatic responses. This study used hierarchical linear modeling to examine the multilevel moderating effects of school climate and school level (i.e., elementary, middle, and high schools) on the association between bullying…

  2. Expectations of Students about Astronomy in High School (United States)

    Peixoto, Denis Eduardo; Kleinke, Maurício Urban


    Current literature reports that the astronomy education is motivating and interesting for basic education, but the content suggested by the national curriculum guidelines do not seem to attract students and teachers in order to transcend the discipline of Science in the elementary School or Physics in High School. By applying a questionnaire to 80 students of High School and participants of Brazilian Olympiad of Astronomy and Astronautics of two schools of São Paulo state, we obtained results that indicate that astronomy topics that really motivate students are topics linked to science fiction and current research, which are the subject of extensive media release and have a strong interdisciplinary character. At the end of the work we suggest a new context for astronomy education, by inserting topics combined with other areas of knowledge to what we call “interdisciplinary astrophysics teaching”.

  3. Lifestyles and psychosomatic symptoms among elementary school students and junior high school students. (United States)

    Isshiki, Yuriko; Morimoto, Kanehisa


    To examine the relationship between lifestyles and psychosomatic symptoms in children, we conducted a self-administered questionnaire survey of elementary school students and junior high school students in Japan. We designed an original questionnaire to investigate the lifestyles and psychosomatic symptoms of children. In 1997, responses to the questionnaires were elicited from public elementary school fourth grade students (then aged 9-10) and public junior high school seventh grade students (then aged 12-13). The survey was repeated annually for three years as the students advanced through school. For both boys and girls, each cross-sectional analysis revealed a strong relationship between lifestyle behaviors and psychosomatic symptoms. Psychosomatic, symptoms scores varied according to daily hours of sleep, eating of breakfast, having strong likes and dislikes of food, bowel habits, and daily hours of television watching. Both boys and girls with "good" lifestyle, behaviors evaluated by the HPI (Health Practice Index) showed lower scores for psychosomatic symptoms. These findings show that the lifestyle behaviors of children are significantly associated with psychosomatic symptoms and suggest that poor lifestyle behaviors are likely to increase physical and psychological health risks.

  4. The Incidence of the Tuition-Free High School Program in Japan (United States)

    Hori, Masahiro; Shimizutani, Satoshi


    This paper examines the effect of a tuition-free high school program launched in FY2010 in Japan on the high school enrollment rate and household spending. We have some interesting findings. First, the program contributed to improvement in the high school enrollment rate for poorer households. Second, the program stimulated household spending…

  5. Characteristics of High School Students' and Science Teachers' Cognitive Frame about Effective Teaching Method for High School Science Subject (United States)

    Chung, Duk Ho; Park, Kyeong-Jin; Cho, Kyu Seong


    We investigated the cognitive frame of high school students and inservice high school science teachers about effective teaching method, and we also explored how they understood about the teaching methods suggested by the 2009 revised Science Curriculum. Data were collected from 275 high school science teachers and 275 high school students. We analyzed data in terms of the words and the cognitive frame using the Semantic Network Analysis. The results were as follows. First, the teachers perceived that an activity oriented class was the effective science class that helped improve students'' problem-solving abilities and their inquiry skills. The students had the cognitive frame that their teacher had to present relevant and enough teaching materials to students, and that they should also receive assistance from teachers in science class to better prepare for college entrance exam. Second, both students and teachers retained the cognitive frame about the efficient science class that was not reflected 2009 revised Science Curriculum exactly. Especially, neither groups connected the elements of ''convergence'' as well as ''integration'' embedded across science subject areas to their cognitive frame nor cognized the fact that many science learning contents were closed related to one another. Therefore, various professional development opportunities should be offered so that teachers succinctly comprehend the essential features and the intents of the 2009 revised Science Curriculum and thereby implement it in their science lessons effectively. Keywords : semantic network analysis, cognitive frame, teaching method, science lesson

  6. Can the American High School become an Avenue of Advancement for All? (United States)

    Balfanz, Robert


    As the twenty-first century opens, says Robert Balfanz, the United States is developing a deep social consensus that American high schools should ensure that all adolescents graduate from high school prepared for postsecondary schooling and training. Balfanz asks how well high schools are succeeding in this mission and whether they can ultimately…

  7. Vital Signs: Exposure to Electronic Cigarette Advertising Among Middle School and High School Students - United States, 2014. (United States)

    Singh, Tushar; Marynak, Kristy; Arrazola, René A; Cox, Shanna; Rolle, Italia V; King, Brian A


    Electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) use has increased considerably among U.S. youths since 2011. Tobacco use among youths in any form, including e-cigarettes, is unsafe. Tobacco product advertising can persuade youths to start using tobacco. CDC analyzed data from the 2014 National Youth Tobacco Survey to estimate the prevalence of e-cigarette advertisement exposure among U.S. middle school and high school students. The 2014 National Youth Tobacco Survey, a school-based survey of middle school and high school students in grades 6-12, included 22,007 participants. Exposure to e-cigarette advertisements (categorized as "sometimes," "most of the time," or "always") was assessed for four sources: retail stores, Internet, TV and movies, and newspapers and magazines. Weighted exposure estimates were assessed overall and by school type, sex, race/ethnicity, and grade. In 2014, 68.9% of middle and high school students (18.3 million) were exposed to e-cigarette advertisements from at least one source. Among middle school students, exposure was highest for retail stores (52.8%), followed by Internet (35.8%), TV and movies (34.1%), and newspapers and magazines (25.0%). Among high school students, exposure was highest for retail stores (56.3%), followed by Internet (42.9%), TV and movies (38.4%), and newspapers and magazines (34.6%). Among middle school students, 23.4% reported exposure to e-cigarette advertising from one source, 17.4% from two sources, 13.7% from three sources, and 11.9% from four sources. Among high school students, 21.1% reported exposure to e-cigarette advertising from one source, 17.0% from two sources, 14.5% from three sources, and 18.2% from four sources. Approximately seven in 10 U.S. middle and high school students were exposed to e-cigarette advertisements in 2014. Exposure to e-cigarette advertisements might contribute to increased use of e-cigarettes among youths. Multiple approaches are warranted to reduce youth e-cigarette use and exposure to e

  8. School Violence, Social Support and Psychological Health among Taiwanese Junior High School Students (United States)

    Chen, Ji-Kang; Wei, Hsi-Sheng


    Objectives: This paper examines how peer social support mediates the association between school victimization and student psychological health among junior-high students in an Asian context (Taiwan), and further examines how gender and ethnicity differ in the interrelationships of school violence, peer social support and psychological health.…

  9. The effect of the flipped classroom on urban high school students' motivation and academic achievement in a high school science course (United States)

    Dixon, Keshia L.

    This study investigated the effect of the flipped classroom on urban high school students' motivation and academic achievement in a high school science course. In this quantitative study, the sample population was comprised of North Star High School 12th grade students enrolled in human anatomy and physiology. A quasi-experimental, pretest-posttest non-equivalent group design was conducted. After receipt of Liberty University Institutional Review Board approval and the school district's Department of Research and Evaluation for School Improvement, students completed a pretest comprised of the Science Motivation Questionnaire II (SMQ-II) and the Human Anatomy and Physiology Unit Test. Participants in the experimental group engaged in the treatment, the flipped classroom, using instructional materials on the educational website, Edmodo(TM), and applied content material taught using hands-on activities inclusive of assigned laboratory experiments. Participants in the control group received instruction using traditional face-to-face lecture-homework format while also engaging in assigned laboratory experiments. After the completion of the treatment all participants completed a posttest. Data from both the pretest and posttest was statistically analyzed individually using two separate one-way ANOVA/ANCOVA analyses; and researcher reported the results of the statistical analyses. After completion of the analyses, and interpretation of the results, recommendations for future research were given.

  10. High School Students' Representations and Understandings of Electric Fields (United States)

    Cao, Ying; Brizuela, Bárbara M.


    This study investigates the representations and understandings of electric fields expressed by Chinese high school students 15 to 16 years old who have not received high school level physics instruction. The physics education research literature has reported students' conceptions of electric fields post-instruction as indicated by students'…

  11. Epidemiology of soccer-related injuries among male high school ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Soccer in Rwandan high schools can expose players to the risk of injury warranting prevention programmes. The aim of this study was to determine the type, causes, severity and management of injuries among high school soccer players in Rwanda, in order to obtain baseline data for injury prevention programmes.

  12. Financial Literacy of High School Students: Evidence from Germany (United States)

    Erner, Carsten; Goedde-Menke, Michael; Oberste, Michael


    After graduating high school, underage individuals soon face ever more complex and important financial decisions. Pivotal to the development of improved financial literacy programs is a comprehensive examination of financial literacy levels and potentially related factors. The authors conducted a survey among German high school students and found…

  13. Adjustment of High School Dropouts in Closed Religious Communities (United States)

    Itzhaki, Yael; Itzhaky, Haya; Yablon, Yaacov B.


    Background: While extensive research has been done on high-school dropouts' adjustment, there is little data on dropouts from closed religious communities. Objective: This study examines the contribution of personal and social resources to the adjustment of high school dropouts in Ultraorthodox Jewish communities in Israel. Method: Using a…

  14. The Family Liaison Position in High-Poverty, Urban Schools (United States)

    Dretzke, Beverly J.; Rickers, Susan R.


    This study examined the roles and responsibilities of family liaisons working in urban schools with enrollments characterized by high poverty, high mobility, and ethnic diversity. Results indicated that the major responsibilities of the liaisons were creating a trusting and welcoming environment, facilitating parent involvement in the school,…

  15. The Treatment of Wealth Distribution by High School Economics Textbooks (United States)

    Neumann, Richard


    This article presents findings from an investigation of the treatment of wealth distribution by high school economics textbooks. The eight leading high school economics texts in the United States were examined.

  16. Suggestions for English Culture Teaching in High School

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Cai Hongjuan


    With the implementation of the new High School English Curriculum Standards, more and more people have realized the importance of English culture teaching. To realize the goals of English teaching, teachers should cultivate students' culture awareness and develop their intercultural communicative competence. But in the actual teaching, culture teaching did not get real implementation. So the author puts forwards some suggestions for English culture teaching in high school.

  17. Case Study: Fort Mill High School--A Culture of Continuous Improvement (United States)

    Southern Regional Education Board (SREB), 2014


    This is the latest in a series of case studies highlighting best practices High Schools That Work (HSTW) network schools and districts are implementing to prepare students better for further studies and careers. Fort Mill High School is in Fort Mill, South Carolina, an outlying suburb of Charlotte, North Carolina. Fort Mill links high quality…

  18. Total Quality Management (TQM) Practices and School Climate amongst High, Average and Low Performance Secondary Schools (United States)

    Ismail, Siti Noor


    Purpose: This study attempted to determine whether the dimensions of TQM practices are predictors of school climate. It aimed to identify the level of TQM practices and school climate in three different categories of schools, namely high, average and low performance schools. The study also sought to examine which dimensions of TQM practices…

  19. Cyberbullying, school bullying, and psychological distress: a regional census of high school students. (United States)

    Schneider, Shari Kessel; O'Donnell, Lydia; Stueve, Ann; Coulter, Robert W S


    Using data from a regional census of high school students, we have documented the prevalence of cyberbullying and school bullying victimization and their associations with psychological distress. In the fall of 2008, 20,406 ninth- through twelfth-grade students in MetroWest Massachusetts completed surveys assessing their bullying victimization and psychological distress, including depressive symptoms, self-injury, and suicidality. A total of 15.8% of students reported cyberbullying and 25.9% reported school bullying in the past 12 months. A majority (59.7%) of cyberbullying victims were also school bullying victims; 36.3% of school bullying victims were also cyberbullying victims. Victimization was higher among nonheterosexually identified youths. Victims report lower school performance and school attachment. Controlled analyses indicated that distress was highest among victims of both cyberbullying and school bullying (adjusted odds ratios [AORs] were from 4.38 for depressive symptoms to 5.35 for suicide attempts requiring medical treatment). Victims of either form of bullying alone also reported elevated levels of distress. Our findings confirm the need for prevention efforts that address both forms of bullying and their relation to school performance and mental health.

  20. Early high school engagement in students with attention/deficit hyperactivity disorder. (United States)

    Zendarski, Nardia; Sciberras, Emma; Mensah, Fiona; Hiscock, Harriet


    Students with attention/deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) continue to languish behind their peers with regard to academic achievement and education attainment. School engagement is potentially modifiable, and targeting engagement may be a means to improve education outcomes. To investigate school engagement for students with ADHD during the crucial high school transition period and to identify factors associated with low school engagement. Participants are adolescents (12-15 years) in the first and third year of high school with diagnosed ADHD (n = 130). Participants were recruited from 21 paediatric practices. Cross-sectional study assessing school engagement. Data were collected through direct assessment and child, parent, and teacher surveys. School engagement is measured as student attitudes to school (cognitive and emotional) and suspension rates (behavioural). Multivariable regression analyses examined student, family, and school factors affecting engagement. In comparison with state data, students with ADHD in the first year of high school were less motivated (p comparison to state-wide suspensions (21% vs. 6%, p < .01). Explanatory factors for poor attitudes include adolescent depression, poor adolescent supervision, and devaluing education. Conduct problems and increased hyperactivity were related to increased likelihood of being suspended, whilst higher cognitive ability, family socio-economic status, and independent schools reduced risk. Potentially modifiable individual and family factors including adolescent depression, behavioural problems, education values, and family supervision could be targeted to better manage the high school transition for students with ADHD. © 2017 The British Psychological Society.

  1. High School Astronomical Research at the Army and Navy Academy (United States)

    Boyce, Pat; Boyce, Grady


    Establishment of a high school astronomy and research program is a difficult task to accomplish in an environment of state mandated high school educational curricula and the task saturation for many teachers today created by their class room and administrative requirements. This environment is most challenging for public schools. The astronomy program we will describe seems to be better suited at least at the present time for private or specialized schools. We will outline how a broad astronomy program was developed over two years at the Army and Navy Academy (ANA), a private boarding school in Carlsbad, California. Starting with no astronomy program in 2013, the Academy now has an astronomy club, a University of California a-g certified two semester high school course, and a college accredited astronomy research seminar with over 20 published high school authors.At ANA the development followed this path: finding a strong proponent at the school who can make actionable decisions; building interest and perceived value to other staff and faculty members; establishing an astronomy club to generate student interest and future student leaders; and designing the a-g certified high school course including the course length, structure and balance of teaching elements. Building on these foundations, the college level astronomy research seminar was then added to provide an avenue for inspired students to undertake actual research and publication of their work in scientific journals in their free time for college credit.Creating a sustainable program with supporting infrastructure comes next. Success with the three foundation steps builds confidence in the program with faculty and staff. Published, tangible successes highlight the value and enable advanced placement and scholarship opportunities for graduates. These successes build enthusiasm. The further keys to sustainability include addressing course credit, instructor compensation and rewards, and integration into the

  2. Examining Relational Engagement across the Transition to High Schools in Three US High Schools Reformed to Improve Relationship Quality (United States)

    Davis, Heather A.; Chang, Mei-Lin; Andrzejewski, Carey E.; Poirier, Ryan R.


    The purpose of this study was to examine changes in students' relational engagement across the transition to high school in three schools reformed to improve the quality of student-teacher relationships. In order to analyze this data we employed latent growth curve (LGC) modeling techniques (n = 637). We ran three LGC models on three…

  3. Braille Goes to High School. (United States)

    Amato, Sheila


    This brief report describes the development and implementation of a unique, full-year, credit-bearing, technology course in literary Braille transcription offered at a Long Island (New York) high school. It describes the program's goals, development, implementation, students, ongoing activities, outreach efforts, and student attitudes. Suggestions…

  4. High School Teacher Perceptions of Empowerment (United States)

    Jacobs, Tricia S.


    As the responsibilities of principals become more complex and as accountability becomes more evident in K-12 cultures, it becomes increasingly important that high school principals be trained to empower teachers. This paper examined the research concerning the conditions of the empowerment of teachers. More specifically, it measured high school…

  5. The Role of School and Community-Based Programs in Aiding Latina/o High School Persistence (United States)

    Harris, Donna M.; Kiyama, Judy Marquez


    This study documents the important role school and community-based programs have for sustaining the persistence of Latina/o high school students in an urban, low achieving school district. Consensus among student participants revealed these programs provided a safe space where students were able to develop "confianza" (mutual trust) with…

  6. School and class-level variations and patterns of physical activity: a multilevel analysis of Danish high school students. (United States)

    Steenholt, Carina Bjørnskov; Pisinger, Veronica Sofie Clara; Danquah, Ida Høgstedt; Tolstrup, Janne Schurmann


    There is limited knowledge of physical activity (PA) patterns among high school students. High schools plays an important role as context for the students, but it is uncertain to what extent schools influence student participation in PA during leisure time. The purpose of this study is to describe patterns of PA and assess variations between schools and classes in PA, in a large cohort of Danish high school students. Self-reported cross-sectional data came from The Danish National Youth Study, comprising a total of 70,674 students attending 119 different schools and 3213 classes. Multilevel logistic regressions were applied to evaluate the association between socio-demographic variables and patterns of PA, and to assess the impact of schools and classes on PA measures. Students whose parents have achieved a lower level of education, older students and girls of perceived ethnic minority generally participated less in several forms of PA during leisure time. Substantial variations between schools were observed in terms of participation in PA at school during leisure time and in terms of use of active transportation to and from school. The school-level accounted for 9% (intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) = 0.09 (95% CI: 0.06-0.11)) and 8% (ICC = 0.08 (95% CI: 0.07-0.11)) of the variation for participation in PA during leisure time and active transportation. Overall, students whose parents achieved a lower level of education, older students and girls of perceived ethnic minority represent vulnerable groups in relation to participation in several forms of PA during leisure time. The ICCs indicate that schools, in particular, have the potential to influence participation in PA at school during leisure time and active transportation to and from school. Thus, high schools should encourage and facilitate activities aimed at engaging students in PA during leisure time as well as encourage active transportation.

  7. High School Timetabling: Modeling and solving a large number of cases in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Matias; Stidsen, Thomas Riis


    for high school administration (available only for Danish high schools), which includes an embedded application for creating a weekly timetable. Currently, 230 high schools are customers of Lectio, and 191 have bought access to the timetabling software. This constitutes the majority of high schools...

  8. Active Learning of Geometrical Optics in High School: The ALOP Approach (United States)

    Alborch, Alejandra; Pandiella, Susana; Benegas, Julio


    A group comparison experiment of two high school classes with pre and post instruction testing has been carried out to study the suitability and advantages of using the active learning of optics and photonics (ALOP) curricula in high schools of developing countries. Two parallel, mixed gender, 12th grade classes of a high school run by the local…

  9. Astrobiology in an Urban New York City High School: John Dewey High School's Space Science Academy (United States)

    Fried, B.; Dash, H. B.


    John Dewey High School's participation in NASA's MESDT and DLN projects and other partnerships provide opportunities for our diverse population, focusing particular attention to under-represented and under-served groups in the field of Space Science.

  10. Self-Concept and Achievement Motivation of High School Students (United States)

    Lawrence, A. S. Arul; Vimala, A.


    The present study "Self-concept and Achievement Motivation of High School Students" was investigated to find the relationship between Self-concept and Achievement Motivation of High School Students. Data for the study were collected using Self-concept Questionnaire developed by Raj Kumar Saraswath (1984) and Achievement Motive Test (ACMT)…

  11. River City High School Guidance Services: A Conceptual Model. (United States)

    American Coll. Testing Program, Iowa City, IA.

    This model describes how the guidance staff at a hypothetical high school communicated the effectiveness of the guidance program to students, parents, teachers, and administrators. A description of the high school is presented, and guidance services and personnel are described. A conceptual model responding to student needs is outlined along with…

  12. Fears and Related Anxieties in Chinese High School Students (United States)

    Li, Huijun; Prevatt, Frances


    Chinese students from different high school settings face unique academic and emotional challenges. They are in a very vulnerable position due to high parent and teacher expectations and pressure to succeed in college entrance examinations and honour the family and the school. They are also vulnerable due to possible inappropriate parenting…

  13. Standards for the High School Psychology Course. ERIC Digest. (United States)

    Morganett, L. Lee

    The latest contribution to the content standards boom that began in the 1990s comes from the American Psychological Association (APA), which recently published "National Standards for the Teaching of High School Psychology." This Digest discusses: (1) the origin and purposes of the project to develop standards for high school psychology…

  14. Highly-Valued Reasons Muslim Caregivers Choose Evangelical Christian Schools (United States)

    Rumbaugh, Andrew E.


    This study investigated what were the most highly-valued reasons among Muslim caregivers for sending their children to Lebanese evangelical Christian schools. Muslim caregivers (N = 1,403) from four Lebanese evangelical Christian schools responded to determine what were the most highly-valued reasons for sending their children to an evangelical…

  15. Perspectives on High School Reform. NCREL Viewpoints, Volume 13 (United States)

    Learning Point Associates / North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL), 2005


    Viewpoints is a multimedia package containing two audio CDs and a brief, informative booklet. This volume of Viewpoints focuses on issues related to high school reform. This booklet offers background information explaining the issues surrounding high school reform with perspectives from research, policy, and practice. It also provides a list of…

  16. High school and college biology: A multi-level model of the effects of high school biology courses on student academic performance in introductory college biology courses (United States)

    Loehr, John Francis

    The issue of student preparation for college study in science has been an ongoing concern for both college-bound students and educators of various levels. This study uses a national sample of college students enrolled in introductory biology courses to address the relationship between high school biology preparation and subsequent introductory college biology performance. Multi-Level Modeling was used to investigate the relationship between students' high school science and mathematics experiences and college biology performance. This analysis controls for student demographic and educational background factors along with factors associated with the college or university attended. The results indicated that high school course-taking and science instructional experiences have the largest impact on student achievement in the first introductory college biology course. In particular, enrollment in courses, such as high school Calculus and Advanced Placement (AP) Biology, along with biology course content that focuses on developing a deep understanding of the topics is found to be positively associated with student achievement in introductory college biology. On the other hand, experiencing high numbers of laboratory activities, demonstrations, and independent projects along with higher levels of laboratory freedom are associated with negative achievement. These findings are relevant to high school biology teachers, college students, their parents, and educators looking beyond the goal of high school graduation.

  17. High-Poverty Urban High School Students' Plans for Higher Education: Weaving Their Own Safety Nets (United States)

    Cilesiz, Sebnem; Drotos, Stephanie M.


    This qualitative study investigates high-poverty urban high school students' views of and plans regarding higher education, using Bourdieu's theory of reproduction in education as theoretical framework. Interview data from 76 students from six high-poverty urban schools in a metropolitan area in the Midwestern United States were analyzed using…

  18. Who's Teaching What in High School Physics? (United States)

    White, Susan; Tyler, John


    During the 2012-13 school year, approximately 27,000 teachers taught at least one physics course in a U.S. high school. About one-third of those teachers have earned a degree in physics or physics education; the vast majority of the others have earned degrees in a variety of other science fields. About 53,000 physics classes were taught, ranging…

  19. Teacher Performance Trajectories in High- and Lower-Poverty Schools (United States)

    Xu, Zeyu; Özek, Umut; Hansen, Michael


    This study explores whether teacher performance trajectory over time differs by school-poverty settings. Focusing on elementary school mathematics teachers in North Carolina and Florida, we find no systematic relationship between school student poverty rates and teacher performance trajectories. In both high- (=60% free/reduced-price lunch [FRPL])…

  20. Energy Design Guidelines for High Performance Schools: Arctic and Subarctic Climates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The Energy Design Guidelines for High Performance Schools--Arctic and Subarctic Climates provides school boards, administrators, and design staff with guidance to help them make informed decisions about energy and environmental issues important to school systems and communities. These design guidelines outline high performance principles for the new or retrofit design of your K-12 school in arctic and subarctic climates. By incorporating energy improvements into their construction or renovation plans, schools can significantly reduce energy consumption and costs.

  1. ELWIRA "Plants, wood, steel, concrete - a lifecycle as construction materials": University meets school - science meets high school education (United States)

    Strauss-Sieberth, Alexandra; Strauss, Alfred; Kalny, Gerda; Rauch, Hans Peter; Loiskandl, Willibald


    The research project "Plants, wood, steel, concrete - a lifecycle as construction materials" (ELWIRA) is in the framework of the Sparkling Science programme performed by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences together with the Billroth Gymnasium in Vienna. The targets of a Sparkling Science project are twofold (a) research and scientific activities should already be transferred in the education methods of schools in order to fascinate high school students for scientific methods and to spark young people's interest in research, and (b) exciting research questions not solved and innovative findings should be addressed. The high school students work together with the scientists on their existing research questions improve the school's profile and the high school student knowledge in the investigated Sparkling Science topic and can lead to a more diverse viewing by the involvement of the high school students. In the project ELWIRA scientists collaborate with the school to quantify and evaluate the properties of classical building materials like concrete and natural materials like plants and woodlogs in terms of their life cycle through the use of different laboratory and field methods. The collaboration with the high school students is structured in workshops, laboratory work and fieldworks. For an efficient coordination/communication, learning and research progress new advanced electronic media like "Moodle classes/courses" have been used and utilized by the high school students with great interest. The Moodle classes are of high importance in the knowledge transfer in the dialogue with the high school students. The research project is structured into four main areas associated with the efficiencies of building materials: (a) the aesthetic feeling of people in terms of the appearance of materials and associated structures will be evaluated by means of jointly developed and collected questionnaires. The analysis, interpretation and evaluation are carried

  2. A Pilot Study of a Kindergarten Summer School Reading Program in High-Poverty Urban Schools (United States)

    Denton, Carolyn A.; Solari, Emily J.; Ciancio, Dennis J.; Hecht, Steven A.; Swank, Paul R.


    This pilot study examined an implementation of a kindergarten summer school reading program in 4 high-poverty urban schools. The program targeted both basic reading skills and oral language development. Students were randomly assigned to a treatment group (n = 25) or a typical practice comparison group (n = 28) within each school; however,…


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. V. Shmatkova


    Full Text Available The complexes [SnCl4(2-OH-HB-4R-b] ·CH3CN (R = 4-OCH3 (І, 4-Br(II were obtained by interaction of SnCl4 with salicyloylhydrazones 4–R- benzaldehydes (2-OH-HB-4R-b in acetonitrile. The composition and structure (O(C=O-N(CH=N – the coordination of ligand’s amide form were established by element analysis methods, conductometry, thermogravimetry and IR spectroscopy. It was studied the anti-inflammatory activity of (I, II and previously synthesized, structurally characterized [SnCl4(2-OH-HB-4R-b∙H] (R=N (CH32 (III in model of aseptic carrageenan induced swelling, and it is shown that compound (II demonstrates the highest activity.

  4. Examining Gender Inequality in a High School Engineering Course (United States)

    Riegle-Crumb, Catherine; Moore, Chelsea


    This paper examines gender inequality within the context of an upper-level high school engineering course recently offered in Texas. Data was collected from six high schools that serve students from a variety of backgrounds. Among the almost two hundred students who enrolled in this challenge-based engineering course, females constituted a clear…

  5. Teen Dating Violence Victimization Among High School Students: A Multilevel Analysis of School-Level Risk Factors. (United States)

    Parker, Elizabeth M; Johnson, Sarah Lindstrom; Debnam, Katrina J; Milam, Adam J; Bradshaw, Catherine P


    Much etiologic research has focused on individual-level risk factors for teen dating violence (TDV); therefore, less is known about school-level and neighborhood-level risk factors. We examined the association between alcohol outlet density around high schools and TDV victimization and the association between markers of physical disorder around schools and TDV victimization among adolescents. Data come from high school students participating in the Maryland Safe and Supportive Schools Initiative. Alcohol outlet density was calculated using walking distance buffers around schools. An observational tool was used to assess indicators of physical disorder on school property (eg, alcohol and drug paraphernalia). Hierarchical linear modeling was used to identify student- and school-level predictors associated with TDV victimization. Overall, 11% of students reported experiencing physical TDV and 11% reported experiencing psychological TDV over the past year. Recent alcohol use was a risk factor for TDV victimization for both sexes, whereas feeling safe at school was protective against TDV victimization for both sexes. Greater alcohol outlet density was associated with decreased TDV victimization for males, however, it was nonsignificant for females. Physical disorder around schools was not associated with TDV victimization for either sex. Although the school-level predictors were not associated with TDV victimization, alcohol use and perceptions of safety at school were significantly associated with TDV victimization. Prevention efforts to address alcohol use may affect TDV victimization. © 2017, American School Health Association.

  6. Comal County, Texas: Preparing for Life after High School (United States)

    Walter, Frank


    Comal County, Texas, may be rural but its students face many of the same challenges as students in urban districts. Communities In Schools of South Central Texas works with the local school district to identify student needs and provide critical supports to help young people prepare for life after high school.

  7. School violence and bullying among sexual minority high school students, 2009-2011. (United States)

    O'Malley Olsen, Emily; Kann, Laura; Vivolo-Kantor, Alana; Kinchen, Steve; McManus, Tim


    School-based victimization has short- and long-term implications for the health and academic lives of sexual minority students. This analysis assessed the prevalence and relative risk of school violence and bullying among sexual minority and heterosexual high school students. Youth Risk Behavior Survey data from 10 states and 10 large urban school districts that assessed sexual identity and had weighted data in the 2009 and/or 2011 cycle were combined to create two large population-based data sets, one containing state data and one containing district data. Prevalence of physical fighting, being threatened or injured with a weapon, weapon carrying, and being bullied on school property and not going to school because of safety concerns was calculated. Associations between these behaviors and sexual identity were identified. In the state data, sexual minority male students were at greater risk for being threatened or injured with a weapon, not going to school because of safety concerns and being bullied than heterosexual male students. Sexual minority female students were at greater risk than heterosexual female students for all five behaviors. In the district data, with one exception, sexual minority male and female students were at greater risk for all five behaviors than heterosexual students. Sexual minority students still routinely experience more school victimization than their heterosexual counterparts. The implementation of comprehensive, evidence-based programs and policies has the ability to reduce school violence and bullying, especially among sexual minority students. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  8. Association of Sleep Groups and Sleep Survey Results of High School Students (United States)

    Anderson, Stephen A.; MacDonald, Lawrence; Frost, Frederica C.


    In January 2003 the High School Late Start Committee of the Northville Public Schools sent surveys to all families, faculty, and middle and high school students. The descriptive results of this survey can be found at This study focuses on the responses of the high school students,…

  9. Volkswagen - Ett globalt fusk : En deskriptiv studie om biljättens utsläppsskandal och dess påverkan


    Edlund, Erik; de Bourgh, Oscar


    Genom åren har ett flertal bolag världen över involverats i olika slags skandaler, en del som rena brott och andra som skylls på misstag eller olyckshändelser. Några av det större slaget är t.ex. BP-skandalen där miljontals fat med olja läckte ut i mexikanska golfen, detta skylldes på en olyckshändelse. Andra exempel är Enron som gjorde ett rent bedrägeri i form av bokföringsbrott eller Stora Enso som sysslade med barnarbete i utvecklingsländer, vilket blossade upp som en skandal i form av bo...

  10. The High School Environment and the Gender Gap in Science and Engineering (United States)

    Legewie, Joscha; DiPrete, Thomas A.


    Despite the striking reversal of the gender gap in education, women pursue science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) degrees at much lower rates than those of their male peers. This study extends existing explanations for these gender differences and examines the role of the high school context for plans to major in STEM fields. Building on recent gender theories, we argue that widely shared and hegemonic gender beliefs manifest differently across schools so that the gender-specific formation of study plans is shaped by the local environment of high schools. Using the National Education Longitudinal Study, we first show large variations between high schools in the ability to attract students to STEM fields conditional on a large set of pre–high school measures. Schools that are successful in attracting students to these fields reduce the gender gap by 25 percent or more. As a first step toward understanding what matters about schools, we then estimate the effect of two concrete high school characteristics on plans to major in STEM fields in college—a high school's curriculum in STEM and gender segregation of extracurricular activities. These factors have a substantial effect on the gender gap in plans to major in STEM: a finding that is reaffirmed in a number of sensitivity analyses. Our focus on the high school context opens concrete avenues for policy intervention and is of central theoretical importance to understand the gender gap in orientations toward STEM fields. PMID:27857451

  11. Analysis of Workforce Skills in High School Graduates: Self Report of High School Seniors in Northwest Ohio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jason A. Hedrick


    Full Text Available Analysis of workforce competencies at the conclusion of high school graduation are discussed in this paper. Researchers sampled over 875 graduating seniors from 16 high schools within six counties throughout Northwestern Ohio. Results highlight future career and educational goals of these young people and a self-report of skills based on the SCANS competencies and basic foundation skills. When evaluating Foundation Skills of Personal Qualities, Basic Skills, and Thinking Skills, students indicated highest ratings in Personal Qualities and overall lowest ratings in Basic Skills. A series of five Workforce Competencies were also evaluated, including Using Resources, Using Information, Using Technology, Interpersonal Skills, and Working in Systems. Highest ratings for Competencies were reported in Interpersonal Skills and lowest in Using Resources.

  12. Evaluation of school counseling and guidance services based on views of high school students


    Fulya Yüksel-Şahin


    This study evaluated school psychological counseling services based on high school students’ views. Participants were 235 students. “Student Personal Information Form” and “the School Guidance Services Scale” were used for data analysis. MANOVA and multiple regression procedures were used for data analysis. Results showed that students listed the guidance services from the most utilized to the least as follows: consultation, placement, follow-up, public and famil...

  13. Mouthguard usage by middle and high school student-athletes in Houston, Texas. (United States)

    Miller, Michael B; Johnson, Cleverick D; Cooley, Ralph A; Sharp, Holly; Servos, Thomas A


    This survey recorded utilization levels of stock and custom mouthguards among middle and high school athletes in a US metropolitan area and gathered data on the prevalence of traumatic injuries that have occurred as a consequence of school-based athletic competition. The data also included reasons for the athletes' noncompliance. A 23-question, online survey form was developed. A geographically diverse list of public and private schools in the Houston metropolitan area was identified and included 30 public middle schools, 32 public high schools, 8 private middle schools, and 10 private high schools. The sports surveyed were baseball, basketball, field hockey, football, lacrosse, soccer, softball, volleyball, and wrestling. Only 1 private middle school participated. Only 5 of 32 public high schools and 1 private high school participated, representing response rates of 16% and 10%, respectively. Overall, there were 503 responses, and 56% of the respondents did not have a mouthguard. Among athletes who owned a mouthguard, most (70%) had stock versions purchased in a retail store, while 11% had a custom mouthguard fabricated by a dentist, and 19% had both types. The most frequent reasons cited for not wearing a mouthguard were forgetting to use it and a lack of comfort. The injury rates reported by respondents in the stock and custom mouthguard groups were 26% and 9%, respectively. A consistent, concerted effort by local dental societies should be aimed at school administrators and coaches to encourage enforcement or reinforcement of mouthguard usage policies among high school athletes, but, ultimately, parents need to step up to protect their children.

  14. The impact of bullying and sexual harassment on middle and high school girls. (United States)

    Gruber, James E; Fineran, Susan


    The impact of bullying and sexual harassment on six health outcomes among middle school girls were compared to these outcomes among high school girls. High school girls experienced more bullying and sexual harassment and poorer health outcomes than their middle school counterparts, but the impact of these experiences was less among high school students. Differences in outcomes may be the result of better support systems and coping mechanisms among high school girls and/or challenging developmental changes during middle school. Sexual orientation, race, and disability had some notable relationships to bullying and sexual harassment experiences as well as health outcomes.

  15.  Svensk företagsetablering i Dubai :   - en studie om företagens motiv och processer


    Thaqi, Alban; Edvinsson, Sandra


    Inledning Ett ökat intresse för globalisering har gjort att företag söker sig till nya marknader kontinuerligt, svenska företag utgör inget undantag. En mycket aktuell marknad för utlandsetablering är Dubai. Från att ha varit ett litet fisk- och pärlsamhälle är det idag ett globalt center för affärer som attraherar aktörer från hela världen. Syfte Syftet med studien är att undersöka varför samt hur svenska företag väljer att etablera sig i Dubai. Metod Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod...

  16. Determination of Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors of High School Students (United States)

    Çelebi, Evrim; Gündogdu, Cemal; Kizilkaya, Aysel


    Healthy lifestyle behaviors can be defined as all the behaviors believed and applied by individuals to be healthy, maintain health and be protected from diseases. This study aims to determine the healthy lifestyle behaviors of high school students studying at the high schools in the Province of Elazig, Turkey. The study population of this…

  17. Learner Factors in a High-Poverty Urban Middle School (United States)

    Olivares-Cuhat, Gabriela


    The purpose of this pilot study is to gain more insight into learner factors prominent in high-poverty urban schools and to suggest pedagogical approaches appropriate to this environment. To this end, three surveys were administered to students attending a high-poverty, urban middle school in order to measure their learning style preferences,…

  18. High School Science Teachers' Views on Science Process Skills (United States)

    Gultepe, Nejla


    The current research is a descriptive study in which a survey model was used. The research involved chemistry (n = 26), physics (n = 27), and biology (n = 29) teachers working in Science High Schools and Anatolian High Schools in Turkey. An inventory that consisted of seven questions was designed to ascertain what teachers' think about the…

  19. Structural Intervention With School Nurses Increases Receipt of Sexual Health Care Among Male High School Students. (United States)

    Dittus, Patricia J; Harper, Christopher R; Becasen, Jeffrey S; Donatello, Robin A; Ethier, Kathleen A


    Adolescent males are less likely to receive health care and have lower levels of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) knowledge than adolescent females. The purpose of this study was to determine if a school-based structural intervention focused on school nurses increases receipt of condoms and SRH information among male students. Interventions to improve student access to sexual and reproductive health care were implemented in six urban high schools with a matched set of comparison schools. Interventions included working with school nurses to improve access to sexual and reproductive health care, including the provision of condoms and information about pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease prevention and services. Intervention effects were assessed through five cross-sectional yearly surveys, and analyses include data from 13,740 male students. Nurses in intervention schools changed their interactions with male students who visited them for services, such that, among those who reported they went to the school nurse for any reason in the previous year, those in intervention schools reported significant increases in receipt of sexual health services over the course of the study compared with students in comparison schools. Further, these results translated into population-level effects. Among all male students surveyed, those in intervention schools were more likely than those in comparison schools to report increases in receipt of sexual health services from school nurses. With a minimal investment of resources, school nurses can become important sources of SRH information and condoms for male high school students. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  20. CLASP Middle School/High School Boys of Color Policy Scan and Information Gathering (United States)

    Toldson, Ivory A.; Crowell, Candice


    The purpose of this project is to provide an analysis of policy issues affecting middle school and high school-aged boys and young men of color in the areas of education, health, and pathways to employment. This policy scan and subsequent recommendations will provide valuable background knowledge to inform the future direction of policy efforts…