
Sample records for hardware computacional na

  1. Interação Humano - Computador usando Visão Computacional

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    Bernardo Bucher B. Barbosa


    Full Text Available Este trabalho visa estudar maneiras de se explorar a Interação Humano Computador, usando Visão Computacional. A idéia tem como objetivo um esforço para tornar o computador mais interativo com o usuário, sem a necessidade da compra de um hardware ou acessório específico para tal. O produto final deste trabalho em desenvolvimento é um software que contempla esta funcionalidade, tornando o computador mais interativo.

  2. Um sistema computacional de coleta de dados e avaliação institucional para apoio à tomada de decisão na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

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    José Marcos da Silva


    Full Text Available A avaliação institucional em Universidades Federais consiste de um trabalho constante e exaustivo de permanente reflexão do fazer universitário; é uma condição básica para identificar os desafios necessários à formulação de diretrizes para o Ensino, a Pesquisa, a Extensão e a Administração Universitária. Assim, um sistema computacional que proporcione facilidades para coleta de dados e se utilize de recursos on-line, que possibilite uma participação eficiente de todos os envolvidos no processo avaliativo, poderia ser de grande interesse da comunidade universitária. O trabalho tem o intuito de demonstrar um sistema computacional de coleta, pesquisa e avaliação institucional, denominado COLLECTA, para aplicação na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC. Esse sistema, utilizando novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação, visa a integrar alunos de graduação, alunos de pós-graduação, egressos, professores, técnico-administrativos e gestores, na busca de melhor qualidade institucional. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, devido à sua natureza aplicada, trabalhou-se com uma abordagem qualitativa. Trata-se de uma pesquisa com enfoque descritivo, envolvendo levantamento bibliográfico e a resolução do problema por meio de pesquisa-ação. Com isso, foram identificadas as necessidades computacionais, sendo projetado, desenvolvido e implantado o sistema COLLECTA, com o intuito de auxiliar nos processos decisórios na UFSC com dados provenientes das avaliações institucionais, coletados pelo sistema computacional proposto, bem como tornar mais acessíveis e transparentes essas informações.

  3. Simulação computacional aplicada na análise do projeto de um restaurante universitário

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    José Victor Silvério


    Full Text Available O uso da simulação computacional foi impulsionado pelos avanços da computação e sua grande flexibilidade de utilização. Dentre as diversas aplicações, a análise de projetos ganha destaque. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo aplicar a simulação computacional para análise da capacidade de atendimento de um novo restaurante universitário. Para tanto, foram utilizados a abordagem de pesquisa quantitativa e o procedimento de pesquisa experimental, por meio do uso de simulação computacional. Mediante a análise dos resultados do modelo computacional desenvolvido, foi possível compreender o provável funcionamento do sistema estudado, bem como o fluxo das entidades entre os locais de atendimento. Verificou-se que o espaço físico projetado é adequado para o atendimento. No entanto, o processo de atendimento do local caixa deverá ser revisto, pois em horários de maior procura pelo serviço houve grande formação de fila de espera. Este trabalho apresenta contribuições para a área acadêmica e para a área empresarial.

  4. Programa computacional para calcular a potência requerida de máquinas e implementos agrícolas

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    Pablo Pereira Corrêa Klaver


    Full Text Available O uso de programas computacionais no setor agrícola permite atingir objetivos específicos na área. Dentre esses, um dos mais complexos é a seleção adequada de máquinas e implementos agrícolas visando à otimização de operações agrícolas, devido, principalmente, à grande variedade de equipamentos existentes no mercado e a gama de tarefas e situações de trabalho que estas são submetidas no campo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um programa computacional para calcular a potência requerida de máquinas e implementos agrícolas normalmente utilizados na condução de operações de campo, desde o preparo do solo até as operações de implantação de culturas. Desenvolvido em linguagem PHP, o programa computacional baseia-se na norma ASAE D497.4 - Agricultural Machinery Management Data como referência para desenvolvimento de cálculos. A partir do programa desenvolvido, tornou-se possível a execução de tarefas para cálculos de avaliação da demanda de potência de máquinas e implementos agrícolas de forma simplificada pela internet.

  5. Aprendizagens em movimento: Um experimento de estímulo ao Pensamento Computacional de docentes com M-Learning e U-Learning

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    Guaraci Vargas Greff


    Full Text Available Este artigo relata a experiência de prática pedagógica de pensamento computacional em sala de aula. Faz uso das aprendizagens móvel e ubíqua  na prática do Pensamento Computacional na construção de aplicativo para dispositivo móvel ou portátil através da ferramenta denominada App Inventor disponível no site do Instituto de Tecnologia de Massassuchets. A base teórica usada é as metodologias de inquérito incluindo: aprendizagem por descoberta, inquérito indutivo, instrução ancorada, estudo de caso e Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas ou Projetos (ABP. Esta é uma pesquisa qualitativa de estudo de caso colaborativo que analisa e aplica a proposta de curso disponível no site, realiza análise do perfil dos entrevistados e apresenta opiniões sobre a atividade. Como resultados surgem aspectos relevantes do perfil docente para aprendizagem móvel e ubíqua, assim como orientações para a prática docente do Pensamento Computacional com as aprendizagens móvel e ubíqua em sala de aula, além da aceitação dos estudantes e docentes no uso de dispositivos móveis para aprendizagem de lógica de programação.

  6. Pensamiento computacional: rompiendo brechas digitales y educativas

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    Mauricio Javier Rico


    Full Text Available Este artículo describe una iniciativa pragmática de colaboración internacional en el ámbito de la formación del Pensamiento Computacional de los jóvenes estudiantes de Colombia. El proyecto “Introducción del Pensamiento Computacional en las escuelas de Bogotá y Colombia” (RENATA/EHU involucra el pensamiento computacional en el currículo escolar de una manera asequible y eficaz para los estudiantes, los docentes y los centros educativos. Las nuevas generaciones de este país tienen ahora la posibilidad de adquirir habilidades del siglo XXI al igual que las nuevas generaciones de otros países donde la computación es parte del currículo educativo desde los primeros años escolares. Este proyecto está en su fase de implementación en escuelas de diferentes regiones de Colombia; puede ser un ejemplo de cómo romper brechas digitales y educativas utilizando las TIC y la educación como principales herramientas de transformación social.

  7. Caracterización computacional de los epitopes B de la quitinasa clase I de la Ananas comosus (Piña

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    César Muñoz Mejía


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar el potencial alergénico de la quitinasa de piña y proponer un modelo computacional de la estructura de esta proteína para la predicción de posibles sitios de unión a la IgE, a los Epitopes E, los que se encuentran implicados en las reacciones alérgicas de esta fruta. Métodos: A partir de una secuencia de bases de ADN de piña, previamente reportada, que traduce para una proteína con homología a diferentes quitinasas de otras frutas, y mediante el uso de herramientas bioinformáticas y bases de datos disponibles en la red, se obtuvo un modelo computacional de quitinasa de piña y se analizaron su estructura y características fisicoquímicas para la predicción de epítopes dentro de la misma. Resultados: Se generó un modelo computacional de una proteína de 204 aminoácidos, que pertenece al grupo de las quitinasas I. La predicción y posterior análisis de Epitopes obtenidos a partir de varios servidores bioinformáticos mostró que estos tienen características (Área de Superficie Relativa, RSA que los hacen aptos para pertenecer a un sitio de unión a IgE. Conclusiones: La quitinasa de piña estudiada posee homología con uno de los grupos de alérgenos de alimentos que está implicado en el síndrome látexfruta, y podría ser la responsable de reacciones alérgicas a este alimento. Por otro lado, poder predecir estos epítopes es de utilidad también en el diseño de alimentos transgénicos.



    Botassoli, Guilherme Tonini; UNISC - Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul; Alberti, Rafael Alvise; UNISC - Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul; Furtado, João Carlos; UNISC - Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul


    A utilização de técnicas de otimização em simulação impactam fortemente em diferentes áreas e por isso, acabam por se tornar ferramentas fundamentais na engenharia de processos. Assim, foi desenvolvido um algoritmo para otimização em simulação computacional, em linguagem C a partir do programa Code::Blocks, utilizando-se de conceitos provenientes do Método Enxame de Partículas (MEP) e Algoritmos Genéticos (AG). Partindo inicialmente de um algoritmo base com matriz de números aleatórios, busco...

  9. Métodos de Simulación Computacional en Biología

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    Amir Dario Maldonado Arce


    Full Text Available Las técnicas de simulación computacional se usan extensivamente para estudiar sistemas biológicos, y en general, materiales sólidos y blandos. Debido a la complejidad de los fenómenos biológicos, y a la imposibilidad de estudiar teóricamente el comportamiento de sistemas tales como proteínas y membranas, la simulación computacional se utiliza para estudiar la estructura y dinámica de estos sistemas en diferentes escalas temporales. En este artículo describiremos brevemente algunas de las técnicas de simulación computacional más utilizadas en Biología: la Dinámica Molecular, la Dinámica Browniana y el Método de Monte Carlo. Nuestra intención es proporcionar un panorama introductorio de la utilidad de los métodos de simulación molecular en Biología

  10. Hacia un modelo computacional unificado del lenguaje natural

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    Benjamín Ramírez González


    Full Text Available ¿Qué tipo de formalismo debe utilizarse para representar el lenguaje natural? Es necesario un formalismo capaz de describir adecuadamente todas las secuencias de las lenguas naturales. Pero, además, en la medida de lo posible, debe ser un formalismo sencillo, de un coste computacional reducido. Esta pregunta ha generado mucha controversia entre las principales escuelas generativas: la Gramática Transformacional y las Gramáticas de Unificación. En este artículo se defiende que, pese a las diferencias existentes, en última instancia, tales escuelas formalizan el lenguaje humano mediante un mismo tipo de formalismo bien definido: lo que Noam Chomsky llamó lenguaje independiente del contexto. Bajo el prisma de este artículo, la Lingüística actual está en condiciones de ofrecer un modelo computacional unificado del lenguaje natural.

  11. Programa computacional para calcular a potência requerida de máquinas e implementos agrícolas


    Pablo Pereira Corrêa Klaver; Ricardo Ferreira Garcia; José Francisco Sá Vasconcelos Júnior; Delorme Corrêa Junior; Wellington Gonzaga Vale


    O uso de programas computacionais no setor agrícola permite atingir objetivos específicos na área. Dentre esses, um dos mais complexos é a seleção adequada de máquinas e implementos agrícolas visando à otimização de operações agrícolas, devido, principalmente, à grande variedade de equipamentos existentes no mercado e a gama de tarefas e situações de trabalho que estas são submetidas no campo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um programa computacional para calcular a potência requeri...


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    Leonel Figueiredo de Alencar

    Full Text Available RESUMO: Este artigo descreve o tratamento da passiva e do passado composto na FrGramm, uma gramática computacional do francês implementada na Gramática Léxico-Funcional (LFG usando o software XLE. Devido à dualidade de auxiliares e concordância do particípio passado (PTPST, a segunda perífrase exibe uma maior complexidade estrutural em francês do que em línguas como inglês e português, representando, consequentemente, um maior desafio à implementação computacional. Uma dificuldade adicional é a modelação das regularidades morfológicas e sintático-semânticas da passiva. A FrGramm resolve esse problema por meio de uma regra lexical produtiva. Também implementa as restrições que governam a formação das duas perífrases verbais, exceto a concordância do PTPST com o objeto direto. A im ple men ta ção foi avaliada pela aplicação de um analisador sintático automático (parser a 157 sentenças gra ma ti cais e 279 construções a gramati cais. Todas as sentenças do primeiro con junto foram ana li sa das corretamente. Apenas duas construções do segundo que violam a pre cedência do auxiliar do passado composto so bre o da passiva foram analisadas como gra ma ticais. A FrGramm é a úni ca gramática LFG do fran cês com essa cobertura atualmente dis po nibilizada livremente. Uma versão futura dará con ta da concordância do PTPST com o objeto direto e evitará a hipergeração referida.


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    Lucas Tadeu Hinterholz


    Full Text Available Os estudos no campo da Neurociência Cognitiva estão evoluindo e apontando-a como essencial para o entendimento da construção do conhecimento. Esta pesquisa faz parte da proposta do projeto Contribuição da Tecnologia Computacional para a Assistência Social e apoio do projeto de extensão Unisc - Inclusão Digital, desenvolvidos na Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul e executados por docentes e estudantes do curso de Licenciatura em Computação. Como base teórica foram estudados conceitos da Neurociência Cognitiva e Abstração Reflexionante para a compreensão dos processos mentais e acompanhamento de resultados de aprendizagem do estudante, enquanto utiliza computador para programar em uma linguagem específica. A Metodologia contou com um Estudo de Caso, desenvolvido através de oficina de ensino de programação para adolescentes entre 14 e 17 anos, os quais não possuíam qualquer conhecimento prévio. Estes responderam a um teste do Método Clínico Piagetiano – MCP relacionado à memória implícita e explícita, adaptado para aplicação durante a utilização de linguagem de programação. Como resultado, observou-se que 83,34% dos participantes correspondeu à expectativa e apresentou características de abstração e consciência compatíveis com o nível cognitivo reflexivo. Neste sentido, afirma-se que a programação computacional é incentivo à cognição humana, contribui para o desenvolvimento do Pensamento Computacional, devendo ser inserida no ensino formal junto aos currículos escolares.

  14. La Energía del Cerebro Humano Autolimita su Poder Computacional

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    Mario Camacho Pinto


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    Los expertos en informática no consideran apropiado seguir preguntando cuántos Mips o cuántos Megaflops constituyen la capacidad de ejecución del cerebro a ejemplo de un Supercomputador Cray o de un IBM Pc, sino cuántas operaciones computacionales puede ejecutar el encéfalo en fa unidad de tiempo o sea su poder computacional.

    El enfoque neurofisiológico involucra tres aspectos contributorios para una respuesta positiva, a saber:

    l. Poder computacional de las Synapsis intemeuronales.
    2. Poder computacional de la retina como punto de referencia.
    3. Medición de la energía total gastada por el cerebro en la unidad de tiempo.

    l. Poder computacional de las Synapsis.
    Engloba así mismo 3 premisas a saber:

    a. El cerebro no puede “computar” si la programación de las señales NO se efectúa mediante el transporte de una Synapsis a la siguiente por el sofisticado mecanismo electroquímico que requiere una determinada cantidad de energía que limita su poder, como veremos adelante.

    b. Este transporte toma tiempo que ha sido posible calcular en relación con la distancia total que todos los impulsos nerviosos tienen que recorrer, tiempo que se ha estimado en un segundo por cada diez impulsos.

    c. El número de Synapsis actuantes se calcula en 10 15.

    Así el total de “operaciones” será el resultado de la relación del número de Synapsis en juego con la distancia que tenga que recorrer el impulso nervioso y su velocidad de operancia.

    Entonces como hay aproximadamente 1015 Synapsis operando a 10 impulsos por segundo, el resultado crudo sería evaluado en 1016 operaciones synapsiales del cerebro en la unidad de tiempo...

  15. La Neurociencia Computacional hoy: I. Qué es y por qué es difícil su estudio

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    Jesús Cortés


    Full Text Available La Neurociencia Computacional es una disciplina consolidada, con más de 20 años de desarrollo, y que emplea técnicas muy diversas para entender diferentes computaciones cerebrales. Aquí se introduce brevemente mediante dos artículos. En el primero, “Qué es y por qué es difícil su estudio”, se introducen de forma muy general cuáles son sus objetivos como ciencia y los problemas con los que se encuentra. En el segundo, mediante “Un ejemplo muy representativo en el campo” abordamos su metodología y destacamos la trascendencia que la Neurociencia Computacional está teniendo y tendrá dentro de las Neurociencias.

  16. Sintaxe X-barra: uma aplicação computacional

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    Gabriel de Ávila Othero


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, apresentaremos uma aplicação computacional da teoria X-barra (cf. HAEGEMAN, 1994; MIOTO et al., 2004, através do programa Grammar Play, um parser sintático em Prolog. O Grammar Play analisa sentenças declarativas simples do português brasileiro, identificando sua estrutura de constituintes. Sua gramática é implementada em Prolog, com o recurso das DCGs, e é baseada nos moldes propostos pela teoria X-barra. O parser é uma primeira tentativa de expandir a cobertura de analisadores semelhantes, como o esboçado em Pagani (2004 e Othero (2004. Os objetivos que guiam a presente versão do Grammar Play são o de implementar computacionalmente modelos lingüísticos coerentes aplicados à descrição do português e o de criar uma ferramenta computacional que possa ser usada didaticamente em aulas de introdução à sintaxe e lingüística, por exemplo.


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    Jorlei Luis Baierle


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta um jogo computacional educacional desenvolvido para atuar como uma nova tática de ensino em um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem com agentes pedagógicos emocionais, que executam diferentes funções. O jogo computacional tem como objetivo desenvolver o raciocínio lógico oferecendo desafios aos estudantes em um ambiente 3D, incluindo personagens tais como macacos, abelhas, jacaré, morcegos e gorila no trajeto de um trem que carrega mantimentos. O cenário do jogo possui elementos diversificados, tais como pontes, túnel, lago, floresta, montanhas e aldeia de índios. Este projeto visa contribuir no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, oferecendo um ambiente dinâmico e de interação com os estudantes, respeitando e adaptando-se às suas características de aprendizagem. Pretende-se adaptar o jogo desenvolvido para trabalhar com pessoas com deficiência física motora, mas com capacidade de aprendizagem, a fim de auxiliar com a sua inclusão em nossa sociedade.

  18. MORPION: a fast hardware processor for straight line finding in MWPC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mur, M.


    A fast hardware processor for straight line finding in MWPC has been built in Saclay and successfully operated in the NA3 experiment at CERN. We give the motivations to build this processor, and describe the hardware implementation of the line finding algorithm. Finally its use and performance in NA3 are described

  19. Desenvolvimento de uma rede de sensores sem fio aplicada no monitoramento da variabilidade térmica em casas de vegetação


    Barbosa, Rogério Zanarde [UNESP


    Este é um trabalho de tecnologia computacional aplicada na área agrícola, cujo objetivo principal do trabalho é desenvolver uma rede de sensores sem fio, que envolve aspectos de software e hardware, para o monitoramento térmico no interior de uma casa de vegetação. Além da rede propriamente dita, o trabalho também inclui a sua aplicação no levantamento quantitativo da variabilidade térmica na casa de vegetação o que pode ser aplicado em diversas atividades agrícolas a serem desenvolvidas no i...

  20. Sistema computacional para dosimetria de nêutrons e fótons baseado em métodos estocásticos aplicado a radioterapia e radiologia

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    Bruno Machado Trindade


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Este artigo mostra um procedimento de conversão de imagens de tomografia computadorizada ou de ressonância magnética em modelo de voxels tridimensional para fim de dosimetria. Este modelo é uma representação personalizada do paciente que pode ser usado na simulação, via código MCNP (Monte Carlo N-Particle, de transporte de partículas nucleares, reproduzindo o processo estocástico de interação de partículas nucleares com os tecidos humanos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: O sistema computacional desenvolvido, denominado SISCODES, é uma ferramenta para planejamento computacional tridimensional de tratamentos radioterápicos ou procedimentos radiológicos. Partindo de imagens tomográficas do paciente, o plano de tratamento é modelado e simulado. São então mostradas as doses absorvidas, por meio de curvas de isodoses superpostas ao modelo. O SISCODES acopla o modelo tridimensional ao código MCNP5, que simula o protocolo de exposição à radiação ionizante. RESULTADOS: O SISCODES vem sendo utilizado no grupo de pesquisa NRI/CNPq na criação de modelos de voxels antropomórficos e antropométricos que são acoplados ao código MCNP para modelar braquiterapias e teleterapias aplicadas a tumores em pulmões, pelve, coluna, cabeça, pescoço, e outros. Os módulos atualmente desenvolvidos no SISCODES são apresentados junto com casos exemplos de planejamento radioterápico. CONCLUSÃO: O SISCODES provê de maneira rápida a criação de modelos de voxels personalizados de qualquer paciente que podem ser usados em simulações por códigos estocásticos tipo MCNP. A combinação da simulação via MCNP com um modelo personalizado do paciente traz grandes melhorias na dosimetria de tratamentos radioterápicos.

  1. Modelo Computacional Baseado em Servidor: Estudo de Caso Utilizando Thin Clients


    Moacir Luiz Barnabé; Rita de Cassia Rocha; Reginaldo Castro de Souza; Carlos Eduardo Costa Vieira


    Este artigo apresenta a solução Thin Client como alternativa econômica e segura, ao modelo computacional massivamente utilizado atualmente no meio empresarial. Paradoxalmente é concedido inicialmente aos clientes equipamentos e recursos tecnológicos, por meio de computadores, para, posteriormente, em uma ação permanente, controlar ou limitar estes recursos de forma a garantir a segurança, disponibilidade operacional e evitar seu uso recreativo.


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    Wesley Saldanha Nogueira Oliveira


    Full Text Available RESUMO. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados iniciais da comparação de alguns parâmetros de funcionamento do protótipo de uma turbina de ação simples, operando com ar comprimido como fluido de trabalho, realizados na unidade do SENAI de Barra do Piraí/RJ. O protótipo foi desenvolvido integralmente no Centro Universitário Geraldo Di Biase - UGB - Campus de Barra do Piraí/RJ, que inicialmente teve como o fluido de trabalho o vapor d’água, que nos testes inicias se mostrou ineficiente. A simulação computacional do sistema foi feita através do software SolidWorks na Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF - Campus de Volta Redonda/RJ, o que permitiu determinar a faixa de trabalho que apresentou maior eficiência nos resultados experimentais do sistema por meio da relação entre pressão de operação, velocidade angular transmitida pelo fluido ao eixo da turbina e a potência da mesma. Os valores nas simulações em velocidade tangencial na região rotacional apresentaram-se convergentes aos valores experimentais medidos no protótipo.

  3. N-gramas sintácticos y su uso en la lingüistica computacional

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    Grigori Sidorov


    Full Text Available En este artículo, estamos introduciendo un nuevo concepto que se utilizará en la lingüística computacional, se llama n-gramas sintácticos: son n-gramas que se construyen siguiendo un árbol sintáctico. Es equivalente a introducir la información sintáctica en los métodos de aprendizaje automático, que siempre era un problema muy difícil. Discutimos los elementos que pueden formar estos n-gramas: palabras, clases gramaticales (POS tags, nombres de relaciones sintácticas, caracteres. Consideramos dos ejemplos de cómo se puede obtener los n-gramas sintácticos basándonos en un árbol sintáctico, tanto para el español como para el inglés. Adicionalmente, presentamos un modelo más utilizando de solución de problemas de la lingüística computacional, específicamente, el modelo de espacio vectorial.


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    Full Text Available El artículo tiene como objetivo mostrarvarios trabajos de investigación sobre un enfoque desimulación denominado Economía computacional basadaen agentes, el cual rechaza las asunciones delos enfoques de estudio tradicionales que indican quela economía es un sistema cerrado que eventualmentelogra un estado de equilibrio, en el que deben realizarsesupuestos de racionalidad perfecta e inversioneshomogéneas para que los modelos sean tratadosanalíticamente. En su lugar, ve a la economía comoun sistema complejo, adaptativo y dinámico. Estenuevo enfoque permite usar la simulación basada enagentes para comprender que varios agentes económicos(firmas, grupos económicos con sus propiasreglas y objetivos, son capaces de interactuar entresí y con su entorno para obtener comportamientosemergentes que no son explicables directamente delas propiedades de los agentes individuales.

  5. Critérios de projeto e benefícios esperados da implantação de técnicas compensatórias em drenagem urbana para controle de escoamentos na fonte, com base em modelagem computacional aplicada a um estudo de caso na zona oeste do Rio de Janeiro

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    Anaí Floriano Vasconcelos

    Full Text Available RESUMO O processo de urbanização resulta em alterações no ciclo hidrológico prejudiciais à população. Para amenizar esses efeitos, as técnicas compensatórias em drenagem urbana visam à maior sustentabilidade hidrológica na expansão urbana. Nesse sentido, este artigo teve como objetivos avaliar, por meio de modelagem computacional, o efeito da adoção dessas técnicas na escala de lote e da bacia hidrográfica e avançar com diferentes possibilidades de concepção de projeto. A modelagem foi realizada para diversos cenários, considerando a implantação das técnicas de forma isolada e combinada. Os parâmetros utilizados na modelagem visaram verificar possibilidades extremas de aplicação, de modo a disponibilizar dados para balizamento de projetos reais. As chuvas avaliadas possuem variadas durações e intensidades, facilitando a extrapolação dos resultados deste trabalho para bacias hidrográficas de diferentes escalas. Os resultados das simulações indicam potenciais benefícios na drenagem urbana oriundos do uso dessas técnicas no lote, com mais efetividade para as menores chuvas de projeto. Esse foi o caso dos cenários que avaliaram os jardins rebaixados isoladamente ou combinados em série com um reservatório de lote e os cenários de pavimentos permeáveis na calçada que receberiam o escoamento superficial do lote adjacente. Também foi verificado que a combinação paralela de um reservatório de lote com as dimensões propostas pela legislação municipal e um jardim rebaixado em 0,07 m seria capaz de neutralizar, hidrologicamente, os impactos da ocupação do lote para todas as chuvas de projeto analisadas, entretanto o reservatório proposto pela legislação municipal, quando adotado isoladamente, quase não atuou na escala da bacia..

  6. Desenvolvimento de um programa computacional didático para o projeto de colunas de absorção

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    Nehemias Curvelo Pereira


    Full Text Available A absorção de gases é uma operação unitária da engenharia química na qual há a transferência de massa de uma corrente gasosa para uma corrente líquida. O princípio desta operação é simples e as dificuldades no dimensionamento das colunas de absorção estão associadas à execução de um conjunto de balanços de massa e de energia nas condições de operação do sistema. Elaborou-se, usando a linguagem de programação DELPHI, voltada ao ambiente WINDOWS, e algumas equações encontradas na literatura, um programa computacional de caráter didático para o projeto de torres de absorção isotérmicas, com diversos tipos de recheio e com operação em contracorrente. Os resultados são apresentados tanto em forma numérica como de gráficos, sendo possível sua impressão. Alguns exemplos tirados da literatura foram usados para testar a eficácia do software e observou-se que os erros apresentados pelos resultados do programa variam em torno de 5%

  7. Programa GENES: Aplicativo Computacional em Estatística Aplicada à Genética (GENES - Software for Experimental Statistics in Genetics

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    Cosme Damião Cruz


    Full Text Available The main purpose of the GENES software is to help people working with genetic analysis and data processing in breeding programs, using several biometrics models. This software has several help windows that are very friendly to the user. More information about this program is available in the book" Programa GENES - Aplicativo Computacional em Genética e Estatística, 442. 1997". Purchase orders are welcome at the following address: Shareware copies of the GENES software are available at O programa GENES é um software destinado à análise e processamento de dados por meio de diferentes modelos biométricos. Seu uso é de grande importância em estudos genéticos aplicados ao melhoramento vegetal e animal, por permitir estimativa de parâmetros para entendimento de fenômenos biológicos e fundamentais em processo de tomada de decisão e na predição do sucesso e viabilidade da estratégia de seleção. O programa pode ser obtido pela rede Internet ( ou por solicitação pelo endereço: Departamento de Biologia Geral, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 36571-000 Viçosa, MG, Brasil. O programa conta com telas de ajuda, tornando-o de fácil utilização. Informações adicionais sobre seu uso estão disponíveis no livro" Programa GENES - Aplicativo Computacional em Genética e Estatística, 442, 1997" adquirido por E-mail enviado para

  8. Necesidad de un Centro Nacional de Bioinformática y Biología Computacional para Colombia

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    Lyda Raquel Castro


    Full Text Available Los principales y más revolucionarios avances de la biología en este siglo se han derivado de la información proveniente de genomas completos de diferentes organismos. Los descubrimientos que se derivan de la genómica están generando un nuevo paradigma en la biología, sustituyendo la era de la biología centrada en los genes por aquella centrada en los genomas. Este nuevo concepto es base para desarrollos de gran potencial e impacto social en diferentes áreas como la medicina, la agricultura y la industria. El éxito en el desarrollo de métodos de última generación para la secuenciación de genomas, la proteómica y todas las “omicas”, ha contribuido al surgimiento de nuevas posibilidades para el análisis de la enorme cantidad de datos que se están generando mediante el uso de herramientas computacionales, dando origen a una nueva rama de estudio conocida como bioinformática o biología computacional. Este trabajo hace una revisión general del desarrollo de la bioinformática y la biología computacional en Colombia. Inicialmente, a modo de comparación, describimos el desarrollo de esta ciencia en otros países latinoamericanos que son reconocidos en el área. Finalmente, se discuten los principales aspectos que van a jugar un papel importante en el futuro de esta ciencia en nuestro país, y que además justifican la necesidad de crear un centro nacional de bioinformática y biología computacional.

  9. Remodelagem do sistema computacional para dosimetria em radioterapia por nêutrons e fótons baseado em métodos estocásticos - SISCODES


    Bruno Machado Trindade


    O presente trabalho apresenta a remodelagem do Sistema Computacional para Dosimetria em Radioterapia por Nêutrons e Fótons Baseado em Métodos Estocásticos . SISCODES. Para isso mostra a proposta inicial e estado anterior do sistema, as modificações e expansões propostas e executadas, e o estado atual de desenvolvimento do sistema. Melhorias futuras são propostas ao final do trabalho. O SISCODES é um sistema que permite a execução de planejamento computacional 3D em radioterapia, através de si...

  10. Teoría Computacional de la Mente.

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    Mario Camacho Pinto


    Full Text Available

    Cuando publiqué mi trabajo titulado “Inteligencia Artificial y Neurología” en la Revista MEDICINA en cuatro ejemplares Nos. 14, 15, 16, 17, Años 1986-1987, expuse exhaustivamente la contribución científica contemporánea de las Neuro-ciencias y experimenté la ingenua ilusión (frecuente ocurrencia en el ser humano de participar, así fuese muy lejanamente, en el optimismo de los científicos japoneses quienes ofrecían obtener en el decurso de pocos años inteligencia artificial equiparable con la inteligencia humana. Infortunadamente no sucedió así, no podía ser así, lo que nunca quiere decir que de mi parte se ignoren o se desconozcan los sensacionales logros que esos mismos científicos han venido consiguiendo.

    Ahora me encuentro entusiasmado en el desarrollo de otro tema de características similares, lo cual me induce a comentarlo así sea someramente en su trayectoria.

    Se trata de la teoría computacional de la mente, interesantísimo rubro expuesto prolijamente por Steven Pinker del Instituto Tecnológico de Massachussets en el libro del cual es autor, “best seller” de 660 páginas titulado “How the Mind Works”, publicado el año pasado con 800 referencias de bibliografía.

    Su cuidadosa lectura con mis múltiples fieles transcripciones a más de mi información personal mediante Internet, constituyen el bagage intelectual y el soporte científico que me han impulsado a escribir este somero comentario sobre tan trascendente tema, con destino a MEDICINA.

    La Teoría Computacional de la Mente tiene su origen en las ideas geniales del matemático norteamericano Alan Turing quien demostró que una máquina binaria podía ser programada para realizar cualquier tarea algorítmica, lo cual fue complementado en el mismo año de 1937 por Claude Shannon del MIT con la noción de integración de circuitos en los rieles eléctricos que integran el sistema binario de almacenamiento de informaci

  11. Programa computacional para o dimensionamento de colhedoras considerando a pontualidade na colheita de soja Computer model to select combine harvesters considering the timeliness of soybean

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    Iackson O. Borges


    Full Text Available A colheita de soja (Glycine max (L. Merril é uma operação crítica que pode sofrer atrasos resultando em perdas na quantidade e na qualidade do material colhido. Embora o valor das perdas seja desconhecido no País, os produtores empregam colhedoras com reserva de capacidade para concluir a operação no menor prazo possível. O excesso de capacidade aumenta os custos fixos e a falta dela aumenta os custos das perdas por atraso e, em ambos os casos, reduzem a renda líquida da operação, ao que se denomina custo de pontualidade. O problema do dimensionamento consiste em ajustar o custo do capital extra investido na capacidade da máquina para garantir a pontualidade e o custo das perdas por atraso, buscando maximizar a renda líquida. Devido à importância da cultura e da pontualidade, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do atraso no dimensionamento da frota e no custo da operação de colheita. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se um modelo computacional em linguagem Borland® Delphi 5.0, em que a entrada de dados inclui os atributos da região agroclimática, da colhedora e das cultivares de soja. O resultado é a renda líquida como indicador da pontualidade na operação para a colhedora selecionada. O programa foi utilizado para simular cenários numa propriedade na região de Ponta Grossa - PR, e os valores obtidos revelaram que a frota de colhedoras da propriedade opera com capacidade ociosa, produzindo renda líquida abaixo do potencial.Soybean harvest is considered a critical operation that might suffer some delays causing a reduction in crop yield or quality. Although the value of losses is unknown in the country, combine harvesters with high capacity are applied by the producers and they aim to conclude the operation as fast as possible. If the harvesters have greater capacity than the required, the fixed cost is increased, and if it is the opposite, it might reduce the crop yield. In both cases, there is a decrease in





    Máquinas agrícolas possuem mecanismos que as tornam autônomas, porém ainda é um recurso caro, baseado em GPS. O uso de visão computacional é uma alternativa ou um complemento para o uso do GPS. Até há pouco tempo, o uso de visão computacional, era restrito aos computadores de grande capacidade de processamento e seu uso em máquinas agrícolas era inviável devido às condições adversas do campo. Com a evolução dos processadores é possível aplicar visão computacional em celulares, cujo hardware é...

  13. Hacia un tratamiento computacional del Aktionsart

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    Juan Aparicio


    Full Text Available En el área del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (PLN, a la hora de crear aplicaciones inteligentes, el tratamiento semántico es fundamental. Sin embargo, la investigación que actualmente se está llevando a cabo en PLN está todavía lejos de conseguir niveles profundos de compresión del lenguaje. El objetivo principal de nuestra investigación es la representación del Aktionsart (la manera como se construye el evento expresado por un verbo en su desarrollo temporal. Una de las dificultades básicas que presenta el tratamiento semántico del lenguaje es el establecimiento de clases, debido principalmente a la naturaleza gradual del significado y la alta incidencia del contexto en la interpretación de las diferentes unidades. En este artículo nos centraremos en la presentación de las clases aspectuales léxicas de nuestra propuesta. El total de clases definidas se clasifica en dos grupos, las clases simples: estados, procesos y puntos, cuya combinación da lugar a las clases complejas: culminaciones, realizaciones y graduales. Esta presentación se llevará a cabo tanto desde el punto de vista teórico, como de su implementación computacional.

  14. Análise computacional da compactação da cromatina de espermatozoides de galo Computational analysis of chromatin condensation of rooster spermatozoa

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    A.C.N. Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Testaram-se variantes metodológicas utilizando azul de toluidina (AT, até se estabelecer um protocolo confiável para a avaliação computacional da compactação da cromatina em espermatozoides de galo. Para tal, foram utilizados sêmen de 10 galos com 35 semanas de idade e sêmen de 10 galos com 60 semanas de idade. O melhor método foi o de hidrólise com ácido clorídrico 1N por 10 minutos, coloração em cubeta com AT 0,025%, pH 4,0, por 20 minutos, desidratação em álcool, diafanização em xilol e montagem com bálsamo do Canadá. Todas as amostras de sêmen foram submetidas a este protocolo e posteriormente avaliadas por análise de imagem computacional, em que foram feitas mensurações da área, comprimento, largura, perímetro, homogeneidade da compactação da cromatina dentro de cada cabeça e intensidade de compactação da cromatina. Os espermatozoides de galos velhos apresentaram mais alterações na cromatina que os de galos jovens. Os galos jovens apresentaram cabeça dos espermatozoides maior que os galos mais velhos. A análise computacional da compactação da cromatina mostrou-se um método menos subjetivo e mais preciso que a avaliação visual das cabeças dos espermatozoides.The methodological variants using toluidina blue (AT to establish a trustworthy protocol for the computational analysis of chromatin condensation of rooster spermatozoa were studied. Twenty semen samples were used: ten from 35-week-old roosters and ten from 60-week-old roosters. Different methods of denaturation and staining were tested. The best method was hydrolysis with 1N HCl for 10 minutes, staining in bucket with 0.025% AT, pH 4.0, for 20 minutes, dehydration in alcohol, clearing in xylol, and mounted with Canada balsam. All the semen samples were submitted to this protocol and later evaluated by computational image analysis. Area, length, width, perimeter, and chromatin compaction homogeneity of head spermatozoa were measured. The sperm

  15. Simplificações e Adaptações para Redução do Custo Computacional do Pré-processamento de Voz na Plataforma Arduino

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    Pedro Ítalo Ribeiro Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Atualmente, existe um crescente interesse por aplicações em que a interação homem-máquina seja realizada via a voz humana. No entanto, alguns equipamentos, como telefones celulares e eletrodomésticos, possuem limitações de armazenamento e processamento, dificultando a implementação deste tipo de sistema. Neste trabalho, foram implementadas simplificações matemáticas e estratégias de programação em duas etapas típicas de um sistema de reconhecimento da fala, a pré-ênfase e o janelamento. Oobjetivo desta implementação foi analisar o impacto das mesmas no desempenho e, consequentemente, no custo computacional as referidas etapas. Diante das adaptações efetuadas, o tempo de execução foi reduzido para 1/5 do tempo original da pré-ênfase e para 1/10 no caso do janelamento. 

  16. Programa computacional para o dimensionamento de colhedoras considerando a pontualidade na colheita de soja


    Borges,Iackson O.; Maciel,Antonio J. S.; Milan,Marcos


    A colheita de soja (Glycine max (L.) Merril) é uma operação crítica que pode sofrer atrasos resultando em perdas na quantidade e na qualidade do material colhido. Embora o valor das perdas seja desconhecido no País, os produtores empregam colhedoras com reserva de capacidade para concluir a operação no menor prazo possível. O excesso de capacidade aumenta os custos fixos e a falta dela aumenta os custos das perdas por atraso e, em ambos os casos, reduzem a renda líquida da operação, ao que se...

  17. Data Communication PC/NaI-borehole probe (Hardware & Software)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Peter Buch

    Development of new hard- & software to a NaI borehole probe on a PC. Save data from the probe each 10'th sec, handle the data from the probe and make calculations every 10'th sec and show the results on the monitor.......Development of new hard- & software to a NaI borehole probe on a PC. Save data from the probe each 10'th sec, handle the data from the probe and make calculations every 10'th sec and show the results on the monitor....

  18. Victimización y “ondas de choque”: simulación computacional de la propagación del miedo al crimen

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    Manuel Chacón-Mateos


    Full Text Available Se presenta un modelo computacional sobre la generación y propagación del miedo al crimen, basado en los impactos creados por la victimización criminal. El objetivo: es evaluar y describir los efectos que pueden tener en la propagación del miedo al crimen un conjunto de determinantes relacionados con la victimización (directa e indirecta: tamaño de la red social, tasa de victimización y tiempo de recuperación en victimizados. El método: utilizado fue la simulación computacional, en la cual se trabajó con cuatro combinaciones de parámetros que representan diferentes situaciones. Los resultados: permiten describir la dinámica de interacción entre los factores determinantes considerados, y reflejan que estos influyen de manera no lineal en la propagación del miedo al crimen.


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    David Fernández Rivas


    Full Text Available Para el estudio y el diseño de un intercambiador de calor del tipo Termosifón se emplea por primera vez enCuba una novedosa técnica de modelación numérica, la Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional, uso quepudiera ahorrar al país numerosos recursos. Este trabajo continua, con nuevos aportes, una largainvestigación que ha tenido como objetivo central, la instalación de tubos térmicos termosifón (ITTT. Lasimulación computacional, es una poderosa herramienta que se emplea para conocer parámetros de interésen la operación de dicha instalación. Se trabaja con programas de Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional(DFC para acortar el tiempo de experimentación y ahorrar recursos materiales y humanos durante elestudio de diferentes variantes de arreglos geométricos de los tubos térmicos. Se logran conocer lasparticularidades que los diferentes arreglos de tubos introducen al proceso de intercambio de calor. Esteresultado brinda una importante contribución para la futura construcción de un termosifón a escalaindustrial. Esta investigación ha suscitado mucho interés por lo que pudiera significar para la eficiencia de lacaldera las nuevas condiciones impuestas por la quema de combustible cubano.Palabras Claves: Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional, Tubos térmicos, termosifón.__________________________________________________________________________AbstractThe Computational Fluids Dynamic it is used for studying a thermosyphon heat exchanger like a noveltechnique of numeric modeling, for the first time in Cuba. This technique could save a lot of resources. Thiswork is the continuation of a long research in the heat pipes technology. Working with Computational FluidsDynamic (DFC programs, consumes less time in the experimentation and allows saving material andhuman resources for these studies. It is possible to know many particularities of different geometries of tubesarrangements. This investigation will guarantee a future thermosyphon

  20. Modelo computacional para manejo da fertirrigação em sistemas de microirrigação

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    Alex Nunes de Almeida


    Full Text Available O uso de fertirrigação é um dos meios utilizado para a aplicação de fertilizantes via água de irrigação, mas caso não se tome cuidados necessários durante os cálculos da fertirrigação a quantidade calculada destes insumos pode apresentar-se inferior ou superior ao necessário, e assim comprometer a produção e/ou o solo. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi desenvolver uma aplicação computacional para o cálculo da quantidade de fertilizantes a ser colocada em um tanque de fertirrigação e da quantidade de tanques necessários para realização do manejo adequado da fertirrigação. O aplicativo foi escrito em Visual Basic utilizando como ferramenta de desenvolvimento o software Visual Studio Community 2015. O modelo computacional desenvolvido utiliza de um grupo de variáveis informadas pelo usuário que possibilitam a obtenção de resultados consistentes. A metodologia de cálculo utilizada pelo aplicativo enfatiza o máximo de aproveitamento dos insumos tornando possível com seu uso a economia de recursos e ainda se apresenta simples e auto instrutivo para o usuário, permitindo assim melhor aproveitamento de suas funções.

  1. Hardware Resource Allocation for Hardware/Software Partitioning in the LYCOS System

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grode, Jesper Nicolai Riis; Knudsen, Peter Voigt; Madsen, Jan


    as a designer's/design tool's aid to generate good hardware allocations for use in hardware/software partitioning. The algorithm has been implemented in a tool under the LYCOS system. The results show that the allocations produced by the algorithm come close to the best allocations obtained by exhaustive search.......This paper presents a novel hardware resource allocation technique for hardware/software partitioning. It allocates hardware resources to the hardware data-path using information such as data-dependencies between operations in the application, and profiling information. The algorithm is useful...

  2. Identificação dos parâmetros de design de dutos de luz solar através do emprego da simulação computacional

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    Gandhi Escajadillo Toledo


    Full Text Available Os dutos de luz solar podem reduzir o consumo de energia gasta em iluminação, como também melhorar o conforto visual nos ambientes. Para a previsão do desempenho lumínico destes sistemas, recomenda-se a utilização de simulações computacionais, como o programa Troplux. O presente artigo tem como objetivo determinar os parâmetros de design para os dutos de luz solar através da simulação computacional. O método aplicado neste trabalho foi dividido em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa foi comparado o desempenho luminoso de três modelos virtuais de dutos de luz solar, com características ópticas iguais, mas com geometrias diferentes, visando identificar a geometria de duto mais eficiente. Na segunda etapa foi simulado o desempenho do duto de luz eleito, tendo como referência as especificações da CIE (Comissão Internacional de Iluminação para os tipos de céu e incidência solar. Os resultados das simulações foram então empregados para identificar os principais parâmetros de design para o os dutos de luz solar.

  3. Identificação dos parâmetros de design de dutos de luz solar através do emprego da simulação computacional

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    Gandhi Escajadillo Toledo


    Full Text Available Os dutos de luz solar podem reduzir o consumo de energia gasta em iluminação, como também melhorar o conforto visual nos ambientes. Para a previsão do desempenho lumínico destes sistemas, recomenda-se a utilização de simulações computacionais, como o programa Troplux. O presente artigo tem como objetivo determinar os parâmetros de design para os dutos de luz solar através da simulação computacional. O método aplicado neste trabalho foi dividido em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa foi comparado o desempenho luminoso de três modelos virtuais de dutos de luz solar, com características ópticas iguais, mas com geometrias diferentes, visando identificar a geometria de duto mais eficiente. Na segunda etapa foi simulado o desempenho do duto de luz eleito, tendo como referência as especificações da CIE (Comissão Internacional de Iluminação para os tipos de céu e incidência solar. Os resultados das simulações foram então empregados para identificar os principais parâmetros de design para o os dutos de luz solar.


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    Michele Tereza Marques Carvalho


    Full Text Available Tem-se observado que o crescimento da competitividade no setor da construção civil tem levado as empresas a procurarem por melhorias de desempenho relacionados aos resultados obtidos nas frentes de trabalho. Isso acontece por meio de programas de melhoria da qualidade e produtividade, onde pode-se citar a capacitação da mão de obra, melhoria das técnicas de produção e aperfeiçoamento da linguagem utilizada entre todas as partes envolvidas na realização das tarefas. Desta forma, o foco deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta computacional que integre todos os indicadores de planejamento e controle, gráficos, diários de obras e programações  necessárias para permitir uma observação completa da obra e uma análise do planejamento realizado que aponte os seus pontos fortes e fracos, facilitando o processo de tomada de decisão. Este instrumento mostrará aonde o planejamento e controle estão falhando e assim será possível melhorar as diretrizes mais rapidamente, dado que estas falhas demoram a ser identificadas tanto pelos planejadores quanto pelos responsáveis pelas frentes de trabalho. Com os dados obtidos em mãos será realizada uma análise sobre os resultados alcançados com o desenvolvimento da ferramenta, a veracidade dos dados utilizados e a necessidade de seu desenvolvimento e emprego em outras obras.

  5. Desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta computacional 1-D para uso em projeto de turbinas a vapor


    Fábio Santos Nascimento


    O presente trabalho trata do projeto aerotermodinâmico de turbinas a vapor de múltiplos estágios baseado em uma abordagem de técnicas de modelamento unidimensional. Um programa computacional foi desenvolvido para projeto preliminar de turbinas a vapor de múltiplos estágios escritos em linguagem FORTRAN 90, visando à redução do tempo de projeto preliminar, a independência de programas comerciais e o acesso ao código fonte para modificar e implementar novos modelos para melhorar o potencial da ...

  6. Hardware for soft computing and soft computing for hardware

    CERN Document Server

    Nedjah, Nadia


    Single and Multi-Objective Evolutionary Computation (MOEA),  Genetic Algorithms (GAs), Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Fuzzy Controllers (FCs), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Ant colony Optimization (ACO) are becoming omnipresent in almost every intelligent system design. Unfortunately, the application of the majority of these techniques is complex and so requires a huge computational effort to yield useful and practical results. Therefore, dedicated hardware for evolutionary, neural and fuzzy computation is a key issue for designers. With the spread of reconfigurable hardware such as FPGAs, digital as well as analog hardware implementations of such computation become cost-effective. The idea behind this book is to offer a variety of hardware designs for soft computing techniques that can be embedded in any final product. Also, to introduce the successful application of soft computing technique to solve many hard problem encountered during the design of embedded hardware designs. Reconfigurable em...


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    Edwar Jacinto Gómez


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el software  Fuzzy Tool desarrollado como una herramienta educativa para el aprendizaje de sistemas difusos, define los métodos y operaciones difusos más importantes y utilizadas en el diseño de sistemas difusos en el mundo. FuzzyTool se implementó como una herramienta computacional educativa teniendo como referencia cada una de lo programas que se encuentran en la actualidad para el desarrollo, diseño y simulación de sistemas y controladores difusas (fuzzytech, Matlab, Unfuzzy, etc..La herramienta que se desarrollo le entrega al usuario una interfaz gráfica donde es guiado en el diseño de los sistemas difusos, por medio de tres pasos fundamentales como lo son: la edición de las variables, la construcción de la base de reglas o base de conocimiento y por ultimo, la inferencia de reglas.





    Esta Tesis Doctoral corresponde a parte de las actividades de los Proyectos FONDECYT 1070186 y 1111067, donde se utiliza la modelación matemática y la simulación computacional para describir los fenómenos de transporte de fluidos, calor y masa que ocurren en los procesos de congelación y deshidratación de alimentos sólidos porosos y líquidos no Newtonianos. En paralelo se estudian diferentes características de gran complejidad para cada proceso térmico, como son: uso de modelos conjugados ...

  9. Soporte computacional para administración integrada de redes y servicios

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    José Nelson Pérez Castillo


    Full Text Available Este artículo contextualiza la problemática actual de la administración de redes de comunicaciones considerando las profundas repercusiones, tanto de la internacionalización de la economía como del ritmo impetuoso del avance tecnológico sobre el sector teleinformático y la calidad en la prestación de los servicios de comunicaciones. Reseña someramente las actividades de los distintos frentes de estandarización; en particular la ISO, la ITU- T y la Internet. Se muestran, entonces, las características del soporte computacional para el desarrollo de aplicaciones, señalando los servicios de comunicaciones, interfaz gráfica y bases de datos teniendo en cuenta la naturaleza distribuida de la administración de redes. Finalmente, se muestran los atributos generales de las herramientas de desarrollo disponibles en la actualidad.

  10. Introduction to Hardware Security

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yier Jin


    Full Text Available Hardware security has become a hot topic recently with more and more researchers from related research domains joining this area. However, the understanding of hardware security is often mixed with cybersecurity and cryptography, especially cryptographic hardware. For the same reason, the research scope of hardware security has never been clearly defined. To help researchers who have recently joined in this area better understand the challenges and tasks within the hardware security domain and to help both academia and industry investigate countermeasures and solutions to solve hardware security problems, we will introduce the key concepts of hardware security as well as its relations to related research topics in this survey paper. Emerging hardware security topics will also be clearly depicted through which the future trend will be elaborated, making this survey paper a good reference for the continuing research efforts in this area.

  11. FY1995 evolvable hardware chip; 1995 nendo shinkasuru hardware chip

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This project aims at the development of 'Evolvable Hardware' (EHW) which can adapt its hardware structure to the environment to attain better hardware performance, under the control of genetic algorithms. EHW is a key technology to explore the new application area requiring real-time performance and on-line adaptation. 1. Development of EHW-LSI for function level hardware evolution, which includes 15 DSPs in one chip. 2. Application of the EHW to the practical industrial applications such as data compression, ATM control, digital mobile communication. 3. Two patents : (1) the architecture and the processing method for programmable EHW-LSI. (2) The method of data compression for loss-less data, using EHW. 4. The first international conference for evolvable hardware was held by authors: Intl. Conf. on Evolvable Systems (ICES96). It was determined at ICES96 that ICES will be held every two years between Japan and Europe. So the new society has been established by us. (NEDO)

  12. FY1995 evolvable hardware chip; 1995 nendo shinkasuru hardware chip

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This project aims at the development of 'Evolvable Hardware' (EHW) which can adapt its hardware structure to the environment to attain better hardware performance, under the control of genetic algorithms. EHW is a key technology to explore the new application area requiring real-time performance and on-line adaptation. 1. Development of EHW-LSI for function level hardware evolution, which includes 15 DSPs in one chip. 2. Application of the EHW to the practical industrial applications such as data compression, ATM control, digital mobile communication. 3. Two patents : (1) the architecture and the processing method for programmable EHW-LSI. (2) The method of data compression for loss-less data, using EHW. 4. The first international conference for evolvable hardware was held by authors: Intl. Conf. on Evolvable Systems (ICES96). It was determined at ICES96 that ICES will be held every two years between Japan and Europe. So the new society has been established by us. (NEDO)

  13. Efectos de la simulación computacional en la comprensión de la distribución binomial y la distribución de proporciones


    Martínez, Johanna; Yáñez, Gabriel


    En este trabajo se presenta un proyecto de investigación que se basa en el enfoque instrumental para describir el efecto que tiene la simulación computacional en la comprensión de la distribución binomial y la distribución de proporciones.

  14. Desarrollo y validación experimental de un modelo computacional de pilas de combustible tipo PEM y su aplicación al análisis de monoceldas


    Iranzo Paricio, Alfredo


    La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo fundamental el desarrollo de un modelo computacional para pilas de combustible tipo PEM, que suponga un avance con respecto al estado actual del modelado de pilas de combustible. ... * Desarrollo de un model

  15. DelPapa - Aplicativo computacional para a análise de dados de experimentos no delineamento blocos ao acaso, usando o método Papadakis

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    Lindolfo Storck


    Full Text Available O aplicativo computacional para a análise de dados de experimentos executados no delineamento blocos ao acaso, por meio do método usual e de Papadakis, foi desenvolvido em sua primeira versão (não publicada, na linguagem de programação Pascal. Considerando que o método de Papadakis foi eficiente para as principais culturas agrícolas (milho, soja, feijão e trigo e, para tornar o aplicativo mais amigável, a versão em Pascal foi reprogramada em Java, cuja denominação é DelPapa. Este aplicativo realiza a análise de variância segundo o delineamento blocos ao acaso pelo método usual (estima parâmetros genéticos, medidas de qualidade experimental e testes dos pressupostos da análise de variância e pelo método de Papadakis. Usando as médias ajustadas pela covariável (média dos erros das parcelas vizinhas, também realiza o teste Scott e Knott (P=0,05 para agrupar os tratamentos.

  16. Hardware description languages (United States)

    Tucker, Jerry H.


    Hardware description languages are special purpose programming languages. They are primarily used to specify the behavior of digital systems and are rapidly replacing traditional digital system design techniques. This is because they allow the designer to concentrate on how the system should operate rather than on implementation details. Hardware description languages allow a digital system to be described with a wide range of abstraction, and they support top down design techniques. A key feature of any hardware description language environment is its ability to simulate the modeled system. The two most important hardware description languages are Verilog and VHDL. Verilog has been the dominant language for the design of application specific integrated circuits (ASIC's). However, VHDL is rapidly gaining in popularity.

  17. Prótese para substituição total de disco intervertebral: desenvolvimento de modelo computacional e análise por elementos finitos Prótese de reemplazo total del disco intervertebral: modelo de desarrollo computacional y análisis de elementos finitos Prosthesis for total intervertebral disc replacement: computacional model development and finite element analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tiago Nunes Campello


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: a idéia de um disco intervertebral artificial não é nova. O campo de estudos sobre próteses para artroplastia de coluna desenvolve-se ao passo que novas tecnologias na área de materiais e engenharia médica são desenvolvidas ou introduzidas para o surgimento de novos projetos. OBJETIVO: estabelecer metodologia de desenvolvimento de produto em um projeto de prótese para substituição total de disco intervertebral pela utilização de ferramentas computacionais de engenharia. MÉTODOS: a metodologia de desenvolvimento de prótese para substituição total de disco iniciou-se com a definição do seu modelo virtual, seguida pela a análise mecânica virtual por elementos finitos. RESULTADOS: a prótese de disco foi concebida com três componentes, sendo eles o flange superior, o flange inferior e o núcleo. Aplicando o critério de von Mises para solução da análise virtual, verificou-se que o núcleo da prótese é o componente mais solicitado durante compressão axial e compressão/cisalhamento. CONCLUSÃO: este estudo demonstra a viabilidade do desenvolvimento de um projeto para fabricação de prótese para substituição total de disco intervertebral, por meio de metodologia computacional já consagrada em projetos mecânicos de engenharia, principalmente, nos ramos automotivo e aeronáutico.INTRODUCCIÓN: la idea de un disco intervertebral artificial no es nueva. Los estudios de la columna vertebral artroplastia prótesis están en desarrollo, mientras las nuevas tecnologías en el ámbito de la ingeniería y los materiales médicos son desarr llados o introducidos a la aparición de nuevos proyectos. OBJETIVO: establecer una metodología para el desarrollo de producto en un proyecto de prótesis para reemplazo total del disco intervertebral, a través del uso de herramientas de ingeniería computacional. MÉTODOS: la metodología de desarrollo de prótesis para reemplazo total del disco se inició con la definici

  18. La Neurociencia Computacional hoy: II. El Proyecto Blue Brain, un ejemplo muy representativo en el campo

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    Jesús Cortés


    Full Text Available La Neurociencia Computacional es un campo reciente, pero bien establecido dentro de las Neurociencias. En un primer artículo (Cortés, 2009,, “Qué es y por qué es difícil su estudio”, explico su principal paradigma: todo proceso mental que tiene lugar en nuestro cerebro tiene un circuito o cableado físico que lo sustenta. En este artículo comento un ejemplo muy representativo en el campo: el macro-proyecto de simulación a gran escala y en tiempo real de procesos en la corteza cerebral, el famoso Blue Brain Project.

  19. Koala: sistema para integração de métodos de predição e análise de estruturas de proteína


    Alexandre Defelicibus


    A Biologia Computacional tem desenvolvido algoritmos aplicados a problemas relevantes da Biologia. Um desses problemas é a Protein Structure Prediction (PSP). Vários métodos têm sido desenvolvidos na literatura para lidar com esse problema. Porém a reprodução de resultados e a comparação dos mesmos não têm sido uma tarefa fácil. Nesse sentido, o Critical Assessment of protein Structure Prediction (CASP), busca entre seus objetivos, realizar tais comparações. Além disso, os sistemas desenvolvi...

  20. Foundations of hardware IP protection

    CERN Document Server

    Torres, Lionel


    This book provides a comprehensive and up-to-date guide to the design of security-hardened, hardware intellectual property (IP). Readers will learn how IP can be threatened, as well as protected, by using means such as hardware obfuscation/camouflaging, watermarking, fingerprinting (PUF), functional locking, remote activation, hidden transmission of data, hardware Trojan detection, protection against hardware Trojan, use of secure element, ultra-lightweight cryptography, and digital rights management. This book serves as a single-source reference to design space exploration of hardware security and IP protection. · Provides readers with a comprehensive overview of hardware intellectual property (IP) security, describing threat models and presenting means of protection, from integrated circuit layout to digital rights management of IP; · Enables readers to transpose techniques fundamental to digital rights management (DRM) to the realm of hardware IP security; · Introduce designers to the concept of salutar...

  1. Open hardware for open science

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Bulletin


    Inspired by the open source software movement, the Open Hardware Repository was created to enable hardware developers to share the results of their R&D activities. The recently published CERN Open Hardware Licence offers the legal framework to support this knowledge and technology exchange.   Two years ago, a group of electronics designers led by Javier Serrano, a CERN engineer, working in experimental physics laboratories created the Open Hardware Repository (OHR). This project was initiated in order to facilitate the exchange of hardware designs across the community in line with the ideals of “open science”. The main objectives include avoiding duplication of effort by sharing results across different teams that might be working on the same need. “For hardware developers, the advantages of open hardware are numerous. For example, it is a great learning tool for technologies some developers would not otherwise master, and it avoids unnecessary work if someone ha...

  2. Open Hardware Business Models


    Edy Ferreira


    In the September issue of the Open Source Business Resource, Patrick McNamara, president of the Open Hardware Foundation, gave a comprehensive introduction to the concept of open hardware, including some insights about the potential benefits for both companies and users. In this article, we present the topic from a different perspective, providing a classification of market offers from companies that are making money with open hardware.

  3. Open Hardware Business Models

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edy Ferreira


    Full Text Available In the September issue of the Open Source Business Resource, Patrick McNamara, president of the Open Hardware Foundation, gave a comprehensive introduction to the concept of open hardware, including some insights about the potential benefits for both companies and users. In this article, we present the topic from a different perspective, providing a classification of market offers from companies that are making money with open hardware.

  4. Os conceitos elementares de estatística a partir do homem vitruviano: uma experiência de ensino em ambiente computacional


    Silva, Edgard Dias da


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar as potencialidades de uma intervenção de ensino sobre os conceitos elementares de Estatística com alunos do Ensino Médio, construída a partir de uma visita cultural (exposição de Leonardo Da Vinci), tendo como ferramenta o ambiente computacional. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de cunho quali-quantitativo, que seguiu um modelo quaseexperimental, no formato pré-teste/intervenção/pós-teste, complementada pela análise qualitativa das atividades...

  5. Sistema computacional de realidad aumentada para la solidificación del aprendizaje en la educación básica


    Ponce Tubay, Manuel Alexander; Párraga Muñoz, Sonia Monserrate; Ochoa Parrales, Jhonny Andrés


    El desarrollo de una herramienta computacional para la mejora de los diferentes procesos de aprendizaje implantando nuevas TIC con realidad aumenta, para de esta forma despertar un mayor interés e interacción de los alumnos, contribuyendo así con en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en la educación de la Unidad Educativa. La investigación está orientada a mejorar cada uno de los aspectos necesarios para la enseñanza y aprendizaje, agilizar e innovar la manera de aprender con un software com...

  6. Modelo computacional para caracterización de células escamosas de citologías cérvico-uterinas


    Martínez Abaunza Víctor Eduardo; Mendoza Castellanos Alfonso; Uribe Pérez Claudia Janeth


    El trabajo se realizó entre el Grupo de Investigación en Ingeniería Biomédica (GIIB) y el Grupo de Investigación en Patología Estructural, Funcional y Clínica de la Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), junto con la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (UNAB); el objetivo principal es construir un modelo computacional que permita caracterizar las células presentes en una citología cérvico uterina, con el propósito de clasificarlas como normales o displásicas. La...

  7. Open Hardware at CERN

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Knowledge Transfer Group


    CERN is actively making its knowledge and technology available for the benefit of society and does so through a variety of different mechanisms. Open hardware has in recent years established itself as a very effective way for CERN to make electronics designs and in particular printed circuit board layouts, accessible to anyone, while also facilitating collaboration and design re-use. It is creating an impact on many levels, from companies producing and selling products based on hardware designed at CERN, to new projects being released under the CERN Open Hardware Licence. Today the open hardware community includes large research institutes, universities, individual enthusiasts and companies. Many of the companies are actively involved in the entire process from design to production, delivering services and consultancy and even making their own products available under open licences.

  8. Representações digitais e interação incorporada: um estudo etnográfico de práticas científicas de modelagem computacional

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    Marko Monteiro


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir como objetos virtuais participam interativamente da produção do conhecimento na prática científica. O artigo baseia-se numa observação etnográfica de uma equipe interdisciplinar de cientistas, cujo trabalho envolve modelagem computacional de transferência de calor na próstata humana. A etnografia constatou que, embora visualizações científicas sejam pensadas como uma forma de "simplificar" a apreensão de dados, há um intenso trabalho interpretativo necessário para alcançar sentidos compartilhados a respeito das imagens. Tais sentidos são construídos a partir de comunicação oral e de interações incorporadas com objetos virtuais no decorrer das interações entre os cientistas. Uma melhor compreensão dessas práticas interpretativas é importante na medida em que o uso de visualizações digitais em 3D e de modelos computacionais ganha importância na ciência contemporânea. Tais técnicas são crescentemente utilizadas não somente para descrever verdades sobre a natureza, mas como ferramentas poderosas de intervenção no mundo.This text discusses how virtual objects participate interactively in the production of knowledge in scientific practice. The article is based on the ethnographic observation of an interdisciplinary team of scientists whose work involves computer modelling of heat transfer in the human prostate. The ethnography found that although scientific imaging may be considered a form of 'simplifying' the apprehension of data, an intense interpretative process is required to achieve shared meanings concerning the images. These meanings are constructed through oral communication and embodied interactions with virtual objects during the interactions between scientists. A better understanding of these interpretative practices is needed given the growing importance of the use of 3D digital imaging and computational models in contemporary science. These techniques are

  9. Hardware protection through obfuscation

    CERN Document Server

    Bhunia, Swarup; Tehranipoor, Mark


    This book introduces readers to various threats faced during design and fabrication by today’s integrated circuits (ICs) and systems. The authors discuss key issues, including illegal manufacturing of ICs or “IC Overproduction,” insertion of malicious circuits, referred as “Hardware Trojans”, which cause in-field chip/system malfunction, and reverse engineering and piracy of hardware intellectual property (IP). The authors provide a timely discussion of these threats, along with techniques for IC protection based on hardware obfuscation, which makes reverse-engineering an IC design infeasible for adversaries and untrusted parties with any reasonable amount of resources. This exhaustive study includes a review of the hardware obfuscation methods developed at each level of abstraction (RTL, gate, and layout) for conventional IC manufacturing, new forms of obfuscation for emerging integration strategies (split manufacturing, 2.5D ICs, and 3D ICs), and on-chip infrastructure needed for secure exchange o...

  10. 2018 NA62 Status Report to the CERN SPSC

    CERN Document Server

    NA62, Collaboration


    The status of the NA62 experiment is reported. The ongoing activities on detectors and hardware are summarised and the status of the data processing is reviewed. The result from the "K^{+}\\rightarrow\\pi^{+}\

  11. Importância da utilização de propriedades avaliadas em função da temperatura para a simulação computacional de cerâmicas refratárias

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    Akiyoshi M. M.


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo sistemático sobre a influência da utilização de propriedades avaliadas em função da temperatura para suprir um programa de simulação computacional por elementos finitos (AEF visando à determinação dos perfis de temperatura e tensão em uma âncora refratária. Para tanto, foram avaliados em função da temperatura, a condutividade térmica (k, o calor específico (c, o coeficiente de expansão térmica linear (alfaL e o módulo elástico (E. Um planejamento fatorial 2u e a análise de variância (ANOVA foram utilizados para avaliar a influência das interações entre as propriedades determinadas em função da temperatura sobre os perfis de temperatura e tensão normal resultantes da simulação computacional. Este estudo reforça a necessidade da avaliação das propriedades em função da temperatura para se suprir um programa de simulação computacional, destacando-se a condutividade térmica e o calor específico para propiciar uma melhor obtenção do perfil de temperatura, e o coeficiente de expansão térmica linear (alfaL e o módulo elástico (E para a avaliação do perfil de tensões.

  12. Expert System analysis of non-fuel assembly hardware and spent fuel disassembly hardware: Its generation and recommended disposal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Williamson, D.A.


    Almost all of the effort being expended on radioactive waste disposal in the United States is being focused on the disposal of spent Nuclear Fuel, with little consideration for other areas that will have to be disposed of in the same facilities. one area of radioactive waste that has not been addressed adequately because it is considered a secondary part of the waste issue is the disposal of the various Non-Fuel Bearing Components of the reactor core. These hardware components fall somewhat arbitrarily into two categories: Non-Fuel Assembly (NFA) hardware and Spent Fuel Disassembly (SFD) hardware. This work provides a detailed examination of the generation and disposal of NFA hardware and SFD hardware by the nuclear utilities of the United States as it relates to the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program. All available sources of data on NFA and SFD hardware are analyzed with particular emphasis given to the Characteristics Data Base developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the characterization work performed by Pacific Northwest Laboratories and Rochester Gas ampersand Electric. An Expert System developed as a portion of this work is used to assist in the prediction of quantities of NFA hardware and SFD hardware that will be generated by the United States' utilities. Finally, the hardware waste management practices of the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Sweden, and Japan are studied for possible application to the disposal of domestic hardware wastes. As a result of this work, a general classification scheme for NFA and SFD hardware was developed. Only NFA and SFD hardware constructed of zircaloy and experiencing a burnup of less than 70,000 MWD/MTIHM and PWR control rods constructed of stainless steel are considered Low-Level Waste. All other hardware is classified as Greater-ThanClass-C waste

  13. Simulação do comportamento mecânico de misturas asfálticas usando um modelo computacional multi-escala

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Flávio Vasconcelos de Souza


    Full Text Available As misturas asfálticas, por serem materiais heterogêneos, possuem comportamento global dependente do comportamento dos constituintes individuais, de suas frações volumétricas e das interações físico-químicas entre os constituintes, dentre outros fatores. Deste modo, para que se possa compreender melhor o comportamento desses materiais, é necessário o uso de metodologias capazes de considerar as características e fenômenos ocorrentes nas escalas menores. Uma metodologia que vem sendo bastante estudada e aplicada na comunidade científica internacional são os chamados modelos multi-escala. O objetivo do presente trabalho é descrever um modelo computacional multi-escala e aplicá-lo à simulação de ensaios comumente usados em misturas asfálticas, quais sejam, os ensaios de compressão diametral e de fadiga por flexão em viga. Para o caso de compressão diametral, os resultados numéricos se mostraram em concordância com os resultados observados experimentalmente. Para o caso de carregamento cíclico, não foi feita uma comparação com experimentos, mas os resultados numéricos mostram a capacidade do modelo em simular qualitativamente os fenômenos de trincamento por fadiga e acúmulo de deformações permanentes.

  14. Hardware Support for Embedded Java

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schoeberl, Martin


    The general Java runtime environment is resource hungry and unfriendly for real-time systems. To reduce the resource consumption of Java in embedded systems, direct hardware support of the language is a valuable option. Furthermore, an implementation of the Java virtual machine in hardware enables...... worst-case execution time analysis of Java programs. This chapter gives an overview of current approaches to hardware support for embedded and real-time Java....


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    Álvaro Duque S.J.


    Full Text Available Las matrices de las representaciones irreducibles de un grupo G se usan para el cómputo de la Transformada Generalizada de Fourier de una función definida en G. Existen muchas otras aplicaciones para las representaciones irreducibles de un grupo. Nosotros elaborarnos un software que calcula las matrices de las representacionesirreducibles del grupo simétrico en la forma serninormal de Young. Este programa corre en el Sistema Algebraico Computacional CoCoA.



    Samer Moein; Fayez Gebali; T. Aaron Gulliver; Abdulrahman Alkandari


    ABSTRACT The majority of techniques developed to detect hardware trojans are based on specific attributes. Further, the ad hoc approaches employed to design methods for trojan detection are largely ineffective. Hardware trojans have a number of attributes which can be used to systematically develop detection techniques. Based on this concept, a detailed examination of current trojan detection techniques and the characteristics of existing hardware trojans is presented. This is used to dev...

  17. Hunting for hardware changes in data centres

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coelho dos Santos, M; Steers, I; Szebenyi, I; Xafi, A; Barring, O; Bonfillou, E


    With many servers and server parts the environment of warehouse sized data centres is increasingly complex. Server life-cycle management and hardware failures are responsible for frequent changes that need to be managed. To manage these changes better a project codenamed “hardware hound” focusing on hardware failure trending and hardware inventory has been started at CERN. By creating and using a hardware oriented data set - the inventory - with detailed information on servers and their parts as well as tracking changes to this inventory, the project aims at, for example, being able to discover trends in hardware failure rates.

  18. Open-source hardware for medical devices. (United States)

    Niezen, Gerrit; Eslambolchilar, Parisa; Thimbleby, Harold


    Open-source hardware is hardware whose design is made publicly available so anyone can study, modify, distribute, make and sell the design or the hardware based on that design. Some open-source hardware projects can potentially be used as active medical devices. The open-source approach offers a unique combination of advantages, including reducing costs and faster innovation. This article compares 10 of open-source healthcare projects in terms of how easy it is to obtain the required components and build the device.

  19. An evaluation of Skylab habitability hardware (United States)

    Stokes, J.


    For effective mission performance, participants in space missions lasting 30-60 days or longer must be provided with hardware to accommodate their personal needs. Such habitability hardware was provided on Skylab. Equipment defined as habitability hardware was that equipment composing the food system, water system, sleep system, waste management system, personal hygiene system, trash management system, and entertainment equipment. Equipment not specifically defined as habitability hardware but which served that function were the Wardroom window, the exercise equipment, and the intercom system, which was occasionally used for private communications. All Skylab habitability hardware generally functioned as intended for the three missions, and most items could be considered as adequate concepts for future flights of similar duration. Specific components were criticized for their shortcomings.

  20. Is Hardware Removal Recommended after Ankle Fracture Repair?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hong-Geun Jung


    Full Text Available The indications and clinical necessity for routine hardware removal after treating ankle or distal tibia fracture with open reduction and internal fixation are disputed even when hardware-related pain is insignificant. Thus, we determined the clinical effects of routine hardware removal irrespective of the degree of hardware-related pain, especially in the perspective of patients’ daily activities. This study was conducted on 80 consecutive cases (78 patients treated by surgery and hardware removal after bony union. There were 56 ankle and 24 distal tibia fractures. The hardware-related pain, ankle joint stiffness, discomfort on ambulation, and patient satisfaction were evaluated before and at least 6 months after hardware removal. Pain score before hardware removal was 3.4 (range 0 to 6 and decreased to 1.3 (range 0 to 6 after removal. 58 (72.5% patients experienced improved ankle stiffness and 65 (81.3% less discomfort while walking on uneven ground and 63 (80.8% patients were satisfied with hardware removal. These results suggest that routine hardware removal after ankle or distal tibia fracture could ameliorate hardware-related pain and improves daily activities and patient satisfaction even when the hardware-related pain is minimal.

  1. Door Hardware and Installations; Carpentry: 901894. (United States)

    Dade County Public Schools, Miami, FL.

    The curriculum guide outlines a course designed to provide instruction in the selection, preparation, and installation of hardware for door assemblies. The course is divided into five blocks of instruction (introduction to doors and hardware, door hardware, exterior doors and jambs, interior doors and jambs, and a quinmester post-test) totaling…

  2. O pensamento computacional e a formação continuada de professores: uma experiência com as TICs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Louise Alessandra Santos do Carmo Paz


    Full Text Available As novas tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TICs fazem parte do cotidiano dos alunos, mas nem sempre dos professores. Para que haja uma mudança de paradigma no papel do professor, de produtor para mediador do conhecimento é necessário o desenvolvimento de novas competências para ensinar, destacando-se o pensamento computacional. Este artigo relata a experiência de um curso de introdução às novas TICs, que foi ofertado como formação continuada para professores, utilizando uma metodologia baseada no modelo andragônico, colocando-os como colaboradores e criadores do seu saber, corresponsáveis pelos os rumos do seu processo de ensino aprendizagem.

  3. From Open Source Software to Open Source Hardware


    Viseur , Robert


    Part 2: Lightning Talks; International audience; The open source software principles progressively give rise to new initiatives for culture (free culture), data (open data) or hardware (open hardware). The open hardware is experiencing a significant growth but the business models and legal aspects are not well known. This paper is dedicated to the economics of open hardware. We define the open hardware concept and determine intellectual property tools we can apply to open hardware, with a str...

  4. Computerized analysis of snoring in sleep apnea syndrome Análise computadorizada do ronco na síndrome da apneia do sono

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabio Koiti Shiomi


    ronco entre simples roncadores e roncadores com SAOS. RESULTADOS: De um total de 43,976 roncos, o programa computacional obteve uma sensibilidade de 99,26%, especificidade de 97,35% e Kappa de 0,96. Foi observada diferença estatística significante (p<0,0001 na duração de episódios de ronco (simples roncadores x roncadores com SAOS. CONCLUSÃO: Este programa computacional facilita a criação de relatórios quantitativos do ronco, oferecendo redução do trabalho manual


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrés Reyes


    Full Text Available Se estudió teóricamente el efecto de isotópo de hidrógeno sobre la geometría, la distribución de carga electrónica, la estabilidad relativa y la energía de formación de complejos lineales tipo M–X···Y–F y todos sus isotopólogos de hidrógeno (M=Li, Na; X, Y= H, D, T. Estos estudios fueron realizados con el paquete computacional APMO a un nivel de teoría Hartree-Fock electrónico y nuclear. Los resultados obtenidos están de acuerdo con resultados reportados por otros autores que usan métodos de estructura electrónica convencional.  


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Boris Henry Rocha Mercado


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se desarrolla un modelo matemático para un sistema frigorífico en régimen permanente y una simulación computacional de su desempeño térmico. El sistema estudiado fue diseñado para trabajar con R-12 como fluido refrigerante y considera entre sus componentes un compresor hermético, condensador y evaporador de tubos y aletas, un tubo capilar, un separador de líquido y un filtro deshidratador. Los modelos matemáticos de los componentes del sistema fueron desarrollados considerando especificaciones técnicas de los fabricantes y correlaciones disponibles en la literatura. En el compresor de desplazamiento fijo se admite la presencia de un proceso de compresión politrópica, en el condensador y evaporador fueron consideradas las regiones monofásicas y bifásicas que define el fluido refrigerante a su paso por estos componentes y en el tubo capilar la variación de densidad y presión a lo largo de su longitud. La solución del sistema de ecuaciones resultante de los distintos modelos matemáticos, fue obtenida mediante el método de sustituciones sucesivas. Este modelo de simulación computacional fue utilizado para el análisis del desempeño térmico del Retrofit, donde se verifica una disminución de 6% en el COP por la substitución de R-12 por R-134a.

  7. ZEUS hardware control system (United States)

    Loveless, R.; Erhard, P.; Ficenec, J.; Gather, K.; Heath, G.; Iacovacci, M.; Kehres, J.; Mobayyen, M.; Notz, D.; Orr, R.; Orr, R.; Sephton, A.; Stroili, R.; Tokushuku, K.; Vogel, W.; Whitmore, J.; Wiggers, L.


    The ZEUS collaboration is building a system to monitor, control and document the hardware of the ZEUS detector. This system is based on a network of VAX computers and microprocessors connected via ethernet. The database for the hardware values will be ADAMO tables; the ethernet connection will be DECNET, TCP/IP, or RPC. Most of the documentation will also be kept in ADAMO tables for easy access by users.

  8. ZEUS hardware control system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loveless, R.; Erhard, P.; Ficenec, J.; Gather, K.; Heath, G.; Iacovacci, M.; Kehres, J.; Mobayyen, M.; Notz, D.; Orr, R.; Sephton, A.; Stroili, R.; Tokushuku, K.; Vogel, W.; Whitmore, J.; Wiggers, L.


    The ZEUS collaboration is building a system to monitor, control and document the hardware of the ZEUS detector. This system is based on a network of VAX computers and microprocessors connected via ethernet. The database for the hardware values will be ADAMO tables; the ethernet connection will be DECNET, TCP/IP, or RPC. Most of the documentation will also be kept in ADAMO tables for easy access by users. (orig.)

  9. NDAS Hardware Translation Layer Development (United States)

    Nazaretian, Ryan N.; Holladay, Wendy T.


    The NASA Data Acquisition System (NDAS) project is aimed to replace all DAS software for NASA s Rocket Testing Facilities. There must be a software-hardware translation layer so the software can properly talk to the hardware. Since the hardware from each test stand varies, drivers for each stand have to be made. These drivers will act more like plugins for the software. If the software is being used in E3, then the software should point to the E3 driver package. If the software is being used at B2, then the software should point to the B2 driver package. The driver packages should also be filled with hardware drivers that are universal to the DAS system. For example, since A1, A2, and B2 all use the Preston 8300AU signal conditioners, then the driver for those three stands should be the same and updated collectively.

  10. Hardware standardization for embedded systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharma, M.K.; Kalra, Mohit; Patil, M.B.; Mohanty, Ashutos; Ganesh, G.; Biswas, B.B.


    Reactor Control Division (RCnD) has been one of the main designers of safety and safety related systems for power reactors. These systems have been built using in-house developed hardware. Since the present set of hardware was designed long ago, a need was felt to design a new family of hardware boards. A Working Group on Electronics Hardware Standardization (WG-EHS) was formed with an objective to develop a family of boards, which is general purpose enough to meet the requirements of the system designers/end users. RCnD undertook the responsibility of design, fabrication and testing of boards for embedded systems. VME and a proprietary I/O bus were selected as the two system buses. The boards have been designed based on present day technology and components. The intelligence of these boards has been implemented on FPGA/CPLD using VHDL. This paper outlines the various boards that have been developed with a brief description. (author)

  11. Hardware for dynamic quantum computing. (United States)

    Ryan, Colm A; Johnson, Blake R; Ristè, Diego; Donovan, Brian; Ohki, Thomas A


    We describe the hardware, gateware, and software developed at Raytheon BBN Technologies for dynamic quantum information processing experiments on superconducting qubits. In dynamic experiments, real-time qubit state information is fed back or fed forward within a fraction of the qubits' coherence time to dynamically change the implemented sequence. The hardware presented here covers both control and readout of superconducting qubits. For readout, we created a custom signal processing gateware and software stack on commercial hardware to convert pulses in a heterodyne receiver into qubit state assignments with minimal latency, alongside data taking capability. For control, we developed custom hardware with gateware and software for pulse sequencing and steering information distribution that is capable of arbitrary control flow in a fraction of superconducting qubit coherence times. Both readout and control platforms make extensive use of field programmable gate arrays to enable tailored qubit control systems in a reconfigurable fabric suitable for iterative development.

  12. Hardware device binding and mutual authentication (United States)

    Hamlet, Jason R; Pierson, Lyndon G


    Detection and deterrence of device tampering and subversion by substitution may be achieved by including a cryptographic unit within a computing device for binding multiple hardware devices and mutually authenticating the devices. The cryptographic unit includes a physically unclonable function ("PUF") circuit disposed in or on the hardware device, which generates a binding PUF value. The cryptographic unit uses the binding PUF value during an enrollment phase and subsequent authentication phases. During a subsequent authentication phase, the cryptographic unit uses the binding PUF values of the multiple hardware devices to generate a challenge to send to the other device, and to verify a challenge received from the other device to mutually authenticate the hardware devices.

  13. Secure coupling of hardware components

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoepman, J.H.; Joosten, H.J.M.; Knobbe, J.W.


    A method and a system for securing communication between at least a first and a second hardware components of a mobile device is described. The method includes establishing a first shared secret between the first and the second hardware components during an initialization of the mobile device and,

  14. The Impact of Flight Hardware Scavenging on Space Logistics (United States)

    Oeftering, Richard C.


    For a given fixed launch vehicle capacity the logistics payload delivered to the moon may be only roughly 20 percent of the payload delivered to the International Space Station (ISS). This is compounded by the much lower flight frequency to the moon and thus low availability of spares for maintenance. This implies that lunar hardware is much more scarce and more costly per kilogram than ISS and thus there is much more incentive to preserve hardware. The Constellation Lunar Surface System (LSS) program is considering ways of utilizing hardware scavenged from vehicles including the Altair lunar lander. In general, the hardware will have only had a matter of hours of operation yet there may be years of operational life remaining. By scavenging this hardware the program, in effect, is treating vehicle hardware as part of the payload. Flight hardware may provide logistics spares for system maintenance and reduce the overall logistics footprint. This hardware has a wide array of potential applications including expanding the power infrastructure, and exploiting in-situ resources. Scavenging can also be seen as a way of recovering the value of, literally, billions of dollars worth of hardware that would normally be discarded. Scavenging flight hardware adds operational complexity and steps must be taken to augment the crew s capability with robotics, capabilities embedded in flight hardware itself, and external processes. New embedded technologies are needed to make hardware more serviceable and scavengable. Process technologies are needed to extract hardware, evaluate hardware, reconfigure or repair hardware, and reintegrate it into new applications. This paper also illustrates how scavenging can be used to drive down the cost of the overall program by exploiting the intrinsic value of otherwise discarded flight hardware.

  15. Constructing Hardware in a Scale Embedded Language

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Chisel is a new open-source hardware construction language developed at UC Berkeley that supports advanced hardware design using highly parameterized generators and layered domain-specific hardware languages. Chisel is embedded in the Scala programming language, which raises the level of hardware design abstraction by providing concepts including object orientation, functional programming, parameterized types, and type inference. From the same source, Chisel can generate a high-speed C++-based cycle-accurate software simulator, or low-level Verilog designed to pass on to standard ASIC or FPGA tools for synthesis and place and route.

  16. Identificação e estimação de ruído em redes DSL: uma abordagem baseada em inteligência computacional


    FARIAS, Fabrício de Souza


    Este trabalho propõe a utilização de técnicas de inteligência computacional objetivando identificar e estimar a potencia de ruídos em redes Digital Subscriber Line ou Linhas do Assinante Digital (DSL) em tempo real. Uma metodologia baseada no Knowledge Discovery in Databases ou Descobrimento de Conhecimento em Bases de Dados (KDD) para detecção e estimação de ruídos em tempo real, foi utilizada. KDD é aplicado para selecionar, pré-processar e transformar os dados antes da etapa de aplicação d...

  17. Hardware Objects for Java

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schoeberl, Martin; Thalinger, Christian; Korsholm, Stephan


    Java, as a safe and platform independent language, avoids access to low-level I/O devices or direct memory access. In standard Java, low-level I/O it not a concern; it is handled by the operating system. However, in the embedded domain resources are scarce and a Java virtual machine (JVM) without...... an underlying middleware is an attractive architecture. When running the JVM on bare metal, we need access to I/O devices from Java; therefore we investigate a safe and efficient mechanism to represent I/O devices as first class Java objects, where device registers are represented by object fields. Access...... to those registers is safe as Java’s type system regulates it. The access is also fast as it is directly performed by the bytecodes getfield and putfield. Hardware objects thus provide an object-oriented abstraction of low-level hardware devices. As a proof of concept, we have implemented hardware objects...

  18. Hardware Development Process for Human Research Facility Applications (United States)

    Bauer, Liz


    The simple goal of the Human Research Facility (HRF) is to conduct human research experiments on the International Space Station (ISS) astronauts during long-duration missions. This is accomplished by providing integration and operation of the necessary hardware and software capabilities. A typical hardware development flow consists of five stages: functional inputs and requirements definition, market research, design life cycle through hardware delivery, crew training, and mission support. The purpose of this presentation is to guide the audience through the early hardware development process: requirement definition through selecting a development path. Specific HRF equipment is used to illustrate the hardware development paths. The source of hardware requirements is the science community and HRF program. The HRF Science Working Group, consisting of SCientists from various medical disciplines, defined a basic set of equipment with functional requirements. This established the performance requirements of the hardware. HRF program requirements focus on making the hardware safe and operational in a space environment. This includes structural, thermal, human factors, and material requirements. Science and HRF program requirements are defined in a hardware requirements document which includes verification methods. Once the hardware is fabricated, requirements are verified by inspection, test, analysis, or demonstration. All data is compiled and reviewed to certify the hardware for flight. Obviously, the basis for all hardware development activities is requirement definition. Full and complete requirement definition is ideal prior to initiating the hardware development. However, this is generally not the case, but the hardware team typically has functional inputs as a guide. The first step is for engineers to conduct market research based on the functional inputs provided by scientists. CommerCially available products are evaluated against the science requirements as

  19. Novel high-NA MRF toolpath supports production of concave hemispheres (United States)

    Maloney, Chris; Supranowitz, Chris; Dumas, Paul


    Many optical system designs rely on high numerical aperture (NA) optics, including lithography and defense systems. Lithography systems require high-NA optics to image the fine patterns from a photomask, and many defense systems require the use of domes. The methods for manufacturing such optics with large half angles have often been treated as proprietary by most manufacturers due to the challenges involved. In the past, many high-NA concave surfaces could not be polished by magnetorheological finishing (MRF) due to collisions with the hardware underneath the polishing head. By leveraging concepts that were developed to enable freeform raster MRF capabilities, QED Technologies has implemented a novel toolpath to facilitate a new high-NA rotational MRF mode. This concept involves the use of the B-axis (rotational axis) in combination with a "virtual-axis" that utilizes the geometry of the polishing head. Hardware collisions that previously restricted the concave half angle limit can now be avoided and the new functionality has been seamlessly integrated into the software. This new MRF mode overcomes past limitations for polishing concave surfaces to now accommodate full concave hemispheres as well as extend the capabilities for full convex hemispheres. We discuss some of the previous limitations, and demonstrate the extended capabilities using this novel toolpath. Polishing results are used to qualify the new toolpath to ensure similar results to the "standard" rotational MRF mode.

  20. VEG-01: Veggie Hardware Verification Testing (United States)

    Massa, Gioia; Newsham, Gary; Hummerick, Mary; Morrow, Robert; Wheeler, Raymond


    The Veggie plant/vegetable production system is scheduled to fly on ISS at the end of2013. Since much of the technology associated with Veggie has not been previously tested in microgravity, a hardware validation flight was initiated. This test will allow data to be collected about Veggie hardware functionality on ISS, allow crew interactions to be vetted for future improvements, validate the ability of the hardware to grow and sustain plants, and collect data that will be helpful to future Veggie investigators as they develop their payloads. Additionally, food safety data on the lettuce plants grown will be collected to help support the development of a pathway for the crew to safely consume produce grown on orbit. Significant background research has been performed on the Veggie plant growth system, with early tests focusing on the development of the rooting pillow concept, and the selection of fertilizer, rooting medium and plant species. More recent testing has been conducted to integrate the pillow concept into the Veggie hardware and to ensure that adequate water is provided throughout the growth cycle. Seed sanitation protocols have been established for flight, and hardware sanitation between experiments has been studied. Methods for shipping and storage of rooting pillows and the development of crew procedures and crew training videos for plant activities on-orbit have been established. Science verification testing was conducted and lettuce plants were successfully grown in prototype Veggie hardware, microbial samples were taken, plant were harvested, frozen, stored and later analyzed for microbial growth, nutrients, and A TP levels. An additional verification test, prior to the final payload verification testing, is desired to demonstrate similar growth in the flight hardware and also to test a second set of pillows containing zinnia seeds. Issues with root mat water supply are being resolved, with final testing and flight scheduled for later in 2013.

  1. Implementation of Hardware Accelerators on Zynq

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Toft, Jakob Kenn

    of the ARM Cortex-9 processor featured on the Zynq SoC, with regard to execution time, power dissipation and energy consumption. The implementation of the hardware accelerators were successful. Use of the Monte Carlo processor resulted in a significant increase in performance. The Telco hardware accelerator......In the recent years it has become obvious that the performance of general purpose processors are having trouble meeting the requirements of high performance computing applications of today. This is partly due to the relatively high power consumption, compared to the performance, of general purpose...... processors, which has made hardware accelerators an essential part of several datacentres and the worlds fastest super-computers. In this work, two different hardware accelerators were implemented on a Xilinx Zynq SoC platform mounted on the ZedBoard platform. The two accelerators are based on two different...

  2. Computer hardware fault administration (United States)

    Archer, Charles J.; Megerian, Mark G.; Ratterman, Joseph D.; Smith, Brian E.


    Computer hardware fault administration carried out in a parallel computer, where the parallel computer includes a plurality of compute nodes. The compute nodes are coupled for data communications by at least two independent data communications networks, where each data communications network includes data communications links connected to the compute nodes. Typical embodiments carry out hardware fault administration by identifying a location of a defective link in the first data communications network of the parallel computer and routing communications data around the defective link through the second data communications network of the parallel computer.

  3. Dinámica de fluidos computacional aplicada al estudio de regeneradores térmicos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cesar Nieto Lodoño


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo, muestra los resultados logrados durante la simulación de un regenerador térmico de lecho poroso empacado, sometido a convección forzada transitoria y su respectiva verificación experimental. Para visualizar la aplicación de la Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional (en inglés Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD en regeneradores de calor, se realiza un estudio detallado de los elementos que conforman la malla; analizando su distribución, tamaño y respectivo efecto sobre la precisión de los resultados. Se establecen las simplificaciones y alcances de los modelos empleados. Se comprueba la veracidad de los resultados obtenidos, mediante la validación experimental de estos en un modelo físico idéntico al empleado durante la simulación. Estas etapas permitieron observar que el comportamiento exponencial de la temperatura en los elementos empacados durante el periodo de calentamiento, fue idéntico al observado por Mejía [8]. Los resultados obtenidos aquí, verifican la capacidad de la CFD para el estudio de los regeneradores térmicos.

  4. Hardware Development and Locomotion Control Strategy for an Over-Ground Gait Trainer: NaTUre-Gaits. (United States)

    Luu, Trieu Phat; Low, Kin Huat; Qu, Xingda; Lim, Hup Boon; Hoon, Kay Hiang


    Therapist-assisted body weight supported (TABWS) gait rehabilitation was introduced two decades ago. The benefit of TABWS in functional recovery of walking in spinal cord injury and stroke patients has been demonstrated and reported. However, shortage of therapists, labor-intensiveness, and short duration of training are some limitations of this approach. To overcome these deficiencies, robotic-assisted gait rehabilitation systems have been suggested. These systems have gained attentions from researchers and clinical practitioner in recent years. To achieve the same objective, an over-ground gait rehabilitation system, NaTUre-gaits, was developed at the Nanyang Technological University. The design was based on a clinical approach to provide four main features, which are pelvic motion, body weight support, over-ground walking experience, and lower limb assistance. These features can be achieved by three main modules of NaTUre-gaits: 1) pelvic assistance mechanism, mobile platform, and robotic orthosis. Predefined gait patterns are required for a robotic assisted system to follow. In this paper, the gait pattern planning for NaTUre-gaits was accomplished by an individual-specific gait pattern prediction model. The model generates gait patterns that resemble natural gait patterns of the targeted subjects. The features of NaTUre-gaits have been demonstrated by walking trials with several subjects. The trials have been evaluated by therapists and doctors. The results show that 10-m walking trial with a reduction in manpower. The task-specific repetitive training approach and natural walking gait patterns were also successfully achieved.

  5. Non-fuel bearing hardware melting technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Newman, D.F.


    Battelle has developed a portable hardware melter concept that would allow spent fuel rod consolidation operations at commercial nuclear power plants to provide significantly more storage space for other spent fuel assemblies in existing pool racks at lower cost. Using low pressure compaction, the non-fuel bearing hardware (NFBH) left over from the removal of spent fuel rods from the stainless steel end fittings and the Zircaloy guide tubes and grid spacers still occupies 1/3 to 2/5 of the volume of the consolidated fuel rod assemblies. Melting the non-fuel bearing hardware reduces its volume by a factor 4 from that achievable with low-pressure compaction. This paper describes: (1) the configuration and design features of Battelle's hardware melter system that permit its portability, (2) the system's throughput capacity, (3) the bases for capital and operating estimates, and (4) the status of NFBH melter demonstration to reduce technical risks for implementation of the concept. Since all NFBH handling and processing operations would be conducted at the reactor site, costs for shipping radioactive hardware to and from a stationary processing facility for volume reduction are avoided. Initial licensing, testing, and installation in the field would follow the successful pattern achieved with rod consolidation technology

  6. A Practical Introduction to HardwareSoftware Codesign

    CERN Document Server

    Schaumont, Patrick R


    This textbook provides an introduction to embedded systems design, with emphasis on integration of custom hardware components with software. The key problem addressed in the book is the following: how can an embedded systems designer strike a balance between flexibility and efficiency? The book describes how combining hardware design with software design leads to a solution to this important computer engineering problem. The book covers four topics in hardware/software codesign: fundamentals, the design space of custom architectures, the hardware/software interface and application examples. The book comes with an associated design environment that helps the reader to perform experiments in hardware/software codesign. Each chapter also includes exercises and further reading suggestions. Improvements in this second edition include labs and examples using modern FPGA environments from Xilinx and Altera, which make the material applicable to a greater number of courses where these tools are already in use.  Mo...

  7. Comparative Modal Analysis of Sieve Hardware Designs (United States)

    Thompson, Nathaniel


    The CMTB Thwacker hardware operates as a testbed analogue for the Flight Thwacker and Sieve components of CHIMRA, a device on the Curiosity Rover. The sieve separates particles with a diameter smaller than 150 microns for delivery to onboard science instruments. The sieving behavior of the testbed hardware should be similar to the Flight hardware for the results to be meaningful. The elastodynamic behavior of both sieves was studied analytically using the Rayleigh Ritz method in conjunction with classical plate theory. Finite element models were used to determine the mode shapes of both designs, and comparisons between the natural frequencies and mode shapes were made. The analysis predicts that the performance of the CMTB Thwacker will closely resemble the performance of the Flight Thwacker within the expected steady state operating regime. Excitations of the testbed hardware that will mimic the flight hardware were recommended, as were those that will improve the efficiency of the sieving process.

  8. Caracterização computacional de padrões estruturais em seqüências de DNA relacionadas a processos em redes metabólicas


    Laurita dos Santos


    Nas últimas décadas, uma enorme quantidade de informação sobre o funcionamento de sistemas biológicos foram disponibilizadas em bancos de dados de acesso público. A Computação Aplicada à Biologia ou Bioinformática tem contribuído para análise computacional de dados biológicos cada vez mais ricos em informação. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar e caracterizar a estrutura do Ácido Nucléico DNA através de técnicas matemáticas e computacionais. As técnicas de caracterização ...

  9. Remote hardware-reconfigurable robotic camera (United States)

    Arias-Estrada, Miguel; Torres-Huitzil, Cesar; Maya-Rueda, Selene E.


    In this work, a camera with integrated image processing capabilities is discussed. The camera is based on an imager coupled to an FPGA device (Field Programmable Gate Array) which contains an architecture for real-time computer vision low-level processing. The architecture can be reprogrammed remotely for application specific purposes. The system is intended for rapid modification and adaptation for inspection and recognition applications, with the flexibility of hardware and software reprogrammability. FPGA reconfiguration allows the same ease of upgrade in hardware as a software upgrade process. The camera is composed of a digital imager coupled to an FPGA device, two memory banks, and a microcontroller. The microcontroller is used for communication tasks and FPGA programming. The system implements a software architecture to handle multiple FPGA architectures in the device, and the possibility to download a software/hardware object from the host computer into its internal context memory. System advantages are: small size, low power consumption, and a library of hardware/software functionalities that can be exchanged during run time. The system has been validated with an edge detection and a motion processing architecture, which will be presented in the paper. Applications targeted are in robotics, mobile robotics, and vision based quality control.

  10. Transmission delays in hardware clock synchronization (United States)

    Shin, Kang G.; Ramanathan, P.


    Various methods, both with software and hardware, have been proposed to synchronize a set of physical clocks in a system. Software methods are very flexible and economical but suffer an excessive time overhead, whereas hardware methods require no time overhead but are unable to handle transmission delays in clock signals. The effects of nonzero transmission delays in synchronization have been studied extensively in the communication area in the absence of malicious or Byzantine faults. The authors show that it is easy to incorporate the ideas from the communication area into the existing hardware clock synchronization algorithms to take into account the presence of both malicious faults and nonzero transmission delays.

  11. Computer hardware description languages - A tutorial (United States)

    Shiva, S. G.


    The paper introduces hardware description languages (HDL) as useful tools for hardware design and documentation. The capabilities and limitations of HDLs are discussed along with the guidelines needed in selecting an appropriate HDL. The directions for future work are provided and attention is given to the implementation of HDLs in microcomputers.

  12. Support for NUMA hardware in HelenOS


    Horký, Vojtěch


    The goal of this master thesis is to extend HelenOS operating system with the support for ccNUMA hardware. The text of the thesis contains a brief introduction to ccNUMA hardware, an overview of NUMA features and relevant features of HelenOS (memory management, scheduling, etc.). The thesis analyses various design decisions of the implementation of NUMA support -- introducing the hardware topology into the kernel data structures, propagating this information to user space, thread affinity to ...

  13. Sterilization of space hardware. (United States)

    Pflug, I. J.


    Discussion of various techniques of sterilization of space flight hardware using either destructive heating or the action of chemicals. Factors considered in the dry-heat destruction of microorganisms include the effects of microbial water content, temperature, the physicochemical properties of the microorganism and adjacent support, and nature of the surrounding gas atmosphere. Dry-heat destruction rates of microorganisms on the surface, between mated surface areas, or buried in the solid material of space vehicle hardware are reviewed, along with alternative dry-heat sterilization cycles, thermodynamic considerations, and considerations of final sterilization-process design. Discussed sterilization chemicals include ethylene oxide, formaldehyde, methyl bromide, dimethyl sulfoxide, peracetic acid, and beta-propiolactone.

  14. Software for Managing Inventory of Flight Hardware (United States)

    Salisbury, John; Savage, Scott; Thomas, Shirman


    The Flight Hardware Support Request System (FHSRS) is a computer program that relieves engineers at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) of most of the non-engineering administrative burden of managing an inventory of flight hardware. The FHSRS can also be adapted to perform similar functions for other organizations. The FHSRS affords a combination of capabilities, including those formerly provided by three separate programs in purchasing, inventorying, and inspecting hardware. The FHSRS provides a Web-based interface with a server computer that supports a relational database of inventory; electronic routing of requests and approvals; and electronic documentation from initial request through implementation of quality criteria, acquisition, receipt, inspection, storage, and final issue of flight materials and components. The database lists both hardware acquired for current projects and residual hardware from previous projects. The increased visibility of residual flight components provided by the FHSRS has dramatically improved the re-utilization of materials in lieu of new procurements, resulting in a cost savings of over $1.7 million. The FHSRS includes subprograms for manipulating the data in the database, informing of the status of a request or an item of hardware, and searching the database on any physical or other technical characteristic of a component or material. The software structure forces normalization of the data to facilitate inquiries and searches for which users have entered mixed or inconsistent values.

  15. Targeting multiple heterogeneous hardware platforms with OpenCL (United States)

    Fox, Paul A.; Kozacik, Stephen T.; Humphrey, John R.; Paolini, Aaron; Kuller, Aryeh; Kelmelis, Eric J.


    The OpenCL API allows for the abstract expression of parallel, heterogeneous computing, but hardware implementations have substantial implementation differences. The abstractions provided by the OpenCL API are often insufficiently high-level to conceal differences in hardware architecture. Additionally, implementations often do not take advantage of potential performance gains from certain features due to hardware limitations and other factors. These factors make it challenging to produce code that is portable in practice, resulting in much OpenCL code being duplicated for each hardware platform being targeted. This duplication of effort offsets the principal advantage of OpenCL: portability. The use of certain coding practices can mitigate this problem, allowing a common code base to be adapted to perform well across a wide range of hardware platforms. To this end, we explore some general practices for producing performant code that are effective across platforms. Additionally, we explore some ways of modularizing code to enable optional optimizations that take advantage of hardware-specific characteristics. The minimum requirement for portability implies avoiding the use of OpenCL features that are optional, not widely implemented, poorly implemented, or missing in major implementations. Exposing multiple levels of parallelism allows hardware to take advantage of the types of parallelism it supports, from the task level down to explicit vector operations. Static optimizations and branch elimination in device code help the platform compiler to effectively optimize programs. Modularization of some code is important to allow operations to be chosen for performance on target hardware. Optional subroutines exploiting explicit memory locality allow for different memory hierarchies to be exploited for maximum performance. The C preprocessor and JIT compilation using the OpenCL runtime can be used to enable some of these techniques, as well as to factor in hardware

  16. Desenvolvimento de um sistema computacional para dimensionamento e evolução de rebanhos bovinos Development of software for dimensioning and evolution of bovine herds

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcos Aurélio Lopes


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste estudo foram desenvolver um sistema computacional que efetue o dimensionamento e a evolução de rebanhos bovinos e criar uma ferramenta que possibilite ao usuário efetuar simulações em um sistema de produção de carne e/ou leite. Foi utilizada a linguagem CA Clipper. As rotinas foram desenvolvidas de forma conversacional, com acesso aos diversos programas, por meio de menus auto-explicativos. O sistema desenvolvido pode auxiliar o técnico e o pecuarista no dimensionamento e na evolução de um rebanho bovino com precisão e considerável rapidez; possibilita ao usuário efetuar inúmeras simulações; e constitui -se em importante ferramenta no auxílio da tomada de decisões.The objectives of this study were to develop a software that accomplishes both the dimensioning and evolution of cattle herds and develop a tool which makes it possible for the user to perform simulations with production systems of milk and or beef. The language employed was CA Clipper. The routines have been developed in a conversational form, with an access to the several programs by means of self-explicative menus. The developed system can aid both the technician and the raiser in dimensioning and evolution of a cattle herd with precision and outstanding rapidity; it allows to the user to perform a number of simulations; and it is considered an important tool in the assistance to decision-making.


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    J. D. Leal-Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Los genes del sistema de enzimas μ-Calpaína/Calpastatina han sido ampliamente evaluados en estudios de asociación respecto de parámetros de calidad cárnica como la terneza; previamente se han identificado varios polimorfismos asociados con la variación fenotípica en poblaciones no relacionadas de bovinos. Usando herramientas computacionales se logró postular la asociación de cuatro polimorfismos encontrados en μ-Calpaína y 11 en Calpastatina que producen una alteración de los parámetros físico-químicos, tanto del ARNm (estabilidad y polimorfismo conformacional, como de la proteína (punto isoeléctrico, potencial electroestático y superficie molecular. Es importante poder establecer el soporte biológico de polimorfismos genéticos asociados con parámetros fenotípicos que mejoren la productividad animal, lo que hace que la aproximación in silico se convierta en una herramienta útil para tal fin.

  18. Estudio del comportamiento mecánico de un sistema recubierto mediante simulación computacional del ensayo de rayado//Mechanical Behavior study of a coated system by computer simulation of the scratch test

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    Eduardo A. Pérez Ruiz


    Full Text Available Una forma de evaluar un sistema recubierto es a través del ensayo de rayado. Los resultados obtenidos dependen de variables como: propiedades y geometría del indentador, tasa de carga, tasa de desplazamiento, propiedades de los materiales del sistema a evaluar como dureza, módulo elástico, microestructura, rugosidad superficial, espesor, entre otras. El presente trabajo analizó, a través de simulación computacional del ensayo de rayado, el efecto que tiene la geometría del indentador (cónica y esférica, la carga de rayado (20 N y 50 N, el espesor del recubrimiento (2,1 µm y 4,6 µm y el coeficiente de fricción (0,3 y 0,5 en el comportamiento de los esfuerzos y la deformación plástica en la superficie de un sistema recubierto. Los resultados sugieren que el coeficiente de fricción como variable de ensayo tiene una alta importancia en el comportamiento mecánico del sistema recubierto.Palabras claves: ensayo de rayado, simulación computacional, sistema recubierto.______________________________________________________________________________AbstractOne way to evaluate a coated system is through the scratch test. The results obtained depend of the variables including mechanical properties and geometry of indenter, loading, displacement, material properties in the system as hardness, elastic modulus, microstructure, roughness surface, thickness, among others, which are indicated in ASTM C1624 / 05. This paper analyzes through scratch test simulation, the effect of the indenter geometry (conical and spherical, the loading (20 N and 50 N, the thickness coating (2,1 µm and 4,6 µm and the friction coefficient values (0,3 and 0,5 in the stresses and plastic deformation behavior at the surface of a coated system. The results suggest that the coefficient of friction has a high importance in the mechanical performance of the coated system.Key words: scratch test, computacional simulation, coated system.

  19. Aspectos éticos de la informática médica: principios de uso y usuario apropiado de sistemas computacionales en la atención clínica Aspectos éticos da informática médica: princípios de uso e usuário apropriado de sistemas computacionais na atenção clínica Ethical aspects of medical informatics: principles for use and appropriate user of computational systems in clinical health care

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    Fernando Suárez-Obando

    Full Text Available La Informática Médica (IM estudia la intersección entre la tecnología computacional, la medicina y la influencia del uso de la historia clínica electrónica y los sistemas inteligentes de apoyo diagnóstico en la toma de decisiones clínicas. El uso inadecuado de la tecnología puede desviar los propósitos de la IM hacia su aprovechamiento impropio por terceros involucrados en la atención clínica, tales como administradores de salud o agentes aseguradores. Se plantea que los principios de “uso y usuario apropiado de la aplicaciones en IM” sean los fundamentos con los cuales se maneje adecuadamente la tecnología computacional en salud. El desarrollo de estos principios debe basarse en la evaluación de las propias aplicaciones, recalcando que ésta debe realizarse con las mismas consideraciones de otros tipos de intervenciones médicas o quirúrgicas.A Informática Médica (IM estuda a interseção entre a tecnologia computacional, a medicina e a influência do uso da história clínica eletrônica e os sistemas inteligentes de apoio diagnóstico na tomada de decisões clínicas. O uso inadequado da tecnologia pode desviar os propósitos da IM para seu aproveitamento inadequado por terceiros envolvidos na atenção clínica, tais como administradores de saúde ou agentes de seguros. Propõe-se que os princípios de “uso e usuário apropriado das aplicações em IM” sejam os fundamentos com os quais se manipule adequadamente a tecnologia computacional em saúde. O desenvolvimento destes princípios deve se basear na avaliação das próprias aplicações, recalcando que esta se deve realizar com as mesmas considerações de outros tipos de intervenções médicas ou cirúrgicas.Medical Informatics (MI studies the intersection among computer technology, medicine and the influence of electronic clinical history and the intelligent systems for diagnosis support in clinical decision making. The inadequate use of technology may divert

  20. Medusa: um ambiente musical distribuído


    Flávio Luiz Schiavoni


    A popularização das redes de computadores, o aumento da capacidade computacional e sua utilização para produção musical despertam o interesse na utilização de computadores para comunicação síncrona de conteúdo musical. Esta comunicação pode permitir um novo nível de interatividade entre máquinas e pessoas nos processos de produção musical, incluindo a distribuição de atividades, pessoas e recursos em um ambiente computacional em rede. Neste contexto, este trabalho apresenta uma solução para c...

  1. Improvement of hardware basic testing : Identification and development of a scripted automation tool that will support hardware basic testing


    Rask, Ulf; Mannestig, Pontus


    In the ever-increasing development pace, circuits and hardware are no exception. Hardware designs grow and circuits gets more complex at the same time as the market pressure lowers the expected time-to-market. In this rush, verification methods often lag behind. Hardware manufacturers must be aware of the importance of total verification if they want to avoid quality flaws and broken deadlines which in the long run will lead to delayed time-to-market, bad publicity and a decreasing market sha...

  2. Utilização de código aberto de dinâmica de fluidos computacional para estudo de placas de orifício


    Thiago Teixeira Kunz


    Este trabalho apresenta simulações numéricas de escoamento de fluidos através de placas de orifício, elementos primários de medição de vazão, em comparação aos resultados esperados por normas internacionais. O coeficiente de descarga usado para a determinação da vazão de um escoamento em uma tubulação foi obtido numericamente através da aplicação do modelo de turbulência de baixo Reynolds proposto por Launder-Sharma, resolvido através de um código aberto de Dinâmica de Fluidos Computacional. ...

  3. Static Scheduling of Periodic Hardware Tasks with Precedence and Deadline Constraints on Reconfigurable Hardware Devices

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    Ikbel Belaid


    Full Text Available Task graph scheduling for reconfigurable hardware devices can be defined as finding a schedule for a set of periodic tasks with precedence, dependence, and deadline constraints as well as their optimal allocations on the available heterogeneous hardware resources. This paper proposes a new methodology comprising three main stages. Using these three main stages, dynamic partial reconfiguration and mixed integer programming, pipelined scheduling and efficient placement are achieved and enable parallel computing of the task graph on the reconfigurable devices by optimizing placement/scheduling quality. Experiments on an application of heterogeneous hardware tasks demonstrate an improvement of resource utilization of 12.45% of the available reconfigurable resources corresponding to a resource gain of 17.3% compared to a static design. The configuration overhead is reduced to 2% of the total running time. Due to pipelined scheduling, the task graph spanning is minimized by 4% compared to sequential execution of the graph.

  4. Avaliação do comportamento hidrodinâmico de reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo e fluxo ascendente com diferentes configurações do sistema de distribuição do afluente utilizando fluidodinâmica computacional

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    Diego Bongiorno Cruz

    Full Text Available RESUMO Compreender o comportamento hidrodinâmico de reatores biológicos pode auxiliar na detecção de problemas associados a falhas operacionais e de projeto, situações que prejudicam a eficiência do tratamento. Neste artigo, realizaram-se simulações da fluidodinâmica computacional (CFD de escoamento de duas fases sólida-líquida de um reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo e fluxo ascendente (UASB, em escala piloto (160 L, com tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH de 10 h e vazão de 16 L.h-1. Um modelo Euler-Euler simplificado foi formulado para simular o comportamento hidrodinâmico da zona de reação, influenciada pela configuração do sistema de distribuição do afluente. Foram avaliadas quatro configurações do sistema de distribuição do afluente no reator: uma entrada na parte central (1 e duas entradas centrais (2, de fluxo ascendente; duas entradas nas laterais (3, de fluxo radial; e três entradas de fluxo descendente (4, utilizando geometrias bidimensionais e tridimensionais para verificar a formação de zonas mortas, curtos-circuitos hidráulicos e caminhos preferenciais. As melhores características hidrodinâmicas e a melhor distribuição do afluente foram verificadas na configuração 4, com melhor perfil de mistura do lodo com a fase líquida, na comparação com as demais configurações. Foi notada formação de vórtices na parte inferior do reator com maior concentração do lodo anaeróbio nessa configuração e de caminhos preferenciais nas laterais do reator na configuração 3, indicando mistura ineficiente do afluente com o lodo anaeróbio. O modelo demonstrou que a configuração do sistema de distribuição do afluente influencia significativamente o comportamento hidrodinâmico do reator UASB.


    CERN Multimedia

    Groupe de protection des biens


    As part of the campaign to protect CERN property and for insurance reasons, all computer hardware belonging to the Organization must be marked with the words 'PROPRIETE CERN'.IT Division has recently introduced a new marking system that is both economical and easy to use. From now on all desktop hardware (PCs, Macintoshes, printers) issued by IT Division with a value equal to or exceeding 500 CHF will be marked using this new system.For equipment that is already installed but not yet marked, including UNIX workstations and X terminals, IT Division's Desktop Support Service offers the following services free of charge:Equipment-marking wherever the Service is called out to perform other work (please submit all work requests to the IT Helpdesk on 78888 or; for unavoidable operational reasons, the Desktop Support Service will only respond to marking requests when these coincide with requests for other work such as repairs, system upgrades, etc.);Training of personnel designated by Division Leade...


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    Elaine Cristina Gonçalves Moreira


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho objetiva analisar o processo de produção de Pasta Diamantada, avaliando o número de operadores e máquinas, tempos de produção, alocação de atividades, dentre outros parâmetros importantes para avaliar a dinâmica do sistema e suas regras operacionais. O método utilizado tem por base a técnica de Simulação Computacional Estocástica de Eventos Discretos em virtude das variadas fontes de incertezas e da complexidade operacional relacionada ao processo de produção de Pasta Diamantada. O modelo conceitual deste sistema foi construído a partir da técnica IDEF-SIM e traduzido para o software Arena® 12 Rockwell Automation. O modelo de Simulação elaborado permitiu representar diversos cenários com considerável rapidez e flexibilidade, necessários à implantação da empresa ABRASDI. Este método permitiu identificar problemas e oportunidades de melhoria no processo, antes do início das linhas de produção. As principais medidas de desempenho avaliadas foram a taxa de utilização de operadores e o lead time do processo, considerando como restrições o custo da Pasta Diamantada, a qualidade do produto e o tempo total de produção. Os resultados obtidos a partir das análises demonstram que alguns cenários podem ser considerados ideais, dependendo das necessidades da empresa, tendo em vista que consideráveis ganhos podem ser obtidos com algumas mudanças de parâmetros.

  7. GOSH! A roadmap for open-source science hardware

    CERN Multimedia

    Stefania Pandolfi


    The goal of the Gathering for Open Science Hardware (GOSH! 2016), held from 2 to 5 March 2016 at IdeaSquare, was to lay the foundations of the open-source hardware for science movement.   The participants in the GOSH! 2016 meeting gathered in IdeaSquare. (Image: GOSH Community) “Despite advances in technology, many scientific innovations are held back because of a lack of affordable and customisable hardware,” says François Grey, a professor at the University of Geneva and coordinator of Citizen Cyberlab – a partnership between CERN, the UN Institute for Training and Research and the University of Geneva – which co-organised the GOSH! 2016 workshop. “This scarcity of accessible science hardware is particularly obstructive for citizen science groups and humanitarian organisations that don’t have the same economic means as a well-funded institution.” Instead, open sourcing science hardware co...

  8. Hardware Accelerated Simulated Radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laney, D; Callahan, S; Max, N; Silva, C; Langer, S; Frank, R


    We present the application of hardware accelerated volume rendering algorithms to the simulation of radiographs as an aid to scientists designing experiments, validating simulation codes, and understanding experimental data. The techniques presented take advantage of 32 bit floating point texture capabilities to obtain validated solutions to the radiative transport equation for X-rays. An unsorted hexahedron projection algorithm is presented for curvilinear hexahedra that produces simulated radiographs in the absorption-only regime. A sorted tetrahedral projection algorithm is presented that simulates radiographs of emissive materials. We apply the tetrahedral projection algorithm to the simulation of experimental diagnostics for inertial confinement fusion experiments on a laser at the University of Rochester. We show that the hardware accelerated solution is faster than the current technique used by scientists

  9. Development of Network Interface Cards for TRIDAQ systems with the NaNet framework

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ammendola, R.; Biagioni, A.; Cretaro, P.; Frezza, O.; Cicero, F. Lo; Lonardo, A.; Martinelli, M.; Paolucci, P.S.; Pastorelli, E.; Simula, F.; Valente, P.; Vicini, P.; Lorenzo, S. Di; Piandani, R.; Pontisso, L.; Sozzi, M.; Fiorini, M.; Neri, I.; Lamanna, G.; Rossetti, D.


    NaNet is a framework for the development of FPGA-based PCI Express (PCIe) Network Interface Cards (NICs) with real-time data transport architecture that can be effectively employed in TRIDAQ systems. Key features of the architecture are the flexibility in the configuration of the number and kind of the I/O channels, the hardware offloading of the network protocol stack, the stream processing capability, and the zero-copy CPU and GPU Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA). Three NIC designs have been developed with the NaNet framework: NaNet-1 and NaNet-10 for the CERN NA62 low level trigger and NaNet 3 for the KM3NeT-IT underwater neutrino telescope DAQ system. We will focus our description on the NaNet-10 design, as it is the most complete of the three in terms of capabilities and integrated IPs of the framework.

  10. Reliable software for unreliable hardware a cross layer perspective

    CERN Document Server

    Rehman, Semeen; Henkel, Jörg


    This book describes novel software concepts to increase reliability under user-defined constraints. The authors’ approach bridges, for the first time, the reliability gap between hardware and software. Readers will learn how to achieve increased soft error resilience on unreliable hardware, while exploiting the inherent error masking characteristics and error (stemming from soft errors, aging, and process variations) mitigations potential at different software layers. · Provides a comprehensive overview of reliability modeling and optimization techniques at different hardware and software levels; · Describes novel optimization techniques for software cross-layer reliability, targeting unreliable hardware.

  11. Hardware device to physical structure binding and authentication (United States)

    Hamlet, Jason R.; Stein, David J.; Bauer, Todd M.


    Detection and deterrence of device tampering and subversion may be achieved by including a cryptographic fingerprint unit within a hardware device for authenticating a binding of the hardware device and a physical structure. The cryptographic fingerprint unit includes an internal physically unclonable function ("PUF") circuit disposed in or on the hardware device, which generate an internal PUF value. Binding logic is coupled to receive the internal PUF value, as well as an external PUF value associated with the physical structure, and generates a binding PUF value, which represents the binding of the hardware device and the physical structure. The cryptographic fingerprint unit also includes a cryptographic unit that uses the binding PUF value to allow a challenger to authenticate the binding.

  12. Raspberry Pi hardware projects 1

    CERN Document Server

    Robinson, Andrew


    Learn how to take full advantage of all of Raspberry Pi's amazing features and functions-and have a blast doing it! Congratulations on becoming a proud owner of a Raspberry Pi, the credit-card-sized computer! If you're ready to dive in and start finding out what this amazing little gizmo is really capable of, this ebook is for you. Taken from the forthcoming Raspberry Pi Projects, Raspberry Pi Hardware Projects 1 contains three cool hardware projects that let you have fun with the Raspberry Pi while developing your Raspberry Pi skills. The authors - PiFace inventor, Andrew Robinson and Rasp

  13. A Hardware Abstraction Layer in Java

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schoeberl, Martin; Korsholm, Stephan; Kalibera, Tomas


    Embedded systems use specialized hardware devices to interact with their environment, and since they have to be dependable, it is attractive to use a modern, type-safe programming language like Java to develop programs for them. Standard Java, as a platform-independent language, delegates access...... to devices, direct memory access, and interrupt handling to some underlying operating system or kernel, but in the embedded systems domain resources are scarce and a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) without an underlying middleware is an attractive architecture. The contribution of this article is a proposal...... for Java packages with hardware objects and interrupt handlers that interface to such a JVM. We provide implementations of the proposal directly in hardware, as extensions of standard interpreters, and finally with an operating system middleware. The latter solution is mainly seen as a migration path...

  14. Designing Secure Systems on Reconfigurable Hardware


    Huffmire, Ted; Brotherton, Brett; Callegari, Nick; Valamehr, Jonathan; White, Jeff; Kastner, Ryan; Sherwood, Ted


    The extremely high cost of custom ASIC fabrication makes FPGAs an attractive alternative for deployment of custom hardware. Embedded systems based on reconfigurable hardware integrate many functions onto a single device. Since embedded designers often have no choice but to use soft IP cores obtained from third parties, the cores operate at different trust levels, resulting in mixed trust designs. The goal of this project is to evaluate recently proposed security primitives for reconfigurab...

  15. Hardware-Accelerated Simulated Radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laney, D; Callahan, S; Max, N; Silva, C; Langer, S.; Frank, R


    We present the application of hardware accelerated volume rendering algorithms to the simulation of radiographs as an aid to scientists designing experiments, validating simulation codes, and understanding experimental data. The techniques presented take advantage of 32-bit floating point texture capabilities to obtain solutions to the radiative transport equation for X-rays. The hardware accelerated solutions are accurate enough to enable scientists to explore the experimental design space with greater efficiency than the methods currently in use. An unsorted hexahedron projection algorithm is presented for curvilinear hexahedral meshes that produces simulated radiographs in the absorption-only regime. A sorted tetrahedral projection algorithm is presented that simulates radiographs of emissive materials. We apply the tetrahedral projection algorithm to the simulation of experimental diagnostics for inertial confinement fusion experiments on a laser at the University of Rochester

  16. Rasgos y clases de la estructura eventiva: Hacia una representación computacional

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    Juan Aparicio


    Full Text Available La investigación que actualmente se está llevando a cabo en el área del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural está todavía lejos de conseguir niveles profundos de compresión del lenguaje. Para poder construir sistemas inteligentes que traten con la representación del significado, es necesario en el ámbito de las tecnologías del lenguaje, la creación de recursos semánticos de amplia cobertura. El objetivo principal de nuestra investigación es el establecimiento de clases para la representación eventiva en un sistema computacional. La unidad básica de representación es el rasgo, concretamente hemos considerado cuatro rasgos: dinamicidad,  telicidad, duración y gradualidad. A partir de la combinación de estos rasgos semánticos hemos establecido un conjunto de clases eventivas que nos permite caracterizar el comportamiento verbal. Para establecer estas clases hemos tenido en cuenta los posibles cambios eventivos que puede sufrir una unidad verbal según el contexto, representando así la composicionalidad del significado eventivo. Por ello hemos considerado la prototipicidad de los sentidos verbales, y la sensibilidad de las diferentes clases al contexto. El total de clases definidas se clasifica en dos grupos, las clases simples: estados, procesos y puntos, cuya combinación da lugar a las clases complejas: culminaciones, realizaciones y graduales.

  17. Hardware descriptions of the I and C systems for NPP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Cheol Kwon; Oh, In Suk; Park, Joo Hyun; Kim, Dong Hoon; Han, Jae Bok; Shin, Jae Whal; Kim, Young Bak


    The hardware specifications for I and C Systems of SNPP(Standard Nuclear Power Plant) are reviewed in order to acquire the hardware requirement and specification of KNICS (Korea Nuclear Instrumentation and Control System). In the study, we investigated hardware requirements, hardware configuration, hardware specifications, man-machine hardware requirements, interface requirements with the other system, and data communication requirements that are applicable to SNP. We reviewed those things of control systems, protection systems, monitoring systems, information systems, and process instrumentation systems. Through the study, we described the requirements and specifications of digital systems focusing on a microprocessor and a communication interface, and repeated it for analog systems focusing on the manufacturing companies. It is expected that the experience acquired from this research will provide vital input for the development of the KNICS

  18. Influência da temperatura e da duração do molhamento foliar na severidade do míldio da cebola

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    Leandro Luiz Marcuzzo

    Full Text Available RESUMO No presente trabalho foram estudadas, em condições controladas para o desenvolvimento de um modelo climático baseado na influência da temperatura (10, 15, 20 e 25°C e da duração do molhamento foliar (6, 12, 24 e 48 horas na severidade do míldio da cebola incitado por Peronospora destructor. A densidade relativa de lesões foi influenciada pela temperatura e pela duração do molhamento foliar (P<0,05. A doença foi mais severa na temperatura de 15°C. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de regressão não linear. A função beta generalizada foi usada para ajuste dos dados de severidade e temperatura, enquanto uma função logística foi escolhida para representar o efeito do molhamento foliar na severidade do míldio da cebola. A superfície de resposta obtida pelo produto das duas funções foi expressa por SE = 0,1506 * (((x-80,0614 * ((30-x0,1419 * (0,71642/(1+0,56954 * exp (-0,04460*y, onde SE, representa o valor da severidade estimada (0,1; x, a temperatura (ºC e y, o molhamento foliar (horas. Este modelo climático deverá ser validado em condições de campo para aferir o seu emprego como um sistema de previsão computacional para o míldio da cebola

  19. Modelo computacional para suporte à decisão em áreas irrigadas. Parte I: Desenvolvimento e análise de sensibilidade Computer model for decision support on irrigated areas Part I: Development and sensitivity analysis

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    João C. F. Borges Júnior


    Full Text Available Este trabalho se refere ao desenvolvimento de um modelo computacional para suporte à tomada de decisão, quanto ao planejamento e manejo de projetos de irrigação e/ou drenagem. O modelo computacional, denominado MCID, é aplicável em nível de unidade de produção, gerando informações sobre como diferentes práticas de manejo da irrigação e configurações do sistema de drenagem afetam a produtividade e o retorno financeiro. Essas informações podem ser empregadas em estudos de otimização de padrão de cultivo em nível de propriedade agrícola, em relação ao retorno financeiro e ao uso da água, associados à análise de risco com base em simulações. O balanço hídrico e de sais na zona radicular e as estimativas da profundidade do lençol freático e vazão nos drenos, são conduzidos em base diária. A análise de sensibilidade indicou que os parâmetros de entrada que mais influenciaram o requerimento de irrigação totalizado para o ciclo, foram espaçamento entre drenos, porosidade drenável, número da curva, condutividade hidráulica horizontal do solo saturado, profundidade da camada impermeável e os parâmetros n e alfa do modelo de van Genuchten-Mualem.This paper refers to the development of a decision support model for planning and managing irrigation and/or drainage schemes. The computer model, called MCID, is applicable to a production unit level, generating information on how different irrigation management practices and drainage designs affect crop yield and financial return. This information may be applied in studies of crop patterns at farm level, taking into consideration financial return and water use, associated to risk analysis based on simulations. The water and salt balance in the root zone, as well as the water table depth and drain discharge predictions, are carried out on a daily basis. The sensitivity analysis pointed out that the most influential parameters on the seasonal irrigation requirement

  20. Software-Controlled Dynamically Swappable Hardware Design in Partially Reconfigurable Systems

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    Huang Chun-Hsian


    Full Text Available Abstract We propose two basic wrapper designs and an enhanced wrapper design for arbitrary digital hardware circuit designs such that they can be enhanced with the capability for dynamic swapping controlled by software. A hardware design with either of the proposed wrappers can thus be swapped out of the partially reconfigurable logic at runtime in some intermediate state of computation and then swapped in when required to continue from that state. The context data is saved to a buffer in the wrapper at interruptible states, and then the wrapper takes care of saving the hardware context to communication memory through a peripheral bus, and later restoring the hardware context after the design is swapped in. The overheads of the hardware standardization and the wrapper in terms of additional reconfigurable logic resources and the time for context switching are small and generally acceptable. With the capability for dynamic swapping, high priority hardware tasks can interrupt low-priority tasks in real-time embedded systems so that the utilization of hardware space per unit time is increased.

  1. Desenvolvimento de software e hardware para irrigação de precisão usando pivô central Development of software and hardware for precision irrigation using the center pivot

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    Tadeu M. de Queiroz


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver softwares e hardwares para aplicação ao monitoramento e controle automático para a irrigação de precisão usando sistemas do tipo pivô central. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no Departamento de Engenharia Rural - LER, da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" - ESALQ, da Universidade de São Paulo - USP, em Piracicaba - SP. Foram utilizados componentes eletrônicos discretos, circuitos integrados diversos, módulos de radiofreqüência, microcontroladores da família Basic Step e um microcomputador. Foram utilizadas as linguagens Delphi e TBasic. O hardware é constituído de dois circuitos eletrônicos, sendo um deles para "interface" com o computador e o outro para monitoramento e transmissão da leitura de tensiômetros para o computador via radiofreqüência. Foram feitas avaliações do alcance e da eficiência na transmissão de dados dos módulos de radiofreqüência e do desempenho do software e do hardware. Os resultados mostraram que tanto os circuitos quanto os aplicativos desenvolvidos apresentaram funcionamento satisfatório. Os testes de comunicação dos rádios indicaram que esses possuem alcance máximo de 50 m. Concluiu-se que o sistema desenvolvido tem grande potencial para utilização em sistemas de irrigação de precisão usando pivô central, bastando para isso que o alcance dos rádios seja aumentado.The objective of this work was to develop softwares and hardwares applied to the management and automatic control for precision irrigation using center pivot systems. They were developed in the Rural Engineering Department - LER, at the "Luiz de Queiroz" College of Agriculture - ESALQ, of São Paulo University - USP, in Piracicaba, SP-Brazil. It was used discrete electronic components, several integrated circuits, radio frequency modules, microcontrollers from the Basic Step family and a microcomputer. The computer software was developed in Delphi language, and

  2. Generation of Embedded Hardware/Software from SystemC

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    Dominique Houzet


    Full Text Available Designers increasingly rely on reusing intellectual property (IP and on raising the level of abstraction to respect system-on-chip (SoC market characteristics. However, most hardware and embedded software codes are recoded manually from system level. This recoding step often results in new coding errors that must be identified and debugged. Thus, shorter time-to-market requires automation of the system synthesis from high-level specifications. In this paper, we propose a design flow intended to reduce the SoC design cost. This design flow unifies hardware and software using a single high-level language. It integrates hardware/software (HW/SW generation tools and an automatic interface synthesis through a custom library of adapters. We have validated our interface synthesis approach on a hardware producer/consumer case study and on the design of a given software radiocommunication application.

  3. Generation of Embedded Hardware/Software from SystemC

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    Ouadjaout Salim


    Full Text Available Designers increasingly rely on reusing intellectual property (IP and on raising the level of abstraction to respect system-on-chip (SoC market characteristics. However, most hardware and embedded software codes are recoded manually from system level. This recoding step often results in new coding errors that must be identified and debugged. Thus, shorter time-to-market requires automation of the system synthesis from high-level specifications. In this paper, we propose a design flow intended to reduce the SoC design cost. This design flow unifies hardware and software using a single high-level language. It integrates hardware/software (HW/SW generation tools and an automatic interface synthesis through a custom library of adapters. We have validated our interface synthesis approach on a hardware producer/consumer case study and on the design of a given software radiocommunication application.

  4. Cooperative communications hardware, channel and PHY

    CERN Document Server

    Dohler, Mischa


    Facilitating Cooperation for Wireless Systems Cooperative Communications: Hardware, Channel & PHY focuses on issues pertaining to the PHY layer of wireless communication networks, offering a rigorous taxonomy of this dispersed field, along with a range of application scenarios for cooperative and distributed schemes, demonstrating how these techniques can be employed. The authors discuss hardware, complexity and power consumption issues, which are vital for understanding what can be realized at the PHY layer, showing how wireless channel models differ from more traditional

  5. IDD Archival Hardware Architecture and Workflow

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mendonsa, D; Nekoogar, F; Martz, H


    This document describes the functionality of every component in the DHS/IDD archival and storage hardware system shown in Fig. 1. The document describes steps by step process of image data being received at LLNL then being processed and made available to authorized personnel and collaborators. Throughout this document references will be made to one of two figures, Fig. 1 describing the elements of the architecture and the Fig. 2 describing the workflow and how the project utilizes the available hardware.

  6. Aspects of system modelling in Hardware/Software partitioning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knudsen, Peter Voigt; Madsen, Jan


    This paper addresses fundamental aspects of system modelling and partitioning algorithms in the area of Hardware/Software Codesign. Three basic system models for partitioning are presented and the consequences of partitioning according to each of these are analyzed. The analysis shows...... the importance of making a clear distinction between the model used for partitioning and the model used for evaluation It also illustrates the importance of having a realistic hardware model such that hardware sharing can be taken into account. Finally, the importance of integrating scheduling and allocation...

  7. Hardware Acceleration of Adaptive Neural Algorithms.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    James, Conrad D. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    As tradit ional numerical computing has faced challenges, researchers have turned towards alternative computing approaches to reduce power - per - computation metrics and improve algorithm performance. Here, we describe an approach towards non - conventional computing that strengthens the connection between machine learning and neuroscience concepts. The Hardware Acceleration of Adaptive Neural Algorithms (HAANA) project ha s develop ed neural machine learning algorithms and hardware for applications in image processing and cybersecurity. While machine learning methods are effective at extracting relevant features from many types of data, the effectiveness of these algorithms degrades when subjected to real - world conditions. Our team has generated novel neural - inspired approa ches to improve the resiliency and adaptability of machine learning algorithms. In addition, we have also designed and fabricated hardware architectures and microelectronic devices specifically tuned towards the training and inference operations of neural - inspired algorithms. Finally, our multi - scale simulation framework allows us to assess the impact of microelectronic device properties on algorithm performance.

  8. Hardware/software virtualization for the reconfigurable multicore platform.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ferger, M.; Al Kadi, M.; Hübner, M.; Koedam, M.L.P.J.; Sinha, S.S.; Goossens, K.G.W.; Marchesan Almeida, Gabriel; Rodrigo Azambuja, J.; Becker, Juergen


    This paper presents the Flex Tiles approach for the virtualization of hardware and software for a reconfigurable multicore architecture. The approach enables the virtualization of a dynamic tile-based hardware architecture consisting of processing tiles connected via a network-on-chip and a


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    Ali Akbar Rismayadi


    Full Text Available Abstract Damage to computer hardware, not a big disaster, because not all damage to computer hardware can not be repaired, nearly all computer users, whether public or institutions often suffer various kinds of damage that occurred in the computer hardware it has, and the damage can be caused by various factors that are basically as the user does not know the cause of what makes the computer hardware used damaged. Therefore, it is necessary to build an application that can help users to mendiganosa damage to computer hardware. So that everyone can diagnose the type of hardware damage his computer. Development of expert system diagnosis of damage to computer hardware uses forward chaining method by promoting alisisis descriptive of various damage data obtained from several experts and other sources of literature to reach a conclusion on the diagnosis of damage. As well as using the waterfall model as a model system development, starting from the analysis stage to stage software needs support. This application is built using a programming language tools Eclipse ADT as well as SQLite as its database. diagnosis expert system damage computer hardware is expected to be used as a tool to help find the causes of damage to computer hardware independently without the help of a computer technician.

  10. Flight Hardware Virtualization for On-Board Science Data Processing (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Utilize Hardware Virtualization technology to benefit on-board science data processing by investigating new real time embedded Hardware Virtualization solutions and...

  11. Sodium-NaK engineering handbook. Volume III. Sodium systems, safety, handling, and instrumentation. [LMFBR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Foust, O J [ed.


    The handbook is intended for use by present and future designers in the Liquid Metals Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR) Program and by the engineering and scientific community performing other type investigation and exprimentation requiring high-temperature sodium and NaK technology. The arrangement of subject matter progresses from a technological discussion of sodium and sodium--potassium alloy (NaK) to discussions of varius categories and uses of hardware in sodium and NaK systems. Emphasis is placed on sodium and NaK as heat-transport media. Sufficient detail is included for basic understanding of sodium and NaK technology and of technical aspects of sodium and NaK components and instrument systems. Information presented is considered adequate for use in feasibility studies and conceptual design, sizing components and systems, developing preliminary component and system descriptions, identifying technological limitations and problem areas, and defining basic constraints and parameters.

  12. Speed challenge: a case for hardware implementation in soft-computing (United States)

    Daud, T.; Stoica, A.; Duong, T.; Keymeulen, D.; Zebulum, R.; Thomas, T.; Thakoor, A.


    For over a decade, JPL has been actively involved in soft computing research on theory, architecture, applications, and electronics hardware. The driving force in all our research activities, in addition to the potential enabling technology promise, has been creation of a niche that imparts orders of magnitude speed advantage by implementation in parallel processing hardware with algorithms made especially suitable for hardware implementation. We review our work on neural networks, fuzzy logic, and evolvable hardware with selected application examples requiring real time response capabilities.

  13. Computer hardware for radiologists: Part I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Indrajit, IK; Alam, A


    Computers are an integral part of modern radiology practice. They are used in different radiology modalities to acquire, process, and postprocess imaging data. They have had a dramatic influence on contemporary radiology practice. Their impact has extended further with the emergence of Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM), Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS), Radiology information system (RIS) technology, and Teleradiology. A basic overview of computer hardware relevant to radiology practice is presented here. The key hardware components in a computer are the motherboard, central processor unit (CPU), the chipset, the random access memory (RAM), the memory modules, bus, storage drives, and ports. The personnel computer (PC) has a rectangular case that contains important components called hardware, many of which are integrated circuits (ICs). The fiberglass motherboard is the main printed circuit board and has a variety of important hardware mounted on it, which are connected by electrical pathways called “buses”. The CPU is the largest IC on the motherboard and contains millions of transistors. Its principal function is to execute “programs”. A Pentium ® 4 CPU has transistors that execute a billion instructions per second. The chipset is completely different from the CPU in design and function; it controls data and interaction of buses between the motherboard and the CPU. Memory (RAM) is fundamentally semiconductor chips storing data and instructions for access by a CPU. RAM is classified by storage capacity, access speed, data rate, and configuration

  14. Computer hardware for radiologists: Part I

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    Indrajit I


    Full Text Available Computers are an integral part of modern radiology practice. They are used in different radiology modalities to acquire, process, and postprocess imaging data. They have had a dramatic influence on contemporary radiology practice. Their impact has extended further with the emergence of Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM, Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS, Radiology information system (RIS technology, and Teleradiology. A basic overview of computer hardware relevant to radiology practice is presented here. The key hardware components in a computer are the motherboard, central processor unit (CPU, the chipset, the random access memory (RAM, the memory modules, bus, storage drives, and ports. The personnel computer (PC has a rectangular case that contains important components called hardware, many of which are integrated circuits (ICs. The fiberglass motherboard is the main printed circuit board and has a variety of important hardware mounted on it, which are connected by electrical pathways called "buses". The CPU is the largest IC on the motherboard and contains millions of transistors. Its principal function is to execute "programs". A Pentium® 4 CPU has transistors that execute a billion instructions per second. The chipset is completely different from the CPU in design and function; it controls data and interaction of buses between the motherboard and the CPU. Memory (RAM is fundamentally semiconductor chips storing data and instructions for access by a CPU. RAM is classified by storage capacity, access speed, data rate, and configuration.

  15. Hardware malware

    CERN Document Server

    Krieg, Christian


    In our digital world, integrated circuits are present in nearly every moment of our daily life. Even when using the coffee machine in the morning, or driving our car to work, we interact with integrated circuits. The increasing spread of information technology in virtually all areas of life in the industrialized world offers a broad range of attack vectors. So far, mainly software-based attacks have been considered and investigated, while hardware-based attacks have attracted comparatively little interest. The design and production process of integrated circuits is mostly decentralized due to

  16. Hardware Accelerated Sequence Alignment with Traceback

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    Scott Lloyd


    in a timely manner. Known methods to accelerate alignment on reconfigurable hardware only address sequence comparison, limit the sequence length, or exhibit memory and I/O bottlenecks. A space-efficient, global sequence alignment algorithm and architecture is presented that accelerates the forward scan and traceback in hardware without memory and I/O limitations. With 256 processing elements in FPGA technology, a performance gain over 300 times that of a desktop computer is demonstrated on sequence lengths of 16000. For greater performance, the architecture is scalable to more processing elements.

  17. Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — RTC has a suite of Hardware-in-the Loop facilities that include three operational facilities that provide performance assessment and production acceptance testing of...

  18. Efeito de diferentes substratos na germinação de genótipos de girassol

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    Viviane Farias Silva


    Full Text Available Reutilizar resíduos provenientes de agroindústrias como substrato é uma alternativa que beneficia o meio ambiente e ao produtor. Nesse contexto, pesquisa foi realizada na Universidade Federal de Campina Grande/PB, objetivando-se avaliar o efeito de diferentes substratos provenientes de resíduos agroindustriais na germinação de genótipos de girassol. Foram avaliados a porcentagem de germinação (PG, o índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG, a velocidade média (Vm e o tempo médio (Tm de germinação de cada variedade de girassol estudada nos diferentes substratos utilizados. O delineamento foi o de bloco ao acaso e as análises foram realizadas, pelo programa computacional Sistema para Análise de Variância - SISVAR.Em relação ao substrato a porcentagem de germinação variou de 48,17 % a 65,47 %. O Helio 253 com menor valor de IVG (1,41, enquanto que o Olisum 3 com maior valor (4,80 seguido pelos genótipos AG 262 (4,43 e Embrapa 122- v2000 (3,26.  O tempo médio (Tm de germinação variou de 8,0 a 8,92. Os substratos considerados mais adequados para a germinação de todos os genótipos foram a areia, fibra de coco e a composição fibra de coco + areia.

  19. Realización computacional en tres dimensiones del Método de los Elementos de Contorno en la teoría de la Elasticidad // Three dimension computational realization of the Method of the Contour elements in the Elasticity theory.

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    I. L. Alemán Romero


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se muestra la realización computacional en tres dimensiones del Método de los Elementos de Contorno en laTeoría de la Elasticidad Lineal, para medio homogéneo e isotrópico considerando el efecto de las cargas másicas.La realización computacional del método radica en discretizar el contorno mediante elementos en los que losdesplazamientos y las tracciones se suponen variando de acuerdo a funciones de interpolación. Aplicando el “método decolocación” se obtiene un sistema de ecuaciones lineales que aporta la solución en el contorno, a partir de la cual se puedeobtener la solución en cualquier punto de la región de definición del problema.En el presente trabajo se consideran elementos triangulares, se emplea interpolación lineal, se utiliza la transformación acoordenadas homogéneas y se muestran los algoritmos que conducen al ensamblaje del sistema de ecuaciones que aporta lasolución en el contorno.Palabras claves: Elementos de Contorno(MEC, BEM, realización computacional, elementos triangulares.______________________________________________________________________________AbstractIn this work is shown the computational formulation in three dimensions of the Boundary Element Method in 3D Elastostaticfor isotropic, homogeneous and linear material considering the effect of body forces.The computational formulation of the method is based on the discretization of the boundary into elements over whichdisplacements and tractions are expressed in terms of interpolation functions. Applying the collocation method a system oflineal equations is obtained that brings the solution on the boundary, from which the solution in any point of the definitionregion of the problem can be obtained.In the present work triangular elements are considered, lineal interpolation is employed, the transformation to homogenealcoordinates is used and it is shown the algorithms that guide to the assembling of the equations system that

  20. Learning Machines Implemented on Non-Deterministic Hardware


    Gupta, Suyog; Sindhwani, Vikas; Gopalakrishnan, Kailash


    This paper highlights new opportunities for designing large-scale machine learning systems as a consequence of blurring traditional boundaries that have allowed algorithm designers and application-level practitioners to stay -- for the most part -- oblivious to the details of the underlying hardware-level implementations. The hardware/software co-design methodology advocated here hinges on the deployment of compute-intensive machine learning kernels onto compute platforms that trade-off deter...

  1. Hardware Middleware for Person Tracking on Embedded Distributed Smart Cameras

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    Ali Akbar Zarezadeh


    Full Text Available Tracking individuals is a prominent application in such domains like surveillance or smart environments. This paper provides a development of a multiple camera setup with jointed view that observes moving persons in a site. It focuses on a geometry-based approach to establish correspondence among different views. The expensive computational parts of the tracker are hardware accelerated via a novel system-on-chip (SoC design. In conjunction with this vision application, a hardware object request broker (ORB middleware is presented as the underlying communication system. The hardware ORB provides a hardware/software architecture to achieve real-time intercommunication among multiple smart cameras. Via a probing mechanism, a performance analysis is performed to measure network latencies, that is, time traversing the TCP/IP stack, in both software and hardware ORB approaches on the same smart camera platform. The empirical results show that using the proposed hardware ORB as client and server in separate smart camera nodes will considerably reduce the network latency up to 100 times compared to the software ORB.

  2. Programming time-multiplexed reconfigurable hardware using a scalable neuromorphic compiler. (United States)

    Minkovich, Kirill; Srinivasa, Narayan; Cruz-Albrecht, Jose M; Cho, Youngkwan; Nogin, Aleksey


    Scalability and connectivity are two key challenges in designing neuromorphic hardware that can match biological levels. In this paper, we describe a neuromorphic system architecture design that addresses an approach to meet these challenges using traditional complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) hardware. A key requirement in realizing such neural architectures in hardware is the ability to automatically configure the hardware to emulate any neural architecture or model. The focus for this paper is to describe the details of such a programmable front-end. This programmable front-end is composed of a neuromorphic compiler and a digital memory, and is designed based on the concept of synaptic time-multiplexing (STM). The neuromorphic compiler automatically translates any given neural architecture to hardware switch states and these states are stored in digital memory to enable desired neural architectures. STM enables our proposed architecture to address scalability and connectivity using traditional CMOS hardware. We describe the details of the proposed design and the programmable front-end, and provide examples to illustrate its capabilities. We also provide perspectives for future extensions and potential applications.

  3. Proof-Carrying Hardware: Concept and Prototype Tool Flow for Online Verification


    Drzevitzky, Stephanie; Kastens, Uwe; Platzner, Marco


    Dynamically reconfigurable hardware combines hardware performance with software-like flexibility and finds increasing use in networked systems. The capability to load hardware modules at runtime provides these systems with an unparalleled degree of adaptivity but at the same time poses new challenges for security and safety. In this paper, we elaborate on the presentation of proof carrying hardware (PCH) as a novel approach to reconfigurable system security. PCH takes ...

  4. Fatores de risco para doença arterial coronariana em idosos: análise por enfermeiros utilizando ferramenta computacional Factores de riesgo para enfermedad arterial coronaria en ancianos: análisis por enfermeras utilizando herramienta computacional Risk factors for coronary artery disease in the elderly: analysis by nurses using computational tool

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    Silvia Sidnéia da Silva


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou analisar a ocorrência dos fatores de risco para doença arterial coronariana em população idosa participante de uma ação comunitária utilizando ferramenta computacional por enfermeiros. Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho utilizou-se uma base de dados coletada em um evento comunitário. As informações se referem a fatores de risco, dados antropométricos, aferição de valores de glicemia, colesterol e pressão arterial, ocorrência de doença cardíaca e outras. A estrutura multidimensional foi elaborada e gerenciada pela ferramenta Analysis Services. A população idosa correspondeu a 40,4% do total, um terço dessa população estava com valores alterados de pressão arterial sistêmica, 53,8% apresentavam índice de massa corporal acima de 25 Kg/m², 40,3% referiram hipertensão e 20,3%, diabetes mellitus. Conclui-se que o controle de fatores de risco para DAC em clientes idosos é essencial e que a tecnologia da informação pode apoiar na tomada de decisões estratégicas de promoção de saúde.Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo analizar la ocurrencia de los factores de riesgo para enfermedad arterial coronaria en la población anciana participante de una acción comunitaria con una herramienta computacional para las enfermeras. Para el desarrollo del trabajo se utilizó una base de datos colectada en un evento comunitario. Las informaciones se refieren a factores de riesgo, datos antropométricos, contraste de valores de glucemia, colesterol y presión arterial, ocurrencia de enfermedad cardiaca y otras. La estructura multidimensional fue elaborada y administrada por la herramienta Analysis Services. La población anciana correspondió a 40,4% del total, un tercio de esta población estaba con valores alterados de presión arterial sistémica, 53,8% presentaban índice de masa corporal arriba de 25Kg/m², 40,4% se referían a hipertensión y 20,3% diabetes mellitus. Se concluye que el control de factores de


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    Renê Jota Arruda de Macêdo


    Full Text Available Linguagens de programação vem se tornando populares em diversas áreas do meio acadêmico-científico. No âmbito das Geociências, emergem como potenciais ferramentas para a compreensão dos processos naturais da superfície terrestre. Neste trabalho realizou-se uma breve apresentação da linguagem computacional R e uma rápida abordagem a respeito da parametrização de elementos da superfície de uma determinada região a partir de dados discretos espaçados regularmente.  Em seguida, apresenta-se um exemplo de sua aplicação para derivação de parâmetros geométricos e análise digital de terreno (ADT em um modelo digital de elevação com 30 m de resolução espacial. Utilizou-se o software RStudio versão gratuita que oferece um ambiente de desenvolvimento gráfico intuitivo com diversas facilidades para implementação de rotinas. Com uma comunidade colaborativa ativa e aberta, a linguagem R aplicada em ADT permite que usuários iniciantes compreendam os aspectos básicos e visualize todo o processo de implementação do código e análise dos resultados.

  6. The VMTG Hardware Description

    CERN Document Server

    Puccio, B


    The document describes the hardware features of the CERN Master Timing Generator. This board is the common platform for the transmission of General Timing Machine required by the CERN accelerators. In addition, the paper shows the various jumper options to customise the card which is compliant to the VMEbus standard.

  7. Dynamically-Loaded Hardware Libraries (HLL) Technology for Audio Applications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Esposito, A.; Lomuscio, A.; Nunzio, L. Di


    In this work, we apply hardware acceleration to embedded systems running audio applications. We present a new framework, Dynamically-Loaded Hardware Libraries or HLL, to dynamically load hardware libraries on reconfigurable platforms (FPGAs). Provided a library of application-specific processors......, we load on-the-fly the specific processor in the FPGA, and we transfer the execution from the CPU to the FPGA-based accelerator. The proposed architecture provides excellent flexibility with respect to the different audio applications implemented, high quality audio, and an energy efficient solution....

  8. Hardware Approach for Real Time Machine Stereo Vision

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    Michael Tornow


    Full Text Available Image processing is an effective tool for the analysis of optical sensor information for driver assistance systems and controlling of autonomous robots. Algorithms for image processing are often very complex and costly in terms of computation. In robotics and driver assistance systems, real-time processing is necessary. Signal processing algorithms must often be drastically modified so they can be implemented in the hardware. This task is especially difficult for continuous real-time processing at high speeds. This article describes a hardware-software co-design for a multi-object position sensor based on a stereophotogrammetric measuring method. In order to cover a large measuring area, an optimized algorithm based on an image pyramid is implemented in an FPGA as a parallel hardware solution for depth map calculation. Object recognition and tracking are then executed in real-time in a processor with help of software. For this task a statistical cluster method is used. Stabilization of the tracking is realized through use of a Kalman filter. Keywords: stereophotogrammetry, hardware-software co-design, FPGA, 3-d image analysis, real-time, clustering and tracking.

  9. Hardware implementation of a GFSR pseudo-random number generator (United States)

    Aiello, G. R.; Budinich, M.; Milotti, E.


    We describe the hardware implementation of a pseudo-random number generator of the "Generalized Feedback Shift Register" (GFSR) type. After brief theoretical considerations we describe two versions of the hardware, the tests done and the performances achieved.

  10. Hardware Realization of Chaos Based Symmetric Image Encryption

    KAUST Repository

    Barakat, Mohamed L.


    This thesis presents a novel work on hardware realization of symmetric image encryption utilizing chaos based continuous systems as pseudo random number generators. Digital implementation of chaotic systems results in serious degradations in the dynamics of the system. Such defects are illuminated through a new technique of generalized post proceeding with very low hardware cost. The thesis further discusses two encryption algorithms designed and implemented as a block cipher and a stream cipher. The security of both systems is thoroughly analyzed and the performance is compared with other reported systems showing a superior results. Both systems are realized on Xilinx Vetrix-4 FPGA with a hardware and throughput performance surpassing known encryption systems.

  11. Desenvolvimento de hardware reconfigurável de criptografia assimétrica

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    Otávio Souza Martins Gomes


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta o resultado parcial do desenvolvimento de uma interface de hardware reconfigurável para criptografia assimétrica que permite a troca segura de dados. Hardwares reconfiguráveis permitem o desenvolvimento deste tipo de dispositivo com segurança e flexibilidade e possibilitam a mudança de características no projeto com baixo custo e de forma rápida.Palavras-chave: Criptografia. Hardware. ElGamal. FPGA. Segurança. Development of an asymmetric cryptography reconfigurable harwadre ABSTRACTThis paper presents some conclusions and choices about the development of an asymmetric cryptography reconfigurable hardware interface to allow a safe data communication. Reconfigurable hardwares allows the development of this kind of device with safety and flexibility, and offer the possibility to change some features with low cost and in a fast way.Keywords: Cryptography. Hardware. ElGamal. FPGAs. Security.

  12. MRI monitoring of focused ultrasound sonications near metallic hardware. (United States)

    Weber, Hans; Ghanouni, Pejman; Pascal-Tenorio, Aurea; Pauly, Kim Butts; Hargreaves, Brian A


    To explore the temperature-induced signal change in two-dimensional multi-spectral imaging (2DMSI) for fast thermometry near metallic hardware to enable MR-guided focused ultrasound surgery (MRgFUS) in patients with implanted metallic hardware. 2DMSI was optimized for temperature sensitivity and applied to monitor focus ultrasound surgery (FUS) sonications near metallic hardware in phantoms and ex vivo porcine muscle tissue. Further, we evaluated its temperature sensitivity for in vivo muscle in patients without metallic hardware. In addition, we performed a comparison of temperature sensitivity between 2DMSI and conventional proton-resonance-frequency-shift (PRFS) thermometry at different distances from metal devices and different signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). 2DMSI thermometry enabled visualization of short ultrasound sonications near metallic hardware. Calibration using in vivo muscle yielded a constant temperature sensitivity for temperatures below 43 °C. For an off-resonance coverage of ± 6 kHz, we achieved a temperature sensitivity of 1.45%/K, resulting in a minimum detectable temperature change of ∼2.5 K for an SNR of 100 with a temporal resolution of 6 s per frame. The proposed 2DMSI thermometry has the potential to allow MR-guided FUS treatments of patients with metallic hardware and therefore expand its reach to a larger patient population. Magn Reson Med 80:259-271, 2018. © 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. © 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  13. Síntese de redes de reatores para condições isotérmicas - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v30i2.5494

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lincoln Kotsuka da Silva


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho apresenta-se um procedimento computacional para síntese de redes de reatores (SRR operando em condições isotérmicas. Uma superestrutura de rede de reatores formada por reatores ideais CSTR e PFR é proposta e o problema apresenta uma formulação de programação não linear (PNL. São consideradas reações complexas (série/paralelas. A função objetivo é baseada no rendimento ou na seletividade em relação ao produto desejado, sujeito a diferentes condições de operação. As restrições ao problema são provenientes dos balanços de massa e da configuração da superestrutura considerada. No procedimento computacional é proposto um Algoritmo Genético (AG para obtenção do arranjo ótimo de reatores com máximo rendimento ou seletividade com menor volume reacional. Os resultados obtidos são condizentes com os obtidos na literatura.

  14. Trends in computer hardware and software. (United States)

    Frankenfeld, F M


    Previously identified and current trends in the development of computer systems and in the use of computers for health care applications are reviewed. Trends identified in a 1982 article were increasing miniaturization and archival ability, increasing software costs, increasing software independence, user empowerment through new software technologies, shorter computer-system life cycles, and more rapid development and support of pharmaceutical services. Most of these trends continue today. Current trends in hardware and software include the increasing use of reduced instruction-set computing, migration to the UNIX operating system, the development of large software libraries, microprocessor-based smart terminals that allow remote validation of data, speech synthesis and recognition, application generators, fourth-generation languages, computer-aided software engineering, object-oriented technologies, and artificial intelligence. Current trends specific to pharmacy and hospitals are the withdrawal of vendors of hospital information systems from the pharmacy market, improved linkage of information systems within hospitals, and increased regulation by government. The computer industry and its products continue to undergo dynamic change. Software development continues to lag behind hardware, and its high cost is offsetting the savings provided by hardware.

  15. CERN Neutrino Platform Hardware

    CERN Document Server

    Nelson, Kevin


    My summer research was broadly in CERN's neutrino platform hardware efforts. This project had two main components: detector assembly and data analysis work for ICARUS. Specifically, I worked on assembly for the ProtoDUNE project and monitored the safety of ICARUS as it was transported to Fermilab by analyzing the accelerometer data from its move.

  16. Human Centered Hardware Modeling and Collaboration (United States)

    Stambolian Damon; Lawrence, Brad; Stelges, Katrine; Henderson, Gena


    In order to collaborate engineering designs among NASA Centers and customers, to in clude hardware and human activities from multiple remote locations, live human-centered modeling and collaboration across several sites has been successfully facilitated by Kennedy Space Center. The focus of this paper includes innovative a pproaches to engineering design analyses and training, along with research being conducted to apply new technologies for tracking, immersing, and evaluating humans as well as rocket, vehic le, component, or faci lity hardware utilizing high resolution cameras, motion tracking, ergonomic analysis, biomedical monitoring, wor k instruction integration, head-mounted displays, and other innovative human-system integration modeling, simulation, and collaboration applications.

  17. Analysis for Parallel Execution without Performing Hardware/Software Co-simulation


    Muhammad Rashid


    Hardware/software co-simulation improves the performance of embedded applications by executing the applications on a virtual platform before the actual hardware is available in silicon. However, the virtual platform of the target architecture is often not available during early stages of the embedded design flow. Consequently, analysis for parallel execution without performing hardware/software co-simulation is required. This article presents an analysis methodology for parallel execution of ...

  18. Software error masking effect on hardware faults

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Jong Gyun; Seong, Poong Hyun


    Based on the Very High Speed Integrated Circuit (VHSIC) Hardware Description Language (VHDL), in this work, a simulation model for fault injection is developed to estimate the dependability of the digital system in operational phase. We investigated the software masking effect on hardware faults through the single bit-flip and stuck-at-x fault injection into the internal registers of the processor and memory cells. The fault location reaches all registers and memory cells. Fault distribution over locations is randomly chosen based on a uniform probability distribution. Using this model, we have predicted the reliability and masking effect of an application software in a digital system-Interposing Logic System (ILS) in a nuclear power plant. We have considered four the software operational profiles. From the results it was found that the software masking effect on hardware faults should be properly considered for predicting the system dependability accurately in operation phase. It is because the masking effect was formed to have different values according to the operational profile

  19. Instrument hardware and software upgrades at IPNS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Worlton, Thomas; Hammonds, John; Mikkelson, D.; Mikkelson, Ruth; Porter, Rodney; Tao, Julian; Chatterjee, Alok


    IPNS is in the process of upgrading their time-of-flight neutron scattering instruments with improved hardware and software. The hardware upgrades include replacing old VAX Qbus and Multibus-based data acquisition systems with new systems based on VXI and VME. Hardware upgrades also include expanded detector banks and new detector electronics. Old VAX Fortran-based data acquisition and analysis software is being replaced with new software as part of the ISAW project. ISAW is written in Java for ease of development and portability, and is now used routinely for data visualization, reduction, and analysis on all upgraded instruments. ISAW provides the ability to process and visualize the data from thousands of detector pixels, each having thousands of time channels. These operations can be done interactively through a familiar graphical user interface or automatically through simple scripts. Scripts and operators provided by end users are automatically included in the ISAW menu structure, along with those distributed with ISAW, when the application is started

  20. MFTF supervisory control and diagnostics system hardware

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Butner, D.N.


    The Supervisory Control and Diagnostics System (SCDS) for the Mirror Fusion Test Facility (MFTF) is a multiprocessor minicomputer system designed so that for most single-point failures, the hardware may be quickly reconfigured to provide continued operation of the experiment. The system is made up of nine Perkin-Elmer computers - a mixture of 8/32's and 7/32's. Each computer has ports on a shared memory system consisting of two independent shared memory modules. Each processor can signal other processors through hardware external to the shared memory. The system communicates with the Local Control and Instrumentation System, which consists of approximately 65 microprocessors. Each of the six system processors has facilities for communicating with a group of microprocessors; the groups consist of from four to 24 microprocessors. There are hardware switches so that if an SCDS processor communicating with a group of microprocessors fails, another SCDS processor takes over the communication

  1. Flight Hardware Virtualization for On-Board Science Data Processing Project (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Utilize Hardware Virtualization technology to benefit on-board science data processing by investigating new real time embedded Hardware Virtualization solutions and...

  2. Compiling quantum circuits to realistic hardware architectures using temporal planners (United States)

    Venturelli, Davide; Do, Minh; Rieffel, Eleanor; Frank, Jeremy


    To run quantum algorithms on emerging gate-model quantum hardware, quantum circuits must be compiled to take into account constraints on the hardware. For near-term hardware, with only limited means to mitigate decoherence, it is critical to minimize the duration of the circuit. We investigate the application of temporal planners to the problem of compiling quantum circuits to newly emerging quantum hardware. While our approach is general, we focus on compiling to superconducting hardware architectures with nearest neighbor constraints. Our initial experiments focus on compiling Quantum Alternating Operator Ansatz (QAOA) circuits whose high number of commuting gates allow great flexibility in the order in which the gates can be applied. That freedom makes it more challenging to find optimal compilations but also means there is a greater potential win from more optimized compilation than for less flexible circuits. We map this quantum circuit compilation problem to a temporal planning problem, and generated a test suite of compilation problems for QAOA circuits of various sizes to a realistic hardware architecture. We report compilation results from several state-of-the-art temporal planners on this test set. This early empirical evaluation demonstrates that temporal planning is a viable approach to quantum circuit compilation.

  3. Event-driven processing for hardware-efficient neural spike sorting (United States)

    Liu, Yan; Pereira, João L.; Constandinou, Timothy G.


    Objective. The prospect of real-time and on-node spike sorting provides a genuine opportunity to push the envelope of large-scale integrated neural recording systems. In such systems the hardware resources, power requirements and data bandwidth increase linearly with channel count. Event-based (or data-driven) processing can provide here a new efficient means for hardware implementation that is completely activity dependant. In this work, we investigate using continuous-time level-crossing sampling for efficient data representation and subsequent spike processing. Approach. (1) We first compare signals (synthetic neural datasets) encoded with this technique against conventional sampling. (2) We then show how such a representation can be directly exploited by extracting simple time domain features from the bitstream to perform neural spike sorting. (3) The proposed method is implemented in a low power FPGA platform to demonstrate its hardware viability. Main results. It is observed that considerably lower data rates are achievable when using 7 bits or less to represent the signals, whilst maintaining the signal fidelity. Results obtained using both MATLAB and reconfigurable logic hardware (FPGA) indicate that feature extraction and spike sorting accuracies can be achieved with comparable or better accuracy than reference methods whilst also requiring relatively low hardware resources. Significance. By effectively exploiting continuous-time data representation, neural signal processing can be achieved in a completely event-driven manner, reducing both the required resources (memory, complexity) and computations (operations). This will see future large-scale neural systems integrating on-node processing in real-time hardware.

  4. Fuel cell hardware-in-loop

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moore, R.M.; Randolf, G.; Virji, M. [University of Hawaii, Hawaii Natural Energy Institute (United States); Hauer, K.H. [Xcellvision (Germany)


    Hardware-in-loop (HiL) methodology is well established in the automotive industry. One typical application is the development and validation of control algorithms for drive systems by simulating the vehicle plus the vehicle environment in combination with specific control hardware as the HiL component. This paper introduces the use of a fuel cell HiL methodology for fuel cell and fuel cell system design and evaluation-where the fuel cell (or stack) is the unique HiL component that requires evaluation and development within the context of a fuel cell system designed for a specific application (e.g., a fuel cell vehicle) in a typical use pattern (e.g., a standard drive cycle). Initial experimental results are presented for the example of a fuel cell within a fuel cell vehicle simulation under a dynamic drive cycle. (author)

  5. Flexible hardware design for RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Batina, L.; Bruin - Muurling, G.; Örs, S.B.; Okamoto, T.


    This paper presents a scalable hardware implementation of both commonly used public key cryptosystems, RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem (ECC) on the same platform. The introduced hardware accelerator features a design which can be varied from very small (less than 20 Kgates) targeting wireless

  6. Sharing open hardware through ROP, the robotic open platform

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lunenburg, J.; Soetens, R.P.T.; Schoenmakers, F.; Metsemakers, P.M.G.; van de Molengraft, M.J.G.; Steinbuch, M.; Behnke, S.; Veloso, M.; Visser, A.; Xiong, R.


    The robot open source software community, in particular ROS, drastically boosted robotics research. However, a centralized place to exchange open hardware designs does not exist. Therefore we launched the Robotic Open Platform (ROP). A place to share and discuss open hardware designs. Among others

  7. Sharing open hardware through ROP, the Robotic Open Platform

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lunenburg, J.J.M.; Soetens, R.P.T.; Schoenmakers, Ferry; Metsemakers, P.M.G.; Molengraft, van de M.J.G.; Steinbuch, M.


    The robot open source software community, in particular ROS, drastically boosted robotics research. However, a centralized place to exchange open hardware designs does not exist. Therefore we launched the Robotic Open Platform (ROP). A place to share and discuss open hardware designs. Among others

  8. Hardware Abstraction and Protocol Optimization for Coded Sensor Networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nistor, Maricica; Roetter, Daniel Enrique Lucani; Barros, João


    The design of the communication protocols in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) often neglects several key characteristics of the sensor's hardware, while assuming that the number of transmitted bits is the dominating factor behind the system's energy consumption. A closer look at the hardware speci...

  9. O uso das novas tecnologias da informação e comunicação no ensino de física : uma abordagem através da modelagem computacional


    Marcelo Esteves de Andrade


    Neste projeto, utilizamos algumas tecnologias da informação e comunicação para desenvolver uma estratégia de ensino de Física para o Ensino Médio abordando o tópico da cinemática. A estratégia contou com a utilização de aulas e testes virtuais e também com atividades de modelagem computacional com o programa Modellus. Todas as atividades foram aplicadas no laboratório de informática e mediadas pelo computador. Esta estratégia foi aplicada em duas turmas do primeiro ano do Ensino Médio do Inst...

  10. Fast DRR splat rendering using common consumer graphics hardware

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spoerk, Jakob; Bergmann, Helmar; Wanschitz, Felix; Dong, Shuo; Birkfellner, Wolfgang


    Digitally rendered radiographs (DRR) are a vital part of various medical image processing applications such as 2D/3D registration for patient pose determination in image-guided radiotherapy procedures. This paper presents a technique to accelerate DRR creation by using conventional graphics hardware for the rendering process. DRR computation itself is done by an efficient volume rendering method named wobbled splatting. For programming the graphics hardware, NVIDIAs C for Graphics (Cg) is used. The description of an algorithm used for rendering DRRs on the graphics hardware is presented, together with a benchmark comparing this technique to a CPU-based wobbled splatting program. Results show a reduction of rendering time by about 70%-90% depending on the amount of data. For instance, rendering a volume of 2x10 6 voxels is feasible at an update rate of 38 Hz compared to 6 Hz on a common Intel-based PC using the graphics processing unit (GPU) of a conventional graphics adapter. In addition, wobbled splatting using graphics hardware for DRR computation provides higher resolution DRRs with comparable image quality due to special processing characteristics of the GPU. We conclude that DRR generation on common graphics hardware using the freely available Cg environment is a major step toward 2D/3D registration in clinical routine

  11. FPS-RAM: Fast Prefix Search RAM-Based Hardware for Forwarding Engine (United States)

    Zaitsu, Kazuya; Yamamoto, Koji; Kuroda, Yasuto; Inoue, Kazunari; Ata, Shingo; Oka, Ikuo

    Ternary content addressable memory (TCAM) is becoming very popular for designing high-throughput forwarding engines on routers. However, TCAM has potential problems in terms of hardware and power costs, which limits its ability to deploy large amounts of capacity in IP routers. In this paper, we propose new hardware architecture for fast forwarding engines, called fast prefix search RAM-based hardware (FPS-RAM). We designed FPS-RAM hardware with the intent of maintaining the same search performance and physical user interface as TCAM because our objective is to replace the TCAM in the market. Our RAM-based hardware architecture is completely different from that of TCAM and has dramatically reduced the costs and power consumption to 62% and 52%, respectively. We implemented FPS-RAM on an FPGA to examine its lookup operation.

  12. Generation of Efficient High-Level Hardware Code from Dataflow Programs


    Siret , Nicolas; Wipliez , Matthieu; Nezan , Jean François; Palumbo , Francesca


    High-level synthesis (HLS) aims at reducing the time-to-market by providing an automated design process that interprets and compiles high-level abstraction programs into hardware. However, HLS tools still face limitations regarding the performance of the generated code, due to the difficulties of compiling input imperative languages into efficient hardware code. Moreover the hardware code generated by the HLS tools is usually target-dependant and at a low level of abstraction (i.e. gate-level...

  13. Hardware and software status of QCDOC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boyle, P.A.; Chen, D.; Christ, N.H.; Clark, M.; Cohen, S.D.; Cristian, C.; Dong, Z.; Gara, A.; Joo, B.; Jung, C.; Kim, C.; Levkova, L.; Liao, X.; Liu, G.; Mawhinney, R.D.; Ohta, S.; Petrov, K.; Wettig, T.; Yamaguchi, A.


    QCDOC is a massively parallel supercomputer whose processing nodes are based on an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC). This ASIC was custom-designed so that crucial lattice QCD kernels achieve an overall sustained performance of 50% on machines with several 10,000 nodes. This strong scalability, together with low power consumption and a price/performance ratio of $1 per sustained MFlops, enable QCDOC to attack the most demanding lattice QCD problems. The first ASICs became available in June of 2003, and the testing performed so far has shown all systems functioning according to specification. We review the hardware and software status of QCDOC and present performance figures obtained in real hardware as well as in simulation

  14. Quantum neuromorphic hardware for quantum artificial intelligence (United States)

    Prati, Enrico


    The development of machine learning methods based on deep learning boosted the field of artificial intelligence towards unprecedented achievements and application in several fields. Such prominent results were made in parallel with the first successful demonstrations of fault tolerant hardware for quantum information processing. To which extent deep learning can take advantage of the existence of a hardware based on qubits behaving as a universal quantum computer is an open question under investigation. Here I review the convergence between the two fields towards implementation of advanced quantum algorithms, including quantum deep learning.

  15. Introduction to co-simulation of software and hardware in embedded processor systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dreike, P.L.; McCoy, J.A.


    From the dawn of the first use of microprocessors and microcontrollers in embedded systems, the software has been blamed for products being late to market, This is due to software being developed after hardware is fabricated. During the past few years, the use of Hardware Description (or Design) Languages (HDLs) and digital simulation have advanced to a point where the concurrent development of software and hardware can be contemplated using simulation environments. This offers the potential of 50% or greater reductions in time-to-market for embedded systems. This paper is a tutorial on the technical issues that underlie software-hardware (swhw) co-simulation, and the current state of the art. We review the traditional sequential hardware-software design paradigm, and suggest a paradigm for concurrent design, which is supported by co-simulation of software and hardware. This is followed by sections on HDLs modeling and simulation;hardware assisted approaches to simulation; microprocessor modeling methods; brief descriptions of four commercial products for sw-hw co-simulation and a description of our own experiments to develop a co-simulation environment.

  16. The LASS hardware processor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kunz, P.F.


    The problems of data analysis with hardware processors are reviewed and a description is given of a programmable processor. This processor, the 168/E, has been designed for use in the LASS multi-processor system; it has an execution speed comparable to the IBM 370/168 and uses the subset of IBM 370 instructions appropriate to the LASS analysis task. (Auth.)

  17. RRFC hardware operation manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abhold, M.E.; Hsue, S.T.; Menlove, H.O.; Walton, G.


    The Research Reactor Fuel Counter (RRFC) system was developed to assay the 235 U content in spent Material Test Reactor (MTR) type fuel elements underwater in a spent fuel pool. RRFC assays the 235 U content using active neutron coincidence counting and also incorporates an ion chamber for gross gamma-ray measurements. This manual describes RRFC hardware, including detectors, electronics, and performance characteristics

  18. Removal of symptomatic craniofacial titanium hardware following craniotomy: Case series and review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sheri K. Palejwala


    Full Text Available Titanium craniofacial hardware has become commonplace for reconstruction and bone flap fixation following craniotomy. Complications of titanium hardware include palpability, visibility, infection, exposure, pain, and hardware malfunction, which can necessitate hardware removal. We describe three patients who underwent craniofacial reconstruction following craniotomies for trauma with post-operative courses complicated by medically intractable facial pain. All three patients subsequently underwent removal of the symptomatic craniofacial titanium hardware and experienced rapid resolution of their painful parasthesias. Symptomatic plates were found in the region of the frontozygomatic suture or MacCarty keyhole, or in close proximity with the supraorbital nerve. Titanium plates, though relatively safe and low profile, can cause local nerve irritation or neuropathy. Surgeons should be cognizant of the potential complications of titanium craniofacial hardware and locations that are at higher risk for becoming symptomatic necessitating a second surgery for removal.

  19. NaNet: a flexible and configurable low-latency NIC for real-time trigger systems based on GPUs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ammendola, R; Biagioni, A; Frezza, O; Lonardo, A; Cicero, F Lo; Paolucci, P S; Rossetti, D; Simula, F; Tosoratto, L; Vicini, P; Lamanna, G; Pantaleo, F; Sozzi, M


    NaNet is an FPGA-based PCIe X8 Gen2 NIC supporting 1/10 GbE links and the custom 34 Gbps APElink channel. The design has GPUDirect RDMA capabilities and features a network stack protocol offloading module, making it suitable for building low-latency, real-time GPU-based computing systems. We provide a detailed description of the NaNet hardware modular architecture. Benchmarks for latency and bandwidth for GbE and APElink channels are presented, followed by a performance analysis on the case study of the GPU-based low level trigger for the RICH detector in the NA62 CERN experiment, using either the NaNet GbE and APElink channels. Finally, we give an outline of project future activities

  20. NaNet: a flexible and configurable low-latency NIC for real-time trigger systems based on GPUs

    CERN Document Server

    INSPIRE-00646837; Biagioni, A.; Frezza, O.; Lamanna, G.; Lonardo, A.; Lo Cicero, F.; Paolucci, P.S.; Pantaleo, F.; Rossetti, D.; Simula, F.; Sozzi, M.; Tosoratto, L.; Vicini, P.


    NaNet is an FPGA-based PCIe X8 Gen2 NIC supporting 1/10 GbE links and the custom 34~Gbps APElink channel. The design has GPUDirect RDMA capabilities and features a network stack protocol offloading module, making it suitable for building low-latency, real-time GPU-based computing systems. We provide a detailed description of the NaNet hardware modular architecture. Benchmarks for latency and bandwidth for GbE and APElink channels are presented, followed by a performance analysis on the case study of the GPU-based low level trigger for the RICH detector in the NA62 CERN experiment, using either the NaNet GbE and APElink channels. Finally, we give an outline of project future activities.

  1. NaNet: a flexible and configurable low-latency NIC for real-time trigger systems based on GPUs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ammendola, R [INFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata, Via della Ricerca Scientifica, 1 - 00133 Roma (Italy); Biagioni, A; Frezza, O; Lonardo, A; Cicero, F Lo; Paolucci, P S; Rossetti, D; Simula, F; Tosoratto, L; Vicini, P [INFN Sezione di Roma, P.le Aldo Moro, 2 - 00185 Roma (Italy); Lamanna, G; Pantaleo, F; Sozzi, M [INFN Sezione di Pisa, Via F. Buonarroti 2 - 56127 Pisa (Italy)


    NaNet is an FPGA-based PCIe X8 Gen2 NIC supporting 1/10 GbE links and the custom 34 Gbps APElink channel. The design has GPUDirect RDMA capabilities and features a network stack protocol offloading module, making it suitable for building low-latency, real-time GPU-based computing systems. We provide a detailed description of the NaNet hardware modular architecture. Benchmarks for latency and bandwidth for GbE and APElink channels are presented, followed by a performance analysis on the case study of the GPU-based low level trigger for the RICH detector in the NA62 CERN experiment, using either the NaNet GbE and APElink channels. Finally, we give an outline of project future activities.

  2. Memory Based Machine Intelligence Techniques in VLSI hardware


    James, Alex Pappachen


    We briefly introduce the memory based approaches to emulate machine intelligence in VLSI hardware, describing the challenges and advantages. Implementation of artificial intelligence techniques in VLSI hardware is a practical and difficult problem. Deep architectures, hierarchical temporal memories and memory networks are some of the contemporary approaches in this area of research. The techniques attempt to emulate low level intelligence tasks and aim at providing scalable solutions to high ...

  3. Hardware support for collecting performance counters directly to memory (United States)

    Gara, Alan; Salapura, Valentina; Wisniewski, Robert W.


    Hardware support for collecting performance counters directly to memory, in one aspect, may include a plurality of performance counters operable to collect one or more counts of one or more selected activities. A first storage element may be operable to store an address of a memory location. A second storage element may be operable to store a value indicating whether the hardware should begin copying. A state machine may be operable to detect the value in the second storage element and trigger hardware copying of data in selected one or more of the plurality of performance counters to the memory location whose address is stored in the first storage element.

  4. Why Open Source Hardware matters and why you should care


    Gürkaynak, Frank K.


    Open source hardware is currently where open source software was about 30 years ago. The idea is well received by enthusiasts, there is interest and the open source hardware has gained visible momentum recently, with several well-known universities including UC Berkeley, Cambridge and ETH Zürich actively working on large projects involving open source hardware, attracting the attention of companies big and small. But it is still not quite there yet. In this talk, based on my experience on the...

  5. Acceleration of Meshfree Radial Point Interpolation Method on Graphics Hardware

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakata, Susumu


    This article describes a parallel computational technique to accelerate radial point interpolation method (RPIM)-based meshfree method using graphics hardware. RPIM is one of the meshfree partial differential equation solvers that do not require the mesh structure of the analysis targets. In this paper, a technique for accelerating RPIM using graphics hardware is presented. In the method, the computation process is divided into small processes suitable for processing on the parallel architecture of the graphics hardware in a single instruction multiple data manner.

  6. No-hardware-signature cybersecurity-crypto-module: a resilient cyber defense agent (United States)

    Zaghloul, A. R. M.; Zaghloul, Y. A.


    We present an optical cybersecurity-crypto-module as a resilient cyber defense agent. It has no hardware signature since it is bitstream reconfigurable, where single hardware architecture functions as any selected device of all possible ones of the same number of inputs. For a two-input digital device, a 4-digit bitstream of 0s and 1s determines which device, of a total of 16 devices, the hardware performs as. Accordingly, the hardware itself is not physically reconfigured, but its performance is. Such a defense agent allows the attack to take place, rendering it harmless. On the other hand, if the system is already infected with malware sending out information, the defense agent allows the information to go out, rendering it meaningless. The hardware architecture is immune to side attacks since such an attack would reveal information on the attack itself and not on the hardware. This cyber defense agent can be used to secure a point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, a whole network, and/or a single entity in the cyberspace. Therefore, ensuring trust between cyber resources. It can provide secure communication in an insecure network. We provide the hardware design and explain how it works. Scalability of the design is briefly discussed. (Protected by United States Patents No.: US 8,004,734; US 8,325,404; and other National Patents worldwide.)

  7. TreeBASIS Feature Descriptor and Its Hardware Implementation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Spencer Fowers


    Full Text Available This paper presents a novel feature descriptor called TreeBASIS that provides improvements in descriptor size, computation time, matching speed, and accuracy. This new descriptor uses a binary vocabulary tree that is computed using basis dictionary images and a test set of feature region images. To facilitate real-time implementation, a feature region image is binary quantized and the resulting quantized vector is passed into the BASIS vocabulary tree. A Hamming distance is then computed between the feature region image and the effectively descriptive basis dictionary image at a node to determine the branch taken and the path the feature region image takes is saved as a descriptor. The TreeBASIS feature descriptor is an excellent candidate for hardware implementation because of its reduced descriptor size and the fact that descriptors can be created and features matched without the use of floating point operations. The TreeBASIS descriptor is more computationally and space efficient than other descriptors such as BASIS, SIFT, and SURF. Moreover, it can be computed entirely in hardware without the support of a CPU for additional software-based computations. Experimental results and a hardware implementation show that the TreeBASIS descriptor compares well with other descriptors for frame-to-frame homography computation while requiring fewer hardware resources.

  8. Efficient Architecture for Spike Sorting in Reconfigurable Hardware (United States)

    Hwang, Wen-Jyi; Lee, Wei-Hao; Lin, Shiow-Jyu; Lai, Sheng-Ying


    This paper presents a novel hardware architecture for fast spike sorting. The architecture is able to perform both the feature extraction and clustering in hardware. The generalized Hebbian algorithm (GHA) and fuzzy C-means (FCM) algorithm are used for feature extraction and clustering, respectively. The employment of GHA allows efficient computation of principal components for subsequent clustering operations. The FCM is able to achieve near optimal clustering for spike sorting. Its performance is insensitive to the selection of initial cluster centers. The hardware implementations of GHA and FCM feature low area costs and high throughput. In the GHA architecture, the computation of different weight vectors share the same circuit for lowering the area costs. Moreover, in the FCM hardware implementation, the usual iterative operations for updating the membership matrix and cluster centroid are merged into one single updating process to evade the large storage requirement. To show the effectiveness of the circuit, the proposed architecture is physically implemented by field programmable gate array (FPGA). It is embedded in a System-on-Chip (SOC) platform for performance measurement. Experimental results show that the proposed architecture is an efficient spike sorting design for attaining high classification correct rate and high speed computation. PMID:24189331

  9. Efficient Architecture for Spike Sorting in Reconfigurable Hardware

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sheng-Ying Lai


    Full Text Available This paper presents a novel hardware architecture for fast spike sorting. The architecture is able to perform both the feature extraction and clustering in hardware. The generalized Hebbian algorithm (GHA and fuzzy C-means (FCM algorithm are used for feature extraction and clustering, respectively. The employment of GHA allows efficient computation of principal components for subsequent clustering operations. The FCM is able to achieve near optimal clustering for spike sorting. Its performance is insensitive to the selection of initial cluster centers. The hardware implementations of GHA and FCM feature low area costs and high throughput. In the GHA architecture, the computation of different weight vectors share the same circuit for lowering the area costs. Moreover, in the FCM hardware implementation, the usual iterative operations for updating the membership matrix and cluster centroid are merged into one single updating process to evade the large storage requirement. To show the effectiveness of the circuit, the proposed architecture is physically implemented by field programmable gate array (FPGA. It is embedded in a System-on-Chip (SOC platform for performance measurement. Experimental results show that the proposed architecture is an efficient spike sorting design for attaining high classification correct rate and high speed computation.

  10. Parallel asynchronous hardware implementation of image processing algorithms (United States)

    Coon, Darryl D.; Perera, A. G. U.


    Research is being carried out on hardware for a new approach to focal plane processing. The hardware involves silicon injection mode devices. These devices provide a natural basis for parallel asynchronous focal plane image preprocessing. The simplicity and novel properties of the devices would permit an independent analog processing channel to be dedicated to every pixel. A laminar architecture built from arrays of the devices would form a two-dimensional (2-D) array processor with a 2-D array of inputs located directly behind a focal plane detector array. A 2-D image data stream would propagate in neuron-like asynchronous pulse-coded form through the laminar processor. No multiplexing, digitization, or serial processing would occur in the preprocessing state. High performance is expected, based on pulse coding of input currents down to one picoampere with noise referred to input of about 10 femtoamperes. Linear pulse coding has been observed for input currents ranging up to seven orders of magnitude. Low power requirements suggest utility in space and in conjunction with very large arrays. Very low dark current and multispectral capability are possible because of hardware compatibility with the cryogenic environment of high performance detector arrays. The aforementioned hardware development effort is aimed at systems which would integrate image acquisition and image processing.

  11. A Hybrid Hardware and Software Component Architecture for Embedded System Design (United States)

    Marcondes, Hugo; Fröhlich, Antônio Augusto

    Embedded systems are increasing in complexity, while several metrics such as time-to-market, reliability, safety and performance should be considered during the design of such systems. A component-based design which enables the migration of its components between hardware and software can cope to achieve such metrics. To enable that, we define hybrid hardware and software components as a development artifact that can be deployed by different combinations of hardware and software elements. In this paper, we present an architecture for developing such components in order to construct a repository of components that can migrate between the hardware and software domains to meet the design system requirements.


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Disclosed is a system comprising: - a reconfigurable hardware platform; - a plurality of hardware units defined as cells adapted to be programmed to provide self-organization and self-maintenance of the system by means of implementing a program expressed in a programming language defined as DNA...... language, where each cell is adapted to communicate with one or more other cells in the system, and where the system further comprises a converter program adapted to convert keywords from the DNA language to a binary DNA code; where the self-organisation comprises that the DNA code is transmitted to one...... or more of the cells, and each of the one or more cells is adapted to determine its function in the system; where if a fault occurs in a first cell and the first cell ceases to perform its function, self-maintenance is performed by that the system transmits information to the cells that the first cell has...

  13. Travel Software using GPU Hardware

    CERN Document Server

    Szalwinski, Chris M; Dimov, Veliko Atanasov; CERN. Geneva. ATS Department


    Travel is the main multi-particle tracking code being used at CERN for the beam dynamics calculations through hadron and ion linear accelerators. It uses two routines for the calculation of space charge forces, namely, rings of charges and point-to-point. This report presents the studies to improve the performance of Travel using GPU hardware. The studies showed that the performance of Travel with the point-to-point simulations of space-charge effects can be speeded up at least 72 times using current GPU hardware. Simple recompilation of the source code using an Intel compiler can improve performance at least 4 times without GPU support. The limited memory of the GPU is the bottleneck. Two algorithms were investigated on this point: repeated computation and tiling. The repeating computation algorithm is simpler and is the currently recommended solution. The tiling algorithm was more complicated and degraded performance. Both build and test instructions for the parallelized version of the software are inclu...

  14. The principles of computer hardware

    CERN Document Server

    Clements, Alan


    Principles of Computer Hardware, now in its third edition, provides a first course in computer architecture or computer organization for undergraduates. The book covers the core topics of such a course, including Boolean algebra and logic design; number bases and binary arithmetic; the CPU; assembly language; memory systems; and input/output methods and devices. It then goes on to cover the related topics of computer peripherals such as printers; the hardware aspects of the operating system; and data communications, and hence provides a broader overview of the subject. Its readable, tutorial-based approach makes it an accessible introduction to the subject. The book has extensive in-depth coverage of two microprocessors, one of which (the 68000) is widely used in education. All chapters in the new edition have been updated. Major updates include: powerful software simulations of digital systems to accompany the chapters on digital design; a tutorial-based introduction to assembly language, including many exam...

  15. Hardware and software for image acquisition in nuclear medicine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fideles, E.L.; Vilar, G.; Silva, H.S.


    A system for image acquisition and processing in nuclear medicine is presented, including the hardware and software referring to acquisition. The hardware is consisted of an analog-digital conversion card, developed in wire-wape. Its function is digitate the analogic signs provided by gamma camera. The acquisitions are made in list or frame mode. (C.G.C.)

  16. Computational modeling for irrigated agriculture planning. Part II: risk analysis Modelagem computacional para planejamento em agricultura irrigada: Parte II - Análise de risco

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João C. F. Borges Júnior


    Full Text Available Techniques of evaluation of risks coming from inherent uncertainties to the agricultural activity should accompany planning studies. The risk analysis should be carried out by risk simulation using techniques as the Monte Carlo method. This study was carried out to develop a computer program so-called P-RISCO for the application of risky simulations on linear programming models, to apply to a case study, as well to test the results comparatively to the @RISK program. In the risk analysis it was observed that the average of the output variable total net present value, U, was considerably lower than the maximum U value obtained from the linear programming model. It was also verified that the enterprise will be front to expressive risk of shortage of water in the month of April, what doesn't happen for the cropping pattern obtained by the minimization of the irrigation requirement in the months of April in the four years. The scenario analysis indicated that the sale price of the passion fruit crop exercises expressive influence on the financial performance of the enterprise. In the comparative analysis it was verified the equivalence of P-RISCO and @RISK programs in the execution of the risk simulation for the considered scenario.Técnicas de avaliação de riscos procedentes de incertezas inerentes à atividade agrícola devem acompanhar os estudos de planejamento. A análise de risco pode ser desempenhada por meio de simulação, utilizando técnicas como o método de Monte Carlo. Neste trabalho, teve-se o objetivo de desenvolver um programa computacional, denominado P-RISCO, para utilização de simulações de risco em modelos de programação linear, aplicar a um estudo de caso e testar os resultados comparativamente ao programa @RISK. Na análise de risco, observou-se que a média da variável de saída, valor presente líquido total (U, foi consideravelmente inferior ao valor máximo de U obtido no modelo de programação linear. Constatou

  17. Hardware Realization of Chaos-based Symmetric Video Encryption

    KAUST Repository

    Ibrahim, Mohamad A.


    This thesis reports original work on hardware realization of symmetric video encryption using chaos-based continuous systems as pseudo-random number generators. The thesis also presents some of the serious degradations caused by digitally implementing chaotic systems. Subsequently, some techniques to eliminate such defects, including the ultimately adopted scheme are listed and explained in detail. Moreover, the thesis describes original work on the design of an encryption system to encrypt MPEG-2 video streams. Information about the MPEG-2 standard that fits this design context is presented. Then, the security of the proposed system is exhaustively analyzed and the performance is compared with other reported systems, showing superiority in performance and security. The thesis focuses more on the hardware and the circuit aspect of the system’s design. The system is realized on Xilinx Vetrix-4 FPGA with hardware parameters and throughput performance surpassing conventional encryption systems.

  18. Systematic development of industrial control systems using Software/Hardware Engineering

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Voeten, J.P.M.; van der Putten, P.H.A.; Stevens, M.P.J.; Milligan, P.; Corr, P.


    SHE (Software/Hardware Engineering) is a new object-oriented analysis, specification and design method for complex reactive hardware/software systems. SHE is based on the formal specification language POOSL and a design framework guiding analysis and design activities. This paper reports on the

  19. CT image reconstruction system based on hardware implementation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, Hamilton P. da; Evseev, Ivan; Schelin, Hugo R.; Paschuk, Sergei A.; Milhoretto, Edney; Setti, Joao A.P.; Zibetti, Marcelo; Hormaza, Joel M.; Lopes, Ricardo T.


    Full text: The timing factor is very important for medical imaging systems, which can nowadays be synchronized by vital human signals, like heartbeats or breath. The use of hardware implemented devices in such a system has advantages considering the high speed of information treatment combined with arbitrary low cost on the market. This article refers to a hardware system which is based on electronic programmable logic called FPGA, model Cyclone II from ALTERA Corporation. The hardware was implemented on the UP3 ALTERA Kit. A partially connected neural network with unitary weights was programmed. The system was tested with 60 topographic projections, 100 points in each, of the Shepp and Logan phantom created by MATLAB. The main restriction was found to be the memory size available on the device: the dynamic range of reconstructed image was limited to 0 65535. Also, the normalization factor must be observed in order to do not saturate the image during the reconstruction and filtering process. The test shows a principal possibility to build CT image reconstruction systems for any reasonable amount of input data by arranging the parallel work of the hardware units like we have tested. However, further studies are necessary for better understanding of the error propagation from topographic projections to reconstructed image within the implemented method. (author)

  20. Hardware Implementation Of Line Clipping A lgorithm By Using FPGA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amar Dawod


    Full Text Available The computer graphics system performance is increasing faster than any other computing application. Algorithms for line clipping against convex polygons and lines have been studied for a long time and many research papers have been published so far. In spite of the latest graphical hardware development and significant increase of performance the clipping is still a bottleneck of any graphical system. So its implementation in hardware is essential for real time applications. In this paper clipping operation is discussed and a hardware implementation of the line clipping algorithm is presented and finally formulated and tested using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA. The designed hardware unit consists of two parts : the first is positional code generator unit and the second is the clipping unit. Finally it is worth mentioning that the  designed unit is capable of clipping (232524 line segments per second.       

  1. Performance comparison between ISCSI and other hardware and software solutions

    CERN Document Server

    Gug, M


    We report on our investigations on some technologies that can be used to build disk servers and networks of disk servers using commodity hardware and software solutions. It focuses on the performance that can be achieved by these systems and gives measured figures for different configurations. It is divided into two parts : iSCSI and other technologies and hardware and software RAID solutions. The first part studies different technologies that can be used by clients to access disk servers using a gigabit ethernet network. It covers block access technologies (iSCSI, hyperSCSI, ENBD). Experimental figures are given for different numbers of clients and servers. The second part compares a system based on 3ware hardware RAID controllers, a system using linux software RAID and IDE cards and a system mixing both hardware RAID and software RAID. Performance measurements for reading and writing are given for different RAID levels.

  2. Hardware based redundant multi-threading inside a GPU for improved reliability (United States)

    Sridharan, Vilas; Gurumurthi, Sudhanva


    A system and method for verifying computation output using computer hardware are provided. Instances of computation are generated and processed on hardware-based processors. As instances of computation are processed, each instance of computation receives a load accessible to other instances of computation. Instances of output are generated by processing the instances of computation. The instances of output are verified against each other in a hardware based processor to ensure accuracy of the output.

  3. Basics of spectroscopic instruments. Hardware of NMR spectrometer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, Hajime


    NMR is a powerful tool for structure analysis of small molecules, natural products, biological macromolecules, synthesized polymers, samples from material science and so on. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is applicable to plants and animals Because most of NMR experiments can be done by an automation mode, one can forget hardware of NMR spectrometers. It would be good to understand features and performance of NMR spectrometers. Here I present hardware of a modern NMR spectrometer which is fully equipped with digital technology. (author)

  4. Integrated circuit authentication hardware Trojans and counterfeit detection

    CERN Document Server

    Tehranipoor, Mohammad; Zhang, Xuehui


    This book describes techniques to verify the authenticity of integrated circuits (ICs). It focuses on hardware Trojan detection and prevention and counterfeit detection and prevention. The authors discuss a variety of detection schemes and design methodologies for improving Trojan detection techniques, as well as various attempts at developing hardware Trojans in IP cores and ICs. While describing existing Trojan detection methods, the authors also analyze their effectiveness in disclosing various types of Trojans, and demonstrate several architecture-level solutions. 

  5. A Hardware Lab Anywhere At Any Time

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tobias Schubert


    Full Text Available Scientific technical courses are an important component in any student's education. These courses are usually characterised by the fact that the students execute experiments in special laboratories. This leads to extremely high costs and a reduction in the maximum number of possible participants. From this traditional point of view, it doesn't seem possible to realise the concepts of a Virtual University in the context of sophisticated technical courses since the students must be "on the spot". In this paper we introduce the so-called Mobile Hardware Lab which makes student participation possible at any time and from any place. This lab nevertheless transfers a feeling of being present in a laboratory. This is accomplished with a special Learning Management System in combination with hardware components which correspond to a fully equipped laboratory workstation that are lent out to the students for the duration of the lab. The experiments are performed and solved at home, then handed in electronically. Judging and marking are also both performed electronically. Since 2003 the Mobile Hardware Lab is now offered in a completely web based form.

  6. Modelo computacional para suporte à decisão em áreas irrigadas. Parte II: testes e aplicação Computer model for decision support in irrigated areas. Part II: tests and application

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo A. Ferreira


    Full Text Available Apresentou-se, na Parte I desta pesquisa, o desenvolvimento de um modelo computacional denominado MCID, para suporte à tomada de decisão quanto ao planejamento e manejo de projetos de irrigação e/ou drenagem. Objetivou-se, na Parte II, testar e aplicar o MCID. No teste comparativo com o programa DRAINMOD, espaçamentos entre drenos, obtidos com o MCID, foram ligeiramente maiores ou idênticos. Os espaçamentos advindos com o MCID e o DRAINMOD foram consideravelmente maiores que os obtidos por meio de metodologias tradicionais de dimensionamento de sistemas de drenagem. A produtividade relativa total, YRT, obtida com o MCID foi, em geral, inferior à conseguida com o DRAINMOD, devido a diferenças de metodologia ao se estimar a produtividade da cultura em resposta ao déficit hídrico. Na comparação com o programa CROPWAT, obtiveram-se resultados muito próximos para (YRT e evapotranspiração real. O modelo desenvolvido foi aplicado para as condições do Projeto Jaíba, MG, para culturas perenes e anuais cultivadas em diferentes épocas. Os resultados dos testes e aplicações indicaram a potencialidade do MCID como ferramenta de apoio à decisão em projetos de irrigação e/ou drenagem.Part I of this research presented the development of a decision support model, called MCID, for planning and managing irrigation and/or drainage projects. Part II is aimed at testing and applying MCID. In a comparative test with the DRAINMOD model, drain spacings obtained with MCID were slightly larger or identical. The spacings obtained with MCID and DRAINMOD were considerably larger than those obtained through traditional methodologies of design of drainage systems. The relative crop yield (YRT obtained with MCID was, in general, lower than the one obtained with DRAINMOD due to differences in the estimate of crop response to water deficit. In comparison with CROPWAT, very close results for YRT and for actual evapotranspiration were obtained. The

  7. Hardware controls for the STAR experiment at RHIC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reichhold, D.; Bieser, F.; Bordua, M.; Cherney, M.; Chrin, J.; Dunlop, J.C.; Ferguson, M.I.; Ghazikhanian, V.; Gross, J.; Harper, G.; Howe, M.; Jacobson, S.; Klein, S.R.; Kravtsov, P.; Lewis, S.; Lin, J.; Lionberger, C.; LoCurto, G.; McParland, C.; McShane, T.; Meier, J.; Sakrejda, I.; Sandler, Z.; Schambach, J.; Shi, Y.; Willson, R.; Yamamoto, E.; Zhang, W.


    The STAR detector sits in a high radiation area when operating normally; therefore it was necessary to develop a robust system to remotely control all hardware. The STAR hardware controls system monitors and controls approximately 14,000 parameters in the STAR detector. Voltages, currents, temperatures, and other parameters are monitored. Effort has been minimized by the adoption of experiment-wide standards and the use of pre-packaged software tools. The system is based on the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) . VME processors communicate with subsystem-based sensors over a variety of field busses, with High-level Data Link Control (HDLC) being the most prevalent. Other features of the system include interfaces to accelerator and magnet control systems, a web-based archiver, and C++-based communication between STAR online, run control and hardware controls and their associated databases. The system has been designed for easy expansion as new detector elements are installed in STAR

  8. Motion compensation in digital subtraction angiography using graphics hardware. (United States)

    Deuerling-Zheng, Yu; Lell, Michael; Galant, Adam; Hornegger, Joachim


    An inherent disadvantage of digital subtraction angiography (DSA) is its sensitivity to patient motion which causes artifacts in the subtraction images. These artifacts could often reduce the diagnostic value of this technique. Automated, fast and accurate motion compensation is therefore required. To cope with this requirement, we first examine a method explicitly designed to detect local motions in DSA. Then, we implement a motion compensation algorithm by means of block matching on modern graphics hardware. Both methods search for maximal local similarity by evaluating a histogram-based measure. In this context, we are the first who have mapped an optimizing search strategy on graphics hardware while paralleling block matching. Moreover, we provide an innovative method for creating histograms on graphics hardware with vertex texturing and frame buffer blending. It turns out that both methods can effectively correct the artifacts in most case, as the hardware implementation of block matching performs much faster: the displacements of two 1024 x 1024 images can be calculated at 3 frames/s with integer precision or 2 frames/s with sub-pixel precision. Preliminary clinical evaluation indicates that the computation with integer precision could already be sufficient.

  9. GPUs for fast triggering and pattern matching at the CERN experiment NA62

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lamanna, Gianluca; Collazuol, Gianmaria; Sozzi, Marco


    In rare decays experiments an effective trigger is crucial to reduce both the quantity of data written on tape and the bandwidth requirements for the DAQ (Data Acquisition) system. A multilevel architecture is commonly used to achieve a higher reduction factor, exploiting dedicated custom hardware and flexible software in standard computers. In this paper we discuss the possibility to use commercial video card processors (GPU) to build a fast and effective trigger system, both at hardware and software level. The case of fast pattern matching in the RICH detector of the NA62 experiment at CERN aiming at measuring the Branching Ratio of the ultra rare decay K + →π + νν-bar is considered as use case although the versatility and the customizability of this approach easily allow exporting the concept to different contexts.

  10. Hardware packet pacing using a DMA in a parallel computer (United States)

    Chen, Dong; Heidelberger, Phillip; Vranas, Pavlos


    Method and system for hardware packet pacing using a direct memory access controller in a parallel computer which, in one aspect, keeps track of a total number of bytes put on the network as a result of a remote get operation, using a hardware token counter.

  11. The priority queue as an example of hardware/software codesign

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høeg, Flemming; Mellergaard, Niels; Staunstrup, Jørgen


    The paper identifies a number of issues that are believed to be important for hardware/software codesign. The issues are illustrated by a small comprehensible example: a priority queue. Based on simulations of a real application, we suggest a combined hardware/software realization of the priority...

  12. GRASP para o PQA: um limite de aceitação para soluções iniciais

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Range Maria Cristina


    Full Text Available O Problema Quadrático de Alocação (PQA pertence à classe dos problemas NP-Hard e desafia os pesquisadores tanto em sua teoria quanto em sua parte computacional. Pela sua alta complexidade muitos métodos heurísticos têm sido desenvolvidos para tentar resolvê-lo aproximadamente. A metaheurística GRASP (greedy randomized adaptive search procedures se mostrou bastante eficiente. Neste trabalho, uma proposta para descartar soluções iniciais supostamente ruins é apresentada com base na normalização de custos calculadas num intervalo entre limites de solução. Para este GRASP restrito, foi observada uma redução do tempo computacional para encontrar as soluções ótimas ou soluções viáveis de boa qualidade quando comparado ao GRASP original.

  13. Hardware characteristic and application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gu, Dong Hyeon


    The contents of this book are system board on memory, performance, system timer system click and specification, coprocessor such as programing interface and hardware interface, power supply on input and output, protection for DC output, Power Good signal, explanation on 84 keyboard and 101/102 keyboard,BIOS system, 80286 instruction set and 80287 coprocessor, characters, keystrokes and colors, communication and compatibility of IBM personal computer on application direction, multitasking and code for distinction of system.

  14. El uso del diagrama AVM como instrumento para la implementación de los principios de la Teoría del Aprendizaje Significativo Crítico en actividades de modelación computacional para la enseñanza de la Física

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sonia López


    Full Text Available Teniendo en consideración que la formación integral de un profesor de Física implica que éste tenga un dominio de su campo disciplinar, una concepción crítica sobre la ciencia que enseña y su enseñanza; presentamos en este trabajo el diseño de una propuesta didáctica que tiene como principal propósito considerar los principios de la Teoría del Aprendizaje Significativo Crítico de Moreira en el aula de clase, a partir de la implementación de actividades de modelación computacional. Estas actividades están apoyadas en el uso del diagrama AVM (Adaptación de la V de Gowin a la Modelación Computacional y tienen como propósito favorecer el aprendizaje significativo de conceptos físicos y la formación de futuros profesores de Física con visiones más críticas y reflexivas en relación con el conocimiento científico, la modelación científica y la enseñanza de las Ciencias.

  15. Hardware architecture design of image restoration based on time-frequency domain computation (United States)

    Wen, Bo; Zhang, Jing; Jiao, Zipeng


    The image restoration algorithms based on time-frequency domain computation is high maturity and applied widely in engineering. To solve the high-speed implementation of these algorithms, the TFDC hardware architecture is proposed. Firstly, the main module is designed, by analyzing the common processing and numerical calculation. Then, to improve the commonality, the iteration control module is planed for iterative algorithms. In addition, to reduce the computational cost and memory requirements, the necessary optimizations are suggested for the time-consuming module, which include two-dimensional FFT/IFFT and the plural calculation. Eventually, the TFDC hardware architecture is adopted for hardware design of real-time image restoration system. The result proves that, the TFDC hardware architecture and its optimizations can be applied to image restoration algorithms based on TFDC, with good algorithm commonality, hardware realizability and high efficiency.

  16. Automating an EXAFS facility: hardware and software considerations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Georgopoulos, P.; Sayers, D.E.; Bunker, B.; Elam, T.; Grote, W.A.


    The basic design considerations for computer hardware and software, applicable not only to laboratory EXAFS facilities, but also to synchrotron installations, are reviewed. Uniformity and standardization of both hardware configurations and program packages for data collection and analysis are heavily emphasized. Specific recommendations are made with respect to choice of computers, peripherals, and interfaces, and guidelines for the development of software packages are set forth. A description of two working computer-interfaced EXAFS facilities is presented which can serve as prototypes for future developments. 3 figures

  17. Commodity hardware and software summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wolbers, S.


    A review is given of the talks and papers presented in the Commodity Hardware and Software Session at the CHEP97 conference. An examination of the trends leading to the consideration of PC's for HEP is given, and a status of the work that is being done at various HEP labs and Universities is given

  18. Technology for computer-stabilized peak of NaI(Tl) gamma spectrum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Jianzhen; Guo Lanying; Ling Qiu; Qu Guopu; Zhao Lihong; Hu Chuangye


    An improved technology for spectrum stabilization of NaI(Tl) gamma spectrum was introduced. This technology is based on the system using a reference peak, which is equivalent gamma peak of 241 Am source. The computer seeks peak's position deviation and computes adjust value of programmable amplifier and controls programmable amplifier to stabilize spectrum by digital PID. This is a technology of spectrum stabilizing with 'hardware + reference-peak + software' and has high stability and fast speed of spectrum stabilizing. (author)

  19. Surface moisture measurement system hardware acceptance test report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ritter, G.A., Westinghouse Hanford


    This document summarizes the results of the hardware acceptance test for the Surface Moisture Measurement System (SMMS). This test verified that the mechanical and electrical features of the SMMS functioned as designed and that the unit is ready for field service. The bulk of hardware testing was performed at the 306E Facility in the 300 Area and the Fuels and Materials Examination Facility in the 400 Area. The SMMS was developed primarily in support of Tank Waste Remediation System (TWRS) Safety Programs for moisture measurement in organic and ferrocyanide watch list tanks.

  20. Computer organization and design the hardware/software interface

    CERN Document Server

    Hennessy, John L


    Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface presents the interaction between hardware and software at a variety of levels, which offers a framework for understanding the fundamentals of computing. This book focuses on the concepts that are the basis for computers.Organized into nine chapters, this book begins with an overview of the computer revolution. This text then explains the concepts and algorithms used in modern computer arithmetic. Other chapters consider the abstractions and concepts in memory hierarchies by starting with the simplest possible cache. This book di

  1. Otimização de entropia: implementação computacional dos princípios MaxEnt e MinxEnt

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mattos Rogério Silva de


    Full Text Available Os princípios de otimização de entropia MaxEnt de Jaynes (1957a,b e MinxEnt de Kullback (1959 encontram aplicações em várias áreas de investigação científica. Ambos envolvem a otimização condicionada de medidas de entropia que são funções intrinsecamente não-lineares de probabilidades. Como constituem problemas de programação não-linear, suas soluções demandam algoritmos de busca iterativa e, além disso, as condições de não-negatividade e de soma um para as probabilidades restringem de modo particular o espaço de soluções. O artigo apresenta em detalhe (com a ajuda de dois fluxogramas uma implementação computacional eficiente desses dois princípios no caso de restrições lineares com verificação prévia de existência de solução dos problemas de otimização. Os autores também disponibilizam rotinas de fácil uso desenvolvidas em linguagem MatLabâ .

  2. The role of the visual hardware system in rugby performance ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This study explores the importance of the 'hardware' factors of the visual system in the game of rugby. A group of professional and club rugby players were tested and the results compared. The results were also compared with the established norms for elite athletes. The findings indicate no significant difference in hardware ...

  3. OER Approach for Specific Student Groups in Hardware-Based Courses (United States)

    Ackovska, Nevena; Ristov, Sasko


    Hardware-based courses in computer science studies require much effort from both students and teachers. The most important part of students' learning is attending in person and actively working on laboratory exercises on hardware equipment. This paper deals with a specific group of students, those who are marginalized by not being able to…

  4. 49 CFR 238.105 - Train electronic hardware and software safety. (United States)


    ... and software system safety as part of the pre-revenue service testing of the equipment. (d)(1... safely by initiating a full service brake application in the event of a hardware or software failure that... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Train electronic hardware and software safety. 238...

  5. A Framework for Hardware-Accelerated Services Using Partially Reconfigurable SoCs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available The current trend towards ?Everything as a Service? fosters a new approach on reconfigurable hardware resources. This innovative, service-oriented approach has the potential of bringing a series of benefits for both reconfigurable and distributed computing fields by favoring a hardware-based acceleration of web services and increasing service performance. This paper proposes a framework for accelerating web services by offloading the compute-intensive tasks to reconfigurable System-on-Chip (SoC devices, as integrated IP (Intellectual Property cores. The framework provides a scalable, dynamic management of the tasks and hardware processing cores, based on dynamic partial reconfiguration of the SoC. We have enhanced security of the entire system by making use of the built-in detection features of the hardware device and also by implementing active counter-measures that protect the sensitive data.

  6. Outline of a Hardware Reconfiguration Framework for Modular Industrial Mobile Manipulators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schou, Casper; Bøgh, Simon; Madsen, Ole


    This paper presents concepts and ideas of a hard- ware reconfiguration framework for modular industrial mobile manipulators. Mobile manipulators pose a highly flexible pro- duction resource due to their ability to autonomously navigate between workstations. However, due to this high flexibility new...... approaches to the operation of the robots are needed. Reconfig- uring the robot to a new task should be carried out by shop floor operators and, thus, be both quick and intuitive. Late research has already proposed a method for intuitive robot programming. However, this relies on a predetermined hardware...... configuration. Finding a single multi-purpose hardware configuration suited to all tasks is considered unrealistic. As a result, the need for reconfiguration of the hardware is inevitable. In this paper an outline of a framework for making hardware reconfiguration quick and intuitive is presented. Two main...

  7. Optimized hardware design for the divertor remote handling control system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saarinen, Hannu [Tampere University of Technology, Korkeakoulunkatu 6, 33720 Tampere (Finland)], E-mail:; Tiitinen, Juha; Aha, Liisa; Muhammad, Ali; Mattila, Jouni; Siuko, Mikko; Vilenius, Matti [Tampere University of Technology, Korkeakoulunkatu 6, 33720 Tampere (Finland); Jaervenpaeae, Jorma [VTT Systems Engineering, Tekniikankatu 1, 33720 Tampere (Finland); Irving, Mike; Damiani, Carlo; Semeraro, Luigi [Fusion for Energy, Josep Pla 2, Torres Diagonal Litoral B3, 08019 Barcelona (Spain)


    A key ITER maintenance activity is the exchange of the divertor cassettes. One of the major focuses of the EU Remote Handling (RH) programme has been the study and development of the remote handling equipment necessary for divertor exchange. The current major step in this programme involves the construction of a full scale physical test facility, namely DTP2 (Divertor Test Platform 2), in which to demonstrate and refine the RH equipment designs for ITER using prototypes. The major objective of the DTP2 project is the proof of concept studies of various RH devices, but is also important to define principles for standardizing control hardware and methods around the ITER maintenance equipment. This paper focuses on describing the control system hardware design optimization that is taking place at DTP2. Here there will be two RH movers, namely the Cassette Multifuctional Mover (CMM), Cassette Toroidal Mover (CTM) and assisting water hydraulic force feedback manipulators (WHMAN) located aboard each Mover. The idea here is to use common Real Time Operating Systems (RTOS), measurement and control IO-cards etc. for all maintenance devices and to standardize sensors and control components as much as possible. In this paper, new optimized DTP2 control system hardware design and some initial experimentation with the new DTP2 RH control system platform are presented. The proposed new approach is able to fulfil the functional requirements for both Mover and Manipulator control systems. Since the new control system hardware design has reduced architecture there are a number of benefits compared to the old approach. The simplified hardware solution enables the use of a single software development environment and a single communication protocol. This will result in easier maintainability of the software and hardware, less dependence on trained personnel, easier training of operators and hence reduced the development costs of ITER RH.

  8. Security challenges and opportunities in adaptive and reconfigurable hardware


    Costan, Victor Marius; Devadas, Srinivas


    We present a novel approach to building hardware support for providing strong security guarantees for computations running in the cloud (shared hardware in massive data centers), while maintaining the high performance and low cost that make cloud computing attractive in the first place. We propose augmenting regular cloud servers with a Trusted Computation Base (TCB) that can securely perform high-performance computations. Our TCB achieves cost savings by spreading functionality across two pa...

  9. Review of Maxillofacial Hardware Complications and Indications for Salvage


    Hernandez Rosa, Jonatan; Villanueva, Nathaniel L.; Sanati-Mehrizy, Paymon; Factor, Stephanie H.; Taub, Peter J.


    From 2002 to 2006, more than 117,000 facial fractures were recorded in the U.S. National Trauma Database. These fractures are commonly treated with open reduction and internal fixation. While in place, the hardware facilitates successful bony union. However, when postoperative complications occur, the plates may require removal before bony union. Indications for salvage versus removal of the maxillofacial hardware are not well defined. A literature review was performed to identify instances w...

  10. System-level protection and hardware Trojan detection using weighted voting. (United States)

    Amin, Hany A M; Alkabani, Yousra; Selim, Gamal M I


    The problem of hardware Trojans is becoming more serious especially with the widespread of fabless design houses and design reuse. Hardware Trojans can be embedded on chip during manufacturing or in third party intellectual property cores (IPs) during the design process. Recent research is performed to detect Trojans embedded at manufacturing time by comparing the suspected chip with a golden chip that is fully trusted. However, Trojan detection in third party IP cores is more challenging than other logic modules especially that there is no golden chip. This paper proposes a new methodology to detect/prevent hardware Trojans in third party IP cores. The method works by gradually building trust in suspected IP cores by comparing the outputs of different untrusted implementations of the same IP core. Simulation results show that our method achieves higher probability of Trojan detection over a naive implementation of simple voting on the output of different IP cores. In addition, experimental results show that the proposed method requires less hardware overhead when compared with a simple voting technique achieving the same degree of security.

  11. System-level protection and hardware Trojan detection using weighted voting

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hany A.M. Amin


    Full Text Available The problem of hardware Trojans is becoming more serious especially with the widespread of fabless design houses and design reuse. Hardware Trojans can be embedded on chip during manufacturing or in third party intellectual property cores (IPs during the design process. Recent research is performed to detect Trojans embedded at manufacturing time by comparing the suspected chip with a golden chip that is fully trusted. However, Trojan detection in third party IP cores is more challenging than other logic modules especially that there is no golden chip. This paper proposes a new methodology to detect/prevent hardware Trojans in third party IP cores. The method works by gradually building trust in suspected IP cores by comparing the outputs of different untrusted implementations of the same IP core. Simulation results show that our method achieves higher probability of Trojan detection over a naive implementation of simple voting on the output of different IP cores. In addition, experimental results show that the proposed method requires less hardware overhead when compared with a simple voting technique achieving the same degree of security.

  12. A Modular Framework for Modeling Hardware Elements in Distributed Engine Control Systems (United States)

    Zinnecker, Alicia M.; Culley, Dennis E.; Aretskin-Hariton, Eliot D.


    Progress toward the implementation of distributed engine control in an aerospace application may be accelerated through the development of a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) system for testing new control architectures and hardware outside of a physical test cell environment. One component required in an HIL simulation system is a high-fidelity model of the control platform: sensors, actuators, and the control law. The control system developed for the Commercial Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation 40k (C-MAPSS40k) provides a verifiable baseline for development of a model for simulating a distributed control architecture. This distributed controller model will contain enhanced hardware models, capturing the dynamics of the transducer and the effects of data processing, and a model of the controller network. A multilevel framework is presented that establishes three sets of interfaces in the control platform: communication with the engine (through sensors and actuators), communication between hardware and controller (over a network), and the physical connections within individual pieces of hardware. This introduces modularity at each level of the model, encouraging collaboration in the development and testing of various control schemes or hardware designs. At the hardware level, this modularity is leveraged through the creation of a SimulinkR library containing blocks for constructing smart transducer models complying with the IEEE 1451 specification. These hardware models were incorporated in a distributed version of the baseline C-MAPSS40k controller and simulations were run to compare the performance of the two models. The overall tracking ability differed only due to quantization effects in the feedback measurements in the distributed controller. Additionally, it was also found that the added complexity of the smart transducer models did not prevent real-time operation of the distributed controller model, a requirement of an HIL system.

  13. Test Program for Stirling Radioisotope Generator Hardware at NASA Glenn Research Center (United States)

    Lewandowski, Edward J.; Bolotin, Gary S.; Oriti, Salvatore M.


    Stirling-based energy conversion technology has demonstrated the potential of high efficiency and low mass power systems for future space missions. This capability is beneficial, if not essential, to making certain deep space missions possible. Significant progress was made developing the Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG), a 140-W radioisotope power system. A variety of flight-like hardware, including Stirling convertors, controllers, and housings, was designed and built under the ASRG flight development project. To support future Stirling-based power system development NASA has proposals that, if funded, will allow this hardware to go on test at the NASA Glenn Research Center. While future flight hardware may not be identical to the hardware developed under the ASRG flight development project, many components will likely be similar, and system architectures may have heritage to ASRG. Thus, the importance of testing the ASRG hardware to the development of future Stirling-based power systems cannot be understated. This proposed testing will include performance testing, extended operation to establish an extensive reliability database, and characterization testing to quantify subsystem and system performance and better understand system interfaces. This paper details this proposed test program for Stirling radioisotope generator hardware at NASA Glenn. It explains the rationale behind the proposed tests and how these tests will meet the stated objectives.

  14. Hardware and layout aspects affecting maintainability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jayaraman, V.N.; Surendar, Ch.


    It has been found from maintenance experience at the Rajasthan Atomic Power Station that proper hardware and instrumentation layout can reduce maintenance and down-time on the related equipment. The problems faced in this connection and how they were solved is narrated. (M.G.B.)

  15. Building Correlators with Many-Core Hardware

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Nieuwpoort, R.V.


    Radio telescopes typically consist of multiple receivers whose signals are cross-correlated to filter out noise. A recent trend is to correlate in software instead of custom-built hardware, taking advantage of the flexibility that software solutions offer. Examples include e-VLBI and LOFAR. However,

  16. Hardware and software maintenance strategies for upgrading vintage computers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, B.C.; Buijs, W.J.; Banting, R.D.


    The paper focuses on the maintenance of the computer hardware and software for digital control computers (DCC). Specific design and problems related to various maintenance strategies are reviewed. A foundation was required for a reliable computer maintenance and upgrading program to provide operation of the DCC with high availability and reliability for 40 years. This involved a carefully planned and executed maintenance and upgrading program, involving complementary hardware and software strategies. The computer system was designed on a modular basis, with large sections easily replaceable, to facilitate maintenance and improve availability of the system. Advances in computer hardware have made it possible to replace DCC peripheral devices with reliable, inexpensive, and widely available components from PC-based systems (PC = personal computer). By providing a high speed link from the DCC to a PC, it is now possible to use many commercial software packages to process data from the plant. 1 fig

  17. Aplicativo computacional para la planeación de la producción en una empresa fabricante de autopartes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea Hernández


    Full Text Available Este trabajo describe el desarrollo de un aplicativo computacional para la planeación y secuenciación de la producción en una empresa colombiana fabricante de autopartes. El aplicativo integra pronósticos de ventas y órdenes en firme para calcular el plan maestro de producción, que se secuencia en la planta de producción. Un caso de estudio muestra la funcionalidad de la aplicación propuesta y compara los resultados de las secuencias propuestas con las que resultaron de las prácticas actuales. Los resultados muestran que la implementación del aplicativo puede mejorar los niveles de servicio y la satisfacción del cliente si se cumplen ciertos prerrequisitos descritos en el artículo. / This paper describes the development of a computer application for production planning and scheduling in a Colombian auto part company. Such an application integrates sales forecasts and firm orders, to calculate a Master Production Schedule which is validated with a detailed shop floor scheduling plan. A case study illustrates the functionality of the proposed application and compares the computer-calculated production plans with the current practices. The results show that the implementation of the application can improve service levels and customer satisfaction, given some prerequisites described in the paper are met.

  18. Open source hardware and software platform for robotics and artificial intelligence applications (United States)

    Liang, S. Ng; Tan, K. O.; Lai Clement, T. H.; Ng, S. K.; Mohammed, A. H. Ali; Mailah, Musa; Azhar Yussof, Wan; Hamedon, Zamzuri; Yussof, Zulkifli


    Recent developments in open source hardware and software platforms (Android, Arduino, Linux, OpenCV etc.) have enabled rapid development of previously expensive and sophisticated system within a lower budget and flatter learning curves for developers. Using these platform, we designed and developed a Java-based 3D robotic simulation system, with graph database, which is integrated in online and offline modes with an Android-Arduino based rubbish picking remote control car. The combination of the open source hardware and software system created a flexible and expandable platform for further developments in the future, both in the software and hardware areas, in particular in combination with graph database for artificial intelligence, as well as more sophisticated hardware, such as legged or humanoid robots.

  19. Open source hardware and software platform for robotics and artificial intelligence applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liang, S Ng; Tan, K O; Clement, T H Lai; Ng, S K; Mohammed, A H Ali; Mailah, Musa; Yussof, Wan Azhar; Hamedon, Zamzuri; Yussof, Zulkifli


    Recent developments in open source hardware and software platforms (Android, Arduino, Linux, OpenCV etc.) have enabled rapid development of previously expensive and sophisticated system within a lower budget and flatter learning curves for developers. Using these platform, we designed and developed a Java-based 3D robotic simulation system, with graph database, which is integrated in online and offline modes with an Android-Arduino based rubbish picking remote control car. The combination of the open source hardware and software system created a flexible and expandable platform for further developments in the future, both in the software and hardware areas, in particular in combination with graph database for artificial intelligence, as well as more sophisticated hardware, such as legged or humanoid robots. (paper)

  20. X-Window for process control in a mixed hardware environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clausen, M.; Rehlich, K.


    X-Window is a common standard for display purposes on the current workstations. The possibility to create more than one window on a single screen enables the operators to gain more information about the process. Multiple windows from different control systems using mixed hardware is one of the problems this paper will describe. The experience shows that X-Window is a standard per definition, but not in any case. But it is an excellent tool to separate data-acquisition and display from each other over long distances using different types of hardware and software for communications and display. Our experience with X-Window displays for the cryogenic control system and the vacuum control system at HERA on DEC and SUN hardware will be described. (author)

  1. Plutonium Protection System (PPS). Volume 2. Hardware description. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyoshi, D.S.


    The Plutonium Protection System (PPS) is an integrated safeguards system developed by Sandia Laboratories for the Department of Energy, Office of Safeguards and Security. The system is designed to demonstrate and test concepts for the improved safeguarding of plutonium. Volume 2 of the PPS final report describes the hardware elements of the system. The major areas containing hardware elements are the vault, where plutonium is stored, the packaging room, where plutonium is packaged into Container Modules, the Security Operations Center, which controls movement of personnel, the Material Accountability Center, which maintains the system data base, and the Material Operations Center, which monitors the operating procedures in the system. References are made to documents in which details of the hardware items can be found

  2. Current trends in hardware and software for brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). (United States)

    Brunner, P; Bianchi, L; Guger, C; Cincotti, F; Schalk, G


    A brain-computer interface (BCI) provides a non-muscular communication channel to people with and without disabilities. BCI devices consist of hardware and software. BCI hardware records signals from the brain, either invasively or non-invasively, using a series of device components. BCI software then translates these signals into device output commands and provides feedback. One may categorize different types of BCI applications into the following four categories: basic research, clinical/translational research, consumer products, and emerging applications. These four categories use BCI hardware and software, but have different sets of requirements. For example, while basic research needs to explore a wide range of system configurations, and thus requires a wide range of hardware and software capabilities, applications in the other three categories may be designed for relatively narrow purposes and thus may only need a very limited subset of capabilities. This paper summarizes technical aspects for each of these four categories of BCI applications. The results indicate that BCI technology is in transition from isolated demonstrations to systematic research and commercial development. This process requires several multidisciplinary efforts, including the development of better integrated and more robust BCI hardware and software, the definition of standardized interfaces, and the development of certification, dissemination and reimbursement procedures.

  3. Current trends in hardware and software for brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) (United States)

    Brunner, P.; Bianchi, L.; Guger, C.; Cincotti, F.; Schalk, G.


    A brain-computer interface (BCI) provides a non-muscular communication channel to people with and without disabilities. BCI devices consist of hardware and software. BCI hardware records signals from the brain, either invasively or non-invasively, using a series of device components. BCI software then translates these signals into device output commands and provides feedback. One may categorize different types of BCI applications into the following four categories: basic research, clinical/translational research, consumer products, and emerging applications. These four categories use BCI hardware and software, but have different sets of requirements. For example, while basic research needs to explore a wide range of system configurations, and thus requires a wide range of hardware and software capabilities, applications in the other three categories may be designed for relatively narrow purposes and thus may only need a very limited subset of capabilities. This paper summarizes technical aspects for each of these four categories of BCI applications. The results indicate that BCI technology is in transition from isolated demonstrations to systematic research and commercial development. This process requires several multidisciplinary efforts, including the development of better integrated and more robust BCI hardware and software, the definition of standardized interfaces, and the development of certification, dissemination and reimbursement procedures.

  4. Tomographic image reconstruction and rendering with texture-mapping hardware

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azevedo, S.G.; Cabral, B.K.; Foran, J.


    The image reconstruction problem, also known as the inverse Radon transform, for x-ray computed tomography (CT) is found in numerous applications in medicine and industry. The most common algorithm used in these cases is filtered backprojection (FBP), which, while a simple procedure, is time-consuming for large images on any type of computational engine. Specially-designed, dedicated parallel processors are commonly used in medical CT scanners, whose results are then passed to graphics workstation for rendering and analysis. However, a fast direct FBP algorithm can be implemented on modern texture-mapping hardware in current high-end workstation platforms. This is done by casting the FBP algorithm as an image warping operation with summing. Texture-mapping hardware, such as that on the Silicon Graphics Reality Engine (TM), shows around 600 times speedup of backprojection over a CPU-based implementation (a 100 Mhz R4400 in this case). This technique has the further advantages of flexibility and rapid programming. In addition, the same hardware can be used for both image reconstruction and for volumetric rendering. The techniques can also be used to accelerate iterative reconstruction algorithms. The hardware architecture also allows more complex operations than straight-ray backprojection if they are required, including fan-beam, cone-beam, and curved ray paths, with little or no speed penalties

  5. Hardware realization of an SVM algorithm implemented in FPGAs (United States)

    Wiśniewski, Remigiusz; Bazydło, Grzegorz; Szcześniak, Paweł


    The paper proposes a technique of hardware realization of a space vector modulation (SVM) of state function switching in matrix converter (MC), oriented on the implementation in a single field programmable gate array (FPGA). In MC the SVM method is based on the instantaneous space-vector representation of input currents and output voltages. The traditional computation algorithms usually involve digital signal processors (DSPs) which consumes the large number of power transistors (18 transistors and 18 independent PWM outputs) and "non-standard positions of control pulses" during the switching sequence. Recently, hardware implementations become popular since computed operations may be executed much faster and efficient due to nature of the digital devices (especially concurrency). In the paper, we propose a hardware algorithm of SVM computation. In opposite to the existing techniques, the presented solution applies COordinate Rotation DIgital Computer (CORDIC) method to solve the trigonometric operations. Furthermore, adequate arithmetic modules (that is, sub-devices) used for intermediate calculations, such as code converters or proper sectors selectors (for output voltages and input current) are presented in detail. The proposed technique has been implemented as a design described with the use of Verilog hardware description language. The preliminary results of logic implementation oriented on the Xilinx FPGA (particularly, low-cost device from Artix-7 family from Xilinx was used) are also presented.

  6. Hardware Design Considerations for Edge-Accelerated Stereo Correspondence Algorithms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christos Ttofis


    Full Text Available Stereo correspondence is a popular algorithm for the extraction of depth information from a pair of rectified 2D images. Hence, it has been used in many computer vision applications that require knowledge about depth. However, stereo correspondence is a computationally intensive algorithm and requires high-end hardware resources in order to achieve real-time processing speed in embedded computer vision systems. This paper presents an overview of the use of edge information as a means to accelerate hardware implementations of stereo correspondence algorithms. The presented approach restricts the stereo correspondence algorithm only to the edges of the input images rather than to all image points, thus resulting in a considerable reduction of the search space. The paper highlights the benefits of the edge-directed approach by applying it to two stereo correspondence algorithms: an SAD-based fixed-support algorithm and a more complex adaptive support weight algorithm. Furthermore, we present design considerations about the implementation of these algorithms on reconfigurable hardware and also discuss issues related to the memory structures needed, the amount of parallelism that can be exploited, the organization of the processing blocks, and so forth. The two architectures (fixed-support based versus adaptive-support weight based are compared in terms of processing speed, disparity map accuracy, and hardware overheads, when both are implemented on a Virtex-5 FPGA platform.

  7. Sistema computacional de gerenciamento para acompanhamento de desempenho de máquinas agrícolas instrumentadas com sensores Computer system management for monitoring performance of agricultural machinery instrumented with sensors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oni Reasilvia de Almeida Oliveira Sichonany


    Full Text Available O G-SADA é um sistema computacional de gerenciamento que auxilia o gerente da propriedade rural e o operador da máquina agrícola nas tomadas de decisão, informando sobre valores de operações fora dos padrões. O sistema tem como características permitir a o acompanhamento do desempenho da máquina enquanto ela está em operação no campo, com funcionalidades em tempo real, b a mobilidade do usuário por poder ser acessado a partir de qualquer tipo de computador, incluindo dispositivos móveis, como smartphones, e c possuir funcionalidades de acesso à base de dados estática. Um dos resultados deste trabalho é a modelagem de dados e de funções de uma aplicação que utiliza dados armazenados dinamicamente com a máquina em operação no campo, fornecidos por sensores implantados na máquina agrícola, disponibilizando informações em tempo real.The G-SADA is a computer system that assists the management of the farm manager and the operator of agricultural machinery in decision making, reporting values of non- standard operations. The system is characterized by allowing a monitoring the performance of the machine while it is operating in the field, with features in real time, b mobility of the user because it can be accessed from any computer, including mobile devices such as smartphones, c and features with access to the database static. One of the results of this research is the modeling data and functions of an application that uses data stored dynamically with the machine in operation in the field, provided by sensors deployed in agricultural machinery, showing real time information.

  8. Introduction to Hardware Security and Trust

    CERN Document Server

    Wang, Cliff


    The emergence of a globalized, horizontal semiconductor business model raises a set of concerns involving the security and trust of the information systems on which modern society is increasingly reliant for mission-critical functionality. Hardware-oriented security and trust issues span a broad range including threats related to the malicious insertion of Trojan circuits designed, e.g.,to act as a ‘kill switch’ to disable a chip, to integrated circuit (IC) piracy,and to attacks designed to extract encryption keys and IP from a chip. This book provides the foundations for understanding hardware security and trust, which have become major concerns for national security over the past decade.  Coverage includes security and trust issues in all types of electronic devices and systems such as ASICs, COTS, FPGAs, microprocessors/DSPs, and embedded systems.  This serves as an invaluable reference to the state-of-the-art research that is of critical significance to the security of,and trust in, modern society�...

  9. Utilizing IXP1200 hardware and software for packet filtering


    Lindholm, Jeffery L.


    As network processors have advanced in speed and efficiency they have become more and more complex in both hardware and software configurations. Intel's IXP1200 is one of these new network processors that has been given to different universities worldwide to conduct research on. The goal of this thesis is to take the first step in starting that research by providing a stable system that can provide a reliable platform for further research. This thesis introduces the fundamental hardware of In...

  10. The hardware control system for WEAVE at the William Herschel telescope

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Delgado Hernandez, Jose M.; Rodríguez-Ramos, Luis F.; Cano Infantes, Diego; Martin, Carlos; Bevil, Craige; Picó, Sergio; Dee, Kevin M.; Abrams, Don Carlos; Lewis, Ian J.; Pragt, Johan; Stuik, Remko; Tromp, Niels; Dalton, Gavin; L. Aguerri, J. Alfonso; Bonifacio, Piercarlo; Middleton, Kevin F.; Trager, Scott C.

    This work describes the hardware control system of the Prime Focus Corrector (PFC) and the Spectrograph, two of the main parts of WEAVE, a multi-object fiber spectrograph for the WHT Telescope. The PFC and Spectrograph control system hardware is based on the Allen Bradley's Programmable Automation

  11. A Message-Passing Hardware/Software Cosimulation Environment for Reconfigurable Computing Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Saldaña


    Full Text Available High-performance reconfigurable computers (HPRCs provide a mix of standard processors and FPGAs to collectively accelerate applications. This introduces new design challenges, such as the need for portable programming models across HPRCs and system-level verification tools. To address the need for cosimulating a complete heterogeneous application using both software and hardware in an HPRC, we have created a tool called the Message-passing Simulation Framework (MSF. We have used it to simulate and develop an interface enabling an MPI-based approach to exchange data between X86 processors and hardware engines inside FPGAs. The MSF can also be used as an application development tool that enables multiple FPGAs in simulation to exchange messages amongst themselves and with X86 processors. As an example, we simulate a LINPACK benchmark hardware core using an Intel-FSB-Xilinx-FPGA platform to quickly prototype the hardware, to test the communications. and to verify the benchmark results.

  12. Establishing a novel modeling tool: a python-based interface for a neuromorphic hardware system. (United States)

    Brüderle, Daniel; Müller, Eric; Davison, Andrew; Muller, Eilif; Schemmel, Johannes; Meier, Karlheinz


    Neuromorphic hardware systems provide new possibilities for the neuroscience modeling community. Due to the intrinsic parallelism of the micro-electronic emulation of neural computation, such models are highly scalable without a loss of speed. However, the communities of software simulator users and neuromorphic engineering in neuroscience are rather disjoint. We present a software concept that provides the possibility to establish such hardware devices as valuable modeling tools. It is based on the integration of the hardware interface into a simulator-independent language which allows for unified experiment descriptions that can be run on various simulation platforms without modification, implying experiment portability and a huge simplification of the quantitative comparison of hardware and simulator results. We introduce an accelerated neuromorphic hardware device and describe the implementation of the proposed concept for this system. An example setup and results acquired by utilizing both the hardware system and a software simulator are demonstrated.

  13. Reconfigurable Hardware for Compressing Hyperspectral Image Data (United States)

    Aranki, Nazeeh; Namkung, Jeffrey; Villapando, Carlos; Kiely, Aaron; Klimesh, Matthew; Xie, Hua


    High-speed, low-power, reconfigurable electronic hardware has been developed to implement ICER-3D, an algorithm for compressing hyperspectral-image data. The algorithm and parts thereof have been the topics of several NASA Tech Briefs articles, including Context Modeler for Wavelet Compression of Hyperspectral Images (NPO-43239) and ICER-3D Hyperspectral Image Compression Software (NPO-43238), which appear elsewhere in this issue of NASA Tech Briefs. As described in more detail in those articles, the algorithm includes three main subalgorithms: one for computing wavelet transforms, one for context modeling, and one for entropy encoding. For the purpose of designing the hardware, these subalgorithms are treated as modules to be implemented efficiently in field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The design takes advantage of industry- standard, commercially available FPGAs. The implementation targets the Xilinx Virtex II pro architecture, which has embedded PowerPC processor cores with flexible on-chip bus architecture. It incorporates an efficient parallel and pipelined architecture to compress the three-dimensional image data. The design provides for internal buffering to minimize intensive input/output operations while making efficient use of offchip memory. The design is scalable in that the subalgorithms are implemented as independent hardware modules that can be combined in parallel to increase throughput. The on-chip processor manages the overall operation of the compression system, including execution of the top-level control functions as well as scheduling, initiating, and monitoring processes. The design prototype has been demonstrated to be capable of compressing hyperspectral data at a rate of 4.5 megasamples per second at a conservative clock frequency of 50 MHz, with a potential for substantially greater throughput at a higher clock frequency. The power consumption of the prototype is less than 6.5 W. The reconfigurability (by means of reprogramming) of

  14. Benchmarking Model Variants in Development of a Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation System (United States)

    Aretskin-Hariton, Eliot D.; Zinnecker, Alicia M.; Kratz, Jonathan L.; Culley, Dennis E.; Thomas, George L.


    Distributed engine control architecture presents a significant increase in complexity over traditional implementations when viewed from the perspective of system simulation and hardware design and test. Even if the overall function of the control scheme remains the same, the hardware implementation can have a significant effect on the overall system performance due to differences in the creation and flow of data between control elements. A Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) simulation system is under development at NASA Glenn Research Center that enables the exploration of these hardware dependent issues. The system is based on, but not limited to, the Commercial Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation 40k (C-MAPSS40k). This paper describes the step-by-step conversion from the self-contained baseline model to the hardware in the loop model, and the validation of each step. As the control model hardware fidelity was improved during HIL system development, benchmarking simulations were performed to verify that engine system performance characteristics remained the same. The results demonstrate the goal of the effort; the new HIL configurations have similar functionality and performance compared to the baseline C-MAPSS40k system.

  15. Establishing a novel modeling tool: a python-based interface for a neuromorphic hardware system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Brüderle


    Full Text Available Neuromorphic hardware systems provide new possibilities for the neuroscience modeling community. Due to the intrinsic parallelism of the micro-electronic emulation of neural computation, such models are highly scalable without a loss of speed. However, the communities of software simulator users and neuromorphic engineering in neuroscience are rather disjoint. We present a software concept that provides the possibility to establish such hardware devices as valuable modeling tools. It is based on the integration of the hardware interface into a simulator-independent language which allows for unified experiment descriptions that can be run on various simulation platforms without modification, implying experiment portability and a huge simplification of the quantitative comparison of hardware and simulator results. We introduce an accelerated neuromorphic hardware device and describe the implementation of the proposed concept for this system. An example setup and results acquired by utilizing both the hardware system and a software simulator are demonstrated.

  16. Enabling Open Hardware through FOSS tools

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Software developers often take open file formats and tools for granted. When you publish code on github, you do not ask yourself if somebody will be able to open it and modify it. We need the same freedom in the open hardware world, to make it truly accessible for everyone.

  17. Integrated conception of hardware/software mixed systems used in nuclear instrumentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dias, Ailton F.; Sorel, Yves; Akil, Mohamed


    Hardware/software codesign carries out the design of systems composed by a hardware portion, with specific components, and a software portion, with microprocessor based architecture. This paper describes the Algorithm Architecture Adequation (AAA) design methodology - originally oriented to programmable multicomponent architectures, its extension to reconfigurable circuits and its application to design and development of nuclear instrumentation systems composed by programmable and configurable circuits. AAA methodology uses an unified model to describe algorithm, architecture and implementation, based on graph theory. The great advantage of AAA methodology is the utilization of a same model from the specification to the implementation of hardware/software systems, reducing the complexity and design time. (author)

  18. Calculator: A Hardware Design, Math and Software Programming Project Base Learning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F. Criado


    Full Text Available This paper presents the implementation by the students of a complex calculator in hardware. This project meets hardware design goals, and also highly motivates them to use competences learned in others subjects. The learning process, associated to System Design, is hard enough because the students have to deal with parallel execution, signal delay, synchronization … Then, to strengthen the knowledge of hardware design a methodology as project based learning (PBL is proposed. Moreover, it is also used to reinforce cross subjects like math and software programming. This methodology creates a course dynamics that is closer to a professional environment where they will work with software and mathematics to resolve the hardware design problems. The students design from zero the functionality of the calculator. They are who make the decisions about the math operations that it is able to resolve it, and also the operands format or how to introduce a complex equation into the calculator. This will increase the student intrinsic motivation. In addition, since the choices may have consequences on the reliability of the calculator, students are encouraged to program in software the decisions about how implement the selected mathematical algorithm. Although math and hardware design are two tough subjects for students, the perception that they get at the end of the course is quite positive.

  19. Environmental Control System Software & Hardware Development (United States)

    Vargas, Daniel Eduardo


    ECS hardware: (1) Provides controlled purge to SLS Rocket and Orion spacecraft. (2) Provide mission-focused engineering products and services. ECS software: (1) NASA requires Compact Unique Identifiers (CUIs); fixed-length identifier used to identify information items. (2) CUI structure; composed of nine semantic fields that aid the user in recognizing its purpose.

  20. Total knee arthroplasty using patient-specific blocks after prior femoral fracture without hardware removal

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    Raju Vaishya


    Full Text Available Background: The options to perform total knee arthroplasty (TKA with retained hardware in femur are mainly – removal of hardware, use of extramedullary guide, or computer-assisted surgery. Patient-specific blocks (PSBs have been introduced with many potential advantages, but their use in retained hardware has not been adequately explored. The purpose of the present study was to outline and assess the usefulness of the PSBs in performing TKA in patients with retained femoral hardware. Materials and Materials and Methods: Nine patients with retained femoral hardware underwent TKA using PSBs. All the surgeries were performed by the same surgeon using same implants. Nine cases (7 males and 2 females out of total of 120 primary TKA had retained hardware. The average age of the patients was 60.55 years. The retained hardware were 6 patients with nails, 2 with plates and one patient had screws. Out of the nine cases, only one patient needed removal of a screw which was hindering placement of pin for the PSB. Results: All the patients had significant improvement in their Knee Society Score (KSS which improved from 47.0 to postoperative KSS of 86.77 (P < 0.00. The mechanical axis was significantly improved (P < 0.03 after surgery. No patient required blood transfusion and the average tourniquet time was 41 min. Conclusion: TKA using PSBs is useful and can be used in patients with retained hardware with good functional and radiological outcome.

  1. Event management for large scale event-driven digital hardware spiking neural networks. (United States)

    Caron, Louis-Charles; D'Haene, Michiel; Mailhot, Frédéric; Schrauwen, Benjamin; Rouat, Jean


    The interest in brain-like computation has led to the design of a plethora of innovative neuromorphic systems. Individually, spiking neural networks (SNNs), event-driven simulation and digital hardware neuromorphic systems get a lot of attention. Despite the popularity of event-driven SNNs in software, very few digital hardware architectures are found. This is because existing hardware solutions for event management scale badly with the number of events. This paper introduces the structured heap queue, a pipelined digital hardware data structure, and demonstrates its suitability for event management. The structured heap queue scales gracefully with the number of events, allowing the efficient implementation of large scale digital hardware event-driven SNNs. The scaling is linear for memory, logarithmic for logic resources and constant for processing time. The use of the structured heap queue is demonstrated on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) with an image segmentation experiment and a SNN of 65,536 neurons and 513,184 synapses. Events can be processed at the rate of 1 every 7 clock cycles and a 406×158 pixel image is segmented in 200 ms. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Sistema computacional de realidad aumentada para la solidificación del aprendizaje en la educación básica

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    Manuel Alexander Ponce Tubay


    Full Text Available El desarrollo de una herramienta computacional para la mejora de los diferentes procesos de aprendizaje implantando nuevas TIC con realidad aumenta, para de esta forma despertar un mayor interés e interacción de los alumnos, contribuyendo así con en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en la educación de la Unidad Educativa. La investigación está orientada a mejorar cada uno de los aspectos necesarios para la enseñanza y aprendizaje, agilizar e innovar la manera de aprender con un software como lo es naturaleza aumentada. La Unidad Educativa Cesar Lucas cuenta con veinte docentes de los cuales cuatro están enfocados al área de ciencias naturales, cada uno de los docentes maneja estrategias o métodos de aprendizaje de acuerdo al contenido o al contexto que se desarrollan las clases. Esto permitió evidenciar que los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje ayudan al docente guiar sus diferentes temas al estudiante, con la creación de una herramienta de realidad aumentada personalizada y avanzada estos procesos innovarían la manera de aprender diferente, aplicando esta tecnología y con mejores características para un mayor aprendizaje en tiempo real.

  3. Hardware-assisted software clock synchronization for homogeneous distributed systems (United States)

    Ramanathan, P.; Kandlur, Dilip D.; Shin, Kang G.


    A clock synchronization scheme that strikes a balance between hardware and software solutions is proposed. The proposed is a software algorithm that uses minimal additional hardware to achieve reasonably tight synchronization. Unlike other software solutions, the guaranteed worst-case skews can be made insensitive to the maximum variation of message transit delay in the system. The scheme is particularly suitable for large partially connected distributed systems with topologies that support simple point-to-point broadcast algorithms. Examples of such topologies include the hypercube and the mesh interconnection structures.

  4. Hardware availability calculations and results of the IFMIF accelerator facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bargalló, Enric; Arroyo, Jose Manuel; Abal, Javier; Beauvais, Pierre-Yves; Gobin, Raphael; Orsini, Fabienne; Weber, Moisés; Podadera, Ivan; Grespan, Francesco; Fagotti, Enrico; De Blas, Alfredo; Dies, Javier; Tapia, Carlos; Mollá, Joaquín; Ibarra, Ángel


    Highlights: • IFMIF accelerator facility hardware availability analyses methodology is described. • Results of the individual hardware availability analyses are shown for the reference design. • Accelerator design improvements are proposed for each system. • Availability results are evaluated and compared with the requirements. - Abstract: Hardware availability calculations have been done individually for each system of the deuteron accelerators of the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF). The principal goal of these analyses is to estimate the availability of the systems, compare it with the challenging IFMIF requirements and find new paths to improve availability performances. Major unavailability contributors are highlighted and possible design changes are proposed in order to achieve the hardware availability requirements established for each system. In this paper, such possible improvements are implemented in fault tree models and the availability results are evaluated. The parallel activity on the design and construction of the linear IFMIF prototype accelerator (LIPAc) provides detailed design information for the RAMI (reliability, availability, maintainability and inspectability) analyses and allows finding out the improvements that the final accelerator could have. Because of the R and D behavior of the LIPAc, RAMI improvements could be the major differences between the prototype and the IFMIF accelerator design

  5. Hardware availability calculations and results of the IFMIF accelerator facility

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bargalló, Enric, E-mail: [Fusion Energy Engineering Laboratory (FEEL), Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona (Spain); Arroyo, Jose Manuel [Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión por Confinamiento Magnético – CIEMAT, Madrid (Spain); Abal, Javier [Fusion Energy Engineering Laboratory (FEEL), Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona (Spain); Beauvais, Pierre-Yves; Gobin, Raphael; Orsini, Fabienne [Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, Saclay (France); Weber, Moisés; Podadera, Ivan [Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión por Confinamiento Magnético – CIEMAT, Madrid (Spain); Grespan, Francesco; Fagotti, Enrico [Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Legnaro (Italy); De Blas, Alfredo; Dies, Javier; Tapia, Carlos [Fusion Energy Engineering Laboratory (FEEL), Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona (Spain); Mollá, Joaquín; Ibarra, Ángel [Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión por Confinamiento Magnético – CIEMAT, Madrid (Spain)


    Highlights: • IFMIF accelerator facility hardware availability analyses methodology is described. • Results of the individual hardware availability analyses are shown for the reference design. • Accelerator design improvements are proposed for each system. • Availability results are evaluated and compared with the requirements. - Abstract: Hardware availability calculations have been done individually for each system of the deuteron accelerators of the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF). The principal goal of these analyses is to estimate the availability of the systems, compare it with the challenging IFMIF requirements and find new paths to improve availability performances. Major unavailability contributors are highlighted and possible design changes are proposed in order to achieve the hardware availability requirements established for each system. In this paper, such possible improvements are implemented in fault tree models and the availability results are evaluated. The parallel activity on the design and construction of the linear IFMIF prototype accelerator (LIPAc) provides detailed design information for the RAMI (reliability, availability, maintainability and inspectability) analyses and allows finding out the improvements that the final accelerator could have. Because of the R and D behavior of the LIPAc, RAMI improvements could be the major differences between the prototype and the IFMIF accelerator design.

  6. Advanced hardware design for error correcting codes

    CERN Document Server

    Coussy, Philippe


    This book provides thorough coverage of error correcting techniques. It includes essential basic concepts and the latest advances on key topics in design, implementation, and optimization of hardware/software systems for error correction. The book’s chapters are written by internationally recognized experts in this field. Topics include evolution of error correction techniques, industrial user needs, architectures, and design approaches for the most advanced error correcting codes (Polar Codes, Non-Binary LDPC, Product Codes, etc). This book provides access to recent results, and is suitable for graduate students and researchers of mathematics, computer science, and engineering. • Examines how to optimize the architecture of hardware design for error correcting codes; • Presents error correction codes from theory to optimized architecture for the current and the next generation standards; • Provides coverage of industrial user needs advanced error correcting techniques.

  7. Computer hardware for radiologists: Part 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Indrajit, IK; Alam, A


    Computers are an integral part of modern radiology equipment. In the first half of this two-part article, we dwelt upon some fundamental concepts regarding computer hardware, covering components like motherboard, central processing unit (CPU), chipset, random access memory (RAM), and memory modules. In this article, we describe the remaining computer hardware components that are of relevance to radiology. “Storage drive” is a term describing a “memory” hardware used to store data for later retrieval. Commonly used storage drives are hard drives, floppy drives, optical drives, flash drives, and network drives. The capacity of a hard drive is dependent on many factors, including the number of disk sides, number of tracks per side, number of sectors on each track, and the amount of data that can be stored in each sector. “Drive interfaces” connect hard drives and optical drives to a computer. The connections of such drives require both a power cable and a data cable. The four most popular “input/output devices” used commonly with computers are the printer, monitor, mouse, and keyboard. The “bus” is a built-in electronic signal pathway in the motherboard to permit efficient and uninterrupted data transfer. A motherboard can have several buses, including the system bus, the PCI express bus, the PCI bus, the AGP bus, and the (outdated) ISA bus. “Ports” are the location at which external devices are connected to a computer motherboard. All commonly used peripheral devices, such as printers, scanners, and portable drives, need ports. A working knowledge of computers is necessary for the radiologist if the workflow is to realize its full potential and, besides, this knowledge will prepare the radiologist for the coming innovations in the ‘ever increasing’ digital future

  8. Computer hardware for radiologists: Part 2

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    Indrajit I


    Full Text Available Computers are an integral part of modern radiology equipment. In the first half of this two-part article, we dwelt upon some fundamental concepts regarding computer hardware, covering components like motherboard, central processing unit (CPU, chipset, random access memory (RAM, and memory modules. In this article, we describe the remaining computer hardware components that are of relevance to radiology. "Storage drive" is a term describing a "memory" hardware used to store data for later retrieval. Commonly used storage drives are hard drives, floppy drives, optical drives, flash drives, and network drives. The capacity of a hard drive is dependent on many factors, including the number of disk sides, number of tracks per side, number of sectors on each track, and the amount of data that can be stored in each sector. "Drive interfaces" connect hard drives and optical drives to a computer. The connections of such drives require both a power cable and a data cable. The four most popular "input/output devices" used commonly with computers are the printer, monitor, mouse, and keyboard. The "bus" is a built-in electronic signal pathway in the motherboard to permit efficient and uninterrupted data transfer. A motherboard can have several buses, including the system bus, the PCI express bus, the PCI bus, the AGP bus, and the (outdated ISA bus. "Ports" are the location at which external devices are connected to a computer motherboard. All commonly used peripheral devices, such as printers, scanners, and portable drives, need ports. A working knowledge of computers is necessary for the radiologist if the workflow is to realize its full potential and, besides, this knowledge will prepare the radiologist for the coming innovations in the ′ever increasing′ digital future.

  9. Hardwares e sistemas multiagente: um estudo sobre arquiteturas híbridas

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    Rafhael Rodrigues Cunha


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta três estudos de caso sobre a aplicabilidade de arquiteturas de hardware reconfiguráveis, como FPGA, voltadas à utilização em sistemas multiagentes. Feita uma análise visando à elucidação dos resultados e das contribuições que os estudos proporcionaram aos autores, observa-se que o desenvolvimento de sistemas inteligentes depende cada vez mais de uma programação que explore o hardware ao máximo. Esse desfecho torna o uso de hardwares reconfiguráveis o mais aconselhável quando problemas computacionais complexos demandam respostas rápidas e eficientes, como nos casos estudados.

  10. Accelerator Technology: Injection and Extraction Related Hardware: Kickers and Septa

    CERN Document Server

    Barnes, M J; Mertens, V


    This document is part of Subvolume C 'Accelerators and Colliders' of Volume 21 'Elementary Particles' of Landolt-Börnstein - Group I 'Elementary Particles, Nuclei and Atoms'. It contains the the Section '8.7 Injection and Extraction Related Hardware: Kickers and Septa' of the Chapter '8 Accelerator Technology' with the content: 8.7 Injection and Extraction Related Hardware: Kickers and Septa 8.7.1 Fast Pulsed Systems (Kickers) 8.7.2 Electrostatic and Magnetic Septa

  11. Testing Microgravity Flight Hardware Concepts on the NASA KC-135 (United States)

    Motil, Susan M.; Harrivel, Angela R.; Zimmerli, Gregory A.


    This paper provides an overview of utilizing the NASA KC-135 Reduced Gravity Aircraft for the Foam Optics and Mechanics (FOAM) microgravity flight project. The FOAM science requirements are summarized, and the KC-135 test-rig used to test hardware concepts designed to meet the requirements are described. Preliminary results regarding foam dispensing, foam/surface slip tests, and dynamic light scattering data are discussed in support of the flight hardware development for the FOAM experiment.

  12. Hardware control system using modular software under RSX-11D

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kittell, R.S.; Helland, J.A.


    A modular software system used to control extensive hardware is described. The development, operation, and experience with this software are discussed. Included are the methods employed to implement this system while taking advantage of the Real-Time features of RSX-11D. Comparisons are made between this system and an earlier nonmodular system. The controlled hardware includes magnet power supplies, stepping motors, DVM's, and multiplexors, and is interfaced through CAMAC. 4 figures

  13. ARM assembly language with hardware experiments

    CERN Document Server

    Elahi, Ata


    This book provides a hands-on approach to learning ARM assembly language with the use of a TI microcontroller. The book starts with an introduction to computer architecture and then discusses number systems and digital logic. The text covers ARM Assembly Language, ARM Cortex Architecture and its components, and Hardware Experiments using TILM3S1968. Written for those interested in learning embedded programming using an ARM Microcontroller. ·         Introduces number systems and signal transmission methods   ·         Reviews logic gates, registers, multiplexers, decoders and memory   ·         Provides an overview and examples of ARM instruction set   ·         Uses using Keil development tools for writing and debugging ARM assembly language Programs   ·         Hardware experiments using a Mbed NXP LPC1768 microcontroller; including General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) configuration, real time clock configuration, binary input to 7-segment display, creating ...

  14. Fast image processing on parallel hardware

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bittner, U.


    Current digital imaging modalities in the medical field incorporate parallel hardware which is heavily used in the stage of image formation like the CT/MR image reconstruction or in the DSA real time subtraction. In order to image post-processing as efficient as image acquisition, new software approaches have to be found which take full advantage of the parallel hardware architecture. This paper describes the implementation of two-dimensional median filter which can serve as an example for the development of such an algorithm. The algorithm is analyzed by viewing it as a complete parallel sort of the k pixel values in the chosen window which leads to a generalization to rank order operators and other closely related filters reported in literature. A section about the theoretical base of the algorithm gives hints for how to characterize operations suitable for implementations on pipeline processors and the way to find the appropriate algorithms. Finally some results that computation time and usefulness of medial filtering in radiographic imaging are given

  15. Secure Hardware Performance Analysis in Virtualized Cloud Environment

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    Chee-Heng Tan


    Full Text Available The main obstacle in mass adoption of cloud computing for database operations is the data security issue. In this paper, it is shown that IT services particularly in hardware performance evaluation in virtual machine can be accomplished effectively without IT personnel gaining access to real data for diagnostic and remediation purposes. The proposed mechanisms utilized TPC-H benchmark to achieve 2 objectives. First, the underlying hardware performance and consistency is supervised via a control system, which is constructed using a combination of TPC-H queries, linear regression, and machine learning techniques. Second, linear programming techniques are employed to provide input to the algorithms that construct stress-testing scenarios in the virtual machine, using the combination of TPC-H queries. These stress-testing scenarios serve 2 purposes. They provide the boundary resource threshold verification to the first control system, so that periodic training of the synthetic data sets for performance evaluation is not constrained by hardware inadequacy, particularly when the resources in the virtual machine are scaled up or down which results in the change of the utilization threshold. Secondly, they provide a platform for response time verification on critical transactions, so that the expected Quality of Service (QoS from these transactions is assured.

  16. Modelagem da Distribuição da Saturação de Água do Solo em Terrenos Complexos Baseada na Teoria de Similaridade – Proposição de Abordagem Lagrangiana

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    Hugo Abi Karam


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho propõe-se uma modelagem lagrangiana da distribuição de saturação de água do solo de terrenos complexos baseada na teoria de similaridade, com destaque para aspectos hidrometeorológicos. A distribuição da água precipitada no terreno é obtida como uma consequência da conservação de massa do escoamento, considerada a similaridade hidrológica ao longo de faixas de drenagem, sob diferentes condições de inclinação topográfica, captação e infiltração. A aplicação desse tipo de modelo de distribuição hidrológica permite uma otimização computacional, tanto na estimativa do deficit de saturação do solo quanto na distribuição da profundidade do lençol freático. A aplicabilidade da proposição lagrangiana é exemplificada para um morro suave e também para discutir qualitativamente a hidrologia da Baixada Fluminense encontrada ao norte da Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro (RMRJ, RJ, Brasil. Mostra-se que uma resolução espacial inferior a 90 m deve ser empregada para considerar os detalhes do problema. Os resultados destacaram o papel da topografia complexa, incluindo a hidrologia de planícies fluviais e as modificações antrópicas da superfície (na forma de canais de escoamento urbano e urbanização para a compreensão da hidrometeorologia da RMRJ.

  17. 2D neural hardware versus 3D biological ones

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beiu, V.


    This paper will present important limitations of hardware neural nets as opposed to biological neural nets (i.e. the real ones). The author starts by discussing neural structures and their biological inspirations, while mentioning the simplifications leading to artificial neural nets. Going further, the focus will be on hardware constraints. The author will present recent results for three different alternatives of implementing neural networks: digital, threshold gate, and analog, while the area and the delay will be related to neurons' fan-in and weights' precision. Based on all of these, it will be shown why hardware implementations cannot cope with their biological inspiration with respect to their power of computation: the mapping onto silicon lacking the third dimension of biological nets. This translates into reduced fan-in, and leads to reduced precision. The main conclusion is that one is faced with the following alternatives: (1) try to cope with the limitations imposed by silicon, by speeding up the computation of the elementary silicon neurons; (2) investigate solutions which would allow one to use the third dimension, e.g. using optical interconnections.

  18. Performance/price estimates for cortex-scale hardware: a design space exploration. (United States)

    Zaveri, Mazad S; Hammerstrom, Dan


    In this paper, we revisit the concept of virtualization. Virtualization is useful for understanding and investigating the performance/price and other trade-offs related to the hardware design space. Moreover, it is perhaps the most important aspect of a hardware design space exploration. Such a design space exploration is a necessary part of the study of hardware architectures for large-scale computational models for intelligent computing, including AI, Bayesian, bio-inspired and neural models. A methodical exploration is needed to identify potentially interesting regions in the design space, and to assess the relative performance/price points of these implementations. As an example, in this paper we investigate the performance/price of (digital and mixed-signal) CMOS and hypothetical CMOL (nanogrid) technology based hardware implementations of human cortex-scale spiking neural systems. Through this analysis, and the resulting performance/price points, we demonstrate, in general, the importance of virtualization, and of doing these kinds of design space explorations. The specific results suggest that hybrid nanotechnology such as CMOL is a promising candidate to implement very large-scale spiking neural systems, providing a more efficient utilization of the density and storage benefits of emerging nano-scale technologies. In general, we believe that the study of such hypothetical designs/architectures will guide the neuromorphic hardware community towards building large-scale systems, and help guide research trends in intelligent computing, and computer engineering. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. The trigger and DAQ systems of the NA59 experiment

    CERN Document Server

    Ünel, Gokhan; Ballestrero, Sergio


    The NA59 experiment on the CERN SPS-H2 beam-line took data during the summers of 1999 and 2000 to perform intercalibration studies of polarization measurement and to test the use of an aligned crystal as a quarter-wave plate. The analysis revealed a proof of concept for the birefringence property of aligned crystals for photons in the 30-170 GeV energy range. The 90-m-long detector for this fixed target experiment had two independent readout schemes: one for more than 120 time-to-digital and analog-to-digital converter channels to obtain tracking and energy information; and another for the readout of the silicon strip detectors to improve vertex resolution. The readout electronics of the Na59 experiment was based on VMEbus and CAMAC systems. Novel data acquisition and online monitoring software were written to work on the commodity hardware (PCs) running mainly the Linux operating system. 21 Refs.

  20. Paralelização e comparação de métodos iterativos na solução de sistemas lineares grandes e esparsos

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    Lauro Cássio Martins de Paula


    Full Text Available Apresenta-se neste trabalho uma comparação de desempenho computacional entre métodos iterativos utilizados para solução de sistemas lineares. O objetivo é mostrar que a utilização de processamento paralelo fornecido por uma Graphics Processing Unit (GPU pode ser viável, por viabilizar a solução rápida de sistemas de equações lineares, para que sistemas grandes e esparsos possam ser solucionados em um espaço curto de tempo. Para a validação do trabalho, utilizou-se uma GPU, por meio da arquitetura Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA, e comparou-se o desempenho computacional dos métodos iterativos de Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, BiCGStab e BiCGStab(2 paralelizado na solução de sistemas lineares de tamanhos variados. Foi possível observar uma aceleração significativa nos testes com o método paralelizado, que se acentua consideravelmente na medida em que os sistemas aumentam. Os resultados mostraram que a aplicação de processamento paralelo em um método robusto e eficiente, tal como o BiCGStab(2, se torna muitas vezes indispensável, para que simulações sejam realizadas com qualidade e em tempo não proibitivo.Palavras-chave: CUDA. GPU. BiCGStab(2.Parallelization and comparison of interative methods in solving large and sparse linear systemsAbstractThis paper presents a computational performance comparison between some iterative methods used for linear systems solution. The goal is to show that the use of parallel processing provided by a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU may be more feasible, for making possible the fast solution of linear equations systems in order that complex and sparse problems can be solved in a short time. To validate the paper a GPU through the NVIDIA's Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA was employed and the computational performance was compared with Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, BiCGStab iterative methods and BiCGStab(2 parallelized in the solution of linear systems of varying sizes. There was a

  1. A photovoltaic source I/U model suitable for hardware in the loop application

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    Stala Robert


    Full Text Available This paper presents a novel, low-complexity method of simulating PV source characteristics suitable for real-time modeling and hardware implementation. The application of the suitable model of the PV source as well as the model of all the PV system components in a real-time hardware gives a safe, fast and low cost method of testing PV systems. The paper demonstrates the concept of the PV array model and the hardware implementation in FPGAs of the system which combines two PV arrays. The obtained results confirm that the proposed model is of low complexity and can be suitable for hardware in the loop (HIL tests of the complex PV system control, with various arrays operating under different conditions.

  2. Rotina computacional para a determinação da velocidade de sedimentação das partículas do solo em suspensão no escoamento superficial Computational routine for the determination of the sedimentation velocity of the soil particles in the drain

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luiz F. C. de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver uma rotina computacional para a determinação da velocidade de deposição de partículas em suspensão no escoamento superficial, verificar sua aplicação por intermédio de modelo de transporte de sedimentos e comparar os resultados obtidos com dados experimentais. Empregou-se na rotina o processo iterativo de Newton-Rapshon para a solução das equações empregadas na determinação da velocidade de deposição de partículas em suspensão no escoamento superficial, e na solução da equação do transporte de sedimentos empregou-se a técnica das diferenças finitas. Essas rotinas foram empregadas na implementação do modelo MTSES (Modelo para Transporte de Solutos no Solo e no Escoamento Superficial. As velocidades de queda das partículas obtidas pela rotina desenvolvida, em média, foram superestimadas, com erro relativo médio de 0,63%, o que possibilitou a utilização da rotina desenvolvida no MTSES. O modelo MTSES superestimou o total de sedimentos transportados pelo escoamento superficial para todas as intensidades de precipitação empregadas neste estudo, com variações porcentuais de 15,6 a 58,3%.The present work had as objective to develop a computational routine for the determination of the sedimentation velocity in the drain and to verify its application through a model of transport of sediments and to compare the results obtained with experimental data. It was used in the routine the iterative process of Newton-Rapshon for the solution of the equations applied in the determination of the sedimentation velocity in the drain, and on the solution of the transport of sediments equation was applied the technique of the finite differences. Those routines were used in the implementation of the model MTSES (Model for solute transport in the soil and in the drain. The sedimentation velocities obtained by the developed routine were overestimated, with a medium relative error of 0

  3. Flight Hardware Packaging Design for Stringent EMC Radiated Emission Requirements (United States)

    Lortz, Charlene L.; Huang, Chi-Chien N.; Ravich, Joshua A.; Steiner, Carl N.


    This packaging design approach can help heritage hardware meet a flight project's stringent EMC radiated emissions requirement. The approach requires only minor modifications to a hardware's chassis and mainly concentrates on its connector interfaces. The solution is to raise the surface area where the connector is mounted by a few millimeters using a pedestal, and then wrapping with conductive tape from the cable backshell down to the surface-mounted connector. This design approach has been applied to JPL flight project subsystems. The EMC radiated emissions requirements for flight projects can vary from benign to mission critical. If the project's EMC requirements are stringent, the best approach to meet EMC requirements would be to design an EMC control program for the project early on and implement EMC design techniques starting with the circuit board layout. This is the ideal scenario for hardware that is built from scratch. Implementation of EMC radiated emissions mitigation techniques can mature as the design progresses, with minimal impact to the design cycle. The real challenge exists for hardware that is planned to be flown following a built-to-print approach, in which heritage hardware from a past project with a different set of requirements is expected to perform satisfactorily for a new project. With acceptance of heritage, the design would already be established (circuit board layout and components have already been pre-determined), and hence any radiated emissions mitigation techniques would only be applicable at the packaging level. The key is to take a heritage design with its known radiated emissions spectrum and repackage, or modify its chassis design so that it would have a better chance of meeting the new project s radiated emissions requirements.

  4. Hardware detection and parameter tuning method for speed control system of PMSM (United States)

    Song, Zhengqiang; Yang, Huiling


    In this paper, the development of permanent magnet synchronous motor AC speed control system is taken as an example, aiming to expound the principle and parameter setting method of the system hardware, and puts forward the method of using software or hardware to eliminate the problem.

  5. Open Source Hardware for DIY Environmental Sensing (United States)

    Aufdenkampe, A. K.; Hicks, S. D.; Damiano, S. G.; Montgomery, D. S.


    The Arduino open source electronics platform has been very popular within the DIY (Do It Yourself) community for several years, and it is now providing environmental science researchers with an inexpensive alternative to commercial data logging and transmission hardware. Here we present the designs for our latest series of custom Arduino-based dataloggers, which include wireless communication options like self-meshing radio networks and cellular phone modules. The main Arduino board uses a custom interface board to connect to various research-grade sensors to take readings of turbidity, dissolved oxygen, water depth and conductivity, soil moisture, solar radiation, and other parameters. Sensors with SDI-12 communications can be directly interfaced to the logger using our open Arduino-SDI-12 software library ( Different deployment options are shown, like rugged enclosures to house the loggers and rigs for mounting the sensors in both fresh water and marine environments. After the data has been collected and transmitted by the logger, the data is received by a mySQL-PHP stack running on a web server that can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Once there, the data can be visualized on web pages or served though REST requests and Water One Flow (WOF) services. Since one of the main benefits of using open source hardware is the easy collaboration between users, we are introducing a new web platform for discussion and sharing of ideas and plans for hardware and software designs used with DIY environmental sensors and data loggers.

  6. The LISA Pathfinder interferometry-hardware and system testing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Audley, H; Danzmann, K; MarIn, A Garcia; Heinzel, G; Monsky, A; Nofrarias, M; Steier, F; Bogenstahl, J [Albert-Einstein-Institut, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Gravitationsphysik und Universitaet Hannover, 30167 Hannover (Germany); Gerardi, D; Gerndt, R; Hechenblaikner, G; Johann, U; Luetzow-Wentzky, P; Wand, V [EADS Astrium GmbH, Friedrichshafen (Germany); Antonucci, F [Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Trento and INFN, Gruppo Collegato di Trento, 38050 Povo, Trento (Italy); Armano, M [European Space Astronomy Centre, European Space Agency, Villanueva de la Canada, 28692 Madrid (Spain); Auger, G; Binetruy, P [APC UMR7164, Universite Paris Diderot, Paris (France); Benedetti, M [Dipartimento di Ingegneria dei Materiali e Tecnologie Industriali, Universita di Trento and INFN, Gruppo Collegato di Trento, Mesiano, Trento (Italy); Boatella, C, E-mail: [CNES, DCT/AQ/EC, 18 Avenue Edouard Belin, 31401 Toulouse, Cedex 9 (France)


    Preparations for the LISA Pathfinder mission have reached an exciting stage. Tests of the engineering model (EM) of the optical metrology system have recently been completed at the Albert Einstein Institute, Hannover, and flight model tests are now underway. Significantly, they represent the first complete integration and testing of the space-qualified hardware and are the first tests on an optical system level. The results and test procedures of these campaigns will be utilized directly in the ground-based flight hardware tests, and subsequently during in-flight operations. In addition, they allow valuable testing of the data analysis methods using the MATLAB-based LTP data analysis toolbox. This paper presents an overview of the results from the EM test campaign that was successfully completed in December 2009.

  7. Design of hardware accelerators for demanding applications.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jozwiak, L.; Jan, Y.


    This paper focuses on mastering the architecture development of hardware accelerators. It presents the results of our analysis of the main issues that have to be addressed when designing accelerators for modern demanding applications, when using as an example the accelerator design for LDPC decoding

  8. Introduction to 6800/6802 microprocessor systems hardware, software and experimentation

    CERN Document Server

    Simpson, Robert J


    Introduction to 6800/6802 Microprocessor Systems: Hardware, Software and Experimentation introduces the reader to the features, characteristics, operation, and applications of the 6800/6802 microprocessor and associated family of devices. Many worked examples are included to illustrate the theoretical and practical aspects of the 6800/6802 microprocessor.Comprised of six chapters, this book begins by presenting several aspects of digital systems before introducing the concepts of fetching and execution of a microprocessor instruction. Details and descriptions of hardware elements (MPU, RAM, RO

  9. CAMAC high energy physics electronics hardware

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kolpakov, I.F.


    CAMAC hardware for high energy physics large spectrometers and control systems is reviewed as is the development of CAMAC modules at the High Energy Laboratory, JINR (Dubna). The total number of crates used at the Laboratory is 179. The number of CAMAC modules of 120 different types exceeds 1700. The principles of organization and the structure of developed CAMAC systems are described. (author)

  10. arXiv Level Zero Trigger Processor for the NA62 experiment

    CERN Document Server

    INSPIRE-00584493; Chiozzi, Stefano


    The NA62 experiment is designed to measure the ultra-rare decay K+ arrow π+ ν  branching ratio with a precision of ~ 10% at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS). The trigger system of NA62 consists in three different levels designed to select events of physics interest in a high beam rate environment. The L0 Trigger Processor (L0TP) is the lowest level system of the trigger chain. It is hardware implemented using programmable logic. The architecture of the NA62 L0TP system is a new approach compared to existing systems used in high-energy physics experiments. It is fully digital, based on a standard gigabit Ethernet communication between detectors and the L0TP Board. The L0TP Board is a commercial development board, mounting a programmable logic device (FPGA). The primitives generated by sub-detectors are sent asynchronously using the UDP protocol to the L0TP during the entire beam spill period. The L0TP realigns in time the primitives coming from seven different sources and performs a data selectio...

  11. Hardware Realization of Chaos Based Symmetric Image Encryption

    KAUST Repository

    Barakat, Mohamed L.


    This thesis presents a novel work on hardware realization of symmetric image encryption utilizing chaos based continuous systems as pseudo random number generators. Digital implementation of chaotic systems results in serious degradations

  12. Asymmetric Hardware Distortions in Receive Diversity Systems: Outage Performance Analysis

    KAUST Repository

    Javed, Sidrah; Amin, Osama; Ikki, Salama S.; Alouini, Mohamed-Slim


    This paper studies the impact of asymmetric hardware distortion (HWD) on the performance of receive diversity systems using linear and switched combining receivers. The asymmetric attribute of the proposed model motivates the employment of improper Gaussian signaling (IGS) scheme rather than the traditional proper Gaussian signaling (PGS) scheme. The achievable rate performance is analyzed for the ideal and non-ideal hardware scenarios using PGS and IGS transmission schemes for different combining receivers. In addition, the IGS statistical characteristics are optimized to maximize the achievable rate performance. Moreover, the outage probability performance of the receive diversity systems is analyzed yielding closed form expressions for both PGS and IGS based transmission schemes. HWD systems that employ IGS is proven to efficiently combat the self interference caused by the HWD. Furthermore, the obtained analytic expressions are validated through Monte-Carlo simulations. Eventually, non-ideal hardware transceivers degradation and IGS scheme acquired compensation are quantified through suitable numerical results.

  13. Reconfigurable Signal Processing and Hardware Architecture for Broadband Wireless Communications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liang Ying-Chang


    Full Text Available This paper proposes a broadband wireless transceiver which can be reconfigured to any type of cyclic-prefix (CP -based communication systems, including orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM, single-carrier cyclic-prefix (SCCP system, multicarrier (MC code-division multiple access (MC-CDMA, MC direct-sequence CDMA (MC-DS-CDMA, CP-based CDMA (CP-CDMA, and CP-based direct-sequence CDMA (CP-DS-CDMA. A hardware platform is proposed and the reusable common blocks in such a transceiver are identified. The emphasis is on the equalizer design for mobile receivers. It is found that after block despreading operation, MC-DS-CDMA and CP-DS-CDMA have the same equalization blocks as OFDM and SCCP systems, respectively, therefore hardware and software sharing is possible for these systems. An attempt has also been made to map the functional reconfigurable transceiver onto the proposed hardware platform. The different functional entities which will be required to perform the reconfiguration and realize the transceiver are explained.

  14. Asymmetric Hardware Distortions in Receive Diversity Systems: Outage Performance Analysis

    KAUST Repository

    Javed, Sidrah


    This paper studies the impact of asymmetric hardware distortion (HWD) on the performance of receive diversity systems using linear and switched combining receivers. The asymmetric attribute of the proposed model motivates the employment of improper Gaussian signaling (IGS) scheme rather than the traditional proper Gaussian signaling (PGS) scheme. The achievable rate performance is analyzed for the ideal and non-ideal hardware scenarios using PGS and IGS transmission schemes for different combining receivers. In addition, the IGS statistical characteristics are optimized to maximize the achievable rate performance. Moreover, the outage probability performance of the receive diversity systems is analyzed yielding closed form expressions for both PGS and IGS based transmission schemes. HWD systems that employ IGS is proven to efficiently combat the self interference caused by the HWD. Furthermore, the obtained analytic expressions are validated through Monte-Carlo simulations. Eventually, non-ideal hardware transceivers degradation and IGS scheme acquired compensation are quantified through suitable numerical results.

  15. Qualification of software and hardware

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gossner, S.; Schueller, H.; Gloee, G.


    The qualification of on-line process control equipment is subdivided into three areas: 1) materials and structural elements; 2) on-line process-control components and devices; 3) electrical systems (reactor protection and confinement system). Microprocessor-aided process-control equipment are difficult to verify for failure-free function owing to the complexity of the functional structures of the hardware and to the variety of the software feasible for microprocessors. Hence, qualification will make great demands on the inspecting expert. (DG) [de

  16. Hardware dependencies of GPU-accelerated beamformer performances for microwave breast cancer detection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Salomon Christoph J.


    Full Text Available UWB microwave imaging has proven to be a promising technique for early-stage breast cancer detection. The extensive image reconstruction time can be accelerated by parallelizing the execution of the underlying beamforming algorithms. However, the efficiency of the parallelization will most likely depend on the grade of parallelism of the imaging algorithm and of the utilized hardware. This paper investigates the dependencies of two different beamforming algorithms on multiple hardware specification of several graphics boards. The parallel implementation is realized by using NVIDIA’s CUDA. Three conclusions are drawn about the behavior of the parallel implementation and how to efficiently use the accessible hardware.

  17. Automation Hardware & Software for the STELLA Robotic Telescope (United States)

    Weber, M.; Granzer, Th.; Strassmeier, K. G.

    The STELLA telescope (a joint project of the AIP, Hamburger Sternwarte and the IAC) is to operate in fully robotic mode, with no human interaction necessary for regular operation. Thus, the hardware must be kept as simple as possible to avoid unnecessary failures, and the environmental conditions must be monitored accurately to protect the telescope in case of bad weather. All computers are standard PCs running Linux, and communication with specialized hardware is done via a RS232/RS485 bus system. The high level (java based) control software consists of independent modules to ease bug-tracking and to allow the system to be extended without changing existing modules. Any command cycle consists of three messages, the actual command sent from the central node to the operating device, an immediate acknowledge, and a final done message, both sent back from the receiving device to the central node. This reply-splitting allows a direct distinction between communication problems (no acknowledge message) and hardware problems (no or a delayed done message). To avoid bug-prone packing of all the sensor-analyzing software into a single package, each sensor-reading and interaction with other sensors is done within a self-contained thread. Weather-decision making is therefore totally decoupled from the core control software to avoid dead-locks in the core module.

  18. Rupture hardware minimization in pressurized water reactor piping

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mukherjee, S.K.; Ski, J.J.; Chexal, V.; Norris, D.M.; Goldstein, N.A.; Beaudoin, B.F.; Quinones, D.F.; Server, W.L.


    For much of the high-energy piping in light reactor systems, fracture mechanics calculations can be used to assure pipe failure resistance, thus allowing the elimination of excessive rupture restraint hardware both inside and outside containment. These calculations use the concept of leak-before-break (LBB) and include part-through-wall flaw fatigue crack propagation, through-wall flaw detectable leakage, and through-wall flaw stability analyses. Performing these analyses not only reduces initial construction, future maintenance, and radiation exposure costs, but also improves the overall safety and integrity of the plant since much more is known about the piping and its capabilities than would be the case had the analyses not been performed. This paper presents the LBB methodology applied a Beaver Valley Power Station- Unit 2 (BVPS-2); the application for two specific lines, one inside containment (stainless steel) and the other outside containment (ferrutic steel), is shown in a generic sense using a simple parametric matrix. The overall results for BVPS-2 indicate that pipe rupture hardware is not necessary for stainless steel lines inside containment greater than or equal to 6-in. (152-mm) nominal pipe size that have passed a screening criteria designed to eliminate potential problem systems (such as the feedwater system). Similarly, some ferritic steel line as small as 3-in. (76-mm) diameter (outside containment) can qualify for pipe rupture hardware elemination

  19. Multi-loop PWR modeling and hardware-in-the-loop testing using ACSL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thomas, V.M.; Heibel, M.D.; Catullo, W.J.


    Westinghouse has developed an Advanced Digital Feedwater Control System (ADFCS) which is aimed at reducing feedwater related reactor trips through improved control performance for pressurized water reactor (PWR) power plants. To support control system setpoint studies and functional design efforts for the ADFCS, an ACSL based model of the nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) of a Westinghouse (PWR) was generated. Use of this plant model has been extended from system design to system testing through integration of the model into a Hardware-in-Loop test environment for the ADFCS. This integration includes appropriate interfacing between a Gould SEL 32/87 computer, upon which the plant model executes in real time, and the Westinghouse Distributed Processing family (WDPF) test hardware. A development program has been undertaken to expand the existing ACSL model to include capability to explicitly model multiple plant loops, steam generators, and corresponding feedwater systems. Furthermore, the program expands the ADFCS Hardware-in-Loop testing to include the multi-loop plant model. This paper provides an overview of the testing approach utilized for the ADFCS with focus on the role of Hardware-in-Loop testing. Background on the plant model, methodology and test environment is also provided. Finally, an overview is presented of the program to expand the model and associated Hardware-in-Loop test environment to handle multiple loops

  20. Hardware architecture for projective model calculation and false match refining using random sample consensus algorithm (United States)

    Azimi, Ehsan; Behrad, Alireza; Ghaznavi-Ghoushchi, Mohammad Bagher; Shanbehzadeh, Jamshid


    The projective model is an important mapping function for the calculation of global transformation between two images. However, its hardware implementation is challenging because of a large number of coefficients with different required precisions for fixed point representation. A VLSI hardware architecture is proposed for the calculation of a global projective model between input and reference images and refining false matches using random sample consensus (RANSAC) algorithm. To make the hardware implementation feasible, it is proved that the calculation of the projective model can be divided into four submodels comprising two translations, an affine model and a simpler projective mapping. This approach makes the hardware implementation feasible and considerably reduces the required number of bits for fixed point representation of model coefficients and intermediate variables. The proposed hardware architecture for the calculation of a global projective model using the RANSAC algorithm was implemented using Verilog hardware description language and the functionality of the design was validated through several experiments. The proposed architecture was synthesized by using an application-specific integrated circuit digital design flow utilizing 180-nm CMOS technology as well as a Virtex-6 field programmable gate array. Experimental results confirm the efficiency of the proposed hardware architecture in comparison with software implementation.

  1. A Cost-Effective Approach to Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Mikkel Melters; Hansen, M. R.; Ballebye, M.


    This paper presents an approach for developing cost effective hardware-in-the- loop (HIL) simulation platforms for the use in controller software test and development. The approach is aimed at the many smaller manufacturers of e.g. mobile hydraulic machinery, which often do not have very advanced...... testing facilities at their disposal. A case study is presented where a HIL simulation platform is developed for the controller of a truck mounted loader crane. The total expenses in hardware and software is less than 10.000$....

  2. Electrical, electronics, and digital hardware essentials for scientists and engineers

    CERN Document Server

    Lipiansky, Ed


    A practical guide for solving real-world circuit board problems Electrical, Electronics, and Digital Hardware Essentials for Scientists and Engineers arms engineers with the tools they need to test, evaluate, and solve circuit board problems. It explores a wide range of circuit analysis topics, supplementing the material with detailed circuit examples and extensive illustrations. The pros and cons of various methods of analysis, fundamental applications of electronic hardware, and issues in logic design are also thoroughly examined. The author draws on more than tw

  3. Carbonate fuel cell endurance: Hardware corrosion and electrolyte management status

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yuh, C.; Johnsen, R.; Farooque, M.; Maru, H.


    Endurance tests of carbonate fuel cell stacks (up to 10,000 hours) have shown that hardware corrosion and electrolyte losses can be reasonably controlled by proper material selection and cell design. Corrosion of stainless steel current collector hardware, nickel clad bipolar plate and aluminized wet seal show rates within acceptable limits. Electrolyte loss rate to current collector surface has been minimized by reducing exposed current collector surface area. Electrolyte evaporation loss appears tolerable. Electrolyte redistribution has been restrained by proper design of manifold seals.

  4. Carbonate fuel cell endurance: Hardware corrosion and electrolyte management status

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yuh, C.; Johnsen, R.; Farooque, M.; Maru, H.


    Endurance tests of carbonate fuel cell stacks (up to 10,000 hours) have shown that hardware corrosion and electrolyte losses can be reasonably controlled by proper material selection and cell design. Corrosion of stainless steel current collector hardware, nickel clad bipolar plate and aluminized wet seal show rates within acceptable limits. Electrolyte loss rate to current collector surface has been minimized by reducing exposed current collector surface area. Electrolyte evaporation loss appears tolerable. Electrolyte redistribution has been restrained by proper design of manifold seals.

  5. Internet-based hardware/software co-design framework for embedded 3D graphics applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wong Weng-Fai


    Full Text Available Abstract Advances in technology are making it possible to run three-dimensional (3D graphics applications on embedded and handheld devices. In this article, we propose a hardware/software co-design environment for 3D graphics application development that includes the 3D graphics software, OpenGL ES application programming interface (API, device driver, and 3D graphics hardware simulators. We developed a 3D graphics system-on-a-chip (SoC accelerator using transaction-level modeling (TLM. This gives software designers early access to the hardware even before it is ready. On the other hand, hardware designers also stand to gain from the more complex test benches made available in the software for verification. A unique aspect of our framework is that it allows hardware and software designers from geographically dispersed areas to cooperate and work on the same framework. Designs can be entered and executed from anywhere in the world without full access to the entire framework, which may include proprietary components. This results in controlled and secure transparency and reproducibility, granting leveled access to users of various roles.

  6. Summary of multi-core hardware and programming model investigations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kelly, Suzanne Marie; Pedretti, Kevin Thomas Tauke; Levenhagen, Michael J.


    This report summarizes our investigations into multi-core processors and programming models for parallel scientific applications. The motivation for this study was to better understand the landscape of multi-core hardware, future trends, and the implications on system software for capability supercomputers. The results of this study are being used as input into the design of a new open-source light-weight kernel operating system being targeted at future capability supercomputers made up of multi-core processors. A goal of this effort is to create an agile system that is able to adapt to and efficiently support whatever multi-core hardware and programming models gain acceptance by the community.

  7. Hardware Realization of Chaos-based Symmetric Video Encryption

    KAUST Repository

    Ibrahim, Mohamad A.


    This thesis reports original work on hardware realization of symmetric video encryption using chaos-based continuous systems as pseudo-random number generators. The thesis also presents some of the serious degradations caused by digitally

  8. Control/interlock/display system for EBT-P using commercially-available hardware and firmware

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schmitt, R.J.


    For the EBT-P project, alternative commercially-available hardware, software and firmware have been employed for control, interlock and data display functions. This paper describes the criteria and rationale used to select that commercial equipment and discusses the important features of the equipment chosen, especially programmable controllers. Additional discussion is centered on interface problems which are encountered upon attempts to integrate equipment from several vendors. Some solutions to these problems are discussed. Details of software and hardware performance during tests are presented. The extent to which the EBT-P hardware and software configuration addresses and resolves various issues is discussed. Several areas have been uncovered in which relatively slight improvements/modifications of commercial programmable controller firmware would significantly improve the capability of this type of hardware in fusion control applications. These improvements are discussed in detail

  9. Análise de implantação de um sistema de aproveitamento de água pluvial em um empreendimento residencial na cidade de Recife-PE

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Micaella Raíssa Falcão de Moura


    Full Text Available Os sistemas de aproveitamento de água pluvial (SAAP para fins não potáveis em edificações representam uma das medidas para reduzir a demanda de água potável e minimizar os problemas relacionados à disponibilidade dos recursos hídricos. O trabalho avaliou a viabilidade técnica e financeira da implantação de um SAAP em um empreendimento residencial- em construção- na Região Metropolitana do Recife por meio de uma simulação, fazendo uso da água da chuva para fins não potáveis na rega de jardins. Para tal, realizou-se um estudo dos índices pluviométricos da região e sua periodicidade, avaliando-se os meses de maior e menor precipitação. O reservatório de armazenamento foi dimensionado por meio do método computacional Netuno e em diferentes cenários de área de captação, de maneira a avaliar a situação ideal para suprir a demanda mensal de água da rega dos jardins. A análise econômica da construção do sistema mostrou que a sua implantação em uma edificação residencial com características similares a utilizada no estudo é tecnicamente e economicamente viável.

  10. Digital Hardware Design Teaching: An Alternative Approach (United States)

    Benkrid, Khaled; Clayton, Thomas


    This article presents the design and implementation of a complete review of undergraduate digital hardware design teaching in the School of Engineering at the University of Edinburgh. Four guiding principles have been used in this exercise: learning-outcome driven teaching, deep learning, affordability, and flexibility. This has identified…

  11. Development of a hardware-in-loop attitude control simulator for a CubeSat satellite (United States)

    Tapsawat, Wittawat; Sangpet, Teerawat; Kuntanapreeda, Suwat


    Attitude control is an important part in satellite on-orbit operation. It greatly affects the performance of satellites. Testing of an attitude determination and control subsystem (ADCS) is very challenging since it might require attitude dynamics and space environment in the orbit. This paper develops a low-cost hardware-in-loop (HIL) simulator for testing an ADCS of a CubeSat satellite. The simulator consists of a numerical simulation part, a hardware part, and a HIL interface hardware unit. The numerical simulation part includes orbital dynamics, attitude dynamics and Earth’s magnetic field. The hardware part is the real ADCS board of the satellite. The simulation part outputs satellite’s angular velocity and geomagnetic field information to the HIL interface hardware. Then, based on this information, the HIL interface hardware generates I2C signals mimicking the signals of the on-board rate-gyros and magnetometers and consequently outputs the signals to the ADCS board. The ADCS board reads the rate-gyro and magnetometer signals, calculates control signals, and drives the attitude actuators which are three magnetic torquers (MTQs). The responses of the MTQs sensed by a separated magnetometer are feedback to the numerical simulation part completing the HIL simulation loop. Experimental studies are conducted to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the simulator.

  12. Evaluating the scalability of HEP software and multi-core hardware

    CERN Document Server

    Jarp, S; Leduc, J; Nowak, A


    As researchers have reached the practical limits of processor performance improvements by frequency scaling, it is clear that the future of computing lies in the effective utilization of parallel and multi-core architectures. Since this significant change in computing is well underway, it is vital for HEP programmers to understand the scalability of their software on modern hardware and the opportunities for potential improvements. This work aims to quantify the benefit of new mainstream architectures to the HEP community through practical benchmarking on recent hardware solutions, including the usage of parallelized HEP applications.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergio González


    Full Text Available Con el fin de estudiar teóricamente fenómenos en donde los núcleos atómicos presentan comportamiento cuántico, hemos desarrollado el paquete computacional APMO (Any-Particle Molecular Orbital. Este implementa el método de orbitales moleculares nucleares y electrónicos (OMNE a un nivel de teoría Hartree-Fock (HF, en el que tanto núcleos como electrones se representan como funciones de onda.Para comprobar la correcta implementación del método, se realizaron  cálculos de estructura electrónica regular y núcleo-electrónica de las moléculas H2 y LiH. Las componentes de energía calculadas siguen las  tendencias y están en el mismo orden de magnitud de cálculos similares reportados en la literatura.A diferencia de otros paquetes que implementan el método OMNE, el nuestro fué diseñado para estudiar sistemas con cualquier número de especies cuánticas. 

  14. Water system hardware and management rehabilitation: Qualitative evidence from Ghana, Kenya, and Zambia. (United States)

    Klug, Tori; Shields, Katherine F; Cronk, Ryan; Kelly, Emma; Behnke, Nikki; Lee, Kristen; Bartram, Jamie


    Sufficient, safe, continuously available drinking water is important for human health and development, yet one in three handpumps in sub-Saharan Africa are non-functional at any given time. Community management, coupled with access to external technical expertise and spare parts, is a widely promoted model for rural water supply management. However, there is limited evidence describing how community management can address common hardware and management failures of rural water systems in sub-Saharan Africa. We identified hardware and management rehabilitation pathways using qualitative data from 267 interviews and 57 focus group discussions in Ghana, Kenya, and Zambia. Study participants were water committee members, community members, and local leaders in 18 communities (six in each study country) with water systems managed by a water committee and supported by World Vision (WV), an international non-governmental organization (NGO). Government, WV or private sector employees engaged in supporting the water systems were also interviewed. Inductive analysis was used to allow for pathways to emerge from the data, based on the perspectives and experiences of study participants. Four hardware rehabilitation pathways were identified, based on the types of support used in rehabilitation. Types of support were differentiated as community or external. External support includes financial and/or technical support from government or WV employees. Community actor understanding of who to contact when a hardware breakdown occurs and easy access to technical experts were consistent reasons for rapid rehabilitation for all hardware rehabilitation pathways. Three management rehabilitation pathways were identified. All require the involvement of community leaders and were best carried out when the action was participatory. The rehabilitation pathways show how available resources can be leveraged to restore hardware breakdowns and management failures for rural water systems in sub

  15. Trainable hardware for dynamical computing using error backpropagation through physical media. (United States)

    Hermans, Michiel; Burm, Michaël; Van Vaerenbergh, Thomas; Dambre, Joni; Bienstman, Peter


    Neural networks are currently implemented on digital Von Neumann machines, which do not fully leverage their intrinsic parallelism. We demonstrate how to use a novel class of reconfigurable dynamical systems for analogue information processing, mitigating this problem. Our generic hardware platform for dynamic, analogue computing consists of a reciprocal linear dynamical system with nonlinear feedback. Thanks to reciprocity, a ubiquitous property of many physical phenomena like the propagation of light and sound, the error backpropagation-a crucial step for tuning such systems towards a specific task-can happen in hardware. This can potentially speed up the optimization process significantly, offering important benefits for the scalability of neuro-inspired hardware. In this paper, we show, using one experimentally validated and one conceptual example, that such systems may provide a straightforward mechanism for constructing highly scalable, fully dynamical analogue computers.

  16. 48 CFR 1812.7000 - Prohibition on guaranteed customer bases for new commercial space hardware or services. (United States)


    ... customer bases for new commercial space hardware or services. 1812.7000 Section 1812.7000 Federal... PLANNING ACQUISITION OF COMMERCIAL ITEMS Commercial Space Hardware or Services 1812.7000 Prohibition on guaranteed customer bases for new commercial space hardware or services. Public Law 102-139, title III...

  17. Growth in spaceflight hardware results in alterations to the transcriptome and proteome (United States)

    Basu, Proma; Kruse, Colin P. S.; Luesse, Darron R.; Wyatt, Sarah E.


    The Biological Research in Canisters (BRIC) hardware has been used to house many biology experiments on both the Space Transport System (STS, commonly known as the space shuttle) and the International Space Station (ISS). However, microscopic examination of Arabidopsis seedlings by Johnson et al. (2015) indicated the hardware itself may affect cell morphology. The experiment herein was designed to assess the effects of the BRIC-Petri Dish Fixation Units (BRIC-PDFU) hardware on the transcriptome and proteome of Arabidopsis seedlings. To our knowledge, this is the first transcriptomic and proteomic comparison of Arabidopsis seedlings grown with and without hardware. Arabidopsis thaliana wild-type Columbia (Col-0) seeds were sterilized and bulk plated on forty-four 60 mm Petri plates, of which 22 were integrated into the BRIC-PDFU hardware and 22 were maintained in closed containers at Ohio University. Seedlings were grown for approximately 3 days, fixed with RNAlater® and stored at -80 °C prior to RNA and protein extraction, with proteins separated into membrane and soluble fractions prior to analysis. The RNAseq analysis identified 1651 differentially expressed genes; MS/MS analysis identified 598 soluble and 589 membrane proteins differentially abundant both at p < .05. Fold enrichment analysis of gene ontology terms related to differentially expressed transcripts and proteins highlighted a variety of stress responses. Some of these genes and proteins have been previously identified in spaceflight experiments, indicating that these genes and proteins may be perturbed by both conditions.

  18. Particle Transport Simulation on Heterogeneous Hardware

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    CPUs and GPGPUs. About the speaker Vladimir Koylazov is CTO and founder of Chaos Software and one of the original developers of the V-Ray raytracing software. Passionate about 3D graphics and programming, Vlado is the driving force behind Chaos Group's software solutions. He participated in the implementation of algorithms for accurate light simulations and support for different hardware platforms, including CPU and GPGPU, as well as distributed calculat...

  19. High exposure rate hardware ALARA plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nellesen, A.L.


    This as low as reasonably achievable review provides a description of the engineering and administrative controls used to manage personnel exposure and to control contamination levels and airborne radioactivity concentrations. HERH waste is hardware found in the N-Fuel Storage Basin, which has a contact dose rate greater than 1 R/hr and used filters. This waste will be collected in the fuel baskets at various locations in the basins

  20. Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation for the Automatic Power Control System of Research Reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fikry, R.M.; Shehata, S.A.; Elaraby, S.M.; Mahmoud, M.I.; Elbardini, M.M.


    Designing and testing digital control system for any nuclear research reactor can be costly and time consuming. In this paper, a rapid, low-cost proto typing and testing procedure for digital controller design is proposed using the concept of Hardware-In- The-Loop (HIL). Some of the control loop components are real hardware components and thc others are simulated. First, the whole system is modeled and tested by Real- Time Simulation (RTS) using conventional simulation techniques such as MATLAB / SIMULINK. Second the Hardware-in-the-Ioop simulation is tested using Real-Time Windows Target in MATLAB and Visual C++. The control parts are included as hardware components which are the reactor control rod and its drivers. Two kinds of controllers are studied, Proportional derivative (PD) and Fuzzy controller, An experimental setup for the hardware used in HIL concept for the control of the nuclear research reactor has been realized. Experimental results are obtained and compared with the simulation results. The experimental results indicate the validation of HIL method in this domain

  1. Hardware accuracy counters for application precision and quality feedback (United States)

    de Paula Rosa Piga, Leonardo; Majumdar, Abhinandan; Paul, Indrani; Huang, Wei; Arora, Manish; Greathouse, Joseph L.


    Methods, devices, and systems for capturing an accuracy of an instruction executing on a processor. An instruction may be executed on the processor, and the accuracy of the instruction may be captured using a hardware counter circuit. The accuracy of the instruction may be captured by analyzing bits of at least one value of the instruction to determine a minimum or maximum precision datatype for representing the field, and determining whether to adjust a value of the hardware counter circuit accordingly. The representation may be output to a debugger or logfile for use by a developer, or may be output to a runtime or virtual machine to automatically adjust instruction precision or gating of portions of the processor datapath.

  2. Fast and Reliable Mouse Picking Using Graphics Hardware

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hanli Zhao


    Full Text Available Mouse picking is the most commonly used intuitive operation to interact with 3D scenes in a variety of 3D graphics applications. High performance for such operation is necessary in order to provide users with fast responses. This paper proposes a fast and reliable mouse picking algorithm using graphics hardware for 3D triangular scenes. Our approach uses a multi-layer rendering algorithm to perform the picking operation in linear time complexity. The objectspace based ray-triangle intersection test is implemented in a highly parallelized geometry shader. After applying the hardware-supported occlusion queries, only a small number of objects (or sub-objects are rendered in subsequent layers, which accelerates the picking efficiency. Experimental results demonstrate the high performance of our novel approach. Due to its simplicity, our algorithm can be easily integrated into existing real-time rendering systems.

  3. Advances in neuromorphic hardware exploiting emerging nanoscale devices

    CERN Document Server


    This book covers all major aspects of cutting-edge research in the field of neuromorphic hardware engineering involving emerging nanoscale devices. Special emphasis is given to leading works in hybrid low-power CMOS-Nanodevice design. The book offers readers a bidirectional (top-down and bottom-up) perspective on designing efficient bio-inspired hardware. At the nanodevice level, it focuses on various flavors of emerging resistive memory (RRAM) technology. At the algorithm level, it addresses optimized implementations of supervised and stochastic learning paradigms such as: spike-time-dependent plasticity (STDP), long-term potentiation (LTP), long-term depression (LTD), extreme learning machines (ELM) and early adoptions of restricted Boltzmann machines (RBM) to name a few. The contributions discuss system-level power/energy/parasitic trade-offs, and complex real-world applications. The book is suited for both advanced researchers and students interested in the field.

  4. Web tools to monitor and debug DAQ hardware

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Desavouret, Eugene; Nogiec, Jerzy M.


    A web-based toolkit to monitor and diagnose data acquisition hardware has been developed. It allows for remote testing, monitoring, and control of VxWorks data acquisition computers and associated instrumentation using the HTTP protocol and a web browser. This solution provides concurrent and platform independent access, supplementary to the standard single-user rlogin mechanism. The toolkit is based on a specialized web server, and allows remote access and execution of select system commands and tasks, execution of test procedures, and provides remote monitoring of computer system resources and connected hardware. Various DAQ components such as multiplexers, digital I/O boards, analog to digital converters, or current sources can be accessed and diagnosed remotely in a uniform and well-organized manner. Additionally, the toolkit application supports user authentication and is able to enforce specified access restrictions

  5. A Hardware Framework for on-Chip FPGA Acceleration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lomuscio, Andrea; Cardarilli, Gian Carlo; Nannarelli, Alberto


    In this work, we present a new framework to dynamically load hardware accelerators on reconfigurable platforms (FPGAs). Provided a library of application-specific processors, we load on-the-fly the specific processor in the FPGA, and we transfer the execution from the CPU to the FPGA-based accele......In this work, we present a new framework to dynamically load hardware accelerators on reconfigurable platforms (FPGAs). Provided a library of application-specific processors, we load on-the-fly the specific processor in the FPGA, and we transfer the execution from the CPU to the FPGA......-based accelerator. Results show that significant speed-up can be obtained by the proposed acceleration framework on system-on-chips where reconfigurable fabric is placed next to the CPUs. The speed-up is due to both the intrinsic acceleration in the application-specific processors, and to the increased parallelism....

  6. Dynamic modelling and hardware-in-the-loop testing of PEMFC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vath, Andreas; Soehn, Matthias; Nicoloso, Norbert; Hartkopf, Thomas [Technische Universitaet Darmstadt/Institut fuer Elektrische Energie wand lung, Landgraf-Georg-Str. 4, D-64283 Darmstadt (Germany); Lemes, Zijad; Maencher, Hubert [MAGNUM Automatisierungstechnik GmbH, Bunsenstr. 22, D-64293 Darmstadt (Germany)


    Modelling and hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing of fuel cell components and entire systems open new ways for the design and advance development of FCs. In this work proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) are dynamically modelled within MATLAB-Simulink at various operation conditions in order to establish a comprehensive description of their dynamic behaviour as well as to explore the modelling facility as a diagnostic tool. Set-up of a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) system enables real time interaction between the selected hardware and the model. The transport of hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, water vapour and liquid water in the gas diffusion and catalyst layers of the stack are incorporated into the model according to their physical and electrochemical characteristics. Other processes investigated include, e.g., the membrane resistance as a function of the water content during fast load changes. Cells are modelled three-dimensionally and dynamically. In case of system simulations a one-dimensional model is preferred to reduce computation time. The model has been verified by experiments with a water-cooled stack. (author)

  7. Wireless Energy Harvesting Two-Way Relay Networks with Hardware Impairments. (United States)

    Peng, Chunling; Li, Fangwei; Liu, Huaping


    This paper considers a wireless energy harvesting two-way relay (TWR) network where the relay has energy-harvesting abilities and the effects of practical hardware impairments are taken into consideration. In particular, power splitting (PS) receiver is adopted at relay to harvests the power it needs for relaying the information between the source nodes from the signals transmitted by the source nodes, and hardware impairments is assumed suffered by each node. We analyze the effect of hardware impairments [-20]on both decode-and-forward (DF) relaying and amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying networks. By utilizing the obtained new expressions of signal-to-noise-plus-distortion ratios, the exact analytical expressions of the achievable sum rate and ergodic capacities for both DF and AF relaying protocols are derived. Additionally, the optimal power splitting (OPS) ratio that maximizes the instantaneous achievable sum rate is formulated and solved for both protocols. The performances of DF and AF protocols are evaluated via numerical results, which also show the effects of various network parameters on the system performance and on the OPS ratio design.

  8. Hardware implementation of on -chip learning using re configurable FPGAS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kelash, H.M.; Sorour, H.S; Mahmoud, I.I.; Zaki, M; Haggag, S.S.


    The multilayer perceptron (MLP) is a neural network model that is being widely applied in the solving of diverse problems. A supervised training is necessary before the use of the neural network.A highly popular learning algorithm called back-propagation is used to train this neural network model. Once trained, the MLP can be used to solve classification problems. An interesting method to increase the performance of the model is by using hardware implementations. The hardware can do the arithmetical operations much faster than software. In this paper, a design and implementation of the sequential mode (stochastic mode) of backpropagation algorithm with on-chip learning using field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) is presented, a pipelined adaptation of the on-line back propagation algorithm (BP) is shown.The hardware implementation of forward stage, backward stage and update weight of backpropagation algorithm is also presented. This implementation is based on a SIMD parallel architecture of the forward propagation the diagnosis of the multi-purpose research reactor of Egypt accidents is used to test the proposed system

  9. Evaluation of accelerated iterative x-ray CT image reconstruction using floating point graphics hardware

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kole, J S; Beekman, F J


    Statistical reconstruction methods offer possibilities to improve image quality as compared with analytical methods, but current reconstruction times prohibit routine application in clinical and micro-CT. In particular, for cone-beam x-ray CT, the use of graphics hardware has been proposed to accelerate the forward and back-projection operations, in order to reduce reconstruction times. In the past, wide application of this texture hardware mapping approach was hampered owing to limited intrinsic accuracy. Recently, however, floating point precision has become available in the latest generation commodity graphics cards. In this paper, we utilize this feature to construct a graphics hardware accelerated version of the ordered subset convex reconstruction algorithm. The aims of this paper are (i) to study the impact of using graphics hardware acceleration for statistical reconstruction on the reconstructed image accuracy and (ii) to measure the speed increase one can obtain by using graphics hardware acceleration. We compare the unaccelerated algorithm with the graphics hardware accelerated version, and for the latter we consider two different interpolation techniques. A simulation study of a micro-CT scanner with a mathematical phantom shows that at almost preserved reconstructed image accuracy, speed-ups of a factor 40 to 222 can be achieved, compared with the unaccelerated algorithm, and depending on the phantom and detector sizes. Reconstruction from physical phantom data reconfirms the usability of the accelerated algorithm for practical cases

  10. High-performance reconfigurable hardware architecture for restricted Boltzmann machines. (United States)

    Ly, Daniel Le; Chow, Paul


    Despite the popularity and success of neural networks in research, the number of resulting commercial or industrial applications has been limited. A primary cause for this lack of adoption is that neural networks are usually implemented as software running on general-purpose processors. Hence, a hardware implementation that can exploit the inherent parallelism in neural networks is desired. This paper investigates how the restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM), which is a popular type of neural network, can be mapped to a high-performance hardware architecture on field-programmable gate array (FPGA) platforms. The proposed modular framework is designed to reduce the time complexity of the computations through heavily customized hardware engines. A method to partition large RBMs into smaller congruent components is also presented, allowing the distribution of one RBM across multiple FPGA resources. The framework is tested on a platform of four Xilinx Virtex II-Pro XC2VP70 FPGAs running at 100 MHz through a variety of different configurations. The maximum performance was obtained by instantiating an RBM of 256 × 256 nodes distributed across four FPGAs, which resulted in a computational speed of 3.13 billion connection-updates-per-second and a speedup of 145-fold over an optimized C program running on a 2.8-GHz Intel processor.

  11. Hardware demonstration of high-speed networks for satellite applications.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Donaldson, Jonathon W.; Lee, David S.


    This report documents the implementation results of a hardware demonstration utilizing the Serial RapidIO{trademark} and SpaceWire protocols that was funded by Sandia National Laboratories (SNL's) Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) office. This demonstration was one of the activities in the Modeling and Design of High-Speed Networks for Satellite Applications LDRD. This effort has demonstrated the transport of application layer packets across both RapidIO and SpaceWire networks to a common downlink destination using small topologies comprised of commercial-off-the-shelf and custom devices. The RapidFET and NEX-SRIO debug and verification tools were instrumental in the successful implementation of the RapidIO hardware demonstration. The SpaceWire hardware demonstration successfully demonstrated the transfer and routing of application data packets between multiple nodes and also was able reprogram remote nodes using configuration bitfiles transmitted over the network, a key feature proposed in node-based architectures (NBAs). Although a much larger network (at least 18 to 27 nodes) would be required to fully verify the design for use in a real-world application, this demonstration has shown that both RapidIO and SpaceWire are capable of routing application packets across a network to a common downlink node, illustrating their potential use in real-world NBAs.

  12. A Framework for Dynamically-Loaded Hardware Library (HLL) in FPGA Acceleration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cardarilli, Gian Carlo; Di Carlo, Leonardo; Nannarelli, Alberto


    Hardware acceleration is often used to address the need for speed and computing power in embedded systems. FPGAs always represented a good solution for HW acceleration and, recently, new SoC platforms extended the flexibility of the FPGAs by combining on a single chip both high-performance CPUs...... and FPGA fabric. The aim of this work is the implementation of hardware accelerators for these new SoCs. The innovative feature of these accelerators is the on-the-fly reconfiguration of the hardware to dynamically adapt the accelerator’s functionalities to the current CPU workload. The realization...... of the accelerators preliminarily requires also the profiling of both the SW (ARM CPU + NEON Units) and HW (FPGA) performance, an evaluation of the partial reconfiguration times and the development of an applicationspecific IP-cores library. This paper focuses on the profiling aspect of both the SW and HW...

  13. Efficient Hardware Implementation For Fingerprint Image Enhancement Using Anisotropic Gaussian Filter. (United States)

    Khan, Tariq Mahmood; Bailey, Donald G; Khan, Mohammad A U; Kong, Yinan


    A real-time image filtering technique is proposed which could result in faster implementation for fingerprint image enhancement. One major hurdle associated with fingerprint filtering techniques is the expensive nature of their hardware implementations. To circumvent this, a modified anisotropic Gaussian filter is efficiently adopted in hardware by decomposing the filter into two orthogonal Gaussians and an oriented line Gaussian. An architecture is developed for dynamically controlling the orientation of the line Gaussian filter. To further improve the performance of the filter, the input image is homogenized by a local image normalization. In the proposed structure, for a middle-range reconfigurable FPGA, both parallel compute-intensive and real-time demands were achieved. We manage to efficiently speed up the image-processing time and improve the resource utilization of the FPGA. Test results show an improved speed for its hardware architecture while maintaining reasonable enhancement benchmarks.

  14. IDEAS and App Development Internship in Hardware and Software Design (United States)

    Alrayes, Rabab D.


    In this report, I will discuss the tasks and projects I have completed while working as an electrical engineering intern during the spring semester of 2016 at NASA Kennedy Space Center. In the field of software development, I completed tasks for the G-O Caching Mobile App and the Asbestos Management Information System (AMIS) Web App. The G-O Caching Mobile App was written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on the Cordova framework, while the AMIS Web App is written in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and C# on the AngularJS framework. My goals and objectives on these two projects were to produce an app with an eye-catching and intuitive User Interface (UI), which will attract more employees to participate; to produce a fully-tested, fully functional app which supports workforce engagement and exploration; to produce a fully-tested, fully functional web app that assists technicians working in asbestos management. I also worked in hardware development on the Integrated Display and Environmental Awareness System (IDEAS) wearable technology project. My tasks on this project were focused in PCB design and camera integration. My goals and objectives for this project were to successfully integrate fully functioning custom hardware extenders on the wearable technology headset to minimize the size of hardware on the smart glasses headset for maximum user comfort; to successfully integrate fully functioning camera onto the headset. By the end of this semester, I was able to successfully develop four extender boards to minimize hardware on the headset, and assisted in integrating a fully-functioning camera into the system.

  15. Round Girls in Square Computers: Feminist Perspectives on the Aesthetics of Computer Hardware. (United States)

    Carr-Chellman, Alison A.; Marra, Rose M.; Roberts, Shari L.


    Considers issues related to computer hardware, aesthetics, and gender. Explores how gender has influenced the design of computer hardware and how these gender-driven aesthetics may have worked to maintain, extend, or alter gender distinctions, roles, and stereotypes; discusses masculine media representations; and presents an alternative model.…

  16. Contamination Examples and Lessons from Low Earth Orbit Experiments and Operational Hardware (United States)

    Pippin, Gary; Finckenor, Miria M.


    Flight experiments flown on the Space Shuttle, the International Space Station, Mir, Skylab, and free flyers such as the Long Duration Exposure Facility, the European Retrievable Carrier, and the EFFU, provide multiple opportunities for the investigation of molecular contamination effects. Retrieved hardware from the Solar Maximum Mission satellite, Mir, and the Hubble Space Telescope has also provided the means gaining insight into contamination processes. Images from the above mentioned hardware show contamination effects due to materials processing, hardware storage, pre-flight cleaning, as well as on-orbit events such as outgassing, mechanical failure of hardware in close proximity, impacts from man-made debris, and changes due to natural environment factors.. Contamination effects include significant changes to thermal and electrical properties of thermal control surfaces, optics, and power systems. Data from several flights has been used to develop a rudimentary estimate of asymptotic values for absorptance changes due to long-term solar exposure (4000-6000 Equivalent Sun Hours) of silicone-based molecular contamination deposits of varying thickness. Recommendations and suggestions for processing changes and constraints based on the on-orbit observed results will be presented.

  17. SEnviro: A Sensorized Platform Proposal Using Open Hardware and Open Standards

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergio Trilles


    Full Text Available The need for constant monitoring of environmental conditions has produced an increase in the development of wireless sensor networks (WSN. The drive towards smart cities has produced the need for smart sensors to be able to monitor what is happening in our cities. This, combined with the decrease in hardware component prices and the increase in the popularity of open hardware, has favored the deployment of sensor networks based on open hardware. The new trends in Internet Protocol (IP communication between sensor nodes allow sensor access via the Internet, turning them into smart objects (Internet of Things and Web of Things. Currently, WSNs provide data in different formats. There is a lack of communication protocol standardization, which turns into interoperability issues when connecting different sensor networks or even when connecting different sensor nodes within the same network. This work presents a sensorized platform proposal that adheres to the principles of the Internet of Things and theWeb of Things. Wireless sensor nodes were built using open hardware solutions, and communications rely on the HTTP/IP Internet protocols. The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC SensorThings API candidate standard was used as a neutral format to avoid interoperability issues. An environmental WSN developed following the proposed architecture was built as a proof of concept. Details on how to build each node and a study regarding energy concerns are presented.

  18. SEnviro: a sensorized platform proposal using open hardware and open standards. (United States)

    Trilles, Sergio; Luján, Alejandro; Belmonte, Óscar; Montoliu, Raúl; Torres-Sospedra, Joaquín; Huerta, Joaquín


    The need for constant monitoring of environmental conditions has produced an increase in the development of wireless sensor networks (WSN). The drive towards smart cities has produced the need for smart sensors to be able to monitor what is happening in our cities. This, combined with the decrease in hardware component prices and the increase in the popularity of open hardware, has favored the deployment of sensor networks based on open hardware. The new trends in Internet Protocol (IP) communication between sensor nodes allow sensor access via the Internet, turning them into smart objects (Internet of Things and Web of Things). Currently, WSNs provide data in different formats. There is a lack of communication protocol standardization, which turns into interoperability issues when connecting different sensor networks or even when connecting different sensor nodes within the same network. This work presents a sensorized platform proposal that adheres to the principles of the Internet of Things and theWeb of Things. Wireless sensor nodes were built using open hardware solutions, and communications rely on the HTTP/IP Internet protocols. The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) SensorThings API candidate standard was used as a neutral format to avoid interoperability issues. An environmental WSN developed following the proposed architecture was built as a proof of concept. Details on how to build each node and a study regarding energy concerns are presented.

  19. Optimization Strategies for Hardware-Based Cofactorization (United States)

    Loebenberger, Daniel; Putzka, Jens

    We use the specific structure of the inputs to the cofactorization step in the general number field sieve (GNFS) in order to optimize the runtime for the cofactorization step on a hardware cluster. An optimal distribution of bitlength-specific ECM modules is proposed and compared to existing ones. With our optimizations we obtain a speedup between 17% and 33% of the cofactorization step of the GNFS when compared to the runtime of an unoptimized cluster.

  20. Hardware Design of a Smart Meter


    Ganiyu A. Ajenikoko; Anthony A. Olaomi


    Smart meters are electronic measurement devices used by utilities to communicate information for billing customers and operating their electric systems. This paper presents the hardware design of a smart meter. Sensing and circuit protection circuits are included in the design of the smart meter in which resistors are naturally a fundamental part of the electronic design. Smart meters provides a route for energy savings, real-time pricing, automated data collection and elimina...

  1. An interactive audio-visual installation using ubiquitous hardware and web-based software deployment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tiago Fernandes Tavares


    Full Text Available This paper describes an interactive audio-visual musical installation, namely MOTUS, that aims at being deployed using low-cost hardware and software. This was achieved by writing the software as a web application and using only hardware pieces that are built-in most modern personal computers. This scenario implies in specific technical restrictions, which leads to solutions combining both technical and artistic aspects of the installation. The resulting system is versatile and can be freely used from any computer with Internet access. Spontaneous feedback from the audience has shown that the provided experience is interesting and engaging, regardless of the use of minimal hardware.

  2. Ultrasound gel minimizes third body debris with partial hardware removal in joint arthroplasty

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aidan C. McGrory


    Full Text Available Hundreds of thousands of revision surgeries for hip, knee, and shoulder joint arthroplasties are now performed worldwide annually. Partial removal of hardware during some types of revision surgeries may create significant amounts of third body metal, polymer, or bone cement debris. Retained debris may lead to a variety of negative health effects including damage to the joint replacement. We describe a novel technique for the better containment and easier removal of third body debris during partial hardware removal. We demonstrate hardware removal on a hip joint model in the presence and absence of water-soluble gel to depict the reduction in metal debris volume and area of spread.

  3. Fracture of fusion mass after hardware removal in patients with high sagittal imbalance. (United States)

    Sedney, Cara L; Daffner, Scott D; Stefanko, Jared J; Abdelfattah, Hesham; Emery, Sanford E; France, John C


    As spinal fusions become more common and more complex, so do the sequelae of these procedures, some of which remain poorly understood. The authors report on a series of patients who underwent removal of hardware after CT-proven solid fusion, confirmed by intraoperative findings. These patients later developed a spontaneous fracture of the fusion mass that was not associated with trauma. A series of such patients has not previously been described in the literature. An unfunded, retrospective review of the surgical logs of 3 fellowship-trained spine surgeons yielded 7 patients who suffered a fracture of a fusion mass after hardware removal. Adult patients from the West Virginia University Department of Orthopaedics who underwent hardware removal in the setting of adjacent-segment disease (ASD), and subsequently experienced fracture of the fusion mass through the uninstrumented segment, were studied. The medical records and radiological studies of these patients were examined for patient demographics and comorbidities, initial indication for surgery, total number of surgeries, timeline of fracture occurrence, risk factors for fracture, as well as sagittal imbalance. All 7 patients underwent hardware removal in conjunction with an extension of fusion for ASD. All had CT-proven solid fusion of their previously fused segments, which was confirmed intraoperatively. All patients had previously undergone multiple operations for a variety of indications, 4 patients were smokers, and 3 patients had osteoporosis. Spontaneous fracture of the fusion mass occurred in all patients and was not due to trauma. These fractures occurred 4 months to 4 years after hardware removal. All patients had significant sagittal imbalance of 13-15 cm. The fracture level was L-5 in 6 of the 7 patients, which was the first uninstrumented level caudal to the newly placed hardware in all 6 of these patients. Six patients underwent surgery due to this fracture. The authors present a case series of 7

  4. Smart Home Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pratt, Annabelle


    This presentation provides a high-level overview of NREL's smart home hardware-in-the-loop testing. It was presented at the Fourth International Workshop on Grid Simulator Testing of Energy Systems and Wind Turbine Powertrains, held April 25-26, 2017, hosted by NREL and Clemson University at the Energy Systems Integration Facility in Golden, Colorado.

  5. Solar cooling in the hardware-in-the-loop test; Solare Kuehlung im Hardware-in-the-Loop-Test

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lohmann, Sandra; Radosavljevic, Rada; Goebel, Johannes; Gottschald, Jonas; Adam, Mario [Fachhochschule Duesseldorf (Germany). Erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz E2


    The first part of the BMBF-funded research project 'Solar cooling in the hardware-in-the-loop test' (SoCool HIL) deals with the simulation of a solar refrigeration system using the simulation environment Matlab / Simulink with the toolboxes Stateflow and Carnot. Dynamic annual simulations and DoE supported parameter variations were used to select meaningful system configurations, control strategies and dimensioning of components. The second part of this project deals with hardware-in-the-loop tests using the 17.5 kW absorption chiller of the company Yazaki Europe Limited (Hertfordshire, United Kingdom). For this, the chiller is operated on a test bench in order to emulate the behavior of other system components (solar circuit with heat storage, recooling, buildings and cooling distribution / transfer). The chiller is controlled by a simulation of the system using MATLAB / Simulink / Carnot. Based on the knowledge on the real dynamic performance of the chiller the simulation model of the chiller can then be validated. Further tests are used to optimize the control of the chiller to the current cooling load. In addition, some changes in system configurations (for example cold backup) are tested with the real machine. The results of these tests and the findings on the dynamic performance of the chiller are presented.

  6. Interfacing Hardware Accelerators to a Time-Division Multiplexing Network-on-Chip

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pezzarossa, Luca; Sørensen, Rasmus Bo; Schoeberl, Martin


    This paper addresses the integration of stateless hardware accelerators into time-predictable multi-core platforms based on time-division multiplexing networks-on-chip. Stateless hardware accelerators, like floating-point units, are typically attached as co-processors to individual processors in ...... implementation. The design evaluation is carried out using the open source T-CREST multi-core platform implemented on an Altera Cyclone IV FPGA. The size of the proposed design, including a floating-point accelerator, is about two-thirds of a processor....

  7. Hardware Descriptive Languages: An Efficient Approach to Device ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Contemporarily, owing to astronomical advancements in the very large scale integration (VLSI) market segments, hardware engineers are now focusing on how to develop their new digital system designs in programmable languages like very high speed integrated circuit hardwaredescription language (VHDL) and Verilog ...

  8. Another way of doing RSA cryptography in hardware

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Batina, L.; Bruin - Muurling, G.; Honary, B.


    In this paper we describe an efficient and secure hardware implementation of the RSA cryptosystem. Modular exponentiation is based on Montgomery’s method without any modular reduction achieving the optimal bound. The presented systolic array architecture is scalable in severalparameters which makes

  9. Hardware-Oblivious Parallelism for In-Memory Column-Stores

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M. Heimel; M. Saecker; H. Pirk (Holger); S. Manegold (Stefan); V. Markl


    htmlabstractThe multi-core architectures of today’s computer systems make parallelism a necessity for performance critical applications. Writing such applications in a generic, hardware-oblivious manner is a challenging problem: Current database systems thus rely on labor-intensive and error-prone

  10. Generalized Distance Transforms and Skeletons in Graphics Hardware

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Strzodka, R.; Telea, A.


    We present a framework for computing generalized distance transforms and skeletons of two-dimensional objects using graphics hardware. Our method is based on the concept of footprint splatting. Combining different splats produces weighted distance transforms for different metrics, as well as the

  11. 34 CFR 464.42 - What limit applies to purchasing computer hardware and software? (United States)


    ... software? 464.42 Section 464.42 Education Regulations of the Offices of the Department of Education... computer hardware and software? Not more than ten percent of funds received under any grant under this part may be used to purchase computer hardware or software. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1208aa(f)) ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Péricles Luiz Picanço Jr

    Full Text Available Um sistema de mapeamento voluntário (VGI - Volunteer Geographic Information, é uma aplicação computacional na qual um indivíduo voluntariamente visualiza, organiza, e dissemina livremente dados e informações geográficas que podem ser usadas gratuitamente por qualquer usuário (Tulloch, 2008. O objetivo principal de um sistema VGI é permitir que um voluntário colete dados geográficos; para isso é essencial considerar, durante o processo de desenvolvimento da aplicação, a interação do usuário com os elementos da interface. Sistemas VGI como o OpenStreetMap têm diferentes processos de interação com o usuário, os quais implicam em diferentes tipos de interfaces, funcionalidades e formulários. A execução de uma tarefa, assim como o seu resultado, pode diferir dependendo do sistema utilizado. Diferentes processos de interação acarretam em diferentes experiências do usuário, e consequentemente afetam a qualidade e a confiabilidade da informação espacial coletada. O processo de interação pode também influenciar a retenção de usuários no sistema, bem como a adesão de novos voluntários. O objetivo desta pesquisa é obter um panorama de aspectos da usabilidade de sistemas VGI, especificamente na tarefa de inserção de feições geográficas, desde o acesso ao sistema até o sucesso ou falha na execução da tarefa. Para execução desta pesquisa foram realizados testes com usuários com diferentes tipos de familiaridade com os sistemas Wikimapia, OpenStreetMap, e Wikiloc, com o objetivo final de inserir uma ou mais feições geográficas nesses aplicativos

  13. {sup 18}F-FDG PET/CT evaluation of children and young adults with suspected spinal fusion hardware infection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bagrosky, Brian M. [University of Colorado School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Radiology, Children' s Hospital Colorado, 12123 E. 16th Ave., Box 125, Aurora, CO (United States); University of Colorado School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Division of Nuclear Medicine, Aurora, CO (United States); Hayes, Kari L.; Fenton, Laura Z. [University of Colorado School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Radiology, Children' s Hospital Colorado, 12123 E. 16th Ave., Box 125, Aurora, CO (United States); Koo, Phillip J. [University of Colorado School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Division of Nuclear Medicine, Aurora, CO (United States)


    Evaluation of the child with spinal fusion hardware and concern for infection is challenging because of hardware artifact with standard imaging (CT and MRI) and difficult physical examination. Studies using {sup 18}F-FDG PET/CT combine the benefit of functional imaging with anatomical localization. To discuss a case series of children and young adults with spinal fusion hardware and clinical concern for hardware infection. These people underwent FDG PET/CT imaging to determine the site of infection. We performed a retrospective review of whole-body FDG PET/CT scans at a tertiary children's hospital from December 2009 to January 2012 in children and young adults with spinal hardware and suspected hardware infection. The PET/CT scan findings were correlated with pertinent clinical information including laboratory values of inflammatory markers, postoperative notes and pathology results to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of FDG PET/CT. An exempt status for this retrospective review was approved by the Institution Review Board. Twenty-five FDG PET/CT scans were performed in 20 patients. Spinal fusion hardware infection was confirmed surgically and pathologically in six patients. The most common FDG PET/CT finding in patients with hardware infection was increased FDG uptake in the soft tissue and bone immediately adjacent to the posterior spinal fusion rods at multiple contiguous vertebral levels. Noninfectious hardware complications were diagnosed in ten patients and proved surgically in four. Alternative sources of infection were diagnosed by FDG PET/CT in seven patients (five with pneumonia, one with pyonephrosis and one with superficial wound infections). FDG PET/CT is helpful in evaluation of children and young adults with concern for spinal hardware infection. Noninfectious hardware complications and alternative sources of infection, including pneumonia and pyonephrosis, can be diagnosed. FDG PET/CT should be the first-line cross-sectional imaging study in

  14. Infected hardware after surgical stabilization of rib fractures: Outcomes and management experience. (United States)

    Thiels, Cornelius A; Aho, Johnathon M; Naik, Nimesh D; Zielinski, Martin D; Schiller, Henry J; Morris, David S; Kim, Brian D


    Surgical stabilization of rib fracture (SSRF) is increasingly used for treatment of rib fractures. There are few data on the incidence, risk factors, outcomes, and optimal management strategy for hardware infection in these patients. We aimed to develop and propose a management algorithm to help others treat this potentially morbid complication. We retrospectively searched a prospectively collected rib fracture database for the records of all patients who underwent SSRF from August 2009 through March 2014 at our institution. We then analyzed for the subsequent development of hardware infection among these patients. Standard descriptive analyses were performed. Among 122 patients who underwent SSRF, most (73%) were men; the mean (SD) age was 59.5 (16.4) years, and median (interquartile range [IQR]) Injury Severity Score was 17 (13-22). The median number of rib fractures was 7 (5-9) and 48% of the patients had flail chest. Mortality at 30 days was 0.8%. Five patients (4.1%) had a hardware infection on mean (SD) postoperative day 12.0 (6.6). Median Injury Severity Score (17 [range, 13-42]) and hospital length of stay (9 days [6-37 days]) in these patients were similar to the values for those without infection (17 days [range, 13-22 days] and 9 days [6-12 days], respectively). Patients with infection underwent a median (IQR) of 2 (range, 2-3) additional operations, which included wound debridement (n = 5), negative-pressure wound therapy (n = 3), and antibiotic beads (n = 4). Hardware was removed in 3 patients at 140, 190, and 192 days after index operation. Cultures grew only gram-positive organisms. No patients required reintervention after hardware removal, and all achieved bony union and were taking no narcotics or antibiotics at the latest follow-up. Although uncommon, hardware infection after SSRF carries considerable morbidity. With the use of an aggressive multimodal management strategy, however, bony union and favorable long-term outcomes can be achieved

  15. Computer organization and design the hardware/software interface

    CERN Document Server

    Patterson, David A


    The 5th edition of Computer Organization and Design moves forward into the post-PC era with new examples, exercises, and material highlighting the emergence of mobile computing and the cloud. This generational change is emphasized and explored with updated content featuring tablet computers, cloud infrastructure, and the ARM (mobile computing devices) and x86 (cloud computing) architectures. Because an understanding of modern hardware is essential to achieving good performance and energy efficiency, this edition adds a new concrete example, "Going Faster," used throughout the text to demonstrate extremely effective optimization techniques. Also new to this edition is discussion of the "Eight Great Ideas" of computer architecture. As with previous editions, a MIPS processor is the core used to present the fundamentals of hardware technologies, assembly language, computer arithmetic, pipelining, memory hierarchies and I/O. Optimization techniques featured throughout the text. It covers parallelism in depth with...

  16. Co-verification of hardware and software for ARM SoC design

    CERN Document Server

    Andrews, Jason


    Hardware/software co-verification is how to make sure that embedded system software works correctly with the hardware, and that the hardware has been properly designed to run the software successfully -before large sums are spent on prototypes or manufacturing. This is the first book to apply this verification technique to the rapidly growing field of embedded systems-on-a-chip(SoC). As traditional embedded system design evolves into single-chip design, embedded engineers must be armed with the necessary information to make educated decisions about which tools and methodology to deploy. SoC verification requires a mix of expertise from the disciplines of microprocessor and computer architecture, logic design and simulation, and C and Assembly language embedded software. Until now, the relevant information on how it all fits together has not been available. Andrews, a recognized expert, provides in-depth information about how co-verification really works, how to be successful using it, and pitfalls to avoid. H...

  17. Digital Hardware Realization of Forward and Inverse Kinematics for a Five-Axis Articulated Robot Arm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bui Thi Hai Linh


    Full Text Available When robot arm performs a motion control, it needs to calculate a complicated algorithm of forward and inverse kinematics which consumes much CPU time and certainty slows down the motion speed of robot arm. Therefore, to solve this issue, the development of a hardware realization of forward and inverse kinematics for an articulated robot arm is investigated. In this paper, the formulation of the forward and inverse kinematics for a five-axis articulated robot arm is derived firstly. Then, the computations algorithm and its hardware implementation are described. Further, very high speed integrated circuits hardware description language (VHDL is applied to describe the overall hardware behavior of forward and inverse kinematics. Additionally, finite state machine (FSM is applied for reducing the hardware resource usage. Finally, for verifying the correctness of forward and inverse kinematics for the five-axis articulated robot arm, a cosimulation work is constructed by ModelSim and Simulink. The hardware of the forward and inverse kinematics is run by ModelSim and a test bench which generates stimulus to ModelSim and displays the output response is taken in Simulink. Under this design, the forward and inverse kinematics algorithms can be completed within one microsecond.

  18. Using Innovative Techniques for Manufacturing Rocket Engine Hardware (United States)

    Betts, Erin M.; Reynolds, David C.; Eddleman, David E.; Hardin, Andy


    Many of the manufacturing techniques that are currently used for rocket engine component production are traditional methods that have been proven through years of experience and historical precedence. As we enter into a new space age where new launch vehicles are being designed and propulsion systems are being improved upon, it is sometimes necessary to adopt new and innovative techniques for manufacturing hardware. With a heavy emphasis on cost reduction and improvements in manufacturing time, manufacturing techniques such as Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) are being adopted and evaluated for their use on J-2X, with hopes of employing this technology on a wide variety of future projects. DMLS has the potential to significantly reduce the processing time and cost of engine hardware, while achieving desirable material properties by using a layered powder metal manufacturing process in order to produce complex part geometries. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) has recently hot-fire tested a J-2X gas generator discharge duct that was manufactured using DMLS. The duct was inspected and proof tested prior to the hot-fire test. Using the Workhorse Gas Generator (WHGG) test setup at MSFC?s East Test Area test stand 116, the duct was subject to extreme J-2X gas generator environments and endured a total of 538 seconds of hot-fire time. The duct survived the testing and was inspected after the test. DMLS manufacturing has proven to be a viable option for manufacturing rocket engine hardware, and further development and use of this manufacturing method is recommended.

  19. Feasibility study of a XML-based software environment to manage data acquisition hardware devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arcidiacono, R.; Brigljevic, V.; Bruno, G.; Cano, E.; Cittolin, S.; Erhan, S.; Gigi, D.; Glege, F.; Gomez-Reino, R.; Gulmini, M.; Gutleber, J.; Jacobs, C.; Kreuzer, P.; Lo Presti, G.; Magrans, I.; Marinelli, N.; Maron, G.; Meijers, F.; Meschi, E.; Murray, S.; Nafria, M.; Oh, A.; Orsini, L.; Pieri, M.; Pollet, L.; Racz, A.; Rosinsky, P.; Schwick, C.; Sphicas, P.; Varela, J.


    A Software environment to describe configuration, control and test systems for data acquisition hardware devices is presented. The design follows a model that enforces a comprehensive use of an extensible markup language (XML) syntax to describe both the code and associated data. A feasibility study of this software, carried out for the CMS experiment at CERN, is also presented. This is based on a number of standalone applications for different hardware modules, and the design of a hardware management system to remotely access to these heterogeneous subsystems through a uniform web service interface

  20. Feasibility study of a XML-based software environment to manage data acquisition hardware devices

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arcidiacono, R. [Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA (United States); Brigljevic, V. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb (Croatia); Bruno, G. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Cano, E. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Cittolin, S. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Erhan, S. [University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA (United States); Gigi, D. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Glege, F. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Gomez-Reino, R. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Gulmini, M. [INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Legnaro (Italy); CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Gutleber, J. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Jacobs, C. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Kreuzer, P. [University of Athens, Athens (Greece); Lo Presti, G. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Magrans, I. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland) and Electronic Engineering Department, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)]. E-mail:; Marinelli, N. [Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications, Athens (Greece); Maron, G. [INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Legnaro (Italy); Meijers, F. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Meschi, E. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Murray, S. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Nafria, M. [Electronic Engineering Department, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain); Oh, A. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Orsini, L. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Pieri, M. [University of California, San Diago, San Diago, CA (United States); Pollet, L. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Racz, A. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Rosinsky, P. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Schwick, C. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Sphicas, P. [University of Athens, Athens (Greece); CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Varela, J. [LIP, Lisbon (Portugal); CERN, Geneva (Switzerland)


    A Software environment to describe configuration, control and test systems for data acquisition hardware devices is presented. The design follows a model that enforces a comprehensive use of an extensible markup language (XML) syntax to describe both the code and associated data. A feasibility study of this software, carried out for the CMS experiment at CERN, is also presented. This is based on a number of standalone applications for different hardware modules, and the design of a hardware management system to remotely access to these heterogeneous subsystems through a uniform web service interface.

  1. Combining hardware and simulation for datacenter scaling studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ruepp, Sarah Renée; Pilimon, Artur; Thrane, Jakob


    and simulation to illustrate the scalability and performance of datacenter networks. We simulate a Datacenter network and interconnect it with real world traffic generation hardware. Analysis of the introduced packet conversion and virtual queueing delays shows that the conversion efficiency is at the order...

  2. Diseño hardware de una tarjeta de control y comunicaciones


    Sánchez Salvador, David


    En la actualidad convivimos con infinidad de sistemas electrónicos, desde pequeños weareables como las pulseras inteligentes a grandes equipos como radares, pasando por equipos sin ningún tipo de lógica programada como una radio. Estos dispositivos electrónicos se desarrollan en base a un software generalmente, obviando la diferencia de complejidad según la aplicación, pero todos ellos se crean sobre un hardware. Dicho hardware puede ser una PCB sencilla con algunos componentes o un conjunto ...

  3. Performance Estimation for Hardware/Software codesign using Hierarchical Colored Petri Nets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grode, Jesper Nicolai Riis; Madsen, Jan; Jerraya, Ahmed-Amine


    This paper presents an approach for abstract modeling of the functional behavior of hardware architectures using Hierarchical Colored Petri Nets (HCPNs). Using HCPNs as architectural models has several advantages such as higher estimation accuracy, higher flexibility, and the need for only one...... estimation tool. This makes the approach very useful for designing component models used for performance estimation in Hardware/Software Codesign frameworks such as the LYCOS system. The paper presents the methodology and rules for designing component models using HCPNs. Two examples of architectural models...

  4. Trustworthy reconfigurable systems enhancing the security capabilities of reconfigurable hardware architectures

    CERN Document Server

    Feller, Thomas


    ?Thomas Feller sheds some light on trust anchor architectures fortrustworthy reconfigurable systems. He is presenting novel concepts enhancing the security capabilities of reconfigurable hardware.Almost invisible to the user, many computer systems are embedded into everyday artifacts, such as cars, ATMs, and pacemakers. The significant growth of this market segment within the recent years enforced a rethinking with respect to the security properties and the trustworthiness of these systems. The trustworthiness of a system in general equates to the integrity of its system components. Hardware-b

  5. Hardware Accelerators Targeting a Novel Group Based Packet Classification Algorithm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    O. Ahmed


    Full Text Available Packet classification is a ubiquitous and key building block for many critical network devices. However, it remains as one of the main bottlenecks faced when designing fast network devices. In this paper, we propose a novel Group Based Search packet classification Algorithm (GBSA that is scalable, fast, and efficient. GBSA consumes an average of 0.4 megabytes of memory for a 10 k rule set. The worst-case classification time per packet is 2 microseconds, and the preprocessing speed is 3 M rules/second based on an Xeon processor operating at 3.4 GHz. When compared with other state-of-the-art classification techniques, the results showed that GBSA outperforms the competition with respect to speed, memory usage, and processing time. Moreover, GBSA is amenable to implementation in hardware. Three different hardware implementations are also presented in this paper including an Application Specific Instruction Set Processor (ASIP implementation and two pure Register-Transfer Level (RTL implementations based on Impulse-C and Handel-C flows, respectively. Speedups achieved with these hardware accelerators ranged from 9x to 18x compared with a pure software implementation running on an Xeon processor.

  6. Pipe rupture hardware minimization in pressurized water reactor system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mukherjee, S.K.; Szyslowski, J.J.; Chexal, V.; Norris, D.M.; Goldstein, N.A.; Beaudoin, B.; Quinones, D.; Server, W.


    For much of the high energy piping in light water reactor systems, fracture mechanics calculations can be used to assure pipe failure resistance, thus allowing the elimination of excessive rupture restraint hardware both inside and outside containment. These calculations use the concept of leak-before-break (LBB) and include part-through-wall flaw fatigue crack propagation, through-wall flaw detectable leakage, and through-wall flaw stability analyses. Performing these analyses not only reduces initial construction, future maintenance, and radiation exposure costs, but the overall safety and integrity of the plant are improved since much more is known about the piping and its capabilities than would be the case had the analyses not been performed. This paper presents the LBB methodology applied at Beaver Valley Power Station - Unit 2 (BVPS-2); the application for two specific lines, one inside containment (stainless steel) and the other outside containment (ferritic steel), is shown in a generic sense using a simple parametric matrix. The overall results for BVPS-2 indicate that pipe rupture hardware is not necessary for stainless steel lines inside containment greater than or equal to 6-in (152 mm) nominal pipe size that have passed a screening criteria designed to eliminate potential problem systems (such as the feedwater system). Similarly, some ferritic steel lines as small as 3-in (76 mm) diameter (outside containment) can qualify for pipe rupture hardware elimination

  7. Ultra-low noise miniaturized neural amplifier with hardware averaging. (United States)

    Dweiri, Yazan M; Eggers, Thomas; McCallum, Grant; Durand, Dominique M


    Peripheral nerves carry neural signals that could be used to control hybrid bionic systems. Cuff electrodes provide a robust and stable interface but the recorded signal amplitude is small (concept of hardware averaging to nerve recordings obtained with cuff electrodes. An optimization procedure is developed to minimize noise and power simultaneously. The novel design was based on existing neural amplifiers (Intan Technologies, LLC) and is validated with signals obtained from the FINE in chronic dog experiments. We showed that hardware averaging leads to a reduction in the total recording noise by a factor of 1/√N or less depending on the source resistance. Chronic recording of physiological activity with FINE using the presented design showed significant improvement on the recorded baseline noise with at least two parallel operation transconductance amplifiers leading to a 46.1% reduction at N = 8. The functionality of these recordings was quantified by the SNR improvement and shown to be significant for N = 3 or more. The present design was shown to be capable of generating hardware averaging on noise improvement for neural recording with cuff electrodes, and can accommodate the presence of high source impedances that are associated with the miniaturized contacts and the high channel count in electrode arrays. This technique can be adopted for other applications where miniaturized and implantable multichannel acquisition systems with ultra-low noise and low power are required.

  8. Hardware Evaluation of the Horizontal Exercise Fixture with Weight Stack (United States)

    Newby, Nate; Leach, Mark; Fincke, Renita; Sharp, Carwyn


    HEF with weight stack seems to be a very sturdy and reliable exercise device that should function well in a bed rest training setting. A few improvements should be made to both the hardware and software to improve usage efficiency, but largely, this evaluation has demonstrated HEF's robustness. The hardware offers loading to muscles, bones, and joints, potentially sufficient to mitigate the loss of muscle mass and bone mineral density during long-duration bed rest campaigns. With some minor modifications, the HEF with weight stack equipment provides the best currently available means of performing squat, heel raise, prone row, bench press, and hip flexion/extension exercise in a supine orientation.

  9. Improvement in hippocampal kindling analysis through computational processing data Aprimorando a análise do modelo de kindling hipocampal com o auxílio de processamento computacional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joacir Graciolli Cordeiro


    Full Text Available The kindling phenomenon is classically investigated in epileptology research. The present study aims to provide further information about hippocampal kindling through computational processing data. Adult Wistar rats were implanted with dorsal hippocampal and frontal neocortical electrodes to perform the experiment. The processing data was obtained using the Spike2 and Matlab softwares. An inverse relationship between the number of "wet dog shakes" and the Racine's motor stages development was found. Moreover it was observed a significant increase in the afterdischarge (AD duration and its frequency content. The highest frequencies were, however, only reached at the beginning of behavioral seizures. During the primary AD, fast transients (ripples were registered in both hippocampi superimposed to slower waves. This experiment highlights the usefulness of computational processing applied to animal models of temporal lobe epilepsy and supports a relevant role of the high frequency discharges in temporal epileptogenesis.O fenômeno de kindling é classicamente utilizado no campo da epileptologia experimental. Este trabalho objetiva aprofundar a análise do modelo kindling hipocampal através de processamento computacional. Ratos wistar adultos receberam eletrodos hipocampais dorsais e neocorticais frontais para a realização do experimento. O processamento dos dados encontrados foi realizado pelos softwares Matlab e Spike2. Encontrou-se uma relação inversa entre wet dog shakes e o desenvolvimento dos estágios motores de Racine. A duração e o conteúdo de freqüência das pós-descargas hipocampais aumentaram durante o processo, sendo observadas descargas de alta freqüência (ripples em ambos os hipocampos durante as pós-descargas primárias, superimpostas a ondas lentas. As mais altas freqüências, entretanto, foram apenas atingidas com o início das crises epilépticas. A utilização de sistemas computacionais para a confecção e an

  10. The fast Amsterdam multiprocessor (FAMP) system hardware

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hertzberger, L.O.; Kieft, G.; Kisielewski, B.; Wiggers, L.W.; Engster, C.; Koningsveld, L. van


    The architecture of a multiprocessor system is described that will be used for on-line filter and second stage trigger applications. The system is based on the MC 68000 microprocessor from Motorola. Emphasis is paid to hardware aspects, in particular the modularity, processor communication and interfacing, whereas the system software and the applications will be described in separate articles. (orig.)

  11. Monitoring and Hardware Management for Critical Fusion Plasma Instrumentation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carvalho Paulo F.


    Full Text Available Controlled nuclear fusion aims to obtain energy by particles collision confined inside a nuclear reactor (Tokamak. These ionized particles, heavier isotopes of hydrogen, are the main elements inside of plasma that is kept at high temperatures (millions of Celsius degrees. Due to high temperatures and magnetic confinement, plasma is exposed to several sources of instabilities which require a set of procedures by the control and data acquisition systems throughout fusion experiments processes. Control and data acquisition systems often used in nuclear fusion experiments are based on the Advanced Telecommunication Computer Architecture (AdvancedTCA® standard introduced by the Peripheral Component Interconnect Industrial Manufacturers Group (PICMG®, to meet the demands of telecommunications that require large amount of data (TB transportation at high transfer rates (Gb/s, to ensure high availability including features such as reliability, serviceability and redundancy. For efficient plasma control, systems are required to collect large amounts of data, process it, store for later analysis, make critical decisions in real time and provide status reports either from the experience itself or the electronic instrumentation involved. Moreover, systems should also ensure the correct handling of detected anomalies and identified faults, notify the system operator of occurred events, decisions taken to acknowledge and implemented changes. Therefore, for everything to work in compliance with specifications it is required that the instrumentation includes hardware management and monitoring mechanisms for both hardware and software. These mechanisms should check the system status by reading sensors, manage events, update inventory databases with hardware system components in use and maintenance, store collected information, update firmware and installed software modules, configure and handle alarms to detect possible system failures and prevent emergency

  12. Monitoring and Hardware Management for Critical Fusion Plasma Instrumentation (United States)

    Carvalho, Paulo F.; Santos, Bruno; Correia, Miguel; Combo, Álvaro M.; Rodrigues, AntÓnio P.; Pereira, Rita C.; Fernandes, Ana; Cruz, Nuno; Sousa, Jorge; Carvalho, Bernardo B.; Batista, AntÓnio J. N.; Correia, Carlos M. B. A.; Gonçalves, Bruno


    Controlled nuclear fusion aims to obtain energy by particles collision confined inside a nuclear reactor (Tokamak). These ionized particles, heavier isotopes of hydrogen, are the main elements inside of plasma that is kept at high temperatures (millions of Celsius degrees). Due to high temperatures and magnetic confinement, plasma is exposed to several sources of instabilities which require a set of procedures by the control and data acquisition systems throughout fusion experiments processes. Control and data acquisition systems often used in nuclear fusion experiments are based on the Advanced Telecommunication Computer Architecture (AdvancedTCA®) standard introduced by the Peripheral Component Interconnect Industrial Manufacturers Group (PICMG®), to meet the demands of telecommunications that require large amount of data (TB) transportation at high transfer rates (Gb/s), to ensure high availability including features such as reliability, serviceability and redundancy. For efficient plasma control, systems are required to collect large amounts of data, process it, store for later analysis, make critical decisions in real time and provide status reports either from the experience itself or the electronic instrumentation involved. Moreover, systems should also ensure the correct handling of detected anomalies and identified faults, notify the system operator of occurred events, decisions taken to acknowledge and implemented changes. Therefore, for everything to work in compliance with specifications it is required that the instrumentation includes hardware management and monitoring mechanisms for both hardware and software. These mechanisms should check the system status by reading sensors, manage events, update inventory databases with hardware system components in use and maintenance, store collected information, update firmware and installed software modules, configure and handle alarms to detect possible system failures and prevent emergency scenarios

  13. HiCAT Software Infrastructure: Safe hardware control with object oriented Python (United States)

    Moriarty, Christopher; Brooks, Keira; Soummer, Remi


    High contrast imaging for Complex Aperture Telescopes (HiCAT) is a testbed designed to demonstrate coronagraphy and wavefront control for segmented on-axis space telescopes such as envisioned for LUVOIR. To limit the air movements in the testbed room, software interfaces for several different hardware components were developed to completely automate operations. When developing software interfaces for many different pieces of hardware, unhandled errors are commonplace and can prevent the software from properly closing a hardware resource. Some fragile components (e.g. deformable mirrors) can be permanently damaged because of this. We present an object oriented Python-based infrastructure to safely automate hardware control and optical experiments. Specifically, conducting high-contrast imaging experiments while monitoring humidity and power status along with graceful shutdown processes even for unexpected errors. Python contains a construct called a “context manager” that allows you define code to run when a resource is opened or closed. Context managers ensure that a resource is properly closed, even when unhandled errors occur. Harnessing the context manager design, we also use Python’s multiprocessing library to monitor humidity and power status without interrupting the experiment. Upon detecting a safety problem, the master process sends an event to the child process that triggers the context managers to gracefully close any open resources. This infrastructure allows us to queue up several experiments and safely operate the testbed without a human in the loop.

  14. Test Hardware Design for Flight-Like Operation of Advanced Stirling Convertors (United States)

    Oriti, Salvatore M.


    NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) has been supporting development of the Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG) since 2006. A key element of the ASRG project is providing life, reliability, and performance testing of the Advanced Stirling Convertor (ASC). For this purpose, the Thermal Energy Conversion branch at GRC has been conducting extended operation of a multitude of free-piston Stirling convertors. The goal of this effort is to generate long-term performance data (tens of thousands of hours) simultaneously on multiple units to build a life and reliability database. The test hardware for operation of these convertors was designed to permit in-air investigative testing, such as performance mapping over a range of environmental conditions. With this, there was no requirement to accurately emulate the flight hardware. For the upcoming ASC-E3 units, the decision has been made to assemble the convertors into a flight-like configuration. This means the convertors will be arranged in the dual-opposed configuration in a housing that represents the fit, form, and thermal function of the ASRG. The goal of this effort is to enable system level tests that could not be performed with the traditional test hardware at GRC. This offers the opportunity to perform these system-level tests much earlier in the ASRG flight development, as they would normally not be performed until fabrication of the qualification unit. This paper discusses the requirements, process, and results of this flight-like hardware design activity.

  15. Hardware Algorithms For Tile-Based Real-Time Rendering

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Crisu, D.


    In this dissertation, we present the GRAphics AcceLerator (GRAAL) framework for developing embedded tile-based rasterization hardware for mobile devices, meant to accelerate real-time 3-D graphics (OpenGL compliant) applications. The goal of the framework is a low-cost, low-power, high-performance

  16. Chip-Multiprocessor Hardware Locks for Safety-Critical Java

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Strøm, Torur Biskopstø; Puffitsch, Wolfgang; Schoeberl, Martin


    and may void a task set's schedulability. In this paper we present a hardware locking mechanism to reduce the synchronization overhead. The solution is implemented for the chip-multiprocessor version of the Java Optimized Processor in the context of safety-critical Java. The implementation is compared...

  17. CASIS Fact Sheet: Hardware and Facilities (United States)

    Solomon, Michael R.; Romero, Vergel


    Vencore is a proven information solutions, engineering, and analytics company that helps our customers solve their most complex challenges. For more than 40 years, we have designed, developed and delivered mission-critical solutions as our customers' trusted partner. The Engineering Services Contract, or ESC, provides engineering and design services to the NASA organizations engaged in development of new technologies at the Kennedy Space Center. Vencore is the ESC prime contractor, with teammates that include Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies, Sierra Lobo, Nelson Engineering, EASi, and Craig Technologies. The Vencore team designs and develops systems and equipment to be used for the processing of space launch vehicles, spacecraft, and payloads. We perform flight systems engineering for spaceflight hardware and software; develop technologies that serve NASA's mission requirements and operations needs for the future. Our Flight Payload Support (FPS) team at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) provides engineering, development, and certification services as well as payload integration and management services to NASA and commercial customers. Our main objective is to assist principal investigators (PIs) integrate their science experiments into payload hardware for research aboard the International Space Station (ISS), commercial spacecraft, suborbital vehicles, parabolic flight aircrafts, and ground-based studies. Vencore's FPS team is AS9100 certified and a recognized implementation partner for the Center for Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS

  18. Recycling Flight Hardware Components and Systems to Reduce Next Generation Research Costs (United States)

    Turner, Wlat


    With the recent 'new direction' put forth by President Obama identifying NASA's new focus in research rather than continuing on a path to return to the Moon and Mars, the focus of work at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) may be changing dramatically. Research opportunities within the micro-gravity community potentially stands at the threshold of resurgence when the new direction of the agency takes hold for the next generation of experimenters. This presentation defines a strategy for recycling flight experiment components or part numbers, in order to reduce research project costs, not just in component selection and fabrication, but in expediting qualification of hardware for flight. A key component of the strategy is effective communication of relevant flight hardware information and available flight hardware components to researchers, with the goal of 'short circuiting' the design process for flight experiments

  19. Parallel random number generator for inexpensive configurable hardware cells (United States)

    Ackermann, J.; Tangen, U.; Bödekker, B.; Breyer, J.; Stoll, E.; McCaskill, J. S.


    A new random number generator ( RNG) adapted to parallel processors has been created. This RNG can be implemented with inexpensive hardware cells. The correlation between neighboring cells is suppressed with smart connections. With such connection structures, sequences of pseudo-random numbers are produced. Numerical tests including a self-avoiding random walk test and the simulation of the order parameter and energy of the 2D Ising model give no evidence for correlation in the pseudo-random sequences. Because the new random number generator has suppressed the correlation between neighboring cells which is usually observed in cellular automaton implementations, it is applicable for extended time simulations. It gives an immense speed-up factor if implemented directly in configurable hardware, and has recently been used for long time simulations of spatially resolved molecular evolution.

  20. Hardware-in-the-loop vehicle system including dynamic fuel cell model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lemes, Z.; Lenhart, T.; Braun, M.; Maencher, H. [MAGNUM Automatisierungstechnik GmbH, Darmstadt (Germany)


    In order to reduce costs and accelerate the development of fuel cells and systems the usage of hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing and dynamic modelling opens new possibilities. The dynamic model of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) together with a vehicle model is used to carry out a comprehensive system investigation, which allows designing and optimising the behaviour of the components and the entire fuel cell system. The set-up of a HIL system enables real time interaction between the selected hardware and the model. (orig.)

  1. Hardware Locks with Priority Ceiling Emulation for a Java Chip-Multiprocessor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Strøm, Torur Biskopstø; Schoeberl, Martin


    According to the safety-critical Java specification, priority ceiling emulation is a requirement for implementations, as it has preferable properties, such as avoiding priority inversion and being deadlock free on uni-core systems. In this paper we explore our hardware supported implementation...... of priority ceiling emulation on the multicore Java optimized processor, and compare it to the existing hardware locks on the Java optimized processor. We find that the additional overhead for priority ceiling emulation on a multicore processor is several times higher than simpler, non-premptive locks, mainly...

  2. Accelerating the Non-equispaced Fast Fourier Transform on Commodity Graphics Hardware

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Thomas Sangild; Schaeffter, Tobias; Noe, Karsten Østergaard


    We present a fast parallel algorithm to compute the Non-equispaced fast Fourier transform on commodity graphics hardware (the GPU). We focus particularly on a novel implementation of the convolution step in the transform, which was previously its most time consuming part. We describe the performa......We present a fast parallel algorithm to compute the Non-equispaced fast Fourier transform on commodity graphics hardware (the GPU). We focus particularly on a novel implementation of the convolution step in the transform, which was previously its most time consuming part. We describe...

  3. Environmental Friendly Coatings and Corrosion Prevention For Flight Hardware Project (United States)

    Calle, Luz


    Identify, test and develop qualification criteria for environmentally friendly corrosion protective coatings and corrosion preventative compounds (CPC's) for flight hardware an ground support equipment.

  4. Hardware and Software Integration in Project Development of Automated Controller System Using LABVIEW FPGA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohd Khairulezwan Abd Manan; Mohd Sabri Minhat; Izhar Abu Hussin


    The Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is a semiconductor device that can be programmed after manufacturing. Instead of being restricted to any predetermined hardware function, an FPGA allows user to program product features and functions, adapt to new standards, and reconfigure hardware for specific applications even after the product has been installed in the field, hence the name field-programmable. This project developed a control system using LabVIEW FPGA. LabVIEW FPGA is easier where it is programmed by using drag and drop icon. Then it will be integrated with the hardware input and output. (author)

  5. Lingüística computacional y esteganografía lingüística. Distribuyendo información oculta con recursos mínimos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muñoz Muñoz, Alfonso


    Full Text Available Computational linguistics and linguistic steganography could allow to design useful systems in the protection / privacy of digital communications and digital language watermarking. However, building these systems is not always possible provided a series of conditions are not met. This article investigates whether it is possible to design procedures to hide information in natural language using minimal linguistic and computational resources. An algorithm is proposed and implemented, arguing for the usefulness and security of such proposals.La lingüística computacional puede ser aprovechada junto a la ciencia de la esteganografía lingüística para diseñar sistemas útiles en la protección/privacidad de las comunicaciones digitales y en el marcado digital de textos. No obstante, para poder llevar a cabo tal tarea se requiere de una serie de condiciones que no siempre se dan. En este artículo se investiga si es posible diseñar procedimientos que permitan ocultar información en lenguaje natural utilizando la mínima cantidad de recursos tanto lingüísticos como computacionales. Se propone un algoritmo y se implementa, razonando posteriormente a favor de la utilidad y la seguridad de propuestas de este tipo.

  6. Hiding State in CλaSH Hardware Descriptions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gerards, Marco Egbertus Theodorus; Baaij, C.P.R.; Kuper, Jan; Kooijman, Matthijs

    Synchronous hardware can be modelled as a mapping from input and state to output and a new state, such mappings are referred to as transition functions. It is natural to use a functional language to implement transition functions. The CaSH compiler is capable of translating transition functions to

  7. Towards automated construction of dependable software/hardware systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yakhnis, A.; Yakhnis, V. [Pioneer Technologies & Rockwell Science Center, Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    This report contains viewgraphs on the automated construction of dependable computer architecture systems. The outline of this report is: examples of software/hardware systems; dependable systems; partial delivery of dependability; proposed approach; removing obstacles; advantages of the approach; criteria for success; current progress of the approach; and references.

  8. Beyond Open Source Software: Solving Common Library Problems Using the Open Source Hardware Arduino Platform

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jonathan Younker


    Full Text Available Using open source hardware platforms like the Arduino, libraries have the ability to quickly and inexpensively prototype custom hardware solutions to common library problems. The authors present the Arduino environment, what it is, what it does, and how it was used at the James A. Gibson Library at Brock University to create a production portable barcode-scanning utility for in-house use statistics collection as well as a prototype for a service desk statistics tabulation program’s hardware interface.

  9. Level Zero Trigger Processor for the NA62 experiment (United States)

    Soldi, D.; Chiozzi, S.


    The NA62 experiment is designed to measure the ultra-rare decay K+ arrow π+ ν bar nu branching ratio with a precision of ~ 10% at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS). The trigger system of NA62 consists in three different levels designed to select events of physics interest in a high beam rate environment. The L0 Trigger Processor (L0TP) is the lowest level system of the trigger chain. It is hardware implemented using programmable logic. The architecture of the NA62 L0TP system is a new approach compared to existing systems used in high-energy physics experiments. It is fully digital, based on a standard gigabit Ethernet communication between detectors and the L0TP Board. The L0TP Board is a commercial development board, mounting a programmable logic device (FPGA). The primitives generated by sub-detectors are sent asynchronously using the UDP protocol to the L0TP during the entire beam spill period. The L0TP realigns in time the primitives coming from seven different sources and performs a data selection based on the characteristics of the event such as energy, multiplicity and topology of hits in the sub-detectors. It guarantees a maximum latency of 1 ms. The maximum input rate is about 10 MHz for each sub-detector, while the design maximum output trigger rate is 1 MHz. A description of the trigger algorithm is presented here.

  10. Using Innovative Technologies for Manufacturing Rocket Engine Hardware (United States)

    Betts, E. M.; Eddleman, D. E.; Reynolds, D. C.; Hardin, N. A.


    Many of the manufacturing techniques that are currently used for rocket engine component production are traditional methods that have been proven through years of experience and historical precedence. As the United States enters into the next space age where new launch vehicles are being designed and propulsion systems are being improved upon, it is sometimes necessary to adopt innovative techniques for manufacturing hardware. With a heavy emphasis on cost reduction and improvements in manufacturing time, rapid manufacturing techniques such as Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) are being adopted and evaluated for their use on NASA s Space Launch System (SLS) upper stage engine, J-2X, with hopes of employing this technology on a wide variety of future projects. DMLS has the potential to significantly reduce the processing time and cost of engine hardware, while achieving desirable material properties by using a layered powder metal manufacturing process in order to produce complex part geometries. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) has recently hot-fire tested a J-2X gas generator (GG) discharge duct that was manufactured using DMLS. The duct was inspected and proof tested prior to the hot-fire test. Using a workhorse gas generator (WHGG) test fixture at MSFC's East Test Area, the duct was subjected to extreme J-2X hot gas environments during 7 tests for a total of 537 seconds of hot-fire time. The duct underwent extensive post-test evaluation and showed no signs of degradation. DMLS manufacturing has proven to be a viable option for manufacturing rocket engine hardware, and further development and use of this manufacturing method is recommended.

  11. High-precision optical systems with inexpensive hardware: a unified alignment and structural design approach (United States)

    Winrow, Edward G.; Chavez, Victor H.


    High-precision opto-mechanical structures have historically been plagued by high costs for both hardware and the associated alignment and assembly process. This problem is especially true for space applications where only a few production units are produced. A methodology for optical alignment and optical structure design is presented which shifts the mechanism of maintaining precision from tightly toleranced, machined flight hardware to reusable, modular tooling. Using the proposed methodology, optical alignment error sources are reduced by the direct alignment of optics through their surface retroreflections (pips) as seen through a theodolite. Optical alignment adjustments are actualized through motorized, sub-micron precision actuators in 5 degrees of freedom. Optical structure hardware costs are reduced through the use of simple shapes (tubes, plates) and repeated components. This approach produces significantly cheaper hardware and more efficient assembly without sacrificing alignment precision or optical structure stability. The design, alignment plan and assembly of a 4" aperture, carbon fiber composite, Schmidt-Cassegrain concept telescope is presented.

  12. Detecting System of Nested Hardware Virtual Machine Monitor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Artem Vladimirovich Iuzbashev


    Full Text Available Method of nested hardware virtual machine monitor detection was proposed in this work. The method is based on HVM timing attack. In case of HVM presence in system, the number of different instruction sequences execution time values will increase. We used this property as indicator in our detection.

  13. Projeto e desenvolvimento de um hardware reconfigurável de criptografia para a transmissão segura de dados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Otávio Souza Martins Gomes


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho serão mostradas algumas conclusões prévias e escolhas realizadas para o desenvolvimento de uma interface de criptografia simétrica, utilizando hardware reconfigurável para a transmissão segura de dados. Os dispositivos reconfiguráveis permitem o desenvolvimento deste hardware de maneira segura e com uma grande flexibilidade, além da possibilidade de realizar algumas alterações com um mínimo de custo e tempo adicionais. Até o momento foram desenvolvidos os modelos para a implementação. O próximo passo será iniciar o desenvolvimento do hardware, que utilizará linguagens de descrição de hardware e Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs.Palavras-chave: Segurança. FPGA. PSoC. 3DES. VHDL. Design and development of an cryptography reconfigurable hardware for secure data trasmissionABSTRACTThis paper presents some conclusions and choices about the development of a symmetric cryptography reconfigurable hardware interface to allow a safe data communication. Reconfigurable hardwares allow the development of this kind of device with safety and flexibility, and offer the possibility to change some features with low cost and in a fast way. So far, the hardware models and functionalities were developed. The next step is to start the hardware implementation, which will use hardware description languages and FPGAs.Keywords: Security. FPGA. PSoC. 3DES. VHDL.

  14. Parametri za procena na kvalitetot na polietilenska i na polipropilenska ambalaza i na gumeni zatvoraci nameneti za farmacevtski preparati

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liljana Ugrinova


    Full Text Available Napraven e pregled na parametrite za procena na kvalitetot na polietilenska i na polipropilenska ambalaza i na gumeni zatvoraci nameneti za farmacevtski preparati. Za procena na kvalitetot na ispituvaniot materijal bea izvrseni fizicki, hemiski i bioloski ispituvanja spored postapkite dadeni vo Ph. Eur., DIN i spored DIN ISO standardite. Baranjata za kvalitet na ovoj vid ambalaza propisani spored Ph. Eur., DIN i DIN ISO standardite se razlikuvaat vo odnos na predvidenite parametri za fizicki, za hemiski i za bioloski ispituvanja. Isto taka, propisani se i razlicni granici na dozvoleno otstapuvanje na oddelni parametri.

  15. Quantum-Assisted Learning of Hardware-Embedded Probabilistic Graphical Models (United States)

    Benedetti, Marcello; Realpe-Gómez, John; Biswas, Rupak; Perdomo-Ortiz, Alejandro


    Mainstream machine-learning techniques such as deep learning and probabilistic programming rely heavily on sampling from generally intractable probability distributions. There is increasing interest in the potential advantages of using quantum computing technologies as sampling engines to speed up these tasks or to make them more effective. However, some pressing challenges in state-of-the-art quantum annealers have to be overcome before we can assess their actual performance. The sparse connectivity, resulting from the local interaction between quantum bits in physical hardware implementations, is considered the most severe limitation to the quality of constructing powerful generative unsupervised machine-learning models. Here, we use embedding techniques to add redundancy to data sets, allowing us to increase the modeling capacity of quantum annealers. We illustrate our findings by training hardware-embedded graphical models on a binarized data set of handwritten digits and two synthetic data sets in experiments with up to 940 quantum bits. Our model can be trained in quantum hardware without full knowledge of the effective parameters specifying the corresponding quantum Gibbs-like distribution; therefore, this approach avoids the need to infer the effective temperature at each iteration, speeding up learning; it also mitigates the effect of noise in the control parameters, making it robust to deviations from the reference Gibbs distribution. Our approach demonstrates the feasibility of using quantum annealers for implementing generative models, and it provides a suitable framework for benchmarking these quantum technologies on machine-learning-related tasks.

  16. Quantum-Assisted Learning of Hardware-Embedded Probabilistic Graphical Models

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcello Benedetti


    Full Text Available Mainstream machine-learning techniques such as deep learning and probabilistic programming rely heavily on sampling from generally intractable probability distributions. There is increasing interest in the potential advantages of using quantum computing technologies as sampling engines to speed up these tasks or to make them more effective. However, some pressing challenges in state-of-the-art quantum annealers have to be overcome before we can assess their actual performance. The sparse connectivity, resulting from the local interaction between quantum bits in physical hardware implementations, is considered the most severe limitation to the quality of constructing powerful generative unsupervised machine-learning models. Here, we use embedding techniques to add redundancy to data sets, allowing us to increase the modeling capacity of quantum annealers. We illustrate our findings by training hardware-embedded graphical models on a binarized data set of handwritten digits and two synthetic data sets in experiments with up to 940 quantum bits. Our model can be trained in quantum hardware without full knowledge of the effective parameters specifying the corresponding quantum Gibbs-like distribution; therefore, this approach avoids the need to infer the effective temperature at each iteration, speeding up learning; it also mitigates the effect of noise in the control parameters, making it robust to deviations from the reference Gibbs distribution. Our approach demonstrates the feasibility of using quantum annealers for implementing generative models, and it provides a suitable framework for benchmarking these quantum technologies on machine-learning-related tasks.

  17. Using Innovative Technologies for Manufacturing and Evaluating Rocket Engine Hardware (United States)

    Betts, Erin M.; Hardin, Andy


    Many of the manufacturing and evaluation techniques that are currently used for rocket engine component production are traditional methods that have been proven through years of experience and historical precedence. As we enter into a new space age where new launch vehicles are being designed and propulsion systems are being improved upon, it is sometimes necessary to adopt new and innovative techniques for manufacturing and evaluating hardware. With a heavy emphasis on cost reduction and improvements in manufacturing time, manufacturing techniques such as Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) and white light scanning are being adopted and evaluated for their use on J-2X, with hopes of employing both technologies on a wide variety of future projects. DMLS has the potential to significantly reduce the processing time and cost of engine hardware, while achieving desirable material properties by using a layered powdered metal manufacturing process in order to produce complex part geometries. The white light technique is a non-invasive method that can be used to inspect for geometric feature alignment. Both the DMLS manufacturing method and the white light scanning technique have proven to be viable options for manufacturing and evaluating rocket engine hardware, and further development and use of these techniques is recommended.

  18. Verification of OpenSSL version via hardware performance counters (United States)

    Bruska, James; Blasingame, Zander; Liu, Chen


    Many forms of malware and security breaches exist today. One type of breach downgrades a cryptographic program by employing a man-in-the-middle attack. In this work, we explore the utilization of hardware events in conjunction with machine learning algorithms to detect which version of OpenSSL is being run during the encryption process. This allows for the immediate detection of any unknown downgrade attacks in real time. Our experimental results indicated this detection method is both feasible and practical. When trained with normal TLS and SSL data, our classifier was able to detect which protocol was being used with 99.995% accuracy. After the scope of the hardware event recording was enlarged, the accuracy diminished greatly, but to 53.244%. Upon removal of TLS 1.1 from the data set, the accuracy returned to 99.905%.

  19. Hardware support for CSP on a Java chip multiprocessor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gruian, Flavius; Schoeberl, Martin


    Due to memory bandwidth limitations, chip multiprocessors (CMPs) adopting the convenient shared memory model for their main memory architecture scale poorly. On-chip core-to-core communication is a solution to this problem, that can lead to further performance increase for a number of multithreaded...... applications. Programmatically, the Communicating Sequential Processes (CSPs) paradigm provides a sound computational model for such an architecture with message based communication. In this paper we explore hardware support for CSP in the context of an embedded Java CMP. The hardware support for CSP are on......-chip communication channels, implemented by a ring-based network-on-chip (NoC), to reduce the memory bandwidth pressure on the shared memory.The presented solution is scalable and also specific for our limited resources and real-time predictability requirements. CMP architectures of three to eight processors were...

  20. Design of embedded hardware platform in intelligent γ-spectrometry instrument based on ARM9

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hong Tianqi; Fang Fang


    This paper described the design of embedded hardware platform based on ARM9 S3C2410A, emphases are focused on analyzing the methods of design the circuits of memory, LCD and keyboard ports. It presented a new solution of hardware platform in intelligent portable instrument for γ measurement. (authors)

  1. Mission Management Computer and Sequencing Hardware for RLV-TD HEX-01 Mission (United States)

    Gupta, Sukrat; Raj, Remya; Mathew, Asha Mary; Koshy, Anna Priya; Paramasivam, R.; Mookiah, T.


    Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstrator Hypersonic Experiment (RLV-TD HEX-01) mission posed some unique challenges in the design and development of avionics hardware. This work presents the details of mission critical avionics hardware mainly Mission Management Computer (MMC) and sequencing hardware. The Navigation, Guidance and Control (NGC) chain for RLV-TD is dual redundant with cross-strapped Remote Terminals (RTs) interfaced through MIL-STD-1553B bus. MMC is Bus Controller on the 1553 bus, which does the function of GPS aided navigation, guidance, digital autopilot and sequencing for the RLV-TD launch vehicle in different periodicities (10, 20, 500 ms). Digital autopilot execution in MMC with a periodicity of 10 ms (in ascent phase) is introduced for the first time and successfully demonstrated in the flight. MMC is built around Intel i960 processor and has inbuilt fault tolerance features like ECC for memories. Fault Detection and Isolation schemes are implemented to isolate the failed MMC. The sequencing hardware comprises Stage Processing System (SPS) and Command Execution Module (CEM). SPS is `RT' on the 1553 bus which receives the sequencing and control related commands from MMCs and posts to downstream modules after proper error handling for final execution. SPS is designed as a high reliability system by incorporating various fault tolerance and fault detection features. CEM is a relay based module for sequence command execution.

  2. Hardware prototype with component specification and usage description

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Azam, Tre; Aswat, Soyeb; Klemke, Roland; Sharma, Puneet; Wild, Fridolin


    Following on from D3.1 and the final selection of sensors, in this D3.2 report we present the first version of the experience capturing hardware prototype design and API architecture taking into account the current limitations of the Hololens not being available until early next month in time for

  3. Detection of hardware backdoor through microcontroller read time ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The objective of this work, christened “HABA” (Hardware Backdoor Aware) is to collect data samples of series of read time of microcontroller embedded on military grade equipments and correlate it with previously stored expected behavior read time samples so as to detect abnormality or otherwise. I was motivated by the ...

  4. Fine-grain reconfigurable platform: FPGA hardware design and software toolset development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pappas, I; Kalenteridis, V; Vassiliadis, N; Pournara, H; Siozios, K; Koutroumpezis, G; Tatas, K; Nikolaidis, S; Siskos, S; Soudris, D J; Thanailakis, A


    A complete system for the implementation of digital logic in a fine-grain reconfigurable platform is introduced. The system is composed of two parts. The fine-grain reconfigurable hardware platform (FPGA) on which the logic is implemented and the set of CAD tools for mapping logic to the FPGA platform. A novel energy-efficient FPGA architecture is presented (CLB, interconnect network, configuration hardware) and simulated in STM 0.18 μm CMOS technology. Concerning the tool flow, each tool can operate as a standalone program as well as part of a complete design framework, composed by existing and new tools

  5. Fine-grain reconfigurable platform: FPGA hardware design and software toolset development

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pappas, I [Electronics and Computers Div., Department of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54006 Thessaloniki (Greece); Kalenteridis, V [Electronics and Computers Div., Department of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54006 Thessaloniki (Greece); Vassiliadis, N [Electronics and Computers Div., Department of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54006 Thessaloniki (Greece); Pournara, H [Electronics and Computers Div., Department of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54006 Thessaloniki (Greece); Siozios, K [VLSI Design and Testing Center, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, 67100 Xanthi (Greece); Koutroumpezis, G [VLSI Design and Testing Center, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, 67100 Xanthi (Greece); Tatas, K [VLSI Design and Testing Center, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, 67100 Xanthi (Greece); Nikolaidis, S [Electronics and Computers Div., Department of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54006 Thessaloniki (Greece); Siskos, S [Electronics and Computers Div., Department of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54006 Thessaloniki (Greece); Soudris, D J [VLSI Design and Testing Center, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, 67100 Xanthi (Greece); Thanailakis, A [Electronics and Computers Div., Department of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54006 Thessaloniki (Greece)


    A complete system for the implementation of digital logic in a fine-grain reconfigurable platform is introduced. The system is composed of two parts. The fine-grain reconfigurable hardware platform (FPGA) on which the logic is implemented and the set of CAD tools for mapping logic to the FPGA platform. A novel energy-efficient FPGA architecture is presented (CLB, interconnect network, configuration hardware) and simulated in STM 0.18 {mu}m CMOS technology. Concerning the tool flow, each tool can operate as a standalone program as well as part of a complete design framework, composed by existing and new tools.

  6. Comparison Of Hybrid Sorting Algorithms Implemented On Different Parallel Hardware Platforms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dominik Zurek


    Full Text Available Sorting is a common problem in computer science. There are lot of well-known sorting algorithms created for sequential execution on a single processor. Recently, hardware platforms enable to create wide parallel algorithms. We have standard processors consist of multiple cores and hardware accelerators like GPU. The graphic cards with their parallel architecture give new possibility to speed up many algorithms. In this paper we describe results of implementation of a few different sorting algorithms on GPU cards and multicore processors. Then hybrid algorithm will be presented which consists of parts executed on both platforms, standard CPU and GPU.

  7. Implementation of the Lattice Boltzmann Method on Heterogeneous Hardware and Platforms using OpenCL

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    TEKIC, P. M.


    Full Text Available The Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM has become an alternative method for computational fluid dynamics with a wide range of applications. Besides its numerical stability and accuracy, one of the major advantages of LBM is its relatively easy parallelization and, hence, it is especially well fitted to many-core hardware as graphics processing units (GPU. The majority of work concerning LBM implementation on GPU's has used the CUDA programming model, supported exclusively by NVIDIA. Recently, the open standard for parallel programming of heterogeneous systems (OpenCL has been introduced. OpenCL standard matures and is supported on processors from most vendors. In this paper, we make use of the OpenCL framework for the lattice Boltzmann method simulation, using hardware accelerators - AMD ATI Radeon GPU, AMD Dual-Core CPU and NVIDIA GeForce GPU's. Application has been developed using a combination of Java and OpenCL programming languages. Java bindings for OpenCL have been utilized. This approach offers the benefits of hardware and operating system independence, as well as speeding up of lattice Boltzmann algorithm. It has been showed that the developed lattice Boltzmann source code can be executed without modification on all of the used hardware accelerators. Performance results have been presented and compared for the hardware accelerators that have been utilized.

  8. Low-power hardware implementation of movement decoding for brain computer interface with reduced-resolution discrete cosine transform. (United States)

    Minho Won; Albalawi, Hassan; Xin Li; Thomas, Donald E


    This paper describes a low-power hardware implementation for movement decoding of brain computer interface. Our proposed hardware design is facilitated by two novel ideas: (i) an efficient feature extraction method based on reduced-resolution discrete cosine transform (DCT), and (ii) a new hardware architecture of dual look-up table to perform discrete cosine transform without explicit multiplication. The proposed hardware implementation has been validated for movement decoding of electrocorticography (ECoG) signal by using a Xilinx FPGA Zynq-7000 board. It achieves more than 56× energy reduction over a reference design using band-pass filters for feature extraction.

  9. A Dynamic Reconfigurable Hardware/Software Architecture for Object Tracking in Video Streams

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christophe Bobda


    Full Text Available This paper presents the design and implementation of a feature tracker on an embedded reconfigurable hardware system. Contrary to other works, the focus here is on the efficient hardware/software partitioning of the feature tracker algorithm, a viable data flow management, as well as an efficient use of memory and processor features. The implementation is done on a Xilinx Spartan 3 evaluation board and the results provided show the superiority of our implementation compared to the other works.

  10. A Dynamic Reconfigurable Hardware/Software Architecture for Object Tracking in Video Streams

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mühlbauer Felix


    Full Text Available This paper presents the design and implementation of a feature tracker on an embedded reconfigurable hardware system. Contrary to other works, the focus here is on the efficient hardware/software partitioning of the feature tracker algorithm, a viable data flow management, as well as an efficient use of memory and processor features. The implementation is done on a Xilinx Spartan 3 evaluation board and the results provided show the superiority of our implementation compared to the other works.

  11. A Scalable Approach for Hardware Semiformal Verification


    Grimm, Tomas; Lettnin, Djones; Hübner, Michael


    The current verification flow of complex systems uses different engines synergistically: virtual prototyping, formal verification, simulation, emulation and FPGA prototyping. However, none is able to verify a complete architecture. Furthermore, hybrid approaches aiming at complete verification use techniques that lower the overall complexity by increasing the abstraction level. This work focuses on the verification of complex systems at the RT level to handle the hardware peculiarities. Our r...

  12. A Heterogeneous Multi-core Architecture with a Hardware Kernel for Control Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Gang; Guan, Wei; Sierszecki, Krzysztof


    Rapid industrialisation has resulted in a demand for improved embedded control systems with features such as predictability, high processing performance and low power consumption. Software kernel implementation on a single processor is becoming more difficult to satisfy those constraints. This pa......Rapid industrialisation has resulted in a demand for improved embedded control systems with features such as predictability, high processing performance and low power consumption. Software kernel implementation on a single processor is becoming more difficult to satisfy those constraints......). Second, a heterogeneous multi-core architecture is investigated, focusing on its performance in relation to hard real-time constraints and predictable behavior. Third, the hardware implementation of HARTEX is designated to support the heterogeneous multi-core architecture. This hardware kernel has...... several advantages over a similar kernel implemented in software: higher-speed processing capability, parallel computation, and separation between the kernel itself and the applications being run. A microbenchmark has been used to compare the hardware kernel with the software kernel, and compare...





    Esta dissertação investiga o desempenho de técnicas de inteligência computacional na previsão de carga em curto prazo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi propor e avaliar sistemas de redes neurais, lógica nebulosa, neuro-fuzzy e híbridos para previsão de carga em curto prazo, utilizando como entradas variáveis que influenciam o comportamento da carga, tais como: temperatura, índice de conforto e perfil de consumo. Este trabalho envolve 4 etapas principais: um estudo...

  14. Fast Gridding on Commodity Graphics Hardware

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Thomas Sangild; Schaeffter, Tobias; Noe, Karsten Østergaard


    is the far most time consuming of the three steps (Table 1). Modern graphics cards (GPUs) can be utilised as a fast parallel processor provided that algorithms are reformulated in a parallel solution. The purpose of this work is to test the hypothesis, that a non-cartesian reconstruction can be efficiently...... implemented on graphics hardware giving a significant speedup compared to CPU based alternatives. We present a novel GPU implementation of the convolution step that overcomes the problems of memory bandwidth that has limited the speed of previous GPU gridding algorithms [2]....

  15. List search hardware for interpretive software

    CERN Document Server

    Altaber, Jacques; Mears, B; Rausch, R


    Interpreted languages, e.g. BASIC, are simple to learn, easy to use, quick to modify and in general 'user-friendly'. However, a critically time consuming process during interpretation is that of list searching. A special microprogrammed device for fast list searching has therefore been developed at the SPS Division of CERN. It uses bit- sliced hardware. Fast algorithms perform search, insert and delete of a six-character name and its value in a list of up to 1000 pairs. The prototype shows retrieval times of the order of 10-30 microseconds. (11 refs).

  16. Design of the ATLAS Phase-II hardware-based tracking processor

    CERN Document Server

    Poggi, Riccardo; The ATLAS collaboration


    The expected increase in peak luminosity of the upgraded high-luminosity LHC will force the ATLAS experiment to increase early stage trigger selection power. The agreed strategy is to implement precise hardware track reconstruction, through which sharper trigger turn-on curves can be achieved for primary single-lepton selections, while contributing to b-tagging and tau-tagging techniques as well as multi-jet rejection. The hardware-based tracking for the trigger (HTT) will use a combination of Associative Memory ASICs and FPGAs to provide the software-based trigger system with access to tracking information. In this poster, we present the requirements, architecture and projected performance of the system in terms of tracking capability, and trigger selection, based on detailed simulations.

  17. New Directions for Hardware-assisted Trusted Computing Policies (Position Paper) (United States)

    Bratus, Sergey; Locasto, Michael E.; Ramaswamy, Ashwin; Smith, Sean W.

    The basic technological building blocks of the TCG architecture seem to be stabilizing. As a result, we believe that the focus of the Trusted Computing (TC) discipline must naturally shift from the design and implementation of the hardware root of trust (and the subsequent trust chain) to the higher-level application policies. Such policies must build on these primitives to express new sets of security goals. We highlight the relationship between enforcing these types of policies and debugging, since both activities establish the link between expected and actual application behavior. We argue that this new class of policies better fits developers' mental models of expected application behaviors, and we suggest a hardware design direction for enabling the efficient interpretation of such policies.

  18. ISS Logistics Hardware Disposition and Metrics Validation (United States)

    Rogers, Toneka R.


    I was assigned to the Logistics Division of the International Space Station (ISS)/Spacecraft Processing Directorate. The Division consists of eight NASA engineers and specialists that oversee the logistics portion of the Checkout, Assembly, and Payload Processing Services (CAPPS) contract. Boeing, their sub-contractors and the Boeing Prime contract out of Johnson Space Center, provide the Integrated Logistics Support for the ISS activities at Kennedy Space Center. Essentially they ensure that spares are available to support flight hardware processing and the associated ground support equipment (GSE). Boeing maintains a Depot for electrical, mechanical and structural modifications and/or repair capability as required. My assigned task was to learn project management techniques utilized by NASA and its' contractors to provide an efficient and effective logistics support infrastructure to the ISS program. Within the Space Station Processing Facility (SSPF) I was exposed to Logistics support components, such as, the NASA Spacecraft Services Depot (NSSD) capabilities, Mission Processing tools, techniques and Warehouse support issues, required for integrating Space Station elements at the Kennedy Space Center. I also supported the identification of near-term ISS Hardware and Ground Support Equipment (GSE) candidates for excessing/disposition prior to October 2010; and the validation of several Logistics Metrics used by the contractor to measure logistics support effectiveness.

  19. PACE: A dynamic programming algorithm for hardware/software partitioning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knudsen, Peter Voigt; Madsen, Jan


    This paper presents the PACE partitioning algorithm which is used in the LYCOS co-synthesis system for partitioning control/dataflow graphs into hardware and software parts. The algorithm is a dynamic programming algorithm which solves both the problem of minimizing system execution time...

  20. Digital Controller Development Methodology Based on Real-Time Simulations with LabVIEW FPGA Hardware-Software Toolset

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tommaso Caldognetto


    Full Text Available In this paper, we exemplify the use of NI Lab-VIEW FPGA as a rapid prototyping environment for digital controllers. In our power electronics laboratory, it has been successfully employed in the development, debugging, and test of different power converter controllers for microgrid applications.The paper shows how this high level programming language,together with its target hardware platforms, including CompactRIO and Single Board RIO systems, allows researchers and students to develop even complex applications in reasonable times. The availability of efficient drivers for the considered hardware platforms frees the users from the burden of low level programming. At the same time, the high level programming approach facilitates software re-utilization, allowing the laboratory know-how to steadily grow along time. Furthermore, it allows hardware-in-the-loop real-time simulation, that proved to be effective, and safe, in debugging even complex hardware and software co-designed controllers. To illustrate the effectiveness of these hardware-software toolsets and of the methodology based upon them, two case studies are

  1. The design of a hardware testing system for the D Zero Detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Angstadt, R.; Johnson, M.; Martin, M.; Matulik, M.; Utes, M.


    Testing a system as large as the D Zero data acquisition system is difficult. This paper describes the use of IBM compatible personal computers in a hardware test system that can run on any size system from an engineer's test bench to the entire subsystem in the D Zero Detector. The test system uses a PC to VME bus interface for the local testing and the Token Ring network for more global testing. This system has been implemented for several different hardware systems in D Zero

  2. A Heterogeneous Multi-core Architecture with a Hardware Kernel for Control Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Gang; Guan, Wei; Sierszecki, Krzysztof


    Rapid industrialisation has resulted in a demand for improved embedded control systems with features such as predictability, high processing performance and low power consumption. Software kernel implementation on a single processor is becoming more difficult to satisfy those constraints....... This paper presents a multi-core architecture incorporating a hardware kernel on FPGAs, intended for high performance applications in control engineering domain. First, the hardware kernel is investigated on the basis of a component-based real-time kernel HARTEX (Hard Real-Time Executive for Control Systems...

  3. Integration of Hardware-in-the-loop Facilities Over the Internet (United States)


    This briefing discusses a hardware in loop vehicle simulator in Warren, Michigan that provides the driver with realistic power response from the Power and Energy Systems Integration Lab over the internet.

  4. Un análisis computacional de las líneas prehistóricas: diseños geométricos y lenguaje

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Víctor Manuel LONGA


    Full Text Available El enfoque usual en Paleoantropología y Arqueología ha sido analizar los restos prehistóricos desde la perspectiva de la conducta con la que pudieron asociarse –simbólica, tecnológica, social, etc. En lo que respecta al lenguaje, la presencia de objetos simbólicos en el registro arqueológico se ha tomado como indicador automático de la existencia de lenguaje complejo en la Prehistoria. Este trabajo presenta un enfoque muy diferente: analizar los restos prehistóricos desde la perspectiva de los procesos y las capacidades computacionales mentales requeridas para producir esos objetos. Esta perspectiva deja de lado la ‘semántica’ de las piezas –su posible carácter simbólico o representacional–, para centrarse en el análisis de rasgos puramente formales que revelen una complejidad computacional semejante a la del lenguaje. El artículo analiza desde esa perspectiva (1 los diseños geométricos producidos en el Paleolítico medio e inferior de Eurasia por especies como Homo neanderthalensis y quizás Homo heidelbergensis, y (2 los diseños geométricos producidos durante la Edad de la Piedra Media africana por los Humanos Anatómicamente Modernos. La comparación en términos computacionales entre ambos tipos de diseños permite inferir el tipo de lenguaje asociado a esas especies.

  5. Hardware emulation of Memristor based Ternary Content Addressable Memory

    KAUST Repository

    Bahloul, Mohamed A.


    MTCAM (Memristor Ternary Content Addressable Memory) is a special purpose storage medium in which data could be retrieved based on the stored content. Using Memristors as the main storage element provides the potential of achieving higher density and more efficient solutions than conventional methods. A key missing item in the validation of such approaches is the wide spread availability of hardware emulation platforms that can provide reliable and repeatable performance statistics. In this paper, we present a hardware MTCAM emulation based on 2-Transistors-2Memristors (2T2M) bit-cell. It builds on a bipolar memristor model with storing and fetching capabilities based on the actual current-voltage behaviour. The proposed design offers a flexible verification environment with quick design revisions, high execution speeds and powerful debugging techniques. The proposed design is modeled using VHDL and prototyped on Xilinx Virtex® FPGA.

  6. Hardware emulation of Memristor based Ternary Content Addressable Memory

    KAUST Repository

    Bahloul, Mohamed A.; Naous, Rawan; Masmoudi, M.


    MTCAM (Memristor Ternary Content Addressable Memory) is a special purpose storage medium in which data could be retrieved based on the stored content. Using Memristors as the main storage element provides the potential of achieving higher density and more efficient solutions than conventional methods. A key missing item in the validation of such approaches is the wide spread availability of hardware emulation platforms that can provide reliable and repeatable performance statistics. In this paper, we present a hardware MTCAM emulation based on 2-Transistors-2Memristors (2T2M) bit-cell. It builds on a bipolar memristor model with storing and fetching capabilities based on the actual current-voltage behaviour. The proposed design offers a flexible verification environment with quick design revisions, high execution speeds and powerful debugging techniques. The proposed design is modeled using VHDL and prototyped on Xilinx Virtex® FPGA.

  7. Development of Hardware and Software for Automated Ultrasonic Testing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Sung Nam; Lee, Hee Jong; Yang, Seung Ok


    Nondestructive testing (NDT) for the construction and operating of NPPs plays an important role in confirming the integrity of the NPPs. Especially, Automated ultrasonic testing (AUT) is one of the primary nondestructive examination methods for in-service inspection of the welding parts in major components in NPPs. AUT is a reliable nondestructive testing because the data of AUT are saved and reviewed with other examiners. Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power-Central Research Institute (KHNP-CRI) has developed an automated ultrasonic testing (AUT) system based on a high speed pulser-receiver. In combination with the designed software and hardware architecture, this new system permits user configurations for a wide range of user-specific applications through fully automated inspections using compact portable systems with up to eight channels. This paper gives an overview of hardware (H/W) and software (S/W) for the AUT system to inspect welds in NPPs

  8. Design Tools for Reconfigurable Hardware in Orbit (RHinO) (United States)

    French, Mathew; Graham, Paul; Wirthlin, Michael; Larchev, Gregory; Bellows, Peter; Schott, Brian


    The Reconfigurable Hardware in Orbit (RHinO) project is focused on creating a set of design tools that facilitate and automate design techniques for reconfigurable computing in space, using SRAM-based field-programmable-gate-array (FPGA) technology. These tools leverage an established FPGA design environment and focus primarily on space effects mitigation and power optimization. The project is creating software to automatically test and evaluate the single-event-upsets (SEUs) sensitivities of an FPGA design and insert mitigation techniques. Extensions into the tool suite will also allow evolvable algorithm techniques to reconfigure around single-event-latchup (SEL) events. In the power domain, tools are being created for dynamic power visualiization and optimization. Thus, this technology seeks to enable the use of Reconfigurable Hardware in Orbit, via an integrated design tool-suite aiming to reduce risk, cost, and design time of multimission reconfigurable space processors using SRAM-based FPGAs.

  9. Handbook of hardware/software codesign

    CERN Document Server

    Teich, Jürgen


    This handbook presents fundamental knowledge on the hardware/software (HW/SW) codesign methodology. Contributing expert authors look at key techniques in the design flow as well as selected codesign tools and design environments, building on basic knowledge to consider the latest techniques. The book enables readers to gain real benefits from the HW/SW codesign methodology through explanations and case studies which demonstrate its usefulness. Readers are invited to follow the progress of design techniques through this work, which assists readers in following current research directions and learning about state-of-the-art techniques. Students and researchers will appreciate the wide spectrum of subjects that belong to the design methodology from this handbook. .

  10. Hardware Support for Dynamic Languages

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schleuniger, Pascal; Karlsson, Sven; Probst, Christian W.


    In recent years, dynamic programming languages have enjoyed increasing popularity. For example, JavaScript has become one of the most popular programming languages on the web. As the complexity of web applications is growing, compute-intensive workloads are increasingly handed off to the client...... side. While a lot of effort is put in increasing the performance of web browsers, we aim for multicore systems with dedicated cores to effectively support dynamic languages. We have designed Tinuso, a highly flexible core for experimentation that is optimized for high performance when implemented...... on FPGA. We composed a scalable multicore configuration where we study how hardware support for software speculation can be used to increase the performance of dynamic languages....

  11. Spectral-element Seismic Wave Propagation on CUDA/OpenCL Hardware Accelerators (United States)

    Peter, D. B.; Videau, B.; Pouget, K.; Komatitsch, D.


    Seismic wave propagation codes are essential tools to investigate a variety of wave phenomena in the Earth. Furthermore, they can now be used for seismic full-waveform inversions in regional- and global-scale adjoint tomography. Although these seismic wave propagation solvers are crucial ingredients to improve the resolution of tomographic images to answer important questions about the nature of Earth's internal processes and subsurface structure, their practical application is often limited due to high computational costs. They thus need high-performance computing (HPC) facilities to improving the current state of knowledge. At present, numerous large HPC systems embed many-core architectures such as graphics processing units (GPUs) to enhance numerical performance. Such hardware accelerators can be programmed using either the CUDA programming environment or the OpenCL language standard. CUDA software development targets NVIDIA graphic cards while OpenCL was adopted by additional hardware accelerators, like e.g. AMD graphic cards, ARM-based processors as well as Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. For seismic wave propagation simulations using the open-source spectral-element code package SPECFEM3D_GLOBE, we incorporated an automatic source-to-source code generation tool (BOAST) which allows us to use meta-programming of all computational kernels for forward and adjoint runs. Using our BOAST kernels, we generate optimized source code for both CUDA and OpenCL languages within the source code package. Thus, seismic wave simulations are able now to fully utilize CUDA and OpenCL hardware accelerators. We show benchmarks of forward seismic wave propagation simulations using SPECFEM3D_GLOBE on CUDA/OpenCL GPUs, validating results and comparing performances for different simulations and hardware usages.

  12. Reconfigurable ATCA hardware for plasma control and data acquisition

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carvalho, B.B., E-mail: [Associacao EURATOM/IST Instituto de Plasmas e Fusao Nuclear, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa (Portugal); Batista, A.J.N.; Correia, M.; Neto, A.; Fernandes, H.; Goncalves, B.; Sousa, J. [Associacao EURATOM/IST Instituto de Plasmas e Fusao Nuclear, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa (Portugal)


    The IST/EURATOM Association is developing a new generation of control and data acquisition hardware for fusion experiments based on the ATCA architecture. This emerging open standard offers a significantly higher data throughput over a reliable High Availability (HA) mechanical and electrical platform. One of this ATCA boards has 32 galvanically isolated ADC channels (18 bit) each mounted on a swappable plug-in card, 8 DAC channels (16 bit), 8 digital I/O channels and embeds a high performance XILINX Virtex 4 family field programmable gate array (FPGA). The specific modular and configurable hardware design enables adaptable utilization of the board in dissimilar applications. The first configuration, specially developed for tokamak plasma Vertical Stabilization, consists of a Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) controller that is capable of feedback loops faster than 1 ms using a multitude of input signals fed from different boards communicating through the Aurora{sup TM} point-to-point protocol. Massive parallel algorithms can be implemented on the FPGA either with programmed digital logic, using a HDL hardware description language, or within its internal silicon PowerPC{sup TM} running a full fledged real-time operating system. The second board configuration is dedicated for transient recording of the entire 32 channels at 2 MSamples/s to the on-board 512 MB DDR2 memory. Signal data retrieval is accelerated by a DMA-driven PCI Express{sup TM} x1 Interface to the ATCA system controller, providing an overall throughput in excess of 100 MB/s. This paper illustrates these developments and discusses possible configurations for foreseen applications.

  13. Hardware Implementation of Lossless Adaptive and Scalable Hyperspectral Data Compression for Space (United States)

    Aranki, Nazeeh; Keymeulen, Didier; Bakhshi, Alireza; Klimesh, Matthew


    On-board lossless hyperspectral data compression reduces data volume in order to meet NASA and DoD limited downlink capabilities. The technique also improves signature extraction, object recognition and feature classification capabilities by providing exact reconstructed data on constrained downlink resources. At JPL a novel, adaptive and predictive technique for lossless compression of hyperspectral data was recently developed. This technique uses an adaptive filtering method and achieves a combination of low complexity and compression effectiveness that far exceeds state-of-the-art techniques currently in use. The JPL-developed 'Fast Lossless' algorithm requires no training data or other specific information about the nature of the spectral bands for a fixed instrument dynamic range. It is of low computational complexity and thus well-suited for implementation in hardware. A modified form of the algorithm that is better suited for data from pushbroom instruments is generally appropriate for flight implementation. A scalable field programmable gate array (FPGA) hardware implementation was developed. The FPGA implementation achieves a throughput performance of 58 Msamples/sec, which can be increased to over 100 Msamples/sec in a parallel implementation that uses twice the hardware resources This paper describes the hardware implementation of the 'Modified Fast Lossless' compression algorithm on an FPGA. The FPGA implementation targets the current state-of-the-art FPGAs (Xilinx Virtex IV and V families) and compresses one sample every clock cycle to provide a fast and practical real-time solution for space applications.

  14. Optimized design of embedded DSP system hardware supporting complex algorithms (United States)

    Li, Yanhua; Wang, Xiangjun; Zhou, Xinling


    The paper presents an optimized design method for a flexible and economical embedded DSP system that can implement complex processing algorithms as biometric recognition, real-time image processing, etc. It consists of a floating-point DSP, 512 Kbytes data RAM, 1 Mbytes FLASH program memory, a CPLD for achieving flexible logic control of input channel and a RS-485 transceiver for local network communication. Because of employing a high performance-price ratio DSP TMS320C6712 and a large FLASH in the design, this system permits loading and performing complex algorithms with little algorithm optimization and code reduction. The CPLD provides flexible logic control for the whole DSP board, especially in input channel, and allows convenient interface between different sensors and DSP system. The transceiver circuit can transfer data between DSP and host computer. In the paper, some key technologies are also introduced which make the whole system work efficiently. Because of the characters referred above, the hardware is a perfect flat for multi-channel data collection, image processing, and other signal processing with high performance and adaptability. The application section of this paper presents how this hardware is adapted for the biometric identification system with high identification precision. The result reveals that this hardware is easy to interface with a CMOS imager and is capable of carrying out complex biometric identification algorithms, which require real-time process.

  15. Intrinsic Hardware Evolution for the Design and Reconfiguration of Analog Speed Controllers for a DC Motor (United States)

    Gwaltney, David A.; Ferguson, Michael I.


    Evolvable hardware provides the capability to evolve analog circuits to produce amplifier and filter functions. Conventional analog controller designs employ these same functions. Analog controllers for the control of the shaft speed of a DC motor are evolved on an evolvable hardware platform utilizing a second generation Field Programmable Transistor Array (FPTA2). The performance of an evolved controller is compared to that of a conventional proportional-integral (PI) controller. It is shown that hardware evolution is able to create a compact design that provides good performance, while using considerably less functional electronic components than the conventional design. Additionally, the use of hardware evolution to provide fault tolerance by reconfiguring the design is explored. Experimental results are presented showing that significant recovery of capability can be made in the face of damaging induced faults.

  16. Hardware design for the production of NTD silicon in the Advanced Test Reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schell, M.J.


    The Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) is a 250-MW(t) materials testing and nuclear research facility operated for EG and G Idaho, Inc. The unique capabilities of the ATR can be readily adapted via hardware to produce large quantitities of large-diameter (20 cm plus) doped silicon crystals. Conservative estimates place the production capability in excess of 15 metric tons per year. The proposed hardware is based upon a closed-loop, hydraulic-shuttle tube system

  17. Hardware in the loop simulation test platform of fuel cell backup system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ma Tiancai


    Full Text Available Based on an analysis of voltage mechanistic model, a real-time simulation model of the proton exchange membrane (PEM fuel cell backup system is developed, and verified by the measurable experiment data. The method of online parameters identification for the model is also improved. Based on the software LabVIEW/VeriStand real-time environment and the PXI Express hardware system, the PEM fuel cell system controller hardware in the loop (HIL simulation plat-form is established. Controller simulation test results showed the accuracy of HIL simulation platform.

  18. Information technologies in optimization process of monitoring of software and hardware status (United States)

    Nikitin, P. V.; Savinov, A. N.; Bazhenov, R. I.; Ryabov, I. V.


    The article describes a model of a hardware and software monitoring system for a large company that provides customers with software as a service (SaaS solution) using information technology. The main functions of the monitoring system are: provision of up-todate data for analyzing the state of the IT infrastructure, rapid detection of the fault and its effective elimination. The main risks associated with the provision of these services are described; the comparative characteristics of the software are given; author's methods of monitoring the status of software and hardware are proposed.

  19. Hardware Commissioning of the LHC Quality Assurance, follow-up and storing of the test results

    CERN Document Server

    Barbero, E


    During the commissioning of the LHC technical systems [1] (the so-called Hardware Commissioning) a large number of test sequences and procedures will be applied to the different systems and components of the accelerator. All the information related to the coordination of the Hardware Commissioning will be structured and managed towards the final objective of integrating all the data produced in the Manufacturing and Test Folders (MTF) [2] at both equipment level (i.e. individual system tests) and commissioning level (i.e.Hardware Commissioning). The MTF for Hardware Commissioning will be mainly used to archive the results of the tests (i.e. status, parameters and waveforms) which will be used later as reference during the operation with beam. Also it is an indispensable tool for monitoring the progress of the different tests and ensuring the proper follow-up of the procedures described in the engineering specifications; in this way, the Quality Assurance process will be completed. This paper describes the spe...

  20. Načrtovan porod na domu


    Todorović, Tamara; Takač, Iztok


    Izhodišča: Porod na domu je sicer star toliko kot človeštvo, pa vendar v veliki večini srednje in visoko razvitih držav prevladuje mnenje, da so zaradi nepredvidljivosti zapletov porodnišnice najbolj varno okolje za rojevanje. Kljub temu obstaja peščica držav, v katerih je porod na domu integriran v sistem zdravstvenega varstva (npr. Nizozemska, Velika Britanija, Kanada). Pri porodih na domu ločimo nenačrtovane in načrtovane porode na domu, slednje pa lahko nadalje razdelimo še na porode s sp...

  1. Towards Shop Floor Hardware Reconfiguration for Industrial Collaborative Robots

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schou, Casper; Madsen, Ole


    In this paper we propose a roadmap for hardware reconfiguration of industrial collaborative robots. As a flexible resource, the collaborative robot will often need transitioning to a new task. Our goal is, that this transitioning should be done by the shop floor operators, not highly specialized...

  2. Hardware Transactional Memory Optimization Guidelines, Applied to Ordered Maps

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bonnichsen, Lars Frydendal; Probst, Christian W.; Karlsson, Sven


    efficiently requires reasoning about those differences. In this paper we present 5 guidelines for applying hardware transactional memory efficiently, and apply the guidelines to BT-trees, a concurrent ordered map. Evaluating BT-trees on standard benchmarks shows that they are up to 5.3 times faster than...

  3. APRON: A Cellular Processor Array Simulation and Hardware Design Tool (United States)

    Barr, David R. W.; Dudek, Piotr


    We present a software environment for the efficient simulation of cellular processor arrays (CPAs). This software (APRON) is used to explore algorithms that are designed for massively parallel fine-grained processor arrays, topographic multilayer neural networks, vision chips with SIMD processor arrays, and related architectures. The software uses a highly optimised core combined with a flexible compiler to provide the user with tools for the design of new processor array hardware architectures and the emulation of existing devices. We present performance benchmarks for the software processor array implemented on standard commodity microprocessors. APRON can be configured to use additional processing hardware if necessary and can be used as a complete graphical user interface and development environment for new or existing CPA systems, allowing more users to develop algorithms for CPA systems.

  4. APRON: A Cellular Processor Array Simulation and Hardware Design Tool

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David R. W. Barr


    Full Text Available We present a software environment for the efficient simulation of cellular processor arrays (CPAs. This software (APRON is used to explore algorithms that are designed for massively parallel fine-grained processor arrays, topographic multilayer neural networks, vision chips with SIMD processor arrays, and related architectures. The software uses a highly optimised core combined with a flexible compiler to provide the user with tools for the design of new processor array hardware architectures and the emulation of existing devices. We present performance benchmarks for the software processor array implemented on standard commodity microprocessors. APRON can be configured to use additional processing hardware if necessary and can be used as a complete graphical user interface and development environment for new or existing CPA systems, allowing more users to develop algorithms for CPA systems.

  5. Fast image interpolation for motion estimation using graphics hardware (United States)

    Kelly, Francis; Kokaram, Anil


    Motion estimation and compensation is the key to high quality video coding. Block matching motion estimation is used in most video codecs, including MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.263 and H.26L. Motion estimation is also a key component in the digital restoration of archived video and for post-production and special effects in the movie industry. Sub-pixel accurate motion vectors can improve the quality of the vector field and lead to more efficient video coding. However sub-pixel accuracy requires interpolation of the image data. Image interpolation is a key requirement of many image processing algorithms. Often interpolation can be a bottleneck in these applications, especially in motion estimation due to the large number pixels involved. In this paper we propose using commodity computer graphics hardware for fast image interpolation. We use the full search block matching algorithm to illustrate the problems and limitations of using graphics hardware in this way.

  6. Proposed hardware architectures of particle filter for object tracking (United States)

    Abd El-Halym, Howida A.; Mahmoud, Imbaby Ismail; Habib, SED


    In this article, efficient hardware architectures for particle filter (PF) are presented. We propose three different architectures for Sequential Importance Resampling Filter (SIRF) implementation. The first architecture is a two-step sequential PF machine, where particle sampling, weight, and output calculations are carried out in parallel during the first step followed by sequential resampling in the second step. For the weight computation step, a piecewise linear function is used instead of the classical exponential function. This decreases the complexity of the architecture without degrading the results. The second architecture speeds up the resampling step via a parallel, rather than a serial, architecture. This second architecture targets a balance between hardware resources and the speed of operation. The third architecture implements the SIRF as a distributed PF composed of several processing elements and central unit. All the proposed architectures are captured using VHDL synthesized using Xilinx environment, and verified using the ModelSim simulator. Synthesis results confirmed the resource reduction and speed up advantages of our architectures.

  7. Optimizing memory-bound SYMV kernel on GPU hardware accelerators

    KAUST Repository

    Abdelfattah, Ahmad


    Hardware accelerators are becoming ubiquitous high performance scientific computing. They are capable of delivering an unprecedented level of concurrent execution contexts. High-level programming language extensions (e.g., CUDA), profiling tools (e.g., PAPI-CUDA, CUDA Profiler) are paramount to improve productivity, while effectively exploiting the underlying hardware. We present an optimized numerical kernel for computing the symmetric matrix-vector product on nVidia Fermi GPUs. Due to its inherent memory-bound nature, this kernel is very critical in the tridiagonalization of a symmetric dense matrix, which is a preprocessing step to calculate the eigenpairs. Using a novel design to address the irregular memory accesses by hiding latency and increasing bandwidth, our preliminary asymptotic results show 3.5x and 2.5x fold speedups over the similar CUBLAS 4.0 kernel, and 7-8% and 30% fold improvement over the Matrix Algebra on GPU and Multicore Architectures (MAGMA) library in single and double precision arithmetics, respectively. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.

  8. Exploiting current-generation graphics hardware for synthetic-scene generation (United States)

    Tanner, Michael A.; Keen, Wayne A.


    Increasing seeker frame rate and pixel count, as well as the demand for higher levels of scene fidelity, have driven scene generation software for hardware-in-the-loop (HWIL) and software-in-the-loop (SWIL) testing to higher levels of parallelization. Because modern PC graphics cards provide multiple computational cores (240 shader cores for a current NVIDIA Corporation GeForce and Quadro cards), implementation of phenomenology codes on graphics processing units (GPUs) offers significant potential for simultaneous enhancement of simulation frame rate and fidelity. To take advantage of this potential requires algorithm implementation that is structured to minimize data transfers between the central processing unit (CPU) and the GPU. In this paper, preliminary methodologies developed at the Kinetic Hardware In-The-Loop Simulator (KHILS) will be presented. Included in this paper will be various language tradeoffs between conventional shader programming, Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) and Open Computing Language (OpenCL), including performance trades and possible pathways for future tool development.

  9. Treatment alternatives for non-fuel-bearing hardware

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ross, W.A.; Clark, L.L.; Oma, K.H.


    This evaluation compared four alternatives for the treatment or processing of non-fuel bearing hardware (NFBH) to reduce its volume and prepare it for disposal. These treatment alternatives are: shredding; shredding and low pressure compaction; shredding and supercompaction; and melting. These alternatives are compared on the basis of system costs, waste form characteristics, and process considerations. The study recommends that melting and supercompaction alternatives be further considered and that additional testing be conducted for these two alternatives

  10. Adaptive Learning Rule for Hardware-based Deep Neural Networks Using Electronic Synapse Devices


    Lim, Suhwan; Bae, Jong-Ho; Eum, Jai-Ho; Lee, Sungtae; Kim, Chul-Heung; Kwon, Dongseok; Park, Byung-Gook; Lee, Jong-Ho


    In this paper, we propose a learning rule based on a back-propagation (BP) algorithm that can be applied to a hardware-based deep neural network (HW-DNN) using electronic devices that exhibit discrete and limited conductance characteristics. This adaptive learning rule, which enables forward, backward propagation, as well as weight updates in hardware, is helpful during the implementation of power-efficient and high-speed deep neural networks. In simulations using a three-layer perceptron net...

  11. Modelling and hardware-in-the-loop simulation of the blowout tract components for passenger compartment air conditioning of motor vehicles; Modellierung und Hardware-in-the-Loop-Simulation der Komponenten des Ausblastraktes zur Kraftfahrzeuginnenraumklimatisierung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Michalek, David


    The author investigated the modelling and hardware-in-the-loop simulation of components of the blowout tract of motor car air conditioning systems. The control systems and air conditioning systems are gone into, from the air entering the car to the control systems and sensors for monitoring state variables. The function of the control equipment hardware and software was to be analyzed reproducibly in order to save time and cost. The models were verified using available data. Validation criteria were established for the hardware-in-the-loop simulator. On the basis of selected operating conditions, the performance of the air conditioning control unit inside the vehicle was compared with the simulation results and was evaluated on the basis of the established criteria. (orig.)

  12. Open source hard- and software: Using Arduino boards to keep old hardware running

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faugel, Helmut; Bobkov, Volodymyr


    The ASDEX Upgrade tokamak went into operation in 1991 with a proposed lifetime of 10 years. Due to major modifications ASDEX Upgrade is still in operation. Infrastructure like data acquisition, workstations, etc. is being modernized, interfaces like RS-232 are vanishing and new interfaces are being introduced. This leads to the necessity to adapt old hardware. Most of the microcontrollers used in the old hardware do not offer any support of the new interfaces and have to be replaced. A simple and efficient way is to replace them with open hardware microcontroller boards like the Arduino. These boards are based on 8-bit RISC microcontrollers and offer a software development environment with a large number of libraries. In this paper the use of Arduino boards for replacing the position unit, the stub tuner interface and its use controlling a direct digital synthesizer (DDS) with phase control capability are shown

  13. Open source hard- and software: Using Arduino boards to keep old hardware running

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Faugel, Helmut [Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, EURATOM Association, Garching (Germany); Bobkov, Volodymyr [Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, EURATOM Association, Garching (Germany)


    The ASDEX Upgrade tokamak went into operation in 1991 with a proposed lifetime of 10 years. Due to major modifications ASDEX Upgrade is still in operation. Infrastructure like data acquisition, workstations, etc. is being modernized, interfaces like RS-232 are vanishing and new interfaces are being introduced. This leads to the necessity to adapt old hardware. Most of the microcontrollers used in the old hardware do not offer any support of the new interfaces and have to be replaced. A simple and efficient way is to replace them with open hardware microcontroller boards like the Arduino. These boards are based on 8-bit RISC microcontrollers and offer a software development environment with a large number of libraries. In this paper the use of Arduino boards for replacing the position unit, the stub tuner interface and its use controlling a direct digital synthesizer (DDS) with phase control capability are shown.

  14. Hardware for computing the integral image


    Fernández-Berni, J.; Rodríguez-Vázquez, Ángel; Río, Rocío del; Carmona-Galán, R.


    La presente invención, según se expresa en el enunciado de esta memoria descriptiva, consiste en hardware de señal mixta para cómputo de la imagen integral en el plano focal mediante una agrupación de celdas básicas de sensado-procesamiento cuya interconexión puede ser reconfigurada mediante circuitería periférica que hace posible una implementación muy eficiente de una tarea de procesamiento muy útil en visión artificial como es el cálculo de la imagen integral en escenarios tales como monit...

  15. Hardware-Efficient Design of Real-Time Profile Shape Matching Stereo Vision Algorithm on FPGA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Beau Tippetts


    Full Text Available A variety of platforms, such as micro-unmanned vehicles, are limited in the amount of computational hardware they can support due to weight and power constraints. An efficient stereo vision algorithm implemented on an FPGA would be able to minimize payload and power consumption in microunmanned vehicles, while providing 3D information and still leaving computational resources available for other processing tasks. This work presents a hardware design of the efficient profile shape matching stereo vision algorithm. Hardware resource usage is presented for the targeted micro-UV platform, Helio-copter, that uses the Xilinx Virtex 4 FX60 FPGA. Less than a fifth of the resources on this FGPA were used to produce dense disparity maps for image sizes up to 450 × 375, with the ability to scale up easily by increasing BRAM usage. A comparison is given of accuracy, speed performance, and resource usage of a census transform-based stereo vision FPGA implementation by Jin et al. Results show that the profile shape matching algorithm is an efficient real-time stereo vision algorithm for hardware implementation for resource limited systems such as microunmanned vehicles.

  16. Hardware design and implementation of the closed-orbit feedback system at APS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barr, D.; Chung, Youngjoo.


    The Advanced Photon Source (APS) storage ring will utilize a closed-orbit feedback system in order to produce a more stable beam. The specified orbit measurement resolution is 25 microns for global feedback and 1 micron for local feedback. The system will sample at 4 kHz and provide a correction bandwidth of 100 Hz. At this bandwidth, standard rf BPMs will provide a resolution of 0.7 micron, while specialized miniature BPMs positioned on either side of the insertion devices for local feedback will provide a resolution of 0.2 micron (1). The measured BPM noise floor for standard BPMs is 0.06 micron per root hertz mA. Such a system has been designed, simulated, and tested on a small scale (2). This paper covers the actual hardware design and layout of the entire closed-loop system. This includes commercial hardware components, in addition to many components designed and built in-house. The paper will investigate the large-scale workings of all these devices, as well as an overall view of each piece of hardware used

  17. Modelo computacional para la liofilización de alimentos de geometría finita

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Héctor E. Gómez H.


    Full Text Available La liofilización es una técnica de conservación por deshidratación aplicada a productos químicos, farmacéuticos, médicos, biológicos y alimenticios. El proceso es también llamado criodesecación porque consiste primero en congelar un producto húmedo y luego en vaporizar directamente el hielo a baja presión. Este fenómeno es conocido como sublimación y era ya practicado por los incas del Perú, desde el siglo XIII, para conservar papas. Los productos liofilizados, a diferencia de los deshidratados por otras técnicas de secado, conservan prácticamente en 100% su forma y propiedades naturales, tienen mayor vida de anaquel y son fácilmente rehidratables. En el presente trabajo la liofilización es estudiada experimentalmente y caracterizada por medio de un modelo matemático y computacional. Para ello fue utilizada una hortaliza: la papa Solanum tuberosum, variedad blanca, como material para el modelado de la liofilización por contacto. Se prepararon muestras individuales en forma de placas y cilindros finitos a tres espesores diferentes. Se operó a dos presiones de vacío y tres temperaturas de calentamiento. Se obtuvieron así 36 cinéticas de deshidratación y de temperatura del producto en monocapa, con 8 repeticiones cada una. Se propone un modelo de liofilización que considera tres frentes de sublimación que se retiran uniformemente pero a velocidades interdependientes. Para el estudio se recurrió a las leyes de Fick y de Fourier en estado cuasi-estacionario, considerando despreciable el colapso en el producto. Las temperaturas de cada frente de sublimación se consideran variables. El modelo dinámico resultante es un sistema de tres ecuaciones algebraicas no lineales y tres ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias. Para la solución del sistema de ecuaciones diferenciales-algebraicas se recurrió a los algoritmos acoplados de Runge-Kutta y Newton-Raphson. Para la estimación de los parámetros de transporte o coeficientes

  18. The Small Acceptance Vertex Detector of NA61/SHINE

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Deveaux M.


    Full Text Available Charmonium production in heavy ion collisions is considered as an important diagnostic probe for studying the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter for potential phase transitions. The interpretation of existing data from the CERN SPS is hampered by a lack of knowledge on the properties of open charm particle production in the fireball. Moreover, open charm production in heavy ion collisions by itself is poorly understood. To overcome this obstacle, the NA61/SHINE was equipped with a Small Acceptance Vertex Detector (SAVD, which is predicted to make the experiment sensitive to open charm mesons produced in A-A collisions at the SPS top energy. This paper will introduce the concept and the hardware of the SAVD. Moreover, first running experience as obtained in a commissioning run with a 150 AGeV/c Pb+Pb collision system will be reported.

  19. Transform coding for hardware-accelerated volume rendering. (United States)

    Fout, Nathaniel; Ma, Kwan-Liu


    Hardware-accelerated volume rendering using the GPU is now the standard approach for real-time volume rendering, although limited graphics memory can present a problem when rendering large volume data sets. Volumetric compression in which the decompression is coupled to rendering has been shown to be an effective solution to this problem; however, most existing techniques were developed in the context of software volume rendering, and all but the simplest approaches are prohibitive in a real-time hardware-accelerated volume rendering context. In this paper we present a novel block-based transform coding scheme designed specifically with real-time volume rendering in mind, such that the decompression is fast without sacrificing compression quality. This is made possible by consolidating the inverse transform with dequantization in such a way as to allow most of the reprojection to be precomputed. Furthermore, we take advantage of the freedom afforded by off-line compression in order to optimize the encoding as much as possible while hiding this complexity from the decoder. In this context we develop a new block classification scheme which allows us to preserve perceptually important features in the compression. The result of this work is an asymmetric transform coding scheme that allows very large volumes to be compressed and then decompressed in real-time while rendering on the GPU.

  20. Radioisotope thermoelectric generator licensed hardware package and certification tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goldmann, L.H.; Averette, H.S.


    This paper presents the Licensed Hardware package and the Certification Test portions of the Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator Transportation System. This package has been designed to meet those portions of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR 71) relating to ''Type B'' shipments of radioactive materials. The detailed information for the anticipated license is presented in the safety analysis report for packaging, which is now in process and undergoing necessary reviews. As part of the licensing process, a full-size Certification Test Article unit, which has modifications slightly different than the Licensed Hardware or production shipping units, is used for testing. Dimensional checks of the Certification Test Article were made at the manufacturing facility. Leak testing and drop testing were done at the 300 Area of the US Department of Energy's Hanford Site near Richland, Washington. The hardware includes independent double containments to prevent the environmental spread of 238 Pu, impact limiting devices to protect portions of the package from impacts, and thermal insulation to protect the seal areas from excess heat during accident conditions. The package also features electronic feed-throughs to monitor the Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator's temperature inside the containment during the shipment cycle. This package is designed to safely dissipate the typical 4500 thermal watts produced in the largest Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators. The package also contains provisions to ensure leak tightness when radioactive materials, such as a Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator for the Cassini Mission, planned for 1997 by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, are being prepared for shipment. These provisions include test ports used in conjunction with helium mass spectrometers to determine seal leakage rates of each containment during the assembly process

  1. A Systematic Hardware Sharing Method for Unified Architecture Design of H.264 Transforms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Po-Hung Chen


    Full Text Available Multitransform techniques have been widely used in modern video coding and have better compression efficiency than the single transform technique that is used conventionally. However, every transform needs a corresponding hardware implementation, which results in a high hardware cost for multiple transforms. A novel method that includes a five-step operation sharing synthesis and architecture-unification techniques is proposed to systematically share the hardware and reduce the cost of multitransform coding. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method, a unified architecture is designed using the method for all of the six transforms involved in the H.264 video codec: 2D 4 × 4 forward and inverse integer transforms, 2D 4 × 4 and 2 × 2 Hadamard transforms, and 1D 8 × 8 forward and inverse integer transforms. Firstly, the six H.264 transform architectures are designed at a low cost using the proposed five-step operation sharing synthesis technique. Secondly, the proposed architecture-unification technique further unifies these six transform architectures into a low cost hardware-unified architecture. The unified architecture requires only 28 adders, 16 subtractors, 40 shifters, and a proposed mux-based routing network, and the gate count is only 16308. The unified architecture processes 8 pixels/clock-cycle, up to 275 MHz, which is equal to 707 Full-HD 1080 p frames/second.

  2. An Open Hardware seismic data recorder - a solid basis for citizen science (United States)

    Mertl, Stefan


    "Ruwai" is a 24-Bit Open Hardware seismic data recorder. It is built up of four stackable printed circuit boards fitting the Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller prototyping platform. An interface to the BeagleBone Black single-board computer enables extensive data storage, -processing and networking capabilities. The four printed circuit boards provide a uBlox Lea-6T GPS module and real-time clock (GPS Timing shield), an Texas Instruments ADS1274 24-Bit analog to digital converter (ADC main shield), an analog input section with a Texas Instruments PGA281 programmable gain amplifier and an analog anti-aliasing filter (ADC analog interface pga) and the power conditioning based on 9-36V DC input (power supply shield). The Arduino Mega 2560 is used for controlling the hardware components, timestamping sampled data using the GPS timing information and transmitting the data to the BeagleBone Black single-board computer. The BeagleBone Black provides local data storage, wireless mesh networking using the optimized link state routing daemon and differential GNSS positioning using the RTKLIB software. The complete hardware and software is published under free software - or open hardware licenses and only free software (e.g. KiCad) was used for the development to facilitate the reusability of the design and increases the sustainability of the project. "Ruwai" was developed within the framework of the "Community Environmental Observation Network (CEON)" ( which was supported by the Internet Foundation Austria (IPA) within the NetIdee 2013 call.

  3. A Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Platform with Remote Distribution Circuit Cosimulation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Palmintier, Bryan; Lundstrom, Blake; Chakraborty, Sudipta; Williams, Tess L.; Schneider, Kevin P.; Chassin, David P.


    This paper demonstrates the use of a novel cosimulation architecture that integrates hardware testing using Power Hardware-in-the-Loop (PHIL) with larger-scale electric grid models using off-the-shelf, non-PHIL software tools. This architecture enables utilities to study the impacts of emerging energy technologies on their system and manufacturers to explore the interactions of new devices with existing and emerging devices on the power system, both without the need to convert existing grid models to a new platform or to conduct in-field trials. The paper describes an implementation of this architecture for testing two residential-scale advanced solar inverters at separate points of common coupling. The same hardware setup is tested with two different distribution feeders (IEEE 123 and 8500 node test systems) modeled using GridLAB-D. In addition to simplifying testing with multiple feeders, the architecture demonstrates additional flexibility with hardware testing in one location linked via the Internet to software modeling in a remote location. In testing, inverter current, real and reactive power, and PCC voltage are well captured by the co-simulation platform. Testing of the inverter advanced control features is currently somewhat limited by the software model time step (1 sec) and tested communication latency (24 msec). Overshoot induced oscillations are observed with volt/VAR control delays of 0 and 1.5 sec, while 3.4 sec and 5.5 sec delays produced little or no oscillation. These limitations could be overcome using faster modeling and communication within the same co-simulation architecture.

  4. A hardware fast tracker for the ATLAS trigger (United States)

    Asbah, Nedaa


    The trigger system of the ATLAS experiment is designed to reduce the event rate from the LHC nominal bunch crossing at 40 MHz to about 1 kHz, at the design luminosity of 1034 cm-2 s-1. After a successful period of data taking from 2010 to early 2013, the LHC already started with much higher instantaneous luminosity. This will increase the load on High Level Trigger system, the second stage of the selection based on software algorithms. More sophisticated algorithms will be needed to achieve higher background rejection while maintaining good efficiency for interesting physics signals. The Fast TracKer (FTK) is part of the ATLAS trigger upgrade project. It is a hardware processor that will provide, at every Level-1 accepted event (100 kHz) and within 100 microseconds, full tracking information for tracks with momentum as low as 1 GeV. Providing fast, extensive access to tracking information, with resolution comparable to the offline reconstruction, FTK will help in precise detection of the primary and secondary vertices to ensure robust selections and improve the trigger performance. FTK exploits hardware technologies with massive parallelism, combining Associative Memory ASICs, FPGAs and high-speed communication links.

  5. PCI hardware support in LIA-2 control system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bolkhovityanov, D.; Cheblakov, P.


    The control system of the LIA-2 accelerator is built on cPCI crates with *86- compatible processor boards running Linux. Slow electronics is connected via CAN-bus, while fast electronics (4 MHz and 200 MHz fast ADCs and 200 MHz timers) are implemented as cPCI/PMC modules. Several ways to drive PCI control electronics in Linux were examined. Finally a user-space drivers approach was chosen. These drivers communicate with hardware via a small kernel module, which provides access to PCI BARs and to interrupt handling. This module was named USPCI (User-Space PCI access). This approach dramatically simplifies creation of drivers, as opposed to kernel drivers, and provides high reliability (because only a tiny and thoroughly-debugged piece of code runs in kernel). LIA-2 accelerator was successfully commissioned, and the solution chosen has proven adequate and very easy to use. Besides, USPCI turned out to be a handy tool for examination and debugging of PCI devices direct from command-line. In this paper available approaches to work with PCI control hardware in Linux are considered, and USPCI architecture is described. (authors)

  6. La modelación computacional con diagrama AVM en la formación de profesores de física: un aporte al desarrollo de una visión crítica sobre la ciencia y la modelación científica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sonia López


    Full Text Available La formación integral de un profesor de ciencias implica, más allá del dominio de su campo disciplinar, una concepción crítica sobre la ciencia y su enseñanza. A partir de esta reflexión elaboramos una propuesta didáctica cuyo principal objetivo fue valorar aspectos disciplinares, epistemológicos y didácticos, que propiciasen al estudiante una mejor comprensión del proceso de construcción del conocimiento científico. Tal propuesta se fundamenta en la implementación de los principios de la Teoría del Aprendizaje Significativo Crítico de Moreira (TASC y en el proceso de modelación científica con fines didácticos, haciendo uso del diagrama AVM (Adaptación de la V de Gowin a la Modelación Computacional. En este artículo son presentados resultados de investigación en la enseñanza de la mecánica con alumnos que ya cursaron asignaturas de Física General (siete estudiantes del programa de Física de la Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia, en un total de 36 horas de clase. Cada estudiante se constituye en un caso de estudio, investigado por medio de entrevistas, respuestas a test (sobre la concepción de ciencia y de modelación, y el FCI – Force Concept Inventory– y el desarrollo de actividades de modelación computacional. Se encontró que era posible aplicar los principios de la TASC por medio de la modelación didáctica científica, lo que lleva a los estudiantes a enriquecer sus concepciones sobre ciencia, además de profundizar en su conocimiento disciplinar.

  7. Dinâmica molecular ab initio:aplicações ao estudo de propriedades electrónicas de sistemas moleculares


    Martiniano, Hugo Filipe de Mesquita Costa, 1978-


    Tese de doutoramento, Química (Química-Física), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2013 O método da dinâmica molecular ab initio exibe vantagens significativas para o estudo da estrutura e propriedades electrónicas de sistemas moleculares complexos. No entanto, uma das suas desvantagens é o elevado custo computacional, quando comparado com os métodos de dinâmica molecular clássicos. Um dos modos de resolver este problema é adoptar uma abordagem sequencial, na qual a dinâmica é ...





    Produzir tecnologia tem se mostrado uma habilidade cada vez mais indispensável na sociedade moderna. Os usuários estão deixando de ser simples consumidores e passando a ser produtores, usando a tecnologia para expressarem suas ideias. Nesse contexto, o aprendizado do chamado raciocínio computacional deve ser tão importante quanto o de disciplinas básicas, como a leitura, a escrita e a aritmética. Ao desenvolver tal habilidade o aluno vai conseguir se expressar através do sof...

  9. Computação dendrítica : uma abordagem de física estatística


    Lyra Gollo, Leonardo


    No campo da neurociência computacional, a atividade elétrica dos neurônios é tradicionalmente modelada por equações diferenciais não-lineares acopladas, representando a evolução do potencial de membrana e certas variáveis relacionadas às condutâncias iônicas presentes no sistema. Uma tendência recente consiste na extensão desta estratégia de modelagem, detalhando as árvores dendríticas neuronais através da abordagem compartimental. Essa modelagem fina visa examinar a possibilid...





    Um procedimento simples, para a avaliação do aumento ou diminuição (sensibilidade) das cargas de flambagem estática ou dinâmica (flutter) de estruturas na presença de pequenas imperfeições geométricas, é apresentado. O modelo computacional considera estruturas planas elásticas modeladas por elementos de viga retos. Os sistemas de carregamento podem ser conservativos ou não- conservativos. A formulação matricial inclui as matrizes de rigidez elástica, de mass...

  11. Synthetic hardware performance analysis in virtualized cloud environment for healthcare organization. (United States)

    Tan, Chee-Heng; Teh, Ying-Wah


    The main obstacles in mass adoption of cloud computing for database operations in healthcare organization are the data security and privacy issues. In this paper, it is shown that IT services particularly in hardware performance evaluation in virtual machine can be accomplished effectively without IT personnel gaining access to actual data for diagnostic and remediation purposes. The proposed mechanisms utilized the hypothetical data from TPC-H benchmark, to achieve 2 objectives. First, the underlying hardware performance and consistency is monitored via a control system, which is constructed using TPC-H queries. Second, the mechanism to construct stress-testing scenario is envisaged in the host, using a single or combination of TPC-H queries, so that the resource threshold point can be verified, if the virtual machine is still capable of serving critical transactions at this constraining juncture. This threshold point uses server run queue size as input parameter, and it serves 2 purposes: It provides the boundary threshold to the control system, so that periodic learning of the synthetic data sets for performance evaluation does not reach the host's constraint level. Secondly, when the host undergoes hardware change, stress-testing scenarios are simulated in the host by loading up to this resource threshold level, for subsequent response time verification from real and critical transactions.

  12. An Interview with Joe McMann: Lessons Learned from Fifty Years of Observing Hardware and Human Behavior (United States)

    McMann, Joe


    Pica Kahn conducted "An Interview with Joe McMann: Lessons Learned in Human and Hardware Behavior" on August 16, 2011. With more than 40 years of experience in the aerospace industry, McMann has gained a wealth of knowledge. This presentation focused on lessons learned in human and hardware behavior. During his many years in the industry, McMann observed that the hardware development process was intertwined with human influences, which impacted the outcome of the product.

  13. A Near-Lossless Image Compression Algorithm Suitable for Hardware Design in Wireless Endoscopy System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xie Xiang


    Full Text Available In order to decrease the communication bandwidth and save the transmitting power in the wireless endoscopy capsule, this paper presents a new near-lossless image compression algorithm based on the Bayer format image suitable for hardware design. This algorithm can provide low average compression rate ( bits/pixel with high image quality (larger than dB for endoscopic images. Especially, it has low complexity hardware overhead (only two line buffers and supports real-time compressing. In addition, the algorithm can provide lossless compression for the region of interest (ROI and high-quality compression for other regions. The ROI can be selected arbitrarily by varying ROI parameters. In addition, the VLSI architecture of this compression algorithm is also given out. Its hardware design has been implemented in m CMOS process.

  14. OpenMM 4: A Reusable, Extensible, Hardware Independent Library for High Performance Molecular Simulation. (United States)

    Eastman, Peter; Friedrichs, Mark S; Chodera, John D; Radmer, Randall J; Bruns, Christopher M; Ku, Joy P; Beauchamp, Kyle A; Lane, Thomas J; Wang, Lee-Ping; Shukla, Diwakar; Tye, Tony; Houston, Mike; Stich, Timo; Klein, Christoph; Shirts, Michael R; Pande, Vijay S


    OpenMM is a software toolkit for performing molecular simulations on a range of high performance computing architectures. It is based on a layered architecture: the lower layers function as a reusable library that can be invoked by any application, while the upper layers form a complete environment for running molecular simulations. The library API hides all hardware-specific dependencies and optimizations from the users and developers of simulation programs: they can be run without modification on any hardware on which the API has been implemented. The current implementations of OpenMM include support for graphics processing units using the OpenCL and CUDA frameworks. In addition, OpenMM was designed to be extensible, so new hardware architectures can be accommodated and new functionality (e.g., energy terms and integrators) can be easily added.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vikentyeva Olga Leonidovna


    Full Text Available Subject: smart house maintenance requires taking into account a number of factors: resource-saving, reduction of operational expenditures, safety enhancement, providing comfortable working and leisure conditions. Automation of the corresponding engineering systems of illumination, climate control, security as well as communication systems and networks via utilization of contemporary technologies (e.g., IoT - Internet of Things poses a significant challenge related to storage and processing of the overwhelmingly massive volume of data whose utilization extent is extremely low nowadays. Since a building’s lifespan is large enough and exceeds the lifespan of codes and standards that take into account the requirements of safety, comfort, energy saving, etc., it is necessary to consider management aspects in the context of rational use of large data at the stage of information modeling. Research objectives: increase the efficiency of managing the subsystems of smart buildings hardware on the basis of a web-based information system that has a flexible multi-level architecture with several control loops and an adaptation model. Materials and methods: since a smart house belongs to man-machine systems, the cybernetic approach is considered as the basic method for design and research of information management system. Instrumental research methods are represented by set-theoretical modelling, automata theory and architectural principles of organization of information management systems. Results: a flexible architecture of information system for management of smart house hardware subsystems has been synthesized. This architecture encompasses several levels: client level, application level and data level as well as three layers: presentation level, actuating device layer and analytics layer. The problem of growing volumes of information processed by realtime message controller is attended by employment of sensors and actuating mechanisms with configurable

  16. Optimizing main-memory join on modern hardware


    Boncz, Peter; Manegold, Stefan; Kersten, Martin


    textabstractIn the past decade, the exponential growth in commodity CPUs speed has far outpaced advances in memory latency. A second trend is that CPU performance advances are not only brought by increased clock rate, but also by increasing parallelism inside the CPU. Current database systems have not yet adapted to these trends, and show poor utilization of both CPU and memory resources on current hardware. In this article, we show how these resources can be optimized for large joins and tra...

  17. Object and Facial Recognition in Augmented and Virtual Reality: Investigation into Software, Hardware and Potential Uses (United States)

    Schulte, Erin


    As augmented and virtual reality grows in popularity, and more researchers focus on its development, other fields of technology have grown in the hopes of integrating with the up-and-coming hardware currently on the market. Namely, there has been a focus on how to make an intuitive, hands-free human-computer interaction (HCI) utilizing AR and VR that allows users to control their technology with little to no physical interaction with hardware. Computer vision, which is utilized in devices such as the Microsoft Kinect, webcams and other similar hardware has shown potential in assisting with the development of a HCI system that requires next to no human interaction with computing hardware and software. Object and facial recognition are two subsets of computer vision, both of which can be applied to HCI systems in the fields of medicine, security, industrial development and other similar areas.

  18. Design and hardware alternatives for a Safety-Parameter Display System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Honeycutt, F.; Merten, W.T.; Roy, G.M.; Segraves, E.; Stone, G.P.


    The SPDS is a dedicated control room operator aid and is viewed as an important safety improvement within the context of other post-TMI fixes. Hardware configurations and components to implement the NSAC display format of a Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) are evaluated. The evaluation was made on the basis of five alternative hardware configurations which use commercially available components. Four of the alternatives use computer/video display architecture. The fifth alternative is a simple hardwired system which uses strip chart recorders. SPDS regulatory requirements are defined by NUREG 0696. Overall feasibility of the NSAC concept was evaluated in terms of performance, reliability, cost, licensability, and flexibility. The flexibility evaluation relates to the ability to handle other display formats, the data acquisition needs of the other emergency facilities and the impact of expected future NRC requirements

  19. Data Applicability of Heritage and New Hardware for Launch Vehicle System Reliability Models (United States)

    Al Hassan Mohammad; Novack, Steven


    Many launch vehicle systems are designed and developed using heritage and new hardware. In most cases, the heritage hardware undergoes modifications to fit new functional system requirements, impacting the failure rates and, ultimately, the reliability data. New hardware, which lacks historical data, is often compared to like systems when estimating failure rates. Some qualification of applicability for the data source to the current system should be made. Accurately characterizing the reliability data applicability and quality under these circumstances is crucial to developing model estimations that support confident decisions on design changes and trade studies. This presentation will demonstrate a data-source classification method that ranks reliability data according to applicability and quality criteria to a new launch vehicle. This method accounts for similarities/dissimilarities in source and applicability, as well as operating environments like vibrations, acoustic regime, and shock. This classification approach will be followed by uncertainty-importance routines to assess the need for additional data to reduce uncertainty.

  20. FPGA based hardware optimized implementation of signal processing system for LFM pulsed radar (United States)

    Azim, Noor ul; Jun, Wang


    Signal processing is one of the main parts of any radar system. Different signal processing algorithms are used to extract information about different parameters like range, speed, direction etc, of a target in the field of radar communication. This paper presents LFM (Linear Frequency Modulation) pulsed radar signal processing algorithms which are used to improve target detection, range resolution and to estimate the speed of a target. Firstly, these algorithms are simulated in MATLAB to verify the concept and theory. After the conceptual verification in MATLAB, the simulation is converted into implementation on hardware using Xilinx FPGA. Chosen FPGA is Xilinx Virtex-6 (XC6LVX75T). For hardware implementation pipeline optimization is adopted and also other factors are considered for resources optimization in the process of implementation. Focusing algorithms in this work for improving target detection, range resolution and speed estimation are hardware optimized fast convolution processing based pulse compression and pulse Doppler processing.