
Sample records for hassei den prime

  1. Den umulige film

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moestrup, Steffen Damkjær


    Den smertelige Sorg og Glæde fuldender en lang og glorværdig karriere for danske Nils Malmros. Den er en yderst vellykket film, fordi den forbliver usentimental om en skæbnesvanger dag i instruktørens liv.......Den smertelige Sorg og Glæde fuldender en lang og glorværdig karriere for danske Nils Malmros. Den er en yderst vellykket film, fordi den forbliver usentimental om en skæbnesvanger dag i instruktørens liv....

  2. 10 Jahre Transparenz in der Aufsichtsratsvergütung deutscher Prime-Standard-Unternehmen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rapp, Marc Steffen; Schuchardt, Hendrik; Wolff, Michael


    untersuchte Datensatz beinhaltet über 300 Beobachtungen der Prime-Standard-Unternehmen über die Jahre von 2005 bis 2014. Die Auswertung zeigt, dass die Aufsichtsratsvergütung über die vergangenen zehn Jahre einem grundlegenden Transformationsprozess unterlag. Die Vergütungshöhe ist deutlich angestiegen und...... die Vergütungsstruktur hat sich stark verändert. Sowohl Vergütungshöhe als auch Vergütungsstruktur werden signifikant von der Unternehmensgröße bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen jedoch auch, dass eine Übereinstimmung zwischen den an den Aufsichtsrat gestellten Anforderungen einerseits und der...

  3. Den gode handling og den gode grund

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dehs, Jørgen


    Den tyske filosof Immanuel Kant er aktuel i dagens etik-debat. "Grundlæggelse af moralens metafysik".......Den tyske filosof Immanuel Kant er aktuel i dagens etik-debat. "Grundlæggelse af moralens metafysik"....

  4. Den danske astronaut

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Lars Sejersgård


    Undervisningsmateriale til mellemtrinnet om raketter, astronauter og rummet lavet for Planetariet i anledning af opsendelsen af den første danske astronaut, Andreas Mogensen, til Den Internationale Rumstation (ISS) i sensommeren 2015......Undervisningsmateriale til mellemtrinnet om raketter, astronauter og rummet lavet for Planetariet i anledning af opsendelsen af den første danske astronaut, Andreas Mogensen, til Den Internationale Rumstation (ISS) i sensommeren 2015...

  5. Den danske astronaut

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Lars Sejersgård


    Undervisningsmateriale til udskolingen om raketter, astronauter og rummet lavet for Planetariet i anledning af opsendelsen af den første danske astronaut, Andreas Mogensen, til Den Internationale Rumstation (ISS) i sensommeren 2015......Undervisningsmateriale til udskolingen om raketter, astronauter og rummet lavet for Planetariet i anledning af opsendelsen af den første danske astronaut, Andreas Mogensen, til Den Internationale Rumstation (ISS) i sensommeren 2015...

  6. Den kommunikerende organisation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tække, Jesper


    samtidig tilbydes optimale muligheder for at få opfyldt individuelle behov og karrieremuligheder. For at en organisation skal kunne korrigere sig i forhold til de krav den konfronteres med, må der kunne fremstilles et adækvat billede af den. Det vil sige at dens faktiske kommunikationsprocesser må kunne...... drages frem i lyset på en måde så hensigtsmæssigheder og uhensigtsmæssigheder kan iagttages og selv blive objekt for reflekteret organisationskommunikation. Dette paper giver et udkast til en analysestrategi, hvormed der kan tegnes et billede af den enkelte organisation ud fra hvordan dens enkelte og...

  7. Den juridiske metode

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Lone Louring; Werlauff, Erik

    DEN JURIDISKE METODE – en introduktion (2. udgave 2016) er en brugervenlig og praktisk bog om den juridiske metode. Den kan læses af både studerende og læsere uden juridiske forkundskaber. Bogen omhandler juridisk metode gennem 2000 år, retsområderne, udstedelse af retsregler, domstolene og deres...

  8. Den gode argumentations anatomi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kock, Christian Erik J


    God argumentation har tre dimensioner: Den er faktuelt retvisende, den er relevant, og den er vægtig. Desværre slipper politikerne ofte af sted med mangelfuld argumentation fordi de forklæder den godt. Derfor får du her de vigtigste redskaber til at spotte uskikkene i politisk argumentation...

  9. "Den onde kvinde"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holst, Søren


    Et af Dødehavsskrifterne, af den første udgiver kaldet "Den onde kvindes rænker" (4Q184), beskriver en svigefuld kvinde, der lokker fromme mænd i fordærv. Artiklen gennemgår tekstens fortolkningshistorie og påviser den rolle, det har spillet for læsningen, at teksten a priori er blevet opfattet s...

  10. Den inkluderende skole

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hedegaard Hansen, Janne


    Artiklen tager afsæt i en forståelse af inklusion som den enkelte elevs ret til deltagelse i de eksisterende fællesskaber, forstået som de læringsrum, der bedst muligt tilgodeser den enkelte elevs særlige behov. I artiklen diskuteres hvilke nødvendige forandringer det fordrer i den pædagogiske pr...

  11. Sygehusene i den islamiske verden i den klassiske tid


    Provencal, Philippe


    Et af de væsentlige punkter, hvor den arabiske medicin udmærker sig i forhold til tidligere tiders medicin var i oprettelsen og organiseringen af regelrette sygehuse. Artiklen beskriver sygehusenes oprindelse, plads og funktion i den klassiske arabiske kultur (750-1500)

  12. Den Gode Historie

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mogensen, T.E.

    den nysgerrige læser af trilogien. Den kan beses og bestilles på: ELLER KØB DEN DIREKTE HOS MIG: SLAGTILBUD 100 kr. (inkl. porto og forsendelse)!                            Henvendelse pr. e-mail til

  13. Den økonomiske verdensorden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ougaard, Morten


    . Men det er ikke en statisk orden, den har udviklet og forandret sig gennem de sidste 70 år, og det er ikke første gang, den står over for betydelige udfordringer. Derfor er det instruktivt at kaste et blik bagud. De nuværende vanskeligheder skal ses på baggrund af den historie, der har skabt dem, og...

  14. Den iscenesatte virkelighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bondebjerg, Ib


    Artiklen diskuterer den dramatiserede dokumentarismes forskellige genrer inden for film og tv. Det diskuteres hvor grænserne mellem fiktion og fakta går i journalistik og dokumentarisme. Hovedkonklusionen er, at den dramatiserede og iscenesatte dokumentarisme er en genre, der har en vigtig funktion...

  15. Den katolske kirke

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olden-Jørgensen, Sebastian


    En kort gennemgang af den katolske kirkes kirkerum, ritualer, selvforståelse og syn på andre kristne efterfulgt af 16 forskellige kildetekster til belysning og uddybning af emnerne. Bogen omfatter tilsvarende afsnit om de ortodokse kirker og om folkekirken. Den er beregnet til gymnasium og HF....

  16. Den moderate revolution

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Bøje

    "normale" industrivirksomheder, men den er absolut set begrænset. Årsagerne til denne kun "moderate revolution" af organisationsformerne diskuteres: Er det fordi klassisk organisation og social nærkontakt er nødvendig i den nye økonomi, eller er det manglende fantasi og tryghedsbehov? Begge muligheder...

  17. Hvad karakteriserer den netbaserede vejledning?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjeldsen, Lars Peter


    Hensigten med artiklen er at bidrage til forståelsen af sider ved den netbaserede vejledning. Fremgangsmåden vil være: •Først at beskrive og diskutere, hvorledes jeg forstår det virtuelle læringsmiljø, herunder en afklaring af, hvad der karakteriserer den netbaserede vejledning. •Dernæst gennem e...... teoretisk afsæt opstille en model for, hvorledes netbaseret vejledning kan bidrage til de studerendes læreproces. • Sidst at give eksempler på hvorledes modellen for netbaseret vejledning kan anvendes i praksis.......Hensigten med artiklen er at bidrage til forståelsen af sider ved den netbaserede vejledning. Fremgangsmåden vil være: •Først at beskrive og diskutere, hvorledes jeg forstår det virtuelle læringsmiljø, herunder en afklaring af, hvad der karakteriserer den netbaserede vejledning. •Dernæst gennem et...

  18. Den sociale stofmisbrugsbehandling. Del 4

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Maren

    Dette er den fjerde delrapport i en rapportserie om den sociale stofmisbrugsbehandling i Danmark. Rapportserien bygger på en omfattende undersøgelse, der blev fortaget i perioden december 2007 til maj 2009. Denne delrapport stiller skarpt på kvalitetsudvikling og kvalitetsstandarder i den sociale...

  19. Radiomontagen og dens radiofoniske rødder. Om hørebilledet, den litterære tekstmontage, featuren og den moderne radiomontage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ib Poulsen


    Full Text Available Radiomontagen og dens genrevarianter, hørebilledet og featuren har tidligere har tidligere været genstand for interesse fra især den æste- tiske og tekstanalytisk orienterede radioforskning. I denne artikel sæt- tes genren ind i en bredere kontekst, sociokulturelt og medie- og insti- tutionshistorisk. Ledetrådene i den diakrone fremstilling er dels spørgs- målet om genrens historiske og genremæssige rødder, dels en kombi- neret tekstanalytisk og receptionsæstetisk tilgang, der søger at ind- kredse de positioneringer af lytteren, radiomontagen og dens varianter tilbyder. Artiklen er baseret på grundige arkivstudier i DR og på inter- views med nogle af de ’montører’, som har bidraget til udviklingen af montagen, der i kraft af sin radiofoniske spændvidde mest vedholdende og varieret har forsøgt at udforske menneskets livssituation i den moder- ne verden, samtidig med at lytteren er blevet tilbudt en lytteposition, der prioriterer refleksion og eftertanke.

  20. Den sociale stofmisbrugsbehandling. Del 6

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Maren; Buchholt Pedersen, Katrine

    Dette er den sjette delrapport i en rapportserie om den sociale stofmisbrugsbehandling i Danmark. Rapportserien bygger på en omfattende undersøgelse, der blev fortaget i perioden december 2007 til maj 2009. Denne delrapport stiller skarpt på resultaterne af den sociale stofmisbrugsbehandling i Da...

  1. den på glas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meyer, Ion


    Artiklen beskriver den eneste danske samling af præparerede fostre og børn, og hvorfor den blev fremstillet. Den var en del af Museum Saxtorphianum og artiklen diskuterer hvordan disse fostre blev til præparater. Musealiseringen, overgangen fra medicinske studieobjekter til museumsgenstande med s...

  2. Die grossen Physiker und ihre Entdeckungen von den fallenden Körpern zu den Quarks

    CERN Document Server

    Segrè, Emilio


    Von Galileo Galilei bis zu Richard Feynman und Murray Gell-Mann - von den fallenden Körpern zu den Quarks: Der Physiknobelpreisträger Emilio Segre hat seine ganz persönliche Geschichte der Physik geschrieben. Er erzählt von den großen Gestalten und deren wichtigen Entdeckungen mit großer Anschaulichkeit und Lebendigkeit.

  3. Medarbejderdreven innovation i den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klitmøller, Anders; Lauring, Jakob; Christensen, Poul Rind


    Denne artikel har til formål at kaste lys over den rolle, medarbejderne spiller for den innovative aktivitet i den offentlige sektor, hvad vi har valgt at kalde medarbejderdreven innovation. Artiklen er baseret på et etnografisk feltstudie i Århus Kommune, nærmere bestemt den nye afdeling...

  4. Den menneskelige plet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjerkegaard, Stefan

    endog en selvstigmatisering, hvor selvfortællingen ikke hænger sammen. Der er tale om en menneskelig henvendelse inkorporeret i det, som litteraturen gør, snarere end i det, den siger. I den nye danske litteratur af eksempelvis Yahya Hassan, Asta Olivia Nordenhof eller Bjørn Rasmussen oplever man...

  5. Den kulturelle dimension af virksomhedens internationalisering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Langhoff, Tine


    Artiklen omhandler den kulturelle dimensions indvirkning på virksomhedens internationalisering og diskuterer mulige internationalisieringsstrategier for virksomheder, der konfronteres med kulturforskelle. Med udgangspunkt i en kritik af den hidtidige forskning på området, hvor det såkaldte psykiske...... distancebegreb har haft en central placering, foreslås det, at man som alternativ til dette begreb skal fokusere på virksomhedens markedsbaserede innovationsevne. Denne betegnes som dens interkultu kompetence og vedrører dens evne til at identificere og udnytte muligheder i fremmede kulturelle sammenhænge. Det...... er herved, at den kulturelle dimension påvirker virksomheden og dens fortsatte udvikling. En empirisk analyse i den danske fødevarebranche afdækker virksomheders interkulturelle kompetence ved hjælp af to spørgsmål: (1) Hvorledes formår virksomheder med begrænsede ressourcer til deres disposition...

  6. Forever Young - den norske tv-serie Skam

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jerslev, Anne


    Hvorfor er det lige, at den norske netbaserede ungdomsserie "Skam" er på alles læber for tiden? Svaret er simpelt: Den er nyskabende og supergod, og den taler til en langt bredere målgruppe end den gruppe af teenagepiger, den er rettet mod....

  7. Den levende sangfugl

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerre, Thomas Ærvold


    Kronik om Harper Lee's roman "Dræb ikke en sangfugl" (1960) og den store indflydelse bog og film har haft på amerikansk kultur. Udgivelsesdato: 30. juli......Kronik om Harper Lee's roman "Dræb ikke en sangfugl" (1960) og den store indflydelse bog og film har haft på amerikansk kultur. Udgivelsesdato: 30. juli...

  8. Dannelsen af den ansvarlige elev

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Jesper


    Denne artikel handler om den del af lærergerningen, der har at gøre med udarbejdelse af elevplaner. Der tages udgangspunkt i en foucaultsk forståelse, hvor beskrivelsen af den enkelte elev udtrykker et særligt normativt ideal om, hvilke former for elevhed der er de ønskværdige i den danske...

  9. Den professionelle samtale

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Herskind, Mia


    , som et sådant perspektiv indebærer. Kapitlet tager afsæt i forskellige typer af professionelle samtaler (interview, supervision og terapi), hvor den professionelle stiller spørgsmål og er til stede på måder, så også den prærefleksive og kropslige-sanselige fortælling bliver en del af samtalen. Det...

  10. Den signede dag

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balslev-Clausen, Peter


    Artiklen gennemgår de tre middelalderlige versioner af den fællesnordiske dagvise fra 14. århundrede og gør rede for salmens tekst- og receptionshistorie i Dansk tradition.......Artiklen gennemgår de tre middelalderlige versioner af den fællesnordiske dagvise fra 14. århundrede og gør rede for salmens tekst- og receptionshistorie i Dansk tradition....

  11. Polar bear maternity denning in the Beaufort Sea (United States)

    Amstrup, Steven C.; Gardner, Craig L.


    The distribution of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) is circumpolar in the NOrthern Hemisphere, but known locations of maternal dens are concentrated in relatively few, widely scattered locations. Denning is either uncommon or unknown within gaps. To understand effects of industrial development and propose increases in hunting, the temporal and spatial distribution of denning in the Beaufort Sea must be known. We caputred and radiocollared polar bears between 1981 and 1991 and determined tht denning in the Beaufort Sea region was sufficient to account for the estimated population there. Of 90 dend, 48 were on drifting pack ice, 38 on land, and 4 on land-fast ice. The portions of dens on land was higher (P= 0.029) in later compared with earlier years of the study. Bears denning on pack ice drifting as far as 997 km (x=385km) while in dens. there was no difference in cun production by bears denning on land and pack ice (P =0.66). Mean entry and exit dates were 11 November and 5 April for land dens and 22 November and 26 March for pack-ice dens. Female polar bears captured in the Beaufort Sea appeared to be isolated from those caught eat of Cape Bathurst in Canada. Of 35 polar bears that denned along the mainland coast of Alaska and Canada 80% denned between 137 00'W snf 146 59'W. Bears followed to >1 den did not reuse sites and consecutive dens were 20-1,304 km apart. However radio-collared bears are largely faithful to substrate (pack-ice, land, and land-fast ice) and the general geographic area of previous dens. Bears denning on land may be vunerable to human activities such as hunting and industrial development. However, predictable denning chronology and alck of site fidelity indicate that many potential impacts on denning polar bears could be mitigated.

  12. Den moderne tyske roman 1909-35

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ved siden af klassikken og romantikken er den tidlige modernisme vel nok den betydeligste periode i tysksproget litteratur. Det skyldes ikke mindst den perlerække af romaner, der udkom i første tredjedel af det 20. århundrede, og hvoraf mange i dag fremstår som indiskutable højdepunkter i såvel...... tysk som europæisk roman- og litteraturhistorie. I Den moderne tyske roman 1909-35 behandles en række af disse romaner for første gang samlet på dansk. Bogen består af otte romanfortolkninger samt en indledende artikel om den moderne romans historie og særpræg. Alle artikler er skrevet med et solidt...... interesserede læser. I overensstemmelse med dens formidlende sigte er der kun medtaget fortolkninger af romaner, der foreligger på dansk i en tidssvarende oversættelse. Af hensyn til den litteraturhistoriske bredde er der desuden kun medtaget én roman af samme forfatter.Bogen indeholder analyser af: Robert...

  13. An adenovirus prime/plasmid boost strategy for induction of equipotent immune responses to two dengue virus serotypes. (United States)

    Khanam, Saima; Rajendra, Pilankatta; Khanna, Navin; Swaminathan, Sathyamangalam


    Dengue is a public health problem of global significance for which there is neither an effective antiviral therapy nor a preventive vaccine. It is a mosquito-borne viral disease, caused by dengue (DEN) viruses, which are members of the Flaviviridae family. There are four closely related serotypes, DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4, each of which is capable of causing disease. As immunity to any one serotype can potentially sensitize an individual to severe disease during exposure to a heterologous serotype, the general consensus is that an effective vaccine should be tetravalent, that is, it must be capable of affording protection against all four serotypes. The current strategy of creating tetravalent vaccine formulations by mixing together four monovalent live attenuated vaccine viruses has revealed the phenomenon of viral interference leading to the manifestation of immune responses biased towards a single serotype. This work stems from the emergence of (i) the DEN virus envelope (E) domain III (EDIII) as the most important region of the molecule from a vaccine perspective and (ii) the adenovirus (Ad) as a promising vaccine vector platform. We describe the construction of a recombinant, replication-defective Ad (rAd) vector encoding a chimeric antigen made of in-frame linked EDIIIs of DEN virus serotypes 2 and 4. Using this rAd vector, in conjunction with a plasmid vector encoding the same chimeric bivalent antigen, in a prime-boost strategy, we show that it is possible to elicit equipotent neutralizing and T cell responses specific to both DEN serotypes 2 and 4. Our data support the hypothesis that a DEN vaccine targeting more than one serotype may be based on a single DNA-based vector to circumvent viral interference. This work lays the foundation for developing a single Ad vector encoding EDIIIs of all four DEN serotypes to evoke a balanced immune response against each one of them. Thus, this work has implications for the development of safe and effective

  14. An adenovirus prime/plasmid boost strategy for induction of equipotent immune responses to two dengue virus serotypes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Swaminathan Sathyamangalam


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Dengue is a public health problem of global significance for which there is neither an effective antiviral therapy nor a preventive vaccine. It is a mosquito-borne viral disease, caused by dengue (DEN viruses, which are members of the Flaviviridae family. There are four closely related serotypes, DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4, each of which is capable of causing disease. As immunity to any one serotype can potentially sensitize an individual to severe disease during exposure to a heterologous serotype, the general consensus is that an effective vaccine should be tetravalent, that is, it must be capable of affording protection against all four serotypes. The current strategy of creating tetravalent vaccine formulations by mixing together four monovalent live attenuated vaccine viruses has revealed the phenomenon of viral interference leading to the manifestation of immune responses biased towards a single serotype. Results This work stems from the emergence of (i the DEN virus envelope (E domain III (EDIII as the most important region of the molecule from a vaccine perspective and (ii the adenovirus (Ad as a promising vaccine vector platform. We describe the construction of a recombinant, replication-defective Ad (rAd vector encoding a chimeric antigen made of in-frame linked EDIIIs of DEN virus serotypes 2 and 4. Using this rAd vector, in conjunction with a plasmid vector encoding the same chimeric bivalent antigen, in a prime-boost strategy, we show that it is possible to elicit equipotent neutralizing and T cell responses specific to both DEN serotypes 2 and 4. Conclusion Our data support the hypothesis that a DEN vaccine targeting more than one serotype may be based on a single DNA-based vector to circumvent viral interference. This work lays the foundation for developing a single Ad vector encoding EDIIIs of all four DEN serotypes to evoke a balanced immune response against each one of them. Thus, this work has

  15. Efterskrift til den reviderede udgave

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Carsten Fogh


    Opsummering af tendenser og udviklingstræk inden for den nyere forskning i Kants historiefilosofi.......Opsummering af tendenser og udviklingstræk inden for den nyere forskning i Kants historiefilosofi....

  16. Human disturbances of denning polar bears in Alaska

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Amstrup, S.C.


    Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) give birth in dens of snow and ice. The altricial neonates cannot leave the den for >2 months post-partum and are potentially vulnerable to disturbances near dens. The coastal plain (1002) area of Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) lies in a region of known polar bear denning and also may contain >9 billion barrels of recoverable oil. Polar bears in dens could be affected in many ways by hydrocarbon development. The distribution of dens on ANWR was documented between 1981 and 1992 and responses of bears in dens to various anthropogenic disturbances were observed. Of 44 dens located by radiotelemetry on the mainland coast of Alaska and Canada, 20 (45%) were on ANWR and 15 (34%) were within the 1002 area. Thus, development of ANWR will increase the potential that denning polar bears are disturbed by human activities. However, perturbations resulting from capture, marking, and radiotracking maternal bears did not affect litter sizes or stature of cubs produced. Likewise, 10 of 12 denned polar bears tolerated exposure to exceptional levels of activity. This tolerance and the fact that investment in the denning effort increases through the winter indicated that spatial and temporal restrictions on developments could prevent the potential for many disruptions of denned bears from being realized. 16 refs., 1 fig., 2 tabs

  17. Den medicinal-industrielle logik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Børsen, Tom


    Et kig på medicinalindustrien og den logik der styrer udviklingen af nye lægemidler. Antagelsen er, at der også eksisterer et medicinalindustrielt kompleks, bestående af ledende industrifolk, læger, forskere og regeringsembedsmænd, der alle har kommercielle interesser i den herskende lægemiddeltæ...

  18. Den sociale stofmisbrugsbehandling. Del 1

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heltberg, Therese

    Denne rapport er den første delrapport i en undersøgelse af den sociale stofmisbrugsbehandling i Danmark, som SFI har gennemført for Servicestyrelsen i perioden december 2007 til maj 2009. Undersøgelsen omhandler den sociale stofmisbrugsbehandling efter § 101 i Serviceloven, mens undersøgelsen i ...

  19. Den positive psykologis metoder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Frans Ørsted; Mørck, Line Lerche; Nissen, Poul Erik

    En antologi der giver en introduktion til en række af de metoder der anvendes til forskning, assessment, test, udviklingsarbejde og intervention indenfor den positive psykologi.......En antologi der giver en introduktion til en række af de metoder der anvendes til forskning, assessment, test, udviklingsarbejde og intervention indenfor den positive psykologi....

  20. Den svage tænkning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dehs, Jørgen


    Interview med Gianni Vattimos. Italiensk politisk kultur, forholdet mellem politikeren og den intelektuelle og Gianni Vattimos program.......Interview med Gianni Vattimos. Italiensk politisk kultur, forholdet mellem politikeren og den intelektuelle og Gianni Vattimos program....

  1. [Von den Restgütern zu den Sowchosen in Estland 1939-1953. Dokumentensammlung] / Olev Liivik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Liivik, Olev, 1975-


    Arvustus: Von den Restgütern zu den Sowchosen in Estland 1939-1953 : Dokumentensammlung / Hrsg. von David Feest, Karsten Brüggemann. Berlin : Lit Verlag, 2010. (Schriften der Baltischen historischen Kommission ; Bd. 15)

  2. Da den moderne jazz kom til Danmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høyer, Ole Izard; Nielsen, Anders H.U.

    som tog over, deriblandt Erik Moseholm, Bent Axen og Jørn Elniff. Denne bog forklarer, hvordan den moderne jazz kom til Danmark, og hvordan den udviklede det danske jazzmiljø. Den inddrager faktorer som udenlandske musikeres besøg, koncerter og efterfølgende jazzsessions. Hvilken betydning havde disse...... for den danske jazzudvikling? Hvor blev musikken spillet, og hvordan blev den behandlet af medierne og af samfundet? Sammen med beskrivelser af de vigtigste moderne jazzmusikere fra perioden, analyseres og beskrives en række indspilninger af moderne dansk jazz for at undersøge hvornår, og hvilke af de nye...

  3. Reexamining unconscious response priming: A liminal-prime paradigm. (United States)

    Avneon, Maayan; Lamy, Dominique


    Research on the limits of unconscious processing typically relies on the subliminal-prime paradigm. However, this paradigm is limited in the issues it can address. Here, we examined the implications of using the liminal-prime paradigm, which allows comparing unconscious and conscious priming with constant stimulation. We adapted an iconic demonstration of unconscious response priming to the liminal-prime paradigm. On the one hand, temporal attention allocated to the prime and its relevance to the task increased the magnitude of response priming. On the other hand, the longer RTs associated with the dual task inherent to the paradigm resulted in response priming being underestimated, because unconscious priming effects were shorter-lived than conscious-priming effects. Nevertheless, when the impact of long RTs was alleviated by considering the fastest trials or by imposing a response deadline, conscious response priming remained considerably larger than unconscious response priming. These findings suggest that conscious perception strongly modulates response priming. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Den guddommelige æstetik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moutamid, Mina El


    I denne artikel anlægges to perspektiver på det æstetiske i et forsøg på at identificere et forhold mellem det æstetiske og det religiøse. Med udgangspunkt i en fænomenologisk karakteristik af den religiøse oplevelse påvises en række lighedspunkter med den æstetiske oplevelse. Desuden defineres d...

  5. Den Blå Drage

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ingerslev, Gitte Holten

    Denne publikation i serien Læselyst tjener tre formål. Den evaluerer læseprojektet Den blå drage i efteråret 2004 på Byskolen i Svendborg ? et projekt ledet af forfatteren Josefine Ottesen. Desuden gøres der rede for nogle af de teorier der støtter og begrunder arbejdsmåde og resultater i projektet...

  6. Dorte Nors "Den store tomat"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michelsen, Jimmi


    Tekstgennemgang og undervisningsforløb til Dorte Nors "Den store tomat". Undervisningsforløbet er henvendt til elever i folkeskolens udskoling......Tekstgennemgang og undervisningsforløb til Dorte Nors "Den store tomat". Undervisningsforløbet er henvendt til elever i folkeskolens udskoling...

  7. Luftstaub über den Meeren

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kacunko, Slavko; Kacunko, Sabine; Gorbushina, Ana


    Staub umgibt uns überall und alles wird auch irgendwann zu Staub - ob wir wollen oder nicht. Staub nicht nur zu bekämpfen, sondern zu untersuchen, bildet den Ausgangspunkt zahlreicher Forschungen in den Natur-, Ingenieur- und Kulturwissenschaften. Der vorliegende Band verbindet solche Beiträge au...

  8. Masked priming effect reflects evidence accumulated by the prime. (United States)

    Kinoshita, Sachiko; Norris, Dennis


    In the same-different match task, masked priming is observed with the same responses but not different responses. Norris and Kinoshita's (2008) Bayesian reader account of masked priming explains this pattern based on the same principle as that explaining the absence of priming for nonwords in the lexical decision task. The pattern of priming follows from the way the model makes optimal decisions in the two tasks; priming does not depend on first activating the prime and then the target. An alternative explanation is in terms of a bias towards responding "same" that exactly counters the facilitatory effect of lexical access. The present study tested these two views by varying both the degree to which the prime predicts the response and the visibility of the prime. Unmasked primes produced effects expected from the view that priming is influenced by the degree to which the prime predicts the response. In contrast, with masked primes, the size of priming for the same response was completely unaffected by predictability. These results rule out response bias as an explanation of the absence of masked priming for different responses and, in turn, indicate that masked priming is not a consequence of automatic lexical access of the prime.

  9. Denning of grizzly bears in the Yellowstone National Park area (United States)

    Judd, Steven L.; Knight, Richard R.; Blanchard, Bonnie M.


    Radiotelemetry was used to locate 101 grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) dens from 1975 to 1980; 35 dens were examined on the ground. Pregnant females denned in late October, and most other bears denned by mid-November. Duration of denning average 113, 132, and 170 days for males, females, and females with new cubs, respectively. Males emerged from mid-February to late March, followed by single females and females with yearlings and 2-year-olds. Females with new cubs emerged from early mid-April. Den sites were associated with moderate tree cover (26%-75% canopy cover) on 30°-60° slopes. Dens occurred on all aspects, although northerly exposures were most common. Grizzly bears usually dug new dens but occasionally used natural cavities or a den from a previous year. Males usually dug larger dens than females with young. Eight excavated and 2 natural dens of the 35 examined dens were used for more than 1 year.

  10. Hyldest til den destruktive feminist

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Brian Benjamin


    Den destruktive feminist er kommet for at uddele røvfulde og slikkepinde – og hun er netop løbet tør for slikkepinde.......Den destruktive feminist er kommet for at uddele røvfulde og slikkepinde – og hun er netop løbet tør for slikkepinde....

  11. American black bear denning behavior: Observations and applications using remote photography (United States)

    Bridges, A.S.; Fox, J.A.; Olfenbuttel, C.; Vaughan, M.B.


    Researchers examining American black bear (Ursus americanus) denning behavior have relied primarily on den-site visitation and radiotelemetry to gather data. Repeated den-site visits are time-intensive and may disturb denning bears, possibly causing den abandonment, whereas radiotelemetry is sufficient only to provide gross data on den emergence. We used remote cameras to examine black bear denning behavior in the Allegheny Mountains of western Virginia during March-May 2003. We deployed cameras at 10 den sites and used 137 pictures of black bears. Adult female black bears exhibited greater extra-den activity than we expected prior to final den emergence, which occurred between April 12 and May 6, 2003. Our technique provided more accurate den-emergence estimation than previously published methodologies. Additionally, we observed seldom-documented behaviors associated with den exits and estimated cub age at den emergence. Remote cameras can provide unique insights into denning ecology, and we describe their potential application to reproductive, survival, and behavioral research.

  12. Konservatismen og den højreradikale terror

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skov, Christian Houlberg


    Den norske højreekstremist Anders Behring Breiviks terror mod det norske samfund har herhjemme ledt til en voldsom debat om blandt andet forbindelsen mellem tonen i debatten og terrorangrebet og forholdet mellem den siden 2001 meget omtalte kulturkonservatisme og Anders Breiviks terrorhandling....... Essayet Konservatismen og den højreradikale terror forsøger dels at skabe klarhed over fronterne i debatten, dels at rette en kritik mod såvel tendensen til at afskrive handlingen som uforståelig som af tendensen til at slå den bredere højrefløjs kritik af multikulturalismen i hartkorn med Breiviks...

  13. 'Den danske model' som tema

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Caraker, Emmett; Juul, Ida; Klindt, Mads Peter


    Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv vol. 14, nr. 2, 5-8. Tema: 'Den danske model'. Redigeret af Emmett Caraker, Ida Juul, Mads peter Klindt & Jens Lind. 2011. København. 128 s.......Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv vol. 14, nr. 2, 5-8. Tema: 'Den danske model'. Redigeret af Emmett Caraker, Ida Juul, Mads peter Klindt & Jens Lind. 2011. København. 128 s....

  14. Den tabte fortælling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Kenneth Mølbjerg


    Ledelse er et af nøgleordene i fornyelsen af den offentlige sektor. Vi har imidlertid glemt et væsentligt aspekt af ledelse. Dette skyldes ikke mindst, at omgangsformen i dag er reguleret af information, mens den tidligere var reguleret af fortælleevnen. Evnen til dialog, indlevelse og nærvær er...

  15. Den udenlandske udtales finurligheder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Davidsen-Nielsen, Niels


    Eftertanken. Det er ikke altid nemt at tale om store, internationale kunstnere som Mozart eller Gabriel García Márquez. For hvordan skal den danske mund udtale z'et i Mozart og lægge trykket i García?......Eftertanken. Det er ikke altid nemt at tale om store, internationale kunstnere som Mozart eller Gabriel García Márquez. For hvordan skal den danske mund udtale z'et i Mozart og lægge trykket i García?...

  16. Den tidslogiske analyse af determinismeproblemet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Øhrstrøm, Peter


    Artiklen diskuterer den filosofiske tidslogik med særligt henblik på A.N. Priors bidrag hertil. Det logiske determinismeproblem benyttes som gennemgående eksempel. Det vises endvidere, hvordan tidslogikken kan udnyttes til at analysere de logisk mulige positioner i en videnskabelig eller videnska...... videnskabsteoretisk debat. Her bruges den videnskabshistorisk betydende diskussion mellem Charles Darwin og Asa Gray som eksempel....

  17. Ensretning i den internationale skatteret

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schmidt, Peter Koerver; Bundgaard, Jakob


    I lyset af den seneste tids begivenheder (herunder særligt Luxleaks-sagerne) og tiltag på den internationale skattescene ses der i artiklen nærmere på en række af de forhold, som trækker i retning af øget ensretning af selskabsskattereglerne i store dele af verden. Det gøres gældende, at staternes...

  18. Events i den globale bykonkurrence

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, Katrine


    Paper til ph.d. workshop, d. 9. december 2005. Dette paper beskriver, hvorfor og hvordan events kan bruges som strategi for byplanlægning og byudvikling i den globale bykonkurrence.......Paper til ph.d. workshop, d. 9. december 2005. Dette paper beskriver, hvorfor og hvordan events kan bruges som strategi for byplanlægning og byudvikling i den globale bykonkurrence....

  19. Kosmetisk kirurgi og den transformérbare krop -en analyse af den amerikanske tv-serie Nip/Tuck

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jerslev, Anne


    En analyse af krops- og kønsiscenesættelser i den amerikanske tv-serie om kosmetisk kirurgi Nip/Tuck......En analyse af krops- og kønsiscenesættelser i den amerikanske tv-serie om kosmetisk kirurgi Nip/Tuck...

  20. Grizzly bear denning chronology and movements in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (United States)

    Haroldson, Mark A.; Ternent, Mark A.; Gunther, Kerry A.; Schwartz, Charles C.


    Den entrance and emergence dates of grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem are important to management agencies that wish to minimize impacts of human activities on bears. Current estimates for grizzly bear denning events use data that were collected from 1975–80. We update these estimates by including data obtained from 1981–99. We used aerial telemetry data to estimate week of den entry and emergence by determining the midpoint between the last known active date and the first known date denned, as well as the last known date denned and the first known active date. We also investigated post emergence movement patterns relative to den locations. Mean earliest and latest week of den entry and emergence were also determined. Den entry for females began during the fourth week in September, with 90% denned by the fourth week of November. Earliest den entry for males occurred during the second week of October, with 90% denned by the second week of December. Mean week of den entry for known pregnant females was earlier than males. Earliest week of den entry for known pregnant females was earlier than other females and males. Earliest den emergence for males occurred during the first week of February, with 90% of males out of dens by the fourth week of April. Earliest den emergence for females occurred during the third week of March; by the first week of May, 90% of females had emerged. Male bears emerged from dens earlier than females. Denning period differed among classes and averaged 171 days for females that emerged from dens with cubs, 151 days for other females, and 131 days for males. Known pregnant females tended to den at higher elevations and, following emergence, remained at higher elevation until late May. Females with cubs remained relatively close (grizzly bear populations in the southern Rocky Mountains. 

  1. Nyliberalisme, universiteter og den akademiske frihed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Mogens Ove


    Akademisk frihed er uløseligt forbundet med det, der er selve universitetets væsen. New Public Management er dog sevet ind i den offentlige forvaltning og kapitlet giver et signalement af, hvilke konsekvenser dette har haft for universiteterne og den akademiske frihed...

  2. Dens evaginatus and dens invaginatus in a double tooth: A rare case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gaurav Sharma


    Full Text Available The presence of dens invaginatus (DI and dens evaginatus (DE on same tooth is a rare phenomenon. However, when these dental anomalies occur on a double tooth, it becomes an extremely rare phenomenon. The authors report a rare case of DI and DE on fused permanent maxillary central incisor with supernumerary tooth in a 40-year-old male. The present article also focuses on the differentiating fusion from gemination and also reviews preventive and management strategies for tooth with complex dental anatomy.

  3. Nuclear chemistry and Radiochemistry in the USA; Kern- und Radiochemie in den USA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kronenberg, A. [Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States). Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Div.; Stoyer, M. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA (United States)


    Nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry are very young sciences which developed at an extremely brisk pace within a very short period of time after the discovery of nuclear fission in 1938, and caused profound societal changes. In the United States, nuclear chemistry developed very differently from Germany, where nuclear research initially had been banned after the Second World War. The prime mover in the development in the United States was the Manhattan Project, the construction of the atomic bomb. The counteract the impending shortage of qualified personnel, important institutions have begun to establish training and support programs in the field. The National Laboratories in the United States introduced a National Security Internship Program, while the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) tries to promote cooperation, and thus the training of personnel, by launching programs of its own. Yet, a greater shortage of qualified personnel is becoming apparent. The situation of nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry in the United States can be summarized in the finding that research at the National Laboratories is very wide ranging. It receives sufficient funds from the DOE. However, the National Laboratories show a very high proportion of elderly personnel, a problem which will have to be corrected in the years to come. This may be helped by the Summer Schools financed by the DOE, though a summer school of six weeks cannot replace a sound training in nuclear chemistry of the kind still to be found in Germany. (orig.) [German] Kern- und Radiochemie sind sehr junge Wissenschaften, die sich nach der Entdeckung der Kernspaltung 1938 innerhalb kuerzester Zeit extrem rasant entwickelt und tiefe gesellschaftliche Veraenderungen bewirkt haben. In den USA hat sich die Kernchemie sehr unterschiedlich im Vergleich zu Deutschland entwickelt, wo die Kernforschung nach dem 2. Weltkrieg vorerst verboten war. Massgeblich in den USA war dabei das Manhatten-Projekt zum Bau von Nuklearwaffen

  4. koncernbegrebet og tilbudspligtens indtræden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clausen, Nis Jul; sørensen, karsten engsig


      Med den nye selskabslov og de hertil knyttede ændringer i værdipapirhandelslovens regler om tilbudspligt har man fastholdt ønsket om parallelitet mellem det selskabsretlige koncernbegreb og kriterierne for tilbudspligtens indtræden. Det drøftes, om koncernbegrebet reelt er overført til tilbudsp...

  5. Ueber die arten und den Skelettbau von Culcita

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hartlaub, Clemens


    Das Genus Culcita Agass. zählt durch die merkwürdige Form und die ansehnliche Grösse seiner Arten zu den interessantesten Asteriden, und gut conservirte Exemplare davon gehören zu den Zierden unsrer Museen. Um so bedauerlicher erschien es mir, als ich vor einiger Zeit den Versuch machte die von

  6. Transposed-Letter Priming Effects with Masked Subset Primes: A Re-Examination of the "Relative Position Priming Constraint" (United States)

    Stinchcombe, Eric J.; Lupker, Stephen J.; Davis, Colin J.


    Three experiments are reported investigating the role of letter order in orthographic subset priming (e.g., "grdn"-GARDEN) using both the conventional masked priming technique as well as the sandwich priming technique in a lexical decision task. In all three experiments, subset primes produced priming with the effect being considerably…

  7. dens festival

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Agerholm, Frank Juul


    Som den italienske antropolog og folklorist Alessandro Falassi gør opmærksom på i antologien Time out of Time: Essays on the Festival, så er det sparsomt, hvad der er gjort af teoretiske forsøg på definere, hvad en festival er. Det står altså skidt til med et begreb om festivalen, og dette endog...... til trods for, at der er forsket i festivalen som fænomen siden det 19. århundrede – tilmed inden for en række forskellige faglige discipliner såsom religionsvidenskab, sociologi, antropologi, folklore m.fl. Endnu mere sparsomt må det vel så også stå til med bud på, hvad fødens festival er for en...

  8. Filosofisk terapi som træning til døden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dræby, Anders

    Den eksistentielfænomenologiske terapi deler den opfattelse med stoicismen, at filosofiens hovedopgave er at hjælpe mennesket med at finde vej i en problematisk verden. Oplægget udforsker desuden et overlap, som består i den indsigt, at terapeutisk udfrielse fra menneskelig lidelse til livsduelig......Den eksistentielfænomenologiske terapi deler den opfattelse med stoicismen, at filosofiens hovedopgave er at hjælpe mennesket med at finde vej i en problematisk verden. Oplægget udforsker desuden et overlap, som består i den indsigt, at terapeutisk udfrielse fra menneskelig lidelse til...

  9. Den kontraktstyrede og kontraktstyrende offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schulze, Christiane; Greve, Carsten

    Kontraktbaseret styring har været på den politiske agenda i OECD landene siden de tidlige 1980’erne og i dag er kontrakter et helt centralt element i den moderne regering ((Ejersbo & Greve 2005: 62, Greve 2008a: 4). Internationalt var det især med Reagon-regeringen i USA og Thatcher-regeringen i...... den private sektor og [som] brug af markedsmekanismer”(Greve 2003). Ved siden af privatisering og deregulering iagttages kontrakter som et determinerende element i NPM (Fortin 2000:1). Kontrakter kan helt grundlæggende defineres som en aftale mellem bestiller og leverandør, der angiver vilkårene...

  10. Christian Birch - den korrupte konferensråd

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Mette Frisk


  11. Denning behaviour of non-gravid wolves, Canis lupus (United States)

    Mech, L.D.; Phillips, M.K.; Smith, D.W.; Kreeger, T.J.


    Wild wolves (Canis lupus) that had produced pups in earlier years but were not currently pregnant, and ovariectomized captive wolves, dug dens during and after the whelping season even though they produced no pups. These observations suggest that den digging is not a function of pregnancy or of ovarian estrogen or progesterone. We hypothesize that increasing prolactin in spring elicits or mediates den-digging behavior.

  12. Selection of den sites by black bears in the southern Appalachians (United States)

    Reynolds-Hogland, M. J.; Mitchell, M.S.; Powell, R.A.; Brown, D.C.


    We evaluated selection of den sites by American black bears (Ursus americanus) in the Pisgah Bear Sanctuary, western North Carolina, by comparing characteristics of dens at 53 den sites with availability of habitat characteristics in annual home ranges of bears and in the study area. We also tested whether den-site selection differed by sex, age, and reproductive status of bears. In addition, we evaluated whether the den component of an existing habitat model for black bears predicted where bears would select den sites. We found bears selected den sites far from gravel roads, on steep slopes, and at high elevations relative to what was available in both annual home ranges and in the study area. Den-site selection did not differ by sex or age, but it differed by reproductive status. Adult females with cubs preferred to den in areas that were relatively far from gravel roads, but adult females without cubs did not. The habitat model overestimated the value of areas near gravel roads, underestimated the value of moderately steep areas, and did not include elevation as a predictor variable. Our results highlight the importance of evaluating den selection in terms of both use and availability of den characteristics. ?? 2007 American Society of Mammalogists.

  13. Mozart, Karl Barth, og den kristne troslæren

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Nils Holger


    En diskussion af Karl Barths teologiske brug af W.A.Mozart i den kirchliche Dogmatik med kontekstuel inddragelse af en til en vis grad tilsvarende overordnet diskussion af Mozart, skrevet af en samtidig musiker, den fremtrædende Mozart-dirigent Ferenc Fricsay. ......En diskussion af Karl Barths teologiske brug af W.A.Mozart i den kirchliche Dogmatik med kontekstuel inddragelse af en til en vis grad tilsvarende overordnet diskussion af Mozart, skrevet af en samtidig musiker, den fremtrædende Mozart-dirigent Ferenc Fricsay. ...

  14. Transnational organisatorisk innovation i den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Morten Balle


    Artiklen undersøger tre problemstillinger: 1) Hvor udbredt er forskellige former for transnational organisatorisk innovation i den danske offentlige sektor? 2) Hvordan er disse organisatoriske innovationer relateret til hinanden? 3) Er forskelle i deres udbredelse relateret til forskelle mellem den...... forskelle og ligheder mellem statslige og kommunale organisationer. 11 former for organisatorisk innovation, hvoraf mange ofte forbindes med New Public Management (NPM), er inkluderet i de empiriske analyser: privatisering/udlicitering, Bestiller-Udfører-model, kontraktstyring, mål- og rammestyring...... innovationer. Forskellige fortolkninger af den større udbredelse i kommuner end i stat drøftes....

  15. The Prime Numbers Hidden Symmetric Structure and its Relation to the Twin Prime Infinitude and an Improved Prime Number Theorem

    CERN Document Server

    Mikoss, I


    Due to the sieving process represented by a Secondary Sieving Map; during the generation of the prime numbers, geometric structures with definite symmetries are formed which become evident through their geometrical representations. The study of these structures allows the development of a constructive prime generating formula. This defines a mean prime density yielding a second order recursive and discrete prime producing formula and a second order differential equation whose solutions produce an improved Prime Number Theorem. Applying these results to twin prime pairs is possible to generate a Twin Prime Number Theorem and important conclusions about the infinitude of the twin primes.

  16. Denver District Laboratory (DEN) (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — Program CapabilitiesDEN-DO Laboratory is a multi-functional laboratory capable of analyzing most chemical analytes and pathogenic/non-pathogenic microorganisms found...

  17. Samarbejdets betydning i den ’klassiske udlicitering’

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindholst, Andrej Christian


    Hvilken betydning har ’samarbejde’ i kontraktstyringen mellem offentlige myndigheder og private entreprenører inden for de ’klassiske’ udbudsområder? I både den administrative praksis og den politologiske litteratur betragtes en effektiv anvendelse af udlicitering på de klassiske udbudsområder of...

  18. Den professionelle rolle

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Præstegaard, Jeanette; Sørensen, Kirsten


    Psykiatri er den disciplin indenfor lægevidenskaben, der beskæftiger sig med at forebygge, diagnosticere og helbrede psykiske sygdomme. I “Lærebog i psykiatri” giver Lene Nyboe sig bud på ergoterapeutisk og fysioterapeutisk kernefaglighed indenfor det psykiatriske område. Behandlingstraditionerne...

  19. Konsulenten i den anden nat

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kirkegaard, Line

    for i sit deres liv og den eksistensmåde, der hermed muliggøres. Med dette ønsker jeg at bidrage til de eksisterende work-life balance teorier. Min vej ind i teorierne er nemlig, at logikken i mit empiriske materiale forekommer så forskelligt fra de traditionelle work-life balance teorier, at disse ikke...... lader sig forene. Jeg foretage derfor en analyse af den eksisterende litteratur, og rejser i den forbindelse en grundlæggende kritik af work-life balance teorierne, for at operere med falske problemstillinger på en måde, så svaret allerede indgår i de spørgsmål, der stilles. Jeg argumenterer således for......, at det problematiske forhold ved work-life balance teorierne allerede skal søges i konstitueringen af deres problematik, hvor arbejde og fritid indgår som to distinkte og kontrasterende sfærer. Ubalance eller problemer søges således altid i relationen her imellem. I forlængelse heraf argumenterer jeg for...

  20. Leadership pipeline i den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahl, Kristian Aagaard; Molly-Søholm, Thorkil

    en rejse ind i hjertet af offentlig ledelse med fokus på lederniveauerne: topchef, funktionel chef, leder af ledere og leder af medarbejdere. Med afsæt i righoldige eksempler og fortællinger fra virkeligheden introduceres læseren for ledelsesteorien den Offentlige Leadership Pipeline, som giver...... enkelte lederniveauer og udvikle ledertalenter. Teorien byder på et detaljeret ledelsesgrundlag, hvorudfra den offentlige organisation kan bygge en professionel værdikæde for ledelse ved at forme lederprofiler, -rekruttering, -uddannelse, -evaluering m.m. Leadership Pipeline i den offentlige sektor er...... baseret på et treårigt dansk praksisorienteret forskningsprojekt med deltagelse af 15 offentlige organisationer, som repræsenterer kommunerne, regionerne og staten. Projektet har videreudviklet en af de sidste 10 års mest indflydelsesrige ledelseteorier i de største private organisationer, Leadership...

  1. Priming semantico e museografia / Semantic priming and museography

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Annalisa Banzi


    Full Text Available Il priming è una tipologia di memoria implicita che facilita l’apprendimento di stimoli di diversa natura (stimoli visivi, semantici, etc.. Un allestimento museale che adotti strumenti basati sul priming potrebbe aiutare il pubblico a selezionare i contenuti relativi agli oggetti esposti. In questo articolo viene descritta l’applicazione del priming semantico allo spazio museale. Questa operazione in prima battutta potrebbe essere letta come una mancanza di fiducia nelle capacità cognitive del visitatore nel discriminare il significato delle informazioni. In realtà è una forma di sostegno per aiutare il visitatore a sviluppare gradualmente una propria metodologia di approccio ai contenuti proposti nel museo. Grazie al priming, il pubblico riceve una serie di stimoli che possono aiutare a costituire la base delle proprie conoscenze in ambito storico-artistico ed essere il punto di partenza sul quale costruire un metodo critico.   Many psychological aspects such as motivation, emotion, and attention, affect human learning. Among these, priming triggers and tunes implicit memory processes. Hence the goal of this paper is to check whether semantic priming can be used as an effective tool to design a supportive museum environment where people can easily learn. Moreover, the resulting stronger and more persistent memories could encourage museum visitors to learn more and better, and to develop a method to “read” the artworks. After a brief overview of current models of semantic priming, practical and theoretical issues are considered and discussed.

  2. Cornelis den Hartog: an outstanding aquatic ecologist

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Velde, van der G.; Brock, T.C.M.; Kempers, A.J.


    A survey is given of the work and life of Cornelis den Hartog up to the date in 1996 on which he retired from his position as a professor at the University of Nijmegen. Cornelis (Kees) den Hartog made important contributions to aquatic ecology in the widest sense, e.G. On brackish water typology,

  3. Den danske regionskonstruktion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klausen, Kurt Klaudi; Christoffersen, Henrik

    Region Midtjylland er i centrum for analysen men den omfatter også regionsdannelsen i almindelighed. Der anlægges i analysen på samme tid et politologisk, organisationsteoretisk og økonomisk resonnement. Regionsdannelsen finder sted på baggrund af de setup Strukturreformen har sat, men udfoldes p...

  4. Empirisme, rationalisme og den moralske følelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Carsten Fogh


    Sammenlignende diskussion af David Humes og Immanuel Kants syn på følelsernes rolle for den moralske dom......Sammenlignende diskussion af David Humes og Immanuel Kants syn på følelsernes rolle for den moralske dom...

  5. Den farefulde gyngeleg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Karoff, Helle Skovbjerg


    I lyset af samtidens diskussioner af sikkerhed og det farefulde (Sandseter, 2009) i børns fysiske leg skal artiklen udforske forholdet mellem den interaktive gynge SON-X, legeaktiviteterne og det farefulde. Formålet er at undersøge, hvordan børn håndterer det farefulde og sikkerhed i deres gyngeleg......, og det formål skal udforskes gennem stemningsperspektivet (Karoff, 2010, 2013). Stemningsperspektivet er et livsfilosofisk perspektiv på legeaktiviteterne (Schiller, 1996, Nietzsche, 1996, Huizinga, 1956, Gadamer, 1966), der anskuer legeaktiviteterne som praksis, der har til formål at sætte de...... deltagende i en særlig stemning. En stemning er en måde at være til på i verden, der præges af åbenhed over for øjeblikket, over for andre mennesker og over for nye muligheder for at skabe mening (Heidegger, 2005). Afslutningsvist skal artiklen reflektere over teknologiens rolle – eksemplificeret med den...

  6. Skønhed og rædsel i den nye Pharma Science Building

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reeh, Henrik


    Reportage fra et fælles besøg i den nyligt indviede PharmaScience Building, Københavns Universitet, juni 2016. Teksten om mødet mellem journalist og forsker på den ene side og bygningen og dens brugere på den anden side. Journalist Christoffer Zieler henviser til Henrik Reehs separat offentliggjo......Reportage fra et fælles besøg i den nyligt indviede PharmaScience Building, Københavns Universitet, juni 2016. Teksten om mødet mellem journalist og forsker på den ene side og bygningen og dens brugere på den anden side. Journalist Christoffer Zieler henviser til Henrik Reehs separat...

  7. Den skjulte Oldtid – den nye udstilling på Nationalmuseet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ingemann, Bruno


    Enhver udstilling konstruerer sin besøgende! Man skal som besøgende have bestemte forudsætninger, en vis viden, kende bestemte kategorier, have en bestemt form for nysgerrighed – og det er udstillingen som skaber dette særsprog med dets muligheder for at udelukke eller inkludere den besøgende. De...

  8. Den kaotiske organisation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helms, Niels Henrik


    Præsentation af den britiske organisationsteoretiker Ralph Stacey: Stacey mener samlet, at organisationer ikke skal ses som systemer, der opstår, når individer interagerer med hinanden. Det er selve interaktionen, der er organisationen. Staceys kernebegreb er temporære processer. Når vi interager...

  9. Diana og Kirke. Den klassiske mytes metamorfose i italienske Renæssance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cecchini, Leonardo

    Den klassiske myte har en særlig stilling i det, Aleida Assmann har kaldt kulturelle Gedächtnis. Takket være dens store udbredelse i den vestlige kultur (både i litteratur, kunst og i andre områder), har den en tendens til at virke, snarere end som konkret ”tekst”, som et udbredt kulturel registe...... renæssancekulturen omarbejder den klassiske myte. Som case-stories vil jeg anvende Kirke-myten og ”den mytiske jagt” (Diana og Aktæon) og vise, hvordan de bliver genanvendt, tilpasset og fortolket i tekster af Petrarca, Boccaccio, Machiavelli og Gelli....

  10. Dwellers in dens on sandy bottoms: Ecological and behavioural traits of Octopus vulgaris

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ángel Guerra


    Full Text Available Four visual censuses targeting Octopus vulgaris living in dens on sandy bottoms were carried out from June to October 2013 in the National Park of the Atlantic Galician Islands (NW Spain. Censuses were undertaken by scuba diving between 5 and 21 m depth in daytime. The total area swept was 13.75 ha. There were no significant differences between octopus presence in dens during open and closed fishing seasons. Depth had a significant negative relationship with occupancy. The average number of dens per 1000 m2 was 3.84±0.84 in June and 3.89 in October. The area per den was 260 m2. Den number estimations varied between 1586 and 2057. The largest number of dens (76.5% was found between 5 and 10 m depth. Den distribution was clumped. No significant differences were found between octopus size classes (small, medium and large and den diameter. Associate dens were observed. There were no significant differences in den diameter and shell types found around the middens. Many dens could be “permanent”. Drilling bivalve shell behaviour is discussed. The surveyed area had around 1100 individuals, mainly small specimens. No significant differences were found between octopus size and depth. Substrate, den type and food abundance and availability (especially razors Ensis arcuatus seem to be the main factors influencing dens and octopus density and distribution. Den availability does not appear to be a limiting factor in this case. Temperature, den availability, predators and fishing pressure influencing density and distribution are discussed. Rodas inlet may be a preferential habitat for O. vulgaris individuals ranging from 200 to 2000 g, but especially small specimens ( ≤ 1000 g.

  11. Smelly primes – when olfactory primes do or do not work

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monique A Smeets


    Full Text Available In applied olfactory cognition the effects that olfactory stimulation can have on (human behavior are investigated. To enable an efficient application of olfactory stimuli a model of how they may lead to a change in behavior is proposed. To this end we use the concept of olfactory priming. Olfactory priming may prompt a special view on priming as the olfactory sense has some unique properties which make odors special types of primes. Examples of such properties are the ability of odors to influence our behavior outside of awareness, to lead to strong affective evaluations, to evoke specific memories, and to associate easily and quickly to other environmental stimuli. Opportunities and limitations for using odors as primes are related to these properties, and alternative explanations for reported findings are offered. Implications for olfactory semantic, construal, behavior and goal priming are given based on a brief overview of the priming literature from social psychology and from olfactory perception science. We end by formulating recommendations and ideas for a future research agenda and applications for olfactory priming.

  12. Trump, NATO og den europæiske sikkerhedsarkitektur

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ringsmose, Jens; Henriksen, Anders

    Manglende klarhed i den amerikanske linje over for det NATO, landet indtil nu har taget føringen i, vil få konsekvenser for Europa og for Danmarks muligheder og valg. Denne rapport ser på konsekvenserne for den europæiske sikkerhedsarkitektur....

  13. Mod en ny forståelse af den digitaliseringsstrategiske proces

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ivang, Reimer


    Den digitale teknologi er vigtig, og vigtigheden kan ikke kun afspejles i den konstant stigende mængde af litteratur, der relaterer sig til fænomenet. Men vigtigheden er også identificeret på Danfoss, der er afhandlingens empiriske kontekst. Der synes at være enighed om, at den digitale teknologi...

  14. Den koreanske bølgen - En kulturvitenskapelig studie av sørkoreansk populærkultur, og hvordan den har nådd Vesten


    Kvinge, Kristin Øyvindsdatter


    Hensikten med denne oppgaven er å se på den koreanske bølgen, som ofte refereres til som Hallyu. Den tar for seg både Hallyu som innhold og Hallyu som fenomen. Den koreanske bølgen har spredd seg hurtig i løpet av de siste 20 årene, noe som har bidratt til å gjøre Korea til en av de hurtigst økende økonomiene i den moderne tid. Denne oppgaven forsøker å se nærmere på hvordan Hallyu har nådd Vesten, med fokus på Europa og Norge. Før analysen vil oppgaven se nærmere på hv...

  15. [Identification of Dens Draconis and Os Draconis by XRD method]. (United States)

    Chen, Guang-Yun; Wu, Qi-Nan; Shen, Bei; Chen, Rong


    To establish an XRD method for evaluating the quality of Os Draconis and Dens Draconis and applying in judgement of the counterfeit. Dens Draconis, Os Draconis and the counterfeit of Os Draconis were analyzed by XRD. Their diffraction patterns were clustered analysis and evaluated their similarity degree. Established the analytical method of Dens Draconis and Os Draconis basing the features fingerprint information of the 10 common peaks by XRD pattern. Obtained the XRD pattern of the counterfeit of Os Draconis. The similarity degree of separate sources of Dens Draconis was high,while the similarity degree of separate sources of Os Draconis was significant different from each other. This method can be used for identification and evaluation of Os Draconis and Dens Draconis. It also can be used for identification the counterfeit of Os Draconis effectively.

  16. I den sidste time

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Norup, Lis

    : Dekadencens teori. Arthur William Symons: Dekadencens litteratur. Oscar Wilde: Kritikeren som kunstner) Noter I tekster skrevet i 1800-tallet udfoldes dekadencekunsten som den forfinede sensibilitets, de forstyrrede sansers og det oprevne sinds digtning. Med litteraturhenvisninger....

  17. Digital kommunikation med den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berger, Jesper; Andersen, Kim Normann


    Denne rapport sammenfatter hovedresultaterne af en undersøgelse gennemført i juni måned 2013 om besvarelse af e-mail og digital post i den statslige, regionale og kommunale sektor. Allerede med eDag3 1. nov. 2010 skulle alle myndigheder have oprettet en digital postkasse, som borgerne kunne skrive...... til. I denne undersøgelse sættes der fokus på myndighedernes besvarelse af den digitale post. Digital post blev bl.a. etableret som et alternativ til almindelig e-mail for at det offentlige kan kommunikere med borgere og virksomheder på en sikker måde, dvs. uden at uvedkommende kan få adgang til...... følsomme oplysninger. Fokus for undersøgelsen er hvordan håndterer myndighederne besvarelserne i den digitale postkasse: svarer de på digital post og e-mail, hvor hurtigt svarer de og er svarene brugbare? Undersøgelsen medtager myndighedernes besvarelse af digital post og e-mail, dels for at kunne...

  18. Digital kommunikation med den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berger, Jesper Bull; Andersen, Kim Normann

    Denne rapport sammenfatter hovedresultaterne for styrelser og statslige organisationer af en undersøgelse gennemført i sommeren 2013 om besvarelse af e-mail og digital post i den statslige, regionale og kommunale sektor. Allerede med eDag3 1. nov. 2010 skulle alle myndigheder have oprettet en...... digital postkasse, som borgerne kunne skrive til. I denne undersøgelse sættes der fokus på myndighedernes besvarelse af den digitale post. Digital post blev bl.a. etableret som et alternativ til almindelig e-mail for at det offentlige kan kommunikere med borgere og virksomheder på en sikker måde, dvs....... uden at uvedkommende kan få adgang til følsomme oplysninger. Fokus for undersøgelsen er hvordan håndterer myndighederne besvarelserne i den digitale postkasse: svarer de på digital post og e-mail, hvor hurtigt svarer de og er svarene brugbare? Vi har også undersøgt besvarelse af e-mail, dels...

  19. Asymptomatic ''crowned dens'' calcification in CT images for the craniovertebral junction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kubota, Gen; Mori, Masataka; Fukushima, Tatsuro


    Calcification around the odontoid process suggests 'crowned dens' syndrome, when accompanied with acute occipital headache or neck pain and with inflammatory signs. We retrospectively searched for calcification around the odontoid process in routine CT images of 282 patients emcompassing the craniovertebral junction, and found 13 (4.6%) had 'crowned dens' calcifications with neither characteristic symptoms nor signs suggestive for crowned dens' syndrome. Females of older ages frequently showed asymptomatic crowned dens' calcifications. (author)

  20. "Den lille havfrue" som digital pop op-bog

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mygind, Sarah


    Anmeldelse af: DIGITAL POP OP-BOG H. C. ANDERSEN OG BOOKS & MAGIC DEN LILLE HAVFRUE Bog og App til iOS & Android 5......Anmeldelse af: DIGITAL POP OP-BOG H. C. ANDERSEN OG BOOKS & MAGIC DEN LILLE HAVFRUE Bog og App til iOS & Android 5...

  1. Premolarized double dens in dente in albinism - A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Suprabha B


    Full Text Available Dens in dente are known to be associated with many dental abnormalities such as taurodontism microdontia, gemination, and dens evaginatus. This paper describes a rare case of double dens in dente in a lateral incisor with crown morphology similar to a premolar present in a patient with features of albinism. Problems associated with this condition and their management is discussed.

  2. Despotism and risk of infanticide influence grizzly bear den-site selection. (United States)

    Libal, Nathan S; Belant, Jerrold L; Leopold, Bruce D; Wang, Guiming; Owen, Patricia A


    Given documented social dominance and intraspecific predation in bear populations, the ideal despotic distribution model and sex hypothesis of sexual segregation predict adult female grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) will avoid areas occupied by adult males to reduce risk of infanticide. Under ideal despotic distribution, juveniles should similarly avoid adult males to reduce predation risk. Den-site selection and use is an important component of grizzly bear ecology and may be influenced by multiple factors, including risk from conspecifics. To test the role of predation risk and the sex hypothesis of sexual segregation, we compared adult female (n = 142), adult male (n = 36), and juvenile (n = 35) den locations in Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska, USA. We measured elevation, aspect, slope, and dominant land cover for each den site, and used maximum entropy modeling to determine which variables best predicted den sites. We identified the global model as the best-fitting model for adult female (area under curve (AUC) = 0.926) and elevation as the best predictive variable for adult male (AUC = 0.880) den sites. The model containing land cover and elevation best-predicted juvenile (AUC = 0.841) den sites. Adult females spatially segregated from adult males, with dens characterized by higher elevations (mean= 1,412 m, SE = 52) and steeper slopes (mean = 21.9°, SE = 1.1) than adult male (elevation: mean = 1,209 m, SE = 76; slope: mean = 15.6°, SE = 1.9) den sites. Juveniles used a broad range of landscape attributes but did not avoid adult male denning areas. Observed spatial segregation by adult females supports the sex hypothesis of sexual segregation and we suggest is a mechanism to reduce risk of infanticide. Den site selection of adult males is likely related to distribution of food resources during spring.

  3. Den sundhedsvidenskabelige opgave

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindahl, Marianne Pia; Juhl, Carsten Bogh

    troværdigheden af sine resultater. Bogen er opdateret, så den refererer til Microsoft Office 2013, og giver instruktioner og tips til: • Hvordan man bruger Word til hjælp med indholdsfortegnelse, overskrifter og korrektur • Hvordan man bruger Word til hjælp med diagrammer og tabeller• Hvordan man bruger Excel...

  4. Den positive psykologis metoder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bogen introducerer til de mange metoder, som anvendes i positiv psykologi. dette sker ud fra en reflekteret tilgang, der ligeledes rummer bidrag fra kritisk psykologi med det formål at nuancere den positive psykologis forståelser...

  5. Stacking faults of {gamma}{prime}{prime} phase precipitated in a Ni-15Cr-8Fe-6Nb alloy; Ni-15Cr-8Fe-6Nb gokin ni sekishutsusuru {gamma}{prime}{prime} sonai no sekiso kekkan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kusabiraki, K; Ikeuchi, S [Toyama University, Toyama (Japan). Faculty of Engineering


    The stacking faults of a metastable {gamma}{prime}{prime} phase precipitated in a nickel-base superalloy, a modified NCF 3 type alloy (X-750M) were investigated by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction method. The {gamma}{prime}{prime} precipitates are circular shaped plates at the early stage of aging and they become elliptic or irregular shaped plates at the latter stage of aging up to 1033K. Contrast which suggests the existence of stacking faults on {l_brace}112{r_brace}{sub {gamma}{prime}{prime}} planes can be seen in many of large {gamma}{prime}{prime} precipitates extracted from the specimens aged at 1033K. It is clear that the values of {gamma}{prime}{prime}/{gamma} lattice mismatch increase with increasing the aging time from the measurement of lattice constants of the {gamma} and the {gamma}{prime}{prime} phase. The formation of stacking faults on {l_brace}112{r_brace}{sub {gamma}{prime}{prime}} in the large {gamma}{prime}{prime} precipitates is due to the movement of an a/6 [111] partial dislocation introduced by {gamma}{prime}{prime} /{gamma} coherency strain. Since a part of stacking sequence has a similar crystal structure to that of a stable {delta} phase precipitates in {gamma} phase, the formation of stacking faults in the {gamma}{prime}{prime} precipitates is considered to be favorable for the stabilization of them. 14 refs., 10 figs., 1 tab.

  6. GMO-afgrøder ikke den eneste løsning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jacobsen, Niels; Jacobsen, Sven-Erik; Sørensen, Marten


    Er GMO-afgrøder den optimale løsning på klodens fremtidige plantebaserede fødevareproduktion? Findes der alternativer? Det er der to meget klare svar på:GMOafgrøderer ikke den eneste løsning, og ja, der findes mange og langt mere attraktive, bæredygtige løsninger......Er GMO-afgrøder den optimale løsning på klodens fremtidige plantebaserede fødevareproduktion? Findes der alternativer? Det er der to meget klare svar på:GMOafgrøderer ikke den eneste løsning, og ja, der findes mange og langt mere attraktive, bæredygtige løsninger...

  7. Den skjulte religion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rubow, Cecilie


    Kulturbegrebet har længe været genstand for kritik i human- og samfundsvidenskaberne. Studier i Vesteuropa, blandt andet i det danske folkekirkelige felt, viser, at der er flere paralleller at drage til religionsbegrebet. Der er behov for at bevæge sig væk fra den rutineprægede beskrivelse og gøre...

  8. Vrouekarakters in enkele prosawerke van C.M. van den Heever

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. Botha


    Full Text Available The role of women in some prose works of C.M. van den Heever Re-reading the C.M. van den Heever “classics” Somer (1935 and Laat vrugte (1939 within the framework of Van den Heever criticism through the years, one becomes aware that central themes in his oeuvre are acted out by women. The beautiful young girl Linda in Somer embodies the sadness of the transcience of beauty and happiness. Through Ouma Willa, Betta and Johanna – three women from three generations in Laat vrugte – the theme of the endurance of the memory of love and passion beyond decay and death is expressed. A cursory examination of other and earlier works by Van den Heever – Op die plaas (1927, Langs die grootpad (1928, Kromburg (1937 and the short story “Leuens” (Lies from Vuurvlieg en sterre (1934 – bears out the observation that women express core meanings in C.M. van den Heever’s prose works.

  9. Vildsvin uønsket i den danske natur

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Camilla Brasch; Bald, Caroline; Uttenthal, Åse


    Vildsvin ønskes fortsat ikke etableret i den danske natur, da de udgør en smitterisiko for husdyr og mennesker. det er helt essentielt for bekæmpelsen, at lodsejere og jægere deltager aktivt. de skal lokalisere de vildsvin, der allerede findes i den danske natur, og nedlægge dem....

  10. Skaber den nye økonomi højere produktivitet?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dilling-Hansen, Mogens; Madsen, Erik Strøjer; Smith, Valdemar


    Den kraftige og vedvarende vækst i USA og det tilhørende boom i IT-sektoren er grundlaget for begrebet 'Den nye Økonomi', der er dukket op i sidste halvdel af 90'erne. Den grundlæggende sammenhæng mellem de to fænomener er, at IT-industrien i sig selv og produktivitetsstigninger i de øvrige branc......-sektoren i servicesektoren, der har haft store produktivitetsstigninger. Det gælder også for telekommunikationssektoren, medens der blandt IT-konsulentvirksomheder lidt overraskende ikke kan påvises tilsvarende produktivitetsstigninger....

  11. Den europæiske sukkersektor - efter reformerne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Henning Otte


    Med reformerne af EU’s sukkerpolitik ændredes vilkårene for hele den europæiske sukkersektor. Resultatet ses nu i form af stærkere struktur- og produktivitetsudvikling og dermed en stigende international konkurrenceevne.......Med reformerne af EU’s sukkerpolitik ændredes vilkårene for hele den europæiske sukkersektor. Resultatet ses nu i form af stærkere struktur- og produktivitetsudvikling og dermed en stigende international konkurrenceevne....

  12. Dansk udlevering efter den europæiske arrestordre

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elholm, Thomas; Bang Fuglsang Madsen Sørensen, Henning


    Den europæiske arrestordre, der blev vedtaget af EU i 2002, har haft stor betydning for retsudviklingen vedrørende udlevering af personer til strafforfølgning eller strafafsoning i EU. Danmark er - trods retsforbeholdet - fuldt ud med i ordningen om arrestordren, og mange danske domstole har...... efterhånden haft sådanne sager. Det har givet anledning til en række vanskelige juridiske spørgsmål. I den sidste tid har det især drejet sig om, hvorvidt udlevering kan afslås med henvisning til urimelige fængselsforhold i andre lande. EU-domstolen har den 5. april 2016 afsagt en vigtig dom om spørgsmålet...

  13. Den Dansk-Engelske Regnskabsordbog/Danish-English Dictionary of Accounting

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Sandro; Mourier, Lise; Bergenholtz, Henning

    Den Dansk-Engelske Regnskabsordbog. Hver af ordbøgerne har 4.100 opslagsord og ca. 15.000 ordforbindelser. Ordbøgerne bygger primært på den gældende danske årsregnskabslov, danske regnskabsvejledninger og internationale regnskabsstandarder (IAS/IFRS)....

  14. Despotism and risk of infanticide influence grizzly bear den-site selection.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nathan S Libal

    Full Text Available Given documented social dominance and intraspecific predation in bear populations, the ideal despotic distribution model and sex hypothesis of sexual segregation predict adult female grizzly bears (Ursus arctos will avoid areas occupied by adult males to reduce risk of infanticide. Under ideal despotic distribution, juveniles should similarly avoid adult males to reduce predation risk. Den-site selection and use is an important component of grizzly bear ecology and may be influenced by multiple factors, including risk from conspecifics. To test the role of predation risk and the sex hypothesis of sexual segregation, we compared adult female (n = 142, adult male (n = 36, and juvenile (n = 35 den locations in Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska, USA. We measured elevation, aspect, slope, and dominant land cover for each den site, and used maximum entropy modeling to determine which variables best predicted den sites. We identified the global model as the best-fitting model for adult female (area under curve (AUC = 0.926 and elevation as the best predictive variable for adult male (AUC = 0.880 den sites. The model containing land cover and elevation best-predicted juvenile (AUC = 0.841 den sites. Adult females spatially segregated from adult males, with dens characterized by higher elevations (mean= 1,412 m, SE = 52 and steeper slopes (mean = 21.9°, SE = 1.1 than adult male (elevation: mean = 1,209 m, SE = 76; slope: mean = 15.6°, SE = 1.9 den sites. Juveniles used a broad range of landscape attributes but did not avoid adult male denning areas. Observed spatial segregation by adult females supports the sex hypothesis of sexual segregation and we suggest is a mechanism to reduce risk of infanticide. Den site selection of adult males is likely related to distribution of food resources during spring.

  15. Prime tight frames

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lemvig, Jakob; Miller, Christopher; Okoudjou, Kasso A.


    to suggest effective analysis and synthesis computation strategies for such frames. Finally, we describe all prime frames constructed from the spectral tetris method, and, as a byproduct, we obtain a characterization of when the spectral tetris construction works for redundancies below two.......We introduce a class of finite tight frames called prime tight frames and prove some of their elementary properties. In particular, we show that any finite tight frame can be written as a union of prime tight frames. We then characterize all prime harmonic tight frames and use thischaracterization...

  16. Stephen Schwartz og den folkelige lyd

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kreutzfeldt, Jacob


    Stephen Schwartz døde i foråret 2013. I denne artikel forsøger Jacob Kreutzfeldt, der gennemførte en række interviews med Schwartz gennem hans sidste år, at indkredse den æstetiske grundholdning, der prægede hans arbejde med radiomontagen i DR.......Stephen Schwartz døde i foråret 2013. I denne artikel forsøger Jacob Kreutzfeldt, der gennemførte en række interviews med Schwartz gennem hans sidste år, at indkredse den æstetiske grundholdning, der prægede hans arbejde med radiomontagen i DR....

  17. Den empiriske uddannelsesvidenskab og kvalitet i studieaktivitet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Keiding, Tina Bering; Qvortrup, Ane


    Bidraget kobler studieaktivitetesmodellen med kvalitetsindikatorer for god undervisning, og viler blandt andet, hvorledes modellen kan støtte samtænkning af forskellige undervisnings- og læringsformater med henblik på øge den aktive læretid......Bidraget kobler studieaktivitetesmodellen med kvalitetsindikatorer for god undervisning, og viler blandt andet, hvorledes modellen kan støtte samtænkning af forskellige undervisnings- og læringsformater med henblik på øge den aktive læretid...

  18. Non-cognate translation priming in masked priming lexical decision experiments: A meta-analysis. (United States)

    Wen, Yun; van Heuven, Walter J B


    The masked translation priming paradigm has been widely used in the last 25 years to investigate word processing in bilinguals. Motivated by studies reporting mixed findings, in particular for second language (L2) to first language (L1) translation priming, we conducted, for the first time in the literature, a meta-analysis of 64 masked priming lexical decision experiments across 24 studies to assess the effect sizes of L1-L2 and L2-L1 non-cognate translation priming effects in bilinguals. Our meta-analysis also investigated the influence of potential moderators of translation priming effects. The results provided clear evidence of significant translation priming effects for both directions, with L1-L2 translation priming significantly larger than L2-L1 translation priming (i.e., effect size of 0.86 vs. 0.31). The analyses also revealed that L1-L2 translation effect sizes were moderated by the interval between prime and target (ISI), whereas L2-L1 translation effect sizes were modulated by the number of items per cell. Theoretical and methodological implications of this meta-analysis are discussed and recommendations for future studies are provided.

  19. Philipp van den Bossche – Sac. Caes. Mai. Phrygiarius

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Bukovinská, Beket

    -, č. 0130 (2015), s. 1-18 ISSN 2190-3328 Institutional support: RVO:68378033 Keywords : Philipp van den Bossche * Prague court * Rudolph II * Kunstkammer Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage

  20. Malaysia. Kan den politiske fred fortsætte?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fleming, Daniel; Søborg, Henrik


    Der er valg i det muslimske Malaysia den 8. marts 2008. Et land med klar etnisk opdeling, men også med stor politisk stabilitet. Hvordan hænger det sammen?......Der er valg i det muslimske Malaysia den 8. marts 2008. Et land med klar etnisk opdeling, men også med stor politisk stabilitet. Hvordan hænger det sammen?...

  1. Klimagasudledning i kæden fra foder- til mælkeproduktion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mogensen, Lisbeth; Lund, Peter; Kristensen, Troels


    Når man skal vurdere effekten af forskellige tiltag til reduktion af klimagasudledningen, f.eks. via ændret fodersammensætning, er det vigtigt at se på den samlede effekt i hele kæden. Ellers kan man mindske udledning et sted i kæden og øge udledningen et andet sted, og samlet set ikke opnå en...

  2. Vidensledelse og den sociale dimension i deling af viden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauring, Jakob


    imidlertid et alternativt syn på viden som i højere grad inddrager den sociale dimension ved vidensdeling - den socialkonstruktivistiske opfattelse. I denne artikel vil jeg beskæftige mig med den socialkonstruktivistiske opfattelse af viden og beskrive, hvorledes denne synsvinkel kan rette fokus mod nogle...... meget væsentlige problemstillinger ved organisatorisk adfærd, som man ofte kommer til at ignorere, hvis man i for høj grad baserer ledelsen på en funktionalistisk opfattelse af viden. Delingen af viden er en aktuel udfordring for anvendelse af viden i forretningssammenhæng. Det er hovedsageligt det, som...... gør vidensbegrebet interessant i forhold til ledelse af virksomheder. - Fokus på de sociale barrierer for deling af viden Jeg vil i det kommende illustrere, hvilke betydninger den sociale dimension i deling af viden kan have for videnledelse. Det vil jeg gøre gennem beskrivelser af to forskellige...

  3. Datenschutz in den sozialen Medien aus privatrechtlicher Perspektive

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hager, Johannes


    Full Text Available Der Datenschutz in den sozialen Medien wirft eine Reihe von Problemen auf. Zum einen geht es um das Verhältnis des Datenschutzgesetzes zum Persönlichkeitsrecht; hier wird sich eine Kombinationslehre wie bei sonstigen besonderen Persönlichkeitsrechten – etwa dem Bildnisschutz – als überlegen erweisen. Die §§ 7 ff dTMG privilegieren die Provider in mehrfacher Hinsicht. Freilich bleibt deren Haftung oft unberührt. So kann der Content-Provider zur Verantwortung gezogen werden auch wenn er sich fremde Nachrichten nur zu eigen macht. Der Host-Provider haftet ab Kenntnis des rechtswidrigen Inhalts; auch treffen ihn eine Reihe von Prüfungspflichten. Entgegen der Auffassung des BGH ist er auch verpflichtet, den Namen des Content-Providers zu nennen. Schließlich kommt eine Haftung des Access-Providers in Betracht, wenn er die rechtswidrigen Inhalte wissentlich weiterleitet. Entgegen der Auffassung des EuGH besteht ein Gerichtsstand überall dort, wo sich die unerlaubte Handlung – die Verletzung des Persönlichkeitsrechts – verwirklicht; sie ist nicht auf den Tatort und den Ort beschränkt, an dem sich das Opfer befindet.

  4. Priming in concert: Assimilation and contrast with multiple affective and gender primes.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fockenberg, D.A.; Koole, S.L.; Semin, G.R.


    The present research investigated the influence of multiple sequential primes on social categorization processes. Study 1 examined an evaluative decision task in which targets were preceded and succeeded by two primes. As expected, the temporally closest forward primes had assimilative effects on

  5. Uddrag af Ph.d.-afhandlingen Den groteske modernisme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lübker, Henrik


    Om forholdet mellem "det groteske" og "den groteske modernisme" eksemplificeret i en læsning af E.A. Poes "The Fall of the House of Usher" og flere af Francis Bacons malerier.......Om forholdet mellem "det groteske" og "den groteske modernisme" eksemplificeret i en læsning af E.A. Poes "The Fall of the House of Usher" og flere af Francis Bacons malerier....

  6. 'Welzijnsvloer verdient zich op den duur terug'; van den Berg beproeft de groene vlag roostervloer

    NARCIS (Netherlands)



    Het onderzoek van Wageningen UR naar de welzijnsvloeren is nog in volle gang. Maar vleeskalverhouder Wijnand van den Berg uit Kootwijkerbroek heeft op eigen initiatief al een welzijnsrooster in zijn stal op proef

  7. The elimination of positive priming with increasing prime duration reflects a transition from perceptual fluency to disfluency rather than bias against primed words. (United States)

    Potter, Kevin W; Donkin, Chris; Huber, David E


    With immediate repetition priming of forced choice perceptual identification, short prime durations produce positive priming (i.e., priming the target leads to higher accuracy, while priming the foil leads to lower accuracy). Many theories explain positive priming following short duration primes as reflecting increased perceptual fluency for the primed target (i.e., decreased identification latency). However, most studies only examine either accuracy or response times, rather than considering the joint constraints of response times and accuracy to properly address the role of decision biases and response caution. This is a critical oversight because several theories propose that the transition to negative priming following a long duration prime reflects a decision strategy to compensate for the effect of increased perceptual fluency. In contrast, the nROUSE model of Huber and O'Reilly (2003) explains this transition as reflecting perceptual habituation, and thus a change to perceptual disfluency. We confirmed this prediction by applying a sequential sampling model (the diffusion race model) to accuracy and response time distributions from a new single item same-different version of the priming task. In this way, we measured strategic biases and perceptual fluency in each condition for each subject. The nROUSE model was only applied to accuracy from the original forced-choice version of the priming task. This application of nROUSE produced separate predictions for each subject regarding the degree of fluency and disfluency in each condition, and these predictions were confirmed by the drift rate parameters (i.e., fluency) from the response time model in contrast to the threshold parameters (i.e., bias). Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Læringsfremmende evaluering i den lægelige videreuddannelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Bjørn; Klitmøller, Anders


    Denne statusartikel omhandler evaluering af læger, og hvorledes evaluering kan anvendes som en læringsfremmende foranstaltning. Fokus i artiklen er på den formelle evaluering, som den kommer til udtryk i de kliniske vejledersamtaler. Da de fleste læger i deres karriere fungerer som vejleder, er d...

  9. Den postmoderne konstruktivismes inkongruenser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cristoffanini, Pablo Rolando


    europæiske intellektuelle og akademikere gjorde teorierne og ideerne om underudvikling og afhængighed, der stammede fra Latinamerika, til deres egne. Også i den sidste tid har latinamerikanske intellektuelle, som fx Nestor García Canclini, haft indflydelse i Europa og USA med sin teori om hybriditet og...

  10. On the Control of Single-Prime Negative Priming: The Effects of Practice and Time Course (United States)

    Chao, Hsuan-Fu


    Single-prime negative priming refers to the phenomenon wherein repetition of a prime as the probe target results in delayed response. Sometimes this effect has been found to be contingent on participants' unawareness of the primes, and sometimes it has not. Further, sometimes this effect has been found to be eliminated when the prime could predict…

  11. Den moderne bevidstheds katedral

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ostenfeld Pedersen, Simon


    Interview med idéhistorikeren Dorthe Jørgensen der under overskriften ”Den moderne bevidstheds katedral” blotlægger hendes mangeårige arbejde med Hegel, og hvor hun giver en række relevante bud på en aktualiserende Hegel-læsning centreret omkring felter som metafysik, historiefilosofi og æstetik....

  12. Subliminal semantic priming in speech.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jérôme Daltrozzo

    Full Text Available Numerous studies have reported subliminal repetition and semantic priming in the visual modality. We transferred this paradigm to the auditory modality. Prime awareness was manipulated by a reduction of sound intensity level. Uncategorized prime words (according to a post-test were followed by semantically related, unrelated, or repeated target words (presented without intensity reduction and participants performed a lexical decision task (LDT. Participants with slower reaction times in the LDT showed semantic priming (faster reaction times for semantically related compared to unrelated targets and negative repetition priming (slower reaction times for repeated compared to semantically related targets. This is the first report of semantic priming in the auditory modality without conscious categorization of the prime.

  13. Das Bild behinderter Menschen in den Medien


    Radtke, Peter


    „Das Bild von Behinderung und behinderten Menschen in den Medien“ - dieses Thema führt sehr leicht zur Schwarz-Weiß-Malerei. Bekanntlich fällt es schwer, es allen recht zu machen. So nimmt es nicht Wunder, dass sich Betroffene und ihre Angehörigen in den Medien sowohl quantitativ als auch qualitativ oftmals nicht angemessen repräsentiert fühlen. [...] In dieser Situation bilden die Medien die wichtigste und oft einzige Informationsquelle über das Leben und die Möglichkeiten von Menschen mit e...

  14. Primes, Geometry and Condensed Matter

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Al Rabeh R. H.


    Full Text Available Fascination with primes dates back to the Greeks and before. Primes are named by some "the elementary particles of arithmetic" as every nonprime integer is made of a unique set of primes. In this article we point to new connections between primes, geometry and physics which show that primes could be called "the elementary particles of physics" too. This study considers the problem of closely packing similar circles/spheres in 2D/3D space. This is in effect a discretization process of space and the allowable number in a pack is found to lead to some unexpected cases of prime configurations which is independent of the size of the constituents. We next suggest that a non-prime can be considered geometrically as a symmetric collection that is separable (factorable into similar parts- six is two threes or three twos for example. A collection that has no such symmetry is a prime. As a result, a physical prime aggregate is more difficult to split symmetrically resulting in an inherent stability. This "number/physical" stability idea applies to bigger collections made from smaller (prime units leading to larger stable prime structures in a limitless scaling up process. The distribution of primes among numbers can be understood better using the packing ideas described here and we further suggest that differing numbers (and values of distinct prime factors making a nonprime collection is an important factor in determining the probability and method of possible and subsequent disintegration. Disintegration is bound by energy conservation and is closely related to symmetry by Noether theorems. Thinking of condensed matter as the packing of identical elements, we examine plots of the masses of chemical elements of the periodic table, and also those of the elementary particles of physics, and show that prime packing rules seem to play a role in the make up of matter. The plots show convincingly that the growth of prime numbers and that of the masses of

  15. Laika – den første hund i rummet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alstrup, Aage Kristian Olsen



  16. Forårets konflikter godt for den danske model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scheuer, Steen


    Den store vinder ved forårets konflikter var den danske model for aftaler på arbejdsmarkedet. De offentlige fagforeninger fik sig en lærestreg, da regeringen og Folketinget til de flestes overraskelse lod de lovlige konflikter løbe i ugevis. For hermed tvang man parterne, og især forbundene, til...

  17. Ueber den begriff "Kinoplasma" in der spermiogenese von Australorbis Glabratus Olivaceus (Mollusca, Pulmonata, Planorbidae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rudolf Barth


    Full Text Available Zur Klaerung der Frage, ob der Begriff "Kinoplasma" fuer gewisse, von MERTON (1924,1926, 1930 beobachtete Bildungen an den reifenden Spermiden von pulmonaten Mollusken oder fuer Bestandteile des Cytoplasmas im Sinne von STRASBURGER und SCARTH zu verwenden ist, werden in der vorliegenden Mitteilung die Vorgaenge bei der Spermiohistogenese von Australorbis glabratus olivaceus untersucht. Es ergibt sich: 1. Das von MERTON bezeichnete "Kinoplasma" existiert nicht als solches, es handelt sich bei den von ihm dargestellten Protoplasmabildungen um kugelige, von den Spermiden abgeschnuerte Restkoerper nicht verwendeten Baumaterials, bestehend aus Protoplasma und einigen Mitochondrien. Sie werden von den Naehr- oder Bazalzellen phagozytiert. Der Ausdruck "Kinoplasma" kann nur fuer die submikroskopischen, geformten, faedigen Elemente des Cytoplasmas reserviert bleiben, die den geradlinigen Fall der uebrigen nicht geformten Komponenten bremst oder ablenkt; damit muss das Kinoplasma aber aus dem Begriff des Cytoplasmas herausgenommen werden, da es, wenn auch vermutlich reversibel, eine Differenzierung darstellt. 2. Der Spermienfaden wird von den Centriolen (Axialfilament und den Mitochondrien (zwei peripher gelegene Spiralfilamente, sowie einem Plasmamantel gebildet. 3. Nach Beendigung des Auswachsens der Spermiengeissel, die zu diesem Zeitpunkt nur aus dem Achsenfaden und dem Protoplasmazylinder besteht, setzt sich eine Protoplasmamasse vom Kopf in Richtung zum Geisselende in Bewegung. Sie fuehrt den Golgi-Koerper und sehr viele Mitochondrien mit sich. Aus diesen entwickeln sich Fibrillen, die sich zu den beiden Spiralfilamenten zusammenfuegen. Diese Masse entspricht der von MERTON in seiner Theorie als Kinoplasma bezeichneten Komponente. 4. Die Bewegung dieses Protoplasmateils wird auf den Schub zurueckgefuehrt, den die sich bildenden Fibrillen auf die Mitochondrien ausueben. 5. Die Rueckwaertsbewegung dieses Protoplasmakoerpers beruht wahrscheinlich auf

  18. Den amoralske liberalisme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skov, Christian Houlberg


    Fra både højre og venstre skydes der i disse år med skarpt mod liberalismen; i denne artikel anmelder Christian H. Skov Against Liberalism af John Kekes, der søger at påvise liberalismens mangler fra et logisk-filosofisk udgangspunkt, med den grundlæggende påstand, at liberalismens to mål, at fre......, at fremelske autonomi og begrænse ondskab, er uforenelige....

  19. den og morderen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Kim Toft


    forskellige versioner af Forbrydelsen: DR's oprindelige udgave, AMC's udgave The Killing og David Hewsons roman Forbrydelsen, der er baseret på manuskriptet til DR-serien. Grundfortællingen under disse tre versioner relaterer jeg til H.C. Andersens "Historien om en Moder" og tilskrivningen af mening til døden....

  20. Synteserapport & 1. Indenrigspolitiske forhold i Den Islamiske Republik Iran

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Claus Valling

    Rapport til Udenrigsministeriet om de indenrigspolitiske forhold i Iran samt et syntese af hele rapporten: Iran som regional og international medspiller i den globale verdensorden samt Irans indenrigspolitik......Rapport til Udenrigsministeriet om de indenrigspolitiske forhold i Iran samt et syntese af hele rapporten: Iran som regional og international medspiller i den globale verdensorden samt Irans indenrigspolitik...

  1. Den første Karl Gustav-krig 1657-58

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olden-Jørgensen, Sebastian


    Artiklen diskuterer den første Karl Gustav-krig i forskellige persketiver og konkluderer, at krigen ikke bør opfattes som et dårligt forberedt og uigennemtænkt forsøg på dansk revanche inden for rammerne af en nordisk rivalisering, men snarere som  en velovervejet satsning og et led i den dansk-s...

  2. Nye militære trends i den syriske borgerkrig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Engen, Torben Toftgaard; Kjellund, Jon


    I den flerårige syriske borgerkrig har der fundet tre nye militære trends sted, der peger imod, at fremtidens landmilitære kampplads vil være væsensforskellig fra indsatserne i Irak og Afghanistan. Denne rapport analyserer de tre trends inden for digitaliseringen af den hybride krigsførelse og ka...

  3. Simultaneous Occurrence of Dens Invaginatus and Fusion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amit Mhapuskar


    Full Text Available Although Dens invaginatus and fusion are well-known and well established dental anomalies, they are rarely seen in supernumerary teeth. In this article, simultaneous occurrence of Dens invaginatus and fusion between maxillary lateral incisor and a supernumerary tooth is described. Dens invaginatus is clinically significant due to the possibility of the pulpal involvement; pulpitis, necrotic pulps and chronic periapical lesions are often associated with this anomaly without clinical symptoms. Fusion has a negative impact on the aesthetics, especially when it occurs in maxillary anterior teeth. It is difficult to clinically make differential diagnosis between fused teeth and geminated teeth, especially when these anomalies take place together with hypodontia or supernumerary tooth. It has been found that sequel of such teeth may result in delayed eruption, ectopic eruption or even impaction of permanent teeth; hence proper diagnosis by clinical and radiographic methods and intervention at appropriate time is of paramount importance. The accurate knowledge of variations in morphology of tooth and pulp cavity greatly assists the dentist in planning successful treatment options.

  4. Cognate status and cross-script translation priming. (United States)

    Voga, Madeleine; Grainger, Jonathan


    Greek-French bilinguals were tested in three masked priming experiments with Greek primes and French targets. Related primes were the translation equivalents of target words, morphologically related to targets, or phonologically related to targets. In Experiment 1, cognate translation equivalents (phonologically similar translations) showed facilitatory priming, relative to matched phonologically related primes, in conditions in which morphologically related primes showed no effect (50-msec prime exposure). Cross-language morphological priming emerged at longer prime exposure durations (66 msec), but cognate primes continued to generate more priming than did those in the morphological condition. In Experiments 2 and 3, the level of phonological overlap across translation equivalents was varied, and priming effects were measured against those for matched phonologically related primes and those in an unrelated prime condition. When measured against the unrelated baseline, cognate primes showed the typical advantage over noncognate primes. However, this cognate advantage disappeared when priming was measured against the phonologically related prime condition. The results are discussed in terms of how translation equivalents are represented in bilingual memory.

  5. False memories and lexical decision: even twelve primes do not cause long-term semantic priming. (United States)

    Zeelenberg, René; Pecher, Diane


    Semantic priming effects are usually obtained only if the prime is presented shortly before the target stimulus. Recent evidence obtained with the so-called false memory paradigm suggests, however, that in both explicit and implicit memory tasks semantic relations between words can result in long-lasting effects when multiple 'primes' are presented. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether these effects would generalize to lexical decision. In four experiments we showed that even as many as 12 primes do not cause long-term semantic priming. In all experiments, however, a repetition priming effect was obtained. The present results are consistent with a number of other results showing that semantic information plays a minimal role in long-term priming in visual word recognition.

  6. Primes, Geometry and Condensed Matter

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Al Rabeh R. H.


    Full Text Available Fascination with primes dates back to the Greeks and before. Primes are named by some “the elementary particles of arithmetic” as every nonprime integer is made of a unique set of primes. In this article we point to new connections between primes, geometry and physics which show that primes could be called “the elementary particles of physics” too. This study considers the problem of closely packing similar circles / spheres in 2D / 3D space. This is in effect a discretization process of space and the allowable num- ber in a pack is found to lead to some unexpected cases of prime configurations which is independent of the size of the constituents. We next suggest that a non-prime can be considered geometrically as a symmetric collection that is separable (factorable into similar parts- six is two threes or three twos for example. A collection that has no such symmetry is a prime. As a result, a physical prime aggregate is more difficult to split symmetrically resulting in an inherent stability. This “number / physical” stability idea applies to bigger collections made from smaller (prime units leading to larger sta- ble prime structures in a limitless scaling up process. The distribution of primes among numbers can be understood better using the packing ideas described here and we further suggest that differing numbers (and values of distinct prime factors making a nonprime collection is an important factor in determining the probability and method of possible and subsequent disintegration. Disintegration is bound by energy conservation and is closely related to symmetry by Noether theorems. Thinking of condensed matter as the packing of identical elements, we examine plots of the masses of chemical elements of the periodic table, and also those of the elementary particles of physics, and show that prime packing rules seem to play a role in the make up of matter. The plots show con- vincingly that the growth of prime numbers and that

  7. Den danske stat og det naturlige fædreland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Glenthøj, Rasmus


    forsøgte på engang at være loyale over for både det statsborgerlige fædreland, der inkluderede hele den danske stat, og deres naturlige fædreland Norge, som de følte sig forbundet til gennem deres nationalitet og opvækst. Danskerne opererede med den samme dualistiske fædrelandsopfattelse, hvor de både...

  8. Brand management og den refleksive forbruger - med semiotik som hjælpedisciplin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermansen, Judy


      Kritisk eftertanke er et væsentligt træk ved den refleksive forbruger - ofte parret med en vis negativitet overfor et brand, en reklame eller forbrugerisme i al almindelighed. Den refleksive forbrugertype kommer til udtryk hos for eksempel en anti-branding guru som Naomi Klein og hendes...... bestseller bog "No Logo" eller i græsrodsbevægelsen Adbusters ( ), der efterhånden i mange år har udsendt et månedsmagasin med kritik af forbrugersamfundet og al dets reklame og branding. Disse anti-forbrugs og anti-branding bevægelser udspringer af, og er identifikationspunkter...... - den refleksive forbruger skal have noget, der kan "brande" ham som anderledes end alle mainstreamforbrugerne. Den refleksive forbruger er med andre ord en Feinschmecker og i lighed med - eller måske rettere i endnu højere grad end - alle andre forbrugere signalerer den refleksive forbruger sin...

  9. Børnebøger : Døden er en del af livet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Anne


    Der findes mange kvalitetsbøger, som giver børn en litterær hjælpende hånd til at håndtere de store eksistentielle spørgmål om døden, og som kan lette sorgen. Bøgerne er ofte lune og usentimentale, men kan være højtidelige. På den fine måde.......Der findes mange kvalitetsbøger, som giver børn en litterær hjælpende hånd til at håndtere de store eksistentielle spørgmål om døden, og som kan lette sorgen. Bøgerne er ofte lune og usentimentale, men kan være højtidelige. På den fine måde....

  10. Vector competence of Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) for the DEN2-FJ10 and DEN2-FJ11 strains of the dengue 2 virus in Fujian, China. (United States)

    Guo, Xiao-Xia; Li, Chun-Xiao; Zhang, Ying-Mei; Xing, Dan; Dong, Yan-De; Zhang, Heng-Duan; Qin, Cheng-Feng; Zhao, Tong-Yan


    Dengue is an acute, emerging, infectious disease transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes that has become a serious global public health problem. The DEN2-FJ10 and DEN2-FJ11 strains of the dengue 2 virus were originally isolated from the serum of a patient with dengue fever in Fujian Province, China, in 1999. Our data provide the first assessment of the vector competence of Aedes mosquitoes with respect to the DEN2-FJ10 and DEN2-FJ11 strains of the dengue virus. There were significant differences in the replication rates of these two viral strains in Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti (P0.05). In summary, our results indicate that Ae. albopictus and Ae. aegypti mosquitoes are moderately competent vectors of the DEN2-FJ10 and DEN2-FJ11 strains of the dengue virus and provide the first evidence of the effect of these two viral strains on the vector competence of mosquitoes in China. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Sequential Stereotype Priming: A Meta-Analysis. (United States)

    Kidder, Ciara K; White, Katherine R; Hinojos, Michelle R; Sandoval, Mayra; Crites, Stephen L


    Psychological interest in stereotype measurement has spanned nearly a century, with researchers adopting implicit measures in the 1980s to complement explicit measures. One of the most frequently used implicit measures of stereotypes is the sequential priming paradigm. The current meta-analysis examines stereotype priming, focusing specifically on this paradigm. To contribute to ongoing discussions regarding methodological rigor in social psychology, one primary goal was to identify methodological moderators of the stereotype priming effect-whether priming is due to a relation between the prime and target stimuli, the prime and target response, participant task, stereotype dimension, stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA), and stimuli type. Data from 39 studies yielded 87 individual effect sizes from 5,497 participants. Analyses revealed that stereotype priming is significantly moderated by the presence of prime-response relations, participant task, stereotype dimension, target stimulus type, SOA, and prime repetition. These results carry both practical and theoretical implications for future research on stereotype priming.

  12. Den gamle verdens magi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holck, Jakob Povl

    I denne bog præsenterer forskningsbibliotekar cand.mag., ph.d. Jakob Povl Holck sjældne bøger og andre biblioteksmaterialer fra Herlufsholm-samlingen på Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek i Odense. Bogens form udgør en mosaik af værker i tekst og især billeder med speciel vægt på ’den videnskabelige ...

  13. Fox Den Disease: An Interesting Case Following Delayed Diagnosis. (United States)

    Stehr, Ryan C; Kim, Nicholas; LoGiudice, John A; Ludwig, Kirk


    Pyoderma fistulans sinifica, also known as fox den disease, is a rare and poorly understood inflammatory disorder of the skin and subcutaneous tissues. This disorder is often mistaken for other inflammatory skin disorders and treated inappropriately. The authors describe the case of a 53-year-old male who presented to the colorectal surgery service with a longstanding diagnosis of perirectal Crohn's disease. Despite aggressive immunosuppression and numerous surgical procedures, the patient continued to have unrelenting purulent drainage from the skin of his buttocks. Following wide excision of the affected skin and subcutaneous tissues by the colorectal surgeon, the plastic surgery team reconstructed the 30 cm x 55 cm wound using a combination of local flaps and skin grafts. The initial pathology report of the excised specimen confirmed the presence of nonspecific abscesses and inflammation. Upon special request by the plastic surgery team, the sample was resectioned with the specific intent of establishing a diagnosis of fox den disease. The additional slides met the criteria for an unequivocal diagnosis of fox den disease. Immunosuppression was discontinued and the patient healed his wounds without complication. Fox den disease is often overlooked because of the obscurity of the disease and the special histological sectioning needed to establish a diagnosis. In this case, the patient was unnecessarily treated with immunosuppressive drugs for more than 3 decades because of a misdiagnosis. With increased awareness of fox den disease, perhaps its pathophysiology can be better elucidated as more patients are appropriately diagnosed and treated.

  14. Endodontic, surgical and periodontal treatment of dens invaginatus. Case report. (United States)

    Castellarin, M; Demitri, V; Politi, M


    The aim of this paper is to propose a single stage global treatment of endodontic, periapical and periodontal lesions in a lateral maxillary incisor with dens invaginatus. A 24 year-old woman presenting a lateral maxillary incisor with dens invaginatus in association with periapica1 and periodontal lesions underwent simultaneous surgical, endodontic and periodontal regenerative procedures. At 2, 6, 12, 18 months follow-up the radiographic healing appeared to be improved and the periapical lesion healed completely 1 year after surgical intervention. Surgery in association with endodontic and periodontal procedures represents the treatment of choice to maximize long term prognosis in cases of dens invaginatus with chronic periapical and periodontal lesions.

  15. Chlorerede opløsningsmidler i den mættede zone

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Broholm, K.


    Anmeldelse af Jensen,B.K. & Nilsson,B.: Chlorerede opløsningsmidler i den mættede zone. Miljøstyrelsen 1996, (Miljøprojekt 330)......Anmeldelse af Jensen,B.K. & Nilsson,B.: Chlorerede opløsningsmidler i den mættede zone. Miljøstyrelsen 1996, (Miljøprojekt 330)...

  16. Unconscious Congruency Priming from Unpracticed Words Is Modulated by Prime-Target Semantic Relatedness (United States)

    Ortells, Juan J.; Mari-Beffa, Paloma; Plaza-Ayllon, Vanesa


    Participants performed a 2-choice categorization task on visible word targets that were preceded by novel (unpracticed) prime words. The prime words were presented for 33 ms and followed either immediately (Experiments 1-3) or after a variable delay (Experiments 1 and 4) by a pattern mask. Both subjective and objective measures of prime visibility…

  17. Den skrøbelige sandhed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Peter Ole


    Artiklen retter fokus mod de seneste års udvikling af den aktivistiske dokumentarfilm. Med analytiske punktnedslag hos instruktørerne Michael Moore, Morgan Spurlock, Dylan Avery, Robert Greenwald og Mauro Andrizzi undersøges de forbindelser der eksisterer mellem udtrykket i de populære spillefilm...

  18. Leading, but not trailing, primes influence temporal order perception: further evidence for an attentional account of perceptual latency priming. (United States)

    Scharlau, Ingrid


    Presenting a masked prime leading a target influences the perceived onset of the masking target (perceptual latency priming; Scharlau & Neumann, in press). This priming effect is explained by the asynchronous updating model (Neumann, 1982; Scharlau & Neumann, in press): The prime initiates attentional allocation toward its location, which renders a trailing target at the same place consciously available earlier. In three experiments, this perceptual latency priming by leading primes was examined jointly with the effects of trailing primes in order to compare the explanation of the asynchronous updating model with the onset-averaging and the P-center hypotheses. Experiment 1 showed that an attended, as well as an unattended, prime leads to perceptual latency priming. In addition, a large effect of trailing primes on the onset of a target was found. As Experiment 2 demonstrated, this effect is quite robust, although smaller than that of a leading prime. In Experiment 3, masked primes were used. Under these conditions, no influence of trailing primes could be found, whereas perceptual latency priming persisted. Thus, a nonattentional explanation for the effect of trailing primes seems likely.

  19. Mechanisms of subliminal response priming. (United States)

    Kiesel, Andrea; Kunde, Wilfried; Hoffmann, Joachim


    Subliminal response priming has been considered to operate on several stages, e.g. perceptual, central or motor stages might be affected. While primes' impact on target perception has been clearly demonstrated, semantic response priming recently has been thrown into doubt (e.g. Klinger, Burton, & Pitts, 2000). Finally, LRP studies have revealed that subliminal primes evoke motor processes. Yet, the premises for such prime-evoked motor activation are not settled. A transfer of priming to stimuli that have never been presented as targets appears particularly interesting because it suggests a level of processing that goes beyond a reactivation of previously acquired S-R links. Yet, such transfer has not always withstood empirical testing. To account for these contradictory results, we proposed a two-process model (Kunde, Kiesel, & Hoffmann, 2003): First, participants build up expectations regarding imperative stimuli for the required responses according to experience and/or instructions. Second, stimuli that match these "action triggers" directly activate the corresponding motor responses irrespective of their conscious identification. In line with these assumptions, recent studies revealed that non-target primes induce priming when they fit the current task intentions and when they are expected in the experimental setting.

  20. Den græske by i Afghanistan

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hannestad, Lise


    Byen Ai Khanoum som blev udgravet i i 1960'erne i det nordøstlige Afghanistan blev grundlagt som følge af Alexander den Stores erobring af hele Nærorienten og frem til det nordlige Indien. Fundene viser en spændende blanding af græsk og nræorientalsk kultur......Byen Ai Khanoum som blev udgravet i i 1960'erne i det nordøstlige Afghanistan blev grundlagt som følge af Alexander den Stores erobring af hele Nærorienten og frem til det nordlige Indien. Fundene viser en spændende blanding af græsk og nræorientalsk kultur...

  1. Dragons' Den: promoting healthcare research and innovation. (United States)

    Mazhindu, Deborah; Gregory, Siobhan


    The changing health and social care landscape, and, in particular, the financial challenges affecting the NHS, can present difficulties for staff looking for funding to support innovation and new ways of working. One method of competitive tendering that is becoming more accepted as a way of allocating funds, encouraging staff engagement and developing innovation for research is a format based the BBC television series, Dragons' Den. This article describes how Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust, London, has developed a 'Dragons' Den initiative' of annual competitive research funding allocation to ensure that some of the most dynamic practice in the trust is captured.

  2. Den europæiske drøm - om EU

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, Uffe


    Anmeldelse af: Jeremy Rifkin: Den europæiske drøm (Informations Forlag, 2006). Oversat fra engelsk efter: "The European Dream: How Europe's Vision of the Future Is Quietly Eclipsing the American Dream" (2004)......Anmeldelse af: Jeremy Rifkin: Den europæiske drøm (Informations Forlag, 2006). Oversat fra engelsk efter: "The European Dream: How Europe's Vision of the Future Is Quietly Eclipsing the American Dream" (2004)...

  3. Die polnischen Bücher (Bücherbestände in den Bibliotheken Roms. Eine Auswahl

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    Ligia ALeksandra Henczel-Wróblewska


    Full Text Available Die italienisch-polnischen Beziehungen haben eine lange Geschichte hinter sich. Seit dem Mittelalter, in dem die polnischen Scholaren ihre Ausbildung an den italienischen Universitäten genießen konnten, dominierte darin der wissenschaftliche und bildende Charakter. In den folgenden Jahrhunderten wurde der gegenseitige Kontakt um die künstlerische Ebene erweitert, zumal die polnischen Künstler nach Italien reisten, um bei den besten Meistern ihre Fertigkeiten zu vervollkommnen. Seit dem Ende des 18. bis zur Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts kam zu den bereits bestehenden, tradierten italienischpolnischen Beziehungen im Bereich der Wissenschaft und Kultur der militärische und der sozialpolitische Aspekt hinzu, und mit der Zeit auch der wirtschaftliche. Auf dem italienischen Boden beteiligten sich die Polen zunächst an den Unabhängigkeitskämpfen, die mit der Vereinigung Italiens (die Risorgimento-Zeit endeten, und nachher an den Waffeninterventionen während der zwei Weltkriege. Seit der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts kehrte man zum früheren beiderseitigen Kontakt auf verschiedenen Ebenen zurück.In jeder dieser Zeitspannen wurde die polnische Anwesenheit in Italien in den schriftlichen, ikonografischen, künstlerischen Quellen belegt. Die meisten davon bewährten sich in den Archiven und Bibliotheken Roms, dem Zentrum der europäischen Wissenschaft, Kultur und Christenheit. Erst im 20. Jahrhundert, seit der Entstehung der ersten wissenschaftlichen polnischen Institutionen in Rom und dank der breiten Zusammenarbeit war es möglich, die Polonica, die sich in den römischen Bibliotheken, Archiven, Kulturinstitutionen und Privatbeständen befinden, offiziell zu registrieren, bearbeiten und ordnen. Die schriftlichen Denkmäler aus den vergangenen Jahrhunderten weisen auf eine breite gegenseitige Beziehung sowohl im Bereich des sacrum als auch des profanum hin. Dieses gemeinsame historische Gedächtniserbe zeugt von einer langen Zugehörigkeit Polens zur

  4. Rhizosphere priming: a nutrient perspective

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Feike Auke Dijkstra


    Full Text Available Rhizosphere priming is the change in decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM caused by root activity. Rhizosphere priming plays a crucial role in soil carbon (C dynamics and their response to global climate change. Rhizosphere priming may be affected by soil nutrient availability, but rhizosphere priming itself can also affect nutrient supply to plants. These interactive effects may be of particular relevance in understanding the sustained increase in plant growth and nutrient supply in response to a rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration. We examined how these interactions were affected by elevated CO2 in two similar semiarid grassland field studies. We found that an increase in rhizosphere priming enhanced the release of nitrogen (N through decomposition of a larger fraction of SOM in one study, but not in the other. We postulate that rhizosphere priming may enhance N supply to plants in systems that are N limited, but that rhizosphere priming may not occur in systems that are phosphorus (P limited. Under P limitation, rhizodeposition may be used for mobilisation of P, rather than for decomposition of SOM. Therefore, with increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations, rhizosphere priming may play a larger role in affecting C sequestration in N poor than in P poor soils.

  5. Degree of handedness and priming: Further evidence for a distinction between production and identification priming mechanisms.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Donna J. LaVoie


    Full Text Available The distinction between implicit and explicit forms of memory retrieval is long-standing, and important to the extent it reveals how different neural architecture supports different aspects of memory function. Similarly, distinctions have been made between kinds of repetition priming, a form of implicit memory retrieval. This study focuses on the production-identification priming distinction, which delineates priming tasks involving verification of stimulus features as compared to priming tasks that require use of a cue to guide response retrieval. Studies investigating this dissociation in dementia or similar patient populations indicate that these forms of priming may differ in their neural bases. The current study looks at degree of handedness as a way of investigating inferred neural architecture supporting these two forms of priming. A growing body of research indicates that degree of handedness (consistent, or CH, versus inconsistent, or ICH is associated with greater interhemispheric interaction and functional access to right hemisphere processing in ICH, with superior performance seen in ICH on memory tasks reliant on this processing. Arguments about the theoretical mechanisms underlying identification and production forms of perceptual priming tasks suggest that performance on these tasks will differ as a function of degree of handedness. We tested this question in a group of CH and ICH young adults, who were asked to study lists of words prior to performing a production priming task (word stem completion, a perceptual word identification task, and a word stem cued recall task. While both handedness groups exhibited reliable priming across tasks, word stem completion priming was greater in ICH than CH participants, with identification priming not differing between groups. This dissociation supports the argument that production and identification forms of priming have different underlying neural bases.

  6. Rapid response learning of brand logo priming: Evidence that brand priming is not dominated by rapid response learning. (United States)

    Boehm, Stephan G; Smith, Ciaran; Muench, Niklas; Noble, Kirsty; Atherton, Catherine


    Repetition priming increases the accuracy and speed of responses to repeatedly processed stimuli. Repetition priming can result from two complementary sources: rapid response learning and facilitation within perceptual and conceptual networks. In conceptual classification tasks, rapid response learning dominates priming of object recognition, but it does not dominate priming of person recognition. This suggests that the relative engagement of network facilitation and rapid response learning depends on the stimulus domain. Here, we addressed the importance of the stimulus domain for rapid response learning by investigating priming in another domain, brands. In three experiments, participants performed conceptual decisions for brand logos. Strong priming was present, but it was not dominated by rapid response learning. These findings add further support to the importance of the stimulus domain for the relative importance of network facilitation and rapid response learning, and they indicate that brand priming is more similar to person recognition priming than object recognition priming, perhaps because priming of both brands and persons requires individuation.

  7. Den bureaukratiske elite

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krarup, Troels


    Artiklen kortlægger ved korrespondanceanalyse karriereveje for 122 topembedsmænd i centraladministrationen. Artiklen har tre anliggender: 1) at opdatere og nuancere billedet af den bureaukratiske elite i Danmark, som det kendes fra tidligere politologiske studier; 2) at positionere analysen i et...... europæisk perspektiv og i forhold til en anden dansk elite, topdirektører; og 3) at eksemplificere visse teoretiske og metodiske fordele ved felt- og korrespondanceanalyser uden så nær anknytning til Bourdieus sociologi, som det almindeligvist ses i magtstudier, bl.a. ved at introducere brug af idealtyper...

  8. Den humane teknologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fausing, Bent


    Artiklen undersøger hverdagsæstetikkens forestillinger om teknologi i tv-reklamer, nærmere bestemt to mobiltelefoner fra Nokia. Nokias slogan er som bekendt: "Nokia -connecting people". Hvilken funktion tilskrives denne succes-teknologi via billeder, narrativer, lyde, interaktioner og affekter...... personifikation eller antropomorfisering er vigtig for branding af den ny teknologi. Teknologien bliver betragtet som skaber af en teknotranscendens mod en mere kvalificeret humanitet, som er i kontakt med fundamentale humane værdier som intuition, fantasi og sansning. Det drejer sig i alle tilfælde om kvaliteter...

  9. Jamie Oliver i den gode smags tjeneste

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leer, Jonatan


    det gode liv er i stigende grad blevet en central del af genren i dag, hvor særligt kogebogsforfatternes privatliv og livsstil – altså et selvbiografisk element – er blevet et bærende narrativ i mange kogebøger. Med sådanne iscenesættelser og dramatiseringer af forestillinger om det gode liv bevæger...... den gode sags tjeneste først og fremmest tjener til at skabe et positivt billede af tv-kokken/kogebogsforfatteren som etisk individ (og brand) på bekostning af de gastronomisk nødstedte. Det skal nævnes, at jeg i min læsning af Jamies kogebogs-kampskrift har ladet mig inspirere af den russisk...

  10. Abort inom den islamiska rättstraditionen


    Sayed, Mosa


    Den svenska patientpopulationens stora heterogenitet, exempelvis med hänsyn till etnicitet, kultur, religion och nationell härkomst, kan på olika sätt påverka hur patienter uppfattar vad som utgör god vård. Islam och muslimer utgör idag en del av det svenska samhället och representerar en beaktansvärd del av dem som vänder sig till hälso- och sjukvården. Forskning om islam och frågor rörande hälso- och sjukvård i den svenska kontexten är dock begränsad. Inte minst gäller det synen på abort in...

  11. Mechanisms of masked evaluative priming: task sets modulate behavioral and electrophysiological priming for picture and words differentially. (United States)

    Kiefer, Markus; Liegel, Nathalie; Zovko, Monika; Wentura, Dirk


    Research with the evaluative priming paradigm has shown that affective evaluation processes reliably influence cognition and behavior, even when triggered outside awareness. However, the precise mechanisms underlying such subliminal evaluative priming effects, response activation vs semantic processing, are matter of a debate. In this study, we determined the relative contribution of semantic processing and response activation to masked evaluative priming with pictures and words. To this end, we investigated the modulation of masked pictorial vs verbal priming by previously activated perceptual vs semantic task sets and assessed the electrophysiological correlates of priming using event-related potential (ERP) recordings. Behavioral and electrophysiological effects showed a differential modulation of pictorial and verbal subliminal priming by previously activated task sets: Pictorial priming was only observed during the perceptual but not during the semantic task set. Verbal priming, in contrast, was found when either task set was activated. Furthermore, only verbal priming was associated with a modulation of the N400 ERP component, an index of semantic processing, whereas a priming-related modulation of earlier ERPs, indexing visuo-motor S-R activation, was found for both picture and words. The results thus demonstrate that different neuro-cognitive processes contribute to unconscious evaluative priming depending on the stimulus format. © The Author (2016). Published by Oxford University Press. For Permissions, please email:

  12. Den udødelige gangster

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerre, Thomas Ærvold


    Hollywood har igennem et århundrede hyldet de voldspsykopater, som de fleste gangstere nu engang er. Michael Manns Public Enemies er seneste skud på stammen i den lange række af amerikanske gangsterfilm, der tog sin begyndelse i starten af 1930'erne, og som meget hurtig blev til en mytisk...

  13. Berlusconi og den moderne fyrste

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Gert

    voksende forbrugermentalitets gennembrud. Tredje del sætter ind over for Berlusconis frontale angreb på de demokratiske principper og samler op omkring Italiens dybe krise. Den gennemgående analytiske figur er hentet fra Machiavellis Fyrsten om magtens mål og med. Dele af bogen er blevet til i samarbejde...

  14. Publikum svinger den retoriske taktstok

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Jette Barnholdt


    Artiklen handler om revyvisen "Man binder os på mund og hånd" af Poul Henningensen med musik af Kai Normann Andersen, som oprindeligt var en del af den kulturradikale revykomedie Dyveke fra 1940, der bla. advokerede for seksuel frigørelse. Visen levede dog hurtigt sit eget liv uden for revyteatret...

  15. Dens Evaginatus: A Problem-Based Approach

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    A. Ayer


    Full Text Available Dens evaginatus is an uncommon developmental anomaly of human dentition characterized by the presence of tubercle on the occlusal surface of mandibular premolars and lingual surface of anterior teeth. Due to occlusal trauma this tubercle tends to fracture thus exposing the pathway to the pulp chamber of teeth. This case report is about the presentation of dens evaginatus in mandibular premolars bilaterally; among them tooth 44 was associated with chronic apical periodontitis. Fractured tubercle of three premolars was sealed with composite resin. Root canal treatment was performed with tooth 44. Routine endodontic treatment did not result in remission of infection. Therefore, culture and sensitivity tests were performed to identify the cause and modify treatment plan accordingly. Triple antibiotic paste was used as an intracanal medicament to disinfect the root canal that resulted in remission of infection.

  16. A Prime Example of the Maluma/Takete Effect? Testing for Sound Symbolic Priming. (United States)

    Sidhu, David M; Pexman, Penny M


    Certain nonwords, like maluma and takete, are associated with roundness and sharpness, respectively. However, this has typically been demonstrated using explicit tasks. We investigated whether this association would be detectable using a more implicit measure-a sequential priming task. We began with a replication of the standard Maluma/Takete effect (Experiments 1a and 1b) before examining whether round and sharp nonword primes facilitated the categorization of congruent shapes (Experiment 2). We found modest evidence of a priming effect in response accuracy. We next examined whether nonword primes affected categorization of ambiguous shapes, using visual (Experiment 3) and auditory primes (Experiment 4). We found that ambiguous shapes were categorized as round (sharp) more often following the presentation of a round (sharp) nonword. This suggests that phonemes may activate related shape information which then affects the processing of shapes, and that this association emerges even when participants are not explicitly searching for it. Copyright © 2016 Cognitive Science Society, Inc.

  17. Den 'dygtige' lærer er en del af problemet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hedegaard-Sørensen, Lotte


    Lærerne lever faktisk op til politikernes forestilling om ’den gode undervisning’, men dermed bliver de en del af problemet og ikke løsningen på folkeskolens inklusionsudfordring......Lærerne lever faktisk op til politikernes forestilling om ’den gode undervisning’, men dermed bliver de en del af problemet og ikke løsningen på folkeskolens inklusionsudfordring...

  18. Rapportering om going concern i den nye revisionspåtegning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Seehausen, Jesper


    Artiklen omhandler revisors rapportering om going concern i den nye revisionspåtegning. Det er artiklens centrale budskab, at der i den nye revisionspåtegning alene er ændringer til, hvordan revisor skal rapportere om going concern i revisionspåtegningen. Der er derimod ikke ændringer til, hvornår...... revisor skal rapportere om going concern i revisionspåtegningen....

  19. Type II dens evaginatus of maxillary central incisor: An alternative approach

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    Mansour Alrejaie


    Full Text Available Dens evaginatus is the developmental anomaly of tooth that exhibits protrusion of a tubercle from occlusal surfaces of premolar, and lingual surfaces of maxillary central incisor and lateral incisors. Dens evaginatus is common in Caucasian population. Saudi Arabia is also well evidenced of such cases. These tubercles have an enamel layer covering dentin core containing a thin extension of pulp. These cusp-like protrusions are susceptible to pulp exposure from wear or fracture because of malocclusion. Type II dens evaginatus involves normal pulp with immature root apex. Materials to enhance the pulpal recession or pulpotomy procedures indicated in such cases require long time and efforts to ensure pulpal recession or root maturity, respectively. Also prolonged treatment has risk of fracture of the cusp and reinfection and requires patient commitment for the follow-up procedures. Present case describes the use of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA in type II dens evaginatus of maxillary central incisor.

  20. Die Umweltschäden und Entsorgungsprobleme des russischen Nuklearkomplexes


    Kronfeld-Goharani, Ulrike


    "Als Nachfolgestaat der ehemaligen Sowjetunion mit ihrer gigantischen Nuklearindustrie zählt Russland heute zu den Ländern, in denen sich große Mengen Nuklearmüll angereichert haben und einzelne Regionen des Landes von radioaktiven Kontaminationen besonders stark betroffen sind. Ungeachtet dessen änderte im Juni 2001 das russische Parlament das Umweltgesetz, um verbrauchten Nuklearbrennstoff aus dem Ausland in großen Mengen zu importieren. Während Befürworter der Gesetzesänderungen den Import...

  1. Den ecology of Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797, on soft sediment: availability and types of shelter

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stelios Katsanevakis


    Full Text Available To avoid predation, octopuses select and actively modify shelters (also called dens in the substratum, where they remain most of the time, especially during daylight hours. The main questions that this study deals with are: Is den availability a significant constraint for the distribution of Octopus vulgaris on soft sediment? What kind of dens does O. vulgaris use on soft sediment and what factors affect the selection of one type instead of another? With population density measurements by SCUBA diving and enrichment experiments with artificial dens, we concluded that the availability of solid materials necessary for den construction is a limiting factor for the distribution of O. vulgaris on soft sediment. O. vulgaris used four different types of den on soft sediment: well (a vertical hole in the sediment, rock/stone (the octopus uses a rock or a large stone to dig a cavity under it, shell (an empty shell is used, human origin (a solid material of human origin is used. The relative proportion of the four types of den in the areas studied was: 38.7% human origin, 29.7% well, 21.5% rock/stone, 2.9% shell. Also, 7.3% of the octopuses were found outside their den. The main types of den were found in different relative proportions in relation to the depth, the distance from shore, the octopus size and the granulometry of the sediment.

  2. Frede P. Jensen og den danske indkredsning af Vasatidens Sverige 40 år efter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Dan H.


    Artiklen er en analyse af receptionen af Frede P. Jensens kritik af den svenske historiker Arthur Stilles indflydelsesrige teori fra 1918 om årsagerne den svenske stormagts opståen. Stilles teori så den svenske politik som et grundlæggende defensivt og eksistentielt svar på en dansk indkredsning af...

  3. Tillid i den finansielle sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rimmer, Nina Røhr; Nielsen, Sara Møller; Benediktsdottir, Elisabet


    , der er i kommunikation med kunden, eksempelvis at videreudvikle på definerede Touch-Points i CEM og opbyggelsen/vedligeholdelsen af kundeoplysninger i CRM systemer således, at den samlede kvalitet af ydelsen bliver så personlig som mulig, hvilket falder godt i tråd med Spar Nords værdigrundlag om dels...

  4. Prime Slaughter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Valente, Andrea; Marchetti, Emanuela


    of primality and factorization into playful interactions, addressed to primary and early secondary school children. Taking into account individual needs expressed by children regarding play, during a participatory design processes aimed at enhancing learning in museums, Prime Slaughter allows for multiple......Starting from the difficulty of creating playful representation of domain-specific abstract concepts, this study discusses the design of Prime Slaughter, a computer game aimed at facilitating individual sense-making of abstract mathematical concepts. Specifically the game proposes a transposition...

  5. Verzwickte Flussgemeinschaft - Warum es so schwierig ist, den Flüssen Raum zu geben

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hartmann, T.


    Extreme Hochwasser verursachen enorme Schäden in Flusslandschaften. Flussgemeinschaften müssen künftig den Flüssen mehr Raum geben, um Hochwasser in der Fläche zurückzuhalten, statt in der Höhe (der Deiche) zu bekämpfen. Die Idee „den Flüssen mehr Raum geben“ beschreibt eigentlich etwas

  6. Discovery: Prime Numbers (United States)

    de Mestre, Neville


    Prime numbers are important as the building blocks for the set of all natural numbers, because prime factorisation is an important and useful property of all natural numbers. Students can discover them by using the method known as the Sieve of Eratosthenes, named after the Greek geographer and astronomer who lived from c. 276-194 BC. Eratosthenes…

  7. Können Statine den Knochenstoffwechsel positiv beeinflussen?

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    Vock L


    Full Text Available Statine, potente Inhibitoren der HMG-CoA-Reduktase, werden erfolgreich zur Senkung der Cholesterinblutspiegel eingesetzt. In den letzten Jahren sind jedoch zahlreiche andere Wirkungen der Statine aufgedeckt worden, die möglicherweise für den Knochenstoffwechsel von Bedeutung sind: In vitro konnten faszinierende knochenanabole Wirkungen der Statine bewiesen werden. Welche molekularen Mechanismen für diese Beobachtungen genau verantwortlich sind, ist nach wie vor unklar. Auch konnten in anderen In-vitro-Studien, Tiermodellen und klinischen Studien diese eindrucksvollen Resultate nicht immer bestätigt werden. Das vorliegende Bild der Statine im Knochenstoffwechsel ist uneinheitlich. Viele Fragen bleiben offen. Es fehlen neben genaueren Erkenntnissen über die Eigenschaften der einzelnen Statine auch Resultate besser auf diese Fragestellung zugeschnittener Studien.

  8. Cone-beam computed tomography for assessment of dens invaginatus in the Polish population. (United States)

    Różyło, T Katarzyna; Różyło-Kalinowska, Ingrid; Piskórz, Magdalena


    There are many developmental variations in the permanent dentition. Dens invaginatus can be recognized on many dental X-rays of affected patients, but not every image allows for assessment of the type of malformation. The aim of the present study was to assess the presence of dens invaginatus with radiological features using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). CBCT images of 33 patients were evaluated. Age, sex, side, lateralization, occurrence in a particular group of teeth, type of invagination, differentiation, and the consequences of these factors were analyzed. Forty-one teeth with dens invaginatus met the inclusion criteria for this evaluation. Females were affected more frequently than males (57.6 vs. 42.4%, respectively). The patients' age ranged from 7 to 40 years, and the occurrence of dens invaginatus peaked from age 9 to 13 years. In total, 92.7% of affected teeth were present in the maxilla, more often unilaterally (75.8%) than bilaterally (24.2%). The most frequent tooth with dens invaginatus was the maxillary lateral incisor (53.7% of affected teeth). Almost two-thirds (63.4%) of affected teeth were found on the left side and 36.6% were found on the right. The tooth anatomy was distorted within the crown and root. Dens invaginatus sometimes affected other surrounding teeth and reduced their esthetics. The obtained data indicate that CBCT examination is an essential tool in assessing dens invaginatus and can guide dental practitioners in treating patients who exhibit characteristic features of this disorder. CBCT allows the clinician to distinguish the type of anomaly.

  9. Den site activity patterns of adult male and female swift foxes, Vulpes velox, in Northwestern Texas (United States)

    Lemons, P.R.; Ballard, W.B.; Sullivan, R.M.; Sovada, M.A.


    Activity of Swift Foxes (Vulpes velox) at den sites was studied in northwestern Texas during pup rearing seasons in 2000 and 2001 to determine role of males in parental care. Twenty-four percent of radio-collared females with a potential to breed successfully raised pups to eight weeks of age. We intensively monitored presence and absence of male and female Swift Foxes at two den sites each year. Females were present >2.6 times more at den sites than males during the pup rearing season. Female and male Swift Foxes largely stayed at dens during diurnal hours and were active away from dens during nocturnal and crepuscular hours. Females and males spent 12.4% and 3.0% more time at dens before pups emerged, than after pups emerged, respectively. Following depredation of one male parent, the female spent 29% less time at the den site. Decrease in time spent at the den by the female following loss of her mate suggested that loss of one parent might severely impact recruitment of Swift Foxes. Our observations indicated that intense Coyote (Canis latrans) depredation may severely impact pup-rearing success as well as the parental care within Swift Fox family groups.

  10. Den Danske Netordbog

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bergenholtz, Henning; Vrang, Vibeke; Almind, Richard

    Denne danske ordbog er primært tænkt som hjælpeværktøj i forbindelse med tvivl og usikkerhed, når man skriver en dansk tekst. Den Danske Netordbog er en yderst omfattende ordbog med mere end 110.000 forskellige opslagsord og en lang række oplysninger, herunder grammatik, betydning, synonym (ord m...... samme betydning), antonym (ord med modsat betydning), orddannelse (i hvilke andre ord det pågældende ord er en del af), kollokationer (ordforbindelser), idiomer (fast udtryk med en særlig betydning) og ordsprog og citater....

  11. Zahraniční publicistika časopisu Týden


    Dvořáková, Zdenka


    The bachelor thesis "Foreign publicism of the Týden Magazine" cleals with publicistic texts with foreign topics published in the Týden Magazine. It tries to narned the genre (gloss, comment, editorial and column), which the first part of the thesis acts. This part clescribc s, how these genres should be written according to technicalliteraturc. The second part dwells on the main intent of the thesis, namely the measure of keeping these c1efinitions by authors. It also looks how they these gen...

  12. Superficial Priming in Episodic Recognition (United States)

    Dopkins, Stephen; Sargent, Jesse; Ngo, Catherine T.


    We explored the effect of superficial priming in episodic recognition and found it to be different from the effect of semantic priming in episodic recognition. Participants made recognition judgments to pairs of items, with each pair consisting of a prime item and a test item. Correct positive responses to the test item were impeded if the prime…

  13. Syntactic priming in American Sign Language. (United States)

    Hall, Matthew L; Ferreira, Victor S; Mayberry, Rachel I


    Psycholinguistic studies of sign language processing provide valuable opportunities to assess whether language phenomena, which are primarily studied in spoken language, are fundamentally shaped by peripheral biology. For example, we know that when given a choice between two syntactically permissible ways to express the same proposition, speakers tend to choose structures that were recently used, a phenomenon known as syntactic priming. Here, we report two experiments testing syntactic priming of a noun phrase construction in American Sign Language (ASL). Experiment 1 shows that second language (L2) signers with normal hearing exhibit syntactic priming in ASL and that priming is stronger when the head noun is repeated between prime and target (the lexical boost effect). Experiment 2 shows that syntactic priming is equally strong among deaf native L1 signers, deaf late L1 learners, and hearing L2 signers. Experiment 2 also tested for, but did not find evidence of, phonological or semantic boosts to syntactic priming in ASL. These results show that despite the profound differences between spoken and signed languages in terms of how they are produced and perceived, the psychological representation of sentence structure (as assessed by syntactic priming) operates similarly in sign and speech.

  14. Repetition Priming Magnitude Depends on Affirmative Prime Responses: A Test of Two Congruity Explanations. (United States)

    Fiet, Paula; Sorensen, Linda; Mayne, Zachary; Corgiat, Damon; Woltz, Dan


    We conducted 2 experiments to evaluate the impact of positive prime responses on repetition priming effects while decoupling this impact from content congruity and specific evaluation operations. Our first experiment consisted of word-meaning comparison trials that required participants to evaluate synonyms or antonyms. A crossing of evaluation operation with semantic content allowed us to test the goal-content congruity hypothesis against the semantic congruity explanation for greater facilitation from positive response primes. Results suggested that operation-based priming is affected by goal-content congruity. A second experiment tested the observed effect of positive responses on repetition priming using mental rotation of irregular shapes, affording a test of the impact of congruity in evaluation goals and content in a nonverbal stimulus domain. Both experiments produced a pattern of results inconsistent with Schulman's (1974) semantic congruity account and instead implicated a different form of congruity that affects memory for prior operations rather than memory for semantic and episodic content.

  15. Den der ser, er den, der ses

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerrum, Troels


    Udgangspunktet for afhandlingen er at undersøge, hvordan unge udsatte mennesker kan opnå personlig forandring ved hjælp af åndedrætstræning og meditation. Afhandlingen indleder med at beskrive de unges liv i en globalisering. Mange unge mennesker uden en social ansvarlig baggrund har ikke lært...... at foretage sig nødvendige samfundsmæssige valg. På grund af nederlag i hjem, skole, uddannelse og erhverv søger unge fællesskaber i ligestillede miljøer svarende til egen negative forventningspraksis. Den unge praktiserer en vanedannende negativ livsførelse, som eskalerer til yderligere socialt forfald. Unge......, der har levet i kriminalitet, misbrug og medmisbrug i lang tid, vil ikke være i stand til at realisere sig positivt pga. en personlig indgroet diskvalificerende forestilling. Afhandlingen forklarer, hvorledes negative oplevelser forbliver spændinger i menneskers krop. Teorier af Maurice Merleau...

  16. Complex architecture of primes and natural numbers. (United States)

    García-Pérez, Guillermo; Serrano, M Ángeles; Boguñá, Marián


    Natural numbers can be divided in two nonoverlapping infinite sets, primes and composites, with composites factorizing into primes. Despite their apparent simplicity, the elucidation of the architecture of natural numbers with primes as building blocks remains elusive. Here, we propose a new approach to decoding the architecture of natural numbers based on complex networks and stochastic processes theory. We introduce a parameter-free non-Markovian dynamical model that naturally generates random primes and their relation with composite numbers with remarkable accuracy. Our model satisfies the prime number theorem as an emerging property and a refined version of Cramér's conjecture about the statistics of gaps between consecutive primes that seems closer to reality than the original Cramér's version. Regarding composites, the model helps us to derive the prime factors counting function, giving the probability of distinct prime factors for any integer. Probabilistic models like ours can help to get deeper insights about primes and the complex architecture of natural numbers.

  17. Den årlige klining af moskéen i Jenné

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andreasen, Jørgen


    Danske studerende hjælper med kliningen af den store moské i Jenné under 'Mohammed-krisen'. Jenné er et af UNESCO's 'heritage sites' - en by helt bygget i ler. Vedligeholdelse og årlig klining er nødvendig. Moskeen er den største bygning, lukket for ikke-muslimer. Det danske hold fik adgang til m...

  18. Den onde eller det onde?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Kirsten


    Artiklen handler om brugen af billeder for den onde (djævelen) og det onde i moderne salmer. Der er en klar tendens til at foretrække et naturbillede som mørket frem for personbilleder. Mørket kan som billede bruges forholdsvis nuanceret og vil i mange tilfælde ikke forudsætte et dybere kendskab ...

  19. Z(prime) Phenomenology and the LHC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rizzo, Thomas G.


    A brief pedagogical overview of the phenomenology of Z(prime) gauge bosons is ILC in determining Z(prime) properties is also discussed. and explore in detail how the LHC may discover and help elucidate the models, review the current constraints on the possible properties of a Z(prime) nature of these new particles. We provide an overview of the Z(prime) studies presented. Such particles can arise in various electroweak extensions of that have been performed by both ATLAS and CMS. The role of the the Standard Model (SM). We provide a quick survey of a number of Z(prime)

  20. van den Heuvel, Prof. Edward P J

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    van den Heuvel, Prof. Edward P J . Date of birth: 2 November 1940. Address: Professor of Astrophysics, Astronomical Inst. Anton Pannekoek, Postbus 94249, 1090 GE Amsterdam, The Netherlands Contact: Office: (+31-20) 525 ...

  1. Digital kommunikation med den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berger, Jesper Bull; Andersen, Kim Normann

    til. I denne undersøgelse sættes der fokus på myndighedernes besvarelse af den digitale post. Digital post blev bl.a. etableret som et alternativ til almindelig e-mail for at det offentlige kan kommunikere med borgere og virksomheder på en sikker måde, dvs. uden at uvedkommende kan få adgang til...... følsomme oplysninger. Fokus for undersøgelsen er hvordan håndterer myndighederne besvarelserne i den digitale postkasse: svarer de på digital post og e-mail, hvor hurtigt svarer de og er svarene brugbare? Undersøgelsen medtager myndighedernes besvarelse af digital post og e-mail, dels for at kunne...... sammenligne de to digitale kanaler og for at kunne sammenligne med en tidligere undersøgelse af digital kommunikation med det offentlige. Herudover er der tidligere gennemført en undersøgelse af e-mail svar og svartider i New Zealand og Australien. De danske resultater fra e-mail undersøgelsen, men ikke...

  2. Kurz zum Klima: Zu viel Salz verdirbt den Boden


    Zimmer, Markus; Lippelt, Jana; Frank, Jonas


    Der zunehmende Einsatz von Anlagen zur Bewässerung sowie mangelnde Erfahrungswerte und Unkenntnis über den richtigen Einsatz der künstlichen Bewässerung haben in den letzten Jahrzehnten zu einer massiven Zunahme der Versalzung des Bodens geführt. Durch diese Bodenversalzung werden weite Flächen für die Landwirtschaft unbrauchbar. Sie sind nur durch hohen Aufwand und Kosten wieder renaturierbar. Der Beitrag in der Reihe »Kurz zum Klima« gibt einen Überblick über die Versalzung in Anbaugebiet...

  3. Facial Cellulitis Arising from Dens Evaginatus: A Case Report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chun-Ming Chen


    Full Text Available Dens evaginatus is a developmental anomaly that produces a tubercle on the occlusal surface of a tooth. It is found most frequently in the mandibular premolars. The occlusal tubercle easily causes occlusal interferences. Attrition or fracture of the tubercle can lead to pulpitis, pulp necrosis, periapical pathosis, and periapical infection. This case report illustrates the treatment of facial cellulitis arising from dens evaginatus with open apex. Calcium hydroxide was used for the apexification procedure. One year after canal obturation, radiography revealed no apical pathosis and the apical seal was evident.

  4. Transposed-letter priming of prelexical orthographic representations. (United States)

    Kinoshita, Sachiko; Norris, Dennis


    A prime generated by transposing two internal letters (e.g., jugde) produces strong priming of the original word (judge). In lexical decision, this transposed-letter (TL) priming effect is generally weak or absent for nonword targets; thus, it is unclear whether the origin of this effect is lexical or prelexical. The authors describe the Bayesian Reader theory of masked priming (D. Norris & S. Kinoshita, 2008), which explains why nonwords do not show priming in lexical decision but why they do in the cross-case same-different task. This analysis is followed by 3 experiments that show that priming in this task is not based on low-level perceptual similarity between the prime and target, or on phonology, to make the case that priming is based on prelexical orthographic representation. The authors then use this task to demonstrate equivalent TL priming effects for nonwords and words. The results are interpreted as the first reliable evidence based on the masked priming procedure that letter position is not coded absolutely within the prelexical, orthographic representation. The implications of the results for current letter position coding schemes are discussed.

  5. Wrath of God: religious primes and punishment. (United States)

    McKay, Ryan; Efferson, Charles; Whitehouse, Harvey; Fehr, Ernst


    Recent evidence indicates that priming participants with religious concepts promotes prosocial sharing behaviour. In the present study, we investigated whether religious priming also promotes the costly punishment of unfair behaviour. A total of 304 participants played a punishment game. Before the punishment stage began, participants were subliminally primed with religion primes, secular punishment primes or control primes. We found that religious primes strongly increased the costly punishment of unfair behaviours for a subset of our participants--those who had previously donated to a religious organization. We discuss two proximate mechanisms potentially underpinning this effect. The first is a 'supernatural watcher' mechanism, whereby religious participants punish unfair behaviours when primed because they sense that not doing so will enrage or disappoint an observing supernatural agent. The second is a 'behavioural priming' mechanism, whereby religious primes activate cultural norms pertaining to fairness and its enforcement and occasion behaviour consistent with those norms. We conclude that our results are consistent with dual inheritance proposals about religion and cooperation, whereby religions harness the byproducts of genetically inherited cognitive mechanisms in ways that enhance the survival prospects of their adherents.

  6. CIOs mangler fundamentale egenskaber for at lede den digitale transformation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjørn-Andersen, Niels


    CIOs er dårligt rustet til at gå i spidsen for digital disruption og innovation, advarer den internationale topforsker Joe Peppard med afsæt i analyse af mere end 200 CIO-s personligheder......CIOs er dårligt rustet til at gå i spidsen for digital disruption og innovation, advarer den internationale topforsker Joe Peppard med afsæt i analyse af mere end 200 CIO-s personligheder...

  7. Recognizing Plant Defense Priming

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Martinez-Medina, Ainhoa; Flors, Victor; Heil, Martin; Mauch-Mani, Brigitte; Pieterse, Corné M J|info:eu-repo/dai/nl/113115113; Pozo, Maria J; Ton, Jurriaan; van Dam, Nicole M; Conrath, Uwe


    Defense priming conditions diverse plant species for the superinduction of defense, often resulting in enhanced pest and disease resistance and abiotic stress tolerance. Here, we propose a guideline that might assist the plant research community in a consistent assessment of defense priming in

  8. Recognizing plant defense priming

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Martinez-Medina, A.; Flors, V.; Heil, M.; Mauch-Mani, B.; Pieterse, C.M.J.; Pozo, M.J.; Ton, J.; Van Dam, N.M.; Conrath, U.


    Defense priming conditions diverse plant species for the superinduction of defense, often resulting in enhanced pest and disease resistance and abiotic stress tolerance. Here, we propose a guideline that might assist the plant research community in a consistent assessment of defense priming in

  9. Syntactic priming in American Sign Language.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matthew L Hall

    Full Text Available Psycholinguistic studies of sign language processing provide valuable opportunities to assess whether language phenomena, which are primarily studied in spoken language, are fundamentally shaped by peripheral biology. For example, we know that when given a choice between two syntactically permissible ways to express the same proposition, speakers tend to choose structures that were recently used, a phenomenon known as syntactic priming. Here, we report two experiments testing syntactic priming of a noun phrase construction in American Sign Language (ASL. Experiment 1 shows that second language (L2 signers with normal hearing exhibit syntactic priming in ASL and that priming is stronger when the head noun is repeated between prime and target (the lexical boost effect. Experiment 2 shows that syntactic priming is equally strong among deaf native L1 signers, deaf late L1 learners, and hearing L2 signers. Experiment 2 also tested for, but did not find evidence of, phonological or semantic boosts to syntactic priming in ASL. These results show that despite the profound differences between spoken and signed languages in terms of how they are produced and perceived, the psychological representation of sentence structure (as assessed by syntactic priming operates similarly in sign and speech.

  10. Multisensory Flavor Priming

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dijksterhuis, Garmt Bernard


    with a taxonomy of different priming situations. In food-related applications of flavor, both bottom-up (sensory) as well as top-down (expectations) processes are at play. Most of the complex interactions that this leads to take place outside the awareness of the perceiving subject. A model is presented where...... many, past and current, aspects (sensory, surroundings, social, somatic, sentimental) of a (flavor) perception, together result in the perception of a flavor, its liking. or its choice. This model borrows on ideas from priming, situated/embodied cognition, and (food-related) perception.......Flavor is multisensory; several interacting sensory systems-taste, smell, and mouthfeel-together comprise "flavor," making it a cognitively constructed percept rather than a bottom-up sensory one. In this chapter, some of the complications this entails for flavor priming are introduced, along...

  11. Tre teorier om den moralske udvikling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bo, Inger Glavind; Andreasen, Brian Kjær

    I artiklen gennemgås tre forskellige men teorihistorisk relaterede perspektiver på forståelsen af moralsk udvikling: Piaget, Kohlberg og Gilligan. I den efterfølgende diskussion af disse teoretikeres respektive positioner påpeges såvel forskelle som ligheder i deres betoning af moralens karakter...

  12. Emma Bentz: I stadens skugga. Den medeltida landsbygden som arkeologiskt forskningsfält

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristiansen, Mette Svart


    Anmeldelse af doktordisputats, Lunds Universitet. Afhandlingen omhandler etableringen af den middelalderlige landbebyggelse som arkæologisk forskningsfelt fra 1930érne til i dag samt etableringen og vedligeholdelsen af et forskningsfelt indenfor den humanistiske videnskab....

  13. Semantic priming, not repetition priming, is to blame for false hearing. (United States)

    Rogers, Chad S


    Contextual and sensory information are combined in speech perception. Conflict between the two can lead to false hearing, defined as a high-confidence misidentification of a spoken word. Rogers, Jacoby, and Sommers (Psychology and Aging, 27(1), 33-45, 2012) found that older adults are more susceptible to false hearing than are young adults, using a combination of semantic priming and repetition priming to create context. In this study, the type of context (repetition vs. sematic priming) responsible for false hearing was examined. Older and young adult participants read and listened to a list of paired associates (e.g., ROW-BOAT) and were told to remember the pairs for a later memory test. Following the memory test, participants identified words masked in noise that were preceded by a cue word in the clear. Targets were semantically associated to the cue (e.g., ROW-BOAT), unrelated to the cue (e.g., JAW-PASS), or phonologically related to a semantic associate of the cue (e.g., ROW-GOAT). How often each cue word and its paired associate were presented prior to the memory test was manipulated (0, 3, or 5 times) to test effects of repetition priming. Results showed repetitions had no effect on rates of context-based listening or false hearing. However, repetition did significantly increase sensory information as a basis for metacognitive judgments in young and older adults. This pattern suggests that semantic priming dominates as the basis for false hearing and highlights context and sensory information operating as qualitatively different bases for listening and metacognition.

  14. Modified Multi Prime RSA Cryptosystem (United States)

    Ghazali Kamardan, M.; Aminudin, N.; Che-Him, Norziha; Sufahani, Suliadi; Khalid, Kamil; Roslan, Rozaini


    RSA [1] is one of the mostly used cryptosystem in securing data and information. Though, it has been recently discovered that RSA has some weaknesses and in advance technology, RSA is believed to be inefficient especially when it comes to decryption. Thus, a new algorithm called Multi prime RSA, an extended version of the standard RSA is studied. Then, a modification is made to the Multi prime RSA where another keys is shared secretly between the receiver and the sender to increase the securerity. As in RSA, the methodology used for modified Multi-prime RSA also consists of three phases; 1. Key Generation in which the secret and public keys are generated and published. In this phase, the secrecy is improved by adding more prime numbers and addition of secret keys. 2. Encryption of the message using the public and secret keys given. 3. Decryption of the secret message using the secret key generated. For the decryption phase, a method called Chinese Remainder Theorem is used which helps to fasten the computation. Since Multi prime RSA use more than two prime numbers, the algorithm is more efficient and secure when compared to the standard RSA. Furthermore, in modified Multi prime RSA another secret key is introduced to increase the obstacle to the attacker. Therefore, it is strongly believed that this new algorithm is better and can be an alternative to the RSA.

  15. The pros and cons of masked priming. (United States)

    Forster, K I


    Masked priming paradigms offer the promise of tapping automatic, strategy-free lexical processing, as evidenced by the lack of expectancy disconfirmation effects, and proportionality effects in semantic priming experiments. But several recent findings suggest the effects may be prelexical. These findings concern nonword priming effects in lexical decision and naming, the effects of mixed-case presentation on nonword priming, and the dependence of priming on the nature of the distractors in lexical decision, suggesting possible strategy effects. The theory underlying each of these effects is discussed, and alternative explanations are developed that do not preclude a lexical basis for masked priming effects.

  16. Den danske fødevaresektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bosselmann, Aske Skovmand; Gylling, Morten


    Den danske fødevaresektor har et højt niveau for så vidt angår miljø og bæredygtighed. Der kan være et potentiale for vækst og beskæftigelse i at bruge dette relativt høje niveau til at give danske virksomheder adgang til attraktive eksportmarkeder, hvor fødevarer, der er dokumenteret bæredygtige...

  17. Financial Inclusion: Reformen in den Bereichen Verbraucherschutz und finanzielle Allgemeinbildung


    Christa Hainz


    Nicht zuletzt der Mangel an wirksamer Offenlegung von Informationen und irreführende Werbung auf Seiten der Anbieter sowie mangelndes Verständnis bezüglich Finanzprodukten auf Seiten der Konsumenten trugen dazu bei, dass der Markt für Subprime-Hypotheken in den USA zusammenbrach. Eine Verbesserung dieses institutionellen Umfelds sollte deshalb dazu dienen, derart negative Entwicklungen in der Zukunft zu verhindern. Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick, welche Industrieländer Reformen in den Berei...

  18. Shareholder Kapitalismus und das Casino Spiel an den Börsen


    Young, Brigitte; Hegelich, Simon


    'Das Konzept des Shareholder Value ist durch die jüngsten Entwicklungen im Unternehmenssektor, vor allem durch die Bilanz- und Betrugsskandale von TNC's und die damit verbundene Vernichtung von Arbeitsplätzen in die Kritik geraten. In den politischen Debatten über Shareholder Value wird ein Systemunterschied zwischen dem 'Stakeholder-Ansatz' (wie im rheinischen Kapitalismus) und dem mit der Liberalisierung der Finanzmärkte Ende der 70er Jahre in den USA entwickelten Begriff Shareholder Value ...

  19. Den narrative tilgang

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bo, Inger Glavind


    I kapitlet gennemgås en socialkonstruktivistisk forståelse af narrativer. I kapitlet vil jeg gennemgå centrale teoretiske pointer, der samlet set er grundlæggende for en social konstruktivistisk forståelse af narrativer for herved at udfolde forståelsen af den narrative tilgang og desuden...... tydeliggøre, hvordan tilgangen er forbundet med en særlig forståelse af identitetsskabelse. Der er tale om pointer der almindeligvis forbindes med ”små fortællinger” i form af længere identitetsfortællinger og narrative interviews. Kapitlet gennemgår således centrale inspirationskilder og teoretiske pointer...

  20. Priming Ability Emotional Intelligence (United States)

    Schutte, Nicola S.; Malouff, John M.


    Two studies examined whether priming self-schemas relating to successful emotional competency results in better emotional intelligence performance. In the first study participants were randomly assigned to a successful emotional competency self-schema prime condition or a control condition and then completed an ability measure of emotional…

  1. Psychotherapy augmentation through preconscious priming

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francois eBorgeat


    Full Text Available Objective: To test the hypothesis that repeated preconscious (masked priming of personalized positive cognitions could augment cognitive change and facilitate achievement of patients’ goals following a therapy.Methods: Twenty social phobic patients (13 women completed a 36 weeks study beginning by 12 weeks of group behavioural therapy. After the therapy, they received 6 weeks of preconscious priming and 6 weeks of a control procedure in a randomized cross-over design. The Priming condition involved listening twice daily with a passive attitude to a recording of individualized formulations of appropriate cognitions and attitudes masked by music. The Control condition involved listening to an indistinguishable recording where the formulations had been replaced by random numbers. Changes in social cognitions were measured by the Social Interaction Self Statements Test (SISST.Results: Patients improved following therapy. The Priming procedure was associated with increased positive cognitions and decreased negative cognitions on the SISST while the Control procedure was not. The Priming procedure induced more cognitive change when applied immediately after the group therapy. Conclusion: An effect of priming was observed on social phobia related cognitions in the expected direction. This self administered addition to a therapy could be seen as an augmentation strategy.

  2. Prime time news: the influence of primed positive and negative emotion on susceptibility to false memories. (United States)

    Porter, Stephen; ten Brinke, Leanne; Riley, Sean N; Baker, Alysha


    We examined the relation between emotion and susceptibility to misinformation using a novel paradigm, the ambiguous stimuli affective priming (ASAP) paradigm. Participants (N = 88) viewed ambiguous neutral images primed either at encoding or retrieval to be interpreted as either highly positive or negative (or neutral/not primed). After viewing the images, they either were asked misleading or non-leading questions. Following a delay, memory accuracy for the original images was assessed. Results indicated that any emotional priming at encoding led to a higher susceptibility to misinformation relative to priming at recall. In particular, inducing a negative interpretation of the image at encoding led to an increased susceptibility of false memories for major misinformation (an entire object not actually present in the scene). In contrast, this pattern was reversed when priming was used at recall; a negative reinterpretation of the image decreased memory distortion relative to unprimed images. These findings suggest that, with precise experimental control, the experience of emotion at event encoding, in particular, is implicated in false memory susceptibility.

  3. Nyliberalisme, universiteter og den akademiske frihed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Mogens Ove


    Den akademiske frihed er forbundet med absolut frihed til at frembringe og videreformidle viden. Denne ide med universitetet er blevet udfordret ganske kraftigt i de senere år, ikke kun i Danmark. Stærke rådgivningsinstitutioner som OECD og EU har i en del år anbefalet, at universiteternes opgave...

  4. Space-Valence Priming with Subliminal and Supraliminal Words

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ulrich eAnsorge


    Full Text Available To date it is unclear whether (1 awareness-independent non-evaluative semantic processes influence affective semantics and whether (2 awareness-independent affective semantics influence non-evaluative semantic processing. In the current study, we investigated these questions with the help of subliminal (masked primes and visible targets in a space-valence across-category congruence effect. In line with (1, we found that subliminal space prime words influenced valence classification of supraliminal target words (Experiment 1: Classifications were faster with a congruent prime (e.g., the prime ‘up’ before the target ‘happy’ than with an incongruent prime (e.g., the prime ‘up’ before the target ‘sad’. In contrast to (2, no influence of subliminal valence primes on the classification of supraliminal space targets into up- and down-words was found (Experiment 2. Control conditions showed that standard masked response-priming effects were found with both subliminal prime types, and that an across-category congruence effect was also found with supraliminal valence primes and spatial target words. The final Experiment 3 confirmed that the across-category congruence effect indeed reflected priming of target categorization of a relevant meaning category. Together, the data jointly confirmed prediction (1 that awareness-independent non-evaluative semantic priming influences valence judgments.

  5. Types and forms of sleeping dens of pacas (Cuniculus paca in the upper Itaya river basin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rolando Aquino


    Full Text Available This report deals with paca sleeping dens (Cuniculus paca Linnaeus, 1766. The study was conducted between August 2006 and April 2007 and is based on detailed observations. Results indicate that this rodent uses holes in the ground or in fallen trees as sleeping dens. Each of these sleeping dens had two or more orifices and an internal cavity for the "diurnal sleep”. Typically, one orifice was for common use and the rest for the circumstantial escape. According to their form, their localization in the ground, and the number and location of orifices, sleeping dens were classified into four types, of which type A was the most common. The results also indicate a greater concentration of sleeping dens in temporary flooded gallery forest.

  6. Digital kommunikation med den offentlige sektor: Styrelser og statslige institutioner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berger, Jesper Bull; Andersen, Kim Normann

    Denne rapport sammenfatter hovedresultaterne for styrelser og statslige organisationer af en undersøgelse gennemført i sommeren 2013 om besvarelse af e-mail og digital post i den statslige, regionale og kommunale sektor. Allerede med eDag3 1. nov. 2010 skulle alle myndigheder have oprettet en...... digital postkasse, som borgerne kunne skrive til. I denne undersøgelse sættes der fokus på myndighedernes besvarelse af den digitale post. Digital post blev bl.a. etableret som et alternativ til almindelig e-mail for at det offentlige kan kommunikere med borgere og virksomheder på en sikker måde, dvs....... uden at uvedkommende kan få adgang til følsomme oplysninger. Fokus for undersøgelsen er hvordan håndterer myndighederne besvarelserne i den digitale postkasse: svarer de på digital post og e-mail, hvor hurtigt svarer de og er svarene brugbare? Vi har også undersøgt besvarelse af e-mail, dels...

  7. Droht den "kleinen Sprachen" das Aussterben?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anita Lemić


    Full Text Available Die Prozesse der Globalisierung sind die Ursache für viele Änderungen in der Weltgemeinschaft, vor allem die Entfernung von Unterscheidungsmerkmalen (in Bezug darauf, dass „zwischen vielen ethnischen Zeichen, das was dauernd ist, ist die Dichotomisierung/Differenzierung eines „Wir-und-die-Anderen“ (Grbić, 2003, 93-64. Diese Zeichen wirken als Zeichen der Resozialisierung, die die bestehenden Identitäten löschen und sich an der Schaffung neuer Strukturen beteiligen. Die Zeit der Romantik in Europa ermöglichte die Schaffung von Nationalstaaten und ihr Hauptmerkmal war die Nationalsprache. Diese Art der sozialen Differenzierung hatte das Ziel, die Illusion einer vollständig homogenisierten Gesellschaft zu schaffen und damit den Prozess der Zerstörung der „kleinen“ Sprachen zu beginnen. Sprache und Kultur erwiesen sich als Grundlage der Gemeinschaftserhaltung. Die Homogenisierung ermöglicht Aktivitäten mit dem Ziel, einem Individuum zu helfen, sich als Individuum und als Mitglied der Gemeinschaft zu behaupten. Keine dieser beiden Identitäten kann ohne die Wechselwirkung mit der Umgebung erreicht werden. Die sprachliche Interaktion mit anderen Mitgliedern ist das Schlüsselsegment, das Menschen von anderen Lebensformen unterscheidet. Durch den Austausch von Erfahrungen mit anderen kommt der Mensch auf allen Ebenen voran und mit der Erfindung der Schrift öffnete er die Tür zur Entwicklung der Zivilisation. In dieser Arbeit beschäftigen wir uns mit der Frage der „Prestige“-Sprachen, die auf der Grundlage der Macht der Gemeinschaft der Muttersprachler ihren Bereich weit über die Grenzen des eigenen Landes hinaus erweitern und so eine politische und wirtschaftliche Vormachtstellung schaffen, aber auch mit den Auswirkungen jener Sprachen auf die Dekonstruktion oder möglicherweise vollständige Ausrottung der Sprachen, die auf diese Weise an Einfluss verlieren, unmodern werden und sich die Frage der Notwendigkeit ihrer

  8. Building Numbers from Primes (United States)

    Burkhart, Jerry


    Prime numbers are often described as the "building blocks" of natural numbers. This article shows how the author and his students took this idea literally by using prime factorizations to build numbers with blocks. In this activity, students explore many concepts of number theory, including the relationship between greatest common factors and…

  9. Recognizing Plant Defense Priming. (United States)

    Martinez-Medina, Ainhoa; Flors, Victor; Heil, Martin; Mauch-Mani, Brigitte; Pieterse, Corné M J; Pozo, Maria J; Ton, Jurriaan; van Dam, Nicole M; Conrath, Uwe


    Defense priming conditions diverse plant species for the superinduction of defense, often resulting in enhanced pest and disease resistance and abiotic stress tolerance. Here, we propose a guideline that might assist the plant research community in a consistent assessment of defense priming in plants. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. The structure factor of primes (United States)

    Zhang, G.; Martelli, F.; Torquato, S.


    Although the prime numbers are deterministic, they can be viewed, by some measures, as pseudo-random numbers. In this article, we numerically study the pair statistics of the primes using statistical-mechanical methods, particularly the structure factor S(k) in an interval M ≤slant p ≤slant M + L with M large, and L/M smaller than unity. We show that the structure factor of the prime-number configurations in such intervals exhibits well-defined Bragg-like peaks along with a small ‘diffuse’ contribution. This indicates that primes are appreciably more correlated and ordered than previously thought. Our numerical results definitively suggest an explicit formula for the locations and heights of the peaks. This formula predicts infinitely many peaks in any non-zero interval, similar to the behavior of quasicrystals. However, primes differ from quasicrystals in that the ratio between the location of any two predicted peaks is rational. We also show numerically that the diffuse part decays slowly as M and L increases. This suggests that the diffuse part vanishes in an appropriate infinite-system-size limit.

  11. Hibernacula and summer den sites of pine snakes (Pituophis melanoleucus) in the New Jersey pine barrens (United States)

    Burger, J.; Zappalorti, R.T.; Gochfeld, M.; Boarman, W.I.; Caffrey, M.; Doig, V.; Garber, S.D.; Lauro, B.; Mikovsky, M.; Safina, C.; Saliva, Jorge


    We examined eight summer dens (used only in summer) and seven hibernacula (occupied both in winter and summer) of the snake Pituophis melanoleucus in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, comparing above ground characteristics of hibernacula and summer dens with characteristics at nearby random points. Temperatures at the soil surface and at 10 cm depth were significantly warmer, and there was less leaf cover around the random points compared to the entrances of the hibernacula and summer dens. Hibernacula had significantly more vegetation cover within 5 m, more leaf cover over the burrow entrance, and were closer to trees than were summer dens. Most hibernacula and summer dens were beside old fallen logs (73%), the entrance tunnels following decaying roots into the soil. Excavation of the hibernacula and summer dens indicated that most hibernacula appeared to be dug by the snakes and had an average of eight side chambers and 642 cm of tunnels, compared to less than one side chamber and 122 cm of tunnels for summer dens. Except for hatchlings, most snakes in hibernacula were located in individual chambers off the main tunnel; all snakes were at depths of 50-111 cm (X̄ = 79 cm). Pine snakes may select optimum hibernation sites which reduce winter mortality.

  12. Einfluss repetitiver postprandialer Hyperglykämien auf den kardialen Ischämie- und Reperfusionsschaden


    Elbing, Inka Lena


    Die vorliegende Arbeit befasste sich daher mit dem Effekt von Acarbose auf die durch Ischämie und Reperfusion verursachten myokardialen Schäden nach Saccharosebelastung bei gesunden Mäusen in vivo. Aus den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit lässt sich ableiten, dass eine wiederholte postprandiale Hyperglykämie bei nicht - diabetischen Tieren ausreicht, um die durch Ischämie und Reperfusion verursachten Myokardschäden signifikant zu erhöhen. Dies kann durch eine Behandlung mit dem a - Glucosidase - Hem...

  13. PrimeFaces beginner's guide

    CERN Document Server

    Reddy, K Siva Prasad


    A guide for beginner's with step-by-step instructions and an easy-to-follow approach.PrimeFaces Beginners Guide is a simple and effective guide for beginners, wanting to learn and implement PrimeFaces in their JSF-based applications. Some basic JSF and jQuery skills are required before you start working through the book.

  14. The Dens: Normal Development, Developmental Variants and Anomalies, and Traumatic Injuries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    William T O′Brien


    Full Text Available Accurate interpretation of cervical spine imagining can be challenging, especially in children and the elderly. The biomechanics of the developing pediatric spine and age-related degenerative changes predispose these patient populations to injuries centered at the craniocervical junction. In addition, congenital anomalies are common in this region, especially those associated with the axis/dens, due to its complexity in terms of development compared to other vertebral levels. The most common congenital variations of the dens include the os odontoideum and a persistent ossiculum terminale. At times, it is necessary to distinguish normal development, developmental variants, and developmental anomalies from traumatic injuries in the setting of acute traumatic injury. Key imaging features are useful to differentiate between traumatic fractures and normal or variant anatomy acutely; however, the radiologist must first have a basic understanding of the spectrum of normal developmental anatomy and its anatomic variations in order to make an accurate assessment. This review article attempts to provide the basic framework required for accurate interpretation of cervical spine imaging with a focus on the dens, specifically covering the normal development and ossification of the dens, common congenital variants and their various imaging appearances, fracture classifications, imaging appearances, and treatment options.

  15. Semantic priming without association: a meta-analytic review. (United States)

    Lucas, M


    A meta-analysis of 26 studies indicated that automatic semantic priming can occur without association. Priming did not vary substantially with differences in variables that affect automatic versus strategic processing, such as time spent processing the prime and target, relationship proportion, and task (except that average effects were smaller in the naming task). Although category coordinates were investigated in the majority of studies, synonyms, antonyms, and script relations also demonstrated priming; functional relations showed greater priming, and essential and perceptual relations showed less. The average effect size for semantic priming was smaller than that for associative priming, suggesting that there is an "associative boost" from adding an associative relationship to a semantic one. The implications of these findings for the modularity thesis and for models of semantic priming are discussed.

  16. Digital kommunikation med den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berger, Jesper Bull; Andersen, Kim Normann

    , som enten via spørgeskema, e-mail eller telefon har givet os et enestående indblik i deres håndtering af den digitale kommunikation. Publikationen er et såkaldt workingpaper, hvor vi mere end gerne modtager forslag og kommentarer til forbedringer. Der er i publikationen en række aktive links til...

  17. Remote identification of maternal polar bear (Ursus maritimus) denning habitat on the Colville River Delta, Alaska (United States)

    Blank, Justin J.

    High resolution digital aerial photographs (1 foot pixel size) of the Colville River Delta, Alaska were examined in 3D, with the use of a digital photogrammetric workstation. Topographic features meeting the criteria required for adequate snow accumulation, and subsequent construction of terrestrial polar bear maternal dens, were identified and digitized into an ArcGIS line shapefile. Effectiveness, efficiency, and accuracy were improved when compared to previous polar bear denning habitat efforts which utilized contact photo prints and a pocket stereoscope in other geographic areas of northern Alaska. Accuracy of photograph interpretation was systematically evaluated visually from the air with the use of a helicopter and physically on the ground. Results show that the mapping efforts were successful in identifying den habitat 91.3% of the time. Knowledge denning habitat can improve and inform decision making by managers and regulators when considering travel and development in the study area. An understanding of polar bear denning habitat extent and location will be a crucial tool for planning activities within the study area in a way that minimizes conflicts with maternal dens.

  18. Priming methods in semantics and pragmatics. (United States)

    Maldonado, Mora; Spector, Benjamin; Chemla, Emmanuel


    Structural priming is a powerful method to inform linguistic theories. We argue that this method extends nicely beyond syntax to theories of meaning. Priming, however, should still be seen as only one of the tools available for linguistic data collection. Specifically, because priming can occur at different, potentially conflicting levels, it cannot detect every aspect of linguistic representations.

  19. Co-occurrence of gemination and dens invaginatus: a case report

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    Sonika Achalli


    Full Text Available Gemination is a developmental anomaly where a single tooth bud attempts to split into two. It is also sometimes called as double tooth or twinning. Dens invaginatus is another developmental anomaly caused due to invagination of a portion of crown. These anomalies occur as separate entities. Co-occurrence of these two anomalies have been only reported four times in the literature. Here we present an extremely rare case of simultaneous occurrence of gemination and dens invaginatus in the same tooth. [Cukurova Med J 2016; 41(1.000: 175-177

  20. Heading for the hills: risk avoidance drives den site selection in African wild dogs. (United States)

    Jackson, Craig R; Power, R John; Groom, Rosemary J; Masenga, Emmanuel H; Mjingo, Ernest E; Fyumagwa, Robert D; Røskaft, Eivin; Davies-Mostert, Harriet


    Compared to their main competitors, African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) have inferior competitive abilities and interspecific competition is a serious fitness-limiting factor. Lions (Panthera leo) are the dominant large carnivore in African savannah ecosystems and wild dogs avoid them both spatially and temporally. Wild dog young are particularly vulnerable and suffer high rates of mortality from lions. Since lions do not utilize all parts of the landscape with an equal intensity, spatial variation in lion densities can be exploited by wild dogs both during their general ranging behaviour, but more specifically when they are confined to a den with vulnerable young. Since patches of rugged terrain are associated with lower lion densities, we hypothesized that these comparatively safe habitats should be selected by wild dogs for denning. We investigated the relationship between the distribution of 100 wild dog den sites and the occurrence of rugged terrain in four wild dog populations located in Tanzania, Zimbabwe and South Africa. A terrain ruggedness index was derived from a 90 m digital elevation model and used to map terrain ruggedness at each site. We compared characteristics of actual and potential (random) den sites to determine how wild dogs select den sites. The distributions of wild dog dens were strongly associated with rugged terrain and wild dogs actively selected terrain that was more rugged than that available on average. The likelihood of encountering lions is reduced in these habitats, minimizing the risk to both adults and pups. Our findings have important implications for the conservation management of the species, especially when assessing habitat suitability for potential reintroductions. The simple technique used to assess terrain ruggedness may be useful to investigate habitat suitability, and even predict highly suitable denning areas, across large landscapes.

  1. Heading for the hills: risk avoidance drives den site selection in African wild dogs.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Craig R Jackson

    Full Text Available Compared to their main competitors, African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus have inferior competitive abilities and interspecific competition is a serious fitness-limiting factor. Lions (Panthera leo are the dominant large carnivore in African savannah ecosystems and wild dogs avoid them both spatially and temporally. Wild dog young are particularly vulnerable and suffer high rates of mortality from lions. Since lions do not utilize all parts of the landscape with an equal intensity, spatial variation in lion densities can be exploited by wild dogs both during their general ranging behaviour, but more specifically when they are confined to a den with vulnerable young. Since patches of rugged terrain are associated with lower lion densities, we hypothesized that these comparatively safe habitats should be selected by wild dogs for denning. We investigated the relationship between the distribution of 100 wild dog den sites and the occurrence of rugged terrain in four wild dog populations located in Tanzania, Zimbabwe and South Africa. A terrain ruggedness index was derived from a 90 m digital elevation model and used to map terrain ruggedness at each site. We compared characteristics of actual and potential (random den sites to determine how wild dogs select den sites. The distributions of wild dog dens were strongly associated with rugged terrain and wild dogs actively selected terrain that was more rugged than that available on average. The likelihood of encountering lions is reduced in these habitats, minimizing the risk to both adults and pups. Our findings have important implications for the conservation management of the species, especially when assessing habitat suitability for potential reintroductions. The simple technique used to assess terrain ruggedness may be useful to investigate habitat suitability, and even predict highly suitable denning areas, across large landscapes.

  2. Mapping polar bear maternal denning habitat in the National Petroleum Reserve -- Alaska with an IfSAR digital terrain model (United States)

    Durner, George M.; Simac, Kristin S.; Amstrup, Steven C.


    The National Petroleum Reserve–Alaska (NPR-A) in northeastern Alaska provides winter maternal denning habitat for polar bears (Ursus maritimus) and also has high potential for recoverable hydrocarbons. Denning polar bears exposed to human activities may abandon their dens before their young are able to survive the severity of Arctic winter weather. To ensure that wintertime petroleum activities do not threaten polar bears, managers need to know the distribution of landscape features in which maternal dens are likely to occur. Here, we present a map of potential denning habitat within the NPR-A. We used a fine-grain digital elevation model derived from Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IfSAR) to generate a map of putative denning habitat. We then tested the map’s ability to identify polar bear denning habitat on the landscape. Our final map correctly identified 82% of denning habitat estimated to be within the NPR-A. Mapped denning habitat comprised 19.7 km2 (0.1% of the study area) and was widely dispersed. Though mapping denning habitat with IfSAR data was as effective as mapping with the photogrammetric methods used for other regions of the Alaskan Arctic coastal plain, the use of GIS to analyze IfSAR data allowed greater objectivity and flexibility with less manual labor. Analytical advantages and performance equivalent to that of manual cartographic methods suggest that the use of IfSAR data to identify polar bear maternal denning habitat is a better management tool in the NPR-A and wherever such data may be available.

  3. Structural priming, action planning, and grammar. (United States)

    MacDonald, Maryellen C; Weiss, Daniel J


    Structural priming is poorly understood and cannot inform accounts of grammar for two reasons. First, those who view performance as grammar + processing will always be able to attribute psycholinguistic data to processing rather than grammar. Second, structural priming may be simply an example of hysteresis effects in general action planning. If so, then priming offers no special insight into grammar.

  4. The priming of basic combinatory responses in MEG. (United States)

    Blanco-Elorrieta, Esti; Ferreira, Victor S; Del Prato, Paul; Pylkkänen, Liina


    Priming has been a powerful tool for the study of human memory and especially the memory representations relevant for language. However, although it is well established that lexical access can be primed, we do not know exactly what types of computations can be primed above the word level. This work took a neurobiological approach and assessed the ways in which the complex representation of a minimal combinatory phrase, such as red boat, can be primed, as evidenced by the spatiotemporal profiles of magnetoencephalography (MEG) signals. Specifically, we built upon recent progress on the neural signatures of phrasal composition and tested whether the brain activities implicated for the basic combination of two words could be primed. In two experiments, MEG was recorded during a picture naming task where the prime trials were designed to replicate previously reported combinatory effects and the target trials to test whether those combinatory effects could be primed. The manipulation of the primes was successful in eliciting larger activity for adjective-noun combinations than single nouns in left anterior temporal and ventromedial prefrontal cortices, replicating prior MEG studies on parallel contrasts. Priming of similarly timed activity was observed during target trials in anterior temporal cortex, but only when the prime and target shared an adjective. No priming in temporal cortex was observed for single word repetition and two control tasks showed that the priming effect was not elicited if the prime pictures were simply viewed but not named. In sum, this work provides evidence that very basic combinatory operations can be primed, with the necessity for some lexical overlap between prime and target suggesting combinatory conceptual, as opposed to syntactic processing. Both our combinatory and priming effects were early, onsetting between 100 and 150ms after picture onset and thus are likely to reflect the very earliest planning stages of a combinatory message

  5. Social priming increases nonverbal expressive behaviors in schizophrenia.

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    Jonathan Del-Monte

    Full Text Available Semantic priming tasks are classically used to influence and implicitly promote target behaviors. Recently, several studies have demonstrated that prosocial semantic priming modulated feelings of social affiliation. The main aim of this study was to determine whether inducing feelings of social affiliation using priming tasks could modulate nonverbal social behaviors in schizophrenia. We used the Scrambled Sentence Task to prime schizophrenia patients according to three priming group conditions: pro-social, non-social or anti-social. Forty-five schizophrenia patients, diagnosed according to DSM-IV-TR, were randomly assigned to one of the three priming groups of 15 participants. We evaluated nonverbal social behaviors using the Motor-Affective subscale of the Motor-Affective-Social-Scale. Results showed that schizophrenia patients with pro-social priming had significantly more nonverbal behaviors than schizophrenia patients with anti-social and non-social priming conditions. Schizophrenia patient behaviors are affected by social priming. Our results have several clinical implications for the rehabilitation of social skills impairments frequently encountered among individuals with schizophrenia.

  6. Conservative Management of Type III Dens in Dente Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography

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    K Pradeep


    Full Text Available Dens in dente, also known as dens invaginatus, dilated composite odontoma, or deep foramen caecum, is a developmental malformation that usually affects maxillary incisor teeth, particularly lateral incisors. It may occur in teeth anywhere within the jaws, other locations are comparatively rare. It can occur within both the crown and the root, although crown invaginations are more common. The use of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT is very helpful in endodontic diagnosis of complex anatomic variations. In this case we demonstrate the use of CBCT in the evaluation and endodontic management of a Type III dens in dente (Oehler′s Type III.

  7. Optical coding theory with Prime

    CERN Document Server

    Kwong, Wing C


    Although several books cover the coding theory of wireless communications and the hardware technologies and coding techniques of optical CDMA, no book has been specifically dedicated to optical coding theory-until now. Written by renowned authorities in the field, Optical Coding Theory with Prime gathers together in one volume the fundamentals and developments of optical coding theory, with a focus on families of prime codes, supplemented with several families of non-prime codes. The book also explores potential applications to coding-based optical systems and networks. Learn How to Construct

  8. Videnskabsteorien og den reflekterende dømmekraft

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Klaus Frovin


    I denne artikel diskuterer jeg Immanuel Kants videnskabssyn, som det tager sig ud i Kritik af dømmekraften. Udgangspunktet er erkendelsesteorien og i særdeleshed den såkaldte skemateori. For Kant findes der rene videnskaber og empiriske videnskaber. De rene videnskabers begreber er karakteriseret...... instrumentalisme, der hersker. Der er visse subjektive principper og maximer, som er mere ’naturlige’ og ’rigtige’ end andre. Kants typiske eksempler herpå er ideen om fuldstændig enhed af den videnskabelige erkendelse og ideen om teleologi i naturen – at intet i naturen er tilfældigt, og at alt har et formål....... Artiklen afsluttes ved at perspektivere og sammenstille Kants videnskabsfilosofi med Thomas Kuhns nutidige videnskabsteori. Jeg argumenterer for, at Kants og Kuhns teorier har fundamentale elementer og strukturer til fælles, og at de vigtigste fornuftsmæssige ideer og principper hos Kant går igen i Kuhns...

  9. Priming of antiherbivore defensive responses in plants

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Jinwon Kim; Gary W.Felton


    Defense priming is defined as increased readiness of defense induction.A growing body of literature indicates that plants (or intact parts of a plant) are primed in anticipation of impending environmental stresses,both biotic and abiotic,and upon the following stimulus,induce defenses more quickly and strongly.For instance,some plants previously exposed to herbivore-inducible plant volatiles (HIPVs) from neighboring plants under herbivore attack show faster or stronger defense activation and enhanced insect resistance when challenged with secondary insect feeding.Research on priming of antiherbivore defense has been limited to the HIPV-mediated mechanism until recently,but significant advances were made in the past three years,including non-HIPV-mediated defense priming,epigenetic modifications as the molecular mechanism of priming,and others.It is timely to consider the advances in research on defense priming in the plantinsect interactions.

  10. Random reward priming is task-contingent: The robustness of the 1-trial reward priming effect

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    Árni Gunnar Ásgeirsson


    Full Text Available Consistent financial reward of particular features influences the allocation of visual attention in many ways. More surprising are 1-trial reward priming effects on attention where reward schedules are random and reward on one trial influences attentional allocation on the next. Those findings are thought to reflect that rewarded features become more salient than unrewarded ones on the subsequent trial. Here we attempt to conceptually replicate this effect, testing its generalizability. In three versions of an analogous paradigm to the additional singleton paradigm involving singleton search for a Gabor patch of odd spatial frequency we found no evidence of reward priming, while we only partially replicate the reward priming in the exact original paradigm tested by Hickey and colleagues. The results cast doubt on the proposal that random reward enhances salience, suggested in the original papers, and highlight the need for a more nuanced account. In many other paradigms reward effects have been found to progress gradually, becoming stronger as they build up, and we argue that for robust reward priming, reward schedules need to be more consistent than in the original 1-trial reward priming paradigm.

  11. Joop van den Bremen, Streektaalmuziek in Nederland

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A.J.C. van der Hoeven (Arno)


    textabstractIn 1996, folk music fan Joop van den Bremen started his website Streektaalmuziek in Nederland (“Regional language music in the Netherlands”).1 On this website he collects information on Dutch musicians singing in dialect.2 As of September 2014, his still expanding database contains 6,164

  12. Die Entwicklung der Keramik von 3000 BP bis zur Gegenwart in den Tonebenen südlich des Tschadsees


    Wiesmüller, Birgitt


    Den Kern der hier vorliegenden Arbeit bildet die Gliederung der Keramikfunde von drei Siedlungshügeln aus den Tonebenen (auch firki genannt) des südwestlichen Tschadbeckens Nordost- Nigerias. Obwohl das Gebiet in den 60er Jahren bereits archäologisch erschlossen wurde, waren die keramikchronologischen Aspekte nur oberflächlich abgehandelt worden. Ziel der Arbeit war somit die Erstellung einer grundlegenden Keramikchronologie anhand der sehr umfangreichen Fundmengen aus den Siedlungshügeln Kur...

  13. den pakotettu käyttö : vaikuttava aivohalvauspotilaan kuntoutusmenetelmä


    Hänninen, Kati; Näsi, Minna


    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli käsitellä käden pakotettua käyttöä aivohalvauspotilaan kuntoutusmenetelmänä ja tuoda esille sen vaikuttavuutta halvaantuneen yläraajan toimintakyvyn edistämisen kannalta. Tavoitteena oli kirjallisuuskatsauksen ja tapausesimerkin avulla luoda kattava kokonaisuus käden pakotetun käytön kuntoutuksesta. Lähdeaineistona käytettiin uusimpia aiheeseen liittyviä tutkimuksia, monipuolista kirjallisuutta sekä tapausesimerkin henkilökohtaisia tiedonantoja. Opinnäytetyössä...

  14. Mechanisms of masked evaluative priming: task sets modulate behavioral and electrophysiological priming for picture and words differentially


    Kiefer, Markus; Liegel, Nathalie; Zovko, Monika; Wentura, Dirk


    Research with the evaluative priming paradigm has shown that affective evaluation processes reliably influence cognition and behavior, even when triggered outside awareness. However, the precise mechanisms underlying such subliminal evaluative priming effects, response activation vs semantic processing, are matter of a debate. In this study, we determined the relative contribution of semantic processing and response activation to masked evaluative priming with pictures and words. To this end,...

  15. Priming analogical reasoning with false memories. (United States)

    Howe, Mark L; Garner, Sarah R; Threadgold, Emma; Ball, Linden J


    Like true memories, false memories are capable of priming answers to insight-based problems. Recent research has attempted to extend this paradigm to more advanced problem-solving tasks, including those involving verbal analogical reasoning. However, these experiments are constrained inasmuch as problem solutions could be generated via spreading activation mechanisms (much like false memories themselves) rather than using complex reasoning processes. In three experiments we examined false memory priming of complex analogical reasoning tasks in the absence of simple semantic associations. In Experiment 1, we demonstrated the robustness of false memory priming in analogical reasoning when backward associative strength among the problem terms was eliminated. In Experiments 2a and 2b, we extended these findings by demonstrating priming on newly created homonym analogies that can only be solved by inhibiting semantic associations within the analogy. Overall, the findings of the present experiments provide evidence that the efficacy of false memory priming extends to complex analogical reasoning problems.

  16. Priming intelligent behavior: an elusive phenomenon.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David R Shanks

    Full Text Available Can behavior be unconsciously primed via the activation of attitudes, stereotypes, or other concepts? A number of studies have suggested that such priming effects can occur, and a prominent illustration is the claim that individuals' accuracy in answering general knowledge questions can be influenced by activating intelligence-related concepts such as professor or soccer hooligan. In 9 experiments with 475 participants we employed the procedures used in these studies, as well as a number of variants of those procedures, in an attempt to obtain this intelligence priming effect. None of the experiments obtained the effect, although financial incentives did boost performance. A Bayesian analysis reveals considerable evidential support for the null hypothesis. The results conform to the pattern typically obtained in word priming experiments in which priming is very narrow in its generalization and unconscious (subliminal influences, if they occur at all, are extremely short-lived. We encourage others to explore the circumstances in which this phenomenon might be obtained.

  17. Priming Intelligent Behavior: An Elusive Phenomenon (United States)

    Shanks, David R.; Newell, Ben R.; Lee, Eun Hee; Balakrishnan, Divya; Ekelund, Lisa; Cenac, Zarus; Kavvadia, Fragkiski; Moore, Christopher


    Can behavior be unconsciously primed via the activation of attitudes, stereotypes, or other concepts? A number of studies have suggested that such priming effects can occur, and a prominent illustration is the claim that individuals' accuracy in answering general knowledge questions can be influenced by activating intelligence-related concepts such as professor or soccer hooligan. In 9 experiments with 475 participants we employed the procedures used in these studies, as well as a number of variants of those procedures, in an attempt to obtain this intelligence priming effect. None of the experiments obtained the effect, although financial incentives did boost performance. A Bayesian analysis reveals considerable evidential support for the null hypothesis. The results conform to the pattern typically obtained in word priming experiments in which priming is very narrow in its generalization and unconscious (subliminal) influences, if they occur at all, are extremely short-lived. We encourage others to explore the circumstances in which this phenomenon might be obtained. PMID:23637732

  18. Pladebranchen - om den ændrede mediesituation i Danmark

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    Poul Martin Bonde


    Full Text Available Lanceringen af nye plader i radio og TV er afgørende elementer i mar- kedsføringen. Den danske pladebranche var sen til at udnytte de nye muligheder som åbnede sig med lokalradioerne i 1983 - men i dag giver en kombination af henved 50 store lokalradioer og tre TV-kanaler (DR, TV2 og TV3 samt i mindre omfang satellitkanalerne, helt nye muligheder for at få nye musiknavne frem i publikums øre- og øjenhøjde. Det har givet uoverskuelighed med indtil videre også en ny alsidighed og vitalitet i pladeproduktionen i Danmark. Både med hensyn til de unges rock og den bredere folkelighed med Jodle Birge osv.. Poul Martin Bonde er free-lance musikkonsulent og -skribent og rapporterer her fra er sted midt mellem publikum og dansk medie- og musikindustri.

  19. MPQS with three large primes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leyland, P.; Lenstra, A.K.; Dodson, B.; Muffett, A.; Wagstaff, S.; Fieker, C.; Kohel, D.R.


    We report the factorization of a 135-digit integer by the triple-large-prime variation of the multiple polynomial quadratic sieve. Previous workers [6][10] had suggested that using more than two large primes would be counterproductive, because of the greatly increased number of false reports from

  20. Shifting evaluation windows : predictable forward primes with long SOAs eliminate the impact of backward primes.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fockenberg, D. A. F.; Koole, S.L.; Lakens, D.; Semin, G.R.


    Recent work suggests that people evaluate target stimuli within short and flexible time periods called evaluation windows. Stimuli that briefly precede a target (forward primes) or briefly succeed a target (backward primes) are often included in the target's evaluation. In this article, the authors

  1. Noise and vibration levels in artificial polar bear dens as related to selected petroleum exploration and developmental activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blix, A.S.; Lentfer, J.W.


    Petroleum exploration and development are occurring in various locations in the Arctic, where there are important denning sites for polar bears. Petroleum activities usually coincide with winter denning activities by bears, who may abandon dens if subject to prolonged annoyance. A study was carried out to measure noise and vibration levels in artificial polar bear dens at Prudhoe's Bar, Alaska, resulting from seismic testing, drilling and transport. A microphone and an accelerometer were frozen to the floor of the dens, with leads passed through a consolidated snow filled entrance to a truck, tent or helicopter. Tests were carried out on land, sea ice, and next to a drilling tower on an artificial island, which was also used to measure noise levels resulting from a helicopter taking off. It was concluded that the dry and wind-beaten arctic snow muffles both sound and vibration extremely well, and it is unlikely that polar bears in their dens will be disturbed by the type of petroleum-related activities measured, provided they do not take place within 100 m of the dens. 8 refs., 7 figs., 1 tab

  2. Wheat seed enhancement by vitamin and hormonal priming

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khan, M.B.; Gurchani, M.A.; Hussain, M.


    Seed priming has proven beneficial in many important agricultural crops. The present study was conducted to explore the role (if any) of hormonal and vitamin seed priming to improve the germination, seedling emergence, early seedling establishment, electrolyte leakage and nutrients uptake in wheat seedlings. The wheat seeds were soaked for 48 hours in aerated solution of salicylic acid, ascorbic acid, kinetin and GA3 with 20 ppm concentration of each solution, whereas untreated seeds were taken as control. Seed priming with ascorbic acid resulted in maximum final germination and emergence percentage (FGP and FEP), radical and plumule length, root and shoot length, number of secondary roots, root shoot ratio, root dry weight, shoot dry weight and seedling dry weight compared to control (untreated seeds). Minimum mean germination and emergence time (MGT and MET) was recorded in seeds primed with kinetin and GA3. While in case of biochemical attributes, seedling potassium contents were decreased by hormonal seed priming while total soluble sugars were increased by salicylic acid and ascorbic acid seed priming. Hormonal seed priming had non-significant effect on phosphorus seedling contents. Untreated (Control) seeds showed maximum electrical conductivity at 0.5, 1, 2, 6, 12 and 24 h after inbibition than primed seeds against the minimum electrical conductivity that was recorded in seeds primed with salicylic acid and ascorbic acid. In conclusion, the wheat seeds primed with 20 ppm solution of ascorbic acid may be used for wheat seed invigoration. (author)

  3. Corporate Social Responsibility i forsyningskæden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liempd, Dennis van


    Styring og kontrol af etiske risici i forsyningskæden som en del af virksomhedens samfundsansvar (corporate social re­sponsibility; CSR) er blevet mere og mere vigtig nu til dags. Der er stor national og international fokus på CSR-området, ikke mindst fordi globaliseringen har gjort, at flere...

  4. Kapitalismens ånd og den kreative etik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stephensen, Jan Løhmann

    Chiapellos tese om kapitalismens permanente behov for ny legitimering analyserer Jan Løhmann Stephensen nutidens koblinger mellem arbejde, kreativitet og økonomi som et svar på de kritikker af kapitalismen og lønarbejdet, som blev fremsat i anden halvdel af det 20. århundrede, typisk med den unge Karl Marx...

  5. Hoffen auf den guten Willen – von der unverbindlichen Institutionalisierung feministischer Forderungen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maike Bußmann


    Full Text Available Nachdem die Protagonistinnen der ersten Frauenbewegung prinzipiell den Zugang in die Institutionen erstritten hatten, wurde seit den 1968ern der Marsch durch die Institutionen angetreten. Diesen untersucht Stefanie Ehmsen für die Vereinigten Staaten und die Bundesrepublik, wobei sie die Unterschiede als Resultat der jeweiligen politischen Traditionen interpretiert. Zwar wartet sie mit gut recherchierten und lesenswerten Fallbeispielen auf, doch das Potential der Analyse wird leider nicht ausgeschöpft.

  6. Open Access og Den Bibliometriske Forskningsindikator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dorch, Bertil


    I sine "Anbefalinger til implementering af Open Access i Danmark" foreslår det nationale Open Access Udvalget blandet andet, at Den Bibliometriske Forskningsindikator (BFI) bør koordineres med en national Open Access-politik. I dette paper, der er baseret på et blogindlæg, fremfører forfatteren...... fire grunde til, hvorfor han synes det er en dårlig idé at koble Open Access til BFI....

  7. Lexical priming in Alzheimer's disease and aphasia. (United States)

    Arroyo-Anlló, Eva Maria; Beauchamps, Mireille; Ingrand, Pierre; Neau, Jean Philippe; Gil, Roger


    Lexical priming was examined in patients with Alzheimer's disease and in aphasic patients. Control participants were divided into young and elderly [cf. Arroyo-Anlló et al.: Eur J Cogn Psychol 2004;16:535-553]. For lexical priming, a word-stem completion task was used. Normal elderly participants had lexical priming scores that were significantly lower than those of young individuals. Analysis of covariance with age and educational level as covariates showed that the control participants, aphasic and Alzheimer patients did not differ significantly on the lexical priming task. Our results suggest that performance in the lexical priming task diminishes with physiological aging, but is not significantly affected by mild or moderate Alzheimer's disease or by fluent or non-fluent aphasia. Copyright © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  8. HyDEn: A Hybrid Steganocryptographic Approach for Data Encryption Using Randomized Error-Correcting DNA Codes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dan Tulpan


    Full Text Available This paper presents a novel hybrid DNA encryption (HyDEn approach that uses randomized assignments of unique error-correcting DNA Hamming code words for single characters in the extended ASCII set. HyDEn relies on custom-built quaternary codes and a private key used in the randomized assignment of code words and the cyclic permutations applied on the encoded message. Along with its ability to detect and correct errors, HyDEn equals or outperforms existing cryptographic methods and represents a promising in silico DNA steganographic approach.

  9. Den historiske roman for børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skyggebjerg, Anna Karlskov

    Bogen indeholder en redegørelse for den historiske roman som børnelitterær genre. Genren diskuteres i et teoretisk, historisk og analytisk perspektiv. Bogen afsluttes med en række principielle didaktiske overvejelser. Bogen er henvendt til alle, der beskæftiger sig professionelt med børnelitteratur...

  10. Hemmelig ransagning og brevstandsning i den digitale virkelighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lentz, Lene Wacher


    Artiklen tager udgangspunkt i sager om databedrageri, hvor betalingskort misbruges til køb på internettet. Politiets adgang til private chatfora på nettet analyseres i forhold til de straffeprocessuelle tvangsindgreb hemmelig ransagning, aflytning og dataaflæsning. Desuden behandler artiklen den ...

  11. Perge'den iki Procurator Yazıtı


    Onur, Fatih


    Perge'den iki Procurator Yazıtı Kısa bir süre önce Aşkım Özdizbay Perge'den iki adet Latince yazıtın kopyasını ve çevirisini, Prof. Dr. Haluk Abbasoğlu için hazırladıkları armağan kitabında yayımlamıştır. Verdiği bilgilere göre, bu yazıtlar 2004 – 2005 yılları Perge kazılarında, bir silmeli kaide üzerine sonradan yerleştirilmiş olarak ele geçmiştir. T. Claudius Plocamus'un onurlandırmalarını içeren metinler üzerine yapılan kısa bir araştırma ve sonuçlarının I.v.Perge (IK 54)�...

  12. Enhancement of ultraviolet-DNA repair in denV gene transfectants and T4 endonuclease V-liposome recipients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kibitel, J.T.; Yee, V.; Yarosh, D.B.


    The phage T4 denV gene, coding for the pyrimidine-dimer specific T4 endonuclease V, was transfected into human repair-proficient fibroblasts, repair-deficient xeroderma pigmentosum fibroblasts, and wild type CHO hamster cells. Transfectants maintained denV DNA and expressed denV mRNA. Purified T4 endonuclease V encapsulated in liposomes was also used to treat repair-proficient and -deficient human cells. The denV transfected clones and liposome-treated cells showed increased unscheduled DNA synthesis and enhanced removal of pyrimidine dimers compared to controls. Both denV gene transfection and endonuclease V liposome treatment enhanced post-UV survival in xeroderma pigmentosum cells but had no effect on survival in repair-proficient human or hamster cells. The results demonstrate that an exogenous DNA repair enzyme can correct the DNA repair defect in xeroderma pigmentosum cells and enhance DNA repair in normal cells. (author)

  13. Dressing the Black Body. Mode, Hairstyle und Schwarzsein in den USA – von den 1970er-Jahren bis zu Barack Obama

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Philipp Dorestal


    Full Text Available Conventional forms of African American activism and organization in the second half of the twentieth century have been the subject of academic research for quite some time, but less attention has been devoted to symbolic and body political forms of intervention. Looking at the Afro hairstyle and hip hop culture, this article explores how African American identity has been reflected through Style Politics. It outlines the history of African American hairstyles from the 1970s until the 2000s and identifies elements of popular culture such as Blaxploitation movies and rap music as constitutive of African American fashion. The question of ›respectability‹ that surfaced in the context of racist discourses about black women will be examined through the example of First Lady Michelle Obama, who rose to fame as a fashion icon. In conclusion, the article discusses the case of Trayvon Martin, an African American teenager who was killed in 2012 while wearing a hoodie, making the garment once again an object of contention and a symbol of protest. * * * Klassische Formen des Aktivismus und der Organisierung von African Americans in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts sind schon seit geraumer Zeit Gegenstand wissenschaftlicher Studien. In der bisherigen Forschung weniger gewürdigt wurden jedoch symbolische und körperpolitische Interventionsformen. Dieser Aufsatz geht anhand der Afro-Frisur und der durch die Hip-Hop-Kultur inspirierten Mode der Frage nach, wie afroamerikanische Identität über Style Politics verhandelt wurde. Skizziert wird die Geschichte afroamerikanischer Hairstyles von den 1970er- bis zu den 2000er-Jahren. Weiterhin werden Elemente der Populärkultur wie das Blaxploitation-Kino oder die seit den 1980er-Jahren verbreitete Rap-Musik als stilbildend für afroamerikanische Modephänomene identifiziert. Die Frage der »Respektabilität«, die im Kontext rassistischer Diskurse über schwarze Frauen auftauchte, wird anhand von Michelle

  14. The prime numbers and their distribution

    CERN Document Server

    Tenenbaum, Gerald


    One notable new direction this century in the study of primes has been the influx of ideas from probability. The goal of this book is to provide insights into the prime numbers and to describe how a sequence so tautly determined can incorporate such a striking amount of randomness. The book opens with some classic topics of number theory. It ends with a discussion of some of the outstanding conjectures in number theory. In between are an excellent chapter on the stochastic properties of primes and a walk through an elementary proof of the Prime Number Theorem. This book is suitable for anyone who has had a little number theory and some advanced calculus involving estimates. Its engaging style and invigorating point of view will make refreshing reading for advanced undergraduates through research mathematicians.

  15. Semantic transparency affects morphological priming . . . eventually. (United States)

    Heyer, Vera; Kornishova, Dana


    Semantic transparency has been in the focus of psycholinguistic research for decades, with the controversy about the time course of the application of morpho-semantic information during the processing of morphologically complex words not yet resolved. This study reports two masked priming studies with English - ness and Russian - ost' nominalisations, investigating how semantic transparency modulates native speakers' morphological priming effects at short and long stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs). In both languages, we found increased morphological priming for nominalisations at the transparent end of the scale (e.g. paleness - pale) in comparison to items at the opaque end of the scale (e.g. business - busy) but only at longer prime durations. The present findings are in line with models that posit an initial phase of morpho-orthographic (semantically blind) decomposition.

  16. Continued Funding for Prime Development (United States)


    PHP language with the help of CMF Drupal-6. The standard modules of the Drupal core set are developed by third parties and obtained from the...repository Part of the modules was modified specifically for the PrIMe portal. The PrIMe portal uses MySQL for the database technology. It is

  17. Farvel til den privatpraktiserende lærer?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heilesen, Simon; Nielsen, Jørgen Lerche


    Artiklens forfattere fremlægger nogle bud på, hvorledes undervisere vil kunne engagere sig i gensidigt understøttende samarbejde, når de benytter samarbejds- og e-læringssystemer. Det forudsætter, at vi er parate til at revidere den traditionelle position, hvor vi som lærere alene og isoleret stå...

  18. Habitat characteristics at den sites of the Point Arena mountain beaver (Aplodontia rufa nigra) (United States)

    William J. Zielinski; John E. Hunter; Robin Hamlin; Keith M. Slauson; M. J. Mazurek


    The Point Arena mountain beaver (Aplodontia rufa nigra) is a federally listed endangered species, but has been the subject of few studies. Mountain beavers use burrows that include a single subterranean den. Foremost among the information needs for this subspecies is a description of the above-ground habitat features associated with dens. Using...

  19. Teopæd-opgaven og den fagdidaktiske udfordring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hobel, Peter


    Artiklen diskuterer nødvendigheden af at styrke det fagdidaktiske perspektiv i 'teopæd-opgaven' - den opgave, som gymnasielærere i uddannelsesstilling skriver ved slutningen af året i uddannelsesstillingen. Artiklen diskuterer, hvad fag er, hvad forholdet er mellem almendidaktik og fagdidaktik, o...

  20. Successful Ultra-Conservative Management of a Mandibular Premolar with Dens Invaginatus. (United States)

    Abazarpour, Ramin; Parirokh, Masoud; Farhadi, Aida; Jalali, Zahra; Kheirabadi, Nasir


    Dens invaginatus is one of the most common anomalies of tooth structure. It is caused by the invagination of the crown surface during odontogenesis that enters the pulp chamber of the affected tooth. Depending on the complexity of invagination, the tooth might present with pulp necrosis, open apex and a complicated root canal system. This case report presents an Oehlers' type 2 dens-invaginatus in a mandibular premolar with chronic apical abscess. In most cases, dens invaginatus is removed during treatment. However, in this case report, based on cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) evaluation, non-surgical treatment and maintenance of the invaginated segment was chosen in order to prevent compromising the tooth structure and its susceptibility to future root fracture. This is a new treatment approach and has not been performed in previous reports. Calcium-enriched mixture (CEM) cement was used as an apical plug followed by gutta-percha in warm vertical compaction for root canal obturation. The case was followed up for 36 months after treatment. This report highlights the importance of selecting the appropriate treatment approach based on CBCT evaluation.

  1. Rapid modulation of spoken word recognition by visual primes. (United States)

    Okano, Kana; Grainger, Jonathan; Holcomb, Phillip J


    In a masked cross-modal priming experiment with ERP recordings, spoken Japanese words were primed with words written in one of the two syllabary scripts of Japanese. An early priming effect, peaking at around 200ms after onset of the spoken word target, was seen in left lateral electrode sites for Katakana primes, and later effects were seen for both Hiragana and Katakana primes on the N400 ERP component. The early effect is thought to reflect the efficiency with which words in Katakana script make contact with sublexical phonological representations involved in spoken language comprehension, due to the particular way this script is used by Japanese readers. This demonstrates fast-acting influences of visual primes on the processing of auditory target words, and suggests that briefly presented visual primes can influence sublexical processing of auditory target words. The later N400 priming effects, on the other hand, most likely reflect cross-modal influences on activity at the level of whole-word phonology and semantics.

  2. Prime implicants in dynamic reliability analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tyrväinen, Tero


    This paper develops an improved definition of a prime implicant for the needs of dynamic reliability analysis. Reliability analyses often aim to identify minimal cut sets or prime implicants, which are minimal conditions that cause an undesired top event, such as a system's failure. Dynamic reliability analysis methods take the time-dependent behaviour of a system into account. This means that the state of a component can change in the analysed time frame and prime implicants can include the failure of a component at different time points. There can also be dynamic constraints on a component's behaviour. For example, a component can be non-repairable in the given time frame. If a non-repairable component needs to be failed at a certain time point to cause the top event, we consider that the condition that it is failed at the latest possible time point is minimal, and the condition in which it fails earlier non-minimal. The traditional definition of a prime implicant does not account for this type of time-related minimality. In this paper, a new definition is introduced and illustrated using a dynamic flowgraph methodology model. - Highlights: • A new definition of a prime implicant is developed for dynamic reliability analysis. • The new definition takes time-related minimality into account. • The new definition is needed in dynamic flowgraph methodology. • Results can be represented by a smaller number of prime implicants.

  3. Schulze and Brand type a-IV dens invaginatus with radicular cyst: A rare case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rachita Chengappa


    Full Text Available Though a clinical examination may reveal a deep fissure or pit on the surface of an anterior tooth, radiographic examination is a more accurate approach to diagnose an invagination. Dens invaginatus is one of the common dental deformities, but the defect involving the root and its association with radicular cyst is still very uncommon. The objective of this case presentation is to report a case of radicular dens in dente, which is a rare dental anomaly. This case report shows that dens invaginatus with an open apex and a radicular cyst can be treated successfully using currently available materials.

  4. 48 CFR 45.501 - Prime contractor alternate locations. (United States)


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Prime contractor alternate... CONTRACT MANAGEMENT GOVERNMENT PROPERTY Support Government Property Administration 45.501 Prime contractor... administration from another contract administration office, for purposes of evaluating prime contractor...

  5. Catalogue of polar bear (Ursus maritimus) maternal den locations in the Beaufort Sea and neighboring regions, Alaska, 1910-2010 (United States)

    Durner, George M.; Fischbach, Anthony S.; Amstrup, Steven C.; Douglas, David C.


    This report presents data on the approximate locations and methods of discovery of 392 polar bear (Ursus maritimus) maternal dens found in the Beaufort Sea and neighboring regions between 1910 and 2010 that are archived by the U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center, Anchorage, Alaska. A description of data collection methods, biases associated with collection method, primary time periods, and spatial resolution are provided. Polar bears in the Beaufort Sea and nearby regions den on both the sea ice and on land. Standardized VHF surveys and satellite radio telemetry data provide a general understanding of where polar bears have denned in this region over the past 3 decades. Den observations made during other research activities and anecdotal reports from other government agencies, coastal residents, and industry personnel also are reported. Data on past polar bear maternal den locations are provided to inform the public and to provide information for natural resource agencies in planning activities to avoid or minimize interference with polar bear maternity dens.

  6. Event generators for {{\\eta }}/{{{\\eta }}}^{^{\\prime} } decays at BESIII (United States)

    Qin, Nian; Zhang, Zhen-Yu; Fang, Shuang-Shi; Zhou, Xiang; Du, Lin-Lin; Qiao, Hao-Xue


    The light unflavoured meson {{η }}/{{{η }}}^{\\prime } decays are valuable for testing non-perturbative quantum chromodynamics and exploring new physics beyond the Standard Model. This paper describes a series of event generators, including {{η }}/{{{η }}}^{\\prime }\\to {{γ }}{{{l}}}+{{{l}}}-, {{η }}/{{{η }}}^{\\prime }\\to {{γ }}{{{π }}}+{{{π }}}-, {{{η }}}^{\\prime }\\to {{ω }}{{{e}}}+{{{e}}}-, {{η }}\\to {{{π }}}+{{{π }}}-{{{π }}}0, {{η }}/{{{η }}}^{\\prime }\\to {{{π }}}0{{{π }}}0{{{π }}}0, {{{η }}}^{\\prime }\\to {{η }}{{π }}{{π }} and {{{η }}}^{\\prime }\\to {{{π }}}+{{{π }}}-{{{π }}}+{{{π }}}-/{{{π }}}+{{{π }}}-{{{π }}}0{{{π }}}0, which have been developed for investigating {{η }}/{{{η }}}^{\\prime } decay dynamics. For most of these generators, their usability has been validated in BESIII analyses for determining the detection efficiency, and background studies. The consistency between data and Monte Carlo shows that these generators work well in the BESIII simulation, and will also be useful for ongoing BESIII analyses and other experiments for studying {{η }}/{{{η }}}^{\\prime } physics. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (11205117, 11575133, 11675184), the China Scholarship Council (201506275156), the Wuhan University PhD Short-time Mobility Program 2016, the Joint Funds of the NSFC and Henan Province (U1504112)

  7. Den enkeltes livsmuligheder i fællesskaber

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schwartz, Ida


    for selvbestemmelse og individuelle valg, har i nogen grad skygget for en opmærksomhed på, at mennesker alment betragtet er afhængige af at være en del af sociale fællesskaber (Engen, 2009). Artiklen bygger på den grundantagelse, at vi alle realiserer det gode liv for os selv gennem vores deltagelse i sociale...

  8. The frequency attenuation effect in identity and associative priming. (United States)

    Nievas, Francisco


    Three lexical decision experiments were carried out, where the masked priming paradigm is used to study the role of the frequency attenuation effect (more priming in low-frequency target words than in high-frequency target words) in repetition and associative priming, manipulating Prime Duration (PD) and Stimulus Onset Asynchrony (SOA). A new concept was introduced, Minimum Time Threshold (MTT), this is, the minimum time interval of exposure to the masked word in order to become aware of it. Results support the notion that MTT is a key to the appearance of the frequency attenuation effect when enough word processing time is allowed. Results do not support the unified explanation of masked priming and long-term priming as proposed by Bodner and Masson (2001). Moreover, information feedback from the semantic level was not the reason for the frequency attenuation effect in repetition priming.

  9. Remote identification of potential polar bear maternal denning habitat in northern Alaska using airborne LiDAR (United States)

    Jones, B. M.; Durner, G. M.; Stoker, J.; Shideler, R.; Perham, C.; Liston, G. E.


    Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) populations throughout the Arctic are being threatened by reductions in critical sea ice habitat. Throughout much of their range, polar bears give birth to their young in winter dens that are excavated in snowdrifts. New-born cubs, which are unable to survive exposure to Arctic winter weather, require 2-3 months of the relatively warm, stable, and undisturbed environment of the den for their growth. In the southern Beaufort Sea (BS), polar bears may den on the Alaskan Arctic Coastal Plain (ACP).The proportion of dens occurring on land has increased because of reductions in stable multi-year ice, increases in unconsolidated ice, and lengthening of the fall open-water period. Large portions of the ACP are currently being used for oil and gas activities and proposed projects will likely expand this footprint in the near future. Since petroleum exploration and development activities increase during winter there is the potential for human activities to disturb polar bears in maternal dens. Thus, maps showing the potential distribution of terrestrial denning habitat can help to mitigate negative interactions. Prior remote sensing efforts have consisted of manual interpretation of vertical aerial photography and automated classification of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture (IfSAR) derived digital terrain models (DTM) (5-m spatial resolution) focused on the identification of snowdrift forming landscape features. In this study, we assess the feasibility of airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data (2-m spatial resolution) for the automated classification of potential polar bear maternal denning habitat in a 1,400 km2 area on the central portion of the ACP. The study region spans the BS coast from the Prudhoe Bay oilfield in the west to near Point Thompson in the east and extends inland from 10 to 30 km. Approximately 800 km2 of the study area contains 19 known den locations, 51 field survey sites with information on bank height and

  10. The effects of divided attention on auditory priming. (United States)

    Mulligan, Neil W; Duke, Marquinn; Cooper, Angela W


    Traditional theorizing stresses the importance of attentional state during encoding for later memory, based primarily on research with explicit memory. Recent research has begun to investigate the role of attention in implicit memory but has focused almost exclusively on priming in the visual modality. The present experiments examined the effect of divided attention on auditory implicit memory, using auditory perceptual identification, word-stem completion and word-fragment completion. Participants heard study words under full attention conditions or while simultaneously carrying out a distractor task (the divided attention condition). In Experiment 1, a distractor task with low response frequency failed to disrupt later auditory priming (but diminished explicit memory as assessed with auditory recognition). In Experiment 2, a distractor task with greater response frequency disrupted priming on all three of the auditory priming tasks as well as the explicit test. These results imply that although auditory priming is less reliant on attention than explicit memory, it is still greatly affected by at least some divided-attention manipulations. These results are consistent with research using visual priming tasks and have relevance for hypotheses regarding attention and auditory priming.

  11. DenHunt - A Comprehensive Database of the Intricate Network of Dengue-Human Interactions.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Prashanthi Karyala


    Full Text Available Dengue virus (DENV is a human pathogen and its etiology has been widely established. There are many interactions between DENV and human proteins that have been reported in literature. However, no publicly accessible resource for efficiently retrieving the information is yet available. In this study, we mined all publicly available dengue-human interactions that have been reported in the literature into a database called DenHunt. We retrieved 682 direct interactions of human proteins with dengue viral components, 382 indirect interactions and 4120 differentially expressed human genes in dengue infected cell lines and patients. We have illustrated the importance of DenHunt by mapping the dengue-human interactions on to the host interactome and observed that the virus targets multiple host functional complexes of important cellular processes such as metabolism, immune system and signaling pathways suggesting a potential role of these interactions in viral pathogenesis. We also observed that 7 percent of the dengue virus interacting human proteins are also associated with other infectious and non-infectious diseases. Finally, the understanding that comes from such analyses could be used to design better strategies to counteract the diseases caused by dengue virus. The whole dataset has been catalogued in a searchable database, called DenHunt (

  12. DenHunt - A Comprehensive Database of the Intricate Network of Dengue-Human Interactions. (United States)

    Karyala, Prashanthi; Metri, Rahul; Bathula, Christopher; Yelamanchi, Syam K; Sahoo, Lipika; Arjunan, Selvam; Sastri, Narayan P; Chandra, Nagasuma


    Dengue virus (DENV) is a human pathogen and its etiology has been widely established. There are many interactions between DENV and human proteins that have been reported in literature. However, no publicly accessible resource for efficiently retrieving the information is yet available. In this study, we mined all publicly available dengue-human interactions that have been reported in the literature into a database called DenHunt. We retrieved 682 direct interactions of human proteins with dengue viral components, 382 indirect interactions and 4120 differentially expressed human genes in dengue infected cell lines and patients. We have illustrated the importance of DenHunt by mapping the dengue-human interactions on to the host interactome and observed that the virus targets multiple host functional complexes of important cellular processes such as metabolism, immune system and signaling pathways suggesting a potential role of these interactions in viral pathogenesis. We also observed that 7 percent of the dengue virus interacting human proteins are also associated with other infectious and non-infectious diseases. Finally, the understanding that comes from such analyses could be used to design better strategies to counteract the diseases caused by dengue virus. The whole dataset has been catalogued in a searchable database, called DenHunt (

  13. Affective priming using facial expressions modulates liking for abstract art. (United States)

    Flexas, Albert; Rosselló, Jaume; Christensen, Julia F; Nadal, Marcos; Olivera La Rosa, Antonio; Munar, Enric


    We examined the influence of affective priming on the appreciation of abstract artworks using an evaluative priming task. Facial primes (showing happiness, disgust or no emotion) were presented under brief (Stimulus Onset Asynchrony, SOA = 20 ms) and extended (SOA = 300 ms) conditions. Differences in aesthetic liking for abstract paintings depending on the emotion expressed in the preceding primes provided a measure of the priming effect. The results showed that, for the extended SOA, artworks were liked more when preceded by happiness primes and less when preceded by disgust primes. Facial expressions of happiness, though not of disgust, exerted similar effects in the brief SOA condition. Subjective measures and a forced-choice task revealed no evidence of prime awareness in the suboptimal condition. Our results are congruent with findings showing that the affective transfer elicited by priming biases evaluative judgments, extending previous research to the domain of aesthetic appreciation.

  14. Affective priming using facial expressions modulates liking for abstract art.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Albert Flexas

    Full Text Available We examined the influence of affective priming on the appreciation of abstract artworks using an evaluative priming task. Facial primes (showing happiness, disgust or no emotion were presented under brief (Stimulus Onset Asynchrony, SOA = 20 ms and extended (SOA = 300 ms conditions. Differences in aesthetic liking for abstract paintings depending on the emotion expressed in the preceding primes provided a measure of the priming effect. The results showed that, for the extended SOA, artworks were liked more when preceded by happiness primes and less when preceded by disgust primes. Facial expressions of happiness, though not of disgust, exerted similar effects in the brief SOA condition. Subjective measures and a forced-choice task revealed no evidence of prime awareness in the suboptimal condition. Our results are congruent with findings showing that the affective transfer elicited by priming biases evaluative judgments, extending previous research to the domain of aesthetic appreciation.

  15. Object color affects identification and repetition priming. (United States)

    Uttl, Bob; Graf, Peter; Santacruz, Pilar


    We investigated the influence of color on the identification of both non-studied and studied objects. Participants studied black and white and color photos of common objects and memory was assessed with an identification test. Consistent with our meta-analysis of prior research, we found that objects were easier to identify from color than from black and white photos. We also found substantial priming in all conditions, and study-to-test changes in an object's color reduced the magnitude of priming. Color-specific priming effects were large for color-complex objects, but minimal for color-simple objects. The pattern and magnitude of priming effects was not influenced either by the extent to which an object always appears in the same color (i.e., whether a color is symptomatic of an object) or by the object's origin (natural versus fabricated). We discuss the implications of our findings for theoretical accounts of object perception and repetition priming.

  16. Den danske ROSE-undersøgelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Annemarie Møller; Allerup, Peter; Arnvig, Birgitte

    ROSE (Relevance of Science Education) er en international komparativ undersøgelse af 15-åriges holdninger til og interesse for naturfagsundervisning, naturvidenskab og teknologi med deltagelse af ca. 40. lande. Dataindsamlingen til den danske del af ROSE-undersøgelsen blev gennemført i 2003....... Antologien giver et overblik over  og forskellige perspektiver på de danske 15-åriges besvarelser af de ca. 280 spørgsmål i det danske ROSE-skema....

  17. Preserved semantic priming effect in alexia. (United States)

    Mimura, M; Goodglass, H; Milberg, W


    BH, a left-handed patient with alexia and nonfluent aphasia, was presented with a lexical-decision task in which words and pronounceable pseudowords were preceded by semantically related or unrelated picture primes (Experiment 1). In Experiment 2, BH was given an explicit reading task using the word lists from Experiment 1. Performance on Experiment 2 disclosed severe reading deficits in both oral reading and semantic matching of the words to pictures. However, in Experiment 1, BH demonstrated a significant semantic priming effect, responding more accurately and more quickly to words preceded by related primes than by unrelated primes. The present results suggest that even in a patient with severe alexia, implicit access to semantic information can be preserved in the absence of explicit identification. The possibility of categorical gradient in implicit activation (living vs. nonliving) in BH was also discussed, which, however, needs to be clarified in the further investigation.

  18. Australia's First Prime Ministerial Library: Past and Future (United States)

    Carman-Brown, Lesley; Henderson, Kandy-Jane; Wallace, Lesley


    In creating Australia's first prime ministerial library, a new cultural institution was developed which blends professional practice from the fields of librarianship, education, archives, journalism and museums. The John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library honours the contribution of wartime prime minister John Curtin, works towards the advancement…

  19. Køn og kærlighed i Den Hebraiske Bibel og tidlig rabbinsk litteratur

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schleicher, Marianne


    De religiøse grundlæggertekster synes optaget af at sikre kulturens videreførelse gennem entydiggørelse af køn og kærlighed, men den hebræiske bibel og den tidlige rabbinske litteratur skildrer lige så ofte i de mest dramatiske og poetiske passager køn og kærlighed som komplekse, sammensatte, for...

  20. En referenceramme til analyse af en detailkæde og strukturen i dens branche

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skytte, Hans


    identitet, dens opfattelser og fortolkning af mar-kedet og konkurrencesituationen, samt relationer over til dens strukturer, sortiment og salgsadfærd. Analysen vil kunne gennemføres på et bestemt tidspunkt og således give et øjebliksbillede af en detailkæde, eller den kan gennemføres flere på hinanden...... følgende gange, hvorved man kan opnå en analyse af sammenhænge i udviklingen i de faktorer, der indgår i analysen. Ved udviklingen af analyserammen er der tænkt på en europæisk fødevaredetailkæde, men rammen kan lige så godt anvendes på en detailkæde, der distribuerer modetøj eller møbler. Analyserammen...

  1. Optimal matching of energy supply and demand; Optimale Anpassung der Energiebereitstellung an den Bedarf

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baumgarth, S. [Competence Center for Building Networks in Wolfenbuettel (Germany); Boggasch, E.; Heiser, M.; Schernus, G.P. [Fachhochschule Braunschweig/Wolfenbuettel (Germany)


    New strategies are presented for matching heat supply and demand on the basis of a bus technology. Investment costs are at a minimum as the automation stations are activated by introducing new programs. (orig.) [German] Seit einiger Zeit wird ueber verschiedene Regelungsstrategien versucht, die Energiebereitstellung so an den Bedarf (Verbraucher) anzupassen, dass die Waermeverluste beim Transport auf den Zuleitungen sowie in der Energiezentrale minimiert werden. Fuer mehrere Anwendungen aus dem Bereich der Heizungs-, Lueftungs- und Klimatechnik sollen hier neue Strategien vorgestellt werden, die erst mit dem Einsatz der Bus-Technologien in der Gebaeudeautomation moeglich sind. Fuer die Betrachtungen ist es auch von Wichtigkeit, dass zu deren Umsetzung moeglichst keine zusaetzlichen Investitionskosten erforderlich sind, sondern dass die in den Automationsstationen durch Einfuegen neuer Programme zu aktivieren sind. (orig.)

  2. Multifaktormodeller på den svenska marknaden - En studie av OMX Stockholm mellan 1996 och 2014


    Hammarfrid, Peter; Henningsson, Tom


    Bakgrund:CAPM räcker i flera tillfällen inte till för att estimera framtida avkastning. Vissa av prisavvikelsernafrån CAPM är väldokumenterade och har bestått över tid, vilket har lett till uppkomsten avkorrigerande faktorer. En modell som använder sig av två sådana korrigerande faktorer är Fama ochFrenchs tre-faktormodell. Den har testats flertalet gånger på den svenska marknaden där den visat gehögre förklaringsgrader än CAPM. År 2012 samt år 2014 presenterades två nya multifaktormodeller,s...

  3. The Possible HEPATOPROTECTIVE Effect Of Taurine In Diethyl Nitrosamine (DEN) Treated Rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Egypt occupies a progressed rank among the developing countries in prevalence of hepatic diseases and liver disorders. Hepatopathies are major public health problems in Egypt where hepatitis C virus (HCV) and schistosomia record a high prevalence which may account for the most serious clinical disorders e.g. liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is the most specific and potent mitogen of endothelial cells. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is characterized by increased pathologic angio genesis and increased level of the vascular endothelial growth factor. Taurine is clinically used as a protecting agent of the liver and recently, its chemo preventive effect on rat large bowel carcinogenesis was reported.In this study, forty male albino rats were used and diethyl nitrosamine (DEN) was used for inducing pathological changes in different organs while taurine was given to investigate the possible protective effects on liver tissue after DEN treatment.The results showed elevation in serum AST, ALT, ALP, urea, creatinine, cholesterol and triglycerides in DEN group. On the other hand, estimation of sex hormones exhibited marked decrease in testosterone and significant increase in estradiol levels in DEN group as compared to control and taurine groups.Pathological examination of rat liver showed that DEN induced peri portal inflammatory cellular infiltrate, piece meal necrosis and necro inflammatory activity as well as the appearance of areas of haemorrhage and ballooning in hepatocytes. Moreover, moderate to high expression of V EGF in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes and sinusoidal cells were clearly observed while in control and taurine groups, normal architecture of hepatic tissue of rats was found and normal distribution of V EGF as diffuse or focal granular cytoplasmic stain in rats liver were observed. The prophylactic group showed minimal and mild changes in the liver tissue with absence of necro inflammation and the V EGF expression

  4. A computational approach to negative priming (United States)

    Schrobsdorff, H.; Ihrke, M.; Kabisch, B.; Behrendt, J.; Hasselhorn, M.; Herrmann, J. Michael


    Priming is characterized by a sensitivity of reaction times to the sequence of stimuli in psychophysical experiments. The reduction of the reaction time observed in positive priming is well-known and experimentally understood (Scarborough et al., J. Exp. Psycholol: Hum. Percept. Perform., 3, pp. 1-17, 1977). Negative priming—the opposite effect—is experimentally less tangible (Fox, Psychonom. Bull. Rev., 2, pp. 145-173, 1995). The dependence on subtle parameter changes (such as response-stimulus interval) usually varies. The sensitivity of the negative priming effect bears great potential for applications in research in fields such as memory, selective attention, and ageing effects. We develop and analyse a computational realization, CISAM, of a recent psychological model for action decision making, the ISAM (Kabisch, PhD thesis, Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat, 2003), which is sensitive to priming conditions. With the dynamical systems approach of the CISAM, we show that a single adaptive threshold mechanism is sufficient to explain both positive and negative priming effects. This is achieved by comparing results obtained by the computational modelling with experimental data from our laboratory. The implementation provides a rich base from which testable predictions can be derived, e.g. with respect to hitherto untested stimulus combinations (e.g. single-object trials).

  5. Barnehagen, læring og den nasjonale konkurranseevnen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krejsler, John B.


    , og som har røtter i reformpedagogikken, havner dermed under press. Dette gir konkurransestatens forestillinger om danning en fordel, som er mer inspirert av teorien om rasjonelle valg (rational choice theory), og som fokuserer på «den opportunistiske person» som gjennom livslang læring utvikler sin...

  6. Hyekyung Cho: Chinas langer Marsch in den Kapitalismus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Czeskleba-Dupont, Rolf


    Chos afhandling fra Berlin refereres i hovedtræk. Tre modsætninger tages op i den: 1) mellem 'transitionen' ind i kapitalismen og herredømmet af et kommunistisk parti, hvor det bl.a.viser sig at particentralen fremmer liberaliseringen i kampen mod statsvirksomhederne; 2) mellem integrationen i ve...

  7. Den lille krig i fredstid. Danske militære erfaringer i Musa Qala i 2006

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brink Rasmussen, Jakob


    Den 1. Lette Opklaringseskadron fra Bornholms forsvar af distriktscentret Musa Qala i den afghanske Helmand-provins i eftersommeren 2006 gennemanalyseres. Det sker med det formål at klarlægge, hvordan man udnyttede læring under forberedelsen til indsættelsen samt under og efter denne. Herunder da...

  8. The effect of unimodal affective priming on dichotic emotion recognition. (United States)

    Voyer, Daniel; Myles, Daniel


    The present report concerns two experiments extending to unimodal priming the cross-modal priming effects observed with auditory emotions by Harding and Voyer [(2016). Laterality effects in cross-modal affective priming. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, 21, 585-605]. Experiment 1 used binaural targets to establish the presence of the priming effect and Experiment 2 used dichotically presented targets to examine auditory asymmetries. In Experiment 1, 82 university students completed a task in which binaural targets consisting of one of 4 English words inflected in one of 4 emotional tones were preceded by binaural primes consisting of one of 4 Mandarin words pronounced in the same (congruent) or different (incongruent) emotional tones. Trials where the prime emotion was congruent with the target emotion showed faster responses and higher accuracy in identifying the target emotion. In Experiment 2, 60 undergraduate students participated and the target was presented dichotically instead of binaurally. Primes congruent with the left ear produced a large left ear advantage, whereas right congruent primes produced a right ear advantage. These results indicate that unimodal priming produces stronger effects than those observed under cross-modal priming. The findings suggest that priming should likely be considered a strong top-down influence on laterality effects.

  9. Stress priming in picture naming: an SOA study. (United States)

    Schiller, Niels O; Fikkert, Paula; Levelt, Clara C


    This study investigates whether or not the representation of lexical stress information can be primed during speech production. In four experiments, we attempted to prime the stress position of bisyllabic target nouns (picture names) having initial and final stress with auditory prime words having either the same or different stress as the target (e.g., WORtel-MOtor vs. koSTUUM-MOtor; capital letters indicate stressed syllables in prime-target pairs). Furthermore, half of the prime words were semantically related, the other half unrelated. Overall, picture names were not produced faster when the prime word had the same stress as the target than when the prime had different stress, i.e., there was no stress-priming effect in any experiment. This result would not be expected if stress were stored in the lexicon. However, targets with initial stress were responded to faster than final-stress targets. The reason for this effect was neither the quality of the pictures nor frequency of occurrence or voice-key characteristics. We hypothesize here that this stress effect is a genuine encoding effect, i.e., words with stress on the second syllable take longer to be encoded because their stress pattern is irregular with respect to the lexical distribution of bisyllabic stress patterns, even though it can be regular with respect to metrical stress rules in Dutch. The results of the experiments are discussed in the framework of models of phonological encoding.

  10. An adenovirus prime/plasmid boost strategy for induction of equipotent immune responses to two dengue virus serotypes


    Swaminathan Sathyamangalam; Khanna Navin; Rajendra Pilankatta; Khanam Saima


    Abstract Background Dengue is a public health problem of global significance for which there is neither an effective antiviral therapy nor a preventive vaccine. It is a mosquito-borne viral disease, caused by dengue (DEN) viruses, which are members of the Flaviviridae family. There are four closely related serotypes, DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4, each of which is capable of causing disease. As immunity to any one serotype can potentially sensitize an individual to severe disease during expos...

  11. Hvordan håndteres den nødvendige distribution af digital bevaring?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zierau, Eld


    Distribueret digital bevaring er nødvendig, men også tit vanskelig, især når flere organisationer er involveret. En referenceramme kan bistå til forståelse, opbygning og tjek af distribueret digital bevaring, så tilliden til den digitale bevaring opretholdes......Distribueret digital bevaring er nødvendig, men også tit vanskelig, især når flere organisationer er involveret. En referenceramme kan bistå til forståelse, opbygning og tjek af distribueret digital bevaring, så tilliden til den digitale bevaring opretholdes...

  12. Specific and non-specific match effects in negative priming. (United States)

    Labossière, Danielle I; Leboe-McGowan, Jason P


    The negative priming effect occurs when withholding a response to a stimulus impairs generation of subsequent responding to a same or a related stimulus. Our goal was to use the negative priming procedure to obtain insights about the memory representations generated by ignoring vs. attending/responding to a prime stimulus. Across three experiments we observed that ignoring a prime stimulus tends to generate higher identity-independent, non-specific repetition effects, owing to an overlap in the coarse perceptual form of a prime distractor and a probe target. By contrast, attended repetition effects generate predominantly identity-specific sources of facilitation. We use these findings to advocate for using laboratory phenomena to illustrate general principles that can be of practical use to non-specialists. In the case of the negative priming procedure, we propose that the procedure provides a useful means for investigating attention/memory interactions, even if the specific cause (or causes) of negative priming effects remain unresolved. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. The impact of auditory white noise on semantic priming. (United States)

    Angwin, Anthony J; Wilson, Wayne J; Copland, David A; Barry, Robert J; Myatt, Grace; Arnott, Wendy L


    It has been proposed that white noise can improve cognitive performance for some individuals, particularly those with lower attention, and that this effect may be mediated by dopaminergic circuitry. Given existing evidence that semantic priming is modulated by dopamine, this study investigated whether white noise can facilitate semantic priming. Seventy-eight adults completed an auditory semantic priming task with and without white noise, at either a short or long inter-stimulus interval (ISI). Measures of both direct and indirect semantic priming were examined. Analysis of the results revealed significant direct and indirect priming effects at each ISI in noise and silence, however noise significantly reduced the magnitude of indirect priming. Analyses of subgroups with higher versus lower attention revealed a reduction to indirect priming in noise relative to silence for participants with lower executive and orienting attention. These findings suggest that white noise focuses automatic spreading activation, which may be driven by modulation of dopaminergic circuitry. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Tendenser inden for den nyere fagsprogsforskning i Danmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bergenholtz, Henning; Engberg, Jan


    I artiklen præsenteres hovedtendenserne i den fagsproglige forskning, der er foregået specielt med rod i handelshøjskolerne i Danmark i de seneste 25 år. Efter en indledning om fagsprogsbegreber og rammerne for fagsproglig forskning i Danmark præsenteres fagsproglige arbejder inden for områderne ...

  15. Bounded Gaps between Products of Special Primes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ping Ngai Chung


    Full Text Available In their breakthrough paper in 2006, Goldston, Graham, Pintz and Yıldırım proved several results about bounded gaps between products of two distinct primes. Frank Thorne expanded on this result, proving bounded gaps in the set of square-free numbers with r prime factors for any r ≥ 2, all of which are in a given set of primes. His results yield applications to the divisibility of class numbers and the triviality of ranks of elliptic curves. In this paper, we relax the condition on the number of prime factors and prove an analogous result using a modified approach. We then revisit Thorne’s applications and give a better bound in each case.

  16. Loyalitet i praksis:En etnologisk kulturanalyse af fænomenet den loyale forbruger


    Breddam, Mads Dupont


    Loyalitet i praksis – en etnologisk kulturanalyse af fænomenet den loyale forbruger , er en kvalitativ kulturanalyse af, hvordan loyalitet skabes i forbindelse med den danske detailhandels - og andelsorganisation Coop og Coops loyalitetsprogram CoopPlus. Undersøgelserne bygger på et empirisk materiale , som hovedsageligt består af kvalitative interviews med en række medlemmer og medejere af Coop samt med medarbejdere i Coops hovedkvarter i Albertslund . Afhandlingen er en praksiografisk under...

  17. Negative Priming in Free Recall Reconsidered (United States)

    Hanczakowski, Maciej; Beaman, C. Philip; Jones, Dylan M.


    Negative priming in free recall is the finding of impaired memory performance when previously ignored auditory distracters become targets of encoding and retrieval. This negative priming has been attributed to an aftereffect of deploying inhibitory mechanisms that serve to suppress auditory distraction and minimize interference with learning and…

  18. Vom Fachwissen zur Handlungskompetenz - die Berufsschule vor den Herausforderungen des sozioökonomischen Strukturwandels


    Kouli, Ekaterina


    Der sozioökonomische Wandel und die damit einhergehenden Veränderungen der Wirtschafts- und Beschäftigungsstrukturen stellen das Bildungssystem in Deutschland vor neuartige Herausforderungen. Wesentliche Momente dieses Wandels sind die technologische Entwicklung, die Globalisierung der Wirtschaft, der Übergang von der Industrie- zur Wissensgesellschaft sowie Veränderungen in den gesellschaftlichen Wertvorstellungen. Diese Entwicklungen verändern die Arbeitsprozesse in den Unternehmen und dami...

  19. Den enes död, den andres bröd : En fallstudie i Fonus kriskommunikation


    Orest Flavet, Sebastian


    Denna studie undersöker hur begravningsbyrån Fonus valde att bemöta en kritisk artikel, publicerad i Aftonbladet, med ett pressmeddelande som lades upp på den egna hemsidan. Uppsatsen undersöker först vilka retoriska verktyg som har använts i skapandet av detta meddelande, och sett från Benoits teori om Image Repair, vilka strategier som använts och hur användningen av dessa har sett ut. Därefter söker studien att praktiskt undersöka detta budskap genom att låta en utvald grupp respondenter t...

  20. Novel Word Lexicalization and the Prime Lexicality Effect (United States)

    Qiao, Xiaomei; Forster, Kenneth I.


    This study investigates how newly learned words are integrated into the first-language lexicon using masked priming. Two lexical decision experiments are reported, with the aim of establishing whether newly learned words behave like real words in a masked form priming experiment. If they do, they should show a prime lexicality effect (PLE), in…

  1. Identity negative priming: a phenomenon of perception, recognition or selection?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hecke Schrobsdorff

    Full Text Available The present study addresses the problem whether negative priming (NP is due to information processing in perception, recognition or selection. We argue that most NP studies confound priming and perceptual similarity of prime-probe episodes and implement a color-switch paradigm in order to resolve the issue. In a series of three identity negative priming experiments with verbal naming response, we determined when NP and positive priming (PP occur during a trial. The first experiment assessed the impact of target color on priming effects. It consisted of two blocks, each with a different fixed target color. With respect to target color no differential priming effects were found. In Experiment 2 the target color was indicated by a cue for each trial. Here we resolved the confounding of perceptual similarity and priming condition. In trials with coinciding colors for prime and probe, we found priming effects similar to Experiment 1. However, trials with a target color switch showed such effects only in trials with role-reversal (distractor-to-target or target-to-distractor, whereas the positive priming (PP effect in the target-repetition trials disappeared. Finally, Experiment 3 split trial processing into two phases by presenting the trial-wise color cue only after the stimulus objects had been recognized. We found recognition in every priming condition to be faster than in control trials. We were hence led to the conclusion that PP is strongly affected by perception, in contrast to NP which emerges during selection, i.e., the two effects cannot be explained by a single mechanism.

  2. Can False Memories Prime Problem Solutions? (United States)

    Howe, Mark L.; Garner, Sarah R.; Dewhurst, Stephen A.; Ball, Linden J.


    Previous research has suggested that false memories can prime performance on related implicit and explicit memory tasks. The present research examined whether false memories can also be used to prime higher order cognitive processes, namely, insight-based problem solving. Participants were asked to solve a number of compound remote associate task…

  3. Begrundelser for ytringsfriheden og dens grænser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lægaard, Sune


    såkaldte skadesprincip, der ofte antages at udelukke den type begrænsninger af ytringsfriheden, som fx findes i racismeparagraffen. Skadesprincippet udelukker dog ikke sådanne begrænsninger, men en fuld retfærdiggørelse af dem kræver en bredere begrundelse, og anerkendelse af minoriteters ligeværd...

  4. Affective Priming in Major Depressive Disorder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joelle eLeMoult


    Full Text Available Research on cognitive biases in depression has provided considerable evidence for the impact of emotion on cognition. Individuals with depression tend to preferentially process mood-congruent material and to show deficits in the processing of positive material leading to biases in attention, memory, and judgments. More research is needed, however, to fully understand which cognitive processes are affected. The current study further examines the impact of emotion on cognition using a priming design with facial expressions of emotion. Specifically, this study tested whether the presentation of facial expressions of emotion affects subsequent processing of affective material in participants with major depressive disorder (MDD and healthy controls (CTL. Facial expressions displaying happy, sad, angry, disgusted, or neutral expressions were presented as primes for 500ms, and participants’ speed to identify a subsequent target’s emotional expression was assessed. All participants displayed greater interference from emotional versus neutral primes, marked by slower response times to judge the emotion of the target face when it was preceded by an emotional prime. Importantly, the CTL group showed the strongest interference when happy emotional expressions served as primes whereas the MDD group failed to show this bias. These results add to a growing literature that shows that depression is associated with difficulties in the processing of positive material.

  5. Instant PrimeFaces starter

    CERN Document Server

    Hlavats, Ian


    Get to grips with a new technology, understand what it is and what it can do for you, and then get to work with the most important features and tasks. Instant Primefaces Starter is a fast-paced, introductory guide designed to give you all the information you need to start using Primfaces, instantly.Instant PrimeFaces Starter is great for developers looking to get started quickly with PrimeFaces. It's assumed that you have some JSF experience already, as well as familiarity with other Java technologies such as CDI and JPA and an understanding of MVC principles, object-relational mapping (ORM),

  6. Facial expression primes and implicit regulation of negative emotion. (United States)

    Yoon, HeungSik; Kim, Shin Ah; Kim, Sang Hee


    An individual's responses to emotional information are influenced not only by the emotional quality of the information, but also by the context in which the information is presented. We hypothesized that facial expressions of happiness and anger would serve as primes to modulate subjective and neural responses to subsequently presented negative information. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a functional MRI study in which the brains of healthy adults were scanned while they performed an emotion-rating task. During the task, participants viewed a series of negative and neutral photos, one at a time; each photo was presented after a picture showing a face expressing a happy, angry, or neutral emotion. Brain imaging results showed that compared with neutral primes, happy facial primes increased activation during negative emotion in the dorsal anterior cingulated cortex and the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, which are typically implicated in conflict detection and implicit emotion control, respectively. Conversely, relative to neutral primes, angry primes activated the right middle temporal gyrus and the left supramarginal gyrus during the experience of negative emotion. Activity in the amygdala in response to negative emotion was marginally reduced after exposure to happy primes compared with angry primes. Relative to neutral primes, angry facial primes increased the subjectively experienced intensity of negative emotion. The current study results suggest that prior exposure to facial expressions of emotions modulates the subsequent experience of negative emotion by implicitly activating the emotion-regulation system.

  7. Über den Nachrichtenwert von Friedensjournalismus - Ergebnisse einer experimentellen Studie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monika Spohrs


    Full Text Available Laut Nachrichtenwertforschung hängt die Publikations- und Lesenswürdigkeit von Nachrichtentexten von den Nachrichtenfaktoren der zu publizierenden Ereignisse ab. Als anerkannte Nachrichtenfaktoren gelten beispielsweise Negativität, Vereinfachung und Personifizierung. Friedensjournalistische Arbeiten weichen von diesen Kriterien oft ab, indem sie versuchen, die berichteten Ereignisse in ihrer Komplexität darzustellen, den Fokus nicht auf negative Ereignisse zu legen und auch strukturellen Themen Raum zu geben. Aber sind sie deshalb weniger publikationswürdig? Der folgende Artikel zeigt anhand einer experimentellen Studie, welche Akzeptanz Friedensjournalismus beim Leser finden kann, auch wenn dies teilweise den Theorien der Nachrichtenwertforschung widerspricht. Des weiteren wird gezeigt, wie sich konstruktive Berichterstattung auf die mentalen Modelle der Rezipienten auswirkt und in welchem Zusammenhang diese beiden Ergebnisse miteinander stehen. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden einer für die Leserschaft der deutschen Qualitätspresse hinsichtlich Alter und Bildungsgrad repräsentativen Stichprobe von n = 128 Versuchspersonen Zeitungsartikel zu drei verschiedenen Ereignissen im Konfliktfeld des ehemaligen Jugoslawien dargeboten. Zu jedem Ereignis wurden vier verschiedene Textvarianten verwendet: eine gemäßigt eskalationsorientierte Originalfassung aus einer deutschen Qualitätszeitung (Die Welt, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Süddeutsche Zeitung und drei modifizierte Versionen dieser Artikel, (a mit gemäßigt deeskalations-orientiertem Framing, (b mit stark deeskalationsorientiertem Framing und (c mit einer Verschärfung der Eskalationsorientierung der dargestellten Konflikte. Die Aufgabe der Vpn bestand darin, zu jedem der drei Ereignisse eine Textvariante zu lesen und danach in eigenen Worten schriftlich wiederzugeben und anschließend einen Fragebogen zu Akzeptanz, Glaubwürdigkeit, Ausgewogenheit, Neuigkeitsgehalt, Bewertung und

  8. Masked priming for the comparative evaluation of camouflage conspicuity. (United States)

    Brunyé, Tad T; Eddy, Marianna D; Cain, Matthew S; Hepfinger, Lisa B; Rock, Kathryn


    Human observer test and evaluation of camouflage patterns is critical for understanding relative pattern conspicuity against a range of background scenes. However, very few validated methodologies exist for this purpose, and those that do carry several limitations. Five experiments examined whether masked priming with a dot probe could be used to reliably differentiate camouflage patterns. In each experiment, participants were primed with a camouflaged target appearing on the left or right of the screen, and then made a speeded response to a dot probe appearing on the same (congruent) or different (incongruent) side. Across experiments we parametrically varied prime duration between 35, 42, 49, 56, and 63 ms. Results demonstrated that as prime duration increased, a response time disadvantage for incongruent trials emerged with certain camouflage patterns. Interestingly, the most conspicuous patterns showed behavioral differences at a relatively brief (49 ms) prime duration, whereas behavioral differences were only found at longer prime durations for less conspicuous patterns; this overall results pattern matched that predicted by a visual salience model. Together, we demonstrate the viability of masked priming for the test and evaluation of camouflage patterns, and correlated outcomes for saliency models and primed object processing. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  9. Long-term repetition priming with symmetrical polygons and words. (United States)

    Kersteen-Tucker, Z


    In two different tasks, subjects were asked to make lexical decisions (word or nonword) and symmetry judgments (symmetrical or nonsymmetrical) about two-dimensional polygons. In both tasks, every stimulus was repeated at one of four lags (0, 1, 4, or 8 items interposed between the first and second stimulus presentations). This paradigm, known as repetition priming, revealed comparable short-term priming (Lag 0) and long-term priming (Lags 1, 4, and 8) both for symmetrical polygons and for words. A shorter term component (Lags 0 and 1) of priming was observed for nonwords, and only very short-term priming (Lag 0) was observed for nonsymmetrical polygons. These results indicate that response facilitation accruing from repeated exposure can be observed for stimuli that have no preexisting memory representations and suggest that perceptual factors contribute to repetition-priming effects.

  10. Semantic Priming for Coordinate Distant Concepts in Alzheimer's Disease Patients (United States)

    Perri, R.; Zannino, G. D.; Caltagirone, C.; Carlesimo, G. A.


    Semantic priming paradigms have been used to investigate semantic knowledge in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). While priming effects produced by prime-target pairs with associative relatedness reflect processes at both lexical and semantic levels, priming effects produced by words that are semantically related but not associated should…

  11. Cloud computing og den strafferetlige beskyttelse af data

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mathiasen, Peter Dueholm


    Cloud computing er blevet en populær metode for bl.a. at opbevare data. Muligheden for eksempelvis at placere forretningskritiske data på teknisk udstyr, som ejes af den udbyder, der driver cloud computing tjenesten, gør det aktuelt at forholde sig til, om straffeloven i sådanne tilfælde yder et...

  12. Den Pædagogiske Refleksionsmodel som sammenhængskraft

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Voergaard Poulsen, Bettina; Lucht, Camill; Vibholm Persson, Stine

    Den Pædagogiske Refleksions Model (PRM) illustrerer de vidensdimensioner, der indgår i en kvalificeret klinisk beslutning. I projektet 'Sammenhæng på TVÆRS i fremtidens sygeplejeuddannelse (PÅ TVÆRS)" indgår PRM som pædagogisk greb. Der undersøges om PRM skaber sammenhæng for studerendes læring i...

  13. Rum, rammer og biblioteker i den virtuelle verden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heilesen, Simon


    Med udgangspunkt i en kort introduktion til hvordan rum og rammer gestaltes i den virtuelle 3‐D verden Second Life, undersøger denne artikel, på hvilke måder rum og rammesætning anvendes og opleves i en faglig sammenhæng. Som eksempel anvendes det danske biblioteksprojekt i Second Life, Info Island...

  14. Den fjerde vej: Trumps sejr skaber ny samfundsorden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Martin Møller Boje; Andersen, Torben K.; Kragh, Claus


    Bag Donald Trumps uempatiske retorik gemmer sig omridset af et politisk projekt, man kan kalde den fjerde vej. USA’s kommende præsident blander højre- og venstreorienterede mærkesager til et nyt nationalsocialt politisk koncept. Spørgsmålet er, om Trumps fjerde vej er et seriøst bud på en ny...

  15. Om den sociale og symbolske funktion af uddannelsesevalueringer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørholm, Morten

    Afhandlingens teoretiske udgangspunkt er hos Émile Durkheim, Pierre Bourdieu, Ulf P. Lund­gren, Staf Callewaert, det konkrete er en række evalueringer af uddannelser til (semi)professioner inden for sundhedssektoren.                I afhandlingen konstrueres den sociale og symbolske funktion af...

  16. Syntactic Priming. (United States)

    Nicol, Janet L.


    Reviews the syntactic priming task, a paradigm involving the presentation of a phrasal or clausal context, followed by the presentation of a target item for lexical decision or naming. Notes that response times are faster for targets syntactically congruent with the preceding context than for incongruent targets. Outlines how to administer this…

  17. A prime a day keeps calories away: The effects of supraliminal priming on food consumption and the moderating role of gender and eating restraint. (United States)

    Minas, Randall K; Poor, Morgan; Dennis, Alan R; Bartelt, Valerie L


    The link between intentions and action in weight control is weaker than previously thought, so recent research has called for further investigation of ways to improve weight control that bypass conscious intentions. Priming has been shown to have effects on individual behavior in a variety of contexts by influencing subconscious cognition. This paper investigates the effects of semantic priming using healthy body image, goal-oriented words on food consumption. The moderating role of both restrained eating and gender is investigated. 161 participants were involved in an experiment using a novel version of a scrambled sentence priming game. The outcome measure was the number of kilocalories consumed, examined using a between subjects ANCOVA with priming, gender, restrained eating index, self-reported BMI, and two interaction terms (primingxgender, and primingxrestrained eating index). There was no main effect of priming but there was an interaction of priming with gender. Females consumed significantly fewer kilocalories after being exposed to priming words related to a healthy body image (i.e. "slim", "fit,") compared to females receiving the neutral prime, with a medium effect size (d = 0.58). The body image prime did not significantly affect food intake for males, nor did it have a differential effect on restrained eaters. This study shows that priming can be an effective method for influencing females to reduce food intake, regardless of whether they are restrained or unrestrained eaters. Future studies could investigate whether different priming words related to a male's healthy body image goal (i.e. "buff," "muscles," etc.) would similarly reduce food intake for males. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  18. Kommunen er død - længe leve den digitale disruption

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Kim Normann


    "New Public Management is Dead. Long Live the Digital Era." Sådan proklamerede Patrick Donleavy digitaliseringens muligheder i en banebrydende artikel fra 2005. Med en omskrivning af dette citat til "Kommunen er død, længe leve den digitale disruption", er ballet åbnet for denne artikel......."New Public Management is Dead. Long Live the Digital Era." Sådan proklamerede Patrick Donleavy digitaliseringens muligheder i en banebrydende artikel fra 2005. Med en omskrivning af dette citat til "Kommunen er død, længe leve den digitale disruption", er ballet åbnet for denne artikel....

  19. Genfortryllelse i den digitale tidsalder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Theis Vallø

    , hvilket bl.a. kommer til udtryk i en ny vinylplade- og polaroidbillede-interesse. Denne undersøgelse går tilbage til begyndelsen af oplysningstiden, op igennem det 20. århundrede og frem til vores digitale kultur for at beskrive baggrunden og forestillingerne bag denne form for “analog æstetik”.......I den digitale tidsalder bliver uhyre mængder af information, billeder og musik noget nær frit tilgængelige, uendeligt reproducérbare og frigjort fra sit ”her” og ”nu”. I samme stund er der opstået en fornyet interesse for artefakter, der er stoflige, håndgribelige og u- eller anti-digitale...

  20. Good-Practice-Ansätze für den Dienstleistungseinkauf


    Hänsel, Martin; Hofmann, Erik


    Die Performance Excellence Studie des Lehrstuhls für Logistikmanagement der Hochschule St. Gallen (HSG) zeigt auf, was moderne Unternehmen tun müssen, wenn sie den Einkauf von Dienstleistungen zeitgemäss handhaben wollen.

  1. Euclidean Primes Have the Minimum Number of Primitive Roots

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Křížek, Michal; Somer, L.


    Roč. 12, č. 1 (2008), s. 121-127 ISSN 0972-5555 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA100190803 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10190503 Keywords : Euclidean primes * Fermat primes * Sophie Germain primes Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics

  2. Italy's Prime Minister visits CERN

    CERN Multimedia

    Stefania Pandolfi


    On Tuesday, 7 July 2015, the Prime Minister of the Italian Republic, Matteo Renzi, visited CERN. He was accompanied by a delegation that included Italy's Minister for Education, University and Research, Stefania Giannini.   From left to right: Fernando Ferroni, President of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN); Sergio Bertolucci, CERN Director for Research and Scientific Computing; Stefania Giannini, Italy's Minister of Education, University and Research; Matteo Renzi, Prime Minister of the Italian Republic; Fabiola Gianotti, CERN Director-General Designate; Rolf Heuer, CERN Director-General.   The Prime Minister was welcomed by members of the CERN Management together with former CERN Director-General and Senator for Life of the Italian Republic, Carlo Rubbia. After a brief general introduction to CERN’s activities by Rolf Heuer, the Italian delegation visited LHC Point 1. After a tour of the ATLAS control room, they donned helmets to visit th...

  3. Prime alternative algebras that are nearly commutative

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pchelintsev, S V


    We prove that by deforming the multiplication in a prime commutative alternative algebra using a C-operation we obtain a prime non-commutative alternative algebra. Under certain restrictions on non-commutative algebras this relation between algebras is reversible. Isotopes are special cases of deformations. We introduce and study a linear space generated by the Bruck C-operations. We prove that the Bruck space is generated by operations of rank 1 and 2 and that 'general' Bruck operations of rank 2 are independent in the following sense: a sum of n operations of rank 2 cannot be written as a linear combination of (n-1) operations of rank 2 and an arbitrary operation of rank 1. We describe infinite series of non-isomorphic prime non-commutative algebras of bounded degree that are deformations of a concrete prime commutative algebra

  4. Syntactic Variance and Priming Effects in Translation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bangalore, Srinivas; Behrens, Bergljot; Carl, Michael


    The present work investigates the relationship between syntactic variation and priming in translation. It is based on the claim that languages share a common cognitive network of neural activity. When the source and target languages are solicited in a translation context, this shared network can...... lead to facilitation effects, so-called priming effects. We suggest that priming is a default setting in translation, a special case of language use where source and target languages are constantly co-activated. Such priming effects are not restricted to lexical elements, but do also occur...... on the syntactic level. We tested these hypotheses with translation data from the TPR database, more specifically for three language pairs (English-German, English-Danish, and English-Spanish). Our results show that response times are shorter when syntactic structures are shared. The model explains this through...

  5. Leadership Pipeline på rejse i den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Jeppe; Dahl, Kristian Aagaard


    Forestillingen om, at ledelsesopgaven varierer alt efter hvilket lederniveau, der fokuseres på, trækker spor tilbage til en række tidlige ledelsesteoretikere. I de senere år har tilgangen på ny tiltrukket sig opmærksomhed såvel i praksisfeltet som blandt forskere, nok tydeligst illustreret via ud...... hinanden, og at der i praksis ikke var én, men flere idéer om Leadership Pipeline, der rejste på tværs af felter og organisationer....... udbredelse af Leadership Pipeline modellen. Forskningslitteraturen om Leadership Pipeline er imidlertid beskeden. Med teoretisk ammunition fra ”idé på rejse” perspektivet og et multi-level case studie i den danske offentlige sektor belyser artiklen udbredelse og implementering af Leadership Pipeline. Ved...... at anvende skiftende teoretiske begreber og henholdsvis zoome-ind (organisationsniveau) og zoome-ud (feltniveau) viser artiklen, hvordan en række gensidigt forbundne teoretiserings- og translationsaktiviteter sikrede Leadership Pipeline legitimitet og fremskyndede dens udbredelse samtidig med, at forskellige...

  6. The Nature of Affective Priming in Music and Speech

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Goerlich, K.S.; Witteman, J.; Schiller, N.O.; Van Heuven, V.J.; Aleman, A.; Martens, S.

    The phenomenon of affective priming has caught scientific interest for over 30 years, yet the nature of the affective priming effect remains elusive. This study investigated the underlying mechanism of cross-modal affective priming and the influence of affective incongruence in music and speech on

  7. Injury Biomechanics of C2 Dens Fractures


    Yoganandan, Narayan; Pintar, Frank; Baisden, Jamie; Gennarelli, Thomas; Maiman, Dennis


    The objective of this study is to analyze the biomechanics of dens fractures of the second cervical vertebra in the adult population due to motor vehicle crashes. Case-by-case records from the Crash Injury Research and Engineering Network (CIREN) and National Automotive Sampling System (NASS) databases were used. Variables such as change in velocity, impact direction and body habitus were extracted. Results indicated that similarities exist in the two databases despite differences in sampling...

  8. Zoologien i den klassiske islamiske kultur


    Provencal, Philippe; Aarab, Ahmed


    Denne artikel bringer en oversigt over forskning i den zoologiske videnskab, således som denne er kommet til udtryk i tekster skrevet på klassisk arabisk fra anden halvdel af 700-tallet til 1400-tallet. I lyset af nyere forskning og med eksempler hentet fra de arabiske tekster selv, bliver en ny bedømmelse af disse teksters faglige indhold foreslået. This article brings a survey of research on the science of zoology in the Classical Arabic/Islamic Culture as revealed in texts on this subje...

  9. Kampen om den røde ko - dominerende temaer i dansk kvægavl i 1800-tallets slutning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gjerløff, Anne Katrine


    En analyse af kvægavlslitteratur fra 1800-tallets anden halvdel viser spændingerne mellem avlernes ønske om profit og hensynene til racerenhed og national og regional identitet. Ideen om den perfekte ko var omdiskuteret og modsætningerne mellem koens udseende og dens ydelse er tydelige i periodens...... bedømmelser af "den gode ko". Artiklen komkluserer at et fokus på opfattelser og brug af dyr kan give nye vinkler på traditionelle historiske emnefelter. Udgivelsesdato: april...

  10. Characterization of RyDEN (C19orf66 as an Interferon-Stimulated Cellular Inhibitor against Dengue Virus Replication.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Youichi Suzuki


    Full Text Available Dengue virus (DENV is one of the most important arthropod-borne pathogens that cause life-threatening diseases in humans. However, no vaccine or specific antiviral is available for dengue. As seen in other RNA viruses, the innate immune system plays a key role in controlling DENV infection and disease outcome. Although the interferon (IFN response, which is central to host protective immunity, has been reported to limit DENV replication, the molecular details of how DENV infection is modulated by IFN treatment are elusive. In this study, by employing a gain-of-function screen using a type I IFN-treated cell-derived cDNA library, we identified a previously uncharacterized gene, C19orf66, as an IFN-stimulated gene (ISG that inhibits DENV replication, which we named Repressor of yield of DENV (RyDEN. Overexpression and gene knockdown experiments revealed that expression of RyDEN confers resistance to all serotypes of DENV in human cells. RyDEN expression also limited the replication of hepatitis C virus, Kunjin virus, Chikungunya virus, herpes simplex virus type 1, and human adenovirus. Importantly, RyDEN was considered to be a crucial effector molecule in the IFN-mediated anti-DENV response. When affinity purification-mass spectrometry analysis was performed, RyDEN was revealed to form a complex with cellular mRNA-binding proteins, poly(A-binding protein cytoplasmic 1 (PABPC1, and La motif-related protein 1 (LARP1. Interestingly, PABPC1 and LARP1 were found to be positive modulators of DENV replication. Since RyDEN influenced intracellular events on DENV replication and, suppression of protein synthesis from DENV-based reporter construct RNA was also observed in RyDEN-expressing cells, our data suggest that RyDEN is likely to interfere with the translation of DENV via interaction with viral RNA and cellular mRNA-binding proteins, resulting in the inhibition of virus replication in infected cells.

  11. The priming of priming: Evidence that the N400 reflects context-dependent post-retrieval word integration in working memory. (United States)

    Steinhauer, Karsten; Royle, Phaedra; Drury, John E; Fromont, Lauren A


    Which cognitive processes are reflected by the N400 in ERPs is still controversial. Various recent articles (Lau et al., 2008; Brouwer et al., 2012) have revived the idea that only lexical pre-activation processes (such as automatic spreading activation, ASA) are strongly supported, while post-lexical integrative processes are not. Challenging this view, the present ERP study replicates a behavioral study by McKoon and Ratcliff (1995) who demonstrated that a prime-target pair such as finger - hand shows stronger priming when a majority of other pairs in the list share the analogous semantic relationship (here: part-whole), even at short stimulus onset asynchronies (250ms). We created lists with four different types of semantic relationship (synonyms, part-whole, category-member, and opposites) and compared priming for pairs in a consistent list with those in an inconsistent list as well as unrelated items. Highly significant N400 reductions were found for both relatedness priming (unrelated vs. inconsistent) and relational priming (inconsistent vs. consistent). These data are taken as strong evidence that N400 priming effects are not exclusively carried by ASA-like mechanisms during lexical retrieval but also include post-lexical integration in working memory. We link the present findings to a neurocomputational model for relational reasoning (Knowlton et al., 2012) and to recent discussions of context-dependent conceptual activations (Yee and Thompson-Schill, 2016). Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Improving Consumer Decisions: The Conscious Use of Primes as Performance Enhancers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo Nicolao


    Full Text Available Through this article we examine ways through which consumers can take advantage of marketers’ priming attempts and make better decisions. Specifically, we investigate what happens when individuals are made aware of primes that may potentially improve their performance. Using an Embedded Figures Test, we demonstrate that individuals can be consciously primed into an analytic thinking mindset and perform better when they believe that the prime will enhance performance. Individuals are able to successfully ignore the prime when they believe that the prime hinders performance. Utilizing both holistic and analytic primes and by alternating the valence of the prime’s potential outcome, we are able to disentangle the conscious effects of primes from demand effects. We discuss how these findings may lead to and suggest avenues for future research.

  13. Persistent Structural Priming from Language Comprehension to Language Production (United States)

    Bock, Kathryn; Dell, Gary S.; Chang, Franklin; Onishi, Kristine H.


    To examine the relationship between syntactic processes in language comprehension and language production, we compared structural persistence from sentence primes that speakers heard to persistence from primes that speakers produced. [Bock, J. K., & Griffin, Z. M. (2000). The persistence of structural priming: transient activation or implicit…

  14. Effects of Religious Priming Concepts on Prosocial Behavior Towards Ingroup and Outgroup. (United States)

    Batara, Jame Bryan L; Franco, Pamela S; Quiachon, Mequia Angelo M; Sembrero, Dianelle Rose M


    Several studies show that there is a connection between religion and prosociality (e.g., Saroglou, 2013). To investigate whether there is a causal relationship between these two variables, a growing number of scholars employed priming religious concepts and measure its influence on prosocial behavior (e.g., Pichon, Boccato, & Saroglou, 2007). In the recent development of religious priming, Ritter and Preston (2013) argued that different primes (agent prime, spiritual/abstract prime, and institutional prime) may also have varying influence on prosocial behavior specifically helping an ingroup or an outgroup target. With this in mind, a 2 (social categorization of the target of help) by 3 (agent prime, institutional prime, spiritual prime) experiment was conducted to directly investigate this hypothesis. Results suggest that priming religious concepts especially the spiritual prime can increase prosocial behaviors. However, no significant effect was found on the social categorization which implies that Filipino participants elicit prosocial behavior regardless of the social categorization (be it ingroup or outgroup) of the target of help. The present study's findings contribute to further the literature on religious priming and its influence on prosocial behavior.

  15. Metoder til den børnefaglige undersøgelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Kresta Munkholt

    Denne afhandling omhandler rammerne for sagsbehandlingen i forhold til udsatte børn, unge og deres familier. Afhandlingen er centreret omkring, hvordan socialarbejderne oplever metoderne til den børnefaglige undersøgelse, og er udarbejdet i et komparativt perspektiv med fokus på følgende tre...

  16. HIV-surveys bij hoog-risicogroepen in Den Haag 2005

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Veen MG van; Wagemans MAJ; Burg I van den; Tonino-van der Marel E; Leeuwen AP van; Laar MJW van de; CIE


    Verspreiding van HIV en SOA kan mogelijk optreden doordat hoog-risicogroepen een brug vormen naar de rest van de bevolking in Nederland. Dit blijkt uit de HIV-survey die is uitgevoerd in Den Haag onder prostituees werkzaam in de raamprostitutie, clubs en op de tippelzone en onder migranten

  17. Den danske FN-aktivismes storhed og fald 1945-2016

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Peter Viggo; Kjærsgaard, Kristine


    Traktat Organisation (NATO) og amerikansk-ledede koalitioner. De store skift i den danske FN aktivisme i perioden 1945-2016 analyseres i tre domæner: diplomati, økonomi og militær ved hjælp af fire indikatorer: frivillighed, initiativrigdom, risikovillighed og ressourceforbrug. FN’s aktivismens storhed og...

  18. Arithmetically Related Ideal Topologies and the Infinitude of Primes ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    algebra. Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): 11N80, 11N25, 11A41, 11T99, 13A15, 20M25 Keywords: x-ideal, topological semigroup, ideal topology, infinitude of primes, generalized primes and integers, distribution, integers, specified multiplicative constraints, primes, ideals, multiplicative ideal theory, semigroup

  19. Religious Priming: A Meta-Analysis With a Focus on Prosociality. (United States)

    Shariff, Azim F; Willard, Aiyana K; Andersen, Teresa; Norenzayan, Ara


    Priming has emerged as a valuable tool within the psychological study of religion, allowing for tests of religion's causal effect on a number of psychological outcomes, such as prosocial behavior. As the literature has grown, questions about the reliability and boundary conditions of religious priming have arisen. We use a combination of traditional effect-size analyses, p-curve analyses, and adjustments for publication bias to evaluate the robustness of four types of religious priming (Analyses 1-3), review the empirical evidence for religion's effect specifically on prosocial behavior (Analyses 4-5), and test whether religious-priming effects generalize to individuals who report little or no religiosity (Analyses 6-7). Results across 93 studies and 11,653 participants show that religious priming has robust effects across a variety of outcome measures-prosocial measures included. Religious priming does not, however, reliably affect non-religious participants-suggesting that priming depends on the cognitive activation of culturally transmitted religious beliefs. © 2015 by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc.

  20. Promoting Physical Activity through Priming the Content of Motivation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tom St Quinton


    Full Text Available Non-conscious processes are important in influencing the performance of a number of behaviors, such as physical activity. One way that such processes can be influenced is through priming. Despite this, approaches within health psychology have predominantly focused on reflective processes with a number of psychological theories dedicated to identifying the predictors of intention. In doing so, critical beliefs and thoughts are first identified and then altered within interventions. Such work has shown limited effectiveness, however, with a gap apparent between what one intends to do and what subsequently ensues. Although there have been attempts to bridge this gap, such as theoretical integration, recent efforts include priming implicit processes. The aim of this commentary is to demonstrate the potential effectiveness of priming non-conscious processes and to suggest that the content of motivation should also succumb to priming influences. This brief review suggests that priming one of the most influential conscious processes, that of self-efficacy, could demonstrate particular effectiveness in promoting physical activity. Thus, the main purpose of the article is to suggest that the content of implicit processes as well their more traditional conscious counterparts may provide useful intervention targets. To achieve this, the article will first introduce the role of non-conscious processes and behavioral priming. Following this, the more common reflective processes will be outlined as well as attempts at theoretical integration. Finally, the article will identify studies priming non-conscious processes and will then suggest priming self-efficacy.

  1. Method for priming and DNA sequencing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mugasimangalam, R.C.; Ulanovsky, L.E.


    A method is presented for improving the priming specificity of an oligonucleotide primer that is non-unique in a nucleic acid template which includes selecting a continuous stretch of several nucleotides in the template DNA where one of the four bases does not occur in the stretch. This also includes bringing the template DNA in contract with a non-unique primer partially or fully complimentary to the sequence immediately upstream of the selected sequence stretch. This results in polymerase-mediated differential extension of the primer in the presence of a subset of deoxyribonucleotide triphosphates that does not contain the base complementary to the base absent in the selected sequence stretch. These reactions occur at a temperature sufficiently low for allowing the extension of the non-unique primer. The method causes polymerase-mediated extension reactions in the presence of all four natural deoxyribonucleotide triphosphates or modifications. At this high temperature discrimination occurs against priming sites of the non-unique primer where the differential extension has not made the primer sufficiently stable to prime. However, the primer extended at the selected stretch is sufficiently stable to prime.

  2. Auditory phonological priming in children and adults during word repetition (United States)

    Cleary, Miranda; Schwartz, Richard G.


    Short-term auditory phonological priming effects involve changes in the speed with which words are processed by a listener as a function of recent exposure to other similar-sounding words. Activation of phonological/lexical representations appears to persist beyond the immediate offset of a word, influencing subsequent processing. Priming effects are commonly cited as demonstrating concurrent activation of word/phonological candidates during word identification. Phonological priming is controversial, the direction of effects (facilitating versus slowing) varying with the prime-target relationship. In adults, it has repeatedly been demonstrated, however, that hearing a prime word that rhymes with the following target word (ISI=50 ms) decreases the time necessary to initiate repetition of the target, relative to when the prime and target have no phonemic overlap. Activation of phonological representations in children has not typically been studied using this paradigm, auditory-word + picture-naming tasks being used instead. The present study employed an auditory phonological priming paradigm being developed for use with normal-hearing and hearing-impaired children. Initial results from normal-hearing adults replicate previous reports of faster naming times for targets following a rhyming prime word than for targets following a prime having no phonemes in common. Results from normal-hearing children will also be reported. [Work supported by NIH-NIDCD T32DC000039.

  3. Der Effekt von Hohlraumströmung auf den Druckausgleich

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bentum, van C.A.; Suma, A.B.; Kalkman, I.M.; Koster, T.; Geurts, C.P.W.; Ruscheweyh, xx


    KURZFASSUNG. Hinterlüftete Fassaden sind ein häufig verwendetes System der Verkleidung. Auf der Vorderseite eines Hohlraums wird eine durchlässige äußere Schichtangebracht. Über den Raum selbst wird ein Druckausgleich zwischen der Außenseite und der Innenseite des Hohlraums erzielt. Dieser Effekt

  4. Effects of Religious Priming Concepts on Prosocial Behavior Towards Ingroup and Outgroup

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jame Bryan L. Batara


    Full Text Available Several studies show that there is a connection between religion and prosociality (e.g., Saroglou, 2013. To investigate whether there is a causal relationship between these two variables, a growing number of scholars employed priming religious concepts and measure its influence on prosocial behavior (e.g., Pichon, Boccato, & Saroglou, 2007. In the recent development of religious priming, Ritter and Preston (2013 argued that different primes (agent prime, spiritual/abstract prime, and institutional prime may also have varying influence on prosocial behavior specifically helping an ingroup or an outgroup target. With this in mind, a 2 (social categorization of the target of help by 3 (agent prime, institutional prime, spiritual prime experiment was conducted to directly investigate this hypothesis. Results suggest that priming religious concepts especially the spiritual prime can increase prosocial behaviors. However, no significant effect was found on the social categorization which implies that Filipino participants elicit prosocial behavior regardless of the social categorization (be it ingroup or outgroup of the target of help. The present study’s findings contribute to further the literature on religious priming and its influence on prosocial behavior.

  5. Zum Vorkommen von Kalkglimmern (Margarit, Cintonit) in den Schweizer Alpen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Niggli, E.


    In einem ersten Abschnitt stellt der Verfasser die ihm bekannten Literaturstellen zusammen. Im zweiten Abschnitt werden eigene Untersuchungen beschrieben, die als vorläufiges Resultat ergaben, dass Clintonit in den Schweizer Alpen bislang nicht einwandfrei nachgewiesen ist, dass aber Margarit ein

  6. Stochastic resolution analysis of co-prime arrays in radar

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pribic, R; Coutiño Minguez, M.A.; Leus, G.J.T.


    Resolution from co-prime arrays and from a full ULA of the size equal to the virtual size of co-prime arrays is investigated. We take into account not only the resulting beam width but also the fact that fewer measurements are acquired by co-prime arrays. This fact is relevant in compressive

  7. Associative priming in a masked perceptual identification task: evidence for automatic processes. (United States)

    Pecher, Diane; Zeelenberg, René; Raaijmakers, Jeroen G W


    Two experiments investigated the influence of automatic and strategic processes on associative priming effects in a perceptual identification task in which prime-target pairs are briefly presented and masked. In this paradigm, priming is defined as a higher percentage of correctly identified targets for related pairs than for unrelated pairs. In Experiment 1, priming was obtained for mediated word pairs. This mediated priming effect was affected neither by the presence of direct associations nor by the presentation time of the primes, indicating that automatic priming effects play a role in perceptual identification. Experiment 2 showed that the priming effect was not affected by the proportion (.90 vs. .10) of related pairs if primes were presented briefly to prevent their identification. However, a large proportion effect was found when primes were presented for 1000 ms so that they were clearly visible. These results indicate that priming in a masked perceptual identification task is the result of automatic processes and is not affected by strategies. The present paradigm provides a valuable alternative to more commonly used tasks such as lexical decision.

  8. Suggestibility and negative priming: two replication studies. (United States)

    David, Daniel; Brown, Richard J


    Research suggests that inhibiting the effect of irrelevant stimuli on subsequent thought and action (cognitive inhibition) may be an important component of suggestibility. Two small correlation studies were conducted to address the relationship between different aspects of suggestibility and individual differences in cognitive inhibition, operationalized as the degree of negative priming generated by to-be-ignored stimuli in a semantic categorization task. The first study found significant positive correlations between negative priming, hypnotic suggestibility, and creative imagination; a significant negative correlation was obtained between negative priming and interrogative suggestibility, demonstrating the discriminant validity of the study results. The second study replicated the correlation between negative priming and hypnotic suggestibility, using a different suggestibility measurement procedure that assessed subjective experience and hypnotic involuntariness as well as objective responses to suggestions. These studies support the notion that the ability to engage in cognitive inhibition may be an important component of hypnotic responsivity and maybe of other forms of suggestibility.

  9. DNA polymerase preference determines PCR priming efficiency. (United States)

    Pan, Wenjing; Byrne-Steele, Miranda; Wang, Chunlin; Lu, Stanley; Clemmons, Scott; Zahorchak, Robert J; Han, Jian


    Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is one of the most important developments in modern biotechnology. However, PCR is known to introduce biases, especially during multiplex reactions. Recent studies have implicated the DNA polymerase as the primary source of bias, particularly initiation of polymerization on the template strand. In our study, amplification from a synthetic library containing a 12 nucleotide random portion was used to provide an in-depth characterization of DNA polymerase priming bias. The synthetic library was amplified with three commercially available DNA polymerases using an anchored primer with a random 3' hexamer end. After normalization, the next generation sequencing (NGS) results of the amplified libraries were directly compared to the unamplified synthetic library. Here, high throughput sequencing was used to systematically demonstrate and characterize DNA polymerase priming bias. We demonstrate that certain sequence motifs are preferred over others as primers where the six nucleotide sequences at the 3' end of the primer, as well as the sequences four base pairs downstream of the priming site, may influence priming efficiencies. DNA polymerases in the same family from two different commercial vendors prefer similar motifs, while another commercially available enzyme from a different DNA polymerase family prefers different motifs. Furthermore, the preferred priming motifs are GC-rich. The DNA polymerase preference for certain sequence motifs was verified by amplification from single-primer templates. We incorporated the observed DNA polymerase preference into a primer-design program that guides the placement of the primer to an optimal location on the template. DNA polymerase priming bias was characterized using a synthetic library amplification system and NGS. The characterization of DNA polymerase priming bias was then utilized to guide the primer-design process and demonstrate varying amplification efficiencies among three commercially

  10. Alcohol Primes, Expectancies, and the Working Self-Concept (United States)

    Hicks, Joshua A.; Schlegel, Rebecca J.; Friedman, Ronald S.; McCarthy, Denis M.


    Previous research has shown that alcohol consumption can lead to momentary changes in the self-concept (e.g., Steele & Josephs, 1990). In two studies (n = 150), we examined whether the implicit activation of alcohol expectancies (i.e., sociability-related expectancies) would also lead to changes in self-perception. To test this idea, participants first completed a measure of sociability-related alcohol expectancies. In a subsequent laboratory session, participants were exposed to either alcohol-related primes (i.e., pictures or words associated with alcohol) or neutral primes. After the priming task, participants completed an ostensibly unrelated self-concept survey that contained words related to sociability (e.g., “outgoing”) and non-sociability related words (e.g., “clever”). For both studies, results revealed that sociability-related alcohol expectancies were positively associated with sociability-related self-concept ratings for participants exposed to alcohol primes, but not for participants exposed to the neutral primes. Implications for the role implicit self-concept activation may have on drinking behaviors are discussed. PMID:19769437

  11. Visual Priming of Inverted and Rotated Objects (United States)

    Knowlton, Barbara J.; McAuliffe, Sean P.; Coelho, Chase J.; Hummel, John E.


    Object images are identified more efficiently after prior exposure. Here, the authors investigated shape representations supporting object priming. The dependent measure in all experiments was the minimum exposure duration required to correctly identify an object image in a rapid serial visual presentation stream. Priming was defined as the change…

  12. Thiamine potentiates chemoprotective effects of ibuprofen in DEN induced hepatic cancer via alteration of oxidative stress and inflammatory mechanism. (United States)

    Afzal, Muhammad; Kazmi, Imran; Khan, Ruqaiyah; Rana, Poonam; Kumar, Vikas; Al-Abbasi, Fahad A; Zamzami, Mazin A; Anwar, Firoz


    Present study, was an effort to scrutinize the molecular and biochemical role of ibuprofen and thiamine combination in diethylnitrosamine (DEN)-induced HCC in Wistar rats. Single intraperitoneal injection of DEN (200 mg/kg) was used for induction of HCC in rats. The rats were divided into eight various groups. DEN induced rats were treated with pure ibuprofen (40 mg/kg) and thiamine in combination for the period of 12th weeks. The protocol was terminated after the 16th week. Exposure of DEN up-regulated the levels of different serum biochemical parameters, antioxidant enzyme level, Alfa-fetoprotein (AFP) and reduced the level of High density lipoprotein (HDL) in Wistar rats along with the alteration in pro-inflammatory cytokines viz., interlukin-6 (IL-6), Tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) and Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) with decrease in body weight. Macroscopic evaluation, revealed DEN group rats confirmed the expansion of hepatic nodules, which were reduced by the individual treatment of ibuprofen and thiamine, but the synergistic treatment of ibuprofen and thiamine confirm the significant reduction of hepatic nodules. Further, this combination possesses the significant chemoprotective effect in DEN-induced HCC by restoring the hepatic enzymes and other biomarkers along with an alteration in pro-inflammatory cytokines. The above result concludes that ibuprofen and thiamine combination possess potent anti-cancerous activity. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Priming in the Type I-F CRISPR-Cas system triggers strand-independent spacer acquisition, bi-directionally from the primed protospacer. (United States)

    Richter, Corinna; Dy, Ron L; McKenzie, Rebecca E; Watson, Bridget N J; Taylor, Corinda; Chang, James T; McNeil, Matthew B; Staals, Raymond H J; Fineran, Peter C


    Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR), in combination with CRISPR associated (cas) genes, constitute CRISPR-Cas bacterial adaptive immune systems. To generate immunity, these systems acquire short sequences of nucleic acids from foreign invaders and incorporate these into their CRISPR arrays as spacers. This adaptation process is the least characterized step in CRISPR-Cas immunity. Here, we used Pectobacterium atrosepticum to investigate adaptation in Type I-F CRISPR-Cas systems. Pre-existing spacers that matched plasmids stimulated hyperactive primed acquisition and resulted in the incorporation of up to nine new spacers across all three native CRISPR arrays. Endogenous expression of the cas genes was sufficient, yet required, for priming. The new spacers inhibited conjugation and transformation, and interference was enhanced with increasing numbers of new spacers. We analyzed ∼ 350 new spacers acquired in priming events and identified a 5'-protospacer-GG-3' protospacer adjacent motif. In contrast to priming in Type I-E systems, new spacers matched either plasmid strand and a biased distribution, including clustering near the primed protospacer, suggested a bi-directional translocation model for the Cas1:Cas2-3 adaptation machinery. Taken together these results indicate priming adaptation occurs in different CRISPR-Cas systems, that it can be highly active in wild-type strains and that the underlying mechanisms vary. © The Author(s) 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

  14. [Neural correlates of priming in vision: evidence from neuropsychology and neuroimaging]. (United States)

    Kristjánsson, Arni


    When we look around us, we are overall more likely to notice objects that we have recently looked at; an effect known as priming. For example, when the color or shape of a visual search target is repeated, observers find the target faster than otherwise. Here I summarize recent research undertaken to uncover the temporary changes in brain activity that accompany these priming effects. In light of the fact that priming seems to have a large effect on how attention is allocated, we investigated priming effects in a visual search task on patients suffering from the neurological disorder "hemispatial neglect" in which patients typically fail to notice display items in one of their visual hemifields. Priming of target color was relatively normal for these patients, while priming of target location seemed to require awareness of the briefly presented visual search target. An experiment with functional magnetic resonance imaging of normal observers revealed that both color and location priming had a strong modulatory influence on attentional mechanisms of the frontal and parietal cortex. Color priming was also correlated with changes in activity in visual cortex as well as color processing areas in the temporal lobe. Location priming was correlated with changes in activity near the temporo- parietal junction and lateral inferior frontal cortex, areas that have been connected with attentional capture; which ties well with our finding of deficits of location priming for the neglect patients who indeed have lesions in the temporo-parietal junction. Overall, the results confirm the tight coupling of visual attention and priming in vision, and also that the visual areas of the brain show some modulation of activity as priming develops.

  15. Natural gas prime movers: A prime income opportunity?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katz, M.G.


    Although almost every factory, for example, uses compressed air to operate and control equipment--from power tools to packaging machinery--most air compressors are driven by electric motors. Similarly, although industry uses refrigeration for everything from freezing food to chilling warehouses to making chemicals and ice to operating skating rinks, natural gas powers only about 100 industrial refrigeration units in North America. But several factors are beginning to make natural gas more attractive as a prime mover. For one thing, the rising cost of electricity, with its demand or time-of-day and summer on-peak charges, has everyone looking for ways to cut their electric bills. At the same time, in the wake of deregulation of the nation's electric industry, customers can build on-site power plants that use natural gas to generate their own electricity, or have outside power suppliers or energy service companies (ESCOs) do it for them. Waste and exhaust heat, which can represent up to 60% of the total energy supplied from both engines and turbines, can be captured and used. Finally, growing concern over electric power outages has made natural gas more attractive for mission-critical operations, while new financing options let people buy and install natural gas prime movers more easily

  16. Physician deficit in USA - where is the bottleneck? [Ärztemangel in den USA - wo wird es eng?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Walid, M. Sami


    Full Text Available [english] The population of physician professionals in the US has been carefully controlled over the last century to ensure profitable work for people in the profession and provide physician workforce for the nation. However, the emergence of managed care in the US has spurred speculations that the US will experience a substantial excess of physicians by the beginning of the 21st century. In light of these forecasts, the number of residency positions funded by Medicare has been restricted. Additionally, enrollment at allopathic medical schools has been decreasing over the last two decades of the Twentieth Century. It is now evident that those predictions were erroneous and that the current supply of physicians does not exceed the demand for their services. That is why the Association of American Medical Colleges now aims to increase the number of US medical school graduates by 3,000 yearly by the year 2015. However, even if this difficult mission can be accomplished, the US can still have a deficit of 200,000 physicians by the year 2020. The reason is the bottleneck that controls the flow of medical graduates aiming to enter residency programs and get clinical training in order to obtain the license required to practice medicine. With the restriction on the number of Medicare-funded residency positions in the US an increase in US medical school graduates will only displace an equal number of international medical graduates applying for residency positions and consequently reduce the number of international medical graduates who join the physician workforce. This will probably not increase the number of practicing physicians. Shortage of physicians will remain an issue and undeniably make access to medical care problematic for all citizens. [german] Im 20. Jahrhundert wurde die Zahl der Ärzte in den Vereinigten Staaten sorgfältig reguliert, um lohnende Arbeitsbedingungen im ärztlichen Beruf und die Versorgung mit Ärzten für die Bev

  17. Transnational organisatorisk innovation i den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Morten Balle

    Artiklen undersøger tre problemstillinger: 1) Hvor udbredt er forskellige former for transnational organisatorisk innovation i den danske offentlige sektor? 2) Hvordan er disse organisatoriske innovationer relateret til hinanden? 3) Er forskelle i deres udbredelse signifikant relateret til...... innovation og dels på forskelle og ligheder mellem statslige og kommunale organisationer. Elleve former for organisatorisk innovation, hvoraf mange ofte forbindes med New Public Management (NPM), er inkluderet i de empiriske analyser: Privatisering/udlicitering, Bestiller-Udfører model, Kontraktstyring, Mål...

  18. The effects of the concreteness of differently valenced words on affective priming. (United States)

    Yao, Zhao; Wang, Zhenhong


    This study aimed to determine whether affective priming is influenced by the concreteness of emotional words. To address this question, we conducted three experiments using lexical decision-priming task. In Experiment 1, positive-abstract (PA) and positive-concrete (PC) words were used as primes to examine the effect of the concreteness of positive words on affective priming, and in Experiment 2, negative-abstract (NA) and negative-concrete (NC) words were used as primes to examine the effect of the concreteness of negative words on affective priming. Results showed that participants responded faster to affectively congruent-abstract trails than incongruent-abstract trails in PA prime conditions, but for PC or negative word (NC and NA) prime conditions, there were no differences between the response times of congruent trails and incongruent trails. To examine the reliability of the priming effects observed in Experiments 1 and 2, we set up a neutral condition as a baseline in Experiment 3, through which we confirmed the difference in the affective priming effect between positive and negative primes in a concrete-abstract dimension. PA words were found to have the tendency to possess more emotional load and facilitate affective association between the prime and the target. The study finding suggests that aside from arousal and valence, the concreteness of positive words also has an impact on affective priming effect. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Mikrokredittens globale fortælling og dens etiske problemstillinger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Thessa


    , men har netop fået en ny drejning med anklager om korruption mod en af mikrokredittens fædre, Mohammad Yunus1. Denne artikel prøver at fokusere på de etiske problemstillinger, som er mikrokreditten iboende. Etiske problemer, som ikke umid- delbart synes særlig belyst i den foreliggende litteratur om...

  20. Når logopæden hører stemmer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Iwarsson, Jenny


    Da jeg for leden henvendte mig til et bilværksted på Amager og gav en kort beskrivelse af den foruroligende lyd jeg registreret i min bil, svarede bilmekanikeren hurtigt, at det med stor sandsynlighed var tale om et kuglelager i venstre forhjul der skulle skiftes. Efter en kort prøvetur hvor meka...

  1. Oxygen transfer rate identifies priming compounds in parsley cells. (United States)

    Schilling, Jana Viola; Schillheim, Britta; Mahr, Stefan; Reufer, Yannik; Sanjoyo, Sandi; Conrath, Uwe; Büchs, Jochen


    In modern agriculture, the call for an alternative crop protection strategy increases because of the desired reduction of fungicide and pesticide use and the continuously evolving resistance of pathogens and pests to agrochemicals. The direct activation of the plant immune system does not provide a promising plant protection measure because of high fitness costs. However, upon treatment with certain natural or synthetic compounds, plant cells can promote to a fitness cost-saving, primed state of enhanced defense. In the primed state, plants respond to biotic and abiotic stress with faster and stronger activation of defense, and this is often associated with immunity and abiotic stress tolerance. Until now, the identification of chemical compounds with priming-inducing activity (so-called plant activators) relied on tedious and invasive approaches, or required the late detection of secreted furanocoumarin phytoalexins in parsley cell cultures. Thus, simple, fast, straightforward, and noninvasive techniques for identifying priming-inducing compounds for plant protection are very welcome. This report demonstrates that a respiration activity-monitoring system (RAMOS) can identify compounds with defense priming-inducing activity in parsley cell suspension in culture. RAMOS relies on the quasi-continuous, noninvasive online determination of the oxygen transfer rate (OTR). Treatment of parsley culture cells with the known plant activator salicylic acid (SA), a natural plant defense signal, resulted in an OTR increase. Addition of the defense elicitor Pep13, a cell wall peptide of Phythophthora sojae, induced two distinctive OTR peaks that were higher in SA-primed cells than in unprimed cells upon Pep13 challenge. Both, the OTR increase after priming with SA and the Pep13 challenge were dose-dependent. Furthermore, there was a close correlation of a compound's activity to enhance the oxygen consumption in parsley cells and its capacity to prime Pep13-induced furanocoumarin

  2. Measurement of Branching Fractions and Charge Asymmetries in B Meson Decays to eta(prime)K*, eta(prime)rho, and eta pi

    CERN Document Server

    Ford, W


    The present preliminary measurements of branching fractions and charge asymmetries for the B meson decays B -> eta(prime) K*, B -> eta(prime)rho, and B sup + -> eta(prime)pi sup +. The data were recorded with the BABAR detector at PEP-II and correspond to 89 x 10 sup 6 B(bar B) pairs produced in e sup + e sup - annihilation through the UPSILON(4S) resonance. They find the branching fractions BETA(B sup 0 -> eta K* sup 0) = (19.0 sub - sub 2 sub . sub 1 sup + sup 2 sup . sup 2 +- 1.3) x 10 sup - sup 6 , BETA(B sup + -> eta K* sup +) = (25.7 sub - sub 3 sub . sub 6 sup + sup 3 sup . sup 8 +- 1.8) x 10 sup - sup 6 with 90% confidence, and BETA(B sup + -> eta(prime)pi sup +) = (2.8 sub - sub 1 sub . sub 0 sup + sup 1 sup . sup 3 +- 0.3) x 10 sup - sup 6 ( eta(prime)K* sup 0) eta(prime)K* sup +) < 12 x 10 sup - sup 6. The time-integrated charge asymmetries are A sub c sub h (eta K* sup 0) = +0.03 +- 0.11 +- 0.02, A sub c sub h (eta K* sup +) = +0.15 +- 0.14 +- 0.02, and A sub c sub h (eta rho sup +) = +0.06 +-...

  3. 7 CFR 29.1166 - Primings (P Group). (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Primings (P Group). 29.1166 Section 29.1166... REGULATIONS TOBACCO INSPECTION Standards Grades § 29.1166 Primings (P Group). This group consists of round-tipped leaves from the lowest portion of the stalk. Leaves of the P group ripen prematurely as a result...

  4. Surgical Orthodontic Treatment of an Impacted Canine in the Presence of Dens Invaginatus and Follicular Cyst (United States)

    Canevello, Carola; Laffi, Nicola


    Introduction. “Dens invaginatus” is a dental anomaly which originates from the invagination of the ameloblastic epithelium into the lingual surface of the dental crown during the odontogenesis. It can cause early pulpal necrosis, abscesses, retention or dislocation of contiguous elements, cysts, and internal resorptions. It normally affects the upper lateral incisors. In the following study the authors will discuss the etiology, the physiopathology, and the surgical-orthodontic management of a rare case of impacted canine associated with dens invaginatus and follicular cyst, with the aim of highlighting the importance of taking any therapeutic decision based on the data available in the literature. Case Report. The present study describes a combined surgical-orthodontic treatment of an impacted canine associated with a lateral incisor (2.2) suffering from type III dens invaginatus with radicular cyst, in a 15-year-old patient. Discussion. When treating a dens invaginatus there are different therapeutic solutions: they depend on the gravity of the anomaly and on the association with the retention of a permanent tooth. The aesthetic and functional restoration becomes extremely important when performing a surgical-orthodontic repositioning. PMID:24963421

  5. [Ulrike Plath. Esten und Deutsche in den baltischen Provinzen Russlands] / Olaf Mertelsmann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mertelsmann, Olaf, 1969-


    Arvustus: Plath, Ulrike. Esten und Deutsche in den baltischen Provinzen Russlands: Freundheitskonstruktionen, lebenswelten, Kolonialphantasien 1750-1810 (Veröffenlichungen des Nordost-Instituts, Bd. 11.)Harrasowitz. Wiesbaden 2011

  6. Priming healthy eating. You can't prime all the people all of the time. (United States)

    Forwood, Suzanna E; Ahern, Amy L; Hollands, Gareth J; Ng, Yin-Lam; Marteau, Theresa M


    In the context of a food purchasing environment filled with advertising and promotions, and an increased desire from policy makers to guide individuals toward choosing healthier foods, this study tests whether priming methods that use healthy food adverts to increase preference for healthier food generalize to a representative population. In two studies (Study 1 n = 143; Study 2 n = 764), participants were randomly allocated to a prime condition, where they viewed fruit and vegetable advertisements, or a control condition, with no advertisements. A subsequent forced choice task assessed preference between fruits and other sweet snacks. Additional measures included current hunger and thirst, dietary restraint, age, gender, education and self-reported weight and height. In Study 1, hunger reduced preferences for fruits (OR (95% CI) = 0.38 (0.26-0.56), p choice was unaffected by hunger or the prime. This study provides preliminary evidence that the effects of adverts on healthy eating choices depend on key individual traits (education level) and states (hunger), do not generalize to a broader population and have the potential to increase health inequalities arising from food choice. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  7. Priming healthy eating. You can't prime all the people all of the time☆ (United States)

    Forwood, Suzanna E.; Ahern, Amy L.; Hollands, Gareth J.; Ng, Yin-Lam; Marteau, Theresa M.


    Objective In the context of a food purchasing environment filled with advertising and promotions, and an increased desire from policy makers to guide individuals toward choosing healthier foods, this study tests whether priming methods that use healthy food adverts to increase preference for healthier food generalize to a representative population. MethodsIn two studies (Study 1 n = 143; Study 2 n = 764), participants were randomly allocated to a prime condition, where they viewed fruit and vegetable advertisements, or a control condition, with no advertisements. A subsequent forced choice task assessed preference between fruits and other sweet snacks. Additional measures included current hunger and thirst, dietary restraint, age, gender, education and self-reported weight and height. ResultsIn Study 1, hunger reduced preferences for fruits (OR (95% CI) = 0.38 (0.26–0.56), p choice was unaffected by hunger or the prime. ConclusionThis study provides preliminary evidence that the effects of adverts on healthy eating choices depend on key individual traits (education level) and states (hunger), do not generalize to a broader population and have the potential to increase health inequalities arising from food choice. PMID:25636234

  8. Suggestion-Induced Modulation of Semantic Priming during Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (United States)

    Ulrich, Martin; Kiefer, Markus; Bongartz, Walter; Grön, Georg; Hoenig, Klaus


    Using functional magnetic resonance imaging during a primed visual lexical decision task, we investigated the neural and functional mechanisms underlying modulations of semantic word processing through hypnotic suggestions aimed at altering lexical processing of primes. The priming task was to discriminate between target words and pseudowords presented 200 ms after the prime word which was semantically related or unrelated to the target. In a counterbalanced study design, each participant performed the task once at normal wakefulness and once after the administration of hypnotic suggestions to perceive the prime as a meaningless symbol of a foreign language. Neural correlates of priming were defined as significantly lower activations upon semantically related compared to unrelated trials. We found significant suggestive treatment-induced reductions in neural priming, albeit irrespective of the degree of suggestibility. Neural priming was attenuated upon suggestive treatment compared with normal wakefulness in brain regions supporting automatic (fusiform gyrus) and controlled semantic processing (superior and middle temporal gyri, pre- and postcentral gyri, and supplementary motor area). Hence, suggestions reduced semantic word processing by conjointly dampening both automatic and strategic semantic processes. PMID:25923740

  9. Suggestion-Induced Modulation of Semantic Priming during Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martin Ulrich

    Full Text Available Using functional magnetic resonance imaging during a primed visual lexical decision task, we investigated the neural and functional mechanisms underlying modulations of semantic word processing through hypnotic suggestions aimed at altering lexical processing of primes. The priming task was to discriminate between target words and pseudowords presented 200 ms after the prime word which was semantically related or unrelated to the target. In a counterbalanced study design, each participant performed the task once at normal wakefulness and once after the administration of hypnotic suggestions to perceive the prime as a meaningless symbol of a foreign language. Neural correlates of priming were defined as significantly lower activations upon semantically related compared to unrelated trials. We found significant suggestive treatment-induced reductions in neural priming, albeit irrespective of the degree of suggestibility. Neural priming was attenuated upon suggestive treatment compared with normal wakefulness in brain regions supporting automatic (fusiform gyrus and controlled semantic processing (superior and middle temporal gyri, pre- and postcentral gyri, and supplementary motor area. Hence, suggestions reduced semantic word processing by conjointly dampening both automatic and strategic semantic processes.

  10. Filling in the Gaps: Priming and the Ethics of Pharmaceutical Advertising. (United States)

    Biegler, Paul


    A prime is a cue that makes associated concepts, behaviors, and goals more psychologically accessible to people, influencing their responses in subsequent related environments. I build a case that Direct to Consumer Advertising of Prescription Pharmaceuticals (DTCA) operates as a prime that causes some viewers to prefer and pursue the advertised drug. Drawing on literature from social psychology I show that people subject to priming are mostly unaware of its influence and liable to misattribute the reasons for their primed actions. Misattribution typically includes heightened appraisals of the value of a primed goal. Consistent with this account, I argue that viewers primed by DTCA hold favorable, yet false beliefs about the safety and efficacy of the advertised drug. I further argue that, because those drug properties are material to viewers with the relevant illness, priming in DTCA can undermine the autonomy of their medicine choices. The threat to autonomy posed by priming in DTCA suggests it warrants attention from both regulators and the wider research community. It also adds further reason to be sceptical about the permissibility of this form of advertising.

  11. Anterior medial prefrontal cortex implements social priming of mimicry. (United States)

    Wang, Yin; Hamilton, Antonia F de C


    The neural and cognitive mechanisms by which primed constructs can impact on social behavior are poorly understood. In the present study, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to explore how scrambled sentence priming can impact on mimicry behavior. Sentences involving pro/antisocial events from a first/third-person point of view were presented in short blocks, followed by a reaction-time assessment of mimicry. Behavioral results showed that both prosociality and viewpoint impact on mimicry, and fMRI analysis showed this effect is implemented by anterior medial prefrontal cortex (amPFC). We suggest that social primes may subtly modulate processing in amPFC in a manner linked to the later behavior, and that this same region also implements the top-down control of mimicry responses. This priming may be linked to processing of self-schemas in amPFC. Our findings demonstrate how social priming can be studied with fMRI, and have important implications for our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of prime-to-behavior effects as well as for current theories in social psychology. © The Author (2014). Published by Oxford University Press. For Permissions, please email:

  12. Positional priming of pop-out is nested in visuospatial context. (United States)

    Gokce, Ahu; Müller, Hermann J; Geyer, Thomas


    The present study investigated facilitatory and inhibitory positional priming using a variant of Maljkovic and Nakayama's (1996) priming of pop-out task. Here, the singleton target and the distractors could be presented in different visuospatial contexts-but identical screen locations-across trials, permitting positional priming based on individual locations to be disentangled from priming based on interitem configural relations. The results revealed both significant facilitatory priming, i.e., faster reaction times (RTs) to target presented at previous target relative to previously empty locations, and inhibitory priming, i.e., slower RTs to target at previous distractor relative to previously empty locations. However, both effects were contingent on repetitions versus changes of stimulus arrangement: While facilitation of target locations was dependent on the repetition of the exact item configuration (e.g., T-type followed by T-type stimulus arrangement), the inhibitory effect was more "tolerant," being influenced by repetitions versus changes of the item's visuospatial category (T-type followed by Z-type pattern; cf. Garner & Clement, 1963). The results suggest that facilitatory and inhibitory priming are distinct phenomena (Finke et al., 2009) and that both effects are sensitive to subtle information about the arrangement of the display items (Geyer, Zehetleitner, & Müller, 2010). The results are discussed with respect to the stage(s) of visual pop-out search that are influenced by positional priming.

  13. Almost Fixed-Point-Free Automorphisms of Prime Power Order

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    B.A.F. Wehrfritz


    Full Text Available We study the effect under various rank restrictions of a group having an automorphism of prime power order whose fixed-point set is also finite of prime power order for the same prime. Generally our conclusions are that the group has a soluble normal subgroup of bounded derived length. Not surprisingly the bound gets larger as the rank restrictions get weaker.

  14. Seed priming improves salinity tolerance of wheat varieties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jamal, Y.; Shafi, M.; Arif, M.


    To evaluate the response of wheat varieties to seed priming and salinity, an experiment was conducted in completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications at Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (IBGE), KPK Agricultural University, Peshawar, Pakistan. The performance of 6 wheat varieties (Tatara-96, Ghaznavi-98, Fakhri Sarhad, Bakhtawar-92, Pirsabaq-2004 and Auqab-2000) at two seed conditions (primed with 30 mM NaCl and un primed) under four salinity levels (0, 40, 80 and 120 mM) was studied. Statistical analysis of the data revealed that salinity, seed priming and varieties had significantly (P= 0.05) affected shoot fresh weight plant/sup -1/ shoot dry weight plant/sup -1/, shoot Na/sup +/ contents (mg g/sup -1/ dry weight), shoot K/sup +/ contents (mg g/sup -1/ dry weight) and shoot K/sup +/Na/sup +/ ratio. Maximum shoot fresh weight plant/sup -1/ (7.71 g), shoot dry weight plant/sup -1/ (1.68 g), shoot K/sup +/ contents (1.39 mg g/sup -1/ dry weight) and shoot K/sup +/ Na/sup +/ratio (1.45) were recorded from Bakhtawar-92 as compared with other varieties. Highest shoot Na/sup +/ contents (1.43 mg g/sup -1/ dry weight) were recorded from Auqab-2000 when compared with other varieties. All parameters were enhanced with seed priming except shoot Na/sup +/ contents, which reduced significantly (p= 0.05) with seed priming. (author)

  15. Dijk- en oeverval aan den cal. Willem Annapolder (Gem. Kapelle)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verhagen, H.J.


    Foto's van de aanleg van de dijk- en oeverval aan den cal. Willem Annapolder (Gem. Kapelle) 3. Linkerhelft dijkval Willem Annapolder. 30 Dec. 1936 4. Rechtehelft dijkval Willem Annapolder. 30 Dec. 1936 5. Overzicht dijkval Willem Annaolder. 30 Dec. 1936 6. Kleikisting binnendijks aangebacht. 14/15

  16. EU er på vej mod at udvikle og implementere europæiske regnskabsstandarder indenfor den offentlige sektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pontoppidan, Caroline Aggestam


    I maj 2013 var Europa-Kommisionen og Eurostat vært for en konference med formålet at forhandle om den fremtidige udvikling af harmoniserede offentlige regnskabsstandarder ('European Public Sector Accounting Standards' EPSAS) som skal anvendes af alle medlemslande i den Europæiske Union...

  17. Demokratisk forum eller fallit: Valgkamp i den lokale avis set gennem en lingvistisk lup


    Frederiksen, Line


    Denne specialeafhandling undersøger indholdet af DAGBLADET Roskildes artikler om den kom-munale valgkamp i 1997, 2001 og 2005 i de tre dage før, under og efter valget. Formålet med un-dersøgelsen er at dokumentere, hvilke overordnede temaer, der ligger i teksterne og efterfølgende ridse de demokratiske konsekvenser af tematiseringen op i forhold til læserne af DAGBLADET. I dansk kontekst udgør undersøgelsesperioden, hvad Pippa Norris definerer som ’den postmo-derne fase’ i politisk kommunikat...

  18. Behavioral Priming 2.0: Enter a Dynamical Systems Perspective (United States)

    Krpan, Dario


    On a daily basis, people are exposed to numerous stimuli, ranging from colors and smells to sounds and words, that could potentially activate different cognitive constructs and influence their actions. This type of influence on human behavior is referred to as priming. Roughly two decades ago, behavioral priming was hailed as one of the core forces that shape automatic behavior. However, failures to replicate some of the representative findings in this domain soon followed, which posed the following question: “How robust are behavioral priming effects, and to what extent are they actually important in shaping people's actions?” To shed a new light on this question, I revisit behavioral priming through the prism of a dynamical systems perspective (DSP). The DSP is a scientific paradigm that has been developed through a combined effort of many different academic disciplines, ranging from mathematics and physics to biology, economics, psychology, etc., and it deals with behavior of simple and complex systems over time. In the present paper, I use conceptual and methodological tools stemming from the DSP to propose circumstances under which behavioral priming effects are likely to occur. More precisely, I outline three possible types of the influence of priming on human behavior, to which I refer as emergence, readjustment, and attractor switch, and propose experimental designs to examine them. Finally, I discuss relevant implications for behavioral priming effects and their replications. PMID:28769846

  19. Behavioral Priming 2.0: Enter a Dynamical Systems Perspective

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dario Krpan


    Full Text Available On a daily basis, people are exposed to numerous stimuli, ranging from colors and smells to sounds and words, that could potentially activate different cognitive constructs and influence their actions. This type of influence on human behavior is referred to as priming. Roughly two decades ago, behavioral priming was hailed as one of the core forces that shape automatic behavior. However, failures to replicate some of the representative findings in this domain soon followed, which posed the following question: “How robust are behavioral priming effects, and to what extent are they actually important in shaping people's actions?” To shed a new light on this question, I revisit behavioral priming through the prism of a dynamical systems perspective (DSP. The DSP is a scientific paradigm that has been developed through a combined effort of many different academic disciplines, ranging from mathematics and physics to biology, economics, psychology, etc., and it deals with behavior of simple and complex systems over time. In the present paper, I use conceptual and methodological tools stemming from the DSP to propose circumstances under which behavioral priming effects are likely to occur. More precisely, I outline three possible types of the influence of priming on human behavior, to which I refer as emergence, readjustment, and attractor switch, and propose experimental designs to examine them. Finally, I discuss relevant implications for behavioral priming effects and their replications.

  20. An extracellular subtilase switch for immune priming in Arabidopsis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vicente Ramírez

    Full Text Available In higher eukaryotes, induced resistance associates with acquisition of a priming state of the cells for a more effective activation of innate immunity; however, the nature of the components for mounting this type of immunological memory is not well known. We identified an extracellular subtilase from Arabidopsis, SBT3.3, the overexpression of which enhances innate immune responses while the loss of function compromises them. SBT3.3 expression initiates a durable autoinduction mechanism that promotes chromatin remodeling and activates a salicylic acid(SA-dependent mechanism of priming of defense genes for amplified response. Moreover, SBT3.3 expression-sensitized plants for enhanced expression of the OXI1 kinase gene and activation of MAP kinases following pathogen attack, providing additional clues for the regulation of immune priming by SBT3.3. Conversely, in sbt3.3 mutant plants pathogen-mediated induction of SA-related defense gene expression is drastically reduced and activation of MAP kinases inhibited. Moreover, chromatin remodeling of defense-related genes normally associated with activation of an immune priming response appear inhibited in sbt3.3 plants, further indicating the importance of the extracellular SBT3.3 subtilase in the establishment of immune priming. Our results also point to an epigenetic control in the regulation of plant immunity, since SBT3.3 is up-regulated and priming activated when epigenetic control is impeded. SBT3.3 represents a new regulator of primed immunity.

  1. Den öffentlichen Raum „hacken“ und die Menschen beeinflussen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Irwan Ahmett


    Full Text Available 65 Jahre nach der Unabhängigkeitserklärung Indonesiens kletterte ein Mann mittleren Alters in Jakarta verbotenerweise auf das Dach des indonesischen Parlamentsgebäudes. Seine Botschaft waren drei Wörter, die sehr gut die Stimmung im Land zum Ausdruck brachten. Seine „Waffe“ war eine Farbspraydose für zwei US-Dollar. Pong Harjatmos Aktion stieß auf öffentliche Resonanz, weil klar war, dass es nicht mehr ausreicht, sich von der Politik abzuwenden und diesem ruhmreichen Gebäude lediglich den Mittelfinger zu zeigen. Die zahllosen Korruptionsaffären sind nur die Spitze eines Eisbergs. Harjatmo, ein einfacher Mann, überbrachte den Volks vertreter_innen eine Botschaft, die aus der Tiefe seines Gewissens kam: „Honest, Fair, Firm“. (... Waffen und Kämpfe sind untrennbar. Ich war immer überzeugt davon, dass die Effizienz einer Waffe vor allem davon abhängt, wie sie eingesetzt wird und nicht von der Kraft der sie nutzenden Person.

  2. Store daginstitutioner og deres betydning for den pædagogiske dagligdag

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gammelby, Marie Louise; Brandi-Hansen, Sissel


    Forfatterne søger at afdække, hvilken betydning nye store daginstitutioner har for de mulighedsbetingelser, der opstilles for dels den pædagogiske praksis og, som en konsekvens heraf, dels for børns udfoldelsesmuligheder....

  3. Semantic priming effects of synonyms, antonyms, frame, implication and verb-object categories

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elsa Skënderi-Rakipllari


    Full Text Available Semantic priming has been a major subject of interest for psycholinguists, whose aim is to discover how lexical memory is structured and organized. The facilitation process of word retrieval through semantic priming has long been studied. The present research is aimed to reveal which semantic category has the best priming effect. Through a lexical decision task experiment we compared the reaction times of masked primed pairs and unprimed pairs. In addition, we analyzed the reaction times and priming effect of connected semantic relations: antonymy, frame, synonymy, implication and verb-object. The data collected and interpreted unveiled that the mean reaction times of primed pairs were shorter than those of unprimed pairs. As to semantic priming, the most significantly primed pairs were those of implications and verb- objects, and not those of synonymy or antonymy as it might be expected.

  4. Number theory an introduction via the density of primes

    CERN Document Server

    Fine, Benjamin


    Now in its second edition, this textbook provides an introduction and overview of number theory based on the density and properties of the prime numbers. This unique approach offers both a firm background in the standard material of number theory, as well as an overview of the entire discipline. All of the essential topics are covered, such as the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, theory of congruences, quadratic reciprocity, arithmetic functions, and the distribution of primes. New in this edition are coverage of p-adic numbers, Hensel's lemma, multiple zeta-values, and elliptic curve methods in primality testing. Key topics and features include: A solid introduction to analytic number theory, including full proofs of Dirichlet's Theorem and the Prime Number Theorem Concise treatment of algebraic number theory, including a complete presentation of primes, prime factorizations in algebraic number fields, and unique factorization of ideals Discussion of the AKS algorithm, which shows that primality testing is...

  5. Spectral statistics and scattering resonances of complex primes arrays (United States)

    Wang, Ren; Pinheiro, Felipe A.; Dal Negro, Luca


    We introduce a class of aperiodic arrays of electric dipoles generated from the distribution of prime numbers in complex quadratic fields (Eisenstein and Gaussian primes) as well as quaternion primes (Hurwitz and Lifschitz primes), and study the nature of their scattering resonances using the vectorial Green's matrix method. In these systems we demonstrate several distinctive spectral properties, such as the absence of level repulsion in the strongly scattering regime, critical statistics of level spacings, and the existence of critical modes, which are extended fractal modes with long lifetimes not supported by either random or periodic systems. Moreover, we show that one can predict important physical properties, such as the existence spectral gaps, by analyzing the eigenvalue distribution of the Green's matrix of the arrays in the complex plane. Our results unveil the importance of aperiodic correlations in prime number arrays for the engineering of gapped photonic media that support far richer mode localization and spectral properties compared to usual periodic and random media.

  6. Crossing Boundaries in Qualitative Research – Entwurf einer empirischen Reflexivität der qualitativen Sozialforschung in Deutschland und den USA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stephanie Bethmann


    Full Text Available Der vorliegende Beitrag widmet sich der Analyse von Prozessen der Wissenskonstruktion in der qualitativen Sozialforschung im transatlantischen Vergleich. Basierend auf explorativen Forschungsergebnissen stellen wir mit den Idealtypen engaging und observing zwei Forschungsstile vor, die sich in den Praktiken der Konstruktion von Nähe und Distanz zum Gegenstand deutlich unterscheiden. Beides, Nähe und Distanz, wird dabei nicht als innere Haltung von Forschenden oder als rigoros nationaler Stil verstanden, sondern als Produkte konkreter Arbeitspraktiken, die in Zusammenhang mit nationalen Forschungskonventionen, Rahmenbedingungen und Epistemologien stehen. Gemeinsam ist beiden Interaktionsmustern die zentrale Fundierung im amerikanischen Pragmatismus, wobei die These einer auffallend unterschiedlichen Bezugnahme auf den amerikanischen Pragmatismus in den beiden Länderkontexten diskutiert wird: Stehen in Deutschland vorwiegend dessen erkenntnistheoretische Prämissen im Mittelpunkt, sieht sich die gegenwärtige US-amerikanische Methodenlandschaft eher dessen gesellschaftspolitischen Traditionen verpflichtet. Ausgehend von diesen Beobachtungen wird abschließend die Forderung formuliert, Reflexivität in der qualitativen Sozialforschung stärker auf den Boden empirischer Analysen zu stellen. URN:

  7. Den danske samfundsudvikling 1848-2012 og marxistisk, neoklassisk, keynesiansk, monetaristisk og nykeynesiansk teori

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Poul Thøis

    Efter i adskillige år at have undervist ud fra andres bøger og efter mange tilløb besluttede forfatteren sig for at skrive sin egen forskningsbaserede bog til Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fællessemester, som dækker fem lektioner om den politiske økonomis historie og den danske økonomiske udvikling........ Ambitionen har været at udarbejde en kort appetitvækker, der gør, at studerende får et overblik og forstår nogle basale sammenhænge og får lyst til at vide mere om økonomisk teori, dansk og international økonomi og ikke mindst debatterne herom....

  8. Von den Liven von Oesel / August Ludwig Schlözer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Schlözer, August Ludwig


    Avaldatud Eberhard Winkleri initsiatiivil A. L. Schlözeri teose põhjal: Gesammelte Nachrichten von den Ueberresten der Liven, in Livland und Kurland. (1770), mis moodustab osa teosest: Schlözer, August Ludwig. M. Johann Joseph Haigold's Beylagen zum Neuveränderten Russland. Zweiter Theil. Riga und Leipzig, 1770

  9. Attentional Control and the Relatedness Proportion Effect in Semantic Priming (United States)

    Hutchison, Keith A.


    In 2 experiments, participants completed both an attentional control battery (OSPAN, antisaccade, and Stroop tasks) and a modified semantic priming task. The priming task measured relatedness proportion (RP) effects within subjects, with the color of the prime indicating the probability that the to-be-named target would be related. In Experiment…

  10. Does pizza prime coin? Perceptual priming in lexical decision and pronunciation.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pecher, D.; Zeelenberg, R.; Raaijmakers, J.G.W.


    In 6 experiments the authors investigated priming for perceptually related word pairs (i.e., words that refer to objects with the same shape such as pizza-coin), trying to replicate earlier findings by R. Schreuder et al (see record 1985-06198-001) while avoiding some of the methodological problems

  11. Allograph priming is based on abstract letter identities: Evidence from Japanese kana. (United States)

    Kinoshita, Sachiko; Schubert, Teresa; Verdonschot, Rinus G


    It is well-established that allographs like the uppercase and lowercase forms of the Roman alphabet (e.g., a and A) map onto the same "abstract letter identity," orthographic representations that are independent of the visual form. Consistent with this, in the allograph match task ("Are 'a' and 'A' the same letter?"), priming by a masked letter prime is equally robust for visually dissimilar prime-target pairs (e.g., d and D) and similar pairs (e.g., c and C). However, in principle this pattern of priming is also consistent with the possibility that allograph priming is purely phonological, based on the letter name. Because different allographic forms of the same letter, by definition, share a letter name, it is impossible to rule out this possibility a priori. In the present study, we investigated the influence of shared letter names by taking advantage of the fact that Japanese is written in two distinct writing systems, syllabic kana-that has two parallel forms, hiragana and katakana-and logographic kanji. Using the allograph match task, we tested whether a kanji prime with the same pronunciation as the target kana (e.g., - い, both pronounced /i/) produces the same amount of priming as a kana prime in the opposite kana form (e.g., イ- い). We found that the kana primes produced substantially greater priming than the phonologically identical kanji prime, which we take as evidence that allograph priming is based on abstract kana identity, not purely phonology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved).

  12. An Interview with DOROTHY E. DENNING, Oral History 424


    Yost, Jeffrey R.


    Computer Security History Project Computer security pioneer Dorothy Denning discusses her career including her Lattice Model for Computer Security, research on database security, intrusion detection, and other areas, such as her influential textbooks. The interview also addresses computer security research infrastructure and collaborators at various institutions where she worked including Purdue University, SRI International, Digital Equipment Corporation, Georgetown University, and Naval ...

  13. Influence of Individual and Group Priming on Medical Students


    McGeown, Helen Rosemary


    This study investigated the impact of information on level of prototypicality of the ingroup ‘medical students’, comparing self-esteem effects for those primed as individuals with self-esteem effects for those primed as group members. Indication of prototypicality was given by false feedback on purported individual levels of empathy, an important group norm for medical students. As well as priming type having interactive effects with prototypicality information, it was hypothesized that initi...

  14. Restoration of u.v.-induced excision repair in Xeroderma D cells transfected with the denV gene of bacteriophage T4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arrand, J.E.; Squires, S.; Bone, N.M.; Johnson, R.T.


    The heritable DNA repair defect in human Xeroderma D cells, resulting in failure to incise at u.v. light-induced pyrimidine dimers, has been partially but stably corrected by transfection of immortalised cells with the denV pyrimidine dimer glycosylase gene of bacteriophage T4. Transfectants selected either for a dominant marker on the mammalian vector carrying the prokaryotic gene or for dominant marker plus resistance to killing by u.v. light, were shown to express the denV gene to varying degrees. denV expression results in significant phenotypic change in the initially repair-deficient, u.v.-hypersensitive cells. Increased resistance to u.v. light and more rapid recovery of replicative DNA synthesis following u.v. irradiation were correlated with improved repair DNA synthesis and with a novel dimer incision capability present in denV transfected Xeroderma cells but not as evident in transfected normal cells. Most transfectants contain a single integrated copy of the denV gene; increase in denV copy number does not result in either increased gene expression or enhanced survival to u.v. light. Results show that expression of a heterologous prokaryotic repair gene can partially compensate for the genetic defect in a human Xeroderma D cell. (author)

  15. Positions priming in briefly presented search arrays

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Asgeirsson, Arni Gunnar; Kristjánsson, Árni; Kyllingsbæk, Søren


    Repetition priming in visual search has been a topic of extensive research since Maljkovic & Nakayama [1994, Memory & Cognition, 22, 657-672] presented the first detailed studies of such effects. Their results showed large reductions in reaction times when target color was repeated on consecutive...... the targets are oddly colored alphanumeric characters. The effects arise at very low exposure durations and benefit accuracy at all exposure durations towards the subjects’ ceiling. We conclude that temporally constricted experimental conditions can add to our understanding priming in visual search...... pop-out search trials. Such repetition effects have since been generalized to a multitude of target attributes. Priming has primarily been investigated using self-terminating visual search paradigms, comparing differences in response times. Response accuracy has predominantly served as a control...

  16. Den iscenesatte folkelighed

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Néstor Garcia Canclini


    Full Text Available Hvad er "det folkelige" og hvad er "folkekultur"? Néstor Garcia Canclini har i denne artikel sat sig for at dekonstruere begrebet "det folkelige" og beskrive den måde, forskellige grupper bruger og misbruger begrebet på. Han analyserer tre fremherskende idéer om folkelighed: folkloristernes romantiske idé om det oprindelige, der blev ødelagt af massekulturen, massemediernes popularitetsbegreb og endelig populisternes - både de højre- og venstreorienteredes - iscenesættelse af folkeligheden. Desuden ser han på to marxistiske skolers opfattelse af forholdet mellem de dominerende og undertrykte klasser og forskellige definitioner af folkelig- hed. Ligesom Anamaria Fadul argumenterer Canclini for nødvendigheden af en ny, tværdiciplinær forskning, som opfanger kompleksitet og flerty- digheder i forholdet mellem de undertrykte og dominerende og ser "det folkelige" som en tragisk komedie med modsætninger og flertydighed snarere end en evigt fremadskrivende episk fortælling. Artiklen er en forkortet udgave af kapitel 5 i Canclinis bog fra 1989: "Culturas Hibridas - Estrategias para entrat y salir de la modernidad. Mexico: Grijalbo.

  17. Emotion potentiates response activation and inhibition in masked priming. (United States)

    Bocanegra, Bruno R; Zeelenberg, René


    Previous studies have shown that emotion can have 2-fold effects on perception. At the object-level, emotional stimuli benefit from a stimulus-specific boost in visual attention at the relative expense of competing stimuli. At the visual feature-level, recent findings indicate that emotion may inhibit the processing of small visual details and facilitate the processing of coarse visual features. In the present study, we investigated whether emotion can boost the activation and inhibition of automatic motor responses that are generated prior to overt perception. To investigate this, we tested whether an emotional cue affects covert motor responses in a masked priming task. We used a masked priming paradigm in which participants responded to target arrows that were preceded by invisible congruent or incongruent prime arrows. In the standard paradigm, participants react faster, and commit fewer errors responding to the directionality of target arrows, when they are preceded by congruent vs. incongruent masked prime arrows (positive congruency effect, PCE). However, as prime-target SOAs increase, this effect reverses (negative congruency effect, NCE). These findings have been explained as evidence for an initial activation and a subsequent inhibition of a partial response elicited by the masked prime arrow. Our results show that the presentation of fearful face cues, compared to neutral face cues, increased the size of both the PCE and NCE, despite the fact that the primes were invisible. This is the first demonstration that emotion prepares an individual's visuomotor system for automatic activation and inhibition of motor responses in the absence of visual awareness.

  18. Prime Slaughter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Valente, Andrea; Marchetti, Emanuela


    of primality and factorization into playful interactions, addressed to primary and early secondary school children. Taking into account individual needs expressed by children regarding play, during a participatory design processes aimed at enhancing learning in museums, Prime Slaughter allows for multiple...... forms of play and their integration. A simple working prototype has already been developed; it will be tested and re-designed through participatory workshops, involving a group of children in our target group....

  19. Color coherent effects in (e,e{prime}N) and (e,e{prime}N,N(h)) processes at CEBAF

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Frankfurt, L.L.; Sargsyan, M.M. [Tel Aviv Univ. (Israel); Strikman, M.I. [Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA (United States)]|[St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Inst. (Russian Federation)


    The options for investigating color coherent effects and competing nuclear effects of nucleon-nucleon correlations in nuclei, nuclear shell effects in (e, e{prime}N) and (e, e{prime}NN(h)) reactions are considered. They argue that extension of CEBAF energies to reach Q{sup 2} = 10 GeV{sup 2} will allow systematical investigations of color coherent effects in nonperturbative regime of QCD and their interplay with nuclear effects.

  20. [Memel als Brücke zu den baltischen Ländern] / Ralph Tuchtenhagen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuchtenhagen, Ralph, 1961-


    Arvustus: Memel als Brücke zu den baltischen Ländern. Kulturgeschichte Klaipedas vom Mittelalter bis ins 20. Jahrhundert. (Tagungsberichte der Historischen Kommission für ost- und westpreussische Landesforschung. Bd. 26)

  1. STEP--a System for Teaching Experimental Psychology using E-Prime. (United States)

    MacWhinney, B; St James, J; Schunn, C; Li, P; Schneider, W


    Students in psychology need to learn to design and analyze their own experiments. However, software that allows students to build experiments on their own has been limited in a variety of ways. The shipping of the first full release of the E-Prime system later this year will open up a new opportunity for addressing this problem. Because E-Prime promises to become the standard for building experiments in psychology, it is now possible to construct a Web-based resource that uses E-Prime as the delivery engine for a wide variety of instructional materials. This new system, funded by the National Science Foundation, is called STEP (System for the Teaching of Experimental Psychology). The goal of the STEP Project is to provide instructional materials that will facilitate the use of E-Prime in various learning contexts. We are now compiling a large set of classic experiments implemented in E-Prime and available over the Internet from The Web site also distributes instructional materials for building courses in experimental psychology based on E-Prime.

  2. Prime Minister of Pakistan visits CERN

    CERN Multimedia

    Anaïs Schaeffer


    On Saturday, 23 January 2016, CERN welcomed Mr Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of Pakistan.   From left to right: Minister of Finance Mr Mohammad Ishaq Dar, Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, CERN Director-General Fabiola Gianotti and CMS national contact physicist Hafeez Hoorani. Mr Muhammad Nawaz Sharif arrived at Point 5 in Cessy, where he was welcomed onto French soil by the sous-préfet of Cessy, Stéphane Donnot, and, representing CERN, Director-General Fabiola Gianotti, Directors Eckhard Elsen and Charlotte Warakaulle, and Rüdiger Voss, the adviser for relations with Pakistan. It was the first visit by a head of government of Pakistan since the country became CERN's latest Associate Member State in July 2015. The Prime Minister then had the opportunity to visit the CMS underground experimental area accompanied by the CMS Spokesperson, Tiziano Camporesi, and the CMS collaboration’...

  3. Franchising i den svenska fastighetsmäklarbranschen : Franchising in the Swedish real estate industry


    Narkander, Christoffer; Ilchishina, Elena


    Sammanfattning Bakgrund Idag blir det allt mer vanligt att mindre enskilda mäklarbyråer ansluter sig till de stora franchisekedjorna. Anslutningen innebär att den tidigare enskilde aktören lämnar sitt varumärke och sin tidigare affärsidé för att istället ta del av ett välkänt varumärke och ett framgångsrikt affärskoncept. Syfte & metod Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera vilka positiva och negativa effekter franchising bidrar med i den svenska fastighetsmäklarbranschen samt vilka ekonom...

  4. Lärares yrkesetiska dilemman och den ökande juridifieringen i Sverige

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gunnel Colnerud


    Full Text Available Följande artikel under temat “Etikbølgen i yrkesutdanning og praksis” beskriver och diskuterar etik och juridik i läraryrket med utgångspunkt i det dilemma som lärare själva anser vara ett av de svåraste enligt två svenska empiriska studier – att ingripa mot en kollega som handlar etiskt klandervärt mot elever. Artikeln diskuterar vidare den dygdetiska kritik mot regeletik som förekom vid tillkomsten av de etiska principerna. Vidare pekar den på de problem som följer av att lärarna är föremål för en tilltagande juridifiering. En våg, en bølge, kan beröra endast ytan som en krusning eller vara en djupgående och energirik rörelse. För att använda den aktuella metaforen på mitt studieobjekt skulle jag vilja påstå att diskussionen av lärares yrkesetik och medvetenheten om svenska lärares etiska riktlinjer utvecklades till en våg av endast blygsam storlek. I dagsläget (2014 har den ersatts av en juridisk våg med stor kraft.Nyckelord: etik i läraryrket, etiska dilemman, juridifiering av lärarpraktikenEnglish summary: Teachers’ ethical dilemmas and the juridification of the Swedish schoolIn this article, ethics and law in the teaching profession are described and discussed, starting with the ethical dilemma that teachers point to as the most difficult, according to referred empirical studies – intervention when a colleague acts in an ethically incorrect way towards students. Furthermore the author discusses the critique coming from virtue ethics in relation to ethical principles and shows that even Aristotle suggests ethical principles under certain circumstances. Swedish teachers’ ethical principles had very little time to be achieved before an increasing juridification of teaching took place. This phenomenon is discussed in terms of professional autonomy and professional judgement.

  5. PrimeFaces blueprints

    CERN Document Server

    Jonna, Sudheer


    If you are a Java developer with experience of frontend UI development, and want to take the plunge to develop stunning UI applications with the most popular JSF framework, PrimeFaces, then this book is for you. For those with entrepreneurial aspirations, this book will provide valuable insights into how to utilize successful business models.

  6. Neural correlates of cross-domain affective priming. (United States)

    Zhang, Qin; Li, Xiaohua; Gold, Brian T; Jiang, Yang


    The affective priming effect has mostly been studied using reaction time (RT) measures; however, the neural bases of affective priming are not well established. To understand the neural correlates of cross-domain emotional stimuli presented rapidly, we obtained event-related potential (ERP) measures during an affective priming task using short SOA (stimulus onset asynchrony) conditions. Two sets of 480 picture-word pairs were presented at SOAs of either 150ms or 250ms between prime and target stimuli. Participants decided whether the valence of each target word was pleasant or unpleasant. Behavioral results from both SOA conditions were consistent with previous reports of affective priming, with longer RTs for incongruent than congruent pairs at SOAs of 150ms (771 vs. 738ms) and 250ms (765 vs. 720ms). ERP results revealed that the N400 effect (associated with incongruent pairs in affective processing) occurred at anterior scalp regions at an SOA of 150ms, and this effect was only observed for negative target words across the scalp at an SOA of 250ms. In contrast, late positive potentials (LPPs) (associated with attentional resource allocation) occurred across the scalp at an SOA of 250ms. LPPs were only observed for positive target words at posterior parts of the brain at an SOA of 150ms. Our finding of ERP signatures at very short SOAs provides the first neural evidence that affective pictures can exert an automatic influence on the evaluation of affective target words. Copyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. The set of prime numbers: Multiscale analysis and numeric accelerators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iovane, Gerardo


    In this work, we show that the prime numbers follow a multiscale distribution. Indeed they can be classified thanks to tree structures, which are expressed in terms of two maximal subsets of N and using multilayer selection rules, acting on these sets of prime candidates. Consequently, the prime numbers follow a specific deterministic rules. Indeed, a numeric accelerator for generating primes can be realized in terms of the above mentioned specific rules. From the comparison with the Fibonacci numbers a beautiful harmony comes in terms of the Golden Mean which is relevant to high energy physics and E-Infinity theory too.

  8. Den universelle velfærdsstat er under pres

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villadsen, Kaspar


    Hvordan kan man hjælpe uden at ødelægge selv-ansvaret? Hvilke krav skal der være for at få hjælp? Og hvad er skadevirkningerne af en generøs og let opnåelig hjælp? Mange af de spørgsmål, der præger dagens debat, gjorde sig også gældende, da den universelle velfærdsstat dukkede op i starten af 1900...

  9. Ovation Prime Real-Time (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Ovation Prime Real-Time (OPRT) product is a real-time forecast and nowcast model of auroral power and is an operational implementation of the work by Newell et...

  10. Endline report – Liberia, DEN-L MFS II country evaluations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gotomo, S.; Peters, B.; Kusters, C.S.L.; Peabody, S.; Washington Gopeya, M.


    This report presents the findings of the endline of the evaluation of the organisational capacity component of the MFS II country evaluations. The focus of this report is Liberia, DEN-L. The format is based on the requirements by the synthesis team and NWO/WOTRO. The endline was carried out in 2014.

  11. The Advantages of Hybrid 4DEnVar in the Context of the Forecast Sensitivity to Initial Conditions (United States)

    Song, Hyo-Jong; Shin, Seoleun; Ha, Ji-Hyun; Lim, Sujeong


    Hybrid four-dimensional ensemble variational data assimilation (hybrid 4DEnVar) is a prospective successor to three-dimensional variational data assimilation (3DVar) in operational weather prediction centers currently developing a new weather prediction model and those that do not operate adjoint models. In experiments using real observations, hybrid 4DEnVar improved Northern Hemisphere (NH; 20°N-90°N) 500 hPa geopotential height forecasts up to 5 days in a NH summer month compared to 3DVar, with statistical significance. This result is verified against ERA-Interim through a Monte Carlo test. By a regression analysis, the sensitivity of 5 day forecast is associated with the quality of the initial condition. The increased analysis skill for midtropospheric midlatitude temperature and subtropical moisture has the most apparent effect on forecast skill in the NH including a typhoon prediction case. Through attributing the analysis improvements by hybrid 4DEnVar separately to the ensemble background error covariance (BEC), its four-dimensional (4-D) extension, and climatological BEC, it is revealed that the ensemble BEC contributes to the subtropical moisture analysis, whereas the 4-D extension does to the midtropospheric midlatitude temperature. This result implies that hourly wind-mass correlation in 6 h analysis window is required to extract the potential of hybrid 4DEnVar for the midlatitude temperature analysis to the maximum. However, the temporal ensemble correlation, in hourly time scale, between moisture and another variable is invalid so that it could not work for improving the hybrid 4DEnVar analysis.

  12. Priming of disability and elderly stereotype in motor performance: similar or specific effects? (United States)

    Ginsberg, Frederik; Rohmer, Odile; Louvet, Eva


    In three experimental studies, the effects of priming participants with the disability stereotype were investigated with respect to their subsequent motor performance. Also explored were effects of activating two similar stereotypes, persons with a disability and elderly people. In Study 1, participants were primed with the disability stereotype versus with a neutral prime, and then asked to perform on a motor coordination task. In Studies 2 and 3, a third condition was introduced: priming participants with the elderly stereotype. Results indicated that priming participants with the disability stereotype altered their motor performance: they showed decreased manual dexterity and performed slower than the non-primed participants. Priming with the elderly stereotype decreased only performance speed. These findings underline that prime-to-behavior effects may depend on activation of specific stereotype content.

  13. Target Categorization with Primes that Vary in Both Congruency and Sense Modality

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    Kathryn eWeatherford


    Full Text Available In two experiments we examined conceptual priming within and across sense modalities by varying the modality (picture and environmental sounds and the category congruency of prime-target pairs. Both experiments used a repetition priming paradigm, but Experiment 1 studied priming effects with a task that required a superordinate categorization response (man-made or natural, while Experiment 2 used a lower-level category response (musical instruments or animal: one that was more closely associated with the basic level of the semantic network. Results from Experiment 1 showed a strong effect of target modality and two distinct patterns of conceptual priming effects with picture and environmental sound targets. However, no priming advantage was found when congruent and incongruent primes were compared. Results from Experiment 2, found congruency effects that were specific to environmental sound targets when preceded by picture primes. The findings provide support for the intermodal event file and multisensory framework, and suggest that auditory and visual features about a single item in a conceptual category may be more tightly connected than two different items from the same category.

  14. Colorimetry and prime colours--a theorem. (United States)

    Hornaes, Hans Petter; Wold, Jan Henrik; Farup, Ivar


    Human colour vision is the result of a complex process involving topics ranging from physics of light to perception. Whereas the diversity of light entering the eye in principle span an infinite-dimensional vector space in terms of the spectral power distributions, the space of human colour perceptions is three dimensional. One important consequence of this is that a variety of colours can be visually matched by a mixture of only three adequately chosen reference lights. It has been observed that there exists one particular set of monochromatic reference lights that, according to a certain definition, is optimal for producing colour matches. These reference lights are commonly denoted prime colours. In the present paper, we intend to rigorously show that the existence of prime colours is not particular to the human visual system as sometimes stated, but rather an algebraic consequence of the manner in which a kind of colorimetric functions called colour-matching functions are defined and transformed. The solution is based on maximisation of a determinant determining the gamut size of the colour space spanned by the prime colours. Cramer's rule for solving a set of linear equations is an essential part of the proof. By means of examples, it is shown that mathematically the optimal set of reference lights is not unique in general, and that the existence of a maximum determinant is not a necessary condition for the existence of prime colours.

  15. Making sense of the Sense Model: translation priming with Japanese-English bilinguals


    Allen, David; Conklin, Kathy; Van Heuven, Walter J.B.


    Many studies have reported that first language (L1) translation primes speed responses to second language (L2) targets, whereas L2 translation primes generally do not speed up responses to L1 targets in lexical decision. According to the Sense Model (Finkbeiner, Forster, Nicol & Nakamura, 2004) this asymmetry is due to the proportion of senses activated by the prime. Because L2 primes activate only a subset of the L1 translations senses, priming is not observed. In this study we test the pred...

  16. Withania somnifera Root Extract Enhances Chemotherapy through 'Priming'.

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    Aine Brigette Henley

    Full Text Available Withania somnifera extracts are known for their anti-cancerous, anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. One of their mechanisms of actions is to modulate mitochondrial function through increasing oxidative stress. Recently 'priming' has been suggested as a potential mechanism for enhancing cancer cell death. In this study we demonstrate that 'priming', in HT-29 colon cells, with W. somnifera root extract increased the potency of the chemotherapeutic agent cisplatin. We have also showed the W. somnifera root extract enhanced mitochondrial dysfunction and that the underlying mechanism of 'priming' was selectively through increased ROS. Moreover, we showed that this effect was not seen in non-cancerous cells.


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    Jean Marcel Sousa Lira


    Full Text Available The loss of benefits after re-drying is one of the drawbacks of the seed priming technique. Different types of stresses have been used before re-drying to preserve the priming benefits. This process may be seen as promoting cross tolerance to increase the defense mechanisms that prevent loss of viability in seeds primed after drying. We tested the effect of some stresses to induce cross-tolerance and different drying conditions with the aim of maintaining priming benefits in melon seeds. The seeds were primed in an aerated KNO3 solution (0.35M, -1.7MPa, 25 °C, in the dark for six days. The primed seeds were then submitted to slow drying, fast drying, cold shock + slow drying, cold shock + fast drying, heat shock + slow drying, heat shock + fast drying, PEG + slow drying, PEG + fast drying, ABA + slow drying, ABA + fast drying and no drying (planted directly after priming. We evaluated antioxidant enzyme activities (SOD, CAT and APX, germinability, mean time of germination (MTG and mean rate of germination (MRG. A completely randomized design was used with three repetitions of 50 seeds in each treatment. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and means were compared by the Scott-Knott test (p ≤ 0.05. ABA increased SOD activity after drying and CAT activity was reduced by priming. APX activity was not observed. The stress submission prior to re-drying improved the MRG and reduced MTG. Therefore, the induction of the cross-tolerance mechanism could be effective to maintain priming benefits in melon seeds.

  18. Conscious, but not unconscious, logo priming of brands and related words. (United States)

    Brintazzoli, Gigliola; Soetens, Eric; Deroost, Natacha; Van den Bussche, Eva


    This study assessed whether real-life stimulus material can elicit conscious and unconscious priming. A typical masked priming paradigm was used, with brand logo primes. We used a rigorous method to assess participants' awareness of the subliminal information. Our results show that shortly presented and masked brand logos (e.g., logo of McDonald's) have the power to prime their brand names (e.g., "McDonald's") and, remarkably, words associated to the brand (e.g., "hamburger"). However, this only occurred when the logos could be categorized clearly above the consciousness threshold. Once the primes were presented close to the consciousness threshold, no subliminal influences on behavior were observed. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. On prime ideals and associated spectrum of BCK-algebras

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahsan, J.; Thaheem, A.B.; Deeba, E.Y.


    In this paper we study prime ideals and define the spectrum of a bounded commutative BCK-algebra. We also obtain a characterization of minimal prime (lattice) ideals of these algebras. (author). 8 refs, 4 tabs

  20. C3-dependent mechanism of microglial priming relevant to multiple sclerosis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ramaglia, Valeria; Hughes, Timothy R.; Donev, Rossen M.; Ruseva, Marieta M.; Wu, Xiaobo; Huitinga, Inge; Baas, Frank; Neal, James W.; Morgan, B. Paul


    Microglial priming predisposes the brain to neurodegeneration and affects disease progression. The signal to switch from the quiescent to the primed state is unknown. We show that deleting the C3 convertase regulator complement receptor 1-related protein y (Crry) induces microglial priming. Mice

  1. Activity rhythms and distribution of natal dens for red foxes (United States)

    Wenyang, Zhou; Wanhong, Wei; Biggins, Dean E.


    The red fox, Vulpes vulpes, was investigated with snow tracking, radiotracking and directive observation at the Haibei Research Station of Alpine Meadow Ecosystem, Academia Sinica, from March to September 1994. The objectives of this study were to determine the distribution and use of natal dens, activity rhythms, and home range sizes for the foxes.

  2. Inflammasome priming is similar for francisella species that differentially induce inflammasome activation.

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    Mohammed G Ghonime

    Full Text Available Inflammasome activation is a two-step process where step one, priming, prepares the inflammasome for its subsequent activation, by step two. Classically step one can be induced by LPS priming followed by step two, high dose ATP. Furthermore, when IL-18 processing is used as the inflammasome readout, priming occurs before new protein synthesis. In this context, how intracellular pathogens such as Francisella activate the inflammasome is incompletely understood, particularly regarding the relative importance of priming versus activation steps. To better understand these events we compared Francisella strains that differ in virulence and ability to induce inflammasome activation for their relative effects on step one vs. step two. When using the rapid priming model, i.e., 30 min priming by live or heat killed Francisella strains (step 1, followed by ATP (step 2, we found no difference in IL-18 release, p20 caspase-1 release and ASC oligomerization between Francisella strains (F. novicida, F. holarctica -LVS and F. tularensis Schu S4. This priming is fast, independent of bacteria viability, internalization and phagosome escape, but requires TLR2-mediated ERK phosphorylation. In contrast to their efficient priming capacity, Francisella strains LVS and Schu S4 were impaired in inflammasome triggering compared to F. novicida. Thus, observed differences in inflammasome activation by F. novicida, LVS and Schu S4 depend not on differences in priming but rather on their propensity to trigger the primed inflammasome.

  3. Calibration of radioprotection equipment gamma radiation at the Laboratory of Ionizing Radiation Metrology - DEN/UFPE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nazario, Macilene; Khoury, Helen; Hazin, Clovis


    This work presents aspects of the radioprotection equipment calibration service of the Laboratory for Metrology of Ionizing Radiations (LMRI) of the DEN/UFPE related to the calibration procedures, characteristics of the radiation beam and the evaluation of equipment calibrated in the period of 2001-2002. The LMRI-DEN/UFPE is one of the four laboratories in Brazil licensed by the Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission for the execution of calibration services on area, surface contamination and personal monitors used by industries, hospitals, universities and research institutes using radioactive sources

  4. Priming involuntary autobiographical memories in the lab


    Barzykowski, Krystian; Niedźwieńska, Agnieszka


    Involuntary autobiographical memories (IAMs) are recollections of personal past that frequently and spontaneously occur in daily life. Initial studies by Mace. Priming involuntary autobiographical memories. Showed that deliberately reminiscing about a certain lifetime period (e.g., high school) significantly increased the number of different IAMs from the same period in subsequent days, suggesting that priming may play a significant role in the retrieval of IAMs in everyday life. In the prese...

  5. How visual working memory contents influence priming of visual attention. (United States)

    Carlisle, Nancy B; Kristjánsson, Árni


    Recent evidence shows that when the contents of visual working memory overlap with targets and distractors in a pop-out search task, intertrial priming is inhibited (Kristjánsson, Sævarsson & Driver, Psychon Bull Rev 20(3):514-521, 2013, Experiment 2, Psychonomic Bulletin and Review). This may reflect an interesting interaction between implicit short-term memory-thought to underlie intertrial priming-and explicit visual working memory. Evidence from a non-pop-out search task suggests that it may specifically be holding distractors in visual working memory that disrupts intertrial priming (Cunningham & Egeth, Psychol Sci 27(4):476-485, 2016, Experiment 2, Psychological Science). We examined whether the inhibition of priming depends on whether feature values in visual working memory overlap with targets or distractors in the pop-out search, and we found that the inhibition of priming resulted from holding distractors in visual working memory. These results are consistent with separate mechanisms of target and distractor effects in intertrial priming, and support the notion that the impact of implicit short-term memory and explicit visual working memory can interact when each provides conflicting attentional signals.

  6. Rommet som den tredje pedagog - En studie av pedagogers forståelse av rommets betydning - med fokus på estetisk virksomhet


    Krokstad, Inger Elisabeth


    Masteroppgaven «Rommet som den tredje pedagog i tre Reggio Emilia-inspirerte barnehager. En studie av pedagogers forståelse av rommets betydning –med fokus på estetisk virksomhet» har til hensikt å bidra til økt kunnskap om estetisk virksomhet som er forbundet med Reggio Emilias tanke om rommet som den tredje pedagog. Avhandlingens problemstilling er: Hvilke mønster kan identifiseres i barnehagepedagogens forståelse av rommet som den tredje pedagog-med fokus på estetisk virksomhet? ...

  7. A proof of the conjecture on the twin primes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zuo-ling, Zhou [Department of Lingnan college, Sun Yat-sen University GuangZhou, GuangDong, 510275 (China)


    In this short note, we have proved the conjecture on twin primes using some thoughts of the set theory. Firstly, using the original sieve method and a new notation(concept)introduced by myself, the conjecture on twin primes is summed up as an elementary successive limit, afterwards we form a subsequence of positive integers,and using it,we prove that the successive limits are commutative and complete the proof of the conjecture on twin primes We also give a more straightforward proof of the conjecture.

  8. Aggressive priming online: Facebook adverts can prime aggressive cognitions


    Buchanan, Tom


    Through the process of priming, incidental stimuli in our environments can influence our thoughts, feelings and behavior. This may be true of incidental stimuli in online environments, such as adverts on websites. Two experiments (N=325, N=331) showed that the mere presence of advertisements with violent content on a simulated Facebook page induced higher levels of aggression-related cognition in comparison to non-violent adverts (d=0.56 , d=0.71). In a subsequent word recognition task, parti...

  9. Seed Priming to Overcome Salinity Stress in Persian Cultivars of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.

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    Full Text Available In order to investigate the effect of hydro-priming on seed germination with distilled water on germination of five Alfalfa cultivars under salinity stress, an experiment was conducted as a factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design with three replications. Seven levels of hydro-priming and salinity of NaCl including prime and non-salinity, prime and 50 mM salinity, prime and 100 mM salinity, prime and 150 mM salinity, prime and 200 mM salinity, prime and 250 mM salinity and without prime and salinity and five alfalfa varieties, including ‘Hamedani’, ‘Isfahani’, ‘Bami’, ‘Yazdi’ and ‘Ghareh Yonjeh’ were used. The results showed that the main effect of prime, salinity and cultivars and their interaction in all studied traits were significantly affected at the 5% probability level. Priming treatments in non-salinity of all cultivars were the highest. In all cultivars, final germination percentage, length and weight of radicle, plumule and seedling, germination rate and time, relative radicle elongation, vigor index and stress index, were significantly improved in response to priming in salinity levels of 50-200 mM, compared to control. Radicle produced higher length and weight than the plumule in hydro- priming and salinity treatments. ‘Hamedani’ cultivar in most of studied characteristics had a better response than others. The lowest response to salinity stress and priming was observed in ‘Yazdi’ cultivar.

  10. Fusion og koncentration i den danske svineslagterisektor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Henning Otte


    Strukturudviklingen i den danske slagterisektor er gået hurtig i de seneste ti-år. Koncentrationen steg kraftigt efter midten af 1980‘erne, men i de sidste 10-15 år er udviklingen i et vist omfang stagneret eller endog vendt, og koncentrationen har været faldende. En evt. fusion mellem Danish Crown...... og Tican vil sandsynligvis ikke opveje dette fald i koncentration. De historiske erfaringer fra sektoren viser endvidere, at virksomheder efter en fusion ofte taber markedsandele. Markedet for svinekød er blevet langt mere internationaliseret i de senere år, og dette alene vil øge konkurrencen....

  11. Multi-targeted priming for genome-wide gene expression assays

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    Adomas Aleksandra B


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Complementary approaches to assaying global gene expression are needed to assess gene expression in regions that are poorly assayed by current methodologies. A key component of nearly all gene expression assays is the reverse transcription of transcribed sequences that has traditionally been performed by priming the poly-A tails on many of the transcribed genes in eukaryotes with oligo-dT, or by priming RNA indiscriminately with random hexamers. We designed an algorithm to find common sequence motifs that were present within most protein-coding genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and of Neurospora crassa, but that were not present within their ribosomal RNA or transfer RNA genes. We then experimentally tested whether degenerately priming these motifs with multi-targeted primers improved the accuracy and completeness of transcriptomic assays. Results We discovered two multi-targeted primers that would prime a preponderance of genes in the genomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Neurospora crassa while avoiding priming ribosomal RNA or transfer RNA. Examining the response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to nitrogen deficiency and profiling Neurospora crassa early sexual development, we demonstrated that using multi-targeted primers in reverse transcription led to superior performance of microarray profiling and next-generation RNA tag sequencing. Priming with multi-targeted primers in addition to oligo-dT resulted in higher sensitivity, a larger number of well-measured genes and greater power to detect differences in gene expression. Conclusions Our results provide the most complete and detailed expression profiles of the yeast nitrogen starvation response and N. crassa early sexual development to date. Furthermore, our multi-targeting priming methodology for genome-wide gene expression assays provides selective targeting of multiple sequences and counter-selection against undesirable sequences, facilitating a more complete and

  12. Conceptual and non-conceptual repetition priming in category exemplar generation: Evidence from bilinguals. (United States)

    Francis, Wendy S; Fernandez, Norma P; Bjork, Robert A


    One measure of conceptual implicit memory is repetition priming in the generation of exemplars from a semantic category, but does such priming transfer across languages? That is, do the overlapping conceptual representations for translation equivalents provide a sufficient basis for such priming? In Experiment 1 (N=96) participants carried out a deep encoding task, and priming between languages was statistically reliable, but attenuated, relative to within-language priming. Experiment 2 (N=96) replicated the findings of Experiment 1 and assessed the contributions of conceptual and non-conceptual processes using a levels-of-processing manipulation. Words that underwent shallow encoding exhibited within-language, but not between-language, priming. Priming in shallow conditions cannot therefore be explained by incidental activation of the concept. Instead, part of the within-language priming effect, even under deep-encoding conditions, is due to increased availability of language-specific lemmas or phonological word forms.

  13. Kvantitative metoder og den globale fattigdomsmålsætning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Casse, Thorkil


    Artiklen problematiserer den model (kun økonomisk vækst), som internationale organisationer anvender, når det skal forklares, hvordan fattigdomme halveres. Måske ved relativ få, trods ofte anvendelse, hvad begrebet fattigdomsorienteret vækst indbefatter. Artiklen fokuserer primært på PRSP (Povert...... Reduction Strategy Papers) i Burkina Faso og Madagascar....

  14. Dansk international landevejstransport - en branche og dens forening i konstant udvikling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klatt, Martin

    Festskrift til interesseorganisationen International Transport Danmarks 60-års jubilæum. Bogen fortæller, hvordan foreningen FDE/ITD og dens medlemmer siden 1980'erne har tilpasset sig de ændrede vilkår på transportmarkederne. Bogen redegør for liberaliseringen af EU's transportmarked...

  15. Kvinden, diakonissen og sygeplejersken i Den danske Diakonissestiftelses etableringsfase 1863-1873

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauritzen, Jette

    and nurse in the establishing phase of `Den danske Diakonissestiftelse`, from 1863 to 1873, was partially culturally unacceptable and not culturally recognisable for the bourgeoisie. This meant that the deaconesses had to fight on all fronts to gain recognition and the possibility to further the cause...

  16. Kvinden, diakonissen og sygeplejersken i Den danske Diakonissestiftelses etableringsfase 1863-1873

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauritzen, Jette


    and nurse in the establishing phase of `Den danske Diakonissestiftelse`, from 1863 to 1873, was partially culturally unacceptable and not culturally recognisable for the bourgeoisie. This meant that the deaconesses had to fight on all fronts to gain recognition and the possibility to further the cause...

  17. Physiological and biochemical mechanisms of seed priming-induced chilling tolerance in rice cultivars

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    Saddam eHussain


    Full Text Available Rice belongs to tropical and subtropical environments and is extremely sensitive to chilling stress particularly during emergence and early stages of seedling development. Seed priming can be a good approach to enhance rice germination and stand establishment under chilling stress. The present study examined the role of different seed priming techniques viz., hydropriming, osmopriming, redox priming, chemical priming, and hormonal priming, in enhancing the chilling tolerance in rice. The most effective reagents and their pre-optimized concentrations based on preliminary experiments were used in this study. Two different rice cultivars were sown under chilling stress (18˚C and normal temperatures (28˚C in separate growth chambers. A non-primed control treatment was also maintained for comparison. Chilling stress caused erratic and delayed germination, poor seedling growth, reduced starch metabolism and lower respiration rate, while higher lipid peroxidation and hydrogen peroxide accumulation in rice seedlings of both cultivars. Nevertheless, all the seed priming treatments effectively alleviated the negative effects of chilling stress. In addition, seed priming treatments triggered the activities of superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, and catalase, and enhanced the accumulations of glutathione and free proline in rice seedlings, which suggests that these measures help prevent the rice seedlings from chilling induced oxidative stress. Chemical priming with selenium and hormonal priming with salicylic acid remained more effective treatments for both rice cultivars under chilling stress than all other priming treatments. The better performance and greater tolerance of primed rice seedlings was associated with enhanced starch metabolism, high respiration rate, lower lipid peroxidation, and strong antioxidative defense system under chilling stress.

  18. On the last digits of consecutive primes


    Holt, Fred B.


    Recently Oliver and Soundararajan made conjectures based on computational enumerations about the frequency of occurrence of pairs of last digits for consecutive primes. By studying Eratosthenes sieve, we have identified discrete dynamic systems that exactly model the populations of gaps across stages of Eratosthenes sieve. Our models provide some insight into the observed biases in the occurrences of last digits in consecutive primes, and the models suggest that the biases will ultimately be ...

  19. Ligene i kælderen og den kollektive amnesi. W.G. Sebald og debatten om bombardementerne af de tyske byer under Anden Verdenskrig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoffmann, Birthe


    den såkaldte 'moral bombing' af Tyskland og sætter den debat, der fulgte på Sebalds tese om den (litterære) fortrængning af disse erfaringer ind i en større kontekst. Gennem en række litterære eksempler diskuteres Sebalds æstetiske kriterier for en adekvat repræsentation af erfaringer, der i en vis...

  20. A note on the countable union of prime submodules

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    M. R. Pournaki


    Full Text Available Let M be a finitely-generated module over a Noetherian ring R. Suppose is an ideal of R and let N=M and =Ann(M/N. If ⫅J(R, M is complete with respect to the -adic topology, {Pi}i≥1 is a countable family of prime submodules of M, and x∈M, then x+N⫅∪i≥1Pi implies that x+N⫅Pj for some i≥1. This extends a theorem of Sharp and Vámos concerning prime ideals to prime submodules.

  1. Physiological quality and seed respiration of primed Jatropha curcas seeds

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    Micheli Angelica Horbach


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Seed deterioration is a natural and irreversible process. Nevertheless, seed priming with water and antioxidants can minimize oxidative damage in oilseeds, resulting in attenuation of seed deterioration. The objective of this assay was to evaluate seed priming on respiratory activity of Jatropha curcas submitted to accelerated aging. Seeds from two provenances (Janauba and Pedro J. Caballero were submitted to three priming treatments (control, immersion in deionized water, and with 750 µmol L-1 of ascorbic acid and treated for accelerated aging at 41 °C for 72 h. The results showed that the priming of J. curcas seeds promoted tolerance to accelerated aging. Primed seeds, with ascorbic acid from Janauba and deionized water from Pedro J. Caballero, resulted in a higher percentage of normal seedlings, and increased germination speed index and seed respiration. The decline of physiological quality of J. curcas seeds after accelerated aging is directly associated with a reduction in respiratory activity that is related to seed moisture content.

  2. Priming patient safety: A middle-range theory of safety goal priming via safety culture communication. (United States)

    Groves, Patricia S; Bunch, Jacinda L


    The aim of this paper is discussion of a new middle-range theory of patient safety goal priming via safety culture communication. Bedside nurses are key to safe care, but there is little theory about how organizations can influence nursing behavior through safety culture to improve patient safety outcomes. We theorize patient safety goal priming via safety culture communication may support organizations in this endeavor. According to this theory, hospital safety culture communication activates a previously held patient safety goal and increases the perceived value of actions nurses can take to achieve that goal. Nurses subsequently prioritize and are motivated to perform tasks and risk assessment related to achieving patient safety. These efforts continue until nurses mitigate or ameliorate identified risks and hazards during the patient care encounter. Critically, this process requires nurses to have a previously held safety goal associated with a repertoire of appropriate actions. This theory suggests undergraduate educators should foster an outcomes focus emphasizing the connections between nursing interventions and safety outcomes, hospitals should strategically structure patient safety primes into communicative activities, and organizations should support professional development including new skills and the latest evidence supporting nursing practice for patient safety. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  3. The structure of semantic person memory: evidence from semantic priming in person recognition. (United States)

    Wiese, Holger


    This paper reviews research on the structure of semantic person memory as examined with semantic priming. In this experimental paradigm, a familiarity decision on a target face or written name is usually faster when it is preceded by a related as compared to an unrelated prime. This effect has been shown to be relatively short lived and susceptible to interfering items. Moreover, semantic priming can cross stimulus domains, such that a written name can prime a target face and vice versa. However, it remains controversial whether representations of people are stored in associative networks based on co-occurrence, or in more abstract semantic categories. In line with prominent cognitive models of face recognition, which explain semantic priming by shared semantic information between prime and target, recent research demonstrated that priming could be obtained from purely categorically related, non-associated prime/target pairs. Although strategic processes, such as expectancy and retrospective matching likely contribute, there is also evidence for a non-strategic contribution to priming, presumably related to spreading activation. Finally, a semantic priming effect has been demonstrated in the N400 event-related potential (ERP) component, which may reflect facilitated access to semantic information. It is concluded that categorical relatedness is one organizing principle of semantic person memory. ©2011 The British Psychological Society.

  4. Untersuchung perturbativer und nichtperturbativer Struktur der Momente hadronischer Ereignisformvariablen mit den Experimenten JADE und OPAL

    CERN Document Server

    Pahl, Christoph Johannes


    In Hadronproduktionsdaten der e+e− - Vernichtungsexperimente JADE und OPAL messen wir die ersten f¨unf Momente von zw¨olf hadronischen Ereignisformvariablen bei Schwerpunktsenergien von 14 bis 207GeV. Aus dem Vergleich der QCD NLO-Vorhersage mit den mittels MC-Modellen um Hadronisierung korrigierten Daten erhalten wir den Referenzwert der starken Kopplung αs(MZ0) = 0.1254 ± 0.0007(stat.) ± 0.0010(exp.)+0.0009 −0.0023(had.)+0.0069 −0.0053(theo.) . F¨ur einige, insbesondere h¨ohere, Momente sind systematische Unzul¨anglichkeiten in der QCD NLO-Vorhersage erkenntlich. Simultane Fits an zwei Momente unter Annahme identischer Renormierungsskalen ergeben Skalenwerte von xμ=0.057 bis xμ=0.196 . Wir pr¨ufen Vorhersagen verschiedener nichtperturbativer Modelle. Aus der Single Dressed Gluon - N¨aherung ergibt sich eine perturbative Vorhersage in O(α5 s ) mit zu vernachl¨assigender Energiepotenzkorrektur, die den Mittelwert von Thrust auf Hadronniveau gut beschreibt mit αs(MZ0) = 0.1186 ± 0.0007(st...

  5. Thioredoxin priming prolongs lung allograft survival by promoting immune tolerance.

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    Hanbo Hu

    Full Text Available Tolerance to allograft antigen is the major challenge and final goal of transplant medicine. Our previous study demonstrated that thioredoxin-1 (Trx priming of donor lung significantly protected allogeneic lung graft. To determine whether Trx priming of donor lung inhibits allograft rejection, extends allograft survival and induces immune tolerance, orthotopic left lung transplantation was performed from Lewis to Sprague-Dawley rats without immunosuppression. Donor lungs were primed with Trx at 4°C for 4 hr prior to transplantation. After up to 37 days post-transplantation, allograft lung morphology, recipient T cell and humoral alloantigen-specific immune responses were examined. We found that Trx-primed lungs exhibited much reduced acute rejection and associated lung injuries resulting in loss of graft functional area at 5-37 days post-transplant in contrast to the control groups. CD4+ T cells from the recipients with Trx-primed grafts responded to the stimulation of dendritic cells (DCs of donor origin, in contrast to DCs from the third party, with significantly reduced proliferation. Consistent with above findings, we observed that CD4+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells in spleen cells from the recipients with Trx-primed grafts were significantly increased compared to controls, and CD4+ T cells from the recipients with Trx-primed grafts produced much higher levels of immunosuppressive cytokine, IL-10 when stimulated with allogeneic donor DCs. In addition, humoral immune tolerance was also induced as there was no significant increase levels of serum antibodies against donor antigens in Trx-lung recipients when re-challenged with allogeneic donor antigens. Our results demonstrate that one-time Trx-priming of donor lung grafts prior to transplantation significantly prolongs the survival of the grafts through inducing or promoting cellular and humoral alloantigen-specific immune tolerance, which might be associated with the induction of

  6. Psychometric properties of DAPonDEN: definitions, attitudes and practices in relation to diarrhea during enteral nutrition questionnaire. (United States)

    Majid, Hazreen A; Bin Sidek, Muhamad Adam; Chinna, Karuthan


    To investigate the psychometric properties of the developed 21 item questionnaire to measure definitions, attitudes and management practices in relation to diarrhea during enteral nutrition (DAPonDEN). Data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis from a cross sectional study of 102 nurses aged 18 and over, conducted from December 2011 to February 2012 in Malaysia. Face and content validity of DAPonDEN were first evaluated by few expert panels and patients. For this study, adult nurses were recruited from the adult wards. In the final model, three items in DAPonDEN were dropped. In the exploratory factor analysis, five factors were extracted that explained a total of 55% of the variation in the remaining 18 items. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value was 0.723. For definition, there were two underlying factors: 'Key items in defining diarrhea' and 'non-key items in defining diarrhea'. For attitude there was a single factor. For practice, there were two underlying factors: 'enteral nutrition (EN) related' and 'awareness related'. The items in each of the underlying dimensions seem to measure the respective concepts for definition, attitude and practices adequately. The 18-items DAPonDEN instrument can be a suitable education tool to be used in relation to diarrhea during EN. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Priming T-cell responses with recombinant measles vaccine vector in a heterologous prime-boost setting in non-human primates. (United States)

    Bolton, Diane L; Santra, Sampa; Swett-Tapia, Cindy; Custers, Jerome; Song, Kaimei; Balachandran, Harikrishnan; Mach, Linh; Naim, Hussein; Kozlowski, Pamela A; Lifton, Michelle; Goudsmit, Jaap; Letvin, Norman; Roederer, Mario; Radošević, Katarina


    Licensed live attenuated virus vaccines capable of expressing transgenes from other pathogens have the potential to reduce the number of childhood immunizations by eliciting robust immunity to multiple pathogens simultaneously. Recombinant attenuated measles virus (rMV) derived from the Edmonston Zagreb vaccine strain was engineered to express simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) Gag protein for the purpose of evaluating the immunogenicity of rMV as a vaccine vector in rhesus macaques. rMV-Gag immunization alone elicited robust measles-specific humoral and cellular responses, but failed to elicit transgene (Gag)-specific immune responses, following aerosol or intratracheal/intramuscular delivery. However, when administered as a priming vaccine to a heterologous boost with recombinant adenovirus serotype 5 expressing the same transgene, rMV-Gag significantly enhanced Gag-specific T lymphocyte responses following rAd5 immunization. Gag-specific humoral responses were not enhanced, however, which may be due to either the transgene or the vector. Cellular response priming by rMV against the transgene was highly effective even when using a suboptimal dose of rAd5 for the boost. These data demonstrate feasibility of using rMV as a priming component of heterologous prime-boost vaccine regimens for pathogens requiring strong cellular responses. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Priming with Rocuronium to Accelerate the Onset Time of Cisatracurium During Intubation

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    Shih-Pin Lin


    Conclusion: Priming with rocuronium or cisatracurium for 3 minutes significantly accelerated the onset of cisatracurium. Priming with rocuronium for 3 minutes improved the onset time of cisatracurium even more than priming with cisatracurium itself.

  9. Rückwärtsintegration - Zu den Verhältnissen Gymnasium, Hochschule und Arbeitswelt (United States)

    Schmid, Gerhard; Heppner, Winfried; Focht, Eva

    In seiner 2007 erschienen Sammlung von Vorträgen und Essays beschäftigt sich Wolfgang Frühwald, mit der Frage "Wieviel Wissen brauchen wir?“ [1] Die Kernproblematik moderner Wissenschaft und Forschung sieht der Autor, emeritierter Ordinarius für Neuere Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft und von 1992 bis 1997 Präsident der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, einerseits in der zunehmenden Spezialisierung der Wissenschaftsbereiche, andererseits in der Gefahr der Abkoppelung der Naturwissenschaften von den Geisteswissenschaften. Wiederholt plädiert er dafür, über der rasanten Entwicklung beispielsweise in der Biologie und Physik, die historische, gesellschaftliche und besonders die ethische Dimension der Forschung nicht zu übersehen und fordert eine übergeordnete Theorie der Wissenschaft, die nur im Dialog zwischen den einzelnen Fachgebieten zu entwickeln sei.

  10. CheckDen, a program to compute quantum molecular properties on spatial grids. (United States)

    Pacios, Luis F; Fernandez, Alberto


    CheckDen, a program to compute quantum molecular properties on a variety of spatial grids is presented. The program reads as unique input wavefunction files written by standard quantum packages and calculates the electron density rho(r), promolecule and density difference function, gradient of rho(r), Laplacian of rho(r), information entropy, electrostatic potential, kinetic energy densities G(r) and K(r), electron localization function (ELF), and localized orbital locator (LOL) function. These properties can be calculated on a wide range of one-, two-, and three-dimensional grids that can be processed by widely used graphics programs to render high-resolution images. CheckDen offers also other options as extracting separate atom contributions to the property computed, converting grid output data into CUBE and OpenDX volumetric data formats, and perform arithmetic combinations with grid files in all the recognized formats.

  11. The role of selective attention in perceptual and affective priming (United States)

    Stone, M.; Ladd, S. L.; Gabrieli, J. D.


    Two kinds of perceptual priming (word identification and word fragment completion), as well as preference priming (that may rely on special affective mechanisms) were examined after participants either read or named the colors of words and nonwords at study. Participants named the colors of words more slowly than the colors of nonwords, indicating that lexical processing of the words occurred at study. Nonetheless, priming on all three tests was lower after color naming than after reading, despite evidence of lexical processing during color naming shown by slower responses to words than to nonwords. These results indicate that selective attention to (rather than the mere processing of) letter string identity at study is important for subsequent repetition priming.

  12. Fall Colors, 2001-02: Prime Time Diversity Report. (United States)

    Parker, McCrae A.; Miller, Patti; Espejo, Eileen; Grossman-Swenson, Sarah

    Television is an integral part of American culture, and has the ability to play a major role in shaping belief systems, particularly for the youngest and most impressionable viewers. This study is the third annual study of diversity of characters in prime time television programming. The study examined the first two episodes of each prime time…

  13. Sulforaphane Modifies Histone H3, Unpacks Chromatin, and Primes Defense. (United States)

    Schillheim, Britta; Jansen, Irina; Baum, Stephani; Beesley, Alexander; Bolm, Carsten; Conrath, Uwe


    Modern crop production calls for agrochemicals that prime plants for enhanced defense. Reliable test systems for spotting priming-inducing chemistry, however, are rare. We developed an assay for the high-throughput search for compounds that prime microbial pattern-induced secretion of antimicrobial furanocoumarins (phytoalexins) in cultured parsley cells. The screen produced 1-isothiocyanato-4-methylsulfinylbutane (sulforaphane; SFN), a secondary metabolite in many crucifers, as a novel defense priming compound. While elucidating SFN's mode of action in defense priming, we found that in Arabidopsis ( Arabidopsis thaliana ) the isothiocyanate provokes covalent modification (K4me3, K9ac) of histone H3 in the promoter and promoter-proximal region of defense genes WRKY6 and PDF1 2 , but not PR1 SFN-triggered H3K4me3 and H3K9ac coincide with chromatin unpacking in the WRKY6 and PDF1 2 regulatory regions, primed WRKY6 expression, unprimed PDF1 2 activation, and reduced susceptibility to downy mildew disease ( Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis ). Because SFN also directly inhibits H arabidopsidis and other plant pathogens, the isothiocyanate is promising for the development of a plant protectant with a dual mode of action. © 2018 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved.

  14. An Intersensory Interaction Account of Priming Effects-and Their Absence. (United States)

    Klatzky, Roberta L; Creswell, J David


    Psychological researchers have found that exposures to stimuli (primes) can subsequently influence people's behavior by pathways that would seem to be quite remote. For example, people exposed to words associated with older adults may walk more slowly. Recently priming studies, particularly those showing dramatic effects on social behavior, have been under scrutiny because of the unreliability of empirical results. In this article, we shed light on the issue by describing a general model of intersensory interaction, in which two or more sources of information provide an estimate or "bid" on a property of the world, with the perceptual outcome being a weighted combination of the bids. When it is extended by adding bids that stem from memory or inference, the model identifies systematic factors that might undermine priming, including random variation in estimates, contextual influences on memory retrieval and inference, competition among information sources, and cognitive control. These factors are not only explanatory but are predictive of when priming effects can be expected. Our hope is that by promoting the understanding of underlying processes that may explain how primes can influence behavior, the bidding model and the general approach that it represents offer novel insights into the hotly debated area of priming research. © The Author(s) 2013.

  15. Endodontic retreatment of dens invaginatus presenting with gutta-percha overfilling at the attached gingiva and chronic apical periodontitis: unusual clinical report. (United States)

    Robazza, Carlos Roberto Colombo; Alves e Motta, Julio Cesar; de Carli, Marina Lara; de Oliveira Pedreira, Fernanda Rafaelly; Hanemann, Joao Adolfo Costa


    This work describes the retreatment of an unusual case of dens invaginatus with gutta-percha overfilling at the gingival mucosa and chronic apical periodontitis in a 34-year-old woman. Initial periapical radiograph showed the presence of type II dens invaginatus with poor quality obturation, root perforation and chronic apical periodontitis of tooth 22. Dens invaginatus is a tooth malformation caused by infolding of the dental papilla during tooth development. This anomaly has been associated with increased prevalence of pulpal and periapical diseases. Conventional endodontic retreatment was performed using rotary files and calcium hydroxide paste as intracanal dressing. After 7 days, root canal was filled with guttapercha points and Sealapex® sealer. Obturation was radiographically followed and, after 3 years, absence of fistula and periapical radiolucency was observed, thus conventional endodontic therapy proved to be successful. Conventional endodontic retreatment of type II dens invaginatus has been successful for a 3-year period, showing a better treatment alternative. Conservative endodontic retreatment of dens invaginatus should be considered to promote periapical healing with complete reconstitution of bone and periodontal ligament regeneration without signs of recurrence over a period of 3 years. Moreover, it preserves the entire tooth.

  16. ”Hvis du redder et menneske, så har du reddet hele verden”. Den gode moralen og den dialogiske samtalen i et norsk klasserom

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    Sylvi Penne


    Full Text Available Artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i observasjoner fra et klasserom på ungdomstrinnet der elevene arbeider tverrfaglig i norsk, KRL og samfunnsfag. Temaet er blant annet jødenes situasjon før og under krigen. Læreren er faglig dyktig, erfaren og sterkt engasjert i å formidle overgrepene som ble begått mot jødene, og elevene er velvillige. Likevel er elevenes konklusjon at de i en krigssituasjon med en etisk fordring, ikke ville ha våget å gjøre noe for å hjelpe jødene.      Med utgangspunkt i diskursteori, sosiokulturell teori og nyere kognitiv teori diskuteres disse svarene som ”naturlige” svar i den konteksten som skapes i klasserommet, og gjennom det språket som elevene utfordres i, deres ”mediational means”. Et konkret didaktisk problem er at den historiske fortellingen er borte og erstattet av empatisk innlevelse. Artikkelen avslutter med å hevde at uten en narrativ ramme forsvinner muligheten for etisk erkjennelse gjennom konteksten som skapes, og gjennom materialet som foreligger. Her ligger imidlertid nye didaktiske muligheter for engasjerte lærere, ikke minst gjennom litteraturundervisning.

  17. Raccoon Use of Den Trees and Plant Associations in Western Mesophytic Forests: Tree Attributes and Availability or Landscape Heterogeneity? (United States)

    Winston P. Smith; Keith M. Endres


    We monitored 15 radio-collared raccoons (Procyon lotor) on Davies Island in March 1987 - May 1988 to determine the extent to which individual tree attributes or spatial configuration of plant associations (habitat types) across the land-scape influenced den use. Of 1091 verified den sites, 428 were in tree cavities. Raccoon occurrence among 4 cover...

  18. EU's tiltræden til EMRK - et sisyfosarbejde?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bang Fuglsang Madsen Sørensen, Henning


    EU-Domstolen afviste med opinion 2/13 den 18. december 2014 at lade EU tiltræde EMRK på grundlag af et udkast til en tiltrædelsesaftale. I artiklen behandles baggrunden for og det konkrete indhold i EU-Domstolens afvisning, hvorefter det undersøges, i hvilket omfang EMD fremover kan forventes...... at respektere EU-rettens forrang og dermed undlade at holde medlemsstaterne ansvarlige for påståede krænkelser som følge af medlemsstaternes forpligtelser efter EU-retten....

  19. En obekväm sanning eller en stor bluff? : En analys av den visuella gestaltningen av fenomenet "global uppvärmning" i filmmediet


    Eriksson, Anton; Oretoft, Mikael


    En uppsats som kritiskt granskar och analyserar den visuella gestaltningen i två dokumentärfilmer. Huvudtemat i filmerna är global uppvärmning och konsekvenserna av detta. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka den visuella gestaltningen av den miljödebatt som filmerna är en del i och genom detta belysa frågor som berör visuell kultur och popularisering av vetenskap.

  20. Brand priming effect on consumers’ financial risk taking behavior

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    Danielle Mantovani

    Full Text Available Abstract Taking the perspective of brand priming theory, this study proposes that brands associated with an audacious personality trait may influence consumers to be take more risks in making subsequent decisions. Two experiments, run in sport brands contexts, showed that individuals exposed to brands with high (vs. low audacity traits demonstrated a higher rate of risk taking in financial decisions. The studies also showed that this effect is moderated by individuals’ experience with the financial market. This moderation suggests that there was an activation of a goal not just semantic activation, but through the brand priming. This research provides insights into how today's consumers deal with brand priming effects in risky choice settings. From a managerial perspective, it can help managers to understand the likely effects of brand priming on behavior and better predict the probability of risk aversion or risk seeking outcomes.

  1. Is Semantic Priming (Ir)rational? Insights from the Speeded Word Fragment Completion Task (United States)

    Heyman, Tom; Hutchison, Keith A.; Storms, Gert


    Semantic priming, the phenomenon that a target is recognized faster if it is preceded by a semantically related prime, is a well-established effect. However, the mechanisms producing semantic priming are subject of debate. Several theories assume that the underlying processes are controllable and tuned to prime utility. In contrast, purely…

  2. Affective priming of emotional pictures in parafoveal vision: left visual field advantage. (United States)

    Calvo, Manuel G; Avero, Pedro


    This study investigated whether stimulus affective content can be extracted from visual scenes when these appear in parafoveal locations of the visual field and are foveally masked, and whether there is lateralization involved. Parafoveal prime pleasant or unpleasant scenes were presented for 150 msec 2.5 degrees away from fixation and were followed by a foveal probe scene that was either congruent or incongruent in emotional valence with the prime. Participants responded whether the probe was emotionally positive or negative. Affective priming was demonstrated by shorter response latencies for congruent than for incongruent prime-probe pairs. This effect occurred when the prime was presented in the left visual field at a 300-msec prime-probe stimulus onset asynchrony, even when the prime and the probe were different in physical appearance and semantic category. This result reveals that the affective significance of emotional stimuli can be assessed early through covert attention mechanisms, in the absence of overt eye fixations on the stimuli, and suggests that right-hemisphere dominance is involved.

  3. Verbal priming and taste sensitivity make moral transgressions gross. (United States)

    Herz, Rachel S


    The aims of the present study were to assess whether: (a) visceral and moral disgust share a common oral origin (taste); (b) moral transgressions that are also viscerally involving are evaluated accordingly as a function of individual differences in taste sensitivity; (c) verbal priming interacts with taste sensitivity to alter how disgust is experienced in moral transgressions; and (d) whether gender moderates these effects. Standard tests of disgust sensitivity, a questionnaire developed for this research assessing different types of moral transgressions (nonvisceral, implied-visceral, visceral) with the terms "angry" and "grossed-out," and a taste sensitivity test of 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP) were administered to 102 participants. Results confirmed past findings that the more sensitive to PROP a participant was the more disgusted they were by visceral, but not moral, disgust elicitors. Importantly, the findings newly revealed that taste sensitivity had no bearing on evaluations of moral transgressions, regardless of their visceral nature, when "angry" was the emotion primed. However, when "grossed-out" was primed for evaluating moral violations, the more intense PROP tasted to a participant the more "grossed-out" they were by all transgressions. Women were generally more disgust sensitive and morally condemning than men, but disgust test, transgression type, and priming scale modulated these effects. The present findings support the proposition that moral and visceral disgust do not share a common oral origin, but show that linguistic priming can transform a moral transgression into a viscerally repulsive event and that susceptibility to this priming varies as a function of an individual's sensitivity to the origins of visceral disgust-bitter taste.

  4. Is semantic priming due to association strength or feature overlap? A microanalytic review. (United States)

    Hutchison, Keith A


    In a recent meta-analysis, Lucas (2000) concluded that there is strong evidence of an overall pure semantic priming effect but no evidence of priming based purely on association. In the present review, I critically examine the individual studies claiming evidence of featural and associative relations in semantic memory. The most important conclusion is that automatic priming appears to be due to both association strength and feature overlap. Mediated associates provide the strongest evidence of automatic associative priming, whereas functional associates, synonyms, and antonyms instead support priming based on feature overlap. In contrast, automatic priming does not occur for category coordinates or perceptually similar items, at least when presented in the visual modality. The status of other relations, such as collocates, episodic relatives, and script relations, is unclear and requires further experimentation. Implications for current models of semantic representation and priming are discussed.

  5. On the Prime Ideals of C [0, 1

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    It is well known that the set C[0, 1] of real-valuedcontinuous functions on the closed interval [0, 1]has a natural ring structure. Its maximal idealsare known to be points. Here we show thatalthough there exist prime ideals which are notmaximal, the zero set is again a singleton. In particular,each prime ideal is contained in a ...

  6. The effects of alcohol expectancy priming on group bonding. (United States)

    Moltisanti, Allison J; Below, Maureen C; Brandon, Karen O; Goldman, Mark S


    According to alcohol expectancy theory, drinking-related information is stored in memory and, when cue activated, influences alcohol-related behavior. Priming of alcohol cues and expectancies has been shown to elicit both drinking and nonconsumptive behavior associated with alcohol consumption, such as willingness to meet with a stranger and aggression. These social influence effects have been shown to be moderated by individual differences in alcohol expectancies. In the present study, we tested whether an alcohol prime would facilitate social group bonding even in the absence of consumption, and whether such group bonding would be moderated by individually held social expectancies. One hundred twenty undergraduates (75% female) completed an alcohol expectancy measure prior to participation. Participants were primed with either alcohol or neutral beverage words and completed a collaborative group activity followed by questionnaires measuring perceived group cohesion. Several interactions were found between condition and expectancy reflecting that those in the alcohol prime condition with higher social alcohol expectancies reported greater cohesion on task-related, but not emotion-related, group measures. These findings underscore the complexity of the impact of expectancy and social behavior on drinking: the priming of alcohol expectancies may activate aspects of pro-social behavior, which may influence drinking, which in turn may feedback to positively reinforce social expectancies.

  7. Self-Construal Priming Modulates Self-Evaluation under Social Threat

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    Tianyang Zhang


    Full Text Available Previous studies have shown that Westerners evaluate themselves in an especially flattering way when faced with a social-evaluative threat. The current study first investigated whether East Asians also have a similar pattern by recruiting Chinese participants and using social-evaluative threat manipulations in which participants perform self-evaluation tasks while adopting different social-evaluative feedbacks (Experiment 1. Then further examined whether the different response patterns can be modulated by different types of self-construal by using social-evaluative threat manipulations in conjunction with a self-construal priming task (Experiment 2. The results showed that, as opposed to Westerners' pattern, Chinese participants rated themselves as having significantly greater above-average effect only when faced with the nonthreatening feedback but not the social-evaluative threat. More importantly, we found that self-construal modulated the self-evaluation under social-evaluative threat: following independent self-construal priming, participants tended to show a greater above-average effect when faced with a social-evaluative threat. However, this pattern in conjunction with a social threat disappeared after participants received interdependent self-construal priming or neutral priming. These findings suggest that the effects of social-evaluative threat on self-evaluation are not culturally universal and is strongly modulated by self-construal priming.

  8. Repetition-priming effect: a cognitive task for the definition of a clinical assessment

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    Silvia Pagani


    Full Text Available This research aims to study how semantic priming words can influence behavioral measures (RTs, accuracy, to develop an experimental paradigm to differentiate visual neglect and hemianopia. 69 experimental subjects were involved in four experiments. In each experiment target words were preceded by word primes semantically related, neutral or unrelated to the target. The four experiments differed in terms of: number of prime, prime duration and distance between PC monitor and subject. In general, related primes should improve facilitatory effect in target recognition more than unrelated primes, reducing RTs and increasing response accuracy. After repeated ANOVA analysis applied to each experiment and paired comparisons, it is possible to point out that single related primes, shown for 150 ms, greatly improve response behavior in terms of RTs reduction. For future applications to the clinical field, we assume that neglect patients should be facilitated in these specific experimental conditions, due to implicit contralesional prime processing. On the contrary, hemianopics should nowise be facilitated, due to visual field deficit.

  9. Secretory Vesicle Priming by CAPS Is Independent of Its SNARE-Binding MUN Domain

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    Cuc Quynh Nguyen Truong


    Full Text Available Priming of secretory vesicles is a prerequisite for their Ca2+-dependent fusion with the plasma membrane. The key vesicle priming proteins, Munc13s and CAPSs, are thought to mediate vesicle priming by regulating the conformation of the t-SNARE syntaxin, thereby facilitating SNARE complex assembly. Munc13s execute their priming function through their MUN domain. Given that the MUN domain of Ca2+-dependent activator protein for secretion (CAPS also binds syntaxin, it was assumed that CAPSs prime vesicles through the same mechanism as Munc13s. We studied naturally occurring splice variants of CAPS2 in CAPS1/CAPS2-deficient cells and found that CAPS2 primes vesicles independently of its MUN domain. Instead, the pleckstrin homology domain of CAPS2 seemingly is essential for its priming function. Our findings indicate a priming mode for secretory vesicles. This process apparently requires membrane phospholipids, does not involve the binding or direct conformational regulation of syntaxin by MUN domains of CAPSs, and is therefore not redundant with Munc13 action.

  10. Krig på kniven eller på kvaliteten - den danske TV-dokumentarisme i konkurrencealderen

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    Helle Fritze


    Full Text Available I 90´ernes faktaformidling er TV-dokumentarismen et væsentligt omdrej- ningspunkt - da genren på både TV2 og DR med flagskibe som Fak2'eren, Reportageholdet, Søndagsdokumentaren, DR-Feature og DR-Dokumentar er genstand for en udpræget satsning, og desuden, direkte eller indirekte udtrykt, opfattes som eksempel til efterfølgelse for en faktaformidling på den halvkommercielle mediestrukturs betingelser. Således udgør genren med sin særlige institutionelle rolle et væsentligt spor til konkurrencealderens omdefinerede public service-begreb, og den kan derfor også være med til at pejle faktaformidlingens fremtidige udvikling.

  11. Behavioral priming: it's all in the mind, but whose mind?

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    Stéphane Doyen

    Full Text Available The perspective that behavior is often driven by unconscious determinants has become widespread in social psychology. Bargh, Chen, and Burrows' (1996 famous study, in which participants unwittingly exposed to the stereotype of age walked slower when exiting the laboratory, was instrumental in defining this perspective. Here, we present two experiments aimed at replicating the original study. Despite the use of automated timing methods and a larger sample, our first experiment failed to show priming. Our second experiment was aimed at manipulating the beliefs of the experimenters: Half were led to think that participants would walk slower when primed congruently, and the other half was led to expect the opposite. Strikingly, we obtained a walking speed effect, but only when experimenters believed participants would indeed walk slower. This suggests that both priming and experimenters' expectations are instrumental in explaining the walking speed effect. Further, debriefing was suggestive of awareness of the primes. We conclude that unconscious behavioral priming is real, while real, involves mechanisms different from those typically assumed to cause the effect.

  12. The Influence of Working Memory Load on Semantic Priming (United States)

    Heyman, Tom; Van Rensbergen, Bram; Storms, Gert; Hutchison, Keith A.; De Deyne, Simon


    The present research examines the nature of the different processes that have been proposed to underlie semantic priming. Specifically, it has been argued that priming arises as a result of "automatic target activation" and/or the use of strategies like prospective "expectancy generation" and "retrospective semantic…

  13. 76 FR 80907 - TRICARE Prime Urgent Care Demonstration Project (United States)


    ... care including minor illness or injury for Active Duty Family Members enrolled in TRICARE Prime or.... Current data indicates that the ADFMs frequently need urgent care while traveling to new duty stations for... DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary TRICARE Prime Urgent Care Demonstration Project...

  14. Homophonic and semantic priming of Japanese Kanji words: a time course study. (United States)

    Chen, Hsi-Chin; Yamauchi, Takashi; Tamaoka, Katsuo; Vaid, Jyotsna


    In an examination of the time course of activation of phonological and semantic information in processing kanji script, two lexical decision experiments were conducted with native readers of Japanese. Kanji targets were preceded at short (85-msec) and long (150-msec) intervals by homophonic, semantically related, or unrelated primes presented in kanji (Experiment 1) or by hiragana transcriptions of the kanji primes (Experiment 2). When primes were in kanji, semantic relatedness facilitated kanji target recognition at both intervals but homophonic relatedness did not. When primes were in hiragana, kanji target recognition was facilitated by homophonic relatedness at both intervals and by semantic relatedness only at the longer interval. The absence of homophonic priming of kanji targets by kanji primes challenges the universal phonology principle's claim that phonology is central to accessing meaning from print. The stimuli used in the present study may be downloaded from

  15. Abstract spatial concept priming dynamically influences real-world actions

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    Sarah M Tower-Richardi


    Full Text Available Experienced regularities in our perceptions and actions play important roles in grounding abstract concepts such as social status, time, and emotion. Might we similarly ground abstract spatial concepts in more experienced-based domains? The present experiment explores this possibility by implicitly priming abstract spatial terms (north, south, east, west and then measuring participants’ hand movement trajectories while they respond to a body-referenced spatial target (up, down, left, right in a verbal (Exp. 1 or spatial (Exp. 2 format. Results from two experiments demonstrate temporally-dynamic and prime-biased movement trajectories when the primes are incongruent with the targets (e.g., north – left, west – up. That is, priming abstract coordinate directions influences subsequent actions in response to concrete target directions. These findings provide the first evidence that abstract concepts of world-centered coordinate axes are implicitly understood in the context of concrete body-referenced axes; critically, this abstract-concrete relationship manifests in motor movements, and may have implications for spatial memory organization.

  16. Priming performance-related concerns induces task-related mind-wandering. (United States)

    Jordano, Megan L; Touron, Dayna R


    Two experiments tested the hypothesis that priming of performance-related concerns would (1) increase the frequency of task-related mind-wandering (i.e., task-related interference; TRI) and (2) decrease task performance. In each experiment, sixty female participants completed an operation span task (OSPAN) containing thought content probes. The task was framed as a math task for those in a condition primed for math-related stereotype threat and as a memory task for those in a control condition. In both studies, women whose performance-related concerns were primed via stereotype threat reported more TRI than women in the control. The second experiment used a more challenging OSPAN task and stereotype primed women also had lower math accuracy than controls. These results support the "control failures×current concerns" framework of mind-wandering, which posits that the degree to which the environmental context triggers personal concerns influences both mind-wandering frequency and content. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Word Meaning Frequencies Affect Negative Compatibility Effects In Masked Priming. (United States)

    Brocher, Andreas; Koenig, Jean-Pierre


    Negative compatibility effects (NCEs)-that is, slower responses to targets in related than unrelated prime-target pairs, have been observed in studies using stimulus-response (S-R) priming with stimuli like arrows and plus signs. Although there is no consensus on the underlying mechanism, explanations tend to locate NCEs within the motor-response system. A characteristic property of perceptuo-motor NCEs is a biphasic pattern of activation: A brief period in which very briefly presented (typically) masked primes facilitate processing of related targets is followed by a phase of target processing impairment. In this paper, we present data that suggest that NCEs are not restricted to S-R priming with low-level visual stimuli: The brief (50 ms), backward masked (250 ms) presentation of ambiguous words (bank) leads to slower responses than baseline to words related to the more frequent (rob) but not less frequent meaning (swim). Importantly, we found that slowed responses are preceded by a short phase of response facilitation, replicating the biphasic pattern reported for arrows and plus signs. The biphasic pattern of priming and the fact that the NCEs were found only for target words that are related to their prime word's more frequent meaning has strong implications for any theory of NCEs that locate these effects exclusively within the motor-response system.

  18. Reading "glasses" will prime "vision," but reading a pair of "glasses" will not. (United States)

    Neely, J H; VerWys, C A; Kahan, T A


    In a lexical decision task with two primes and a target, the target was preceded 300 msec by the second prime (P2) which in turn was preceded by a brief forward and backward masked first prime (P1). When P1 and P2 were unrelated, reaction times were faster when the target was related to P2 (e.g., wave SALT ... pepper) than when the target was unrelated to P2 (and P1--e.g., wave LOAN ... pepper). However, this semantic priming effect was reduced to statistically nonsignificant levels when P1 and P2 were repetitions of the same word. That is, priming did not occur for salt SALT ... pepper relative to loan LOAN ... pepper. This reduction in priming was observed whether P2 and the target were strongly or weakly related. These findings raise problems for current accounts of semantic priming.

  19. Where perception meets memory: a review of repetition priming in visual search tasks. (United States)

    Kristjánsson, Arni; Campana, Gianluca


    What we have recently seen and attended to strongly influences how we subsequently allocate visual attention. A clear example is how repeated presentation of an object's features or location in visual search tasks facilitates subsequent detection or identification of that item, a phenomenon known as priming. Here, we review a large body of results from priming studies that suggest that a short-term implicit memory system guides our attention to recently viewed items. The nature of this memory system and the processing level at which visual priming occurs are still debated. Priming might be due to activity modulations of low-level areas coding simple stimulus characteristics or to higher level episodic memory representations of whole objects or visual scenes. Indeed, recent evidence indicates that only minor changes to the stimuli used in priming studies may alter the processing level at which priming occurs. We also review recent behavioral, neuropsychological, and neurophysiological evidence that indicates that the priming patterns are reflected in activity modulations at multiple sites along the visual pathways. We furthermore suggest that studies of priming in visual search may potentially shed important light on the nature of cortical visual representations. Our conclusion is that priming occurs at many different levels of the perceptual hierarchy, reflecting activity modulations ranging from lower to higher levels, depending on the stimulus, task, and context-in fact, the neural loci that are involved in the analysis of the stimuli for which priming effects are seen.

  20. Der chthonische Dionysos - Zur Wirkmacht des Mythos in den Mysterien

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    Niklas Engel


    Full Text Available Dieser Beitrag soll aufzeigen, dass eine chthonische und eschatologische Dimension der dionysischen Göttlichkeit in verschiedenen Riten und Kulten des Gottes nachgewiesen werden kann und dabei keinesfalls mysterienexklusiv ist. Dazu soll der archäologische Befund, der Dionysos mit dem Jenseits und eschatologischen Ho nungen in Verbindung bringt, vorgestellt und untersucht werden. Darauf aufbauend soll belegt werden, dass diese jenseitige Dimension sich sowohl in Riten mit privatem Kern, hier am Beispiel der Oreibasia, als auch in Kultfeiern des ö entlichen Festkanons, wie den Anthesterien, zeigt. Abschließend soll dann Dionysos‘ Funktion in den eleusinischen Mysterien untersucht werden. This paper aims to show that a chthonic and eschatological dimension of dionysiac divinity can be found in various rites and cults of the god and that this is not exclusive for the mysteries. Recent archaeological evidence connecting Dionysos with the afterlife and eschatological expectations will be introduced and analyzed. is dimension manifests itself in rites with a private intent (e.g. the Oreibasia as well as public celebrations of the festival calendar (e.g. the Anthesteria. An analysis of Dionysos’ function in the eleusinian mysteries concludes the overview.