
Sample records for har fagene fremtiden

  1. Fremtidens undervisningsmiljøer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Som oplægget til dette temanummer af LOM også indikerede, så sætter vi fokus på fremtidens undervisningsmiljøer på universiteter og UCer. Fremtidens undervisningsmiljøer har mange facetter, hvilket samlingen af artikler også illustrerer. “Fremtidens Undervisningsmiljø” handler om eksisterende erf...

  2. Fremtidens biblioteksbetjening af børn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høyrup, Helene


    Rapporten er resultatet af et tværministerielt udvalgsarbejde nedsat af Kulturministeriet.  Kommissoriet har været at nytænke biblioteksbetjeningen af børn, så den passer til vidensamfundet.  Udvalgsarbejdet munder ud i ti bud for fremtidens biblioteksbetjening af børn....

  3. Anvendelse af faseskiftende materialer i fremtidens bygninger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rose, Jørgen; Lund Jensen, Rasmus; Heiselberg, Per Kvols

    temperaturforholdene om sommeren i fremtidens bygninger. Bygningernes varmekapacitet har stor betydning for at undgå risikoen for overtemperaturer om sommeren og for at reducere kølebehovet. Bygningernes aktive varmekapacitet kan øges markant ved at anvende faseskiftende materialer (PCM), hvor der akkumuleres...

  4. Når fremtiden tegner sig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Mette Lykke; Katznelson, Noemi

    Når fremtiden tegner sig er en rapport om unge i et yderkantsområder i Danmark. Den giver indblik i nogle af de subjektive, kulturelle og samfundsmæssige mekanismer der kan få betydning for, hvordan fremtiden tegner sig for unge.......Når fremtiden tegner sig er en rapport om unge i et yderkantsområder i Danmark. Den giver indblik i nogle af de subjektive, kulturelle og samfundsmæssige mekanismer der kan få betydning for, hvordan fremtiden tegner sig for unge....

  5. Leseopplæring og fagenes literacy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Atle Skaftun


    Full Text Available Artikkelen er opprinnelig publisert i Leseboka. Leseopplæring i alle fag (Skaftun, Solheim, & Uppstad, 2015, og er et forsøk på å formulere et helhetlig perspektiv på lesing og literacy som bakgrunn for å forstå leseopplæring og fagenes literacy. Ulike forskningsinteresser blir knyttet sammen ved at literacy diskuteres som et spørsmål om tilgang på tre nivå: til skriften, til teksten og til tekstkulturen. Denne forståelsesrammen legges til grunn for å beskrive literacy opplæringen i skolen som en prosess der elevene kan inviteres til å delta i fagspesifikke og mer generelt et akademisk fellesskap. Kjernen i dette fellesskapet er en ambisjon om å stimulere elevenes språklige tenking gjennom erfaring med ulike tenkemåter i de ulike fagene, slik at de samlet tilegner seg et mangfold av strategier å velge blant i møtet med tekster og situasjoner som kaller på forståelse og sunn dømmekraft. Et slikt helhetlig perspektiv på literacy tilfører dybde til forståelsen av lesing som grunnleggende ferdighet.

  6. Når HRM sparker døren ind til fremtiden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holt Larsen, Henrik


    Vi er alt for beskedne of uambitiøse, når vi siger, hvad HRM kan bidrage med i fremtidens virksomheder. Mange af de generelle udfordringer, som virksomhederne står overfor, har nemlig en karakter, der gør det naturligt eller nødvendigt at sætte ind med HRM-professionalisme. Bolden ligger for vores...... fødder, så nu gælder det bare om at sparke. Artiklen beskriver nogle af de vigtigste udfordringer - og hvorfor HRM er et svar herpå....

  7. Inspiration til fremtidens naturfaglige uddannelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Denne antologi udgør bind 2 af rapporten fra arbejdsgruppen for Fremtidens Naturfaglige Uddannelser. Antologien indeholder ti artikler og præsenterer vigtige elementer af det analysegrundlag som ligger bag arbejdsgruppens oplæg til strategi. Det enkelte essay i antologien behandler centrale...... problemstillinger inden for et eller flere naturfag eller en uddannelse/et uddannelsesniveau. Rapportens 1. bind - den selvstændige publikation Fremtidens naturfaglige uddannelser. Naturfag for alle - vision og oplæg til strategi indeholder arbejdsgruppens anbefalinger og bud på strategi for udvikling af...

  8. Fremtidens Fjernvarme - Litteraturstudie

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Münster, Marie; Hansen, Lise-Lotte Pade

    præsenteres overblik over hvad der kan konkluderes ud fra litteraturen samlet set på områderne system, teknologi, liberalisering og CO2 kvoter. Endelig præsenteres udkast til en SWOT analyse af fjernvarmens rolle i fremtidens energisystem og der kommes med forslag til fremtidige analyser og projekter....

  9. Scenarier for fremtidens landbrug

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Per; Reenberg, Anette; Aaby, Bent


    Der præsenteres 4 scenarier for fremtidens danske landbrugs kvælstofudledninger baseret på tilgængelige tal og en udbygget beregningsmodel. Tidshorisonten er 20 år. Der er valgt forskellige kombinationer af produktionsniveau, kvælstofudnyttelsesgrad og benyttet areal. Det analyseres om de enkelte...

  10. Fremtidens landinspektøruddannelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Enemark, Stig


    Artiklen ?International Trends in Surveying Education? præsenterer de centrale udviklingstrends i et globalt perspektiv og giver et bud på fremtidens model for uddannelse af landinspektører. Modellen indeholder de traditionelle fag landmåling/kortlægning (Measurement Science) samt matrikelvæsen/a...

  11. Inspiration til fremtidens naturfaglige uddannelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Busch, Henrik; Troelsen, Rie; Horst, Sebastian

    uddannelsesniveauer • at den naturfaglige uddannelseskultur styrkes • at lærerkompetencerne styrkes. Rapportens 2. bind - den selvstændige publikation Inspiration til fremtidens naturfaglige uddannelser • En antologi indeholder en række essays om væsentlige problemstillinger for naturfagene. Der er tidligere udsendt...

  12. Fremtidens bæredygtige solcelle-drevne LED system i øjenhøjde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Peter Behrensdorff; Dam-Hansen, Carsten; Thorseth, Anders

    Dimensionering og optimering af energisystemet samt intelligent styring af energiforbrug i fremtidens autonome og bæredygtige LED systemer.......Dimensionering og optimering af energisystemet samt intelligent styring af energiforbrug i fremtidens autonome og bæredygtige LED systemer....

  13. Fremtidens forbrugere vil have det hele

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Niels Asger


    Vi kan af gode grunde ikke vide, hvordan forbrugernes efterspørgsel efter svinekød vil udvikle sig i fremtiden, men vi kan med udgangspunkt i forskning give nogle kvalificerede og velunderbyggede ud på nogle overordnede udviklingstendenser - også kaldet megatrends - der vil præge markedet i det k...

  14. Fremtidens lavenergibyggeri - kan vi gøre som vi plejer?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Tine Steen


    Stramninger af kravene til energiforbruget i vores boliger medfører stor fokus på energiberegningen, men erfaringer fra lavenergiboliger opført i dag viser, at vi, for at sikre succes for fremtidens boliger, også skal inddrage dokumentation af indeklimaet og forbedre samarbejdet mellem arkitekter...

  15. Metabolomics er fremtiden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersern, Birger


    Forskningen i fødevarer har fået et potent redskab i hånden. Metabolomics er vejen frem, mener professor Søren Balling Engelsen fra Københavns Universitet......Forskningen i fødevarer har fået et potent redskab i hånden. Metabolomics er vejen frem, mener professor Søren Balling Engelsen fra Københavns Universitet...

  16. Fremtidens læremidler

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bundsgaard, Jeppe


    It kan komme mange af folkeskolens udfordringer i møde, men vi skal ikke falde i begejstringsfælden af individualiserende spil og apps. Vi har brug for undervisningsdifferentiering gennem socialisering, ikke gennem individualisering.......It kan komme mange af folkeskolens udfordringer i møde, men vi skal ikke falde i begejstringsfælden af individualiserende spil og apps. Vi har brug for undervisningsdifferentiering gennem socialisering, ikke gennem individualisering....

  17. Intuitiv musik og grafisk notation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bergstrøm-Nielsen, Carl

    Beskrivelser af fagene, som har eksisteret på Aalborg Universitet siden midten af firserne. I intuitiv musik trænes fri improvisation gennem bla. gruppedynamiske øvelser, opmærksomhedsøvelser og parameterøvelser. Desuden skaber de studerende selv åbne kompositioner. Faget grafisk notation træner...... det at skabe lyttepartiturer over en given musik. Studerendes arbejder citeres. Forfatteren diskuterer fagenes teoretiske kontekst og argumentererfor mere teoretisk opmærksomhed på musikken som det medium, musikterapien foregår i og peger bla. på sprogteori og Jakobson. NB: beskrivelsen af fagene er i...... skrivende stund, 2011, ikke længere aktuel. Intuitiv musik lægger mindre vægt på komposition og mere vægt på brug af hovedinstrument i intuitiv sammenhæng. Grafisk notation er integreret ind i et større fag (også varetaget af undertegnede) der tillige omfatter andre metoder til beskrivelse og tolkning....

  18. Hvad skal vi med Etisk Råd?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ploug, Thomas; Gjerris, Mickey


    Det Etiske Råd har for os at se en væsentlig rolle at spille i et åbent og demokratisk samfund som det danske. Vi skal være med til at skabe grobund for de værdidiskussioner, som skal forme fremtidens samfund. Etik er at være i dialog – ikke at kaste med mudder.......Det Etiske Råd har for os at se en væsentlig rolle at spille i et åbent og demokratisk samfund som det danske. Vi skal være med til at skabe grobund for de værdidiskussioner, som skal forme fremtidens samfund. Etik er at være i dialog – ikke at kaste med mudder....

  19. Hospitalslys

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johnsen, Kjeld; Markvart, Jakob; Frandsen, Anne Kathrine


    Nærværende projekt er et forprojekt, der har til formål at: realisere et afgørende nationalt projekt, der sikrer at fremtidens sygehuse udnytter det helt væsentlige potentiale lys har for at blive en aktiv del af helbredelsesprocessen i hospitalssektoren til glæde og gavn for såvel patienter som ...

  20. Facility management i fremtidens bankdrift


    Vollan, Silje Steen


    Facility Management (FM) er et relativt ungt fagområde som er i sterk utvikling. Bank og finansbransjen har hatt en tradisjon med å eie og forvalte egne bygninger, noe som har gitt et underbevisst fokus på FM. Økt digitalisering fører til at bankene står overfor nye utfordringer og muligheter. Nye produkter og tjenester dukker opp og dette fører til at FM enheten utfordres med høyere krav til profesjonalitet og effektivitet. Internasjonale trender i markedet viser at flere facility management...

  1. Danske 4. klasseelever er bedre end gennemsnittet til matematik og natur/teknologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Middelboe, Vibe Abildtrup


    En ny undersøgelse af 4. klasseelevers præstationer i fagene matematik og natur/teknologi viser, at danske elever klarer sig godt internationalt set, og at vi i Danmark har mange elever, der er meget dygtige til matematik. Men den negative sociale arv er fortsat stærk, og lærerne oplever mere stø...

  2. Fremtidens forskning skal streames på Netflix

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Agerbæk, Jonas; Hendriksen, Lauge; Mohr, Markus


    En ny dokumentarfilm eksperimenterer med at formidle forskning på film. To studerende og en forsker fortæller, hvordan de har testet den nye formidlingsform.......En ny dokumentarfilm eksperimenterer med at formidle forskning på film. To studerende og en forsker fortæller, hvordan de har testet den nye formidlingsform....

  3. Facebook samtaler og visionsformuleringer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Anders Koed; Munk, Anders Kristian

    I forbindelse med Aalborg Kommunes visionsproces for fremtidens folkeskole har forfatterne mellem september 2014 og januar 2015 indsamlet og analyseret visionsrelevante indlæg på skoleforvaltningens facebookside. Analysen falder i to dele: 1. En struktureret analyse og indeksering af de visioner,...

  4. Klima, apokalypse og en topos om sted

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Esben Bjerggaard


    Klimadebatten er fuld af forudsigelser om fremtiden og lurende katastrofe. Al Gore har eksempelvis gjort brug af en apokalyptisk fortælling i sin klimaretorik. Tid er en vigtig topos i denne type retorik. Forfatteren viser her, hvordan skiftet til en topos om Sted forandrer den klassiske...

  5. Labour 4.0: Kompetencer til fremtidens industri

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wæhrens, Brian Vejrum; Lassen, Astrid Heidemann; Nørgaard, Bente


    I Danmark fremhæves Region Nordjylland ofte som et område, der har et stort, men også et uudnyttet potentiale i forhold til mulighederne i det nye industriparadigme Industri 4.0. I regionen er der kompetencer og viden fra både den traditionelle fremstillingsindustri og fra IT-klyngen, der...... blomstrede omkring mobilindustrien i 1990´erne og siden har dannet grobund for mange nye virksomheder indenfor trådløs-/kommunikationsteknologi i mange andre industrier. Industri 4.0 bygger netop på at integrere digitalisering, automatisering og robotteknologi med traditionelle fremstillingsindustrier, og på...... den måde globalt skabe konkurrencedygtige og fleksible virksomheder, der i mange tilfælde med fordel igen vil kunne hjemtage produktionsopgaver fra lavtlønslande til Danmark og Nordjylland. Evnen til at omsætte Industri 4.0 potentialerne har på den måde vidtrækkende konsekvenser for Danmarks fremtid...

  6. Teknologisk roadmap viser vej til vækstteknologier

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ricard, Lykke Margot


    Hvilke teknologier er fremtidens vækstteknologier, som skal begunstiges med offentlige investeringer? Det har de nye EU-roadmap 2020-processer vist sig overlegne til at udpege – ikke mindst i forhold til den tidligere udskældte picking the winners-strategi. I roadmap-processerne kortlægges koordi...

  7. Revolution eller evolution?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kaarsted, Thomas


    Digital Natives, Google Generationen, Dot Net-generationen. Mens forskerne søger efter den rigtige term søger bibliotekerne at lægge strategier for fremtiden. Et bredt anlagt forskningsprojekt giver et bud på udviklingen og har en udløber til forskningsbibliotekerne. Kritikerne mener projektet...

  8. Future competence needs in public libraries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Konrad, Ingelise


    Fremtidens biblioteker har behov for ledere, der løbende kan arbejde med forandrings- og udviklingsprocesser i samspil med organisationen og dens omverden samt for medarbejdere, der kan tage ledelse på sig i forhold til projekter mv. Det forudsætter medarbejdere og ledere med stærke metakompetencer...

  9. Hvordan fungerer samvirke mellom landbaserte nødetater og maritime ressurser ved ulykker i umiddelbar nærhet til land? Et kvalitativt blikk på redningsarbeidet etter helikopterulykken ved Turøy.


    Haugen, Eirik Solheim; Løvskogen, Tom Arild; Røstgård, Synne Elise


    Bacheloroppgave i beredskap og krisehåndtering 2017 Vi har valgt samvirke, og konkret samvirke mellom landbaserte nødetater og maritime ressurser, som tema for vår oppgave. Utfordringer knyttet til samordning og koordinering har vært tilbakevendende i flere av fagene i studiet, noe som gjør at vi synes dette både er interessant og aktuelt å se nærmere på. Vi mener også at det kan finnes en slags gråsone i grensesnittet mellom land og sjø, og håper derfor at vår avhandling kan være med på å...

  10. Danskernes forventninger til pension

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Amilon, Anna

    Det danske pensionssystem har i de seneste årtier undergået store forandringer. Fra primært at være dækket af et skattefinansieret pensionssystem vil en stigende andel danskere i fremtiden få suppleret folkepensionen med arbejdsmarkedspensioner og privattegnede ordninger. Det betyder en større va...

  11. Turistkort som geografisk kommunikation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Niels Christian


      Kort har længe spillet en central rolle i turisters ferieplanlægning og aktiviteter på feriestedet, og forventes at gøre det i fremtiden, suppleret med andre kilder til geografisk information. Men først i forbindelse med introduktionen af GIS og mobile applikationer som telefon og GPS er den...

  12. Fremstilling af CO2-neutral benzin og diesel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stummann, Magnus Zingler; Høj, Martin; Jensen, Peter Arendt


    Siden 1965 er verdens energiforbrug mere end femdoblet og forbruget forventes at fortsætte med at stige i fremtiden. Imens mindskes reserverne af fossilt brændstof hastigt og CO2-udledningen fra forbrændingen af fossile brændstoffer medfører global opvarmning. Vi har derfor brug for hurtigt at fi...

  13. Nye militære trends i den syriske borgerkrig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Engen, Torben Toftgaard; Kjellund, Jon


    I den flerårige syriske borgerkrig har der fundet tre nye militære trends sted, der peger imod, at fremtidens landmilitære kampplads vil være væsensforskellig fra indsatserne i Irak og Afghanistan. Denne rapport analyserer de tre trends inden for digitaliseringen af den hybride krigsførelse og ka...

  14. Neomillenial Learning Styles og Mønsterbrydere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Levinsen, Karin


    forudsætninger for at imødegå fremtidens udfordringer. Baby Boomers har tilegnet sig det meste af deres kompetencer indenfor Informations- og Kommunikations Teknologi (IKT) som voksne, mens de yngre Millennials er såkaldte digitale indfødte (digital natives) for hvem trådløse net og mobil teknologi er dagligdags...

  15. Klima og turisme

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ren, Carina Bregnholm


    Denne artikel præsenterer en række koblinger mellem klima og turisme med det formål at pege på, hvorledes klima og turisme i fremtiden kan tænkes. Jeg beskriver, hvorledes man i turismeforskningen har fokuseret på at blotlægge særligt to kausale forbindelser mellem klima og turisme, nemlig hvorda...

  16. Lys og Energi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christoffersen, Jens; Hansen, Ellen Kathrine; Hilberth, Thomas


    En vigtig målsætning i projektet ”Transparente solceller – fremtidens energiproducerende solafskærmning” er at beskrive hvordan PEC cellen kan og bør indgå i byggeriet. For at skabe et bredt og solid fundament i dette arbejdet, har projektet i to omgange gået i aktiv dialog med de studerende ved ...

  17. En procesorienteret miljøvurdering af F&U

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lyhne, Ivar

    Miljøperformance af fremtidens energiteknologier defineres i høj grad i de tidlige F&U aktiviteter. har i flere år miljøvurderet ForskEL-programmet og i dette projekt forbedres systemets nytte ved at muliggøre øgede krav til programmets samlede performance og følge op på projekternes...

  18. Geografisk information gennem tiden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Esben Munk


    At lave kort hænger sammen med et behov for at kommunikere geografisk information. Der har gennem historien altid været en tidstypisk sammenhæng mellem dette behov, den tilgængelige teknologi til formålet og så den pågældende datamodel. Helt tilbage fra den yngste kartografi og til fremtidens bru...

  19. De internationale markeder for dansk svinekød

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Niels Asger


    En af de parametre, som har størst betydning for, om efterspørgselen efter dansk svinekød kan opretholdes eller øges i de kommende år er, hvordan ønsker og behov hos de endelige forbrugere udvikler sig i fremtiden. Det kan vi af gode grunde ikke vide præcist, men vi kan med udgangspunkt i blandt ...

  20. Morphware - Fremtidens Embedded System Platform

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Jan


    FPGA'er bliver i stigende grad brugt som komponenter i embedded systemer. Faldende priser, større kapacitet og en større felksibilitet har gjort FPGA'en til en attraktiv og konkurrencedygtig teknologi der tillader en stadig stigende grad af system integration, hvor traditionel hardware og software...... kombineres og rekonfigureres. Muligheden for at rekonfigurere systemet, og specielt rekonfigurerer det medens det kører, giver nogle helt nye muligheder for at designe og programmere embedded systemer. Dette foredrag vil give et indblik i disse nye og fremtidige muligheder....

  1. Drivhusgasser - kilder, opgørelsesmetoder og internationale forpligtelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Ole-Kenneth; Thomsen, Marianne; Lyck, Erik

    Denne bog giver historien om drivhusgasser en hidtil udset dybde. Klimaændringerne har åbnet verdens øjne for disse gassers store betydning, og mange lande har forpligtet sig til at nedsætte udledningen af dem. Det kræver imidlertid, at man ved, hvor gasserne kommer fra, kan følge udledningernes......, hvor store udledningerne er i dag, var i fortiden og må forventes at blive i fremtiden.- Et klart overblik over de mange nationale og internationale institutioner og organisationer, der er med til at regulere drivhusgasudledningerne herhjemme og globalt.- Et godt grundlag, hvis man vil forstå den...

  2. Har erhvervsuddannelserne en fremtid?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Christian Helms


    Har erhvervsuddannelserne en fremtid? Eller mere præcist: Har de en fremtid med den grundform som nu har fungeret i over 50 år? Det vil sige som et separat system baseret på vekseluddannelser, hvor hovedparten af uddannelserne foregår i praktik, og som i vid udstrækning styres af arbejdsmarkedets...

  3. Pas på? Science kom...?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kinnerup, Lars Bo


    tværgående, projektorienteret undervisning indenfor rammerne af de eksisterende fag, herunder også fx historie og samfundsfag. Denne artikel er hverken for eller imod science. Jeg vil i stedet forsøge, at tegne et billede af nogle muligheder for at positionere geografi anderledes end det er i dag, bl.a. ved......Der har i de senere år været sagt og skrevet en del om en eventuel indførelse af et science-fag i folkeskolen – og dermed også på læreruddannelsen. I Geografisk Orientering 2012/2 er Geografforbundets ståsted således klargjort i en tydelig afvisning af science-faget sammen med et forslag om mere...... at se på hvordan fagene ser ud i lande, der har science gennem hele skoleforløbet....

  4. Professorportrætter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium i København. Som professor er han hovedansvarlig for uddannelsen af komponister og leder af konservatoriets festival for ny musik, PULSAR. Peter Bruun møder Niels Rosing-Schow til en samtale om hvordan man kan ruste fremtidens komponister til deres virke. Og om......, hvordan man som professor i komposition har mulighed for at påvirke udviklingen af musiklivet. Lars Ole Bonde er professor i Musikterapi på Aalborg Universitet og klinisk musikterapeut og forsker på Musikterapiklinikken v. Aalborg Psykiatriske Sygehus. Nina Gram har mødt Lars Ole Bonde til en snak om bl...... teknologier i lyddesign til computerspil. Mads Walther-Hansen har interviewet ham om forskningsmiljøet i Danmark, om studiet af lyd som et interdisciplinært felt, og om hans definition af lyd som ”emergent perception”....

  5. Fremtiden for dansk forskning og højere uddannelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Prebensen, Henrik


    Danske universiteter har en tradition for en institutionskultur der bygger på selvstyre, på dynamisk sammenhæng mellem forskning og uddannelse, på forestillingen om erkendelsens og videnskabens enhed og på troen på forskningens og uddannelsernes egenværdi i et dannelsesperspektiv. Denne kultur er...

  6. Kravene til lederskab og business excellence for fremtidens ledere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahlgaard, Jens Jørn; Larsen, Heine Zahll; Nørgaard, Anders


    Total Quality Management, Business Process Reengineering, Lærende organisationer og Human Resource Management er begreber, som i de senere år har været omtalt meget i ledelsesmæssige sammenhænge. Alle giver de deres forskellige bud på, hvilke strategiske perspektiver virksomheder bør have, når man...

  7. Offentlige og private samarbejder om innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brogaard, Lena; Garsdal, Gunhild Sander


    Hvordan kan vi skabe bedre og mere velfærd til borgerne for skattekronerne? Det er et centralt spørgsmål på den offentlige sektors dagsorden i disse år. Et stigende pres på de offentlige ressourcer og en udsigt til flere ældre og færre erhvervsaktive i fremtiden har sat fokus på, hvordan man kan ...... udvikle de offentlige serviceydelser - for eksempel ved at inddrage den private sektor mere og på nye måder...

  8. Drømmen om transfaglighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henriksen, Carsten


    Fagene er under pres. Tidens krav om grænseløse kompetencer truer med at rive faggrænserne ned for at slå porten op til transfaglighedens forjættede land. Men der findes ingen genvej bagom fagene, for selvom fagene er kunstige grænser i en grænseløs, moderne verden, kan vi ikke undvære dem. Hans...

  9. Kan bevægelse udvikle matematikkompetencer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ejersbo, Lisser Rye


    Der tales meget om bevægelse, og hvordan en sådan kan foregå i skolen og i forhold til fagene. Der er ingen tvivl om at bevægelse er vigtig for kroppen, men spørgsmålet er hvornår og hvordan den går i hånd med fagene.......Der tales meget om bevægelse, og hvordan en sådan kan foregå i skolen og i forhold til fagene. Der er ingen tvivl om at bevægelse er vigtig for kroppen, men spørgsmålet er hvornår og hvordan den går i hånd med fagene....

  10. Emotiv Kunstig Intelligens - Den etiske forpligtigelse


    Beinkamp, Line; Aalbæk Jensen, Sandra


    Under emnet Kunstig Intelligens har vi valgt at arbejde med et scenarie som diskuterer hvad der i fremtiden ville ske hvis man var i stand til at fremstille robotter, eller nærmere betegnet Cyborgs, med menneskelige kognitive egenskaber. Derpå vil dette projekt blive udarbejdet som et tankeeksperiment, også på engelsk kaldet en ”Intuition Pump”, som vil undersøge hvordan vi burde handle, hvis skabelsen af kunstig intelligens faktisk burde anses for en realistisk mulighed. Med dette i mente vi...

  11. Har Gobind Khorana

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    IAS Admin

    Har Gobind Khorana, whose scientific career spanned a period of more than sixty ... Vancouver to the Institute for Enzyme Research at the University of Wisconsin in .... Khorana was very excited at the opportunity ... development of simplified ...

  12. Dine marker har DNA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eckholdt, Annette; Winding, Anne; Krogh, Paul Henning


    Ordet "biodiversitet" og at det er noget, vi skal have mere af, nævnes hyppigt. Men hvad er biodiversitet, og hvordan måles det? Agrologisk har bedt et par eksperter fra Aarhus Universitet forklare, hvordan et DNA-aftryk af jord og vand kan erstatte optællinger i felten og sige noget om biodivers......Ordet "biodiversitet" og at det er noget, vi skal have mere af, nævnes hyppigt. Men hvad er biodiversitet, og hvordan måles det? Agrologisk har bedt et par eksperter fra Aarhus Universitet forklare, hvordan et DNA-aftryk af jord og vand kan erstatte optællinger i felten og sige noget om...

  13. Har Gobind Khorana

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Resonance – Journal of Science Education; Volume 17; Issue 12. Har Gobind Khorana - Early Years in Science and Transition from Chemistry to Chemical Biology. Uttam L Rajbhandary. General Article Volume 17 Issue 12 December 2012 pp 1125-1135 ...

  14. Beacon-teknologi - fremtidens kundebehandling eller en trussel for personvernet?


    Jyrkinen, Anna; Kamås, Kamilla


    Smarttelefoner har blitt en naturlig del av våre liv. Alt man gjør på smarttelefonen, blir lagret som såkalte “big data”. Dette er verdifull informasjon for bedrifter, da de får mer detaljert bilde av hva forbrukere ser, eller holder på med i det virkelige liv. Det kan oppstå et dilemma ved hvor langt selskapene er villige til å strekke seg, for å samle inn informasjon om sine kunder. Beacons er en ny teknologiform og fungerer via små apparater som kommuniserer med kunder gjenn...

  15. Koldkrigere, medløbere og røde lejesvende

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Farbøl, Rosanna

    afhandlingen inden for forskningsfeltet memory studies. De efterfølgende kapitler udvikler metodiske refleksioner over, hvordan man kan undersøge relationer og interaktioner mellem fortid og nutid. Ud fra en antagelse af, at den danske koldkrigsdebat ikke, som det ofte fremstilles, er en simpel højrefløj...... og traditioner; fortiden har også magt over nutiden. Det er endvidere ikke bare forskellige tolkninger af den specifikke koldkrigsfortid, der støder sammen, det er også et sammenstød mellem forskellige store fortællinger og visioner for fremtiden. Nogle gange støder konkrete historiebrug og...

  16. Tekstiler i fremtidens hospitaler - Rengøring og desinfektion af funktionelle tekstiler

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mogensen, Jeppe Emil; Jørgensen, Poul-Erik


    , har dog været et overset område, selvom materialerne vurderes at have stor betydning for oplevelsen af det fysiske miljø: De bløde, komfortable møbeltekstiler er oftest erstattet af polyurethan-coatede materialer, der med en tæt overflade nemt kan rengøres, men som dog ikke besidder samme æstetiske og...

  17. Case-baseret undervisning – et overset værktøj for klassiske humanistiske fag

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Caroline Schaffalitzky de Muckadell


    Full Text Available Casebaseret undervisning er blevet udbredt, fordi den er velegnet til at træne analyse af problemer med henblik på at foreslå løsninger. Denne artikel argumenterer for, at klassiske humanistiske fag også bør tage metoden til sig, selvom fagene typisk ikke har problemløsning som afgørende målsætning. Udviklingen skal dog hjælpes på vej.Case-based teaching has gained currency because of its beneficial effect on skills and competences aimed at problem solving. This article argues that traditional subjects within the humanities can benefit from case-based teaching even if the subject is not essentially concerned with problem solving. However, the implementation needs to be supported in several ways.

  18. Khorana, Prof. Har Gobind

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Elected: 1976 Honorary. Khorana, Prof. Har Gobind Nobel Laureate (Medicine) - 1968. Date of birth: 9 January 1922. Date of death: 9 November 2011. Last known address: Alfred P. Sloan Professor of, Biology and Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of, Technology, 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A..

  19. Kumar, Prof. Har Darshan

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Fellow Profile. Elected: 1975 Section: Plant Sciences. Kumar, Prof. Har Darshan Ph.D. (London), FNA, FNASc. Date of birth: 25 February 1934. Specialization: Algology, Microbial Biotechnology, Genetics, Ecology and Environment Address: Mrigtrishna, B.32/32, H.K. 214, Saketnagar Colony, Naria, Varanasi 221 005, U.P.

  20. Design Process Improvement for Electric CAR Harness (United States)

    Sawatdee, Thiwarat; Chutima, Parames


    In an automobile parts design company, the customer satisfaction is one of the most important factors for product design. Therefore, the company employs all means to focus its product design process based on the various requirements of customers resulting in high number of design changes. The objective of this research is to improve the design process of the electric car harness that effects the production scheduling by using Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) as the main tools. FTA is employed for root cause analysis and FMEA is used to ranking a High Risk Priority Number (RPN) which is shows the priority of factors in the electric car harness that have high impact to the design of the electric car harness. After the implementation, the improvements are realized significantly since the number of design change is reduced from 0.26% to 0.08%.

  1. Environmental Control Unit Harness Project (United States)

    Oliva-Buisson, Yvette J.


    Testing four new Environmental Control Unit Harnesses for improved user comfort during SCAPE operations. Phase I, testing in a lab environment, Phase II will continue testing the best candidates in a field environment.

  2. Har vi en virkelighedssans?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Trettvik, Johan


    Vores teoretiske forhold til virkeligheden er meget omdiskuteret, og særlig spørgsmålet om, hvorvidt vores viden afspejler noget virkeligt, er centralt i diskussionen af begrebet om virkelighed. I psykologien har det sat sine spor ved enten en reduktionistisk holdning til sit genstandsfelt eller ...

  3. Developing a TTCN-3 Test Harness for Legacy Software

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Okika, Joseph C.; Ravn, Anders Peter; Siddalingaiah, Lokesh


    We describe a prototype test harness for an embedded system which is the control software for a modern marine diesel engine. The operations of such control software requires complete certification. We adopt Testing and Test Control Notation (TTCN-3) to define test cases for this purpose. The main...... challenge in developing the test harness is to interface a generic test driver to the legacy software and provide a suitable interface for test engineers. The main contribution of this paper is a demonstration of a suitable design for such a test harness. It includes: a TTCN-3 test driver in C++, the legacy...

  4. Harnessing off-target effects

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Saginc, Gaye; Voellmy, Franziska; Linding, Rune


    The 'off-targets' of a drug are often poorly characterized yet could be harnessed in the treatment of complex diseases. A recent study used a small-molecule screening in non-small-cell lung cancer to repurpose an FDA-approved ALK/IGF1R inhibitor and uncover its mechanism of action....

  5. Synthesis of Fluorescent Carbon Dots by Gastrointestinal Fluid Treatment of Mongolia Har Gabur

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tegexibaiyin Wang


    Full Text Available Har Gabur is the carbide obtained from pig manure by burning. The fluorescent carbon dots (CDs of Har Gabur were successfully synthesized through simulating the digestion process of human gastrointestinal tract. Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM analysis showed that the average size of the prepared Har Gabur CDs was 4 nm, with good solubility in water and strong fluorescence under UV irradiation. The X-ray and Raman results showed that the Har Gabur CDs were mainly composed of oxygen “O” and carbon “C” elements, in the forms of “C=O” and “C-O.” The bond energy results showed that the nitrogen “N” atom presented as “C-N” form, which indicated that Har Gabur CDs also contain “N.” In photobleaching assay, Har Gabur CDs showed excellent light stability compared with ordinary organic dye, fluorescein, and Rhodamine B. The fluorescence intensity of Har Gabur CDs was fairly stable within a wide pH range of 3–10. When L-lysine and L-cysteine were applied for the passivation stage, the relative quantum yields were improved by 1.53 and 3.68 times, respectively. Finally, the fluorescence properties of Har Gabur CDs were tested in cells and zebrafish, illustrating that Har Gabur CD has potential in the application of biological labeling and imaging.

  6. Algorithm of automatic generation of technology process and process relations of automotive wiring harnesses

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    XU Benzhu; ZHU Jiman; LIU Xiaoping


    Identifying each process and their constraint relations from the complex wiring harness drawings quickly and accurately is the basis for formulating process routes. According to the knowledge of automotive wiring harness and the characteristics of wiring harness components, we established the model of wiring harness graph. Then we research the algorithm of identifying technology processes automatically, finally we describe the relationships between processes by introducing the constraint matrix, which is in or- der to lay a good foundation for harness process planning and production scheduling.

  7. Advances and limitations of visual conditioning protocols in harnessed bees. (United States)

    Avarguès-Weber, Aurore; Mota, Theo


    Bees are excellent invertebrate models for studying visual learning and memory mechanisms, because of their sophisticated visual system and impressive cognitive capacities associated with a relatively simple brain. Visual learning in free-flying bees has been traditionally studied using an operant conditioning paradigm. This well-established protocol, however, can hardly be combined with invasive procedures for studying the neurobiological basis of visual learning. Different efforts have been made to develop protocols in which harnessed honey bees could associate visual cues with reinforcement, though learning performances remain poorer than those obtained with free-flying animals. Especially in the last decade, the intention of improving visual learning performances of harnessed bees led many authors to adopt distinct visual conditioning protocols, altering parameters like harnessing method, nature and duration of visual stimulation, number of trials, inter-trial intervals, among others. As a result, the literature provides data hardly comparable and sometimes contradictory. In the present review, we provide an extensive analysis of the literature available on visual conditioning of harnessed bees, with special emphasis on the comparison of diverse conditioning parameters adopted by different authors. Together with this comparative overview, we discuss how these diverse conditioning parameters could modulate visual learning performances of harnessed bees. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Molecular mapping of a sunflower rust resistance gene from HAR6. (United States)

    Bulos, Mariano; Ramos, María L; Altieri, Emiliano; Sala, Carlos A


    Sunflower rust, caused by Puccinia helianthi Schw., can result in significant yield losses in cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. var. macrocarpus Ckll.). HAR6 is a germplasm population resistant to most predominant rust races. The objectives of this study were to map the resistance factor present in HAR6 (R HAR6 ), and to provide and validate molecular tools for the identification of this gene for marker assisted selection purposes. Virulence reaction of seedlings for the F2 population and F2:3 families suggested that a single dominant gene confers rust resistance in HAR6-1, a selected rust resistance line from the original population. Genetic mapping with eight markers covered 97.4 cM of genetic distance on linkage group 13 of the sunflower consensus map. A co-dominant marker ZVG61 is the closest marker distal to R HAR6 at a genetic distance of 0.7 cM, while ORS581, a dominant marker linked in the coupling phase, is proximal to R HAR6 at a genetic distance of 1.5 cM. Validation of these markers was assessed by converting a susceptible line into a rust resistant isoline by means of marker assisted backcrossing. The application of these results to assist the breeding process and to design new strategies for rust control in sunflower is discussed.

  9. A single Danio rerio hars gene encodes both cytoplasmic and mitochondrial histidyl-tRNA synthetases.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ashley L Waldron

    Full Text Available Histidyl tRNA Synthetase (HARS is a member of the aminoacyl tRNA synthetase (ARS family of enzymes. This family of 20 enzymes is responsible for attaching specific amino acids to their cognate tRNA molecules, a critical step in protein synthesis. However, recent work highlighting a growing number of associations between ARS genes and diverse human diseases raises the possibility of new and unexpected functions in this ancient enzyme family. For example, mutations in HARS have been linked to two different neurological disorders, Usher Syndrome Type IIIB and Charcot Marie Tooth peripheral neuropathy. These connections raise the possibility of previously undiscovered roles for HARS in metazoan development, with alterations in these functions leading to complex diseases. In an attempt to establish Danio rerio as a model for studying HARS functions in human disease, we characterized the Danio rerio hars gene and compared it to that of human HARS. Using a combination of bioinformatics, molecular biology, and cellular approaches, we found that while the human genome encodes separate genes for cytoplasmic and mitochondrial HARS protein, the Danio rerio genome encodes a single hars gene which undergoes alternative splicing to produce the respective cytoplasmic and mitochondrial versions of Hars. Nevertheless, while the HARS genes of humans and Danio differ significantly at the genomic level, we found that they are still highly conserved at the amino acid level, underscoring the potential utility of Danio rerio as a model organism for investigating HARS function and its link to human diseases in vivo.

  10. Integration of a Copper-Containing Biohybrid (CuHARS with Cellulose for Subsequent Degradation and Biomedical Control

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anik Karan


    Full Text Available We previously described the novel synthesis of a copper high-aspect ratio structure (CuHARS biohybrid material using cystine. While extremely stable in water, CuHARS is completely (but slowly degradable in cellular media. Here, integration of the CuHARS into cellulose matrices was carried out to provide added control for CuHARS degradation. Synthesized CuHARS was concentrated by centrifugation and then dried. The weighed mass was re-suspended in water. CuHARS was stable in water for months without degradation. In contrast, 25 μg/mL of the CuHARS in complete cell culture media was completely degraded (slowly in 18 days under physiological conditions. Stable integration of CuHARS into cellulose matrices was achieved through assembly by mixing cellulose micro- and nano-fibers and CuHARS in an aqueous (pulp mixture phase, followed by drying. Additional materials were integrated to make the hybrids magnetically susceptible. The cellulose-CuHARS composite films could be transferred, weighed, and cut into usable pieces; they maintained their form after rehydration in water for at least 7 days and were compatible with cell culture studies using brain tumor (glioma cells. These studies demonstrate utility of a CuHARS-cellulose biohybrid for applied applications including: (1 a platform for biomedical tracking and (2 integration into a 2D/3D matrix using natural products (cellulose.

  11. Which is the better forecasting model? A comparison between HAR-RV and multifractality volatility (United States)

    Ma, Feng; Wei, Yu; Huang, Dengshi; Chen, Yixiang


    In this paper, by taking the 5-min high frequency data of the Shanghai Composite Index as example, we compare the forecasting performance of HAR-RV and Multifractal volatility, Realized volatility, Realized Bipower Variation and their corresponding short memory model with rolling windows forecasting method and the Model Confidence Set which is proved superior to SPA test. The empirical results show that, for six loss functions, HAR-RV outperforms other models. Moreover, to make the conclusions more precise and robust, we use the MCS test to compare the performance of their logarithms form models, and find that the HAR-log(RV) has a better performance in predicting future volatility. Furthermore, by comparing the two models of HAR-RV and HAR-log(RV), we conclude that, in terms of performance forecasting, the HAR-log(RV) model is the best model among models we have discussed in this paper.

  12. Kyllinger har effektivt immunforsvar mod herpes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buchmann, Kurt


    Forskere ved Københavns Universitet, Fakultet for Biovidenskab har studeret kyllingens MHC molekyler og kan derigennem forklare hvorfor en særlig stamme indenfor denne art er modstandsdygtige mod en særlig herpesvirus. Udgivelsesdato: 18. januar 2008...

  13. Når sex er en ret, hvem har så pligt?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munk-Madsen, Eva


    Socialministeriet har fastslået i en vejledning, at samfundet har omsorgspligt for funktionshæmmedes borgeres  seksuelle udfoldelsesmulighder. Tre grupper er udpeget som dem der skal varetage denne omsorgspligt på samfundets vegne: ansatte hjælpepersoner, seksualvejledere og prostituerede. I modt...

  14. Harness the Power of Technology (United States)

    Duncan, Arne


    Today, U.S. educators are teaching in the midst of a technological revolution. Technology promises to provide innovative solutions in the nation's classrooms, just as it has transformed the way people communicate, socialize, and conduct business. In this article, the author argues that now is the time to harness technology to revolutionize the way…

  15. Leseopplæring i norskfagets begynneropplæring med fokus på fagspesifikk lesekompetanse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anne Håland


    Full Text Available Distinksjonen knyttet til generell og fagspesifikk lese- og skriveopplæring i fagene har fått fornyet interesse både i norsk og internasjonal sammenheng. Denne artikkelen diskuterer hva dette betyr i norskfagets begynneropplæring, og søker med dette å supplere litteraturen som finnes om lesing av skjønnlitteratur. Vi stiller spørsmålet: Hvordan posisjonerer elever på 1. trinn seg som litterære lesere? Spørsmålet utforskes gjennom klassesamtaler rundt to utvalgte bildebøker med innlagte lesestopp, basert på teorier om hva det vil si å lese skjønnlitteratur, og da særlig Judith Langers teorier (2005 om forestillingsverdener. Utdragene fra klassesamtalene viser at elevene er i stand til å posisjonere seg som litterære lesere og utforske tekster på en fagspesifikk måte.

  16. Scenarier for fødevareindustrien år 2010: Del 2: Fremtidige kompetencebehov

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Birger Boutrup; Sonne, Anne-Mette; Harmsen, Hanne


    prøvet at nærme sig i projektet CRARNAFI (Competence Requirements and Research Needs Ahead in the Food Industry). Scenarierne og metoden, de er fremkommet på, er afrapporteret i MAPP working paper no. 80 "Scenarier for fødevareindustrien år 2010, Del 1: Scenariekonstruktion og scenarier", som kan...... organisationer i fødevareindustrien at klare sig succesfuldt i de forskellige versioner af fremtiden. I dette working paper har vi i samarbejde med en lang række aktører i fødevareindustrien nedfældet, hvilke kompetencer der kræves for at klare sig godt i de tre forskellige scenarier beskrevet i første del af...... projektet. Kompetencerne er udledt på workshops med repræsentanter fra de fire sektorer kød, mejeri, frugt & grønt, samt fisk. Med udgangspunkt i scenarierne, har vi udledt kompetencer og identificeret de største udfordringer for industrien ved at bevæge sig fra, hvor man er nu og til den skitserede...

  17. Har læreplanen (stadig) minimal betydning?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Jens Aage


    Undervisningsministeriets læreplaner for skolens fag er centrale styredokumenter, der fastlægger formål og rammesætter indhold og form for undervisningen. Men hvilken betydning har de i praksis?...

  18. De Kreative Erhverv - Glem Kunsten

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersson, Lasse


    arbejdspladser skabes i brancher, der kan skaleres. HVOR LIGGER FREMTIDENS Apple, nye brand-guruer som Martin Lindstrøm eller morgendagens Jørn Utzon gemt. Aalborg Universitet uddanner tæt på 500 kandidater årligt inden for de kreative erhverv -ofte med en stærk teknologisk vinkel. Vi har dermed en mulighed...... erhverv i Nordjylland for ca. 11 mia. og beskæftigede 5500 personer. Heri gemmer sig en del engroshandel og produktionsvirksomhed, så skærer vi ind til kernen af de brancher, som er nævnt tidligere, er tallet noget mindre og tættere på fire mia. Det sidste er et mere reelt tal, når man skal se det reelle...

  19. A Key Review of Non-Industrial Greywater Heat Harnessing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abdur Rehman Mazhar


    Full Text Available The ever-growing concerns about making buildings more energy efficient and increasing the share of renewable energy used in them, has led to the development of ultra-low carbon buildings or passive houses. However, a huge potential still exists to lower the hot water energy demand, especially by harnessing heat from waste water exiting these buildings. Reusing this heat makes buildings more energy-efficient and this source is considered as a third-generation renewable energy technology, both factors conforming to energy policies throughout the world. Based on several theoretical and experimental studies, the potential to harness non-industrial waste water is quite high. As an estimate about 3.5 kWh of energy, per person per day could be harnessed and used directly, in many applications. A promising example of such an application, are low temperature fourth generation District Heating grids, with decentralized sources of heat. At the moment, heat exchangers and heat pumps are the only viable options to harness non-industrial waste heat. Both are used at different scales and levels of the waste-water treatment hierarchical pyramid. Apart from several unfavourable characteristics of these technologies, the associated exergetic efficiencies are low, in the range of 20–50%, even when cascaded combinations of both are used. To tackle these shortcomings, several promising trends and technologies are in the pipeline, to scavenge this small-scale source of heat to a large-scale benefit.

  20. Harnessing solar heat

    CERN Document Server

    Norton, Brian


    Systems engineered by man to harness solar heat in a controlled manner now include a diverse range of technologies each serving distinctive needs in particular climate contexts. This text covers the breadth of solar energy technologies for the conversion of solar energy to provide heat, either as the directly-used output or as an intermediary to other uses such as power generation or cooling. It is a wholly updated, extended and revised version of “Solar Energy Thermal Technology” first published in 1992. The text draws on the own author’s research and that of numerous colleagues and

  1. Harnessing Intellectual Property for Development: Some Thoughts ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Harnessing Intellectual Property for Development: Some Thoughts on an Appropriate ... This will be achieved through the creation of an IP system that provides ... the good being protected and the manner in which the creative process unfolds.

  2. ABS – Arkitektonisk kvalitet i fremtidens læringsrum på universitetet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Cecilie Breinholm; Harder, Henrik; Knudstrup, Mary-Ann

    forskningsprojektets hypoteser om, at den fysiske kontekst er af betydning for læringssituationen i den pågældende fysiske kontekst, samt at der dermed er forskel på læringssituationen i de to fysiske kontekster, der danner genstand for empiri-indsamlingen i dette studie. Dog har den fysiske kontekst ikke alene af...... den fysiske kontekst og læringssituationen i den pågældende fysiske kontekst. Dog vil den anvendte metode kunne benyttes i videre forskning på baggrund af ovenstående foreløbige konklusioner, og hvor eksempelvis den sociale kontekst, lovgivning og regler samt curriculum holdes konstant, mens der...

  3. Vi har brug for dystopierne - men de kan ikke stå alene

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baron, Christian


    Filmatiseringen af Margaret Atwoods »The Handmaid’s Tale« har aktualiseret dystopiens potentiale som samfundskritisk betydningsbærer. I sagens natur er dystopiens evne til at formulere alternativer til den udvikling, den advarer imod, imidlertid begrænsede. Vi har brug for litteratur, der tager...

  4. Science har fundet løsning på CURIS-registrering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mørch, Frede


    Fakultetsbibliotekar Frede Mørch fortæller her om den løsning, som Science har indført for at sikre at alle forskningspublikationer bliver registreret i databasen, CURIS, uden at forskerne skal spilde tid på det.......Fakultetsbibliotekar Frede Mørch fortæller her om den løsning, som Science har indført for at sikre at alle forskningspublikationer bliver registreret i databasen, CURIS, uden at forskerne skal spilde tid på det....

  5. Harnessing the Power of Information Technology: Open Business Models in Higher Education (United States)

    Sheets, Robert G.; Crawford, Stephen


    Higher education is under enormous pressure to improve outcomes and reduce costs. Information technology can help achieve these goals, but only if it is properly harnessed. This article argues that one key to harnessing information technology is business model innovation that results in more "open" and "unbundled" operations in learning and…

  6. Appropriate administrative structures in harnessing water resources ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Appropriate administrative structures in harnessing water resources for sustainable growth in Nigeria. Lekan Oyebande. Abstract. No Abstract. Journal of Mining and Geology Vol. 42(1) 2006: 21-30. Full Text: EMAIL FULL TEXT EMAIL FULL TEXT · DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT.

  7. Jagttider: Hare, agerhøne og ederfugl har behov for mere beskyttelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Jens Christian


    De fleste bestande af de jagtbare arter har det rigtigt godt, men tre af de klassiske vildtarter, hare, agerhøne og ederfugl, er i problemer. Det fremgår af en 284-siders udredning som Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser ved Aarhus Universitet (DMU) har udarbejdet som fagligt grundlag for revisionen af...

  8. Harnessing two language games to enhance students' achievement ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Harnessing two language games to enhance students' achievement in English vocabulary: implications for ... This study investigated the use of games strategies on Senior Secondary One (SS1) students' ... AJOL African Journals Online.

  9. Har jeg forstået det rigtigt?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Horsted, Mette Wenzel; Herly, Lene


    Interviews med sygeplejestuderende, der har problemer i forhold til biokemi, anatomi og fysiologi, gav indsigt i disse studerendes læringsstrategier i undervisningen. Ved bevidst at inddrage motiverende faktorer som inklusion, attitude, mening og kompetence (1), kan der skabes et læringsmiljø, hvor...

  10. Harnessing Collaborative Annotations on Online Formative Assessments (United States)

    Lin, Jian-Wei; Lai, Yuan-Cheng


    This paper harnesses collaborative annotations by students as learning feedback on online formative assessments to improve the learning achievements of students. Through the developed Web platform, students can conduct formative assessments, collaboratively annotate, and review historical records in a convenient way, while teachers can generate…

  11. 'Call Eric'

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dickson, Thomas


    Fremtidens telefoner kan forklædes som øreringe og brillestel, og er styret af brugernes stemme.......Fremtidens telefoner kan forklædes som øreringe og brillestel, og er styret af brugernes stemme....

  12. The effect of spatial confinement on the noble-gas HArF molecule: structure and electric properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kozłowska, Justyna; Bartkowiak, Wojciech


    Highlights: • The structure and electrical properties of HArF in spatial confinement are analyzed. • Orbital compression leads to decrease of bond lengths in the HArF molecule. • Spatial restriction causes a drop of the molecular (hyper)polarizabilities. • Spatial confinement reduces the electron correlation contribution to μ, α and β. - Abstract: A systematic study on the dipole moment and (hyper)polarizabilities of argon fluorohydride under spatial restriction was performed. Detailed analysis of the confinement induced changes in the structure of HArF is also presented. In order to render the influence of chemical compression on the properties in question a two-dimensional harmonic oscillator potential, mimicking a cylindrical confinement, was applied. Through the comparison of the results obtained for HArF with those of HF the effect of Ar insertion on the above properties was discussed. A hierarchy of ab initio methods including HF, MP2, CCSD and CCSD(T), has been employed to investigate the effect of orbital compression on the electron correlation contribution to the studied electric properties. It was observed that the external confining potential modifies the electronic contributions to the dipole moment and (hyper)polarizabilities of HArF. In particular, the first hyperpolarizability of HArF is remarkably smaller than that of the unconfined HArF molecule

  13. The effect of spatial confinement on the noble-gas HArF molecule: structure and electric properties

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kozłowska, Justyna; Bartkowiak, Wojciech, E-mail:


    Highlights: • The structure and electrical properties of HArF in spatial confinement are analyzed. • Orbital compression leads to decrease of bond lengths in the HArF molecule. • Spatial restriction causes a drop of the molecular (hyper)polarizabilities. • Spatial confinement reduces the electron correlation contribution to μ, α and β. - Abstract: A systematic study on the dipole moment and (hyper)polarizabilities of argon fluorohydride under spatial restriction was performed. Detailed analysis of the confinement induced changes in the structure of HArF is also presented. In order to render the influence of chemical compression on the properties in question a two-dimensional harmonic oscillator potential, mimicking a cylindrical confinement, was applied. Through the comparison of the results obtained for HArF with those of HF the effect of Ar insertion on the above properties was discussed. A hierarchy of ab initio methods including HF, MP2, CCSD and CCSD(T), has been employed to investigate the effect of orbital compression on the electron correlation contribution to the studied electric properties. It was observed that the external confining potential modifies the electronic contributions to the dipole moment and (hyper)polarizabilities of HArF. In particular, the first hyperpolarizability of HArF is remarkably smaller than that of the unconfined HArF molecule.

  14. Bogen om GIS og geodata

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balstrøm, Thomas; Jacobi, Ole; Bodum, Lars

    OM INDHOLDET: Kort har gennem århundreder været brugt til at afbilde fænomener på vores runde Jord på papir, men i dagens IT-samfund håndteres de i computere ved brug af geografiske informationssystemer - forkortet GIS. I dem er det for eksempel muligt at koble kortinformationer med registeroplys......OM INDHOLDET: Kort har gennem århundreder været brugt til at afbilde fænomener på vores runde Jord på papir, men i dagens IT-samfund håndteres de i computere ved brug af geografiske informationssystemer - forkortet GIS. I dem er det for eksempel muligt at koble kortinformationer med...... kriterier osv. I systemerne findes der også værktøjer til beregning af korteste vej i vejnetværk og analyser på cellebaserede data som eksempelvis digitale højdemodeller. I denne første dansksprogede lærebog gives der en introduktion til de basale begreber i forståelsen af GIS eksemplificeret ved fokus på...... geodata i databaser, analysemetoder, kartografiske principper, metadata (data om data) og udvalgte eksempler på geodata til brug for den offentlige forvaltning, private virksomheder og borgere. Bogen afrundes med en perspektivering om mulighederne i fremtidens brug af GIS og geodata, som desværre ikke har...

  15. A New Harness For Use with Exercise Countermeasures-Validation of Improved Comfort and Loading with the Center for Space Medicine (CSM) Harness (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The on-orbit treadmill harness Station Development Test Objective (SDTO) evaluation ran from Increment 21 through 25 aboard the International Space Station...

  16. Skolens lys

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skindbjerg Kristensen, L.; Bülow, K.H.


    Artiklen vurderer belysningen i konkurrenceprojekter fra konkurrencen RumFormFunktion i folkeskolen og diskuterer skolens lys i fremtiden.......Artiklen vurderer belysningen i konkurrenceprojekter fra konkurrencen RumFormFunktion i folkeskolen og diskuterer skolens lys i fremtiden....

  17. En analyse av prestasjonsbasert belønning og hvilken effekt den har i Flytoget


    Stousland, Kine


    Prestasjonsbasert belønning har vært i vinden de siste årene, og stadig flere bedrifter har tatt i bruk denne lønnsmetoden for å motivere ansatte til høyere effektivitet og bedre prestasjoner. Flytoget har kastet seg på denne bølgen og laget en medarbeiderbonus med samme kriterier for hele bedriften. Bonusen blir utbetalt en gang per år, og for å få full bonus må Flytoget oppnå 97% kundetilfredshet og fastsatt budsjett. Flytoget er en relativt liten bedrift med 334 ansatte. Hovedoppgaven t...

  18. Harnessing the Potential of Additive Manufacturing (United States)


    31 Defense AT&L: November-December 2016 Harnessing the Potential of Additive Manufacturing Bill Decker Decker is director of Technology...achieve its goal of competition throughout the acquisition life cycle. When we look at additive manufacturing , we have a much different environment. To...Titanium-6 Aluminum-4 Vanadium with Powder Bed Fusion. This specification covers additively manufactured titanium-6 aluminum-4 vanadium (Ti-6Al-4V

  19. Mobility Monitor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schæbel, Anne-Lise; Dybbro, Karina Løvendahl; Andersen, Lisbeth Støvring


    Undersøgelse af digital monitorering af plejehjemsbeboeres vendinger under søvn på Fremtidens Plejehjem, Nørresundby......Undersøgelse af digital monitorering af plejehjemsbeboeres vendinger under søvn på Fremtidens Plejehjem, Nørresundby...

  20. Design is an Attitude

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eriksen, Kaare Riise


    Arttiklen beskriver den mexicanske designer Rafael Davidsons arbejder gennem en menneskealder, samt hans visioner for mexicansk design i fremtiden.......Arttiklen beskriver den mexicanske designer Rafael Davidsons arbejder gennem en menneskealder, samt hans visioner for mexicansk design i fremtiden....

  1. Harnessing indigenous knowledge for sustainable forest management in Ghana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Margaret Sraku-Lartey


    Full Text Available This paper makes a case for harnessing indigenous knowledge (IK for sustainable national development in Ghana. IK according to the World Bank is the basic component of any country’s knowledge system and it is upon this knowledge that scientific research builds. In Ghana the Government has recognized the need to harness IK for sustainable national development and has therefore incorporated it into the National Science, Technology and Innovation Development Programme. But there is no evidence however that scientific research in Ghana actually takes IK into consideration during the research process. This paper discusses the concept of indigenous knowledge, its relevance in scientific discourse and the need for harnessing it for national development in Ghana. A desk study was conducted using journal publications, research and technical reports, online databases and the internet. About sixty articles were analysed using the thematic synthesis method under the following broad headings: Importance of Indigenous knowledge, Indigenous forest foods, Indigenous medicines, IK and food security, the management and processing of IK and the protection of Indigenous Knowledge.The results of the study established the need to document the local knowledge using appropriate procedures and strategies. It also concludes by suggesting that IK in Ghana must be protected by law and integrated into formal science.

  2. Medicinalindustrien har brug for diagnoser som ADHD

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fugl, Marie


    Det er ikke første gang, at medicinalindustriens evne til at finde nye markeder har medført nye eller bredere diagnoser. I det forrige årti så vi et parallelt forløb mellem et boom i antallet af depressionsdiagnoser og forbruget af lykkepiller. Interview med sociolog Thomas Brante. Udgivelsesdato...

  3. Tosprogede har en trumf i ærmet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henriksen, Carsten


    Solstrålehistorier om afghanske superstudenter ændrer ikke ved det faktum, at tosprogede børns faglige niveau halter bagefter deres danske klassekammeraters. Vi har brug for at skrue op for den pædagogiske målrettethed og ned for skrækken for andre sprog, hvis vi skal rette op på skævheden, mener...

  4. Harness: Development of a multifunctional protective ship bulkhead

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wal, R. van der; Meuers, R.J.C.


    HARNESS is a joint project between governments, industry and TNO with the objective to develop a multifunctional protective bulkhead for application on naval vessels. The multifunctional bulkhead aims at increasing the resilience of naval vessels, reduce damage and repair time and provide a safer

  5. Uncovering Listeria monocytogenes hypervirulence by harnessing its biodiversity (United States)

    Charlier, Caroline; Touchon, Marie; Chenal-Francisque, Viviane; Leclercq, Alexandre; Criscuolo, Alexis; Gaultier, Charlotte; Roussel, Sophie; Brisabois, Anne; Disson, Olivier; Rocha, Eduardo P. C.; Brisse, Sylvain; Lecuit, Marc


    Microbial pathogenesis studies are typically performed with reference strains, thereby overlooking microbial intra-species virulence heterogeneity. Here we integrated human epidemiological and clinical data with bacterial population genomics to harness the biodiversity of the model foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes and decipher the basis of its neural and placental tropisms. Taking advantage of the clonal structure of this bacterial species, we identify clones epidemiologically associated with either food or human central nervous system (CNS) and maternal-neonatal (MN) listeriosis. The latter are also most prevalent in patients without immunosuppressive comorbidities. Strikingly, CNS and MN clones are hypervirulent in a humanized mouse model of listeriosis. By integrating epidemiological data and comparative genomics, we uncovered multiple novel putative virulence factors and demonstrated experimentally the contribution of the first gene cluster mediating Listeria monocytogenes neural and placental tropisms. This study illustrates the exceptional power of harnessing microbial biodiversity to identify clinically relevant microbial virulence attributes. PMID:26829754

  6. I fremtiden kan lugt måske lokke køerne til kælvningsboksen i tide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rørvang, Maria Vilain; Sørensen, Linda Søndergaard


    Noget tyder på, at koen i de sidste timer før kælvning er tiltrukket til stedet, hvor andre køer for nylig har kælvet – muligvis pga. lugten af fostervæske. Det viser et pilotforsøg ved Institut for Husdyrvidenskab, Aarhus Universitet. Dette åbner op for nye muligheder, hvis koens valg af kælvnin...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bogdan DINU


    Full Text Available Big Data can revolutionize humanity. Hidden within the huge amounts and variety of the data we are creating we may find information, facts, social insights and benchmarks that were once virtually impossible to find or were simply inexistent. Large volumes of data allow organizations to tap in real time the full potential of all the internal or external information they possess. Big data calls for quick decisions and innovative ways to assist customers and the society as a whole. Big data platforms and product portfolio will help customers harness to the full the value of big data volumes. This paper deals with technical and technological issues related to handling big data volumes in the Big Data environment.



    Yang, Feng; Pai, Yi-Chung


    Over-head-harness systems, equipped with load cell sensors, are essential to the participants’ safety and to the outcome assessment in perturbation training. The purpose of this study was to first develop an automatic outcome recognition criterion among young adults for gait-slip training and then verify such criterion among older adults. Each of 39 young and 71 older subjects, all protected by safety harness, experienced 8 unannounced, repeated slips, while walking on a 7-m walkway. Each tri...

  9. Automatic recognition of falls in gait-slip training: Harness load cell based criteria. (United States)

    Yang, Feng; Pai, Yi-Chung


    Over-head-harness systems, equipped with load cell sensors, are essential to the participants' safety and to the outcome assessment in perturbation training. The purpose of this study was to first develop an automatic outcome recognition criterion among young adults for gait-slip training and then verify such criterion among older adults. Each of 39 young and 71 older subjects, all protected by safety harness, experienced 8 unannounced, repeated slips, while walking on a 7m walkway. Each trial was monitored with a motion capture system, bilateral ground reaction force (GRF), harness force, and video recording. The fall trials were first unambiguously indentified with careful visual inspection of all video records. The recoveries without balance loss (in which subjects' trailing foot landed anteriorly to the slipping foot) were also first fully recognized from motion and GRF analyses. These analyses then set the gold standard for the outcome recognition with load cell measurements. Logistic regression analyses based on young subjects' data revealed that the peak load cell force was the best predictor of falls (with 100% accuracy) at the threshold of 30% body weight. On the other hand, the peak moving average force of load cell across 1s period, was the best predictor (with 100% accuracy) separating recoveries with backward balance loss (in which the recovery step landed posterior to slipping foot) from harness assistance at the threshold of 4.5% body weight. These threshold values were fully verified using the data from older adults (100% accuracy in recognizing falls). Because of the increasing popularity in the perturbation training coupling with the protective over-head-harness system, this new criterion could have far reaching implications in automatic outcome recognition during the movement therapy. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Yang, Feng; Pai, Yi-Chung


    Over-head-harness systems, equipped with load cell sensors, are essential to the participants’ safety and to the outcome assessment in perturbation training. The purpose of this study was to first develop an automatic outcome recognition criterion among young adults for gait-slip training and then verify such criterion among older adults. Each of 39 young and 71 older subjects, all protected by safety harness, experienced 8 unannounced, repeated slips, while walking on a 7-m walkway. Each trial was monitored with a motion capture system, bilateral ground reaction force (GRF), harness force and video recording. The fall trials were first unambiguously indentified with careful visual inspection of all video records. The recoveries without balance loss (in which subjects’ trailing foot landed anteriorly to the slipping foot) were also first fully recognized from motion and GRF analyses. These analyses then set the gold standard for the outcome recognition with load cell measurements. Logistic regression analyses based on young subjects’ data revealed that peak load cell force was the best predictor of falls (with 100% accuracy) at the threshold of 30% body weight. On the other hand, the peak moving average force of load cell across 1-s period, was the best predictor (with 100% accuracy) separating recoveries with backward balance loss (in which the recovery step landed posterior to slipping foot) from harness assistance at the threshold of 4.5% body weight. These threshold values were fully verified using the data from older adults (100% accuracy in recognizing falls). Because of the increasing popularity in the perturbation training coupling with the protective over-head-harness system, this new criterion could have far reaching implications in automatic outcome recognition during the movement therapy. PMID:21696744

  11. Hvorfor skal Adam betale børnepenge, når Eva har bedraget ham?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Thomas Søbirk


    Juridisk abort bør være en mulighed for mænd, der er blevet bedraget, bestjålet eller som har brugt prævention, der ikke virker efter hensigten.......Juridisk abort bør være en mulighed for mænd, der er blevet bedraget, bestjålet eller som har brugt prævention, der ikke virker efter hensigten....

  12. Network harness: bundles of routes in public transport networks (United States)

    Berche, B.; von Ferber, C.; Holovatch, T.


    Public transport routes sharing the same grid of streets and tracks are often found to proceed in parallel along shorter or longer sequences of stations. Similar phenomena are observed in other networks built with space consuming links such as cables, vessels, pipes, neurons, etc. In the case of public transport networks (PTNs) this behavior may be easily worked out on the basis of sequences of stations serviced by each route. To quantify this behavior we use the recently introduced notion of network harness. It is described by the harness distribution P(r, s): the number of sequences of s consecutive stations that are serviced by r parallel routes. For certain PTNs that we have analyzed we observe that the harness distribution may be described by power laws. These power laws indicate a certain level of organization and planning which may be driven by the need to minimize the costs of infrastructure and secondly by the fact that points of interest tend to be clustered in certain locations of a city. This effect may be seen as a result of the strong interdependence of the evolutions of both the city and its PTN. To further investigate the significance of the empirical results we have studied one- and two-dimensional models of randomly placed routes modeled by different types of walks. While in one dimension an analytic treatment was successful, the two dimensional case was studied by simulations showing that the empirical results for real PTNs deviate significantly from those expected for randomly placed routes.

  13. Uddannelse til en accelereret samtid - nye ideer, ny læring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Monty, Anita; Lindow, Bent Erik Kramer; Dyssegaard, Camilla Brørup

    Lederne nedsatte i foråret 2017 en tænketank, der skulle debattere fremtidens uddannelse ud fra en fælles erfaring af, at uddannelse som vi kender det i dag ikke matcher fremtidens omskiftelige behov for kompetenceudvikling. Nogle prognoser forudser at vi fremover skal gennemføre fem-seks uddanne...

  14. Harnessing Mobile Phones for Prevention of Mother-to-Child HIV ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Harnessing Mobile Phones for Prevention of Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission. Mobile phone technology, driven by local market forces rather than foreign assistance, ... IDRC invites applications for the IDRC Research Awards 2019. IDRC is ...

  15. Harnessing supramolecular peptide nanotechnology in biomedical applications


    Chan, Kiat Hwa; Lee, Wei Hao; Zhuo, Shuangmu; Ni, Ming


    Kiat Hwa Chan,1 Wei Hao Lee,2 Shuangmu Zhuo,3 Ming Ni3 1Division of Science, Yale-NUS College, Singapore; 2Department of Chemistry, Krieger School of Arts & Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA; 3Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory for Photonics Technology, Key Laboratory of OptoElectronic Science and Technology for Medicine of Ministry of Education, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, People’s Republic of China Abstract: The harnessing of peptides in biomedic...

  16. Riding Horse Harness (Based on Materials from the Chulkovo Burial Ground

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Grishakov Valeriy V.


    Full Text Available The items of riding horse harness (bits with psalia, stirrups, buckles, decorations of bridles are analyzed in the article on the basis of the materials from the Chulkovo (Murom burial ground site of the 8th-10th centuries, located on right bank of the Oka river. It has been established that the use of horse harness items by the Muroma culture population, which had left the Chulkovo burial ground, is in full correspondence with the general traditions of the Finno-Ugric peoples of the Volga river region characteristic of the 8th-10th centuries. The shapes of the bits correspond to both the steppe (bits with S-shaped and straight psalia and the local traditions (bits with two and three moving rings. A tendency to uniformity is observed in the tradition of stirrups production. The main differences of the Muroma burial grounds from the neighboring Mordovian ones consist in the presence of horse burials (not known among the Mordovians, and, on the other hand, in a practically complete lack of horse harness in the funeral set of human burials. It can be assumed that the importance of cavalry with the Muromа was lower than with the Mordovians who were living next to the steppe world.

  17. Harnessing the crowd to accelerate molecular medicine research. (United States)

    Smith, Robert J; Merchant, Raina M


    Crowdsourcing presents a novel approach to solving complex problems within molecular medicine. By leveraging the expertise of fellow scientists across the globe, broadcasting to and engaging the public for idea generation, harnessing a scalable workforce for quick data management, and fundraising for research endeavors, crowdsourcing creates novel opportunities for accelerating scientific progress. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Social innovation og Muhammad Yunus i en dansk kontekst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Hvorfor er social innovation og Muhammad Yunus' arbejde relevant i en dansk kontekst? Kan social innovation være med til at skabe fremtidens danske velfærdssamfund?......Hvorfor er social innovation og Muhammad Yunus' arbejde relevant i en dansk kontekst? Kan social innovation være med til at skabe fremtidens danske velfærdssamfund?...

  19. Kollektiv intelligens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hallin, Carina Antonia; Jensen, Julian J. U.

    Dansk erhvervsliv er anerkendt som et af de mest innovative i verden, men i disse år møder dansk erhvervsliv nye store udfordringer. Danske virksomheder står overfor at tilpasse sig til den fjerde industrielle revolution, som bygger på den teknologiske udvikling og ikke mindst digitalisering...... (Erhvervs og Vækstministeriet, 2016). Samlet set vil den fjerde industrielle revolution medføre nye krav til virksomheder som vil blive udfordret på effektivitet, omkostning, kreativitet og innovation samt evnen til at forudsige nye markedstrends og operationelle ændringer bedre end konkurrenterne. Nyere...... forskningslitteratur påviser, at ”crowds” har kollektiv intelligens, der kan bidrage med nye kreative og innovative løsninger, og endda forudsige fremtiden for virksomheder ganske præcist (Hong & Page, 2001; 2004; Landemore, 2012; Surowiecki, 2004). Crowds såkaldte kollektive intelligens kan aggregeres i form af...

  20. Taso Mähar : avatud vannitoaga vanalinna korter / Gitte Hint

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hint, Gitte


    Modernne korter (220 m2). Sisearhitekt Taso Mähar, tema kommentaarid. Kogu korteri ulatuses on sisekujundusmaterjalidena kasutatud väärispuitu, metalli, marmorit ja klaasi. T. Mähari projekteeritud on trepp ja piirded, kamin, baarilett ja õhukesed alumiiniumraamidel mattklaasidega uksed. Ill.: I ja II korruse plaan, 8 värv. vaadet

  1. Sundhed, krop og bevægelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knudsmark, Lena; Semke, Anja; Wiben, Henrik

    Sundhed, krop og bevægelse indgår i Munksgaards serie af bøger til den pædagogiske assistentuddannelse. Bogen indeholder teori til fagene Sundhed i den pædagogiske praksis, Bevægelse og idræt samt Arbejdsmiljø og ergonomi. Udgangspunktet for bogens indhold er den pædagogiske praksis. Dvs. at begr......Sundhed, krop og bevægelse indgår i Munksgaards serie af bøger til den pædagogiske assistentuddannelse. Bogen indeholder teori til fagene Sundhed i den pædagogiske praksis, Bevægelse og idræt samt Arbejdsmiljø og ergonomi. Udgangspunktet for bogens indhold er den pædagogiske praksis. Dvs...

  2. Harnessing light: optical science and engineering for the 21st century

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Committee on Optical Science and Engineering, National Research Council

    .... Harnessing Light surveys this multitude of applications, as well as the status of the optics industry and of research and education in optics, and identifies actions that could enhance the field's...

  3. Fem sociale medier har »uindskrænket ret« til at misbruge alt dit indhold

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Jøren Ullits Olai


    Ved du, hvor meget kontrol du har over dit indhold på Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, Instagram og Twitter? Her giver en juraforsker dig det forkromede overblik.......Ved du, hvor meget kontrol du har over dit indhold på Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, Instagram og Twitter? Her giver en juraforsker dig det forkromede overblik....

  4. Harnessing the Ocean's Power : Energy from Waves and Currents (Part I)


    Yukihisa, Washio; Japan Marine Science and Technology Center


    The oceans are a potential source of renewable and pollution-free energy of particular importance to Japan. In this Issue we look at current development work to harness wave energy for power generation.

  5. Research on the Statistical Characteristics of Crosstalk in Naval Ships Wiring Harness Based on Polynomial Chaos Expansion Method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chi Yaodan


    Full Text Available Crosstalk in wiring harness has been studied extensively for its importance in the naval ships electromagnetic compatibility field. An effective and high-efficiency method is proposed in this paper for analyzing Statistical Characteristics of crosstalk in wiring harness with random variation of position based on Polynomial Chaos Expansion (PCE. A typical 14-cable wiring harness was simulated as the object of research. Distance among interfering cable, affected cable and GND is synthesized and analyzed in both frequency domain and time domain. The model of naval ships wiring harness distribution parameter was established by utilizing Legendre orthogonal polynomials as basis functions along with prediction model of statistical characters. Detailed mean value, mean square error, probability density function and reasonable varying range of crosstalk in naval ships wiring harness are described in both time domain and frequency domain. Numerical experiment proves that the method proposed in this paper, not only has good consistency with the MC method can be applied in the naval ships EMC research field to provide theoretical support for guaranteeing safety, but also has better time-efficiency than the MC method. Therefore, the Polynomial Chaos Expansion method.

  6. Små gener rummer store muligheder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gregersen, Per L.


    Højere udbytter og forbedrede egenskaber er nogle af kravene til fremtidens kornsorter - og kendskab til planternes gener er en oplagt mulighed for at skyde genvej i forædlingsarbejdet......Højere udbytter og forbedrede egenskaber er nogle af kravene til fremtidens kornsorter - og kendskab til planternes gener er en oplagt mulighed for at skyde genvej i forædlingsarbejdet...

  7. Dansk Taxi Råd har brug for et sprogkursus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Riis, Helle Bach


    16.10. afviser formanden for Dansk Taxi Råd, John Lindbom, at det nyindførte pointsystem har til hensigt at holde indvandrere fra at blive vognmænd. I stedet siger han, at det handler om at højne fagets status og serviceniveau. Dansk Taxi Råd kan komme langt ved at forbedre sin interkulturelle...

  8. To harness, transport and store the CO2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This article about the CO 2 sequestration is divided in eight parts. The first part concerns the question of why it is important to harness the carbon dioxide. The second part reviews the different technologies to harness it. In part three, the conditioning and transport of CO 2 are studied. Then, the question of geological storage is tackled. The economical aspect of the CO 2 sequestration makes the following part. The acceptability of a underground storage is evoked because of the risk relative to the CO 2 storage. Some examples and projects (Usa, Canada, France) are presented. The conclusion ends this article with the assurance that the CO 2 sequestration is possible, but expansive on the energy level and financing (double investment cost and increasing at least 30% for the production costs for the energy coming from coal). It should be realized on a big scale only if significant tax are imposed to the atmospheric releases in CO 2 as it is the case in the Norwegian example (Sleipner field). The storage potentials are important by calling for aquifer layers. The questions of law and acceptability by the public are uncertain but not insurmountable if we think to the aquifers under the seas. (N.C.)

  9. Efter valget - find den internationale dagsorden frem igen!

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høyrup, Nis


    Folketingsvalget var som ventet støvsuget for konstruktive forslag til, hvordan et lille eksportorienteret Danmark skal finde løsninger på fremtidens udfordringer. Her er et par bud fra Kinafronten.......Folketingsvalget var som ventet støvsuget for konstruktive forslag til, hvordan et lille eksportorienteret Danmark skal finde løsninger på fremtidens udfordringer. Her er et par bud fra Kinafronten....

  10. Spot Støjbergs støj

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kock, Christian Erik J


    Inger Støjberg er placeret på en af de mest profilerede poster i Løkkes regering. Spørger du hende om fortiden, taler hun om fremtiden. Spørger du hende om fremtiden, taler hun om fortiden. Ergo: Hun taler udenom, og hun er god til det. Hun er så god, at det skader demokratiet. Lær at spotte hend...

  11. Failed Pavlik harness treatment for DDH as a risk factor for avascular necrosis. (United States)

    Tiruveedhula, Madhu; Reading, Isabel C; Clarke, Nicholas M P


    Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head is an irreversible complication seen in the treatment of developmental dysplasia of hip (DDH) with the Pavlik harness. Its incidence is reported to be low after successful reduction of the hip but high if the hip is not concentrically relocated. We aim to investigate its incidence after failed Pavlik harness treatment. We prospectively followed up a group of children who failed Pavlik harness treatment for DDH treated at our institution by the senior author between 1988 and 2001 and compared their rates of AVN with a group of children who presented late and hence were treated surgically. AVN was graded as described by Kalamchi and MacEwen and only grade 2 to 4 AVN was considered significant and included in the analysis. Thirty-seven hips were included in the failed Pavlik group (group 1) and 86 hips in the no Pavlik group (group 2). Ten hips in group 1 developed AVN (27%), whereas only 7 hips in group 2 (8%) developed AVN; the odds of developing AVN after failed Pavlik treatment was 4.7 (95% confidence interval, 1.3-14.1) (P=0.009) with a relative risk of 3.32 (range, 1.37 to 8.05). There was no statistically significant association observed with duration of splintage and severity of AVN (Spearman's correlation, -0.46; P=0.18). However, there was a positive correlation noted with age at presentation and severity of AVN. Therefore, we advise close monitoring of hips in the Pavlik harness and discontinue its use if the hips are not reduced within 3 weeks. Level III.

  12. Public relations i et overkommunikeret samfund

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jesper Højbjerg Christensen


    Full Text Available Vi har aldrig før været så overfodret med kommunikation. Jesper Højbjerg Christensen, direktør for Advice Ledelses- og Kommuni- kationsrådgivning A/S, diskuterer i artiklen som praktiker med kom- munikationsreoretisk baggrund, hvordan det kan sikres, at man inden for kommunikations- og public relations-branchen ikke bare kommunikerer som propagandamaskiner - mere og mere - men hellere går i dialog og kommunikerer mindre, og bedre. Han peger på, at vi i fremtiden, bl.a. takket være sammenhængne mellem høj uddannelse og avanceret teknologi, får mulighed for at udfolde mere symmetriske kommunikationsformer og konsensus-funderet dialog. Som sit bidrag til at udrydde forvirringen om, hvad public relation egentlig er, opstiller han - uden større tiltro til, at man kan skabe en "teori" om PR - ud fra praksis fire forskellige måder at dyrke public relations på.

  13. Wearing a safety harness during treadmill walking influences lower extremity kinematics mainly through changes in ankle regularity and local stability

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Decker Leslie M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Wearing a harness during treadmill walking ensures the subject's safety and is common practice in biomedical engineering research. However, the extent to which such practice influences gait is unknown. This study investigated harness-related changes in gait patterns, as evaluated from lower extremity kinematics during treadmill walking. Findings Healthy subjects (n = 10 walked on a treadmill at their preferred speed for 3 minutes with and without wearing a harness (LiteGait®, Mobility Research, Inc.. In the former condition, no weight support was provided to the subjects. Lower extremity kinematics was assessed in the sagittal plane from the mean (meanRoM, standard deviation (SDRoM and coefficient of variation (CoVRoM of the hip, knee, and ankle ranges of motion (RoM, as well as from the sample entropy (SampEn and the largest Lyapunov exponent (LyE of the joints' angles. Wearing the harness increased the meanRoM of the hip, the SDRoM and the CoVRoM of the knee, and the SampEn and the LyE of the ankle. In particular, the harness effect sizes for both the SampEn and the LyE of the ankle were large, likely reflecting a meaningful decline in the neuromuscular stabilizing control of this joint. Conclusions Wearing a harness during treadmill walking marginally influences lower extremity kinematics, resulting in more or less subtle changes in certain kinematic variables. However, in cases where differences in gait patterns would be expressed through modifications in these variables, having subjects walk with a harness may mask or reinforce such differences.

  14. Use of isotopic tools to delimit areas of harnessing for drinking water supply - Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gourcy, L.; Petelet-Giraud, E.


    Within the frame of an action of the ONEMA-BRGM convention (Methodological approaches and tools for the protection of drinking water harnessing against diffuse pollutions), this study aims at developing a synthesis of isotopic geochemical tools to obtain the information required for the delimitation of harnessing supply areas. The report first describes the conventional tools: water molecule steady isotopes, radioactive isotopes, water dating tools, tools developed for another use, and artificial tracers. It presents the possible uses of natural and artificial tracers to determine parameters like flow directions, water residence duration, exchanges between aquifers and water sheet-river interactions. It gives an overview of knowledge on the use of isotopic methods to determine the origin of contaminants. It proposes a brief overview of a previous study of water sheets-rivers relationships. It finally discusses the use of geochemical and isotopic tools when delimiting supply areas for harnessing aimed at drinking water supply

  15. Hello World: Harnessing social media for the Rosetta mission (United States)

    Baldwin, E.; Mignone, C.; O'Flaherty, K. S.; Homfeld, A.-M.; Bauer, M.; McCaughrean, M. J.


    The European Space Agency's (ESA) comet-chasing Rosetta mission was launched in 2004, before social media became a popular tool for mainstream communication. By harnessing a range of platforms for communicating the key messages of this unprecedented space adventure as the spacecraft reached its destination ten years later, a wide range of new audiences were reached and could follow this once-in-a-lifetime mission.

  16. Strategisk ledelse i det offentlige

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klausen, Kurt Klaudi

    Bogen opsamler 10 års forskning og undervisning i strategisk ledelse i det offentlige og udvikler en ny koncepttænkning om at se ind i fremtiden og foregribe den gennem de tre F'er......Bogen opsamler 10 års forskning og undervisning i strategisk ledelse i det offentlige og udvikler en ny koncepttænkning om at se ind i fremtiden og foregribe den gennem de tre F'er...

  17. How can developing countries harness biotechnology to improve health?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Persad Deepa L


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The benefits of genomics and biotechnology are concentrated primarily in the industrialized world, while their potential to combat neglected diseases in the developing world has been largely untapped. Without building developing world biotechnology capacity to address local health needs, this disparity will only intensify. To assess the potential of genomics to address health needs in the developing world, the McLaughlin-Rotman Centre for Global Health, along with local partners, organized five courses on Genomics and Public Health Policy in the developing world. The overall objective of the courses was to collectively explore how to best harness genomics to improve health in each region. This article presents and analyzes the recommendations from all five courses. Discussion In this paper we analyze recommendations from 232 developing world experts from 58 countries who sought to answer how best to harness biotechnology to improve health in their regions. We divide their recommendations into four categories: science; finance; ethics, society and culture; and politics. Summary The Courses' recommendations can be summarized across the four categories listed above: Science - Collaborate through national, regional, and international networks - Survey and build capacity based on proven models through education, training, and needs assessments Finance - Develop regulatory and intellectual property frameworks for commercialization of biotechnology - Enhance funding and affordability of biotechnology - Improve the academic-industry interface and the role of small and medium enterprise Ethics, Society, Culture - Develop public engagement strategies to inform and educate the public about developments in genomics and biotechnology - Develop capacity to address ethical, social and cultural issues - Improve accessibility and equity Politics - Strengthen understanding, leadership and support at the political level for biotechnology

  18. Taso Mähar : maali ümber ehitatud maja / Gitte Hint

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hint, Gitte


    220-ruutmeetrise ühekorde eramu sisekujundus. Arhitekt Emil Urbel. Sisearhitekt Taso Mähar, tema kommentaarid. Köögimööbel on T. Mähari projekteeritud. Elutoas mööblifirma T&T Mang pehme mööbel, seinal Lemming Nageli maal "Punane joon all - Burn Out". Ill.: plaan, 17 värv. vaadet

  19. Brug af video og peer-feedback i færdighedstræningen på Klinisk Biomekanik - hvad har de studerende lært?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauridsen, Henrik Hein; Toftgård, Rie Castella; Nørgaard, Cita

    Learning outcome of activity: Formålet med brug af video og peer-feedback i færdighedstræningen var at: • Udvikle nye didaktiske undervisningsmetoder ved undervisning i færdighedstræning • Fremme synkron og asynkron feedback på de studerendes færdighedstræning • Facilitere de studerendes studieak......Learning outcome of activity: Formålet med brug af video og peer-feedback i færdighedstræningen var at: • Udvikle nye didaktiske undervisningsmetoder ved undervisning i færdighedstræning • Fremme synkron og asynkron feedback på de studerendes færdighedstræning • Facilitere de studerendes...... studieaktiviteter før, under og efter undervisningen • Styrke ’just-in-time’ instruktioner til de studerendes individuelle behov • Udnytte lærerressourcerne i tilstedeværelsestimerne mere hensigtsmæssigt Description of your teaching activity: Brug af video og peer-feedback blev implementeret i færdighedstræningen...... (supervision). Reflective description of experiences with activity as to how your practice can be inspirational/transferable to others (subjects, students, institutions,...) Fagene blev efterfølgende evalueret med et elektronisk spørgeskema udviklet til at evaluere brug af video og peer-feedback i...

  20. Technical note: A simple back-mounted harness for grazing dairy cows to facilitate the sulfur hexafluoride tracer gas technique. (United States)

    van Wyngaard, Josef D V; Meeske, Robin; Erasmus, Lourens J


    We describe here a cattle harness to attach a gas collection vessel to facilitate the sulfur hexafluoride (SF 6 ) tracer gas technique. The harness consists of 2 major components: (1) a lightweight, robust body fabricated from an equine surcingle or lunge roller with padded thoracic trapezius pressure points, a bespoke shaping shaft for spine support, and adjustable buckles on both sides; and (2) an elastic flank-strap to prevent the harness from dislodging. The spine support consists of stainless steel laminated with carbon fiber. This support minimizes the contact area with the animal's skin, relieves the spine area of pressure, and creates free flow of ambient air below the platform, reducing sweat accumulation and hence preventing skin lesions. The harness weighs approximately 1.2 kg, allows for attachment of 2 gas collection vessels (animal and background sample), and is cost effective. Copyright © 2018 American Dairy Science Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Fagdidaktik og demokrati i skolens praktiske fag

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haastrup, Lisbeth; Andersen, Lisa Monica


    ”almen” og ”boglig” linje. De praktiske fag er dermed på demokratisk vis blevet udbredt til alle. Med skolereformen år 2014 erstattes håndarbejde og sløjd af det nye fag håndværk og design, mens hjemkundskab skifter navn til madkundskab. Fagene har imidlertid langt færre timer end tidligere, og grænsen...... livsformer, bevægelser og partier politisk gennemslagskraft som understøtter nye demokratiforståelser og dannelsesmål i skolen. De praktiske fag blev fælles for alle elever på tværs af land og by 1956, på tværs af køn i 1975, og med enhedsskolen er der er ikke længere en formel opdeling mellem eleverne på...... mellem dem er blevet mere flydende. Den enkelte elevs praktiske-, æstetiske- og kropslige læreprocesser er i fokus ud fra et mere alment didaktisk, end fagdidaktisk perspektiv og de praktiske fags måde at bidrage til demokratiske dannelse er forandret til mål om samarbejde eleverne imellem og deltagelse...

  2. Effects of harness transmitters on behavior and reproduction of wild mallards (United States)

    Pietz, Pamela J.; Krapu, Gary L.; Greenwood, Raymond J.; Lokemoen, John T.


    Radio telemetry has been an important research tool in waterfowl studies for >20 years, yet little effort has been made to evaluate potential effects of transmitters on the birds that carry them. As part of a 4-year mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) study in the prairie pothole region of North Dakota and Minnesota, we compared radio-marked and unmarked female mallards in terms of percent time observed feeding, resting, and preening; nest initiation date; and clutch size and egg volume. Radio-marked females carried a 23-g back-mounted transmitter attached with a 2-loop harness (Dwyer 1972). On average, radio-marked females tended to feed less, rest and preen more, initiate nests later, and lay smaller clutches and eggs than unmarked females. Thus, behavioral and reproductive data from ducks marked with back-mounted harness-attached transmitters may be biased. We recommend that new designs of radio packages be field tested and caution that effects may be masked under extreme environmental conditions.

  3. Designer vil gøre op med grimme hjælpemidler til ældre

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Trine


    Hjælpemidler behøver ikke være sterile, kolde og grimme, mener ph.d.-studerende Trine Højbak Møller Gøttsche, der forsker i, hvordan fremtidens velfærdsteknologi kan personliggøres......Hjælpemidler behøver ikke være sterile, kolde og grimme, mener ph.d.-studerende Trine Højbak Møller Gøttsche, der forsker i, hvordan fremtidens velfærdsteknologi kan personliggøres...

  4. Harness cavitation to improve processing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pandit, A.G.; Moholkar, V.S. [Univ. of Bombay (India)


    Mention cavitation to most chemical engineers, and they undoubtedly think of it as an operational problem. Indeed, the rapid creation and then collapse of bubbles, which is after all what cavitation involves, can destroy pumps and erode other equipment. Cavitation, however, also can have a positive side--presuming it is designed for and not unplanned. In this article, the authors look at how cavitation can be harnessed to improve processes, and the mechanisms for inducing cavitation--ultrasonics and hydrodynamics--and their likely roles. Sonication, that is, the use of ultrasound, is the conventional approach for creating cavitation, and so they turn to it first. Over the past few years, a number of groups have attempted to solve the problem of scale-up and design of ultrasonic reactors. The authors review the systems that already exist and also explore a simpler and efficient alternative to the ultrasonic reactor, the hydrodynamic cavitation reactor.

  5. National Strategies to Harness Information Technology Seeking Transformation in Singapore, Finland, the Philippines, and South Africa

    CERN Document Server

    Knight, Peter


    The ability to harness Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) is increasingly at the heart of competitiveness and sustainable growth. As countries engage in an increasingly competitive global economy, they are trying to weave ICT into their development strategies, in the same way enterprises have learned to use ICT to transform their business models and strategies. This integration offers a new path to development that is responsive to the challenges of our times.  In National Strategies to Harness Information Technology, Nagy Hanna and Peter Knight provide a framework for assessing the opportunities, challenges, and prospects for “e-transformation” and for analyzing the options and innovations adopted to manage the e-transformation process.  They ask hard questions: what does it take to harness ICT to transform an economy?  Why some countries accelerate their development journey with ICT while others fail?  How did successful countries balance the need for strategic leadership with bottom up ...

  6. Unge er en flok egoistiske individualister, der har nok i sig selv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kofod, Anne


     Nutidens unge har som oftest en tvetydig identitet: På én og samme tid søger de sammen i sociale fællesskaber og gør alt for at skille sig ud som individualister.   Udgivelsesdato: 27. september...

  7. Harnessing Dendritic Cells for Tumor Antigen Presentation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nierkens, Stefan [Department of Tumor Immunology, Nijmegen Centre for Molecular Life Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Geert Grooteplein 28, Nijmegen 6525 GA (Netherlands); Janssen, Edith M., E-mail: [Division of Molecular Immunology, Cincinnati Children' s Hospital Research Foundation, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, 3333 Burnet Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45229 (United States)


    Dendritic cells (DC) are professional antigen presenting cells that are crucial for the induction of anti-tumor T cell responses. As a consequence, research has focused on the harnessing of DCs for therapeutic interventions. Although current strategies employing ex vivo-generated and tumor-antigen loaded DCs have been proven feasible, there are still many obstacles to overcome in order to improve clinical trial successes and offset the cost and complexity of customized cell therapy. This review focuses on one of these obstacles and a pivotal step for the priming of tumor-specific CD8{sup +} and CD4{sup +} T cells; the in vitro loading of DCs with tumor antigens.

  8. One More Thing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schultz, Majken


    Virksomheder kan bruge historien til at være kraftfulde ressourcer for innovation og række langt ind i fremtiden. Tim Cook og Apple viste – igen – vejen ved præsentationen af det nye ur.......Virksomheder kan bruge historien til at være kraftfulde ressourcer for innovation og række langt ind i fremtiden. Tim Cook og Apple viste – igen – vejen ved præsentationen af det nye ur....

  9. A test harness for accelerating physics parameterization advancements into operations (United States)

    Firl, G. J.; Bernardet, L.; Harrold, M.; Henderson, J.; Wolff, J.; Zhang, M.


    The process of transitioning advances in parameterization of sub-grid scale processes from initial idea to implementation is often much quicker than the transition from implementation to use in an operational setting. After all, considerable work must be undertaken by operational centers to fully test, evaluate, and implement new physics. The process is complicated by the scarcity of like-to-like comparisons, availability of HPC resources, and the ``tuning problem" whereby advances in physics schemes are difficult to properly evaluate without first undertaking the expensive and time-consuming process of tuning to other schemes within a suite. To address this process shortcoming, the Global Model TestBed (GMTB), supported by the NWS NGGPS project and undertaken by the Developmental Testbed Center, has developed a physics test harness. It implements the concept of hierarchical testing, where the same code can be tested in model configurations of varying complexity from single column models (SCM) to fully coupled, cycled global simulations. Developers and users may choose at which level of complexity to engage. Several components of the physics test harness have been implemented, including a SCM and an end-to-end workflow that expands upon the one used at NOAA/EMC to run the GFS operationally, although the testbed components will necessarily morph to coincide with changes to the operational configuration (FV3-GFS). A standard, relatively user-friendly interface known as the Interoperable Physics Driver (IPD) is available for physics developers to connect their codes. This prerequisite exercise allows access to the testbed tools and removes a technical hurdle for potential inclusion into the Common Community Physics Package (CCPP). The testbed offers users the opportunity to conduct like-to-like comparisons between the operational physics suite and new development as well as among multiple developments. GMTB staff have demonstrated use of the testbed through a

  10. Modeling H-ARS using hematological parameters: a comparison between the non-human primate and mini-pig

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bolduc, David L.; Buenger, Rolf; Moroni, Maria; Blakely, William F.


    Multiple hematological biomarkers (i.e. complete blood counts and serum chemistry parameters) were used in a multivariate linear-regression fit to create predictive algorithms for estimating the severity of hematopoietic acute radiation syndrome (H-ARS) using two different species (i.e. Goettingen Mini-pig and non-human primate (NHP) (Macacca mulatta)). Biomarker data were analyzed prior to irradiation and between 1-60 days (mini-pig) and 1-30 days (NHP) after irradiation exposures of 1.6-3.5 Gy (mini-pig) and 6.5 Gy (NHP) 60 Co gamma ray doses at 0.5-0.6 Gy min -1 and 0.4 Gy min -1 , respectively. Fitted radiation risk and injury categorization (RRIC) values and RRIC prediction percent accuracies were compared between the two models. Both models estimated H-ARS severity with over 80% overall predictive power and with receiver operating characteristic curve area values of 0.884 and 0.825. These results based on two animal radiation models support the concept for the use of a hematopoietic-based algorithm for predicting the risk of H-ARS in humans. (authors)

  11. Trump har droppet fløjlshandskerne, nu da han er slået tilbage til start

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hendricks, Vincent Fella


    Donald Trump vandt primærvalget ved hjælp af personangreb. I præsidentvalgkampens slutspurt har han nu taget den strategi op igen, selvom alle dømte den ude – og det er måske slet ikke så dumt, for det er det, Trump kan......Donald Trump vandt primærvalget ved hjælp af personangreb. I præsidentvalgkampens slutspurt har han nu taget den strategi op igen, selvom alle dømte den ude – og det er måske slet ikke så dumt, for det er det, Trump kan...

  12. Universities plan revolution in research; Four institutes will harness top brains

    CERN Multimedia

    Buie, E


    "Scotland is on the brink of revolutionising its approach to university research by creating four institutions that would harness the country's top brains to work together in specific areas. The move to create pan-academic institutes in physics, life-sciences, economics and creative arts has won the backing of the principals of every higher education institution in Scotland..." (1 page).

  13. Harnessing dendritic cells in inflammatory skin diseases. (United States)

    Chu, Chung-Ching; Di Meglio, Paola; Nestle, Frank O


    The skin immune system harbors a complex network of dendritic cells (DCs). Recent studies highlight a diverse functional specialization of skin DC subsets. In addition to generating cellular and humoral immunity against pathogens, skin DCs are involved in tolerogenic mechanisms to ensure the maintenance of immune homeostasis, as well as in pathogenesis of chronic inflammation in the skin when excessive immune responses are initiated and unrestrained. Harnessing DCs by directly targeting DC-derived molecules or selectively modulate DC subsets is a convincing strategy to tackle inflammatory skin diseases. In this review we discuss recent advances underlining the functional specialization of skin DCs and discuss the potential implication for future DC-based therapeutic strategies. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Research on engineering-oriented constraints conflict detection in collaborative design of wire harness technology

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    LIU Xiaoping; HE Honglin; XU Benzhu


    Engineering-oriented constraint of harness technology has much information and project information presents progressive changes along with the design. Therefore, how to handle conflict resolution quickly is a problem to be solved. Process model of con- flict detection is put forward according to characteristics of harness technology design engineering-oriented constraint, and then two problems of how to conduct conflict positioning and judgment of constraint rules are introduced in this paper. Afterwards in this pa- per, constraint information directed acyclic graph is established by classified project constraint information to solve the conflict posi- tioning problem; solution of constraint satisfaction problem is applied to realize judgment problem of constraint rules. Finally, exam- ple is used to analyze the method in this paper to further verify the correctness and effectiveness of this method.

  15. Fremtidens Forskningsbibliotek

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Flodin, Peter; Bisgaard, Kirsten; Madsen, Lillian


    Er alle forskningsbiblioteker lukket om 10 år og deres services erstattet af et Spotify-lignende arrangement, der sælger dokumentation til en billig penge på samme måde som Spotify sælger musik? Denne rapport forsøger at give forskellige bud på, hvor og hvordan det kan være nødvendigt at påvirke...

  16. Fremtidens forskningsbibliotek

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bisgaard, Kirsten; Frandsen, Tove Faber; Petersen, Claus Vestager


    Er alle forskningsbiblioteker lukket om 10 år og deres services erstattet af et Spotify-lignende arrangement, der sælger dokumentation for en billig penge på samme måde, som Spotify sælger musik? Denne rapport forsøger at give forskellige bud på, hvor og hvordan det kan være nødvendigt at påvirke...

  17. When sparks fly harnessing the power of group creativity

    CERN Document Server

    Leonard, Dorothy


    Creativity and innovation are evergreen topics. Particularly in today's tough marketplace, companies in every industry are looking for ways to harness creativity and innovation to spur growth and enhance competitiveness. This book differs from many books on creativity in that its focus is on how to manage a group, rather than individual creativity. It refutes much conventional wisdom about where creativity comes from, particularly that creativity does not stem from the random genius of individuals. The authors reveal specific group configurations and strategies that can unleash the collective creativity of any team or group.

  18. Harnessing natural product assembly lines: structure, promiscuity, and engineering. (United States)

    Ladner, Christopher C; Williams, Gavin J


    Many therapeutically relevant natural products are biosynthesized by the action of giant mega-enzyme assembly lines. By leveraging the specificity, promiscuity, and modularity of assembly lines, a variety of strategies has been developed that enables the biosynthesis of modified natural products. This review briefly summarizes recent structural advances related to natural product assembly lines, discusses chemical approaches to probing assembly line structures in the absence of traditional biophysical data, and surveys efforts that harness the inherent or engineered promiscuity of assembly lines for the synthesis of non-natural polyketides and non-ribosomal peptide analogues.

  19. De digitale verdeners (vidunder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Angela Ndalianis


    Full Text Available I tidens blockbusterfilm spiller digitale special effects en stadig større rolle. Fra at have været et ‘usynligt’ redskab, der muliggjorde impone- rende stunts som bussen, der flyver over et hul i motorvejen i Speed, har digitale effekter erobret hovedrollen. Siden den morfende termi- nator i Terminator 2: Judgment Day og de realistiske dinosaurer i Jurassic Park har digitale elementer opnået en stjernestatus, der ofte overgår skuespillernes. Således er den digitale Gollum i Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers mere troværdig end de øvrige ‘fysiske’ stjer- ner. De amerikanske blockbusterfilm, der anvender en iøjnefaldende brug af digital æstetik, er ofte science fiction- og fantasy-film, der af den kritiske teori har været anset for “usundt slik for øjet.” Forfatteren viser, hvordan filmens digitale undere kan sættes i relation til Rene Descartes’ tanker om underet/det vidunderlige, der hensætter tilsku- eren i en æstetisk undren, der fører til en intellektuel trang til forståelse (som første gang stjernesystemet lod sig se i en kikkert. Samme und- ren bliver hos Blaise Pascal en ’afgrund’ (une abîme, der indgiver ære- frygt og fører os til det religiøse og mystiske, til overvejelser over natu- rens undere og Guds natur. Det digitale liv er ikke blot æstetik; det får sit eget, uforudsigelige liv - som de digitale figurer i The Two Towers der er programmeret til at slås, men foretrækker at flygte, og derfor må re- programmeres. Det digitale liv udfordrer os med intet mindre end over- vejelser over naturens orden, menneskets natur, teknologiens rolle, livet, døden og fremtiden.

  20. Secondary geochemical reactions in hydrothermal energy harnessing; Geochemische Folgereaktionen bei der hydrogeothermalen Energiegewinnung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kuehn, M.


    This thesis is in six parts: description of geothermal energy harnessing, analytics, geochemical-thermodynamic modellings, experimental investigations, discussion of results, summary. (HW) [Deutsch] Die vorliegende Dissertationsschrift gliedert sich in 6 Teile: - Beschreibung der geothermischen Energienutzung - Analytik - geochemische-thermodynamische Modellierungen - experimentelle Untersuchungen - Diskussion der Ergebnisse - Zusammenfassung. (HW)

  1. Identifiering av immateriella tillgångar vid rörelseförvärv : Har branschtillhörigheten någon betydelse?


    Barhanko, Daniella; Lindholm, Linus; Örtenvik, Mikael


    Bakgrund: Identifiering av immateriella tillgångar har visat sig vara ett problemfyllt område både för företagen och andra utövare. Tidigare studier har visat på att en stor del av köpeskillingen fördelats till goodwill vilket delvis kan vara ett resultat av immateriella tillgångar inte identifieras i tillräcklig utsträckning. Det har även påpekats att det finns ett stort svängrum inom regelverket som tillåter mycket individuella bedömningar.   Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka om det finns skil...

  2. Warming Up to Trade? Harnessing International Trade to Support Climate Change Objectives


    World Bank


    This study on harnessing international trade to support climate change objectives assesses the following: 1) What are the main policy prescriptions for reducing greenhouse gases that are employed by OECD countries and how do they impact the competitiveness of their energy-intensive industries? 2) On account of the impact on competitiveness, is there is leakage of energy intensive industrie...

  3. Realisering af Smart City/Smart House i Nordjylland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindgren, Peter; Saghaug, Kristin Margrethe


    beskriver tankerne, visionerne og perspektiverne i forhold til at realisere Smart House-konceptet i Region Nordjylland. Smart House-tankerne er baseret på at bygge smarte huse og smarte byggekomponenter til fremtidens brugere, hvor den nyeste teknologi indenfor byggematerialer kombineres med nye værdier....... Formålet med Smart House Nordjylland er at flytte byggeindustriens og forskernes fokus fra en indbyrdes konkurrence lokalt til et udviklende innovationssamarbejde, som sigter mod det globale marked. På denne måde kan regionen skabe et udstillingsvindue indenfor fremtidens byggeri gennem en interaktion...

  4. The Facebook-in-Action: Challenging, Harnessing and Enhancing Students Class Assignments and Projects (United States)

    Saifudin, Adam Mohd; Yacob, Aizan; Saad, Rohaizah


    Issues of universities students harnessing and capitalizing the usage of Facebook for their own learning capabilities and effective thinking is always the focus of education scholars, in assessing the quality class assignments and projects produced by them. Therefore, Facebook is now becoming unbearable influence since the internet activation in…

  5. Følelser, fiktion – og Facebook - har erobret den politiske arena

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aagaard, Peter


    Er der ét træk de nye politiske bevægelser – fra Trump til Alternativet – har til fælles, er det evnen til at fortælle historier, vælgerne kan koble sig på som medfortællere. Historier om håb og frelse, fornedrelse og fortabelse. Det bringer drømmene og magien tilbage i politik. Derfor vinder de ...

  6. Harness: Heterogeneous Adaptable Reconfigurable Networked Systems -- U.S. Department of Energy Grant DE-FG02-99ER25379 Final Project Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vaidy Sunderam


    Issues in reconfigurability and adaptability in heterogeneous distributed systems for high-performance computing are the focus of the work funded by this grant. Our efforts are part of an ongoing research project in metacomputing and are a follow on to the DOE funded PVM system that has witnessed over a decade of use at numerous institutions worldwide. The current project, termed Harness, investigates novel methodologies and tools for distributed metacomputing, focusing on dynamically reconfigurable software frameworks. During the first phase, we defined the metacomputing architecture embodied in Harness and developed prototype subsystems as proof of concept exercises. Subsequently, we designed and developed a complete software framework manifesting the Harness architecture, and also developed several tools and subsystems that demonstrated the viability and effectiveness of our proposed model for next generation metacomputing. We then used this substrate to emulate multiple programming environments on Harness, and conducted performance evaluation and tuning exercises. The main research results from these efforts include the establishment of software metacomputing systems as viable and cost-effective alternatives to MPPs; the demonstration of dynamic and reconfigurable platforms as effective methods of tailoring parallel computing environments; the development of methodologies to construct plugin modules for component-based distributed systems; contributions to performance modeling and optimization in emulated software environments; and software architectures for multi- and mixed-paradigm parallel distributed computing. Details and specifics on these and other results have been reported in numerous publications, and are manifested in software systems, all of which may be accessed at or via the website

  7. Detection and enumeration of F-specific bacteriophages

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mooijman KA; Bahar M; Havelaar AH; MGB


    Tijdens het EU-project 'Bacteriofagen in zwemwater' (januari 1996 - juni 1999) werd onderzoek uitgevoerd ten behoeve van de optimalisatie van de methode voor de detectie en enumeratie van F-specifieke (RNA) fagen in water. Er werd gekeken of verdere optimalisatie van de procedure zoals

  8. Hvorfor har vi lønforskelle mellem kvinder og mænd?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Deding, Mette; Holt, Helle

    De seneste 10 år har den gennemsnitlige lønforskel mellem kvinder og mænd ligget på ca. 20 pct. I denne antologi stiller SFI skarpt på lønforskellene mellem kvinder og mænd og på de bagvedliggende årsager. Antologien er skrevet af en række fagpersoner, der alle bidrager med en specifik vinkel på ...

  9. Harnessing the plurality of actor frames in social-ecological systems : Ecological sanitation in Bolivia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eelderink, M.; Vervoort, J.; Snel, D.; de Castro, F.


    This article uses a case study on ecological sanitation as a basis for lessons on identifying and harnessing the plurality of actor frames in social-ecological systems, thereby moving beyond the advocacy positions often taken by implementing NGOs. The study aimed to explore how perspectives between

  10. Detsibill : Cool Vibes, why don't you kill my illusion! White Label : Plookie ja Fire & Ice Reggae Band. Kuula / DJ Pickney Tiger

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    DJ Pickney Tiger, pseud., 1970-


    Heliplaatidest: Amparanoia "La vida te da", Ugly Duckling "Bang for the Buck", Andrea Bocelli "Amore", Cesaria Evora "Rogamar", Madball "Legacy", Caliban "The Undying Darkness", Bleeding Trough - The Truth", Eels "With strings. Concert at Town Hall", Vitamiin "Vitamiin", Donald Fagen "Morph the Cat", Primitivistid "Blondiinid surevad välja"

  11. Spil har potentiale som motivation for læring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hedegaard, Lars Norup

    En designbaseret empirisk undersøgelse af almindeligt anvendte gamification elementer. Gamification har til formål at skabe fornøjelse, samt en følelse af leg, i ikke-spil miljøer. Grundet en øget brug af gamification på arbejdspladser og i læreprocesser ses området vigtigt at undersøge yderligere....... Projektet søger at belyse, hvordan gamification påvirker motivationen for læring, herunder hvordan almindeligt anvendte spil-elementer og -genrer kan indgå i planlægningen af læringsaktiviteter. Projektet tager omdrejningspunkt i de studerendes oplevede erfaringer, med den antagelse, at intervention i...

  12. "Hello, World!" Harnessing Social Media for the Rosetta Mission (United States)

    Baldwin, E.; Mignone, C.; Scuka, D.; Homfeld, A. M.; Ranero, K.; Rolfe, E.; Bennett, M.; Schepers, A.; O'Flaherty, K. S.; Bauer, M.; McCaughrean, M.


    The European Space Agency's comet-chasing Rosetta mission was launched in 2004, before social media became a popular tool for mainstream communication. As it reached its destination ten years later, new audiences were reached and inspired by this once-in-a-lifetime event by harnessing a range of outlets for communicating the key messages. These included traditional online platforms, such as news websites, blogs, and Livestream, as well as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Flickr, YouTube, Google+ and SoundCloud. In this article, we outline the role social media channels played in making Rosetta one of the European Space Agency's biggest communication and public engagement successes.

  13. Den koreanske bølgen - En kulturvitenskapelig studie av sørkoreansk populærkultur, og hvordan den har nådd Vesten


    Kvinge, Kristin Øyvindsdatter


    Hensikten med denne oppgaven er å se på den koreanske bølgen, som ofte refereres til som Hallyu. Den tar for seg både Hallyu som innhold og Hallyu som fenomen. Den koreanske bølgen har spredd seg hurtig i løpet av de siste 20 årene, noe som har bidratt til å gjøre Korea til en av de hurtigst økende økonomiene i den moderne tid. Denne oppgaven forsøker å se nærmere på hvordan Hallyu har nådd Vesten, med fokus på Europa og Norge. Før analysen vil oppgaven se nærmere på hv...

  14. Me, Myself and My Team : How communications teams can harness the power of online impression management


    Fieseler, Christian; Meckel, Miriam; Ranzini, Giulia


    The article is a short piece based on our EACD survey on the identity management practices of marketing and communication professeionals on how communications teams can harness the power of online impression management

  15. Harnessing supramolecular peptide nanotechnology in biomedical applications. (United States)

    Chan, Kiat Hwa; Lee, Wei Hao; Zhuo, Shuangmu; Ni, Ming


    The harnessing of peptides in biomedical applications is a recent hot topic. This arises mainly from the general biocompatibility of peptides, as well as from the ease of tunability of peptide structure to engineer desired properties. The ease of progression from laboratory testing to clinical trials is evident from the plethora of examples available. In this review, we compare and contrast how three distinct self-assembled peptide nanostructures possess different functions. We have 1) nanofibrils in biomaterials that can interact with cells, 2) nanoparticles that can traverse the bloodstream to deliver its payload and also be bioimaged, and 3) nanotubes that can serve as cross-membrane conduits and as a template for nanowire formation. Through this review, we aim to illustrate how various peptides, in their various self-assembled nanostructures, possess great promise in a wide range of biomedical applications and what more can be expected.

  16. Talentudvikling i skolen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nissen, Poul; Baltzer, Kirsten

    Effektundersøgelse fra fire udvalgte skoler/projekter, som havde særlige tilbud til deres fagligt stærke elever. De fire talentprojekter gennemførtes ved holddeling inden for den daglige undervisning på henholdsvis 2., 4.-5. og 6.-8 klassetrin i fagene dansk, matematik og projektarbejde, hvor der...

  17. It og udvikling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hachmann, Roland; Carlsen, Dorthe


    Artiklen sætter fokus på fagteamets arbejde med at udvikle fagene med fokus på it og digitale læremidler. Der gives, gennem konkrete modeller og værktøjer, eksempler på hvordan fagteamet kan gøre en indsats i forhold til deres nuværende praksis....

  18. Rationaler og potentialer i moderne retsretorik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gabrielsen, Jonas


    Relationen mellem retorik og jura er lige så gammel som fagene selv. Retorisk uddannelse og teoribygning knyttede sig i antikken tæt til praksis inden for den forensiske retorik. Dykker man ned i den moderne rets- retoriske litteratur erfarer man dog hurtigt, at retsretorik i dag er andet og mere...

  19. Har du ikke en bra feed på Insta, så har du ikke orden på livet ditt!” Unge jenter sin opplevelse av andres selvrepresentasjon i bildedelingstjenester.


    Magnussen, Andrea Bergum


    Mastergradsoppgave i digital kommunikasjon og kultur, Avdeling for lærerutdanning og naturvitenskap, Høgskolen i Innlandet, 2017 Norsk: Denne oppgaven undersøker unge jenters opplevelse av selvrepresentasjonen på bildedelingstjenestene Instagram og Snapchat. Funnene er basert på individuelle intervjuer og et fokusgruppeintervju av fem jenter på 14 år. Intervjupersonene har i hovedsak uttrykt seg om deres opplevelse knyttet til kjendiser og influencers sin selvrepresentasjon. Oppgaven ta...

  20. Sådan bruger du Big Data i din virksomhed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ritter, Thomas; Merolli Poulsen, Christina


    Tidligere var der plads til to-tre ligeværdige konkurrenter i en branche. Ikke længere. I fremtiden vil de virksomeder, der formår at høste og bruge Big Data i deres forretning, rydde bordet og sætte sig tungt på alle brancher, skriver to eksperter fra CBS......Tidligere var der plads til to-tre ligeværdige konkurrenter i en branche. Ikke længere. I fremtiden vil de virksomeder, der formår at høste og bruge Big Data i deres forretning, rydde bordet og sætte sig tungt på alle brancher, skriver to eksperter fra CBS...

  1. A novel approach for harnessing biofilm communities in moving bed biofilm reactors for industrial wastewater treatment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joe A. Lemire


    Full Text Available Moving bed biofilm reactors (MBBRs are an effective biotechnology for treating industrial wastewater. Biomass retention on moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR carriers (biofilm support materials, allows for the ease-of-operation and high treatment capacity of MBBR systems. Optimization of MBBR systems has largely focused on aspects of carrier design, while little attention has been paid to enhancing strategies for harnessing microbial biomass. Previously, our research group demonstrated that mixed-species biofilms can be harvested from an industrial wastewater inoculum [oil sands process water (OSPW] using the Calgary Biofilm Device (CBD. Moreover, the resultant biofilm communities had the capacity to degrade organic toxins (naphthenic acids—NAs that are found in OSPW. Therefore, we hypothesized that harnessing microbial communities from industrial wastewater, as biofilms, on MBBR carriers may be an effective method to bioremediate industrial wastewater.Here, we detail our methodology adapting the workflow employed for using the CBD, to generate inoculant carriers to seed an MBBR.In this study, OSPW-derived biofilm communities were successfully grown, and their efficacy evaluated, on commercially available MBBR carriers affixed within a modified CBD system. The resultant biofilms demonstrated the capacity to transfer biomass to recipient carriers within a scaled MBBR. Moreover, MBBR systems inoculated in this manner were fully active 2 days post-inoculation, and readily degraded a select population of NAs. Together, these findings suggest that harnessing microbial communities on carriers affixed within a modified CBD system may represent a facile and rapid method for obtaining functional inoculants for use in wastewater MBBR treatment systems.

  2. Transition through co-optation: Harnessing carbon democracy for clean energy (United States)

    Meng, Kathryn-Louise

    This dissertation explores barriers to a clean energy transition in the United States. Clean energy is demonstrably viable, yet the pace of clean energy adoption in the U.S. is slow, particularly given the immediate threat of global climate change. The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the factors inhibiting a domestic energy transition and to propose pragmatic approaches to catalyzing a transition. The first article examines the current political-economic and socio-technical energy landscape in the U.S. Fossil fuels are central to the functioning of the American economy. Given this centrality, constellations of power have been constructed around the reliable and affordable access of fossil fuels. The fossil fuel energy regime is comprised of: political-economic networks with vested interests in continued fossil fuel reliance, and fixed infrastructure that is minimally compatible with distributed generation. A transition to clean energy threatens the profitability of fossil fuel regime actors. Harnessing structural critiques from political ecology and process and function-oriented socio-technical systems frameworks, I present a multi-level approach to identifying pragmatic means to catalyzing an energy transition. High-level solutions confront the existing structure, mid-level solutions harness synergy with the existing structure, and low-level solutions lie outside of the energy system or foster the TIS. This is exemplified using a case study of solar development in Massachusetts. Article two presents a case study of the clean energy technological innovation system (TIS) in Massachusetts. I examine the actors and institutions that support cleantech development. Further, I scrutinize the actors and institutions that help sustain the TIS support system. The concept of a catalyst is presented; a catalyst is an actor that serves to propel TIS functions. Catalysts are critical to facilitating anchoring. Strategic corporate partners are identified as powerful

  3. Byer for fremtiden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vejre, Henrik; Jørgensen, Gertrud; Jensen, Marina Bergen


    Denne bog handler om FN’s 17 mål for en bæredygtig global udvikling. Bogen ser verdensmålene fra et dansk perspektiv. De handler om en bæredygtig udvikling på kloden i de næste årtier. Det betyder en øget indsats for klimaet, udryddelse af fattigdom, mere lighed mellem mennesker, uddannelse til a...

  4. Harnessing the power of big data: infusing the scientific method with machine learning to transform ecology (United States)

    Most efforts to harness the power of big data for ecology and environmental sciences focus on data and metadata sharing, standardization, and accuracy. However, many scientists have not accepted the data deluge as an integral part of their research because the current scientific method is not scalab...

  5. Ilfeld abduction orthosis is an effective second-line treatment after failure of Pavlik harness for infants with developmental dysplasia of the hip. (United States)

    Sankar, Wudbhav N; Nduaguba, Afamefuna; Flynn, John M


    Closed reduction and spica casting is the most commonly recommended choice for infants with developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) for whom Pavlik harness treatment has failed, but it requires general anesthesia in addition to the challenges of spica cast care. The purposes of this study were to evaluate the effectiveness of Ilfeld bracing for infants for whom Pavlik harness treatment is unsuccessful and to compare these results with those for a similar cohort of patients directly undergoing closed reduction and spica casting. We reviewed the cases of a consecutive series of children with DDH who had failure of Pavlik harness treatment and were subsequently managed with Ilfeld bracing (the BR cohort) and compared this cohort with a similar historical group of infants who had failure of Pavlik harness treatment but had standard closed reduction and spica casting (the CR cohort). The cohorts were compared with respect to clinical and ultrasonographic data at the time of Pavlik discontinuation. At one year, the hip stability and acetabular index were assessed; the presence of osteonecrosis was graded according to the criteria described by Salter et al. Twenty-eight hips (nineteen infants) made up the BR cohort and twenty-two hips (sixteen infants) made up the CR cohort. Ultrasonographic indices (including the alpha angle and the percentage of femoral head coverage) were comparable between the two cohorts (p=0.66 and 0.19, respectively). Following treatment, a stable reduction was achieved in twenty-three (82%) of twenty-eight hips in the BR cohort compared with twenty (91%) of twenty-two hips in the CR cohort. At one year, acetabular indices were similar between both cohorts (mean and standard deviation, 27°±6° for the BR cohort versus 27°±5° for the CR cohort; p=0.62); however, osteonecrosis developed in three hips in the CR cohort compared with none in the BR cohort. In our series of infants with DDH for whom Pavlik harness treatment had failed, Ilfeld

  6. Albumin-based drug delivery: harnessing nature to cure disease. (United States)

    Larsen, Maja Thim; Kuhlmann, Matthias; Hvam, Michael Lykke; Howard, Kenneth A


    The effectiveness of a drug is dependent on accumulation at the site of action at therapeutic levels, however, challenges such as rapid renal clearance, degradation or non-specific accumulation requires drug delivery enabling technologies. Albumin is a natural transport protein with multiple ligand binding sites, cellular receptor engagement, and a long circulatory half-life due to interaction with the recycling neonatal Fc receptor. Exploitation of these properties promotes albumin as an attractive candidate for half-life extension and targeted intracellular delivery of drugs attached by covalent conjugation, genetic fusions, association or ligand-mediated association. This review will give an overview of albumin-based products with focus on the natural biological properties and molecular interactions that can be harnessed for the design of a next-generation drug delivery platform.

  7. Værsgo' ta' en tablet. Om brugen af tablets i dansk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lorentzen, Rasmus Fink


    Hvordan kan vi udvikle elevernes faglighed ved hjælp af it? Hvad er det i det hele taget vigtigt at lære i en tidssvarende folkeskole, så eleverne bliver klædt på til fremtidens samfund? Og kan iPads bruges til dette? Dette kapitel handler om fagdidaktik og tablets i undervisningen.......Hvordan kan vi udvikle elevernes faglighed ved hjælp af it? Hvad er det i det hele taget vigtigt at lære i en tidssvarende folkeskole, så eleverne bliver klædt på til fremtidens samfund? Og kan iPads bruges til dette? Dette kapitel handler om fagdidaktik og tablets i undervisningen....

  8. A Comparative Study of Harnessing Cattle - An Important Chapter in the History of European Ethnology

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Woitsch, Jiří


    Roč. 38, č. 2017 (2017), s. 59-89 ISSN 1335-4116 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA15-03754S Institutional support: RVO:68378076 Keywords : harnessing cattle * European ethnology * history of ethnology Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology OBOR OECD: History (history of science and technology to be 6.3, history of specific sciences to be under the respective headings)

  9. Elements for harnessing participatory action research to strengthen health managers' capacity: a critical interpretative synthesis. (United States)

    Tetui, Moses; Zulu, Joseph Mumba; Hurtig, Anna-Karin; Ekirapa-Kiracho, Elizabeth; Kiwanuka, Suzanne N; Coe, Anna-Britt


    Health managers play a key role in ensuring that health services are responsive to the needs of the population. Participatory action research (PAR) is one of the approaches that have been used to strengthen managers' capacity. However, collated knowledge on elements for harnessing PAR to strengthen managers' capacity is missing. This paper bridges this gap by reviewing existing literature on the subject matter. A critical interpretive synthesis method was used to interrogate eight selected articles. These articles reported the use of PAR to strengthen health managers' capacity. The critical interpretive synthesis method's approach to analysis guided the synthesis. Here, the authors interpretively made connections and linkages between different elements identified in the literature. Finally, the Atun et al. (Heal Pol Plann, 25:104-111, 2010) framework on integration was used to model the elements synthesised in the literature into five main domains. Five elements with intricate bi-directional interactions were identified in the literature reviewed. These included a shared purpose, skilled facilitation and psychological safety, activity integration into organisational procedures, organisational support, and external supportive monitoring. A shared purpose of the managers' capacity strengthening initiative created commitment and motivation to learn. This purpose was built upon a set of facilitation skills that included promoting participation, self-efficacy and reflection, thereby creating a safe psychological space within which the managers interacted and learnt from each other and their actions. Additionally, an integrated intervention strengthened local capacity and harnessed organisational support for learning. Finally, supportive monitoring from external partners, such as researchers, ensured quality, building of local capacity and professional safety networks essential for continued learning. The five elements identified in this synthesis provide a basis upon

  10. Political Leadership - Future Challenges

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klausen, Kurt Klaudi


    Bidraget analyserer behovet for studiet af politisk lederskab, gennemgår forskningslitteraturen og diskuterer fremtidens politiske lederskab med reference til egne undersøgelser af lokalt lederskab international og i Danmark...

  11. Sea floor topography and backscatter intensity of the Historic Area Remediation Site (HARS), offshore of New York, based on multibeam surveys conducted in 1996, 1998, and 2000 (United States)

    Butman, Bradford; Danforth, W.W.; Knowles, S.C.; May, Brian; Serrett, Laurie


    An area offshore of Sandy Hook, New Jersey, has been used extensively for disposal of dredged and other materials, derived from the New York/New Jersey Harbor and surrounding areas, since the late 1800's (Figure 1). Between 1976 and 1995, the New York Bight Dredged Material Disposal Site, also known as the Mud Dump Site (Figure 2), received on average about 6 million cubic yards of material each year from federal and private maintenance dredging and from harbor deepening activities (Massa and others, 1996). In September 1997 the Mud Dump Site (MDS) was closed as an official ocean disposal site by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (, and the MDS and surrounding areas were designated as the Historic Area Remediation Site (HARS). The HARS is subdivided into a Primary Remediation Area (PRA, subdivided into 9 cells), a Buffer Zone, and a No-Discharge Zone (Figure 2). The sea floor of the HARS, approximately 9 square nautical miles in area, is being remediated by placing at least a one-meter cap of Category I (clean) dredged material on top of the existing surface sediments that exhibit varying degrees of degradation. (See I sediments have no potential short or long-term impacts and are acceptable for unrestricted ocean disposal (EPA, 1996)). About 1.1 million cubic yards of dredged material for remediation was placed in the HARS in 1999, and 2.5 million cubic yards in 2000. Three multibeam echosounder surveys were carried out to map the topography and surficial geology of the HARS. The surveys were conducted November 23 - December 3, 1996, October 26 - November 11, 1998, and April 6 - 30, 2000. The surveys were carried out as part of a larger survey of the Hudson Shelf Valley and adjacent shelf (Butman and others, 1998, ( This report presents maps showing topography, shaded relief, and backscatter intensity (a measure of sea

  12. Hvornår har 1.000 landbrug 90 pct. af landbrugsjorden?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Henning Otte


    relativt lige i forhold til resten af EU. De 1.000 største landbrug driver ca. 22 pct. af landbrugsjorden, og andelen er stigende. Selv om strukturudviklingen ser ud til at fortsætte upåvirket af de økonomiske og markedsmæssige forhold, kan man identificere en række forhold, som er drivkræfter bag...... strukturudviklingen. De senere års liberalisering af landbrugsloven har sandsynligvis været med til fremme strukturudviklingen yderligere, og også fjernelsen af EU‘s mælkekvoter ser ud til at have genskabt den hidtidige udvikling. Om strukturudviklingen er en fordel eller en ulempe kan ikke afgøres entydigt, idet...

  13. The Belem Framework for Action: Harnessing the Power and Potential of Adult Learning and Education for a Viable Future (United States)

    Adult Learning, 2012


    This article presents the Belem Framework for Action. This framework focuses on harnessing the power and potential of adult learning and education for a viable future. This framework begins with a preamble on adult education and towards lifelong learning.

  14. Opportunities for high aspect ratio micro-electro-magnetic-mechanical systems (HAR-MEMMS) at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hunter, S.


    This report contains viewgraphs on the following topics: Opportunities for HAR-MEMMS at LBL; Industrial Needs and Opportunities; Deep Etch X-ray Lithography; MEMS Activities at BSAC; DNA Amplification with Microfabricated Reaction Chamber; Electrochemistry Research at LBL; MEMS Activities at LLNL; Space Microsensors and Microinstruments; The Advanced Light Source; Institute for Micromaching; IBM MEMS Interests; and Technology Transfer Opportunities at LBL

  15. Analytical assessments on the potential of harnessing tidal currents for electricity generation in Malaysia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lim, Yun Seng; Koh, Siong Lee [Department of Physical Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tunku Abdul Rahman University (Malaysia)


    Malaysia is heavily dependent on fossil fuel for electricity generation. With the rapidly diminishing of its fuel reserve and the increasingly negative effects of fossil fuels to the environment, the government has begun to utilise bio-fuel and solar radiation for electricity generation. However, the potential of harnessing other renewable sources, particular ocean energy, in Malaysia has not been fully realised. Therefore, studies were carried out to identify the potential of harnessing ocean energy for electricity generation. The Princeton Ocean Model was used to create a three-dimensional numerical ocean model for Malaysia which was calibrated against measurement by a means of adjoint data assimilation approach. A set of reliable tidal speed and tidal elevation data was therefore generated to determine the types of tides available in Malaysia, the potential areas of installing marine current turbines (MCTs), the total amount of electricity to be generated by MCT, the economical viability and the environmental benefits of using MCT in Malaysia. This paper presents the findings on the studies, encompassing the technical, economical and environmental aspects of installing MCT in Malaysia. The results are critical to policy makers and the potential investors on tidal energy in Malaysia for decision making. It may also help the neighboring countries to realize the possible potential of their ocean energy for electricity generation. (author)

  16. Enablers and Obstacles to Democratic Consolidation and Civil-Military Relations Reform: A Comparative Analysis of Argentina and Guatemala (United States)


    the war. Even the Procuraduría de los Derechos Humanos (PDH, or Human Rights Ombudsman), which was established in 1985, was infested with racist...Procuraduría de los Derechos Humanos (PDH)145 The PDH’s purpose was to document human rights abuses in order to promote their reduction and eventual...conditions. In addition to the Madres, the Asamblea Permanente por los Derechos 61 Fagen

  17. Automation of Electrical Cable Harnesses Testing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhuming Bi


    Full Text Available Traditional automated systems, such as industrial robots, are applied in well-structured environments, and many automated systems have a limited adaptability to deal with complexity and uncertainty; therefore, the applications of industrial robots in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs are very limited. The majority of manual operations in SMEs are too complicated for automation. The rapidly developed information technologies (IT has brought new opportunities for the automation of manufacturing and assembly processes in the ill-structured environments. Note that an automation solution should be designed to meet the given requirements of the specified application, and it differs from one application to another. In this paper, we look into the feasibility of automated testing for electric cable harnesses, and our focus is on some of the generic strategies for the improvement of the adaptability of automation solutions. Especially, the concept of modularization is adopted in developing hardware and software to maximize system adaptability in testing a wide scope of products. A proposed system has been implemented, and the system performances have been evaluated by executing tests on actual products. The testing experiments have shown that the automated system outperformed manual operations greatly in terms of cost-saving, productivity and reliability. Due to the potential of increasing system adaptability and cost reduction, the presented work has its theoretical and practical significance for an extension for other automation solutions in SMEs.

  18. Harnessing the power of emerging petascale platforms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mellor-Crummey, John


    As part of the US Department of Energy's Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC-2) program, science teams are tackling problems that require computational simulation and modeling at the petascale. A grand challenge for computer science is to develop software technology that makes it easier to harness the power of these systems to aid scientific discovery. As part of its activities, the SciDAC-2 Center for Scalable Application Development Software (CScADS) is building open source software tools to support efficient scientific computing on the emerging leadership-class platforms. In this paper, we describe two tools for performance analysis and tuning that are being developed as part of CScADS: a tool for analyzing scalability and performance, and a tool for optimizing loop nests for better node performance. We motivate these tools by showing how they apply to S3D, a turbulent combustion code under development at Sandia National Laboratory. For S3D, our node performance analysis tool helped uncover several performance bottlenecks. Using our loop nest optimization tool, we transformed S3D's most costly loop nest to reduce execution time by a factor of 2.94 for a processor working on a 50 3 domain

  19. Harnessing the power of emerging petascale platforms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mellor-Crummey, John [Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Rice University, Houston, TX (United States)


    As part of the US Department of Energy's Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC-2) program, science teams are tackling problems that require computational simulation and modeling at the petascale. A grand challenge for computer science is to develop software technology that makes it easier to harness the power of these systems to aid scientific discovery. As part of its activities, the SciDAC-2 Center for Scalable Application Development Software (CScADS) is building open source software tools to support efficient scientific computing on the emerging leadership-class platforms. In this paper, we describe two tools for performance analysis and tuning that are being developed as part of CScADS: a tool for analyzing scalability and performance, and a tool for optimizing loop nests for better node performance. We motivate these tools by showing how they apply to S3D, a turbulent combustion code under development at Sandia National Laboratory. For S3D, our node performance analysis tool helped uncover several performance bottlenecks. Using our loop nest optimization tool, we transformed S3D's most costly loop nest to reduce execution time by a factor of 2.94 for a processor working on a 50{sup 3} domain.

  20. Att veta när man ska göra det man vet att man ska göra : om barn med ADHD, uppfattning av tid och att komma ihåg att göra det man har planerat


    Hillertz, Anna


    I den här studien undersöks om det är bristande tidsuppfattning som orsakar sämre prospektivt minne hos barn med diagnos ADHD. Studien syftar även till att utreda vad prospektivt minne har för relation till arbetsminne och exekutiva funktioner. Studien har genomförts genom att två grupper, en grupp barn med diagnos ADHD och en kontrollgrupp, har utfört uppgifter som ger mått på prospektivt minne, tidsuppfattning, arbetsminne och exekutiva funktioner. Barnen i ADHD-gruppen har även deltagit i ...

  1. Harnessing collaborative technology to accelerate achievement of chronic disease management objectives for Canada. (United States)

    Thompson, Leslee J; Healey, Lindsay; Falk, Will


    Morgan and colleagues put forth a call to action for the transformation of the Canadian healthcare system through the adoption of a national chronic disease prevention and management (CDPM) strategy. They offer examples of best practices and national solutions including investment in clinical information technologies to help support improved care and outcomes. Although we acknowledge that the authors propose CDPM solutions that are headed in the right direction, more rapid deployment of solutions that harness the potential of advanced collaborative technologies is required. We provide examples of how technologies that exist today can help to accelerate the achievement of some key CDPM objectives.

  2. The relevance of netnography to the harness of Romanian health care electronic word-of-mouth. (United States)

    Bratucu, R; Gheorghe, I R; Radu, A; Purcarea, V L


    Nowadays, consumers use the computer mediated communication to make purchase decisions on a large variety of products and services. Since health care services are archetypal by nature, consumers in this field are one of the most encountered users of electronic word-of-mouth. The objective of this paper is to explain and support the necessity of adopting a different qualitative method when electronic word of mouth is harnessed on health care dedicated forums, that is, netnography.

  3. Health as foreign policy: harnessing globalization for health. (United States)

    Fidler, David P


    This paper explores the importance for health promotion of the rise of public health as a foreign policy issue. Although health promotion encompassed foreign policy as part of 'healthy public policy', mainstream foreign policy neglected public health and health promotion's role in it. Globalization forces health promotion, however, to address directly the relationship between public health and foreign policy. The need for 'health as foreign policy' is apparent from the prominence public health now has in all the basic governance functions served by foreign policy. The Secretary-General's United Nations (UN) reform proposals demonstrate the importance of foreign policy to health promotion as a core component of public health because the proposals embed public health in each element of the Secretary-General's vision for the UN in the 21st century. The emergence of health as foreign policy presents opportunities and risks for health promotion that can be managed by emphasizing that public health constitutes an integrated public good that benefits all governance tasks served by foreign policy. Any effort to harness globalization for public health will have to make health as foreign policy a centerpiece of its ambitions, and this task is now health promotion's burden and opportunity.

  4. A novel approach for harnessing biofilm communities in moving bed biofilm reactors for industrial wastewater treatment


    Joe A. Lemire; Marc A. Demeter; Iain George; Howard Ceri; Raymond J. Turner


    Moving bed biofilm reactors (MBBRs) are an effective biotechnology for treating industrial wastewater. Biomass retention on moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) carriers (biofilm support materials), allows for the ease-of-operation and high treatment capacity of MBBR systems. Optimization of MBBR systems has largely focused on aspects of carrier design, while little attention has been paid to enhancing strategies for harnessing microbial biomass. Previously, our research group demonstrated that ...

  5. Determining Damping Trends from a Range of Cable Harness Assemblies on a Launch Vehicle Panel from Test Measurements (United States)

    Smith, Andrew; Davis, R. Ben; LaVerde, Bruce; Jones, Douglas


    The team of authors at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) has been investigating estimating techniques for the vibration response of launch vehicle panels excited by acoustics and/or aero-fluctuating pressures. Validation of the approaches used to estimate these environments based on ground tests of flight like hardware is of major importance to new vehicle programs. The team at MSFC has recently expanded upon the first series of ground test cases completed in December 2010. The follow on tests recently completed are intended to illustrate differences in damping that might be expected when cable harnesses are added to the configurations under test. This validation study examines the effect on vibroacoustic response resulting from the installation of cable bundles on a curved orthogrid panel. Of interest is the level of damping provided by the installation of the cable bundles and whether this damping could be potentially leveraged in launch vehicle design. The results of this test are compared with baseline acoustic response tests without cables. Damping estimates from the measured response data are made using a new software tool that employs a finite element model (FEM) of the panel in conjunction with advanced optimization techniques. This paper will report on the \\damping trend differences. observed from response measurements for several different configurations of cable harnesses. The data should assist vibroacoustics engineers to make more informed damping assumptions when calculating vibration response estimates when using model based analysis approach. Achieving conservative estimates that have more flight like accuracy is desired. The paper may also assist analysts in determining how ground test data may relate to expected flight response levels. Empirical response estimates may also need to be adjusted if the measured response used as an input to the study came from a test article without flight like cable harnesses.

  6. Harnessing Multiple Internal Reflections to Design Highly Absorptive Acoustic Metasurfaces (United States)

    Shen, Chen; Cummer, Steven A.


    The rapid development of metasurfaces has enabled numerous intriguing applications with acoustically thin sheets. Here we report the theory and experimental realization of a nonresonant sound-absorbing strategy using metasurfaces by harnessing multiple internal reflections. We theoretically and numerically show that the higher-order diffraction of thin gradient-index metasurfaces is tied to multiple internal reflections inside the unit cells. Highly absorbing acoustic metasurfaces can be realized by enforcing multiple internal reflections together with a small amount of loss. A reflective gradient-index acoustic metasurface is designed based on the theory, and we further experimentally verify the performance using a three-dimensional printed prototype. Measurements show over 99% energy absorption at the peak frequency and a 95% energy absorption bandwidth of around 600 Hz. The proposed mechanism provides an alternative route for sound absorption without the necessity of high absorption of the individual unit cells.

  7. Harnessing supramolecular peptide nanotechnology in biomedical applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chan KH


    Full Text Available Kiat Hwa Chan,1 Wei Hao Lee,2 Shuangmu Zhuo,3 Ming Ni3 1Division of Science, Yale-NUS College, Singapore; 2Department of Chemistry, Krieger School of Arts & Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA; 3Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory for Photonics Technology, Key Laboratory of OptoElectronic Science and Technology for Medicine of Ministry of Education, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, People’s Republic of China Abstract: The harnessing of peptides in biomedical applications is a recent hot topic. This arises mainly from the general biocompatibility of peptides, as well as from the ease of tunability of peptide structure to engineer desired properties. The ease of progression from laboratory testing to clinical trials is evident from the plethora of examples available. In this review, we compare and contrast how three distinct self-assembled peptide nanostructures possess different functions. We have 1 nanofibrils in biomaterials that can interact with cells, 2 nanoparticles that can traverse the bloodstream to deliver its payload and also be bioimaged, and 3 nanotubes that can serve as cross-membrane conduits and as a template for nanowire formation. Through this review, we aim to illustrate how various peptides, in their various self-assembled nanostructures, possess great promise in a wide range of biomedical applications and what more can be expected. Keywords: peptides, self-assembly, nanotechnology

  8. Er tang fremtidens superfood?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holdt, Susan Løvstad

    seneste år fået øjnene op for tang indenfor områderne: biokemikalier og bioaktive stoffer, ekstraktion, gastronomi, produktudvikling, foder, bioraffinaderier, dyrkning osv. Men hvad er det tang kan? Dette foredrag vil vise at vi med tangdyrkning kan rykke mere bæredygtig fødevareproduktion ud på havet...

  9. Harnessing high-dimensional hyperentanglement through a biphoton frequency comb (United States)

    Xie, Zhenda; Zhong, Tian; Shrestha, Sajan; Xu, Xinan; Liang, Junlin; Gong, Yan-Xiao; Bienfang, Joshua C.; Restelli, Alessandro; Shapiro, Jeffrey H.; Wong, Franco N. C.; Wei Wong, Chee


    Quantum entanglement is a fundamental resource for secure information processing and communications, and hyperentanglement or high-dimensional entanglement has been separately proposed for its high data capacity and error resilience. The continuous-variable nature of the energy-time entanglement makes it an ideal candidate for efficient high-dimensional coding with minimal limitations. Here, we demonstrate the first simultaneous high-dimensional hyperentanglement using a biphoton frequency comb to harness the full potential in both the energy and time domain. Long-postulated Hong-Ou-Mandel quantum revival is exhibited, with up to 19 time-bins and 96.5% visibilities. We further witness the high-dimensional energy-time entanglement through Franson revivals, observed periodically at integer time-bins, with 97.8% visibility. This qudit state is observed to simultaneously violate the generalized Bell inequality by up to 10.95 standard deviations while observing recurrent Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt S-parameters up to 2.76. Our biphoton frequency comb provides a platform for photon-efficient quantum communications towards the ultimate channel capacity through energy-time-polarization high-dimensional encoding.

  10. Kandidatundersøgelsen 2006

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Formålet med Kandidatundersøgelsen er at indhente vigtige informationer til en stillingstagen til, i hvilken retning Arkitektskolen skal bevæge sig for at være rustet til at møde fremtidens udfordringer....

  11. Wind turbine blades for harnessing energy from Malaysian low speed wind - manufacturing technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abas Abd Wahab; Azmin Shakrine


    Blades for wind turbine to harness energy in the Malaysia low speed winds have been designed. During wind tunnel testing, wind turbine model using this type of blades has cut in speed of 1.5 m/s and turned at 450 rpm at 4 m/s wind. The blades, due to their critical dimensions of 1.2 m length, 5 cm thickness, tapered and 15 degree twist, were difficult to produce especially in large number. Several production methods have been studied but for economical mass production, fibreglass blades using CNC cutting mould were chosen. The blade and mould designs and the manufacturing processes are briefly outlined in this paper. (Author)

  12. Harnessing quantum transport by transient chaos. (United States)

    Yang, Rui; Huang, Liang; Lai, Ying-Cheng; Grebogi, Celso; Pecora, Louis M


    Chaos has long been recognized to be generally advantageous from the perspective of control. In particular, the infinite number of unstable periodic orbits embedded in a chaotic set and the intrinsically sensitive dependence on initial conditions imply that a chaotic system can be controlled to a desirable state by using small perturbations. Investigation of chaos control, however, was largely limited to nonlinear dynamical systems in the classical realm. In this paper, we show that chaos may be used to modulate or harness quantum mechanical systems. To be concrete, we focus on quantum transport through nanostructures, a problem of considerable interest in nanoscience, where a key feature is conductance fluctuations. We articulate and demonstrate that chaos, more specifically transient chaos, can be effective in modulating the conductance-fluctuation patterns. Experimentally, this can be achieved by applying an external gate voltage in a device of suitable geometry to generate classically inaccessible potential barriers. Adjusting the gate voltage allows the characteristics of the dynamical invariant set responsible for transient chaos to be varied in a desirable manner which, in turn, can induce continuous changes in the statistical characteristics of the quantum conductance-fluctuation pattern. To understand the physical mechanism of our scheme, we develop a theory based on analyzing the spectrum of the generalized non-Hermitian Hamiltonian that includes the effect of leads, or electronic waveguides, as self-energy terms. As the escape rate of the underlying non-attracting chaotic set is increased, the imaginary part of the complex eigenenergy becomes increasingly large so that pointer states are more difficult to form, making smoother the conductance-fluctuation pattern.

  13. Harnessing the Potential of ICTs: Literacy and Numeracy Programmes Using Radio, TV, Mobile Phones, Tablets and Computers. 2nd Edition (United States)

    Hanemann, Ulrike, Ed.; Scarpino, Cassandra, Ed.


    The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) has published a second edition of "Harnessing the Potential of ICTs: Literacy and Numeracy Programmes Using Radio, TV, Mobile Phones, Tablets and Computers." This compilation of case studies from all world regions presents promising literacy and numeracy programmes that use information and…

  14. The assessment of global thermo-energy performances of existing district heating systems optimized by harnessing renewable energy sources (United States)

    Şoimoşan, Teodora M.; Danku, Gelu; Felseghi, Raluca A.


    Within the thermo-energy optimization process of an existing heating system, the increase of the system's energy efficiency and speeding-up the transition to green energy use are pursued. The concept of multi-energy district heating system, with high harnessing levels of the renewable energy sources (RES) in order to produce heat, is expected to be the key-element in the future urban energy infrastructure, due to the important role it can have in the strategies of optimizing and decarbonizing the existing district heating systems. The issues that arise are related to the efficient integration of different technologies of harnessing renewable energy sources in the energy mix and to the increase of the participation levels of RES, respectively. For the holistic modeling of the district heating system, the concept of the energy hub was used, where the synergy of different primary forms of entered energy provides the system a high degree energy security and flexibility in operation. The optimization of energy flows within the energy hub allows the optimization of the thermo-energy district system in order to approach the dual concept of smart city & smart energy.

  15. Harşit Vadisi’nin (Türkiye) Caligonellid Akarları (Acari: Raphignathoidea: Caligonellidae)


    DOĞAN, Sibel; DOĞAN, Salih; ERMAN, Orhan


    Bu çalışmada, Harşit Vadisi’nden (Türkiye) toplanancaligonellid akarların (Acari: Caligonellidae) iki cinsine ait toplam dört türtespit edildi. Türlerden üçü, Caligonellahumilis (Koch), Neognathusspectabilis (Summers ve Schlinger) ve N.terrestris (Summers ve Schlinger), çalışma alanından ilk defa kaydedildi.Bu türlerin, çeşitli organlarının şekilleri çizildi, ölçümleri alındı vetanımları yapıldı. Ayrıca Türkiye’de ve dünyada yayılışları üzerinde duruldu....

  16. Antiviral Goes Viral: Harnessing CRISPR/Cas9 to Combat Viruses in Humans. (United States)

    Soppe, Jasper Adriaan; Lebbink, Robert Jan


    The clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) and CRISPR-associated (Cas) systems are RNA-guided sequence-specific prokaryotic antiviral immune systems. In prokaryotes, small RNA molecules guide Cas effector endonucleases to invading foreign genetic elements in a sequence-dependent manner, resulting in DNA cleavage by the endonuclease upon target binding. A rewired CRISPR/Cas9 system can be used for targeted and precise genome editing in eukaryotic cells. CRISPR/Cas has also been harnessed to target human pathogenic viruses as a potential new antiviral strategy. Here, we review recent CRISPR/Cas9-based approaches to combat specific human viruses in humans and discuss challenges that need to be overcome before CRISPR/Cas9 may be used in the clinic as an antiviral strategy. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. ITER: A unique international collaboration to harness the power of stars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bigot, B.


    Harnessing the energy of thermonuclear fusion reactions is one of the greatest challenges of our time. Fusion, the nuclear reaction that powers the sun and stars would provide mankind with a safe, environmentally benign, and virtually limitless source of energy. Fusion can be tamed in machines called tokamaks. The ITER tokamak is the largest scientific cooperation project ever established, bringing together 35 nations representing more than half of the world's population and 85% of the planet's gross domestic product. In the summer of 2010, the building construction began in earnest. Seven years later, the progress accomplished, both on the construction site in France at Saint-Paul-les-Durance and in factories throughout the world, is spectacular. On the construction site, 2,000 workers are busy erecting and equipping the installation's 39 permanent buildings. The ITER tokamak is planned to enter into operation in 2025

  18. Classical conditioning of proboscis extension in harnessed Africanized honey bee queens (Apis mellifera L.). (United States)

    Aquino, Italo S; Abramson, Charles I; Soares, Ademilson E E; Fernandes, Andrea Cardoso; Benbassat, Danny


    Experiments are reported on learning in virgin Africanized honey bee queens (Apis mellifera L.). Queens restrained in a "Pavlovian harness" received a pairing of hexanal odor with a 1.8-M feeding of sucrose solution. Compared to explicitly unpaired controls, acquisition was rapid in reaching about 90%. Acquisition was also rapid in queens receiving an unconditioned stimulus of "bee candy" or an unconditioned stimulus administered by worker bees. During extinction the conditioned response declines. The steepest decline was observed in queens receiving an unconditioned stimulus of bee candy. These findings extend previous work on learning of Afrianized honey bee workers to a population of queen bees.

  19. Deaf Workers in Restaurant, Retail, and Hospitality Sector Employment: Harnessing Research to Promote Advocacy. (United States)

    Stokar, Hayley


    A quarter-century after the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA, 1990 ), workplace accommodation is still a struggle for deaf employees and their managers. Many challenges are the result of communication barriers that can be overcome through much needed-although often absent-advocacy and training. This article highlights the literature on the employment of deaf individuals in the United States service industries of food service, retail, and hospitality conducted from 2000 to 2016. Exploring dimensions of both hiring and active workplace accommodation, suggestions are made for how social work advocates can harness information and strengthen their approaches for educating managers and supporting workers.

  20. High volume tidal or current flow harnessing system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gorlov, A.M.


    Apparatus permitting the utilization of large volumes of water in the harnessing and extracting of a portion of the power generated by the rise and fall of ocean tides, ocean currents, or flowing rivers includes the provision of a dam, and a specialized single cavity chamber of limited size as compared with the water head enclosed by the dam, and an extremely high volume gating system in which all or nearly all of the water between the high and low levels on either side of the dam is cyclically gated through the single chamber from one side of the dam to the other so as to alternately provide positive air pressure and a partial vacuum within the single chamber. In one embodiment, the specialized chamber has a barrier at the bottom which divides the bottom of the chamber in half, large ports at the bottom of the chamber to permit inflow and outflow of high volumes of water, and ganged structures having a higher total area than that of corresponding ports, in which the structures form sluice gates to selectively seal off and open different sets of ports. In another embodiment, a single chamber is used without a barrier. In this embodiment, vertical sluice gates are used which may be activated automatically by pressures acting on the sluice gates as a result of ingested and expelled water.

  1. Så galt går det når du ikke har styr på din SEO-partner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ivang, Reimer


    Interflora UK lå nummer et på Google på flere søgeord, men fra den ene dag til den anden havde Google fjernet dem. Så spørgsmålet er nu om Interflora UK ikke har styr på, hvad deres SEO partner foretager sig, om de var for grådige eller om de bare er blevet uretfærdig behandlet af Google....

  2. Farklı Miktarlarda Üzüm Çekirdeği Tozu İlave Edilmiş Kaplama Harçlarının Reolojik Özellikleri

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Özge Süfer


    Full Text Available Bu çalışmada, üzüm çekirdeği tozu ilavesi yapılmış kaplama harçlarının reolojik özellikleri incelenmiştir. Kaplama harçları; su, buğday unu, mısır unu, tuz, kabartma tozu ve hidroksipropilmetilselülozdan (HPMC oluşan karışıma farklı oranlarda üzüm çekirdeği tozu ilavesi yapılarak üretilmiştir. Örneklerin görünür viskoziteleri sabit sıcaklıkta (15 °C eşmerkezli silindirik tip viskozimetre ile belirlenmiştir. Kaplama harçlarının kıvam katsayıları ve akış davranış indeksleri Üssel Model ile hesaplanmıştır. Bütün örnekler Newton tipi olmayan pseudoplastik tipi akış davranışı sergilemiş ve görünür viskozite değerleri artan kayma hızı ile azalmıştır. Örneklerin görünür viskozite değerleri, artan üzüm çekirdeği konsantrasyonu ile birlikte azalmıştır. Kaplama harçlarının akış davranış indeksi ve kıvam katsayısı değerleri sırasıyla 0.516-0.596 ve 8.994-14.722 Pa.s aralığında bulunmuştur.

  3. CMS: Vil Danmark bakke op om Guterres’ reformbestræbelser?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jacobsen, Katja Lindskov; Engell, Troels Gauslå


    Danmark bør aktivt øve indflydelse på reformprocessen og udformningen af fremtiden for FN’s fredsarbejde og formulere en klar målsætning med sine bidrag til FN's fredsarbejde i det kommende forsvarsforlig og den udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitiske strategi....

  4. Nyt perspektiv på turismeudvikling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kvistgaard, Peter


    Manglende viden om og forkerte opfattelser af, hvad oplevelser er, og hvad turister efterspørger, kan koste arbejdspladser nu og i fremtiden. Hvis eksempelvis lokalbefolkning og turismeudviklere fejlvurderer, hvilke oplevelser turister efterspørger i Nordjylland, ja så kan konsekvenserne være...

  5. Harnessing Invariant NKT Cells to Improve Influenza Vaccines: A Pig Perspective

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guan Yang


    Full Text Available Invariant natural killer T (iNKT cells are an “innate-like” T cell lineage that recognize glycolipid rather than peptide antigens by their semi-invariant T cell receptors. Because iNKT cells can stimulate an extensive array of immune responses, there is considerable interest in targeting these cells to enhance human vaccines against a wide range of microbial pathogens. However, long overlooked is the potential to harness iNKT cell antigens as vaccine adjuvants for domestic animal species that express the iNKT cell–CD1d system. In this review, we discuss the prospect of targeting porcine iNKT cells as a strategy to enhance the efficiency of swine influenza vaccines. In addition, we compare the phenotype and tissue distribution of porcine iNKT cells. Finally, we discuss the challenges that must be overcome before iNKT cell agonists can be contemplated for veterinary use in livestock.

  6. Harnessing Vehicle Automation for Public Mobility -- An Overview of Ongoing Efforts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Young, Stanley E.


    This presentation takes a look at the efforts to harness automated vehicle technology for public transport. The European CityMobil2 is the leading demonstration project in which automated shuttles were, or are planned to be, demonstrated in several cities and regions. The presentation provides a brief overview of the demonstrations at Oristano, Italy (July 2014), LaRochelle, France (Dec 2014), Lausanne, Switzerland (Apr 2015), Vantaa, Finland (July 2015), and Trikala, Greece (Sept 2015). In addition to technology exposition, the objectives included generating a legal framework for operation in each location and gaging the reaction of the public to unmanned shuttles, both of which were successfully achieved. Several such demonstrations are planned throughout the world, including efforts in North America in conjunction with the GoMentum Station in California. These early demonstration with low-speed automated shuttles provide a glimpse of the possible with a fully automated fleet of driverless vehicle providing a public transit service.

  7. Harnessing type I and type III CRISPR-Cas systems for genome editing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Yingjun; Pan, Saifu; Zhang, Yan


    CRISPR-Cas (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats-CRISPR-associated) systems are widespread in archaea and bacteria, and research on their molecular mechanisms has led to the development of genome-editing techniques based on a few Type II systems. However, there has not been any...... report on harnessing a Type I or Type III system for genome editing. Here, a method was developed to repurpose both CRISPR-Cas systems for genetic manipulation in Sulfolobus islandicus, a thermophilic archaeon. A novel type of genome-editing plasmid (pGE) was constructed, carrying an artificial mini-CRISPR...... and selectively retained as transformants. Using this strategy, different types of mutation were generated, including deletion, insertion and point mutations. We envision this method is readily applicable to different bacteria and archaea that carry an active CRISPR-Cas system of DNA interference provided...

  8. Let Our Powers Combine! Harnessing NASA's Earth Observatory Natural Event Tracker (EONET) in Worldview (United States)

    Wong, Min Minnie; Ward, Kevin; Boller, Ryan; Gunnoe, Taylor; Baynes, Kathleen; King, Benjamin


    Constellations of NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) satellites orbit the earth to collect images and data about the planet in near real-time. Within hours of satellite overpass, you can discover where the latest wildfires, severe storms, volcanic eruptions, and dust and haze events are occurring using NASA's Worldview web application. By harnessing a repository of curated natural event metadata from NASA Earth Observatory's Natural Event Tracker (EONET), Worldview has moved natural event discovery to the forefront and allows users to select events-of-interest from a curated list, zooms to the area, and adds the most relevant imagery layers for that type of natural event. This poster will highlight NASA Worldviews new natural event feed functionality.

  9. Danish Government passes three International Tax Bills

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michelsen, Aage


    I artiklen omtales lov nr. 945 af 23/11 1994, der ophævede dobbeltbeskatningsaftaleloven, der bemyndiger regeringen til at indgå dobbeltbeskatningsaftaler. For fremtiden skal dobbeltbeskatningsaftaler gennemføres ved lov. Artiklen omtaler tillige lov nr. 1118 af 21/12 1994 om misbrug af dobbeltbe...

  10. Medlemsvandringer og krise i den danske aftalemodel?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Høgedahl, Laust


    det gælder nytteorienterede og normative betonede motiver for et fagligt medlemskab pga. af disse forbunds fagforeningstype. Sidst i artiklen gives et bud på, hvilke konsekvenser denne udvikling vil få for reguleringen af det danske arbejdsmarked i fremtiden, hvis denne udvikling fortsætter....

  11. Engelsk som tredjespråk: Har lærere kompetanse til å støtte flerspråklighet?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anne Dahl


    Full Text Available Denne artikkelen handler om norske engelsklæreres kompetanse i å arbeide med barn som har et annet morsmål enn norsk, og som lærer engelsk som fremmedspråk. Problemstillingene er "Hva slags utdanning og kunnskap innen flerspråklighet har engelsklærere i Norge?," "I hvilken grad føler engelsklærere i Norge seg forberedt på å undervise i flerkulturelle og flerspråklige klasserom?" og "Hvilken type kunnskap, ferdigheter og ressurser føler de behov for?". Vi presenterer resultater fra en nasjonal spørreundersøkelse hvor i alt 176 engelsklærere deltok. I tillegg presenterer vi resultater fra fokusintervjuer med i alt fire lærere fra to skoler. Resultatene viser at selv om engelsklærerne til en viss grad føler seg forberedt på arbeid med elever som ikke har norsk som morsmål, har svært få av dem utdanning som fokuserer på flerspråklighet. Svarene fra spørreundersøkelsen og fra intervjuene viser at engelsklærerne gjerne vil ha mer kompetanse på dette området. Vi vil derfor understreke betydningen av utdanning i teori og praksis om flerspråklig utvikling og flerkulturell utdanningsteori, og ikke minst betydningen av tilgang til faglig utvikling som fokuserer på flerspråklighet i skolen og i samfunnet for engelsklærere i Norge.Nøkkelord: engelsklærere, kompetanse, språkpedagogisk kunnskap,flerspråklighet, lærerutdanningAbstractThis paper examines the extent to which English teachers in Norway are prepared to work with children whose mother tongue is not Norwegian, and who are acquiring English as a foreign language. The research questions are “What type of education and knowledge in the area of multilingualism do English teachers in Norway have?,” To what extent do English teachers in Norway feel they are prepared to teach in a multicultural and multilingual classroom?,” and “What kinds of knowledge, skills and resources do they feel a need for?” We present the results of a national survey completed by 176

  12. Præsentationsformater for bibliografier, publikationslister og andre referencer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wille, Niels Erik

    Vejledning i udformning af teksthenvisninger og referencelister, med et udvalg af eksempler fra de mest udbredte "systemer": F.eks. Dansk Standard, Modern Language Aasociation (MLA), American Psychological Association (APA), Modern Humanities Research Association (MHRA), Chicago Manual of Style...... gennemarbejdet system, men en art kælenavn for en form for teksthenvisninger som forekommer i flere forskellige systemer, bl.a. APA, CMS2, CSE/CBE m.fl. Vejledningen er knyttet til kurset Ret&Rigtigt som udbydes af fagene Kommunikation og Performance-design i samarbejde....

  13. Kvote 2 optagelse og akademiske præstationer: Hvor stor betydning har det adgangsgivende eksamenssnit?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lotte Dyhrberg ONeill


    Full Text Available Kvote 2 optagelse (optagelsesprøver til medicinstudiet har vist sig at have virket beskyttende på tidligt studiefrafald sammenlignet med kvote 1 optagelse på Syddansk Universitet. Dette prospektive kohorte studie af de samme kohorter viser, at de lavere adgangsgivende karakterer i kvote 2 gruppen samtidigt kun var forbundet med lidt lavere bachelor karaktergennemsnit. Admission testing appears to be protective against early dropout compared to grade-based admission for undergraduate medical students at the University of Southern Denmark. This prospective cohort study shows that the lower entry grades of the admission tested students were simultaneously associated with obtaining only slightly lower medical school grades.

  14. The Comfort Houses

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Tine Steen; Jensen, Rasmus Lund; Daniels, Ole

    be downloaded from Furthermore, some of the analyses in this report take as their starting point the analyses conducted in the report ‘Vurdering af indeklimaet i hidtidigt lavenergibyggeri – med henblik på forbedringer i fremtidens lavenergibyggeri’, published by Aalborg University in January...

  15. Det jordløse landbrug i industrikvarteret

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rentz-Petersen, Nee


    Forskningsprojektet 'Det Jordløse Landbrug i Industrikvarteret' undersøger muligheder og konsekvenser ved at placere større landbrugsanlæg nær bynære industrikvarterer i Danmark. Projektet opstiller fire konkrete scenarier for fremtidens agro-industrikvarter, hvor fødevareproduktion kobles med bl...

  16. IPAC - Innovative Play And Creation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Amholt, Jacqueline; Cantio, Lone Sigmann


    IPAC-metoden er udviklet gennem arbejdet med facilitering af processer, der fremmer GenInnovationskompetencer i forskningsprojektet Fremtidens velfærdssamfund skal kunne levere nye og bedre løsninger for de samme eller færre ressourcer. Det kræver åbne og fleksible organisatione...

  17. Microbes at Surface-Air Interfaces: The Metabolic Harnessing of Relative Humidity, Surface Hygroscopicity, and Oligotrophy for Resilience (United States)

    Stone, Wendy; Kroukamp, Otini; Korber, Darren R.; McKelvie, Jennifer; Wolfaardt, Gideon M.


    The human environment is predominantly not aqueous, and microbes are ubiquitous at the surface-air interfaces with which we interact. Yet microbial studies at surface-air interfaces are largely survival-oriented, whilst microbial metabolism has overwhelmingly been investigated from the perspective of liquid saturation. This study explored microbial survival and metabolism under desiccation, particularly the influence of relative humidity (RH), surface hygroscopicity, and nutrient availability on the interchange between these two phenomena. The combination of a hygroscopic matrix (i.e., clay or 4,000 MW polyethylene glycol) and high RH resulted in persistent measurable microbial metabolism during desiccation. In contrast, no microbial metabolism was detected at (a) hygroscopic interfaces at low RH, and (b) less hygroscopic interfaces (i.e., sand and plastic/glass) at high or low RH. Cell survival was conversely inhibited at high RH and promoted at low RH, irrespective of surface hygroscopicity. Based on this demonstration of metabolic persistence and survival inhibition at high RH, it was proposed that biofilm metabolic rates might inversely influence whole-biofilm resilience, with ‘resilience’ defined in this study as a biofilm’s capacity to recover from desiccation. The concept of whole-biofilm resilience being promoted by oligotrophy was supported in desiccation-tolerant Arthrobacter spp. biofilms, but not in desiccation-sensitive Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms. The ability of microbes to interact with surfaces to harness water vapor during desiccation was demonstrated, and potentially to harness oligotrophy (the most ubiquitous natural condition facing microbes) for adaptation to desiccation. PMID:27746774

  18. Fremtidens landbrug bliver big business

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Henning Otte


    Landbrugets omverdensforhold og konkurrencevilkår ændres, og det vil nødvendiggøre en udvikling i retning af “big business“, hvor landbrugene bliver endnu større, mere industrialiserede og koncentrerede. Big business bliver en dominerende udvikling i dansk landbrug - men ikke den eneste...

  19. Afrika. Fremtidens økologiske kontinent?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Egelyng, Henrik; Vaarst, Mette; Hermansen, John Erik


    'sidegevinster' af naturværdier, biologisk og kulturel mangfoldighed, grundvandskvalitet, landskabsværdier og sparede forureningsomkostninger. Samspillet mellem stat, civilsamfund og marked førte i Europa til et fælles EU-certificeringsmærke, som i dag udgør en operationel model for et tilstræbt miljømæssigt...

  20. Plasmafysik og fusionsenergi - fremtidens energikilde

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dam Heiselberg, Bodil; Heiselberg, Henning

    Fusionsreaktoren ITER bygges i disse år i Frankrig af EU, Kina, Japan, Rusland, Indien, Sydkorea og USA og afløser JET i England. ITER er nok sidste trin i forskningsfusionsreaktorer. ITER forventes at kunne producere mere energi, end der bruges til at køre den, og vil dermed være den første...

  1. Fremtiden og det etnografiske museum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gabriel, Mille


    collecting, co-curation and dialogue with the communities from where the collections derive. Through three recent projects, this paper revolves around questions such as: How can we make associations between the old collections and contemporary society? How do we prioritize, when collecting the contemporary...

  2. På sporet af fremtidens konkurrenceevne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boje Rasmussen, Martin Møller


    Michael Porter og Harvard Business School står bag nyt banebrydende initiativ, Social Progress Index, som måler et samfunds evne til at skabe livskvalitet for borgerne. Dette aktualiserer debatten om udviklingen af helt nye konkurrencemodeller. Der er tale om et valg mellem tre forskellige typer...

  3. Profylakse--hvad vil fremtiden bringe?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bygbjerg, Ib Christian


    World Millennium Development Goals to be attained by 2015, most relate indirectly to human health, while three relate directly to the prevention and fighting of diseases. Reduction of the child mortality rate and control of major infectious diseases are among the most important goals. In endemic areas...... of poverty and deficient infrastructure, children risk being infected primarily by diarrhoeal diseases, hepatitis A, polio, measles and other respiratory infections, and vector-borne diseases such as dengue and malaria, as well as, increasingly, blood/sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B......Travellers to areas where poverty and pollution prevail may be exposed to the same health risks as are the local populations. In the future, prophylaxis for travellers will therefore rely upon advances in prevention being distributed equally to people in both rich and poor societies. Of the eight...

  4. Harnessing CRISPR/Cas systems for programmable transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation

    KAUST Repository

    Mahas, Ahmed


    Genome editing has enabled broad advances and novel approaches in studies of gene function and structure; now, emerging methods aim to precisely engineer post-transcriptional processes. Developing precise, efficient molecular tools to alter the transcriptome holds great promise for biotechnology and synthetic biology applications. Different approaches have been employed for targeted degradation of RNA species in eukaryotes, but they lack programmability and versatility, thereby limiting their utility for diverse applications. The CRISPR/Cas9 system has been harnessed for genome editing in many eukaryotic species and, using a catalytically inactive Cas9 variant, the CRISPR/dCas9 system has been repurposed for transcriptional regulation. Recent studies have used other CRISPR/Cas systems for targeted RNA degradation and RNA-based manipulations. For example, Cas13a, a Type VI-A endonuclease, has been identified as an RNA-guided RNA ribonuclease and used for manipulation of RNA. Here, we discuss different modalities for targeted RNA interference with an emphasis on the potential applications of CRISPR/Cas systems as programmable transcriptional regulators for broad uses, including functional biology, biotechnology, and synthetic biology applications.

  5. Harnessing CRISPR/Cas systems for programmable transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation

    KAUST Repository

    Mahas, Ahmed; Neal Stewart, C.; Mahfouz, Magdy M.


    Genome editing has enabled broad advances and novel approaches in studies of gene function and structure; now, emerging methods aim to precisely engineer post-transcriptional processes. Developing precise, efficient molecular tools to alter the transcriptome holds great promise for biotechnology and synthetic biology applications. Different approaches have been employed for targeted degradation of RNA species in eukaryotes, but they lack programmability and versatility, thereby limiting their utility for diverse applications. The CRISPR/Cas9 system has been harnessed for genome editing in many eukaryotic species and, using a catalytically inactive Cas9 variant, the CRISPR/dCas9 system has been repurposed for transcriptional regulation. Recent studies have used other CRISPR/Cas systems for targeted RNA degradation and RNA-based manipulations. For example, Cas13a, a Type VI-A endonuclease, has been identified as an RNA-guided RNA ribonuclease and used for manipulation of RNA. Here, we discuss different modalities for targeted RNA interference with an emphasis on the potential applications of CRISPR/Cas systems as programmable transcriptional regulators for broad uses, including functional biology, biotechnology, and synthetic biology applications.

  6. Harnessing cell-to-cell variations to probe bacterial structure and biophysics (United States)

    Cass, Julie A.

    Advances in microscopy and biotechnology have given us novel insights into cellular biology and physics. While bacteria were long considered to be relatively unstructured, the development of fluorescence microscopy techniques, and spatially and temporally resolved high-throughput quantitative studies, have uncovered that the bacterial cell is highly organized, and its structure rigorously maintained. In this thesis I will describe our gateTool software, designed to harness cell-to-cell variations to probe bacterial structure, and discuss two exciting aspects of structure that we have employed gateTool to investigate: (i) chromosome organization and the cellular mechanisms for controlling DNA dynamics, and (ii) the study of cell wall synthesis, and how the genes in the synthesis pathway impact cellular shape. In the first project, we develop a spatial and temporal mapping of cell-cycle-dependent chromosomal organization, and use this quantitative map to discover that chromosomal loci segregate from midcell with universal dynamics. In the second project, I describe preliminary time- lapse and snapshot imaging analysis suggesting phentoypical coherence across peptidoglycan synthesis pathways.

  7. Weakly supervised visual dictionary learning by harnessing image attributes. (United States)

    Gao, Yue; Ji, Rongrong; Liu, Wei; Dai, Qionghai; Hua, Gang


    Bag-of-features (BoFs) representation has been extensively applied to deal with various computer vision applications. To extract discriminative and descriptive BoF, one important step is to learn a good dictionary to minimize the quantization loss between local features and codewords. While most existing visual dictionary learning approaches are engaged with unsupervised feature quantization, the latest trend has turned to supervised learning by harnessing the semantic labels of images or regions. However, such labels are typically too expensive to acquire, which restricts the scalability of supervised dictionary learning approaches. In this paper, we propose to leverage image attributes to weakly supervise the dictionary learning procedure without requiring any actual labels. As a key contribution, our approach establishes a generative hidden Markov random field (HMRF), which models the quantized codewords as the observed states and the image attributes as the hidden states, respectively. Dictionary learning is then performed by supervised grouping the observed states, where the supervised information is stemmed from the hidden states of the HMRF. In such a way, the proposed dictionary learning approach incorporates the image attributes to learn a semantic-preserving BoF representation without any genuine supervision. Experiments in large-scale image retrieval and classification tasks corroborate that our approach significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised dictionary learning approaches.

  8. Digitalisering af det historiske jernbanenetværk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fertner, Christian


    Centret for Strategisk Byforskning startede i marts 2012 et nyt forskningsprojekt, der omhandler udfordringer hos og fremtiden for danske stationsbyer. Som datagrundlag digitaliserede vi bl.a. det danske jernbane netværk, normal- og smalspor, siden 1847 i grove træk. Denne opgørelse vil vi i det ...

  9. Go Cook - de første 10 år

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Boris

    Med henvisning til evalueringens datagrundlag udpeges i arbejdsrapportens indsatsområder for fremtidens Go Cook (Go Cook er et landsdækkende tilbud til understøttelse af madkundskabs- og madlæringsaktiviter i grundskolen). De bliver tematiseret som følger: 1. Med henblik på at udvikle de didaktis...

  10. Sport i oplevelsesøkonomien

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Storm, Rasmus K.


    Spørgsmålet om hvad Danmark skal lee af i fremtiden er gennem de senere år blevet bevaret med mere eller mindre vidtløftig politisk retorik om sporten som vækstgenerator. Artiklen drøfter, hvorvidt sporten er dansk økonomis nye redningsplanke? Udgivelsesdato: November...

  11. Enhanced Harnessing of the Graviola Bioactive Components Using a Neoteric Sonication Cum Microwave Coadjuvant Extraction Protocol

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Se Chul Chun


    Full Text Available Graviola is one of the most accomplished natural anticancer therapists gaining popularity in recent times. Harnessing the full benefit from tapping all of its rich bioactive reservoirs is absolutely worthy and mandatory. It is in this regard that a well optimized extraction methodology gains paramount importance. In case of Graviola, no sophistication in terms of extraction methods is reported. A neoteric sonication cum microwave combined extraction technology was introduced that maximized the extraction process and minimized (7 min the extraction time. The extraction efficiency was validated based on the significant enrichment of bioactive ingredients in Graviola extracts following the sonication cum microwave combined protocol.

  12. Drømmejobbet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harrebye, Silas


    Medarbejdere vil i fremtiden også kunne arbejde, mens de sover. Virksomheder tilbyder snart deres ansatte interne kurser i ‘lucid dreaming’. Disse giver mulighed for, at man i sine drømme bliver bevidst om, at man drømmer og således kan manipulere dem. Det skal nu udnyttes. Management...

  13. Pædagogik på kanten

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Frans Ørsted

    Bogen behandler intensive læringsforløb for udsatte elever, især drenge, men også en del piger. Der er tale om forløb og emner, som jeg selv forsker i, bl.a. Drengeakademiet, rollespilsefterskolen, Cooperative Learning og Fremtidens Undervisningsfacilitet. Desuden omtales en række tilsvarende pro...

  14. Danskernes indbetalinger til pension

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Michael

    SFI sætter i en serie undersøgelser lys på forandringerne i det danske pensionssystem. Fra primært at være dækket af et skattefinansieret pensionssystem vil en stigende andel danskere i fremtiden få suppleret folkepensionen med arbejdsmarkedspensioner og privattegnede ordninger. Denne rapport, de...

  15. Measuring sustainable homes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olesen, Gitte Gylling Hammershøj; Knudstrup, Mary-Ann; Heiselberg, Per


    Paperet studerer Active House Visionen og Active House Specifikation ”work-in-progress” for at identificere parametre til måling af fremtidens bæredygtig hjem. Fremgangsmåde er baseret på Mixed Methods Research strategi hvor målingerne er relateret til både kvantitative og kvalitative aspekter i...

  16. The effect of a 3-point harness restraint and car seat in whiplash-type lateral impacts. (United States)

    Kumar, Shrawan; Ferrari, Robert; Narayan, Yogesh; Jones, Troy


    Seventeen healthy volunteers were subjected to right and left lateral impacts 5.0, 6.8, 9.2, and 16.8 m/s acceleration while positioned in a Volvo car seat with lap and shoulder seat belt restraint in laboratory setting. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of using a standard 3-point lap and shoulder seat belt and Volvo car seat on the response of the cervical muscles to increasing low-velocity lateral impacts. A previous study of lateral impacts in a 5-point harness restraint with head and trunk in neutral posture suggests that the burden of impact is borne primarily by the splenius capitis muscle contralateral to the direction of impact. That study, however, used a nonstandard harness for automobiles, and other studies suggest that a lap-and-shoulder seat belt may increase the risk of whiplash injury. Triaxial accelerometers recorded the acceleration of the 1) sled, 2) torso at the shoulder level, and 3) head of the participant, while bilateral electromyograms of the sternocleidomastoids, trapezii, and splenii capitis were also recorded. For participants experiencing a right or left lateral impact, the muscle responses increased with increasing levels of acceleration (P trend to progressively decrease with increasing levels of acceleration. The peak head accelerations relative to the sled ranged from 2.5 to 10.6 m/s. When the impact was a right lateral impact, at the highest sled acceleration, the left splenius capitis generated 47% of its maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), and the left trapezius also 46% of its MVC; the left and right sternocleidomastoid, right splenius capitis, and right trapezius generated 29% or less of their MVC. For the highest level of acceleration in a left lateral impact, the right splenius capitis generated 48% of its MVC and the right trapezius 57% of the MVC, the left and right sternocleidomastoid, left splenius capitis, and left trapezius generated 29% or less of their MVC. In both directions of impact, the

  17. The globalization of health research: harnessing the scientific diaspora. (United States)

    Anand, Nalini P; Hofman, Karen J; Glass, Roger I


    The scientific diaspora is a unique resource for U.S. universities. By drawing on the expertise, experience, and catalytic potential of diaspora scientists, universities can capitalize more fully on their diverse intellectual resources to make lasting contributions to global health. This article examines the unique contributions of the diaspora in international research collaborations, advantages of harnessing the diaspora and benefits to U.S. universities of fostering these collaborations, challenges faced by scientists who want to work with their home countries, examples of scientists engaging with their home countries, and specific strategies U.S. universities and donors can implement to catalyze these collaborations. The contributions of the diaspora to the United States are immense: International students enrolled in academic year 2007-2008 contributed an estimated $15 billion to the U.S. economy. As scientific research becomes increasingly global, the percentage of scientific publications with authors from foreign countries has grown from 8% in 1988 to 20% in 2005. Diaspora scientists can help build trusting relationships with scientists abroad, and international collaborations may improve the health of underserved populations at home. Although opportunities for diaspora networks are increasing, most home countries often lack enabling policies, infrastructure, and resources to effectively utilize their diaspora communities abroad. This article examines how some governments have successfully mobilized their scientific diaspora to become increasingly engaged in their national research agendas. Recommendations include specific strategies, including those that encourage U.S. universities to promote mini-sabbaticals and provide seed funding and flexible time frames.

  18. Facebook liker nu VR

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bødker, Mads


    Facebooks ’Virtual Reality’ Spaces tegner en vision for fremtidens digitale kommunikation og samarbejde, men Facebooks fremtidsplaner varsler måske samtidig døden for smartphonen og andre skærm-baserede teknologier. Og hvorfor have en lille skærm i bukselommen, når man kan have en IMAX-biograf i ...

  19. Der skal gang i robotterne - fra Lego til LocoKit

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Jørgen Christian


    Hvis robotter i fremtiden skal udføre slidsomt og kedeligt arbejde i vores hverdag, bør robotterne have ben. Robotingeniøren Jørgen Christian Larsen fortæller her om sit arbejde med at udvikle et byggesæt, der skal gøre vejen til gående robotter kortere....

  20. Online farmakologi i det virtuelle laboratorium

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahl, Mads Ronald; Hedegaard, Elise; Musaeus, Peter


    Et virtuelt laboratorium er et nødvendigt supplement til fremtidens undervisningsmiljø, som skal være tilgængeligt i store dele af døgnet og for et voksende antal studerende. Ud fra økonomiske hensyn til besparelser kan man hertil argumentere for, at dyre laboratoriekurser i biomedicin skal gøres...

  1. Harnessing Wind Power in Moving Reference Frames with Application to Vehicles (United States)

    Goushcha, Oleg; Felicissimo, Robert; Danesh-Yazdi, Amir; Andreopoulos, Yiannis


    The extraction of wind power from unique configurations embedded in moving vehicles by using micro-turbine devices has been investigated. In such moving environments, the specific power of the air motion is much greater and less intermittent than in stationary wind turbines anchored to the ground in open atmospheric conditions. In a translational frame of reference, the rate of work done by the drag force acting on the wind harnessing device due the relative motion of air should be taken into account in the overall performance evaluation through an energy balance. A device with a venting tube has been tested that connects a high-pressure stagnating flow region in the front of the vehicle with a low-pressure region at its rear. Our analysis identified two key areas to focus on for potentially significant rewards: (1) Vehicles with high energy conversion efficiency which require a high mass flow rate through the venting duct, and (2) low efficiency vehicles with wakes, which will be globally affected by the introduction of the venting duct device in a manner that reduces their drag so that there is a net gain in power generation.

  2. som Ungarn har fremsendt giver anledning til kommentarer eller ændringer i den risikovurdering som Danmark har gennemført i forbindelse med tilladelsen til markedsføring af majslinien MON810. " Zea mays (MON810), Indsigelse fra Ungarn vedr. nye oplysninger der påvirker risikovurderingen. Modtaget 20

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjellsson, Gøsta; Strandberg, Morten Tune; Damgaard, Christian


    "DMU vurderer at det præsenterede undersøgelsesmateriale fra Ungarn ikke giver nogen videnskabelig velbegrundet formodning om at den ovennævnte MON810-majs udgør en risiko for miljøet. Ungarn har således for nærværende ingen videnskabeligt baseret grund til at forbyde dyrkning og salg af såsæd in...

  3. Data-medielinien på Maribo Gymnasium - et bud på det tidssvarende gymnasium

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ole Weischer


    Full Text Available Den 9. -11. december 1988 blev der på Danmarks Lærerforenings kursus- center "Skarrildhus" ved Herning afholdt en nordisk konference om "De elektroniske billedmedier og mediepædagogikken" arrangeret af SMID. I konferencen deltog bl.a. forskere og undervisere inden for folkeskolen, gymnasiet og HF. Ole Weischers artikel demonstrerer, at data-medielinien på Maribo Gym- nasium endte som en ren medielinie, og at mediefaget - for ham at se - bør findes inden for rammerne af fagene: billedkunst, musik, samfunds- fag og dansk.

  4. Undervisningens indhold: universitetsdidaktikkens stedbarn

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tina Bering Keiding


    Full Text Available Undervisere foretager løbende indholdsmæssige valg. Spørgsmålet om indholdsudvælgelse adresseres dog sjældent i teori om undervisning på videregående uddannelser. Med udgangspunkt i kategorier primært genereret fra almendidaktikken beskrives og diskuteres 116 underviseres begrundelser for valg af indhold. Analysen viser, at underviserne har en betydelig autonomi i udvælgelse af indhold. Centrale begrundelser er opfattelsen af fundamentale begreber og problemstillinger, forskningen, at indholdet skal præsentere emnet bredt samt den valgte lærebog. Deltagerforudsætninger, værdi for fremtiden og indholdets eventuelle reference til studieordningen fremhæves i mindre omfang. Afslutningsvist diskuteres almendidaktikkens modellers potentiale i universitetsundervisning. Teachers continuously make decisions on content. However, theory about teaching and learning in higher education deals only sporadic with criteria for selection of content. This study examines 116 assignments concerning selection of content using categories from general didactics. The analysis shows that teachers have a considerable autonomy in selection of content. Significant criteria for selection is that content is regarded to present fundamental concepts and problems, its relation to research, that it gives a broad presentation of the topic, and the text book. Students’ actual knowledge, value for their future life, and the curriculum are less often emphasized as criteria for selection of content. The final section discusses potentials and limitations in application of general didactics to higher education.

  5. Undervisningens indhold: universitetsdidaktikkens stedbarn

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tina Bering Keiding


    Full Text Available Undervisere foretager løbende indholdsmæssige valg. Spørgsmålet om indholdsudvælgelse adresseres dog sjældent i teori om undervisning på videregående uddannelser. Med udgangspunkt i kategorier primært genereret fra almendidaktikken beskrives og diskuteres 116 underviseres begrundelser for valg af indhold. Analysen viser, at underviserne har en betydelig autonomi i udvælgelse af indhold. Centrale begrundelser er opfattelsen af fundamentale begreber og problemstillinger, forskningen, at indholdet skal præsentere emnet bredt samt den valgte lærebog. Deltagerforudsætninger, værdi for fremtiden og indholdets eventuelle reference til studieordningen fremhæves i mindre omfang. Afslutningsvist diskuteres almendidaktikkens modellers potentiale i universitetsundervisning.Teachers continuously make decisions on content. However, theory about teaching and learning in higher education deals only sporadic with criteria for selection of content. This study examines 116 assignments concerning selection of content using categories from general didactics. The analysis shows that teachers have a considerable autonomy in selection of content. Significant criteria for selection is that content is regarded to present fundamental concepts and problems, its relation to research, that it gives a broad presentation of the topic, and the text book. Students’ actual knowledge, value for their future life, and the curriculum are less often emphasized as criteria for selection of content. The final section discusses potentials and limitations in application of general didactics to higher education.

  6. Harnessing the Risk-Related Data Supply Chain: An Information Architecture Approach to Enriching Human System Research and Operations Knowledge (United States)

    Buquo, Lynn E.; Johnson-Throop, Kathy A.


    An Information Architecture facilitates the understanding and, hence, harnessing of the human system risk-related data supply chain which enhances the ability to securely collect, integrate, and share data assets that improve human system research and operations. By mapping the risk-related data flow from raw data to useable information and knowledge (think of it as a data supply chain), the Human Research Program (HRP) and Space Life Science Directorate (SLSD) are building an information architecture plan to leverage their existing, and often shared, IT infrastructure.

  7. Harnessing the power of reputation: strengths and limits for promoting cooperative behaviors. (United States)

    Barclay, Pat


    Evolutionary approaches have done much to identify the pressures that select for cooperative sentiment. This helps us understand when and why cooperation will arise, and applied research shows how these pressures can be harnessed to promote various types of cooperation. In particular, recent evidence shows how opportunities to acquire a good reputation can promote cooperation in laboratory and applied settings. Cooperation can be promoted by tapping into forces like indirect reciprocity, costly signaling, and competitive altruism. When individuals help others, they receive reputational benefits (or avoid reputational costs), and this gives people an incentive to help. Such findings can be applied to promote many kinds of helping and cooperation, including charitable donations, tax compliance, sustainable and pro-environmental behaviors, risky heroism, and more. Despite the potential advantages of using reputation to promote positive behaviors, there are several risks and limits. Under some circumstances, opportunities for reputation will be ineffective or promote harmful behaviors. By better understanding the dynamics of reputation and the circumstances under which cooperation can evolve, we can better design social systems to increase the rate of cooperation and reduce conflict.

  8. Anmeldelse: Funktionel sproglig analyse - en metode til læsning i fagene

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mulvad, Ruth


    Bogen handler om arbejdet med sprog og læsning i skolens fag. I USA er der nemlig - som så mange andre steder verden over - alt for mange elever, som ikke kan læse de komplicerede tekster, som de møder i skolen. Der er også alt for mange lærere, der ikke ved, hvad de skal gribe og gøre i....

  9. Letting Off Steam and Getting Into Hot Water - Harnessing the Geothermal Energy Potential of Heavy Oil Reservoirs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Teodoriu, Catalin; Falcone, Gioia; Espinel, Arnaldo


    The oil industry is turning its attention to the more complex development of heavy oil fields in order to meet the ever increasing demands of the manufacturing sector. The current thermal recovery techniques of heavy oil developments provide an opportunity to benefit from the geothermal energy created during the heavy oil production process. There is scope to improve the current recovery factors of heavy oil reservoirs, and there is a need to investigate the associated geothermal energy potential that has been historically neglected. This paper presents a new concept of harnessing the geothermal energy potential of heavy oil reservoirs with the co-production of incremental reserves. (auth)

  10. Vi mangler endnu et panel

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ritter, Thomas


    Vi mangler højtuddannede værdiskabere, som transformerer gode idéer og teknologier til indtjening og velstand. Først i mødet med markedet afgøres fremtiden. Troels Lund Poulsen bør nedsætte et kommercialiseringspanel, der byder ind med løsninger, hvordan Danmark bliver et land ikke kun med gode...

  11. Ingen SCM uden e-business

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Charles


    FREMTIDENS FORSYNINGSKÆDE. E-business teknologierne er ved at blive voksne og er nu langt mere tilgængelig end for få år siden. ERP II er et nyt koncept for virksomhedssystemer, der sætter e-business teknologierne på dagsordenen igen. I denne artikel argumenteres for, at e-business er en afgørende...

  12. Den Pædagogiske Refleksionsmodel som sammenhængskraft

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Voergaard Poulsen, Bettina; Lucht, Camill; Vibholm Persson, Stine

    Den Pædagogiske Refleksions Model (PRM) illustrerer de vidensdimensioner, der indgår i en kvalificeret klinisk beslutning. I projektet 'Sammenhæng på TVÆRS i fremtidens sygeplejeuddannelse (PÅ TVÆRS)" indgår PRM som pædagogisk greb. Der undersøges om PRM skaber sammenhæng for studerendes læring i...

  13. Innovative universiteter og kreative kundskabsbyer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kiib, Hans


    universitet være i fremtiden?Skal man satse på campusudbygning i forstaden eller skal man hellere lokalisere uddannelser sammen i byens centrum?Er der universelle løsninger eller skal vi arbejde med flere modeller? Artiklen etablerer et tilbageblik på de værdier og mål, som velfærdsbyens campusplanlægning...

  14. Computerspil og kunstmuseer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Andre Wang


    Gennem en række eksempler diskuterer artiklen forskellige sammenhænge mellem teknologi, computer spil og præsentationer af kunst. På baggrund af Walter Benjamins berømte dictum fra fortiden, at fremtidens analfabeter ikke vil være de der ikke kan læse, men de som ikke forstår deres egen tids visu...

  15. Folkeskolens opgaver overfor børn med forskellig social, etnisk og kultur baggrund

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tireli, Üzeyir


    Med udgangspukt i en case om romapige fremhæves det, at skolen og lærerne stigmatiserer elever med en anden baggrund end etnisk dansk. Det betyder, at skolen i fremtiden står overfor en stor ligestillingsopgave, da prognoser tyder på øget indvandring. Der kan derfor let opstår øgede forskelle mel...

  16. Oplevelser i lokalområdet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kvistgaard, Peter


    Præsentationen tager udgangspunkt i Mou Skoles flex-uge. Ugen havde som hovedtema, at eleverne skulle finde nye oplevelser i deres lokalområde, så lokalområdet bedre kunne tiltrække turister i fremtiden. Præsentationen er derfor et oplæg, der skal inspirere eleverne til selv at finde og lave nye...

  17. Succesen blev fiaskoens moder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Per Henning


    Krise. Vi undgik det værste, men fordi vi var for dygtige til at lære af den store depression i 1930rne, fik vi aldrig ryddet ordentligt op. Så nu lurer en ny finanskrise ude i fremtiden. Anmeldelse af: Barry Eichengreen, »Hall of Mirrors. The Great Depression, the Great Recession and the Uses - ...

  18. Some estimated effects of the planned harnessing of the Ounasjoki river on reindeer husbandry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pirkko Nieminen


    Full Text Available The harnessing of waterways for electrical power has caused permanent pasture losses and prevented the free movement of the reindeer herds in Finland. Many great changes occurred after construction of the two large artificial lakes of Lokka and Porttipahta (total 630 km2 in the Lappi reindeer herders association in the 1960s. The planned harnessing of the Ounasjoki river consists of 10 power plants and 2 big and 12 smaller artificial lakes (total 270 km2. The plan will have effects on the income of 1070 owners in 7 reindeer herders associations. The losses in reindeer husbandry estimated by three different methods were maximally 476, 2824 and 9900 reindeer (value of meat production 0.12 to 2.5 million FIM/year, 64 jobs and various herding buildings (value 3.9 million FIM. Two new reindeer farmes would become unusuable (0.5 million FIM and in addition hay production from seasonally flooded fields (approx. 25 000 - 30 000 FIM/year would be lost. The building of new forces in the reindeer herders association areas of Ounasjoki river would require 6.2 million FIM.Ounasjoen rakentamissuunnitelman mahdolliset vaikutukset porotalouteen.Abstract in Finnsish / Yhteenveto: Vesistojen valjastaminen såhkontuottoon on tuhonnut porolaitumia ja vaikcuttanut porojen vapaata liikkumista Suomessa. Tasta on hyvånå esimerkkinå Lokan ja Portipahdan tekoaltaiden (yhteenså 630 km2 rakentaminen Lapin paliskunnassa 1960-luvulta alkacn. Ounasjoen rakentamissuunnitelma kåsittåå 10 voimalaitosta ja 2 isoa ja 12 picnempåå tekoallasta (yhteenså 270 km2. Rakennussuunnitelma vaikuttaa 1070 poronomistajan talouteen 7 cri paliskunnassa. Kolmella eri mcnetelmallå laskien jouduttaisiin enimmillåån våhentåmåån 476, 2824 ja 9900 lukuporoa (lihantuotto 0,12-2,5 milj. mk/vuosi sekå menetettåisim 64 ympårivuotista tyopaikkaa ja kocttaisiin useita eri rakennevahinkoja (arvoltaan noin 3,9 milj. mk. Kaksi uutta porotilaa jåisi kåyttokclvottomiksi (0,5 milj. mk ja

  19. Flow Control in Wells Turbines for Harnessing Maximum Wave Power (United States)

    Garrido, Aitor J.; Garrido, Izaskun; Otaola, Erlantz; Maseda, Javier


    Oceans, and particularly waves, offer a huge potential for energy harnessing all over the world. Nevertheless, the performance of current energy converters does not yet allow us to use the wave energy efficiently. However, new control techniques can improve the efficiency of energy converters. In this sense, the plant sensors play a key role within the control scheme, as necessary tools for parameter measuring and monitoring that are then used as control input variables to the feedback loop. Therefore, the aim of this work is to manage the rotational speed control loop in order to optimize the output power. With the help of outward looking sensors, a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technique is employed to maximize the system efficiency. Then, the control decisions are based on the pressure drop measured by pressure sensors located along the turbine. A complete wave-to-wire model is developed so as to validate the performance of the proposed control method. For this purpose, a novel sensor-based flow controller is implemented based on the different measured signals. Thus, the performance of the proposed controller has been analyzed and compared with a case of uncontrolled plant. The simulations demonstrate that the flow control-based MPPT strategy is able to increase the output power, and they confirm both the viability and goodness. PMID:29439408

  20. Flow Control in Wells Turbines for Harnessing Maximum Wave Power. (United States)

    Lekube, Jon; Garrido, Aitor J; Garrido, Izaskun; Otaola, Erlantz; Maseda, Javier


    Oceans, and particularly waves, offer a huge potential for energy harnessing all over the world. Nevertheless, the performance of current energy converters does not yet allow us to use the wave energy efficiently. However, new control techniques can improve the efficiency of energy converters. In this sense, the plant sensors play a key role within the control scheme, as necessary tools for parameter measuring and monitoring that are then used as control input variables to the feedback loop. Therefore, the aim of this work is to manage the rotational speed control loop in order to optimize the output power. With the help of outward looking sensors, a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technique is employed to maximize the system efficiency. Then, the control decisions are based on the pressure drop measured by pressure sensors located along the turbine. A complete wave-to-wire model is developed so as to validate the performance of the proposed control method. For this purpose, a novel sensor-based flow controller is implemented based on the different measured signals. Thus, the performance of the proposed controller has been analyzed and compared with a case of uncontrolled plant. The simulations demonstrate that the flow control-based MPPT strategy is able to increase the output power, and they confirm both the viability and goodness.

  1. Preliminary investigation of the potential of harnessing tidal energy for electricity generation in Malaysia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, K.S.; Seng, L.Y. [Tunku Abdul Rahman Univ. (Malaysia). Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering


    Malaysia relies heavily on fossil fuels to meet its energy demands. However, Malaysia has started to explore the use of other forms of renewable energy such as solar energy, biofuels and tidal power. This paper focused on the potential of harnessing tidal energy in Malaysia for electricity production. There are several sites with great potential for tidal energy conversion, which could supplement the energy needs of Malaysia while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Illustrations were included to show the amplitude of the main harmonic component of the tidal range around Malaysia. The main harmonic component found in the region has a maximum amplitude of 1.4 m, confirming the potential of tidal energy in Malaysia's Ocean. Since the tidal cycle is highly predictable, it has the potential to be a very reliable renewable energy source. Two main approaches are being researched internationally to harness the energy from tides, notably the barrage approach and the tidal stream approach. For the barrage approach, a physical barrier is created within the sea, and a sluice gate controls the flow of sea water. In the tidal stream approach, horizontal axis turbines are placed in the path of tidal currents to generate electricity, similar to the operation of wind turbines. This paper described the flow velocity, power output, availability of power supply and monthly yield of turbines using both the barrage and tidal stream approaches. The study showed that for the barrage approach, there are 6 sites in Malaysia where 14,970 kWH of energy can be generated monthly with a single turbine with a 5 m long blade. The tidal stream approach showed equally promising results at 2 sites. It was concluded that tidal energy is a promising form of renewable energy because of its cyclic, reliable and predictable nature and the vast energy contained within it. According to United Kingdom Department of Trade and Industry, 10 per cent of the United Kingdom's electricity needs could be

  2. Harnessing complexity: taking advantage of context and relationships in dissemination of school-based interventions. (United States)

    Butler, Helen; Bowes, Glenn; Drew, Sarah; Glover, Sara; Godfrey, Celia; Patton, George; Trafford, Lea; Bond, Lyndal


    Schools and school systems are increasingly asked to use evidence-based strategies to promote the health and well-being of students. The dissemination of school-based health promotion research, however, offers particular challenges to conventional approaches to dissemination. Schools and education systems are multifaceted organizations that sit within constantly shifting broader contexts. This article argues that health promotion dissemination needs to be rethought for school communities as complex systems and that this requires understanding and harnessing the dynamic ecology of the sociopolitical context. In developing this argument, the authors draw on their experience of the dissemination process of a multilevel school-based intervention in a complex educational context. Building on this experience, they argue for the need to move beyond conventional dissemination strategies to a focus on active partnerships between developers and users of school-based intervention research and offer a conceptual tool for planning dissemination.

  3. Heat radiation approach for harnessing heat of the cook stove to generate electricity for lighting system and charging of mobile phone (United States)

    Muñoz, Rodrigo C., Jr.; Manansala, Chad Deo G.


    This study is based on the potential of thermoelectric coupling such as the thermoelectric cooler module. A thermoelectric cooler converts the heat coming from the cook stove into electricity and store in a battery. A dc-dc boost converter will be used to produce enough voltage to light a minimum house dwelling or charge phone battery. This device will be helpful to those that faces a problem on electricity especially in the isolated areas. The study aims (1) to harness heat from the cook stove up to 110 °C (2) To automatically cool-off the system to protect the thermoelectric cooler from damage due to excessive heat using an electronic solenoid; (3) To store energy harnessed in the battery; (4) To amplify the output voltages of the battery using DC to DC boost converter for lighting system and charging of mobile phone battery. From various tests conducted, it can fully charge a mobile phone in 3 hours observing the unit’s battery voltage drop from 4.06V to 3.98V. In the testing it used different orientation of steel rod by conduction to transfer heat and by radiation through tubular steel with its different dimensions. Most recent testing proved that the 2x2x9 tubular steel by radiation had the best result. The temperature reached more than a hundred degree Celsius that met the objective. The test resulted of boosting the voltage of the battery output from 3.7V to 4.96V on the average. The boosted voltage decrease as the system’s cool-off mechanism operated when the temperature reached above 110 degree Celsius decreasing output voltage to 0.8V resulting the boosted voltage to drop to zero. Therefore, the proponents concluded that heat waste can be converted to electrical energy by harnessing heat through radiation, with the help of TEC that generates voltage for lighting and can be boosted to be used for mobile charging. Furthermore, the study proved that the excess heat can damaged the TEC which was prevented by using of cooling-off mechanism, making it more

  4. Energy-Looping Nanoparticles: Harnessing Excited-State Absorption for Deep-Tissue Imaging. (United States)

    Levy, Elizabeth S; Tajon, Cheryl A; Bischof, Thomas S; Iafrati, Jillian; Fernandez-Bravo, Angel; Garfield, David J; Chamanzar, Maysamreza; Maharbiz, Michel M; Sohal, Vikaas S; Schuck, P James; Cohen, Bruce E; Chan, Emory M


    Near infrared (NIR) microscopy enables noninvasive imaging in tissue, particularly in the NIR-II spectral range (1000-1400 nm) where attenuation due to tissue scattering and absorption is minimized. Lanthanide-doped upconverting nanocrystals are promising deep-tissue imaging probes due to their photostable emission in the visible and NIR, but these materials are not efficiently excited at NIR-II wavelengths due to the dearth of lanthanide ground-state absorption transitions in this window. Here, we develop a class of lanthanide-doped imaging probes that harness an energy-looping mechanism that facilitates excitation at NIR-II wavelengths, such as 1064 nm, that are resonant with excited-state absorption transitions but not ground-state absorption. Using computational methods and combinatorial screening, we have identified Tm(3+)-doped NaYF4 nanoparticles as efficient looping systems that emit at 800 nm under continuous-wave excitation at 1064 nm. Using this benign excitation with standard confocal microscopy, energy-looping nanoparticles (ELNPs) are imaged in cultured mammalian cells and through brain tissue without autofluorescence. The 1 mm imaging depths and 2 μm feature sizes are comparable to those demonstrated by state-of-the-art multiphoton techniques, illustrating that ELNPs are a promising class of NIR probes for high-fidelity visualization in cells and tissue.

  5. Harnessing solar pressure to slew and point large infrared space telescopes (United States)

    Errico, Simona; Angel, Roger P.; Calvert, Paul D.; Woof, Neville


    Large astronomical Gossamer telescopes in space will need to employ large solar shields to safeguard the optics from solar radiation. These types of telescopes demand accurate controls to maintain telescope pointing over long integration periods. We propose an active solar shield system that harnesses radiation pressure to accurately slew and acquire new targets without the need for reaction wheels or thrusters. To provide the required torques, the solar shield is configured as an inverted, 4-sided pyramidal roof. The sloped roof interior surfaces are covered with hinged “tiles” made from piezoelectric film bimorphs with specular metallized surfaces. Nominally, the tiles lie flat against the roof and the sunlight is reflected outward equally from all sloped surfaces. However, when the tiles on one roof pitch are raised, the pressure balance is upset and the sunshade is pushed to one side. By judicious selection of the tiles and control of their lift angle, the solar pressure can be harvested to stabilize the spacecraft orientation or to change its angular momentum. A first order conceptual design performance analysis and the results from the experimental design, fabrication and testing of piezoelectric bimorph hinge elements will be presented. Next phase challenges in engineering design, materials technology, and systems testing will be discussed.

  6. Study of Green Shipping Technologies - Harnessing Wind, Waves and Solar Power in New Generation Marine Propulsion Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Grzegorz Rutkowski


    Full Text Available The purpose and scope of this paper is to describe the complexity of the new generation marine propulsion technologies implemented in the shipping industry to promote green ships concept and change the view of sea transportation to a more ecological and environment-friendly. Harnessing wind, waves and solar power in shipping industry can help the ship’s owners reduce the operational costs. Reducing fuel consumption results in producing less emissions and provides a clean source of renewable energy. Green shipping technologies can also effectively increase the operating range of vessels and help drive sea transportation towards a greener future and contribute to the global reduction of harmful gas emissions from the world's shipping fleets.

  7. Harnessing the Flexibility of Thermostatic Loads in Microgrids with Solar Power Generation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosa Morales González


    Full Text Available This paper presents a demand response (DR framework that intertwines thermodynamic building models with a genetic algorithm (GA-based optimization method. The framework optimizes heating/cooling schedules of end-users inside a business park microgrid with local distributed generation from renewable energy sources (DG-RES based on two separate objectives: net load minimization and electricity cost minimization. DG-RES is treated as a curtailable resource in anticipation of future scenarios where the infeed of DG-RES to the regional distribution network could be limited. We test the DR framework with a case study of a refrigerated warehouse and an office building located in a business park with local PV generation. Results show the technical potential of the DR framework in harnessing the flexibility of the thermal masses from end-user sites in order to: (1 reduce the energy exchange at the point of connection; (2 reduce the cost of electricity for the microgrid end-users; and (3 increase the local utilization of DG-RES in cases where DG-RES exports to the grid are restricted. The results of this work can aid end-users and distribution network operators to reduce energy costs and energy consumption.

  8. Læringsressurser og lærerrollen – et partnerskap i endring?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ingvill Rasmussen


    Full Text Available I artikkelen blir relasjonen mellom læringsressurser og lærerrollen undersøkt. Dataene som analyseres består av intervjuer av lærere og elever i fagene historie og engelsk på ungdomstrinnet og i videregående. Analysene viser sentrale temaer i lærere og elevers erfaringer med læreboka og Internett. Vi bruker kontinuumet fra lukkede til åpne ressurser som et begrepsmessig bakteppe for å speile det empiriske materialet. Ved å bruke lærernes og elevenes egne utsagn har vi i analysene forsøkt å beskrive hva som karakteriserer undervisningspraksiser i dag. Våre analyser viser framveksten av det vi har kalt hybride praksiser. Dette er praksiser hvor læreboka har mistet sin suverene posisjon som eneste kunnskapskilde, noe som impliser at lærere stilles overfor nye krav til både å bistå elevene i å vurdere troverdigheten i de Internettbaserte ressursene, og til å organisere undervisningen i forhold til trusselen fra ikke-faglige aktiviteter. Vi finner at lærerne responderer ulikt på denne utviklingen, men en tendens ser ut til å være at de utvikler og tilpasser oppgaver og aktiviteter for sin elevgruppe – lærere blir da i økende grad også designere av undervisningsopplegg.Nøkkelord: lærer, multiple ressurser, lærebok, InternettAbstractThe article investigates the relationship between learning resources and the teacher’s role. The data analyzed consists of interviews with teachers and students in the school subjects of history and English at the secondary and at the upper secondary level. Our analysis shows the central themes that teachers and students communicated with regard to their experiences with the use of textbooks and the Internet. We use the continuum from closed to open resources as a conceptual backdrop to mirror the empirical material. Through the use of the teachers’ and the students’ statements we describe what characterizes teaching practices today. Our analyses show the emergence of what we have

  9. Fictional Inquiry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dindler, Christian; Iversen, Ole Sejer

    At designe i en fortællemæssig ramme giver brugere og designere mulighed for i fællesskab at udforske fremtidens it-anvendelser. Metoden hedder Fictional Inquiry, og den motiverer brugerne til at tænke ud over dagligdagens begrænsninger og sætte ord på ting i hverdagen, som ellers er svære...

  10. Fra børnehave til skole

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Broström, Stig


    Dette kapitel skitserer en børnehavepædagogisk praksis og teoretiske refleksioner, der forsøger at hæve sig over ufrugtbare pædagogiske slagsmål om den ’sande’ pædagogik. Altså om fremtidens børnehavepædagogik enten skal bygge på børnenes frie leg og selvforvaltede aktiviteter eller en didaktisk ...

  11. Afrikansk modstand bremser varig løsning af piratproblem

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nordby, Johannes Riber


    Somaliland er det tætteste man kommer på et godt eksempel, når det gælder om at løse fremtidens sikkerhedsudfordringer på Det afrikanske Horn – herunder en varig løsning af piratproblemet. Vejen til et mere stabilt Somalia går derfor gennem og en opdeling af landet, men den Afrikanske Union...

  12. Forældreinddragelse - et kritisk blik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tireli, Üzeyir


    Der er et stort fokus på forældresamarbejdet i dagtilbud og store forventninger til pædagoger om, at det lykkes. ”Målrettet forældresamarbejdet” blev i 2012 af ”Task Force om Fremtidens Dagtilbud” fremhævet som et af fire pejlemærker, og det kommer til at udgøre et af kvalitetskriterierne for fre...

  13. Training needs and requirements following from technological turbulence and environmental pressure: The role of governments, universities and industries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ulhøi, John Parm

    hvad der er brug for (i industrien). Dette indikerer, at regeringerne på trods af store mangler i deres strategi stadig vil spille en vigtig rolle i fremtiden. Med hensyn til industrien vil den store udfordring være at ændre den nuværende opfattelse af samspillet med miljøet til en miljømæssigt mindre...

  14. Harnessing the hydropower potential in Africa: What should be the place and role of Grand Inga hydropower project?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fall, Latsoucabe


    Harnessing Africa's huge hydropower potential should be made a priority for the sustainable development of the Continent. Particularly, Grand Inga hydropower project in DRC, due to its gigantic size (40,000 MW) and favourable natural characteristics, could be 'Africa's flagship Project of the 21st Century' offering enormous comparative advantages and opportunities for the benefits of the entire African Continent. Nevertheless, to make it a feasible and palpable 'Model Project', capable of producing clean and affordable energy, the paper tries to respond to key questions on the several daunting challenges to address for its sustainable, cost-effective and timely development and operation.

  15. Harnessing mode-selective nonlinear optics for on-chip multi-channel all-optical signal processing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ming Ma


    Full Text Available All-optical signal processing based on nonlinear optical effects allows for the realization of important functions in telecommunications including wavelength conversion, optical multiplexing/demultiplexing, Fourier transformation, and regeneration, amongst others, on ultrafast time scales to support high data rate transmission. In integrated photonic subsystems, the majority of all-optical signal processing systems demonstrated to date typically process only a single channel at a time or perform a single processing function, which imposes a serious limitation on the functionality of integrated solutions. Here, we demonstrate how nonlinear optical effects can be harnessed in a mode-selective manner to perform simultaneous multi-channel (two and multi-functional optical signal processing (i.e., regenerative wavelength conversion in an integrated silicon photonic device. This approach, which can be scaled to a higher number of channels, opens up a new degree of freedom for performing a broad range of multi-channel nonlinear optical signal processing functions using a single integrated photonic device.

  16. Fremtidens bibliotek i en digital tidsalder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sass, Birgitte; Zurcher, Sacha

    library, to get an overall picture of students' information search strategies in relation to their studies. Our conclusion is based on 12 semi-structured interviews with first and second year students from the three bachelor programmes at Roskilde University; Bachelor of Arts, Science and Social Science...

  17. Fremtidens forbrugere vil spidse ører

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Graakjær, Nicolai Jørgensgaard


    Forbrugerne bliver mere kritiske over for markedskommunikation, mere vant til at bestemme selv og mere indstillet på co-creation – også når det handler om ørerne.......Forbrugerne bliver mere kritiske over for markedskommunikation, mere vant til at bestemme selv og mere indstillet på co-creation – også når det handler om ørerne....

  18. Fremtidens by- og landskabsudvikling omkring motorvejen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Peder Pedersen, Claus; Carbone, Claudia


    connecting well defined cities. This planning has to some extend inspired by the theories of car based urbanism from the sixties such as "Man-Made America, Chaos or control" by Christopher Tunnard & Boris Pushkarev, 1963, "The View from the Road" by Donald Appleyard, Kevin Lynch & John Myer, 1964...... or the Danish "Motorveje i Landskabet" ("Highways in the landscape) by Michael Varming, 1970. It might be necessary to develop new theories today in order to deal with the changing relations between the highway and its surroundings. There is a need for negotiating the viewpoints of national planning authorities...... theories where it is used to describe the quality of diverse elements brought forcefully together. Allen and Koolhaas are seeking planning strategies that are able to deal with unpredictable future events. Similar strategies might be useful in order to deal with the difficult field conditions surrounding...

  19. The future cooling tower; Fremtidens koeletaarn

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ibsen, C.H. (Vestas Aircoil A/S, Lem St. (Denmark)); Schneider, P. (Teknologisk Institut, AArhus (Denmark)); Haaning, N. (Ramboell A/S, Copenhagen (Denmark)); Lund, K. (Nyrup Plast A/S, Nyrup (Denmark)); Soerensen, Ole (MultiWing A/S, Vedbaek (Denmark)); Dalsgaard, T. (Silhorko A/S, Skanderborg (Denmark)); Pedersen, Michael (Skive Kommune, Skive (Denmark))


    This project has designed and built a pilot-scale cooling tower with an output of up to 100 kW for which good correlation has been ascertained between measured and calculated values for output and pressure loss. The new cooling tower will save approximately 15% of electricity consumption compared with the widespread dry coolers. The pilot tower uses rainwater so that both water consumption and electricity consumption are saved in softening plants. On the basis of this cooling tower, models have been made and these have been implemented in PackCalc II in order to calculate electricity and other operating savings. (Energy 11)

  20. Fremtidens Biodiesel: Kom fedtaffald i tanken!

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Anders Theilgaard; Taarning, Esben; Christensen, Claus Hviid


    Mange tror måske, at det er svært for menigmand at lave biobrændstof. Det er faktisk forkert, fordi biodiesel nemt kan laves af kemikalier, der er ret almindelige i laboratorier og hos købmanden og materialisten. Det kræver blot en såkaldt om-estring af planteolie eller fedt med methanol, samt...

  1. Bioproduktion - fremtidens miljøvenlige fabrikker

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sønderberg Petersen, L.; Ryde, Marianne Vang


    Planten som fabrik bliver et centralt forskningsområde for det nye Risø. De genteknologiske landvindinger gør det muligt at sætte gener ind i planter, så de kan fungere som en fabrik hvor man direkte og på miljøvenlig vis ved hjælp af solenergi kanfremstille plast, biobrændstof, sukkerstoffer og...

  2. Ledernetværk i fremtidens kommuner

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, Egon


    Ledernetværk er udbredt i den offentlige sektor. 71 pct. af lederne indgår i formaliserede ledernetværksgrupper. Ledernetværk er siden 2007 sat på den personalepolitiske dagsorden i den såkaldte kvalitetsreform inden for offentlig virksomhed. Men, ledernetværkene er overraskende nok ikke koblet......". Ledernetværk er ikke en styreform, der erstatter den klassiske hierarkiske styreform i kommunerne, men er en form, der kan "agere hurtigt og fleksibelt" i forhold til skiftende behov. Ledernetværk kan tjene flere formål. Det mest almindelige formål er at professionalisere ledelse, dvs. styrke den enkelte...

  3. Edge and core dynamics in harness

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ball, R.


    Resistive kink oscillations in tokamak plasmas are usually treated as core localized events, yet there there are several mechanisms by which they may interact with the edge dynamics. This suggests that we may regulate edge oscillatory behaviour, or ELMs, by harnessing the natural or contrived sawtooth period and amplitude. In this work I investigate core-edge oscillatory entrainment through direct propagation of heat pulses, inductive coupling, and global higher order resonance effects. In the core of auxiliary heated tokamak plasmas the ineluctable rhythm of slow buildup and rapid conversion of potential energy governs electron and heat radial transport. The growth phase of the sawtooth is accompanied by significant reconnection, then during the collapse the temperature and density in the core fall dramatically. There is evidence from experiments in reversed field pinch devices that ensuing energy fluxes can affect flow shear and confinement at the edge. The basis for this study is the dynamical (BDS) model for edge plasma behavior that was derived from electrostatic resistive MHD equations. The BDS model reflects the major qualitative features of edge dynamics that have been observed, such as L-H transitions and associated ELMs, hysteresis, and spontaneous reversal of poloidal shear flow. Under poorly dissipative conditions the transient behavior of the model can exhibit period-doubling, blue-sky, homoclinic, and other exotic bifurcations. Thus we might ask questions such as: Is it possible to mode-lock the edge dynamics to the core sawteeth? Can we induce, or prevent, a change in direction of shear flow? What about MHD effects? Is core-edge communication one way or is there some feedback? In the simplest prototype for coupled core-edge dynamics I model the sawtooth crash as a periodic power input to the edge potential energy reservoir. This is effected by coupling the BDS model to the dynamical system u = u(1 - u 2 - x 2 ) - ω s x, x = x(1-u 2 -x 2 ) + ω s u

  4. Hvis du ikke har plads ved bordet – så tag en stol med dig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Evron, Lotte Orr


    Sådan lød opfordringen fra sygeplejersker i høje politiske positioner på ministerie- og NGO-niveau til deltagerne på ICN 2017 kongressen i Barcelona. Hovedbudskabet var, at vi som sygeplejersker skal bruge vores faglighed, viden og magt til at skabe mere sundhed for alle verdens borgere. Sygeplej......Sådan lød opfordringen fra sygeplejersker i høje politiske positioner på ministerie- og NGO-niveau til deltagerne på ICN 2017 kongressen i Barcelona. Hovedbudskabet var, at vi som sygeplejersker skal bruge vores faglighed, viden og magt til at skabe mere sundhed for alle verdens borgere....... Sygeplejersker har både viden og faglighed til at skabe forandring og flytte sundhed på det lokale og globale plan. Desværre tager al for få sygeplejersker magten og skaber sig en plads ved det bord, hvor de store sundhedspolitiske beslutninger tages....

  5. Införandet av IAS 41 : Hur har kapitalfördelningen mellan intressenter i den norska laxodlingsbranschen utvecklats?


    Dahlén, Jonas; Josefsson, Carl


    Införandet av IAS 41 medförde att redovisningsprinciperna för värderingen av ett företags biologiska tillgångar förändrades. Det finns forskning på hur införandet av IAS 41 påverkat olika aktörer inom skogsindustrin men lite är skrivet om dess påverkan på laxodlingsindustrin. Denna uppsats ämnar undersöka hur kapitalfördelningen till intressenter utvecklats sedan införandet av IAS 41. Studien fokuserar på intressenterna ägare och anställda. Vi har tillämpat en kvantitativ metod där vår empiri...

  6. Vores kinamands chance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ludvigsen, Martin


    , så er der en helt anden virkelighed vi kan vælge at arbejde i. Danmark kan i fremtiden leve lige så fremgangsfuldt som i dag ved at fokusere på nicheprodukter og nichemarkeder. To gode eksempler på dette er de to virksomheder a Real Cool World og Danish Yachts. Hver i sær viser de to veje vi kan...

  7. [Social marketers' lack of success in using CSM discipline to harness commercial resources and increase contraceptive prevalence]. (United States)

    Davies, J


    Social marketers have certainly shown that the CSM discipline can quickly and cost-effectively harness commercial resources to increase contraceptive prevalence. But why hasn't the social marketing idea caught on in more countries? According to Social Marketing Forum, only a tiny number of countries have active programs after more than a decade of effort. The most likely reason for this lack of success is doubt and fear on the part of both developing countries' officials and donor agencies about allowing marketing enthusiasts--with our very noticeable advertising methods--to join the family planning fight. And what has our answer been? Usually, a head-on retort such as, "But look at all the condoms we've sold]" And that gets us nowhere, because the successful peddling of 1 not-so-impressive method doesn't begin to balance the fears of a possible backlash that brash condom promotions could bring down on official heads. The lesson we should be learning is that social marketers possess to narrow an outlook and promote a small range of products that don't enthuse decisionmakers. Hence, we are often perceived as condom salesmen--and not much more. What should we be doing? We should be selling the idea of using private sector experience to assist national development. That means social development, particularly improved health, family planning and women's education. These 3 activities have proven effective in reducing fertility and would add up to a marketing opportunity--a longterm challenge that should enthuse dicisionmakers, private sector entrepreneurs and donor agencies alike. Further, our model--the commercial sector--is renowned for branching out and secceeding in a broad range of endeavors. As an example, Procter and Gamble uses separate divisions to market different products. Initiatives already exist in many countries to harness the private sector as a development tool. Social marketers should be leading the initiative--and benefitting from it, too. full text

  8. Universitetsuddannelsens relevans i samfundsvidenskabelige studerendes perspektiv

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Pérez Skardhamar


    Full Text Available Det seneste årti har oplevet et stærkt fokus fra politikernes side på den praktiske relevans af universitetsuddannelser, og dette fokus har ofte været baseret på en snæver forståelse af 'praktisk relevans’ som jobspecifikke kompetencer. Men et svar på spørgsmålet om, hvad der udgør jobspecifikke kompetencer, forudsætter en evne til at se ind i fremtiden og se, hvad det fremtidige arbejdsmarked vil kræve af studerende. Imidlertid tyder nyere uddannelsesforskning på, at de relevante, jobspecifikke kompetencer rettet mod behovene på arbejdsmarkedet bør fokusere på 'eksistentiel uddannelse’ snarere end jobspecifikke og snævert skræddersyede færdigheder. På baggrund af kvalitative interviews med sociologi- og antropologistuderende undersøger vi de studerendes opfattelser af forholdet mellem deres universitetsstudier og det fremtidige arbejdsmarked. Især ser vi på hvilke elementer af deres uddannelse, de studerende opfatter som relevante, herunder hvilken form for læring, de tror, vil være nyttig med hensyn til mulige jobfunktioner, de vil komme til at udfylde på et fremtidigt arbejdsmarked. In the past decade politicians have emphasized the importance of practical relevance in university programmes. This focus has often hinged on a narrow understanding of 'practical relevance' as job-specific competencies. Defining job-specific competencies is, however, more complex than it may first seem, since it requires an ability to look beyond current requirements and see what the future labour market will demand of students. Recent educational research suggests that relevant job-specific competences tailored to the needs of the labour market should focus on 'existential training', rather than job-specific and narrowly tailored skills. Using the outcomes of qualitative interviews with sociology and anthropology students, we examine the students’ perceptions of the relationship between their university studies and the future

  9. Biotechnology to harness the benefits of dietary phenolics; focus on Lamiaceae. (United States)

    Shetty, K


    Phytochemicals from herbs and fermented legumes are excellent dietary sources of phenolic metabolites. These phenolics have importance not only as food preservatives but increasingly have therapeutic and pharmaceutical applications. The long-term research objecitves of the food biotechnology program at the University of Massachusetts are to elucidate the molecular and physiological mechanisms associated with synthesis of important health-related, therapeutic phenolic metabolites in food-related plants and fermented plant foods. Current efforts focus on elucidation of the role of the proline-linked pentose phosphate pathway in regulating the synthesis of anti-inflammatory compound, rosmarinic acid (RA). Specific aims of the current research efforts are: (i) To develop novel tissue culture-based selection techniques to isolate high RA-producing, shoot-based clonal lines from genetically heterogeneous, cross-pollinating species in the family Lamiaceae; (ii) To target genetically uniform, regenerated shoot-based clonal lines for: (a) preliminary characterization of key enzymes associated with the pentose phosphate pathway and linked to RA synthesis; (b) development of genetic transformation techniques for subsequent engineering of metabolic pathways associated with RA synthesis. These research objectives have substantial implications for harnessing the genetic and biochemical potential of genetically heterogeneous, food-related medicinal plant species. The success of this research also provides novel methods and strategies to gain access to metabolic pathways of pharmaceutically important metabolites from ginger, curcuma, chili peppers, melon or other food-related species with novel phenolics.

  10. Numerical Modelling of Flow and Settling in Secondary Settling Tanks


    Dahl, Claus Poulsen


    Denne afhandling omhandler udviklingen af en numerisk model til simulering af efterklaringstanke. lndledningsvis er beskrevet status for udviklingen inden for numeriske modeller for efterklaring og den nuværende designpraksis. Resultatet af denne statusbeskrivelse er et behov for videre udvikling for at indføre numeriske modeller i design af efterklaringstanke og hermed forbedre efterklaringstanke i fremtiden. This thesis discusses the development of a numerical model for the simulation of...

  11. Cyklisme - en selvfølge

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Braagaard Harders, Anne Katrine


    Cyklisme i fremtiden? Ja, helst, men det kræver måske, at vi er nødt til at holde op med at snakke om cyklisme som noget særligt og noget der skal behandles separat. Vi er nødt til at forstå mobilitet i byen i sin helhed, for hvert transportmiddel påvirker hinanden og byen og det gør deres...

  12. Harnessing happiness? Uncontrollable positive emotion in bipolar disorder, major depression, and healthy adults. (United States)

    Kang, Yoona; Gruber, June


    The ability to adaptively exert control over negative emotions is associated with beneficial mental health outcomes. Less is known about the associated emotional sequelae surrounding controllable versus uncontrollable positive emotional experiences. The ability to harness positive emotions is of particular importance in populations involving disrupted positive emotion functioning. In the present study, participants engaged in a relived memory task in which they recalled either a controllable or uncontrollable past positive emotional experience in counterbalanced order, while concurrent experiential and autonomic responses were measured. Participants included adults with bipolar I disorder (BD; n = 32), major depression (MDD; n = 32), and or nonpsychiatric controls (CTLs; n = 31). Across all participants, reliving a controllable positive emotion experience was associated with exhibited increased respiratory sinus arrhythmia, an autonomic marker of regulatory control. Interestingly, only the MDD group reported increased positive emotion and decreased cardiovascular arousal when reliving an event involving uncontrollable positive emotion, compared to the BD and CTL groups. No other group differences emerged. These findings suggest that although controllable positive emotion experiences may be adaptive for most, individuals with a history of restricted affect and depressed mood may actually derive more pleasure from times of unharnessed happiness. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved.

  13. Harnessing the opportunities of austerity: a detailed mapping of the Greek transportation sector

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iraklis Stamos


    Full Text Available Since 2009, shortly after the global economic crisis of 2008, Greece has entered into a deep recession phase. The multifaceted presence of austerity is experienced in an increasing number of sectors of the country. The Greek transportation sector is not immune to this state of affairs. The ongoing crisis had a significant impact on its economic (investment, employment, exports-imports turnover as well as its operational (transportation intensity, throughput, performance aspects and capabilities. In this paper, a detailed mapping of these impacts is laid out, correlating transport-related characteristics, trends and estimations with the respective economic ones. Specifically, the paper presents analyses of the Greek passenger and freight transportation, following a data-driven approach over several areas. Findings show a substantial decrease of activities overall. Paradoxically, however, austerity can also be said to offer opportunities, such as the development of innovative, cost-effective and outward-looking business schemes, for handling transportation-related issues. In the face of these opportunities, authorities and stakeholders have recently turned their attention to ways of harnessing them as they may arise. The paper conducts a detailed analysis of these efforts to discover prospects for development in the midst of austerity, and highlights the steps currently being taken in that direction.

  14. Hello, world: Harnessing social media for the Rosetta mission (United States)

    Baldwin, Emily; Mignone, Claudia; O'Flaherty, Karen; Homfeld, Anne-Mareike; Bauer, Markus; McCaughrean, Mark


    The European Space Agency's (ESA) comet-chasing Rosetta mission was launched in 2004, before social media became a popular tool for mainstream communication. By harnessing a range of platforms for communicating the key messages of this unprecedented mission as it reached its destination ten years later, new audiences were reached and a global impact was achieved. Rosetta-specific social media accounts - @ESA_Rosetta on Twitter, the Rosetta Mission Facebook page and the rosettamission Instagram account - were developed during 2013/14 and used alongside the traditional reporting line of the main ESA website and the Rosetta blog to build awareness about the mission. Coordinated with ESA's existing social media channels (Flickr, YouTube, G+, Twitter, Facebook and Livestream) and with the support of ESA's country desks and Rosetta partner agency accounts (including @philae2014), information could be shared in a number of European languages, ensuring a wide reach across Europe - and the world. We discuss the roles of the various social media accounts in supporting and promoting the competitions and social media campaigns that were built around the key mission milestones of 2014: waking up from deep space hibernation (January), arriving at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (August) and naming the landing site for Philae ahead of the landing event in November. We discuss the different approach to each channel, such as the first person twitter accounts, the dialogue with and between blog users, and the discussions held live via G+ Hangouts with leading scientists and spacecraft operators. We compare and contrast the audiences, the interaction we had with them and how challenges were overcome. We also use the science-fiction-meets-science-fact Ambition short movie, and its "undercover" dissemination on social media, as an example of how the profile of the Rosetta mission was raised in a unique way. By using a variety of social media platforms to target different audiences with

  15. Inspiration in the harness of daily labor. Darwin, botany, and the triumph of evolution, 1859-1868. (United States)

    Bellon, Richard


    Charles Darwin hoped that a large body of working naturalists would embrace evolution after the Origin of Species appeared in late 1859. He was disappointed. His evolutionary ideas at first made painfully little progress in the scientific community. But by 1863 the tide had turned dramatically, and within five years evolution became scientific orthodoxy in Britain. The Origin's reception followed this peculiar trajectory because Darwin had not initially tied its theory to productive original scientific investigation, which left him vulnerable to charges of reckless speculation. The debate changed with his successful application of evolution to original problems, most notably orchid fertilization, the subject of a well-received book in 1862. Most of Darwin's colleagues found the argument of the Origin convincing when they realized that it functioned productively in the day-to-day work of science-and not before. The conceptual force of the Origin, however outwardly persuasive, acquired full scientific legitimacy only when placed "in the harness of daily labour".

  16. Harnessing diversity towards the reconstructing of large scale gene regulatory networks.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Takeshi Hase

    Full Text Available Elucidating gene regulatory network (GRN from large scale experimental data remains a central challenge in systems biology. Recently, numerous techniques, particularly consensus driven approaches combining different algorithms, have become a potentially promising strategy to infer accurate GRNs. Here, we develop a novel consensus inference algorithm, TopkNet that can integrate multiple algorithms to infer GRNs. Comprehensive performance benchmarking on a cloud computing framework demonstrated that (i a simple strategy to combine many algorithms does not always lead to performance improvement compared to the cost of consensus and (ii TopkNet integrating only high-performance algorithms provide significant performance improvement compared to the best individual algorithms and community prediction. These results suggest that a priori determination of high-performance algorithms is a key to reconstruct an unknown regulatory network. Similarity among gene-expression datasets can be useful to determine potential optimal algorithms for reconstruction of unknown regulatory networks, i.e., if expression-data associated with known regulatory network is similar to that with unknown regulatory network, optimal algorithms determined for the known regulatory network can be repurposed to infer the unknown regulatory network. Based on this observation, we developed a quantitative measure of similarity among gene-expression datasets and demonstrated that, if similarity between the two expression datasets is high, TopkNet integrating algorithms that are optimal for known dataset perform well on the unknown dataset. The consensus framework, TopkNet, together with the similarity measure proposed in this study provides a powerful strategy towards harnessing the wisdom of the crowds in reconstruction of unknown regulatory networks.

  17. LibrarySTORM

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Breüner, Niels; Bech, Tine


    Når flere uddannelser samles i en nybygning til Campus C på Ceres grunden i Aarhus, skal der også indrettes et fælles bibliotek. Når der samtidig er midler til at arbejde med brugerdreven innovation, lå det lige for at inddrage de studerende og få deres visioner for fremtidens bibliotek. Der blev...... arrangeret en udviklingsdag, hvor der skulle brainstormes – og projektet blev kaldt LibrarySTORM....

  18. The Ismailis’ « War » against Qat in Harâz

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peer Gatter


    Full Text Available La « guerre » des ismaeiliens contre le qat dans le Haraz.Entre mobilisation communautaire et contraintes politico-économiquesEn 1999, la communauté ismaélienne des Bohra, du massif du .Harâz a lancé une campagne pour remplacer la culture du qat par d’autres activités économiques. Fortement motivée sur le plan religieux, cette campagne visait aussi à la suppression de la consommation du qat. Plus de 200 000 arbustes de qat ont étés arrachés, auxquels on a substitué des caféiers et des manguiers. Les moyens pour générer les revenus alternatifs incluaient aussi l’élevage, l’apiculture, la planification du développement d’artisanat, à quoi s’ajoutaient des projets d’irrigation, des programmes éducatifs et des prêts sans intérêt pour les investissements dans d’autres secteurs économiques. Bien que cette campagne ait été entravée dès le début par une sécheresse sévère ainsi que par l’absence d’aide gouvernementale, il a abouti d’une part à une réduction réelle de la culture et de la consommation du qat, et à la diversification importante de l’activité économique des fermiers. Mais le projet a aussi entrainé une migration accrue de la campagne vers les villes et l’abandon de nombreuses terres cultivées. Cependant, malgré ces limites, ce projet, unique au Yémen par son haut niveau de la mobilisation sociale, apporte des leçons précieuses concernant les contraintes politiques et économiques qui pèsent sur toute tentative de développer une agriculture sans qat dans les montagnes du Yémen.In 1999, the Ismailî   Bohra Community in Yemen’s Harâz mountains launched a drug substitution programme in order to replace the cultivation of qat with other economic and social activities. Motivated by religious concern, this campaign aimed at suppressing the consumption of qat. Over 200,000 qat trees were uprooted and coffee and mango trees planted instead. Alternative means of income

  19. Interaktivitet - moteord eller passord til fremtidens pedagogikk?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Morten Søby


    Full Text Available Will interactive digital media promote the construction of intelligent communities in which our social and learning potential can be mutually developed and enhanced? The author points out that trendy phrases are like metaphors captured in a time capsule. In particular he looks at several definitions of interactivity, which he points out is a synthesis of several complex relations between man and digital medias. The paper questions whether interactivity phrases are generated by information technologyıs development prior to learning theoriesı development. He draws on Castellıs use of the word interactivity. He builds further on Engelbartıs definition of how interactive technology can be understood as an intellectual prosthesis as well as Levyıs development of Engelbartıs view of the relationship between knowledge and technology. Time will show whether the term was a password to a new interdisciplinary field for digitalisation and learning or whether we end up in an alley called Hype.

  20. Fremtidens Kunstmuseum. En museologisk undersøgelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tøndborg, Britta; Christian, Gether,; Stine, Høholt,


    Christian Gether, Britta Tøndborg, Sattrup, Helveg, Marie Laurberg, Høholt, Papsøe Weber. ARKEN Museum for ModerneKunst, 2010.......Christian Gether, Britta Tøndborg, Sattrup, Helveg, Marie Laurberg, Høholt, Papsøe Weber. ARKEN Museum for ModerneKunst, 2010....

  1. The HARNESS Workbench: Unified and Adaptive Access to Diverse HPC Platforms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sunderam, Vaidy S.


    The primary goal of the Harness WorkBench (HWB) project is to investigate innovative software environments that will help enhance the overall productivity of applications science on diverse HPC platforms. Two complementary frameworks were designed: one, a virtualized command toolkit for application building, deployment, and execution, that provides a common view across diverse HPC systems, in particular the DOE leadership computing platforms (Cray, IBM, SGI, and clusters); and two, a unified runtime environment that consolidates access to runtime services via an adaptive framework for execution-time and post processing activities. A prototype of the first was developed based on the concept of a 'system-call virtual machine' (SCVM), to enhance portability of the HPC application deployment process across heterogeneous high-end machines. The SCVM approach to portable builds is based on the insertion of toolkit-interpretable directives into original application build scripts. Modifications resulting from these directives preserve the semantics of the original build instruction flow. The execution of the build script is controlled by our toolkit that intercepts build script commands in a manner transparent to the end-user. We have applied this approach to a scientific production code (Gamess-US) on the Cray-XT5 machine. The second facet, termed Unibus, aims to facilitate provisioning and aggregation of multifaceted resources from resource providers and end-users perspectives. To achieve that, Unibus proposes a Capability Model and mediators (resource drivers) to virtualize access to diverse resources, and soft and successive conditioning to enable automatic and user-transparent resource provisioning. A proof of concept implementation has demonstrated the viability of this approach on high end machines, grid systems and computing clouds.

  2. Harnessing Big Data to Represent 30-meter Spatial Heterogeneity in Earth System Models (United States)

    Chaney, N.; Shevliakova, E.; Malyshev, S.; Van Huijgevoort, M.; Milly, C.; Sulman, B. N.


    Terrestrial land surface processes play a critical role in the Earth system; they have a profound impact on the global climate, food and energy production, freshwater resources, and biodiversity. One of the most fascinating yet challenging aspects of characterizing terrestrial ecosystems is their field-scale (˜30 m) spatial heterogeneity. It has been observed repeatedly that the water, energy, and biogeochemical cycles at multiple temporal and spatial scales have deep ties to an ecosystem's spatial structure. Current Earth system models largely disregard this important relationship leading to an inadequate representation of ecosystem dynamics. In this presentation, we will show how existing global environmental datasets can be harnessed to explicitly represent field-scale spatial heterogeneity in Earth system models. For each macroscale grid cell, these environmental data are clustered according to their field-scale soil and topographic attributes to define unique sub-grid tiles. The state-of-the-art Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) land model is then used to simulate these tiles and their spatial interactions via the exchange of water, energy, and nutrients along explicit topographic gradients. Using historical simulations over the contiguous United States, we will show how a robust representation of field-scale spatial heterogeneity impacts modeled ecosystem dynamics including the water, energy, and biogeochemical cycles as well as vegetation composition and distribution.

  3. Instrumentelt turistspråk eller interkulturell dannelse? Om fremmedspråkfagets formål i dag og frem mot 2030

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eva Thue Vold


    Full Text Available Fremmedspråkfaget har lenge hatt et todelt formål: Det skal ha en nytteverdi, først og fremst i form av kommunikative ferdigheter, og det skal ha en allmenndannende funksjon, bl.a. gjennom tilegnelse av kunnskap om kultur og samfunn i målspråksområdet. Fra og med læreplanen for fremmedspråk i Kunnskapsløftet (2006 er det også tydelig uttrykt at dannelsesdimensjonen omfatter utvikling av interkulturell kompetanse. Denne artikkelen drøfter hvordan fagets todelte formål vil kunne forstås og realiseres i fremmedspråksundervisningen fram mot 2030. Drøftingen tar utgangspunkt i en analyse av dagens situasjon, der trenden med å stykke opp lærestoffet i håndterbare enheter og å vektlegge sterkest det som kan måles mest presist, kan gjøre at ikke-målbar kompetanse som interkulturell dannelse får en relativt svak posisjon. Det argumenteres for at pågående endringer i samfunnsutviklingen og i europeisk utdanningspolitikk vil kunne åpne for en jevnere balanse mellom nytte- og dannelsesperspektivet i faget i fremtiden. Blant disse endringene er 1 en dreining mot et mer holistisk kunnskapssyn, 2 en stadig økende heterogenitet i elevmassen, 3 større bredde i fremmedspråkstilbudet og 4 et økt fokus på flerspråklighet. Artikkelen ser nærmere på disse fire endringsprosessene og diskuterer på hvilken måte de kan og bør påvirke fortolkningen av fremmedspråkfagets todelte formål i årene som kommer.

  4. LncRNAWiki: harnessing community knowledge in collaborative curation of human long non-coding RNAs

    KAUST Repository

    Ma, L.


    Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) perform a diversity of functions in numerous important biological processes and are implicated in many human diseases. In this report we present lncRNAWiki (, a wiki-based platform that is open-content and publicly editable and aimed at community-based curation and collection of information on human lncRNAs. Current related databases are dependent primarily on curation by experts, making it laborious to annotate the exponentially accumulated information on lncRNAs, which inevitably requires collective efforts in community-based curation of lncRNAs. Unlike existing databases, lncRNAWiki features comprehensive integration of information on human lncRNAs obtained from multiple different resources and allows not only existing lncRNAs to be edited, updated and curated by different users but also the addition of newly identified lncRNAs by any user. It harnesses community collective knowledge in collecting, editing and annotating human lncRNAs and rewards community-curated efforts by providing explicit authorship based on quantified contributions. LncRNAWiki relies on the underling knowledge of scientific community for collective and collaborative curation of human lncRNAs and thus has the potential to serve as an up-to-date and comprehensive knowledgebase for human lncRNAs.

  5. Building mechanical Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger and cluster states by harnessing optomechanical quantum steerable correlations (United States)

    Tan, Huatang; Wei, Yanghua; Li, Gaoxiang


    Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) and cluster states are two typical kinds of multipartite entangled states and can respectively be used for realizing quantum networks and one-way computation. We propose a feasible scheme for generating Gaussian GHZ and cluster states of multiple mechanical oscillators by pulsed cavity optomechanics. In our scheme, each optomechanical cavity is driven by a blue-detuned pulse to establish quantum steerable correlations between the cavity output field and the mechanical oscillator, and the cavity outputs are combined at a beam-splitter array with given transmissivity and reflectivity for each beam splitter. We show that by harnessing the light-mechanical steerable correlations, the mechanical GHZ and cluster states can be realized via homodyne detection on the amplitude and phase quadratures of the output fields from the beam-splitter array. These achieved mechanical entangled states can be viewed as the output states of an effective mechanical beam-splitter array with the mechanical inputs prepared in squeezed states with the light-mechanical steering. The effects of detection efficiency and thermal noise on the achieved mechanical states are investigated. The present scheme does not require externally injected squeezing and it can also be applicable to other systems such as light-atomic-ensemble interface, apart from optomechanical systems.

  6. Harnessing genomics to improve health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region – an executive course in genomics policy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Singer Peter A


    Full Text Available Abstract Background While innovations in medicine, science and technology have resulted in improved health and quality of life for many people, the benefits of modern medicine continue to elude millions of people in many parts of the world. To assess the potential of genomics to address health needs in EMR, the World Health Organization's Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office and the University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics jointly organized a Genomics and Public Health Policy Executive Course, held September 20th–23rd, 2003, in Muscat, Oman. The 4-day course was sponsored by WHO-EMRO with additional support from the Canadian Program in Genomics and Global Health. The overall objective of the course was to collectively explore how to best harness genomics to improve health in the region. This article presents the course findings and recommendations for genomics policy in EMR. Methods The course brought together senior representatives from academia, biotechnology companies, regulatory bodies, media, voluntary, and legal organizations to engage in discussion. Topics covered included scientific advances in genomics, followed by innovations in business models, public sector perspectives, ethics, legal issues and national innovation systems. Results A set of recommendations, summarized below, was formulated for the Regional Office, the Member States and for individuals. • Advocacy for genomics and biotechnology for political leadership; • Networking between member states to share information, expertise, training, and regional cooperation in biotechnology; coordination of national surveys for assessment of health biotechnology innovation systems, science capacity, government policies, legislation and regulations, intellectual property policies, private sector activity; • Creation in each member country of an effective National Body on genomics, biotechnology and health to: - formulate national biotechnology strategies - raise

  7. Harnessing Omics Big Data in Nine Vertebrate Species by Genome-Wide Prioritization of Sequence Variants with the Highest Predicted Deleterious Effect on Protein Function. (United States)

    Rozman, Vita; Kunej, Tanja


    Harnessing the genomics big data requires innovation in how we extract and interpret biologically relevant variants. Currently, there is no established catalog of prioritized missense variants associated with deleterious protein function phenotypes. We report in this study, to the best of our knowledge, the first genome-wide prioritization of sequence variants with the most deleterious effect on protein function (potentially deleterious variants [pDelVars]) in nine vertebrate species: human, cattle, horse, sheep, pig, dog, rat, mouse, and zebrafish. The analysis was conducted using the Ensembl/BioMart tool. Genes comprising pDelVars in the highest number of examined species were identified using a Python script. Multiple genomic alignments of the selected genes were built to identify interspecies orthologous potentially deleterious variants, which we defined as the "ortho-pDelVars." Genome-wide prioritization revealed that in humans, 0.12% of the known variants are predicted to be deleterious. In seven out of nine examined vertebrate species, the genes encoding the multiple PDZ domain crumbs cell polarity complex component (MPDZ) and the transforming acidic coiled-coil containing protein 2 (TACC2) comprise pDelVars. Five interspecies ortho-pDelVars were identified in three genes. These findings offer new ways to harness genomics big data by facilitating the identification of functional polymorphisms in humans and animal models and thus provide a future basis for optimization of protocols for whole genome prioritization of pDelVars and screening of orthologous sequence variants. The approach presented here can inform various postgenomic applications such as personalized medicine and multiomics study of health interventions (iatromics).

  8. Harnessing Sun's Energy with Quantum Dots Based Next Generation Solar Cell. (United States)

    Halim, Mohammad A


    Our energy consumption relies heavily on the three components of fossil fuels (oil, natural gas and coal) and nearly 83% of our current energy is consumed from those sources. The use of fossil fuels, however, has been viewed as a major environmental threat because of their substantial contribution to greenhouse gases which are responsible for increasing the global average temperature. Last four decades, scientists have been searching for alternative sources of energy which need to be environmentally clean, efficient, cost-effective, renewable, and sustainable. One of the promising sustainable sources of energy can be achieved by harnessing sun energy through silicon wafer, organic polymer, inorganic dye, and quantum dots based solar cells. Among them, quantum dots have an exceptional property in that they can excite multiple electrons using only one photon. These dots can easily be synthesized, processed in solution, and incorporated into solar cell application. Interestingly, the quantum dots solar cells can exceed the Shockley - Queisser limit; however, it is a great challenge for other solar cell materials to exceed the limit. Theoretically, the quantum dots solar cell can boost the power conversion efficiency up to 66% and even higher to 80%. Moreover, in changing the size of the quantum dots one can utilize the Sun's broad spectrum of visible and infrared ranges. This review briefly overviews the present performance of different materials-based solar cells including silicon wafer, dye-sensitized, and organic solar cells. In addition, recent advances of the quantum dots based solar cells which utilize cadmium sulfide/selenide, lead sulfide/selenide, and new carbon dots as light harvesting materials has been reviewed. A future outlook is sketched as to how one could improve the efficiency up to 10% from the current highest efficiency of 6.6%.

  9. Harnessing Petaflop-Scale Multi-Core Supercomputing for Problems in Space Science (United States)

    Albright, B. J.; Yin, L.; Bowers, K. J.; Daughton, W.; Bergen, B.; Kwan, T. J.


    The particle-in-cell kinetic plasma code VPIC has been migrated successfully to the world's fastest supercomputer, Roadrunner, a hybrid multi-core platform built by IBM for the Los Alamos National Laboratory. How this was achieved will be described and examples of state-of-the-art calculations in space science, in particular, the study of magnetic reconnection, will be presented. With VPIC on Roadrunner, we have performed, for the first time, plasma PIC calculations with over one trillion particles, >100× larger than calculations considered "heroic" by community standards. This allows examination of physics at unprecedented scale and fidelity. Roadrunner is an example of an emerging paradigm in supercomputing: the trend toward multi-core systems with deep hierarchies and where memory bandwidth optimization is vital to achieving high performance. Getting VPIC to perform well on such systems is a formidable challenge: the core algorithm is memory bandwidth limited with low compute-to-data ratio and requires random access to memory in its inner loop. That we were able to get VPIC to perform and scale well, achieving >0.374 Pflop/s and linear weak scaling on real physics problems on up to the full 12240-core Roadrunner machine, bodes well for harnessing these machines for our community's needs in the future. Many of the design considerations encountered commute to other multi-core and accelerated (e.g., via GPU) platforms and we modified VPIC with flexibility in mind. These will be summarized and strategies for how one might adapt a code for such platforms will be shared. Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. DOE by the LANS LLC Los Alamos National Laboratory. Dr. Bowers is a LANL Guest Scientist; he is presently at D. E. Shaw Research LLC, 120 W 45th Street, 39th Floor, New York, NY 10036.

  10. Harnessing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to enable community-oriented primary care. (United States)

    Bazemore, Andrew; Phillips, Robert L; Miyoshi, Thomas


    settings, particularly if the hurdles of cost and technological expertise are overcome by harnessing new advances in web-based mapping technology.

  11. Harnessing landscape heterogeneity for managing future disturbance risks in forest ecosystems (United States)

    Seidl, Rupert; Albrich, Katharina; Thom, Dominik; Rammer, Werner


    In order to prevent irreversible impacts of climate change on the biosphere it is imperative to phase out the use of fossil fuels. Consequently, the provisioning of renewable resources such as timber and biomass from forests is an ecosystem service of increasing importance. However, risk factors such as changing disturbance regimes are challenging the continuous provisioning of ecosystem services, and are thus a key concern in forest management. We here used simulation modeling to study different risk management strategies in the context of timber production under changing climate and disturbance regimes, focusing on a 8127 ha forest landscape in the Northern Front Range of the Alps in Austria. We show that under a continuation of historical management, disturbances from wind and bark beetles increase by +39.5% on average over 200 years in response to future climate change. Promoting mixed forests and climate-adapted tree species as well as increasing management intensity effectively reduced future disturbance risk. Analyzing the spatial patterns of disturbance on the landscape, we found a highly uneven distribution of risk among stands (Gini coefficients up to 0.466), but also a spatially variable effectiveness of silvicultural risk reduction measures. This spatial variability in the contribution to and control of risk can be used to inform disturbance management: Stands which have a high leverage on overall risk and for which risks can effectively be reduced (24.4% of the stands in our simulations) should be a priority for risk mitigation measures. In contrast, management should embrace natural disturbances for their beneficial effects on biodiversity in areas which neither contribute strongly to landscape-scale risk nor respond positively to risk mitigation measures (16.9% of stands). We here illustrate how spatial heterogeneity in forest landscapes can be harnessed to address both positive and negative effects of changing natural disturbance regimes in

  12. Multiple Sclerosis and the LIF/IL-6 Axis: Use of Nanotechnology to Harness the Tolerogenic and Reparative Properties of LIF

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Su M. Metcalfe


    Full Text Available Leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF plays a critical role in “stemness” versus “differentiation”, a property that underpins the core value of LIF as a therapeutic for both the treatment of autoimmune disease and for promoting tissue repair. This value can be realized using nano-engineering technology, where a new generation of tools can, with unprecedented ability, manipulate biological functions. One striking example is the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS. The underpinning biology is the newly identified LIF/IL-6 axis in T lymphocytes, which can tilt the behaviour between immune tolerance versus immune attack. This LIF/IL-6 axis is ideally suited to nanotherapeutic manipulation, given its inherent mechanistic simplicity of two mutually opposing feed-forward loops that determine either tolerogenic (LIF or inflammatory (IL-6 immunity. Using LIF that is formulated in biodegradable nanoparticles (LIF-NP and targeted to CD4+ T cells, the axis is harnessed towards immune tolerance. This has implications for the treatment of autoimmune diseases, where the clinical burden is immense. It encompasses more than 100 diseases and, in the USA alone, costs more than $100 billion in direct health care costs annually. Other properties of LIF include the promotion of healthy neuro-glial interactions within the central nervous system (CNS, where, in addition to MS, LIF-NP therapy is relevant to inflammatory neurodegenerative diseases that represent a large and increasing need within aging populations. Thirdly, LIF is a reparative growth factor that can maintain genomic plasticity. LIF-NP supports the use of stem cell-based therapies in regenerative medicine plus augment therapeutic benefits within the patient. These core properties of LIF are greatly amplified in value by the advantage of being formulated as nanoparticles, namely (i targeted delivery, (ii exploitation of endogenous regulatory pathways and (iii creation of surrogate micro-stromal niches

  13. Strategi til udbredelse og udvikling af aquaponik


    Bartholin, Aline; Nielsen, Per


    Denne rapport omhandler, hvorledes aquaponik i fremtiden skal udbredes med henblik på at produktionsmetoden bliver en del af den etablerede fødevaresektor. Ud fra et interview med PlanteLaboratoriet som er en del af foreningen Akvaponisk Selskab, samt observationer af en workshop afholdt af PlanteLaboratoriet forsøger vi at kortlægge den førte strategi til udbredelse og udvikling af aquaponik, samt undersøge hvorledes aquaponik som innovation bliver taget imod af mulige adoptere. Empirien sam...

  14. Deep Unconventional Geothermal Resources: a major opportunity to harness new sources of sustainable energy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fridleifsson, G.O.; Albertsson, A.; Stefansson, B.; Gunnlaugsson, E.; Adalsteinsson, H.


    The Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP) is a long-term program to improve the efficiency and economics of geothermal energy by harnessing Deep Unconventional Geothermal Resources (DUGR). Its aim is to produce electricity from natural supercritical hydrous fluids from drillable depths. Producing supercritical fluids will require drilling wells and sampling fluids and rocks to depths of 3.5 to 5 km, and at temperatures of 450-600{sup o}C. The long-term plan is to drill and test a series of such deep boreholes in Iceland at the Krafla, the Hengill, and the Reykjanes high temperature geothermal systems. Beneath these three developed drill fields temperatures should exceed 550-650{sup o}C, and the occurrence of frequent seismic activity below 5 km, indicates that the rocks are brittle and therefore likely to be permeable. Modeling indicates that if the wellhead enthalpy is to exceed that of conventionally produced geothermal steam, the reservoir temperature must be higher than 450{sup o}C. A deep well producing 0.67 m3/sec steam ({approx}2400 m3/h) from a reservoir with a temperature significantly above 450{sup o}C could yield enough high-enthalpy steam to generate 40-50 MW of electric power. This exceeds by an order of magnitude the power typically obtained from conventional geothermal wells. (auth)

  15. Harnessing structural darkness in the visible and infrared wavelengths for a new source of light

    KAUST Repository

    Huang, Jianfeng


    Engineering broadband light absorbers is crucial to many applications, including energy-harvesting devices and optical interconnects. The performances of an ideal absorber are that of a black body, a dark material that absorbs radiation at all angles and polarizations. Despite advances in micrometre-thick films, the absorbers available to date are still far from an ideal black body. Here, we describe a disordered nanostructured material that shows an almost ideal black-body absorption of 98-99% between 400 and 1,400 nm that is insensitive to the angle and polarization of the incident light. The material comprises nanoparticles composed of a nanorod with a nanosphere of 30 nm diameter attached. When diluted into liquids, a small concentration of nanoparticles absorbs on average 26% more than carbon nanotubes, the darkest material available to date. By pumping a dye optical amplifier with nanosecond pulses of 100 mW power, we harness the structural darkness of the material and create a new type of light source, which generates monochromatic emission (5 nm wide) without the need for any resonance. This is achieved through the dynamics of light condensation in which all absorbed electromagnetic energy spontaneously generates single-colour energy pulses. © 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.

  16. Udvikling af studerendes akademiske skrivekompetencer – en model for en indsats på fakultetsniveau

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tine Wirenfeldt Jensen


    Full Text Available I artiklen præsenteres en model for, hvordan den faglige ledelse på enkeltuddannelser og den faglige ledelse på tværs af flere uddannelser (her konkret et helt fakultet kan igangsætte arbejdet med udviklingen af de studerendes akademiske skrivekompetencer på en måde, der både er forankret i de enkelte faglige miljøer og samtidig muliggør opsamling af erfaringer og behov på tværs af fag. Modellen er udviklet og afprøvet i forbindelse med et projekt afviklet i efteråret 2015 i samarbejde med samtlige syv institutter på Aarhus BSS ved Aarhus Universitet. Særligt fremhæves tre af modellens styrker: 1. Modellen faciliterer, at flere centrale faglige aktører involveres i arbejdet med at understøtte de studerendes skrivekompetencer, 2. Modellen giver indsigt i studerendes aktuelle udfordringer og behov på tværs af et fakultet (her i form af 354 skriftlige evalueringer og 3. Modellen har vist potentiale til at motivere fagene til at fortsætte arbejdet med at understøtte de studerendes skrivekompetencer på egen hånd og tilføre nødvendig viden til dette fortsatte arbejde. This article presents a model for initiating development of academic writing skills in a manner that is both embedded in the disciplines and makes it possible to gain insight into students’ experiences and needs across departments. The model is developed and tested in the fall 2015 with all 7 departments at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University. Three of the models strengths are emphasized: 1. The model facilitates the involvement of central players regarding the task of supporting students writing skills, 2. The model enables insight into the challenges and needs of student writers across faculty (the form of 354 written evaluations and 3. The model has shown potential to motivate departments to continue to focus on developing students’ writing skills.

  17. Full Scale Test SSP 34m blade, Combined load. Data report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Per Hørlyk; Nielsen, Magda; Jensen, Find Mølholt

    This report is part of the research project entitled “Eksperimentel vingeforskning: Strukturelle mekanismer i nutidens og fremtidens store vinger under kombineret last” where a 34m wind turbine blade from SSP-Technology A/S was tested in combined flap and edgewise load. The applied load is 55...... of e.g. transverse shear distortion. The global and local deformation of the blade as well as the blades’ respond to repeated tests has been studied and the result from these investigations are presented, including the measurements performed....

  18. Fremtidens produktion - på mikro og nano niveau

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Hans Nørgaard

    Der tales seriøst om nanoteknologi som et nyt segment hos produktionsvirksomhederne, og alle kan se, at chip-topologien når nano-dimensioner i løbet af 2003 - 2005. Det er en stor udfordring at skabe det operationelle grundlag for en industriel produktion af mikro-teknologiske produkter. Efterhån......Der tales seriøst om nanoteknologi som et nyt segment hos produktionsvirksomhederne, og alle kan se, at chip-topologien når nano-dimensioner i løbet af 2003 - 2005. Det er en stor udfordring at skabe det operationelle grundlag for en industriel produktion af mikro-teknologiske produkter...

  19. Harnessing Sun’s Energy with Quantum Dots Based Next Generation Solar Cell (United States)

    Halim, Mohammad A.


    Our energy consumption relies heavily on the three components of fossil fuels (oil, natural gas and coal) and nearly 83% of our current energy is consumed from those sources. The use of fossil fuels, however, has been viewed as a major environmental threat because of their substantial contribution to greenhouse gases which are responsible for increasing the global average temperature. Last four decades, scientists have been searching for alternative sources of energy which need to be environmentally clean, efficient, cost-effective, renewable, and sustainable. One of the promising sustainable sources of energy can be achieved by harnessing sun energy through silicon wafer, organic polymer, inorganic dye, and quantum dots based solar cells. Among them, quantum dots have an exceptional property in that they can excite multiple electrons using only one photon. These dots can easily be synthesized, processed in solution, and incorporated into solar cell application. Interestingly, the quantum dots solar cells can exceed the Shockley-Queisser limit; however, it is a great challenge for other solar cell materials to exceed the limit. Theoretically, the quantum dots solar cell can boost the power conversion efficiency up to 66% and even higher to 80%. Moreover, in changing the size of the quantum dots one can utilize the Sun’s broad spectrum of visible and infrared ranges. This review briefly overviews the present performance of different materials-based solar cells including silicon wafer, dye-sensitized, and organic solar cells. In addition, recent advances of the quantum dots based solar cells which utilize cadmium sulfide/selenide, lead sulfide/selenide, and new carbon dots as light harvesting materials has been reviewed. A future outlook is sketched as to how one could improve the efficiency up to 10% from the current highest efficiency of 6.6%. PMID:28348320

  20. Harnessing electro driven separation technique for the separation of selected agrochemicals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wan Aini Wan Ibrahim; Alam, S.M. Monjurul; Azli Sulaiman


    Electro driven separation techniques offer a different approach to the analysis of complex mixtures than do traditional pressure-driven chromatographic system; it may rely on electrophoresis, the transport of charged species through a medium by an applied field or may rely on electro driven mobile phase to provide a true chromatographic separation. In the current work the potential of an electro driven separation technique viz. Micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC), is harnessed for the separation of selected agrochemicals (organophosphorus pesticides, OPPs) widely used in the agriculture sector in Malaysia. The current study compares the use of MEKC in normal mode (NM) and reverse mode (RM) for the separation of the selected OPPS. This study also highlights the difference in separations produced by performing separations in normal mode-MEKC (NM-MEKC) and reverse mode-MEKC (RM-MEKC) for the selected OPPs. In RM-MEKC, separation is conducted at acidic pH (pH 2.5 in the current work) where the electro osmotic flow (EOF) is weak whereas in NM-MEKC, the separation is carried out under basic pH (9.3 in this work) where the EOF is strong. A reverse migration order of the OPPs was observed under RM-MEKC. Separation under NM-MEKC was found to be superior to those of RM- MEKC. A comparison is also made between separations performed under sweeping-NM-MEKC and sweeping-RM-MEKC. In sweeping, the OPPs are prepared in the same background solution (BGS) minus the micelles and is adjusted to the same conductivity as the BGS. The study showed that NM-MEKC is more sensitive than RM-MEKC but sweeping-RM-MEKC is superior to sweeping-NM-MEKC. However, sweeping-RM-MEKC only separates two of the OPPs in a single run whereas sweeping-NM-MEKC separates four OPPs in a single run. The better choice of separation mode would be sweeping-NM- MEKC for more OPPs separation in a single run. (author)

  1. Harnessing the power of mobile technologies for collaborating, crowdsourcing, and creating (United States)

    Crompton, H.


    Today's digital technologies can have a powerful influence on teaching and learning. M-learning and u-learning in particular are changing pedagogical practice. Sub categories are rapidly emerging, such as context-aware ubiquitous learning, that involve students learning subject content while immersed in authentic and relevant surroundings. Learning cultures are a nebulous blend of traditions, values, beliefs, and rituals built up over time. For a long time, education has long been conceived as classroom-based and predominantly sedentary (Merchant, 2012). Recent mobile technologies are disrupting this culture in favor of learning that is contextualized, personalized, on demand, and ubiquitous (Crompton, 2013). 21st century students are a different breed than past generations (Prensky, 2001). These students have grown up in a time that has not only altered their perceptions and practices but modified the wiring of the brain through neuroplasticity (Crompton, 2012). Students now cognitively receive information quickly through non-linear methods (Gross, 2003, Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005). They think differently. They also seem to be attached to mobile devices 24/7, although the content of the lesson does not match what they seem to be doing on the mobile devices. This presentation will showcase how to get your students to harness the power of mobile devices for educational purposes. For example, students in your classes will be using devices to collaborate on activities with Google Forms, crowdsourcing the best class questions in Slido, and screencasting thoughts and ideas to share with others with Educreations. These are examples of free apps or Web 2.0 tools that can be used on all the major mobile platforms. Crompton, H. (2013). Mobile learning: New approach, new theory. In Z. L. Berge & L. Y. Muilenburg (Eds.), Handbook of mobile learning (pp. 47-57). Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants. Mcb University Press, 9(5). Oblinger, D., & Oblinger, J

  2. Harnessing scientific literature reports for pharmacovigilance. Prototype software analytical tool development and usability testing. (United States)

    Sorbello, Alfred; Ripple, Anna; Tonning, Joseph; Munoz, Monica; Hasan, Rashedul; Ly, Thomas; Francis, Henry; Bodenreider, Olivier


    We seek to develop a prototype software analytical tool to augment FDA regulatory reviewers' capacity to harness scientific literature reports in PubMed/MEDLINE for pharmacovigilance and adverse drug event (ADE) safety signal detection. We also aim to gather feedback through usability testing to assess design, performance, and user satisfaction with the tool. A prototype, open source, web-based, software analytical tool generated statistical disproportionality data mining signal scores and dynamic visual analytics for ADE safety signal detection and management. We leveraged Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) indexing terms assigned to published citations in PubMed/MEDLINE to generate candidate drug-adverse event pairs for quantitative data mining. Six FDA regulatory reviewers participated in usability testing by employing the tool as part of their ongoing real-life pharmacovigilance activities to provide subjective feedback on its practical impact, added value, and fitness for use. All usability test participants cited the tool's ease of learning, ease of use, and generation of quantitative ADE safety signals, some of which corresponded to known established adverse drug reactions. Potential concerns included the comparability of the tool's automated literature search relative to a manual 'all fields' PubMed search, missing drugs and adverse event terms, interpretation of signal scores, and integration with existing computer-based analytical tools. Usability testing demonstrated that this novel tool can automate the detection of ADE safety signals from published literature reports. Various mitigation strategies are described to foster improvements in design, productivity, and end user satisfaction.

  3. A New 3D Printing Strategy by Harnessing Deformation, Instability, and Fracture of Viscoelastic Inks. (United States)

    Yuk, Hyunwoo; Zhao, Xuanhe


    Direct ink writing (DIW) has demonstrated great potential as a multimaterial multifunctional fabrication method in areas as diverse as electronics, structural materials, tissue engineering, and soft robotics. During DIW, viscoelastic inks are extruded out of a 3D printer's nozzle as printed fibers, which are deposited into patterns when the nozzle moves. Hence, the resolution of printed fibers is commonly limited by the nozzle's diameter, and the printed pattern is limited by the motion paths. These limits have severely hampered innovations and applications of DIW 3D printing. Here, a new strategy to exceed the limits of DIW 3D printing by harnessing deformation, instability, and fracture of viscoelastic inks is reported. It is shown that a single nozzle can print fibers with resolution much finer than the nozzle diameter by stretching the extruded ink, and print various thickened or curved patterns with straight nozzle motions by accumulating the ink. A quantitative phase diagram is constructed to rationally select parameters for the new strategy. Further, applications including structures with tunable stiffening, 3D structures with gradient and programmable swelling properties, all printed with a single nozzle are demonstrated. The current work demonstrates that the mechanics of inks plays a critical role in developing 3D printing technology. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. A breeding strategy to harness flavor diversity of Saccharomyces interspecific hybrids and minimize hydrogen sulfide production. (United States)

    Bizaj, Etjen; Cordente, Antonio G; Bellon, Jennifer R; Raspor, Peter; Curtin, Chris D; Pretorius, Isak S


    Industrial food-grade yeast strains are selected for traits that enhance their application in quality production processes. Wine yeasts are required to survive in the harsh environment of fermenting grape must, while at the same time contributing to wine quality by producing desirable aromas and flavors. For this reason, there are hundreds of wine yeasts available, exhibiting characteristics that make them suitable for different fermentation conditions and winemaking practices. As wine styles evolve and technical winemaking requirements change, however, it becomes necessary to improve existing strains. This becomes a laborious and costly process when the targets for improvement involve flavor compound production. Here, we demonstrate a new approach harnessing preexisting industrial yeast strains that carry desirable flavor phenotypes - low hydrogen sulfide (H(2) S) production and high ester production. A low-H(2) S Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain previously generated by chemical mutagenesis was hybridized independently with two ester-producing natural interspecies hybrids of S. cerevisiae and Saccharomyces kudriavzevii. Deficiencies in sporulation frequency and spore viability were overcome through use of complementary selectable traits, allowing successful isolation of several novel hybrids exhibiting both desired traits in a single round of selection. © 2012 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Harnessing the power of communities: career networking strategies for bioscience PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. (United States)

    Blackford, Sarah


    With an ever more competitive global labour market, coupled with an ever-increasing population of PhD-qualified graduates, the ability to communicate effectively and build strategic connections with others can be advantageous in the job-search process. Whether in pursuit of a tenure-track or non-academic position, many postdoctoral researchers and PhD students will benefit from networking as early as possible to enhance their career prospects. Sometimes viewed cynically as 'using people' or dismissed as 'the old boy network,' the ability to make meaningful connections and build relationships can be more valuable than other job-related skills in order to gain entry to, and progress within, many professions. This mini-review highlights the positive influence of networking and how bioscience PhD students and postdoctoral researchers can harness the power of communities to achieve career success. It is argued that those who make connections and promote personal patronage through networking can gain an advantage over their contemporaries. A summary of key theories and research studies that underpin the practice of networking provides credence to these assertions, which are further substantiated with examples pertinent to the academic community. Although primarily focussed on the biosciences, much of the content is applicable to other scientists at a similar career stage.

  6. Microbes from mined sites: Harnessing their potential for reclamation of derelict mine sites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thavamani, Palanisami; Samkumar, R. Amos; Satheesh, Viswanathan; Subashchandrabose, Suresh R.; Ramadass, Kavitha; Naidu, Ravi; Venkateswarlu, Kadiyala; Megharaj, Mallavarapu


    Derelict mines pose potential risks to environmental health. Several factors such as soil structure, organic matter, and nutrient content are the greatly affected qualities in mined soils. Soil microbial communities are an important element for successful reclamation because of their major role in nutrient cycling, plant establishment, geochemical transformations, and soil formation. Yet, microorganisms generally remain an undervalued asset in mined sites. The microbial diversity in derelict mine sites consists of diverse species belonging to four key phyla: Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Firmicutes, and Bacteroidetes. The activity of plant symbiotic microorganisms including root-colonizing rhizobacteria and ectomycorrhizal fungi of existing vegetation in the mined sites is very high since most of these microbes are extremophiles. This review outlines the importance of microorganisms to soil health and the rehabilitation of derelict mines and how microbial activity and diversity can be exploited to better plan the soil rehabilitation. Besides highlighting the major breakthroughs in the application of microorganisms for mined site reclamation, we provide a critical view on plant−microbiome interactions to improve revegetation at the mined sites. Also, the need has been emphasized for deciphering the molecular mechanisms of adaptation and resistance of rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere microbes in abandoned mine sites, understanding their role in remediation, and subsequent harnessing of their potential to pave the way in future rehabilitation strategies for mined sites. - Highlights: • Abandoned mines pose potential risks to human and environmental health. • Re-establishment of a self-sustaining vegetative cover at derelict mines is a major challenge. • Soil microbial communities are very important for successful reclamation of mined sites. • Role of microorganisms in soil function in derelict mines needs to be understood.

  7. Eldre personer er sårbare i ekstreme værsituasjoner

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anette Hylen Ranhoff


    Full Text Available I fjor sommer ble Europa rammet av en hetebølge og tusenvis av eldre mennesker døde. Sammenhengen mellom helsetilstand og påvirkning av klima er kompleks og medisinske, sosiale og miljømessige faktorer er involvert. Imidlertid er hete- og kulderelaterte sykdommer, skade og død i høy grad mulig å forebygge, og det er behov for å analysere denne situasjonen og andre ekstreme værsituasjoner for å kunne sikre helsen til eldre personer ved liknede hendelser i fremtiden.   Artikkelen gir en oversikt over litteratur som omhandler sykelighet og dødelighet som følge av ekstreme værforhold: hete, kulde og situasjoner der transport, elektrisitet og andre leveranser er begrenset, som etter en orkan, enorme snøfall eller liknende. Sammenhenger mellom sykelighet, dødelighet og temperatur i alminnelighet bli også omtalt, med spesielt fokus på de eldre.            Eldre som lever alene og er sosialt isolerte, og spesielt de som har funksjonshemning eller kognitiv svikt har høyest risiko for sykdom, skade og død i ekstreme værsituasjoner. Dette kan trolig i stor grad forebygges. Det anbefales at alle kommuner har kriseplaner for naturkatastrofer og ekstreme værsituasjoner som spesielt inneholder tiltak rettet mot sårbare eldre. Planene bør inneholde generell alarmering og informasjon samt systemer for oppsøkende virksomhet overfor risikogrupper. The 2003 heat wave in Europe was responsible for the deaths of thousands of elderly people. Heat- and cold-related illnesses, injuries and deaths are supposed to be largely preventable, and it is a need for analysing this situation and other situations with extreme weather conditions where elderly people are believed to be particularly vulnerableThis article is a review of the literature concerning morbidity and mortality in extreme weather conditions like heat, cold and situations where transportation, electricity, and other supplies are limited as a consequence of extreme weather

  8. Vilka typer av nyheter har drivit stora prisförändringar hos börsnoterade europeiska fotbollsklubbar? : Är prisförändringarna ekonomiskt rationella?


    Dagberg, Michael; Yap, Daniel


    Bakgrund: Det som skiljer fotbollsbranschen från övriga företag är att framgång i inte enbart mäts i ökade marknadsandelar eller intäkter utan även utifrån sportsliga framgångar. Traditionell finansteori med utgångspunkt i ekonomisk rationalitet kontrasterar en känslobaserad beteendeekonomi för att förklara vad som driver fotbollsklubbars aktiepriser. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att identifiera och kartlägga vilka typer av nyheter som har drivit stora prisförändringar och analysera om det ...

  9. Characterization of the biomass of a hybrid anaerobic reactor (HAR with two types of support material during the treatment of the coffee wastewater

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    Vivian Galdino da Silva


    Full Text Available This study investigated the microbiology of a hybrid anaerobic reactor (HAR in the removal of pollutant loads. This reactor had the same physical structure of an UASB reactor, however with minifilters inside containing two types of support material: expanded clay and gravel. Two hydraulic retention times (HRT of 24h and 18h were evaluated at steady-state conditions, resulting in organic loading rates (OLR of 0.032 and 0.018 kgDBO5m-3d-1 and biological organic loading rates (BOLR of 0,0015 and 0.001 kgDBO5kgSVT- 1d¹, respectively. The decrease in concentration of organic matter in the influent resulted an endogenous state of the biomass in the reactor. The expanded clay was the best support material for biofilm attachment.

  10. Harnessing the immune system through programmed death-1 blockade in the management of Hodgkin lymphoma

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    Oncale MB


    Full Text Available Melody B Oncale, Hossein Maymani, Loretta J Nastoupil Department of Lymphoma and Myeloma, Division of Cancer Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA Abstract: Immunotherapy is a rapidly evolving therapeutic option in the treatment of lymphoma. Neoplastic cells evade immune recognition through the programmed death (PD-1/PD-ligand immune checkpoint pathway. Several novel agents have been developed to restore the immune system’s ability to recognize and destroy cancer cells. Nivolumab and pembrolizumab are two anti-PD-1 antibodies that have demonstrated success in the treatment of refractory Hodgkin lymphoma. Harnessing the immune system’s ability to target neoplastic cells, ideally without the use of cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agents, is one way in which these novel agents are changing the therapeutic landscape in the treatment of lymphomas. Here, we review the emerging data regarding checkpoint inhibitors in the management of Hodgkin lymphoma, the unique adverse effects encountered with the use of these agents, and a practical approach to the management of these adverse effects. Additionally, we discuss upcoming trials that will further assess the promising future developments of checkpoint inhibition in the treatment of not only Hodgkin lymphoma but also other B cell lymphomas and myeloma. These agents offer immense promise of a future where many lymphomas can be treated without the toxic effects of chemotherapeutic agents. Keywords: Hodgkin lymphoma, programmed death-1, nivolumab, pembrolizumab, lymphoma

  11. Harnessing real world data from wearables and self-monitoring devices: feasibility, confounders and ethical considerations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Uttam Barick


    Full Text Available The increasing usage of smart phones has compelled mobile technology to become a universal part of everyday life. From wearable gadgets to sophisticated implantable medical devices, the advent of mobile technology has completely transformed the healthcare delivery scenario. Self-report measures enabled by mobile technology are increasingly becoming a more time and cost efficient method of assessing real world health outcomes. But, amidst all the optimism, there are concerns also on adopting this technology as regulations and ethical considerations on privacy legislations of end users are unclear. In general, the healthcare industry functions on some stringent regulations and compliances to ensure the safety and protection of patient information. A couple of the most common regulations are Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act (HIPPA and Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH. To harness the true potential of mobile technology to empower stakeholders and provide them a common platform which seamlessly integrates healthcare delivery and research, it is imperative that challenges and drawbacks in the sphere are identified and addressed. In this age of information and technology, no stones should be left unturned to ensure that the human race has access to the best healthcare services without an intrusion into his/her confidentiality. This article is an overview of the role of tracking and self-monitoring devices in data collection for real world evidence/observational studies in context to feasibility, confounders and ethical considerations.

  12. Epidemiology of musculoskeletal injuries in a population of harness Standardbred racehorses in training (United States)


    Background There is a substantial paucity of studies concerning musculoskeletal injuries in harness Standardbred racehorses. Specifically, little is known about the epidemiology of exercise-related musculoskeletal injuries. Most studies on this subject involve Thoroughbred racehorses, whose biomechanics and racing speed differ from Standardbred, making comparisons difficult. Here, a population of Standardbred racehorses trained at the same racecourse was studied over four years and a classification system for exercise-related musculoskeletal injuries was designed. The incidence rates of musculoskeletal injuries causing horses’ withdrawal from training for 15 days or longer were investigated. A mixed-effects Poisson regression model was used to estimate musculoskeletal injury rates and to describe significance of selected risk factors for exercise-related injuries in this population. Results A total of 356 trotter racehorses from 10 different stables contributed 8961 months at risk of musculoskeletal injuries. Four-hundred-and-twenty-nine injuries were reported and classified into 16 categories, based on their aetiology and anatomical localisation. The overall exercise-related injury rate was 4.79 per 100 horse months. When considering risk factors one by one in separate univariable analyses, we obtained the following results: rates did not differ significantly between genders and classes of age, whereas one driver seemed to cause fewer injuries than the others. Racing speed and racing intensity, as well as recent medical history, seemed to be significant risk factors (p fracture are lower in Standardbreds compared to Thoroughbreds, whereas the opposite is true for tendon and suspensory ligament injuries. In addition to identification of risk factors for musculoskeletal injuries among Standardbred racehorses, results suggest that racing intensity seems to be a protective predictor of risk and recent medical history could be used to identify horses at risk of

  13. Harnessing Science and Technology for preservation and conservation of cultural heritage in Malaysia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adi Taha


    Malaysia's heritage is extraordinarily rich. Heritage links people, places and things from our history to the present and to the future. Department of Muzeums and Antiquities work diligently at collecting and preserving the artifacts, written records, oral traditions, special places and lands that make up the Malaysia's history. Over the years our concept of cultural heritage and its role as a central part of the experience of our communities has expanded from a focus on objects and monuments to include our social structures, ways of life, beliefs and systems of knowledge. We seek answers in our attempts to promote the understanding and unity among people that have made our country a nation regardless of ethnic origins and religious affiliations, and to prolong the life essence of our rich heritage. We found a simple but yet, a meaningful answer; Harnessing Science and Technology for Preservation and Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Malaysia. Conservation has gained an increasing importance world over, as there is greater awareness and a sense of urgency about the need to conserve and preserve cultural heritages. Recent years are witnessing unprecedented growth in various fields of science and technology in Malaysia, such as materials technology, medical sciences, biotechnology, information and communications technology. Whichever perspective is used, it is clear that science forms an integral part of Malaysia's culture, in the past as well as now. Fulfilling a vital function as a carrier of knowledge and methodology, sciences places on our shoulders a strong obligation towards future generations. As Malaysians, we have been formed by our cultural heritage. Clearly, we must protect that heritage and continue to enrich and develop it, incorporating new knowledge, new insights, new ideas and new experience. (Author)

  14. MRI Evaluation of Spinal Length and Vertebral Body Angle During Loading with a Spinal Compression Harness (United States)

    Campbell, James A.; Hargens, Alan R.; Murthy, G.; Ballard, R. E.; Watenpaugh, D. E.; Hargens, Alan, R.; Sanchez, E.; Yang, C.; Mitsui, I.; Schwandt, D.; hide


    Weight bearing by the spinal column during upright posture often plays a role in the common problem of low back pain. Therefore, we developed a non-ferromagnetic spinal compression harness to enable MRI investigations of the spinal column during axial loading. Human subjects were fitted with a Nest and a footplate which were connected by adjustable straps to an analog load cell. MRI scans of human subjects (5 males and 1 female with age range of 27-53 yrs) during loaded and unloaded conditions were accomplished with a 1.5 Tesla GE Signa scanner. Studies of two subjects undergoing sequentially increasing spinal loads revealed significant decreases (r(sup 2) = 0.852) in spinal length between T4 and L5 culminating in a 1.5 to 2% length decrease during loading with 75% body weight. Sagittal vertebral body angles of four subjects placed under a constant 50% body weight load for one hour demonstrated increased lordotic and kyphotic curvatures. In the lumbar spine, the L2 vertebral body experienced the greatest angular change (-3 deg. to -5 deg.) in most subjects while in the thoracic spine, T4 angles increased from the unloaded state by +2 deg. to +9 deg. Overall, our studies demonstrate: 1) a progressive, although surprisingly small, decrease in spinal length with increasing load and 2) relatively large changes in spinal column angulation with 50% body weight.

  15. Upgrading Wood-Based Industries: Harnessing the Social Network of Small-Scale Furniture Producers and Their Institutions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Melati ,


    Full Text Available Furniture is a major export commodity in Indonesia with a total value of USD 1.96 million in 2007.  Jepara District is one of the key location for wood furniture production with 15,271 furniture related business units employing 176,469 workers.  However, inefficiencies and power imbalances throughout the furniture value chain have resulted in overharvesting and uneven distribution of gains among the industry’s actors.  In contrast to price-setting international furniture retailers, small-scale producers enjoy the least value from their products.  In order to increase added value and competitiveness, small-scale furniture producers have made efforts to upgrade by harnessing their social network and institutions.  This paper describes small-scale furniture producers’ efforts to upgrade by utilising their social network and institutions in Jepara.  Data was collected through in-depth interviews with members of the small-scale furniture producers’ association.  The research provides insight into the nature of social networks and information flow and develops future scenarios to upgrade.  The scenarios will not only benefit the furniture industry in Jepara, but may also be adopted for similar industries throughout Indonesia and the world, and potentially improve many people’s economies and livelihoods.Keywords: wood-based industry, furniture, small-scale, social network, institution

  16. Kvantifisering av overvann: Case Brøset


    Huurnink, Jon Egenberg


    Oppgaven forsøker å vise den systemresponsen som er særegen for konvensjonelle tiltak og blå-grønne tiltak. Dette er aktuelt på Brøset bydel som en del av Fremtiden byer prosjektet og skal bygges om til boligområde. MIKE URBAN og MIKE 21 er benyttet til å lage en konseptuell modell.Ved å sammenligne sommer- og vinterforhold, i tillegg til ulike gjentaksintervaller (1, 20 og 100år), vil kurver for videreført vannmengde gi et inntrykk av tiltakenes effekt. Dette gir beslutningsstøtte for Komm...

  17. På sporet af fremtidens forsyningskæde: Agile Logistics?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Charles


    PRODUKTION OG LOGISTIK. På en lang række områder er vilkårene for industriel produktion dramatisk forandret. Nye teknologier står på spring til at ændre kendte forudsætninger på afgørende områder. Det vi ser er fremkomsten af nye forretningskoncepter, hvor behovet for hurtig udvikling og leveranc...... af kundetilpassede og individualiserede produkter og services sætter hidtil uhørte høje krav til effektiviteten og fleksibiliteten af både produktions- og logistiksystemerne....

  18. A new technology for harnessing the dye polluted water and dye collection in the chemical factory

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    A new technology for harnessing the dye polluted water and dyecollection was developed. It is based on the enhanced evaporation by using solar, wind, and air temperature energy and additional heat-electric energy. It consists of four parts: (1) evaporation carrier system (evaporation carrier and frame for evaporation carrier) for polluted water; (2) polluted water circulating system (pumping-spraying-collecting); (3) heating system; (4) workshop with polluted water reservoir-tanks and rainfall prevention roof. The polluted water was (heated in case necessary) sprayed to the evaporation carrier system and the water was evaporated when it moved in the space and downward along the carrier mainly by using natural (solar, wind, and air temperature energy). In case, when there is no roof for the carrier system, thepolluted water can be stored in the reservoirs (storage volume for about 20 days). The first 10-25 mm rainfall also need to be stored in the reservoirs to meet the state standard for discharging wastewater. The dye may be collected at the surface in the reservoir-tanks and the crystallized salt may be collected at the bottom plate. The black-color wastewater released by the factory is no more discharged to the surface water system of Taihu Lake Basin. About 2 kg dye and 200 kg industrial salt may be collected from each tone of the polluted water. The non-pollution production of dye may be realized by using this technology with environmental, economical and social benefits.

  19. An isotropic suspension system for a biaxial accelerometer using electroplated thick metal with a HAR SU-8 mold

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Jin Seung; Lee, Seung S


    In this paper, a novel approach is developed to design an isotropic suspension system using thick metal freestanding micro-structures combining bulk micro-machining with electroplating based on a HAR SU-8 mold. An omega-shape isotropic suspension system composed of circular curved beams that have free switching of imaginary boundary conditions is proposed. This novel isotropic suspension design is not affected by geometric dimensional parameters and always achieves matching stiffness along the principle axes of elasticity. Using the finite element method, the isotropic suspension system was compared with an S-shaped meandering suspension system. In order to realize the suggested isotropic suspension system, a cost-effective fabrication process using electroplating with the SU-8 mold was developed to avoid expensive equipment and materials such as deep reactive-ion etching (DRIE) or a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafer. The fabricated isotropic suspension system was verified by electromagnetic actuation experiments. Finally, a biaxial accelerometer with isotropic suspension system was realized and tested using a vibration generator system. The proposed isotropic suspension system and the modified surface micro-machining technique based on electroplating with an SU-8 mold can contribute towards minimizing the system size, simplifying the system configuration, reducing the system price of and facilitating mass production of various types of low-cost sensors and actuators

  20. Harnessing the private health sector by using prices as a policy instrument: Lessons learned from South Africa. (United States)

    Barber, Sarah L; Kumar, Ankit; Roubal, Tomas; Colombo, Francesca; Lorenzoni, Luca


    Governments frequently draw upon the private health care sector to promote sustainability, optimal use of resources, and increased choice. In doing so, policy-makers face the challenge of harnessing resources while grappling with the market failures and equity concerns associated with private financing of health care. The growth of the private health sector in South Africa has fundamentally changed the structure of health care delivery. A mutually reinforcing ecosystem of private health insurers, private hospitals and specialists has grown to account for almost half of the country's spending on health care, despite only serving 16% of the population with the capacity to pay. Following years of consolidation among private hospital groups and insurance schemes, and after successive failures at establishing credible price benchmarks, South Africa's private hospitals charge prices comparable with countries that are considerably richer. This compromises the affordability of a broad-based expansion in health care for the population. The South African example demonstrates that prices can be part of a structure that perpetuates inequalities in access to health care resources. The lesson for other countries is the importance of norms and institutions that uphold price schedules in high-income countries. Efforts to compromise or liberalize price setting should be undertaken with a healthy degree of caution. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Harnessing Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers in Clinical Trials for Treating Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases: Potential and Challenges. (United States)

    Kim, Dana; Kim, Young Sam; Shin, Dong Wun; Park, Chang Shin; Kang, Ju Hee


    No disease-modifying therapies (DMT) for neurodegenerative diseases (NDs) have been established, particularly for Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD). It is unclear why candidate drugs that successfully demonstrate therapeutic effects in animal models fail to show disease-modifying effects in clinical trials. To overcome this hurdle, patients with homogeneous pathologies should be detected as early as possible. The early detection of AD patients using sufficiently tested biomarkers could demonstrate the potential usefulness of combining biomarkers with clinical measures as a diagnostic tool. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers for NDs are being incorporated in clinical trials designed with the aim of detecting patients earlier, evaluating target engagement, collecting homogeneous patients, facilitating prevention trials, and testing the potential of surrogate markers relative to clinical measures. In this review we summarize the latest information on CSF biomarkers in NDs, particularly AD and PD, and their use in clinical trials. The large number of issues related to CSF biomarker measurements and applications has resulted in relatively few clinical trials on CSF biomarkers being conducted. However, the available CSF biomarker data obtained in clinical trials support the advantages of incorporating CSF biomarkers in clinical trials, even though the data have mostly been obtained in AD trials. We describe the current issues with and ongoing efforts for the use of CSF biomarkers in clinical trials and the plans to harness CSF biomarkers for the development of DMT and clinical routines. This effort requires nationwide, global, and multidisciplinary efforts in academia, industry, and regulatory agencies to facilitate a new era.

  2. Probabilistic Modeling of High-Temperature Material Properties of a 5-Harness 0/90 Sylramic Fiber/ CVI-SiC/ MI-SiC Woven Composite (United States)

    Nagpal, Vinod K.; Tong, Michael; Murthy, P. L. N.; Mital, Subodh


    An integrated probabilistic approach has been developed to assess composites for high temperature applications. This approach was used to determine thermal and mechanical properties and their probabilistic distributions of a 5-harness 0/90 Sylramic fiber/CVI-SiC/Mi-SiC woven Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC) at high temperatures. The purpose of developing this approach was to generate quantitative probabilistic information on this CMC to help complete the evaluation for its potential application for HSCT combustor liner. This approach quantified the influences of uncertainties inherent in constituent properties called primitive variables on selected key response variables of the CMC at 2200 F. The quantitative information is presented in the form of Cumulative Density Functions (CDFs). Probability Density Functions (PDFS) and primitive variable sensitivities on response. Results indicate that the scatters in response variables were reduced by 30-50% when the uncertainties in the primitive variables, which showed the most influence, were reduced by 50%.

  3. Medisinsk fødselsregister, en hjørnesten i norsk epidemiologi

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    Lorentz M. Irgens


    Full Text Available  SAMMENDRAGMedisinsk fødselsregister (MFR ble opprettet i 1967 etter thalidomidekatastrofen som førte til at mer enn10.000 barn ble født med alvorlige reduksjonsdeformiteter. Formålet var spesielt å oppdage eventuelle nyehyppighetsøkninger av medfødte misdannelser så snart som mulig, og generelt å etablere et grunnlag forepidemiologiske studier av perinatale helseproblemer. Denne todeling i forvaltning og forskning har senerevært retningsgivende for MFR. Forvaltningen, den epidemiologiske overvåking av perinatale helseproblemer,har bidradd til å avklare en rekke alarmer i form av hyppighetsøkninger, og til å redusere usikkerhet knyttet tilmiljøproblemer og fosterskader. Den største utfordringen hittil har vært overvåkingen etter Tsjernobylkatastrofen.Et miljø som synes å innebære stadig større potensielle trusler, representerer en utfordrende arbeidsoppgavei fremtiden. Den andre viktige forvaltningsoppgaven knytter seg til tilsyn med og kvalitetssikring avhelsetjenestene for gravide, fødende og nyfødte.Den epidemiologiske forskningen er rettet mot årsakene til ulike perinatale helseproblemer og motoppfølgning av ulike tilstander ved fødselen som for eksempel lav Apgar score eller forskjellige medfødtemisdannelser. Longitudinelle studier der søskenflokken er analyseenhet i stedet for den enkelte fødsel stårsentralt i forskningen. Slike studier har vist at den tilsynelatende veletablerte risikogruppen «høy paritet» erdårlig begrunnet både klinisk og forskningsmessig. Den høye risikoen observert i tverrsnittstudier skyldesheterogenitet ved at høyparitetsmødre i langt større utstrekning har mistet barn i tidligere svangerskap. Høyparitetsmødreuten tidligere tap har en meget lav risiko. Søskenflokkstudier av krybbedød har avdekket enlangt lavere gjentakelsesrisiko enn dem som har vært rapportert i tidligere studier der søskenflokkdata ikkehar vært tilgjengelige. Søskenflokkstudier har også bidradd til

  4. İnternet ve Tuğla-Harç Mağazalarına İlişkin Müşteri Düşünceleri ve Değişen Müşteri Davranışları

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    Abdolrazagh MADAHI


    Full Text Available Bu çalışma Malezya’da internette faaliyet gösteren tuğla harç mağazalarına ilişkin müşteri düşüncelerini ve müşterilerin değişen kanal eğilimlerini analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmaya ilişkin veriler Klang Vadisi ve Penang Bölgesi’nde 497 kişinin katılımıyla gerçekleştirilen anketlerin neticesinde elde edilmiştir. Çalışmada yapısal bağlamda PLS Modeli ve data analizi bağlamında ise SEM Modeli kullanılmıştır. Yapılan 497 anketin neticesinde, çalışmanın verileri, uygunluk ve zorluk bağlamında internetten tuğla ve harç mağazalara doğru değişen bir eğilim olduğunu göstermiştir. Bulgular benzer şekilde cinsiyet ve niyetin de müşterilerin kanal değiştirmesinde etkin unsurlar olduğunu ortaya koymuştur.

  5. To Twitter to Woo: Harnessing the power of social media (SoMe) in nurse education to enhance the student's experience. (United States)

    Sinclair, Wendy; McLoughlin, Moira; Warne, Tony


    This paper explores some of the difficulties, challenges and rewards for student nurses and nurse academics when harnessing social media (SoMe) as part of the overall learning experience. The paper draws upon data in the form of student voices, captured through an online planned Twitter chat. This data analysis provides the basis of a case study on the student experience in practice placements. A planned 1 h Twitter chat took place in June 2013, specifically aimed at student nurses. What transpired was an illuminating debate, eliciting responses from around the globe about learning in practice, mentors, and student support that lasted over 3 h. More importantly, the Twitter chat also included qualified nurses and mentors, listening and responding in real time, offering thoughts and solutions to how support and mentoring could be improved. This was in contrast to how students, locally, currently use a paper based questionnaire to give feedback in isolation. The authenticity of this feedback is often compromised by university link lecturers' who often provide a more sanitised version of this feedback to clinical placement. This paper explores whether it is possible to facilitate a realignment and capture the zeitgeist in order to provide the opportunity for enhancing learning in practice. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Insekter - Fremtidens fødevare?: Insects - Food of the future?


    Schelbli, Mia Vest; Dam-Amby, Nicole; Birch, Maia; Nørtoft, Jeppe Nothlev; Kinnerup, Kenneth; Kühnel, Andreas; Thorsen, Kasper


    This paper investigates the cultural and psychological factors, which is applicable to the Danish view of entomophagy and how to enable the practice of entomophagy on a private basis. Based on essential theories from countries who have already integrated entomophagy as a lifestyle and an alternative source to protein, this paper explores in greater depth not only the importance of using insects as an alternative to meat but also as a resolution to better the environment using this sustainable...

  7. Nuclear desalination: harnessing the seas for development of coastal areas of Pakistan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ayub, M.S.; Butt, W.M.


    Pakistan has a population of 140 million with more than 30% of the population living in cities and towns. Karachi, the major port city of the country, is the most densely populated with a population crossing the 11 million mark. The city receives 435 MGD of drinking water from the River Indus and other sources. However, the net demand for the year 2000 was 594 MGD thus there is a gap of 159 MGD in demand and supply. Statistics show that the water demand in Karachi is increasing at the rate of 100 MGD every five years. The coastal belt of the country extends to 1046 sq. km. Of this, 930 km is from the Karachi to Gwader region in the province of Baluchistan. Most of the coastal areas lie outside the monsoon system of weather and therefore the climate is extremely dry. The annual rainfall in this belt is about 15 cms. Therefore, fresh water availability is a major factor for development of the coastal belt of Pakistan. In the wake of the looming water crisis it is becoming increasingly clear that all available and appropriate technologies, including nuclear and related technologies, have to be used for the sustainable development and management of freshwater resources in Pakistan. One particular approach is the desalination of seawater, and countries are increasing their capacity to harness the seas for tapping fresh water. The prospects of using nuclear energy for seawater desalination on a large scale are attractive since desalination is an energy intensive process. Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) is planning to actively participate in the activities of IAEA in the field of nuclear desalination by offering one of its nuclear power plants for coupling a demonstration nuclear desalination plant. Karachi Nuclear Power Plant (KANUPP), which is the country's first nuclear plant has been successfully operating for the last 30 years. This plant is proposed to be used as a potential site for installation of a demonstration nuclear desalination plant. KANUPP is

  8. Tilgængelige etageboliger - indledende spørgsmål

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ginnerup, Søren

    renoveres. Krav og anbefalinger til etageboliger er mere omfattende end for andre boligtyper, men ved at følge anvisningen sikres, at boligen lever op til krav om tilgængelighed i både bygningsreglementet (BR10) og almenboligloven, hvis boligen indgår i en almen bebyggelse. Der stilles spørgsmål til, hvad...... boligen skal kunne nu og i fremtiden, til omgivelser og adgangsforhold, indretning og indeklima. Anvisningen gælder også for bygninger udført efter BR15, da der i forhold til BR10 ikke er ændret i bestemmelserne, som anvisningen knytter sig til. Formålet med anvisningen er, at bygherre og rådgivere...

  9. Tilgængelige fritliggende boliger - indledende spørgsmål

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ginnerup, Søren

    . Anvisningen gennemgår krav i bygningsreglementet (BR10), og kommer med anbefalinger til, hvad ejer eller bygherre bør tage stilling til i forhold til god tilgængelighed. Det drejer sig om spørgsmål til, hvad boligen skal kunne nu og i fremtiden, til omgivelser og adgangsforhold, indretning og indeklima....... Anvisningen gælder også for bygninger udført efter BR15, da der i forhold til BR10 ikke er ændret i bestemmelserne, som anvisningen knytter sig til. Formålet er, at bygherre og rådgivere allerede tidligt i en bygge- eller renoveringsproces forholder sig til aspekter og krav vedrørende tilgængelighed i...

  10. Norsk og matematikk i et literacy-perspektiv: metabevissthet også for de svake elevene [Visions 2011: Teaching

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bodil Kleve


    Full Text Available Artikkelen er diskuterende med fokus på teoretiske perspektiver som i didaktisk sammenheng kan brukes til å synliggjøre likheter og ulikheter mellom skolefag. Vi fokuserer spesielt på svake elever som trenger aktive og språkbevisste lærere. Vi tar utgangspunkt i et bevisstgjørende didaktisk metaperspektiv (literacy-perspektiv og et fenomenologisk meningsperspektiv og argumenterer på tre ulike nivå som alle fremmer metaspråklig perspektiv og innsikt. Det første er diskursnivået. Det neste er sjangernivået. Diskursnivået og sjangernivået er nødvendige metaperspektiv i all skolefaglig læring. Til slutt en erkjennelse av læreprosessens grunnleggende perspektiv: De ulike tenkemåter, "modes of thought", som er nødvendig for læring i de to fagene. Bevissthet om de to tenkemåtene, "modes of thought" tydeliggjør likheter og forskjeller mellom norsk og matematikk.

  11. A method to harness global crowd-sourced data to understand travel behavior in avalanche terrain. (United States)

    Hendrikx, J.; Johnson, J.


    To date, most studies of the human dimensions of decision making in avalanche terrain has focused on two areas - post-accident analysis using accident reports/interviews and, the development of tools as decision forcing aids. We present an alternate method using crowd-sourced citizen science, for understanding decision-making in avalanche terrain. Our project combines real-time GPS tracking via a smartphone application, with internet based surveys of winter backcountry users as a method to describe and quantify travel practices in concert with group decision-making dynamics, and demographic data of participants during excursions. Effectively, we use the recorded GPS track taken within the landscape as an expression of the decision making processes and terrain usage by the group. Preliminary data analysis shows that individual experience levels, gender, avalanche hazard, and group composition all influence the ways in which people travel in avalanche terrain. Our results provide the first analysis of coupled real-time GPS tracking of the crowd while moving in avalanche terrain combined with psychographic and demographic correlates. This research will lead to an improved understanding of real-time decision making in avalanche terrain. In this paper we will specifically focus on the presentation of the methods used to solicit, and then harness the crowd to obtain data in a unique and innovative application of citizen science where the movements within the terrain are the desired output data (Figure 1). Figure 1: Example GPS tracks sourced from backcountry winter users in the Teton Pass area (Wyoming), from the 2014-15 winter season, where tracks in red represent those recorded as self-assessed experts (as per our survey), and where tracks in blue represent those recorded as self-assessed intermediates. All tracks shown were obtained under similar avalanche conditions. Statistical analysis of terrain metrics showed that the experts used steeper terrain than the

  12. Harnessing the Power of T Cells: The Promising Hope for a Universal Influenza Vaccine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. Bridie Clemens


    . Current pandemic vaccine preparedness measures and ongoing clinical trials under-utilise T cell-inducing vaccines, reflecting the myriad questions that remain about how, when, where, and which T cells are needed to fight influenza virus infection. This review aims to bring together basic fundamentals of T cell biology with human clinical data, which need to be considered for the implementation of a universal vaccine against influenza that harnesses the power of T cells.

  13. Leaf and stripe rust resistance among Ethiopian grown wheat ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The result indicated that 20 varieties and lines harbor resistance to the leaf rust and 26 to the stripe rust pathotypes showing infection types <2+. Twelve bread wheat varieties and lines (Et-13 A2, HAR 1407 [Tusie], HAR 1775 [Tura], HAR 1920, HAR 2192, HAR 2534, HAR 2536, HAR 2561, HAR 2563 and three durum lines ...

  14. Differential sensitivity of light-harnessing photosynthetic events in wheat and sunflower to exogenously applied ionic and nanoparticulate silver. (United States)

    Pardha-Saradhi, P; Shabnam, Nisha; Sharmila, P; Ganguli, Ashok K; Kim, Hyunook


    Potential impacts of inevitable leaks of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) into environment on human beings need attention. Owing to the vitality of photosynthesis in maintaining life and ecosystem functioning, impacts of exogenously applied nanoparticulate and Ag + on photosystem (PS)II function, which governs overall photosynthesis, in wheat and sunflower were evaluated. PSII efficiency and related Chl a fluorescence kinetics of these two plants remained unaffected by AgNPs. However, Ag + caused a significant decline in the PSII activity and related fluorescence steps in wheat, but not in sunflower. Electron flow between Q A and PQ pool was found most sensitive to Ag + . Number of active reaction centers, electron transport, trapping of absorbed light for photochemistry, and performance index declined, while dissipation of absorbed light energy as heat significantly increased in wheat exposed to Ag + . Total antioxidant activity in sunflower was least affected by both Ag and AgNPs. In contrast, in the case of wheat, the antioxidant activity was declined by Ag + but not by AgNPs. Further, the amount of silver absorbed by plants exposed to Ag + was higher than that absorbed by plants exposed to AgNPs. While wheat retained majority of Ag in its roots, sunflower showed major Ag accumulation in stem. Photosynthetic events in sunflower, unlike wheat, were least affected as no detectable Ag levels was recorded in their leaves. Our findings revealed that AgNPs seemed non/less-toxic to light harnessing photosynthetic machinery of wheat, compared to Ag + . Photosynthetic events in sunflower were not affected by Ag + , either, as its translocation to leaves was restricted. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  15. Harnessing Online Peer Education (HOPE): integrating C-POL and social media to train peer leaders in HIV prevention. (United States)

    Jaganath, Devan; Gill, Harkiran K; Cohen, Adam Carl; Young, Sean D


    Novel methods, such as Internet-based interventions, are needed to combat the spread of HIV. While past initiatives have used the Internet to promote HIV prevention, the growing popularity, decreasing digital divide, and multi-functionality of social networking sites, such as Facebook, make this an ideal time to develop innovative ways to use online social networking sites to scale HIV prevention interventions among high-risk groups. The UCLA Harnessing Online Peer Education study is a longitudinal experimental study to evaluate the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effectiveness of using social media for peer-led HIV prevention, specifically among African American and Latino Men who have Sex with Men (MSM). No curriculum currently exists to train peer leaders in delivering culturally aware HIV prevention messages using social media. Training was created that adapted the Community Popular Opinion Leader (C-POL) model, for use on social networking sites. Peer leaders are recruited who represent the target population and have experience with both social media and community outreach. The curriculum contains the following elements: discussion and role playing exercises to integrate basic knowledge of HIV/AIDS, awareness of sociocultural HIV/AIDS issues in the age of technology, and communication methods for training peer leaders in effective, interactive social media-based HIV prevention. Ethical issues related to Facebook and health interventions are integrated throughout the sessions. Training outcomes have been developed for long-term assessment of retention and efficacy. This is the first C-POL curriculum that has been adapted for use on social networking websites. Although this curriculum has been used to target African-American and Latino MSM, it has been created to allow generalization to other high-risk groups.

  16. Harnessing sensor and information/communication technologies to revolutionize how environmental data are collected and integrated to protect public health

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    MacDonell, Margaret M.; Raymond, Michelle; Chang, Young-Soo; Armbruster, Walter J.


    Monitoring the levels of pollutants in ambient air has long been the responsibility of environmental agencies, and traditional programs have relied on a relatively small number of fixed stations that are expensive to install and operate. The spatial coverage of pollutant data ranges from limited in many urban areas to very sparse in smaller suburban and rural areas. Increasingly, the latter are being affected by new pollutant sources such as backyard drilling systems for energy development, and concentrated animal feeding operations and biodiesel production facilities on former agricultural lands. Regional measurement stations are not able to inform local communities about the types and concentrations of pollutants in their ambient and indoor air. Meanwhile, epidemiology studies and clinical data continue to indicate a link between air pollutants and adverse health effects, including respiratory and cardiovascular disease. With asthma on the rise and heart disease among the leading killers, the public has become increasingly concerned about knowing what their personal exposure levels are so they can determine appropriate measures to protect their health. To address this long-standing need, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has embarked upon an innovative program to improve the understanding of air pollution at the community and neighborhood scales. This program harnesses striking advances in sensor technology, mobile applications, and environmental informatics, with citizens playing a key role. The goal is to facilitate the development and widespread use of inexpensive mobile sensors, for widespread collection and integration of air quality data by citizens across the nation (and world), to help guide environmental health protection programs. (orig.)

  17. Harnessing sensor and information/communication technologies to revolutionize how environmental data are collected and integrated to protect public health

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    MacDonell, Margaret M.; Raymond, Michelle; Chang, Young-Soo [Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL (United States); Armbruster, Walter J. [Farm Foundation, Darien, IL (United States)


    Monitoring the levels of pollutants in ambient air has long been the responsibility of environmental agencies, and traditional programs have relied on a relatively small number of fixed stations that are expensive to install and operate. The spatial coverage of pollutant data ranges from limited in many urban areas to very sparse in smaller suburban and rural areas. Increasingly, the latter are being affected by new pollutant sources such as backyard drilling systems for energy development, and concentrated animal feeding operations and biodiesel production facilities on former agricultural lands. Regional measurement stations are not able to inform local communities about the types and concentrations of pollutants in their ambient and indoor air. Meanwhile, epidemiology studies and clinical data continue to indicate a link between air pollutants and adverse health effects, including respiratory and cardiovascular disease. With asthma on the rise and heart disease among the leading killers, the public has become increasingly concerned about knowing what their personal exposure levels are so they can determine appropriate measures to protect their health. To address this long-standing need, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has embarked upon an innovative program to improve the understanding of air pollution at the community and neighborhood scales. This program harnesses striking advances in sensor technology, mobile applications, and environmental informatics, with citizens playing a key role. The goal is to facilitate the development and widespread use of inexpensive mobile sensors, for widespread collection and integration of air quality data by citizens across the nation (and world), to help guide environmental health protection programs. (orig.)

  18. Et hjem

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bruun, Maja Hojer


    Når folk sætter deres hjem til salg - især når der hersker usikkerhed om værdier og priser som under de seneste års boligkrise - får det os til at tænke over, hvad vilkårene er for at stifte, skabe og genskabe hjem i et moderne markedsbaseret samfund: Den integrerede helhed af personer, ting og...... sted, som hjemmet udgør i hverdagslivet, opløses, når et hjem sættes til salg og gøres til en vare på et boligmarked. Til hjemmets potentiale som vare knytter der sig drømme og forventninger til fremtiden - og i krisetider utryghed og uhygge....

  19. Future offshore sites for wind turbines - 2025; Denmark; Fremtidens havmoelleplaceringer - 2025

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The committee has analysed 23 concrete siting possibilities at 7 main areas. The committee recommends that any extension of ocean wind farms is decided according to cost priorities. The selected sites for establishing offshore wind farms are: Djursland-Anholt in Kattegat, Horns Rev, Jammerbugten and off Ringkoebing in the North Sea, Store Middelgrund in Kattegat, and Kriegers Flak and Roenne Banke in the Baltic Sea. Wind data and power potential are presented for each of the selected sites. (ln)

  20. Virksomhedsorienteret teknologisk fremsyn. Rapport fra forprojektet Teknologi og Virksomhed i Fremtiden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Per Dannemand; Borch, Kristian; Pedersen, J.O.


    implementation of the general results in selected firms. This can be done trough a tradi-tional scenario processlinked to the firm's strategy process. Such a phase is seldom included in traditional national foresight programmes, but is perceived as of paramount importance in an industry oriented foresight......The main outcome of this preparatory project is a detailed project description for a firm oriented technology foresight project in Denmark. The overall aim of the suggested project is to contribute to the competitive advantage of companies based ontechnology and science. Furthermore, the project...... aims at strengthening the societal interest for technology. The suggested project has three parts. Part one is a technology foresight in each of the three sectors: cooling/refrigerating, food ingredientsand plastic. The suggested process for each of these foresight processes has five phases: 1) Initial...

  1. Når skolens behov blir viktigere enn formell kompetanse: Hvordan veilede nyutdannede lærere til å undervise i skolefag de ikke har?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Merete Føinum


    Full Text Available Studien undersøker veiledning av nyutdannede lærere ved en norsk ungdomsskole. Artikkelen problematiserer de ekstra krevende arbeidsbetingelsene som disse nye lærerne møtte i sitt første år, da de ble satt til å undervise i skolefag de ikke hadde studert. Forskningsspørsmålet er: Hvordan fremstiller nyutdannede ungdomsskolelærere sine opplevelser med å undervise i skolefag de ikke selv er formelt kvalifisert i, og på hvilke måter kan veiledning bidra med støtte? Artikkelen presenterer utdrag fra veiledningssamtaler som eksemplifiserer to nye læreres fremstilling av eget arbeid med elevvurdering når de mangler formell kvalifikasjon i faget. De nyutdannedes perspektiv, og mentorens, fremheves som et samspill gjennom inter­aksjonsanalyse. Artikkelens teoretiske bidrag er analysebegrepene – «psykologisk-emosjonell mentorstøtte» og «faglig-profesjonell mentorstøtte» – som brukes for å identifisere ulike varianter av mentorstøtte i veiledningssamtaler. Innenfor hovedtypen «faglig-profesjonell mentorstøtte» utdypes distinksjonen videre når det skilles analytisk mellom mentor-bidrag som vektlegger spisset drøfting av skolefag (faglig og mentor-innspill av pedagogisk eller mer generell didaktisk karakter (profesjonell. Dermed bidrar studien til å vise hvordan ulike kvaliteter i faglig-profesjonell lærerveiledning kan gjenkjennes i praksis. Funnene viser hvor avgjørende det er at mentor har kompetanse i det skolefaget det skal veiledes i, såfremt skoler ønsker å tilby nyutdannede lærere spisset veiledning i skolefag. Funnene har implikasjoner for skolelederes/-eieres tilrettelegging av arbeidsforhold og organiseringen av veilednings­støtte for nyutdannede lærere.Nøkkelord: nyutdannede (førsteårslærere, mentor(ing, veiledning, undervisningskompe­tanse, skolefag, ungdomsskolen, lærerutdanningAbstract Research on teachers’ professional development establishes the first year of teaching as a vulnerable phase

  2. Humor, helt seriøst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lundquist, Lita Sander


    Adfærd. Har humor grænser? Dansk humor har i hvert fald. Hvor humor typisk bruges til at glatte ud med, har det ofte den stik modsatte virkning, viser studie.......Adfærd. Har humor grænser? Dansk humor har i hvert fald. Hvor humor typisk bruges til at glatte ud med, har det ofte den stik modsatte virkning, viser studie....

  3. Harnessing the Risk-Related Data Supply Chain: An Information Architecture Approach to Enriching Human System Research and Operations Knowledge (United States)

    Buquo, Lynn; Johnson-Throop, Kathy


    NASA's Human Research Program (HRP) and Space Life Sciences Directorate (SLSD), not unlike many NASA organizations today, struggle with the inherent inefficiencies caused by dependencies on heterogeneous data systems and silos of data and information spread across decentralized discipline domains. The capture of operational and research-based data/information (both in-flight and ground-based) in disparate IT systems impedes the extent to which that data/information can be efficiently and securely shared, analyzed, and enriched into knowledge that directly and more rapidly supports HRP's research-focused human system risk mitigation efforts and SLSD s operationally oriented risk management efforts. As a result, an integrated effort is underway to more fully understand and document how specific sets of risk-related data/information are generated and used and in what IT systems that data/information currently resides. By mapping the risk-related data flow from raw data to useable information and knowledge (think of it as the data supply chain), HRP and SLSD are building an information architecture plan to leverage their existing, shared IT infrastructure. In addition, it is important to create a centralized structured tool to represent risks including attributes such as likelihood, consequence, contributing factors, and the evidence supporting the information in all these fields. Representing the risks in this way enables reasoning about the risks, e.g. revisiting a risk assessment when a mitigation strategy is unavailable, updating a risk assessment when new information becomes available, etc. Such a system also provides a concise way to communicate the risks both within the organization as well as with collaborators. Understanding and, hence, harnessing the human system risk-related data supply chain enhances both organizations' abilities to securely collect, integrate, and share data assets that improve human system research and operations.

  4. Harnessing the atom

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Splitting the atom has had a major impact on the history of the latter part of the 20th century. This film depicts the many benefits - and also drawbacks - of nuclear technology, and describes how the International Atomic Energy Agency performs its various tasks. It touches on challenges such as the choice between major energy sources, growing concerns about the global climate, and prospects for nuclear arms control and disarmament

  5. 5. Sexual Har

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    students who perceived a lot of sexual harassment to be occurring at UNZA. ... form of social control by men to 'keep women in. 1 ... workplace and 20-30% of all college women have. 7 .... percentage (3%) did not indicate their answer and.

  6. Harnessing greenhouse effect

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meunier, F.; Rivet, P.; Terrier, M.F.


    This book considers the energy and greenhouse effect questions in a global way. It presents the different methods of fight against the increase of the greenhouse effect (energy saving, carbon sinks, cogeneration,..), describes the main alternative energy sources to fossil fuels (biomass, wind power, solar, nuclear,..), and shows that, even worrying, the future is not so dark as it seems to be and that technical solutions exist which will allow to answer the worldwide growing up energy needs and to slow down the climatic drift. (J.S.)

  7. Harnessing maize biodiversity (United States)

    Maize is a remarkably diverse species, adapted to a wide range of climatic conditions and farming practices. The latitudinal range of maize is immense, ranging from 54°N in Alberta, Canada, to 45°S in the province of Chubut, Argentina. In terms of altitude, maize is cultivated from sea level to 4000...

  8. Obama skal ikke nyde noget af Syrien

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ulrich, Philip Christian


    Mange har i lang tid undret sig over at konflikten i Syrien har kunnet få lov at stå på i så lang tid, uden at USA har vist lederskab og grebet ind. Det er jo den rolle vi er vant til at se USA i. Men Obama skal ikke nyde noget af at engagere sig i Syrien. Det har USA ikke råd til......Mange har i lang tid undret sig over at konflikten i Syrien har kunnet få lov at stå på i så lang tid, uden at USA har vist lederskab og grebet ind. Det er jo den rolle vi er vant til at se USA i. Men Obama skal ikke nyde noget af at engagere sig i Syrien. Det har USA ikke råd til...

  9. Chaos Paintball : -En investering och finansieringsbedömning


    Eriksson, Per; Söderqvist, Hanna


     I uppsatsen "Chaos Paintball, en investerings- och finansieringsbedömning" har en undersökning gällande en nyinvestering och finansieringen avseende nya aktiviteter och en byggnad genomförts. Undersökningen har utförts genom att tre olika byggnadsalternativ har tagits i beaktande och beräkningar på byggnadsalternativen har gjorts. Företagets planerade aktiviteter har undersökts genom att, med hjälp av kalkyler, genomföra beräkningar. Detta har lett fram till en rekommendation om vilka aktivi...

  10. «Wa-waṣalnā ‘alā barakat Allāh ilā Īgīlīz»: à propos de la localisation d’Īgīlīz-Des-Harġa, le Ḥiṣn du Mahdī Ibn Tūmart

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Van Staëvel, Jean-Pierre


    Full Text Available L’article se propose d’infirmer la proposition émise par Allen Fromherz dans l’une des dernières livraisons d’Al-Qanṭara d’identifier Īgīlīz-Des-Harġa, lieu de naissance d’Ibn Tūmart et premier foyer de la révolution almohade, avec la localité d’Īglī dans la vallée du Sous. Conjuguant étude de la documentation écrite, rappel historiographique des rares études savantes à avoir été consacrées à ce site méconnu, et premiers éléments d’une enquête de géographie historique et d’archéologie en cours, la présente contribution voudrait montrer : 1.º que la théorie de Fromherz est sous-tendue par des erreurs d’appréciation des matériaux historiques utilisés ; 2.º que le village natal d’Ibn Tūmart se situe non dans la vallée du Sous, mais dans l’Anti-Atlas central, comme l’avaient déjà bien montré en leur temps Huici Miranda et D. Jacques-Meunié ; 3.º que le site d’Īgīlīz-Des-Harġa, dont on avance ici une localisation précise, comprend notamment un lieu fortifié de hauteur qui a servi, lors des premiers affrontements contre les Almoravides, de refuge à Ibn Tūmart et aux membres de sa tribu. Une brève description archéologique des vestiges est enfin donnée de ce site jusqu’à ce jour inédit.

    El artículo se propone rebatir la propuesta que planteó Allen Fromherz en uno de los últimos números de Al-Qanṭara, al identificar Īgīlīz-Des-Harġa, lugar de nacimiento de Ibn Tūmart y primer foco de la revolución almohade, con la localidad de Īglī, ubicada en el valle del Sous. Al juntar el estudio de la documentación escrita, la evocación historiográfica de los pocos estudios eruditos dedicados a este yacimiento desconocido, con los primeros elementos de una encuesta de geografía histórica y arqueológica en curso, la presente contribución pretende demostrar : 1.º que la teoría de Fromherz adolece de errores de apreciación de los materiales

  11. Negative Rotation Cinch Strap. (United States)

    This project discloses an improved unitary parachute torso harness, having a single fastening means, wherein an auxillary tightening strap is...attached to the groin straps of said harness. Said auxillary straps are used to prevent torso rotation or harness slippage and to prevent harness elongation

  12. 78 FR 27474 - Fuji Heavy Industries USA, Inc., Grant of Petition for Decision of Inconsequential Noncompliance (United States)


    ... that ``installation of the wiring harness to the multifunction display and passenger air bag... wiring harness connector'' which can cause it to come loose. To correct this problem, the Company has re-routed the wiring harness to ``push'' rather than ``pull'' on the wiring harness connector in vehicles...

  13. Mange gener små

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoffmeyer, Jesper


    Man har nu fundet, at mindst 108 lokaliteter på genomet har indflydelse på, udviklingen af skizofreni. Lignende forhold gør sig gældende for mange andre af vore egenskaber. Sygdommen har normalt ikke nogen entydig genetisk baggrund. Og alligevel har forskningsmidlerne nu i årtier prioriteret gene...

  14. Caries og drikkevandets kvalitet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Arvin, Erik; Bardow, Allan; Bruvo, Maja


    Drikkevandskvaliteten har stor betydning for forekomsten af caries blandt 15 årige skolebørn, også selv om de bruger fluoridholdigt tandpasta. Ud over den kendte effekt af fluorid har vi vist, at calcium også har en væsentlig betydning. Begge ioner forebygger caries. Denne viden har væsentlig...

  15. ADHD - en risikofaktor i trafikken?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Mette


    Tidligere undersøgelser tyder på, at personer med ADHD har større risiko for at blive involveret i et færdselsuheld, når de kører bil, end personer, der ikke har ADHD. Tidligere undersøgelsesresultater har dog været meget forskellige, ikke mindst fordi man har benyttet forskellige metoder og...... inddraget forskellige aspekter. En ny metaanalyse viser, at personer med ADHD har øget uheldsrisiko, men at risikoen er mindre end hidtil antaget....

  16. Verdensbankens klimabistand: The World Banks Climate finance


    Thorup, Christian; Visholm, Nina; Gottlieb, Mikkel; Lodberg, Mette; van Kleef, Pernille


    Verdensbankens klimabistand I vores projekt har vi undersøgt hvilken indflydelse Verdensbanken har i fordelingen af de klimatilpasningsmidler som verdenssamfundet blev enige om, at give til ulandene under COP 15, og derefter har vi undersøgt hvilke problematikker der er forbundet med denne indflydelse. Især det skæve magtforhold der skabes mellem Verdensbanken og ulandene i kraft af, at ulandene har desperat brug for den kapital som Verdensbanken og PPCR administrerer. Afsluttende har vi unde...

  17. Markedsføring i utvikling


    Haugen, Silje Marlen; Juvik, Mari Tufte


    NORSK: Musikkbransjen har undergått store forandringer de siste årene. Det fysiske salget har avtatt etter at muligheten for å laste ned musikk fra Internett kom. Siden 2010 har salg av digital musikk overgått det fysiske salget, og nye løsninger som streamingtjenester har gjort at musikkbransjens inntjening igjen er på vei oppover. På grunn av utviklingen i salg av musikk har også markedsføringen av dette blitt forandret. Denne rapporten omhandler utvikling i reklame og marked...

  18. Elucidating Flux Regulation of the Fermentation Modes of Lactococcus lactis:A Mutlilevel Study


    Chan, Siu Hung Joshua; Solem, Christian; Jensen, Peter Ruhdal


    De mange års anvendelse af mælkesyrebakterien Lactococcus lactis (L. lactis) indenfor mejeriindustrien, har været medvirkende til at L. lactis er blevet en af de mest velkarakteriserede bakterier. Denne Gram positive bakterie, som har et lavt GC indhold, har en relativt simpel metabolisme og er let at modificere genetisk. Dette har gjort den til et attraktivt mål for ”metabolic engineering”, bl.a. med henblik på produktion af non-food relaterede kemikalier. Derudover har den status som den fø...

  19. Harnessing a methane-fueled, sediment-free mixed microbial community for utilization of distributed sources of natural gas. (United States)

    Marlow, Jeffrey J; Kumar, Amit; Enalls, Brandon C; Reynard, Linda M; Tuross, Noreen; Stephanopoulos, Gregory; Girguis, Peter


    Harnessing the metabolic potential of uncultured microbial communities is a compelling opportunity for the biotechnology industry, an approach that would vastly expand the portfolio of usable feedstocks. Methane is particularly promising because it is abundant and energy-rich, yet the most efficient methane-activating metabolic pathways involve mixed communities of anaerobic methanotrophic archaea and sulfate reducing bacteria. These communities oxidize methane at high catabolic efficiency and produce chemically reduced by-products at a comparable rate and in near-stoichiometric proportion to methane consumption. These reduced compounds can be used for feedstock and downstream chemical production, and at the production rates observed in situ they are an appealing, cost-effective prospect. Notably, the microbial constituents responsible for this bioconversion are most prominent in select deep-sea sediments, and while they can be kept active at surface pressures, they have not yet been cultured in the lab. In an industrial capacity, deep-sea sediments could be periodically recovered and replenished, but the associated technical challenges and substantial costs make this an untenable approach for full-scale operations. In this study, we present a novel method for incorporating methanotrophic communities into bioindustrial processes through abstraction onto low mass, easily transportable carbon cloth artificial substrates. Using Gulf of Mexico methane seep sediment as inoculum, optimal physicochemical parameters were established for methane-oxidizing, sulfide-generating mesocosm incubations. Metabolic activity required >∼40% seawater salinity, peaking at 100% salinity and 35 °C. Microbial communities were successfully transferred to a carbon cloth substrate, and rates of methane-dependent sulfide production increased more than threefold per unit volume. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that carbon cloth-based communities were substantially streamlined and were

  20. Simulering av muskelaktivitet vid pedalbromsning


    Ejdepalm, Erik; Westerdahl, Walter


    En muskeloskeletal kroppsmodell har undersökts med avseende på maximal muskelbelastning genom biomekanisk simulering i programmet AnyBody. En kroppsmodell har låtits interagera med ett reglage i form av en bromspedal från en Saab 9-3 och muskelbelastningen till följd av att pedalen trampas ned har minimerats. De parametrar hos pedalen som har varierats är initialvinkeln och returfjäderns fjäderkonstant. Den sits på vilken kroppsmodellen sitter har flyttats vertikalt och horisontellt i förhåll...

  1. Hva er dine venner verdt? : om ledernes bruk av sosial kapital hos håndverkerbedrifter i Lillestrøm.


    Stornes, Stein Marius


    I denne oppgaven har jeg valgt Sosial Kapital som tema. Jeg har undersøkt hvordan ledere av håndverksbedrifter i Lillestrøm stiller seg til bruk av sitt sosiale nettverk. Her var det viktig for meg å finne ut hvordan de bruker nettverket, hva de kan hente gjennom nettverket og hvilken betydning det har for bedriften. Sosial kapital er et begrep som har ulike definisjoner, men jeg har fokusert på sosial kapital som verdien av sosiale nettverk og relasjoner. Sosial kapital er et begrep som...


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sherman, S.; French, T.


    The South Carolina Bio-Energy Research Collaborative is working together on the development and demonstration of technology options for the production of bio-fuels using renewable non-food crops and biomass resources that are available or could be made available in abundance in the southeastern United States. This collaboration consists of Arborgen LLC, Clemson University, Savannah River National Laboratory, and South Carolina State University, with support from Dyadic, Fagen Engineering, Renewed World Energies, and Spinx. Thus far, most work has centered on development of a fermentation-based process to convert switchgrass into ethanol, with the concomitant generation of a purified lignin stream. The process is not feed-specific, and the work scope has recently expanded to include sweet sorghum and wood. In parallel, the Collaborative is also working on developing an economical path to produce oils and fuels from algae. The Collaborative envisions an integrated bio-fuels process that can accept multiple feedstocks, shares common equipment, and that produces multiple product streams. The Collaborative is not the only group working on bio-energy in South Carolina, and other companies are involved in producing biomass derived energy products at an industrial scale.

  3. Fra patientkontakt til computer kontakt - et dilemmafyldt valg i sygeplejen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Weinreich, Elvi; Olivares Bøgeskov, Benjamin Miguel

    ” Fra patientkontakt til computer kontakt” et dilemmafyldt valg i sygeplejen. Forskningsprojektet som vi anvender data fra har titlen: ”Hvilken betydning har sygeplejelederens forandringsambition på sygeplejerskernes engagement i kerneydelsen”.......” Fra patientkontakt til computer kontakt” et dilemmafyldt valg i sygeplejen. Forskningsprojektet som vi anvender data fra har titlen: ”Hvilken betydning har sygeplejelederens forandringsambition på sygeplejerskernes engagement i kerneydelsen”....

  4. Ørebetennelser hos barn – "alle har noen, men gutter har flest"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kari J. Kværner


    Full Text Available  SAMMENDRAGMellomørebetennelse, eller otitis media, er en infeksjons- eller inflammasjonsprosess i mellomøret somogså rammer de tilgrensende avsnitt av denne delen av øvre luftveier, dvs. tuba auditiva og mastoidcellene,selv om disse sjelden gir manifeste symptomer. OM er nesten alltid sekundært til en oppadstigendeslimhinnepatologi i nesen, epipharynx og tuba auditiva.Kværner KJ. Otitis media in children. Nor J Epidemiol 1999; 9 (2: 123-127. ENGLISH SUMMARYOtitis media refers to an infection or inflammation of the middle ear cavity that also affects the eustachiantube and the mastoid cells. Otitis media is almost always caused by an ascending pathology of theepithelial and subepithelial layers of the middle ear mucoperiostium. This paper firstly describes theclassification and distribution of otitis media. Next, using Norwegian data, host related risk factors forotitis media are discussed, particularly focusing on gender differences.

  5. Har du en skrift og en farve, har du et brand’

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Birkvig, Henrik


    74 studerende deltog i quiz om genkendelse af brand gennem udvalgte bogstaver fra virksomheders identitetsskrifter.......74 studerende deltog i quiz om genkendelse af brand gennem udvalgte bogstaver fra virksomheders identitetsskrifter....

  6. Harness That S.O.B.: Distributing Remote Sensing Analysis in a Small Office/Business (United States)

    Kramer, J.; Combe, J.; McCord, T. B.


    Researchers in a small office/business (SOB) operate with limited funding, equipment, and software availability. To mitigate these issues, we developed a distributed computing framework that: 1) leverages open source software to implement functionality otherwise reliant on proprietary software and 2) harnesses the unused power of (semi-)idle office computers with mixed operating systems (OSes). This abstract outlines some reasons for the effort, its conceptual basis and implementation, and provides brief speedup results. The Multiple-Endmember Linear Spectral Unmixing Model (MELSUM)1 processes remote-sensing (hyper-)spectral images. The algorithm is computationally expensive, sometimes taking a full week or more for a 1 million pixel/100 wavelength image. Analysis of pixels is independent, so a large benefit can be gained from parallel processing techniques. Job concurrency is limited by the number of active processing units. MELSUM was originally written in the Interactive Data Language (IDL). Despite its multi-threading capabilities, an IDL instance executes on a single machine, and so concurrency is limited by the machine's number of central processing units (CPUs). Network distribution can access more CPUs to provide a greater speedup, while also taking advantage of (often) underutilized extant equipment. appropriately integrating open source software magnifies the impact by avoiding the purchase of additional licenses. Our method of distribution breaks into four conceptual parts: 1) the top- or task-level user interface; 2) a mid-level program that manages hosts and jobs, called the distribution server; 3) a low-level executable for individual pixel calculations; and 4) a control program to synchronize sequential sub-tasks. Each part is a separate OS process, passing information via shell commands and/or temporary files. While the control and low-level executables are short-lived, the top-level program and distribution server run (at least) for the entirety of

  7. Platons ‘respekt’ for Protagoras

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bloch, David


    Platons forhold til sofisten Protagoras behandles. Hvor forskningen oftest har hævdet, at Platon har stor respekt for denne, argumenteres der her for, at Platons dialog "Protagoras" viser alt andet end respekt.......Platons forhold til sofisten Protagoras behandles. Hvor forskningen oftest har hævdet, at Platon har stor respekt for denne, argumenteres der her for, at Platons dialog "Protagoras" viser alt andet end respekt....

  8. Utveckling av bestrykning för papper avsedda för bläckstråleskrivare


    Mattsson, Ylva


    Detta examensarbete har utförts på papperstillverkaren Arjo Wiggins’ forskningscenter i Beaconsfield,England. Företaget har planer på att börja tillverka en ny papperskvalitet för bläckstråleskrivare, varförsyftet med arbetet har varit att testa och utvärdera olika sammansättningar av kemikalier som lämparsig för bestrykning av bläckstrålepapper.Ett stort antal bestrykningar har testats med varierande resultat. Det svåraste har visat sig vara attnå en tillräckligt hög grad av vattenhållfasthe...

  9. Full Scale Test of SSP 34m blade, edgewise loading LTT

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Magda; Jensen, Find Mølholt; Nielsen, Per Hørlyk

    This report is a part of the research project “Eksperimentel vingeforskning: Strukturelle mekanismer i nutidens og fremtidens store vinger under kombineret last” where a 34m wind turbine blade from SSP-Technology A/S has been tested in edgewise direction (LTT). The applied load is 60......% of an unrealistic extreme event, corresponding to 75% of a certificated extreme load. This report describes the background, the test set up, the tests and the results. For this project, a new solution has been used for the load application and the solution for the load application is described in this report...... as well. The blade has been submitted to thorough examination. More areas have been examined with DIC, both global and local deflections have been measured, and also 378 strain gauge measurements have been performed. Furthermore Acoustic Emission has been used in order to detect damage while testing new...

  10. Full Scale Test SSP 34m blade, edgewise loading LTT. Extreme load and PoC_InvE Data report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Magda; Roczek-Sieradzan, Agnieszka; Jensen, Find Mølholt

    This report is the second report covering the research and demonstration project “Eksperimentel vingeforskning: Strukturelle mekanismer i nutidens og fremtidens store vinger under kombineret last”, supported by the EUDP program. A 34m wind turbine blade from SSP-Technology A/S has been tested...... in edgewise direction (LTT). The blade has been submitted to thorough examination by means of strain gauges, displacement transducers and a 3D optical measuring system. This data report presents results obtained during full scale testing of the blade up to 80% Risø load, where 80% Risø load corresponds to 100...... stresses in the adhesive joints. Test results from measurements with the reinforcement have been compared to results without the coupling. The report presents only the relevant results for the 80% Risø load and the results applicable for the investigation of the influence of the invention on the profile...

  11. "Harnessing genomics to improve health in Africa" – an executive course to support genomics policy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Singer Peter A


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Africa in the twenty-first century is faced with a heavy burden of disease, combined with ill-equipped medical systems and underdeveloped technological capacity. A major challenge for the international community is to bring scientific and technological advances like genomics to bear on the health priorities of poorer countries. The New Partnership for Africa's Development has identified science and technology as a key platform for Africa's renewal. Recognizing the timeliness of this issue, the African Centre for Technology Studies and the University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics co-organized a course on Genomics and Public Health Policy in Nairobi, Kenya, the first of a series of similar courses to take place in the developing world. This article presents the findings and recommendations that emerged from this process, recommendations which suggest that a regional approach to developing sound science and technology policies is the key to harnessing genome-related biotechnology to improve health and contribute to human development in Africa. Methods The objectives of the course were to familiarize participants with the current status and implications of genomics for health in Africa; to provide frameworks for analyzing and debating the policy and ethical questions; and to begin developing a network across different sectors by sharing perspectives and building relationships. To achieve these goals the course brought together a diverse group of stakeholders from academic research centres, the media, non-governmental, voluntary and legal organizations to stimulate multi-sectoral debate around issues of policy. Topics included scientific advances in genomics innovation systems and business models, international regulatory frameworks, as well as ethical and legal issues. Results Seven main recommendations emerged: establish a network for sustained dialogue among participants; identify champions among politicians; use the

  12. Human Behavior and Environmental Sustainability: promoting a pro-environmental behavior by harnessing the social, psychological and physical influences of the built environment (United States)

    Abusafieh, Shaden; Razem, Maiss


    Recently, technological advancements in the sustainable design field have allowed us to reduce the ecological impact of the built environment, to reduce consumption of non-renewable resources, to create healthy environments and in some cases may even rehabilitate the ecosystem. Nevertheless, several studies have been carried out showing that sustainable technology does not automatically lead to environmentally friendly behaviors in its users. Various environmental problems threaten environmental sustainability and many of these problems are rooted in human behavior. Unfortunately, there is a lack in studies which take into consideration the human behavior influences within a sustainable built environment. We believe that the built environment should be used to support human goals and requirements, but at the same time we should consider it as a context in which human values and behaviors are cultivated. This research aimed to help in promoting environmental sustainability by using architectural design in changing relevant human behavior toward an environmentally friendly behavior. In order to achieve this, the research adopted Environment-centered Approach to gain more acute perspective into the relationship between the physical environment and human behavior, focusing on social, psychological and physical influences of the built environment. It appears that environmental psychology's merits have high potential in changing behavior within the built environment. The research provides a systematic approach for selecting, assessing, evaluating the behaviors to be changed and the factors that determine them. Furthermore, this approach helps in choosing the best interventions that could be applied in built environment to encourage such a sustainable behavior. This study tried to construct an agenda for further researches to find particular architectural design elements and strategies that we can harness to develop a pro-environment human behavior.

  13. Ion-batterier - "The Next Generation"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søndergaard, Martin; Becker, Jacob; Shen, Yanbin


    Lithium-ion batterier er strømkilden, der har revolutioneret vores transportable elektronik. Familien af ion-batterier er imidlertid større end som så og har meget, meget mere at byde på.......Lithium-ion batterier er strømkilden, der har revolutioneret vores transportable elektronik. Familien af ion-batterier er imidlertid større end som så og har meget, meget mere at byde på....

  14. The harnessing of electricity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Valencia Giraldo, Asdrubal


    A brief summary is presented on the evolution of electricity knowledge from antiquity to our days. At the same time the growth of its practical applications, i. e. the electrical industry, is described, as well as its technical, scientific, economic and social consequences

  15. Harnessing natural ventilation benefits. (United States)

    O'Leary, John


    Making sure that a healthcare establishment has a good supply of clean fresh air is an important factor in keeping patients, staff, and visitors, free from the negative effects of CO2 and other contaminants. John O'Leary of Trend Controls, a major international supplier of building energy management solutions (BEMS), examines the growing use of natural ventilation, and the health, energy-saving, and financial benefits, that it offers.

  16. harnessing_ai_20180319.pptx


    Johnson, Matthew


    There have been great strides made in Artificial Intelligence in recent years, but it is often not clear how to apply these recent advances to new problems. In this talk I propose one method of thinking about problems in the sciences and how to find the right AI techniques to aid in research.

  17. Re-Harnessing the Genie (United States)

    Lagowski, J. J.


    Fifty years ago Vannevar Bush, with the aid of the Federal Government, released the academic research genie. It was argued at the time, and it still may be true, that only academic laboratories could provide the research and trained personnel needed to sustain American's scientific and technological needs. As history has shown, Bush's instinctive distrust of industrial laboratories as a potential training ground was basically correct. In those days, the country's needs were associated with warfare-the end of WWII and the collective hostile activities historically described as the "cold war." Today the country's needs derive from attempts to stay globally competitive. The government's decision to have universities turning out the bulk of the nation's basic research and to use those universities as a venue for developing research talent has created a network of more than 100 research-intensive universities, the output of which is the envy of the world. But, now there is another growing national need-improving the quality of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology (SMET) education throughout the educational system. The genie released 50 years ago, either has to go back into the bottle, or it needs to be re-purposed. The former is highly unlikely, which leaves only the latter as a viable strategy. Indeed, the National Science Foundation, which could be described as the master of the genie, is attempting to do just that. In the past several years, the budget for NSF's suite of "undergraduate" programs has grown to the point where the Foundation currently spends about $180 million on such projects. These programs represent initiatives at the pre-college and undergraduate college levels that are focused on instructional activities (teacher preparation, curriculum development, faculty enhancement, etc.) and research-oriented activities to compliment undergraduate education in a variety of traditional nonresearch environments. These programs are an attempt by NSF to start redressing the imbalance between research and teaching that the Foundation has actively promoted during most of its 50 years of existence. Now, the NSF strategy is to tell the scientists it has supported in the past, and those who will be supported in the future, that what they do in the classroom is as important as what they do in the laboratory; indeed, some would argue it is the most important activity that NSF has to sustain in the current environment. Since NSF is part of the problem, it has an obligation to be part of the solution, which is the essence of a report of an advisory panel. The draft report also has suggestions to universities on how to revise their approach to SMET teaching. It recommends that departments should set goals for what their students should learn, hold faculty members accountable for students' performance, change the academic reward system to incorporate good teaching, and give science faculty members a bigger role in the education of K-12 teachers. The basic problem is that 65% of all undergraduates, including many who will become the nation's precollege teachers, do not attend the more than 100 research intensive institutions that are so heavily supported by NSF's research efforts. In effect, those students have no access to SMET education in a world of growing technical complexity. The report suggests that NSF would do well to redress this imbalance by shifting more of its resources into undergraduate and precollege programs that focus on teaching. This point of view grows out of a 1986 review which centered on how NSF could help science majors. Now, the Foundation is being asked to address the SMET-related problems of all undergraduate students. Clearly, there is danger in attempting to use a system, the relatively meager resources of which have been aimed at about 10% of the population of undergraduates, to serve the entire population. Still, NSF can send a clear message that teaching is important in research-intensive universities. A message that might have a catalytic effect on all institutions. JJL

  18. Har vi en aftale?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knudsen, Hanne

    Skole og familie skal samarbejde mere og bedre. Det er alle enige om. Alligevel går det ikke altid sådan. Forældre bliver ofte skuffede over det, der opleves som skolens manglende lydhørhed.  Og lærere ser forældresamarbejdet som præget af forældrenes manglende engagement, egocentriske fokus på...

  19. [Binding interaction of harpagoside and bovine serum albumin: spectroscopic methodologies and molecular docking]. (United States)

    Cao, Tuan-Wu; Huang, Wen-Bing; Shi, Jian-Wei; He, Wei


    Scrophularia ningpoensis has exhibited a variety of biological activities and been used as a pharmaceutical product for the treatment of inflammatory ailment, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and so on. Harpagoside (HAR) is considerer as a main bioactive compound in this plant. Serum albumin has important physiological roles in transportation, distribution and metabolism of many endogenous and exogenous substances in body. It is of great significance to study the interaction mechanism between HAR and bovine serum albumin (BSA). The mechanism of interaction between HAR and BSA was investigated using 2D and 3D fluorescence, synchronous florescence, ultraviolet spectroscopy and molecular docking. According to the analysis of fluorescence spectra, HAR could strongly quench the fluorescence of BSA, and the static quenching process indicated that the decrease in the quenching constant was observed with the increase in temperature. The magnitude of binding constants (KA) was more than 1×10⁵ L·mol⁻¹, and the number of binding sites(n) was approximate to 1. The thermodynamic parameters were calculated through analysis of fluorescence data with Stern-Volmer and Van't Hoff equation. The calculated enthalpy change (ΔH) and entropy change (ΔS) implied that the main interaction forces of HAR with BSA were the bonding interaction between van der Waals forces and hydrogen. The negative values of energy (ΔG) demonstrated that the binding of HAR with BSA was a spontaneous and exothermic process. The binding distance(r) between HAR and BSA was calculated to be about 2.80 nm based on the theory of Frster's non-radiation energy transfer, which indicated that energy is likely to be transfer from BSA to HAR. Both synchronous and 3D florescence spectroscopy clearly revealed that the microenvironment and conformation of BSA changed during the binding interaction between HAR and BSA. The molecular docking analysis revealed HAR is more inclined to BSA and human serum albumin

  20. Kulturen som krænkelsens virkelighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brock, Steen


    En analyse af forholdet mellem natur og kultur i relation til en opfattelse af kultur, som har sin oprindelse i Cicero, og som har sin genklang i moderne tænkere som Goethe, Wittgenstein, Cavell og E. Wolfgang Orth.......En analyse af forholdet mellem natur og kultur i relation til en opfattelse af kultur, som har sin oprindelse i Cicero, og som har sin genklang i moderne tænkere som Goethe, Wittgenstein, Cavell og E. Wolfgang Orth....

  1. Ross - for altid?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blume, Peter Erik


    Med baggrund i Jens Ewalds bog om Alf Ross omtaler artiklen en række de problemstillinger, som bogen behandler, samt vurderer den betydning, Ross har haft og måske fortsat har. Afslutningsvis betones den juridiske biografis betydning.......Med baggrund i Jens Ewalds bog om Alf Ross omtaler artiklen en række de problemstillinger, som bogen behandler, samt vurderer den betydning, Ross har haft og måske fortsat har. Afslutningsvis betones den juridiske biografis betydning....

  2. Performance i Krise

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørreklit, Hanne

    Scorecard got our management team on the same page, and has played an important role in our success thus far( Dieter Zetsche, President and CEO udtaler)."  Den 1. maj 2009 måtte Chrysler indgive sin konkursbegæring. Det er dog ikke kun praksis, der har advokeret nye målemodeller. Mange af de nye...... ikke har kunnet anticipere eller forhindre krisen, men har de mon ligefrem bidraget til krisen? Det konkluderes, at der i modellerne har været indbygget en logik, der har bidraget til en øget risiko og sårbarhed af virksomhederne. Slutteligt diskuteres i hvilken udstrækning, vi som forskere kan og skal...

  3. Ruinkvarteret


    Floxner, Mattias


    Ruinkvarteret Tyresö gymnasium har gjort sitt som funktion av en skola. Byggnaden har gjort sitt för att stå pall för människan och naturen. Nu har den börjat förfalla. Fuktskador, otäta fönster och allmänt slitage har gjort att Tyresö kommun har besätmt sig för att renovera eller bygga om skolan till bostäder. Ett nytt bostadskvarter i ett naturlandskap där bebygelsen ligger som öar utan att förhålla sig till varandra med endast naturen som sammanbinder dem. Där det byggda är symbol för männ...

  4. Dansk udlevering efter den europæiske arrestordre

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elholm, Thomas; Bang Fuglsang Madsen Sørensen, Henning


    Den europæiske arrestordre, der blev vedtaget af EU i 2002, har haft stor betydning for retsudviklingen vedrørende udlevering af personer til strafforfølgning eller strafafsoning i EU. Danmark er - trods retsforbeholdet - fuldt ud med i ordningen om arrestordren, og mange danske domstole har...... efterhånden haft sådanne sager. Det har givet anledning til en række vanskelige juridiske spørgsmål. I den sidste tid har det især drejet sig om, hvorvidt udlevering kan afslås med henvisning til urimelige fængselsforhold i andre lande. EU-domstolen har den 5. april 2016 afsagt en vigtig dom om spørgsmålet...

  5. Energy-Efficient Real-Time Human Activity Recognition on Smart Mobile Devices

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jin Lee


    Full Text Available Nowadays, human activity recognition (HAR plays an important role in wellness-care and context-aware systems. Human activities can be recognized in real-time by using sensory data collected from various sensors built in smart mobile devices. Recent studies have focused on HAR that is solely based on triaxial accelerometers, which is the most energy-efficient approach. However, such HAR approaches are still energy-inefficient because the accelerometer is required to run without stopping so that the physical activity of a user can be recognized in real-time. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for HAR process that controls the activity recognition duration for energy-efficient HAR. We investigated the impact of varying the acceleration-sampling frequency and window size for HAR by using the variable activity recognition duration (VARD strategy. We implemented our approach by using an Android platform and evaluated its performance in terms of energy efficiency and accuracy. The experimental results showed that our approach reduced energy consumption by a minimum of about 44.23% and maximum of about 78.85% compared to conventional HAR without sacrificing accuracy.

  6. Hoftebrot og kognitiv svikt


    Rørvik, Kim Andre


    Bakgrunn for val av tema Etter å ha jobba ekstravakter som sjukepleiarstudent på ortopedisk avdeling har eg erfart at veldig mange eldre blir innlagt på sengeposten etter at dei har pådratt seg eit hoftebrot. Eg har observert at det til tider kan bli veldig komplisert sidan ein del pasientar har redusert kognitiv funksjon og ikkje klarer å ta til seg informasjon eller instruksjonar som blir gitt. Problemstilling Korleis mobilisere pasientar med hoftebrot og kognitiv svikt? Framgan...

  7. Flercellede organismer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Funch, Peter


    Encellet liv har givet ophav til så vidt forskellige flercellede organismer som dyr, tangplanter, svampe og landplanter. Selvom denne komplekse flercellethed har udviklet sig flere gange uafhængigt af hinanden, viser slægtskabsanalyser og genomforskning, at de forskellige grupper har gennemgået d...

  8. Introduction of hand-assisted retroperitoneoscopic living donor nephrectomy at Karolinska University Hospital Huddinge. (United States)

    Gjertsen, H; Sandberg, A-K A; Wadström, J; Tydén, G; Ericzon, B-G


    Living donor kidney transplantation accounts for about 50% of the total number of renal transplantations at our center. From 1999 through 2005, 75 out of 220 living donor nephrectomies were performed with a laparoscopic technique (LLDN). In June 2005, we introduced the technique of hand-assisted retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy (HARS) for living donors. Since the introduction until the end of 2005, 11 out of 18 living donor nephrectomies (LDN) were performed with HARS. Reduced operation time was observed for the HARS group (mean, 166 minutes) compared with the LLDN (mean, 244 minutes). Two grafts showed delayed function, one in the LLND group and one in the HARS group. No major perioperative or postoperative complications were observed in the HARS group, whereas one patient who underwent LLDN developed severe pancreatitis. So far in our hands HARS is a fast and safe procedure with results comparable with open LDN. Compared to LLDN, we experienced reduced operation time together with the advantage of retroperitoneal access.

  9. Research progress on high altitude retinopathy and application of Traditional Chinese Medicine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hai-Xiang Huang


    Full Text Available High altitude retinopathy(HARrefers to the body which can't adapt to the hypobaric hypoxia environment at high altitude leading to retinal diseases, which typically manifested as retinal hemorrhages, optic disc edema and cotton wool spots. With the development of high altitude medicine, HAR become a hot topic of eye research in recent years. New researches show a significantly higher incidence of HAR, and HAR has a close contact with acute mountain sickness, high altitude cerebral edema and high altitude pulmonary edema. A further study in pathogenesis and prevention measures of HAR will promote the prevention of altitude sickness. Traditional Chinese Medicine has achieved good effects in the prevention of altitude sickness, but the effect and mechanism of herbs on HAR has not been reported. Through read and summarize the relevant literatures and reports, the author will give an overview of the research advances on HAR's pathogenesis and application of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

  10. Digitalisering af det eksisterende byggeri

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Nils Lykke; Øien, Turid Borgestrand


    Digitalisering af det eksisterende byggeri er en vanskelig og uendelig opgave. Det giver kun mening at digitalisere eksisterende byggeri, når man har et konkret behov, og da kun at indhente og lagre de informationer, som man strategisk eller konkret har behov for. Erhvervs og Byggestyrelsen har i...

  11. Byggeri hele året 1

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Den voksende byggeaktivitet har medført, at både betydningen af og interessen for vinterbyggeri stadig øges. Denne tendens har været kraftigt understøttet af Boligministeriet, og Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut har derfor fundet det naturligt at sammenfatte tidligere anvisninger og de seneste års...

  12. Kan Daniel Sterns kernebegreber bidrage til en fænomenologisk orienteret musikpsykologi?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holgersen, Sven-Erik


    Daniel Stern har igennem hele sit forfatterskab været optaget af, hvordan bevidsthed konstitueres i samspillet mellem subjekt og omverden. Han har i stigende grad ladet sig inspirere af fænomenologi, og artiklen diskuterer, hvilke konsekvenser dette har for forståelsen af centrale begreber som...

  13. Danmark i det globale turismebillede

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    der sket med erhvervsstrukturen? Hvordan har den politiske diskurs forandret sig? Hvilke centrale innovationer bør fremhæves? Hvad har den digitale revolution betydet? Og hvordan har uddannelsen og efteruddannelsen til turismens arbejdsmarked mødt den nye virkelighed? Et bud på svarene på disse...

  14. Business Process Re-engineering- Neotaylorisme, Konsulenthyldevare eller styrkelse af lønmodtagerne ?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Koch, Christian


    -konceptet identificeres. BPRs betydning for arbejdslivet dækkes via udenlandske bidrag. Der er elementer i strategien som vender næsen henimod tayloristiske tankegange: arbejdet skal kortlægges og kan omlægges, som om det er fuldt logisk strukturerbart. Men der tales der også om målstyring fremfor regelstyring......, procesorientering og teams. Elementer, der kan føre til forbedring af arbejdet. Der er store forskelle på centrale punkter imellem danske promoteres forståelse af BPR. Forskelle, der antyder, at der kan komme frugtbare resultater ud af at kende de sociale formningsmekanismer: Det er ikke ligegyldigt for fremtidens...... arbejdsliv hvilke visioner og forståelser, der indgår i koncepterne. Og koncepterne kan ændres. Dermed åbnes en vej for nye alliancer i strategier for at udvikle arbejdet. Logikken bag de nye koncepter må tages alvorligt. En hel sektor -rådgiverne- lever af at produktudvikle nye koncepter, og koncepterne vil...

  15. IDA´s klimaplan 2050

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Lund, Henrik; Karlsson, Kenneth

    100 % vedvarende energi og kraftig reduktion af energiforbrug Den nuværende primære energiforsyning, dvs. brændselsforbrug og vedvarende energi til produktion af el og varme til private husholdninger samt til transport og industri, er på godt 800 PJ. Hvis der ikke indføres nye tiltag, forventes...... nationale ressourcer, men omvendt vil dette ikke levne mange ressourcer til evt. materialeproduktion. Det er således en udfordring i fremtiden, om en større del af brændselsforbruget i industri og flytransport kan overgå til direkte eller indirekte eldrift, eller om der kan gennemføres yderligere....... Ved gennemførsel af klimaplanen er der et potentiale for, at der kan opbygges nye virksomheder og industrier. I Klimaplanen er det beregnet hvor stor en målrettet satsning på teknologierne kan medføre. Eksportpotentialet er beregnet til et trecifret milliardbeløb. I dag er der en eksport for ca. 65...

  16. Persona

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Lene

    Mennesker forholder sig helst til andre mennesker, ikke til groft forenklede typer eller segmenter. Så enkel er sandheden bag Persona, en brugerfokuseret designmetode, som nu breder sig fra interaktion i it til andre områder. Aktører i fremtidens udviklingsprojekter må tidligt kunne se modtagerne...... af deres produkter for sig, hvad enten det drejer sig om en internetportal eller en møbelfabrik. Udviklere må kunne beskrive nye brugere in persona, i et livagtigt design, som om de med deres forskellige holdninger, ønsker og vaner allerede var godt i gang med at føre et produkts muligheder ud i...... forskningsprojekt og fem års erfaring med at løse opgaver for erhvervslivet gør Danmarks førende ekspert i persona nu sin egen tilgang til metoden praktisk tilgængelig. Udviklere af it, kommunikationsløsninger og innovative produkter af enhver art inviteres til at studere processen trin for trin....

  17. Education on Demand

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boysen, Lis; Hende, Merete


    Dette notat beskriver nogle af resultaterne fra programmet "Education on Demand' i projektet Det erhvervsrettede Uddannelseslaboratorium. Programmet har haft fokus på udfordringer og forandringsbehov i uddannelsesinstitutioner og -systemet. Herunder har det beskæftiget sig særligt med de to temat......Dette notat beskriver nogle af resultaterne fra programmet "Education on Demand' i projektet Det erhvervsrettede Uddannelseslaboratorium. Programmet har haft fokus på udfordringer og forandringsbehov i uddannelsesinstitutioner og -systemet. Herunder har det beskæftiget sig særligt med de...

  18. Tilsetningsstoff og tekniske hjelpestoff ved produksjon av filet av hvitfisk. Faglig sluttrapport


    Lorentzen, Grete Elisabeth


    Målsettingen med dette prosjektet har vært å øke den generelle kunnskapen om bruk av tilsetningsstoffer og tekniske hjelpestoffer ved produksjon av hvitfiskfilet. I prosjektet er det gjennomført et litteraturstudium på hvilken effekt ulike tilsetningsstoffer har på fiskefilet. Deretter er det laget en veileder hvor målet har vært å gi en lettfattet og oversiktlig informasjon om hvilke tilsetningsstoffer det er lov å bruke, hvilken effekt de har, og eksempler på praktisk bruk av tilsetningssto...

  19. Rapport. Play and Learn Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Maria Neumann; Søgaard, Karoline

    Erfaringer og anbefalinger fra innovationsprojektet Play and Learn, hvor pædagoger har arbejdet med sprogstimulering af børn fra 3-9 år. Legende læring i daglige rutiner og pædagogiske aktiviteter har været fokuspunktet.......Erfaringer og anbefalinger fra innovationsprojektet Play and Learn, hvor pædagoger har arbejdet med sprogstimulering af børn fra 3-9 år. Legende læring i daglige rutiner og pædagogiske aktiviteter har været fokuspunktet....

  20. Hvad SKER der med drikkevandet i USA?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ramsay, Loren Mark


    Forskellige lande har forskellige traditioner indenfor drikkevandsbehandling. Denne beretning fra ”Water Quality Technology Conference” i USA er set med en særlig vinkel, da forfatteren er amerikansk statsborger, men har arbejdet i den danske vandbranche i mere end 25 år.......Forskellige lande har forskellige traditioner indenfor drikkevandsbehandling. Denne beretning fra ”Water Quality Technology Conference” i USA er set med en særlig vinkel, da forfatteren er amerikansk statsborger, men har arbejdet i den danske vandbranche i mere end 25 år....

  1. Iguanodonen og den mystiske klo

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alstrup, Liva; Alstrup, Aage Kristian Olsen


    Iguanodonen og andre dinosaurer har til alle tider fascineret, men vores opfattelse af dem har ændret sig. Vi fortæller her historien om skiftende syn på iguanodonen, som blev opdaget for næsten to hundrede år siden.......Iguanodonen og andre dinosaurer har til alle tider fascineret, men vores opfattelse af dem har ændret sig. Vi fortæller her historien om skiftende syn på iguanodonen, som blev opdaget for næsten to hundrede år siden....

  2. Frans Gregersen 60 år

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristiansen, Tore; Pedersen, Inge Lise; Jørgensen, J. Normann


    Hvis man vil mene at "københavnsk sociolingvistik" er alt for snævert som tilbageblik når Frans Gregersen fylder 60, så har man helt bestemt fat i en sandhed. Men sandheden har som bekendt både en kerne og mindst to sider. På den ene side: Det vidtrækkende udsyn og indsyn, langt ud over Valby bakke......, har aldrig rokket ved fødselarens grundlæggende forankring i København; han har altid været københavner, i enhver tænkelig forstand. På den anden side: Midt i den vidtfavnende beskæftigelse med så meget andet, af både faglig og administrativ art, har Frans aldrig sluppet taget i det hjertebarn – den...

  3. Vulkaner andre steder i Solsystemet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haack, Henning


    Jupiters måne, Io, og man regner man med at Venus og formentlig også Mars stadig er vulkansk aktive. Ved at rette blikket ud i solsystemet har vi  mulighed for at studere vulkansk aktivitet under helt anderledes betingelser end her på Jorden. Hvad sker der f.eks., hvis tyngdekraften er svagere, eller...... planetens overflade måske er gloende varm? Vulkanerne andre steder i Solsystemet overgår på mange måder dem på Jorden. Venus er den planet i solsystemet, der har flest vulkaner, Mars har de største og højeste vulkaner, asteroiden Vesta har de ældste, og Jupiters måne Io har de mest aktive vulkaner i...

  4. Symmetry-adapted perturbation theory interaction energy decomposition for some noble gas complexes (United States)

    Cukras, Janusz; Sadlej, Joanna


    This Letter contains a study of the interaction energy in HArF⋯N 2 and HArF⋯P 2 complexes. Symmetry-adapted perturbation theory (SAPT) has been applied to analyze the electrostatic, induction, dispersion and exchange contributions to the total interaction energy. The interaction energy has also been obtained by supermolecular method at the MP2, MP4, CCSD, CCSD(T) levels. The interaction energy for the studied complexes results from a partial cancelation of large attractive electrostatic, induction, dispersion terms by a strong repulsive exchange contribution. The induction and dispersion effects proved to be crucial in establishing the preference for the colinear HArF⋯N 2 and HArF⋯P 2 structures and shift direction of νHAr stretching vibrations.

  5. Universets – foreløbigt – mindste planet er fundet!

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rørbæk, Rasmus; Philippsen, Bente


    Et internationalt forskerhold har analyseret målinger fra Kepler-satellitten og fundet den mindste planet, man endnu har registreret i Universet. ’Stellar Astrophysics Centre’ på Aarhus Universitet har deltaget i arbejdet med at finde og karakterisere den lille planet, der er på størrelse med vores...

  6. ”I sangen møtes vi på felles grunn.” Om sang og sangbøker i norsk skole.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ragnhild Elisabeth Lund


    Full Text Available Sangfaget har en lang og sterk tradisjon i den norske skolestua og sangboka har vært et sentralt læremiddel i mer enn 150 år. Formålet med denne artikkelen er å belyse de mange og ulike begrunnelser som er blitt knyttet til faget opp gjennom tidene og å vise hvilket innhold sangbøkene har søkt å formidle. Presentasjonen av sangfagets begrunnelser er basert på en undersøkelse av skolehistoriske tekster og læreplaner fra tidlig på 1800-tallet fram til vår tid. Jeg har også sett på forordene og forfatternes vektlegging av sangrepertoar og annet sang- og musikkfaglig innhold i de mest toneangivende sangbøkene fra samme periode. For å finne ut hvilke sanger elevene er blitt tilbudt og hvilke verdier sangene formidler, har jeg kartlagt repertoarvalget i tolv sangbokverk fra 1850 (Behrens’ Skolesangbog til 2008 (Amsrud & Bjørnstads Sang i Norge. Artikkelen viser at begrunnelsene for sangfaget favner vidt og at både de og innholdet i sangbøkene har endret seg i takt med utviklingen i utdanningssystemet og i samfunnet forøvrig. Videreformidling av sentrale sanger i norsk kulturarv har selvsagt stått sentralt. Men sangfaget har også befattet seg med opplæring i musikkteori, notelære og stemmepleie, og det har hatt som oppgave å utvikle kvalitetsbevissthet, samhold og fellesskap i tillegg til å bidra til læring og trivsel i andre fag. Når det gjelder repertoarvalg, har utviklingen gått fra en hovedvekt på sanger med et religiøst og oppdragende innhold via nasjonale sanger til en stadig økende andel ”blott-til-lyst-sanger” og sanger fra populærmusikkens område. Til tross for at repertoarvalget har endret seg, er det mange sanger som går igjen gjennom hele perioden. Med referanse til en definisjon av kanon som ”stabile forekomster” identifiserer artikkelen 34 sanger som kan sies å utgjøre en del av ”den norske sangskatten”.

  7. Maquiladoras de arneses automotrices: entre la producción de clase mundial y la precariedad laboral en Juárez

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martha Cecilia Miker Palafox


    Full Text Available This article show how the globalization process has impacted in the harness maquiladora industry in Ciudad Juárez and how job insecurity and world-class production can coexist in the production of automotive harness where two of the main local stakeholders (unions and the State are completely blurred and accomplices. The document is based mainly in the analysis of four cases of maquiladora plants producing automotive harnesses owned by world leading corporations, which concentrate over 90% of employment and harness production plants in the in the city.

  8. Dansen om nøgenheden

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Tem Frank


    "50 ÅR EFTER har vi naturligvis rykket os noget på det punkt, hvad de kønspolitiske debatter viser. Er man hyppig bruger af Instagram, bliver det hurtigt klart, at vores kultur, i dette årtusinde, stadig har mange bøfler."......"50 ÅR EFTER har vi naturligvis rykket os noget på det punkt, hvad de kønspolitiske debatter viser. Er man hyppig bruger af Instagram, bliver det hurtigt klart, at vores kultur, i dette årtusinde, stadig har mange bøfler."...

  9. En mere relevant revisionspåtegning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kiertzner, Lars; Beck, Jon; Engelund, Lars


    Finanskrisen har ført til krav om en mere meningsfuld rapportering fra revisor oven for brugere af regnskaber. EU Kommission og PCAOB (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board) i USA har som følge heraf stillet forslag til, hvorledes denne rapportering kunne forbedres.......Finanskrisen har ført til krav om en mere meningsfuld rapportering fra revisor oven for brugere af regnskaber. EU Kommission og PCAOB (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board) i USA har som følge heraf stillet forslag til, hvorledes denne rapportering kunne forbedres....

  10. Lean versus Quick Response Manufacturing og andre koncepter - er Lean den eneste ene?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michelsen, Aage U


    Begrebet Lean har gennem de senere år vundet en enorm udbredelse. Antallet af publikationer om Lean har været eksplosivt stigende, og mange virksomheder har gennemført eller gennemfører Lean-projekter. Er Lean et nyt koncept? Er Lean den eneste løsning? Kan Lean kombineres med tankegange og princ...... løsning af en anden produktionsopgave. I fjerde afsnit skitseres kort relationerne mellem Lean og to andre begreber, Six Sigma og TPM, der begge har samme mål som Lean, men forskellige udgangspunkter og forskellige indfaldsvinkler....

  11. Design bliver hentet hjem

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bason, Christian


    Google, Facebook og andre af Silicon Valleys giganter har fået øjnene op for, at design er en afgørende strategisk intern kompetence. Det samme har førende offentlige organisationer. Så nu ansætter de designere i massivt omfang.......Google, Facebook og andre af Silicon Valleys giganter har fået øjnene op for, at design er en afgørende strategisk intern kompetence. Det samme har førende offentlige organisationer. Så nu ansætter de designere i massivt omfang....

  12. Virus kan påvises i spyt fra grise

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heiselberg, Pia R.; Christensen, Sanne; Hjulsager, Charlotte Kristiane


    Svinedyrlæger har muligheden for at udskifte blodprøveglas og kanyler med reb til indsamling af spyt. DTU Veterinærinstituttet har valideret metoderne til at teste spyt for PCV2, PRRS- og Influenza virus, og laboratoriet modtager nu spytprøver rutinemæssigt.......Svinedyrlæger har muligheden for at udskifte blodprøveglas og kanyler med reb til indsamling af spyt. DTU Veterinærinstituttet har valideret metoderne til at teste spyt for PCV2, PRRS- og Influenza virus, og laboratoriet modtager nu spytprøver rutinemæssigt....

  13. Cardioprotective Effects of HuoxueAnshen Recipe against Myocardial Injuries Induced by Sleep Deprivation in Rats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rong Yuan


    Full Text Available Background. Traditional Chinese Medicine is extensively used in China and HuoxueAnshen Recipe (HAR was formulated according to its method in treating CHD accompanied with insomnia in clinic. However, there are few studies related to the effect of HAR on myocardial injury and sleep disorders. Purpose. To investigate the effects of HAR on sleep deprivation- (SD- induced myocardial I/R injury. Methods. Male Wistar rats receiving a daily gavage of HAR or vehicle were exposed to SD intervention while control rats had normal sleep. Then all rats were exposed to myocardial I/R. Hormone, vascular endothelial, and inflammatory related factors were detected before and after I/R, while cardiac injury, cardiac function, myocardial infarct size, and apoptosis were detected after I/R. Results. Levels of neuropeptide Y, vascular endothelial and inflammatory related factors were significantly increased while melatonin was decreased in vehicle-treated SD rats but not in HAR-treated SD rats after SD. In addition, cardiac injury, cardiac dysfunction, myocardial infarct size, and myocardial apoptosis were deteriorated in vehicle-treated SD rats but were ameliorated in HAR-treated SD rats after I/R. Conclusion. HAR not only improved SD-induced hormone disorders, inflammation, and endothelial dysfunction, but also alleviated I/R injury, which supports protective usage in CHD and psychocardiology.

  14. Structural changes and out-of-sample prediction of realized range-based variance in the stock market (United States)

    Gong, Xu; Lin, Boqiang


    This paper aims to examine the effects of structural changes on forecasting the realized range-based variance in the stock market. Considering structural changes in variance in the stock market, we develop the HAR-RRV-SC model on the basis of the HAR-RRV model. Subsequently, the HAR-RRV and HAR-RRV-SC models are used to forecast the realized range-based variance of S&P 500 Index. We find that there are many structural changes in variance in the U.S. stock market, and the period after the financial crisis contains more structural change points than the period before the financial crisis. The out-of-sample results show that the HAR-RRV-SC model significantly outperforms the HAR-BV model when they are employed to forecast the 1-day, 1-week, and 1-month realized range-based variances, which means that structural changes can improve out-of-sample prediction of realized range-based variance. The out-of-sample results remain robust across the alternative rolling fixed-window, the alternative threshold value in ICSS algorithm, and the alternative benchmark models. More importantly, we believe that considering structural changes can help improve the out-of-sample performances of most of other existing HAR-RRV-type models in addition to the models used in this paper.

  15. CINARK10

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    CINARK10 giver et overblik over de mange typer aktiviteter, forskningsprojekter og personer der har tegnet CINARKs virke gennem de sidste ti år – fra centrets etablering i 2004 til i dag. Materialet vi har samlet viser kun et udsnit de arbejder og de forskellige sammenhænge CINARKs medarbejdere har...

  16. 75 FR 24389 - Airworthiness Directives; Bombardier, Inc. Model DHC-8-400 Series Airplanes (United States)


    ... detailed inspection for damage and chafing of the wires in the wiring harness installation, and the Teflon... inspection for damage and chafing of the wires in the wiring harness installation, and the Teflon tubing if... wiring harness installation along the wing rear spar lower shroud for any chafing and damage, and do all...

  17. 75 FR 20423 - Fuji Heavy Industries USA, Inc., Receipt of Petition for Decision of Inconsequential Noncompliance (United States)


    ... power supply to the lamp. The Company said that ``installation of the wiring harness to the... subsupplier such that tension was put on the wiring harness connector'' which can cause it to come loose. To correct this problem, the Company has re-routed the wiring harness to ``push'' rather than ``pull'' on the...

  18. Reminiscens, livshistorie og demensomsorg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Anders Møller


    Reminiscens har vundet indpas i plejen af og omsorgen for mennesker med demens. Der er flere udlægninger af, hvordan reminiscens skal defineres, og det har betydet, at implementeringen har antaget mange former. Det gør det vanskeligt at sammenligne studier på området. Forskning og klinisk praksis...

  19. Interview

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sarauw, Laura Louise; Hessel, Niklas


    Laura Louise Sarauw har netop forsvaret sin ph.d.-afhandling i Pædagogik ved Københavns Universitet. Hun har undersøgt, hvordan det har påvirket ti humanistiske uddannelser, at deres studieordninger med universitetsreformen i 2003 blev skrevet om, så de fokuserede på de erhvervsmæssige kompetence...

  20. The EADC-ADNI Harmonized Protocol for manual hippocampal segmentation on magnetic resonance: Evidence of validity (United States)

    Frisoni, Giovanni B.; Jack, Clifford R.; Bocchetta, Martina; Bauer, Corinna; Frederiksen, Kristian S.; Liu, Yawu; Preboske, Gregory; Swihart, Tim; Blair, Melanie; Cavedo, Enrica; Grothe, Michel J.; Lanfredi, Mariangela; Martinez, Oliver; Nishikawa, Masami; Portegies, Marileen; Stoub, Travis; Ward, Chadwich; Apostolova, Liana G.; Ganzola, Rossana; Wolf, Dominik; Barkhof, Frederik; Bartzokis, George; DeCarli, Charles; Csernansky, John G.; deToledo-Morrell, Leyla; Geerlings, Mirjam I.; Kaye, Jeffrey; Killiany, Ronald J.; Lehéricy, Stephane; Matsuda, Hiroshi; O'Brien, John; Silbert, Lisa C.; Scheltens, Philip; Soininen, Hilkka; Teipel, Stefan; Waldemar, Gunhild; Fellgiebel, Andreas; Barnes, Josephine; Firbank, Michael; Gerritsen, Lotte; Henneman, Wouter; Malykhin, Nikolai; Pruessner, Jens C.; Wang, Lei; Watson, Craig; Wolf, Henrike; deLeon, Mony; Pantel, Johannes; Ferrari, Clarissa; Bosco, Paolo; Pasqualetti, Patrizio; Duchesne, Simon; Duvernoy, Henri; Boccardi, Marina


    Background An international Delphi panel has defined a harmonized protocol (HarP) for the manual segmentation of the hippocampus on MR. The aim of this study is to study the concurrent validity of the HarP toward local protocols, and its major sources of variance. Methods Fourteen tracers segmented 10 Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) cases scanned at 1.5 T and 3T following local protocols, qualified for segmentation based on the HarP through a standard web-platform and resegmented following the HarP. The five most accurate tracers followed the HarP to segment 15 ADNI cases acquired at three time points on both 1.5 T and 3T. Results The agreement among tracers was relatively low with the local protocols (absolute left/right ICC 0.44/0.43) and much higher with the HarP (absolute left/right ICC 0.88/0.89). On the larger set of 15 cases, the HarP agreement within (left/right ICC range: 0.94/0.95 to 0.99/0.99) and among tracers (left/right ICC range: 0.89/0.90) was very high. The volume variance due to different tracers was 0.9% of the total, comparing favorably to variance due to scanner manufacturer (1.2), atrophy rates (3.5), hemispheric asymmetry (3.7), field strength (4.4), and significantly smaller than the variance due to atrophy (33.5%, P < .001), and physiological variability (49.2%, P < .001). Conclusions The HarP has high measurement stability compared with local segmentation protocols, and good reproducibility within and among human tracers. Hippocampi segmented with the HarP can be used as a reference for the qualification of human tracers and automated segmentation algorithms. PMID:25267715

  1. Velfærd

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Ove K.


    Velfærdsstaten er en af de vigtigste ideer i 1900-tallet. Den har ændret de vestlige samfund fra klassesamfund til velfærdssamfund, hævet middellevetiden for millioner og øget uddannelsesniveauet. Den har skabt grundlaget for demokratisering og har ført til en skabelse af viden, en spredning af...

  2. The economic crisis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Navrbjerg, Steen Erik; Larsen, Trine Pernille


    Frem til krisens start i 2008 har mange tillidsrepræsentanter skullet forhandle positive forhold på plads: Det har mange steder handlet om lønforhøjelser eller goder til medarbejderne. Det ændrede sig brat, da krisen kom. Herefter har forhandlingerne ofte drejet sig om negative budskaber – om løn...

  3. Interfacing Self-Assembled Nanostructures with Biology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vinther, Mathias

    DNA nanoteknologi har gennem de seneste to ̊artier gennemg ̊aet en forblø↵ende udvikling. Brugen af DNA til bottom-up fabrikation af selvsamlende nanopartikler har vist sig uhyre succes- fuld. Teknologien har s ̊aledes været i stand til at producere nanostrukturer af højere strukturel kompleksite...

  4. Profession og pædagogik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bøje, Jakob Ditlev


    professionelle, idet de udviser klassiske tegn på en professionsstatus: De har lange og traditionsrige uddannelser, de besidder teknisk kompetence, hvad gælder undervisning, de har mere eller mindre autorisation på et afgrænset arbejdsområde (opnået gennem bl.a. pædagogikum), har relativ autonomi i arbejdet, og...

  5. Callcenterkonference 7.-8. marts 2006

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Merete


    På konferencen præsenteres resultaterne af et 3-årigt EU-projekt om udvikling af arbejdet i callcentre. Over 700 medarbejdere i 3 store virksomheder har deltaget i projektet. Projektets mål har været at udvikle nye koncepter for kompetence og organisation i callcentre. Der har samtidig været foku...

  6. Bæredygtighed & Human Resource Management :

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klitmøller, Anders; Lauring, Jakob


    Globaliseringen har medført øget krav om social inklusion af en arbejdsstyrke, der i højere grad end tidligere er karakteriseret af diversitet. Trods dette har der været forholdsvis få studier af de implikationer og udfordringer for virksomhedens HRM praksis som denne udvikling har medført. Igenn...

  7. En bid af ældres hverdagsliv

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bundgaard, Karen Marie; Top Christensen, Boye


    Undersøgelsen har udforsket hjemmeboende ældres egen forståelse og oplevelse af måltiddsaktiviteters betydning, og hvilke behov aktiviteterne dækker hos de ældre. Aktiviteterne har betydninger der knytter sig til maden men aktiviteterne har også betydninger i sig selv. Undersøgelsen er en af fler...

  8. E-bogen kom, blev set og sejrede

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rask, Morten


    første har jeg ingen e-bogsenhed. Til gengæld har jeg en laptop, en Internet-forbindelse, en printer, en stak A4-ark og en (kraftig) hæftemaskine, suppleret med en PalmPilot til rejseguides. Jeg har heller ikke noget specielt Microsoft læsesoftware, men Acrobat Reader/Creator, Microsoft Explorer...

  9. Kina

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørup Sørensen, Camilla Tenna


    udvikling er kun blevet yderligere fremskyndet efter, at Donald Trump har indtaget Det Hvide Hus og med „America First” har varslet et mere isolationistisk USA. Det åbner nye muligheder og giver et større internationalt handlerum for Kina. Kapitlet har til formål at give baggrunden og konteksten for Kinas...

  10. Divide and Conquer-Based 1D CNN Human Activity Recognition Using Test Data Sharpening. (United States)

    Cho, Heeryon; Yoon, Sang Min


    Human Activity Recognition (HAR) aims to identify the actions performed by humans using signals collected from various sensors embedded in mobile devices. In recent years, deep learning techniques have further improved HAR performance on several benchmark datasets. In this paper, we propose one-dimensional Convolutional Neural Network (1D CNN) for HAR that employs a divide and conquer-based classifier learning coupled with test data sharpening. Our approach leverages a two-stage learning of multiple 1D CNN models; we first build a binary classifier for recognizing abstract activities, and then build two multi-class 1D CNN models for recognizing individual activities. We then introduce test data sharpening during prediction phase to further improve the activity recognition accuracy. While there have been numerous researches exploring the benefits of activity signal denoising for HAR, few researches have examined the effect of test data sharpening for HAR. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach on two popular HAR benchmark datasets, and show that our approach outperforms both the two-stage 1D CNN-only method and other state of the art approaches.

  11. Divide and Conquer-Based 1D CNN Human Activity Recognition Using Test Data Sharpening † (United States)

    Yoon, Sang Min


    Human Activity Recognition (HAR) aims to identify the actions performed by humans using signals collected from various sensors embedded in mobile devices. In recent years, deep learning techniques have further improved HAR performance on several benchmark datasets. In this paper, we propose one-dimensional Convolutional Neural Network (1D CNN) for HAR that employs a divide and conquer-based classifier learning coupled with test data sharpening. Our approach leverages a two-stage learning of multiple 1D CNN models; we first build a binary classifier for recognizing abstract activities, and then build two multi-class 1D CNN models for recognizing individual activities. We then introduce test data sharpening during prediction phase to further improve the activity recognition accuracy. While there have been numerous researches exploring the benefits of activity signal denoising for HAR, few researches have examined the effect of test data sharpening for HAR. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach on two popular HAR benchmark datasets, and show that our approach outperforms both the two-stage 1D CNN-only method and other state of the art approaches. PMID:29614767

  12. Nyfigen robot

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Jens Olaf Pepke


    Marsudforskning. Det rullende laboratorium Curiosity har nu kørt rundt på Mars i et halvt år. Hidtil har der ikke været de store overraskelser, og det er helt efter planen. Men nu har den kurs mod det 5.500 meter høje bjerg Aeolis Mons for at bore efter sedimenter....

  13. Nation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, Uffe


    Nation er et gammelt begreb, som kommer af det latinske ord for fødsel, natio. Nationalisme bygger på forestillingen om, at mennesker har én og kun én national identitet og har ret til deres egen nationalstat. Ordet og forestillingen er kun godt 200 år gammel, og i 1900-tallet har ideologien bredt...

  14. Situeret interesse i biologi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dohn, Niels Bonderup


    Interesse hævdes at spille en vigtig rolle i læring. Med udgangspunkt i interesseteori og situeret læring har jeg foretaget et studium i en gymnasieklasse med biologi på højt niveau, med henblik på at identificere hvilke forhold der har betydning for hvad der fanger elevers interesse. Jeg har...

  15. Krig i Afghanistan gennem fire årtier

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vestenskov, David


    I mere en et årti har dansk og international sikkerhedspolitik haft øjnene rettet mod det etnisk og politisk fragmenterede land i Centralasien, og engagement i Afghanistan har på mange måder været skelsættende for dansk militærhistorie. Landet har gennem de seneste fire årtier befundet sig i en...

  16. Forvandling, fortælling og handling med mening

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dupont, Søren


    Artiklen fokuserer på en række begreber og udviklinger hos Jerome Bruner og diskuterer de forskellige grundlag, som Jerome Bruner gennem tiderne har haft fokus på uden at noget grundlag på noget tidspunkt entydigt har været bestemmende. Jerome Bruner har bevæget sig fra at være orienteret mod...

  17. Local agreements as an instrument for improvement of management employee collaboration on occupational health and safety

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Ole Henning; Hasle, Peter Schnell; Navrbjerg, Steen Erik


    Traditionelt har arbejdsmiljø været et lovgivningsreguleret område, som typisk ikke har været en del af det kollektive aftalesystem. I de seneste 20 år har to ting betydet, at denne adskillelse mellem et regelsystem og et forhandlingssystem synes mindre frugtbar. For det første er det blevet stad...

  18. God skik i forvaltningen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Post, Bettina


    En række kommuner har forsøgt at hoppe over, hvor gærdet er lavest i sager om gensidig forsørgerpligt for samlevende kontanthjælpsmodtagere. Men det må man ikke. Vi har som borgere ret til at blive hørt og myndighederne har pligt til at opføre sig ordentligt....

  19. Arbejdspapir om dogmeproduceret etnografi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Regnar Albæk


    Etnografien har været antropologens varemærke, siden Boas og Malinowski gjorde monografierne til fagets kerneprodukt. Der har været meget diskussion om, hvor godt og præcist disse monografier beskrev de verdener, som antropologerne studerede, og siden bølgerne gik højest i 1980erne og 1990erne, har...

  20. Lyden av de mørke sjeler - Lyd og musikk i videospillet Dark Souls


    Burdal, Kristin Johnsrud


    Dark Souls er et videospill som skiller seg fra måten de fleste moderne videospill er bygget opp. Lyd og musikk er en viktig del av dette, og i denne oppgava har vi sett på hvordan lyd og musikk brukes i videospillet. Målet var å finne ut hva lyd og musikk har å si for spillopplevelsen. Dette har vi kommet fram til ved analyse av lyden, og analyse av et utvalg av musikkstykker. For å peke på hvordan lydbruken i Dark Souls skiller seg ut, har vi i tillegg sammenligna det med lydbruken andre vi...

  1. Alla ska ha kul! : Parodisk barnkultur och publik i nutida kommersiell animation


    Milia, Mirella


    Barnfilmen har länge haft en undanskymd plats inom filmteori. Man har tidigare intresserad sig för den i termer av ideologisk påverkan eller pedagogisk nytta alternativt onytta, men intresse för frågor som rör mer specifika textmekanismer har hittills dröjt. En sådan fråga är, exempelvis, hur barnfilmen konstruerar eller implicerar sin egen åskådare. Med tanke på att motsvarande problema¬tik har dragit till sig många barnlitteraturforskares intresse, är det märkligt att en liknande omsorg int...

  2. strong>Kommuner i vandlås?strong>

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Busck, Anne Gravsholt; Andersen, Hans Thor


    Med kommunalreformen har kommunerne overtaget en række nye plantemaer - herunder planlægning for vandressourcen. Vandressourcen har længe været et tema i dansk planlægning (eksempelvis pesticid-handlingsplan, vandløbskvalitetsplanlægning og vandmiljøplaner), men implementering af EU's vandrammedi......Med kommunalreformen har kommunerne overtaget en række nye plantemaer - herunder planlægning for vandressourcen. Vandressourcen har længe været et tema i dansk planlægning (eksempelvis pesticid-handlingsplan, vandløbskvalitetsplanlægning og vandmiljøplaner), men implementering af EU...

  3. Rekruttering og fastholdelse af seniorer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Luccat, Dorte

    Denne undersøgelse har til formål at afdække holdninger, praksis, barrierer og muligheder i forhold til rekruttering og fastholdelse af seniorer. Undersøgelsen er baseret på 19 kvalitative interviews med henholdsvis tillidsrepræsentanter og personaleledere på 13 forskellige arbejdspladser. De...... udvalgte arbejdspladser repræsenterer såvel den offentlige som den private sektor samt større (mindst 50 ansatte) og mindre (under 50 ansatte) arbejdspladser. Vi har endvidere besøgt virksomheder, der henholdsvis har og ikke har seniorer ansat, for at indsamle information om holdninger og praksis fra flere...

  4. Köpbeteende i integrerade handelskanaler : En kvantitativ studie om integrerade handelskanaler & dess påverkan på kundens köp av elektronikprodukter


    Hedenström, Lisa; Jakobsen, Nina


    Uppkomsten av internet och smarta teknologier har lett till en strukturomvandling kring kom-munikationen mellan kunder och företag. Internet har inneburit nya handelskanaler så som on-line butik, mobila applikationer med mera. Företag erbjuder således allt fler olika handels-kanaler för att nå ut till kunder. Detta har i sin tur lett till att kunder använder olika handels-kanaler i processen av att genomföra ett köp, kundens köpbeteende har således förändrats.  I och med uppkomsten av fler ha...

  5. Islamforskning og Islamiske Studier på Københavns Universitet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vinding, Niels Valdemar


    Samlet set har det seneste tiår for islamforskningen og for islamiske studier på Københavns Universitet været produktive, men omskiftelige og brogede. Siden Muhammedkrisens klimaks i begyndelsen af 2006 til nu har islamforskningen på Københavns Universitet set en betydelig opnormering af forsknin......Samlet set har det seneste tiår for islamforskningen og for islamiske studier på Københavns Universitet været produktive, men omskiftelige og brogede. Siden Muhammedkrisens klimaks i begyndelsen af 2006 til nu har islamforskningen på Københavns Universitet set en betydelig opnormering af...

  6. Populismens grænser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Siim, Birte


    I den forløbne uge har 'burkasagen' og sagen om kønsopdelte grupper på Blågårdsskolen atter udfordret grænserne for det danske demokratis rummelighed. De to sager har vakt stor opsigt i pressen og har fremkaldt voldsomme udtalelser både fra repræsentanter for regeringen, dens støtteparti og fra t...

  7. Den gode krig?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Mikkel Vedby

    , hvad krigen har opnået. ”Det virker måske paradoksalt, at tusindvis af vestlige soldater med verdens mest avancerede militære teknologi ikke med lethed har kunnet besejre, hvad der i vores øjne er religiøse fanatikere med en AK-47. Men krige vindes ikke ved, at man vil have ret og har midlerne til...

  8. Facebook - åben kommunikation mellem brands og brugere

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mortensen, Thomas Bøtker


    Facebook har oplevet en rivende succes fra oprettelsen i 2004, til den i januar måned rundede 160 millioner profiler på verdens plan, og det er ikke kun i udlandet, Facebook er blevet en succes. Danskerne har i lige så høj grad taget det sociale netværk til sig - i skrivende stund har 34 procent af...

  9. Optimering af økologiske produkters kvalitet (QACCP)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauridsen, Charlotte; Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg; Jørgensen, Henry


    Forbrugerne efterspørger i stigende grad sundere og mere sikre fødevarer af høj kvalitet, og mange forbrugere har en forventning om, at økologiske fødevarer har højere kvalitet end ikke-økologiske. Det har man hidtil ikke kunnet bevise, bl.a. pga. manglen på videnskabelige undersøgelser af økolog...

  10. An Analysis of Audio Features to Develop a Human Activity Recognition Model Using Genetic Algorithms, Random Forests, and Neural Networks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos E. Galván-Tejada


    Full Text Available This work presents a human activity recognition (HAR model based on audio features. The use of sound as an information source for HAR models represents a challenge because sound wave analyses generate very large amounts of data. However, feature selection techniques may reduce the amount of data required to represent an audio signal sample. Some of the audio features that were analyzed include Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC. Although MFCC are commonly used in voice and instrument recognition, their utility within HAR models is yet to be confirmed, and this work validates their usefulness. Additionally, statistical features were extracted from the audio samples to generate the proposed HAR model. The size of the information is necessary to conform a HAR model impact directly on the accuracy of the model. This problem also was tackled in the present work; our results indicate that we are capable of recognizing a human activity with an accuracy of 85% using the HAR model proposed. This means that minimum computational costs are needed, thus allowing portable devices to identify human activities using audio as an information source.

  11. Divide and Conquer-Based 1D CNN Human Activity Recognition Using Test Data Sharpening

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heeryon Cho


    Full Text Available Human Activity Recognition (HAR aims to identify the actions performed by humans using signals collected from various sensors embedded in mobile devices. In recent years, deep learning techniques have further improved HAR performance on several benchmark datasets. In this paper, we propose one-dimensional Convolutional Neural Network (1D CNN for HAR that employs a divide and conquer-based classifier learning coupled with test data sharpening. Our approach leverages a two-stage learning of multiple 1D CNN models; we first build a binary classifier for recognizing abstract activities, and then build two multi-class 1D CNN models for recognizing individual activities. We then introduce test data sharpening during prediction phase to further improve the activity recognition accuracy. While there have been numerous researches exploring the benefits of activity signal denoising for HAR, few researches have examined the effect of test data sharpening for HAR. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach on two popular HAR benchmark datasets, and show that our approach outperforms both the two-stage 1D CNN-only method and other state of the art approaches.

  12. Hvorfor vækkelse?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gottfredsen, Rikke


    I Danmark har vækkelsesbevægelsen været en lille ø i det religiøse landskab siden oplysningstiden, men indenfor de sidste fem år har særligt to foreninger tiltrukket sig opmærksomhed. Disse, Faderhuset og Evangelist, har på baggrund af nye og anderledes virkemidler givet stof til avisoverskrifter......, Tv-aviser, dokumentar- og magasinprogrammer. Både Evangelist og Faderhuset har deres inspiration fra den pentekostalekarismatiske bevægelse i USA. Denne bevægelse har siden 1970’erne haft stor succes i Latinamerika og Afrika, hvilket kan være umiddelbart forståeligt på baggrund af den udbredte......? For at besvare disse, indleder jeg opgaven med at præsentere foreningen Evangelist og derefter skitsere foreningens historiske baggrund. Herefter introduceres feltarbejdet som behandles med en kort ritualanalyse og, mere indgående, med opgavens styrende typologiske analyse. Afslutningsvis diskuteres analysernes...

  13. Fra konfliktkultur til udvikling i fællesskab - social capital i danske slagterier

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hasle, Peter; Møller, Niels


    En undersøgelse af tre slagterier som har væsentligt lavere sygefravær, lave personaleomsætning og færre strejker en gennemsnitligt for branchen. Resultaterne viser at ledelse og medarbejdere har formået at opbygge social capital med vægt på tillid, gensidig respekt og anerkendelse.......En undersøgelse af tre slagterier som har væsentligt lavere sygefravær, lave personaleomsætning og færre strejker en gennemsnitligt for branchen. Resultaterne viser at ledelse og medarbejdere har formået at opbygge social capital med vægt på tillid, gensidig respekt og anerkendelse....

  14. Socialisme i Chile efter Pinochet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cristoffanini, Pablo Rolando


    Chile bliver ofte præsenteret som et paradigme for resten af det latinamerikanske kontinent: Et land med høj økonomisk vækst og politisk stabilitet. Landet har endda haft to socialistiske præsidenter siden 2000, den sidste den første kvindelige præsident. Succeshistorien har en bagside: De...... socialistiske regeringer har accepteret et begrænset demokrati og videreført en nyliberal økonomisk politik, der har bragt dem på konfrontationskurs med massebevægelserne og isoleret Chile fra de andre lande i regionen, der søger integration og gensidig støøte. Udgivelsesdato: Februar...

  15. "Vi är inte en tummelplats för dårar" : Hur journalister och ansvariga utgivare resonerar kring och förhåller sig till användargenererat material i lokaltidningar


    Öberg, Therese; Borgström, Johanna


    Sedan 1700-talet har läsarnas medverkan varit en väsentlig del i tidningarnas produktion. Utan deras deltagande har det inte heller blivit någon tidning. En förändring på området skedde när professionaliseringen av publicistrollen blev ett faktum och läsarnas medverkan ifrågasattes. Samhällsförändringar och tekniska utvecklingar har sedan lett fram till det vi har idag: ett samhälle där medieorganisationerna är i allt större behov av att läsarna återigen deltar i olika former. Syftet med stud...

  16. Motorsystem : Roderstyrning av autonom segelrobot


    Frank, Morgan


    Examensarbetet har gjorts på begäran av ÅSR (Åland Sailing Robots) genom Anna Friebe. Syftet med arbetet är att skapa energisnålt motorsystem för styrning av vindflöjeln och roder till 4 meter lång segelrobot som ägs av ÅSR. Ett exemplar av den styranordningen som jag anser kommer att fungera bäst för en robotsegelbåt har konstruerats och kopplats upp på testbänk där jag sedan har lämnat över arbetet för programmering. I detta arbete har jag undersökt motorer, givare, motorstyrni...

  17. Circuit For Control Of Electromechanical Prosthetic Hand (United States)

    Bozeman, Richard J., Jr.


    Proposed circuit for control of electromechanical prosthetic hand derives electrical control signals from shoulder movements. Updated, electronic version of prosthesis, that includes two hooklike fingers actuated via cables from shoulder harness. Circuit built around favored shoulder harness, provides more dexterous movement, without incurring complexity of computer-controlled "bionic" or hydraulically actuated devices. Additional harness and potentiometer connected to similar control circuit mounted on other shoulder. Used to control stepping motor rotating hand about prosthetic wrist to one of number of angles consistent with number of digital outputs. Finger-control signals developed by circuit connected to first shoulder harness transmitted to prosthetic hand via sliprings at prosthetic wrist joint.

  18. Sammensvorne designere med succes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dickson, Thomas


    Den danske tegnestue Komplot Design har for nylig oplevet den ære, at to af deres stole bliver brugt i cafeerne på det nyindrettede Museum of Modern Art i New York. Men det er ikke kun med møbler, de har succes - tegnestuen kaster sig med iver over mange slags produkter.......Den danske tegnestue Komplot Design har for nylig oplevet den ære, at to af deres stole bliver brugt i cafeerne på det nyindrettede Museum of Modern Art i New York. Men det er ikke kun med møbler, de har succes - tegnestuen kaster sig med iver over mange slags produkter....

  19. Syriza-regeringens økonomiske dilemma er ikke løst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stahl, Rune Møller; Hansen, Bue Rübner


    Da grækerne stemte Syriza ind, valgte de håbet om et socialt Europa. Men den seneste måneds forhandlinger har presset dem ind i et dilemma: Kan man blive i euroen uden at acceptere den nedskæringspolitik, som har skabt en humanitær katastrofe i Grækenland?......Da grækerne stemte Syriza ind, valgte de håbet om et socialt Europa. Men den seneste måneds forhandlinger har presset dem ind i et dilemma: Kan man blive i euroen uden at acceptere den nedskæringspolitik, som har skabt en humanitær katastrofe i Grækenland?...

  20. Bilderboken ur ett genusperspektiv : En bilderboksanalys av tre svenska böcker som utmanar stereotypa könsroller


    Malmqvist, Hanna


    Syftet med denna studie är att se hur några bilderböcker utmanar de stereotypa könsrollerna. Jag kommer att granska hur pojkar och flickor framställs ur ett genusperspektiv och även titta på hur text och bild kompletterar varandra, med hjälp av Nikolajevas (2000) analysmodell för bilderböcker. Jag har valt att analysera tre stycken böcker och två av dessa har pojkar som huvudkaraktärer och en har en flicka som huvudkaraktär. Med den medvetenhet man har idag kring genus så kan dessa böcker var...