
Sample records for hemangioma esclerosante pulmonar

  1. Taponamiento cardíaco secundario a carcinoma papilar esclerosante difuso de tiroides

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    Verónica Riva


    Full Text Available El carcinoma papilar, variante esclerosante difusa, corresponde al 2% de todos los carcinomas papilares de la tiroides. Se caracteriza por comprometer de manera difusa y bilateral a la glándula tiroides. Clínicamente se manifiesta con metástasis ganglionares y pulmonares, afectando predominantemente a mujeres jóvenes. Se describe un caso de taponamiento cardíaco como presentación inicial de un carcinoma papilar de tiroides variante esclerosante difusa. Una mujer de 32 años concurrió al servicio de emergencias médicas refiriendo epigastralgia y tos seca. Durante el examen físico se constató hipotensión arterial, taquicardia y ruidos cardíacos disminuidos. Se realizó un ecocardiograma, observándose derrame pericárdico. Por medio de una pericardiocentesis se obtuvo líquido pericárdico, cuyo análisis mostró células neoplásicas. Durante la evolución la paciente presentó recurrencia del derrame pericárdico por lo que se realizó una ventana pleuropericárdica, detectándose durante la cirugía una lesión nodular subpleural, la cual fue biopsiada e informada posteriormente como una metástasis de carcinoma papilar vinculable a origen tiroideo. Se realizó una tiroidectomía total con linfadenectomía cervical bilateral. El diagnóstico final fue carcinoma papilar, variante esclerosante difusa. Esta variante infiltra el tejido conectivo de los espacios interfoliculares, simulando una tiroiditis y se caracteriza por una permeación vascular temprana. En oposición a la variante clásica, la esclerosante difusa presenta mayor agresividad y mayor tasa de recurrencia. El carcinoma papilar de tiroides debe tenerse presente como diagnóstico diferencial en nuestro medio, en todas aquellas lesiones neoplásicas papilares metastásicas, más aún si se trata de mujeres jóvenes.

  2. Liver Hemangioma (United States)

    Liver hemangioma Overview A liver hemangioma (he-man-jee-O-muh) is a noncancerous (benign) mass in the liver. A liver hemangioma is made up of a tangle of blood vessels. Other terms for a liver hemangioma are hepatic hemangioma and cavernous hemangioma. Most ...

  3. Eficácia terapêutica do interferon alfa em criança com hemangioma gigante craniofacial: relato de caso Therapeutical effectiveness of interferon alpha in a child with craniofacial giant hemangioma: case report

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    Nilson Lopes da Fonseca Junior


    Full Text Available O hemangioma é o tumor benigno mais freqüente da infância. O hemangioma capilar geralmente apresenta-se como uma mancha ou tumoração violácea bem delimitada. O diagnóstico destas lesões é clínico. O hemangioma gigante é rara e extensa variação do hemangioma capilar, que geralmente ocorre em recém-nascidos e lactentes. Várias são as modalidades terapêuticas, como a injeção intralesional de corticóide, laserterapia, injeção intralesional de soluções esclerosantes, corticoterapia sistêmica, cirurgia, radioterapia e embolização. Novas modalidades terapêuticas têm sido desenvolvidas, com o objetivo de se obter melhores resultados e possibilitar o tratamento de lesões de difícil acesso cirúrgico e refratárias às modalidades terapêuticas utilizadas rotineiramente. Os melhores resultados tem sido obtidos com o interferon alfa. Este é um caso de uma paciente com três meses de idade, que apresentava desde o nascimento, tumoração arroxeada e amolecida em pálpebra superior do olho direito, lesões cutâneas planas e arroxeadas em região temporal e parietal direita. Realizada tomografia computadorizada de crânio evidenciando processo expansivo orbitário vascularizado com extensão para fossa média, seio cavernoso e fossa posterior. O tratamento inicial foi a corticoterapia oral durante quarenta dias, com redução progressiva por quatro semanas. Com o quadro praticamente inalterado, foi iniciado o tratamento com interferon alfa, na dose de 3.000.000 U/m², subcutâneo, três vezes por semana. Após 9 meses de tratamento, observa-se apenas uma pequena lesão orbitária residual. Neste caso, o interferon alfa apresentou-se como boa opção no tratamento do hemangioma gigante craniofacial.Hemangiomas are the most commom benign tumors of infancy. Capillary hemangioma generally is presented as a spot or well-defined purple lesion. The diagnosis of these tumors is based on physical examination. Giant hemangioma is a rare

  4. Taponamiento cardíaco secundario a carcinoma papilar esclerosante difuso de tiroides Metastatic cardiac tamponade as initial manifestation of papillary thyroid carcinoma

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    Verónica Riva


    Full Text Available El carcinoma papilar, variante esclerosante difusa, corresponde al 2% de todos los carcinomas papilares de la tiroides. Se caracteriza por comprometer de manera difusa y bilateral a la glándula tiroides. Clínicamente se manifiesta con metástasis ganglionares y pulmonares, afectando predominantemente a mujeres jóvenes. Se describe un caso de taponamiento cardíaco como presentación inicial de un carcinoma papilar de tiroides variante esclerosante difusa. Una mujer de 32 años concurrió al servicio de emergencias médicas refiriendo epigastralgia y tos seca. Durante el examen físico se constató hipotensión arterial, taquicardia y ruidos cardíacos disminuidos. Se realizó un ecocardiograma, observándose derrame pericárdico. Por medio de una pericardiocentesis se obtuvo líquido pericárdico, cuyo análisis mostró células neoplásicas. Durante la evolución la paciente presentó recurrencia del derrame pericárdico por lo que se realizó una ventana pleuropericárdica, detectándose durante la cirugía una lesión nodular subpleural, la cual fue biopsiada e informada posteriormente como una metástasis de carcinoma papilar vinculable a origen tiroideo. Se realizó una tiroidectomía total con linfadenectomía cervical bilateral. El diagnóstico final fue carcinoma papilar, variante esclerosante difusa. Esta variante infiltra el tejido conectivo de los espacios interfoliculares, simulando una tiroiditis y se caracteriza por una permeación vascular temprana. En oposición a la variante clásica, la esclerosante difusa presenta mayor agresividad y mayor tasa de recurrencia. El carcinoma papilar de tiroides debe tenerse presente como diagnóstico diferencial en nuestro medio, en todas aquellas lesiones neoplásicas papilares metastásicas, más aún si se trata de mujeres jóvenes.Papillary carcinoma, diffuse sclerosing variant corresponds to 2% of all papillary thyroid carcinomas. It is usually diffuse and bilateral, affecting the entire

  5. Panencefalite subaguda esclerosante: estudo comparativo entre as lesões humanas e as experimentais determinadas por agente encefalitogênico de origem humana

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    Alexandre Alencar


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho estudamos as alterações histopatológicas encontradas no sistema nervoso central de dois pacientes com "panencefalite subaguda esclerosante" comparando-as com as modificações estruturais determinadas no sistema nervoso central de sete macacos rhesus nos quais este material foi inoculado. Os animais apresentaram sinais de comprometimento neurológico, traduzido por caquexia e paralisia do trem posterior, após um longo período de incubação, em torno de 18 meses. Dois animais morreram antes de qualquer manifestação neurológica, de infecção pulmonar intercorrente acidental. Nas passagens sucessivas houve um encurtamento do periódo de incubação para cerca de 40 dias. As alterações histopatológicas encontradas, consistiram, nos casos humanos, em leptomeningite focal, focos de neuronofagia, granulomas corticais e nos núcleos basais, grande perda da população neuronal com ocasional estado esponjoso do córtice cerebral, infiltrados perivasculares, e gliose da substância branca, sem perda de mielina. No material experimental foram observadas estas mesmas modificações, se bem que de caráter muito menos intenso. Tanto no material humano como no experimental a mielina estava praticamente normal. Sugere-se que o quadro anátomo-clínico chamado "panencefalite subaguda esclerosante (SSPE possa ser determinado, não apenas pelo vírus do sarampo, mas também por outros vírus, especialmente os do grupo papova, já encontrado por outros autores, em casos de "panencefalite subaguda esclerosante".The authors describes the histopathological changes found in the central nervous system of two patients with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. These lesions are compared to those found in the central nervous system of seven rhesus monkeis that had received inoculations of nervous tissue from the two patients. After an incubation period of approximately 18 months, the monkeys presented signs of damage to the nervous system

  6. Inflamação esclerosante idiopática da órbita: estudo clinico-patológico

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    Lívia Maria Nossa Moitinho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever oito casos de inflamação esclerosante idiopática da órbita, incluindo a análise clínica e histopatológica. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo através do livro de registros do Laboratório de Patologia Ocular (LPO do Hospital Universitário Professor Edgard Santos, Universidade Federal da Bahia, no período de 1974 a 2010. Além de revisão de lâminas de todos os casos e das imagens clínicas e de exames complementares recuperadas dos arquivos pessoais dos autores. RESULTADOS: Dentre o total de espécimes submetidos ao LPO (7546 apenas 8 casos receberam diagnóstico final de inflamação esclerosante idiopática da órbita. Em todos os casos houve piora ou deterioração da acuidade visual à despeito do tratamento, com exceção de um, que permaneceu com a mesma visão (percepção luminosa. Em nosso estudo, observamos envolvimento orbitário predominantemente apical. Todos os nossos pacientes foram submetidos à biópsia incisional com finalidade diagnóstica. Também submeteram-se à corticoterapia e em um caso foi associada à radioterapia anti-inflamatória; em dois destes casos, foi utilizado também ciclofosfamida. Dois pacientes com acuidade final sem percepção luminosa tiveram que ser submetidos à exenteração parcial da órbita para tratamento de dor incontrolável. CONCLUSÃO: A inflamação esclerosante orbitária idiopática permanece como uma doença pouco conhecida, de péssimo prognóstico visual.

  7. Benign mass in tonsil- cavernous hemangioma. (United States)

    Joseph, Sumitha; Prakash, M; Mohammed, Hafida K; Govar, Aberna


    Cavernous hemangioma is also called as 'ANGIOMA CAVERNOSUM' or 'CAVERNOMA' as benign lesion of blood vessels. They are similar to strawberry hemangioma but deeply situated. Although most often associated with skin it is also sometimes found in mucous membrane, brain and the viscera. The diagnosis of hemangiomas is mainly based on clinical evaluation . Isolated hemangiomas in the tonsillar tissue is a rare occurance. In this we report had a case of adult tonsillar hemangioma of left side associated with recurrent tonsillitis . He was effectively managed surgically without any complications.

  8. Nasal Lobular Capillary Hemangioma

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    Prashant Patil


    Full Text Available Nasal lobular capillary hemangioma is a rare benign tumor of the paranasal sinuses. This lesion is believed to grow rapidly in size over time. The exact etiopathogenesis is still a dilemma. We discuss a case of nasal lobular capillary hemangioma presenting with a history of epistaxis. Contrast enhanced computed tomography of paranasal sinuses revealed an intensely enhancing soft-tissue mass in the left nasal cavity and left middle and inferior meati with no obvious bony remodeling or destruction. We present imaging and pathologic features of nasal lobular capillary hemangioma and differentiate it from other entities like nasal angiofibroma.

  9. Renal hemangioma

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    Theodorico F. da Costa Neto


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Renal hemangioma is a relatively rare benign tumor, seldom diagnosed as a cause of hematuria. CASE REPORT: A female 40-year old patient presented with continuous gross hematuria, anemia and episodic right lumbar pain, with onset about 3 months previously. The patient underwent multiple blood transfusions during her hospital stay and extensive imaging propedeutics was performed. Semi-rigid ureterorenoscopy evidenced a bleeding focus in the upper calix of the right kidney, with endoscopic treatment being unfeasible. The patient underwent right upper pole nephrectomy and presented a favorable outcome. Histopathological analysis of the surgical specimen showed that it was a renal hemangioma. COMMENTS: Imaging methods usually employed for diagnostic investigation of hematuria do not have good sensitivity for renal hemangioma. However, they are important to exclude the most frequent differential diagnoses. The ureterorenoscopy is the diagnostic method of choice and endoscopic treatment can be feasible when the lesion is accessible and electrocautery or laser are available. We emphasize the open surgical treatment as a therapeutic option upon failure of less invasive methods.

  10. Osteomielitis crónica esclerosante difusa Chronic diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis

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    M. Paula Aparicio M


    Full Text Available La osteomielitis esclerosante difusa se considera como una osteomielitis crónica primaria consistente en un proceso inflamatorio, doloroso y prolongado en el tiempo. Afecta solo a la mandíbula y es generalmente unilateral, compromete hueso basal y alveolar, y se localiza al nivel de cuerpo, ángulo, rama e incluso cóndilo. La causa es aún controversial, ya que algunos le atribuyen un origen infeccioso, mientras otros lo consideran una condición no infecciosa, como producto de sobrecargas o asociado con síndrome SAPHO (sinovitis, acné, pustulosis, hiperostosis y osteítis, pero la literatura no es concluyente. Con respecto al tratamiento, al igual que su causa, no está totalmente esclarecido y se describen a lo largo del tiempo distintas alternativas, que van desde lo conservador a lo más radical. Se presenta el seguimiento y tratamiento durante 7 meses de una paciente afectada por osteomielitis esclerosante difusa con 18 años de evolución aproximadamente, que ha sido refractaria a las alternativas terapéuticas convencionales.Diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis is considered a chronic primary osteomyelitis consisting in an inflammatory, painful and prolonged process. It only affects the mandible and it is generally unilateral. It involves the basal and alveolar bone and it is located at the level of body, angle, branch and even condyle. The cause is more controversial, since some attribute an infectious origin to it, whereas others consider it as a non-infectious condition resulting from the overloads or associated with SAPHO syndrome (synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis and osteitis, but literature is not concluding. Treatment as well as its cause are not totally clear. Different alternatives are described that go from the conservative to the most radical position. The 7-month follow-up and treatment of a female patient suffering from diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis with approximately18 years of evolution that has been refractory

  11. Role of pigment epithelium-derived factor in the involution of hemangioma: Autocrine growth inhibition of hemangioma-derived endothelial cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Kyung-Jin [Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul 110-799 (Korea, Republic of); Department of Biomedical Science, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul 110-799 (Korea, Republic of); Yun, Jang-Hyuk; Heo, Jong-Ik [Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul 110-799 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Eun Hui [Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul 137-701 (Korea, Republic of); Min, Hye Sook [Department of Pathology, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul 110-744 (Korea, Republic of); Choi, Tae Hyun, E-mail: [Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Seoul National University Children’s Hospital, Seoul 110-744 (Korea, Republic of); Department of Pediatric Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Seoul National University Children’s Hospital, Seoul 110-744 (Korea, Republic of); Cho, Chung-Hyun, E-mail: [Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul 110-799 (Korea, Republic of); Department of Biomedical Science, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul 110-799 (Korea, Republic of); Ischemic/Hypoxic Disease Institute, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul 110-799 (Korea, Republic of); Cancer Research Institute, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul 110-799 (Korea, Republic of)


    Highlights: • PEDF was expressed and induced during the involuting phase of IH. • PEDF inhibited the cell growth of the involuting HemECs in an autocrine manner. • PEDF suppression restored the impaired cell growth of the involuting HemECs. - Abstract: Hemangioma is a benign tumor derived from abnormal blood vessel growth. Unlike other vascular tumor counterparts, a hemangioma is known to proliferate during its early stage but it is followed by a stage of involution where regression of the tumor occurs. The critical onset leading to the involution of hemangioma is currently not well understood. This study focused on the molecular identities of the involution of hemangioma. We demonstrated that a soluble factor released from the involuting phase of hemangioma-derived endothelial cells (HemECs) and identified pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) as an anti-angiogenic factor that was associated with the growth inhibition of the involuting HemECs. The growth inhibition of the involuting HemECs was reversed by suppression of PEDF in the involuting HemECs. Furthermore, we found that PEDF was more up-regulated in the involuting phase of hemangioma tissues than in the proliferating or the involuted. Taken together, we propose that PEDF accelerates the involution of hemangioma by growth inhibition of HemECs in an autocrine manner. The regulatory mechanism of PEDF expression could be a potential therapeutic target to treat hemangiomas.

  12. Nasopharyngeal Hemangioma in Adult: A Case Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Khil, Eun Kyung; Hong, Hyun Sook; Park, Ji Sang; Chang, Kee Hyun; Kim, Hee Kyung; Byun, Jang Yul [Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Bucheon Hospital, Bucheon (Korea, Republic of)


    Nasopharyngeal masses are usually malignant, and benign nasopharyngeal tumors such as hemangioma are unusual. In adults, hemangiomas do not involute spontaneously, but progress. Imaging modalities are useful to rule out other malignancies and vascular lesions and to evaluate the lesion. Most hemangiomas require no therapy, but certain factors such as age of the patient and location and size of the lesion may make treatment necessary. We report a case of an unusual nasopharyngeal hemangioma treated with endoscopic excision in an adult who complained of hearing loss.

  13. Vocal cord hemangioma in an adult

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    Muzaffer Kanlıkama


    Full Text Available Hemangioma is one of the most common benign tumorsin the head and neck region. Laryngeal hemangiomasare benign vascular tumors of unknown etiology thatarise from subglottic region with stridor in infants. Thistype also known as congenital laryngeal hemangioma, isthe more common. Congenital hemangiomas occur usuallyin subglottic region and more frequent in girls. Laryngealhemangioma in adults is a very rare conditionand main symptom is hoarseness and breathing difficulties.Adult hemangiomas can be seen in different locationssuch as the epiglottis, aryepiglottic folds, arytenoidsand false and true vocal cords. They are more oftenof cavernous form and cause hoarseness. In this reportwe present an adult patient with hemangioma ofthe left vocal fold and review the literature. Diagnosticinvestigation revealed a pink-purple mass which was extendedfrom the anterior comissure to the posterior partof true vocal cord and false vocal cord, filling the ventriculeand extending to supraglottic region. Directlaryngoscopy was performed, but the lesion was not excisedbecause of its widespread extension in the larynx. JClin Exp Invest 2010; 2(1: 91-94

  14. Angiographic features of rapidly involuting congenital hemangioma (RICH)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Konez, Orhan; Burrows, Patricia E. [Department of Radiology, Children' s Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School, 300 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115 (United States); Mulliken, John B. [Division of Plastic Surgery, Children' s Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School, 300 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115 (United States); Fishman, Steven J. [Department of Pediatric Surgery, Children' s Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School, 300 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115 (United States); Kozakewich, Harry P.W. [Department of Pathology, Children' s Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School, 300 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115 (United States)


    Rapidly involuting congenital hemangioma (RICH) is a recently recognized entity in which the vascular tumor is fully developed at birth and undergoes rapid involution. Angiographic findings in two infants with congenital hemangioma are reported and compared with a more common postnatal infantile hemangioma and a congenital infantile fibrosarcoma. Congenital hemangiomas differed from infantile hemangiomas angiographically by inhomogeneous parenchymal staining, large and irregular feeding arteries in disorganized patterns, arterial aneurysms, direct arteriovenous shunts, and intravascular thrombi. Both infants had clinical evidence of a high-output cardiac failure and intralesional bleeding. This congenital high-flow vascular tumor is difficult to distinguish angiographically from arteriovenous malformation and congenital infantile fibrosarcoma. (orig.)

  15. Successful management of airway hemangioma with propranolol. (United States)

    Mendiratta, Vibhu; Varghese, Bincy; Chander, Ram; Parakh, Ankit; Solanki, Ravi S


    Airway hemangiomas can be difficult to manage and cause anxiety in both the parents and the treating physician. Propranolol, a nonselective beta-blocker, has recently been used for treating proliferating infantile hemangiomas. We report successful management of a proliferating, large, mixed infantile hemangioma with subglottic extension in an Indian infant using oral propranolol in a dose of 2mg/kg/day without any side effects. Induction of early involution and freedom from the side effects of steroid therapy seem encouraging for using propranolol as a first line treatment modality in the management of troublesome hemangiomas. © 2013 The International Society of Dermatology.

  16. Small hepatocellular carcinoma versus small cavernous hemangioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, B.I.; Park, H.W.; Kim, S.H.; Han, M.C.; Kim, C.W.


    To determine the optimal pulse sequence for detection and differential diagnosis of small hepatocellular carcinomas and cavernous hemangiomas less than 5 cm in diameter, the authors have analyzed spin-echo (SE) images of 15 small hepatocellular carcinomas and 31 small cavernous hemangiomas obtained at 2.0 T. Pulse sequences used included repetition times (TRs) of 500 and 2,000 msec and echo times (TEs) of 30,60,90,120,150, and 180 msec. Mean tumor-liver contrast-to-noise ratios on the SE 2,000/60 (TR msec/TE msec) sequence were 23.90 ± 16.33 and 62.10 ± 25.94 for small hepatocellular carcinomas and hemangiomas, respectively, and were significantly greater than for all other pulse sequences. Mean tumor-liver signal intensity ratios on the SE 2,000/150 sequence were 2.34 ± 1.72 and 6.04 ± 2.72 for small hepatocellular carcinomas and hemangiomas, respectively, and were significantly greater than for all other pulse sequences in hemangiomas

  17. Intracranial capillary hemangioma mimicking a dissociative disorder

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    Alexander Lacasse


    Full Text Available Capillary hemangiomas, hamartomatous proliferation of vascular endothelial cells, are rare in the central nervous system (CNS. Intracranial capillary hemangiomas presenting with reversible behavioral abnormalities and focal neurological deficits have rarely been reported. We report a case of CNS capillary hemangioma presenting with transient focal neurological deficits and behavioral abnormalities mimicking Ganser’s syndrome. Patient underwent total excision of the vascular malformation, resulting in complete resolution of his symptoms.

  18. Mixed Capillary Venous Retroperitoneal Hemangioma

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    Mohit Godar


    Full Text Available We report a case of mixed capillary venous hemangioma of the retroperitoneum in a 61-year-old man. Abdominal ultrasonography showed a mass to be hypoechoic with increased flow in color Doppler imaging. Dynamic contrast-enhanced computed tomography revealed a centripetal filling-in of the mass, located anterior to the left psoas muscle at the level of sacroiliac joint. On the basis of imaging features, preoperative diagnosis of hemangioma was considered and the mass was excised by laparoscopic method. Immunohistochemical studies were strongly positive for CD31 and CD34, and negative for calretinin, EMA, WT1, HMB45, Ki67, synaptophysin, and lymphatic endothelial cell marker D2–40. Histologically, the neoplasm was diagnosed as mixed capillary venous hemangioma.

  19. MR of head and neck hemangiomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bilaniuk, L.T.; Zimmerman, R.A.; Gusnard, D.A.


    This paper defines the MR characteristics of head and neck hemangiomas and to evaluate the role of MR in their diagnosis and management. Eighteen pediatric and young adult patients with head and neck hemangiomas (six neck, six face, three eyelid, two scalp, and one parotid) underwent high-field-strength 1.5-T MR imaging. Conventional spin-echo sequences with T1 and T2 weighting were performed. In addition, one-third of patients underwent MR angiography and gadolinium enhancement. The hemangiomas were isointense to muscle on T1-weighted images and hyperintense on proton-density and T2-weighted images

  20. Radiation therapy of hemangiomas, 1909-1959

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fuerst, C.J.; Lundell, M.; Holm, L.E.; Karolinska Sjukhuset, Stockholm


    Radium and roentgen therapies for hemangiomas of the skin (mainly strawberry hemangiomas) were used between 1909 and 1959 at Radiumhemmet, Stockholm. The total number of admitted patients with hemangioma of the skin during this period was 20012. About 90% were treated with irradiation and radium therapy was the most commonly used modality. Needles, tubes and flat applicators containing radium were used. Roentgen therapy was given by using standard machines available at the time. A small number of patients were treated with 32 P plaques. Most hemangiomas were located in the head-neck region (47%) and 30% were located on the thorax and upper part of the abdomen. The median age at the first treatment was 6 months and 90% of all patients were younger than 2 years of age at the time of treatment. The purpose of the investigation was to define a cohort, useful for studies on possible late effects following exposure to ionizing radiation in childhood. (orig.)

  1. Posttraumatic Progressive Vertebral Hemangioma Induced by a Fracture (United States)

    Unal, Emre; Toktas, Zafer Orkun; Aker, Fugen Vardar; Akakın, Akın; Kilic, Türker


    The authors present an extremely rare case of an aggressive and progressive vertebral capillary hemangioma of the lumbar spine secondary to a trauma. A 40-year-old man who complained of back and leg pain due to a hemangioma of L1 that had begun a year after the fracture of the same vertebra was subsequently operated on. Due to the profuse bleeding, only a subtotal removal was possible. Histopathological diagnosis of the lesion revealed a capillary hemangioma. Postoperative control MRI taken at eight months showed that the lesion and destruction of the L1 vertebra were progressive. A second embolization procedure was performed and this time the hemangioma was totally removed via an anterior approach and corpectomy. Fusion was achieved by Th12-L2 graft and plaque. In the fourteenth year of follow-up, he was symptom-free and radiologically clear of this lesion. We propose that progressive hemangioma is extremely rare and that its cure is possible by total surgical removal of the lesion. This case is the second extradural capillary hemangioma secondary to spinal trauma ever to have been documented in English literature. The emergence of a hemangioma in a fractured vertebra suggests that its pathogenesis can be related to the deviation of the angiogenetic pathways from the normal healing process. PMID:28713608

  2. Echogenic rim of hepatic hemangioma on abdominal ultrasound

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Sang Woo; Kang, Chang Ho; Kim, Jin Hyoung; Kim, Chul Joong; Cheong, In Joo; Kim, Baek Hyun; Cha, Sang Hoon; Park, Cheol Min; Chung, Kyu Byung


    To investigate the association between the size of the hepatic hemangioma and the shape and thickness of the echogenic rim of hepatic hemangioma on abdominal ultrasound. We examined 47 cases (M:F=24:23, mean age 47.1) of hepatic hemangiomas with echogenic rim on abdominal ultrasound during the past 2 years. Radiologic findings were retrospectively reviewed in terms of completeness and thickness of echogenic rim. If echogenic rim showed even thickness, it was measured. But if not, the maximum and minimum thickness of the rim was measured. The association between the size of hemangioma and the completeness and thickness of the echogenic rim were analyzed statistically. Of the 47 cases, complete echogenic rim and incomplete echogenic rim were obtained in 29 (62%) and 18 (38%) cases, respectively. Twenty-two cases of hemangioma were less than 2 cm in diameter, and their distribution according to echogenic rim were as follows: complete echogenic rim (17/20, 91% mean thickness 2.2 cm) and uneven thickness with complete echogenic rim (3/20, 15%, range:2.0-6.1 mm). Twenty-five hemangiomas were larger than 2 cm in diameter and their distribution according to echogenic rim were as follows: complete echogenic rim (n=9, 34%), incomplete echogenic rim (n=16, 64%0,even thickness with complete echogenic rim (3/9, 33%, mean thickness 2.2 mm) and uneven thickness with complete echogenic rim (6/9,67%, range: 2.0-7.6 mm). In statistical analysis, hemangiomas more than 2 cm in diameter were more likely to have incomplete echogenic rim (p<0.05) than those of less than 2 cm; hemangiomas more than with more than 2 cm in diameter and complete echogenic rim showed uneven thickness of echogenic rim (p<0.05), more often than those of less than 2 cm diameter. Hemangiomas with more than 2 cm in diameter showed more frequent incomplete echogenic rim than those of less than 2 cm in diameter, which had more frequent complete echogenic rim. Hemangiomas with complete echogenic rim and even rim

  3. Blastoma pulmonar

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    Mauro Zamboni


    Full Text Available Resumo: O blastoma pulmonar é um tumor primário do pulmão, raro, de mau prognóstico e que acomete doentes mais jovens do que os portadores do carcinoma de células não pequenas do pulmão. Geralmente, são vistos sob a forma de grandes massas pulmonares, sintomáticas e com metástases para linfonodos mediastinais. Do ponto de vista anátomo-patológico, estes tumores são bifásicos, englobando na sua estrutura componentes mesenquimal e epitelial. Embora infrequente, este tipo de tumor deve fazer parte do diagnóstico diferencial das neoplasias pulmonares. Os autores apresentam um caso de blastoma pulmonar e fazem revisão da literatura.Rev Port Pneumol 2007; XIII (3: 391-395 Abstract: Pulmonary blastoma is a rare primary lung tumor with poor prognosis that commonly presents at a younger age than the non-small cell lung cancer. Classicaly they are large, symptomatic tumors with lymph nodal metastasis and carry poor prognosis. Pathological examination revealed features suggesting a biphasic tumor with mesenchymal and epithelial components. Over 200 cases have been reported so far worldwide since the first description of the tumor in 1945. Authors present a case of pulmary blastoma with literature revision.Rev Port Pneumol 2007; XIII (3: 391-395 Palavras-chave: Cancro do pulmão, blastoma, blas-toma pulmonar, tumor primário do pulmão, Keywords: Lung cancer, blastoma, pulmonary blastoma, primary tumors of lung

  4. Sonographic Findings of Cavernous Hemangioma in Fatty Liver

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hahm, Jin Kyeung; Kim, Ki Whang; Yoon, Sang Wook; Kim, Tae Hoon; Lee, Jong Tae; Yoo, Hyung Sik; Kim, Myung Jin; Ji, Hoon


    Typical cavernous hemangioma presents no diagnostic difficulty at sonography. However, in cases of atypical hemangioma, further evaluation is needed to differentiate it from malignancy. On the other hand, thcechogenicity of the lesion may be iso echo or hypoecho when it occurs in association with fatty liver. We analyzed the sonographic features of hemangioma in fatty liver. We reviewed the sonograms of 22 lesions from 19 patients. We divided the lesions into two groups; the lesion measuring less than 3cm in diameter (group I) and the lesions measuring same or greater than 3cm (group II). The lesions of each group were analyzed in terms of location, shape, distinction of margin, internal echogenicity, posterior enhancement, lateral shadowing, and peritumoral hypoechoic halo. The lesions were located in subcapsular or perivascular areain 86%. They strowed round or lobulated shape with well defined margin in 82%. Internal echo of the lesions was hypoechoic in 82% and homogeneous in 64%. Posterior enhancement was seen in 77%. The posterior wall of the lesion was distinct in 68%. There was no statistical difference in incidence of each finding described above between the two groups except the internal echogenicity(p<0.05). All of the four hyperechoic lesions measured greater than 3cmin diameter, and three of them showed uneven thickness of echogenic rind. Definitive diagnosis of hemangioma could be obtained in 82%. In remaining 18% of hemangioma, the lesions showed peripheral hypoechoic halo and lateral shadowing that made the diagnosis of hemangioma difficult. However, the possibility of hemangioma could be suggested because they showed haemangiomas internal eye-catching and posterior enhancement. Hepatic cavernous hemangioma presents with variable eye-catching as compared to the surrounding tissue when it is associated with fatty liver disease, Thus, in differentiating hemangiomas from other localized hepatic mass, other characteristics such as homogeneity of the

  5. Different Clinical Features of Acral Abortive Hemangiomas

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    N. Vega Mata


    Full Text Available Some infantile hemangiomas called in literature “minimal or arrested growth hemangiomas” or “abortive hemangiomas” are present at birth and have a proliferative component equaling less than 25% of its total surface area. Often, they are mistaken for vascular malformation. We present five patients (three girls and two boys with abortive hemangiomas diagnosed between January 2010 and December 2015 localized in acral part of the extremities. They were congenital lesions resembling precursor of hemangiomas but did not show proliferation phase. Immunohistochemical Glut-1 was performed in all of them as a way to confirm the abortive hemangioma diagnosis. The most common appearance was a reticulated erythematous patch with multiple fine telangiectasias on the surface. We remark that one of them presented a segmental patch with two different morphologies and evolutions. The proximal part showed pebbled patches of bright-red hemangioma and presented proliferation and the distal part with a reticulated network-like telangiectasia morphology remained unchanged. We detected lower half of the body preference and dorsal region involvement preference without ventral involvement. The ulceration occurred in three patients with two different degrees of severity.

  6. Ultrasonographic classification of Atypical hepatic hemangiomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bae, Sang Jin; Kim, Pyo Nyun; Ha, Hyun Kwon; Lee, Moon Gyu; Auh, Yong Ho; Yoon, Kwon Ha


    Cavernous hemangioma is the most common benign hepatic tumor. Typically, the most common features revealed by ultrasound (US) include its small size (4 cm or less in diameter), uniform hyperechogenicity, well defined margins, position in the subcapsular region of the right lobe of the liver, and some posterior echo enhancement. In addition, follow-up scanning may reveal changes in size, though this is rare. The US findings of hepatic hemangiomas may vary, however, especially when lesions are large and/or multiple. For that reason, differential diagnosis between this condition and hepatocellular carcinomas, metastatic lesions, lymphomas and other tumors is difficult. An understanding of the various sonographic findings of hepatic hemangioma can facilitate the early detection of the condition. (author)

  7. Reoperação de tromboendarterectomia pulmonar em recidiva de tromboembolismo pulmonar crônico hipertensivo


    Gomes,Walter José; Imaeda,Carlos Jogi; Perfeito,João Alessio; Sarmento,Petrúcio Abrantes; Souza,Rodrigo Caetano; Forte,Vicente


    A cirurgia de tromboendarterectomia tem se estabelecido como método padrão de tratamento do tromboembolismo pulmonar crônico hipertensivo, com excelentes resultados. Entretanto, a reoperação na recidiva do embolismo pulmonar não tem relato na literatura nacional, permanecendo obscuras a sua segurança e efetividade. Relatamos o caso de uma paciente com recorrência de tromboembolismo pulmonar crônico hipertensivo ocorrido cinco anos após a primeira cirurgia de tromboendarterectomia pulmonar, e ...

  8. Verrucous hemangioma

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    M J Cyriac


    Full Text Available A 45 years old male had a warty growth on the thigh diagnosed as verrucous hemangioma histopathologically. Earlier he had received treatment under the clinical diagnoses of verruca vulgaris and tuberculosis verrucosa cutis. The lesion was treated with surgical excision and grafting.

  9. Intra-muscular hemangioma: A review

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    Shruti Nayak


    Full Text Available Intra-muscular hemangiomas (IMH are relatively uncommon benign vascular tumors, which account for less than 1% of all hemangiomas. IMH may be presented as a perceived sporting injury. Diagnosis of this lesion is important not only because of its rarity, but also due to dangers posed by misdiagnosis and mismanagement. They must be considered in the differential diagnosis of unexplained pain and swelling in muscles. IMH occurring in the oral cavity is reviewed below.

  10. Tromboendarterectomía pulmonar en el tratamiento de la hipertensión pulmonar tromboembólica crónica


    José Antonio Blázquez; José María Cortina; Enrique Pérez; Alberto Forteza; María Jesús López; Jorge Centeno; Enrique Ruiz; Carlos Esteban Martín; Javier de Diego; Juan José Rufilanchas


    La tromboendarterectomía pulmonar representa el tratamiento potencialmente curativo de la hipertensión pulmonar tromboembólica crónica. Material y método: Entre febrero de 1996 y mayo de 2006, 20 pacientes con hipertensión pulmonar tromboembólica crónica fueron sometidos a tromboendarterectomía pulmonar. El 90% (18/20) presentaba clase funcional III-IV. Los datos hemodinámicos preoperatorios son: presión sistólica pulmonar 86 ± 17 mmHg, presión arterial pulmonar media 49 ± 9 mmHg, resisten...

  11. Sclerosing thymoma: case report Timoma esclerosante: relato de caso

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    Gesine Gregorio Siqueira


    Full Text Available We present a rare case of thymoma in a 36-year old woman, who was initially diagnosed with severe myasthenia gravis and subsequently undergone surgical resection. During surgery tumor was found at the anterior mediastinum, tightly attached to the phrenic nerve, pleura and pericardium. Histological assessment showed large areas of sclerosis and fibrous collagenous tissue as well as islands of epithelial and lymphoid cells. Sclerosing thymoma, which is a rare subtype of thymoma (Relatamos um caso raro de timoma em uma mulher de 36 anos de idade, com clínica e diagnóstico de miastenia gravis de difícil controle clínico, submetida à ressecção cirúrgica. No intraoperatório, observou-se tumor no mediastino anterior, firmemente aderido ao nervo frênico, à pleura e ao pericárdio. Ao exame histológico, foram evidenciadas extensas áreas de tecido fibrocolagenoso e esclerose, assim como ilhas de células epiteliais e células linfoides. Diagnosticado timoma esclerosante, subtipo raro de timoma (< 1%, sendo este o primeiro caso relatado no Brasil. A paciente apresentou melhora parcial dos sintomas associados à miastenia gravis.

  12. Linfangioleiomiomatosis pulmonar


    Carlos Salazar-Vargas; Victoria Monterroso-Azofeifa; Gloria Arauz-Pacheco; Bayardo Robelo-Pentzke


    La Linfangioleiomiomatosis pulmonar es una enfermedad muy rara, que afecta sólo mujeres en edad reproductiva. Se presenta con disnea progresiva, pneumotórax a repetición y, ocasionalmente, con hemoptisis y quilotórax. El TAC de alta resolución muestra quistes pulmonares bilaterales de tamaño variable hasta bulas francas. Histológicamente, se aprecian múltiples cavidades de paredes finas, dilatación de vasos linfáticos, venas, arterias, bronquiolos y sacos alveolares, por proliferación de hace...

  13. Dynamic enhanced computed tomographic findings of a perirenal capillary hemangioma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Jung Min; Kim, Sang Won; Kim, Hyun Cheol; Yang, Dal Mo; Ryu, Jung Kyu; Lim, Sung Jig [Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Hemangiomas are benign mesenchymal neoplasms that rarely occur in the kidney and perirenal space. Perirenal hemangiomas can mimic the appearance of exophytic renal cell carcinoma or various retroperitoneal tumors. We report a case of perirenal hemangioma detected by dynamic enhanced computed tomography in a 43-year-old female.

  14. Children with Rare Chronic Skin Diseases: Hemangiomas and Epidermolysis Bullosa. (United States)

    Jones, Sheila Dove; Miller, Cynthia Dieterich

    The paper reports on studies involving children having the rare chronic skin diseases of hemangiomas and epidermolysis bullosa (characterized by easy blistering). One study compared the self-concept and psychosocial development of young (mean age 46 months) children (N=19) with hemangiomas with 19 children without hemangiomas. Findings indicated…

  15. Our Treatment Results of Circumscribed and Diffuse Choroidal Hemangiomas

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    Esra Savku


    Full Text Available Purpose: To discuss our treatment results of choroidal hemangiomas. Material and Method: The records of 39 cases of choroidal hemangioma followed up at our clinic between July 1999–October 2012 were reviewed retrospectively. Asymptomatic cases were followed up. Symptomatic cases with subretinal fluid and impaired vision received treatment. Results: Mean age of the 39 patients was 44 (12-80 years. Thirty-five of 39 cases had circumscribed choroidal hemangioma, and 4 cases had diffuse choroidal hemangioma. Sturge-Weber syndrome was present in 3 cases with diffuse choroidal hemangioma. Cases with circumscribed choroidal hemangioma and minimal subretinal fluid were treated with TTT in 11 cases, PDT in 12 cases, and PDT+TTT in 1 case. Cases with circumscribed choroidal hemangioma and excessive subretinal fluid were treated with Ru-106 plaque radiotherapy in 1 case, Ru-106 plaque radiotherapy+TTT in 1 case, EBRT in 3 cases, and TTT+EBRT in 1 case. One painful blind eye with neovascular glaucoma and complicated cataract was enucleated. Cases with diffuse choroidal hemangioma and excessive subretinal fluid were treated with Ru-106 plaque radiotherapy+TTT in 1 case and EBRT in 1 case. Ahmed glaucoma valve implantation and FAKO emulsification were applied to a case with neovascular glaucoma and complicated cataract. Complete resorption of subretinal fluid was achieved in 23 (72% of treated 32 cases. When mean initial tumor thickness was 2.6 mm (0.5-6, mean final tumor thickness was 1.4 mm (0-6. When mean initial visual acuity (LogMAR was 1.5 (0-3, mean final visual acuity was 1.1 (0-3. No recurrence was observed. Discussion: The amount of the subretinal fluid determines the method of treatment in circumscribed choroidal hemangioma. While TTT and PDT are effective treatment modalities for minimal subretinal fluid, plaque radiotherapy and EBRT are applied in cases with excessive subretinal fluid. Combination therapies may be necessary according to the

  16. MR imaging of hemangiomas in oral cavity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toyoda, Keiko; Kobayashi, Masao; Tada, Shimpei.


    Eleven patients with hemangioma in the oral cavity were studied by MR imaging using spin-echo T 1 - and fast SE T 2 -weighted sequences. The hemangioma was iso-intense to muscles on T 1 -weighted images, and markedly hyperintense on T 2 -weighted images. The lesions were lobulated in margin. Four lesions showed internal spotty and/or curvilinear structures of low signal intensity. After administration of Gd-DTPA, three of seven lesions showed uniform contrast enhancement, three lesions showed partial or marginal enhancement, and remaining one lesion did not show enhancement effect. We conclude that MR imaging of oral hemangiomas is useful in delineating extent of the lesion. (author)

  17. Gamma graphic findings in giant hepatic hemangioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cano, R.; Morales, R.; Mendoza, P.; Ramirez, E.; Aguilar, C.


    The aim of the present work is to describe gamma graphic findings in patients with giant hepatic hemangiomas, when evaluated with 99m Tc red blood cell (RBC) imaging. Three patients with clinical suspicion of giant hepatic hemangiomas, who had had, ultrasound and computed tomography were studied with RBC using in vivo labelling with pyrophosphate. All cases had dynamic and static views. All cases showed hypoperfusion in dynamics views and over perfusion in delayed studies. Surgery confirmed diagnosis in two cases. 99m Tc RBC is a good method for diagnosis of giant hepatic hemangioma, which generally needs surgical treatment. (Authors). 24 refs., 2 figs

  18. Synovial hemangiomas of the knee: magnetic resonance findings in six cases; Hemangiomas sinoviales de rodilla: hallazgos de la resonancia magnetica en seis casos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Concepcion, L.; Marti-Bonmati, L. M.; Dosda, R. [Hospital Dr. Peset. Valencia (Spain); Llauger, J.; Palmer, J. [Hospital Santa Creu i Sant Pau. Barcelona (Spain); Mellado, J. M. [Inscanner, S. L. Alicante (Spain)


    The synovial hemangioma is an uncommon benign vascular tumor that is difficult to diagnose on the basis of clinical signs Moreover, it has no characteristic radiographic features. The objective of the present report was to describe the MR findings associated with synovial hemangioma of the knee. We review the clinical and MR findings in six patients, with histologically confirmed synovial hemangioma of the Knee, studied with different MR systems and techniques. Synovial hemangiomas were isointense with respect to muscle in T1-weighted images, strongly hyperintense in T2-weighted sequences and presented wavy hypointense linear images. Gadolinium administration resulted in a marked enhancement, although it was heterogeneous in two of three cases analyzed. Although the findings are not pathognomonic, the presence of an intraarticular tumor of the knee that is isointense with respect to muscle in T1 and hyperintense in T2, and shows wavy hypointense images and a marked contrast uptake, may suggest the presence of synovial hemangioma. (Author) 11 refs.

  19. MRI findings of cavernous hemangioma of the uterus: a case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ryu, Ji Hwa; Kim, Ok Hwa; Park, Young Mi; Jeng, Hae Woong; Lee, Sun Joo; Eun, Choong Gi; Choi, Su Im; Kim, Gi Tae [College of Medicine, Inje University, Busan (Korea, Republic of)


    Hemangioma is the most common soft tissue tumor in the body. Though it may occur anywhere in the body, hemangioma of the uterus is a very rare tumor. Hemangioma is almost asymptomatic, but it is sometimes clinically important because it can cause massive hemorrhage and this is a life-threatening condition. We report here on the magnetic resonance imaging and pathologic findings of cavernous hemangioma of the uterus in a 32-year-woman with menorrhagia.

  20. Estrogen-mediated hemangioma-derived stem cells through estrogen receptor-α for infantile hemangioma

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    Zhang L


    Full Text Available Ling Zhang,1 Hai Wei Wu,1 Weien Yuan,2 Jia Wei Zheng1 1Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Center for Specialty Strategy Research of Shanghai Jiao Tong University China Hospital Development Institute, 2School of Pharmacy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China Background: Infantile hemangiomas (IHs are the most common benign vascular tumor of infancy. They occur more frequently in female infants. The cause of hemangioma is currently unknown; however, current studies suggested the importance of estrogen (E2 signaling in hemangioma proliferation. Methods: Hemangioma-derived stem cells (HemSCs were cultured with estrogen for 48–72 h; the cell viability and proliferation were evaluated with the messenger RNA (mRNA and protein expression levels of fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2, vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A and estrogen receptor-α (ER-α, by application of several in vitro assays, such as methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium (MTT, reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR, real-time PCR, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA and Western blotting. Also, the cell population’s response to external estrogen was investigated by in vivo experiments. HemSCs and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs were mixed and injected subcutaneously into 20 flank of BALB/c-nu mice, which were randomly divided into 5 groups based on different E2 treatment doses (0, 0.01, 0.1 and 1 mg, respectively, 0.1 mg dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO as control. Each group of mice were treated intramuscularly every week, then 2 and 4 weeks later, the subcutaneous implants were harvested and evaluated the tumor tissues with microvessel density (MVD assay and immunohistochemistry. Results: The study demonstrated that application of E2 increased the expression of FGF2, VEGF-A, and ER-α in HemSCs with the optimal concentration from 10−9 to 10−5 M. Two

  1. Agenesia pulmonar unilateral


    Malcon,Maura Cavada; Malcon,Claudio Mattar; Cavada,Marina Neves; Caruso,Paulo Eduardo Macedo; Real,Lara Flório


    A agenesia pulmonar é uma anomalia congênita rara. Relatamos um caso de um menino de 8 anos de idade com agenesia pulmonar à esquerda sem associação com outras malformações. O diagnóstico foi realizado por achados de imagem quando o paciente apresentou sintomas como tosse, sibilância e dispneia sem melhora do quadro clínico após evolução de 30 dias.

  2. Rapidly involuting congenital hemangioma (RICH): a brief case report


    Scalise, Robert; Bolton, Joanna; Gibbs, Neil F


    Congenital hemangiomas (CH) are benign vascular neoplasms that proliferate in utero and have completed development by birth. Two subtypes of CH are recognized: rapidly involuting congenital hemangiomas (RICH) and non-involuting congenital hemangiomas (NICH). Involution of the RICH subtype often begins in the first weeks of life. NICH does not involute, allowing the distinction between RICH and NICH. We report a case of an infant with RICH occurring on the scalp, examined at birth and followed...

  3. Intraosseous hemangioma of the orbit. (United States)

    Choi, June Seok; Bae, Yong Chan; Kang, Gyu Bin; Choi, Kyung-Un


    Intraosseous hemangioma is an extremely rare tumor that accounts for 1% or fewer of all osseous tumors. The most common sites of its occurrence are the vertebral column and calvaria. Occurrence in a facial bone is very rare. The authors aim to report a case of the surgical treatment of intraosseous hemangioma occurring in the periorbital region, which is a very rare site of occurrence and to introduce our own experiences with the diagnosis and treatment of this condition along with a literature review. A 73-year-old male patient visited our hospital with the chief complaint of a mass touching the left orbital rim. A biopsy was performed by applying a direct incision after local anesthesia. Eventually, intraosseous hemangioma was diagnosed histologically. To fully resect the mass, the orbital floor and zygoma were exposed through a subciliary incision under general anesthesia, and then the tumor was completely eliminated. Bony defect was reconstructed by performing a seventh rib bone graft. Follow-up observation has so far been conducted for 10 months after surgery without recurrence or symptoms.

  4. The changing face of complicated infantile hemangioma treatment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Menapace, Deanna [Creighton University School of Medicine, Phoenix Regional Campus, Phoenix, AZ (United States); Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education-MN, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Rochester, MN (United States); Mitkov, Mario [Creighton University School of Medicine, Phoenix Regional Campus, Phoenix, AZ (United States); Towbin, Richard [Phoenix Children' s Hospital, Department of Radiology, Phoenix, AZ (United States); Hogeling, Marcia [University of California, Los Angeles, Division of Dermatology, Santa Monica, CA (United States)


    Infantile hemangiomas are the most common vascular tumors of infancy. A multidisciplinary approach including dermatologists, otolaryngologists, plastic surgeons, hematologists/oncologists and interventional/diagnostic radiologists is crucial for appropriate management of children with complicated infantile hemangiomas. Since its unforeseen discovery in 2008, propranolol has become the first-line treatment for infantile hemangiomas, eclipsing systemic corticosteroids and radiologic intervention. There are still, however, uncommon indications for more aggressive interventional management. We review the 2014-updated International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies (ISSVA) classification for vascular anomalies. Additionally, we suggest management algorithms for complicated lesions, including recommendations for radiologic and surgical intervention. (orig.)

  5. Vulvar Lobular Capillary Hemangioma (Pyogenic Granuloma

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    Kian-Mei Chong


    Conclusion: Pyogenic granuloma is considered a reactive hyperproliferative vascular response to trauma or other stimuli. The name “pyogenic granuloma” is a misnomer since the condition is not associated with pus and does not represent a granuloma histologically. There are a few cases of lobular capillary hemangioma of the glans penis but it is rare on the female genitalia. We present this case to help physicians become aware that lobular capillary hemangiomas may occur at this site.

  6. Quistes pulmonares congénitos

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    Nuvia Suárez García


    Full Text Available Introducción: las malformaciones pulmonares congénitas constituyen una alteración en el desarrollo embriológico y fetal de las distintas estructuras pulmonares y una rara expresión de estas son los quistes pulmonares congénitos. Caso clínico: se presenta un recién nacido a término, de buen peso, asintomático y estable hasta el tercer día de vida al debutar con un estado de shock séptico secundario, de bronconeumonía complicada con derrame pleural derecho. En los estudios evolutivos hacia el cuarto de día de vida se le diagnostica como hallazgo radiológico la presencia de quistes pulmonares que evolucionan de forma asintomática. Después de una valoración multidisciplinaria es egresado con un seguimiento por su condición de alto riesgo. Actualmente saludable y con buen desarrollo psicomotor. Conclusiones: la importancia del tema que se presenta es que se describe una presentación rara de quistes pulmonares congénitos en un recién nacido que desarrolló un estadio avanzado de sepsis.

  7. Ultrasonographic Findings of Hepatic Hemangioma : Analysis of Echo-Patterns According to Tumor Size

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Kang Hoon; Lee, Hae Giu; Choi, Byung Gil; Jung, Jung Im; Lee, Sung Yong; Yim, Jung Ik; Shinn, Kyung Sub


    We performed a retrospective analysis of ultrasonographic features of hepatic hemangiomas according to tumor size. After an initial ultrasonographic examination, 5l hepatic hemangiomas in 4l patients were confirmed by one or combined examinations of 99mTc RBC SPECT, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging. angiography or ultrasonographic follow up. Definition of margin, internal echogenicity,peripheral rim and posterior enhancement were evaluated by two radiologists. Forty seven cases(92%) of 51 hemangiomas appeared to be well defined. Of 29 hemangiomas with less than 3cm in diameter. 25 cases (86%)showed homogeneous internal echogenicity. Of 22 hemangiomas with above 3 cm in diameter, 16 cases (73%) showed inhomogeneous echogenicity. Of 12 hemangiomas (24%) with peripheral rim, nine cases revealed hyperechoic rim and two hypoechoic rim. The remaining one case showed hyperechoic rim and hypoechoic rim alternately. Hemangiomas with greater than 3cm in diameter had higher incidence of inhomogeneous echogenicity, peripheral rim and posterior enhancement than those less than 3 cm(P<0.05). The majority of small hepatic hemangiomas are well defined homogeneous hyperechoic masses. On the other hand, large hemangiomas tended to have higher incidence of inhomogeneous internal echogenicity, posterior enhancement and a peripheral hyperechoic rim. A hyperechoic mass with a hypoechoic rim should also be considered as a candidate for hepatic hemangioma

  8. Peritonite encapsulante esclerosante em cão (Canis familiaris: relato de caso

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    A.S.O. Santos

    Full Text Available RESUMO Um cão SRD, com cinco anos e histórico de ascite de evolução lenta com estruturas palpáveis foi submetido a exames clínicos, os quais foram inconclusivos. A laparotomia exploratória revelou que a cavidade abdominal estava repleta de líquido serossanguinolento e de múltiplos nódulos de diferentes tamanhos, com superfície irregular, aderidos aos peritônios visceral e parietal, sugestivos de neoplasia maligna. A eutanásia, seguida da necropsia para a coleta de amostras para o diagnóstico histopatológico, foi indicada. O exame anatomopatológico revelou nódulos sésseis e resistentes ao corte, constituídos de tecido conjuntivo fibroso e trabéculas ósseas em arranjo de osso esponjoso e osteoclastos em atividade. O diagnóstico definitivo foi peritonite encapsulante esclerosante.

  9. Penile cavernous hemangioma

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    Abdelmoughit ECHCHAOUI


    Full Text Available Hemangiomas are benign lesions that occur in any part of the body in newborns or in young patients, they are typically capillary or cavernous. Cavernous hemangioma of the penis is extremely rare; and its etiology is not completely understood. Treatment options (surgical excision, laser therapy or sclerotherapy… are controversial and are required if pain, cosmetic defect and/or bleeding during intercourse.                                                  We report a case of a 26 years old man presented with a five years history of a painless lesion on his penis. Physical examination showed an ovoid, solid, 1 x 2 mm in size on the dorsum of penis (Panel A and two elevated irregular lesions on the ventral side (Panel B. The lesions were compressive, nonpulsatile and bluish-red in color with strawberry like appearance. Biopsy and histopathological examination of the lesion revealed a gaping and communicating vessels proliferated in the superficial and medium dermis which is pathognomonic for cavernous hemangioma (Panel C and D. Given the small size, the large number of the lesions, the young age, and the ulceration risk during intercourse if skin graft after excision, Neodymium: YAG laser coagulation was recommended to get a good cosmetic results and sexual function satisfaction.

  10. Managment of superficial infantile capillary hemangiomas with topical timolol maleate solution. (United States)

    Rizvi, Syed Ali Raza; Yusuf, Faraz; Sharma, Rajeev; Rizvi, Syed Wajahat Ali


    Capillary hemangioma is the most common benign tumor of eyelids and orbit in children. Recently, a topical beta blocker has been reported as an effective treatment for superficial capillary hemangiomas. We present a case report of two children having large capillary hemangiomas who responded well to topical treatment by 0.5% timolol maleate solution. After 12 months of treatment, the lesion has significantly reduced in size, thickness, and color in both cases. Thus, we conclude that long-term use of topical 0.5% timolol maleate solution is safe and effective in treating superficial capillary hemangiomas.

  11. Eosinofilia pulmonar Pulmonary eosinophilia

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    Luiz Eduardo Mendes Campos


    Full Text Available As formas de eosinofilia pulmonar constituem um grupo heterogêneo definido pela presença de um ou dois critérios: infiltrado pulmonar com eosinofilia sanguínea e/ou eosinofilia tissular caracterizada por eosinófilos demonstrados na biópsia pulmonar ou no lavado broncoalveolar. Embora o infiltrado inflamatório seja composto de macrófagos, linfócitos, neutrófilos e eosinófilos, a presença de eosinofilia é um marcador importante para o diagnóstico e tratamento. A apresentação clínica e radiológica pode revelar eosinofilia pulmonar simples, pneumonia eosinofílica crônica, pneumonia eosinofílica aguda, aspergilose broncopulmonar alérgica e eosinofilia pulmonar associada à doença sistêmica, como na síndrome de Churg-Strauss e na síndrome hipereosinofílica. A asma está frequentemente associada, podendo ser um pré-requisito, como na aspergilose broncopulmonar alérgica e na síndrome de Churg-Strauss. Nas doenças com acometimento sistêmico, a pele, o coração e o sistema nervoso são os órgãos mais comprometidos. A apresentação radiológica pode ser considerada como típica, ou pelo menos sugestiva, para três formas de eosinofilia pulmonar: pneumonia eosinofílica crônica, aspergilose broncopulmonar alérgica e pneumonia eosinofílica aguda. A etiologia da eosinofilia pulmonar pode ser de causa primária (idiopática ou secundária, compreendendo causas conhecidas, como drogas, parasitas, infecções por fungos e micobactérias, irradiação e toxinas. A eosinofilia pulmonar pode também estar associada a doenças pulmonares difusas, doenças do tecido conectivo e neoplasias.Pulmonary eosinophilia comprises a heterogeneous group of diseases defined by eosinophilia in pulmonary infiltrates (bronchoalveolar lavage fluid or in tissue (lung biopsy specimens. Although the inflammatory infiltrate is composed of macrophages, lymphocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils, eosinophilia is an important marker for the diagnosis

  12. Proteinosis alveolar pulmonar

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    Concepción Sánchez Infante


    Full Text Available La proteinosis alveolar pulmonar es una enfermedad respiratoria crónica, caracterizada por alteración en el metabolismo del surfactante, lo que determina su acumulación anormal en el espacio alveolar. Es una enfermedad extremadamente rara. Se han reportado solamente 500 casos en la literatura. Se describió por primera vez en 1958. Se presenta un caso de proteinosis alveolar pulmonar en un lactante de 2 meses, con desnutrición proteico energética, que ingresa por dificultad respiratoria e hipoxemia, y, con imágenes radiológicas de tipo retículo-nodulillar, en vidrio deslustrado, en el cual se plantea inicialmente el diagnóstico de bronconeumonía. Ante la evolución desfavorable y no respuesta al tratamiento, se realizó un estudio para descartar enfermedades pulmonares crónicas. El paciente fallece y se confirma el diagnóstico por anatomía patológica. Se realiza una revisión del tema.

  13. Imaging characteristics of two subtypes of congenital hemangiomas: rapidly involuting congenital hemangiomas and non-involuting congenital hemangiomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gorincour, Guillaume; Rypens, Francoise; Garel, Laurent; Dubois, Josee; Kokta, Victor; Powell, Julie


    Common infantile hemangiomas (COMMON) occur in approximately 10% of infants by the age of 1 year, with a female predominance. Some hemangiomas can be fully developed at birth and are thus called congenital hemangiomas (CH). Within this population, two courses have been identified: rapidly involuting CH (RICH) and non-involuting CH (NICH). Little has been reported on the clinical prognosis and imaging features of these entities. To describe the imaging characteristics of two subtypes of CH, i.e. RICH and NICH, and to compare them with COMMON. We retrospectively gathered data on 26 children presenting with CH, i.e. lesions fully developed at birth. These lesions were divided into two groups according to the clinical course: suspected RICH (n=8) and suspected NICH (n=18). We used US, CT or MRI and angiography to identify the gross anatomy and structure and the vascularization. Imaging findings were compared with the clinical course and pathology results, when available. The imaging findings in these patients were compared retrospectively with those in 26 patients with COMMON randomly chosen from the database of our multidisciplinary clinic. When compared with COMMON imaging characteristics, NICH and RICH had distinctive features on US such as being heterogeneous (72% of NICH and 62.5% of RICH vs 42.3% of COMMON), visible vessels (72% of NICH and 62.5% of RICH vs 15.4% of COMMON), calcifications (17% of NICH and 37.5% of RICH vs no case of COMMON). On CT and/or MRI, we compared imaging features such as well-defined limits (67% of NICH and 60% of RICH vs 100% of COMMON), and fat stranding (29.4% of NICH and RICH vs 7.7% of COMMON). Distinctive imaging characteristics are observed in cases of CH with US findings of visible vessels and calcifications statistically significant. (orig.)

  14. Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Features of Iris Racemose Hemangioma in 4 Cases. (United States)

    Chien, Jason L; Sioufi, Kareem; Ferenczy, Sandor; Say, Emil Anthony T; Shields, Carol L


    Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) allows visualization of iris racemose hemangioma course and its relation to the normal iris microvasculature. To describe OCTA features of iris racemose hemangioma. Descriptive, noncomparative case series at a tertiary referral center (Ocular Oncology Service of Wills Eye Hospital). Patients diagnosed with unilateral iris racemose hemangioma were included in the study. Features of iris racemose hemangioma on OCTA. Four eyes of 4 patients with unilateral iris racemose hemangioma were included in the study. Mean patient age was 50 years, all patients were white, and Snellen visual acuity was 20/20 in each case. All eyes had sectoral iris racemose hemangioma without associated iris or ciliary body solid tumor on clinical examination and ultrasound biomicroscopy. By anterior segment OCT, the racemose hemangioma was partially visualized in all cases. By OCTA, the hemangioma was clearly visualized as a uniform large-caliber vascular tortuous loop with intense flow characteristics superimposed over small-caliber radial iris vessels against a background of low-signal iris stroma. The vascular course on OCTA resembled a light bulb filament (filament sign), arising from the peripheral iris (base of light bulb) and forming a tortuous loop on reaching its peak (midfilament) near the pupil (n = 3) or midzonal iris (n = 1), before returning to the peripheral iris (base of light bulb). Intravenous fluorescein angiography performed in 1 eye depicted the iris hemangioma; however, small-caliber radial iris vessels were more distinct on OCTA than intravenous fluorescein angiography. Optical coherence tomography angiography is a noninvasive vascular imaging modality that clearly depicts the looping course of iris racemose hemangioma. Optical coherence tomography angiography depicted fine details of radial iris vessels, not distinct on intravenous fluorescein angiography.

  15. Spinal epidural hemangioma related to pregnancy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shapiro, G.S.; Millett, P.J. [Dept. of Orthopaedics, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY (United States); DiCarlo, E.F. [Dept. of Pathology, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY (United States); Mintz, D.N. [Dept. of Radiology, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY (United States); Dept. of Radiology, New York Presbyterian Hospital, NY (United States); Gamache, F.W. [Department of Surgery, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY (United States); Dept. of Surgery, New York Presbyterian Hospital, NY (United States); Rawlins, B.A. [Dept. of Orthopaedics, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY (United States); Weill Medical College of Cornell Univ., New York (United States)


    We report the case of a 39-year-old woman with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis presenting with myelopathy secondary to a spinal epidural hemangioma. MRI showed an epidural soft tissue mass within the spinal canal between T5 and T9 with severe spinal cord compression. Symptoms had a temporal relationship to her pregnancy. Surgical removal of the epidural hemangioma rapidly relieved her symptoms and neurologic deficits. Follow-up examination 2 years later demonstrated normal motor and sensory function, without any neurologic sequelae or progression of deformity. (orig.)

  16. Enucleation of a Giant Hemangioma of Liver: Old School Revisited

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    Karpagavel ChandraBose


    Full Text Available Hemangiomas are the most frequent benign hepatic tumours and are usually found in patients aged between 40 and 60 years, more frequently in women. In 30–35% of patients, the lesions are multiple. If the lesions are larger than 4–10 cm, they are coined as “giant” hemangioma. Here, we present a case of giant hemangioma treated with enucleation of the lesion and the advantages of the procedure.

  17. Atresia pulmonar con comunicación interventricular

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    Tomasa Centella Hernández


    Full Text Available La atresia pulmonar con comunicación interventricular es una cardiopatía congénita cianótica, severa y rara, de alta complejidad, que se caracteriza por la ausencia de conexión entre el ventrículo derecho y las arterias pulmonares. Coexiste con una comunicación interventricular. El flujo hacia el territorio pulmonar puede realizarse a través del ductus arterioso o de colaterales sistémico-pulmonares. La dificultad de esta cardiopatía viene determinada por los diferentes niveles de interrupción desde el ventrículo derecho hasta el territorio pulmonar, y por la diferencia anatómica de las fuentes del flujo hacia dicho territorio, lo que determina diferentes tipos de abordaje quirúrgico.

  18. Head-facial hemangiomas studied with scanning electron microscopy. (United States)

    Cavallotti, Carlo; Cavallotti, Chiara; Giovannetti, Filippo; Iannetti, Giorgio


    Hemangiomas of the head or face are a frequent vascular pathology, consisting in an embryonic dysplasia that involves the cranial-facial vascular network. Hemangiomas show clinical, morphological, developmental, and structural changes during their course. Morphological, structural, ultrastructural, and clinical characteristics of head-facial hemangiomas were studied in 28 patients admitted in our hospital. Nineteen of these patients underwent surgery for the removal of the hemangiomas, whereas 9 patients were not operated on. All the removed tissues were transferred in our laboratories for the morphological staining. Light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy techniques were used for the observation of all microanatomical details. All patients were studied for a clinical diagnosis, and many were subjected to surgical therapy. The morphological results revealed numerous microanatomical characteristics of the hemangiomatous vessels. The observation by light microscopy shows the afferent and the efferent vessels for every microhemangioma. All the layers of the arterial wall are uneven. The lumen of the arteriole is entirely used by a blood clot. The observation by transmission electron microscopy shows that it was impossible to see the limits of the different layers (endothelium, medial layer, and adventitia) in the whole wall of the vessels. Moreover, both the muscular and elastic components are disarranged and replaced with connective tissue. The observation by scanning electron microscopy shows that the corrosion cast of the hemangioma offers 3 periods of filling: initially with partial filling of the arteriolar and of the whole cast, intermediate with the entire filling of the whole cast (including arteriole and venule), and a last period with a partial emptying of the arteriolar and whole cast while the venule remains totally injected with resin. Our morphological results can be useful to clinicians for a precise

  19. Hemangiomas versus arterio-venous malformations: Role of elastic stains and mast cell density

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    Pravin Pawane


    Full Text Available Context: Vascular anomalies present diagnostic challenges to histopathologists. Mulliken and Glowacki′s classification categorizes vascular lesions into hemangiomas and vascular malformations. Aim: This study explored diagnostic clues in the histomorphology of hemangiomas and vascular malformations. Materials and Methods: A total of 120 cases of benign vascular lesions were retrieved from 12 years period. A total of 94 cases, where complete clinical details and representative paraffin sections were available, were included in this study. Hematoxylin and eosin (H and E stain and Verhoeff′s stain for elastic tissue were done on all cases and lesions were classified into hemangiomas or arterio-venous malformations (AVM. Mast cell density in all lesions was calculated from toluidine blue stained sections. Results: Ten cases of hemangiomas were reclassified as AVM on the basis of presence and absence of arteriovenous structures. Intra-lesional nerves were seen in significantly higher number of AVMs compared to hemangiomas. Medium and thick sized nerve bundles were seen in 56% of AVMs, while they were not seen in any of the hemangiomas. Mean mast cell density was significantly higher in proliferating hemangiomas (53.12 ± 27.83 cells/mm 2 compared to involuting hemangiomas (11.43 ± 7.9 cells/mm 2 . Conclusions: Use of elastic tissue stains are useful ancillary tools to distinguish between AVMs and hemangiomas. The presence of arteries and arterioles are an integral part of AVMs. The presence of the intra-lesional nerves can be useful to distinguish between AVMs and hemangiomas even on H and E stained sections. The significantly higher mast cell density seen in proliferating hemangiomas compared with involuting ones, seem to suggest that mast cells play an important role in the natural history of these lesions.

  20. Criptococose pulmonar: aspectos na tomografia computadorizada

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    Silva Ana Carina Gamboa da


    Full Text Available A criptococose pulmonar é uma doença causada pelo Criptococcus neoformans, um fungo unimórfico que possui distribuição mundial, existindo na mesma forma tanto no seu habitat natural quanto em animais e humanos. A doença possui apresentações clínica e patológica variáveis e pode manifestar-se tanto em pacientes com a imunidade normal como em imunocomprometidos, que representam a maioria dos casos. Neste trabalho são analisados os aspectos encontrados nas tomografias computadorizadas do tórax de 14 pacientes com criptococose pulmonar confirmada. Os achados mais freqüentes na tomografia do tórax foram as massas e os nódulos pulmonares. Outros aspectos observados foram as áreas de escavação, as consolidações, o espessamento do interstício peribroncovascular e o reticulado difuso. Massa pulmonar foi o achado isolado mais comum (64,2%, seguido dos nódulos isolados ou múltiplos (35,7%. Doença pulmonar difusa foi vista em apenas 14,2% dos casos. Os lobos superiores foram os mais comprometidos, sendo a doença mais comum nas regiões anteriores. A tomografia do tórax permitiu avaliar com precisão o grau de comprometimento do parênquima pulmonar.

  1. Breast hemangioma mimicking metastasis at PET-CT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vieira, Sabas Carlos [Universidade Federal do Piaui (UFPI), Teresina, PI (Brazil). Fac. de Medicina; Silva, Jucelia Saraiva e [MedImagem, Teresina, PI (Brazil). Clinica Medica; Madeira, Eveline Brandao; Franca, Julio Cesar Queiroz de; Martins Filho, Sebastiao Nunes [Universidade Federal do Piaui (UFPI), Teresina, PI (Brazil)


    Breast hemangioma is a rare benign tumor that presents either absent or low {sup 18}F-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) uptake at positron emission tomography (PET). The authors report the case of a breast nodule pathologically compatible with hemangioma in a woman whose PET-scan has demonstrated increased FDG uptake (simulating a malignant tumor). A brief review of factors leading to false positive and false negative PET results is also undertaken. (author)

  2. Epitheloid hemangioma: A report of two cases

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    Basanti Devi


    Full Text Available We report two cases of epitheloid hemangioma presented with multiple nodular lesions over head and neck region. One of them gave history of bleeding on minor trauma. Pyogenic granuloma was considered as a differential diagnosis from the morphological appearance and history of bleeding. Nodular leprosy, sarcoidosis, and secondary syphilis were also considered. Histopathological examination of both was typical of epitheloid hemangioma, an entity commonly overlooked clinically due to its rarity.

  3. Liver hemangioma : comparison of echogenecity and contrast-enhancement on dynamic MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seong, Chang Kyu; Han, Joon Koo; Choi, Byung Ihn; Kim, Seog Joon; Yeon, Kyung Mo; Han, Man Chung


    To evaluate the differences in sonographic appearance and hemodynamics between hypoechoic and hyperechoic hemangioma Material and Method : We retrospectively reviewed the sonographic appearance and MRI findings of 23 hypoechoic hepatic hemangiomas in 16 consecutive patients. Nine were men and seven were women, witha mean age of 50 years(range, 40-72). We analyzed the sonographic appearance such as size, shape, border,echogenecity, posterior acoustic enhancement and the presence of fatty liver, and MRI findings such as signal intensity, enhancement pattern. For comparison, we also reviewed the sonographic appearance and MRI findings of 23 hyperechoic hemangiomas in 16 randomly selected patients. Results : There were no differences in size, shape,incidence of posterior acoustic enhancement, MR signal intensity or enhancement pattern between hypoechoic and hyperechoic hemangiomas(p>0.05, Chi-square). However, fatty infiltration of the liver and echogenic rim of the masses were more commonly seen in hypoechoic hemangiomas(9:1, 5:0, respectively, p<0.05). Conclusions : There we reno differences in MR enhomcement pattern or incidence of posterior acoustic enhancement between hypoechoic hyperechoic hemangioma. The vascularity of a mass therefore seems to contribute little to its echogenecity

  4. Hemangioma of the prostate--an unusual cause of lower urinary tract symptoms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Serizawa, Reza R; Nørgaard, Nis; Horn, Thomas


    Hemangioma of the prostate gland is extremely rare and only a few cases have been reported. There have been several cases of hemangioma of posterior urethra, urinary bladder and periprostatic plexus in the literature, all presenting with hematuria or hematospermia. Diagnosis of prostatic hemangio...... is difficult due to its rarity and unspecific symptoms such as hematuria, hematospermia or lower urinary tract symptoms. It cannot be detected by conventional examinations such as cystoscopy or standard rectal ultrasonography.......Hemangioma of the prostate gland is extremely rare and only a few cases have been reported. There have been several cases of hemangioma of posterior urethra, urinary bladder and periprostatic plexus in the literature, all presenting with hematuria or hematospermia. Diagnosis of prostatic hemangioma...

  5. Wedge-shaped parenchymal enhancement peripheral to the hepatic hemangioma : two-phase spiral CT findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Kyoung Won; Kim, Tae Kyoung; Han, Joon Koo; Kim, Ah Young; Lee, Hyun Ju; Song, Chi Sung; Choi, Byung Ihn


    To determine the incidence of hepatic hemangiomas associated with wedge-shaped parenchymal enhancements adjacent to the tumors as seen on two-phase spiral CT images obtained during the hepatic arterial phase and to characterize the two-phase spiral CT findings of those hemangiomas. One hundred and eight consecutive hepatic hemangiomas in 63 patients who underwent two-phase spiral CT scanning during an 11-month period were included in this study. Two-phase spiral CT scans were obtained during the hepatic arterial phase (30-second delay) and portal venous phase (65-second delay) after injection of 120 mL of contrast material at a rate of 3 mL/sec. We evaluated the frequency with which wedge-shaped parenchymal enhancement was adjacent to the hemangiomas during the hepatic arterial phase and divided hemangiomas into two groups according to whether or not wedge-shaped parenchymal enhancement was noted (Group A and Group B). The presence of such enhancement in hemangiomas was correlated with tumor size and the grade of intratumoral enhancement. In 24 of 108 hemangiomas, wedge-shaped parenchymal enhancement adjacent to hepatic tumors was seen on two-phase CT images obtained during the hepatic arterial phase. Mean hemangioma size was 22mm in group A and 24mm in group B. There was no statistically significant relationship between lesion size and the presence of wedge-shaped parenchymal enhancement adjacent to a hemangioma. In 91.7% and 100% of tumors in Group A, and in 9.6% and 17.8% in Group B, hemangiomas showed more than 50% intratumoral enhancement during the arterial and portal venous phase, respectively. Wedge-shaped parenchymal enhancements peripheral to hepatic hemangiomas was more frequently found in tumors showing more than 50% intratumoral enhancement during these two phases (p less than 0.01). Wedge-shaped parenchymal enhancements is not uncommonly seen adjacent to hepatic hemangiomas on two-phase spiral CT images obtained during the hepatic arterial phase. A

  6. An incidental ovarian mass: A case of ovarian hemangioma with prominent stromal luteinization

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    Babak Shirazi


    Full Text Available Ovarian hemangioma is a rare benign tumor of female genital tract. Stromal luteinization in ovarian hemangioma is an uncommon process and the pathogenesis is controversial. In this regard, two hypotheses have been suggested whether luteinization is a reactive process or it is the stimulator for development of ovarian hemangioma. Here, we report a case of a 55-year-old woman who referred to our center due to incidental finding of left ovarian mass in pelvic sonography. Microscopically, the mass showed a mixed cavernous and capillary hemangioma and the peripheral stroma contained several small and large clusters of stromal cells, which were luteinized. It should be noted that an ovarian hemangioma could be associated with stromal luteinization although its pathogenesis is not clearly known. Yet, we believe the stromal luteinization around ovarian hemangioma could be a reactive phenomenon.

  7. Guide to Understanding Hemangiomas (United States)

    ... chemical oxyhemoglobin in the red blood cells. The blood heats up, causing the vessels to either burst or ... into a thick hemangioma to damage the abnormal blood vessels with heat, with variable results. Otolaryngologists (ear, nose and throat ...

  8. Intramuscular capillary-type hemangioma: radiologic-pathologic correlation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yilmaz, Sabri; Alomari, Ahmad I.; Chaudry, Gulraiz [Boston Children' s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Vascular Anomalies Center, Boston, MA (United States); Boston Children' s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Division of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, Boston, MA (United States); Kozakewich, Harry P. [Boston Children' s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Vascular Anomalies Center, Boston, MA (United States); Boston Children' s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Department of Pathology, Boston, MA (United States); Fishman, Steven J. [Boston Children' s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Vascular Anomalies Center, Boston, MA (United States); Boston Children' s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Department of Surgery, Boston, MA (United States); Mulliken, John B. [Boston Children' s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Vascular Anomalies Center, Boston, MA (United States); Boston Children' s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Department of Plastic and Oral Surgery, Boston, MA (United States)


    Infantile hemangiomas demonstrate a pattern of proliferative growth in infancy followed by a slow phase of involution. In contrast a rare type of vascular tumor, intramuscular capillary-type hemangioma, usually presents beyond the period of infancy with nonspecific symptoms and no evidence of involution. The purpose of this study was to characterize the clinical, imaging, histopathological characteristics and management of intramuscular capillary-type hemangioma. We performed a retrospective review of a 20-year period to identify children diagnosed with intramuscular capillary-type hemangioma. Patient demographics, imaging and histopathological findings were recorded. We included 18 children (10 boys, 8 girls) with histologically proven intramuscular capillary-type hemangioma - and adequate imaging. The mean age at presentation was 8.1 years (range 1 day to 19 years). Twelve lesions involved muscles of the extremities, 4 were located in the trunk and 2 were in the head and neck. MRI had been performed in all children and demonstrated a soft-tissue mass with flow voids, consistent with fast flow. The lesion was well-circumscribed in 16 children and intralesional fat was seen in 14. Doppler US demonstrated a heterogeneous lesion, predominantly isoechoic to surrounding muscle, with enlarged arterial feeders. Enlarged feeding arteries, inhomogeneous blush and lack of arteriovenous shunting were noted on angiography (n = 5). The most common histopathological findings were lobules of capillaries with plump endothelium and at least some adipose tissue. The lesions were excised in six children. Two children were lost to follow-up. In the remaining 10, follow-up MRI studies ranging from 3 months to 10 years showed that the lesion enlarged in proportion to the child (n = 7), demonstrated slow growth (n = 2) or remained stable (n = 1). There was no change in imaging characteristics on follow-up. Intramuscular capillary-type hemangioma is a rare benign vascular tumor of

  9. Evaluation and management of Periocular Capillary Hemangioma: A review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Motowa, Saeed A.; Chaudhry, Imtiaz A.


    To review the salient features of periocular capillary hemangioma, provide the ophthalmologist with clinical, diagnostic and histological features characteristic of the tumor and discuss various methods of management. Methods were literature review of periocular capillary hemangioma, diagnostic evaluation with emphasis on treatment through the presentation of illustrative clinical cases. Capillary hemangioma is the most common benign vascular tumor found on the head and neck area including eyelids and orbit. The lesion typically manifests within the first few weeks of life, grows rapidly in the first year during the proliferative phase, then invariably and slowly regresses over the next 4 to 5 years during the involutional phase. The lesion may resolve without leaving any significant cosmetic sequelae in vast majority of patients, however, the functional defects in the form of amblyopia, squint, facial disfigurement and rarely optic atrophy may persist long after complete resolution of the tumor. The diagnosis of the capillary hemangioma requires a combination of clinical and imaging studies such as ultrasonography, computerized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and angiography in selected cases. With the advent of less invasive diagnostic techniques, the need for biopsy in capillary hemangioma has decreased. Nevertheless, it should be differentiated from other periocular tumors such as rhabdomyosarcoma, lymphangioma, chloroma, neuroblastoma, orbital cyst, and orbital cellulites. Treatment is indicated to prevent amblyopia or cosmetic disfigurement. If indicated, intra-lesional corticosteroids may be used to enhance resolution of the tumor. Other forms of treatment tried with variable success include systematic and topical corticosteroids, radiation, surgical excision and intravenous embolization of the tumor. Indecent years, laser ablation of the tumor has been found effective in some cases. Interferon-u has been utilized effectively in cases of capillary

  10. Uso de neumocitos de tipo II en el tratamiento de enfermedades pulmonares asociadas con fibrosis pulmonar


    Serrano-Mollar, Anna; Closa, Daniel; Bulbena, Oriol


    Se describe el empleo de neumocitos tipo II como agentes inhibidores de la proliferación de fibroblastos, por lo que pueden ser utilizados en la elaboración de un medicamento para el tratamientode enfermedades pulmonares que cursan con fibrosis pulmonar.

  11. Synovial hemangiomas of the knee: magnetic resonance findings in six cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Concepcion, L.; Marti-Bonmati, L. M.; Dosda, R.; Llauger, J.; Palmer, J.; Mellado, J. M.


    The synovial hemangioma is an uncommon benign vascular tumor that is difficult to diagnose on the basis of clinical signs Moreover, it has no characteristic radiographic features. The objective of the present report was to describe the MR findings associated with synovial hemangioma of the knee. We review the clinical and MR findings in six patients, with histologically confirmed synovial hemangioma of the Knee, studied with different MR systems and techniques. Synovial hemangiomas were isointense with respect to muscle in T1-weighted images, strongly hyperintense in T2-weighted sequences and presented wavy hypointense linear images. Gadolinium administration resulted in a marked enhancement, although it was heterogeneous in two of three cases analyzed. Although the findings are not pathognomonic, the presence of an intraarticular tumor of the knee that is isointense with respect to muscle in T1 and hyperintense in T2, and shows wavy hypointense images and a marked contrast uptake, may suggest the presence of synovial hemangioma. (Author) 11 refs

  12. Intracerebral Capillary Hemangioma: A Case Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Youn, In Young; Kim, Jae Kyun; Byun, Jun Soo [Dept. of Radiology, Chung Ang University Medical Center, Chung Ang University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Park, Eon Sub [Dept. of Radiology, Chung Ang University Medical Center, Chung Ang University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Intracerebral capillary hemangiomas are very rare benign vascular tumors that mostly occur during infancy. We described a 69-year-old man with generalized tonic-clonic seizures who was diagnosed with an intracranial mass. Multidetector computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and digital subtraction angiography studies were performed for evaluation of brain, and there was a well-enhancing mass found in the right temporal lobe without a definite feeding vessel. The patient underwent surgery and the pathologic examination demonstrated marked proliferation of small vessels with a lobular pattern in the brain parenchyma, which was confirmed to be capillary hemangioma.

  13. Cytogenetic study of a pulmonary sclerosing hemangioma. (United States)

    Pareja, María J; Vargas, María T; Sánchez, Ana; Ibáñez, José; González-Cámpora, Ricardo


    Pulmonary sclerosing hemangioma (PSH) is an uncommon benign tumor that presents as a solitary asymptomatic and slow-growing nodule. It occurs in both young and old persons; peak incidence is in the fifth decade. Both sexes are affected by this tumor, but women more frequently than men. On histological examination, PSH shows prominent sclerotization and vascularization of the tissue. Recent studies conclude that PSH derives from type II pneumocytes, but the potential for progression and histogenesis remains controversial. We report a case of pulmonary sclerosing hemangioma in a 61-year-old woman with a neoplastic node 1 cm in diameter. The karyotype was 46,XX,t(8;18),der(14;15),+14 in all the cells analyzed. PTEN (10q23) and IgH (14q32) probes were analyzed in interphase nuclei and paraffin-embedded tissues of tumor cells. These chromosome abnormalities could provide information about the relationship of genetic changes to the biological properties of sclerosing hemangioma tumors.

  14. Endocarditis infecciosa de válvula pulmonar nativa


    Franco Romaní R; Fernando Atencia M; José Cuadra A


    La endocarditis infecciosa en válvulas derechas es predominantemente en la válvula tricuspídea, mientras la válvula pulmonar es excepcionalmente afectada (menos de 1,5%), por lo que son pocos los casos reportados en la literatura mundial. Las manifestaciones clínicas de endocarditis en válvula pulmonar no son las clásicas de endocarditis infecciosa, como son los síntomas de embolismo séptico pulmonar. La endocarditis aislada de válvula pulmonar nativa es inusual en personas que no consumen dr...

  15. Tratamento de hemangioma gigante com interferon alfa: relato de dois casos Treatment of giant hemangioma with interferon-alpha: report of two cases

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    Ana Julia Balau


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho é descrever o uso de interferon alfa no tratamento de pacientes com hemangioma gigante. Os autores relatam e analisam dois casos de hemangioma gigante em tratamento com interferon alfa. IBS, 3 anos, em acompanhamento no Ambulatório de Hematologia desde um ano de idade com quadro de lesão angiomatosa em praticamente toda hemiface direita, acompanhada de sangramentos gengivais importantes. Após a realização de exames complementares (Angiorressonância magnética e feito o diagnóstico de hemangioma gigante em face, foi iniciado tratamento com prednisona e, posteriormente, associação com interferon alfa e observada importante melhora do quadro, resultando na diminuição dos episódios de sangramento e no tamanho do tumor. C.N.P., 12 anos, apresentando nódulo em região lateral de joelho esquerdo há 2 anos, com aumento progressivo do tamanho e dor local. Fez uso de prednisona e, sem melhora do quadro, introduzido interferon alfa com regressão importante do tamanho do tumor. O tratamento com interferon alfa deve ser considerado no tratamento de hemangiomas, pois apresenta bons resultados em relação à diminuição do tamanho do tumor e, conseqüentemente, reduz as intercorrências clínicas associadas à sua presença, principalmente os sangramentos.The aim of this study is to describe the treatment using interferon-alpha of giant hemangiomas in children. The authors report two cases of children presenting with giant hemangiomas treated using interferon-alpha and analyze the results. IBS, 3 years-old, has been followed up in Famema Hemathology Service since she was 1 year-old with a tumor on the face and persistent bleeding. After clinical and radiologic evaluations and suggested the diagnosis of giant hemangioma, she started treatment with interferon-alpha. A great clinical improvement was observed a reducing of the number of episodes of bleedings and a decrease in of the tumor size. CNP, 12 years-old, came to

  16. Prenatal and postnatal MR findings of a congenital hemangioma: a case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choi, Kyung Hee; Chang, Yun Woo; Lee, Jung Jai; Lee, Woo Ryung [Soonchunhyang University Hospital, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Young Wha [Inje University Seoul Paik Hospital, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Hemangiomas are common benign soft tissue tumors found in pediatrics. Knowledge of prenatal image findings for hemangiomas can be essential for ensuring optimal antepartum and postpartum care. In this study, we provide a report the MR findings of a congenital hemangioma in the posterior neck region, which was different from the pre and postnatal image findings as well as a literature review.

  17. Enfermedad pulmonar intersticial asociada a rituximab

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    Marcelo Fernández Casares


    Full Text Available La introducción en la práctica clínica del anticuerpo anti-CD20 rituximab ha mejorado sustancialmente el pronóstico de diversas enfermedades autoinmunes y hematológicas. Con el incremento de su uso ha aumentado el registro de efectos adversos, entre ellos la toxicidad pulmonar. Una de sus complicaciones más serias es la enfermedad pulmonar intersticial, entidad potencialmente fatal que debe ser considerada en pacientes que han recibido rituximab y presentan disnea, fiebre y tos sin clara evidencia de infección. Presentamos un caso de enfermedad pulmonar intersticial asociada a rituximab.

  18. The Effectiveness of Contact Cryotherapy in Treatment of Infantil Hemangiomas - Original Article

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    Nazan Taşlıdere


    Full Text Available Objective: Hemangiomas of infancy are the most common benign tumours of childhood. Cryotherapy is a widely accepted modality for the treatment of hemangiomas of the newborn. However, no studies clearly supporting its effectivity are available. In contrast to an earlier "wait and see" approach to treating hemangiomas in young children, we sought to determine whether these vascular lesions would respond to contact cryosurgery.Methods: Nineteen patients with 25 infantil hemangiomas were included in the study between 2003-2008 years. Patients were treated with contact cryotherapy. All lesions were treated with the same method (double freeze-thaw cycle of 15 seconds.Results: In 15 lesion; 11 (%73.3 lesions healed with full regression, two (%13.3 lesions healed with partially regression, one lession showed no change and one lesion showed progression. Conclusion: Contact cryotherapy has been evaluated as an effective and safe method in infantil hemangiomas.

  19. Anastomosing hemangioma involving the para-arotic region: A case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Jung Min; KIm, Hyun Cheol; Yang, Dal Mo; Kim, Sang Won; Won, Kyu Yeoun


    Anastomosing hemangioma (AH) is a rare and benign vascular neoplasm that is regarded as a morphological variant of capillary hemangioma. AH has been encountered primarily in the kidney. To our knowledge, para-aortic involvement of AH has not been reported previously. Here, we report a case of slowly progressing AH involving the left para-aortic region in a 72-year-old woman with a history of breast cancer surgery. A contrast-enhanced, dynamic abdominal CT scan revealed that the lesion had peripheral enhancement with slow centripetal fashion, which is an enhancement pattern similar to that of hepatic hemangioma

  20. Anastomosing hemangioma involving the para-arotic region: A case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Jung Min; KIm, Hyun Cheol; Yang, Dal Mo; Kim, Sang Won; Won, Kyu Yeoun [Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Anastomosing hemangioma (AH) is a rare and benign vascular neoplasm that is regarded as a morphological variant of capillary hemangioma. AH has been encountered primarily in the kidney. To our knowledge, para-aortic involvement of AH has not been reported previously. Here, we report a case of slowly progressing AH involving the left para-aortic region in a 72-year-old woman with a history of breast cancer surgery. A contrast-enhanced, dynamic abdominal CT scan revealed that the lesion had peripheral enhancement with slow centripetal fashion, which is an enhancement pattern similar to that of hepatic hemangioma.

  1. Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography of Retinal Cavernous Hemangioma. (United States)

    Pierro, Luisa; Marchese, Alessandro; Gagliardi, Marco; Bandello, Francesco


    Retinal cavernous hemangioma is a rare, benign, retinal tumor characterized by angiomatous proliferation of vessels within the inner retina or the optic disc.1 Here we report a case of retinal cavernous hemangioma on the margin of the optic disc in the right eye of a 61-year-old asymptomatic female. The lesion was studied with multimodal imaging which included structural optical coherence tomography, fluorescein angiography, blue fundus auto-fluorescence, optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) (DRI OCT Triton; Topcon, Tokyo, Japan) and visual field examination. Blood circulation inside retinal cavernous hemangioma lesion is typically low-stagnant.2 However, OCTA demonstrated blood flow inside the lesion, illustrating its vascular circulation.3 Visual field was within the normal limits, except from a slight enlargement of the blind spot. [Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging Retina. 2017;48:684-685.]. Copyright 2017, SLACK Incorporated.

  2. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging findings of nasal cavity hemangiomas according to histological type

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Jun Ho; Park, Sun Won; Lim, Myung Kwan; Kim, Yeo Ju; Lee, Ha Young [Dept. of Radiology, Inha University School of Medicine, Incheon (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Soo Jin [Dept. of Radiology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Jang, Tae Young [Dept. of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Inha University School of Medicine, Incheon (Korea, Republic of); Kang, Young Hye [Dept. of Radiology, nha University Hospital, Incheon (Korea, Republic of)


    To compare computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings between two histological types of nasal hemangiomas (cavernous hemangioma and capillary or lobular capillary hemangioma). CT (n = 20; six pre-contrast; 20 post-enhancement) and MRI (n = 7) images from 23 patients (16 men and seven women; mean age, 43 years; range, 13-73 years) with a pathologically diagnosed nasal cavity hemangioma (17 capillary and lobular capillary hemangiomas and six cavernous hemangiomas) were reviewed, focusing on lesion location, size, origin, contour, enhancement pattern, attenuation or signal intensity (SI), and bony changes. The 17 capillary and lobular hemangiomas averaged 13 mm (range, 4-37 mm) in size, and most (n = 13) were round. Fourteen capillary hemangiomas had marked or moderate early phase enhancement on CT, which dissipated during the delayed phase. Four capillary hemangiomas on MRI showed marked enhancement. Bony changes were usually not seen on CT or MRI (seen on five cases, 29.4%). Half of the lesions (2/4) had low SI on T1-weighted MRI images and heterogeneously high SI with signal voids on T2-weighted images. The six cavernous hemangiomas were larger than the capillary type (mean, 20.5 mm; range, 10-39 mm) and most had lobulating contours (n = 4), with characteristic enhancement patterns (three centripetal and three multifocal nodular), bony remodeling (n = 4, 66.7%), and mild to moderate heterogeneous enhancement during the early and delayed phases. CT and MRI findings are different between the two histological types of nasal hemangiomas, particularly in the enhancement pattern and size, which can assist in preoperative diagnosis and planning of surgical tumor excision.

  3. Esplenectomia parcial para tratar hemangioma esplênico

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    Andy Petroianu

    Full Text Available Apesar de a esplenectomia ser eficaz na abordagem terapêutica de pacientes com hemangioma esplênico, esse procedimento é acompanhado de elevada morbidade e até mortalidade, principalmente devido à sepse, quando realizado em crianças e adolescentes com sistema imunitário ainda imaturo. Para prevenir os efeitos adversos da asplenia, propõe-se neste artigo a esplenectomia parcial, com a retirada apenas da região do hemangioma, mantendo o restante do baço e preservando suas importantes funções.


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    A. S. Markova


    Full Text Available The paper describes a clinical case of testicular capillary hemangioma in a 24-year-old man undergone a partial resection of the testis with the intraoperative morphological examination. Testicular capillary hemangioma is a rare benign tumor of a vascular origin, which can be similar to malignant testicular tumors on the clinical presentation, as well as on the imaging methods, in particular to seminoma. The intraoperative histological study can assist in avoiding organ-removing surgical interventions in diagnostically ambiguous cases if a benign testicular tumor is diagnosed.

  5. Preliminary Report On Combined Surgical- And Laser-Treatment Of Large Hemangiomas And Tattoos (United States)

    Ginsbach, G.


    As most hemangiomas and tattoos require many sessions to be cured completely by argon-laser or conventional therapy I developed a new combined surgical and laser-therapy method for large hemangiomas and tattoos. This is a three step method. First: The skin lesion is treated by argon-laser with the point by point method, developed by ourself. Second: Under local or general anaesthesia a) the hemangioma is partially excised and undermined letting only the skin which is already treated by argon-laser-beams. Than the hemangioma is exstirpated in toto, the wound closed by running intradermal sutures and a pressure bandage applied, b) the tattoo is abraded as deep as possible, draped by lyofoam. Then a pressure bandage is applied. Third: The hemangioma as well as the tattoo are treated by argon-laser-beams after the operation. This method is safe and effective, gives good results, minimal scars in the case of hemangiomas and tattoos. In this paper the method is described and some cases are illustrated by pre- and postoperational photographs.

  6. Intraneural hemangioma of the median nerve: A case report

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    Sevinç Teoman


    Full Text Available Abstract Hemangiomas of the median nerve are very rare and, so far, only ten cases of intraneural hemangioma of this nerve have been reported in the literature. We present a case of 14-year-old girl who had a soft tissue mass in the region of the left wrist with signs and symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Total removal of the mass was achieved using microsurgical epineural and interfasicular dissection. The symptoms were relieved completely, after this procedure, without any neurologic deficit. On follow-up two years later, no recurrence was observed. Whenever a child or young adult patient presents with CTS the possibility of a hemangioma involving the median nerve should be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis.

  7. Clinical observation of 5686 cases of infant hemangioma treated by 32P

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Qinyuan; Lin Shixiu; Liu Jingtao


    Objective: To explore the therapeutic method of treating infant hemangioma by radioisotopes 32 P. Methods: Simple hemangiomata were treated by 32 P dermal application method. The authors prepared 32 P at the activity of 165.98 kBq/cm 2 /h, diluted it with 2 ml water, and then dropped it on filter paper. The authors applied the paper to the impaired site according to the shape and the size of hemangioma. The impaired site received 32 P radiation at the dosage of 9.41 Gy/cm 2 each time. The treatment was repeated once every month. Cavernous hemangiomata were treated by local injections of colloid 32 P at the dosage of 370 kBq/cm 3 once every 2-3 months. Mixed hemangiomata received combined treatment mentioned above. Results: 3383 cases (99.0%) of simple hemangioma were cured by 32 P dermal application method. 1241 case (98.7%) of cavernous hemangioma were cured. 397 cases (83.0%) of mixed hemangioma were cured. 534 cases (98.1%) of naevus flammeus were improved by 32 P application method. The total effective rate was 99.8%. The cure rate was 88.3%. Conclusion: Treating hemangioma with 32 P is satisfactory for its high efficiency and low toxicity. It may be advisable for infant skin disease

  8. Absceso y tuberculosis pulmonar


    Hercelles García, Oswaldo


    Si la tuberculosis pulmonar es conocida desde los tiempos más remotos y el absceso del pulmón es considerado, desde el siglo XIX, como una entidad patológica perfectamente definida, es evidente que la asociación absceso y tuberculosis pulmonar no tiene su verdadera expresión de estudio, sino en los últimos años. If pulmonary tuberculosis has been known since ancient times and lung abscess is considered, since the nineteenth century as a well-defined disease entity, it is clear that the abs...

  9. El tromboembolismo pulmonar (TEP)


    Álvarez Alonso, Elena


    El trombo-embolismo pulmonar (TEP) consiste en la obstrucción de la arteria pulmonar o de una de sus ramas, normalmente por un trombo, aunque también puede existir una obstrucción por otras sustancias que impiden la circulación. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es dar conocer los síntomas del TEP para poder prevenir posibles complicaciones, comenzar a tratarlo desde sus inicios e informar a la población de cuáles son los principales factores de riesgo que pueden causar esta enfermed...

  10. Perinatal subglottic and hepatic hemangiomas as potential emergencies: effect of radiotherapy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bek, V; Abrahamova, J; Koutecky, J; Kolihova, E [Karlova Univ., Prague (Czechoslovakia). Fakulta Vseobecneho Lekarstvi; Fajstavr, J [Oto-rhino-laryngological Clinic, Pediatric Faculty, Charles University, Prague (Czechoslovakia)


    5 cases are analysed of perinatal hemangiomas in internal localizations representing relative or immediate emergencies. Three cases were subglottic proliferating hemangiomas with threatening suffocation, the other two were large hemangiomas of the liver causing significant hepatomegaly. In 3 children there were also hemangiomas of the skin and or in the oral cavity seen as important signs in the diagnostic reflections on the nature of the urgent clinical pictures. Moreover one child with subglottic hemangioma suffered from hematological disorders characterizing the Kasabach-Merritt syndrome. In all the children transcutaneous radiotherapy was performed (ranging from 12 Gy in two weeks up to an exceptional dose of 25 Gy over 3 months). This resulted in recession of subjective complaints and, eventually, in complete regression of the irradiated angiomatous lesions, both subglottic and hepatic. The disorders of hemocoagulation also disappeared quickly and completely. At present, i.e., after 3 to 21 years, there are no adverse post-irradiation changes in any of the patients. Nevertheless, in view of possible post-irradiation effects particularly on the thyroid gland, all the patients continue to be regularly followed up at the respective clinical departments.

  11. Perinatal subglottic and hepatic hemangiomas as potential emergencies: effect of radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bek, V.; Abrahamova, J.; Koutecky, J.; Kolihova, E.


    5 cases are analysed of perinatal hemangiomas in internal localizations representing relative or immediate emergencies. Three cases were subglottic proliferating hemangiomas with threatening suffocation, the other two were large hemangiomas of the liver causing significant hepatomegaly. In 3 children there were also hemangiomas of the skin and'or in the oral cavity seen as important signs in the diagnostic reflections on the nature of the urgent clinical pictures. Moreover one child with subglottic hemangioma suffered from hematological disorders characterizing the Kasabach-Merritt syndrome. In all the children transcutaneous radiotherapy was performed (ranging from 12 Gy in two weeks up to an exceptional dose of 25 Gy over 3 months). This resulted in recession of subjective complaints and, eventually, in complete regression of the irradiated angiomatous lesions, both subglottic and hepatic. The disorders of hemocoagulation also disappeared quickly and completely. At present, i.e., after 3 to 21 years, there are no adverse post-irradiattion changes in any of the patients. Nevertheless, in view of possible post-irradiation effects particularly on the thyroid gland, all the patients continue to be regularly followed up at the respective clinical departments. (author)

  12. Hemangioma of the porus acusticus. Impact of imaging studies: case reports

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Petit-Lacour, M.C.; Marsot-Dupuch, K.; Hadj-Rabia, M.; Doyon, D.; Lasjaunias, P. [Dept. of Neuroradiology, Kremlin-Bicetre Hospital (France); Sterkers, O. [Dept. of Oto-rhino-laryngology, Beaujon Hospital, Clichy (France); Bobin, S. [Dept. of Oto-rhino-laryngology, Kremlin-Bicetre Hospital (France)


    Hemangiomas are tumors. Hemangiomas near the geniculate ganglion or in the internal acoustic meatus are well known but rare. We present two cases of hemangiomas located at the porus acusticus, an even more rare site. MRI showed a millimeter-sized tumor, located in the porus acusticus, developing perpendicular to the axis of the acoustico-facial nerves, surrounding them. They were hyperintense on T1-weighted images, strongly hyperintense on T2-weighted images with a characteristic progressive and marked enhancement after injection of gadolinium DTPA. Similar signal abnormalities were present in the adjacent temporal bone, and CT scan demonstrated a honeycomb appearance with intra-tumoral bony spicules. These imaging criteria allows differentiation between hemangioma and neurinoma. We hypothesize that this location is related to the presence of a rich vascular plexus of the dura mater in this area. (orig.)

  13. Hemangioma of the porus acusticus. Impact of imaging studies: case reports

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petit-Lacour, M.C.; Marsot-Dupuch, K.; Hadj-Rabia, M.; Doyon, D.; Lasjaunias, P.; Sterkers, O.; Bobin, S.


    Hemangiomas are tumors. Hemangiomas near the geniculate ganglion or in the internal acoustic meatus are well known but rare. We present two cases of hemangiomas located at the porus acusticus, an even more rare site. MRI showed a millimeter-sized tumor, located in the porus acusticus, developing perpendicular to the axis of the acoustico-facial nerves, surrounding them. They were hyperintense on T1-weighted images, strongly hyperintense on T2-weighted images with a characteristic progressive and marked enhancement after injection of gadolinium DTPA. Similar signal abnormalities were present in the adjacent temporal bone, and CT scan demonstrated a honeycomb appearance with intra-tumoral bony spicules. These imaging criteria allows differentiation between hemangioma and neurinoma. We hypothesize that this location is related to the presence of a rich vascular plexus of the dura mater in this area. (orig.)

  14. Preoperative MRI evaluation of vertebral hemangiomas treated with percutaneous vertebroplasty

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Xiaoping; Wu Chungen; Li Minghua; Li Yuehua; Gu Yifeng; Cheng Yongde


    Objective: To discuss the clinical value of preoperative magnetic resonance imaging examination in guiding the treatment of vertebral hemangiomas with percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP). Methods: A total of 286 patients with vertebral hemangiomas detected on spine MRI in authors' Department were enrolled in this study. The patient's age, the lesion's size and location, the clinical symptoms, MRI findings, etc. were retrospectively analyzed. Results: A total of 336 vertebral bodies were affected in 286 patients. The lesions were mainly located at the lumbar spine (43.15%) and the thoracic spine (37.80%). The highest incidence of disease was seen in 50-59 years old patients (34.62%). The mean diameter of the lesions was 14.56 mm. Solitary lesion was seen in 85.66% of patients, while two vertebral bodies involved were seen in 10.14% of patients. Twelve cases (4.20%) simply presented as back pain at the related vertebral bodies. Two patients showed signs due to spinal cord compression. All aggressive vertebral hemangiomas were manifested as iso-lower signal on T1-weighted images and higher signal on T2-weighted images. Simple PVP was performed in 4 cases, and subtotal tumor excision together with PVP was carried out in two patients with aggressive vertebral hemangiomas. Conclusion: Evaluation of vertebral hemangiomas with MRI performed prior to percutaneous vertebroplasty is very helpful in guiding the selection of therapeutic scheme. (authors)

  15. Infantile hemangioma: pulsed dye laser versus surgical therapy (United States)

    Remlova, E.; Dostalova, T.; Michalusova, I.; Vranova, J.; Jelinkova, H.; Hubacek, M.


    Hemangioma is a mesenchymal benign tumor formed by blood vessels. Anomalies affect up to 10% of children and they are more common in females than in males. The aim of our study was to compare the treatment efficacy, namely the curative effect and adverse events, such as loss of pigment and appearance of scarring, between classical surgery techniques and laser techniques. For that reason a group of 223 patients with hemangioma was retrospectively reviewed. For treatment, a pulsed dye laser (PDL) (Rhodamine G, wavelength 595 nm, pulsewidth between 0.45 and 40 ms, spot diameter 7 mm, energy density 9-11 J cm-2) was used and the results were compared with a control group treated with classical surgical therapy under general anesthesia. The curative effects, mainly number of sessions, appearance of scars, loss of pigment, and relapses were evaluated as a marker of successful treatment. From the results it was evident that the therapeutic effects of both systems are similar. The PDL was successful in all cases. The surgery patients had four relapses. Classical surgery is directly connected with the presence of scars, but the system is safe for larger hemangiomas. It was confirmed that the PDL had the optimal curative effect without scars for small lesions (approximately 10 mm). Surgical treatment under general anesthesia is better for large hemangiomas; the disadvantage is the presence of scars.

  16. Hepatic hemangioma. Comparison between MR and SPECT in its detection and characterization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Galant Herrero, J.; Marti-Bonmati, L.; Sopena Monforte, R.; Caballero Calabuig, E.; Martinez Rodrigo, J.; Ferrer Puchol, D.; Paniagua Escudero, J.C.


    Given the high prevalence of hepatic hemangioma, diagnostic techniques that differentiate these benign lesions from metastasis, hepatoma, and other malignant diseases are necessary. Twenty-five consecutive patients in whom ultrasonography led to the suspicion of hemangioma were studied by magnetic resonance (MR) and tomographic scintigraphy using 99m Tc-labeled red blood cells. Twenty patients presented 42 hemangiomas. Of the 5 remaining patients, 2 proved to have hepatoma and 3 had metastases. Both MR and SPECT have been shown to be highly sensitive in the diagnosis of hepatic hemangioma (95% and 74%, respectively). The specificity of both techniques was 100%. A diagnostic algorithm is presented, based on the high sensitivity and specificity of the two techniques for the purpose of avoiding unnecessary diagnostic measures. (Author)

  17. Leptospirose pulmonar Pulmonary leptospirosis

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    João Cláudio Barroso Pereira


    Full Text Available No presente artigo, os autores discutem brevemente sobre a leptospirose, realçando a forma pulmonar da doença. Revê-se a patologia, achados clínicos, diagnóstico por métodos de imagem e broncoscopia e tratamento da leptospirose pulmonar. É também lembrado o diagnóstico clínico e radiológico precoces, para que se possa iniciar terapêutica adequada. Os autores concluem que a forma pulmonar da leptospirose deve ser sempre considerada como causa e diagnóstico diferencial da hemorragia alveolar difusa e síndroma de dificuldade respiratória do adulto.In this article, the authors discuss briefly the leptospirosis, emphasizing mainly the pulmonary form of disease. The authors review pathology, clinical findings, imaging and broncoscopy diagnosis, treatment of pulmonary leptospirosis. It is also remembered about early clinics and radiology diagnosis to start therapeutics. The authors conclude that pulmonary form of disease must always be remembered and considered as cause and differential diagnosis of Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage and Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome.

  18. Hemangioma of the prostate--an unusual cause of lower urinary tract symptoms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Serizawa, Reza R; Nørgaard, Nis; Horn, Thomas


    Hemangioma of the prostate gland is extremely rare and only a few cases have been reported. There have been several cases of hemangioma of posterior urethra, urinary bladder and periprostatic plexus in the literature, all presenting with hematuria or hematospermia. Diagnosis of prostatic hemangioma...... is difficult due to its rarity and unspecific symptoms such as hematuria, hematospermia or lower urinary tract symptoms. It cannot be detected by conventional examinations such as cystoscopy or standard rectal ultrasonography....

  19. Hemangioma de úvula: relato de um caso

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    G. Sobrinho Fernando P.


    Full Text Available O hemangioma é o mais comum tumor de origem vascular, benigno, freqüentemente diagnosticado em crianças, e com predileção pela cabeça e pescoço, mas que raramente tem origem na úvula. Neste órgão, apresenta risco de traumatismo local e sangramento. Este artigo relato um caso de hemangioma de úvula num adulto jovem com disfagia orofaríngea progressiva e sensação de corpo estranho na garganta, tratado com sucesso por ressecção cirúrgica do tumor com bisturi de radiofreqüência.

  20. A rare cause of recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding: mesenteric hemangioma

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    Zeytunlu Murat


    Full Text Available Abstract Lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage accounts for approximately 20% of gastrointestinal hemorrhage. The most common causes of lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage in adults are diverticular disease, inflammatory bowel disease, benign anorectal diseases, intestinal neoplasias, coagulopathies and arterio-venous malformations. Hemangiomas of gastrointestinal tract are rare. Mesenteric hemangiomas are also extremely rare. We present a 25-year-old female who was admitted to the emergency room with recurrent lower gastrointestinal bleeding. An intraluminal bleeding mass inside the small intestinal segment was detected during explorative laparotomy as the cause of the recurrent lower gastrointestinal bleeding. After partial resection of small bowel segment, the histopathologic examination revealed a cavernous hemagioma of mesenteric origin. Although rare, gastrointestinal hemangioma should be thought in differential diagnosis as a cause of recurrent lower gastrointestinal bleeding.

  1. Failure to thrive in infants with complicated facial hemangiomas. (United States)

    Thomas, Meghan W; Burkhart, Craig N; Vaghani, Sapna P; Morrell, Dean S; Wagner, Annette M


    We have observed that some children with facial hemangiomas of infancy have feeding difficulties coincident with periods of failure to thrive. We evaluated the early oral sensory and feeding experiences of four children with facial hemangiomas through medical record review and parental surveys to investigate their contribution to the patients' failure to thrive. All children with feeding irregularities experienced some degree of oral sensory impairment and required early oral sensory intervention, but there were varying reports of difficulty or delay in the development of oral feeding. The nature of these difficulties is discussed. Infants with complicated facial hemangiomas with perioral and airway involvement may be at higher risk for feeding and oral sensory problems. We recommend close monitoring for failure to thrive and early evaluation by speech or occupational therapists. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  2. Ossified skeletal muscle hemangioma: Radiologic and pathologic features

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Engelstad, B L; Gilula, L A [Mallinckrodt Inst. of Radiology, St. Louis, MO (USA); Kynakos, M [Washington Univ., St. Louis, MO (USA). Dept. of Surgical Pathology


    Skeletal muscle hemangiomas are relatively uncommon tumors in children and young adults. Although the operative management of these lesions may be affected by their vascularity, the correct preoperative diagnosis is often not made. Ossification of these lesions is rare. Two patients are described whose skeletal muscle hemangiomas contained abundant osseous tissue. This was radiologically reflected by the 'swiss cheese' appearance of the tumors. Such an appearance in an ossified soft tissue mass may allow the correct preoperative diagnosis of this condition.

  3. Endocarditis infecciosa de válvula pulmonar nativa

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    Franco Romaní R


    Full Text Available La endocarditis infecciosa en válvulas derechas es predominantemente en la válvula tricuspídea, mientras la válvula pulmonar es excepcionalmente afectada (menos de 1,5%, por lo que son pocos los casos reportados en la literatura mundial. Las manifestaciones clínicas de endocarditis en válvula pulmonar no son las clásicas de endocarditis infecciosa, como son los síntomas de embolismo séptico pulmonar. La endocarditis aislada de válvula pulmonar nativa es inusual en personas que no consumen drogas intravenosas. Se presenta el caso de un paciente varón con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y sin otro factor predisponente.

  4. Panencefalite esclerosante subaguda com remissão parcial: registro de um caso

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    Lúcia Maria Fontenelle Villaça


    Full Text Available A panencefalite esclerosante subaguda é doença quase sempre fatal, sendo muito raras as remissões, temporárias ou definitivas. É relatado o caso de uma criança de três anos de idade, do sexo masculino, previamente vacinada contra sarampo, que desenvolveu quadro progressivo de tremor, deterioração mental grave, convulsões parciais e mioclonias. O eletrencefalograma revelou surtos periódicos de hipervoltagem concomitantes com os abalos mioclônicos e o líquido cefalorraqueano mostrou aumento da fração gama-globulina, reação do benjoin coloidal desviada para a esquerda e positividade nos testes de anticorpos anti-sarampo (fixação de complemento 1:16; neutralização 1:32. Apesar disso, três meses após o início da doença, a criança começou a mostrar recuperação física, mental e eletrencefalográfica permanecendo atualmente, 11 meses depois do início da doença, discreto déficit motor e mental.

  5. Difficult preoperative diagnosis of a patient with sclerosing splenic hemangioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Edoute, Y.; Ben-Haim, S.A.; Ben-Arie, Y.; Fishman, A.; Barzilai, D.


    We present a young asymptomatic woman with splenomegaly and a large isolated splenic mass demonstrated by ultrasonography, 99m Tc sulfur colloid, and gallium scintigraphy studies. Computerized tomography (CT) and three-phase 99mTc-labeled red blood cell imaging suggested a malignant lesion. Repeated sonographically guided fine needle aspiration (FNA) obtained only blood, suggesting the possible vascular nature of the tumor. Splenectomy established the diagnosis of splenic hemangioma (SH) with marked sclerotic changes. We conclude from this case that (1) the sclerotic and cystic changes in the SH and the abdominal lymphadenopathy could explain why the three-phase red blood cell and CT scanning, respectively, suggested that the lesion was malignant rather than benign; (2) guided FNA of a splenic mass suspected to be hemangioma may be an additional safe and useful diagnostic procedure. Multiple aspirations yielding blood alone suggest hemangioma and may prevent an unnecessary operation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case in the literature of FNA of splenic hemangioma

  6. Idade pulmonar em mulheres com obesidade mórbida

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    Fabiana Sobral Peixoto-Souza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar a influência da obesidade mórbida na idade pulmonar de mulheres e correlacionar com a massa corporal, índice de massa corporal (IMC e variáveis ventilatórias. MÉTODOS: Estudo longitudinal realizado com 72 obesas mórbidas e grupo controle constituído de mulheres eutróficas. As voluntárias realizaram um teste de função pulmonar para determinação da idade pulmonar e os resultados foram correlacionados com as variáveis antropométricas e volumes pulmonares. RESULTADOS: As obesas mórbidas apresentaram uma idade pulmonar significativamente superior (50,1 ± 6,8 anos às eutróficas (38,8 ± 11,4 anos. Não houve diferença entre a idade cronológica entre os grupos. Houve uma correlação significativa e positiva entre idade cronológica, massa corporal e IMC com a idade pulmonar (r = 0,3647, 0,4182, 0,3743, respectivamente. Houve uma correlação negativa entre a capacidade vital forçada (CVF, volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (VEF1, razão (VEF1/CVF e volume de reserva expiratório (VRE com a idade pulmonar (r = -0.7565, -0.8769, -0.2723, -0.2417, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: A idade pulmonar das obesas mórbidas encontra-se aumentada e está associada com o aumento da massa corporal e IMC.

  7. Hepatic hemangiomas as diagnosed by ultrasonography and computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sachse, M.


    A total of 62 cases where the clinical diagnosis of hepatic hemangioma had been established during the period between 1981 and 1983 on the basis of computed tomography and sonography were subjected to retrospective analysis with the aim of evaluating the diagnostic reliability of these two methods. In 29 patients a typical distribution pattern of the contrast medium gave irrefutable evidence of the disease. Hemangiomas were predicted from the results of computed tomography for a further 5 patients with less revealing distribution patterns, although in 4 among these the preliminary diagnosis of hemangioma was disproved by additional diagnostic procedures (scintigraphy, laparoscopy, surgery and biopsy). Out of 16 patients, in which the hemangiomas were diagnosed from the typical patterns created by the contrast medium on the CT scans, 11 showed sonographic findings to confirm the presence of such tumours. This retrospective analysis showed that a correct and positive diagnosis could be established in no more than 7 patients on the basis of sonography alone, while 6 such diagnoses were definitely proven to be false-positive. As regards diagnostic accuracy, sonography clearly compares unfavourably with computed tomography. It may offer some advantages inasmuch as it requires no radiation exposure, is non-invasive and, last not least, less costly. (ECB) [de

  8. Estado del arte en hipertensión pulmonar y cateterismo cardiaco derecho

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    Rubén Dueñas V.


    Full Text Available La definición universalmente aceptada de hipertensión pulmonar corresponde a todos los pacientes con presión arterial pulmonar media igual o mayor a 25 mm Hg en reposo, medida por cateterismo cardíaco derecho, sin olvidar que la presión promedio normal de la arteria pulmonar es de máximo 20 mm Hg, lo cual obliga a seguir a los pacientes con presión arterial pulmonar media entre 20 y 24 mm Hg. También cabe recordar ser claros al diferenciar entre hipertensión pulmonar e hipertensión arterial pulmonar. La hipertensión pulmonar incluye cinco grupos, entre los cuales la hipertensión arterial pulmonar constituye el grupo 1. El concepto de hipertensión arterial pulmonar inducida por el ejercicio puede definirse como todos los pacientes con presión arterial pulmonar por encima de los 30 mm Hg a un gasto cardíaco menor de 10 l, o una resistencia pulmonar total de más de 3 unidades Wood. La hipertensión pulmonar inducida por el ejercicio es un campo de investigación hasta ahora poco explorado. La clasificación continúa con los cinco grupos, y es dinámica de acuerdo con el progreso en entender la fisiopatología de cada enfermedad.

  9. Adrenal Hemangioma: A Case of Retroperitoneal Tumor

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    Genta Iwamoto


    Full Text Available Introduction. Adrenal hemangioma is a rare disease, with only some 60 cases reported previously. Due to the difficulty of the preoperative diagnosis of adrenal hemangioma, almost all of the cases were diagnosed by a histopathological analysis of surgical specimens. Case Presentation. A 52-year-old man was referred to our department for further examination of his left retroperitoneal tumor. He had received hemodialysis due to chronic renal failure resulting from membranous nephropathy. Computed tomography revealed a mass around his left hilum. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI and positron-emission tomography (PET-CT were unable to confirm or deny malignancy, and tumor markers, including CEA and CA19-9, showed slight elevation. His tumor grew from 38 mm to 54 mm in diameter in 7 months of follow-up. We therefore planned retroperitoneal tumor resection with left nephrectomy. Histopathologically, hyperplastic small vessels with hemorrhaging and denaturation were seen. The endothelial cells showed no variants or division of the nucleus. Based on this diagnosis, no further therapy was performed. He has had no recurrence in the eight months since the surgery. Conclusion. We herein report a rare case of adrenal hemangioma.

  10. Continuous delivery of propranolol from liposomes-in-microspheres significantly inhibits infantile hemangioma growth

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    Guo XN


    Full Text Available Xiaonan Guo,1,* Xiaoshuang Zhu,1,* Dakan Liu,1 Yubin Gong,1 Jing Sun,2 Changxian Dong1 1Department of Hemangioma and Vascular Malformation, Henan Provincial People’s Hospital, Zhengzhou, People’s Republic of China; 2Department of Pharmacy, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China *These authors contributed equally to this work Purpose: To reduce the adverse effects and high frequency of administration of propranolol to treat infantile hemangioma, we first utilized propranolol-loaded liposomes-in-microsphere (PLIM as a novel topical release system to realize sustained release of propranolol.Methods: PLIM was developed from encapsulating propranolol-loaded liposomes (PLs in microspheres made of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid-b-poly(ethylene glycol-b-poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid copolymers (PLGA-PEG-PLGA. The release profile of propranolol from PLIM was evaluated, and its biological activity was investigated in vitro using proliferation assays on hemangioma stem cells (HemSCs. Tumor inhibition was studied in nude mice bearing human subcutaneous infantile hemangioma.Results: The microspheres were of desired particle size (~77.8 µm and drug encapsulation efficiency (~23.9% and achieved sustained drug release for 40 days. PLIM exerted efficient inhibition of the proliferation of HemSCs and significantly reduced the expression of two angiogenesis factors (vascular endothelial growth factor-A [VEGF-A] and basic fibroblast growth factor [bFGF] in HemSCs. Notably, the therapeutic effect of PLIM in hemangioma was superior to that of propranolol and PL in vivo, as reflected by significantly reduced hemangioma volume, weight, and microvessel density. The mean hemangioma weight of the PLIM-treated group was significantly lower than that of other groups (saline =0.28 g, propranolol =0.21 g, PL =0.13 g, PLIM =0.03 g; PLIM vs saline: P<0.001, PLIM vs propranolol: P<0.001, PLIM vs PL: P<0.001. The mean microvessel density of

  11. Propranolol for extensive hemangiomas of infancy: two case reports Hemangiomas extensos da infância tratados com propranolol: relato de dois caso

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    Luíza Helena dos Santos Cavaleiro


    Full Text Available Hemangiomas are the most common benign tumors of childhood. They show rapid growth, followed by a regression phase that culminates in the partial or total disappearance of the lesion. Therapeutic options should be evaluated for extensive cases. Systemic glucocorticoids are the therapy of choice; however, there are reports that propranolol offers better and faster results. We report two cases of large volume infantile hemangioma associated with functional limitation and aesthetic disfigurement, treated successfully with propranolol, a drug that comes as a therapeutic option providing satisfactory and maintained results, with few side effects.Hemangiomas são os tumores benignos mais frequentes da infância, apresentando como história natural crescimento rápido, seguido de uma fase de regressão que culmina com o desaparecimento parcial ou total da lesão. Opções terapêuticas devem ser avaliadas para casos extensos. Os glicocorticoides sistêmicos são a terapia de escolha; contudo, há relatos de que o propranolol oferece resultados melhores e mais rápidos. Este trabalho descreve dois casos de hemangioma infantil de grande volume associados à limitação funcional e desfiguração estética com significativa resposta ao propranolol, droga esta que surge como uma proposta terapêutica oferecendo resultados satisfatórios e mantidos, com poucos efeitos colaterais.

  12. Periocular capillary hemangioma: management practices in recent years

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    Hernandez JA


    Full Text Available Jo Anne Hernandez,1,3,4 Audrey Chia,2 Boon Long Quah,1,2 Lay Leng Seah1,2 1Department of Ophthalmology, Kandang Kerbau Women's and Children's Hospital, Singapore; 2Singapore National Eye Centre, Singapore; 3National Healthcare Group Eye Institute, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore; 4Department of Ophthalmology, Cardinal Santos Medical Center, San Juan, Manila, Philippines Purpose: To present a case series on the management options for capillary hemangiomas involving the eyelid and orbit. Methods: This is a retrospective chart review of clinically diagnosed capillary hemangioma cases involving the periocular region treated at two local eye institutions. The patients' demographics and clinical presentation – including visual acuity, refractive error, periorbital and orbital examinations, and ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging findings – were reviewed. The clinical progression, modalities of treatment, and treatment outcomes were studied. Results: Sixteen cases of capillary hemangiomas involving the eyelid and orbit were studied. The mean age at consultation was 9.6 months (range: 1 month–72 months. The majority were females (75%, with 50% presenting as upper-eyelid hemangiomas and the remaining as lower-eyelid (38% and glabellar (12% lesions. Combined superficial and deep involvement was common (64%. Cases whose lesions were located at the upper eyelid or superior orbit led to amblyopia (25%. Fifty-six percent of cases (9/16 were managed conservatively, and 44% (7/16 underwent treatment with either single-agent (n = 4 or combined treatments (n = 3. Conclusion: Close monitoring of visual development and prompt institution of amblyopia therapy for children with periocular capillary hemangiomas generally preserve vision. Extensive lesions that affect the visual axis require local and systemic treatments, alone or in combination, in order to reduce the size and impact of lesions on the eyeball, to reduce induced refractive error and

  13. Research progress in hepatic cavernous hemangiomas: a comprehensive review with graphics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ouyang Yong; Zhang Xuejun; Ouyang Xuehui; Chao Lumeng


    The common benign tumor of the liver, cavernous hemangioma, has already been confirmed, both embryologically and pathologically, to be not a neoplasm, but a congenital vascular malformation of the liver which is resulted from the arrested development of hepatic sinusoids at embryologic stage. This paper aims to make a comprehensive description of the cavernous hemangiomas of the liver, including the lesion's blood supply, the hemodynamics, the imaging features, the classification and its interventional therapy. The relevant example illustrations, figures and graphics are accompanied with the text in order to provide the readers with an complete and up-to-date understanding of the hepatic cavernous hemangiomas. (authors)

  14. Hemangioma of the prostate - an unusual cause of lower urinary tract symptoms: Case report

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    Horn Thomas


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Hemangioma of the prostate gland is extremely rare and only a few cases have been reported. There have been several cases of hemangioma of posterior urethra, urinary bladder and periprostatic plexus in the literature, all presenting with hematuria or hematospermia. Diagnosis of prostatic hemangioma is difficult due to its rarity and unspecific symptoms such as hematuria, hematospermia or lower urinary tract symptoms. It cannot be detected by conventional examinations such as cystoscopy or standard rectal ultrasonography. Case presentation We present a case of prostatic hemangioma in an 84-year old male presenting with lower urinary tract symptoms. Bleeding has not been a feature in our case and diagnosis was not made until after operation. The patient was treated as a case of bladder neck outflow obstruction with transurethral resection of prostate gland and simultaneous bladder neck incisions. A period of self-catheterization was instituted due to postoperative urinary retention as the result of detrusor insufficiency. Conclusion Hemangioma of prostate gland is extremely rare and symptomatic prostatic hemangioma should be treated either by transurethral resection of prostate or laser evaporation.

  15. LUMBAR: association between cutaneous infantile hemangiomas of the lower body and regional congenital anomalies. (United States)

    Iacobas, Ionela; Burrows, Patricia E; Frieden, Ilona J; Liang, Marilyn G; Mulliken, John B; Mancini, Anthony J; Kramer, Daniela; Paller, Amy S; Silverman, Robert; Wagner, Annette M; Metry, Denise W


    To define the clinical spectrum of regional congenital anomalies associated with large cutaneous hemangiomas of the lower half of the body, clarify risk for underlying anomalies on the basis of hemangioma location, and provide imaging guidelines for evaluation. We conducted a multi-institutional, retrospective case analysis of 24 new patients and review of 29 published cases. Hemangiomas in our series tended to be "segmental" and often "minimal growth" in morphology. Such lesions were often extensive, covering the entire leg. Extensive limb hemangiomas also showed potential for extracutaneous anomalies, including underlying arterial anomalies, limb underdevelopment, and ulceration. The cutaneous hemangioma and underlying anomalies demonstrated regional correlation. Myelopathies were the most common category of associated anomalies. We propose the acronym "LUMBAR" to describe the association of Lower body hemangioma and other cutaneous defects, Urogenital anomalies, Ulceration, Myelopathy, Bony deformities, Anorectal malformations, Arterial anomalies, and Renal anomalies. There are many similarities between LUMBAR and PHACE syndrome, which might be considered regional variations of the same. Although guidelines for imaging are suggested, prospective studies will lead to precise imaging recommendations and help determine true incidence, risk and long-term outcomes. Copyright © 2010 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Hemangioma colorretal Colon rectal hemangioma

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    João Batista Pinheiro Barreto


    Full Text Available O hemangioma colorretal (HCR é uma lesão vascular benigna rara, com manifestação clínica geralmente entre 5 e 25 anos de idade. Faz parte do diagnóstico diferencial das causas de hemorragia digestiva baixa, sendo confundido, na maioria das vezes, com entidades mais comuns, como hemorróidas e doenças inflamatórias intestinais. O retardo do diagnóstico ocorre freqüentemente devido ao desconhecimento da doença, com taxas de mortalidade alcançando 40 a 50% na presença de sangramento importante. O caso relatado é de uma paciente de 17 anos de idade, admitida no Serviço de Colo-proctologia do Hospital Universitário - HUUFMA, em setembro de 2005, com anemia e sangramento retal, desde a infância, de forma intermitente e não dolorosa. Apresentado sua história clínica e propedêutica diagnóstica, realizada por meio de exames laboratoriais, endoscopia digestiva alta, colonoscopia e arteriografia de mesentéricas e ilíacas internas. O tratamento cirúrgico realizado foi retossigmoidectomia convencional com anastomose colorretal baixa, com boa evolução pós-operatória, tendo o exame histopatológico da peça cirúrgica ressecada, confirmado o diagnostico.The colon and rectum hemangioma is a rare benign vascular lesion, with clinical features usually between 5 and 25 years of age. It is included in the differential diagnose of the lower digestive bleeding causes, and has been frequently misdiagnosed with other more common entities, like hemorrhoids and bowel inflammatory disease. The late diagnose occurs usually because of the rarity of the disease, with mortality rates reaching 40 to 50% in presence of severe bleeding. We report a case of a 17 years old girl who was admitted at the Coloproctology Service of the Academic Hospital - HUUFMA, in September 2005, with anemia and intermittent rectal bleeding since childhood. Laboratorial findings included laboratorial exams, GI endoscopy, colonoscopy and arteriography of mesenteric and

  17. Incremental benefit of three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography in the assessment of a primary pericardial hemangioma. (United States)

    Arisha, Mohammed J; Hsiung, Ming C; Nanda, Navin C; ElKaryoni, Ahmed; Mohamed, Ahmed H; Wei, Jeng


    Hemangiomas are rarely found in the heart and pericardial involvement is even more rare. We report a case of primary pericardial hemangioma, in which three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (3DTEE) provided incremental benefit over standard two-dimensional images. Our case also highlights the importance of systematic cropping of the 3D datasets in making a diagnosis of pericardial hemangioma with a greater degree of certainty. In addition, we also provide a literature review of the features of cardiac/pericardial hemangiomas in a tabular form. © 2017, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  18. Large capillary hemangioma of the temporal bone with a dural tail sign: A case report

    KAUST Repository



    The present study reports a rare case of large capillary hemangioma of the temporal bone with a dural tail sign. A 57-year-old female presented with pulsatile tinnitus and episodic vertigo associated with a ten-year history of an intermittent faint headache. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a mass in the right petrous bone, which was hypointense on T1-weighted images and heterogeneously hyperintense on T2-weighted images, and showed a dural tail sign following gadolinium administration. Pre-operatively, this tumor was believed to be a meningioma. During surgery, the vascular tumor was removed by a modified pterional approach. A histopathological examination indicated that the tumor was a capillary hemangioma. Although intraosseous capillary hemangiomas are rare, they most frequently affect the temporal bone. Hemangiomas of the temporal bone may mimic other more common basal tumors. The diagnosis is most often made during surgical resection. The dural tail sign is not specific for meningioma, as it also occurs in other intracranial or extracranial tumors. The treatment of intratemporal hemangiomas is complete surgical excision, with radiotherapy used for unresectable lesions. To the best of our knowledge, the present study is the fourth case of intraosseous intracranial capillary hemangioma, but the largest intratemporal hemangioma to be reported in the literature to date.

  19. Large capillary hemangioma of the temporal bone with a dural tail sign: A case report

    KAUST Repository



    The present study reports a rare case of large capillary hemangioma of the temporal bone with a dural tail sign. A 57-year-old female presented with pulsatile tinnitus and episodic vertigo associated with a ten-year history of an intermittent faint headache. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a mass in the right petrous bone, which was hypointense on T1-weighted images and heterogeneously hyperintense on T2-weighted images, and showed a dural tail sign following gadolinium administration. Pre-operatively, this tumor was believed to be a meningioma. During surgery, the vascular tumor was removed by a modified pterional approach. A histopathological examination indicated that the tumor was a capillary hemangioma. Although intraosseous capillary hemangiomas are rare, they most frequently affect the temporal bone. Hemangiomas of the temporal bone may mimic other more common basal tumors. The diagnosis is most often made during surgical resection. The dural tail sign is not specific for meningioma, as it also occurs in other intracranial or extracranial tumors. The treatment of intratemporal hemangiomas is complete surgical excision, with radiotherapy used for unresectable lesions. To the best of our knowledge, the present study is the fourth case of intraosseous intracranial capillary hemangioma, but the largest intratemporal hemangioma to be reported in the literature to date.

  20. Diode laser for the treatment of telangiectasias following hemangioma involution. (United States)

    Cerrati, Eric W; O, Teresa M; Chung, Hoyun; Waner, Milton


    Infantile hemangiomas are well known for their rapid growth during the first 6 to 9 months of life, followed by a spontaneous but slow involution. The standard of care is to treat these lesions at an early age with propranolol to expedite the involution process; however, surgery still remains an active component in the management. Medical treatment with propranolol or natural involution will often result in residual telangiectasias. We evaluated the efficacy of using a diode laser as a treatment for telangiectasias following cervicofacial infantile hemangioma involution. Case series with chart review. Tertiary care hospital and practice specializing in the care of vascular anomalies. Twenty patients, aged 4 months to 11 years (average 2.69 years), underwent treatment with a 532-nm diode laser to treat the residual telangiectasias following hemangioma involution. All procedures were performed in the operating room. To assess the efficacy, we independently evaluated pre- and posttreatment digital photographs and ranked them on a 0- to 4-point scale (0 = no change and 4 = complete response). Adverse reactions were also recorded. The telangiectasias showed considerable improvement following treatment. In more than half of the patients treated, the affected area demonstrated a complete response. No adverse reactions were noted. A 532-nm diode laser effectively treats the remaining telangiectasias following hemangioma involution. Whether used independently or in conjunction with other treatment modalities, the diode laser should be part of the surgical armamentarium when treating infantile hemangiomas. © American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery Foundation 2014.

  1. Tuberculosis pulmonar de campos inferiores

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    Alejandra González


    Full Text Available La tuberculosis (TB que compromete sólo los campos pulmonares inferiores (TBCI es poco frecuente en el adulto y en general está asociada a alguna causa de inmunodepresión. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo fue determinar la incidencia de TBCI en nuestra población y comparar sus características respecto de la TB pulmonar de localización habitual. Se estudiaron en forma retrospectiva en el período de 2004 a 2008, 42 pacientes con TBCI que fueron comparados con 84 pacientes con TB pulmonar de localización habitual (grupo control. Se excluyeron pacientes con HIV. La TBCI representó el 6% del total de TB pulmonar. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto a edad, sexo, presencia de cavidades en la radiografía, días de evolución y nivel de albúmina. La TBCI tuvo significativamente mayor proporción de comorbilidades (p < 0.001, presencia de condensación (p < 0.001 y compromiso unilateral (p < 0.001 en la radiografía de tórax, junto con mayor número de internaciones (p = 0.02. Cabe destacar que sólo16 de los 42 pacientes con TBCI (38% tenían alguna comorbilidad demostrada. La TBCI puede presentarse aun sin comorbilidades asociadas y debe sospecharse en neumonías de evolución tórpida independientemente de su localización.

  2. Mimicry of lyme arthritis by synovial hemangioma. (United States)

    Hospach, Toni; Langendörfer, M; Kalle, T V; Tewald, F; Wirth, T; Dannecker, G E


    To report on the differential diagnosis of lyme arthritis and synovial hemangioma due to similar clinical and radiological signs and symptoms. A 15-year-old boy presented at the age of 9 with recurrent rather painless swelling of the right knee. Altogether four episodes lasting for 1-2 weeks each occurred over a period of 18 months before medical advice was sought. Physical examination revealed only a slightly limited range of motion. Living in an endemic area of borreliosis, he reported a tick bite 6 months prior to onset of his symptoms with erythema migrans and was treated for 10 days with amoxicillin. Serology revealed two positive unspecific bands in IgG immunoblot (p41 and 66) with slight positivity for ELISA. Ultrasound revealed synovial thickening and increased fluid. Despite the weak positive serology a diagnosis of lyme arthritis could not be excluded and intravenous antibiotic treatment with ceftriaxone was started. After two further relapses antiinflammatory therapy including intraarticular steroids were introduced with no long lasting effect. A chronical disease developed with alternate periods of swelling and almost complete remission. Ultrasound as well as MRI demonstrated ongoing signs of synovitis, therefore after further progression, a diagnostic arthroscopy was performed showing an inconspicuous knee joint. A second MRI showed focal suprapatellar enhancement and was followed by open arthrotomy revealing a histopathological proven synovial cavernous juxtaarticular hemangioma. To our knowledge, the differential diagnosis of lyme arthritis and synovial hemangioma has not yet been reported despite obvious clinical similarities. In conclusion, in children and adolescents synovial hemangioma has to be considered in differential diagnosis of recurrent knee swelling. Early diagnosis is important to prevent prolonged suffering from chronic joint swelling with probable joint damages, unnecessary treatment procedures and as well school and sports

  3. [High frequency electrocoagulation for treating noninvoluting congenital hemangioma]. (United States)

    Zhongqiang, Wang; Yafei, Wang; Jiashuang, Zhou; Quan, Zhou; Lijuan, Yang; Li, Wang


    To investigate the clinical efficiency of electrocoagulation for the treatment of noninvoluting congenital hemangioma. Sixteen infants with noninvoluting congenital hemangioma who were admitted to our hospital from January 2011 to June 2013 were included in this study. Color Doppler ultrasound was used to determine the hemangioma location, as well as its size and depth. High frequency electrocoagulation was adopted for the treatment. The output power was set at 10-20 W. The probes were inserted around the tumor or at the surface of the tumor. After switching on for 1-2 seconds, the direction and position of the probe was modulated until covering the whole tumor. After the treatment, the absorption of tumor was about 3-6 months. The efficiency was evaluated during the follow-up. Tumor atrophy was obvious after treatment in all patients. The temperature around the tumor mass was decreased, and the aberrant blood signals were decreased under the ultrasonic examination. Complete or partial atrophy were observed. The efficiency was graded as level I, II, III, IV in 0, 2, 9 and 5 patients, respectively. One patient showed local infection due to improper nursing, which was completely relieved after corresponding treatment. No severe adverse events were observed. High-frequency electrocoagulation is effective for treating noninvoluting congenital hemangioma through coagulating the aberrant blood vessels in the tumor, interrupting the vascular endothelial cell, blocking the aberrant blood flow, as well as leading to atrophy and absorption of tumor mass. Besides, no obvious scar is observed after the surgery.

  4. Urea immunoliposome inhibits human vascular endothelial cell proliferation for hemangioma treatment (United States)


    Background Urea injection has been used in hemangioma treatment as sclerotherapy. It shrinks vascular endothelial cells and induces degeneration, necrosis, and fibrosis. However, this treatment still has disadvantages, such as lacking targeting and difficulty in controlling the urea dosage. Thus, we designed a urea immunoliposome to improve the efficiency of treatment. Methods The urea liposome was prepared by reverse phase evaporation. Furthermore, the urea immunoliposome was generated by coupling the urea liposome with a vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) monoclonal antibody using the glutaraldehyde cross-linking method. The influence of the urea immunoliposome on cultured human hemangioma vascular endothelial cells was observed preliminarily. Results Urea immunoliposomes showed typical liposome morphology under a transmission electron microscope, with an encapsulation percentage of 54.4% and a coupling rate of 36.84% for anti-VEGFR. Treatment with the urea immunoliposome significantly inhibited the proliferation of hemangioma vascular endothelial cells (HVECs) in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Conclusions The urea immunoliposome that we developed distinctly and persistently inhibited the proliferation of HVECs and is expected to be used in clinical hemangioma treatment. PMID:24266957

  5. Radiation therapy for life-threatening huge laryngeal hemangioma involving pharynx and parapharyngeal space. (United States)

    Huang, Chun-Ming; Lee, Ka-Wo; Huang, Chih-Jen


    Adult hemangiomas are rare, slowly progressing vascular tumors. Potential complications include laryngeal involvement or massive tumor burden. A case of recurrent, bulky laryngeal hemangioma involving the parapharyngeal space is presented herein. The clinical course and treatment are described, and a series of MRI studies are compared to demonstrate the treatment response. A 35-year-old woman presented with progressive hoarseness, neck fullness, and intermittent dyspnea caused by a bulky laryngeal hemangioma. Steroid therapy had a limited response. Radiation therapy with a total dose of 40 Gray (Gy) in 20 fractions successfully relieved her symptoms. Image studies after therapy revealed moderate tumor regression. The patient showed no serious complications during the next 2 years of follow-up. Radiation therapy may be effective in intractable and function-threatening laryngeal hemangiomas. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  6. Occipital Intraosseous Hemangioma over Torcula: Unusual Presentation with Raised Intracranial Pressure. (United States)

    Rao, K V L N; Beniwal, Manish; Vazhayil, Vikas; Somanna, Sampath; Yasha, T C


    Hemangiomas of the bone are benign, uncommon, slow-growing lesions accounting for occipital hemangiomas are rare, and occipital hemangiomas presenting with features of raised intracranial tension are, with only 2 cases reported to date. In this case report, we describe the unique case of a 30-year-old male patient presenting with raised intracranial pressure due to venous obstruction at the torcula. The patient underwent excision of the lesion and became symptom free. Although these are benign lesions, they can have a varied clinical presentation. An understanding of the different clinical presentations and surgical nuances in excising such tumors can lead to early diagnosis and good patient outcome. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Magnetic resonance imaging of peripheral soft tissue hemangiomas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nelson, M C; Stull, M A; Patt, R H; Freedman, M T [Georgetown Univ., Washington, DC (USA). Dept. of Radiology; Teitelbaum, G P [Georgetown Univ., Washington, DC (USA). Dept. of Radiology University of Southern California, Los Angeles (USA). Dept. of Radiology; Lack, E E [Georgetown Univ., Washington, DC (USA). Dept. of Pathology; Bogumill, G P [Georgetown Univ., Washington, DC (USA). Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery


    Ten patients with soft tissue hemangiomas outside the central nervous system were studied with MR imaging. Eight patients were studied at 1.5 Tesla (T) with T{sub 1}-weighted and triple echo T{sub 2}-weighted sequences. Two additional patients were imaged on a 0.5-T system. The MR images were correlated with images from other modalities. It was found that prolonged T{sub 2}-weighted imaging together with standard spin echo T{sub 1} and T{sub 2} pulse sequences is a good substitute for contrast-enhanced CT and arteriographic evaluation of soft tissue hemangiomas. (orig./DG).

  8. Cavernous hemangioma presenting marked hyperostosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobata, Hitoshi; Miyake, Hiroji; Kitamura, Junji; Kajikawa, Hiroshi; Ohta, Tomio


    The authors report here a case of hemangioma of the left parietal bone which presented headache and papilledema. This patient is a 37-year-old female who had, prior to admission, complained of increasing headache for one year and blurred vision for three months. She had no history of head injury. Local physical examinations revealed a slight bulging in her left parietal region which was insensitive to palpation and not adherent to the overlying scalp. Neurological examinations revealed bilateral papilledema and an incongruous bitemporal upper quadrant defect in the visual field. All the other neurological and laboratory data were normal. A plain skull roentogenogram showed a 9 x 9 cm osteolytic and characteristic honeycomb lesion in the parietal region. Systemic bone survey revealed a similar lesion in the right tibia which was not histologically examined. A marked accumulation of isotopes was detected on the bone scintigrams at both lesions. Selective external carotid angiograms demonstrated a tumor stain fed by the superficial temporal, occipital, and middle meningial arteries. CT scans of the brain and skull clearly showed a local thickening of and structural changes in the skull bone and also a mass effect on the brain and lateral ventricle. The lesioned bone was removed en bloc and replaced by an artificial bone. It was highly vascular, but not adherent to the overlying dura. The post-operative course was uneventful, and the headache and papilledema disappeared. Hemangioma of the skull presenting marked hyperostosis, as reported above, seems to be rare. In addition, in this case, skeletal angioma without any clinical manifestation was detected. Clinical and radiological pictures of the hemangioma of the skull and other bones were briefly discussed. (author)

  9. Radiotherapy of vertebral hemangiomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakata, Kohichi; Hareyama, Masato; Oouchi, Atushi; Sido, Mitsuo; Nagakura, Hisayasu; Tamakawa, Mituharu; Akiba, Hidenari; Morita, Kazuo


    Between 1975 and 1996, 14 patients (11 females, 3 males) with vertebral hemangioma received treatment with radiotherapy. Thirteen patients had a history of back pain or lumbago and 2 patients had neurological symptoms such as sensory impairment or paraplegia. The standard dose administered was 36 Gy in 18 fractions (five treatments per week). In the 13 patients with pain, this was completely or partially relieved. The condition of a man with hypesthesia of the legs deteriorated and a woman with paraplegia who was treated with decompressive laminectomy followed by radiotherapy recovered completely after irradiation. CT scan before irradiation showed thickened trabeculae as small punctate areas of sclerosis in all patients. At MR imaging before irradiation, T2-weighted MR images showed areas of high intensity in all patients and MR images demonstrated lesion enhancement. However, none of the patients who were treated successfully with radiation demonstrated any changes of the affected vertebra in the conventional radiographic films, CT scan or MR imaging, even 5 years after irradiation. Radiological imaging is indispensable for the diagnosis of vertebral hemangiomas but does not appear to be useful for evaluating the effects of radiotherapy. (orig.)

  10. Embolectomía en una embolia pulmonar aguda masiva

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    Manuel Carnero Alcázar


    Full Text Available Presentamos el caso de un varón de 57 años que, en el seno de un meningioma microcítico, padece una tromboembolia pulmonar masiva aguda con inestabilidad hemodinámica. Dado el riesgo de hemorragia por el tumor craneal, se contraindica la terapia fibrinolítica y se procede a practicar embolectomía pulmonar. Ésta se realiza bajo anestesia general, con canulación convencional y bajo hipotermia moderada. Se extrae émbolo en el tronco de la arteria pulmonar y con catéter de Fogarty se extraen émbolos en ramas lobares y segmentarias. Discutimos la asociación de enfermedad tromboembólica con determinadas neoplasias y el tratamiento de la tromboembolia pulmonar

  11. The efficacy of radiotherapy for 59 patients with vertebral hemangioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qian Liting; Liu Xinfan; Li Yexiong; Yu Zihao; Yin Weibo


    Objective: To investigate the indication, total dose and efficacy of radiotherapy for vertebral hemangiomas. Methods: Between 1967 and 2000, 59 patients (36 female, 23 male) with vertebral hemangioma were treated with deep X-ray, electron beam, 60 Co or 6-8MV X-ray with a total dose ranging from 28 to 90 Gy and a median of 40 Gy. Results: Of the 54 evaluable cases, the overall response rate was 87.0%. The response rates were 90.2% and 83.3%, respectively, for patients treated with 34-40 Gy and more than 40 Gy (χ 2 =0.41, P=0.608). Among the 9 patients with paraplegic patients, 4 achieved complete response, 4 partial response, and only one showed no response to the treatment. Conclusions: Radiotherapy is effective and safe for symptomatic vertebral hemangioma, on condition of a suitable total dose range of 30 to 40 Gy. Patients with asymptomatic or minor symptomatic lesion should be watched and followed rather than giving immediate treatment. Radiation therapy shows slow and delayed improvement in vertebral hemangioma and the symptoms are gradually relieved or disappear in three months to seven years with a median interval of 1.5 years, even though diagnostic images show no or only minor changes after treatment

  12. Epithelioid hemangioma of bone: radiologic and magnetic resonance imaging characteristics with histopathological correlation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schenker, Kathleen; Blumer, Steven [Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, Department of Radiology, Wilmington, DE (United States); Jaramillo, Diego [Nicklaus Children' s Hospital, Department of Radiology, Miami, FL (United States); Treece, Amanda L. [University of Colorado School of Medicine, Departments of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Children' s Hospital Colorado, Aurora, CO (United States); Bhatia, Aashim [Monroe Carell Jr. Children' s Hospital at Vanderbilt, Department of Radiology, Nashville, TN (United States)


    Epithelioid hemangioma is a rare vascular tumor that can occur in soft tissues or bone. The tumor is part of a spectrum of vascular tumors that also includes epithelioid hemangioendothelioma and angiosarcoma. When involving the bone, the tumor usually involves the metaphysis or diaphysis of the long tubular bones and most commonly occurs in adults. It has been rarely reported in pediatric patients, and in these reported patients, the tumor primarily involves the epiphysis. To review three cases of epithelioid hemangioma of bone occurring in pediatric patients involving the epiphysis and to explore the imaging features of this tumor. Retrospectively review three cases of epithelioid hemangioma occurring in skeletally immature patients. These tumors primarily involved the epiphyses or epiphyseal equivalent bones. One lesion was centered in the metaphysis but extended to the epiphysis. These are three cases presenting in an unusual location and at an unusual age. Epithelioid hemangioma, though rare, can occur in pediatric patients and appears to involve the epiphyses in these patients. This is in contrast to the usual age and location reported. Epithelioid hemangioma may be considered for an epiphyseal lesion in a skeletally immature patient. (orig.)

  13. Role of intralesional bleomycin in the treatment of complicated hemangiomas: prospective clinical study. (United States)

    Omidvari, Shapour; Nezakatgoo, Nosrat; Ahmadloo, Niloofar; Mohammadianpanah, Mohammad; Mosalaei, Ahmad


    Hemangioma is the most common tumor of infancy. Although it has a basically benign nature and usually spontaneously regresses, a small percentage (5%) have complications that need treatment. Many different therapeutic modalities can be used in this tumor. To investigate the effect of a new method of treatment (intralesional bleomycin injection) in complicated hemangiomas. In the Department of Radiation Oncology at Nemazee Hospital in Shiraz, Iran, from April 1992 to October 1998, 32 patients with complicated hemangioma were treated with four to six courses of direct injection of bleomycin into the lesion. After a minimum follow-up of 6 years, there was 70 to 100% regression in 18 patients, 50 to 70% in 7 cases, and less than 50% reduction in 7 patients. Intralesional injection of bleomycin is an easy, safe, and effective therapeutic modality in complicated cutaneous hemangiomas.

  14. Diagnóstico do embolismo pulmonar

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    João Castaño


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O diagnóstico do Embolismo Pulmonar é considerado por vezes difícil. É importante reconhecer as situações clínicas que podem ser potencialmente desencadeantes. Existe uma série de meios auxiliares de diagnóstico, quer laboratoriais quer imagiológicos, que devem ser adaptados aos meios disponíveis em cada instituição.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2003; IX (2: 129-137 ABSTRACT: Pulmonary Embolism is often considered a difficult diagnosis to establish. It is important to recognise clinical situations that leads to it. There are a few laboratory and imaging tests, that should be tailored to the available facilities in each institution.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2003; IX (2: 129-137 Palavaras-chave: Tromboembolismo Pulmonar, Pulmão, Perfusão Pulmonar, Tomografia Computorizada (TC, Angiografia, Helicoidal, Key-words: Pulmonary Embolism, Lung, Lung Perfusion, Computed Tomography (CT, Angiography, Helical

  15. Estrogen-mediated hemangioma-derived stem cells through estrogen receptor-? for infantile hemangioma


    Zhang, Ling; Wu, Hai Wei; Yuan, Weien; Zheng, Jia Wei


    Ling Zhang,1 Hai Wei Wu,1 Weien Yuan,2 Jia Wei Zheng1 1Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Center for Specialty Strategy Research of Shanghai Jiao Tong University China Hospital Development Institute, 2School of Pharmacy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China Background: Infantile hemangiomas (IHs) are the most common benign vascular tumor of infancy. They occur more frequently in female infants....

  16. Posible papel del grado de vascularización pulmonar en la resistencia/susceptibilidad a la hipertensión arterial pulmonar en una estirpe comercial de pollos de engorde


    Areiza Rojas, Rafael Alfonso


    Desde hace varias decadas se conoce la baja capacidad de adaptacion de los pollos de engorde a la hipoxia hipobarica. Si bien el sistema parabronquial pulmonar de las aves permite una mayor eficiencia para el intercambio gaseoso pulmonar, los programas de mejoramiento genetico de los pollos de engorde han resultado colateralmente en una disminucion en la capacidad pulmonar de intercambio gaseoso. La respuesta angiogenica del lecho vascular pulmonar como consecuencia de la ex...

  17. Spinal capillary hemangioma involving the lumbar epidural and paraspinal spaces: A case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yim, Bong Guk; Lee, Young Jun; Lee, Ji Young; Park, Chan Kum; Paik, Seung Sam [Hanyang University Medical Center, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Park, Dong Woo [Dept. of Radiology, Hanyang University Guri Hospital, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Spinal capillary hemangiomas in the epidural space are extremely rare; however, a preoperative radiological diagnosis is very important because of the risk of massive intraoperative hemorrhage. We report a case of a spinal capillary hemangioma involving the lumbar epidural and paraspinal spaces.

  18. Spinal capillary hemangioma involving the lumbar epidural and paraspinal spaces: A case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yim, Bong Guk; Lee, Young Jun; Lee, Ji Young; Park, Chan Kum; Paik, Seung Sam; Park, Dong Woo


    Spinal capillary hemangiomas in the epidural space are extremely rare; however, a preoperative radiological diagnosis is very important because of the risk of massive intraoperative hemorrhage. We report a case of a spinal capillary hemangioma involving the lumbar epidural and paraspinal spaces

  19. Hepatic hemangioma: contrast enhancement patterns on two-phase spiral CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yun, Eun Joo; Choi, Byung Ihn; Han, Joon Koo; Jang, Hyun Jung; Kim, Tae Kyoung; Kim, Ah Young; Lee, Ki Yeol


    To evaluate contrast enhancement patterns of hemangioma according to size, as seen during the arterial and portal venous phase of spiral CT. Overall, the most common enhancement pattern was peripheral high (44/82, 53.7%), during the arterial and portal venous phase. The second and third most common patterns were uniform high (11/82, 13.4%) and peripheral high-uniform high (9/82, 11.0%), also during the arterial and portal venous phase. In tumors smaller than 20 mm, low-low attenuation was seen in eight (9.8%), and iso-low attenuation in two (2.4%), during the arterial and portal venous phase, respectively. On two-phase spiral CT, the most common enhancement pattern of hemangioma was peripheral high, seen during the arterial and portal venous phase. However, a small hemangioma less than 2cm may show atypical patterns, including low and iso attenuation. (author). 23 refs., 1 tab., 4 figs

  20. RadioIogic findings of mesenteric hemangioma with gastrointestinal bleeding: case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Ki Nam


    Mesenteric hemangioma is a rare disease entity. To our knowledge, only scattered reports about this condition have appeared in the literature. Herein, the author presents a rare case of mesenteric hemangioma with duodenal ulceration and invasion of the adjacent pancreatic head and transverse mesocolon. The tumor appeared in the form of a mild contrast enhancement of a low attenuation mass on contrast-enhanced CT


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    Shri LakshmiS, Durga PrasadD, Subba Rao D, PrasanthiC, Vandana Gangadharan, Kishore Kumar C


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Primary vascular tumors occurring in lymph nodes are extremely rare. Nodal hemangiomas are benign vascular tumors that can occur at any age and seen mostly in females. It is usually asymptomatic, affects only one node, and does not recur. Four histologic types of hemangioma have been identified: capillary/cavernous, lobular capillary, cellular, and epithelioid. This case has been reported for its rarity

  2. La tuberculosis pulmonar


    Suñé Ysamat, Bertila


    La tuberculosis pulmonar todavía no es una enfermedad erradicada, aunque su incidencia ha disminuido considerablemente. El tratamiento y el pronóstico de esta enfermedad han dado un cambio profundo durante estos últimos 30 años con el descubrimiento de nuevos medicamentos antituberculosos.

  3. Treatment of extensive urethral hemangioma with KTP/532 laser. (United States)

    Lauvetz, R W; Malek, R S; Husmann, D A


    Urethral hemangiomas are rare. They vary in size from pinpoint masses to extensive honeycomb-shape deformities leading to significant hematuria. For extensive lesions, therapeutic options have included extensive surgical resection and reconstruction or multistaged neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:YAG) laser photocoagulation. We report our experience with the use of potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP/532) laser for treatment of the extensive form. A 7-year-old boy presented with a 2-week history of urethral bleeding. He had extensive hemangiomas of the genital and perineal regions. Cystourethroscopy disclosed diffusely scattered honeycomb-shape hemangiomatous malformation of the anterior urethra. KTP/532 laser energy was delivered transurethrally to the hemangiomatous areas until they blanched. The Foley catheter was removed 24 hours postoperatively, and the patient voided clear urine without difficulty. He has remained trouble-free for more than 2 years. Judicious endoscopic single-stage therapy with KTP/532 laser may obviate open surgical intervention in most cases of extensive and symptomatic urethral hemangiomas. In view of our observation and the literature, KTP/532 laser therapy should be considered the first line of treatment.

  4. Diagnóstico precoz de enfermedades pulmonares por tabaquismo

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    Dr. D. Rodrigo Gil


    Full Text Available El tabaquismo es una epidemia y en Chile la prevalencia no ha disminuido. Entre las causas más importantes de muerte por tabaquismo están el cáncer pulmonar y la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC. La erradicación del tabaquismo es la mejor estrategia de prevención de estas enfermedades. La segunda estrategia es la detección precoz de ellas. Sin embargo la EPOC está sub diagnosticada en todo el mundo. No está claro si la solución es hacer más espirometrías en población de riesgo. Es posible que otros métodos diagnósticos como la tomografía axial computada de tórax (TAC y la difusión pulmonar, puedan mejorar la capacidad de diagnóstico precoz de esta enfermedad. El cáncer pulmonar es el más mortal de los cánceres. El diagnóstico en etapas tempranas mejora significativamente su pronóstico. Hay varios estudios en curso que evalúan el beneficio de hacer pesquisa de cáncer pulmonar con TAC.

  5. Ossificação pulmonar dendriforme Dendriform pulmonary ossification

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    Andrezza Araújo de Oliveira Duarte


    Full Text Available A ossificação pulmonar difusa é uma condição rara, de etiologia desconhecida, na qual osso maduro é encontrado no parênquima pulmonar. É quase sempre descoberta como um achado incidental de autópsias. Freqüentemente afeta homens de meia-idade e é assintomática. Relata-se o caso de um paciente de 75 anos, que apresentou uma radiografia torácica com comprometimento pulmonar difuso e cujo diagnóstico foi baseado no exame histopatológico de fragmento pulmonar obtido através da biópsia a céu aberto, o qual demonstrou fibrose intersticial acentuada com ossificação do parênquima pulmonar.Diffuse pulmonary ossification is a rare condition of unknown pathogenesis in which mature bone is found in the pulmonary parenchyma. It is almost invariably discovered as an incidental finding at autopsy. Most commonly, it affects middle-aged men and is asymptomatic. We present the case of a 75-year-old man in which the chest X-ray showed diffuse interstitial infiltrate. Diagnosis was based on histopathological examination by open-lung biopsy, which revealed interstitial fibrosis with pulmonary ossification.

  6. A creative therapy in treating cavernous hemangioma of penis with copper wire. (United States)

    Zhang, Dong; Zhang, Haiyang; Sun, Peng; Li, Peng; Xue, Aibing; Jin, Xunbo


    Cavernous hemangiomas of penis are rare benign lesions infrequently described in the literature. No completely satisfactory treatment has been found to correct the cosmetic deformities especially the extensive hemangiomas of corpus penis. In light of the promising application of copper wire/needle in vascular malformations, we began a clinical study to investigate the safety, feasibility, and cosmetic effect of copper wire therapy in treating cavernous hemangioma of penis. Seven patients ranging in age from 12 to 32 years with penile cavernous hemangiomas entered our study from 2005 to 2011. All patients received treatments with percutaneous copper wires. Perioperative data including mean operation time, estimated blood loss, length of copper wire retention, and length of hospital stay were analyzed. All possible complications were noted, and cosmetic result was evaluated. Patients were followed up after discharge from the hospital. All operations were successful, and no obvious complications were observed. The patients were satisfied with the aesthetic results. Follow-up time ranged from 1 to 5 years. Recurrence was discovered in a patient with the largest lesion of corpus penis 2 months after the treatment. Secondary procedure was carried out with the same technique, and no lesions were found later. The shortage of studies on this topic prevented us from defining a therapeutic reference standard. The results of our study confirmed that copper wire therapy was a simple, safe, and useful option for penile cavernous hemangioma. © 2013 International Society for Sexual Medicine.

  7. Intracranial meningeal masson's hemangioma: CT and angiographic features

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chang, Kee Hyun; Chi, Je Gen; Han, Man Chung; Cho, Byung Kyu; Kim, Hyun Jip


    Masson's hemangioma is a rare benign vascular condition with a papillary intravascular endothelial proliferation which may appear either as a primary form as a secondary form in a pre-existing vascular process. CT and angiographic features of 2 cases with Masson's hemangioma were presented. Both of them were located extra-axially in the posterior fossa. CT findings were not specific in both cases; One showed homogeneously enhancing mass, simulating meningioma. And the other demonstrated a multiocular rim enhancing mass. However, the angiographic features were rather characteristic; Both cases showed persistent vascular poolings of contrast media which were supplied form the meningeal vessels. Angiographic differential diagnosis of similar lesions in the posterior fossa is discussed

  8. Dynamic MR imaging of cavernous hemangioma with Gd-DTPA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luning, M.; Wolf, K.J.; Hamm, B.; Dewey, C.; Koch, M.; Taupitz, M.; Schnackenburg, B.; Schneider, T.; Petersein, J.; Muhler, A.; Haustein, J.


    This paper evaluates the use of gradient-echo, fast-field-echo (FFE), breathhold MR imaging in The characterization of liver tumors. The authors examined 32 hepatic hemangiomas with a 1.5-T imager using T1-weighted (500/15) and T2-weighted (2,480/100) spin-echo sequences, and multi-echo sequences (2,000/30,60,90...240); also, after intravenous administration of Gd-DTPA (0.2 mmol/kg), gradient-echo, FFE, breathhold images (27/13/60 degrees) were obtained. We evaluated the relationship of peripheral and central enhancement to the size of the lesion in 22 hemangiomas

  9. Una mirada general a las enfermedades pulmonares intersticiales y una específica a la fibrosis pulmonar idiopática

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    Pedro J. Marcos


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades pulmonares intersticiales difusas (EPID engloban un conjunto heterogéneo de patologías caracterizadas por afectar predominantemente al intersticio pulmonar, que es el espacio anatómico comprendido entre lasmembranas basales del epitelio alveolar y el endotelio capilar. Con frecuencia se observa un retraso en el diagnósticode las EPID. La falta de especificidad de los síntomas y el escaso uso de técnicas diagnósticas como es la espirometría en los primeros niveles asistenciales, hacen que sea bastante frecuente que los clínicos achaquen los síntomasrespiratorios del paciente a entidades más prevalentes comoes la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC

  10. Co-occurrence of intraoral hemangioma and port wine stain: A rare case

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    Prasanna Kumar Rao


    Full Text Available Hemangiomas are neoplastic proliferations of endothelial cells, characterized by a period of growth after birth, and eventual spontaneous involution. The course can be uneventful with spontaneous resolution; or it may be marked by complications such as infection, bleeding, ulceration, visual defects and feeding difficulties. Apart from these, rare life-threatening complications such as congestive heart failure and consumption coagulopathy may also be seen. Although hemangiomas commonly occur in the head and neck region, intraoral occurrence is relatively rare. A port wine stain is defined as a macular telangiectatic patch which is present at birth and remains throughout life. They may be localized or extensive, affecting a whole limb. This article reports a rare case of co-occurrence of port wine stain with intraoral hemangioma.

  11. Diagnosis of cranial hemangioma: Comparison between logistic regression analysis and neuronal network

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arana, E.; Marti-Bonmati, L.; Bautista, D.; Paredes, R.


    To study the utility of logistic regression and the neuronal network in the diagnosis of cranial hemangiomas. Fifteen patients presenting hemangiomas were selected form a total of 167 patients with cranial lesions. All were evaluated by plain radiography and computed tomography (CT). Nineteen variables in their medical records were reviewed. Logistic regression and neuronal network models were constructed and validated by the jackknife (leave-one-out) approach. The yields of the two models were compared by means of ROC curves, using the area under the curve as parameter. Seven men and 8 women presented hemangiomas. The mean age of these patients was 38.4 (15.4 years (mea ± standard deviation). Logistic regression identified as significant variables the shape, soft tissue mass and periosteal reaction. The neuronal network lent more importance to the existence of ossified matrix, ruptured cortical vein and the mixed calcified-blastic (trabeculated) pattern. The neuronal network showed a greater yield than logistic regression (Az, 0.9409) (0.004 versus 0.7211± 0.075; p<0.001). The neuronal network discloses hidden interactions among the variables, providing a higher yield in the characterization of cranial hemangiomas and constituting a medical diagnostic acid. (Author)29 refs


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    Dra. Mónica Saavedra


    Full Text Available Las malformaciones pulmonares corresponden a distintas anomalías del sistema respiratorio que se presentan con baja incidencia (1 en cada 10.000 a 35.000 embarazos, dentro de las que se incluye a las Malformaciones Pulmonares Congénitas y de la vía aérea (MCPA, antes conocida malformación adenomatosa quística, secuestros pulmonares, lesiones híbridas y enfisema lobar congénito. Durante los últimos años se ha visto un aumento en el diagnóstico antenatal y avances en el conocimiento de la patogénesis e historia natural de esta enfermedad, pero aún existe controversia en cuanto a la clasificación a utilizar y a su tratamiento. La mayoría de los recién nacidos (90% son asintomáticos al nacer, pero hay malformaciones que generan serias complicaciones para el feto o recién nacido. El propósito de esta publicación es hacer un resumen actualizado de la historia natural, diagnóstico y tratamiento de las MCPA.

  13. Volúmenes pulmonares normales en pacientes con fibrosis pulmonar idiopática y enfisema Normal lung volumes in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema

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    Juan Pablo Casas


    Full Text Available La fibrosis pulmonar idiopática (FPI es una enfermedad que se caracteriza por presentar un compromiso pulmonar de tipo restrictivo, resultante de una reducción en la complacencia pulmonar secundaria a fibrosis difusa. En el enfisema, la pérdida de elasticidad pulmonar y el colapso de las vías aéreas periféricas generan obstrucción e hiperinflación. El efecto simultáneo que ambas enfermedades producen sobre la fisiología pulmonar no es del todo claro y se han descripto volúmenes pulmonares normales o casi normales. Presentamos 4 pacientes de sexo masculino de 64, 60, 73 y 70 años, con antecedentes de tabaquismo e historia de disnea progresiva, tres de ellos con grave limitación en su calidad de vida al momento de la consulta. En la tomografía de tórax de alta resolución todos los pacientes presentaban signos de enfermedad intersticial pulmonar avanzada, con cambios de tipo fibrótico con predominio basal y subpleural, que coexistían con enfisema centroacinar con predominio en lóbulos superiores. Uno de ellos tuvo confirmación diagnóstica de ambas condicioes por biopsia pulmonar a cielo abierto. En los cuatro pacientes la espirometría y volúmenes pulmonares fueron normales, pero tenían importante compromiso del intercambio gaseoso evaluado mediante el test de caminata de 6 minutos. Tres de los pacientes tenían hipertensión pulmonar grave diagnosticado por ecocardiograma. La presencia de volúmenes pulmonares normales no excluye un diagnóstico de fibrosis pulmonar idiopática en pacientes fumadores si coexisten evidencias tomográficas de enfisema. En estos pacientes el grado de compromiso funcional, determinado por la reducción de los volúmenes pulmonares, no debería ser considerado en la evaluación de la gravedad.Pulmonary function tests in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis characteristically show a restrictive pattern, resulting from reduction of pulmonary compliance due to diffuse fibrosis. Conversely, an obstructive

  14. Edema pulmonar agudo neurogênico: relato de caso


    Brito,José Correia De Farias; Diniz,Maria Cerly Almeida; Rosas,Roberto Ramalho; Silva,José Alberto Gonçalves Da


    Os autores apresentam um caso de edema pulmonar agudo numa paciente de 28 anos de idade acometida de hemorragia subaracnóidea secundária à rotura de aneurisma intracraniano. A sintomatologia respiratória ocorreu durante o agravamento do quadro neurológico. Alguns aspectos etiológicos e fisiopatogênicos do edema pulmonar agudo neurogênico são analisados.

  15. Preoperative diagnosis of orbital cavernous hemangioma: a 99mTc-RBC SPECT study. (United States)

    Burroni, Luca; Borsari, Giulia; Pichierri, Patrizia; Polito, Ennio; Toscano, Olga; Grassetto, Gaia; Al-Nahhas, Adil; Rubello, Domenico; Vattimo, Angelo Giuseppe


    This study aimed to describe 99mTc-labeled RBC scintigraphy as a diagnostic method for orbital cavernous hemangiomas and to evaluate this diagnostic tool according to surgical outcomes. Fifty-five patients with clinical and radiological (US, CT, and/or MRI) suspicion of unilateral cavernous hemangioma of the orbit underwent 99mTc-RBC SPECT study.Qualitative and semiquantitative evaluations were performed, and results were statistically analyzed. SPECT images showed focal uptake in the orbital mass in 36 of 55 patients. Nineteen patients had a negative scintigraphic pattern, with concordance of early and late absence of uptake of 99mTc-RBC.Our procedure showed 100% sensitivity and 88.9% specificity for the diagnosis of orbital cavernous hemangioma, with a positive predictive value of 90.9% and a negative predictive value of 100%. 99mTc-RBC imaging is safe, easy to perform, and highly accurate in providing adequate clinical and surgical management. As a noninvasive and highly specific method for diagnosing orbital hemangioma, 99mTc-RBC scintigraphy can avoid more invasive imaging or biopsy.

  16. Hepatic hemangiomas: spectrum of US appearances on gray-scale, power doppler, and contrast-enhanced US

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Kyoung Won; Kim, Tae Kyoung; Han Joon Koo; Kim, Ah Young; Lee, Hyun Ju; Park, Seong Ho; Kim, Young Hoon; Choi, Byung Ihn


    Because US plays a key role in the initial evaluation of hepatic hemangiomas, knowledge of the entire spectrum of US appearances of these tumors is important. Most hemangiomas have a distinctive US appearance, and even with those with atypical appearances on conventional gray-scale US, specific diagnoses can be made using pulse-inversion harmonic US with contrast agents. In this essay, we review the spectrum of US appearances of hepatic hemangiomas on conventional gray-scale, power Doppler, and pulse-inversion harmonic US with contrast agents. (author)

  17. Hepatic hemangiomas with peritumoral sparing of fatty infiltration in hepatic steatosis: findings on contrast-enhanced MR imaging and on sonography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Min Jeong; Kim, Kyoung Won; Won, Hyung Jin


    We wanted to determine the frequency of peritumoral sparing of fatty infiltration (PTSF) around hepatic hemangioma in hepatic steatosis and to evaluate the finding of these tumors on dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging and on sonography. This study included 76 hemangiomas in 67 patients suffering with hepatic steatosis. A diagnosis of hemangioma was based on the histologic findings, hemangioma SPECT or a compatible enhancement pattern on the dynamic contrast-enhanced MR study. For chemical shifting, PTSF was defined when there wasn't any decrease in signal intensity of the liver parenchyma on the opposed-phase images as compared with the in-phase images, and this intensity appeared as a hyperintense area around the tumor. We evaluated the frequency of PTSF and we analyzed if the presence of PTSF was related to the tumor size, the rapidity of enhancement or an associated arterioportal shunt. Among those, sonographic images were available in 55 hemangiomas. We also evaluated the sonographic appearances of hemangiomas with PTSF. Of the 76 hemangiomas, PTSF was noted on the MR chemical-shift images in 57 hemangiomas (75%). There was no significant relationship between tumor size and the presence of PTSF (ρ = .578). However, this finding was more frequently found in high-flow hemangiomas than in the slow-flow ones (ρ = .0038) and it was also related to the presence of associated arterioportal shunt (ρ = .0158). Sonographically, hemangiomas with PTSF were commonly surrounded by a peritumoral low-echoic area (28/41, 68%); these tumors more frequently showed a thin high-echoic rim on sonography than did the tumors without this finding (ρ = .0055). PTSF is commonly seen in hemangiomas in hepatic steatosis patients. Hepatic hemangiomas with PTSF tend to show rapid enhancement on dynamic MR imaging and this is accompanied by arterioportal shunt. They tend to be seen as an iso-or low-echoic mass with a thin high-echoic rim on sonography, and the mass is commonly

  18. Hepatic hemangiomas with peritumoral sparing of fatty infiltration in hepatic steatosis: findings on contrast-enhanced MR imaging and on sonography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Min Jeong; Kim, Kyoung Won; Won, Hyung Jin [University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)] (and others)


    We wanted to determine the frequency of peritumoral sparing of fatty infiltration (PTSF) around hepatic hemangioma in hepatic steatosis and to evaluate the finding of these tumors on dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging and on sonography. This study included 76 hemangiomas in 67 patients suffering with hepatic steatosis. A diagnosis of hemangioma was based on the histologic findings, hemangioma SPECT or a compatible enhancement pattern on the dynamic contrast-enhanced MR study. For chemical shifting, PTSF was defined when there wasn't any decrease in signal intensity of the liver parenchyma on the opposed-phase images as compared with the in-phase images, and this intensity appeared as a hyperintense area around the tumor. We evaluated the frequency of PTSF and we analyzed if the presence of PTSF was related to the tumor size, the rapidity of enhancement or an associated arterioportal shunt. Among those, sonographic images were available in 55 hemangiomas. We also evaluated the sonographic appearances of hemangiomas with PTSF. Of the 76 hemangiomas, PTSF was noted on the MR chemical-shift images in 57 hemangiomas (75%). There was no significant relationship between tumor size and the presence of PTSF ({rho} = .578). However, this finding was more frequently found in high-flow hemangiomas than in the slow-flow ones ({rho} = .0038) and it was also related to the presence of associated arterioportal shunt ({rho} = .0158). Sonographically, hemangiomas with PTSF were commonly surrounded by a peritumoral low-echoic area (28/41, 68%); these tumors more frequently showed a thin high-echoic rim on sonography than did the tumors without this finding ({rho} = .0055). PTSF is commonly seen in hemangiomas in hepatic steatosis patients. Hepatic hemangiomas with PTSF tend to show rapid enhancement on dynamic MR imaging and this is accompanied by arterioportal shunt. They tend to be seen as an iso-or low-echoic mass with a thin high-echoic rim on sonography, and the mass is

  19. Agenesia pulmonar unilateral Unilateral pulmonary agenesis


    Maura Cavada Malcon; Claudio Mattar Malcon; Marina Neves Cavada; Paulo Eduardo Macedo Caruso; Lara Flório Real


    A agenesia pulmonar é uma anomalia congênita rara. Relatamos um caso de um menino de 8 anos de idade com agenesia pulmonar à esquerda sem associação com outras malformações. O diagnóstico foi realizado por achados de imagem quando o paciente apresentou sintomas como tosse, sibilância e dispneia sem melhora do quadro clínico após evolução de 30 dias.Pulmonary agenesis is a rare congenital anomaly. We report the case of an 8-year-old boy with left lung agenesis, without any other congenital mal...

  20. Prospective study of ultrasound with perflutrene contrast compared to magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of hepatic hemangiomas

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    Joel Schmillevitch


    Full Text Available CONTEXT:The incidence of hepatic hemangiomas ranges from 0.4% to 20% in the general population. Conventional ultrasound is usually the first diagnostic method to identify these hemangiomas, typically as an incidental finding. Ultrasonography with second generation contrast materials is being used in various areas of hepatology, yielding similar results to those obtained with computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of hepatic hemangiomas. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the agreement between ultrasound with perflutrene contrast and magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of hepatic hemangiomas. METHODS: A total of 37 patients were prospectively examined between January 2006 and August 2008. A total of 57 hepatic nodules were documented in this group as incidental findings on routine ultrasound exams. The 37 patients were administered perflutrene contrast without adverse reactions, and were all submitted to magnetic resonance exams. RESULTS: Conventional ultrasound identified 15 patients with nodules typical of hemangiomas and 22 patients with other nodules. In 35 patients, the contrast characteristics were consistent with hepatic hemangiomas. CONCLUSION: Agreement between the data obtained from ultrasound with contrast and magnetic resonance was 94.5%. In discordant cases, the magnetic resonance diagnosis prevailed. In the case which presented indeterminate findings on contrast ultrasonography, magnetic resonance was repeated after 3 months, confirming the diagnosis of a hepatic hemangioma. A biopsy was performed on the suspected malignant nodule which also confirmed the presence of a hepatic hemangioma. Ultrasonography with contrast has the advantages of being more accessible to the public at large and lower cost than magnetic resonance. The results of our study highlight the need for a new protocol in hepatic nodules incidentally identified on conventional ultrasonography. In the case of typical hemangiomas

  1. Evaluation of long-term effect of hepatic arterial embolization with pingyangmycin-lipiodol emulsion in patients with hepatic cavernous hemangiomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Xuejun; Ouyang Yong; Ma Heping; Chao Lumeng; Zhen Yanli; Gu Subin; Zhou Qunhui; Liu Pengzhi; Wang Hong


    Objective: To evaluate the long-term effect of hepatic arterial embolization with pingyanmycin-lipiodol emulsion (PLE) in patients with cavernous hemangiomas of the liver (CHL) and its influence factors. Methods: One hundred and fifty-six hemangiomas that were diagnosed by imaging examinations or confirmed pathologically by surgery in 105 patients with integral follow-up data were analyzed retrospectively in this paper. All hemangiomas were divided into 4 groups according to their size (the largest size of hemangioma) by the authors as follows: A group (≤3 cm, n=25); B group (>3 cm and 2 test respectively. And the influence factors, included of the variant size of hemangiomas, abundant or sparse of abnormal sinusoids and the number of treatment procedures, were also analyzed respectively. Results: The total effective rate of the 156 hemangiomas in 105 patients was 92.95% (145/156). After single procedure of hepatic arterial embolization with PLE, the total effective rate of A and B groups were 100% (57/57), that of C and D groups were 85.86% (85/99), and the difference reach significant (X 2 =8.8553, P 2 =5.2642, P<0.05) than those of group with single procedure (72.73%, 8/11). Conclusions: A best long-term curative effect (complete cure) is usually obtained in the small hemangiomas with abundant abnormal sinusoids, and a satisfactory long-term curative effect can also be achieved in the larger or multiple hemangiomas, particularly in those hemangiomas with abundant abnormal sinusoids by using the repeat procedures of hepatic arterial embolization with PLE. (authors)

  2. Enhancement pattern of small hepatic hemangioma: findings on multiphase spiral CT and dynamic MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Byung In; Lee, Seung Koo; Kim, Myeong Jin; Chung, Jae Joon; Yoo, Hyung Sik; Lee, Jong Tae


    To compare the enhancement characteristics of small hemangiomas seen on multiphase spiral CT and dynamic MR imaging. Thirteen patients with 20 hepatic hemangiomas less than 25mm in diameter underwent both multiphase spiral CT and dynamic MR imaging. All lesions were assigned to one of three classified into 3 categories according to the enhancement pattern seen on multiphase spiral CT : typical delayed pooling, atypical early enhancement, or continuous low attenuation. The enhancement patterns seen on spiral CT and on dynamic MRI were correlated. On CT scans, ten lesions (50%) showed delayed pooling. Six (30%) showed early arterial enhancement and four (20%) showed continuous low attenuation. On delayed-phase MRI, all lesions showed delayed high signal intensity compared to adjacent liver parenchyma. Four of six lesions with early enhancement on CT showed peripheral globular enhancement on early arterial-phase MRI. On multiphase spiral CT scans, small hemangiomas can show variable atypical enhancement features. In this situation, contrast-enhanced dynamic MRI is helpful for the diagnosis of hemangiomas

  3. Peripheral soft tissue hemangioma: MRI and histo-pathologic correlation (a report of 32 cases)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu Xiaojun; Zhou Haiwei; Shao Haijun; Li Chunsheng


    Objective: To analyze the MRI findings of hemangiomas derived from soft tissue. Methods: MRI was performed on 32 cases with mass in the peripheral soft tissue. All cases were confirmed to be hemangioma histo-pathologically. Results: The masses were classified as four patterns on this series, namely: cavernous hemangiomas, 15 cases (46.9%), displayed as a spindle-shaped or irregular mass; Racemose, 9 cases (28%), had an honeycombed or racemose appearance; Capillary, 5 cases (15.6%), with an elongated mass-like configuration; Mixed, 3 case(9.4%), showed as an amouphus mass. The masses usually had equal or higher signal intensity as compared to muscle on T 1 WI and markedly high signal intensity on T 2 WI. Focal inhomogeneities of the lesions in pathological study represent areas of fibrosia, fat, thrombosis, smooth muscle or calcificatin. Conclusion: MRI is an useful tool not only to identifying the locatoion of the mass but also could specify the peripheral soft tisure hemangioma. (authors)

  4. Peritonitis esclerosante encapsulante asociada a la diálisis peritoneal: Una revisión y una iniciativa unitaria europea para abordar el cuidado de una enfermedad rara


    De Sousa, Erika; del Peso-Gilsanz, Gloria; Bajo-Rubio, M. Auxiliadora; Ossorio-González, Marta; Selgas-Gutiérrez, Rafael


    La peritonitis esclerosante encapsulante (EPS) representa una complicación rara de la diálisis peritoneal (DP) con una alta mortalidad. Se caracteriza por la fibrosis difusa de la membrana peritoneal que progresa a encapsulamiento y se manifiesta con signos y síntomas de obstrucción intestinal. Su incidencia varía desde el 0,7 al 3,3 %. El factor de riesgo más importante en su desarrollo es el tiempo de exposición a las soluciones de DP, aunque posiblemente la edad joven y los episodios de pe...

  5. A rapidly enlarging cutaneous hemangioma in pregnancy.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Ma'ayeh, Marwan


    This is a case of a rapidly enlarging cutaneous pedunculated tumor on a patient\\'s thumb during her pregnancy. This was excised and identified as a hemangioma. A literature search identified a possible hormonal factor in causing an accelerated growth of this tumor.

  6. Lymph node hemangioma in one-humped camel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M.A. Aljameel


    Full Text Available Hemangioma is a benign tumor of blood and lymphatic vessels. It is common in skin, mucosa and soft tissues, and its occurrence in lymph nodes is extremely rare. A 10 year-old she-camel was slaughtered at Nyala slaughterhouse, South Darfur State, Sudan. Grossly, the carcass was emaciated. The left ventral superficial cervical lymph node was enlarged, hard on palpation and protruded outside the body. Its cut surface was dark red in color and measured (18 cm in diameter. Histopathologically, the sections revealed vascular masses were composed of non-encapsulated clusters of small and medium sized with thick and thin-walled, filled with blood, separated by courageous stroma and surrounded by closely packed proliferating capillaries. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first record of the left ventral superficial cervical lymph node hemangioma in a camel in the Sudan.

  7. Expanded flap to repair facial scar left by radiotherapy of hemangioma. (United States)

    Zhao, Donghong; Ma, Xinrong; Li, Jiang; Zhang, Lingfeng; Zhu, Baozhen


    This study explored the feasibility and clinical efficacy of expanded flap to repair facial scar left by radiotherapy of hemangioma. From March 2000 to April 2011, 13 cases of facial cicatrices left by radiotherapy of hemangioma have been treated with implantation surgery of facial skin dilator under local anesthesia. After water flood expansion for 1-2 months, resection of facial scar was performed, and wound repairing with expansion flap transfer was done. Thirteen patients were followed up from 5 months to 3 years. All patients tolerated flap transfer well; no contracture occurred during the facial expansion flap transfer. The incision scar was not obvious, and its color and texture were identical to surrounding skin. In conclusion, the use of expanded flap transfer to repair the facial scar left by radiotherapy of hemangioma is advantageous due to its simplicity, flexibility, and large area of repairing. This method does not affect the subsequent facial appearance.

  8. Estudo angiográfico da circulação pulmonar na tetralogia de Fallot com atresia pulmonar Angiographic study of pulmonary circulation in tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia

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    Marco Aurélio Santos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar os tipos de suprimento sangüíneo vascular pulmonar na tetralogia de Fallot com atresia pulmonar por meio de estudo hemodinâmico. MÉTODOS: Foram submetidos a estudo cineangiocardiográfico 56 pacientes portadores de tetralogia de Fallot com atresia pulmonar com idade de 20 dias a 4 anos e efetuadas injeções de contraste nas seguintes estruturas vasculares: 1 veia pulmonar encunhada, 2 colaterais aortopulmonares, 3 aorta torácica e 4 ductus arteriosus e/ou shunt sistêmico pulmonar. RESULTADOS: Dos 56 pacientes, 15 tinham o suprimento sangüíneo pulmonar através de colaterais aortopulmonares, em 36 o suprimento sangüíneo pulmonar era feito isoladamente pelo ductus arteriosus e em 5 pelo ductus arteriosus e colaterais aortopulmonares. Conforme a presença ou ausência de estruturas vasculares que compõem a circulação pulmonar na tetralogia de Fallot com atresia pulmonar e do tipo de perfusão vascular pulmonar, os doentes foram classificados em 6 tipos. CONCLUSÃO: Em função da grande complexidade e extrema variabilidade do suprimento sangüíneo pulmonar na tetralogia de Fallot com atresia pulmonar torna-se possível, com este tipo de abordagem, a obtenção de informações, suficientemente necessárias, para o correto manuseio clínico-cirúrgico.OBJECTIVE: To identify the types of pulmonary vascular blood supply in tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia by use of hemodynamic study. METHODS: Fifty-six patients with tetralogy of Fallot and pulmonary atresia, and ages ranging from 20 days to 4 years, underwent cineangiocardiographic study with contrast medium injections in the following vascular structures: 1 wedged pulmonary vein; 2 aortopulmonary collaterals; 3 thoracic aorta; and 4 ductus arteriosus or systemic-pulmonary shunt. RESULTS: In the 56 patients studied, pulmonary blood was supplied as follows: in 15, by aortopulmonary collaterals; in 36, only by the ductus arteriosus; and in 5, by the ductus

  9. Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Elastography for Focal Hepatic Tumors: Usefulness for Differentiating Hemangiomas from Malignant Tumors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Ji Eun [Department of Radiology, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine, Jinju 660-702 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Jae Young [Department of Radiology and Radiation Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul 110-744 (Korea, Republic of); Bae, Kyung Soo [Department of Radiology, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine, Jinju 660-702 (Korea, Republic of); Han, Joon Koo; Choi, Byung Ihn [Department of Radiology and Radiation Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul 110-744 (Korea, Republic of)


    The purpose of this study is to investigate whether acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) elastography with ARFI quantification and ARFI 2-dimensional (2D) imaging is useful for differentiating hepatic hemangiomas from malignant hepatic tumors. One-hundred-and-one tumors in 74 patients were included in this study: 28 hemangiomas, 26 hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs), three cholangiocarcinomas (CCCs), 20 colon cancer metastases and 24 other metastases. B-mode ultrasound, ARFI 2D imaging, and ARFI quantification were performed in all tumors. Shear wave velocities (SWVs) of the tumors and the adjacent liver and their SWV differences were compared among the tumor groups. The ARFI 2D images were compared with B-mode images regarding the stiffness, conspicuity and size of the tumors. The mean SWV of the hemangiomas was significantly lower than the malignant hepatic tumor groups: hemangiomas, 1.80 ± 0.57 m/sec; HCCs, 2.66 ± 0.94 m/sec; CCCs, 3.27 ± 0.64 m/sec; colon cancer metastases, 3.70 ± 0.61 m/sec; and other metastases, 2.82 ± 0.96 m/sec (p < 0.05). The area under the receiver operating characteristics curve of SWV for differentiating hemangiomas from malignant tumors was 0.86, with a sensitivity of 96.4% and a specificity of 65.8% at a cut-off value of 2.73 m/sec (p < 0.05). In the ARFI 2D images, the malignant tumors except HCCs were stiffer and more conspicuous as compared with the hemangiomas (p < 0.05). ARFI elastography with ARFI quantification and ARFI 2D imaging may be useful for differentiating hepatic hemangiomas from malignant hepatic tumors.

  10. Hipertensión pulmonar a moderada altura en niños

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    Gabriel F. Díaz, MD


    Full Text Available Se reporta la carencia de estudios sobre la relación entre hipertensión pulmonar y altura en niños y, con base en la fisiología de esta última, se hace énfasis en la importancia de la hipoxia hipobárica, que desempeña un papel determinante en la etio y biopatogénesis de la hipertensión pulmonar del habitante de la altura. En cuanto a la biopatogénesis, se señala la importancia de la hiperreactividad del lecho vascular pulmonar y su correcta evaluación. De igual forma, se resumen las patologías relacionadas con hipertensión pulmonar en el niño habitante de la altura y, finalmente, en lo que respecta al tratamiento de la hipertensión pulmonar del habitante de la altura, se resalta, a través de la evolución de casos clínicos, la importancia de vivir a baja altura sobre el nivel del mar.

  11. Diagnostic value of diffusion weighted MRI and ADC in differential diagnosis of cavernous hemangioma of the liver. (United States)

    Tokgoz, Ozlem; Unlu, Ebru; Unal, Ilker; Serifoglu, Ismail; Oz, Ilker; Aktas, Elif; Caglar, Emrah


    To investigate the use of diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) and the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values in the diagnosis of hemangioma. The study population consisted of 72 patients with liver masses larger than 1 cm (72 focal lesions). DWI examination with a b value of 600 s/mm2 was carried out for all patients. After DWI examination, an ADC map was created and ADC values were measured for 72 liver masses and normal liver tissue (control group). The average ADC values of normal liver tissue and focal liver lesions, the "cut-off" ADC values, and the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the ADC map in diagnosing hemangioma, benign and malignant lesions were researched. Of the 72 liver masses, 51 were benign and 21 were malignant. Benign lesions comprised 38 hemangiomas and 13 simple cysts. Malignant lesions comprised 9 hepatocellular carcinomas, and 12 metastases. The highest ADC values were measured for cysts (3.782±0.53×10(-3) mm(2)/s) and hemangiomas (2.705±0.63×10(-3) mm(2)/s). The average ADC value of hemangiomas was significantly higher than malignant lesions and the normal control group (p<0.001). The average ADC value of cysts were significantly higher when compared to hemangiomas and normal control group (p<0.001). To distinguish hemangiomas from malignant liver lesions, the "cut-off" ADC value of 1.800×10(-3) mm(2)/s had a sensitivity of 97.4% and a specificity of 90.9%. To distinguish hemangioma from normal liver parenchyma the "cut-off" value of 1.858×10(-3) mm(2)/s had a sensitivity of 97.4% and a specificity of 95.7%. To distinguish benign liver lesions from malignant liver lesions the "cut-off" value of 1.800×10(-3) mm(2)/s had a sensitivity of 96.1% and a specificity of 90.0%. DWI and quantitative measurement of ADC values can be used in differential diagnosis of benign and malignant liver lesions and also in the diagnosis and differentiation of hemangiomas. When dynamic examination cannot distinguish cases with

  12. Vertebral Hemangiomas - Aggressive Forms | Allali | African Journal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Medical imaging allows both diagnosis and evaluation of their aggressivity. Objective To assess the role of radiology, embolisation, percutaneous vertebroplasty, radiotherapy and surgery in the diagnosis and treatment of vertebral hemangiomas. Methods We report our experience of five patients who had an average age of ...

  13. The value of color Doppler imaging and intralesional steroid injection in pediatric orbital capillary hemangioma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yifeng Ke


    Conclusion: The blood flow characteristics of CDI play a vital role in the differentiation of orbital capillary hemangiomas from other orbital lesions. The availability and lack of adverse effects of CDI enable its utilization in the early clinical diagnosis of pediatric orbital capillary hemangioma.

  14. Actualizacin en el diagnstico y tratamiento de la hipertensin pulmonar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan A. Mazzei


    Full Text Available El trmino hipertensin pulmonar agrupa a un conjunto heterogneo de enfermedades que tienen en comn una remodelacin obstructiva del lecho vascular pulmonar. Esta alteracin provoca un estado hemodinmico caracterizado por una elevacin sostenida de la presin del circuito arterial pulmonar. La morbilidad y mortalidad de esta enfermedad son la consecuencia del fracaso de la compensacin del ventrculo derecho a este aumento de la poscarga. La presuncin clnica y el diagnstico precoz, una estratificacin adecuada basada en las causas subyacentes y los diferentes territorios vasculares comprometidos, la respuesta a los frmacos y el grado de gravedad, la seleccin de las diferentes alternativas teraputicas y su indicacin oportuna son los objetivos para el tratamiento contemporneo ptimo de los enfermos con hipertensin pulmonar y ser una importante tarea en el futuro. Estas recomendaciones estn destinadas al mdico general y tienen por objeto facilitar la deteccin precoz, el diagnstico y el tratamiento de los pacientes con hipertensin pulmonar, y pueden representar una diferencia significativa en el pronstico. Adems, como la evaluacin diagnstica requiere exmenes complementarios que habitualmente no estn disponibles en todas las instituciones asistenciales, tambin pueden ser utilizadas como fundamento para solicitar la derivacin oportuna a centros asistenciales de referencia.

  15. Chronic Expanding Hematoma of the Adrenal Gland Mimicking a Hemangioma: A Case Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Hyun Jung; Kim, Min Jeong; Ha, Hong Il; Lee, In Jae; Lee, Kwan Seop; Seo, Jin Won [Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University College of Medicine, Anyang (Korea, Republic of); Yeo, Seung Gu [Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Cheonan Hospital, Cheonan (Korea, Republic of)


    We report a rare case of unilateral chronic expanding hematoma in the left adrenal gland, mimicking a hemangioma on multiphase computed tomography (CT). On CT, the mass showed several enhancing foci of irregular and frond-like shape in the periphery at the hepatic arterial phase and gradual fill-in pattern at the portal venous phase, which was similar with the enhancement pattern of hemangioma.

  16. Verrucous Hemangioma Treated with Electrocautery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammad Fatani


    Full Text Available Verrucous hemangioma is a rare vascular malformation consisting of a proliferation of dilated blood vessels of different sizes that occupy the dermis and hypodermis. The epidermis of the affected area shows a strong proliferative reaction that presents as a warty appearance. Here, we report the case of a 17-year-old male who presented with an asymptomatic warty growth above the lateral malleolus on the right leg, which healed after electrocautery.

  17. The impact of share wave elastography in differentiation of hepatic hemangioma from malignant liver tumors in pediatric population

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Özmen, Evrim; Adaletli, İbrahim; Kayadibi, Yasemin; Emre, Şenol; Kılıç, Fahrettin; Dervişoğlu, Sergülen; Kuruğoğlu, Sebuh; Şenyüz, Osman Faruk


    Highlights: • We evaluated the impact of share wave elastography technique in differentiation hepatic hemangiomas from malignant liver tumors in pediatric population. • Share wave technique can increase the diagnostic capability of conventional ultrasonography in the differential diagnosis of liver tumors in children. • Share wave elastography is a potential adjunctive diagnostic technique for pediatric liver tumors. - Abstract: Objective: In children it is crucial to differentiate malignant liver tumors from the most common benign tumor, hepatic hemangiomas since the treatment strategies are quite different. We aimed to evaluate the efficiency of shear wave elastography (SWE) technique in differentiation of malignant hepatic tumors and hepatic hemangiomas. Methods: Twenty patients with hepatic tumor were included in our study. Two radiologists performed SWE for 13 patients with malignant hepatic tumors including hepatoblastoma (n = 7), hepatocellular carcinoma (n = 3), metastasis (n = 2), embryonal sarcoma (n = 1) and 7 patients with hepatic hemangioma. All of our patients were between the age of 1 and 192 months (mean age: 56.88 months). Receiver operating characteristic analysis was achieved to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of SWE and to determine the optimal cut-off value in differentiation hepatic hemangioma from malignant hepatic tumors. Results: The mean SWE values (in kPa) for the first observer were 46.94 (13.8–145) and 22.38 (6.6–49.6) and those for the second observer were 57.91 (11–237) and 23.87 (6.4–57.5), respectively for malignant hepatic tumors and hepatic hemangiomas. The SWE values of malignant hepatic tumors were significantly higher than those of hepatic hemangioma (p = 0.02). The inter-observer agreement was almost perfect (0.81). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of SWE for differentiating the hepatic hemangioma from malignant hepatic tumors was 0.77 with a sensitivity of 72.7% and a specificity of 66

  18. Quality of life in children with infantile hemangioma: a case control study. (United States)

    Wang, Chuan; Li, Yanan; Xiang, Bo; Xiong, Fei; Li, Kai; Yang, Kaiying; Chen, Siyuan; Ji, Yi


    Infantile hemangioma (IH) is the most common vascular tumor in children. It is controversial whether IHs has effects on the quality of life (QOL) in patients of whom IH poses no threat or potential for complication. Thus, we conducted this study to evaluate the q QOL in patients with IH and find the predictors of poor QOL. The PedsQL 4.0 Genetic Core Scales and the PedsQL family information form were administered to parents of children with IH and healthy children both younger than 2-year-old. The quality-of-life instrument for IH (IH-QOL) and the PedsQL 4.0 family impact module were administered to parents of children with IH. We compared the PedsQL 4.0 Genetic Core Scales (GCIS) scores of the two groups. Multiple step-wise regression analysis was used to determine factors that influenced QOL in children with IH and their parents. Except for physical symptom, we found no significant difference in GCIS between patient group and healthy group (P = 0.409). The internal reliability of IH-QOL was excellent with the Cronbach's alpha coefficient for summary scores being 0.76. Multiple step-wise regression analysis showed that the predictors of poor IH-QOL total scores were hemangioma size, location, and mother's education level. The predictors of poor FIM total scores were hemangioma location and father's education level. The predictors of poor GCIS total scores were children's age, hemangioma location and father's education level. The findings support the feasibility and reliability of the Chinese version of IH-QOL to evaluate the QOL in children with IH and their parents. Hemangioma size, location and education level of mother are important impact factors for QOL in children with IH and their parents.

  19. Angiographic optical coherence tomography imaging of hemangiomas and port wine birthmarks. (United States)

    Waibel, Jill S; Holmes, Jon; Rudnick, Ashley; Woods, Daniel; Kelly, Kristen M


    A current therapeutic challenge of vascular lesions is that they do not always respond effectively to laser treatment. Information on targeted vessels could potentially be used to guide laser treatments. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a useful tool for the non-invasive imaging of tissues, including skin hemangiomas and port wine birthmarks. Dynamic OCT is able to rapidly characterize cutaneous blood vessels. The primary goal of this study was to demonstrate the ability of bedside OCT to image (i) overall vessel pattern; (ii) individual vessel morphology, diameter and depth; and (iii) total vessel density as a function of depth in infantile hemangiomas and port wine birthmarks (PWB). This IRB approved, observational clinical trial was performed among healthy volunteers ages 3 months-73 years old. All patients presented for laser treatment of either infantile hemangiomas or PWB with skin types ranging from Fitzpatrick I-V. OCT imaging of 49 hemangioma and PWB scans were performed pre- and post-treatment. The diameter and depth of the blood vessels making up the vascular lesions were measured. In addition, normal skin was scanned for comparison. Five datasets for infantile hemangiomas and five for PWB that were without motion artifacts were analyzed. Scanned lesions exhibited variable and highly heterogeneous blood vessel patterns with vessel diameters ranging from 20 to 160 μm, suggesting that the laser treatment with single pulse durations may not be optimal. The largest blood vessel diameter observed (160 μm) may not be adequately treated by commonly used pulsed dye laser pulse durations. OCT allowed rapid, non-invasive characterization of the diameter and depth of blood vessels in individual vascular lesions. Imaged lesions consisted of a heterogeneous population of vessel sizes, morphologies, and depth. Future studies could utilize this information to assist development of individualized treatment protocols in an effort to improve vascular birthmark

  20. Parenteral corticosteroids followed by early surgical resection of large amblyogenic eyelid hemangiomas in infants

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    El Essawy R


    Full Text Available Rania El Essawy,1 Rasha Essameldin Galal21Department of Ophthalmology, 2Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, EgyptBackground: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results and complications of early surgical resection of large amblyogenic subdermal eyelid hemangiomas in infants after prior short-term parenteral administration of corticosteroids.Methods: Sixteen infants were given dexamethasone 2 mg/kg/day in two divided doses for three consecutive days prior to scheduled surgical excision of large eyelid hemangiomas. The lesions were accessed via an upper eyelid crease, subeyebrow incision, or a lower eyelid subciliary incision.Results: In all cases, surgical excision of the entire lesion was possible with no significant intraoperative or postoperative complications. The levator muscle/aponeurosis complex was involved in 31.25% of cases and was managed by reinsertion or repositioning without resection. A satisfactory lid position and contour with immediate clearing of the visual axis was achieved in all but one case (93.8%.Conclusion: Parenteral corticosteroids helped in reducing volume and blood flow from the hemangiomas, allowing for very early total excision of large subdermal infantile hemangiomas without significant intraoperative hemorrhage. This resulted in immediate elimination of any reason for occlusion amblyopia. Long-term follow-up of visual development in these patients would help to demonstrate the effectiveness of this strategy compared with more conservative measures.Keywords: large eyelid hemangiomas, early surgical resection, parenteral corticosteroids

  1. Role of fractionated radiotherapy in patients with hemangioma of the cavernous sinus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Sun Min; Yoon, Sang Min; Lee, Su Min; Park, Jin Hong; Song, Si Yeol; Lee, Sang Wook; Ahn, Seung Do; Kim, Jong Hoon; Choi, Eun Kyung


    We performed this retrospective study to investigate the outcomes of patients with hemangioma of the cavernous sinus after fractionated radiotherapy. We analyzed 10 patients with hemangioma of the cavernous sinus who were treated with conventional radiotherapy between January 2000 and December 2016. The median patient age was 54 years (range, 31–65 years), and 8 patients (80.0%) were female. The mean hemangioma volume was 34.1 cm"3 (range, 6.8–83.2 cm"3), and fractionated radiation was administered to a total dose of 50–54 Gy with a daily dose of 2 Gy. The median follow-up period was 6.8 years (range, 2.2–8.8 years). At last follow-up, the volume of the tumor had decreased in all patients. The average tumor volume reduction rate from the initial volume was 72.9% (range, 18.9–95.3%). All 10 of the cranial neuropathies observed before radiation therapy had improved, with complete symptomatic remission in 9 cases (90%) and partial remission in 1 case (10%). No new acute neurologic impairments were reported after radiotherapy. One probable compressive optic neuropathy was observed at 1 year after radiotherapy. Fractionated radiotherapy achieves both symptomatic and radiologic improvements. It is a well-tolerated treatment modality for hemangiomas of the cavernous sinus

  2. Role of fractionated radiotherapy in patients with hemangioma of the cavernous sinus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Sun Min; Yoon, Sang Min; Lee, Su Min; Park, Jin Hong; Song, Si Yeol; Lee, Sang Wook; Ahn, Seung Do; Kim, Jong Hoon; Choi, Eun Kyung [Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    We performed this retrospective study to investigate the outcomes of patients with hemangioma of the cavernous sinus after fractionated radiotherapy. We analyzed 10 patients with hemangioma of the cavernous sinus who were treated with conventional radiotherapy between January 2000 and December 2016. The median patient age was 54 years (range, 31–65 years), and 8 patients (80.0%) were female. The mean hemangioma volume was 34.1 cm{sup 3} (range, 6.8–83.2 cm{sup 3}), and fractionated radiation was administered to a total dose of 50–54 Gy with a daily dose of 2 Gy. The median follow-up period was 6.8 years (range, 2.2–8.8 years). At last follow-up, the volume of the tumor had decreased in all patients. The average tumor volume reduction rate from the initial volume was 72.9% (range, 18.9–95.3%). All 10 of the cranial neuropathies observed before radiation therapy had improved, with complete symptomatic remission in 9 cases (90%) and partial remission in 1 case (10%). No new acute neurologic impairments were reported after radiotherapy. One probable compressive optic neuropathy was observed at 1 year after radiotherapy. Fractionated radiotherapy achieves both symptomatic and radiologic improvements. It is a well-tolerated treatment modality for hemangiomas of the cavernous sinus.

  3. Os abcessos pulmonares em revisão

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    Ana Moura Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Resumo: Os abcessos pulmonares são cavidades que surgem no parênquima pulmonar, apresentando maior ou menor quantidade de tecido necrosado no seu interior. Surgem em indivíduos predispostos, como sejam os doentes com doença pulmonar crónica ou obstrução secundária a neoplasia e os doentes com maior risco de aspiração, estando incluidos os doentes com alteração do estado neurológico, os utilizadores de drogas endovenosas, os doentes com alcoolismo, patologia da faringe e esofágica, doença neuromuscular, entre outras. É feita a revisão dos principais agentes causais, da metodologia diagnóstica, da abordagem terapêutica na actualidade e do prognóstico destas situações.Os abcessos pulmonares, para além de relativamente pouco frequentes, são difíceis de caracterizar, sendo a resistência aos antibióticos um problema a ter presente, na sua abordagem terapêutica. Abstract: Lung abscesses are cavitating lesions containing necrotic debris caused by microbial infection. Patients with chronic lung disease, bronchial obstruction secondary to cancer, a history of aspiration or risk of aspiration caused by alcoholism, altered mental status, structural or physiologic alterations of the pharynx and esophagus, neuromuscular disorders, anesthesia, are among others at higher risk of developing lung abcess.The main bacteriological characteristics, the diagnosis, therapy and prognosis are considered. The problem of antimicrobial resistance is also referred. Palavras-chave: Abcesso pulmonar, pneumonia de aspiração, resistência antimicrobiana, anaeróbios, Key-words: Lung abscesses, aspiration pneumonia, antimicrobial resistance, anaerobes

  4. Lobular Capillary Hemangioma of the Nasal Cavity: A Retrospective Study of 15 Cases in Taiwan

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    Tzu-Hang Chi Chi


    Full Text Available Background: Lobular capillary hemangioma of the nasal cavity is an uncommon benign vascular tumor of unknown etiology. There have been only very few case reports in Taiwan. Aims: This study aimed to analyze the clinical features, radiological findings, treatment modalities, and outcome of lobular capillary hemangioma treated at a teaching hospital in Taiwan during a period of 10 years. Study Design: Descriptive study. Methods: Retrospective chart reviews were performed on patients who were diagnosed with lobular capillary hemangioma of the nasal cavity at Kaohsiung Armed Forces General Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, from January 2003 to December 2012. Data retrieved included age, gender, clinical symptoms, computed tomography (CT findings, treatment modalities, and outcome for further analysis. Results: Of the 15 patients identified, there were five males and ten females ranging from 17 to 86 years of age, with a mean age of 43.8±20.2. Epistaxis was the most common presenting symptom. All patients presented a unilateral nasal lobular capillary hemangioma. The most commonly affected site was the anterior nasal septum, followed by the inferior turbinate, vestibule, middle turbinate, and posterior nasal septum. All lesions presented as soft tissue density without bony erosions under CT examination. Endoscopic excisional surgery (n=12 or classical local excision (n=3 was performed for complete removal of the hemangioma. No evidence of recurrence was observed with 6 to 75 months of follow-up. Conclusion: Lobular capillary hemangioma of the nasal cavity was usually found to occur in anterior septum with epistaxis. Complete excision with endoscopic surgery or classical local excision was recommended and recurrence can be prevented.

  5. Enfermedades pulmonares intersticiales en el niño

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    Roberto Razón Behar

    Full Text Available Las enfermedades pulmonares intersticiales en el niño, comprenden un gran y heterogéneo grupo de raras enfermedades difusas pulmonares de morbilidad variada. Se caracterizan por cambios inflamatorios y fibróticos que causan remodelación de las paredes alveolares y de las vías respiratorias distales, y ocasionan un defecto restrictivo funcional y una alteración en el intercambio gaseoso, con hipoxemia progresiva. Son muchas las enfermedades que pueden afectar al intersticio pulmonar y múltiples las formas etiológicas causadas por una variedad de procesos patológicos, que incluyen, factores genéticos, asociación a enfermedades sistémicas, así como a respuestas inflamatorias o fibróticas a diferentes estímulos. Sin embargo, algunas veces su origen es desconocido, y se catalogan entonces como idiopáticas. Los neumólogos pediátricos han tratado de clasificar los casos de las enfermedades pulmonares intersticiales en las diferentes categorías descritas originalmente en adultos, pero, en realidad, existen formas del adulto que no se observan en la infancia, y formas únicas de presentación pediátrica. Se señala la importancia del conocimiento de estas entidades, particularmente las de origen desconocido o idiopáticas.

  6. Factores de riesgo de mortalidad precoz del Trasplante Pulmonar


    Kreis Esmendi, Germán


    Consultable des del TDX Títol obtingut de la portada digitalitzada A pesar de la experiencia acumulada, la mortalidad postoperatoria temprana del trasplante pulmonar continua siendo elevada. Los factores asociados a este evento permanecen siendo controvertidos. Objetivo: Revisar la serie de trasplantes pulmonares realizados en el Hospital Vall d' Hebron para establecer la supervivencia acumulada e identificar los factores asociados con riesgo de mortalidad postoperatoria precoz. Pacient...

  7. Secuestro pulmonar una infrecuente causa de hipertension pulmonar persistente en el recién nacido reporte de un caso

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    Lupo Méndez


    Full Text Available La hipertensión pulmonar persistente del recién nacido ( HPPRN es una entidad frecuente en las unidades de cuidados intensivos neonatales ( UCIN , sin embargo, algunas de sus causas pasan desapercibidas, debido a su baja frecuencia y poca asociación con esta patología. A propósito de un caso en nuestra UCIN , en un neonato a término que presentó HPPRN secundario a una malformación pulmonar, raramente asociada con esta patología en este grupo etareo, ya que se encontró mayor disposición a factores propios del nacimiento, y noxas maternas. El paciente presentó dificultad respiratoria horas después de su nacimiento, con evolución y persistencia de su sintomatología, por lo que se necesitó de diversos medios diagnósticos para establecer su etiología. Es importante destacar que el primer ecocardiograma doppler no mostró ninguna alteración anatómica o funcional, reportado normal; con posterior empeoramiento clínico del neonato, por lo que se ordenó un control ecocardiografico, y se evidenció una presión pulmonar estimada de 71 mmHg; se continuó el estudio etiológico con imágenes complemen - tarias, en esta caso una tomografía de tórax contrastada, y finalmente fue corroborado con un cateterismo cardiaco, lo cual permitió a su vez, manejo terapéutico y corrección de anomalía estructural de vasos pulmonares.

  8. CT-criteria of orbital hemangiomas and their importance in differential diagnosis of intraconal tumors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Unsoeld, R; Hoyt, W F [California Univ., San Francisco (USA). Dept. of Neurosurgery; California Univ., San Francisco (USA). Dept. of Neurology and Opthalmology; California Univ., San Francisco (USA). Dept. of Neuroradiology)


    CT-Scans of 29 histologically proven cavernous hemangiomas were evaluated with respect to their location, shape, delineation from surrounding tissue, contrast-enhancement, and secondary changes of the bony orbit. Whenever a round or oval tumor, located in the outer upper muscle cone, sharply delineated from surrounding tissue, unattached to optic nerve and ocular muscles, spares a small triangular space in the orbital apex, it is in all probability a cavernous hemangioma. Evaluation of the tumors shape and its separation from surrounding tissues requires imaging in multiple sections in two planes oriented, if possible, at right angles. Changes in position of the optic nerve and eye muscles in different directions of gaze demonstrated by CT rule out significant tumor-attachments. The portion of the intraconal space least affected by optic nerve shifts and muscle contractions during eye movements, as demonstrated by CT, is the upper outer quadrant, the site preferred by the mobile tumor. Tumors which cannot be differentiated from cavernous hemangiomas by CT-criteria are rare usually benign. Reports of rare examples of well delineated or encapsulated malignant intraconal lesions indicate the possibility - however remote - of mistaking a malignant tumor for a cavernous hemangioma by CT.

  9. Análisis in vivo de la vasculopatía arterial pulmonar mediante ultrasonido intravascular (IVUS) en pacientes con insuficiencia respiratoria crónica evaluados para trasplante pulmonar


    Acosta Vélez, Juan Gabriel


    El objetivo del estudio es evaluar el remodelado estructural y funcional de las arterias pulmonares asociado a insuficiencia respiratoria crónica severa, mediante ecografía intravascular (IVUS). Se incluyeron 80 pacientes en estudio pretrasplante pulmonar a los que se les realizó cateterismo cardiaco derecho e IVUS de una arteria pulmonar de mediano calibre. A través del IVUS se determinó el módulo elástico, pulsatilidad y porcentaje de fibrosis arterial. La insuficiencia respiratoria crónica...

  10. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Comparison of Intra-Articular Cavernous Synovial Hemangioma and Cystic Synovial Hyperplasia of the Knee

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    De Filippo, M.; Rovani, C.; Sudberry, J. J.; Rossi, F.; Pogliacomi, F.; Zompatori, M.


    Purpose: To identify and compare magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) characteristics, with and without intravenous contrast medium, of cavernous synovial hemangiomas and cystic synovial hyperplasia. Material and Methods: Four cases of cavernous synovial hemangioma and five of cystic synovial hyperplasia of the knee were studied retrospectively. The patients (5 F and 4 M; 15-25 years of age) all had long-standing knee pain. At clinical examination we observed elastic swelling and pain without significant joint effusion. The patients underwent conventional radiography and MRI without and following intravenous contrast medium before arthroscopic biopsy. Results: The radiographs were interpreted as negative in all patients. MRI examination without contrast medium revealed a similar multicystic appearance for both lesions. Following intravenous contrast agent administration, cavernous synovial hemangiomas demonstrated avid, rather homogenous enhancement, whereas cystic synovial hyperplasia demonstrated less intense, peripheral enhancement only. Arthroscopy with histological examination of the lesions confirmed the MRI diagnosis in every case. Conclusion: In our experience, cavernous synovial hemangioma and cystic synovial hyperplasia have a similar appearance on unenhanced MRI, but can be reliably differentiated on the basis of enhancement characteristics following intravenous contrast administration. Keywords: Cavernous synovial hemangioma; cystic synovial hyperplasia; knee; MRI

  11. Intramedullary capillary hemangioma of the thoracic spine: case report and review of the literature

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    Paul Santiago


    Full Text Available Capillary hemangiomas are benign vascular neoplasms. When associated with the spine, these growths frequently involve the vertebral body, but rarely have they been reported to occur as intradural lesions, while even more rarely occurring in a true intramedullary location. We report a rare case of an intrame-dullary capillary hemangioma of the thoracic spinal cord and a review of the literature.

  12. Tromboembolismo pulmonar masivo de alto riesgo asociado a foramen oval permeable

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    Antonio Miranda


    Full Text Available La alta mortalidad de los pacientes con tromboembolismo pulmonar masivo de alto riesgo amerita un enfoque terapéutico enérgico e invasivo que incluya la embolectomía pulmonar quirúrgica en aquellos pacientes con contraindicación para trombolisis o trombolisis fallida. Describimos un caso de tromboembolismo pulmonar masivo de alto riesgo que recibió tratamiento quirúrgico en vez de trombolisis debido a que al momento del diagnóstico presentaba un trombo móvil a través de un foramen oval permeable con altísima posibilidad de embolismo paradójico arterial.

  13. Micetoma pulmonar por Scedosporium sp, reporte de dos casos

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    José G. Somocurcio


    Full Text Available Se reporta los dos primeros casos de micetoma pulmonar por Scedosporium sp, en el Perú, tratados quirúrgicamente en el Hospital Nacional Hipólito Unanue. Se practicó resección pulmonar debido a micetoma pulmonar de donde se tomó muestras que fueron enviadas a microbiología y anatomía patológica para cultivo y estudio histopatológico. Se identificó el moho Scedosporium sp en dos pacientes con secuelas cavitarias por tuberculosis, quienes presentaron tos y hemoptisis de dos meses y tres años de evolución, respectivamente. Radiológicamente las cavidades estaban ocupadas por una "bola fúngica". La histopatología indicó presencia de abundantes hifas, indistinguibles de las de Aspergillus sp, mientras que la inmunodifusión para Aspergillus fue negativa.

  14. Proton or photon irradiation for hemangiomas of the choroid? A retrospective comparison

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoecht, Stefan; Wachtlin, Joachim; Bechrakis, Nikolaos E.; Schaefer, Christiane; Heufelder, Jens; Cordini, Dino; Kluge, Heinz; Foerster, Michael; Hinkelbein, Wolfgang


    Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare, on a retrospective basis, the results of therapy in patients with uveal hemangioma treated with photon or proton irradiation at a single center. Methods and Materials: From 1993 to 2002 a total of 44 patients were treated. Until 1998 radiotherapy was given with 6 MV photons in standard fractionation of 2.0 Gy 5 times per week. In 1998 proton therapy became available and was used since then. A dose of 20 to 22.5 Cobalt Gray Equivalent (CGE) 68 MeV protons was given on 4 consecutive days. Progressive symptoms or deterioration of vision were the indications for therapy. Results: Of the 44 patients treated, 36 had circumscribed choroidal hemangiomas and 8 had diffuse choroidal hemangiomas (DCH) and Sturge-Weber syndrome. Of the patients, 19 were treated with photons with a total dose in the range of 16 to 30 Gy. A total of 25 patients were irradiated with protons. All patients with DCH but 1 were treated with photons. Stabilization of visual acuity was achieved in 93.2% of all patients. Tumor thickness decreased in 95.4% and retinal detachment resolved in 92.9%. Late effects, although generally mild or moderate, were frequently detected. In all, 40.9% showed radiation-induced optic neuropathy, maximum Grade I. Retinopathy was found in 29.5% of cases, but only 1 patient experienced more than Grade II severity. Retinopathy and radiation-induced optic neuropathy were reversible in some of the patients and in some resolved completely. No differences could be detected between patients with circumscribed choroidal hemangiomas treated with protons and photons. Treatment was less effective in DCH patients (75%). Conclusions: Radiotherapy is effective in treating choroidal hemangiomas with respect to visual acuity and tumor thickness but a benefit of proton therapy could not be detected. Side effects are moderate but careful monitoring for side effects should be part of the follow-up procedures

  15. Intracranial cavernous hemangiomas: a case report and bibliographic review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shiguihara, L.C.M.; Granero, P.C.; Gianotti, I.A.; Lederman, H.M.; Seixas, M.T.


    This is a case report of intracranial cavernous hemangioma that presented with macrocrania. A large, spontaneously hyperdense area with mass effect on CT was seen. This is a rare vascular malformation evolving the CNS in pediatrics. (author)

  16. PHACE association with intracranial, oropharyngeal hemangiomas, and an atypical patent ductus arteriosus arising from the tortuous left subclavian artery in a premature infant

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    Do-Hyun Kim


    Full Text Available PHACE association is a rare neurocutaneous condition in which facial hemangiomas associate with a spectrum of posterior fossa malformations, arterial cerebrovascular anomalies, cardiovascular anomalies, and eye anomalies. We reported a case of PHACE association in a premature infant showing facial, intracranial, and oropharyngeal hemangiomas with evidence of the Dandy-Walker variant and complicated cardiovascular anomalies, including a right-sided aortic arch and an atypical patent ductus arteriosus arising from a tortuous left subclavian artery. To our knowledge, intracranial hemangiomas are rare in PHACE association, and a concomitant oropharyngeal hemangioma has not been previously reported in the PHACE association literature. In infants presenting with large, plaque-like facial hemangiomas, it is important to conduct active cardiovascular and neurological evaluations. Special attention should be given to the laryngoscopic examination to search for additional hemangiomas in the airway.

  17. Giant cavernous hemangioma coexistent with diffuse hepatic hemangiomatosis presenting as portal vein thrombosis and hepatic lobar atrophy

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    Bo Reum Yoo


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    A combination of giant hepatic hemangioma and diffuse hemangiomatosis is extremely rare in adults. Even when they are large, hemangiomas are soft and rarely compress adjacent structures. A 78-year-old man presented with abdominal pain and distension. Ultrasonography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated a large expansile mass replacing the medial segment and caudate lobe with diffusely scattered nodules in the entire liver. The large hilar mass contained a central nonenhancing area and had a mass effect, leading to left portal vein occlusion. The image findings also revealed two unprecedented findings: left lateral segmental atrophy of the liver and recent portomesenteric vein thrombosis. The hepatic lesions were confirmed with hemangiomas by ultrasonography-guided biopsy. We diagnosed intrahepatic portal vein obstruction caused by a mass effect of giant hepatic hemangioma coexistent with diffuse hemangiomatosis, resulting in hepatic segmental atrophy and extrahepatic portal vein thrombosis.

  18. Giant cavernous hemangioma coexistent with diffuse hepatic hemangiomatosis presenting as portal vein thrombosis and hepatic lobar atrophy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoo, Bo Reum; Han, Hyun Young; Choi, So Young; Kim, Joo Heun [Eulji University Hospital, Daejeon(Korea, Republic of)


    A combination of giant hepatic hemangioma and diffuse hemangiomatosis is extremely rare in adults. Even when they are large, hemangiomas are soft and rarely compress adjacent structures. A 78-year-old man presented with abdominal pain and distension. Ultrasonography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated a large expansile mass replacing the medial segment and caudate lobe with diffusely scattered nodules in the entire liver. The large hilar mass contained a central nonenhancing area and had a mass effect, leading to left portal vein occlusion. The image findings also revealed two unprecedented findings: left lateral segmental atrophy of the liver and recent portomesenteric vein thrombosis. The hepatic lesions were confirmed with hemangiomas by ultrasonography-guided biopsy. We diagnosed intrahepatic portal vein obstruction caused by a mass effect of giant hepatic hemangioma coexistent with diffuse hemangiomatosis, resulting in hepatic segmental atrophy and extrahepatic portal vein thrombosis.

  19. Selección de donantes y receptores en trasplante pulmonar: procedimientos generales

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    C. María Teresa Parada, Dra.


    Full Text Available El trasplante pulmonar es una alternativa terapéutica que se ha validado en lo últimos 30 años para aquellos pacientes portadores de una enfermedad pulmonar terminal. Las características propias del trasplante pulmonar dadas por su conexión al ambiente a través de la vía aérea y la isquemia presente en las suturas durante el primer mes han constituído por mucho tiempo la principal causa de morbilidad y mortalidad de los pacientes trasplantados pulmonares. Los nuevos medicamentos inmunosupresores, la mejoría de las soluciones de preservación y de las técnicas quirúrgicas han disminuido las complicaciones y mortalidad precoz, siendo el gran desafío aún, el rechazo crónico conocido como el Sindrome de Bronquiolitis Obliterante (SBO. La selección del receptor de acuerdo a la patología de base se ha modificado, promoviendo la derivación precoz en patologías como la fibrosis pulmonar y la fibrosis quística disminuyendo así la mortalidad en la lista de espera.

  20. Generalized enchondromatosis with unusual complications of soft tissue calcifications and hemangiomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaibara, N.; Katsuki, I.; Hotokebuchi, T.; Takagishi, K.


    Generalized enchondromatosis is a newly delineated type of enchondromatosis. Radiographically there are multiple enchondromata in almost all metaphyses of the long and short tubular bones and the lesions are in almost the same stage of development with mild platyspondyly and skull deformity. The pelvic changes are characteristic and, together with the metaphyseal changes of the long and short tubular bones, are probably diagnostic of this disorder. The present case demonstrates advanced radiographic features of this disorder associated with unusual soft tissue calcifications and hemangiomas. The presence of hemangiomas in our case as well as three cases in the literature suggests this feature is more than a coincidence. (orig.)

  1. Agenesia pulmonar unilateral Unilateral pulmonary agenesis

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    Maura Cavada Malcon


    Full Text Available A agenesia pulmonar é uma anomalia congênita rara. Relatamos um caso de um menino de 8 anos de idade com agenesia pulmonar à esquerda sem associação com outras malformações. O diagnóstico foi realizado por achados de imagem quando o paciente apresentou sintomas como tosse, sibilância e dispneia sem melhora do quadro clínico após evolução de 30 dias.Pulmonary agenesis is a rare congenital anomaly. We report the case of an 8-year-old boy with left lung agenesis, without any other congenital malformations. When the patient presented symptoms, including cough, wheezing, and dyspnea, with no clinical improvement after a period of 30 days, imaging studies were conducted and the diagnosis was made.

  2. MRI findings of hepatic hemangioma with a special reference to tumor size

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ogata, Ichiro; Yamashita, Yasuyuki; Hatanaka, Yoshimi; Nishiharu, Taizi; Urata, Zyouzi; Matsukawa, Tetsuya; Yamamoto, Hiroaki; Takahashi, Mutsumasa [Kumamoto Univ. (Japan). School of Medicine


    The purpose of this research is to define the appearance of hepatic hemangiomas on T{sub 2}-weighted and dynamic gadolinium-enhanced FLASH magnetic resonance (MR) images. With 1.5-T MR imaging, T{sub 1} and T{sub 2}-weighted spin echo and dynamic gadolinium-enhanced FLASH, and postcontrast, T{sub 1}-weighted spin echo images were obtained in 74 patients. Signal intensity, internal architecture, margin on T{sub 2}-weighted images and pattern of enhancement on dynamic images were correlated with tumor size. As a result, in all, 96 hemangiomas were depicted. On T{sub 2}-weighted images, 90 tumors were very hyperintense and 6 tumors were slightly hyperintense relative to the surrounding liver. Tumors of very hyperintensity, homogenous architecture or with septation tended to be larger than those without these findings (p<0.0001). 53 tumors showed peripheral enhancement, while 17 tumors showed total enhancement. Tumor size of former enhancement pattern was significantly larger than that of later enhancement pattern. So we concluded that MR appearance of hemangioma has close relationship with tumor size. (author)

  3. MRI findings of hepatic hemangioma with a special reference to tumor size

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ogata, Ichiro; Yamashita, Yasuyuki; Hatanaka, Yoshimi; Nishiharu, Taizi; Urata, Zyouzi; Matsukawa, Tetsuya; Yamamoto, Hiroaki; Takahashi, Mutsumasa


    The purpose of this research is to define the appearance of hepatic hemangiomas on T 2 -weighted and dynamic gadolinium-enhanced FLASH magnetic resonance (MR) images. With 1.5-T MR imaging, T 1 and T 2 -weighted spin echo and dynamic gadolinium-enhanced FLASH, and postcontrast, T 1 -weighted spin echo images were obtained in 74 patients. Signal intensity, internal architecture, margin on T 2 -weighted images and pattern of enhancement on dynamic images were correlated with tumor size. As a result, in all, 96 hemangiomas were depicted. On T 2 -weighted images, 90 tumors were very hyperintense and 6 tumors were slightly hyperintense relative to the surrounding liver. Tumors of very hyperintensity, homogenous architecture or with septation tended to be larger than those without these findings (p<0.0001). 53 tumors showed peripheral enhancement, while 17 tumors showed total enhancement. Tumor size of former enhancement pattern was significantly larger than that of later enhancement pattern. So we concluded that MR appearance of hemangioma has close relationship with tumor size. (author)

  4. Reoperação de tromboendarterectomia pulmonar em recidiva de tromboembolismo pulmonar crônico hipertensivo Repeat pulmonary thromboendarterectomy after recurrence of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension

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    Walter José Gomes


    Full Text Available A cirurgia de tromboendarterectomia tem se estabelecido como método padrão de tratamento do tromboembolismo pulmonar crônico hipertensivo, com excelentes resultados. Entretanto, a reoperação na recidiva do embolismo pulmonar não tem relato na literatura nacional, permanecendo obscuras a sua segurança e efetividade. Relatamos o caso de uma paciente com recorrência de tromboembolismo pulmonar crônico hipertensivo ocorrido cinco anos após a primeira cirurgia de tromboendarterectomia pulmonar, e que necessitou de reoperação para resolução dos sintomas.Pulmonary thromboendarterectomy has been established as the standard method for the treatment of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, with excellent results. However, repeat pulmonary thromboendarterectomy due to recurrence of pulmonary embolism has never been reported in the Brazilian literature. Its safety and effectiveness remain obscure. We report the case of a patient presenting recurrence of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension five years after the first pulmonary thromboendarterectomy and requiring a second operation for resolution of the symptoms.

  5. Blood group ascription as a genetic marker of hepatic hemangioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Polysalov, V.N.; Tarazov, P.G.


    There is no single point of view on pathogenesis of hemangiomas. The authors investigated the ABO blood types in 52 patients with hepatic hemangiomas (Group 1) and 1000 control patients (Group 2). The character of changes in the liver was established by means of reontgenoradionuclide investigation methods. The study demonstrated 61.5 % of the A blood type among the patients of Group 1. This was significantly higher than in the Group 2 and representative groups from literature (P < 0.001). Taking into account that the cells of both blood and blood vessels are formed in embryos through the mesenchyma and the heritability of blood group antigens, it is supposed that the results obtained support the genetic determination theory of pathogenesis of hepatic hemangioamas

  6. Nuevas intervenciones en hipertensión arterial pulmonar

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    Juan Esteban Gómez Mesa


    Full Text Available El manejo farmacológico de la hipertensión arterial pulmonar se basa en agentes que actúan en tres vías principales: endotelina 1, prostaglandina I2 y óxido nítrico. La mayoría de estudios clínicos para aprobación de medicamentos desarrollados para tratar esta condición, han sido cortos y enfocados en el cambio en la caminata de 6 minutos. Al tener en cuenta que las diferentes formas de hipertensión arterial pulmonar tienen como denominador común para las alteraciones moleculares y celulares el entrecruzamiento celular con la pared vascular asociado a procesos inflamatorios e inmunes inapropiados, disbalance entre la síntesis y degradación de matriz extracelular, alteraciones genéticas (gen BMPR2 en hipertensión arterial pulmonar hereditaria y epigenéticas, se requiere un mejor entendimiento de la fisiopatología de la enfermedad, lo cual permitirá desarrollar nuevos tratamientos o intervenciones en estos pacientes en cada uno de estos niveles.

  7. Epithelioid hemangioma of the colon: a case report

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    Ronaldo Nonose

    Full Text Available CONTEXT: Epithelioid hemangioma or angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia is an uncommon benign vascular neoplasm that is usually located on the face or neck. Exceptionally, it has been described affecting the colon, with only two such cases described in the worldwide literature. The aim here was to present a case of primary epithelioid hemangioma of the sigmoid colon with confirmation by immunohistochemical examination. CASE REPORT: A 37-year-old woman had had a complaint of intermittent abdominal pain for six months. Two months after the condition started, she began to present changes in her intestinal habit, with evacuations containing blood and mucus and a weight loss of 4 kg over this period. At physical examination, a palpable mass was noted in the lower left quadrant of the abdomen. Neoplasia of the colon was clinically suspected and she underwent colonoscopy. This demonstrated the presence of a vegetating sessile lesion of approximately 5 cm in diameter, at a distance of 36 cm from the anal margin. It occupied 80% of the intestinal lumen. A biopsy collected during the examination suggested a diagnosis of neoplasia of vascular origin. After surgical resection, histopathological examination of the resected specimen confirmed the diagnosis of epithelioid hemangioma of the colon, which was backed up by the immunohistochemical panel (factor VIII, Ki-67, CD-34. At present, three years after the surgery, the patient is asymptomatic, she has recovered her normal weight and she has normal findings from control colonoscopy. Despite the rarity of neoplasia of vascular origin, this possibility should be considered in the differential diagnosis for colorectal tumors.

  8. Rehabilitación pulmonar en hipertensión pulmonar

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    Vilma Gómez


    Full Text Available El manejo del paciente con hipertensión pulmonar es complejo y requiere de un equipo interdisciplinario. Es trascendental que los programas de rehabilitación cuenten con neumólogo, fisioterapeutas entrenados, psicólogos, profesionales en trabajo social, nutrición y enfermería. Para el ingreso al programa los pacientes deben contar con manejo farmacológico óptimo y prueba de ejercicio cardiopulmonar integrada o prueba de caminata de seis minutos para determinar la condición basal, las causas de limitación al ejercicio y la intensidad del ejercicio, y prever riesgos. Se indican al menos dos a tres sesiones a la semana supervisadas durante 10 a 12 semanas para lograr mejoría en cuanto a capacidad de ejercicio, calidad de vida y niveles de actividad física. Se puede hacer entrenamiento en ambiente hospitalario, ambulatorio o mixto aunque siempre con comienzo en un ámbito supervisado y con el equipo de monitorización necesario. En cuanto al riesgo, en pacientes con hipertensión pulmonar clase funcional IV, la frecuencia de eventos adversos no fue mayor al compararse con pacientes en clase funcional II y III; los efectos del entrenamiento en estos pacientes son similares a los obtenidos en aquellos con mejor clase funcional con necesidad de reducir la intensidad del ejercicio para que sea tolerado y seguro. Es vital educar tanto al paciente como a su cuidador en cuanto a la enfermedad, y adicionalmente brindar soporte psicosocial y nutricional.

  9. Role of EPI in diagnosing cavernous hemangioma and small HCC : comparison with fast T2-weighted MR Imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Suk; Lee, Jun Woo; Kim, Chang Won; Jung, Hyun Woo; Choi, Sang Yoel; Lee, Suck Hong; Kim, Byung Soo


    The purpose of this study is to compare single-shot echo-planar MR imaging (EPI) with breath-hold fast T2-weighted imaging (HASTE or Turbo spin-echo T2WI) for evaluation of the role of EPI in distinguishing small hepatocellular carcinoma from cavernous hemangioma. We retrospectively evaluated MR images of 35 patients (21 cases of small HCC and 14 cases of cavernous hemangioma). EPI and breath-hold fast T2WI images were obtained and compared on the basis of lesion detection sensitivity, lesion-to-liver signal intensity ratio (SIR), contrast ratio (CR), and lesion-to-liver contrast to noise ratio (CNR). For the detection of small HCC, the sensitivity of EPI and breath-hold fast T2WI were equal in 14 of 21 cases (71.4%). The detection sensitivity of cavernous hemangioma with EPI and breath-hold fast T2WI was 100 % (14/14). Mean SIR on breath-hold fast T2WI was 2.02 ± 0.45 for small HCC and 3.65 ± 0.97 for cavernous hemangioma; on EPI, the corresponding figures were 2.91 ± 0.57 for cavernous hemangioma; On EPI, the figures obtained were 2.27 ± 0.52 and 6.26 ± 2.19, respectively. Mean CNR on breath-hold fast T2WI was 14.24 ± 4.098 for small HCC and 50.28 ± 10.96 for cavernous hemangioma, while on EPI, the corresponding figures were 13.84 ± 3.02 and 45.44 ± 11.21. In detecting focal hepatic mass, the sensitivity of EPI and breath-hold fast T2WI are comparable for the diagnosis of small HCC and cavernous hemangioma, EPI can provided additional information. (author). 20 refs., 2 tabs., 4 figs

  10. Prevalence of simple liver cysts and hemangiomas in cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic patients submitted to magnetic resonance imaging

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    Breno Victor Tomaz Galvao


    Full Text Available Objective To determine the prevalence of liver cysts and hemangiomas in the general population and in cirrhotic patients. Materials and Methods Retrospective, observational, and cross-sectional study selecting consecutive magnetic resonance imaging studies performed in the period from February to July 2011. A total of 303 patients (187 women and 116 men with mean age of 53.3 years were included in the present study. Patients with previously known liver lesions were excluded. The images were consensually analyzed by two observers in the search for simple liver cysts and typical liver hemangiomas, according to universally accepted imaging criteria. Lesions prevalence, diameters and location were determined in both cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic individuals. Results The authors observed prevalence of 8.6% for hemangiomas and 14.5% for simple cysts. No statistically significant difference was observed in relation to prevalence of hemangiomas and cysts among cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic patients (p = 0.954; p = 0.472. Conclusion In the present study, the prevalence of cysts and hemangiomas was higher than the prevalence reported by autopsy series. No influence of cirrhosis was observed on the prevalence and appearance of such incidental lesions.

  11. Evaluation of hepatic hemangioma by Tc-99 m red blood cell hepatic blood pool scan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sohn, Myung Hee


    Hemangioma is the most common benign tumor of the liver, with a prevalence estimated as high as 7%. Tc-99m red blood cell (RBC) hepatic blood pool scan with single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging is extremely useful for the confirmation or exclusion of hepatic hemangiomas. The classic finding of absent or decreased perfusion and increased blood pooling ('perfusion/blood pool mismatch') is the key diagnostic element in the diagnosis of hemangiomas. The combination of early arterial flow and delayed blood pooling ('perfusion/blood pool match') is shown uncommonly. In giant hemangioma, filling with radioactivity appears first in the periphery, with progressive central fill-in on sequential RBC blood pool scan. However, the reverse filling pattern, which begins first in the center with progressive peripheral filling, is also rarely seen. Studies with false-positive blood pooling have been reported infrequently in nonhemangiomas, including hemangiosarcoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatic adenoma, and metastatic carcinomas (adenocarcinma of the colon, small cell carcinoma of the lung, neruroendocrine carcinoma). False-negative results have been also reported rarely except for small hemagniomas that are below the limits of spatial resolution of gamma camera


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    Gabriel Alcalá Cerra


    Full Text Available El compromiso pulmonar en pacientes con neurofibromatosis ha sido reiteradamente descrito como una complicación muy rara en la variedad tipo 1. Se caracteriza por enfermedad pulmonar intersticial difusa, fibrosis pulmonar, neoplasias torácicas y formación de bulas, estas últimas, con alto riesgo de ruptura. Describimos un caso de neumotórax espontáneo en una paciente con neurofibromatosis tipo 2, como consecuencia de cambios fibróticos pulmonares. A nuestro conocimiento, esta asociación no había sido reportada.

  13. Hepatic hemangioma: Correlation of enhancement types with diffusion-weighted MR findings and apparent diffusion coefficients

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goshima, Satoshi [Department of Radiology, Gifu University Hospital, 1-1 Yanagido, Gifu 501-1194 (Japan)], E-mail:; Kanematsu, Masayuki [Department of Radiology, Gifu University Hospital, 1-1 Yanagido, Gifu 501-1194 (Japan); Department of Radiology Services, Gifu University Hospital, 1-1 Yanagido, Gifu 501-1194 (Japan); Kondo, Hiroshi [Department of Radiology, Gifu University Hospital, 1-1 Yanagido, Gifu 501-1194 (Japan); Yokoyama, Ryujiro; Kajita, Kimihiro [Department of Radiology Services, Gifu University Hospital, 1-1 Yanagido, Gifu 501-1194 (Japan); Tsuge, Yusuke [Department of Radiology, Gifu University Hospital, 1-1 Yanagido, Gifu 501-1194 (Japan); Shiratori, Yoshimune [Department of Medical Informatics, Gifu University School of Medicine, Gifu (Japan); Onozuka, Minoru [Department of Physiology and Neuroscience, Kanagawa Dental College, Yokosuka (Japan); Moriyama, Noriyuki [Research Center for Cancer Prevention and Screening, National Cancer Center Hospital, Tsukiji (Japan)


    Purpose: To correlate hepatic hemangioma enhancement types in gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance (MR) images with diffusion-weighted MR findings and apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs). Materials and methods: Respiratory-triggered diffusion-weighted MR images (TR/TE, 2422/46 ms; parallel imaging factor, 2; b factor, 500 s/mm{sup 2}; number of averaging, 6) obtained in 35 patients with 44 hepatic hemangiomas diagnosed by gadolinium-enhanced MR and by follow-up imaging were retrospectively evaluated. Hemangiomas were classified into three enhancement types based on gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging findings: type I, early-enhancement type; type II, peripheral nodular enhancement type; type III, delayed enhancement type. Two blinded readers qualitatively assessed lesion sizes and signal intensities on T2-weighted turbo spin-echo and diffusion-weighted images. The ADCs of hemangiomas were also measured. Results: No significant difference was observed between the three enhancement types in terms of signal intensities on T2-weighted images. Signal intensities on diffusion-weighted images were lower in the order type I to III (P < .01), and mean ADCs were 2.18 x 10{sup -3}, 1.86 x 10{sup -3}, and 1.71 x 10{sup -3} mm{sup 2}/s for types I, II, and III, respectively (P < .01). No correlation was found between lesion sizes and ADCs. Conclusion: Hepatic hemangiomas were found to have enhancement type dependent signal intensities and ADCs on diffusion-weighted MR images. Further studies will have to substantiate that these diffusion patterns might reflect intratumoral blood flow or perfusion.

  14. Laser therapy and sclerotherapy in the treatment of oral and maxillofacial hemangioma and vascular malformations (United States)

    Crişan, Bogdan; BǎciuÅ£, Mihaela; BǎciuÅ£, Grigore; Crişan, Liana; Bran, Simion; Rotar, Horatiu; Moldovan, Iuliu; Vǎcǎraş, Sergiu; Mitre, Ileana; Barbur, Ioan; Magdaş, Andreea; Dinu, Cristian


    Hemangioma and vascular malformations in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery is a pathology more often found in recent years in patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the laser photocoagulation performed with a diode laser (Ga-Al-As) 980 nm wavelength in the treatment of vascular lesions which are located on the oral and maxillofacial areas, using color Doppler ultrasonography for evaluation of the results. We also made a comparison between laser therapy and sclerotherapy in order to establish treatment protocols and recommendations associated with this pathology. We conducted a controlled study on a group of 92 patients (38 male and 54 female patients, with an average age of 36 years) having low flow hemangioma and vascular malformations. Patients in this trial received one of the methods of treatment for vascular lesions such as hemangioma and vascular malformations: laser therapy or sclerotherapy. After laser therapy we have achieved a reduction in size of hemangioma and vascular malformations treated with such a procedure, and the aesthetic results were favorable. No reperfusion or recanalization of laser treated vascular lesions was observed after an average follow-up of 6 to 12 months. In case of sclerotherapy a reduction in the size of vascular lesions was also obtained. The 980 nm diode laser has been proved to be an effective tool in the treatment of hemangioma and vascular malformations in oral and maxillofacial area. Laser therapy in the treatment of vascular lesions was more effective than the sclerotherapy procedure.

  15. Diffuse hemangioma of the colon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reis, J.; Caseiro-Alves, F.; Cruz, L.; Moreira, A.; Rebelo, O.


    We report two cases of diffuse hemangioma of the colon in adolescent patients. One patient had multiple phleboliths at the lower pelvis identified with plain radiographs of the abdomen. Several aspects were seen on double-contrast enema: luminal narrowing, colonic-wall thickening and submucosal colonic masses that changed in appearance with the degree of colonic distension. Angiography was inconclusive in one case. Use of CT and MR provided relevant information regarding the true extent of the disease, but MR was superior in demonstrating unequivocally the vascular nature of the lesions. (orig.)

  16. O problema da hemossiderose pulmonar na doença de Chagas

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    Leila Andrade Siqueira


    Full Text Available Os autores estudaram a existência de hemosiderose pulmonar em 60 casou de autopsia, 20 dos quais chagásicos crônicos com cardiopatia, 20 pacientes com cardiopatia não chagásica e 20 casos sem nenhuma manifestação de doença cardíaca. A incidência de hemossiderose pulmonar foi de 75% entre os chagásicos e de 80% entre os pacientes de cardiopatia não chagásica. Nos casos controle sem cardiopatia a incidência foi relativamente baixa (45% e, guando presente, o grau de intensidade era mínimo. Com esses achados, conclui-se que a hemossiderose pulmonar na Doença de Chagas é uma conseqüência da congestão crônica passiva, resultante da insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, do mesmo modo que ocorre em outras condições mórbidas tais como Estenose mitral e Cor-pulmonar crônico, não havendo evidências de uma pneumopatia peculiar em chagásicos.

  17. Giant liver hemangioma resected by trisectorectomy after efficient volume reduction by transcatheter arterial embolization: a case report

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    Akamatsu Nobuhisa


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction Liver hemangiomas are the most common benign liver tumors, usually small in size and requiring no treatment. Giant hemangiomas complicated with consumptive coagulopathy (Kasabach-Merritt syndrome or causing severe incapacitating symptoms, however, are generally considered an absolute indication for surgical resection. Here, we present the case of a giant hemangioma, which was, to the best of our knowledge, one of the largest ever reported. Case presentation A 38-year-old Asian man was referred to our hospital with complaints of severe abdominal distension and pancytopenia. Examinations at the first visit revealed a right liver hemangioma occupying the abdominal cavity, protruding into the right diaphragm up to the right thoracic cavity and extending down to the pelvic cavity, with a maximum diameter of 43 cm, complicated with "asymptomatic" Kasabach-Merritt syndrome. Based on the tumor size and the anatomic relationship between the tumor and hepatic vena cava, primary resection seemed difficult and dangerous, leading us to first perform transcatheter arterial embolization to reduce the tumor volume and to ensure the safety of future resection. The tumor volume was significantly decreased by two successive transcatheter arterial embolizations, and a conventional right trisectorectomy was then performed without difficulty to resect the tumor. Conclusions To date, there have been several reports of aggressive surgical treatments, including extra-corporeal hepatic resection and liver transplantation, for huge hemangiomas like the present case, but because of its benign nature, every effort should be made to avoid life-threatening surgical stress for patients. Our experience demonstrates that a pre-operative arterial embolization may effectively enable the resection of large hemangiomas.

  18. Tratamento da hipertensão pulmonar persistente do recém-nascido


    Rodrigues, Marisa Isabel Garcia


    A hipertensão pulmonar persistente do recém-nascido (HPPRN) é um síndrome clínico complexo com múltiplas causas que resulta da incapacidade da circulação pulmonar fetal fazer a transição para a vida extra-uterina. Define-se como uma resistência vascular pulmonar aumentada e shunt direito-esquerdo através do foramen ovale e/ou do ductus arteriosus, causando hipoxémia arterial refractária à suplementação de oxigénio. Com o aparecimento de novas modalidades terapêuticas, fruto ...

  19. A randomized, controlled trial of oral propranolol in infantile hemangioma. (United States)

    Léauté-Labrèze, Christine; Hoeger, Peter; Mazereeuw-Hautier, Juliette; Guibaud, Laurent; Baselga, Eulalia; Posiunas, Gintas; Phillips, Roderic J; Caceres, Hector; Lopez Gutierrez, Juan Carlos; Ballona, Rosalia; Friedlander, Sheila Fallon; Powell, Julie; Perek, Danuta; Metz, Brandie; Barbarot, Sebastien; Maruani, Annabel; Szalai, Zsuzsanna Zsofia; Krol, Alfons; Boccara, Olivia; Foelster-Holst, Regina; Febrer Bosch, Maria Isabel; Su, John; Buckova, Hana; Torrelo, Antonio; Cambazard, Frederic; Grantzow, Rainer; Wargon, Orli; Wyrzykowski, Dariusz; Roessler, Jochen; Bernabeu-Wittel, Jose; Valencia, Adriana M; Przewratil, Przemyslaw; Glick, Sharon; Pope, Elena; Birchall, Nicholas; Benjamin, Latanya; Mancini, Anthony J; Vabres, Pierre; Souteyrand, Pierre; Frieden, Ilona J; Berul, Charles I; Mehta, Cyrus R; Prey, Sorilla; Boralevi, Franck; Morgan, Caroline C; Heritier, Stephane; Delarue, Alain; Voisard, Jean-Jacques


    Oral propranolol has been used to treat complicated infantile hemangiomas, although data from randomized, controlled trials to inform its use are limited. We performed a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, adaptive, phase 2-3 trial assessing the efficacy and safety of a pediatric-specific oral propranolol solution in infants 1 to 5 months of age with proliferating infantile hemangioma requiring systemic therapy. Infants were randomly assigned to receive placebo or one of four propranolol regimens (1 or 3 mg of propranolol base per kilogram of body weight per day for 3 or 6 months). A preplanned interim analysis was conducted to identify the regimen to study for the final efficacy analysis. The primary end point was success (complete or nearly complete resolution of the target hemangioma) or failure of trial treatment at week 24, as assessed by independent, centralized, blinded evaluations of standardized photographs. Of 460 infants who underwent randomization, 456 received treatment. On the basis of an interim analysis of the first 188 patients who completed 24 weeks of trial treatment, the regimen of 3 mg of propranolol per kilogram per day for 6 months was selected for the final efficacy analysis. The frequency of successful treatment was higher with this regimen than with placebo (60% vs. 4%, P<0.001). A total of 88% of patients who received the selected propranolol regimen showed improvement by week 5, versus 5% of patients who received placebo. A total of 10% of patients in whom treatment with propranolol was successful required systemic retreatment during follow-up. Known adverse events associated with propranolol (hypoglycemia, hypotension, bradycardia, and bronchospasm) occurred infrequently, with no significant difference in frequency between the placebo group and the groups receiving propranolol. This trial showed that propranolol was effective at a dose of 3 mg per kilogram per day for 6 months in the treatment of infantile hemangioma. (Funded by

  20. Hemangioma rubi no couro cabeludo Cherry hemangioma in the scalp

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    José Marcos Pereira


    Full Text Available O hemangioma rubi (HR é dermatose de origem vascular extremamente freqüente, acometendo mais de 75% da população acima de 70 anos de idade. Em geral compõe-se de lesões múltiplas,localizadas predominantemente no alto do tronco e braços. Clinicamente é caracterizado por lesões que variam desde máculas puntiformes até lesões papulosas com cinco milímetros de diâmetro. As mais novas são vermelhas, em tons vivos, e as mais antigas podem ser azuladas. O HR é de etiologia desconhecida. Histologicamente chama atenção uma neoformação de vasos capilares, que se tornam dilatados e com fenestrações em suas paredes. A membrana basal está muito espessada e existe abundante estroma de colágeno entre os vasos. O presente trabalho demonstra a alta incidência do HR no couro cabeludo Em amostra de 171 pacientes, sendo 85 homens e 86 mulheres, o autor observou que 123 deles (72% tinham HR no couro cabeludo, localização em que o HR nunca foi descrito na literatura.Cherry hemangioma (CH is an extremely frequent dermatosis with vascular origin involving more than 75% of the population over 70 years of age. Normally they are multiplex spots and focus predominantly on the upper trunk and arms. Clinically they are characterized by pinpoint maculae and papules with up to 5 millimeters in diameter. The most recent lesions can be a strong red color while the older ones are bluish. The etiology of CH is still unknown. From the histologic standpoint, the neoformation of the capillary tube draws attention: they are very dilated and with fenestration along the wall. The basement membranes are thickened and there is abundant collagen stroma between the veins. This work demonstrates the high frequency of CH in the scalp. In a sample of 171 patients (85 men and 86 women the author noted that 123 (72% had CH in the scalp. However, according to the literature, CH in the scalp has never been described.

  1. Centrifugal (inside-out) enhancement of liver hemangiomas: A possible atypical appearance on contrast-enhanced US

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bartolotta, Tommaso Vincenzo; Taibbi, Adele; Galia, Massimo; Lo Re, Giuseppe; La Grutta, Ludovico; Grassi, Roberto; Midiri, Massimo


    Objective: To report the prevalence and to describe the atypical centrifugal (inside-out) appearance of contrast-enhancement of liver hemangiomas on contrast-enhanced sonography. Materials and methods: Baseline and SonoVue-enhanced ultrasonography of 92 patients with 158 liver hemangiomas - considered atypical at grey-scale examination and confirmed by computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound follow-up - were reviewed in consensus by two experienced radiologists, who evaluated baseline echogenicity and the dynamic enhancement pattern of each lesion looking for the presence of central enhancing foci in the arterial phase followed by a centrifugal (inside-out) enhancement in the portal-venous and late phases. Results: After administration of SonoVue, 12/158 hemangiomas (7.6%) (size range: 1-7 cm; mean: 3.2 cm) in seven patients (5 women, 2 men; age range: 34-71 years, mean: 50.8 years) showed a central enhancing focus in the arterial phase followed by a centrifugal enhancement in the portal-venous and late phases. In all cases centrifugal enhancement was incomplete at contrast-enhanced sonography, whereas computed tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging were able to depict a complete and homogeneous fill-in. Conclusion: Radiologist should be aware that centrifugal (inside-out) appearance on contrast-enhanced sonography is a rare but possible feature of liver hemangioma

  2. Centrifugal (inside-out) enhancement of liver hemangiomas: A possible atypical appearance on contrast-enhanced US

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bartolotta, Tommaso Vincenzo [Department of Radiology, University of Palermo, Via Del Vespro 127, 90127 Palermo (Italy)], E-mail:; Taibbi, Adele [Department of Radiology, University of Palermo, Via Del Vespro 127, 90127 Palermo (Italy)], E-mail:; Galia, Massimo [Department of Radiology, University of Palermo, Via Del Vespro 127, 90127 Palermo (Italy)], E-mail:; Lo Re, Giuseppe [Department of Radiology, University of Palermo, Via Del Vespro 127, 90127 Palermo (Italy)], E-mail:; La Grutta, Ludovico [Department of Radiology, University of Palermo, Via Del Vespro 127, 90127 Palermo (Italy)], E-mail:; Grassi, Roberto [Institute of Radiology, Second University of Naples, Piazza Miraglia, 80138 Naples (Italy)], E-mail:; Midiri, Massimo [Department of Radiology, University of Palermo, Via Del Vespro 127, 90127 Palermo (Italy)], E-mail:


    Objective: To report the prevalence and to describe the atypical centrifugal (inside-out) appearance of contrast-enhancement of liver hemangiomas on contrast-enhanced sonography. Materials and methods: Baseline and SonoVue-enhanced ultrasonography of 92 patients with 158 liver hemangiomas - considered atypical at grey-scale examination and confirmed by computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound follow-up - were reviewed in consensus by two experienced radiologists, who evaluated baseline echogenicity and the dynamic enhancement pattern of each lesion looking for the presence of central enhancing foci in the arterial phase followed by a centrifugal (inside-out) enhancement in the portal-venous and late phases. Results: After administration of SonoVue, 12/158 hemangiomas (7.6%) (size range: 1-7 cm; mean: 3.2 cm) in seven patients (5 women, 2 men; age range: 34-71 years, mean: 50.8 years) showed a central enhancing focus in the arterial phase followed by a centrifugal enhancement in the portal-venous and late phases. In all cases centrifugal enhancement was incomplete at contrast-enhanced sonography, whereas computed tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging were able to depict a complete and homogeneous fill-in. Conclusion: Radiologist should be aware that centrifugal (inside-out) appearance on contrast-enhanced sonography is a rare but possible feature of liver hemangioma.

  3. A hemangioma on the floor of the mouth presenting as a ranula. (United States)

    Skoulakis, Charalampos E; Khaldi, Lubna; Serletis, Demetre; Semertzidis, Themistoklis


    A painless, bluish, submucosal swelling on one side of the floor of the mouth usually indicates the presence of a ranula. Rarely, such a swelling may be caused by an inflammatory disease process in a salivary gland, a neoplasm in the sublingual salivary gland, a lymphatic nodular swelling, or embryologic cysts. We report a patient with swelling in the floor of her mouth that was clinically diagnosed as a ranula. Suspicion arose during surgery that it was a vascular tumor and, on histologic testing, the swelling was confirmed to be a hemangioma. To our knowledge, this is the first report in the literature of a hemangioma presenting as a ranula.

  4. Laser treatment of infantile hemangiomas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michelle Si Ying Ng


    Full Text Available Infantile hemangiomas (IHs are the most common benign soft tissue tumor of infancy and childhood. Many patients seek early treatment to halt progression of tumor growth and accelerate regression to achieve quick resolution with good cosmetic outcomes. We reviewed literature through PubMed search on the treatment strategies for IH and share our experience in the field of laser treatment of IH. Treatment strategies for IH include both pharmacological, laser, and surgical interventions depending on the stage and severity of the lesion. Various laser beams have been attempted with varying effects and effectiveness. The 595-nm pulsed dye laser therapy has been most widely utilized owing to its great efficacy but minimal adverse effects. It works by targeting oxyhemoglobin chromophore in blood vessels located within the dermis, causing photothermal damage of these target vessels stimulating quick involution without damaging surrounding healthy skin. It is especially useful in treating ulcerated superficial facial hemangiomas that necessitate rapid healing to avoid unsightly scarring. It has a good safety profile but small risk of epidermal burn, blistering, postinflammatory pigment changes, and scarring remains in those with darker skin types treated with higher fluences and short-pulsed duration. Combination treatment with 1064 nm neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser, oral propranolol, and even corticosteroids remains an option, especially in treatment of deep, large, and functionally threatening IH. Careful consideration in consultation with the child's parents given the complexities and potential complications surrounding treatment should always be considered. Laser treatment remains an appropriate treatment for rapidly growing IH in exposed locations at early presentation.

  5. Enfermedad pulmonar intersticial difusa en trabajadores de la limpieza


    Bravo Graterol, Ricardo Alejandro


    En este trabajo se describen las características de 5 trabajadores de la limpieza que fueron diagnosticados de enfermedad pulmonar intersticial difusa no aguda de causa desconocida mediante biopsia pulmonar quirúrgica. La edad media fue de 64 años y 4 fueron mujeres. Las exposiciones más frecuentes fueron el salfumán y lejía, y ninguno de los pacientes utilizó protección adecuada. Las características más llamativas de estos pacientes se observaron en la TACAR y la histopatología que mostraron...

  6. [Application of 1% lauromacrogol in the treatment of facial refractory hemangioma and vascular malformations]. (United States)

    Wang, Yin; Zhu, Fei; Ning, Jin-long; Li, Xiao-jing; Liu, Ye


    To investigate the clinical effect of 1% lauromacrogol for the treatment of facial refractory hemangioma and vascular malformation. From Sept 2009 to Nov 2011, 55 patients (20 male, 35 female, 1 month to 30 years) with different types of facial hemangiorwa and vascular malformation about 1.0 cm x (0. 5-5.0) cm x 10.0 cm in size, underwent 1% lauromacrogol intratumor injection therapy. Generally, the injection dose, concentration, frequency were determined by the age of the patients, the volume and depth of the lesion. The dose was limited to 10 mg every time. The injection interval is 14 weeks. After followed up for 3-16 months, 41 cases were cured, 9 cases were greatly improved, and 5 were partially improved. Skin necrosis happened in only 2 cases. Lauromacrogol is safe, simple and effective as a sderosing agent for the treatment of facial refractory hemangioma and vascular malformation. It provides a new and alternative way for the treatment of facial refractory hemangioma and vascular malformation.

  7. Hemangioma of the left coronary artery: Diagnosis and treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Just, A.; Wiesmann, W.; Peters, P.E.; Haesfeld, M.; Sciuk, J.


    The authors describe the case of a histologically proven hemangioma in the left coronary artery of the left ventricle of a 24-year-old woman. The results of the different medical imaging methods applied are described and the treatment of cardiac angiomas is discussed. (orig.) [de

  8. Hemangiomas and Vascular Malformations: A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Focus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neira Escobar, Fabian; Chamorro, Flor Medina; Posada Trujillo, Clara Ines


    The objective is to analyze the main epidemiological, pathophysiological, clinical,and imagenological aspects of the vascular hemangiomas and vascular malformations, emphasizing the therapeutic options. The vascular hemangiomas and malformations are the most frequent benign tumors in childhood. Their description and classification remain confusing, which makes it difficult to have an adequate approach to the diagnosis and their treatment. The radiologist has to guide the physician through the selection of the appropriate study for each patient, and characterize in detail all the injuries based on the analysis of the diagnostic modalities performed. The role of the interventionist radiologist is crucial as a part of the interdisciplinary group, which has to be involved in the treatment of these patients. Patients with this pathology, sent from medical assistance centers around the country are consulted at the Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia (Cancer Research National Institute). Based on this experience, it shows clinical and imagenological focus for the diagnosis and handling of these injuries.

  9. Cavernous hemangioma of the tongue: A rare case report

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    K A Kamala


    Full Text Available Hemangiomas are developmental vascular abnormalities and more than 50% of these lesions occur in the head and neck region, with the lips, tongue, buccal mucosa, and palate most commonly involved. They are considered as hamartomas rather than true neoplasms. Here we report a case of hemangioma of the body of the tongue, discussing the diagnostic aspects and treatment modalities of such lesion and emphasizing the role of the color Doppler ultrasonography, especially in the diagnosis and treatment. Factors such as patient′s age, size and site of lesion and the proximity of lesion to vital structure are paramount in the determination of the therapeutic approach and surgical excision. Even though radiotherapy, cryotherapy, laser therapy, medical treatment, injection of sclerosing substances and the selective embolization of the lingual artery seem to have some efficacy, the author conclude that surgery is the therapy of choice in the isolated vascular lesions of the body of the tongue.

  10. Metastização pulmonar de neoplasia da mama

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    Jorge Dionísio


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Para caracterizar os doentes com metastização pulmonar de neoplasia da mama, procedemos a um estudo retrospectivo dos processos de 129 doentes referenciados à Unidade de Pneumologia entre Julho de 1990 e Janeiro de 2000.Foi considerada a existência de metastização pulmonar em 89 casos.Avaliámos as manifestações clínicas apresentadas, o intervalo de tempo até ao diagnóstico de metastização pulmonar, os aspectos radiológicos, endoscópicos, as terapêuticas efectuadas e a sobrevida.O intervalo médio entre o diagnóstico da neoplasia da mama e o diagnóstico de metastização pulmonar foi de 81,9±5,7 meses. Os sintomas respiratórios foram referidos em 83,1% dos doentes. O padrão radiológico mais comum foi a presença de massas ou nódulos pulmonares (66,3%. Foram observadas 49 com sinais directos de neoplasia na broncofibroscopia. Em 47 os aspectos anatomopatológicos encontrados foram compatíveis com metastização endobrônquica de tumor da mamaO tratamento mais frequentemente utilizado após o diagnóstico de metástase pulmonar foi a quimioterapia, em 60,2% dos casos.Após o diagnóstico de metastização, a sobrevida mediana foi de 20,1 meses, com 63,4% dos doentes vivos ao fim de 1 ano.Nos doentes com carcinoma da mama e suspeita de metastização verificámos um grande intervalo livre entre o diagnóstico do tumor da mama e o aparecimento de metastização. Os sintomas respiratórios tra-duziram a grande frequência de envolvimento endobrônquico. O diagnóstico anatomopatológico de metastização pulmonar foi obtido em 52,8% dos doentes. A terapêutica mais utilizada após diagnóstico de metastização foi a quimioterapia e a sobrevida ao ano foi de 63,4%.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2002; VIII (2: ABSTRACT: We performed a retrospective study of 129 patients observed in Pneumology unit between July 1990 and January 2000 to evaluate the clinical, radiological and endoscopic patterns as well as the clinical evolution of

  11. Imaginología actual del cáncer pulmonar

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    Dr. D. Raúl Pefaur


    Los exámenes imaginológicos que en la actualidad se utilizan en el diagnóstico del cáncer pulmonar son la radiografía simple de tórax, la tomografía computada, la resonancia magnética y el PET-CT. En este artículo se analizará el rendimiento de estos exámenes en el diagnóstico y etapificación del cáncer pulmonar, así como la influencia de éstos en el tratamiento, pronóstico y evolución de esta enfermedad.

  12. Envolvimento pulmonar na polimiosite

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    Direndra Hasmucrai


    Full Text Available Resumo: Introdução: A polimiosite (PM e a dermatomiosite são classificadas como miopatias inflamatórias idiopáticas. O envolvimento pulmonar por PM é pouco frequente, estando descrito na literatura em cerca de 10% de casos.Os autores apresentam um caso de uma mulher de 75 anos, com queixas de febre, perda ponderal, artralgias, mialgias e diminuição simétrica e proximal da força muscular com impotência funcional dos membros superiores e inferiores, com início um mês antes do internamento. Apresentava infiltrados pulmonares na telerradiografia de tórax. Após estudo exaustivo estabeleceu-se o diagnóstico de envolvimento pulmonar na forma de pneumonia organizativa por PM. Efectuou-se corticoterapia e terapêutica com micofenolato com melhoria clínica, analítica e radiológica. Conclusão: Neste caso, foi a alteração na telerradiografia de tórax numa doente sem sintomatologia respiratória que levou ao estudo exaustivo até ao diagnóstico de PM, realçando mais uma vez a importância da telerradiografia no rastreio de patologias de outros foros. Abstract: Introduction: Polymyositis and dermatomyositis are classified as idiopathic inflammatory myopathies. Interstitial lung disease is rare and is described in the literature in about 10% of cases.The authors describes a case of 75 year old woman presenting with one month evolution of fever, weight loss, arthralgia, myalgia and symmetric and proximal muscle weakness of upper and lower limbs. Nonspecific interstitial changes was found in chest X-ray. After exhaustive study, the diagnosis of pulmonary envolvement in the form of organizing pneumonia by polymyositis, was established. Glucocorticoids and mycophenolate were prescribed with good clinical, analytical and radiological outcome. Conclusion: In this case, it was the changes in the chest X-ray in a patient without respiratory symptomatology, that conducted to exhaustive study to polymyositis diagnosis, enhancing once again the

  13. Development and Validation of a Quality-of-Life Instrument for Infantile Hemangiomas. (United States)

    Chamlin, Sarah L; Mancini, Anthony J; Lai, Jin-Shei; Beaumont, Jennifer L; Cella, David; Adams, Denise; Drolet, Beth; Baselga, Eulalia; Frieden, Ilona J; Garzon, Maria; Holland, Kristin; Horii, Kimberly A; Lucky, Anne W; McCuaig, Catherine; Metry, Denise; Morel, Kimberly D; Newell, Brandon D; Nopper, Amy J; Powell, Julie; Siegel, Dawn; Haggstrom, Anita N


    Infantile hemangiomas (IH) are common tumors for which there is no validated disease-specific instrument to measure the quality of life in infants and their parents/caregivers during the critical first months of life. This study prospectively developed and validated a quality-of-life instrument for patients with IH and their parents/caregivers and correlated demographic and clinical features to the effects on the quality of life. A total of 220 parents/caregivers completed the 35-item Infantile Hemangioma Quality-of-Life (IH-QoL) instrument and provided demographic information. The dimensionality of the items was evaluated using factor analysis, with results suggesting four factors: child physical symptoms, child social interactions, parent emotional functioning, and parent psychosocial functioning. Each factor fit the Rasch measurement model with acceptable fit index (mean square instrument consists of four scales with a total of 29 items. Content validity was verified by analyzing parents' responses to an open-ended question. Test-retest reliability at a 48-hour interval was supported by a total IH-QoL intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.84. Certain clinical characteristics of hemangioma, including those located on the head and neck, in the proliferative stage, and requiring treatment, are associated with a greater impact on QoL.

  14. Codificação da sepse pulmonar e o perfil de mortalidade no Rio de Janeiro, RJ

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    Bruno Baptista Cardoso

    Full Text Available RESUMO: Objetivo: Descrever os óbitos com menção de sepse pulmonar, medir a associação entre sepse pulmonar e pneumonia, assim como avaliar o impacto da regra de codificação no perfil de mortalidade, com a inclusão simulada do diagnóstico de pneumonia, nas declarações de óbito (DO com menção de sepse pulmonar, no Rio de Janeiro, em 2011. Métodos: Foram identificados os óbitos com menção de sepse pulmonar independentemente da causa básica. Aos médicos atestantes, aplicou-se questionário medindo a associação entre sepse pulmonar e pneumonia. O registro de pneumonia nos prontuários dos óbitos com menção de sepse pulmonar e sem menção de pneumonia na DO foi investigado. Foi descrito o perfil de mortalidade após a inclusão simulada do código de pneumonia nas declarações com sepse pulmonar. Resultados: Sepse pulmonar correspondeu a 30,9% das menções de sepse e a menção de pneumonia estava ausente em 51,3% dessas declarações. Pneumonia constava em 82,8% da amostra de prontuários investigados. Dos médicos entrevistados, 93,3% relataram pneumonia como a mais frequente causa de sepse pulmonar. A simulação revelou que a inclusão da pneumonia alterou a causa básica de 7,8% dos óbitos com menção de sepse e 2,4% de todos os óbitos, independentemente da causa original. Conclusão: Sepse pulmonar está associada à pneumonia e a simples inclusão do código de pneumonia nas declarações de óbito com menção de sepse pulmonar impactaria o perfil de mortalidade, apontando necessidade de aprimoramento das regras de codificação na Classificação Internacional de Doenças (CID-10.

  15. Dispneia expiratória restritiva em um gato com fibrose pulmonar idiopática: relato de caso


    Pereira, C.O.; Costa, F.V.A.; Gomes, D.C.; Kasper, P.N.; Vieira, A.B.; Driemeier, D.


    RESUMO As doenças pulmonares intersticiais constituem um grupo de doenças difusas do parênquima pulmonar, no qual a fibrose pulmonar intersticial está incluída. Histologicamente, esta se caracteriza por hiperplasia de pneumócitos tipo II, hiperplasia ou hipertrofia de músculo liso e fibrose. Embora a patogenia da fibrose pulmonar intersticial não esteja bem elucidada, devido às semelhanças microscópicas encontradas nos pneumócitos tipo II em felinos e na forma familiar da doença em humanos, a...

  16. Panencefalite subaguda esclerosante (SSPE de longa evolução

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    Alexandre Alencar


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem por finalidade relatar um caso de "panencefalite subaguda esclerosante" (SSPE com características muito especiais, ocorrendo em uma criança do sexo masculino, com 8 anos de idade. O processo desenvolveu-se de maneira gradativa durante alguns anos. Ao dar-se o óbito, 6 anos após as manifestações clínicas iniciais, cosntatou-se, ao estudo anátomo-patológico, um processo encefalítico em plena evolução, com microgranulomas, infiltrados inflamatórios perivasculares, focos de neuronofagia e inclusões acidófilas intranucleares em células oligodêndricas. Os astrócitos da substância branca cerebral, onde havia desmielinização maciça, exibiam uma reação hiperplástica anormal, com atipias nucleares muito intesnsas. Este caso apresentou, portanto, as características histopatológicas de uma virose crônica, com anos de evolução. Além disso, tendo-se em vista a possibilidade da existência de vírus do grupo papova em casos de SSPE, fato já demonstrado, é possível que no presente caso existissem vírus desde grupo participando do processo, dadas as intensas atipias apresentadas pelos astrócitos nas áreas desmielinizadas.This article relates a case of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE with special characteristics. The patient was a young male, eight years old. The disease progressed slowly over a period of several years terminating in death six years ofter the initial symptoms. Histopathologic examination revealed an encepahilitic process in evolution, with microgranulomes, perivascular inflammatory infiltrates, areas of neuronophagia, and intranuclear acidophilic inclusions in oligodendroglial cells. The cerebral white matter presented massive areas of demyelination, with astroglial cells undergoing an abnormal hyperplastic reaction with great nuclear atypias. This case, therefore, presented the histopathological picture of a chronic viral infection of several years' duration. Since it has been

  17. Biomarcadores de lesión miocárdica y edema pulmonar de las alturas


    Uribe, Hellen C.; Linares, Gerardo; Cortés, Luis A.


    El edema pulmonar de las alturas es una entidad potencialmente fatal que se presenta en individuos que ascienden rápidamente por encima de 2.500 msnm. La hipoxia, el deterioro de la clase funcional y la dificultad respiratoria son el resultado de un edema pulmonar no cardiogénico. En este caso clínico de edema pulmonar de las alturas se encontró elevación de biomarcadores de lesión miocárdica y de sobrecarga de presión, sin compromiso estructural cardiaco o coronario, hallazgo que no ha sido ...

  18. Lesões pulmonares em caninos (achados de necrópsias)


    Souza, V. T. F. de; Paraguassu, A. A.; Moreira, E. L. T.


    p. 43-47 O estudo macroscópico dos pulmões de 381 caninos necropsiados no Setor de Anatomia Patológica do HOSPMEV/UFBA, revelou alta incidência de lesões pulmonares ( 499 ). Das alterações diagnosticadas, os distúrbios circulatórios compareceram com maior frequência (284) casos, seguidos das alterações da expansão pulmonar (121 ), das inflamatórias ( 69 ), das pigmentares (16 ), das neoplásicas ( metástases) (08) e das parasitárias ( 01 caso ).

  19. Comunicación de un caso de malformación arteriovenosa pulmonar en la adolescencia


    Flores Hernández, Salomón Sergio; González Zamora, José Francisco; Carrasco Daza, Daniel; González Flores, María de Lourdes


    Las malformaciones arteriovenosas pulmonares (MA VP) son comunicaciones anormales entre las arterias y las venas pulmonares. Las MAVP, están caracterizadas por cortocircuitos de derecha a izquierda de grado variable y el efecto de estas comunicaciones depende del tamaño de los vasos involucrados. Puede presentarse hipoxemia, hipocratismo digital y poliglobulia secundario al cortocircuito intrapulmonar. Presentamos el caso de un paciente femenino de 14 años de edad con MA VP pulmonar, cuyos ha...

  20. Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome due to a Vertebral Hemangioma and Postpartum Osteoporosis following Treatment

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    Mehmet Elmadag


    Full Text Available In pregnancy, advanced vertebral hemangiomas may be seen, and these require treatment. The case reported here is of a 35-year-old female in the 32nd week of pregnancy who was admitted to the orthopaedics clinic with a history of backache and difficulty walking. A burst fracture of L1 associated with a vertebral hemangioma was identified with an L3 compression fracture secondary to osteoporosis. The local kyphosis angle between T12 and L2 was 27°. Kyphotic deformity was corrected and postoperatively, the measured T12–L2 local kyphotic angle was 9°. Twelve hours postoperatively, oral nutrition was allowed, but she developed nausea and vomiting and twenty-four hours postoperatively, an electrolyte imbalance developed. Postoperatively, the patient was diagnosed with superior mesenteric artery syndrome. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of superior mesenteric artery syndrome, which occurred following the correction of a kyphotic deformity that had developed secondary to an advanced hemangioma in pregnancy.

  1. Purpuric halo around hemangioma as a clue for primary systemic amyloidosis: Case report and review of literature

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    Yin-Shuo Chang


    Full Text Available Mucocutaneous lesion appears in up to 40% of patients with primary systemic amyloidosis (AL amyloidosis. The cutaneous signs may be co-expressed with other organ involvement or even solely presented as the first clue. We reported a case of systemic AL amyloidosis who was initially presented as a solitary hemangioma with a purpuric halo. Excisional biopsy revealed a hemangioma with amyloid deposited in thickened vascular walls. Systemic AL amyloidosis was diagnosed after thorough survey. The stage of disease at the time of initial treatment is the greatest prognostic factor. To our knowledge, this is the first case of systemic AL amyloidosis initially presented as a purpuric halo around hemangioma in Taiwan. This target-like lesion should be linked to systemic AL amyloidosis and early diagnosis is extraordinary important.

  2. Hipertensión arterial pulmonar primaria o idiopática


    Yazmín Ravelo-Calzado; Vivian Molina-Cuevas; María de Lourdes Arruzazabala-Valmaña; Daisy Carbajal-Quintana


    La hipertensión arterial pulmonar primaria (HAPP) es una enfermedad crónica de causa desconocida que se caracteriza por un incremento de la presión sanguínea media en la arteria pulmonar, mayor de 25 mmHg en reposo o más de 30 mmHg durante el ejercicio. Es una enfermedad que afecta a ambos sexos y no tiene predilección racial. La HAPP sin tratar puede conducir a una insuficiencia ventricular derecha y por consiguiente, a la muerte. La HAPP involucra varios mecanismos subyacentes, dentro de lo...

  3. Nasal glial heterotopia or congenital hemangioma? A case report. (United States)

    Lartizien, R; Durand, C; Blaise, S; Morand, B


    Nasal glial heterotopia (NGH) is a rare benign tumor of the median line. We describe the case of a child presenting a lateral nasal mass. The characteristics of the prenatal ultrasound and the postnatal clinical examination argued in favor of a congenital hemangioma (CH). The MRI performed at 6 weeks of life suggested glial heterotopia. This diagnosis was confirmed by the pathological analysis. Congenital hemangiomas and nasal glial heterotopies have similar clinical presentations. Prenatal ultrasound diagnosis between NGH and CH is difficult. Fetal MRI is not yet highly specific for these two lesions, but it can eliminate an intracerebral connection in cases of NGH. Postnatal exams are more specific. Flow on the Doppler exam is rapid for CH and slow for NGH. On MRI, these two lesions appear as a hypersignal on T2-weighted sequences, but less intense for NGH than for CH. Distinguishing between NGH and CH can be difficult. This does not have a direct incidence on treatment because it is surgical in both cases. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  4. Hipertensión pulmonar tromboembólica crónica: caracterización, endarterectomía pulmonar y nuevas opciones terapéuticas

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    Sofía Martín-Suárez


    Full Text Available Resumen: La hipertensión pulmonar tromboembólica crónica se considera el único tipo de hipertensión pulmonar con un tratamiento quirúrgico potencialmente curativo. Aun hoy está infradiagnosticada o con frecuencia diagnosticada tardíamente, comportando un empeoramiento del pronóstico. La hipertensión pulmonar tromboembólica crónica se presenta con síntomas poco específicos y los médicos de atención primaria pueden no ser conscientes de su presencia o del potencial tratamiento. El tratamiento médico actual es, en el mejor de los casos, paliativo. La endarterectomía pulmonar ofrece la única posibilidad de mejora sintomática y pronóstica, siendo curativa en la mayoría de los casos a corto y a largo plazo. Por lo tanto, no solo la identificación de la enfermedad puede ser difícil y tardía sino que incluso después de que el diagnóstico se haya establecido, la evaluación de la operabilidad puede ser un reto. La operabilidad se basa en la estimación preoperatoria de la clasificación quirúrgica y de la probable resistencia vascular pulmonar postoperatoria, las cuales determinan el riesgo de la intervención y el posible resultado. Este complejo procedimiento que va desde la caracterización de la enfermedad a la intervención quirúrgica pasando por todo el proceso decisional, requiere una colaboración multidisciplinar de expertos en hipertensión pulmonar, con un equipo quirúrgico dedicado a este campo y con protocolos bien precisos. En nuestro centro, hemos construido un equipo especializado que incluye radiólogos, cardiólogos, cirujanos cardiacos, anestesistas/intensivistas y fisioterapeutas, que no solo ha permitido obtener resultados quirúrgicos comparables a centros europeos de más alto volumen, sino que también ha permitido desarrollar e implementar otras opciones terapéuticas como la angioplastia pulmonar con balón, dedicadas a los pacientes de alto riesgo descartados para la cirugía.En el siguiente art

  5. Frontal bone hemangioma in an 8-year-old female: A common tumor in a rare location

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    Abhimanyu Sharma


    Full Text Available Intraosseous hemangioma is a rare bone tumor accounting for 0.7%–1.0% of all bone tumors. In the skull, frontal bone is the commonly involved bone. An 8-year-old female presented to our outpatient department with complaints of pain and swelling over forehead for 4 months. X-ray revealed a lytic expansile lesion involving frontal bone with sunburst pattern of bony spicules radiating to periphery of the lesion. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed the presence of a well-circumscribed lesion with both intra as well as extracranial components. Histopathology revealed a vascular tumor consisting of both small (capillary and large (cavernous sized vessels. A diagnosis of mixed type of hemangioma of the frontal bone was given. Recognition of hemangioma on radiology and confirmation by histopathology is essential for proper management as it might be confused clinically with other locally aggressive/malignant lesions.

  6. Doenças pulmonares intersticiais: Acuidade diagnóstica e riscos da biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica

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    Miguel Guerra


    Full Text Available Resumo: Os autores descrevem a sua casuística de biópsias pulmonares cirúrgicas em doentes com doença pulmonar intersticial, de forma a determinar a acuidade diagnóstica, os riscos e a morbimortalidade associados ao procedimento. Entre Janeiro de 1998 e De-zembro de 2007, 53 doentes (idade média de 47,2±13 anos foram referenciados para a realização de biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica, dos quais 22 eram mulheres (41,5%. As biópsias pulmonares foram realizadas quer por videotoracoscopia (37 doentes, 69,8%, quer por minitoracotomia (16 doentes, 30,2%. Foi escolhido o pulmão direito para biopsar em 88,7% dos casos. Registaram-se complicações pós-operatórias em 5 doentes (9,4%: fuga aérea prolongada em 3 doentes (5,7%, persistência de loca de pneumotórax num doente (1,9% e hemorragia com necessidade de revisão de hemostase noutro doente (1,9%. Ocor-reu um óbito de causa desconhecida num doente sem risco acrescido. A duração média da drenagem foi de 4,4±3 dias e o tempo de internamento médio de 5,5±4 dias. O diagnóstico histológico definitivo foi conseguido em 50 doentes, registando-se uma acuidade diagnóstica de 94,3%. Em conclusão, o potencial benefício de um diagnóstico histopatológico conclusivo através de uma biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica deve ser balanceado com os riscos associados ao procedimento cirúrgico, especialmente para aqueles doentes com disfunção cardiopulmonar severa.Rev Port Pneumol 2009; XV (3: 433-442 Abstract: This study reports our experience, diagnostic accuracy and safety of surgical lung biopsy in patients with interstitial lung diseases. From January 1998 – December 2007 surgical lung biopsy was performed in 53 patients (22 female [41.5%]; age 47.2±13 years. A total of 37 patients (69.8% underwent videothoracoscopic lung biopsy and minithoracotomy was performed in 16 patients (30.2%. Right lung was the

  7. Tabaco e morfologia: Doenças pulmonares

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    Lina Carvalho


    Full Text Available Resumo: O tabaco está implicado na carcinogénese multiorgânica, com identificação de mais de cinquenta substâncias carcinogénicas que induzem mutações, alterando o ciclo celular, a resposta auto-imune e a regulação endócrina. É um dos nove factores identificados responsáveis por um terço de mortes por neoplasias malignas juntamente com erros dietéticos, obesidade, sedentarismo, consumo de álcool, promiscuidade sexual, toxicodependência e poluição ambiental geral e limitada. Está implicado nas doenças cardiovasculares que representam a primeira causa de morte nos países civilizados e, no aparelho respiratório, é o factor principal para o desenvolvimento de DPOC (doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica, RB-ILD (bronquiolite respiratória e doença pulmonar intersticial, DIP (pneumonia intersticial descamativa, bronquiolite e fibrose intersticial bronquiolocêntrica, histiocitose de células de Langerhans, pneumonia eosinofílica, sarcoidose, metaplasia epidermóide do epitélio respiratório e carcinoma bronco-pulmonar. O estado inflamatório crónico sistémico induzido pelo tabaco constitui a base de desenvolvimento de alterações genéticas também dependentes dos contaminantes do tabaco. Abstract: Tobacco is implicated in multisystemic carcinogenesis through more than fifty identified carcinogenic metabolites that produce mutations responsible for alterations in cell cycle, immune response and endocrine regulation. Is one of nine risk factors identified in one third of cancer deaths together with obesity, sedentary, alcohol consumption, sexual promiscuity, drug addiction, and open and closed air contamination. Answering for cardiovascular diseases as the first cause of death in civilized world, tobacco is also pointed as the major factor implicated in the development of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, RB-ILD (respiratory bronchiolitis and interstitial lung disease, DIP (desquamative interstitial pneumonia

  8. Trombolisis farmacológica y mecánica en tromboembolismo pulmonar submasivo

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    Jorge O. Cáneva


    Full Text Available La enfermedad tromboembólica pulmonar, en sus formas aguda, subaguda o crónica, presenta dificultades para su tratamiento y tiene elevada morbimortalidad. La gravedad del evento agudo y su potencial compromiso sobre la función del ventrículo derecho necesitan estrategias terapéuticas, a veces combinadas, para cambiar el curso de la enfermedad a favor de la supervivencia del paciente. Las trombolisis farmacológica y mecánica son instrumentos útiles para tratar un evento embólico pulmonar agudo grave. Se presenta el caso de una joven que desarrolló una embolia pulmonar submasiva de instalación subaguda en quien la terapia combinada y secuencial trombolítica, farmacológica y mecánica, fue exitosa.

  9. Pseudocisto pulmonar pós-traumático em jogador de futebol: relato de caso

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    Andre Nathan Costa


    Full Text Available Pseudocistos pulmonares são lesões raras que se desenvolvem no parênquima pulmonar após traumas fechados e de grande energia, cujo diagnóstico se baseia na associação da história clínica com exames de imagem. Relata-se a seguir um pseudocisto pulmonar ocorrido no parênquima contralateral ao trauma em um homem de 31 anos que apresentou episódio de hemoptise após queda durante partida de futebol.

  10. Embolia pulmonar na sala de cirurgia: relato de caso Embolia pulmonar en sala operatoria: relato de caso Pulmonary embolism in the operating room: case report

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    Karina Bernardi Pimenta


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Embolia pulmonar é uma complicação freqüente no período pós-operatório. O objetivo deste relato é apresentar um caso de embolia pulmonar ocorrida na sala de operação e chamar a atenção para a importância da profilaxia de trombose venosa em pacientes cirúrgicos. RELATO DO CASO: Trata-se de um paciente do sexo masculino, 55 anos e 83 kg com diagnóstico de câncer de próstata, submetido a prostatectomia supra-púbica sob anestesia geral. Ao final da cirurgia, o paciente já extubado e logo após sua passagem para a maca de transporte apresentou instabilidade hemodinâmica e diminuição da SpO2 para 80%. Foi reintubado e encaminhado para a UTI. A tomografia computadorizada mostrou imagens com aspecto de embolia pulmonar. O paciente evoluiu para óbito no 5º dia de pós-operatório. CONCLUSÕES: O elevado índice de suspeita não é suficiente para firmar o diagnóstico pois a embolia pulmonar é uma doença silenciosa e a rotina de investigação não possui elevada sensibilidade. A profilaxia precoce e adequada é a melhor estratégia.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Embolia pulmonar es una complicación frecuente en el período pós-operatorio. El objetivo de este relato es presentar un caso de embolia pulmonar ocurrida en la sala de operación y llamar la atención para la importancia de la profilaxis de trombosis venosa en pacientes cirúrgicos. RELATO DE CASO: Se trata de un paciente del sexo masculino, 55 años y 83 kg con diagnóstico de cáncer de próstata, sometido a prostatectomia supra-púbica bajo anestesia general. Al final de la cirugía, el paciente ya entubado y luego después de pasar para la camilla de transporte presentó inestabilidad hemodinámica y diminución de la SpO2 para 80%. Fue reintubado y encaminado para la UTI. La tomografía computadorizada mostró imágenes con aspecto de embolia pulmonar. El paciente evolucionó para óbito en el 5º día de pós-operatorio. CONCLUSIONES: El

  11. Ação da adenosina na circulação pulmonar de pacientes com hipertensão pulmonar primária Effect of adenosine on pulmonary circulation in patients with primary pulmonary hypertension

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    Rogerio Souza


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A adenosina é um nucleosídeo com potente ação vasodilatadora. Apesar de seus efeitos sobre o território arterial pulmonar ser conhecido, seu efeito sobre o território capilar/venoso ainda não foi descrito. OBJETIVO: Estudar o comportamento das resistências arterial e venosa da circulação pulmonar de pacientes com hipertensão pulmonar primária antes e depois da administração de adenosina. MÉTODO: Foram estudados sete pacientes com hipertensão pulmonar primária que apresentaram resposta positiva durante o teste agudo com adenosina. Resistência arterial e resistência venosa foram determinadas pela estimativa da pressão capilar pulmonar realizada através da análise da curva de decaimento da pressão arterial pulmonar, antes e depois da administração da adenosina. RESULTADOS: Após a administração da adenosina, houve um aumento do índice cardíaco (1,71 ± 0,23 para 2,72 ± 0,74 L.min-1.m-2 com concomitante diminuição da resistência vascular pulmonar (2.924 ± 1.060 para 1.975 ± 764, sem variações significativas da pressão arterial pulmonar média (75,6 ± 16,8 para 78,1 ± 18,8 mmHg, da pressão de oclusão da artéria pulmonar (15,3 ± 1,5 para 15,4 ± 1,9 mmHg e da pressão capilar pulmonar (43,8 ± 5,8 para 44,5 ± 4,9 mmHg. A proporção entre a resistência arterial e a resistência vascular pulmonar total também apresentou variação não significativa (50 ± 15 para 49 ± 17%. Estes achados sugerem que a adenosina teve ação não somente sobre o território arterial mas também sobre o território capilar/venoso. CONCLUSÃO: Os autores concluem que o mecanismo de ação da adenosina não é restrito ao território arterial da circulação pulmonar e que este tipo de análise, através da determinação da pressão capilar pulmonar, pode ser útil no estudo das diversas drogas que agem sobre a circulação pulmonar.BACKGROUND: The nucleoside adenosine is a potent vasodilator

  12. Proteinosis alveolar pulmonar Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis

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    Concepción Sánchez Infante


    Full Text Available La proteinosis alveolar pulmonar es una enfermedad respiratoria crónica, caracterizada por alteración en el metabolismo del surfactante, lo que determina su acumulación anormal en el espacio alveolar. Es una enfermedad extremadamente rara. Se han reportado solamente 500 casos en la literatura. Se describió por primera vez en 1958. Se presenta un caso de proteinosis alveolar pulmonar en un lactante de 2 meses, con desnutrición proteico energética, que ingresa por dificultad respiratoria e hipoxemia, y, con imágenes radiológicas de tipo retículo-nodulillar, en vidrio deslustrado, en el cual se plantea inicialmente el diagnóstico de bronconeumonía. Ante la evolución desfavorable y no respuesta al tratamiento, se realizó un estudio para descartar enfermedades pulmonares crónicas. El paciente fallece y se confirma el diagnóstico por anatomía patológica. Se realiza una revisión del tema.The pulmonary alveolar proteinosis is a chronic respiratory disease characterized by surfactant metabolism alteration determining its abnormal accumulation in the alveolar space. It is a disease very rare and in literature only 500 cases have been reported; it was described for the first time in 1958. This is a case presentation of pulmonary alveolar proteinosis in an infant aged 2 months with energetic protein malnutrition admitted due to respiratory difficulty and hypoxemia and with radiologic images of the reticulonodulillary, in frosting glass, where initially is made the diagnosis of bronchopneumonia. In the face of unfavorable evolution and no response to treatment, a study was conducted to rule out chronic pulmonary diseases. Patient died confirming the diagnosis according to the pathologic anatomy. A review on subject is carried out.

  13. Embolia pulmonar séptica de origen cutáneo

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    Agustina Sosa Beláustegui


    Full Text Available La embolia pulmonar séptica es una enfermedad grave y poco frecuente que se caracteriza por presentar infiltrados pulmonares bilaterales asociados a un foco infeccioso extrapulmonar. Se relaciona principalmente a endocarditis derecha, tromboflebitis pelviana, accesos vasculares y menos frecuentemente a infecciones profundas como osteomielitis, artritis séptica o piomiositis. El Staphylococcus aureus meticilino-resistente adquirido en la comunidad (SAMR-AC es un patógeno emergente, con alta virulencia y de rápida propagación, que afecta a sujetos sin enfermedades previas relacionadas o factores de riesgo conocidos. Causa infecciones de piel y partes blandas y con menor frecuencia infecciones graves como fascitis necrotizante, artritis séptica, osteomielitis, piomiositis y neumonía necrotizante. Su epidemiología, patogenia y manifestaciones clínicas difieren de las causadas por el SAMR adquirido en el hospital. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 67 años con embolias pulmonares sépticas causadas por SAMR-AC con origen en una infección cutánea.

  14. Fisiopatología de la hipertensión arterial pulmonar

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    Herney Manuel Benavides-Luna


    Full Text Available El balance entre agentes vasoconstrictores y vasodilatadores, así como factores mitogénicos y antimitogénicos derivados del endotelio, está alterado en algunas situaciones y trae como resultado final un aumento en la presión arterial pulmonar. La disfunción endotelial es promovida por estímulos como hipoxia, acidosis, radicales libres, mediadores inflamatorios, tensión tangencial causada por aumento del flujo sanguíneo pulmonar de izquierda a derecha por cortocircuito intracardiaco y fibrina derivada de tromboembolia. La disfunción endotelial y el remodelado vascular son dos procesos importantes que explican el desarrollo de hipertensión pulmonar. El enfoque terapéutico de esta entidad ha progresado rápidamente en los últimos años, pero aún no existe un tratamiento ideal. Estrategias para el futuro pueden incluir mejoría en los métodos para administrar los medicamentos disponibles, combinaciones de los mismos, nuevos grupos terapéuticos y la posibilidad de terapia genética.

  15. Cierre percutáneo de fístulas coronario-pulmonares en el adulto

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    Pedro Trujillo, MD


    Full Text Available El cierre percutáneo de las fístulas coronario-pulmonares con implante de “coils” es eficaz y pueden realizarlo los cardiólogos intervencionistas de adultos. Se presentan tres casos clínicos de cierre percutáneo exitoso de fístulas coronario-pulmonares con implante de “coils”.

  16. Congenital tri-cavernous hemangiomas of the right buccal region, right accessory parotid gland, and masseter muscle region. (United States)

    Yang, Tao; Gu, Yongchun; Zhang, Li; Hua, Zequan


    We report a rare case of congenital tri-cavernous hemangiomas of the right buccal region, right accessory parotid gland, and masseter muscle region in an adult. The patient, a 25-year-old woman, complained of 3 masses in her right midcheek. Ultrasonographic and computed tomographic findings showed an irregular-shaped mass (multiple calcifications) with a well-defined margin in the masseter muscle region, an ellipse-shaped mass (multiple calcifications) with a well-defined margin in the right buccal region, and a comma-shaped mass (no calcifications) with a well-defined margin separate from the parotid gland in the right accessory parotid gland region. These iconographic findings suggested that the masses were all hemangiomas separately originating from the parotid gland, accessory parotid gland, and masseter muscle. The masses were completely removed through a standard parotid incision without postoperative facial palsy, skin deformity, and difficulty in secreting saliva. Findings from histologic examination of the tumor revealed multiple, thin-walled, and dilated blood vessels, confirming the diagnosis of cavernous hemangiomas. Ultrasonographic and computed tomographic findings were extremely useful in diagnosing the mass/masses as hemangioma before surgery, clarifying relationships between the mass and adjacent structures, and determining the surgical approach to the mass/masses.

  17. Cavernous hemangioma of the knee - case report


    Weiss, Marcin; Dolata, Tomasz; Weiss, Waldemar; Maksymiak, Martyna; Kałużny, Krystian; Kałużna, Anna; Zukow, Walery; Hagner Derengowska, Magdalena


    Weiss Marcin, Dolata Tomasz, Weiss Waldemar, Maksymiak Martyna, Kałużny Krystian, Kałużna Anna, Zukow Walery, Hagner‑Derengowska Magdalena. Cavernous hemangioma of the knee - case report. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2018;8(4):318-325. eISNN 2391-8306. DOI The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evalu...

  18. Diagnóstico por imagem do tromboembolismo pulmonar agudo Imaging of acute pulmonary thromboembolism

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    C. Isabela S. Silva


    Full Text Available O diagnóstico do tromboembolismo pulmonar agudo é baseado na probabilidade clínica, uso do dímero D (quando disponível e na avaliação por imagem. Os principais métodos de imagem utilizados no diagnóstico são representados por cintilografia ventilação-perfusão, angiografia pulmonar e tomografia computadorizada (TC. Na última década vários estudos têm demonstrado que a TC espiral apresenta elevada sensibilidade e especificidade no diagnóstico de tromboembolismo pulmonar agudo. Uma melhor avaliação das artérias pulmonares tornou-se possível com a recente introdução dos equipamentos de TC espirais com multidetectores. Vários pesquisadores têm sugerido que a angiografia pulmonar por TC espiral deve substituir a cintilografia na avaliação de pacientes com suspeita clinica de tromboembolismo pulmonar agudo. Os autores discutem os principais métodos de imagem utilizados no diagnóstico de tromboembolismo pulmonar agudo enfatizando o papel da TC espiral.The diagnosis of acute pulmonary thromboembolism is based on the clinical probability, use of D-dimer (when available and imaging. The main imaging modalities used in the diagnosis are ventilation-perfusion (V/Q, scintigraphy, angiography, and computed tomography (CT. In the last decade several studies have demonstrated that spiral CT has a high sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of acute pulmonary thromboembolism. The evaluation of the pulmonary arteries has further improved with the recent introduction of multidetector spiral CT scanners. Various investigators have suggested that spiral CT pulmonary angiography should replace scintigraphy in the assessment of patients whose symptoms are suggestive of acute PE. This article discusses the role of the various imaging modalities in the diagnosis of acute pulmonary thromboembolism with emphasis on the role of spiral CT.


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    Álvaro Undurraga P., DR.


    Diversas comorbilidades se han descrito como la hipertensión pulmonar, la asociación con enfisema y el reflujo gastroesofágico. Sólo recientemente aparecen fármacos útiles, que son la Pirfenidona y el Nintedanib. El clásico esquema de prednisona, azatriopina y N-acetil cisteina, se ha demostrado ineficaz. Otros recursos que pueden utilizarse como complementos útiles en la enfermedad son el oxígeno, la rehabilitación, las terapias antirreflujo y el manejo sintomático de la tos.

  20. Myometrial cavernous hemangioma with pulmonary thromboembolism in a post-partum woman: a case report and review of the literature

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    Bhavsar Tapan


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction Cavernous hemangiomas of the uterus are rare benign vascular lesions. Nine cases of diffuse cavernous hemangioma of the gravid uterus have been reported, most of which diffusely involved the myometrium. These vascular malformations are clinically significant, and may cause pronounced bleeding resulting in maternal or fetal demise. Thrombosis of cavernous hemangiomas of the uterus has been previously reported. We here report the first case in which a thrombosed cavernous hemangioma of the myometrium resulted in a fatal pulmonary embolism in a post-partum woman. Case presentation A 25-year-old obese African-American woman who had one pregnancy and was delivered of twins by cesarean section was admitted 1 week after the successful delivery. The 12-day clinical course included ventilator-dependent respiratory failure, systemic hypertension, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in the sputum, leukocytosis and asystole. A transabdominal ultrasound examination showed heterogeneous thickened and irregular products in the endometrial canal. The laboratory values were relevant for an increased prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, ferritin and a decrease in hemoglobin. The clinical cause of death was cited as acute respiratory distress syndrome. At autopsy, a 400g spongy, hemorrhagic uterus with multiple cystic spaces measuring approximately 0.5 × 0.4cm filled with thrombi within the myometrium was identified. Immunohistological examination with a CD31 stain for vascular endothelium associated antigen confirmed several endothelium-lined vessels, some of which contained thrombi. These histological features were consistent with cavernous hemangioma of the myometrium. A histological examination of the lungs revealed multiple fresh thromboemboli in small- and medium-sized pulmonary arteries in the right upper and lower lobes without organization, but with adjacent areas of fresh hemorrhagic infarction

  1. Myometrial cavernous hemangioma with pulmonary thromboembolism in a post-partum woman: a case report and review of the literature. (United States)

    Bhavsar, Tapan; Wurzel, John; Duker, Nahum


    Cavernous hemangiomas of the uterus are rare benign vascular lesions. Nine cases of diffuse cavernous hemangioma of the gravid uterus have been reported, most of which diffusely involved the myometrium. These vascular malformations are clinically significant, and may cause pronounced bleeding resulting in maternal or fetal demise. Thrombosis of cavernous hemangiomas of the uterus has been previously reported. We here report the first case in which a thrombosed cavernous hemangioma of the myometrium resulted in a fatal pulmonary embolism in a post-partum woman. A 25-year-old obese African-American woman who had one pregnancy and was delivered of twins by cesarean section was admitted 1 week after the successful delivery. The 12-day clinical course included ventilator-dependent respiratory failure, systemic hypertension, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in the sputum, leukocytosis and asystole. A transabdominal ultrasound examination showed heterogeneous thickened and irregular products in the endometrial canal. The laboratory values were relevant for an increased prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, ferritin and a decrease in hemoglobin. The clinical cause of death was cited as acute respiratory distress syndrome. At autopsy, a 400g spongy, hemorrhagic uterus with multiple cystic spaces measuring approximately 0.5 × 0.4cm filled with thrombi within the myometrium was identified. Immunohistological examination with a CD31 stain for vascular endothelium associated antigen confirmed several endothelium-lined vessels, some of which contained thrombi. These histological features were consistent with cavernous hemangioma of the myometrium. A histological examination of the lungs revealed multiple fresh thromboemboli in small- and medium-sized pulmonary arteries in the right upper and lower lobes without organization, but with adjacent areas of fresh hemorrhagic infarction. This case underscores the importance of a high index of suspicion in

  2. Thyroid adenomas and carcinomas following radiotherapy for a hemangioma during infancy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haddy, Nadia; Andriamboavonjy, Tianarimanana; Paoletti, Catherine; Dondon, Marie-Gabrielle; Mousannif, Abdeddahir; Shamsaldin, Akhtar; Doyon, Francoise; Labbe, Martine; Robert, Caroline; Avril, Marie-Francoise; Fragu, Philippe; Eschwege, Francois; Chavaudra, Jean; Schvartz, Claire; Lefkopoulos, Dimitri; Schlumberger, Martin; Diallo, Ibrahima; Vathaire, Florent de


    Background and purpose: A cohort study was performed to investigate the carcinogenic effect of treating skin hemangioma with ionizing radiation during early childhood. This paper presents the incidence of differentiated thyroid adenomas and carcinomas after radiotherapy in this cohort. Methods and materials: Of a total of 8307 patients treated for a skin hemangioma between 1940 and 1973 at the Institut Gustave-Roussy, 4767 were included in an incidence study, among whom 3795 had received radiotherapy. Seventy-three percent were less than 1-year-old at the time of treatment. External radiotherapy, Radium 226, Strontium 90, Yttrium 90, and Phosphorus 32 were used. The radiation dose received by the thyroid during radiotherapy, estimated in 3497 of the 3795 patients using specific software, was 41 mGy on average. Thyroid tumor cases were obtained by sending out a questionnaire, and were verified in pathological reports. Estimates of thyroid cancer specific incidence rates in the French population were obtained from the French cancer registry network. External and internal analyses were performed. Results: During an average follow-up of 35 years, 11 patients developed a differentiated thyroid carcinoma and 44 a thyroid adenoma. The incidence of thyroid adenoma was found to be higher among taller and heavier individuals. The incidence of both thyroid carcinoma and adenoma was higher among non-smoker patients. A significant dose-response relationship was found between the radiation dose received by thyroid and the risk of thyroid cancer (Excess Relative Risk per GY, ERR/Gy: 14.7, 95%CI: 1.6-62.9) and of adenoma (ERR/Gy: 5.7, 95%CI: 0.7-19.4). Conclusion: This study confirms that radiation treatment performed in the past for hemangioma during infancy increased the risk of thyroid carcinoma and adenoma. Patients treated with external radiotherapy or with Radium 226 applicators for hemangiomas have to be more specifically followed up because this is the subgroup in whom the

  3. Neumomediastino espontáneo y fibrosis pulmonar idiopática


    Calvo Romero, J. M.


    La asociación de fibrosis pulmonar y neumomediastino es infrecuente. La tomografía computarizada es el método adecuado para la detección de un pequeño neumomediastino, difícil de detectar mediante la radiografía de tórax. Se presenta un caso de fibrosis pulmonar idiopática, con ataques frecuentes y severos de tos, que desarrolló un neumomediastino y un enfisema subcutáneo cervical, sin neumotórax, en probable relación con la rotura de bullas. La evolución fue favorable con tratamiento sintomá...

  4. Síndromes hemorrágicas pulmonares Pulmonary hemorrhage syndromes

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    Eduardo da Rosa Borges


    Full Text Available As síndromes hemorrágicas pulmonares caracterizam-se por infiltrado pulmonar bilateral, queda dos níveis de hemoglobina e hipoxemia. Dentre as causas de sangramento estão as infecções, vasculites, coagulopatias e doenças do colágeno. A terapêutica consiste do tratamento da doença causal e suporte ventilatório, podendo ser associada a plasmaferese.Pulmonary hemorrhage syndromes are characterized by bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, decreased serum levels of hemoglobin, and hypoxemia. The causes of pulmonary hemorrhage include: infections, vasculitis, coagulopathies and collagen diseases. The therapy consists of treating the underlying disease and providing ventilatory support. In some cases, performing plasmapheresis can be beneficial.

  5. Linfoma B Difuso de Grandes Células Esclerosante do Mediastino

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    Ma. Teresa Magalhães Godinho


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Objectivos: Estabelecer a apresentação clínica, diagnóstico, tratamento e prognóstico do linfoma B difuso de grandes células esclerosante do mediastino. Apesar de conhecido dcsde 1980, este linfoma B de alto grau de malignidade com origem no timo, e, ainda hoje, muitas vezes confundido com tumores germinativos, carcinoma do timo, ou Doença de Hodgkin e correlacionado com urn mau prognóstico. Métodos: Revisão de 12 doentes com Linfoma difuso de grandcs células do mediastino anterior, diagnosticados no nosso Seniço entre 1993 e Junho de 2000. Resultados: O grupo é constituido por 10 mulheres e 2 homens, com idades compreendidas entre os 17 e os 59 anos (média 28; mediana 24. Todos os doentes cram sintomaticos. A radiografia do tórax mostrava uma massa de grandes dimcnsões, situada no mediastino anterior, por vezes acompanhada de derrame pleural (4 docntes e/ou pericárdico (2 doentes. Na TAC tonácica, eram visíveis áreas de atenuação hfdrica e de necrose. Três doentes fueram Ressonancia Magnética do tórax. Analiticamente, estes casos caracterizaram-se por valores elevados da LDH sérica, com β2 microglobulina normal. As biópsias foram realizadas por mediastinotomia anterior em 9 doentes e por toracotomia lateral nos outros 3. Anatomo-patologicamente foram identificados aspectos característicos dos Linfomas difusos de grandes cclulas com esclerose e a origem B confirmada por imuno-histoquímica. Os doentes foram submctidos a Quimioterapia (CHOP e Radioterapia (35-45 Gy. A taxa de remissao completa foi de 75%. Nove doentes estao vivos e Iivres de doença 6 meses a 7 anos após o diagnostico.Conclusão: 0 Linfoma difuso de grandes celulas esclerosante do mediastino apresenta-se como urn tumor volumoso do mediastino anterior, essencialmente na mulher jovem. Os doentes sao habitualmente sintomaticos. A radiografia de torax e a TAC mostram uma massa

  6. A self-controlled study of intralesional injection of diprospan combined with topical timolol cream for treatment of thick superficial infantile hemangiomas. (United States)

    Xu, Peng; Yu, Qian; Huang, Huizhen; Zhang, Wenjie; Li, Wei


    Topical application of timolol cream is effective and convenient for treating superficial infantile hemangiomas. Intralesional injection of corticosteroids, such as diprospan, is useful for the treatment of superficia infantile hemangiomas without systemic side effects. We conducted a self-controlled study to investigate whether a combination of intralesional injection of diprospan with topical timolol 0.5% cream would be more efficient than timolol cream alone in thick superficial infantile hemangiomas. Thirty-eight patients with 39 thick superficial infantile hemangiomas were recruited. Each lesion was randomly divided into two equal parts: one part was treated with topical timolol 0.5% cream (timolol cream group), while the other part was treated with injection of diprospan combined with topical timolol 0.5% cream (combined treatment group). Infants were followed every 4 weeks to determine whether injections should be continued, and timolol cream was applied four times daily for 5 months. During 5 months of treatment, three specialist physicians were invited to evaluate the therapeutic effects. The combined treatment group showed better lesion involution than did the timolol cream group regarding lesion thickness and color of lesions. The combination of intralesional injection of diprospan with topical timolol 0.5% cream is a suitable and safe strategy for thick superficial infantile hemangiomas. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  7. Linfangioleiomiomatosis y trasplante pulmonar


    Ansótegui Barrera, Emilio


    La linfangioleiomiomatosis (LAM) es una enfermedad rara que afecta predominantemente a la mujer, sobre todo en edad fértil. Se caracteriza por una proliferación anormal de células musculares lisas inmaduras, células LAM, que crecen de una manera aberrante en la vía aérea, parénquima, linfáticos y vasos sanguíneos pulmonares, lo que determina una evolución progresiva hacia la insuficiencia respiratoria que condiciona el fallecimiento de las pacientes. Tiene carácter multisistémico afectando as...

  8. Retrospective case series of the imaging findings of facial nerve hemangioma. (United States)

    Yue, Yunlong; Jin, Yanfang; Yang, Bentao; Yuan, Hui; Li, Jiandong; Wang, Zhenchang


    The aim was to compare high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) and thin-section magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of facial nerve hemangioma. The HRCT and MRI characteristics of 17 facial nerve hemangiomas diagnosed between 2006 and 2013 were retrospectively analyzed. All patients included in the study suffered from a space-occupying lesion of soft tissues at the geniculate ganglion fossa. Affected nerve was compared for size and shape with the contralateral unaffected nerve. HRCT showed irregular expansion and broadening of the facial nerve canal, damage of the bone wall and destruction of adjacent bone, with "point"-like or "needle"-like calcifications in 14 cases. The average CT value was 320.9 ± 141.8 Hu. Fourteen patients had a widened labyrinthine segment; 6/17 had a tympanic segment widening; 2/17 had a greater superficial petrosal nerve canal involvement, and 2/17 had an affected internal auditory canal (IAC) segment. On MRI, all lesions were significantly enhanced due to high blood supply. Using 2D FSE T2WI, the lesion detection rate was 82.4 % (14/17). 3D fast imaging employing steady-state acquisition (3D FIESTA) revealed the lesions in all patients. HRCT showed that the average number of involved segments in the facial nerve canal was 2.41, while MRI revealed an average of 2.70 segments (P facial nerve hemangioma were typical, revealing irregular masses growing along the facial nerve canal, with calcifications and rich blood supply. Thin-section enhanced MRI was more accurate in lesion detection and assessment compared with HRCT.

  9. Tratamiento de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica: Conceptos actuales


    Pino Alfonso, Pedro Pablo; Rodríguez Vázquez, Juan Carlos; Gassiot Nuño, Carlos; Rodríguez Fernández, Rolando


    Se revisan los conceptos actuales en el tratamiento de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, incluidos la bronquitis crónica y el enfisema pulmonar. Se hace hincapié en el abandono del hábito de firmar como paso más importante en el tratamiento. Se dan recomendaciones para el uso de la terapia preventiva, así como la mejor manera de establecer el tratamiento broncodilatador, por pasos, a base de bromuro de ipratropiun, en dosis regulares y beta 2 agonistas, a demanda, así como el uso de...

  10. Edema pulmonar neurogênico: uma revisão atualizada da literatura


    Flávio Antônio Siqueira Ridenti


    O edema pulmonar neurogênico ainda é um fenômeno pouco compreendido no contexto da assistência ao paciente neurológico grave. Trata-se de uma situação clínica relativamente rara. Situações de importante dano cerebral como hemorragia subaracnóidea, traumatismos encefálicos severos, hemorragias cerebrais intra-parenquimatosas, crises convulsivas ou outras condições específicas fazem o perfil do paciente com risco de desenvolver edema pulmonar neurogênico. A falta de reconhecimento desta condiçã...

  11. Is hepatotropic contrast enhanced MR a more effective method in differential diagnosis of hemangioma than multi-phase CT and unenhanced MR?

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    Markiet Karolina


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Cavernous hemangiomas are the most frequent neoplasms of the liver and in routine clinical practice they often need to be differentiated from malignant tumors and other benign focal lesions. The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether diagnostic accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI of hepatic hemangiomas, showing atypical pattern on US, improves with the use of Gd-BOPTA in comparison with contrast-enhanced multi-phase computed tomography (CT. Methods 178 consecutive patients with ambiguous hepatic masses showing atypical hyperechoic pattern on grey-scale US, underwent unenhanced and contrast-enhanced multi-phase multi-detector CT and MR (1.5T with the use of liver-specific contrast medium gadobenate dimeglumine (Gd-BOPTA. After intravenous contrast administration arterial (HAP, venous-portal (PVP, equilibrium phases (EP both in CT and MR and additionally hepatobiliary phase (HBP in MR were obtained. 398 lesions have been detected including 99 hemangiomas and 299 other lesions. Results In non-enhanced MDCT examination detection of hemangiomas was characterized by sensitivity of 76%, specificity of 90%, PPV of 71%, NPV of 92% and accuracy of 86%. Non-enhanced MR examination showed sensitivity of 98%, specificity of 99%, PPV of 99%, NPV of 99% and accuracy of 99%. After intravenous administration of contrast medium in MR the mentioned above parameters did not increase significantly. Conclusion Gd-BOPTA-enhanced MR in comparison with unenhanced MRI does not improve diagnostic accuracy in discriminating hemangiomas that show non-specific appearance in ultrasound examination. Unenhanced MR as a method of choice should directly follow US in course of diagnostic algorithm in differentiation of hemangiomas from other liver tumors.

  12. A Giant Hepatic Hemangioma Complicated by Kasabach-Merritt Syndrome: Findings of Tc-99m RBC Scintigraphy and SPECT Including a Total Body Blood Pool Imaging Study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sohn, Myung Hee; Jeong, Hwan Jeong; Lim, Seok Tae; Kim, Dong Wook; Yim, Chang Yeol [Chonbuk National University Medical School, Jeonju (Korea, Republic of)


    Kasabach-Merritt syndrome (KMS) consists of thrombocytopenia, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, and localized consumption coagulopathy that develops within vascular hemangioma. This syndrome may also be associated with occult hemangiomas located at various sites. Tc-99m RBC scintigraphy and SPECT have proven to be reliable for confirming or excluding hemangioma. Total body blood pool imaging study during the scintigraphy also provides a means of screening for occult lesions. The authors report the case of a 29-year-old man who presented with a giant hepatic hemangioma complicated by KMS, and underwent Tc-99m RBC scintigraphy and SPECT including a total body blood pool imaging study.

  13. Forma acelerada da fibrose pulmonar idiopática no pulmão nativo após transplante pulmonar unilateral Accelerated form of interstitial pulmonary fibrosis in the native lung after single lung transplantation

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    Rogério Rufino


    Full Text Available Relatamos o caso de um paciente de 56 anos submetido a transplante pulmonar unilateral esquerdo em decorrência de fibrose pulmonar idiopática (FPI. No pós-operatório imediato, sob intensa imunossupressão, houve progressão rápida da FPI no pulmão nativo direito, confirmada pela biópsia pulmonar videotoracoscópica, necessitando de ventilação mecânica durante 104 dias até a realização de outro transplante pulmonar à direita. Obteve alta hospitalar após o 26º dia do segundo pós-operatório.We report the case of a 56-year-old patient who underwent left single lung transplantation for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF. Despite the high level of immunosuppression after the surgery, there was rapid progression to IPF in the native (right lung as demonstrated by thoracoscopic lung biopsy. After 104 days on mechanical ventilation (MV, the patient underwent right lung transplant and was discharged from the hospital on postoperative day 26.

  14. Tabaco e morfologia: Doenças pulmonares

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    Lina Carvalho


    Full Text Available Resumo: O tabaco está implicado na carcinogénese multiorgâni-ca, com identificação de mais de cinquenta substâncias carcinogénicas que induzem mutações, alterando o ciclo celular, a resposta auto-imune e a regulação endócrina. É um dos nove factores identificados responsáveis por um terço de mortes por neoplasias malignas juntamente com erros dietéticos, obesidade, sedentarismo, consumo de álcool, promiscuidade sexual, toxicodependência e po-luição ambiental geral e limitada. Está implicado nas doenças cardiovasculares que representam a primeira causa de morte nos países civilizados e, no aparelho respiratório, é o factor principal para o desenvolvimento de DPOC (doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica, RB-ILD (bron-quiolite respiratória e doença pulmonar intersticial, DIP (pneumonia intersticial descamativa, bronquiolite e fi-brose intersticial bronquiolocêntrica, histiocitose de células de Langerhans, pneumonia eosinofílica, sarcoidose, metaplasia epidermóide do epitélio respiratório e carcinoma bronco-pulmonar. O estado inflamatório crónico sistémico induzido pelo tabaco constitui a base de desenvolvimento de alterações genéticas também dependentes dos contaminantes do tabaco.Rev Port Pneumol 2007; XIII (3: 383-389 Abstract: Tobacco is implicated in multisystemic carcinogenesis through more than fifty identified carcinogenic metabolites that produce mutations responsible for alterations in cell cycle, immune response and endocrine regulation. Is one of nine risk factors identified in one third of cancer deaths together with obesity, sedentary, alcohol consumption, sexual promiscuity, drug addiction, and open and closed air contamination. Answering for cardiovascular diseases as the first cause of death in civilized world, tobacco is also pointed as the major factor implicated in the development of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, RB-ILD (respira-tory bronchiolitis and interstitial lung disease

  15. Anastomosis cava-pulmonar en el tratamiento quirúrgico de la tetralogía de Fallot

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    José Félix Patiño


    Full Text Available Se informa sobre la aplicación clínica exitosa de la técnica de anastomosis cava-pulmonar, originalmente descrito por Glenn y Patiño, en un caso de Tetralogía de Fallot. Representa este caso el primer paciente tratado en esta forma en la literatura médica occidental. La anastomosis cava-pulmonar es un procedimiento técnicamente muy sencillo que permite mejorar notablemente la oxigenación en pacientes que presentan ciertas anomalías en el corazón derecho o en la arteria pulmonar. La anastomosis cava-pulmonar parece ser una operación fisiológica fácil de realizar, bien tolerada, que da como resultado buena oxigenación de la sangre venosa desembocada al pulmón derecho, y que en el caso de la Tetralogía de Fallot, presenta notables ventajas sobre las operaciones paliativas clásicas de Blalock y Potts. La anastomosis cava-pulmonar es un procedimiento que puede ser usado en el tratamiento quirúrgico de la Tetralogía de Fallot como operación paliativa definitiva, o como la primera etapa que mejora las condiciones generales del paciente para permitir que más tarde pueda ser llevado a corrección definitiva. Esta anastomosis, que disminuye trabajo al corazón, no necesariamente tiene que ser deshecha a tiempo de la corrección definitiva, a diferencia de las operaciones clásicas de Blalock y Pott, que sí añaden trabajo al corazón al crear un ductus artificial y una hipertensión pulmonar. Se propone el uso clínico de la anastomosis cava-pulmonar en aquellos casos de Tetralogía de Fallot que requieran una operación paliativa extra-cardíaca o como la primera etapa antes de ser sometidos a la corrección definitiva por circulación extracorpórea.

  16. Differentiation between simple cyst and hepatic hemangioma utilizing T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging with gradient-echo (b-FFE) technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burim, Carolina Valente; D'Ippolito, Giuseppe; Pecci Neto, Luiz; Torlai, Fabiola Goda; Tiferes, Dario Ariel


    Objective: to establish the role of MRI T2-weighted sequences in the differentiation between simple cysts and hepatic hemangiomas. Materials and methods: a double-blinded, prospective, observational, cross sectional study evaluated 52 patients with 91 hepatic lesions (34 simple cysts and 57 hemangiomas) submitted to abdominal magnetic resonance imaging. The combined analysis of all sequences was considered as the golden-standard. TSE sequences with long echo trains and b-FFE sequences were subjectively analyzed by two independent observers for differentiating cysts from hemangiomas. The kappa test (κ) was utilized in the analysis of the methods accuracy and inter- and intra-observer agreement (p * ). Results: cysts and hemangiomas dimensions ranged respectively between 0.5 and 6.5 cm (mean 1.89 cm), and 0.8 and 11 cm (mean = 2.62 cm). The analysis of the sequences with long-TE and the golden-standard demonstrated a non-statistically significant agreement (k: 0.00-0.10). The agreement between the evaluation of the b-FFE sequence and the golden-standard ranged from substantial (κ: 0.62-0.71) to almost perfect (κ: 0.86) for both observers. The inter- and intra-observer agreement for the b-FFE sequence ranged from substantial (κ: 0.62-0.70) to almost perfect (κ: 0.85-0.91). Conclusion: T2-weighted images acquired with the b-FFE technique present a high accuracy and reproducibility in the differentiation between cysts and hepatic hemangiomas. (author)

  17. Capillary hemangiomas with hemorrhage in cervicothoracic intramedullary, a case report

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    Jian Li


    Full Text Available A 48-year-old male patient had presented with worsening pain at extremities and body. The MRI showed an inhomogeneously enhancing lesion at C5-T1. During the surgical evacuation through a midline myelotomy, a frozen section could not find any tumor cells or vascular malformations. Immunohistochemically, the diagnosis of capillary hemangiomas was confirmed.

  18. Epithelioid hemangioma of brachial artery: report of a case and review of the literature

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    Ragazzi Moira


    Full Text Available Epithelioid hemangioma (EH is an uncommon benign vascular lesion, also known as angioblastic lymphoid (or angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia, characterized by an unclear etiopathogenesis.


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    Valdemiro Amaro da Silva Júnior


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    Hemangiomas primários do fígado são neoplasias benignas que podem comprometer a sobrevivência do animal, em virtude da compressão de vasos, ductos e hepatócitos adjacentes, especialmente pela possibilidade de rupturas e morte por hipovolemia. Por serem raros em felinos, objetiva-se relatar o caso de uma gata Persa, com 10 anos de idade, cujos sinais clínicos eram: aumento de volume abdominal, vômitos intermitentes, apatia e anorexia, além de cios irregulares. No exame radiográfico se observou massa tecidual radiopaca no fígado. Na ultra-sonografia hepática, percebiam-se contornos irregulares, parênquima heterogêneo, hiperecogênico, com áreas cavitárias, sugestivo de neoplasia e cistos. No exame macroscópico, visibilizaram-se ascite sanguinolenta, esteatose hepática e massa neoplásica única com 12 cm de comprimento por 8 cm de largura e diversos cistos. Os ovários e rins se apresentavam policísticos e havia hiperplasia endometrial cística. Microscopicamente foram diagnosticadas no fígado formações císticas limitadas por endotélio e delgada cápsula de tecido conjuntivo, esteatose e hepatite periportal mononuclear-linfocitária com proliferação de ductos bilíferos. A massa tumoral originava-se a partir do tecido conjuntivo da cápsula hepática e se caracterizava pela presença de brotos vasculares oriundos de células endoteliais, com dilatação e anastomose de vasos nas áreas mais superficiais. Os achados observados são compatíveis com o diagnóstico de hemangioma hepático primário do tipo capilar-cavernoso. Nos ovários, no útero, nos rins e fígado, constatou-se doença policística.


    PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Fígado, gato, neoplasia vascular.

    Primaries hepatics hemangiomas are benign tumors that may compel limitations to animal survival owing to the compression of blood vessels, ducts and contiguous hepatocytes, especially due a

  20. Central Retinal and Posterior Ciliary Artery Occlusion After Intralesional Injection of Sclerosant to Glabellar Subcutaneous Hemangioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsuo, Toshihiko; Fujiwara, Hiroyasu; Gobara, Hideo; Mimura, Hidefumi; Kanazawa, Susumu


    The aim of this study is to describe vision loss caused by central retinal artery and posterior ciliary artery occlusion as a consequence of sclerotherapy with a polidocanol injection to a glabellar hemangioma. An 18-year-old man underwent direct injection with a 23-gauge needle of 1 mL of a polidocanol-carbon dioxide emulsion into the glabellar subcutaneous hemangioma under ultrasound visualization of the needle tip by radiologists. He developed lid swelling the next day, and 3 days later at referral, the visual acuity in the left eye was no light perception. Funduscopy revealed central retinal artery occlusion and fluorescein angiography disclosed no perfusion at all in the left fundus, indicating concurrent posterior ciliary artery occlusion. The patient also showed mydriasis, blepharoptosis, and total external ophthalmoplegia on the left side. Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated the swollen medial rectus muscle. In a month, blepharoptosis and ophthalmoplegia resolved but the visual acuity remained no light perception. Sclerosing therapy for facial hemangioma may develop a severe complication such as permanent visual loss.

  1. Procedimento e complicações anestésicas no manejo de lavagem pulmonar total em paciente obeso com proteinose alveolar pulmonar: relato de caso

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    Helena Marta Rebelo


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O primeiro caso de proteinose alveolar pulmonar (PAP foi descrito por Rose em 1958, mas ainda é um distúrbio raro. PAP é caracterizada pela deposição de material lipoproteico secundário ao processamento anormal de surfactantes pelos macrófagos. Os pacientes podem ter dispneia progressiva e tosse, às vezes acompanhadas pelo agravamento da hipóxia, e seu curso pode variar de deterioração progressiva a melhora espontânea. Muitas terapias foram usadas, incluindo antibióticos, drenagem postural e ventilação com pressão positiva intermitente com acetilcisteína, heparina e soro fisiológico em aerossol. Atualmente, a base do tratamento é a lavagem pulmonar total (LPT. A LPT, embora seja geralmente bem-tolerada, pode estar associada a algumas complicações. RELATO DE CASO: Relatamos um caso de PAP grave durante o procedimento anestésico e as complicações no manejo da proteinose alveolar pulmonar em um paciente que havia sido submetido a múltiplas e alternadas lavagens de um dos pulmões ao longo de sete anos (os últimos três em nosso hospital, com melhora dos sintomas depois de cada tratamento.

  2. Linfangioleiomiomatose pulmonar inicial provável e linfangioleiomioma mediastínico

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    M. Pontes


    Full Text Available Resumo: Uma mulher de 68 anos foi submetida a uma ressecção de um linfoangioendotelioma mediastinal observado na monitorização de uma lobectomia inferior esquerda devido a bronquiectasia, complicada por quilotórax. Isto levou a uma reavaliação do espécime pulmonar que revelou, além da bronquiectasia inflamatória, nódulos de pequenas células fusiformes no parênquima pulmonar, semelhantes a nódulos pulmonares de tipo meningotelial, mas com positividade imunohistoquímica para actina do músculo liso. A hipótese de desenvolvimento inicial de linfangioleiomiomatose pulmonar é discutida. Abstract: A 68 year old woman was submitted to a mediastinal lymphangioleiomyoma resection found in a follow-up study of lower left lung resection due to bronchiectasis complicated by chylothorax. This led to a revaluation of the pulmonary specimen that revealed, in addition to inflammatory bronchiectasis, small spindle cell nodules in the lung parenchyma, similar to minute pulmonary meningothelial-like nodules, but with smooth muscle actin immunohistochemical positivity. The possibility of initial pulmonary development of lymphangioleiomyomatosis is discussed. Palavras-chave: Mediastinal, Linfangioleiomioma, Linfangioleiomiomatose, Keywords: Mediastinal, Lymphangioleiomyoma, Lymphangioleiomyomatosis

  3. Aspectos actuais da hipertensão arterial pulmonar: primária e secundária

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    Emilia Álvares


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A situação patológica mais importante na circulação pulmonar é o desenvolvimeoto da Hipertensão Arterial Pulmonar, que pode resultar de doença parenquimatosa pulmonar, alterações da parede vascular ou da obstrução do lúmen por trombose ou embolia.Procurouse com este trabalho, fazer uma revisão actual da literatura médica acerca da hipertensão arterial pulmonar primária e secundária.Debruçãmos-nos essencialmente, sobre os seus cooceitos fisiopatológicos, critérios diagnósticos e aspectos terapêuticos mais recentes. ABSTRACT: The most important response of pulmonary blood vessels to disease is the development of increased pulmonary arterial pressure that may result from parenchymal disease of the lungs, changes in the walls of the blood vessels or obstruction to the lumen caused by thrombosis or embolization.The aim of the authors in this study, was to make a actual review of the medical literature about of primary and secondary pulmonary hypertension.We report about this entity, essentially physiopatologic concepts, diagnosis approach and therapeutics aspects, more recent. Palavras-chave: Hipertensão Pulmonar, Primária, Secundária, Classificação, Tratamento, Key-words: Pulmonary Hypertension, Primary, Secondary, Classification, Therapeutic

  4. Fibrosis pulmonar asociada a vasculitis con anticuerpos anticitoplasmáticos positivos


    Marcelo Fernández Casares; Alejandra González; Flavia Caputo; Yanina Bottinelli; Patricia Nastavi; Marcelo Zamboni


    Las complicaciones pulmonares más conocidas de las vasculitis con anticuerpos anticitoplasmáticos de los neutrófilos (ANCA) positivos (VAA), son la hemorragia alveolar, los granulomas y la estenosis de la vía aérea. En los últimos años han aparecido algunos informes aislados que muestran la asociación con fibrosis pulmonar (FP), sugiriendo que ésta sería otra complicación de las VAA. En este trabajo informamos dos casos con dicha asociación describiendo sus características clínicas, tomográfi...

  5. Detection of small size hepatic hemangioma with SPECT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mana, O.; Zatta, G.; Boccolari, S.; Gallazzi, M.; Tarolo, G.L.; Pisani, A.


    A case of a patient with hepatic hemangioma was studied by non-invasive methods. Ultrasonography (US) and computed tomography (CT) studies were able to detect some lesions, but not ascertain the diagnosis. Planar scintigraphy both with 99m Tc-sulfur colloid and with in vivo labelled RBC's did not show the lesions, while single-photon emission tomography (blood pool and sulfur colloid) pointed out their presence and allowed to achieve a correct diagnosis for the biggest lesion (2.5 cm in diameter)

  6. Breve Apontamento da Recente Unidade de Oncologia Pulmonar do Hospital CUF Porto

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    Bárbara Parente


    Full Text Available A Unidade de Oncologia Pulmonar do Hospital CUF Porto, iniciou a sua atividade no tratamento de doentes com patologia do foro torácico em janeiro de 2014. Tendo em conta toda a infraestrutura pré-existente no Hospital na área do diagnóstico e estadiamento, deu-se início à consulta Especializada em Oncologia Pulmonar com referenciação de doentes, quer interna, quer externamente, organizando o serviço centrado na doença e no doente.

  7. Liver hemangioma - an angiographic contribution to the differential diagnosis of sonographic lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stellamor, K.; Rohrmoser, M.; Stelzer, P.; Hruby, W.


    Small liver hemangiomas are displayed as echogenic as well as sonolucent patterns on ultrasonic scans. Differentiation from malignomas is difficult and responsible, hepatomas and solitary metastases being possible. By partial liver resection the malignant diseases can be treated successfully. Therefore an accurate diagnosis is to be aimed at. Of all the methods only angiography can ensure a certain amount of clarity. This is possible under the following circumstances: The cavernomas must be of a certain size. They must not withdraw from evidence due to large avascular areas which can result from thrombosis, fibrosis or necrosis. Moreover a superselective filling of the hepatic artery is claimed but not always possible. If the portal vein is opacified it conceals the radiologically typical image of the cavernoma. Under these circumstances only few moments of the late arterial and the hepatovenous phases remain to detect the hemangioma in the seriogram. (orig.) [de

  8. Liver hemangioma - an angiographic contribution to the differential diagnosis of sonographic lesions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stellamor, K; Rohrmoser, M; Stelzer, P; Hruby, W


    Small liver hemangiomas are displayed as echogenic as well as sonolucent patterns on ultrasonic scans. Differentiation from malignomas is difficult and responsible, hepatomas and solitary metastases being possible. By partial liver resection the malignant diseases can be treated successfully. Therefore an accurate diagnosis is to be aimed at. Of all the methods only angiography can ensure a certain amount of clarity. This is possible under the following circumstances: The cavernomas must be of a certain size. They must not withdraw from evidence due to large avascular areas which can result from thrombosis, fibrosis or necrosis. Moreover a superselective filling of the hepatic artery is claimed but not always possible. If the portal vein is opacified it conceals the radiologically typical image of the cavernoma. Under these circumstances only few moments of the late arterial and the hepatovenous phases remain to detect the hemangioma in the seriogram.

  9. Cavernous hemangioma of liver: a comparative study of MRI and color Doppler ultrasound (with 58 case report)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luan Zhiyong; Xu Weidong; Wang Jiazhong


    Objective: To evaluate MRI and the color Doppler ultrasound in the diagnosis of cavernous hemangioma of liver. Methods: In total 58 patients with hemangioma of liver underwent dynamic enhanced MRI and the color Doppler ultrasound examination. The imaging manifestations obtained by both modalities were comparatively studied. Result: Highly echoic lesions were revealed in 36 cases out of 58; low echoic lesions were noted in 8; and in 14 cases the tumors were of mixed echoic. On T 1 WI the lesions were hypo- or slightly hypo-intense; while on T 2 WI they were hyper- or slightly hyper-intense. The nidi were hyper-intense on T 2 WI of CRE array. On enhanced scan the lesions were quickly fully enhanced in 25 cases out of 58. Peripheral nodular enhancement was seen in 19 cases, and centered spreading enhancement was demon- strated in 14 cases. On delayed scan remarkable homogenous enhancement was observed in all cases. Conclusion: The bigger size has the hemangioma, the smaller highly echoic proportion and bigger mixed echoic or poorly echoic proportion will be found within the lesions. More peripheral nodular enhancement will be revealed on enhanced MRI scan when the tumor size is getting larger, in which the proportion of quickly fully enhancement will decrease gradually. Ultrasound is better than MRI in the evaluation of the liver hemangioma smaller than 3 cm in diameter. MRI is superior to color Doppler ultrasound in diagnosing the lesion larger' than 3 cm in diameter. (authors)

  10. Esquistossomose pulmonar. II. Forma crônica reativada com hipertensão e Cor pulmonale

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    Jayme Neves


    Full Text Available Os Autores descrevem um caso grave de esquistossomose mansoni (forma hepática com hipertensão portal associada a forma pulmonar com hipertensão pulmonar e cor pulmonalej sobre o qual evoluiu uma sindrome toxi-infectuosa grave e de longa duração. Sucessivos exames radiológicos do tórax revelaram acometimento predominantemente arteriolar, ao lado de uma micronodulação pulmonar grosseira e difusa em ambos os hemitóraces e configuração de coração pulmonar. A histopatologia de material de biópsia pulmonar identificou basicamente uma arterite pulmonar característica, inflamação granulomatosa atípica provocada principalmente por vermes e raros ovos de S. mansoni envolvidos por escassa reação inflamatória. Para explicar a origem de constelação clínica toxi-infectuosa, foram afastadas as hipóteses de associação da esquistossomose a concausas infectuosas ou não, mas de curso febril, e a superposição de uma forma toxêmica sobre outra crônica pré-existente. Com base em dados clínicos, particularmente em subsídios da laparoscopia, e anatômicos, concluiu-se tratar o caso de uma forma crônica de esquistossomose reativada, provavelmente em virtude de alterações imunológicas inusitadas do hospedeiro. Ao que tudo parece indicar, o desvio de ovos e de vermes aos pulmões deveu-se à sindrome de hipertensão portal, cujos shunts entre a circulação portal e sistêmica determinaram a rota preferencial da migração.

  11. Right atrial hemangioma in the newborn: Utility of fetal imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baird, Christopher; Blalock, Shannon; Bengur, Resai; Ikemba, Catherine


    We present a rare primary right atrial tumor diagnosed in-utero with fetal echocardiography, and further characterized as a congenital hemangioma with magnetic resonance imaging. Surgical resection was done six days after birth. This case illustrates the complementary roles of evolving advanced imaging techniques for fetuses and infants with congenital heart disease that allows for surgery early in the neonatal period

  12. Synovial hemangioma of the knee: MRI findings in two cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Llauger, J.; Monill, J.M.; Palmer, J.; Clotet, M.


    The findings in two patients with histologically proven synovial hemangioma of the knee are described. Both cases emphasize the typical appearance of this unusual tumor on magnetic resonance imaging. Additional radiologic findings, such as adjacent osseous insolvement, are discussed. The MRI findings of this tumor are highly suggestive of the diagnosis and MRI should eliminate the need for invasive angiographic procedures. (orig.)

  13. Interventional Treatment of a Symptomatic Neonatal Hepatic Cavernous Hemangioma Using the Amplatzer Vascular Plug

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kretschmar, Oliver; Knirsch, Walter; Bernet, Vera


    Percutaneous intervention is one treatment option for symptomatic hepatic hemangioma in infants. We report the case of a newborn (birth weight 4060 g) with a large hepatic cavernous hemangioma, which presented early with high cardiac output failure due to arteriovenous shunting and signs of incipient Kasabach-Merritt syndrome. We performed a successful superselective transcatheter coil embolization of three feeding arteries on the seventh day of life. Because of remaining diffuse very small arteries causing a relevant residual shunt, additional occlusion of the three main draining veins was necessary with three Amplatzer vascular plugs. Cardiac failure resolved immediately. Without any additional therapy the large venous cavities disappeared within the following months. The tumor continues to regress in size 8 months after the intervention

  14. Chylous Ascites Secondary to Giant Liver Hemangioma

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    Darius L. Lazarus


    Full Text Available Chylous ascites is rare in clinical practice. It is characterized by milky-appearing peritoneal fluid with a triglycerides concentration of >1.25 mmol/l (110 mg/dl. Its pathophysiology is related to a disruption in the normal lymphatic flow. It is more common after trauma (including post surgery, neoplasia or atypical infections such as tuberculosis or filariasis. Other rare medical causes have been reported. The treatment is supportive and focused on correction of the underlying pathology. We report here the first case of chylous ascites caused by giant liver hemangioma and discuss the management of this condition.

  15. 58. Actitud frente al flujo sanguíneo pulmonar adicional en la operación de glenn

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    F. Serrano Martínez


    Conclusiones: El mantenimiento de FPAC no incrementa la morbimortalidad post-Glenn ni altera la conservación funcional del ventrículo único, permitiendo llegar a la fase pre-Fontan con mayor SaO2 y mejor tamaño de ramas pulmonares. La existencia o ausencia de FPAC no influyó en los resultados del Fontan posterior, aunque consideramos interesante mantenerlo, especialmente en casos con ramas pulmonares pequeñas. La paliación pre-Glenn tipo banding pulmonar se asoció a mayor imposibilidad de conservar un FPAC.

  16. Artritis reumatoidea y síndrome combinado de fibrosis pulmonar y enfisema


    Fernández Casares, Marcelo; Fielli, Mariano; Cristaldo, Laura; Zárate, Lucía; Capozzi, María Nieves


    La combinación de fibrosis pulmonar y enfisema es un síndrome descripto en los últimos años que tiene características propias y no es la casual asociación de dos entidades. El componente de fibrosis más común corresponde a la fibrosis pulmonar idiopática. Sin embargo, otras enfermedades intersticiales pueden formar parte de este síndrome, entre ellas las asociadas a enfermedades del tejido conectivo. Se presenta un caso de este síndrome asociado a artritis reumatoidea con la particularidad qu...

  17. Alteraciones espirométricas en pacientes con secuela de tuberculosis pulmonar

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    Félix Llanos-Tejada


    Full Text Available El pulmón con secuela de tuberculosis es un diagnóstico frecuente de limitación en la función pulmonar que requiere estudio. Objetivo: Determinar las alteraciones espirométricas más frecuentes en pacientes con secuela de tuberculosis pulmonar que requirieron hospitalización, grado de severidad y la respuesta a broncodilatadores. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal retrospectivo con revisión de los informes de espirometría realizadas durante el año 2007 en la Unidad de Función Pulmonar del Servicio de Neumología del Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo. Resultados: Se revisaron 104 espirometrías. El promedio de edad fue 51,2 años. El motivo de hospitalización fue broncorrea infectada en 75%, disnea en 74,04% y hemoptisis en 30,77%. La CVF, VEF1, VEF1%CVF, CVIF% y FEF25-27%, en promedio fue 109%; 72,9%, 57%, 59,7% y 31,4%, respectivamente. Se obtuvo patrón de normalidad ventilatoria en 16,35%; obstructivo en 79,81% y no-obstructivo (restrictivo en 13,46%. En los pacientes con patrón obstructivo, la presencia de reversibilidad total a los broncodilatadores se obtuvo en 28,92%. Se encontró una correlación negativa (p<0,05 entre disnea y CIVF. Conclusiones: El patrón obstructivo sin reversibilidad a broncodilatadores fue la alteración espirométrica más frecuente encontrada en pacientes con secuela de tuberculosis pulmonar. Existe una relación inversa la disnea y la CI.(Rev Med Hered 2010;21:77-83.

  18. Adrenal cavernous hemangioma: MRI, CT, and US appearance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marotti, M.; Sucic, Z.; Krolo, I.; Dimanovski, J.; Klaric, R.; Ferencic, Z.; Karapanda, N.; Babic, N.; Pavlekovic, K.


    Two cases of rare adrenal cavernous hemangiomas are reported, one imaged with conventional X-ray techniques, US, CT, and MRI, and the other with US and CT. The CT technique clearly demonstrated calcifications and the internal structure of the lesions in both cases and peripheral rim enhancement on the postcontrast scan in one patient. Although MRI demonstrated accurately the complex nature of the lesion, the inability to visualize the calcified areas do not allow to make a specific histologic diagnosis. (orig.). With 8 figs

  19. Subretinal Hemorrhage after Photodynamic Therapy for Juxtapapillary Retinal Capillary Hemangioma

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    Takayuki Baba


    Full Text Available A 75-year-old Japanese woman presented with a juxtapapillary retinal capillary hemangioma (RCH in her left eye. Twelve months after the initial examination, the size of the hemangioma had increased and the exudation from the RCH involved the macula. Her best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA had decreased from 0.8 to 0.3. A total of five intravitreal injections of bevacizumab (IVB; 1.25 mg was given but the RCH did not respond. A photodynamic therapy (PDT was done using multiple laser spots to avoid damaging the optic nerve head. After the first PDT, the subfoveal fluid was reduced but not completely gone. One week after the second PDT, a massive subretinal hemorrhage developed. The subretinal hemorrhage was successfully displaced by injecting intraocular sulfur hexafluoride (SF6 gas. At the 3-year follow-up examination, no subretinal hemorrhage or fluid was observed at the macula and the BCVA remained at 0.05. Our case was resistant to the combination of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF and PDT and had a rare massive subretinal hemorrhage. A further collection of RCH cases treated with anti-VEGF and PDT that would justify this treatment is necessary.

  20. Avaliação do suprimento sangüíneo vascular pulmonar nos portadores de atresia pulmonar com comunicação interventricular e artérias colaterais sistêmico-pulmonares Assessment of the pulmonary vascular blood supply in patients with pulmonary atresia, ventricular septal defect, and aortopulmonary collateral arteries

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    Ulisses Alexandre Croti


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar as características morfométricas das artérias pulmonares centrais e artérias colaterais sistêmico-pulmonares, avaliando a morfologia do suprimento sangüíneo vascular pulmonar, procurando estabelecer suas implicações no tratamento cirúrgico. MÉTODO: Entre janeiro/1990 e junho/2001, foram estudados 40 pacientes, incluíndo-se os que apresentavam estudo cineangiocardiográfico completo e prévio à primeira intervenção cirúrgica. Analisaram-se as características morfométricas das artérias pulmonares centrais e artérias colaterais sistêmico-pulmonares, assim como a distribuição da irrigação sangüínea nos pulmões. Calcularam-se os índices arterial pulmonar (IAAPP, arterial colateral sistêmico-pulmonar (IACSP e arterial neopulmonar total (IANPT = IAAPP + IACSP. O tratamento cirúrgico foi considerado paliativo (TP, paliativo definitivo (TPD e definitivo (TD. RESULTADOS: O TP foi predominante. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os pacientes com TP, TPD e TD, em relação ao IAAPP, IACSP e IANPT. Comparando o IAAPP e o IACSP, não houve diferença entre os índices para o TD (p=0,4309, o IACSP foi maior que o IAAPP para o TP (p=0,0176 e descritivamente também maior para o TPD. O IANPT dos pacientes em TD foi maior que os em TP (p=0,0959. Foram identificados cinco subgrupos morfologicamente semelhantes, denominados: B1, B2, B3, B4 e B5. A mortalidade total foi de 17,5%. CONCLUSÃO: A morfologia do suprimento sangüíneo vascular pulmonar das artérias pulmonares centrais e artérias colaterais sistêmico-pulmonares mostrou-se soberana na orientação do tratamento cirúrgico. Independentemente da divisão didática em subgrupos, o TP foi predominante. A mortalidade não apresentou correlação com as características morfométricas.OBJECTIVE: To study the morphometric characteristics of the central pulmonary arteries and aortopulmonary collateral arteries by assessing the morphology

  1. Preoperative irradiation of an extracerebral cavernous hemangioma in the middle fossa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shibata, Shobu; Kurihara, Masaki; Mori, Kazuo; Amamoto, Yuhei.


    This is a report of case with the extracerebral cavernous hemangioma in the middle fossa in which total removal was carried out after radiotherapy. Follow-up study with computed tomography during and after irradiation are presented. A 44-year-old house-wife complained of a decreased vision of the both eyes and paresis of the left upper and lower limbs. CT scan revealed a slightly high density area in the right middle cranial fossa which was markedly enhanced with contrast media. Right carotid angio-graphy demonstrated a large avascular mass in the right middle fossa and no feeding artery or draining vein was visualized except a faint irregular stain in the venous phase. An attempt to total removal of the tumor had failed to success because of extensive hemorrhage from the tumor. Histological examination revealed a cavernous hemangioma. Irradiation with a total dose of 5000 rads was delivered. After irradiation. CT scan revealed a marked decrease of size and EMI number of the tumor. At this stage, hypervascular mass lesion with feeding arteries was noted in conventional angiography. Tumor stain in prolonged injection angiography was also visualized. In the second operation, removal of the tumor was performed without any difficulty and hemorrhage was controlled easily by electrocoagulation. Histology revealed a marked narrowing of vessels with an increase in the connective tissues. In the central part of specimen, there noted findings of coagulation necrosis, intraluminal thrombus formations and so on, which were attributed to the influence of radiation. It is concluded that in case of a extracerebral cavernous hemangioma with massive hemorrhage, radiation of up to 3000 - 5000 rads was a method of choice. The treatment results in an increase of probability of total removal of the tumor. (author)

  2. Prenatal 3- and 4-dimensional Ultrasonographic Findings of Giant Fetal Nuchal Hemangioma

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    Jenn-Jhy Tseng


    Full Text Available A precise prenatal diagnosis of hemangioma may be uncertain although a variety of the antenatal appearances on 2-dimensional sonography have been reported. A 27-year-old primigravida was referred at 32 weeks of gestation for evaluation of a fetal nuchal mass. Two-dimensional sonography showed an extracranial mixed echogenic mass (65 × 54 × 59 mm occupying the posterior neck. Color Doppler imaging revealed intense hypervascularization. Three-dimensional (3D and 4-dimensional (4D sonography showed that the mass was lobulated, with a lumpy internal structure. Nuchal hemangioma was further confirmed by clinical examination and postnatal magnetic resonance imaging. The tumor began to regress in size when the infant was 7 months old. Prenatal 3D/4D ultrasound techniques could be considered as complementary diagnostic tools for such a tumor. They have the advantages of providing accurate and inexpensive virtual reality images through more realistic interactions with the virtualized in utero condition.

  3. Propranolol in treatment of huge and complicated infantile hemangiomas in egyptian children. (United States)

    Hassan, Basheir A; Shreef, Khalid S


    Background. Infantile hemangiomas (IHs) are the most common benign tumours of infancy. Propranolol has recently been reported to be a highly effective treatment for IHs. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and side effects of propranolol for treatment of complicated cases of IHs. Patients and Methods. This prospective clinical study included 30 children with huge or complicated IHs; their ages ranged from 2 months to 1 year. They were treated by oral propranolol. Treatment outcomes were clinically evaluated. Results. Superficial cutaneous hemangiomas began to respond to propranolol therapy within one to two weeks after the onset of treatment. The mean treatment period that was needed for the occurrence of complete resolution was 9.4 months. Treatment with propranolol was well tolerated and had few side effects. No rebound growth of the tumors was noted when propranolol dosing stopped except in one case. Conclusion. Propranolol is a promising treatment for IHs without obvious side effects. However, further studies with longer follow-up periods are needed.

  4. Nocardiose pulmonar em portador de doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica e bronquiectasias Pulmonary nocardiosis in a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchiectasis

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    Miguel Abidon Aidê


    Full Text Available Relatamos o caso de um paciente com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica e bronquiectasias, em uso crônico de corticosteróides, que desenvolveu nocardiose pulmonar, sob a forma de múltiplos nódulos pulmonares escavados. Os sintomas principais foram a tosse produtiva com escarro purulento, febre e dispnéia A radiografia simples e a tomografia computadorizada do tórax mostravam nódulos em ambos os pulmões, alguns escavados. O exame direto de escarro e a cultura mostraram a presença de Nocardia spp. A paciente foi tratada com imipenem e cilastatina, com excelente resposta clínica.We report the case of a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchiectasis, chronically using corticosteroids, who acquired pulmonary nocardiosis, which presented as multiple cavitated nodules. The principal symptoms were fever, dyspnea and productive cough with purulent sputum. Chest X-ray and computed tomography of the chest revealed nodules, some of which were cavitated, in both lungs. Sputum smear microscopy and culture revealed the presence of Nocardia spp. The patient was treated with imipenem and cilastatin, which produced an excellent clinical response.

  5. Uso de óxido nítrico inhalado en la hipertensión pulmonar persistente del recién nacido

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    S. Carrera Muiños


    Full Text Available La hipertensión pulmonar persistente del recién nacido es el resultado de un fracaso o de una mala adaptación circulatoria al momento de nacimiento; y representa una falla respiratoria aguda con un aumento sostenido de la resistencia vascular pulmonar, generando cortos circuitos extrapulmonares de derecha a izquierda, a través del conducto arterioso y foramen oval, con hipoxemia severa y acidosis secundaria. La clave del tratamiento reside en lograr una rápida mejoría de la oxigenación y dilatación de la arteria pulmonar para revertir los cortos circuitos con el uso de vasodilatadores pulmonares, de los cuales el óxido nítrico es el único agente aprobado por la FDA para su uso en neonatos con hipertensión pulmonar persistente del recién nacido, y debe ser considerado como el tratamiento de primera línea. Esta revisión se centrará en qué es el óxido nítrico y su papel como tratamiento de la hipertensión pulmonar persistente del recién nacido.

  6. Pure laparoscopic right hepatectomy for giant hemangioma using anterior approach. (United States)

    Kim, Seok-Hwan; Kim, Ki-Hun; Kirchner, Varvara A; Lee, Sang-Kyung


    Laparoscopic major hepatectomy remains a challenging procedure [1, 2]. In the case of giant tumors in the right liver, conventional approach (complete mobilization of the right liver before parenchymal transection) could be dangerous during mobilization because of large volume and weight [3, 4]. We present the case of a pure laparoscopic right hepatectomy for a giant hemangioma using an anterior approach. We achieved the informed consent with this patient and approved by the Ethics Committee of the Asan Medical Center. Giant hemangioma (13 × 11 × 14 cm) was located in right liver. After glissonean approach [5], Pringle maneuver was performed during the hepatic parenchymal transection. For the transection, the Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator was used. Small hepatic vein branches along the middle hepatic vein and small glissonean pedicles were sealed and divided with a THUNDERBEATTM (Olympus), which is the device with integration of both bipolar and ultrasonic energies delivered simultaneously. iDriveTM Ultra Powered Stapling device (Medtronic) was used for division of right glissonean pedicle and large hepatic veins. Hemangioma was removed through the lower abdominal transverse incision using the endo-bag. This technique has the advantage of avoiding excessive bleeding caused by avulsion of the hepatic vein and caval branches, iatrogenic tumor rupture [3]. By means of the anterior approach, pure laparoscopic right hepatectomy was performed successfully without intraoperative complications and transfusions. The operation time was 202 min, and the estimated blood loss was less than 150 ml. On postoperative day 3, computed tomographic scan showed no pathological findings. The patient was discharged on postoperative day 5 without complications. Laparoscopic approach has good results because of the view with magnification enabling meticulous hemostasis and the small wounds that give patients less pain [6, 7]. The authors recommend that the laparoscopic

  7. Diferenciação entre cisto simples e hemangioma hepático utilizando seqüência de ressonância magnética ponderada em T2 com técnica gradiente-eco (B-FFE Differentiation between simple cyst and hepatic hemangioma utilizing T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging with gradient-echo (b-FFE technique

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    Carolina Valente Burim


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estabelecer o valor das seqüências ponderadas em T2 para diferenciar cistos simples de hemangiomas hepáticos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo, observacional, transversal e duplo-cego em 52 pacientes com 91 lesões hepáticas (34 cistos simples e 57 hemangiomas submetidos a ressonância magnética de abdome. A análise conjunta de todas as seqüências realizadas foi considerada o padrão-ouro. Dois observadores independentes avaliaram, subjetivamente, as seqüências TSE com TE longo e B-FFE, procurando diferenciar cistos de hemangiomas. Foram calculadas a eficácia das seqüências e a concordância interobservador e intra-observador por meio do teste kappa (κ (p OBJECTIVE: To establish the role of MRI T2-weighted sequences in the differentiation between simple cysts and hepatic hemangiomas. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A double-blinded, prospective, observational, cross-sectional study evaluated 52 patients with 91 hepatic lesions (34 simple cysts and 57 hemangiomas submitted to abdominal magnetic resonance imaging. The combined analysis of all sequences was considered as the golden-standard. TSE sequences with long echo trains and b-FFE sequences were subjectively analyzed by two independent observers for differentiating cysts from hemangiomas. The kappa test (κ was utilized in the analysis of the methods accuracy and inter- and intra-observer agreement (p < 0.05*. RESULTS: Cysts and hemangiomas dimensions ranged respectively between 0.5 and 6.5 cm (mean = 1.89 cm, and 0.8 and 11 cm (mean = 2.62 cm. The analysis of the sequences with long-TE and the golden-standard demonstrated a non-statistically significant agreement (κ: 0.00-0.10. The agreement between the evaluation of the b-FFE sequence and the golden-standard ranged from substantial (κ: 0.62-0.71 to almost perfect (κ: 0.86 for both observers. The inter- and intra-observer agreement for the b-FFE sequence ranged from substantial (κ: 0.62-0.70 to almost perfect (κ

  8. Lesiones pulmonares relacionadas con el tabaquismo. Hallazgos y diagnósticos diferenciales por tomografía computada multidetector


    N.E. Bernard; V. Pardo; A.C. Benítez Mendes; A. Seehaus


    Resumen: Desde hace tiempo se ha establecido la relación entre el hábito tabáquico y diferentes enfermedades pulmonares, particularmente el cáncer y el enfisema pulmonar. Sin embargo, es menos conocida la asociación del tabaquismo con otras entidades, como la bronquiolitis respiratoria asociada a la enfermedad intersticial (BREI), la neumonitis descamativa (ND), la histiocitosis de Langerhans (HL), la neumonía eosinofílica aguda (NEA), la fibrosis pulmonar (FP) y la combinación de esta última...

  9. Estado actual del tratamiento del cáncer pulmonar

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    Dr. Clavero R. José Miguel


    Pese a la letalidad de esta neoplasia y el aumento de su incidencia a nivel mundial, los avances que se describen en el presente artículo permiten vislumbrar un mejor futuro para los pacientes con cáncer pulmonar.

  10. Tratamento de tromboembolismo pulmonar por aspiração percutânea do trombo: relato de caso


    Góes Junior,Adenauer Marinho de Oliveira; Mascarenhas,Fabricio; Mourão,Guilherme de Souza; Elkis,Henrique; Pieruccetti,Marco Antônio


    O tromboembolismo pulmonar (TEP) maciço é uma importante causa de mortalidade. A principal causa de óbito é a disfunção do ventrículo direito, provocada pela alta resistência ao seu fluxo de ejeção, e a sobrevida do paciente, nessas situações, depende da pronta desobstrução das artérias pulmonares. A anticoagulação, o uso de trombolíticos e a embolectomia pulmonar representam opções terapêuticas consolidadas para diferentes cenários clínicos de TEP. A Radiologia Intervencionista representa ho...

  11. Seqüestro pulmonar: uma série de nove casos operados

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    Full Text Available Seqüestro pulmonar é uma anomalia congênita que envolve parênquima e vascularização pulmonar e apresenta-se como extralobar ou intralobar. Objetivo: Descrever os casos de seqüestro pulmonar tratados no InCor e Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP no período de 1987 a 1996. Método: Análise retrospectiva dos prontuários. Resultados: Foram tratados nove pacientes, sendo quatro mulheres e cinco homens; duas crianças e sete adultos. Infecção respiratória de repetição e hemoptise foram achados clínicos freqüentes nesses pacientes. Todos os casos eram intralobares. A principal localização foi no lobo inferior esquerdo (66%. Apenas um diagnóstico foi intra-operatório. Nos outros oito casos, o diagnóstico foi suspeitado pela radiografia de tórax (100% e confirmado pela arteriografia (77% e/ou tomografia computadorizada (66%. Lobectomia (77% foi o principal tratamento cirúrgico, com baixa morbidade pós-operatória e sem mortalidade. Exame anatomopatológico foi realizado em sete casos e confirmou a doença. Conclusões: O seqüestro pulmonar é uma entidade incomum, em que a tomografia computadorizada e a arteriografia são os exames que mais informações oferecem para um diagnóstico definitivo e seguro. A ressecção do tecido envolvido leva a excelentes resultados.

  12. An interesting case of angiogenesis in cavernous hemangioma

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    Dipankar Das


    Full Text Available Cavernous hemangioma is the most common orbital tumor in adult. There is lot of literatures for clinicopathological features of this tumor. These tumors had been studied for the model of angiogenesis in many of the experimental setups. We present a case of 34-year-old male with this tumor in the left eye with computerized tomography evidence. Postsurgical laboratory findings gave interesting evidence of tumor angiogenesis with tumor endothelial cells and sprouting of the small vessels endothelial cells. Podosome rosette could be conceptualized from the characteristic patterns seen in the tumor.

  13. A Newborn with a Large Umbilical Cord Pseudocyst with Hemangioma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    İbrahim Akkoyun


    Full Text Available Umbilical cord pseudocysts in a newborn are very rare. They may be associated with patent urachus and hemangioma. Generally, they are localized in a particular section of the cord. Urachal or vitelline duct cysts, teratoma, omphalocele, umbilical cord hernia and hematoma are considered in differential diagnosis. In this case report, we discussed the clinicopathological findings of a pseudocyst with hemangioma involving the entire cord in a newborn, and in particular the confusing conditions related to the excision of the umbilical cord.

  14. Lesiones pulmonares relacionadas con el tabaquismo: Hallazgos y diagnósticos diferenciales por tomografía computada multidetector


    Bernard, N.E; Pardo, V; Benítez Mendes, A.C; Seehaus, A


    Desde hace tiempo se ha establecido la relación entre el hábito tabáquico y diferentes enfermedades pulmonares, particularmente el cáncer y el enfisema pulmonar. Sin embargo, es menos conocida la asociación del tabaquismo con otras entidades, como la bronquiolitis respiratoria asociada a la enfermedad intersticial (BREI), la neumonitis descamativa (ND), la histiocitosis de Langerhans (HL), la neumonía eosinofílica aguda (NEA), la fibrosis pulmonar (FP) y la combinación de esta última con el e...

  15. SU-E-I-91: Quantitative Assessment of Early Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Cavernous Hemangioma of Live Using In-Line Phase-Contrast X-Ray Imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duan, J


    Purpose: To investigate the potential utility of in-line phase-contrast imaging (ILPCI) technique with synchrotron radiation in detecting early hepatocellular carcinoma and cavernous hemangioma of live using in vitro model system. Methods: Without contrast agents, three typical early hepatocellular carcinoma specimens and three typical cavernous hemangioma of live specimens were imaged using ILPCI. To quantitatively discriminate early hepatocellular carcinoma tissues and cavernous hemangioma tissues, the projection images texture feature based on gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) were extracted. The texture parameters of energy, inertia, entropy, correlation, sum average, sum entropy, difference average, difference entropy and inverse difference moment, were obtained respectively. Results: In the ILPCI planar images of early hepatocellular carcinoma specimens, vessel trees were clearly visualized on the micrometer scale. Obvious distortion deformation was presented, and the vessel mostly appeared as a ‘dry stick’. Liver textures appeared not regularly. In the ILPCI planar images of cavernous hemangioma of live specimens, typical vessels had not been found compared with the early hepatocellular carcinoma planar images. The planar images of cavernous hemangioma of live specimens clearly displayed the dilated hepatic sinusoids with the diameter of less than 100 microns, but all of them were overlapped with each other. The texture parameters of energy, inertia, entropy, correlation, sum average, sum entropy, and difference average, showed a statistically significant between the two types specimens image (P<0.01), except the texture parameters of difference entropy and inverse difference moment(P>0.01). Conclusion: The results indicate that there are obvious changes in morphological levels including vessel structures and liver textures. The study proves that this imaging technique has a potential value in evaluating early hepatocellular carcinoma and cavernous

  16. SU-E-I-91: Quantitative Assessment of Early Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Cavernous Hemangioma of Live Using In-Line Phase-Contrast X-Ray Imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duan, J [Department of Radiation Oncology, Shandong Tumor Hospital, Jinan (China)


    Purpose: To investigate the potential utility of in-line phase-contrast imaging (ILPCI) technique with synchrotron radiation in detecting early hepatocellular carcinoma and cavernous hemangioma of live using in vitro model system. Methods: Without contrast agents, three typical early hepatocellular carcinoma specimens and three typical cavernous hemangioma of live specimens were imaged using ILPCI. To quantitatively discriminate early hepatocellular carcinoma tissues and cavernous hemangioma tissues, the projection images texture feature based on gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) were extracted. The texture parameters of energy, inertia, entropy, correlation, sum average, sum entropy, difference average, difference entropy and inverse difference moment, were obtained respectively. Results: In the ILPCI planar images of early hepatocellular carcinoma specimens, vessel trees were clearly visualized on the micrometer scale. Obvious distortion deformation was presented, and the vessel mostly appeared as a ‘dry stick’. Liver textures appeared not regularly. In the ILPCI planar images of cavernous hemangioma of live specimens, typical vessels had not been found compared with the early hepatocellular carcinoma planar images. The planar images of cavernous hemangioma of live specimens clearly displayed the dilated hepatic sinusoids with the diameter of less than 100 microns, but all of them were overlapped with each other. The texture parameters of energy, inertia, entropy, correlation, sum average, sum entropy, and difference average, showed a statistically significant between the two types specimens image (P<0.01), except the texture parameters of difference entropy and inverse difference moment(P>0.01). Conclusion: The results indicate that there are obvious changes in morphological levels including vessel structures and liver textures. The study proves that this imaging technique has a potential value in evaluating early hepatocellular carcinoma and cavernous

  17. Hipertensão pulmonar secundária à fístulas coronarianas para tronco da pulmonar Pulmonary hypertension secondary to coronary-to-pulmonary artery fistula

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    José Ramos Filho


    Full Text Available A fístula coronariana é uma anomalia caracterizada por comunicação entre uma artéria coronária e uma câmara cardíaca, artéria pulmonar, seio coronariano e veias pulmonares. Representa 0,2% a 0,4 % das cardiopatias congênitas e 0,1% a 0,2% da população adulta submetida a angiografia coronariana. Relatamos o caso clínico de uma paciente com 64 anos, cuja anomalia foi diagnosticada durante investigação clínica por desconforto torácico, dispnéia e síncope, sendo indicada correção cirúrgica com abertura da artéria pulmonar através de circulação extracorpórea.The coronary fistula is an anomaly characterized by the communication between a coronary artery and a cardiac chamber, pulmonary artery, coronary sinus and pulmonary veins. It represents 0.2 to 0.4% of the congenital cardiopathies and 0.1% to 0.2% of the adult population submitted to coronary angiography. We report the clinical case of a 64-year-old female patient, whose anomaly was diagnosed during a clinical investigation due to chest discomfort, dyspnea and syncope; the surgical correction was indicated, with opening of the pulmonary artery through extracorporeal circulation.

  18. Infraglottic lobular capillary hemangioma: A case report

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    Vinh Ly Pham Hoang


    Full Text Available Lobular capillary hemangioma (LCH is a benign proliferation of capillary blood vessels adopting a lobular configuration. A laryngeal origin of LCH is exceedingly rare. Here, we describe a case of an 11-year-old boy presenting with a subglottic lesion, leading to a subglottic stenosis. Histopathologic findings of the lesion implicated an LCH, which was removed successfully by a coblator. This is the first report of a subglottic LCH. Physicians should be aware of this unique lesion and laryngeal LCH should be considered in diagnosing the cause of a subglottic stenosis. Additionally, coblation should be an effective treatment for laryngeal LCH.

  19. A rare case of important and recurrent abnormal uterine bleeding in a post partum woman caused by cavernous hemangioma: a case report and review of literature. (United States)

    Aka, Kacou Edele; Apollinaire Horo, Gninlgninrin; Fomba, Minata; Kouyate, Salif; Koffi, Abdoul Koffi; Konan, Seni; Fanny, Mohamed; Effi, Benjamin; Kone, Mamourou


    The cavernous hemangioma is a rare benign vascular tumor. About 50 cases of this disease were found in the literature over the last century and only 9 cases of cavernous hemangioma on the pregnant uterus were published it comes into cavernous or capillary form. The symptomatology is not unequivocal and when it occurs during pregnancy or postpartum, it causes life-threatening cataclysmic hemorrhage. Antenatal diagnosis is difficult and requires a multidisciplinary approach with pathologists, radiologists and gynecologists to avoid these complications or unnecessary hysterectomies. The diagnosis is histological. Hysterectomy is possible after failure of conservative treatment means. We report a rare case, a novel mixed cavernous hemangioma of the body associated with a capillary hemangioma of the cervix in a patient of 28 years 5th visors with recurrent genital bleeding in the postpartum period leading to a hysterectomy.

  20. Dímero-D y resultados clínicos a corto plazo en el embolismo pulmonar: papel del tamaño del coágulo en la arteria pulmonar


    García Gómez, Raquel


    Introducció: Existeixen factors pronòstics en el embolisme pulmonar (EP) que influeixen en la gravetat del mateix i és necessari estudiar-los. -Objectiu: comparar nivells de dímer-D amb la grandària del coàgul en l'artèria pulmonar en pacients amb EP. -Material i mètodes: Cohorts retrospectiu en pacients amb EP simptomàtic entre 2008-2010 en un hospital comarcal. -Resultats: Els nivells de dímer-D van ser de 4068±2764 ng/ml. En el 46,9% el coàgul es va situar centralment, en el 31,3% va ser s...

  1. Cellular hemangioma and angioblastoma of the spine, originally classified as hemangioendothelioma. A confusing diagnosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Been, H. D.; Fidler, M. W.; Bras, J.


    The authors report two cases of vascular tumors of the spine, classified originally as benign and malignant hemangioendothelioma, and after revision, as cellular hemangioma and angioblastomatosis, respectively. Problems in interpretation of the confusing term hemangioendothelioma and treatment

  2. Avaliação pulmonar em crianças portadoras de cardiopatia congênita acianótica e hiperfluxo pulmonar através de tomografia computadorizada Evaluación pulmonar en niños portadores de cardiopatía congénita acianótica e hiperflujo pulmonar a través de tomografía computadorizada Computed tomography in pulmonary evaluation of children with acyanotic congenital heart defect and pulmonary hyperflow

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    Solange Gimenez


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Disfunção respiratória é frequente em crianças com cardiopatias congênitas acianóticas com hiperfluxo pulmonar (CCAHP, porém pouco é conhecido sobre a estrutura pulmonar destes pacientes. O objetivo deste estudo foi quantificar os volumes de gás e tecido e a distribuição da aeração pulmonar nesta população. MÉTODOS: Após aprovação do Comitê de Ética institucional e obtenção do consentimento escrito pós-informado, foram obtidas tomografias computadorizadas torácicas em sete crianças com CCAHF. As imagens pulmonares direita e esquerda foram contornadas em todas as imagens e os volumes e pesos pulmonares foram computados a partir dos dados volumétricos. As comparações entre esquerda e direita foram analisadas usando teste t de Student pareado e as correlações através de regressão exponencial. RESULTADOS: A idade mediana foi 20 meses e o peso foi de 9,9 kg. Volume pulmonar total (VPT foi de 66,7 ± 23,1, o de tecido 33,5 ± 15,7 e o de gás 33,1 ± 8,3 O pulmão direito representou 57,9% e o pulmão esquerdo 42,1% do VPT (p JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La disfunción respiratoria es frecuente en niños con cardiopatías congénitas acianóticas con hiperflujo pulmonar (CCAHP, sin embargo, se conoce muy poco sobre la estructura pulmonar de esos pacientes. El objetivo de este estudio, fue cuantificar los volúmenes de gas y tejido y la distribución de la aeración pulmonar en esa población. MÉTODOS: Después de la aprobación por parte del Comité de Ética Institucional y de la obtención del consentimiento escrito informado, se obtuvieron tomografías computadorizadas torácicas en siete niños con CCAHF. Las imágenes pulmonares derecha e izquierda fueron perfiladas en todas las imágenes, y los volúmenes y los pesos pulmonares fueron computados a partir de los datos volumétricos. Las comparaciones entre izquierda y derecha fueron analizadas usando el test t de

  3. Hemangioma hepático gigante versus hemangioma hepático convencional: características clínicas, factores de riesgo y manejo

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    C. Moctezuma-Velázquez


    Conclusiones: Los HHG son más prevalentes en mujeres y, cuando son sintomáticos, el dolor es la manifestación más frecuente. El diagnóstico habitualmente se hace por imagen, pero a veces se requiere abordaje quirúrgico por duda diagnóstica. El uso de anticonceptivos orales es probablemente un factor de riesgo de más peso para el HHG que para el hemangioma convencional; esta asociación necesita ser estudiada más a fondo.

  4. Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging features of hepatic hemangioma compared with enhanced computed tomography


    Tateyama, Akihiro; Fukukura, Yoshihiko; Takumi, Koji; Shindo, Toshikazu; Kumagae, Yuichi; Kamimura, Kiyohisa; Nakajo, Masayuki


    AIM: To clarify features of hepatic hemangiomas on gadolinium-ethoxybenzyl-diethylenetriaminpentaacetic acid (Gd-EOB-DTPA)-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) compared with enhanced computed tomography (CT).

  5. Reabilitação pulmonar em longo prazo na doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC

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    Cintia Laura Pereira de Araújo


    Full Text Available Introdução: A Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica (DPOC prejudica o estado funcional, com consequente limitação das Atividades de Vida Diária (AVD. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar o efeito de um programa de Reabilitação Pulmonar (RP, em longo prazo, no estado funcional, na dispneia e no índice BODE em pacientes com DPOC. Relato de caso: Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo e documental, com análise dos prontuários de cinco pacientes participantes de um programa de RP por um ano. Destes prontuários foram coletados dados referentes às avaliações: espirometria, Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC, escalas London Chest Activity of Daily Living (LCADL e Medical Research Council e (MRC teste de caminhada de seis minutos. Após um ano participando do programa de exercício físico, a maioria dos pacientes apresentou maior capacidade funcional, menor dispneia e redução no risco de mortalidade. Conclusão: Um ano de RP parece ter função de manutenção da melhora da capacidade funcional de pacientes com DPOC, após 24 sessões de treinamento.

  6. Doença pulmonar intersticial associada a bronquiolite respiratória Respiratory bronchilitis-associated interstitial lung disease

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    Sílvia CS. Rodrigues


    Full Text Available A doença pulmonar intersticial associada a bronquiolite respiratória faz parte do espectro anatomopatológico das lesões pulmonares infiltrativas difusas induzidas pela fumaça de cigarro. Raramente tem apresentação clínico-funcional exuberante. Descrevemos dois casos diagnosticados por biópsia pulmonar aberta, caracterizados por dispnéia de evolução insidiosa, baqueteamento digital, lesões císticas à tomografia computadorizada e hipoxemia ao exercício. Enfatizamos considerar, em indivíduos tabagistas, a doença pulmonar intersticial associada a bronquiolite respiratória no contexto das pneumopatias intersticiais císticas, juntamente com a linfangioleiomiomatose, o granuloma eosinofílico e a fibrose pulmonar idiopática.Respiratory bronchiolitis-associated interstitial lung disease is one of many within the spectrum of smoking-related diffuse infiltrative lung diseases. The clinical and functional characteristics are typically subtle. Herein, we describe two cases of diagnosed through open-lung biopsy, and characterized by insidious evolution of dyspnea, digital clubbing, cystic lesions on computed tomography scans, and hipoxemia upon exertion. We emphasize that, when smokers are evaluated, it is imprtant to consider a diagnosis of respiratory bronchiolitis-associated interstitial lung disease in the context of interstitial cystitis, as well as in that of lymphangioleiomyomatosis, eosinophilic granuloma and idiophatic pulmonary fibrosis.

  7. Large cavernous hemangioma of the adrenal gland: Laparoscopic treatment. Report of a case

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    A. Agrusa


    Conclusion: Laparoscopic adrenalectomy is considered the standard treatment in case of diagnosis of benign lesions. In this case report we discussed a large adrenal cavernous hemangioma treated with laparoscopic approach. Fundamental is the study of preoperative endocrine disorders and radiologic findings to exclude signs of malignancy.

  8. Enfermedad periodontal inflamatoria asociada a un absceso pulmonar. Presentación de un caso


    López Rodríguez, Vania Julexis; Garcías Rodríguez, Marisel; Gómez Martínez, Ana Iris; Díaz Gonzáles, Gabriela


    Fundamento: A pesar, de que hay reportes de casos en la literatura internacional, que asocian la enfermedad periodontal con enfermedades respiratorias y medidas para la prevención de la enfermedad periodontal inflamatoria, sino se establece un adecuado manejo de esta última, puede evolucionar con una complicación sistémica como es el absceso pulmonar. Objetivo: Ilustrar cómo la enfermedad periodontal inflamatoria puede asociarse a un absceso pulmonar como complicación sistémica en su evolució...

  9. Patología de la tuberculosis pulmonar.




    Este artículo trata sobre la patología de la tuberculosis pulmonar desde el momento del ingreso del bacilo de Koch a los pulmones del paciente. Para ello se ha dividido en dos partes. La primera se ocupa de algunos aspectos de la inmunopatología de esta enfermedad y en la segunda se desarrolla los diferentes periodos en la evolución natural de este mal.

  10. Propranolol in Treatment of Huge and Complicated Infantile Hemangiomas in Egyptian Children

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    Basheir A. Hassan


    Full Text Available Background. Infantile hemangiomas (IHs are the most common benign tumours of infancy. Propranolol has recently been reported to be a highly effective treatment for IHs. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and side effects of propranolol for treatment of complicated cases of IHs. Patients and Methods. This prospective clinical study included 30 children with huge or complicated IHs; their ages ranged from 2 months to 1 year. They were treated by oral propranolol. Treatment outcomes were clinically evaluated. Results. Superficial cutaneous hemangiomas began to respond to propranolol therapy within one to two weeks after the onset of treatment. The mean treatment period that was needed for the occurrence of complete resolution was 9.4 months. Treatment with propranolol was well tolerated and had few side effects. No rebound growth of the tumors was noted when propranolol dosing stopped except in one case. Conclusion. Propranolol is a promising treatment for IHs without obvious side effects. However, further studies with longer follow-up periods are needed.

  11. Estrategia terapéutica en hipertensión arterial pulmonar

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    María E. Barrios Garrido-Lestache


    Full Text Available La investigación y el avance en el tratamiento de la hipertensión arterial pulmonar han permitido modificar la historia natural de esta enfermedad. El pilar del tratamiento es el empleo de terapias con vasodilatadores pulmonares específicos, pero también habrán de tenerse en cuenta otras medidas como la actividad física, el apoyo psicológico, la anticoagulación, el tratamiento diurético, la oxigenoterapia o el tratamiento anticonceptivo. Previo a iniciar cualquier tipo de tratamiento específico se requiere un estudio de vasorreactividad aguda del lecho vascular pulmonar, ya que los pacientes con respuesta positiva podrían beneficiarse del tratamiento con calcio-antagonistas. En caso de respuesta negativa o no ser respondedores sostenido, en la actualidad se dispone de fármacos frente a las tres principales vías metabólicas implicadas en el desarrollo de la enfermedad, a saber, prostanoides (epoprosterenol, treprostinil e iloprost, selexipag, antagonistas de los receptores de la endotelina o ARE (bosentan, macitentan y ambrisentan, inhibidores de la fosfodiesterasa 5 o IPDE5 (sildenafilo y tadalafilo y estimuladores de la guanilato ciclasa (riociguat. La elección del fármaco de inicio, ya sea en monoterapia o en combinación, dependerá de múltiples factores como clase funcional, comorbilidades, interacciones con otros fármacos, tolerabilidad y seguridad, y finalmente de la disponibilidad y las preferencias.

  12. Vulvar Lobular Capillary Hemangioma: A Rare Location for a Frequent Entity

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    F. Abreu-dos-Santos


    Full Text Available Lobular capillary hemangioma, or pyogenic granuloma, is an acquired hemorrhagic benign vascular lesion of the skin and mucous membranes. The pyogenic granuloma of the vulva is a rare finding and a limited number of case reports are available in the literature. To the best of our knowledge this is the first case described as a single pyogenic granuloma on the vulva.

  13. Cavernous hemangioma of the thoracic spinal cord

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, A.M.; Lin, J.C.T.; Morris, J.H.; Fischer, E.G.; Petersen, R.


    A 25-year-old woman presented with a four-year history of progressive right-lower-extremity weakness and atrophy and a left hemisensory deficit was found. Metrizamide-enhanced spinal CT scan showed an intramedullary lesion at the level of T1-T2; this had expanded the cord in fusiform fashion but showed no evidence of a cystic component. Surgical resection was performed and the pathological diagnosis was cavernous hemangioma. Two and one-half years later, her left hemisensory deficit was worsening and a spinal MRI showed high signal intensity mass in the region of the previous surgery consistent with chronic hematoma which was re-evacuated with some improvement in the patient's neurological condition. (orig.)

  14. Papel del sistema angiotensina en la fisiopatología de la fibrosis pulmonar


    Molina Molina, María


    La Fibrosis Pulmonar Idiopática (FPI) es la enfermedad pulmonar intersticial difusa mas frecuente y con peor pronóstico, la supervivencia media desde el diagnostico es de 3-4 años. No existe en la actualidad ningún tratamiento efectivo. La hipótesis fisiopatologica actualmente aceptada es que una lesión o lesiones de la célula epitelial alveolar provocaría la apoptosis de estas células y su activación, la síntesis y secreción de diversos mediadores profibroticos, que, a su vez, provocarían en...

  15. Tratamiento de la compresión del tronco de la arteria coronaria izquierda en pacientes con hipertensión pulmonar

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    María L. Talavera


    Full Text Available La angina de pecho es un síntoma frecuente en pacientes con hipertensión pulmonar (HP de cualquier etiología. Aunque su fisiopatología no está aclarada, las causas propuestas son: la isquemia subendocárdica por aumento del estrés parietal del ventrículo derecho, la dilatación de la arteria pulmonar por incrementos transitorios de la presión pulmonar y la compresión extrínseca del tronco de la arteria coronaria izquierda (TCI por la arteria pulmonar (AP dilatada. Se presentan tres casos que muestran la relación entre la angina de pecho y la compresión del TCI en pacientes con HP asociada a cardiopatías congénitas, tratados mediante implante de stent coronario.

  16. Hemangiomas revisited: the useful, the unusual and the new. Pt. 1. Overview and clinical and imaging characteristics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Restrepo, Ricardo; Cervantes, Luisa F.; Altman, Nolan R.; Palani, Rajaneeshankar; Duarte, Ana-Margarita; Amjad, Ibrahim


    Hemangiomas are common vascular tumors occurring in children. Though most of the lesions present in infants and young children with a typical appearance, it is important to understand that they all do not behave in the same way. Rather, they are a group of vascular lesions with different clinico-pathological subtypes, with their clinical behavior varying with the stage of the tumor as well. As such, they can and do have a varied clinical, imaging and pathological appearance according to the location of the tumor and also the stage at which the patient is seen. In this pictorial essay, the classification, pathogenesis, clinical appearance, natural history and imaging characteristics of hemangiomas are reviewed and illustrated. (orig.)

  17. Diagnóstico do embolismo pulmonar


    Castaño, João; Alpendre, João; Pisco, João Martins


    RESUMO: O diagnóstico do Embolismo Pulmonar é considerado por vezes difícil. É importante reconhecer as situações clínicas que podem ser potencialmente desencadeantes. Existe uma série de meios auxiliares de diagnóstico, quer laboratoriais quer imagiológicos, que devem ser adaptados aos meios disponíveis em cada instituição.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2003; IX (2): 129-137 ABSTRACT: Pulmonary Embolism is often considered a difficult diagnosis to establish. It is important to recognise clinical situation...

  18. Prognóstico pulmonar em prematuros Pulmonary prognosis in preterm infants

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    Luciana Friedrich


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O aumento da sobrevida de prematuros traz o desafio de lidar com um amplo espectro de doenças pulmonares crônicas, incluindo displasia broncopulmonar, síndrome de Wilson-Mikity e sibilância recorrente. Este artigo discute o prognóstico pulmonar clínico e funcional de prematuros na infância e na adolescência. FONTE DE DADOS: Foi realizada pesquisa no MEDLINE de publicações entre 1970 e 2004 que abordassem função e crescimento pulmonar de prematuros, bem como a evolução clínica dos mesmos. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: Eventos pré e pós-natais como insuficiência placentária, tabagismo, infecções, oxigênio e ventilação mecânica exercem efeitos importantes no desenvolvimento pulmonar, podendo conduzir a doenças pulmonares crônicas, sendo a displasia broncopulmonar a complicação clínica mais severa. No entanto, perdas significativas de função pulmonar também podem ocorrer em prematuros sem critérios de displasia broncopulmonar e que não apresentaram doença respiratória neonatal significativa. Nestes pacientes, o impacto da prematuridade sobre o sistema respiratório é freqüentemente subestimado. Clinicamente, observa-se incidência aumentada de pneumonias e bronquiolites, re-hospitalizações por doenças respiratórias, tosse e sibilância crônicas e hiper-reatividade brônquica. Posteriormente, percebe-se uma tendência à normalização da função pulmonar, mas persistem fluxos reduzidos, menor tolerância a exercícios e hiper-reatividade brônquica. CONCLUSÕES: A prematuridade, os eventos que a provocam e as intervenções que dela decorrem alteram de maneira permanente, em maior ou menor grau, o desenvolvimento do sistema respiratório. São necessários estudos adicionais para esclarecer o efeito de cada um desses insultos perinatais no desenvolvimento do sistema respiratório.OBJECTIVE: The increased survival of preterm infants poses the challenge of dealing with a wide range of chronic pulmonary

  19. Qualidade de vida em voz na doença pulmonar crônica

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    Bruna Franciele da Trindade Gonçalves


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Objetivo: analisar a qualidade de vida relacionada à voz autorreferida por indivíduos com doença pulmonar crônica. Métodos: estudo transversal, exploratório, quantitativo, com informações obtidas a partir da aplicação de questionário de qualidade de vida em voz em usuários de um ambulatório de fisioterapia integrado em hospital universitário no interior do Rio Grande do Sul, no período de março a novembro de 2012. Resultados: participaram 19 sujeitos, 12 (63,20% do sexo masculino e 7 (36,80% do sexo feminino. Sobre a faixa etária, 14 (73,70% eram adultos e cinco (26,30% idosos, sendo essa diferença estatisticamente significante. Quanto à doença pulmonar crônica, dez (52,60% tinham bronquiectasia, seis (31,60% doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica e três (15,80% asma. A média do questionário Qualidade de Vida em Voz Total foi de 85,8 ± 5,8 pontos. Não houve diferença estatística entre os três domínios do questionário e as variáveis sexo, idade e diagnóstico médico. Conclusão: predomínio percentual do sexo masculino e faixa etária adulta-meia idade, sendo essa última estatisticamente significante e diagnóstico médico de bronquiectasia. A média do questionário total foi de 85,8 ± 5,8 pontos. Não foram encontradas significância estatística na comparação do domínios do questionário com as variáveis sexo, idade e doença pulmonar. Tal fato pode ser explicado pela elaboração de estratégias de comunicação como forma de minimizar os efeitos da doença pulmonar na produção vocal. Sugere-se a realização de outras pesquisas abordando o mesmo tema, porém com amostras maiores a fim de verificar a significância estatística das variáveis estudadas.

  20. Technetium tc 99m-labeled red blood cells in the preoperative diagnosis of cavernous hemangioma and other vascular orbital tumors. (United States)

    Polito, Ennio; Burroni, Luca; Pichierri, Patrizia; Loffredo, Antonio; Vattimo, Angelo G


    To evaluate technetium Tc 99m (99mTc) red blood cell scintigraphy as a diagnostic tool for orbital cavernous hemangioma and to differentiate between orbital masses on the basis of their vascularization. We performed 99mTc red blood cell scintigraphy on 23 patients (8 female and 15 male; mean age, 47 years) affected by an orbital mass previously revealed with computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and suggesting cavernous hemangioma. In our diagnosis, we considered the orbital increase delayed uptake with the typical scintigraphic pattern known as perfusion blood pool mismatch. The patients underwent biopsy or surgical treatment with transconjunctival cryosurgical extraction when possible. Single-photon emission tomography (SPET) showed intense focal uptake in the orbit corresponding to radiologic findings in 11 patients who underwent surgical treatment and pathologic evaluation (9 cavernous hemangiomas, 1 hemangiopericytoma, and 1 lymphangioma). Clinical or histologic examination of the remaining 22 patients revealed the presence of 5 lymphoid pseudotumors, 2 lymphomas, 2 pleomorphic adenomas of the lacrimal gland, 1 astrocytoma, 1 ophthalmic vein thrombosis, and 1 orbital varix. The confirmation of the preoperative diagnosis by 99mTc red blood cell scintigraphy shows that this technique is a reliable tool for differentiating cavernous hemangiomas from other orbital masses (sensitivity, 100%; specificity, 86%) when ultrasound, CT, and MRI are not diagnostic. Unfortunately, 99mTc red blood cell scintigraphy results were positive in 1 patient with hemangiopericytoma and 1 patient with lymphangioma, which showed increased uptake in the lesion on SPET images because of the vascular nature of these tumors. Therefore, in these cases, the SPET images have to be integrated with data regarding clinical preoperative evaluation and CT scans or MRI studies. On the basis of our study, a complete diagnostic picture, CT scans or MRI studies, and

  1. Management of infantile hemangiomas: Current trends

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    Gomathy Sethuraman


    Full Text Available Infantile hemangiomas (IH are common vascular tumours. IH have a characteristic natural course. They proliferate rapidly during the early infantile period followed by a period of gradual regression over several years. Most of the uncomplicated IH undergo spontaneous involution, with a small proportion of cases requiring intervention. These are children with IH in life-threatening locations, local complications like haemorrhage, ulceration and necrosis and functional or cosmetic disfigurements. Systemic corticosteroids have been the first line of treatment for many years. Recently, non-selective beta-blockers, such as oral propranalol and topical timolol, have emerged as promising and safer therapies. Other treatment options include interferon α and vincristine which are reserved for life-threatening haemangiomas that are unresponsive to conventional therapy. This review mainly focuses on the current trends and evidence-based approach in the management of IH.

  2. Transvenous sclerotherapy of peripheral arteriovenous malformations and hemangiomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hunter, D.W.; Moradian, G.P.; Castaneda-Zuniga, W.R.; Amplantz, K.


    After exsanguination of the lesion and control of arterial inflow and venous outflow, the authors used a transvenous or direct puncture technique for injection of a sclerosing solution (3% sotradecol and ionic contrast material) to treat 18 patients with peripheral arteriovenous malformations or hemangiomas. The results are discussed. Good results were achieved in 12 patients. The other six patients had residual symptoms. Multiple treatment sessions were usually necessary. Short-term management included the use of intravenous heparin, steroids, and antibiotics. No significant long-term complications occurred. Short-term complications, including swelling, local pain, blistering, and localized deep venous thrombosis, occurred in 70% of the patients

  3. Resonancia magnética nuclear en la evaluación de la hipertensión pulmonar


    Caroli, Christian; aman, Bettina; Embón, Mario; Cohen Arazi, Hernán; Perrone, Sergio V.


    Se presentan las imágenes de resonancia magnética nuclear de una paciente de 38 años portadora de hipertensión pulmonar idiopática. We present the images of nuclear magnetic resonance of a 38-year-old woman with idiopathic pulmonary hypertension. Apresentam-se as imagens de ressonância magnética nuclear de uma paciente de 38 anos portadora de hipertensão pulmonar idiopatica.

  4. Envolvimento pulmonar na polimiosite Pulmonary disease in polymyositis

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    Direndra Hasmucrai


    Full Text Available Introdução: A polimiosite (PM e a dermatomiosite são classificadas como miopatias inflamatórias idiopáticas. O envolvimento pulmonar por PM é pouco frequente, estando descrito na literatura em cerca de 10% de casos. Os autores apresentam um caso de uma mulher de 75 anos, com queixas de febre, perda ponderal, artralgias, mialgias e diminuição simétrica e proximal da força muscular com impotência funcional dos membros superiores e inferiores, com início um mês antes do internamento. Apresentava infiltrados pulmonares na telerradiografia de tórax. Após estudo exaustivo estabeleceu -se o diagnóstico de envolvimento pulmonar na forma de pneumonia organizativa por PM. Efectuou-se corticoterapia e terapêutica com micofenolato com melhoria clínica, analítica e radiológica. Conclusão: Neste caso, foi a alteração na telerradiografia de tórax numa doente sem sintomatologia respiratória que levou ao estudo exaustivo até ao diagnóstico de PM, realçando mais uma vez a importância da telerradiografia no rastreio de patologias de outros foros.Introduction: Polymyositis and dermatomyositis are classified as idiopathic inflammatory myopathies. Interstitial lung disease is rare and is described in the literature in about 10% of cases. The authors describes a case of 75 year old woman presenting with one month evolution of fever, weight loss, arthralgia, myalgia and symmetric and proximal muscle weakness of upper and lower limbs. Nonspecific interstitial changes was found in chest X -ray. After exhaustive study, the diagnosis of pulmonary envolvement in the form of organizing pneumonia by polymyositis, was established. Glucocorticoids and mycophenolate were prescribed with good clinical, analytical and radiological outcome. Conclusion: In this case, it was the changes in the chest X -ray in a patient without respiratory symptomatology, that conducted to exhaustive study to polymyositis diagnosis, enhancing once again the importance of X

  5. Effect of radiation therapy on extracerebral cavernous hemangioma in the middle fossa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shibata, Shobu; Fukushima, Masaaki; Mori, Kazuo; Tsujimura, Masaki; Yokoyama, Hiroaki.


    We report three cases of extracerebral cavernous hemangiomas in the middle fossa all of which had received radiotherapy. Follow-up study with serial computed tomography during and after irradiation were presented. In Case 1, radiotherapy after partial removal of the tumor reduced the tumor's size and CT number, and facilitated total removal. In Case 2 as well, irradiation was started before the operation. The tumor responded very well to irradiation and showed significant reduction in the size and CT number of the tumor with a dose of about 3,000 rads. Subtotal romoval was possible. In Case 3, the tumor responded very well clinically to irradiation, and vertigo were much improved with a dose of about 3,000 rads, and CT scan at that time showed significant reduction in the size and CT number of the tumor, therefore she only received radiation therapy, no surgical intervention. It is concluded that in cases of extracerebral cavernous hemangioma with massive hemorrhage, radiation of up to 3,000 rads was a method of choice. The treatment results in an increased probability of total removal of the tumor, and moreover the possibility of eliminating surgery. (author)

  6. A Case of Contiguous Primary Hepatic Marginal Zone B-Cell Lymphoma and Hemangioma Ultimately Diagnosed Using Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography

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    Kazue Shiozawa


    Full Text Available Primary hepatic marginal zone B-cell malignant lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT lymphoma is extremely rare. We present a case in which a lesion was diagnosed as 2 contiguous tumors (MALT lymphoma and hemangioma using contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (US with sonazoid. There has been no previous case of contiguous hepatic MALT lymphoma and hemangioma. The present case was a female with no medical history. We detected a snowman-like appearance, which was a tumor of 15 mm in diameter with hypo- and hyper-echogenicities in the lateral and medial parts, respectively, in the Couinaud's segment (S6 of the liver on US. The tumor appeared as a single lesion with a low-density area in the unenhanced phase and prolonged enhancement in the equilibrium phases on dynamic CT. On MRI, the whole lesion showed a low-intensity signal on T1-weighted imaging, but isointensity in the lateral part and high intensity in the medial part were seen on T2-weighted imaging. On contrast-enhanced US, the lateral hypoechoic region was homogenously hyperenhanced in the early vascular phase, and the contrast medium was washed out after about 30 s; in contrast, the medial hyperechoic region was gradually stained from the margin toward the central region. The tumor showed a defect in both hypo- and hyperechoic regions in the postvascular phase. Hemangioma was suspected for the medial part based on the typical image findings, but the lateral part was not given a diagnosis. Thus, surgical resection was performed. The medial part was a hemangioma, and the lateral part was a MALT lymphoma by histopathological findings.

  7. Hipertensión y edema pulmonar de altura: Rol de la disfunción endotelial y de la programación fetal

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    Marcos Schwab


    Full Text Available La altura constituye un fascinante laboratorio natural para la investigación médica. Si bien al principio el objetivo de la investigación en la altura fue la comprensión de los mecanismos de adaptación del organismo a la hipoxia y la búsqueda de tratamientos para las enfermedades relacionadas con la altura, durante la última década el alcance de esta investigación se ha ampliado considerablemente. Dos importantes observaciones han generado las bases para el crecimiento del alcance científico de la investigación en la altura. Primero, el hecho de que el edema pulmonar agudo de la altura constituye un modelo único para estudiar los mecanismos fundamentales de la hipertensión pulmonar y el edema pulmonar en humanos. Segundo, que la hipoxia ambiental asociada con la exposición a la altura facilita la detección de disfunción vascular pulmonar y sistémica en un estadio precoz. Aquí revisaremos los estudios que, capitalizando estas observaciones, han llevado a la descripción de nuevos mecanismos subyacentes del edema pulmonar y de la hipertensión pulmonar, y a la primera demostración directa de la existencia de una programación fetal sobre la disfunción vascular en humanos.

  8. Treatment of symptomatic vertebral hemangioma by radiotherapy - case report and review of the literature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Castro, Douglas Guedes de; Lima, Renato Pierre; Maia, Maria Aparecida Conte; Pellizzon, Antonio Cassio Assis; Fogaroli, Ricardo Cesar; Ferrigno, Robson


    We report the clinical and imaging findings of a patient with a symptomatic vertebral hemangioma treated with radiotherapy alone. There was partial relief of the pain 3 months after radiotherapy. We recommend a total dose of 40 Gy at 2 Gy per fraction. A review of literature is also presented. (author)

  9. Destrucción costal: una rara forma de presentación de la nocardiosis pulmonar


    Julve Pardo, R.; Carrión Valero, F.; Gonzalvo Bellver, F.; Prat Fornells, J.; Pascual Izuel, J. M.


    Clásicamente, la infección por Nocardia spp. se asocia a estados de depresión inmunológica, procesos neoplásicos y tratamientos prolongados con inmunosupresores y glucocorticoides. La afectación pulmonar es la más característica, siendo infrecuente la diseminación del proceso por extensión local a la pared costal y el tejido celular subcutáneo. Presentamos un caso de nocardiosis pulmonar por Nocardia asteroides en una paciente diabética sin otros factores de riesgo conocidos, que se manifestó...

  10. Scleroderma and pulmonary hypertension Esclerodermia e hipertensão pulmonar

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    Karen A. Fagan


    Full Text Available Patients with scleroderma are at increased risk for the development of pulmonary hypertension, and the development of unexplained dyspnea or an isolated decrease in diffusing capacity should prompt evaluation. Echocardiography is often helpful in this situation, with further testing being performed as indicated. Because the prognosis of untreated pulmonary hypertension occurring in the setting of scleroderma is generally quite poor, vigilance is required on the part of physicians following this "at risk" group of patients. The past decade has seen important advances in the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension, including intravenous epoprostenol, oral bosentan and subcutaneously infused treprostinil. As new therapies are developed for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension, it is essential that patients with scleroderma-related disease are included in clinical trials.Pacientes com esclerodermia têm risco aumentado para desenvolver hipertensão pulmonar. O aparecimento de dispnéia e/ou a diminuição da capacidade de difusão devem levar à suspeita imediata dessa complicação. A ecodopplercardiografia é importante para o diagnóstico e o seguimento desses casos. Os casos não tratados de hipertensão pulmonar em esclerodermia têm mau prognóstico, daí a necessidade em manter sob vigilância estes pacientes. Na última década surgiram avanços para o tratamento da hipertensão arterial pulmonar, incluindo os medicamentos epoprostenol EV, bosentan VO e treprostinil SC. À medida que novas terapias vão sendo desenvolvidas, torna-se necessário a realização de estudos clínicos de maior validade.

  11. Case report 367: Hemangioma of the nasal bone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pope, T.L. Jr.; Keats, T.E.; Fechner, R.E.


    In summary, an 18-year-old young woman presented with an expanding lesion of the nasal bone(s), with a prior history of gradual swelling of the nose. A past history of trauma sustained when she was struck by a tennis ball dated approximately five years before the current presentation. Plain film roentgenograms and a tomographic study showed an expanding lesion of the nasal bone(s) which had the appearance of benignity; the lesion was well demarcated with a narrow zone of transition. The lesional tissue contained small bony opacities in the form of circles and linear and curvilinear strands. The neoplasm was surgically excised and proved to be a benign hemangioma. (orig./SHA)

  12. Doing the math: A simple approach to topical timolol dosing for infantile hemangiomas. (United States)

    Dalla Costa, Renata; Prindaville, Brea; Wiss, Karen


    Topical timolol maleate has recently gained popularity as a treatment for superficial infantile hemangiomas, but calculating a safe dose of timolol can be time consuming, which may limit the medication's use in fast-paced clinical environments. This report offers a simplified calculation of the maximum daily safe dosage as 1 drop of medication per kilogram of body weight. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  13. Experiencia en la Argentina del Programa de uso compasivo con nintedanib en el tratamiento de la Fibrosis Pulmonar Idiopática


    Tabaj, Gabriela C; Sívori, Martín; Cornejo, Laura; Plotquin, Martín


    Introducción: La Fibrosis Pulmonar Idiopática (FPI) es una enfermedad pulmonar difusa (EPD) de etiología desconocida, crónica y progresiva. Ocurre en adultos mayores, se encuentra limitada a los pulmones y se asocia con la patente anatomopatológica y/o tomográfica de neumonía intersticial usual (NIU). El curso de la enfermedad es progresivo y se asocia con una supervivencia media a 5 años del 20%. Objetivos: Conocer las características clínicas y de función pulmonar del grupo de pacientes con...

  14. Termoterapia transpupilar como opção terapêutica para hemangioma circunscrito de coróide: relato de caso

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    Roizenblatt Jaime


    Full Text Available Os autores descrevem um caso de hemangioma circunscrito de coróide, com descolamento de retina associado, tratado por meio de termoterapia transpupilar com laser de diodo. Os parâmetros utilizados foram: 900 mW, mira de 4,2 mm, tempo de 3 minutos, lente QuadrAspheric (Volkâ com fator de magnificação de 1,97. Um mês após o tratamento ocorreu redução significativa do hemangioma, com recuperação integral da visão deste olho. São feitas considerações a respeito do método, o qual mostra-se promissor no tratamento destes tumores vasculares.

  15. 115. Cirugía urgente en un caso de tromboembolia pulmonar con trombo acabalgado en foramen oval permeable

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    Y. Castillo


    Conclusiones: La embolectomía pulmonar bajo circulación extracorpórea es una alternativa terapéutica reservada a los casos de tromboembolia pulmonar con fallo ventricular derecho e inestabilidad hemodinámica, y puede ser utilizada de forma segura y eficaz en aquellos casos en que la fibrinólisis esté contraindicada y la localización del trombo permita su extracción quirúrgica.

  16. Enfermedad pulmonar por amianto en trabajadores de acería

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    Rita Zurbriggen


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades relacionadas al amianto se producen por la inhalación de fibras de asbestos en su variedad crisotilo o amianto blanco. A pesar de que en la Argentina la prohibición data del año 2003, existen numerosas industrias donde se sigue trabajando con este mineral, entre ellas las metalúrgicas y acerías. Actualmente se conoce la alta patogenicidad de este material, por lo que en muchos países existen programas de seguimiento de los trabajadores expuestos. Se describen las características generales y manifestaciones clínicas pulmonares de 27 pacientes que trabajaron en una gran acería de América del Sur. El diagnóstico de amiantopatías se realizó mediante historia clínica laboral, antecedente de exposición al amianto, estudios complementarios de función pulmonar e imágenes del tórax. Se analizaron la fuente de exposición (laboral, doméstica y ambiental, tiempo de exposición y período de latencia en los pacientes de los cuales se detectó enfermedad relacionada. Los antecedentes de tabaquismo fueron tenidos en cuenta para el análisis. En 22 pacientes se presentaron patologías benignas (81.4%, 16 de ellos tenían lesiones exclusivamente pleurales y otros 6 asbestosis. Las patologías malignas se presentaron en 5 pacientes (18.5%, en 4 fueron mesoteliomas y en uno carcinoma pulmonar. El problema de la exposición al amianto tiene vigencia actual. De ahí la necesidad de un programa de vigilancia en trabajadores expuestos al amianto actualmente o en el pasado, para detectar, notificar, registrar e investigar las características de estas patologías.

  17. Capillary hemangioma of adult nasal cavity: a case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paik, Sang Hyun; Kim, Hyun Sook; Kim, Wan Seop; Cho, Sung Bum; Choi, Yun Sun; Chung, Myung Jin; Kim, Seog Joon; Yoon, Sook Ja; Yoon, Yong Kyu


    Capillary hemangioma of the adult nasal cavity is rare. We report a case which occurred in the right nasal cavity of a 25-year-old woman, together with the multiphase enhanced CT findings. The patients who had a history of recurrent nasal bleeding, had experienced nasal obstruction and swelling during the two-month period prior to presentation, and one month before presentation, spontaneous vaginal delivery occurred. Physical examination revealed the presence of a well-defined round mass, with redness in the right nasal vertibule. The mass showed rim enhancement at early arterial-phase CT scanning, increased enhancement at the late arterial phase, and moderately homogeneous enhancement at the delayed phase

  18. Vasculites pulmonares: quando suspeitar e como fazer o diagnóstico Pulmonary vasculitis: when suspicion equal diagnosis

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    Carmen Sílvia Valente Barbas


    Full Text Available As vasculites pulmonares primárias são caracterizadas por processo inflamatório na parede dos vasos pulmonares que leva a isquemia e hemorragia pulmonar com as conseqüentes expressões clínicas e radiológicas. As vasculites pulmonares primárias são acompanhadas de expressão sistêmicas cutâneas, em nervos periféricos, rins, seios da face, olhos e ouvidos, além do trato gastrintestinal, e sistemas cardíaco e nervoso central. O diagnóstico é feito através da associação das informações clínicas, radiológicas e anatomopatológicas. O tratamento com corticosteróides e imunossupressores deve ser instituído precocemente e apresenta altas taxas de remissão.The primary forms of pulmonary vasculitis are characterized by an inflammatory process in the pulmonary vessel walls, leading to pulmonary ischemia and hemorrhage and the consequent clinical and radiological manifestations. These forms of vasculitis are accompanied by symptoms involving the skin, peripheral nerves, kidneys, sinuses, eyes, ears and gastrointestinal tract, as well as the cardiac and central nervous systems. The diagnosis is made through analysis of the clinical, radiological and pathological data. When treatment with corticosteroids and immunosuppressive therapy is initiated early, remission rates are high.

  19. Fibrosis pulmonar asociada a vasculitis con anticuerpos anticitoplasmáticos positivos

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    Marcelo Fernández Casares


    Full Text Available Las complicaciones pulmonares más conocidas de las vasculitis con anticuerpos anticitoplasmáticos de los neutrófilos (ANCA positivos (VAA, son la hemorragia alveolar, los granulomas y la estenosis de la vía aérea. En los últimos años han aparecido algunos informes aislados que muestran la asociación con fibrosis pulmonar (FP, sugiriendo que ésta sería otra complicación de las VAA. En este trabajo informamos dos casos con dicha asociación describiendo sus características clínicas, tomográficas e inmunológicas. Dado que en la asociación de FP y VAA notificada en los últimos años, la FP puede ser su primera manifestación, podría ser necesaria la búsqueda de ANCA en pacientes con FP, como causa de la misma y por el posible desarrollo posterior de vasculitis.

  20. Aspergiloma Pulmonar en el Hospital de Apoyo Departamental de Ica - Perú. 2000 - 2001

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    Alicia Arce M


    Full Text Available En el Perú, un gran porcentaje de la población que tiene lesiones cavitarias residuales puede albergar una bola fúngica conocida como aspergiloma. Objetivo: determinar los agentes etiológicos que causan los aspergilomas en estas personas y comparar la prueba diagnóstica de inmunodifusión frente al cultivo seriado de esputo. Materiales y métodos: se incluyó a pacientes atendidos en el Programa de Control de Tuberculosis del Hospital Regional de Ica (Ica, Perú que presentaron antecedentes de tuberculosis pulmonar y criterios clínico-radiológicos sospechosos de aspergilosis pulmonar. El diagnóstico de laboratorio se realizó mediante cultivos seriados y consecutivos de esputo en Agar Sabouraud Dextrosa (ASD con cloramfenicol y se detectó precipitinas aspergilares con la prueba de inmunodifusión (ID Resultados: se obtuvo un total de 20 pacientes, 70% de los pacientes (14/20 demostraron tener aspergiloma pulmonar. Los principales agentes etiológicos encontrados fueron Aspergillus fumigatus (50% y Aspergillus níger (14,5% La ID mostró 71% de sensibilidad (aumentando este valor a 82% al utilizar antígeno específico y 100% de especificidad. Conclusiones: Aspergillus fumigatus es el agente etiológico más frecuente en nuestro estudio y la prueba de inmunodifusión es útil como prueba diagnóstica de aspergiloma pulmonar. La prueba de inmunodifusión mejora su sensibilidad al emplear antígenos específicos, por lo que consideramos realizar estudios de elaboración de antígenos específicos de Aspergillus autóctonos para la prueba de ID. Es necesario continuar estudios de prevalencia y de métodos diagnósticos de esta enfermedad.

  1. Alterações da função pulmonar após tratamento cirúrgico de cardiopatias congênitas com hiperfluxo pulmonar Changes in pulmonary function after surgical treatment of congenital heart disease with pulmonary hyperflow

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    Lilian Goraieb


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Análise das condições pulmonares dos pacientes no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca pediátrica. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o comportamento da complacência pulmonar e resistência da via aérea nos pacientes portadores de cardiopatias congênitas com hiperfluxo pulmonar, submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico com auxílio de circulação extracorpórea. MÉTODOS: Avaliaram-se, durante a cirurgia, 35 pacientes com medidas de complacência estática e resistência da via aérea, em quatro instantes distintos. As medidas pulmonares foram feitas de forma não-invasiva, com o método de oclusão da via aérea ao final da inspiração e uso de fórmulas matemáticas específicas. As variáveis observadas e relacionadas às alterações pulmonares foram: no período pré-operatório, idade, peso e relação entre fluxo sangüíneo sistêmico e pulmonar; no intra-operatório, tempos de perfusão, de anóxia e temperatura mínima; no pós-operatório, tempo de ventilação mecânica e de permanência na unidade de terapia intensiva. RESULTADOS: Ao final da cirurgia, a complacência pulmonar mostrou aumento significativo imediato (p BACKGROUND: Analysis of pulmonary status of pediatric patients in the postoperative phase of cardiac surgery. OBJECTIVE: To assess pulmonary compliance and airway resistance in patients with congenital heart disease and pulmonary hyperflow submitted to surgical treatment with the use of extracorporeal circulation. METHODS: Thirty-five patients were evaluated during surgery with measurements of static compliance and airway resistance at four different timepoints. Pulmonary measurements were performed non-invasively using end-inspiratory airway occlusion and specific mathematical formulas. The variables examined and related to pulmonary changes were: preoperative - age, weight, and relationship between systemic and pulmonary blood flow; intraoperative - perfusion times, anoxia times and minimum temperature; postoperative

  2. Testes de função pulmonar no transplante de medula óssea: Revisão sistemática

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    Eliane Viana Mancuso


    Full Text Available Resumo: As complicações pulmonares constituem causa importante de morbidade e mortalidade em doentes submetidos a transplante de medula óssea. Os testes de função pulmonar são utilizados rotineiramente na avaliação antes e no acompanhamento após o transplante. A revisão sistemática da literatura mostrou que a presença de alterações nos testes de função pulmonar antes do transplante de medula não esteve relacionada com maior incidência de complicações pulmonares pós-transplante. Entretanto, alterações destes testes após o transplante estiveram relacionadas com maior incidência de complicações respiratórias. Desta forma, embora as alterações dos testes de função pulmonar pré-transplante não tenham sido de valor preditivo positivo na detecção precoce de complicações respiratórias pós-transplante, os mesmos podem ser úteis na comparação com os testes realizados após o transplante e devem fazer parte da avaliação de doentes candidatos ao transplante de medula óssea.Rev Port Pneumol 2006; XII (1: 61-69 Abstract: The pulmonary function test plays an important role in the management of pulmonary complications after bone marrow transplantation. Although its utility in helping to predict the likelihood of developing post transplant pulmonary complications and mortality is not well established, current data indicate that pre-transplant pulmonary function tests are important as a reference for the interpretation of post transplant pulmonary function tests and for identifying patients at high risk of developing pulmonary complications and/or mortality after bone marrow transplantation.Rev Port Pneumol 2006; XII (1: 61-69 Palavras-chave: Transplante de medula óssea, testes de função pulmonar, revisão sistemática, Key-words: Bone marrow transplantation, respiratory function tests, systematic review

  3. Disfunção do homoenxerto pulmonar utilizado na reconstrução do trato de saída do ventrículo direito

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    Andréa Weirich Lenzi


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: O homoenxerto pulmonar tem sido utilizado como uma opção na correção de cardiopatia congênita com obstrução da via de saída do ventrículo direito. Os resultados em longo prazo, no entanto, mostram-se pouco satisfatórios. OBJETIVO: Identificar os fatores de risco associados à disfunção e à falência do homoenxerto pulmonar. MÉTODOS: Estudo em crianças submetidas à ampliação da via de saída do ventrículo direito com homoenxerto pulmonar. As variáveis clínicas, cirúrgicas, evolutivas e de aspectos morfológicos da prótese foram analisadas como fatores de risco. RESULTADOS: A amostra final de 75 pacientes com idade mediana na cirurgia de 22 meses, variando de 1-157 meses, apresentou 13 pacientes (17,0% que desenvolveram disfunção do homoenxerto, caracterizado por estenose ou insuficiência pulmonar grave. O tempo de ocorrência entre o implante do homoenxerto e a detecção da disfunção foi de 45 ± 20 meses. Quando o tamanho do homoenxerto foi menor de 21 mm e o escore Z da valva pulmonar foi menor do que zero, ou maior do que três, foram considerados fatores de risco para a ocorrência de disfunção. CONCLUSÃO: O homoenxerto pulmonar de tamanho menor do que 21 mm e a valva pulmonar inadequada para idade e peso do paciente são fatores determinantes para disfunção da prótese.


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    Diego Rodrigues Pessoa


    Full Text Available Resumo: A Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica (DPOC é caracterizada pela limitação do fluxo aéreo decorrente da dilatação dos espaços aéreos distais aos bronquíolos terminais. Analisar os efeitos da laserterapia quanto ao processo cicatricial na lesão pulmonar experimental em Rattus Novergicus. Utilizaram-se trinta animais agrupados em três grupos de dez animais: grupo controle (GC (não recebeu nada, grupo DPOC (GD (foi pulverizado 3 doses de papaína 3mg/kg e grupo DPOC + Laser (GDL (após 7 dias da indução da lesão com papaína foi tratado com laser de 660 nm durante 15 dias.Para analise dos resultados foi realizado o lavado broncoalveolar. Quanto ao Lavado: GC (número de células normais, GD (aumento de células inflamatórias e GDL (diminuição de células inflamatórias. A laserterapia diminui o numero de células inflamatórias, entretanto, não possui efeito reconstrutor do parênquima pulmonar apenas estabiliza a lesão comprovando sua ação anti-inflamatória.

  5. Agenesia pulmonar y riñón en herradura en la edad adulta: reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura


    Navarro Vergara, D.I.; Moreira Meyer, A.; Cícero Sabido, R.; Núñez Pérez-Redondo, C.; Garrido Alarcón, E.


    La agenesia pulmonar es una malformación congénita rara que se define como la ausencia total de parénquima pulmonar, bronquios y vasculatura. En la literatura se encuentran pocos casos de esta malformación en la edad adulta, debido a la presencia de otras malformaciones coincidentes, como desplazamiento mediastinal y cardiaco severos. La mayoría de los casos mueren prematuramente en los primeros 5 años de vida. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 31 años de edad con agenesia pulmonar izquie...

  6. Trasplante pulmonar: experiencia en clínica las condes

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    C. María Teresa Parada, Dra


    Hace 10 años Clínica Las Condes inicia su programa de trasplante pulmonar el que ha sido pionero nacional en número de injertos realizados y resultados obtenidos a largo plazo. Se realiza una revisión de las indicaciones, complicaciones precoces y tardías, capacidad física posterior al trasplante y sobrevida alejada de los pacientes trasplantados de pulmón en nuestro programa.

  7. Complicações pulmonares de endocardite tricúspide num doente toxicómano

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    Carlos Lousada


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Os autore apresentam o caso clínico de um doente toxicodependente com embolias pulmonares sépticas, pneumotórax e derrame pleural secundários a endocardite tricúspide e sindrome nefrótico.Discutese o diagnóstico, mecanismos etiopatogénicos, terapêutica médica, indicações cirúrgicas e prognóstico destas situações. SUMMARY: The authors present a case of an intravenous drug addict with septic pulmonary embolism, pneumothorax and pleural effusion secondary to tricuspid infectious endocarditis and nephrotic syndrome.The diagnosis, etiopathogenic mechanisms, treatment implications, the role of surgery and the prognosis are discussed. Palavras-chave: embolia pulmonar séptica, pneumotórax, endocardite tricúspide, Key-Word: septic pulmonary emboli, pneumothorax, tricuspid endocarditis

  8. Diagnosis of sclerosing hemangioma of lung: Don′t rely on fine-needle aspiration cytology diagnosis alone

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    Kaushik Saha


    Full Text Available Sclerosing hemangioma is a rare variety of benign pulmonary neoplasm. It usually presents as asymptomatic, solitary, peripheral, circumscribed lesions in middle-aged women. Here, we describe a 46-year-old woman presenting to us for evaluation of right parahilar lung mass. Previous chest radiography done 10 years back showed a lung mass of almost similar size. Computed Tomography (CT-guided fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC was suggestive of adenocarcinoma of lung. A well-circumscribed, capsulated, ovoid mass measuring 5.6 cm × 4 cm × 3 cm, adjacent to the transverse fissure of the right lung was excised by lateral thoracotomy. Histopathological examination along with immunohistochemistry was suggestive of sclerosing hemangioma of lung. A pathologist must consider the clinicoradiological features before coming to a final diagnosis of lung malignancy from FNAC. Whenever there is any confusion regarding lung mass, thoracotomy must be done for arriving at an exact diagnosis from histopathology.

  9. Doenças pulmonares obstrutivas crônicas na criança

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    Jose Dirceu Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Resumo Objetivos: Verificar e descrever os principais eventos relacionados ao diagnóstico e manejo das doenças pulmonares obstrutivas crônicas em crianças (DPOCC e adolescentes, tendo em vista a fisiopatologia e as características genéticas e ambientais inter-relacionadas. Fonte dos dados: Revisão na base de dados Pubmed com seleção de referências relevantes. Síntese dos dados: As DPOCC têm origem ambiental e/ou genética e se manifestam com diversos genótipos, fenótipos e endótipos e, embora possam ser controladas, não têm cura. O principal sintoma é a tosse crônica e muitas cursam com bronquiectasia. O manejo tem maior eficácia se baseado em guidelines e se a adesão ao regime terapêutico for estimulada e comprovada. Corticoides orais e inalatórios, broncodilatadores, antibióticos inalados e tratamento das exacerbações pulmonares (EP são vigas mestras do manejo e devem ser individualizados para cada DPOCC. Conclusões: Nas DPOCC é fundamental o diagnóstico correto, conhecer os fatores de risco e as comorbidades. Os procedimentos e os medicamentos devem ser baseados em guidelines específicos para cada DPOCC. Adesão ao tratamento é fundamental para obter os benefícios do manejo. O controle deve ser avaliado pela diminuição das EP, melhoria na qualidade de vida e redução da evolução da perda da função e do dano estrutural pulmonar. Para a maioria das DPOCC, o acompanhamento por equipes interdisciplinares em centros de referência especializados, com estratégias de vigilância e acolhimento contínuos, conduz a melhores desfechos, que devem ser avaliados pela diminuição da deterioração do dano e da função pulmonar, pelo melhor prognóstico, melhor qualidade de vida e aumento da expectativa de vida.

  10. Doenças pulmonares intersticiais: Acuidade diagnóstica e riscos da biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica Interstitial lung disease: Diagnostic accuracy and safety of surgical lung biopsy

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    Miguel Guerra


    Full Text Available Os autores descrevem a sua casuística de biópsias pulmonares cirúrgicas em doentes com doença pulmonar intersticial, de forma a determinar a acuidade diagnóstica, os riscos e a morbimortalidade associados ao procedimento. Entre Janeiro de 1998 e Dezembro de 2007, 53 doentes (idade média de 47,2±13 anos foram referenciados para a realização de biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica, dos quais 22 eram mulheres (41,5%. As biópsias pulmonares foram realizadas quer por videotoracoscopia (37 doentes, 69,8%, quer por minitoracotomia (16 doentes, 30,2%. Foi escolhido o pulmão direito para biopsar em 88,7% dos casos. Registaram-se complicações pós-operatórias em 5 doentes (9,4%: fuga aérea prolongada em 3 doentes (5,7%, persistência de loca de pneumotórax num doente (1,9% e hemorragia com necessidade de revisão de hemostase noutro doente (1,9%. Ocorreu um óbito de causa desconhecida num doente sem risco acrescido. A duração média da drenagem foi de 4,4±3 dias e o tempo de internamento médio de 5,5±4 dias. O diagnóstico histológico definitivo foi conseguido em 50 doentes, registando-se uma acuidade diagnóstica de 94,3%. Em conclusão, o potencial benefício de um diagnóstico histopatológico conclusivo através de uma biópsia pulmonar cirúrgica deve ser balanceado com os riscos associados ao procedimento cirúrgico, especialmente para aqueles doentes com disfunção cardiopulmonar severa.This study reports our experience, diagnostic accuracy and safety of surgical lung biopsy in patients with interstitial lung diseases. From January 1998 – December 2007 surgical lung biopsy was performed in 53 patients (22 female [41.5%]; age 47.2±13 years. A total of 37 patients (69.8% underwent videothoracoscopic lung biopsy and minithoracotomy was performed in 16 patients (30.2%. Right lung was the choice in 47 patients (88.7%. Postoperative complications were rare (9.4% and included three prolonged air leaks (5.7%, one pneumothorax requiring a

  11. Propranolol in Treatment of Huge and Complicated Infantile Hemangiomas in Egyptian Children


    Hassan, Basheir A.; Shreef, Khalid S.


    Background. Infantile hemangiomas (IHs) are the most common benign tumours of infancy. Propranolol has recently been reported to be a highly effective treatment for IHs. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and side effects of propranolol for treatment of complicated cases of IHs. Patients and Methods. This prospective clinical study included 30 children with huge or complicated IHs; their ages ranged from 2 months to 1 year. They were treated by oral propranolol. Treatment outcomes were...

  12. Multiple hemangiomas in a patient with a t(3q;4p) translocation: an infrequent association with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. (United States)

    Pardo, Sherly; Blitman, Netta; Han, Bokyung; Cohen, Ninette; Edelmann, Lisa; Hirschhorn, Kurt


    We report on the clinical phenotype of an infant with a duplication of the terminal portion of the long arm of chromosome 3(q26.3-qter) and a deletion of the terminal portion of the short arm of chromosome 4(p16.3) with multiple hemangiomas and a hamartoma. Patients with deletions of distal 4p have the characteristic features of Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (WHS); whereas those with the distal duplication of 3q have a well recognized syndrome with some features resembling Cornelia-de Lange syndrome (CdLS). Neither of these recognized chromosomal anomalies has been reported previously to be associated with multiple hemangiomas or other vascular malformations. (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  13. Tromboembolismo pulmonar asociado al síndrome de la vena cava superior de origen trombótico


    Barrera-López, Ana Madeleine; Cortés-P., Luis Arcadio; Salazar-C., Erika María


    Se describe el caso de un paciente masculino de 32 años de edad, quien consulta al servicio de urgencias con historia clínica del síndrome de la vena cava superior, en el estudio de la angiotomografía pulmonar, se demuestra embolismo pulmonar izquierdo, trombosis de la vena yugular interna derecha y confluente yugulo subclavio. No hay evidencia de asociación con neoplasia, infecciones o enfermedades del tejido conectivo, siendo el único factor de riesgo asociado para la trombosis, hiperviscoc...

  14. Drenaje venosa pulmonar anómalo total. Técnicas y resultados

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    Ángel Aroca


    Se citan recomendaciones para el a veces complejo manejo postoperatorio y se revisa la literatura más reciente que aporta datos sobre el tratamiento y resultados de la complicación tardía más letal: la obstrucción anastomótica y/o de venas pulmonares.






  16. Preditores de mortalidade hospitalar em pacientes com embolia pulmonar estáveis hemodinamicamente Predictores de mortalidad hospitalaria en pacientes con embolia pulmonar estables hemodinámicamente Predictors of hospital mortality in hemodynamically stable patients with pulmonary embolism

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    André Volschan


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A embolia pulmonar apresenta alta mortalidade em pacientes com hipotensão arterial ou choque circulatório. Entretanto, em pacientes hemodinamicamente estáveis, a associação de algumas variáveis clínicas com a mortalidade ainda não está claramente estabelecida. OBJETIVOS: Derivar um modelo de estratificação do risco de mortalidade intra-hospitalar em pacientes com embolia pulmonar hemodinamicamente estáveis. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte multicêntrico prospectivo de 582 pacientes consecutivos que foram admitidos em unidades de emergência ou de terapia intensiva, com suspeita clínica de embolia pulmonar, e que tiveram o diagnóstico confirmado por meio de um ou mais dos seguintes exames: arteriografia pulmonar, angiotomografia computadorizada helicoidal, angioressonância magnética, ecodopplercardiograma, cintilografia pulmonar ou duplex-scan venoso. Os dados sobre características demográficas, comorbidades e manifestações clínicas foram coletados e incluídos em uma análise de regressão logística para compor o modelo de predição. RESULTADOS: A mortalidade global foi de 14,1%. Foram identificadas como variáveis independentes de risco de óbito: idade > 65 anos; repouso no leito > 72h; cor pulmonale crônico; taquicardia sinusal e taquipnéia. Após a estratificação por faixas de risco, observaram-se mortalidades de 5,4%, 17,8% e 31,3%, respectivamente nos subgrupos de baixo, moderado e alto riscos. O modelo mostrou sensibilidade de 65,5% e especificidade de 80%, com uma área sob a curva de 0,77. CONCLUSÃO: Em pacientes hemodinamicamente estáveis com embolia pulmonar, a idade > 65 anos, o repouso no leito > 72h, o cor pulmonale crônico, a taquicardia sinusal e a taquipnéia foram preditores independentes da mortalidade intra-hospitalar. Entretanto o modelo de predição necessita ser validado em outras populações para sua incorporação à prática clínica.FUNDAMENTO: La embolia pulmonar presenta alta

  17. Transplantes cardiopulmonar e pulmonar com doador em localidade distante Distant donor procurement for heart-lung and lung transplantation

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    Luis Sérgio Fragomeni


    Full Text Available Em situações específicas, os transplantes clínicos cardiopulmonar e pulmonar são, hoje, formas estabelecidas de tratamento para estágio final de doença cardiopulmonar e pulmonar. A obtenção de doadores adequados permanece o maior problema e a remoção de órgãos em localidades distantes é, hoje, uma necessidade. Embora muitos métodos de preservação pulmonar possam ser empregados, para períodos isquémicos de até 5 horas, a hipotermia e o uso de solução cardioplégica com infusão da solução de Collins modificada no tronco pulmonar tem sido método simples e eficiente para preservação do bloco coração-pulmão. Descrevemos, aqui, o método corrente que empregamos, com o qual os transplantes cardiopulmonar e pulmonar combinados foram sucedidos de excelente função cárdio-respiratória.In special situations, clinical heart-lung and lung transplantation are today established methods of therapy for end stage cardiopulmonary and pulmonary disease. Adequate donor availability remains a major problem and distant organ procurement is today a necessity. Although many methods of lung preservation can be used, for periods of up to 5 hours, hypothermic storage with cardioplegic arrest and pulmonary artery flush with modified Collins solution has proven to be a simple and reliable method of heart-lung preservation. We here describe our current method of heart-lung block protection, in which heart-lung and double lung transplantation were performed followed by excelent cardiac and pulmonary function.

  18. Osteopatia tóxica hipertrófica associada a mixocondrosarcoma pulmonar metastático: descrição de um caso

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    F. D Garcia de Lima


    Full Text Available O A. descreve um caso de mixocondrosarcoma pulmonar metastático associado a um quadro completo de osteopatia tóxica hipertrófica. Focaliza as dificuldades diagnósticas devidas à evolução silenciosa do tumor, que à autópsia verificou-se ocupar todo o hemitórax direito. Chamou a atenção para a importância da osteopatia hipertrófica como possível denunciadora de um câncer pulmonar primitivo ou metastático que ainda não produziu sintomas.The author describes a case of metastatis pulmonar mixocondrosarcome associated to a complete picture of a hypertrophic toxic ostheopathic condition. Reference is made to the difficulties observed in its diagnosis, due to the silent evolution of the tumor, which through the autopsy was found to spread all over the right hemitorax. Attention is called to the importance of hyperthrophic ostheopathy as a possible indication of a primitive or metastic pulmonar cancer, still without symptoms.

  19. Linear verrucous hemangioma-a rare case and dermoscopic clues to diagnosis. (United States)

    Dhanta, Aditi; Chauhan, Payal; Meena, Dilip; Hazarika, Neirita


    Verrucous hemangioma (VH) is a rare, congenital and localized vascular malformation, which usually presents as warty, bluish, vascular papules, plaques, or nodules, mainly on the lower extremities. Linear presentation of the disease is rare. A deep biopsy is necessary to confirm the clinical diagnosis by histopathological examination, with dermoscopy acting as a useful tool for evaluating the precise vascular structure. Here, we report on a 13-year-old female child with linear VH presenting over her foot since infancy and dermoscopic findings of VH along with the clinical-pathologic features.

  20. Hemangioma congénito rapidamente involutivo – um diagnóstico infrequente

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    Andreia Alves Martins


    Full Text Available Os hemangiomas congénitos rapidamente involutivos (RICH são tumores vasculares raros, que se caraterizam por um desenvolvimento completo ao nascimento e por uma regressão, habitualmente total e espontânea, entre seis a dezoito meses. O diagnóstico é clínico, por vezes auxiliado por exames de imagem e biópsia. Descreve-se o caso de um recém-nascido de termo, fruto de uma gestação vigiada com ecografias obstétricas sem alterações, que apresentava ao nascimento, na face anterior da coxa esquerda, uma massa de 5x4,5cm, mole, depressível, acinzentada, com algumas telangiectasias periféricas e halo periférico esbranquiçado, sem frémito palpável ou ulceração. Hemodinamicamente estável, sem trombocitopenia. A ecografia e a ressonância magnética apoiaram a suspeita clinica de RICH, que foi corroborada imunohistologicamente. Após 15 meses verificou- -se regressão espontânea e completa do tumor. O conhecimento da clínica, evolução e prognóstico deste raro hemangioma é fundamental para o diagnóstico e seguimento adequados, evitando intervenções desnecessárias, assim como para tranquilização dos cuidadores.

  1. Optimal MR pulse sequences for hepatic hemangiomas : comparison of T2-weighted turbo-spin-echo, T2-weighted breath-hold turbo-spin-echo, and T1-weighted FLASH dynamic imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Wen Chao; Choi, Byung Ihn; Han, Joon Koo; Kim, Tae Kyoung; Cho, Soon Gu


    To optimize MR imaging pulse sequences in the imaging of hepatic hemangioma and to evaluate on dynamic MR imaging the enhancing characteristics of the lesions. Twenty patients with 35 hemangiomas were studied by using Turbo-spin-echo (TSE) sequence (T2-weighted, T2- and heavily T2-weighted breath-hold) and T1-weighted FLASH imaging acquired before, immediately on, and 1, 3 and 5 minutes after injection of a bolus of Gd-DTPA (0.1mmol/kg). Phased-array multicoil was employed. Images were quantitatively analyzed for lesion-to-liver signal difference to noise ratios (SD/Ns), and lesion-to-liver signal ratios (H/Ls), and qualitatively analyzed for lesion conspicuity. The enhancing characteristics of the hemangiomas were described by measuring the change of signal intensity as a curve in T1-weighted FLASH dynamic imaging. For T2-weighted images, breath-hold T2-weighted TSE had a slightly higher SD/N than other pulse sequences, but there was no statistical difference in three fast pulse sequences (p=0.211). For lesion conspicuity, heavily T2-weighted breath-hold TSE images was superior to T2-weighted breath-hold or non-breath-hold TSE (H/L, 5.75, 3.81, 2.87, respectively, p<0.05). T2-weighted breath-hold TSE imaging was more effective than T2-weighted TSE imaging in removing lesion blurring or lack of sharpness, and there was a 12-fold decrease in acquisition time (20sec versus 245 sec). T1-weighted FLASH dynamic images of normal liver showed peak enhancement at less than 1 minute, and of hemangioma at more than 3 minutes;the degree of enhancement for hemangioma decreased after a 3 minute delay. T2-weighed breath-hold TSE imaging and Gd-DTPA enhanced FLASH dynamic imaging with 5 minutes delay are sufficient for imaging hepatic hemangiomas


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    Daniel Pessoa Gomes da Silva


    Full Text Available Com o propósito de avaliar a segurança, a eficácia diagnóstica da biópsia pulmonar e comparar a possível ocorrência de complicações decorrentes da técnica, entre bezerros sadios e com broncopneumonia induzida, utilizaram-se dez bezerros (G1 sadios e vinte bezerros portadores de broncopneumonia, divididos em quatro grupos de cinco bezerros (G2 a G5, os quais foram biopsiados 12, 24, 48 e 72 horas após a inoculação com Mannheimia haemolytica, respectivamente. A presença de crepitação grossa, som submaciço à percussão e as alterações radiográficas auxiliaram no diagnóstico da broncopneumonia e localizaram a área pulmonar a ser biopsiada nos grupos G2 a G5. As alterações microscópicas, visualizadas nos animais do grupo G2 a G5, foram as de broncopneumonia fibrinopurulenta. Nos bezerros do grupo G1 as alterações relacionadas à técnica foram: tosse, epistaxe, dispneia mista, taquipneia e taquicardia. Cinco (25% bezerros com broncopneumonia desenvolveram hemotórax após a biópsia e as alterações relacionadas à técnica foram: taquipneia, taquicardia, tosse, dispneia mista, apatia, mucosas pálidas e decúbito. Conclui-se que a biópsia pulmonar permite o diagnóstico de broncopneumonia em bezerros, contudo as complicações decorrentes da técnica limitam o seu uso apenas nas situações em que os métodos convencionais não tenham possibilitado o diagnóstico.

    PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Bezerros, biópsia pulmonar, broncopneumonia, Mannheimia haemolytica.

    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the safety and diagnostic efficacy of lung biopsy and to compare the possible occurrence of complications due to this technique in healthy calves and in calves with bronchopneumonia. Thirty Holstein calves were divided into a group of ten healthy animals (G1 and into four experimental groups (G2 to G5 of five calves each

  3. Espacios aéreos pulmonares anormales por TCAR Abnormal air-filled spaces in the lung with HRCT


    Juan Carlos Spina (h); Josefina Medina; Lucrecia Cúneo; Federico Badano; Florencia Bambaci; Juan Carlos Spina


    Objetivo: El propósito de este trabajo es revisar y dar claves para el diagnóstico de las distintas entidades que se presentan como espacios aéreos pulmonares anormales. Material y métodos: Se analizaron en forma retrospectiva los archivos de TCAR de nuestra institución con diagnóstico de espacios aéreos pulmonares anormales. En todos los casos se evaluó la localización, número (único o múltiples), grosor parietal y alteraciones parenquimatosas y mediastínicas asociadas y se los agrupo de acu...

  4. Reconstrução da continuidade ventrículo-pulmonar (conexão VD-TP: técnicas e táticas cirúrgicas

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    ANIJAR Alberto Mauro


    Full Text Available Os autores revisam as técnicas cirúrgicas utilizadas para a reconstrução da continuidade ventrículo direito (VD e o tronco pulmonar (TP, dando ênfase às diferentes técnicas e associação, dependendo das formas anatômicas de cada lesão. Apresentam, para ilustração, 2 casos, operados com o uso de um novo conceito de prótese biológica produzida com a valva pulmonar e o tronco pulmonar suíno, preservados em glutaraldeído mediante dois modelos: retalho bivalvulado e tubo valvulado na experiência atual. No período de maio/91 e junho/95, foram operados 48 pacientes, em 43 foi usado retalho bivalvulado e, em 5 casos, prótese tubular valvulada. Houve 5 (10,4% óbitos imediatos e 2 (4,6% tardios. Este novo conceito de reconstrução da valva pulmonar e via de saída do ventrículo direito, usando heteroenxertos valvulados evita a insuficiência pulmonar significativa e apresenta baixa incidência de calcificação. É uma técnica facilmente reprodutível.

  5. 15, 16-Dihydrotanshinone I Inhibits Hemangiomas through Inducing Pro-apoptotic and Anti-angiogenic Mechanisms in Vitro and in Vivo

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    Yihong Cai


    Full Text Available Infantile hemangioma (IH is a common and benign vascular neoplasms, which has a high incidence in children. Although IH is benign, some patients experience complications such as pain, functional impairment, and permanent disfigurement. Treatment options for IH include corticosteroids, surgery, vincristine, interferon or cyclophosphamide. However, none of these modalities are ideal due to restrictions or potential serious side effects. There is thus a great need to explore novel treatments for IH with less side effects. Angiogenesis, vasculogenesis and tumorigenesis are the main features of IH. Tanshen is mostly used in Chinese traditional medicine to treat hematological abnormalities. Therefore, the aim of our study was to evaluate anti-proliferation and anti-angiogenesis effects on hemangiomas cells by extracted Tanshen compounds compared with propranolol, the first-line treatment for IH currently, both in vitro and in vivo. Cell viability, apoptosis, protein expression and anti-angiogenesis were analyzed by CCK8, Annexin V staining, Western blot and tube formation, respectively. The anti-tumor activity in vivo was evaluated using a mouse xenograft model. Fourteen major compounds extracting from Tanshen were screened for their ability to inhibit hemangiomas cells. Of the 14 compounds investigated, 15,16-Dihydrotanshinone I (DHTS was the most potent modulator of EOMA cell biology. DHTS could significantly decrease EOMA cells proliferation by inducing cell apoptosis, which is much more efficient than propranolol in vitro. DHTS increased the expression of several apoptosis-related proteins, including caspase9, caspase3, PARP, AIF, BAX, cytochrome c, caspase8 and FADD and significantly inhibited angiogenesis, as indicated by reduced tube formation and diminished expression of vascular endothelial cell growth factor receptor 2 and matrix metalloproteinase 9. In nude mice xenograft experiment, DHTS (10 mg/kg could significantly inhibit the tumor

  6. Aspectos da proteção cerebral em pacientes submetidos a tromboendarterectomia pulmonar com hipotermia profunda e parada circulatória intermitente

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    HUEB Alexandre C.


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A tromboendarterectomia pulmonar é utilizada como método bem estabelecido para aliviar a hipertensão pulmonar nos casos de tromboembolismo pulmonar crônico. A dificuldade que se apresenta é conciliar o tempo relativamente exíguo de parada circulatória total (PCT hipotérmica com a completa desobstrução das artérias pulmonares, sob pena de danos neurológicos. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: No período de março de 1998 a abril de 1999 (13 meses, 8 pacientes, 5 do sexo masculino, 1 de cor negra, com idade variando entre 25 a 56 anos (média 46,2 anos e com diagnóstico angiográfico de tromboembolismo pulmonar, foram submetidos a tromboendarterectomia pulmonar uni ou bilateral por tromboembolismo pulmonar crônico (TEP. Instalado o circuito extracorpóreo e incisada a artéria pulmonar, procede-se à PCT e, aproximadamente a cada 20 minutos de procedimento, intermitentemente, o fluxo da circulação extracorpórea (CEC é restabelecido a 14º C por um período de 15 minutos objetivando-se a reperfusão cerebral e corpórea. Sucessivas paradas circulatórias total são realizadas e tantas quanto forem necessárias até a remoção de todos os trombos da artéria pulmonar. RESULTADOS: Não foram registrados óbitos no transoperatório. Um paciente faleceu no 30º dia de pós-operatório (PO devido a broncopneumonia que evoluiu para sepse. Os 8 pacientes foram submetidos a CEC e PCT hipotérmica, sendo que em 5 (62,5% foram necessárias 4 PCT e em 3 (37,5% apenas 3 PCT, com média de 3,6 PCT. O tempo total de CEC variou de 210 a 255 minutos, com média de 225 minutos. O tempo de PCT hipotérmica variou de 58 a 88 minutos, com média de 76,7 minutos e o período de PCT por paciente variou de 18 a 24 minutos, com média de 20,5 minutos. Em todos os pacientes foram realizadas tomografias de crânio, que não revelaram nenhuma alteração anatômica, assim como o exame físico não revelou déficit motor ou rebaixamento do sens

  7. Sarcoma da Artéria Pulmonar — dificuldades diagnósticas e terapêuticas

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    Sofia Neves


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O Sarcoma da Artéria Pulmonar é um tumor raro, apresentando-se com sinais e sintomas inespecíficos, simulando por vezes o Tromboembolismo Pulmonar (TEP, o que torna o seu diagnóstico difícil e tardio.A este propósito os autores apresentam um caso de um homem de 59 anos, ex-fumador, internado por dispneia de esforço, toracalgia e sintomas gerais.Portador de uma radiografia e TAC torácicas, ambas evidenciando imagens sugestivas de Trombose da Artéria Pulmonar Direita.Analiticamente e antes de qualquer terapêutica: Inibidor Lúpico ↑ e anticardiolipina IgM +.Presumido diagnóstico inicial de TEP crónico em doente com provável Síndroma de Hipercoaguabilidade, iniciou terapêutica hipocoagulante, com melhoria.Reinternado 2 meses após alta por agravamento clínico e radiológico. Proposto e aceite para Tromboendarterectomia Pulmonar, sob circulação extracorporal e paragem cardiocirculatória em hipotermia profunda (18 ºC. Durante a cirurgia constatou-se a presença de «mega-artérias pulmonares» preenchidas por massa trombosada que se estendia às ramificações arteriais segmentares. Após a exérese dessa massa houve necessidade de realizar Pneumectomia direita por hemorragia progressiva incontrolável.Veio a falecer ao 7.º dia de pós-operatório, por ARDS em pulmão único.Resultado Anatomopatológico: Sarcoma da Artéria Pulmonar com Metastização Pulmonar e Pleural.REV PORT PNEUMOL IX (1: 41-51 ABSTRACT: Primary Pulmonary Artery Sarcoma is a rare entity, which shares some clinical features with Thromboembolic Pulmonary Disease (TEPD, complicating differential diagnosis.The authors report a Clinical Case of a Primary Pulmonary Artery Sarcoma in a 59 years old man, admitted with a history of dyspnoea on exertion, chest pain and general symptoms. Chest X-ray, Computed Tomography Scan, Angiographies and Magnetic Resonance Imaging

  8. Lesões traumáticas do parênquima pulmonar: aspectos na tomografia computadorizada Traumatic lung lesions: computed tomography findings

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    Alessandro Severo Alves de Melo


    Full Text Available As lesões pulmonares são achados freqüentes no trauma torácico, sendo cada vez mais diagnosticadas pela tomografia computadorizada, em especial pelo rápido tempo de aquisição decorrente da técnica helicoidal, que permite a avaliação de pacientes em estado grave, possibilitando a adoção de conduta terapêutica eficiente. Os autores estudaram 150 pacientes vítimas de trauma torácico submetidos a tomografia computadorizada, que apresentaram lesões pulmonares, representadas por contusões, atelectasias, lacerações e hematomas pulmonares. As contusões pulmonares se caracterizaram por consolidações e atenuação em vidro fosco, sendo as lesões pulmonares mais comuns. As atelectasias foram observadas com os padrões subsegmentar e compressiva, e foram a segunda lesão mais comum. As lacerações se apresentaram como consolidações com ar ou nível líquido no interior. Os hematomas pulmonares representaram a lesão pulmonar mais rara, presentes em apenas cinco casos, caracterizados por opacidades arredondadas. Neste trabalho o trauma torácico fechado predominou, com 120 casos, enquanto o trauma aberto ocorreu em 30 casos. As causas de trauma fechado, em ordem decrescente de freqüência, foram: colisão automobilística, atropelamento, queda de altura, acidente de motocicleta e espancamento. A forma penetrante de traumatismo torácico decorreu de duas causas de agressão: lesão por arma de fogo e lesão por arma branca.Traumatic lesions of the lung are common findings in patients with thoracic trauma. These lesions are increasingly diagnosed using computed tomography, mostly due to the fast acquisition time helical techniques that allow evaluation of critically ill patients and an efficient therapeutic management. The authors studied 150 patients with thoracic trauma submitted to computed tomography that demonstrated lung contusions, atelectasies, lacerations and hematomas. Lung contusions were the most frequent lesions

  9. Panencefalite subaguda esclerosante: transmissão de agente encefalitogênico humano ao macaco rhesus

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    Alexandre Alencar


    Full Text Available Material proveniente do cérebro de um paciente com "panencefalite subaguda esclerosante" foi inoculado, por via intracerebral, em dois Macacus rhesus. Os animais permaneceram assintomáticos, aparentemente bem, por mais de um ano. Entretanto, 21 e 22 meses após as inoculações começaram a apresentar sinais de comprometimento neurológico, traduzido por paralisia dos membros posteriores, com apatia e caquexia progressivas. Os animais foram sacrificados. O exame histopatológico do sistema nervoso central mostrou gliose marginal e gliose da substância branca, com os neurônios exibindo sinais de "lesão celular crônica". Foram vistos discretos manguitos inflamatórios perivasculares. Em um animal foi encontrada inclusão acidófila intra- nuclear. Havia também proliferação da glia satélite perineuronal, com satelitose, notadamente no tronco cerebral. No exame das vísceras foi encontrado discreto processo de miocardite crônica. Foram retirados fragmentos dos encéfalos destes animais e inoculados em 4 outros, também por via intracerebral. Estes animais de 2.ª passagem após 2 meses de inoculação, em média, apresentaram sinais de comprometimento do sistema nervoso central semelhante ao dos animais doadores, de 1ª passagem. Houve, portanto, um encurtamento do período de inoculação da moléstia. Estes animais também foram sacrificados, sendo encontradas gliose marginal, gliose da substância branca, "lesão celular crônica" neuronal e proliferação da glia satélite, notadamente no tronco cerebral; vasos sangüíneos congestos; espongiose cortical. Os animais testemunhas, do mesmo lote, permaneceram normais. Acreditamos que as lesões observadas nos animais de 1.ª passagem, e que se repetiram com maior intensidade e com menor tempo de incubação nos de 2.ª passagem somente podem ser explicadas admitindo-se a existência de um agente virai que, pela natureza do quadro histopatológico (gliose, "lesão celular cr

  10. Nivel de conocimiento sobre tuberculosis pulmonar y actitud de los pacientes, centro salud San Juan de Salinas, 2017


    Atuncar Mendoza, Pamela


    El objetivo del estudios de investigación fue determinar la relación que existe entre el nivel de conocimiento sobretuberculosis pulmonar y la actitud hacia el tratamiento detuberculosis pulmonar de los pacientes dela Estrategia Sanitaria Nacional de Prevención y Control de la Tuberculosis, Centro de Salud San Juan de Salinas, San Martinde Porres, año 2017. En cuanto a lametodología fue de tipo de investigación aplicada, nivel descriptivo correccional,la población estuvo conformada por 50 p...

  11. Vasodilatadores en la hipertensión pulmonar: selectividad por el territorio vascular, por oxígeno y efectos antiproliferativos


    Morales Cano, Daniel


    La Hipertensión Pulmonar (HP) es una enfermedad crónica y progresiva. La HP presenta una compleja fisiopatología caracterizada por vasoconstricción, remodelado vascular y trombosis. Las terapias actuales muestran efectos beneficiosos, sin embargo presentan también importantes limitaciones: 1) pobre selectividad pulmonar, 2) modesta eficacia vasodilatadora, 3) desacoplamiento de la ventilación/perfusión (V/Q) e 4) incapacidad para prevenir la progresión de la enfermedad. La quercet...


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    Mónica Zagolin B., DRA.


    Full Text Available La hipertensión arterial pulmonar (HAP es una enfermedad crónica, que se caracteriza por el aumento de la resistencia vascular pulmonar (RVP a nivel de la arteriola pulmonar, que provoca una progresiva sobrecarga y posterior disfunción del ventrículo derecho (VD, que en etapas finales lleva a la insuficiencia cardiaca derecha, la cual sella su pronóstico. La HAP es más frecuente en mujeres jóvenes en plena edad productiva, siendo la supervivencia media de 2-3 años, antes de la aparición de terapias específicas. La base genética sugiere una herencia autosómica dominante con penetrancia incompleta, reconociéndose principalmente la afección del BMPR2. En la etiopatogenia se reconoce una alteración en las señales que controlan fundamentalmente el equilibrio vasocontrictor-vasodilatador a nivel del endotelio, con un desbalance hacia la proliferación y vasoconstricción, en las que están involucradas 3 vías patogénicas: La del Óxido nítrico (ON, de la Prostaciclina (PG y de la Endotelina (ET. El diagnóstico precoz de la HAP se asocia con una mejor supervivencia a largo plazo, por lo que su búsqueda ante un paciente con disnea, fatiga, dolor torácico y/o síncopes, así como en las poblaciones en riesgo, como son familiares en 1° con HAP, Esclerodermia y portadores de Hipertensión Portal, debería ser la estrategia de elección. La Ecocardiografía Doppler (ECO es la herramienta de pesquisa más utilizada en la práctica clínica actual. El diagnóstico debe ser confirmado mediante un cateterismo derecho, con mediciones directas de la presión arterial pulmonar, y debe realizarse prueba de vasoreactividad. El advenimiento de los tratamientos farmacológicos-HAP específicos ha provocado un cambio en la evolución natural de la enfermedad, existiendo hoy terapias orientadas a controlar las principales vías patogénicas involucradas: ON, PG, y ET. Los principales factores pronósticos que permiten guiar la terapia y la adici

  13. Agenesia pulmonar y riñón en herradura en la edad adulta: reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura

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    D.I. Navarro Vergara


    Full Text Available La agenesia pulmonar es una malformación congénita rara que se define como la ausencia total de parénquima pulmonar, bronquios y vasculatura. En la literatura se encuentran pocos casos de esta malformación en la edad adulta, debido a la presencia de otras malformaciones coincidentes, como desplazamiento mediastinal y cardiaco severos. La mayoría de los casos mueren prematuramente en los primeros 5 años de vida. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 31 años de edad con agenesia pulmonar izquierda asociada a malformación genitourinaria: riñón en herradura.

  14. Tromboembolia pulmonar asociada al síndrome de la vena cava superior de origen trombótico

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    Ana Madeleine Barrera-López


    Full Text Available Se describe el caso de un paciente masculino de 32 años de edad, quien consulta al servicio de urgencias con historia clínica del síndrome de la vena cava superior, en el estudio de la angiotomografía pulmonar, se demuestra embolismo pulmonar izquierdo, trombosis de la vena yugular interna derecha y confluente yugulo subclavio. No hay evidencia de asociación con neoplasia, infecciones o enfermedades del tejido conectivo, siendo el único factor de riesgo asociado para la trombosis, hiperviscocidad (tríada de virchow por poliglobulia.

  15. Consenso intersociedades para el manejo de infecciones respiratorias: bronquitis aguda y enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica


    Gustavo Lopardo; Claudia Pensotti; Pablo Scapellato; Oscar Caberlotto; Aníbal Calmaggi; Liliana Clara; Manuel Klein; Gabriel Levy Hara; María J. López Furst; Analía Mykietiuk; Daniel Pryluka; Maria J. Rial; Claudia Vujacich; Diego Yahni


    La Sociedad Argentina de Infectología convocó a otras sociedades científicas para elaborar una guía práctica y actualizada para el manejo del tratamiento antibiótico de las bronquitis agudas (BA) y los episodios de reagudización de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC), con el objetivo de promover el uso racional de los recursos diagnósticos y terapéuticos. La BA se caracteriza por la inflamación del árbol bronquial que afecta tanto a adultos como a niños sin enfermedades pulmonares ...

  16. Malária pulmonar: aspectos na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução - relato de caso

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    Rodrigues Rosana


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho é relatado o caso de paciente do sexo masculino, de 38 anos de idade, que desenvolveu quadro de malária com comprometimento pulmonar. A tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução evidenciou espessamento de septos interlobulares e de bainhas peribroncovasculares, com áreas esparsas de atenuação em vidro fosco e de consolidações, além de derrame pleural bilateral, aspectos compatíveis com edema pulmonar. O paciente recebeu tratamento específico, evoluindo bem e tendo alta 11 dias após a internação.

  17. Prevalência de refluxo gastroesofágico em pacientes com doença pulmonar avançada candidatos a transplante pulmonar Prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux in lung transplant candidates with advanced lung disease

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    Gustavo Almeida Fortunato


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o perfil funcional do esôfago e a prevalência de refluxo gastroesofágico (RGE em pacientes candidatos a transplante pulmonar. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados prospectivamente, entre junho de 2005 e novembro de 2006, 55 pacientes candidatos a transplante pulmonar da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre. Os pacientes foram submetidos a esofagomanometria estacionária e pHmetria esofágica ambulatorial de 24 h de um e dois eletrodos antes de serem submetidos ao transplante pulmonar. RESULTADOS: A esofagomanometria foi anormal em 80% dos pacientes e a pHmetria revelou RGE ácido patológico em 24%. Os sintomas digestivos apresentaram sensibilidade de 50% e especificidade de 61% para RGE. Dos pacientes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica, 94% apresentaram alteração à manometria, e 80% apresentaram hipotonia do esfíncter inferior, que foi o achado mais freqüente. Pacientes com bronquiectasias apresentaram a maior prevalência de RGE (50%. CONCLUSÕES: O achado freqüente em pacientes com doença pulmonar avançada é RGE. Na população examinada, a presença de sintomas digestivos de RGE não foi preditiva de refluxo ácido patológico. A contribuição do RGE na rejeição crônica deve ser considerada e requer estudos posteriores para seu esclarecimento.OBJECTIVE: To assess the esophageal function profile and the prevalence of gastro-esophageal reflux (GER in lung transplant candidates. METHODS: From July of 2005 to November of 2006, a prospective study was conducted involving 55 candidates for lung transplantation at the Santa Casa de Misericórdia Hospital in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Prior to transplantation, patients underwent outpatient stationary esophageal manometry and 24-h esophageal pH-metry using one and two electrodes. RESULTS: Abnormal esophageal manometry was documented in 80% of the patients, and 24% of the patients presented pathological acid reflux. Digestive symptoms presented sensitivity and

  18. Vertebroplasty as treatment of aggressive and symptomatic vertebral hemangiomas: up to 4 years of follow-up

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    Guarnieri, G.; Ambrosanio, G.; Vassallo, P.; Galasso, R.; Lavanga, A.; Izzo, R.; Muto, M. [AORNA Cardarelli, Neuroradiology Service, Naples (Italy); Pezzullo, M.G. [Seconda Universita degli studi di Napoli - SUN, Radiology Service, Naples (Italy)


    This study aimed to illustrate the validity of the treatment with vertebroplasty (VP) in patients with aggressive or symptomatic vertebral hemangioma (VH) with or without epidural extension. From January 2003 to December 2007, 24 consecutive patients have been treated with VP, for a total of 36 vertebral bodies affected by VH: two cervical, ten dorsal, 24 lumbar. All the patients complained of a pain syndrome resistant to continuous medical medication; four of 24 patients also presented aggressive magnetic resonance features of the vertebral lesion and two patients showed also epidural extension. A unipedicular approach has been performed in 16 patients; a bipedicular approach has been performed in six, while for the cervical spine an anterior-lateral approach with manual dislocation of the carotid axis has always been performed. Bone biopsy was never done. All procedures have been carried out with local anesthesia, except for the treatment of the cervical hemangiomas which has always been performed under general anesthesia. Four vertebral bodies in the same session have been treated in one case. Results have been evaluated with the visual analog scale and the Oswestry Disability Index methods. In all the patients, in the following 24-72 h, a successful outcome has been observed with a complete resolution of pain symptom. Extravertebral vascular or discal cement leakage has been observed in four patients, without any onset of clinical radicular syndrome due to epidural diffusion. Clinical and radiological follow-up until 4 years has been performed in 12 patients and it showed stability of the treatment and absence of pain. Percutaneous treatment with VP for aggressive and symptomatic vertebral hemangiomas even with epidural extension is a valuable, mini-invasive, and quick method that allows a complete and enduring resolution of the painful vertebral symptoms without findings of fracture of a vertebral body adjacent or distant to the one treated. (orig.)

  19. Vertebroplasty as treatment of aggressive and symptomatic vertebral hemangiomas: up to 4 years of follow-up

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guarnieri, G.; Ambrosanio, G.; Vassallo, P.; Galasso, R.; Lavanga, A.; Izzo, R.; Muto, M.; Pezzullo, M.G.


    This study aimed to illustrate the validity of the treatment with vertebroplasty (VP) in patients with aggressive or symptomatic vertebral hemangioma (VH) with or without epidural extension. From January 2003 to December 2007, 24 consecutive patients have been treated with VP, for a total of 36 vertebral bodies affected by VH: two cervical, ten dorsal, 24 lumbar. All the patients complained of a pain syndrome resistant to continuous medical medication; four of 24 patients also presented aggressive magnetic resonance features of the vertebral lesion and two patients showed also epidural extension. A unipedicular approach has been performed in 16 patients; a bipedicular approach has been performed in six, while for the cervical spine an anterior-lateral approach with manual dislocation of the carotid axis has always been performed. Bone biopsy was never done. All procedures have been carried out with local anesthesia, except for the treatment of the cervical hemangiomas which has always been performed under general anesthesia. Four vertebral bodies in the same session have been treated in one case. Results have been evaluated with the visual analog scale and the Oswestry Disability Index methods. In all the patients, in the following 24-72 h, a successful outcome has been observed with a complete resolution of pain symptom. Extravertebral vascular or discal cement leakage has been observed in four patients, without any onset of clinical radicular syndrome due to epidural diffusion. Clinical and radiological follow-up until 4 years has been performed in 12 patients and it showed stability of the treatment and absence of pain. Percutaneous treatment with VP for aggressive and symptomatic vertebral hemangiomas even with epidural extension is a valuable, mini-invasive, and quick method that allows a complete and enduring resolution of the painful vertebral symptoms without findings of fracture of a vertebral body adjacent or distant to the one treated. (orig.)

  20. Estado de la ventilación pulmonar en fumadores activos y pasivos

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    Lourdes Gómez García


    Full Text Available Se realiza un estudio de cohorte histórico que analiza la repercusión del hábito de fumar en la ventilación pulmonar. Como universo se toma la población de 15 y más años del municipio Camagüey y como unidad de análisis, cada individuo procedente de 3 cohortes retrospectivos (fumador activo, pasivo y no fumador. Se valoran los resultados espirométricos de ventilación pulmonar disminuida y se realiza una encuesta que incluyó examen clínico y microespirometría a las 120 personas (40 procedentes de cada cohorte. Se señala que el 60% de los fumadores presentó alteración en la ventilación pulmonar con primacía de los fumadores activos (80%, la combinación cigarrillos-puros ofrece mayor repercusión en la ventilación pulmonar. El tiempo diario de exposición al humo del cigarro afecta de manera estable al fumador activo, mientras que el riesgo aumenta en el fumador pasivo a medida que es mayor el tiempo de exposición al día. El examen físico es un patrón relevante para el diagnóstico precoz de daño ventilatorio, sin necesidad de prueba especializadaA historical cohort study is conducted to analyze the repercussion of the smoking habit on pulmonary ventilation. The population aged 15 and over at the municipality of Camagüey is taken as a universe, and every individual from the three retrospective cohorts (active smoker, passive smoker and nonsmoker is considered as a unit of analysis. The sperimetric results of diminished pulmonary ventilation are assessed, and a survey including clinical examination and microspirometry is done among 120 persons (40 from every cohort. It is stressed that 60 % of the smokers presented alterations of pulmonary ventilation and mainly the active smokers (80 %. The cigarettes-cigars combination had a greater impact on pulmonary ventilation. The daily time of exposure to cigarette smoke affects the active smoker in a steady way, wherea the risk increases in the passive smoker as longer is the daily

  1. Comprometimento pulmonar na leptospirose

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    Jorge Eduardo Manhães de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Em 23 pacientes com leptospirose apresentando comprometimento pulmonar, internados no Hospital Universitário Antônio Pedro da XJFF, Niterói, hemoptise e hemoptóicos foram observados em 21,7% e 30,4%, respectivajnente. Gasometria arterial revelou hipoxemia e hipocapnia na maioria dos casos. Radiografia de tórax em 15 pacientes mostrou comprometimento alveolar em 60%, comprometimento intersticial-reticular em 6%, padrão misto (alveolar e intersticial em20%e ausência de alterações radiológicas em 14%. A necrópsiade 13 pacientes mostrou edema, congestão e hemorragia nos pulmões em 100% dos casos. A hemorragia foi focal em 46% e difusa em 54% dos casos. Houve formação de membrana hialina em 30% e trombos de fibrina em 46% dos pulmões estudados, o que estabelece o diagnóstico da coagulação intravascular disseminada e a ocorrência da síndrome de angústia respiratória na leptospirose.

  2. Intravitreal anti-VEGF injection for the treatment of progressive juxtapapillary retinal capillary hemangioma: a case report and mini review of the literature

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    Chelala E


    Full Text Available Elias Chelala, Ali Dirani, Ali Fadlallah Saint-Joseph University, Faculty of Medicine, Beirut, Lebanon Abstract: We report a case of a patient known to have a von Hippel–Lindau disease with documented progressive juxtapapillary retinal capillary hemangioma (JRCH with well-preserved visual acuity (VA and visual field (VF. The patient received a single injection of intravitreal ranibizumab (IVR. Six months after IVR injection, the JRCH showed reduced vascularization, fibrosis, and mild shrinkage, and VA and VF remained unchanged. IVR therapy might therefore be considered as an alternative treatment for progressive JRCH, especially in patients with well-preserved VA and VF. Keywords: juxtapapillary retinal capillary hemangioma, intravitreal anti-VEGF injection, von Hippel–Lindau disease

  3. Mixed germ cell tumor of mediastinum/lung masquerading as hemangioma in fine needle biopsy

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    Rathna Nuti


    Full Text Available The histological predominance of one component in a germ cell tumor can lead to a mistaken diagnosis. Here, we describe a mediastinal teratoma with predominant vascular proliferation (>90% which on fine needle biopsy was diagnosed as a pulmonary hemangioma. Later, resection specimen revealed other components constituting ~4%, changing the diagnosis while illustrating theimportance of careful evaluation. A 37-year-old Caucasian male with shortness of breath, weight loss, and history of recently resolved pneumonia was diagnosed with hemangioma, after a computed tomography guided fine needle biopsy of a -16.3-cm mediastinal pulmonary mass revealed abundant benign vascular elements. Following tumor excision, ~94% of the sample exhibited predominant vascular elementsThe mass also exhibited rare focal areas of malignant epithelium in a reticular arrangement and undifferentiated pleomorphic cells associated with vascular invasion. These atypical epithelial cells were positive for CD30, pan CK, AFP, β-HCG and CD 117, thusprocuring a diagnosis of mediastinal mixed germ cell tumor. Although mixed germ cell tumors consist of various tissue types, diagnosis can be easily overlooked if one component dominates. Therefore, obtaining adequate representative neoplasm samples, and sectioning the samples thoroughly, searching for coexisting tissue types is critical for accurate diagnosis.

  4. Modulação da pressão intracraniana em um modelo experimental de hipertensão abdominal e lesão pulmonar aguda


    Zampieri,Fernando Godinho; Almeida,Juliana Roberta; Schettino,Guilherme Pinto de Paula; Park,Marcelo; Machado,Fabio Santana; Azevedo,Luciano Cesar Pontes


    OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito de alterações hemodinâmicas, respiratórias e metabólicas sobre a pressão intracraniana em um modelo de lesão pulmonar aguda e síndrome compartimental abdominal. MÉTODOS: Oito porcos Agroceres foram submetidos, após a instrumentação, a cinco cenários clínicos: 1) estado basal com baixa pressão intra-abdominal e pulmão sadio; 2) pneumoperitôneo, com pressão intra-abdominal de 20 mm Hg; 3) lesão pulmonar aguda induzida por lavagem pulmonar e desativação de surfactante;...

  5. Sildenafil vs. Nitroprussiato de Sódio durante Teste de Reatividade Pulmonar pré-transplante cardíaco

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    Aguinaldo Figueiredo Freitas Jr


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A hipertensão pulmonar é associada ao pior prognóstico no pós-transplante cardíaco. O teste de reatividade pulmonar com Nitroprussiato de Sódio (NPS está associado a elevados índices de hipotensão arterial sistêmica, disfunção ventricular do enxerto transplantado e elevadas taxas de desqualificação para o transplante. OBJETIVO: Neste estudo, objetivou-se comparar os efeitos do Sildenafil (SIL e NPS sobre variáveis hemodinâmicas, neuro-hormonais e ecocardiográficas durante teste de reatividade pulmonar. MÉTODOS: Os pacientes foram submetidos, simultaneamente, ao cateterismo cardíaco direito, ao ecocardiograma e à dosagem de BNP e gasometria venosa, antes e após administração de NPS (1 - 2 µg/Kg/min ou SIL (100 mg, dose única. RESULTADOS: Ambos reduziram a hipertensão pulmonar, porém o nitrato promoveu hipotensão sistêmica significativa (Pressão Arterial Média - PAM: 85,2 vs. 69,8 mmHg, p < 0,001. Ambos reduziram as dimensões cardíacas e melhoraram a função cardíaca esquerda (NPS: 23,5 vs. 24,8 %, p = 0,02; SIL: 23,8 vs. 26 %, p < 0,001 e direita (SIL: 6,57 ± 2,08 vs. 8,11 ± 1,81 cm/s, p = 0,002; NPS: 6,64 ± 1,51 vs. 7,72 ± 1,44 cm/s, p = 0,003, medidas pela fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda e Doppler tecidual, respectivamente. O SIL, ao contrário do NPS, apresentou melhora no índice de saturação venosa de oxigênio, medido pela gasometria venosa. CONCLUSÃO: Sildenafil e NPS são vasodilatadores que reduzem, de forma significativa, a hipertensão pulmonar e a geometria cardíaca, além de melhorar a função biventricular. O NPS, ao contrário do SIL, esteve associado a hipotensão arterial sistêmica e piora da saturação venosa de oxigênio.

  6. Esquistossomose pulmonar. III. Forma crônica extensa com hipertensão pulmonar e na vigência de hipertensão portal associada a provável coroidite e retinite esquistossomótica

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    Jayme Neves


    Full Text Available Os Autores descrevem um caso grave de esquistossomose mansoni numa criança de 9 anos de idade (forma hepática com hipertensão portai associada a forma pulmonar com hipertensão pulmonar e cor pulmonale clinicamente caracterizado por episódios de insuficiência respiratória desencadeados em face de esforços físicos moderados. Sucessivos exames radiológicos de tórax revelaram comprometimento predominantemente arteriolar ao iado de uma micronodulação delicada e difusamente distribuída e configuração de cor pulmonale. Ao contrário do caso anteriormente descrito, a evolução se deu sem que se verificassem manifestações febris. Embora tenham sido afastadas várias hipóteses de associação da esquistossomose a concausas infectuosas, optou-se pelo tratamento de prova da tuberculose pulmonar. O fundo de olho também apresentava vários nódulos esbranquiçados disseminados pelo coróide e retina, caracterizando provável coroidite e retinite esquistossomótica. O tratamento antituberculoso resultou praticamente nulo. Não se procedeu ao tratamento específico da esquistossomose, considerando-se o alto risco da cardiopatia face aos esquistossomicidas disponíveis. A alta foi fornecida após treze meses de observação hospitalar. Não compareceu a ulterior controle.

  7. Árgon-plasma no tratamento de leiomioma benigno metastizante pulmonar: um caso clínico

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    A. Bugalho


    Full Text Available Resumo: Os leiomiomas benignos metastizantes pulmonares são tumores raros de células musculares lisas. Uma doente de 48 anos foi avaliada devido a tosse persistente, dispneia progressiva e sintomas constitucionais. A tomografi a computorizada do tórax revelou uma massa endobrônquica à esquerda, múltiplos nódulos do parênquima pulmonar e derrame pleural. As características histológicas da biopsia brônquica foram consistentes com o diagnóstico de leiomioma benigno metastizante. A doente foi submetida a árgon-plasma e desobstrução mecânica com efi cácia terapêutica. Verifi cou-se estabilidade clínica nos últimos quatro anos. Abstract: Benign metastasizing leiomyomas of the lung are rare smooth muscle cells tumours. We report the case of a 48 year-old female who was evaluated due to persistent cough, progressive dyspnoea and constitutional symptoms. Chest computed tomography revealed a left endobronchial mass, multiple parenchyma nodules and a pleural effusion. Bronchial biopsy histological features were consistent with benign metastasizing leiomyoma. The patient was successfully treated with argon-plasma and mechanical debulking. There was no disease relapse in the last four years. : PALAVRAS-CHAVE, Leiomioma benigno, metastizante, Neoplasias pulmonares, Diagnóstico, Broncoscopia, Tratamento, Tratamento árgon-plasma, KEYWORDS: Benign metastasizing, leiomyoma, Lung neoplasms, Diagnosis, Bronchoscopy, Management, Argon-plasma Treatment

  8. Comparison of outcomes between overlapping-spot and single-spot photodynamic therapy for circumscribed choroidal hemangioma

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    Zhao-An Su


    Full Text Available AIM:To compare the efficacy and safety of photodynamic therapy (PDT with overlapping multiple spots and single spot for treating circumscribed choroidal hemangioma.METHODS:Twenty-two patients (22 eyes with symptomatic circumscribed choroidal hemangioma received PDT treatment. Fourteen patients received overlapping spots (two to three spots PDT, whereas eight patients received single-spot PDT. Laser was used at 50J/cm2 for 83s in the overlapping-spot group and 50J/cm2 for 166s in the single-spot group. Clinical examination, funduscopy, fluorescein angiography, and ultrasonography were performed at baseline and after treatment.RESULTS:The mean follow-up time was 28.5±8.0 months in the overlapping-spot group and 27.0±5.0 months in the single-spot group. Nine patients (64.2% had their vision improved over two lines on the Snellen chart, and five patients showed stable visual acuity in the overlapping-spot group. The mean thickness of tumor decreased from 2.7±0.8mm to 1.2±0.9mm, and the mean greatest tumor linear dimension decreased from 7.4±1.5mm to 4.5±3.5mm after treatment. In the single-spot group, two patients (25% had their vision improved over two lines on the Snellen chart, and six patients had unchanged stable vision. The mean tumor thickness in this group decreased from 2.5±0.7mm to 1.4±1.0mm, and the mean greatest tumor linear dimension decreased from 7.2±1.3mm to 4.7±3.6mm. No significant differences in visual improvement and tumor regression were found between the two groups.CONCLUSION: Overlapping-spot PDT under appropriate treatment parameters and strategies is as effective and safe as single-spot PDT for treating symptomatic circumscribed choroidal hemangioma. Improved or stabilized visual acuity was achieved as a result of tumor regression.

  9. Paraganglioma de mediastino com metástases pulmonares Pulmonary metastasis of mediastinal paraganglioma

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    Manoel Ximenes Netto


    Full Text Available Descrevemos uma paciente de 27 anos que se apresentou com paraganglioma de mediastino anterior e médio e nódulos pulmonares bilaterais. O tratamento consistiu na ressecção das lesões pulmonares através de toracotomia anterior bilateral transesternal e retirada do paraganglioma com auxílio de circulação extracorpórea. Como tratamento neoadjuvante foram usadas radioterapia e quimioterapia. A evolução pós-operatória foi satisfatória, e catorze meses depois a paciente encontrava-se assintomática.Herein, we describe the case of a 27-year-old female presenting with paraganglioma of the anterior and middle mediastinum and bilateral pulmonary nodules. Treatment consisted of pulmonary resection by anterior bilateral thoracotomy and transverse sternotomy, in which the paraganglioma was excised with the aid of extracorporeal circulation. As neoadjuvant treatments, radiotherapy and chemotherapy were applied. Postoperative evolution was uneventful, and the patient was classified as asymptomatic after 14 months.

  10. Infecção pulmonar por rhodococcus equi em doente vih+ - revisão baseada num caso clínico

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    João Faria


    Full Text Available Apesar do aumento no número de casos de infecção humana por Rhodococcus equi (R. equi registado nas últimas décadas, sobretudo em indivíduos infectados pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH, esse diagnóstico permanece uma raridade. Os autores apresentam um caso de infecção pulmonar por R. equi num homem de 36 anos com síndrome de imunodeficiência adquirida (SIDA. A doença manifestou-se de forma insidiosa, apresentando-se radiologicamente sob a forma de lesão pulmonar esquerda com cavitação e nível hidroaéreo, tendo sido inicialmente colocada a hipótese diagnóstica de tuberculose pulmonar (TP dada a pesquisa de bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes (BAAR na expectoração ter sido positiva. Posteriormente, foi possível isolar o R. equi nas culturas de expectoração e lavado broncoalveolar (LBA. O estudo anátomo-patológico confirmou a presença concomitante de malacoplaquia pulmonar. O doente cumpriu antibioterapia dirigida ao agente e teve boa evolução clínica, analítica e radiológica. A propósito deste caso, os autores fazem uma revisão teórica do tema à luz dos conhecimentos actuais.

  11. Fusariosis como nódulo pulmonar solitario.

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    Nelson Moreno


    Full Text Available Las micosis invasivas son causa común de morbilidad y mortalidad en pacientes inmunosuprimidos. De éstas las más importantes en frecuencia son la Aspergilosis y la Fusariosis, ambas agrupadas bajo el término de Hialohifomicosis. Uno de los órganos afectados con mayor frecuencia es el pulmón. Desafortunadamente las manifestaciones clínicas son inespecíficas como la tos, el dolor pleurítico y la hemoptisis. Radiológicamente puede presentar desde infiltrados difusos, hasta lesiones nodulares o cavitaciones. Este es el primer informe en Colombia de un nódulo pulmonar único por hongos del género Fusarium en una paciente inmunocompetente.

  12. Origem anômala de uma artéria pulmonar da aorta ascendente: resolução da hipertensão arterial pulmonar com a correção cirúrgica Anomalous origin of one pulmonary artery from the ascending aorta: surgical repair resolving pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    Marco Aurélio Santos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Enfatizar a possibilidade diagnóstica da origem anômala de uma artéria pulmonar da aorta ascendente, em lactentes com quadro de insuficiência cardíaca clinicamente intratável e sem defeito estrutural intracardíaco. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo em quatro lactentes com insuficiência cardíaca intratável, submetidos a estudo ecocardiográfico bidimensional com cortes subcostal, supraesternal e paraesternal, e a estudo hemodinâmico e angiocardiográfico na projeção ântero-posterior. RESULTADOS: Três dos quatro lactentes tinham a artéria pulmonar direita originando-se da aorta ascendente, como diagnóstico principal. No quarto paciente a artéria pulmonar esquerda originava-se da aorta ascendente associada à ampla comunicação interventricular. Os lactentes tinham pressão em ambas artérias pulmonares em nível sistêmico. Todos foram submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico que consistiu na translocação da artéria pulmonar anômala da aorta. Não houve óbitos cardíacos imediatos ou tardios. CONCLUSÃO: Uma vez estabelecido o diagnóstico de origem anômala de artéria pulmonar da aorta ascendente, na forma isolada, a correção cirúrgica deverá ser prontamente realizada, não só pelo desenvolvimento de doença vascular pulmonar, como pelos excelentes resultados cirúrgicos atualmente obtidos.OBJECTIVE: To emphasize the diagnostic possibility of the anomalous origin of one pulmonary artery from the ascending aorta in infants with clinically refractory heart failure and no intracardiac structural defect. METHODS: Retrospective study of 4 infants with refractory heart failure undergoing 2-dimensional echocardiographic study with subcostal, suprasternal, and parasternal views, and hemodynamic and angiocardiographic study in the anteroposterior projection. RESULTS: Three of the 4 infants had their right pulmonary artery originating from the ascending aorta as their major diagnosis. In the fourth patient, the left pulmonary

  13. Intractable hiccup as the presenting symptom of cavernous hemangioma in the medulla oblongata: a case report and literature review. (United States)

    Lee, Kyung-Hwa; Moon, Kyung-Sub; Jung, Min-Young; Jung, Shin


    A case of intractable hiccup developed by cavernous hemangioma in the medulla oblongata is reported. There have been only five previously reported cases of medullary cavernoma that triggered intractable hiccup. The patient was a 28-year-old man who was presented with intractable hiccup for 15 days. It developed suddenly, then aggravated progressively and did not respond to any types of medication. On magnetic resonance images, a well-demarcated and non-enhancing mass with hemorrhagic changes was noted in the left medulla oblongata. Intraoperative findings showed that the lesion was fully embedded within the brain stem and pathology confirmed the diagnosis of cavernous hemangioma. The hiccup resolved completely after the operation. Based on the presumption that the medullary cavernoma may trigger intractable hiccup by displacing or compression the hiccup arc of the dorsolateral medulla, surgical excision can eliminate the symptoms, even in the case totally buried in brainstem.

  14. Diseño e implementación de un pletismógrafo digital para detección de enfermedades pulmonares


    Naula Dután, Byron Ricardo


    Se diseñó y construyó un pletismógrafo digital para determinar parámetros de función pulmonar como capacitad vital, frecuencia respiratoria y otros, este equipo sirve como herramienta de soporte para realizar diagnósticos presuntivos en consultas generales y detectar enfermedades pulmonares. I design and built a digital plethismograph to determine lung of function parameters as vital capacity, breathing frequency and others, this medical device serves as support tool to make presumptive di...

  15. Esquistossomose pulmonar. II. Forma crônica reativada com hipertensão e Cor pulmonale

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    Jayme Neves


    Full Text Available Os Autores descrevem um caso grave de esquistossomose mansoni (forma hepática com hipertensão portal associada a forma pulmonar com hipertensão pulmonar e cor pulmonalej sobre o qual evoluiu uma sindrome toxi-infectuosa grave e de longa duração. Sucessivos exames radiológicos do tórax revelaram acometimento predominantemente arteriolar, ao lado de uma micronodulação pulmonar grosseira e difusa em ambos os hemitóraces e configuração de coração pulmonar. A histopatologia de material de biópsia pulmonar identificou basicamente uma arterite pulmonar característica, inflamação granulomatosa atípica provocada principalmente por vermes e raros ovos de S. mansoni envolvidos por escassa reação inflamatória. Para explicar a origem de constelação clínica toxi-infectuosa, foram afastadas as hipóteses de associação da esquistossomose a concausas infectuosas ou não, mas de curso febril, e a superposição de uma forma toxêmica sobre outra crônica pré-existente. Com base em dados clínicos, particularmente em subsídios da laparoscopia, e anatômicos, concluiu-se tratar o caso de uma forma crônica de esquistossomose reativada, provavelmente em virtude de alterações imunológicas inusitadas do hospedeiro. Ao que tudo parece indicar, o desvio de ovos e de vermes aos pulmões deveu-se à sindrome de hipertensão portal, cujos shunts entre a circulação portal e sistêmica determinaram a rota preferencial da migração.The Authors relate a case ofsevere schistosomiasis mansoni (hepatic form, with portal hypertension, associated with pulmonary form, with pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale, o ver which develloped a severe toxi-infectious syndrome of long duration. Serial chest X-rays showed that the arteriolae were predominantly affected, besides a gross and difuse pulmonary micronodulation in both hemithoraces, and pulmonary heart configuration. Histopathology of the pulmonary biopsy material identified basically a

  16. Preoperative irradiation of an extracerebral cavernous hemangioma in the middle fossa. Follow-up study with computed tomography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shibata, S; Kurihara, M; Mori, K [Nagasaki Univ. (Japan). School of Medicine; Amamoto, Y


    This is a report of case with the extracerebral cavernous hemangioma in the middle fossa in which total removal was carried out after radiotherapy. Follow-up study with computed tomography during and after irradiation are presented. A 44-year-old house-wife complained of a decreased vision of the both eyes and paresis of the left upper and lower limbs. CT scan revealed a slightly high density area in the right middle cranial fossa which was markedly enhanced with contrast media. Right carotid angio-graphy demonstrated a large avascular mass in the right middle fossa and no feeding artery or draining vein was visualized except a faint irregular stain in the venous phase. An attempt to total removal of the tumor had failed to succeed because of extensive hemorrhage from the tumor. Histological examination revealed a cavernous hemangioma. Irradiation with a total dose of 5000 rads was delivered. After irradiation CT scan revealed a marked decrease of size and EMI number of the tumor. At this stage, hypervascular mass lesion with feeding arteries was noted in conventional angiography. Tumor stain in prolonged injection angiography was also visualized. In the second operation, removal of the tumor was performed without any difficulty and hemorrhage was controlled easily by electrocoagulation. Histology revealed a marked narrowing of vessels with an increase in the connective tissues. In the central part of specimen, there noted findings of coagulation necrosis, intraluminal thrombus formations and so on, which were attributed to the influence of radiation. It is concluded that in case of an extracerebral cavernous hemangioma with massive hemorrhage, radiation of up to 3000 - 5000 rads was a method of choice. The treatment results in an increase of probability of total removal of the tumor.

  17. E-selectin mediates stem cell adhesion and formation of blood vessels in a murine model of infantile hemangioma. (United States)

    Smadja, David M; Mulliken, John B; Bischoff, Joyce


    Hemangioma stem cells (HemSCs) are multipotent cells isolated from infantile hemangioma (IH), which form hemangioma-like lesions when injected subcutaneously into immune-deficient mice. In this murine model, HemSCs are the primary target of corticosteroid, a mainstay therapy for problematic IH. The relationship between HemSCs and endothelial cells that reside in IH is not clearly understood. Adhesive interactions might be critical for the preferential accumulation of HemSCs and/or endothelial cells in the tumor. Therefore, we studied the interactions between HemSCs and endothelial cells (HemECs) isolated from IH surgical specimens. We found that HemECs isolated from proliferating phase IH, but not involuting phase, constitutively express E-selectin, a cell adhesion molecule not present in quiescent endothelial cells. E-selectin was further increased when HemECs were exposed to vascular endothelial growth factor-A or tumor necrosis factor-α. In vitro, HemSC migration and adhesion was enhanced by recombinant E-selectin but not P-selectin; both processes were neutralized by E-selectin-blocking antibodies. E-selectin-positive HemECs also stimulated migration and adhesion of HemSCs. In vivo, neutralizing antibodies to E-selectin strongly inhibited formation of blood vessels when HemSCs and HemECs were co-implanted in Matrigel. These data suggest that endothelial E-selectin could be a major ligand for HemSCs and thereby promote cellular interactions and vasculogenesis in IH. We propose that constitutively expressed E-selectin on endothelial cells in the proliferating phase is one mediator of the stem cell tropism in IH. Copyright © 2012 American Society for Investigative Pathology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Complicações pulmonares não infecciosas após transplante de células-tronco hematopoiéticas

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    Eliane Viana Mancuzo


    Full Text Available Resumo: As complicações pulmonares constituem importante causa de morbidade e mortalidade após o transplante de células-tronco hematopoiéticas (TCTH ocorrendo em cerca de 30 a 60% dos receptores. O avanço na profilaxia e tratamento de complicações infecciosas tem aumentado de forma significativa a parcela de complicações pulmonares não infecciosas. O diagnóstico e o tratamento precoce destas complicações podem mudar o prognóstico dos receptores de transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas. O objectivo deste estudo é rever as principais complicações não infecciosas associadas ao TCTH desde a realização do primeiro transplante de medula óssea em 1957.Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura utilizando-se a estratégia PICO para a construção das perguntas. Os descritores transplante de células-tronco hematopoiéticas, complicações pulmonares não infecciosas, revisão sistemática, em português e seus correspondentes em inglês, foram utilizados para acesso às seguintes bases de dados: MEDLINE, EBM, EMBASE, COCRANE LIBRARY, LILACS e SciELO. Nesta revisão foram identificados 263 trabalhos. Destes, 30 foram seleccionados para serem analisados na íntegra. As complicações pulmonares não infecciosas mais frequentemente descritas foram: bronquiolite obliterante, bronquiolite obliterante com pneumonia em organização, edema pulmonar, síndroma da pneumonia idiopática, síndroma da toxicidade pulmonar por droga, hemorragia alveolar difusa, síndroma do enxerto e trombo citolítico pulmonar.Rev Port Pneumol 2010; XVI (5: 815-828 Abstract: Pulmonary complications are important cause of mortality and morbidity after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, in 30% to 60% of the patients. Improvements in prophylaxis and treatment of infectious complications have been increasing the rate of non-infectious complications. Early diagnosis and treatment of those complications can significantly change the

  19. Endoscopic management of Atypical sellar cavernous hemangioma: A case report and review of the literature

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    A.M. Al-Sharydah


    Conclusion: Seller cavernous hemangioma (SCH is an extremely rare lesion that can be misdiagnosed. It is characterized by clinico-radiological features similar to those of other lesions such as pituitary macroadenoma and should be included in the differential diagnosis. The endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal (EET approach with subtotal/total resection appears to be a feasible option for debulking, with less surgical complications. Nonetheless, combining stereotactic radiosurgery will reduce postsurgical morbidities.

  20. 149. Uso del oxigenador de membrana extracorpórea en el perioperatorio de trasplante pulmonar. Análisis de dos casos en nuestro centro

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    J.A. Fernández-Divar


    Conclusiones: El sistema ECMO es una herramienta válida para sustituir la CEC y disminuir sus riesgos en el trasplante pulmonar. Se puede mantener ECMO durante el postoperatorio precoz, sobre todo si se trata de pulmones de donante subóptimo o en casos de receptores de riesgo, especialmente aquellos con hipertensión pulmonar grave.

  1. Facial nerve hemangioma: a rare case involving the vertical segment. (United States)

    Ahmadi, Neda; Newkirk, Kenneth; Kim, H Jeffrey


    This case report and literature review reports on a rare case of facial nerve hemangioma (FNH) involving the vertical facial nerve (FN) segment, and discusses the clinical presentation, imaging, pathogenesis, and management of these rare lesions. A 53-year-old male presented with a 10-year history of right hemifacial twitching and progressive facial paresis (House-Brackmann grading score V/VI). The computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging studies confirmed an expansile lesion along the vertical FN segment. Excision and histopathologic examination demonstrated FNH. FNHs involving the vertical FN segment are extremely rare. Despite being rare lesions, we believe that familiarity with the presentation and management of FNHs are imperative. Laryngoscope, 2012. Copyright © 2012 The American Laryngological, Rhinological, and Otological Society, Inc.

  2. Vascular lesions of the lumbar epidural space: magnetic resonance imaging features of epidural cavernous hemangioma and epidural hematoma

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    Basile Júnior Roberto


    Full Text Available The authors report the magnetic resonance imaging diagnostic features in two cases with respectively lumbar epidural hematoma and cavernous hemangioma of the lumbar epidural space. Enhanced MRI T1-weighted scans show a hyperintense signal rim surrounding the vascular lesion. Non-enhanced T2-weighted scans showed hyperintense signal.

  3. E-learning enables parents to assess an infantile hemangioma. (United States)

    de Graaf, Marlies; Knol, Mirjam J; Totté, Joan E E; van Os-Medendorp, Harmieke; Breugem, Corstiaan C; Pasmans, Suzanne G M A


    Infantile hemangiomas (IH) at risk for complications need to be recognized early. We sought to determine if parents are able to assess, after e-learning, whether their child has an IH, is at risk for complications, and needs to be seen (urgently) by a specialist. This was a prospective study of 158 parents participating in an IH e-learning module. Parents were asked to assess their child's skin abnormality. A dermatologist answered the same questions (by e-consult). The 2 assessments were compared. Parents showed a 96% concordance with the dermatologist for correct diagnosis after e-learning. Concordances were 79%, 75%, and 84% (P e-learning module. E-learning by parents could result in earlier presentation and treatment of high-risk IH. Copyright © 2014 American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Breast cancer after radiotherapy for skin hemangioma in infancy

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    Lundell, M.; Mattsson, A.; Hakulinen, T.; Holm, L.E.


    Between 1920 and 1959, 9675 women were irradiated in infancy for skin hemangioma at Radiumhemmet, Stockholm. They were exposed to low to moderate doses of ionizing radiation. The mean age at first exposure was 6 months and the mean absorbed dose to the breast anlage was 0.39 Gy (range 50 years after exposure the ERR at 1 Gy was 2.25 (95% CI 0.59-5.62). The fitted excess absolute risk (EAR) was 22.9 per 10 4 breast-year gray. The breast absorbed dose and time after exposure were important risk determinants for breast cancer excess risk. Forty to 50 years of follow-up was necessary for the excess risk to be expressed. The study confirms previous findings that the breast anlage of female infants is sensitive to ionizing radiation. 17 refs., 6 figs

  5. Tromboembolismo pulmonar masivo de alto riesgo asociado a foramen oval permeable High-risk massive pulmonary thromboembolism associated with patent foramen ovale

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    Antonio Miranda


    Full Text Available La alta mortalidad de los pacientes con tromboembolismo pulmonar masivo de alto riesgo amerita un enfoque terapéutico enérgico e invasivo que incluya la embolectomía pulmonar quirúrgica en aquellos pacientes con contraindicación para trombolisis o trombolisis fallida. Describimos un caso de tromboembolismo pulmonar masivo de alto riesgo que recibió tratamiento quirúrgico en vez de trombolisis debido a que al momento del diagnóstico presentaba un trombo móvil a través de un foramen oval permeable con altísima posibilidad de embolismo paradójico arterial.High mortality rate associated with massive pulmonary embolism requires an aggressive invasive approach including surgical pulmonary embolectomy when thrombolytic therapy has failed or is contraindicated. We describe a case of high-risk massive pulmonary embolism who underwent surgical treatment due to the presence of a mobile intracardiac clot in a patent foramen ovale, and the possible risk of paradoxical arterial embolism.

  6. Growing skull hemangioma: first and unique description in a patient with Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome. (United States)

    van der Loo, Lars E; Beckervordersandforth, Jan; Colon, Albert J; Schijns, Olaf E M G


    We present the first and unique case of a rapid-growing skull hemangioma in a patient with Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome. This case report provides evidence that not all rapid-growing, osteolytic skull lesions need to have a malignant character but certainly need a histopathological verification. This material offers insight into the list of rare pathological diagnoses in an infrequent syndrome.

  7. Synovial hemangioma in an adult horse. (United States)

    Holzhausen, Lars; Nowak, Michael; Junginger, Johannes; Puff, Christina


    A 15-year-old gelding presented with a progressive lameness of the left forelimb of 2.5 months duration. Clinically, a dilation of the deep flexor tendon sheath with a firm elastic consistency and a pronounced tenderness was noted. Ultrasonically, a marked swelling of the flexor tendon sheath with an irregular density of the mesotendineum was observed. The white, firm material forming a nodular distension of the flexor tendon sheath with a diameter of approximately 1 cm was excised and sent for histopathological examination. Biopsies of the deep flexor tendon and corresponding tendon sheath were sent for histopathological evaluation. Histologically, the mass consisted of clefts and numerous anastomosing vascular channels extending between the collagen fibers of the deep flexor tendon. These capillary-like spaces were lined by neoplastic cells that were flattened to polygonal and contained few erythrocytes. There was 0 to 1 mitotic figure per 10 high power fields (400×). Immunohistochemically, the neoplastic cells stained positive for vimentin and factor VIII-related antigen. Adjacent to the neoplastic endothelial cells located pericytes expressed α-smooth muscle actin antigen. Based on the histopathological and immunohistochemical features, synovial hemangioma was diagnosed. One year after surgery, the horse has shown no lameness.

  8. Medullar compression caused by vertebral hemangioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaramillo Catling, Eduardo


    This is case of a 41 years old feminine patient in whom a unique primary bone tumor injury was demonstrated, diagnosed as a bone hemangioma, located at T-7, with grew and compressed the spinal cord. These bone vascular and frequently observed in the radiological studies and autopsies, in a sporadic form are only symptomatic, growing and affecting the nervous roots and the spinal cord. The clinical history of the patient is described with the preoperative studies and magnetic resonance 6 years after the surgery: The medical literature of these primary bony injuries is reviewed and as they are treated. Objectives: to present the clinical history of a patient who consults having medullar compression syndrome caused by an unusual extra-medullar tumor injury, of bony origin, primary and benign, with clinical controls 8 years after the operation and without evidence of tumor recurrences. The medical literature of this bone pathology is reviewed. Methodology: the clinical history of the patient is described, who was treated surgically successfully, because spinal cord was decompressed without neurological sequels. Vertebral instability was not observed and nor diagnosed. The patient was periodically taken care of with last control of magnetic resonance 6 years after the surgery and last medical control 8 years later. Medical publications are extensively reviewed

  9. Frequência etiológica da hipertensão pulmonar em ambulatório de referência na Bahia Frecuencia etiológica de la hipertensión pulmonar en un ambulatorio de referencia en Bahia Etiological frequency of pulmonary hypertension in a reference outpatient clinic in Bahia, Brazil

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    Cesar Machado


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A hipertensão pulmonar (HP resulta de diversas etiologias com possíveis influências geográficas, porém poucos trabalhos descrevem a frequência etiológica da HP, especialmente em nosso meio. Não está claro se existe associação entre etiologia e nível de pressão pulmonar ou intensidade da sintomatologia. OBJETIVO: 1 descrever a prevalência etiológica da HP na Bahia; 2 avaliar se a etiologia é fator determinante no nível de pressão pulmonar; 3 avaliar se a etiologia é fator determinante na classe funcional; 4 identificar os demais preditores do nível de pressão pulmonar e da classe funcional. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, de corte transversal, em portadores de HP atendidos no Ambulatório Magalhães Neto, entre junho de 2005 e dezembro de 2007. A HP foi definida como pressão sistólica da artéria pulmonar (PSAP > 40 mmHg pelo ecocardiograma. Pacientes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica ou doença ventricular esquerda não foram incluídos. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 48 pacientes com PSAP de 86 ± 24 mmHg. Quanto à etiologia, 42% dos pacientes foram classificados como idiopáticos, seguidos de 25% de esquistossomose, 19% de cardiopatia congênita e 10% de embolia pulmonar crônica. O maior tempo de doença prediz pressões mais elevadas em cardiopatas. Indivíduos com esquistossomose tiveram melhor desempenho funcional quando comparados aos demais (456 ± 58 vs. 299 ± 138 metros, p = 0,005. Etiologia esquistossomótica e idades menores apresentam melhor classe funcional. CONCLUSÃO: 1 Prevalece a classificação idiopática, sendo a esquistossomose a causa específica mais frequente em nosso meio; 2 pacientes com etiologia esquistossomótica e de idades menores apresentam melhor classe funcional; 3 cardiopatia congênita resulta em maior nível de pressão na artéria pulmonar, provavelmente devido ao maior tempo de doença.FUNDAMENTO: La hipertensión pulmonar (HP es la resultante de diversas etiolog

  10. Prescripción de antimicrobianos en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica

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    Darien Duarte Busquet

    Full Text Available Objetivo: caracterizar la prescripción de antimicrobianos en pacientes con diagnóstico de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica descompensada. Métodos: estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, que incluyó a 131 pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica descompensada, a quienes se les prescribió algún antimicrobiano en salas de medicina interna del Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico "Joaquín Albarrán", La Habana, Cuba, entre mayo del 2011 y abril del 2012. Se identificaron las principales causas de exacerbación, se describió la prescripción de antimicrobianos y se determinó su relación con la severidad de la descompensación y con la estadía hospitalaria. Se analizaron los resultados obtenidos a través de programa estadístico SPSS. Resultados: el 65 % de los pacientes presentaron una descompensación infecciosa. La prescripción de antimicrobianos se realizó de forma empírica en el 92 % de los casos, e inadecuada en el 49 % de ellos. Se demostró la existencia de una relación estadísticamente significativa entre la severidad de la descompensación y la prescripción de antimicrobianos. Conclusiones: se prescribió antimicrobianos de manera inadecuada en cinco de cada diez pacientes con diagnóstico de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica descompensada, mayormente en aquellos casos sin haberse constatado diagnóstico positivo de infección respiratoria. A medida que disminuye la severidad de la descompensación, incrementa la incidencia de prescripción inadecuada.

  11. Absceso hepático asociado a absceso pulmonar y endoftalmitis


    Jairo Cordero-Chen; Eduardo Catalán-Sánchez; Juan Ignacio Padilla-Cuadra; Jorge Ramírez-Arce


    El absceso hepático piógeno producido por Klebsiella pneumoniae es relativamente raro y puede complicarse con lesiones sépticas a distancia. Esto se relaciona con características propias del germen que incluyen el genotipo K1, resistencia a la fagocitosis y la presencia del gen mag-A. Tales metástasis sépticas contemplan absceso pulmonar, meningitis, endocarditis bacteriana y, muy especialmente, endoftalmitis. Esta última ocurre con mayor frecuencia en pacientes diabéticos, y puede causar ceg...

  12. Intracerebral cavernous hemangioma after cranial irradiation in childhood. Incidence and risk factors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Strenger, V.; Sovinz, P.; Lackner, H.; Dornbusch, H.J.; Moser, A.; Urban, C. [Graz Medical Univ. (Austria). Div. of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology; Lingitz, H. [Graz Medical Univ. (Austria). Dept. of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology; Eder, H.G. [Graz Medical Univ. (Austria). Dept. of Neurosurgery


    Background and Purpose: Radiotherapy is an integral part of various therapeutic regimens in pediatric and adult oncology. Endocrine dysfunction, neurologic and psychiatric deficits, secondary malignancies and radiation-induced necrosis are well-known possible late effects of cranial irradiation. However, only sporadic cases of radiation-induced cavernous hemangiomas (RICH) have been reported so far. Patients and Methods: Pediatric patients who underwent cranial radiation therapy for malignant diseases between January 1980 and December 2003 were retrospectively analyzed. After the end of therapy they entered a detailed follow-up program. Results: Of 171 patients, eight (three patients with medulloblastoma, three patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and one patient each with ependymoma and craniopharyngioma) developed intracerebral cavernoma 2.9-18.4 years after irradiation representing a cumulative incidence (according to the Kaplan-Meier method) of 2.24%, 3.86%, 4.95%, and 6.74% within 5, 10, 15, and 20 years following radiation therapy, respectively. In patients treated in the first 10 years of life, RICH occurred with shorter latency and significantly more often (p = 0.044) resulting in an even higher cumulative incidence. Conclusion: These findings and previously published cases show that cavernous hemangiomas may occur after irradiation of the brain several years after the end of therapy irrespective of the radiation dose and type of malignancy. Particularly children < 10 years of age at the time of irradiation are at higher risk. Since patients with RICH frequently do not show symptoms but hemorrhage is a possible severe complication, imaging of the central nervous system should be performed routinely for longer follow- ups, particularly in patients who were treated as young children. (orig.)

  13. Enfermedades con alteraciones de la circulación pulmonar


    Suñé Ysamat, Bertila


    El edema pulmonar es el acúmulo de líquido seroso o serohemático en el exterior de los vasos. Cualquiera que sea su etiología, el mecanismo de producción es siempre el mismo: en primer lugar es intersticial; es decir, alrededor de los alveolos. Se traduce clínicamente por una aceleración de la frecuencia respiratoria. A medida que la extravasación de líquido aumenta, los alveolos se ven afectados por el edema. Al edema intersticial se le ha añadido el edema alveolar...

  14. Presentación atípica de hemangioma capilar de párpado inferior

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    René Hernán Parada Vásquez


    Discusión: Se obtuvieron buenos resultados con la eliminación parcial del tumor, aliviando el ectropión mecánico. Se requiere un seguimiento cuidadoso ya que residuos tumorales pueden llegar a crecer como el tumor primario. La historia natural de los hemangiomas es tan característica que raramente se confunde con otras lesiones. Debe realizarse tratamiento quirúrgico cuando existe daño en la función palpebral o cuando la terapia farmacológica local no sea efectiva.

  15. Enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva: diferencias entre hombres y mujeres

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    María Soledad Rodríguez-Pecci


    Full Text Available La enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC ha aumentado su prevalencia en el sexo femenino. Los casos de mujeres se describen como más sintomáticas. A pesar de que la EPOC se ha vinculado a elevado riesgo cardiovascular, hay pocos estudios sobre diferencias por sexo. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue determinar la influencia del sexo sobre calidad de vida y síntomas, tratamiento, factores de riesgo y enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV en una población de pacientes con EPOC. En este estudio prospectivo observacional de corte transversal, se incluyeron pacientes con EPOC ingresados consecutivamente entre el 1 de septiembre de 2008 al 1 de marzo de 2010. Se registraron edad, sexo, habito tabáquico, factores de riesgo y enfermedad cardiovascular, tratamiento y gravedad de la EPOC. Se midió índice tobillo-brazo (ITB y se realizó Euroqol-5D. Se incluyeron 246 pacientes (195 hombres. Los hombres fueron más ex fumadores (68.7% vs. 15.7%, p < 0.001, tuvieron un VEF1 menor (48.7% ± 15.7 vs. 58.2% ± 10.9 de teórico, p < 0.001 y mayor frecuencia de cardiopatía isquémica (16.4% vs. 5.9%, p = 0.04. Las mujeres presentaron más prevalencia de EPOC sin exposición al tabaco (64.7% vs. 7.2%, p < 0.001, más síntomas de ansiedad y depresión (p = 0.004 e ITB alterado en menor frecuencia (20% vs. 41.6%, p = 0.01. Concluimos que hubo diferencias en la EPOC en relación al sexo, con compromiso pulmonar y cardiovascular más grave en hombres y más síntomas de ansiedad y depresión en mujeres.

  16. Actualizacin en el diagnstico y tratamiento de la hipertensin pulmonar Update in the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary hypertension

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    Juan A. Mazzei


    Full Text Available El trmino hipertensin pulmonar agrupa a un conjunto heterogneo de enfermedades que tienen en comn una remodelacin obstructiva del lecho vascular pulmonar. Esta alteracin provoca un estado hemodinmico caracterizado por una elevacin sostenida de la presin del circuito arterial pulmonar. La morbilidad y mortalidad de esta enfermedad son la consecuencia del fracaso de la compensacin del ventrculo derecho a este aumento de la poscarga. La presuncin clnica y el diagnstico precoz, una estratificacin adecuada basada en las causas subyacentes y los diferentes territorios vasculares comprometidos, la respuesta a los frmacos y el grado de gravedad, la seleccin de las diferentes alternativas teraputicas y su indicacin oportuna son los objetivos para el tratamiento contemporneo ptimo de los enfermos con hipertensin pulmonar y ser una importante tarea en el futuro. Estas recomendaciones estn destinadas al mdico general y tienen por objeto facilitar la deteccin precoz, el diagnstico y el tratamiento de los pacientes con hipertensin pulmonar, y pueden representar una diferencia significativa en el pronstico. Adems, como la evaluacin diagnstica requiere exmenes complementarios que habitualmente no estn disponibles en todas las instituciones asistenciales, tambin pueden ser utilizadas como fundamento para solicitar la derivacin oportuna a centros asistenciales de referencia.The term pulmonary hypertension includes a heterogeneous group of disorders which produce an obstructive remodeling of the lung vessels characterized by a steady rise in pulmonary arterial pressure. The ensuing morbidity and mortality of this disease result from the failure of the right ventricle to compensate this increase in the after-load. The conditions to achieve an optimum treatment of pulmonary hypertension patients are: a clinical presumption and early diagnosis, an adequate stratification based on the underlying causes and the different vascular territories involved, the response to

  17. Abcesso Pulmonar – Estudo Retrospectivo

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    M. José Augusto


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O abcesso pulmonar é definido como uma supuração colectada numa cavidade neoformada no pulmão, por uma inflamação aguda não tuberculosa. Por esta definição, estão excluídas as supuraçãoes desenvolvidas em cavidades pré existentes (quistos aereos, carcinoma escavado, bronquiectasias e as resultantes de processos bacilares (1,2,4.Os autores apresentam os resultados de uma revisão clínica de 24 casos correspondentes aos doentes internados com aquele diagnóstico desde 1 de Janeiro de 1990 a 31 de Dezembro de 1994 no Serviço de Medicina Interna do Hospital Distrital de Aveiro.O estudo incidiu na análise dos processos clínicos e radiológicos avaliando a distribuição por sexo, faixa etária, factores predisponentes, tempo de internamento, expressão clínica, radiológica, bacteriológica e finalizando com a terapêutica e evolução. SUMMARY: Lung abcess is defined as a collected suppuration in a neoformed cavity in the lung, caused by a non tuberculous inflammation. From this definition, supurations developed in pre-existant cavities (aerial cysts, escavated carcinoma, bronchiectasis and those resulting from bacillary process, are excluded.The authors submit the results of a clinical revision of 24 cases corresponding to resident patients with that diagnosis from 1st. January 1990 to 31st December 1994 in the Internal Medicine at R.D. Aveiro.The study rests on the analysis of the radiologic and clinical processes taking into account distribution by age and sex, predisposing factors, lenght of internment, radiological and clinical expression, bacteriological profile, therapy and evolution. Palavras-chave: Abcesso Pulmonar, terapêutica, radiologia, Key-Words: Lung abcess, therapy, radiology

  18. Avaliação da função pulmonar e da qualidade de vida em pacientes submetidos à ressecção pulmonar por neoplasia Assessment of pulmonary function and quality of life in patients submitted to pulmonary resection for cancer

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    Luciana Nunes Titton Lima


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as repercussões da ressecção pulmonar sobre a função pulmonar e a qualidade de vida (QV de pacientes com câncer de pulmão primário ou metastático. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte prospectivo que incluiu todos os pacientes que realizaram ressecção pulmonar por neoplasia no Hospital A. C. Camargo entre setembro de 2006 e março de 2007. Os pacientes foram avaliados no pré-operatório e após seis meses do procedimento cirúrgico através de espirometria. Após seis meses de pós-operatório, os pacientes responderam a um questionário de QV geral (Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short-form Health Survey e um específico para sintomas respiratórios (Saint George's Respiratory Questionnaire. Os valores de QV obtidos foram comparados a valores de uma população geral e aos de uma população de portadores de DPOC. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 33 pacientes (14 homens e 19 mulheres, com idade entre 39 e 79 anos. Todos os pacientes, tabagistas ou não, apresentaram piora significativa da função pulmonar. Observamos uma redução de aproximadamente 5% na média dos escores do questionário de QV geral em comparação àquela da população geral. Houve uma redução de 50-60% nos vários domínios do questionário específico para sintomas, quando comparado aos resultados da população geral, e um aumento de aproximadamente 20%, quando comparado aos resultados da população com DPOC. CONCLUSÕES: Existe impacto direto da ressecção pulmonar na deterioração da função pulmonar e na QV com ênfase nos aspectos diretamente ligados à função pulmonar. Cabe ressaltar a importância da avaliação da função pulmonar destes pacientes no pré-operatório para se estimar sua evolução pós-cirúrgica.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects that pulmonary resection has on pulmonary function and quality of life (QoL in patients with primary or metastatic lung cancer. METHODS: This was a prospective cohort study involving all

  19. Anuloplastia de homoenxerto pulmonar criopreservado com anel de Delrin na atresia pulmonar com comunicação interventricular Annuloplasty of cryopreserved pulmonary homograft with Delrin stent in pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect

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    Ulisses Alexandre Croti


    Full Text Available Criança de seis anos portadora de atresia pulmonar com comunicação interventricular, submetida a correção total com um ano, empregando monoválvula de pericárdio bovino na reconstrução da via de saída do ventrículo direito. Evoluiu com importante regurgitação valvar pulmonar (RVP e disfunção do ventrículo direito. Na reoperação foi implantado homoenxerto pulmonar criopreservado (HPC com anuloplastia, utilizando anel de Delrin com o intuito de evitar distorção geométrica do conduto. Após dois anos, o ecocardiograma, semelhante ao pós-operatório imediato, demonstra RVP discreta e função ventricular direita normal, sugerindo que essa manobra pode ser utilizada como coadjuvante para otimizar o resultado do implante do HPC.A six-year-old child was suffering from pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect after a total correction at 1 year of age using a bovine pericardial monocusp valve in the reconstruction of the right ventricle outflow tract. The infant evolved with significant pulmonary valve regurgitation (PVR and right ventricle dysfunction. On reoperation, a cryopreserved pulmonary homograft (CPH was implanted with annuloplasty utilizing a Delrin ring with the aim of avoiding geometric distortion of the vessel. After two years, an echocardiogram proved a similar state to the immediate postoperative period with slight pulmonary valve regurgitation and normal right ventricular function suggesting that this maneuver may be used as coadjuvant treatment to optimize the result of CPH implantation.

  20. Neumonía aguda de la comunidad y hemorragia pulmonar por leptospirosis en el área metropolitana Buenos Aires

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    Alfredo Seijo


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo es comunicar los hallazgos epidemiológicos, clínicos y de diagnóstico de la neumonía y hemorragia pulmonar por leptospirosis, en el período enero 2007 a octubre 2009. Un 64% (20/31 de pacientes con diagnóstico de leptospirosis tuvieron neumonía. Quince de ellos (75% presentaron neumonía grave, de los cuales siete (35% desarrollaron hemorragia pulmonar. En diez enfermos (32% el motivo de consulta e inicio del cuadro clínico fue una gastroenteritis secretoria con fiebre y dolor abdominal. La ictericia sólo se manifestó en once pacientes (35%. La técnica de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR fue útil para el diagnóstico en muestra obtenida post mortem. De un hemocultivo se aisló una cepa clasificada dentro del serogrupo canicola. Se clasificaron las neumonías en tres tipos: neumonías de curso no grave con escasa repercusión general; neumonías graves asociadas a formas clínicas sistémicas con ictericia, insuficiencia renal, trombocitopenia y hemorragia pulmonar; también de curso grave, no asociada a ictericia, insuficiencia renal o trombocitopenia grave. El tratamiento antibiótico iniciado en los primeros días de enfermedad (promedio 3.2 días no tuvo influencia en la evolución de las neumonías graves. Se plantea además considerar tres formas clínicas de leptospirosis: anictérica, ictérica (con sus variantes evolutivas y hemorragia pulmonar.

  1. Hemangioma cavernoso del mesosigmoide: informe de un caso y revisión de la bibliografía

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    Ibraín Rodríguez Rodríguez

    Full Text Available Se informa un caso de hemangioma cavernoso del mesosigmoide, su presentación clínica, diagnóstico y tratamiento, y se ofrece una revisión de la literatura asequible sobre el tema, para lo cual se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos de Medigraphic, Cochrane, Medline y PubMed. El paciente es un hombre de 72 años de edad, que se presentó con dolor abdominal, estreñimiento, pérdida de peso y masa tumoral en la fosa ilíaca izquierda. A pesar de las investigaciones imaginológicas y endoscópica, no se pudo hacer el diagnóstico preoperatorio. Se trató por laparotomía y resección del tumor, y el diagnóstico se confirmó por estudio histopatológico. El hemangioma cavernoso del mesosigmoide es un tumor raro, difícil de diagnosticar preoperatoriamente, a pesar de las avanzadas técnicas imaginológicas. La escisión quirúrgica y el examen histológico pueden ser los únicos medios para el diagnóstico.

  2. Sodium alginate microsphere combined with pingyangmycin lipiodol emulsion for clinical treatment of cavernous hemangioma of the liver

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu Miao; Zhang Jinshan; Deng Liping


    Objective: To further reduce the adverse reactions of vascular embolization therapy for cavernous hemangioma of the liver (CHL) in order to find better embolizing agents. Methods: Sixty CHL patients were randomly and evenly divided into three groups: embolization therapy with sodium alginate microsphere(SAM) + pingyangmycin lipiodol emulsion (PLE) (group SAM + PLE), PLE (group PLE) and SAM (group SAM). The routine postoperative symptomatic treatments were conducted, including odynolysis, liver-protection and antiinflammatory therapy. The liver function and the intraoperative or postoperative discomfort symptoms before and 7 days after operation, and the changes in tumors were examined with CT scan. Clinical symptoms 3 months after operation were respectively compared. Results: The greatest impact on liver function was seen in group PLE among the three groups. The maximum intraoperative or postoperative discomfort symptoms were seen in group SAM, but the therapeutic effectiveness of the three groups had no significant difference. Conclusion: SAM + PLE is a safe and effective embolizing agent, being user-friendly, minor in the effect on liver function and light in the intraoperative and postoperative reaction. It is recommended that SAM + PLE be widely used for cavernous hemangioma of the liver. (authors)

  3. Intramedullary cavernous hemangiomas, magnetic resonance studies in four patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barrena, M.R.; Guelbenzu, S.; Garcia, S.; Bertrol, V.


    Intramedullary cavernous hemangiomas are vascular malformations that can be located throughout the entire central nervous system. They are more frequently found in brain than in spinal cord, where it is only possible to diagnose them by magnetic resonance (RM): We present four cases of intramedullary spinal cord cavernoma, three of which were located in the thoracic spine and one in cervical spine. Computed tomography was ineffective in their diagnosis. However, MR disclosed there presence of well-defined tumors producing a thickening of the spinal cord. The signal was heterogeneous in both T1 and T2-weighted images. There were low signal areas due to the presence of calcium and hemosiderin and high intensity signals provoked by methemoglobin within the lesions, which were scarcely enhanced by intravenous gadolinium administration. One of the lesions presented in the form of a large intramedullary hematoma. (Author) 8 refs

  4. Efetividade da reabilitação pulmonar como tratamento coadjuvante da doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica

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    Full Text Available Introdução: O paciente portador de DPOC diminui sua atividade física global devido a piora progressiva da função pulmonar como conseqüência de qualquer forma de esforço físico por ele realizado. A reabilitação pulmonar (RP é utilizada nos EUA e Europa como alternativa terapêutica no tratamento da DPOC. Objetivo: Avaliar a efetividade do programa de RP como tratamento coadjuvante da DPOC. Pacientes e métodos: 30 pacientes prospectivamente submetidos ao programa de RP desenvolvido em seis semanas com freqüência semanal de três sessões. A avaliação compôs-se da história clínica e exame físico completos, do teste de caminhada de seis minutos, do teste de carga máxima sustentada pelos MMSS, do teste de potência máxima de MMII, do questionário de percepção de esforço físico e espirometria e gasometria. Resultados: No que se refere às variáveis espirométricas e gasométricas pré e pós-programa de RP, não houve alterações estatisticamente significativas (p > 0,05. Observaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p < 0,05 nos períodos pré e pós-programa de RP em relação à diminuição da percepção do esforço físico e aumento da capacidade física funcional, do teste de carga máxima para MMSS e testes incrementais de MMII. Conclusões: Para o grupo estudado, os autores concluem que o programa de RP aumentou a sua capacidade física, carga máxima sustentada pelos MMSS e não alterou as variáveis espirométricas e gasométricas.

  5. Tromboembolismo pulmonar e anticonceptivos orais – a propósito de um caso clínico.

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    Fernando Matos


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A propósito de um caso de Tromboembolismo Pulmonar (TEP, em mulher jovem a fazer anticonceptivo oral (ACO, os AA fazem uma revisão sumária dos ACO como factor de risco no TEP. SUMMARY: In reference to a clinical case of Pulmonary Thromboembolism (PTE in a young woman taking oral contraceptives (OC, the authors review the role of OC as a risk factor in PTE. Palavras-chave: Contracepção oral, Tromboembolismo pulmonar, Factores de risco vascular, Key-words: Oral contraception, Pulmonary embolism, Vascular risk factors

  6. Edema pulmonar de altura: Modelo de estudio de la fisiopatología del edema pulmonar y de la hipertensión pulmonar hipóxica en humanos High altitude pulmonary edema: An experiment of Nature to study the underlying mechanisms of hypoxic pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary edema in humans

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    Marcos Schwab


    Full Text Available La altura, fascinante laboratorio natural de investigación médica, provee resultados con importantes implicancias para la comprensión de enfermedades que afectan a millones de personas que viven en ella, asi como para el tratamiento de enfermedades ligadas a la hipoxemia en pacientes que viven en baja altitud. El edema pulmonar de altura (EPA es una entidad que pone en peligro la vida y que ocurre en sujetos predispuestos pero sanos. Esto permite estudiar los mecanismos subyacentes del edema pulmonar en humanos, sin la presencia de factores que presten a la confusión como enfermedades concomitantes. El EPA resulta de la conjunción de dos defectos mayores: acumulación de líquido en el espacio alveolar debido a una hipertensión pulmonar hipóxica exagerada, y alteración en la eliminación del mismo por un defecto en el transporte transepitelial alveolar de sodio. En esta revisión, describimos brevemente las características clínicas y revisaremos este novedoso concepto. Proveemos evidencia experimental de como la síntesis alterada de óxido nítrico y/o la disminución de su biodisponibilidad representan el defecto central que predispone a la vasoconstricción pulmonar hipóxica exagerada y a la acumulación de líquido en el espacio alveolar. Mostramos que la hipertensión pulmonar hipóxica exagerada, per se, no es suficiente para producir un EPA, y que una alteración en la eliminación del fluido del espacio alveolar representa un segundo mecanismo fisiopatológico importante. Finalmente, describimos cómo los nuevos aportes obtenidos de los estudios del EPA pueden ser trasladados al manejo de otros estados patológicos ligados a la hipoxemia.High altitude constitutes an exciting natural laboratory for medical research. Over the past decade, it has become clear that the results of high-altitude research may have important implications not only for the understanding of diseases in the millions of people living permanently at high

  7. Incidência de complicações pulmonares na cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio

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    Leila D. N Ortiz


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: No período do peri-operatório, os cuidados têm sido cada vez mais criteriosos, entretanto, as complicações pulmonares após a abordagem cirúrgica ainda são frequentes, predispondo o paciente a um maior tempo de internação ou ao óbito. OBJETIVO: Descrever a incidência de complicações pulmonares e identificar a sua associação com tempos de circulação extracorpórea (CEC; cirurgia e isquemia; número de enxertos; localização e tempo de drenos após cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio (CRM. MÉTODOS: Nesta coorte contemporânea, foram estudados 202 pacientes em hospital universitário de referência para cardiologia no sul do Brasil, submetidos à CRM eletiva com ponte safena e artéria mamária interna com CEC, no período de abril/2006 a novembro/2007. Os desfechos considerados foram: tempo de ventilação mecânica; surgimento de pneumonia; atelectasia; derrame pleural; hora da retirada e localização dos drenos; e tempo de internação. RESULTADOS: Observou-se algum tipo de complicação pulmonar em 90 dos 202 pacientes. A frequência de derrame pleural foi de 84% e a de atelectasia foi de 65%. Apresentaram associação com complicações pulmonares os tempos de CEC (p = 0,003, cirúrgico (p = 0,040 e isquemia (p = 0,001; o tempo de permanência de drenos (p = 0,050 e a localização pleural dos drenos (p = 0,033, além de idade (p = 0,001, fração de ejeção (p = 0,010, diagnóstico de asma (p = 0,047 e exame radiológico de tórax pré-operatório anormal (p = 0,029. CONCLUSÃO: Variáveis relacionadas à complexidade do ato cirúrgico e comorbidades pré-existentes estão associadas a uma alta incidência de complicações pulmonares no pós-operatório. Esses dados reforçam a importância da avaliação clínica peri-operatória para detecção precoce de complicação respiratória após CRM.

  8. A utilidade da TC de tórax no diagnóstico do sequestro pulmonar Usefulness of chest CT in the diagnosis of pulmonary sequestration

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    José Gustavo Pugliese


    Full Text Available O sequestro pulmonar é uma rara anomalia congênita, caracterizada por tecido pulmonar embrionário não funcionante, perfazendo 0,15-6,40% de todas as malformações pulmonares congênitas. Essa anomalia envolve o parênquima e a vascularização pulmonar, sendo classificado como intralobar ou extralobar. Neste relato, descrevemos o caso de um paciente de 56 anos com hemoptise e imagem hipotransparente retrocardíaca em base de hemitórax esquerdo na radiografia de tórax. Após a realização de TC com contraste endovenoso, foi evidenciada a presença de sequestro pulmonar. O paciente foi submetido à cirurgia para a retirada do tecido anômalo, que foi realizada com sucesso. Apresentou boa evolução pós-operatória e recebeu alta com acompanhamento ambulatorial.Pulmonary sequestration is a rare congenital anomaly, characterized by nonfunctional embryonic pulmonary tissue. Pulmonary sequestration accounts for 0.15-6.40% of all congenital pulmonary malformations. This anomaly, which is classified as intralobar or extralobar, involves the lung parenchyma and its vascularization. We report the case of a 56-year-old male presenting with hemoptysis. A chest X-ray showed an area of opacity behind the cardiac silhouette in the base of the left hemithorax. Chest CT scans with intravenous contrast revealed pulmonary sequestration. The patient underwent surgery, in which the anomalous tissue was successful resected. The postoperative evolution was favorable, and the patient was discharged to outpatient treatment.

  9. Resolução do "shunt" direita-esquerda após uso do sildenafil como tratamento de hipertensão pulmonar primária

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    Silva Sérgio Marques da


    Full Text Available Hipertensão pulmonar primária é uma doença rara, progressiva e com alta mortalidade, cujo tratamento baseia-se em medicações de alto custo e pouco disponíveis em nosso meio. O sildenafil é um vasodilatador de fácil administração por via oral, com indicação primária para disfunção erétil e que recentemente tem sido descrito como opção terapêutica para a hipertensão pulmonar primária. Relata-se o caso de uma paciente de 21 anos com diagnóstico de hipertensão pulmonar primária, que apresentou piora abrupta da saturação de oxigênio, com abertura do forame oval e shunt direita-esquerda, evidenciados ao ecocardiograma. Foi introduzido sildenafil na dose de 225mg/dia com melhora progressiva da oxigenação e reversão do shunt após 40 dias. Os autores acreditam que o sildenafil seja uma opção no tratamento da hipertensão pulmonar primária, embora estudos clínicos que comprovem sua segurança e eficácia ainda sejam necessários.

  10. Fibrose pulmonar idiopática: uma década de progressos Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a decade of progress

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    Jeffrey J. Swigris


    Full Text Available Embora diagnósticos de fibrose pulmonar idiopática continuem sendo devastadores, avanços recentes têm melhorado nossa compreensão a respeito de muitas das facetas desta doença. Estas descobertas, juntamente com o aumento da disponibilidade geral de ensaios terapêuticos, encerram a promessa de um futuro mais promissor para pacientes com fibrose pulmonar idiopática. Por exemplo, nós temos agora uma compreensão mais abrangente a respeito dos critérios diagnósticos e da história natural da doença. Vários estudos têm mostrado que a mensuração simples da fisiologia pulmonar ou troca gasosa pode ser usada para prever a sobrevida do paciente. Através da identificação de várias vias moleculares que têm papéis importantes na patogênese da fibrose pulmonar idiopática, os pesquisadores têm produzido uma lista crescente de possíveis novos alvos terapêuticos para a doença. Vários ensaios terapêuticos prospectivos e controlados têm sido realizados. Outros estão em andamento ou ainda estão em fase de planejamento. Estes esforços têm avançado nosso conhecimento atual sobre fibrose pulmonar idiopática e levantado novas questões importantes, assim como têm gerado o interesse e o impulso necessários para avançar terreno na luta contra esta doença desafiadora. Este artigo oferece ao leitor um panorama dos avanços recentes nas pesquisas sobre fibrose pulmonar idiopática, tendo como foco a história natural, patogênese e tratamento.Although idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis remains a devastating diagnosis, recent advances have improved our understanding of many facets of this disease. These breakthroughs, combined with the increased general availability of therapeutic trials, hold the promise of a brighter future for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients. For example, we now have a more comprehensive understanding of the diagnostic criteria and natural history of the disease. Several studies have shown that simple

  11. Coriocarcinoma con metástasis pulmonar

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    Vicia Sánchez Abalos


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso clínico de una fémina de 44 años de edad, con 32 semanas de embarazo, la cual fuera ingresada en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital General Docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba, por presentar insuficiencia respiratoria aguda como consecuencia de una sepsis. La paciente fue tratada con cefalosporina de tercera generación y ventilación mecánica no invasiva, pero se mantuvieron las características gasométricas de hipoxemia y una mala reacción terapéutica, por lo que se requirió instrumentación de las vías respiratorias y soporte hemodinámico, sin lograr regresión del cuadro clínico, lo cual condujo a un paro cardiorrespiratorio y, con ello, a la muerte. La necropsia mostró un coriocarcinoma del endometrio con metástasis pulmonar

  12. Lesões pulmonares associadas ao parasitismo por Sebekia oxycephala (Pentastomida em jacarés-açu (Melanosuchus niger Spix, 1825 oriundos de vida livre na Amazônia brasileira

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    Adriana Maciel de C. Cardoso


    Full Text Available O presente estudo objetivou descrever as lesões pulmonares macro e microscópicas associadas ao parasitismo por Sebekia oxycephala em 100 espécimes de jacarés-açu (Melanosuchusniger, abatidos na Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá, situada no Estado do Amazonas, Brasil. Durante a avaliação macroscópica, exemplares dos parasitos encontrados no tecido pulmonar foram coletados individualmente em AFA (Álcool etílico - Formalina - Ácido acético glacial e formol a 5% para avaliação parasitológica e classificação taxonômica. Amostras de tecido pulmonar de todos os animais, independentemente da ocorrência de lesões macroscópicas, foram fixadas em formol 10% e incluídas em parafina. Secções histológicas coradas por Hematoxilina-Eosina destas amostras foram avaliadas por meio de microscopia óptica. Macroscopicamente, 4 dos 100 animais (4% apresentaram espécimes de pentastomídeos no parênquima pulmonar. Os parasitos foram classificados taxonomicamente como pertencentes à espécie Sebekia oxycephala. Nenhuma alteração macroscópicas foi observada, porém, microscopicamente, lesões pulmonares foram encontradas em 37% dos casos, sendo que, lesões inflamatórias associadas ao parasitismo corresponderam a 75,6% dos mesmos (28/37. Nestes, segmentos degenerados e ovos de S. oxycephala encontravam-se envolvidos por cápsula de tecido conjuntivo fibroso e infiltrado inflamatório predominantemente composto por células gigantes do tipo corpo estranho. Três espécimes apresentaram espessamento de septos alveolares e sete exemplares continham infiltrado inflamatório granulocítico multifocal no parênquima pulmonar. As lesões associadas ao parasitismo, de modo geral, apresentaram intensidade discreta e parecem não representar uma causa importante de doença pulmonar entre a população estudada. Esta é a primeira descrição de lesões pulmonares em M. niger associadas ao parasitismo por S. oxycephala na Amaz

  13. Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Choroidal Hemangioma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Yun Taek; Kang, Se Woong; Lee, Jung-Il


    Purpose: Patients with choroidal hemangioma (CH), a benign ocular hamartoma, frequently presents with visual disturbance as a result of exudative retinal detachment (RD), which originates in subretinal fluid accumulation. We report our experience using the Leksell Gamma Knife in the management of symptomatic CH. Methods and Materials: Seven patients with symptomatic CH (circumscribed form in 3 patients and diffuse form in 4) were treated with the Leksell Gamma Knife at our institution during a 7-year period. All patients presented with exudative RD involving the macula that resulted in severe visual deterioration. The prescription dose to the target margin was 10 Gy in all cases. The mean tumor volume receiving the prescription dose was 536 mm 3 (range, 151–1,057). The clinical data were analyzed in a retrospective fashion after a mean follow-up of 34.4 months (range, 9–76). Results: The resolution of exudative RD was achieved within 6 months, and the visual acuity of the affected eye had improved at the latest follow-up examination (p = .018) in all patients. No recurrence of exudative RD occurred. Thinning of the CHs was observed in most patients; however, symptomatic radiation toxicity had not developed in any of the patients. Conclusion: Symptomatic CHs can be safely and effectively managed with Gamma Knife radiosurgery using a marginal dose of 10 Gy.

  14. Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Choroidal Hemangioma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Yun Taek; Kang, Se Woong [Department of Ophthalmology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Jung-Il, E-mail: [Department of Neurosurgery, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Purpose: Patients with choroidal hemangioma (CH), a benign ocular hamartoma, frequently presents with visual disturbance as a result of exudative retinal detachment (RD), which originates in subretinal fluid accumulation. We report our experience using the Leksell Gamma Knife in the management of symptomatic CH. Methods and Materials: Seven patients with symptomatic CH (circumscribed form in 3 patients and diffuse form in 4) were treated with the Leksell Gamma Knife at our institution during a 7-year period. All patients presented with exudative RD involving the macula that resulted in severe visual deterioration. The prescription dose to the target margin was 10 Gy in all cases. The mean tumor volume receiving the prescription dose was 536 mm{sup 3} (range, 151-1,057). The clinical data were analyzed in a retrospective fashion after a mean follow-up of 34.4 months (range, 9-76). Results: The resolution of exudative RD was achieved within 6 months, and the visual acuity of the affected eye had improved at the latest follow-up examination (p = .018) in all patients. No recurrence of exudative RD occurred. Thinning of the CHs was observed in most patients; however, symptomatic radiation toxicity had not developed in any of the patients. Conclusion: Symptomatic CHs can be safely and effectively managed with Gamma Knife radiosurgery using a marginal dose of 10 Gy.

  15. Liver hemangioma: diagnosis with double 99mTc labelling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Piga, M.; Satta, L.; Loi, G.; Careddu, A.; Corrias, N.; Montaldo, C.; Schiffini, P.; Dore, F.; Madeddu, G.


    The authors report on their experience with liver hemangioma (LH) diagnosis by means of a semplified method- that is, the simultaneous, in vivo, double labelling of liver reticuloendothelial system (RES) and of red blood cells (RBC) by 99m Tc. Twenty-eight patients with US diagnosis of suspected LH and 15 controls were examined after sequential iv injection of SnCl 2 , of 99m Tcμcolloid albumin and, after liver scintigraphy, of 99m Tc-pertechnetate to conclude in vivo RBC labelling. All patients underwent CT and, if necessary, CT-guided biopsy. Focal colloid defects were shown in 6/28 cases (expansive process). 15/15 controls showed unchanged non-filling defects after double labelling. Finally, the authors point out that, in the diagnosis of LH, sequential double labelling of liver RES and RBC appears to be a quicker scintigraphic techique than conventional ones. Moreover, this technique has the same high specificity and sensitivity as more time-consuming ones

  16. The “Endothelialized Muscularis Mucosae”: A Case Report Describing a Large Cavernous Hemangioma at the Terminal Ileum and a New Histologic Clue for Preoperative Diagnosis from Endoscopic Biopsy (United States)

    Purdy-Payne, Erin K.; Miner, Jean F.; Foles, Brandon; Tran, Tien-Anh N.


    Cavernous hemangiomas of the gastrointestinal tract are quite rare and, until now, have been difficult to diagnose preoperatively due their nonspecific presentations and imaging features, as well as a lack of histologic description pertaining to small superficial biopsies such as those obtained endoscopically. We report a unique case of a 4 cm transmural cavernous hemangioma in the terminal ileum with literature review and describe a new histologic finding—the “endothelialized muscularis mucosae,” which was discovered upon review of the endoscopic biopsy and could potentially facilitate preoperative diagnosis of these lesions from endoscopic biopsies in the future. These lesions have classically required surgical resection in order to make a definitive diagnosis and rule out malignancy, with which they share many historical and radiographic features. Due to their potential to cause bowel obstruction, intussusception, perforation, and hemorrhage, these lesions may ultimately require surgical resection to relieve symptoms or prevent or treat complications—however, surgical planning and patient counseling could be greatly improved by a preoperative diagnosis. Therefore, gastroenterologists, pathologists, and surgeons should be aware of the “endothelialized muscularis mucosae” which can be very helpful in diagnosing GI cavernous hemangiomas from endoscopic biopsies. PMID:26442160

  17. The “Endothelialized Muscularis Mucosae”: A Case Report Describing a Large Cavernous Hemangioma at the Terminal Ileum and a New Histologic Clue for Preoperative Diagnosis from Endoscopic Biopsy

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    Erin K. Purdy-Payne


    Full Text Available Cavernous hemangiomas of the gastrointestinal tract are quite rare and, until now, have been difficult to diagnose preoperatively due their nonspecific presentations and imaging features, as well as a lack of histologic description pertaining to small superficial biopsies such as those obtained endoscopically. We report a unique case of a 4 cm transmural cavernous hemangioma in the terminal ileum with literature review and describe a new histologic finding—the “endothelialized muscularis mucosae,” which was discovered upon review of the endoscopic biopsy and could potentially facilitate preoperative diagnosis of these lesions from endoscopic biopsies in the future. These lesions have classically required surgical resection in order to make a definitive diagnosis and rule out malignancy, with which they share many historical and radiographic features. Due to their potential to cause bowel obstruction, intussusception, perforation, and hemorrhage, these lesions may ultimately require surgical resection to relieve symptoms or prevent or treat complications—however, surgical planning and patient counseling could be greatly improved by a preoperative diagnosis. Therefore, gastroenterologists, pathologists, and surgeons should be aware of the “endothelialized muscularis mucosae” which can be very helpful in diagnosing GI cavernous hemangiomas from endoscopic biopsies.

  18. Estudio microbiológico y anatomopatológico de bronquiectasias sangrantes en piezas de resección pulmonar

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    Alfonzo Uribe-Barreto


    Full Text Available La hemoptisis periódica o recurrente en los pacientes con bronquiectasias sangrantes constituyen un factor de alto riesgo de muerte, asimismo, existe un alto desconocimiento de la comunidad médica acerca de la existencia de otros agentes oportunistas, ajenos a la tuberculosis pulmonar, que pueden producirlas. Objetivos. Describir las características microbiológicas y anatomopatológicas de una serie de pacientes con bronquiectasias sangrantes que fueron negativos a tuberculosis, HIV y neoplasias, en estudios preliminares. Materiales y métodos. Se desarrolló una evaluación microbiológica y anatomopatológica en búsqueda de hongos, tuberculosis, gérmenes comunes y neoplasia pulmonar, sobre 24 piezas operatorias de pacientes con hemoptisis por bronquiectasias sangrantes con antecedente de tuberculosis pulmonar o de contacto con personas que padecían esa enfermedad. Resultados. El hongo Aspergillus fue hallado en 20 de los 24 pacientes estudiados. No se reportó resultados positivos en los exámenes realizados para gérmenes comunes aerobios y tuberculosis. El estudio anatomopatológico, confirmó la presencia de micetoma y Aspergillus. El tejido cicatricial invadido está altamente vascularizado con predisposición a hemorragia y a un acto operatorio de tiempo prolongado. Conclusiones. El hongo Aspergillus es el principal y único agente infeccioso presente en pacientes con bronquiectasia sangrante en esta serie.

  19. Administração de clonidina intravenosa e sua capacidade de reduzir a pressão da artéria pulmonar em pacientes submetidos a cirurgia cardíaca

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    Benedito Barbosa João


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar a capacidade da clonidina de reduzir a pressão arterial pulmonar de pacientes com hipertensão pulmonar, submetidos a cirurgia cardíaca, seja pela diminuição dos valores pressóricos a partir da aferição direta da pressão de artéria pulmonar, seja pela redução ouabolição da necessidade de dobutamina e nitroprussiato de sódio no intraoperatório. Método: Trata-se de estudo controlado, comparativo, randomizado e duplamente encoberto feito com 30 pacientes portadores de hipertensão arterial pulmonar tipo 2, submetidos a cirurgia cardíaca. Avaliaram-se a pressão média de artéria pulmonar e a posologia de dobutaminae nitroprussiato de sódio em quatro momentos: (M0 antes da administração de 2 µg/kg declonidina intravenosa ou placebo; (M1 decorridos 30 minutos do tratamento testado e antes da circulação extracorpórea; (M2 imediatamente após a circulação extracorpórea; e (M310 minutos após a injeção de protamina. Resultados: Não houve diferenças significativas em relação à pressão média de artéria pulmonarem nenhum dos momentos estudados. Entre os grupos não houve também diferença significativa entre as demais variáveis estudadas, como pressão arterial sistêmica média, frequência cardíaca, dosagem total de dobutamina, dosagem total de nitroprussiato de sódio e necessidade do hipnoanalgésico fentanil. Conclusão: A análise dos dados obtidos dos pacientes incluídos neste estudo permite concluir que a clonidina, na dose de 2 µg/kg administrada via intravenosa, não foi capaz de reduzir a pressão média de artéria pulmonar de pacientes com hipertensão pulmonar do grupo 2 (hipertensão venosa pulmonar, submetidos a cirurgia cardíaca, e nem reduzir ou abolir a necessidade da administração de dobutamina e nitroprussiato de sódio no intraoperatório.

  20. Consenso sobre la clasificación de la enfermedad vascular pulmonar hipertensiva en niños: Reporte del task force pediátrico del Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute (PVRI Panamá 2011

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    María Jesús del Cerro


    Full Text Available Las clasificaciones actuales de la hipertensión pulmonar han contribuido significativamente al conocimiento de la enfermedad vascular pulmonar, han facilitado ensayos farmacológicos y han mejorado nuestro conocimiento de las cardiopatías congénitas del adulto; sin embargo estas clasificaciones no son aplicables completamente a la enfermedad en el niño. La clasificación que aquí se propone se basa principalmente en la práctica clínica. Los objetivos específicos de esta nueva clasificación son mejorar las estrategias diagnósticas, promover la investigación clínica, mejorar nuestro conocimiento de la patogénesis, de la fisiología y de la epidemiología de la enfermedad y orientar el desarrollo de modelos de la enfermedad humana en el laboratorio y estudios en animales; también puede servir como un recurso docente. Se hace énfasis en los conceptos de maladaptación perinatal, alteraciones del desarrollo e hipoplasia pulmonar como factores causantes de la hipertensión pulmonar pediátrica; así mismo, en la importancia de los múltiples síndromes malformativos congénitos, genéticos y cromosómicos en la presentación de la hipertensión pulmonar pediátrica. La enfermedad vascular pulmonar hipertensiva en niños se divide en diez grandes categorías.

  1. Tabaco e morfologia: Doenças pulmonares Tobacco and morphology: Pulmonary diseases

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    Lina Carvalho


    Full Text Available O tabaco está implicado na carcinogénese multiorgânica, com identificação de mais de cinquenta substâncias carcinogénicas que induzem mutações, alterando o ciclo celular, a resposta auto-imune e a regulação endócrina. É um dos nove factores identificados responsáveis por um terço de mortes por neoplasias malignas juntamente com erros dietéticos, obesidade, sedentarismo, consumo de álcool, promiscuidade sexual, toxicodependência e poluição ambiental geral e limitada. Está implicado nas doenças cardiovasculares que representam a primeira causa de morte nos países civilizados e, no aparelho respiratório, é o factor principal para o desenvolvimento de DPOC (doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica, RB-ILD (bronquiolite respiratória e doença pulmonar intersticial, DIP (pneumonia intersticial descamativa, bronquiolite e fibrose intersticial bronquiolocêntrica, histiocitose de células de Langerhans, pneumonia eosinofílica, sarcoidose, metaplasia epidermóide do epitélio respiratório e carcinoma bronco-pulmonar. O estado inflamatório crónico sistémico induzido pelo tabaco constitui a base de desenvolvimento de alterações genéticas também dependentes dos contaminantes do tabaco.Tobacco is implicated in multisystemic carcinogenesis through more than fifty identified carcinogenic metabolites that produce mutations responsible for alterations in cell cycle, immune response and endocrine regulation. Is one of nine risk factors identified in one third of cancer deaths together with obesity, sedentary, alcohol consumption, sexual promiscuity, drug addiction, and open and closed air contamination. Answering for cardiovascular diseases as the first cause of death in civilized world, tobacco is also pointed as the major factor implicated in the development of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, RB-ILD (respiratory bronchiolitis and interstitial lung disease, DIP (desquamative interstitial pneumonia, bronchiolitis and

  2. Diagnóstico y tratamiento de la hipertensión pulmonar tromboembólica crónica

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    Carlos Payares-Jardim


    Por esta razón, una vez se confirma el diagnóstico de hipertensión pulmonar tromboembólica crónica, es esencial que estos pacientes sean encaminados a un centro de referencia para tratamiento quirúrgico.

  3. Symptomatic vertebral hemangioma in pregnancy treated antepartum. A case report with review of literature. (United States)

    Vijay, Kamath; Shetty, Ajoy P; Rajasekaran, S


    Pregnancy related compressive myelopathy secondary to vertebral hemangioma is a rare occurrence and its treatment antepartum is rare. We report a 22-year-old lady in her 26th-week of pregnancy who was treated in two stages--antepartum with a laminectomy and posterior stabilization. This resulted in complete recovery of the neurological deficits. She delivered a normal baby after 3 months, following which a corpectomy and fusion was performed. This two-staged approach appears safe and effective in treating symptomatic vertebral haemangiomas causing neurological deficits during pregnancy. A review of relevant literature has been done.

  4. Un caso excepcional de paracoccidioidomicosis e histoplasmosis pulmonares de presentación concomitante Concomitant pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis and pulmonary histoplasmosis: a rare case

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    Veronica Torres Esteche


    Full Text Available La incidencia de las micosis pulmonares en Uruguay es muy baja, y estas usualmente aparecen en pacientes inmunocomprometidos. Se discute el caso de un paciente inmunocompetente proveniente de área rural, que presenta tos, disnea y fiebre de dos meses de evolución. La imagenología mostró una neumonitis extensa y fibrosis pulmonar. Los test micológicos directos, cultivo y serológicos muestran histoplasmosis y paraccocidioidomicosis en forma concomitante. El paciente presentó hipotensión arterial diagnosticándose una insuficiencia suprarrenal. A pesar de que la extensa fibrosis pulmonar y la neumonitis no fueron reversibles, el paciente mejoró clínicamente con el tratamiento antifúngico. Se trata de un caso excepcional de dos micosis pulmonares en un mismo paciente.The incidence of pulmonary fungal infections is very low in Uruguay, and such infections typically affect immunocompromised patients. We report the case of an immunocompetent patient presenting with a two-month history of cough, dyspnea, and fever. The patient resided in a rural area. Imaging tests revealed extensive pneumonitis and pulmonary fibrosis. On the basis of direct mycological examination, culture, and serological testing, we made a diagnosis of concomitant histoplasmosis and paracoccidioidomycosis. The patient presented arterial hypotension that was diagnostic of adrenocortical insufficiency. Although the pulmonary fibrosis and pneumonia were irreversible, the clinical condition of the patient improved after antifungal treatment. This was an exceptional case of two pulmonary fungal infections occurring simultaneously in the same patient.

  5. A tuberculose pulmonar nos presídios da região de saúde de Presidente Prudente-SP, Dir XVI -1998-2002


    Rossi, Zuleica Oliani [UNESP


    A tuberculose continua sendo um grave problema de saúde pública no Brasil e no Mundo. Em lugares de confinamento, como os presídios, o bacilo de Koch encontra condições ideais para disseminação local e na comunidade. Objetivo: Comparar a tuberculose pulmonar nos presídios e na população geral da região de saúde de Presidente Prudente - SP. Método: Estudo retrospectivo utilizando dados do banco EpiTB , referentes à tuberculose pulmonar em presidiários e não presidiários, homens, de 19 a 59 ano...


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    Ariel Iván Ruiz-Parra


    Full Text Available


    El surfactante pulmonar es una sustancia tensoactiva producida por los neumocitos tipo II, cuya concentración en el recién nacido prematuro/ inmaduro está disminuída, llevando a la producción del síndrome de dificultad respiratoria. El surfactante está constituído en un 85% por lípidos, del tipo fosfolípidos en su mayoría. El resto son proteínas surfactantes.

    Los fosfogliceridos (lecitinas y la esfingomielina forman el grupo de fosfolipidos involucrados. La fosfatidil colina y la dipalmitoil fosfatidil colina son las lecitinas más abundantes en el líquido extracelular que recubre los alvéolos pulmonares normales y en el surfactante pulmonar que disminuye su tensión superficial. Así se evita la atelectasia al final de la fase espiratoria de la respiración. En el neumocito II, enzimas remodelan las diferentes lecitinas para convertirlas en dipalmitoil fosfatidil colina.

    Una vez que el surfactante es producido en el neumocito, esta substancia migra como “cuerpos la melares” desde el núcleo hasta la superficie apical de la célula desde donde es liberado por exocitosis dentro del alveolo.

    Menos de un 0.1% de los recién nacidos presentan Síndrome de Dificultad Respiratoria (llamado antiguamente Enfermedad de Membrana Hialina cada año, y alrededor de un 10 % de estos mueren. La administracion de corticoesteroides incrementa la madurez pulmonar en casos de riesgo de parto prematuro, o cuando es necesario realizar una cesárea lo más temprano posible. El tratamiento de los bebes prematuros que presentan SDR incluye la administración de surfactantes dentro del árbol traqueobronquial.

    El patrón oro de la determinación de madurez pulmonar fetal es la relación lecitina/esfingomielina (L/E, aunque hay algunas otras pruebas como la medición de cuerpos la melares, que resultan confiables, económicas y más fácilmente disponibles en hospitales de menor categor

  7. Differentiation between cavernous hemangiomas and untreated malignant neoplasms of the liver with free-breathing diffusion-weighted MR imaging: Comparison with T2-weighted fast spin-echo MR imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soyer, Philippe; Corno, Lucie; Boudiaf, Mourad; Aout, Mounir; Sirol, Marc; Place, Vinciane; Duchat, Florent; Guerrache, Youcef; Fargeaudou, Yann; Vicaut, Eric; Pocard, Marc; Hamzi, Lounis


    Objective: To test interobserver variability of ADC measurements and compare the diagnostic performances of free-breathing diffusion-weighted (FBDW) with that of T2-weighted FSE (T2WFSE) MR imaging for differentiating between cavernous hemangiomas and untreated malignant hepatic neoplasms. Materials and methods: Thirty-five patients with cavernous hemangiomas and 35 with untreated hepatic malignant neoplasms had FBDW and T2WFSE MR imaging. Hepatic lesions were characterized with ADC measurement and visual evaluation. Interobserver agreement for ADC measurement was calculated. Association between ADC value and lesion type was assessed using univariate analysis. Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of ADC values and visual evaluation of MR images for the diagnosis of untreated malignant hepatic neoplasm were compared. Results: ADC measurements showed excellent interobserver correlation (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.980). Malignant neoplasms had lower ADC values than hemangiomas for the two observers (1.11 x 10 -3 mm 2 /s ± .21 x 10 -3 vs. 1.77 x 10 -3 mm 2 /s ± .29 x 10 -3 for observer 1 and 1.11 x 10 -3 mm 2 /s ± .19 x 10 -3 vs. 1.79 x 10 -3 mm 2 /s ± .32 x 10 -3 for observer 2) and univariate analysis found significant correlations between lesion type and ADC values. Depending on ADC threshold value, accuracy for the diagnosis of malignant neoplasm varied from 82.9% to 94.3%. Using visual evaluation, FBDW showed better specificity and accuracy than T2WFSE MR images for the diagnosis of malignant neoplasm (97.1% vs. 77.1% and 94.3% vs. 62.9%, respectively). Conclusion: FBDW imaging provides reproducible quantitative information and surpasses the value of T2WFSE MR imaging for differentiating between cavernous hemangiomas and untreated malignant hepatic neoplasms.

  8. Técnica de Monaldi para el tratamiento de abscesos pulmonares Monaldi's technique for treatment of pulmonary abscesses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edelberto Fuentes Valdés


    Full Text Available Los abscesos pulmonares son tratados corrientemente con antibióticos y drenaje postural. Sin embargo, algunos pacientes no resuelven con las medidas conservadoras o presentan contraindicaciones para el tratamiento quirúrgico convencional. En tales individuos, el drenaje percutáneo (técnica de Monaldi puede ser una alternativa de valor. El objetivo de este trabajo fue la presentación de 3 pacientes a quienes se les realizó el drenaje percutáneo de abscesos pulmonares. Se describen la técnica empleada para la inserción del tubo, las complicaciones y la evolución posoperatoria de los pacientes. En los 3 casos la operación fue exitosa, sin mortalidad y con una sola complicación, que fue una fístula broncopleurocutánea que requirió una intervención (neumonectomía ulterior. El drenaje percutáneo de los abscesos pulmonares fue seguro y efectivo en estos pacientes.The pulmonary abscesses are usually treated with antibiotics and postural drainage. However, some patients don't improve with conservative measures or have contraindications for conventional surgical treatment. The aim of present paper was the presentation of three cases underwent percutaneous drainage of pulmonary abscesses. The technique used for tube insertion, complications and postoperative course of patients were described. In such cases operation was successful without mortality and with a bronchopleural cutaneous fistula like the only complication requiring a further intervention (pneumonectomy. The percutaneous drainage of pulmonary abscesses was safe and effective in our patients.

  9. Full-length genome sequence analysis of four subgroup J avian leukosis virus strains isolated from chickens with clinical hemangioma. (United States)

    Lin, Lulu; Wang, Peikun; Yang, Yongli; Li, Haijuan; Huang, Teng; Wei, Ping


    Since 2014, cases of hemangioma associated with avian leukosis virus subgroup J (ALV-J) have been emerging in commercial chickens in Guangxi. In this study, four strains of the subgroup J avian leukosis virus (ALV-J), named GX14HG01, GX14HG04, GX14LT07, and GX14ZS14, were isolated from chickens with clinical hemangioma in 2014 by DF-1 cell culture and then identified with ELISA detection of ALV group specific antigen p27, the detection of subtype specific PCR and indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) with ALV-J specific monoclonal antibody. The complete genomes of the isolates were sequenced and it was found that the gag and pol were relatively conservative, while env was variable especially the gp85 gene. Homology analysis of the env gene sequences showed that the env gene of all the four isolates had higher similarities with the hemangioma (HE)-type reference strains than that of the myeloid leukosis (ML)-type strains, and moreover, the HE-type strains' specific deletion of 205-bp sequence covering the rTM and DR1 in 3'UTR fragment was also found in the four isolates. Further analysis on the sequences of subunits of env gene revealed an interesting finding: the gp85 of isolates GX14ZS14 and GX14HG04 had a higher similarity with HPRS-103 and much lower similarity with the HE-type reference strains resulting in GX14ZS14, GX14HG04, and HPRS-103 being clustered in the same branch, while gp37 had higher similarities with the HE-type reference strains when compared to that of HPRS-103, resulted in GX14ZS14, GX14HG04, and HE-type reference strains being clustered in the same branch. The results suggested that isolates GX14ZS14 and GX14HG04 may be the recombinant strains of the foreign strain HPRS-103 with the local epidemic HE-type strains of ALV-J.

  10. Factores asociados al diagnóstico tardío de pacientes con tuberculosis pulmonar en Lima Este, Perú

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    Delia Muñoz C


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados al diagnóstico tardío de tuberculosis pulmonar en pacientes de Lima Este, Perú en el año 2000. Material y métodos: Estudio de casos y controles; los casos fueron los pacientes nuevos con tuberculosis pulmonar diagnosticados después de 30 días de iniciados los síntomas; los controles fueron los pacientes nuevos con tuberculosis pulmonar diagnosticados dentro de los 30 días de iniciados los síntomas. Resultados: Se incluyeron 176 casos y 212 controles. 48% fueron mujeres y 52% varones. De los casos, 93 (52,8% fueron varones, y de los controles 110 (51,9% (p0,05. 156 (88,6% casos y 176 (83,0% controles presentaron edades comprendida entre los 15 y 49 años. Se identificaron siete factores asociados al diagnóstico tardío: edad mayor a 15 años (OR=3,85 IC95%: 2,09-7,08, ser obrero o comerciante (OR=1,59 IC95%: 1,19-2,13, procedencia de un área rural (OR=4,48 IC95%: 2,08-9,67, automedicación (OR=1,698 IC95%: 1,21-2,83, percepción de un tiempo de espera prolongado (OR=1,53 IC95%: 1,14-2,04, percepción de un costo elevado (OR=1,530 IC95%: 1,105-2,11, y desconocimiento de la existencia de un programa para controlar la TBC (OR=1,65 IC95%:1,21-2,25. Conclusiones: Se identificaron siete factores asociados independientemente al diagnóstico tardío de tuberculosis pulmonar: edad mayor de 15 años, ser obrero o comerciante, residencia rural, automedicación, percepción de un tiempo de espera prolongado, percepción de un costo elevado, y el desconocimiento de un programa para controlar la TBC; los cuatro últimos potencialmente modificables mediante intervenciones educativas.

  11. Manifestaciones pulmonares del Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico Pulmonary manifestations of systemic lupus erithematosus

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    José Fernando Molina


    Full Text Available En esta revisión se describen las diversas manifestacionespulmonares del Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico; se Incluyen tanto los cuadrosrelacionados con la enfermedad (pleuritis con o sin derrame, neumonitis lúpicaaguda, enfermedad intersticlaidifusa, hipertensión pulmonar, disfunción diafragmática,atelectasia y hemorragia pulmonar como los asociados a ella (infección, edemapulmonar urémico, embolismo pulmonar, neumotórax, pseudolinfoma y sarcoidosis.Se consideran someramente aspectos clínicos, patológicos, patogénicos,diagnósticos y terapéuticos. En cuanto a los últimos se enfatizan algunasconsideraciones generales de importancia en el manejo de estos pacientes; sonellas: la necesidad de descartar ante todo la posibilidad de un proceso Infecciosoy de emplear antibióticos de amplio espectro hasta excluir1o; la de agotarrecursos hasta establecer un diagnóstico definitivo y la de recurrir a laterapia inmunosupresora una vez excluida la infección O cuando no ha habidorespuesta a los antibióticos adecuados

    The various pulmonary manifestations of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus are described in this review; it includes related (pleurisy with/without effusion, acute lupus pneumonitis, diffuse interstitial disease, pulmonary hypertension, diaphragmatic dysfunction, atelectasis, pulmonary hemorrhage as well as associated (infection, uremic pulmonary edema, pulmonary embolism, pneumothorax, pseudolymphoma, sarcoldosis, miscellaneous conditions. Clinical, pathological, pathogenic, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects are con. sidered. Emphasis is done on certain general therapeutic considerations, namely: to rule out the possibillty of an infectious process and use wide-spectrum antibiotics until certainty is acquired that it is not present; to use every available diagnostic resource until a definite diagnosis Is established

  12. Edema pulmonar neurogênico: relato de dois casos Neurogenic pulmonary edema: report of two cases

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    Desanka Dragosavac


    Full Text Available O edema pulmonar neurogênico é rara e grave complicação de pacientes com traumatismo craniencefálico (TCE. Pode ocorrer também em outras patologias do sistema nervoso central, tais como acidentes vasculares cerebrais (AVC, tumores ou após crises epilépticas, entre outras. Foram avaliados 36 casos com TCE grave e quatro pacientes com AVC, internados na UTI geral, no período de janeiro a setembro 1995. Nesse intervalo de tempo foram diagnosticados dois casos de edema pulmonar neurogênico, um ocorrendo em paciente com TCE grave e outro em paciente com AVC hemorrágico. O diagnóstico foi estabelecido pelo rápido desenvolvimento de edema pulmonar, com hipoxemia grave, queda da complacência pulmonar e infiltrados difusos bilaterais sem história prévia de aspiração traqueal ou outro fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de síndrome de angústia respiratória aguda. No primeiro paciente com trauma craniencefálico, o edema neurogênico foi diagnosticado na internação, uma hora após o trauma, com concomitante reação inflamatória grave e boa evolução em três dias. O outro caso, com AVC hemorrágico, desenvolveu edema neurogênico no quarto dia após drenagem de hematoma intraparenquimatoso, evoluindo para o óbito.Neurogenic pulmonary edema is a rare and serious complication in patients with head injury. It also may develop after a variety of cerebral insults such as subarachnoid hemorrhage, brain tumors and after epileptic seizures. Thirty six patients with severe head injury and four patients with cerebrovascular insults treated in Intensive Care Unit of HC-UNICAMP from January to September 1995 were evaluated. In this period there were two patients with neurogenic pulmonary edema, one with head injury and other with intracerebral hemorrhage. Diagnosis was made by rapid onset of pulmonary edema, severe hypoxemia, decrease of pulmonary complacence and diffuse pulmonary infiltrations, without previous history of tracheal

  13. Tratamiento acortado estrictamente supervisado para tuberculosis pulmonar

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    Alvarez-Gordillo Guadalupe del Carmen


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar la posibilidad de aplicar el tratamiento acortado estrictamente supervisado (TAES en el Programa de Control de la Tuberculosis en Chiapas, México. Material y métodos. Se evaluó la eficacia y la eficiencia del tratamiento en una cohorte de pacientes con tuberculosis pulmonar confirmada por baciloscopía, que ingresaron a tratamiento con esquemas de autoadministración semisupervisión y estricta supervisión, de enero a junio de 1996. Resultados. La eficacia fue de 90.9. 97.7 y 100% para los esquemas de tratamiento autoadministrado, semisupervisado y TAES, respectivamente, mientras que la eficiencia fue de 68.1. 77.6 y 88.5% en el mismo orden. Conclusiones. Para la salud pública el TAES demostró ser la actividad más importante en el control de la tuberculosis, al elevar las tasas de curación y disminuir, por lo tanto, las fuentes de transmisión de la enfermedad.

  14. Pseudocisto pulmonar pós-traumático em jogador de futebol: relato de caso Post-traumatic pulmonary pseudocyst in a soccer player: a case report

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    Andre Nathan Costa


    Full Text Available Pseudocistos pulmonares são lesões raras que se desenvolvem no parênquima pulmonar após traumas fechados e de grande energia, cujo diagnóstico se baseia na associação da história clínica com exames de imagem. Relata-se a seguir um pseudocisto pulmonar ocorrido no parênquima contralateral ao trauma em um homem de 31 anos que apresentou episódio de hemoptise após queda durante partida de futebol.Pulmonary pseudocysts are uncommon cavitary lesions that develop in the lung parenchyma as a consequence of blunt thoracic trauma, whose diagnosis is based on an association of clinical history and imaging findings. The present report describes the case of a pulmonary pseudocyst observed in the parenchyma contralateral to the trauma site in a 31-year-old man presenting with hemoptysis after falling during a soccer match.


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    Nelson Coimbra RIBEIRO NETO


    Full Text Available Um importante acometimento decorrente do tabagismo é a doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC, que é reconhecida como importante problema de saúde pública. Para tal, esta pesquisa teve a pretensão de avaliar a função pulmonar em idosos tabagistas de longa data ativos e institucionalizados, por meio de um estudo de campo, exploratório e quantitativo, realizado no Clube da Amizade de Castelo (CLAC e no Lar Vila Feliz, ambos localizados no município de Castelo-ES. Foram formados 2 grupos com N=4 em cada, constituindo um grupo de idosos ATIVOS e outro de idosos ITT (institucionalizados. Os dados coletados nos testes de espirometria e manovacuometria foram tabulados e analisados estatisticamente, adotando-se valor de p<0,05. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre as amostras, o que não descarta a necessidade de novas e mais amplas pesquisas na área.

  16. Doença pulmonar induzida pelas radiações ou pelos fármacos citostáticos

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    Ulrich Costabel


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O artigo discute dois temas afins: 1 doença pulmonar induzida pela radioterapia nas suas diferentes apresentações: pneumonite de radiação clássica e fibrose pulmonar e outras duas mais recentemente descritas, BOOP e alveolite linfocitária bilateral São discutidos os mecanismos patoeenicos, clinic:a e tratamento; 2 a patologia intersticial induzida por fármacos citostáticos nas suas várias formas de apresentação.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2000; VI (2: 141-144 ABSTRACT: In this paper two topics art adressed: 1 the radiation induced lung injury in its possible forms: classical radiation pneumonitis and radiation fibrosis or two other newly recoenised sindromes BOOP and bilateral lymphodtic alveolitis. The mecanism and treatment are discussed; 2 the cytotocic drug-induced lung diseases and their pulmonary reaction patterns.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2000; VI (2: 141-144 Palavras-chave: Radioterapia, Citostaticos, BOOP, Alveolite Linfocitica, Key-words: Radiation, Cytotocic Drugs, Lymphocitic Alveolitis

  17. Relaciones estructura-función de la proteína SP-C del surfactante pulmonar: efectos sobre la estructura de membranas y papel del colesterol


    Roldán López, Nuria


    La función respiratoria depende del establecimiento de una interfase aire-líquido que tiene lugar en los alveolos pulmonares. La estabilización de dicha interfase requiere la presencia de un complejo lipoproteico que es sintetizado y secretado por las células epiteliales alveolares de tipo II, también llamadas neumocitos tipo II. Este material se denomina surfactante pulmonar y sus funciones principales implican la estabilización de los alveolos a lo largo de los ciclos respiratorios, así com...

  18. Avaliação e recondicionamento pulmonar ex vivo Ex vivo lung evaluation and reconditioning

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    Paulo Manuel Pêgo-Fernandes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Apenas 15% dos pulmões doados são aproveitados para transplante. Um novo método de Perfusão Pulmonar Ex Vivo (PPEV foi desenvolvido e pode ser usado para avaliação e recondicionamento de pulmões "marginais" e rejeitados para o transplante. Esse trabalho relata nossa experiência com a avaliação funcional da PPEV. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados pulmões de 12 doadores considerados inapropriados para transplante pulmonar. Após a captação, os pulmões são perfundidos ex vivo com Steen Solution, uma solução de composição eletrolítica extracelular com alta pressão coloidosmótica. Um oxigenador de membrana ligado ao circuito recebe uma mistura gasosa (nitrogênio e dióxido de carbono e "desoxigena" o perfusato, mantendo uma concentração de gases semelhante a do sangue venoso. Os pulmões são gradualmente aquecidos, perfundidos e ventilados. A avaliação dos órgãos é feita por gasometrias e medidas como a resistência vascular pulmonar (RVP e complacência pulmonar (CP. RESULTADOS: A PaO2 (FiO2 100% passou de um valor médio de 193,3 mmHg no doador para 495,3 mmHg durante a PPEV. Após uma hora de PPEV, a RVP média era de 737,3 dinas/seg/ cm5 e a CP era de 42,2 ml/cmH2O. CONCLUSÕES: O modelo de avaliação pulmonar ex vivo pode melhorar a capacidade de oxigenação de pulmões "marginais" inicialmente rejeitados para transplante. Isso denota um grande potencial do método para aumentar a disponibilidade de pulmões para transplante e, possivelmente, reduzir o tempo de espera nas filas.OBJECTIVE: Only about 15% of the potential candidates for lung donation are considered suitable for transplantation. A new method for ex vivo lung perfusion (EVLP has been developed and can be used for evaluation and reconditioning of "marginal" and unacceptable lungs. This is a report of functional evaluation experience with ex vivo perfusion of twelve donor lungs deemed unacceptable in São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: After harvesting, the

  19. Doença intersticial pulmonar em doentes com artrite reumatóide: comparação com a alveolite fibrosante criptogénica

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    B.A. Rajasekaran


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Os autores efectuaram um estudo prospectivo longitudinal com o objectivo de comparar a história natural da alveolite fibrosante criptogénica (AFC com a doença do interstício pulmonar (DIP relacionada com a artrite reumatóide (AR.Seleccionaram 1 grupo de 18 doentes com AFC e um grupo de 18 doentes com AR e doença do interstício pulmonar. Ambos os grupos apresentavam idade, sexo e duração da doença semelhantes, tendo todos os doentes sido submetidos a uma avaliação clínica, estudo funcional respiratório e TAC torácica de alta resolução.Os resultados revelaram que, em termos clínicos, a dispneia apresentava uma evolução média de 30 meses até ao diagnóstico nos 2 grupos, sendo mais frequente o hipocratismo digital nos doentes apenas com AFC. A presença de Factor Reumatóide foi superior nos doentes com AR e, segundo estes autores, estava relacionada com um pior prognóstico a nível articular mas parecia ser um factor protector contra a fibrose pulmonar neste grupo.A nível de estudo funcional respiratório, os resultados foram praticamente sobreponíveis quer a nível do VEMS, capacidade vital e capacidade de difusão (DLCO nos 2 grupos de doentes.Radiologicamente, nos doentes com artrite reumatóide, a TAC revelou uma maior percentagem de alveolite (vidro despolido em 4 casos, tendo os restantes 14 doentes fibrose pulmonar estabelecida, tal como no outro grupo estudado. Os doentes com AR apresentavam ainda uma distribuição mais periférica das lesões pulmonares, ao contrário dos outros doentes, em que predominavam as alterações basais.Uma diminuição mais acentuada da DLCO correlacionou-se com a existência de fibrose em favo na TAC em ambos os grupos. COMENTÁRIO: A alveolite fibrosante criptogénica, sinónimo de fibrose pulmonar idiopática, possui um mau prognóstico, com uma sobrevida média aos 5 anos após o diagnóstico de cerca de 50%, e aos 10 anos de aproximadamente 20%.A incidência de doença do

  20. Nova técnica: translocação aórtica e pulmonar com preservação da valva pulmonar New technique: aortic and pulmonary translocation with preservation of pulmonary valve

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    Gláucio Furlanetto


    Full Text Available Realizamos com sucesso novo procedimento cirúrgico, em duas crianças portadoras de transposição das grandes artérias associada a comunicação interventricular e obstrução da via de saída do ventrículo esquerdo. A cirurgia consiste na realização de translocação aórtica com a valva aórtica e as artérias coronárias para o ventrículo esquerdo, após a ampliação da via de saída desse ventrículo e da comunicação interventricular com pericárdio autólogo fixado em glutaraldeído, associada à translocação do tronco pulmonar para o ventrículo direito, conservando integralmente a valva pulmonar.We applied successfully, a new surgical technique, in two children with transposition of the great arteries with ventricular septal defect and left ventricular outflow tract obstruction, that utilized aortic translocation with the aortic valve and the coronary arteries to the left ventricle, after correction of left outflow tract obstruction and correction of the ventricular septal defect, associated to pulmonary root translocation to the right ventricle, conserving integrally the pulmonary valve.

  1. Incidência de complicações pulmonares na cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio Incidencia de complicaciones pulmonares en la cirugía de revascularización del miocardio Incidence of pulmonary complications in myocardial revascularization

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    Leila D. N Ortiz


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: No período do peri-operatório, os cuidados têm sido cada vez mais criteriosos, entretanto, as complicações pulmonares após a abordagem cirúrgica ainda são frequentes, predispondo o paciente a um maior tempo de internação ou ao óbito. OBJETIVO: Descrever a incidência de complicações pulmonares e identificar a sua associação com tempos de circulação extracorpórea (CEC; cirurgia e isquemia; número de enxertos; localização e tempo de drenos após cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio (CRM. MÉTODOS: Nesta coorte contemporânea, foram estudados 202 pacientes em hospital universitário de referência para cardiologia no sul do Brasil, submetidos à CRM eletiva com ponte safena e artéria mamária interna com CEC, no período de abril/2006 a novembro/2007. Os desfechos considerados foram: tempo de ventilação mecânica; surgimento de pneumonia; atelectasia; derrame pleural; hora da retirada e localização dos drenos; e tempo de internação. RESULTADOS: Observou-se algum tipo de complicação pulmonar em 90 dos 202 pacientes. A frequência de derrame pleural foi de 84% e a de atelectasia foi de 65%. Apresentaram associação com complicações pulmonares os tempos de CEC (p = 0,003, cirúrgico (p = 0,040 e isquemia (p = 0,001; o tempo de permanência de drenos (p = 0,050 e a localização pleural dos drenos (p = 0,033, além de idade (p = 0,001, fração de ejeção (p = 0,010, diagnóstico de asma (p = 0,047 e exame radiológico de tórax pré-operatório anormal (p = 0,029. CONCLUSÃO: Variáveis relacionadas à complexidade do ato cirúrgico e comorbidades pré-existentes estão associadas a uma alta incidência de complicações pulmonares no pós-operatório. Esses dados reforçam a importância da avaliação clínica peri-operatória para detecção precoce de complicação respiratória após CRM.FUNDAMENTO: En el período del peri-operatorio, los cuidados han sido cada vez más criteriosos, entre

  2. Bases celulares e bioquímicas da doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica Cellular and biochemical bases of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Rogério Rufino


    Full Text Available A doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica é uma doença inflamatória com participação ativa de macrófagos, neutrófilos e linfócitos CD8+ em sua patogênese, associada a estímulos oxidantes diretos das estruturas pulmonares, que desencadeiam reações bioquímicas, levando a progressiva desorganização das pequenas vias aéreas e ao remodelamento estrutural não reversível. A liberação de substâncias provenientes das células recrutadas e do estresse oxidativo leva ao desequilíbrio inicialmente temporário dos mecanismos de defesa pulmonar. A permanência desse desequilíbrio é uma das chaves da fisiopatogenia atual. Os autores descrevem as alterações celulares e bioquímicas da doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica.Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is an inflammatory disease. Together with oxidant stimuli, which directly affect lung structures, macrophages, neutrophils and CD8+ lymphocytes actively participate in the pathogenesis of the disease and promote biochemical reactions that result in progressive alteration of the upper airways and irreversible lung remodeling. The release of substances promoted by inflammatory cell recruitment and by oxidative stress lead to a temporary imbalance in the pulmonary defense mechanisms. Understanding the long-term maintenance of this imbalance is key to understanding the current physiopathology of the disease. The present study explores the cellular and molecular alterations seen in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

  3. Infecção pulmonar tripla em paciente gravemente imunocomprometido por AIDS: relato de caso

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    Faucz Rafael Artigas


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam um caso de paciente do sexo masculino, 38 anos de idade, motorista, soropositivo para HIV há oito anos, sem acompanhamento, com quadro de tosse produtiva com secreção acinzentada e episódios intermitentes de dispnéia há 15 dias. Informava dois episódios pregressos de tuberculose pulmonar (1983 e 2001 tratados. A radiografia de tórax evidenciou áreas de hipotransparência nodular e broncogramas aéreos bilateralmente. A tomografia computadorizada de tórax evidenciou vários achados inespecíficos, dentre eles áreas esparsas de consolidação, cavitação, bronquiectasia, opacidade em vidro fosco, espessamento intersticial e broncogramas aéreos. A lavagem broncoalveolar evidenciou numerosas hifas com raros septos bifurcados sugestivos de Aspergillus sp. e a cultura foi positiva para Nocardia sp. e Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Foi instituída terapia com anfotericina B, sulfametoxazol-trimetoprim e anti-retrovirais. Após 20 dias, recebeu alta sem queixas pulmonares. Decorridos 15 dias, retornou com diarréia, febre, disfagia e emagrecimento importante. Foi a óbito após cinco dias, por sepse estafilocócica.

  4. Sildenafil no tratamento da hipertensão pulmonar após cirurgia cardíaca Sildenafil for pulmonary hypertension treatment after cardiac surgery

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    Maria Regina Bentlin


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Relatar o uso do Sildenafil no tratamento da hipertensão pulmonar em recém-nascido após cirurgia cardíaca. DESCRIÇÃO: Recém-nascido de termo, feminino, com diagnóstico de dupla via de saída de ventrículo direito, hipoplasia de pulmonar e comunicação interventricular subaórtica, foi submetido à cirurgia de Blalock na primeira semana de vida. No pós-operatório, evoluiu com hipertensão pulmonar e hipoxemia persistente, não-responsiva ao óxido nítrico, porém com melhora da oxigenação após infusão endovenosa contínua de prostaglandina E1. Depois de várias tentativas malsucedidas de retirada da prostaglandina E1, optou-se pela introdução do Sildenafil via oral. Houve queda da resistência vascular pulmonar, com conseqüente melhora na oxigenação e, 48 horas após, foi possível suspender a infusão de prostaglandina E1. COMENTÁRIOS: O Sildenafil pode ser alternativa terapêutica na hipertensão pulmonar, especialmente quando não houver resposta à terapia convencional.OBJECTIVE: To report on the use of sildenafil for pulmonary hypertension treatment of a newborn patient after cardiac surgery. DESCRIPTION: A female, full term newborn infant with diagnosis of double outlet right ventricle, pulmonary hypoplasia and subaortic ventricular septal defect, was submitted to Blalock surgery in the first week of life. In postoperative the newborn had pulmonary hypertension and persistent hypoxia, without response to nitric oxide, but with improved oxygenation after continuous intravenous infusion of prostaglandin E1. After several failed attempts to discontinue prostaglandin E1, oral sildenafil was used. There was a decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance with consequent oxygenation improvement and 48 hours later it was possible to discontinue prostaglandin E1 infusion. COMMENTS: Sildenafil can be an alternative therapy for pulmonary hypertension, especially when there is no response to conventional therapy.

  5. La tuberculosis pulmonar, enfermedad reemergente en Cuba

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    Margarita González Tapia


    Full Text Available Sr. Editor: La tuberculosis es una de las enfermedades remergentes en Cuba; por ello en todas las provincias cubanas se trabaja con mucha fuerza, dedicación y profesionalidad con respecto a esta problemática. En este contexto, resulta muy acertada la publicación del artículo “Algunas variables clínico-epidemiológicas de la tuberculosis pulmonar. Puerto Padre, 2008-2012”, que salió en el Vol.38 No.6.01 del mes de junio de 2013 de la Revista Electrónica Dr. Zoilo E. Marinello Vidaurreta; tanto por el significado social que reviste la divulgación de este tema, como por el propio resultado de la investigación realizada. La historia de la tuberculosis es un tema apasionante. En pocas enfermedades es posible documentar su estrecha relación con la historia de la propia humanidad como en la que nos ocupa. Existen evidencias paleológicas de tuberculosis vertebral en momias egipcias que datan aproximadamente del año 2400 a.C. La tuberculosis se ha conocido a través de la historia, con los nombres de: tisis, consunción, escrófula, mal de Pott, plaga blanca y mal del rey.1 En el artículo se plantea como conclusión que la tendencia de la tuberculosis en el quinquenio de estudio es estacionaria, pero en los últimos cuatro años tiende al ascenso. En los casos diagnosticados de tuberculosis en este quinquenio más de dos tercios correspondieron al sexo masculino y mayores de 45 años, las ocupaciones que más prevalecieron fueron recluso, desocupado, ama de casa y jubilado. Los factores de riesgo que más se relacionaron fueron el albergamiento prolongado en instituciones cerradas, el alcoholismo, y la edad mayor de 65 años; la forma clínica de mayor incidencia en casi la totalidad de los pacientes fue la pulmonar y, dentro de ella, los casos con baciloscopia positiva. Hubo fallas en el diagnóstico, ya que alrededor de la mitad de los casos se diagnosticaron en la atención secundaria y con un tiempo de demora de más de dos meses de

  6. Lesao pulmonar induzida pela ventilacao em recem-nascidos prematuros

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    Clarissa Gutierrez Carvalho


    Full Text Available A necessidade de intubação e do uso de ventilação mecânica na prematuridade está relacionada à chamada lesão pulmonar induzida pela ventilação e à consequente displasia broncopulmonar. Busca-se a melhor compreensão dos mecanismos de lesão envolvendo resposta inflamatória mediada pelas citocinas para o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias protetoras. Pesquisou-se na base de dados PubMed, incluindo artigos relevantes, os unitermos "ventilator induced lung injury preterm", "continuous positive airway pressure", "preterm" e "bronchopulmonary dysplasia". Dados e informações significativas foram compilados em tópicos, com o objetivo de formar uma visão crítica e plena acerca da lesão induzida pela ventilação e de suas consequências ao prematuro. Foi revisado o papel das citocinas pró-inflamatórias como mediadores da lesão, especialmente interleucinas 6 e 8, e fator de necrose tumoral alfa. Foram apresentadas evidências em estudos com animais e também em humanos, mostrando que breves períodos de ventilação mecânica são suficientes para a liberação dessas interleucinas inflamatórias. Também foram revisadas outras formas de ventilação mecânica e de ventilação não invasiva, como alternativas protetoras aos modos convencionais. Concluiu-se que o uso de ventilação não invasiva, a intubação com administração precoce de surfactante e a extubação rápida para CPAP nasal, além de estratégias que regulam o volume corrente evitando o volutrauma (como a ventilação com volume garantido, são medidas protetoras da lesão pulmonar induzida pela ventilação mecânica no prematuro.

  7. Terapia celular em doenças pulmonares: existem perspectivas? Cell therapy in pulmonary diseases: are there perspectives?

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    João T. Ribeiro-Paes


    Full Text Available A terapia celular poderia ser conceituada de forma ampla e genérica como o emprego de células para tratamento de doenças. Apesar de um número não tão expressivo de relatos tendo o pulmão como objeto de estudo na terapia celular em pacientes humanos, há dados consistentes da literatura, tanto em humanos, quanto em modelos animais,que evidenciam a migração de células-tronco da medula óssea para o pulmão,em diferentes situações experimentais. Esses resultados forneceram o embasamento experimental para o emprego de células-tronco na regeneração do tecido pulmonar em modelos animais. Em nosso laboratório, vários projetos de pesquisa têm sido conduzidos com a finalidade de avaliar a resposta pulmonar (morfológica e funcional ao tratamento com células-tronco adultas em camundongos com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC induzida experimentalmente. Os resultados obtidos, aliados àqueles de outros grupos de pesquisa, permitem aventar a possibilidade de aplicação, a curto prazo, da terapia celular em pacientes com DPOC. Em outra patologia pulmonar, fibrose cística (FC, cuja abordagem terapêutica com células-tronco apresenta aspectos particulares em relação às patologias pulmonares crônico-degenerativas, há avanços promissores e potencialmente interessantes; no entanto, os resultados podem ser considerados incipientes e deve-se assinalar, portanto, que a associação da terapia gênica e celular apresenta-se como uma alternativa possível, mas ainda muito distante quanto à sua consolidação e incorporação como opção terapêutica segura e eficaz em FC. Por outro lado, tendo por embasamento os resultados obtidos em modelos experimentais, é possível postular que a terapia celular com células-tronco hematopoéticas (ou de outras fontes encerra perspectivas consistentes de aplicação em diversas outras patologias pulmonares humanas, especialmente em DPOC.Cell therapy can be briefly described as the use of

  8. Fibrose pulmonar idiopática simultânea a enfisema em pacientes tabagistas Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema in smokers

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    Denise Rossato Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever os achados clínicos e funcionais de pacientes com enfisema em lobos superiores e fibrose pulmonar idiopática (FPI em lobos inferiores, recentemente descrita na literatura. MÉTODOS: Um grupo de 11 pacientes com a presença simultânea de enfisema e FPI foi identificado retrospectivamente. Todos os pacientes realizaram tomografia computadorizada de tórax com alta resolução e provas de função pulmonar. RESULTADOS: Entre os 11 pacientes identificados, havia 8 homens e 3 mulheres, com média de idade de 70,7 ± 7,2 anos (variação, 61-86 anos. Todos os pacientes eram tabagistas (carga tabágica, 61,5 ± 43,5 anos-maço. As médias da capacidade vital forçada (CVF, do volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (VEF1 e da relação VEF1/CVF foram 72,1% ± 12,7%, 68,2% ± 11,9% e 74,4 ± 10,8, respectivamente. Os volumes pulmonares foram normais em 7 pacientes. Um padrão restritivo foi observado em 3 pacientes e hiperinsuflação estava presente em um. A capacidade de difusão pulmonar apresentou redução moderada a grave em todos os pacientes (média, 27,7% ± 12,9% do previsto. No teste da caminhada de seis minutos, realizado por 10 pacientes, a distância caminhada média foi de 358,4 ± 143,1 m, ocorrendo dessaturação >4% em 9 pacientes. Achados ecocardiográficos sugestivos de hipertensão pulmonar estavam presentes em 4 pacientes (média da pressão sistólica da artéria pulmonar, 61,8 mmHg; variação, 36-84 mmHg. CONCLUSÕES: A presença simultânea de enfisema e FPI causa alterações características nas provas de função pulmonar. O achado mais importante é a discrepância entre a capacidade de difusão e a espirometria.OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical and functional findings recently reported in the medical literature for patients diagnosed with emphysema involving the upper lobes and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF involving the lower lobes. METHODS: Eleven patients with emphysema and IPF

  9. Endocarditis aórtica y pulmonar complicada con ictus hemorrágico: ¿cuál es el tiempo quirúrgico ideal?

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    Adrián Fernando Narvaez Muñoz


    Full Text Available Hombre de 77 años que presenta de forma súbita alteración del lenguaje y cambios de conducta; se realiza tomografía computarizada cerebral, en donde se observa hemorragia intraparenquimatosa frontal izquierda; su cuadro es acompañado de fiebre y hemocultivos positivos para Streptococcus bovis tipo i (gallolyticus. Se realiza un ecocardiograma transesofágico en donde se identifican vegetaciones a nivel de la válvula aortica y pulmonar; debido al contexto de su ictus hemorrágico, decidimos esperar al menos 4 semanas con tratamiento antibiótico antes de realizar cirugía. En la cirugía se resecó vegetación pulmonar y aórtica, realizándose recambio valvular aórtico metálico; la válvula pulmonar fue conservada. En el postoperatorio inmediato y mediato, el paciente presenta evolución favorable. El tratamiento antibiótico se continuó hasta la confirmación de los cultivos negativos de las válvulas extraídas. El ecocardiograma de control no mostró vegetaciones y el paciente fue dado de alta a su domicilio unos días después de su cirugía.

  10. Hipertensión pulmonar postparto

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    Juan Pablo Escalante


    Full Text Available La presencia de hipertensión pulmonar (HP en el embarazo es poco frecuente y conlleva un alto riesgo para madres e hijos. Existe escasa bibliografía relacionada al diagnóstico de la misma luego del parto. Se describen tres pacientes a quienes se diagnostica HP luego de cursar sus embarazos y partos libres de eventos. A pesar de desconocerse las causas, son varios los mecanismos propuestos, como la hipercoagulabilidad, la hipoxia placentaria o la embolia de líquido amniótico. Resulta difícil definir si la HP diagnosticada en el puerperio, corresponde a una HP en período asintomático que fue desenmascarada por el estrés fisiológico del parto o es una condición de reciente comienzo. A pesar de la falta de datos que avalen la ausencia de HP previa al embarazo en nuestras tres casos, el curso libre de eventos en sus embarazos, sin síntomas y con partos normales, indican que no padecían esta enfermedad hasta el momento del parto, y que la desarrollaron posteriormente. De haberla padecido antes se hubieran presentado síntomas previos al parto o en el puerperio inmediato, ya que las demandas hemodinámicas deterioran gravemente a un ventrículo con poca reserva.

  11. Comunicação direta entre artéria pulmonar direita e átrio esquerdo: relato de dois casos

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    SCHIMIN Luiz Carlos


    Full Text Available A comunicação direta entre a artéria pulmonar direita e o átrio esquerdo é uma condição rara, tendo sido relatados menos de 40 casos em toda a literatura. Apresentação clínica é variável, podendo o paciente mostrar-se com quadro de cianose, dispnéia ou insuficiência cardíaca. No entanto, o diagnóstico pode ser facilmente feito com métodos de imagem. O tratamento cirúrgico oferece a cura completa com baixa morbi-mortalidade. Sem o mesmo, sérias complicações podem advir como embolia ou abscesso cerebral. Os autores apresentam dois casos de comunicação direta entre artéria pulmonar direita e átrio esquerdo. São discutidas as teorias embriogênicas e as variantes anatômicas desta anomalia congênita.

  12. Exacerbação aguda da fibrose pulmonar idiopática

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    Natália Melo


    Full Text Available Resumo: Alguns doentes com fibrose pulmonar idiopática (FPI apresentam durante a sua evolução fases de agravamento clínico sem causa conhecida, designadas como “exacerbação aguda” ou “fase acelerada” da doença (EA. Caracterizam-se pelo agravamento marcado da dispneia, hipoxemia e pelo aparecimento de novas opacidades pulmonares ou pelo agravamento das já existentes no estudo imagiológico. Os achados histológicos típicos são o dano alveolar difuso (DAD sobreposto a alterações de pneumonia intersticial usual (UIP. Esta entidade clínica associa-se a uma mortalidade elevada, não havendo até ao momento nenhuma terapêutica de comprovada eficácia.Os autores descrevem os casos clínicos de cinco doentes que apresentaram alterações clínicas, funcionais e radiológicas sugestivas de EA-FPI, assim como o tratamento efectuado e a evolução observada, enquadrando-os na discussão das características normalmente apresentadas por esta entidade. Abstract: Some patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF have disease accelerated deterioration without identifiable cause referred as “acute exacerbation” or “accelerated stage”. It is characterized by severe worsening of dyspnea, hypoxemia and new or progressive opacities on imaging studies. The typical histological findings are diffuse alveolar damage in addition to the features of usual interstitial pneumonia pattern. Mortality in this clinical entity is very high and no efficacious therapeutic have been described.The authors describe the clinical, functional and radiological features, treatment and evolution of five patients with IPF acute exacerbation. A discussion will be carry out concerning the IPF acute exacerbation usual features comparing with the alterations noticed in those patients. Palavras-chave: Fibrose pulmonar idiopática, exacerbação aguda, Key words: Idiopathic

  13. Toxicidade pulmonar induzida pela rapamicina Lung toxicity induced by rapamycin

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    C Damas


    Full Text Available As doenças pulmonares induzidas por fármacos constituem uma causa crescente de morbilidade, tendo sido descritas diferentes formas de toxicidade associadas a inúmeras substâncias. O sirolimus (rapamicina é um fármaco imunossupressor usado de forma crescente no contexto do transplante de órgãos sólidos, nomeadamente no transplante renal. A toxicidade pulmonar tem sido descrita como um dos potenciais efeitos laterais, nomeadamente causando formas de pneumonite intersticial ou, mais raramente, hemorragia alveolar. Os autores descrevem os casos de quatro doentes (3 do sexo masculino, 1 do sexo feminino com idades compreendidas entre os 46-71 anos, recipientes de transplante renal (rim cadáver há 3 anos (1 doente e 7 anos (3 doentes. A imunosupressão consistia em micofenolato mofetil, prednisolona e rapamicina. Os quatro doentes foram admitidos por febre, tosse produtiva (2 e dispneia (3. Apresentavam imagem radiológica de infiltrados pulmonares bilaterais de predomínio basal. O LBA mostrou alveolite linfocítica em 3 doentes, tendo-se observado no entanto diferentes relações CD4/CD8., para além de neutrofilia em 2 deles. No restante doente, observou-se hemorragia alveolar grave. Não houve em nenhum dos casos qualquer isolamento de micro organismos patogénicos no LBA. As queixas apresentadas, bem como as alterações radiológicas regrediram com a suspensão do fármaco. Estes quatro casos revelaram alguma variedade, quer na apresentação clínica, quer nos achados dos exames subsidiários efectuados, nomeadamente no LBA. Este facto pode ter como causa diferentes mecanismos fisiopatológicos a nível do pulmão induzidos pelo sirolimus.Drug induced lung diseases (DILD are an increasingly cause of morbidity. Many drugs have been described, causing several patterns of injury. Sirolimus is an immunosuppressive agent increasingly used in renal and other solid organ transplantation. Pulmonary toxicity has been recognised as a potential

  14. Esclerose sistêmica difusa com hipertensão pulmonar isolada: relato de caso Diffuse systemic sclerosis with isolated pulmonary hypertension: a case report

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    Full Text Available A esclerose sistêmica (ES é uma doença incomum, caracterizada por alterações vasculares e fibrose em pele e vários órgãos. O envolvimento pulmonar é freqüente na ES; entretanto, hipertensão pulmonar (HP na ausência de fibrose intersticial é raramente observada. Os autores descrevem um caso de ES difusa com HP isolada em paciente do sexo feminino, de 49 anos. O diagnóstico de HP pôde ser sugerido pelo exame físico e confirmado por ecodopplercardiograma, que permitiu estimar a pressão sistólica em artéria pulmonar em 80mmHg. Tratamento foi iniciado com nifedipina; entretanto, devido a efeitos colaterais da droga, não foi possível o aumento da dose além de 30mg ao dia; nesta dosagem, a nifedipina não acarretou redução da pressão arterial pulmonar.Systemic sclerosis (SS is an uncommon disease characterized by small blood vessel vasculopathy and increased connective tissue in the skin and in other organs. The pulmonary involvement is common in SS; however, pulmonary hypertension without interstitial fibrosis is rare. The authors present a case of the diffuse form of SS with isolated pulmonary hypertension. The diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension was suggested by physical examination and confirmed by doppler-echocardiography which allowed for the estimation of the pulmonary artery systolic pressure in 80 mmHg. The authors started treatment with nifedipine; however, as the patient presented side effects, it was not possible to increase the dose beyond 30 mg/day. In this dosage, nifedipine did not decrease the pulmonary arterial pressure.

  15. Avaliação do impacto da aplicação de manobra de hiperinsuflação pulmonar sobre a resposta inflamatória sistêmica e colapso pulmonar em pacientes submetidos a procedimentos cirúrgicos sob ventilação espontânea Evaluación del impacto de la aplicación de maniobra de hiperinsuflación pulmonar sobre la respuesta inflamatoria sistémica y colapso pulmonar en pacientes sometidos a procedimientos quirúrgicos bajo ventilación espontánea Assessing the impact of lung hyperinflation maneuver on systemic inflammatory response and lung collapse in patients undergoing surgeries under spontaneous ventilation

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    Luiz Marcelo Sá Malbouisson


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O uso de manobras de hiperinsuflação pulmonar (MHP reverte atelectasias intraoperatórias. Contudo, pode induzir resposta inflamatória sistêmica de origem pulmonar. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar o impacto da aplicação de MHP sobre a resposta inflamatória sistêmica e sobre a estrutura pulmonar em pacientes submetidos à anestesia subaracnoidea. MÉTODO: Após aprovação do Comitê de Ética institucional e obtenção do consentimento escrito pós-informado, 20 pacientes submetidos a procedimentos cirúrgicos de pequeno e médio porte foram alea torizados em dois grupos: 1 Controle (GC e 2 MHP (GMHP. Uma hora após a instalação do bloqueio espinhal, foi realizada MHP no GMHP aplicando-se pressão positiva nas vias aéreas em dois níveis (BIPAP com pressão expiratória de 20 cmH2O e pressão inspiratória de 20 cmH2O durante 1 a 2 minutos. TNFα, IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 e IL-12 foram medidos no sangue através de técnica de citometria de fluxo nos momentos basal, 90, 180 e 780 minutos. Os volumes e peso pulmonares foram computados a partir de tomografias computadorizadas obtidas imediatamente após a cirurgia. RESULTADOS: A aplicação de MHP resultou em redução da fração de parênquima pulmonar não aerado (7,5 ± 4,3% no Grupo Controle versus 4 ± 2,1% no Grupo MHP, p = 0,02, sem alterações nos volumes pulmonares. Foi observada elevação progressiva nos valores plasmáticos das interleucinas IL-1, IL-6, IL-8 e IL-10, similar nos dois grupos. Os níveis plasmáticos de TNFα e IL-12 foram indetectáveis durante o estudo. CONCLUSÕES: A aplicação de MHP única reduziu a fração de atelectasias, porém não amplificou a resposta inflamatória observada em pacientes com pulmões normais submetidos a cirurgias de pequeno e médio portes sob anestesia subaracnoidea.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El uso de maniobras de hiperinsuflación pulmonar (MHP, revierte las atelectasias intraoperatorias, pero

  16. Pulmonary Scintigraphy for Tumour Diagnosis; La Gammagrafia Pulmonar en Diagnostico Tumoral

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Esteban, J.; Lasa, D.; Herranz, R.; Galvez, F.; Negueruela, J.; Perez-Modrego, S. [Hospital Oncologico Provincial, Madrid (Spain)


    es uno de los metodos mas utiles para el estudio de las alteraciones circulacion pulmonar y para el diagnostico de embolias e infartcs. Sin embargo su utilizacion en diagnostico tumoral apenas si ha pasado de algunos ensayos. Los autores han centrado su atencion en el estudio, mediante gammagrafia, de pacientes con tumores de pulmon primitivos y secundarios a otras localizaciones, encontrando que segun el tipo de tumor el patron de distribucion del trazador es radicalmente distinto. En los tumores metastasicos la repercusion de las lesiones en la gammagraffa es pequena y depende exclusivamente del volumen de la zona de condensacion. Los nodulos tumorales se comportan exclusivamente como zonas inactivas dentro de una masa de parenquima funcional activo y su influencia en la imagen gammagrafica depende exclusivamente del tamano de la zona tumoral y de la cantidad de parenquima sano que se interponga entre ella y el detector. En los tumores pulmonares primitivos y muy especialmente en los localizados en la zona hiliar, lesiones relativamente pequenas originan defectos de captacion amplias zonas del pulmon, que pueden afectar a varios segmentos, a un lobulo e incluso a la totalidad del pulmon. Esta disminucion de captacion no puede explicarse exclusivamente por la imagen tumoral, ni por las zonas de atelectasia asociadas, sino que debe ser motivada por una modificacion profunda de la hemodinamica del puimon afecto. Varios tipos de fenomenos asociados a la progresion tumoral pueden motivar alteraciones vasculares que afecten hasta la periferia del pulmon: la alteracion del regimen ventilatorio con disminucion de la tension de oxigeno que da lugar a una modificacion de las condiciones hemodinamicas; la hipertension pulmonar por compresion de las venas pulmonares de menor resistencia que las arterias; y el estimulo nervioso directo por irritacion de los plexos bronquiales por el crecimiento del tumor y los fenomenos reactivos asociados. (author)

  17. Ultrassom pulmonar em pacientes críticos: uma nova ferramenta diagnóstica Lung ultrasound in critically ill patients: a new diagnostic tool

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    Felippe Leopoldo Dexheimer Neto


    Full Text Available A avaliação pulmonar através do ultrassom é um tema de crescente interesse na avaliação de pacientes críticos, muitas vezes aplicado por não radiologistas. Como essa técnica baseia-se no fato de que todas as agressões agudas reduzem a aeração pulmonar, o ultrassom pulmonar pode fornecer informações complementares ao exame físico e à impressão clínica, com a principal vantagem de ser realizado à beira do leito. O objetivo dessa revisão foi avaliar as aplicações clínicas do ultrassom pulmonar, através da pesquisa das bases de dados PubMed e Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde dos seguintes termos, em português e em inglês: ultrassom, pulmão e cuidados críticos. Além dos artigos mais relevantes, estendeu-se a busca a livros especializados. Dados da literatura mostram que o ultrassom pulmonar é útil na interpretação de infiltrados pulmonares, tendo boa acurácia na identificação de consolidações e de síndrome intersticial. Além disso, ultrassom pulmonar tem sido amplamente utilizado na avaliação e abordagem de derrames pleurais, assim como na identificação de pneumotórax. Essa técnica pode também ser útil na avaliação imediata de pacientes com dispneia ou insuficiência respiratória aguda. Outras aplicações descritas são a monitorização da resposta ao tratamento e o aumento da segurança na realização de procedimentos invasivos. Embora ainda haja a necessidade de uma padronização dos critérios de treinamento e certificação, esse é um método rápido, barato e amplamente disponível, e a incorporação dessa nova tecnologia deve tornar-se progressivamente maior no cuidado de doentes críticos.The evaluation of critically ill patients using lung ultrasound, even if performed by nonspecialists, has recently garnered greater interest. Because lung ultrasound is based on the fact that every acute illness reduces lung aeration, it can provide information that complements the physical examination and

  18. Alterações histopatológicas pulmonares em pacientes com insuficiência respiratória aguda: um estudo em autopsias Pulmonary histopathological alterations in patients with acute respiratory failure: an autopsy study

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    Alexandre de Matos Soeiro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Apresentar alterações histopatológicas pulmonares encontradas em autopsias de pacientes falecidos por insuficiência respiratória aguda (IRA e verificar se doenças de base e específicos fatores de risco associados aumentam a incidência dessas alterações. MÉTODOS: Foram revisados laudos finais de autopsias e selecionadas 3.030 autopsias de pacientes > 1 ano de idade, com infiltrado pulmonar radiológico, portadores de doença de base e fatores de risco associados, que morreram por alterações pulmonares decorrentes de IRA. RESULTADOS: As principais alterações histopatológicas pulmonares causadoras de morte imediata foram: dano alveolar difuso (DAD; edema pulmonar; pneumonia intersticial linfocítica (PIL e hemorragia alveolar. As principais doenças de base encontradas foram: AIDS; broncopneumonia; sepse; cirrose hepática; tromboembolismo pulmonar; infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM; acidente vascular cerebral; tuberculose; câncer; insuficiência renal crônica e leucemia. Os principais fatores de risco associados foram: idade > 50 anos; hipertensão arterial; insuficiência cardíaca congestiva; doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica e diabetes mellitus. Pacientes com esses fatores de risco e AIDS apresentaram alta probabilidade de desenvolver PIL; pacientes com esses mesmos fatores, de desenvolver DAD, se portadores de sepse ou cirrose hepática; pacientes com tromboembolismo e os mesmos fatores de risco, de desenvolver hemorragia alveolar; pacientes com esses fatores de risco e IAM, de desenvolver edema pulmonar. CONCLUSÕES: Os achados pulmonares em pacientes com óbito por IRA apresentaram quatro padrões histopatológicos: DAD, edema pulmonar, PIL e hemorragia alveolar. Doenças de base e específicos fatores de risco associados correlacionaram-se positivamente com determinados padrões histopatológicos detectados à autópsia.OBJECTIVE: To present the pulmonary histopathological alterations found in the autopsies of

  19. Relação da pressão sistólica em artéria pulmonar com gênero, menopausa e gravidez em portadores de hipertensão arterial pulmonar associada à esquistossomose

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    Anderson C. Armstrong


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A hipertensão arterial pulmonar associada à esquistossomose (HPAE é uma grande preocupação no mundo todo. No entanto, o papel de fatores contribuintes específicos do gênero em HPAE é desconhecido. OBJETIVO: Investigamos os valores da pressão arterial pulmonar sistólica (PAPS e a presença de elevação grave na PAPS relacionado ao gênero, presença de menopausa e histórico de gravidez em pacientes com HPAE. MÉTODOS: Setenta e nove pacientes diagnosticados com HPAE de 2000 a 2009 foram avaliados e 66 foram incluídos no estudo. As informações referentes à idade, status da menopausa, gravidez, PAPS derivada da ecocardiografia, e pressão arterial pulmonar média invasiva (PAPm foram coletadas de registros médicos. A relação entre os valores de PAPS e PAPm e a correlação para doença grave foram avaliados. Os modelos de regressão avaliaram a associação de gênero, status da menopausa e histórico de gravidez com valores de PAPS e a presença de PAPS severa. RESULTADOS: Houve correlação moderada entre PAPm e PAPS, com boa concordância para classificação de doença grave. Os valores de PAPS foram semelhantes para homens e mulheres. Uma tendência a valores maiores de PAPS foi encontrada para mulheres não menopausadas em comparação a homens. Valores superiores de PAPS foram encontrados para mulheres menopausadas em comparação a mulheres não menopausadas; os valores não foram significativos após o ajuste de idade. O histórico de gravidez não teve relação com a PAPS. Presença de menopausa e passado de gravidez não mostraram associação com valores de PAPS. CONCLUSÃO: Em pacientes com HPAE, nem o gênero, nem o status da menopausa nem o histórico de gravidez apresentou uma correlação independente com valores de HPAE avaliados pela ecocardiografia.

  20. Characterizing infantile hemangiomas with a near-infrared spectroscopic handheld wireless device (United States)

    Fong, Christopher J.; Hoi, Jennifer W.; Kim, Hyun K.; Behr, Gerald; Geller, Lauren; Antonov, Nina; Flexman, Molly; Garzon, Maria; Hielscher, Andreas H.


    Infantile hemangiomas (IH) are common vascular growths that occur in 5-10% of neonates and have the potential to cause disfiguring and even life-threatening complications. Currently, no objective tool exist to monitor either progression or treatment of IH. To address this unmet clinical need, we have developed a handheld wireless device (HWD) that uses diffuse optical spectroscopy for the assessment of IH. The system employs 4 wavelengths (l=780nm, 805nm, 850nm, and 905nm) and 6 source-detector pairs with distances between 0.6 and 20 mm. Placed on the skin surface, backreflection data is obtained and a multispectral evolution algorithm is used to determine total hemoglobin concentration and tissue oxygen saturation. First results of an ongoing pilot study involving 13 patients (average enrollment age = 25 months) suggest that an increase in hypoxic stress over time can lead to the proliferation of IH. Involuting IH lesions showed an increase in tissue oxygen saturation as well as a decrease in total hemoglobin.