
Sample records for generator system dano


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    Paulo Alcanfor Ximenes


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    Avaliaram-se os efeitos de danos mecânicos ocasionados por cinco sistemas dosadores de sementes, em quatro culturas. Amostras das sementes foram coletadas antes e após passarem pelos sistemas dosadores e foram submetidas a testes de pureza, germinação e vigor. Não houve diferença entre os efeitos de danos mecânicos ocasionados pelos sistemas dosadores empregados nas sementes de milho. Para as sementes de feijão, menores efeitos foram verificados quando da utilização dos dosadores pneumático a vácuo e copo dosador. O sistema rotor acanalado causou menores danos às sementes de arroz e os sistemas disco  horizontal perfurado e copo dosador foram os que menos danificaram as sementes de soja. O sistema dosador pneumático a vácuo ocasionou o maior índice de dano mecânico nas sementes de soja.

    PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Semeadoras; distribuidores de sementes; rotor acanalado.

    Effects of mechanical damage caused by five seed metering systems were evaluated in four crops. Seed samples were collected before and after passing through the measuring systems and submitted to tests of purity, germination and vigor. There was no difference in the level of mechanical damage caused by the metering systems used for maize seeds. For common bean seeds, minor effects were verified when using the vacuum metering disk and the feed cup. The fluted feed system showed the best performance for rice seeds, and the horizontal perforated disk and feed cup systems exhibited the best results for soybean seeds. The vacuum metering disk system caused the highest level of mechanical damage to soybean seeds.

    KEY-WORDS: Planter machine; seed distributor; fluted feed.

  2. Qualidade de maçãs 'Fuji Suprema' submetidas a diferentes tipos de dano mecânico

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    Marcos Vinicius Hendges


    Full Text Available Objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do dano mecânico por impacto, compressão e corte sobre a qualidade de maçãs 'Fuji Suprema' mantidas em condição ambiente. Os tratamentos avaliados foram: controle (sem dano mecânico, dano mecânico por impacto, dano mecânico por compressão e dano mecânico por corte. Os diferentes danos não influenciaram na firmeza de polpa e no ângulo 'hue' da casca. O dano por corte proporcionou frutos com menor acidez titulável, nove dias após a aplicação do dano. Frutos submetidos ao dano por impacto apresentaram maior teor de sólidos solúveis, quinze dias após a aplicação dos danos. Os danos por impacto e corte causaram o menor valor de L da polpa em todas as avaliações, evidenciando o escurecimento da polpa. Contudo, este efeito não foi observado na epiderme. Todos os frutos danificados por corteapresentaram podridão após nove dias da aplicação dos danos.De maneira geral, pode-se concluir que, nas intensidades testadas, maçãs 'Fuji Suprema' submetidas ao dano por impacto e corte apresentam prejuízos em sua qualidade, pois ocorre escurecimento da polpa no local do dano. Além disso, o dano por corte reduz a vida pós-colheita dos frutos, facilitando a ocorrência de podridões.

  3. Valoração de danos indiretos em perícias ambientais

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    Rodrigo Studart Corrêa


    Full Text Available A Lei de Crimes Ambientais (Lei 9.605/1998 remeteu à esfera penal infrações ao meio ambiente e a realização de perícias é, portanto, condição indispensável para a materialização do crime. A precificação do dano ambiental é exigida em laudos periciais e o uso de modelos de valoração tornou-se frequente. O método do custo de restauração é geralmente usado na avaliação de danos ambientais. Porém, a sua utilização como método único negligencia as funções ambientais perdidas pelo ecossistema e torna o dano lucrativo para o infrator. O exame pericial deve considerar também os danos indiretos, cuja mensuração econômica é matéria controversa. Nesse sentido, há recomendações de aplicação de taxas de juros como forma de compensar os danos indiretos e as perdas ecossistêmicas provisórias em locais degradados. A aplicação dessas taxas, porém, deve resguardar uma relação de proporcionalidade e coerência com os padrões de recuperação ambiental, devido aos princípios da razoabilidade e proporcionalidade. Nesse sentido, taxas simples e compostas de juros mostraram-se discrepantes com a função descrita por sistemas biológicos e ecológicos em fase de recuperação. A aplicação de juros compostos decrescentes mostrou-se proporcional aos padrões de recuperação de funções ecossistêmicas e pode ser utilizada para a valoração de danos indiretos em perícias ambientais.

  4. Cirurgia para controle de danos: estado atual

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    Rodrigo Camargo Leão Edelmuth

    Full Text Available A cirurgia de controle de danos é um conceito amplamente aceito atualmente entre os especialistas em trauma abdominal quando se trata de doentes gravemente traumatizados. Nestes pacientes a morte decorre, na maioria das vezes, da instalação da tríade letal (hipotermia, coagulopatia e acidose e não da incapacidade de reparar as graves lesões presentes. Nesta revisão, os autores abordam a tríade letal, em suas três fases, e enfatizam as medidas adotadas para preveni-las. Além de discutirem a indicação e o emprego da cirurgia para o controle de danos em seus vários estágios. A restauração dos padrões fisiológicos do doente na UTI, para que o mesmo possa ser submetido à operação definitiva e ao fechamento da cavidade abdominal, outro desafio no paciente traumatizado grave, também é discutida.

  5. Comparação entre métodos de valoração de danos ambientais para fins periciais

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    Thais Brasil Barros da Silva


    Full Text Available Este trabalho avaliou 24 métodos e procedimentos de valoração ambiental e selecionou dois deles (Taxa de Juros e Custo de Oportunidade para utilizá-los na comparação com valores de danos ambientais precificados em laudos do Instituto de Criminalística (IC da Polícia Civil do Distrito (PCDF. Entre 2.014 laudos de crimes ambientais emitidos pelo IC/PCDF no período de 2009 a 2014, 598 laudos apresentavam a precificação dos danos constatados. Os valores dos danos indiretos presentes nos laudos foram recalculados por meio da aplicação de uma taxa de juros de 12% ao ano sobre o valor do Custo de Reposição (danos diretos presentes nos mesmos laudos. Os valores dos danos totais presentes nos laudos foram recalculados por meio do método Custo de Oportunidade. Os resultados indicaram que os diferentes métodos produzem valores de danos ambientais que apresentam pouca ou nenhuma relação de equivalência ou proporcionalidade entre si. Portanto, o valor dos danos ambientais foi determinado pelo método utilizado para precificá-los e não por fatores ambientais relacionados ao dano.

  6. Time-Domain Electromagnetic Data Collected in the U.S. Part of the Mesilla Basin/Conejos-Médanos Aquifer System in Doña Ana County, New Mexico, and El Paso County, Texas, November 2012 (United States)

    Department of the Interior — The transboundary Mesilla Basin/Conejos-Médanos aquifer system was identified as one of the priority transboundary aquifer systems for additional study by the United...


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    Denise Pinheiro FRANCISCO


    Full Text Available Classificam-se os danos socioambientais urbanos em Curitiba como provenientes de: Atividades Noturnas, Empreendimentos Imobiliários, Atividades Industriais, Serviços de Transportes e Atividades Diversas. Estas atividades e serviços compõem o conjunto de intervenções objeto de pesquisa em 44 ações civis públicas propostas pelo Ministério Público do Paraná (de 1986 a 2002. Os danos socioambientais urbanos identificados em Curitiba são: poluição sonora, poluição atmosférica, poluição hídrica, degradação ambiental e desequilíbrio ecológico, com danos à fauna e à flora e riscos à qualidade de vida (saúde e bemestar, além da lesão ao patrimônio cultural de valor histórico, urbanístico e paisagístico. Urban partner-ambient damages in Curitiba: a geographic boarding Abstract The urban partner-environmental damages in Curitiba are classified as: Evening activities, Real Estate Enterprises, Industrial Activities, Services of Transports and Diverse Activities. These activities and services compose the set of interventions which were the object of research in 44 civil actions public proposals for the Public prosecution service of the Paraná State (1986−2002. The identified urban partnerambient damages in Curitiba are: sonorous pollution, atmospheric pollution, hydrical pollution, environmental degradation and ecological disequilibrium, with damages to the fauna and flora and risks to the quality of life (health and well-being, beyond the injury to the cultural patrimony of historical, urban and landscape value.

  8. Autonomia do dano estético na configuração da obrigação de indenizar

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    Rayssa Castro Alves


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho objetivou discutir a teoria que envolve o dano estético, temática da Responsabilidade Civil fruto de grande divergência. Para tanto, buscou elucidar, através dos elementos ensejadores de responsabilidade, o conceito do instituto e os requisitos necessários para sua configuração, enfrentando a confusão doutrinária que cerca este campo de estudo. Porém, teve como principal meta a discussão da autonomia do dano estético frente ao dano moral, intencionando demonstrar a distinção que se consolidou entre estas duas modalidades de dano e comprovar o acerto da súmula 387 editada pelo Superior Tribunal de Justiça, que reconheceu o dano estético como nova espécie de dano. Ao confrontar a teoria com a prática, percebeu-se que ainda há julgados no país que desconhecem e simplificam o instituto, insistindo em conceder indenização por dano estético apenas a título de dano moral e negando sua característica autônoma.

  9. DANoC: An Efficient Algorithm and Hardware Codesign of Deep Neural Networks on Chip. (United States)

    Zhou, Xichuan; Li, Shengli; Tang, Fang; Hu, Shengdong; Lin, Zhi; Zhang, Lei


    Deep neural networks (NNs) are the state-of-the-art models for understanding the content of images and videos. However, implementing deep NNs in embedded systems is a challenging task, e.g., a typical deep belief network could exhaust gigabytes of memory and result in bandwidth and computational bottlenecks. To address this challenge, this paper presents an algorithm and hardware codesign for efficient deep neural computation. A hardware-oriented deep learning algorithm, named the deep adaptive network, is proposed to explore the sparsity of neural connections. By adaptively removing the majority of neural connections and robustly representing the reserved connections using binary integers, the proposed algorithm could save up to 99.9% memory utility and computational resources without undermining classification accuracy. An efficient sparse-mapping-memory-based hardware architecture is proposed to fully take advantage of the algorithmic optimization. Different from traditional Von Neumann architecture, the deep-adaptive network on chip (DANoC) brings communication and computation in close proximity to avoid power-hungry parameter transfers between on-board memory and on-chip computational units. Experiments over different image classification benchmarks show that the DANoC system achieves competitively high accuracy and efficiency comparing with the state-of-the-art approaches.

  10. Qualidade de maçãs 'Fuji Suprema' submetidas a diferentes tipos de dano mecânico Quality of apples 'Fuji Suprema' subject to different mechanical damages

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    Marcos Vinicius Hendges


    Full Text Available Objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do dano mecânico por impacto, compressão e corte sobre a qualidade de maçãs 'Fuji Suprema' mantidas em condição ambiente. Os tratamentos avaliados foram: controle (sem dano mecânico, dano mecânico por impacto, dano mecânico por compressão e dano mecânico por corte. Os diferentes danos não influenciaram na firmeza de polpa e no ângulo 'hue' da casca. O dano por corte proporcionou frutos com menor acidez titulável, nove dias após a aplicação do dano. Frutos submetidos ao dano por impacto apresentaram maior teor de sólidos solúveis, quinze dias após a aplicação dos danos. Os danos por impacto e corte causaram o menor valor de L da polpa em todas as avaliações, evidenciando o escurecimento da polpa. Contudo, este efeito não foi observado na epiderme. Todos os frutos danificados por corteapresentaram podridão após nove dias da aplicação dos danos.De maneira geral, pode-se concluir que, nas intensidades testadas, maçãs 'Fuji Suprema' submetidas ao dano por impacto e corte apresentam prejuízos em sua qualidade, pois ocorre escurecimento da polpa no local do dano. Além disso, o dano por corte reduz a vida pós-colheita dos frutos, facilitando a ocorrência de podridões.The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of mechanical damage by impact, compression and cut on the quality of 'Fuji Suprema' apples in ambient conditions. The treatments were: control (no mechanical damage and mechanical damage by impact, compression and cut. Different mechanical damages did not influence the flesh firmness and hue angle of the skin. Cut damage provided fruits with lower titratable acidity, nine days after damages application. Fruits submitted to damage by impact showed higher soluble solids content, 15 days after damages application. For the L color index of the flesh, cut and impact damages caused the smallest value in all evaluations, characterizing the flesh browning. However

  11. Politicas de reducao de danos no Brasil: contribuicoes de um programa norte-americano

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    Aline Inglez-Dias


    Full Text Available Considerando a disseminação da epidemia de HIV e o controle de sua transmissão entre usuários de drogas injetáveis (UDI, estratégias de redução de danos foram incorporadas em diversos países, incluindo o Brasil. Considerando a emergência das drogas como tema central na agenda governamental, especialmente o crack, o presente artigo registra e discute as práticas observadas em um programa de pesquisa e atenção aos UDI: o UFO. Foram considerados aspectos tais como acesso e adesão do usuário, dificuldades de financiamento, sustentabilidade e avaliação de resultados. As etapas do estudo envolveram pesquisa documental, observação sistemática e entrevistas com informantes-chave. Destacamos características do UFO que poderiam contribuir para políticas de redução de danos no cenário brasileiro. O programa estudado se apresenta como um exemplo exitoso de iniciativas de redução de danos, obtendo sucesso no acesso e adesão desse grupo, favorecendo seu acesso aos serviços de saúde e prevenção de riscos associados ao uso de drogas.


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    Rodrigo de Medeiros Silva


    Full Text Available Este artigo versa sobre as violações cometidas pelo Regime Militar ao povo Krenak e o possível dano ao projeto de vida. Conceituando esta espécie de dano como violação de direitos humanos, irá discorrer sobre a criação da Guarda Rural Indígena (GRIN, a instalação do presídio indígena em suas terras chamado “Reformatório Krenak” e o deslocamento forçado para outro centro de detenção indígena, denominado fazenda Guarani, no município de Carmésia/MG. Procurará se demonstrar que as ações cometidas a este povo, pelo Estado Brasileiro, devem ser reparadas também por atingir o modo e a expectativa de vida que possuíam a época. Para melhor identificar estes danos causados, o trabalho recorrerá à peça inicial da Ação Civil Pública nº 64483-95.2015.4.01.3800, impetrada pelo Ministério Público Federal, que trata das violações sofridas pelos Krenak e o Relatório da Comissão Nacional da Verdade, Volume II. Também se demostrará que a Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos já vem entendendo que este tipo de dano deve ser reparado.

  13. O que todo intensivista deve saber a respeito da síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo e dano alveolar difuso?

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    Fernando Rios


    Full Text Available RESUMO A síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo é um desafio para o intensivista. A característica principal desta doença aguda é o dano alveolar difuso, presente em cerca de metade dos pacientes com a síndrome. É claro que o suporte respiratório à síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo tem melhorado gradualmente nas últimas décadas. É também evidente que todos estes procedimentos são benéficos, já que reduzem a lesão pulmonar e mantêm o paciente vivo. Isto deve ser interpretado como uma estratégia de ganho de tempo, até que o fator desencadeante ou de risco causal melhore, assim como a tempestade inflamatória diminua e o pulmão se cure. Por outro lado, todos - exceto dois tratamentos farmacológicos (bloqueadores neuromusculares e esteroides - são incapazes de melhorar o desfecho da síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo. A hipótese de que os resultados farmacológicos negativos podem ser explicados pela heterogeneidade histológica da síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo tem sido apoiada pelas recentes demonstrações de que a síndrome com dano alveolar difuso tem característica clínico-patológica específica. O dano alveolar difuso é um diagnóstico patológico, e a biópsia pulmonar a céu aberto (a técnica mais comum para obtenção de tecido pulmonar tem efeitos colaterais graves, sendo necessário que se desenvolvam biomarcadores substitutos para o dano alveolar difuso. O objetivo desta revisão é discutir três tópicos relacionados à síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo: o relacionamento entre a síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo e o dano alveolar difuso; como o dano alveolar difuso pode ser representado no quadro clínico; e como o enriquecimento pode melhorar os resultados de estudos clínicos farmacológicos realizados com pacientes com a síndrome e com dano alveolar difuso.

  14. Caracterização funcional de componentes da resposta ao dano DNA em \\'Aspergillus nidulans\\': os genes chkA, chkB e ddbA


    Joel Fernandes Lima


    A constante exposição dos diferentes organismos a agentes que danificam a estrutura da molécula do DNA fez com que a célula desenvolvesse mecanismos de reparo que se mostraram conservados durante a evolução. Em células de mamíferos, as vias de reparo ao dano ao DNA e a regulação dos pontos de checagem do ciclo celular atuam de forma coordenada no reparo do dano a fim de evitar uma progressão do ciclo celular antes do reparo e uma possível perpetuação do dano. Além disso, alguns dos componente...

  15. Efeito do corte como dano mecânico na qualidade e na fisiologia de mamões 'golden'

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    Jaqueline Visioni Tezotto


    Full Text Available A redução na qualidade pós-colheita do mamão deve-se em grande parte aos danos mecânicos, especialmente àqueles do tipo corte. O objetivo deste trabalho foi reproduzir este dano mecânico e avaliar os efeitos do número de cortes na qualidade e na fisiologia pós-colheita de mamões 'Golden'. Os cortes foram obtidos com o uso de uma lâmina de aço de 30 mm de comprimento e 5 mm de profundidade. Os tratamentos consistiram na reprodução de 1 a 4 cortes na região mediana dos frutos. Mamões sem cortes foram utilizados como controle. Após a reprodução dos danos, os frutos foram armazenados em câmara a 22ºC e 80-90% de UR por 10 dias. As análises de qualidade foram realizadas a cada dois dias, e as fisiológicas, diariamente. Os resultados demonstraram que a firmeza, o teor de sólidos solúveis e de ácido ascórbico, a atividade respiratória e a produção de etileno foram influenciados pelo número de cortes, de forma que a perda de qualidade dos frutos foi diretamente proporcional ao número de cortes.

  16. Danos de moscas-das-frutas (Diptera, Tephritidae em citros, manejados no sistema orgânico de produção

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    Fernando Felisberto da Silva


    Full Text Available As moscas-das-frutas são as principais pragas da fruticultura mundial. Consideradas chaves para a produção de citros, torna-se necessário o seu monitoramento, visando a evitar os danos diretos. O experimento teve como objetivos conhecer a variação populacional de Anastrepha fraterculus e a relação de sua população com danos em pomares orgânicos de Citrus sinensis, cultivar Céu e de C. sinensis x Citrus reticulata tangor 'Murcott'. Os dados foram coletados em 2003 e 2004 durante o período de maturação dos frutos, na região do vale do Caí, RS, Brasil. O número de moscas-das-frutas foi registrado, semanalmente, por meio de armadilhas McPhail, contendo suco de uva, a 25%. Danos aos frutos foram determinados pela razão entre frutos sadios e frutos danificados pela mosca. Registros meteorológicos de temperatura, umidade relativa e precipitação pluviométrica foram obtidos, em estação meteorológica distante 30 km das áreas experimentais. Verificou-se que, em condições ideais de precipitação pluvial, maiores foram as populações de A. fraterculus, espécie predominante na região. A população estimada capaz de causar danos aos frutos variou de acordo com o cultivar, sendo a laranjeira 'Céu' a mais susceptível. Os maiores picos populacionais ocorrem na fase de mudança de coloração dos frutos. Porém, na fase de maturação, as moscas causaram os maiores danos, dada a intolerância dos frutos ao ataque. Conclui-se que a infestação dos frutos de citros por A. fraterculus está relacionada com espécie e cultivar e com fatores climáticos, principalmente com a precipitação pluvial. O monitoramento constante da população de mosca-das-frutas é importante na determinação da infestação na colheita.


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    Josimar Ribeiro Almeida


    Full Text Available DOI: 10.12957/sustinere.2014.11803O presente trabalho teve como foco principal aplicar uma metodologia capaz de estimar o dano ambiental decorrente de atividades antrópicas. Neste artigo foi utilizado como modelo a instalação de um depósito de lixo.

  18. Simulação do dano causado por larvas de Oryzophagus oryzae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae a cultivares de arroz irrigado

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    Martins José Francisco da Silva


    Full Text Available Oryzophagus oryzae (Costa Lima, 1936 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae é a praga-chave da cultura do arroz irrigado na Região Sul do Brasil. As larvas causam os principais danos ao cortarem drasticamente as raízes das plantas. Dois experimentos sobre simulação do dano larval foram realizados testando um equipamento cujo componente principal é uma lâmina metálica em forma de U, para corte das raízes. Raízes das cultivares BR-Irga 414 e Bluebelle, de ciclo biológico curto, e suscetíveis ao inseto e BR-Irga 410 e Dawn, de ciclo médio e resistentes, foram submetidas aos tratamentos de (1 corte artificial, com o simulador, (2 corte natural, pelas larvas e (3 sem corte, artificial ou natural, protegidas com inseticida. A simulação foi praticada na fase vegetativa das plantas, 31 dias pós-irrigação por inundação, época do pico da população larval nas raízes. Avaliaram-se dados sobre comprimento, peso de matéria seca e volume de raízes, imediatamente após a aplicação do tratamento de simulação e na pré-emissão de panículas, população larval em plantas submetidas ao dano natural, e produtividade de grãos. Na avaliação efetuada imediatamente após a simulação, em todas as cultivares, não ocorreu diferença entre índices de dano às raízes resultantes do uso do simulador e da alimentação de larvas. Na fase de pré-emissão das panículas, os índices de recuperação do sistema radicular das plantas submetidas aos danos natural e artificial, também foram similares. As cultivares de ciclo médio apresentaram maior recuperação dos tecidos radiculares e menor perda de produtividade de grãos, confirmando o maior grau de resistência a O. oryzae. Concluiu-se que o método de simulação é aplicável em pesquisas sobre resistência de arroz ao inseto, principalmente na identificação de genótipos tolerantes.

  19. Uso do teste Lercafé para a caracterização de danos em sementes de cafeeiro Characterization of injuries in coffee seeds through Lercafé test

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    João Batista Zonta


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a utilização do teste Lercafé, para estimar a germinação e caracterizar diferentes tipos de danos em sementes de cafeeiro. Utilizaram-se sementes de cafeeiro arábica cultivar Catuaí IAC 44, submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos: sementes sem dano, sementes com dano por secagem a 40 e 60ºC, e sementes brocadas. As sementes foram avaliadas pelos testes de germinação e Lercafé. Em relação aos dois tipos de danos, os resultados de germinação, estimada pelo Lercafé, apresentaram alta correlação com os obtidos pelo teste de germinação. O dano por secagem à alta temperatura caracterizou-se pelo aparecimento de manchas esverdeadas espalhadas, que atingiram parcial ou totalmente o endosperma da semente. O dano por broca caracterizou-se por uma depressão circundada por um anel de coloração verde. O teste Lercafé é eficiente para estimar a germinação e caracterizar os danos por secagem à alta temperatura e os causados por broca, em sementes de cafeeiro.The objective of this work was to evaluate the use of the Lercafé test for estimating the germination and characterizing different types of injuries in coffee seeds. Seeds of arabica coffee cultivar Catuaí IAC 44 were submitted to the following treatments: nondamaged seeds, heat damage (at 40 and 60ºC, and bug damage. Seeds were assessed by the tests of germination and Lercafé. The germination results estimated by Lercafé test had high correlation with the results from the germination test for the two types of injuries. The heat damage, by drying seeds at high temperatures, was characterized by scattered green stains, partially or totally covering the seed endosperm. A sunken lesion surrounded by a green ring characterized the damage by coffee berry borer. Lercafé test is efficient to estimate the germination and to characterize the injuries by heat and coffee berry borer, in coffee seeds.

  20. Dano por Granizo na Cultura da Soja em Condições de Lavoura: Um Estudo de Caso

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    Jossana Ceolin Cera


    Full Text Available Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar os danos causados por um evento de granizo sobre uma lavoura comercial de soja. O evento de granizo ocorreu no município de Água Santa, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, durante o ano agrícola de 2013/2014. Foram realizadas avaliações da matéria seca do limbo foliar, pecíolo, legume e do índice de área foliar. Tais medições foram obtidas em data anterior e posterior ao evento de granizo que ocorreu no dia 08/02/2014. Com o auxílio de imagens de satélites e de radar foi possível identificar a intensidade do evento e a presença de granizo nas nuvens. Os danos provocados pelo granizo na cultura da soja foram: a redução da matéria seca nos limbos foliares (0,13 Mg ha−1, nos pecíolos (0,01 Mg ha−1 e nos legumes (0,002 Mg ha−1 das plantas da lavoura; o decréscimo no índice de área foliar de 7 a 34%; e a quebra do ápice de crescimento em 32% das plantas do experimento. Possivelmente, devido a esta redução na massa seca, houve diminuição na produtividade de soja da lavoura. As imagens de satélite e de radar podem ser ferramentas para auxiliar os extensionistas na determinação dos danos de granizo nas lavouras de soja.

  1. Efeito de diferentes graus de dano mecânico na qualidade fisiológica de sementes de sorgo Effect of different mechanical damage degrees in sorghum seeds

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    Dea Alecia Martins netto


    Full Text Available Diversas amostras de sementes de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench., cultivar BR 303, com diferentes níveis de danos mecânicos, foram analisadas com o objetivo de determinar o efeito imediato de danos mecânicos sobre a qualidade fisiológica. Os percentuais de dano mecânico foram determinados pelo teste de verde rápido, e a qualidade fisiológica das sementes pelos testes de germinação, envelhecimento acelerado, teste de frio, índice de velocidade de emergência e população inicial de plântulas. O experimento foi conduzido no Laboratório de Análises de Sementes da Embrapa-Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Milho e Sorgo (CNPMS, em Sete Lagoas, MG. Através da análise de regressão, verificou-se que houve redução significativa da germinação e do vigor quando as sementes apresentaram até 5% de dano; de 5% a 15% de dano a redução na qualidade fisiológica não foi significativa. Acima de 15% até 23% de dano a germinação e o vigor sofreram um decréscimo de 22,5%, em comparação com o controle. O efeito prejudicial imediato dos danos mecânicos sobre a qualidade fisiológica das sementes de sorgo pôde ser detectada pelos testes aplicados.Twelve seed lots of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench., cultivar BR 303, with different degrees of mechanical damage were evaluated on germination and vigor test. The data of mechanical damage based upon fast green test, accelerating aging, cold test, speed of emergence and stand establishment. The experiment was conducted in Seed Laboratory Analysis of the Embrapa-Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Milho e Sorgo (CNPMS, in Sete Lagoas, MG, Brazil. There were significantly decrease through regressions analysis on germination and vigor tests, when the seeds were damaged up to 5%; from 5% to 15% of damage the decrease was not significant. From 15% to 23% of damage, the germination and vigor declined 22.5% compared to the control. The immediate hazard effect of mechanical damages on physiological

  2. Determination of the geothermal well damage from its production tests; Determinacion del dano en pozos geotermicos a partir de sus pruebas de produccion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aragon Aguilar, Alfonso; Izquierdo Montalvo, Georgina; Arellano Gomez, Victor [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    In this work the evolution is described that undergoes the factor of damage in a well during its productive stage, which is identifiable from the diminution in the characteristics of its production. It is mentioned that during the productive stage of wells, its declination is, in many occasions, synonymous of the damage presence. Traditionally, the damage effect is determined from the equations for analysis of the transitory tests of pressure. Nevertheless, the execution of this type of tests requires relatively long periods of time to obtain the stabilization of the well and of significant costs. By the previous facts the development of techniques to determine the damage from production tests was initiated. In this article is presented the curve-type of geothermal inflow affected by the damage, from which the value of this one in a geothermal well for the time in which its test of production is realized can be determined. A methodology is proposed to determine the damage effect in the well using the proposed curve-type and its applicability with examples of test measurements of well discharge is demonstrated in Mexican geothermal fields. From the conducted analyses it is found that the numerical value of the damage determined in selected wells increases based on the time of exploitation, which indicates a deterioration of its productive characteristics. The previous statements aid to constitute a technical endorsement for the decision making, on the pertinent actions that can be executed in the well. [Spanish] En este trabajo se describe la evolucion que sufre el factor de dano en un pozo durante su etapa productiva, el cual es identificable a partir de la disminucion en las caracteristicas de su produccion. Se menciona que durante la etapa productiva de los pozos, su declinacion es, en muchas ocasiones, sinonimo de la presencia de dano. Tradicionalmente, el efecto de dano se determina a partir de las ecuaciones para analisis de las pruebas transitorias de presion


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    Felipe Rafael Garcés Fiallos


    Full Text Available No Equador, o feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L. é consumido quase pela totalidade da população, sendo também fonte de renda para pequenos e médios produtores. Uma das doenças mais importantes é a mela, ou podridão radicular de rizoctonia, causada pelo fungo necrotrófico Rhizoctonia solani Khun (teleomorfo Thanatephorus cucumeris Frank. Objetivou-se determinar a redução no rendimento de grãos causados pela infecção natural da mela, em diferentes cultivares de feijão, na safra agrícola 2010, no município de Quevedo, Equador. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com sete tratamentos e quatro repetições. O gradiente da intensidade da doença foi gerado pela variabilidade genética entre cultivares de feijoeiro. A avaliação de severidade (% de área foliar necrosada da doença foi determinada no estádio fenológico R7 (desenvolvimento de legume. A colheita foi realizada em aos 124 dias pós-semeadura, para quantificação do rendimento. A equação da função de dano obtida foi R = 4,257.50 – 33.16 S, onde R é o rendimento de grãos e S a severidade (% da doença, com R2 = 0.82 e p<0.0001. A equação resultante foi normalizada para 1,000 kg, sendo esta R = 1,000.0 – 7.79 S. Concluiu-se que a equação gerada da função de dano pode ser utilizada no cálculo do limiar de dano econômico (LDE, uma alternativa racional indicadora do momento para a aplicação de controle químico da mela em cultivares suscetíveis, mantendo a rentabilidade do agricultor e ser amigável com o meio ambiente.

  4. Políticas sobre drogas no Brasil: a estratégia de redução de danos

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    Letícia Vier Machado

    Full Text Available O presente artigo aborda a temática das políticas brasileiras referentes às drogas, com o objetivo de resgatar o histórico da estratégia de redução de danos (RD no Brasil. A partir de pesquisa bibliográfica em sítios de domínio público e em bases de dados disponíveis na internet, rastreamos o surgimento da estratégia de redução de danos no País, cujo marco foi a epidemia da AIDS da década de 80 e as políticas que a antecederam. Os dados coletados suscitam reflexões sobre os desafios contemporâneos enfrentados pelo emprego da estratégia de RD no campo do uso e do abuso de drogas lícitas e ilícitas, como álcool e crack, o preconceito vigente em relação ao usuário de drogas e a exigência de intervenções intersetoriais no enfrentamento do fenômeno do consumo de drogas. Além disso, mantém-se até os dias atuais o descompasso histórico entre as políticas sobre drogas oriundas do campo da segurança e aquelas provindas da saúde pública, com predominância daquelas de cunho proibicionista. Enquanto isso, a produção de drogas lícitas e ilícitas se diversifica, gerando a necessidade de tornar variadas as ações de redução de danos.

  5. Reparabilidade do dano ambiental no sistema da responsabilização civil: 25 anos da lei 6938/1981

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    Luciana Cardoso Pilati


    Full Text Available O presente artigo trata da evolução daresponsabilização civil ambiental noordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Procurasistematizar os aspectos relacionados à reparaçãodo meio ambiente, a partir de uma visãopanorâmica. Nesse passo, trata, inicialmente, dohistórico da responsabilização civil ambiental noBrasil, com enfoque para a Lei da Política Nacionaldo Meio Ambiente e para as funções daresponsabilidade civil. Em seguida, analisa o danoambiental, sua conceituação e classificação.Examina, a seguir, as formas de reparação do dano,destacando a prevalência da restauração in natura,assim como alguns julgados concernentes ao tema.Por fim, aborda – em função da sua atualidade –a questão do dano moral extrapatrimonialcoletivo, aduzindo julgados que já contemplarama sua reparabilidade.The present article deals with the evolutionof the ambient civil responsabilização in the Brazilianlegal system. Search systemize the aspects relatedto the repairing of the environment, from apanoramic vision. In this step, it treats, initially, ofthe description of the ambient civil responsabilizaçãoin Brazil, with approach for the Law of the NationalPolitics of the Environment and for the functions ofthe civil liability. After that, it analyzes the ambientdamage, its conceptualization and classification. Itexamines, to follow, the forms of repairing of thedamage, detaching the prevalence of the restorationin natura, as well as some concernentes judgeshipsto the subject. Finally, it approaches – in function ofits present time – the question of the collectiveextrapatrimonial pain and suffering, alleging judgedthat already they had contemplated its repairability.

  6. Cirurgia para controle de danos: estado atual Damage control surgery: an update

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    Rodrigo Camargo Leão Edelmuth


    Full Text Available A cirurgia de controle de danos é um conceito amplamente aceito atualmente entre os especialistas em trauma abdominal quando se trata de doentes gravemente traumatizados. Nestes pacientes a morte decorre, na maioria das vezes, da instalação da tríade letal (hipotermia, coagulopatia e acidose e não da incapacidade de reparar as graves lesões presentes. Nesta revisão, os autores abordam a tríade letal, em suas três fases, e enfatizam as medidas adotadas para preveni-las. Além de discutirem a indicação e o emprego da cirurgia para o controle de danos em seus vários estágios. A restauração dos padrões fisiológicos do doente na UTI, para que o mesmo possa ser submetido à operação definitiva e ao fechamento da cavidade abdominal, outro desafio no paciente traumatizado grave, também é discutida.The damage control surgery is a widely accepted concept today among abdominal trauma specialists when it comes to the severely traumatized. In these patients, the death is due, in most cases, to the installation of the lethal triad (hypothermia, coagulopathy and acidosis and not the inability to repair the serious initial damage. In this review, the authors address the lethal triad in its three phases and emphasize the measures taken to prevent them, as well as discussing the indication and employment of damage control surgery in its various stages. Restoring the physiological status of the patient in the ICU, so that he/she can be submitted to final operation and closure of the abdominal cavity, another challenge in severe trauma patients, is also discussed.


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    Felipe Rafael Garcés Fiallos


    Full Text Available Atualmente não existem estudos sobre os danos ocasionados por Rhizoctonia solani Khun [teleomorfo Thanatephorus cucumeris (Frank Donk] nos componentes de rendimento do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L., pelo que o objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar a redução no rendimento de grãos e seus componentes de rendimento causados pela infecção natural de mela, em diferentes materiais genéticos de feijão, na safra agrícola de verão 2011, no município de Quevedo, Los Rios, Equador. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com sete tratamentos e quatro repetições. Utilizou-se as linhas Cf4 0-0-2-1, Cf6 0-0-4-9, Cf6 0-0-4-8, SER 03 e SER 08, e duas variedades estrangeiras FTS Soberano e BRS Valente. Foram quantificadas a incidência (% e severidade em percentagem e número de lesões folíolo-1, sendo esses valores obtidos integralizados na área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD. Também foi quantificado o número de lesões folíolo-1 durante os estágios reprodutivos R7 e R8. Após a colheita, foi quantificado o número de nós, vagens e grãos por planta e de grãos por vagem por planta, assim como rendimento (kg ha-1. Para estimar os danos causados pela doença foram utilizados os modelos de ponto crítico e integral, realizando a análise de regressão entre a intensidade da doença (variáveis independentes, e o rendimento de grãos e seus componentes (variáveis dependentes, obtendo-se as equações da função de dano. Os resultados da presente pesquisa mostraram que os modelos de ponto crítico e integral são uma ferramenta importante para estimar danos pela mela nos componentes de rendimento, sendo mais evidente no número de grãos por plantas (p<0.01.

  8. Avaliação de danos por insetos em toras estocadas em indústrias madeireiras de Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil

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    Abreu Raimunda Liége Souza de


    Full Text Available Em seis indústrias madeireiras de Manaus, Amazonas, foi realizado um trabalho de pesquisa, com a utilização de um questionário,para averiguar as condições de uso e processamento da madeira e as medidas preventivas contra o ataque de insetos. Foram realizados, também,um levantamento da ocorrência de insetos em 19 espécies de madeiras utilizadas por essas indústrias e a avaliação do dano provocado pelas principais espécies de Coleoptera (besouros e Isoptera (cupins. Das respostas apuradas, constatou-se que nenhuma das empresas visitadas emprega qualquer produto para prevenir o ataque de insetos às toras, assim como a secagem e a estocagem das toras são feitas de forma incorreta, contribuindo para aumentar a intensidade de ataque de insetos. Foram encontradas uma família de cupins e 16 de besouros, ressaltando que destas apenas cinco causam danos à madeira. Do total de 13 espécies de insetos coletados, destacam-se Xyleborus affinis Eichhoff e Platypus parallelus (Fabricius, encontradas em 18 espécies madeireiras, sendo conseqüentemente responsáveis pela maioria dos danos nas toras X. volvulus (Fabricius e Platypus sp. foram encontradas em cinco espécies; X. ferrugineus (Fabricius em três espécies; Minthea rugicolis Walk, Minthea sp. e Nasutitermes corniger (Motschulsky em duas, e Dinoderus bifoveolatus Wollaston, Anoplotermes sp.; e Cnesinus sp. em uma. As espécies de madeiras que sofreram maior grau de deterioração, causada principalmente por coleópteros, foram Ceiba pentandra (L. Gaertn. e Copaifera multijuga Hayne, seguidas por Couroupitaguianensis Aubl., Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess., Cedrela odorata L., Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg., Hura crepitans L., Hymenolobium sp., Maquira coriacea (Karsten C.C. Berg, Nectandra sp., Virolasurinamensis Warb. e Vochysia sp.

  9. Dano moral: análise de argumentos decisórios em acórdão trabalhista sob a ótica da Nova Retórica

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    Barbara Bedin


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho objetivou-se analisar os argumentos valorados por desembargadores para formar o entendimento do significado de dano moral – que equivale a um fenômeno jurídico passível de ser indenizado. Para alcançar tal objetivo, examinou-se, em um estudo exploratório, o acórdão n. 0000192-11.2011.5.04.0001, proferido pela Quarta Turma do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da Quarta Região (Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, que trata de uma indenização por dano moral. Os argumentos foram levantados e analisados sob a ótica da Nova Retórica de Perelman e Olbrecht-Tyteca.

  10. Efeito da coenzima Q10 nos danos oxidativos induzidos pela L-tiroxina no músculo sóleo de ratos

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    Fabiana Barreiro de Freitas Silva


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: os músculoesqueléticos são tecidos dinâmicos que podem alterar suas características fenotípicas proporcionando melhor adaptação funcional com estímulos variados. A L-tiroxina é um hormônio produzido pela glândula tireoide e tem sido utilizada como modelo experimental para estimulação de estresse oxidativo no músculo esquelético. A coenzima Q10 é uma provitamina lipossolúvel sintetizada endogenamente e naturalmente encontrada em alimentos como carne vermelha, peixes, cereais, brócolis e espinafre. Apresenta propriedade antioxidante e tem potencial no tratamento de doenças degenerativas e neuromusculares. OBJETIVO: avaliar o efeito protetor da coenzima Q10 no músculo sóleo de ratos frente aos danos oxidativos provocados pela L-tiroxina. MÉTODOS: os ratos foram distribuídos em quatro grupos de seis animais cada: Grupo 1 controle; Grupo 2 coenzima Q10; Grupo 3 L-tiroxina e Grupo 4 coenzima Q10 e L-tiroxina. Após a eutanásia, o sangue dos animais foi colhido e foi analisada a atividade sérica das enzimas creatina quinase CK e aspartato aminotransferase AST. No homogenato do músculo sóleo foram avaliados fatores relacionados ao estresse oxidativo. RESULTADOS: a coenzima Q10 protegeu o músculo sóleo dos danos provocados pela L-tiroxina e favoreceu a manutenção da atividade das enzimas antioxidantes glutationa redutase e glutationa peroxidase, da concentração de glutationa reduzida e oxidada, além de evitar a lipoperoxidação. CONCLUSÃO: os resultados indicam que a coenzima Q10 protege o músculo sóleo de ratos dos danos oxidativos provocados pela L-tiroxina.

  11. Damages of spittlebug on sugarcane quality and fermentation process Danos promovidos por cigarrinha-das-raízes na qualidade da cana e processo fermentativo

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    Débora Branquinho Garcia


    Full Text Available The quality of the raw material defines the industrial potential production. The harvest of raw sugarcane promoted a favorable environment for the increase of Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stål, 1854 pest that affects the plant development. This research was undertaken to evaluate the effects of M. fimbriolata on sugarcane quality and fermentation process. For the technological analysis, four damage levels and two evaluation periods were evaluated, while four fermentation cycles and two evaluation periods were tested for microbiological analysis, with three replications. The determined parameters were Brix (soluble solids, Pol (apparent sucrose, Purity, reducing sugars (RS, total reducing sugars (TRS, Total Acidity, pH and Total Phenolic Compounds in juice. In the fermentation process cellular viability analysis, yeast sprout and bacterial concentration were carried out. The wine was submitted to alcohol content, TRRS (total residual reducing sugars and fermentation efficiency. The treatment with 60% of damage steams exhibited the lowest averages of Brix, Pol, Purity and TRS of the juice. An increase of the RS% of the juice and content of total phenolic compounds was observed. The cellular and sprouts viability were reduced with the increase in the damages caused by M. fimbriolata. The fermentation process exhibited larger quantities of contaminators. With the damages, the wine TRRS quantity was superior and, consequently there was a decrease of the alcoholic content and fermentation efficiency. The damages caused by M. fimbriolata affected the quality of the raw material, compromising the fermentative process, and increase the production of phenolic compounds and contaminators.A qualidade da matéria-prima define o potencial de produção da indústria. A colheita de cana sem queima proporcionou um ambiente favorável ao aumento da infestação da Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stål, 1854, que suga a planta e afeta seu desenvolvimento. Avaliaram-se os danos


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    Samantha Ferreira Lino Gonçalves


    Full Text Available A abordagem da responsabilidade do fornecedor e do Estado, sob a ótica dos danos causados ao consumidor na fase pós-consumo, é o que se abordará no presente artigo. Analisar-se-ão os princípios centrais aplicados ao Direito Ambiental e do Consumidor a fim de construir responsabilidade específica tanto para o fornecedor quanto para o Estado pelos danos decorrentes do consumo de produtos que tenham descartes. Questiona-se um novo modelo de responsabilidade no âmbito do Código de Defesa do Consumidor, contextualizando-se o problema na sociedade contemporânea com o objetivo de estudar as maneiras de resguardar, integralmente, as lesões ao consumidor em virtude da falta de gestão ambiental de produtos que, após serem consumidos, poderão ser destinados ao lixo comum ou não, causando degradação ao meio ambiente e consequentemente ao homem/consumidor, apontando-se assim possíveis proposições para dirimir o problema.

  13. Danos de Grapholita molesta (Busck (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae em seis cultivares de pessegueiro em Araucária, Paraná Damages of Grapholita molesta (Busck (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae in six peach orchards cultivars in Aracuária, Paraná

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    Alex Sandro Poltronieri


    Full Text Available Estudaram-se a ocorrência e os danos de Grapholita molesta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae em pomar comercial de pessegueiros com seis cultivares de ciclos de maturação de frutos precoce ('São Pedro', médio ('Chimarrita', 'Ouro', 'Coral' e 'Marli' e tardio ('BR II', no município de Araucária-PR. Foram sorteadas cinco plantas por cultivar para serem avaliados os danos em brotações e frutos. Os danos foram acumulados e avaliados em três fases: pré-raleio, endurecimento do caroço e colheita. Os resultados mostraram que houve um nível diferenciado no ataque de G. molesta em brotações e frutos, entre as cultivares. As avaliações de danos em brotações mostraram que, até a fase de colheita, a cultivar Ouro foi a mais atacada, sendo superada pela 'Chimarrita' quando se inclui os danos ocorridos na fase pós-colheita. Em frutos, a 'Marli' apresentou o maior número de pêssegos danificados entre as seis cultivares avaliadas.This paper deals with the occurrence and damage of Grapholita molesta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae in a commercial peach orchard with six cultivars of different fruit ripening cycles: precocious ('São Pedro ', medium ('Chimarrita ', 'Ouro ', 'Coral ' and 'Marli ' and late ('BR II ', in Araucaria, State of Paraná, Brazil. Five plants of each cultivar were selected for evaluating the damages in shoots and fruits. The damages were accumulated and evaluated in three phases: previous thinning, stone hardening and harvesting. The results were as follows: the cultivar "Ouro" was the most damaged one up to the harvesting phase, although 'Chimarrita' surpassed 'Ouro' when the damages observed in the post-harvesting phase were included. Among the six cultivars, 'Marli' was the one presenting the highest number of damaged fruits.

  14. Translocated Danish in Northern Europe: The case of Faroe Danish and Dano-Norwegian

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kühl, Karoline


    of postcolonial varieties of English. The paper compares the socio-political development of the two territories and their relationship with Denmark, the identity constructions of the speakers, the sociolinguistic setting with regard to attitudes and language contact and, finally, the linguistic characteristics......The paper contains a descriptive analysis of the development of translocated Danish in historical Norway and the Faroes within a framework of postcolonial linguistic development, namely the ‘Dynamic Model of Postcolonial Englishes’ (Schneider 2009), originally proposed to cover the evolution...... of the local varieties of Danish. Despite the fact that neither the Faroes nor Norway had actual colonial status, the development from historical Dano-Norwegian to today’s Bokmål follows a postcolonial path closely in that it shows a completed advancement from a translocated Danish to an indigenous variety...

  15. Depoimento sem dano: a escuta da psicanálise ou a escuta do direito?

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    Conte, Bárbara de Souza


    Full Text Available O depoimento sem dano é uma prática de inquirição de crianças supostamente vitimas de abuso sexual, que está sendo introduzido no Poder Judiciário, onde o inquérito é realizado por psicólogo. Problematizo, em um primento ponto, a verdade do discurso produzido pela criança em uma situação de depoimento, buscando discutir o que se chama em psicanálise de verdade histórico - vivencial a partir do traumático do acontecimento e suas consequëncias psíquicas. Em um segundo ponto, interrogo sobre a certeza da prova e as formas de escuta e intervenção desde uma perspectiva ética do fazer do psicólogo

  16. Fototerapia causa danos ao DNA de leucócitos mononucleares periféricos em recém-nascidos a termo Phototherapy causes DNA damage in peripheral mononuclear leukocytes in term infants

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    Ali Aycicek


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar se a fita de DNA de leucócitos mononucleares endógenos é alvo de fototerapia. MÉTODOS: O estudo incluiu 65 recém-nascidos a termo com idades entre 3 e 10 dias que haviam sido expostos a fototerapia intensiva (n = 23 ou convencional (n = 23 por pelo menos 48 horas devido à icterícia neonatal, além de um grupo controle (n = 19. Dano ao DNA foi avaliado por eletroforese alcalina em gel de célula única (ensaio cometa. A capacidade antioxidante total plasmática e os níveis de estado oxidativo total também foram medidos, e a correlação entre danos ao DNA e estresse oxidativo foi investigada. RESULTADOS: Os valores médios de escores de danos ao DNA nos grupos de fototerapia intensiva e convencional foram significativamente maiores do que os do grupo controle (p 0,05. Não houve correlações significativas entre escores de danos ao DNA e bilirrubina, estado oxidante total e níveis de estresse oxidativo entre os grupos de fototerapia (p > 0,05. CONCLUSÕES: Tanto a fototerapia intensiva quanto a convencional causam danos ao DNA dos leucócitos mononucleares endógenos em recém-nascidos a termo com icterícia.OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to determine whether endogenous mononuclear leukocyte DNA strand is a target of phototherapy. METHODS: The study included 65 term infants aged between 3-10 days that had been exposed to intensive (n = 23 or conventional (n = 23 phototherapy for at least 48 hours due to neonatal jaundice, and a control group (n = 19. DNA damage was assayed by single-cell alkaline gel electrophoresis (comet assay. Plasma total antioxidant capacity and total oxidant status levels were also measured, and correlation between DNA damage and oxidative stress was investigated. RESULTS: Mean values of DNA damage scores in both the intensive and conventional phototherapy groups were significantly higher than those in the control group (p 0.05. There were no significant correlations between DNA damage scores and

  17. Quantificação e avaliação de danos em trecho de pavimento flexível de avenidas de Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil

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    Elias Antonio Vieira


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Esta pesquisa apresenta dados sobre os danos constatados em trechos de avenidas da região Norte de Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, que foram construídas com pavimento flexível, uma base de brita e uma camada de asfalto. Trata-se de um dos espaços de intensa atividade comercial e industrial, e, portanto, de movimentação de pessoas e veículos, do território municipal. Verificou-se que a maior quantidade de danos é representada por fenda ou trinca, buraco ou panela, além de remendos inadequados ou com defeito.  Diante dos dados da pesquisa, pode-se inferir que a Administração Municipal não tem ou não utiliza, com eficiência, um Sistema de Gerência de Pavimento.

  18. Danos físicos em estufas plásticas causados pelo vento em Santa Maria, RS Plastic greenhouses damaged by wind in Santa Maria, RS. Case report

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    Nereu Augusto Streck


    Full Text Available Foram observados danos físicos causados por rajadas de vento ocorridos na madrugada do dia 19/05/97 no plástico das estufas localizadas no Campus da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Os valores de intensidade e direção das rajadas máximas do vento foram registradas em um anemográfo universal tipo IH 1023 a 10m de altura, instalado a aproximadamente 100m ao sul das estufas. Os danos ocorreram quando a velocidade das rajadas máximas ultrapassou 20m s-1 (72km h-1Plastic greenhouses located at the Federal University of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil were damaged by wind on May 19th, 1997. Wind speed and direction at 10m height were measured at the Climatological Station located approximatly 100m from the greenhouses. The damage in the greenhouses occured when the maximum gusts reached up speed higher than 20m s-1 (72km h-1.

  19. Influência do dano da abelha-irapuá em flores de mirtileiro sobre a frutificação efetiva e as frutas produzidas Damage influence of the irapuá bee on blueberry flower over the effective fruit production and the fruits

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    Tiago Madruga Telesca da Silveira


    Full Text Available A abelha-irapuá, Trigona spinipes, é considerada um inseto-praga de várias culturas, por se alimentar de folhas e principalmente de flores e frutos. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram caracterizar o dano provocado pela irapuá em flores de mirtileiro (Vaccinium ashei Read. e avaliar a frutificação efetiva e a qualidade da fruta produzida. O experimento foi conduzido no pomar experimental de mirtileiro, da Embrapa Clima Temperado em Pelotas, RS. Foram marcadas 200 flores de mirtileiro, seleção 103, sendo 100 destas com dano feito pela irapuá e 100 sem o dano. Após a floração, foi observada a frutificação efetiva, e por ocasião da colheita, foram determinados o teor de sólidos solúveis totais (SST, o diâmetro dos frutos e o número de sementes por fruto. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado. Nas flores sem danos da irapuá, houve maior percentagem de frutificação efetiva, e as frutas oriundas das mesmas apresentaram maior diâmetro e maior quantidade de sementes. O teor de SST nas frutas de mirtilo, oriundas tanto das flores com dano como daquelas sem dano, foi semelhante. Esses resultados sugerem que a T. spinipes é prejudicial à cultura do mirtilo, principalmente na época de floração, pois os danos causados pelo inseto provocaram baixa frutificação, frutas de tamanho reduzido e com menor quantidade de sementes.The irapuá Trigona spinipes is considered a pest insect of several crops because it feeds on their leaves, flowers and fruits. The aim of this study was to characterize the damage caused by irapuá on blueberry flowers (Vaccinium ashei over the fruit set and fruit quality. The experiment was conducted in a blueberry collection of Embrapa Clima Temperado, in Pelotas, RS. Two hundred flowers were observed, being one hundred of them with irapuá damage and the other 100 flowers without damage. The fruit set was recorded as well as the level of soluble solids (TSS, the fruit diameter and number

  20. Encefalopatia diabética e depressão: dano oxidativo no cérebro

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    Simone Mattos Louzada


    Full Text Available O diabetes é um distúrbio complexo e heterogêneo caracterizado por hiperglicemia resultante de defeitos na secreção e ação da insulina. Tem sido reconhecido que, além do comprometimento de órgãos como rins, olhos, fígado e coração, o sistema nervoso central é suscetível aos efeitos deletérios da hiperglicemia em longo prazo. A encefalopatia diabética representa uma das complicações do diabetes, na qual os danos são caracterizados por alterações do funcionamento cognitivo, modificações estruturais e neurofisiológicas no cérebro. Existe uma associação bem reconhecida entre a depressão e o diabetes, uma vez que a prevalência de depressão é maior na população diabética comparada com a população geral. Porém, os mecanismos atribuídos a essa relação ainda estão em fase de investigação. O estresse oxidativo desempenha um papel importante nas complicações do diabetes e pode ser um mecanismo biológico envolvido na relação entre a depressão e o diabetes, relacionado à encefalopatia diabética. Neste artigo de revisão, apresentamos uma visão geral dos principais conceitos relacionados ao assunto, bem como dos dados clínicos e experimentais que suportam a relação entre o dano oxidativo no cérebro e a depressão relacionada com encefalopatia diabética.   Diabetes is a complex and heterogeneous disorder characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in the secretion and action of insulin. It has been recognized that, in addition to the involvement of organs such as kidney, eye, liver, and heart, the central nervous system is susceptible to the deleterious effects of hyperglycemia in the long term. Diabetic encephalopathy is one of the complications of diabetes, in which the damage is characterized by changes in cognitive functioning, structural and neurophysiologic changes in the brain. There is a well-known association between depression and diabetes, since the prevalence of depression is

  1. Ocorrência de afídeos causando danos em mangueira (Mangifera indica L., no Vale do São Francisco

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    Full Text Available Observaram-se em pomares de mangueiras (Mangifera indica L., no semi-árido nordestino, altas infestações de afídeos causando danos às folhas novas e brotações da planta. Diversas amostras foram coletadas, tendo sido identificadas três espécies: Aphis craccivora, Aphis gossypii e Toxoptera aurantii. As duas primeiras espécies estão sendo relatadas pela primeira vez como pragas, em mangueiras, no Brasil. Espécimens de referência encontram-se depositados no Laboratório de Entomologia da Embrapa Semi-Árido, localizada em Petrolina-PE.

  2. O direito à reparação do dano moral nas relações pré-conjugais, conjugais e paterno-filiais

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    Filipe Rodrigues Garcia


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho versa sobre a responsabilidade civil nasrelações familiares, abordando as situações pré-conjugais, as conjugais e aspaterno-filiais. Em se tratando de reparação pelos danos morais sofridos,deve-se ter em mente sempre a realização de um ato ilícito. Este, ocorri-do em qualquer âmbito – familiar ou não – pode ensejar a compensaçãopelos prejuízos extrapatrimoniais. No que tange às relações pré-conjugais,analisa-se a ruptura do noivado como causa do dever de indenizar. Acercadas relações conjugais, merecem atenção os atos concernentes à infideli-dade e ao abalo psíquico que se pode gerar no cônjuge traído. Nas relaçõesentre pais e filhos, importa discernir o dano moral por abandono afetivocomo uma reparação à falta de cuidado, e não necessariamente à ausênciade sentimento amoroso. Deve-se ter em mente que os interesses em jogomerecem análise detida: de um lado a liberdade de um dos sujeitos e deoutro, a dignidade do sujeito submisso a essa liberdade. Necessário, assim,a busca pela melhor ponderação, de sorte a alcançar a coerência do orde-namento jurídico.

  3. O direito à reparação do dano moral nas relações pré-conjugais, conjugais e paterno-filiais

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    Filipe Garcia


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho versa sobre a responsabilidade civil nas relações familiares, abordando as situações pré-conjugais, as conjugais e as paterno-filiais. Em se  tratando de reparação pelos danos morais sofridos, deve-se ter em mente sempre a realização de um ato ilícito. Este, ocorrido em qualquer âmbito – familiar ou não – pode ensejar a compensação pelos prejuízos extrapatrimoniais. No que tange às relações pré-conjugais, analisa-se a ruptura do noivado como causa do dever de indenizar. Acerca das relações conjugais, merecem atenção os atos concernentes à infidelidade e ao abalo psíquico que se pode gerar no cônjuge traído. Nas relações entre pais e filhos, importa discernir o dano moral por abandono afetivo como uma reparação à falta de cuidado, e não necessariamente à ausência de sentimento amoroso. Deve-se ter em mente que os interesses em jogo merecem análise detida: de um lado a liberdade de um dos sujeitos e de outro, a dignidade do sujeito  submisso a essa liberdade. Necessário, assim, a busca pela melhor ponderação, de sorte a alcançar a coerência do ordenamento jurídico.

  4. Caracterização de Danos de Gryllus sp. em Plantas de Eucalipto, em Laboratório Characterization of Mischief of Gryllus sp. in Plants of Eucalyptus, in Laboratory

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    Leonardo Rodrigues Barbosa


    Full Text Available

    Objetivou-se caracterizar os danos de Gryllus sp. em plantas de E. grandis, em laboratório. Avaliaram-se três grupos de plantas: grupo 1 – com 7 dias e 2,5 mm de diâmetro médio; grupo 2 – com 49 dias e 3,3 mm de diâmetro e grupo 3 –com 80 dias e 5,7 mm de diâmetro. Utilizaram-se para cada grupo 12 plantas individualizadas em gaiolas com um casal de grilos, por 15 dias. Avaliaram-se diariamente a ausência de danos, sinais de mastigação superficiais, sinais de mastigação profundos e corte do caule. O diâmetro e a idade das mudas afetaram a manifestação e intensidade dos danos de grilos nas plantas.


    Doi: 10.4336/2009.pfb.59.63

    Damages caused by Gryllus sp. in young seedlings of Eucalyptus grandis were analysed. Three
    experimental groups were tested: Group 1 with 7 days-old and stem diameter of 2.5 mm seedlings; Group 2
    with 49 days-old and 3.33 mm diameter seedlings; and Group 3 with 80 day-old and diameter of 5.75 mm. Each
    group consisted of 12 plants isolated in a cage with a couple of crickets for 15 days. The following daily evaluations
    were made: absence of damage; superficial signs of chewing; deep signs of chewing and stem cuts. Diameter and
    age influenced the occurrence and intensity of damage.

  5. Uma abordagem jurídica à questão do ressarcimento de danos elétricos pelas distribuidoras de energia.


    Ana Carolina Oliveira Salomão


    Com o aumento da necessidade e do consumo da energia elétrica, aliado a uma maior conscientização dos consumidores acerca de seus direitos e deveres perante a sociedade, constatou-se o surgimento de um crescente número de contendas envolvendo estes últimos e as concessionárias de energia elétrica, principalmente no que tange ao setor de distribuição de energia elétrica. Isto se deve à ocorrência de danos ocasionados por falhas na prestação do serviço público de energia elétrica, destacando-se...

  6. Augmented reality systems for weed economic thresholds applications Tecnologia de realidade ampliada para utilização com os níveis de dano econômico de plantas daninhas

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    N.R. Vidal


    Full Text Available The augmented reality (AR technology has applications in many fields as diverse as aeronautics, tourism, medicine, and education. In this review are summarized the current status of AR and it is proposed a new application of it in weed science. The basic algorithmic elements for AR implementation are already available to develop applications in the area of weed economic thresholds. These include algorithms for image recognition to identify and quantify weeds by species and software for herbicide selection based on weed density. Likewise, all hardware necessary for AR implementation in weed science are available at an affordable price for the user. Thus, the authors propose weed science can take a leading role integrating AR systems into weed economic thresholds software, thus, providing better opportunities for science and computer-based weed control decisions.A tecnologia de realidade aumentada (AR tem aplicações em vários e diversos campos, como aeronáutica, turismo, medicina e educação. Nesta revisão, é resumido o estado atual da AR e propõe-se uma nova aplicação dela na ciência das plantas daninhas. Os elementos básicos para a implementação de algoritmos de AR já estão disponíveis para desenvolvimento de aplicações na área de níveis de dano econômico de plantas daninhas. Estes incluem algoritmos de reconhecimento de imagem, para identificar e quantificar as infestantes por espécie; e software, para a seleção de herbicidas com base na densidade de plantas daninhas. Da mesma forma, todo o hardware necessário para aplicação da AR nessa área da ciência das plantas daninhas está disponível a um preço acessível ao usuário. Assim, sugere-se que a ciência das plantas daninhas possa assumir um papel preponderante na integração dos sistemas de AR aos softwares de níveis de dano econômico de plantas daninhas nas culturas. Com isso, seria possível proporcionar melhor utilização da informática para apoio nas

  7. Incidência de patógenos e vigor de sementes de milho doce submetidas a danos mecânicos Pathogen incidence and vigor in sweet corn seed after mechanical damage

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    Francisco Guilhien Gomes Junior


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar a incidência de patógenos e o vigor de sementes de milho doce de diferentes classes de tamanhos submetidas a diferentes níveis de danos mecânicos, sementes do híbrido 'SWB551' Dow AgroSciences® foram classificadas em peneiras com crivos de diferentes tamanhos e formas (RG, RM1, RM2 e RP com crivos circulares de 8,7; 7,9; 7,1 e 6,4 mm de diâmetro, respectivamente, e CG, CM e CP com crivos oblongos com dimensões de 8,7 x 19,0, 7,9 x 19,0, 6,4 x 19,0 mm, respectivamente, submetidas a impactos contra uma placa metálica de maneira que fossem obtidos tratamentos com diferentes intensidades de danos mecânicos (0, 1, 3, 5 e 7 impactos e armazenadas por 5 meses em ambiente com temperatura de 20ºC e 50-60% de umidade relativa do ar. Foi utilizado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, perfazendo um fatorial 7 x 5 (7 peneiras x 5 intensidades de danos, totalizando 35 tratamentos. Foram realizadas as avaliações de teor de água das sementes, teste de danos mecânicos (tintura de iodo, teste de germinação, teste de frio e teste de sanidade. Foram evidenciadas variações nos níveis de incidência de patógenos entre as sementes de milho doce com diferentes tamanhos e formas. O aumento da intensidade dos danos mecânicos não favoreceu o aumento da incidência de patógenos nas sementes, mas reduziu o vigor das mesmas.The objective of this study was to evaluate pathogen incidence and vigor in different size classes of sweet corn seeds, after mechanical damage. Hybrid seeds 'SWB551' Dow AgroSciences® were classified by sieves with different sizes and forms (RG, RM1, RM2 and RP, with circular sieves of 8.7, 7.9, 7.1 and 6.4 mm of diameter, respectively, and CG, CM and CP with oblong sieves with dimensions of 8.7 x 19.0, 7.9 x 19.0, 6.4 x 19.0 mm, respectively. Seeds were submitted for impacts against a metallic plate in order to have different intensities of mechanical damage (0, 1, 3, 5 and

  8. Libre circulación de ciudadanos y prestaciones sociales en la Unión Europea: configuración legal y juicio de validez (el caso Dano analizado con moderado optimismo)


    Álvarez-Ossorio Micheo, Fernando


    Este trabajo analiza el contexto y las consecuencias del caso Dano tras el triunfo del Brexit en el Reino Unido y avanza algunas claves de lo que deberá ser el estatuto jurídico de los “emigrantes” y los límites al denominado “turismo social”


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    Márcia Rodrigues Bertoldi


    Full Text Available Resumo: O princípio da responsabilidade impõe um imperativo moral, no sentido de que se deve agir de modo que os direitos estabelecidos sejam compatíveis com a permanência de uma autêntica vida humana na Terra. É com a intenção de atar firmemente a efetiva responsabilização pelo dano ambiental ao imperativo moral em seu viés preventivo e repressivo que este trabalho se põe em marcha. Os modos de vida humanos individuais e coletivos das sociedades ocidentais evoluem no sentido de uma progressiva deterioração do meio ambiente. É a relação da subjetividade com sua exterioridade que se encontra comprometida. Se não houver uma rearticulação dos três registros fundamentais da ecologia – subjetivo, social e ambiental –, podemos, infelizmente, pressagiar a escalada de todos os perigos que envolvem a sociedade atual. Em lugar da relação harmônica e sustentável com o meio ambiente, as sociedades de consumo introduziram a ideia da subjetividade que constrói o mundo que a circunda. A relação do sujeito com o mundo no qual se encontra deve ser sua principal preocupação. Para isso, torna-se imprescindível um envolvimento com a efetiva proteção do meio ambiente, caso se queira manter a vida na Terra para as presentes e futuras gerações. A implementação de uma hermenêutica jurídica eminentemente ambiental é o caminho jurídico para a efetiva proteção do chamado bem ambiental, considerando-se as especificidades do bem em comento. Na esteira dessa hermenêutica, o dano moral ambiental objetivo encontra respaldo, e o seu agente pode ser responsabilizado. Palavras-chave: Hermenêutica ambiental. Risco ambiental. Dano moral ambiental objetivo.


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    Viviane Helena Chirinéa


    Full Text Available In spite of the advances in transmission electronic microscopy (TEM, there are few studies presenting a systematic description of the canine spermatozoa and they are only focused on sperm cell heads. The goal of the present study was to describe ultrastructural appearance of canine fresh and frozen-thawed spermatozoa, focusing on damages induced by freezing-thawing in different sperm regions. Ten ejaculates from five proven stud dogs (two ejaculates/dog were collected, evaluated, extended in Tris-egg yolk-glycerol, frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen, and thawed six weeks later.  Samples were evaluated for progressive motility, morphology, and for ultrastructural analysis by TEM. Concerning to TEM, the most striking differences between fresh and frozen-thawed samples were observed over the mid-piece since the fresh spermatozoa showed a well preserved mid-piece. However, the frozen-thawed spermatozoa mid-piece showed signs of damage such as mitochondrial vacuolization. In conclusion, freezing-thawing processes using a Tris-egg yolk extender induce ultrastructural damages in head and mid-piece of canine sperm, affecting the mitochondrial ultrastructure besides.

    KEY WORDS: Cryopreservation, dog, semen, ultrastructure.
    Apesar dos avanços na microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET, existem poucos estudos apresentando uma descrição sistemática do espermatozoide canino, os quais estão focados apenas na cabeça espermática. Objetivou-se, com o presente estudo, descrever a aparência ultraestrutural do espermatozoide canino fresco e congelado-descongelado, enfocando os danos induzidos pela congelação e descongelação em diferentes regiões espermáticas. Dez ejaculados obtidos de cinco cães (dois ejaculados por cão foram coletados, avaliados e diluídos em Tris-gema-glicerol, congelados e armazenados em nitrogênio líquido, e descongelados seis semanas após. Avaliaram-se as amostras quanto à motilidade progressiva

  11. Respiração, produção de etileno e qualidade de maçãs "Gala" em função do dano mecânico por impacto e da aplicação de 1-metilciclopropeno Respiration, ethylene production and quality of 'Gala' apples in function to impact injury and treatment with 1-methylcyclopropene

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    Cristiano André Steffens


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do dano mecânico por impacto e da aplicação de 1-metilciclopropeno sobre a atividade respiratória e a taxa de produção de etileno e a qualidade físico-química de maçãs "Gala", após o armazenamento em atmosfera controlada. Os tratamentos avaliados foram T1: controle; T2: dano mecânico; T3: 1-metilciclopropeno; T4: dano mecânico + 1-metilciclopropeno; e T5: 1-metilciclopropeno + dano mecânico. Após a aplicação dos tratamentos, os frutos foram armazenados sob condição ambiente (20±2°C/65±5% UR. Os frutos submetidos ao dano mecânico e não tratados com 1-metilciclopropeno apresentaram um maior incremento na produção de etileno. O tratamento dano mecânico não aumentou a atividade respiratória e pouco influenciou o amadurecimento dos frutos, comparado ao controle, porém, aumentou a ocorrência de podridões. O 1-metilciclopropeno reduziu o metabolismo e a perda de qualidade dos frutos. Nos frutos submetidos ao dano mecânico, a aplicação de 1-metilciclopropeno reduziu a incidência de podridões.The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of the impact injury and treatment with 1-methylcyclopropene on respiration and ethylene production rates and on quality of 'Gala' apples after the storage in controlled atmosphere. The treatments evaluated were: T1: control, T2: mechanical injury; T3: 1-methylcyclopropene; T4: mechanical injury + 1-methylcyclopropene; and T5: 1-methylcyclopropene + mechanical injury. Fruits were then left at ambient conditions (20±2°C/65±5% RH. Fruits submitted to mechanical injury, without the treatment with 1-methylcyclopropene, showed the highest increment of ethylene production. The mechanical injury did not increase the respiratory rate and had small effect on fruit ripening, compared to the control treatment, but increased rot incidence. The 1-methylcyclopropene reduced the metabolism and the loss of fruit quality. In fruits

  12. Electricity generating system. [Wind/diesel/flywheel system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moody, R.L.


    An electricity generating system is described which includes a water tank with electric heating elements connected to the water cooling system of a diesel engine which is heated by excess output of the system. Power in excess of that required by a load which is generated by a wind turbine driven generator runs up a flywheel and further excess is absorbed in the tank. A fan associated with a radiator connected to the tank may be operated to dissipate further excess power. When the load requirements exceed the output of the generators linked to the wind turbine and the flywheel the engine operates a synchronous alternator. (author).

  13. Reparação de Danos Causados por Contaminação de Organoclorados: O Caso Rhodia Cubatão-SP


    Souza, José Fernando Vidal de


    O artigo trata da produção de organoclorados pela fábrica da Rhodia S.A., localizada em Cubatão-SP, responsável pela contaminação do solo, das águas superficiais e subterrâneas da região. Desta forma, empregando os métodos dedutivo e sistêmico para detalhamentos dos fatos e fenômenos, após um histórico da mencionada unidade fabril, discute-se o conceito de organoclorados, analisa-se a reparação do dano causado por resíduos industriais, com as teorias de maior importância para a delimitação do...

  14. Efeito da Convecção no Humor Vítreo Sobre o Dano Térmico de um Melonoma de Coroide Durante Teremoterapia Transpupilar a Laser


    Garcia, Olga Pinheira


    O estudo da distribuição de temperaturas no olho humano é capaz de fornecer subsídios para tratamentos hipertérmicos e para o cálculo dos danos causados pela exposição à radiação de uma fonte de laser. Um exemplo é a termoterapia transpupilar a laser (TTT), aplicada no tratamento de um melanoma de coroide. Neste trabalho, foi desenvolvido, através do software comercial SolidWorks®, um modelo tridimensional do olho humano portador de um melanoma de coroide, utilizado para simula...

  15. Determinants of choice of market-oriented indigenous Horo cattle production in Dano district of western Showa, Ethiopia. (United States)

    Alemayehu, Befikadu; Bogale, Ayalneh; Wollny, Clemens; Tesfahun, Girma


    Based on a survey data collected from 150 farming households in Dano district of western Showa of Ethiopia, this paper analyzes determinants of smallholders' choice for market oriented indigenous Horo cattle production and tries to suggest policy alternatives for sustainable use of animal genetic resource in the study area. Descriptive statistics and binary logistic model were employed to analyze the data. Eight explanatory variables including age of the household head, size of the grazing land, total size of cultivated land, farmer's experience in indigenous cattle production, farmer's attitude towards productivity of local breed, off-farm income, fattening practice, and availability of information and training of the head of the household regarding conservation, management and sustainable use indigenous cattle were found to be statistically significant variables to explain farmers' choice for market oriented indigenous cattle production activities. Besides, possible policy implications were made in order to improve conservation, management and sustainable use of market oriented indigenous cattle genetic resources.

  16. Danos bucomaxilofaciais em mulheres: registros do Instituto Médico-legal de Ribeirão Preto (SP, no período de 1998 a 2002

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    Chiaperini, Alini


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Partindo da constatação de que a violência constitui um dos principais agravos à saúde e bem-estar das mulheres, realizou-se uma investigação para averiguar o comportamento quantitativo das lesões corporais que atingiram o complexo maxilo-mandibular em mulheres que se submeteram à perícia médico-legal no Instituto Médico Legal (IML, no município de Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, nos anos de 1998 a 2002. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo, no qual foram consultados n=28. 192 laudos periciais realizados para esclarecimento de crimes de lesão corporal e estudo baseado nos seguintes critérios: faixa etária, grupo étnico, etiologia e classificação jurídica do dano, região atingida. Resultados: A faixa etária predominante foi de 26 a 30 anos (19,9 %; o grupo étnico com maior incidência foi de mulheres brancas. Quanto à etiologia do dano, verifica-se um maior percentual nas agressões físicas (57 %; na descrição das lesões, observou-se uma maior incidência de traumas resultando em escoriação, seguida de edema e equimose. Quanto às regiões da face atingidas, a região oral foi a mais prevalente, seguida da região nasal. Conclusão: Nos crimes de lesão corporal em mulheres há um elevado comprometimento do complexo maxilo-mandibular

  17. Automated drawing generation system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshinaga, Toshiaki; Kawahata, Junichi; Yoshida, Naoto; Ono, Satoru


    Since automated CAD drawing generation systems still require human intervention, improvements were focussed on an interactive processing section (data input and correcting operation) which necessitates a vast amount of work. As a result, human intervention was eliminated, the original objective of a computerized system. This is the first step taken towards complete automation. The effects of development and commercialization of the system are as described below. (1) The interactive processing time required for generating drawings was improved. It was determined that introduction of the CAD system has reduced the time required for generating drawings. (2) The difference in skills between workers preparing drawings has been eliminated and the quality of drawings has been made uniform. (3) The extent of knowledge and experience demanded of workers has been reduced. (author)

  18. Qualidade de maçãs 'Royal gala' submetidas ao dano mecânico por impacto e aplicação de 1-metilciclopropeno em dois sistemas comerciais de armazenamento Quality of 'Royal gala' apples submitted to impact injury and application with 1-methylcyclopropene in two commercial storage systems

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    Marcos Vinicius Hendges


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do dano mecânico por impacto e da aplicação de 1-metilciclopropeno (1-MCP sobre a qualidade de maçãs 'Royal Gala' mantidas em armazenamento refrigerado (AR e em atmosfera controlada (AC. Os tratamentos avaliados foram dano mecânico (sem e com dano por impacto combinado com a aplicação de 1-MCP (0 e 625 nL L-1. Os frutos foram armazenados durante quatro meses em armazenamento refrigerado (AR; 0 ºC ± 1 ºC e 92 ± 2 % de UR (experimento 1 e durante oito meses em atmosfera controlada (AC; 1,2 kPa de O2 + 2,0 kPa de CO2; 0 ºC ± 0,1 ºC e 96 ± 2 % de UR (experimento 2. Em AR, os frutos tratados com 1-MCP apresentaram maior firmeza de polpa, além de maior área escurecida no local danificado, na saída da câmara. Nesta condição de armazenamento, após sete dias em condição ambiente, os frutos tratados com 1-MCP apresentaram acidez titulável mais elevada, maior escurecimento da epiderme e menor profundidade de escurecimento da polpa no local danificado. Em AC, a aplicação do 1-MCP proporcionou, após a saída da câmara, frutos com menor teor de sólidos solúveis e maior escurecimento da epiderme no local danificado, sendo que, após sete dias em condição ambiente, os frutos apresentaram maior profundidade de escurecimento do tecido da polpa no local danificado. O dano por impacto ocasionou escurecimento da polpa de maçãs 'Royal Gala'. O 1-MCP não inibiu os efeitos do dano, mas preservou a qualidade dos frutos, especialmente em AR.The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of impact injury and treatment with 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP on the quality of 'Royal Gala' apples in cold storage (CS and controlled atmosphere condition (CA. The treatments were impact injury (with and without impact injury combined with 1-MCP (0 and 625nL L-1. The fruits were stored for four months in CS (0°C ± 1ºC and 92 ± 2% RH (experiment 1 and for eight months in CA (1.2 kPa O2 + 2

  19. Trends in Wind Turbine Generator Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Polinder, Henk; Ferreira, Jan Abraham; Jensen, Bogi Bech


    This paper reviews the trends in wind turbine generator systems. After discussing some important requirements and basic relations, it describes the currently used systems: the constant speed system with squirrel-cage induction generator, and the three variable speed systems with doubly fed...... induction generator (DFIG), with gearbox and fully rated converter, and direct drive (DD). Then, possible future generator systems are reviewed. Hydraulic transmissions are significantly lighter than gearboxes and enable continuously variable transmission, but their efficiency is lower. A brushless DFIG...

  20. Magnetohydrodynamic generator and pump system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Birzvalk, Yu.A.; Karasev, B.G.; Lavrentyev, I.V.; Semikov, G.T.


    The MHD generator-pump system, or MHD coupling, is designed to pump liquid-metal coolant in the primary circuit of a fast reactor. It contains a number of generator and pump channels placed one after another and forming a single electrical circuit, but hydraulically connected parallel to the second and first circuits of the reactor. All the generator and pump channels are located in a magnetic field created by the magnetic system with an excitation winding that is fed by a regulated direct current. In 500 to 2000 MW reactors, the flow rate of the coolant in each loop of the primary circuit is 3 to 6 m 3 /s and the hydraulic power is 2 to 4 MW. This paper examines the primary characteristics of an MHD generator-pump system with various dimensions and number of channels, wall thicknesses, coolant flow rates, and magnetic fields. It is shown that its efficiency may reach 60 to 70%. The operating principle of the MHD generator-pump system is explained in the referenced patent and involves the transfer of hydraulic power from generator channels to pump channels using a magnetic field and electrical circuit common to both channels. Variations of this system may be analyzed using an equivalent circuit. 7 refs., 5 figs

  1. Inspeção termográfica de danos por impacto em laminados de matriz polimérica reforçados por fibras de carbono Thermographic inspection of impact damage in carbon fiber-reinforcing polymer matrix laminates

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    José R. Tarpani


    Full Text Available Laminados compósitos com matrizes poliméricas, respectivamente termorrígida e termoplástica, fortalecidas com fibras contínuas de carbono foram submetidos a impacto único transversal com diferentes níveis de energia. Os danos impingidos aos materiais estruturais foram avaliados por termografia ativa infravermelha na modalidade transmissão. Em geral, os termogramas do laminado termoplástico apresentaram indicações mais claras e bem definidas dos danos causados por impacto, se comparados aos do compósito termorrígido. O aquecimento convectivo das amostras por fluxo controlado de ar quente se mostrou mais eficaz que o realizado por irradiação, empregando-se lâmpada de filamento. Observou-se também que tempos mais longos de aquecimento favoreceram a visualização dos danos. O posicionamento da face impactada do espécime, relativamente à câmera infravermelha e à fonte de calor, não afetou a qualidade dos termogramas no caso do laminado termorrígido, enquanto que influenciou significativamente os termogramas do compósito termoplástico. Os resultados permitiram concluir que a termografia infravermelha é um método de ensaio não-destrutivo simples, robusto e confiável para a detecção de danos por impacto tão leve quanto 5 J em laminados compósitos poliméricos reforçados com fibras de carbono.Continuous carbon fiber reinforced thermoset and thermoplastic composite laminates were exposed to single transversal impact with different energy levels. The damages impinged to the structural materials were evaluated by active infrared thermography in the transmission mode. In general, the thermoplastic laminate thermograms showed clearer damage indications than those from the thermosetting composite. The convective heating of the samples by controlled hot air flow was more efficient than via irradiation using a filament lamp. It was also observed that longer heating times improved the damage visualization. The positioning of the


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    A. V. Levin


    Full Text Available The article presents a starter-generator system for an auxiliary power unit of an aircraft. A feature of the presented system is the use of a synchronous generator with excitation from permanent magnets and a semiconductor converter. The main problem of the system is the generation of electric energy of an aircraft on the basis of a synchronous generator with excitation from permanent magnets is the absence of the possibility of regulating the voltage and frequency of electrical energy, in this connection, a semiconductor converter that ensures the conversion of generated electric energy with significant mass-dimensions characteristics.The article proposes an approach to designing a starter-generator system with a parallel connection of a synchronous generator with excitation from permanent magnets and a semiconductor converter. This approach makes it possible to significantly reduce the part of the electrical energy that needs to be converted, as a consequence, the semiconductor converter has significantly smaller mass-and-batch characteristics.In the article the modes of generation of electric energy and the starter mode of operation of the starter-generator system are considered in detail, the circuit realization of the semiconductor converter is shown. A scheme for replacing one phase of the system for generating electric energy and calculating electric parameters is presented.The possibility of creating a highly efficient starter-generator system based on a synchronous generator with excitation from permanent magnets and a semiconductor converter for an auxiliary power plant of aircrafts is shown. Structural and basic schemes for constructing a system for generating electrical energy are proposed. The approach to the choice of rational circuit solutions is substantiated, basic estimates of the electrical parameters of the system are obtained. The possibility of achieving a specific mass of a semiconductor converter for synchronous

  3. Steam Generator Inspection Planning Expert System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rzasa, P.


    Applying Artificial Intelligence technology to steam generator non-destructive examination (NDE) can help identify high risk locations in steam generators and can aid in preparing technical specification compliant eddy current test (ECT) programs. A steam Generator Inspection Planning Expert System has been developed which can assist NDE or utility personnel in planning ECT programs. This system represents and processes its information using an object oriented declarative knowledge base, heuristic rules, and symbolic information processing, three artificial intelligence based techniques incorporated in the design. The output of the system is an automated generation of ECT programs. Used in an outage inspection, this system significantly reduced planning time

  4. Steam generating system in LMFBR type reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kurosawa, Katsutoshi.


    Purpose: To suppress the thermal shock loads to the structures of reactor system and secondary coolant system, for instance, upon plant trip accompanying turbine trip in the steam generation system of LMFBR type reactors. Constitution: Additional feedwater heater is disposed to the pipeway at the inlet of a steam generator in a steam generation system equipped with a closed loop extended from a steam generator by way of a gas-liquid separator, a turbine and a condensator to the steam generator. The separated water at high temperature and high pressure from a gas-liquid separator is heat exchanged with coolants flowing through the closed loop of the steam generation system in non-contact manner and, thereafter, introduced to a water reservoir tank. This can avoid the water to be fed at low temperature as it is to the steam generator, whereby the thermal shock loads to the structures of the reactor system and the secondary coolant system can be suppressed. (Moriyama, K.)

  5. Vibração: fonte de incômodo à populaçao e de danos às edificações no meio urbano

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    Luiz Antonio Brito

    Full Text Available A energia vibratória gerada pelo tráfego de veículos leves e pesados e pelas composições ferroviárias são uma fonte de poluição ambiental pouco estudada no Brasil. A forma mais eficaz de atenuação da energia vibratória é o aumento da distância entre o receptor e a fonte, o que normalmente é obtido com os recuos definidos pelas leis de zoneamento urbano e pela faixa de domínio, tanto de ferrovias como de rodovias. O adensamento das áreas urbanas, já perceptível nas cidades de médio porte, gerado principalmente pela especulação imobiliária, vem aproximando as edificações das principais fontes de vibração no meio urbano. O efeito da energia vibratória nas edificações varia de acordo com o tipo de estrutura e fundação, sua altura e o tipo de solo. As construções que possuem estrutura em aço ou concreto armado tendem a receber melhor os efeitos da vibração (DIN 4150-3,1999. Em contrapartida, as construções antigas e patrimônios históricos, edificados com materiais menos resistentes, em algumas situações mal conservadas, podem sofrer desde trincas estéticas até danos estruturais irreversíveis quando expostas a elevados níveis de vibração. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a incomodidade e os danos estruturais gerados pela energia vibratória induzida pelo tráfego rodoviário e ferroviário em edificações. Os resultados obtidos indicam que os limites de integridade estrutural são atendidos, mas não os de incomodidade.

  6. Physical and metabolic alterations in "Prata Anã" banana induced by mechanical damage at room temperature Alterações físicas e metabólicas em banana 'Prata Anã' induzidas por dano mecânico mantidas sob temperatura ambiente

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    Victor Martins Maia


    Full Text Available Bananas respond at the physical and physiological level to mechanical damage. Mechanical injuries cause alterations in color and flavor, tissue softening, faster ripening, increased weight loss, increased invasion of microorganisms, and higher enzyme activity in the affected area. The purpose of this study was to verify the physical and metabolic alterations in 'Prata Anã' bananas induced by mechanical stress at room temperature. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized, split-plot in time design, consisting of one control and four mechanical injury types: cutting, abrasion, impact and compression, sampled over time. The percentage of accumulated and daily fresh weight loss, electrolyte leakage from the injured peel region, total soluble sugar and starch contents and enzyme activity of polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase were measured. The damage caused by cutting and abrasion resulted in the highest percentage of fresh weight loss. All types of mechanical damage increased electrolyte leakage during the evaluation period, in comparison with the control. The impact damage anticipated the ripening, besides affecting the conversion of starch into total soluble sugars in the pulp. By impact and abrasion injuries, the polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase activity in the peel was increased by up to 231% and 90%, and 618% and 956%, respectively, compared to the control.Bananas apresentam respostas físicas e fisiológicas ao dano mecânico. As injúrias mecânicas causam alterações na cor e sabor, amaciamento dos tecidos, amadurecimento mais rápido, aumento na perda de peso, aumento no ataque e invasão de microorganismos e maior atividade enzimática na área afetada. Verificaramse alterações físicas e metabólicas induzidas por estresse mecânico em bananas 'Prata Anã' mantidas em temperatura ambiente. Foi utilizado o esquema em parcelas subdivididas no tempo, constituído de testemunha e quatro fontes de dano mecânico: corte, abras

  7. Efeitos de um tratamento combinado (vitamina C pré-exercício e alongamento FNP, tratamento com ultrassom pós-exercício sobre marcadores de dano muscular induzido por exercício

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    Ali Jalalvand


    Full Text Available CONTEXTO: Várias estratégias de recuperação têm sido utilizadas na tentativa de minimizar os sintomas da dor muscular de início tardio (DMIT. Contudo, evidências científicas que apoiem este efeito profilático (pré-exercício e terapêutico (pós-exercício de um tratamento combinado (FNP e vitamina C, ultrassom no dano muscular são inexistentes. OBJETIVO: Investigar os efeitos de um tratamento combinado (FNP e vitamina C, ultrassom nos marcadores bioquímicos (níveis enzimáticos e funcionais (ângulo do cotovelo, circunferência de braço, taxa de dor de dano muscular induzido por exercício. MÉTODO: Amostra randomizada controlada. LOCAL: Laboratório da Universidade. PARTICIPANTES: Alunos universitários masculinos participaram voluntariamente do estudo, o qual não reportou nenhuma dor muscular de início tardio por no mínimo seis meses antes do estudo. Posteriormente, os sujeitos foram agrupados aleatoriamente em subgrupos com mão controle e mão experimental. INTERVENÇÃO(ÕES: Programa de exercício para indução de dano muscular induzido por exercício envolvendo o teste de bíceps Scott (contração excêntrica com duas mãos. PROCEDIMENTO(S PRINCIPAL(IS: Circunferência de braço relaxado, circunferência de braço flexionado, ângulo de cotovelo em descanso, circunferência de antebraço, amplitude de movimento de cotovelo flexionado, amplitude de movimento de cotovelo estendido, dano muscular induzido por exercício, força máxima voluntária isométrica e isocinética foram registrados basal, imediatamente após exercício e 24, 48, 72 e 96 horas após exercício. RESULTADOS: O subgrupo experimental manifestou redução de sintomas de DMIT em menor amplitude de movimento de cotovelo flexionado e amplitude de movimento de cotovelo estendido, menor perda de força isométrica e isocinética voluntária máxima (P 0,05. CONCLUSÃO: Este tratamento combinado foi eficiente em contração máxima voluntária isom

  8. Solar energy thermally powered electrical generating system (United States)

    Owens, William R. (Inventor)


    A thermally powered electrical generating system for use in a space vehicle is disclosed. The rate of storage in a thermal energy storage medium is controlled by varying the rate of generation and dissipation of electrical energy in a thermally powered electrical generating system which is powered from heat stored in the thermal energy storage medium without exceeding a maximum quantity of heat. A control system (10) varies the rate at which electrical energy is generated by the electrical generating system and the rate at which electrical energy is consumed by a variable parasitic electrical load to cause storage of an amount of thermal energy in the thermal energy storage system at the end of a period of insolation which is sufficient to satisfy the scheduled demand for electrical power to be generated during the next period of eclipse. The control system is based upon Kalman filter theory.

  9. Hydrogen storage and generation system (United States)

    Dentinger, Paul M.; Crowell, Jeffrey A. W.


    A system for storing and generating hydrogen generally and, in particular, a system for storing and generating hydrogen for use in an H.sub.2/O.sub.2 fuel cell. The hydrogen storage system uses the beta particles from a beta particle emitting material to degrade an organic polymer material to release substantially pure hydrogen. In a preferred embodiment of the invention, beta particles from .sup.63Ni are used to release hydrogen from linear polyethylene.

  10. Danos de Conotrachelus dubiae (Coleoptera: curculionidae em frutos de camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia na Amazônia Central Damage of camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia fruits by Conotrachelus dubiae (Coleoptera: curculionidae in Central Amazonia

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    Sidney Alberto do Nascimento Ferreira


    Full Text Available No Brasil, a ocorrência de Conotrachelus dubiae O'Brien, 1995 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae em camu-camu [Myrciaria dubia (H.B.K. McVaugh, Myrtaceae] tinha sido constatada somente em populações naturais. Relata-se sua ocorrência em um cultivo experimental, onde se avaliou os danos de C. dubiae em frutos de camu-camu, em diferentes graus de amadurecimento, entre 1999 e 2003. Os danos causados pela larva aumentaram com o amadurecimento dos frutos, havendo maior comprometimento da polpa do fruto (30 a 90% do que das sementes (7%. A incidência desse inseto pode implicar em perdas quantitativas significativas na produção de camu-camu.In Brazil, the occurrence of Conotrachelus dubiae O'Brien, 1995 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae in camu-camu [Myrciaria dubia (H.B.K. McVaugh, Myrtaceae] had only been verified in natural populations. This report describes its occurrence in an experimental cultivation, where damage of camu-camu fruits by C. dubiae at different ripening stages was evaluated between 1999 and 2003. The damage caused by the larva increased with the degree of ripening of the fruits, with greater damage of fruit pulp (30 to 90% than to seeds (7%. The incidence of this insect may cause significant quantitative losses in the camu-camu production.

  11. Efeito protetor da flavana extraída da espécie Brosimum acutifolium contra danos causados por hipóxia em células retinianas: um estudo in vitro


    FONSECA, Susanne Suely Santos da


    O acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico (AVCi) causa danos celulares por provocar intensa excitotoxicidade e estresse oxidativo após privação de oxigênio e glicose para uma região do encéfalo. Neste trabalho, investigamos o potencial neuroprotetor da planta amazônica Brosimum acutifolium que é rica em flavanas como a 4',7-diidroxi-8-(3,3-dimetilalil)flavana (brosimina b, aqui abreviada como Bb) que apresenta elevado potencial antioxidante. Utilizamos cultura de células retinianas de embrião de...

  12. Neutron generator control system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peelman, H.E.; Bridges, J.R.


    A method is described of controlling the neutron output of a neutron generator tube used in neutron well logging. The system operates by monitoring the target beam current and comparing a function of this current with a reference voltage level to develop a control signal used in a series regulator to control the replenisher current of the neutron generator tube. (U.K.)

  13. Design of MHD generator systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buende, R.; Raeder, J.


    By assessment of the influence of the combustion efficiency on the electric output of the MHD generator, it can be shown that the construction and efficiency of the generator strongly depend on these parameters. The solutions of this system of equations are discussed. Following a derivation of criteria and boundary conditions of the design and a determination of the specific construction costs of individual system components, it is shown how the single design parameters influence the operational characteristics of such a system, especially the output, efficiency and energy production costs. (GG/LH) [de

  14. Systems Prototyping with Fourth Generation Tools. (United States)

    Sholtys, Phyllis


    The development of information systems using an engineering approach that uses both traditional programing techniques and fourth generation software tools is described. Fourth generation applications tools are used to quickly develop a prototype system that is revised as the user clarifies requirements. (MLW)

  15. Fuel oil systems for standby diesel-generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This Standard provides the design requirements for fuel oil system for diesel-generators that provide standby power for a nuclear power generating station. The system includes all essential equipment from and including fuel oil storage tanks up to the terminal connection on the diesel-engine. It does not include that portion of the fuel oil system supplied by the diesel-generator manufacturer which is in accordance with Trial-Use Criteria for Diesel-Generator Units Applied as Standby Power Supplies for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, IEEE-387-1972. This definition of scope is intended to exclude only those factory-assembled, engine-mounted appurtances supplied with a diesel-generator unit. Integral tanks are, however, within the scope of this Standard. It also excludes motors, motor control centers, switchgear, cables, and other electrical equipment which is used in operation of the fuel oil system, except to define interface requirements

  16. Methodology toward second generation expert systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dormoy, J.L.


    So-called First Generation Expert Systems were aimed at capturing the expert's know-how. Though providing remarkable achievements, this first wave did not give the expected outcome. A new generation is getting out from the laboratories. Instead of remaining at a shallow level of knowledge - that is the unmotivated reasoning processes expressed by an expert when he is forced to tell them - one attempts to re-build this level of knowledge from the first principles which constitute the basis of an expert's knowledge. These systems are called deep knowledge-based, or second generation expert systems. Discussion in the three first parts rests on two examples: A first generation and a half system for process control in nuclear powers plants, than the system EXTRA for alarm processing in nuclear plants, wherein fonctional knowledge is explicitely represented. We show how deep knowledge can be implemented, and the advantages that can be expected from this methodology. Qualitative Physics is discussed in the next part. Future research developments as well as potential payoffs are mentioned [fr

  17. Controle de danos: uma opção tática no tratamento dos traumatizados com hemorragia grave Damage control: a tactical alternative for the management of exanguinating trauma patients

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    José Gustavo Parreira


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: O choque hemorrágico persistente cursa com alta mortalidade. Grande importância tem sido dada para o "controle de danos" como opção terapêutica nestes casos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a definição, indicações, técnicas e resultados do controle de danos no tratamento dos traumatizados com hemorragia grave. MÉTODO: Revisão bibliográfica. RESULTADOS: Como "controle de danos" entende-se a interrupção da operação antes que o choque hemorrágico alcance a sua fase irreversível, mesmo que as lesões encontradas não tenham o tratamento definitivo neste primeiro momento. Esta alternativa envolve três tempos: a operação abreviada, a recuperação na unidade de terapia intensiva e a reoperação programada. Desta forma, frente à acidose metabólica, hipotermia e coagulopatia, a operação é abreviada através do controle temporário da hemorragia e contaminação. São empregadas técnicas como o tamponamento hepático com compressas e ligadura de eventuais cotos intestinais. Na unidade de terapia intensiva são realizados o aquecimento do doente, restauração da volemia e débito cardíaco, e adequada oferta de oxigênio, além da reposição dos fatores de coagulação. Somente após a estabilização, o traumatizado é levado novamente ao centro cirúrgico para o tratamento definitivo das lesões. Trata-se de uma tática com bons resultados, mas que deve ser restrita a centros especializados, com supervisão cirúrgica contínua e recursos disponíveis para o tratamento de doentes graves. CONCLUSÃO: O controle de danos é opção prática nos casos de hemorragia grave, contudo deve ser empregado com julgamento crítico devido a complicações que podem decorrer da sua indicação.BACKGROUND: Despite the advances in the treatment of exanguinating patients, hemorrhage remains as the leading cause of early deaths. A great deal of attention has been given to "damage control" as a therapeutic alternative in this scenario. AIM: To

  18. Diagnostic system of steam generator, especially molten metal heated steam generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matal, O.; Martoch, J.


    A diagnostic system is described and graphically represented consisting of a leak detector, a medium analyzer and sensors placed on the piping connected to the indication sections of both tube plates. The advantage of the designed system consists in the possibility of detecting tube failure immediately on leak formation, especially in generators with duplex tubes. This shortens the period of steam generator shutdown for repair and reduces power losses. The design also allows to make periodical leak tests during planned steam generator shutdowns. (A.K.)

  19. Automotive dual-mode hydrogen generation system (United States)

    Kelly, D. A.

    The automotive dual mode hydrogen generation system is advocated as a supplementary hydrogen fuel means along with the current metallic hydride hydrogen storage method for vehicles. This system consists of utilizing conventional electrolysis cells with the low voltage dc electrical power supplied by two electrical generating sources within the vehicle. Since the automobile engine exhaust manifold(s) are presently an untapped useful source of thermal energy, they can be employed as the heat source for a simple heat engine/generator arrangement. The second, and minor electrical generating means consists of multiple, miniature air disk generators which are mounted directly under the vehicle's hood and at other convenient locations within the engine compartment. The air disk generators are revolved at a speed which is proportionate to the vehicles forward speed and do not impose a drag on the vehicles motion.

  20. Tipos e intensidade de danos mecânicos em bananas 'prata-anã' ao longo da cadeia de comercialização Types and intensity of mechanical damages on 'prata anã' bananas along the commercialization chain

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    Victor Martins Maia


    Full Text Available Atualmente, a maior parte da produção brasileira de banana é destinada ao mercado interno e, geralmente, é colhida, manuseada e transportada de forma deficiente e inadequada, contribuindo para perdas substanciais na fase pós-colheita. Objetivou-se identificar os tipos e a intensidade de danos mecânicos após a colheita da banana 'Prata-Anã', produzida no Município de Verdelândia (MG e embalada em caixas de papelão, madeira e plástico. Foram amostradas quatro caixas de banana 'Prata-Anã' em cada etapa da cadeia de comercialização, a saber: antes da colheita, após a primeira lavagem e pré-seleção (1ª piscina da casa de embalagem, após embalagem, após transporte e após distribuição ao mercado varejista em Montes Claros (MG, onde os frutos permaneceram em exposição para vendas por 8 horas. A porcentagem de frutos, área da casca e porcentagem da área da casca danificados aumentou ao longo da cadeia de comercialização. O uso da caixa de papelão proporcionou redução na incidência e intensidade de dano mecânico em relação aos demais tipos de embalagem. Houve alta incidência do dano por abrasão em todas as etapas da cadeia de comercialização. O dano por compressão apresentou grande importância relativa no varejo.Currently, most of the Brazilian production of banana is destined for domestic market and, generally, it is harvested, handled and carried in a deficient and inadequate form, contributing to substantial post harvest losses. This work had the objective of identifying the types and the intensity of mechanical damages after the harvest of 'Prata Anã' banana grown in Verdelândia, MG and put in cardboard, wood and plastic boxes. So, four boxes of banana were evaluated in each stage of the commercialization chain: before harvest, after the first washing and pre-selection (1st swimming pool of the packing house, after packing, after transport and distribution to the retail market in Montes Claros, MG, where

  1. Fiscal 2000 report on the international joint verification of photovoltaic power generation system. Verification of hybrid system comprising photovoltaic power generation system and micro-hydroelectric power generation systems; 2000 nendo taiyoko hatsuden system kokusai kyodo jissho kaihatsu hokokusho. Taiyoko micro suiryoku hybrid system jissho kenkyu

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    Research was conducted in Vietnam for the development of a hybrid system comprising a photovoltaic power generation system and a micro-hydroelectric power generation system. In verification test operation, data measurement had been under way for approximately 18 months since it was started in September 1999. The rate of days on which effective data were obtained throughout this period was 93.4%. Power generated by the micro-hydroelectric power generation system was 19.4kWh/d with so small a capacity factor of 3.2%. The capacity factor of the photovoltaic power generation system was again very small at 4.5% since the amount consumed by the load was as small as 131.0kWh/d. Weather data of solar radiation and precipitation were being collected smoothly. In the study of hybrid system optimization, the effect of inductor generator activation upon the inverter was taken up. In the study of capacity balance optimization between the constituent elements of the hybrid system, methodology was established and verified, and calculations were carried out. (NEDO)

  2. Culinary and pressure irrigation water system hydroelectric generation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Christiansen, Cory [Water Works Engineers, Pleasant Grove City, UT (United States)


    Pleasant Grove City owns and operates a drinking water system that included pressure reducing stations (PRVs) in various locations and flow conditions. Several of these station are suitable for power generation. The City evaluated their system to identify opportunities for power generation that can be implemented based on the analysis of costs and prediction of power generation and associated revenue. The evaluation led to the selection of the Battle Creek site for development of a hydro-electric power generating system. The Battle Creek site includes a pipeline that carries spring water to storage tanks. The system utilizes a PRV to reduce pressure before the water is introduced into the tanks. The evaluation recommended that the PRV at this location be replaced with a turbine for the generation of electricity. The system will be connected to the utility power grid for use in the community. A pelton turbine was selected for the site, and a turbine building and piping system were constructed to complete a fully functional power generation system. It is anticipated that the system will generate approximately 440,000 kW-hr per year resulting in $40,000 of annual revenue.

  3. Development of a steam generator lancing system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Woo-Tae; Kim, Seok-Tae; Hong, Sung-Yull


    It is recommended to clean steam generators of nuclear power plants during plant outages. Under normal operations, sludge is created and constantly accumulates in the steam generators. The constituents of this sludge are different depending on each power plant characteristics. The sludge of the Kori Unit 1 steam generator, for example, was found to be composed of 93% ferrous oxide, 3% carbon and 1% of silica oxide and nickel oxide each. The research to develop a lancing system that would remove sludge deposits from the tubesheet of a steam generator was started in 1998 by the Korea Electric Power Research Institute (KEPRI) of the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO). The first commercial domestic lancing system in Korea, and KALANS-I Lancing System, was completed in 2000 for Kori Unit 1 for cleaning the tubesheet of its Westinghouse Delta-60 steam generator. Thereafter, the success of the development and site implementation of the KALANS-I lancing system for YGN Units 1 and 2 and Ulchin Units 3 and 4 was also realized in 2004 for sludge removal at those sites. The upper bundle cleaning system for Westinghouse model F steam generators is now under development

  4. Integration of Renewable Generation in Power System Defence Plans

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Das, Kaushik

    Increasing levels of penetration of wind power and other renewable generations in European power systems pose challenges to power system security. The power system operators are continuously challenged especially when generations from renewables are high thereby reducing online capacity of conven......Increasing levels of penetration of wind power and other renewable generations in European power systems pose challenges to power system security. The power system operators are continuously challenged especially when generations from renewables are high thereby reducing online capacity......, one of them being the North East area with high share of wind power generation.The aim of this study is to investigate how renewable generations like wind power can contribute to the power system defence plans. This PhD project “Integration of Renewable Generation in Power System Defence Plans...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mustafa ENGİN


    Full Text Available In this paper, a solar-wind hybrid power generating, system that will be used for security lighting was designed. Hybrid system was installed and solar cells, wind turbine, battery bank, charge regulators and inverter performance values were measured through the whole year. Using measured values of overall system efficiency, reliability, demanded energy cost per kWh were calculated, and percentage of generated energy according to resources were defined. We also include in the paper a discussion of new strategies to improve hybrid power generating system performance and demanded energy cost per kWh.

  6. Generative electronic background music system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mazurowski, Lukasz [Faculty of Computer Science, West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Zolnierska Street 49, Szczecin, PL (Poland)


    In this short paper-extended abstract the new approach to generation of electronic background music has been presented. The Generative Electronic Background Music System (GEBMS) has been located between other related approaches within the musical algorithm positioning framework proposed by Woller et al. The music composition process is performed by a number of mini-models parameterized by further described properties. The mini-models generate fragments of musical patterns used in output composition. Musical pattern and output generation are controlled by container for the mini-models - a host-model. General mechanism has been presented including the example of the synthesized output compositions.

  7. Generative electronic background music system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mazurowski, Lukasz


    In this short paper-extended abstract the new approach to generation of electronic background music has been presented. The Generative Electronic Background Music System (GEBMS) has been located between other related approaches within the musical algorithm positioning framework proposed by Woller et al. The music composition process is performed by a number of mini-models parameterized by further described properties. The mini-models generate fragments of musical patterns used in output composition. Musical pattern and output generation are controlled by container for the mini-models - a host-model. General mechanism has been presented including the example of the synthesized output compositions

  8. Modeling and Simulation of Generator Side Converter of Doubly Fed Induction Generator-Based Wind Power Generation System

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guo, Yougui; Zeng, Ping; Blaabjerg, Frede


    A real wind power generation system is given in this paper. SVM control strategy and vector control is applied for generator side converter and doubly fed induction generator respectively. First the mathematical models of the wind turbine rotor, drive train, generator side converter are described...

  9. Power Maximization Control of Variable Speed Wind Generation System Using Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (United States)

    Morimoto, Shigeo; Nakamura, Tomohiko; Takeda, Yoji

    This paper proposes the sensorless output power maximization control of the wind generation system. A permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) is used as a variable speed generator in the proposed system. The generator torque is suitably controlled according to the generator speed and thus the power from a wind turbine settles down on the maximum power point by the proposed MPPT control method, where the information of wind velocity is not required. Moreover, the maximum available generated power is obtained by the optimum current vector control. The current vector of PMSG is optimally controlled according to the generator speed and the required torque in order to minimize the losses of PMSG considering the voltage and current constraints. The proposed wind power generation system can be achieved without mechanical sensors such as a wind velocity detector and a position sensor. Several experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed control method.

  10. Automatic control system generation for robot design validation (United States)

    Bacon, James A. (Inventor); English, James D. (Inventor)


    The specification and drawings present a new method, system and software product for and apparatus for generating a robotic validation system for a robot design. The robotic validation system for the robot design of a robotic system is automatically generated by converting a robot design into a generic robotic description using a predetermined format, then generating a control system from the generic robotic description and finally updating robot design parameters of the robotic system with an analysis tool using both the generic robot description and the control system.

  11. Nanostructured, complex hydride systems for hydrogen generation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert A. Varin


    Full Text Available Complex hydride systems for hydrogen (H2 generation for supplying fuel cells are being reviewed. In the first group, the hydride systems that are capable of generating H2 through a mechanical dehydrogenation phenomenon at the ambient temperature are discussed. There are few quite diverse systems in this group such as lithium alanate (LiAlH4 with the following additives: nanoiron (n-Fe, lithium amide (LiNH2 (a hydride/hydride system and manganese chloride MnCl2 (a hydride/halide system. Another hydride/hydride system consists of lithium amide (LiNH2 and magnesium hydride (MgH2, and finally, there is a LiBH4-FeCl2 (hydride/halide system. These hydride systems are capable of releasing from ~4 to 7 wt.% H2 at the ambient temperature during a reasonably short duration of ball milling. The second group encompasses systems that generate H2 at slightly elevated temperature (up to 100 °C. In this group lithium alanate (LiAlH4 ball milled with the nano-Fe and nano-TiN/TiC/ZrC additives is a prominent system that can relatively quickly generate up to 7 wt.% H2 at 100 °C. The other hydride is manganese borohydride (Mn(BH42 obtained by mechano-chemical activation synthesis (MCAS. In a ball milled (2LiBH4 + MnCl2 nanocomposite, Mn(BH42 co-existing with LiCl can desorb ~4.5 wt.% H2 at 100 °C within a reasonable duration of dehydrogenation. Practical application aspects of hydride systems for H2 generation/storage are also briefly discussed.

  12. Cuypers : a semi-automatic hypermedia generation system

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    J.R. van Ossenbruggen (Jacco); F.J. Cornelissen; J.P.T.M. Geurts (Joost); L. Rutledge (Lloyd); L. Hardman (Lynda)


    textabstractThe report describes the architecture of emph{Cuypers, a system supporting second and third generation Web-based multimedia. First generation Web-content encodes information in handwritten (HTML) Web pages. Second generation Web content generates HTML pages on demand, e.g. by filling in

  13. An expert system for steam generator maintenance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Remond, A.


    The tube bundles in PWR steam generators are, by far, the major source of problems whether they are due to primary and secondary side corrosion mechanisms or to tube vibration-induced wear at tube support locations. Because of differences in SG operating, materials, and fabrication processes, the damage may differ from steam generator to steam generator. MPGV, an expert system for steam generator maintenance uses all steam generator data containing data on materials, fabrication processes, inservice inspection, and water chemistry. It has access to operational data for individual steam generators and contains models of possible degradation mechanisms. The objectives of the system are: · Diagnosing the most probable degradation mechanism or mechanisms by reviewing the entire steam generator history. · Identifying the tubes most exposed to future damage and evaluating the urgency of repair by simulating the probable development of the problem in time. · Establishing the appropriate preventive actions such as repair, inspection or other measures and establishing an action schedule. The system is intended for utilities either for individual plants before each inspection outage or any time an incident occurs or for a set of plants through a central MPGV center. (author)

  14. Carbon dynamics with prolonged arable cropping soils in the Dano district (Southwest Burkina-Faso) (United States)

    Hounkpatin, Ozias; Welp, Gerhard; Amelung, Wulf


    The conversion of natural ecosystems into agricultural land affects the atmospheric CO2 concentration whose increase contributes to global warming. In the low activity clay soils (LAC) of the tropics, farming is largely dependent on the level of soil organic carbon (SOC) for sustainable crop production. In this study, we investigated the changes in SOC in Plinthosols along a cultivation chronosequence in the Dano district (Southwest Burkina-Faso). The chronosequence consisted of undisturbed savannah (Y0) and 11 agricultural fields with short and long histories of cultivation ranging from 1-year-old cropland to 29-year-old cropland (Y29). About 14 soil profiles were described and soil composite samples were taken per horizon. Particulate organic matter (POM) was fractionated according to particle size: fraction 2000 - 250 μm (POM1), 250 μm - 53 μm (POM2), 53 μm - 20 μm (POM3), and POM1 > POM3 > POM2 carbon no matter the duration of land use. However, SOC losses occurred not only in the labile C pools but also in the stabile nonPOM fraction with increasing duration of agricultural land use. Compared to the initial carbon content in the Y0 field, about 59% of carbon content loss occurred in the POM1 (> 250 μm), 53% in the POM2 (250 - 53 μm), 52 % in the POM3 (53 - 20 μm) and 47% in the nonPOM fraction (stabilization, its depletion with increasing cultivation intensity suggests that the destruction of aggregates in these fields increased the vulnerability of this pool to microbial degradation. Keywords: Soil organic carbon, Plinthosols, low activity clay soil, POM

  15. Métodos de analise dos danos da lagarta da espiga¹, em médias de gerações envolvendo IAC Maya e Zapalote Chico Method for analysis of damage of the corn earworm heliothis zea in generation means from IAC Maya and Zapalote Chico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Alberto Marques Rezende


    Full Text Available O milho Zapalote Chico 2451 (ZC 2451, referido na literatura como a melhor fonte de resistência à lagarta da espiga, Heliothis zea (Boddie, 1850, e o IAC Maya XII foram observados em condições de campo, juntamente com as gerações F1, e F2 resultantes do cruzamento de ambos, bem como os respectivos retrocruzamentos da população F1, para cada um dos pais, a fim de estudar métodos de análises de dados obtidos através da escala de dano revista por WIDSTROM e, conseqüentemente, fornecer subsídios para trabalhos de estudo da herança da resistência envolvendo esse cruzamento. Para analisar os dados, dividiram-se as notas de dano em quatro classes distintas agrupadas duas a duas, zero mais 1 e > 2, e zero e > 1, e aplicou-se o método do quiquadrado (c2 para verificar qual divisão melhor se ajustava. Os resultados revelaram que o grupo das classes zero mais 1 e > 2 apresentou melhor uniformidade dos dados entre as repetições dentro de cada tratamento. A análise da variância para cada classe de dano, separadamente, apresentou valores de F altamente significativos para as classes zero e zero mais 1, enquanto para as classes > 1 e > 2, os mesmos não permitiram diferenciar os tratamentos. Entre as classes zero e zero mais 1, esta última revelou maior significância e melhor precisão dos dados. O milho ZC 2451, quando comparado com a variedade IAC Maya XII, exibiu boa resistência à lagarta da espiga nas condições de Campinas (SP, resistência essa relacionada com fatores de não preferência e/ou antibiose, devido ã maior porcentagem de espigas não danificadas do ZC 2451.The line Zapalote Chico 2451 (ZC 2451 resistant to the corn earworm, Heliothis zea, the commercial synthetic Brazilian variety IAC Maya XII, the F1 and F2 obtained with their cross, and the two back crosses between the F1 and both parents, were planted in the field in a randomized block with 10 replications. The earworm damage done to the ears was graded

  16. Automatic motion inhibit system for a nuclear power generating system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Musick, C.R.; Torres, J.M.


    Disclosed is an automatic motion inhibit system for a nuclear power generating system for inhibiting automatic motion of the control elements to reduce reactor power in response to a turbine load reduction. The system generates a final reactor power level setpoint signal which is continuously compared with a reactor power signal. The final reactor power level setpoint is a setpoint within the capacity of the bypass valves to bypass steam which in no event is lower in value than the lower limit of automatic control of the reactor. If the final reactor power level setpoint is greater than the reactor power, an inhibit signal is generated to inhibit automatic control of the reactor. 6 claims, 5 figures

  17. Thermoelectric generator cooling system and method of control (United States)

    Prior, Gregory P; Meisner, Gregory P; Glassford, Daniel B


    An apparatus is provided that includes a thermoelectric generator and an exhaust gas system operatively connected to the thermoelectric generator to heat a portion of the thermoelectric generator with exhaust gas flow through the thermoelectric generator. A coolant system is operatively connected to the thermoelectric generator to cool another portion of the thermoelectric generator with coolant flow through the thermoelectric generator. At least one valve is controllable to cause the coolant flow through the thermoelectric generator in a direction that opposes a direction of the exhaust gas flow under a first set of operating conditions and to cause the coolant flow through the thermoelectric generator in the direction of exhaust gas flow under a second set of operating conditions.

  18. Stability improvement of induction generator-based wind turbine systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chen, Zhe; Hu, Y.; Blaabjerg, Frede


    The stability improvement of induction-generator-based wind turbine systems under power system fault conditions has been studied. Two types of generators are considered, namely rotor short-circuited induction generators and dynamic slip-controlled wound rotor induction generators. The factors...... affecting the stability are analysed. The characteristics of the induction-generator-based wind turbines are described, and possible methods of improving stability of the wind generators are discussed. The system modelling is presented, and then the discussed methods of improving stability are investigated...

  19. Generation IV nuclear energy systems: road map and concepts. 2. Generation II Measurement Systems for Generation IV Nuclear Power Plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miller, Don W.


    Instrumentation and Control (I and C) systems in current operating plants have not changed appreciably since their original design in the 1950's. These systems depend on a variety of traditional process and radiation sensors for the measurement of safety and control variables such as temperature, pressure, and neutron flux. To improve their performance and to make them more robust, many plant control systems have been upgraded from analog to digital; most of them continue to utilize traditional single-input single-output architecture. Transmission of data, for the most part, continues to employ large coaxial cables. These cables are not the small cables used in a laboratory (i.e., RG-58 or RG-59). Because of concern about electromagnetic and radio frequency interference and other environmental effects, bulky triax cables, which are cables with two outer shields separated by an insulator, are used. In a nuclear plant there are literally miles of cables and hundreds of specialized penetrations for cables going through containment or pressure vessel walls. The I and C systems in the advanced light water reactor (ALWR) designs, i.e., Generation III reactors, do employ more advanced technology than current plants; however, they do not incorporate new technology on a broad scale. This in part is a consequence of the ALWR design philosophy that discouraged use of advanced technology if current technology was adequate. As a consequence, the I and C systems in the ALWRs continue to make use of current technology. There are two exceptions, however, which include the broad use of software-based digital systems and fiber optics for signal isolation and data transmission in nonradioactive areas. The ALWR design philosophy was a justifiably low-risk approach when considering the overall objective of 'capturing' lessons learned from current operating plants to design a plant that would exhibit performance superior to current plants and would be relatively easy to license without

  20. Performance diagnostic system for emergency diesel generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Logan, K.P.


    Diesel generators are commonly used for emergency backup power at nuclear stations. Emergency diesel generators (EDGs) are subject to both start-up and operating failures, due to infrequent and fast-start use. EDG reliability can be critical to plant safety, particularly when station blackout occurs. This paper describes an expert diagnostic system designed to consistently evaluate the operating performance of diesel generators. The prototype system is comprised of a suite of sensor monitoring, cylinder combustion analyzing, and diagnostic workstation computers. On-demand assessments of generator and auxiliary equipment performance are provided along with color trend displays comparing measured performance to reference-normal conditions

  1. Anosov C-systems and random number generators (United States)

    Savvidy, G. K.


    We further develop our previous proposal to use hyperbolic Anosov C-systems to generate pseudorandom numbers and to use them for efficient Monte Carlo calculations in high energy particle physics. All trajectories of hyperbolic dynamical systems are exponentially unstable, and C-systems therefore have mixing of all orders, a countable Lebesgue spectrum, and a positive Kolmogorov entropy. These exceptional ergodic properties follow from the C-condition introduced by Anosov. This condition defines a rich class of dynamical systems forming an open set in the space of all dynamical systems. An important property of C-systems is that they have a countable set of everywhere dense periodic trajectories and their density increases exponentially with entropy. Of special interest are the C-systems defined on higher-dimensional tori. Such C-systems are excellent candidates for generating pseudorandom numbers that can be used in Monte Carlo calculations. An efficient algorithm was recently constructed that allows generating long C-system trajectories very rapidly. These trajectories have good statistical properties and can be used for calculations in quantum chromodynamics and in high energy particle physics.

  2. The Vulcan pulse generating system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Danson, C.N.; Edwards, C.B.; Wyatt, R.W.W.


    During the past two years several changes have been made to the front end system on the VULCAN pulse generating system. These changes give greater flexibility and a wider choice of operating conditions. This note gives an updated description of the system capabilities, and gives users of the facility an idea of the various pulse combinations that are available. (author)

  3. Tabagismo, cigarros eletrônicos e redução de danos: uma revisão narrativa / Smoking, electronic cigarettes and harm reduction: a narrative review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ivan Farias Barreto


    Full Text Available O tabagismo é um grave problema de saúde pública no Brasil. O presente trabalho investigou o uso dos cigarros eletrônicos como possibilidade para reduzir os danos do consumo de tabaco. Realizou-se uma revisão narrativa de literatura, privilegiando artigos em revistas científicas, livros e outras fontes relevantes. Os resultados indicam que dispositivos eletrônicos para fumar podem ser menos prejudiciais à saúde se comparados a cigarros combustíveis e, portanto, têm potencial de serem utilizados para reduzir os danos do consumo de tabaco. Por outro lado, podem levar populações mais vulneráveis à iniciação ao tabagismo e ainda requerem estudos a fim de avaliar os efeitos na saúde a longo prazo. Da mesma forma que os cigarros combustíveis, conclui-se que cigarros eletrônicos, se regulamentados, devem ser submetidos a programas de controles austeros, incluindo, por exemplo, políticas tributárias, de proteção a não fumantes e restrição de publicidade. Smoking is a serious Brazilian public health problem. This work investigated the electronic cigarettes as a possibility to reduce damages of tobacco consumption. The used methodology was the narrative review of the literature, privileging articles in scientific journals, books, and other relevant sources. The results indicate that electronic smoking devices may be less harmful to health if compared to combustible cigarettes and have potential to reduce the harm of tobacco use. On the other hand, such devices may lead vulnerable populations to smoking initiation and still require studies to access their effects on human health in the long term. In the same way as combustible cigarettes, it is concluded that electronic cigarettes, if regulated, should be subjected to austere control programs, including, for example, tax policies, non-smoking protection, and advertising restriction.

  4. Model-Driven Test Generation of Distributed Systems (United States)

    Easwaran, Arvind; Hall, Brendan; Schweiker, Kevin


    This report describes a novel test generation technique for distributed systems. Utilizing formal models and formal verification tools, spe cifically the Symbolic Analysis Laboratory (SAL) tool-suite from SRI, we present techniques to generate concurrent test vectors for distrib uted systems. These are initially explored within an informal test validation context and later extended to achieve full MC/DC coverage of the TTEthernet protocol operating within a system-centric context.

  5. Safety assessment for Generation IV nuclear systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leahy, T.J.


    The Generation IV International Forum (GIF) Risk and Safety Working Group (RSWG) was created to develop an effective approach for the safety of Generation IV advanced nuclear energy systems. Recent RSWG work has focused on the definition of an integrated safety assessment methodology (ISAM) for evaluating the safety of Generation IV systems. ISAM is an integrated 'tool-kit' consisting of 5 analytical techniques that are available and matched to appropriate stages of Generation IV system concept development: 1) qualitative safety features review - QSR, 2) phenomena identification and ranking table - PIRT, 3) objective provision tree - OPT, 4) deterministic and phenomenological analyses - DPA, and 5) probabilistic safety analysis - PSA. The integrated methodology is intended to yield safety-related insights that help actively drive the evolving design throughout the technology development cycle, potentially resulting in enhanced safety, reduced costs, and shortened development time

  6. Fast pulse beam generation systems for electron accelerators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koontz, R.F.


    The fast pulse beam generation system to supply the SLAC storage ring, SPEAR, by the two one nanosecond bunch electron beam pulses is described. Generation of these pulses is accomplished with a combination of a fast pulsed grided gun and a synchronized transverse beam chopper. Fast gun based on spherical cathode-grid assembly has output current up to 2As. Fast pulse amplifier system can handle trains of short pulses with repetition rates up to 40 MHz during the 1.6 μs normal accelerating time. Chopping deflector system consists of a resonant coaxial line with the deflecting plates. The resonator frequency is 39.667 MHz. A schematic diagram of the resonant system is shown. The fast beam pickup system has a one hundred picosecond rise time overrall. Fast beam generation and chopper systems permit to generate almost any short or single bunch beam profile needed for experiments


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gary D. Seifert; G. Shawn West; Kurt S. Myers; Jim Moncur


    SECTION 01000—SUMMARY OF WORK PART 1—GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY The work to be performed under this project consists of providing the labor, equipment, and materials to perform "Buildout and Upgrade of Central Emergency Generator System, Generator 3 and 4 Electrical Installation" for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration at the Dryden Flight Research Center (NASA/DFRC), Edwards, California 93523. All modifications to existing substations and electrical distribution systems are the responsibility of the contractor. It is the contractor’s responsibility to supply a complete and functionally operational system. The work shall be performed in accordance with these specifications and the related drawings. The work of this project is defined by the plans and specifications contained and referenced herein. This work specifically includes but is not limited to the following: Scope of Work - Installation 1. Install all electrical wiring and controls for new generators 3 and 4 to match existing electrical installation for generators 1 and 2 and in accordance with drawings. Contractor shall provide as-built details for electrical installation. 2. Install battery charger systems for new generators 3 and 4 to match existing battery charging equipment and installation for generators 1 and 2. This may require exchange of some battery charger parts already on-hand. Supply power to new battery chargers from panel and breakers as shown on drawings. Utilize existing conduits already routed to generators 3 and 4 to field route the new wiring in the most reasonable way possible. 3. Install electrical wiring for fuel/lube systems for new generators 3 and 4 to match existing installation for generators 1 and 2. Supply power to lube oil heaters and fuel system (day tanks) from panel and breakers as shown on drawings. Utilize existing conduits already routed to generators 3 and 4 to field route the new wiring in the most reasonable way possible. Add any conduits necessary to

  8. A system for long pulse REB generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsuzuki, Tetsuya; Hasegawa, Mitsuru; Narihara, Kazumichi; Tomita, Yukihiro; Kubo, Shin; Kobata, Tadasuke; Mohri, Akihiro.


    A high voltage pulse generator system producing intense relativistic electron beams (REB) (1.5 μs pulse width, 30 kA peak current, 1 MeV energy) was developed to the use of REB ring formation. The system consists of a Marx generator, a transmission line with plastics-water hybrid insulators and a magnetically insulated transmission line connected with a cathode. The system has been well operated more than twenty thousands shots without troubles. (author)

  9. Aplicação da ferramenta SWOT para avaliação das técnicas de dano ao choque térmico em materiais refratários SWOT as a tool to evaluate the thermal shock damage technique of refractory materials

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. R. G. Gonçalves


    Full Text Available A literatura indica diversos tipos de ensaios e diferentes métodos de avaliação de dano por choque térmico. Adicionalmente sabe-se que, em determinadas aplicações, esse tipo de dano é um dos principais responsáveis pela degradação do revestimento refratário. Neste contexto e buscando a melhor forma de reproduzir as condições em serviço do revestimento refratário, o presente trabalho foi realizado visando analisar qual tipo de ensaio de choque térmico e método de avaliação do dano são os mais adequados para avaliar o desempenho destes materiais. Essa análise foi baseada em uma revisão bibliográfica e resultados obtidos em laboratório, em que se comparou e avaliou as vantagens e desvantagens dos métodos mais relevantes encontrados na literatura. Por fim, com o auxilio da ferramenta SWOT foi possível verificar se o método adotado pelos autores desse trabalho é adequado para auxiliar na seleção do refratário para aplicação em calcinadores de leito fluidizado.The literature shows different tests and techniques for evaluating the thermal shock damage. Additionally, it is known that, for certain applications, this type of wear mechanism is one of the main causes of fluid flash calciner refractory degradation. Within this context and in order to find the best way to reproduce the refractory lining service conditions, this work was carried out to point out which thermal shock test and damage assessment method are more suitable to evaluate these materials. This analysis was based on a literature review and laboratory experiments, comparing and evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of the most important methods available. Finally, with the support of the SWOT tool it was possible to evaluate whether the method adopted by the authors of this work is appropriated for helping the selection of the refractories for calciners application.

  10. Commissioning of the JET flywheel-generator-convertor systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huart, M.


    The JET Power Supply Scheme relies on a combination of generator convertors and mains driven transformer rectifiers to supply power to the four major pulse loads, namely the toroidal field coils, the poloidal field coils, the plasma positioning coils and the additional heating. The availability of a network with considerable pulse capability has allowed the generator-convertors to be dedicated, one to the poloidal field coils and the other to the toroidal field coils, thus making possible the use of diode in the output AC/DC convertors. Moreover, it has allowed the use of high p.u. machine reactance compatible with the pulse duty. The extent of supply covered by the Contract, awarded to GEC Large Machine Ltd of Rugby, includes the generators, driving/braking system, excitation system, control-monitoring and protection system, cooling system, output AC/DC convertors, inductors and DC busbars as well as all generator auxiliaries and cabling. Both generators were specified identical to reduce design, tool and spare costs

  11. Power generator system for HCL reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scragg, R. L.; Parker, A. B.


    A power generation system includes a nuclear reactor having a core which in addition to generating heat generates a high frequency electromagnetic radiation. An electromagnetic radiation chamber is positioned to receive at least a portion of the radiation generated by the reactor core. Hydrogen and chlorine are connected into the electromagnetic reactor chamber and react with controlled explosive violence when exposed to the radiation from the nuclear reactor. Oxygen is fed into the reactor chamber as a control medium. The resulting gases under high pressure and temperature are utilized to drive a gas turbine generators. In an alternative embodiment the highly ionized gases, hydrogen and chlorine are utilized as a fluid medium for use in magnetohydrodynamic generators which are attached to the electromagnetic reactor chambers

  12. Cuypers : a semi-automatic hypermedia generation system


    Ossenbruggen, Jacco; Cornelissen, F.J.; Geurts, Joost; Rutledge, Lloyd; Hardman, Lynda


    textabstractThe report describes the architecture of emph{Cuypers, a system supporting second and third generation Web-based multimedia. First generation Web-content encodes information in handwritten (HTML) Web pages. Second generation Web content generates HTML pages on demand, e.g. by filling in templates with content retrieved dynamically from a database or transformation of structured documents using style sheets (e.g. XSLT). Third generation Web pages will make use of rich markup (e.g. ...

  13. Fuel cell using a hydrogen generation system (United States)

    Dentinger, Paul M.; Crowell, Jeffrey A. W.


    A system is described for storing and generating hydrogen and, in particular, a system for storing and generating hydrogen for use in an H.sub.2/O.sub.2 fuel cell. The hydrogen storage system uses beta particles from a beta particle emitting material to degrade an organic polymer material to release substantially pure hydrogen. In a preferred embodiment of the invention, beta particles from .sup.63Ni are used to release hydrogen from linear polyethylene.

  14. Upgraded Steam Generator Lancing System for Uljin NPP no.2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Seok Tae; Jeong, Woo Tae; Hong, Sung Yull


    KEPRI(Korea Electric Power Research Institute) has developed various types of steam generator lancing systems since 1998. In this paper, we introduce a new lancing system with new improvements from the previous steam generator lancing system for Uljin NPP #2(nuclear power plant) constructed by KEPRI. The previous lancing system is registered as KALANS R -II and was developed for System-80 type steam generators. The previous lancing system was applied to Uljin unit #3 and it lowered radiation exposure of operators in comparison to manually operated lancing systems. And it effectively removed sludge accumulated around kidney bean zone in the Uljin unit #3 steam generators. But the previous lancing system could only clean partially the steam generators of Uljin unit #4. This was because the rail of the previous lancing system interfered with a part of the steam generator. Therefore we developed a new lancing system that can solve the interference problem. This new lancing system was upgraded from the previous lancing system. Also, a new lancing system for System-80 S/G will be introduced in this paper

  15. Generating units performances: power system requirements

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fourment, C; Girard, N; Lefebvre, H


    The part of generating units within the power system is more than providing power and energy. Their performance are not only measured by their energy efficiency and availability. Namely, there is a strong interaction between the generating units and the power system. The units are essential components of the system: for a given load profile the frequency variation follows directly from the behaviour of the units and their ability to adapt their power output. In the same way, the voltage at the units terminals are the key points to which the voltage profile at each node of the network is linked through the active and especially the reactive power flows. Therefore, the customer will experience the frequency and voltage variations induced by the units behaviour. Moreover, in case of adverse conditions, if the units do not operate as well as expected or trip, a portion of the system, may be the whole system, may collapse. The limitation of the performance of a unit has two kinds of consequences. Firstly, it may result in an increased amount of not supplied energy or loss of load probability: for example if the primary reserve is not sufficient, a generator tripping may lead to an abnormal frequency deviation, and load may have to be shed to restore the balance. Secondly, the limitation of a unit performance results in an economic over-cost for the system: for instance, if not enough `cheap` units are able to load-following, other units with higher operating costs have to be started up. We would like to stress the interest for the operators and design teams of the units on the one hand, and the operators and design teams of the system on the other hand, of dialog and information exchange, in operation but also at the conception stage, in order to find a satisfactory compromise between the system requirements and the consequences for the generating units. (authors). 11 refs., 4 figs.

  16. Liquid metal MHD generator systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Satyamurthy, P.; Dixit, N.S.; Venkataramani, N.; Rohatgi, V.K.


    Liquid Metal MHD (LMMHD) Generator Systems are becoming increasingly important in space and terrestrial applications due to their compactness and versatility. This report gives the current status and economic viability of LMMHD generators coupled to solar collectors, fast breeder reactors, low grade heat sources and conventional high grade heat sources. The various thermodynamic cycles in the temperatures range of 100degC-2000degC have been examined. The report also discusses the present understanding of various loss mechanisms inherent in LMMHD systems and the techniques for overcoming these losses. A small mercury-air LMMHD experimental facility being set up in Plasma Physics Division along with proposals for future development of this new technology is also presented in this report. (author)

  17. Power generation systems and methods (United States)

    Jones, Jack A. (Inventor); Chao, Yi (Inventor)


    A power generation system includes a plurality of submerged mechanical devices. Each device includes a pump that can be powered, in operation, by mechanical energy to output a pressurized output liquid flow in a conduit. Main output conduits are connected with the device conduits to combine pressurized output flows output from the submerged mechanical devices into a lower number of pressurized flows. These flows are delivered to a location remote of the submerged mechanical devices for power generation.

  18. Study on Micro Wind Generator System for Automobile (United States)

    Fujimoto, Koji; Washizu, Shinsuke; Ichikawa, Tomohiko; Yukita, Kazuto; Goto, Yasuyuki; Ichiyanagi, Katsuhiro; Oshima, Takamitsu; Hayashi, Niichi; Tobi, Nobuo

    This paper proposes the micro wind generator system for automobile. This proposes system is composed of the deflector, the micro windmill, the generator, and electric storage device. Then, the effectiveness is confirmed from an examination using air blower. Therefore, new energy can be expected to be obtained by installing this system in the truck.

  19. Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator Transport Trailer System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ard, K.E.; King, D.A.; Leigh, H.; Satoh, J.A.


    The Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (RTG) Transportation System, designated as System 100, comprises four major systems. The four major systems are designated as the Packaging System (System 120), Trailer System (System 140), Operations and Ancillary Equipment System system 160), and Shipping and Receiving Facility Transport System (System 180). Packaging System (System 120), including the RTG packaging is licensed (regulatory) hardware; it is certified by the US Department of Energy to be in accordance with Title 10, Code of federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71). System 140, System 160, and System 180 are nonlicensed (nonregulatory) hardware

  20. Nigel: A Systemic Grammar for Text Generation. (United States)


    presumed. Basic references on the systemic framework include [Berry 75, Berry 77, Halliday 76a, Halliday 76b, Hudson 76, Halliday 81, de Joia 80...Edinburgh, 1979. [do Joia 80] de Joia , A., and A. Stanton, Terms in Systemic Linguistics, Batsford Academic and Educational, Ltd., London, 1980. -’C...1 A Grammar for Text Generation- -The Challenge ................................. 1 *1.2 A Grammar for Text Generation--The Design

  1. Pulsed power generators using an inductive energy storage system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akiyama, H.; Sueda, T.; Katschinski, U.; Katsuki, S.; Maeda, S.


    The pulsed power generators using an inductive energy storage system are extremely compact and lightweight in comparison with those using a capacitive energy storage system. The reliable and repetitively operated opening switch is necessary to realize the inductive pulsed power generator. Here, the pulsed power generators using the inductive energy storage system, which have been developed in Kumamoto University, are summarized. copyright 1996 American Institute of Physics

  2. Seismic damage in the electrical substations of the Colima state; Dano sismico en las subestaciones electricas del estado de Colima

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mena H, Ulises; Lopez L, Alberto; Guerrero F, Vicente A. [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    On the 21 of January of 2003, at 20:06:36 hrs (Mexico center time) an earthquake occurred at the Pacific coast with a magnitude of 7.6 degrees in the Richter scale, whose epicenter was located near the state of Colima and it was felt in a large extent of the Mexican Republic. The earthquake caused numerous material damages in the structures (houses, churches, offices, etc) and vital lines, mainly in the infrastructure of the electrical sector of the region, leaving without electrical energy a large part of the nearby populations and some colonies of distant zones such as in Mexico City. The cause of the interruption of the electrical energy was due to the collapse of some of the equipment of 400 and 230 KV of the electrical transmission substations, among which are Manzanillo II and Colima II. With the experience acquired in the earthquake of October 9, 1995 in Manzanillo, in which also the facilities and equipment of the electrical substations were affected considerably, and as a part of the infrastructure project on the analysis of seismic risk of vital lines that is being developed at this moment at the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE), it was decided to inspect the electrical substations of the zone, where the greater damages in the facilities and equipment were reported, to analyze and to determine the main causes of their failure. [Spanish] El 21 de enero de 2003, a las 20:06:36 hrs (hora del centro de Mexico) ocurrio un sismo en la costa del Pacifico con una magnitud de 7.6 grados en escala Richter, cuyo epicentro se localizo cerca del estado de Colima y se percibio en gran parte de la republica mexicana. El sismo causo cuantiosos danos materiales en las estructuras (viviendas, iglesias, oficinas, etc) y lineas vitales, principalmente en la infraestructura del sector electrico de la region, dejando sin energia electrica a gran parte de las poblaciones cercanas y algunas colonias de zonas lejanas como es la ciudad de Mexico. La causa del corte de

  3. Aclimatação ao frio e dano por geada em canola Acclimatization to cold and frost-injury in canola

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Genei Antonio Dalmago


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da aclimatação ao frio sobre o dano causado pela geada em diferentes estádios fenológicos de genótipos de canola. Foram realizados cinco experimentos em ambiente controlado, em 2006, 2007 e 2008. Os fatores avaliados foram: genótipos, aclimatação (com; sem, intensidades de geada, estádios de desenvolvimento de plantas, regimes de aclimatação e regimes de geada. As variáveis avaliadas foram: queima de folhas, massa de matéria seca, estatura de plantas, duração de subperíodo, componentes de rendimento e rendimento de grãos. A aclimatação ao frio, antes da geada, resultou em menor queima de folhas e maior massa de matéria seca, em comparação a plantas não aclimatadas. As geadas foram prejudiciais a partir de -6°C no início do ciclo de desenvolvimento, principalmente em plantas não aclimatadas, e a partir de -4ºC na floração, com redução do número de síliquas e do número de grãos por síliqua. A aclimatação após as geadas não contribuiu para a tolerância da canola a esse evento. Geadas consecutivas não acarretaram maior prejuízo à canola. A aclimatação de plantas de canola antes da geada reduz os danos, principalmente quando a geada ocorre no início do desenvolvimento das plantas.The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of cold acclimatization on frost damage at different phenological stages of canola genotypes. Five experiments were carried out under controlled conditions, in 2006, 2007, and 2008. The evaluated factors were: genotypes, acclimatization (with; without, frost gradient, plant developmental stages, acclimatization regimes and frost regimes. The evaluated variables were: leaf scorching symptoms, dry weight, plant height, length of subperiod, yield components and grain yield. The acclimatization before frost resulted in lesser leaf scorching symptoms and higher dry matter in comparison to plants not acclimated. Frosts were

  4. Design Optimization and Evaluation of Different Wind Generator Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chen, Zhe; Li, Hui


    . In this paper, seven variable speed constant frequency (VSCF) wind generator systems are investigated, namely permanent magnet synchronous generators with the direct-driven (PMSG_DD), the single-stage gearbox (PMSG_1G) and three-stage gearbox (PMSG_3G) concepts, doubly fed induction generators with the three......With rapid development of wind power technologies and significant growth of wind power capacity installed worldwide, various wind generator systems have been developed and built. The objective of this paper is to evaluate various wind generator systems by optimization designs and comparisons......-stage gearbox (DFIG_3G) and with the single-stage gearbox (DFIG_1G), the electricity excited synchronous generator with the direct-driven (EESG_DD), and the VSCF squirrel cage induction generator with the three-stage gearbox (SCIG_3G). Firstly, the design models of wind turbines, three/single stage gearbox...

  5. A multi-state model for the reliability assessment of a distributed generation system via universal generating function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Yan-Fu; Zio, Enrico


    The current and future developments of electric power systems are pushing the boundaries of reliability assessment to consider distribution networks with renewable generators. Given the stochastic features of these elements, most modeling approaches rely on Monte Carlo simulation. The computational costs associated to the simulation approach force to treating mostly small-sized systems, i.e. with a limited number of lumped components of a given renewable technology (e.g. wind or solar, etc.) whose behavior is described by a binary state, working or failed. In this paper, we propose an analytical multi-state modeling approach for the reliability assessment of distributed generation (DG). The approach allows looking to a number of diverse energy generation technologies distributed on the system. Multiple states are used to describe the randomness in the generation units, due to the stochastic nature of the generation sources and of the mechanical degradation/failure behavior of the generation systems. The universal generating function (UGF) technique is used for the individual component multi-state modeling. A multiplication-type composition operator is introduced to combine the UGFs for the mechanical degradation and renewable generation source states into the UGF of the renewable generator power output. The overall multi-state DG system UGF is then constructed and classical reliability indices (e.g. loss of load expectation (LOLE), expected energy not supplied (EENS)) are computed from the DG system generation and load UGFs. An application of the model is shown on a DG system adapted from the IEEE 34 nodes distribution test feeder.

  6. Evaluation of a continuous-positive pressure generating system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Herrera N


    Full Text Available Nestor Herrera,1,2 Roberto Regnícoli,1,2 Mariel Murad1,2 1Neonatology Unit, Italian Hospital Garibaldi, Rosario, Argentina; 2Experimental Medicine and Surgery Unit, Italian University Institute of Rosario, Argentina Abstract: The use of systems that apply continuous-positive airway pressure by means of noninvasive methods is widespread in the neonatal care practice and has been associated with a decrease in the use of invasive mechanical ventilation, less administration of exogenous surfactant, and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Few experimental studies on the functioning of the neonatology systems that generate continuous-positive airway pressure have been reported. A flow resistor system associated with an underwater seal resistor in a lung test model was described, and it was compared with an underwater seal threshold resistor system. Important differences in the pressures generated in the different systems studied were verified. The generation of pressure was associated with the immersion depth and the diameter of the bubble tubing. The flow resistor associated with an underwater seal, with small bubble tubing, showed no important differences in the evaluated pressures, exerting a stabilizing effect on the generated pressures. The importance of measuring the pressure generated by the different systems studied was verified, due to the differences between the working pressures set and the pressures measured. Keywords: continuous-positive pressure, flow and threshold resistor, BCPAP

  7. Deteriorating mechanisms of electric generators; Mecanismos de deterioro de generadores electricos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia Tevillo, Arturo; Reyes Martinez, Oscar Alfonso; Robles Pimentel, Edgar Guillermo; Esparza Saucedo, Marcos; Lopez Azamar, Jose Ernesto; Medina Flores, Alfredo; Uribe Martinez, Manuel O [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    It is of the greatest importance to know the deteriorating mechanisms that an electric generator undergoes, in order to take corrective measures to stop the process in order to avoid catastrophic damages that imply non scheduled interruptions for maintenance, or inclusively, to carry on the overhaul. In this paper are discussed the deteriorating mechanisms that have been found in the stator (winding and core) and the rotor of thermoelectric and hydroelectric power stations by the natural aging process and abnormal operation. [Espanol] Es de suma importancia conocer los mecanismos de deterioro que sufre un generador, para tomar medidas correctivas que detengan el proceso, con el fin de evitar danos catastroficos que impliquen salidas no programadas para dar mantenimiento, o incluso, para efectuar la rehabilitacion. En este articulo se discuten los mecanismos de deterioro que se han encontrado en el estator (devanado y nucleo) y el rotor de generadores termicos e hidroelectricos por el proceso natural de envejecimiento y por operacion anormal.

  8. Deteriorating mechanisms of electric generators; Mecanismos de deterioro de generadores electricos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia Tevillo, Arturo; Reyes Martinez, Oscar Alfonso; Robles Pimentel, Edgar Guillermo; Esparza Saucedo, Marcos; Lopez Azamar, Jose Ernesto; Medina Flores, Alfredo; Uribe Martinez, Manuel O. [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    It is of the greatest importance to know the deteriorating mechanisms that an electric generator undergoes, in order to take corrective measures to stop the process in order to avoid catastrophic damages that imply non scheduled interruptions for maintenance, or inclusively, to carry on the overhaul. In this paper are discussed the deteriorating mechanisms that have been found in the stator (winding and core) and the rotor of thermoelectric and hydroelectric power stations by the natural aging process and abnormal operation. [Espanol] Es de suma importancia conocer los mecanismos de deterioro que sufre un generador, para tomar medidas correctivas que detengan el proceso, con el fin de evitar danos catastroficos que impliquen salidas no programadas para dar mantenimiento, o incluso, para efectuar la rehabilitacion. En este articulo se discuten los mecanismos de deterioro que se han encontrado en el estator (devanado y nucleo) y el rotor de generadores termicos e hidroelectricos por el proceso natural de envejecimiento y por operacion anormal.

  9. Simultaneous power generation and heat recovery using a heat pipe assisted thermoelectric generator system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Remeli, Muhammad Fairuz; Tan, Lippong; Date, Abhijit; Singh, Baljit; Akbarzadeh, Aliakbar


    Highlights: • A new passive power cogeneration system using industrial waste heat was introduced. • Heat pipes and thermoelectrics were used for recovering waste heat and electricity. • Theoretical model predicted the 2 kW test rig could recover 1.345 kW thermal power. • 10.39 W electrical power was produced equivalent to 0.77% conversion efficiency. - Abstract: This research explores a new method of recovering waste heat and electricity using a combination of heat pipes and thermoelectric generators (HP-TEG). The HP-TEG system consists of Bismuth Telluride (Bi 2 Te 3 ) based thermoelectric generators (TEGs), which are sandwiched between two finned heat pipes to achieve a temperature gradient across the TEG for thermoelectricity generation. A theoretical model was developed to predict the waste heat recovery and electricity conversion performances of the HP-TEG system under different parametric conditions. The modelling results show that the HP-TEG system has the capability of recovering 1.345 kW of waste heat and generating 10.39 W of electrical power using 8 installed TEGs. An experimental test bench for the HP-TEG system is under development and will be discussed in this paper

  10. Data monitoring system for PV solar generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stoev, M.; Katerski, A.; Williams, A.


    The two 1.5 kWp photovoltaic (PV) solar generators are installed and the new PC data monitoring system is developed by applying EC standards for European Solar Test Installation (ESTI). The schematic system diagram of PV generator is presented. The recording parameters for analytical and global monitoring are discussed. The meteorological data from ESTI sensors, temperature sensor and electrical data from inverter and calibrated shunt are stored via analog digital converters (ADC) on a hard disk of data storage PC. Data Logger and Monitor software for automatic data acquisition, treatment and visual distance control of all output PV data from PV solar generator has been created

  11. Probabilistic generation assessment system of renewable energy in Korea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yeonchan Lee


    Full Text Available This paper proposes probabilistic generation assessment system introduction of renewable energy generators. This paper is focused on wind turbine generator and solar cell generator. The proposed method uses an assessment model based on probabilistic model considering uncertainty of resources (wind speed and solar radiation. Equivalent generation function of the wind and solar farms are evaluated. The equivalent generation curves of wind farms and solar farms are assessed using regression analysis method using typical least square method from last actual generation data for wind farms. The proposed model is applied to Korea Renewable Generation System of 8 grouped 41 wind farms and 9 grouped around 600 solar farms in South Korea.

  12. Experimental Investigation and Modeling of Integrated Tri-generation Systems (United States)

    Cetinkaya, Eda

    Energy demand in the world is increasing with population growth and higher living standards. Today, the need for energy requires a focus on renewable sources without abandoning fossil fuels. Efficient use of energy is one of the most important tasks in modern energy systems to achieve. In addition to the energy need, growing environmental concerns are linked with energy is emerged. Multi-purpose energy generation allows a higher efficiency by generating more outputs with the same input in the same system. Tri-generation systems are expected to provide at least three commodities, such as heating, cooling, desalination, storable fuel production and some other useful outputs, in addition to power generation. In this study, an experimental investigation of gasification is presented and two integrated tri-generation systems are proposed. The first integrated tri-generation system (System 1) utilizes solar energy as input and the outputs are power, fresh water and hot water. It consists of four sub-systems, namely solar power tower system, desalination system, Rankine cycle and organic Rankine cycle (ORC). The second integrated tri-generation system (System 2) utilizes coal and biomass as input and the outputs are power, fuel and hot water. It consists of five sub-systems: gasification plant, Brayton cycle, Rankine cycle, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis plant and an organic Rankine cycle (ORC). Experimental investigation includes coal and biomass gasification, where the experimental results of synthesis gas compositions are utilized in the analysis of the second systems. To maximize efficiency, heat losses from the system should be minimized through a recovery system to make the heat a useful commodity for other systems, such as ORCs which can utilize the low-grade heat. In this respect, ORCs are first analyzed for three different configurations in terms of energy and exergy efficiencies altering working fluids to increase the power output. Among two types of coal and one type

  13. Dispersed solar thermal generation employing parabolic dish-electric transport with field modulated generator systems (United States)

    Ramakumar, R.; Bahrami, K.


    This paper discusses the application of field modulated generator systems (FMGS) to dispersed solar-thermal-electric generation from a parabolic dish field with electric transport. Each solar generation unit is rated at 15 kWe and the power generated by an array of such units is electrically collected for insertion into an existing utility grid. Such an approach appears to be most suitable when the heat engine rotational speeds are high (greater than 6000 r/min) and, in particular, if they are operated in the variable speed mode and if utility-grade a.c. is required for direct insertion into the grid without an intermediate electric energy storage and reconversion system. Predictions of overall efficiencies based on conservative efficiency figures for the FMGS are in the range of 25 per cent and should be encouraging to those involved in the development of cost-effective dispersed solar thermal power systems.

  14. Thermo-electrical systems for the generation of electricity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bitschi, A.; Froehlich, K.


    This article takes a look at theoretical models concerning thermo-electrical systems for the generation of electricity and demonstrations of technology actually realised. The potentials available and developments are discussed. The efficient use of energy along the whole generation and supply chain, as well as the use of renewable energy sources are considered as being two decisive factors in the attainment of a sustainable energy supply system. The large amount of unused waste heat available today in energy generation, industrial processes, transport systems and public buildings is commented on. Thermo-electric conversion systems are discussed and work being done on the subject at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich is discussed. The findings are discussed and results are presented in graphical form

  15. Next generation surveillance system (NGSS)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aparo, Massimo


    Development of 'functional requirements' for transparency systems may offer a near-term mode of regional cooperation. New requirements under development at the IAEA may provide a foundation for this potential activity. The Next Generation Surveillance System (NGSS) will become the new IAEA remote monitoring system Under new requirements the NGSS would attempt to use more commercial components to reduce cost, increase radiation survivability and further increase reliability. The NGSS must be available in two years due to rapidly approaching obsolescence in the existing DCM family. (author)

  16. A third generation mobile high energy radiography system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fry, D.A.; Valdez, J.E.; Johnson, C.S.; Kimerly, H.J.; Vananne, J.R.


    A third generation mobile high energy radiographic capability has been completed and put into service by the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The system includes a 6 MeV linac x-ray generator, Co-60 gamma source, all-terrain transportation, on-board power, real-time radiography (RTR), a control center, and a complete darkroom capability. The latest version includes upgraded and enhanced portability, flexibility, all-terrain operation, all-weather operation, and ease of use features learned from experience with the first and second generation systems. All systems were required to have the following characteristics; all-terrain, all-weather operation, self-powered, USAF airlift compatible, reliable, simple to setup, easy to operate, and all components two-person portable. The systems have met these characteristics to differing degrees, as is discussed in the following section, with the latest system being the most capable

  17. Synchronization Methods for Three Phase Distributed Power Generation Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Timbus, Adrian Vasile; Teodorescu, Remus; Blaabjerg, Frede


    Nowadays, it is a general trend to increase the electricity production using Distributed Power Generation Systems (DPGS) based on renewable energy resources such as wind, sun or hydrogen. If these systems are not properly controlled, their connection to the utility network can generate problems...... on the grid side. Therefore, considerations about power generation, safe running and grid synchronization must be done before connecting these systems to the utility network. This paper is mainly dealing with the grid synchronization issues of distributed systems. An overview of the synchronization methods...

  18. Design and optimization of flexible multi-generation systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lythcke-Jørgensen, Christoffer Ernst

    variations and dynamics, and energy system analysis, which fails to consider process integration synergies in local systems. The primary objective of the thesis is to derive a methodology for linking process design practices with energy system analysis for enabling coherent and holistic design optimization...... of flexible multi-generation system. In addition, the case study results emphasize the importance of considering flexible operation, systematic process integration, and systematic assessment of uncertainties in the design optimization. It is recommended that future research focus on assessing system impacts...... from flexible multi-generation systems and performance improvements from storage options....

  19. Electric distribution systems and embedded generation capacity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Calderaro, V.; Galdi, V.; Piccolo, A.; Siano, P.


    The main policy issues of European States are sustainable energy supply promotion and liberalization of energy markets, which introduced market competition in electricity production and created support mechanisms to encourage renewable electricity production and consumption. As a result of liberalization, any generator, including small-scale and renewable energy based units, can sell electricity on the free market. In order to meet future sustainability targets, connection of a higher number of Distributed Generation (DG) units to the electrical power system is expected, requiring changes in the design and operation of distribution electricity systems, as well as changes in electricity network regulation. In order to assist distribution system operators in planning and managing DG connections and in maximizing DG penetration and renewable sources exploitation, this paper proposed a reconfiguration methodology based on a Genetic Algorithm (GA), that was tested on a 70-bus system with DG units. The simulation results confirmed that the methodology represents a suitable tool for distribution system operators when dealing with DG capacity expansion and power loss issues, providing information regarding the potential penetration network-wide and allowing maximum exploitation of renewable generation. 35 refs., 4 tabs., 6 figs

  20. Advanced methodology for generation expansion planning including interconnected systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhao, M; Yokoyama, R; Yasuda, K [Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. (Japan); Sasaki, H [Hiroshima Univ. (Japan); Ogimoto, K [Electric Power Development Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)


    This paper reviews advanced methodology for generation expansion planning including interconnected systems developed in Japan, putting focus on flexibility and efficiency in a practical application. First, criteria for evaluating flexibility of generation planning considering uncertainties are introduced. Secondly, the flexible generation mix problem is formulated as a multi-objective optimization with more than two objective functions. The multi-objective optimization problem is then transformed into a single objective problem by using the weighting method, to obtain the Pareto optimal solution, and solved by a dynamics programming technique. Thirdly, a new approach for electric generation expansion planning of interconnected systems is presented, based on the Benders Decomposition technique. That is, large scale generation problem constituted by the general economic load dispatch problem, and several sub problems which are composed of smaller scale isolated system generation expansion plans. Finally, the generation expansion plan solved by an artificial neural network is presented. In conclusion, the advantages and disadvantages of this method from the viewpoint of flexibility and applicability to practical generation expansion planning are presented. (author) 29 refs., 10 figs., 4 tabs.

  1. Design and Implementation of the Permanent- Magnet Synchronous Generator Drive in Wind Generation Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuan-Chih Chang


    Full Text Available The design and implementation of the permanent-magnet synchronous generator drive in wind generation systems is presented in this paper. The permanent-magnet synchronous generator (PMSG can converse the alternating current (AC power of the wind turbine to direct current (DC power. In this paper, the dynamic model of a PMSG is first introduced. The current controller is designed based on T-S fuzzy models of the PMSG. The stability of the proposed PMSG drive system is analyzed and proved. The proposed T-S fuzzy current control possesses a disturbance suppression ability. Compared with the traditional fuzzy logic system, its stability can be proved and verified. Finally, the control performance of the PMSG drive is verified by experimental results.

  2. Radio resource management for next generation mobile communication systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wang, Hua

    The key feature of next generation (4G) mobile communication system is the ability to deliver a variety of multimedia services with different Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements. Compared to the third generation (3G) mobile communication systems, 4G mobile communication system introduces several...

  3. Spectrofluorimetric determination of cefixime using terbium-danofloxacin probe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jamshid L Manzoori


    Full Text Available Objective(s:Cefixime (Cfx, is a semi-synthetic third-generation oral cephalosporin antibiotic that is prescribed for the treatment of susceptible infections. There are some procedures for the determination of Cfx in pharmaceutical formulations and biological samples. Herein a spectrofluorimetric method was proposed for Cfx determination based on the fluorescence quenching of terbium-danofloxacin (Tb3+-Dano in the presence of Cfx. Materials and Methods: Cfx was detected based on fluorescence quenching of terbium-danofloxacin (Tb3+-Dano in the presence of Cfx with maximum excitation and emission wavelengths at 347 nm and 545 nm, respectively. The quenched fluorescence intensity of Tb3+- Dano system is proportional to the concentration of Cfx. The optimum conditions for the determination of Cfx were studied. Results: The maximum response was achieved under optimum conditions of [Tris buffer]= 0.008 mol/l (pH 6.5, [Tb3+]=1×10-4 mol/l  and [Dano]=1×10-4 mol/l. The developed method was evaluated in terms of accuracy, precision and limit of detection. The linear concentration ranges for quantification of Cfx were 8.8×10-8-8.8×10-7 mol/l and 1.1×10-7-8.8×10-7 mol/l in standard and human serum samples with the detection limits (S/N=3 of 2.8×10-8 mol/l and 3.9×10-8 mol/l, respectively. The Cfx was determined in pharmaceutical tablets and spiked serum samples and the results were satisfactory.   Conclusion: This method is simple, practical and relatively interference-free for determination of Cfx in pharmaceutical tablets and serum samples.

  4. Life Support Systems: Oxygen Generation and Recovery (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Advanced Exploration Systems (AES) Life Support Systems project Oxygen Generation and Recovery technology development area encompasses several sub-tasks in an...

  5. CASTOR - Advanced System for VVER Steam Generator Inspection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mateljak, Petar


    From the safety point of view, steam generator is a very important component of a nuclear power plant. Only a thin tube wall prevents leakage of radioactive material from the primary side into the environment. Therefore, it is very important to perform inspections in order to detect pipe damage and apply appropriate corrective actions during outage. Application of the nondestructive examination (NDE) technique, that can locate degradation and measure its size and orientation, is an integral part of nuclear power plant maintenance. The steam generator inspection system is consisted of remotely controlled manipulator, testing instrument and software for data acquisition and analysis. Recently, the inspection systems have evolved to a much higher level of automation, efficiency and reliability resulting in a lower cost and shorter outage time. Electronic components have become smaller and deal with more complex algorithms. These systems are very fast, precise, reliable and easy to handle. The whole inspection, from the planning, examination, data analysis and final report, is now a highly automated process, which makes inspection much easier and more reliable. This paper presents the new generation of INETEC's VVER steam generator inspection system as ultimate solution for steam generator inspection and repair. (author)


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Frank Macri


    Rolls-Royce has completed a preliminary design and marketing study under a Department of Energy (DOE) cost shared contract (DE-AC26-00NT40852) to analyze the feasibility of developing a clean, high efficiency, and flexible Next Generation Turbine (NGT) system to meet the power generation market needs of the year 2007 and beyond. Rolls-Royce evaluated the full range of its most advanced commercial aerospace and aeroderivative engines alongside the special technologies necessary to achieve the aggressive efficiency, performance, emissions, economic, and flexibility targets desired by the DOE. Heavy emphasis was placed on evaluating the technical risks and the economic viability of various concept and technology options available. This was necessary to ensure the resulting advanced NGT system would provide extensive public benefits and significant customer benefits without introducing unacceptable levels of technical and operational risk that would impair the market acceptance of the resulting product. Two advanced cycle configurations were identified as offering significant advantages over current combined cycle products available in the market. In addition, balance of plant (BOP) technologies, as well as capabilities to improve the reliability, availability, and maintainability (RAM) of industrial gas turbine engines, have been identified. A customer focused survey and economic analysis of a proposed Rolls-Royce NGT product configuration was also accomplished as a part of this research study. The proposed Rolls-Royce NGT solution could offer customers clean, flexible power generation systems with very high efficiencies, similar to combined cycle plants, but at a much lower specific cost, similar to those of simple cycle plants.

  7. Model Oriented Application Generation for Industrial Control Systems

    CERN Document Server

    Copy, B; Blanco Vinuela, E; Fernandez Adiego, B; Nogueira Ferandes, R; Prieto Barreiro, I


    The CERN Unified Industrial Control Systems framework (UNICOS) is a software generation methodology and a collection of development tools that standardizes the design of industrial control applications [1]. A Software Factory, named the UNICOS Application Builder (UAB) [2], was introduced to ease extensibility and maintenance of the framework, introducing a stable metamodel, a set of platformindependent models and platformspecific configurations against which code generation plugins and configuration generation plugins can be written. Such plugins currently target PLC programming environments (Schneider and SIEMENS PLCs) as well as SIEMENS WinCC Open Architecture SCADA (previously known as ETM PVSS) but are being expanded to cover more and more aspects of process control systems. We present what constitutes the UNICOS metamodel and the models in use, how these models can be used to capture knowledge about industrial control systems and how this knowledge can be leveraged to generate both code and configuratio...

  8. Competition and Cooperation of Distributed Generation and Power System (United States)

    Miyake, Masatoshi; Nanahara, Toshiya

    Advances in distributed generation technologies together with the deregulation of an electric power industry can lead to a massive introduction of distributed generation. Since most of distributed generation will be interconnected to a power system, coordination and competition between distributed generators and large-scale power sources would be a vital issue in realizing a more desirable energy system in the future. This paper analyzes competitions between electric utilities and cogenerators from the viewpoints of economic and energy efficiency based on the simulation results on an energy system including a cogeneration system. First, we examine best response correspondence of an electric utility and a cogenerator with a noncooperative game approach: we obtain a Nash equilibrium point. Secondly, we examine the optimum strategy that attains the highest social surplus and the highest energy efficiency through global optimization.

  9. Reactor trip on turbine trip inhibit control system for nuclear power generating system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torres, J.M.; Musick, C.R.


    A reactor trip on turbine trip inhibit control system for a nuclear power generating system which utilizes steam bypass valves is described. The control system inhibits a normally automatic reactor trip on turbine trip when the bypass valves have the capability of bypassing enough steam to prevent reactor trip limits from being reached and/or to prevent opening of the secondary safety pressure valves. The control system generates a bypass valve capability signal which is continuously compared with the reactor power. If the capability is greater than the reactor power, then an inhibit signal is generated which prevents a turbine trip signal from tripping the nuclear reactor. 10 claims, 4 figures

  10. Switching control of linear systems for generating chaos

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Xinzhi; Teo, Kok-Lay; Zhang Hongtao; Chen Guanrong


    In this paper, a new switching method is developed, which can be applied to generating different types of chaos or chaos-like dynamics from two or more linear systems. A numerical simulation is given to illustrate the generated chaotic dynamic behavior of the systems with some variable parameters. Finally, a circuit is built to realize various chaotic dynamical behaviors

  11. Reliability analysis of wind embedded power generation system for ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This paper presents a method for Reliability Analysis of wind energy embedded in power generation system for Indian scenario. This is done by evaluating the reliability index, loss of load expectation, for the power generation system with and without integration of wind energy sources in the overall electric power system.

  12. Research, development and technological innovation of wind turbine control systems; Investigacion, desarrollo e innovacion tecnologica de sistemas de control de aerogeneradores

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garduno Ramirez, Raul; Rodriguez Martinez, Arnulfo Antelmo; Sanchez Parra, Marino; Martinez Morales, Miguel Angel; Hernandez Cuellar, Maria Aurora; Alcaide Godinez, Indira Xochiquetzal; Re Lopez, Victor Genaro; Hernandez Gonzalez, Roberto [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    Control systems constitute the brain and the nervous system of modern machines, such as wind turbine generators (TGE by its acronym in Spanish). TGEs can work efficiently, safely and almost autonomously, thanks to the control systems with which they are equipped. Conversely, any malfunctioning of the control system may cause failure or damage of a component, a subsystem or even destruction of the TGE itself. This paper introduces some basic facts about generation of electric power from wind energy in the world and Mexico, wind turbogenerators and their most relevant technologies, TGE control systems, and R and TD+I about TGE control systems performed at the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas. [Spanish] Los sistemas de control constituyen el cerebro y el sistema nervioso de las maquinas modernas, como aerogeneradores (AG). Los AG pueden trabajar eficiente, segura y casi autonomamente, gracias a los sistemas de control con los que estan equipados. De manera inversa, cualquier mal funcionamiento del sistema de control puede provocar falla o dano de un componente, subsistema o incluso la destruccion del propio AG. Este documento introduce algunos hechos basicos en torno a la generacion de energia electrica a partir de energia eolica en el mundo y Mexico, los aerogeneradores y sus tecnologias mas importantes, sistemas de control de AG e I+DT alrededor de los sistemas de control de AG realizados en el Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas.

  13. Isolated Power Generation System Using Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator with Improved Power Quality (United States)

    Arya, Sabha Raj; Patel, Ashish; Giri, Ashutosh


    This paper deals wind energy based power generation system using Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG). It is controlled using advanced enhanced phase-lock loop for power quality features using distribution static compensator to eliminate the harmonics and to provide KVAR compensation as well as load balancing. It also manages rated potential at the point of common interface under linear and non-linear loads. In order to have better efficiency and reliable operation of PMSG driven by wind turbine, it is necessary to analyze the governing equation of wind based turbine and PMSG under fixed and variable wind speed. For handling power quality problems, power electronics based shunt connected custom power device is used in three wire system. The simulations in MATLAB/Simulink environment have been carried out in order to demonstrate this model and control approach used for the power quality enhancement. The performance results show the adequate performance of PMSG based power generation system and control algorithm.

  14. Design of improved fuel cell controller for distributed generation systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Olsen Berenguer, F.A. [Instituto de Energia Electrica, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Av. Libertador San Martin Oeste, 1109, J5400ARL San Juan (Argentina); Molina, M.G. [CONICET, Instituto de Energia Electrica, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Av. Libertador San Martin Oeste, 1109, J5400ARL San Juan (Argentina)


    The world has been undergoing a deregulation process which allowed competition in the electricity generation sector. This situation is bringing the opportunity for electricity users to generate power by using small-scale generation systems with emerging technologies, allowing the development of distributed generation (DG). A fuel cell power plant (FCPP) is a distributed generation technology with a rapid development because it has promising characteristics, such as low pollutant emissions, silent operation, high efficiency and long lifetime because of its small number of moving parts. The power conditioning system (PCS) is the interface that allows the effective connection to the electric power system. With the appropriate topology of the PCS and its control system design, the FCPP unit is capable of simultaneously performing both instantaneous active and reactive power flow control. This paper describes the design and implementation of a novel high performance PCS of an FCPP and its controller, for applications in distributed generation systems. A full detailed model of the FCPP is derived and a new three-level control scheme is designed. The dynamic performance of the proposed system is validated by digital simulation in SimPowerSystems (SPS) of MATLAB/Simulink. (author)

  15. System considerations for airborne, high power superconducting generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Southall, H.L.; Oberly, C.E.


    The design of rotating superconducting field windings in high power generators is greatly influenced by system considerations. Experience with two superconducting generators designed to produce 5 and 20 Mw resulted in a number of design restrictions. The design restrictions imposed by system considerations have not prevented low weight and high voltage power generation capability. The application of multifilament Nb;sub 3;Sn has permitted a large thermal margin to be designed into the rotating field winding. This margin permits the field winding to remain superconducting under severe system operational requirements. System considerations include: fast rotational startup, fast ramped magnetic fields, load induced transient fields and airborne cryogen logistics. Preliminary selection of a multifilament Nb;sub 3;Sn cable has resulted from these considerations. The cable will carry 864 amp at 8.5K and 6.8 Tesla. 10 refs

  16. Postharvest mechanical damage affects fruit quality of 'Montenegrina' and 'Rainha' tangerines Danos mecânicos na pós-colheita afetam qualidade de frutos de tangerinas 'Montenegrina' e 'Rainha'

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cândida Raquel Scherrer Montero


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to evaluate the visual and chemical quality of tangerines after mechanical damage by impacts. The tangerine cultivars Montenegrina and Rainha were submitted to different degrees of impact and evaluated for decay and oleocellosis, loss of fresh weight, total soluble solids, total titratable acidity and ascorbic acid degradation, as well as for epicarp color changes. Experiments with three replicates and experimental units of six fruit for each cultivar were done in a completely randomized design. Impact produced qualitative internal and minor external changes on tangerines. The main modifications produced by impact on the fruit were losses of citric acid and soluble solids, which increased the solid:acid ratio, and losses of ascorbic acid. 'Montenegrina' tangerines are more susceptible to internal quality damage than 'Rainha'.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade visual e química de tangerinas, após danos mecânicos por impacto. As cultivares de tangerina 'Montenegrina' e 'Rainha' foram submetidas a diferentes graus de impacto e avaliadas quanto à oleocelose e podridão, perda de massa de matéria fresca, sólidos solúveis totais, acidez total titulável e degradação do ácido ascórbico, bem como mudanças na cor do epicarpo. Os experimentos consistiram de três repetições de seis frutos, para cada cultivar, e o delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado. Os impactos produziram mudanças qualitativas internas nas tangerinas, mas as mudanças externas foram mínimas. As modificações mais importantes, produzidas por impacto nas frutas, foram as perdas de ácido cítrico e sólidos solúveis, o que aumentou a relação sólidos:acidez, e as perdas de ácido ascórbico. A tangerina da cultivar Montenegrina é mais susceptível a danos qualitativos internos do que a 'Rainha'.

  17. Draining down of a nuclear steam generating system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jawor, J.C.


    The method is described of draining down contained reactor-coolant water from the inverted vertical U-tubes of a vertical-type steam generator in which the upper, inverted U-shaped ends of the tubes are closed and the lower ends thereof are open. The steam generator is part of a nuclear powered steam generating system wherein the reactor coolant water is normally circulated from and back into the reactor via a loop comprising the steam generator and inlet and outlet conduits connected to the lower end of the steam generator. The method comprises continuously introducing a gas which is inert to the system and which is under pressure above atmospheric pressure into at least one of the downwardly facing open ends of each of the U-tubes from below the tube sheet in which the open ends of the U-tubes are mounted adjacent the lower end of the steam generator, while permitting the water to flow out from the open ends of the U-tubes

  18. Grid Monitoring and Advanced Control of Distributed Power Generation Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Timbus, Adrian Vasile

    . As an example, the latest published grid codes stress the ability of distributed generators, especially wind turbines, to stay connected during short grid disturbances and in addition to provide active/reactive power control at the point of common coupling. Based on the above facts, the need for improving...... reported in some countries creating concerns about power system stability. This leads to a continuous evolution of grid interconnection requirements towards a better controllability of generated power and an enhanced contribution of distributed power generation systems to power system stability...... and adding more features to the control of distributed power generation systems (DPGS) arises. As a consequence, this thesis focuses on grid monitoring methods and possible approaches in control in order to obtain a more reliable and  exible power generation system during normal and faulty grid conditions...

  19. Model oriented application generation for industrial control systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Copy, B.; Barillere, R.; Blanco, E.; Fernandez Adiego, B.; Nogueira Fernandes, R.; Prieto Barreiro, I.


    The CERN Unified Industrial Control Systems framework (UNICOS) is a software generation methodology and a collection of development tools that standardizes the design of industrial control applications. A Software Factory, named the UNICOS Application Builder (UAB), was introduced to ease extensibility and maintenance of the framework, introducing a stable meta-model, a set of platform-independent models and platform-specific configurations against which code generation plug-ins and configuration generation plug-ins can be written. Such plug-ins currently target PLC programming environments (Schneider and SIEMENS PLCs) as well as SIEMENS WinCC Open Architecture SCADA (previously known as ETM PVSS) but are being expanded to cover more and more aspects of process control systems. We present what constitutes the UNICOS meta-model and the models in use, how these models can be used to capture knowledge about industrial control systems and how this knowledge can be used to generate both code and configuration for a variety of target usages. (authors)

  20. Electric micro-generation system for nautical applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giordana, A; Ponzinibbio, P


    Application specific requirements are studied in first part of this work.As well possible wind turbines and the switched reluctance generator choice fundaments are analyzed.In a second part, a Savonius helical turbine, switched reluctance generator and control system designs are reviewed. Finally, prototype test results are presented

  1. Dynamic Braking System of a Tidal Generator: Preprint

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muljadi, Eduard; Wright, Alan; Gevorgian, Vahan; Donegan, James; Marnagh, Cian; McEntee, Jarlath


    Renewable energy generation has experienced significant cost reductions during the past decades, and it has become more accepted by the global population. In the beginning, wind generation dominated the development and deployment of renewable energy; however, during recent decades, photovoltaic (PV) generation has grown at a very significant pace due to the tremendous decrease in the cost of PV modules. The focus on renewable energy generation has now expanded to include new types with promising future applications, such as river and tidal generation. The input water flow to these types of resources is more predictable than wind or solar generation. The data used in this paper is representative of a typical river or tidal generator. The analysis is based on a generator with a power rating of 40 kW. The tidal generator under consideration is driven by two sets of helical turbines connected to each side of the generator located in between the turbines. The generator is operated in variable speed, and it is controlled to maximize the energy harvested as well as the operation of the turbine generator. The electrical system consists of a three-phase permanent magnet generator connected to a three-phase passive rectifier. The output of the rectifier is connected to a DC-DC converter to match the rectifier output to the DC bus voltage of the DC-AC inverter. The three-phase inverter is connected to the grid, and it is controlled to provide a good interface with the grid. One important aspect of river and tidal generation is the braking mechanism. In a tidal generator, the braking mechanism is important to avoid a runaway condition in case the connection to the grid is lost when there is a fault in the lines. A runaway condition may lead to an overspeed condition and cause extreme stresses on the turbine blade structure and eventual disintegration of the mechanical structure. In this paper, the concept of the dynamic braking system is developed and investigated for normal

  2. Study on closed cycle MHD generation systems; Closed cycle MHD hatsuden system no kento

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The closed cycle noble gas MHD generation systems are surveyed and studied. The concept of closed cycle noble gas MHD generation is confirmed to extract high enthalpy, and now going into the engineering demonstration stage from the basic research stage. These systems have various characteristics. The highest working temperature is around 1,700 degrees C, which is close to that associated with the existing techniques. Use of helium or argon gas as the working fluid makes the system relatively free of various problems, e.g., corrosion. It can attain a much higher efficiency than the combined cycle involving gas turbine. It suffers less heat loss in the passages, is suitable for small- to medium-capacity power generation systems, and copes with varying load. The compact power generation passages decrease required size of the superconducting magnet. The technical problems to be solved include optimization of power generation conditions, demonstration of durability of the power generation passages, injection/recovery of the seed material, treatment of the working gas to remove molecular impurities, and development of heat exchangers serviceable at high temperature produced by direct combustion of coal. The conceptual designs of the triple combined system are completed. (NEDO)

  3. Chaotic Music Generation System Using Music Conductor Gesture


    Chen, Shuai; Maeda, Yoichiro; Takahashi, Yasutake


    In the research of interactive music generation, we propose a music generation method, that the computer generates the music, under the recognition of human music conductor's gestures.In this research, the generated music is tuned by the recognized gestures for the parameters of the network of chaotic elements in real time. The music conductor's hand motions are detected by Microsoft Kinect in this system. Music theories are embedded in the algorithm, as a result, the generated music will be ...

  4. Music Conductor Gesture Recognized Interactive Music Generation System


    CHEN, Shuai; MAEDA, Yoichiro; TAKAHASHI, Yasutake


    In the research of interactive music generation, we propose a music generation method, that the computer generates the music automatically, and then the music will be arranged under the human music conductor's gestures, before it outputs to us. In this research, the generated music is processed from chaotic sound, which is generated from the network of chaotic elements in realtime. The music conductor's hand motions are detected by Microsoft Kinect in this system. Music theories are embedded ...

  5. Report on achievements in fiscal 1998. Development of technologies to put photovoltaic power generation systems into practical use - Demonstrative research on photovoltaic power generation system (Research on multi-hybrid photovoltaic power generation system); 1998 nendo taiyoko hatsuden system jitsuyoka gijutsu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Taiyoko hatsuden system no jissho kenkyu (taiyoko hatsuden multi hybrid system no kenkyu)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    A multi-hybrid system integrating photovoltaic and wind power generation systems with the existing diesel engine power generation system was assumed for installation in power systems in islands. System analyzing simulation and economic performance analyses were performed to consider system configurations suitable for islands from the viewpoints of system stability and economic performance. The work was progressed by dividing the subject into (1) research on the system configurations, and (2) studies on the economic performance. In performing either work, the power demand was classified as large (in Miyako Island), medium (in Kume Island) and small (in Tarama Island), and the introduction years into 1997, 2000, and 2005. In Item (1), the system parameter specifications were put into order, and the system analyzing simulation was performed, wherein it was verified that the system will be stabilized by introducing a system stabilizing equipment (batteries and an inverter) and by limiting the output from the wind power generation. In Item (2), it was made clear that the power generation cost is equivalent to or lower than the present cost, making reduction in fuel consumption possible. It was also disclosed that the introduction is most effective in small islands, and drop in the power generation amount due to limiting the output from the wind power generation is small. (NEDO)

  6. Port-Hamiltonian approaches to motion generation for mechanical systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sakai, Satoru; Stramigioli, Stefano

    This paper gives new motion generation methods for mechanical port-Hamiltonian systems. First, we propose a generation method based on an asymptotic stabilization method without damping assignment. This asymptotic stabilization method preserves the Hamiltonian structure in the closed-loop system

  7. Power Quality Improvements in Wind Diesel Power Generation System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Omar Feddaoui


    Full Text Available Generation of electricity using diesel is costly for small remote isolated communities. At remote location electricity generation from renewable energy such as wind can help reduce the overall operating costs by reducing the fuel costs. However, the penetration of wind power into small diesel-based grids is limited because of its effect on power quality and reliability. This paper focuses on the combination of Wind Turbine and Diesel Generator systems for sustained power generation, to improve the power quality of wind generation system. The performances of the optimal control structure are assessed and discussed by means of a set of simulations.

  8. Synchronous generator wind energy conversion control system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Medeiros, A.L.R. [Wind Energy Group, Recife (Brazil); Lima, A.M.N.; Jacobina, C.B.; Simoes, F.J. [DEE, Campina Grande (Brazil)


    This paper presents the performance evaluation and the design of the control system of a WECS (Wind Energy Conversion System) that employs a synchronous generator based on its digital simulation. The WECS discussed in this paper is connected to the utility grid through two Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) power converters. The structure of the proposed WECS enables us to achieve high performance energy conversion by: (i) maximizing the wind energy capture and (ii) minimizing the reactive power flowing between the grid and the synchronous generator. 8 refs., 19 figs.

  9. Stirling based micro co-generation system for single households

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ribberink, J.S.; Zutt, J.G.M.; Rabou, L.P.L.M.; Beckers, G.J.J. [ECN Clean Fossil Fuels, Petten (Netherlands); Baijens, C.A.W.; Luttikholt, J.J.M. [ATAG Verwarming, Lichtenvoorde (Netherlands)


    This paper describes the progress made in the ENATEC development program for a free piston Stirling engine based micro co-generation system that serves the supply of up to 1 kW{sub e} and up to 24 kW heat for domestic heating and/or for hot tap water production for single households at overall system efficiencies of 96%. Experiments show that the free piston Stirling engines from Stirling Technology Company run very reliably and controllably, and that the efficiency targets for the 1 kW{sub e} micro co-generation system are feasible. A ceramic foam burner with good heat transfer characteristics and low NOx emissions was developed. A demonstration micro co-generation unit was built and successfully presented. A 1 kW{sub e} free piston Stirling engine for the European market was developed. High efficiencies at full load and at part load, low emissions, low noise, and minimum maintenance make the Stirling engine based micro co-generation system an attractive candidate for the next generation of domestic boilers in Europe. 5 refs.

  10. Control system for fluid heated steam generator (United States)

    Boland, J.F.; Koenig, J.F.


    A control system for controlling the location of the nucleate-boiling region in a fluid heated steam generator comprises means for measuring the temperature gradient (change in temperature per unit length) of the heating fluid along the steam generator; means for determining a control variable in accordance with a predetermined function of temperature gradients and for generating a control signal in response thereto; and means for adjusting the feedwater flow rate in accordance with the control signal.

  11. A Low-cost System for Generating Near-realistic Virtual Actors (United States)

    Afifi, Mahmoud; Hussain, Khaled F.; Ibrahim, Hosny M.; Omar, Nagwa M.


    Generating virtual actors is one of the most challenging fields in computer graphics. The reconstruction of a realistic virtual actor has been paid attention by the academic research and the film industry to generate human-like virtual actors. Many movies were acted by human-like virtual actors, where the audience cannot distinguish between real and virtual actors. The synthesis of realistic virtual actors is considered a complex process. Many techniques are used to generate a realistic virtual actor; however they usually require expensive hardware equipment. In this paper, a low-cost system that generates near-realistic virtual actors is presented. The facial features of the real actor are blended with a virtual head that is attached to the actor's body. Comparing with other techniques that generate virtual actors, the proposed system is considered a low-cost system that requires only one camera that records the scene without using any expensive hardware equipment. The results of our system show that the system generates good near-realistic virtual actors that can be used on many applications.

  12. Coorte Sarar: atividade de doença, capacidade funcional e dano radiológico em pacientes com artrite reumatoide submetidos à artroplastia total de quadril e joelho

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernardo Matos da Cunha


    Full Text Available RESUMOObjetivos:A coorte Sarar é composta por pacientes portadores de artrite reumatoide (AR e artrite idiopática juvenil (AIJ submetidos a artroplastias de quadril e joelho no hospital Sarah-Brasília. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar fatores clínicos e laboratoriais associados à atividade de doença, capacidade funcional e dano radiológico em pacientes com AR, participantes dessa coorte.Métodos:Estudo transversal, com coleta de dados em revisão de prontuário.Resultados:Foram incluídos 32 pacientes, com tempo médio de início da doença de 240 meses. Dezenove pacientes foram submetidos a ATJ e 17, a ATQ. Foi encontrada correlação positiva entre dose máxima de metotrexato (MTX durante a evolução e Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI (R = -0,46, p = 0,011 e negativa com Simplified Erosion and Narrowing Score (SENS (R = -0,58, p = 0,004. Valores de SENS foram maiores nos pacientes com fator reumatoide (FR (p = 0,005 e anticorpo antipeptídeo cíclico citrulinado 3 (anti-CCP3 positivo (p = 0,044, nos com maiores títulos de FR (p = 0,037 e anti-CCP3 (p = 0,025 e menores nos pacientes com história familiar de AR (p = 0,009. Valores de HAQ foram maiores em pacientes mais idosos (p = 0,031. Na regressão linear múltipla, somente “dose máxima de MTX” e “história familiar” permaneceram com associação significativa com SENS (r2= 0,73, p < 0,001 para ambas as variáveis. No modelo que avaliou CDAI, apenas “dose máxima de MTX” permaneceu com associação significativa (r2 = 0,35, p = 0,016.Conclusão:Na coorte Sarar, fatores clínicos e laboratoriais estiveram relacionados à atividade de doença, capacidade funcional e dano radiológico, semelhantemente a estudos que avaliaram pacientes com menor tempo de doença.

  13. Suscetibilidade a dano pelo frio em abacaxi 'pérola' tratado com 1-metilciclopropeno Susceptibility to chilling injury for 'pérola' pineapple treated with 1-methylcyclopropene

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ovídio Ricardo Dantas Júnior


    Full Text Available Este trabalho avaliou o efeito de 1-metilciclopropeno (1-MCP na suscetibilidade ao dano pelo frio em abacaxi 'Pérola', colhido em Santa Rita-PB, na maturidade comercial. Os frutos foram tratados com 1-MCP (0; 300; 600 e 1.200 ppb, por 12 horas, sob condição ambiente e armazenados: a durante 42 dias a 10ºC, avaliados a cada 7 dias, e quando transferidos para o ambiente (25ºC e 65±5% U.R., após 21; 28; 35 e 42 dias, e também foram avaliados após sete dias; b durante 32 dias, a 7ºC, avaliados a cada 8 dias, e transferidos para o ambiente após 8; 16; 24 e 32 dias, sendo avaliados após sete dias. Em frutos mantidos a 10ºC, não se observou efeito do 1-MCP em retardar a perda de qualidade. Para frutos a 7ºC, o 1-MCP minimizou a incidência de dano pelo frio quando transferidos para a condição ambiente.This work evaluated the effect of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP on susceptibility to chilling injury (CI in 'Perola' pineapple, harvested at the commercial maturity from Santa Rita municipality, Paraíba State, Northeast Brazil. Fruits were treated at room temperature with 1-MCP (0, 300, 600, and 1200 ppb for a 12-hour period and stored: a during 42 days at 10ºC, evaluated each 7 days and, when transferred to room conditions (25ºC and 65±5% R.H., followed 21, 28, 35, and 42 days, and were also evaluated after 7 days; b during 32 days at 7ºC, evaluated at 8-day intervals, transferred to room conditions followed 8, 16, 24, and 32 days, and evaluated after 7 days. For pineapple kept at 10ºC it was not observed 1-MCP effect of retarding the loss of fruit quality. For fruits stored at 7ºC, 1-MCP minimized the incidence of CI when pineapples were transferred to room conditions.

  14. Controle de danos no trauma abdominal e lesões associadas: experiência de cinco anos em um serviço de emergência

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carla Martinez Menini Stalhschmidt

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Baseado no conceito de cirurgia para controle de danos (damage control, o presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar, epidemiologicamente, os pacientes submetidos a esta modalidade cirúrgica no Hospital Universitário Cajuru (HUC, em Curitiba, PR. MÉTODO: No período de Janeiro de 2001 à Março de 2005, foram revisados os prontuários de pacientes atendidos no HUC, vítimas de traumatismos diversos, sendo encontrados 39 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia para controle de danos abdominal. RESULTADOS: Dos 39 prontuários de pacientes analisados, 35 foram do sexo masculino (87,74% e quatro do sexo feminino (10,26%. A idade dos pacientes variou de 4 a 73 anos, sendo sua média de 30,35 anos. Trauma penetrante ocorreu em 24 pacientes (61,54%, sendo que 18 destes (46,15% sofreram ferimentos por armas de fogo e seis (15,38%, ferimentos por arma branca. O trauma fechado ocorreu em 15 pacientes, perfazendo um total de 38,46%. O ISS (Injury Severity Score médio dos pacientes foi de 44,03. A quantidade média de hemoderivados utilizados foi de 7,2 unidades papa de hemácias e 4,95 unidades de plasma fresco. O pH médio no intraoperatório foi de 7,1 e o BE (base excess de -14,4. O intervalo de tempo médio entre o início e o término da primeira cirurgia foi de 174,18 minutos (2,9 horas, levando-se em conta outros procedimentos de emergência também efetuados como craniectomias e/ou fixação de pelve e ossos longos. Foram constatados complicações imediatas em 28 pacientes, perfazendo um total de 53,85%. A média de sobrevida foi de 20,51% (n=8 e o tempo médio de permanência na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI após a primeira cirurgia foi de 41,75 horas (n=24. A maioria dos óbitos (n=17 ocorreu nas primeiras 24 horas de internação. CONCLUSÕES: O Damage Control é de fato uma medida que aumenta a taxa de sobrevida dos pacientes gravemente traumatizados, desde que esses mesmos pacientes tenham uma estabilização dentro das primeiras

  15. Reloadable radioactive generator system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Colombetti, L.G.


    A generator system that can be reloaded with an elutable radioactive material, such as 99 molybdenum, a multiple number of times is described. The system basically comprises a column filled with alumina, a loading vial containing a predetermined amount of the elutable radioactive material, and a rinsing vial containing a sterile solution. The two vials are connected by a conduit so that when communication is achieved between the column and loading vial and an evacuated vial is placed in communication with the bottom of the column, the predetermined amount of the radioactive material in the loading vial will be transferred to the column. The procedure can be repeated as the elutable material in the column is dissipated

  16. Induction generator-induction motor wind-powered pumping system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miranda, M.S.; Lyra, R.O.C.; Silva, S.R. [CPDEE - UFMG, Belo Horizonte (Brazil)


    The energy storage matter plays an important role in wind-electric conversion systems for isolated applications. Having that in mind, two different approaches can be basically considered: either the immediate conversion of the generated electric energy, as in a water pumping system or electric energy storage for later use, as in a battery charging system. Due to some features such as no need of an external reactive power source and, sometimes, a gearbox, permanent-magnet synchronous generators have been broadly used in low rated power isolated systems. Despite that, system performance can be affected when the generator is feeding an inductive load (e.g., an induction motor) under variable-speed-variable-frequency operational conditions. Since there is no effective flux control, motor overload may occur at high wind speeds. Thus, good system performance can be obtained through additional control devices which may increase system cost. Although being rugged and cheap, induction machines always work as a reactive power drain; therefore, they demand an external reactive power source. Considering that, reactive static compensators appear as an attractive alternative to the cost x performance problem. In addition to that, different control strategies can be used so that system performance can be improved.

  17. Rated power factor and excitation system of large turbine generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tokumitsu, Iwao; Watanabe, Takashi; Banjou, Minoru.


    As for the rated power factor of turbine generators for thermal power stations, 90% has been adopted since around 1960. On the other hand, power transmission system has entered 500 kV age, and 1,000 kV transmission is expected in the near future. As for the supply of reactive power from thermal and nuclear turbine generators, the necessity of supplying leading reactive power has rather increased. Now, the operating power factor of thermal and nuclear generators becomes 96 to 100% actually. As for the excess stability of turbine generators owing to the strengthening of transmission system and the adoption of super-high voltage, the demand of strict conditions can be dealt with by the adoption of super-fast response excitation system of thyristor shunt winding self exciting type. The adoption of the turbine generators with 90 to 95% power factor and the adoption of the thyristor shunt winding self exciting system were examined and evaluated. The rated power factor of generators, excitation system and economy of adopting these systems are explained. When the power factor of generators is increased from 0.9 to 0.95, about 6% of saving can be obtained in the installation cost. When the thyristor shunt winding self excitation is adopted, it is about 10% more economical than AC excitation. (Kako, I.)

  18. Future development of the electricity systems with distributed generation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bayod-Rujula, Angel A. [Department of Electrical Engineering, Centro Politecnico Superior, University of Zaragoza, C/Maria de Luna, 3, 50018 Zaragoza (Spain)


    Electrical power systems have been traditionally designed taking energy from high-voltage levels, and distributing it to lower voltage level networks. There are large generation units connected to transmission networks. But in the future there will be a large number of small generators connected to the distribution networks. Efficient integration of this distributed generation requires network innovations. A development of active distribution network management, from centralised to more distributed system management, is needed. Information, communication, and control infrastructures will be needed with increasing complexity of system management. Some innovative concepts such as microgrids and virtual utilities will be presented. (author)

  19. Report on demonstrative research on photovoltaic power generation system in Myanmar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    With an objective of installation and demonstrative operation in Myanmar of a power generation system combining a small-scale photovoltaic power generation system, a wind power generation system, and a diesel generator, research and development is being made under a six year plan starting in 1999 and ending in 2004. Comparative discussions were given on the installation location of the power generation system for the climatic conditions in Chaungthar and Letkhokekone, whereas the final decision was given on Chaungthar. This project plans installation of a photovoltaic power generation system of 80 kW, a wind power generation system of 40 kW, and a diesel generator of 60 kW. Power generation will start at 6 o'clock in the morning and continue to 11 o'clock at night every day, with a storage battery of 1,000 Ah and a stabilized load comprising of ice maker units to be installed. Observation of wind power and solar insolation is being continued with an aim of acquiring data over a period of one year or longer, whereas the data as have been forecasted are being acquired at the present. The diesel generator was manufactured in Japan, which has been arrived at the port of Yangon in February 2001, and installed at the site in Chaungthar in March. (NEDO)

  20. Experimental Study of a Thermoelectric Generation System

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhu, Junpeng; Gao, Junling; Chen, Min


    . System-level simulation is carried out using a quasi-one-dimensional numerical model that enables direct comparison with experimental results. The results of both experiment and simulation will provide a foundation to improve and optimize complex thermoelectric generation systems....

  1. Windfarm Generation Assessment for ReliabilityAnalysis of Power Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Negra, Nicola Barberis; Holmstrøm, Ole; Bak-Jensen, Birgitte


    Due to the fast development of wind generation in the past ten years, increasing interest has been paid to techniques for assessing different aspects of power systems with a large amount of installed wind generation. One of these aspects concerns power system reliability. Windfarm modelling plays...

  2. Windfarm generation assessment for reliability analysis of power systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Negra, N.B.; Holmstrøm, O.; Bak-Jensen, B.


    Due to the fast development of wind generation in the past ten years, increasing interest has been paid to techniques for assessing different aspects of power systems with a large amount of installed wind generation. One of these aspects concerns power system reliability. Windfarm modelling plays...

  3. An expert system for diesel generator diagnostics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bley, D.C.; Read, J.W.; Kaplan, S.; Liming, J.K.; Brosee, N.M.; Hanley, D.W.


    The idea of developing artificial intelligence (AI) systems to capture the knowledge of human experts is receiving much attention these days. The idea is even more attractive when important expertise resides within a single individual, especially one who is nearing retirement and who has not otherwise recorded or passed along his important knowledge and thought processes. The diesel generators at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station have performed exceptionally well, primarily due to the care and attention of one man. Therefore, the authors are constructing an expert system for the diagnosis of diesel generator problems at Pilgrim. This paper includes a description of the expert system design and operation, examples from the knowledge base, and sample diagnoses, so the reader can observe the process in action

  4. Photovoltaic-wind hybrid autonomous generation systems in Mongolia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dei, Tsutomu; Ushiyama, Izumi


    Two hybrid stand-alone (autonomous) power systems, each with wind and PV generation, were studied as installed at health clinics in semi-desert and mountainous region in Mongolia. Meteorological and system operation parameters, including power output and the consumption of the system, were generally monitored by sophisticated monitoring. However, where wind and solar site information was lacking, justifiable estimates were made. The results show that there is a seasonal complementary relationship between wind and solar irradiation in Tarot Sum. The users understood the necessity of Demand Side Management of isolated wind-PV generation system through technology transfer seminars and actually executed DSM at both sites. (author)

  5. Towards an Explanation Generation System for Robots: Analysis and Recommendations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ben Meadows


    Full Text Available A fundamental challenge in robotics is to reason with incomplete domain knowledge to explain unexpected observations and partial descriptions extracted from sensor observations. Existing explanation generation systems draw on ideas that can be mapped to a multidimensional space of system characteristics, defined by distinctions, such as how they represent knowledge and if and how they reason with heuristic guidance. Instances in this multidimensional space corresponding to existing systems do not support all of the desired explanation generation capabilities for robots. We seek to address this limitation by thoroughly understanding the range of explanation generation capabilities and the interplay between the distinctions that characterize them. Towards this objective, this paper first specifies three fundamental distinctions that can be used to characterize many existing explanation generation systems. We explore and understand the effects of these distinctions by comparing the capabilities of two systems that differ substantially along these axes, using execution scenarios involving a robot waiter assisting in seating people and delivering orders in a restaurant. The second part of the paper uses this study to argue that the desired explanation generation capabilities corresponding to these three distinctions can mostly be achieved by exploiting the complementary strengths of the two systems that were explored. This is followed by a discussion of the capabilities related to other major distinctions to provide detailed recommendations for developing an explanation generation system for robots.

  6. Dynamic analysis of floating wave energy generation system with mooring system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Gyu Seok; Sohn, Jeong Hyun


    In this study, dynamic behaviors of a wave energy generation system (WEGS) that converts wave energy into electric energy are analyzed using multibody dynamics techniques. Many studies have focused on reducing the effects of a mooring system on the motion of a WEGS. Several kinematic constraints and force elements are employed in the modeling stage. Three dimensional wave load equations are used to implement wave loads. The dynamic behaviors of a WEGS are analyzed under several wave conditions by using MSC/ADAMS, and the rotating speed of the generating shaft is investigated for predicting the electricity capacity. The dynamic behaviors of a WEGS with a mooring system are compared with those of a WEGS without a mooring system. Stability evaluation of a WEGS is carried out through simulation under extreme wave load

  7. Next generation of energy production systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rouault, J.; Garnier, J.C.; Carre, F.


    This document gathers the slides that have been presented at the Gedepeon conference. Gedepeon is a research group involving scientists from Cea (French atomic energy commission), CNRS (national center of scientific research), EDF (electricity of France) and Framatome that is devoted to the study of new energy sources and particularly to the study of the future generations of nuclear systems. The contributions have been classed into 9 topics: 1) gas cooled reactors, 2) molten salt reactors (MSBR), 3) the recycling of plutonium and americium, 4) reprocessing of molten salt reactor fuels, 5) behavior of graphite under radiation, 6) metallic materials for molten salt reactors, 7) refractory fuels of gas cooled reactors, 8) the nuclear cycle for the next generations of nuclear systems, and 9) organization of research programs on the new energy sources

  8. Power quality improvement of unbalanced power system with distributed generation units

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hu, Y.; Chen, Zhe; Excell, P.


    This paper presents a power electronic system for improving the power quality of the unbalanced distributed generation units in three-phase four-wire system. In the system, small renewable power generation units, such as small PV generator, small wind turbines may be configured as single phase...... and control of the converter are described. Simulation results have demonstrated that the system can effectively correct the unbalance and enhance the system power quality....... generation units. The random nature of renewable power sources may result in significant unbalance in the power network and affect the power quality. An electronic converter system is proposed to correct the system unbalance and harmonics so as to deal with the power quality problems. The operation...

  9. Voltage Control System of A DC Generator Using PLC


    Subrata CHATTOPADHYAY; Sagarika PAL


    The voltage control system of a DC generator may suffer from high frequency oscillations without offset or low frequency oscillation with offset. A PID controller can eliminate both these errors. In the present paper, the voltage control system of a DC generator using a PLC based PID controller has been designed. Operation of PLC as a continuous controller has been described and the load characteristic of DC generator with and without controller have been determined experimentally and reporte...

  10. How will fourth-generation nuclear systems be deployed?; Comment les systemes nucleaires de 4. generation se deploieront-ils?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bonin, B.; Carre, F. [CEA Saclay, Dir. de l' Energie Nucleaire, 91 - Gif sur Yvette (France)


    If it is to be fully consonant with a sustainable development perspective, nuclear energy needs must rely on systems that will ensure the greatest optimization of fissile material utilization, while minimizing production of ultimate waste. Deployment scenarios, for systems of the new generation, remain very much open. (authors)

  11. FY 2000 report on the demonstrative research for photovoltaic power generation system in Thailand. Demonstrative study on photovoltaic power generation grid-connected system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In relation to the demonstrative study of the photovoltaic power system that is planned in Libong island, Thailand, the FY 2000 results were reported. In this R and D, construction/demonstrative operation were planned for a photovoltaic power station with a generation output of 100kW, photovoltaic power system in school facilities, and system for transmitting/distributing power to houses by connecting the power station and power system. In this fiscal year, the field survey was conducted together with the alteration from Yao Yai island, for which the demonstrative study was planned at first, to Libong island. The electric equipment was selected which met the requests from Thailand and the results of the field survey, and the basic design of the photovoltaic power generation/transmission/distribution system was completed. Based on this, the design/manufacture of photovoltaic power generation modules, power control equipment, measuring equipment, etc. were made. At the construction site of photovoltaic power station, construction work such as land formation was conducted. Further, Thai engineers who visited Japan did the following: discussions about power system, presence at test/inspection of photovoltaic power generation modules, visits to photovoltaic power stations, wind power stations, etc. (NEDO)

  12. The Impact of Connecting Distributed Generation to the Distribution System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. V. Mgaya


    Full Text Available This paper deals with the general problem of utilizing of renewable energy sources to generate electric energy. Recent advances in renewable energy power generation technologies, e.g., wind and photovoltaic (PV technologies, have led to increased interest in the application of these generation devices as distributed generation (DG units. This paper presents the results of an investigation into possible improvements in the system voltage profile and reduction of system losses when adding wind power DG (wind-DG to a distribution system. Simulation results are given for a case study, and these show that properly sized wind DGs, placed at carefully selected sites near key distribution substations, could be very effective in improving the distribution system voltage profile and reducing power losses, and hence could  improve the effective capacity of the system

  13. Mathematical modeling of control system for the experimental steam generator (United States)

    Podlasek, Szymon; Lalik, Krzysztof; Filipowicz, Mariusz; Sornek, Krzysztof; Kupski, Robert; Raś, Anita


    A steam generator is an essential unit of each cogeneration system using steam machines. Currently one of the cheapest ways of the steam generation can be application of old steam generators came from army surplus store. They have relatively simple construction and in case of not so exploited units - quite good general conditions, and functionality of mechanical components. By contrast, electrical components and control systems (mostly based on relay automatics) are definitely obsolete. It is not possible to use such units with cooperation of steam bus or with steam engines. In particular, there is no possibility for automatically adjustment of the pressure and the temperature of the generated steam supplying steam engines. Such adjustment is necessary in case of variation of a generator load. The paper is devoted to description of improvement of an exemplary unit together with construction of the measurement-control system based on a PLC. The aim was to enable for communication between the steam generator and controllers of the steam bus and steam engines in order to construction of a complete, fully autonomic and maintenance-free microcogeneration system.

  14. Study of thermoelectric systems applied to electric power generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez, A.; Vian, J.G.; Astrain, D.; Martinez, A.


    A computational model has been developed in order to simulate the thermal and electric behavior of thermoelectric generators. This model solves the nonlinear system of equations of the thermoelectric and heat transfer equations. The inputs of the program are the thermoelectric parameters as a function of temperature and the boundary conditions, (room temperature and residual heat flux). The outputs are the temperature values of all the elements forming the thermoelectric generator, (performance, electric power, voltage and electric current generated). The model solves the equation system using the finite difference method and semi-empirical expressions for the convection coefficients. A thermoelectric electric power generation test bench has been built in order to validate and determine the accuracy of the computational model, which maximum error is lower than 5%. The objective of this study is to create a design tool that allows us to solve the system of equations involved in the electric generation process without needing to impose boundary conditions that are not known in the design phase, such as the temperature of the Peltier modules. With the computational model, we study the influence of the heat flux supplied as well as the room temperature on the electric power generated.

  15. Third-generation imaging sensor system concepts (United States)

    Reago, Donald A.; Horn, Stuart B.; Campbell, James, Jr.; Vollmerhausen, Richard H.


    Second generation forward looking infrared sensors, based on either parallel scanning, long wave (8 - 12 um) time delay and integration HgCdTe detectors or mid wave (3 - 5 um), medium format staring (640 X 480 pixels) InSb detectors, are being fielded. The science and technology community is now turning its attention toward the definition of a future third generation of FLIR sensors, based on emerging research and development efforts. Modeled third generation sensor performance demonstrates a significant improvement in performance over second generation, resulting in enhanced lethality and survivability on the future battlefield. In this paper we present the current thinking on what third generation sensors systems will be and the resulting requirements for third generation focal plane array detectors. Three classes of sensors have been identified. The high performance sensor will contain a megapixel or larger array with at least two colors. Higher operating temperatures will also be the goal here so that power and weight can be reduced. A high performance uncooled sensor is also envisioned that will perform somewhere between first and second generation cooled detectors, but at significantly lower cost, weight, and power. The final third generation sensor is a very low cost micro sensor. This sensor can open up a whole new IR market because of its small size, weight, and cost. Future unattended throwaway sensors, micro UAVs, and helmet mounted IR cameras will be the result of this new class.

  16. Generation of multi-wing chaotic attractor in fractional order system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Chaoxia; Yu Simin


    Highlights: → We investigate a novel approach for generating multi-wing chaotic attractors. → We introduce a fundamental fractional differential nominal linear system. → A proper nonlinear state feedback controller is designed. → The controlled system can generate fractional-order multi-wing chaotic attractors. - Abstract: In this paper, a novel approach is proposed for generating multi-wing chaotic attractors from the fractional linear differential system via nonlinear state feedback controller equipped with a duality-symmetric multi-segment quadratic function. The main idea is to design a proper nonlinear state feedback controller by using four construction criterions from a fundamental fractional differential nominal linear system, so that the controlled fractional differential system can generate multi-wing chaotic attractors. It is the first time in the literature to report the multi-wing chaotic attractors from an uncoupled fractional differential system. Furthermore, some basic dynamical analysis and numerical simulations are also given, confirming the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  17. LRSYS, PASCAL LR(1) Parser Generator System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    O'Hair, K.


    Description of program or function: LRSYS is a complete LR(1) parser generator system written entirely in a portable subset of Pascal. The system, LRSYS, includes a grammar analyzer program (LR) which reads a context-free (BNF) grammar as input and produces LR(1) parsing tables as output, a lexical analyzer generator (LEX) which reads regular expressions created by the REG process as input and produces lexical tables as output, and various parser skeletons that get merged with the tables to produce complete parsers (SMAKE). Current parser skeletons include Pascal, FORTRAN 77, and C. In addition, the CRAY1, DEC VAX11 version contains LRLTRAN and CFT- FORTRAN 77 skeletons. Other language skeletons can easily be added to the system. LRSYS is based on the LR program (NESC Abstract 822)

  18. Integration of stochastic generation in power systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Papaefthymiou, G.; Schavemaker, P.H.; Sluis, van der L.; Kling, W.L.; Kurowicka, D.; Cooke, R.M.


    Stochastic generation, i.e., electrical power production by an uncontrolled primary energy source, is expected to play an important role in future power systems. A new power system structure is created due to the large-scale implementation of this small-scale, distributed, non-dispatchable

  19. The development of new radionuclide generator systems for nuclear medicine applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knapp, F.F. Jr.; Callahan, A.P.; Mirzadeh, S.; Brihaye, C.; Guillaume, M.


    Radioisotope generator systems have traditionally played a central role in nuclear medicine in providing radioisotopes for both research and clinical applications. In this paper, the development of several tungsten-188/rhenium-188 prototype generators which provide rhenium-188 for radioimmunotherapy (RAIT) is discussed. The authors have recently demonstrated that carrier-free iridium-194 can be obtained from the activated carbon system from decay of reactor-produced osmium-194 for potential RAIT applications. Instrumentation advances such as the new generation of high-count-rate (fast) gamma camera systems for first-pass technology require the availability of generator-produced ultra short-lived radioisotopes for radionuclide angiography (RNA). The activated carbon generator is an efficient system to obtain ultra short-lived iridium-191 m from osmium-191 for RNA. In addition, the growing number of PET centers has stimulated research in generators which provide positron-emitting radioisotopes. Copper-62, obtained from the zinc-62 generator, is currently used for PET evaluation of organ perfusion. The availability of the parent radioisotopes, the fabrication and use of these generators, and the practical factors for use of these systems in the radiopharmacy are discussed. 74 refs., 6 figs., 5 tabs

  20. Fuzzy logic based variable speed wind generation system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Simoes, M.G. [Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Escola Politecnica. PMC - Mecatronica; Bose, B.K. [Tennessee Univ., Knoxville, TN (United States). Dept. of Electrical Engineering; Spiegel, Ronal J. [Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC (United States). Air and Energy Engineering Research Lab.


    This work demonstrates the successful application of fuzzy logic to enhance the performance and control of a variable speed wind generation system. A maximum power point tracker control is performed with three fuzzy controllers, without wind velocity measurement, and robust to wind vortex and turbine torque ripple. A squirrel cage induction generator feeds the power to a double-sided PWM converter system which pumps the power to a utility grid or supplies to an autonomous system. The fuzzy logic controller FLC-1 searches on-line the generator speed so that the aerodynamic efficiency of the wind turbine is optimized. A second fuzzy controller FLC-2 programs the machine flux by on-line search so as to optimize the machine-converter system wind vortex. Detailed analysis and simulation studies were performed for development of the control strategy and fuzzy algorithms, and a DSP TMS320C30 based hardware with C control software was built for the performance evaluation of a laboratory experimental set-up. The theoretical development was fully validated and the system is ready to be reproduced in a higher power installation. (author) 7 refs., 3 figs., 1 tab.

  1. An Integrated Safety Assessment Methodology for Generation IV Nuclear Systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leahy, Timothy J.


    The Generation IV International Forum (GIF) Risk and Safety Working Group (RSWG) was created to develop an effective approach for the safety of Generation IV advanced nuclear energy systems. Early work of the RSWG focused on defining a safety philosophy founded on lessons learned from current and prior generations of nuclear technologies, and on identifying technology characteristics that may help achieve Generation IV safety goals. More recent RSWG work has focused on the definition of an integrated safety assessment methodology for evaluating the safety of Generation IV systems. The methodology, tentatively called ISAM, is an integrated 'toolkit' consisting of analytical techniques that are available and matched to appropriate stages of Generation IV system concept development. The integrated methodology is intended to yield safety-related insights that help actively drive the evolving design throughout the technology development cycle, potentially resulting in enhanced safety, reduced costs, and shortened development time.

  2. Intelligent control of energy-saving power generation system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, Zhiyuan; Zhang, Guoqing; Guo, Zhizhong [Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin (China). Dept. of Electrical Engineering


    Highway power generation system which is environmentally friendly and sustainable provides an innovative method of energy conversion. It is also as a kind of city science and technology innovation, which has the characteristics of environmental protection and sustainable utilization. Making full use of vehicle impact speed control humps, we design a new kind of highway speed control humps combined with solar electric generation system integration. Developing green energy, energy saving and environment protection can be achieved.

  3. Adequacy assessment of composite generation and transmission systems incorporating wind energy conversion systems (United States)

    Gao, Yi

    The development and utilization of wind energy for satisfying electrical demand has received considerable attention in recent years due to its tremendous environmental, social and economic benefits, together with public support and government incentives. Electric power generation from wind energy behaves quite differently from that of conventional sources. The fundamentally different operating characteristics of wind energy facilities therefore affect power system reliability in a different manner than those of conventional systems. The reliability impact of such a highly variable energy source is an important aspect that must be assessed when the wind power penetration is significant. The focus of the research described in this thesis is on the utilization of state sampling Monte Carlo simulation in wind integrated bulk electric system reliability analysis and the application of these concepts in system planning and decision making. Load forecast uncertainty is an important factor in long range planning and system development. This thesis describes two approximate approaches developed to reduce the number of steps in a load duration curve which includes load forecast uncertainty, and to provide reasonably accurate generating and bulk system reliability index predictions. The developed approaches are illustrated by application to two composite test systems. A method of generating correlated random numbers with uniform distributions and a specified correlation coefficient in the state sampling method is proposed and used to conduct adequacy assessment in generating systems and in bulk electric systems containing correlated wind farms in this thesis. The studies described show that it is possible to use the state sampling Monte Carlo simulation technique to quantitatively assess the reliability implications associated with adding wind power to a composite generation and transmission system including the effects of multiple correlated wind sites. This is an important

  4. OCSEGen: Open Components and Systems Environment Generator (United States)

    Tkachuk, Oksana


    To analyze a large system, one often needs to break it into smaller components.To analyze a component or unit under analysis, one needs to model its context of execution, called environment, which represents the components with which the unit interacts. Environment generation is a challenging problem, because the environment needs to be general enough to uncover unit errors, yet precise enough to make the analysis tractable. In this paper, we present a tool for automated environment generation for open components and systems. The tool, called OCSEGen, is implemented on top of the Soot framework. We present the tool's current support and discuss its possible future extensions.

  5. Impacts of intermittent renewable generation on electricity system costs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Batalla-Bejerano, Joan; Trujillo-Baute, Elisa


    A successful deployment of power generation coming from variable renewable sources, such as wind and solar photovoltaic, strongly depends on the economic cost of system integration. This paper, in seeking to look beyond the impact of renewable generation on the evolution of the total economic costs associated with the operation of the electricity system, aims to estimate the sensitivity of balancing market requirements and costs to the variable and non-fully predictable nature of intermittent renewable generation. The estimations reported in this paper for the Spanish electricity system stress the importance of both attributes as well as power system flexibility when accounting for the cost of balancing services. - Highlights: •A successful deployment of VRES-E strongly depends on the economic cost of its integration. •We estimate the sensitivity of balancing market requirements and costs to VRES-E. •Integration costs depend on variability, predictability and system flexibility.

  6. Performance evaluation of microturbine generation system for microgrid applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salam, A.A.; Mohamed, A.; Hannan, M.A.; Shareef, H.; Wanik, M.Z.C. [Kebangsaan Malaysia Univ., Selangor (Malaysia). Dept. of Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment


    A control system for microturbine generation system (MGS) units in microgrid applications was presented. A dynamic model of the microturbine and power electronics interface systems was used to determine converter control strategies for distributed generation operation. Back-to-back converters were used to interface the microturbine-based distributed generation system to the grid. The controllers were used to regulate the output voltage value at the reference bus voltage and the frequency of the whole grid. Reference values were predetermined in the control scheme in order to obtain the desired value of voltage amplitude and frequency. An investigation of system dynamics was conducted using simulations in both grid-connected and islanded modes. Results of the simulations demonstrated the ability of the MGS to improve electricity grid reliability. The model can be used to accurately simulate MGS dynamic performance for both grid- and islanded modes of operation. 10 refs., 17 figs.

  7. Voltage Control System of A DC Generator Using PLC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available The voltage control system of a DC generator may suffer from high frequency oscillations without offset or low frequency oscillation with offset. A PID controller can eliminate both these errors. In the present paper, the voltage control system of a DC generator using a PLC based PID controller has been designed. Operation of PLC as a continuous controller has been described and the load characteristic of DC generator with and without controller have been determined experimentally and reported in this paper.

  8. Next-generation mammalian genetics toward organism-level systems biology. (United States)

    Susaki, Etsuo A; Ukai, Hideki; Ueda, Hiroki R


    Organism-level systems biology in mammals aims to identify, analyze, control, and design molecular and cellular networks executing various biological functions in mammals. In particular, system-level identification and analysis of molecular and cellular networks can be accelerated by next-generation mammalian genetics. Mammalian genetics without crossing, where all production and phenotyping studies of genome-edited animals are completed within a single generation drastically reduce the time, space, and effort of conducting the systems research. Next-generation mammalian genetics is based on recent technological advancements in genome editing and developmental engineering. The process begins with introduction of double-strand breaks into genomic DNA by using site-specific endonucleases, which results in highly efficient genome editing in mammalian zygotes or embryonic stem cells. By using nuclease-mediated genome editing in zygotes, or ~100% embryonic stem cell-derived mouse technology, whole-body knock-out and knock-in mice can be produced within a single generation. These emerging technologies allow us to produce multiple knock-out or knock-in strains in high-throughput manner. In this review, we discuss the basic concepts and related technologies as well as current challenges and future opportunities for next-generation mammalian genetics in organism-level systems biology.

  9. Digital chaotic sequence generator based on coupled chaotic systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shu-Bo, Liu; Jing, Sun; Jin-Shuo, Liu; Zheng-Quan, Xu


    Chaotic systems perform well as a new rich source of cryptography and pseudo-random coding. Unfortunately their digital dynamical properties would degrade due to the finite computing precision. Proposed in this paper is a modified digital chaotic sequence generator based on chaotic logistic systems with a coupling structure where one chaotic subsystem generates perturbation signals to disturb the control parameter of the other one. The numerical simulations show that the length of chaotic orbits, the output distribution of chaotic system, and the security of chaotic sequences have been greatly improved. Moreover the chaotic sequence period can be extended at least by one order of magnitude longer than that of the uncoupled logistic system and the difficulty in decrypting increases 2 128 *2 128 times indicating that the dynamical degradation of digital chaos is effectively improved. A field programmable gate array (FPGA) implementation of an algorithm is given and the corresponding experiment shows that the output speed of the generated chaotic sequences can reach 571.4 Mbps indicating that the designed generator can be applied to the real-time video image encryption. (general)

  10. Natural Language Generation for dialogue: system survey

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Theune, Mariet

    Many natural language dialogue systems make use of `canned text' for output generation. This approach may be su±cient for dialogues in restricted domains where system utterances are short and simple and use fixed expressions (e.g., slot filling dialogues in the ticket reservation or travel

  11. Multimegawatt disk generator system for space applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Solbes, H.; Iwata, H.


    The conceptual design of a 100 megawatt - 500 seconds disk MHD generator system suitable as a burst power source for a space based neutral particle beam (NPB) is presented. The system features two disk generators operated in the magnetic field produced by a single circular superconducting magnet. Gelled reactants are used as the energy source. The oxidizer gel includes the alkali seed. The high heat flux areas of the power train are water cooled. Heat is rejected to a hydrogen stream which is also used for cooling of the exit section. The hydrogen is also used to mitigate the effects of the exhaust products of combustion on the platform. The two disk channels are operated in parallel. A dc to dc converter consolidates the channel's output into a single 100 kilovolt dc output. Critical development issues relevant to the development of such power systems are identified and discussed. A R and D plan aimed at establishing the technical feasibility of the proposed system is also presented

  12. Dispersed generation: impact on the electricity system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delfanti, M.; Merlo, M.; Silvestri, A.


    The paper deals with the impact of Dispersed Generation (D G) on the national electricity system, by proposing a practical approach for determining the current capacity of the networks to accepts this form of generation (hosting capacity). With the prospect of an increasing intake of D G, we finally draft a possible evolution of distribution networks based on the integration of energy and information networks. [it

  13. Mathematical modeling of control system for the experimental steam generator

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Podlasek Szymon


    Full Text Available A steam generator is an essential unit of each cogeneration system using steam machines. Currently one of the cheapest ways of the steam generation can be application of old steam generators came from army surplus store. They have relatively simple construction and in case of not so exploited units – quite good general conditions, and functionality of mechanical components. By contrast, electrical components and control systems (mostly based on relay automatics are definitely obsolete. It is not possible to use such units with cooperation of steam bus or with steam engines. In particular, there is no possibility for automatically adjustment of the pressure and the temperature of the generated steam supplying steam engines. Such adjustment is necessary in case of variation of a generator load. The paper is devoted to description of improvement of an exemplary unit together with construction of the measurement-control system based on a PLC. The aim was to enable for communication between the steam generator and controllers of the steam bus and steam engines in order to construction of a complete, fully autonomic and maintenance-free microcogeneration system.

  14. Instrumentation and control of turbine, generator and associated systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vogtland, U.


    The purpose of this presentation is to give some information on Instrumentation and Control (I and C) for turbine-generators, in this case for nuclear application. The I and C scope of supply for such a turbine-generator can be divided as follows: - Closed-loop controls - Turbine stress control systems - Supervisory instrumentation - Protection systems - Open-loop controls. The main systems used for nuclear application are presented by means of examples taken from these a.m. categories. (orig./RW)

  15. Optimization of Multibrid Permanent-Magnet Wind Generator Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chen, Zhe; Li, H.; Polinder, H.


    and multibrid wind turbine configurations are obtained, and the suitable ranges of gear ratios for different power ratings are investigated. Finally, the detailed comparisons of themost cost-effective multibridPMgenerator system and the optimized direct-drive PM generator system are also presented and discussed....... The comparative results have shown that the multibrid wind turbine concept appears more cost-effective than the direct-drive concept.......This paper investigates the cost-effective ranges of gearbox ratios and power ratings of multibrid permanent-magnet (PM) wind generator systems by using a design optimization method. First, the analytical model of a multibrid wind turbine concept consisting of a single-stage gearbox and a three...

  16. Insect damage and powdery mildew severity in soybean cultivars and lines Danos de insetos e severidade de oídio em cultivares e linhagens de soja

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    André Luiz Lourenção


    Full Text Available The use of soybean cultivars resistant to insects and diseases reduces the application of pesticides, decreasing production costs and promoting a sustainable agriculture. The damage of stink bugs and defoliators and the severity of powdery mildew (Microsphaera diffusa in soybean of three maturity groups were evaluated under field conditions, at Tarumã and Ribeirão Preto, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Three experiments, one for each group, were carried out in the 1999/2000 and 2000/2001 growing seasons. In 1999/2000, the disease occurred in Tarumã; in that year, infestation of chrysomelids (Cerotoma sp. and Colaspis sp. was observed in Ribeirão Preto. Low infestations of stink bugs occurred in both years and locations, but in Tarumã, at the stage of plant maturation, the insect population exceeded the economic injury level. The severity of powdery mildew was evaluated using a scale varying from 1 (no symptom to 5 (more than 50% of leaves with symptoms. Chrysomelid injuries were estimated by the percentage of leaf area removed, and stink bug damage was evaluated by the percentage of leaf retention (LRP and yield. Within the early maturity group (110 days, IAC 94-2675 showed good yield levels, low LRP, and resistance to powdery mildew. In the genotypes of the 120-day maturity group, IAC 94-5, IAC 94-1172, IAC 94-1017, IAC 94-133, and IAC 94-745 presented good yield; the last two behaved as resistant to the disease. With regard to the genotypes of the 135-day maturity group, IAC 93-1564 and IAC 94-2939 showed good yield, low LRP, and resistance to powdery mildew.A utilização de cultivares de soja resistentes a pragas e doenças reduz a aplicação de pesticidas, diminuindo custos de produção e favorecendo uma agricultura sustentável. Assim, avaliaram-se os danos causados por percevejos e coleópteros crisomelídeos e a severidade de oídio (Microsphaera diffusa em cultivares e linhagens de soja de ciclos precoce, semiprecoce e médio, em


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    S. C. Khamankar


    The Site Generated Radiological Waste Handling System handles radioactive waste products that are generated at the geologic repository operations area. The waste is collected, treated if required, packaged for shipment, and shipped to a disposal site. Waste streams include low-level waste (LLW) in solid and liquid forms, as-well-as mixed waste that contains hazardous and radioactive constituents. Liquid LLW is segregated into two streams, non-recyclable and recyclable. The non-recyclable stream may contain detergents or other non-hazardous cleaning agents and is packaged for shipment. The recyclable stream is treated to recycle a large portion of the water while the remaining concentrated waste is packaged for shipment; this greatly reduces the volume of waste requiring disposal. There will be no liquid LLW discharge. Solid LLW consists of wet solids such as ion exchange resins and filter cartridges, as-well-as dry active waste such as tools, protective clothing, and poly bags. Solids will be sorted, volume reduced, and packaged for shipment. The generation of mixed waste at the Monitored Geologic Repository (MGR) is not planned; however, if it does come into existence, it will be collected and packaged for disposal at its point of occurrence, temporarily staged, then shipped to government-approved off-site facilities for disposal. The Site Generated Radiological Waste Handling System has equipment located in both the Waste Treatment Building (WTB) and in the Waste Handling Building (WHB). All types of liquid and solid LLW are processed in the WTB, while wet solid waste from the Pool Water Treatment and Cooling System is packaged where received in the WHB. There is no installed hardware for mixed waste. The Site Generated Radiological Waste Handling System receives waste from locations where water is used for decontamination functions. In most cases the water is piped back to the WTB for processing. The WTB and WHB provide staging areas for storing and shipping LLW


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    S. C. Khamankar


    The Site Generated Radiological Waste Handling System handles radioactive waste products that are generated at the geologic repository operations area. The waste is collected, treated if required, packaged for shipment, and shipped to a disposal site. Waste streams include low-level waste (LLW) in solid and liquid forms, as-well-as mixed waste that contains hazardous and radioactive constituents. Liquid LLW is segregated into two streams, non-recyclable and recyclable. The non-recyclable stream may contain detergents or other non-hazardous cleaning agents and is packaged for shipment. The recyclable stream is treated to recycle a large portion of the water while the remaining concentrated waste is packaged for shipment; this greatly reduces the volume of waste requiring disposal. There will be no liquid LLW discharge. Solid LLW consists of wet solids such as ion exchange resins and filter cartridges, as-well-as dry active waste such as tools, protective clothing, and poly bags. Solids will be sorted, volume reduced, and packaged for shipment. The generation of mixed waste at the Monitored Geologic Repository (MGR) is not planned; however, if it does come into existence, it will be collected and packaged for disposal at its point of occurrence, temporarily staged, then shipped to government-approved off-site facilities for disposal. The Site Generated Radiological Waste Handling System has equipment located in both the Waste Treatment Building (WTB) and in the Waste Handling Building (WHB). All types of liquid and solid LLW are processed in the WTB, while wet solid waste from the Pool Water Treatment and Cooling System is packaged where received in the WHB. There is no installed hardware for mixed waste. The Site Generated Radiological Waste Handling System receives waste from locations where water is used for decontamination functions. In most cases the water is piped back to the WTB for processing. The WTB and WHB provide staging areas for storing and shipping LLW

  19. A normative price for energy from an electricity generation system: An Owner-dependent Methodology for Energy Generation (system) Assessment (OMEGA). Volume 1: Summary (United States)

    Chamberlain, R. G.; McMaster, K. M.


    The utility owned solar electric system methodology is generalized and updated. The net present value of the system is determined by consideration of all financial benefits and costs (including a specified return on investment). Life cycle costs, life cycle revenues, and residual system values are obtained. Break even values of system parameters are estimated by setting the net present value to zero. While the model was designed for photovoltaic generators with a possible thermal energy byproduct, it applicability is not limited to such systems. The resulting owner-dependent methodology for energy generation system assessment consists of a few equations that can be evaluated without the aid of a high-speed computer.

  20. A normative price for energy from an electricity generation system: An Owner-dependent Methodology for Energy Generation (system) Assessment (OMEGA). Volume 1: Summary (United States)

    Chamberlain, R. G.; Mcmaster, K. M.


    The utility owned solar electric system methodology is generalized and updated. The net present value of the system is determined by consideration of all financial benefits and costs (including a specified return on investment). Life cycle costs, life cycle revenues, and residual system values are obtained. Break even values of system parameters are estimated by setting the net present value to zero. While the model was designed for photovoltaic generators with a possible thermal energy byproduct, it applicability is not limited to such systems. The resulting owner-dependent methodology for energy generation system assessment consists of a few equations that can be evaluated without the aid of a high-speed computer.

  1. Models for Numerical Evaluation of Variable Speed Different Wind Generator Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Hui; Chen, Zhe; Polinder, H.


    of different wind generator systems, the other presents the optimization results and evaluation of variable speed wind generator systems. In this report, firstly, it gives an overview of various wind generator topologies, including their advantages and disadvantages, market status and developing trends. Next...

  2. Implementation of optimum solar electricity generating system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, Balbir Singh Mahinder; Karim, Samsul Ariffin A.; Sivapalan, Subarna; Najib, Nurul Syafiqah Mohd; Menon, Pradeep


    Under the 10 th Malaysian Plan, the government is expecting the renewable energy to contribute approximately 5.5% to the total electricity generation by the year 2015, which amounts to 98MW. One of the initiatives to ensure that the target is achievable was to establish the Sustainable Energy Development Authority of Malaysia. SEDA is given the authority to administer and manage the implementation of the feed-in tariff (FiT) mechanism which is mandated under the Renewable Energy Act 2011. The move to establish SEDA is commendable and the FiT seems to be attractive but there is a need to create awareness on the implementation of the solar electricity generating system (SEGS). In Malaysia, harnessing technologies related to solar energy resources have great potential for implementation. However, the main issue that plagues the implementation of SEGS is the intermittent nature of this source of energy. The availability of sunlight is during the day time, and there is a need for electrical energy storage system, so that there is electricity available during the night time as well. The meteorological condition such as clouds, haze and pollution affects the SEGS as well. The PV based SEGS is seems to be promising electricity generating system that can contribute towards achieving the 5.5% target and will be able to minimize the negative effects of utilizing fossil fuels for electricity generation on the environment. Malaysia is committed to Kyoto Protocol, which emphasizes on fighting global warming by achieving stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. In this paper, the technical aspects of the implementation of optimum SEGS is discussed, especially pertaining to the positioning of the PV panels

  3. Implementation of optimum solar electricity generating system (United States)

    Singh, Balbir Singh Mahinder; Sivapalan, Subarna; Najib, Nurul Syafiqah Mohd; Menon, Pradeep; Karim, Samsul Ariffin A.


    Under the 10th Malaysian Plan, the government is expecting the renewable energy to contribute approximately 5.5% to the total electricity generation by the year 2015, which amounts to 98MW. One of the initiatives to ensure that the target is achievable was to establish the Sustainable Energy Development Authority of Malaysia. SEDA is given the authority to administer and manage the implementation of the feed-in tariff (FiT) mechanism which is mandated under the Renewable Energy Act 2011. The move to establish SEDA is commendable and the FiT seems to be attractive but there is a need to create awareness on the implementation of the solar electricity generating system (SEGS). In Malaysia, harnessing technologies related to solar energy resources have great potential for implementation. However, the main issue that plagues the implementation of SEGS is the intermittent nature of this source of energy. The availability of sunlight is during the day time, and there is a need for electrical energy storage system, so that there is electricity available during the night time as well. The meteorological condition such as clouds, haze and pollution affects the SEGS as well. The PV based SEGS is seems to be promising electricity generating system that can contribute towards achieving the 5.5% target and will be able to minimize the negative effects of utilizing fossil fuels for electricity generation on the environment. Malaysia is committed to Kyoto Protocol, which emphasizes on fighting global warming by achieving stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. In this paper, the technical aspects of the implementation of optimum SEGS is discussed, especially pertaining to the positioning of the PV panels.

  4. Implementation of optimum solar electricity generating system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Singh, Balbir Singh Mahinder, E-mail:; Karim, Samsul Ariffin A., E-mail: [Department of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 31750 Bandar Seri Iskandar, Perak (Malaysia); Sivapalan, Subarna, E-mail: [Department of Management and Humanities, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 31750 Bandar Seri Iskandar, Perak (Malaysia); Najib, Nurul Syafiqah Mohd; Menon, Pradeep [Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 31750 Bandar Seri Iskandar, Perak (Malaysia)


    Under the 10{sup th} Malaysian Plan, the government is expecting the renewable energy to contribute approximately 5.5% to the total electricity generation by the year 2015, which amounts to 98MW. One of the initiatives to ensure that the target is achievable was to establish the Sustainable Energy Development Authority of Malaysia. SEDA is given the authority to administer and manage the implementation of the feed-in tariff (FiT) mechanism which is mandated under the Renewable Energy Act 2011. The move to establish SEDA is commendable and the FiT seems to be attractive but there is a need to create awareness on the implementation of the solar electricity generating system (SEGS). In Malaysia, harnessing technologies related to solar energy resources have great potential for implementation. However, the main issue that plagues the implementation of SEGS is the intermittent nature of this source of energy. The availability of sunlight is during the day time, and there is a need for electrical energy storage system, so that there is electricity available during the night time as well. The meteorological condition such as clouds, haze and pollution affects the SEGS as well. The PV based SEGS is seems to be promising electricity generating system that can contribute towards achieving the 5.5% target and will be able to minimize the negative effects of utilizing fossil fuels for electricity generation on the environment. Malaysia is committed to Kyoto Protocol, which emphasizes on fighting global warming by achieving stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. In this paper, the technical aspects of the implementation of optimum SEGS is discussed, especially pertaining to the positioning of the PV panels.

  5. High-power density miniscale power generation and energy harvesting systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lyshevski, Sergey Edward


    This paper reports design, analysis, evaluations and characterization of miniscale self-sustained power generation systems. Our ultimate objective is to guarantee highly-efficient mechanical-to-electrical energy conversion, ensure premier wind- or hydro-energy harvesting capabilities, enable electric machinery and power electronics solutions, stabilize output voltage, etc. By performing the advanced scalable power generation system design, we enable miniscale energy sources and energy harvesting technologies. The proposed systems integrate: (1) turbine which rotates a radial- or axial-topology permanent-magnet synchronous generator at variable angular velocity depending on flow rate, speed and load, and, (2) power electronic module with controllable rectifier, soft-switching converter and energy storage stages. These scalable energy systems can be utilized as miniscale auxiliary and self-sustained power units in various applications, such as, aerospace, automotive, biotechnology, biomedical, and marine. The proposed systems uniquely suit various submersible and harsh environment applications. Due to operation in dynamic rapidly-changing envelopes (variable speed, load changes, etc.), sound solutions are researched, proposed and verified. We focus on enabling system organizations utilizing advanced developments for various components, such as generators, converters, and energy storage. Basic, applied and experimental findings are reported. The prototypes of integrated power generation systems were tested, characterized and evaluated. It is documented that high-power density, high efficiency, robustness and other enabling capabilities are achieved. The results and solutions are scalable from micro (∼100 μW) to medium (∼100 kW) and heavy-duty (sub-megawatt) auxiliary and power systems.

  6. Dinâmica populacional e evolução de dano de Triozoida limbata (Hemiptera: Psillydae em goiabeira, em Jaboticabal, SP Population dynamic and evolution of damage of Triozoida limbata (Hem.: Psillydae in guava orchard in Jaboticabal city, State of São Paulo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Alexandre Colombi


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, conhecer a dinâmica populacional de Triozoida limbata em um pomar de goiaba submetido ao uso mínimo de inseticida no município de Jaboticabal - SP. Para o estudo da flutuação populacional e a evolução do dano do psilídeo foram analisadas quinzenalmente vinte plantas do pomar, no período de março de 2005 a junho de 2006. Para cada planta foram avaliadas dez folhas contendo o sintoma do ataque do psilídeo. Os parâmetros avaliados foram o número de ninfas e a porcentagem de dano causado nas folhas, de acordo com uma escala de notas. Esses parâmetros foram analisados em histogramas e correlacionados com os fatores meteorológicos. A densidade populacional do psilídeo aumentou com o surgimento das brotações e apresentou uma correlação positiva com a temperatura. O dano do psilídeo acompanhou a densidade populacional da praga. As maiores densidades populacionais de psilídeo ocorrem nos meses de setembro a novembro; e as menores entre os meses de maio a julho.The present work aimed at learning the population dynamic of Triozoida limbata (Enderlein, 1918 (Hemiptera: Psyllidae in a guava orchard submitted to the minimum use of insecticide in Jaboticabal - SP. For the study of population fluctuation and the evolution of damage from the psillid we analyzed 20 plants of the orchard biweekly, during the period from March 2005 to June 2006. For each plant we evaluated 10 leaves containing the symptom of the attack from the psillid. The evaluated parameters were the number of nymphs and the percentage of damage caused in the leaves, in accordance with a scale of notes. These parameters were analyzed in histograms and correlated to the meteorological factors. The population density of the psillid increased considerably with the approach of the spring and presented a positive correlation with the temperature. The level of damage of the psillid accompanied the population density of the pest. According to

  7. Next generation Zero-Code control system UI

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Developing ergonomic user interfaces for control systems is challenging, especially during machine upgrade and commissioning where several small changes may suddenly be required. Zero-code systems, such as *Inspector*, provide agile features for creating and maintaining control system interfaces. More so, these next generation Zero-code systems bring simplicity and uniformity and brake the boundaries between Users and Developers. In this talk we present *Inspector*, a CERN made Zero-code application development system, and we introduce the major differences and advantages of using Zero-code control systems to develop operational UI.

  8. Stirling engine based micro co-generation system for single households

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ribberink, H.; Zutt, S.; Rabou, L.; Beckers, G. [Netherlands Energy Research Foundation (ECN), Petten (Netherlands); Baijens, K.; Luttikholt, J. [Atag Verwarming BV (Netherlands)


    This paper describes the progress made in the ENATEC development program for a free piston Stirling engine based micro co-generation system that serves the supply of up to 1 kW{sub e} and up to 24 kW heat for domestic heating and/or for hot tap water production for single households at overall system efficiencies of 96%: Experiments show that the free piston Stirling engines from Stirling Technology Company run very reliably and controllably, and that the efficiency targets for the 1 kW{sub e} micro co-generation system are feasible. A ceramic foam burner with good heat transfer characteristics and low NOx emissions was developed. A demonstration micro co-generation unit was built and successfully presented. A 1 kW{sub e} free piston Stirling engine for the European market was developed. High efficiencies at full load and at part load, low emissions, low noise, and minimum maintenance make the Stirling engine based micro co-generation system an attractive candidate for the next generation of domestic boilers in Europe. (orig.)

  9. Development of condition monitoring and diagnosis system for standby diesel generator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choi, Kwang Hee; Park, Jong Hyuck; Park, Jong Eun [Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    The emergency diesel generator (EDG) of the nuclear power plant is designed to supply the power to the nuclear on Station Black Out (SBO) condition. The operation reliability of onsite emergency diesel generator should be ensured by a condition monitoring system designed to monitor and analysis the condition of diesel generator. For this purpose, we have developed the online condition monitoring and diagnosis system for the wolsong unit 3 and 4 standby diesel generator including diesel engine performance. In this paper, technologies of condition monitoring and diagnosis system (SDG MDS) for the wolsong standby diesel generator are described. By using the condition monitoring module of the SDG MDS, performance monitoring function for major operating parameters of EDG reliability program required by Reg. guide 1.155 can be operated as on line monitoring system.

  10. Development of condition monitoring and diagnosis system for standby diesel generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Kwang Hee; Park, Jong Hyuck; Park, Jong Eun


    The emergency diesel generator (EDG) of the nuclear power plant is designed to supply the power to the nuclear on Station Black Out (SBO) condition. The operation reliability of onsite emergency diesel generator should be ensured by a condition monitoring system designed to monitor and analysis the condition of diesel generator. For this purpose, we have developed the online condition monitoring and diagnosis system for the wolsong unit 3 and 4 standby diesel generator including diesel engine performance. In this paper, technologies of condition monitoring and diagnosis system (SDG MDS) for the wolsong standby diesel generator are described. By using the condition monitoring module of the SDG MDS, performance monitoring function for major operating parameters of EDG reliability program required by Reg. guide 1.155 can be operated as on line monitoring system

  11. Produtividade, incidência de podridão-parda e danos por pragas em pêssego cultivado sob produção integrada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Louise Larissa May de Mio


    Full Text Available O sistema de produção integrada (IP é uma tecnologia que permite aumentar a segurança alimentar, diminuir a aplicação de produtos químicos e o impacto ambiental. Este trabalho comparou dois pomares de pêssego da cultivar Chimarrita, um deles sob produção integrada e o outro sob manejo convencional (CP, situados na Lapa, Paraná, Brasil. O manejo do pomar CP foi o usualmente aplicado pelos produtores locais, e o manejo IP foi o recomendado pelas Normas Brasileiras de Produção Integrada de Pêssego. Durante três safras (2002, 2003 e 2004, produtividade, calibre dos frutos, incidência de podridão parda e danos (causados por Grapholita, Anastrepha, lagartas e outras causas foram quantificados em ambos os sistemas. O número de aplicações de inseticidas e fungicidas no CP foi maior que no IP, tal qual ocorreu com a incidência de podridão-parda. Grapholita molesta, Anastrepha spp. e lagartas foram mantidas sob controle durante as três safras. A produtividade, bem como o tamanho dos frutos, foram maiores no IP, indicando as vantagens desse sistema de produção.

  12. Multi Agent System Based Adaptive Protection for Dispersed Generation Integrated Distribution Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liu, Leo; Rather, Zakir Hussain; Bak, Claus Leth


    The increasing penetration of dispersed generation (DG) brings challenges to conventional protection approaches of distribution system, mainly due to bi-directional power flow and variable fault current contribution from different generation technology-based DG units. Moreover, the trend......) is proposed. The adaptive protection intelligently adopts suitable settings for the variation of fault current from diversified DG units. Furthermore, the structure of mobile MAS with additional flexibility is capable of adapting the changes of system topology in a short period, e.g. radial/meshed, grid...

  13. Next Generation Nuclear Plant System Requirements Manual

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Not Listed


    System Requirements Manual for the NGNP Project. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 (H.R. 6; EPAct), which was signed into law by President George W. Bush in August 2005, required the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to establish a project to be known as the Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) Project. According to the EPAct, the NGNP Project shall consist of the research, development, design, construction, and operation of a prototype plant (to be referred to herein as the NGNP) that (1) includes a nuclear reactor based on the research and development (R and D) activities supported by the Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems initiative, and (2) shall be used to generate electricity, to produce hydrogen, or to both generate electricity and produce hydrogen. The NGNP Project supports both the national need to develop safe, clean, economical nuclear energy and the Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative (NHI), which has the goal of establishing greenhouse-gas-free technologies for the production of hydrogen. The DOE has selected the helium-cooled High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (HTGR) as the reactor concept to be used for the NGNP because it is the only near-term Generation IV concept that has the capability to provide process heat at high-enough temperatures for highly efficient production of hydrogen. The EPAct also names the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), the DOE's lead national laboratory for nuclear energy research, as the site for the prototype NGNP

  14. Solar photovoltaic power generation system and understanding of green energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoo, Chun Sik


    This book introduces sunlight generation system and green energy, which includes new and renewable energy such as photovoltaic power generation, solar thermal, wind power, bio energy, waste energy, geothermal energy, ocean energy and fuel cell photovoltaic industry like summary, technology trend, market trend, development strategy of the industry in Korea, and other countries, design of photovoltaic power generation system supporting policy and related business of new and renewable energy.

  15. Protective, Modular Wave Power Generation System

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vvedensky, Jane M.; Park, Robert Y.


    The concept of small wave energy conversion modules that can be built into large, scalable arrays, in the same vein as solar panels, has been developed. This innovation lends itself to an organic business and development model, and enables the use of large-run manufacturing technology to reduce system costs. The first prototype module has been built to full-scale, and tested in a laboratory wave channel. The device has been shown to generate electricity and dissipate wave energy. Improvements need to be made to the electrical generator and a demonstration of an array of modules should be made in natural conditions.

  16. Apple biological and physiological disorders in the orchard and in postharvest according to production system Distúrbios biológicos e fisiológicos no pomar e na pós-colheita de maçãs em função do sistema de produção

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Roberto Martins


    Full Text Available The study aimed to evaluate the incidence of biological and physiological disorders in the field and postharvested apples cvs. Gala, Fuji and Catarina grown in four production systems: conventional, organic transition, integrated and organic. Apples were evaluated for damages related to biological and physiological disorders in the orchard and after harvest. The greatest damages were attributed to pests, especially Anastrepha fraterculus in the organic system and Grapholita molesta in the organic transition. Apples produced in organic orchards had higher damage levels caused by postharvest physiological disorders than those grown in other production systems. For apples becoming from organic orchards most of the damage was due to lenticels breakdown and degeneration ('Gala', and bitter pit ('Fuji' and 'Catarina'. The incidence of postharvest rot was not influenced by apple production system.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a ocorrência de distúrbios biológicos e fisiológicos, tanto em nível de campo como em pós-colheita, de maçãs 'Gala', 'Fuji' e 'Catarina', produzidas em pomares conduzidos em quatro sistemas de produção: convencional, transição convencional-orgânico, integrado e orgânico. As maçãs foram avaliadas quanto à presença de danos ocasionados por distúrbios biológicos e fisiológicos no pomar e em pós-colheita. Os maiores danos foram atribuídos às pragas, principalmente à Anastrepha fraterculus em sistema orgânico e à Grapholita molesta em sistema de transição convencional-orgânico. As maçãs produzidas em sistema orgânico tiveram maiores danos em pós-colheita ocasionados por distúrbios fisiológicos do que as dos demais sistemas de produção. Nas frutas produzidas em sistema orgânico, os danos, em sua maioria foram com degenerescência e depressão lenticelar para a cv. Gala, e bitter pit para as cvs. Fuji e Catarina. A incidência de podridões pós-colheita não foi influenciada pelo sistema de

  17. Technology Road-map Update for Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Technology Road-map Update provides an assessment of progress made by the Generation IV International Forum (GIF) in the development of the six systems selected when the original Technology Road-map was published in 2002. More importantly, it provides an overview of the major R and D objectives and milestones for the coming decade, aiming to achieve the Generation IV goals of sustainability, safety and reliability, economic competitiveness, proliferation resistance and physical protection. Lessons learnt from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident are taken into account to ensure that Generation IV systems attain the highest levels of safety, with the development of specific safety design criteria that are applicable across the six systems. Accomplishing the ten-year R and D objectives set out in this new Road-map should allow the more advanced Generation IV systems to move towards the demonstration phase. (authors)

  18. Net energy analysis of different electricity generation systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document is a report on the net energy analysis of nuclear power and other electricity generation systems. The main objectives of this document are: To provide a comprehensive review of the state of knowledge on net energy analysis of nuclear and other energy systems for electricity generation; to address traditional questions such as whether nuclear power is a net energy producer or not. In addition, the work in progress on a renewed application of the net energy analysis method to environmental issues is also discussed. It is expected that this work could contribute to the overall comparative assessment of different energy systems which is an ongoing activity at the IAEA. 167 refs, 9 figs, 5 tabs

  19. On-Line Generation and Arming of System Protection Schemes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Andreas Søndergaard; Blanke, Mogens; Møller, Jakob Glarbo


    This paper presents a new method to automatically generate system protection schemes in real-time, where contingencies are filtered using a method providing N– 1 system snapshots. With future power systems consisting largely of renewable distributed generation with time-varying production, highly....... The method is based on a recently proposed method of calculating post-contingency Thevenin equivalents, which are used to assess the security of the post-contingency condition. The contingencies that violate the emergency limits are contained by pre-determining event-based remedial actions. The instability...

  20. High-power density miniscale power generation and energy harvesting systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lyshevski, Sergey Edward [Department of Electrical and Microelectronics Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY 14623-5603 (United States)


    This paper reports design, analysis, evaluations and characterization of miniscale self-sustained power generation systems. Our ultimate objective is to guarantee highly-efficient mechanical-to-electrical energy conversion, ensure premier wind- or hydro-energy harvesting capabilities, enable electric machinery and power electronics solutions, stabilize output voltage, etc. By performing the advanced scalable power generation system design, we enable miniscale energy sources and energy harvesting technologies. The proposed systems integrate: (1) turbine which rotates a radial- or axial-topology permanent-magnet synchronous generator at variable angular velocity depending on flow rate, speed and load, and, (2) power electronic module with controllable rectifier, soft-switching converter and energy storage stages. These scalable energy systems can be utilized as miniscale auxiliary and self-sustained power units in various applications, such as, aerospace, automotive, biotechnology, biomedical, and marine. The proposed systems uniquely suit various submersible and harsh environment applications. Due to operation in dynamic rapidly-changing envelopes (variable speed, load changes, etc.), sound solutions are researched, proposed and verified. We focus on enabling system organizations utilizing advanced developments for various components, such as generators, converters, and energy storage. Basic, applied and experimental findings are reported. The prototypes of integrated power generation systems were tested, characterized and evaluated. It is documented that high-power density, high efficiency, robustness and other enabling capabilities are achieved. The results and solutions are scalable from micro ({proportional_to}100 {mu}W) to medium ({proportional_to}100 kW) and heavy-duty (sub-megawatt) auxiliary and power systems. (author)

  1. [Multimag-M magnetotherapy system of the new generation]. (United States)

    Borisov, A G; Grigor'ev, E M; Gurzhin, S G; Zhulev, V I; Kriakov, V G; Proshin, E M


    The Multimag-M microprocessor chronomagne-totherapy system of the new generation is described. The system provides on-line diagnosis of the pulse parameters and the breathing rate during a biotechnical feedback session. The requirements to the system software, as well as its specific features and design principles, are considered.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Margarida Zanbotto Ramalho


    Full Text Available A Mata Atlântica vem sendo alvo de biopirataria e coleta predatória de plantas ornamentais como orquídeas que alcançam um alto valor de mercado em função das características estéticas e beleza cênica. O Parque Natural Dom Nivaldo Monte é um fragmento de Mata Atlântica de 64 ha, inserido na Zona de Proteção Ambiental-1 (ZPA-1 do município de Natal, que vem sendo alvo deste mercado ilegal devido à extração vegetal da Cattleya granulosa, uma orquídea endêmica ameaçada de extinção. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é valorar economicamente o dano ambiental ocasionado pela extração ilegal da orquídea C. granulosa. A metodologia utilizada na pesquisa contemplou as seguintes etapas: levantamento amostral da orquídea na área em estudo; cálculo de densidade e freqüência absolutas; valoração econômica do dano ambiental associado à extração indevida; proposição de políticas públicas. Como resultado, foi observada uma densidade de 1,17 indivíduos/parcela e freqüência absoluta de 8,33%, sendo estimando 1493 indivíduos no Parque, durante o período analisado. Os serviços ambientais oferecidos por todos os indivíduos de C. granulosa a sociedade, na área estudada, representa monetariamente um valor de R$ 9.555.200,00. Assim, para manutenção destes serviços propõem-se como políticas públicas municipais para preservação da espécie: aumento da fiscalização na área, educação ambiental com a comunidade circunvizinha, cobrança de indenização ao infrator, investir na interligação da ZPA-1 com a ZPA -3 a fim de propiciar fluxo gênico entre estes fragmentos, assim como incentivar a utilização técnicas de biotecnologia vegetal como a micropropagação de clones e semeadura in vitro para reintrodução na natureza.

  3. Application of automated reasoning software: procedure generation system verifier

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, D.E.; Seeman, S.E.


    An on-line, automated reasoning software system for verifying the actions of other software or human control systems has been developed. It was demonstrated by verifying the actions of an automated procedure generation system. The verifier uses an interactive theorem prover as its inference engine with the rules included as logic axioms. Operation of the verifier is generally transparent except when the verifier disagrees with the actions of the monitored software. Testing with an automated procedure generation system demonstrates the successful application of automated reasoning software for verification of logical actions in a diverse, redundant manner. A higher degree of confidence may be placed in the verified actions gathered by the combined system

  4. Multi-Generation Concentrating Solar-Hydrogen Power System for Sustainable Rural Development

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krothapalli, A.; Greska, B.


    This paper describes an energy system that is designed to meet the demands of rural populations that currently have no access to grid-connected electricity. Besides electricity, it is well recognized that rural populations need at least a centralized refrigeration system for storage of medicines and other emergency supplies, as well as safe drinking water. Here we propose a district system that will employ a multi-generation concentrated solar power (CSP) system that will generate electricity and supply the heat needed for both absorption refrigeration and membrane distillation (MD) water purification. The electricity will be used to generate hydrogen through highly efficient water electrolysis and individual households can use the hydrogen for generating electricity, via affordable proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells, and as a fuel for cooking. The multi-generation system is being developed such that its components will be easy to manufacture and maintain. As a result, these components will be less efficient than their typical counterparts but their low cost-to-efficiency ratio will allow for us to meet our installation cost goal of $1/Watt for the entire system. The objective of this paper is to introduce the system concept and discuss the system components that are currently under development. (auth)

  5. Practical system for generating digital mixed reality video holograms. (United States)

    Song, Joongseok; Kim, Changseob; Park, Hanhoon; Park, Jong-Il


    We propose a practical system that can effectively mix the depth data of real and virtual objects by using a Z buffer and can quickly generate digital mixed reality video holograms by using multiple graphic processing units (GPUs). In an experiment, we verify that real objects and virtual objects can be merged naturally in free viewing angles, and the occlusion problem is well handled. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the proposed system can generate mixed reality video holograms at 7.6 frames per second. Finally, the system performance is objectively verified by users' subjective evaluations.

  6. Control and operation of distributed generation in distribution systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mahat, Pukar; Chen, Zhe; Bak-Jensen, Birgitte


    Many distribution systems nowadays have significant penetration of distributed generation (DG)and thus, islanding operation of these distribution systems is becoming a viable option for economical and technical reasons. The DG should operate optimally during both grid-connected and island...... algorithm, which uses average rate of change off requency (Af5) and real power shift RPS), in the islanded mode. RPS will increase or decrease the power set point of the generator with increasing or decreasing system frequency, respectively. Simulation results show that the proposed method can operate...

  7. FEM Simulation of Small Wind Power Generating System Using PMSG (United States)

    Kesamaru, Katsumi; Ohno, Yoshihiro; Sonoda, Daisuke

    The paper describes a new approach to simulate the small wind power generating systems using PMSG, in which the output is connected to constant resistive load, such as heaters, through the rectifier and the dc chopper. The dynamics of the wind power generating system is presented, and it is shown by simulation results that this approach is useful for system dynamics, such as starting phenomena.

  8. Development of a novel cascading TPV and TE power generation system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qiu, K.; Hayden, A.C.S.


    Highlights: ► A novel cascading thermophotovoltaic (TPV) and thermoelectric (TE) power generation system is proposed and developed. ► The used heat stream is taken from the TPV and applied to the input of a TE converter in the system. ► A prototype was built and tested where GaSb TPV cells and PbSnTe-based TE converter were used. ► The TPV cells generate 123.5 We whereas the TE converter generates 306.2 We in the prototype. ► It is shown the cascading power generation is feasible in fuel-fired furnaces and can be applied to micro-CHP. -- Abstract: Thermophotovoltaic (TPV) cells can convert infrared radiation into electricity. They open up possibilities for silent and stand-alone power production in fuel-fired heating equipment. Similarly, thermoelectric (TE) devices convert thermal energy directly into electricity with no moving parts. However, TE devices have relatively low efficiency for electric power generation. In this study, the concept of cascading TPV and TE power generation was developed where the used heat stream is taken from the TPV and applied to the input of a TE converter. A prototype cascading TPV and TE generation system was built and tested. GaSb TPV cells and an integrated semiconductor TE converter were used in the cascading power system. The electric output characteristics of the TPV cells and the TE converter have been investigated in the power generation system at various operating conditions. Experimental results show that the cascading power generation is feasible and has the potential for certain applications.

  9. Using natural gas generation to improve power system efficiency in China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu, Junfeng; Kwok, Gabe; Xuan, Wang; Williams, James H.; Kahrl, Fredrich


    China's electricity sector faces the challenge of managing cost increases, improving reliability, and reducing its environmental footprint even as operating conditions become more complex due to increasing renewable penetration, growing peak demand, and falling system load factors. Addressing these challenges will require changes in how power generation is planned, priced, and dispatched in China. This is especially true for natural gas generation, which is likely to play an important role in power systems worldwide as a flexible generation resource. Although natural gas is commonly perceived to be economically uncompetitive with coal in China, these perceptions are based on analysis that fails to account for the different roles that natural gas generation plays in power systems—baseload, load following, and peaking generation. Our analysis shows that natural gas generation is already cost-effective for meeting peak demand in China, resulting in improved capacity factors and heat rates for coal-fired generators and lower system costs. We find that the largest barrier to using natural gas for peaking generation in China is generation pricing, which could be addressed through modest reforms to support low capacity factor generation. - Highlights: • Using gas generation as a “capacity resource” in China could have multiple benefits. • Benefits include lower total costs, improved efficiency for coal generators. • Price reforms needed to support low capacity factor generation in China

  10. Nuclear excited power generation system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parker, R.Z.; Cox, J.D.


    A power generation system is described, comprising: a gaseous core nuclear reactor; means for passing helium through the reactor, the helium being excited and forming alpha particles by high frequency radiation from the core of the gaseous core nuclear reactor; a reaction chamber; means for coupling chlorine and hydrogen to the reaction chamber, the helium and alpha particles energizing the chlorine and hydrogen to form a high temperature, high pressure hydrogen chloride plasma; means for converting the plasma to electromechanical energy; means for coupling the helium back to the gaseous core nuclear reactor; and means for disassociating the hydrogen chloride to form molecular hydrogen and chlorine, to be coupled back to the reaction chamber in a closed loop. The patent also describes a power generation system comprising: a gaseous core nuclear reactor; means for passing hydrogen through the reactor, the hydrogen being excited by high frequency radiation from the core; means for coupling chlorine to a reaction chamber, the hydrogen energizing the chlorine in the chamber to form a high temperature, high pressure hydrogen chloride plasma; means for converting the plasma to electromechanical energy; means for disassociating the hydrogen chloride to form molecular hydrogen and chlorine, and means for coupling the hydrogen back to the gaseous core nuclear reactor in a closed loop

  11. Control of hybrid fuel cell/energy storage distributed generation system against voltage sag

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hajizadeh, Amin; Golkar, Masoud Aliakbar [Electrical Engineering Department, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Seyedkhandan, Dr. Shariati Ave, P.O. Box 16315-1355, Tehran (Iran)


    Fuel cell (FC) and energy storage (ES) based hybrid distributed power generation systems appear to be very promising for satisfying high energy and high power requirements of power quality problems in distributed generation (DG) systems. In this study, design of control strategy for hybrid fuel cell/energy storage distributed power generation system during voltage sag has been presented. The proposed control strategy allows hybrid distributed generation system works properly when a voltage disturbance occurs in distribution system and hybrid system stays connected to the main grid. Hence, modeling, controller design, and simulation study of a hybrid distributed generation system are investigated. The physical model of the fuel cell stack, energy storage and the models of power conditioning units are described. Then the control design methodology for each component of the hybrid system is proposed. Simulation results are given to show the overall system performance including active power control and voltage sag ride-through capability of the hybrid distributed generation system. (author)

  12. O dano moral no âmbito do direito de família: filhos de pais separados

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    Adauto de Almeida Tomaszewski


    parent’s children are agressivity, hasty, anxious and concentrating problems in the subjects. In addition, they get all kind of sickness and pains like headaches, stomackaches and even diabet. All of this, is a result of the insecurity feeling before the troubled separation process. Finally, thinking about all the problems involved in the divorce, and mainly that the mensal contribution is not enough to cover the children and the teens emotional treatments, it has been requisiting a indenization to compensate the negative effects that some separations can cause to divorced parent’s descendants. This can be done through a repair like moral damage.A personalidade em formação pode sofrer danos irreversíveis ou de difícil reversão ante fatos como as separações conjugais traumáticas. Elas causam aos filhos menores de casais que passam por isto uma enorme amargura. Estas apresentam geralmente, um quadro de somatização, manifestações do inconsciente, quadros clínicos, dificuldades de socialização. A pensão alimentícia, atualmente único remédio jurídico, não tem como proporcionar o conforto emocional e a segurança que só o convívio com os pais pode transmitir aos filhos. São vários os casos encontrados na psicanálise, motivados por eventos marcantes no período infanto-juvenil. Muitos demandam tratamento especializado. Verifica-se que os dois primeiros anos após a separação são os mais difíceis e as crianças em fase escolar, a partir de 6 a 7 anos, são as que apresentam maiores dificuldades de relacionamento. Os sintomas apresentados são a impulsividade, a agressividade e dificuldades na escola. Como a pensão alimentícia não tem o condão de abranger todos estes particulares, visualiza-se a possibilidade de se compensar os efeitos negativos que algumas separações conjugais trazem aos filhos, mediante o pagamento de indenização a título de danos morais.

  13. Radioisotope thermoelectric generator load and unload sequence from the licensed hardware package system and the trailer system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reilly, M.A.


    The Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator Transportation System, designated as System 100, comprises four major systems. The four major systems are designated as the Packaging System (System 120), Trailer System (System 140), Operations and Ancillary Equipment System (System 160), including the Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator Transportation System packaging is licensed (regularoty) hardware, certified by the U.S. Department of Energy to be in accordance with Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10 CFR 71). System 140, System 160, and System 180 are nonlicensed (nonregulatory) hardware. This paper focuses on the required interfaces and sequencing of events required by these systems and the shipping and receiving facilities in preparation of the Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator for space flight. copyright 1995 American Institute of Physics

  14. A Comparison of Electricity Generation System Sustainability among G20 Countries

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    Jinchao Li


    Full Text Available Planning for electricity generation systems is a very important task and should take environmental and economic factors into account. This paper reviews the existing metrics and methods in evaluating energy sustainability, and we propose a sustainability assessment index system. The input indexes include generation capacity, generation cost, and land use. The output indexes include desirable and undesirable parts. The desirable outputs are total electricity generation and job creation. The undesirable outputs are external supply risk and external costs associated with the environment and health. The super-efficiency data envelopment analysis method is used to calculate the sustainability of electricity generation systems of 23 countries from 2005 to 2014. The three input indexes and three undesirable output indexes are used as the input variables. The two desirable outputs are used as the output variables. The results show that most countries’ electricity generation sustainability values have decreasing trends. In addition, nuclear and hydro generation have positive effects. Solar, wind, and fossil fuel generation have negative effects on sustainability.

  15. Caracterización geomorfológica de las dunas longitudinales del Istmo de Médanos, estado Falcón, Venezuela

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ronna Camacho


    Full Text Available El trabajo analiza la geomorfología de dunas costeras longitudinales del Istmo de Médanos, costa noroccidental de Venezuela. La metodología consistió en consultas bibliográficas, cartográficas, fotogramétricas y satelitales, trabajos de campo y análisis sedimentológico. Los resultados indican que estas dunas están compuestas por arenas de grano fino en un 84.6%, muy bien seleccionadas en más del 60%, principalmente subangulares, con asimetría negativa predominante, distribución leptocurtica, y bajo contenido de carbonato de calcio cercano al 10%. Los datos sugieren que los sedimentos son de origen terrígeno y escasa distancia de transporte hasta el lugar de acumulación. Los vientos predominantes actuales son del noreste, con componentes direccionales secundarios que retrabajan los sedimentos generando dunas transversales, barcanas y longitudinales; las dunas longitudinales son paralelas a la dirección del viento y se presentan colonizadas por vegetación xerofítica favorecida por la inactividad de las mismas. Estas dunas se originaron probablemente por una conjunción de factores como: disponibilidad de sedimentos en una amplia llanura costera relacionada con un nivel marino regresivo, vientos fuertes y persistentes, orientación oblicua de la costa respecto a la dirección del viento, una topografía continental favorable adyacente a la playa, bajo condiciones climáticas distintas a las actuales.

  16. Tidal Energy System for On-Shore Power Generation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bruce, Allan J


    Addressing the urgent need to develop LCOE competitive renewable energy solutions for US energy security and to replace fossil-fuel generation with the associated benefits to environment impacts including a reduction in CO2 emissions, this Project focused on the advantages of using hydraulic energy transfer (HET) in large-scale Marine Hydrokinetic (MHK) systems for harvesting off-shore tidal energy in US waters. A recent DOE resource assessment, identifies water power resources have a potential to meet 15% of the US electric supply by 2030, with MHK technologies being a major component. The work covered a TRL-4 laboratory proof-in-concept demonstration plus modeling of a 15MW full scale system based on an approach patented by NASA-JPL, in which submerged high-ratio gearboxes and electrical generators in conventional MHK turbine systems are replaced by a submerged hydraulic radial pump coupled to on-shore hydraulic motors driving a generator. The advantages are; first, the mean-time-between-failure (MTBF), or maintenance, can be extended from approximately 1 to 5 years and second, the range of tidal flow speeds which can be efficiently harvested can be extended beyond that of a conventional submerged generator. The approach uses scalable, commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components, facilitating scale-up and commercialization. All the objectives of the Project have been successfully met (1) A TRL4 system was designed, constructed and tested. It simulates a tidal energy turbine, with a 2-m diameter blade in up to a 2.9 m/sec flow. The system consists of a drive motor assembly providing appropriate torque and RPM, attached to a radial piston pump. The pump circulates pressurized, environmentally-friendly, HEES hydraulic fluid in a closed loop to an axial piston motor which drives an electrical generator, with a resistive load. The performance of the components, subsystems and system were evaluated during simulated tidal cycles. The pump is contained in a tank for

  17. Pulsed high-pressure (PHP) drain-down of steam generating system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petrusek, R.A.


    This patent describes an improved method of draining down contained reactor-coolant water from the inverted vertical U-tubes of at least one vertical-type steam generator in which the upper inverted U-shaped ends of the tubes are closed and the lower ends thereof are open, the steam generator having a channel head at its lower end including a vertical dividing wall defining a primary water inlet side and a primary water outlet side of the generator, the steam generator having chemical volume control system means and residual heat removal system means, and the steam generator being part of a nuclear-powered steam generating system wherein the reactor-coolant water is normally circulated from and back into the reactor via a loop comprising the steam generator and inlet and outlet conduits connected to the lower end of the steam generator, and the reactor being in communication with pressurizer means and comprising the steps of introducing a gas which is inert to the system and which is under pressure above atmospheric pressure into at least one of the downwardly facing open ends of each of the U-tubes from below the tubesheet in which the open ends of the U-tubes are mounted adjacent the lower end of the steam generator while permitting the water to flow out from the open ends of the U-tubes, the improvement in combination therewith for substantially increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of such water removal from the tubes. It includes determining the parameters effecting a first average volumetric rate of removal for a predetermined period of time, infra, of the reactor-coolant water from the inverted vertical U-tubes, the specific unit for the first average volumetric rate expressing properties identical with the properties expressed in a second average volumetric rate maintained in a later mentioned step

  18. Efficiency Analysis of a Wave Power Generation System by Using Multibody Dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Min Soo; Sohn, Jeong Hyun; Kim, Jung Hee; Sung, Yong Jun


    The energy absorption efficiency of a wave power generation system is calculated as the ratio of the wave power to the power of the system. Because absorption efficiency depends on the dynamic behavior of the wave power generation system, a dynamic analysis of the wave power generation system is required to estimate the energy absorption efficiency of the system. In this study, a dynamic analysis of the wave power generation system under wave loads is performed to estimate the energy absorption efficiency. RecurDyn is employed to carry out the dynamic analysis of the system, and the Morison equation is used for the wave load model. According to the results, the lower the wave height and the shorter the period, the higher is the absorption efficiency of the system

  19. Efficiency Analysis of a Wave Power Generation System by Using Multibody Dynamics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Min Soo; Sohn, Jeong Hyun [Pukyong National Univ., Busan (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Jung Hee; Sung, Yong Jun [INGINE Inc., Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    The energy absorption efficiency of a wave power generation system is calculated as the ratio of the wave power to the power of the system. Because absorption efficiency depends on the dynamic behavior of the wave power generation system, a dynamic analysis of the wave power generation system is required to estimate the energy absorption efficiency of the system. In this study, a dynamic analysis of the wave power generation system under wave loads is performed to estimate the energy absorption efficiency. RecurDyn is employed to carry out the dynamic analysis of the system, and the Morison equation is used for the wave load model. According to the results, the lower the wave height and the shorter the period, the higher is the absorption efficiency of the system.

  20. Thermodynamic assessment of integrated biogas-based micro-power generation system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hosseini, Seyed Ehsan; Barzegaravval, Hasan; Wahid, Mazlan Abdul; Ganjehkaviri, Abdolsaeid; Sies, Mohsin Mohd


    Highlights: • A thermodynamic modelling of an integrated biogas-based micro-power generation system is reported. • The impact of design parameters on the thermodynamic performance of the system is evaluated. • High turbine inlet temperatures lead the system to the higher energy and exergy efficiency and higher power generation. • Enhancement of GT isentropic efficiency incurs negative effects on the performance of air preheater and heat exchanger. • The rate of power generation increases by the enhancement of steam turbine pressure in ORC. - Abstract: In this paper, a thermodynamic modelling of an integrated biogas (60%CH_4 + 40%CO_2) micro-power generation system for electricity generation is reported. This system involves a gas turbine cycle and organic Rankine cycle (ORC) where the wasted heat of gas turbine cycle is recovered by closed ORC. The net output power of the micro-power generation system is fixed at 1.4 MW includes 1 MW power generated by GT and 0.4 MW by ORC. Energy and exergy assessments and related parametric studies are carried out, and parameters that influence on energy and exergy efficiency are evaluated. The performance of the system with respect to variation of design parameters such as combustion air inlet temperature, turbine inlet temperature, compressor pressure ratio, gas turbine isentropic efficiency and compressor isentropic efficiency (from the top cycle) and steam turbine inlet pressure, and condenser pressure (from bottoming cycle) is evaluated. The results reveal that by the increase of gas turbine isentropic efficiency, the outlet temperature of gas turbine decreases which incurs negative impacts on the performance of air preheater and heat exchanger, however the energy and exergy efficiency increases in the whole system. By the increase of air compressor pressure ratio, the energy and exergy of the combined cycle decreases. The exergy efficiency of ORC alters by the variation of gas turbine parameters which can be

  1. Report on demonstrative research on photovoltaic power generation system in Myanmar. Appendices

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    With an objective of installation and demonstrative operation in Myanmar of a power generation system combining a small-scale photovoltaic power generation system, a wind power generation system, and a diesel generator, research and development is being made under a six year plan starting in 1999 and ending in 2004. This paper compiles the appendices related thereto. Collected for the climatic observation are the insolation data and wind velocity data in Chaungthar, and the insolation graph in both of Chaungthar and Lethokekone. Furthermore, materials for selection and decision on the installation location, and design materials for a hybrid power generation system were collected. Collected for procurement, construction, and installation of devices and facilities include test data for the diesel generator, drawings for the power generation control panel, test operation report, bill of lading for the diesel generator, a completion certificate of the diesel generator building, photographs of the building, a certificate of completion of installation of the diesel generator, photographs taken during the installation work, a certificate of completion of power transmission cable installation, photographs of the installation works, and the operation manual for the diesel engine. (NEDO)

  2. System Dynamics Simulation of Large-Scale Generation System for Designing Wind Power Policy in China

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Linna Hou


    Full Text Available This paper focuses on the impacts of renewable energy policy on a large-scale power generation system, including thermal power, hydropower, and wind power generation. As one of the most important clean energy, wind energy has been rapidly developed in the world. But in recent years there is a serious waste of wind power equipment and investment in China leading to many problems in the industry from wind power planning to its integration. One way overcoming the difficulty is to analyze the influence of wind power policy on a generation system. This paper builds a system dynamics (SD model of energy generation to simulate the results of wind energy generation policies based on a complex system. And scenario analysis method is used to compare the effectiveness and efficiency of these policies. The case study shows that the combinations of lower portfolio goal and higher benchmark price and those of higher portfolio goal and lower benchmark price have large differences in both effectiveness and efficiency. On the other hand, the combinations of uniformly lower or higher portfolio goal and benchmark price have similar efficiency, but different effectiveness. Finally, an optimal policy combination can be chosen on the basis of policy analysis in the large-scale power system.

  3. Expansion planning for electrical generating systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The guidebook outlines the general principles of electric power system planning in the context of energy and economic planning in general. It describes the complexities of electric system expansion planning that are due to the time dependence of the problem and the interrelation between the main components of the electric system (generation, transmission and distribution). Load forecasting methods are discussed and the principal models currently used for electric system expansion planning presented. Technical and economic information on power plants is given. Constraints imposed on power system planning by plant characteristics (particularly nuclear power plants) are discussed, as well as factors such as transmission system development, environmental considerations, availability of manpower and financial resources that may affect the proposed plan. A bibliography supplements the references that appear in each chapter, and a comprehensive glossary defines terms used in the guidebook

  4. Semiconductor-machine system for controlling excitation of synchronous medium power generators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vrtikapa, G


    A system for controlling excitation (ARP-29/1) is described which was developed at the ''Nikola Tesla'' institute (Czechoslavakia) for rebuilding the Zvornik hydroelectric plant with 30 MV X A units. The system corresponds to the modern level of automation and considers positive characteristics of existing equipment, it is easily included in a technological process, has small dimensions and is easily installed during overhaul of a electric generating plant, and it allows one to obtain good economic results. Two years of use have confirmed the high reliability and quality of the excitation. The excitation control system consists of synchronous motor, excitation system, automatic control of voltage, manual control of excitation unit, unit for automatic following and switching, relay automatic device with protection and warning. The excitation system of the generator has: thyristor rectifier, thyristor converter, a bridge with thyristor control unit, machine excitation generator, switch for demagnetization. The excitation system is supplied from an electric power network or from a three phase generator with permanent magnets.

  5. Converters for Distributed Power Generation Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blaabjerg, Frede; Yang, Yongheng


    Power electronics technology has become the enabling technology for the integration of distributed power generation systems (DPGS) such as offshore wind turbine power systems and commercial photovoltaic power plants. Depending on the applications, a vast array of DPGS-based power converter...... topologies has been developed and more are coming into the market in order to achieve an efficient and reliable power conversion from the renewables. In addition, stringent demands from both the distribution system operators and the consumers have been imposed on the renewable-based DPGS. This article...... presents an overview of the power converters for the DPGS, mainly based on wind turbine systems and photovoltaic systems, covering a wide range of applications. Moreover, the modulation schemes and interfacing power filters for the power converters are also exemplified. Finally, the general control...

  6. Cold weather hydrogen generation system and method of operation (United States)

    Dreier, Ken Wayne; Kowalski, Michael Thomas; Porter, Stephen Charles; Chow, Oscar Ken; Borland, Nicholas Paul; Goyette, Stephen Arthur


    A system for providing hydrogen gas is provided. The system includes a hydrogen generator that produces gas from water. One or more heat generation devices are arranged to provide heating of the enclosure during different modes of operation to prevent freezing of components. A plurality of temperature sensors are arranged and coupled to a controller to selectively activate a heat source if the temperature of the component is less than a predetermined temperature.

  7. How to Generate Security Cameras: Towards Defence Generation for Socio-Technical Systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gadyatskaya, Olga


    Recently security researchers have started to look into automated generation of attack trees from socio-technical system models. The obvious next step in this trend of automated risk analysis is automating the selection of security controls to treat the detected threats. However, the existing

  8. Energy system analysis of fuel cells and distributed generation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mathiesen, Brian Vad; Lund, Henrik


    This chapter introduces Energy System Analysis methodologies and tools, which can be used for identifying the best application of different Fuel Cell (FC) technologies to different regional or national energy systems. The main point is that the benefits of using FC technologies indeed depend...... on the energy system in which they are used. Consequently, coherent energy systems analyses of specific and complete energy systems must be conducted in order to evaluate the benefits of FC technologies and in order to be able to compare alternative solutions. In relation to distributed generation, FC...... technologies are very often connected to the use of hydrogen, which has to be provided e.g. from electrolysers. Decentralised and distributed generation has the possibility of improving the overall energy efficiency and flexibility of energy systems. Therefore, energy system analysis tools and methodologies...

  9. Modular sludge collection system for a nuclear steam generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Appleman, R.H.; Bein, J.D.; Powasaki, F.S.


    A sludge collection system is described for a vertically oriented nuclear steam generator wherein vapors produced in the steam generator pass through means for separating entrained liquid from the vapor prior to the vapor being discharged from the steam generator. The sludge collection system comprises: an upwardly open chamber for collecting the separated liquid and feedwater entering the steam generator; upwardly open sludge collecting containers positioned within the chamber, wherein each of the containers includes a top rim encompassing an opening leading to the interior of each container; generally flat, perforated covers, each of the covers being positioned over one of the openings such that a gap is formed between the cover and the adjacent top rim; sludge agitating means on at least one of the containers; and sludge removal means on at least one of the containers

  10. Rechargeable sup(99)MO/sup(99m)TC generator system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thornton, A.K.; Cerone, F.E.


    A rechargeable radioisotope generator system is described in which the transfer of the parent isotope, molybdenum 99, can be affected safely and easily. Part of the system consists of a shielded shipping vial for the parent isotope. The generator consists of an alumina column upon which molybdenum 99 may be adsorbed and from which technetium 99m may be eluted. The generator is shipped as a cold package to the user and is charged as needed. A transfer mechanism is incorporated in the shipping shield, which allows the septum of the vial to be pierced and the contents to be transferred to the generator essentially automatically. (LL)

  11. Optimum capacity determination of stand-alone hybrid generation system considering cost and reliability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Hung-Cheng


    Highlights: ► This paper presents a methodology for the installation capacity optimization. ► Hybrid generation system is optimized by application of adaptive genetic algorithm. ► A cost investigation is made under various conditions and component characteristics. ► The optimization scheme is validated to meet the annual power load demand. -- Abstract: The aim of this work is to present an optimization methodology for the installation capacity of a stand-alone hybrid generation system, taking into consideration the cost and reliability. Firstly, on the basis of derived steady state models of a wind generator (WG), a photovoltaic array (PV), a battery and an inverter, the hybrid generation system is modeled for the purpose of capacity optimization. Secondly, the power system is analyzed for determining both the system structure and the operation control strategy. Thirdly, according to hourly weather database of wind speed, temperature and solar irradiation, annual power generation capacity is estimated for the system match design in order that an annual power load demand can be met. The capacity determination of a hybrid generation system becomes complicated as a result of the uncertainty in the renewable energy together with load demand and the nonlinearity of system components. Aimed at the power system reliability and the cost minimization, the capacity of a hybrid generation system is optimized by application of an adaptive genetic algorithm (AGA) to individual power generation units. A total cost investigation is made under various conditions, such as wind generator power curves, battery discharge depth and the loss of load probability (LOLP). At the end of this work, the capacity of a hybrid generation system is optimized at two installation sites, namely the offshore Orchid Island and Wuchi in Taiwan. The optimization scheme is validated to optimize power capacities of a photovoltaic array, a battery and a wind turbine generator with a relative

  12. Implantable power generation system utilizing muscle contractions excited by electrical stimulation. (United States)

    Sahara, Genta; Hijikata, Wataru; Tomioka, Kota; Shinshi, Tadahiko


    An implantable power generation system driven by muscle contractions for supplying power to active implantable medical devices, such as pacemakers and neurostimulators, is proposed. In this system, a muscle is intentionally contracted by an electrical stimulation in accordance with the demands of the active implantable medical device for electrical power. The proposed system, which comprises a small electromagnetic induction generator, electrodes with an electrical circuit for stimulation and a transmission device to convert the linear motion of the muscle contractions into rotational motion for the magneto rotor, generates electrical energy. In an ex vivo demonstration using the gastrocnemius muscle of a toad, which was 28 mm in length and weighed 1.3 g, the electrical energy generated by the prototype exceeded the energy consumed for electrical stimulation, with the net power being 111 µW. It was demonstrated that the proposed implantable power generation system has the potential to replace implantable batteries for active implantable medical devices. © IMechE 2016.

  13. Multimegawatt disk generator system for space applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Solbes, A.; Iwata, H.


    The conceptual design of a 100 megawatt - 500 seconds disk MHD generator system suitable as a burst power source for a space based neutral particle beam (NPB) is presented. The system features two disk generators operated in the magnetic field produced by a single circular superconducting magnet. Gelled reactants are used as the energy source. The oxidizer gel includes the alkali seed. The high heat flux areas of the power train are water cooled. Heat is rejected to a hydrogen stream which is also used for cooling of the exit section. The hydrogen is also used to mitigate the effects of the exhaust products of combustion on the platform. The two disk channels are operated in parallel. A dc to dc converter consolidates the channel's output into a single 100 kilovolt dc output

  14. Hybrid system power generation'wind-photovoltaic' connected to the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Hybrid system power generation'wind-photovoltaic' connected to the ... from Hybrid System, power delivered to or from grid and phase voltage of the inverter leg. ... Renewable Energy, Electrical Network 220 kV, Hybrid System, Solar, MPPT.

  15. Limerick Nuclear Generating Station vibration monitoring system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mikulski, R.


    Philadelphia Electric Company utilizes a vibration monitoring computer system at its Limerick Nuclear Generating Station to evaluate machine performance. Performance can be evaluated through instantaneous sampling, online static and transient data. The system functions as an alarm monitor, displaying timely alarm data to the control area. The passage of time since the system's inception has been a learning period. Evaluation through continuous use has led to many enhancements in alarm handling and in the acquisition and display of machine data. Due to the system's sophistication, a routine maintenance program is a necessity. This paper describes the system's diagnostic tools and current utilization. System development and maintenance techniques will also be discussed

  16. Simulation of load-sharing in standalone distributed generation system (United States)

    Ajewole, Titus O.; Craven, Robert P. M.; Kayode, Olakunle; Babalola, Olufisayo S.


    This paper presents a study on load-sharing among the component generating units of a multi-source electric microgrid that is operated as an autonomous ac supply-mode system. Emerging trend in power system development permits deployment of microgrids for standalone or stand-by applications, thereby requiring active- and reactive power sharing among the discrete generating units contained in hybrid-source microgrids. In this study, therefore, a laboratory-scale model of a microgrid energized with three renewable energy-based sources is employed as a simulation platform to investigate power sharing among the power-generating units. Each source is represented by a source emulator that captures the real operational characteristics of the mimicked generating unit and, with implementation of real-life weather data and load profiles on the model; the sharing of the load among the generating units is investigated. There is a proportionate generation of power by the three source emulators, with their frequencies perfectly synchronized at the point of common coupling as a result of balance flow of power among them. This hybrid topology of renewable energy-based microgrid could therefore be seamlessly adapted into national energy mix by the indigenous electric utility providers in Nigeria.

  17. Modelling of control system architecture for next-generation accelerators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Shi-Yao; Kurokawa, Shin-ichi


    Functional, hardware and software system architectures define the fundamental structure of control systems. Modelling is a protocol of system architecture used in system design. This paper reviews various modellings adopted in past ten years and suggests a new modelling for next generation accelerators. (author)

  18. Electric Generator in the System for Damping Oscillations of Vehicles


    Serebryakov A.; Kamolins E.; Levin N.


    The control systems for the objects of industry, power generation, transport, etc. are extremely complicated; functional efficiency of these systems determines to a great extent the safe and non-polluting operation as well as convenience of service and repair of such objects. The authors consider the possibility to improve the efficiency of systems for damping oscillations in transport using a combination of electrical (generators of rotational and linear types) and hydraulic means. Better ef...

  19. Towards Next Generation BI Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Varga, Jovan; Romero, Oscar; Pedersen, Torben Bach


    Next generation Business Intelligence (BI) systems require integration of heterogeneous data sources and a strong user-centric orientation. Both needs entail machine-processable metadata to enable automation and allow end users to gain access to relevant data for their decision making processes....... This framework is based on the findings of a survey of current user-centric approaches mainly focusing on query recommendation assistance. Finally, we discuss the benefits of the framework and present the plans for future work....

  20. Design of fault tolerant control system for steam generator using

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Myung Ki; Seo, Mi Ro [Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)


    A controller and sensor fault tolerant system for a steam generator is designed with fuzzy logic. A structure of the proposed fault tolerant redundant system is composed of a supervisor and two fuzzy weighting modulators. A supervisor alternatively checks a controller and a sensor induced performances to identify which part, a controller or a sensor, is faulty. In order to analyze controller induced performance both an error and a change in error of the system output are chosen as fuzzy variables. The fuzzy logic for a sensor induced performance uses two variables : a deviation between two sensor outputs and its frequency. Fuzzy weighting modulator generates an output signal compensated for faulty input signal. Simulations show that the proposed fault tolerant control scheme for a steam generator regulates well water level by suppressing fault effect of either controllers or sensors. Therefore through duplicating sensors and controllers with the proposed fault tolerant scheme, both a reliability of a steam generator control and sensor system and that of a power plant increase even more. 2 refs., 9 figs., 1 tab. (Author)

  1. Smart campus: Data on energy generation costs from distributed generation systems of electrical energy in a Nigerian University. (United States)

    Okeniyi, Joshua O; Atayero, Aderemi A; Popoola, Segun I; Okeniyi, Elizabeth T; Alalade, Gbenga M


    This data article presents comparisons of energy generation costs from gas-fired turbine and diesel-powered systems of distributed generation type of electrical energy in Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria, a smart university campus driven by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Cumulative monthly data of the energy generation costs, for consumption in the institution, from the two modes electric power, which was produced at locations closed to the community consuming the energy, were recorded for the period spanning January to December 2017. By these, energy generation costs from the turbine system proceed from the gas-firing whereas the generation cost data from the diesel-powered generator also include data on maintenance cost for this mode of electrical power generation. These energy generation cost data that were presented in tables and graphs employ descriptive probability distribution and goodness-of-fit tests of statistical significance as the methods for the data detailing and comparisons. Information details from this data of energy generation costs are useful for furthering research developments and aiding energy stakeholders and decision-makers in the formulation of policies on energy generation modes, economic valuation in terms of costing and management for attaining energy-efficient/smart educational environment.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jan Gilewski


    Full Text Available The study presents issues concerning technical solutions of combined systems of energy generation which can be used primarily in low-level power plants, installed in various types of public utility sites. A detailed description is given of selected ways of powering combined energy generation systems, presenting conceptual outlines of their operation and information on their advantages, disadvantages and applications. The following systems are introduced: gas-steam, back-pressure steam turbine, extraction-condensing steam turbine, gas turbine, gas microturbine, Stirling engine, fuel cells and internal combustion piston engine. Moreover, the study addresses economic aspects of energy generation in combined systems, discussing different methodologies of cost calculation, including the one used by the European Union. The article also gives a detailed review of piston engine combined-system aggregates available in the Polish market. Type series of associated systems designed for low-power appliances are shown, produced by Polish and foreign companies such as Viessmann, Centrum Elektroniki Stosowanej CES, H. Cegielski – Poznań, KWE Technika Energetyczna, TEDOM Poland or the EPS System.

  3. Stability Enhancement of a Power System Containing High-Penetration Intermittent Renewable Generation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Morel


    Full Text Available This paper considers the transient stability enhancement of a power system containing large amounts of solar and wind generation in Japan. Following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster there has been an increasing awareness on the importance of a distributed architecture, based mainly on renewable generation, for the Japanese power system. Also, the targets of CO2 emissions can now be approached without heavily depending on nuclear generation. Large amounts of renewable generation leads to a reduction in the total inertia of the system because renewable generators are connected to the grid by power converters, and transient stability becomes a significant issue. Simulation results show that sodium-sulfur batteries can keep the system in operation and stable after strong transient disturbances, especially for an isolated system. The results also show how the reduction of the inertia in the system can be mitigated by exploiting the kinetic energy of wind turbines.

  4. Loss Minimizing Operation of Doubly Fed Induction Generator Based Wind Generation Systems Considering Reactive Power Provision

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baohua, Zhang; Hu, Weihao; Chen, Zhe


    The paper deals with control techniques for minimizing the operating loss of doubly fed induction generator based wind generation systems when providing reactive power. The proposed method achieves its goal through controlling the rotor side q-axis current in the synchronous reference frame...

  5. Subsidized project for development of technology in putting photovoltaic power generation system into practice. Report of international joint demonstrative R and D on photovoltaic power generation system; Taiyoko hatsuden system kokusai kyodo jissho kaihatsu hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The following joint researches are in progress utilizing natural conditions and social systems in Nepal, Mongolia, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam for the purpose of enhancing environmental adaptability, reliability, etc., of technologies. (1) Nepal; accelerated demonstrative research utilizing highland conditions, (2) Mongolia; demonstrative research of movable type photovoltaic power generation system, (3) Thailand; demonstrative research of photovoltaic generation system for battery-charging stations, (4) Malaysia; accelerated demonstrative research utilizing tropical conditions, and (5) Vietnam; demonstrative research of hybrid system on photovoltaic power generation and micro hydro power generation. The research assets of (1) and (3) whose researches have been finished were provided gratis for the co-researcher countries. In (5), on the basis of the geographical conditions such as annual average quantity of solar radiation, conduit for water-turbine, energy complementing relation, load demand, and degree of installation difficulty, Trang Village in Vietnam was selected, with a system decided on PV:100 kW/MH:25 kW/control system. The MH is an induction generator. The primary pieces of equipment are a generator, a storage battery, an inverter and a system control panel. (NEDO)

  6. Mini Solar and Sea Current Power Generation System (United States)

    Almenhali, Abdulrahman; Alshamsi, Hatem; Aljunaibi, Yaser; Almussabi, Dheyab; Alshehhi, Ahmed; Hilal, Hassan Bu


    The power demand in United Arab Emirates is increased so that there is a consistent power cut in our region. This is because of high power consumption by factories and also due to less availability of conventional energy resources. Electricity is most needed facility for the human being. All the conventional energy resources are depleting day by day. So we have to shift from conventional to non-conventional energy resources. In this the combination of two energy resources is takes place i.e. wind and solar energy. This process reviles the sustainable energy resources without damaging the nature. We can give uninterrupted power by using hybrid energy system. Basically this system involves the integration of two energy system that will give continuous power. Solar panels are used for converting solar energy and wind turbines are used for converting wind energy into electricity. This electrical power can utilize for various purpose. Generation of electricity will be takes place at affordable cost. This paper deals with the generation of electricity by using two sources combine which leads to generate electricity with affordable cost without damaging the nature balance. The purpose of this project was to design a portable and low cost power system that combines both sea current electric turbine and solar electric technologies. This system will be designed in efforts to develop a power solution for remote locations or use it as another source of green power.

  7. Modeling and Parameter Estimation of a Small Wind Generation System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos A. Ramírez Gómez


    Full Text Available The modeling and parameter estimation of a small wind generation system is presented in this paper. The system consists of a wind turbine, a permanent magnet synchronous generator, a three phase rectifier, and a direct current load. In order to estimate the parameters wind speed data are registered in a weather station located in the Fraternidad Campus at ITM. Wind speed data were applied to a reference model programed with PSIM software. From that simulation, variables were registered to estimate the parameters. The wind generation system model together with the estimated parameters is an excellent representation of the detailed model, but the estimated model offers a higher flexibility than the programed model in PSIM software.

  8. Moisture separator for steam generator level measurement system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cantineau, B.J.


    A steam generator level measurement system having a reference leg which is kept full of water by a condensation pot, has a liquid/steam separator in the connecting line between the condensation pot and the steam phase in the steam generator to remove excess liquid from the steam externally of the steam generator. This ensures that the connecting line does not become blocked. The separator pot has an expansion chamber which slows down the velocity of the steam/liquid mixture to aid in separation, and a baffle, to avoid liquid flow into the line connected to the condensate pot. Liquid separated is returned to the steam generator below the water level through a drain line. (author)

  9. Thermodynamic analysis of waste heat power generation system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo, Jiangfeng; Xu, Mingtian; Cheng, Lin


    In the present work, a waste heat power generation system is analyzed based on the criteria with and without considering the heat/exergy loss to the environment. For the criteria without considering the heat/exergy loss to the environment, the first- and second-law efficiencies display different tendencies with the variations of some system parameters. When the heat/exergy loss to the environment is taken into consideration, the first and second law efficiencies display the same tendency. Thus, choosing the appropriate expressions for the performance criteria is crucial for the optimization design of the waste heat power generation system. It is found that there are two approaches to improving the system performance: one is to improve the heat/exergy input; the other is to enhance the heat-work conversion ability of the system. The former would deteriorate the environment if the heat-work conversion ability of the system remains unchanged; the latter could reduce the environmental impact but it's restricted by the heat/exergy input. Therefore, the optimal operation condition should be achieved at the trade-off between the heat/exergy input and the heat-work conversion ability of the system.

  10. Corrosion products in power generating systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lister, D.H.


    The important mechanisms of corrosion and corrosion product movement and fouling in the heat transport systems of thermal electric generating stations are reviewed. Oil- and coal-fired boilers are considered, along with nuclear power systems - both direct and indirect cycle. Thus, the fireside and waterside in conventional plants, and the primary coolant and steam-raising circuits in water-cooled reactors, are discussed. Corrosion products in organic- and liquid-metal-cooled reactors also are shown to cause problems if not controlled, while their beneficial effects on the cooling water side of condensers are described. (auth)

  11. Material challenges for the next generation of fission reactor systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buckthorpe, Derek


    The new generation of fission reactor systems wil require the deployment and construction of a series of advanced water cooled reactors as part of a package of measures to meet UK and European energy needs and to provide a near term non-fossil fuel power solution that addresses CO 2 emission limits. In addition new longer term Generation IV reactor tye systems are being developed and evaluated to enhance safety, reliability, sustainability economics and proliferation resistance requirements and to meet alternative energy applications (outside of electricity generation) such as process heat and large scale hydrogen generation. New fission systems will impose significant challenges on materials supply and development. In the near term, because of the need to 'gear up' to large scale construction after decades of industrial hibernation/contraction and, in the longer term, because of the need for materials to operate under more challenging environments requiring the deployment and development of new alternative materials not yet established to an industrial stage. This paper investigates the materials challenges imposed by the new Generation III+ and Generation IV systems. These include supply and fabrication issues, development of new high temperature alloys and non-metallic materials, the use of new methods of manufacture and the best use of currently available resources and minerals. Recommendations are made as to how these materials challenges might be met and how governments, industry, manufacturers and researchers can all play their part. (orig.)

  12. Material challenges for the next generation of fission reactor systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Buckthorpe, Derek [AMEC, Knutsford, Cheshire (United Kingdom)


    The new generation of fission reactor systems wil require the deployment and construction of a series of advanced water cooled reactors as part of a package of measures to meet UK and European energy needs and to provide a near term non-fossil fuel power solution that addresses CO{sub 2} emission limits. In addition new longer term Generation IV reactor tye systems are being developed and evaluated to enhance safety, reliability, sustainability economics and proliferation resistance requirements and to meet alternative energy applications (outside of electricity generation) such as process heat and large scale hydrogen generation. New fission systems will impose significant challenges on materials supply and development. In the near term, because of the need to 'gear up' to large scale construction after decades of industrial hibernation/contraction and, in the longer term, because of the need for materials to operate under more challenging environments requiring the deployment and development of new alternative materials not yet established to an industrial stage. This paper investigates the materials challenges imposed by the new Generation III+ and Generation IV systems. These include supply and fabrication issues, development of new high temperature alloys and non-metallic materials, the use of new methods of manufacture and the best use of currently available resources and minerals. Recommendations are made as to how these materials challenges might be met and how governments, industry, manufacturers and researchers can all play their part. (orig.)

  13. Forecasting Wind and Solar Generation: Improving System Operations, Greening the Grid (Spanish Version)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tian, Tian; Chernyakhovskiy, Ilya; Brancucci Martinez-Anido, Carlo


    This document is the Spanish version of 'Greening the Grid- Forecasting Wind and Solar Generation Improving System Operations'. It discusses improving system operations with forecasting with and solar generation. By integrating variable renewable energy (VRE) forecasts into system operations, power system operators can anticipate up- and down-ramps in VRE generation in order to cost-effectively balance load and generation in intra-day and day-ahead scheduling. This leads to reduced fuel costs, improved system reliability, and maximum use of renewable resources.

  14. Grid-connected inverter for wind power generation system

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    YANG Yong; RUAN Yi; SHEN Huan-qing; TANG Yan-yan; YANG Ying


    In wind power generation system the grid-connected inverter is an important section for energy conversion and transmission, of which the performance has a direct influence on the entire wind power generation system. The mathematical model of the grid-connected inverter is deduced firstly. Then, the space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) is analyzed. The power factor can be controlled close to unity, leading or lagging, which is realized based on PI-type current controller and grid voltage vector-oriented control. The control strategy is verified by the simulation and experimental results with a good sinusoidal current, a small harmonic component and a fast dynamic response.

  15. FY 1998 Report on development of large-scale wind power generation systems. Research on the future prospects of wind power generation systems; 1998 nendo ogata furyoku hatsuden system kaihatsu. Furyoku hatsuden system no shorai tenbo ni kansuru chosa kenkyu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Current status of wind power generation in Japan and situations in foreign countries ahead of Japan are surveyed, in order to clarify the prospects for the future diffusion and expansion of wind power generation systems in Japan. The surveyed trends of wind power generation in Japan include those related to mandatory laws and regulations, e.g., the Electricity Enterprises Act, introductory and operation situations in local autonomies and electric power companies, and R and D efforts by academic and research organizations. The surveyed wind power generation situations in foreign countries include trends of international standardization for wind power generation, and global situations of introducing these systems. The on-the-spot oversea surveys include location/wind conditions in Greece's islands, cyclone-caused damages in India, World Renewable Energy Congress in Perth and advanced technologies in Europe for wind power generation systems, and the survey results are reported in detail. The surveyed R and D projects in Japan include the basic technological R and D plans (draft) for, e.g., wind power generation systems for isolated islands. (NEDO)

  16. Report on results of contract research. 'Research on MHD generation system'; MHD hatsuden system no kenkyu seika hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    'Research on MHD generation system' was implemented by its expert committee in the electric joint study group, with the results of fiscal 1980 reported. This year, a detailed conceptual design was carried out on a coal fired MHD generation system, with points for the technological development concretely examined. In addition, investigation was conducted on the progress of MHD generation technology, development situation of other generation systems, state of energy resources, etc., in various foreign countries. In the conceptual design of the coal fired MHD generation plant, the system structure of a 2,000 MWt class commercial MHD generation plant was explained, as were the conceptual design of the structural elements and proposals for a 500 MWt class demonstration plant and an 100 MWt class experimental plant, for example. In the overseas trend of R and D on MHD generation, investigations were made concerning the U.S., Soviet Union, and China, with details compiled for such items as generation plants, combustors, generation channels, heat resisting materials, superconducting magnets, heat exchangers, seed slags, inverters, boilers and environments, and commercial plants. (NEDO)

  17. MHD Generating system (United States)

    Petrick, Michael; Pierson, Edward S.; Schreiner, Felix


    According to the present invention, coal combustion gas is the primary working fluid and copper or a copper alloy is the electrodynamic fluid in the MHD generator, thereby eliminating the heat exchangers between the combustor and the liquid-metal MHD working fluids, allowing the use of a conventional coalfired steam bottoming plant, and making the plant simpler, more efficient and cheaper. In operation, the gas and liquid are combined in a mixer and the resulting two-phase mixture enters the MHD generator. The MHD generator acts as a turbine and electric generator in one unit wherein the gas expands, drives the liquid across the magnetic field and thus generates electrical power. The gas and liquid are separated, and the available energy in the gas is recovered before the gas is exhausted to the atmosphere. Where the combustion gas contains sulfur, oxygen is bubbled through a side loop to remove sulfur therefrom as a concentrated stream of sulfur dioxide. The combustor is operated substoichiometrically to control the oxide level in the copper.

  18. Harmonic Resonance Damping with a Hybrid Compensation System in Power Systems with Dispersed Generation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chen, Zhe; Pedersen, John Kim; Blaabjerg, Frede


    A hybrid compensation system consisting of an active filter and a group of distributed passive filters has been studied previously. The passive filters are used for each distorting load or Dispersed Generation (DG) unit to remove major harmonics and provide reactive power compensation. The active...... filter is connected in parallel with the distributed passive filters and loads/DGs to correct the system unbalance and remove the remaining harmonic components. The effectiveness of the presented compensation system has also been demonstrated. This paper studies the performance of the hybrid compensation...... demonstrated that the harmonic resonance can be damped effectively. The hybrid filter system is an effective compensation system for dispersed generation systems. In the compensation system, the passive filters are mainly responsible for main harmonic and reactive power compensation of each individual load/ DG...

  19. Protection issues on microgrid/distributed generation based systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, Angelo R. [Centro Federal de Educacao Tecnologica de Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil); Ribeiro, Paulo F. [Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI (United States). Dept. of Electrical Engineering; Iung, Anderson M. [Geracao Paranapanema S.A., SP (Brazil). Duke Energy International. Market Analysis Dept.; Garcia, Paulo A.N. [Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), MG (Brazil). Dept. of Circuits


    This paper aims to discuss protection issues related to the presence of distributed generation (DG) in distribution systems. A case study is developed to show some impacts of transitions and operations with relay static settings to verify the reliability of systems in the presence of DG. (author)

  20. Application of cultural algorithm to generation scheduling of hydrothermal systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yuan Xiaohui; Yuan Yanbin


    The daily generation scheduling of hydrothermal power systems plays an important role in the operation of electric power systems for economics and security, which is a large scale dynamic non-linear constrained optimization problem. It is difficult to solve using traditional optimization methods. This paper proposes a new cultural algorithm to solve the optimal daily generation scheduling of hydrothermal power systems. The approach takes the water transport delay time between connected reservoirs into consideration and can conveniently deal with the complicated hydraulic coupling simultaneously. An example is used to verify the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed cultural algorithm, comparing with both the Lagrange method and the genetic algorithm method. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm has rapid convergence speed and higher solution precision. Thus, an effective method is provided to solve the optimal daily generation scheduling of hydrothermal systems

  1. Conceptual design and system analysis of a poly-generation system for power and olefin production from natural gas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qian Yu; Liu Jingyao; Huang Zhixian; Kraslawski, Andrzej; Cui Jian; Huang Yinlun


    In this paper, a novel poly-generation system for olefin and power production from natural gas is proposed, which integrates hydrocarbon production and the combined cycle power generation. Economic and technological evaluation based on the internal rate of return (IRR) and exergy efficiency is performed. The energy integration results in the proposed poly-generation system for simultaneous production of chemical products (ethylene and propylene) and electricity being more thermodynamically efficient and economically viable than single purpose power generation and chemical products production plants. IRR and exergy efficiency of the proposed poly-generation system are higher than that of natural gas methanol to olefin (NGMTO) system, 18.9% and 49.9%, respectively. The biggest exergy destruction segments, their causes, and possible measures for improvement are investigated simulation and thermodynamic analysis. To analyze the effect of unreacted syngas recycle on the exergy efficiency and economic gains from the proposed poly-generation system, its thermoeconomic optimization model is built by combining economic with thermodynamic analysis. Optimization analysis shows that when 78% of the unreacted syngas is recycled back to the reactor in the methanol synthesization process, the thermoeconomic performance of the poly-generation system is at its optimum.

  2. Truly random dynamics generated by autonomous dynamical systems (United States)

    González, J. A.; Reyes, L. I.


    We investigate explicit functions that can produce truly random numbers. We use the analytical properties of the explicit functions to show that a certain class of autonomous dynamical systems can generate random dynamics. This dynamics presents fundamental differences with the known chaotic systems. We present real physical systems that can produce this kind of random time-series. Some applications are discussed.

  3. The comparative study on the environmental impact for various energy generating systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jung, J. T.; Ha, J. J.; Jung, H. S.


    The concern about environmental problem due to electricity generation is increasing. And the current debate about the environmental and socioeconomic effects of energy use is now turning towards the internalization of externalities imposed on society and the environment that are not accounted by the producers and consumers of energy. The result of internalization of externalities are to be used in the decision making of selecting available options. Therefore, the environmental impact analysis for various energy generating systems were made by using Life Cycle Assessment(LCA). According to the results, the environmental burden due to nuclear power generating systems is low comparing with other energy generating systems due to low usage of resources. The results will be used in the comparative study on the environmental impacts for various energy generating systems

  4. The generative power of weighted one-sided and regular sticker systems (United States)

    Siang, Gan Yee; Heng, Fong Wan; Sarmin, Nor Haniza; Turaev, Sherzod


    Sticker systems were introduced in 1998 as one of the DNA computing models by using the recombination behavior of DNA molecules. The Watson-Crick complementary principle of DNA molecules is abstractly used in the sticker systems to perform the computation of sticker systems. In this paper, the generative power of weighted one-sided sticker systems and weighted regular sticker systems are investigated. Moreover, the relationship of the families of languages generated by these two variants of sticker systems to the Chomsky hierarchy is also presented.

  5. Gas generation and migration analysis for TRU waste disposal system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ando, Kenichi; Noda, Masaru; Yamamoto, Mikihiko; Mihara, Morihiro


    In TRU waste disposal system, significant quantities of gases may be generated due to metal corrosion, radiolysis effect and microorganism activities. It is therefore recommended that the potential impact of gas generation and migration on TRU waste repository should be evaluated. In this study, gas generation rates were calculated in the repository and gas migration analysis in the disposal system were carried out using two phase flow model with results of gas generation rates. First, the time dependencies of gas generation rate in each TRU waste repositories were evaluated based on amounts of metal, organic matter and radioactivity. Next, the accumulation pressure of gases and expelled pore water volume nuclides in the repository were calculated by TOUGH2 code. After that, the results showed that the increase of gas pressure was the range of 1.3 to 1.4 MPa. In the repository with and without buffer, the rate of expelled pore water was 0.006 - 0.009 m 3 /y and 0.018 - 0.24m 3 /y, respectively. In addition, the radioactive gas migration through the repository and geosphere are evaluated. And re-saturation analysis is also performed to evaluate the initial condition of the system. (author)

  6. Hydrogen generation systems utilizing sodium silicide and sodium silica gel materials (United States)

    Wallace, Andrew P.; Melack, John M.; Lefenfeld, Michael


    Systems, devices, and methods combine reactant materials and aqueous solutions to generate hydrogen. The reactant materials can sodium silicide or sodium silica gel. The hydrogen generation devices are used in fuels cells and other industrial applications. One system combines cooling, pumping, water storage, and other devices to sense and control reactions between reactant materials and aqueous solutions to generate hydrogen. Multiple inlets of varied placement geometries deliver aqueous solution to the reaction. The reactant materials and aqueous solution are churned to control the state of the reaction. The aqueous solution can be recycled and returned to the reaction. One system operates over a range of temperatures and pressures and includes a hydrogen separator, a heat removal mechanism, and state of reaction control devices. The systems, devices, and methods of generating hydrogen provide thermally stable solids, near-instant reaction with the aqueous solutions, and a non-toxic liquid by-product.

  7. Community Microgrid Based on Micro-Wind Generation System


    Mariam, Lubna; Basu, Malabika; Conlon, Michael


    Penetration of renewable energy sources (such as solar/wind) are being explored mostly as micro power generation (μGen) or mega power plant system. In recent years, emphasis has been given on Microgrid (μGrid) systems because of their few advantages over μGen systems in terms of power quality, stability, reliability, economics etc. But the commercial installation of the μGrid system is not yet progressing significantly. This paper presents the techno-economic aspects of μGen and μGrid systems...

  8. Automatic system for redistributing feedwater in a steam generator of a nuclear power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fuoto, J.S.; Crotzer, M.E.; Lang, G.E.


    A system is described for automatically redistributing a steam generator secondary tube system after a burst in the secondary tubing. This applies to a given steam generator in a system having several steam generators partially sharing a common tube system, and employs a pressure control generating an electrical signal which is compared with given values [fr

  9. Transient Stability Assessment of Power Systems With Uncertain Renewable Generation: Preprint

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Villegas Pico, Hugo Nestor [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Aliprantis, Dionysios C. [Purdue University; Lin, Xiaojun [Purdue University


    The transient stability of a power system depends heavily on its operational state at the moment of a fault. In systems where the penetration of renewable generation is significant, the dispatch of the conventional fleet of synchronous generators is uncertain at the time of dynamic security analysis. Hence, the assessment of transient stability requires the solution of a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations with unknown initial conditions and inputs. To this end, we set forth a computational framework that relies on Taylor polynomials, where variables are associated with the level of renewable generation. This paper describes the details of the method and illustrates its application on a nine-bus test system.

  10. Advanced Direct-Drive Generator for Improved Availability of Oscillating Wave Surge Converter Power Generation Systems Final Technical Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Englebretson, Steven [ABB Inc., Cary, NC (United States); Ouyang, Wen [ABB Inc., Cary, NC (United States); Tschida, Colin [ABB Inc., Cary, NC (United States); Carr, Joseph [ABB Inc., Cary, NC (United States); Ramanan, V.R. [ABB Inc., Cary, NC (United States); Johnson, Matthew [Texas A& M Univ., College Station, TX (United States); Gardner, Matthew [Texas A& M Univ., College Station, TX (United States); Toliyat, Hamid [Texas A& M Univ., College Station, TX (United States); Staby, Bill [Resolute Marine Energy, Inc., Boston, MA (United States); Chertok, Allan [Resolute Marine Energy, Inc., Boston, MA (United States); Hazra, Samir [ABB Inc., Cary, NC (United States); Bhattacharya, Subhashish [ABB Inc., Cary, NC (United States)


    This report summarizes the activities conducted under the DOE-EERE funded project DE-EE0006400, where ABB Inc. (ABB), in collaboration with Texas A&M’s Advanced Electric Machines & Power Electronics (EMPE) Lab and Resolute Marine Energy (RME) designed, derisked, developed, and demonstrated a novel magnetically geared electrical generator for direct-drive, low-speed, high torque MHK applications The project objective was to investigate a novel and compact direct-drive electric generator and its system aspects that would enable elimination of hydraulic components in the Power Take-Off (PTO) of a Marine and Hydrokinetic (MHK) system with an oscillating wave surge converter (OWSC), thereby improving the availability of the MHK system. The scope of this project was limited to the development and dry lab demonstration of a low speed generator to enable future direct drive MHK systems.

  11. Next generation information systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Limback, Nathan P [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Medina, Melanie A [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Silva, Michelle E [Los Alamos National Laboratory


    The Information Systems Analysis and Development (ISAD) Team of the Safeguards Systems Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) has been developing web based information and knowledge management systems for sixteen years. Our vision is to rapidly and cost effectively provide knowledge management solutions in the form of interactive information systems that help customers organize, archive, post and retrieve nonproliferation and safeguards knowledge and information vital to their success. The team has developed several comprehensive information systems that assist users in the betterment and growth of their organizations and programs. Through our information systems, users are able to streamline operations, increase productivity, and share and access information from diverse geographic locations. The ISAD team is also producing interactive visual models. Interactive visual models provide many benefits to customers beyond the scope of traditional full-scale modeling. We have the ability to simulate a vision that a customer may propose, without the time constraints of traditional engineering modeling tools. Our interactive visual models can be used to access specialized training areas, controlled areas, and highly radioactive areas, as well as review site-specific training for complex facilities, and asset management. Like the information systems that the ISAD team develops, these models can be shared and accessed from any location with access to the internet. The purpose of this paper is to elaborate on the capabilities of information systems and interactive visual models as well as consider the possibility of combining the two capabilities to provide the next generation of infonnation systems. The collection, processing, and integration of data in new ways can contribute to the security of the nation by providing indicators and information for timely action to decrease the traditional and new nuclear threats. Modeling and simulation tied to comprehensive

  12. Thermodynamic analysis of a solar-based multi-generation system with hydrogen production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ozturk, Murat; Dincer, Ibrahim


    Thermodynamic analysis of a renewable-based multi-generation energy production system which produces a number of outputs, such as power, heating, cooling, hot water, hydrogen and oxygen is conducted. This solar-based multi-generation system consists of four main sub-systems: Rankine cycle, organic Rankine cycle, absorption cooling and heating, and hydrogen production and utilization. Exergy destruction ratios and rates, power or heat transfer rates, energy and exergy efficiencies of the system components are carried out. Some parametric studies are performed in order to examine the effects of varying operating conditions (e.g., reference temperature, direct solar radiation and receiver temperature) on the exergy efficiencies of the sub-systems as well as the whole system. The solar-based multi-generation system which has an exergy efficiency of 57.35%, is obtained to be higher than using these sub-systems separately. The evaluation of the exergy efficiency and exergy destruction for the sub-systems and the overall system show that the parabolic dish collectors have the highest exergy destruction rate among constituent parts of the solar-based multi-generation system, due to high temperature difference between the working fluid and collector receivers. -- Highlights: ► Development of a new multi-generation system for solar-based hydrogen production. ► Investigation of exergy efficiencies and destructions in each process of the system. ► Evaluation of varying operating conditions on the exergy destruction and efficiency

  13. Enhanced Control for a Direct-driven Permanent Synchronous Generator Wind-power Generation System with Flywheel Energy Storage Unit Under Unbalanced Grid Fault

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yao, Jun; Zhou, Te; Hu, Weihao


    This article presents an enhanced control strategy for a direct-driven permanent synchronous generator based wind-power generation system with a flywheel energy storage unit. The behaviors of the direct-driven permanent magnet synchronous generator system with a flywheel energy storage unit under......, the DC-link voltage oscillations can be effectively suppressed during the unbalanced grid fault by controlling the flywheel energy storage unit. Furthermore, a proportional–integral-resonant controller is designed for the flywheel motor to eliminate the oscillations in the DC-link voltage. Finally......, the proposed coordinated control strategy for the direct-driven permanent magnet synchronous generator system with a flywheel energy storage unit has been validated by the simulation results of a 1-MW direct-driven permanent magnet synchronous generator wind power generation system with a flywheel energy...

  14. Evaluation of the Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Hydroelectricity Generation Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Akhil Kadiyala


    Full Text Available This study evaluated the life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG emissions from different hydroelectricity generation systems by first performing a comprehensive review of the hydroelectricity generation system life cycle assessment (LCA studies and then subsequent computation of statistical metrics to quantify the life cycle GHG emissions (expressed in grams of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt hour, gCO2e/kWh. A categorization index (with unique category codes, formatted as “facility type-electric power generation capacity” was developed and used in this study to evaluate the life cycle GHG emissions from the reviewed hydroelectricity generation systems. The unique category codes were labeled by integrating the names of the two hydro power sub-classifications, i.e., the facility type (impoundment (I, diversion (D, pumped storage (PS, miscellaneous hydropower works (MHPW and the electric power generation capacity (micro (µ, small (S, large (L. The characterized hydroelectricity generation systems were statistically evaluated to determine the reduction in corresponding life cycle GHG emissions. A total of eight unique categorization codes (I-S, I-L, D-µ, D-S, D-L, PS-L, MHPW-µ, MHPW-S were designated to the 19 hydroelectricity generation LCA studies (representing 178 hydropower cases using the proposed categorization index. The mean life cycle GHG emissions resulting from the use of I-S (N = 24, I-L (N = 8, D-µ (N = 3, D-S (N = 133, D-L (N = 3, PS-L (N = 3, MHPW-µ (N = 3, and MHPW-S (N = 1 hydroelectricity generation systems are 21.05 gCO2e/kWh, 40.63 gCO2e/kWh, 47.82 gCO2e/kWh, 27.18 gCO2e/kWh, 3.45 gCO2e/kWh, 256.63 gCO2e/kWh, 19.73 gCO2e/kWh, and 2.78 gCO2e/kWh, respectively. D-L hydroelectricity generation systems produced the minimum life cycle GHGs (considering the hydroelectricity generation system categories with a representation of at least two cases.

  15. A Vertical-Axis Off-Grid Squirrel-Cage Induction Generator Wind Power System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peifeng Xu


    Full Text Available In order to broaden the limited utilization range of wind power and improve the charging and discharging control performance of the storage battery in traditional small wind power generation systems, a wind power system based on a vertical-axis off-grid induction generator is proposed in this paper. The induction generator not only can run in a wide wind speed range but can also assist the vertical-axis wind turbine to realize self-starting at low wind speed. Combined with the maximum power point tracking method, the slip frequency control strategy is employed to regulate the pulse width modulation (PWM converter to control the output power of the proposed system when the wind speed and load change. The charge and discharge of the storage battery is realized by the segmented current-limiting control strategy by means of an electric power unloader device connected to the DC bus. All these implement a balanced and stable operation of the proposed power generation system. The experimental research on the 5.5 kW prototype system is developed, and the corresponding results verify the correctness and feasibility of the system design and control strategy. Some comparison experiments with a magnetic suspension permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG demonstrate the application prospect of the proposed vertical-axis off-grid induction generator wind power system.

  16. Determinação em tempo real da magnitude de danos físicos por impacto em linhas de beneficiamento e em condições de laboratório e seus efeitos na qualidade de tomate Real time determination of physical impact damage in packing lines and under laboratory conditions and its effects in tomato fruits quality

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcos D. Ferreira


    Full Text Available O tomate de mesa é uma das principais hortaliças consumidas no Brasil e apresenta elevados índices de perdas pós-colheita. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a magnitude dos impactos verificados em linhas de beneficiamento para tomate de mesa, bem como determinar, em laboratório, as alterações na qualidade de tomates submetidos a danos físicos controlados em diferentes superfícies. Para a avaliação dos pontos críticos e registro da magnitude dos impactos, foi usada uma esfera instrumentada. Os pontos críticos de transferência demonstraram valores de aceleração entre 30 e 129 G (m s-2. Os testes laboratoriais evidenciaram que superfícies acolchoadas reduziram em até 31% a magnitude de impacto. A incidência de danos físicos internos foi crescente e atingiu 79% em superfícies rígidas para a maior altura de queda livre. Por outro lado, observou-se redução na incidência de danos físicos nos frutos quando superfícies protetoras foram utilizadas, verificando-se na altura de 10 cm um limite mínimo de 5% de danos severos, enquanto para superfície rígida o mínimo correspondeu a 10%. As variáveis de qualidade foram alteradas, verificando-se maior perda de massa, maiores valores de acidez total, menores valores de ácido ascórbico e sólidos solúveis para maiores alturas de queda livre sobre superfícies rígidas.Tomatoes are one of the most important vegetable crops grown in Brazil and are among the crops that have one of the highest post-harvest losses indexes in the country. The present work aimed at evaluating impact damage observed in packing lines of fresh tomatoes as well as to determine, under laboratory conditions, quality alterations of tomato fruits submitted to impact damage in different surface types. Critical points evaluation was accomplished using an instrumented sphere. Critical transference points found showed variations in acceleration levels from 30 to 129 G (m s-2. Tests carried out under laboratory

  17. Research on Control Strategy of Free-Piston Stirling Power Generating System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jigui Zheng


    Full Text Available As a clean and fuel adaptive alternative power plant, the Stirling power generating system has drawn attention of experts and scholars in the energy field. In practical application, the instability of free-piston Stirling power generating system caused by abrupt load change is an inevitable problem. Thus, methods to improve the output frequency response and stability of the free-piston Stirling power generating system are necessary. The model of free-piston Stirling power generating system is built by isothermal analysis firstly, and the initial control strategy based on given voltage system is put forward. To further improve the performance of power system, a current feedback decoupling control strategy is proposed, and the mathematical model is established. The influence of full decoupled quadrature-direct (d-q axis currents is analyzed with respect to the output voltage adjusting time and fluctuation amplitude under the variations of piston displacement and output load. The simulation results show that the system performance is significantly improved, but the dynamic regulation lags caused by the decoupled current control still exist. To solve this problem and improve the performance of decoupled-state feedback current control that relies on parameter accuracy, internal model control based on sliding mode (IMC-SM current decoupling control strategy is proposed, the system model is established, and then the performance of voltage ripple in generating mode is improved. Finally, the test bench is built, and the steady state and transient voltage control performances are tested. The feasibility and priority of the control strategy is verified by experiment and simulation results.

  18. Wind Generation Participation in Power System Frequency Response: Preprint

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gevorgian, Vahan; Zhang, Yingchen


    The electrical frequency of an interconnected power system must be maintained close its nominal level at all times. Excessive under- and overfrequency excursions can lead to load shedding, instability, machine damage, and even blackouts. There is a rising concern in the electric power industry in recent years about the declining amount of inertia and primary frequency response (PFR) in many interconnections. This decline may continue due to increasing penetrations of inverter-coupled generation and the planned retirements of conventional thermal plants. Inverter-coupled variable wind generation is capable of contributing to PFR and inertia with a response that is different from that of conventional generation. It is not yet entirely understood how such a response will affect the system at different wind power penetration levels. The modeling work presented in this paper evaluates the impact of wind generation's provision of these active power control strategies on a large, synchronous interconnection. All simulations were conducted on the U.S. Western Interconnection with different levels of instantaneous wind power penetrations (up to 80%). The ability of wind power plants to provide PFR - and a combination of synthetic inertial response and PFR - significantly improved the frequency response performance of the system.

  19. Sequence trajectory generation for garment handling systems


    Liu, Honghai; Lin, Hua


    This paper presents a novel generic approach to the planning strategy of garment handling systems. An assumption is proposed to separate the components of such systems into a component for intelligent gripper techniques and a component for handling planning strategies. Researchers can concentrate on one of the two components first, then merge the two problems together. An algorithm is addressed to generate the trajectory position and a clothes handling sequence of clothes partitions, which ar...

  20. Nonclassical state generation for linear quantum systems via nonlinear feedback control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohki, Kentaro; Tsumura, Koji; Takeuchi, Reiji


    In this paper, we propose a measurement nonlinear feedback control scheme to generate Wigner-function negativity in an optical cavity having dynamics described as a linear quantum system. In general, linear optical quantum systems can be easily constructed with reliable devices; therefore, the idea of constructing the entire system with such an optical system and nonlinear feedback is reasonable for generating Wigner-function negativity. However, existing studies have insufficiently examined the realizability or actual implementation of feedback control, which essentially requires fast responses from the sensors and actuators. In order to solve this problem, we consider the realizable feedback control of the optical phase of a pumping beam supplied to a cavity by using electro-optical modulation, which can be utilized as a fast control actuator. Then, we introduce mathematical models of the feedback-controlled system and evaluate its effect on the generation of the Wigner-function negativity by using numerical simulation. Through various numerical simulations, we show that the proposed feedback control can effectively generate the negativity of the Wigner function. (paper)

  1. The frequency-independent control method for distributed generation systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Naderi, Siamak; Pouresmaeil, Edris; Gao, Wenzhong David


    In this paper a novel frequency-independent control method suitable for distributed generation (DG) is presented. This strategy is derived based on the . abc/. αβ transformation and . abc/. dq transformation of the ac system variables. The active and reactive currents injected by the DG are contr......In this paper a novel frequency-independent control method suitable for distributed generation (DG) is presented. This strategy is derived based on the . abc/. αβ transformation and . abc/. dq transformation of the ac system variables. The active and reactive currents injected by the DG...

  2. Thermodynamic evaluation of a novel solar-biomass hybrid power generation system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bai, Zhang; Liu, Qibin; Lei, Jing; Wang, Xiaohe; Sun, Jie; Jin, Hongguang


    Highlights: • A solar-biomass hybrid power system with zero carbon dioxide emission is proposed. • The internal mechanisms of the solar-biomass utilization are discussed. • The on-design and off-design properties of the system are numerically investigated. • The configurations of the proposed system are optimized. - Abstract: A solar-biomass hybrid power generation system, which integrates a solar thermal energy collection subsystem, a biomass steam boiler and a steam turbine power generation block, is developed for efficiently utilizing renewable energies. The solar thermal energy is concentrated by parabolic trough collectors and is used to heat the feed-water to the superheated steam of 371 °C, then the generated solar steam is further heated to a higher temperature level of 540 °C via a second-stage heating process in a biomass boiler, the system power generation capacity is about 50 MW. The hybrid process of the solar energy and biomass contributes to ameliorating the system thermodynamic performances and reducing of the exergy loss within the steam generation process. The off-design evaluation results indicate that the annual net solar-to-electric efficiency of the hybrid power system is improved to 18.13%, which is higher than that of the typical parabolic trough solar power system as 15.79%. The levelized cost of energy drops to 0.077 $/(kW h) from 0.192 $/(kW h). The annual biomass consumption rate is reduced by 22.53% in comparison with typical biomass power systems. The research findings provide a promising approach for the efficient utilization of the abundant renewable energies resources and the reduction of carbon dioxide emission.

  3. Distributed generation: remote power systems with advanced storage technologies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clark, Woodrow; Isherwood, William


    The paper discusses derived from an earlier hypothetical study of remote villiages. It considers the policy implications for communities who have their own local power resources rather than those distributed through transmission from distant sources such as dams, coal power plants or even renewables generation from wind farms, solar thermal or other resources. The issues today, post 911 and the energy crises in California, Northeast North America and Europe, signal the need for a new and different approach to energy supply(s), reliability and dissemination. Distributed generation (DG) as explored in the earlier paper appears to be one such approach that allows for local communities to become energy self-sufficient. Along with energy conservation, efficiency, and on-site generation, local power sources provide concrete definitions and understandings for heretofore ill defined concepts such as sustainability and eco-systems. The end result for any region and nation-state are 'agile energy systems' which use flexible DG, on-site generation and conservation systems meeting the needs of local communities. Now the challenge is to demonstrate and provide economic and policy structures for implementing new advanced technologies for local communities. For institutionalizing economically viable and sound environmental technologies then new finance mechanisms must be established that better reflect the true costs of clean energy distributed in local communities. For example, the aggregation of procurement contracts for on-site solar systems is far more cost effective than for each business owner, public building or household to purchase its own separate units. Thus mass purchasing contracts that are link technologies as hybrids can dramatically reduce costs. In short public-private partnerships can implement the once costly clean energy technologies into local DG systems

  4. Fiscal 2000 report on data of international joint demonstrative development of photovoltaic power generation system. Demonstrative research on photovoltaic power generation system interconnection system (Myanmar); 2000 nendo taiyoko hatsuden system kokusai kyodo jissho kaihatsu hokokusho. Taiyoko hatsuden keito renkei system jissho kenkyu (Myanmar) - shiryohen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This paper describes the fiscal 2000 report on research data of joint demonstrative development with Myanmar concerning photovoltaic power generation system interconnection system. The purpose is an operation research in the case where a small-scale electric power generation system in an remote island or the like in Japan is linked with a severely output-fluctuating power generation system using energy of nature such as photovoltaic and wind power generation. In particular, among the system control (demand side management) methods by adjustment from a loading side, ballast load control was employed that adjustably operates load of an ice machine for example. As the contents of the data, the quantity of solar radiation and wind velocity at the Chaungthar site were shown as meteorological observation data. In addition, a graph was made on the meteorological observation data at the Chaungthar and Letkhokekone sites. The paper also explains the final explanatory data for selecting the sites in implementing the demonstrative research. As to the operation method of the hybrid power generation system, assumption was made for the daytime load in four cases from 50% (30kW) to 0% (0kW) of the nighttime. Storage batteries and diesel generators were installed and used in combination. Simulation results were also presented. (NEDO)

  5. Stability Enhancement of a Power System Containing High-Penetration Intermittent Renewable Generation


    Morel, Jorge; Obara, Shin’ya; Morizane, Yuta


    This paper considers the transient stability enhancement of a power system containing large amounts of solar and wind generation in Japan. Following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster there has been an increasing awareness on the importance of a distributed architecture, based mainly on renewable generation, for the Japanese power system. Also, the targets of CO2 emissions can now be approached without heavily depending on nuclear generation. Large amounts of renewable generation leads to...

  6. Application of tri-generation systems to the food retail industry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tassou, S.A.; Chaer, I.; Sugiartha, N.; Ge, Y.-T. [Brunel University, Uxbridge (United Kingdom). School of Engineering and Design; Marriott, D. [Doug Marriott Associates (United Kingdom)


    The food industry, both food manufacturing and retailing has a need for heating and electrical power as well as refrigeration. Invariably, plant is installed, which consists of heating systems employing low pressure hot water, high pressure hot water or steam, vapour compression refrigeration systems and an electrical power supply derived from the National Grid. The overall utilisation efficiency of these processes is low, because of the relatively low electricity generation efficiency in power stations and distribution losses in the grid. A way of increasing the energy utilisation efficiency of food manufacturing and retail facilities is through tri-generation. This paper considers tri-generation technology and the feasibility of its application to the food retail industry and examines the economics and environmental impacts of the technology compared to conventional systems. The results indicate that the economic viability of these systems is dependent on the relative cost of natural gas and grid electricity. The system investigated can provide payback periods of less than 4.0 years when the relative cost of gas to electricity is below 0.3. (author)

  7. Application of tri-generation systems to the food retail industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tassou, S.A.; Chaer, I.; Sugiartha, N.; Ge, Y.-T.; Marriott, D.


    The food industry, both food manufacturing and retailing has a need for heating and electrical power as well as refrigeration. Invariably, plant is installed, which consists of heating systems employing low pressure hot water, high pressure hot water or steam, vapour compression refrigeration systems and an electrical power supply derived from the National Grid. The overall utilisation efficiency of these processes is low, because of the relatively low electricity generation efficiency in power stations and distribution losses in the grid. A way of increasing the energy utilisation efficiency of food manufacturing and retail facilities is through tri-generation. This paper considers tri-generation technology and the feasibility of its application to the food retail industry and examines the economics and environmental impacts of the technology compared to conventional systems. The results indicate that the economic viability of these systems is dependent on the relative cost of natural gas and grid electricity. The system investigated can provide payback periods of less than 4.0 years when the relative cost of gas to electricity is below 0.3

  8. Critical appraisal of first-generation renal tumor complexity scoring systems: Creation of a second-generation model of tumor complexity. (United States)

    Tobert, Conrad M; Shoemaker, Allen; Kahnoski, Richard J; Lane, Brian R


    To investigate whether a combination of variables from each nephrometry system improves performance. There are 3 first-generation systems that quantify tumor complexity: R.E.N.A.L. nephrometry score (RNS), preoperative aspects and dimensions used for an anatomical (PADUA) classification (PC), and centrality index (CI). Although each has been subjected to validation and comparative analysis, to our knowledge, no work has been done to combine variables from each method to optimize their performance. Scores were assigned to each of 276 patients undergoing partial nephrectomy (PN) or radical nephrectomy (RN). Individual components of all 3 systems were evaluated in multivariable logistic regression analysis of surgery type (PN vs. RN) and combined into a "second-generation model." In multivariable analysis, each scoring system was a significant predictor of PN vs. RN (Psystems, CI was most highly correlated with surgery type (area under the curve [AUC] = 0.91), followed by RNS (AUC = 0.90) and PC (AUC = 0.88). Each individual component of these scoring systems was also a predictor of surgery type (Psystem (RNS), location along the lateral rim (PC), and centrality (CI). A novel model in which these 4 variables were rescaled outperformed each first-generation system (AUC = 0.91). Optimization of first-generation models of renal tumor complexity results in a novel scoring system, which strongly predicts surgery type. This second-generation model should aid comprehension, but future work is still needed to establish the most clinically useful model. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. A novel HTS SMES application in combination with a permanent magnet synchronous generator type wind power generation system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, G.H.; Kim, A.R.; Kim, S. [Changwon National University, 9 Sarim-dong, Changwon 641-773 (Korea, Republic of); Park, M., E-mail: [Changwon National University, 9 Sarim-dong, Changwon 641-773 (Korea, Republic of); Yu, I.K. [Changwon National University, 9 Sarim-dong, Changwon 641-773 (Korea, Republic of); Seong, K.C. [Superconducting Device and Cryogenics Group, Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute, Changwon 641-120 (Korea, Republic of); Won, Y.J. [Korea Electric Power Corporation, Changwon 641-241 (Korea, Republic of)


    A novel connection topology of SMES is proposed in this paper. Structure of the proposed system is cost-effective because it reduces a converter. The proposed system smoothens output power of wind power generation system. Advantage of the system is to improve the low voltage ride through capability. Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) system is a DC current driven device and can be utilized to improve power quality particularly in connection with renewable energy sources due to higher efficiency and faster response than other devices. This paper suggests a novel connection topology of SMES which can smoothen the output power flow of the wind power generation system (WPGS). The structure of the proposed system is cost-effective because it reduces a power converter in comparison with a conventional application of SMES. One more advantage of SMES in the proposed system is to improve the capability of low voltage ride through (LVRT) for the permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) type WPGS. The proposed system including a SMES has been modeled and analyzed by a PSCAD/EMTDC. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the novel SMES application strategy to not only mitigate the output power of the PMSG but also improve the capability of LVRT for PMSG type WPGS.

  10. A novel HTS SMES application in combination with a permanent magnet synchronous generator type wind power generation system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, G.H.; Kim, A.R.; Kim, S.; Park, M.; Yu, I.K.; Seong, K.C.; Won, Y.J.


    A novel connection topology of SMES is proposed in this paper. Structure of the proposed system is cost-effective because it reduces a converter. The proposed system smoothens output power of wind power generation system. Advantage of the system is to improve the low voltage ride through capability. Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) system is a DC current driven device and can be utilized to improve power quality particularly in connection with renewable energy sources due to higher efficiency and faster response than other devices. This paper suggests a novel connection topology of SMES which can smoothen the output power flow of the wind power generation system (WPGS). The structure of the proposed system is cost-effective because it reduces a power converter in comparison with a conventional application of SMES. One more advantage of SMES in the proposed system is to improve the capability of low voltage ride through (LVRT) for the permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) type WPGS. The proposed system including a SMES has been modeled and analyzed by a PSCAD/EMTDC. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the novel SMES application strategy to not only mitigate the output power of the PMSG but also improve the capability of LVRT for PMSG type WPGS.

  11. Formal Specification Based Automatic Test Generation for Embedded Network Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eun Hye Choi


    Full Text Available Embedded systems have become increasingly connected and communicate with each other, forming large-scaled and complicated network systems. To make their design and testing more reliable and robust, this paper proposes a formal specification language called SENS and a SENS-based automatic test generation tool called TGSENS. Our approach is summarized as follows: (1 A user describes requirements of target embedded network systems by logical property-based constraints using SENS. (2 Given SENS specifications, test cases are automatically generated using a SAT-based solver. Filtering mechanisms to select efficient test cases are also available in our tool. (3 In addition, given a testing goal by the user, test sequences are automatically extracted from exhaustive test cases. We’ve implemented our approach and conducted several experiments on practical case studies. Through the experiments, we confirmed the efficiency of our approach in design and test generation of real embedded air-conditioning network systems.

  12. Smart campus: Data on energy generation costs from distributed generation systems of electrical energy in a Nigerian University

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joshua O. Okeniyi


    Full Text Available This data article presents comparisons of energy generation costs from gas-fired turbine and diesel-powered systems of distributed generation type of electrical energy in Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria, a smart university campus driven by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT. Cumulative monthly data of the energy generation costs, for consumption in the institution, from the two modes electric power, which was produced at locations closed to the community consuming the energy, were recorded for the period spanning January to December 2017. By these, energy generation costs from the turbine system proceed from the gas-firing whereas the generation cost data from the diesel-powered generator also include data on maintenance cost for this mode of electrical power generation. These energy generation cost data that were presented in tables and graphs employ descriptive probability distribution and goodness-of-fit tests of statistical significance as the methods for the data detailing and comparisons. Information details from this data of energy generation costs are useful for furthering research developments and aiding energy stakeholders and decision-makers in the formulation of policies on energy generation modes, economic valuation in terms of costing and management for attaining energy-efficient/smart educational environment. Keywords: Smart campus, Energy consumption, Energy efficiency, Load forecasting, Energy management, Learning analytics, Nigerian university, Education data mining

  13. Performance evaluation of a tri-generation system with simulation and experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ge, Y.T.; Tassou, S.A.; Chaer, I.; Suguartha, N.


    A test rig for a tri-generation system was set up in the laboratory to investigate the system performance and application feasibility. The rig was composed of three modules, a power component containing a microturbine, a refrigeration unit consisting of an absorption chiller with gas pipe connection, and a supermarket section containing a display cabinet. This system was supposed to be effectively applied into a supermarket energy control system where cooling, heating and electricity power are simultaneously required and subsequently, valuable test results have been produced. In the mean time, a simulation model for the particular tri-generation system has been established by integrating the component models of the system in accordance with the components' actual flow paths and energy streams. These component models, which include a compressor, recuperator, combustion chamber, gas turbine, electric generator, gas pipes, generator (desorber), rectifier, absorbers, condenser and evaporator etc., were developed based upon the balance of heat and mass. The calculations of heat transfer and phase equilibrium were included in the component models and chemical reaction balances were considered in the model of the combustion chamber. The system model has been validated with the test results and has consequently been used to predict the system performance at different operating and design conditions, such as varied ambient temperature, fuel flow rate and pressure ratio etc. The ultimate results of the performance analysis formulated by the system model can contribute significantly to the optimal component and system designs in various practical applications.

  14. Next generation sensors and systems

    CERN Document Server


    Written by experts in their area of research, this book has outlined the current status of the fundamentals and analytical concepts, modelling and design issues, technical details and practical applications of different types of sensors and discussed about the trends of next generation of sensors and systems happening in the area of Sensing technology. This book will be useful as a reference book for engineers and scientist especially the post-graduate students find will this book as reference book for their research on wearable sensors, devices and technologies.  .

  15. FY 1998 Report on development of large-scale wind power generation systems. Part 2. Operational research on large-scale wind power generation systems; 1998 nendo ogata furyoku hatsuden system kaihatsu seika hokokusho. 2. Ogata furyoku hatsuden system no unten kenkyu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The on-the-spot surveys are conducted and related information is collected for current status of wind power generators connected to power grid systems and simulation techniques therefor in the USA and European countries. In Denmark, the grid system to which wind power generators are connected is a 10kV radiation type system, by which these generators are connected to general consumers. Power quality is investigated by the programs developed by DEFU (Danske Elvarkers Forening Udredning). The German's Norderland Wind Park has the largest capacity in Europe with 35 units of 1.5MW generators. They are connected to a 110kV grind system via ISOREE to control disturbances to the commercial grid system. The USA, used to have the world largest wind power generation capacity, is now plays second fiddle to Germany whose capacity has now exceeded 2,000MW. The country is now seeing the second rush for construction of wind power generators, planning to have a new capacity of 570MW in 1998. Information is also collected from other countries or organizations, including the Netherlands, WREC, Italy and Spain. (NEDO)

  16. FY 1998 Report on development of large-scale wind power generation systems. Part 2. Operational research on large-scale wind power generation systems; 1998 nendo ogata furyoku hatsuden system kaihatsu seika hokokusho. 2. Ogata furyoku hatsuden system no unten kenkyu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The on-the-spot surveys are conducted and related information is collected for current status of wind power generators connected to power grid systems and simulation techniques therefor in the USA and European countries. In Denmark, the grid system to which wind power generators are connected is a 10kV radiation type system, by which these generators are connected to general consumers. Power quality is investigated by the programs developed by DEFU (Danske Elvarkers Forening Udredning). The German's Norderland Wind Park has the largest capacity in Europe with 35 units of 1.5MW generators. They are connected to a 110kV grind system via ISOREE to control disturbances to the commercial grid system. The USA, used to have the world largest wind power generation capacity, is now plays second fiddle to Germany whose capacity has now exceeded 2,000MW. The country is now seeing the second rush for construction of wind power generators, planning to have a new capacity of 570MW in 1998. Information is also collected from other countries or organizations, including the Netherlands, WREC, Italy and Spain. (NEDO)

  17. Examination of nuclear systems of fourth generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report proposes a detailed discussion of the six nuclear systems selected by the Generation IV International Forum with the objective of coordinating research and development activities which should result in the deployment of nuclear systems (reactors and associated fuel cycle installations) of fourth generation by the second half of the 21. century. These systems are: sodium cooled fast reactors (SFR), very high temperature reactors (VHTR), gas cooled fast reactors (GFR), lead cooled fast reactors (LFR) or lead bismuth eutectic reactors (LBE), molten salt reactors (MSR), and supercritical water reactors (SCWR). Fast systems are interesting as they favour the transmutation of fertile materials into fissile materials. History and perspectives of development, main characteristics, management of safety functions, risk analysis, impact on the environment, radiation protection and decommissioning, concept maturity and R and D needs are discussed for each of these systems. A comparison is reported in terms of main characteristics of reactors, of neutron characteristics and reactivity control, of sensitivity to cooling losses, of confinement function, of exploitation safety, of in-service inspection, of behaviour in case of severe accident, of toxicity of chemical substances, of sensitivity to aggressions (seism), of concept maturity and technological difficulties. The report also proposes a review of the various fuels which can be used in these different systems and which have been considered as eligible by the International Forum: oxides, carbides, nitrides, metals, waste processing. The last part addresses the transmutation of long life radioactive elements: physics, context, assessment of scenarios soundness, influence of transmutation on installations and transports

  18. Automatic Generation of Supervisory Control System Software Using Graph Composition (United States)

    Nakata, Hideo; Sano, Tatsuro; Kojima, Taizo; Seo, Kazuo; Uchida, Tomoyuki; Nakamura, Yasuaki

    This paper describes the automatic generation of system descriptions for SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) systems. The proposed method produces various types of data and programs for SCADA systems from equipment definitions using conversion rules. At first, this method makes directed graphs, which represent connections between the equipment, from equipment definitions. System descriptions are generated using the conversion rules, by analyzing these directed graphs, and finding the groups of equipment that involve similar operations. This method can make the conversion rules multi levels by using the composition of graphs, and can reduce the number of rules. The developer can define and manage these rules efficiently.

  19. Crowbar System in Doubly Fed Induction Wind Generators

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maurício B. C. Salles


    Full Text Available In the last 15 years, the use of doubly fed induction machines in modern variable-speed wind turbines has increased rapidly. This development has been driven by the cost reduction as well as the low-loss generation of Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT. According to new grid code requirements, wind turbines must remain connected to the grid during grid disturbances. Moreover, they must also contribute to voltage support during and after grid faults. The crowbar system is essential to avoid the disconnection of the doubly fed induction wind generators from the network during faults. The insertion of the crowbar in the rotor circuits for a short period of time enables a more efficient terminal voltage control. As a general rule, the activation and the deactivation of the crowbar system is based only on the DC-link voltage level of the back-to-back converters. In this context, the authors discuss the critical rotor speed to analyze the instability of doubly fed induction generators during grid faults.

  20. Assessment of a novel solid oxide fuel cell tri-generation system for building applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elmer, Theo; Worall, Mark; Wu, Shenyi; Riffat, Saffa


    Highlights: • Experimental assessment of a first-of-its-kind tri-generation system. • High tri-generation efficiencies of 68–71%. • Inclusion of liquid desiccant provides efficiency increase of 9–15%. • System only economically viable with a government’s financial support. - Abstract: The paper provides a performance analysis assessment of a novel solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) liquid desiccant tri-generation system for building applications. The work presented serves to build upon the current literature related to experimental evaluations of SOFC tri-generation systems, particularly in domestic built environment applications. The proposed SOFC liquid desiccant tri-generation system will be the first-of-its-kind. No research activity is reported on the integration of SOFC, or any fuel cell, with liquid desiccant air conditioning in a tri-generation system configuration. The novel tri-generation system is suited to applications that require simultaneous electrical power, heating and dehumidification/cooling. There are several specific benefits to the integration of SOFC and liquid desiccant air conditioning technology, including; very high operational electrical efficiencies even at low system capacities and the ability to utilise low-grade thermal energy in a (useful) cooling process. Furthermore, the novel tri-generation system has the potential to increase thermal energy utilisation and thus the access to the benefits achievable from on-site electrical generation, primarily; reduced emissions and operating costs. Using empirical SOFC and liquid desiccant component data, an energetic, economic and environmental performance analysis assessment of the novel system is presented. Significant conclusions from the work include: (1) SOFC and liquid desiccant are a viable technological pairing in the development of an efficient and effective tri-generation system. High tri-generation efficiencies in the range of 68–71% are attainable. (2) The inclusion of

  1. Architectural and Algorithmic Requirements for a Next-Generation System Analysis Code

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    V.A. Mousseau


    This document presents high-level architectural and system requirements for a next-generation system analysis code (NGSAC) to support reactor safety decision-making by plant operators and others, especially in the context of light water reactor plant life extension. The capabilities of NGSAC will be different from those of current-generation codes, not only because computers have evolved significantly in the generations since the current paradigm was first implemented, but because the decision-making processes that need the support of next-generation codes are very different from the decision-making processes that drove the licensing and design of the current fleet of commercial nuclear power reactors. The implications of these newer decision-making processes for NGSAC requirements are discussed, and resulting top-level goals for the NGSAC are formulated. From these goals, the general architectural and system requirements for the NGSAC are derived.

  2. Neural net based determination of generator-shedding requirements in electric power systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Djukanovic, M [Electrical Engineering Inst. ' Nikola Tesla' , Belgrade (Yugoslavia); Sobajic, D J; Pao, Y -H [Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, OH (United States). Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, OH (United States). Dept. of Computer Engineering and Science AI WARE Inc., Cleveland, OH (United States)


    This paper presents an application of artificial neural networks (ANN) in support of a decision-making process by power system operators directed towards the fast stabilisation of multi-machine systems. The proposed approach considers generator shedding as the most effective discrete supplementary control for improving the dynamic performance of faulted power systems and preventing instabilities. The sensitivity of the transient energy function (TEF) with respect to changes in the amount of dropped generation is used during the training phase of ANNs to assess the critical amount of generator shedding required to prevent the loss of synchronism. The learning capabilities of neural nets are used to establish complex mappings between fault information and the amount of generation to be shed, suggesting it as the control signal to the power system operator. (author)

  3. Simulation of SOFCs based power generation system using Aspen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pianko-Oprych Paulina


    Full Text Available This study presents a thermodynamic Aspen simulation model for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, SOFCs, based power generation system. In the first step, a steady-state SOFCs system model was developed. The model includes the electrochemistry and the diffusion phenomena. The electrochemical model gives good agreement with experimental data in a wide operating range. Then, a parametric study has been conducted to estimate effects of the oxygen to carbon ratio, O/C, on reformer temperature, fuel cell temperature, fuel utilization, overall fuel cell performance, and the results are discussed in this paper. In the second step, a dynamic analysis of SOFCs characteristic has been developed. The aim of dynamic modelling was to find the response of the system against the fuel utilization and the O/C ratio variations. From the simulations, it was concluded that both developed models in the steady and dynamic state were reasonably accurate and can be used for system level optimization studies of the SOFC based power generation system.

  4. Reliable, Low Cost Distributed Generator/Utility System Interconnect: 2001 Annual Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This report details a research program to develop requirements that support the definition, design, and demonstration of a distributed generation-electric power system interconnection interface concept that allows distributed generation to be interconnected to the electric power system in a manner that provides value to end users without compromising reliability and performance.

  5. A Simple Adaptive Overcurrent Protection of Distribution Systems With Distributed Generation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mahat, Pukar; Chen, Zhe; Bak-Jensen, Birgitte


    current when the system is connected to the grid and when it is islanded. This paper proposes the use of adaptive protection, using local information, to overcome the challenges of the overcurrent protection in distribution systems with distributed generation. The trip characteristics of the relays...... are updated by detecting operating states (grid connected or island) and the faulted section. The paper also proposes faulted section detection using the time over-current characteristics of the protective relays. Simulation results show that the operating state and faulted section can be correctly identified......A significant increase in the penetration of distributed generation has resulted in a possibility of operating distribution systems with distributed generation in islanded mode. However, over-current protection of an islanded distribution system is still an issue due to the difference in fault...

  6. Least cost analysis of Belarus electricity generation system with focus on nuclear option

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mikhalevich, A.; Yakushau, A.


    A basic feature of the Belarus electricity system is that about 50% of the installed power capacity is used to produce heat for the central heating supply system. The Republic has one of the most developed districts heating system in Europe. The installation started in 1930, and developed very fast after 1945. Co-generation of electricity and thermal energy in central power plants has played a fundamental role in the local economy. Presently, Belarus electricity generation system includes: Total installed capacities of condensing turbines 3665 MW; Total installed capacities of co-generation turbines 3889 MW. It is expected that in 2020 in accordance with electricity demand forecast peak load demand will be equaled approximately 9500 MW. Taking into account that operation time of 60 % existent co-generation turbine and 70 % of condensing turbine can be extended up to 2020 during the period 2005 - 2020 it is necessity to install about 1500 MW of new co-generation units and about 2000 MW of condensing turbines. To select the least cost scenario for electricity generation system expansion improved computer code WASP-IV for Windows had been used. As far code WASP-IV do not allow finding out optimal solution for electricity generation system with high share of co-generation directly the methodology of application of this program for this case had been developed. Methodology is based on utilization of code WASP-IV for simulation condensing turbines and module BALANCE for modeling co-generation part of the system. The scenarios for the electricity system expansion plan included only conventional technologies. Presently, the works connected with the preparedness for NPP construction in the Republic including site survey for NPP are being carried out. The first stage of siting process according to the IAEA classification has been completed. It was based on a set of criteria answered to A Safety Guide of the IAEA Site Survey for Nuclear Power Plants and requirements to be

  7. A model of oil-generation in a waterlogged and closed system (United States)

    Zhigao, He

    This paper presents a new model on synthetic effects on oil-generation in a waterlogged and closed system. It is suggested based on information about oil in high pressure layers (including gas dissolved in oil), marsh gas and its fermentative solution, fermentation processes and mechanisms, gaseous hydrocarbons of carbonate rocks by acid treatment, oil-field water, recent and ancient sediments, and simulation experiments of artificial marsh gas and biological action. The model differs completely from the theory of oil-generation by thermal degradation of kerogen but stresses the synthetic effects of oil-generation in special waterlogged and closed geological systems, the importance of pressure in oil-forming processes, and direct oil generation by micro-organisms. Oil generated directly by micro-organisms is a particular biochemical reaction. Another feature of this model is that generation, migration and accumulation of petroleum are considered as a whole.

  8. Performance evaluation of a tri-generation system with simulation and experiment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ge, Y.T.; Tassou, S.A.; Suguartha, N. [Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering and Design, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH (United Kingdom); Chaer, I. [Faculty of Engineering, Science and the Built Environment, London South Bank University (T617), Borough Road, London SE1 0AA (United Kingdom)


    A test rig for a tri-generation system was set up in the laboratory to investigate the system performance and application feasibility. The rig was composed of three modules, a power component containing a microturbine, a refrigeration unit consisting of an absorption chiller with gas pipe connection, and a supermarket section containing a display cabinet. This system was supposed to be effectively applied into a supermarket energy control system where cooling, heating and electricity power are simultaneously required and subsequently, valuable test results have been produced. In the mean time, a simulation model for the particular tri-generation system has been established by integrating the component models of the system in accordance with the components' actual flow paths and energy streams. These component models, which include a compressor, recuperator, combustion chamber, gas turbine, electric generator, gas pipes, generator (desorber), rectifier, absorbers, condenser and evaporator etc., were developed based upon the balance of heat and mass. The calculations of heat transfer and phase equilibrium were included in the component models and chemical reaction balances were considered in the model of the combustion chamber. The system model has been validated with the test results and has consequently been used to predict the system performance at different operating and design conditions, such as varied ambient temperature, fuel flow rate and pressure ratio etc. The ultimate results of the performance analysis formulated by the system model can contribute significantly to the optimal component and system designs in various practical applications. (author)

  9. Renewable energy technology for off-grid power generation solar hybrid system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohd Azhar Abd Rahman


    Off-grid power generation is meant to supply remote or rural area, where grid connection is almost impossible in terms of cost and geography, such as island, aborigine's villages, and areas where nature preservation is concern. Harnessing an abundance renewable energy sources using versatile hybrid power systems can offer the best, least-cost alternative solution for extending modern energy services to remote and isolated communities. The conventional method for off-grid power generation is using diesel generator with a renewable energy (RE) technology utilizing solar photovoltaic, wind, biomass, biogas and/or mini/micro hydro. A hybrid technology is a combination of multiple source of energy; such as RE and diesel generator and may also include energy storage such as battery. In our design, the concept of solar hybrid system is a combination of solar with diesel genset and battery as an energy storage. The main objective of the system are to reduce the cost of operation and maintenance, cost of logistic and carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emission. The operational concept of solar hybrid system is that solar will be the first choice of supplying load and excess energy produced will be stored in battery. Genset will be a secondary source of energy. The system is controlled by a microprocessor-based controlled to manage the energy supplied and load demand. The solar hybrid system consists of one or two diesel generator with electronic control system, lead-acid battery system, solar PV, inverter module and system controller with remote monitoring capability. The benefits of solar hybrid system are: Improved reliability, Improved energy services, reduced emissions and pollution, provide continuous power supply, increased operational life, reduced cost, and more efficient use of power. Currently, such system has been installed at Middle and Top Station of Langkawi Cable Car, Langkawi and Aborigines Village Kg Denai, Rompin, Pahang. The technology is considered new in Malaysia

  10. Modeling land use change impacts on water resources in a tropical West African catchment (Dano, Burkina Faso) (United States)

    Yira, Y.; Diekkrüger, B.; Steup, G.; Bossa, A. Y.


    This study investigates the impacts of land use change on water resources in the Dano catchment, Burkina Faso, using a physically based hydrological simulation model and land use scenarios. Land use dynamic in the catchment was assessed through the analysis of four land use maps corresponding to the land use status in 1990, 2000, 2007, and 2013. A reclassification procedure levels out differences between the classification schemes of the four maps. The land use maps were used to build five land use scenarios corresponding to different levels of land use change in the catchment. Water balance was simulated by applying the Water flow and balance Simulation Model (WaSiM) using observed discharge, soil moisture, and groundwater level for model calibration and validation. Model statistical quality measures (R2, NSE and KGE) achieved during calibration and validation ranged between 0.6 and 0.9 for total discharge, soil moisture, and groundwater level, indicating a good agreement between observed and simulated variables. After a successful multivariate validation the model was applied to the land use scenarios. The land use assessment exhibited a decrease of savannah at an annual rate of 2% since 1990. Conversely, cropland and urban areas have increased. Since urban areas occupy only 3% of the catchment it can be assumed that savannah was mainly converted to cropland. The conversion rate of savannah was lower than the annual population growth of 3%. A clear increase in total discharge (+17%) and decrease in evapotranspiration (-5%) was observed following land use change in the catchment. A strong relationship was established between savannah degradation, cropland expansion, discharge increase and reduction of evapotranspiration. The increase in total discharge is related to high peak flow, suggesting (i) an increase in water resources that are not available for plant growth and human consumption and (ii) an alteration of flood risk for both the population within and

  11. Stability analysis of transmission system with high penetration of distributed generation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reza, M.


    Nowadays, interest in generating electricity using decentralized generators of relatively small scale ('distributed generation', DG) is increasing. This work deals with the impact of implementing DG on the transmission system transient stability, with the emphasis on a potential transition from a 'vertical power system' to a 'horizontal power system. A problem in power systems is maintaining synchronous operation of all (centralized) synchronous machines. This stability problem associated is called rotor angle stability. In this work, the impact of the DG implementation on this is investigated. The impact of DG levels on the system transient stability when the increasing DG level is followed by a reduction of centralized generators in service resulting in a 'vertical to horizontal' transformation of the power system is also investigated. Furthermore, a stochastic analysis is used to study the transient stability of the power systems. The results show that including the stochastic behavior of DG leads to a more complete and detailed view of the system performance. Finally, the situation when the power system is pushed towards a scenario, where DG penetration reaches a level that covers the total load of the original power system (100% DG level) is investigated. The research performed in this work indicates that from the transmission system stability point of view, if higher DG penetration levels are coming up, sufficient inertia and voltage support must be installed. Furthermore, one should be aware of the fact that the system behaves stochastically, especially with DG. To a certain extent regional balancing of power can be performed by local voltage control.

  12. Electric Generator in the System for Damping Oscillations of Vehicles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Serebryakov A.


    Full Text Available The control systems for the objects of industry, power generation, transport, etc. are extremely complicated; functional efficiency of these systems determines to a great extent the safe and non-polluting operation as well as convenience of service and repair of such objects. The authors consider the possibility to improve the efficiency of systems for damping oscillations in transport using a combination of electrical (generators of rotational and linear types and hydraulic means. Better efficiency of functioning is achieved through automatic control over the operational conditions of such a system in order to make it adaptive to variations in the road profile and ambient temperature; besides, it is possible to produce additional electric energy.

  13. Electric Generator in the System for Damping Oscillations of Vehicles (United States)

    Serebryakov, A.; Kamolins, E.; Levin, N.


    The control systems for the objects of industry, power generation, transport, etc. are extremely complicated; functional efficiency of these systems determines to a great extent the safe and non-polluting operation as well as convenience of service and repair of such objects. The authors consider the possibility to improve the efficiency of systems for damping oscillations in transport using a combination of electrical (generators of rotational and linear types) and hydraulic means. Better efficiency of functioning is achieved through automatic control over the operational conditions of such a system in order to make it adaptive to variations in the road profile and ambient temperature; besides, it is possible to produce additional electric energy.

  14. Comparative health and safety assessment of alternative future electrical-generation systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Habegger, L.J.; Gasper, J.R.; Brown, C.D.


    The report is an analysis of health and safety risks of seven alternative electrical generation systems, all of which have potential for commercial availability in the post-2000 timeframe. The systems are compared on the basis of expected public and occupational deaths and lost workdays per year associated with 1000 MWe average unit generation. Risks and their uncertainties are estimated for all phases of the energy production cycle, including fuel and raw material extraction and processing, direct and indirect component manufacture, on-site construction, and system operation and maintenance. Also discussed is the potential significance of related major health and safety issues that remain largely unquantifiable. The technologies include: the SPS; a low-Btu coal gasification system with an open-cycle gas turbine combined with a steam topping cycle (CG/CC); a light water fission reactor system without fuel reprocessing (LWR); a liquid metal fast breeder fission reactor system (LMFBR); a central station terrestrial photovoltaic system (CTPV); and a first generation fusion system with magnetic confinement. For comparison with the baseload technologies, risk from a decentralized roof-top photovoltaic system with 6 kWe peak capacity and battery storage (DTPV) was also evaluated

  15. Microelectrode generator-collector systems for electrolytic titration: theoretical and practical considerations. (United States)

    Bell, Christopher G; Seelanan, Parinya; O'Hare, Danny


    Electochemical generator-collector systems, where one electrode is used to generate a reagent, have a potentially large field of application in sensing and measurement. We present a new theoretical description for coplanar microelectrode disc-disc systems where the collector is passive (such as a potentiometric sensor) and the generator is operating at constant flux. This solution is then used to develop a leading order solution for such a system where the reagent reacts reversibly in solution, such as in acid-base titration, where a hydrogen ion flux is generated by electrolysis of water. The principal novel result of the theory is that such devices are constrained by a maximum reagent flux. The hydrogen ion concentration at the collector will only reflect the buffer capacity of the bulk solution if this constraint is met. Both mathematical solutions are evaluated with several microfabricated devices and reasonable agreement with theory is demonstrated.

  16. Raster Scan Computer Image Generation (CIG) System Based On Refresh Memory (United States)

    Dichter, W.; Doris, K.; Conkling, C.


    A full color, Computer Image Generation (CIG) raster visual system has been developed which provides a high level of training sophistication by utilizing advanced semiconductor technology and innovative hardware and firmware techniques. Double buffered refresh memory and efficient algorithms eliminate the problem of conventional raster line ordering by allowing the generated image to be stored in a random fashion. Modular design techniques and simplified architecture provide significant advantages in reduced system cost, standardization of parts, and high reliability. The major system components are a general purpose computer to perform interfacing and data base functions; a geometric processor to define the instantaneous scene image; a display generator to convert the image to a video signal; an illumination control unit which provides final image processing; and a CRT monitor for display of the completed image. Additional optional enhancements include texture generators, increased edge and occultation capability, curved surface shading, and data base extensions.

  17. Condition-Based Maintenance Strategy for Production Systems Generating Environmental Damage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. Tlili


    Full Text Available We consider production systems which generate damage to environment as they get older and degrade. The system is submitted to inspections to assess the generated environmental damage. The inspections can be periodic or nonperiodic. In case an inspection reveals that the environmental degradation level has exceeded the critical level U, the system is considered in an advanced deterioration state and will have generated significant environmental damage. A corrective maintenance action is then performed to renew the system and clean the environment and a penalty has to be paid. In order to prevent such an undesirable situation, a lower threshold level L is considered to trigger a preventive maintenance action to bring back the system to a state as good as new at a lower cost and without paying the penalty. Two inspection policies are considered (periodic and nonperiodic. For each one of them, a mathematical model and a numerical procedure are developed to determine simultaneously the preventive maintenance (PM threshold L∗ and the inspection sequence which minimize the average long-run cost per time unit. Numerical calculations are performed to illustrate the proposed maintenance policies and highlight their main characteristics with respect to relevant input parameters.

  18. MOLIERE: Automatic Biomedical Hypothesis Generation System. (United States)

    Sybrandt, Justin; Shtutman, Michael; Safro, Ilya


    Hypothesis generation is becoming a crucial time-saving technique which allows biomedical researchers to quickly discover implicit connections between important concepts. Typically, these systems operate on domain-specific fractions of public medical data. MOLIERE, in contrast, utilizes information from over 24.5 million documents. At the heart of our approach lies a multi-modal and multi-relational network of biomedical objects extracted from several heterogeneous datasets from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). These objects include but are not limited to scientific papers, keywords, genes, proteins, diseases, and diagnoses. We model hypotheses using Latent Dirichlet Allocation applied on abstracts found near shortest paths discovered within this network, and demonstrate the effectiveness of MOLIERE by performing hypothesis generation on historical data. Our network, implementation, and resulting data are all publicly available for the broad scientific community.

  19. Oxygen transport membrane reactor based method and system for generating electric power (United States)

    Kelly, Sean M.; Chakravarti, Shrikar; Li, Juan


    A carbon capture enabled system and method for generating electric power and/or fuel from methane containing sources using oxygen transport membranes by first converting the methane containing feed gas into a high pressure synthesis gas. Then, in one configuration the synthesis gas is combusted in oxy-combustion mode in oxygen transport membranes based boiler reactor operating at a pressure at least twice that of ambient pressure and the heat generated heats steam in thermally coupled steam generation tubes within the boiler reactor; the steam is expanded in steam turbine to generate power; and the carbon dioxide rich effluent leaving the boiler reactor is processed to isolate carbon. In another configuration the synthesis gas is further treated in a gas conditioning system configured for carbon capture in a pre-combustion mode using water gas shift reactors and acid gas removal units to produce hydrogen or hydrogen-rich fuel gas that fuels an integrated gas turbine and steam turbine system to generate power. The disclosed method and system can also be adapted to integrate with coal gasification systems to produce power from both coal and methane containing sources with greater than 90% carbon isolation.

  20. System diagnostic builder: a rule-generation tool for expert systems that do intelligent data evaluation (United States)

    Nieten, Joseph L.; Burke, Roger


    The system diagnostic builder (SDB) is an automated knowledge acquisition tool using state- of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. The SDB uses an inductive machine learning technique to generate rules from data sets that are classified by a subject matter expert (SME). Thus, data is captured from the subject system, classified by an expert, and used to drive the rule generation process. These rule-bases are used to represent the observable behavior of the subject system, and to represent knowledge about this system. The rule-bases can be used in any knowledge based system which monitors or controls a physical system or simulation. The SDB has demonstrated the utility of using inductive machine learning technology to generate reliable knowledge bases. In fact, we have discovered that the knowledge captured by the SDB can be used in any number of applications. For example, the knowledge bases captured from the SMS can be used as black box simulations by intelligent computer aided training devices. We can also use the SDB to construct knowledge bases for the process control industry, such as chemical production, or oil and gas production. These knowledge bases can be used in automated advisory systems to ensure safety, productivity, and consistency.

  1. DC Linked Hybrid Generation System with an Energy Storage Device including a Photo-Voltaic Generation and a Gas Engine Cogeneration for Residential Houses (United States)

    Lung, Chienru; Miyake, Shota; Kakigano, Hiroaki; Miura, Yushi; Ise, Toshifumi; Momose, Toshinari; Hayakawa, Hideki

    For the past few years, a hybrid generation system including solar panel and gas cogeneration is being used for residential houses. Solar panels can generate electronic power at daytime; meanwhile, it cannot generate electronic power at night time. But the power consumption of residential houses usually peaks in the evening. The gas engine cogeneration system can generate electronic power without such a restriction, and it also can generate heat power to warm up house or to produce hot water. In this paper, we propose the solar panel and gas engine co-generation hybrid system with an energy storage device that is combined by dc bus. If a black out occurs, the system still can supply electronic power for special house loads. We propose the control scheme for the system which are related with the charging level of the energy storage device, the voltage of the utility grid which can be applied both grid connected and stand alone operation. Finally, we carried out some experiments to demonstrate the system operation and calculation for loss estimation.

  2. The development of a control system for a small high speed steam microturbine generator system (United States)

    Alford, A.; Nichol, P.; Saunders, M.; Frisby, B.


    Steam is a widely used energy source. In many situations steam is generated at high pressures and then reduced in pressure through control valves before reaching point of use. An opportunity was identified to convert some of the energy at the point of pressure reduction into electricity. To take advantage of a market identified for small scale systems, a microturbine generator was designed based on a small high speed turbo machine. This machine was packaged with the necessary control valves and systems to allow connection of the machine to the grid. Traditional machines vary the speed of the generator to match the grid frequency. This was not possible due to the high speed of this machine. The characteristics of the rotating unit had to be understood to allow a control that allowed export of energy at the right frequency to the grid under the widest possible range of steam conditions. A further goal of the control system was to maximise the efficiency of generation under all conditions. A further complication was to provide adequate protection for the rotating unit in the event of the loss of connection to the grid. The system to meet these challenges is outlined with the solutions employed and tested for this application.

  3. Research on simulated devices for Solar photovoltaic grid-connected generation system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    quan-zhu Zhang


    Full Text Available On the standpoint of energy conservation and emission reduction, one device simulated photovoltaic grid-connected generation system based on SPWM was designed in the paper. And DC/AC inverter could transduce efficiently direct current to alternating current. The MCU(Micro-Control-Unit, in this system could achieve the control method for maximum-power-point and tracking for frequency and phase. Moreover, the MCU could implement PWM (Plus-Width Modulating through programming. The system showed clearly the whole photovoltaic grid-connected generation system using simulated methods and ways.

  4. A Pilot Study on Comparative Assessment of Electricity Generating Systems Using Monetary Value

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Kil Yoo; Kim, Seong Ho; Kim, Tae Woon


    Recently, many variables which affect the cost of electricity generating systems are drastically changing. For examples, the price of crude oil soared above 70 dollars a barrel and it will be continuously going up. Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement signed by 141 countries that promise to reduce greenhouse gases, finally entered into force on February 16, 2005. A total of 39 countries are required to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, to 5.2 percent below the 1990 levels during 2008-2012. Also, many researches and government support are concentrated on the renewable energy. In Korea, the portion of renewable energy in the electricity generation will be increased up to 7% in 2010. Therefore, a comparative assessment among electricity generating systems by considering the environmental impacts, risks, health effects, and social effects is required to establish the national energy and power systems planning systematically and scientifically. Up to now, several papers for data collection and analysis of the environmental impacts, risks, and health effects for various electricity generation systems in Korea were published. However, they were not the comparative assessment covering all impacts and effects but just a partial assessment (e.g., environmental impacts assessment only), or not covering all generating systems such as nuclear, coal, LNG, hydro, oil, wind, photo-voltaic (=solar) but covering partial ones (e.g., nuclear, coal, LNG, and wind only). Although Ref. deals all electricity generating systems, and all impacts such as economic, environmental, health, and social impacts, it used too much subjective opinion by using pairwise comparison questionnaire to know the relative importance among the economic, environmental, health, and social effects. However, if economic, environmental, health, and social effects of the various electricity generation systems could be calculated by monetary value

  5. Smart energy systems and 4th generation district heating

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Henrik; Duic, Neven; Østergaard, Poul Alberg


    scientific understanding on how we can design and implement a suitable and least-cost transformation into a sustainable energy future. The concept of Smart Energy Systems emphasizes the importance of being coherent and cross-sectoral when the best solutions are to be found and how this also calls......This editorial gives an introduction to the important relationship between Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generation District Heating and presents a number of selected papers from the 1st International Conference on the topic. All of the papers elaborate on or otherwise contribute to the theoretical...... for the active inclusion of the heating and cooling sectors. The concept of 4th Generation District Heating emphasizes that district heating and cooling are both important elements but also technologies that have to be developed further into a 4th generation version to be able to fulfil their roles in future...

  6. Pulsed electron beam generation with fast repetitive double pulse system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sharma, Surender Kumar; Deb, Pankaj; Shyam, Anurag, E-mail: [Energetics and Electromagnetics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Visakhapatnam (India); Sharma, Archana [Accelerator and Pulse Power Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai (India)


    Longer duration high voltage pulse (∼ 100 kV, 260 ns) is generated and reported using helical pulse forming line in compact geometry. The transmission line characteristics of the helical pulse forming line are also used to develop fast repetition double pulse system with very short inter pulse interval. It overcomes the limitations caused due to circuit parameters, power supplies and load characteristics for fast repetitive high voltage pulse generation. The high voltage double pulse of 100 kV, 100 ns with an inter pulse repetition interval of 30 ns is applied across the vacuum field emission diode for pulsed electron beam generation. The electron beam is generated from cathode material by application of negative high voltage (> 100 kV) across the diode by explosive electron emission process. The vacuum field emission diode is made of 40 mm diameter graphite cathode and SS mesh anode. The anode cathode gap was 6 mm and the drift tube diameter was 10 cm. The initial experimental results of pulsed electron beam generation with fast repetitive double pulse system are reported and discussed. (author)

  7. Policy-induced market introduction of Generation IV reactor systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heek, Aliki Irina van; Roelofs, Ferry


    Almost 10 years ago the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) started the Generation IV Initiative (GenIV) with 9 other national governments with a positive ground attitude towards nuclear energy. Some of these Generation IV systems, like the fast reactors, are nearing the demonstration stage. The question on how their market introduction will be implemented becomes increasingly urgent. One main topic for future reactor technologies is the treatment of radioactive waste products. Technological solutions to this issue are being developed. One possible process is the transformation of long-living radioactive nuclides into short living ones; a process known as transmutation, which can be done in a nuclear reactor only. Various Generation IV reactor concepts are suitable for this process, and of these systems most experience has been gained with the sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR). However, both these first generation SFR plants and their Generation IV successors are designed as electricity generating plants, and therefore supposed to be commercially viable in the electricity markets. Various studies indicate that the generation costs of a combined LWR-(S)FR nuclear generating park (LWR: light water reactor) will be higher than that of an LWR-only park. To investigate the effects of the deployment of the different reactors and fuel cycles on the waste produced, resources used and costs incurred as a function of time, a dynamic fuel cycle assessment is performed. This study will focus on the waste impact of the introduction of a fraction of fast reactors in the European nuclear reactor park with a cost increase as described in the previous paragraph. The nuclear fuel cycle scenario code DANESS is used for this, as well as the nuclear park model of the EU-27 used for the previous study. (orig.)

  8. Automatic code generation for distributed robotic systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jones, J.P.


    Hetero Helix is a software environment which supports relatively large robotic system development projects. The environment supports a heterogeneous set of message-passing LAN-connected common-bus multiprocessors, but the programming model seen by software developers is a simple shared memory. The conceptual simplicity of shared memory makes it an extremely attractive programming model, especially in large projects where coordinating a large number of people can itself become a significant source of complexity. We present results from three system development efforts conducted at Oak Ridge National Laboratory over the past several years. Each of these efforts used automatic software generation to create 10 to 20 percent of the system

  9. Next generation of energy production systems; Lancement pour les systemes du futur

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rouault, J.; Garnier, J.C. [CEA Saclay Dir. de l' Energie Nucleaire DEN, 91 - Gif sur Yvette (France); Carre, F. [CEA Saclay, Dir. du Developpement et de l' Innovation Nucleares - DDIN, 91 - Gif Sur Yvette (France)] [and others


    This document gathers the slides that have been presented at the Gedepeon conference. Gedepeon is a research group involving scientists from Cea (French atomic energy commission), CNRS (national center of scientific research), EDF (electricity of France) and Framatome that is devoted to the study of new energy sources and particularly to the study of the future generations of nuclear systems. The contributions have been classed into 9 topics: 1) gas cooled reactors, 2) molten salt reactors (MSBR), 3) the recycling of plutonium and americium, 4) reprocessing of molten salt reactor fuels, 5) behavior of graphite under radiation, 6) metallic materials for molten salt reactors, 7) refractory fuels of gas cooled reactors, 8) the nuclear cycle for the next generations of nuclear systems, and 9) organization of research programs on the new energy sources.

  10. A Multi-Functional Power Electronic Converter in Distributed Generation Power Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chen, Zhe; Blaabjerg, Frede; Pedersen, John Kim


    of the converter interfacing a wind power generation unit is also given. The power electronic interface performs the optimal operation in the wind turbine system to extract the maximum wind power, while it also plays a key role in a hybrid compensation system that consists of the active power electronic converter......This paper presents a power electronic converter which is used as an interface for a distributed generation unit/energy storage device, and also functioned as an active power compensator in a hybrid compensation system. The operation and control of the converter have been described. An example...... and passive filters connected to each distorting load or distributed generation (DG) unit. The passive filters are distributely located to remove major harmonics and provide reactive power compensation. The active power electronic filter corrects the system unbalance, removes the remaining harmonic components...


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Faress Rahman; Nguyen Minh


    This report summarizes the work performed by Hybrid Power Generation Systems, LLC during the January 2003 to June 2003 reporting period under Cooperative Agreement DE-FC26-01NT40779 for the U. S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory (DOE/NETL) entitled ''Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Hybrid System for Distributed Power Generation''. The main objective of this project is to develop and demonstrate the feasibility of a highly efficient hybrid system integrating a planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) and a micro-turbine. In addition, an activity included in this program focuses on the development of an integrated coal gasification fuel cell system concept based on planar SOFC technology. This report summarizes the results obtained to date on: System performance analysis and model optimization; Reliability and cost model development; System control including dynamic model development; Heat exchanger material tests and life analysis; Pressurized SOFC evaluation; and Pre-baseline system definition for coal gasification fuel cell system concept.

  12. SCOS2: ESA's new generation of mission control systems (United States)

    Kaufeler, J. F.; Head, N. C.


    The paper describes the next generation Spacecraft Control System infrastructure (SCOSII) which is being developed at the Operations Centre (ESOC) of the European Space Agency (ESA). The objectives of the new system and selected areas of the proposed hardware and software approach are described.

  13. RFIC's challenges for third-generation wireless systems (United States)

    Boric-Lubecke, Olga; Lin, Jenshan; Gould, Penny; Kermalli, Munawar


    Third generation (3G) cellular wireless systems are envisioned to offer low cost, high-capacity mobile communications with data rates of up to 2 Mbit/s, with global roaming and advanced data services. Besides adding mobility to the internet, 3G systems will provide location-based services, as well as personalized information and entertainment. Low cost, high dynamic-range radios, both for base stations (BS) and for mobile stations (MS) are required to enable worldwide deployment of such networks. A receiver's reference sensitivity, intermodulation characteristics, and blocking characteristics, set by a wireless standard, define performance requirements of individual components of a receiver front end. Since base station handles multiple signals from various distances simultaneously, its radio specifications are significantly more demanding than those for mobile devices. While high level of integration has already been achieved for second generation hand-sets using low-cost silicon technologies, the cost and size reduction of base stations still remains a challenge and necessity. While silicon RFIC technology is steadily improving, it is still difficult to achieve noise figure (NF), linearity, and phase noise requirements with presently available devices. This paper will discuss base station specification for 2G (GSM) and 3G (UMTS) systems, as well as the feasibility of implementing base station radios in low-cost silicon processes.

  14. Power control for direct-driven permanent magnet wind generator system with battery storage. (United States)

    Guang, Chu Xiao; Ying, Kong


    The objective of this paper is to construct a wind generator system (WGS) loss model that addresses the loss of the wind turbine and the generator. It aims to optimize the maximum effective output power and turbine speed. Given that the wind generator system has inertia and is nonlinear, the dynamic model of the wind generator system takes the advantage of the duty of the Buck converter and employs feedback linearization to design the optimized turbine speed tracking controller and the load power controller. According to that, this paper proposes a dual-mode dynamic coordination strategy based on the auxiliary load to reduce the influence of mode conversion on the lifetime of the battery. Optimized speed and power rapid tracking as well as the reduction of redundant power during mode conversion have gone through the test based on a 5 kW wind generator system test platform. The generator output power as the capture target has also been proved to be efficient.

  15. Power Control for Direct-Driven Permanent Magnet Wind Generator System with Battery Storage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chu Xiao Guang


    Full Text Available The objective of this paper is to construct a wind generator system (WGS loss model that addresses the loss of the wind turbine and the generator. It aims to optimize the maximum effective output power and turbine speed. Given that the wind generator system has inertia and is nonlinear, the dynamic model of the wind generator system takes the advantage of the duty of the Buck converter and employs feedback linearization to design the optimized turbine speed tracking controller and the load power controller. According to that, this paper proposes a dual-mode dynamic coordination strategy based on the auxiliary load to reduce the influence of mode conversion on the lifetime of the battery. Optimized speed and power rapid tracking as well as the reduction of redundant power during mode conversion have gone through the test based on a 5 kW wind generator system test platform. The generator output power as the capture target has also been proved to be efficient.

  16. ''VaneCAM'' - the third generation of camshaft adjustment systems; ''VaneCAM'' - Nockenwellenversteller der dritten Generation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Knecht, A. [Hydraulik-Ring GmbH, Nuertingen (Germany). Entwicklung Motorentechnik; Stephan, W. [Hydraulik-Ring GmbH, Nuertingen (Germany); Hannibal, W. [Fachhochschule Suedwestfalen, Iserlohn (Germany). Labor fuer Konstruktion und CAE-Anwendungen


    Continuously variable camphasers are now well established for modern spark-ignition engines in high-volume production. With the latest generation of camshaft adjustment systems using the vane-type actuator principle, it is possible to move rapidly and reliably through a large adjustment angle. The layout of these adjusting systems is very simple. The production costs are low in comparison to the first generation of camphasers using spur/helical gears to vary the valve timing. The new-generation systems are mechatronic, with the function depending on the coordination and tuning of hydraulic actuation and engine electronics. The term 'VaneCAM' is used for the continuously variable systems of this new generation supplied by Hydraulik-Ring in Nuertingen, Germany. (orig.) [German] Stufenlos wirkende Nockenwellenversteller haben sich an modernen Ottomotoren in den letzten Jahren in der Grossserie etabliert. Mit der neuesten Generation von Nockenwellenverstellern, die nach dem Schwenkmotor-Prinzip aufgebaut sind, lassen sich grosse Verdrehwinkel sehr schnell und betriebssicher verstellen. Der Aufbau dieser Versteller ist einfach, und die Herstellkosten sind gering im Vergleich zur ersten Generation von Verstellern. Bei den Systemen der neuen Generation handelt es sich um mechatronische Systeme, deren Funktion von dem Zusammenspiel und der Abstimmung von hydraulischer Ansteuerung und Motorelektronik abhaengt. Mit dem Begriff 'VaneCAM' werden die stufenlos wirkenden Systeme dieser neuen Generation von Hydraulik-Ring aus Nuertingen bezeichnet. (orig.)

  17. The generation IV nuclear reactor systems - Energy of future

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohai, Dumitru; Jianu, Adrian


    Ten nations joined within the Generation IV International Forum (GIF), agreeing on a framework for international cooperation in research. Their goal is to develop future-generation nuclear energy systems that can be licensed, constructed, and operated in an economically competitive way while addressing the issues of safety, proliferation, and other public perception concerns. The objective is for the Gen IV systems to be available for deployment by 2030. Using more than 100 nuclear experts from its 10 member nations, the GIF has developed a Gen IV Technology Roadmap to guide the research and development of the world's most advanced, efficient and safe nuclear power systems. The Gen IV Technology Roadmap calls for extensive research and development of six different potential future reactor systems. These include water-cooled, gas-cooled, liquid metal-cooled and nonclassical systems. One or more of these reactor systems will provide the best combination of safety, reliability, efficiency and proliferation resistance at a competitive cost. The main goals for the Gen IV Nuclear Energy Systems are: - Provide sustainable energy generation that meets clean air objectives and promotes long-term availability of systems and effective fuel use for worldwide energy production; - Minimize and manage their nuclear waste and noticeably reduce the long-term stewardship burden in the future, improving the protection of public health and the environment; - Increase the assurance that these reactors are very unattractive and the least desirable route for diversion or theft of weapons-usable materials, and provide increased protection against acts of terrorism; - Have a clear life-cycle cost advantage over other energy sources; - Have a level of financial risk comparable to other energy projects; - Excel in safety and reliability; - Have a low likelihood and degree of reactor core damage. (authors)

  18. Sensor-Based Trajectory Generation for Advanced Driver Assistance System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christopher James Shackleton


    Full Text Available This paper investigates the trajectory generation problem for an advanced driver assistance system that could sense the driving state of the vehicle, so that a collision free trajectory can be generated safely. Specifically, the problem of trajectory generation is solved for the safety assessment of the driving state and to manipulate the vehicle in order to avoid any possible collisions. The vehicle senses the environment so as to obtain information about other vehicles and static obstacles ahead. Vehicles may share the perception of the environment via an inter-vehicle communication system. The planning algorithm is based on a visibility graph. A lateral repulsive potential is applied to adaptively maintain a trade-off between the trajectory length and vehicle clearance, which is the greatest problem associated with visibility graphs. As opposed to adaptive roadmap approaches, the algorithm exploits the structured nature of the environment for construction of the roadmap. Furthermore, the mostly organized nature of traffic systems is exploited to obtain orientation invariance, which is another limitation of both visibility graphs and adaptive roadmaps. Simulation results show that the algorithm can successfully solve the problem for a variety of commonly found scenarios.

  19. An Ethernet LAN based distributed generation system load shedding strategy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wei, Mu; Chen, Zhe


    This paper firstly analyzes and compares various communication technologies, and proposes a communication system for a distributed generation system (DGS) with wind turbines. Then the paper presents a novel simulation method of considering the interactions between the communication system and power...

  20. Solar power generation system. Solar denryoku hassei sochi

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ohaku, T [Toshiba Corp., Kawasaki (Japan)


    In a conventional solar power generation system having shunt elements for controlling generated power and supplying the controlled power to a load, it is difficult to carry out a stable power control, because the shunt characteristics of an analogue shunt element driving circuit vary widely as compared with a digital shunt element driving circuit, as the temperature varies. According to the present invention, in a solar power generation system having a plurality of solar cells divided into two of the first and second cell groups and a first and a second shunt element driving means provided for the first and second cell groups, the first shunt element driving means is composed of a combination of a resisance and level shift diode arranged, and the second shunt element driving means is composed of a combination of a transistor and level shift diode arranged. A stable current control of the shunt elements can be therefore realized, because the control voltage range of the first and second shunt element driving means is changed so as to be expanded, as the temperature varies, so that their overlapped voltage range is kept constant. 7 figs.

  1. Optimal Trajectories Generation in Robotic Fiber Placement Systems (United States)

    Gao, Jiuchun; Pashkevich, Anatol; Caro, Stéphane


    The paper proposes a methodology for optimal trajectories generation in robotic fiber placement systems. A strategy to tune the parameters of the optimization algorithm at hand is also introduced. The presented technique transforms the original continuous problem into a discrete one where the time-optimal motions are generated by using dynamic programming. The developed strategy for the optimization algorithm tuning allows essentially reducing the computing time and obtaining trajectories satisfying industrial constraints. Feasibilities and advantages of the proposed methodology are confirmed by an application example.

  2. Performance characterization of a power generation unit–organic Rankine cycle system based on the efficiencies of the system components

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knizley, Alta; Mago, Pedro J.; Tobermann, James; Warren, Harrison R.


    Highlights: • Use of waste heat from a power generation unit to generate electricity is explored. • An organic Rankine cycle is used to recover the waste heat. • The system may lower cost, primary energy consumption, and carbon dioxide emission. • A parameter was established to show when the proposed system would provide savings. • The proposed system was evaluated in different locations in the US. - Abstract: This paper analyzes the potential of using the waste heat from a power generation unit to generate additional electricity using an organic Rankine cycle to reduce operational cost, primary energy consumption, and carbon dioxide emissions in different locations in the U.S. The power generation unit–organic Rankine cycle system is compared with a conventional system in terms of operational cost, primary energy consumption, and carbon dioxide emissions reduction. A parameter (R_m_i_n), which is based on system efficiencies, is established to determine when the proposed power generation unit–organic Rankine cycle system would potentially provide savings versus the conventional system in which electricity is purchased from the utility grid. The effect on the R_m_i_n parameter with variation of each system efficiency is also analyzed in this paper. Results indicated that savings in one parameter, such as primary energy consumption, did not imply savings in the other two parameters. Savings in the three parameters (operational cost, primary energy consumption, and carbon dioxide emissions) varied widely based on location due to prices of natural gas and electricity, source-to-site conversion factors, and carbon dioxide emissions conversion factors for electricity and natural gas. Variations in each system efficiency affected R_m_i_n, but varying the power generation unit efficiency had the most dramatic effect in the overall savings potential from the proposed system.

  3. Entropy as a Metric Generator of Dissipation in Complete Metriplectic Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Massimo Materassi


    Full Text Available This lecture is a short review on the role entropy plays in those classical dissipative systems whose equations of motion may be expressed via a Leibniz Bracket Algebra (LBA. This means that the time derivative of any physical observable f of the system is calculated by putting this f in a “bracket” together with a “special observable” F, referred to as a Leibniz generator of the dynamics. While conservative dynamics is given an LBA formulation in the Hamiltonian framework, so that F is the Hamiltonian H of the system that generates the motion via classical Poisson brackets or quantum commutation brackets, an LBA formulation can be given to classical dissipative dynamics through the Metriplectic Bracket Algebra (MBA: the conservative component of the dynamics is still generated via Poisson algebra by the total energy H, while S, the entropy of the degrees of freedom statistically encoded in friction, generates dissipation via a metric bracket. The motivation of expressing through a bracket algebra and a motion-generating function F is to endow the theory of the system at hand with all the powerful machinery of Hamiltonian systems in terms of symmetries that become evident and readable. Here a (necessarily partial overview of the types of systems subject to MBA formulation is presented, and the physical meaning of the quantity S involved in each is discussed. Here the aim is to review the different MBAs for isolated systems in a synoptic way. At the end of this collection of examples, the fact that dissipative dynamics may be constructed also in the absence of friction with microscopic degrees of freedom is stressed. This reasoning is a hint to introduce dissipation at a more fundamental level.

  4. Evaluation of Current Controllers for Distributed Power Generation Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Timbus, Adrian; Liserre, Marco; Teodorescu, Remus


    This paper discusses the evaluation of different current controllers employed for grid-connected distributed power generation systems having variable input power, such as wind turbines and photovoltaic systems. The focus is mainly set on linear controllers such as proportional-integral, proportio......This paper discusses the evaluation of different current controllers employed for grid-connected distributed power generation systems having variable input power, such as wind turbines and photovoltaic systems. The focus is mainly set on linear controllers such as proportional......-integral, proportional-resonant, and deadbeat (DB) controllers. Additionally, an improved DB controller robust against grid impedance variation is also presented. Since the paper discusses the implementation of these controllers for grid-connected applications, their evaluation is made in three operating conditions....... First, in steady-state conditions, the contribution of controllers to the total harmonic distortion of the grid current is pursued. Further on, the behavior of controllers in the case of transient conditions like input power variations and grid voltage faults is also examined. Experimental results...

  5. Generating color terrain images in an emergency response system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Belles, R.D.


    The Atmospheric Release Advisory Capability (ARAC) provides real-time assessments of the consequences resulting from an atmospheric release of radioactive material. In support of this operation, a system has been created which integrates numerical models, data acquisition systems, data analysis techniques, and professional staff. Of particular importance is the rapid generation of graphical images of the terrain surface in the vicinity of the accident site. A terrain data base and an associated acquisition system have been developed that provide the required terrain data. This data is then used as input to a collection of graphics programs which create and display realistic color images of the terrain. The graphics system currently has the capability of generating color shaded relief images from both overhead and perspective viewpoints within minutes. These images serve to quickly familiarize ARAC assessors with the terrain near the release location, and thus permit them to make better informed decisions in modeling the behavior of the released material. 7 refs., 8 figs

  6. A Case Study of Harmonic Impact on a Motor-Generator Set System

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Joung, Pil-Bum [KHNP CRI, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    Motor-Generator Sets are usually used to supply power to a Control Element Drive Mechanism Control System (CEDMCS) at nuclear power plants with pressurized water reactors. Two Motor-Generator Sets, which have 100% capacity, are operated in parallel to improve the reliability of the power supply to the CEDMCS. Fig. 1 presents a diagram of a Motor- Generator Set system. The system of a Motor-Generator Set is composed of electrical equipment, such as a motor, a fly-wheel, and a generator, an exciter and protection-control device, such as a protective relay, synchro check relay, and an auto voltage regulator. In general, the harmonic impact of electrical equipment increases the deterioration of the equipment, the motor, and the generator’s lifetime, which can also be caused by vibration and over-heating and maloperation of the protection-control device. In this paper, we came to understand the harmonic impact on the Motor-Generator Set system through a study of delaying parallel operation by non-operation of the synchro check relay and the fault of under voltage protective relay. Thus, KHNP has established and applied the measures of harmonic reduction by the CEDMCS, such as limiting the voltage harmonic distortion to less than 10%, which is described in IEEE Std 519.

  7. Embedding the Form Generator in a Content Management System (United States)

    Delgado, A.; Wicenec, A.; Delmotte, N.; Tejero, A.


    Given the tremendous amount of data generated by ESO's telescopes and the rapid evolution of the World Wide Web, the ESO archive web interface needs to offer more flexible services and advanced functionalities to a growing community of users all over the world. To achieve this endeavour, a query form generator is being developed inside a Content Management System. We present here a progress report.

  8. Development of data management system for steam generator inspection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jung, Yong Moo; Im, Chang Jae; Lee, Yoon Sang; Kang, Soon Joo; An, Jong Kwan


    The data communications environment for transferring Nuclear Power Plant Steam Generator Eddy Current testing data was investigated and after connecting LAN to Hinet-F network, the remote data transfer with the speed of 56 kbps was tested successfully. Data management system for Steam Generator Eddy current testing was also developed by using HP-UX, RMB (Rock Mountain Basic) 21 figs, 13 tabs, 5 refs. (Author)

  9. Development of data management system for steam generator inspection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jung, Yong Moo; Im, Chang Jae; Lee, Yoon Sang; Kang, Soon Joo; An, Jong Kwan [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)


    The data communications environment for transferring Nuclear Power Plant Steam Generator Eddy Current testing data was investigated and after connecting LAN to Hinet-F network, the remote data transfer with the speed of 56 kbps was tested successfully. Data management system for Steam Generator Eddy current testing was also developed by using HP-UX, RMB (Rock Mountain Basic) 21 figs, 13 tabs, 5 refs. (Author).

  10. Component-based modeling of systems for automated fault tree generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Majdara, Aref; Wakabayashi, Toshio


    One of the challenges in the field of automated fault tree construction is to find an efficient modeling approach that can support modeling of different types of systems without ignoring any necessary details. In this paper, we are going to represent a new system of modeling approach for computer-aided fault tree generation. In this method, every system model is composed of some components and different types of flows propagating through them. Each component has a function table that describes its input-output relations. For the components having different operational states, there is also a state transition table. Each component can communicate with other components in the system only through its inputs and outputs. A trace-back algorithm is proposed that can be applied to the system model to generate the required fault trees. The system modeling approach and the fault tree construction algorithm are applied to a fire sprinkler system and the results are presented

  11. Stabilization of Wind Energy Conversion System with Hydrogen Generator by Using EDLC Energy Storage System (United States)

    Shishido, Seiji; Takahashi, Rion; Murata, Toshiaki; Tamura, Junji; Sugimasa, Masatoshi; Komura, Akiyoshi; Futami, Motoo; Ichinose, Masaya; Ide, Kazumasa

    The spread of wind power generation is progressed hugely in recent years from a viewpoint of environmental problems including global warming. Though wind power is considered as a very prospective energy source, wind power fluctuation due to the random fluctuation of wind speed has still created some problems. Therefore, research has been performed how to smooth the wind power fluctuation. This paper proposes Energy Capacitor System (ECS) for the smoothing of wind power which consists of Electric Double-Layer Capacitor (EDLC) and power electronics devices and works as an electric power storage system. Moreover, hydrogen has received much attention in recent years from a viewpoint of exhaustion problem of fossil fuel. Therefore it is also proposed that a hydrogen generator is installed at the wind farm to generate hydrogen. In this paper, the effectiveness of the proposed system is verified by the simulation analyses using PSCAD/EMTDC.

  12. Report on results of contract research. 'Research on MHD generation system'; MHD hatsuden system no kenkyu seika hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    'Research on MHD generation system' was implemented by its expert committee in the electric joint study group, with the results of fiscal 1980 reported. This year, a detailed conceptual design was carried out on a coal fired MHD generation system, with points for the technological development concretely examined. In addition, investigation was conducted on the progress of MHD generation technology, development situation of other generation systems, state of energy resources, etc., in various foreign countries. In the conceptual design of the coal fired MHD generation plant, the system structure of a 2,000 MWt class commercial MHD generation plant was explained, as were the conceptual design of the structural elements and proposals for a 500 MWt class demonstration plant and an 100 MWt class experimental plant, for example. In the overseas trend of R and D on MHD generation, investigations were made concerning the U.S., Soviet Union, and China, with details compiled for such items as generation plants, combustors, generation channels, heat resisting materials, superconducting magnets, heat exchangers, seed slags, inverters, boilers and environments, and commercial plants. (NEDO)

  13. "Method, system and storage medium for generating virtual brick models"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    An exemplary embodiment is a method for generating a virtual brick model. The virtual brick models are generated by users and uploaded to a centralized host system. Users can build virtual models themselves or download and edit another user's virtual brick models while retaining the identity...

  14. Protocols for second-generation business satellites systems (United States)

    Evans, B. G.; Coakley, F. P.; El Amin, M. H. M.

    The paper discusses the nature and mix of traffic in business satellite systems and describes the limitations on the protocol imposed by the differing impairments of speech, video, and data. A simple TDMA system protocol is presented which meets the requirements of mixed-service operation. The efficiency of the protocol together with implications for allocation, scheduling and synchronisation are discussed. Future-generation satellites will probably use on-board processing. Some initial work on protocols that make use of on-board processing and the implications for satellite and earth-station equipment are presented.

  15. Development of fast neutron radiography system based on portable neutron generator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yi, Chia Jia, E-mail:; Nilsuwankosit, Sunchai, E-mail: [Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Phayathai Rd., Patumwan, Bangkok, THAILAND 10330 (Thailand)


    Due to the high installation cost, the safety concern and the immobility of the research reactors, the neutron radiography system based on portable neutron generator is proposed. Since the neutrons generated from a portable neutron generator are mostly the fast neutrons, the system is emphasized on using the fast neutrons for the purpose of conducting the radiography. In order to suppress the influence of X-ray produced by the neutron generator, a combination of a shielding material sandwiched between two identical imaging plates is used. A binary XOR operation is then applied for combining the information from the imaging plates. The raw images obtained confirm that the X-ray really has a large effect and that XOR operation can help enhance the effect of the neutrons.

  16. Illustration of distributed generation effects on protection system coordination (United States)

    Alawami, Hussain Adnan

    Environmental concerns, market forces, and emergence of new technologies have recently resulted in restructuring electric utility from vertically integrated networks to competitive deregulated entities. Distributed generation (DG) is playing a major role in such deregulated markets. When they are installed in small amounts and small sizes, their impacts on the system may be negligible. When their penetration levels increase as well as their sizes, however, they may start affecting the system performance from more than one aspect. Power system protection needs to be re-assessed after the emergence of DG. This thesis attempts to illustrate the impact of DG on the power system protection coordination. It will study the operation of the impedance relays, fuses, reclosers and overcurrent relays when a DG is added to the distribution network. Different DG sizes, distances from the network and locations within the distribution system will be considered. Power system protection coordination is very sensitive to the DG size where it is not for the DG distance. DG location has direct impact on the operation of the protective devices especially when it is inserted in the middle point of the distribution system. Key Words, Distributed Generation, Impedance relay, fuses, reclosers, overcurrent relays, power system protection coordination.

  17. Scheduling of Power System Cells Integrating Stochastic Power Generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Costa, L.M.


    Energy supply and climate change are nowadays two of the most outstanding problems which societies have to cope with under a context of increasing energy needs. Public awareness of these problems is driving political willingness to take actions for tackling them in a swift and efficient manner. Such actions mainly focus in increasing energy efficiency, in decreasing dependence on fossil fuels, and in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In this context, power systems are undergoing important changes in the way they are planned and managed. On the one hand, vertically integrated structures are being replaced by market structures in which power systems are un-bundled. On the other, power systems that once relied on large power generation facilities are witnessing the end of these facilities' life-cycle and, consequently, their decommissioning. The role of distributed energy resources such as wind and solar power generators is becoming increasingly important in this context. However, the large-scale integration of such type of generation presents many challenges due, for instance, to the uncertainty associated to the variability of their production. Nevertheless, advanced forecasting tools may be combined with more controllable elements such as energy storage devices, gas turbines, and controllable loads to form systems that aim to reduce the impacts that may be caused by these uncertainties. This thesis addresses the management under market conditions of these types of systems that act like independent societies and which are herewith named power system cells. From the available literature, a unified view of power system scheduling problems is also proposed as a first step for managing sets of power system cells in a multi-cell management framework. Then, methodologies for performing the optimal day-ahead scheduling of single power system cells are proposed, discussed and evaluated under both a deterministic and a stochastic framework that directly integrates the

  18. Risk assessment of electric generation systems with high wind penetration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salgado Duarte, Yorlandys; Castillo Serpa, Alfredo M. del


    The research evaluates the risk function of an Electric Generation System (SGE) with high wind power penetration using the Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation (SMCS) method, which allows calculating indicators that characterize the performance of the SGE with expected average values. The research uses a Markov model of two states or four states according to the characteristics of the generator to simulate the instantaneous capacity. The primary sources of each conventional generator are assumed to be always available; however, wind power depends on the wind behavior in each analyzed region. In this research, the Chronological Series and Weibull models are used to model the wind behavior, and the analyzes are performed in the IEEE-RTS system. The work shows that the behavior of the probabilistic indicators used to analyze the static capacity of the SGE is determined by the model used to simulate the stochastic of the generators and by the primary energy source. (author)

  19. Automatic Generation Control Study in Two Area Reheat Thermal Power System (United States)

    Pritam, Anita; Sahu, Sibakanta; Rout, Sushil Dev; Ganthia, Sibani; Prasad Ganthia, Bibhu


    Due to industrial pollution our living environment destroyed. An electric grid system has may vital equipment like generator, motor, transformers and loads. There is always be an imbalance between sending end and receiving end system which cause system unstable. So this error and fault causing problem should be solved and corrected as soon as possible else it creates faults and system error and fall of efficiency of the whole power system. The main problem developed from this fault is deviation of frequency cause instability to the power system and may cause permanent damage to the system. Therefore this mechanism studied in this paper make the system stable and balance by regulating frequency at both sending and receiving end power system using automatic generation control using various controllers taking a two area reheat thermal power system into account.

  20. A stochastic approach for automatic generation of urban drainage systems. (United States)

    Möderl, M; Butler, D; Rauch, W


    Typically, performance evaluation of new developed methodologies is based on one or more case studies. The investigation of multiple real world case studies is tedious and time consuming. Moreover extrapolating conclusions from individual investigations to a general basis is arguable and sometimes even wrong. In this article a stochastic approach is presented to evaluate new developed methodologies on a broader basis. For the approach the Matlab-tool "Case Study Generator" is developed which generates a variety of different virtual urban drainage systems automatically using boundary conditions e.g. length of urban drainage system, slope of catchment surface, etc. as input. The layout of the sewer system is based on an adapted Galton-Watson branching process. The sub catchments are allocated considering a digital terrain model. Sewer system components are designed according to standard values. In total, 10,000 different virtual case studies of urban drainage system are generated and simulated. Consequently, simulation results are evaluated using a performance indicator for surface flooding. Comparison between results of the virtual and two real world case studies indicates the promise of the method. The novelty of the approach is that it is possible to get more general conclusions in contrast to traditional evaluations with few case studies.

  1. Influence of feedwater and blowdown systems on the mineral distribution in WWER steam generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pappx, L.


    After modification of Dukovany NPP steam generator feedwater system, the increased concentration of minerals was measured in the cold leg of modified steam generator. Some modifications were performed on operating WWER 1000 steam generators with aim to optimize the water chemistry in the collectors area. Since the distribution of minerals can substantially affect on corrosion processes in steam generators, VITKOVICE, as a producer of WWER steam generators, has focused this attention on the optimizing of these systems. To predict the mineral distribution on the secondary side of steam generators for considered feedwater/blowdown systems, the simple model of flow distribution in the secondary side of SG was developed. (Author)

  2. Distributed heat generation in a district heating system


    Lennermo, Gunnar; Lauenberg, Patrick


    District heating (OH) systems need to be improved  regarding integration  of decentralised  heat generation. Micro production, prosumers and smart grids are terms becoming more and more common  in  connection  to  the  power  grid.  Concerning district  heating,  the  development  is slower, although improving. Today there are a number of such decentralised units for heat generation,  mainly  solar,  that have been partly evaluated.  Previous  studies  have shown  that there is a need to deve...

  3. Some problems raised by the operation of large nuclear turbo-generator sets. Automatic control system for steam turbo-generator units

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cecconi, F.


    The design of an appropriate automatic system was found to be useful to improve the control of large size turbo-generator units so as to provide easy and efficient control and monitoring. The experience of the manufacturer of these turbo-generator units allowed a system well suited for this function to be designed [fr

  4. Towards an Account of Causation in a Multilingual Text Generation System


    Degand, Liesbeth; Seventh International Workshop on Natural Language Generation


    Causation is a very pervasive phenomenom in natural language which can be expressed by numerous linguistic alternatives. Any language user or natural language generation system is thus confronted with the problem of choosing one alternative over another. In this paper, I analyze the semantic constraints deterrnining the selection of analytic causatives in Dutch and how this can be accounted for in a systernic functional generation system.

  5. Assessment of government support for the household adoption of micro-generation systems in Korea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Gicheol


    This paper investigates how Korean government support affects household adoption of renewable energy-based micro-generation systems by analyzing household preferences in relation to the costs and benefits of system installation and different kinds of government support. The research adopts a discrete choice experiment approach and focuses on two micro-generation technologies: solar voltaic and solar thermal. Our empirical analysis revealed firstly that households prefer micro-generation systems that have low installation costs but high energy saving benefits and long warranty periods; and secondly that households prefer direct subsidies to low-interest loans. However, we also found that households are reluctant to install photovoltaic or solar thermal systems in reality because they see the cost of system installation as being higher than the benefits they would receive from such installation. In short, while existing government supports are somewhat effective in promoting household adoption of micro-generation systems, there also exists the obstacle that the majority of households are unwilling to install such systems despite government support. Thus several policy improvements, which focus on increasing the benefits and decreasing the installation costs of micro-generation systems, are suggested in this paper. -- Highlights: •We investigate how government support affects household adoption of micro-generation. •We analyze household preferences for the costs and benefits of micro-generation system installation. •System with low install costs but high energy saving benefits and long warranty periods are preferred. •Households prefer direct subsidies to low-interest loans. •But the majority of households are unwilling to install systems despite government support

  6. Engineering design and exergy analyses for combustion gas turbine based power generation system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sue, D.-C.; Chuang, C.-C.


    This paper presents the engineering design and theoretical exergetic analyses of the plant for combustion gas turbine based power generation systems. Exergy analysis is performed based on the first and second laws of thermodynamics for power generation systems. The results show the exergy analyses for a steam cycle system predict the plant efficiency more precisely. The plant efficiency for partial load operation is lower than full load operation. Increasing the pinch points will decrease the combined cycle plant efficiency. The engineering design is based on inlet air-cooling and natural gas preheating for increasing the net power output and efficiency. To evaluate the energy utilization, one combined cycle unit and one cogeneration system, consisting of gas turbine generators, heat recovery steam generators, one steam turbine generator with steam extracted for process have been analyzed. The analytical results are used for engineering design and component selection

  7. Probabilistic analysis in normal operation of distribution system with distributed generation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villafafila-Robles, R.; Sumper, A.; Bak-Jensen, B.


    Nowadays, the incorporation of high levels of small-scale non-dispatchable distributed generation is leading to the transition from the traditional 'vertical' power system structure to a 'horizontally-operated' power system, where the distribution networks contain both stochastic generation...... and load. This fact increases the number of stochastic inputs and dependence structures between them need to be considered. The deterministic analysis is not enough to cope with these issues and a new approach is needed. Probabilistic analysis provides a better approach. Moreover, as distribution systems...

  8. Grid Voltage Synchronization for Distributed Generation Systems under Grid Fault Conditions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Luna, Alvaro; Rocabert, J.; Candela, I.


    on the installation of STATCOMs and DVRs, as well as on advanced control functionalities for the existing power converters of distributed generation plants, have contributed to enhance their response under faulty and distorted scenarios and, hence, to fulfill these requirements. In order to achieve satisfactory......The actual grid code requirements for the grid connection of distributed generation systems, mainly wind and PV systems, are becoming very demanding. The Transmission System Operators (TSOs) are especially concerned about the Low Voltage Ride Through requirements. Solutions based...

  9. FY 1998 Report on development of large-scale wind power generation systems. Part 1. Operational research on large-scale wind power generation systems; 1998 nendo ogata furyoku hatsuden system kaihatsu seika hokokusho. 1. Ogata furyoku hatsuden system no unten kenkyu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The research and development project is implemented for large-scale wind power generation systems, and the FY 1998 results are reported. In the FY 1998, a slip property variable generator is actually mounted on the wind power generator, to conduct various types of demonstration tests. The reliability validation tests include microstructure examinations, fatigue tests and fatigue strength tests to predict residual strength in the blade. It is confirmed that the blade has a sufficient residual strength. The performance validation tests include continuous measurement of power outputs and wind velocities, and analysis of the output fluctuations. The power output performance during winter when the west wind prevails is higher than designed. In the tests for evaluating the characteristics of the system on which a slip property variable generator is mounted, the output smoothing effect is confirmed in a range beyond the rated output. The wind power generation system is continuously operated, to accumulate the operational data for, e.g., capacity factor, operating time rate, and system failure status. The FY 1998 results are 920,000kWh as the output and 21% as capacity factor. The other items investigate include aerodynamic noise reduction countermeasures, fatigue life of the wind turbine blades, economics of wind power generation, and dismantling and reuse of the wind turbines. (NEDO)

  10. Review on Automotive Power Generation System on Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles & Electric Vehicles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leong Yap Wee


    Full Text Available Regenerative braking is a function to recharge power bank on the Plug-in electric vehicles (PHEV and electric vehicles (EV. The weakness of this system is, it can only perform its function when the vehicle is slowing down or by stepping the brake foot pedal. In other words, the electricity recharging system is inconsistent, non-continuous and geography dependent. To overcome the weakness of the regenerative braking system, it is suggested that to apply another generator which is going to be parallel with the regenerative braking system so that continuous charging can be achieved. Since the ironless electricity generator has a less counter electromotive force (CEMF comparing to an ironcored electricity generator and no cogging torque. Applying the ironless electricity generator parallel to the regenerative braking system is seen one of the options which creates sustainable charging system compared to cored electricity generator.

  11. Characterization of the loss allocation techniques for radial systems with distributed generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carpaneto, Enrico; Chicco, Gianfranco; Sumaili Akilimali, Jean


    In the restructured electricity industry, meaningful loss allocation methods are required in order to send correct signals to the market taking into account the location and characteristics of loads and generations, including the local sources forming the distributed generation (DG). This paper addresses the issues related to loss allocation in radial distribution systems with DG, with a three-fold focus. First, the key differences in the formulation of the loss allocation problem for radial distribution systems with respect to transmission systems are discussed, specifying the modeling and computational issues concerning the treatment of the slack node in radial distribution systems. Then, the characteristics of derivative-based and circuit-based loss allocation techniques are presented and compared, illustrating the arrangements used for adapting the various techniques to be applied to radial distribution systems with DG. Finally, the effects of introducing voltage-controllable local generation on the calculation of the loss allocation coefficients are discussed, proposing the adoption of a ''reduced'' representation of the system capable of taking into proper account the characteristics of the nodes containing voltage-controllable DG units. Numerical results are provided to show the time evolution of the loss allocation coefficients for distribution systems with variable load and local generation patterns. (author)

  12. Avaliação dos danos do DNA na mucosa esofágica e sangue periférico de portadores da doença do refluxo gastroesofágico Evaluation of DNA damage in the esophageal mucosa and peripheral blood of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edilene Lúcia Bertolozzo


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: A doença do refluxo gastroesofágico é a afecção digestiva de maior prevalência. Os portadores podem apresentar na evolução algumas complicações, sendo o esôfago de Barrett a de maior importância, tendo em vista seu potencial de malignidade. Todavia os processos inflamatórios do trato gastrointestinal podem apresentar degeneração maligna. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar os possíveis danos do DNA em portadores de esofagite de refluxo gastroesofágico de vários graus e verificar a aplicação do ensaio Cometa na detecção dos mesmos. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 25 pacientes distribuídos em quatro grupos: controle (n=5, esofagite leve (n=8, esofagite severa (n=5 e câncer (n=7. O ensaio Cometa foi realizado no sangue periférico (linfócitos e biópsia do terço distal do esôfago. RESULTADOS: O ensaio Cometa detectou danos no DNA nos pacientes com esofagite leve e severa (sangue periférico e biópsia, sendo que na esofagite severa a intensidade dos danos foi maior (pBACKGROUND: The gastroesophageal reflux disease is the most prevalent digestive disorder. Patients with it may present some complications during its development, and Barrett's esophagus is the most important in view of its potential malignancy. However, the inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract may show malignant degeneration. AIM: To assess possible DNA damage in patients with gastroesophageal reflux esophagitis of various degrees and to evaluate the application of the Comet assay in its detection. METHODS: Twenty-five patients were studied. They were divided into four groups: control (n=5, mild esophagitis (n=8, severe esophagitis (n=5 and cancer (n=7. The Comet assay was performed on peripheral blood cells (lymphocytes and biopsy of the distal esophagus. RESULTS: The Comet assay detected DNA damage in patients with mild and severe esophagitis (peripheral blood and biopsy, and damage intensity was greater in severe esophagitis (p<0,05. DNA damage in

  13. Co-provision in sustainable energy systems: the case of micro-generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watson, Jim


    Electricity generation by individual households (known as micro-generation) is attracting an increasing amount of interest within government, industry and the research community. This paper focuses on the potential for micro-generation to contribute to a more active role for household energy consumers in the development and operation of the energy system. The paper applies the concept of energy service co-provision to aid an understanding of this more active role. It considers a number of alternative models for micro-generation investment that imply different kinds of co-provision by consumers and energy companies. The analysis focuses in particular on the economics of these models in the UK, the associated barriers to micro-generation investment, and the scope for overcoming these barriers through changes in fiscal rules. Having conducted this economic analysis, the paper concludes with a brief discussion of the wider implications of these models for consumer behaviour. In particular, it considers the impact of IT and control systems that might be employed to facilitate energy service co-provision that includes micro-generation

  14. Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Hybrid System for Distributed Power Generation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Faress Rahman; Nguyen Minh


    This report summarizes the work performed by Hybrid Power Generation Systems, LLC (HPGS) during the July 2003 to December 2003 reporting period under Cooperative Agreement DE-FC26-01NT40779 for the U. S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory (DOE/NETL) entitled ''Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Hybrid System for Distributed Power Generation''. The main objective of this project is to develop and demonstrate the feasibility of a highly efficient hybrid system integrating a planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) and a micro-turbine. In addition, an activity included in this program focuses on the development of an integrated coal gasification fuel cell system concept based on planar SOFC technology. Also, another activity included in this program focuses on the development of SOFC scale up strategies.

  15. Application of a Reliability Model Generator to a Pressure Tank System

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Kathryn Stockwell; Sarah Dunnett


    A number of mathematical modelling techniques exist which are used to measure the performance of a given system,by assessing each individual component within the system.This can be used to determine the failure frequency or probability of the system.Software is available to undertake the task of analysing these mathematical models after an individual or group of individuals manually create the models.The process of generating these models is time consuming and reduces the impact of the model on the system design.One way to improve this would be to generate the model automatically.In this work,the procedure to automatically construct a model,based on Petri nets,for systems undergoing a phased-mission is applied to a pressure tank system,undertaking a four phase mission.

  16. Reactor-core isolation cooling system with dedicated generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nazareno, E.V.; Dillmann, C.W.


    This patent describes a nuclear reactor complex. It comprises a dual-phase nuclear reactor; a main turbine for converting phase-conversion energy stored by vapor into mechanical energy for driving a generator; a main generator for converting the mechanical energy into electricity; a fluid reservoir external to the reactor; a reactor core isolation cooling system with several components at least some of which require electrical power. It also comprises an auxiliary pump for pumping fluid from the reservoir into the reactor pressure vessel; an auxiliary turbine for driving the pump; control means for regulating the rotation rate of the auxiliary turbine; cooling means for cooling the control means; and an auxiliary generator coupled to the auxiliary turbine for providing at least a portion of the electrical power required by the components during a blackout condition

  17. Optimum fuel allocation in parallel steam generator systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bollettini, U.; Cangioli, E.; Cerri, G.; Rome Univ. 'La Sapienza'; Trento Univ.


    An optimization procedure was developed to allocate fuels into parallel steam generators. The procedure takes into account the level of performance deterioration connected with the loading history (fossil fuel allocation and maintenance) of each steam generator. The optimization objective function is the system hourly cost, overall steam demand being satisfied. Costs are due to fuel and electric power supply and to plant depreciation and maintenance as well. In order to easily updata the state of each steam generator, particular care was put in the general formulation of the steam production function by adopting a special efficiency-load curve description based on a deterioration scaling parameter. The influence of the characteristic time interval length on the optimum operation result is investigated. A special implementation of the method based on minimum cost paths is suggested

  18. Makeup water system performance and impact on PWR steam generator corrosion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bell, M.J.; Sawocha, S.G.; Smith, L.A.


    The object of this EPRI-funded project was to assess the possible relation of pressurized water reactor (PWR) steam generator corrosion at fresh water sites to makeup water impurity ingress. Makeup water system design, operation and performance reviews were based on site visits, plant design documents, performance records and grab sample analyses. Design features were assessed in terms of their effect on makeup system performance. Attempts were made to correlate the makeup plant source water, system design characteristics, and typical makeup water qualities to steam generator corrosion observations, particularly intergranular attack (IGA). Direct correlations were not made since many variables are involved in the corrosion process and in the case of IGA, the variables have not been clearly established. However, the study did demonstrate that makeup systems can be a significant source of contaminants that are suspected to lead to both IGA and denting. Additionally, it was noted that typical makeup system performance with respect to organic removal was not good. The role of organics in steam generator damage has not been quantified and may deserve further study

  19. Reliability and cost/worth evaluation of generating systems utilizing wind and solar energy (United States)


    The utilization of renewable energy resources such as wind and solar energy for electric power supply has received considerable attention in recent years due to adverse environmental impacts and fuel cost escalation associated with conventional generation. At the present time, wind and/or solar energy sources are utilized to generate electric power in many applications. Wind and solar energy will become important sources for power generation in the future because of their environmental, social and economic benefits, together with public support and government incentives. The wind and sunlight are, however, unstable and variable energy sources, and behave far differently than conventional sources. Energy storage systems are, therefore, often required to smooth the fluctuating nature of the energy conversion system especially in small isolated applications. The research work presented in this thesis is focused on the development and application of reliability and economic benefits assessment associated with incorporating wind energy, solar energy and energy storage in power generating systems. A probabilistic approach using sequential Monte Carlo simulation was employed in this research and a number of analyses were conducted with regards to the adequacy and economic assessment of generation systems containing wind energy, solar energy and energy storage. The evaluation models and techniques incorporate risk index distributions and different operating strategies associated with diesel generation in small isolated systems. Deterministic and probabilistic techniques are combined in this thesis using a system well-being approach to provide useful adequacy indices for small isolated systems that include renewable energy and energy storage. The concepts presented and examples illustrated in this thesis will help power system planners and utility managers to assess the reliability and economic benefits of utilizing wind energy conversion systems, solar energy conversion

  20. Processing large sensor data sets for safeguards : the knowledge generation system.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thomas, Maikel A.; Smartt, Heidi Anne; Matthews, Robert F.


    Modern nuclear facilities, such as reprocessing plants, present inspectors with significant challenges due in part to the sheer amount of equipment that must be safeguarded. The Sandia-developed and patented Knowledge Generation system was designed to automatically analyze large amounts of safeguards data to identify anomalous events of interest by comparing sensor readings with those expected from a process of interest and operator declarations. This paper describes a demonstration of the Knowledge Generation system using simulated accountability tank sensor data to represent part of a reprocessing plant. The demonstration indicated that Knowledge Generation has the potential to address several problems critical to the future of safeguards. It could be extended to facilitate remote inspections and trigger random inspections. Knowledge Generation could analyze data to establish trust hierarchies, to facilitate safeguards use of operator-owned sensors.

  1. Reliability Evaluation of Distribution System Considering Sequential Characteristics of Distributed Generation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sheng Wanxing


    Full Text Available In allusion to the randomness of output power of distributed generation (DG, a reliability evaluation model based on sequential Monte Carlo simulation (SMCS for distribution system with DG is proposed. Operating states of the distribution system can be sampled by SMCS in chronological order thus the corresponding output power of DG can be generated. The proposed method has been tested on feeder F4 of IEEE-RBTS Bus 6. The results show that reliability evaluation of distribution system considering the uncertainty of output power of DG can be effectively implemented by SMCS.

  2. Generation After Next Propulsor Research: Robust Design for Embedded Engine Systems (United States)

    Arend, David J.; Tillman, Gregory; O'Brien, Walter F.


    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, United Technologies Research Center and Virginia Polytechnic and State University have contracted to pursue multi-disciplinary research into boundary layer ingesting (BLI) propulsors for generation after next environmentally responsible subsonic fixed wing aircraft. This Robust Design for Embedded Engine Systems project first conducted a high-level vehicle system study based on a large commercial transport class hybrid wing body aircraft, which determined that a 3 to 5 percent reduction in fuel burn could be achieved over a 7,500 nanometer mission. Both pylon-mounted baseline and BLI propulsion systems were based on a low-pressure-ratio fan (1.35) in an ultra-high-bypass ratio engine (16), consistent with the next generation of advanced commercial turbofans. An optimized, coupled BLI inlet and fan system was subsequently designed to achieve performance targets identified in the system study. The resulting system possesses an inlet with total pressure losses less than 0.5%, and a fan stage with an efficiency debit of less than 1.5 percent relative to the pylon-mounted, clean-inflow baseline. The subject research project has identified tools and methodologies necessary for the design of next-generation, highly-airframe-integrated propulsion systems. These tools will be validated in future large-scale testing of the BLI inlet / fan system in NASA's 8 foot x 6 foot transonic wind tunnel. In addition, fan unsteady response to screen-generated total pressure distortion is being characterized experimentally in a JT15D engine test rig. These data will document engine sensitivities to distortion magnitude and spatial distribution, providing early insight into key physical processes that will control BLI propulsor design.

  3. Knowledge-based reasoning in the Paladin tactical decision generation system (United States)

    Chappell, Alan R.


    A real-time tactical decision generation system for air combat engagements, Paladin, has been developed. A pilot's job in air combat includes tasks that are largely symbolic. These symbolic tasks are generally performed through the application of experience and training (i.e. knowledge) gathered over years of flying a fighter aircraft. Two such tasks, situation assessment and throttle control, are identified and broken out in Paladin to be handled by specialized knowledge based systems. Knowledge pertaining to these tasks is encoded into rule-bases to provide the foundation for decisions. Paladin uses a custom built inference engine and a partitioned rule-base structure to give these symbolic results in real-time. This paper provides an overview of knowledge-based reasoning systems as a subset of rule-based systems. The knowledge used by Paladin in generating results as well as the system design for real-time execution is discussed.

  4. Interferência e nível de dano econômico de capim-arroz sobre o arroz em função do arranjo de plantas da cultura Interference and economic weed threshold (Ewt of barnyardgrass on rice as a function of crop plant arrangement

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. Agostinetto


    Full Text Available Na cultura do arroz irrigado ocorrem elevadas perdas de produtividade de grãos devido à interferência de plantas daninhas, pois estas também estão adaptadas ao ambiente inundado de cultivo do cereal. Objetivou-se avaliar a interferência e determinar o nível de dano econômico de populações de capim-arroz em arroz irrigado em função do arranjo de plantas da cultura. Foi realizado um experimento em campo, com cultivo de arroz em sistema convencional. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por três arranjos de plantas de arroz, cultivar BRS Pelota (17 e 32 cm e semeadura a lanço, e nove populações de capim-arroz em cada método de semeadura. O modelo de regressão não linear da hipérbole retangular estima adequadamente as perdas de produtividade do arroz irrigado na presença de plantas de capim-arroz. A cultura do arroz semeada a lanço apresenta maior habilidade competitiva com o capim-arroz em relação à semeadura em linha nos espaçamentos de 17 e 32 cm. A variável área foliar apresenta melhor ajuste ao modelo da hipérbole retangular, comparativamente às variáveis população de plantas, massa seca da parte aérea e cobertura do solo. A utilização de semeadura a lanço aumenta o nível de dano econômico, justificando a adoção de medidas de controle do capim-arroz em níveis mais elevados de população. Acréscimo na produtividade de grãos, no preço do arroz e na eficiência do herbicida e redução no custo de controle diminuem os valores do nível de dano econômico, justificando a adoção de medidas de controle em baixas populações de capim-arroz.High yield losses in irrigated rice occur due to weed interference, as weeds are also adapted to the flooded environment where the crop is cultivated. The objective of this study was to evaluate the degree of interference and determine the economic weed threshold of populations of barnyardgrass in irrigated rice, according to crop arrangement. Thus, an experiment was

  5. Interdependence of the Electricity Generation System and the Natural Gas System and Implications for Energy Security (United States)


    installation of natural gas generation or cogeneration plants to increase their energy security from the typical three days using diesel supplies to weeks-to...better quantify the regional impact of natural gas for energy security. Modeling and simulation could identify those regions and DoD installations that...Interdependence of the Electricity Generation System and the Natural Gas System and Implications for Energy Security N. Judson 15 May 2013 Prepared for the

  6. Supercapacitor energy storage system for fault ride-through of a DFIG wind generation system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rahim, A.H.M.A.; Nowicki, E.P.


    Highlights: ► A detailed dynamic model of a DFIG is developed to study the low voltage ride-through phenomenon. ► A supercapacitor-STATCOM energy storage system is employed. ► Decoupled real and reactive power control strategies implemented on the system. ► The proposed controller show extremely good transient behavior following low voltage conditions. - Abstract: The doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs) are preferred over other variable speed generators because of their advantages in terms of economy and control. One of the problems associated with high wind power penetration DFIG systems, however, is the inability of their converters to work properly under extreme low voltage conditions. This article presents a decoupled P–Q control strategy of a supercapacitor energy storage system, interfaced through a STATCOM, for low voltage ride through as well as damping enhancement of the DFIG system. The STATCOM meets the reactive power need under the depressed voltage condition, while the supercapacitor caters to the real power unbalance. An extensive dynamic model of the DFIG system including a supercapacitor DC–DC buck–boost converter and the STATCOM circuit has been developed. The fault ride-thorough capability of the generator has been investigated for a severe symmetrical three-phase to ground fault on the grid bus. Simulation results suggest that the proposed decoupled control of the supercapacitor STATCOM control strategy can help the DFIG ride through extreme low voltage conditions for significant duration. The proposed control strategy also damps the electromechanical transients, and thus quickly restores normal operation of the converters.

  7. Generation of control sequences for a pilot-disassembly system (United States)

    Seliger, Guenther; Kim, Hyung-Ju; Keil, Thomas


    Closing the product and material cycles has emerged as a paradigm for industry in the 21st century. Disassembly plays a key role in a life cycle economy since it enables the recovery of resources. A partly automated disassembly system should adapt to a large variety of products and different degrees of devaluation. Also the amounts of products to be disassembled can vary strongly. To cope with these demands an approach to generate on-line disassembly control sequences will be presented. In order to react on these demands the technological feasibility is considered within a procedure for the generation of disassembly control sequences. Procedures are designed to find available and technologically feasible disassembly processes. The control system is formed by modularised and parameterised control units in the cell level within the entire control architecture. In the first development stage product and process analyses at the sample product washing machine were executed. Furthermore a generalized disassembly process was defined. Afterwards these processes were structured in primary and secondary functions. In the second stage the disassembly control at the technological level was investigated. Factors were the availability of the disassembly tools and the technological feasibility of the disassembly processes within the disassembly system. Technical alternative disassembly processes are determined as a result of availability of the tools and technological feasibility of processes. The fourth phase was the concept for the generation of the disassembly control sequences. The approach will be proved in a prototypical disassembly system.

  8. Helium refrigerator-liquefier system for MHD generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akiyama, Y.; Ishii, H.; Mori, Y.; Yamamoto, M.; Wada, R.; Ando, M.


    MHD power generators have been investigated in the Electro-Technical Laboratory as one of the National Research and Development Programmes. A helium refrigerator-liquefier system has been developed to cool the superconducting magnet for a 1000 kW class MHD power generator. The turboexpander with low temperature gas bearings and an alternator had been developed for the MHD project at the Electro-Technical Laboratory previously. The liquefaction capacity is 250 iota/h and the refrigeration power is 2.9 kW at 20 K. The superconducting magnet is 50 tons and the cryostat has a liquid helium volume of 2700 iota. The evaporation rate is 60 to 80 iota/h. It takes, in all 2 to 3 weeks to fill the cryostat with liquid helium. (author)

  9. Performance analysis of a waste heat recovery thermoelectric generation system for automotive application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, X.; Deng, Y.D.; Li, Z.; Su, C.Q.


    Graphical abstract: A new automotive exhaust-based thermoelectric generator and its “four-TEGs” system are constructed, and the performance characteristics of system are discussed through road test and revolving drum test. - Highlights: • The automotive thermoelectric generator system was constructed and studied. • Road test and revolving drum test were used to measure the output power. • A performance of 201.7 V (open circuit voltage)/944 W obtained. - Abstract: Thermoelectric power generators are one of the promising green energy sources. In this case study, an energy-harvesting system which extracts heat from an automotive exhaust pipe and turns the heat into electricity by using thermoelectric power generators (TEGs) has been constructed. The test bench is developed to analysis the performance of TEG system characteristics, which are undertaken to assess the feasibility of automotive applications. Based on the test bench, a new system called “four-TEGs” system is designed and assembled into prototype vehicle called “Warrior”, through the road test and revolving drum test table, characteristics of the system such as hot-side temperature, cold-side temperature, open circuit voltage and power output are studied, and a maximum power of 944 W was obtained, which completely meets the automotive application. The present study shows the promising potential of using this kind of thermoelectric generator for low-temperature waste heat recovery vehicle

  10. Adaptive Dynamic Surface Control for Generator Excitation Control System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhang Xiu-yu


    Full Text Available For the generator excitation control system which is equipped with static var compensator (SVC and unknown parameters, a novel adaptive dynamic surface control scheme is proposed based on neural network and tracking error transformed function with the following features: (1 the transformation of the excitation generator model to the linear systems is omitted; (2 the prespecified performance of the tracking error can be guaranteed by combining with the tracking error transformed function; (3 the computational burden is greatly reduced by estimating the norm of the weighted vector of neural network instead of the weighted vector itself; therefore, it is more suitable for the real time control; and (4 the explosion of complicity problem inherent in the backstepping control can be eliminated. It is proved that the new scheme can make the system semiglobally uniformly ultimately bounded. Simulation results show the effectiveness of this control scheme.

  11. Rapid generation of control parameters of Multi-Infeed system through online simulation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rasool Aazim


    Full Text Available Simulated Self-Generated - Particle Swarm optimization (SSG-PSO toolbox that automatically generates PI control parameters very quickly in PSCAD is designed. This toolbox operates by utilizing transient simulation to evaluate objective function and converges the fitness values of objective function through PSO algorithm during run time simulation of Multi-infeed HVDC systems. Integral Square Error-Objective Function (ISE-OF is used to accomplish the task. To make the toolbox faster, ranges are set for PSO generated value that limit the time of data acquisition for the objective function by only considering transition time of a system. This toolbox has a capability to optimize multiple controllers at same time. The PI values are generated faster and the results are showing markedly improved performance of a system during startup and under fault condition. The experimental results are presented in this paper.

  12. Optic fibber data acquisition and transmission system dedicated to a neutron generator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ledo Pereda, Luis Miguel; Vergara Limon, Sergio; Arteche Diaz, Raul


    Hereby, are presented the design, construction and application of a virtual data acquisition system based on the usage of microcontrollers, optic fibber, and PC. System is aimed to the reestablishment of the communication between the basic modules of a Neutron Generator. The work shows, how the original interface design is upgraded by the automation of the data acquisition, on the Neutron Generator exploitation parameters. The PC usage is being introduced in the Neutron Generator and the precedent is established for further subsystem

  13. Impact of Rural Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Generation Systems on Power Quality

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rita Pinto


    Full Text Available Photovoltaic (PV generation systems have been increasingly used to generate electricity from renewable sources, attracting a growing interest. Recently, grid connected PV micro-generation facilities in individual homes have increased due to governmental policies as well as greater attention by industry. As low voltage (LV distribution systems were built to make energy flow in one direction, the power feed-in of PV generation in rural low-voltage grids can influence power quality (PQ as well as facility operation and reliability. This paper presents results on PQ analysis of a real PV generation facility connected to a rural low-voltage grid. Voltage fluctuations and voltage harmonic contents were observed. Statistical analysis shows a negative impact on PQ produced by this PV facility and also that only a small fraction of the energy available during a sunny day is converted, provoking losses of revenue and forcing the converter to work in an undesirable operating mode. We discuss the disturbances imposed upon the grid and their outcome regarding technical and economic viability of the PV system, as well as possible solutions. A low-voltage grid strengthening has been suggested and implemented. After that a new PQ analysis shows an improvement in the impact upon PQ, making this facility economically viable.

  14. Pec power generation system using pure energy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tanaka, K; Sonai, A; Kano, A [Toshiba International Fuel Cells Corp. (Japan). Cell Technology Development Dept.; Yatake, T [Toshiba International Fuel Cells Corp. (Japan). Plant Engineering Dept.


    A polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) power generation system using pure hydrogen was developed by Toshiba International Fuel Cells (TIFC), Japan, under the sponsorship of the World Energy Network (WE-NET) Project. The goals of the project consist of the construction of 30 kilowatt power generation plant for stationary application and target electrical efficiency of over 50 per cent. Two critical technologies were investigated for high utilization stack, as high hydrogen utilization operation represents one of the most important items for the achievement of target efficiency. The first technology examined was the humidification method from cathode side, while the second was the two-block configuration, which is arranged in series in accordance with the flow of hydrogen. Using these technologies as a basis for the work, a 5 kilowatt short stack was developed, and a steady performance was obtained under high hydrogen utilization of up to 98 per cent. It is expected that by March 2003 the design of the hydrogen fueled 30 kilowatt power generation plant will be completed and assembled. 1 ref., 1 tab., 11 figs.

  15. Developing A Family-Size Biogas-Fueled Electricity Generating System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agus Haryanto


     Keywords: biogas; family size; generator; electricity; bio-filter.  Article History: Received Janury 16th 2017; Received in revised form 2nd June 2017; Accepted 18th June 2017; Available online How to Cite This Article: Haryanto, A., Marotin, F., Triyono, S., Hasanudin, U. (2017, Developing A Family-Size Biogas-Fueled Electricity Generating System. International Journal of Renewable Energy Develeopment, 6(2, 111-118.

  16. Modeling, Simulation, and Experiment of Switched Reluctance Ocean Current Generator System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hao Chen


    Full Text Available This paper presents nonlinear simulation model of switched reluctance (SR ocean current generator system on MATLAB/SIMULINK with describing the structure of generator system. The developed model is made up of main model, rotor position calculation module, controller module, gate module, power converter module, phase windings module, flux-linkage module, torque module, and power calculation module. The magnetization curves obtained by two-dimensional finite-element electromagnetic field calculation and the conjugated magnetic energy graphics obtained from the three-dimensional graphics of flux linkage are stored in the “Lookup Table” modules on MATLAB/SIMULINK. The hardware of the developed three-phase 12/8 structure SR ocean current generator system prototype with the experimental platform is presented. The simulation of the prototype is performed by the developed models, and the experiments have been carried out under the same condition with different output power, turn-off angle, and rotor speed. The simulated phase current waveforms agree well with the tested phase current waveforms experimentally. The simulated output voltage curves agree well with the tested output voltage curves experimentally. It is shown that the developed nonlinear simulation model of the three-phase 12/8 structure SR ocean current generator system is valid.

  17. Cascade system using both trough system and dish system for power generation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Cheng; Zhang, Yanping; Arauzo, Inmaculada; Gao, Wei; Zou, Chongzhe


    Highlights: • A novel solar cascade system using both trough and dish collectors is proposed. • Heat rejected by the Stirling engines is collected by the condensed water. • The directions to increase the efficiency improvement has been pointed out • Influence of flow type of heating/cooling fluids of Stirling engines is considered. - Abstract: This paper represents a novel solar thermal cascade system using both trough and dish systems for power generation. An effective structure using the condensed fluid of Rankine cycle to cool the Stirling engines to use the heat released by Stirling engines was proposed. The cascade system model with different fluid circuits was developed. The models of some important components of the system, such as dish collector, trough collector and Stirling engine array, are presented with detail explanation in this paper. Corresponding stand-alone systems were also developed for comparison. Simulations were conducted with the models to find out efficiency difference between cascade system and corresponding stand-alone systems. The directions to increase the efficiency difference were also considered. Results show that the cascade system can achieve a higher efficiency with a high solar irradiance (>550 W/m"2). The flow type of fluids between heating and cooling Stirling engine array is also required to concern on designing a cascade system with Stirling engine array.

  18. Radioactive waste generated from JAERI partitioning-transmutation cycle system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shinichi, Nakayama; Yasuji, Morita; Kenji, Nishihara [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan)


    Production of lower-level radioactive wastes, as well as the reduction in radioactivity of HLW, is an important performance indicator in assessing the viability of a partitioning-transmutation system. We have begun to identify the chemical compositions and to quantify the amounts of radioactive wastes that may be generated by JAERI processes. Long-lived radionuclides such as {sup 14}C and {sup 59}Ni and spallation products of Pb-Bi coolants are added to the existing inventory of these nuclides that are generated in the current fuel cycle. Spent salts of KCl-LiCl, which is not generated from the current fuel cycle, will be introduced as a waste. (author)

  19. On generator systems for non-torsion Abelian groups of infinite free rank

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lebedenko, V.M.


    The paper is further advance in solution of the Dlab problem related to the systems of generators of Abelian groups. Some existence criteria for hereditarily strongly reducible systems of generators of Abelian groups are presented. On this basis the distribution of non-torsion groups of infinite free rank on Dlab's classes is obtained

  20. NAC's Modular, Advanced Generation, Nuclear All-purpose STORage (MAGNASTOR) system: new generation multipurpose spent fuel storage for global application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pennington, C.W.


    Multipurpose canister systems (MCS) have been designed, licensed, fabricated, constructed, and loaded over the last decade within the U.S. These systems are characterized as concrete-based storage overpacks containing transportable canisters utilizing redundantly welded closures. Canisters are designed and intended to be transferred into transport packagings for shipment off-site, and canister designs do not preclude their use in waste disposal overpacks. NAC has learned a number of significant lessons in the deployment of its first generation MCS. During this period prior to the next procurement phase, NAC has developed a new generation MCS, incorporating the lessons learned from the first generation while considering the capabilities of the plants populating the next phase. The system is identified as the Modular, Advanced Generation, Nuclear All-purpose STORage (MAGNASTOR) system, and this paper addresses its unique design, fabrication, and operations features. Among these are: a unique developed cell basket design, under patent review, that increases spent fuel capacities and simplifies fabrication while providing high strength and heat removal efficiency: a significantly enhanced canister closure design that improves welding time, personnel dose, and drying performance: a low profile vertical concrete cask design that improves on-site handling and site dose rates, offers tangible threat limitations for beyond-design-basis events, and maintains proven and simple construction/operation features: a simple, proven transfer system that facilitates transfer without excessive dose or handling: a new approach to water removal and canister drying, using a moisture entrainment, gas absorption vacuum (MEGAVAC) system. The paper includes design and licensing status of the MAGNASTOR system, and prototyping development that NAC has performed to date

  1. Controle do inóculo inicial para redução dos danos pela podridão: 'olho-de-boi' em macieiras Control of initial inoculum for reducing losses by bulls' eye rot on apples

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosa Maria Valdebenito-Sanhueza


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o impacto da redução do inóculo no controle da podridão-'olho-de-boi' (POB causada por Cryptosporiopsis sp. em maçãs e minimização de perdas. Os experimentos foram realizados em Vacaria-RS, nos ciclos 2006/07 e 2007/08. Na fase de dormência de macieiras Pink Lady®, foram aplicados os seguintes tratamentos erradicantes (dose p.i.: calda sulfocálcica (3,0%; oxicloreto de cobre (0,5%; hidróxido de cobre (0,3%; óxido cuproso (0,3% e testemunha sem pulverização. A redução do inóculo foi avaliada em solução oriunda da lavagem de ramos, gemas floríferas e frutos, semeados em meio semisseletivo. Na colheita, a incidência da POB foi avaliada em quatro categorias de frutos: caídos sob a área de projeção da copa; nas plantas; infecções latentes, e após três meses de armazenamento em câmara frigorífica. Houve relação linear positiva entre os níveis de inóculo de Cryptosporiopsis sp. em gemas e os danos por POB (R² = 0,948; P = 0,001. O uso da calda sulfocálcica possibilitou a maior redução de inóculo nas gemas, com redução em 50% dos danos totais ocasionados por POB na safra de 2006/07. Nos frutos, o inóculo apresentou um incremento linear ao longo do ciclo, sendo relativamente maior em 2007/08, onde os tratamentos erradicantes possibilitaram controle superior a 40% nos danos com benefício econômico pela redução do inóculo.Aiming to evaluate strategies for the control of bull's eye rot (BER based on the reduction of initial inoculum the following fungicide treatments were applied in experimental plots established in both 2006/07 and 2007/07 seasons in Vacaria location, southern Brazil, during the plant dormancy period: lime sulfur (3,0%; b copper oxychloride (0,5%; c copper hydroxide (0,3%; and cuprous oxide (0,3%. The check treatment consisted of non sprayed plots. Branches of one and two years and floral buds were sampled and the associated inoculum recovered with a

  2. Background and system description of the Mod 1 wind turbine generator (United States)

    Ernst, E. H.


    The Mod-1 wind turbine considered is a large utility-class machine, operating in the high wind regime, which has the potential for generation of utility grade power at costs competitive with other alternative energy sources. A Mod-1 wind turbine generator (WTG) description is presented, taking into account the two variable-pitch steel blades of the rotor, the drive train, power generation/control, the Nacelle structure, and the yaw drive. The major surface elements of the WTG are the ground enclosure, the back-up battery system, the step-up transformer, elements of the data system, cabling, area lighting, and tower foundation. The final system weight (rotor, Nacelle, and tower) is expected to be about 650,000 pounds. The WTG will be capable of delivering 1800 kW to the utility grid in a wind-speed above 25 mph.

  3. Islanding Operation of Distribution System with Distributed Generations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mahat, Pukar; Chen, Zhe; Bak-Jensen, Birgitte


    The growing interest in distributed generations (DGs) due to environmental concern and various other reasons have resulted in significant penetration of DGs in many distribution system worldwide. DGs come with many benefits. One of the benefits is improved reliability by supplying load during power...

  4. Recent Progress on the Second Generation CMORPH: A Prototype Operational Processing System (United States)

    Xie, Pingping; Joyce, Robert; Wu, Shaorong


    As reported at the EGU General Assembly of 2015, a conceptual test system was developed for the second generation CMORPH to produce global analyses of 30-min precipitation on a 0.05deg lat/lon grid over the entire globe from pole to pole through integration of information from satellite observations as well as numerical model simulations. The second generation CMORPH is built upon the Kalman Filter based CMORPH algorithm of Joyce and Xie (2011). Inputs to the system include both rainfall and snowfall rate retrievals from passive microwave (PMW) measurements aboard all available low earth orbit (LEO) satellites, precipitation estimates derived from infrared (IR) observations of geostationary (GEO) as well as LEO platforms, and precipitation simulations from numerical global models. Sub-systems were developed and refined to derive precipitation estimates from the GEO and LEO IR observations and to compute precipitating cloud motion vectors. The results were reported at the EGU of 2014 and the AGU 2015 Fall Meetings. In this presentation, we report our recent work on the construction of a prototype operational processing system for the second generation CMORPH. The second generation CMORPH prototype operational processing system takes in the passive microwave (PMW) retrievals of instantaneous precipitation rates from all available sensors, the full-resolution GEO and LEO IR data, as well as the hourly precipitation fields generated by the NOAA/NCEP Climate Forecast System (CFS) Reanalysis (CFS). First, a combined field of PMW based precipitation retrievals (MWCOMB) is created on a 0.05deg lat/lon grid over the entire globe through inter-calibrating retrievals from various sensors against a common reference. For this experiment, the reference field is the GMI based retrievals with climatological adjustment against the TMI retrievals using data over the overlapping period. Precipitation estimation is then derived from the GEO and LEO IR data through calibration against

  5. Ontario Hydro Pickering Generating Station fuel handling system performance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Underhill, H.J.


    The report briefly describes the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station (PNGS) on-power fuel handling system and refuelling cycle. Lifetime performance parameters of the fuelling system are presented, including station incapability charged to the fuel handling system, cost of operating and maintenance, dose expenditure, events causing system unavailability, maintenance and refuelling strategy. It is concluded that the 'CANDU' on-power fuelling system, by consistently contributing less than 1% to the PNGS incapability, has been credited with a 6 to 20% increase in reactor capacity factor, compared to off-power fuelling schemes. (author)

  6. Influence of feedwater and blowdown systems on the mineral distribution in WWER steam generators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Papp, L. [Inst. of Material Engineering, Ostrava (Switzerland)


    After modification of Dukovany NPP steam generator (SG) feedwater system, the increased concentration of minerals was measured in the cold leg of modified SG. Some modifications were performed on operating WWER 1000 steam generators with aim to optimize the water chemistry in the collectors area. Since the distribution of minerals can substantially affect on corrosion processes in steam generators, VITKOVICE, as a producer of WWER steam generators has focused the attention to the optimizing of these systems. To predict the mineral distribution on the secondary side of steam generators for considered feedwater/blowdown systems, the simple model of the flow distribution in the secondary side of SG was developed.

  7. Influence of feedwater and blowdown systems on the mineral distribution in WWER steam generators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Papp, L [Inst. of Material Engineering, Ostrava (Switzerland)


    After modification of Dukovany NPP steam generator (SG) feedwater system, the increased concentration of minerals was measured in the cold leg of modified SG. Some modifications were performed on operating WWER 1000 steam generators with aim to optimize the water chemistry in the collectors area. Since the distribution of minerals can substantially affect on corrosion processes in steam generators, VITKOVICE, as a producer of WWER steam generators has focused the attention to the optimizing of these systems. To predict the mineral distribution on the secondary side of steam generators for considered feedwater/blowdown systems, the simple model of the flow distribution in the secondary side of SG was developed.

  8. Influence of feedwater and blowdown systems on the mineral distribution in WWER steam generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Papp, L.


    After modification of Dukovany NPP steam generator (SG) feedwater system, the increased concentration of minerals was measured in the cold leg of modified SG. Some modifications were performed on operating WWER 1000 steam generators with aim to optimize the water chemistry in the collectors area. Since the distribution of minerals can substantially affect on corrosion processes in steam generators, VITKOVICE, as a producer of WWER steam generators has focused the attention to the optimizing of these systems. To predict the mineral distribution on the secondary side of steam generators for considered feedwater/blowdown systems, the simple model of the flow distribution in the secondary side of SG was developed

  9. Overvoltages related to distributed generation-power system interconnection transformer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zamanillo, G.R.; Gomez, J.C.; Florena, E.F. [Rio Cuarto National University (IPSEP/UNRC), Cordoba (Argentina). Electric Power Systems Protection Institute], Email:


    The energy crisis that experiences the world drives to carry to an extreme, the use of all energy sources which are available. The sources need to be connected to the electric network in their next point, requiring of electric-electronic interfaces. The traditional electric power systems are changing their characteristics, in what concerns to structure, operation and on overvoltage generation. This change is not taking place in coordinated form among the involved sectors. The interconnection of a Distributed Generator (DG) directly with the power system is objectionable and risky. It is required of an interconnection transformer which performs several functions. Rigid specifications do not exist in this respect, for the variety of systems in use in the world, nevertheless there are utilities recommendations. Overvoltages caused by the DG, which arise due to the change of structure of the electric system, are explained. The transformer connection selection, presents positive and negative aspects that impact the utility and the user in a different or many times in an antagonistic way. The phenomenon of balanced and unbalanced ferroresonance overvoltage is studied. This phenomenon can takes place when using DG, either with synchronous or asynchronous generator, and for any type of connection of the transformer. The necessary conditions so that the phenomenon appears are presented. Eight interconnection transformer connection ways were studied. It is concluded that the solutions to reach by means of the employment of the DG, offer technical-economic advantages so much to the utility as to the user. It is also concluded in this work that the more advisable interconnection type is function of the system connection type. (author)

  10. Self generation, small generation, and embedded generation issues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The New Brunswick Market Design Committee for electric power restructuring has been directed to examine issues regarding cogeneration and small-scale, on-site generation and how they will fit within the framework of the bilateral contract market. The Committee will also have to deal with issues of generation embedded in a distribution system. The Committee has defined cogeneration as the simultaneous production of electricity and useful thermal energy. Self-generation has been defined as small-scale power generation by an end-user, while embedded generation has been defined as a generation facility that is located within a distribution utility but is not directly connected to the transmission system. The Committee has postponed its decision on whether embedded generation will be eligible to participate under the bilateral contract market for electricity. This report discusses general issues such as the physical support of generation, market support of generation, transition issues and policy issues. It also discusses generation support issues such as operating reserves, transmission tariff issues, and distribution tariffs. Market support issues such as transmission access for generation sales were also considered, along with market access for generation sales, and net metering for behind the meter generation. 7 refs., 1 tab

  11. System for Automatic Generation of Examination Papers in Discrete Mathematics (United States)

    Fridenfalk, Mikael


    A system was developed for automatic generation of problems and solutions for examinations in a university distance course in discrete mathematics and tested in a pilot experiment involving 200 students. Considering the success of such systems in the past, particularly including automatic assessment, it should not take long before such systems are…

  12. Development of a framework for the neutronics analysis system for next generation (3)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yokoyama, Kenji; Hirai, Yasushi; Hyoudou, Hideaki; Tatsumi, Masahiro


    Development of innovative analysis methods and models in fundamental studies for next-generation nuclear reactor systems is in progress. In order to efficiently and effectively reflect the latest analysis methods and models to primary design of commercial reactor and/or in-core fuel management for power reactors, a next-generation analysis system MARBLE has been developed. The next-generation analysis system provides solutions to the following requirements: (1) flexibility, extensibility and user-friendliness that can apply new methods and models rapidly and effectively for fundamental studies, (2) quantitative proof of solution accuracy and adaptive scoping range for design studies, (3) coupling analysis among different study domains for the purpose of rationalization of plant systems and improvement of reliability, (4) maintainability and reusability for system extensions for the purpose of total quality management and development efficiency. The next-generation analysis system supports many fields, such as thermal-hydraulic analysis, structure analysis, reactor physics etc., and now we are studying reactor physics analysis system for fast reactor in advance. As for reactor physics analysis methods for fast reactor, we have established the JUPITER standard analysis methods based on the past study. But, there has been a problem of extreme inefficiency due to lack of functionality in the conventional analysis system when changing analysis targets and/or modeling levels. That is why, we have developed the next-generation analysis system for reactor physics which reproduces the JUPITER standard analysis method that has been developed so far and newly realizes burnup and design analysis for fast reactor and functions for cross section adjustment. In the present study, we examined in detail the existing design and implementation of ZPPR critical experiment analysis database followed by unification of models within the framework of the next-generation analysis system by

  13. Correlation between changes in mechanical strength and damping of a high alumina refractory castable progressively damaged by thermal shock Correlação entre alterações na resistência mecânica e no amortecimento de um concreto refratário de alta alumina com dano progressivo por choque térmico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. H. A. Pereira


    Full Text Available Resistance to thermal shock damage is an important characteristic in refractory materials, since it determines their performance and service life in many applications. Therefore, the use of more sensitive techniques is desirable to improve the evaluation of thermal shock damage and monitoring of nucleation and propagation cracks and microcracks.The aim of this work was to evaluate the potential of damping change characterization to quantify thermal shock damage and to estimate the retained mechanical strength in complement to the dynamic Young's modulus test. Variations in damping and retained Young's modulus and their correlation with the mechanical strength of a high alumina refractory castable were evaluated at different thermal shock temperatures and number of cycles. The changes in damping were proportional to the retained mechanical strength, similarly to the retained Young's modulus. Changes in damping were also detected which were not indicated by the Young's modulus measurements.A resistência ao dano por choque térmico é uma característica importante dos materiais refratários visto que determina o desempenho e vida útil destes materiais em várias aplicações. Portanto é desejável a aplicação de técnicas mais sensíveis para avaliação do dano por choque térmico e monitoração da nucleação e expansão de trincas e microtrincas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial da caracterização da variação do amortecimento para quantificar o dano por choque térmico e para estimar o módulo de ruptura retido, complementarmente à caracterização do módulo de Young dinâmico. Foram estudadas as variações do amortecimento, do módulo de Young retido e a correlação destas variações com a resistência mecânica de um concreto refratário de alta alumina para distintas variações de temperatura e número de ciclos. As alterações encontradas no amortecimento foram proporcionais à resistência mecânica retida

  14. Reliability worth assessment of radial systems with distributed generation


    Bellart Llavall, Francesc Xavier


    With recent advances in technology, utilities generation (DG) on the distribution systems. Reliability worth is very important in power system planning and operation. Having a DG ensures reli increase the reliability worth. This research project presents the study of a radial distribution system and the impact of placing DG in order to increase the reliability worth. where a DG have to be placed. The reliability improvement is measured by different reliability indices tha...

  15. Reliability study: steam generation and distribution system, Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baker, F.E.; Davis, E.L.; Dent, J.T.; Walters, D.E.; West, R.M.


    A reliability study for determining the ability of the Steam Generation and Distribution System to provide reliable and adequate service through the year 2000 has been completed. This study includes an evaluation of the X-600 Steam Plant and the steam distribution system. The Steam Generation and Distribution System is in good overall condition, but to maintain this condition, the reliability study team made twelve recommendations. Eight of the recommendations are for repair or replacement of existing equipment and have a total estimated cost of $540,000. The other four recommendations are for additional testing, new procedure implementation, or continued investigations

  16. Metrology/viewing system for next generation fusion reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spampinato, P.T.; Barry, R.E.; Chesser, J.B.; Menon, M.M.; Dagher, M.A.


    Next generation fusion reactors require accurate measuring systems to verify sub-millimeter alignment of plasma-facing components in the reactor vessel. A metrology system capable of achieving such accuracy must be compatible with the vessel environment of high gamma radiation, high vacuum, elevated temperature, and magnetic field. This environment requires that the system must be remotely deployed. A coherent, frequency modulated laser radar system is being integrated with a remotely operated deployment system to meet these requirements. The metrology/viewing system consists of a compact laser transceiver optics module which is linked through fiber optics to the laser source and imaging units that are located outside of the harsh environment. The deployment mechanism is a telescopic-mast positioning system. This paper identifies the requirements for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor metrology and viewing system, and describes a remotely operated precision ranging and surface mapping system

  17. Development of generation IV nuclear energy systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsui, Kazuaki; Oka, Yoshiaki; Ogawa, Masuro; Ichimiya, Masakazu; Noda, Hiroshi


    The fifth 'Generation IV International Forum (GIF), Policy Group Meetings' was held at the Zen-Nikku Hotel in Tokyo, on September 19-20, 2002, under participations of Abraham, Secretary of DOE in U.S.A., Columbani, Secretary of CEA in France, Fujiie, Chairman of CAE in Japan, Kano, Parliamental Minister of MIS in Japan, and so on. Ten nations entering GIF (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, France, Japan, Korea, South Africa, Switzerland, U.K., and U.S.A.) selected six next generation nuclear energy concepts for objects of international cooperative research and development aiming at its practice by 2030. These concepts applicable to not only power generation, but also hydrogen production, sea water purification, and so on, are sodium liquid metal cooled reactor (Japan), high temperature gas cooled reactor (France), Super-critical pressure water cooled reactor (SCWR: Canada), Lead metal cooled reactor (Switzerland), Gas cooled fast reactor (U.S.A.), and molten salts reactor. On the generation IV nuclear reactor systems aiming to further upgrade their sustainability, safety, economical efficiency, and nuclear non proliferation, the 'Plans on Technical Development' (Road-map) to decide priority of their R and Ds has been cooperatively discussed under frameworks of international research cooperation by the GIF members nations. Here were shared descriptions on nuclear fuel cycle as a remise of technical evaluation and adopted concepts by Japanese participants contributing to making up the Road-map. (G.K.)

  18. Perspectives on the development of next generation reactor systems safety analysis codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, H.


    'Full text:' Existing reactor system analysis codes, such as RELAP5-3D and TRAC, have gained worldwide success in supporting reactor safety analyses, as well as design and licensing of new reactors. These codes are important assets to the nuclear engineering research community, as well as to the nuclear industry. However, most of these codes were originally developed during the 1970s', and it becomes necessary to develop next-generation reactor system analysis codes for several reasons. Firstly, as new reactor designs emerge, there are new challenges emerging in numerical simulations of reactor systems such as long lasting transients and multi-physics phenomena. These new requirements are beyond the range of applicability of the existing system analysis codes. Advanced modeling and numerical methods must be taken into consideration to improve the existing capabilities. Secondly, by developing next-generation reactor system analysis codes, the knowledge (know how) in two phase flow modeling and the highly complex constitutive models will be transferred to the young generation of nuclear engineers. And thirdly, all computer codes have limited shelf life. It becomes less and less cost-effective to maintain a legacy code, due to the fast change of computer hardware and software environment. There are several critical perspectives in terms of developing next-generation reactor system analysis codes: 1) The success of the next-generation codes must be built upon the success of the existing codes. The knowledge of the existing codes, not just simply the manuals and codes, but knowing why and how, must be transferred to the next-generation codes. The next-generation codes should encompass the capability of the existing codes. The shortcomings of existing codes should be identified, understood, and properly categorized, for example into model deficiencies or numerical method deficiencies. 2) State-of-the-art models and numerical methods must be considered to

  19. Perspectives on the development of next generation reactor systems safety analysis codes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, H., E-mail: [Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID (United States)


    'Full text:' Existing reactor system analysis codes, such as RELAP5-3D and TRAC, have gained worldwide success in supporting reactor safety analyses, as well as design and licensing of new reactors. These codes are important assets to the nuclear engineering research community, as well as to the nuclear industry. However, most of these codes were originally developed during the 1970s', and it becomes necessary to develop next-generation reactor system analysis codes for several reasons. Firstly, as new reactor designs emerge, there are new challenges emerging in numerical simulations of reactor systems such as long lasting transients and multi-physics phenomena. These new requirements are beyond the range of applicability of the existing system analysis codes. Advanced modeling and numerical methods must be taken into consideration to improve the existing capabilities. Secondly, by developing next-generation reactor system analysis codes, the knowledge (know how) in two phase flow modeling and the highly complex constitutive models will be transferred to the young generation of nuclear engineers. And thirdly, all computer codes have limited shelf life. It becomes less and less cost-effective to maintain a legacy code, due to the fast change of computer hardware and software environment. There are several critical perspectives in terms of developing next-generation reactor system analysis codes: 1) The success of the next-generation codes must be built upon the success of the existing codes. The knowledge of the existing codes, not just simply the manuals and codes, but knowing why and how, must be transferred to the next-generation codes. The next-generation codes should encompass the capability of the existing codes. The shortcomings of existing codes should be identified, understood, and properly categorized, for example into model deficiencies or numerical method deficiencies. 2) State-of-the-art models and numerical methods must be considered to

  20. Fiscal 2000 report on result of international joint demonstrative development of photovoltaic power generation system. Demonstrative research on photovoltaic power generation system interconnection system (Myanmar); 2000 nendo taiyoko hatsuden system kokusai kyodo jissho kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Taiyoko hatsuden keito renkei system jissho kenkyu (Myanmar)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Joint research was conducted with Myanmar on a photovoltaic power generation system interconnection system, for which fiscal 2000 results were described in this paper. Power generating facilities were set up consisting of 80kW photovoltaic, 40kW wind and 60kW diesel systems. With the photovoltaic and wind power generation connected to a small-scale power system as a ballast load, the system interconnection is formed through load adjusting equipment such as storage batteries. The hybrid system feeding is from 6 o'clock early in the morning until 23 late at night. The diesel power generation is free from restrictions. The operating method was set on system control (demand side management) by adjustment from the load side, with ballast load control employed that adjustably operates an ice machine load. The basic design was drafted in terms of a storage battery capacity of 1,000Ah and an ice machine load of 32kW. The daytime load was assumed to be 25% of the night load. On the equipment specifications set in this basic design, arrangement design was conducted for the equipment in the premises, making a land development plan and a basic construction plan including a temporary work site, construction steps, transportation and delivery of the equipment. Quantity of solar radiation and wind data were continuously observed. (NEDO)

  1. Control of the DC-DC Converter used into Energy Generation System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bizon, Nicu; Oproescu, Mihai


    This paper presents an investigation of the DC-DC Converter controller used into Energy Generation System. The full bridge is used into an Energy Generation System (EGS) as second power interface between the energy source and the high DC bus. The simulation results show that the DC-DC Converter behavior can be improved using a well designed PI control surface. The used Simulink models for the EGS blocks and some design considerations are presented, too. (authors)

  2. Fail-safety of the EBR-II steam generator system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chopra, P.S.; Stone, C.C.; Hutter, E.; Barney, W.K.; Staker, R.G.


    Fail-safe analyses of the EBR-II steam-generator system show that a postulated non-instantaneous leak of water or steam into sodium, through a duplex tube or a tubesheet, at credible leak rates will not structurally damage the evaporators and superheaters. However, contamination of the system and possible shell wastage by sodium-water reaction products may render the system inoperable for a period exceeding six months. This period would be shortened to three months if the system were modified by adding a remotely operated water dump system, a steam vent system, a secondary sodium superheater relief line, and a tubesheet leak-detection system

  3. A Study of Distributed Generation System Characteristics and Protective Load Control Strategy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wei, Mu; Chen, Zhe


    Due to the smaller inertia feature of a Wind Turbine (WT) involved Distributed Generation System (DGS), the WT’s induction generator are more vulnerable to frequency and voltage disturbances. Therefore the study investigates the DGS characteristics respectively from power plants, i.e. WTs and load....... Two kinds of wind turbines: Doubly-fed Induction Generator (DFIG) and Fixed-speed Wind Turbine (FSWT) are compared in this study. A conventional power system protective scheme may not response promptly, which could lead an undesired disconnection of WTs for the turbine protection purpose. Consequently...

  4. A new digital ground-fault protection system for generator-transformer unit

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zielichowski, Mieczyslaw; Szlezak, Tomasz [Institute of Electrical Power Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50370 Wroclaw (Poland)


    Ground faults are one of most often reasons of damages in stator windings of large generators. Under certain conditions, as a result of ground-fault protection systems maloperation, ground faults convert into high-current faults, causing severe failures in power system. Numerous publications in renowned journals and magazines testify about ground-fault matter importance and problems reported by exploitators confirm opinions, that some issues concerning ground-fault protection of large generators have not been solved yet or have been solved insufficiently. In this paper a new conception of a digital ground-fault protection system for stator winding of large generator was proposed. The process of intermittent arc ground fault in stator winding has been briefly discussed and actual ground-fault voltage waveforms were presented. A new relaying algorithm, based on third harmonic voltage measurement was also drawn and the methods of its implementation and testing were described. (author)

  5. Relay protection coordination with generator capability curve, excitation system limiters and power system relay protections settings

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Buha Danilo


    Full Text Available The relay protection settings performed in the largest thermal powerplant (TE "Nikola Tesla B" are reffered and explained in this paper. The first calculation step is related to the coordination of the maximum stator current limiter settings, the overcurrent protection with inverse characteristics settings and the permitted overload of the generator stator B1. In the second calculation step the settings of impedance generator protection are determined, and the methods and criteria according to which the calculations are done are described. Criteria used to provide the protection to fulfill the backup protection role in the event of malfunction of the main protection of the transmission system. are clarified. The calculation of all protection functions (32 functions of generator B1 were performed in the project "Coordination of relay protection blocks B1 and B2 with the system of excitation and power system protections -TENT B".

  6. Analysis on the MPPT control of PV generation system using SPRW

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Min Won [Osaka University (Japan); Kim, Bong Tae; Lee, Jae Deuk; Yu, In Keun [Changwon National University (Korea)


    Photovoltaic (PV) system has been studied and watch with keen interest due to a clean and renewable power source. But, because the output power of PV system is not only unstable but also uncontrollable, the MPPT control of PV power system is still hard to be optimized with the tracking failure under the sudden fluctuation of irradiance. Authors proposed a novel transient phenomenon simulation method for PV power generation system under the real field weather condition(SPRW), and the research and development of PV power generation system is expected to be able to analyze easily and cheaply under various conditions with considering the sort of cell, the capacity of system and the used converter system. In this paper, a PV array was simulated to confirm the availability of SPRW. And, several real weather conditions were used with various MPPT controls. (author). 6 refs., 9 figs., 3 tabs.

  7. New control strategy of stand-alone brushless doubly-fed induction generator for supplying unbalanced loads in ship shaft power generation system

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liu, Yi; Xu, Wei; Xiong, Fei


    The ship shaft power generation system based on a stand-alone brushless doubly-fed induction generator (BDFIG) have demonstrated excellent saving-energy performance. This paper presents a new control scheme of the stand-alone BDFIG for supplying unbalanced loads in the ship shaft power generation...

  8. Design and analysis of permanent magnet moving coil type generator used in a micro-CHP generation system (United States)

    Oros Pop, Susana Teodora; Berinde, Ioan; Vadan, Ioan


    This paper presents the design and analysis of a permanent magnet moving coil type generator driven by a free piston Stirling engine. This assemble free piston Stirling engine - permanent magnet moving coil type generator will be used in a combined heat and power (CHP) system for producing heat and power in residential area. The design procedure for moving coil type linear generator starts from the rated power imposed and finally uses the Faraday law of induction. The magneto-static magnetic field generated by permanent magnets is analyzed by means of Reluctance method and Finite Element Method in order to evaluate the magnetic flux density in the air gap, which is a design data imposed in the design stage, and the results are compared.

  9. AER synthetic generation in hardware for bio-inspired spiking systems (United States)

    Linares-Barranco, Alejandro; Linares-Barranco, Bernabe; Jimenez-Moreno, Gabriel; Civit-Balcells, Anton


    Address Event Representation (AER) is an emergent neuromorphic interchip communication protocol that allows for real-time virtual massive connectivity between huge number neurons located on different chips. By exploiting high speed digital communication circuits (with nano-seconds timings), synaptic neural connections can be time multiplexed, while neural activity signals (with mili-seconds timings) are sampled at low frequencies. Also, neurons generate 'events' according to their activity levels. More active neurons generate more events per unit time, and access the interchip communication channel more frequently, while neurons with low activity consume less communication bandwidth. When building multi-chip muti-layered AER systems it is absolutely necessary to have a computer interface that allows (a) to read AER interchip traffic into the computer and visualize it on screen, and (b) convert conventional frame-based video stream in the computer into AER and inject it at some point of the AER structure. This is necessary for test and debugging of complex AER systems. This paper addresses the problem of converting, in a computer, a conventional frame-based video stream into the spike event based representation AER. There exist several proposed software methods for synthetic generation of AER for bio-inspired systems. This paper presents a hardware implementation for one method, which is based on Linear-Feedback-Shift-Register (LFSR) pseudo-random number generation. The sequence of events generated by this hardware, which follows a Poisson distribution like a biological neuron, has been reconstructed using two AER integrator cells. The error of reconstruction for a set of images that produces different traffic loads of event in the AER bus is used as evaluation criteria. A VHDL description of the method, that includes the Xilinx PCI Core, has been implemented and tested using a general purpose PCI-AER board. This PCI-AER board has been developed by authors, and uses

  10. Evaluation of a portfolio of electricity generation, using dynamics of systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Franco Barrera, Juan Felipe; Dyner R, Isaac


    The construction of a Technological Portfolio in charge of a firm of electricity generation in Colombia leads to its study; among other is the case of Empresas Publicas de Medellin (EEPPM.), because this company is nowadays-building new electricity projects in Colombia. EEPPM. will provide electricity using a new technology in Colombia, which is wind power, for the national grid joining hydraulic and thermal generation. A System Dynamics (SD) model was constructed to represent the national power system, specially the EEPPM. Generation facilities, combining both hydraulic and thermal plants along with the new wind farm of EEPPM, the new Technological Portfolio can be represented. SD is useful to learn about the different variables considered in the model, in order to represent interactions, delays and feedbacks that are present in the considered system. The study of the EEPPM portfolio performance allows to understand not only the impact of the high investment in wind power technology, but to study its possible benefits for the portfolio, like Risk and Value at Risk (VaR) reductions. Furthermore, the simulations show the advantage of wind power generation during dry seasons, as ENSO oscillation

  11. Analysis of the Neutron Generator and Target for the LSDTS System

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Chang Je; Lee, Yong Deok; Song, Jae Hoon; Song, Kee Chan [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    A preliminary analysis was performed based on the literatures and the patents for the neutron generators and targets for the lead slowing down time spectrometer (LSDTS) system. It was found that local neutron generator did not exhibit enough neutron intensity such as 1E+12 n/s, which is a minimum requirement for the LSDTS system to overcome curium backgrounds. However, a neutron generator implemented with an electron accelerator may provide a higher intensity around 1E+13 n/s and it is required to investigate further including a detail analysis. In addition to the neutron generator, a study on target was performed with the Monte Carlo simulation. In the study, an optimal design of target was suggested to provide a high neutron yield and a better thermal resistance. The suggested target consists several cylindrical plates with a certain cooling gap, which have increasing thickness and increasing radius.

  12. Heat-Pipe-Associated Localized Thermoelectric Power Generation System (United States)

    Kim, Pan-Jo; Rhi, Seok-Ho; Lee, Kye-Bock; Hwang, Hyun-Chang; Lee, Ji-Su; Jang, Ju-Chan; Lee, Wook-Hyun; Lee, Ki-Woo


    The present study focused on how to improve the maximum power output of a thermoelectric generator (TEG) system and move heat to any suitable space using a TEG associated with a loop thermosyphon (loop-type heat pipe). An experimental study was carried out to investigate the power output, the temperature difference of the thermoelectric module (TEM), and the heat transfer performance associated with the characteristic of the researched heat pipe. Currently, internal combustion engines lose more than 35% of their fuel energy as recyclable heat in the exhaust gas, but it is not easy to recycle waste heat using TEGs because of the limited space in vehicles. There are various advantages to use of TEGs over other power sources, such as the absence of moving parts, a long lifetime, and a compact system configuration. The present study presents a novel TEG concept to transfer heat from the heat source to the sink. This technology can transfer waste heat to any location. This simple and novel design for a TEG can be applied to future hybrid cars. The present TEG system with a heat pipe can transfer heat and generate power of around 1.8 V with T TEM = 58°C. The heat transfer performance of a loop-type heat pipe with various working fluids was investigated, with water at high heat flux (90 W) and 0.05% TiO2 nanofluid at low heat flux (30 W to 70 W) showing the best performance in terms of power generation. The heat pipe can transfer the heat to any location where the TEM is installed.

  13. Active and reactive power control schemes for distributed generation systems under voltage dips

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wang, F.; Duarte, J.L.; Hendrix, M.A.M.


    During voltage dips continuous power delivery from distributed generation systems to the grid is desirable for the purpose of grid support. In order to facilitate the control of distributed generation systems adapted to the expected change of grid requirements, generalized power control schemes

  14. Multifunctional pulse generator for high-intensity focused ultrasound system (United States)

    Tamano, Satoshi; Yoshizawa, Shin; Umemura, Shin-Ichiro


    High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) can achieve high spatial resolution for the treatment of diseases. A major technical challenge in implementing a HIFU therapeutic system is to generate high-voltage high-current signals for effectively exciting a multichannel HIFU transducer at high efficiencies. In this paper, we present the development of a multifunctional multichannel generator/driver. The generator can produce a long burst as well as an extremely high-voltage short pulse of pseudosinusoidal waves (trigger HIFU) and second-harmonic superimposed waves for HIFU transmission. The transmission timing, waveform, and frequency can be controlled using a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) via a universal serial bus (USB) microcontroller. The hardware is implemented in a compact printed circuit board. The test results of trigger HIFU reveal that the power consumption and the temperature rise of metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors were reduced by 19.9% and 38.2 °C, respectively, from the previous design. The highly flexible performance of the novel generator/driver is demonstrated in the generation of second-harmonic superimposed waves, which is useful for cavitation-enhanced HIFU treatment, although the previous design exhibited difficulty in generating it.

  15. A novel HTS SMES application in combination with a permanent magnet synchronous generator type wind power generation system (United States)

    Kim, G. H.; Kim, A. R.; Kim, S.; Park, M.; Yu, I. K.; Seong, K. C.; Won, Y. J.


    Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) system is a DC current driven device and can be utilized to improve power quality particularly in connection with renewable energy sources due to higher efficiency and faster response than other devices. This paper suggests a novel connection topology of SMES which can smoothen the output power flow of the wind power generation system (WPGS). The structure of the proposed system is cost-effective because it reduces a power converter in comparison with a conventional application of SMES. One more advantage of SMES in the proposed system is to improve the capability of low voltage ride through (LVRT) for the permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) type WPGS. The proposed system including a SMES has been modeled and analyzed by a PSCAD/EMTDC. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the novel SMES application strategy to not only mitigate the output power of the PMSG but also improve the capability of LVRT for PMSG type WPGS.

  16. Embedded system based on PWM control of hydrogen generator with SEPIC converter (United States)

    Fall, Cheikh; Setiawan, Eko; Habibi, Muhammad Afnan; Hodaka, Ichijo


    The objective of this paper is to design and to produce a micro electrical plant system based on fuel cell for teaching material-embedded systems in technical vocational training center. Based on this, the student can experience generating hydrogen by fuel cells, controlling the rate of hydrogen generation by the duty ration of single-ended primary-inductor converter(SEPIC), drawing the curve rate of hydrogen to duty ratio, generating electrical power by using hydrogen, and calculating the fuel cell efficiency when it is used as electrical energy generator. This project is of great importance insofar as students will need to acquire several skills to be able to realize it such as continuous DC DC conversion and the scientific concept behind the converter, the regulation of systems with integral proportional controllers, the installation of photovoltaic cells, the use of high-tech sensors, microcontroller programming, object-oriented programming, mastery of the fuel cell syste

  17. Performance analyses of a hybrid geothermal–fossil power generation system using low-enthalpy geothermal resources

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Qiang; Shang, Linlin; Duan, Yuanyuan


    Highlights: • Geothermal energy is used to preheat the feedwater in a coal-fired power unit. • The performance of a hybrid geothermal–fossil power generation system is analyzed. • Models for both parallel and serial geothermal preheating schemes are presented. • Effects of geothermal source temperatures, distances and heat losses are analyzed. • Power increase of the hybrid system over an ORC and tipping distance are discussed. - Abstract: Low-enthalpy geothermal heat can be efficiently utilized for feedwater preheating in coal-fired power plants by replacing some of the high-grade steam that can then be used to generate more power. This study analyzes a hybrid geothermal–fossil power generation system including a supercritical 1000 MW power unit and a geothermal feedwater preheating system. This study models for parallel and serial geothermal preheating schemes and analyzes the thermodynamic performance of the hybrid geothermal–fossil power generation system for various geothermal resource temperatures. The models are used to analyze the effects of the temperature matching between the geothermal water and the feedwater, the heat losses and pumping power during the geothermal water transport and the resource distance and temperature on the power increase to improve the power generation. The serial geothermal preheating (SGP) scheme generally generates more additional power than the parallel geothermal preheating (PGP) scheme for geothermal resource temperatures of 100–130 °C, but the SGP scheme generates slightly less additional power than the PGP scheme when the feedwater is preheated to as high a temperature as possible before entering the deaerator for geothermal resource temperatures higher than 140 °C. The additional power decreases as the geothermal source distance increases since the pipeline pumping power increases and the geothermal water temperature decreases due to heat losses. More than 50% of the power decrease is due to geothermal

  18. FY1999 technological development of wind power generation systems for islands. Development of wind power generation systems in islands; 1999 nendo ritoyo furyoku hatsuden system nado gijutsu kaihatsu. Rito ni okeru furyoku hatsuden system no kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    With an objective of developing wind power generation systems that suit small to medium size islands in Japan, conceptual design was made on a 100-kW class wind mill to satisfy such requirements as no need of large heavy machines, and gust resisting performance. Investigations were performed on sites suitable for demonstration tests thereof. This paper reports the achievements in fiscal 1999. In investigating the site location feasibilities, which took small to medium size islands in Okinawa Prefecture as the discussion objects, environmental investigation, wind condition forecast and investigation, and system linkage investigation were carried out, whereas one point each in three islands were extracted as the promising sites. The system discussion and design called for wind velocity resistance of 80 m/s, system linkage percentage of 40% at maximum, power generation cost of 20 yen per kWh, design life of 20 years, constructability of requiring no large heavy machines, and operation mode of diesel hybrid use. Along with these specifications, conceptual design was performed on the system constituting elements, such as wind mill blades, generators, electric power control devices, and towers. In the blade aerodynamic test, wind tunnel tests were executed by using three types of blade wings. Sample blades were fabricated for the preparation of blade material tests. (NEDO)

  19. Development of a Cost Effective Power Generation System: An Overview

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shiv Prakash Bihari


    Full Text Available This paper presents an overview on development of cost effective power generation system and motivates for development of a model for hybrid system with wind to investigate the combined operation of wind with different sources to cater to wind’s stochastic nature for imbalance minimization and optimal operation. Development of model for trading power in competitive electricity market and development of strategies for trading in electricity markets (wind energy and reserves markets to investigate the effects of real time pricing tariffs on electricity market operation has been illustrated in this paper. Dynamic modelling related studies to investigate the wind generator’s kinetic energy for primary frequency support using simulink and simulation studies on doubly fed induction generator to study its capability during small disturbances / fluctuations on power system have been described.

  20. Next Generation Space Surveillance System-of-Systems (United States)

    McShane, B.


    International economic and military dependence on space assets is pervasive and ever-growing in an environment that is now congested, contested, and competitive. There are a number of natural and man-made risks that need to be monitored and characterized to protect and preserve the space environment and the assets within it. Unfortunately, today's space surveillance network (SSN) has gaps in coverage, is not resilient, and has a growing number of objects that get lost. Risks can be efficiently and effectively mitigated, gaps closed, resiliency improved, and performance increased within a next generation space surveillance network implemented as a system-of-systems with modern information architectures and analytic techniques. This also includes consideration for the newest SSN sensors (e.g. Space Fence) which are born Net-Centric out-of-the-box and able to seamlessly interface with the JSpOC Mission System, global information grid, and future unanticipated users. Significant opportunity exists to integrate legacy, traditional, and non-traditional sensors into a larger space system-of-systems (including command and control centers) for multiple clients through low cost sustainment, modification, and modernization efforts. Clients include operations centers (e.g. JSpOC, USSTRATCOM, CANSPOC), Intelligence centers (e.g. NASIC), space surveillance sensor sites (e.g. AMOS, GEODSS), international governments (e.g. Germany, UK), space agencies (e.g. NASA), and academic institutions. Each has differing priorities, networks, data needs, timeliness, security, accuracy requirements and formats. Enabling processes and technologies include: Standardized and type accredited methods for secure connections to multiple networks, machine-to-machine interfaces for near real-time data sharing and tip-and-queue activities, common data models for analytical processing across multiple radar and optical sensor types, an efficient way to automatically translate between differing client and

  1. Contact system activation and high thrombin generation in hyperthyroidism. (United States)

    Kim, Namhee; Gu, Ja-Yoon; Yoo, Hyun Ju; Han, Se Eun; Kim, Young Il; Nam-Goong, Il Sung; Kim, Eun Sook; Kim, Hyun Kyung


    Hyperthyroidism is associated with increased thrombotic risk. As contact system activation through formation of neutrophil extracellular traps (NET) has emerged as an important trigger of thrombosis, we hypothesized that the contact system is activated along with active NET formation in hyperthyroidism and that their markers correlate with disease severity. In 61 patients with hyperthyroidism and 40 normal controls, the levels of coagulation factors (fibrinogen, and factor VII, VIII, IX, XI and XII), D-dimer, thrombin generation assay (TGA) markers, NET formation markers (histone-DNA complex, double-stranded DNA and neutrophil elastase) and contact system markers (activated factor XII (XIIa), high-molecular-weight kininogen (HMWK), prekallikrein and bradykinin) were measured. Patients with hyperthyroidism showed higher levels of fibrinogen (median (interquartile range), 315 (280-344) vs 262 (223-300), P  = 0.001), D-dimer (103.8 (64.8-151.5) vs 50.7 (37.4-76.0), P  hyperthyroidism's contribution to coagulation and contact system activation. Free T4 was significantly correlated with factors VIII and IX, D-dimer, double-stranded DNA and bradykinin. This study demonstrated that contact system activation and abundant NET formation occurred in the high thrombin generation state in hyperthyroidism and were correlated with free T4 level. © 2017 European Society of Endocrinology.

  2. Next-Generation Ultra-Compact Stowage/Lightweight Solar Array System, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Deployable Space Systems, Inc. (DSS) has developed a next-generation high performance solar array system that has game-changing performance metrics in terms of...

  3. Generation of multiple analog pulses with different duty cycles within VME control system for ICRH Aditya system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Joshi, Ramesh; Singh, Manoj; Jadav, H M; Misra, Kishor; Kulkarni, S V


    Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ICRH) is a promising heating method for a fusion device due to its localized power deposition profile, a direct ion heating at high density, and established technology for high RF power generation and transmission at low cost. Multiple analog pulse with different duty cycle in master of digital pulse for Data acquisition and Control system for steady state RF ICRH System(RF ICRH DAC) to be used for operating of RF Generator in Aditya to produce pre ionization and second analog pulse will produce heating. The control system software is based upon single digital pulse operation for RF source. It is planned to integrate multiple analog pulses with different duty cycle in master of digital pulse for Data acquisition and Control system for RF ICRH System(RF ICRH DAC) to be used for operating of RF Generator in Aditya tokamak. The task of RF ICRH DAC is to control and acquisition of all ICRH system operation with all control loop and acquisition for post analysis of data with java based tool. For pre ionization startup as well as heating experiments using multiple RF Power of different powers and duration. The experiment based upon the idea of using single RF generator to energize antenna inside the tokamak to radiate power twice, out of which first analog pulse will produce pre ionization and second analog pulse will produce heating. The whole system is based on standard client server technology using tcp/ip protocol. DAC Software is based on linux operating system for highly reliable, secure and stable system operation in failsafe manner. Client system is based on tcl/tk like toolkit for user interface with c/c++ like environment which is reliable programming languages widely used on stand alone system operation with server as vxWorks real time operating system like environment. The paper is focused on the Data acquisition and monitoring system software on Aditya RF ICRH System with analog pulses in slave mode with digital pulse in

  4. Generation of multiple analog pulses with different duty cycles within VME control system for ICRH Aditya system (United States)

    Joshi, Ramesh; Singh, Manoj; Jadav, H. M.; Misra, Kishor; Kulkarni, S. V.; ICRH-RF Group


    Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ICRH) is a promising heating method for a fusion device due to its localized power deposition profile, a direct ion heating at high density, and established technology for high RF power generation and transmission at low cost. Multiple analog pulse with different duty cycle in master of digital pulse for Data acquisition and Control system for steady state RF ICRH System(RF ICRH DAC) to be used for operating of RF Generator in Aditya to produce pre ionization and second analog pulse will produce heating. The control system software is based upon single digital pulse operation for RF source. It is planned to integrate multiple analog pulses with different duty cycle in master of digital pulse for Data acquisition and Control system for RF ICRH System(RF ICRH DAC) to be used for operating of RF Generator in Aditya tokamak. The task of RF ICRH DAC is to control and acquisition of all ICRH system operation with all control loop and acquisition for post analysis of data with java based tool. For pre ionization startup as well as heating experiments using multiple RF Power of different powers and duration. The experiment based upon the idea of using single RF generator to energize antenna inside the tokamak to radiate power twise, out of which first analog pulse will produce pre ionization and second analog pulse will produce heating. The whole system is based on standard client server technology using tcp/ip protocol. DAC Software is based on linux operating system for highly reliable, secure and stable system operation in failsafe manner. Client system is based on tcl/tk like toolkit for user interface with c/c++ like environment which is reliable programming languages widely used on stand alone system operation with server as vxWorks real time operating system like environment. The paper is focused on the Data acquisition and monitoring system software on Aditya RF ICRH System with analog pulses in slave mode with digital pulse in

  5. Generation of multiple analog pulses with different duty cycles within VME control system for ICRH Aditya system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Joshi, Ramesh; Singh, Manoj; Jadav, H M; Misra, Kishor; Kulkarni, S V, E-mail: rjoshi@ipr.res.i [Institute for plasma research, Bhat, Gandhinagar- 382428 (India)


    Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ICRH) is a promising heating method for a fusion device due to its localized power deposition profile, a direct ion heating at high density, and established technology for high RF power generation and transmission at low cost. Multiple analog pulse with different duty cycle in master of digital pulse for Data acquisition and Control system for steady state RF ICRH System(RF ICRH DAC) to be used for operating of RF Generator in Aditya to produce pre ionization and second analog pulse will produce heating. The control system software is based upon single digital pulse operation for RF source. It is planned to integrate multiple analog pulses with different duty cycle in master of digital pulse for Data acquisition and Control system for RF ICRH System(RF ICRH DAC) to be used for operating of RF Generator in Aditya tokamak. The task of RF ICRH DAC is to control and acquisition of all ICRH system operation with all control loop and acquisition for post analysis of data with java based tool. For pre ionization startup as well as heating experiments using multiple RF Power of different powers and duration. The experiment based upon the idea of using single RF generator to energize antenna inside the tokamak to radiate power twice, out of which first analog pulse will produce pre ionization and second analog pulse will produce heating. The whole system is based on standard client server technology using tcp/ip protocol. DAC Software is based on linux operating system for highly reliable, secure and stable system operation in failsafe manner. Client system is based on tcl/tk like toolkit for user interface with c/c++ like environment which is reliable programming languages widely used on stand alone system operation with server as vxWorks real time operating system like environment. The paper is focused on the Data acquisition and monitoring system software on Aditya RF ICRH System with analog pulses in slave mode with digital pulse in

  6. An analysis of hybrid power generation systems for a residential load

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ceran Bartosz


    Full Text Available This paper presents the results of an energetic and economical analysis of a hybrid power generation system (HPGS which utilises photovoltaic modules, wind turbines, fuel cells and an electrolyzer with hydrogen tank working as the energy storage. The analysis was carried out for three different residential loads, local solar radiation and local wind speed, based on the real measurement values. The analysis shows the optimal solution and the limits of the investment costs required for the system construction. The presented results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach, which could be assumed as a very useful tool in the design and analysis of a hybrid power generation system.

  7. Simulating spontaneously generated coherence in a four-level atomic system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Aijun; Gao Jinyue; Wu Jinhui; Wang Lei


    We study the spontaneous emission property of a four-level atomic system driven by two coherent fields. By numerical calculations in the bare state picture, we show that such interesting phenomena as extremely narrow peaks and spontaneous emission quenching can be realized, which are well understood by qualitative explanations in the partially and fully dressed state pictures. Especially, this coherently driven atomic system has two close-lying levels in the partially dressed state picture so that spontaneously generated coherence arises. Using our considered scheme it is feasible to carry out experiments based on spontaneously generated coherence because all rigorous requirements have been avoided in the bare state picture

  8. Variable speed wind turbine generator system with current controlled voltage source inverter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muyeen, S.M.; Al-Durra, Ahmed; Tamura, J.


    highlights: → Current controlled voltage source inverter scheme for wind power application. → Low voltage ride through of wind farm. → Variable speed wind turbine driven permanent magnet synchronous generator-operation and control. -- Abstract: The present popular trend of wind power generation is to use variable speed wind turbine (VSWT) driving a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), wound field synchronous generator (WFSG) or permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). Among them, stability analyses of DFIG type of VSWT have already been reported in many literatures. However, transient stability and low voltage ride through (LVRT) characteristics analyses for synchronous generator type of VSWT is not sufficient enough. This paper focuses on detailed LVRT characteristic analysis of variable speed wind turbine driving a PMSG (VSWT-PMSG) with current controlled voltage source inverter (CC-VSI). Modeling and suitable control strategies for overall system are developed to augment the low voltage ride through capability of variable speed wind generator, considering recent wind farm grid code. Both symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults are analyzed as network disturbances in this paper. The permanent fault due to unsuccessful reclosing of circuit breakers is taken into consideration, which is a salient feature of this study. Moreover, the dynamic characteristic is analyzed using real wind speed data measured in Hokkaido Island, Japan. The proposed control scheme is simulated by using the standard power system simulation package PSCAD/EMTDC and results are verified by comparing that of voltage controlled voltage source inverter scheme available in power system literature.

  9. Variable speed wind turbine generator system with current controlled voltage source inverter

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muyeen, S.M., E-mail: [Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Petroleum Institute, P.O. Box 2533, Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates); Al-Durra, Ahmed [Dept. of Electrical Engineering, The Petroleum Institute, P.O. Box 2533, Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates); Tamura, J. [Dept. of EEE, Kitami Institute of Technology, 165 Koen-cho, Kitami 090-8507 (Japan)


    highlights: {yields} Current controlled voltage source inverter scheme for wind power application. {yields} Low voltage ride through of wind farm. {yields} Variable speed wind turbine driven permanent magnet synchronous generator-operation and control. -- Abstract: The present popular trend of wind power generation is to use variable speed wind turbine (VSWT) driving a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), wound field synchronous generator (WFSG) or permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). Among them, stability analyses of DFIG type of VSWT have already been reported in many literatures. However, transient stability and low voltage ride through (LVRT) characteristics analyses for synchronous generator type of VSWT is not sufficient enough. This paper focuses on detailed LVRT characteristic analysis of variable speed wind turbine driving a PMSG (VSWT-PMSG) with current controlled voltage source inverter (CC-VSI). Modeling and suitable control strategies for overall system are developed to augment the low voltage ride through capability of variable speed wind generator, considering recent wind farm grid code. Both symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults are analyzed as network disturbances in this paper. The permanent fault due to unsuccessful reclosing of circuit breakers is taken into consideration, which is a salient feature of this study. Moreover, the dynamic characteristic is analyzed using real wind speed data measured in Hokkaido Island, Japan. The proposed control scheme is simulated by using the standard power system simulation package PSCAD/EMTDC and results are verified by comparing that of voltage controlled voltage source inverter scheme available in power system literature.

  10. Underfrequency Load Shedding for an Islanded Distribution System With Distributed Generators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mahat, Pukar; Chen, Zhe; Bak-Jensen, Birgitte


    Significant penetration of distributed generation in many distribution systems has opened an option of operating distribution systems in island mode for economical and technical reasons. However, balancing frequency of the islanded system is still an issue to be solved, especially when the demand...

  11. Comparative assessment of the environmental impact of wastes from electricity generation systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torres, C.; Smith, G.M.; Linsley, G.; Hossain, S.


    The paper describes an outline methodology for assessing and comparing the environmental impact arising from management of the wastes from nuclear and other electricity generation systems. The assessment framework is applicable to wastes from all generation systems, including nuclear, fossil and renewable fuel systems, and can also be applied to the management of mixed hazardous waste. The major energy technologies in terms of waste production can be classified according to three major categories of fuels: fossil, nuclear and renewable. The emphasis in this description is on nuclear utility low-level and mixed wastes and waste streams. The methodology may be used to support the project on Data Bases and Methodologies for Comparative Assessment of Different Energy Sources for Electricity Generation (DECADES project, (2)) which is being developed by the International Atomic Energy Agency in collaboration with other international agencies. The DECADES project has the overall objective to improve the abilities for comparative assessment of energy chains for electricity generation. The objective of a methodology such as that described here is to ensure that waste management aspects are included effectively in comparative assessments of energy systems. This paper discusses the waste strams arising from nuclear power plants

  12. High-performance nanostructured thermoelectric generators for micro combined heat and power systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Yanliang; Wang, Xiaowei; Cleary, Martin; Schoensee, Luke; Kempf, Nicholas; Richardson, Joseph


    Highlights: • A TEG is fabricated using high-efficiency nanostructured thermoelectric materials. • The TEG produces high power density of 2.1 W/cm"2 with 5.3% electrical efficiency. • A micro-CHP system is demonstrated by integrating the TEG into a gas-fired boiler. - Graphical Abstract: - Abstract: Micro combined heat and power (micro-CHP) systems are promising pathways to increase power generation efficiencies. Here a new class of micro-CHP system without moving parts is experimentally demonstrated by integrating high-temperature thermoelectric generators (TEGs) and residential gas-fired boilers, thus enabling wide applications. The TEGs fabricated using high-efficiency nanostructured bulk half-Heusler alloys generate ultrahigh power density of 2.1 W/cm"2 with 5.3% electrical efficiency under 500 °C temperature differences between the hot and cold sides. The TEG system harnesses the untapped exergy between the combustion gas and water, and converts thermal energy into electric power with 4% heat-to-electricity efficiency based on the total heat input into the TEGs. The high-performance TEGs open lots of opportunities to transform power generation technologies and improve energy efficiency.

  13. Research on generating various polarization-modes in polarized illumination system (United States)

    Huang, Jinping; Lin, Wumei; Fan, Zhenjie


    With the increase of the numerical aperture (NA), the polarization of light affects the imaging quality of projection lens more significantly. On the contrary, according to the mask pattern, the resolution of projection lens can be improved by using the polarized illumination. That is to say, using the corresponding polarized beam (or polarization-mode) along with the off-axis illumination will improve the resolution and the imaging quality of the of projection lens. Therefore, the research on the generation of various polarization modes and its conversion methods become more and more important. In order to realize various polarization modes in polarized illumination system, after read a lot of references, we provide a way that fitting for the illumination system with the wavelength of 193nm.Six polarization-modes and a depolarized mode are probably considered. Wave-plate stack is used to generate linearly polarization-mode, which have a higher degree polarization. In order to generate X-Y and Y-X polarization mode, the equipment consisting of four sectors of λ/2 wave plate was used. We combined 16 sectors of λ/2 wave plate which have different orientations of the "slow" axis to generate radial and azimuthal polarization. Finally, a multi-polarization control device was designed. Using the kind of multi-polarization control device which applying this method could help to choose the polarization modes conveniently and flexibility for the illumination system.

  14. Research on a New Control Scheme of Photovoltaic Grid Power Generation System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dong-Hui Li


    Full Text Available A new type of photovoltaic grid power generation system control scheme to solve the problems of the conventional photovoltaic grid power generation systems is presented. To aim at the oscillation and misjudgment of traditional perturbation observation method, an improved perturbation observation method comparing to the next moment power is proposed, combining with BOOST step-up circuit to realize the maximum power tracking. To counter the harmonic pollution problem in photovoltaic grid power generation system, the deadbeat control scheme in fundamental wave synchronous frequency rotating coordinate system of power grid is presented. A parameter optimization scheme based on positive feedback of active frequency shift island detection to solve the problems like the nondetection zone due to the import of disturbance in traditional island detection method is proposed. Finally, the results in simulation environment by MATLAB/Simulink simulation and experiment environment verify the validity and superiority of the proposed scheme.

  15. Co-generation system with a linear concentrator and thermoelectric elements; Senkei shukokei to netsuden henkan soshi wo mochiita netsuden heikyu system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kachi, E; Suzuki, A; Fujibayashi, K [Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo (Japan)


    The co-generation system using a solar cell has the disadvantage that the performance of a cell element deteriorates when the temperature rises. Therefore, the co-generation system in which a BiTe thermoelectric element and linear Fresnel lens are used was constructed. Moreover, the basic characteristics were confirmed and the characteristics of a system model were analyzed. A thermoelectric element area must be reduced to improve the generating efficiency. The generating efficiency depends on the temperature difference between thermoelectric elements rather than the thermoelectric element area. As the thermoelectric area gets lower, the generating efficiency will get higher. This inclination is advantageous on the economic side. The generating efficiency becomes low during operation at high temperature. As a result, the temperature supplied to the thermal load is set to the lower position (100 to 200{degree}C) so as to advance the validity of the system. Even if the co-generation temperature is low, a heat supply capability of 150{degree}C is sufficient for an industrial heat supply system because it holds a large majority of the consumption demand for the whole industry. 3 refs., 8 figs., 3 tabs.

  16. Availability of thermodynamic system with multiple performance parameters based on vector-universal generating function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cai Qi; Shang Yanlong; Chen Lisheng; Zhao Yuguang


    Vector-universal generating function was presented to analyze the availability of thermodynamic system with multiple performance parameters. Vector-universal generating function of component's performance was defined, the arithmetic model based on vector-universal generating function was derived for the thermodynamic system, and the calculation method was given for state probability of multi-state component. With the stochastic simulation of the degeneration trend of the multiple factors, the system availability with multiple performance parameters was obtained under composite factors. It is shown by an example that the results of the availability obtained by the binary availability analysis method are somewhat conservative, and the results considering parameter failure based on vector-universal generating function reflect the operation characteristics of the thermodynamic system better. (authors)

  17. Integrated operation of electric vehicles and renewable generation in a smart distribution system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zakariazadeh, Alireza; Jadid, Shahram; Siano, Pierluigi


    Highlights: • The contribution of electric vehicles to provide the reserve capacity is analyzed. • Decentralized energy and reserve scheduling in a distribution system is presented. • The integrated operation of renewable generation and electric vehicles is proposed. - Abstract: Distribution system complexity is increasing mainly due to technological innovation, renewable Distributed Generation (DG) and responsive loads. This complexity makes difficult the monitoring, control and operation of distribution networks for Distribution System Operators (DSOs). In order to cope with this complexity, a novel method for the integrated operational planning of a distribution system is presented in this paper. The method introduces the figure of the aggregator, conceived as an intermediate agent between end-users and DSOs. In the proposed method, energy and reserve scheduling is carried out by both aggregators and DSO. Moreover, Electric Vehicles (EVs) are considered as responsive loads that can participate in ancillary service programs by providing reserve to the system. The efficiency of the proposed method is evaluated on an 84-bus distribution test system. Simulation results show that the integrated scheduling of EVs and renewable generators can mitigate the negative effects related to the uncertainty of renewable generation

  18. Energy and environmental evaluation of tri-generation energy systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chicco, G.; Mancarella, P.


    Tri generation facilities manufactured with various technologies represent an important alternative solution for the development more efficient energy systems and low environmental impact. Are described the issues related to modelling and energy and environmental evaluation [it


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nail K. Nuriyev


    Full Text Available Introduction: the article deals with the organisation of training activities in the man-made environment. Didactic engineering is seen as a methodology within which problems of didactics are solved with application of pedagogical, psychological, engineering methods. It is obvious that in order to implement the training of future engineers in a competence-based format (according to educational standard a new type of teaching system is needed, with new capacities (properties. These systems should set each student towards the development of professionally significant (key abilities, taking into account his/her psychological characteristics; ensure training on the verge of permissible difficulties (developing training, and thereby achieve rapid development of key skills, through his/her zone of “immediate development”; to diagnose the quality of possession of a competence in the academic sense. For the objectivity and reliability of assessment of the level and depth of learned knowledge it is necessary to generate this evaluation in a metric format. As a result, we created a didactic system, which combines all the listed properties and the properties of classical systems. This allowed us to construct a new generation of didactic systems. Materials and Methods: the research is based on a systematic analysis of the activity of an engineer; on models of “zones of immediate development” by L. S. Vygotsky; on “developmental education” by L. N. Zankova; on the use of pedagogical and psychological patterns as well as taxonomic methods, didactic engineering, theory of probability and mathematical statistics. Results: constructed is a model for training engineers in the metric format of competence, which envisages a rapid development of students project and constructive abilit ies based on their knowledge learned. Discussion and Conclusions: the parameters defining the probability of engineer’s success have been described; the taxonomic scale

  20. Advanced Thomson scattering system for high-flux linear plasma generator

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meiden, van der H.J.; Lof, A.R.; Berg, van den M.A.; Brons, S.; Donné, A.J.H.; Eck, van H.J.N.; Koelman, Peter; Koppers, W.R.; Kruijt, O.G.; Naumenko, N.N.; Oyevaar, T.; Prins, P.R.; Rapp, J.; Scholten, J.; Schram, D.C.; Smeets, P.H.M.; Star, van der G.; Tugarinov, S.N.; Zeijlmans van Emmichoven, P.A.


    An advanced Thomson scattering system has been built for a linear plasma generator for plasma surface interaction studies. The Thomson scattering system is based on a Nd:YAG laser operating at the second harmonic and a detection branch featuring a high etendue (f /3) transmission grating