
Sample records for han sufrido episodios

  1. Atención farmacéutica en personas que han sufrido episodios coronarios agudos (estudio TOMCOR

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    Álvarez de Toledo Flor


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Este estudio valora los efectos de un nuevo modelo de trabajo en las farmacias, denominado Atención Farmacéutica, frente al modelo tradicional. Se pretende conocer su factibilidad y las diferencias, potencialmente debidas a la Atención Farmacéutica, respecto de los resultados de salud de la farmacoterapia usada, en una muestra de pacientes que han sufrido episodios coronarios agudos. Métodos: Es un estudio prospectivo con un grupo de intervención (330 personas y un grupo control (405 personas, realizado en 83 farmacias de Asturias, Barcelona, Madrid y Vizcaya, en las que se hizo seguimiento durante un año del uso de medicamentos en 735 personas, de las cuales finalizaron el estudio 600. Resultados: Hubo diferencias favorables al grupo intervención, respecto de: a uso de servicios sanitarios indicativos de mayor morbilidad, tales como la frecuencia de consultas hospitalarias urgentes por paciente 1,27Interv. (IC95 %:1,10 a 1,44 y 1,63Contr.(IC95 %:1,36 a 1,90 o los días promedio de UCI por paciente hospitalizado: 2,46Interv.(IC95 %:1,56 a 3,36 y 5,87Contr.(IC95 %: 3,57 a 8,17, por causa cardiológica; b calidad de vida con diferencia de 4,7 (p < 0,05 en la dimensión de función física; c conocimiento de factores de riesgo de enfermedad coronaria, promedio de +10 % (p < 0,02 - 0,07, según dimensión; d identificación nominal de los medicamentos usados +10 % (p < 0,01; importancia subjetiva otorgada a los antiagregantes + 12 % (p < 0,009, los beta-bloqueantes, así como sus efectos +25 % (p < 0,02; y e satisfacción con la AF y percepción de la competencia profesional, promedio de + 12 % (p < 0,000 - 0,05, según dimensión. Conclusiones: Los valores menores de: demanda individual urgente coronaria, frecuencia de hospitalizaciones y número de días de Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos coronaria por hospitalización, sugerirían que los pacientes que tras un episodio coronario agudo reciben Atención Farmacéutica tienden a

  2. Atención farmacéutica en personas que han sufrido episodios coronarios agudos (estudio tomcor

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    Flor Álvarez de Toledo


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Este estudio valora los efectos de un nuevo modelo de trabajo en las farmacias, denominado Atención Farmacéutica, frente al modelo tradicional. Se pretende conocer su factibilidad y las diferencias, potencialmente debidas a la Atención Farmacéutica, respecto de los resultados de salud de la farmacoterapia usada, en una muestra de pacientes que han sufrido episodios coronarios agudos. Métodos: Es un estudio prospectivo con un grupo de intervención (330 personas y un grupo control (405 personas, realizado en 83 farmacias de Asturias, Barcelona, Madrid y Vizcaya, en las que se hizo seguimiento durante un año del uso de medicamentos en 735 personas, de las cuales finalizaron el estudio 600. Resultados: Hubo diferencias favorables al grupo intervención, respecto de: a uso de servicios sanitarios indicativos de mayor morbilidad, tales como la frecuencia de consultas hospitalarias urgentes por paciente 1,27Interv. (IC95 %:1,10 a 1,44 y 1,63Contr.(IC95 %:1,36 a 1,90 o los días promedio de UCI por paciente hospitalizado: 2,46Interv.(IC95 %:1,56 a 3,36 y 5,87Contr.(IC95 %: 3,57 a 8,17, por causa cardiológica; b calidad de vida con diferencia de 4,7 (p < 0,05 en la dimensión de función física; c conocimiento de factores de riesgo de enfermedad coronaria, promedio de +10 % (p < 0,02 - 0,07, según dimensión; d identificación nominal de los medicamentos usados +10 % (p < 0,01; importancia subjetiva otorgada a los antiagregantes + 12 % (p < 0,009, los beta-bloqueantes, así como sus efectos +25 % (p < 0,02; y e satisfacción con la AF y percepción de la competencia profesional, promedio de + 12 % (p < 0,000 – 0,05, según dimensión. Conclusiones: Los valores menores de: demanda individual urgente coronaria, frecuencia de hospitalizaciones y número de días de Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos coronaria por hospitalización, sugerirían que los pacientes que tras un episodio coronario agudo reciben Atención Farmacéutica tienden a

  3. Caso clínico del Departamento de Psiquiatría: Trastorno afectivo bipolar 1, episodio maníaco

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    José Manuel Calvo Gómez


    Full Text Available Se trata de un paciente de 21 años con un cuadro clínico de una semana de evolución cuyas características satisfacen los criterios diagnósticos de la Cuarta Edición del Manual Estadístico y Diagnóstico de los Trastornos Mentales (DSM IV para trastorno afectivo bipolar 1,episodio maníaco severo con características psicóticas congruentes con el estado de ánimo. Criterios diagnósticos para trastorno afectivo bipolar 1: A. Actualmente (o recientemente en episodio maníaco. B. Ha existido previamente al menos un episodio depresivo mayor, episodio maníaco o episodio mixto. C. Los episodios afectivos de los criterios A y B no son producidos por un trastorno esquizoafectivo y no están superpuestos sobre esquizofrenia, trastorno esquizofreniforme, trastorno delirante, o trastorno psicótico no especificado en otro sitio.

  4. Antecedentes de violencia en la infancia y repercusión psicopatológica en mujeres que han vivido violencia por sus parejas. Estudio exploratorio


    Martínez Sanz, Alicia; Mañas-Viejo, Carmen; Iniesta Martínez, Almudena


    Las situaciones traumáticas vividas en la infancia pueden tener una gran repercusión psicopatológica en la vida adulta. Otros estudios han mostrado que haber vivido abuso físico o sexual en la infancia puede estar relacionado con vivir una situación de maltrato por la pareja. El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue comprobar si vivir algún tipo de violencia en la infancia puede aumentar la sintomatología de las mujeres que han sufrido violencia por sus parejas en la vida adulta. Ademá...

  5. Oxcarbazepina para los episodios afectivos agudos en el trastorno bipolar

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    Akshya Vasudev


    Se necesitan ensayos controlados con asignación aleatoria con adecuado poder estadístico y de buena calidad metodológica para informar el potencial terapéutico de la oxcarbazepina a través del espectro de episodios agudos en el trastorno bipolar.

  6. Percepción de algunos estilos de crianza y el episodio depresivo en el adulto.


    Salirrosas-Alegría, Cristopher; Saavedra-Castillo, Javier


    Objetivos: Evaluar la relación entre la percepción de algunos estilos de crianza y el episodio depresivo en el adulto. Método: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo y transversal donde se usó la base de datos del Estudio Epidemiológico de Salud Mental de la Costa Peruana que incluyó 6555 personas adultas, relacionando los estilos de crianza con el episodio depresivo mediante pruebas de independencia para muestras complejas, ajustando modelos de regresión logística múltiple. Resultados: Se encont...

  7. Uso del tratamiento acupuntural en pacientes con episodio depresivo leve

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    Roberto Anselmo Ramos Valverde


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio experimental en el Centro Comunitario Provincial de Salud Mental de Las Tunas, con el objetivo de determinar la efectividad del empleo de la acupuntura en pacientes portadores de episodio depresivo leve. El universo estuvo constituido por todos los pacientes diagnosticados clínicamente con la enfermedad, que acudieron a la consulta de Medicina Natural y Tradicional de esta entidad entre marzo de 2011 a marzo de 2013. La muestra quedó constituida por 60 pacientes que cumplieron los criterios diagnósticos y de inclusión establecidos para la investigación, se aplicó un muestreo aleatorio simple que permitió conformar dos grupos, uno de estudio, al que se le aplicó tratamiento acupuntural, y uno control, que recibió tratamiento con amitriptilina. Los resultados mostraron que el insomnio fue el síntoma asociado más frecuente. Al terminar el tratamiento se obtuvo que la depresión se eliminó en la totalidad de los pacientes, pero fue más inmediato el efecto antidepresivo en los pacientes del grupo estudio, los síntomas asociados desaparecieron en casi la totalidad de ellos. Se concluye que el tratamiento tradicional acupuntural constituye una terapia efectiva en los pacientes con episodio depresivo leve

  8. Un episodio relevante: la burbuja especulativa y la crisis inmobiliaria en perspectiva

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    José Manuel Naredo Pérez


    Full Text Available A juicio del autor, el episodio más relevante y condicionante para el territorio y el urbanismo de finales del siglo pasado y principios del actual, ha sido la enorme burbuja especulativa y la posterior crisis inmobiliaria que ha vivido el país. El pinchazo de esta burbuja ha forzado la crisis económica y también la del modelo inmobiliario que la posibilitó, invitando a reflexionar sobre él.

  9. Hans Jürman 85 : Hans Jürman: kes ma olen? / Hans Jürman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jürman, Hans, 1923-2014


    Hans Jürmani lapsepõlvest, kooliaastatest ning ülikooliajast. Olles hariduselt eesti filoloog on Hans Jürman töötanud ka apteekrina ja õpetajana, kuid suurema osa oma elust raamatukogudes, põhiliselt Tallinna Keskraamatukogus ja Eesti NSV Riiklikus Avalikus Raamatukogus, viimasel ajal tegeleb terminoloogiaga

  10. Conferencias anatomoclinicas: caso No. veintiuno

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    San Juan de Dios Hospital


    Enfermedad Actual: Se inició hace unos 4 años con la aparición de períodos de inconsciencia, el primero de los cuales se presentó como un desvanecimiento que la obligó a buscar apoyo; los siguientes han aparecido en diferentes épocas caracterizándose siempre por caída brusca con pérdida de la conciencia. Tales episodios son de corta duración e inicialmente fueron poco frecuentes. En los últimos 10 meses se han hecho más frecuentes y han tenido mayor duración. En los días anteriores a su ingreso, al producirse uno de estos episodios, sufrió una fractura de Colles en el brazo izquierdo que la obligó a ingresar al Hospital.

  11. Respuesta hidrológica y erosiva de un suelo forestal mediterráneo en recuperación de diferentes impactos

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    Rubio, J. L.


    Full Text Available Land use changes, including land abandonment, and forest fires have been two key factors that have characterized the evolution of Mediterranean ecosystems. This work studies the evolution in the hydrologic characteristics and the erosive response of a Mediterranean forest soil, which has undergone during years changes in its forest use and the fire impact, are shown. This soil is in recovering stage since year 1996. The study has been carried out in the Experimental Station of Porta-Coeli in a system of four erosion plots (40 x 8 m of closed type. The hydrologic behaviour and erosive parameters have been studied in each rain event during period 2006-2008. The temporal variability of soil moisture contents have been also studied through the characterization of its response curves regarding different episodes of rain, analyzing its relation with runoff generation.

    En las últimas décadas, dos de los factores más importantes que han caracterizado la evolución en los ecosistemas mediterráneos han sido los cambios de uso del suelo, incluyendo el abandono de cultivos, y los incendios forestales. En este trabajo se presenta la evolución de las características hidrológicas y de la respuesta erosiva de un suelo forestal mediterráneo que ha sufrido durante años cambios en su uso y el impacto de incendios forestales. Actualmente la zona de estudio se encuentra en recuperación desde el año 1996. El trabajo se ha desarrollado en la Estación Experimental de Porta-Coeli en un sistema de cuatro parcelas (40 x 8 m de erosión de tipo cerrado. Se ha determinado su comportamiento hidrológico y sus parámetros erosivos en cada episodio de lluvia durante el período 2006-2008. También se ha estudiado la variabilidad temporal del contenido de humedad del suelo a través de la caracterización de sus curvas-respuesta en diferentes episodios de lluvia, y se analiza su relación con la generación de escorrentía.

  12. High-pressure granulite event in the Filali Unit (Beni Bousera Massif, Morocco): implications for an early Variscan metamorphic evolution


    Aghzer, A. M.; Haissen, F.


    Los paragneises migmatíticos basales de la unidad de Filali (Rif Interno, Marruecos) contienen inclusiones de granulitas básicas de alta-presión. Tres episodios metamórficos que documentan una descompresión isotérmica han sido distinguídos en estas litologías: (1) un episodio granulítico de alta-presión (810-890°C, 13.3-15.7 kbar); (2) un episodio transicional entre las facies de las granulitas y anfibolitas (712-832°C, 10.3-13 kbar); y (3) un estadio anfibolítico (690-770°C, 7.7-...

  13. Han er her endnu

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bonde, Lisbeth


    Interview med den kinesiske aktivist og billedkunstner Ai Weiwei, der sad fængslet i 81 dage i 2011. Hans pas er stadig (i februar 2014) inddraget af myndighederne, så han kan ikke forlade landet, selv om han har betalt en bøde på 13 mio. kr. for ”skatteunddragelse”. Både i sin kunst og i sine...... mange aktioner retter han en hård kritik af det korrupte kinesiske styre, som træder menneskerettighederne under fode. Men uretfærdighedsfølelsen har sin pris i et totalitært og topstyret samfund. Ligegyldigt, hvor mange vigtige udstillinger han har i udlandet, må han blive hjemme og styre aktiviteterne...... via cyberspace. I interviewet fortæller Ai Weiwei om de personlige omkostninger, som hans kamp mod systemet indebærer....

  14. Jiecai Han

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Bulletin of Materials Science. Jiecai Han. Articles written in Bulletin of Materials Science. Volume 25 Issue 4 August 2002 pp 263-266 Synthesis. Self-propagating high temperature synthesis and magnetic properties of Ni0.35Zn0.65Fe2O4 powders · Yao Li Jiupeng Zhao Jiecai Han · More Details Abstract ...

  15. SAQUEOS EN LA ARGENTINA: algunas pistas para su comprensión a partir de los episodios de Córdoba-2013

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    Adrián Scribano

    Full Text Available Dando continuidad a una serie de reflexiones que se inscriben en el cruce entre los estudios de la acción colectiva, crítica ideológica y sociología de los cuerpos y emociones, este trabajo se propone tramar una explicación de los saqueos en Argentina, en tanto fenómenos asociados a unas políticas de las sensibilidades particulares. Para ello, revisa las maneras existentes para comprender a los saqueos; posteriormente reconstruye – a partir de diferentes fuentes secundarias – una aproximación a la “historia de los saqueos” en la Argentina, describiendo y estableciendo proximidades y distancias con el episodio ocurrido en Córdoba, en 2013. Finalmente desarrolla algunas posibles interpretaciones de este episodio en función del análisis de material cualitativo (observaciones y testimonios de actores. En las conclusiones, se enfatiza el modo en que los saqueos plantean la “sin razón” de unas prácticas del sentir particulares, que pueden describirse en la relación entre flujo, masa, bronca y vértigo. Desde aquí se sintetizan algunas pistas para análisis futuros.

  16. Eficacia del Entrenamiento Metacognitivo en los procesos emocionales en pacientes con un primer episodio psicótico


    Guasp Tortajada, Alejandra María


    INTRODUCCIÓN Es sabido que aspectos emocionales negativos tales como síntomas depresivos y baja autoestima son habituales en pacientes con psicosis y en concreto, en pacientes con un primer episodio psicótico. Se conoce también que existe una relación entre dichas alteraciones emocionales y los delirios. Además, las investigaciones actuales están demostrando que la intervención temprana, en pacientes con un trastorno psicótico de breve evolución, puede ser determinante en su evolución y r...

  17. Hans Pöhl - Estlandssvenskarnas hövding = Hans Pöhl - rannarootslaste eestvõitleja / Torkel Jansson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jansson, Torkel, 1947-


    Raamatututvustus: Hans Pöhl - Estlandssvenskarnas hövding : en biografi över Hans Pöhl (1876-1930), estlandssvenskarnas främste företrädare och ledare = Hans Pöhl - rannarootslaste eestvõitleja : Hans Pöhli (1876-1930), Eesti rootslaste vaimse liidri ja valgustaja elulugu. (Stockholm ; Tallinn, 2010)

  18. Hans Raj Negi

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Resonance – Journal of Science Education. Hans Raj Negi. Articles written in Resonance – Journal of Science Education. Volume 8 Issue 1 January 2003 pp 51-58 General Article. Lichens: A Valuable Bioresource for Environmental Monitoring and Sustainable Development · Hans Raj Negi · More Details ...

  19. Hans Raj Wason

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Journal of Earth System Science. Hans Raj Wason. Articles written in Journal of Earth System Science. Volume 125 Issue 4 June 2016 pp 855-871. Identification of seismically susceptible areas in western Himalaya using pattern recognition · Mridula Amita Sinvhal Hans Raj Wason · More Details Abstract ...

  20. Monitoreo del Aire en Puerto Rico a través de la Ciencia Ciudadana (United States)

    Comunidad de Tallaboa/Encarnación en Peñuelas, Puerto Rico es un ejemplo de una comunidad comprometida con mejorar la calidad de aire para sus residentes que han sufrido el impacto acumulativo de la contaminacion en su localidad.

  1. Insuficiencia renal aguda con necrosis tubular aguda secundaria a picadura masiva de abejas

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    Gustavo A. Aroca - Martínez


    Full Text Available Leñador de 46 años consulta al servicio de nefrología, de la Clínica Renal de la Costa en Barranquilla, con episodio de insuficiencia renal aguda 48 horas después de haber sufrido múltiples picaduras por abejas africanizadas. Durante su estancia hospitalaria presentó incremento de enzimas musculares (AST LDH, y de pruebas de función renal, motivo por el cual fue dializado en varias ocasiones. Con mejoría total, se decide egresar y manejar ambulatoriamente. Se concluye que el caso se trata de una insuficiencia renal por necrosis tubular aguda por rabdomiolisis debida a la picadura múltiple de abejas africanizadas.

  2. Vestigios invisibles : fotografía y grabado


    Calderón Esteban, Cecilia


    El proyecto desarrolla las ideas que fundamentan la obra plástica, la cual ha servido para expresar las inquietudes personales que tanto me preocupan desde que tengo consciencia: viaje y memoria. A partir de una base fotográfica, se han realizado dibujos digitales donde se aísla a la figura principal, capturada en un momento y lugar, previamente con la cámara. Esas ilustraciones han sufrido un tratamiento plástico directo posterior: han sido talladas en linóleo para, más adelante, estam...

  3. Tratamiento del episodio agudo de asma bronquial en los servicios de urgencias pediátricos: Guía clínica práctica Treatment of the acute episode of bronchial asthma at the pediatric emergency services: Practical clinical guide

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    Roberto Razón Behar


    Full Text Available Por lo general, no existe una sistematización para clasificar y tratar el episodio agudo de asma bronquial ni para evaluar la evolución de los pacientes. Se realizó un estudio en 142 pacientes de 6 a 15 años de edad, que presentaron episodios agudos de asma bronquial y acudieron a los servicios de urgencias de los Hospitales Pediátricos «William Soler» y «Leonor Pérez», y del Policlínico «Federico Capdevila». A estos pacientes se les aplicó una guía clínica práctica, que incluyó la clasificación de la severidad del episodio agudo y un esquema de tratamiento, basado en la utilización de oxígeno, broncodilatadores inhalados y esteroides orales. Durante el tratamiento, los pacientes se evaluaron con periodicidad. La respuesta al tratamiento fue buena en la mayoría de los casos y el resultado final fue el egreso domiciliario. Ocho de los pacientes requirieron ingreso hospitalario por respuestas al tratamiento incompletas o pobres. La atención del episodio agudo de asma bronquial puede mejorarse con el uso de guías clínicas prácticas de diagnóstico y tratamiento.

  4. Análisis sistemático y propuestas para la reforma institucional del SICA: Especial referencia al proceso de toma de decisiones y el reparto de competencias de sus órganos centrales

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    Diana Cecilia Santana Paisano


    Full Text Available Este documento presenta, a través de una labor de sistematización, un diagnóstico sucinto de la conformación histórica, la estructura institucional actual y los episodios de reformas del Sistema de Integración Centroamericana (SICA. Se coligan diversas fuentes documentales con miras a identificar el alcance de estos episodios de reformas y proponer temas que todavía no se han abordado con suficiencia. Se encuentra que las reformas experimentadas por el SICA han tenido como eje la reordenación de las falencias que derivaron de los tratados originarios. No obstante, los cuatro episodios identificados no han tenido alcances concretos que permitan afirmar que se han superado tales dificultades. Bajo estos razonamientos, se considera necesario reorientar la institucionalidad del SICA de modo que puedan definirse de manera explícita las competencias que corresponden a las instituciones regionales y a países miembros, con el fin de garantizar su funcionamiento de cara al cumplimiento de los fines de la integración y la adecuación a la coyuntura global. La lógica de las reformas debe enfocarse en conservar aquellos elementos cuya implementación resulta eficaz y en definir los criterios, estrategias, tácticas y acciones consustanciales a su naturaleza. La reforma sustancial en un sentido amplio se logrará mediante el posicionamiento de la institucionalidad respecto del papel de los Estados miembros y de la sociedad, en pro de una legitimación democrática, sin dejar de lado lo que atañe al financiamiento del propio proceso de reformas y a la sustentabilidad del sistema institucional.

  5. Studeren met Hans Rosenberg

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rutten, R.J.


    Hoe was het om in de jaren zestig te studeren? Laat ik een terugblik ophangen aan een studiemakker, Hans Rosenberg. We vormden samen de sterrekundejaar- gang 1961. Hans studeerde af in 1966 met hoofdvak wiskunde, promoveerde op radiostralingsprocessen in de zonnecorona in 1973, verliet de

  6. Recomendaciones para la prevención de riesgos contra descargas atmosféricas en el patrimonio construido


    Vernieri, Julieta Z.; Traversa, Luis P.; Soibelzon, Héctor Leopoldo


    Con el objeto de preservar los valores tangibles e intangibles del patrimonio cultural construido, se han elaborado numerosos y prestigiosos documentos internacionales, los cuales establecen el marco de una serie de principios teórico doctrinarios que delimitan y guían los diferentes tipos de intervenciones en el patrimonio. Como consecuencia de los daños sufridos por el patrimonio construido, a causa de fenómenos naturales (algunos de ellos catastróficos), los especialistas han advertido ...


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    Eduardo Méndez Quesada


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es presentar algunas ideas e inquietudes sobre el tema de la dolarización oficial de un país y en especial en cuanto a las consecuencias previsibles en diversos ámbitos de adoptar una medida monetaria y cambiaria de este tipo.Debe mencionarse que, debido probablemente a que no existen en la historia reciente casos de dolarización plena, la literatura técnica sobre este tema específico es muy escasa2; más amplia es la referente a los procesos de dolarización originados por el debilitamiento del papel de las monedas nacionales en países que han sufrido largos episodios de inflación elevada, como es el caso de algunas naciones latinoamericanas.Las ideas planteadas aquí tienen carácter preliminar y están sujetas a ser rectificadas y complementadas; además, por ese mismo motivo, no se toma explícitamente una posición sobre el tema. Asimismo, no se contemplan los aspectos legales ni constitucionales que conlleva una política de este tipo, ni los cambios institucionales como, por ejemplo, si desaparecería o permanecería el Banco Central aún sin la función emisora o si debería crearse o no otro tipo de organismo con algunas de las otras funciones que tradicionalmente llevan a cabo estas entidades.

  8. La bioética protege a todos los animales, excepto a los invertebrados


    Portillo, Ramón


    Los avances científico-técnicos de las biociencias a través de la historia, aunado a la modernización y globalización del animal humano, han generado la teorización de protocolos de uso y protección de animales no humanos, utilizados para desentrañar los misterios de la vida. El grupo de los invertebrados, sin embargo, han sido grandes ausentes dentro de estos marcos de protección. Ello debido, probablemente, a su lejanía filogenética, a la poca antropomorfización que han sufrido y, principal...

  9. Hans Küng: "Projekt Weltethos "


    Altmanninger, Maria


    Bei dieser Arbeit werde ich mich vor Allem auf zwei Werke beziehen: Küng,Hans:Projekt Weltethos.Piper.München 1990. Küng,Hans;Kuschel,Karl-Josef (Hg.):Weltfrieden durch Religionsfrieden.Die unter Punkt Acht aufgeführte Stellungnahme wurde ausschließlich von mir verfasst.

  10. Validez de la escala breve de Zung para tamizaje del episodio depresivo mayor en la población general de Bucaramanga, Colombia


    Adalberto Campo; Luis Alfonso Díaz; Germán Eduardo Rueda


    Introducción. Las escalas breves para identificar trastornos depresivos conservan la utilidad de las escalas extensas como instrumentos para tamizaje. Sin embargo, no se cuenta con una escala de estas características validada en población general colombiana. Objetivo. Diseñar una escala abreviada de la escala de Zung para depresión para tamizaje de episodio depresivo mayor en adultos residentes en la comunidad general. Materiales y métodos. A partir de la aplicación de la escala de Zung...

  11. Rannarootslaste suurmees Hans Pöhl / Olev Liivik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Liivik, Olev, 1975-


    Arvustus: Estlandssvenskarnas hövding. En biografi över Hans Pöhl (1876-1930), estlandssvenskarnas främste företrädare och ledare = Hans Pöhl - rannarootslaste eestvõileja : Hans Pöhl (1876-1930), Eesti rootslaste vaimse liidri ja valgustaja elulugu. Stockholm, 2010

  12. Morfología femoral proximal en fracturas de cadera


    Calvo de Mora Rebollo, María Jesús; Albareda Albareda, Jorge Cruz; Seral García, Belén; Martín Ruiz, G.; Lasierra Sanromán, José Manuel; Seral Iñigo, Fernando


    Es frecuente observar como pacientes que han sufrido una fractura de cadera, si se fracturan posteriormente la cadera contralateral, es del mismo tipo que la primera fractura. El objetivo de este trabajo es tratar de relacional la morfología femoral proximal con la producción de un tipo determinado de fractura. Para ello hemos realizado un estudio prospectivo en 50 pacientes mayores de 65 años, sin distinción de sexo, que han ingresado en nuestro servicio por fractura femoral proximal, 25 ...

  13. Cartografía de la esperanza: Iniciativas de resistencia pacífica desde las mujeres



    Este estudio muestra una alternativa de vida que desarrollan mujeres organizadas, frente a las experiencias de muerte, maltrato y desplazamiento que han sufrido ellas, sus familias y las comunidades colombianas durante más de la mitad del siglo XX. Es la alternativa de vida que han ido construyendo las mujeres en tres departamentos, Cauca, Chocó y Nariño, que sufren intensamente los rigores de un conflicto armado que no tiene trazas de terminar. La lógica imperante de los actores armados que ...

  14. Profanum et Promissio : het begrip wereld in de missionaire ecclesiologieën van Hans Hoekendijk, Hans Jochen Margull en Ernst Lange

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Petter, Frank Anthonie


    Profanum et Promissio The concept of ‘world’ in the missionary ecclesiologies of Hans Hoekendijk, Hans Jochen Margull and Ernst Lange. This study deals with the concept of ‘world’ in the missionary ecclesiologies of Hans Hoekendijk (1912-1975), Hans Jochen Margull (1925-1982) and Ernst Lange

  15. Transforming han: a correlational method for psychology and religion. (United States)

    Oh, Whachul


    Han is a destructive feeling in Korea. Although Korea accomplished significant exterior growth, Korean society is still experiencing the dark aspects of transforming han as evidenced by having the highest suicide rate in Asia. Some reasons for this may be the fragmentation between North and South Korea. If we can transform han then it can become constructive. I was challenged to think of possibilities for transforming han internally; this brings me to the correlational method through psychological and religious interpretation. This study is to challenge and encourage many han-ridden people in Korean society. Through the psychological and religious understanding of han, people suffering can positively transform their han. They can relate to han more subjectively, and this means the han-ridden psyche has an innate sacredness of potential to transform.

  16. De la hegemonía a la multipolaridad en el comercio internacional desde la posguerra

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hernández Adolfo


    Full Text Available EI presente artículo se propone interpretar los cambios que en el curso de la posguerra han sufrido las participaciones de unos cuantos países y grupos de países en el comercio mundial desde la posguerra. Algunas de estas se han mantenido relativamente estables; otras han experimentado variaciones abruptas, lo que plantea interrogantes acerca de tres cuestiones cruciales de la economía mundial: las relaciones entre las naciones capitalistas avanzadas y las subdesarrolladas; la participación de los países de economía planificada en el comercio de Occidente, y la competencia entre países capitalistas avanzados.

  17. Validez de la escala breve de Zung para tamizaje del episodio depresivo mayor en la población general de Bucaramanga, Colombia


    Campo, Adalberto; Díaz, Luis Alfonso; Rueda, Germán Eduardo


    Introducción. Las escalas breves para identificar trastornos depresivos conservan la utilidad de las escalas extensas como instrumentos para tamizaje. Sin embargo, no se cuenta con una escala de estas características validada en población general colombiana. Objetivo. Diseñar una escala abreviada de la escala de Zung para depresión para tamizaje de episodio depresivo mayor en adultos residentes en la comunidad general. Materiales y métodos. A partir de la aplicación de la escala de Zung de ve...

  18. Hans mening om hendes krop

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scheuer, Jann


    Bidraget handler om søgninger i danske tekstkorpusser efter 'hendes' hhv. 'hans' + nominal inden for en afstand af to ord. Det er ved hjælp af søgninger i big data undersøgt hvad der knyttes til hende og ham, hvad deres ejendom er: hendes lejlighed o.l. og hvilke attributter de tilskrives hans fi...

  19. Reações hansênicas do tipo 1 e eritema nodoso hansênico


    Kahawita, Indira P.; Walker, Stephen L.; Lockwood, Diana N.J.


    Leprosy reactions are a major cause of nerve damage and morbidity in a significant proportion of leprosy patients. Reactions are immunologically mediated and can occur even after successful completion of multi-drug therapy. This review focuses on the epidemiology, pathology and treatment of leprosy type 1 reactions, erythema nodosum leprosum and silent neuropathy. As reações hansênicas são a principal causa de dano e morbidade neural em grande parte dos pacientes hansênicos. São imunomedia...

  20. La importancia de la educación emocional en los niños en situación de riesgo.


    Heras Moreno, Sara


    Este trabajo recoge en primer lugar una base teórica sobre las situaciones de riesgo que pueden sufrir nuestros alumnos en el entorno familiar, además de una serie de conceptos y teorías sobre la educación emocional. Así mismo explico qué entidades colaboran con los maestros y con las familias de Castilla y León para tratar de subsanar las deficiencias afectivas de estos alumnos que han sufrido situaciones traumáticas que han afectado a su conducta y a sus habilidades social...

  1. Recuperación de listeria monocytogenes dañada subletalmente por efecto de la congelación


    Blanco Gutiérrez, María del Mar


    Se han estudiado distintos aspectos relacionados con la influencia que ejerce la congelación sobre la viabilidad y el daño celular sobre las listerias en general y l. Monocytogenes, asi como distintas cuestiones con relación a la detección de listerias a partir de muestras que han sufrido un proceso de congelación. Respecto a la primera parte, hemos observado que la resistencia de l. Monocytogenes a los efectos letales y subletales de la congelación (-20 c) se ve influenciada por la concentra...

  2. Evolución de la obesidad en una muestra de origen poblacional española. Valor pronóstico en la mortalidad


    Ponce García, Isabel


    1. MAGNITUD DEL PROBLEMA DE LA OBESIDAD La consideración social de la obesidad ha sufrido cambios a lo largo de la historia. En época de carencia nutricional, la obesidad era un objetivo a alcanzar y un signo de pertenecer a una clase pudiente. En la actualidad, los países desarrollados y en vías de desarrollo que han adquirido la forma de vida de aquéllos, han aumentando su prevalencia considerablemente, probablemente como consecuencia de una mala adaptación de nuestra especie, que vive h...

  3. La memoria y el perdón: Una aproximación desde Amelia Valcárcel.


    Pedro Montero Linares


    Este artículo es un documento de reflexión que incluye elementales acotaciones de la lectura del último texto de Amelia Valcárcel: La Memoria y el Perdón, sobre un tema de mucha importancia en las sociedades que han sufrido los estragos y las consecuencias ya sea de una guerra civil, un conflicto armado interno o distensiones sociales graves que han afectado severamente los derechos humanos. Construir memoria no es tarea fácil para la víctima. A esta se le impone una tarea de discernimiento m...

  4. Violencia de género y pensamiento profesional: una investigación sobre la práctica del Trabajo Social


    Pilar Ríos Campos


    Las casas de acogida para mujeres maltratadas han sufrido un proceso de transformación desde que fueron creadas. Inicialmente fundadas a partir de los principios y la filosofía del movimiento feminista, han ido siendo absorbidas por las administraciones públicas. Esto ha supuesto un cambio hacia la burocratización y la adaptación de las mujeres al sistema, antes que convertirlas en agentes de cambio social como se pretendía en un principio. En este artículo hacemos un somero análisis de est...

  5. Hans Viertler: professor, cientista, gestor e amigo Hans Viertler: professor, scientist, manager and friend

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jailson B. de Andrade


    Full Text Available Hans Viertler, a visionary, an example of institutional commitment, a great scientist, excellent and dedicated teacher, highly respected as a professional and admired for his leadership, wisdom, generosity, good humor, professional capacity, and balance. A life dedicated to the consolidation of Chemistry in Brazil, the teaching chemistry, the IQ-USP, the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ and the CRQ-fourth region. Hans, a friend with a heart bigger than himself!

  6. Tribute to Hans Sann

    CERN Multimedia


    1945-2003 Hans Sann, an internationally recognized scientist, beloved colleague and friend, died in a tragic car accident, on May 27th, on one of his many travels to CERN. Employed at GSI, in Darmstadt, since 1979, Hans Sann devoted most of his scientific career to the development of large size gas detectors for nuclear and high-energy physics experiments at GSI, CERN and Berkeley. One of his main achievements, among many others, was the famous MUSIC detector, on which several projects at GSI, Berkeley and other research Institutes were based. The innovative results obtained in the study of the fluid-gas transition in nuclear matter would not have been possible without his contribution and the application of the MUSIC detector. A member of the ALICE Collaboration since 1996, Hans was leading two main ALICE sub-programmes, the development of the gas system and the cooling system for the TPC detector. In addition, he was involved in the development of a new technological concept for the resistor chain of the ...

  7. La construcción de normas en episodios de conflicto intersubjetivos: Indagando acciones comunicativas para la validación normativa en la praxis cotidiana de niños/as de cuatro años en clases de educación física Norms Construction During Intersubject Conflict: Exploring Communicative Actions For Norms' Validation In The Daily Practices Of Four Year Old Children In Physical Education Classes

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    Valeria Mariel Gómez


    Full Text Available El presente artículo está destinado a presentar una caracterización de procesos de construcción y validación de normas en episodios de conflicto intersubjetivos en el contexto de clases de educación física escolar. El diseño de investigación es exploratorio, siendo la observación semiparticipante y el registro descriptivo de situaciones de interacción (verbal y motriz entre niños/ as, la técnica de recolección de datos. Se ha trabajado con una muestra finalística de interacciones en clases de nivel inicial. El procedimiento de análisis es cualitativo y hermenéutico: se analizaron fragmentos discursivos y secuencias de acción de los protagonistas de los episodios. Se presenta el análisis de un episodio de conflicto a modo de ilustración del trabajo empírico y de interpretación teórica realizado. A la luz del mismo se exponen los resultados de la investigación: se han distinguido dos vías de construcción de normas y dos tipos de garantías que subyacen a las pretensiones de validez de las normas expresadas por los niños durante la resolución de conflictos.This article aims at introducing a detailed description of norms' construction and validation during intersubjetive conflict episodes, in the context of children physical education classes. Data collection techniques are semi participant observation and descriptive recording of interaction situations (verbal and motor between children; this being exploratory research. The study focused on a finalistic sample of interactions, in kindergarten classes. The analysis procedure is hermeneutic and qualitative: discursive fragments and action sequences are analyzed. The analysis of a conflict episode illustrate the empiric work and the theoric interpretation. The results of this investigation are displayed based on this episode. As main results, the study identifies two ways for norms construction and two kinds of guarantees underlying to validate norms expressed by children

  8. Han greb øjeblikket

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, Uffe


    Helmut Kohl havde en sans for historiens store bevægelser og for at slå til, når muligheden bød sig. Han var også ansvarlig for mange af de skævheder, der har plaget det forenede Tyskland og det uforenede Europa lige siden kommunismens sammenbrud.......Helmut Kohl havde en sans for historiens store bevægelser og for at slå til, når muligheden bød sig. Han var også ansvarlig for mange af de skævheder, der har plaget det forenede Tyskland og det uforenede Europa lige siden kommunismens sammenbrud....

  9. Development of HAN-based Liquid Propellant Thruster (United States)

    Hisatsune, K.; Izumi, J.; Tsutaya, H.; Furukawa, K.


    Many of propellants that are applied to the conventional spacecraft propulsion system are toxic propellants. Because of its toxicity, considering the environmental pollution or safety on handling, it will be necessary to apply the "green" propellant to the spacecraft propulsion system. The purpose of this study is to apply HAN based liquid propellant (LP1846) to mono propellant thruster. Compared to the hydrazine that is used in conventional mono propellant thruster, HAN based propellant is not only lower toxic but also can obtain higher specific impulse. Moreover, HAN based propellant can be decomposed by the catalyst. It means there are the possibility of applying to the mono propellant thruster that can leads to the high reliability of the propulsion system.[1],[2] However, there are two technical subjects, to apply HAN based propellant to the mono propellant thruster. One is the high combustion temperature. The catalyst will be damaged under high temperature condition. The other is the low catalytic activity. It is the serious problem on application of HAN based propellant to the mono propellant thruster that is used for attitude control of spacecraft. To improve the catalytic activity of HAN based propellant, it is necessary to screen the best catalyst for HAN based propellant. The adsorption analysis is conducted by Monte Carlo Simulation to screen the catalyst metal for HAN and TEAN. The result of analysis shows the Iridium is the best catalyst metal for HAN and TEAN. Iridium is the catalyst metal that is used at conventional mono propellant thruster catalyst Shell405. Then, to confirm the result of analysis, the reaction test about catalyst is conducted. The result of this test is the same as the result of adsorption analysis. That means the adsorption analysis is effective in screening the catalyst metal. At the evaluating test, the various types of carrier of catalyst are also compared to Shell 405 to improve catalytic activity. The test result shows the


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    David Lazo P., DR.


    Full Text Available La Broncoscopia es sin duda el ámbito de medicina respiratoria que más ha sufrido cambios en los últimos 30 años. Principalmente dado por los avances tecnológicos que han permitido llegar, ver y hacer mucho más de lo que se pensó que era factible por vía endoscópica.



    Lazo P., David; Bunster D., E.U. Karina


    La Broncoscopia es sin duda el ámbito de medicina respiratoria que más ha sufrido cambios en los últimos 30 años. Principalmente dado por los avances tecnológicos que han permitido llegar, ver y hacer mucho más de lo que se pensó que era factible por vía endoscópica.

  12. Evolución histórica: Nacimiento, desarrollo y futuro de la conservación del Patrimonio Minero-Metalúrgico


    Puche Riart, Octavio; Orche García, Enrique; Mazadiego Martínez, Luis Felipe; Mata Perelló, José M.; Jordá Bordehore, Luis


    En España la Minería todavía es una actividad industrial de peso en la economía nacional. Sin embargo la minería metálica y la del carbón han sufrido profundas crisis, dejando paso a una nueva minería de minerales y rocas industriales (incluimos el agua mineral), así como de rocas ornamentales. Estas transformaciones han repercutido en el cierre de cuencas mineras históricas enteras, tales como Linares-La Carolina (Jaén), Sierra de Cartagena (Murcia), Somorrostro (Vizcaya), El Marquesado (Gra...



    Francisco Rafael Guzmán Facundo; Santiaga Enriqueta Esparza Almanza; Selene Alejandra Alcántara Rodríguez; Ivonne Yazmín Escobedo Robles; Tannia Henggeler Hernández


    Un problema relacionado con el abuso de alcohol en jóvenes es la violencia. Los objetivos del estudio fueron: describir la prevalencia del consumo de alcohol, así como la clasificación del consumo en jóvenes, conocer la proporción de mujeres que han sufrido violencia psicológica, la proporción de hombres que han ejercido violencia psicológica y conocer la relación del consumo de alcohol y la violencia psicológica durante el noviazgo en jóvenes de Monterrey, NL, México. Se empleó un diseño de...

  14. Regimen de propiedad sobre recursos genericos y conocimiento tradicional


    Nemogá Soto, Gabriel R.


    Este artículo expone los cambios históricos que se han dado en relación con la propiedad, el control y el acceso a los recursos genéticos. Desde su consideración como patrimonio común de la humanidad, los derechos sobre el material y la información genética han sufrido profundas transformaciones. El marco jurídico internacional concerniente a estos derechos se ha transformado para legitimar y promover su apropiación y monopolización. Parte de esta transformación fue la expansión de derecho...

  15. Estudio de la contaminación de las aguas del río Chillón


    Reyes Cubas, Carmen Martha; Reyes Cubas, Carmen Martha


    En el Perú uno de los principales problemas ambientales, generalmente es ocasionado por contaminación de aguas y residuos sólidos. El estado y los gobiernos locales le han dado poca importancia a la calidad del agua y los esfuerzos por detener este problema aun siguen siendo incipientes. Las aguas del río Chillón han sufrido un incremento en la contaminación de sus aguas, la contaminación a lo largo de la Cuenca del río Chillón depende de una serie de factores entre los que se destacan: la in...

  16. Análisis sobre la percepción y participación de los profesores de carrera y de planta de la facultad de administración en el plan de desarrollo profesoral ofertada por la Universidad del Rosario


    Luque Molano, Sonia María; Mondragón Herrera, Diana Milena; Pinzón Zambrano, Nicolás; Castro Mahecha, Javier Mauricio


    En los últimos años, la educación superior ha sufrido cambios que han influenciado directamente en la calidad educativa y el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Estos procesos se han visto afectados en una evolución metodológica gracias al avance tecnológico a servicio de los estudiantes que es orientada por el cuerpo docente que a su vez ha sido partícipe en dicha evolución. Por su parte la Universidad del Rosario se ha preocupado por darle relevancia a la opinión de los estudiantes, quienes...

  17. Mujeres de Guadalajara y violencia doméstica: resultados de un estudio piloto

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    Juan Carlos Ramírez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La violencia doméstica contra la mujer es un problema médico social que continúa soslayado por las instituciones, no sólo de salud, sino en general por la sociedad mexicana. Existen incipientes investigaciones que muestran la magnitud de este fenómeno. Se realizó una encuesta piloto en 57 mujeres de Guadalajara, México, seleccionadas mediante un muestreo polietápico. Se encontró que el 46% de las mujeres habían sufrido de violencia. El perpetrador más frecuente fue el compañero/esposo (73%. De las mujeres que han sufrido de violencia por parte del esposo, la violencia emocional se identificó en el 33%, la violencia física con 19% y la sexual con 12%.

  18. Mujeres de Guadalajara y violencia doméstica: resultados de un estudio piloto

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    Ramírez Rodríguez Juan Carlos


    Full Text Available La violencia doméstica contra la mujer es un problema médico social que continúa soslayado por las instituciones, no sólo de salud, sino en general por la sociedad mexicana. Existen incipientes investigaciones que muestran la magnitud de este fenómeno. Se realizó una encuesta piloto en 57 mujeres de Guadalajara, México, seleccionadas mediante un muestreo polietápico. Se encontró que el 46% de las mujeres habían sufrido de violencia. El perpetrador más frecuente fue el compañero/esposo (73%. De las mujeres que han sufrido de violencia por parte del esposo, la violencia emocional se identificó en el 33%, la violencia física con 19% y la sexual con 12%.

  19. Hans Christian Andersen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørgaard, Jørgen


    The Danish author, Hans Christian Andersen, living in the 1800s expressed through his fairy tales and other stories an enthusiasm for the technological breakthroughs in that century with trains, etc. But he also showed great concern for what the natural science did to people by narrowing their mind...

  20. Homage to Professor Hans-Åke Gustafsson

    CERN Multimedia


    It was with deep sadness that we learned of the death of Professor Hans-Åke Gustafsson, an internationally recognized scientist, beloved colleague and friend. He passed away on Wednesday January 13th at the Lund University Hospital, surrounded by his loved ones, after a short battle against cancer. This is a great loss for all of us in ALICE and the whole heavy ion community. Hans-Åke, Professor at Lund University, was one of the pioneers of heavy ion physics with relativistic beams since its very beginning. He started his research at CERN, as a fellow at the ISOLDE ion beam facility, and immediately after, in the early 1980 joined the Plastic Ball collaboration at the Bevalac. One of the seminal papers of the field on the discovery of collective flow in relativistic nuclear collisions, co-authored by Hans-Åke, Hans Gutbrod and colleagues, stems from this period. From that point on he was always at the forefront of research with relativistic nuclear beams, being for three de...

  1. The philosophy of Hans-Georg Gadamer / Wolfgang Drechsler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Drechsler, Wolfgang, 1963-


    Rets.rmt.: The philosophy of Hans-Georg Gadamer : a review of the philosophy of Hans-Georg Gadamer / Lewis Edwin Hahn, ed. Chicago and La Salle, IL: Open Court, 1997. (The Library of Living Philosophers, vol. XXIV)

  2. Leprosy type 1 reactions and erythema nodosum leprosum Reações hansênicas do tipo 1 e eritema nodoso hansênico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Indira P. Kahawita


    Full Text Available Leprosy reactions are a major cause of nerve damage and morbidity in a significant proportion of leprosy patients. Reactions are immunologically mediated and can occur even after successful completion of multi-drug therapy. This review focuses on the epidemiology, pathology and treatment of leprosy type 1 reactions, erythema nodosum leprosum and silent neuropathy.As reações hansênicas são a principal causa de dano e morbidade neural em grande parte dos pacientes hansênicos. São imunomediadas e podem ocorrer mesmo após o término bem sucedido da poliquimioterapia. Esta revisão enfoca a epidemiologia, a patologia e o tratamento das reações hansênicas do tipo 1, do eritema nodoso hansênico e da neuropatia silenciosa.

  3. Primeiro episódio da esquizofrenia e assistência de enfermagem Primer episodio de la esquizofrenia y asistencia de enfermería First episode of schizophrenia and nursing care

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    Bianca Cristina Ciccone Giacon


    Full Text Available A esquizofrenia é um dos principais problemas de saúde da atualidade, exigindo considerável investimento do sistema de saúde. A intervenção no primeiro episódio do transtorno oferece uma oportunidade única no tratamento da esquizofrenia, influenciando no curso da doença. O presente artigo consiste em uma revisão crítica de literatura cujos objetivos são examinar o conhecimento sobre o primeiro surto de esquizofrenia e discutir a contribuição da enfermagem na assistência. Foi utilizada pesquisa bibliográfica em índice informatizado de referências. Os dados obtidos permitiram organizar informações sobre o conceito geral de esquizofrenia, seu primeiro surto, tipos de intervenções e a atuação de enfermagem. Observamos que existe pouca literatura brasileira relacionada ao primeiro surto esquizofrênico, na área da enfermagem, poucos serviços especializados e disponíveis e poucos recursos sociais. Tal condição mostra a necessidade de estudos relacionados ao primeiro surto.La esquizofrenia es uno de los principales problemas de salud de la actualidad, exigiendo considerable inversión del sistema de salud. La intervención en el primer episodio del trastorno ofrece oportunidad única en el tratamiento de la esquizofrenia, influyendo en el curso de la enfermedad. El presente artículo consiste en una revisión crítica de la literatura cuyos objetivos son examinar el conocimiento sobre el primer episodio de esquizofrenia y discutir acerca de la contribución de la enfermería en la asistencia. Fue utilizada la investigación bibliográfica en índice informatizado de referencias. Los datos obtenidos permitieron organizar informaciones sobre el concepto general de esquizofrenia, su primer episodio, tipos de intervenciones y la actuación de enfermería. Observamos que existe poca literatura brasileña relacionada a la primera aparición de signos de esquizofrenia, en el área de la enfermería, pocos servicios especializados

  4. Violencia laboral en urgencias extrahospitalarias: una revisión sistemática y líneas de intervención psicológica

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    Mónica Bernaldo-de-Quirós


    en servicios de emergencia, b programas de prevención dirigidos al entrenamiento en habilidades de comunicación con los pacientes y/o acompañantes, la identificación de situaciones de riesgo y la puesta en marcha de estrategias de afrontamiento adecuadas y medidas de seguridad, y c la atención psicológica de los profesionales que ya han sufrido alguna agresión.

  5. Foujita en México: Un episodio de colaboración y mecenazgo, y un retrato de Modigliani.

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    Victoria Soto Caba


    Full Text Available En 1933 Tsuguharu Foujita viajó a México afincándose en la capital durante casi un año, una estancia que incidió en la evolución formal y temática de su producción artística y que tuvo consecuencias de gran interés para el intercambio artístico y el coleccionismo de la época de entreguerras, ya que sirvió de enlace entre Louis Eychenne, un coleccionista mexicano de la primera mitad del siglo XX, y las obras y artistas de la Escuela de París. El coleccionista le compró obra, le organizó dos exposiciones de dibujos en la capital mexicana que tuvieron cierto éxito y le proporcionaron algunas ventas y Foujita, a cambio, actuó como intermediario de la compra de cuadros, como fue el caso de La Patronne, de Amedeo Modigliani. Se trata de un episodio mexicano poco conocido, como lo son algunas fotografías y dibujos inéditos que se incluyen.

  6. La subida de los precios de los alimentos: Una mirada al Norte de África

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    Alberto Priego


    Full Text Available En los últimos 4 años el mundo ha sufrido al menos 3 crisis alimenticias. La explicación a este fenómeno tenemos que buscarla en un conjunto de diferentes causas (económicas, medioambientales, financieras, técnicas, políticas y sociales En el norte de África dichas crisis han sido el detonante de procesos de cambios sociales y políticos que hemos denominado Primaveras Árabes. En el presente artículo vamos a analizar las causas que han provocado el alza del precio de los alimentos y las consecuencias sobre la población del Norte de África.


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    José Eduardo de Siqueira


    Full Text Available Este trabajo es una reflexión sobre la principal obra del filósofo alemán contemporáneo, Hans Jonas. Muestra la trayectoria intelectual de Jonas hasta llegar al rescate de la ética de la responsabilidad, que Max Weber sugiere en obras de comienzos del siglo. El Principio de la Responsabilidad de Jonas es una evaluación sumamente crítica de la ciencia moderna y de su "brazo armado", la tecnología. El filósofo muestra la necesidad que el ser humano tiene de actuar con cautela y humildad frente al enorme poder transformador de la tecnocienciaEste trabalho é uma reflexão sobre a principal obra do filósofo alemão contemporâneo, Hans Jonas. Apresenta a trajetória intelectual de Jonas até o resgate da ética da responsabilidade que Max Weber sugere em obras do começo do século XX. O Princípio da Responsabilidade de Jonas é uma apreciação extremamente crítica da ciência moderna e de seu "braço armado", a tecnologia. O filósofo mostra que é necessário o ser humano agir com cautela e humildade ante o enorme poder transformador da tecnociênciaThis paper is a reflection on the main work of the german philosopher Hans Jonas. It shows his intellectual trajectory till the point of the rescueing of the ethics of responsibility, suggested in Max Weber ’s works of the beginning of this century. Jonas’ principle of responsibility is an extremely critical analysis of modern science and its principal "armed arm", technology. The philosopher expounds the need all human beings have to act with caution and humility in face of the tremendous transforming power technoscience posseses

  8. The Hans Tausen drill

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johnsen, Sigfus Johann; Dahl-Jensen, Dorthe; Steffensen, Jørgen Peder


    In the mid-1990s, excellent results from the GRIP and GISP2 deep drilling projects in Greenland opened up funding for continued ice-coring efforts in Antarctica (EPICA) and Greenland (NorthGRIP). The Glaciology Group of the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, was assigned the task...... of providing drilling capability for these projects, as it had done for the GRIP project. The group decided to further simplify existing deep drill designs for better reliability and ease of handling. The drill design decided upon was successfully tested on Hans Tausen Ice Cap, Peary Land, Greenland, in 1995....... The 5.0 m long Hans Tausen (HT) drill was a prototype for the ~11 m long EPICA and NorthGRIP versions of the drill which were mechanically identical to the HT drill except for a much longer core barrel and chips chamber. These drills could deliver up to 4 m long ice cores after some design improvements...

  9. The psychoanalytic process in the treatment of Little Hans. (United States)

    Bierman, Joseph S


    This paper studies the psychoanalytic process in the treatment of Little Hans, using Samuel Abrams's 1988 paper in which he defines the psychoanalytic process as the sequence of steps which appears within the mind of the patient as the treatment proceeds. As with the adult, the child can affectively recall or reenact the past in the transference, but the child also tries to promote whatever developmental phase is being clocked in. In January 1908 Max Graf, Hans's father and a member of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society who was a musicologist, wrote Freud that his son had developed a fear that a horse would bite him in the street. Freud first suggested that the father give his son some enlightenment in the matter of sexual knowledge, such as his mother and other females have no "widdlers." The enlightenments only increased Hans's anxiety, prompting Freud to meet with Hans and his father and interpret the fear of the horse as fear of the father. While Max Graf was able to help Hans understand some dreams and fantasies, he exhibited a punitive attitude toward Hans's masturbation, which was reinforced by Freud's attitude that it was harmful. The father did not promote his son's development when he withheld knowledge of how babies are born, neither did Freud when he withheld any contrary suggestions from the father.

  10. Management of radioactive waste at Novi Han Repository

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stefanova, I.G.; Mateeva, M.D.; Milanov, M.V.


    The Novi Han Repository is the only existing repository in Bulgaria for the disposal of radioactive waste from nuclear applications in industry, medicine and research. The repository was constructed in the early sixties according to the existing requirements. It was operated by the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy for more than thirty years without any accident or release of radioactivity to the environment, but without any investment for upgrading. As a consequence, the Bulgarian Nuclear Safety Authority temporarily stopped the operation of the repository in 1994. The measures for upgrading the Novi Han Repository, supported by the IAEA under TC Project BUL/4/005 'Increasing Safety of Novi Han Repository', are presented in this paper. They comprise: assessment of radionuclide inventory and future waste arisings, characterisation of disposal vaults, characterisation of the site, safety assessment, upgrading of the monitoring system, option study for the selection of treatment and conditioning processes and the development of a conceptual design for low and intermediate level waste processing and storage facility, immediate measures for improvement of the existing disposal vaults and infrastructure, construction of above-ground temporary storage structures, and resuming the operation of the Novi Han Repository. The necessary activities for re-licensing of the Novi Han Repository, construction of a waste processing and storage facility and a disposal facility for spent sealed sources are discussed. (author)

  11. Population structure of Han nationality in Central-Southern China. (United States)

    Liu, Qiu-Ling; Chen, Ye-Fei; He, Xin; Shi, Yan-Wei; Wu, Wei-Wei; Zhao, Hu; Lu, De-Jian


    Knowledge of population structure is very important for forensic genetics. However, the population substructure in Central-Southern China Han nationality has still not been fully described. In this study, we investigated the genetic diversity of 15 forensic autosomal STR loci from 6879 individuals in 12 Han populations subdivided by administrative provinces in Central-Southern China. The statistical analysis of genetic variation showed that genetic differentiation among these populations was very small with a F st value of 0.0009. The Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) showed that there were no obvious population clusters in Central-Southern China Han population. In practice, the population structure effect in Central-Southern China Han population can be negligible in forensic identification and paternity testing. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  12. Tülikas meediademokraat Hans H. Luik / Hans H Luik ; interv. Jaanika Merilo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Luik, Hans H., 1961-


    Ekspress Grupi omanik ja nõukogu liige Hans H. Luik vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad Ekspress Grupi võimlikku börsile minekut, meediaportfelli laiendamist ning tema vastu suunatuid rünnakuid. Skeem: Ekspress Grupp. Tabelid: Eesti Ekspressi majandusnäitajad; Ekspress Grupi majandusnäitajad. Kommenteerivad: Tuomas Siltala, Karoly Kirber, Lauri Lind ja Peeter Koppel

  13. Farmacovigilancia de la sertralina en pacientes cubanos con episodio de depresión mayor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leslie Pérez Ruiz


    Full Text Available En la depresión predominan síntomas como: desinterés, fatiga, sentimientos de inutilidad, desconcentración, deseos de muerte e insomnio. Entre los medicamentos para tratarla se encuentra la sertralina. Con el objetivo de evaluar su seguridad, se revisaron 40 historias clínicas y cuadernos de recogida de datos de los pacientes incluidos en ensayo clínico fase III, aletatorizado, controlado y a doble ciegas: "Uso de sertralina en pacientes con episodio de depresión mayor", pertenecientes al Hospital "Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima". Se obtuvieron datos demográficos, clínicos y eventos adversos, con los cuales se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional y transversal que clasifica como un estudio de utilización de medicamentos sobre consecuencias prácticas. La información fue analizada mediante SPSS, versión 13.0 para Windows. De los 40 pacientes incluidos, 24 presentaron eventos adversos para un 60 %; de ellos, 16 (67 % en el grupo tratado con sertralina y 8 (33 % en los tratados con placebo. Los eventos adversos más frecuentes fueron: disminución de peso, sequedad bucal, cefalea, diarreas y náuseas. En su mayoría resultaron de intensidad ligera, causalidad probable y sin necesidad de tratamiento. El uso del fármaco se consideró seguro en el tratamiento de estos pacientes.

  14. Hans Teiv : mina sellel kohal igavuse üle ei kurda / Hans Teiv ; interv. Heli Salong

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Teiv, Hans


    Saare maavanema kohusetäitja ja kandidaat Hans Teiv hindab oma võimalusi saada ametisse kinnitatud, räägib oma tegevusest maavalitsuse osakonnajuhataja ja maakonna juhina ning tutvustab Saaremaa arenguvisioone

  15. Hans Lepp : ainult tänu kodueestlastele on Eesti olemas / Hans Lepp ; interv. Kalev Vilgats

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lepp, Hans, 1950-


    Rootsi instituudi praegune kultuurinõunik Hans Lepp töötas esimese kultuuriatasheena taas avatud Rootsi suursaatkonnas. Töötamisest Rootsi instituudis, riigi välispoliitikast, suhetest Venemaaga, aprillisündmustest jm

  16. Learning Han Cultures on Horseback

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    The "Think Tank in the Plain of Golden Lotuses" played important roles in the founding of the Yuan Dynasty.It came into being because of the enthusiasm of Kublai towards Han cultures and his political ambitions.

  17. Influencia de la diabetes mellitus sobre la evolución del paciente con enfermedad cerebrovascular y nutrición enteral por sonda


    Coto García, Cristina


    La Diabetes Mellitus juega un importante papel tanto en la patogenia como en el pronóstico de la enfermedad cerebrovascular. El ictus y las complicaciones que este conlleva conforman una entidad de elevada morbimortalidad. El soporte nutricional constituye un pilar importante a la hora tratar a los pacientes que han sufrido un ictus. Valorar si existe diferencia en estancia media hospitalaria, éxitus y complicaciones relacionadas con la nutrición entre aquellos pacientes con diabetes melli...

  18. El 20 de julio de 1810. Un episodio de protesta urbana en Bogotá

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rigoberto Rueda Santos


    Full Text Available This article approaches the episode of the 20th of July of 1810 in Santa Fe from the perspective of the urban protest and not as a founded political fact of the nation, as traditionally it has been treated. It presents the immediate antecedents to the events of the city like the scene are located in which the popular mobilization occurs and it stops in the characteristics of the collective action that takes place from the date indicated by the urban popular sectors. Finally one stands out how the vision about the political popular participation that shaped the leaders of the Creole elite it was conserved in the later historiography of independence.//Este artículo aborda el episodio del 20 de julio de 1810 en Santa Fe desde la perspectiva de la protesta urbana y no como hecho político fundante de la nación, como tradicionalmente se ha tratado. Presenta los antecedentes inmediatos a los acontecimientos del 20 de julio, se ubican algunas referencias de la ciudad como el escenario en el cual se da la movilización popular y se detiene en las características de la acción colectiva que tiene lugar a partir de la fecha señalada por parte de los sectores populares urbanos. Finalmente se destaca cómo la visión acerca de la participación política popular que plasmaron los dirigentes de la élite criolla se conservó en la posterior historiografía de la Independencia.

  19. El Estado Colombiano en los Noventa: Entre la Legitimidad y la Eficiencia

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    Luis Javier Orjuela Escobar


    Full Text Available El autor de este ensayo pone en relación las reestructuraciones económicas y políticas que han sufrido la economía y el Estado colombiano en la década de los noventa y analiza las contradiccciones que dicha reestructuración genera en el marco de un estado débil, una clase dirigente fragmentada y un régimen político, que se caracteriza por ser una amalgama de modernidad y premodernidad.

  20. Incorporación de las Nuevas Tecnologías al negocio bancario en España: impacto de las "Fintech"


    Torres Blázquez, Rocío


    El sector bancario ha sufrido una transformación en estos últimos años, no solo porlas medidas derivadas de la crisis económica, sino también por la transformación digital. En el terreno de las nuevas tecnologías han irrumpido con fuerza unos nuevos competidores, las Fintech. Ahora tienen las entidades financieras que replantearse el modelo de negocio, ya que las Fintech traen un nuevo concepto de cómo gestionar las finanzas y, el nuevo ...

  1. La Industria Cárnica del Porcino Ibérico en Jabugo (Huelva, España, 1997-2016

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Javier García-Delgado


    Full Text Available El municipio de Jabugo es uno de los más importantes en la transformación del cerdo ibérico. En las últimas décadas el sector ha sufrido una transformación, con procesos de concentración, relocalización y posicionamiento entre sus empresas. Como resultado de ello, las grandes industrias han salido fortalecidas, y la Denominación de Origen Protegida “Jabugo” aparece como una oportunidad para el sector.

  2. Evaluación Rápida del Ecosistema Marino Desarrollado en la Zona de Carga de la Planta Pampa Melchorita de Perú LNG.


    Chamorro, Alan; Contreras, Christian; Raschio, Giancarlo


    La Planta Pampa Melchorita de Perú LNG se establece sobre un ecosistema costero árido el cual limita por el oeste con un acantilado rocoso y cuyas condiciones ambientales corresponden a un ecosistema marino con playas, un litoral rocoso y una zona pelágica; las tres sub-unidades han sufrido modificaciones físicas, donde estas modificaciones podrían haber generado variaciones en la biodiversidad local. El principal objetivo del presente estudio es describir las principales características b...

  3. El Ciberacoso entre los estudiantes de Colombia: una investigación exploratoria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giulia Mura


    Full Text Available El ciberacoso es un fenómeno relacionado con internet, reconocido y en crecimiento. Aunque el enfoque de la investigación en este campo está expandiéndose rápidamente, la mayoría de las investigaciones se centraron en las experiencias de adolescentes en países industrializados, como los de Europa occidental o países anglosajones. Pero, los jóvenes de los países en desarrollo ¿están expuestos a los mismos riesgos? Para responder a esta pregunta, este trabajo presenta una parte de los resultados de un proyecto más amplio, y centra su atención en la incidencia de episodios de ciberacoso entre los estudiantes de secundaria en Colombia. Los datos se recogieron sobre una muestra de 359 estudiantes, 64.1% varones y 35.9% mujeres, entre los 13 y los 19 años de edad, utilizando un cuestionario entregado en horario escolar. El análisis demuestra que los episodios de ciberacoso están bastante extendidos en el grupo de la muestra; teniendo en cuenta que más del 60% de los jóvenes entrevistados estuvo involucrado (ya sea como víctima o como acosador en al menos 2 episodios en los 6 meses anteriores a la investigación. Las diferencias entre los sexos han sido analizadas, pero no han dado resultados significativos. En conclusión este estudio pone en evidencia la necesidad de una investigación más profunda y amplia del ciberacoso, tanto entre la población masculina como entre la femenina, de los así llamados "países en desarrollo", porque parece que la difusión de éste fenómeno está afectando también a la juventud de éstos países.

  4. JONAS, HANS, Memorias. Por Juan Arana

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    Juan Arana


    Full Text Available Autor: Hans Jonas (2005. Editorial: Losada, Madrid. Traducción: Illana Giner Comín. Basadas en las conversaciones con Rachel Salamander. Proemiode Lore Jonas. Prólogo de Rachel Salamander. Editor: Christian Wiese. Hans Jonas forma parte, con Koestler,Popper, Heidegger o Wittgenstein, del selecto grupo de pensadores y escritores a quienes tocó vivir en primera persona gran parte de las peripecias del turbulento siglo XX. Pero, como en todo, hay diferencias.La trayectoria vital de Jonas no dibuja el perfil de una desmesura excéntrica, como la de Wittgenstein, ni de una tenaz ambición teórica, como la de Popper, ni de un lamentable olvido del prójimo, como la de Heidegger, ni de un aventurismo desquiciado, como la de Koestler.

  5. A structural query system for Han characters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skala, Matthew


    The IDSgrep structural query system for Han character dictionaries is presented. This dictionary search system represents the spatial structure of Han characters using Extended Ideographic Description Sequences (EIDSes), a data model and syntax based on the Unicode IDS concept. It includes a query...... language for EIDS databases, with a freely available implementation and format translation from popular third-party IDS and XML character databases. The system is designed to suit the needs of font developers and foreign language learners. The search algorithm includes a bit vector index inspired by Bloom...... filters to support faster query operations. Experimental results are presented, evaluating the effect of the indexing on query performance....

  6. Leprosy type 1 reactions and erythema nodosum leprosum Reações hansênicas do tipo 1 e eritema nodoso hansênico


    Indira P. Kahawita; Stephen L. Walker; Diana N.J. Lockwood


    Leprosy reactions are a major cause of nerve damage and morbidity in a significant proportion of leprosy patients. Reactions are immunologically mediated and can occur even after successful completion of multi-drug therapy. This review focuses on the epidemiology, pathology and treatment of leprosy type 1 reactions, erythema nodosum leprosum and silent neuropathy.As reações hansênicas são a principal causa de dano e morbidade neural em grande parte dos pacientes hansênicos. São imunomediadas ...

  7. Arquitectura fluvial de las «Areniscas del río Arandilla». Triásico de Molina de Aragón (Guadalajara

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sánchez-Moya, Y.


    Full Text Available The outstanding outcrops of Upper Buntsandstein sediments (Middle Triassic in Molina de Aragón (Guadalajara area, allow a detailed study of their characteristics and their associations which are described here. The fluvial architecture of the section indicates four main depositional episodes. The two lowest episodes were laid down by a fluvial system characterized by frequent channel shifting, low sinuosity and wide shallow channels. The drainage basin was controlled by highly seasonal discharge. The middle episode evolved into a more distal systems, with smaller higher sinuosity channels and fine overbank deposits. The uppermost episode is related to an increase of slope in the basin. That increase is probably related to tectonic movements recorded in this area. An attempt has been made to correlate the above events to the global sea level fluctuations (Haq et al., 1987. So, the low stage that have been stated occurred during Early Anisian can be tentatively correlated with the uppermost episode in Areniscas del río Arandilla.Los excelentes afloramientos de la parte superior del Buntsandstein (Triásico medio en Molina de Aragón (Guadalajara, han permitido llevar a cabo un análisis sedimentológico detallado de las facies fluviales y de su arquitectura. Se han distinguido doce diferentes facies cuyas características y asociaciones se describen en este trabajo. La evolución fluvial indica la existencia de cuatro episodios deposicionales. Los dos episodios inferiores son característicos de un sistema fluvial con canales de baja sinuosidad, inestables, de gran amplitud y poca profundidad. El drenaje de la cuenca estaba controlado por importantes descargas estacionales. El episodio intermedio es el resultado de la evolución del sistema hacia facies más distales. En esta etapa los canales son de menor tamaño, la sinuosidad es mayor y existe un mayor porcentaje de depósitos de granulometría fina relacionados con la llanura de inundaci

  8. Thermoluminescence authentication of T'ang and Han Dynasty pottery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Price, D.M.


    More than 80 pieces of T'ang Dynasty and 40 Han Dynasty style ceramic wares have been analysed to determine the amount of thermoluminescence (TL) accumulated since the initial firing of the object and the level of the radiation flux which has created the TL. This paper presents a summary of the thermoluminescence analysis results. Approximately 60% of Han ceramics and 45% of the T'ang pottery authenticated have been shown to belong to periods other than that stylistically suggested. Items which have been found not to be of the anticipated antiquity generally fall into distinct age groups. Of the T'ang wares the most commonly copied item is found to be the horse and for the Han pieces, human figures and ewers/pots/vases represent the most frequently reproduced wares

  9. Hans-Joachim Schlieben , collector extraordinary

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    O. A. Leistner


    Full Text Available Hans-Joachim Eberhardt Schlieben was born in Germany in 1902. Between 1930 and 1935 he collected plants in Tanzania and since 1955 in Southern Africa, on Madagascar, the Mascarenes, the Comoro Islands and the Seychelles. Almost 400 of the approximately 13 000 numbers which he has collected have been described as new.

  10. La supersticiosa ética del lector

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    Jorge Luis Borges


    Full Text Available La condición indigente de nuestras letras, su incapacidad de atraer, han producido una superstición del estilo, una distraída lectura de atenciones parciales. Los que adolecen de esa superstición entienden por estilo no la eficacia o la ineficacia de una página, sino las habilidades aparentes del escritor: sus comparaciones, su acústica, los episodios de su puntuación y de su sintáxis.

  11. Revisión de los tratamientos psicológicos en primeros episodios psicóticos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Conclusiones: Los estudios seleccionados confirman una mejora significativa en el curso y/o la sintomatología del trastorno a corto y a medio plazo, cuando se comparan con el tratamiento habitual. La detección y el tratamiento temprano de la psicosis reduce la tasa de transición en un seguimiento a dos años. También la sintomatología negativa y la funcionalidad parecen beneficiarse del tratamiento psicológico en estos pacientes. En los primeros episodios parece destacar el tratamiento integrado debido a que reporta beneficios importantes sobre la sintomatología negativa, los síntomas psicóticos, las tasas de recaídas, el tiempo de hospitalización y la funcionalidad global y social de los pacientes. Estos beneficios se pueden observar durante el seguimiento a dos años, no manteniéndose a los cinco años. Las diferencias encontradas entre ensayos pueden ser debidas a las diferentes técnicas utilizadas en el grupo control denominándose este tratamiento estándar o usual en el que no se ofrece detalles del mismo. Sin embargo, se requiere un mayor número de ensayos de calidad metodológica suficiente para incrementar la evidencia de cuáles son las técnicas más eficaces, o bien, poner en marcha una red de investigación donde se aúnen los esfuerzos investigadores de los grupos con proyectos relacionados para poder obtener muestras competitivas y resultados extrapolables.

  12. Operational safety analysis status of Novi Han repository

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boiadjiev, A.


    This article presents the status of the safety studies and activities related to Novi Han repository. The case of this facility is such that no clear boundary exists between post-closure safety assessment and operational safety assessment. The major findings of these activities are given. The Safety Analysis Report (SAR) for Novi Han repository is developed by Risk Engineering Ltd. under a contract with the Committee on the Use of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes. The general structure and main conclusions and recommendations of the SAR are presented. (author)

  13. Non-Toxic HAN Monopropellant Propulsion, Phase II (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Non-toxic monopropellants have been developed that provide better performance than toxic hydrazine. Formulations based on hydroxylammonium nitrate (HAN) have...

  14. Aplicativo software para rehabilitación en pacientes con afecciones motoras de la mano


    Díaz Suárez, Ricardo Andrés; Puello Villamizar, Bárbara Milena; Santamaría Sánchez, Edwin; Van-Strahlen Peña, Francy Juliana


    Existen enfermedades como la parálisis cerebral, la distrofia muscular, el síndrome del túnel del Carpio o los accidentes cerebro vasculares (ACV) que pueden ocasionar afecciones o lesiones que comprometen el sistema locomotor, causando pérdida de la fuerza y trastornos en el movimiento de la mano. Estas enfermedades pueden generar debilidad en la mano produciendo en ella pérdida del movimiento, por tal motivo es necesario que las personas que han sufrido dichas enfermedades deban ser sometid...

  15. Niveles de descontaminación en el bloque quirúrgico. Limpieza, desinfección y esterilización en el quirófano oftalmológico


    Zamorano García, Patricia


    La asepsia quirúrgica ha sufrido grandes cambios a lo largo de la historia, cambios que han conseguido reducir considerablemente las infecciones contraidas dentro del entorno quirúrgico. el trabajo trata acerca de las técnicas de enfermería relacionadas con la descontaminación del bloque quirúrgico, especialmente en el quirófano de oftalmología. dadas las características particulares del instrumental oftalmológico, es preciso procesarle de una manera concreta, que no ponga en riesgo su ...

  16. La gestión estratégica de la marca en los eventos empresariales 2.0


    Campillo Alhama, Concepción; Ramos-Soler, Irene; Castello-Martinez, Araceli


    Los eventos empresariales dentro de la estrategia de marketing relacional han sufrido, en los últimos años, una transformación sin precedentes tanto en su propia identidad como en los procesos propios de comunicación social que se desarrollan antes, durante y tras la celebración del evento. Junto con la estrategia de marketing tradicional y la vinculación con los stake-holders mediante estrategias relacionales, en el contexto actual de la sociedad digital, los social media se erigen como plat...

  17. Génesis y gloria de Punta Arenas


    Hans Fox Timmling


    El Estrecho de Magallanes ha sido increíble escenario geográfico de heroicas gestas y de grandes triunfos, pero también de increíbles derrotas y desolaciones. Los canales, fiordos y penínsulas acogieron titánicos afanes conquistadores y fundacionales. Las tierras continentales, Tierra del Fuego, Última Esperanza y la propia Antártica Chilena han sido los accidentados escenarios de sufridos esfuerzos de poblamiento, del surgimiento de fantásticas rutas de navegación y arduas empresas ganaderas...

  18. Revisión de las repercusiones de los esguinces de tobillo sobre el equilibrio postural


    Martín Casado, Laura; Aguado Jódar, Xavier


    El esguince lateral de tobillo es una de las lesiones más comunes ocurridas en deporte, pudiendo afectar a diferentes componentes del control postural. Esta revisión bibliográfica analiza los estudios en los que se evalúa el control postural a partir de tests de equilibrio estático, dinámico y dinámico funcional en personas que han sufrido un esguince y personas con tobillos sanos utilizando metodologías cuantitativas. Los tobillos lesionados presentan mayores rangos de desplazamiento d...

  19. Estlandse uithaal naar oud-ambassadeur / Hans Jacobs

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jacobs, Hans


    Hollandi ajakirjanikud küsisid president Toomas Hendrik Ilveselt arvamust endise Hollandi suursaadiku Hans Glaubitzi tagakiusamise kohta. Eestis visiidil olnud Hollandi kuninganna Beatrix'i ja president Toomas Hendrik Ilvese kohtumisest

  20. Children and Moods in Hans Christian Andersen's Travel Books

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Lars Bo


    A categorization of moods, atmospheres and motifs connected with the children in Hans Christian Andersen’s five travel books (1831-1868). Surprisingly, death and darkness and, on the other side, eroticism and (red) light are the dominant two categories.......A categorization of moods, atmospheres and motifs connected with the children in Hans Christian Andersen’s five travel books (1831-1868). Surprisingly, death and darkness and, on the other side, eroticism and (red) light are the dominant two categories....

  1. Características clínicas de los episodios de hipoglucemia en niños y adolescentes con diabetes tipo 1 atendidos en el Hospital Pediátrico "William Soler" Clinical features of hypoglycemic episodes in children and adolescents presenting with type 1 diabetes seen in "William Soler" Children Hospital

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    Pedro González Fernández


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: la hipoglucemia es la complicación más frecuente en el tratamiento de la diabetes mellitus, y para algunos constituye el problema más grave asociado a la enfermedad. OBJETIVO: determinar la frecuencia y las características clínicas de la hipoglucemia en un grupo de niños y adolescentes diabéticos tipo 1. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo en 48 niños y adolescentes con diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo 1, atendidos en el Servicio de Endocrinología del Hospital Pediátrico Docente "William Soler", en el período comprendido entre Enero de 1987 y Enero de 2000. Se tomaron de las historias clínicas los datos generales del paciente, el régimen de insulinoterapia y la dosis total diaria de insulina, los resultados de la hemoglobina glucosilada, así como los episodios referidos de hipoglucemias, los que se clasificaron en ligeras y severas. RESULTADOS: se encontró una frecuencia elevada de episodios de hipoglucemias severas (56,25 %. La primera hipoglucemia severa se registró con mayor frecuencia en el grupo de edad de menor de 5 años, mientras que las hipoglucemias ligeras fueron más frecuentes en el de mayor de 5 años. El primer episodio de hipoglucemia severa ocurrió antes del primer año de realizado el diagnóstico de la diabetes mellitus. Los pacientes con régimen intensivo sufrieron un mayor porcentaje de episodios de hipoglucemia severa, que los pacientes con régimen convencional. El control metabólico no influyó en la ocurrencia de los episodios de hipoglucemia severa. CONCLUSIONES: los episodios de hipoglucemia ocurrieron con una elevada frecuencia, con predominio de las severas, con una mayor frecuencia en la madrugada, y con mayor afectación en el grupo de menores de 5 años de edad, lo que constituye un riesgo de afectación del neurodesarrollo en este grupo de edad.INTRODUCTION: hypoglycemia is the more frequent complication in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and for some it is a

  2. Estigma, discriminación y concepto de enfermedad mental.


    Stucchi-Portocarrero, Santiago


    El estigma y la discriminación contra los enfermos mentales han existido a lo largo de toda la historia, pese a los cambios conceptuales de la enfermedad mental, desde las explicaciones sobrenaturales hasta las de naturaleza científico-racional. Se presentan cinco episodios históricos representativos de abuso o persecución contra personas con trastornos mentales, cada uno respondiendo a modelos conceptuales diferentes: la caza de brujas, el encierro, la degeneración y la eugenesia, la lobotom...

  3. Som i et spejl - Hans Egede-receptionen gennem tre hundrede år

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjærgaard, Kathrine


    stor, og længe ville man ikke vide af Hans Egede, der - skønt født i Norge - opfattedes som dansk. Først efter 1945, hvor Norge i kølvandet på Danskehjælpen under Anden Verdenskrig omsider forsonede sig med Danmark, tog man atter Hans Egede til sig. Blandt større mindesmærker, som er blevet til siden...... 1945, kan nævnes Nicolai Schiølls ungdommelige statue af grønlandsmissionæren i det centrale Oslo (1965) og Axel Revolds monumentale udskmykning af kirken i Hans Egedes nordnorske fødeby Harstad (1958). I Danmark, hvor sorgen over tabet af Norge var stor, var man i årene efter 1814 meget...... tilbageholdende med at omklamre tidligere norske landsmænd som Hans Egede. Først hen mod slutningen af 1800-tallet begyndte forbeholdene at smelte et efter et. Den definitive omdefinering af den dansk-norske 1700-tals patriot til national dansk kirkefyrste kom med opstillingen 1913 af hans statue ved Marmorkirken...

  4. Khazanah: Hans Kelsen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Atip Latipulhayat


    Full Text Available Hans Kelsen adalah seorang pemikir hukum dunia yang buah pemikirannya bukan saja diperbincangkan di berbagai belahan bumi, tapi juga menjadi salah satu pemikir hukum garda depan (avant garde pada zamannya, bahkan mungkin sampai sekarang. Roscoe Pound yang juga seorang filosof hukum kenamaan memberikan testimoninya sebagai berikut: “...Kelsen was unquestionably the leading jurist of the time. It is said that if the mark of the genius is that he creates a cosmos out of chaos, then Kelsen has evidently earned that title”. Pengakuan Roscoe Pound tentunya bukan tanpa dasar atau sekedar basa-basi, melainkan sebuah testimoni objektif dengan memperhatikan warisan pemikirannya yang tersebar dalam beratus-ratus karya ilmiah yang masih memiliki pengaruh penting sampai saat ini.

  5. Implicancias teológicas y místicas de la noción de en el episodio de la samaritana

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    Leonardo Vicente Pons


    Full Text Available Este artículo trabaja el comentario de Orígenes (Cio XIII, 1-74 al episodio de la samaritana, donde se analiza el conocimiento que los perfectos tienen de los misterios divinos: la venida noética del Logos permite la identificación con el nous de Cristo, hacerse uno con la Sabiduría, a partir de la fuente de agua viva que brota del interior. En este sentido, parte central del análisis lo tendrá la consideración de ímép, la cual, en la tesis del artículo, expresa importantes implicancias teológicas y místicas.This article discusses the commentary of the Origins (Cio XIII, 1-74 on the Samaritan episode, which analyzes knowledge that the perfect have about the divine mysteries: the noetic arrival of the Logos that allows identification with the nous of Christ, becoming one with Wisdom, starting from the living water that arises from within. To this effect, a central part of the analysis will consider ímép, which, in the thesis of this article, has important theological and mystical implications.

  6. Assessing genome-wide copy number variation in the Han Chinese population. (United States)

    Lu, Jianqi; Lou, Haiyi; Fu, Ruiqing; Lu, Dongsheng; Zhang, Feng; Wu, Zhendong; Zhang, Xi; Li, Changhua; Fang, Baijun; Pu, Fangfang; Wei, Jingning; Wei, Qian; Zhang, Chao; Wang, Xiaoji; Lu, Yan; Yan, Shi; Yang, Yajun; Jin, Li; Xu, Shuhua


    Copy number variation (CNV) is a valuable source of genetic diversity in the human genome and a well-recognised cause of various genetic diseases. However, CNVs have been considerably under-represented in population-based studies, particularly the Han Chinese which is the largest ethnic group in the world. To build a representative CNV map for the Han Chinese population. We conducted a genome-wide CNV study involving 451 male Han Chinese samples from 11 geographical regions encompassing 28 dialect groups, representing a less-biased panel compared with the currently available data. We detected CNVs by using 4.2M NimbleGen comparative genomic hybridisation array and whole-genome deep sequencing of 51 samples to optimise the filtering conditions in CNV discovery. A comprehensive Han Chinese CNV map was built based on a set of high-quality variants (positive predictive value >0.8, with sizes ranging from 369 bp to 4.16 Mb and a median of 5907 bp). The map consists of 4012 CNV regions (CNVRs), and more than half are novel to the 30 East Asian CNV Project and the 1000 Genomes Project Phase 3. We further identified 81 CNVRs specific to regional groups, which was indicative of the subpopulation structure within the Han Chinese population. Our data are complementary to public data sources, and the CNV map may facilitate in the identification of pathogenic CNVs and further biomedical research studies involving the Han Chinese population. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  7. Role of electrodes in ambient electrolytic decomposition of hydroxylammonium nitrate (HAN solutions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kai Seng Koh


    Full Text Available Decomposition of hydroxylammonium nitrate (HAN solution with electrolytic decomposition method has attracted much attention in recent years due to its efficiencies and practicability. However, the phenomenon has not been well-studied till now. By utilizing mathematical model currently available, the effect of water content and power used for decomposition was studied. Experiment data shows that sacrificial material such as copper or aluminum outperforms inert electrodes in the decomposition of HAN solution. In the case of using copper wire to electrolyse HAN solutions, approximately 10 seconds is required to reach 100 °C regardless of concentration of HAN. In term of power consumption, 100 W–300 W was found to be the range in which decomposition could be triggered effectively using copper wire as electrodes.

  8. Producto comunicativo agricultura urbana y seguridad alimentaria en el Panecillo.


    Avilés M., Ana Grace; Velasco A., Mauricio


    Los problemas principales de la ciudad están asociados a la pobreza, los habitantes de Quito , como del Ecuador entero, han sufrido un proceso paulatino de pauperización, especialmente siendo desde el año 1999 con la debacle de la economía nacional. Las áreas de intervención para mejorar la calidad de vida en Quito son viviendas, salud y seguridad alimentaria, según estudios efectuados por el proyecto Mosta (CONAM) que utiliza como fuentes de información básicamente los censos de...

  9. Actuación fisioterapéutica en la Inestabilidad Lateral Crónica de tobillo: Estudio de un caso


    Jurado Rodríguez, Nieves


    Introducción: Las lesiones ligamentosas de tobillo constituyen una de las patologías más frecuentes que afectan al miembro inferior. Alrededor del 85% de las lesiones se producen en el ligamento lateral externo, al ser lesiones provocadas por inversión; el 10% afecta a la sindesmosis y el 5% al ligamento lateral interno o ligamento deltoideo (1.). Hasta un 60% de los pacientes que han sufrido un esguince en inversión desarrollarán una inestabilidad funcional de tobillo debido a la suma de fac...

  10. Modificaciones en la propiocepción en pacientes con esguince de tobillo en el ámbito del accidente de trabajo


    González Íñigo, Salvador


    Falta palabras claves Objetivos: El propósito de este estudio fue determinar si la propiocepción seguía mostrándose alterada en sujetos que han sufrido un esguince de tobillo (en adelante ET), después de 14 días de la producción. Material y método: Se estudiaron los tobillos lesionados y sanos (grupo de comparación) de 30 sujetos que tuvieron un esguince de tobillo como consecuencia de un accidente de trabajo. Para ello, se realizaron pruebas de Romberg, descalzo, sobre plataforma de fu...

  11. La gestión de lo público por los particulares en el estado contemporáneo: análisis de las alianzas público privadas (APP) en Colombia


    Mancipe González, Jessica Alejandra


    El Estado como institución político-jurídica, así como las estructuras de poder y organización social, han sufrido grandes transformaciones en el mundo contemporáneo, producto de discusiones y tendencias como la globalización, la reconfiguración de la legitimidad de las instituciones burocráticas, el establecimiento de estándares, políticas y prácticas de calidad internacional, el impacto de las crisis de la hacienda pública, entre otros factores que influenciaron la creciente intervención de...

  12. Nuevas formas de hacer, nuevas formas de ser: las tecnologías digitales como agentes dinamizadores del aprendizaje informal


    López Gil, Mónica María


    Entre los cambios sufridos durante los últimos años, destacamos la revolución tecnológica. Es innegable que en la actualidad vivimos una utilización masiva de herramientas electrónicas que han transformado, y siguen transformando, nuestras maneras de comunicarnos, nos entretenemos, usamos nuestro tiempo Suoronta (2003), nos formamos o trabajamos. Siendo así, por tanto, se están demandando nuevas formas de saber y de saber hacer así como se están creando nuevas formas de ser y hacer (Delors, 1...

  13. La fábrica del olivino y las condiciones de la deformación de las rocas ultramáficas del Macizo de Herbeira (Cabo Ortegal, NO del Macizo Iberico)


    García Izquierdo, Beatriz; Capote, Ramón; Lunar, Rosario


    [ES] En el Macizo de Herbeira, situado en el Complejo varisco de Cabo Ortegal (NO del Macizo Ibérico), forma parte de una lámina de cabalgamiento constituida por rocas ultramáficas que han sufrido una compleja historia de deformación. La falla de Trans Herbeira (FTH), divide el macizo en dos sectores diferentes. El sector oriental está formado mayoritariamente por harzburgitas ricas en anfíbol, mientras que el sector occidental es litológicamente más variado, con una sucesión de h...

  14. La fábrica del olivino y las condiciones de la deformación de las rocas ultramáficas del Macizo de Herbeira (Cabo Ortegal, NO del Macizo Ibérico)


    García Izquierdo,, Beatriz; Capote del Villar, Ramón; Lunar Hernández, Rosario


    En el Macizo de Herbeira, situado en el Complejo varisco de Cabo Ortegal (NO del Macizo Ibérico), forma parte de una lámina de cabalgamiento constituida por rocas ultramáficas que han sufrido una compleja historia de deformación. La falla de Trans Herbeira (FTH), divide el macizo en dos sectores diferentes. El sector oriental está formado mayoritariamente por harzburgitas ricas en anfíbol, mientras que el sector occidental es litológicamente más variado, con una sucesión de harzburgita basa...

  15. El Gobierno corporativo: análisis histórico y comparado


    Aragoneses Osorio, Laura


    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo, analizar la evolución que ha sufrido la regulación en materia de gobierno corporativo en nuestro país y las circunstancias que propiciaron dichos cambios. Para ello, se hará primeramente referencia a los tipos societarios mercantiles y en especial, a la sociedad anónima. Seguidamente el trabajo se centrará en los países cuya regulación ha servido de base para conformar la nuestra y por ende se expondrán las normas y códigos que han abord...

  16. Inversión Extranjera Directa en México: un Comportamiento Sectorial y Regional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oscar Hugo Pedraza Rendón


    Full Text Available Para hablar sobre la Inversión Extranjera Directa (IED es necesario realizar una descripción de la evolución que ha sufrido esta a través de los años, mostrando a los Estados y las áreas preferidas para depositar sus capitales dentro del país. Este diagnóstico da una perspectiva general con el fin de visualizar la ubicación de las inversiones extranjeras, destacando el papel que han jugado las inversiones estadounidenses en el país.

  17. Las nuevas relaciones entre Estado y sociedad y el desafío democrático en América Latina


    Garretón Merino, Manuel Antonio


    En este artículo se evalúan las transformaciones que las sociedades latinoamericanas han sufrido en el pasado reciente. Estas transformaciones se sitúan en los siguientes terrenos: modelos político-institucionales de concertación y de conflicto; modelo de desarrollo económico; transformación de la estructura y del sistema de estratificación, y la redefinición del modelo de modernidad. Asimismo, el artículo plantea la necesidad de que en América Latina se emprendan cuatro procesos: l...

  18. Aplicaciones innovadoras de la madera en la construcción


    García Navarro, Justo; Martínez Elcoro, Ignacio


    La utilización de la madera como material de construcción ha sufrido un profundo cambio en el último medio siglo. Las nuevas tecnologías y procesos industriales han provocado, junto a la optimización de las características intrínsecas del material, un mejor aprovechamiento y utilización de la madera, tanto para usos estructurales como para usos no resistentes. Este artículo, que recoge algunos de los temas desarrollados en las distintas Jornadas y Cursos sobre Construcción en Madera, organ...

  19. Análisis de las diferencias psicosociales entre agresores españoles e inmigrantes latinoamericanos en un programa de intervención con maltratadores


    Vargas Salinas, Viviana


    Introducción La violencia contra la mujer en las relaciones de pareja actualmente es considerada como un problema de salud pública (European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2014; Organización Mundial de la Salud, 2013). En España, según el Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad (2015), un 12.5% de las mujeres mayores de 16 años han sufrido alguna vez en su vida violencia física y/o sexual por parte de sus parejas o exparejas. Las cifras oficiales muestran que del total ...

  20. A proposal for a model-based approach for adapting software configuration to runtime environments


    Navas Baltasar, Álvaro


    Las metodologías de desarrollo ágiles han sufrido un gran auge en entornos industriales durante los últimos años debido a la rapidez y fiabilidad de los procesos de desarrollo que proponen. La filosofía DevOps y específicamente las metodologías derivadas de ella como Continuous Delivery o Continuous Deployment promueven la gestión completamente automatizada del ciclo de vida de las aplicaciones, desde el código fuente a las aplicaciones ejecutándose en entornos de producción. La automatizació...

  1. El mercado mundial de vino y la competitividad de los países del Hemisferio Sur, 1961-2010


    Medina-Albaladejo, Francisco José; Martínez-Carrión, José Miguel; Ramon-Muñoz, Josep-Maria


    El mercado mundial del vino ha sufrido cambios intensos en las últimas décadas tras un fuerte incremento de la competitividad de los países exportadores del hemisferio sur. Su dinamismo y el aumento de la demanda de los nuevos países consumidores han acelerado el proceso de globalización del vino. En este contexto, analizamos la competencia mundial y los principales cambios en el comercio global de vinos desde 1961 hasta 2010. El artículo muestra la distribución relativa de las exportaciones ...

  2. Génesis y gloria de Punta Arenas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hans Fox Timmling


    Full Text Available El Estrecho de Magallanes ha sido increíble escenario geográfico de heroicas gestas y de grandes triunfos, pero también de increíbles derrotas y desolaciones. Los canales, fiordos y penínsulas acogieron titánicos afanes conquistadores y fundacionales. Las tierras continentales, Tierra del Fuego, Última Esperanza y la propia Antártica Chilena han sido los accidentados escenarios de sufridos esfuerzos de poblamiento, del surgimiento de fantásticas rutas de navegación y arduas empresas ganaderas, auríferas y comerciales.

  3. Hans Jonas' thought on the ethics of research on human subjects ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Hans Jonas' thought on the ethics of research on human subjects and its implications for contemporary medical research in Nigeria was examined. The thinking and teachings of Hans Jonas was on the need for medical research to advance beyond the use animals for research and experimentations to research on human ...

  4. [Gao Jingyi. Han yu yu bei Ou yu yan : Han yu yu Wula'er yu yan ji Yin Ou yu yan tong yuan tan jiu] / Ago Künnap

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Künnap, Ago, 1941-


    Arvustus: Gao Jingyi. Han yu yu bei Ou yu yan : Han yu yu Wula'er yu yan ji Yin Ou yu yan tong yuan tan jiu = Chinese language and languages of northern Europe. Beijing : Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she, 2008

  5. Ancient DNA reveals genetic connections between early Di-Qiang and Han Chinese. (United States)

    Li, Jiawei; Zeng, Wen; Zhang, Ye; Ko, Albert Min-Shan; Li, Chunxiang; Zhu, Hong; Fu, Qiaomei; Zhou, Hui


    Ancient Di-Qiang people once resided in the Ganqing region of China, adjacent to the Central Plain area from where Han Chinese originated. While gene flow between the Di-Qiang and Han Chinese has been proposed, there is no evidence to support this view. Here we analyzed the human remains from an early Di-Qiang site (Mogou site dated ~4000 years old) and compared them to other ancient DNA across China, including an early Han-related site (Hengbei site dated ~3000 years old) to establish the underlying genetic relationship between the Di-Qiang and ancestors of Han Chinese. We found Mogou mtDNA haplogroups were highly diverse, comprising 14 haplogroups: A, B, C, D (D*, D4, D5), F, G, M7, M8, M10, M13, M25, N*, N9a, and Z. In contrast, Mogou males were all Y-DNA haplogroup O3a2/P201; specifically one male was further assigned to O3a2c1a/M117 using targeted unique regions on the non-recombining region of the Y-chromosome. We compared Mogou to 7 other ancient and 38 modern Chinese groups, in a total of 1793 individuals, and found that Mogou shared close genetic distances with Taojiazhai (a more recent Di-Qiang population), Hengbei, and Northern Han. We modeled their interactions using Approximate Bayesian Computation, and support was given to a potential admixture of ~13-18% between the Mogou and Northern Han around 3300-3800 years ago. Mogou harbors the earliest genetically identifiable Di-Qiang, ancestral to the Taojiazhai, and up to ~33% paternal and ~70% of its maternal haplogroups could be found in present-day Northern Han Chinese.

  6. Obituary: Hans Albrecht Bethe, 1906-2005

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wijers, R.


    One of the unquestioned giants of physics and astrophysics, Hans Bethe, died on 6 March 2005, at the venerable age of 98, in his home town of Ithaca, New York. Seven decades of contributing to research and a Nobel Prize for his work on stellar hydrogen burning make a listing of his honors

  7. Deep whole-genome sequencing of 90 Han Chinese genomes. (United States)

    Lan, Tianming; Lin, Haoxiang; Zhu, Wenjuan; Laurent, Tellier Christian Asker Melchior; Yang, Mengcheng; Liu, Xin; Wang, Jun; Wang, Jian; Yang, Huanming; Xu, Xun; Guo, Xiaosen


    Next-generation sequencing provides a high-resolution insight into human genetic information. However, the focus of previous studies has primarily been on low-coverage data due to the high cost of sequencing. Although the 1000 Genomes Project and the Haplotype Reference Consortium have both provided powerful reference panels for imputation, low-frequency and novel variants remain difficult to discover and call with accuracy on the basis of low-coverage data. Deep sequencing provides an optimal solution for the problem of these low-frequency and novel variants. Although whole-exome sequencing is also a viable choice for exome regions, it cannot account for noncoding regions, sometimes resulting in the absence of important, causal variants. For Han Chinese populations, the majority of variants have been discovered based upon low-coverage data from the 1000 Genomes Project. However, high-coverage, whole-genome sequencing data are limited for any population, and a large amount of low-frequency, population-specific variants remain uncharacterized. We have performed whole-genome sequencing at a high depth (∼×80) of 90 unrelated individuals of Chinese ancestry, collected from the 1000 Genomes Project samples, including 45 Northern Han Chinese and 45 Southern Han Chinese samples. Eighty-three of these 90 have been sequenced by the 1000 Genomes Project. We have identified 12 568 804 single nucleotide polymorphisms, 2 074 210 short InDels, and 26 142 structural variations from these 90 samples. Compared to the Han Chinese data from the 1000 Genomes Project, we have found 7 000 629 novel variants with low frequency (defined as minor allele frequency genome. Compared to the 1000 Genomes Project, these Han Chinese deep sequencing data enhance the characterization of a large number of low-frequency, novel variants. This will be a valuable resource for promoting Chinese genetics research and medical development. Additionally, it will provide a valuable supplement to the 1000

  8. Comparison of maternal and newborn outcomes of Tibetan and Han Chinese delivering in Lhasa, Tibet (United States)

    Miller, Suellen; Tudor, Carrie; Thorsten, Vanessa; Nyima; Sonam; Droyoung; Wright, Linda; Varner, Michael


    Aim To compare maternal and neonatal outcomes of Tibetan and Han Chinese women delivering vaginally at high altitude (3650 meters) in Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China. Method Comparative analysis of data from a prospective observational study of Tibetan (n = 938) and Han Chinese (n = 146) women delivering at three hospitals between January 2004 and May 2005. Results Han Chinese women had higher rates of pre-eclampsia/gestational hypertension than Tibetan women, (10.3% vs 5.9%, P = 0.04). There was no difference in rates of postpartum hemorrhage between Tibetan and Han women (12.8% vs 17.1%, P = 0.15). Han newborns weighed significantly less than Tibetan newborns (P < 0.01), and were twice as likely to be small for gestational age, (24.5% vs 11.6%, P < 0.01). Tibetan newborns were less likely to have poor neonatal outcomes than Han newborns (P < 0.01). Conclusion In high altitude deliveries in Tibet, adverse outcomes were significantly more common among Han Chinese. PMID:19012697

  9. Reconstruction and modernization of Novi Han radioactive waste repository

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kolev, I.; Dralchev, D.; Spasov, P.; Jordanov, M.


    This report presents briefly the most important issues of the study performed by EQE - Bulgaria. The objectives of the study are the development of conceptual solutions for construction of the following facilities in the Novi Han radioactive waste repository: an operational storage for unconditioned high level spent sources; new temporary buildings over the existing radioactive waste storage facilities; a rain-water draining system ect. The study also includes the engineering solutions for conservation of the existing facilities, currently full with high level spent sources. A 'Program for reconstruction and modernization' has been created, including the analysis of some regulation aspects concerning this program implementation. In conclusions the engineering problems of Novi Han repository are clear and appropriate solutions are available. They can be implemented in both cases of 'small' or 'large' reconstruction. The reconstruction project anyway should start with the construction of a new site infrastructure. Reconstruction and modernization of Novi Han radioactive waste repository is the only way to improve the management and safety of radioactive waste from medicine, industry and scientific research in Bulgaria

  10. Analysis of CYP3A4 genetic polymorphisms in Han Chinese. (United States)

    Zhou, Qing; Yu, Xiaomin; Shu, Chang; Cai, Yimei; Gong, Wei; Wang, Xumin; Wang, Duen-mei; Hu, Songnian


    Our study aimed to comprehensively investigate the genetic polymorphisms of CYP3A4 in Han Chinese. We sequenced the gene regions of CYP3A4, including its promoter, exons, surrounding introns and 3' untranslated region (3'UTR), from 100 unrelated-healthy Han Chinese individuals. We detected 11 SNPs, three of which are novel. According to in silico functional prediction of novel variants, 20148 A>G in exon 10, resulting in substitution of Tyr319 with Cys (CYP3A4*21), may induce dramatic alteration of protein conformation, and 26908 G>A in 3'UTR may disrupt post-transcriptional regulation. We identified five alleles in Han Chinese, the allele frequencies of CYP3A4*1, *5, *6, *18 and *21 are 97, 0.5, 1, 1 and 0.5%, respectively. Haplotype inference revealed 14 haplotypes, of which the major haplotype CYP3A4*1A constitutes 59% of the total chromosomes. We also examined the possible role of natural selection in shaping the variation of CYP3A4 and confirmed a trend, consistent with the action of positive selection. We systematically screened the genetic polymorphisms of CYP3A4 in Han Chinese, highlighted possible functional impairment of the novel allele and summarized the distinct allele and haplotype frequency distribution, with an emphasis on detecting the footprint of recent positive selection on the CYP3A4 gene in Han Chinese.

  11. In Memoriam: Hans Bethe (United States)

    Garwin, Richard L.; Von Hippel, Frank

    Hans Bethe, who died on March 6 at the age of 98, was exemplary as a scientist; a citizen-advocate seeking to stem the arms race; and an individual of warmth, generosity, tenacity, and modest habits. Bethe made major contributions to several areas of physics during his academic career. He earned a Nobel Prize in 1967 for his research into how the sun generates its energy by converting hydrogen to helium using carbon as a nuclear catalyst. A few years later, he made central contributions to the secret US World War II nuclear-weapon development programs (the "Manhattan Project").

  12. Frecuencia de infección por VIH en pacientes con episodio agudo de herpes zoster

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    Susana Lazarte Heraud


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar la frecuencia de infección por VIH en pacientes que consultan por episodio agudo de herpes zoster. Material y Métodos: Se incluyeron a todos los pacientes entre 18 y 49 años, atendidos entre setiembre del 2001 y enero del 2003 en el Departamento de Enfermedades Infecciosas, Tropicales y Dermatológicas del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia, por un cuadro agudo de herpes zoster, diagnosticado clínicamente. Los criterios de inclusión fueron: status VIH desconocido tanto del paciente como de su pareja; que no presentaran alguna complicación neurológica o presentación atípica de zoster y que no tuvieran signos ni síntomas compatibles con infección por VIH (muguet oral, diarrea crónica, síndrome de desgaste, etc.. Previa firma de consentimiento informado, se tomó muestra de sangre para prueba de ELISA para VIH1. A todos los pacientes con resultado positivo se les realizó western blot. Resultados: Veintiún pacientes cumplieron los criterios del estudio, 14 varones y 7 mujeres. Cinco pacientes (23,8% fueron VIH positivos. De éstos, 4 fueron varones (4/14 y 1 mujer (1/7. No se encontró diferencias significativas en cuanto a la conducta sexual de riesgo. Conclusiones: Se encuentra un porcentaje elevado de infección por VIH en adultos jóvenes que consultan en un hospital general por un cuadro agudo de herpes zoster, sin ningún otro signo ni síntoma de inmunosupresión, independientemente de conductas sexuales de riesgo. Nuestro hallazgo justifica un despistaje de VIH en adultos jóvenes con herpes zoster.

  13. Prognostic analysis and comparison of colon cancer in Han and Hui patients. (United States)

    Zhang, Mei; Zhao, Qu-Chuan; Liu, Yan-Peng; Yang, Lei; Zhu, Hong-Ming; Chhetri, Jagadish K


    To investigate the relevant prognostic factors and their differences between colorectal cancer (CRC) patients of Chinese Han and Hui ethnicities in the Beijing region. A retrospective analysis of 880 patients diagnosed with CRC at Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University between September 2001 and September 2011 was performed. Among the 880 patients, 398 and 482 were Hui and Han, respectively. Characteristics including sex, age, diet, tumor size, primary tumor site, Dukes' stage and degree of differentiation were analyzed for their influence on prognosis. Data on dietary structures were recorded through a questionnaire survey conducted during the patient's first visit, return visit or follow-up checkups. Among patients with colon cancer, the 5-year survival rate for patients of Hui ethnicity was lower than that for Han patients (P = 0.025). Six risk factors (age of onset, dietary structure, tumor size, Dukes' stage, location of cancer and degree of differentiation) in both Han and Hui patients were identified as prognostic factors (P dietary structure was a statistically significant factor, and diet varied significantly between the two ethnic groups. Dietary structure has a significant influence on colon cancer prognosis among Han and Hui patients with colon cancer in Beijing, which may cause a difference in their survival rates.

  14. Inhibitory Control in Speech Comprehension among Dai–Han Bilingual Children

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    Yun Tao


    Full Text Available We aimed to investigate differences in inhibitory control ability between proficient and non-proficient Dai–Han bilinguals. Two experiments used a combined stimulus–stimulus and stimulus–response compatibility paradigm for this purpose. Participants were Dai–Han bilingual primary-school students selected from a Dai-speaking town in Yunnan province, China. In Dai language interference condition, participants were asked to complete a picture category task. Results showed that the effect of attentional control for non-proficient bilinguals (NPBs was significantly greater than that for proficient bilinguals (PBs, while the effect of response inhibition was not. This implied that a difference in inhibitory control between PBs and NPBs appeared at the attention control stage when interference by the Dai lexicon emerged. In Han language interference condition, however, participants were also asked to complete the same task. Results showed that the effect of response inhibition for NPBs was significantly greater than that for PBs, but the effect of attentional control was not. This demonstrated that a difference in inhibitory control emerged at the response inhibition stage when interference by the Han lexicon emerged. This pattern of results is opposite to previous researches, which indicated that the difference between PBs and NPBs occurred at the response inhibition stage under first language condition, whereas at the attentional control stage under second language (L2 condition. Based on these, this study suggests that Dai–Han bilinguals showed a remarkable L2 advantage. In addition, results showed that response times (RTs of PBs were faster than RTs of NPBs while confounding variables (e.g., intelligence, etc. were under control. This indicates that the inhibitory control ability of the PBs is superior to that of NPBs in this study.

  15. Servicios en comunicaciones de emergencia

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    Henry Zárate Ceballos


    Full Text Available Las telecomunicaciones han sufrido transformaciones a lo largo de los últimos años y han modificado a las sociedades y los modelos culturales del mundo. En la actualidad es necesario afrontar realidades adicionales como lo son el cambio climático y las situaciones de origen antrópico y no antrópico, apoyados en la tecnología. Es por ello que se deben modelar y simular sistemas de telecomunicaciones en emergencia garantizando la prestación de servicios de telecomunicaciones en situaciones de emergencia en sus diferentes etapas de prevención, atención y recuperación. El diseño de redes con modelos robustos es útil para el manejo de diferentes tipos de paquetes y el manejo de prioridades de tráfico de información.

  16. Clasificación funcional y formal de amuletos fálicos en Hispania

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    Javier del Hoyo Calleja


    Full Text Available Una de las labores del historiador y del investigador es el estudio de todas aquellas piezas que por su importancia susciten interés desde el punto de vista arqueológico e histórico, sea cual sea su naturaleza. No ha sido éste un parecer común en tiempos pasados. Por ello, quizás, algunas piezas y objetos de indudable valor han sido ocultados o poco estudiados, ciertamente por una equivocada interpretación de su funcionalidad. Nos referimos ahora concretamente a los amuletos fálicos, cuyo contenido real ha sufrido graves distorsiones y algunas interpretaciones que no se adecúan a la realidad. Dos circunstancias, a nuestro modo de ver, han impedido que lleguemos a conocer no sólo su descripción, forma, tipo, etc, sino a veces su simple existencia.

  17. Polimorfismo VAL158MET del gen Catecol-O-Metiltransferasa y características clínicas en primeros episodios de psicosis


    Pelayo Terán, José María


    RESUMEN: La esquizofrenia está considerada un síndrome clínico heterogéneo con una etiopatogenia de origen multifactorial, en el que se incluyen factores ambientales, caracteriales y genéticos. A pesar de que más del 50% de la variabilidad de la enfermedad se puede deber a uno o varios factores genéticos, sólo un número limitado de variantes de riesgo genético y con un efecto muy débil han podido ser identificados. Muchos de ellos no han podido reproducirse tanto por la diversidad de las mues...

  18. Varieties of European Economic Law and Regulation : Liber Amicorum for Hans Micklitz

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Purnhagen, K.; Rott, P.


    This is the first book to comprehensively analyze the work of Hans Micklitz, one of the leading scholars in the field of EU economic law. It brings together analysts, academic friends and critics of Hans Micklitz and results in a unique collection of essays that evaluate his work on European

  19. Hans Christian Ørsted : natuurwetenschapper als estheticus

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Millekamp, Jan


    The Danish scientist Hans Christian Ørsted (1777-1851) is most famous for his discovery of electromagnetism, a discovery that literally and irreversibly changed our world. In Denmark he is also known as a poet and essayist. Interestingly, his scientific and his aesthetic work are closely

  20. Hans Christian Ørsted reading nature's mind

    CERN Document Server

    Christensen, Dan Charly


    Hans Christian Orsted (1777-1851) is of great importance as a scientist and philosopher far beyond the borders of Denmark and his own time. At the centre of an international network of scholars, he was instrumental in founding the world picture of modern physics. Orsted was the physicist who brought Kant's metaphysics to fruition. In 1820 his discovery of electro-magnetism, a phenomenon that could not possibly exist according to his adversaries, changed the course of research in physics. It inspired Michael Faraday's experiments and discovery of the adverse effect, magneto-electric induction. The two physical phenomena were later described in mathematical equations by J.C. Maxwell. Together these discoveries constitute the prerequisites for the overwhelming development of modern technology. But Orsted was also one of the cultural leaders and organizers of the Danish Golden Age (together with Grundtvig, Kierkegaard, and Hans-Christian Andersen, his protege), and made significant contributions to aesthetics, ph...

  1. “Binge drinking” y suplementos de selenio: Efectos sobre la actividad y expresión de la glutatión peroxidasa


    Guillén Poza, Pablo Adrián


    Desde hace unas décadas, en España, el patrón de consumo intensivo o de fin de semana, tipo “binge drinking”, se ha convertido en el predilecto por los adolescentes. Como consecuencia de este consumo, los jóvenes se ven expuestos semanalmente a altas dosis de alcohol que producen intoxicaciones etílicas, alteraciones de la conducta, episodios de violencia y estrés oxidativo. El selenio (Se), es un mineral importante para la salud al que se le han atribuido propiedades antiin...

  2. Duelo, catarsis y “verdades consoladoras”: algunos rasgos psicológicos de una víctima en contexto de guerra


    Ramírez, Mary; Duarte, Ronald; Rojas, Yuber


    El trauma es indeleble. Especialmente cuando su causa está relacionada con episodios de violencia que se han vivido en contexto de guerra. A propósito de esto, la presente propuesta tiene como objetivo identificar características psicológicas de las víctimas del conflicto armado en su proceso de duelo. Para lograr estructurar lo anterior, se tendrá en cuenta lo siguiente: primero, el contexto de guerra específico (para el caso, las víctimas del conflicto armado colombiano); segundo, la relaci...

  3. ["Snow" and "Walpurgisnacht". Hans Castorp's exemplary maturation crises in "Zauberberg"]. (United States)

    Heinrich, K; Walter, C


    On the occasion of a rather incidental visit in the sanatorium "Berghof" at Davos, Hans Castorp, the--as to his primary personality--asthenic and low-profile protagonist of the "Zauberberg" is gradually getting caught up in the maelstrom of the there prevailing timelessness and irresponsibility, this being interrupted solely by two tapering to crisis episodes: his amouressness to Mme. Chauchat as an erotic crisis and by the visionary daydream during a snowstorm about the abilities of men as a cognitive, mental crisis. Both events are triggered by a pathoid irritability, following the maxim of Th. Mann that illness, decay and death as borderline experiences may be the presupposition for cognition and reversal. Both crises end without consequences--the "Zauberberg" is the negation of the novel of education and development in the narrower sense. The unsuccessfulness and undecidedness of Hans Castorp's existence culminate in the open end of the novel, regarding his surviving on the battle field, and is in strict contrast to Adrian Leverkühn's determined autoinfection with Lues with the aim of artistic perfection and the creative break-through of "Doctor Faustus". Hans Castorp's regression and self-fragmentation within the decadent-morbid atmosphere of the sanatorium lead to his storming into the battles of the First World War as a last and existential crisis; it is here where finally the individual and national fate are merging. Hans Castorp becomes the paradigma of the German pre-war bourgeoisie and its crisis-prone development.

  4. The spatially resolved characterisation of Egyptian blue, Han blue and Han purple by photo-induced luminescence digital imaging. (United States)

    Verri, G


    The photo-induced luminescence properties of Egyptian blue, Han blue and Han purple were investigated by means of near-infrared digital imaging. These pigments emit infrared radiation when excited in the visible range. The emission can be recorded by means of a modified commercial digital camera equipped with suitable glass filters. A variety of visible light sources were investigated to test their ability to excite luminescence in the pigments. Light-emitting diodes, which do not emit stray infrared radiation, proved an excellent source for the excitation of luminescence in all three compounds. In general, the use of visible radiation emitters with low emission in the infrared range allowed the presence of the pigments to be determined and their distribution to be spatially resolved. This qualitative imaging technique can be easily applied in situ for a rapid characterisation of materials. The results were compared to those for Egyptian green and for historical and modern blue pigments. Examples of the application of the technique on polychrome works of art are presented.

  5. Hans von Engel and the ICPIG Conference

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Franklin, R.


    The history of the, organized by Hans von Engel, International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases is presented: Oxford (1953), Delft (1955), Venice (1957), Uppsala (1959), Munich (1961), Oxford (1971) and Berlin (1977). Some organizational aspects, financial support and remarkable events like international prizes in field of plasma physics are given

  6. Implementación de un sistema para control de deforestación de vegetación nativa en Cuenca


    Mendieta Mendieta, Marco Felipe


    La deforestación de áreas cubiertas con vegetación nativa y bosques primarios en los predios adjudicados por el Estado, a través del Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo Agrario en el año 2005, mismos que se encuentran ubicados en la parroquias rurales del cantón Cuenca, han sufrido un alto porcentaje (85%) de deforestación a causa de la ausencia de un sistema de control que no permita la tala indiscriminada de bosques y de vegetación nativa; ocasionando de esta manera, la erosión de los suelos, ...

  7. ApS de Mediación Artística: Mujer y violencia de género




    Proyecto basado en ApS a través de la programación de acción de Mediación Artística dirigida a un colectivo con necesidades especiales, en este caso, mujeres que han sufrido maltrato. Proponiendo realizar una serie de prácticas artísticas que tienen como objetivos ayudar a potenciar la confianza, el desarrollo integral, la autonomía, la cooperación y la superación de conflictos. Todo ello coordinado junto con las terapeutas de la Asociación ALANNA y LILITH. Project based on ApS through the...

  8. Palinomorfos en las rocas de la formación San Cayetano, Pinar del Río, Cuba


    Rolando García-Sánchez; Evelio Linares-Cala; Hernando Dueñas-Jiménez


    Se presenta una breve reseña de los estudios paleobotánicos realizados en la región y los resultados palinológicos obtenidos recientemente, que sugieren una edad Jurásico Medio para las muestras analizadas, así como ambientes de depósito marino nerítico interno y continentales. Se concluye que los sedimentos analizados no han sufrido los efectos de una elevada alteración térmica. La presencia de abundante materia orgánica en las muestras inspiró su estudio por el método geoquímico Rock- Eval ...

  9. El espacio bibliotecario, de custodia a consulta

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    Juan José Prieto Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Los edificios bibliotecarios históricamente han sido destinados a la consulta y preservación de lascolecciones bibliográficas, el artículo describe el proceso de cambio sufrido por estas edificaciones através de la historia, derivado, a su vez, de las transformaciones en el rol de las bibliotecas: dealbergues de documentos a instituciones que son hoy espacios de sociabilidad y referentes culturales,que almacenan grandes cantidades de información, prestan servicios a públicos cada vez más ampliosy que demanda de ellos un papel dinámico en la sociedad.

  10. Diagnóstico, análisis y propuesta de un sistema óptimo de gestión del manejo del agua potable en la ciudad de Guayaquil


    Fernández Soledispa, Víctor Hugo


    Esta investigación se fundamenta en la necesidad de resolver el histórico problema de una inadecuada gestión del sistema de agua potable, los usuarios durante décadas han sufrido de serios problemas en el abastecimiento del líquido vital, esto se origina por una inadecuada distribución y gestión de las redes acompañadas de instalaciones realizadas de manera anti técnica, tuberías antiguas que no fueron renovadas al término de su vida útil, una incompleta e incorrecta medición de caudales. Es...

  11. Una secuencia didáctica de modelización, indagación y creación del conocimiento científico en torno a la deriva continental y la tectónica de placas


    Jordi Domènech Casal


    Se describe una actividad de indagación sobre la Tectónica de placas. En ella, el alumnado debe reconstruir la historia geológica de un planeta imaginario integrando distintos tipos de datos (distribución geográfica de fósiles, antigüedad de orógenos, regiones sísmicas) para construir un modelo de la ubicación de los límites de placa tectónica y los cambios que han sufrido los distintos continentes. A lo largo de la actividad se suceden distintas organizaciones de aula y andamios didácticos, ...

  12. Una secuencia didáctica de modelización, indagación y creación del conocimiento científico en torno a la deriva continental y la tectónica de placas


    Domènech Casal, Jordi


    Se describe una actividad de indagación sobre la Tectónica de placas. En ella, el alumnado debe reconstruir la historia geológica de un planeta imaginario integrando distintos tipos de datos (distribución geográfica de fósiles, antigüedad de orógenos, regiones sísmicas) para construir un modelo de la ubicación de los límites de placa tectónica y los cambios que han sufrido los distintos continentes. A lo largo de la actividad se suceden distintas organizaciones de aula y andamios ...

  13. El tecnoestrés: un estudio del desarrollo de diferentes instrumentos de medida


    Ventura, Mercedes; Llorens Gumbau, Susana; Salanova Soria, Marisa


    Onzenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2005-2006) El uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs) como herramienta de trabajo está teniendo un gran impacto en el mundo laboral. A pesar de que en si misma la tecnología es ‘neutra’ también puede generar consecuencias negativas en los usuarios de TIC quienes pueden sufrir el llamado ‘tecnoestrés’. El concepto y por tanto, la medida de este fenómeno han sufrido diferentes variaciones a lo la...

  14. Estudio psicológico prospectivo y longitudinal de pacientes con obesidad mórbida : análisis de variables psicológicas intervinientes en el pre-operatorio y post-operatorio de cirugía bariátrica


    González Ojea, Clemente


    RESUMEN: La obesidad es una de las enfermedades más antiguas que ha sufrido el ser humano. En todas las civilizaciones que han surgido ha estado presente y ha significado un problema. Y desde los más remotos tiempos la Humanidad ha luchado contra sus efectos. Cierto que es una enfermedad que reúne una serie de causas desde las genéticas a las sociales pasando por factores psicológicos o biológicos, pero también es cierto que la sociedad industrial y tecnológica ha aumentado esta patología con...

  15. Obsolescencia programada como fenómeno cultural real


    Liliana Karina Niño Rubio


    Los modelos económicos han mutado a través del tiempo dependiendo de las necesidades sociales, históricas y culturales; ya haya sido los esclavos, la tierra o el dinero, siempre ha habido un factor claro que se ha mantenido. Quienes tuvieron el poder desde el primer modelo económico son los mismos que lo poseen en la actualidad, al igual que quienes vivieron bajo su yugo seguimos siendo los mismos. A pesar de los cambios sufridos por el modelo económico reinante, el que más ha perdurado y nos...

  16. Cambios en la ecología trófica de los depredadores apicales del Mar Argentino durante el Holoceno


    Saporiti, Fabiana


    [spa] El Mar Argentino ha sufrido un impacto humano creciente desde el Holoceno medio hasta hoy en día, fruto del cual se han producido importantes cambios en los niveles más altos de la red trófica. Las actividades extractivas (caza y pesca), tanto la aborigen como la actual, tienen la tendencia a explotar las especies de mayor tamaño, produciendo el efecto conocido en gestión de pesquerías como “fishing down the food web”. En otras palabras el impacto humano llevaría a cadenas tróficas más ...

  17. Systematic screening for CYP3A4 genetic polymorphisms in a Han Chinese population. (United States)

    Hu, Guo-Xin; Dai, Da-Peng; Wang, Hao; Huang, Xiang-Xin; Zhou, Xiao-Yang; Cai, Jie; Chen, Hao; Cai, Jian-Ping


    To systematically investigate the genetic polymorphisms of the CYP3A4 gene in a Han Chinese population. The promoter and exons of CYP3A4 gene in 1114 unrelated, healthy Han Chinese subjects were amplified and genotyped by direct sequencing. In total, five previously reported alleles (*1G, *4, *5, *18B and *23) were detected, of which one allele (*23) was reported for the first time in Han Chinese population. Additionally, seven novel exonic variants were also identified and designated as new alleles CYP3A4*28-*34. This study provides the most comprehensive data of CYP3A4 polymorphisms in Han Chinese population and detects the largest number of novel CYP3A4 alleles in one ethnic group.

  18. Genetic polymorphisms of 17 Y-chromosomal STRs in the Chengdu Han population of China. (United States)

    Wang, Hui; Mao, Jiong; Xia, Yu; Bai, Xiaogang; Zhu, Wenqing; Peng, Duo; Liang, Weibo


    Chengdu is located at the center of Sichuan Province in southwestern China, and its primary demographic group is the Han population. The aim of this study was to contribute data detailing 17 Y-short tandem repeat (Y-STR) loci from 3291 Chengdu Han male samples analyzed with the AmpFLSTR ® Yfiler ® PCR Amplification Kit. We observed 2228 different haplotypes, and haplotype diversity (HD) was 0.9992. Gene diversity (GD) values for the 17 Y-STR loci of the Chengdu Han population ranged from 0.4156 to 0.9529. Haplotype match probability (HMC) was 0.0011. Compared with 13 reference populations of six provinces surrounding Chengdu, we observed that the Chengdu Han population was significantly different from each of these populations.

  19. Caracterización de un episodio de intrusión Sahariana en el suroeste de la península ibérica

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    Yiniva Camargo Caicedo


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este proyecto se orientó a estudiar un evento de intrusión de masa de aire norteafricana en el suroeste de la Península Ibérica con importante carga de material particulado atmosférico durante el periodo comprendido entre el 20 y 26 de diciembre de 2007. Para ello fue necesaria la aplicación de un protocolo basado en el cálculo de retrotrayectorias, estudio de imágenes satelitales y evaluación de niveles promedio de PM-10 registrados en estaciones de monitoreo de calidad de aire. Los resultados obtenidos para el periodo de estudio identificaron la ocurrencia del episodio de intrusión de masas de aire procedentes del norte de África, que generaron altos registros de PM-10 en las estaciones de monitoreo seleccionadas en la Provincia de Huelva, reportando la máxima media horaria en la estación CAM con 162.7 μg/m3 para el día 21 de diciembre de 2007, y superando los 50 μg/m3 establecidos en la normativa vigente.

  20. Arboreas voces solis luneque loquentes: la visita de Alejandro Magno a los árboles del sol y de la luna en las crónicas del siglo XII

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    José Miguel De Toro Vidal


    Full Text Available El encuentro de Alejandro Magno con los árboles parlantes del Sol y de la Luna en un bosque sagrado de la India, constituye uno de los muchos episodios maravillosos de la leyenda alejandrina difundida en la Edad Media. El objetivo del presente artículo es estudiar el momento en que los cronistas deciden incorporar este pasaje en sus obras e indagar en las causas de esta decisión. Para ello se han revisado las crónicas universales del siglo XII y principios del XIII, cotejándolas con otras obras producidas en la época. Se aprecia que tanto la Historia Scholastica de Pedro Coméstor como los mapamundis contribuyeron a la aceptación del episodio. No obstante, la inclusión del pasaje en las crónicas no obedece tanto a la afirmación del encuentro con los árboles como un hecho cierto de la historia, sino al proyecto histórico-literario previsto por el autor de cada crónica.

  1. Population genetic data of Investigator HDplex markers in Han population from Southern China. (United States)

    Liu, Qiuling; Nan, Hailun; He, Xin; Wu, Weiwei; Lu, Dejian


    Allele frequencies and forensic statistical parameters for 12 STRs contained in the Investigator HDplex Kit (D2S1360, D3S1744, D4S2366, D5S2500, SE33, D6S474, D7S1517, D8S1132, D10S2325, D12S391, D18S51, and D21S2055) were estimated from a sample of 503 unrelated individuals from the Guangdong Han population of South China. No significant departure from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium or genetic linkage disequilibrium was observed (after Bonferroni correction). The expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.6411 to 0.9414. The allele frequencies in Guangdong Han significantly differed from that in Shanghai Han, Korea, Northern Italian, Swedish, Dutch, Somalia, and Argentinean populations at 2 to 12 loci. The markers included in the kit have highly polymorphic information that could be used for forensic DNA analysis as potential tools for differentiating Han population from other populations in the world.

  2. Association of ghrelin polymorphisms with metabolic syndrome in Han Nationality Chinese. (United States)

    Xu, Ling-Ling; Xiang, Hong-Ding; Qiu, Chang-Chun; Xu, Qun


    To investigate the association of ghrelin gene polymorphisms with metabolic syndrome in Han Nationality Chinese. A total of 240 patients with metabolic syndrome and 427 adults aged above forty years were recruited. Genotypes were determined by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. The allelic frequency of the Leu72Met polymorphism was 17.3% in the patient group and 11.9% in the control group (chi2 = 7.36, P = 0.007). Metabolic syndrome was more prevalent among carriers of the Met72 variant (43.8 vs 33.1%, age- and sex-adjusted odds ratio = 1.57, P = 0.01). No Arg51Gln variants were found in our study subjects. Rather than being associated with its individual components, Leu72Met polymorphism is associated with metabolic syndrome in the Han Nationality Chinese. Arg51Gln polymorphism is rare in the Han Nationality Chinese.

  3. han /Smoke in the Context Verse 10 of Sura ad - Duk han

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    Gökhan ATMACA


    Full Text Available Holy Qur’an is the last book was sent to mankind as guidance. Prophet has notified the Qur’an. This is because the task for him. He also explained the Qur’an. Companions of the Prophet are appealed to the Prophet when they do not understand the issue. After the Prophet’s death continued activities to understand the Qur’an. For this reason, efforts have been made to understand the Qur’an. It is also written with commentary that explains the verse. There are various opinions on the books of taf sir about the meaning of the verse. Each commentators have described the verse based on their knowledge and understanding. They were found in the preferences among the various opinions. Mufessir sometimes unanimously agreed on the meaning of the verse. Som etimes opinions are different. One of the verse is that the variety of opinions about the 10th verse of Surah ad - Dukhan. Translation of the verse is: “ Then watch thou for the Day that the sky will bring forth a kind of smoke (or mist/ Dûhan plainly visible . ” There are various opinions about what the words mean the smoke/ Dûhan . There are still various views on this incident when or where when. There are several proofs for each view. There are three views about the smoke. According to the first view is from the stink of smoke signals. Therefore, this event has not yet occurred. According to the second opinion. The Prophet prayed against Meccan unbelievers. There famine occurred. As a result, they were subjected to fasting. They start seeing smoke because of h unger. According to a third opinions. Smoke appeared on the day of the conquest of Mecca. Because that day a rising dust set, and covered the sky in the form of smoke .


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    Pablo Máyer Suárez


    Full Text Available El sur de Gran Canaria ha sido intensamente transformado por las instalaciones turísticas que, desde 1962, se han realizado. Entre las consecuencias ambientales de este proceso destacan las inundaciones. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar si existe relación entre las implantaciones turísticas y el incremento, en las últimas décadas, de los daños producidos por las inundaciones. Para ello se ha realizado un análisis diacrónico entre 1962 y la actualidad, comparando la evolución entre los episodios de lluvia intensa y los problemas generados. Los resultados señalan que el reciente incremento de los perjuicios, derivados de las inundaciones, se explica por la forma en que se han realizado los crecimientos urbanos y las infraestructuras turísticas a ellos asociados.

  5. Attachment and sibling rivalry in Little Hans: the fantasy of the two giraffes revisited. (United States)

    Wakefield, Jerome C


    Freud's interpretation of Little Hans's "phantasy of the two giraffes" is pivotal to his oedipal analysis that Hans has inchoate desires for sexual intercourse with his mother. Bowlby argued that Freud's focus on his oedipal theory led him to ignore preoedipal attachment-related factors that have equal plausibility in explaining the clinical data. However, Bowlby did not attempt to apply the attachment perspective to the interpretation of Hans's fantasies that form the core of the case material. A microanalysis of Hans's giraffe fantasy and the evidence used to support Freud's claims about it yields an attachment-based sibling rivalry account arguably of greater explanatory power than the oedipal account. Consistent with Bowlby's hypothesis, the evidence suggests that Hans's giraffe fantasy is about the sibling rivalry triangle involved in caregiver attachment access, rather than (or in addition to) the oedipal triangle. The issue of multiple levels of meaning and the methodological challenges raised by multiple determination is also considered. The giraffe fantasy's attachment-theoretic explanation encourages a rethinking of this classic case and strengthens Bowlby's claim that the case is fruitfully viewed from an attachment perspective.

  6. Steve Jobs, Ameerika Hans H. Luik / Kertu Ruus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ruus, Kertu, 1977-


    Autor võrdleb Apple'i asutajat ja juhti Steve Jobsi Eesti meediaärimehe Hans H. Luigega. Vt. samas: Jobs: ärge raisake aega teiste elu elamisele; Forbes: iPhone'ist saab Apple'i suur hitt; CV: Steven Paul Jobs. Diagramm: Apple'i aktsia

  7. Desarrollo tecnológico de la industria del cemento

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bogue, R. H.


    Full Text Available Not availableLas fábricas de cemento se han caracterizado durante mucho tiempo por el familiar penacho de polvo que salía por la chimenea. Pero algunas cosas están cambiando y el penacho va desapareciendo. Las razones son varias. Los habitantes de las zonas limítrofes con las fábricas de cemento no soportan el polvo y quieren disfrutar de una atmósfera pura. Los fabricantes se han dado cuenta de que el polvo no es otra cosa sino materia prima que ha sufrido parte del proceso: está completamente homogeneizada, finamente molida, exenta parcialmente de anhídrido carbónico e, inicialmente, contiene una considerable cantidad de calor. También se han dado cuenta que una acumulación de polvo en la fábrica representa un peligro para la salud, para la moral y para la vida de los propios empleados de la misma. Se puede ahorrar tiempo disminuyendo los incidentes o las molestias, se evitan complicaciones judiciales y se puede dar una prueba de buena voluntad. Han comprendido asimismo que la recuperación de polvos es un buen negocio y tiene como consecuencia el de un mayor orden en la fábrica.

  8. Genetic polymorphisms of 18 short tandem repeat loci in 3550 individuals from the Han population of Changchun, Northeast China. (United States)

    Feng, Zhen; Xia, Mingying; Bao, Helai; Wang, Linlin; Jin, Li; Li, Liming; Li, Shilin


    In this study, we analyzed 18 autosomal STRs on 3550 unrelated individuals collected from the Han population of Changchun. No significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was observed at all STR loci, and the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.6275 to 0.9207. The combined match probability (CMP) was 2.42 × 10 - 22 , and the combined power of discrimination (CPD) was 99.9999999999999999999758 %. Changchun Han showed no significant difference between northern and eastern Han populations at nearly all STR loci, but had significant differences between southern Han at multiple STRs, as well as other Chinese ethnic populations. The phylogenetic analysis also showed that Changchun Han is genetically close to northern Hans, suggesting that the Han population of Changchun could mainly come from northern China.

  9. Tallinna linnaelu kajastumine raehärra Hans Rotgersi märkmetes / Tiina Kala

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kala, Tiina, 1967-


    Hans Rotgersi aktiivne tegutsemisperiood hõlmab 15. sajandi viimase ja 16. saj. esimese veerandi. Kõige ulatuslikuma kirjaliku pärandi on ta endast maha jätnud Niguliste kiriku eestseisjana. Niguliste kiriku olulistest daatumitest. Maksujõuliste tallinlaste surma kajastumisest Rotgersi ülestähendustes. Rotgersi käsikirjas säilinud astroloogiliste ja meditsiiniliste soovituste kogust. Hans Rotgersi testamendist.

  10. Genetic Variation of 25 Y-Chromosomal and 15 Autosomal STR Loci in the Han Chinese Population of Liaoning Province, Northeast China.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jun Yao

    Full Text Available In the present study, we investigated the genetic characteristics of 25 Y-chromosomal and 15 autosomal short tandem repeat (STR loci in 305 unrelated Han Chinese male individuals from Liaoning Province using AmpFISTR® Yfiler® Plus and IdentifilerTM PCR amplification kits. Population comparison was performed between Liaoning Han population and different ethnic groups to better understand the genetic background of the Liaoning Han population. For Y-STR loci, the overall haplotype diversity was 0.9997 and the discrimination capacity was 0.9607. Gene diversity values ranged from 0.4525 (DYS391 to 0.9617 (DYS385. Rst and two multi-dimensional scaling plots showed that minor differences were observed when the Liaoning Han population was compared to the Jilin Han Chinese, Beijing Han Chinese, Liaoning Manchu, Liaoning Mongolian, Liaoning Xibe, Shandong Han Chinese, Jiangsu Han Chinese, Anhui Han Chinese, Guizhou Han Chinese and Liaoning Hui populations; by contrast, major differences were observed when the Shanxi Han Chinese, Yunnan Bai, Jiangxi Han Chinese, Guangdong Han Chinese, Liaoning Korean, Hunan Tujia, Guangxi Zhuang, Gansu Tibetan, Xishuangbanna Dai, South Korean, Japanese and Hunan Miao populations. For autosomal STR loci, DP ranged from 0.9621 (D2S1338 to 0.8177 (TPOX, with PE distributing from 0.7521 (D18S51 to 0.2988 (TH01. A population comparison was performed and no statistically significant differences were detected at any STR loci between Liaoning Han, China Dong, and Shaanxi Han populations. The results showed that the 25 Y-STR and 15 autosomal STR loci in the Liaoning Han population were valuable for forensic applications and human genetics, and Liaoning Han was an independent endogenous ethnicity with a unique subpopulation structure.

  11. Genetic Variation of 25 Y-Chromosomal and 15 Autosomal STR Loci in the Han Chinese Population of Liaoning Province, Northeast China. (United States)

    Yao, Jun; Wang, Bao-Jie


    In the present study, we investigated the genetic characteristics of 25 Y-chromosomal and 15 autosomal short tandem repeat (STR) loci in 305 unrelated Han Chinese male individuals from Liaoning Province using AmpFISTR® Yfiler® Plus and IdentifilerTM PCR amplification kits. Population comparison was performed between Liaoning Han population and different ethnic groups to better understand the genetic background of the Liaoning Han population. For Y-STR loci, the overall haplotype diversity was 0.9997 and the discrimination capacity was 0.9607. Gene diversity values ranged from 0.4525 (DYS391) to 0.9617 (DYS385). Rst and two multi-dimensional scaling plots showed that minor differences were observed when the Liaoning Han population was compared to the Jilin Han Chinese, Beijing Han Chinese, Liaoning Manchu, Liaoning Mongolian, Liaoning Xibe, Shandong Han Chinese, Jiangsu Han Chinese, Anhui Han Chinese, Guizhou Han Chinese and Liaoning Hui populations; by contrast, major differences were observed when the Shanxi Han Chinese, Yunnan Bai, Jiangxi Han Chinese, Guangdong Han Chinese, Liaoning Korean, Hunan Tujia, Guangxi Zhuang, Gansu Tibetan, Xishuangbanna Dai, South Korean, Japanese and Hunan Miao populations. For autosomal STR loci, DP ranged from 0.9621 (D2S1338) to 0.8177 (TPOX), with PE distributing from 0.7521 (D18S51) to 0.2988 (TH01). A population comparison was performed and no statistically significant differences were detected at any STR loci between Liaoning Han, China Dong, and Shaanxi Han populations. The results showed that the 25 Y-STR and 15 autosomal STR loci in the Liaoning Han population were valuable for forensic applications and human genetics, and Liaoning Han was an independent endogenous ethnicity with a unique subpopulation structure.

  12. Características de las personas afectadas de fibrilación auricular en una consulta de cardiología

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricia López-Mases

    Full Text Available La Fibrilación auricular (FA presenta una elevada prevalencia en los ancianos. Se plantea como objetivo describir las características de la población afectada y valorar las relaciones existentes entre los diferentes aspectos medibles. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo e inferencial con muestreo por conveniencia, seleccionando todos los pacientes con episodios de FA asociados a frecuencias cardíacas (FC superiores a 80 ppm o que hayan revertido a ritmo sinusal, con el que se obtiene una muestra de 65 personas. Se han recopilado datos sociodemográficos, tipo de FA, variaciones en FC, visitas a urgencias y complicaciones. Los datos han sido analizados mediante el programa SPSS v.17.0. Resultados: La media de edad fue de 65 años. La FA paroxística se encuentra asociada a FC iniciales superiores a las del grupo de FA persistente, el cual se relaciona con edades más avanzadas. El grupo que acude a urgencias presenta FC iniciales superiores. Existen diferencias significativas, asociando directamente las consultas al servicio de urgencias con episodios de FA con FC elevadas que obliga a la derivación. A edades avanzadas, mayor asociación en el individuo de los factores de riesgo con los que esta se relaciona. Conclusiones: La FA es una de las arritmias más prevalentes, con un alto coste sanitario y con un empeoramiento de la calidad de vida, por lo que las actividades encaminadas a la detección precoz y tratamiento adecuado son fundamentales para su mejora.

  13. The first Koç Han: Pioneering modern architecture in Ankara

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    Oya Atalay Franck


    Full Text Available Koç Holding is the most established conglomerate in Turkey. Th e company’s beginnings date from the mid 1920s, when Ahmet Vehbi Koç, founder of Koç Holding, had his first own company registered with the Ankara Chamber of Commerce. In 1932, Koç moved his business from his father’s store on Anafartalar Street to a new building, the first Koç Han, erected the same year on Çankırı Street Nr.13 in Ulus. Th e building’s designer was Swiss-Austrian architect Ernst Arnold Egli, who had come to Turkey only five years earlier upon invitation by the government to work as chief architect of the Ministry of National Education. During his stay, which lasted from 1927 until 1940, Egli realized about 40 projects and worked on many more. Koç Han is the rare example of a commercial building by Egli. At a time when the urban aspect of the old town center of Ankara consisted mostly of one-or two-storeyed stone-and-wood houses, the first Koç Han represented an altogether new building type for the town, in being a multipurpose edifice with space for shops at street level, with large storage facilities below ground, and providing off ices and housing on the upper fl oors. Th e functional rigor of the plan and the sober modernism of the building’s facades contrasted strongly with the architecture of the time. In this respect, the first Koç Han was a strong statement regarding Ahmet Vehbi Koç’s belief in a modern Turkey and to the contribution of the building’s architect, Ernst Arnold Egli, to this project.

  14. Hans Strahl's pioneering studies in comparative placentation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carter, Anthony Michael; Mess, A


    Hans Strahl, a contemporary of Duval and Hubrecht, made many important contributions to comparative placentation. Despite this he is not well known and some of his original observations tend to be attributed to later authors. Strahl published a classification of placental types based on their shape...... of the most important findings made by Strahl including work on placentation in carnivores and higher primates that remains unsurpassed....

  15. Comparison of Genetic Variants in Cancer-Related Genes between Chinese Hui and Han Populations.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chaoyong Tian

    Full Text Available The Chinese Hui population, as the second largest minority ethnic group in China, may have a different genetic background from Han people because of its unique demographic history. In this study, we aimed to identify genetic differences between Han and Hui Chinese from the Ningxia region of China by comparing eighteen single nucleotide polymorphisms in cancer-related genes.DNA samples were collected from 99 Hui and 145 Han people from the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in China, and SNPs were detected using an improved multiplex ligase detection reaction method. Genotyping data from six 1000 Genomes Project population samples (99 Utah residents with northern and western European ancestry (CEU, 107 Toscani in Italy (TSI, 108 Yoruba in Ibadan (YRI, 61 of African ancestry in the southwestern US (ASW, 103 Han Chinese in Beijing (CHB, and 104 Japanese in Tokyo (JPT were also included in this study. Differences in the distribution of alleles among the populations were assessed using χ2 tests, and FST was used to measure the degree of population differentiation.We found that the genetic diversity of many SNPs in cancer-related genes in the Hui Chinese in Ningxia was different from that in the Han Chinese in Ningxia. For example, the allele frequencies of four SNPs (rs13361707, rs2274223, rs465498, and rs753955 showed different genetic distributions (p0.000 between the Hui and Han populations.These results suggest that some SNPs associated with cancer-related genes vary among different Chinese ethnic groups. We suggest that population differences should be carefully considered in evaluating cancer risk and prognosis as well as the efficacy of cancer therapy.

  16. Los asháninkas y la violencia de las correrías durante y después de la época del caucho*


    Espinosa, Oscar


    A lo largo de los siglos, el pueblo asháninka ha enfrentado diversos episodios de violencia, algunos de los cuales han afectado de manera especial la historia y la identidad de este pueblo. Uno de estos momentos fue el de la colonización de la región de la Selva Central peruana, a fines del siglo XIX, marcada por la extracción del caucho y el cultivo de café en grandes haciendas. Esta época se caracterizó, además, por ser particularmente violenta, sobre todo debido a las continuas correrías q...

  17. Cuidados de Enfermería en la Prevención de la Depresión Postparto


    Valleandrés Goyenechea, Arantxa


    La depresión mayor es la primera causa de discapacidad en mujeres a nivel mundial. Cuando el episodio depresivo se produce en el periodo del postparto se denomina Depresión Postparto (DPP), pudiendo aparecer hasta 30 semanas después del parto. La DPP es un fenómeno de salud pública que afecta tanto a la calidad de vida de la madre como a la de su familia. Afecta aproximadamente al 10-20% de las mujeres que han dado a luz recientemente, siendo más frecuente en mujeres con recursos socioeconómi...

  18. Trasplante renal con HLA idéntico de donante vivo y cadavérico: experiencia de la Fundación Valle de Lili, Cali, Colombia


    Caicedo, Luis Armando; Gómez-Vega, Juan Carlos; Duque, Mauricio Francisco; Serrano, Óscar Javier; Manzi, Eliana; Arrunátegui, Ana María; Posada, Juan Guillermo; Mesa, Liliana; Schweineberg, Johanna; Durán, Carlos Eduardo; Villegas, Jorge Iván; Dávalos, Diana María; Echeverri, Gabriel Jaime


    Introducción: En el trasplante renal con HLA idéntico los episodios de rechazo agudo son menores y tienen mejores tasas de supervivencia del injerto, comparado con los receptores con HLA no idéntico; a pesar de esto, persiste el dilema en cuanto al retiro o la disminución de la dosis de inmunosupresión. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir la experiencia de los trasplantes renales con HLA idéntico de donante vivo y cadavérico que se han realizado en la Fundación Valle del Lili desde 1995 ...

  19. The changes of plasma adrenomedullin level in Han and tibetan health adult men in plateau area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Shaolin


    To investigate the changes and clinical significance of plasma adrenomedullin in Han and Tibetan health adult men at the state of chronic hypoxia. The Han health adult who migrated and lived above sea level 4200 meter for 1∼3 years and the native Tibetan were involved in this study. The plasma adrenomedullin levels in both Han and Tibetan health adult men were measured by RIA. The results showed that the plasma adrenomedullin levels of native Tibetan were significantly higher than that of migrated Han worker (P<0.05). The plasma adrenomedullin might play a regulatory role on the physiological function in the health adult men who live in high altitude hypoxic state. (authors)

  20. Prevalence of Diabetes and Associated Factors in the Uyghur and Han Population in Xinjiang, China

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Haiying Gong


    Full Text Available Objective: To estimate the prevalence of diabetes and identify risk factors in the Uyghur and Han population in Xinjiang, China. Methods: A cross-sectional study in urban and rural areas in Xinjiang, including 2863 members of the Uyghur population and 3060 of the Han population aged 20 to 80 years, was conducted from June 2013 to August 2013. Data on fasting plasma glucose (FPG and personal history of diabetes were used to estimate the prevalence of diabetes. Data on demographic characteristics, lifestyle risk factors, and lipid profiles were collected to identify risks factors using the multivariate logistic regression model. Results: In urban areas, the age- and gender-standardized prevalence of diabetes was 8.21%, and the age- and gender-standardized prevalence of diabetes was higher in the Uyghur population (10.47% than in the Han population (7.36%. In rural areas, the age- and gender-standardized prevalence of diabetes was 6.08%, and it did not differ significantly between the Uyghur population (5.71% and the Han population (6.59%. The results of the multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that older age, obesity, high triglycerides (TG, and hypertension were all associated with an increased risk of diabetes in the Uyghur and Han population. Urban residence and low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C were associated with an increased risk of diabetes in the Uyghur population. Being an ex-drinker was associated with an increased risk of diabetes and heavy physical activity was associated with a decreased risk of diabetes in the Han population. Conclusions: Our study indicates that diabetes is more prevalent in the Uyghur population compared with the Han population in urban areas. Strategies aimed at the prevention of diabetes require ethnic targeting.

  1. Prevalence of Diabetes and Associated Factors in the Uyghur and Han Population in Xinjiang, China. (United States)

    Gong, Haiying; Pa, Lize; Wang, Ke; Mu, Hebuli; Dong, Fen; Ya, Shengjiang; Xu, Guodong; Tao, Ning; Pan, Li; Wang, Bin; Shan, Guangliang


    To estimate the prevalence of diabetes and identify risk factors in the Uyghur and Han population in Xinjiang, China. A cross-sectional study in urban and rural areas in Xinjiang, including 2863 members of the Uyghur population and 3060 of the Han population aged 20 to 80 years, was conducted from June 2013 to August 2013. Data on fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and personal history of diabetes were used to estimate the prevalence of diabetes. Data on demographic characteristics, lifestyle risk factors, and lipid profiles were collected to identify risks factors using the multivariate logistic regression model. In urban areas, the age- and gender-standardized prevalence of diabetes was 8.21%, and the age- and gender-standardized prevalence of diabetes was higher in the Uyghur population (10.47%) than in the Han population (7.36%). In rural areas, the age- and gender-standardized prevalence of diabetes was 6.08%, and it did not differ significantly between the Uyghur population (5.71%) and the Han population (6.59%). The results of the multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that older age, obesity, high triglycerides (TG), and hypertension were all associated with an increased risk of diabetes in the Uyghur and Han population. Urban residence and low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) were associated with an increased risk of diabetes in the Uyghur population. Being an ex-drinker was associated with an increased risk of diabetes and heavy physical activity was associated with a decreased risk of diabetes in the Han population. Our study indicates that diabetes is more prevalent in the Uyghur population compared with the Han population in urban areas. Strategies aimed at the prevention of diabetes require ethnic targeting.

  2. Quantitative Analysis and Comparison of BMI among Han, Tibetan, and Uygur University Students in Northwest China

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bai Jingya


    Full Text Available Objectives. To fully analyze and compare BMI among Han, Tibetan, and Uygur university students, to discuss the differences in their physical properties and physical health, and thus to provide some theoretical suggestions for the improvement of students’ physical health. Methods. The cross-sectional random cluster sampling was used to investigate 10103 Han, Tibetan, and Uygur university students, aged 20–24 in Northwest China, and their height and weight were measured to calculate BMI. The BMI classification criteria for Chinese established by Work Group on Obesity in China (WGOC were used for screening. Results. Han, Tibetan, and Uygur university students show low obesity rates but high overweight rates. Han, Tibetan, and Uygur university students present a high rate of underweight, normal weight, and overweight, respectively. Female Han students show higher underweight and normal weight rates, but lower overweight and obesity rates, than male Han students. Female Tibetan students show higher normal weight rate, but lower overweight and obesity rates, than male Tibetan students. BMI increases with age for male students but decreases with age for female students. Male Uygur students show higher obesity rate than female Uygur students. Tibetan and Uygur university students have higher BMI than other minorities in South China.

  3. Quantitative Analysis and Comparison of BMI among Han, Tibetan, and Uygur University Students in Northwest China (United States)

    Jingya, Bai; Ye, He; Jing, Wang; Xi, Huanjiu; Tao, Hai


    Objectives. To fully analyze and compare BMI among Han, Tibetan, and Uygur university students, to discuss the differences in their physical properties and physical health, and thus to provide some theoretical suggestions for the improvement of students' physical health. Methods. The cross-sectional random cluster sampling was used to investigate 10103 Han, Tibetan, and Uygur university students, aged 20–24 in Northwest China, and their height and weight were measured to calculate BMI. The BMI classification criteria for Chinese established by Work Group on Obesity in China (WGOC) were used for screening. Results. Han, Tibetan, and Uygur university students show low obesity rates but high overweight rates. Han, Tibetan, and Uygur university students present a high rate of underweight, normal weight, and overweight, respectively. Female Han students show higher underweight and normal weight rates, but lower overweight and obesity rates, than male Han students. Female Tibetan students show higher normal weight rate, but lower overweight and obesity rates, than male Tibetan students. BMI increases with age for male students but decreases with age for female students. Male Uygur students show higher obesity rate than female Uygur students. Tibetan and Uygur university students have higher BMI than other minorities in South China. PMID:24453807

  4. Population genetic data of the NGM SElect STR loci in Chinese Han population from Zhejiang region, China. (United States)

    Zhou, Anju; Wu, Weiwei; Liu, Qiuling; Wu, Yeda; Lu, Dejian


    Genetic variations of the 17 NGM SElect STR loci in Chinese Han samples from the Zhejiang region were analyzed. The results show that the NGM SElect is a highly genetic informative system in Zhejiang Han, and this population shows quite different genetic data from other major populations in the world with the exception of the Fujian Han.

  5. Evolución del tipo de cambio peso mexicano/dólar estadounidense y el uso de derivados financieros


    María de Lourdes Nájera López


    En este trabajo se analiza la evolución del tipo de cambio peso mexicano frente al dólar estadounidense, su volatilidad, así como el uso de los derivados financieros en las diferentes crisis que ha sufrido el país. Todo ello a partir de 1954 a la fecha, en donde se han registrado los regímenes de tipo de cambio: fijo, dual, de bandas de flotación y el de libre flotación. Se concluye que el tipo de cambio mexicano es volátil y que cualquier fenómeno económico o financiero externo repercute en ...

  6. Las prácticas letradas vernáculas: análogas y digitales en el aula de clase


    Unda Palacio, Maribel; Florián Sánchez, Nancy


    Nuestra investigación en educación, muestra una micro etnografía en torno a un grupo de profesores de un colegio distrital , ubicado en la localidad sexta de la ciudad de Bogotá, cuya temática central son las prácticas letradas vernáculas análogas y digitales en la práctica pedagógica. Es una reflexión con respecto al uso del internet en los procesos de lectura y de escritura y los cambios que éstos han sufrido debido a la aparición de la nueva era digital. Se refieren algunos conceptos clave...

  7. Estimulación eléctrica medular para el tratamiento del dolor del síndrome postlaminectomía. Resultado del tratamiento con electrodos planos. Comparación de la eficacia clínica con electrodos de 16 polos frente a electrodos de 8 polos


    Almarcha Bethencourt, José Manuel


    Desde que a finales de la década de los 60 se comenzó a utilizar la EEM para el control del dolor crónico, el procedimiento ha sufrido muchos cambios. Por un lado, las indicaciones han ido aumentando: muchos tipos de dolor neuropático focal, dolor de origen vascular y dolor de origen visceral. Por otro lado, se suma una evolución tecnológica, con una mejoría evidente en los sistemas de estimulación no solo en los parámetros eléctricos y su eficiencia sino también en la mayor facilidad en lo q...

  8. Propuesta didáctica para la enseñanza de (z,+, .) A estudiantes de séptimo grado


    Sánchez León, Olga Lucía


    Los números negativos han sufrido muchos cambios a lo largo de la historia, muchos matemáticos de la época se resistieron a su utilización. La aceptación de los números negativos fue un proceso muy largo ya que su incorporación y aceptación en el mundo de la matemática solo fue hasta el siglo XIX cuando Henkel los introdujo de manera formal. Desde el punto de vista de la didáctica la enseñanza de los números enteros presenta muchas dificultades en los estudiantes, esto también lo manifiestan ...

  9. Hans Bethe, Powering the Stars, and Nuclear Physics (United States)

    dropdown arrow Site Map A-Z Index Menu Synopsis Hans Bethe, Energy Production in Stars, and Nuclear Physics physics, built atomic weapons, and called for a halt to their proliferation. Bethe's dual legacy is one of Laboratory] from 1943 to 1946. Prior to joining the Manhattan Project, Bethe taught physics at Cornell

  10. Hans-Peter Schultze, a great paleoichthyologist for whom work is synonymous with enjoyment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Cloutier


    Full Text Available In the summer of 1982, Hans-Peter Schultze and Gloria Arratia were invited to a small museum located on a fossiliferous site of the Devonian Escuminac Formation in Miguasha, Quebec, eastern Canada, Hans-Peter was to work with Marius Arsenault, the director of the Miguasha Museum, on the skull of the elpistostegalid Elpistostege watsoni, a species closely related to basal tetrapod. In addition, he went through the collections to describe and measure numerous juvenile specimens of the osteolepiform. Eusthenopteran foordi. As expected, there two projects turned out to be important contributions in lower vertebrate paleontology and systematics: one on the origin of tetrapods (1985, and the second one on growth patterns of a Late Devonian fish (1984. During his visit to Miguasha, Hans-Peter also spent time digging for fossils and drawing numerous specimens in the collection. In addition, in order to help the personnel of the museum to identify some of the Escuminac fished, he created an identification key based on the gross morphology of the scales. For a small group of undergraduate students, hired at the museum during the summer as naturalists, it was a unique opportunity to discuss paleontology with a leading researcher. We were amazed by his willingness to talk to us, even if then most of us only spoke French! For the first time, we were exposed to Hennigian methodology and its usage in vertebrate paleontology during and evening lecture that Hans-Peter prepared for us. His lecture was delightful; it was an intensive course in lower vertebrate anatomy, and an intellectual journey among the philosophers Karl Marx and Karl Popper, the entomologists Willy Hennig and Lars Brundin, and "The Band of Four" (Rosen et al., 1981. It was for most of us our first exposure to science, as it should be done. We were all impressed by his knowledge and above all by his simplicity and friendliness. Two years later I started my Ph.D. at The University of Kansas

  11. Medicamentos para lucrar. La transformación de la industria farmacéutica

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    Antonio Ugalde


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza el caso de Merck y concluye que esta empresa considerada durante muchas décadas como la más innovadora, más científica y altamente rentable, la envidia de las otras farmacéuticas innovadoras, se ha transformado en los últimos años en una empresa especializada en ventas. Su interés primordial ya no es innovar, sino producir e incrementar la comercialización de medicamentos que en su mayoría no aportan nuevo valor terapéutico. En la segunda parte, los autores presentan datos que indican que Merck no es un caso aislado en la industria sino que las otras farmacéuticas innovadoras, conocidas como "Big Pharma", han sufrido la misma transformación. En el proceso se han violado principios éticos fundamentales. Se presenta también el impacto que la transformación tiene para la salud.

  12. Logística del siglo XXI, rompiendo paradigmas

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    Nolán Sánchez Tovar


    Full Text Available Durante los últimos 200 años, el país ha sufrido grandes cambios en todos los ámbitos, lo cual le ha generado un posicionamiento estratégico a todos los sectores productivos, haciéndolos mucho más competitivos y dinámicos. Estos avances se han logrado gracias al cambio de paradigmas, propiciado por quienes han impulsado estos negocios, desde mediados del siglo XX, con la aparición del término Logística1 y el reconocimiento de las necesidades del cliente, procurando una mayor fidelizacion y al mismo tiempo una reducción de sus costos de operación y maximizando las utilidades. Para cumplir con esta nueva misión, es indispensable apropiarse de los cambios tecnológicos que se están produciendo, rompiendo el paradigma de hábitos tradicionales. El gran reto es comenzar por cambiar la mentalidad empresarial de sus equipos.

  13. Hans Blix appointed Director General

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    On 1 December 1981, Dr Hans Blix took office as Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency in succession to Dr Sigvard Eklund who has headed the IAEA since 1961. The Agency's Board of Governors nominated Dr Blix by acclamation on 26 September. His appointment was unanimously approved by the final session of the 25th regular session of the General Conference of the IAEA the same day. The President of the Conference, Ambassador Manaspas Xuto, administered the oath of office to Dr Blix at the final plenary meeting that day. Hans Blix was born in 1928 in Uppsala He studied at the University of Uppsala, at Columbia University, where he was also a research graduate and at Cambridge, where he received his Ph D In 1959 he became Doctor of Laws at the Stockholm University and in 1960 was appointed associate professor in international law. From 1963 to 1976 Dr Blix was Head of Department at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and served as Legal Adviser on International Law. In 1976 he became Undersecretary of State at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in charge of international development co-operation He was appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs in October 1978 In September 1979 he was again appointed Undersecretary of State at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in charge of international development co-operation. Since 1961 he has been a member of Sweden's delegation to the United Nations General Assembly, and from 1962 to 1978 a member of the Swedish delegation to the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva. He has written several books on subjects associated with international and constitutional law and was leader of the Liberal Campaign Committee in favour of retention of the Swedish nuclear energy program in the referendum in 1980

  14. Ancient DNA Reveals That the Genetic Structure of the Northern Han Chinese Was Shaped Prior to 3,000 Years Ago (United States)

    Zhang, Quan-Chao; Li, Hong-Jie; Cui, Ying-Qiu; Xu, Zhi; Jin, Li; Zhou, Hui; Zhu, Hong


    The Han Chinese are the largest ethnic group in the world, and their origins, development, and expansion are complex. Many genetic studies have shown that Han Chinese can be divided into two distinct groups: northern Han Chinese and southern Han Chinese. The genetic history of the southern Han Chinese has been well studied. However, the genetic history of the northern Han Chinese is still obscure. In order to gain insight into the genetic history of the northern Han Chinese, 89 human remains were sampled from the Hengbei site which is located in the Central Plain and dates back to a key transitional period during the rise of the Han Chinese (approximately 3,000 years ago). We used 64 authentic mtDNA data obtained in this study, 27 Y chromosome SNP data profiles from previously studied Hengbei samples, and genetic datasets of the current Chinese populations and two ancient northern Chinese populations to analyze the relationship between the ancient people of Hengbei and present-day northern Han Chinese. We used a wide range of population genetic analyses, including principal component analyses, shared mtDNA haplotype analyses, and geographic mapping of maternal genetic distances. The results show that the ancient people of Hengbei bore a strong genetic resemblance to present-day northern Han Chinese and were genetically distinct from other present-day Chinese populations and two ancient populations. These findings suggest that the genetic structure of northern Han Chinese was already shaped 3,000 years ago in the Central Plain area. PMID:25938511

  15. Inner and inter population structure construction of Chinese Jiangsu Han population based on Y23 STR system.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Huipin Wang

    Full Text Available In this study, we analyzed the genetic polymorphisms of 23 Y-STR loci from PowerPlex® Y23 system in 916 unrelated healthy male individuals from Chinese Jiangsu Han, and observed 912 different haplotypes including 908 unique haplotypes and 4 duplicate haplotypes. The haplotype diversity reached 0.99999 and the discrimination capacity and match probability were 0.9956 and 0.0011, respectively. The gene diversity values ranged from 0.3942 at DYS438 to 0.9607 at DYS385a/b. Population differentiation within 10 Jiangsu Han subpopulations were evaluated by RST values and visualized in Neighbor-Joining trees and Multi-Dimensional Scaling plots as well as population relationships between the Jiangsu Han population and other 18 Eastern Asian populations. Such results indicated that the 23 Y-STR loci were highly polymorphic in Jiangsu Han population and played crucial roles in forensic application as well as population genetics. For the first time, we reported the genetic diversity of male lineages in Jiangsu Han population at a high-resolution level of 23 Y-STR set and consequently contributed to familial searching, offender tracking, and anthropology analysis of Jiangsu Han population.

  16. Inner and inter population structure construction of Chinese Jiangsu Han population based on Y23 STR system (United States)

    Yang, Chun; Zhang, Jianqiu


    In this study, we analyzed the genetic polymorphisms of 23 Y-STR loci from PowerPlex® Y23 system in 916 unrelated healthy male individuals from Chinese Jiangsu Han, and observed 912 different haplotypes including 908 unique haplotypes and 4 duplicate haplotypes. The haplotype diversity reached 0.99999 and the discrimination capacity and match probability were 0.9956 and 0.0011, respectively. The gene diversity values ranged from 0.3942 at DYS438 to 0.9607 at DYS385a/b. Population differentiation within 10 Jiangsu Han subpopulations were evaluated by RST values and visualized in Neighbor-Joining trees and Multi-Dimensional Scaling plots as well as population relationships between the Jiangsu Han population and other 18 Eastern Asian populations. Such results indicated that the 23 Y-STR loci were highly polymorphic in Jiangsu Han population and played crucial roles in forensic application as well as population genetics. For the first time, we reported the genetic diversity of male lineages in Jiangsu Han population at a high-resolution level of 23 Y-STR set and consequently contributed to familial searching, offender tracking, and anthropology analysis of Jiangsu Han population. PMID:28704439

  17. [Polymorphism analysis of 20 autosomal short-tandem repeat loci in southern Chinese Han population]. (United States)

    Chen, Ling; Lu, Hui-Jie; DU, Wei-An; Qiu, Ping-Ming; Liu, Chao


    To evaluate the value of PowerPlex ® 21 System (Promega) and study the genetic polymorphism of its 20 short-tandem repeat (STR) loci in southern Chinese Han population. We conducted genotyping experiments using PowerPlex ® 21 System on 20 autosomal STR loci (D3S1358, D1S1656, D6S1043, D13S317, Penta E, D16S539, D18S51, D2S1338, CSF1PO, Penta D, TH01, vWA, D21S11, D7S820, D5S818, TPOX, D8S1179, D12S391, D19S433 and FGA) in 2367 unrelated Chinese Han individuals living in South China. The allele frequencies and parameters commonly used in forensic science were statistically analyzed in these individuals and compared with the reported data of other populations. The PowerPlex ® 21 System had a power of discrimination (PD) ranging from 0.7839 to 0.9852 and a power of exclusion (PE) ranging from 0.2974 to 0.8099 for the 20 loci. No significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg expectations was found for all the loci except for D5S818. This southern Chinese Han population had significant differences in the allele frequencies from 8 ethnic groups reported in China, and showed significant differences at 8 to 20 STR foci from 5 foreign populations. The allele frequency at the locus D1S1656 in this southern Chinese Han population differed significantly from those in the 5 foreign populations and from 3 reported Han populations in Beijing, Zhejiang Province and Fujian Province of China. The neighbor-joining phylogenetictree showed clustering of all the Asian populations in one branch, while the northern Italian and Argentina populations clustered in a separate branch. This southern Chinese Han population had the nearest affinity with the Yi ethnic population in Yunnan Province of China. The 20 STR loci are highly polymorphic in this southern Chinese Han population, suggesting the value of this set of STR loci in forensic personal identification, paternity testing and anthropological study.

  18. Little Hans and attachment theory: Bowlby's hypothesis reconsidered in light of new evidence from the Freud Archives. (United States)

    Wakefield, Jerome C


    Bowlby (1973), applying attachment theory to Freud's case of Little Hans, hypothesized that Hans's anxiety was a manifestation of anxious attachment. However Bowlby's evidence was modest; Hans was threatened by his mother with abandonment, expressed fear of abandonment prior to symptom onset, and was separated from his mother for a short time a year before. Bowlby's hypothesis is reassessed in light of a systematic review of the case record as well as new evidence from recently derestricted interviews with Hans's father and Hans in the Freud Archives. Bowlby's hypothesis is supported by multiple additional lines of evidence regarding both triggers of separation anxiety preceding the phobia (e.g., a funeral, sibling rivalry, moving, getting his own bedroom) and background factors influencing his working model of attachment (mother's psychopathology, intense marital conflict, multiple suicides in mother's family) that would make him more vulnerable to such anxiety. Bowlby's hypothesis is also placed within the context of subsequent developments in attachment theory.

  19. Hans Vredeman de Vries in den böhmischen Bibliotheken

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Muchka, Ivan

    č. 3 (2003), s. 29-40 ISSN 1213-5372 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR KSK9056118 Keywords : Renaissance * Hans Vredeman de Vries * Czech historical libraries Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage

  20. Population data of 17 short tandem repeat loci in 2923 individuals from the Han population of Nantong in East China. (United States)

    Yang, Min; Li, Liming; Han, Haijun; Jin, Li; Jia, Dongtao; Li, Shilin


    Nantong is located in mid-eastern China, and the Han population in Nantong may be greatly affected by population admixture between northern and southern Han Chinese populations. In this study, we analyzed 17 autosomal short tandem repeat (STR) loci on 2923 unrelated individuals collected from the Han population of Nantong. No significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was observed at all STR loci, and the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.6184 to 0.9187. The combined match probability (CMP) was 3.87 × 10(-21), and the combined power of discrimination (CPD) was 99.999999999999999999613 %. No significant difference of allele frequencies was observed between Nantong and other Han populations at all STR loci, as well as Dai, Mongolian, and Tibetan. Significant differences were only observed between Nantong Han and Uyghur at TH01, as well as Nantong Han and Dong at CSF1PO and FGA. Nantong Han showed significant differences between She, Bouyei, and Miao at multiple STR loci.

  1. Minu moto : alati kõrgustesse! Dr. Hans O. A. Koehn, ADDINOL Lube Oil GmbH osanik - 80 / Hans O. A. Koehn ; interv. Mikk Mehide

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koehn, Hans O. A.


    Maailma tippkvaliteediga määrdeaineid tootva Saksa õlifirma Addinol osanik dr. Hans O. A. Koehn on üks juhtivaid isikuid Saksamaa mineraalõli majanduses, tööst õlifirmas Valvoline, edasisest karjäärist ning Addinoli osanikuks saamisest



    de Agostini, Kátia; Unibrasil


    O presente trabalho objetiva uma análise epistemológica da obra Teoria Pura do Direito, de Hans KELSEN. Aponta que o centro de interesse da Teoria Pura é a ciência jurídica, para qual KELSEN propõe um método de conhecimento pretensamente puro.

  3. Andragologie – idealistisch positivisme? De actualiteit van Hans Vaihinger

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ton Notten


    Full Text Available Hans Vaihinger. De filosofie van het alsof. Systeem van de theoretische, praktische en religieuze ficties van de mensheid op grond van een idealistisch positivisme. Met een aanhangsel over Kant en Nietzsche. Utrecht: IJzer, 2013, 464 p., € 49,90. ISBN 978 90 8684 106 4

  4. The Rolf and Gertrud Dahlgren Prize for 2017 Awarded to Hans Walter Lack

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Friis, Ib


    The reasons for awarding the Rolf and Gertrud Dahlgren Prize to Hans Walter Lack are summarised and the prize described. It is also mentioned that Rosén's Linnaeus Medal in Gold was awarded to Arne Strid at the same ceremony.......The reasons for awarding the Rolf and Gertrud Dahlgren Prize to Hans Walter Lack are summarised and the prize described. It is also mentioned that Rosén's Linnaeus Medal in Gold was awarded to Arne Strid at the same ceremony....

  5. Clinical study on the expression differences of biochemical indicators between Uygur and Han patients with diabetic retinopathy

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    Jing-Li Han


    Full Text Available AIM:To detect the related biochemical indicators of the Uygur and Han patients with diabetic retinopathy,to judge progression of diabetic retinopathy and evaluate the relation between ethnic and progression. So as to give a more accurate guide for regional clinical treatment, early detection, early prevention, reduce concurrency disease and improve quality of life. METHODS:One hundred and twenty patients with diabetic retinopathy aged 38~70 were diagnosed by fundus fluorescein angiography, including 60 patients with non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy(NPDR, 30 Uygur and Han respectively(devided into Uygur group 1, Han group 1; 60 patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy(PDR, 30 Uygur and Han respectively(devided into Uygur group 2, Han group 2. All patients were detected for high-sensitivity C-reactive protein(hs-CRP, serum total bilirubin(TBIL, fibrinogen(FIB, D-dimer(DDindicators using fasting blood. RESULTS:Regardless of ethnic, NPDR group and PDR group were significant differences in the four indicators; there was no significant difference between the Han and the Uygur group on the hs-CRP. But for the TBIL, FIB and DD, it was significantly different between the two ethnical groups, and it was more obvious in Uygur group. CONCLUSION:Diabetic retinopathy generally was more severe in Xinjiang Uygur groups, more attention should be paid in clinical practice.

  6. Haplotype and genetic relationship of 27 Y-STR loci in Han population of Chaoshan area of China

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    Qing-hua TIAN


    Full Text Available Objective  To investigate the genetic polymorphisms of 27 Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats (Y-STR loci included in Yfiler® Plus kit in Han population of Chaoshan area, and explore the population genetic relationships and evaluate its application value on forensic medicine. Methods  By detecting 795 unrelated Chaoshan Han males with Yfiler® Plus kit, haplotype frequencies and population genetics parameters of the 27 Y-STR loci were statistically analyzed and compared with available data of other populations from different races and regions for analyzing the genetic distance and clustering relation of Chaoshan Han population. Results  Seven hundred and eighty-seven different haplotypes were observed in 795 unrelated male individuals, of which 779 haplotypes were unique, and 8 haplotypes occurred twice. The haplotype diversity (HD was 0.999975 with discriminative capacity (DC of 98.99%. The gene diversity (GD at the 27 Y-STR loci ranged from 0.3637(DYS391 to 0.9559(DYS385a/b. Comparing with Asian reference populations, the genetic distance (Rst between Chaoshan Han and Guangdong Han was the smallest (0.0036, while it was relatively larger between Chaoshan Han and Gansu Tibetan population (0.0935. The multi-dimensional scaling (MDS plot based on Rst values was similar to the results of clustering analysis. Conclusion  Multiplex detection of the 27 Y-STR loci reveals a highly polymorphic genetic distribution in Chaoshan Han population, which demonstrates the important significance of Yfiler® Plus kit for establishing a Y-STR database, studying population genetics, and for good practice in forensic medicine. DOI: 10.11855/j.issn.0577-7402.2017.03.08

  7. Patogénesis de la osteoartritis

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    Juan Carlos Londoño Buenaventura


    Full Text Available La osteoartritis (OA se define como el deterioro progresivo de una articulación, con pérdida y abrasión del cartílago articular acompañada de cambios histológicos, bioquímicos, estructurales y fisiológicos. Este proceso usualmente esta acompañado de alteraciones articulares consistentes en esclerosis subcondral, seudoquistes, neoformación ósea, engrosamiento sinovial y capsular y episodios de inflamación leve a moderada (I. Aunque se han utilizado diversos términos como enfermedad articular degenerativa y osteoartrosis para designar la enfermedad, el consenso actual es que el de osteoartritis es el mas adecuado.

  8. Persistencia de Conducto Onfalomesentérico como causa de obstrucción intestinal en el adulto: Reporte de un caso en el Hospital Nacional Hipólito Unanue


    Gutiérrez Ccencho, C; Luna Cydejko, JC; Gutiérrez De Aranguren, CF; Revoredo, Fernando; Soto Tarazona, A; Olazábal Ramírez, V


    La persistencia del conducto onfalomesentérico ha sido reportada en diversas publicaciones pediátricas ya sea a través de la aparición de un divertículo de Meckel que es la forma más común, o ya sea por la aparición de segmentos con permeabilidad parcial o total del mismo. Se han presentado casos esporádicos donde esta anomalía ha originado episodios de obstrucción intestinal en lactantes y niños, especialmente bajo la forma de una banda fibrosa remanente. La presentación en el adulto, sin em...

  9. Cirugía de la fibrilación auricular paroxística

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aquilino Hurlé


    Full Text Available La fibrilación auricular (FA paroxística se define como aquella que aparece en forma de episodios recurrentes y autolimitados de menos de 7 días de duración. En los últimos años se han producido importantes avances en el conocimiento de su electrofisiología, lo que ha permitido desarrollar nuevas técnicas de tratamiento de gran efectividad. Este artículo revisa el estado actual del tratamiento quirúrgico de la FA paroxística, haciendo referencia a sus bases electrofisiológicas, tratamiento, indicaciones y resultados de la ablación.

  10. Reflexiones sobre la propuesta de reforma constitucional en Colombia para la introducción de la cadena perpetua:

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lina Mariola Díaz Cortés


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza los diferentes proyectos de ley que buscan dar respuesta a episodios esporádicos de violencia sexual contra menores. De esta forma se estudia la política criminal “irracional” que se ha propuesto en Colombia para los delitos sexuales contra menores, es decir, en concreto, las propuestas absurdas e injustificadas de implementar instrumentos como la cadena perpetua, que desconocen principios básicos contenidos dentro de nuestra Carta de derechos y que han sido acogidos desde antaño por penalistas que defienden la utilización racional de los instrumentos punitivos del Estado.

  11. Los museos de cerámica en España. Investigación y difusión

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Coll Conesa, J.


    Full Text Available Ceramic museums in Spain had received a vigorous impulse in recent years. The cultural offer of the biggest, had been increased lastly by those of the small county museums and private centres with innovative perspectives. New proposals and experiences augur a major educative improvement, based on more recent research and efforts to communication.

    Los museos de cerámica en España han sufrido un notable impulso en los últimos años. A los grandes centros se ha sumado museos municipales y privados con nuevos planteamientos. Sus propuestas ofrecen nuevas perspectivas y auguran buenos resultados tanto por el incremento en la investigación como en su acción educativa.

  12. Prevalencia de la violencia intrafamiliar en el municipio de Barrancabermeja

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    Armando Aguilera Torrado


    Full Text Available El trabajo presenta los resultados de la investigación sobre prevalencia de la violencia intrafamiliar, desarrollada en el primer semestre del 2010 en el municipio de Barrancabermeja (Santander. El estudio fue transversal de tipo descriptivo, y se desarrolló bajo los parámetros de los estudios epidemiológicos. Los resultados de la investigación muestran que la prevalencia de la violencia intrafamiliar en Barrancabermeja es del 54%. El tipo de violencia que más han sufrido los barranqueños en sus hogares es la física, en un 45%, seguida por la violencia psicológica, con un 44%, y finalmente la violencia sexual, en un 11%.

  13. Quines empreses han aguantat millor la crisi, les empreses familiars o les no familiars?

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    Jose Luis Gallizo


    Full Text Available Objecte: En aquest estudi és porta a terme un anàlisi comparatiu sobre l’evolució de l’estructura econòmica i financera que presenten les empreses familiars i no familiars de Catalunya en un context d’intensa crisi econòmica. La seva finalitat és poder donar resposta a dos qüestions principals: identificar les característiques diferencials de l’EF respecte a l’EnF i comprovar si aquestes característiques diferencials han permès a les EF aguantar millor la crisi econòmica. Disseny/metodologia: S’ha analitzat una mostra de 750 grans i mitjanes empreses de Catalunya (550 familiars i 200 no familiars durant el període 2008-2012. Les dades s’han obtingut a través de la base de dades SABI, i per a la classificació de les empreses en familiars i no familiars s’ha dut a terme una comprovació individual de cadascuna d’elles per evitar habituals errors de classificació. Posteriorment les empreses s’han classificat en funció de la seva dimensió per dotar d’una major robustes els resultats. També s’ha procurat que la distribució d’empreses per sectors fos similar en les diferents categories per evitar que un efecte sectorial pogués tergiversar els resultats de l’estudi. Aportacions i resultats: L’estudi ha permès constatar les hipòtesis establertes sobre el finançament de les empreses familiars i concloure que aquestes presenten una estructura financera diferent a les Empreses no familiars. Les empreses familiars als seus balanços, presenten un major nivell d’autofinançament gràcies a la seva menor distribució de dividends. A més a més, les EF presenten millors resultats en quant a nivells de cobertura i liquiditat, ja que es troben més capitalitzades i presenten uns nivells d’endeutament inferior que les Empreses no familiars. Aquestes característiques patrimonials i financeres han contribuït a que les empreses familiars aguantin millor els anys de crisi, produint-se durant aquests anys

  14. Combining the Hanning windowed interpolated FFT in both directions (United States)

    Chen, Kui Fu; Li, Yan Feng


    The interpolated fast Fourier transform (IFFT) has been proposed as a way to eliminate the picket fence effect (PFE) of the fast Fourier transform. The modulus based IFFT, cited in most relevant references, makes use of only the 1st and 2nd highest spectral lines. An approach using three principal spectral lines is proposed. This new approach combines both directions of the complex spectrum based IFFT with the Hanning window. The optimal weight to minimize the estimation variance is established on the first order Taylor series expansion of noise interference. A numerical simulation is carried out, and the results are compared with the Cramer-Rao bound. It is demonstrated that the proposed approach has a lower estimation variance than the two-spectral-line approach. The improvement depends on the extent of sampling deviating from the coherent condition, and the best is decreasing variance by 2/7. However, it is also shown that the estimation variance of the windowed IFFT with the Hanning is significantly higher than that of without windowing.

  15. Population genetics of 26 Y-STR loci for the Han ethnic in Hunan province, China. (United States)

    Jiang, Weibo; Gong, Zheng; Rong, Haibo; Guan, Hua; Zhang, Tao; Zhao, Yihe; Fu, Xiaoliang; Zha, Lagabaiyila; Jin, Chuan; Ding, Yanjun


    To study the population data of Y-chromosome STRs (Y-STRs) of Han population resided in Hunan province, we analyzed haplotypes of 26 Y-STRs (DYS19, DYS385a/b, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS481, DYS533, DYS549, DYS570, DYS576, DYS635, DYS643, DYS388, DYS449, DYS460, and YGATAH4) in 310 unrelated male individuals using a commercially available Goldeneye® DNA ID 26Y system. The calculated average gene diversity values ranged from 0.4211 to 0.9590 for DYS438 and DYS385a/b loci, respectively. The discriminatory capacity was 96.77 % with 300 observed haplotypes. Population relationships between Hunan Han and eight other populations available from Y-chromosome haplotype reference database (YHRD) were compared. The results showed that the Han population resided in the Hunan district is significantly different from other populations. Our results also indicated that these 26 Y-STR loci were highly genetically polymorphic in the Hunan Han population and of great value in forensic application.

  16. Book review : Street Architecture: Work by Hans van der Heijden

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jenniskens, D.P.H.

    The recently published book Street Architecture is the result of a collaboration between Karin Templin, currently pursuing a PhD in architecture at the University of Cambridge, and Hans van der Heijden, an Amsterdam-based architect of mainly urban renewal projects and residential architecture. The

  17. Mismatch Negativity in Han Chinese Patients with Schizophrenia: A Meta-Analysis. (United States)

    Xiong, Yanbing; Ll, Xianbin; Zhao, Lei; Wang, Chuanyue


    Previous meta-analysis revealed that mismatch negativity(MMN) amplitude decreased in patients with schizophrenia compared with healthy controls (Cohen's d, d about 1), leading to the possibility of mismatch negativity being used as a biomarker for schizophrenia. However, it is unknown whether MMN is reliably changed in Chinese patients. It is necessary to carry out a meta-analysis on MMN of Han Chinese patients with schizophrenia. To investigate whether MMN could be used as a biomarker for Han Chinese patients with schizophrenia. A literature search was conducted to identify clinical trials on MMN in Han Chinese schizophrenia patients published before May 8, 2017, by searching the Chinese language databases CNKI, WanFang Data, VIP Data and PubMed. The effects of MMN deficits were evaluated for MMN amplitude by calculating standard mean difference (SMDs) between schizophrenia patient groups and healthy control groups. A total of 11 studies were included in the analysis. The total quality of all the studies were more than 6 as evaluated by Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS). Meta-analysis of data from these studies had a pooled sample of 432 patients with schizophrenia and 392 healthy controls. There exists significant MMN deficit in schizophrenia patients compared to healthy controls (Cohen's d =1.004). When studies were excluded due to heterogeneity, the pooled effect size of the MMN differences between the patient group and healthy controls dropped to 0.79 (Cohen's d =0.79). Subgroup analysis showed that MMN amplitude deficits of schizophrenia over three years had the pooled effect size of 0.95, and less than three years had the pooled effect size of 0.77. Publication bias conducted via Egger regression test ( t = 1.83; p = 0.101), suggested that there was no publication bias. The effect size of MMN amplitude between Chinese patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls is consistent with other meta-analyses published on this topic, suggesting that Han Chinese

  18. Evaluation of candidate genes associated with hepatitis A and E virus infection in Chinese Han population. (United States)

    Gu, Maolin; Qiu, Jing; Guo, Daoxia; Xu, Yunfang; Liu, Xingxiang; Shen, Chong; Dong, Chen


    Recent GWAS-associated studies reported that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in ABCB1, TGFβ1, XRCC1 genes were associated with hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection, and variants of APOA4 and APOE genes were associated with and hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection in US population. However, the associations of these loci with HAV or HEV infection in Chinese Han population remain unclear. A total of 3082 Chinese Han persons were included in this study. Anti-HAV IgG and anti-HEV IgG were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Genotypes in ABCB1, TGFβ1, XRCC1, APOA4 and APOE SNPs were determined by TaqMan MGB technology. In Chinese Han population, rs1045642 C to T variation in ABCB1 was significantly associated with the decreased risk of HAV infection (P infection in our samples (P C to T variation in APOE was significantly associated with lower risk of HEV infection in males (adjusted OR infection. Additionally, Chinese Han males with rs7412 C to T variation in APOE gene are less prone to be infected by HEV.

  19. Evaluation of water repellent treatments applied to stones used in andalusian cathedrals. II. Salt crystallization test

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Villegas Sánchez, R.


    Full Text Available In a previous paper we have studied the changes that have ocurred in the properties related to water access and movement in the stone after the application of water repellent treatments. In this work we compare the weathering resistance of treated and untreated samples by means of sodium sulphate crystallization test. After finishing the test (75 cycles properties related to water have been measured again to know if the treatments have undergone any kind of deterioration and lose their water repellent characteristics.

    En un artículo anterior se han evaluado los cambios producidos en las propiedades relacionadas con el acceso y movimiento de agua en la piedra como consecuencia de la aplicación de tratamientos de hidrofugación. En este trabajo se compara la resistencia a la alteración producida por sales de las probetas tratadas y sin tratar, sometiéndolas al ensayo de cristalización de sulfato sódico. Tras finalizar el ensayo (75 ciclos se han medido nuevamente las propiedades relacionadas con el agua, con objeto de comprobar si los tratamientos han sufrido alguna alteración y si mantienen sus características hidrófugas.

  20. Factors associated with chloroquine induced pruritus during malaria treatment in Mozambican University students Factores asociados a la aparición de prurito por cloroquina durante el tratamiento de la malaria en estudiantes universitarios de Mozambique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helena Gama


    cloroquina. Resultados: De los 795 que respondieron, el 77,4% (601/777 reportó al menos un episodio de malaria y el 73,2% (542/740 utilizó la cloroquina anteriormente. La prevalencia del prurito inducido por cloroquina fue del 30,1% (158/525. El prurito tendió a ser más frecuente cuando la cloroquina era utilizada como tratamiento en comparación con su uso profiláctico (31,2% vs. 10,3%, p<0,05, y su empleo en el último episodio de malaria fue menos frecuente en los participantes que recordaban haber sufrido prurito inducido por cloroquina (52,3% vs. 65,1%, p<0,05. Conclusión: Cerca de un tercio de la población de raza negra que usa cloroquina tuvo al menos un episodio de prurito inducido por este fármaco. Esta reacción adversa tendió a ser menos frecuente cuanto más bajas fueron las dosis de cloroquina utilizadas, e influenciaba las opciones futuras de fármacos antipalúdicos.

  1. Forensic characteristics and phylogenetic analysis of Hubei Han population in central China using 17 Y-STR loci. (United States)

    Wang, Zheng; Du, Weian; He, Guanglin; Liu, Jing; Hou, Yiping


    Currently, the largest national database within the Y chromosome haplotype reference database (YHRD,, release 53) is China, which has approximately 38000 Y chromosomal 17-marker (Yfiler) haplotypes. These haplotype profiles derived from the vast majority of Chinese administrative divisions, but no haplotype data was available for Hubei province, which is located in the Central China region. Herein, 429 unrelated male Chinese Han individuals residing in Hubei province were recruited and genotyped with 17 Y-STR loci. 115 alleles were identified with corresponding allele frequencies spanned from 0.0023 to 07506. The gene diversity (GD) values ranged from 0.3988 at DYS438 to 0.9573 at DYS385a/b. A total of 410 distinct haplotypes were obtained with the overall haplotype diversity (HD) and discrimination capacity (DC) was 0.9995 and 0.9557, respectively. Additionally, genetic relationships along administrative (Han Chinese from different provinces) and ethnic divisions (minority ethnic groups) were analyzed using analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) tests and visualized by multidimensional scaling plots (MDS). The Han ethnicity including the Hubei Han shows a high genetic homogeneity all across China and significant genetic differences existed between the Hubei Han and some ethnic groups, most prominently for the Kazakhs and the Tibetans. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Genetic structure, divergence and admixture of Han Chinese, Japanese and Korean populations. (United States)

    Wang, Yuchen; Lu, Dongsheng; Chung, Yeun-Jun; Xu, Shuhua


    Han Chinese, Japanese and Korean, the three major ethnic groups of East Asia, share many similarities in appearance, language and culture etc., but their genetic relationships, divergence times and subsequent genetic exchanges have not been well studied. We conducted a genome-wide study and evaluated the population structure of 182 Han Chinese, 90 Japanese and 100 Korean individuals, together with the data of 630 individuals representing 8 populations wordwide. Our analyses revealed that Han Chinese, Japanese and Korean populations have distinct genetic makeup and can be well distinguished based on either the genome wide data or a panel of ancestry informative markers (AIMs). Their genetic structure corresponds well to their geographical distributions, indicating geographical isolation played a critical role in driving population differentiation in East Asia. The most recent common ancestor of the three populations was dated back to 3000 ~ 3600 years ago. Our analyses also revealed substantial admixture within the three populations which occurred subsequent to initial splits, and distinct gene introgression from surrounding populations, of which northern ancestral component is dominant. These estimations and findings facilitate to understanding population history and mechanism of human genetic diversity in East Asia, and have implications for both evolutionary and medical studies.

  3. Quantitative Analysis of Intestinal Flora of Uygur and Han Ethnic Chinese Patients with Ulcerative Colitis

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    Ping Yao


    Full Text Available Aim. To study the correlation between intestinal flora and ulcerative colitis by analyzing the abundance of Bacteroides, Fusobacterium, Clostridium, Bifidobacterium spp., and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii in the intestinal of ulcerative colitis (UC patients and healthy controls with Uygur and Han ethnic. Methods. Bacterial genomic DNA was extracted from fecal samples and analyzed with real-time fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR to identify the abundance of Bacteroides, Fusobacterium, Clostridium, Bifidobacterium spp., and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii. Results. The samples from UC patients, Uygur and Han ethnic combined, had higher abundance of Bacteroides (P=0.026 but lower Clostridium (P=0.004, Bifidobacterium spp. (P=0.009, and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii (P=0.008 than those from healthy controls. Among UC patients, Bacteroides population was raised in acute UC patients (P≤0.05, while the abundance of Clostridium, Bifidobacterium spp., Fusobacterium, and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii decreased (P≤0.05 compared with the remission. In both UC patients group and control group, no difference was observed in the abundance of these 5 bacteria between the Han and the Uygur group. Conclusions. Variations in the abundance of these five bacterial strains in intestines may be associated with the occurrence of UC in Uygur and Han populations; however, these variations were not associated with ethnic difference.

  4. Association of STAT4 gene polymorphism with increased susceptibility of rheumatoid arthritis in a northern Chinese Han subpopulation. (United States)

    Zhao, Yi; Liu, Xu; Liu, Xia; Su, Yin; Li, Yanmei; Zhang, Xiaoping; Zhu, Lei; Wang, Shiyao; Wang, Tian; Jiang, Quan; Liu, Xiangyuan; Li, Xiaoxia; Huang, Cibo; Jia, Rulin; Lu, Xiaolan; Guo, Jianping; Li, Zhanguo


    Several studies have reported STAT4 polymorphism is strongly associated with increased susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, a study from China showed no association between STAT4 and RA susceptibility in a Chinese Han subpopulation. Since the northern Hans are known to be genetically different from the southern Hans, the aim of this study was to investigate the association of STAT4 polymorphism with RA in a large cohort of a northern Chinese Han subpopulation. 640 RA patients and 662 healthy controls were enrolled. DNA samples were genotyped for STAT4 rs7574865 by direct sequencing. The association of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs7574865 with RA susceptibility was calculated and the relationship between rs7574865 polymorphism and RA subgroups stratified by clinical features was estimated. We confirmed a significant association of STAT4 rs7574865 polymorphism with RA susceptibility in northern Chinese Han population. The frequency of the minor T allele in RA was significantly higher than in healthy controls (35.2% vs. 31.1%; P = 0.029, OR 1.2 [95% CI 1.02-1.41]). There was also a significant difference in the distribution of the genotypes of SNP rs7574865 between RA patients and healthy controls (P = 0.02). Stratification analyses showed no associations between the genetic risk and clinical/serologic features, but a potential high frequency of TT genotype in a rheumatoid factor-negative subgroup, although it did not reach statistical significance (P = 0.084, OR 2.01 [95% CI 0.91-4.45]). STAT4 rs7574865 is significantly associated with RA susceptibility in northern Chinese Han subpopulations. The genetic differences of Han subpopulations should be considered when genetic susceptibility for diseases is studied. © 2013 The Authors International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases © 2013 Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology and Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  5. A panel of ancestry informative markers to estimate and correct potential effects of population stratification in Han Chinese. (United States)

    Qin, Pengfei; Li, Zhiqiang; Jin, Wenfei; Lu, Dongsheng; Lou, Haiyi; Shen, Jiawei; Jin, Li; Shi, Yongyong; Xu, Shuhua


    Population stratification acts as a confounding factor in genetic association studies and may lead to false-positive or false-negative results. Previous studies have analyzed the genetic substructures in Han Chinese population, the largest ethnic group in the world comprising ∼20% of the global human population. In this study, we examined 5540 Han Chinese individuals with about 1 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and screened a panel of ancestry informative markers (AIMs) to facilitate the discerning and controlling of population structure in future association studies on Han Chinese. Based on genome-wide data, we first confirmed our previous observation of the north-south differentiation in Han Chinese population. Second, we developed a panel of 150 validated SNP AIMs to determine the northern or southern origin of each Han Chinese individual. We further evaluated the performance of our AIMs panel in association studies in simulation analysis. Our results showed that this AIMs panel had sufficient power to discern and control population stratification in Han Chinese, which could significantly reduce false-positive rates in both genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and candidate gene association studies (CGAS). We suggest this AIMs panel be genotyped and used to control and correct population stratification in the study design or data analysis of future association studies, especially in CGAS which is the most popular approach to validate previous reports on genetic associations of diseases in post-GWAS era.


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    Karolina de Moura Manso da Rocha


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la investigación fue caracterizar los profesionales que trabajan en el contexto de escuelas públicas y privadas, así como identificar los agresores y tipos de eventos violentos experimentados por estos profesionales. Estudio descriptivo, exploratorio, cuantitativo comparativo, con enfoque cuantitativo, en dos escuelas de la ciudad de Natal/RN, Brasil. La muestra consta de 121 profesionales, 62 de las 59 instituciones públicas y privadas. El proyecto fue presentado al Comité de Ética en Investigación de UFRN y aprobado según parecer No 149/10. Había 68 (56,20% mujeres, 68 (56,20%, profesoras; 51 (42,15% empleados y dos (01,65% directores; 37 (30,58% han sido víctimas de bullying, 36 (97,30% fueron agredidos por estudiantes. La mayoría de las mujeres profesionales, docentes, y han sufrido la violencia en el ámbito escolar. Así, es esencial desarrollar estrategias para ayudar a estos empleados para prevenir y combatir el bullying escolar.

  7. Modelización de la contribución de las emisiones biogénicas y antropogénicas en la superación de los umbrales normativos durante un episodio de contaminación fotoquímica en la Península Ibérica


    Castell, Núria; Salvador, Rosa; Mantilla, Enrique; Stein, Ariel F.; Millán, Millán


    Ponencia presentada en: VI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Tarragona del 8 al 11 de octubre de 2008. [ES]En este estudio se evalúa el impacto por separado de las emisiones biogénicas y de las emisiones antropogénicas en la formación fotoquímica de ozono durante el episodio del 10 al 15 de agosto de 2003. Durante este periodo los umbrales de información y de protección a la salud definidos en la Directiva 2002/3/EC se superaron en varia...

  8. Virginia gutierrez de pineda: ve lo que todos han visto pero piensa lo Que otros no han pensado

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    Ligia Echeverri Ángel


    Full Text Available Este ensayo pretende hilvanar las cualidades innatas con las condiciones ambientales y educativas que afianzaron y respaldaron el surgimiento de una personalidad científica de las ciencias sociales y humanas, en una época cuando las mujeres tenían bloqueado el acceso a la formación en este campo.Por cuestión de espacio, apenas sí se menciona lo más destacado de la creación científica y literaria de Virginia Gutiérrez de Pineda, privilegiando aquellas contribuciones que han producido mayor impacto en las comunidades académicas nacional e internacional.

  9. Hans Blumenberg: Philosophy and Literature from 1952 to 1958

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    Alberto Fragio


    Full Text Available From 1952 to 1958 Hans Blumenberg [1920-1996] wrote five philosophical reviews on literature published in the German journal Hochland that have received very little attention by the scholars. This paper focus on Blumenberg’s early reviews devoted to Franz Kafka [1883-1924], Evelyn Waugh [1903-1966], Ernest Hemingway [1899-1961], Thomas S. Eliot [1888- 1965] and William Faulkner [1897-1962].

  10. Replication study confirms link between TSPAN18 mutation and schizophrenia in Han Chinese.

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    Jianmin Yuan

    Full Text Available Schizophrenia (SCZ is a severe psychiatric disorder associated with many different risk factors, both genetic and environmental. A recent genome-wide association study (GWAS of Han Chinese identified three single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs rs11038167, rs11038172, and rs835784 in the tetraspanins gene TSPAN18 as possible susceptibility loci for schizophrenia. Hoping to validate these findings, we conducted a case-control study of Han Chinese with 1093 schizophrenia cases and 1022 healthy controls. Using the LDR-PCR method to genotype polymorphisms in TSPAN18, we found no significant differences (P>0.05 between patients and controls in either the allele or genotype frequency of the SNPs rs11038167 and rs11038172. We did find, however, that the frequency of the 'A' allele of SNP rs835784 is significantly higher in patients than in controls. We further observed a significant association (OR= 1.197, 95%CI= 1.047-1.369 between risk for SCZ and this 'A' allele. These results confirm the significant association, in Han Chinese populations, of increased SCZ risk and the variant of the TSPAN18 gene containing the 'A' allele of SNP rs835784.

  11. Association of Interleukin-1 Gene Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms with Keratoconus in Chinese Han Population. (United States)

    Wang, Yani; Wei, Wei; Zhang, Changning; Zhang, XueHui; Liu, Ming; Zhu, Xiuping; Xu, Kun


    To investigate whether interleukin-1 alpha (IL1A) and interleukin-1 beta (IL1B) polymorphisms are associated with keratoconus (KC) in unrelated Chinese Han patients. The IL1A (rs2071376) and IL1B (rs1143627, rs16944) polymorphisms were genotyped in 115 unrelated Chinese Han KC patients and 101 healthy Chinese Han volunteers with the Sequenom MassARRAY RS1000. Sequenom Typer 4.0 software, PLINK 1.07, Haploview 4.0 software platform were used to analyze the allelic variants of IL1A and IL1B genes, and their association with KC risk factors were assessed. Among the variants, the three SNPs (rs2071376 in IL1A, rs1143627 and rs16944 in the promoter region of IL1B) were different between the two groups. The A allele of rs2071376 (A > C, p = 0.017, OR = 1.968, 95% C.I. 1.313-3.425), the C allele of rs1143627 (C > T, p rs16944 (A > G, p = 0.002, OR = 2.401, 95% C.I. 1.396-4.161) were associated with a increased risk of KC in Chinese Han patients. This study showed that rs2071376, rs1143627 and rs16944 had significant differences in associations between KC patients and the control group when different genotypes were analyzed in three models (dominant, recessive, and additive). In the haplotype analysis, the two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), rs1143627 and rs16944 showed strong linkage disequilibrium. In addition, Haplotype "ACA" was found to be associated with a higher risk of developing KC (OR = 12.91, p < 0.001). Keratocyte apoptosis is an initiating event in the pathogenesis of KC which could be induced by the altered levels of IL1 gene. These findings confirmed that polymorphisms in IL1 genes were associated with risk of KC in the Chinese Han population, which help us to gain insight into the pathogenesis of KC.

  12. The comparison of coronary arteries imaging features between Uygur and Han populations in Xinjiang with 64-slice spiral CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pan Cunxue; Zhao Yanping; Liu Wenya; Wang Haitao; Dang Jun; Yang Wen; Sun Yajing; Li Xiaoyu


    Objective: To analyze the imaging findings of coronary angiography using 64-slice row CT and investigate the difference of coronary artery's morphological characteristics between Uygur and Han populations. Methods: A retrospective study was made to coronary CT angiographic images of 88 Uygur cases matched with 88 Han cases. The data were analyzed with X 2 test and paired Wilcoxon test. Results: The coronary CT angiographic findings were different between Uygur population and Han population in the following aspects: there were 62, 18, and 8 cases with the left coronary artery originating from intra-sinus, para-sinus and extra-sinus location respectively in Uygur population, while there were 73, 14, and 8 cases in Han population respectively (t=8319, P 2 =5.8381, P 2 =5.1948, P<0.05). The cases with LCA variations were 28 and 49 cases in the two populations respectively (t=2692, P<0.05) and the number with RCA variations were 33 and 27 cases in the two populations respectively (t=968, P<0.05). Conclusions: There are lots of differences of the coronary artery morphology between the Uygur and Han populations. Firstly, these differences may be related to different patterns in coronary angiography. Secondly, these differences may be related to differences between Uygur and Han populations in the incidence and severity of coronary heart disease. (authors)

  13. Hans Jonas: The Principle Responsability, Limits of Research (? and Nanotechnologies

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    Patricia Santos Martins


    Full Text Available The study intends to carry out the reading of the responsibility principle and the new ethical model narrated by Hans Jones to nanotechnology context. Study the historical context of political and economic development and the interrelations with technological development, visiting the transformation of homo sapiens - homo faber - homo tecnologicus. Check if operating at the nanoscale, comprised in the billionth of meter, has elements that may indicate possible damage that might compromise or offer risks to the exercise of rights for future generations. Therefore, we intend to find points of convergence between the management of the potential risks of nanotechnologies and the new ethical model proposed by Hans Jonas in his work "The principle responsibility test an ethics for technological civilization". The study sheds bases in the work cited as theoretical foundation for the study and is based on the notion of risk proposed by Niklas Luhmann, and uses the method of literature refers to these works as well as published articles involving the topics covered.

  14. Genotype-phenotype correlation of xeroderma pigmentosum in a Chinese Han population. (United States)

    Sun, Z; Zhang, J; Guo, Y; Ni, C; Liang, J; Cheng, R; Li, M; Yao, Z


    Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by extreme sensitivity to sunlight, freckle-like pigmentation and a greatly increased incidence of skin cancers. Genetic mutation detection and genotype-phenotype analysis of XP are rarely reported in the Chinese Han population. To investigate the mutational spectrum of XP in a Chinese Han population, to discover any genotype-phenotype correlation and, consequently, to propose a simple and effective tool for the molecular diagnosis of XP. This study was carried out on 12 unrelated Chinese families that included 13 patients with clinically suspected XP. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood samples. Mutation screening was performed by direct sequencing of exons and flanking intron-exon boundaries for the entire coding region of eight XP genes. In 12 patients, direct sequencing of the whole coding region of eight XP genes revealed pathogenic mutations, including seven compound heterozygous mutations, three homozygous mutations and a Japanese founder mutation. Thirteen mutations have not been previously identified. This cohort was composed of four patients with XP-C (XPC), two with XP-G (ERCC5), three with XP-A (XPA) and three with XP-V (POLH). This study identified 13 novel mutations and extended the mutation spectrum of XP in the Chinese Han population. In this cohort, we found that patients with XP-G have no neurological symptoms, and patients with XP-A and XP-V have a high incidence of malignancy. Furthermore, lack of stringent protection against sunlight, late diagnosis and long duration of disease play an important role. © 2014 British Association of Dermatologists.

  15. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the HIRA Gene Affect Litter Size in Small Tail Han Sheep

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    Mei Zhou


    Full Text Available Maintenance of appropriate levels of fecundity is critical for efficient sheep production. Opportunities to increase sheep litter size include identifying single gene mutations with major effects on ovulation rate and litter size. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS data of 89 Chinese domestic sheep from nine different geographical locations and ten Australian sheep were analyzed to detect new polymorphisms affecting litter size. Comparative genomic analysis of sheep with contrasting litter size detected a novel set of candidate genes. Two SNPs, g.71874104G>A and g.71833755T>C, were genotyped in 760 Small Tail Han sheep and analyzed for association with litter size. The two SNPs were significantly associated with litter size, being in strong linkage disequilibrium in the region 71.80–71.87 Mb. This haplotype block contains one gene that may affect litter size, Histone Cell Cycle Regulator (HIRA. HIRA mRNA levels in sheep with different lambing ability were significantly higher in ovaries of Small Tail Han sheep (high fecundity than in Sunite sheep (low fecundity. Moreover, the expression levels of HIRA in eight tissues of uniparous Small Tail Han sheep were significantly higher than in multiparous Small Tail Han sheep (p < 0.05. HIRA SNPs significantly affect litter size in sheep and are useful as genetic markers for litter size.

  16. Mujeres de Guadalajara y violencia doméstica: resultados de un estudio piloto Women from Guadalajara and domestic violence: a pilot study

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    Juan Carlos Ramírez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La violencia doméstica contra la mujer es un problema médico social que continúa soslayado por las instituciones, no sólo de salud, sino en general por la sociedad mexicana. Existen incipientes investigaciones que muestran la magnitud de este fenómeno. Se realizó una encuesta piloto en 57 mujeres de Guadalajara, México, seleccionadas mediante un muestreo polietápico. Se encontró que el 46% de las mujeres habían sufrido de violencia. El perpetrador más frecuente fue el compañero/esposo (73%. De las mujeres que han sufrido de violencia por parte del esposo, la violencia emocional se identificó en el 33%, la violencia física con 19% y la sexual con 12%.Domestic violence against women is a sociomedical problem that continues to be overlooked by health institutions specifically and Mexican society as a whole. There are a handful of initial studies on this issue that report on the problem in specific areas of the country. This is a pilot study on 57 women from Guadalajara, Mexico, selected through a multi-stage random sample. Some 46% of the women had suffered domestic violence. The partner was identified as the perpetrator in 73% of these cases. Among these women, 33% had been emotionally abused, 19% physically abused, and 12% sexually abused.

  17. Reconstrucción paleoambiental del Pleistoceno Superior en la desembocadura del río Millars a través del análisis palinológico

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    Manuel Casas Gallego


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados del análisis palinológico efectuado sobre sedimentos del Pleistoceno superior en la desembocadura del río Millars, que han permitido detectar un episodio frío que interrumpió la vegetación presente en la zona y ejerció un efecto de debilitamiento sobre el caudal del río. La presencia de polen de arbustos termófilos constata la importancia del litoral castellonense como zona refugio durante el último máximo glacial. La interpretación paleoclimática está basada en la variación de los porcentajes de Pinus, Juniperus, arbustos mesotermófilos y elementos acuáticos.

  18. The Hans Gross Museum of Criminology at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz


    Christian, Bachhiesl


    The Hans Gross Museum of Criminology combines scientific research and academic activity with a wide range of public events, such as crime thriller readings and stage plays, connecting the campus with the wider community.

  19. La voz del consumidor en comunicación comercial: 40 años de evolución de la Planificación Estratégica publicitaria

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    Cristina Sánchez Blanco


    Full Text Available La Planificación Estratégica en publicidad nació en 1968 gracias a dos publicitarios londinenses que vieron la necesidad de conocer a fondo al consumidor e integrarlo en el desarrollo de la publicidad y supuso una revolución en el mundo publicitario de aquella época. La publicidad, los medios de comunicación y el consumidor han sufrido cambios importantes por lo que el planificador también ha evolucionado para adaptarse. En este artículo se compara la situación de la publicidad en los años del origen de la disciplina y en la actualidad para entender la transformación del rol del planificador y su relevancia hoy en comunicación comercial.

  20. La vejez indígena. El caso de los zoques del noroeste chiapaneco

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    Laureano Reyes Gómez


    Full Text Available En este artículo se confrontan los cambios socioculturales experimentados al interior de la comunidad indígena zoque y se analizan las relaciones con los viejos, en términos del impacto que ha sufrido la cultura del grupo cuando han sido cambiados algunos de sus valores económicos y demográficos. La vejez es vista, entonces, no ya desde una perspectiva idílica, sino de una forma más ambivalente, combinada con extrema pobreza, un rápido crecimiento de la población de viejos, el debilitamiento de las estructuras tradicionales en las que descansa el poder de los viejos y la lucha generacional que se da al interior de la comunidad.

  1. [Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen. Saksa Simplicissimuse seiklused] / Meelis Friedenthal

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Friedenthal, Meelis, 1973-


    Tutvustus: Grimmelshausen, Hans Jakob Christoffel von. Saksa Simplicissimuse seiklused, teisisõnu: ühe veidra vagabundi elulugu, kel Melchior Sternfels von Fuchshaim nimeks, et kus ja mis moel ta siia ilma sündis ning mida siin nägi, õppis, oma nahal tunda sai ja kannatas, nagu sellestki, miks ta siinsest ilmast vabatahtlikult loobub. [Tallinn] : Pegasus, c2010

  2. Release of ammonia from HAN-type PHA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zamecnik, J.R.


    A preliminary design basis for ammonia scrubbers in the DWPF has been issued. This design basis is based on a theoretical model of ammonia evolution from the SRAT, SME and RCT. It is desirable to acquire actual process data on ammonia evolution prior to performing detailed design of scrubbers for DWPF. The evolution of ammonia from the SRAT and SME in the Integrated DWPF Melter System (IDMS) was investigated during the HM4 run. In this run, Precipitate Hydrolysis Aqueous (PHA), which was made in the Precipitate Hydrolysis Experimental Facility (PHEF) using the HAN (hydroxylamine nitrate) process was used, thus resulting in PHA with a high concentration of ammonium ion

  3. A New Drawing of The Raising of Lazarus by Hans von Aachen

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Fučíková, E.; Konečný, Lubomír

    -, č. 16 (2016), s. 89-94 ISSN 1213-5372 Institutional support: RVO:68378033 Keywords : Hans von Aachen * Raising of Lazarus * Caravaggio * Taddeo Zuccari Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage OBOR OECD: Arts, Art history


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    Jorge Olcina Cantos


    Full Text Available Los fenómenos de retrogresión que acontecen en los meses finales del período estival sobre la cuenca del Mediterráneo Occidental suponen el desarrollo de atmósferas barócli- nas sumamente inestables que activan los mecanismos de transferencia energética (calor latente en dicho ámbito. La formación de sistemas convectivos de mesoscala reconoci- bles en las imágenes infrarrojas de los satélites meteorológicos se acompañan de precipi- taciones muy intensas, elemento natural de los meses finales del verano de la región mediterránea peninsular. Los efectos catastróficos del episodio de finales de septiembre y primeros días de octubre de 1986 son buen ejemplo de las consecuencias pluviométricas a menudo asociadas a estas situaciones atmosféricas.

  5. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Infertility for Han, Uygur, and Kazakh Ethnicities in Xinjiang Rural Residents. (United States)

    Zhao, Jing; Wang, Songfeng; Gao, Qi; Cai, Xia; La, Xiaolin


    To estimate the prevalence and associated factors of current infertility for Han, Uygur, and Kazakh ethnicities in Xinjiang rural residents. Chinese Uygur, Kazakh, and Han populations represent > 90% of the total population of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and their customs, culture, and food consumption are different. The effect of ethnic differences on infertility risk factors is rarely studied. A cross-sectional study of 5,086 married and common-law couples, with a female partner aged 18-49, living in Hami, Kuche, or Xinyuan counties in Xinjiang, China. General information for the study subjects, including demographic characteristics, life customs, sexual history, history of contraception use, and history of disease, was collected by questionnaire. General health, gynecologic examinations, and sociodemographic characteristics were also carried out. A total of 5,086 females from Xinjiang Province were surveyed, including 493 with infertility. The standardized prevalence rate of infertility was 9.7% (95% CI 8.9-10.5), and the prevalence of infertility in Han, Uygur, and Kazakh ethnicities was 6.8% (95% CI 5.7-7.9), 10.9% (95% CI 8.0-13.8), and 10.1% (95% CI 7.4-12.8), respectively. The present study suggests that the prevalence of infertility was lower in the Han as compared to the Kazakh and Uygur ethnicities.

  6. Association of rs662799 in APOA5 with CAD in Chinese Han population. (United States)

    Chen, Hua; Ding, Shifang; Zhou, Mi; Wu, Xiayin; Liu, Xi; Wu, Yun; Liu, Dechao


    CAD (Coronary Artery Disease) is a complex disease that influenced by various environmental and genetic factors. Previous studies have found many single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with the risk of CAD occurrence. However, the results are inconsistent. In this study, we aim to investigate genetic etiology in Chinese Han population by analysis of 7 SNPs in lipid metabolism pathway that previously has been reported to be associated with CAD. A total of 631 samples were used in this study, including 435 CAD cases and 196 normal healthy controls. SNP genotyping were conducted via multiplex PCR amplifying followed by NGS (next-generation sequencing). Rs662799 in APOA5 (Apolipoprotein A5) gene was associated with CAD in Chinese Han population (Odds-ratio = 1.374, P-value = 0.03). No significant association was observed between the rest of SNPs and CAD. Stratified association analysis revealed rs5882 was associated with CAD in non-hypertension group (Odds-ratio = 1.593, P-value = 0.023). Rs1800588 was associated with CAD in smoking group (Odds-ratio = 1.603, P-value = 0.035). The minor allele of rs662799 was the risk factor of CAD occurrences in Chinese Han population.

  7. Multiple genetic variants associated with primary biliary cirrhosis in a Han Chinese population. (United States)

    Dong, Ming; Li, Jinxin; Tang, Ruqi; Zhu, Ping; Qiu, Fang; Wang, Chan; Qiu, Jie; Wang, Lan; Dai, Yaping; Xu, Ping; Gao, Yueqiu; Han, Chongxu; Wang, Yongzhong; Wu, Jian; Wu, Xudong; Zhang, Kui; Dai, Na; Sun, Weihao; Zhou, Jianpo; Hu, Zhigang; Liu, Lei; Jiang, Yuzhang; Nie, Jinshan; Zhao, Yi; Gong, Yuhua; Tian, Ye; Ji, Hualiang; Jiao, Zhijun; Jiang, Po; Shi, Xingjuan; Jawed, Rohil; Zhang, Yu; Huang, Qinghai; Li, Enling; Wei, Yiran; Xie, Wei; Zhao, Weifeng; Liu, Xiang; Zhu, Xiang; Qiu, Hong; He, Gengsheng; Chen, Weichang; Seldin, Michael F; Gershwin, M Eric; Liu, Xiangdong; Ma, Xiong


    Multiple genome-wide association studies of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) in both European and Japanese ancestries have shown significant associations of many genetic loci contributing to the susceptibility to PBC. Major differences in susceptibility loci between these two population groups were observed. In this study, we examined whether the most significant loci observed in either European and/or Japanese cohorts are associated with PBC in a Han Chinese population. In 1070 PBC patients and 1198 controls, we observed highly significant associations at CD80 (rs2293370, P = 2.67 × 10(-8)) and TNFSF15 (rs4979462, P = 3.86 × 10(-8)) and significant associations at 17q12-21 (rs9303277), PDGFB (rs715505), NF-κB1 (rs7665090), IL12RB2 (rs11209050), and STAT4 (rs7574865; all corrected P values rs7574865) was strongly associated after additional control samples were analyzed. Our study is the first large-scale genetic analysis in a Han Chinese PBC cohort. These results do not only reflect that Han Chinese PBC patients share common genetic susceptibility genes with both their Japanese and European counterparts but also suggest a distinctly different genetic susceptibility profile.

  8. Tasas específicas de mortalidad en el hospital de Algeciras durante el período 1995-1996

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    García Ortega Cesáreo


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: La mortalidad intrahospitalaria ha sido propuesta como un indicador de calidad asistencial. Así mismo, es un hecho que debe ser utilizado para la vigilancia epidemiológica y la planificación sanitaria. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la mortalidad del Hospital de Algeciras del Servicio Andaluz de Salud. MÉTODOS: Se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo de los enfermos dados de alta entre enero de 1995 y diciembre de 1996, utilizando como fuente de información el informe clínico de alta y/o la historia clínica. Se utilizó la estructura del informe conjunto mínimo básico de datos al alta hospitalaria (CMBD. Los episodios de hospitalización fueron agrupados en los grupos relacionados con el diagnóstico (GRD. Tras un primer análisis de todos los episodios de hospitalización, se analizaron los episodios de alta de los enfermos menores de 80 años, estableciendo el riesgo de fallecer en el hospital en función del motivo de ingreso. RESULTADOS: En el Hospital de Algeciras hubo entre enero de 1995 y diciembre de 1996 un total de 24.194 episodios de hospitalización, tasa de mortalidad del 4.1%. Se observó una mayor tasa de mortalidad en el sexo masculino (5.3% frente al femenino (3.2%, (P<0.01. En los pacientes menores de 80 años se han producido 750 muertes intrahospitalarias y continúa el exceso de mortalidad en el sexo masculino. Las causas más frecuentes de las defunciones en este grupo de edad son: 66 muertes por enfermedad cerebro-vascular (probabilidad de morir este grupo de edad si han ingresado por enfermedad cerebro-vascular IC 95% 0.12-0.19, 58 muertes por Sida (IC95% 0.09-0.15, 51 por neoplasias de bronquios y pulmón (IC95 0.18-0.30, 49 éxitus por infarto agudo de miocardio (IC95% 0.12-0.21, 39 por enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (IC95% 0.07-0.14.. CONCLUSIONES: Se confirma la numerosa información suministrada por las estadísticas de mortalidad hospitalaria, especialmente si se tienen en

  9. Incidence of and social-demographic and obstetric factors associated with postpartum depression: differences among ethnic Han and Kazak women of Northwestern China

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    Ling Chen


    Full Text Available Background Studies on postpartum depression (PPD in China have focused primarily on women of Han ethnicity, whereas work on other ethnic groups has proven limited. This study explored the ethnic differences of associated social-demographic and obstetric factors for PPD between Han-majority and Kazak-minority women in northwestern China. Methods Han and Kazak women who received routine examinations at four hospitals in a multi-ethnic area of China six weeks after childbirth between March 2016 and December 2016 were included in the study. Data on the women’s socio-demographic characteristics, obstetric factors, and possible depression at six weeks after childbirth were collected. We examined the associated factors of PPD using multivariable logistic regression analyses by ethnic group. Results The overall incidence of PPD was 14.6% (184/1,263 at six weeks after childbirth. PPD was detected more frequently among Kazak (16.1% than Han women (13.1%. Kazak women exhibited a higher risk of PPD (adjusted OR = 1.561, 95% CI [1.108–2.198], P = 0.011. Urinary incontinence (UI represented a significant risk factor of PPD for Kazak compared with Han women (OR = 1.720, 95% CI [1.056–2.804], P = 0.003. In contrast, the presence of the mother-in-law as a caregiver after childbirth demonstrated a positive association with PPD among Han (OR = 2.600, 95% CI [1.499–4.512], P = 0.001, but not with Kazak women. Conclusions Kazak women were more likely to develop PPD than Han women, even after controlling for confounders. Moreover, distinct risk factors for PPD existed for Han and Kazak women. Future research that explores the relationships between Han women and their mothers-in-law as well as Kazak women’s attitudes toward UI could help us further understand PPD in these populations.

  10. La Torre de Hanói y los Qn Grafos

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    Mª Milagros Latasa Asso


    Full Text Available La Torre de Hanói es uno de los hallazgos matemáticos más ingeniosos de la matemática recreativa. Gracias a una leyenda con tinte oriental hoy se conoce de modo universal. Se describen en este artículo las relaciones entre las soluciones del rompecabezas y los ciclos hamiltonianos en los grafos Qn.

  11. The chronological age estimation of third molar mineralization of Han population in southwestern China. (United States)

    Qing, Maofeng; Qiu, Lihua; Gao, Zhi; Bhandari, Kishor


    The purpose of the study was to estimate the chronology of third molar mineralization in Han population of southwestern China and find its unique characteristics so that it would provide a reference in several legal cases like forensic age estimation. The study used Demirjian's staging method to study 2192 orthopantomograms of 984 male and 1208 female subjects aged between 8 and 25 years. The statistical data was analyzed by Student's t test and ANOVA. The conclusions of the study are: (1) The chronological mineralization age of third molars of Han population in Southwestern China is similar to the Turkish and the Japanese, was earlier than the Austrian and Han of South China, but later than the Spanish. (2) The mineralization timing of the third molars between two sides in maxilla or mandible has no significant differences in the same gender group. (3) There is no significant difference in mineralization of third molars between male and female, except for tooth 48 in Demirjian's stage E. (4) The mineralization of third molar in maxilla is earlier than mandible. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd and Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine. All rights reserved.

  12. The HANS KAI Project: a community-based approach to improving health and well-being through peer support

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    Alexandra Henteleff


    Full Text Available Introduction: HANS KAI is a unique health promotion intervention to improve participants’ health by focussing on interrelated chronic disease prevention behaviours through peer support and strengthening of social support networks. The study objective was to determine the effectiveness of HANS KAI in an urban Canadian setting. Methods: We used a mixed methods intervention research design that involved multiple sites from November 2010 to April 2015. Data was obtained from participant surveys as well as in-person interviews at zero, 6, 12 and 24 months. Participants met in groups at least once a month during the research period, to self-monitor health indicators, prepare and share a healthy snack, participate in a physical activity, set a healthy lifestyle goal (optional and socialize. Results: There were statistically significant mental health improvements from pre- to post-program, and 66% of the participants described specific behaviour changes as a result of HANS KAI participation. Additional positive health impacts included peer support; acquiring specific health knowledge; inspiration, motivation or accountability; the empowering effect of monitoring one’s own health indicators; overcoming social isolation and knowing how to better access services. Conclusion: The need to identify innovative ways to address chronic disease prevention and management has been the driver for implementing and evaluating HANS KAI. While further research will be required to validate the present findings, it appears that HANS KAI may be an effective approach to create environments that empower community members to support each other while promoting healthy lifestyle choices and detecting early changes in health status.

  13. Safety assessment of Novi Han radioactive waste repository - features, problems, results and perspectives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mateeva, M.


    This paper summarizes the work done and the achievements reached in the Novi Han radioactive waste repository safety assessment within the IAEA Model Project 'Increasing the safety of Novi Han radioactive waste repository BUL 4/005'. The overall safety assessment has a wide context, but the work reported here relates only to some details and results concerning the development and implementation of the appropriate methodology approach, model and computer code used for the calculations. Different steps and procedures are included for a better practical understanding of the obtained results during the safety assessment performance. The methodology approach is widely based on an international experience in safety analysis and implemented for evaluation computer code AMBER, which is one of the recommended from the safety assessments experts. (author)

  14. Quantitative Analysis and Comparison of BMI among Han, Tibetan, and Uygur University Students in Northwest China


    Jingya, Bai; Ye, He; Jing, Wang; Xi, Huanjiu; Tao, Hai


    Objectives. To fully analyze and compare BMI among Han, Tibetan, and Uygur university students, to discuss the differences in their physical properties and physical health, and thus to provide some theoretical suggestions for the improvement of students’ physical health. Methods. The cross-sectional random cluster sampling was used to investigate 10103 Han, Tibetan, and Uygur university students, aged 20–24 in Northwest China, and their height and weight were measured to calculate BMI. The BM...

  15. Obituary: Hans Albrecht Bethe, 1906-2005 (United States)

    Wijers, Ralph


    One of the unquestioned giants of physics and astrophysics, Hans Bethe, died on 6 March 2005, at the venerable age of 98, in his home town of Ithaca, New York. Seven decades of contributing to research and a Nobel Prize for his work on stellar hydrogen burning make a listing of his honors superfluous (besides being impossible in this space). Bethe was born in Strassburg, in then German Alsass Lothringen, on 2 July 1906. His father, Albrecht Julius Bethe (1872-1954), taught physiology at the University, and his mother, Anna Kuhn (1876-1966), was a musician and writer. Both his grandfathers were physicians. He spent his youth in Strassburg, Kiel, and Frankfurt, and some time in sanatoria due to tuberculosis. Hans's first scientific paper, at age 18, was with his father and a colleague, on dialysis. His education and early career in Germany brought him into contact with many top stars in the quantum revolution. Starting in Frankfurt in chemistry, Bethe soon switched to physics, taught there by Walter Gerlach and Karl Meissner, among others. In 1926, he successfully applied to join Arnold Sommerfeld's group in Munich, where he met one of his later long-term collaborators, Rudolf Peierls. Bethe considered his entry into physics to have come at an ideal time, with the new ideas of wave mechanics being developed and discussed right there; it was certainly also at an ideal place. His doctoral thesis was on the theory of electron diffraction by crystals, following the experimental work by Clinton Davisson and Lester Germer and the work on X-ray diffraction by Max von Laue and Paul Ewald. The newly minted doctor went from there briefly to Frankfurt and then to Ewald in Stuttgart, where he felt at home academically and personally. In 1939, Bethe would marry Ewald's daughter Rose. Not much later, though, Sommerfeld recalled him to Munich, where Sommerfeld created a Privatdozent position for him. There he worked out the solution for a linear chain of coupled spins by what we

  16. Metodología y criterios para la reconstrucción virtual del Patrimonio Arquitectónico romano.

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    Lola Vico López


    Full Text Available Este artículo trata de las reconstrucciones virtuales de episodios de arquitectura romana desde un punto de vista técnico y constructivo, presentando los resultados de un estudio sobre la contribución del conocimiento de la construcción histórica aplicada a la “restauración virtual” con una metodología que incluye aspectos técnicos y constructivos que han permitido la realización de hipótesis reconstructivas mediante técnicas infográficas de la Villa de Livia. Las maquetas virtuales se han desarrollado con criterios arquitectónicos y constructivos como el estudio del equilibrio, el cálculo estructural, la funcionalidad o correcto uso de los materiales, y estos criterios junto con la fuerte codificación del lenguaje arquitectónico romano, permiten realizar hipótesis reconstructivas con una base científica. En este artículo también se analiza el modo en el que el proceso metodológico empleado es abierto y repetible, garantizando la transparencia del producto final.

  17. Escenario de agitación socio-política en la Venezuela contemporánea: de los factores de conflictividad a la apertura de ventanas de oportunida

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    Juan Camilo Ito Cerón


    Full Text Available Desde inicios de 2014, la actualidad venezolana ha sido dominada por un clima de confrontación constante. Múltiples episodios de violencia han dejado un saldo preocupante de muertos y heridos en escasos meses. Aquello invita a realizar aproximaciones desde la ciencia política en aras de desentrañar causas, efectos y perspectivas del contexto actual. El presente artículo aborda una serie de factores de conflictividad socio-política que han influenciado las relaciones entre actores antagónicos. Se analizan algunos componentes coyunturales que pueden facilitar la comprensión del actual escenario de hostilidades. Durante el proceso, se traen a colación ciertos elementos relacionados con el contexto de crisis político-institucional vivido entre 2002 y 2003 que persisten actualmente. Más adelante, se resalta la importancia de restablecer los canales de comunicación política entre los actores en pugna. Finalmente, se abordan algunas características de la Conferencia Nacional por la Paz y se ofrecen consideraciones sobre su proceder.

  18. Population data and phylogenetic structure of Han population from Jiangsu province of China on GlobalFiler STR loci. (United States)

    Adnan, Atif; Zhan, Xiaoni; Kasim, Kadirya; Rakha, Allah; Xin, Xing Jia


    Forensic statistical parameters based on allelic frequencies of commonly used short tandem repeats were estimated for the Han population of Jiangsu province from P.R. China. The 6-dye GlobalFiler™ PCR amplification kit incorporates 21 autosomal STRs, providing reliable DNA typing results with enhanced the power of discrimination. Here, we analyzed the GlobalFiler™ STR loci in 516 unrelated individuals from Jiangsu Han population. A total of 256 alleles were observed ranging between 5 and 35.2 repeat units, and SE33 showed the greatest power of discrimination (34 alleles) in Jiangsu Han population. Most of the loci were found to be in the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium after the Bonferroni correction with the exception of D3S1358. The combined power of exclusion (CPE) was 0.999999996353609, and the combined match probability (CMP) was 3.64 × 10 -25 . Phylogenetic parameters including pairwise genetic distances showed that Han population living in Jiangsu had closest genetic relationship with other East Asian populations. The present study provides precise reference database for forensic applications and population genetic studies.

  19. Genetic variants at 20p11 confer risk to androgenetic alopecia in the Chinese Han population.

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    Bo Liang

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Androgenetic alopecia (AGA is a well-characterized type of progressive hair loss commonly seen in men, with different prevalences in different ethnic populations. It is generally considered to be a polygenic heritable trait. Several susceptibility genes/loci, such as AR/EDA2R, HDAC9 and 20p11, have been identified as being involved in its development in European populations. In this study, we aim to validate whether these loci are also associated with AGA in the Chinese Han population. METHODS: We genotyped 16 previously reported single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs with 445 AGA cases and 546 healthy controls using the Sequenom iPlex platform. The trend test was used to evaluate the association between these loci and AGA in the Chinese Han population. Conservatively accounting for multiple testing by the Bonferroni correction, the threshold for statistical significance was P ≤ 3.13 × 10(-3. RESULTS: We identified that 5 SNPs at 20p11 were significantly associated with AGA in the Chinese Han population (1.84 × 10(-11 ≤ P ≤ 2.10 × 10(-6. CONCLUSIONS: This study validated, for the first time, that 20p11 also confers risk for AGA in the Chinese Han population and implicated the potential common genetic factors for AGA shared by both Chinese and European populations.



    Siqueira, Dirceu Pereira; Instituição Toledo de Ensino; Botelho, Marcos César; Instituição Toledo de Ensino


    O presente artigo visa discutir os principais aspectos da teoria pura de Hans Kelsen, tratando, especificamente, de dois pontos fundamentais de sua teoria, a saber, a estática jurídica e a dinâmica jurídica, objetivando fornecer um delineamento geral do modelo proposto pelo mestre de Viena.

  1. "Metaphorically Speaking" - Begriffsgeschichte and Hans Blumenberg's Metaphorologie

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lassen, Frank Beck


      Ever since Hans Blumenberg coined the term Metaphorologie (metaphorology) in 1960 to indicate a specific line of historical inquiry, parallel to those undertaken within Begriffsgeschichte (conceptual history), the relationship between the two has been one of tension. In 1992, upon completion of...

  2. A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Climacteric Symptoms, Self-Esteem, and Quality of Life between Mosuo Women and Han Chinese Women

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    Zhang Ying


    Full Text Available Background: The present study was designed to compare climacteric symptoms, self-esteem, and quality of life (QOL between women from two different cultures in China (Mosuo and Han Chinese and to evaluate the interaction among these variables. Mosuo is a small ethnic group in southwest China, which is described as a matriarchal society, while Han Chinese is the largest ethnic group with a patriarchal system.Methods: This cross-cultural study was conducted on 54 Mosuo women and 52 Han Chinese women between 40 and 60 years of age. The subjects were selected through convenience sampling. They answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS, the Self-Esteem Scale (SES, and the 12-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-12.Results: In our sample, Mosuo women obtained lower scores on the psychological and somato-vegetative subscales of the MRS, but higher scores on SES and the mental health-related QOL (SF-12/MCS than Han Chinese women. However, the correlation between climacteric symptoms, self-esteem, and QOL was weaker in the Mosuo group compared to the Han group. Multiple linear regressions indicated that climacteric symptoms have negatively affected women's QOL.Conclusion: In accordance with the study hypothesis, Mosuo women showed milder symptoms, a higher self-esteem, and a better QOL compared to the Han Chinese women during the climacteric. The interaction between climacteric symptoms, psychosocial variables, and QOL revealed cultural differences.

  3. Rootsi ja Eesti - kümme aastat koostööd / Hans Lepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lepp, Hans, 1950-


    Rootsi Instituudi kultuuri- ja ühiskonnaosakonna direktor Hans Lepp meenutab oma tegevust Rootsi kultuuriatašeena Eestis 1990ndatel aastatel. Ka autori meenutused kohtumisest RRi peadirektori Ivi Eenmaaga, ka rootsi saali asutamisest RRis

  4. Bong-Han Corpuscles as Possible Stem Cell Niches on the Organ-Surfaces

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    Min Su Kim


    Full Text Available Objectives : Showing that Bong-Han corpuscles(BHC are suppliers of the stem cells in adulthood, and the Bong-Han ducts(BHD are transportation routes of stem cells. Methods : BHC and BHD were obtained from the internal organ-surfaces of rats. The sliced BHC and BHD were immunostained with various stem cell markers. Extracellular matrices were also analyzed by immunohistochemistry. Result : The presence of mesenchymal stem cells was confirmed by the expression of Integrin beta 1, Collagen type 1 and Fibronectin. But CD54 was not expressed. The hematopoietic stem cell marker, Thy 1 was strongly expressed. BHDs showed Collagen type 1, Fibronectin, and vWF expression. Conclusion : Both hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cell markers were expressed strongly in BHC similarly as in bone marrow. An endothelial cell marker(vWF demonstrated the possibility of the stem cell transportation routes of BHD.

  5. Novi Han Radioactive Waste Repository post-closure safety assessment, ver.2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mateeva, M.


    The methodology for the post-closure safety assessment is presented. The assessment context includes regulatory framework (protection principles); scope and time frame; radiological and technical requirements; modeling etc. The description of the Novi Han disposal system contains site location. meteorological, hydrological and seismological characteristics; waste and repository description and human activities characteristics. The next step in the methodology is scenario development and justification. The systematic generation os exposure scenarios is considered as central to the post-closure safety assessment. The most important requirements for the systematic scenario generation approach are: transparency, comprehensiveness (all possible FEPs influencing the the disposal system and the radionuclide release should be considered); relevant future evolutions; identification of critical issues and investigation of the robustness of the system. For the source-pathway-receptor analysis the Process System is divided into near-field, geosphere/atmosphere and biosphere, describing the key facets controlling the potential radionuclide migration to the environment. The schematic division of the Novi Han near-field Process System into lower-level conceptual features is presented and discussed. As a result of the examinations of the FEPs three classes of scenarios are identified for the Novi Han post-closure safety assessment: Environmental evolution scenarios (geological change and climate change); future human action scenarios (human intrusion and archaeological action); Scenarios with very low probability (terrorism, crashes, explosions). The safety assessment iteration leads to identification of a modern scenario generation approach, assessment of key radionuclide releases, geological and hydrological evaluation, identification of the key parameters from sensitivity analysis etc. Examples of conceptual models are given. For the mathematical modeling the AMBER code is used

  6. Vivenciando el trabajo de los buzos mariscadores que han sufrido un accidente Living the work of seafood divers who have suffered an accident

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    Irene Aguilar Gallardo


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta investigación es describir las vivencias del trabajo de buzos mariscadores que viven en caletas de pescadores de las provincias de Llanquihue y Palena y que hubieran tenido un accidente durante la práctica de su oficio, en el contexto de su significado cultural. Para este estudio se utilizó la investigación cualitativa, optando por el método etnográfico de Spradley (1979-1980. La recolección de los datos se realizó mediante la Observación Participante y la Entrevista Etnográfica. Al validar los dominios, taxonomías y temas surge el tema central que es: describiendo vivencias de su oficio. En él se destacan ideas y percepciones similares en este grupo humano respecto a la vida y al trabajo que realizan y diferencias en relación a las razones para continuar en el oficio para algunos, porque les apasiona y para otros porque se sienten obligados por ser ésta la única opción que les permite la subsistencia a ellos y su grupo familiar. El subtema que emerge es "a mayor profundidad está la mercancía", de éste se generan los dominios de lo que sucede con el buzo: los riesgos de trabajar a mayor profundidad, las causas de los accidentes, las consecuencias y secuelas, las percepciones durante la rehabilitación, las formas que adoptan para prevenir accidentes y las expectativas para el futuro. Los datos obtenidos del estudio permitirán al equipo de salud ampliar conceptos y conocimientos de experiencias, vivencias y significado que los buzos le otorgan al trabajo en su contexto cultural. Lo anterior, contribuirá a facilitar el proceso de interacción con este grupo humano y realizar acciones de salud concordantes con su modo de sentir y pensar, uniendo esfuerzos para la prevención, promoción, recuperación y rehabilitación de su salud.The objective of this research is to describe the work experiences of the shellfish divers who belong to the province of Llanquihue and Palena who have suffered and accident during the diving their job from the cultural context. To carry out this study we used the qualitative research and we shose the Spradley's etnographic method (1979-1980. The date was recolected through the direct abservation and the ethnographic interviews. When validating the dominiums, taxonomies and topics, the main theme emerges, which is: describing experiences to the job, when they show us their ideas an perceptions of life which are similar among them and difference when they tell us the reazons to continue in this activity, they love their job, other fed obliged to do it because it is their only option in lif for the subsistence. The subtopic of this research is "the product is in the decpest part of the sea". From this we extract the dominium related to the divers`s shellfish: he risks of working in the profundity of the sea, causes of accidents and its consequenses, their rehabilitation and methods to prevent accidents. The knowledge we got through this study gave the Servicio de Salud a widev view of experences the life and the risky work of the shellfish divers`in the cultural context. These facts facilitate to interact with this group human in order to work with them in the prevention of accidents in the sea, the promotion of methods and ways of preventing accidents, and also the adecuate therapies for rehabilitation in case of accidents.

  7. Genetic mutations in non-syndromic deafness patients of uyghur and han chinese ethnicities in xinjiang, China: a comparative study

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    Kuyaxi Pilidong


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The deafness-associated gene mutation profile varies greatly among regions and races. Due to the multi-ethnic coalition of over one thousand years, non-syndromic deafness (NSD patients of Uyghur ethnicity may exhibit a unique deafness-associated gene mutation spectrum as compared to Han Chinese deaf population. Methods In order to characterize nine loci of four deafness-associated genes of Uyghur NSD patients in comparison with Chinese Han deaf population, NSD patients (n = 350 were enrolled, including Uyghur (n = 199 and Han Chinese (n = 151. Following the history taking, blood samples were collected for DNA extraction. DNA microarray was performed on nine loci of four deafness-associated genes, including 35delG, 176-191del16, 235delC, 299-300delAT, 538C > T, 1555A > G, 1494C > T, 2168A > G, and IVS7-2A > G. The samples that showed the absence of both wild and mutant probe signals were tested for further DNA sequencing analysis. Results The mutations in the nine loci of prevalent deafness-associated genes were detected in 13.06% of Uyghur NSD patients and 32.45% of Han Chinese patients (P GJB2 mutation was detected in 9.05% of Uyghur patients and 16.56% of Han Chinese patients (P > 0.05, respectively. 235delC was the hotspot mutation region in NSD patients of the two ethnicities, whereas 35delG was the mutation hotspot in Uyghur patients. 187delG mutation was detected for the first time in Uyghur NSD patients and considered as an unreported pathological variant of GJB2. SLC26A4 mutation was found in 2.01% of Uyghur patients and 14.57% of Han Chinese patients (P P > 0.05, respectively. The NSD patients exhibited a low frequency of GJB3 mutation regardless of ethnicity. Conclusion Prevalent deafness-associated gene mutations in the nine loci studied were less frequently detected in Uyghur NSD patients than in Han Chinese patients. GJB2 was the most common mutant gene in the two ethnicities, whilst the two ethnicities differed

  8. 'Presence' of the past in the presence (Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Eelco Runia)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    ter Schure, L


    In recent writings historian Eelco Runia (Groningen) and literary theorist Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht (Stanford) have introduced the notion of presence, a new and promising way of thinking about history. Although there are differences between the two authors, both think of presence as the antithesis of

  9. [Association between CISH polymorphisms and susceptibility to chronic hepatitis B in Chinese Han population]. (United States)

    Zhang, Xin; Sun, Xuehua; Zhou, Zhenhua; Li, Man; Gao, Yueqiu


    To investigate the association between rs414171 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of cytokine- inducible src homology 2 domain protein (CISH) and the susceptibility to chronic hepatitis B. A total of 233 Chinese Han patients with chronic hepatitis B and 148 age- and sex-matched healthy controls were enrolled in this case-control study. The SNP rs414171 was genotyped by Sequenom MassArray-IPLEX to analyze the relationship between rs414171 and chronic hepatitis B. The distribution of SNP rs414171 allele and genotype frequencies showed no significant difference between the patients and healthy controls (P>0.05). CISH rs414171 is not significantly associated with the susceptibility to chronic hepatitis B in Chinese Han population.

  10. 汉魏石经杂考%Miscellaneous Research on Han and Wei Stone Classics

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    汉魏石经包括东汉熹平石经、《典论》石经和正始石经,三者均开刻于当时的京城洛阳,在中国文化史上具有重要意义。汉魏石经由朝廷下诏刊刻,立于太学,供天下儒生观瞻临摹。在纸质书写材料尚未普及的汉魏时期,汉魏石经起到了统一经学、保存文化、宣扬教化的作用。%Han and Wei Stone Classics with Xiping Stone classics,Dianlun Stone classics and Zhengshi Stone classics were carved in Luoyang City,has great significance in the history of Chinese culture.Under the royal order,Han and Wei Stone Classics were inscribed and erected in the Imperial College for the confucian scholars to learn and copy.In view of the underpopularization of paper writing material,Han and Wei Stone Classics played the role of unifying confucian classics,preserving culture and preaching and teaching.

  11. Brief Report: No Increase in Criminal Convictions in Hans Asperger's Original Cohort (United States)

    Hippler, Kathrin; Viding, Essi; Klicpera, Christian; Happe, Francesca


    Hans Asperger originally used the term "autistic psychopathy" to describe his patients on the autism spectrum, leading to a possible confusion with psychopathic disorder and delinquent behaviour. We conducted a penal register search for 177 former patients of Asperger's clinic with a childhood diagnosis of "autistic…

  12. Hans Alberts Christentumskritik : Ein kritischer vergleich zwischen Alberts kritik und klassischen religionskritiken

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Grube, Dirk Martin


    In this article, it is argued that Hans Albert's criticism of Christianity is stronger than the logical positivist as well as the classical, e.g. Feuerbachian, criticism, since it rests on less questionable presuppositions. Other than those other forms of criticism, it does not presuppose an

  13. Analysis of 24 Y chromosomal STR haplotypes in a Chinese Han population sample from Henan Province, Central China. (United States)

    Shi, Meisen; Liu, Yaju; Zhang, Juntao; Bai, Rufeng; Lv, Xiaojiao; Ma, Shuhua


    We analyzed haplotypes for 24 Y chromosomal STRs (Y-STRs), including 17 Yfiler loci (DYS19, DYS385a/b, DYS389I/II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DY438, DYS439, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635 and Y-GATA-H4) and 7 additional STRs (DYS388, DYS444, DYS447, DYS449, DYS522 and DYS527a/b) in 1100 unrelated Chinese Han individuals from Henan Province using AGCU Y24 STR kit systems. The calculated average gene diversity (GD) values ranged from 0.4105 to 0.9647 for the DYS388 and DYS385a/b loci, respectively. The discriminatory capacity (DC) was 72.91% with 802 observed haplotypes using 17 Yfiler loci, by the addition of 7 Y-STRs to the Yfiler system, the DC was increased to 79.09% while showing 870 observed haplotypes. Among the additional 7 Y-STRs, DYS449, DYS527a/b, DYS444 and DYS522 were major contributors to enhancing discrimination. In the analysis of molecular variance, the Henan Han population clustered with Han origin populations and showed significant differences from other Non-Han populations. In the present study, we report 24 Y-STR population data in Henan Han population, and we emphasize the need for adding additional markers to the commonly used 17 Yfiler loci to achieve more improved discriminatory capacity in a population with low genetic diversity. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.

  14. La resistenza, entre memoria y revisionismo

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    Massimiliano Vellini


    Full Text Available La Resistenza es sin duda un momento clave de la historia italiana del siglo XX. Pero, a pesar de haber sido narrada en muchas obras tanto literarias como en ensayos, aún hay detalles e historias que quizás no sean conocidas por el público no especializado. Además, sobre todo en los últimos años, ha habido cada vez un mayor número de obras de periodistas o historiadores que han dado del movimiento una visión bastante alejada de la tradicionalmente dominante. En este artículo queremos dar una idea de estos episodios menos conocidos de la Resistenza partigiana y de la diatriba entre diferentes visiones de la misma.

  15. Influence of the South-North Water Diversion Project and the mitigation projects on the water quality of Han River. (United States)

    Zhu, Y P; Zhang, H P; Chen, L; Zhao, J F


    Situated in the central part of China, the Han River Basin is undergoing rapid social and economic development with some human interventions to be made soon which will profoundly influence the water environment of the basin. The integrated MIKE 11 model system comprising of a rainfall-runoff model (NAM), a non-point load evaluation model (LOAD), a hydrodynamic model (MIKE 11 HD) and a water quality model (ECOLab) was applied to investigate the impact of the Middle Route of the South-North Water Diversion Project on the Han River and the effectiveness of the 2 proposed mitigation projects, the 22 wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and the Yangtze-Han Water Diversion Project. The study concludes that business as usual will lead to a continuing rapid deterioration of the water quality of the Han River. Implementation of the Middle Route of the South-North Water Diversion Project in 2010 will bring disastrous consequence in the form of the remarkably elevated pollution level and high risk of algae bloom in the middle and lower reaches. The proposed WWTPs will merely lower the pollution level in the reach by around 10%, while the Yangtze-Han Water Diversion Project can significantly improve the water quality in the downstream 200-km reach. The results reveal that serious water quality problem will emerge in the middle reach between Xiangfan and Qianjiang in the future. Implementation of the South-North Water Diversion Project (phase II) in 2030 will further exacerbate the problem. In order to effectively improve the water quality of the Han River, it is suggested that nutrient removal processes should be adopted in the proposed WWTPs, and the pollution load from the non-point sources, especially the load from the upstream Henan Province, should be effectively controlled.

  16. An EPAS1 haplotype is associated with high altitude polycythemia in male Han Chinese at the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. (United States)

    Chen, Yu; Jiang, Chunhua; Luo, Yongjun; Liu, Fuyu; Gao, Yuqi


    Hemoglobin concentration at high altitude is considered an important marker of high altitude adaptation, and native Tibetans in the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau show lower hemoglobin concentrations than Han people who have emigrated from plains areas. Genetic studies revealed that EPAS1 plays a key role in high altitude adaptation and is associated with the low hemoglobin concentration in Tibetans. Three single nucleotide polymorphisms (rs13419896, rs4953354, rs1868092) of noncoding regions in EPAS1 exhibited significantly different allele frequencies in the Tibetan and Han populations and were associated with low hemoglobin concentrations in Tibetans. To explore the hereditary basis of high altitude polycythemia (HAPC) and investigate the association between EPAS1 and HAPC in the Han population, these 3 single nucleotide polymorphisms were assessed in 318 male Han Chinese HAPC patients and 316 control subjects. Genotyping was performed by high resolution melting curve analysis. The G-G-G haplotype of rs13419896, rs4953354, and rs1868092 was significantly more frequent in HAPC patients than in control subjects, whereas no differences in the allele or genotype frequencies of the 3 single nucleotide polymorphisms were found between HAPC patients and control subjects. Moreover, genotypes of rs1868092 (AA) and rs4953354 (GG) that were not observed in the Chinese Han in the Beijing population were found at frequencies of 1.6% and 0.9%, respectively, in our study population of HAPC patients and control subjects. Carriers of this EPAS1 haplotype (G-G-G, rs13419896, rs4953354, and rs1868092) may have a higher risk for HAPC. These results may contribute to a better understanding of the pathogenesis of HAPC in the Han population. Copyright © 2014 Wilderness Medical Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Turismo y poder. Las transformaciones de una fiesta popular en Marruecos

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    María Jesús Berlanga Adell


    Full Text Available En el Alto Atlas Oriental de Marruecos se celebra cada año una fiesta popular conocida comúnmente como el Moussem de Imilchil. La palabra moussem hace referencia a un peregrinaje colectivo que se practica periódicamente en determinada época del año alrededor de la tumba de un santo. El que se desarrolla en la localidad de Imilchil ha sufrido toda una serie de transformaciones a lo largo de los años, cambios que tienen que ver tanto con las relaciones de poder que en esa región bereber se han sucedido, como con el incremento del flujo turístico que ha llegado hacia la zona. Son esas conexiones las que tratamos de analizar en este artículo.

  18. Prevalence of Dry Eye in Uyghur and Han Ethnic Groups in Western China. (United States)

    Gong, Ying-Ying; Zhang, Fan; Zhou, Jin; Li, Jing; Zhang, Guang-Hui; Wang, Jun-Liang; Gu, Zhen-Sheng


    To describe and compare the prevalence and characteristics of dry eye among Han and Uyghur persons living in Kashi, the most inland city of China. A total of 1015 residents of Kashi participated in this 2013 cross-sectional study. To evaluate clinical characteristics, each subject completed (1) a dry-eye questionnaire detailing symptoms of dry eye, (2) Schirmer's I-test (SIT), (3) tear-film break-up time (BUT) test, and fluorescein staining of the cornea. Dry eye was defined as the existence of dry eye symptoms and at least two positive clinical signs. Data were analyzed using SPSS software. The prevalence and risk factors of dry eye were evaluated using a multivariate model. Overall, 282 (27.8%) of the 1015 participants were diagnosed with dry eye (95% confidence interval (CI): range, 25.5-30.1). The prevalence of dry eye among Han persons (37.9 %) (95% CI: range, 35.8-40.0) was higher than that among Uyghurs (21.8%) (95% CI: 19.6-24.0) (p dry eye was 25.6% (95% CI: range, 23.3-27.8) among men and 28.7% (95% CI: 26.5-30.9) among women (p > 0.05). Risk factors for dry eye included ethnicity, age, occupation, arthritis, and dry mouth. Our study revealed a higher prevalence of dry eye among Han than Uyghur persons in Kashi. Dry eye was significantly associated with environment and ethnicity.

  19. Overweight, High Blood Pressure and Impaired Fasting Glucose in Uyghur, Han and Kazakh Chinese Children and Adolescents (United States)

    Wang, Q; Huang, Y. D.; Zhang, W. G.; Zhai, X. H.; Wang, C.C.; Lee, J. H.


    Objectives To investigate whether levels of blood pressure and fasting glucose differ among Chinese children of three different ethnicities (i.e., Uyghurs, Kazakhs and Hans) and whether the differences are explained by childhood obesity. Methods A school-based cross-sectional study was conducted in a large three ethnic pediatric population (n=6,633), whose ages ranged from 7–18 years. Anthropometrics and blood pressure were measured using standard protocols. Fasting glucose was measured in a subset of children (n=2,295) who were randomly selected based on ethnicity and age. The age-sex stratified Chinese national cutoffs were used to define obesity and high blood pressure (HBP). The prevalence of HBP, impaired fasting glucose (IFG), mean levels of blood pressure and glucose were compared among three ethnic groups. Results 2,142 Uyghurs, 2,078 Han and 1,997 Kazakhs were analyzed. After adjusting for age and body mass index (BMI), the mean blood pressure for Uyghurs was on average, 2–4 mmHg lower than those for Hans and Kazakhs. Kazakhs had the lowest mean fasting glucose compared with Hans and Uyghurs (4.5 vs 5.0 vs. 4.8mmol/L, respectively). The differences in blood pressure and fasting glucose persisted even after adjusting for age and BMI, and the differences among ethnic groups in blood pressure levels and fasting glucose levels were observed as early as 7 to 9 years of age. Conclusions The prevalence of HBP and IFG differed significantly among Uyghurs, Hans and Kazakhs, and the ethnic differences observed in childhood were consistent with those observed in adults from the same region. While childhood obesity is a significant risk factor for hypertension and elevated glucose, the differences among ethnic groups were not explained by obesity alone. PMID:24904957

  20. Fine-mapping analysis of the MHC region for vitiligo based on a new Han-MHC reference panel. (United States)

    Yang, Chao; Wu, Juan; Zhang, Xuelei; Wen, Leilei; Sun, Jingying; Cheng, Yuyan; Tang, Xianfa; Liang, Bo; Chen, Gang; Zhou, Fusheng; Cui, Yong; Zhang, Anping; Zhang, Xuejun; Zheng, Xiaodong; Yang, Sen; Sun, Liangdan


    Vitiligo is an immune-related disease with patchy depigmentation of skin and hair caused by selective destruction of melanocytes. In recent decades, many studies have shown the association between vitiligo and HLA genes; however, the results of Han Chinese are scarce. In this study, we performed a fine-mapping analysis of the MHC region in 2818 Han Chinese subjects through a widely used HLA imputation method with a newly built large-scale Han-MHC reference panel. Three new four-digit HLA alleles (HLA-DQB1 ∗ 02:02, HLA-DQA1 ∗ 02:01 and HLA-DPB1 ∗ 17:01) were identified to be associated with the risk of vitiligo, and four previously reported alleles were confirmed. Further conditional analysis revealed that two important variants, HLA-DQβ1 amino acid position 135 (OR = 1.79, P = 1.87 × 10 -11 ) and HLA-B amino acid positions 45-46 (OR = 1.44, P = 5.61 × 10 -11 ), conferred most of the MHC associations. Three-dimension ribbon models showed that the former is located within the β2 domain of the HLA-DQβ1 molecule, and the latter lies in the α1 domain of the HLA-B molecule, while both are involved in specific antigen presenting process. Finally, we summarized all significant signals in the MHC region to clarify their complex relationships, and 8.60% of phenotypic variance could be explained based on all reported variants in Han Chinese so far. Our findings highlight the complex genetic architecture of the MHC region for vitiligo in Han Chinese population and expand our understanding of the roles of HLA coding variants in the etiology of vitiligo. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  1. Association between mitochondrial DNA variations and schizophrenia in the northern Chinese Han population. (United States)

    Xu, Feng-Ling; Ding, Mei; Yao, Jun; Shi, Zhang-Sen; Wu, Xue; Zhang, Jing-Jing; Pang, Hao; Xing, Jia-Xin; Xuan, Jin-Feng; Wang, Bao-Jie


    To determine whether mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variations are associated with schizophrenia, 313 patients with schizophrenia and 326 unaffected participants of the northern Chinese Han population were included in a prospective study. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) including C5178A, A10398G, G13708A, and C13928G were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Hypervariable regions I and II (HVSI and HVSII) were analyzed by sequencing. The results showed that the 4 SNPs and 11 haplotypes, composed of the 4 SNPs, did not differ significantly between patient and control groups. No significant association between haplogroups and the risk of schizophrenia was ascertained after Bonferroni correction. Drawing a conclusion, there was no evidence of an association between mtDNA (the 4 SNPs and the control region) and schizophrenia in the northern Chinese Han population.

  2. Debating Modernity as Secular Religion: Hans Kelsen’s futile exchange with Eric Voegelin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomassen, Bjørn


    This article reviews the mysterious and recently published last book by Hans Kelsen, “Secular Religion. A Polemic Against the Misinterpretation of Modern Social Philosophy, Science and Politics as ‘New Religions’”, contextualizing it with reference to the little known dialogue between Hans Kelsen...... and Eric Voegelin. The confrontation between Kelsen and Voegelin, two of the most illustrious émigré scholars who found in America their new home, is important to revisit because it touches upon several axes of debate of crucial importance to postwar intellectual history: the religion/secularity debate......, the positivist/anti-positivist debates, and the controversy that also led to the famous Voegelin/Arendt debate: how to read the horrors of totalitarianism into a historical trajectory of modernity. Although the Kelsen/Voegelin exchange ended in failure and bitterness its substance matter goes to the heart...

  3. A cross-cultural comparison of climacteric symptoms, self-esteem, and perceived social support between Mosuo women and Han Chinese women. (United States)

    Zhang, Ying; Zhao, Xudong; Leonhart, Rainer; Nadig, Maya; Hasenburg, Annette; Wirsching, Michael; Fritzsche, Kurt


    This cross-cultural study aimed to compare climacteric symptoms, self-esteem, and perceived social support between Mosuo and Han Chinese women, and to explore the interaction between culture and climacteric symptoms. Mosuo is a Chinese minority group with a matriarchal structure, and Han Chinese is the majority ethnic group in China with a patriarchal structure. Through convenience sampling, 54 Mosuo women and 52 Han Chinese women between 40 and 60 years of age completed the sociodemographic questionnaire, the Menopause Rating Scale, the Self-Esteem Scale, and the Perceived Social Support Scale. Compared with Han Chinese women, Mosuo women scored lower on the psychological (P psychological symptoms severity. Referring to the severity of all symptoms, predictive variables were: perceived support from family (β = -0.210, P = 0.017); self-esteem (β = 0.320, P Cultural variables such as familial structure, women's self-esteem, and perceived social support were correlated with symptomatology.

  4. Efectividad del programa Guttmann NeuropersonalTrainer®-Salud Mental en los primeros episodios de la esquizofrenia y del trastorno esquizoafectivo


    Torres Rivas, Cristina


    Introducció. Una de les característiques primàries en l’esquizofrènia i en el trastorn esquizoafectiu és la pèrdua de les funcions neurocognitives. Els programes de rehabilitació cognitiva, tot i que han mostrat bons resultats sobre la neurocognició; són tractaments que presenten notables limitacions en la generalització de la seva eficàcia, així com en el manteniment d’aquesta en el temps. L’objectiu principal d’aquest estudi va ser avaluar l’efectivitat d’un nou programa de rehabilitació co...


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    David Caballero Mariscal


    Full Text Available En el contexto general de Guatemala, caracterizado por la diversidad étnica y cultural, y mayoritariamente indígena, los achi’es constituyen menos de uno por ciento de la población. Sin embargo, y a pesar de que han sufrido la imposición cultural de pueblos vecinos, de los españoles, y posteriormente, un atroz genocidio, continúan conservando parte de su patrimonio cultural intangible, manifestado en la lengua, las danzas, el Rabinal achi’,y diversas sus expresiones religiosas, que, sin duda, se constituyen en el garante de su identidad cultural. El presente artículo pretende llenar el vacío existente actualmente sobre la etnia achi’, ante la ausencia de estudios sobre ésta. De igual modo, trata de profundizar sobre los mecanismos adaptativos de sincretismo que se han desarrollado a nivel cultural y religioso como medio de supervivencia a través de nuevos modos de transculturación, que garantizan la pervivencia de la cultura y religiosidad maya tradicional en el contexto de la fe católica, vigente y mayoritaria entre los miembros de este pueblo maya.

  6. Matemáticas y nuevas tecnologías en la enseñanza universitaria

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    Hidalgo Sánchez, Ramón


    Full Text Available Desde hace algunos años, el concepto de enseñanza que teníamos al que actualmente se está imponiendo ha sufrido unos cambios asombrosos. Así, desde la aparición de los ordenadores y su aplicación a nuestro campo, han surgido infinidad de posibilidades que queremos aplicar en nuestro ámbito de la manera más eficaz. Las nuevas tecnologías han afectado multitud de áreas y la enseñanza evidentemente ha sido una de las afectadas, a cualquier nivel. Dentro del campo que nos movemos los autores del presente trabajo, profesores universitarios de Matemáticas, queremos aportar nuestra experiencia durante varios años de puesta en marcha sucesivamente de estos avances, como son la aplicación de programas específicos de matemáticas en nuestras asignaturas, utilización de Internet para la comunicación con nuestros alumnos e incluso para procesos de auto-evaluación y examen, tutorías, listas de distribución, etc., generando un software que nos apoye en dichos elementos, que hemos denominado TARIMA.

  7. Zur Frage der Gewalt in Hubert Fichtes Interviews mit Hans Eppendorfen

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    Manfred Weinberg


    Full Text Available Este ensaio investiga a importância da violência na entrevista de Hubert Fichte com Hans Eppendorfer, o Homem de Couro - no plano conteudístico e no plano estrutural. Tenta-se demonstrar como Fichte manipula (violentamente o entrevistado. A violência que é tema da entrevista é examinada dentro do horizonte da teoria fichtiana do ritual.

  8. Traduire la bêtise. Entretien avec Hans-Horst Henschen

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    Hans-Horst Henschen


    Full Text Available Quand il entreprend de traduire l’ensemble du corpus Bouvard et Pécuchet, Hans-Horst Henschen est déjà un traducteur reconnu. Ses traductions et/ou éditions de Barthes, Lévi-Strauss, Lyotard, Althusser, Michel Serres ou Jean Starobinski font de lui en Allemagne un relais important de la pensée française. Et à ces traductions d’auteurs ou de courants critiques, s’ajoutent celles qui s’y rattachent par raccroc ; celles qui semblent au contraire quitter les champs de l’anthropologie, de la psych...

  9. Para além da autoconsciência moderna: a historiografia de Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht Beyond modern self-consciousness: the historiography of Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht

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    Valdei Lopes de Araujo


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, apresento uma análise dos aspectos historiográficos da obra de Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht. Acompanhado o desenvolvimento de sua teoria da modernidade e das conseqüências dessa teoria para a escrita da história e para a auto-consciência disciplinar. Por fim, proponho uma releitura da história da historiografia através dos dois tipos de culturas propostas por Gumbrecht, ou seja, culturas de sentido e culturas de presença. Argumento que mesmo que a historiografia moderna possa ser caracterizada como predominantemente ancorada na produção de sentido, aspectos centrais de sua história só podem ser explicados através de elementos típicos da produção de presença.This paper analyses some historiographical aspects of Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht's work, particularly his theory of modernity and its consequences to the writing of history and its disciplinary self-conscious. Finally, it is proposed a reinterpretation of the history of historiography based on the distinction between cultures of presence and cultures of meaning. It is argued that despite the fact that the elements of meaning are predominant in the constitution of modern historiography, the forces acting in its constitution cannot be explained without typical elements of a culture of presence.

  10. [A prevalence study on mild cognitive impairment among the elderly populations of Mongolian and Han nationalities in a pastoral area of Inner Mongolia]. (United States)

    Hu, Riletemuer; Zhao, Shi-gang; Wang, De-sheng; Wen, Shi-rong; Niu, Guang-ming; A, Rong; Wang, Zhi-guang; Jiang, Ming-fang; Zhang, Chun-yu


    To understand the epidemiological characteristics and distribution of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in elderly populations from Mongolian and Han nationalities living in the pastoral areas of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China. According to the MCI clinical diagnostic criteria from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th revised edition (DSM-IV) by American Psychiatric Association, the individuals under study were at the age of 55 or over, with Mongolian or Han ethnicities and living in the pastoral area of Inner Mongolia. The crude MCI morbidity rates of Mongolian and Han of the study populations in the pastoral area of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China was 19.48% (1782/9146) and the standardization morbidity was 18.98%. The crude MCI morbidity rates of both Mongolian and Han ethnicities were 17.46% (the standardization morbidity was 16.99%) and 20.60% (the standardization morbidity was 19.98%), respectively. There showed a significant positive correlation between the crude morbidities and age, also significantly increasing with the latter. In the Mongolian population, the morbidity increased from 12.17% at the age 55-59 to 27.78% at 85 while in the Han population, the morbidity increased from 15.50% at the age 55-59 to 23.53% at 85. In both the populations of Mongolian and Han, there was a statistically difference found between the morbidities of MCI (χ2=13.229, P=0.000). The morbidity was higher in Hans than in the Mongolians. However, there was no statistically significant difference noticed between the morbidities of MCI in the Mongolian males and females (χ2=2.376, P=0.123). There was statistically significant difference found between the morbidities of MCI in the Han males and females, with females having higher risk than males (χ2=24.470, P=0.000). The morbidity of MCI in the elderly Mongolian and Han populations from the pastoral area of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China was considered to be quite high and

  11. Historias de víctimas: la memoria histórica y el testimonio en la España contemporánea

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    Jo Labanyi


    Full Text Available En los últimos tres años se ha producido un fenómeno en España, la reivindicación de parte de la derecha del protagonismo del sufrimiento en la Guerra Civil. Este ensayo se centrará en el análisis de algunos de los libros de testimonios, tanto nacionales como republicanos, que se han publicado en España desde el año 2000. Para evitar malentendidos, debo aclarar que no pretendo sugerir que habría sido mejor no publicar información sobre lo sufrido por las víctimas de la Guerra Civil y la represión posterior –todo lo contrario, puesto que existe el deber de transmitir a las generaciones futuras el conocimiento de atrocidades que, en el caso de las cometidas en la zona nacional y bajo el franquismo, fueron silenciadas durante casi cuarenta años de dictadura–. Sólo de esta manera se puede librar a las víctimas de la humillación y vergüenza sufridas durante tantas décadas. Lo que quisiera señalar son las consecuencias negativas que pueden resultar de la insistencia exclusiva en las víctimas y de la idea de que existe una equivalencia entre lo sufrido por los dos bandos, lo cual permite comparar la cantidad de sufrimiento de los unos y de los otros.

  12. Building Empire through Argumentation: Debating Salt and Iron in Western Han China (United States)

    You, Xiaoye


    The history of American imperialism, as well as China's strong presence on the contemporary global scene, should encourage American scholars of rhetoric to look beyond the nation-state and study other rhetorical traditions such as Chinese practices of argument. A debate during the Western Han dynasty over the country's economic policies…

  13. Genetic polymorphism of Malassezia furfur isolates from Han and Tibetan ethnic groups in China using DNA fingerprinting. (United States)

    Zhang, Hao; Zhang, Ruifeng; Ran, Yuping; Dai, Yaling; Lu, Yao; Wang, Peng


    Reported isolation rates of Malassezia yeast from human skin show geographic variations. In China, the populations of the Han (1,182.95 million) and Tibetan (5.41 million) ethnic groups are distributed over 9.6 and 3.27 million square kilometers respectively, making biodiversity research feasible and convenient. Malassezia furfur clinical strains (n = 29) isolated from different individuals, with or without associated dermatoses, of these two ethnic groups (15 Han and 12 Tibetan) were identified and analyzed with DNA fingerprinting using single primers specific to minisatellites. Using the Bionumerics software, we found that almost all M. furfur clinical isolates and type strains formed five distinct group clusters according to their associated skin diseases and the ethnic groups of the patients. These findings are the first to focus on the genetic diversity and relatedness of M. furfur in the Tibetan and Han ethnic groups in China and reveal genetic variation associated with related diseases, host ethnicity and geographic origin.

  14. Genetic polymorphism of 21 non-CODIS STR loci in Chengdu Han population and its interpopulation analysis between 25 populations in China. (United States)

    Li, Ye; Li, Hepei; He, Guanglin; Liang, Weibo; Luo, Haibo; Liao, Miao; Zhang, Ji; Yan, Jing; Li, Yingbi; Hou, Yiping; Wu, Jin


    AGCU 21+1 STR kit contains 21 non-combined DNA index system (non-CODIS) short tandem repeats (STR) loci and a sex-determining locus amelogenin. In this study, we evaluated the genetic diversity and forensically relevant population statistics of 21 non-CODIS loci in 210 Chinese Han individuals from Chengdu city, Sichuan province, Southwest China. No significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were observed within the 21 non-CODIS STR loci. The combined power of discrimination (CPD) and combined power of exclusion (CPE) were 0.99999999999999999994278, 0.999999355 respectively. To reveal interpopulation differentiations of mainland population of China, a neighbor-joining (N-J) phylogenetic tree was constructed based on Nei's genetic distances among Chengdu Han and 25 published populations. The phylogenetic analyses indicated that Chengdu Han population keeps a close genetic relationship with other Han populations. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  15. Trump har droppet fløjlshandskerne, nu da han er slået tilbage til start

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hendricks, Vincent Fella


    Donald Trump vandt primærvalget ved hjælp af personangreb. I præsidentvalgkampens slutspurt har han nu taget den strategi op igen, selvom alle dømte den ude – og det er måske slet ikke så dumt, for det er det, Trump kan......Donald Trump vandt primærvalget ved hjælp af personangreb. I præsidentvalgkampens slutspurt har han nu taget den strategi op igen, selvom alle dømte den ude – og det er måske slet ikke så dumt, for det er det, Trump kan...

  16. 50 aastat Euroopa integratsiooni: aeg uueks alguseks / Hans-Gert Pöttering

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pöttering, Hans-Gert, 1945-


    Ilmunud ka: Virumaa Teataja, 23. märts 2007, lk. 1; Pärnu Postimees, 24. märts 2007, lk. 19; Koit, 24. märts 2007, lk. 6; Põhjarannik, 24. märts 2007, lk. 2; Severnoje Poberezhje, 24. märts 2007, lk. 2. Euroopa Parlamendi presidendi Hans-Gert Pötteringi mõtted Euroopa Ühenduse asutamislepingu sõlmimise 50. aastapäeva puhul

  17. Nietzsche se uitspraak God-is-dood, en die interpretasievoorstelle van Hans Küng en Jürgen Moltmann

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    A. J. Groenewald


    Full Text Available Nietzsche's theorem 'God-is-dead' and the reading models of HansKüng and Jürgen Moltmann. In this article the meaning and significance of Nietzsche's theorem 'God-is-dead' is examined. Through the reading models of Hans Küng and Jürgen Moltmann, an atempt is made to indicate that Nietzsche did not per se acknowledged or denied the existence of God. These reading models, although different, eliminate vaious theological misunderstandings and misinterpretations. This is important for the current theological debate.

  18. Prevalence, awareness, treatment, control and risk factors related to hypertension among urban adults in Inner Mongolia 2014: differences between Mongolian and Han populations

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    Guoju Li


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Han and Mongolian populations constitute approximately 96 % of the population of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and the two ethnic groups have different genetic backgrounds and lifestyle. We aim to assess the prevalence, awareness, treatment, control, and related risk factors of hypertension among urban adults in Inner Mongolia, with the comparison of the differences between Mongolian and Han populations in this respect. Methods Three thousand two hundred fifty-one individuals aged 20–80 years (2326 Han and 925 Mongolian were selected using a multistage cluster sampling method from Inner Mongolia in 2014. The adjusted prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension were evaluated by the Logistic regression. In addition, possible interactions were also tested. When interactions were found significant, strata-specific analysis were performed. Multivariate logistic regression was used for estimating independent associations between risk factors and hypertension. Results The prevalence of hypertension was 27.47 % for Han population, 31.46 % for Mongolian population. The adjusted prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension were 26.45, 65.43, 78.24 and 48.28 % in Han, and 31.30, 68.22, 85.57 and 50.55 % in Mongolian, respectively. There was no significant difference in the adjusted awareness, treatment and control of hypertension among Mongolian and Han adult residents (all P >0.05. Lower prevalence of hypertension was associated with younger age and healthy weight in both Mongolian and Han adults. Within Han adults, high education, moderate physical activity and non-alcohol drinkers were additionally associated with lower prevalence of hypertension, whereas within Mongolian adults, lower prevalence was associated with being female. Among residents with medium education level, nondrinkers had 0.60 times lower odds of having hypertension than current drinkers (OR = 0.60, 95 % CI: 0.44–0

  19. Selected Works Of Hans A Bethe (With Commentary)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bethe, Hans A.


    Hans A Bethe received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1967 for his work on the production of energy in stars. A living legend among the physics community, he helped to shape classical physics into quantum physics and increased the understanding of the atomic processes responsible for the properties of matter and of the forces governing the structures of atomic nuclei. This collection of papers by Prof Bethe dates from 1928, when he received his PhD, to now. It covers several areas and reflects the many contributions in research and discovery made by one of the most important and eminent physicists of all time. Special commentaries have been written by Prof Bethe to complement the selected papers

  20. HNA-3a and HNA-3b antigens among 9 ethnic populations and the Han population in Southwest China. (United States)

    Ou, Guo-Jin; Su, Pin-Can; Yu, Hao; Ji, Xin; Liu, Fan; Wang, Sheng-Lan; Kong, Yu-Jie; Li, Ling; Wang, Jue; Liu, Zhong; Flegel, Willy Albert


    Human neutrophil antigen 3 (HNA-3) is encoded by the SLC44A2 gene. Antibodies against HNAs can cause severe, often fatal, transfusion reactions, known as transfusion-related acute lung injury, and neonatal neutropenia. We explored the 2 common HNA-3 variants in 9 ethnic populations residing in Sichuan and Yunnan provinces of China as compared to the Han population. We genotyped for SLC44A2 (rs2288904) by polymerase chain reaction sequence-based typing among blood donors, for a total of 2206 individuals in Yunnan and 376 in Sichuan. The SLC44A2*02 allele (HNA-3b antigen) frequency varied between 0.24 and 0.33 for all 9 ethnic populations in Yunnan, including Zhuang, Derung, Hani, Lisu, Bai, Miao, Dai, Naxi, and Yi. Specifically, the Yi ethnicity did not present an unusually great SLC44A2*02 frequency at any of the 4 locations examined in Yunnan. Except of the Yi ethnicity in Sichuan (0.40), the Han ethnicity, as the majority population group, had the greatest SLC44A2*02 frequency with 0.39 in Yunnan and 0.35 in Sichuan. The ethnic populations in Southwest China are not at an increased risk for anti-HNA3a compared to the Han population, with the possible exception of Yi in Sichuan. Our data, however, corroborated the known high prevalence of SLC44A2*02 in Han populations. Hence, the Han populations in Yunnan, Sichuan and elsewhere in China are at a comparatively great risk for developing HNA-3a antibodies.

  1. Compound heterozygous MYO7A mutations segregating Usher syndrome type 2 in a Han family. (United States)

    Zong, Ling; Chen, Kaitian; Wu, Xuan; Liu, Min; Jiang, Hongyan


    Identification of rare deafness genes for inherited congenital sensorineural hearing impairment remains difficult, because a large variety of genes are implicated. In this study we applied targeted capture and next-generation sequencing to uncover the underlying gene in a three-generation Han family segregating recessive inherited hearing loss and retinitis pigmentosa. After excluding mutations in common deafness genes GJB2, SLC26A4 and the mitochondrial gene, genomic DNA of the proband of a Han family was subjected to targeted next-generation sequencing. The candidate mutations were confirmed by Sanger sequencing and subsequently analyzed with in silico tools. An unreported splice site mutation c.3924+1G > C compound with c.6028G > A in the MYO7A gene were detected to cosegregate with the phenotype in this pedigree. Both mutations, located in the evolutionarily conserved FERM domain in myosin VIIA, were predicted to be pathogenic. In this family, profound sensorineural hearing impairment and retinitis pigmentosa without vestibular disorder, constituted the typical Usher syndrome type 2. Identification of novel mutation in compound heterozygosity in MYO7A gene revealed the genetic origin of Usher syndrome type 2 in this Han family. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Relationship between HTRA1 polymorphism and genetic susceptibility of wet age-related macular degeneration in Han population

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    Nan Yang


    Full Text Available AIM: To investigate the relationship between high temperature essential factor A-1(HTRA1polymorphism and genetic susceptibility of wet age-related macular degeneration(AMDin Han population. METHODS: Totally 201 patients of wet AMD in Han population were selected from May 2014 to January 2017 in our hospital as disease group, and 201 healthy persons of Han were selected as health group. Blood samples of peripheral vein were collected and genomic DNA was extracted. HTRA1 polymorphism loci were detected, and the rs11200638 and rs2248799 loci of HTRA1 gene were detected by Sequenom mass spectrometry platform. Then the relationship between HTRA1 polymorphism and genetic susceptibility of wet AMD were analyzed. RESULTS: The grade distributions of the genotype of the rs11200638 and rs2248799 loci in the two groups subjects had significant differences(PPPOR values of rs11200638 genotype AA and AG were respectively 5.36 and 3.45, which were the risk factors of wet AMD(POR values of rs2248799 genotype TT and TC were respectively 2.36 and 1.98, which were the risk factors of wet AMD(PCONCLUSION: The rs11200638 and rs2248799 polymorphisms of HTRA1 gene are associated with the incidence of wet AMD, and the genotype AA and TT are closely related to the risk of wet AMD in Han population, of which the higher frequencies can increase the risk of wet AMD.


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    Subroto Subroto


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK: Legeslasi kewenangan Mahkamah Konstitusi (disingkat MK adalah sebagai berikut : (1 menguji undang-undang terhadap UUD NRI Th.1945; (2 memutus sengketa kewenangan lembaga Negara yang kewenangannya diberikan oleh UUD NRI Th.1945; (3 memutus pembubaran partai politik; dan (4 memutus perselisihan tentang hasil pemilihan umum. Dari legislasi MK tersebut, penulis tertarik untuk melihat sejauh mana legislasi MK dalam membuat suatu putusan berdasarkan teori hukum yang dikemukakan oleh Hans Kelsen, mengenai konstitusi. Pemikiran Kelsen, mendorong dibentuknya suatu lembaga yang diberi nama Verfassungsgerichtshoft atau MK (Constitutional Court yang berdiri sendiri di luar Mahkamah Agung, sering disebut The Kelsenian Model. Adanya putusan MK No. 46/PUU-VIII/2010, merupakan suatu produk hukum yang dikeluarkan oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi. Dari putusan tersebut, akan dianalisis berkaitan dengan dasar hukum dan pertimbangan hukum yang digunakan MK dalam memutus perkara telah sesuai dengan teori hukum yang dikemukakan oleh Hans Kelsen dalam teori konstitusinya atau belum dan tentang legislasi MK dalam membuat putusan tersebut berdasarkan teori hukum Hans Kelsan. Kata kunci : konstitusi, Hans Kelsen,

  4. Gardens and Gateways: Journeys within the Vision of Han-shan

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    Anne Beidler


    Full Text Available Although rooted in the work of the T’ang poet Han-shan, this paper is ultimately about the ways in which writers and artists engage with what they experience in the world. The work of filmmaker Trin T Minh-Ha, poems by W.S. Merwin, Burtin Watson’s translations, and the thoughts on the creative process of translation by Tony Barnstone and Gary Snyder have all informed my work as an artist and the images I present here.

  5. Reconstruction and modernization of Novi Han radioactive waste repository

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kolev, I.


    The paper is an overview of the Feasibility Study for Reconstruction and Modernisation of Novi Han Radioactive Waste Repository (NHRWR), performed by EQE Bulgaria AD in 2000 for the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The Study develops a concept for overall reconstruction and modernisation of NHRWR, including rehabilitation and partial reconstruction of existing facilities and planning of new facilities for conditioning and storage of various radioactive wastes and spent sealed sources. The paper presents the general modernisation concept and outlines the proposed principle technical solutions for the existing and new facilities. (author)

  6. Hans Christian Ørsted, narratives, oeuvres and physics education

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michelsen, Claus


    In 1820 the Danish scientist Hans Christian Ørsted discovered the relationship between electricity and magnetism by his famous wire-compass experiment. Ørsted was one of the foremost scientists of the nineteenth century, and he was also one of the leading figures in Denmark in the 19th century...... with culture, worldviews, and commerce, its philosophical assumptions, its epistemology and methodology. Narratives are introduced as a pedagogical support to this approach and two concrete examples of teaching sequences centred on the work and life of Ørsted is described in grade 7 and grade 9 classes...

  7. Low density lipoprotein receptor gene Ava II polymorphism and serum lipid levels in the Guangxi Bai Ku Yao and Han populations

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    Wu Dong-Feng


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Several common genetic polymorphisms in the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDL-R gene have associated with modifications of serum total cholesterol (TC and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C levels, but the results are not consistent in different populations. Bai Ku Yao is a special subgroup of the Yao minority in China. The present study was undertaken to detect the association of LDL-R gene Ava Ⅱ polymorphism and serum lipid levels in the Guangxi Bai Ku Yao and Han populations. Methods A total of 1024 subjects of Bai Ku Yao and 792 participants of Han Chinese were randomly selected from our previous stratified randomized cluster samples. Genotyping of the LDL-R gene Ava Ⅱ polymorphism was performed by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism combined with gel electrophoresis, and then confirmed by direct sequencing. Results The levels of serum TC, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C, LDL-C, apolipoprotein (Apo A1 and the ratio of ApoA1 to ApoB were lower in Bai Ku Yao than in Han (P - and A+ alleles was 65.5% and 34.5% in Bai Ku Yao, and 80.7% and 19.3% in Han (P -A-, A-A+ and A+A+ genotypes was 42.6%, 45.9% and 11.5% in Bai Ku Yao, and 64.9%, 31.6% and 3.5% in Han (P P 3.20 mmol/L subgroups in Bai Ku Yao (P P P P +A+ genotype had higher serum LDL-C, TC, HDL-C or ApoA1 levels than the subjects with A-A+ and A-A- genotypes. Spearman rank correlation analysis revealed that the levels of LDL-C in Bai Ku Yao and HDL-C in Han were correlated with genotypes (P P Conclusions The association of LDL-R gene Ava Ⅱ polymorphism and serum lipid levels is different between the Bai Ku Yao and Han populations. The discrepancy might partly result from different LDL-R gene Ava Ⅱ polymorphism or LDL-R gene-enviromental interactions.

  8. Disparities in Hypertension Prevalence, Awareness, Treatment and Control between Bouyei and Han: Results from a Bi-Ethnic Health Survey in Developing Regions from South China. (United States)

    Dong, Fen; Wang, Dingming; Pan, Li; Yu, Yangwen; Wang, Ke; Li, Ling; Wang, Li; Liu, Tao; Zeng, Xianjia; Sun, Liangxian; Zhu, Guangjin; Feng, Kui; Zhang, Biao; Xu, Ke; Pang, Xinglong; Chen, Ting; Pan, Hui; Ma, Jin; Zhong, Yong; Ping, Bo; Shan, Guangliang


    Hypertension is highly prevalent in low-income population. This study aims to investigate ethnic disparities in hypertension and identify modifiable factors related to its occurrence and control in developing regions in South China. Blood pressure was measured in the Bouyei and Han populations during a community-based health survey in Guizhou, 2012. A multistage stratified sampling method was adopted to recruit Bouyei and Han aged from 20 to 80 years. Taking mixed effects into consideration, multilevel logistic models with random intercept were used for data analysis. The prevalence rates of hypertension were 35.3% for the Bouyei and 33.7% for the Han. Among the hypertensive participants, 30.1% of the Bouyei and 40.2% of the Han were aware of their hypertensive conditions, 19.7% of the Bouyei and 31.1% of the Han were receiving treatment, and only 3.6% of the Bouyei and 9.9% of the Han had their blood pressure under control. Age-sex standardized rates of awareness, treatment, and control were consistently lower in the Bouyei than the Han. Such ethnic disparities were more evident in the elderly population. Avoidance of excessive alcohol consumption and better education were favorable lifestyle for reduction in risk of hypertension. Moderate physical activity improved control of hypertension in Bouyei patients under treatment. Conclusively, hypertension awareness, treatment, and control were substantially lower in Bouyei than Han, particularly in the elderly population. Such ethnic disparities indicate that elderly Bouyei population should be targeted for tailored interventions in the future.

  9. Genetic diversity of 21 autosomal STR loci in the Han population from Sichuan province, Southwest China. (United States)

    He, Guanglin; Li, Ye; Wang, Zheng; Liang, Weibo; Luo, Haibo; Liao, Miao; Zhang, Ji; Yan, Jing; Li, Yingbi; Hou, Yiping; Wu, Jin


    Exploration of the ethnic origin and genetic differentiation of 56 Chinese officially recognized nationalities populations played a fundamental role in the research field of population genetics, forensic science, linguistics, anthropology, and archaeology. In the present study, population data of 21 autosomal STR loci (CSF1PO, D10S1248, D12S391, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51, D19S433, D21S11, D2S1338, D2S441, D3S1358, D5S818, D6S1043, D7S820, D8S1179, FGA, Penta D, Penta E, TH01, TPOX, and vWA) included in the AGCU EX22 kit in 2793 Southwest Han Chinese individuals was obtained and population genetic relationships among 28 Chinese populations were investigated. Our study indicated that the twenty-one autosomal STRs are highly polymorphic in the Sichuan Han population and can be used as a powerful tool in the routine forensic usage. MDS and phylogenetic analysis suggested that the Sichuan Han population kept a close genetic relationship with the southwest populations. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Percepción de maltrato durante la capacitación de médicos residentes Perception of mistreatment during medical residency training

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    Raúl Mejía


    Full Text Available La presente investigación se realizó para estimar, según referencia de los médicos residentes, la frecuencia con que han sufrido situaciones de violencia, ya sea física, psicológica o sexual, durante su formación y establecer quiénes han sido los perpetradores de estos actos, dado que investigaciones previas sugieren que son frecuentes los maltratos durante ese período. Se entregó una encuesta anónima autoadministrada a todos los residentes de tres hospitales de Buenos Aires. Esta encuesta describía 13 situaciones de maltrato y 10 posibles perpetradores. Respondieron la encuesta 322 residentes (55% mujeres, el 72% correspondía a residencias de orientación clínica, el 22% a quirúrgicas y el 6% a diagnósticas. El 89% de los residentes refirió haber recibido algún tipo de maltrato señalando en promedio ocho ítems cada uno. No se encontraron diferencias entre los centros participantes. El 75% de los residentes refirió haber sufrido críticas por no realizar tareas administrativas, 64% haber recibido gritos, 57% haber sido humillado en público por sus errores, 13% haber sido amenazado con sufrir perjuicios físicos, 10% haber recibido comentarios no deseados de índole sexual, 7% haber sido expuesto a material de contenido pornográfico sin haberlo solicitado, 15% refirió haber sufrido golpes, empujones y 10% haber sufrido discriminación religiosa o racial. Los responsables del maltrato referidos con mayor frecuencia fueron: residentes superiores (26%, jefes de residentes (19%, médicos de planta (14%, jefes de sala (8% y enfermeros (8%. Existe una alta prevalencia de maltrato dentro de la residencia, siendo los principales responsables los residentes de años superiores. Sería necesario un enfoque multidisciplinario para enfrentar este problema.Because previous investigations show that mistreatment during residency is frequent we undertook this research to assess the prevalence of psychological abuse, physical violence and

  11. Multi-method study of the characteristic chemical nature of aquatic humic substances isolated from the Han River, Korea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Hyun-Chul; Yu, Myong-Jin; Han, Ihnsup


    Natural organic matter (NOM) from the Han River, Korea was fractionated into humic and non-humic fractions by absorbing onto XAD-7HP, and these fractions were analyzed using UV-absorption, and for dissolved organic C (DOC). The humic fraction (i.e. humic substances; HS) was extracted and its characteristics were compared to commercial humic materials using various spectroscopic methods such as Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), proton nuclear magnetic resonance ( 1 H-NMR) and fluorescence spectroscopy. The humic fraction as organic C was 47.0% on the average, however, a rainfall event brought a higher humic fraction into Han River water. The molar ratios of H/C and O/C in the HS from Han River water (HRHS) were 1.40 and 0.76, respectively, and the ratio of aliphatic to aromatic protons in the HS (P Al /P Ar ratio) was 5.8. Aromaticity and humification degree (i.e., degree of condensation) of HRHS were relatively lower than those from other humic materials, while the portion of oxygenated functional groups was relatively higher. FT-IR, 1 H-NMR and fluorescence spectroscopy showed distinct differences between HRHS and the commercial humic materials. Commercial humic materials are not representative of HS extracted from Han River water. The fluorescence spectra, relatively simple measurements, were found to be most useful as fingerprints for humic materials from particular sources

  12. Differences of prevalence of dyslipidemia and risk factors related to LDL-c in the patients with abnormal fasting glucose between Uygur and Han in Xinjiang. (United States)

    Quan, Li; Hu, Lin; Zhang, Li; Jiang, Sheng


    To evaluate the incidence of dyslipidemia among Uygur and Han patients with impaired fasting glucose (IFG). To investigate the influence factors on LDL-c in this population. This cross-sectional study included a total of 4709 participants, consisting of Uygurs patients (n=2053) and Han patients (n=2656) from Xinjiang province, who were screened for diabetes mellitus. A stratified multistage sampling design was used to collect the participants. The influence factors on LDL-c were analyzed by Logistic regression analysis. Among the IFG patients (n=1757), Uighur IFG group had a higher prevalence of dyslipidemia than that of Han IFG group, 99.8% vs. 63.7%, Pdifference in the Han groups. Logistic regression analysis revealed that risk factors associated with LDL-c were age, total cholesterol and 2 h postprandial blood glucose for the Uighur IFG patients. However, gender and total cholesterol were risk factors for Han IFG patients. Uighur IFG patients had higher incidence of dyslipidemia than that of Han IFG patients. For Uyghur IFG patients, closing follow-up of total cholesterol and 2 h postprandial blood glucose were necessary. As to the Han IFG patients, we should pay more attention to male and total cholesterol in order to lower LDL-c levels. So, appropriately preventive and therapeutic measures should be chosen based on the characteristics of abnormal lipid profiles in different nationality.

  13. Comparative analysis on genome-wide DNA methylation in longissimus dorsi muscle between Small Tailed Han and Dorper×Small Tailed Han crossbred sheep

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    Yang Cao


    Full Text Available Objective The objective of this study was to compare the DNA methylation profile in the longissimus dorsi muscle between Small Tailed Han and Dorper×Small Tailed Han crossbred sheep which were known to exhibit significant difference in meat-production. Methods Six samples (three in each group were subjected to the methylated DNA immunoprecipitation sequencing (MeDIP-seq and subsequent bioinformatics analyses to detect differentially methylated regions (DMRs between the two groups. Results 23.08 Gb clean data from six samples were generated and 808 DMRs were identified in gene body or their neighboring up/downstream regions. Compared with Small Tailed Han sheep, we observed a tendency toward a global loss of DNA methylation in these DMRs in the crossbred group. Gene ontology enrichment analysis found several gene sets which were hypo-methylated in gene-body region, including nucleoside binding, motor activity, phospholipid binding and cell junction. Numerous genes were found to be differentially methylated between the two groups with several genes significantly differentially methylated, including transforming growth factor beta 3 (TGFB3, acyl-CoA synthetase long chain family member 1 (ACSL1, ryanodine receptor 1 (RYR1, acyl-CoA oxidase 2 (ACOX2, peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-gamma2 (PPARG2, netrin 1 (NTN1, ras and rab interactor 2 (RIN2, microtubule associated protein RP/EB family member 1 (MAPRE1, ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 2 (ADAMTS2, myomesin 1 (MYOM1, zinc finger, DHHC type containing 13 (ZDHHC13, and SH3 and PX domains 2B (SH3PXD2B. The real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction validation showed that the 12 genes are differentially expressed between the two groups. Conclusion In the current study, a tendency to a global loss of DNA methylation in these DMRs in the crossbred group was found. Twelve genes, TGFB3, ACSL1, RYR1, ACOX2, PPARG2, NTN1, RIN2, MAPRE1, ADAMTS2, MYOM1, ZDHHC13, and SH3

  14. [Polymorphism of PentaD and PentaE STR locus in five Chinese Han population]. (United States)

    Liu, Qiu-ling; Lu, Hui-ling; Lü, De-jian


    To obtain the genetic polymorphism data of Guangxi, Hunan, Henan, Sichuan, Taiwang Chinese Han population and compare the polymorphism of PentaD and PentaE STR locus. The two loci was analyzed by using the PowerPlex 16 System. 10 alleles of PentaD and 19 alleles of PentaE were found in the five Han population. PentaD and PentaE have the expected heterozygosity values of 0.7746-0.8047 and 0.9005-0.9219, the polymorphism information content values of 0.7710-0.8025 and 0.8969-0.9176, the discrimination power values of 0.9223-0.9341 and 0.9471-0.9782, the power of exclusion values of 0.5435-0.6325 and 0.6785-0.8465, respectively. The result showed that these two loci were highly informative and suitable for forensic application.

  15. Clever Hans and his effects: Karl Krall and the origins of experimental parapsychology in Germany. (United States)

    De Sio, Fabio; Marazia, Chantal


    Shortly before the outbreak of World War I, the so-called Elberfeld horses, the counting and speaking animals, were among the most debated subjects of the newborn comparative psychology. Yet, they have left little trace in the historiography of this discipline, mostly as an appendix of the more famous Clever Hans. Their story is generally told as the prelude to the triumph of reductionistic experimental psychology. By paying a more scrupulous attention than has so far being done to the second life of Hans, and to the endeavours of his second master, Karl Krall, this article explores the story of the Elberfeld horses as an important, if so far neglected, chapter in the history of experimental parapsychology. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



    Eren, Mustafa


    Global ethics has as an existential significance in Hans Küng?s philosophical thought. Küng prefers the term ?ethos? for his theory as it has   deeper  and more unfathomable implications than ethics and moral. Tragedies of humankind during past two centuries have the stimulating  power for Küng. He has in his mind all these human casualties when he thinks about theology and philosophy and finally he dwelled on ethos within which he tried to handle these everlasting existential issues. The fol...

  17. Prevalence of diabetes among Han, Manchu and Korean ethnicities in the Mudanjiang area of China: a cross-sectional survey

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    Feng Yan


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Rapid socioeconomic development resulting in changing lifestyles and life expectancy appears to be accompanied by an increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes. Genetic predisposition related to ethnicity is a major determinant of diabetes risk. This study investigates the prevalences of diabetes and prediabetes in different ethnic populations residing in the Mudanjiang area located in the northeast of China. Methods A cross-sectional survey was carried out among Han, Manchu and Korean Chinese aged 20 years or older. Diabetes and prediabetes were diagnosed using standard oral glucose tolerance tests. Results The prevalence of diabetes in Manchu (8.39% and Korean Chinese (9.42% was significantly lower than that in Han (12.10%. The prevalence of prediabetes was 18.96%, 19.36% and 20.47% in Han, Manchu and Korean populations, respectively. Korean Chinese had a lower prevalence of isolated impaired fasting glucose and higher prevalence of isolated impaired glucose tolerance than the other two ethnic groups. Most patients with diabetes, especially ethnic minority patients, were undiagnosed. A multiple logistic regression analysis showed that age, family history of diabetes, control of diet, self-monitoring of weight, central obesity, increased heart rate, hypertension, elevated plasma triglyceride level, elevated plasma low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and Han ethnicity were significantly associated with an increased risk of diabetes. Further, Manchu Chinese were found to have the lowest risk of diabetes. Conclusions Our study indicates that diabetes is a major public health problem in the Mudanjiang area of China. Ethnicity plays a role in the different prevalences of diabetes and prediabetes among the three ethnic groups. Diabetes is less prevalent among Manchu Chinese compared with Han and Korean Chinese.

  18. Environmental Risk Factors in Han and Uyghur Children with Dyslexia: A Comparative Study. (United States)

    Zhao, Hua; Zhang, Baoping; Chen, Yun; Zhou, Xiang; Zuo, Pengxiang


    Several studies have been conducted to explore risk factors for dyslexia. However, most studies examining dyslexia have been skewed toward Western countries, and few have considered two nationalities simultaneously. This study focused on differences in dyslexia prevalence and potential environmental risk factors between Han and Uyghur children. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Kashgar and Aksu, cities in Xinjiang province, China. A two-stage sampling strategy was used to recruit 2,854 students in grades 3-6 from 5 primary schools in 5 districts; 2,348 valid student questionnaires were included in the analysis. Dyslexia checklists for Chinese and Uyghur children and pupil rating scales were used to identify children with dyslexia. Questions related to the home literacy environment and reading ability were used to evaluate potential environmental risk factors. Single factor analysis and multivariate logistic regression were used to examine prevalence and risk factors for dyslexia. Dyslexia prevalence differed significantly between Han (3.9%) and Uyghur (7.0%) children (P dyslexia prevalence between Han and Uyghur children could have occurred because of factors such as mother's occupation (P = 0.02, OR = 0.04, 95% CI = 0.01-0.68) and the frequency with which parents told stories (P = 0.00, OR = 4.50, 95% CI = 1.67-12.11). The prevalence of dyslexia was high in all children, particularly those in the Uyghur group. Environmental factors could have been responsible for some of the differences observed. The results contribute to the early identification and management of dyslexia in children from these two groups and research examining developmental dyslexia and differences in racial genetics.


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    Gabriela Grijalva Monteverde


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar que los estados que conforman la frontera norte de México se han beneficiado en forma diferencial de los avances de su integración económica con Estados Unidos y Canadá, con lo que se ha producido –después de los primeros años de operación del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN– un verdadero reordenamiento de las capacidades productivas reconstruidas en las entidades fronterizas durante el proceso de integración con Norteamérica. Se muestra que en este proceso de reestructuración productiva, los estados que han resultado ganadores no han sido necesariamente los que habían mantenido anteriormente mayores niveles de desarrollo. En particular, Baja California y Sonora aparecen como los estados ganador y perdedor, respectivamente, en términos de los empleos generados.

  20. Monográfico "IV Congreso Internet, Derecho y Política (IDP. Software social y Web 2.0: Implicaciones jurídico-políticas"

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    Albert Padró-Solanet


    Full Text Available El impacto de la Web 2.0 en los campos del derecho y de la política ha sido el hilo conductor que ha unido sesiones y ponencias del IV Congreso de IDP celebrado el pasado mes de junio en la sede de la UOC. La denominación Web 2.0 es una forma críptica de indicar que Internet, en los últimos años, ha sufrido un cambio revolucionario. Las diferentes versiones del software se ordenan con un número que sólo cambia cuando se rehace el programa, mientras que las mejoras parciales se indican con un número posterior a un punto decimal. Web 2.0 destaca que Internet ha dado un salto cualitativo respecto del Internet primitivo, la Web 1.0. Este cambio proviene no sólo del incremento de la difusión del uso de un nuevo medio de comunicación, Internet (éste sería todavía un cambio meramente cuantitativo, sino del desarrollo de aplicaciones (blogs, wikis, Flickr, YouTube, Facebook, MySpace... que han abaratado los costes de utilizar la red de forma interactiva y creativa, han generado comunidades colaborativas, y han permitido que tanto la producción como la difusión de contenidos se encuentren efectivamente descentralizados. Esta transformación empieza a afectar radicalmente a los entornos de los sistemas sociales, económicos y políticos.

  1. Defect of focus in two-line resolution with Hanning amplitude filters (United States)

    Karunasagar, D.; Bhikshamaiah, G.; Keshavulu Goud, M.; Lacha Goud, S.

    In the presence of defocusing the modified Sparrow limits of resolution for two-line objects have been investigated for a diffraction-limited coherent optical system apodized by generalized Hanning amplitude filters. These limits have been studied as a function of different parameters such as intensity ratio, the order of the filter for various amounts of apodization parameter. Results reveal that in some situations the defocusing is effective in enhancing the resolution of an optical system.

  2. Complete Blood Count Reference Intervals for Healthy Han Chinese Adults (United States)

    Mu, Runqing; Guo, Wei; Qiao, Rui; Chen, Wenxiang; Jiang, Hong; Ma, Yueyun; Shang, Hong


    Background Complete blood count (CBC) reference intervals are important to diagnose diseases, screen blood donors, and assess overall health. However, current reference intervals established by older instruments and technologies and those from American and European populations are not suitable for Chinese samples due to ethnic, dietary, and lifestyle differences. The aim of this multicenter collaborative study was to establish CBC reference intervals for healthy Han Chinese adults. Methods A total of 4,642 healthy individuals (2,136 males and 2,506 females) were recruited from six clinical centers in China (Shenyang, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, and Xi’an). Blood samples collected in K2EDTA anticoagulant tubes were analyzed. Analysis of variance was performed to determine differences in consensus intervals according to the use of data from the combined sample and selected samples. Results Median and mean platelet counts from the Chengdu center were significantly lower than those from other centers. Red blood cell count (RBC), hemoglobin (HGB), and hematocrit (HCT) values were higher in males than in females at all ages. Other CBC parameters showed no significant instrument-, region-, age-, or sex-dependent difference. Thalassemia carriers were found to affect the lower or upper limit of different RBC profiles. Conclusion We were able to establish consensus intervals for CBC parameters in healthy Han Chinese adults. RBC, HGB, and HCT intervals were established for each sex. The reference interval for platelets for the Chengdu center should be established independently. PMID:25769040

  3. La información en prensa española sobre casos de violencia en parejas del mismo sexo

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    Adolfo Carratalá


    Full Text Available Introducción. Los medios de comunicación españoles se han hecho eco de diversos episodios de violencia en parejas del mismo sexo durante los últimos años. Dar cobertura a este fenómeno plantea interrogantes sobre cómo enfocar una realidad que se mantuvo oculta hasta hace muy poco. Metodología. El objetivo de este artículo es realizar un análisis de contenido de la información publicada en diversos diarios españoles entre 2010 y 2015. Resultados. Los resultados indican que, mientras que los periodistas han mejorado el tratamiento de la violencia de género, la información de las agresiones en parejas gays evidencia algunas características similares a las que dominaron las noticias sobre violencia contras las mujeres durante los primeros años. Conclusiones. Así, la cobertura episódica, el sensacionalismo y la descripción de los casos como crímenes pasionales señalan que la violencia intragénero no es abordada, por el momento, como un problema social sino más bien como un asunto privado.

  4. Association of nNOS Gene Polymorphism with Ischemic Stroke in Han Chinese of North China

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    Yingjie Dai


    Full Text Available Nitric oxide (NO is an important messenger molecule and effector molecule. This study aimed to investigate the relation of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS gene polymorphism with ischemic stroke in Han Chinese of North China. This was a case-control study. A total of 413 patients with ischemic stroke were recruited from Han Chinese of North China. There were 201 males and 212 females. In addition, 477 healthy subjects served as controls including 224 males and 253 females. Multiplex SNaPshot was employed to detect nNOS gene polymorphism (rs2293050, rs2139733, rs7308402, and rs1483757. Results showed that the rs1483757, rs2139733, and rs2293050 genotypes and allele frequencies were comparable between patients and controls. However, ischemic stroke patients had significantly reduced AG genotype and A allele frequency when compared with controls (P=0.037, P=0.041. After adjusting confounding factors (gender, age, smoking, history of drinking, hypertension, and diabetes, AG genotype and A allele were still related to ischemic stroke (OR=0.572, 95% CI: 0.335–0.978, P=0.041; OR=0.611, 95% C: 0.378–0.985, and P=0.041 and both were found to be protective factors. Our results showed that rs7308402 gene polymorphism of nNOS is related to ischemic stroke in Han Chinese of North China.

  5. Durabilidad del hormigón. programa de investigación del IETcc

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    Gaspar Tébar, Demetrio


    Full Text Available El comportamiento de los morteros y hormigones sometidos a la acción de ambientes agresivos naturales (atmósferas; terrenos; aguas —puras, con componentes disueltos, residuales, de mar—, etc. ha sido numerosos trabajos como consecuencia de la gran cantidad de obras construidas a base de hormigón, en masa y armado, las cuales han sufrido lesiones de consideración que, en determinados casos, supusieron fracasos resonantes como consecuencia de la descomposición experimentada; de aquí, que sea un tema que ha preocupado y sigue interesando a los profesionales, no sólo desde un punto de vista tecnológico o constructivo sino científico, para conocer las causas que producen la destrucción de dichas^ obras y poder tomar, en su caso, las medidas oportunas.

  6. Fotogrametría de bajo coste para la modelización de edificios históricos

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    José Luis Pérez García


    Full Text Available En los últimos tiempos las metodologías y herramientas utilizadas para el estudio y la documentación del patrimonio histórico han sufrido un importante avance al disponer de un mayor abanico de posibilidades para abordar estas tareas. Sin embargo, algunas de estas nuevas posibilidades, tales como las estaciones fotogramétricas digitales o el sistema láser escáner, si bien facilitan y mejoran de manera importante los trabajos y productos obtenidos, tienen un coste bastante elevado, que en muchos casos no permiten su utilización. En este trabajo se presentan diferentes técnicas fotogramétricas de bajo coste, que permiten obtener productos con precisiones aceptables y muy interesantes para el estudio, la documentación y modelización de documentos históricos.

  7. Un acercamiento a los valores patrimoniales del edificio de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Costa Rica

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    Rafael Ángel Venegas Arias


    Full Text Available Este ensayo es un acercamiento al edificio de la Facultad de Ingeniería en la Sede Rodrigo Facio Brenes de la Universidad de Costa Rica para su puesta en valor como patrimonio histórico-arquitectónico. Se hace una revisión histórica del inmueble y paralelamente se analizan distintos valores que pueden ser asignados al mismo, los cuales han sufrido un proceso de invisibilización. Los valores analizados en este ensayo son: simbólico, conjunto, objeto de diseño, documento histórico, espacio público y obra de arte; tomando en cuenta conceptos de política, historia, arquitectura e ideología. Para el desarrollo de este ensayo se utilizan los principios de la semiótica, abordando el edificio como un lenguaje que debe ser analizado e interpretado.

  8. El libro como forma simbólica

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    Michel Melot Traducción: Raúl Marcó del Pont


    Full Text Available ResumenMelot analiza las virtudes que distinguen al libro de la pantalla; trata de entender las características simbólicas del libro impreso, sus diferencias con el rollo y el códice, y nos obliga a reflexionar en torno a la larga transformación que han sufrido nuestras creencias no solo frente a estos objetos sino también con respecto al tiempo, elespacio, los cuerpos y la verdad.AbstractMelot analyzes the virtues that distinguish the book from the screen; it tries to understand the symbolic characteristics of the printed book, their differences with the roll and the codex, and he makes us think about the long transformation that our beliefs have undergone, not only in relation with the printed objects but also with respect to time, space, bodies and truth.

  9. Conducta homosexual en estudiantes universitarios y aspectos diferenciales de género

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    José Moral de la Rubia


    Full Text Available Los objetivos del estudio son estimar la prevalencia de conductas y fantasías homosexuales en estudiantes de psicología y ver su asociación con el coito vaginal, penetración anal y uso del preservativo, además de predecir conductas homosexuales. Se empleó una muestra de 395 sujetos. El instrumento de medida fue una encuesta de sexualidad. El 21% ha tenido fantasías homosexuales, sin diferencia de género. El 4% ha mantenido, al menos, una relación homosexual, con diferencia de género (10% hombres y 2% mujeres. El haber sufrido abuso sexual estaba relacionado con conducta homosexual. El predictor más importante fue tener fantasías homosexuales. El 14% de hombres y 50% de mujeres con conductas homosexuales han mantenido relaciones heterosexuales con coito vaginal.

  10. “Ninguna mujer...” El abolicionismo de la prostitución en la Argentina

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    Santiago Morcillo

    Full Text Available Resumen Los debates feministas sobre la prostitución han sufrido una creciente polarización en la última década. El presente artículo constituye una exploración en torno a ciertas expresiones del abolicionismo en Argentina. Partimos del análisis de dos escenas que retratan experiencias que hemos tenido al investigar sobre el mercado sexual en ese contexto de polarización. En primer lugar, buscamos describir y analizar los elementos presentes en estas escenas que pueden remitir a concepciones esencialistas y prácticas políticas que contribuyen a la segregación de las mujeres que se definen políticamente como “trabajadoras sexuales”, como “otras” de ese movimiento. En segundo lugar, nos interrogamos sobre las condiciones de posibilidad de esta deriva de algunas vertientes del movimiento abolicionista local.

  11. The inherent purpose of ontology in ecology: The immutable use of Hans Jonas’s works

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    Raluca Deleanu


    Full Text Available Theresa Morris, Hans Jonas’s Ethic of Responsibility: From Ontology to Ecology, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, SUNY Series in Environmental Philosophy and Ethics, 2013, 236 p.

  12. Hans Christian Andersen for Children, with Children, and by children

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knudsen, Karin Esmann


    This special issue on children's literature and fairy tales has it focus on Hans Christian andersen: his unique way of telling and his influence on modern Danish children's literature, as well as the way his fairy tales are used pedagogically by teachers and by the children themselves in their play...... culture. thus the articles will show a range of different perspectives on andersen's fairy tales. the contemporary challenge of research in children's literature is to combine a literary perspective with other angles: children's literature as medie, as edagogical artefact, and as raw material for children...

  13. Roma Hukuku’nda Gemi, Han ve Ahır İşletenlerin Receptum Sorumluluğu


    YEŞİLLER, Mehmet


    Çalışmamızda Roma Hukuku'nda gemi, han ve ahır işleten kimselerin sorumluluklarına ilişkin düzenlemeler ele alınmıştır. Roma?da özellikle gemi, han ve ahır işleten kimselerin yanlarında çalıştırdıkları kişilerin güvenilir olmamasından dolayı, taraflar arasındaki istisna sözleşmesinden kaynaklanan custodia sorumluluğuna ek olarak "actio de damno aut furto adversus nautas, caupones, stabularios ve receptum, nautae, cauponis, stabularii" sorumluluklarının düzenlendiği kaynaklardan...

  14. Image and Role of the Queen Mother of the West in Han Grave Art

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    Full Text Available The present article is a detailed study of the image of an ancient Chinese goddess, The Queen Mother of the West, called Xiwangmu 西王母 in Chinese. In the mythological tradition, Xiwangmu is a goddess who possesses the elixir of immortality and dwells in the western paradise, on the magic mountain Kunlun 崑崙. While her image can be found in mural paintings, and on lacquered objects and bronze mirrors, it appears primarily in the form of relief images on the stones and bricks of grave chambers and temples in the Han (206 BCE–220 CE grave complexes. The literary tradition reveals a multifunctional role of the mother, with her many attributes developing in accordance with the changing values of social and mythological concepts. The article concludes with a detailed discussion of her image and role within the wider cosmological context of Han grave art.

  15. Study on measuring social cost of water pollution: concentrated on Han River water system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Kwang Im; Min, Dong Gee; Chung, Hoe Seong; Lim, Hyun Jeong; Kim, Mee Sook [Korea Environment Institute, Seoul (Korea)


    Following the economic development and the progress of urbanization, the damage on water pollution has been more serious but a social cost caused by water pollution cannot be measured. Although the need of water quality preservation is emphasized, a base material for public investment on enhancing water quality preservation is not equipped yet due to the absence of economic values of water resource. Therefore it measured a cost generated by leaving pollution not treated water quality in this study. To measure the usable value of water resource or the cost of water pollution all over the country should include a national water system, but this study is limited on the mainstream of Han River water system from North Han River through Paldang to Chamsil sluice gates. Further study on Nakdong River and Keum River water systems should be done. 74 refs., 4 figs., 51 tabs.

  16. Runoff and Sediment Response to Cascade Hydropower Exploitation in the Middle and Lower Han River, China

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    Junhong Zhang


    Full Text Available With the rapid development of hydropower exploitation in China, changes in runoff and sediment transport have become a significant issue that cannot be neglected. In this study, the Han River was selected as a study case, where the runoff variation and changes in sediment load at the Baihe, Huangjiagang, Huangzhuang, and Xiantao stations were analyzed in different time periods. The results indicate that impact of cascade hydropower exploitation on runoff and sediment transport is significantly different even during the same time periods. After reservoir regulation, the decreasing of sediment load is faster than that of runoff. Strong positive correlation between runoff and sediment load exists during different time periods, while reservoir operation leads to different turning points at the Baihe, Huangjiagang, Huangzhuang, and Xiantao stations in the middle and lower Han River. As a key driving factor, runoff variation contributed to sediment transport with different impact index CR. The impact index CR before and after the first change point at the Baihe, Huangjiagang, Huangzhuang, and Xiantao stations is 43.35%, −3.68%, 11.17%, and 30.12%, respectively. This study helps us understand and evaluate the hydrological changes under cascade hydropower exploitation in the middle and lower Han River.

  17. Bronzino and a bronze boar. Hans Christian Andersen and Stendhal in nineteenth-century Florence

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Klerck, A.R. de


    Bronzino e il porcellino: Hans Christian Andersen e Stendhal nella Firenze del XIX secolo La storia dell’arte dell’Ottocento non sembra aver avuto particolarmente a cuore gli artisti italiani delle generazioni successive ai grandi maestri rinascimentali, quali Raffaello e Michelangelo. Così, ad

  18. The Dynamic Distribution of Small-Tail Han Sheep Microbiota across Different Intestinal Segments

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    Hao Zhang


    Full Text Available The sheep intestinal tract is characterized by a diverse microbial ecosystem that is vital for the host to digest diet material. The importance of gut microbiota (GM of animals has also been widely acknowledged because of its pivotal roles in the health and well-being of animals. However, there are no relevant studies on GM of small-tail Han sheep, a superior mutton variety domestic in China. In this study, the structure and distribution of gut microflora were studied by high-throughput sequencing technology. Results showed a significant difference between jejunum and cecum, jejunum, and rectum. Meanwhile, the cecum and rectum not only display higher species richness but also exhibit higher similarity of the bacterial diversity than that of the jejunum based on the results of abundance-based coverage estimator (ACE, Chao1, and Shannon indexes. Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes were the predominant phyla in cecum and rectum, while higher relative abundances of Firmicutes and Cyanobacteria were observed in jejunum. At the genus level, Bacteroidetes, Ruminococcus, Lactobacillus, Flavonifractor, and Clostridium were the dominant genera in the cecum and rectum. An obvious dynamic distribution of Lactobacillus is continuously decreasing from the jejunum to the cecum, then to the rectum, whereas the result of Bacteroides is completely inverse. In addition, this study also found many kinds of bacteria associated with the production of volatile fatty acids (VFA colonized in the large intestine. This study is the first to investigate the distribution of intestinal flora in small-tail Han sheep. The findings provide an important indication for diagnosis and treatment of intestinal diseases in small-tail Han sheep, as well as offer a direction for the development of intestinal microecological preparations.

  19. Environmental Risk Factors in Han and Uyghur Children with Dyslexia: A Comparative Study.

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    Hua Zhao

    Full Text Available Several studies have been conducted to explore risk factors for dyslexia. However, most studies examining dyslexia have been skewed toward Western countries, and few have considered two nationalities simultaneously. This study focused on differences in dyslexia prevalence and potential environmental risk factors between Han and Uyghur children.A cross-sectional study was conducted in Kashgar and Aksu, cities in Xinjiang province, China. A two-stage sampling strategy was used to recruit 2,854 students in grades 3-6 from 5 primary schools in 5 districts; 2,348 valid student questionnaires were included in the analysis. Dyslexia checklists for Chinese and Uyghur children and pupil rating scales were used to identify children with dyslexia. Questions related to the home literacy environment and reading ability were used to evaluate potential environmental risk factors. Single factor analysis and multivariate logistic regression were used to examine prevalence and risk factors for dyslexia.Dyslexia prevalence differed significantly between Han (3.9% and Uyghur (7.0% children (P < 0.05, and the boy-to-girl diagnosis ratio was almost 2:1. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that ethnic differences in dyslexia prevalence between Han and Uyghur children could have occurred because of factors such as mother's occupation (P = 0.02, OR = 0.04, 95% CI = 0.01-0.68 and the frequency with which parents told stories (P = 0.00, OR = 4.50, 95% CI = 1.67-12.11.The prevalence of dyslexia was high in all children, particularly those in the Uyghur group. Environmental factors could have been responsible for some of the differences observed. The results contribute to the early identification and management of dyslexia in children from these two groups and research examining developmental dyslexia and differences in racial genetics.

  20. But Hans Kelsen was not born in Africa: a reply to Thaddeus Metz ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    I argue that Metz's undertaking, in seeking a 'comprehensive basic norm' to underpin African ethics, is similar to Hans Kelsen's postulation of the Grundnorm in his Pure Theory of Law. But African ethics does not need to be underpinned by an approach such as Kelsen's. In my view, Metz's preference for seeking to develop ...

  1. Genetic variants in NTCP exon gene are associated with HBV infection status in a Chinese Han population. (United States)

    Wu, Wennan; Zeng, Yongbin; Lin, Jinpiao; Wu, Yingying; Chen, Tianbin; Xun, Zhen; Ou, Qishui


    Sodium taurocholate co-transporting polypeptide (NTCP) plays an important role in the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids. Recently, NTCP was identified as a hepatitis B virus (HBV) receptor. The aim of this study is to investigate the association of NTCP polymorphisms with HBV clinical outcomes and investigate the relationship between NTCP polymorphisms and the serum bile acid level in a Chinese Han population. The single nucleotide polymorphisms rs2296651 and rs4646285 were genotyped in 1619 Chinese Han individuals. Improved multiple ligase detection reaction was utilized to genotype. The level of bile acids was measured by the enzymatic cycling method. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis was carried out to analyze the potential function. In logistic regression analysis, the frequency of rs2296651 (S267F) CT genotype was higher in HBV immune recovery and healthy control groups than in the chronic HBV infection group (P = 0.001 and P HBV infection group (P = 0.011). No difference in serum bile acid was detected between the rs4646285 wild-type patients and mutant-type patients. Quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction showed the NTCP mRNA levels were lower in rs4646285 variants than wild types. NTCP gene polymorphisms may be associated with the natural course of HBV infection in a Chinese Han population. The S267F variant may be a protective factor to resist chronic hepatitis B progression which showed a higher bile acid level in Chinese Han chronic HBV infection patients. The rs4646285 variants could influence the expression of NTCP at the level of transcription, and ultimately may be associated with HBV infection immune recovery. © 2017 The Japan Society of Hepatology.

  2. [Hans Gross and the beginning of criminology on a scientific basis]. (United States)

    Bachhiesl, Christian


    Modern criminology--if one wants to consider it a separate scientific discipline at all--is usually perceived as being mainly influenced by the methods of natural sciences supplemented by components from the field of psychology, which, at least in some of its conceptions, tends to define itself as a natural science, too. If we take a look at the history of science, we will see development of criminology in this direction was not necessarily inevitable. The scientific work of the Austrian Hans Gross (1847-1915), one of the founding fathers of scientific criminology, serves as an example of the way how natural sciences and their exact methods became established in the methodological apparatus of modern criminology, although in praxi his claim for the application of exact methods was all too often replaced by irrational and intuitive ways of working. Still, Hans Gross' fundamental decision for the exact methods derived from the natural sciences is an important step towards a criminology that can be understood as a part of natural sciences, largely superseding the methods of cultural sciences and anthropological philosophy. This approach made the (criminal) human being an object of measurement and can result in the concept of man as a mere phenomenon of quantity. This is, on the one hand, ethically questionable; on the other hand, it made modern criminology more efficient and successful.

  3. Characterization of mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in the Han population in Liaoning Province, Northeast China. (United States)

    Xu, Feng-Ling; Yao, Jun; Ding, Mei; Shi, Zhang-Sen; Wu, Xue; Zhang, Jing-Jing; Wang, Bao-Jie


    This study characterized the genetic variations of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to elucidate the maternal genetic structure of Liaoning Han Chinese. A total of 317 blood samples of unrelated individuals were collected for analysis in Liaoning Province. The mtDNA samples were analyzed using two distinct methods: sequencing of the hypervariable sequences I and II (HVSI and HVSII), and polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis of the coding region. The results indicated a high gene diversity value (0.9997 ± 0.0003), a high polymorphism information content (0.99668) and a random match probability (0.00332). These samples were classified into 305 haplotypes, with 9 shared haplotypes. The most common haplogroup was D4 (12.93%). The principal component analysis map, the phylogenetic tree map, and the genetic distance matrix all indicated that the genetic distance of the Liaoning Han population from the Tibetan group was distant, whereas that from the Miao group was relatively close.

  4. A large-scale survey of genetic copy number variations among Han Chinese residing in Taiwan

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    Wu Jer-Yuarn


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Copy number variations (CNVs have recently been recognized as important structural variations in the human genome. CNVs can affect gene expression and thus may contribute to phenotypic differences. The copy number inferring tool (CNIT is an effective hidden Markov model-based algorithm for estimating allele-specific copy number and predicting chromosomal alterations from single nucleotide polymorphism microarrays. The CNIT algorithm, which was constructed using data from 270 HapMap multi-ethnic individuals, was applied to identify CNVs from 300 unrelated Han Chinese individuals in Taiwan. Results Using stringent selection criteria, 230 regions with variable copy numbers were identified in the Han Chinese population; 133 (57.83% had been reported previously, 64 displayed greater than 1% CNV allele frequency. The average size of the CNV regions was 322 kb (ranging from 1.48 kb to 5.68 Mb and covered a total of 2.47% of the human genome. A total of 196 of the CNV regions were simple deletions and 27 were simple amplifications. There were 449 genes and 5 microRNAs within these CNV regions; some of these genes are known to be associated with diseases. Conclusion The identified CNVs are characteristic of the Han Chinese population and should be considered when genetic studies are conducted. The CNV distribution in the human genome is still poorly characterized, and there is much diversity among different ethnic populations.

  5. Genetic variants identified by GWAS was associated with colorectal cancer in the Han Chinese population

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    Hui-Ping Qiao


    Full Text Available Aim of Study: Colorectal cancer (CRC, now the third most common cancer across the world, is known to aggregate in families. Recently, genome-wide association studies have identified two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP associated with CRC in Caucasians. Materials and Methods: To validate whether the same variations conferred risk to CRC in the Han Chinese population, we genotyped 760 individuals (380 controls and 380 cases samples recruited from the Han Chinese origin. Results: We found rs11987193 in 8p12 (P = 0.0472 after correction, OR = 0.751 was significantly associated with CRC but rs12080929 in 1p33 (P = 0.0650 after correction, OR = 0.750 was not. Conclusion: Our findings supported that rs11987193 is a susceptibility locus for CRC, and gene DUSP4 was possible to play a role in the pathology of CRC.

  6. Role of electrodes in ambient electrolytic decomposition of hydroxylammonium nitrate (HAN) solutions


    Koh, Kai Seng; Chin, Jitkai; Wahida Ku Chik, Tengku F.


    Decomposition of hydroxylammonium nitrate (HAN) solution with electrolytic decomposition method has attracted much attention in recent years due to its efficiencies and practicability. However, the phenomenon has not been well-studied till now. By utilizing mathematical model currently available, the effect of water content and power used for decomposition was studied. Experiment data shows that sacrificial material such as copper or aluminum outperforms inert electrodes in the decomposition ...

  7. Hans-Georg Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics: Concepts of reading, understanding and interpretation


    Paul Regan


    Hans-Georg Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics is a popular qualitative research interpretive method aiming to explore the meaning of individual experiences in relation to understanding human interpretation. Gadamer identifies that authentic engagement with reading requires awareness of the inter-subjective nature of understanding in order to promote a reflective engagement with the text. The main concepts of Gadamer’s view of reading and understanding are explored in this paper in relation ...

  8. A neuropeptide Y variant (rs16139 associated with major depressive disorder in replicate samples from Chinese Han population.

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    Yongjun Wang

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs of neuropeptide Y (NPY and major depressive disorder (MDD in Chinese Han population. DESIGN: Prospective and randomized studies were carried out. PATIENTS: A total of 700 patients (324 male and 376 female; mean age = 40±14.9 years with depression who met the diagnostic criteria of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV and 673 healthy controls (313 male and 360 female; mean age = 41.9±17.2 years were used to investigate the relationship between SNPs of NPY and the pathogenesis of MDD. A total of 417 patients (195 male and 202 female; mean age = 36±14.2 years diagnosed with MDD and 314 healthy controls (153 male and 161 female; mean age = 37.9±14.2 years from Chinese Han population were used to verify the relationship between SNPs of NPY and the pathogenesis of MDD. INTERVENTION AND OUTCOME: Ligase detection reactions were performed to detect the SNP sites of NPY. A series of statistical methods was carried out to investigate the correlation between the NPY gene SNP and MDD. RESULTS: Statistical analysis showed a significant correlation between the SNP sites rs16139 in NPY and the morbidity of depression. Patients with MDD have a lower frequency of A-allele in rs16139 in replicate samples from Chinese Han population. However, the frequency varied between male and female patients. CONCLUSION: The gene polymorphism loci rs16139 was closely related to MDD in Chinese Han population.

  9. Hans Küng se voorstel vir ’n eietydse etiek

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    S. A. Strauss


    Full Text Available This contribution undertakes a critical assessment of the well-known Hans Küng's proposal for contemporary ethics in his book Global responsibility. In search of a new world ethic (1990. This article commences by providing some background on this publication as well as on the theology of Küng in general. The content of the book is then paraphrased in summarised form. The last part of the article analyses four major convictions of Kung, against which the Reformed doctrine is brought forward. These convictions deal with the ethical aspects of normativity, humanity, postmodernity and ecumenicity.

  10. [Comparisons of prevalence and clinical and environmental characteristics between Tibetan and Han Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome in Tibetan Plateau]. (United States)

    Zhai, K L; Zhuo, G; Chi, H B; Lan, Z


    Objective: By the preliminary comparison study on the constituent ratio and clinical characteristics of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in Tibetan and Han women in Tibetan Plateau, we aimed to find the relevance of its pathogenic factors, and to guide the treatment of PCOS in the plateau region and improve the prognosis. Methods: The general situation and clinical data of 165 patients who were diagnosed with PCOS from December 1, 2015 to November 30, 2016 in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the People's Hospital of Tibet Autonomous Region were analyzed retrospectively. The prevalence of PCOS among Tibetan and Han women in Tibetan Plateau were compared. Results: (1) A total of 1 520 patients were treated in the Tibet Autonomous Region People's Hospital gynecological endocrinology clinics in one year (Tibetan 865 cases, Han 617 cases, other ethnic groups 38 cases), of which patients with PCOS accounted for 10.9% (165/1520). (2) The incidence of Tibetan PCOS patients with oligomenorrhea, infertility, amenorrhea, acne, hairy, LH/FSH inverted, overweight (BMI≥24), and waist circumference >80 cm were 21.2% (35/165), 20.6% (34/165), 16.4% (27/165), 28.5% (47/165), 17% (28/165), 38.2% (63/165), 23.6% (39/165), and 36.4% (60/165), respectively. The incidence of Han PCOS patients with oligomenorrhea, infertility, amenorrhea, acne, hairy, LH/FSH inverted, overweight (BMI≥24), and waist circumference >80 cm were 7.9% (13/165), 10.3% (17/165), 9.1% (15/165), 15.2% (25/165), 9.7% (16/165), 14.5% (24/165), 10.9% (18/165) and 19.4% (32/165), respectively. The proportion of high testosterone in Tibetan PCOS patients was higher than that in Han PCOS patients with statistically significant. (3) The chief complaint of Tibetan PCOS patients were oligomenorrhea and infertility, and the chief complaint of Han PCOS patients were infertility and amenorrhea. (4) The constituent ratio of outpatient clinics in Nyingchi who were with PCOS at an average elevation of about 3

  11. La discreta y sorprendente vigencia del ideólogo del despotismo chino: Han Feizi

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    Conde, Juan Luis


    Full Text Available Han Feizi (3rd century B.C. is the main representative of the Chinese Legalist school (făjiā. The tenets of this political theory have earned him the nickname “the Chinese Machiavelli”. His ideas were adopted by Qin Shihuang, the so-called First Emperor, who unified China and unleashed a despotic régime characterized by the crackdown of any political debate and the suppression of free speech. The connexion between rhetorical development and the political sphere in the context of Classical China’s last stage may set the scene for a wider discussion about that link. Comparative rhetoric will provide further ground for connexions between classical Chinese Legalist ideas and contemporary Neoliberal discourse.Han Feizi (s. III a.C. es el principal representante de la escuela legista china (făjiā. Los principios de su teoría política le han granjeado el apodo de “el Maquiavelo chino”. Sus ideas serían adoptadas por Qin Shihuang, el Primer Emperador, quien unificó China e impuso un régimen despótico caracterizado por la represión del debate político y la supresión de la libertad de expresión. La conexión entre el desarrollo de la retórica y la situación política en el contexto de la última etapa del clasicismo chino puede servir de fondo para una consideración más amplia de dicho nexo. La retórica comparada proporciona las bases para relacionar el pensamiento legista chino con el discurso neoliberal contemporáneo.


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    Antonio Manrique de Luna-Barrios


    Full Text Available En el presente siglo, los mandatos de las operaciones de mantenimiento de la paz han contemplado una serie de nuevas actividades que deben ser llevadas a cabo por dichas misiones con la finalidad de restablecer la paz y la seguridad, y brindar una adecuada protección de los derechos fundamentales de las personas que se encuentran en las zonas afectadas por un conflicto de carácter interno o internacional. Entre dichas actividades que han sido asumidas por las operaciones de mantenimiento de la paz, debemos destacar la protección de determinadas zonas de seguridad y zonas seguras, la protección especial de la población que ha sufrido discriminación y abusos, brindar seguridad a las organizaciones que prestan ayuda humanitaria, llevar a cabo actividades de desactivación de minas, administrar territorios, prestar asistencia electoral, etc. Así mismo, para que tales actividades sean llevadas a cabo con éxito, es indispensable que los mandatos que buscan proteger los derechos fundamentales de las personas de manera incidental, específica o general sean establecidos de manera clara, factible y acorde a las normas de derecho internacional que imperan en la comunidad internacional.

  13. ¿Leer a Tolstói nos hace mejores médicos? Reflexiones en torno a «La muerte de Iván Ilich»

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    Josep E BAÑOS


    Full Text Available La comprensión del proceso de enfermar, el descubrimiento de la propia enfermedad y la actitud de las personas que rodean al que la sufre es un tema de notable importancia en la formación médica. No obstante, la comprensión de los complejos elementos psicológicos que aparecen en estas situaciones no es un tema sencillo para aquellos que no han estado enfermos o no han tenido familiares que hayan sufrido enfermedades graves. La lectura de un ensayo que teorice sobre las complejas relaciones fruto de la enfermedad no suele dar una imagen próxima de lo que sucede en realidad. La muerte de Iván Ilich es una obra capital para aproximarse a los sentimientos que se presentan en las personas que se ven afectadas por una grave enfermedad, que va mermando sus capacidades físicas y les produce, además, un insoportable dolor físico y moral. Este último se agrava además si los familiares ignoran el sufrimiento que el enfermo experimenta. La obra de Tolstói es una contribución muy importante para comprender todas estas situaciones desde la ficción.

  14. Treinta Años de Investigación en Contabilidad y Gestión Pública en España

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    Isabel Brusca


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo, que introduce este número especial en Contabilidad Pública, es analizar la evolución de la investigación en esta área en las universidades españolas, dado el proceso de modernización y normalización que la Contabilidad Pública ha sufrido en los últimos 30 años. Para ello realizamos una revisión de los trabajos publicados, entre 1981 y 2010, por los profesores de contabilidad en las revistas de mayor impacto, tanto nacionales como internacionales. La investigación en esta área ha venido acompañada por el esfuerzo que las propias administraciones públicas han realizado para reformar los sistemas de contabilidad y gestión, en línea con la tendencia a nivel internacional, y enmarcado dentro de la filosofía de la New Public Management. A través de esta revisión bibliográfica pretendemos también poner de manifiesto qué líneas de investigación han sido las preferentes, presentar los artículos de este número especial y proponer una agenda de investigación en Contabilidad Pública en el futuro en España.


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    Margarita Zires


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan algunos resultados de una investigación sobre los exvotos pictográficos que forman parte de la colección del Museo de la Basílica de la Virgen de Guadalupe en la ciudad de México. Las autoras analizan las transformaciones que han sufrido en su estructura material, composición, en sus formas pictóricas, maneras de narrar milagros y dirigirse a la divinidad, por lo cual consideran que estas formas votivas han adquirido significaciones diferentes en las últimas décadas. En esta investigación se analizan a los exvotos desde una perspectiva comunicativa y discursiva. El exvoto pictográfico está concebido como un medio de comunicación y un documento social, histórico, cultural particular que está mediado tanto por los lenguajes escritos y visuales que lo configuran como por el género discursivo del milagro. Por ello, su estudio requiere tomar en cuenta los aportes de diferentes disciplinas del lenguaje: la semiología, la pragmática, el análisis del discurso, así como el estudio de los géneros discursivos y de lo verosímil en diferentes momentos históricos.

  16. Filosofía política y globalización: entre hegemonía e infrapolítica

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    David Soto Carrasco


    Full Text Available Pocas épocas como la nuestra han sufrido procesos tan acelerados y profundos de transformación social, técnica, económica, política, cultural e, incluso, natural. Sus consecuencias y efectos ha dado lugar a un escenario pleno de procesos políticos y sociales contradictorios llamado globalización (Beck, 1998. La globalización ha comportado el estrechamiento y la intensificación de las actividades y los intercambios económicos, sociales y culturales entre los distintos países, más allá de las economías nacionales (Sassen, 1996. Estos reajustes se han ampliado en un marco espacial planetario, aumentando su extensión, intensidad, velocidad e impacto, y generando flujos de interacción transcontinentales, transnacionales e interregionales que no existían previamente. Además, la globalización no solo ha influido de manera significativa en las relaciones económicas internacionales, sino también en las relaciones y la estructura política, en el ámbito cultural, en la vida social y la distribución de la riqueza, en la gestión de los recursos naturales y en la propia la supervivencia del planeta (Held, MacGrew & Goldbatt, 1999, p. 17.

  17. La biología del color protector en las mariposas

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    Richter Leopold


    Full Text Available Los conocimientos biológicos no pueden ser considerados correctamente si se han obtenido en seres vivos, de un medio ambiente, transformado por el hombre a través de muchas centurias, como ocurre en Europa.  Por otra parte los primeros «amigos de la naturaleza» eran hijos de una época supremamente romántica y de aquella datan conceptos como «flores hermosas», «mariposas bellas». «abejas laboriosas» que contribuyen hasta para el establecimiento de leyes biológicas.  Talles conceptos se han conservado y propagado a través de los años en las cátedras de biología y en los textos escolares, como si existiesen realmente. Lo antiguo, ya aceptado, se hereda sin disgusto, especialmente si se lo relaciona con historietas amenas.  Un concepto de esta naturaleza se denomina «el colorido protector» en los insectos y especialmente en los lepidópteros. Para ver esto se hace necesario, en primer lugar, estar en medio ambiente que no haya sufrido de ninguna manera la influencia demoledora del hombre. Como segunda medida muy lógicamente debe descubrirse contra qué se protege; en el caso nuestro, una mariposa cualquiera.

  18. Vooruitgang en ondergang: historiese dialektiek in twee tekste van Hans Magnus Enzensberger

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    J.P.C. van den Berg


    Full Text Available Progress and decline: historical dialect in two texts by Hans Magnus Enzensberger The interpretation of history as a process of dialectical development has been one of the most important ideas of Marxist philosophy. Whereas earlier Marxists optimistically considered this process as steering inevitably towards a sociopolitical utopia, subsequent thinkers in the Marxist tradition, especially those identified as Neo-Marxists (like Theodor Adorno, had a more pessimistic interpretation of dialectics. Influenced especially by Adorno, German poet and social commentator Hans Magnus Enzensberger uses the concept of “historical dialectics” as a seminal theme in two of his literary works: “Mausoleum: siebenunddreißig Balladen aus der Geschichte des Fortschritts” and “Der Untergang der Titanic”. In these two texts the representation of the ambiguity of “Fortschritt” or historical development presupposes a more pessimistic account of the historical process. This ambiguity is present both in a bird’s-eye view of the historical process (“Mausoleum”, and in the focus on one specific historical incident (“Der Untergang der Titanic”. Enzensberger subsequently continues to consider the role of art within this dialectical context. In this article, both Enzensberger’s literary use of the philosophical concept of historical dialectics and its artistic implications (as identified by him are examined.

  19. [Impacts of electroacupuncture on left hippocampus NAA/Cr for patients of Uygur and Han nationality with mild cognitive impairment]. (United States)

    Liu, Zhi-Yan; Guo, Hui; Zhang, Xiao-Lin; Liu, Juan; Qu, Hong-Yan; Peng, Wei; Bao, Yi-Mei; Yin, Li-Li; Song, Yi-Xing


    To observe the clinical efficacy of electroacupuncture (EA) on mild cognitive impairment (MCI) for patients of Uygur and Han nationality and explore the national diversity among the patients with MCI. Twenty-five cases were divided into Han nationality group (15 cases) and Uygur nationality group (10 cases) according to patient's nationality. In either group, EA was applied to Baihui (GV 20), Fengchi (GB 20), Xuanzhong (GB 39), Fuliu (KI 7), Sanyinjiao (SP 6) and Taixi (KI 3), once per day, 15 treatments made one session and there were 5 days at the interval among the sessions. Totally, 3 sessions of treatment were required. The proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) was used to observe the changes in the ratio of N-acetylaspartate and creatine (NAA/Cr) on the left hippocampus for the patients in two groups before and after treatment as well as the changes in the results of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) separately. NAA/Cr in Uygur nationality group was higher than that in Han nationality group before treatment (1.659 +/- 0.418 vs 1.137 +/- 0.190, P NAA/Cr on the left hippocampus in either group was up-regulated as compared with that before treatment (both P < 0.01). EA can improve the overall cognitive function for the patients with MCI. There is the national diversity in the partial brain metabolite level between Uygur patients and Han patients with MCI.

  20. Resolution Enhancement Algorithm for Spaceborn SAR Based on Hanning Function Weighted Sidelobe Suppression (United States)

    Li, C.; Zhou, X.; Tang, D.; Zhu, Z.


    Resolution and sidelobe are mutual restrict for SAR image. Usually sidelobe suppression is based on resolution reduction. This paper provide a method for resolution enchancement using sidelobe opposition speciality of hanning window and SAR image. The method can keep high resolution on the condition of sidelobe suppression. Compare to traditional method, this method can enchance 50 % resolution when sidelobe is -30dB.

  1. Environmental monitoring and radiation protection programs of Novi Han radioactive waste repository

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Christoskova, M.; Kostova, M.; Sheherov, L.; Bekiarov, P.; Iovtchev, M.


    The system for monitoring and control as an important part of the safety management of the Novi Han Radioactive Waste Repository contains two independent programs: environmental monitoring of the site (controlled area), the restricted access area and the surveillance area (supervised area) of the repository and radiation protection program including personal dosimetric control and indoor dosimetric control of workplaces in the buildings of the repository. The main activities related to the programs implementation are presented

  2. The genetic variation of SORCS1 is associated with late-onset Alzheimer's disease in Chinese Han population.

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    Wei Xu

    Full Text Available The variations of SORCS1 gene may play potential key roles in late-onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD. To evaluate the relationship between the polymorphism of SORCS1 gene and LOAD in the ethnic Han Chinese, we conducted a case-control study to investigate the association between the single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs in intron 1 of SORCS1 and LOAD in Chinese Han population. Six reported SNPs in intron 1 of SORCS1 were analyzed by Snapshot, genotyping and haplotyping in 236 Chinese LOAD cases and 233 matched controls. The significant differences in frequencies of two SNPs (rs10884402, rs950809 were found between the two groups. In addition, haplotype analyses revealed that, in the LOAD group, the frequency of haplotypes C-C-G-T-C (alleles in order of rs17277986, rs6584777, rs10884402, rs7078098, rs950809 polymorphisms were significantly higher (Psim<0.0001 while haplotype C-C-A-T-C, C-C-A-C-C, T-T-A-C-C were significantly lower (Psim<0.0001. Our data suggested that the genetic variation of the rs10884402 and rs950809 in intron 1 of SORCS1 was associated with the late-onset AD in the Chinese Han population.


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    Petar Namicev


    Full Text Available The highest developed form of a spatial concept of ainn in the urban area of the Ottoman period is the rectangular form of the spatial organization of the hans from the 15th and the 16th centuries. The most important examples are Kurshumlihan, Sulihan and Kapan han in the old bazaar in Skopje, which are part of a complex spatial system of the historical part of the city. According to the urban concept of the Ottoman builders, a group of public buildings has been formed, where mosque, bedesten, hamam, etc. appear beside another. Spatial analysis of auxiliary rooms and overnight accommodation, or open spaces (atrium, porch has a certain specific ratio. The experience of the organization from historical buildings is a valuable experience in terms of balancing different contents of the used space, its purpose and adjustment to the current needs of the object. The experiences from the study of certain spatial elements of the hans and from the analysis of the current tourism development in which they are included, can be applied in the concept of modern tourist objects.

  4. [Hans Jonas: Nature Conservation, Conservation of Life]. (United States)

    Burgui Burgui, Mario


    This article discusses three of the problems that the German philosopher Hans Jonas studied. The first one addresses the need for a specific ethic dedicated to the moral dimension of environmental problems, from a different perspective to the traditional. The second problem is crucial in the discussion on environmental ethics: the value of the nature. Does the nature have an intrinsic value or an instrumental value only (to satisfy the interests of the human being)? The thesis of Jonas, which claimed that nature is a good in itself, were further elaborated here. And the third problem is the derivation of moral norms and the role of man in this ethic that recognizes a good in itself in nature. According to Jonas, the human being is not diminished by recognizing the intrinsic value of nature, since the man's uniqueness and value are unquestionable. From these three central issues, the paper highlights the importance of seeking the links between bioethics and environmental ethics to address the current environmental, social and economic crisis.

  5. De la Web tradicional a la Web semántica: cambios y aplicación al ámbito educativo

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    María del Carmen Llorente Cejudo


    Full Text Available Ofrecemos al lector una breve aproximación a las transformaciones que ha sufrido en los últimos tiempos la Red y, en particular, la relevancia adquirida por algunos de sus elementos en la incorporación de los procesos formativos. Estos cambios implican conocer los componentes más característicos que nos han permitido dar el paso de la Web tradicional a lo que hoy conocemos como Web 2.0 o Web social, y la aplicación de las tecnologías que esta última nos ofrece en la enseñanza, sobre todo las redes sociales y los entornos personales de aprendizaje como recursos educativos. Finalizamos este artículo con unas breves referencias a las posibilidades didácticas que la Web semántica brinda para su integración en niveles de enseñanza superiores.

  6. Implications of the Debate on Irregular Migration in the European and Spanish Asylum Regime

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    Víctor Merino Sancho


    Full Text Available Las actuales corrientes de refugiados y los motivos de huida buscando protección en terceros Estados son distintos de los que justificaron el surgimiento del régimen ju­rídico del asilo. Sin embargo, este régimen apenas ha sufrido cambios, al menos en relación con el concepto establecido internacionalmente en la Convención de 1951. Por su parte, los caracteres actuales de las migraciones han tenido como respues­ ta primordial, por parte de los poderes públicos, políticas basadas en la lógica del control de los flujos migratorios. La imposibilidad de distinguir claramente entre migraciones forzadas y voluntarias, a pesar del empeño mostrado por los Estados, ha provocado que esta lógica acabe afectando la normativa de asilo en perjuicio de la protección que significa e implica este derecho.

  7. Estudio mineralóglco de la fracción arena de algunos materiales arcillosos de la sabana de Bogotá

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    Julia Rubio de Cubides


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio mineralógico de la fracción arena de tres muestras de materiales arcillosos situados en la Sabana de Bogotá. Esta fracción se caracterizó porque los minerales reslstentes-turmallna, circón y rutilo constituyeron más de la mitad de la fracción pesada de la muestra. Esta fracción también se caracterizó por una riqueza de minerales opacos naturales (ilmenlta, especialmente, y algo de magnetita, siendo los de alteración sobre todo leucoxenos. Dos de las muestras exhibieron un alto contenido de minerales metamórficos, en especial estaurolita. De los resultados granulométricos y mineralógicos de los materiales, se deduce que las muestras han sufrido alteraciones químicas fuertes (lavado, ya que únicamente permanecen los minearles resistentes (turmalina, circón, rutilo y cuarzo.


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    Full Text Available La sociedad y el mercado laboral han sufrido importantes cambios en los últimos años que gene- raron conflictos entre la vida laboral y personal de los individuos, causando resultados negativos en los mismos (insatisfacción y estrés y en las organizaciones (aumento de rotación y ausentismo. Actualmente la literatura no brinda conocimiento suficiente para orientar a empleadores y empleados sobre las acciones para evitar el conflicto trabajo-vida. El objetivo de este trabajo es integrar la teoría sobre estrategias individuales para lograr el equilibrio trabajo-vida, identificando sus efectos en los individuos y en la organización que los emplea. Para ello, se revisaron publicaciones en re- vistas prestigiosas del campo del Management, entre 2000-2015. Se concluye con una discusión sobre las implicancias para gestionar los Recursos Humanos.

  9. Barreras arquitectónicas, mentales y de comunicación: mujeres con diversidad funcional

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    Carmen Mañas Viejo


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo consiste en mostrar, a partir del análisis de las narrativas de mujeres con diversidad funcional, física y sensorial, las barreras arquitectónicas, mentales y de comunicación que condicionan y configuran el devenir de sus vidas, tanto en el ámbito privado como en el público. Analizamos las situaciones vividas por 60 mujeres con diversidad funcional. El método de investigación tiene un carácter mixto, tanto cuantitativo como cualitativo. Sus narrativas son el medio para conocer en profundidad y analizar sus episodios biográficos que, tanto a nivel social como personal, han contribuido a dar forma al estado y a la situación actual de las participantes con un alcance temporal retrospectivo y prospectivo.

  10. Earthquakes as collapse precursors at the Han-sur-Lesse Cave in the Belgian Ardennes (United States)

    Camelbeeck, Thierry; Quinif, Yves; Verheyden, Sophie; Vanneste, Kris; Knuts, Elisabeth


    Collapse activation is an ongoing process in the evolution of karstic networks related to the weakening of cave vaults. Because collapses are infrequent, few have been directly observed, making it challenging to evaluate the role of external processes in their initiation and triggering. Here, we study the two most recent collapses in the Dôme chamber of the Han-sur-Lesse Cave (Belgian Ardenne) that occurred on or shortly after 3rd December 1828 and between the 13th and 14th of March 1984. Because of the low probability that the two earthquakes that generated the strongest ground motions in Han-sur-Lesse since 1800, on 23rd February 1828 (Mw = 5.1 in Central Belgium) and 8th November 1983 (Mw = 4.8 in Liège) occurred by coincidence less than one year before these collapses, we suggest that the collapses are related to these earthquakes. We argue that the earthquakes accelerated the cave vault instability, leading to the collapses by the action of other factors weakening the host rock. In particular, the 1828 collapse was likely triggered by a smaller Mw = 4.2 nearby earthquake. The 1984 collapse followed two months of heavy rainfall that would have increased water infiltration and pressure in the rock mass favoring destabilization of the cave ceiling. Lamina counting of a stalagmite growing on the 1828 debris dates the collapse at 1826 ± 9 CE, demonstrating the possibility of dating previous collapses with a few years of uncertainty. Furthermore, our study opens new perspectives for studying collapses and their chronology both in the Han-sur-Lesse Cave and in other karstic networks. We suggest that earthquake activity could play a stronger role than previously thought in initiating cave collapses.

  11. [Hans Selye, the grandmaster of creativity and originality]. (United States)

    Somogyi, Árpád


    Hans Selye, the father of the stress concept, was a giant of science of the twentieth century. Beyond his best-known work on stress, he also made several discoveries on various other fields of experimental medicine. He described and characterized various pluricausal diseases. In addition, he made pivotal contributions to the broad field of endocrinology, especially to the classification of steroids and to our better understanding of their mode of action. He developed surgical technics and experimental animal models suitable for studying the pathogenesis and prevention of human diseases. Selye was an extremely well educated, highly intelligent and disciplined individual, an original and creative scientist, an outstanding teacher, a philosopher, a prolific author, a fabulous communicator and a gifted organizer successfully establishing, developing and managing a major academic research institution, the word-famous Institute of Experimental Medicine and Surgery of the University of Montreal.

  12. Responsibility to Nature? Hans Jonas and Environmental Ethics

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    Peter Wolsing


    Full Text Available This paper presents the philosopher Hans Jonas’s idea of an environmental ethics. Through an outline of the development of man’s relation to nature from Greek antiquity to the present it is argued that science and technology in modernity favour a relation of exploitation which is partly the cause of fatal climate changes. Through Jonas’s philosophical notion of an ontology of man as an alternative to classical dualism and by means of a turn to an ontological interpretation of Kant’s categorical imperative, it is argued that mankind has a responsibility to both coming generations and to the biosphere as a whole. Not only does this ontological shift from philosophy of mind to an ontology of man transcend dualism in philosophy, it throws a new critical light on the technological development and suggests a new way of considering man’s place in the cosmos.

  13. Religions without God? Hans Kelsen, Anthropologist of Modernity

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    Paolo Di Lucia


    Full Text Available In 2012 an unpublished book by the Austrian legal philosopher Hans Kelsen, Secular Religion, has been posthumously published. This book, written by Kelsen between 1952 and 1964 in the United States, severely criticizes those theories of politics and culture that misinterpret modern social philosophy, science and politics as new religions, mainly adopting the controversial concept of “secular religión.” In the first part of the paper, we reconstruct the genesis of the book and the complex events that led to its final version, and we underline the motives that led Kelsen to write this vehement polemic in defense of the spirit of modernity, and eventually to withdraw it. In the second part of the paper, we investigate some of the main methodological and theoretical contributions that this work, albeit its critical tenor, is able to give to an anthropology of modernity.

  14. Influence of Cigarette Smoking on Rheumatoid Arthritis Risk in the Han Chinese Population

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    Jian Yin


    Full Text Available ObjectivesCigarette smoking has been shown in European populations to be associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA susceptibility. This study aims to examine the association of smoking with RA in the Han Chinese population.Methods718 Han Chinese RA patients and 404 healthy controls were studied. The associations of cigarette smoking (current, former or ever vs. never smokers, and pack-years of exposure with RA, anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody (ACPA positive RA, IgM rheumatoid factor (RF positive RA, and baseline radiographic erosions (modified van der Heijde–Sharp scores were assessed. The interaction between smoking and the HLA-DRB1 shared epitope (SE in RA was also examined.ResultsIn this study, 11 (1.53% cases and 6 (1.49% controls were former smokers (p = 0.95, while 95 (13.23% cases and 48 (11.88% controls were current smokers (p = 0.52. Trends toward associations between smoking status (ever vs. never with RA-overall (p = 0.15, OR = 1.44, ACPA-positive RA (p = 0.24, OR = 1.37, RF-positive RA (p = 0.14, OR = 1.46, or the presence of radiographic erosions (p = 0.66, OR = 1.28 were observed although individually here were not statistically significant. There was no evidence of statistical interaction between smoking status (ever vs. never and SE for all RA, ACPA-positive RA, ACPA-negative RA, RF-positive RA, RF-negative RA (p = 0.37, 0.50, 0.24, 0.26, and 0.81 respectively, and the 95% CI for the attributable proportion for all interactions included 0.ConclusionThis is the first study to examine the association of cigarette smoking with RA in the Han Chinese population. This study shows a trend toward an interaction between smoking and SE carriage influencing the risk of RA, though findings were not statistically significant. It is possible that in the presence of universal exposure to heavy air pollution the effect of smoking on RA risk may be obscured.

  15. Hans Ballmer : la poesía y el movimiento de la aniquilación

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    Constanza Nieto Yusta


    Full Text Available En la producción artística de Hans Bellmer confluyen factores que se inscriben tanto en el ámbito de la creación artística como en el mundo especulativo. Es en este sentido cómo pueden entenderse sus famosas poupées, objetos poéticos y científicos a través de los cuales es posible desgranar aquellos temas que obsesionaron al artista desde su más temprana juventud y que engloban desde los temores inocentes y los juegos de la primera infancia hasta la posterior exploración de la aniquilación a través del veneno, la sexualidad y el movimiento.The artistic production of the surrealist Hans Bellmer shows the importance of two elements, opposed in appearance: Poetry and Science. Is in this sense how his lifesize dolls can be considered, as poetic and scientific objects where it is possible to find the subjects that turned into obsessions since his most early childhood: games, science mechanisms, poison, sexuality, movement and death.

  16. Medicinal use of earths and minerals from Hippocrates to Sir Hans Sloane and beyond. (United States)

    Retsas, Spyros


    In 1931 two pharmaceutical drawers containing mineral specimens, belonging to Sir Hans Sloane, the 18th century collector, Royal Physician, President of the Royal Society and of the Royal College of Physicians of London, were found in the Department of Botany of the Natural History Museum (NHM) of London. The drawers, each divided into 49 compartments, contained a total of 107 mineral pharmaceutical specimens, some labelled as mercury or white arsenic. Their registration, identification with the Sloane Manuscript Catalogues and subsequent transfer to the Mineralogy department of the NHM where one of these drawers is now on public display, had been documented by 1935. In antiquity therapeutic empiricism attributed medicinal properties to animal products, plants and minerals, including the soil of specific geographic locations. This communication traces the medicinal use of certain earths and minerals, listed in Sir Hans Sloane's manuscript catalogues, to classical antiquity with a reference to Arsenic compounds, which in our time are finding application in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukaemia and to Terra Lemnia, a celebrated antidote of repute spanning twenty centuries, also included in the Sloane collections.

  17. Abundancia y Biomasa de Lombrices de Tierra en dos Ecosistemas Intervenidos del Bosque Trópica l Húmedo, Bluefields Las lombrices de tierra son el intestino de la tierra Gilbert White, 1789.

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    Gladys Luna


    Full Text Available Muchos estudios han demostrado que las lombrices de tierra (Anelidae son el componente más abundante de la macrofauna del suelo y desempeñan funciones ecológicas dentro de él.El objetivo fue evaluar la abundancia y biomasa de lombrices de tierra en dos hábitats del bosque tropical húmedo con diferentes usos de suelo en la ciudad de Bluefields, Región Autónoma Atlántico Sur (RAAS. En cada hábitat se seleccionaron dos micro-hábitats: uno con sombra y otro sin sombra y en cada uno se delimitaron tres subparcelas de 1pie2 cada una, y una profundidad de 10 cm, ubicadas al azar y a una distancia mínima de 15 m entre sí.Cada muestra de suelo se tamizó y se extrajeron, se midieron y se pesaron los individuos por subparcela. El número de lombrices registradas fue mayor en el hábitat de área reforestada que en el hábitat de bosque, pero ocurrió lo contrario con respecto al tamaño promedio de los individuos.La mayor disponibilidad de materia orgánica en el bosque puede explicar el mayor tamaño de los individuos en este sitio.En aquellos suelos que han sufrido alteraciones antrópicas, como en el campus universitario, las comunidades de lombrices han experimentado cambios extremos denotando así una mala salud; sin embargo, estas comunidades se están recuperando, especialmente en los microhabitats con sombra.

  18. Genetic polymorphisms in ALDH2 are associated with drug addiction in a Chinese Han population. (United States)

    Zhang, Chan; Ding, Heng; Cheng, Yujing; Chen, Wanlu; Li, Qi; Li, Qing; Dai, Run; Luo, Manlin


    We investigated the association between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in ALDH2, which has been associated with alcohol dependence and several types of diseases, and the risk of drug addiction in a Chinese Han population. In a case-control study that included 692 cases and 700 healthy controls, eight SNPs in ALDH2 were selected and genotyped using the Sequenom MassARRAY platform. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated using unconditional logistic regression after adjusting for age and gender. We determined that rs671 is significantly associated with a 1.551-fold increased drug addiction risk (95% CI = 1.263-1.903; p drug addiction under additive, dominant and recessive models (p drug addiction risk under additive and recessive model, respectively (p drug addiction risk (OR = 1.668; 95% CI, 1.328-2.094, p drug addiction risk (OR = 0.444; 95% CI, 0.281-0.704, p drug addiction in the Chinese Han population.

  19. Impact of strabismus on the quality of life of Chinese Han teenagers

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    Tu CS


    Full Text Available Changsen Tu, Liang Ye, Longfei Jiang, Yuwen Wang, Yingzi Li The Eye Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, School of Ophthalmology and Optometry, Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, People’s Republic of China Background: Although much research has been conducted on the impact of strabismus on the quality of life (QoL of adults, the effect of this condition on teenagers has not been extensively studied. This study therefore aimed to assess the effect of strabismus on the vision-related QoL of Chinese teenagers.Methods: The Chinese version of the 25-item National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire (NEI-VFQ-25 was self-administered by 1,040 teenagers with strabismus and 1,002 individuals with normal vision. All the participants were from the Chinese Han population. The independent samples t-test was used to compare QoL between teenagers with and without strabismus.Results: The majority of scores on the NEI-VFQ-25 domains were significantly different between the two groups. QoL was significantly lower in individuals with strabismus compared with teenagers with normal vision on all domains, with the exception of social functioning.Conclusion: Statistically significantly lower vision-related QoL scores were found in Chinese Han teenagers with strabismus compared with those without strabismus. Keywords: quality of life, strabismus, NEI-VFQ-25, teenager, HRQoL

  20. The correlation between growth hormone receptor (GHR) polymorphism and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome among the Han and Hani population in China. (United States)

    Ji, Juanjuan; Yang, Yunwei; Lin, Yan; Li, Xudong; Wu, Xiaoguang; Yang, Xi; Zhong, Ling; Tang, Ying; Huang, Zhiyong; He, Xiaoguang


    Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a common health problem that is associated with abnormality in craniofacial morphology. The growth hormone receptor (GHR) belongs to the cytokine receptor superfamily and mediates the majority of growth hormone signaling, which, among other functions, determines mandibular growth and development. The aim of this study was to determine if correlations exist between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the GHR gene and OSAS in the Han or Hani ethnic groups in China. A total of 274 Han subjects (106 with OSAS and 168 without OSAS) and a total of 270 Hani subjects (64 with OSAS and 206 without OSAS) were enrolled in our study. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood obtained from all subjects. Genotyping was undertaken for eight SNPs in the GHR gene (rs3756416, rs7727047, rs2910875, rs12153009, rs2972781, rs12518414, rs4410646, and rs6451620) using PCR amplification and Sanger sequencing. The genotype frequency of rs12518414 was associated with OSAS in both the Han and Hani groups, and the A allele frequency was remarkably lower in Hani OSAS patients compared with Hani controls (16.7 vs 29.9%). In addition, the G allele frequency of the rs3756416 SNP was significantly lower in OSAS patients compared with normal controls in the Hani ethnic group (12.5 vs 24.6%). In a comparison between ethnic groups, genotype frequencies of four SNPs (rs2972781, rs6451620, rs12518414, and rs7727047) differed between Han and Hani OSAS patients, with the A allele frequency of the rs12518414 and G allele frequency of the rs7727047 were significantly higher in the Han OSAS patients. In conclusion, significant associations were detected between some SNPs in the GHR gene and OSAS occurrence while others appeared to be ethnicity-dependent.


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    C. Li


    Full Text Available Resolution and sidelobe are mutual restrict for SAR image. Usually sidelobe suppression is based on resolution reduction. This paper provide a method for resolution enchancement using sidelobe opposition speciality of hanning window and SAR image. The method can keep high resolution on the condition of sidelobe suppression. Compare to traditional method, this method can enchance 50 % resolution when sidelobe is −30dB.

  2. From chemistry to consciousness the legacy of Hans Primas

    CERN Document Server

    Müller-Herold, Ulrich


    This book reflects on the significant and highly original scientific contributions of Hans Primas. A professor of chemistry at ETH Zurich from 1962 to 1995, Primas continued his research activities until his death in 2014. Over these 50 years and more, he worked on the foundations of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, contributed to a number of significant issues in theoretical chemistry, helped to clarify central topics in quantum theory and the philosophy of physics, suggested innovative ways of addressing interlevel relations in the philosophy of science, and introduced cutting-edge approaches in the flourishing young field of scientific studies of consciousness. His work in these areas of research and its continuing impact is described by noted experts, colleagues, and collaborators of Primas. All authors contextualize their contributions to facilitate the mutual dialog between these fields.

  3. Sexual dimorphism of the mandible in a contemporary Chinese Han population. (United States)

    Dong, Hongmei; Deng, Mohong; Wang, WenPeng; Zhang, Ji; Mu, Jiao; Zhu, Guanghui


    A present limitation of forensic anthropology practice in China is the lack of population-specific criteria on contemporary human skeletons. In this study, a sample of 203 maxillofacial Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images, including 96 male and 107 female cases (20-65 years old), was analyzed to explore mandible sexual dimorphism in a population of contemporary adult Han Chinese to investigate the potential use of the mandible as sex indicator. A three-dimensional image from mandible CBCT scans was reconstructed using the SimPlant Pro 11.40 software. Nine linear and two angular parameters were measured. Discriminant function analysis (DFA) and logistic regression analysis (LRA) were used to develop the mathematics models for sex determination. All of the linear measurements studied and one angular measurement were found to be sexually dimorphic, with the maximum mandibular length and bi-condylar breadth being the most dimorphic by univariate DFA and LRA respectively. The cross-validated sex allocation accuracies on multivariate were ranged from 84.2% (direct DFA), 83.5% (direct LRA), 83.3% (stepwise DFA) to 80.5% (stepwise LRA). In general, multivariate DFA yielded a higher accuracy and LRA obtained a lower sex bias, and therefore both DFA and LRA had their own advantages for sex determination by the mandible in this sample. These results suggest that the mandible expresses sexual dimorphism in the contemporary adult Han Chinese population, indicating an excellent sexual discriminatory ability. Cone beam computed tomography scanning can be used as alternative source for contemporary osteometric techniques. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. A 7666-bp genomic deletion is frequent in Chinese Han deaf patients with non-syndromic enlarged vestibular aqueduct but without bi-allelic SLC26A4 mutations. (United States)

    Pang, Xiuhong; Chai, Yongchuan; He, Longxia; Chen, Penghui; Wang, Xiaowen; Li, Lei; Jia, Huan; Wu, Hao; Yang, Tao


    To investigate the genetic cause of the patients with non-syndromic enlarged vestibular aqueduct (EVA) but without bi-allelic SLC26A4 mutations. Presence of a homozygous genomic deletion was detected in a Chinese Han deaf patient (D1467-1) who failed to amplify the first three exons of SLC26A4. The breakpoints of the deletion were fine-mapped and revealed by PCR amplification and sequencing. This deletion was subsequently screened in 22 Chinese Han EVA probands with mono-allelic SLC26A4 mutations. The possible founder effect of the newly identified genomic deletion was evaluated by haplotype analysis. A homozygous c.-2071_307+3801del7666 deletion of SLC26A4 was identified in patient D1467-1. This novel genomic deletion was subsequently identified in 18% (4/22) of the Chinese Han EVA probands with mono-allelic SLC26A4 mutations. Haplotype analysis showed that this genomic deletion is likely a founder mutation in Chinese Hans. Our results suggested that the cryptic c.-2071_307+3801del7666 deletion of SLC26A4 is relatively frequent in Chinese Han non-syndromic EVA patients without bi-allelic SLC26A4 mutations. Screening of this genomic deletion should be incorporated into the routine DNA testing of SLC26A4 in Chinese Hans. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Genetic variation and forensic characteristic analysis of 25 STRs of a novel fluorescence co-amplification system in Chinese Southern Shaanxi Han population (United States)

    Liu, Yao-Shun; Chen, Jian-Gang; Mei, Ting; Guo, Yu-Xin; Meng, Hao-Tian; Li, Jian-Fei; Wei, Yuan-Yuan; Jin, Xiao-Ye; Zhu, Bo-Feng; Zhang, Li-Ping


    We analyzed the genetic polymorphisms of 15 autosomal and 10 Y-chromosomal STR loci in 214 individuals of Han population from Southern Shaanxi of China and studied the genetic relationships between Southern Shaanxi Han and other populations. We observed a total of 150 alleles at 15 autosomal STR loci with the corresponding allelic frequencies ranging from 0.0023 to 0.5210, and the combined power of discrimination and exclusion for the 15 autosomal STR loci were 0.99999999999999998866 and 0.999998491, respectively. For the 10 Y-STR loci, totally 100 different haplotypes were obtained, of which 94 were unique. The discriminatory capacity and haplotype diversity values of the 10 Y-STR loci were 0.9259 and 0.998269, respectively. The results demonstrated high genetic diversities of the 25 STR loci in the population for forensic applications. We constructed neighbor-joining tree and conducted principal component analysis based on 15 autosomal STR loci and conducted multidimensional scaling analysis and constructed neighbor-joining tree based on 10 Y-STR loci. The results of population genetic analyses based on both autosomal and Y-chromosome STRs indicated that the studied Southern Shaanxi Han population had relatively closer genetic relationship with Eastern Han population, and distant relationships with Croatian, Serbian and Moroccan populations. PMID:28903432

  6. Hans Küpper discusses science and venture capital. (United States)

    Küpper, Hans


    Hans Küpper has over 30 years of experience in the biotechnology industry in areas from research to R&D management, technology assessment and business acquisitions. He received his PhD in 1974 from the University of Heidelberg. After additional academic research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the USA and at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, he joined Biogen in 1980. Here, he held various R&D positions, the last of which was Assistant Research Director. In 1985, he joined Behringwerke AG, Marburg, to build up and head the company's Molecular Biology Department and thereafter became Head of R&D of the Immunology/Oncology Business Unit. In 1999 he joined Global Life Science Ventures at their Munich office. Dr Küpper is the author of numerous publications and patents/applications and has also served as a consultant to the Pharmaceutical Industry and the European Commission. He is a board member of several early stage companies in the life sciences.

  7. La agonía del Eros, Han (2014.

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    Laura Díaz Traversa


    Full Text Available Byung-Chul Han, Dr. en Filosofía de origen coreano, realizó sus estudios en Alemania, donde reside actualmente y se desempeña como docente de Filosofía y Estudios Culturales en la Universidad de las Artes de Berlín. Desde el punto de vista teórico-académico se inscribe en el Pensamiento Crítico de la escuela de Frankfurt, siendo alumno privilegiado de Honneth. Es considerado una de las voces filosóficas más prestigiosas de dicho país, y sus obras se caracterizan por ser breves, de fácil lectura, sorprendiendo al público por su fuerza y pertinencia en la actualidad. La agonía del Eros es la tercera obra del autor traducida al castellano y promete seguir el mismo camino que las anteriores, es decir, convertirse en una obra fundamental del Pensamiento Crítico.

  8. The physician Hans Reiter as prisoner of war in Nuremberg: a contextual review of his interrogations (1945-1947). (United States)

    Wallace, Daniel J; Weisman, Michael H


    Crimes against humanity by Nazi Germany led to the codification of procedures for trying medical professionals. The principles detailed in the Nuremberg Code formulated by the Allies represented their effort to prevent future excesses and embody today's Institutional Review Boards. Reactive arthritis is often termed Reiter's syndrome, after Hans Reiter, who was incarcerated at Nuremberg. The authors reviewed Dr Hans Reiter's Nuremberg file at the National Archives in Washington, DC, and present chronologic excerpts of his interrogations between 1945 and 1947, with interpretative commentary. Reiter was involved with or knowledgeable of involuntary sterilization and euthanasia undertaken by the Nazi regime. He also played an active role in the design of a study that inoculated concentration camp internees at Buchenwald with an experimental typhus vaccine, which resulted in hundreds of deaths. A brilliant investigator and erudite intellectual, the career of Hans Reiter shows the importance and the relevance of scientific inquiry to adhere to principles enumerated in the Nuremberg Code. Because he was not the first to describe reactive arthritis, and in view of the above, Reiter's syndrome should only be used to cite an older reference that uses the term or in a historical context. Copyright 2003, Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.

  9. Micronuclei rate in workers of Novi Han radioactive waste repository

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Atamasova, P.; Hadjidekova, V.


    A cytogenetic study has been carried out by the micronucleus test of lymphocytes from the peripheral blood of 30 workers from the Novi Han radioactive waste repository. The results are compared to the results of a control group of 6 persons from the administrative staff, and to outside group of 39 healthy persons. All persons are questioned through a special questionnaire about their occupational, medical, and social status. The rate of the cells with micronuclei and the total number of the micronuclei are analysed in the peripheral blood lymphocytes using the cytogenesis-block micronucleus test. The comparison of the results does not show an increase of the lymphocytes with micronuclei in the workers

  10. ALBERT, HANS, Racionalismo crítico. Por Juan A. Estrada

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    Juan A. Estrada


    Full Text Available Autor: Hans Albert (2002 Editorial: Síntesis, Madrid, 238 pp.   Desde su tratado sobre la razón crítica, Albert no ha cesado de precisar su concepción filosófica, desde un diálogo constante con Popper y respondiendo a las diversas críticas de la hermenéutica y la fenomenología, de la teoría crítica y de la misma teología. En este volumen ofrece varios trabajos con el subtítulo de «Cuatro capítulos para una sátira del pensamiento ilusorio», precedida de un denso y buen prólogo de Ángeles J. Perona.

  11. Distinct genotype distribution and haplotype profiles in MDR1 gene among Chinese Han, Bai, Wa and Tibetan ethnic groups. (United States)

    Lai, Yong; Huang, Min; Li, Hui; Wang, Xue-Ding; Li, Jia-Li


    P-Glycoprotein (P-gp, encoded by MDR1 gene) plays an important role in determining bioavailability and pharmacologic effects of many drugs. There is increasing evidence that P-gp activity may be genetically determined. In this study, we investigated the genotype distribution and the haplotype profiles of MDR1 gene in Chinese Han, Bai, Wa and Tibetan subjects. Much lower frequencies of the 1236T allele and the 2677T allele were found in Wa subjects than those in other three ethnic groups, while the 2677A allele was found about 6-fold more frequently in Han subjects than in subjects of other three ethnic groups. The Han, Bai and Tibetan subjects share the same three predominant haplotypes (T-T-T, T-G-C and C-G-C), and T-T-T is the highest and accounts for more than one third of the number of haplotypes in the subjects from each ethnic group. However, T-T-T was less common than T-G-C, T-G-T and C-G-C and occurring at only 13.8% in Wa subjects, furthermore, higher frequencies of T-G-T, C-T-C, C-G-T and C-T-T were observed in Wa subjects compared to those in other three ethnic groups. Frequencies of C-A-C and T-A-C in Han subjects were higher than those in other three ethnic groups. The findings of this study will be of some relevance in predicting MDR1 phenotype and pharmacokinetics as well as pharmacodynamic effects of many commonly used drugs that are P-gp substrates in these four Chinese ethnic groups.

  12. Pen size and parity effects on maternal behaviour of Small-Tail Han sheep. (United States)

    Lv, S-J; Yang, Y; Dwyer, C M; Li, F-K


    The aim of this experiment was to study the effects of pen size and parity on maternal behaviour of twin-bearing Small-Tail Han ewes. A total of 24 ewes were allocated to a 2×2 design (six per pen), with parity (primiparous or multiparous) and pen size (large: 6.0×3.0 m; small: 6.0×1.5 m) as main effects at Linyi University, Shandong Province, China. Behaviour was observed from after parturition until weaning. All ewes were observed for 6 h every 5 days from 0700 to1000 h and from 1400 to 1700 h. Continuous focal animal sampling was used to quantify the duration of maternal behaviours: sucking, grooming and following as well as the frequency of udder accepting, udder refusing and low-pitched bleating. Oestradiol and cortisol concentrations in the faeces (collected in the morning every 5 days) were detected using EIA kits. All lambs were weighed 24 h after parturition and again at weaning at 35 days of age. The small pen size significantly reduced following (Pbehaviour in sheep during lactation. The study is also the first to report on the maternal behaviour of Chinese native sheep breeds (Small-Tail Han sheep), with implications for the production of sheep in China.

  13. Association study of monoamine oxidase A/B genes and schizophrenia in Han Chinese

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    Li Sheng-Bin


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Monoamine oxidases (MAOs catalyze the metabolism of dopaminergic neurotransmitters. Polymorphisms of isoforms MAOA and MAOB have been implicated in the etiology of mental disorders such as schizophrenia. Association studies detected these polymorphisms in several populations, however the data have not been conclusive to date. Here, we investigated the association of MAOA and MAOB polymorphisms with schizophrenia in a Han Chinese population. Methods Two functional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs, rs6323 of MAOA and rs1799836 of MAOB, were selected for association analysis in 537 unrelated schizophrenia patients and 536 healthy controls. Single-locus and Haplotype associations were calculated. Results No differences were found in the allelic distribution of rs6323. The G allele of rs1799836 was identified as a risk factor in the development of schizophrenia (P = 0.00001. The risk haplotype rs6323T-rs1799836G was associated with schizophrenia in female patients (P = 0.0002, but the frequency difference was not significant among male groups. Conclusions Our results suggest that MAOB is a susceptibility gene for schizophrenia. In contrast, no significant associations were observed for the MAOA functional polymorphism with schizophrenia in Han Chinese. These data support further investigation of the role of MAO genes in schizophrenia.

  14. Epístolas Sacrílegas. Las declaraciones públicas de líderes evangélicos chilenos ante el gobierno militar de Pinochet (1974 y 1986

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    Miguel Ángel Mansilla


    Full Text Available Resumen La relación establecida entre el mundo evangélico y la dictadura militar chilena es uno de los episodios más significativos de la historia política y religiosa reciente en Chile. Si bien este fenómeno ha sido investigado tanto por las ciencias sociales como por la teología, sus posturas han tendido a desarrollarse de manera desvinculada, ofreciendo una imagen parcelada de la problemática. El presente artículo intenta ser un aporte en este ámbito específico, para lo cual se ha fijado un objetivo concreto: analizar los elementos ideológicos y políticos distintivos de las declaraciones públicas realizadas por el mundo evangélico ante el gobierno militar, vinculándolas con los contextos ideológicos en los cuales se emitieron estas declaraciones. Para ello, metodológicamente se han analizado dos declaraciones fundamentales realizadas por los líderes y pastores evangélicos ante el régimen militar chileno (fuentes primarias, lo cual permitirá complejizar la imagen que se posee sobre la relación entre el mundo evangélico y la dictadura militar chilena.

  15. Quality assurance for safety in the radioactive waste management: a quality assurance system in Novi Han radioactive waste repository

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petrova, A.; Kolev, I.


    Novi Han Radioactive Waste Repository (RWR) is still the only place in Bulgaria for storage of low and intermediate level radioactive waste. It is necessary to establish and maintain a Quality Assurance (QA) system to ensure that the RWR can be operated safely with regard to the health and safety of the general public and site personnel. A QA system has to establish the basic requirements for quality assurance in order to enhance nuclear safety by continuously improving the methods employed to achieve quality. It is envisaged that the QA system for the Novi Han RWR will cover the operation and maintenance of the radioactive waste disposal facilities, the radiation protection and monitoring of the site, as well as the scientific and technology development aspects. The functions of the Novi Han RWR presume the availability of an environmental management system. It is appropriate to establish a QA system based on the requirements of the ISO Standards 9001 and 14000, using the recommendations of the IAEA (Quality assurance for safety in NPPs and other nuclear installations, code and safety guides Q1-Q14). (authors)

  16. Frontal Lobe Dysfunction in a Depressed Patient Who Survived a Suicide Attempt by Jumping from the Bridge on the Han River. (United States)

    Kim, Kiwon; Jeon, Hong Jin


    Suicide attempts at the Han river are rapidly increasing, which are 4.11 times from 2005 to 2015, whereas the rate of completed suicide in South Korea increased 1.07 times during the same period. However, few studies have been conducted on the issue because many suicide attempters were seriously injured after a fall in the Han river. We present a case of a patient with major depressive disorder (MDD) who attempted suicide and minimally injured after jumping from the bridge at the Han river. We could assess his psychological and neurocognitive functions before and immediately after his attempt. From this case, we can identify that higher cognitive aspect of executive dysfunction, especially in the frontal domain of selective attention and inhibition, may be associated with his suicide attempt. In conclusion, we suggest psychiatric treatments for cognitive impulsiveness and safety barriers at the bridge to prevent suicide attempts of patients with MDD.

  17. Hans Joas & Daniel R. Huebner (eds.), The Timeliness of George Herbert Mead


    Baggio, Guido


    The Timeliness of George Herbert Mead is a significant contribution to the recent “Mead renaissance.” It gathers some contributions first presented at the conference celebrating the 150th anniversary of the birth of George Herbert Mead held in April 2013 at the University of Chicago and organized by Hans Joas, Andrew Abbott, Daniel Huebner, and Christopher Takacs. The volume brings scholarship on G. H. Mead up to date highlighting Mead’s relevance for areas of research completely ignored by p...

  18. Association of inflammatory gene polymorphisms with ischemic stroke in a Chinese Han population


    Zhao, Nan; Liu, Xin; Wang, Yongqin; Liu, Xiaoqiu; Li, Jiana; Yu, Litian; Ma, Liyuan; Wang, Shuyu; Zhang, Hongye; Liu, Lisheng; Zhao, Jingbo; Wang, Xingyu


    Abstract Background Inflammatory mechanisms are important in stroke risk, and genetic variations in components of the inflammatory response have been implicated as risk factors for stroke. We tested the inflammatory gene polymorphisms and their association with ischemic stroke in a Chinese Han population. Methods A total of 1,124 ischemic stroke cases and 1,163 controls were genotyped with inflammatory panel strips containing 51 selected inflammatory gene polymorphisms from 35 candidate genes...

  19. Genetic variations in MTHFR and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma susceptibility in Chinese Han population. (United States)

    Tang, Weifeng; Zhang, Sheng; Qiu, Hao; Wang, Lixin; Sun, Bin; Yin, Jun; Gu, Haiyong


    Esophageal cancer is the sixth most common cancer worldwide. Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is a fatal malignancy associated with low 5-year survival rate. The aim of this study was to assess the association between methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) rs1801133 C>T, rs3753584 A>G, rs4845882 G>A, rs4846048 A>G and rs9651118 T>C genotypes and ESCC susceptibility in a hospital-based case-control study. We conducted genotyping analyses for these five SNPs with 629 ESCC cases and 686 controls in a Chinese Han population. Ligation detection reaction method was used to identify genotypes of these MTHFR SNPs. Our results demonstrated that MTHFR rs1801133 C>T was associated with the risk of ESCC; however, MTHFR rs4845882 G>A and rs4846048 A>G SNPs were associated with the decreased risk of ESCC, and MTHFR rs3753584 A>G and rs9651118 T>C SNPs were not associated with ESCC risk. Our findings suggests that MTHFR rs1801133 C>T, rs4845882 G>A and rs4846048 A>G SNPs may be genetic modifiers for developing ESCC in Chinese Han population.

  20. Hans Georg Trüper (1936–2016 and His Contributions to Halophile Research

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    Aharon Oren


    Full Text Available Prof. Hans Georg Trüper, one of the most important scientists in the field of halophile research, passed away on 9 March 2016 at the age of 79. I here present a brief obituary with special emphasis on Prof. Trüper’s contributions to our understanding of the halophilic prokaryotes and their adaptations to life in hypersaline environments. He has pioneered the study of the halophilic anoxygenic phototrophic sulfur bacteria of the Ectothiorhodospira—Halorhodospira group. Some of the species he and his group isolated from hypersaline and haloalkaline environments have become model organisms for the study of the mechanisms of haloadaptation: the functions of three major organic compounds – glycine betaine, ectoine, and trehalose – known to serve as “compatible solutes” in halophilic members of the Bacteria domain, were discovered during studies of these anoxygenic phototrophs. Prof. Trüper’s studies of hypersaline alkaline environments in Egypt also led to the isolation of the first known extremely halophilic archaeon (Natronomonas pharaonis. The guest editors dedicate this special volume of Life to the memory of Prof. Hans Georg Trüper.

  1. Hans H. Ussing - scientific work: contemporary significance and perspectives

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Erik Hviid


    As a zoologist, Hans H. Ussing began his scientific career by studying the marine plankton fauna in East Greenland. This brought him in contact with August Krogh at the time George de Hevesy, Niels Bohr and Krogh planned the application of artificial radioactive isotopes for studying the dynamic...... at the cellular level and raised new questions about cellular mechanisms of actions of hormones and drugs. His theoretical treatment of osmotic water fluxes versus fluxes of deuterium labeled water resulted in the discovery of epithelial water channels. His discovery of paracellular transport in frog skin bridged...... studies of high and low resistance epithelia and generalized the description of epithelial transport. He devoted the last decade of his scientific life to solute-coupled water transport. He introduced the sodium recirculation theory of isotonic transport, and in an experimental study, he obtained...

  2. Effect of the 3'APOB-VNTR polymorphism on the lipid profiles in the Guangxi Hei Yi Zhuang and Han populations (United States)

    Ruixing, Yin; Guangqin, Chen; Yong, Wang; Weixiong, Lin; Dezhai, Yang; Shangling, Pan


    Background Apolipoprotein (Apo) B is the major component of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) and chylomicrons. Many genetic polymorphisms of the Apo B have been described, associated with variation of lipid levels. However, very few studies have evaluated the effect of the variable number of tandem repeats region 3' of the Apo B gene (3'APOB-VNTR) polymorphism on the lipid profiles in the special minority subgroups in China. Thus, the present study was undertaken to study the effect of the 3'APOB-VNTR polymorphism on the serum lipid levels in the Guangxi Hei Yi Zhuang and Han populations. Methods A total of 548 people of Hei Yi Zhuang were surveyed by a stratified randomized cluster sampling. The epidemiological survey was performed using internationally standardized methods. Serum lipid and apolipoprotein levels were measured. The 3'APOB-VNTR alleles were determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels, and classified according to the number of repeats of a 15-bp hypervariable elements (HVE). The sequence of the most common allele was determined using the PCR and direct sequencing. The possible association between alleles of the 3'APOB-VNTR and lipid variables was examined. The results were compared with those in 496 people of Han who also live in that district. Results Nineteen alleles ranging from 24 to 64 repeats were detected in both Hei Yi Zhuang and Han. HVE56 and HVE58 were not be detected in Hei Yi Zhuang whereas HVE48 and HVE62 were totally absent in Han. The frequencies of HVE26, HVE30, HVE46, heterozygote, and short alleles (VNTR-LS (carrier of one long and one short alleles) than in VNTR-LL (the individual carrying two long alleles) genotypes. The levels of TC, triglycerides (TG), LDL cholesterol, and Apo B in Hei Yi Zhuang were higher in both HVE34 and HVE36 alleles than in HVE32 allele. The levels of TC, TG, HDL-C and Apo B in Hei Yi Zhuang were also higher in

  3. HANS FREUDENTHAL, un matemático en Didáctica y teoría curricular

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gravemeijer, K.P.E.; Terwel, J.


    Se describen las principales ideas del trabajo de Hans Freudenthal (1905-1990), el matemático y educador matemático holandés, relacionadas con teoría curricular y didáctica. Se explora el credo educacional de Freudenthal: “la matemática es una actividad humana”. Desde este punto de partida

  4. Platelet glycoprotein IaC807T polymorphisms and ischemic stroke in young Chinese Han population. (United States)

    Zhang, J; Huang, D; Yang, J; An, H; Ojha, R; DU, C; Liu, R


    The objective of this study was to investigate the association between platelet glycoprotein (GP) Ia C807T polymorphisms and ischemic stroke in young Chinese Han Population. We conducted a case-control study in 92 consecutive young (ischemic stroke inpatients and outpatients, 86 elder ischemic stroke control (> 50 years), and 160 age- and sex-matched healthy control. Genotyping of platelet GP Ia C807Tpolymorphisms was performed by polymerase chain reaction followed by sequencing nucleic acid with dideoxy chain-termination method and an ABI PRISM3100 (Perkin-Elmer Co) genetic analyzer. Student's t-test, chi-square test, and logistic regression modeling were used for data significance analyses. Hypertension and smoking were found to be the independent risk factors for ischemic stroke patients (aged ischemic stroke patients (aged > 50 years). There was no significant difference observed in the T allele frequency of GPIa C807T polymorphisms between young stroke patients and corresponding controls. These findings suggest that there is no role of GPIa C807T polymorphisms in the development of young first-ever ischemic stroke in Chinese Han Population.

  5. The centrality of DSM and non-DSM depressive symptoms in Han Chinese women with major depression

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kendler, K.S.; Aggen, S.H.; Flint, J.; Borsboom, D.; Fried, E.I.

    Introduction: We compared DSM-IV criteria for major depression (MD) with clinically selected non-DSM criteria in their ability to represent clinical features of depression. Method: We conducted network analyses of 19 DSM and non-DSM symptoms of MD assessed at personal interview in 5952 Han Chinese

  6. Prediction consistency and clinical presentations of breast cancer molecular subtypes for Han Chinese population

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    Huang Chi-Cheng


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease in terms of transcriptional aberrations; moreover, microarray gene expression profiles had defined 5 molecular subtypes based on certain intrinsic genes. This study aimed to evaluate the prediction consistency of breast cancer molecular subtypes from 3 distinct intrinsic gene sets (Sørlie 500, Hu 306 and PAM50 as well as clinical presentations of each molecualr subtype in Han Chinese population. Methods In all, 169 breast cancer samples (44 from Taiwan and 125 from China of Han Chinese population were gathered, and the gene expression features corresponding to 3 distinct intrinsic gene sets (Sørlie 500, Hu 306 and PAM50 were retrieved for molecular subtype prediction. Results For Sørlie 500 and Hu 306 intrinsic gene set, mean-centring of genes and distance-weighted discrimination (DWD remarkably reduced the number of unclassified cases. Regarding pairwise agreement, the highest predictive consistency was found between Hu 306 and PAM50. In all, 150 and 126 samples were assigned into identical subtypes by both Hu 306 and PAM50 genes, under mean-centring and DWD. Luminal B tended to show a higher nuclear grade and have more HER2 over-expression status than luminal A did. No basal-like breast tumours were ER positive, and most HER2-enriched breast tumours showed HER2 over-expression, whereas, only two-thirds of ER negativity/HER2 over-expression tumros were predicted as HER2-enriched molecular subtype. For 44 Taiwanese breast cancers with survival data, a better prognosis of luminal A than luminal B subtype in ER-postive breast cancers and a better prognosis of basal-like than HER2-enriched subtype in ER-negative breast cancers was observed. Conclusions We suggest that the intrinsic signature Hu 306 or PAM50 be used for breast cancers in the Han Chinese population during molecular subtyping. For the prognostic value and decision making based on intrinsic subtypes, further prospective

  7. [A Survey for Colton and Other 3 Rare Blood Group Systems in Chinese Nanjing Han Population]. (United States)

    Chen, Yan; Ma, Ling; Liu, Yan-Chun


    To investigate the distribution of Colton, Diego, Kell and Yt rare blood groups in Chinese Nanjing Han population, so as to improve the transfusion capability of patients with rare blood group and to further enrich the rare-blood-donor bank. A total of 2 015 blood samples from the blood donors were selected randomly to screen the presence of K⁺ and Kp(c+) (Kell), Yt(b+) (Yt), Co(b+) (Colton), Di(a+b+) and Di(a+b-) (Digeo) antigen allele by using PCR and multiplex PCR. Out of 2005 samples, 1 case with K⁺ gene, 8 cases with Yt(b+) gene and 100 cases with Di(a+b+) gene, 2 cases with Di(a+b-) were identified, while no Kp(c+) and Co(b+) were detected. The frequencies of K⁺, Yt(b+) and Di(a+), Di(b+) are 0.0003, 0.0013 and 0.0258, 0.9742, respectively. They are very rare blood groups in Chinese Nanjing Han population.

  8. Role of IL-17 Variants in Preeclampsia in Chinese Han Women.

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    Haiyan Wang

    Full Text Available Previous studies have suggested an important role for IL-17, mainly secreted by Th17 cells, in the development of systemic inflammation in preeclampsia (PE. This study therefore investigated the association between genetic variants in IL-17A, IL-17F, and IL-17RA and susceptibility to PE in Chinese Han women. We recruited 1,031 PE patients and 1,298 controls of later pregnant women, and used TaqMan allelic discrimination real-time PCR to genotype the polymorphisms of IL17A rs2275913, IL-17F rs763780, and IL-17RA rs4819554. No significant differences in genotypic or allelic frequencies were found at all three polymorphic sites between PE patients and controls (rs2275913: genotype χ2 = 0.218, p = 0.897 and allele χ2 = 0.157, p = 0.692, OR = 1.024, 95%CI 0.911-1.152; rs763780: genotype χ2 = 1.948, p = 0.377 and allele χ2 = 1.242, p = 0.265, OR = 0.897, 95%CI 0.741-1.086; rs4819554: genotype χ2 = 0.633, p = 0.729 and allele χ2 = 0.115, p = 0.735, OR = 1.020, 95%CI 0.908-1.146. There were also no significant differences in genetic distributions between mild/severe PE or early/late-onset PE and control subgroups. Our data indicate that the genetic variants of rs2275913 in IL-17A, rs763780 in IL-17F, and rs4819554 in IL-17RA may not play a role in the pathogenesis of PE in Chinese Han women. However, these findings should be confirmed in other ethnic populations.

  9. Collaboration, Reputation, and Ethics in American Academic Life: Hans H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills. (United States)

    Oakes, Guy; Vidich, Arthur J.

    Using the collaboration between sociologist C. Wright Mills and Hans H. Gerth and their studies of the work of Max Weber as a point of departure for a sustained discussion of academic ethics, this book explores how concealment, secrecy, and deception contribute to the building of academic reputation and how the balance of knowledge and power in a…

  10. A study on the formation of fouling in a heat exchanging system for Han-river water as cooling water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sung, Sun Kyung; Suh, Sang Ho; Rho, Hyung Woon; Cho, Young Il


    Scale is formed when hard water is heated or cooled in heat transfer equipments such as heat exchangers, condensers, evaporators, cooling towers, boilers, and pipe walls. When scale deposits in a heat exchanger surface, it is traditionally called fouling. The objective of the present study is to investigate the formation of fouling in a heat exchanging system. A lab-scale heat exchanging system is built-up to observe and measure the formation of fouling experimentally. Water analyses are conducted to obtain the properties of Han river water. In the present study a microscopic observation is conducted to visualize the process of scale formation. Hardness of Han-river water is higher than that of tap water in Seoul

  11. Notas introductorias sobre el populismo y la cultura política en el área andina de América Latina

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    H.C.F. Mansilla


    Full Text Available Los elementos centrales de la cultura política y de la mentalidad colectiva del área andina se arrastran desde la época colonial. Han sufrido obviamente muchas alteraciones; la más importante ha sido la inducida por el proceso de modernización en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Pero sus rasgos más importantes siguen vigentes hasta ahora: autoritarismo, paternalismo y centralismo, por un lado, y el funcionamiento lento, inefi ciente y enrevesado del aparato burocrático, por otro. Una carencia adicional de investigaciones es el tema de la percepción colectiva de la ley. La preservación de esta cultura política puede signifi car una regresión hacia modelos de acción de corte nacionalista y colectivista y hacia procedimientos políticos signados por el caudillismo, la atracción carismática, el irracionalismo y las jerarquías autoritarias.

  12. El riesgo en los procesos de trabajo de la industria de la construcción uruguaya

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    Francisco Pucci


    Full Text Available Las condiciones de trabajo constituyen un ámbito en el cual confluyen determinantes estructurales de diferente nivel:  las estrategias productivas, las formas de relacionamiento laboral, la estructura del mercado de trabajo, las formas de organización del trabajo, etc.Pese a ello, pueden considerarse un campo autónomo de análisis, en la medida en que constituyen un campo específico de negociación y lucha que tiene una lógica y una dinámica ndependiente de otras relaciones sociales en el mundodel trabajo.En los últimos años, las condiciones de trabajo en Uruguay han sufrido un proceso de transformación.Contenido: Introducción. La gestión del riesgo. Los procesos de trabajo en la construcción. La perspectiva de los empresarios. El rol del Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social. El delegado obrero de seguridad. Conclusiones

  13. de la fotosíntesis C4

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    J. C. Raya-Pérez


    Full Text Available La fotosíntesis C4 surgió hace unos 7-5 millones de años y tiene un origen polifilético. La disminución en la concentración atmosférica de CO2 a menos de 500 partes por millón (ppm propició la aparición de un mecanismo para concentrar este gas en la zona donde actúa la Rubisco (ribulosa bifosfato carboxilasa/oxigenasa, evitando así su actividad de oxigenasa. El análisis de los genes que codifican para las enzimas usadas en la vía C4, así como la caracterización bioquímica de algunas de estas enzimas, permiten entrever algunos de los cambios que han sufrido a fin de adaptarse a una nueva función, la de concentrar el CO2 a fin de que sea utilizado por la Rubisco.

  14. Las drogas heroicas

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    Tomas Doria M.


    Full Text Available Calificase con el pomposo nombre de drogas heroicas un grupo de medicamentos de suyo venenosos y de manejo dificil aun para el más hábil en el arte de la terapéutica, y los cuales han sido escogidos, con inclinación desviada y peligrosa, para entregarse a una serie de estados psicopáticos, en los que juega el principal papel la costumbre invencible de un veneno y con los cuales la humanidad ha sufrido un golpe trágico en sus raíces más profundas, cuales son la procreación misma y la conservación de la vida. Esta palabra heroica, epíteto. elástico y cuya significación en este caso es muy difícil de interpretar, no puede tener otro origen que los esfuerzos verdaderamente heroicos que el enviciado a la morfina o a la cocaina pone en juego. cuando la droga le hace falta.

  15. Una secuencia didáctica de modelización, indagación y creación del conocimiento científico en torno a la deriva continental y la tectónica de placas

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    Jordi Domènech Casal


    Full Text Available Se describe una actividad de indagación sobre la Tectónica de placas. En ella, el alumnado debe reconstruir la historia geológica de un planeta imaginario integrando distintos tipos de datos (distribución geográfica de fósiles, antigüedad de orógenos, regiones sísmicas para construir un modelo de la ubicación de los límites de placa tectónica y los cambios que han sufrido los distintos continentes. A lo largo de la actividad se suceden distintas organizaciones de aula y andamios didácticos, con el objetivo de promover dinámicas de creación de conocimiento científico y la sistematización del aprendizaje y la consecución del objetivo final: realizar un breve vídeo de divulgación científica sobre la historia geológica de este planeta imaginario.

  16. Hombre, calor y aislamiento

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    Neutra, Richard J.


    Full Text Available Con los nuevos tipos estructurales y con los adelantos de las ciencias biológicas en lo que se refiere a los procesos orgánicos, mis ideas sobre aislamiento, y las de casi todos los demás arquitectos y constructores, han sufrido una evolución interesantísima en los últimos veinticinco años. Y me complace subrayar que los que, como yo, estudiamos el decorado humano, podemos hacer mucho en beneficio de nuestros clientes. No hace aún mucho tiempo toda la protección de una casa contra el peligro de transferencia térmica se confiaba exclusivamente a muros y cubiertas no aislantes. Los propietarios se limitaban a culpar al tiempo de su falta de confort. Pero esta falta de comodidad en cuanto a calefacción no era la única consecuencia; tras ella aparecían daños de efectos duraderos y patológicos.

  17. Nuevas tendencias del turismo y las tecnologías de información y las comunicaciones

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    Jorge Bonilla


    Full Text Available El turismo ha evolucionado desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad. Hay principalmente tres factores que han generado cambios en el sistema turístico. Primero, un cambio en la visión social del mundo y del comportamiento del ser humano en su entorno, factor que está más que todo relacionado con lo sociológico y lo natural. Segundo, la evolución de los medios de transporte y gracias también a las nuevas tecnologías. Tercero, el surgimiento de nuevos medios de comunicación y de la tecnología como motor de cambio. Este trabajo se ocupará del primero y del tercero donde se explicarán los cambios que ha sufrido el mercado y que actualmente marcan las nuevas tendencias del turismo aprovechando además las tecnologías de información y de las comunicaciones.


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    María Del Pilar Morad de Martinez


    Full Text Available Pensar en las permanencias’ las transformaciones en el ejercicio de la maternidad y la paternidad nos brindan la posibilidad de profundizar en el conocimiento de las relaciones entre hombres y mujeres; acerca de’ su saber, el deber ser, sus comportamientos, su transmisión e integración a la vida cotidiana reconstruyendo así el pensamiento social y ‘cultural en un momento histórico específico. Los roles femeninos y masculinos han sufrido cambios en las últimas décadas producto de la inserción femenina al mercado laboral. El mundo de lo público y lo privado que había ‘sido asociado el primero con el hombre y el segundo con la mujer, también ha replanteado funciones y ha dado una mayor participación a la mujer en la vida social, laboral, política, académica y cultural.

  19. [Relationship between Ghrelin polymorphism and serum lipoprotein levels in Han Chinese with or without coronary heart disease risk factors]. (United States)

    Xie, Xuan; Zhang, Jing; Wang, Yu-huan; Wang, Jun-hong; Zhang, Chun-hong; Ni, Hong-yan; Yuan, Xiao-hong


    To investigate the relationship between polymorphism of Ghrelin gene and serum levels of lipoprotein in Han Chinese with or without coronary heart disease (CHD) risk factors. PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism assay was used to detect the distribution of genotypes of Ghrelin gene in 225 Han Chinese (40 to 69 years-old) with CHD risk factors, 78 subjects without CHD risk factors served as normal controls. Serum levels of total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C), low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) and very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) were measured to analyze the relationship with the polymorphism of Ghrelin gene. Ghrelin genotype frequencies of AA, AG, GG (0.975, 0.025, 0.00 in control group and 0.956, 0.040, 0.004 in the high-risk group, all P > 0.05) as well as the allele frequencies of A, G (0.987, 0.013 in control group and 0.976, 0.024 in the high-risk group, all P > 0.05) were similar between the groups. HDL-C levels of the Arg/Gln carriers were significantly lower than those of Arg/Arg carriers in control group and in the high-risk group (all P < 0.05). Arg/Gln carriers were associated lower HDL-C levels in Han Chinese.

  20. Verification of pharmacogenetics-based warfarin dosing algorithms in Han-Chinese patients undertaking mechanic heart valve replacement. (United States)

    Zhao, Li; Chen, Chunxia; Li, Bei; Dong, Li; Guo, Yingqiang; Xiao, Xijun; Zhang, Eryong; Qin, Li


    To study the performance of pharmacogenetics-based warfarin dosing algorithms in the initial and the stable warfarin treatment phases in a cohort of Han-Chinese patients undertaking mechanic heart valve replacement. We searched PubMed, Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure and Wanfang databases for selecting pharmacogenetics-based warfarin dosing models. Patients with mechanic heart valve replacement were consecutively recruited between March 2012 and July 2012. The predicted warfarin dose of each patient was calculated and compared with the observed initial and stable warfarin doses. The percentage of patients whose predicted dose fell within 20% of their actual therapeutic dose (percentage within 20%), and the mean absolute error (MAE) were utilized to evaluate the predictive accuracy of all the selected algorithms. A total of 8 algorithms including Du, Huang, Miao, Wei, Zhang, Lou, Gage, and International Warfarin Pharmacogenetics Consortium (IWPC) model, were tested in 181 patients. The MAE of the Gage, IWPC and 6 Han-Chinese pharmacogenetics-based warfarin dosing algorithms was less than 0.6 mg/day in accuracy and the percentage within 20% exceeded 45% in all of the selected models in both the initial and the stable treatment stages. When patients were stratified according to the warfarin dose range, all of the equations demonstrated better performance in the ideal-dose range (1.88-4.38 mg/day) than the low-dose range (pharmacogenetics-based warfarin dosing regimens performed similarly in our cohort. However, the algorithms of Wei, Huang, and Miao showed a better potential for warfarin prediction in the initial and the stable treatment phases in Han-Chinese patients undertaking mechanic heart valve replacement.

  1. Feeling Happy and Sad at the Same Time? Subcultural Differences in Experiencing Mixed Emotions between Han Chinese and Mongolian Chinese (United States)

    Deng, Xinmei; Ding, Xuechen; Cheng, Chen; Chou, Hiu Mei


    Sometimes people experience pleasant and unpleasant emotions at the same time in a single emotional event. Previous cross-cultural studies indicated that such mixed emotions are more prevalent in China and related to the attitudes toward happiness and individual’s regulatory motivation. However, China is a multi-ethnic country and not much is known about subcultural differences in mixed emotions. The aim of this study was to examine the role that implicit attitudes toward happiness and regulatory motivation played in regard of the subcultural differences in mixed emotions between Han (N = 61) and Mongolian Chinese (N = 46). Results indicated that, compared with Mongolian Chinese, Han Chinese showed stronger associations between implicit contra-hedonic attitudes toward happiness and mixed emotions during pleasant emotional events. Also, Han Chinese who reported contra-hedonic motivation during pleasant emotional events had higher levels of mixed emotions than those who had hedonic motivation. No significant differences were found in terms of mixed emotions between Mongolian Chinese who had contra-hedonic and hedonic motivation. These results suggest that the psychological mechanisms underlying differences in mixed emotions also require a more comprehensive understanding from a subcultural perspective. PMID:27833582

  2. Feeling Happy and Sad at the Same Time? Subcultural Differences in Experiencing Mixed Emotions between Han Chinese and Mongolian Chinese. (United States)

    Deng, Xinmei; Ding, Xuechen; Cheng, Chen; Chou, Hiu Mei


    Sometimes people experience pleasant and unpleasant emotions at the same time in a single emotional event. Previous cross-cultural studies indicated that such mixed emotions are more prevalent in China and related to the attitudes toward happiness and individual's regulatory motivation. However, China is a multi-ethnic country and not much is known about subcultural differences in mixed emotions. The aim of this study was to examine the role that implicit attitudes toward happiness and regulatory motivation played in regard of the subcultural differences in mixed emotions between Han ( N = 61) and Mongolian Chinese ( N = 46). Results indicated that, compared with Mongolian Chinese, Han Chinese showed stronger associations between implicit contra-hedonic attitudes toward happiness and mixed emotions during pleasant emotional events. Also, Han Chinese who reported contra-hedonic motivation during pleasant emotional events had higher levels of mixed emotions than those who had hedonic motivation. No significant differences were found in terms of mixed emotions between Mongolian Chinese who had contra-hedonic and hedonic motivation. These results suggest that the psychological mechanisms underlying differences in mixed emotions also require a more comprehensive understanding from a subcultural perspective.

  3. Feeling Happy and Sad at the Same Time? Subcultural Differences in Experiencing Mixed Emotions between Han Chinese and Mongolian Chinese

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    Xinmei Deng


    Full Text Available In some occasions, people experience pleasant and unpleasant emotions at the same time in a single emotional event. Previous cross-cultural studies indicated that such mixed emotions are more prevalent in China and highly related to the attitudes toward happiness and individual’s affective motivation. However, as a multi-ethnic country, not much is known about the subcultural differences in mixed emotions in China. Thus, we examined the role that implicit attitudes toward happiness and affective motivation may play in regard of the subcultural differences in mixed emotions between Han (N = 61 and Mongolian Chinese (N = 46. Results indicated that, compared with Mongolian Chinese, Han Chinese had a stronger association between implicit contra-hedonic attitudes toward happiness and mixed emotions in a pleasant emotional event. Also, Han Chinese who reported contra-hedonic motivation in a pleasant emotional event had higher level of mixed emotions than who had hedonic motivation. No significant difference was found in the mixed emotions between Mongolian Chinese who had contra-hedonic and hedonic motivation. These results suggested that the psychological mechanisms underlying the differences in mixed emotions require a comprehensive understanding not only in cross-cultural context but also from subcultural perspective.

  4. Meta-analysis indicates that the European GWAS-identified risk SNP rs1344706 within ZNF804A is not associated with schizophrenia in Han Chinese population.

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    Ming Li

    Full Text Available Recent genetic association studies have implicated several candidate susceptibility variants for schizophrenia among general populations. Rs1344706, an intronic SNP within ZNF804A, was identified as one of the most compelling candidate risk SNPs for schizophrenia in Europeans through genome-wide association studies (GWASs and replications as well as large-scale meta-analyses. However, in Han Chinese, the results for rs1344706 are inconsistent, and whether rs1344706 is an authentic risk SNP for schizophrenia in Han Chinese is inconclusive. Here, we conducted a systematic meta-analysis of rs1344706 with schizophrenia in Chinese population by combining all available case-control samples (N = 12, including a total of 8,982 cases and 12,342 controls. The results of our meta-analysis were not able to confirm an association of rs1344706 A-allele with schizophrenia (p = 0.10, odds ratio = 1.06, 95% confidence interval = 0.99-1.13. Such absence of association was further confirmed by the non-superiority test (p = 0.0003, suggesting that rs1344706 is not a risk SNP for schizophrenia in Han Chinese. Detailed examinations of individual samples revealed potential sampling bias in previous replication studies in Han Chinese. The absence of rs1344706 association in Han Chinese suggest a potential genetic heterogeneity in the susceptibility of schizophrenia on this locus and also demonstrate the difficulties in replicating genome-wide association findings of schizophrenia across different ethnic populations.

  5. Distribution of HLA-A, -B, and -C Alleles and HLA/KIR Combinations in Han Population in China

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    Yunsong Shen


    Full Text Available We investigated polymorphisms of the human leukocyte antigen (HLA class I (A, B, and C loci of a Han population (n, 239 from the Yunnan province, Southwest China, using high-resolution polymerase chain reaction-Luminex (PCR-Luminex typing. We combined the HLA data from this study with the KIR genotypes from a previous study of this Han population to analyze the combination of KIR/HLA ligands. A total of 27 HLA-A, 54 HLA-B, and 31 HLA-C alleles were found in this population. The frequencies of A*11:01, A*24:02, B*40:01, B*46:01, C*01:02, C*03:04, and C*07:02 were all > 10%. The following haplotypes were common, with frequencies > 5%: 1 A-B (A*02:07-B*46:01, 2 A-C (A*02:07-C*01:02, and A*11:01-C*07:02, 4 C-B (B*13:01-C*03:04, B*40:01-C*07:02, B*46:01-C*01:02 and B*58:01-C*03:02, and 1 A-C-B (A*02:07-C*01:02-B*46:01. Analysis of KIR3D and their ligands HLA-A3/A11 and HLA-Bw4 showed that the frequencies of 3DL2+-A3/A11+ and 3DL2+-A3/A11− were 0.527 and 0.473, and the frequencies of 3DL1+-Bw4+, 3DL1+-Bw4−, 3DL1−-Bw4+, and 3DL1−-Bw4− were 0.552, 0.397, 0.038, and 0.013, respectively. The results of KIR/HLA-C combination analysis showed that all individuals had at least one inhibitory or activating KIR/HLA-C pair, and one KIR/HLA-C pair was the most frequent (157/239, followed by two pairs (46/239, three pairs (33/239, and no pairs (3/239. Comparison of KIR gene and HLA gene and their pair frequency between Yunnan Han and the isolated Han (FYDH who also lived in Yunnan province showed no significant difference (P>0.05 in KIR frequencies, but significant differences (P0.05 between the two populations for KIR/HLA pairs.

  6. Association study of GABA system genes polymorphisms with amphetamine-induced psychotic disorder in a Han Chinese population. (United States)

    Zhang, Kai; Zhao, Yan; Wang, Qingzhong; Jiang, Haifeng; Du, Jiang; Yu, Shunying; Zhao, Min


    GABA system genes have been implicated in neurotrophy and neurogenesis, which play pivotal roles in an individual's variation in vulnerability to amphetamine addiction or amphetamine-induced psychosis (AIP). We hypothesized that common genetic variants in the GABA system genes may be associated with amphetamine-induced psychotic disorder. In our study, thirty-six single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the GABA system genes were genotyped in 400 amphetamine-induced psychotic disorder patients and 400 amphetamine use disorders patients (AUP) (not including those categorized as psychosis) in the Han Chinese population. In this study, 51.88% of the Han Chinese amphetamine-type substance use disorder patients met the criteria of amphetamine-induced psychotic disorder, and 79.5% amphetamine-induced psychotic disorder patients had auditory hallucinations, while 46.5% had delusions of reference. The allele frequency of rs1129647 showed nominal association with AIP in the Han Chinese population (P=0.03). Compared with AUP group patients, T allele frequency of AIP group patients was significantly increased. The adjustment for age and gender factors in the AIP and AUP patients was executed using unconditional logistic regression under five inheritance models. The genotype frequency of rs1129647 showed nominal association with AIP in the log-additive model (P=0.04). The genotype frequency of rs2290733 showed nominal association with AIP in the recessive model (P=0.04). Compared with female AIP patients, male patients were more likely to have the CC genotype of rs17545383 (P=0.04). Moreover, we determined that more male patients carried the T allele of rs2290733 in the AIP group (P=0.004). Unfortunately, the significant differences did not survive Benjamini-Hochberg false discovery rate correction (adjusted P>0.05). No association between the SNPs of the GABA system genes and amphetamine-induced psychotic disorder risk was identified. No haplotype of the GABA system

  7. ¿Qué conocimientos movilizan un grupo de futuros docentes para elaborar el modelo de infección por tuberculosis?

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    Virginia Aznar Cuadrado


    Full Text Available Este trabajo pretende hacer una aportación original a la investigación sobre la práctica de modelización en temas de salud dentro del ámbito de la formación inicial del profesorado de primaria. Se presentan algunos resultados de una propuesta didáctica sobre la tuberculosis (TB, que utiliza un enfoque del aprendizaje de ciencias basado en la práctica científica de la modelización. Se utiliza como contexto para el diseño de las tareas el episodio de contagio por TB sufrido por los participantes (N=61. Las preguntas de investigación son: a ¿qué conocimientos movilizan los futuros docentes para explicar el modelo de infección por TB?, b ¿en qué medida los conocimientos que movilizan varían tras la construcción del modelo de infección de TB? Los conocimientos que movilizan para la elaboración del modelo de infección se distribuyen en tres categorías: científicos, basados en la experiencia y tomados de los medios. Estos últimos desempeñan un papel importante para explicar la fase de respuesta inmune. Algunos de los significados que construyen en torno a nociones como vacuna, respuesta inmune y linfocitos varían a lo largo de la modelización, logrando aproximarse a los científicos, lo que pone de relieve la importancia de promover tareas de este tipo para la formación en temas de salud.

  8. RTEL1 polymorphisms are associated with lung cancer risk in the Chinese Han population. (United States)

    Yan, Shouchun; Xia, Ridong; Jin, Tianbo; Ren, Hui; Yang, Hua; Li, Jing; Yan, Mengdan; Zhu, Yuanyuan; Chen, Mingwei


    RTEL1 (regulator of telomere elongation helicase 1; OMIM 608833) gene polymorphisms were linked to lung cancer (LC) susceptibility in a cancer genome-wide association study (GWAS) Here, we assessed whether seven previously reported RTEL1 polymorphisms influenced LC risk in Han Chinese population. All study samples (554 LC cases and 696 cancer-free controls) were collected from the Affiliated Hospital of Xizang Minzu University in China. We assessed associations between SNPs and LC risk using various several genetic models (codominant, dominant, recessive, overdominant, and additive). Whereas rs2738780 showed a protective effect against LC (Odds ratio (OR) = 0.80 ;95% confidence interval (CI): 0.638 = 0.998; p = 0.048), rs7261546(OR = 4.16; 95% CI: 1.35-12.82; p = 0.007), rs6062299(OR=5.08; 95% CI: 1.43-18.10; p = 0.005) and rs3787098(OR = 5.10; 95% CI: 1.43-18.15; p = 0.004) were all associated with increased LC susceptibility (recessive model). Haplotype analysis suggested that ''CTC'' was associated with a 0.8-fold decrease in LC risk (OR = 0.80, 95% CI, 0.63-1.00; Pearson's p = 0.05). These findings suggest a potential association between RTEL1 polymorphisms and LC risk in a Chinese Han population.

  9. Association between RTEL1 gene polymorphisms and COPD susceptibility in a Chinese Han population. (United States)

    Ding, Yipeng; Xu, Heping; Yao, Jinjian; Xu, Dongchuan; He, Ping; Yi, Shengyang; Li, Quanni; Liu, Yuanshui; Wu, Cibing; Tian, Zhongjie


    We investigated the association between single-nucleotide polymorphisms in regulation of telomere elongation helicase 1 ( RTEL1 ), which has been associated with telomere length in several brain cancers and age-related diseases, and the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in a Chinese Han population. In a case-control study that included 279 COPD cases and 290 healthy controls, five single-nucleotide polymorphisms in RTEL1 were selected and genotyped using the Sequenom MassARRAY platform. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated using unconditional logistic regression after adjusting for age and gender. In the genotype model analysis, we determined that rs4809324 polymorphism had a decreased effect on the risk of COPD (CC versus TT: OR =0.28; 95% CI =0.10-0.82; P =0.02). In the genetic model analysis, we found that the "C/C" genotype of rs4809324 was associated with a decreased risk of COPD based on the codominant model (OR =0.33; 95% CI =0.13-0.86; P =0.022) and recessive model (OR =0.32; 95% CI =0.12-0.80; P =0.009). Our data shed new light on the association between genetic polymorphisms of RTEL1 and COPD susceptibility in the Chinese Han population.

  10. Modelación de episodios críticos de contaminación por material particulado (PM10 en Santiago de Chile: Comparación de la eficiencia predictiva de los modelos paramétricos y no paramétricos Modeling critical episodes of air pollution by PM10 in Santiago, Chile: Comparison of the predictive efficiency of parametric and non-parametric statistical models

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    Sergio A. Alvarado


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar la eficiencia predictiva de modelos estadísticos paramétricos y no paramétricos para predecir episodios críticos de contaminación por material particulado PM10 del día siguiente, que superen en Santiago de Chile la norma de calidad diaria. Una predicción adecuada de tales episodios permite a la autoridad decretar medidas restrictivas que aminoren la gravedad del episodio, y consecuentemente proteger la salud de la comunidad. Método: Se trabajó con las concentraciones de material particulado PM10 registradas en una estación asociada a la red de monitorización de la calidad del aire MACAM-2, considerando 152 observaciones diarias de 14 variables, y con información meteorológica registrada durante los años 2001 a 2004. Se ajustaron modelos estadísticos paramétricos Gamma usando el paquete estadístico STATA v11, y no paramétricos usando una demo del software estadístico MARS v 2.0 distribuida por Salford-Systems. Resultados: Ambos métodos de modelación presentan una alta correlación entre los valores observados y los predichos. Los modelos Gamma presentan mejores aciertos que MARS para las concentraciones de PM10 con valores Objective: To evaluate the predictive efficiency of two statistical models (one parametric and the other non-parametric to predict critical episodes of air pollution exceeding daily air quality standards in Santiago, Chile by using the next day PM10 maximum 24h value. Accurate prediction of such episodes would allow restrictive measures to be applied by health authorities to reduce their seriousness and protect the community´s health. Methods: We used the PM10 concentrations registered by a station of the Air Quality Monitoring Network (152 daily observations of 14 variables and meteorological information gathered from 2001 to 2004. To construct predictive models, we fitted a parametric Gamma model using STATA v11 software and a non-parametric MARS model by using a demo version of Salford

  11. Disposition and kinetics of tetrabromobisphenol A in female Wistar Han rats

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    Gabriel A. Knudsen


    Full Text Available Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA is the brominated flame retardant with the largest production volume worldwide. NTP 2-year bioassays found TBBPA dose-dependent increases in uterine tumors in female Wistar Han rats; evidence of reproductive tissues carcinogenicity was equivocal in male rats. To explain this apparent sex-dependence, the disposition and toxicokinetic profile of TBBPA were investigated using female Wistar Han rats, as no data were available for female rats. In these studies, the primary route of elimination following [14C]-TBBPA administration (25, 250 or 1000 mg/kg was in feces; recoveries in 72 h were 95.7 ± 3.5%, 94.3 ± 3.6% and 98.8 ± 2.2%, respectively (urine: 0.2–2%; tissues: <0.1. TBBPA was conjugated to mono-glucuronide and -sulfate metabolites and eliminated in the bile. Plasma toxicokinetic parameters for a 250 mg/kg dose were estimated based on free TBBPA, as determined by UV/radiometric-HPLC analyses. Oral dosing by gavage (250 mg/kg resulted in a rapid absorption of compound into the systemic circulation with an observed Cmax at 1.5 h post-dose followed by a prolonged terminal phase. TBBPA concentrations in plasma decreased rapidly after an IV dose (25 mg/kg followed by a long elimination phase. These results indicate low systemic bioavailability (F < 0.05, similar to previous reports using male rats. Elimination pathways appeared to become saturated leading to delayed excretion after a single oral administration of the highest dose (1000 mg/kg; no such saturation or delay was detected at lower doses. Chronic high exposures to TBBPA may result in competition for metabolism with endogenous substrates in extrahepatic tissues (e.g., SULT1E1 estrogen sulfation resulting in endocrine disruption.

  12. His Excellency Dr. Hans Brattskar, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Norway to the United Nations Office, visiting CERN

    CERN Multimedia



    Ambassador Hans Brattskar signing the guest book with Director for international relations Charlotte Warakaulle and Director-General Fabiola Gianotti; Deputy Permanent Representative and Minister Kjersti Sommerset and CERN Advisers Pippa Wells and Jens Vigen are also present.

  13. Ethical foundation of the sustainable development in kant, habermas and hans jonas


    Camargo, Sérgio Xavier de; Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL; Pinheiro, Ana Cláudia Duarte; Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL


    A possibilidade de desenvolvimento econômico associado à preservação ambiental é questão relevante para as sociedades contemporâneas. O desenvolvimento sustentável fundamenta-se em questões de conteúdo ético que transcendem aspectos legais, econômicos e políticos. É objetivo deste artigo investigar, em Immanuel Kant, Jürgen Habermas e Hans Jonas, as bases éticas justificadoras do desenvolvimento sustentável. Em Kant, o imperativo categórico, a valorização da universalidade das ações, e a comp...


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    Full Text Available Entre el origen de las cooperativas de crédito y la nueva “banca social” median unos cien años, en los que los sistemas bancarios han sufrido una transformación extraordinaria. A pesar de sus diferencias, ambos tipos de instituciones surgieron por unos motivos semejantes: la exclusión financiera de colectivos vulnerables y la necesidad de respuestas éticas, solidarias y responsables. Esas necesidades han cobrado protagonismo con la actual crisis financiera, económica y social, en la que se aprecia un deterioro de los valores elementales y, en consecuencia, una extensión del descrédito de las entidades bancarias. En esta situación, se revaloriza el papel del crédito cooperativo y de la “banca social”, instrumentos que, por sus especiales características, se han visto menos afectadas por la pérdida de reputación y se abren paso como alternativas. / Between the credit cooperatives origin and new social banking have passed by a century, in which banking systems have going through an extraordinary change. Despite their differences, both kinds of companies come up by similar reasons: Financial exclusion of vulnerable collectives and need of ethical, responsible and solidary responses. These needs have gain prominence in the present social and financial-economic crisis, in which a basic values deterioration and accordingly a growing essential values deterioration. In this situation increase the social banking and cooperative credit role. These tools have been less affected by loos of reputation because of their especial features and breaking through as new credit ways.

  15. 南阳汉画像石中的民俗文化研究%The study of folk culture in Nanyang Han Portraits Stone

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    万倩如; 孙锐


    南阳汉画像石是我国古代的重要艺术形式之一,诠释了我国古代雕刻和绘画艺术的精华.本文深入分析和探讨了南阳汉代画像石的造型特征,全面研究了南阳汉画像石的中记录的民风民俗,并对南阳汉画像石中表现的民风民俗的内涵进行了深入剖析,为我国古代艺术的研究和发展奠定了坚实的基础.%Nanyang Han Dynasty stone is one of the important forms of art in ancient China, the interpretation of the essence of China's ancient sculpture and painting art. This paper deeply analyzes and discusses the modeling characteristics stone Nanyang in the Han Dynasty, a comprehensive study of the Nanyang Han Dynasty like folkways records stone, in-depth analysis and the folk custom manifestation of Nanyang Han Dynasty stone in the meaning, the research had set a solid foundation for the development of ancient Chinese art.

  16. Disfunción de las cuerdas vocales en la infancia y adolescencia. A propósito de un caso


    Navazo Eguía, Ana Isabel; Arias Tobalina, H.; Suárez Muñíz, Enrique; Mata Franco, Gregorio de la


    [ES] INTRODUCCIÓN La disfunción de las cuerdas vocales (DCV) o asma laríngeo, se caracteriza por episodios paroxísticos de aducción de las cuerdas vocales durante la inspiración y/o espiración conduciendo a episodios de disnea y estridor. CASO CLÍNICO Mujer de 13 años con historia de asma en relación con el ejercicio. Ingresada en el Servicio de Pediatría por presentar episodios de estridor y disnea. Función pulmonar: aplanamiento de la curva inspiratoria y menor de la cu...

  17. The Association between NOS3 Gene Polymorphisms and Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Susceptibility and Symptoms in Chinese Han Population

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    Yongqin Wu


    Full Text Available Endothelial NOS (NOS3 has a potential role in the prevention of neuronal injury in hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE. Thus, we aimed to explore the association between NOS3 gene polymorphisms and HIE susceptibility and symptoms in a Chinese Han population. Three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs in the NOS3 gene, rs1800783, rs1800779, and rs2070744, were detected in 226 children with HIE and 212 healthy children in a Chinese Han population. Apgar scores and magnetic resonance image scans were used to estimate the symptoms and brain damage. The association analyses were conducted by using SNPStats and SPSS 18.0 software. The genotype and allele distributions of rs1800779 and rs1799983 displayed no significant differences between the patients and the controls, while the rs2070744 allele distribution was significantly different (corrected P=0.009. For clinical characteristics, the rs2070744 genotype distribution was significantly different in patients with different Apgar scores (≤5, TT/TC/CC = 6/7/5; 6~7, TT/TC/CC = 17/0/0; 8~9, TT/TC/CC = 6/2/0; 10, TT/TC/CC = 7/1/0; corrected P=0.006 in the 1001 to 1449 g birth weight subgroup. The haplotype test did not show any associations with the risk and clinical characteristics of HIE. The results suggest that NOS3 gene SNP rs2070744 was significantly associated with HIE susceptibility and symptom expression in Chinese Han population.

  18. [Comparison of the differences in pain and the effect of ibuprofen in reducing endodontic flare-up after single-visit root canal therapy between Uyghur and Han patients with chronic apical periodontitis]. (United States)

    Yan, Lei; Wang, Xin-Ying; Wan, Na; Wu, Pei-Ling


    To compare the incidence of postoperative pain of chronic periapical periodontitis patients with root canal therapy between Han and Uygur, and the effect of ibuprofen in reducing endodontic flare-up after single-visit root canal therapy between Uyghur and Han patients with chronic apical periodontitis, in order to provide a basis for clinical administration. Two hundred and fifty Uyghur and 250 Han patients with chronic apical periodontitis in their incisor, canine and premolar were collected, and randomly divided into 2 groups: experimental group and control group. After single-visit root canal therapy, Uyghur patients in the experimental group (UEG) and Han patients in the experimental group (HEG) took ibuprofen capsules according to the drug instructions; while Uyghur patients in the control group (UCG) and Han patients in the control group(HCG) took placebo capsules. Both doctors and patient kept blind from the drug capsules and group of the patients. The incidence, degree of endodontic Flare-up at 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 hours and 1 week after root canal therapy were recorded and analyzed by χ 2 test using SPSS11.0 software package. During the experiment, the incidence of E flare-up in Uygur patients was higher than in Han patients; the incidence of E flare-up in different groups in orders from high to low was: UCG>HCG>UEG>HEG. Chi-square test showed that there were significant differences between the two groups. In view of time distribution, most of flare-up happened between 24~48 hours after root canal therapy with the highest degree in all 4 groups. Regardless of the incidence or degree of flare-up, HEG and HCG were significantly greater than UEG and UCG. Ibuprofen can reduce and prevent flare-up for both Uyghur and Han patients, but it has better effect on Han patients.

  19. Association of ATM and BMI-1 genetic variation with breast cancer risk in Han Chinese. (United States)

    Yue, Li-Ling; Wang, Fu-Chao; Zhang, Ming-Long; Liu, Dan; Chen, Ping; Mei, Qing-Bu; Li, Peng-Hui; Pan, Hong-Ming; Zheng, Li-Hong


    We tested the hypothesis that genetic variation in ATM and BMI-1 genes can alter the risk of breast cancer through genotyping 6 variants among 524 breast cancer cases and 518 cancer-free controls of Han nationality. This was an observational, hospital-based, case-control association study. Analyses of single variant, linkage, haplotype, interaction and nomogram were performed. Risk was expressed as odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI). All studied variants were in the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and were not linked. The mutant allele frequencies of rs1890637, rs3092856 and rs1801516 in ATM gene were significantly higher in cases than in controls (P = .005, ATM gene were significantly associated with 1.98-fold and 6.04-fold increased risk of breast cancer (95% CI: 1.36-2.90 and 1.65-22.08, respectively). Nomogram analysis estimated that the cumulative proportion of 3 significant variants in ATM gene was about 12.5%. Our findings collectively indicated that ATM gene was a candidate gene in susceptibility to breast cancer in Han Chinese. © 2018 The Authors. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Foundation for Cellular and Molecular Medicine.

  20. Forests of Fortune? The Environmental History of Southeast Borneo, 1600-1880, Han Knapen


    Wadley, Reed L.


    Southeast Borneo has long felt the influence of outside forces, and its various peoples, whether indigenous or migrant, have also helped to shape it over long periods of time. How these things have played out in the history of a variable and uncertain environment is the subject of Han Knapen’s book. A product of the “Ecology, Demography and Economy in Nusantara” project of the Dutch Royal Institute of Anthropology and Linguistics (KITLV) in Leiden, it is the first of its kind for the island o...

  1. [Association of ABCG2 gene C421A polymorphism and susceptibility of primary gout in Han Chinese males]. (United States)

    Li, Fa-gui; Chu, Yi; Meng, Dong-mei; Tong, Ya-wen


    To assess the association between a C421A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in exon 5 of ATP-binding cassette, sub-family G (WHITE), member 2 (ABCG2) gene and susceptibility of primary gout in Han Chinese males. For 200 male patients with primary gout and 235 controls, the genotype of C421A locus was analyzed by PCR and direct sequencing. Blood glucose, uric acid, total cholesterol, triglycerides, creatinine and urea nitrogen was measured by an automatic biochemical analyzer. Compared with the controls, there was a higher frequency for AA genotype and A allele of the rs2231142 SNP in gout patients (22.5% vs. 8.5% by genotype; 44.9% vs. 32.3% by allele). The association with gout reached significance (chi-square =15.91, Pgout patients were significantly higher than those of controls (Pgout in Han Chinese males.

  2. Verification of Pharmacogenetics-Based Warfarin Dosing Algorithms in Han-Chinese Patients Undertaking Mechanic Heart Valve Replacement (United States)

    Zhao, Li; Chen, Chunxia; Li, Bei; Dong, Li; Guo, Yingqiang; Xiao, Xijun; Zhang, Eryong; Qin, Li


    Objective To study the performance of pharmacogenetics-based warfarin dosing algorithms in the initial and the stable warfarin treatment phases in a cohort of Han-Chinese patients undertaking mechanic heart valve replacement. Methods We searched PubMed, Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure and Wanfang databases for selecting pharmacogenetics-based warfarin dosing models. Patients with mechanic heart valve replacement were consecutively recruited between March 2012 and July 2012. The predicted warfarin dose of each patient was calculated and compared with the observed initial and stable warfarin doses. The percentage of patients whose predicted dose fell within 20% of their actual therapeutic dose (percentage within 20%), and the mean absolute error (MAE) were utilized to evaluate the predictive accuracy of all the selected algorithms. Results A total of 8 algorithms including Du, Huang, Miao, Wei, Zhang, Lou, Gage, and International Warfarin Pharmacogenetics Consortium (IWPC) model, were tested in 181 patients. The MAE of the Gage, IWPC and 6 Han-Chinese pharmacogenetics-based warfarin dosing algorithms was less than 0.6 mg/day in accuracy and the percentage within 20% exceeded 45% in all of the selected models in both the initial and the stable treatment stages. When patients were stratified according to the warfarin dose range, all of the equations demonstrated better performance in the ideal-dose range (1.88–4.38 mg/day) than the low-dose range (warfarin dose prediction and in the low-dose and the ideal-dose ranges. Conclusions All of the selected pharmacogenetics-based warfarin dosing regimens performed similarly in our cohort. However, the algorithms of Wei, Huang, and Miao showed a better potential for warfarin prediction in the initial and the stable treatment phases in Han-Chinese patients undertaking mechanic heart valve replacement. PMID:24728385

  3. Nuclear forces the making of the physicist Hans Bethe

    CERN Document Server

    Schweber, Silvan S


    On the fiftieth anniversary of Hiroshima, Nobel-winning physicist Hans Bethe called on his fellow scientists to stop working on weapons of mass destruction. What drove Bethe, the head of Theoretical Physics at Los Alamos during the Manhattan Project, to renounce the weaponry he had once worked so tirelessly to create? That is one of the questions answered by "Nuclear Forces", a riveting biography of Bethe's early life and development as both a scientist and a man of principle. As Silvan Schweber follows Bethe from his childhood in Germany, to laboratories in Italy and England, and on to Cornell University, he shows how these differing environments were reflected in the kind of physics Bethe produced. Many of the young quantum physicists in the 1930s, including Bethe, had Jewish roots, and Schweber considers how Liberal Judaism in Germany helps explain their remarkable contributions. A portrait emerges of a man whose strategy for staying on top of a deeply hierarchical field was to tackle only those problems h...

  4. Roma Hukuku’nda Gemi, Han ve Ahır İşletenlerin Receptum Sorumluluğu

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    Mehmet YEŞİLLER


    Full Text Available Çalışmamızda Roma Hukuku'nda gemi, han ve ahır işleten kimselerin sorumluluklarına ilişkin düzenlemeler ele alınmıştır. Roma?da özellikle gemi, han ve ahır işleten kimselerin yanlarında çalıştırdıkları kişilerin güvenilir olmamasından dolayı, taraflar arasındaki istisna sözleşmesinden kaynaklanan custodia sorumluluğuna ek olarak "actio de damno aut furto adversus nautas, caupones, stabularios ve receptum, nautae, cauponis, stabularii" sorumluluklarının düzenlendiği kaynaklardan anlaşılmaktadır. Praetor Edictum'larıyla sağlanan ve haksız fiil benzerlerine dayanan söz konusu bu uygulamaların, Roma'da istisna sözleşmesinin koruyamadığı alana ilişkin olarak geniş uygulama imkanı buldukları görülmektedir.

  5. Autonomous dynamics in neural networks: the dHAN concept and associative thought processes (United States)

    Gros, Claudius


    The neural activity of the human brain is dominated by self-sustained activities. External sensory stimuli influence this autonomous activity but they do not drive the brain directly. Most standard artificial neural network models are however input driven and do not show spontaneous activities. It constitutes a challenge to develop organizational principles for controlled, self-sustained activity in artificial neural networks. Here we propose and examine the dHAN concept for autonomous associative thought processes in dense and homogeneous associative networks. An associative thought-process is characterized, within this approach, by a time-series of transient attractors. Each transient state corresponds to a stored information, a memory. The subsequent transient states are characterized by large associative overlaps, which are identical to acquired patterns. Memory states, the acquired patterns, have such a dual functionality. In this approach the self-sustained neural activity has a central functional role. The network acquires a discrimination capability, as external stimuli need to compete with the autonomous activity. Noise in the input is readily filtered-out. Hebbian learning of external patterns occurs coinstantaneous with the ongoing associative thought process. The autonomous dynamics needs a long-term working-point optimization which acquires within the dHAN concept a dual functionality: It stabilizes the time development of the associative thought process and limits runaway synaptic growth, which generically occurs otherwise in neural networks with self-induced activities and Hebbian-type learning rules.

  6. FCRL3 gene polymorphisms confer autoimmunity risk for allergic rhinitis in a Chinese Han population.

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    Zheng Gu

    Full Text Available Heredity and environmental exposures may contribute to a predisposition to allergic rhinitis (AR. Autoimmunity may also involve into this pathologic process. FCRL3 (Fc receptor-like 3 gene, a novel immunoregulatory gene, has recently been reported to play a role in autoimmune diseases.This study was performed to evaluate the potential association of FCRL3 polymorphisms with AR in a Chinese Han population.Five single-nucleotide polymorphisms of FCRL3, rs945635, rs3761959, rs7522061, rs10489678 and rs7528684 were genotyped in 540 AR patients and 600 healthy controls using a PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism assay. Allele, genotype and haplotype frequencies were compared between patients and controls using the χ2 test. The online software platform SHEsis was used to analyze their haplotypes.This study identified three strong risk SNPs rs7528684, rs10489678, rs7522061 and one weak risk SNP rs945635 of FCRL3 in Chinese Han AR patients. For rs7528684, a significantly increased prevalence of the AA genotype and A allele in AR patients was recorded. The frequency of the GG genotype and G allele of rs10489678 was markedly higher in AR patients than those in controls. For rs7522061, a higher frequency of the TT genotype, and a lower frequency of the CT genotype were found in AR patients. Concerning rs945635, a lower frequency of the CC genotype, and a higher frequency of G allele were observed in AR patients. According to the analysis of the three strong positive SNPs, the haplotype of AGT increased significantly in AR cases (AR = 38.8%, Controls = 24.3%, P = 8.29 × 10(-14, OR [95% CI] 1.978 [1.652~2.368].This study found a significant association between the SNPs in FCRL3 gene and AR in Chinese Han patients. The results suggest these gene polymorphisms might be the autoimmunity risk for AR.

  7. Variation in STAT4 is associated with systemic lupus erythematosus in Chinese Northern Han population. (United States)

    Su, Yin; Zhao, Yi; Liu, Xu; Guo, Jian-Ping; Jiang, Quan; Liu, Xiang-Yuan; Zhang, Feng-Chun; Zheng, Yi; Li, Xiao-Xia; Song, Hui; Huang, Ci-Bo; Huang, Yan-Hong; Wang, Tian; Pan, Si-Si; Li, Chun; Liu, Xia; Zhu, Lei; Zhang, Chun-Fang; Li, Zhan-Guo


    Recent studies have identified signal transducer and activator of transcription 4 (STAT4) as a susceptibility gene for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in different populations. In order to examine whether the allele distribution of the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in gene STAT4 rs7574865 in patients with SLE is different from those of healthy controls in Chinese Northern Han population, we investigated whether the variants of STAT4 rs7574865 were associated with any specific clinical features of SLE. We genotyped SNPs in STAT4 rs7574865 in 252 patients with SLE and 497 healthy controls. All subjects were from the Northern part of Chinese Han population. The genotypes in rs7574865 were determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and consequence direct sequencing of PCR products in the DNA samples. There was a significant difference in distribution of the SNPs in rs7574865 between the SLE patients and healthy controls. Compared with healthy controls, there was a significant correlation between TT genotypes in rs7574865 and the risk of SLE when GG genotype was used as a reference genotype after adjusting for gender and age. The frequency of T allele in the SLE patients was strongly significantly higher than that of healthy controls. Furthermore, there was a significant difference in the distribution of SNP in rs7574865 between male and female SLE patients, when compared with healthy controls. The frequency of T allele in rs7574865 in male patients was significantly higher than that of male healthy controls or female patients. There was no significant correlation between the frequencies of T allele in STAT4 rs7574865 and the clinical features of SLE. The SNP rs7574865 in STAT4 is strongly associated with risk of SLE in the Chinese Northern Han population. The TT genotype and T allele in STAT4 rs7574869 are susceptibility factors for SLE, especially for male SLE patients.

  8. Hans Hellmann : Životní příběh vědce ve 20. století

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Zahradník, Rudolf


    Roč. 98, č. 1 (2004), s. 98-101 ISSN 0009-2770 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4040901 Keywords : quantum chemistry of pioneers * Hans Hellmann * weak interactions Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry Impact factor: 0.348, year: 2004

  9. Lack of association of -607 C/A and -137 G/C polymorphisms in interleukin 18 gene with susceptibility to gout disease in Chinese Han male population. (United States)

    Li, Changgui; Yuan, Ying; Wang, Xinfeng; Han, Lin; Chu, Nan; Wang, Hui; Liu, Shiguo


    To identify association of IL18-607 C/A and -137 G/C polymorphism with susceptibility to gout in Chinese Han male population, We evaluate the genetic contribution of the IL18-607 C/A and -137 G/C polymorphism in 202 gout male patients and 493 gout-free control of Chinese Han population by allele-specific polymerase chain reaction assay. Our results reveal no significant association between the polymorphisms -607C/A and -137G/C in IL18 with gout. Our study might suggest that -607 C/A and -137 G/C polymorphisms in the promoter of IL18 are not associated with susceptibility to gout and thus do not play a major role in the development of gout in the Chinese Han male population.

  10. Huella de Hans-Georg Gadamer en Reinhart Koselleck. Aportes a la historia conceptual


    Ramos Rodríguez, Froilán


    Resumen Este artículo analiza la influencia de la hermenéutica de Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900-2002) sobre la historia conceptual de Reinhart Koselleck (1923-2006), así como la relación intelectual entre ambos. En este sentido, se hace una revisión de los principales rasgos biográficos de ambos académicos, y un reexamen de las ideas -de temporalidad y lenguaje-, que inspiraron y contribuyeron en su formación y obras, para analizar las premisas primordiales de sus trabajos, en Verdad y método, Fut...

  11. Surfactant protein B deficiency and gene mutations for neonatal respiratory distress syndrome in China Han ethnic population (United States)

    Yin, Xiaojuan; Meng, Fanping; wang, Yan; Xie, Lu; Kong, Xiangyong; Feng, Zhichun


    Objective: To determine whether the SP-B deficiency and gene mutations in exon 4 is associated with neonatal RDS in China Han ethnic population. Methods: The study population consisted of 40 neonates with RDS and 40 neonates with other diseases as control in China Han ethnic population. We Compared SP-B expression in lung tissue and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid with immunoblotting, and analyzed mutations in the SP-B gene with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and gene sequencing. Results: In RDS group, low mature Surfactant protein B was found in both lung tissue and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in 8 neonates. In control group, only 4 neonates with low mature Surfactant protein B in both lung tissue and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. In RDS group, 20 neonates were found to have mutations in exon 4, 12 homozygous mutations with C/C genotype and 8 heterozygous mutations with C/T genotype in surfactant protein B gene+1580 polymorphism. There were 8 cases mutations in control group, 1 in C/C and 7 in C/T genotype. The frequency of homozygotes with C/C genotype was 0.3 and frequency of heterozygotes with C/T genotype was 0.02 in RDS group. In control group, frequency of homozygotes with C/C genotype was 0.025 and frequency of heterozygote with C/T genotype was 0.175. Conclusion: Low mature Surfactant protein B is associated with the pathogenesis of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in China Han ethnic population. Mutations in exon 4 of the surfactant protein B gene demonstrate an association between homozygous mutations with C/C genotype in SP-B gene and neonatal RDS. PMID:23330012

  12. [The association between genetic polymorphisms of GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1 and susceptibility to laryngeal carcinoma from the Han people in Guangdong zone]. (United States)

    Tian, Shenzhi; Zhang, Jianguo; Xiao, Qi; Zhai, Jinming; Yan, Xiaoling; Huang, Minqi; Chen, Fujin; Li, Qiuli; Guan, Zhong


    To analyze the association between genetic polymorphisms of xenobiotic- metabolizing enzymes GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1 and susceptibility to laryngeal carcinoma from the Han people in Guangdong zone. A case-control study was conducted involving 233 LSCC (laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma) patients and 102 healthy controls to investigate the association between polymorphisms of GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1 (Ile/Val) and LSCC from the Han people in Guangdong zone. All blood samples of the Han people from the Guangdong zone was analyzed with methods of PCR, ASA and the DNA sequencing technique with sequenator. We explored the association between polymorphisms and the clinical pathologic characteristics of LSCC. The data was processed with SPSS13.0. Odds Ratios (ORs) with 95% CI for relevancy intensity were calculated using binary logistic regression analysis. The frequency of GSTM1(-) and GSTT1(-) genotype was higher in LSCC than that in healthy controls (OR = 2.61, 3.05, P 51, 95% CI 2.05-5.01; OR = 2.99, 95% CI 2.00-4.49). The frequency of GSTM1(-) and GSTT1(-) genotype was higher in LSCC whose family had carcinoma history. The frequency of advanced LSCC was higher in patients who were with GSTM1(-) and GSTT1 (-) genotype (P 0.05). There may be an association between the susceptibility to carcinoma and GSTT1(-), GSTM1(-) genotype. The GSTT1(-) polymorphism c gene cooperating with heavily smoking boost up the susceptibility of individual to laryngeal carcinoma. The GSTM1(-) polymorphism c may not cooperating with smoking during carcinogenesis of LSCC in the Han people in Guangdong zone. The morphisms of GSTT1 and GSTM1 gene may affect the carcino-genesis of LSCC in the Han people in Guangdong zone. There may be no association between the susceptibility to laryngeal carcinoma and the GSTP1(Ile/Val) type.

  13. Sex-specific association of rs16996148 SNP in the NCAN/CILP2/PBX4 and serum lipid levels in the Mulao and Han populations

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    Yan Ting-Ting


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The association of rs16996148 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP in NCAN/CILP2/PBX4 and serum lipid levels is inconsistent. Furthermore, little is known about the association of rs16996148 SNP and serum lipid levels in the Chinese population. We therefore aimed to detect the association of rs16996148 SNP and several environmental factors with serum lipid levels in the Guangxi Mulao and Han populations. Method A total of 712 subjects of Mulao nationality and 736 participants of Han nationality were randomly selected from our stratified randomized cluster samples. Genotyping of the rs16996148 SNP was performed by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism combined with gel electrophoresis, and then confirmed by direct sequencing. Results The levels of apolipoprotein (Apo B were higher in Mulao than in Han (P P 0.05; respectively. The frequencies of GG, GT and TT genotypes were 76.0%, 22.5% and 1.5% in Mulao, and 81.2%, 17.4% and 1.4% in Han (P 0.05; respectively. There were no significant differences in the genotypic and allelic frequencies between males and females in both ethnic groups. The levels of HDL-C, ApoAI, and the ratio of ApoAI to ApoB in Mulao were different between the GG and GT/TT genotypes in males but not in females (P P P P P Conclusions The genotypic and allelic frequencies of rs16996148 SNP and the associations of the SNP and serum lipid levels are different in the Mulao and Han populations. Sex (male-specific association of rs16996148 SNP in the NCAN/CILP2/PBX4 and serum lipid levels is also observed in the both ethnic groups.

  14. Blazing a trail: an interview with Conergy's Hans-Martin Rueter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rueter, H.M.; Jones, J.


    The Conergy company, based in Hamburg, is active on five continents and is one of the world's most successful renewable energy businesses. Its turnover is about 800 million Euros and it has a staff of 1200. Hans-Martin Rueter founded the company in 1998 and is currently its Chief Executive Officer. In an interview, he revealed that he expects the renewables market will be worth US$300 billion by 2015. He sees three major market sectors to be exploited: they are (a) power-plant scale installations; (b) 'solitaire' installations such as homeowners might purchase and (c) network systems using a combination of systems such as PV with wind. Rueter is already expanding into new markets worldwide and becoming less dependent on the German market. He explains his strategy for finding new markets and providing what the customer wants. (author)

  15. Applicability of the Tanaka-Johnston and Moyers mixed dentition analyses in Northeast Han Chinese. (United States)

    Sherpa, Jangbu; Sah, Gopal; Rong, Zeng; Wu, Lipeng


    To assess applicability of the Tanaka-Johnston and Moyers prediction methods in a Han ethnic group from Northeast China and to develop prediction equations for this same population. Cross-sectional study. Department of Orthodontics, School of Stomatology, Jiamusi University, Heilongjiang, China. A total of 130 subjects (65 male and 65 female) aged 16-21 years from a Han ethnic group of Northeast China were recruited from dental students and patients seeking orthodontic treatment. Ethnicity was verified by questionnaire. Mesio-distal tooth width was measured using Digital Vernier calipers. Predicted values were obtained from the Tanaka-Johnston and Moyers methods in both arches were compared with the actual measured widths. Based on regression analysis, prediction equations were developed. Tanaka-Johnston equations were not precise, except for the upper arch in males. However, the Moyers 85th percentile in the upper arch and 75th percentile in the lower arch predicted the sum precisely in males. For females, the Moyers 75th percentile predicted the sum precisely for the upper arch, but none of the Moyers percentiles predicted in the lower arch. Both the Tanaka-Johnston and Moyers method may not be applied universally without question. Hence, it may be safer to develop regression equations for specific populations. Validating studies must be conducted to confirm the precision of these newly developed regression equations.

  16. Dos hipótesis sobre el presidencialismo autoritario

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    Soledad Loaeza


    Full Text Available El presidencialismo autoritario mexicano ha sido objeto de muchas reflexiones y opiniones. No obstante, se ha impuesto un paradigma presidencialista que privilegia la perspectiva personalizada e idiosincrática del ejercicio del poder, con un importante componente cultu- ralista. Aquí se propone, por una parte, una perspectiva histórica que contextualiza las accio- nes presidenciales en el período 1944-1970; por la otra, se parte de dos presupuestos generales. Uno, sostiene que los presidentes mexicanos actuaban bajo importantes restricciones y según los ritmos de un proceso que avanzó en episodios, más que en forma lineal o acumulativa; el otro destaca la limitación geopolítica que se deriva de la vecindad con Estados Unidos que incidió sobre las acciones presidenciales, pero también sobre el desarrollo institucional del país. La evolución del presidencialismo autoritario lleva la huella de esta influencia. Este artículo introduce elementos para la discusión de las hipótesis. La primera parte hace una revisión crítica del paradigma presidencialista; la segunda expone las restricciones que se derivaban de la vecindad con Estados Unidos. La tercera y última está dedicada a la descripción del tipo de episodios que Pueden servir para ilustrar la evolución del presidencialismo autoritario. Las dos hipótesis que aquí se presentan han guiado una investigación más amplia sobre el impacto de la Guerra Fría en México y el desarrollo del presidencialismo.

  17. El corazón endocrino y el proceso inflamatorio

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    Tsuneo Ogawa


    Full Text Available El corazón endocrino, a través de sus hormonas polipéptidas atrial natriuretic factor (ANF o ANP y brain natriuretic peptide (BNP, contribuye a regular la precarga y la poscarga cardiacas. Otras importantes funciones se han descubierto recientemente incluyendo interacciones con el sistema inmunológico. Los niveles plasmáticos de BNP, no así los de ANF, aumentan durante un episodio de rechazo agudo del corazón alotransplantado pero retornan a niveles anteriores al episodio de rechazo después de un tratamiento exitoso del tal rechazo. Este fue el primer indicio que involucró el BNP y el sistema inmunológico. Otras patologías que tienen componentes inflamatorios también se ven acompañadas con cambios en la producción del BNP. El aumento del BNP tiene como base el aumento de la actividad transcripcional del gen inducida por citoquinas y substancias relacionadas. In vitro se puede demostrar que este aumento tiende a modular la actividad inmunológica. Inflamación y cambios hemodinámicos co-existen en la mayoría de las enfermedades cardiovasculares y por ende, es posible que sea beneficioso medir las dos hormonas como biomarcadores de cambios de volumen intravascular (ANF y de estos cambios más inflamación (BNP. Cambios en plasma de ANF relativamente más grandes que aquellos de BNP podrían indicar un deterioro hemodinámico, mientras que cambios importantes en BNP podrían ser indicativos de recrudecimiento del proceso inflamatorio.

  18. Mezcla de magmas en Vulcanello (Isla Vulcano, Italia

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    Aparicio, A.


    Full Text Available Volcanic activity in Vulcano starts about 350 ka ago and continues up to present day with the development of thre main episodes corresponding to the calderas of Piano and La Fossa, and Vulcanello. These cover a compositional range from rhyolitic to trachybasaltic rocks. This lithological diversity is produced by different petrogenetic processes such as fractional crystallization, assimilation coupled to fractional crystallization (AFC, mixing, etc.The eruption of Vulcanello area emitted trachyandesitic materials, including shoshonites and latites. A magma-mixing process is established between trachytes and shoshonites to origine latites. Trachytes and rhyolites are produced by fractional crystallization and by ACF processes (assimilation of sedimentary rocks from trachyandesitic magmas.La actividad volcánica de Isla Vulcano comienzó aproximadamente hace 350.000 años y continúa hasta la actualidad con el desarrollo de tres grandes episodios correspondientes a las caldera de Piano, caldera de Fossa y a Vulcanello, que han emitido piroclastos y coladas de composiciones muy variadas, desde riolitas a traquibasaltos. Esta variedad litológica ha sido relacionada con procesos petrogenéticos tan diversos como cristalización fraccionada, asimilación simultánea con cristalización (ACF, mezcla de magmas, etc.El episodio de Vulcanello emite rocas traquiandesíticas, con composiciones shoshoníticas y latíticas. Un proceso de mezcla de magmas es reconocido entre traquitas y shoshonitas para generar latitas. Traquitas y riolitas son producidas por procesos de cristalización fraccionada simple y por ACF con asimilación de rocas sedimentarias a partir de magmas traquiandesíticos.

  19. Pure Theory of Hans Kelsen and Criticism of Luis Alberto Warat

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    Thaisa Haber Faleiros


    building a new model for learning practices based on a remaking of old premises according to a critical and reflexive law, Warat aims at preventing law knowledge from being mummified and completely adapted to renewable and ceaseless situations and conflicts because of lack of critical reasoning. To contextualize this authors approach, this study presents previously the positivist theory of law, whose exponent is Hans Kelsen. After all, studying Warat means verifying the ways he followed to reach his approach. Besides, delaing with law teaching requires tracing back its legislation since its creation in 1827 to the present. For that, Kelsen laws pure theory, its influence on law teaching and Warat ideas on law and his pedagogical approach are unfolded in the context of law teaching history.

  20. Hans-Heinrich Nolte (Hg.), Klaas Bähre (Red.), Innere Peripherien in Ost und West / [rezensiert von] Helmut Klüter


    Klüter, Helmut


    Rezensiertes Werk: Innere Peripherien in Ost und West / Hrsg.: Hans-Heinrich Nolte. Red.: Klaas Bähre. - Stuttgart : Steiner, 2001. - 187 S. : Kt. - (Historische Mitteilungen : Beiheft ; 42) ISBN 3-515-07972-6

  1. EL SLUSSEN COMO PARADIGMA. ARQUITECTURA E INFRAESTRUCTURA EN CINCO EPISODIOS / Slussen as a paradigm. Architecture and infrastructure in five stages

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    Álvaro Clúa Uceda


    Full Text Available RESUMEN El proyecto del Slussen diseñado por el arquitecto Tage William-Olsson y el ingeniero Gösta Lundborg entre 1929 y 1935 en Estocolmo expresa sintéticamente la irrupción del automóvil en la ciudad europea de principios de siglo XX. El conjunto de más de treinta propuestas anteriores ilumina la evolución de un espacio en contraste confrontación entre la infraestructura y los intentos por dotar de una configuración urbana a un lugar estratégico entre Gamla Stan y Södermalm. El artículo sintetiza estas declinaciones en cinco episodios sucesivos: del Slussen como discusión de ingeniería hidráulica a sus primeras consideraciones urbanas, del Slussen como arquitectura organizadora del espacio a las primeras irrupciones de las formas del viario, del Slussen como “máquina del tráfico” al hallazgo de una estética propia, del Slussen gris a la arquitectura encajada en sus intersticios y, finalmente, la comprensión del Slussen como una pieza frágil e inestable en el paisaje urbano de la “Venecia del Norte”. Dicha evolución permite destacar el Slussen como un registro paradigmático de la implosión del tráfico sobre la ciudad europea y un ejemplo pionero en la relación interesante entre infraestructura y urbanidad. SUMMARY The Slussen urban project designed by architect Tage William-Olsson and engineer Gösta Lundborg between 1929 and 1935 in Stockholm, synthetically expresses the emergence of the automobile in the European cities at the beginning of the 20th century. The combination of more than thirty previous proposals highlight the evolution of a space in contradicting confrontation with infrastructure and the attempts to give an urban form to a strategic place between Gamla Stan and Södermalm. This article will summarise these declines in 5 successive stages: from the Slussen as a discussion in hydraulic engineering to its first urban considerations, from the Slussen seen as a matter of architectural composition

  2. Estudio básico sobre el pensamiento deportivo de Miguel de Cervantes=Elementary study on Miguel de Cervantes view about sport

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    José Manuel Zapico García


    Full Text Available La figura de Cervantes es una gran desconocida para el mundo del deporte y de la actividad física. Sin embargo, en su deambular por la vida española e italiana de la época nos ha dejado  numerosas muestras de sus aficiones deportivas y el refrendo de muchas de las personas,   unas  citadas con nombre ficticio y otras con sus nombres reales, que ejercían de deportistas,   entendiendo en ello, el mismo sentido que podemos darle hoy en día. De  sus  observaciones han  nacido episodios que han florecido en sus obras y de la que damos un somero semblante   en esta su primera  aproximación a nuestros  Materiales.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Though Cervantes´ figure is largely unknown in the field of sport and physical activity, the author's wandering through the Spanish and Italian life of his times has left us plenty of signs of his sports interests as well as the description of many characters -be it with real or false names- that acted as sportsmen and women in the sense we give today to such word. His comments and remarks portray an interesting picture of sport at the time, of which we are now giving a brief sample in this first appearance of the author in our Materiales.

  3. Mini-plate versus Kirschner wire internal fixation for treatment of metacarpal and phalangeal fractures in Chinese Han population: a meta-analysis. (United States)

    Xu, Jiaming; Zhang, Changqing


    This meta-analysis aimed to compare the therapeutic effect of mini-plate versus Kirschner wire (K-wire) internal fixation on the treatment of metacarpal and phalangeal fractures among Chinese Han population. Databases of China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Wanfang, Chinese VIP, PubMed, and Embase were retrieved for studies on mini-plate (case group) versus K-wire (control group) internal fixation for the treatment of metacarpal and phalangeal fractures among Chinese Han population. The odds ratio (OR) and standardized mean difference (SMD) at 95% confidence interval (CI) were used for estimating the effects of dichotomous data and continuous data, respectively. All statistical analyses were performed by Review Manager 5.2 software. A total of 18 studies involving 1,375 metacarpal or phalangeal fracture patients (709 cases and 666 controls) were included in the meta-analysis. There were significant differences in fracture healing time (SMD = -1.28; 95% CI: -1.81, -0.76), postoperative infection rate (OR = 0.25; 95% CI: 0.16, 0.39), complication incidence (OR = 0.24; 95% CI: 0.15, 0.38), and surgery time (SMD = 1.57; 95% CI: 0.76, 2.37) between the case and the control group, while no significant difference was found in hospital stays between these two groups (SMD = 0.43; 95% CI: -0.34, 1.20; P = 0.27). For the treatment of metacarpal or phalangeal fracture among Chinese Han population, mini-plate has advantages of shorter healing time and lower infection rate and complication incidence compared with K-wire internal fixation, while a longer surgery time than K-wire. In conclusion, mini-plate is prior than K-wire internal fixation for the treatment of metacarpal or phalangeal fracture among Chinese Han population.

  4. ¿Se preocupan las organizaciones por el acoso psicológico en el trabajo?. Percepciones de los trabajadores sobre las medidas organizacionales contra el acoso psicológico

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    razones económicas y morales, e incluso legales en algunos países, a favor de su prevención e intervención, aún conocemos poco sobre cómo actúan las organizaciones en la prevención del acoso psicológico. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el grado en que los trabajadores han sido informados sobre el acoso, el grado en que los directivos tienen las habilidades para intervenir con éxito en posibles situaciones de acoso y cómo las víctimas y los testigos de acoso describen el manejo de la gerencia de los episodios de acoso. Los resultados indican que muchas organizaciones aún hacen poco para asegurarse un entorno libre de acoso para sus empleados. De esta forma, la autora defiende la importancia de incrementar la conciencia sobre los efectos negativos del acoso psicológico y la necesidad de verlo como una parte de la responsabilidad social de las empresas.

  5. Interleucina 2 y su receptor soluble en cirugía Interleukin-2 and its soluble receptor in surgery

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    Maczy González Rincón


    Full Text Available Desde hace más de cuatro decenios el procedimiento quirúrgico ha sido objeto de estudio para determinar su responsabilidad en la posible alteración del sistema inmunitario del individuo que se somete a una cirugía de cierta envergadura y su relación con los episodios infecciosos en el período posoperatorio. Hoy en día, se tiene un poco más claro el papel preponderante que la cirugía tiene en los cambios que sufre el sistema inmunitario después del trauma quirúrgico, y su mayor comprensión ha mejorado la incidencia de las complicaciones infecciosas en el paciente operado. En esta revisión se describen los antecedentes más relevantes que han conducido a un mejor entendimiento de los procesos involucrados en las alteraciones del sistema inmunitario luego de una intervención quirúrgica

  6. Development of the 16 X-STR loci typing system and genetic analysis in a Shanghai Han population from China. (United States)

    Sun, Kuan; Zhao, Shumin; Tian, Huaizhou; Zhang, Suhua; Li, Chengtao


    This study developed a new multiplex PCR system that simultaneously amplifies 16 X-STR loci in the same PCR reaction, and the polymorphism and mutation rates of these 16 X-STR loci were explored in a Shanghai Han population from China. These loci included DXS10134, DXS10159, DXS6789, DXS6795, DXS6800, DXS6803, DXS6807, DXS6810, DXS7132, DXS7424, DXS8378, DXS9902, GATA165B12, GATA172D05, GATA31E08, and HPRTB. Samples from 591 unrelated individuals (293 males and 298 females) and 400 two-generation families were successfully analyzed using this multiplex system. Allele frequencies and mutation rates of the 16 loci were investigated, with the comparison of allele frequency distributions among different populations performed. Polymorphism information contents of these loci were all >0.6440 except the locus DXS6800 (0.4706). Nine cases of mutations were detected in the 16 loci from the investigation of 9232 meioses. Pairwise comparisons of allele frequency distributions showed significant differences for most loci among populations from different countries and ethnic groups but not among the Han population living in other areas of China. These results suggest that the 16 X-STR loci system provides highly informative polymorphic data for paternity testing and forensic identification in the Han population in Shanghai, China, as a complementary tool. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. Association study of STAT4 polymorphisms and type 1 diabetes in Northeastern Chinese Han population. (United States)

    Bi, C; Li, B; Cheng, Z; Hu, Y; Fang, Z; Zhai, A


    Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an organ-specific, T-cell-mediated disease resulting from the selective destruction of pancreatic β cells. The signal transducer and activator of transcription 4 (STAT4) gene is one of the most interesting genes for the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases, including T1D. In this study, a case-control study was conducted in a Han population in northeastern China comparing the genotypes of T1D patients to healthy controls for the presence of two single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the STAT4 gene. The study population comprised of 410 T1D patients and 407 healthy individuals. Two SNPs (rs7574865 and rs3024866) of STAT4 were genotyped with Multiplex SNaPShot method. Data were analyzed with spss 13.0 to determine if a statistical association existed between these genotypes and T1D. One of the two SNPs (rs7574865) was strongly associated with T1D in Northeastern Chinese population compared to healthy controls (P < 0.05), whereas the other tested SNP (rs3024866) demonstrated no significant relationship. In conclusion, the STAT4 gene may play an important role in facilitating susceptibility to T1D in this Han Chinese population. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  8. Estudio sobre la percepción de calidad de vida que presentan pacientes que han sufrido un accidente cerebrovascular a través de la ECVI-38


    Rodríguez Álvarez, Sandra


    Trabajo fin de Grado, curso 2015/2016 [ES] Introducción. La OMS define el accidente cerebrovascular como la interrupción del suministro de sangre al cerebro, por lo general debido a que un vaso sanguíneo se rompe o es bloqueado por un coágulo. Esto corta el suministro de oxígeno y nutrientes, causando daños en el tejido cerebral. El Ictus representa la tercera causa de muerte y la primera de invalidez en los adultos de los países occidentales, con una incidencia de 200 casos por cada 10...

  9. Hans Kelsen: pensador político

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    Sara Lagi


    Full Text Available Hasta la publicación de Sobre la esencia y el valor de la democracia, Hans Kelsen era solo conocido como experto en derecho público. El valor de este artículo de Lagi radica en rescatar de la obra kelseniana un aspecto casi por completo olvidado por la crítica, a saber, sus análisis sobre el significado y las características de la democracia parlamentaria en los Estados modernos. Se aborda la cuestión no solo desde el debate teórico sino también desde su contexto histórico¿político. La teoría política de Kelsen es considerada una parte integral de su doctrina central, presentada en Teoría pura del derecho, su obra más conspicua. Un análisis del trabajo sobre la esencia y el valor de la democracia nos restituye la imagen de un Kelsen como original pensador político. Se analizan las dos ediciones de Sobre la esencia y el valor de la democracia (1920¿1929 con estos propósitos: comprender por qué decidió dedicarse a la teoría de la democracia un teórico que rigurosamente defendió la separación de la esfera jurídica respecto de la historia, la filosofía y la política; y por qué no se limitó a explicar la esencia de la democracia sino que decidió concentrarse en clarificar qué se entiende por valor de la democracia.

  10. Association between single nucleotide polymorphisms of sterol regulatory element binding protein-2 gene and risk of knee osteoarthritis in a Chinese Han population. (United States)

    Qiu, Xiao-Ming; Jin, Cheng-Tao; Wang, Wei


    To investigate associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) rs2228314 and rs2267443 in the sterol regulatory element binding protein-2 gene (SREBP-2) and knee osteoarthritis (OA) susceptibility in a Chinese Han population. SREBP-2 rs2228314 and rs2267443 polymorphisms were genotyped in patients with knee OA and age- and sex-matched OA-free controls from a Chinese Han population. A total of 402 patients with knee OA and 410 controls were enrolled in the study. GC and CC genotypes of rs2228314, and variant C, were associated with a significantly increased risk of knee OA. On stratification analysis, the association between the risk of OA and rs2228314 GC heterozygotes compared with GG homozygotes was stronger in females and those aged >65 years. In contrast, the GA and AA genotypes of rs2267443 were not significantly associated with the risk of knee OA, even after further stratification analysis according to age or sex. SREBP-2 rs2228314 G to C change and variant C genotype may contribute to knee OA risk in a Chinese Han population.

  11. Association of inflammatory gene polymorphisms with ischemic stroke in a Chinese Han population. (United States)

    Zhao, Nan; Liu, Xin; Wang, Yongqin; Liu, Xiaoqiu; Li, Jiana; Yu, Litian; Ma, Liyuan; Wang, Shuyu; Zhang, Hongye; Liu, Lisheng; Zhao, Jingbo; Wang, Xingyu


    Inflammatory mechanisms are important in stroke risk, and genetic variations in components of the inflammatory response have been implicated as risk factors for stroke. We tested the inflammatory gene polymorphisms and their association with ischemic stroke in a Chinese Han population. A total of 1,124 ischemic stroke cases and 1,163 controls were genotyped with inflammatory panel strips containing 51 selected inflammatory gene polymorphisms from 35 candidate genes. We tested the genotype-stroke association with logistic regression model. We found two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in CCL11 were associated with ischemic stroke. After adjusting for multiple testing using false discovery rate (FDR) with a 0.20 cut-off point, CCL11 rs4795895 remained statistically significant. We further stratified the study population by their hypertension status. In the hypertensive group, CCR2 rs1799864, CCR5 rs1799987 and CCL11 rs4795895 were nominally associated with increased risk of stroke. In the non-hypertensive group, CCL11 rs3744508, LTC4S rs730012, FCER1B rs569108, TGFB1 rs1800469, LTA rs909253 and CCL11 rs4795895 were associated with ischemic stroke. After correction for multiple testing, CCR2 rs1799864 and CCR5 rs1799987 remained significant in the hypertensive group, and CCL11 rs3744508, LTC4S rs730012, FCER1B rs569108, TGFB1 rs1800469, LTA rs909253 remained significant in the non-hypertensive group. Our results indicate that inflammatory genetic variants are associated with increased risk of ischemic stroke in a Chinese Han population, particularly in non-hypertensive individuals.

  12. Allele and haplotype diversity of new multiplex of 19 ChrX-STR loci in Han population from Guanzhong region (China). (United States)

    Zhang, Yu-Dang; Shen, Chun-Mei; Meng, Hao-Tian; Guo, Yu-Xin; Dong, Qian; Yang, Guang; Yan, Jiang-Wei; Liu, Yao-Shun; Mei, Ting; Huang, Rui-Zhe; Zhu, Bo-Feng


    X-chromosomal short tandem repeats (X-STRs) have been proved to be useful for some deficiency paternity cases in recent years. Here, we studied the genetic polymorphisms of 19 X-STR loci (DXS10148-DXS10135-DXS8378, DXS10159-DXS10162-DXS10164, DXS7132-DXS10079-DXS10074-DXS10075, DXS6809-DXS6789, DXS7424-DXS101, DXS10103-HPRTB-DXS10101 and DXS7423-DXS10134) in 252 male and 222 female individuals from Guanzhong Han population, China. No deviation for all 19 loci was observed from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The polymorphism information content values of the panel of 19 loci were more than 0.5 with the exception of the locus DXS7423. The combined power of discrimination were 0.9999999999999999999994340 in females and 0.9999999999997662 in males, respectively; and the combined mean exclusion chances were 0.999999993764 in duos and 0.999999999997444 in trios, respectively. The haplotype diversities for all the seven clusters of linked loci were more than 0.9. The results showed that the panel of 19 X-STR loci were powerful for forensic applications in Guanzhong Han population. Locus by locus population comparisons showed significant differences at more than seven loci between Guanzhong Han population and the groups from North America, Europe and Africa. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. The association between DRD2/ANKK1, 5-HTTLPR gene, and specific personality trait on antisocial alcoholism among Han Chinese in Taiwan. (United States)

    Wu, Chin-Yeh; Wu, Yi-Syuan; Lee, Jia-Fu; Huang, San-Yuan; Yu, Lung; Ko, Huei-Chen; Lu, Ru-Band


    Cloninger suggested that type II alcoholism was associated with higher novelty seeking and less harm avoidance behaviors, which was similar to antisocial alcoholism. Most previous studies have failed to recruit subjects that have antisocial personality disorder without alcoholism due to the high coexisting likelihood of having antisocial personality disorder with alcoholism in the majority of the examined populations. Thus, recruitment of individuals with antisocial non-alcoholism (antisocial personality disorder) served as an important control group in examining Cloninger's hypothesis. Due to the documented protective effects against alcoholism of ALDH2*1/*2 or *2/*2 genotype among the Han Chinese population, we recruited antisocial non-alcoholics from the Han Chinese population in Taiwan to verify Cloninger's hypotheses. A total of 127 Han Chinese subjects were recruited who met the diagnosis of antisocial alcoholism (n = 43) or antisocial non-alcoholism (n = 84). We found that the antisocial alcoholism group scored higher on the novelty seeking behavior than did the antisocial non-alcoholism group (t = 2.61, P = 0.01), but no difference was observed on the harm avoidance dimension between these two groups (t = 0.15, P = 0.88). In the novelty seeking scores, after stratification of DRD2 TaqI A genotypes, only a significant difference in 5-HTTLPR polymorphisms between antisocial alcoholics and antisocial non-alcoholics was found, indicating an interaction between DRD2 TaqI A1+ (include A1/A1 or A1/A2) and 5-HTTLPR S/S genotype (t = 2.75, P = 0.01) However, no significant difference was found in the harm avoidance personality trait between these two groups of Han Chinese in Taiwan. (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  14. Association between single-nucleotide polymorphism in CISH gene and susceptibility to tuberculosis in Chinese Han population. (United States)

    Zhao, Lan; Chu, Haiqing; Xu, Xiaogang; Yue, Jun; Li, Huiping; Wang, Minggui


    The cytokine-inducible SRC homology 2 domain (CISH) gene is up-regulated by IL-2 in response to infection, and inhibits microbial infection. The objective of the present study was to examine whether genetic variants of CISH (SNPs) are associated with increased susceptibility to tuberculosis (TB) in individuals of Chinese Han ethnicity. We sequenced five previously identified SNPs of CISH in patients with TB or healthy controls. Three of the SNPs, rs148685070 [position -639; C/C], rs414171 [position -292; A/T], and rs6768300 [position -163; C/G]) are located in the promoter region, while the fourth (rs2239751 [position +1320; A/C]) near the translation start site, and the fifth (rs622502 [position +3415; C/G]) in the third intron. The AA genotypes of the SNPs rs2239751 and rs414171 were significantly associated with TB. Multivariate logistic regression analysis demonstrated that subjects with the rs414171 AA genotype were more likely to have TB than those with the AT genotype. By contrast, we did not observe genetic variants of the rs148685070 SNP. In conclusion, two genetic variants in CISH gene appear to increase susceptibility to TB in Chinese Han population.

  15. 5-HTTLPR polymorphism impacts task-evoked and resting-state activities of the amygdala in Han Chinese. (United States)

    Li, Sufang; Zou, Qihong; Li, Jun; Li, Jin; Wang, Deyi; Yan, Chaogan; Dong, Qi; Zang, Yu-Feng


    Prior research has shown that the amygdala of carriers of the short allele (s) of the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) gene (5-HTTLPR) have a larger response to negative emotional stimuli and higher spontaneous activity during the resting state than non-carriers. However, recent studies have suggested that the effects of 5-HTTLPR may be specific to different ethnic groups. Few studies have been conducted to address this issue. Blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was conducted on thirty-eight healthy Han Chinese subjects (l/l group, n = 19; s/s group, n = 19) during the resting state and during an emotional processing task. Compared with the s/s group, the l/l group showed significantly increased regional homogeneity or local synchronization in the right amygdala during the resting state (|t|>2.028, pemotional processing task. 5-HTTLPR can alter the spontaneous activity of the amygdala in Han Chinese. However, the effect of 5-HTTLPR on the amygdala both in task state and resting state in Asian population was no similar with Caucasians. They suggest that the effect of 5-HTTLPR on the amygdala may be modulated by ethnic differences.

  16. Relationship between genetic polymorphisms in the DRD5 gene and paranoid schizophrenia in northern Han Chinese. (United States)

    Zhao, Y; Ding, M; Pang, H; Xu, X M; Wang, B J


    Dopamine (DA) has been implicated in the pathophysiol-ogy of several psychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia. Thus, genes related to the dopaminergic (DAergic) system are good candidate genes for schizophrenia. One of receptors of the DA receptor system is dopa-mine receptor 5 (DRD5). Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the regulatory regions of DRD5 gene may affect gene expression, influence biosynthesis of DA and underlie various neuropsychiatric disorders re-lated to DA dysfunction. The present study explored the association of SNPs within the DRD5 gene with paranoid schizophrenia in Han Chinese. A total of 176 patients with schizophrenia and 206 healthy controls were genotyped for four DRD5 SNPs (rs77434921, rs2076907, rs6283, and rs1800762). Significant group differences were observed in the allele and genotype frequencies of rs77434921 and rs1800762 and in the frequen-cies of GC haplotypes corresponding to rs77434921-rs1800762. Our find-ings suggest that common genetic variations of DRD5 are likely to con-tribute to genetic susceptibility to paranoid schizophrenia in Han Chinese. Further studies in larger samples are needed to replicate this association.

  17. Heterogeneity revealed through meta-analysis might link geographical differences with nasopharyngeal carcinoma incidence in Han Chinese populations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Su, Wen-Hui; Chiu, Chi-Cking; Yao Shugart, Yin


    Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is an epithelial malignancy highly prevalent in southern China, and incidence rates among Han Chinese people vary according to geographic region. Recently, three independent genome-wide association studies (GWASs) confirmed that HLA-A is the main risk gene for NPC. However, the results of studies conducted in regions with dissimilar incidence rates contradicted the claims that HLA-A is the sole risk gene and that the association of rs29232 is independent of the HLA-A effect in the chromosome 6p21.3 region. We performed a meta-analysis, selecting five single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in chromosome 6p21.3 mapped in three published GWASs and four case–control studies. The studies involved 8994 patients with NPC and 11,157 healthy controls, all of whom were Han Chinese. The rs2517713 SNP located downstream of HLA-A was significantly associated with NPC (P = 1.08 × 10 −91 , odds ratio [OR] = 0.58, 95 % confidence interval [CI] = 0.55–0.61). The rs29232 SNP exhibited a moderate level of heterogeneity (I 2 = 47 %) that disappeared (I 2 = 0 %) after stratification by moderate- and high-incidence NPC regions. Our results suggested that the HLA-A gene is strongly associated with NPC risk. In addition, the heterogeneity revealed by the meta-analysis of rs29232 might be associated with regional differences in NPC incidence among Han Chinese people. The higher OR of rs29232 and the fact that rs29232 was independent of the HLA-A effect in the moderate-incidence population suggested that rs29232 might have greater relevance to NPC incidence in a moderate-incidence population than in a high-incidence population. The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12885-015-1607-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

  18. Are the new resonances superexotic or collapsed han nambu states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lipkin, H.J.


    Possible descriptions of the psi states as unorthodox color octet states in the Han-Nambu model are discussed. Simple quark-antiquark configurations are unbound in the static colored gluon exchange model. More complicated states having indefinite numbers of quark-antiquark pairs, or ''collapsed configurations'' might be bound. Their radiative decays would be suppressed by the small overlap with conventional states. The unexplained spin dependence of both conventional and new meson spectra is pointed out. The rho-π mass difference is about half the rho-f splitting, while the B-f splitting is small. New particles have low-lying vectors and no trace of pseudo-scalars. A link between these spectra is suggested by the observation that precisely these features follow from adding a repulsive core to the colored gluon exchange potential in the color singlet spin triplet state which also reverses sign in the color octet states. (author)

  19. Criteria to determine the depth of the production interval in wells of the Cerro Prieto geothermal field, Mexico; Criterios para determinar la profundidad del intervalo productor en pozos del campo geotermico de Cerro Prieto, Mexico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leon Vivar, Jesus Saul de [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Residencia General de Cerro Prieto, Mexicali, B.C. (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    Ways to select the depth of the production interval or to complete wells in the Cerro Prieto geothermal field have changed during the development of the field. From 1961 when drilling began to the middle of 2005, a total of 325 wells were drilled. The paper compares the approaches used in the past with those of the last ten years. The Cerro Prieto system has been classified as being of liquid-dominated and high-temperature. Today, after 33 years of commercial exploitation, it has experienced a series of thermal and geochemical fluid changes making it necessary to modify the ways to select the depth of the well production intervals, according to the observed behavior of the reservoir. The new criteria include the thermal approach, the geological approach, the geochemical approach and a comparative approach with neighboring wells. If most of these criteria are interpreted correctly, the success of a well is ensured. [Spanish] Los criterios para seleccionar la profundidad del intervalo productor o la terminacion de los pozos en el campo geotermico de Cerro Prieto han cambiado durante el desarrollo del mismo. De 1961, cuando se perforaron los primeros pozos, hasta mediados del 2005 se han perforado un total de 325 pozos. En el presente articulo se hara una breve revision de cuales han sido los criterios usados en el pasado y los que se han venido empleando en los ultimos diez anos. El yacimiento de Cerro Prieto ha sido clasificado como de liquido dominante, de alta temperatura, pero actualmente, despues de 33 anos de explotacion comercial, ha sufrido una serie de cambios termicos y geoquimicos en sus fluidos, por lo que ha sido necesario modificar los criterios para seleccionar la profundidad del intervalo productor de los pozos de acuerdo al comportamiento observado en el yacimiento. Los criterios actuales se dividen en cuatro: 1. Criterio termico, 2. Criterio geologico, 3. Criterio geoquimico y 4. Criterio comparativo de los pozos vecinos. Cuando la mayoria de estos

  20. [Analysis of genetic polymorphisms and mutations of 20 frequently used STR loci among ethnic Hans from Henan]. (United States)

    Wang, Hongdan; Kang, Bing; Gao, Yue; Huo, Xiaodong; Li, Tao; Guo, Qiannan; Zhu, Bofeng; Liao, Shixiu


    To study the genetic polymorphisms and mutations of 20 frequently used autosomal microsatellites among ethnic Hans from Henan. Peripheral blood samples of 2604 individuals were collected. DNA was amplified and genotyped using a PowerPlex(TM) 21 system. The frequencies, forensic parameters and mutation rates of the 20 short tandem repeat (STR) loci were analyzed. A total of 323 alleles were found in this population and the allelic frequencies have ranged from 0.0003 to 0.5144. Except for D3S1358, TH01 and TPOX, mutations have been found in all of the remaining 17 STR loci, which totaled 47, with mutation rates ranging from 0 to 3.46 × 10 -3 . The 20 STR loci selected by the PowerPlex(TM) 21 system are highly polymorphic among ethnic Hans from Henan, and may be of great value in forensic and human population studies. As no similar study has been carried out previously, above results may be of great value for individual discrimination and paternal testing.

  1. Den orättvisaste orättvisan. Heroism och alternativ maskulinitet i Hans Erik Engqvists ungdomsroman Tredagarskriget

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olle Widhe


    Full Text Available ”Wicked Wrongfulness. Heroism and Alternative Versions of Masculinity in Hans Erik Engqvist’s Young Adult Novel Three Days War”. This article examines the re-evaluation of modern masculinity in the YA novel Three Days War by the Swedish author Hans Erik Engqvist (b. 1934. The central argument is that the fictional representation of Children Playing War in the novel is intertwined with the imagining of competing masculinities as well as opposing ideologies in post-war Sweden. Thus, the expression of institutionalized middle-class masculinity is contrasted to the representation of an alternative left wing working-class masculinity in opposition to social hierarchy and social inequality. Through different allusions to heroic men and heroic behaviour in 19th century literature and American Western films the novel invites the reader to evoke hegemonic masculinity as a schema shaping both the understanding of the young characters and their play. But the novel also interrogates this institutionalized myth of hegemonic masculinity and sets the main character, as well as the reader, in search of an alternative version of the heroic male.

  2. Den orättvisaste orättvisan. Heroism och alternativ maskulinitet i Hans Erik Engqvists ungdomsroman Tredagarskriget

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Widhe, Olle


    Full Text Available ”Wicked Wrongfulness. Heroism and Alternative Versions of Masculinity in Hans Erik Engqvist’s Young Adult Novel Three Days War”. This article examines the re-evaluation of modern masculinity in the YA novel Three Days War by the Swedish author Hans Erik Engqvist (b. 1934. The central argument is that the fictional representation of Children Playing War in the novel is intertwined with the imagining of competing masculinities as well as opposing ideologies in post-war Sweden. Thus, the expression of institutionalized middle-class masculinity is contrasted to the representation of an alternative left wing working-class masculinity in opposition to social hierarchy and social inequality. Through different allusions to heroic men and heroic behaviour in 19th century literature and American Western films the novel invites the reader to evoke hegemonic masculinity as a schema shaping both the understanding of the young characters and their play. But the novel also interrogates this institutionalized myth of hegemonic masculinity and sets the main character, as well as the reader, in search of an alternative version of the heroic male.

  3. Genome-Wide Association Study for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Taiwanese Han Population.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Po-Hsiu Kuo

    Full Text Available Autism spectrum disorder (ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder with strong genetic components. Several recent genome-wide association (GWA studies in Caucasian samples have reported a number of gene regions and loci correlated with the risk of ASD--albeit with very little consensus across studies.A two-stage GWA study was employed to identify common genetic variants for ASD in the Taiwanese Han population. The discovery stage included 315 patients with ASD and 1,115 healthy controls, using the Affymetrix SNP array 6.0 platform for genotyping. Several gene regions were then selected for fine-mapping and top markers were examined in extended samples. Single marker, haplotype, gene-based, and pathway analyses were conducted for associations.Seven SNPs had p-values ranging from 3.4~9.9*10-6, but none reached the genome-wide significant level. Five of them were mapped to three known genes (OR2M4, STYK1, and MNT with significant empirical gene-based p-values in OR2M4 (p = 3.4*10(-5 and MNT (p = 0.0008. Results of the fine-mapping study showed single-marker associations in the GLIS1 (rs12082358 and rs12080993 and NAALADL2 (rs3914502 and rs2222447 genes, and gene-based associations for the OR2M3-OR2T5 (olfactory receptor genes, p = 0.02, and GLIPR1/KRR1 gene regions (p = 0.015. Pathway analyses revealed important pathways for ASD, such as olfactory and G protein-coupled receptors signaling pathways.We reported Taiwanese Han specific susceptibility genes and variants for ASD. However, further replication in other Asian populations is warranted to validate our findings. Investigation in the biological functions of our reported genetic variants might also allow for better understanding on the underlying pathogenesis of autism.

  4. Genetic Variants of IκB Kinase β (IKBKB and Polymerase β (POLB Were Not Associated with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Risk in a Chinese Han Population.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuan Li

    Full Text Available A previous large-scale replication study validation of a genome wide association study (GWAS identified IκB kinase β (IKBKB single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs as a risk factor associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE in a Chinese Han population. IKBKB SNPs were associated with polymerase β (POLB SNPs and reduced POLB expression, and this was proposed to be an underlying cause of human SLE development. In the current case-control study, we evaluated IKBKB (rs12676482 and rs2272733 and POLB (rs3136717 and rs3136744 SNPs in 946 SLE patients and 961 healthy controls. We investigated the possible association of these four SNPs with SLE in a Chinese Han population using the polymerase chain reaction-ligation detection reaction (PCR-LDR technique. The differences in the frequencies of the four SNP alleles and the genotypes and haplotypes of the POLB polymorphisms were statistically insignificant when the SLE patients were compared with the controls in the Chinese Han population enrolled in this study (all, p ˃ 0.05. Furthermore, no associations were detected using different genetic models (additive, dominant, and recessive; all, p ˃ 0.05. Our findings indicate that the IKBKB (rs12676482 and rs2272733 and POLB (rs3136717, rs3136744 SNPs confer no genetic predisposition to SLE risk in this Chinese Han population.

  5. Masculinidad y violencia: aproximaciones desde el universo del deporte Masculinity and violence: approaches in the sports' universe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julio César Gonzáles Pagés


    Full Text Available El ejercicio de la violencia ha sido una cualidad asignada socio-culturalmente a los hombres en el decurso de la historia. Estos la han utilizado en función de legitimar el poder que poseen en el marco de las relaciones de género, a partir de la posición hegemónica que detentan respecto a las mujeres. Asimismo, los hombres continuamente están siendo violentos con otros hombres y consigo mismos, como parte de la socialización de sus masculinidades. La violencia es un fenómeno que se expresa en múltiples formas: física, verbal, psicológica, económica. Los escenarios en los que se hace visible son igualmente variados: las relaciones de pareja, en el seno del hogar, la escuela, los medios de comunicación o las prácticas deportivas. Estas últimas en su devenir histórico han estado marcadas por la presencia de episodios violentos en todas las áreas que se vinculan a ellas. Al constituirse el universo del deporte como espacio privilegiado para la validación de un modelo hegemónico de masculinidad, han sido los hombres los grandes cultores de esos episodios de violencia. Combatir la violencia y promover una cultura de paz que revierta la tradicional jerarquía que define las relaciones entre hombres y mujeres es un objetivo esencial en aras de un mundo mejor. Entre los actores e instituciones implicados en ello, la educación, en su sentido más amplio, ha de desempeñar un rol fundamental en la consecución de ese ideal.The practice of the violence has been a quality assigned socially and culturally to the men in the course of history. They have used it to legitimize their power inside gender relations, from the hegemonic position they have in relation to women. Likewise, men are frequently violent with other men and against themselves, a characteristic in socialization process of their masculinities. Violence is a phenomenon expressed in several ways: physically, verbally, psychologically and economically. The scenes where it appears

  6. PDCD1 genes may protect against extraocular manifestations in Chinese Han patients with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meng, Q.L.; Liu, X.L.; Yang, P.Z.; Hou, S.P.; Du, L.P.; Zhou, H.Y.; Kijlstra, A.


    Purpose: To analyze the potential association of programmed cell death 1 (PDCD1) with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) syndrome in a Chinese Han population. Methods: Three single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs), PD-1.3G/A, PD-1.5C/T, and PD-1.6G/A, were genotyped in 247 VKH patients and 289 age-, sex-, and

  7. Disruption of estrogen homeostasis as a mechanism for uterine toxicity in Wistar Han rats treated with tetrabromobisphenol A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanders, J. Michael; Coulter, Sherry J.; Knudsen, Gabriel A.; Dunnick, June K.; Kissling, Grace E.; Birnbaum, Linda S.


    Chronic oral treatment of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) to female Wistar Han rats resulted in increased incidence of cell proliferation at 250 mg/kg and tumor formation in the uterus at higher doses. The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that disruption of estrogen homeostasis was a major mode-of-action for the observed effects. Biological changes were assessed in serum, liver, and the proximal (nearest the cervix) and distal (nearest the ovaries) sections of the uterine horn of Wistar Han rats 24 h following administration of the last of five daily oral doses of 250 mg/kg. Expression of genes associated with receptors, biosynthesis, and metabolism of estrogen was altered in the liver and uterus. TBBPA treatment also resulted in changes in expression of genes associated with cell division and growth. Changes were also observed in the concentration of thyroxine in serum and in expression of genes in the liver and uterus associated with thyroid hormone receptors. Differential expression of some genes was tissue-dependent or specific to tissue location in the uterus. The biological responses observed in the present study support the hypothesis that perturbation of estrogen homeostasis is a major mode-of-action for TBBPA-mediated cell proliferation and tumorigenesis previously observed in the uterus of TBBPA-treated Wistar Han rats. - Highlights: • Perturbation of estrogen homeostasis in TBBPA-treated female rats was investigated. • Gene expression changes were observed in the liver and uterus of these rats. • Genes associated with estrogen biosynthesis and metabolism were affected. • Genes associated with thyroid homeostasis and cell division/growth were affected. • A mechanism of uterine toxicity via endocrine disruption was indicated.

  8. Disruption of estrogen homeostasis as a mechanism for uterine toxicity in Wistar Han rats treated with tetrabromobisphenol A

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanders, J. Michael, E-mail: [Laboratory of Toxicology and Toxicokinetics, National Cancer Institute at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 (United States); Coulter, Sherry J.; Knudsen, Gabriel A. [Laboratory of Toxicology and Toxicokinetics, National Cancer Institute at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 (United States); Dunnick, June K.; Kissling, Grace E. [National Toxicology Program, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 (United States); Birnbaum, Linda S. [Laboratory of Toxicology and Toxicokinetics, National Cancer Institute at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 (United States)


    Chronic oral treatment of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) to female Wistar Han rats resulted in increased incidence of cell proliferation at 250 mg/kg and tumor formation in the uterus at higher doses. The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that disruption of estrogen homeostasis was a major mode-of-action for the observed effects. Biological changes were assessed in serum, liver, and the proximal (nearest the cervix) and distal (nearest the ovaries) sections of the uterine horn of Wistar Han rats 24 h following administration of the last of five daily oral doses of 250 mg/kg. Expression of genes associated with receptors, biosynthesis, and metabolism of estrogen was altered in the liver and uterus. TBBPA treatment also resulted in changes in expression of genes associated with cell division and growth. Changes were also observed in the concentration of thyroxine in serum and in expression of genes in the liver and uterus associated with thyroid hormone receptors. Differential expression of some genes was tissue-dependent or specific to tissue location in the uterus. The biological responses observed in the present study support the hypothesis that perturbation of estrogen homeostasis is a major mode-of-action for TBBPA-mediated cell proliferation and tumorigenesis previously observed in the uterus of TBBPA-treated Wistar Han rats. - Highlights: • Perturbation of estrogen homeostasis in TBBPA-treated female rats was investigated. • Gene expression changes were observed in the liver and uterus of these rats. • Genes associated with estrogen biosynthesis and metabolism were affected. • Genes associated with thyroid homeostasis and cell division/growth were affected. • A mechanism of uterine toxicity via endocrine disruption was indicated.

  9. Signal transducer and activator of transcription 4 gene polymorphisms associated with rheumatoid arthritis in Northwestern Chinese Han population. (United States)

    Liang, Ya-Ling; Wu, Hua; Li, Pei-Qiang; Xie, Xiao-Dong; Shen, Xi; Yang, Xiao-Qing; Cheng, Xuan; Liang, Li


    Signal transducer and activator of transcription 4 (STAT4) gene encode a transcriptional factor that transmits signals induced by several key cytokines which play important roles in the development of autoimmune diseases. Recently, several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in STAT4 gene have been reported to be significantly associated with Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in different ethnic populations. We undertook this study to investigate whether the association of STAT4 genetic polymorphisms with RA is present in Northwestern Chinese Han population. A case-control association study in individuals with RA (n=208) and healthy controls (n=312) was conducted. Four SNPs (rs7574865, rs8179673, rs10181656, rs11889341) in STAT4 gene were genotyped by using polymerase chain reaction followed by denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (PCR-DHPLC) and DNA sequencing. The genotype and allele distributions of four polymorphisms were significantly different in individuals with RA compared to controls, with SNP rs7574865 T allele and T/T genotype showing the most significant association with susceptibility to RA (uncorrected P=1×10(-4), OR=1.645, 95% CI=1.272-2.129; uncorrected P=4.8×10(-5), OR=3.111, 95% CI=1.777-5.447, respectively). Stratification studies showed that STAT4 gene polymorphisms were significantly associated with anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) positive subgroup in Northwestern Chinese Han population. These findings strongly suggest that STAT4 genetic polymorphisms are associated with RA in Northwestern Chinese Han population, and support the hypothesis of STAT4 gene polymorphisms increasing the risk for RA across major populations. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Analysis of the crime scene model using three objects from the collection of the Hans Gross Museum of Criminology of the University of Graz. (United States)

    Elek, Lydia


    As part of the collection in the Hans Gross Museum of Criminology in Graz there are still three crime scene reliefs; two of which were made by Hans Gross himself. The practical purpose of these criminal landscape models is something one could speculate about, but such models may have been useful in two fields: in the criminal lab and in the courtroom. To see the reliefs in a scientific experimental context as well as under the aspects of artwork and topography is as essential as emphasizing their genuine military character.

  11. Uso de la punción lumbar en la evaluación de sepsis neonatal tardía en recién nacidos de bajo peso al nacer (United States)

    Zea-Vera, A; Turín, CG; Rueda, MS; Guillén-Pinto, D; Medina-Alva, P; Tori, A; Rivas, M; Zegarra, J; Castañeda, A; Cam, L; Ochoa, TJ


    RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el uso de la punción lumbar (PL) en las sospechas de sepsis neonatal tardía. Se recomienda realizar una PL en la evaluación de toda sospecha de sepsis neonatal tardía. Se utilizó una cohorte de 414 neonatos con peso al nacer <2000g en tres hospitales de Lima. Se realizó la PL en 45/214 (21,0%) sospechas de sepsis y en 13/48 (27,1%) sepsis confirmadas por hemocultivo. Se diagnosticó meningitis en 8/214 (3,7%) sospechas y en 8/45 (17,5%) episodios en los que se realizó la PL. El tiempo de tratamiento de los episodios sin PL fue similar a los episodios de sepsis con meningitis descartada y menor a los episodios de meningitis. El uso de la PL es bajo, lo que puede resultar en meningitis no diagnosticadas y tratadas inadecuadamente. Es necesario reforzar la importancia de la PL en la evaluación de sepsis neonatal. PMID:27656928

  12. Reference intervals for stone risk factors in 24-h urine among healthy adults of the Han population in China. (United States)

    Mai, Zanlin; Li, Xiaoxia; Cui, Zelin; Wu, Wenqi; Liu, Yongda; Ou, Lili; Liang, Yueping; Zhao, Zhijian; Liu, Yang; Mai, Xing; Zhu, Wei; Zhang, Tao; Cai, Chao; Yang, Houmeng; Zeng, Guohua


    The aim of the study was to establish reference intervals for 24-h urinary stone risk factors in the healthy Chinese Han population. From May 2013 to July 2014, we collected and analyzed 24-h urine samples from healthy adult Han population during a cross-sectional study across China. The protocol for analysis of 24-h urine included volume, pH, oxalate, citrate, sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, phosphorous, creatinine, urate, magnesium, the ion activity products of calcium oxalate (AP(CaOx) indexs) and calcium phosphate (AP(CaP) indexs). We calculated the reference intervals according to the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) 2008 guidelines and compared them with those recorded in other studies. A total of 132 male and 123 female healthy subjects with a mean (SD, range) age of 52.4 (15.2, 19-89) years were eligible in the final analysis. Men had higher 24-h excretion of creatinine, calcium, urate and phosphorus and lower levels of citrate, magnesium, chloride, sodium and potassium than women. AP(CaOx) indexs and AP(CaP) indexs were significantly higher among men than women. When urinary findings were compared with the reference intervals, most of our data showed a high abnormality rate, especially for creatinine, calcium, citrate, magnesium, chloride, sodium and potassium. The present study revealed the normal metabolic status for stone risk factors of the Chinese Han population. It is therefore necessary for each country or region to define their own reference intervals for comparison of stone risk factors between patients and healthy subjects.

  13. Association between polymorphism in the human cathepsin L (CTSL 1) promoter with hypertension in the uygur, kazak and han population in china

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, S.; Wang, Z.; Zhou, C.; Wang, D.W.


    To systemically investigate the association between the polymorphism (rs3118869) in cathepsin Lenzyme gene with hypertension in three ethnic groups (Han, Kazak and Uygur) in China. Study Design: Case-control study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Cardiology, The First Affiliated Hospital, Shihezi Medical College, Shihezi University and Department of Internal Medicine and Genetic Diagnosis Center, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, from January 2013 to May 2014. Methodology: This case-control study included 1224 patients (422 Uygur, 425 Kazak and 377 Han individuals) with hypertension and 967 healthy unrelated individuals (339 Uygur, 337 Kazak and 291 Han individuals) as controls. The participants came from three ethnic groups (Han, Kazak and Uygur) which were recruited from Xinjiang Province of China. The polymorphism (rs3118869) of the human cathepsin Lgene was genotyped using the TaqMan 5' nuclease assay. Binary logistic regression was built to determine the association of polymorphism with hypertension. Results: The genotype distribution of polymorphism was not significantly different in three ethnic groups. The rs3118869 polymorphism was significantly associated with Essential Hypertension (EH) in co-dominant model (A/C vs. C/C) in total people (OR = 0.697, 95% CI = 0.520 -0.932, p = 0.015), the same result was obtained in recessive model (C/C + A/C vs. A/A) in total people (OR = 0.689, 95% CI = 0.522 -0.910, p = 0.009). Similar finding of rs3118869 in recessive model (C/C + A/C vs. A/A) was also observed after adjusting the variable to the covariates age (OR = 0.629, 95% CI = 0.464 0853, p = 0.003). Conclusion: The study results indicate the A-allele of rs3118869 is a protective factor in hypertension. (author)

  14. Acoso sexual en el trabajo en la Administración Pública

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    Fernando Mansilla Izquierdo

    Full Text Available Introducción: Se ha definido el acoso sexual como cualquier comportamiento sexual verbal, no verbal o físico no deseado que atente contra la dignidad de una persona y crea un entorno intimidatorio, humillante u ofensivo. Se trata de una conducta inesperada, inaceptable y ofensiva. Objetivo: Explorar las características del acoso sexual en la administración pública y sus consecuencias. Método: La muestra del presente estudio descriptivo ha estado formada por empleados públicos de las Administraciones: Local, Autonómica y Estatal. Se les aplicaron el Cuestionario Sociodemográfico y un Cuestionario de Acoso Sexual y a aquellos que puntuaron de forma positiva en el cuestionario de acoso sexual se realizó una entrevista y se les administraron un Cuestionario de Consecuencias del Acoso Sexual, el Inventario de Depresión Beck y el Cuestionario de Ansiedad Estado/Rasgo (STAI. La aplicación de los instrumentos empleados se realizó de forma individual. Resultados: Las características demográficas de la muestra que participó en el estudio dan como resultado que el perfil de la acosada sexualmente es una mujer de entre 20 y 40 años, soltera o separada, con formación de bachiller/FP o diplomatura y auxiliar administrativa. No se han encontrado diferencias significativas en el porcentaje de acosados sexuales entre las distintas Administraciones Local, Autonómica y Estatal. El 2 % de las trabajadoras fueron víctimas de acoso sexual. Todas las trabajadoras que han sufrido acoso sexual han estado en tratamiento psicoterapéutico o farmacológico. Manifiestan puntuaciones altas tanto en sintomatología ansiosa como en sintomatología depresiva.


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    Veronica León


    Full Text Available Las TIC en la última década han sufrido constantes cambios en pro de su desarrollo, aplicación dentro de la educación y en la sociedad Venezolana,  esto gracias a la necesidad del conocimiento que traen consigo las nuevas generaciones, al esfuerzo que realizan las empresas e instituciones tanto públicas como privadas, sean llamadas públicas las que son administradas por el estado Venezolano, al continuo proceso de innovación tecnológica a nivel mundial, por otro lado, en relación a la educación las TIC han revolucionado los antiguos procesos de enseñanza que venían siendo aplicados en la educación venezolana, muchos de ellos siendo vistos como barreras tecnológicas para los miembros implicados dentro de la educación como los docentes y el estudiantado, en el cual, se han venido presentando acentuados cambios culturales en las generaciones anteriores frente a los jóvenes y las nuevas tecnologías, muchas veces siendo estos temas como fuente de discriminación dentro de la sociedad Venezolana. El acceso al medio tecnológico también es una barrera para la población emergente (jóvenes que busca adquirir nuevos conocimientos, los cuales, son observados desde un punto de vista económico como políticas de inclusión de las diversas clases sociales, ya que estas originan discrepancia en los procesos de comunicación dentro de las sociedades modernas, en que la edad y el acceso a las TIC se vuelve un patrón en el de conocimiento y aprendizaje de cada uno de los miembros activos de la sociedad.

  16. Aplicaciones innovadoras de la madera en la construcción

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    García Navarro, Justo


    Full Text Available The use of wooden products in construction has experienced significant changes during the last decades. New technologies have allowed to produce better and more predictable products for structural applications while have improved transformation processes to make more efficient use of the available raw resource. This paper describes current applications of new wooden materials uncommon in the Spanish construction. The Fundación Cultural COAM has channeled this information to designers in a number of seminars and courses during the last two years with special attention to the innovative applications.

    La utilización de la madera como material de construcción ha sufrido un profundo cambio en el último medio siglo. Las nuevas tecnologías y procesos industriales han provocado, junto a la optimización de las características intrínsecas del material, un mejor aprovechamiento y utilización de la madera, tanto para usos estructurales como para usos no resistentes. Este artículo, que recoge algunos de los temas desarrollados en las distintas Jornadas y Cursos sobre Construcción en Madera, organizados por la Fundación Cultural COAM durante los últimos dos años, pretende hacer un repaso no exhaustivo a las diferentes aplicaciones del material, haciendo especial hincapié en los aspectos más innovadores que, por diversas circunstancias, no han sido, hasta la fecha, suficientemente utilizados en España.

  17. 平生足悲吒----論韓愈詩的憂憤悲懷/The Sadness of Life-Han Yu's Poetry of Grief and Sorrow

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    Ming-chang LIN


    This paper is a study of the element of melancholy apprehension in Han Yu’s poetry. Han’s apprehension of melancholy, which up to now has received very little attention, is discussed in three aspects: (1 the fear of old age and sickness, (2 the fear of hunger and cold, and (3 the fear of death. Against the background of Han Yu’s unstable and uncertain life and career, the new reading and analysis show that melancholy lies at the very heart of his personality and writing.

  18. Association of a miRNA-137 Polymorphism with Schizophrenia in a Southern Chinese Han Population

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    Guoda Ma


    Full Text Available Both genome wide association study (GWAS and biochemical studies of Caucasian populations indicate a robust association between the miR-137 genetic variant rs1625579 and schizophrenia, but inconsistent results have been reported. To assay the association between this variant and schizophrenia, we genotyped 611 schizophrenic patients from Southern Chinese Han population for the risk single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP rs1625579 using the SNaPshot technique and compared the clinical profiles of different genotypes. Additionally, a meta-analysis was performed using the combined sample groups from five case-control publications and the present study. Both the genotype and allele distributions of the rs1625579 SNP were significantly different between patients and controls (P=0.036 and 0.026, SNP. TT genotype carriers showed slightly lower Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia- (BACS- derived working memory performance than G carriers (15.58 ± 9.56 versus 19.71 ± 8.18, P=0.045. In the meta-analysis, we observed a significant association between rs1625579 and schizophrenia under different genetic models (all P<0.05. The results of our study and meta-analysis provide convincing evidence that rs1625579 is significantly associated with schizophrenia. Furthermore, the miR-137 polymorphism influences the working memory performance of schizophrenic patients in a Chinese Han population.

  19. Association of inflammatory gene polymorphisms with ischemic stroke in a Chinese Han population

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    Zhao Nan


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Inflammatory mechanisms are important in stroke risk, and genetic variations in components of the inflammatory response have been implicated as risk factors for stroke. We tested the inflammatory gene polymorphisms and their association with ischemic stroke in a Chinese Han population. Methods A total of 1,124 ischemic stroke cases and 1,163 controls were genotyped with inflammatory panel strips containing 51 selected inflammatory gene polymorphisms from 35 candidate genes. We tested the genotype-stroke association with logistic regression model. Results We found two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs in CCL11 were associated with ischemic stroke. After adjusting for multiple testing using false discovery rate (FDR with a 0.20 cut-off point, CCL11 rs4795895 remained statistically significant. We further stratified the study population by their hypertension status. In the hypertensive group, CCR2 rs1799864, CCR5 rs1799987 and CCL11 rs4795895 were nominally associated with increased risk of stroke. In the non-hypertensive group, CCL11 rs3744508, LTC4S rs730012, FCER1B rs569108, TGFB1 rs1800469, LTA rs909253 and CCL11 rs4795895 were associated with ischemic stroke. After correction for multiple testing, CCR2 rs1799864 and CCR5 rs1799987 remained significant in the hypertensive group, and CCL11 rs3744508, LTC4S rs730012, FCER1B rs569108, TGFB1 rs1800469, LTA rs909253 remained significant in the non-hypertensive group. Conclusions Our results indicate that inflammatory genetic variants are associated with increased risk of ischemic stroke in a Chinese Han population, particularly in non-hypertensive individuals.

  20. La persona como singularidad concreta en la obra de Hans Urs von Balthasar

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    Anneliese Meis W.


    Full Text Available El presente estudio aborda el concepto de persona de Hans Urs von Balthasar en cuanto singularidad concreta, descubierto a través de una intensa lectura analítica de su voluminosa obra, búsqueda a la luz de la pregunta ¿por qué yo soy precisamente yo? En efecto, el teólogo suizo nunca sistematiza su comprensión de persona ­la distingue sí de los conceptos "individuo", "sujeto" y "espíritu­, pese a que se sirve de aquella como de uno de los pilares más significativos de su pensamiento. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian la complejidad de factores conceptuales, que demuestran que el yo tiene su fundamento último en el acto libre del amor infinito, que como tal constituye la persona desde el dinamismo intradivino de las relaciones opuestas entre Padre, Hijo y Espíritu SantoThis paper regards the concept of person as a concrete singularity in Hans Urs Von Balthasar's work. Such concept rose after a deep analytical reading of his voluminous work, in the light of the guiding question; Why am I, precisely I? The Swiss theologian distinguishes person from the concepts "individual", "subject" and "spirit", but he never synthesises his understanding of person, even though he uses it as one of the most significant pillars of his thought. The results obtained from the research confirm the complexity of the conceptual factors, which show that one's self has its deepest foundation in the free act of the infinite love, which as such, constitutes the person from the intra-divine dynamism of the opposed relations between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit