
Sample records for fraturas articulares desviadas

  1. Fratura extra-articular da extremidade medial da clavícula associada à luxação acromioclavicular tipo IV: relato de caso Extra-articular fracture of the medial end of the clavicle associated with type IV acromioclavicular dislocation: case report

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    Mário Chaves Correa


    Full Text Available Ocorrendo isoladamente, as fraturas da clavícula e as luxações acromioclaviculares são lesões muito comuns. A combinação de uma luxação acromioclavicular e de uma fratura do terço lateral da clavícula não é rara. Entretanto, existem muito poucos casos descritos de luxações acromioclaviculares associadas a fraturas do terço médio da clavícula; aquelas associadas a fraturas do terço medial são ainda mais raras. Nós reportamos o caso de um indivíduo adulto do sexo masculino que sofreu uma luxação acromioclavicular (tipo IV associada a uma fratura extra-articular desviada da extremidade medial da clavícula (grupo 3 de Almann em um acidente ciclístico. O paciente foi tratado na fase aguda com redução aberta e fixação interna das duas lesões. Na avaliação clínica, 12 meses após a cirurgia, o paciente apresentava-se assintomático, com mobilidade ativa e passiva completa, força e resistência normais e simetria das cinturas escapulares. As radiografias e a tomografia computadorizada tridimensional mostravam subluxação posterossuperior persistente da articulação acromioclavicular e consolidação anatômica da fratura clavicular.Fractures of the clavicle and acromioclavicular dislocations are very common injuries when they occur separately. The combination of an acromioclavicular dislocation and a fracture of the lateral third of the clavicle is not rare. However, there are very few reported cases of acromioclavicular dislocations associated with fractures of the middle third of the clavicle; those associated with fractures of the medial third are even rarer. We report the case of an adult male who suffered an acromioclavicular dislocation (type IV associated with a displaced extra-articular fracture of the medial end of the clavicle (Almann group 3 in a cycling accident. The patient was treated during the acute phase with open reduction and internal fixation of the two lesions. At the clinical evaluation 12

  2. Fraturas do planalto tibial Tibial plateau fractures

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    Maurício Kfuri Júnior


    Full Text Available As fraturas do planalto tibial são lesões articulares cujos princípios de tratamento envolvem a redução anatômica da superfície articular e a restauração funcional do eixo mecânico do membro inferior. Contribuem para a tomada de decisões no tratamento dessas fraturas o perfil do paciente, as condições do envelope de tecidos moles, a existência de outros traumatismos associados e a infraestrutura disponível para abordagens cirúrgicas. Para as fraturas de alta energia, o tratamento estagiado, seguindo o princípio do controle de danos, tem como prioridade a manutenção do alinhamento do membro enquanto se aguarda a resolução das más condições de tecidos moles. Já nos traumas de baixa energia, desde que os tecidos moles não sejam um fator adverso, o tratamento deve ser realizado em tempo único, com osteossíntese definitiva. Fixação estável e movimento precoce são variáveis diretamente relacionadas com os melhores prognósticos. Desenvolvimentos recentes, como os implantes com estabilidade angular, substitutos ósseos e imagens tridimensionais para controle intraoperatório, deverão contribuir para cirurgias menos invasivas e melhores resultados.Tibial plateau fractures are joint lesions that require anatomical reduction of joint surface and functional restoration of mechanical axis of a lower limb. Patient profile, soft tissue conditions, presence of associated injuries and the available infrastructure for the treatment all contribute to the decision making about the best treatment for these fractures. High-energy fractures are usually approached in a staged manner respecting the principle of damage control, and are primarily targeted to maintain limb alignment while the resolution unfavorable soft tissue conditions is pending. Low-energy trauma can be managed on a single-stage basis, provided soft tissues are not an adverse factor, with open reduction and internal f-ixation. Stable fixation and early painless joint

  3. Fratura extra-articular da extremidade medial da clavícula associada à luxação acromioclavicular tipo IV: relato de caso


    Correa, Mário Chaves; Gonçalves, Lucas Braga Jacques; Vilela, Jose Carlos Souza; Leonel, Igor Lima; Costa, Lincoln Paiva; Andrade, Ronaldo Percopi de


    Ocorrendo isoladamente, as fraturas da clavícula e as luxações acromioclaviculares são lesões muito comuns. A combinação de uma luxação acromioclavicular e de uma fratura do terço lateral da clavícula não é rara. Entretanto, existem muito poucos casos descritos de luxações acromioclaviculares associadas a fraturas do terço médio da clavícula; aquelas associadas a fraturas do terço medial são ainda mais raras. Nós reportamos o caso de um indivíduo adulto do sexo masculino que sofreu uma luxaçã...

  4. Fratura extra-articular da extremidade medial da clavícula associada à luxação acromioclavicular tipo IV: relato de caso Extra-articular fracture of the medial end of the clavicle associated with type IV acromioclavicular dislocation: case report


    Mário Chaves Correa; Lucas Braga Jacques Gonçalves; Jose Carlos Souza Vilela; Igor Lima Leonel; Lincoln Paiva Costa; Ronaldo Percopi de Andrade


    Ocorrendo isoladamente, as fraturas da clavícula e as luxações acromioclaviculares são lesões muito comuns. A combinação de uma luxação acromioclavicular e de uma fratura do terço lateral da clavícula não é rara. Entretanto, existem muito poucos casos descritos de luxações acromioclaviculares associadas a fraturas do terço médio da clavícula; aquelas associadas a fraturas do terço medial são ainda mais raras. Nós reportamos o caso de um indivíduo adulto do sexo masculino que sofreu uma luxaçã...

  5. Fratura segmentar da clavícula Segmental clavicle fracture


    Evander Azevedo Grossi


    O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um caso incomum de fratura segmentar da clavícula associada a fratura de arco costal ipsilateral. Apesar da clavícula ser muito superficial, podem ocorrer casos despercebidos das duas fraturas, pois geralmente estes pacientes sofrem politraumatismos. É descrito o caso de um paciente que apresentou fratura da diáfise e da extremidade lateral da clavícula que foi operado e obtido excelente resultado. Casos semelhantes foram revistos na literatura e discuti...

  6. Estabilidade articular do joelho no quadro do "joelho-flutuante" Knee joint stability in a "floating knee" condition

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    Felipe Antônio de Marco


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, 22 pacientes com fraturas ipslaterais do fêmur e da tíbia ("joelho flutuante" tratados cirurgicamente foram convocados para reavaliação. Com seguimento mínimo de 4 meses, 17 pacientes compareceram e foram reavaliados através de exame físico, radiológico, escala de Lysholm e o escore de Kärlstron. As fraturas foram classificadas quanto ao grau de exposição (Gustillo e Andersen, cominuição (AO e o "joelho-flutuante" (Fraser. Doze pacientes (70,6% apresentaram alterações objetivas no exame físico do joelho. A instabilidade articular foi a alteração mais encontrada, presente em oito casos (47%, seguida da restrição de movimento em sete pacientes (41,2%. A instabilidade anterior foi diagnosticada em cinco casos (29,4%, sendo três associados à instabilidade em varo. A instabilidade posterior estava presente em dois pacientes (11,8%, ambos associados com instabilidade em varo. Um paciente apresentou instabilidade periférica em varo e valgo, associada à restrição importante da flexão do joelho. As presença de fraturas intra-articulares, fraturas expostas do fêmur cursaram com maior incidência de restrição do arco de movimento. Nesta casuística os resultados obtidos reforçam a necessidade da avaliação sistemática da estabilidade articular do joelho, visto que o quadro de "joelho flutuante" está freqüentemente associado à lesão cápsulo-ligamentar desta articulação.In this study, 22 patients who had undergone surgical treatment for ipsilateral fractures of the femur and tibia ("floating knee" were recalled for reassessment. Seventeen patients turned up after a follow-up period of four months and were reassessed by applying the physical and radiological exams, the Lysholm's knee scale and the Karlstron score. The fractures were classified according to degree of exposure, communication and "floating knee" condition. Twelve patients (70.6% presented with definite alterations during the physical

  7. Fratura segmentar da clavícula Segmental clavicle fracture

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    Evander Azevedo Grossi


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um caso incomum de fratura segmentar da clavícula associada a fratura de arco costal ipsilateral. Apesar da clavícula ser muito superficial, podem ocorrer casos despercebidos das duas fraturas, pois geralmente estes pacientes sofrem politraumatismos. É descrito o caso de um paciente que apresentou fratura da diáfise e da extremidade lateral da clavícula que foi operado e obtido excelente resultado. Casos semelhantes foram revistos na literatura e discutida a conduta.The aim here was to present an unusual case of segmental clavicle fracture associated with ipsilateral rib fracture. Although the clavicle is very superficial, undetected cases of both types of fracture may occur, because these patients usually suffer multiple trauma. The case of a patient with a fracture of the diaphysis and lateral extremity of the clavicle is described: the patient was treated surgically and an excellent result was achieved. Similar cases in the literature are reviewed and their management is discussed.

  8. Fraturas do côndilo mandibular: classificação e tratamento

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    Manganello Luiz C.


    Full Text Available As fraturas do côndilo mandibular, dentre as fraturas faciais, são as que apresentam o maior número de controvérsias quanto ao seu tratamento e maior dificuldade de diagnóstico. A escolha de um tratamento - cirúrgico, bloqueio maxilo-mandibular, fisioterapia elástica ou associação -, está diretamente ligado ao tipo de fratura, à idade do paciente e ao grau de alteração funcional em decorrência da fratura. Os exames por imagens são importantes para o diagnóstico e classificação da fratura, no entanto, os achados clínicos são mais relevantes na indicação de um tratamento cirúrgico ou conservador. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma classificação das fraturas do côndilo relacionada com o seu tratamento e relatar dois casos clínicos, sendo um tratado de forma cirúrgica e o outro conservadoramente, discutindo as vantagens e desvantagens do tratamento cirúrgico, bem como as indicações e contra-indicações.

  9. Síndrome compartimental pós-fratura de platô tibial


    Pitta,Guilherme Benjamin Brandão; Santos,Thays Fernanda Avelino dos; Santos,Fernanda Thaysa Avelino dos; Costa Filho,Edelson Moreira da


    As fraturas de platô tibial são relativamente raras e representam, aproximadamente, 1,2% de todas as fraturas. A tíbia, por sua localização subcutânea e pobre cobertura muscular, está exposta a sofrer grandes quantidades de traumatismos, que não são somente fraturas, mas também lesões por achatamento, contusões severas, entre outras que, em um determinado momento, podem causar no enfermo a síndrome compartimental. É relatad...

  10. Fraturas: origem e tratamentos - doi: 10.5102/ucs.v3i2.561

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    Gustavo Rocha Velloso


    Full Text Available As fraturas representam uma fadiga de estrutura óssea. O estudo dos conceitos básicos sobre a organização do tecido ósseo, o mecanismo indutor das fraturas e o processo de consolidação são temas importantes da moderna traumatologia. Alterações estruturais nos ossos ocorrem em decorrência de complexo sistema de forças deformadoras. As lesões podem ocasionar alterações em diferentes tecidos ósseos. O tratamento das fraturas é usualmente realizado pela fixação interna e externa, mas experimentos modernos apontam para que o processo biológico de reparação das fraturas seja melhor do que a fixação metálica.

  11. A new method for classifying distal radius fracture: the IDEAL classification Um novo método de classificação para as fraturas da extremidade distal do rádio – a classificação IDEAL

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    João Carlos Belloti


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: To describe the new IDEAL method from classifying distal radius fractures. METHODS: IDEAL classification system is based on the most important literature evidences about clinical and radiographic characteristics that influence in the treatment and prognosis for patients that suffered from a distal radius fractures. In this method, we classify the fracture in patients first consultation, in which we collect demographical (age and trauma energy and radiographic characteristics ( fracture deviation, articular fracture, and associated lesions. For each feature a score is attributed for grouping purposes. Group I - Stable fractures, good prognosis; Group II - potentially unstable fractures, commonly treated by surgical methods. Prognosis depends on surgeons' success after method choice. Group III - complex and instable fractures, poor outcome is expected. CONCLUSION: IDEAL classification staging rationale was presented, which is based on the best available evidence. The evidence of its scientific plausibility will be settled with the assessment of the classification reliability and its capacity to aid in therapeutical decisions and as a tool to predict prognosis. Further studies are under development to support these properties. OBJETIVOS: Descrição do método de Classificação IDEAL - para as fraturas da extremidade distal do rádio. MÉTODOS: O sistema de classificação IDEAL fundamenta-se nas principais evidências da literatura sobre fatores clínicos e radiográficos que influenciam o tratamento e prognóstico das fraturas do rádio distal. Classificamos as fraturas no atendimento inicial do paciente mediante a verificação de dois dados epidemiológicos e três dados radiográficos: Idade do paciente, energia do trauma, desvio dos fragmentos, incongruência articular e lesões associadas. RESULTADOS: Conforme a pontuação obtida, agrupamos os casos em três grupos: Grupo I - fraturas estáveis com bom prognóstico, Grupo II

  12. Artroplastia parcial no tratamento das fraturas do colo do fêmur Hemiarthroplasty in the treatment of fractures of the femoral neck

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    Nelson Keiske Ono


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Realizar avaliação epidemiológica e clínica dos pacientes com fratura desviada do colo femoral, que foram submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico, com artroplastia parcial do quadril cimentada. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados, de forma retrospectiva, todos os pacientes com fratura desviada do colo do fêmur (Garden III e IV submetidos à artroplastia parcial do quadril com prótese unipolar (Thompson, cimentada pela via de acesso posterolateral do quadril, no período de junho de 2005 a setembro de 2008. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados, inicialmente, 70 pacientes. A média de idade foi de 83,1 anos. Houve predomínio de pacientes do sexo feminino (84,3%. Houve acompanhamento ambulatorial de 36 pacientes, cujo tempo de seguimento variou de 10 a 48 meses (média de 26,5 meses. Houve perda de seguimento de 15 pacientes. Dezenove pacientes foram a óbito, com uma taxa de mortalidade no primeiro ano de 25,4%. Os pacientes classificados como ASA III apresentaram taxa de 25,7%, enquanto os pacientes ASA II, uma taxa de 12,1%. Dois pacientes apresentaram trombose venosa profunda sintomática; um paciente, infecção do sítio operatório; e nenhum paciente apresentou luxação do quadril. A maioria dos pacientes evoluiu sem dor. Doze pacientes (33%, durante a evolução, apresentaram piora na capacidade de deambulação. CONCLUSÃO: Nenhum caso de luxação do quadril foi observado. Os pacientes classificados como ASA III apresentaram um índice de mortalidade mais elevado, em relação aos pacientes ASA I e II. Houve uma piora da capacidade de deambular em 33% dos pacientes. Não foi necessária revisão de nenhum paciente por soltura ou dor. Trinta pacientes não apresentavam dor (83,3%, quatro apresentavam dor moderada (11,1% e dois apresentavam dor intensa (5,5%.OBJETIVE: To epidemiologically and clinically evaluate patients with displaced femoral neck fractures that had surgical treatment with cemented hemiarthroplasty. METHODS: We evaluated

  13. Tabaco y cambio social: la construcción del tabaquismo como conducta desviada

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    Full Text Available En este artículo se propone un análisis de algunas de las estrategias que se han utilizado para convertir al tan extendido y popular hábito de fumar en una conducta desviada en el contexto de lo que se ha venido en llamar «cruzada antitabaco ». Esto abarca tanto la creciente regulación y normalización del mundo del tabaco como la elaboración de un nuevo sistema ideológico, transmitido a través de campañas diseñadas para marcar negativamente a esta sustancia y a los que la consumen. Agruparemos tales estrategias en cinco dimensiones, que nos remiten a distintos ámbitos o niveles de análisis. Así, hablaremos de una patologización en términos médicos, de una segregación espacial, de una estigmatización que obedece a una lógica religiosa, de una criminalización que nos remite al campo de lo bélico, así como de una desviación de la norma que nos remite al terreno de lo social.

  14. Desenho de placa em forma de borboleta para tratamento de fraturas do calcâneo Design of butterfly-shaped plate and its application in treatment for calcaneal fractures

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    Guangrong Yu


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Apresentar um desenho de placa em forma de borboleta e sua aplicação no tratamento de fraturas do calcâneo e discutir suas indicações clínicas, vantagens e desvantagens. MÉTODOS: De fevereiro de 2008 a abril de 2010, 22 pacientes com 26 fraturas intra-articulares do calcâneo foram tratados com redução a céu aberto e fixação interna com placa em forma de borboleta. Dezesseis pacientes eram homens e 6 eram mulheres, com média de idade de 36,8 anos. Onze eram pés esquerdos e 15, direitos. De acordo com a classificação de Sanders, 12 eram fraturas de calcâneo Tipo II (inclusive 3 Tipo IIa, 7 Tipo IIb e 2 Tipo IIc e 14 eram Tipo III (inclusive cinco do Tipo IIIab, 7 Tipo IIIac e duas do Tipo IIIbc. RESULTADOS: Dezessete pacientes (21 pés foram submetidos a acompanhamento por em média 19,2 meses. Os desfechos funcionais foram avaliados com o sistema Maryland Foot Score. Entre os nove pés com fraturas Tipo II, sete receberam escore excelente e dois, bom. Entre as 12 fraturas Tipo III, seis tiveram escore excelente, cinco, bom e uma, razoável. CONCLUSÃO: A placa em forma de borboleta é aplicável ao tratamento de fraturas do calcâneo do Tipo II e Tipo III de Sanders, com a vantagem de garantir fixação confiável, facilitar a cirurgia, produzir menos complicações pós-operatórias e produzir melhores desfechos clínicos gerais. Nível de Evidência IV, Série de casos.OBJECTIVE: To introduce the design of butterfly-shaped plate and its application in treatment for calcaneal fractures, and to discuss its clinical indications, advantages and disadvantages. METHODS: From February 2008 to April 2010, 22 patients with 26 intra-articular calcaneal fractures were treated by open reduction and internal fixation with butterfly-shape plate. Sixteen patients were male and 6 patients were female, with a mean age of 36.8 years. Eleven were left feet and 15, right. According to Sanders classification, 12 were Type II (including 3

  15. Resultados do tratamento das fraturas da diáfise do fêmur ipsilaterais às do colo ou transtrocantérica Outcomes in treatment of diaphiseal femur fractures ipsilateral to the neck or transtrocanteric fracture

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    Nelson Astur Neto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliação radiográfica, funcional e das complicações do tratamento cirúrgico das fraturas diafisárias do fêmur associadas à fratura transtrocantérica ou do colo do mesmo fêmur. MÉTODOS: De 2002 a 2007 foram tratados 17 pacientes. Eram masculinos 88% e a idade média foi de 31 anos e três meses. Dez (59% apresentavam associação com fratura do colo do fêmur e sete (41% com a fratura transtrocantérica. Foram avaliados a dor residual e a amplitude de movimento articular do quadril e joelho, a consolidação radiográfica e o tipo de implante utilizado, pela avaliação atual e retrospectivamente pelo prontuário, com um seguimento médio de 48 meses. RESULTADOS: Todas as fraturas transtrocantéricas evoluíram para consolidação sem deformidade residual. Das fraturas do colo, três (30% apresentaram retardo da consolidação, e duas consolidaram em varo. Dois pacientes apresentaram retardo de consolidação da fratura diafisária. Todas as fraturas associadas trans-diáfise apresentaram resultado funcional excelente ou bom. Das associadas colo-diáfise, sete (70% apresentaram resultado funcional excelente ou bom, dois regular e um ruim. CONCLUSÃO: As fraturas associadas da diáfise do fêmur com fratura transtrocantérica apresentaram melhor resultado radiográfico e funcional com menos complicações que a associação da fratura diafisária com a fratura do colo do fêmurOBJECTIVE: To perform a radiographic and functional evaluation of the complications of diaphyseal fractures of the femur associated with ipsilateral fractures of the trochanter or the neck of the femur. METHODS: From 2002 to 2007, seventeen patients were treated, of which 88% were men, with a mean age of thirty-one years and three months. Ten (59% had associated fractures of the femoral neck and seven (41% had associated trochanteric fractures. The final range of motion of the hip and knee, the radiographic fracture consolidation, and the type of

  16. Dispositivo de tração do membro superior para osteossínteses intramedulares bloqueadas anterógradas de fraturas diafisárias de úmero Upper limb traction device for anterograde intramedullary locked nail of humeral shaft fractures

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    Mário Chaves Corrêa


    Full Text Available As fraturas diafisárias de fêmur e tíbia no adulto são, na sua maioria, tratadas cirurgicamente, geralmente através de osteossínteses intramedulares bloqueadas. Algumas fraturas diafisárias cominutivas e/ou muito desviadas podem representar um verdadeiro desafio técnico. As mesas de fraturas (ou ortopédicas, que permitem a estabilização instrumental vertical, horizontal e rotacional do membro, facilitam enormemente as manobras de redução e de colocação do implante e são amplamente utilizadas pelos cirurgiões ortopédicos. As fraturas diafisárias de úmero são, na sua maioria, tratadas não cirurgicamente. Entretanto, algumas requerem o tratamento cirúrgico, cujas indicações estão bem definidas na literatura. Podem ser fixadas através de placas ou de hastes intramedulares por via anterógrada ou retrógrada. No úmero, as manobras de redução da fratura e estabilização do membro para a implantação da haste intramedular são realizadas manualmente, geralmente por dois auxiliares e, por serem sujeitas à fadiga muscular, podem ser menos eficientes. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um dispositivo externo de tração do membro superior para utilização em osteossínteses intramedulares bloqueadas anterógradas de fraturas diafisárias de úmero que permite a estabilização vertical, horizontal e rotacional do membro superior, de maneira similar àquela utilizada para os membros inferiores. O dispositivo é portátil, de construção simples, e pode ser instalado em qualquer mesa cirúrgica equipada com trilhos laterais. Foi utilizado no tratamento cirúrgico de 29 fraturas diafisárias de úmero com haste intramedular bloqueada anterógrada. Nossa experiência foi extremamente positiva. Não tivemos nenhuma complicação relacionada à sua utilização, que acreditamos ter facilitado, de maneira notável, os procedimentos cirúrgicos.Diaphyseal fractures of the femur and tibia in adults are mostly treated

  17. Tratamento das fraturas do processo odontóide Treatment of odontoid fractures

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    Pedro Augusto Pontin


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Este artigo faz a avaliação retrospectiva clínica e radiológica das fraturas do odontóide de 20 pacientes atendidos no IOT-HCFMUSP, durante o período de 2004-2010. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado a estratificação destas fraturas segundo sua classificação (AO/Anderson e D'Alonzo, perfil epidemiológico, tipo de tratamento, tempo de consolidação e complicações. RESULTADOS: Observou-se maior número de casos da fratura do odontóide em pacientes do sexo masculino (4:1, com idade entre 3ª e 4ª década de vida (60%, vítimas de quedas de altura (60% e acidentes automobilísticos (25% como principais mecanismos de trauma, e 15% dos casos apresentaram-se com déficit neurológico. A fraturas do odontóide de maior prevalência foram as do tipo II (55%, seguidas pelas fraturas do tipo III (40%. Os tratamentos mais empregados nas fraturas do tipo II e III foram, respectivamente, o cirúrgico (73% e conservador (87,5%. A consolidação ocorreu em até 16 semanas para 87,5% dos casos de tratamento cirúrgico e para 54,5% dos tratados conservadoramente. Não houve casos de pseudoartrose. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento cirúrgico das fraturas do odontóide do tipo II apresentou resultados satisfatórios em relação ao tempo consolidação e baixa incidência de complicações, bem como o tratamento conservador destinado às fraturas do tipo III.Nivel de Evidência IV, série de casos.OBJECTIVE: This article describes a clinical and radiologic retrospective analysis of odontoid fractures in20 patients accompanied byThe IOT-HCFMUSP,from 2004 to 2010. METHODS: These fractures were stratified according to their classification (AO/Anderson andD'Alonzo, epidemiologic profile, type of treatment, time to consolidation of the fracture, and complications. RESULTS: It was observed that there was a higher number of odontoid fractures in males (4:1, between the third and fourth decades of life (60%, and that the main causes of the trauma were falling from

  18. Estudo epidemiológico das fraturas mandibulares em hospital público da cidade de São Paulo

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    Antonio Augusto Ferreirinha Leporace

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a frequência epidemiológica de fraturas mandibulares correlacionando gênero, faixa etária, fatores etiológicos, localização anatômica, e tipos de traços de fratura. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo nos prontuários de 883 pacientes portadores de fraturas faciais, atendidos no Pronto Socorro do Hospital Geral de Vila Penteado, pelo Serviço de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco Maxilo Facial (São Paulo - Brasil, num período de três anos (janeiro de 2004 a dezembro de 2006. RESULTADOS: Dos 883 pacientes avaliados, 270 apresentaram fraturas mandibulares (30,5 %. O gênero masculino foi o mais acometido (76,7% na faixa etária de 20 a 29 anos (33,0%, o fator etiológico de maior freqüência foi acidente com veículos automotores (35,2%, o corpo da mandíbula foi a localização anatômica mais atingida (47,4% e os traços únicos prevaleceram (76,7%. CONCLUSÃO: As fraturas, em sua maioria, foram simples (traço único, localizadas em corpo mandibular, e destacadas no sexo masculino, na faixa etária de 20 a 29 anos, além do que o fator etiológico mais comum foi acidente com veículos automotores.

  19. Epidemiologia das fraturas zigomáticas: uma análise de 10 anos = Zygomatic fractures epidemiology: a 10-year-analysis

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    Gondola, Abdiel Ortega


    Full Text Available Devido a sua localização e projeção no complexo maxilofacial, o osso zigomático apresenta elevado índice de fratura comparando-o às demais fraturas dos ossos da face. Estudos epidemiológicos sempre são de grande importância para o cirurgião BucoMaxiloFacial, pois fornecem dados pelos quais se pode traçar o perfil das fraturas faciais e analisar a efetividade dos métodos de tratamento empregados. No presente trabalho foi realizado um levantamento epidemiológico retrospectivo de 10 anos dos pacientes atendidos no Hospital Infantil Maria Lucinda que apresentavam fratura do complexo zigomático. A amostra foi composta por 153 pacientes portadores de fratura do complexo zigomático, onde foram analisados comparativamente os indicadores gênero, faixa etária, etiologia do trauma e localização topográfica da fratura. Os resultados obtidos mostraram o gênero masculino como o mais acometido (83,6%, a faixa etária de 21 a 40 anos (71,2% mais freqüente, tendo como causa principal a queda da própria altura (39,9% e o osso zigomático esquerdo como a localização mais afetada (49,7%


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    Evelise Brizola

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Caracterizar o padrão de fraturas e a história clínica no momento do diagnóstico de osteogênese imperfeita. Métodos: Neste estudo retrospectivo, foram incluídos todos os pacientes com osteogênese imperfeita de ambos os sexos, com idades entre 0 e 18 anos, que realizaram tratamento entre 2002 e 2014. Os prontuários médicos foram revisados para coleta de dados clínicos, incluindo presença de escleras azuladas, dentinogênese imperfeita, história familiar positiva para a doença e locais das fraturas, além de achados radiográficos no momento do diagnóstico. Resultados: Foram incluídos no estudo 76 pacientes (42 do sexo feminino, com idade, no momento do diagnóstico, entre 0 e 114 meses [mediana (p25-p75 de idade de 38 (6-96 meses]. Escleras azuladas estavam presentes em 93,4% dos pacientes, dentinogênese imperfeita foi observada em 27,6% e ossos wormianos em 29,4%. O número de fraturas ao diagnóstico variou entre 0 e 17, com uma mediana de 3 (2-8 fraturas. Em 40 (57% pacientes, as fraturas eram de membros superiores e inferiores no momento do diagnóstico e, em 9 pacientes também havia fratura vertebral. O diagnóstico foi realizado ao nascimento em 85,7% dos pacientes com o tipo 3 e em 39,3% daqueles com tipo 4/5 da doença. Conclusões: Osteogênese imperfeita é uma doença genética com características clínicas distintas, tais como fragilidade óssea, fraturas recorrentes, escleras azuladas e dentinogênese imperfeita. É importante saber identificar essas características, facilitando o diagnóstico, otimizando o tratamento e diferenciando de outras doenças que também podem causar fraturas.

  1. Tratamento cirúrgico das fraturas do odontóide tipo II com parafuso anterior: análise de 15 casos

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    Dantas Fernando Luiz Rolemberg


    Full Text Available Apresentamos estudo retrospectivo dos resultados de 15 pacientes consecutivos, com fratura do odontóide tipo II P (fratura com traço oblíquo e deslocamento posterior e II N (fratura com traço horizontal na base do odontóide, segundo a classificação de Roy-Camille , que foram submetidos a fixação anterior direta do odontóide com parafuso. A série é composta por 13 homens e 2 mulheres, com idade variando entre 14 a 74 anos e período de acompanhamento de 6 a 36 meses (média 20 meses. Tivemos apenas uma complicação relacionada com a técnica cirúrgica: um parafuso mal posicionado necessitando de uma reoperação para ser reposicionado. Não houve óbito. Não houve saída nem quebra de parafuso. Obteve-se 94% de fusão óssea. Propomos que seja utilizada a classificação de Roy-Camille na seleção dos casos cirúrgicos de fraturas do odontóide, pois ela fornece uma abordagem cirúrgica específica para cada tipo de fratura.

  2. Fraturas do anel pélvico: estudo epidemiológico Pelvic ring fractures: epidemiological study

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    Alceu Gomes Chueire


    Full Text Available De fevereiro de 2000 a setembro de 2001, 84 pacientes apresentando fratura do anel pélvico foram avaliados, segundo determinado protocolo aplicado. Houve predomínio do sexo masculino (67%, a maioria dos pacientes eram brancos (86% e a idade média foi de 37 anos. Quanto ao tipo de acidente, os mais freqüentes foram os relacionados ao trânsito (58% - carro, moto e atropelamento - pacientes vítimas de traumas de alta energia. As fraturas foram classificadas de acordo com Tile(13 em estáveis, em 55% (fraturas do tipo A; rotacionalmente instáveis, em 30% (fraturas do tipo B e rotacional e verticalmente instáveis, em 15% (fraturas do tipo C. A fratura mais freqüentemente encontrada foi a dos ramos isquiopúbicos. O tratamento cirúrgico foi realizado em 29% dos pacientes. Houve necessidade de transfusão sangüínea em 20% dos pacientes, utilizando-se uma média de cinco unidades de sangue total; exceto dois pacientes (2,4% com lesão arterial intra pélvica que necessitaram mais de 10 unidades de sangue nas primeiras 48 horas. A mortalidade foi de sete por cento tendo relação significativa com traumas extra pélvicos.From February 2000 to September 2001, 84 patients with pelvic fractures were assessed, using a determined protocol. There were more men (67% than women. Most of the patients were white (86% and the average was 37 years of age. The most frequent accident was reported to have been traffic accidents (58% such as motor vehicle, motorcycle and running over - victims of high-energy injuries. The pelvic ring fractures were classified according to Tile (13 as stable in 55% (type A injury, as rotationally unstable in 30% (type B injury and as unstable in translation in 15% (type C injury. The most frequent lesion affecting the pelvic girdle was the isquiopubic bones fracture (transpubic instability. The overall rate of operative stabilization was 29%. An average of five units of total blood transfusion was required in 20% of the

  3. Efeitos da dieta proteica na cicatrização de fraturas distais de fêmur imobilizadas com pinos intramedulares em cão

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    Silveira Iandara Silva


    Full Text Available No presente experimento vinte cães sem raça definida, pesando em média 6kg, com idade variando entre 4 e 12 anos, vindos do Biotério Central da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM, foram distribuidos em dois grupos com 10 animais, cada grupo dividido em dois subgrupos com 5 cães, denominados 1A, 1B, 2A e 2B. Os animais do grupo 1 receberam tratamento por 90 dias, e os do grupo 2 por 60 dias após a cirurgia. O subgrupo A correspondem a tratamento com ração crescimento contendo 27% de proteina bruta e o subgrupo B ração manutenção com 21% de proteina bruta. Todos os cães sofreram fratura distal de fêmur, experimental, reduzidas com dois pinos intramedulares, introduzidos através da superfície articular da tróclea. Os cães ficaram confinados em canis individuais até a remoção dos pontos e em canis comuns para no máximo 5 cães até o término do experimento. Foi feita avaliação clínica, radiográfica e histológica da evolução da cicatrização óssea a qual demonstrou que o tratamento com ração com maior teor de proteina proporcionou melhor regeneração e que a técnica de osteossíntese utilizada manteve estabilidade na linha de fratura.

  4. Diferenças sazonais de quedas e fraturas em idosos gaúchos

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    Iride Cristofoli Caberlon


    Full Text Available Resumo Quedas e fraturas em pessoas idosas representam um problema relevante de saúde pública. Ambas vêm associadas a elevados índices de morbimortalidade, redução da capacidade funcional, institucionalização do idoso e óbito precoce. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar quedas e fraturas em idosos, residentes em municípios da região metropolitana e serra gaúcha do Rio Grande do Sul, analisando fatores associados, sazonalidade e gravidade. Trata-se de estudo transversal, retrospectivo, descritivo-analítico, quantitativo, com dados secundários, em idosos atendidos por queda entre primeiro de janeiro a 31 de dezembro de 2010, em unidades de Atendimento de Urgência e Emergência do SUS. A amostra foi de 6.556 idosos atendidos por queda, dos quais 71% eram mulheres, 26,8% dos atendimentos ocorreram no inverno, 30% dos que caíram fraturaram, sendo 32% em mulheres contra 28% em homens (p < 0,0001. O local da queda foi registrado somente em 17,2% dos boletins, sendo 58% fora do domicílio. O inverno foi a estação do ano com 34% de fraturas confirmadas (p = 0,0002, sendo 26,3% com gravidade severa. Como a maioria das quedas e suas consequências podem ser prevenidas e evitadas, urge criar programas e ações multifatoriais de intervenção.


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    GOULART Alan Cruvinel


    Full Text Available O comportamento da fratura do arco zigomático no período de crescimento foi avaliado através de mensurações cefalométricas. Fratura com desvio medial no lado direito foi realizada em ratos com um mês de idade. Foi verificada tendência de retorno do arco fraturado à sua posição original, porém, com diferença estatisticamente significante para a profundidade da fossa infratemporal. Entretanto, não houve diferença significante para a distância entre o arco zigomático e a mandíbula, o que pode ser explicado pela presença de desvio significante da mandíbula.

  6. Perfil funcional, sociodemográfico e epidemiológico de idosos hospitalizados por fratura proximal de fêmur

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    Danielle Ferreira Santana


    Full Text Available A fratura proximal de fêmur (FPF está relacionada a altos índices de morbidade e a grande impacto sobre a capacidade funcional do idoso. O objetivo do estudo foi traçar o perfil funcional de pacientes idosos hospitalizados por FPF, analisando os tipos de fraturas, o mecanismo causal, e as características físicas e funcionais prévias ao evento. Trata-se de um estudo do tipo observacional, quantitativo, de corte transversal, cujos participantes eram pacientes hospitalizados por FPF. Foi utilizada uma Ficha de Registro para coletar os dados sociodemográficos. O grau de independência funcional e a capacidade de marcha prévia à FPF foram avaliados respectivamente pelo Índice de Barthel, o Questionário de Pfeffer e a Classificação Funcional da Marcha Modificada. A amostra foi constituída por 32 idosos com média de idade de 79 (± 9,5 anos e uma predominância do sexo feminino (71,8%, de cor parda (43,8% e baixa escolaridade. A maioria não morava sozinho e faziam uso de algum medicamento. Os idosos participantes, previamente à fratura, eram independentes para as atividades básicas da vida diária (ABVD, dependentes para as atividades instrumentais da vida diária (AIVD e não utilizam dispositivos para locomoção. A queda foi a principal causa da FPF, sendo as mais prevalentes a fratura de colo de fêmur (FCF e a fratura transtrocantérica (FTT. As comorbidades, os medicamentos, os fatores sociodemográficos, o deficit de marcha e a dependência funcional, podem estar associados à ocorrência de FPF em idosos.  

  7. Análise isocinética e cinética de corredores e triatletas com e sem histórico de fratura por estresse

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    Natália Mariana Silva Luna


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A associação da fadiga muscular com o aumento da força vertical de reação do solo representa risco de fratura por estresse de tíbia em esportes como a corrida de longa distância e o triatlo. Objetivo: Analisar e comparar parâmetros do componente vertical das forças de reação do solo e parâmetros musculares isocinéticos da flexão plantar (FP e dorsiflexão (DF do tornozelo entre grupos de corredores de longa distância e triatletas com e sem histórico de fratura por estresse de tíbia.MÉTODOS: Setenta e cinco atletas de corrida de longa distância e triatletas do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 30,26 ± 6,51 anos foram divididos de acordo com a história pregressa de fratura por estresse de tíbia em: grupo fratura (GF, composto por 12 indivíduos com história de fratura por estresse da tíbia, e grupo não-fratura (GNF, composto por 37 indivíduos sem história de fratura por estresse de tíbia. Os parâmetros cinéticos foram medidos durante a corrida por meio de uma plataforma de força AMTI, e os parâmetros isocinéticos por meio de dinamômetro isocinético Biodex (System 3.RESULTADOS: Para todas as variáveis isocinéticas e cinéticas, não houve diferenças entre GF e GNF.CONCLUSÃO: Ainda que não se tenha identificado uma diferença de desempenho entre os grupos estudados, o perfil cinético (impacto e isocinético (atividade muscular mostra que o treinamento da corrida com déficits em cuidados com a condição muscular e o controle de fatores extrínsecos pode criar uma situação de risco de ocorrência de fraturas por estresse.

  8. Fratura periprotética da tíbia combinada com fratura de fadiga da haste tibial de artroplastia total do joelho Tibial periprosthetic fracture combined with tibial stem stress fracture from total knee arthroplasty

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    Fernando Fonseca


    Full Text Available As complicações das artroplastias totais do joelho relacionadas com o próprio material são muito raras, exceto o desgaste do polietileno. Neste artigo os autores reportam o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino de 58 anos referenciada ao pronto-socorro do nosso hospital por uma fratura periprotética tibial (tipo I da classificação da Mayo Clinic. Uma observação mais cuidadosa mostrou a presença concomitante da referida fratura da tíbia associada à fratura de fadiga da haste tibial. A prótese com a haste foi remetida a um laboratório de biomecânica independente onde foi avaliada e efetuada uma reconstrução com uso de sistema de elementos finitos em CAD de modo a verificar a existência de algum defeito de fabricação e as eventuais causas para o sucedido. Depois de avaliadas diversas hipóteses, concluiu-se que a fratura do material foi provocada por uma sobrecarga na zona de transição prato/haste secundária à falência óssea prévia (fratura. Da avaliação do caso ressalta-se novamente a necessidade de efetuar uma avaliação adequada da mineralização óssea e, em caso de dúvida, utilizar uma haste longa.Total knee arthroplasty complications related to the prosthetic material are very rare, except for polyethylene wear. We report the case of a 58-year-old woman who came to the emergency service of our hospital with a periprosthetic tibial fracture (Mayo Clinic type I. Careful examination showed that this fracture was concomitantly associated with a tibial stem fatigue fracture. The prosthesis and the stem were sent to an independent biomechanics laboratory for evaluation. A finite-element CAD system was used to make a reconstruction, so as to ascertain whether there had been any manufacturing defect and what the causes of the event might have been. After evaluation of several hypotheses, it was concluded that the fracture in the prosthetic material had been caused by overloading at the plate/stem transition zone

  9. Demência como fator de risco para fraturas graves em idosos

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    Carvalho Aline de Mesquita


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: As quedas entre pessoas idosas constituem importante problema de saúde pública devido à sua alta incidência, às complicações para a saúde e aos altos custos assistenciais. O estudo realizado visa a estimar a associação entre demência e ocorrência de quedas e fraturas entre idosos. MÉTODOS: Foi conduzido estudo caso-controle de 404 indivíduos com 60 ou mais anos de idade, da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Casos e controles foram pareados por idade, sexo e hospital. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista estruturada com os idosos. Foram considerados portadores de quadro demencial idosos cuja pontuação no questionário BOAS fosse superior a dois. Foram obtidos odds ratios (OR ajustados por fatores potenciais de confusão, utilizando-se regressão logística condicional. RESULTADOS: As quedas distribuíram-se igualmente entre os períodos da manhã, tarde e noite, havendo uma redução em sua freqüência durante a madrugada. Acidentaram-se dentro de casa 78% dos idosos com demência, contra 55% daqueles sem essa doença. O OR não-ajustado para a associação entre demência e fratura grave foi de 2,0 (IC95%, 1,23-3,25. Após o ajuste por fatores de confusão, houve uma pequena redução dessa associação (OR=1,82, 1,03-3,23. CONCLUSÃO: Idosos com quadro demencial apresentam maior risco de caírem e ser hospitalizados por fratura do que idosos sem demência. Tal fato implica a necessidade de cuidados especiais com esses indivíduos, visando a minimizar o risco desses acidentes.

  10. Avaliação de sensibilidade objetiva versus sensibilidade subjetiva após fraturas de zigoma

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    Jean Francisco KIPPER

    Full Text Available Resumo Introdução Cirurgiões bucomaxilofaciais frequentemente tratam fraturas do complexo zigomaticofacial e, com isso, os sinais e sintomas auxiliam o profissional a estabelecer o diagnóstico e a conduta frente a cada caso. A presença de alteração de sensibilidade é um sintoma frequente neste tipo de trauma. Objetivo Avaliar comparativamente a presença e as alterações de sensibilidade subjetiva e sensibilidade objetiva após fraturas de zigoma. Metodologia Foram selecionados 14 pacientes com fraturas unilaterais de zigoma. A sensibilidade subjetiva foi avaliada por meio de um questionário e a sensibilidade objetiva, mensurada por meio do monofilamento de Semmes-Weinstein. Resultado Os resultados mostraram alteração de sensibilidade em 13 pacientes (92,84%; destes, oito pacientes (57,13% apresentaram alterações de ordem subjetiva e dez (71,42%, de ordem objetiva. Alterações concomitantes de sensibilidade subjetiva e sensibilidade objetiva foram encontradas em cinco pacientes (35,71%. Afetados exclusivamente por um tipo de alteração de sensibilidade somaram oito pacientes (57,13%; destes, cinco pacientes (35,71% apresentaram somente alterações objetivas e três pacientes (21,42%, apenas alterações subjetivas. A única queixa de sensibilidade subjetiva encontrada foi a hipoestesia, com sete casos (50%. Conclusão As alterações de sensibilidade são frequentemente encontradas após fraturas de zigoma, existindo uma forte correlação entre a perda da percepção subjetiva e a perda da sensibilidade objetiva; porém, ocorre predominância de alterações de ordem objetiva.

  11. Estudo retrospectivo de radiografias com fraturas rádio e ulna em cães

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    Robson Fortes Giglio


    Full Text Available Foram analisadas 528 radiografias simples de fraturas de rádio e ulna do arquivo do Serviço de Diagnostico por Imagem do Departamento de Cirurgia junto ao Hospital Veterinário da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo realizadas no período de julho de 1999 a dezembro de 2005, selecionando-se os meses para análise de forma randomizada. Os principais resultados encontrados foram: Fraturas de rádio e ulna representam 20,9% do total encontradas, destas o tipo mais observado foi a transversal, tanto no rádio (75,5% quanto na ulna (76,6%. 87,1% das fraturas acometeram o rádio e a ulna. O terço distal foi o mais acometido foi o distal, tanto do rádio quanto da ulna (72,9% e 70,1%, respectivamente. Esquírolas ósseas foram observadas em 13,8% e desvio de eixo ósseo em 94,9% dos casos. 40,2% dos cães não possuíam raça definida. 34,3% dos cães possuíam idade entre seis meses a um ano.

  12. Miniplacas de titânio na redução de fraturas mandibulares em cães e gatos: estudo de seis casos


    Gomes, Cristiano; Gouvêa, Aline Silva; Alievi, Marcelo Meller; Contesini, Emerson Antonio; Pippi, Ney Luis


    Fraturas de mandíbula e maxila são comuns em cães e gatos, correspondendo a cerca de 3 a 6% de todas as fraturas. Muitos tratamentos são propostos para a correção desse defeito, como o uso de pino intramedular, a fixação esquelética externa, a cerclagem e o uso de acrílicos e placas ósseas. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o uso das mini e microplacas de titânio do sistema 2,0 e 1,5mm no tratamento de fraturas mandibulares, em cães e gatos, respectivamente. Os parafusos e as miniplacas ...

  13. Miniplacas de titânio na redução de fraturas mandibulares em cães e gatos: estudo de seis casos


    Gomes, Cristiano; Gouvea, Aline Silva; Alievi, Marcelo Meller; Contesini, Emerson Antônio; Pippi, Ney Luis


    Fraturas de mandíbula e maxila são comuns em cães e gatos, correspondendo a cerca de 3 a 6% de todas as fraturas. Muitos tratamentos são propostos para a correção desse defeito, como o uso de pino intramedular, a fixação esquelética externa, a cerclagem e o uso de acrílicos e placas ósseas. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o uso das mini e microplacas de titânio do sistema 2,0 e 1,5mm no tratamento de fraturas mandibulares, em cães e gatos, respectivamente. Os parafusos e as miniplacas ...

  14. Estudo epidemiológico das fraturas femorais diafisárias pediátricas Epidemiological study of children diaphyseal femoral fractures

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    Cassiano Ricardo Hoffmann


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as características pessoais, das fraturas e do tratamento e suas complicações em pacientes com fraturas femorais diafisárias pediátricas atendidos no Serviço de Ortopedia Pediátrica do Hospital Infantil Joana de Gusmão. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de estudo retrospectivo e transversal com população composta por pacientes com fraturas diafisárias de fêmur, com idade entre o nascimento e 14 anos e 11 meses, divididos em quatro grupos etários. As informações foram obtidas nos prontuários e transferidas para o questionário de pesquisa que apresentava variáveis pessoais, das fraturas e do tratamento e suas complicações. RESULTADOS: A população do estudo foi composta por 96 pacientes. A média de idade encontrada foi de 6,8 anos. Houve predomínio no sexo masculino, fratura fechada, lado direito, 1/3 médio e traço simples. Quanto à etiologia das fraturas, houve predomínio na amostra global de acidentes de trânsito. A maioria dos pacientes (74-77,1% apresentou fratura de fêmur como lesão isolada. Houve predomínio do tratamento conservador na faixa etária menor que seis anos e do tratamento cirúrgico na faixa etária de seis anos a 14 anos e 11 meses. As complicações observadas até a união óssea foram: discrepância, infecção e limitação de movimento. O tempo médio de consolidação foi de 9,6 ± 2,4 semanas, variando com a idade. CONCLUSÃO: As características das fraturas estudadas foram semelhantes às citadas na literatura e o tratamento empregado apresentou bom resultado. O Hospital Infantil Joana de Gusmão (HIJG tem utilizado o tratamento proposto pela literatura nas fraturas femorais diafisárias pediátricas.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the personal, fracture, treatment and complication characteristics among patients with pediatric femoral shaft fractures attended at the pediatric orthopedic service of the Joana de Gusmão Children's Hospital. METHODS: This was a retrospective cross-sectional study

  15. Uma Metodologia para a avaliação dos gradientes de tenacidade à fratura ao longo da camada cementada do aço SAE 5115


    Sandor,Leonardo Taborda; Ferreira,Itamar


    Este trabalho propõe um modelo para avaliar pontualmente as variações de tenacidade à fratura ao longo da camada cementada de um aço SAE 5115. A pequena espessura dessas camadas impede a retirada de corpos de prova nas dimensões especificadas pelas normas de ensaios de tenacidade à fratura. Assim, para simular uma camada cementada retirou-se corpos-de-prova de tração e de tenacidade à fratura de amostras de aços SAE 5115, 5140, 5160 e 52100 assumindo a influência local apenas da variação do t...

  16. Estudo do tratamento das fraturas da cabeça do fêmur Study of the treatment of femoral head fractures

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    Rodrigo Pereira Guimarães


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estabelecer diretrizes para o tratamento das fraturas da cabeça femoral e determinar a melhor via de acesso nos casos tratados cirurgicamente. MÉTODOS: Avaliamos os resultados clínicos e radiográficos de 13 pacientes (13 fraturas tratados cirurgicamente entre maio de 1986 e julho de 1996 no Departamento de Ortopedia e Traumatologia da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo (SCMSP, Pavilhão "Fernandinho Simonsen". RESULTADOS: Entre as seis fraturas Pipkin 1, cinco foram submetidas à ressecção do fragmento, o que nos levou a quatro resultados excelentes e um bom, sendo este com fixação do fragmento. Três pacientes apresentaram fraturas Pipkin 2 e todas foram fixadas, observados dois excelentes resultados e um regular. Dois pacientes Pipkin 3 foram submetidos à artroplastia primária. Dos dois pacientes com lesão Pipkin 4, um foi tratado com redução e osteossíntese da fratura do acetábulo, sem abordar o fragmento da cabeça que estava bem reduzido e resultou em artrose precoce, e o outro foi submetido à artroplastia total como tratamento primário. CONCLUSÃO: Concluímos após comparação da revisão da literatura com a análise dos nossos casos, que o tratamento da fratura da cabeça femoral deve ser cirúrgico e a escolha da via de acesso vai depender do tipo de fratura.OBJECTIVE: To establish guidelines for the treatment of femoral head fractures and to determine the best form of access in cases treated surgically. METHODS: We evaluated the clinical and radiological results of 13 patients (13 fractures treated surgically, between May 1986 and July 1996, at the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology at the Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo (SCMSP, Fernandinho Simonsen Pavillion. RESULTS: Among six Pipkin 1 fractures, five had resection of the fragment, resulting in four excellent and one good result. The good result had fixation of the fragment. All three Pipkin 2 fractures had fixation of the fragment

  17. Fratura toracolombar tipo explosão: comparação do tratamento conservador em pacientes com e sem fratura do arco vertebral posterior Thoracolumbar burst fracture: comparing conservative treatment in patients with and without fracture of the posterior vertebral arch

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    Osmar Avanzi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar clínica e radiologicamente os resultados a longo prazo do tratamento conservador da fratura explosão toracolombar, em pacientes com e sem fratura do arco vertebral posterior, com o propósito de avaliar eventuais diferenças na evolução destes dois tipos de lesão. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados, retrospectivamente, os prontuários e exames de imagem (radiografias e tomografias computadorizadas de 25 pacientes sem déficit neurológico, com fratura toracolombar tipo explosão tratados não cirurgicamente e comparados o grau de progressão da cifose entre os casos com fratura da lâmina (grupo 1 e sem fratura posterior (grupo 2. Desses, 13 pacientes foram submetidos à avaliação comparativa por meio da escala visual analógica de dor (VAS, da escala de dor e trabalho de Denis e do questionário de qualidade de vida SF-36. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 25 pacientes (36% do grupo A e 74% do grupo B com tempo médio de seguimento de 111,64 meses. Não houve diferença em relação ao grau de progressão da cifose durante o seguimento entre os grupos A e B (5,22º x 4,63º - p = 0,650. Dos 13 pacientes analisados funcionalmente, 46% eram do grupo A e 54% do grupo B. Nesta avaliação, apesar da VAS pior (1,83 x 5,00 - p = 0,015 nos pacientes sem fratura posterior (grupo B, não houve diferença em relação à escala de Denis (4,00 x 5,71 - p > 0,05 e SF-36 (98,60 x 90,83 - p = 0,168 entre os dois grupos. CONCLUSÃO: A fratura do arco posterior, isoladamente, parece não ser indicativo de instabilidade ou de mau prognóstico nas fraturas toracolombares tipo explosão.OBJECTIVE: To make a clinical and radiological comparison of long term results of the conservative treatment of thoracolumbar burst fractures, in patients with and without fracture in the posterior vertebral arch, in order to assess possible differences in the evolution of the two types of lesion. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was made of the clinical records and


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    Isabela Schmitt


    Full Text Available Fraturas distais do úmero, em cinco cães, foram imobilizadas através de transfixação esquelética com pinos de Steinmann estabilizados com barras de acrílico autopolimerizável, O artifício foi adaptado no sentido craneo-caudal com imobilização do cotovelo. Três dos cães apresentaram fratura unilateral, outro bilateral e o quinto unilateral com osteomielite. A metodologia adotada permitiu rápida recuperação dos pacientes sendo indicado como opção eficiente e de baixo custo.

  19. Fraturas do côndilo occipital: atualização da experiência em nosso serviço e revisão da literatura

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    Henrique Gomes Noronha


    Full Text Available Apresentamos neste trabalho a casuística de fraturas de côndilo occipital diagnosticada e tratada em nosso serviço nos últimos 10 anos. O presente estudo dá continuidade ao levantamento epidemiológico já realizado no período de 1993 a 2000. No período de 2001 a 2011, foram diagnosticados seis casos de fraturas de côndilo occipital e todos eles foram tratados de forma conservadora, exceto um, no qual se colocou um halo craniano inicialmente. Nos cinco casos tratados de modo conservador, observaram-se bons resultados, com estabilidade do segmento nas radiografias funcionais, ausência de limitação de movimento e ausência de dor. O paciente que foi tratado com halo apresentava tetraplegia parcial FRANKEL C e fraturas associadas (C5, C6, L1 e L2 e não apresentou melhora do quadro neurológico, verificando-se limitação do movimento cervical. Destacamos ainda a importância da investigação ativa de lesões na transição occipitocervical, principalmente nos casos decorrentes de trauma de alta energia, pois além das implicações clínicas da detecção precoce da fratura, o melhor emprego dos exames subsidiários tem sido um fator relevante para o aumento da incidência de fraturas do côndilo occipital. Como é historicamente relatado, o tratamento conservador ainda é eficaz e com baixo índice de complicações, e o tratamento cirúrgico deve ser indicado em casos com instabilidade definida.

  20. Redução fechada e fixação esquelética externa tipo I para tratamento de fraturas de tibiotarso em pombos domésticos (Columba livia

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    Alievi M.M.


    Full Text Available Estudaram-se a redução fechada e a fixação esquelética externa tipo I para o tratamento de fraturas de tibiotarso em 10 pombos domésticos (Columba livia adultos. As aves foram anestesiadas com a associação de xilazina e cetamina e em seguida foi realizada fratura do tibiotarso direito por pressão digital sobre a diáfise do membro. Quatro pinos de Kirschner, dois proximais e dois distais à linha da fratura, foram inseridos percutaneamente através de ambas as corticais ósseas e, após redução fechada da fratura, conectados externamente por uma barra de acrílico autopolimerizável na face lateral do membro. Em três aves foi observado radiograficamente desvio ósseo angular, porém, a função do membro não foi afetada. O tempo médio e o desvio-padrão para a cicatrização óssea foram 23,4± 3,0 dias. Os resultados demonstram que a redução fechada e a aplicação de fixador esquelético externo tipo I é um método efetivo para o tratamento de fraturas de tibiotarso em pombos domésticos (Columba livia.

  1. Imaging of articular cartilage

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    Bhawan K Paunipagar


    Full Text Available We tried to review the role of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI in understanding microscopic and morphologic structure of the articular cartilage. The optimal protocols and available spin-echo sequences in present day practice are reviewed in context of common pathologies of articular cartilage. The future trends of articular cartilage imaging have been discussed with their appropriateness. In diarthrodial joints of the body, articular cartilage is functionally very important. It is frequently exposed to trauma, degeneration, and repetitive wear and tear. MRI has played a vital role in evaluation of articular cartilage. With the availability of advanced repair surgeries for cartilage lesions, there has been an increased demand for improved cartilage imaging techniques. Recent advances in imaging strategies for native and postoperative articular cartilage open up an entirely new approach in management of cartilage-related pathologies.

  2. Facial fractures: a 1-year retrospective study in a hospital in Belo Horizonte Fraturas de face: um estudo retrospectivo de 1 ano em um hospital de Belo Horizonte

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    Bruno Ramos Chrcanovic


    Full Text Available A retrospective study was performed to assess facial fractures in patients treated at a public hospital in Belo Horizonte, in 2000. The data collected included age, gender, etiology, distribution of maxillofacial trauma considering day of the week and month, anatomic site of the fracture, and treatment. The analyses involved descriptive statistics and chi-squared test, Bonferroni test and analysis of variance. A total of 1,326 facial fractures were found in 911 patients. Most fractures occurred in adults with age ranging from 21 to 30 years. Men were more affected than women, with a male-female ratio of 4.69:1. Accidents causing facial fractures occurred predominantly on weekends. Bicycle and motorcycle accidents were the major cause of trauma, followed by interpersonal violence, automobile accidents, and falls. When the relation between the gender and the etiology of facial fractures was analyzed, a significant relation was noted between these variables (p Um estudo retrospectivo foi realizado para avaliar fraturas faciais em pacientes atendidos no ano de 2000 em um hospital público de Belo Horizonte. As informações coletadas incluíam idade, sexo, etiologia, distribuição do trauma de acordo com o dia da semana e o mês, o local anatômico da fratura e o tratamento. As análises envolveram estatísticas descritivas, teste qui-quadrado, teste Bonferroni e análise de variância. Foram encontradas 1.326 fraturas de face em 911 pacientes. A maioria das fraturas ocorreu em adultos na faixa etária de 21 a 30 anos. Os homens foram mais acometidos do que as mulheres, numa proporção homem:mulher de 4,69:1. Os traumas causadores de fraturas faciais ocorreram predominantemente nos fins de semana. Os acidentes de moto e bicicleta foram a maior causa de trauma, seguidos por violência interpessoal, acidentes automobilísticos e quedas. Quando analisada a relação entre o gênero e a etiologia das fraturas de face, observou-se uma associa

  3. Ombro flutuante associado à luxação escápulo-umeral posterior: relato de caso


    Rodrigues,Alessandro Ulhôa; Veado,Marco Antonio de Castro; Melo,Gustavus Lemos Ribeiro


    Apresenta-se rara variação de ombro flutuante associada a luxação glenoumeral posterior em paciente masculino, 26 anos de idade, vítima de acidente motociclístico. Ao exame, queixava-se de dor no ombro esquerdo, limitação dos movimentos, principalmente da rotação externa. A radiografia em ântero-posterior (AP) verdadeiro mostrou fratura do colo da glenóide, sem envolvimento articular, e fratura do processo coracóide. A radiografia em perfil, axilar e a tomografia computadorizada confirmaram a...

  4. Fatores predisponentes para infecção em pacientes portadores de fraturas expostas e criação de escore


    Lima, Lucynara Gomes


    Os principais objetivos do tratamento ortopédico das fraturas expostas são a prevenção de infecção, estabilização da lesão óssea e restauração da função do membro. A prevenção da infecção, entretanto, representa a principal medida para que os outros objetivos possam ser alcançados. Objetivo. Identificar os fatores de risco associados à infecção em pacientes acometidos por fraturas expostas, utilizando a força de associação destes fatores para propor um escore que possibilite a estratificação ...

  5. Lifestyle changes after osteoporotic fractures in elderly women Mudanças dos hábitos de vida após fratura por osteoporose em mulheres idosas

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    Marcelo Medeiros Pinheiro


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: health promotion and disease prevention activities directed to osteoporosis might help to reduce the rate of osteoporotic fractures among elderly people. METHODS: in order to check whether osteoporotic women modify their habits after the fracture, 518 postmenopausal white Brazilian elderly women were recruited from the outpatient clinic of the Rheumatology Division (122 of them with fracture and were followed for one year. Questionnaire of evaluation was based on the European Vertebral Osteoporosis Study (EVOS and inquiries about topics related to falls, bone mass and fracture. Lateral thoracic and lumbar radiographs were taken according to a standard protocol in order to verify vertebral fracture. Bone mineral density was measured using a bone densitometer (Lunar DPX, Madison, WI. Women's behavior was analyzed before and after the fracture. RESULTS: before the fracture, 34% of them had poor health perception, 40.2% walked at least half an hour per day, 14.7% used canes, 56.6% complained of dizziness, 59.6% scattered rugs, 78.9% used public transportation, 21.1% used car, and 36.8% wore leather instead of rubber sole. After the fracture, 66.4% of those women had worse health perception; 69.7% became more sedentary, 27.9% used more canes, 63.4% complained of more dizziness, 38.3% removed rugs, 68.1% changed from public to private car transportation, and 55.7% modified their shoes from leather to rubber sole. Risk factors related to bone mass did not change before and after the fractures. CONCLUSIONS: these findings suggested that women modify only lifestyle habits related to falls but not those related to bone mass after osteoporotic fracture. Further research is needed in order to check which intervention strategies may lead to better results in preventing osteoporotic fractures.OBJETIVO: atividades de promoção de saúde e prevenção direcionadas para osteoporose podem ajudar a reduzir a taxa de fraturas osteoporóticas na popula

  6. Influence of root embedment material and periodontal ligament simulation on fracture resistance tests Influência do material de inclusão e da simulação do ligamento periodontal nos ensaios de resistência à fratura

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    Carlos José Soares


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the embedment material and periodontal ligament simulation on fracture resistance of bovine teeth. Eighty bovine incisor teeth were randomized into 8 groups (n = 10, embedded in acrylic or polystyrene resin using 4 types of periodontal ligament simulation: 1 - absence of the ligament; 2 - polyether impression material; 3 - polysulfide impression material; 4 - polyurethane elastomeric material. The specimens were stored at 37°C and 100% humidity for 24 hours. Specimens were submitted to tangential load on the palatal surface at 0.5 mm/minute crosshead speed until fracture. The fracture modes were analyzed as follows: 1 - coronal fracture; 2 - cemento-enamel junction fracture; 3 - partial root fracture; 4 - total root fracture. Statistical analyses by two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test were applied (p O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência do material de inclusão e da simulação de ligamento periodontal na resistência à fratura de dentes bovinos. Oitenta incisivos bovinos foram divididos em 8 grupos (n = 10 e, então, incluídos em cilindros com dois materiais, resina acrílica ou resina de poliestireno, usando-se quatro tipos de simulação do ligamento periodontal: 1 - ausência do ligamento; 2 - material de moldagem à base de poliéter; 3 - material de moldagem à base de polissulfeto; e 4 - material elastomérico à base de poliuretano. As amostras foram armazenadas em 100% de umidade a 37°C por 24 horas e então submetidas a carregamento tangencial na superfície palatina com velocidade de 0,5 mm/minuto até a fratura. Os padrões de fratura foram analisados de acordo com: 1 - fraturas coronais; 2 - fratura da junção esmalte-cemento; 3 - fratura parcial da raiz; 4 - fratura radicular total. A análise estatística empregou análise de variância fatorial e teste de Tukey (p < 0,05. Os resultados mostram que o método de inclusão e a simulação do ligamento periodontal

  7. Avaliação epidemiológica das fraturas da coluna torácica e lombar dos pacientes atendidos no Serviço de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Hospital Getúlio Vargas em Recife/PE


    Pereira,André Flávio Freire; Portela,Luiz Eduardo Duque; Lima,Guilherme Didier de Andrade; Carneiro,Wagner Cabral Gomes; Ferreira,Marcus André Costa; Rangel,Túlio Albuquerque de Moura; Santos,Ricardo Barreto Monteiro dos


    INTRODUÇÃO: as fraturas da coluna torácica e lombar estão se tornando mais frequentes, devido ao aumento dos acidentes de alta energia. Elas apresentam um elevado índice de morbidade e mortalidade, acarretando grandes prejuízos socioeconômicos. OBJETIVO: analisar a epidemiologia das fraturas torácicas e lombares de pacientes atendidas no Serviço de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Hospital Getúlio Vargas em Recife (PE). MÉTODOS: este estudo é uma análise epidemiológica dos pacientes com fraturas ...

  8. Bi-articular Knee-Ankle-Foot Exoskeleton Produces Higher Metabolic Cost Reduction than Weight-Matched Mono-articular Exoskeleton (United States)

    Malcolm, Philippe; Galle, Samuel; Derave, Wim; De Clercq, Dirk


    The bi-articular m. gastrocnemius and the mono-articular m. soleus have different and complementary functions during walking. Several groups are starting to use these biological functions as inspiration to design prostheses with bi-articular actuation components to replace the function of the m. gastrocnemius. Simulation studies indicate that a bi-articular configuration and spring that mimic the m. gastrocnemius could be beneficial for orthoses or exoskeletons. Our aim was to test the effect of a bi-articular and spring configuration that mimics the m. gastrocnemius and compare this to a no-spring and mono-articular configuration. We tested nine participants during walking with knee-ankle-foot exoskeletons with dorsally mounted pneumatic muscle actuators. In the bi-articular plus spring condition the pneumatic muscles were attached to the thigh segment with an elastic cord. In the bi-articular no-spring condition the pneumatic muscles were also attached to the thigh segment but with a non-elastic cord. In the mono-articular condition the pneumatic muscles were attached to the shank segment. We found the highest reduction in metabolic cost of 13% compared to walking with the exoskeleton powered-off in the bi-articular plus spring condition. Possible explanations for this could be that the exoskeleton delivered the highest total positive work in this condition at the ankle and the knee and provided more assistance during the isometric phase of the biological plantarflexors. As expected we found that the bi-articular conditions reduced m. gastrocnemius EMG more than the mono-articular condition but this difference was not significant. We did not find that the mono-articular condition reduces the m. soleus EMG more than the bi-articular conditions. Knowledge of specific effects of different exoskeleton configurations on metabolic cost and muscle activation could be useful for providing customized assistance for specific gait impairments. PMID:29551959

  9. Bi-articular Knee-Ankle-Foot Exoskeleton Produces Higher Metabolic Cost Reduction than Weight-Matched Mono-articular Exoskeleton

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    Philippe Malcolm


    Full Text Available The bi-articular m. gastrocnemius and the mono-articular m. soleus have different and complementary functions during walking. Several groups are starting to use these biological functions as inspiration to design prostheses with bi-articular actuation components to replace the function of the m. gastrocnemius. Simulation studies indicate that a bi-articular configuration and spring that mimic the m. gastrocnemius could be beneficial for orthoses or exoskeletons. Our aim was to test the effect of a bi-articular and spring configuration that mimics the m. gastrocnemius and compare this to a no-spring and mono-articular configuration. We tested nine participants during walking with knee-ankle-foot exoskeletons with dorsally mounted pneumatic muscle actuators. In the bi-articular plus spring condition the pneumatic muscles were attached to the thigh segment with an elastic cord. In the bi-articular no-spring condition the pneumatic muscles were also attached to the thigh segment but with a non-elastic cord. In the mono-articular condition the pneumatic muscles were attached to the shank segment. We found the highest reduction in metabolic cost of 13% compared to walking with the exoskeleton powered-off in the bi-articular plus spring condition. Possible explanations for this could be that the exoskeleton delivered the highest total positive work in this condition at the ankle and the knee and provided more assistance during the isometric phase of the biological plantarflexors. As expected we found that the bi-articular conditions reduced m. gastrocnemius EMG more than the mono-articular condition but this difference was not significant. We did not find that the mono-articular condition reduces the m. soleus EMG more than the bi-articular conditions. Knowledge of specific effects of different exoskeleton configurations on metabolic cost and muscle activation could be useful for providing customized assistance for specific gait impairments.

  10. Bi-articular Knee-Ankle-Foot Exoskeleton Produces Higher Metabolic Cost Reduction than Weight-Matched Mono-articular Exoskeleton. (United States)

    Malcolm, Philippe; Galle, Samuel; Derave, Wim; De Clercq, Dirk


    The bi-articular m. gastrocnemius and the mono-articular m. soleus have different and complementary functions during walking. Several groups are starting to use these biological functions as inspiration to design prostheses with bi-articular actuation components to replace the function of the m. gastrocnemius. Simulation studies indicate that a bi-articular configuration and spring that mimic the m. gastrocnemius could be beneficial for orthoses or exoskeletons. Our aim was to test the effect of a bi-articular and spring configuration that mimics the m. gastrocnemius and compare this to a no-spring and mono-articular configuration. We tested nine participants during walking with knee-ankle-foot exoskeletons with dorsally mounted pneumatic muscle actuators. In the bi-articular plus spring condition the pneumatic muscles were attached to the thigh segment with an elastic cord. In the bi-articular no-spring condition the pneumatic muscles were also attached to the thigh segment but with a non-elastic cord. In the mono-articular condition the pneumatic muscles were attached to the shank segment. We found the highest reduction in metabolic cost of 13% compared to walking with the exoskeleton powered-off in the bi-articular plus spring condition . Possible explanations for this could be that the exoskeleton delivered the highest total positive work in this condition at the ankle and the knee and provided more assistance during the isometric phase of the biological plantarflexors. As expected we found that the bi-articular conditions reduced m. gastrocnemius EMG more than the mono-articular condition but this difference was not significant. We did not find that the mono-articular condition reduces the m. soleus EMG more than the bi-articular conditions . Knowledge of specific effects of different exoskeleton configurations on metabolic cost and muscle activation could be useful for providing customized assistance for specific gait impairments.

  11. Towards Regeneration of Articular Cartilage (United States)

    Iwamoto, Masahiro; Ohta, Yoichi; Larmour, Colleen; Enomoto-Iwamoto, Motomi


    Articular cartilage is classified into permanent hyaline cartilage and has significant differences in structure, extracelluar matrix components, gene expression profile, and mechanical property from transient hyaline cartilage found in growth plate. In the process of synovial joint development, articular cartilage is originated from the interzone, developing at the edge of the cartilaginous anlagen, it establishes zonal structure over time and supports smooth movement of the synovial joint through life. The cascade actions of key regulators such as Wnts, GDF5, Erg, and PTHLH coordinate sequential steps of articular cartilage formation. Articular chondrocytes are restrictedly controlled not to differentiate into a hypertrophic stage by autocrine and paracrine factors and extracerllular matrix microenvironment, but retain potential to undergo hypertrophy. The basal calcified zone of articular cartilage is connected with subchondral bone, but not invaded by blood vessels nor replaced by bone, which is highly contrasted with the growth plate. Articular cartilage has limited regenerative capacity, but likely possesses and potentially uses intrinsic stem cell source in the superficial layer, Ranvier’s groove, the intra-articular tissues such as synovium and fat pad, and marrow below the subchondral bone. Considering the biological views on articular cartilage, several important points are raised for regeneration of articular cartilage. We should evaluate the nature of regenerated cartilage as permanent hyaline cartilage and not just hyaline cartilage. We should study how a hypertrophic phenotype of transplanted cells can be lastingly suppressed in regenerating tissue. Further, we should develop the methods and reagents to activate recruitment of intrinsic stem/progenitor cells into the damaged site. PMID:24078496

  12. Surgical management of axis' traumatic spondylolisthesis (Hangman's frature Tratamento cirúrgico para a espondilolistese traumática do áxis (fratura do enforcado

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    José Luiz Romeo Boullosa


    ções de fixação com "halo vest" devido a traumatismo crânio-encefálico importante. MÉTODO: De junho de 1998 a abril de 2002, foram operados dez pacientes com espondilolistese traumática do áxis. Nove foram vítimas de acidentes automobilísticos e um sofreu queda de cavalo. Quatro pacientes tinham sido submetidos a tratamento clínico, e apresentavam sinais de pseudoartrose, com dor intensa à movimentação da coluna cervical. Dois apresentavam traumatismo crânio-encefálico moderado com múltiplas fraturas de crânio. Um foi submetido a tratamento cirúrgico de hematoma extradural agudo. Três apresentavam deslocamento importante de C2 sobre C3. Os pacientes foram submetidos a artrodese das fraturas com dois parafusos de rosca parcial colocados nos pedículos de C2, atravessando-se as fraturas, o que permitiu melhor aproximação das fraturas com alinhamento de C2-C3. Em dois pacientes foi necessária a fixação adicional com placa lateral fixa nas massas laterais de C3. RESULTADOS: Nove pacientes tiveram boa evolução pós-operatória com consolidação satisfatória das fraturas, e desaparecimento dos sintomas. Um paciente teve boa evolução com consolidação das fraturas, mas permanece com dores cervicais aos esforços. CONCLUSÃO: A fixação da espondilolistese traumática do áxis com o uso de parafusos de rosca parcial, nos pedículos de C2 e através dos traços de fratura é uma boa opção para o tratamento de pacientes que apresentarem pseudoartrose após tratamento clínico, ou apresentam contraindicações para o uso do "halo vest", como fraturas da calota craniana, ou grandes lacerações de couro cabeludo.

  13. Surgical Repair of an Olecranon Fracture in a Horse / Reparação Cirúrgica de Fratura de Olécrano em Eqüino

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    Josmari Pirolo


    Full Text Available Olecranon fractures are frequently encountered in horses especially in foals. External trauma due to kicks or falls is the most common cause of the fracture. Treatment modalities of olecranon fractures including prolonged stall rest and surgical reconstruction of the different types of fractures have been proposed with different outcomes. This article describes a successful surgical reconstruction of an olecranon fracture in an adult horse repaired with a dynamic compression plate. The horse regained complete soundness and performed his job normally for additional 7 years. Information regarding the history, clinical signs, diagnosis, surgical treatment and long-term prognosis is discussed and compared with the current literature.As fraturas de olécrano ocorrem freqüentemente em eqüinos, especialmente em potros jovens. A causa mais comum da fratura relaciona-se ao trauma externo originado, principalmente, por coices ou quedas. Modalidades distintas de tratamento incluindo o repouso prolongado ou a reparação cirúrgica dos variados tipos de fratura têm sido executadas com diferentes resultados. Este trabalho tem por objetivo a descrição de um caso de fratura de olécrano em um eqüino adulto reparada cirurgicamente por meio de placa e parafusos ortopédicos. O animal apresentou recuperação plena da função locomotora desempenhando normalmente suas funções por mais 7 anos. Informações relativas ao histórico, sinais clínicos, diagnóstico, tratamento cirúrgico e prognóstico são discutidas e comparadas com a literatura.

  14. Epidemiologia das fraturas de face em crianças num pronto-socorro de uma metrópole tropical Epidemiology of children's facial fractures in the emergency room of a tropical metropolis

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    Daniel Falbo Martins de Souza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Realizar um estudo epidemiológico das fraturas de face em crianças em um serviço de urgência. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de quarenta e dois pacientes com idades variando entre zero a 17 anos, portadores de fraturas de face, tratados no Setor de Cirurgia Buco-Maxilo-Facial da Santa Casa de São Paulo, no período de janeiro de 2000 a dezembro de 2003. Os dados foram tabulados através das informações colhidas dos prontuários dos pacientes, tais como: idade, gênero, tipo de fratura, etiologia e sazonalidade. RESULTADOS: Entre os resultados encontrados, houve predominância do gênero masculino com 81% da casuística, a fratura de mandíbula foi a mais prevalente, com mais de 70% dos casos, os acidentes de trânsito e as quedas foram os agentes etiológicos que mais causaram fraturas. O verão foi a época do ano com mais casos de fratura e mais de 80% destas necessitaram de intervenção cirúrgica para o seu tratamento. CONCLUSÃO: É necessária uma política de prevenção com uma atenção especial aos acidentes de trânsito e às quedas, que foram os agentes etiológicos que mais causaram fraturas faciais.OBJECTIVE: To conduct an epidemiological study of facial fractures in children in an emergency room. METHODS: A retrospective study of forty-two patients, aged zero to 17 years, with facial fractures treated at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Santa Casa de São Paulo, from January 2000 to December 2003. The data were tabulated from information retrieved from patient files, such as age, gender, type of fracture, etiology and season of occurrence. RESULTS: Among the results were a predominance of males, accounting for 81% of all cases; jaw fracture was the most prevalent, constituting more than 70% of cases; and traffic accidents and falls were the etiologic agents that caused the most fractures. Summer was the season with the greatest number of cases of fracture and more than 80% required surgical

  15. Fixação pedicular percutânea de fraturas vertebrais toracolombares sem compromisso neurológico

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    Luís Miguel Pinheiro da Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia e a segurança da fixação pedicular percutânea em fraturas toraco-lombares, sem compromisso neurológico. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos no estudo os pacientes com idade compreendida entre os 18 e 70 anos com fratura toracolombar AO tipo (A.3, cifose> 30º ou redução da altura do corpo vertebral> 50% ou compressão do canal vertebral >50% que foram submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico com fixação pedicular percutânea. Foram avaliados os parâmetros radiológicos: ângulo de Cobb, colapso vertebral, acunhamento anterior e compressão do canal vertebral no pré-operatório, pós-operatório e no fim do seguimento. O resultado funcional e clínico foi avaliado pelo Oswestry Disability Index (ODI. RESULTADOS: O tempo operatório médio foi de 81 minutos (Mín. 69, Máx. 95 min. O volume médio de perda sanguínea intraoperatória foi de 85 ml (Mín. 75 e Máx. 155 ml. O seguimento médio foi de sete meses (Min. três meses, Máx. 14 meses. Apresentaram um ODI médio final de 18% (excelente. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados clínicos sugerem que a fixação pedicular percutânea pode ser uma técnica cirúrgica alternativa para o tratamento das fraturas toracolombares AO tipo (A.3, sem défices neurológicos. Esta técnica demonstrou ser eficaz e segura, apresentando as vantagens de uma abordagem minimamente invasiva.

  16. Intra-articular osteoid osteoma as a differential diagnosis of diffuse mono-articular joint pain. (United States)

    Rolvien, Tim; Zustin, Jozef; Mussawy, Haider; Schmidt, Tobias; Pogoda, Pia; Ueblacker, Peter


    The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the frequency of intra-articular osteoid osteoma (iaOO) in a large study cohort and to demonstrate its clinical relevance as an important differential diagnosis of non-specific mono-articular joint pain. We searched the registry for bone tumours of the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf for osteoid osteomas in the last 42 years. Herein, we present three selected iaOO which were detected in the three major weight-bearing joints. Computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans were performed for initial diagnosis. Out of a total of 367 osteoid osteomas, 19 (5.2 %) tumours were localized intra-articularly. In all three presented tumours, a history of severe mono-articular pain was reported; however, the mean time to correct diagnosis was delayed to 20.7 months. Clearly, the nidus seen in CT and MRI images in combination with inconsistent salicylate-responsive nocturnal pain led to the diagnosis of iaOO. Rarely, osteoid osteoma can occur in an intra-articular location. In cases of diffuse mono-articular pain, iaOO should be considered both in large and smaller joints to avoid delays in diagnosis and therapy of this benign bone tumour.

  17. Evolution of Brazilian elderly with hip fracture secondary to a fall Evolução de idosos brasileiros com fratura de colo de femur secundária à queda

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    Rosamaria Garcia


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To contribute to fall prevention by studying the epidemiological profile, mortality, and functional evolution of elderly persons with hip fracture, in Brazil, in the year following a fracture. METHOD: Fifty-six elderly patients aged 60 years and over with hip fracture secondary to a fall and admitted in 2000 were included. In addition to the medical record data, patients or their guardians filled a form providing information regarding personal data, history of fall and fracture, physical evaluation, and ability to perform basic and instrumental activities of daily living prior to and 1 year after their fracture, using Katz's Index and Lawton's Index, respectively. RESULTS: Fractures were more common among Caucasian widowed women, and most falls occurred at home. General mortality within 1 year after the occurrence of fracture was 30.35% and was associated with sex and age. There was an increase in the inability to walk and in the use of a supporting device. A significant reduction in the functional ability to perform basic and instrumental activities of daily living was found. CONCLUSION: The evolution of hip fracture in the year following it is related to high mortality and to a decrease in functional ability, with age and male sex being the factors associated with a worse prognosis, emphasizing the need for special follow-up care of these groups during the immediate and late postoperative periods.OBJETIVO: Estudar o perfil epidemiológico, mortalidade e a evolução funcional, no primeiro ano após a fratura, de idosos com fratura de quadril visando a contribuir para a prevenção de quedas. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: Foram estudados 56 pacientes idosos, com 60 anos ou mais, com fratura de quadril decorrente de queda, internados em 2000. Alem dos dados de prontuário, os pacientes ou responsáveis responderam a um questionário, fornecendo informações sobre os dados pessoais, história da queda e da fratura, avaliação física e da

  18. Miniplacas de titânio na redução de fraturas mandibulares em cães e gatos: estudo de seis casos Titanium miniplates in mandibular fracture repair in dogs and cats: study of 6 cases


    Cristiano Gomes; Aline Silva Gouvêa; Marcelo Meller Alievi; Emerson Antonio Contesini; Ney Luis Pippi


    Fraturas de mandíbula e maxila são comuns em cães e gatos, correspondendo a cerca de 3 a 6% de todas as fraturas. Muitos tratamentos são propostos para a correção desse defeito, como o uso de pino intramedular, a fixação esquelética externa, a cerclagem e o uso de acrílicos e placas ósseas. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o uso das mini e microplacas de titânio do sistema 2,0 e 1,5mm no tratamento de fraturas mandibulares, em cães e gatos, respectivamente. Os parafusos e as miniplacas ...

  19. Técnica de Doyle na correção de fratura completa em úmero de tucano (Ramphastos toco: relato de caso

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    D.B.C. Lima


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar a realização de osteossíntese no úmero esquerdo de uma ave silvestre utilizando-se a técnica de Doyle. Um tucano (Ramphastos toco sofreu uma fratura transversa completa no terço proximal do úmero esquerdo. Após avaliação clínica e procedimentos pré-operatórios, a ave foi submetida à osteossíntese. A técnica cirúrgica utilizada permitiu uma perfeita coaptação dos fragmentos ósseos, ocasionando a formação de calo ósseo e recuperação do membro afetado em um período curto de tempo, apresentando-se como opção eficaz na correção de fraturas do úmero em aves de médio porte.

  20. Estudo observacional comparativo de fraturas em crianças e adolescentes Epidemiologic comparative study of fractures in children and adolescents

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    Roberto Guarniero


    Full Text Available Objetivos: 1 Analisar comparativamente a incidência de fraturas na criança e no adolescente em três centros universitários de atendimento. 2 Estudar o acometimento segundo a faixa etária, o sexo, o tipo de acidente, a localização anatômica, a localização no osso, o tipo de fratura, a associação com outras lesões e o tratamento. 3 Em relação ao tipo de fratura e seu tratamento, avaliar se os programas de ensino e treinamento desenvolvidos atualmente, tanto na graduação como na pós-graduação Lato sensu (residência médica e especialização estão condizentes com as necessidades do médico para o atendimento diário nos diferentes serviços de emergência de nosso País. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo transversal e observacional. Estudados os prontuários de 543 pacientes, no grupo etário de um dia de vida a 19 anos, atendidos em um período de três meses em três hospitais universitários, com uma ficha especialmente idealizada para determinar as características gerais das fraturas nesta série de pacientes. Resultados: Observamos a incidência de 531 fraturas (isoladas e 12 luxações nos 543 pacientes, sendo, em relação ao sexo, 394 meninos (72,5% e 149 meninas (27,4%. Segundo a etiologia dos traumatismos, o episódio “queda da própria altura” foi o que apresentou a maior incidência, seguido pela “queda de altura”, caracterizando um traumatismo mais grave. Observamos o maior acometimento dos membros superiores em relação aos membros inferiores, sendo 404 fraturas nos superiores (com 11 luxações, representando 76,08% das fraturas e 127 nos inferiores, que representam 23,91%. Conclusões: 1 Em função da casuística estudada, podemos concluir que campanhas educativas devem ser realizadas com conteúdo que enfatize as causas e a prevenção da “queda da própria altura”. 2 Os programas de treinamento do especialista devem enfatizar a maior ocorrência dos traumatismos e lesões dos membros superiores, bem

  1. Evaluation of the Thompson articular index

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van den Brink, H. R.; van der Heide, A.; Jacobs, J. W.; van der Veen, M. J.; Bijlsma, J. W.


    Three articular indices for measuring disease activity are compared. In a cross sectional study the Thompson articular index (a modified Lansbury index) correlated better with laboratory variables than the Ritchie articular index or a swollen joint score (Thompson 0.74-0.77; Ritchie 0.57-0.58;

  2. Composição corporal de pacientes acamados por fraturas do quadril Body composition in bed-ridden adult patients by hip fracture

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    Francisco José Berral


    Full Text Available As fraturas do quadril são a maior causa de hospitalização da terceira idade, e constituem um considerável encargo econômico e social. A taxa de mortalidade atual após um ano de fratura é acima de 33%, e o risco de morte é maior do quarto ao sexto mês após a fratura. O objetivo deste estudo foi de avaliar alterações na composição corporal de pacientes idosos, durante sua hospitalização por fraturas fêmur proximal, através de métodos antropométricos e análise dos valores fisiológicos de gasto energético. Foi realizado um estudo prospectivo utilizando-se 45 pacientes consecutivos com diagnóstico de fratura do quadril. Em todos os casos, foram obtidas medidas diretas e avaliações antropométricas indiretas baseadas em estimativas, nas primeiras 24 horas e repetidas após uma semana de admissão hospitalar. Após uma semana de internação houve diminuição da média do perímetro do braço (0,73 cm, p=0.0052 e da espessura da prega tricipital (1.41 mm, p=0.0181, sem haver modificação das outras variáveis estudadas. A avaliação antropométrica como um meio de se fazer um mapa da composição corporal, em conjunto com as estimativas indiretas sugeridas neste estudo, podem ajudar a determinar o estado nutricional e necessidades calóricas de pacientes idosos.Hip fractures are a major cause of hospitalization among the elderly, and constitute a considerable social and economic burden. The current mortality rate one year after hip fracture is over 33%, the risk of death is greatest 4 to 6 months after fracture. The objective of this study was to use anthropometric methods and physiological energy-expenditure values to assess changes in body composition during hospitalization, in elderly patients admitted for fractures of the proximal femur. A prospective study was performed using a consecutive sequence of 45 patients with diagnosed hip fracture. In all cases, direct measurements and indirect estimate-based anthropometric

  3. Avaliação biomecânica das fraturas intra-articulares do calcâneo e sua correlação clínica radiográfica Biomechanical evaluation of intra articular calcaneal fracture and clinical radiographic correlation

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    Marcos Emilio Kuschnaroff Contreras


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve o objetivo de oferecer uma avaliação clínica, radiográfica e biomecânica de pacientes com fratura intraarticular de calcâneo, submetidos à redução aberta e fixação interna. A amostra consistiu em 22 pacientes, 20 do sexo masculino e dois do sexo feminino, com idade média de 40,95 (± 11,63 anos. Os autores realizaram avaliações radiográficas do ângulo de Böhler e Gissane, no pré e no pós-operatório, além de utilizarem a tomografia computadorizada para avaliação da classificação de Sanders. A avaliação da Distribuição da Pressão Plantar foi realizada pelo sistema F-scan. Os resultados clínicos encontrados foram satisfatórios apresentando, pontuação média de 75,5 no critério da AOFAS.. A redução cirúrgica resultou em uma melhora dos ângulos de Böhler e Gissane. O estudo mostrou diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre o antepé o retropé fraturados no que tange sobre a área de contato, pressão e força de reação do solo. Os valores encontrados para estes parâmetros foram maiores no retropé que no antepé fraturados. A trajetória de Pressão (COP foi menor no pé fraturado que no pé normal. Encontrou-se correlação entre o Ângulo de Gissane após a redução e o Segundo Pico de Força, indicando que quanto melhor a redução deste ângulo , melhor a impulsão. Também encontrou-se a correlação entre a pontuação AOFAS e o Primeiro Pico de Força, mostrando que quanto melhor o resultado clínico melhor o apoio do retropé.The present study had an objective to perfom a clinical, radiographic and biomechanical evaluation in patients with calcaneal fractures submitted to open reduction with internal fixation. The sample consisted of 22 patients - 20 male and 2 female with an average age of 40,95 (±11,63 years old. The authors have done radiographic evaluation of the pre and post operatory of Böchler and Gissane angles; furthermore, they used a CT scanning for Sander

  4. Visualization of the extra-articular portion of the long head of the biceps tendon during intra-articular shoulder arthroscopy. (United States)

    Festa, Anthony; Allert, Jesse; Issa, Kimona; Tasto, James P; Myer, Jonathan J


    To quantify the amount of the extra-articular long head of the biceps tendon (LHBT) seen during intra-articular shoulder arthroscopy by pulling the tendon into the joint with a probe through an anterior portal while viewing through a standard posterior portal. Intra-articular shoulder arthroscopy was performed on 10 forequarter cadaveric specimens. The extra-articular portion of the LHBT was evaluated by pulling the tendon into the joint with an arthroscopic probe inserted through an anterior portal. The tendon was marked at the pulley insertion on the humerus with a vascular clip before and after the tendon was pulled into the joint. An open deltopectoral approach was performed, and the amount of extra-articular tendon visualized was calculated as an absolute amount and in relation to nearby anatomic structures. An additional 1.9 cm (range, 1.4 to 2.6 cm) of extra-articular LHBT was viewed by pulling the tendon into the joint with an arthroscopic probe through an anterior portal during shoulder arthroscopy. This represented 30.8% of the extra-articular portion of the tendon, 47.7% of tendon in the bicipital groove, and 76.3% of the tendon that lies under the area from the pulley insertion to the distal edge of the transverse humeral ligament. During intra-articular shoulder arthroscopy, the extra-articular portion of the LHBT is incompletely visualized by pulling the tendon into the joint with a probe placed through an anterior portal while viewing through a standard posterior portal. An additional extra-articular portion of the LHBT may be viewed by pulling the tendon into the joint with an arthroscopic probe during shoulder arthroscopy. Copyright © 2014 Arthroscopy Association of North America. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Imaging of the cervical articular pillar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yeomans, E. [Orange Base Hospital, Orange, NSW (Australia)


    The cervical articular pillar, due to the complex anatomical structure of the cervical spine, is not well demonstrated in routine plain radiographic views. Dedicated views have been devised to demonstrate the pillar, yet their performance has abated considerably since the inception of Computed Tomography (CT) in the 1970`s. It is the consideration that CT does not image the articular pillar with a 10 per cent accuracy that poses the question: Is there still a need for plain radiography of the cervical articular pillar? This paper studies the anatomy, plain radiography, and incidence of injury to the cervical articular pillar. It discusses (with reference to current and historic literature) the efficacy of current imaging protocols in depicting this injury. It deals with plain radiography, CT, complex tomography, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the cervical spine to conclude there may still be a position in current imaging protocols for plain radiography of the cervical articular pillar. Copyright (1998) Australian Institute of Radiography 43 refs., 5 figs.

  6. Fixação externa em fratura completa de metacarpo em potros External fixation in complete metacarpal fracture in foals

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    Marcelo Jorge Cavalcanti de Sá


    Full Text Available A regeneração de fraturas nos membros de eqüinos é complexa pelas características da espécie. Baseado em estudo biomecânico prévio, dez potros com fratura iatrogênica experimental do metacarpo tiveram redução pelo método de transfixação óssea. Cada animal foi avaliado mediante exames clínico, laboratorial e radiográfico até a recuperação. As complicações não foram significativas, exceto em um potro que requereu eutanásia. O método mostrou-se adequado e oferece estabilidade suficiente para cicatrização.The fracture healing in equine legs is a complex process due to species characteristics. Based in previous biomechanical study ten horses had iatrogenic metacarpal fractures reduced by external bone fixation. Each animal was evaluated by clinical, laboratorial and radiografic examination till complete recovery. No significant complication were observed, except one animal which was submitted to euthanasia. The method offers appropriate stability for bone healing.

  7. Análise de fraturas diafisárias do fêmur em crianças menores de 3 anos de idade Femoral shaft fractures: an assessment in children younger than 3 years old

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    João Paulo Machado Bergamaschi


    Full Text Available Este estudo consiste na reavaliação ortopédica e psicossocial de crianças que sofreram fratura do fêmur até a idade dos três anos e objetiva a análise de suas causas prováveis e detecção de indícios de ocorrência de Síndrome de Maus Tratos. Trinta e cinco crianças menores de três anos de idade sofreram fratura diafisária de fêmur e foram atendidas no Pronto Socorro do Serviço de Ortopedia e Traumatologia da Santa Casa de São Paulo, no período de janeiro de 1996 a agosto de 2002, sendo que 18 compareceram para reavaliação. Como causa relatada das fraturas observamos: queda em 13 (72,2% casos, queda de objetos sobre o membro em três (16,7% e fratura no parto em dois (11,1%. Constatamos suspeita de Síndrome dos Maus Tratos em nove (maus tratos físicos em seis [33,3%] e negligência em três [16,7%] casos, fratura patológica em quatro (22,2%, causa acidental em três (16,7%, e outras causas em dois (11,1% casos. Maus tratos constituem uma importante causa a ser investigada nos casos de fratura do fêmur em crianças com menos de três anos de idade, sendo o provável mecanismo responsável por metade das fraturas aqui estudadas.This study consists of an orthopaedic and psychosocial re-evaluation of children who experienced femur fractures as young as 3 years old and aims to analyze potential causes and detect Child Abuse rates. Thirty-five children under the age of three years who experienced femoral shaft fractures received care at the Emergency Department of the Orthopaedics and Traumatology Service of Santa Casa de São Paulo within the period ranging from January, 1996 to August, 2002. Eighteen patients returned to the hospital for re-evaluation. The reported causes for fractures were: fall in 13 cases (72.2%, object fall on the limb in 2 cases (11.1%. Child abuse was suspected in 9 cases (physical abuse in 6 cases (33.3%, negligence in 3 cases (16.7%, pathological fracture in 4 cases (22.2%, accidental causes in 3

  8. Intra-articular chondroma of the knee

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Talwalkar, S.C.; Kambhampati, S.B.S.; Lang Stevenson, A.I. [Oldchurch Hospital, Romford, Essex (United Kingdom); Whitehouse, R. [Manchester University, Department of Radiology, Manchester (United Kingdom); Freemont, A. [University of Manchester, Department of Osteoarticular Pathology, Manchester (United Kingdom)


    Chondromas are tumours that develop in relation to the periosteum and, although they are common around the knee, most reports deal with soft tissue chondromas in para-articular locations or intracortical tumours in extra-articular regions. We report a rare case of an intra-articular chondroma in a 16-year-old boy of Asian origin developing in the region of the medial femoral condyle of the femur and extending into the femoral sulcus and the patellofemoral joint. (orig.)

  9. Intra-articular chondroma of the knee

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Talwalkar, S.C.; Kambhampati, S.B.S.; Lang Stevenson, A.I.; Whitehouse, R.; Freemont, A.


    Chondromas are tumours that develop in relation to the periosteum and, although they are common around the knee, most reports deal with soft tissue chondromas in para-articular locations or intracortical tumours in extra-articular regions. We report a rare case of an intra-articular chondroma in a 16-year-old boy of Asian origin developing in the region of the medial femoral condyle of the femur and extending into the femoral sulcus and the patellofemoral joint. (orig.)

  10. Osteorradionecrose resultando em fratura patológica de mandíbula: relato de caso clínico = Osteoradionecrosis resulting in pathological fracture of jaw: relate of clinical case

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    Gomes, Ana Claudia Amorim


    Full Text Available Introdução: A osteorradionecrose (ORN é uma severa complicação da radioterapia em pacientes portadores de câncer de cabeça e pescoço. Dependendo da localização e extensão da lesão osteorradionecrótica, pode trazer sinais e sintomas como dor, odor fétido, disgeusia, disestesia ou anestesia, trismo, dificuldade de mastigação, deglutição e fonação, formação de fístula, fratura patológica e infecção local ou sistêmica. Objetivo: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo relatar um caso clínico de um paciente portador de osteorradionecrose em corpo mandibular, com presença de infecção, e que resultou em fratura patológica mandibular. Desenvolvimento do caso: Foram realizados esquemas rigorosos de antibioticoterapia, associados a oxigenoterapia hiperbárica para permitir o tratamento da fratura mandibular com fixação interna rígida, após o tratamento da infecção secundária, na intenção de eliminar a osteorradionecrose, a qual no caso em questão houve reparação e ausência de qualquer sinal clínico radiográfico de recidiva, num acompanhamento de um ano de pós-operatório. Conclusão: Diante da severidade da doença, esgotadas as possibilidades conservadoras e diante de uma necessidade cirúrgica pela fratura patológica, pôde-se observar que o uso da oxigenoterapia hiperbárica resultou em uma satisfatória cicatrização da ferida cirúrgica, bem como a manutenção da saúde dos tecidos no caso em questão

  11. Fratura supracondiliana do fêmur durante salto após reconstrução artroscópica do ligamento cruzado anterior Supracondylar emur fracture during jump after anterior cruciate ligament arthroscopic reconstruction

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    Thiago Yukio Fukuda


    Full Text Available CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: A fratura distal do fêmur é uma das possíveis complicações no período pós-operatório de reconstrução de LCA, porém, de incidência rara. RELATO DE CASO: Descreve-se o caso de um atleta de 34 anos, gênero masculino, no quinto mês de pós-operatório de reconstrução de LCA. O caso evoluía normalmente de acordo com o protocolo estabelecido; o paciente apresentava bom controle e estabilidade sensoriomotora, quando sofreu fratura supracondiliana do fêmur ao realizar um salto durante atendimento fisioterápico. A reconstrução ligamentar foi realizada com enxerto dos músculos flexores do joelho e a fratura, ocasionada posteriormente, reduzida e fixada com placa e parafuso. Dez meses após a redução aberta e fixação interna da fratura, apresenta função regular na escala Lysholm, amplitude de movimento normal e força muscular grau V em flexores e extensores da coxa. DISCUSSÃO: Poucos relatos de caso semelhantes ao presente foram encontrados na literatura; a maioria apresentou fratura do fêmur após a reconstrução do LCA com tendão patelar. Este caso mostra-se relevante pela associação da fratura supracondiliana do fêmur com reconstrução ligamentar com tendões dos flexores, visto que apenas um trabalho seguiu tal direção. Dentre as prováveis causas dessa fratura, destacam-se uma fragilidade óssea por desuso e túnel ósseo femoral de diâmetro maior que o padrão, apesar de não haver consenso em relação a essas alterações. Uma hipótese sugerida pelos autores deste relato é de que o túnel ósseo de fixação do enxerto pode ter sido um intensificador de estresse sobre o local da fratura.BACKGROUND: Distal femoral fracture is one of the possible complications on the post operative period of the ACL reconstruction; however, with rare incidence. CASE REPORT: This study reports a male 34 year-old athlete, five months after ACL reconstruction surgery. The case developed normally in accordance

  12. Novo Parafuso (Acutrak® No tratamento cirúrgico de jogadores de futebol de elite com fraturas do quinto metatarso New screw (Acutrak® in the surgical treatment of elite football players with fifth metatarsal

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    Hayati Ozturk


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Há uma variabilidade considerável na literatura no que tange ao tratamento ideal de fraturas do quinto metatarso. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar os resultados da fixação cirúrgica de fraturas do quinto metatarso usando o parafuso Acutrak® em jogadores de futebol de elite. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Três casos de fratura do quinto metatarso em jogadores de futebol de elite são apresentados. A média de idade dos pacientes era de 24 anos (18-26 anos. Tratamos as três fraturas do quinto metatarso em jogadores de futebol de elite. Os casos em nosso estudo consistiam de uma fratura diafisiária do quinto metatarso e duas fraturas de Jones. As fraturas ocorreram durante a participação nos jogos. Aplicamos fixação interna utilizando um parafuso Acutrak® percutâneo sob anestesia local com o auxílio de um fluoroscópio. Os pacientes foram clinica e radiograficamente avaliados. RESULTADOS: O restabelecimento clínico foi obtido em 10 semanas após a cirurgia. A consolidação radiográfica ocorreu em 8 semanas de pós-operatório, sendo que os pacientes retornaram a seus níveis prévios de atividade em 11 semanas de pós-operatório. Não foi relatada nenhuma complicação pósoperatória. Não se observou nenhuma irritação de pele devido à ausência de cabeça do parafuso Acutrak®. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados sugerem que Acutrak® pode ser usado em jogadores de futebol com fraturas do quinto metatarso. Apesar de fatores como facilidade de implante, o custo e a resistência a inclinação também devem ser considerados.OBJECTIVE: There is considerable variability in the literature concerning the optimal treatment of fifth metatarsal fracture. The purpose of this study is to report the outcome of surgical fixation of fifth metatarsal fractures using Acutrak® screw in elite football players. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Three cases of fifth metatarsal fracture in elite football players. The mean age was 24 years old (18-26 years. We


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    Edivaldo Aparecido Nunes Martins


    Full Text Available Relata-se um caso de fratura de tíbia em uma bezerra de sete meses de idade, 200kg de peso, apresentando fratura fechada, cominutiva em diáfise. A fixação externa foi preferida como método de imobilização óssea, utilizando-se pinos transcorticais e gesso sintético. Obteve-se eficiente imobilização da fratura, com rápida recuperação do animal, dispendendo-se pouco tempo para o pós-operatório (52 dias. A técnica demonstrou ser de fácil realização e passível de ser executada a campo.A case of tibial fracture in a 7-month-old calf is reported, with closed comminuted diaphysial fracture. It has been given preference to external fixation as means of fracture immobilization, and transcortical pins and fiberglass cast have been used. Effective immobilization of the fracture and fast recovering of the animal as well as less time consuming toward the postoperative have been obtained. This technique has showed feasible to be done in the field.

  14. Articular manifestations in patients with Lyme disease. (United States)

    Vázquez-López, María Esther; Díez-Morrondo, Carolina; Sánchez-Andrade, Amalia; Pego-Reigosa, Robustiano; Díaz, Pablo; Castro-Gago, Manuel

    To determine the percentage of Lyme patients with articular manifestations in NW Spain and to know their evolution and response to treatment. A retrospective study (2006-2013) was performed using medical histories of confirmed cases of Lyme disease showing articular manifestations. Clinical and laboratory characteristics, together with the treatment and evolution of the patients, were analysed. Seventeen out of 108 LD confirmed patients (15.7%) showed articular manifestations. Regarding those 17 patients, 64.7%, 29.4% and 5.9% presented arthritis, arthralgia and bursitis, respectively. The knee was the most affected joint. Articular manifestations were often associated to neurological, dermatological and cardiac pathologies. Otherwise, most patients were in Stage III. The 11.8% of the cases progressed to a recurrent chronic arthritis despite the administration of an appropriate treatment. Lyme disease patients showing articular manifestations should be included in the diagnosis of articular affections in areas of high risk of hard tick bite, in order to establish a suitable and early treatment and to avoid sequels. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Reumatología y Colegio Mexicano de Reumatología. All rights reserved.

  15. Fundamental study on articular disc with magnetic resonance imagings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chiba, Toyokazu


    In order to establish criteria of reading MRI of the temporomandibular joint, a morphological comparison between MRI and the section, and an observation of the articular disc associated with the opening were made. Five temporomandibular joints isolated from 3 human cadavers were subjected to MRI, and sections were prepared to examine criteria of reading MRI. In 20 male adults, 40 temporomandibular joints underwent MRI in three conditions of the intercuspal position, 10 and 20 mm opening positions, and the kinetics of the articular disc were examined. External feature of the head of mandible and that of the articular fossa, the articular tubercule and the postglenoid process were outlined in a row of blacks. The articular disc was outlined in a row of dark ashen areas of the anterior band, the intermediate region, and the posterior band. In the intercuspal position, the head of mandible was rarely covered with the articular disc, and being situated postero-inferiorly, at the most rear point of the posterior band of the articular disc. In the 10 mm-opening position, the head of mandible was practically covered with the articular disc. In the 20 mm-opening position, the intermediate region of the articular disc, and the head of mandible were situated in an approximate position. Quantitative movement of the articular disc was slower than that of the head of mandible. Comparison of various points of the articular disc revealed that movements of the anterior and posterior band varied almost proportionally to the opening distance, but with lesser movement of the intermediate region. (author)

  16. Supporting Biomaterials for Articular Cartilage Repair (United States)

    Duarte Campos, Daniela Filipa; Drescher, Wolf; Rath, Björn; Tingart, Markus


    Orthopedic surgeons and researchers worldwide are continuously faced with the challenge of regenerating articular cartilage defects. However, until now, it has not been possible to completely mimic the biological and biochemical properties of articular cartilage using current research and development approaches. In this review, biomaterials previously used for articular cartilage repair research are addressed. Furthermore, a brief discussion of the state of the art of current cell printing procedures mimicking native cartilage is offered in light of their use as future alternatives for cartilage tissue engineering. Inkjet cell printing, controlled deposition cell printing tools, and laser cell printing are cutting-edge techniques in this context. The development of mimetic hydrogels with specific biological properties relevant to articular cartilage native tissue will support the development of improved, functional, and novel engineered tissue for clinical application. PMID:26069634

  17. MR imaging of articular cartilage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schaefer, F.K.W.; Muhle, C.; Heller, M.; Brossmann, J.


    MR imaging has evolved to the best non-invasive method for the evaluation of articular cartilage. MR imaging helps to understand the structure and physiology of cartilage, and to diagnose cartilage lesions. Numerous studies have shown high accuracy and reliability concerning detection of cartilage lesions and early changes in both structure and biochemistry. High contrast-to-noise ratio and high spatial resolution are essential for analysis of articular cartilage. Fat-suppressed 3D-T 1 weighted gradient echo and T 2 -weighted fast spin echo sequences with or without fat suppression are recommended for clinical routine. In this article the anatomy and pathology of hyaline articular cartilage and the complex imaging characteristics of hyaline cartilage will be discussed. (orig.) [de

  18. Intra-articular therapies for osteoarthritis. (United States)

    Yu, Shirley P; Hunter, David J


    Conventional medical therapies for osteoarthritis are mainly palliative in nature, aiming to control pain and symptoms. Traditional intra-articular therapies are not recommended in guidelines as first line therapy, but are potential alternatives, when conventional therapies have failed. Current and future intra-articular drug therapies for osteoarthritis are highlighted, including corticosteroids, hyaluronate, and more controversial treatments marketed commercially, namely platelet rich plasma and mesenchymal cell therapy. Intraarticular disease modifying osteoarthritis drugs are the future of osteoarthritis treatments, aiming at structural modification and altering the disease progression. Interleukin-1β inhibitor, bone morphogenic protein-7, fibroblast growth factor 18, bradykinin B2 receptor antagonist, human serum albumin, and gene therapy are discussed in this review. The evolution of drug development in osteoarthritis is limited by the ability to demonstrate effect. High quality trials are required to justify the use of existing intra-articular therapies and to advocate for newer, promising therapies. Challenges in osteoarthritis therapy research are fundamentally related to the complexity of the pathological mechanisms of osteoarthritis. Novel drugs offer hope in a disease with limited medical therapy options. Whether these future intra-articular therapies will provide clinically meaningful benefits, remains unknown.

  19. Seating position, seat belt wearing, and the consequences in facial fractures in car occupants Posição no veículo, uso de cinto de segurança e suas conseqüências nas fraturas de face em ocupantes de carros

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    Alexandre Siqueira Franco Fonseca


    fractures, not being effectively protected by the seat belt, although the wearing of seat belts seems to have a protective role against the occurrence of facial fractures in front-seat passengers. It was not possible to evaluate the wearing of seat belts among rear-seat passengers, even though the high incidence of fractures in this group showed its high susceptibility to the occurrence of facial fractures, which highlights the need of taking protective measures against this situation.INTRODUÇÃO: Os traumatismos devidos a acidentes de trânsito estão entre as principais etiologias na ocorrência de fraturas de face em todo o mundo. No entanto os mecanismos de trauma são diferentes, conforme o local onde o estudo foi realizado, devido a condições de desenvolvimento, legislação e cultura 1, 2, 3, 4. Com o objetivo de se conhecer a epidemiologia e os mecanismos envolvidos na ocorrência de fraturas de face em ocupantes de automóveis na região metropolitana de São Paulo, foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo entre Fevereiro de 2001 e Julho de 2006. MÉTODO: Foram coletados dados de 297 pacientes admitidos com fraturas de face na sala de emergência do HC-FMUSP. Destes, 151 indivíduos estiveram envolvidos em acidentes de trânsito sendo que 56 (37,08% estavam dentro de automóveis. Estes últimos foram agrupados baseados na posição em que estavam sentados no veículo no momento do acidente e no uso de cintos de segurança. Dados referentes ao número e localização dos traços de fratura foram obtidos nos diferentes grupos e um Índice Fraturas/Paciente (IF/P foi idealizado para comparar e avaliar o impacto nesses grupos, e para posteriormente serem analisados e discutidos. RESULTADO: Ocorreram 323 traços de fraturas nos 56 pacientes ocupantes de carros. Aplicando-se o IF/P obtivemos maiores valores no grupo de passageiros do banco traseiro sem cinto de segurança (7,23 fraturas/ paciente, seguido pelo grupo de motoristas sem cinto de segurança (6,33 fraturas

  20. Prevalência de osteoporose e fraturas vertebrais em mulheres na pós-menopausa atendidas em serviços de referência Prevalence of osteoporosis and vertebral fractures in postmenopausal women attending reference centers

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    Francisco Bandeira


    Full Text Available Este estudo tem por objetivo verificar a prevalência de osteoporose e a presença de fraturas vertebrais em mulheres na pós-menopausa. Foram estudadas, em serviços de referências, 627 mulheres com idade acima de 50 anos, com média de idade de 63,9 ± 8,3 anos, tempo de menopausa de 16,2 ± 8,6 anos, e índice de massa corpórea de 26,6 ± 4.3 Kg/m2. A prevalência de osteoporose foi de 28,8% na coluna lombar e de 18,8% no colo do fêmur. Esta foi maior nas pacientes que apresentaram história de fraturas quando jovens. Na faixa entre 60 a 69 anos, 33,2% tinham osteoporose na coluna lombar e entre 70 e 79 anos, 38,2%. Das pacientes com mais de 80 anos 54,5% apresentam osteoporose na coluna lombar e 72,7% no colo do fêmur. Trinta e sete por cento tinham fraturas, sendo que 9% apresentam fraturas grau I, e 10,9% fraturas severas. Considerando-se os diversos grupos etários, a prevalência de fraturas vertebrais foi de 20% entre 50 e 59 anos, 25,6% entre 60 e 69 anos, 58,3% entre 70 e 79 anos, e 81,8% entre 80 e 89 anos. Em mulheres na pós-menopausa, a maioria sem sintomas clínicos, verificamos uma alta taxa de prevalência de osteoporose, e fraturas vertebrais.The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of osteoporosis and vertebral fractures in postmenopausal women. We studied 627 women, aged 50 years and over in reference centers (mean age 63.9±8.3 years, 16.2 ± 8.6 mean years since menopause, and mean body mass index 26.6 ± 4.3 Kg/m2. The prevalence of osteoporosis was 28.8% for lumbar spine and 18.8% for femoral neck. The prevalence was higher in patients who had had a fracture during youth. In the 60-69 year-old group, 32.2% had lumbar spine osteoporosis and 17.4% femoral neck osteoporosis. In the 70-79 year-old group, 38.2% had lumbar spine osteoporosis and 34% femoral neck osteoporosis. In the 80 years and over age group, 54.5% had lumbar spine osteoporosis and 72.7% femoral neck osteoporosis. Thirty-seven percent had

  1. Rabbit articular cartilage defects treated by allogenic chondrocyte transplantation


    Boopalan, P. R. J. V. C.; Sathishkumar, Solomon; Kumar, Senthil; Chittaranjan, Samuel


    Articular cartilage defects have a poor capacity for repair. Most of the current treatment options result in the formation of fibro-cartilage, which is functionally inferior to normal hyaline articular cartilage. We studied the effectiveness of allogenic chondrocyte transplantation for focal articular cartilage defects in rabbits. Chondrocytes were cultured in vitro from cartilage harvested from the knee joints of a New Zealand White rabbit. A 3 mm defect was created in the articular cartilag...

  2. Tratamento cirúrgico das fraturas dos metatársicos laterais com técnica percutânea anterógrada: descrição técnica e resultados clínicos


    Baumfeld,Daniel; Macedo,Benjamim Dutra; Nery,Caio; Esper,Leonardo Elias; Baldo Filho,Marco Aurelio


    OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar os resultados obtidos com a técnica de fixação anterógrada percutânea para o tratamento das fraturas do colo e diáfise dos metatársicos laterais. MÉTODOS: Realizamos avaliação prospectiva de 14 pacientes operados no período de 2003 a 2008, em que foram levados em consideração a topografia das fraturas, o mecanismo de trauma, as comorbidades associadas e o escore AOFAS para o antepé. RESULTADOS: A região anatômica mais atingida foi o colo dos metat...

  3. Fratura tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar: correlação entre o segmento biomecânico sagital acometido e as alterações estruturais da vértebra fraturada

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    Matheus Luís da Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar as fraturas tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar e fazer a correlação entre o segmento biomecânico sagital acometido e as alterações estruturais da vértebra fraturada. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 72 pacientes com fraturas tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar. O estreitamento do canal vertebral, o colapso vertebral e a cifose local foram avaliados em três segmentos distintos: torácico, transição toracolombar e lombar. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença estatística significativa (p < 0,05 dos valores do estreitamento do canal vertebral e cifose local nos diferentes segmentos da coluna vertebral avaliados. CONCLUSÃO: As fraturas tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar, embora apresentem características semelhantes, independentemente do local de ocorrência, sofrem influência direta do segmento biomecânico sagital no que diz respeito às alterações estruturais que ocorrem na vértebra fraturada.

  4. Intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid for treatment of osteoarthritis knee: comparative study to intra-articular corticosteroids

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    Soad A Elsawy


    Conclusion Both HA and corticosteroid groups showed improvement in pain and knee function, but the intra-articular HA was superior to corticosteroid on long-term follow-up. This supports the potential rate of intra-articular HA as an effective long-term therapeutic option for patients with OA of the knee.

  5. Estudo de prevalência das fraturas bucomaxilofaciais na região de Pelotas = Study of prevalence of the bucomaxilofacial fractures in Pelotas region

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    Portolan, Moacir


    Full Text Available Analisamos 745 casos de fraturas bucomaxilofaciais registrados no SAME (Serviço de Arquivo Médico Estatístico da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Pelotas e no Centro de Estudos e Reabilitação Bucomaxilofacial de Pelotas (CERBMF, no período de 10 de janeiro de 1996 a 31 de dezembro de 2000. Os dados formam colhidos e anotados em fichas, as quais totalizaram 745 casos de pacientes submetidos à cirurgia. O nariz foi o local mais atingido, seguido pelo osso zigomático e mandíbula. As agressões foram as principais causas de fraturas, seguidas por acidentes de trânsito e quedas. O gênero masculino foi o mais atingido, numa proporção de 8/2 em relação ao feminino. A faixa etária mais atingida foi a de 21 a 30 anos de idade, seguida pela de 31 a 40 anos de idade e 11 a 20 anos de idade

  6. Fratura tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar: correlação entre o segmento biomecânico sagital acometido e as alterações estruturais da vértebra fraturada


    Silva,Matheus Luís da; Tisot,Rodrigo Arnold; Vieira,Juliano Silveira Luiz; Santos,Renato Tadeu dos; Tisot,Orley Fauth


    OBJETIVO: Analisar as fraturas tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar e fazer a correlação entre o segmento biomecânico sagital acometido e as alterações estruturais da vértebra fraturada. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 72 pacientes com fraturas tipo explosão da coluna torácica e lombar. O estreitamento do canal vertebral, o colapso vertebral e a cifose local foram avaliados em três segmentos distintos: torácico, transição toracolombar e lombar. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença estatística si...

  7. Fraturas em duas e três partes do úmero proximal tratadas com sutura não absorvível Two- and three-part fractures of the proximal humerus treated with non-absorbable suture

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    Marco Antônio de Castro Veado


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados clínicos e radiográficos dos pacientes com fraturas em duas e três partes da extremidade proximal do úmero tratados por sutura não absorvível, com incorporação do manguito rotador, o que permite aumentar a estabilidade da fixação, principalmente em pacientes com pobre qualidade óssea. MÉTODOS: Dezenove pacientes foram operados, sendo 15 do sexo feminino e quatro do masculino, com média de idade de 57,4 anos (23-79 anos e seguimento médio de 53,4 meses (sete a 144 meses. De acordo com a classificação de Neer, havia 10 fraturas em três partes (colo cirúrgico e tubérculo maior e nove fraturas em duas partes (duas do tubérculo maior e sete do colo cirúrgico. Todos foram operados na posição " cadeira de praia" , com anestesia endotraqueal e bloqueio do plexo braquial. O acesso deltopeitoral foi utilizado para fraturas em duas partes do colo cirúrgico e fraturas em três partes. Para fraturas em duas partes do tubérculo maior, foi utilizado acesso transacromial. As fraturas foram reduzidas e fixadas com sutura não absorvível nº 5. O ângulo cervicodiafisário foi medido para avaliação da consolidação viciosa. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se consolidação óssea em 95% dos pacientes. A média da elevação anterior nos pacientes com fratura em duas partes foi de 163,3° (90°-180°; a rotação externa média, de 56° (30° a 90°; e a rotação interna média, de T10 (S1-T5. Nos pacientes com fratura em três partes, a média de elevação anterior foi de 163° (100°-180°; a rotação externa média, de 52,5° (5°-70° e a rotação interna média, de T10 (L4-T7. A força de abdução foi igual à do lado contralateral em 12 pacientes e menor em sete. O tempo necessário para o paciente retornar às atividades anteriores foi, em média, de 5,19 meses (dois a 12 meses. Na avaliação radiológica, o ângulo cervicodiafisário médio foi de 141° (110°-170° nas fraturas em duas partes e de

  8. Fratura supracondiliana de úmero em crianças: fixação com dois fios de Kirschner cruzados Supracondylar fracture of the humerus in children: fixation with two crossed Kirschner wires

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    Roni Azevedo Carvalho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar e apresentar os resultados de fraturas supracondilianas instáveis de úmero em crianças, tratadas cirurgicamente com redução e fixação percutânea com dois fios de Kirschner cruzados. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo transversal com 20 crianças, considerando sexo, idade na época da fratura e no momento da análise, lateralidade, tipo e mecanismo de fratura, complicações pós-operatórias, variáveis radiográficas e clínicas. RESULTADOS: Observaram-se 10 fraturas à esquerda e 10 à direita. A idade na fratura variou de dois a 13 anos (média 5,9 anos ± 2,48. Três fraturas foram classificadas como tipo II e 17 do tipo III. O tempo de seguimento variou de quatro meses a três anos. O ângulo de Baumann variou de 69 a 100 (média 78,3, sendo observada a presença de cúbito varo em quatro pacientes (com valores variando de 84 a 100. Segundo os critérios de Flynn modificados, obtiveram-se 20 casos satisfatórios, 17 excelentes (85%, dois bons (10% e um regular (5%. Dois pacientes apresentaram déficit da amplitude de movimento, dois parestesia no território cubital e uma criança apresentou neuropraxia transitória do nervo ulnar por seis semanas. CONCLUSÃO: A fixação percutânea com dois fios de Kirschner cruzados, quando realizada com visualização direta e isolamento do nervo ulnar, permite bons resultados.OBJECTIVE: To analyze and present the surgical results from unstable supracondylar fractures of the humerus in children, treated by means of reduction and percutaneous fixation using two crossed Kirschner wires. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 20 children, taking into consideration sex, age at the time of the fracture, age at the time of the assessment, side affected, type and mechanism of trauma, postoperative complications and radiographic and clinic variables. RESULTS: Ten fractures were observed in the left arm and ten in the right arm. The age at the time of the fracture ranged from 2

  9. MRI evaluation of acute articular cartilage injury of knee

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Jun; Wu Zhenhua; Fan Guoguang; Pan Shinong; Guo Qiyong


    Objective: To study the MRI manifestation of acute articular cartilage injury of knee for evaluating the extension and degree of the injury and guiding treatment. Methods: MRI of 34 patients with acute articular cartilage injury of knee within one day to fifteen days confirmed by arthroscopy and arthrotomy was reviewed and analyzed, with emphasis on articular cartilage and subchondral lesion. And every manifestation on MRI and that of arthroscopy and operation was compared. Results: The articular cartilage injury was diagnosed on MRI in 29 of 34 cases. Cartilage signal changes were found only in 4. The changes of cartilage shape were variable. Thinning of focal cartilage was showed in 3, osteochondral impaction in 3, creases of cartilage in 3, disrupted cartilage with fissuring in 13, cracks cartilage in 2, and cracks cartilage with displaced fragment in 1. Bone bruise and occult fracture were found only on MRI. Conclusion: The assessment of MRI and arthroscopy in acute articular cartilage injury are consistent. Combined with arthroscopy, MRI can succeed in assessing the extension and degree of acute articular injury and allowing treatment planning

  10. Current status of imaging of articular cartilage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hodler, J.; Resnick, D.


    Various imaging methods have been applied to assessment of articular cartilage. These include standard radiography, arthrography, CT, CT arthrography, ultrasonography, and MR imaging. Radiography remains the initial musculoskeletal imaging method. However, it is insensitive to early stages of cartilage abnormalities. MR imaging has great potential in the assessment of articular cartilage, although high-quality scans are required because imaging signs of cartilage abnormalities may be subtle. The potential and limitations of various sequences and techniques are discussed, including MR arthrography. The role of the other imaging methods in assessment of articular cartilage appears to be limited. (orig.). With 8 figs., 6 tabs

  11. [Technique and value of direct MR arthrography applying articular distraction]. (United States)

    Becce, Fabio; Wettstein, Michael; Guntern, Daniel; Mouhsine, Elyazid; Palhais, Nuno; Theumann, Nicolas


    Direct MR arthrography has a better diagnostic accuracy than MR imaging alone. However, contrast material is not always homogeneously distributed in the articular space. Lesions of cartilage surfaces or intra-articular soft tissues can thus be misdiagnosed. Concomitant application of axial traction during MR arthrography leads to articular distraction. This enables better distribution of contrast material in the joint and better delineation of intra-articular structures. Therefore, this technique improves detection of cartilage lesions. Moreover, the axial stress applied on articular structures may reveal lesions invisible on MR images without traction. Based on our clinical experience, we believe that this relatively unknown technique is promising and should be further developed.

  12. Comparison of hyaluronic acid and PRP intra-articular injection with combined intra-articular and intraosseous PRP injections to treat patients with knee osteoarthritis. (United States)

    Su, Ke; Bai, Yuming; Wang, Jun; Zhang, Haisen; Liu, Hao; Ma, Shiyun


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the benefit provided by intraosseous infiltration combined with intra-articular injection of platelet-rich plasma to treat mild and moderate stages of knee joint degeneration (Kellgren-Lawrence score II-III) compared with other treatments, specifically intra-articular injection of PRP and of HA. Eighty-six patients with grade II to grade III knee OA according to the Kellgren-Lawrence classification were randomly assigned to intra-articular combined with intraosseous injection of PRP (group A), intra-articular PRP (group B), or intra-articular HA (group C). Patients in group A received intra-articular combined with intraosseous injection of PRP (administered twice, 2 weeks apart). Patients in group B received intra-articular injection of PRP every 14 days. Patients in group C received a series of five intra-articular injections of HA every 7 days. All patients were evaluated using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities (WOMAC) score before the treatment and at 1, 3, 6, 12, and 18 months after treatment. There were significant improvements at the end of the 1st month. Notably, group A patients had significantly superior VAS and WOMAC scores than were observed in groups B and C. The VAS scores were similar in groups B and group C after the 6th month. Regarding the WOMAC scores, groups B and C differed at the 1st, 3rd, 6th, and 12th months; however, no significant difference was observed at the 18th month. The combination of intraosseous with intra-articular injections of PRP resulted in a significantly superior clinical outcome, with sustained lower VAS and WOMAC scores and improvement in quality of life within 18 months.

  13. Fratura de órbita por queda de cavalo e correção de estrabismo Orbit fracture by horse fall and strabismus correction

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    Abelardo de Souza Couto Junior


    Full Text Available Descreve-se uma paciente com fratura orbitária grave causada por queda de cavalo. Relato do seu tratamento cirúrgico com correção do estrabismo e tentativa de correção da enoftamia.Description of a patient with orbital fracture cause by a horse fall. Follow-up the surgical treatment of the strabismus and the enophtlamos.

  14. Imaging diagnosis of the juxta-articular bone cyst

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Zekun; Ren Jinjun; Wang Dongmei; Zhang Wei; Ding Jianping; Ding Yang


    Objective: To investigate the imaging features of the juxta-articular bone cyst(intra- osseous ganglia). Methods: The imaging findings of 54 cases histopathologically confirmed were studied retrospectively. X-ray, CT, and MRI were performed in 46 eases, 30 cases, and 14 cases, respectively. Results: Of the 54 cases, 27 arised from the ankle (including multiple lesions), 16 from the knee joint, 7 from the hip joint, 1 from the proximate end of the humerus, ulna, trapezium bone, the first phalange in each, and 1 from the talus and the distal end of the tibia. There were 43 cases (44 lesions) in the ankle and knee joints, with 29 (65.9%) lesions located in the medial articular surface. Fifty-four cases had thinning sclerotic rim, showing a unilocular round osteolytic appearance in 44 cases and a multiloculated-cystic appearance with septa in 10 cases. Discontinuous articular surface were seen in 15 cases, reticular surface collapse in 1, gas density in 3 and fluid-fluid plane in 1. (1) On x-ray films, 46 cases (47 lesions) with well-defined sclerotic rim revealed round, arch or irregular lyric areas at the adjacent articular surface. The fissures were found at the adjacent articular surface in 6 lesions. No joint spaces were abnormal. (2)On CT, 30 cases with sclerotic rim showed round in 19 lesions, arch in 3, and irregular in 8. The fissures were seen at the adjacent articular surface in 14 lesions. The density showed homogeneous in 27 lesions, and gas existed in 3. (3) Fourteen cases (15 lesions)showed hypointense to isointense signal on MR T 1 WI and hyperintense signal on T 2 WI. Fluid-fluid plane was found in 1 case. The fissures were observed at the adjacent articular surface in 8 lesions. 7 cases showed swelling soft tissue. Conclusion: The characteristic locations combined with the typical imaging features may suggest the diagnosis of jaxta-articular bone cyst. (authors)

  15. Pseudo-aneurisma de artéria subclávia pós fratura de clavícula: relato de caso


    ROSÁRIO, Ricardo Costa Val; RIOS, Adriana Vaggiani; FIGUEIREDO JÚNIOR, Fernando de Assis; CHRISTO, Sérgio Figueiredo Campos; SIMÃO FILHO, Charles; CHRISTO, Marcelo Campos


    Os autores descrevem a formação de um pseudo-aneurisma de artéria subclávia esquerda após trauma contuso seguido de fratura de clavícula esquerda. Comentários e uma breve revisão da literatura são mencionadosThe authors describe the left subclavian artery pseudo-aneurysm formation after blunt trauma followed by left clavicular fracture. Comments and a brief review of the literature are also mentioned.

  16. Avaliação da qualidade de vida em pacientes idosos um ano após o tratamento cirúrgico de fraturas transtrocanterianas do fêmur Functional outcomes and quality of life one year after surgical management of trochanteric fractures

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    Fernanda de Aquino Moraes Guimarães


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o impacto que as fraturas transtrocanterianas produzem sobre a qualidade de vida de pacientes idosos, tratados cirurgicamente, durante o período de um ano de acompanhamento. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram selecionados 73 idosos com fratura transtrocanterina, com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos de ambos os sexos. Foi aplicado questionário padronizado, para se obter informações quanto aos hábitos de vida, atividade física, funcionalidade, deambulação e estado cognitivo. Foram excluídos os óbitos ocorridos durante o estudo, pacientes que não deambulavam, com doenças neurológicas ou fraturas patológicas. RESULTADOS: A média de idade foi 80,17 ± 7,2, sendo 75% do sexo feminino. Ao comparar as somatórias das atividades de vida diária (p=0,04 e instrumentais da vida diária (p=0,004, obtidas na pré e pós-fratura, os pacientes tornaram-se mais dependentes pós-fratura. Atividades de vida diária que apresentaram piora pós-fratura foram: tomar banho (p=0,04, ir ao banheiro (p=0,02 e vestir-se (p=0,04. Todas as atividades instrumentais da vida diária apresentaram diferença significativa, apresentando maior dependência funcional pós-fratura, assim como aumento da necessidade de auxílio a deambulação (p=0,00002, idade avançada (p=0,01 e não realizar atividades domésticas (p=0,01. A baixa pontuação no teste Minimental estava associada com uma maior dependência para realizar as atividades da vida diária na pré-fratura (p=0,00002 e pós-fratura (p=0,01. CONCLUSÃO: Após um ano, as atividades de vida diária que dependiam dos membros inferiores pioraram significativamente, todas as atividades instrumentais de vida diária apresentaram piora significativa em mais de 50% dos pacientes e mais da metade dos pacientes que andavam sem apoio perderam esta capacidade.OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the impact that trochanteric hip fractures produce on life quality of elderly patients, treated surgically, during one year of

  17. Effects of the condylar process fracture on facial symmetry in rats submitted to protein undernutrition Efeitos da fratura do processo condilar na simetria facial em ratos submetidos à desnutrição protéica

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    Lucimar Rodrigues


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To investigate the facial symmetry of rats submitted to experimental mandibular condyle fracture and with protein undernutrition (8% of protein by means of cephalometric measurements. METHODS: Forty-five adult Wistar rats were distributed in three groups: fracture group, submitted to condylar fracture with no changes in diet; undernourished fracture group, submitted to hypoproteic diet and condylar fracture; undernourished group, kept until the end of experiment, without condylar fracture. Displaced fractures of the right condyle were induced under general anesthesia. The specimens were submitted to axial radiographic incidence, and cephalometric mensurations were made using a computer system. The values obtained were subjected to statistical analyses among the groups and between the sides in each group. RESULTS: There was significative decrease of the values of serum proteins and albumin in the undernourished fracture group. There was deviation of the median line of the mandible relative to the median line of the maxilla, significative to undernutrition fracture group, as well as asymmetry of the maxilla and mandible, in special in the final period of experiment. CONCLUSION: The mandibular condyle fracture in rats with proteic undernutrition induced an asymmetry of the mandible, also leading to consequences in the maxilla.OBJETIVO: Investigar a simetria facial de ratos submetidos à fratura experimental de côndilo mandibular e com desnutrição protéica (8% de proteína por meio de mensurações cefalométricas. MÉTODOS: 45 ratos Wistar adultos foram distribuídos em três grupos: grupo fraturado, submetido a fratura condilar sem alteração na dieta; grupo fraturado desnutrido, submetido a dieta hipoprotéica e fratura condilar; grupo desnutrido, mantido até o final do experimento, sem fratura condilar. Fraturas com desvio foram feitas no côndilo direito com anestesia geral. Os espécimes foram submetidos à incidência radiogr

  18. Prevalence and characteristics of articular manifestations in human ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Prevalence and characteristics of articular manifestations in human immune virus infection. ... Objectives: To determine the prevalence, types and characteristics of articular manifestations in the anti-retroviral treatment naive HIV infected patients. Design: Cross sectional descriptive study. Setting: Comprehensive care clinic ...

  19. Avaliação do torque para inserção, remoção e fratura de diferentes mini-implantes ortodônticos Evaluation of insertion, removal and fracture torques of different orthodontic mini-implants in bovine tibia cortex

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    Maria Fernanda Prates da Nova


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar, em mini-implantes de diferentes dimensões, os seguintes fatores: (a torque de inserção, (b torque de remoção, (c torque de fratura, (d tensão cisalhante, (e tensão normal e (f tipo de fratura. METODOLOGIA: foram utilizados 20 mini-implantes autoperfurantes, 10 da marca SIN e 10 da Neodent com, respectivamente, 8 e 7mm de comprimento, todos com 1,6mm de diâmetro. Dos 10 mini-implantes de cada marca, 5 não possuíam perfil transmucoso e 5 tinham perfil de 2mm, formando 4 grupos: SIN sem perfil (SSP, SIN com perfil (SCP, Neodent sem perfil (NSP e Neodent com perfil (NCP. Todos os mini-implantes foram inseridos em cortical óssea e removidos com micromotor acoplado a um torquímetro. Os mini-implantes foram, também, submetidos ao ensaio de fratura. Os torques de inserção, remoção e fratura, assim como a tensão cisalhante e normal calculadas, foram comparados entre todos os grupos pela ANOVA. O tipo de fratura foi avaliado em microscópio eletrônico de varredura. RESULTADOS: verificou-se que o grupo NCP apresentou torque de inserção significativamente maior que os demais grupos, porém todos fraturaram durante a inserção (n = 2 ou remoção (n = 3. Não houve diferença entre os grupos para o torque de remoção. Para o grupo NSP, o torque de fratura foi significativamente menor do que todos os outros grupos. Todos os mini-implantes sofreram fratura do tipo dúctil. CONCLUSÃO: uma vez que não houve diferença na resistência mecânica de ambas as marcas, variando apenas a forma, conclui-se que a resistência à fratura pode ser afetada por esta variável.AIM: The purpose of this study was to evaluate mini-implants with different dimensions for the following factors: (a insertion torque, (b removal torque, (c fracture torque, (d shear tension, (e normal tension and (f type of fracture. METHODS: Twenty self-drilling mini-implants were used, 10 from SIN and 10 from Neodent, with 1.6mm in diameter and with 8 and 7

  20. Fraturas proximais do fêmur em idosos: qual o melhor tratamento? Proximal fracture of the femur on the elderly: what's the best treatment?

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    Lygia Paccini Lustosa


    Full Text Available As fraturas proximais do fêmur em idosos representam um sério problema dentro do contexto da saúde pública, devido aos elevados custos econômicos para o tratamento e as suas consequências, assim como pela alta taxa de morbidade e mortalidade. O objetivo desse estudo foi discutir quais os tratamentos mais indicados para esse tipo de fratura, em idosos, por meio de uma revisão da literatura. As bases de dados pesquisadas foram MEDLINE, COCHRANE e PEDro. Os critérios de inclusão foram estudos publicados nos últimos sete anos; nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol; realizados em seres humanos, sem distinção de gênero e com idade maior que 60 anos; estudos com desenho metodológico de ensaios clínicos, ensaios clínicos aleatorizados e revisões sistemáticas com e sem meta-análise. Foram encontrados sete artigos e após a análise pode se afirmar que não existe um tratamento específico para as fraturas proximais do fêmur em idosos. O tratamento normalmente indicado na maioria dessas fraturas é cirúrgico e requer envolvimento fisioterápico para uma reabilitação adequada. Apesar da dificuldade de comparação entre os estudos, foi observado que uma equipe de profissionais da saúde parece promover uma reabilitação mais efetiva, além de prevenir complicações.The proximal fractures of the femur on the elderly represent a serious problem inside the public health context, because of the high economic costs needed for the treatment and it's consequence, as the high taxes of morbidity and mortality. The goal of this study was to discuss, through a literature revision, which is the most indicated treatment for the proximal fractures of the femur, on the elderly. The researched data bases were MEDLINE, COCHRANE and PEDro. The inclusion criterions were published studies on the last seven years, only on the Portuguese, English and Spanish languages, accomplished on human beings, with no genre distinction and with ages above 60

  1. Cadaveric Study of the Articular Branches of the Shoulder Joint. (United States)

    Eckmann, Maxim S; Bickelhaupt, Brittany; Fehl, Jacob; Benfield, Jonathan A; Curley, Jonathan; Rahimi, Ohmid; Nagpal, Ameet S

    This cadaveric study investigated the anatomic relationships of the articular branches of the suprascapular (SN), axillary (AN), and lateral pectoral nerves (LPN), which are potential targets for shoulder analgesia. Sixteen embalmed cadavers and 1 unembalmed cadaver, including 33 shoulders total, were dissected. Following dissections, fluoroscopic images were taken to propose an anatomical landmark to be used in shoulder articular branch blockade. Thirty-three shoulders from 17 total cadavers were studied. In a series of 16 shoulders, 16 (100%) of 16 had an intact SN branch innervating the posterior head of the humerus and shoulder capsule. Suprascapular sensory branches coursed laterally from the spinoglenoid notch then toward the glenohumeral joint capsule posteriorly. Axillary nerve articular branches innervated the posterolateral head of the humerus and shoulder capsule in the same 16 (100%) of 16 shoulders. The AN gave branches ascending circumferentially from the quadrangular space to the posterolateral humerus, deep to the deltoid, and inserting at the inferior portion of the posterior joint capsule. In 4 previously dissected and 17 distinct shoulders, intact LPNs could be identified in 14 (67%) of 21 specimens. Of these, 12 (86%) of 14 had articular branches innervating the anterior shoulder joint, and 14 (100%) of 14 LPN articular branches were adjacent to acromial branches of the thoracoacromial blood vessels over the superior aspect of the coracoid process. Articular branches from the SN, AN, and LPN were identified. Articular branches of the SN and AN insert into the capsule overlying the glenohumeral joint posteriorly. Articular branches of the LPN exist and innervate a portion of the anterior shoulder joint.

  2. Pendulum mass affects the measurement of articular friction coefficient. (United States)

    Akelman, Matthew R; Teeple, Erin; Machan, Jason T; Crisco, Joseph J; Jay, Gregory D; Fleming, Braden C


    Friction measurements of articular cartilage are important to determine the relative tribologic contributions made by synovial fluid or cartilage, and to assess the efficacy of therapies for preventing the development of post-traumatic osteoarthritis. Stanton's equation is the most frequently used formula for estimating the whole joint friction coefficient (μ) of an articular pendulum, and assumes pendulum energy loss through a mass-independent mechanism. This study examines if articular pendulum energy loss is indeed mass independent, and compares Stanton's model to an alternative model, which incorporates viscous damping, for calculating μ. Ten loads (25-100% body weight) were applied in a random order to an articular pendulum using the knees of adult male Hartley guinea pigs (n=4) as the fulcrum. Motion of the decaying pendulum was recorded and μ was estimated using two models: Stanton's equation, and an exponential decay function incorporating a viscous damping coefficient. μ estimates decreased as mass increased for both models. Exponential decay model fit error values were 82% less than the Stanton model. These results indicate that μ decreases with increasing mass, and that an exponential decay model provides a better fit for articular pendulum data at all mass values. In conclusion, inter-study comparisons of articular pendulum μ values should not be made without recognizing the loads used, as μ values are mass dependent. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Fratura bilateral de primeira costela em mergulho com colete salva-vidas Bilateral first rib fracture in a dive with life vest

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    Pietro de Almeida Sandri


    Full Text Available As fraturas de primeira costela são incomuns e geralmente associadas a grandes traumas torácicos a ponto de servirem como associação com a gravidade do trauma. As fraturas isoladas bilaterais de primeira costela sem grandes traumas torácicos são raramente descritas na literatura. Os sintomas podem passar despercebidos e serem minimizados dificultando o diagnóstico desta condição. O presente relato mostra um trauma direto sobre a região supraclavicular com sintomas de contusão do plexo braquial numa queda de jet ski com uso de salva-vidas. É feita uma revisão da literatura mostrando as diversas faces do problema discutindo-se o tratamento desta condição.First rib fractures are uncommon and are generally related to major thoracic traumas, so much so that they indicate the severity of the trauma. Isolated bilateral first rib fractures without major thoracic trauma are rarely described in the literature. Symptoms may go unnoticed and could be minimal, making diagnosis of this condition difficult. The present report presents a direct trauma of the supraclavicular region with symptoms of contusion of the brachial plexus, caused by a fall from a jet ski using a life vest. A review was done of literature indicating the various facets of the problem and discussing treatment of this condition.

  4. Body Weight Independently Affects Articular Cartilage Catabolism

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    W. Matt Denning, Jason G. Winward, Michael Becker Pardo, J. Ty Hopkins, Matthew K. Seeley


    Full Text Available Although obesity is associated with osteoarthritis, it is unclear whether body weight (BW independently affects articular cartilage catabolism (i.e., independent from physiological factors that also accompany obesity. The primary purpose of this study was to evaluate the independent effect of BW on articular cartilage catabolism associated with walking. A secondary purpose was to determine how decreased BW influenced cardiovascular response due to walking. Twelve able-bodied subjects walked for 30 minutes on a lower-body positive pressure treadmill during three sessions: control (unadjusted BW, +40%BW, and -40%BW. Serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP was measured immediately before (baseline and after, and 15 and 30 minutes after the walk. Heart rate (HR and rate of perceived exertion (RPE were measured every three minutes during the walk. Relative to baseline, average serum COMP concentration was 13% and 5% greater immediately after and 15 minutes after the walk. Immediately after the walk, serum COMP concentration was 14% greater for the +40%BW session than for the -40%BW session. HR and RPE were greater for the +40%BW session than for the other two sessions, but did not differ between the control and -40%BW sessions. BW independently influences acute articular cartilage catabolism and cardiovascular response due to walking: as BW increases, so does acute articular cartilage catabolism and cardiovascular response. These results indicate that lower-body positive pressure walking may benefit certain individuals by reducing acute articular cartilage catabolism, due to walking, while maintaining cardiovascular response.

  5. Avaliação microbiológica e molecular de líquidos articulares e peri-articulares de suínos

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    Ana Carolina S. Faria


    Full Text Available No presente estudo coletaram-se 115 amostras de líquido articular e peri-articular de suínos com suspeita clínica de doença articular oriundos de maternidade (30,43%, creche (44,35% e crescimento/terminação (25,22% de Sistemas Intensivos de Produção de Suínos (SIPs para avaliação microbiológica e molecular. Observaram-se 57 (49,5% amostras positivas em pelo menos uma das técnicas. No isolamento microbiano, 39,13% das amostras foram positivas, sendo Streptococcus spp. (19,72%, Arcabobacterium pyogenes (18,13% e Escherichia coli (12,68% os mais frequentes, havendo também a presença de Candida sp. (2,6%. Na técnica de Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR, em 20% das amostras foram detectados microrganismos com uma maior ocorrência de Mycoplasma hyosinoviae (34,09%, Erysipelotrix tonsilarum (20,45% e Haemophilus parasuis (15,90%. Os microrganismos mais frequentemente isolados em animais com artrite, apresentaram distribuição em todas as faixas etárias, entretanto a fase de crescimento/terminação apresentou maior percentual (69% de amostras positivas. Streptococcus spp. ocorreu em todas as fases sendo o microrganismo mais detectado. M. hyosinoviae foi observado principalmente em animais de creche. Na fase de crescimento/terminação as bactérias predominantes foram A. pyogenes, H. parasuis e E. tonsilarum. Aproximadamente metade dos casos foi negativo o que indica a provável ocorrência de processos degenerativos como a osteocondrose, embora a participação de infecções articulares e peri-articulares possam representar grandes perdas com menor ou maior impacto dependendo da fase de criação. Problemas articulares e/ou peri-articulares de origem infecciosas foram encontrados em todas as propriedades estudadas. O principal agente foi M. hyosynoviae, principalmente na creche, porém não se pode descartar o envolvimento de problemas degenerativos em associação.

  6. Usefulness of fluoroscopy-guided intra-articular injection of the knee

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Myung, Jae Sung; Lee, Joon Woo [Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Ji Yeon [Kangwon National University College of Medicine, Chuncheon (Korea, Republic of)] (and others)


    To determine the accuracy of the intra-articular location of hyaluronic acid injection using a blind approach and to establish the usefulness of fluoroscopy-guided intra-articular injection. A fluoroscopy unit was used for 368 intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid to 93 knees in 65 patients. Initially, blind needle positioning was conducted on the fluoroscopy table. The failure rate of the blind approach among the 368 injections was evaluated, and a relationship between the Kellgren-Lawrence grade (K-L grade) and the incidence of repeated failures using the blind approach was determined for injections to 52 knees in 37 patients who received a complete cycle of injections (five consecutive injections with a one-week interval between injections). Using a blind approach, 298 of 368 trials (81.2%) resulted in a needle tip being placed in an intra-articular location, while 70 of 368 trials resulted in an extra-articular placement of the needle tip. Among 52 knees to which a complete cycle of injection (five consecutive injections with a one-week interval between injections) was administered, repeated failure of intra-articular placement using the blind approach was seen for 18 knees (34.6%); a more severe K-L grade assigned was associated with a higher rate of repeated failure. However, the trend was not statistically significant based on the Chi-squared test ({rho} value = 0.14). Fluoroscopy-guided needle placement may be helpful to ensure therapeutic intra-articular injection of the knee.

  7. Usefulness of fluoroscopy-guided intra-articular injection of the knee

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Myung, Jae Sung; Lee, Joon Woo; Lee, Ji Yeon


    To determine the accuracy of the intra-articular location of hyaluronic acid injection using a blind approach and to establish the usefulness of fluoroscopy-guided intra-articular injection. A fluoroscopy unit was used for 368 intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid to 93 knees in 65 patients. Initially, blind needle positioning was conducted on the fluoroscopy table. The failure rate of the blind approach among the 368 injections was evaluated, and a relationship between the Kellgren-Lawrence grade (K-L grade) and the incidence of repeated failures using the blind approach was determined for injections to 52 knees in 37 patients who received a complete cycle of injections (five consecutive injections with a one-week interval between injections). Using a blind approach, 298 of 368 trials (81.2%) resulted in a needle tip being placed in an intra-articular location, while 70 of 368 trials resulted in an extra-articular placement of the needle tip. Among 52 knees to which a complete cycle of injection (five consecutive injections with a one-week interval between injections) was administered, repeated failure of intra-articular placement using the blind approach was seen for 18 knees (34.6%); a more severe K-L grade assigned was associated with a higher rate of repeated failure. However, the trend was not statistically significant based on the Chi-squared test (ρ value = 0.14). Fluoroscopy-guided needle placement may be helpful to ensure therapeutic intra-articular injection of the knee

  8. Avaliação do emprego da haste femoral curta na fratura trocantérica instável do fêmur Evaluating the use of a proximal femoral nail in unstable trochanteric fracture of the femur

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    João Antonio Matheus Guimarães


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar a taxa de consolidação da fratura trocantérica instável submetida a osteossíntese com haste femoral curta (PFN® - AO/ASIF, em pacientes operados entre novembro de 1999 e março de 2004. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 45 pacientes com idades entre 60 e 93 anos, portadores de fratura trocantérica instável do fêmur, submetidos à osteossíntese com PFN® curto, mediante redução indireta em mesa de tração e auxílio de radioscopia. As fraturas foram classificadas de acordo com a classificação AO/OTA. A qualidade óssea foi avaliada através do índice de Singh, na rotina radiográfica pré-operatória. A qualidade da redução obtida e o posicionamento do implante foram avaliados pela radiografia pós-operatória em ântero-posterior e perfil do fêmur proximal, com análise do ângulo cervicodiafisário e a distância entre a ponta do parafuso deslizante e o centro da cabeça femoral, o chamado tip apex distance (TAD. RESULTADOS: A média de idade dos pacientes estudados foi de 80,8 anos (60-93. O sexo feminino foi predominante, com 37 casos (82,2%. O lado direito foi acometido em 22 casos (48,89% e o esquerdo em 23 (51,1%. Todas as fraturas eram instáveis, sendo 22 do tipo 31A2 (48,8% e 23 do tipo 31A3 (51,1%. O tempo médio de utilização da radioscopia foi de 102,4 segundos (61-185. A diferença entre o tempo de radioscopia para a redução e fixação dos dois grupos de fraturas estudados não foi significativa (p = 0,62. Com relação à qualidade óssea, 82,2% dos pacientes apresentavam índice de Singh menor que IV, caracterizando perda da arquitetura óssea normal. Quanto à consolidação da fratura, 44 casos evoluíram com êxito com tempo médio de 3,2 meses, variando entre dois e sete meses. Em sete casos ocorreu a necessidade de novo procedimento cirúrgico, sendo quatro para a retirada de material de síntese, devido a migração dos parafusos proximais da haste. Um caso de fratura do tipo 31A2

  9. Correlação entre tempo para o tratamento cirúrgico e mortalidade em pacientes idosos com fratura da extremidade proximal do fêmur Correlation between time until surgical treatment and mortality among elderly patients with fractures at the proximal end of the femur

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    Gustavo Gonçalves Arliani


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo primário do estudo é analisar a possível associação entre o atraso para a realização do tratamento cirúrgico e mortalidade em pacientes idosos com fratura da extremidade proximal do fêmur. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 269 pacientes com fraturas da extremidade proximal do fêmur (fraturas do colo do fêmur e fraturas intertrocanterianas, tratadas cirurgicamente no Hospital São Paulo - Unifesp-SP, no período de janeiro de 2003 a dezembro de 2007. Foram analisados e comparados com a literatura referente ao assunto os seguintes atributos: sexo, idade, tipo de fratura, classificação da mesma, lado acometido, síntese utilizada, mecanismo de trauma, tempo de internação, tempo para cirurgia, comorbidades associadas, hemograma de entrada, tipo de anestesia, necessidade de transfusão sanguínea, dia da semana e estação do ano da fratura. RESULTADOS: O estudo apresentou correlação entre maior número de comorbidades clínicas, maior tempo de internação e utilização de anestesia geral na cirurgia com maior mortalidade dos pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: Não houve associação entre tempo para realização da cirurgia e mortalidade.OBJECTIVE: The primary aim of this study was to analyze the possible association between delay in receiving surgical treatment and mortality among elderly patients with fractures at the proximal end of the femur. METHODS: 269 patients with fractures at the proximal end of the femur (femur neck and intertrochanteric fractures who were treated surgically at Hospital São Paulo, UNIFESP, São Paulo, between January 2003 and December 2007, were studied. Sex, age, type of fracture, classification of the fracture, affected side, synthesis used, trauma mechanism, length of hospitalization, length of surgery, associated comorbidities, hemogram at admission, type of anesthesia, need for blood transfusion, day of the week and season of the year of the fracture were analyzed and compared with the literature

  10. Customized Fabrication of Osteochondral Tissue for Articular Joint Surface Repair (United States)


    AWARD NUMBER: W81XWH-14-1-0217 TITLE: Customized Fabrication of Osteochondral Tissue for Articular Joint Surface Repair PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR...4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Customized Fabrication of Osteochondral Tissue for Articular Joint Surface Repair 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER W81XWH...applicability of these novel osteochondral tissues for articular cartilage repair in rabbit model, using medical imaging-guided PSL. Such an approach may

  11. Fractures of the articular processes of the cervical spine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Woodring, J.H.; Goldstein, S.J.


    Fractures of the articular processes occurred in 16 (20.8%) of 77 patients with cervical spine fractures as demonstrated by multidirectional tomography. Plain films demonstrated the fractures in only two patients. Acute cervical radiculopathy occurred in five of the patients with articular process fractures (superior process, two cases; inferior process, three cases). Persistent neck pain occurred in one other patient without radiculopathy. Three patients suffered spinal cord damage at the time of injury, which was not the result of the articular process fracture itself. In the other seven cases, no definite sequelae occurred. However, disruption of the facet joint may predispose to early degenerative joint disease and chronic pain; unilateral or bilateral facet dislocation was present in five patients. In patients with cervical trauma who develop cervical radiculopathy, tomography should be performed to evaluate the articular processes.

  12. Fractures of the articular processes of the cervical spine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woodring, J.H.; Goldstein, S.J.


    Fractures of the articular processes occurred in 16 (20.8%) of 77 patients with cervical spine fractures as demonstrated by multidirectional tomography. Plain films demonstrated the fractures in only two patients. Acute cervical radiculopathy occurred in five of the patients with articular process fractures (superior process, two cases; inferior process, three cases). Persistent neck pain occurred in one other patient without radiculopathy. Three patients suffered spinal cord damage at the time of injury, which was not the result of the articular process fracture itself. In the other seven cases, no definite sequelae occurred. However, disruption of the facet joint may predispose to early degenerative joint disease and chronic pain; unilateral or bilateral facet dislocation was present in five patients. In patients with cervical trauma who develop cervical radiculopathy, tomography should be performed to evaluate the articular processes

  13. Terapêutica interdisciplinar para fratura cominutiva de côndilo por projétil de arma de fogo: enfoque miofuncional


    Bianchini,Esther Mandelbaum Gonçalves; Moraes,Rogério Bonfante; Nazario,Daniella; Luz,João Gualberto de Cerqueira


    TEMA: ferimentos causados por projéteis de arma de fogo apresentam alta incidência na região da cabeça e face. A articulação temporomandibular pode estar envolvida, além de estruturas anatômicas importantes como o nervo facial, necessitando de equipe multidisciplinar para efetuar tratamento adequado. PROCEDIMENTOS: apresentação de caso clínico de fratura condilar cominutiva causada por projétil de arma de fogo tratado de forma não-cirúrgica associado à terapia miofuncional orofacial. Paciente...

  14. Advanced Strategies for Articular Cartilage Defect Repair

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    Fergal J. O'Brien


    Full Text Available Articular cartilage is a unique tissue owing to its ability to withstand repetitive compressive stress throughout an individual’s lifetime. However, its major limitation is the inability to heal even the most minor injuries. There still remains an inherent lack of strategies that stimulate hyaline-like articular cartilage growth with appropriate functional properties. Recent scientific advances in tissue engineering have made significant steps towards development of constructs for articular cartilage repair. In particular, research has shown the potential of biomaterial physico-chemical properties significantly influencing the proliferation, differentiation and matrix deposition by progenitor cells. Accordingly, this highlights the potential of using such properties to direct the lineage towards which such cells follow. Moreover, the use of soluble growth factors to enhance the bioactivity and regenerative capacity of biomaterials has recently been adopted by researchers in the field of tissue engineering. In addition, gene therapy is a growing area that has found noteworthy use in tissue engineering partly due to the potential to overcome some drawbacks associated with current growth factor delivery systems. In this context, such advanced strategies in biomaterial science, cell-based and growth factor-based therapies that have been employed in the restoration and repair of damaged articular cartilage will be the focus of this review article.

  15. Postnatal development of collagen structure in ovine articular cartilage

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    Kranenbarg Sander


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Articular cartilage (AC is the layer of tissue that covers the articulating ends of the bones in diarthrodial joints. Across species, adult AC shows an arcade-like structure with collagen predominantly perpendicular to the subchondral bone near the bone, and collagen predominantly parallel to the articular surface near the articular surface. Recent studies into collagen fibre orientation in stillborn and juvenile animals showed that this structure is absent at birth. Since the collagen structure is an important factor for AC mechanics, the absence of the adult Benninghoff structure has implications for perinatal AC mechanobiology. The current objective is to quantify the dynamics of collagen network development in a model animal from birth to maturity. We further aim to show the presence or absence of zonal differentiation at birth, and to assess differences in collagen network development between different anatomical sites of a single joint surface. We use quantitative polarised light microscopy to investigate properties of the collagen network and we use the sheep (Ovis aries as our model animal. Results Predominant collagen orientation is parallel to the articular surface throughout the tissue depth for perinatal cartilage. This remodels to the Benninghoff structure before the sheep reach sexual maturity. Remodelling of predominant collagen orientation starts at a depth just below the future transitional zone. Tissue retardance shows a minimum near the articular surface at all ages, which indicates the presence of zonal differentiation at all ages. The absolute position of this minimum does change between birth and maturity. Between different anatomical sites, we find differences in the dynamics of collagen remodelling, but no differences in adult collagen structure. Conclusions The collagen network in articular cartilage remodels between birth and sexual maturity from a network with predominant orientation parallel to the

  16. Quedas e fraturas entre residentes de instituições de longa permanência para idosos Falls and fractures among older adults living in long-term care

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    Giovâni Firpo Del Duca


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Investigar a ocorrência de quedas e fraturas no último ano e fatores associados entre residentes de instituições de longa permanência para idosos (ILPI. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal exploratório, a partir de um censo realizado em ILPI localizadas em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, em 2008. As quedas e fraturas decorrentes dessas foram investigadas a partir de autorrelato referente ao último ano. Sexo, idade, escolaridade, incapacidade funcional para atividades básicas da vida diária, tipo de financiamento da instituição e hospitalização no último ano foram coletados como potencias fatores associados à ocorrência de queda no último ano. Empregou-se o teste qui-quadrado para heterogeneidade e tendência linear e, na análise ajustada, a regressão de Poisson com variância robusta. RESULTADOS: Nas 24 ILPI incluídas no estudo, coletaram-se dados de 466 indivíduos. A prevalência de quedas no último ano foi de 38,9% (IC95%: 34,5 - 43,4. Dentre aqueles que caíram, as fraturas acometeram 19,2%. As fraturas mais frequentes foram: fêmur/quadril (43,3% e punho (10%. Na análise ajustada, o avanço da idade, apresentar incapacidade funcional em uma a cinco atividades da vida diária, residir em instituições públicas/filantrópicas e ter sido hospitalizado no último ano associaram-se à queda no último ano. CONCLUSÃO: A alta ocorrência de quedas e fraturas entre residentes de instituições de longa permanência para idosos revela a fragilidade da população avaliada. Atenção específica deve ser destinada a indivíduos mais velhos e hospitalizados no último ano. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the prevalence of falls and fractures over the past 12 months and associated factors among older adults living in long-term care. METHODS: Census of all long-term care located in the city of Pelotas, Brazil, in 2008. Falls over the past 12 months were assessed using the following question: "Over the last 12 months, have you fallen

  17. Relação entre qualidade de vida e fratura vertebral em mulheres idosas residentes no Sul do Brasil Relationship between quality of life and vertebral fractur in older women living in Southern Brazil

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    Patrícia Pereira de Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar a relação entre qualidade de vida e fratura vertebral em mulheres com mais de 60 anos em uma cidade do Sul do Brasil. MÉTODOS: Realizado estudo caso-controle com aplicação do questionário WHOQOL-bref em 100 mulheres residentes na cidade Chapecó (SC, com idade superior a 60 anos, na pós-menopausa de raça branca ou caucasoide, sem prejuízo cognitivo importante ou história pessoal doenças que sabidamente afetem o metabolismo ósseo ou neoplasias malignas. A população foi dividida em dois grupos dependendo da existência ou não de fraturas vertebrais na radiografia de coluna. Foram analisadas variáveis relacionadas à historia médica atual e pregressa, hábitos de vida e história familiar de fraturas, e os domínios e facetas que compõe o WHOQOL-bref. RESULTADOS: Observou-se que as mulheres com fratura tinham maior média de idade do que as sem fraturas (p0,05. Na avaliação dos domínios que compõem o WHOQOL-bref, a maior média deste grupo foi no psicológico (..=63,6±13,0, e a menor no meio ambiente (..=58,8±9,3. No grupo sem fratura, a maior média também ocorreu no domínio psicológico (..=67,2±9,3, já a menor ocorreu no das relações sociais (..=57,5±7,7. A análise estatística não mostrou correlação significativa entre as médias das facetas que compõem os domínios entre os grupos com e sem fraturas. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo sugere não haver prejuízo na qualidade de vida de idosas com fratura vertebral, mas sua relação com o tempo de ocorrência e gravidade das fraturas deve ser melhor avaliada. Ambos grupos tiveram escores mais elevados no domínio psicológico, mostrando que as entrevistadas se apóiam em crenças pessoais, espiritualidade e religião, aceitam sua aparência física mantendo a autoestima e a capacidade de pensar, aprender e concentrar-se, independentemente da existência do agravo. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos, e nem entre os

  18. Endogenous versus Exogenous Growth Factor Regulation of Articular Chondrocytes (United States)

    Shi, Shuiliang; Chan, Albert G.; Mercer, Scott; Eckert, George J.; Trippel, Stephen B.


    Anabolic growth factors that regulate the function of articular chondrocytes are candidates for articular cartilage repair. Such factors may be delivered by pharmacotherapy in the form of exogenous proteins, or by gene therapy as endogenous proteins. It is unknown whether delivery method influences growth factor effectiveness in regulating articular chondrocyte reparative functions. We treated adult bovine articular chondrocytes with exogenous recombinant insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-β1), or with the genes encoding these growth factors for endogenous production. Treatment effects were measured as change in chondrocyte DNA content, glycosaminoglycan production, and aggrecan gene expression. We found that IGF-I stimulated chondrocyte biosynthesis similarly when delivered by either exogenous or endogenous means. In contrast, exogenous TGF-ß1 stimulated these reparative functions, while endogenous TGF-ß1 had little effect. Endogenous TGF-ß1 became more bioactive following activation of the transgene protein product. These data indicate that effective mechanisms of growth factor delivery for articular cartilage repair may differ for different growth factors. In the case of IGF-I, gene therapy or protein therapy appear to be viable options. In contrast, TGF-ß1 gene therapy may be constrained by a limited ability of chondrocytes to convert latent complexes to an active form. PMID:24105960

  19. Intra Articular Therapeutic Delivery for Post Traumatic Osteoarthritis (United States)


    size distribution therapeutic timepoints EPIC-µCT Articular cartilage Subchondral bone Osteophytes Proteoglycans 3. OVERALL PROJECT SUMMARY: In...joint degeneration induced by MMT. Previously documented in Year 1 annual report: Changes in articular cartilage and subchondral bone morphology...and resulted in increased cartilage thickness at 3 weeks. The majority of alterations to subchondral bone (density, thickness) were detected at 3

  20. Techniques and Applications of in vivo Diffusion Imaging of Articular Cartilage (United States)

    Raya, José G.


    Early in the process of osteoarthritis (OA) the composition (water, proteoglycan [PG], and collagen) and structure of articular cartilage is altered leading to changes in its mechanical properties. A technique that can assess the composition and structure of the cartilage in vivo can provide insight in the mechanical integrity of articular cartilage and become a powerful tool for the early diagnosis of OA. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has been proposed as a biomarker for cartilage composition and structure. DTI is sensitive to the PG content through the mean diffusivity (MD) and to the collagen architecture through the fractional anisotropy (FA). However, the acquisition of DTI of articular cartilage in vivo is challenging due to the short T2 of articular cartilage (~40 ms at 3 T) and the high resolution needed (0.5–0.7 mm in plane) to depict the cartilage anatomy. We describe the pulse sequences used for in vivo DTI of articular cartilage and discus general strategies for protocol optimization. We provide a comprehensive review of measurements of DTI of articular cartilage from ex vivo validation experiments to its recent clinical applications. PMID:25865215

  1. On the main stages of the history of intra-articular therapy

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    L. Punzi


    Full Text Available In this review the main stages in the history of intra-articular therapy of the rheumatic diseases are summarized. The first approach to such a local treatment has been likely performed in 1792 by the French physician Jean Gay, who injected in a swelling knee the “eau du Goulard” (Goulard’s water, namely a mixture based on lead compounds. In the XIX century iodine derivatives have been mainly applied as an intra-articular treatment. In the XX century, before the wide use of intra-articular corticosteroids, chiefly due to the Joseph Lee Hollander’s experiences, a variety of drugs has been employed, including cytostatics and sclerosing substances. A further important stage has been synoviorthesis, by using specific radionuclides, that would actually represent an anti-synovial treatment. In the last years a spread use of intra-articular hyaluronic acid, particularly in osteoarthritis, has been recorded, with the aim to warrant articular viscosupplementation. Future of intra-articular treatment should be represented by the biological drugs, i.e., anti-TNF, but it is still untimely to define the exact role of such a local treatment of arthritis.

  2. Fratura de mandíbula: análise de 293 pacientes tratados no Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia Mandibular fracture: analysis of 293 patients treated in the Hospital of Clinics, Federal University of Uberlândia

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    Lucas Gomes Patrocínio


    Full Text Available A fratura de mandíbula ocupa o segundo lugar entre as fraturas dos ossos da face, tendo havido aumento significativo de casos nos últimos anos. A não-identificação e o tratamento inadequado podem levar à deformidade estética ou funcional permanente. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os casos submetidos à redução de fratura de mandíbula no Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, entre janeiro de 1974 e dezembro de 2002. FORMA DE ESTUDO: coorte historica. PACIENTES E MÉTODO: Duzentos e noventa e três pacientes foram submetidos à redução de fratura de mandíbula e retrospectivamente foram avaliados segundo fatores relacionados a: paciente, trauma, quadro clínico e tratamento cirúrgico. RESULTADOS: Houve uma clara tendência de aumento do número de fraturas de mandíbula ao longo dos anos. Houve um predomínio no sexo masculino (4:1, com pico de ocorrência entre 20 a 29 anos. As principais causas de fratura da mandíbula neste estudo foram acidentes de trânsito e violência, perfazendo juntas 72,4%. Cento e trinta e cinco pacientes apresentavam fratura única. Os sítios mais acometidos foram, em ordem decrescente, sínfise, côndilo, ângulo, corpo, ramo e processo coronóide. Foram realizadas redução incruenta (28, cruenta (213 e associação das duas (11 pacientes, sendo que 56,8% dos pacientes foram tratados nos primeiros 3 dias e 50,4% recebeu a alta hospitalar até o primeiro pós-operatório. Cerca de 10% dos pacientes apresentaram complicações, sendo osteomielite a mais freqüente. CONCLUSÃO: A incidência de fraturas de mandíbula foi marcadamente maior no sexo masculino, durante a terceira década de vida. A causa mais comum foi o acidente de trânsito e as regiões mais atingidas foram sínfise e côndilo. As fraturas isoladas de mandíbula ocorreram em mais de metade dos casos. A maioria dos pacientes foi tratada nos primeiros três dias e recebeu alta até o primeiro pós-operatório. A redução cruenta

  3. Intra-Articular Therapeutic Delivery for Post Traumatic Osteoarthritis (United States)


    cartilage Subchondral bone Osteophytes Proteoglycans 3. OVERALL PROJECT SUMMARY: In the first annual funding period (Sept 2014 – Sept 2015...Depiction of medial tibial articular cartilage and subchondral bone quantification regions (medial 1/3 and medial marginal osteophyte ). Figure 7...Conclusions A B C D E 12 Articular cartilage composition, subchondral bone, and osteophyte data showed a beneficial effect of single dHACM injection

  4. Follistatin Alleviates Synovitis and Articular Cartilage Degeneration Induced by Carrageenan

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    Jun Yamada


    Full Text Available Activins are proinflammatory cytokines which belong to the TGFβ superfamily. Follistatin is an extracellular decoy receptor for activins. Since both activins and follistatin are expressed in articular cartilage, we hypothesized that activin-follistatin signaling participates in the process of joint inflammation and cartilage degeneration. To test this hypothesis, we examined the effects of follistatin in a carrageenan-induced mouse arthritis model. Synovitis induced by intra-articular injection of carrageenan was significantly alleviated by preinjection with follistatin. Macrophage infiltration into the synovial membrane was significantly reduced in the presence of follistatin. In addition, follistatin inhibited proteoglycan erosion induced by carrageenan in articular cartilage. These data indicate that activin-follistatin signaling is involved in joint inflammation and cartilage homeostasis. Our data suggest that follistatin can be a new therapeutic target for inflammation-induced articular cartilage degeneration.

  5. Intra-Articular Osteotomy for Distal Humerus Malunion

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    René K. Marti


    Full Text Available Intra-articular osteotomy is considered in the rare case of malunion after a fracture of the distal humerus to restore humeral alignment and gain a functional arc of elbow motion. Traumatic and iatrogenic disruption of the limited blood flow to the distal end of the humerus resulting in avascular necrosis of capitellum or trochlea is a major pitfall of the this technically challenging procedure. Two cases are presented which illustrate the potential problems of intra-articular osteotomy for malunion of the distal humerus.

  6. Intra-articular ganglion cysts of the knee: clinical and MR imaging features

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, M.G.; Cho, W.H.; Kim, B.H.; Choi, J.A.; Lee, N.J.; Chung, K.B.; Choi, Y.S.; Cho, S.B.; Lim, H.C.


    The purpose of this study was to present clinical and MR imaging features of intra-articular ganglion cysts of the knee. Retrospective review of 1685 consecutive medical records and MR examinations of the knee performed at three imaging centers allowed identification of 20 patients (13 men and 7 women; mean age 35 years), in whom evidence of intra-articular ganglion cyst was seen. Of the 20 ganglion cysts, 5 were found in the infrapatellar fat pad, 10 arose from the posterior cruciate ligament, and 5 from the anterior cruciate ligament. Three of five patients with ganglion cyst in the infrapatellar fat pad had a palpable mass. In 7 of 15 patients with ganglion cyst in the intercondylar notch, exacerbation of pain occurred in a squatting position. On four MR arthrographies, ganglion cysts were an intra-articular round, lobulated, low signal intensity lesion. Five cases of fat-suppressed contrast-enhanced T1-weighted SE images demonstrated peripheral thin rim enhancement. The clinical presentation of intra-articular ganglion cyst is varied according to its intra-articular location. The MR appearance of intra-articular ganglion cyst is characteristic and usually associated with the cruciate ligament or the infrapatellar fat pad. Magnetic resonance arthrography has no definite advantage over conventional MR in the evaluation of the lesion. For intra-articular ganglion cyst in the infrapatellar fat pad, fat-suppressed contrast-enhanced MR imaging could be useful, because a thin, rim-enhancing feature of intra-articular ganglion cyst allows it to be distinguished from synovial hemangioma and synovial sarcoma. (orig.)

  7. Avaliação de seis anos de fraturas cervicais subaxiais Evaluación de seis años de fracturas cervicales subaxiales Evaluation of six years of cervical sub-axial fractures

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    Leonardo Franco Pinheiro Gaia


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar retrospectivamente os fatores relacionados ao trauma cervical, segundo o tipo de fratura baseado na classificação AO. Levando-se em consideração aspectos etiológicos e epidemiológicos do evento. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados retrospectivamente prontuários de pacientes com fratura cervical, no período de 2004 a 2009. Estudou-se as fraturas subaxiais (C3-C7, por se enquadrarem em apenas uma classificação (AO. Usou-se radiografias frente e perfil, e tomografias para dividir as fraturas em A (compressão, B (distração e C (rotação, de acordo com o padrão apresentado. Analisou-se os seguintes parâmetros: sexo, idade, classificação AO, mecanismo de trauma, presença de déficit neurológico, e tratamento cirúrgico ou conservador. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 264 prontuários, sendo 216 pacientes do sexo masculino e 48 femininos. A média de idade destes pacientes foi de 38,55 anos. O mecanismo de trauma mais comum das fraturas cervical subaxiais foi o acidente automobilístico com 84 casos. Quanto ao tipo de fratura pela classificação AO, a mais frequente foi do tipo B. Dos casos avaliados, 136 pacientes apresentaram déficit neurológico, parcial ou completo. O tratamento cirúrgico foi realizado em 166 casos. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados apresentados demonstram que as fraturas cervicais representam um importante problema para a saúde no Brasil, pública e privada. A prevenção das fraturas cervicais apresenta a melhor relação custo benefício na abordagem destas lesões.OBJETIVO: Evaluar retrospectivamente los factores relacionados al trauma cervical, según el tipo de fractura, basándose en la clasificación AO, considerandose los aspectos etiológicos y epidemiológicos del evento. MÉTODOS: Fueron analizadas retrospectivamente las historias clínicas de pacientes con fractura cervical, desde el 2004 hasta el 2009. Se estudiaron las fracturas subaxiales (C3-C7, ya que éstas se encuadran en apenas una clasificaci

  8. Análise da sintomatologia em pacientes com disfunções intra-articulares da articulação temporomandibular Analysis of symptomatology in patients with intra-articular disorders of the temporomandibular joint

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    Sílvio Henrique de Paula DONEGÁ


    Full Text Available Foi realizado estudo analisando a sintomatologia em pacientes com disfunções intra-articulares da articulação temporomandibular. A queixa mais citada foi de dor na região pré-auricular (40,7%. Sintomatologia dolorosa articular (63,2% e ruídos articulares (83,3% foram os achados mais comuns ao exame clínico. Os ruídos articulares mais freqüentes foram os estalos (66,6%. Dor muscular ocorreu, em especial, nos músculos pterigóideo medial e lateral e na inserção do temporal. Houve decréscimo na amplitude para a protrusão dentre os movimentos mandibulares máximosThe study analyzed the symptomatology in patients with intra-articular disorders of the temporomandibular joint. The most frequent complaint was pain in the preauricular region (40.7%. Articular pain (63.2% and articular sounds (83.3% were the most common findings during clinical examination. Muscular pain occurred particularly in the medial and lateral pterygoid muscles and at the insertion of the temporalis muscle. The most frequent articular sound was clicking (66.6%. There was a decrease in extent of protrusion among the mandibular border positions.

  9. Endogenous versus exogenous growth factor regulation of articular chondrocytes. (United States)

    Shi, Shuiliang; Chan, Albert G; Mercer, Scott; Eckert, George J; Trippel, Stephen B


    Anabolic growth factors that regulate the function of articular chondrocytes are candidates for articular cartilage repair. Such factors may be delivered by pharmacotherapy in the form of exogenous proteins, or by gene therapy as endogenous proteins. It is unknown whether delivery method influences growth factor effectiveness in regulating articular chondrocyte reparative functions. We treated adult bovine articular chondrocytes with exogenous recombinant insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-β1), or with the genes encoding these growth factors for endogenous production. Treatment effects were measured as change in chondrocyte DNA content, glycosaminoglycan production, and aggrecan gene expression. We found that IGF-I stimulated chondrocyte biosynthesis similarly when delivered by either exogenous or endogenous means. In contrast, exogenous TGF-β1 stimulated these reparative functions, while endogenous TGF-β1 had little effect. Endogenous TGF-β1 became more bioactive following activation of the transgene protein product. These data indicate that effective mechanisms of growth factor delivery for articular cartilage repair may differ for different growth factors. In the case of IGF-I, gene therapy or protein therapy appear to be viable options. In contrast, TGF-β1 gene therapy may be constrained by a limited ability of chondrocytes to convert latent complexes to an active form. Published 2013 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of the Orthopaedic Research Society. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.

  10. O emprego de hastes intramedulares bloqueadas no tratamento das fraturas diafisárias do úmero Use of blocked intramedullary shaft for the treatment of humeral diaphyseal fractures

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    Fernando Baldy dos Reis


    Full Text Available Estudamos os resultados clínicos e radiográficos de 31 pacientes portadores de fraturas diafisárias do úmero que foram operados com hastes intramedulares. Destes quatro apresentaram fraturas no local da inserção da haste e foram tratados com outro método. Dos 27 pacientes restantes o índice de consolidação foi de 96,1 % e que durou em média de 63,4 dias. Cinco queixaram-se de dor no ombro e em apenas um apresentou limitação da abdução. Paralisia temporária do nervo radial foi constatada em dois pacientes e pseudartrose em um que após 5 meses da cirurgia foi submetido a nova intervenção cirúrgica com o emprego de placa e enxerto ósseo autólogo. Concluímos que embora o emprego de hastes intramedulares bloqueadas apresentou alto índice de a via de acesso retrógrada pode levar a fraturas no seu ponto de entrada e via anterógrada com violação do manguito rotador pode gerar dores no ombro.Clinical and radiographic outcomes of 31 patients with humeral diaphyseal fractures submitted to surgery with intramedullary shafts were studied. From these, four patients presented fractures at the shaft insertion site and were treated using a different method. From the 27 patients left, the healing rate was 96.1%, with an average duration of 63.4 days. Five of them complained of pain in the shoulder and only one presented abduction limitation. Temporary palsy of the radial nerve was found in two patients and pseudoarthrosis in one of them, who was submitted to a new surgical intervention with plate and autologous bone graft, after 5 months. It was concluded that, although blocked intramedullary shafts presents a high incidence of the retrograde access port leading to fractures in its insertion site and the anterograde port causing pain in the shoulder.

  11. Articular contact in a three-dimensional model of the knee

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Blankevoort, L.; Kuiper, J. H.; Huiskes, R.; Grootenboer, H. J.


    This study is aimed at the analysis of articular contact in a three-dimensional mathematical model of the human knee-joint. In particular the effect of articular contact on the passive motion characteristics is assessed in relation to experimentally obtained joint kinematics. Two basically different

  12. Intra-articular morphine in horses

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindegaard, Casper

    separated by a three week washout period. Before each treatment, radiocarpal synovitis was induced by IA injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). For each of the two 168-hours study periods, local and systemic measures of pain and inflammation as well as blood and synovial fluid (SF) samples...... for pharmacological analysis were obtained repeatedly. Pain was evaluated by degree of lameness as well as using a visual analogue scale of pain intensity (VAS) and a composite measure pain scale (CMPS), developed for this purpose. Intra-articular injection of LPS elicited a marked synovitis resulting in lameness...... and pain. Intra-articularly administered morphine showed a significant analgesic effect as measured by reduced lameness scores, less administered rescue analgesia and lower pain scores. A significant anti-inflammatory effect was demonstrated by reduced joint swelling, reduced SF serum amyloid A (SAA...

  13. Fractografia de compósito estrutural aeronáutico submetido ao ensaio de tenacidade à fratura interlaminar em Modo II

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    Geraldo Maurício Cândido


    Full Text Available A fractografia consiste no estudo detalhado da morfologia da superfície de fratura de materiais. Para isto, a técnica de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV é usualmente utilizada para determinar a causa de falha e a relação do modo de falha com a microestrutura do material em análise. Essas informações permitem estabelecer analogia entre estrutura, propriedade e processamento do material com a iniciação e a propagação da falha. Neste estudo, a análise fractográfica é utilizada para investigar os aspectos que caracterizaram a falha por delaminação em Modo II de laminados poliméricos de uso estrutural. Para isto, espécimes com um inserto de Teflon® introduzido no plano médio de uma das extremidades do laminado (End-Notched foram submetidos ao ensaio de carregamento em flexão em quatro pontos. Os espécimes foram preparados a partir de um laminado fabricado em autoclave, com camadas (0º, 90º de material pré-impregnado de tecido bidirecional em estilo plain weave de fibras de carbono IM7/resina epóxi M21. Os resultados da análise mostram que a superfície de fratura é muito irregular, com a visualização de fibras e impressões de fibras na matriz. Aspectos fractográficos de cúspides e formatos de concha, originados durante o cisalhamento da matriz polimérica, são também observados.

  14. Measurements of surface layer of the articular cartilage using microscopic techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ryniewicz, A. M; Ryniewicz, W.; Ryniewicz, A.; Gaska, A.


    The articular cartilage is the structure that directly cooperates tribologically in biobearing. It belongs to the connective tissues and in the joints it assumes two basic forms: hyaline cartilage that builds joint surfaces and fibrocartilage which may create joint surfaces. From this fibrocartilage are built semilunar cartilage and joint disc are built as well. The research of articular cartilage have been done in macro, micro and nano scale. In all these measurement areas characteristic features occur which can identify biobearing tribology. The aim of the research was the identification of surface layer of articular cartilage by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atom force microscopy (AFM) and the analysis of topography of these layers. The material used in the research of surface layer was the animal articular cartilage: hyaline cartilage and fibrocartilage.

  15. Measurements of surface layer of the articular cartilage using microscopic techniques (United States)

    Ryniewicz, A. M.; Ryniewicz, A.; Ryniewicz, W.; Gaska, A.


    The articular cartilage is the structure that directly cooperates tribologically in biobearing. It belongs to the connective tissues and in the joints it assumes two basic forms: hyaline cartilage that builds joint surfaces and fibrocartilage which may create joint surfaces. From this fibrocartilage are built semilunar cartilage and joint disc are built as well. The research of articular cartilage have been done in macro, micro and nano scale. In all these measurement areas characteristic features occur which can identify biobearing tribology. The aim of the research was the identification of surface layer of articular cartilage by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atom force microscopy (AFM) and the analysis of topography of these layers. The material used in the research of surface layer was the animal articular cartilage: hyaline cartilage and fibrocartilage.

  16. Comparison of efficacy of intra-articular morphine and steroid in patients with knee osteoarthritis

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    Serbülent Gökhan Beyaz


    Full Text Available Introduction: Primary therapeutic aim in treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee is to relieve the pain of osteoarthritis. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of intra-articular triamcinolone with intra-articular morphine in pain relief due to osteoarthritis of the knee in the elderly population. Materials and Methods: Patients between 50 and 80 years of age were randomized into three groups. Group M received morphine plus bupivacaine intra-articularly, Group T received triamcinolone plus bupivacaine intra-articularly, and Group C received saline plus bupivacaine intra-articularly. Patients were evaluated before injection and in 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 12th weeks after injection. First-line supplementary analgesic was oral paracetamol 1500 mg/day. If analgesia was insufficient with paracetamol, oral dexketoprofen trometamol 50 mg/day was recommended to patients. Results: After the intra-articular injection, there was statistically significant decrease in visual analog scale (VAS scores in Groups M and T, when compared to Group C. The decrease of VAS scores seen at the first 2 weeks continued steadily up to the end of 12th week. There was a significant decrease in Groups M and T in the WOMAC scores, when compared to Group C. There was no significant difference in the WOMAC scores between morphine and steroid groups. Significantly less supplementary analgesics was used in the morphine and steroid groups. Conclusion: Intra-articular morphine was as effective as intra-articular triamcinolone for analgesia in patients with osteoarthritis knee. Intra-articular morphine is possibly a better option than intra-articular steroid as it has lesser side effects.

  17. Laser biostimulation of articular cartilage: in vitro evaluation (United States)

    Jia, Yali; Guo, Zhouyi; Yang, Xiaohong; Zeng, Chang-Chun


    In the orthopaedic field, the repair of ariticular cartilage is still a difficult problem, because of the physiological characters of cartilaginous tissues and chondrocytes. To find an effective method of stimulating their regeneration, this in vitro study focuses on the biostimulation of rabbit articular chondrocytes by low-power He-Ne laser. The articular chondrocytes isolated from the cartilage of the medial condyle of the femur of the rabbit were incubated in HamF12 medium. The second passage culture were spread on 24 petri dishes and were irradiated with laser at power density of 2 - 12 mW/cm2 for 6.5 minutes, corresponding to the energy density of 1-6 J/cm2. Laser treatment was performed three times at a 24-hour interval. After lasering, incubation was continued for 24 hours. Non-irradiated cells were kept under the same conditions as the irradiated ones. The cell proliferation activity was evaluated with a XTT colorimetric method. Irradiation of 4 - 6 J/cm2 revealed a considerably higher cell proliferation activity comparing to control cultures. Thereinto, the energy density of 4 and 5 J/cm2 remarkably increased cell growth (P<0.01). The present study showed that a particular laser irradiation stimulates articular chondrocytes proliferation. These findings might be clinically relevant, indicating that low-power laser irradiation treatment is likely to achieve the repair of articular cartilage in clinic.

  18. Extra-Articular Manifestations of Seronegative and Seropositive Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Vjollca Sahatçiu-Meka


    Full Text Available Although considered a “joint disease,” rheumatoid arthritis is associated with the involvement of extra-articular manifestations. The aim of the study is the investigation and comparison of frequency and type of extra-articular manifestations in a well defined community based cohort of patients with seropositive and seronegative rheumatoid arthritis. Using the ACR (1987 criteria for rheumatoid arthritis, patients have been classified into the 2nd and 3rd functional class (ARA. The studied group consisted of 125 seronegative patients with titters lower than 1:64 as defined by Rose-Waaler test, whereas the control group consisted of 125 seropositive patients with titters of 1:64 or higher. All patients were between 25-60 years of age (Xb=49,96, with disease duration between 1-27 years (Xb=6,41. In order to present the findings of the study, the structure, prevalence, arithmetic mean (Xb, standard deviation (SB, variation quotient (QV% and variation interval (Rmax-Rmin have been used. Probability level has been expressed by p<0,01 and p<0,05. Correlation between the number of extra-articular manifestations and duration of the disease has been calculated by means of Pearson linear correlation. Higher presence of diffuse lung fibrosis, central and peripheral nervous system damages have been confirmed in the seropositive group, and osteoporosis in the seronegative; however, no statistical difference has been found. In extra-articular manifestations, “rheumatoid core” in the seropositive subset (χ2=4,80, p<0,05 presented significant statistical difference. Rheumatoid nodules were more frequent in seropositive subset (12%:16%, in both sexes; however, they were not of significant statistical difference. Neuropathy and lung diseases were also frequently present in seropositive group, but no statistical difference has been found regarding the statistical difference. Longer duration of the disease resulted in an increase of the number of extra-articular

  19. Extra-articular manifestations of seronegative and seropositive rheumatoid arthritis. (United States)

    Sahatciu-Meka, Vjollca; Rexhepi, Sylejman; Manxhuka-Kerliu, Suzana; Rexhepi, Mjellma


    Although considered a "joint disease," rheumatoid arthritis is associated with the involvement of extra-articular manifestations. The aim of the study is the investigation and comparison of frequency and type of extra-articular manifestations in a well defined community based cohort of patients with seropositive and seronegative rheumatoid arthritis. Using the ACR (1987) criteria for rheumatoid arthritis, patients have been classified into the 2nd and 3rd functional class (ARA). The studied group consisted of 125 seronegative patients with titters lower than 1:64 as defined by Rose-Waaler test, whereas the control group consisted of 125 seropositive patients with titters of 1:64 or higher. All patients were between 25-60 years of age (Xb=49,96), with disease duration between 1-27 years (Xb=6,41). In order to present the findings of the study, the structure, prevalence, arithmetic mean (Xb), standard deviation (SB), variation quotient (QV%) and variation interval (Rmax-Rmin) have been used. Probability level has been expressed by p<0,01 and p<0,05. Correlation between the number of extra-articular manifestations and duration of the disease has been calculated by means of Pearson linear correlation. Higher presence of diffuse lung fibrosis, central and peripheral nervous system damages have been confirmed in the seropositive group, and osteoporosis in the seronegative; however, no statistical difference has been found. In extra-articular manifestations, "rheumatoid core" in the seropositive subset (chi2=4,80, p<0,05) presented significant statistical difference. Rheumatoid nodules were more frequent in seropositive subset (12%:16%), in both sexes; however, they were not of significant statistical difference. Neuropathy and lung diseases were also frequently present in seropositive group, but no statistical difference has been found regarding the statistical difference. Longer duration of the disease resulted in an increase of the number of extra-articular

  20. Pinos transcorticais e gesso associados à aplicação local de plasma rico em plaquetas no tratamento de fratura do III metatarsiano em potro

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    Marcos Jun Watanabe


    Full Text Available Em potros até um ano de idade, as fraturas do III osso metacarpiano (McIII ou III metatarsiano (MtIII são principalmente atribuídas ao trauma. A redução aberta e a imobilização do foco com implantes constituem o tratamento cirúrgico recomendado. Uma potra com três meses de idade e 150kg, da raça Quarto de Milha, que apresentava umafratura diafisária multifragmentar em cunha do MtIII direito foi submetida à osteossíntese através datransfixação externa e gesso, associada com a aplicação intralesional deplasma rico em plaquetas (PRP. Após dois anos do tratamento, o animal iniciou programa de treinamento para corrida e, após seis meses do treinamento, correu o primeiro páreo oficial. A escolha dos métodos terapêuticos para o tratamento de fraturas em equinos deve ser baseada naquela que promova reparação precoce e de melhor qualidade, com menores riscos de complicações. Sendo assim, a associação terapêutica adotada foi considerada favorável, já que possibilitou o completo reestabelecimento da locomoção da paciente, podendo inclusive competir na sua modalidade esportiva

  1. Parafusos bioabsorvíveis na reparação de fraturas experimentais de sesamóides proximais em eqüinos Bioabsorbable screws in the healing of experimentally induced fractures of the proximal sesamoid bone in horses

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    Marcelo Damas Pyles


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a eficácia dos implantes bioabsorvíveis de ácido polilático na fixação interna de fraturas induzidas no osso sesamóide proximal de eqüinos. Osteossínteses foram realizadas em oito eqüinos, distribuídos em dois grupos de quatro animais conforme o implante: aqueles que receberam implantes bioabsorvíveis formaram o grupo GI e os que receberam implantes metálicos do grupo GII. O monitoramento radiográfico foi realizado no 30° dia (D30, no 60° dia (D60, no 90° dia (D90 e no 120o dia (D120 pós-operatório. Ao exame radiográfico no D30, observou-se preenchimento do foco de fratura de aspecto radiopaco, porém com densidade reduzida nos animais do grupo GII. Tal preenchimento às análises clínica e radiográfica apresentou qualidade superior no grupo GI, quando comparado com o grupo GII. No D120, observou-se, nos animais de ambos os grupos, ao exame radiográfico, o preenchimento do foco de fratura por tecido radiopaco, indicando a reparação da fratura em sua quase totalidade. Contudo, no GI, observaram-se pontos de esclerose ao redor do implante bioabsorvível e, ao exame físico, ausência de claudicação e, nos animais do GII, diminuição da flexão metacarpo-falangeana e claudicação de grau I. Os implantes bioabsorvíveis de PLLA mostram-se eficazes na fixação interna de fraturas induzidas dos ossos sesamóides proximais de eqüinos; os animais submetidos à redução da fratura com implantes bioabsorvíveis apresentaram ao final do experimento grau de claudicação menor quando comparados com os animais que receberam implantes metálicos. À análise radiográfica, os implantes bioabsorvíveis de PLLA possibilitaram remodelamento ósseo de melhor qualidade, quando comparados com os implantes metálicos.This study evaluated the efficacy of bioabsorbable polylactic acid implants in internal fixation of induced fractures of the proximal sesamoid bone in horses. Eight horses underwent osteosynthesis; four

  2. [Basophilic line of the articular cartilage in normal and various pathological states]. (United States)

    Gongadze, L R


    Epiphyses of long tubular bones in the man and animals of various age, as well as experimental material of the adjuvant arthritis, with special reference to the basal part of the articular cartilage have been studied by means of histological, histochemical and histometrical methods. The structural-chemical organization of the basophilic line (tidemark) of the articular cartilage ensures its barrier role and participation in regulating selective permeability. Reconstruction of the tidemark in the process of physiological ageing and in cases of the articular pathology is aimed to preserve its integrity and in this way a complete differentiation of the noncalcified and calcified structures is secured. Disturbance of the basophilic line results in changes of the articular selective permeability, in invasion of vessels and structural elements of the bone marrow, and in development of profound distrophic and destructive changes of the cartilage--in deforming artrosis. Deflations in the structural-chemical organization of the tidemark indicate certain disturbances in the state of the system articular cartilage--subchondral bone. These data can be of prognostic importance.

  3. Peroneal tendon displacement accompanying intra-articular calcaneal fractures. (United States)

    Toussaint, Rull James; Lin, Darius; Ehrlichman, Lauren K; Ellington, J Kent; Strasser, Nicholas; Kwon, John Y


    Peroneal tendon displacement (subluxation or dislocation) accompanying an intra-articular calcaneal fracture is often undetected and under-treated. The goals of this study were to determine (1) the prevalence of peroneal tendon displacement accompanying intra-articular calcaneal fractures, (2) the association of tendon displacement with fracture classifications, (3) the association of tendon displacement with heel width, and (4) the rate of missed diagnosis of the tendon displacement on radiographs and computed tomography (CT) scans and the resulting treatment rate. A retrospective radiographic review of all calcaneal fractures presenting at three institutions from June 30, 2006, to June 30, 2011, was performed. CT imaging of 421 intra-articular calcaneal fractures involving the posterior facet was available for review. The prevalence of peroneal tendon displacement was noted and its associations with fracture classification and heel width were evaluated. Peroneal tendon displacement was identified in 118 (28.0%) of the 421 calcaneal fracture cases. The presence of tendon displacement was significantly associated with joint-depression fractures compared with tongue-type fractures (p displacement had been identified in the radiology reports. Although sixty-five (55.1%) of the fractures with tendon displacement had been treated with internal fixation, the tendon displacement was treated surgically in only seven (10.8%) of these cases. Analysis of CT images showed a 28% prevalence of peroneal tendon displacement accompanying intra-articular calcaneal fractures. Surgeons and radiologists are encouraged to consider this association.

  4. Comparison of friction and wear of articular cartilage on different length scales. (United States)

    Kienle, Sandra; Boettcher, Kathrin; Wiegleb, Lorenz; Urban, Joanna; Burgkart, Rainer; Lieleg, Oliver; Hugel, Thorsten


    The exceptional tribological properties of articular cartilage are still far from being fully understood. Articular cartilage is able to withstand high loads and provide exceptionally low friction. Although the regeneration abilities of the tissue are very limited, it can last for many decades. These biomechanical properties are realized by an interplay of different lubrication and wear protection mechanisms. The deterioration of cartilage due to aging or injury leads to the development of osteoarthritis. A current treatment strategy focuses on supplementing the intra-articular fluid with a saline solution containing hyaluronic acid. In the work presented here, we investigated how changing the lubricating fluid affects friction and wear of articular cartilage, focusing on the boundary and mixed lubrication as well as interstitial fluid pressurization mechanisms. Different length and time scales were probed by atomic force microscopy, tribology and profilometry. We compared aqueous solutions with different NaCl concentrations to a viscosupplement containing hyaluronic acid (HA). In particular, we found that the presence of ions changes the frictional behavior and the wear resistance. In contrast, hyaluronic acid showed no significant impact on the friction coefficient, but considerably reduced wear. This study confirms the previous notion that friction and wear are not necessarily correlated in articular cartilage tribology and that the main role of HA might be to provide wear protection for the articular surface. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Widespread epigenomic, transcriptomic and proteomic differences between hip osteophytic and articular chondrocytes in osteoarthritis. (United States)

    Steinberg, Julia; Brooks, Roger A; Southam, Lorraine; Bhatnagar, Sahir; Roumeliotis, Theodoros I; Hatzikotoulas, Konstantinos; Zengini, Eleni; Wilkinson, J Mark; Choudhary, Jyoti S; McCaskie, Andrew W; Zeggini, Eleftheria


    To identify molecular differences between chondrocytes from osteophytic and articular cartilage tissue from OA patients. We investigated genes and pathways by combining genome-wide DNA methylation, RNA sequencing and quantitative proteomics in isolated primary chondrocytes from the cartilaginous layer of osteophytes and matched areas of low- and high-grade articular cartilage across nine patients with OA undergoing hip replacement surgery. Chondrocytes from osteophytic cartilage showed widespread differences to low-grade articular cartilage chondrocytes. These differences were similar to, but more pronounced than, differences between chondrocytes from osteophytic and high-grade articular cartilage, and more pronounced than differences between high- and low-grade articular cartilage. We identified 56 genes with significant differences between osteophytic chondrocytes and low-grade articular cartilage chondrocytes on all three omics levels. Several of these genes have known roles in OA, including ALDH1A2 and cartilage oligomeric matrix protein, which have functional genetic variants associated with OA from genome-wide association studies. An integrative gene ontology enrichment analysis showed that differences between osteophytic and low-grade articular cartilage chondrocytes are associated with extracellular matrix organization, skeletal system development, platelet aggregation and regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascade. We present a first comprehensive view of the molecular landscape of chondrocytes from osteophytic cartilage as compared with articular cartilage chondrocytes from the same joints in OA. We found robust changes at genes relevant to chondrocyte function, providing insight into biological processes involved in osteophyte development and thus OA progression.

  6. Indentation stiffness does not discriminate between normal and degraded articular cartilage. (United States)

    Brown, Cameron P; Crawford, Ross W; Oloyede, Adekunle


    Relative indentation characteristics are commonly used for distinguishing between normal healthy and degraded cartilage. The application of this parameter in surgical decision making and an appreciation of articular cartilage biomechanics has prompted us to hypothesise that it is difficult to define a reference stiffness to characterise normal articular cartilage. This hypothesis is tested for validity by carrying out biomechanical indentation of articular cartilage samples that are characterised as visually normal and degraded relative to proteoglycan depletion and collagen disruption. Compressive loading was applied at known strain rates to visually normal, artificially degraded and naturally osteoarthritic articular cartilage and observing the trends of their stress-strain and stiffness characteristics. While our results demonstrated a 25% depreciation in the stiffness of individual samples after proteoglycan depletion, they also showed that when compared to the stiffness of normal samples only 17% lie outside the range of the stress-strain behaviour of normal samples. We conclude that the extent of the variability in the properties of normal samples, and the degree of overlap (81%) of the biomechanical properties of normal and degraded matrices demonstrate that indentation data cannot form an accurate basis for distinguishing normal from abnormal articular cartilage samples with consequences for the application of this mechanical process in the clinical environment.

  7. The minor collagens in articular cartilage

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Luo, Yunyun; Sinkeviciute, Dovile; He, Yi


    Articular cartilage is a connective tissue consisting of a specialized extracellular matrix (ECM) that dominates the bulk of its wet and dry weight. Type II collagen and aggrecan are the main ECM proteins in cartilage. However, little attention has been paid to less abundant molecular components......, especially minor collagens, including type IV, VI, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, and XIV, etc. Although accounting for only a small fraction of the mature matrix, these minor collagens not only play essential structural roles in the mechanical properties, organization, and shape of articular cartilage, but also...... fulfil specific biological functions. Genetic studies of these minor collagens have revealed that they are associated with multiple connective tissue diseases, especially degenerative joint disease. The progressive destruction of cartilage involves the degradation of matrix constituents including...

  8. MRI features of three paediatric intra-articular synovial lesions: a comparative study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kan, J.H. [Monroe Carell Jr. Children' s Hospital at Vanderbilt, Nashville, TN (United States)], E-mail:; Hernanz-Schulman, M. [Monroe Carell Jr. Children' s Hospital at Vanderbilt, Nashville, TN (United States); Damon, B.M.; Yu, Chang [Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN (United States); Connolly, S.A. [Boston Children' s Hospital, Boston, IL (United States)


    Aim: To determine reliable magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features differentiating three paediatric intra-articular congenital or neoplastic synovial lesions that contain blood products, from post-traumatic or haemorrhagic inflammatory processes. Materials and methods: This was a retrospective review of MRI findings of 22 paediatric intra-articular congenital or neoplastic synovial lesions, including venous malformation (VM) (n = 12), pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS; n = 8), and synovial sarcoma (SS; n = 2). These MRI features were compared with 22 paediatric post-traumatic or inflammatory intra-articular processes containing blood products and producing mass effect. The following imaging features were assessed: presence of a discrete mass, extension, extra-articular oedema, susceptibility, joint effusion, and size. Fisher's exact test was used and results were considered statistically significant when p < 0.05. Results: The three intra-articular synovial lesions, compared with controls, were more likely to directly invade osseous structures when a discrete mass was present (13/16, 81.3% versus 1/9, 11.1%; p < 0.002) and extend into extra-articular soft tissues (13/21, 61.9% versus 2/17, 11.8%; p < 0.003), but were less likely to show extra-articular oedema (3/22, 13.6% versus 13/22, 59.1%; p < 0.004), a joint effusion (10/22,45.5% versus 19/22, 86.4%, p < 0.01), susceptibility within a joint effusion (0/22, 0% versus 11/22, 40.9%; p = 0.00), osseous oedema (3/16, 18.8% versus 7/9, 77.8%; p < 0.009), and synovial enhancement (8/21, 38.1% versus 14/16, 87.5%; p < 0.003). VMs had characteristic tubular vessels with internal fluid-fluid levels (11/12) that extended into bone (10/12) and extracapsular soft tissues (11/12). Conclusion: Our study indicates that, despite the overlapping presence of haemorrhagic products, intra-articular VM, PVNS, and SS show MRI features that permit distinction from acquired post-traumatic and haemorrhagic inflammatory

  9. Fraturas vertebrais em grandes animais: estudo retrospectivo de 39 casos (1987-2002 Vertebral fractures in large animals: retrospective study of 39 cases (1987-2002

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    A.S. Borges


    Full Text Available Realizou-se estudo retrospectivo (1987-2002 dos aspectos clínicos das fraturas vertebrais em eqüinos, bovinos, ovinos, caprinos e suínos atendidos no hospital veterinário da FMVZ-Unesp de Botucatu. Todos os casos tiveram confirmação radiográfica ou post-mortem. Segundo a espécie, a ordem de acometimento foi: bovina, eqüina, ovina, caprina e suína. As lesões ocorreram desde os 12 dias de idade até os 10 anos, com maior freqüência até os 12 meses. O segmento torácico foi o mais comprometido seguido dos segmentos lombar, cervical e sacral. As fraturas vertebrais devem fazer parte da lista de diagnósticos diferenciais de animais em decúbito, independente da espécie, sexo ou idade.It was performed a retrospective study (1987-2002 of clinical features of spinal fractures in the equine, bovine, ovine, caprine and swine referred to the Veterinary Hospital - FMVZ-Unesp in Botucatu, SP, Brazil. All the cases were confirmed by necropsy or radiographic evaluation. Bovines were the most affected species, followed by horses, sheep, goats and swines, and lesions occurred from 12 days to 10 years of age, being more frequent up to 12 months of age. Thoracic vertebrae were the most affected, followed by lumbar, cervical and sacral segments. Vertebral fractures should be included for differential diagnosis of recumbent animals, independently on species, sex or age.

  10. Matrix development in self-assembly of articular cartilage.

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    Gidon Ofek


    Full Text Available Articular cartilage is a highly functional tissue which covers the ends of long bones and serves to ensure proper joint movement. A tissue engineering approach that recapitulates the developmental characteristics of articular cartilage can be used to examine the maturation and degeneration of cartilage and produce fully functional neotissue replacements for diseased tissue.This study examined the development of articular cartilage neotissue within a self-assembling process in two phases. In the first phase, articular cartilage constructs were examined at 1, 4, 7, 10, 14, 28, 42, and 56 days immunohistochemically, histologically, and through biochemical analysis for total collagen and glycosaminoglycan (GAG content. Based on statistical changes in GAG and collagen levels, four time points from the first phase (7, 14, 28, and 56 days were chosen to carry into the second phase, where the constructs were studied in terms of their mechanical characteristics, relative amounts of collagen types II and VI, and specific GAG types (chondroitin 4-sulfate, chondroitin 6-sulfate, dermatan sulfate, and hyaluronan. Collagen type VI was present in initial abundance and then localized to a pericellular distribution at 4 wks. N-cadherin activity also spiked at early stages of neotissue development, suggesting that self-assembly is mediated through a minimization of free energy. The percentage of collagen type II to total collagen significantly increased over time, while the proportion of collagen type VI to total collagen decreased between 1 and 2 wks. The chondroitin 6- to 4- sulfate ratio decreased steadily during construct maturation. In addition, the compressive properties reached a plateau and tensile characteristics peaked at 4 wks.The indices of cartilage formation examined in this study suggest that tissue maturation in self-assembled articular cartilage mirrors known developmental processes for native tissue. In terms of tissue engineering, it is

  11. Risk factors for osteoporotic fractures and low bone density in pre and postmenopausal women Factores de riesgo para fractura por osteoporosis y baja densidad ósea en mujeres en la pre y post menopausia Fatores de risco para fratura por osteoporose e baixa densidade óssea em mulheres na pré e pós-menopausa

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    Marcelo M Pinheiro


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence and analyze risk factors associated to osteoporosis and low-trauma fracture in women. METHODS: Cross-sectional study including a total of 4,332 women older than 40 attending primary care services in the Greater São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, between 2004 and 2007. Anthropometrical and gynecological data and information about lifestyle habits, previous fracture, medical history, food intake and physical activity were obtained through individual quantitative interviews. Low-trauma fracture was defined as that resulting from a fall from standing height or less in individuals 50 years or older. Multiple logistic regression models were designed having osteoporotic fracture and bone mineral density (BMD as the dependent variables and all other parameters as the independent ones. The significance level was set at pOBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia y analizar los factores de riesgo asociados con osteoporosis y fractura por bajo impacto entre mujeres. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal realizado con 4.332 mujeres encima de 40 años de edad provenientes de atención primaria de salud en el área metropolitana de la gran Sao Paulo, SP, entre 2004 2007. Datos antropométricos y ginecológico y relativos a hábitos de vida, fractura previa, antecedentes personales, ingestión alimentaria y actividad física fueron evaluados por medio de entrevista individual y cuantitativa. Fractura por bajo impacto fue definida como decurrente de caída de la propia altura o menos en individuos con más de 50 años de edad. Modelos de regresión multivariada y logística analizaron, respectivamente, la densidad ósea y la fractura por osteoporosis, como variables dependientes y todas las otras como independientes. El nivel de significancia estadística establecido fue pOBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência e analisar os fatores de risco associados com osteoporose e fratura por baixo impacto entre mulheres. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado

  12. Repair and tissue engineering techniques for articular cartilage. (United States)

    Makris, Eleftherios A; Gomoll, Andreas H; Malizos, Konstantinos N; Hu, Jerry C; Athanasiou, Kyriacos A


    Chondral and osteochondral lesions due to injury or other pathology commonly result in the development of osteoarthritis, eventually leading to progressive total joint destruction. Although current progress suggests that biologic agents can delay the advancement of deterioration, such drugs are incapable of promoting tissue restoration. The limited ability of articular cartilage to regenerate renders joint arthroplasty an unavoidable surgical intervention. This Review describes current, widely used clinical repair techniques for resurfacing articular cartilage defects; short-term and long-term clinical outcomes of these techniques are discussed. Also reviewed is a developmental pipeline of acellular and cellular regenerative products and techniques that could revolutionize joint care over the next decade by promoting the development of functional articular cartilage. Acellular products typically consist of collagen or hyaluronic-acid-based materials, whereas cellular techniques use either primary cells or stem cells, with or without scaffolds. Central to these efforts is the prominent role that tissue engineering has in translating biological technology into clinical products; therefore, concomitant regulatory processes are also discussed.

  13. Functional anatomy of the equine temporomandibular joint: Collagen fiber texture of the articular surfaces. (United States)

    Adams, K; Schulz-Kornas, E; Arzi, B; Failing, K; Vogelsberg, J; Staszyk, C


    In the last decade, the equine masticatory apparatus has received much attention. Numerous studies have emphasized the importance of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) in the functional process of mastication. However, ultrastructural and histological data providing a basis for biomechanical and histopathological considerations are not available. The aim of the present study was to analyze the architecture of the collagen fiber apparatus in the articular surfaces of the equine TMJ to reveal typical morphological features indicating biomechanical adaptions. Therefore, the collagen fiber alignment was visualized using the split-line technique in 16 adult warmblood horses without any history of TMJ disorders. Within the central two-thirds of the articular surfaces of the articular tubercle, the articular disc and the mandibular head, split-lines ran in a correspondent rostrocaudal direction. In the lateral and medial aspects of these articular surfaces, the split-line pattern varied, displaying curved arrangements in the articular disc and punctual split-lines in the bony components. Mediolateral orientated split-lines were found in the rostral and caudal border of the articular disc and in the mandibular fossa. The complex movements during the equine chewing cycle are likely assigned to different areas of the TMJ. The split-line pattern of the equine TMJ is indicative of a relative movement of the joint components in a preferential rostrocaudal direction which is consigned to the central aspects of the TMJ. The lateral and medial aspects of the articular surfaces provide split-line patterns that indicate movements particularly around a dorsoventral axis. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Postnatal development of articular cartilage

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Turnhout, van M.C.


    Articular cartilage (AC) is the thin layer of tissue that covers the ends of the bones in the synovial joints in mammals. Functional adult AC has depth-dependent mechanical properties that are not yet present at birth. These depth-dependent mechanical properties in adult life are the result of a

  15. Fratura epifisiolise da extremidade proximal do úmero com luxação intratorácica: relato de caso Epiphysiolysis fracture of the proximal end of the humerus with intrathoracic dislocation: a case report

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    Jaime Guiotti Filho


    Full Text Available A fratura da extremidade proximal do úmero com luxação intratorácica foi relatada em 1949 por West, em que a fratura era, somente, do tubérculo maior. Desde então, poucos casos foram relatados na literatura, a maioria constituída por pessoas idosas, prevalecendo como indicação terapêutica artroplastia parcial. Os autores relatam o caso de um adolescente de 14 anos de idade, sexo masculino, que apresentou fratura epifisiolise da extremidade proximal do úmero com luxação intratorácica em decorrência de acidente ciclístico e que foi submetido a tratamento cirúrgico com redução, osteossíntese e reinserção do manguito rotador. A recuperação da cabeça do úmero totalmente desvitalizada e o acompanhamento do processo de necrose e revas cularização durante seis anos, em paciente adolescente, parece não terem sido previamente relatados.Fracture of the proximal end of the humerus with intrathoracic dislocation was reported in 1949 by West, and the fracture was only a fracture of the greater tubercle. Few cases have since been published, and most of them in elderly individuals, partial arthroplasty prevailing as the therapy indication. The authors report the case of a 14 year old boy who presented with an epiphysiolysis fracture of the proximal end of the humerus with intrathoracic dislocation resulting from a bicycle accident. The boy was submitted to surgical treatment with reduction, osteosynthesis, and reinsertion of the rotator cuff. The totally devitalized humeral head recovery and the monitoring of the necrosis and revascularization process for a period of six years in a teenager patient seems to have never been reported before.

  16. Tenacidade à fratura translaminar dinâmica de um laminado híbrido metal-fibra para uso em elevadas temperaturas Translaminar dynamic fracture toughness of a hybrid fiber-metal laminate devised to high-temperature applications

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    José R. Tarpani


    Full Text Available A tenacidade à fratura translaminar dinâmica do laminado híbrido metal-fibra titânio-grafite com matriz termoplástica foi determinada sob as velocidades de impacto de 2,25 e 5,52 m/s, no intervalo de temperaturas de -196 a +180 °C, e comparada à de laminados compósitos convencionais de fibras de carbono e resina epóxi. Constatou-se que o laminado híbrido exibe uma tenacidade à iniciação da fratura inferior à dos compósitos tradicionais com fibras na forma de fita unidirecional, porém superior à dos laminados convencionais com fibras na forma de tecido bidirecional. Os ensaios de impacto revelaram que, comparativamente ao desempenho mecânico dos laminados carbono-epóxi, o emprego do laminado híbrido metal-fibra se justifica mais pela sua resistência à propagação do que à iniciação da fratura dinâmica.The translaminar dynamic fracture toughness of titanium-graphite hybrid fiber-metal laminate with thermoplastic matrix has been determined at the impact velocities of 2.25 and 5.52 m/s, within the temperature range from -196 to +180 ºC, and compared to that of conventional carbon-epoxy composite laminates. The hybrid laminate exhibits lower initiation fracture toughness than traditional unidirectional tape composites though it is tougher than conventional woven fabric laminates. Impact tests revealed that, if compared to the mechanical performance of conventional carbon-epoxy laminates, the fiber-metal laminate application must rely on its resistance to dynamic fracture propagation rather than on fracture initiation.

  17. Impact of exercise on articular cartilage: Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bricca, Alessio


    This thesis summarizes the evidence on the impact of exercise on articular cartilage. No evidence was found to support beneficial effects of exercise on articular cartilage, although in people at risk of, or with, knee osteoarthritis, exercise is not harmful for articular cartilage structure and ...

  18. Patients With Ligament Hiperlaxity With Rupture Of Previous Plastic For ACL. Reconstruction With Intra-articular And Extra-articular Combined Technics (United States)

    Astore, Ignacio; Agotegaray, Juan Ignacio; Comba, Ignacio; Bisiach, Luciana


    Introduction: In cases of patients with ligament hiperlaxity with rupture of ACL, the use of a BTB graft is recommended for its reconstruction. Our job consists of the clinical and functional assessment of a group of 10 patients with ligament laxaty according to Beighton scale, who, after surgery for ACL rupture with BTB technique, suffered a rupture of the plastic. For its reconstruction a combination of intra-articular and extra-articular techniques was used with a BTB graft in the contralateral knee, associated with a modified Lemaire technique. Methods: The series consists of 10 patients, male, average age of 24.2 years, amateur athletes, operated for a second time in March, 2011 and November, 2013, with a minimum follow-up of 24 months. They were evaluated before surgery and 24 months after surgery based on Lysholm scale, IKDC evaluation form and a physical exam (Lachman - Pivot Shift). Results: After surgery, the average in Lysholm scale was of 87.6 and 86.3 for the IKDC subjetive form. In the physical exam, 8 patients showed Lachman 1+, while none of the patients showed Pivot Shift positive. 7 patients were able to return to their usual sport activities. As a postoperative disadvantage, 6 patients reported pain in the external face of the knee in the first 6 months. And 4 patients reported a subjetive loss of full extension that did not interfere with their sport activities. Conclusion: Based on our experience and literature, we believe that the combination of both techniques, intra-articular (BTB) and extra-articular (Lemaire), is a good alternative for patients with ligament laxaty, providing positive clinical and functional results.

  19. Ombro flutuante associado à luxação escápulo-umeral posterior: relato de caso Floating shoulder combined with posterior scapulohumeral dislocation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alessandro Ulhôa Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Apresenta-se rara variação de ombro flutuante associada a luxação glenoumeral posterior em paciente masculino, 26 anos de idade, vítima de acidente motociclístico. Ao exame, queixava-se de dor no ombro esquerdo, limitação dos movimentos, principalmente da rotação externa. A radiografia em ântero-posterior (AP verdadeiro mostrou fratura do colo da glenóide, sem envolvimento articular, e fratura do processo coracóide. A radiografia em perfil, axilar e a tomografia computadorizada confirmaram a luxação posterior. Os autores discutem as questões que fazem deste um caso singular no qual se optou por redução aberta e fixação da fratura com placa de reconstrução pélvica. O controle radiológico confirmou o restabelecimento da anatomia. A fratura consolidou-se, resultando em um ombro normal e funcional.A rare variation of the floating shoulder is presented, combined with a posterior glenohumeral dislocation in a male, 26 year old patient, victim of a motorcycle accident. On physical examination, he complained of pain in the left shoulder, limitation of should movements, in particular external rotation. True anteroposterior X-ray showed a fracture of the glenoid neck without joint involvement and fracture of the coracoid process. Profile, axillary X-ray and CT scan confirmed the posterior dislocation. The authors discuss the features that make this case a unique case for which open reduction and fracture fixation with a pelvic reconstruction plate were chosen. Radiological follow-up confirmed recovery of the anatomy. The fracture healed and the result is a normal, functional shoulder.

  20. Efeito do laser de baixa potência (AsGa, 904 ηm na reparação óssea de fraturas em ratos Effect of low-level laser (GaAs, 904 ηm for bone repair on fractures in rats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Alfredo Léo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar os efeitos do laser de baixa potência, AsGa - 904 ηm, no reparo ósseo de fraturas de tíbias em ratos. MÉTODOS: 40 ratos divididos em quatro grupos de 10 animais: grupo controle, sem fratura (GC; grupo com fratura, sem tratamento (GE II; grupo com fratura tratado com laser a 10J/cm² (GE III e grupo com fratura tratado com laser a 15J/cm² (GE IV. A fratura foi realizada cirurgicamente e o tratamento teve duração de 45 dias, realizado em dias alternados. Finalizado o tratamento, os ratos foram submetidos à eutanásia e as tíbias tratadas foram radiografadas e submetidas a ensaios mecânicos de flexão em três pontos para avaliar a força máxima (N para ruptura. RESULTADOS: Os valores observados de força máxima (N foram: grupo controle (GC de 51,5N ± 7,9N; GE II de 17,2N ± 7,8N; GE III de 16,6N ± 12,1N e GE IV de 30,3N ± 7,8N. Foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre o grupo controle e os grupos experimentais e também entre o grupo experimental IV e os grupos experimentais II e III. Em relação às radiografias, foi observada a formação de calo ósseo em todos os grupos fraturados, indicando que passaram pelo processo normal de reparo tecidual. CONCLUSÃO: O grupo GE IV, submetido à terapia laser com dosagem de 15J/cm² obteve o maior valor para força máxima (N entre os grupos experimentais, indicando a influência da maior dosagem do laser no reparo ósseo.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effects of low-level laser therapy (GaAs, 904 nm for bone repair on tibial fractures in rats. METHODS: Forty rats were divided into four groups of 10 animals: control group without fracture (CG; fracture group without treatment (EG II; fracture group treated with laser at 10 J/cm² (EG III; and fracture group treated with laser at 15 J/cm² (EG IV. The fracture was produced surgically and the treatment lasted 45 days, done on alternate days. After treatment completion, the rats were sacrificed. The

  1. Indications for intra-articular steroid in osteoarthritis of the ankle and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The results of treatment with intra-articular steroid in an unselected group of patients with osteo-arthritis of the ankle and metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe are described. From the results of this trial it is possible to lay down indications for the use of intra-articular steroid in these conditions. In the ankle joint it is ...

  2. Fraturas supracondilares tipo III do úmero em crianças: tratamento com braço reto Type III supracondylar fractures of the humerus in children: straight-arm treatment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jamish Gandhi


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: As fraturas supracondilares de Gartland tipo III são as lesões comuns em crianças. Apresentamos um método de redução manipulativa, imobilização e fixação usando gesso-de-Paris, com o cotovelo em extensão total (braço reto. MÉTODO: Estudo retrospectivo analisando todos os pacientes com fraturas supracondilares de Gartland tipo III no Wellington Public Hospital, durante o período de fevereiro de 1999 a março de 2007. Os sete pacientes foram tratados pela técnica do braço reto, e os desfechos clínicos foram revisados neste estudo. RESULTADO: Todos os pais ficaram satisfeitos com os resultados. Usando os critérios de Flynn,6 seis pacientes atingiram excelentes resultados e um teve resultado bom quando se analisou o ângulo de alinhamento. Ao verificar a amplitude de movimento, quatro pacientes tiveram resultados bons, um moderado e dois, ruim. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento com braço reto das fraturas supracondilares de Gartland tipo III parece ser uma alternativa não-invasiva e segura da fixação com fio K.OBJECTIVE: Gartland type III supracondylar fractures are a common injury in children. We present a method of manipulative reduction, immobilization and fixation using Plaster of Paris with the elbow in full extension (straight-arm. METHOD: Retrospective study analyzing all patients with Gartland type III supracondylar fractures at the Wellington Public Hospital during the period from February 1999 to March 2007. The seven patients had been treated with the straight-arm technique, and the clinical outcomes are reviewed in this study. RESULT: All the parents were satisfied with the results. Using the Flynn criteria6, six patients achieved excellent results and one good, in relation to the carrying angle. With regard to the range of motion, four patients had good results, one fair, and two poor. CONCLUSION: Straight-arm treatment of Gartland type III supracondylar fractures appears to be a non-invasive and safe

  3. Development of artificial articular cartilage

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Mechanical strength of Poly(vinyl alcohol), PVA is improved up to 35 MPa. Manufacturing method is adopted considering colloidal stability of nano silica particle in PVA sol at specific pH = 1. An adhesive is also prepared from PVA/Si nanocomposite containing 40% TEOS for firm attachment of artificial articular cartilage on ...

  4. Influência do componente protéico na consolidação de fraturas: trabalho experimental em ratos Influence of the protein component upon fracture healing: an experimental study in rats

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    Roberto Guarniero


    Full Text Available Os autores estudaram a influência da nutrição protéica na consolidação de fraturas em 40 ratos Lewis divididos em 4 grupos de 10. Durante 6 semanas os grupos 1, 2 e 3 receberam respectivamente dietas com 0, 19% e 36% de proteínas. O grupo 4 recebeu dieta sem proteínas durante as 2 primeiras semanas e com 36% de proteínas nas 4 semanas seguintes. Foram realizadas fraturas nas tíbias esquerdas ao final de 2 semanas e após 4 semanas das fraturas os animais foram sacrificados para estudo dos calos ósseos. Para a avaliação dos resultados foram utilizadas medidas clínicas, bioquímicas, radiográficas, densitométricas, e histomorfométricas. Concluiu-se que a dieta hiperprotéica alterou a consolidação óssea produzindo um calo maior e mais resistente, mas não alterou a qualidade em concentração de cálcio e em porcentagem a quantidade de tecido ósseo.The authors investigated the influence of a protein diet on fracture healing in 40 Lewis rats divided into four groups of ten. During 6 weeks, Groups 1, 2 and 3 were fed diets containing, respectively, 0.19% and 36% protein. Group 4 was fed a proteinless diet during the first two weeks and a 36%-protein diet during the next 4 weeks. At two weeks, fractures were performed in the left tibias; all animals were killed 4 weeks later so that the bone calluses could be investigated. Clinical, biochemical, radiographic, densitometry and histomorphometry measurements were performed to evaluate the findings. The conclusion was that the hyperprotein diet altered bone healing by producing a larger, more resistant callus, although it did not change quality as regards calcium levels and the percentage amount of bone tissue.

  5. Oxygen, nitric oxide and articular cartilage

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    B Fermor


    Full Text Available Molecular oxygen is required for the production of nitric oxide (NO, a pro-inflammatory mediator that is associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. To date there has been little consideration of the role of oxygen tension in the regulation of nitric oxide production associated with arthritis. Oxygen tension may be particularly relevant to articular cartilage since it is avascular and therefore exists at a reduced oxygen tension. The superficial zone exists at approximately 6% O2, while the deep zone exists at less than 1% O2. Furthermore, oxygen tension can alter matrix synthesis, and the material properties of articular cartilage in vitro.The increase in nitric oxide associated with arthritis can be caused by pro-inflammatory cytokines and mechanical stress. Oxygen tension significantly alters endogenous NO production in articular cartilage, as well as the stimulation of NO in response to both mechanical loading and pro-inflammatory cytokines. Mechanical loading and pro-inflammatory cytokines also increase the production of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2. There is a complex interaction between NO and PGE2, and oxygen tension can alter this interaction. These findings suggest that the relatively low levels of oxygen within the joint may have significant influences on the metabolic activity, and inflammatory response of cartilage as compared to ambient levels. A better understanding of the role of oxygen in the production of inflammatory mediators in response to mechanical loading, or pro-inflammatory cytokines, may aid in the development of strategies for therapeutic intervention in arthritis.

  6. Transcriptional profiling differences for articular cartilage and repair tissue in equine joint surface lesions

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    Stromberg Arnold J


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Full-thickness articular cartilage lesions that reach to the subchondral bone yet are restricted to the chondral compartment usually fill with a fibrocartilage-like repair tissue which is structurally and biomechanically compromised relative to normal articular cartilage. The objective of this study was to evaluate transcriptional differences between chondrocytes of normal articular cartilage and repair tissue cells four months post-microfracture. Methods Bilateral one-cm2 full-thickness defects were made in the articular surface of both distal femurs of four adult horses followed by subchondral microfracture. Four months postoperatively, repair tissue from the lesion site and grossly normal articular cartilage from within the same femorotibial joint were collected. Total RNA was isolated from the tissue samples, linearly amplified, and applied to a 9,413-probe set equine-specific cDNA microarray. Eight paired comparisons matched by limb and horse were made with a dye-swap experimental design with validation by histological analyses and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR. Results Statistical analyses revealed 3,327 (35.3% differentially expressed probe sets. Expression of biomarkers typically associated with normal articular cartilage and fibrocartilage repair tissue corroborate earlier studies. Other changes in gene expression previously unassociated with cartilage repair were also revealed and validated by RT-qPCR. Conclusion The magnitude of divergence in transcriptional profiles between normal chondrocytes and the cells that populate repair tissue reveal substantial functional differences between these two cell populations. At the four-month postoperative time point, the relative deficiency within repair tissue of gene transcripts which typically define articular cartilage indicate that while cells occupying the lesion might be of mesenchymal origin, they have not recapitulated differentiation to

  7. Mapping the articular contact area of the long head of the biceps tendon on the humeral head. (United States)

    Morris, Brent J; Byram, Ian R; Lathrop, Ray A; Dunn, Warren R; Kuhn, John E


    The purpose of this investigation was to calculate the contact surface area of the long head of the biceps (LHB) in neutral position and abduction. We sought to determine whether the LHB articulates with the humeral head in a consistent pattern comparing articular contact area in neutral position and abduction. Eleven fresh frozen matched cadaveric shoulders were analyzed. The path of the biceps tendon on the articular surface of the humeral head and the total articular surface were digitized using a MicronTracker 2 H3-60 three-dimensional optical tracker. Contact surface area was significantly less in abduction than in neutral position (P = 0.002) with a median ratio of 41% (36%, 47.5%). Ratios of contact area in neutral position to full articular surface area were consistent between left and right shoulders (rho = 1, P = 0.017) as were ratios of abduction area to full articular surface area (rho = 0.97, P = 0.005). The articular contact surface area is significantly greater in neutral position than abduction. The ratios of articular contact surface areas to total humeral articular surface areas have a narrow range and are consistent between left and right shoulders of the same cadaver.

  8. A Comparison of Outcomes of Particulated Juvenile Articular Cartilage and Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate for Articular Cartilage Lesions of the Talus. (United States)

    Lanham, Nathan S; Carroll, John J; Cooper, Minton T; Perumal, Venkat; Park, Joseph S


    Articular cartilage lesions of the talus remain a challenging clinical problem because of the lack of natural regeneration and limited treatment options. Microfracture is often the first-line therapy, however lesions larger than 1.5 cm 2 have been shown to not do as well with this treatment method. The objective of this retrospective study was to evaluate the outcomes of iliac crest bone marrow aspirate concentrate/collagen scaffold (ICBMA) and particulated juvenile articular cartilage (PJAC) for larger articular cartilage lesions of the talus. Fifteen patients undergoing ICBMA or PJAC for articular cartilage lesions of the talus from 2010 to 2013 were reviewed. Twelve patients, 6 from each treatment option, were included in the study. American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Surgeons (AOFAS), Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM), and Short Form-12 (SF-12) outcome scores were collected for each patient. The mean age was 34.7 ± 14.8 years for ICBMA and 31.5 ± 7.4 years for PJAC. Lesion size was 2.0 ± 1.1 cm 2 for ICBMA and 1.9 ± 0.9 cm 2 for PJAC. At a mean follow-up of 25.7 months (range, 12-42 months), the mean AOFAS score was 71.33 for ICBMA and 95.83 for PJAC (  P = .019). The FAAM activities of daily living subscale mean was 77.77 for ICBMA and 97.02 for PJAC (   P = .027). The mean FAAM sports subscale was 45.14 for ICBMA and 86.31 for PJAC (  P = .054). The SF-12 physical health mean was 47.58 for ICBMA and 53.98 for PJAC (  P = .315). The SF-12 mental health mean was 53.25 for ICBMA and 57.8 for PJAC (  P = .315). One patient in treated initially with ICBMA underwent revision fixation for nonunion of their medial malleolar osteotomy, which ultimately resulted in removal of hardware and tibiotalar arthrodesis at 2 years from the index procedure. In the present analysis, PJAC yields better clinical outcomes at 2 years when compared with ICBMA for articular cartilage lesions of the talus that were on average greater than 1.5cm 2 . Therapeutic, Level

  9. Determination of piroxicam from rat articular tissue and plasma based on LC-MS/MS. (United States)

    Kim, Han Sol; Cho, Ha Ra; Ho, Myoung Jin; Kang, Myung Joo; Choi, Yong Seok


    Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common type of arthritis. To manage OA, in general, oral administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is used. Recently, the analgesic and anti-inflammatory efficacy of piroxicam (PX), a long-acting NSAID, by intra-articular (IA) administration in OA was reported, and the possibility that PX is distributed in articular tissues at a certain concentration was raised. Thus, herein, novel LC-MS/MS methods to detect PX in rat articular tissue and plasma are presented. For articular tissue, solvent extraction with acetonitrile for 12 h was employed and a protein precipitation method was used for the preparation of a plasma sample. The developed methods were validated by following the FDA guidelines, and the validated methods were successfully applied to a PK study of IA PX. The present study presents, to our knowledge, the first method of determining a drug in articular tissue. Additionally, the level of PX in articular tissue after IA PX administration was experimentally confirmed for the first time using the present methods. Therefore, the present methods provide a new direction for in vivo evaluation for IA PX formulations and contribute to the development of alternative IA PX formulations with better effects for the treatment of OA.

  10. Redução fechada e fixação esquelética externa tipo II para o tratamento de fraturas de tibiotarso em pombos domésticos (Columba livia Closed reduction and type-II external skeletal fixation for treatment of tibiotarsus fractures in domestic pigeons (Columba livia

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    Marcelo Meller Alievi


    Full Text Available A redução fechada e o fixador esquelético externo tipo II foram avaliados para o tratamento de fraturas de tibiotarso em pombos domésticos (Columba livia. Foram utilizadas doze aves adultas. Os pombos foram anestesiados com a associação de xilazina e cetamina e, em seguida, foi realizada fratura do tibiotarso direito através de pressão digital sobre a diáfise do membro. Quatro pinos de Kirschner, dois proximais e dois distais ao foco da fratura, foram inseridos através de ambas as corticais ósseas e, após redução fechada da fratura, conectados externamente por duas barras de acrílico autopolimerizável, uma na face lateral e outra na face medial do membro. Em cinco aves, foi observado radiograficamente desvio ósseo angular, porém, a função do membro não foi afetada. O tempo médio e o desvio padrão para a cicatrização óssea foram 24,8 ± 4,89 dias. Os resultados demonstram que a redução fechada e o fixador esquelético externo tipo II são efetivos para o tratamento de fraturas de tibiotarso em pombos domésticos (Columba livia.The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of closed reduction and type-II external skeletal fixation for treatment of tibiotarsus fractures in domestic pigeons (Columba livia. Twelve adult domestic pigeons were used. Anesthesia was induced with xylazine and ketamine hydrochloride; the right tibiotarsus was manually fractured by digital pressure applied at the mid-diaphysis. Four Kirschner wires were placed through both cortices of the bone, two proximal and two distal to the fracture site, and, after closed reduction of the fracture, they were stabilized by two acrilic bars, one in the lateral and another in the medial surface of the tibiotarsus. Abnormalities in bone angulation were observed radiographically in five birds; however, the function of the limb was not noticeably impaired. The mean time ± standard deviation for fracture healing was 24.8 ± 4.89 days. The results of this

  11. bFGF influences human articular chondrocyte differentiation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schmal, H; Zwingmann, J; Fehrenbach, M


    BACKGROUND: The possible functional role of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in regulating the mitotic and metabolic activity of primary human articular chondrocytes was investigated. METHODS: [EF1]Chondrocytes were enzymatically isolated from femoral head cartilage, and were cultured in vitro......FGF concentrations in supernatants of primary human articular chondrocytes peaked immediately after isolation and then declined. In a dose-dependent manner, bFGF enhanced cell amplification and viability. BFGF induced a decrease in the apoptotic cell population, while the number of proliferating cells remained...... by 53%, which was correlated with diminished mRNA production. Monolayer cultured chondrocytes secreted significant amounts of aggrecan that decreased over time. Secretion of this cartilage-specific marker was further reduced by the addition of bFGF. DISCUSSION: These findings highlight the potential...

  12. Articular Cartilage Increases Transition Zone Regeneration in Bone-tendon Junction Healing (United States)

    Qin, Ling; Lee, Kwong Man; Leung, Kwok Sui


    The fibrocartilage transition zone in the direct bone-tendon junction reduces stress concentration and protects the junction from failure. Unfortunately, bone-tendon junctions often heal without fibrocartilage transition zone regeneration. We hypothesized articular cartilage grafts could increase fibrocartilage transition zone regeneration. Using a goat partial patellectomy repair model, autologous articular cartilage was harvested from the excised distal third patella and interposed between the residual proximal two-thirds bone fragment and tendon during repair in 36 knees. We evaluated fibrocartilage transition zone regeneration, bone formation, and mechanical strength after repair at 6, 12, and 24 weeks and compared them with direct repair. Autologous articular cartilage interposition resulted in more fibrocartilage transition zone regeneration (69.10% ± 14.11% [mean ± standard deviation] versus 8.67% ± 7.01% at 24 weeks) than direct repair at all times. There was no difference in the amount of bone formation and mechanical strength achieved. Autologous articular cartilage interposition increases fibrocartilage transition zone regeneration in bone-tendon junction healing, but additional research is required to ascertain the mechanism of stimulation and to establish the clinical applicability. PMID:18987921

  13. Mapping the Articular Contact Area of the Long Head of the Biceps Tendon on the Humeral Head

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brent J. Morris


    Full Text Available The purpose of this investigation was to calculate the contact surface area of the long head of the biceps (LHB in neutral position and abduction. We sought to determine whether the LHB articulates with the humeral head in a consistent pattern comparing articular contact area in neutral position and abduction. Eleven fresh frozen matched cadaveric shoulders were analyzed. The path of the biceps tendon on the articular surface of the humeral head and the total articular surface were digitized using a MicronTracker 2 H3-60 three-dimensional optical tracker. Contact surface area was significantly less in abduction than in neutral position (P=0.002 with a median ratio of 41% (36%, 47.5%. Ratios of contact area in neutral position to full articular surface area were consistent between left and right shoulders (rho=1, P=0.017 as were ratios of abduction area to full articular surface area (rho= 0.97, P=0.005. The articular contact surface area is significantly greater in neutral position than abduction. The ratios of articular contact surface areas to total humeral articular surface areas have a narrow range and are consistent between left and right shoulders of the same cadaver.

  14. Low-Cost Intra-Articular Distraction Technique Using Kirschner Wires and a Toothed Lamina Spreader. (United States)

    Shymon, Stephen Joseph; Harris, Thomas Gregory

    We describe a low-cost (instrument cost) technique for joint distraction using 2 Kirschner wires and a toothed lamina spreader in lieu of a Hintermann distractor. The described technique allows for temporary intra-articular distraction and visualization and preservation of the articular surface with extra-articular instrumentation. The technique can also allow for closed reduction and percutaneous treatment in cases of soft tissue compromise. Additionally, the technique uses common orthopedic surgical instruments, leading to a minimal learning curve for novice surgeons. We have found this distraction technique to be most effective for intra-articular preparation of hindfoot and midfoot arthrodeses and for navicular fracture reduction. Copyright © 2016 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Secondary knee instability caused by fracture of the stabilizing insert in a dual-articular total knee

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boesen, Morten P; Jensen, Tim Toftgaard; Husted, Henrik


    A case of a fractured polyethylene stabilizing insert causing secondary knee instability in a Dual-articular total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is presented. A 65-year-old woman who underwent surgery with a Dual-articular TKA 4 years earlier had a well-functioning prosthesis until a fall, after which......-articular knee....

  16. Novel bioadhesive polymers as intra-articular agents: Chondroitin sulfate-cysteine conjugates. (United States)

    Suchaoin, Wongsakorn; Bonengel, Sonja; Griessinger, Julia Anita; Pereira de Sousa, Irene; Hussain, Shah; Huck, Christian W; Bernkop-Schnürch, Andreas


    The aim of this study was to generate and characterize a chondroitin sulfate-cysteine conjugate (CS-cys) as a novel bioadhesive agent for intra-articular use. Mucoadhesive properties of synthesized CS-cys were investigated by rheological measurement of polymer-mucus mixture and rotating cylinder method, while bioadhesive features of CS-cys on porcine articular cartilage were evaluated via tensile studies. Thiolation was achieved by attachment of l-cysteine to CS via amide bond formation mediated by carbodiimide as a coupling reagent. The conjugate exhibited 421.17±35.14 μmol free thiol groups per gram polymer. The reduced CS-cys displayed 675.09±39.67 μmol free thiol groups per gram polymer after disulfide bonds reduction using tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine hydrochloride. The increase in dynamic viscosity of thiolated CS due to oxidative disulfide bond formation was demonstrated using capillary viscometer. The combination of CS-cys and mucus led to 4.57-fold increase in dynamic viscosity in comparison with mucus control. Furthermore, adhesion time to porcine mucosa of CS-cys-based test disk was enhanced by 2.48-fold compared to unmodified CS as measured by rotating cylinder method suggesting the interaction between thiomers and mucus gel layer via disulfide bonds formation. Tensile studies of thiolated CS on porcine articular cartilage showed 5.37- and 1.76-fold increase in the total work of adhesion and the maximum detachment force, respectively, in comparison with unmodified CS indicating bioadhesive features of CS-cys. Cytotoxicity of CS-cys was assessed in Caco-2 cells and rat primary articular chondrocytes using MTT and LDH release assay, thereby showing the safety of CS-cys at a concentration of 0.25% (w/v) in Caco-2 cells. Furthermore, 0.1% of CS-cys was found non-toxic to rat primary articular chondrocytes. According to these results, CS-cys provides improved bioadhesive properties that might be useful as an intra-articular agent for treatment of

  17. Inflammatory Microenvironment Persists After Bone Healing in Intra-articular Ankle Fractures. (United States)

    Adams, Samuel B; Leimer, Elizabeth M; Setton, Lori A; Bell, Richard D; Easley, Mark E; Huebner, Janet L; Stabler, Thomas V; Kraus, Virginia B; Olson, Steven A; Nettles, Dana L


    Post-traumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA) is responsible for the majority of cases of ankle arthritis. While acute and end-stage intra-articular inflammation has previously been described, the state of the joint between fracture healing and end-stage PTOA remains undefined. This study characterized synovial fluid (SF) composition of ankles after bone healing of an intra-articular fracture to identify factors that may contribute to the development of PTOA. Of an original 21 patients whose SF was characterized acutely following intra-articular ankle fractures, 7 returned for planned hardware (syndesmotic screw) removal after bone healing (approximately 6 months) and consented to a second bilateral SF collection. SF concentrations of 15 cytokines and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and 2 markers each of cartilage catabolism (CTXII and glycosaminoglycan) and hemarthrosis (biliverdin and bilirubin) were compared for previously fractured and contralateral, uninjured ankles from the same patient. Analysis was also performed to determine the effect of the number of fracture lines and involvement of soft tissue on SF composition. Interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, MMP-1, MMP-2, and MMP-3 were significantly elevated in the SF from healed ankles compared to matched contralateral uninjured ankles at approximately 6 months after fracture. There were no differences in markers of cartilage catabolism or hemarthrosis. Only IL-1α was affected by the number of fracture lines while differences were not detected for other analytes or with respect to the involvment of soft tissue. Sustained intra-articular inflammation, even after complete bone healing, was suggested by elevations of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6 and IL-8). In addition, elevated concentrations of MMPs were also noted and were consistent with a persistent inflammatory environment. This study suggests new evidence of persistent intra-articular inflammation after intra-articular ankle fracture healing and suggests potential

  18. Transtendon, Double-Row, Transosseous-Equivalent Arthroscopic Repair of Partial-Thickness, Articular-Surface Rotator Cuff Tears


    Dilisio, Matthew F.; Miller, Lindsay R.; Higgins, Laurence D.


    Arthroscopic transtendinous techniques for the arthroscopic repair of partial-thickness, articular-surface rotator cuff tears offer the advantage of minimizing the disruption of the patient's remaining rotator cuff tendon fibers. In addition, double-row fixation of full-thickness rotator cuff tears has shown biomechanical advantages. We present a novel method combining these 2 techniques for transtendon, double-row, transosseous-equivalent arthroscopic repair of partial-thickness, articular-s...

  19. MR diffusion weighted imaging experimental study on early stages of articular cartilage degeneration of knee

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dai Jingru; Dai Shipeng; Pang Jun; Xu Xiaokun; Wang Yuexin; Zhang Zhigang


    Objective: To study the appearance of MR diffusion weighted imaging in early stages of cartilage degeneration and to detect its values. Methods: In 20 goat left knees, intra- articular injection of 5 units of papain was performed causing a loss of cartilage proteoglycan. Twenty right knees were used as control group. MR diffusion weighted imaging was performed at 24 hours after intra-articular injection of papain. ADC of each part of articular cartilage was measured and compared with each other. The proteoglycan content was measured biochemically and histochemically. Routine MRI and DWI were performed in 100 patients with osteoarthritis and 20 healthy people. The ADC of each interested part of articular cartilage was measured and compared with each other. Results: In experimental control group, the ADCav of articular cartilage was (14.2±2.3) x 10 -4 mm 2 /s. In early stages of cartilage degeneration group, the ADCav of articular cartilage was (17.5±4.2) x 10 -4 mm 2 /s. The ADCav of the control group was lower than that of the early stages of cartilage degeneration group (t=2.709; P=0.016). The proteloglycan content of articular cartilage was 4.22 x 10 6 μg/kg in control group, and 0.82 x 10 6 μg/kg in experimental group at 24 hours after injection of papain. The difference between control group and experimental group was significant (t=2.705, P=0.018). In healthy people, the ADCav of articular cartilage was (7.6±2.2) x 10 -4 mm 2 /s. In osteoarthritis group, the ADCav of articular cartilage was (10.3±4.2) x 10 -4 mm 2 /s. The ADCav in the healthy group was significantly lower than that in the osteoarthritis group (t=2.609,P=0.014). Conclusion: DWI is an useful method in detecting early stages of cartilage degeneration which can not be showed on routine sequences. (authors)

  20. Intra-articular gouty tophi of the knee: CT and MR imaging in 12 patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, C.K.H.; Yeh Lee Ren; Pan Huay-Ben; Yang Chien-Fang; National Yang-Ming Univ., Taipei; Lu Yih-Chau; Wang Jyh-Seng; Resnick, D.; California Univ., Los Angeles, CA


    Objective. To define the imaging characteristics of intra-articular tophi of the knee. Design and patients. Twelve patients with intra-articular tophi in the knee were studied with routine MR imaging, gadolinium (Gd)-enhanced MR imaging, and CT over a 4-year period. There were 11 men and one woman, 25-82 years of age (mean age 48 years). Four patients did not have a documented history of gout at the time of the MR examination. The diagnosis of intra-articular tophi was provided by arthroscopy and histological examination (5 patients), by microscopic study of joint fluid (5 patients), or by characteristic clinical, laboratory and imaging findings (2 patients). Results. In 15 MR examinations the tophi were located purely intra-articularly in 10 knees. In the remaining five MR studies, periarticular soft tissues or bone, or both, were involved. All the intra-articular tophi manifested low to intermediate signal intensity on both T1- and T2-weighted images. All five Gd-enhanced MR examinations demonstrated a heterogeneous peripheral enhancement. All 10 CT scans showed varying degrees of stippled calcifications within the tophi. The nature of the calcifications was confirmed on histological examination in three patients. Conclusion. Presenting clinical manifestations of gout may relate to intra-articular tophaceous deposits. Such deposits present as masses on MR images with low to intermediate signal intensity on both T1- and T2-weighted images and a characteristic enhancement pattern following intravenous Gd administration. These features relate primarily to internal calcifications, which are most evident on CT images. MR evaluation (including Gd administration) supplemented, in some cases, with CT scanning allows accurate diagnosis of intra-articular tophaceous deposits. (orig.)

  1. Holmium:YAG laser effects on articular cartilage metabolism: in vitro (United States)

    Smith, R. Lane; Montgomery, L.; Fanton, G.; Dillingham, M.; Schurman, D. J.


    We report effects of applying variable doses of Holmium:YAG laser energy to bovine articular cartilage in vitro. The response of the cartilage to the Holmium:YAG laser energy was determined by quantification of cell proliferation and extracellular matrix glycosaminoglycan synthesis. This study demonstrates that articular cartilage cell metabolism was maintained at a normal level following treatment of cartilage at a dose of 0.6 joules/pulse. The laser energy was applied at 10 Hz for 10 seconds at 1 mm distance from the cartilage. Under these conditions and at a dose of 0.6 joules/pulse, the total energy density was calculated to be 240 joules/cm2, assuming minimal loss of energy due to water absorption. Energy levels grater than 0.8 joules/pulse corresponding to calculated energy densities greater than 320 joules/cm2 proved harmful to cartilage. Our data demonstrate that low levels of Holmium:YAG laser energy can be applied to articular cartilage under conditions that maintain and/or stimulate cell metabolism.

  2. Imaging of acute injuries of the articular surfaces (chondral, osteochondral and subchondral fractures)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bohndorf, K. [Department of Radiology, Zentralklinikum Augsburg (Germany)


    Fractures involving the articulating surfaces of bone are a common cause of chronic disability after joint injury. Acute fractures of the articular surface typically run parallel to the surface and are confined to the cartilage and/or the immediate subchondral cancellous bone. They should be distinguished from vertical or oblique bone fractures with intra-articular extension. This article reviews the mechanism of acute articular surface injuries, as well as their incidence, clinical presentation, radiologic appearance and treatment. A classification is presented based on direct inspection (arthroscopy) and imaging (especially MRI), emphasizing the distinction between lesions with intact (subchondral impaction and subchondral bone bruises) and disrupted (chondral, osteochondral lesions) cartilage. Hyaline cartilage, subchondral bone plate and subchondral cancellous bone are to be considered an anatomic unit. Subchondral articular surface lesions, osteochondral fractures and solely chondral fractures are different manifestations of impaction injuries that affect the articulating surface. Of the noninvasive imaging modalities, conventional radiography and MRI provide the most relevant information. The appropriate use of short tau inversion recovery, T1-weighted and T2-weighted (turbo) spin-echo as well as gradient-echo sequences, enables MRI to classify the various acute articular surface lesions with great accuracy and provides therapeutic guidance. (orig.)

  3. Imaging of acute injuries of the articular surfaces (chondral, osteochondral and subchondral fractures)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bohndorf, K.


    Fractures involving the articulating surfaces of bone are a common cause of chronic disability after joint injury. Acute fractures of the articular surface typically run parallel to the surface and are confined to the cartilage and/or the immediate subchondral cancellous bone. They should be distinguished from vertical or oblique bone fractures with intra-articular extension. This article reviews the mechanism of acute articular surface injuries, as well as their incidence, clinical presentation, radiologic appearance and treatment. A classification is presented based on direct inspection (arthroscopy) and imaging (especially MRI), emphasizing the distinction between lesions with intact (subchondral impaction and subchondral bone bruises) and disrupted (chondral, osteochondral lesions) cartilage. Hyaline cartilage, subchondral bone plate and subchondral cancellous bone are to be considered an anatomic unit. Subchondral articular surface lesions, osteochondral fractures and solely chondral fractures are different manifestations of impaction injuries that affect the articulating surface. Of the noninvasive imaging modalities, conventional radiography and MRI provide the most relevant information. The appropriate use of short tau inversion recovery, T1-weighted and T2-weighted (turbo) spin-echo as well as gradient-echo sequences, enables MRI to classify the various acute articular surface lesions with great accuracy and provides therapeutic guidance. (orig.)

  4. Low-intensity infrared laser effects on zymosan-induced articular inflammatory response (United States)

    Januária dos Anjos, Lúcia Mara; da Fonseca, Adenilson d. S.; Gameiro, Jacy; de Paoli, Flávia


    Low-level therapy laser is a phototherapy treatment that involves the application of low power light in the red or infrared wavelengths in various diseases such as arthritis. In this work, we investigated whether low-intensity infrared laser therapy could cause death by caspase-6 apoptosis or DNA damage pathways in cartilage cells after zymosaninduced articular inflammatory process. Inflammatory process was induced in C57BL/6 mouse by intra-articular injection of zymosan into rear tibio-tarsal joints. Thirty animals were divided in five groups: (I) control, (II) laser, (III) zymosan-induced, (IV) zymosan-induced + laser and (V). Laser exposure was performed after zymosan administration with low-intensity infrared laser (830 nm), power 10 mW, fluence 3.0 J/cm2 at continuous mode emission, in five doses. Twenty-four hours after last irradiation, the animals were sacrificed and the right joints fixed and demineralized. Morphological analysis was observed by hematoxylin and eosin stain, pro-apoptotic (caspase-6) was analyzed by immunocytochemistry and DNA fragmentation was performed by TUNEL assay in articular cartilage cells. Inflammatory process was observed in connective tissue near to articular cartilage, in IV and V groups, indicating zymosan effect. This process was decreased in both groups after laser treatment and dexamethasone. Although groups III and IV presented higher caspase-6 and DNA fragmentation percentages, statistical differences were not observed when compared to groups I and II. Our results suggest that therapies based on low-intensity infrared lasers could reduce inflammatory process and could not cause death by caspase-6 apoptosis or DNA damage pathways in cartilage cells after zymosan-induced articular inflammatory process.

  5. Photoshop-based image analysis of canine articular cartilage after subchondral damage. (United States)

    Lahm, A; Uhl, M; Lehr, H A; Ihling, C; Kreuz, P C; Haberstroh, J


    The validity of histopathological grading is a major problem in the assessment of articular cartilage. Calculating the cumulative strength of signal intensity of different stains gives information regarding the amount of proteoglycan, glycoproteins, etc. Using this system, we examined the medium-term effect of subchondral lesions on initially healthy articular cartilage. After cadaver studies, an animal model was created to produce pure subchondral damage without affecting the articular cartilage in 12 beagle dogs under MRI control. Quantification of the different stains was provided using a Photoshop-based image analysis (pixel analysis) with the histogram command 6 months after subchondral trauma. FLASH 3D sequences revealed intact cartilage after impact in all cases. The best detection of subchondral fractures was achieved with fat-suppressed TIRM sequences. Semiquantitative image analysis showed changes in proteoglycan and glycoprotein quantities in 9 of 12 samples that had not shown any evidence of damage during the initial examination. Correlation analysis showed a loss of the physiological distribution of proteoglycans and glycoproteins in the different zones of articular cartilage. Currently available software programs can be applied for comparative analysis of histologic stains of hyaline cartilage. After subchondral fractures, significant changes in the cartilage itself occur after 6 months.

  6. Role of platelet-rich plasma in articular cartilage injury and disease. (United States)

    Mascarenhas, Randy; Saltzman, Bryan M; Fortier, Lisa A; Cole, Brian J


    Clinical and laboratory research aimed at biological approaches to cartilage repair are currently in high demand due to the poor regenerative capacity of articular cartilage in the setting of a diseased articular environment. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) takes advantage of supraphysiological concentrations of platelets and their growth factors harbored in α-granules, which together attempt to return the diseased articular cartilage to a preinjury state. The local use of PRP directly at the site of cartilage injury is thought to stimulate a natural healing cascade and accelerate the formation of cartilage repair tissue. This article provides an overview of the basic science behind the use of PRP in the treatment of cartilage injury and disease. Both initial and current examples of the use of intra-articular PRP in clinical human studies are provided. These include the use of PRP either alone or as an augmentation device with various other procedures, including arthroscopic microfracture and cell-free resorbable polyglycolic acid-hyaluronan implantation. Finally, the authors describe some of the potential future roles of PRP in clinical settings based on recent literature. These include Achilles tendon rupture, chronic tendinosis, chronic rotator cuff tendinopathy or tearing, muscle injury, and meniscal repair. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A.O. Molotkov


    Full Text Available Canonical and non-canonical Wnt systems are essential regulators of chondrogenesis and bone development. However, the roles of these systems in synovial joint development are not well studied. To determine if canonical Wnt system is active in developing articular chondrocytes we used immunohistochemistry for в-galactosidase and doublecortin (cell-type specific marker for articular chondrocytes to double label sections through joint regions of E14.5, E18.5, P10 and adult mice. Here the following results are presented. Canonical Wnt signal system does not work in developing articular chondrocytes at early embryonic stages (E14.5; it is active in the articular chondrocytes at late embryonic stages (E16.5-E18.5 and during postnatal development (P7-P10, but is turned off again in the adult articular chondrocytes. These results suggest that canonical Wnt signaling is being regulated during articular chondrocytes differentiation and joint formation.

  8. Pharmacokinetics of triamcinolone acetonide following intramuscular and intra-articular administration to exercised Thoroughbred horses. (United States)

    Knych, H K; Vidal, M A; Casbeer, H C; McKemie, D S


    The use of triamcinolone acetonide (TA) in performance horses necessitates establishing appropriate withdrawal times prior to performance. To describe the plasma pharmacokinetics of TA and time-related urine and synovial fluid concentrations following i.m. and intra-articular administration to exercised Thoroughbred horses. Block design. Twelve racing fit adult Thoroughbred horses received a single i.m. administration of TA (0.1 mg/kg bwt). After an appropriate washout period, the same horses then received a single intra-articular TA administration (9 mg) into the right antebrachiocarpal joint. Blood, urine and synovial fluid samples were collected prior to, and at various times, up to 60 days post drug administration and analysed using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Plasma data were analysed using noncompartmental analysis. Maximum measured plasma TA concentrations were 0.996 ± 0.391 at 13.2 h and 1.27 ± 0.278 ng/ml at 6.5 h for i.m. and intra-articular administration, respectively. The plasma terminal elimination half-life was 11.4 ± 6.53 and 0.78 ± 1.00 days for i.m. and intra-articular administration, respectively. Following i.m. administration, TA was below the limit of detection (LOD) by Days 52 and 60 in plasma and urine, respectively. Following intra-articular administration TA was undetectable by Day 7 in plasma and Day 8 in urine. Triamcinolone acetonide was also undetectable in any of the joints sampled following i.m. administration and remained above the limit of quantitation (LOQ) for 21 days following intra-articular administration. This study extends previous studies describing the pharmacokinetics of TA following i.m. and intra-articular administration to the horse and suggests that plasma and urine concentrations are not a good indicator of synovial fluid concentrations. Furthermore, results of this study supports an extended withdrawal time for TA given i.m. © 2013 EVJ Ltd.

  9. Avaliação epidemiológica e radiológica das fraturas diafisárias do fêmur: estudo de 200 casos Epidemiological and radiological evaluation of femoral shaft fractures: study of 200 cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frederico Barra de Moraes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar as características epidemiológicas e radiológicas dos casos de fratura diafisárias de fêmur, ocorridos de 1990 a 2005, tratados cirurgicamente no Hospital de Acidentados - Clínica Santa Isabel - de Goiânia, Goiás, com o propósito de contribuir para o melhor planejamento de medidas preventivas e terapêuticas a adotar em relação a essas fraturas. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados retrospectivamente 200 prontuários e radiografias seriadas de pacientes com fraturas diafisárias do fêmur. Não foram incluídos os pacientes com menos de 10 anos de idade, pois o tratamento para esse grupo foi conservador. Foram descartados 25 prontuários por não fornecer todos os dados necessários ao estudo. Os pacientes foram analisados quanto ao sexo, idade, lado da fratura, exposição óssea, mecanismos de trauma, classificação das fraturas, traumas associados, tempo de consolidação e tipos de fixação cirúrgica. A análise estatística foi feita pelos testes do qui-quadrado, exato de Fisher" e t de Student, considerando significância quando p OBJECTIVE: to evaluate epidemiological and radiological characteristics of the femoral shaft fractures, surgically treated from 1990 to 2005 at Hospital de Acidentados - Clínica Santa Isabel - in Goiânia, Goiás, aiming to contribute to better preventive and therapeutic measures planning to adopt on those fractures. METHODS: 200 patients' files and x-rays with femoral shaft fractures have been retrospectively evaluated. Patients below the age of 10 years were not included because the treatment for this group was conservative. 25 files have been discarded for not supplying all the necessary data to the study. The patients were assessed for sex, age, side of the fracture, bone exposure, mechanisms of trauma, classification of the fractures, associated trauma, time for bone healing and types of surgical devices. Statistic analyses were made by chi-squared, Fisher and Student's-t tests

  10. Mild electrical stimulation with heat stimulation increase heat shock protein 70 in articular chondrocyte. (United States)

    Hiraoka, Nobuyuki; Arai, Yuji; Takahashi, Kenji A; Mazda, Osam; Kishida, Tsunao; Honjo, Kuniaki; Tsuchida, Shinji; Inoue, Hiroaki; Morino, Saori; Suico, Mary Ann; Kai, Hirofumi; Kubo, Toshikazu


    The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of mild electrical stimulation (MES) and heat stress (HS) on heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), that protects chondrocytes and enhances cartilage matrix metabolism, in chondrocyte and articular cartilage. Rabbit articular chondrocytes were treated with MES and/or HS. The safeness was assessed by LDH assay and morphology. HSP70 protein, ubiquitinated proteins and HSP70 mRNA were examined by Western blotting and real-time PCR. Rat knee joints were treated with MES and/or HS. HSP70 protein, ubiquitinated proteins, HSP70 mRNA and proteoglycan core protein (PG) mRNA in articular cartilage were investigated. In vitro, HS increased HSP70 mRNA and HSP70 protein. MES augmented ubiquitinated protein and HSP70 protein, but not HSP70 mRNA. MES + HS raised HSP70 mRNA and ubiquitinated protein, and significantly increased HSP70 protein. In vivo, HS and MES + HS treatment augmented HSP70 mRNA. HS modestly augmented HSP70 protein. MES + HS significantly increased HSP70 protein and ubiquitinated proteins. PG mRNA was markedly raised by MES + HS. This study demonstrated that MES, in combination with HS, increases HSP70 protein in chondrocytes and articular cartilage, and promotes cartilage matrix metabolism in articular cartilage. MES in combination with HS can be a novel physical therapy for osteoarthritis by inducing HSP70 in articular cartilage. Copyright © 2013 Orthopaedic Research Society.

  11. Evaluation on Cartilage Morphology after Intra-Articular Injection of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles in Rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, J.; Gao, Y.; Hou, Y.; Zhao, F.; Pu, F.; Liu, X.; Fan, Y.; Wu, Z.


    Nano scale wear particles would generate from orthopedic implants with nano scale surface topography because of residual stress. In this study, the effect of TiO 2 nanoparticles on articular cartilage was investigated by intra-articular injection in rats. Using contrast-enhanced high-resolution micro computed tomography (micro-CT) technology, the decreased thickness of articular cartilage in distal femur was determined at 1, 7, 14, and 30 days after nanoparticle exposure. A strong linear correlation (r=0.928, P 2 nanoparticles, cartilage thickness showed time-dependent decrease, and cartilage volume was decreased too. Further, the histopathological examination showed the edema chondrocyte and shrinked nucleus in the radial and calcified zone of cartilage. The ultrastructure of articular cartilage implied that the chondrocytes was degenerated, expressing as the condensed chromatin, the dilated endoplasmic reticulum, and the rich mitochondria. Even, the fragments of ruptured endoplasmic reticulum were observed in the cytoplasm of chondrocytes at postexposure day 30. Results indicate that potential damage of articular cartilage was induced by particles existed in knee joint and imply that the bio monitoring should be strengthened in patients with prostheses replacement.

  12. Sonographic evaluation of femoral articular cartilage in the knee

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hong, Sung Hwan; Kong Keun Young; Chung, Hye Won; Choi, Young Ho; Song, Yeong Wook; Kang, Heung Sik


    To investigate the usefulness of sonography for the evaluation of osteoarthritic articular cartilage. Ten asymptomatic volunteers and 20 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee underwent sonographic evaluation. For this, the knee was maintained of full flexion in order to expose the deep portion of femoral condylar cartilage. Both transverse and longitudinal scans were obtained in standardized planes. Sonographic images of the articular cartilages were analyzed in terms of surface sharpness, echogenicity and thickness, along with associated bone changes. Normal cartilages showed a clearly-defined surface, homogeneously low echogenicity and regular thickness. Among 20 patients, the findings for medial and lateral condyles, respectively, were as follows: poorly defined cartilage surface, 16 (80%) and ten (50%); increased echogenicity of cartilage, 17 (85%) and 16 (80%); cartilage thinning, 16 (80%) and 14 (70%) (two medial condyles demonstrated obvious cartilage thickening); the presence of thick subchondral hyperechoic bands, five (25%) and four (20%); the presence of osteophytes, 13 (65%) and 12 (60%). Sonography is a convenient and accurate modality for the evaluation of femoral articular cartilage. In particular, it can be useful for detecting early degenerative cartilaginous change and for studying such change during clinical follow-up. (author)

  13. Is articular pain in rheumatoid arthritis correlated with ultrasound power Doppler findings? (United States)

    Pereira, Daniele Freitas; Gutierrez, Marwin; de Buosi, Ana Leticia Pirozzi; Ferreira, Fernando Bernardes Maia Diniz; Draghessi, Antonella; Grassi, Walter; Natour, Jamil; Furtado, Rita Nely Vilar


    The study is addressed to determine if there is a correlation between intra-articular power Doppler (PD) and pain symptoms in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). A cross-sectional study of patients with established RA was rolled out. Seventy-two patients with chronic swelling at metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints were consecutively enrolled in the study and divided into two groups (painful and painless). In the painful group, the inclusion criteria were pain in the visual analog scale (VAS), from 0 to 10 cm, of at least 4 cm and 0 in the painless group. All two to five MCP joints, bilaterally, were scanned by ultrasound (US) searching for intra-articular PD presence. Any value of p painful group had longer morning stiffness, worse 28-joint disease activity score (DAS 28), and health assessment questionnaire (HAQ) indexes. There were no association between pain and gray scale (GS) synovitis, odds ratio (OR) = 0.9 (0.6-1.2), p = 0.485; and pain and intra-articular PD, OR = 0.8 (0.6-1.2), p = 0.244. Intra-articular PD was not correlated with pain symptom in this study.

  14. X-ray dark field imaging of human articular cartilage: Possible clinical application to orthopedic surgery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kunisada, Toshiyuki; Shimao, Daisuke; Sugiyama, Hiroshi; Takeda, Ken; Ozaki, Toshifumi; Ando, Masami


    Despite its convenience and non-invasiveness on daily clinical use, standard X-ray radiography cannot show articular cartilage. We developed a novel type of X-ray dark field imaging (DFI), which forms images only by a refracted beam with very low background illumination. We examined a disarticulated distal femur and a shoulder joint with surrounding soft tissue and skin, both excised from a human cadaver at the BL20B2 synchrotron beamline at SPring-8. The field was 90 mm wide and 90 mm high. Articular cartilage of the disarticulated distal femur was obvious on DFI, but not on standard X-ray images. Furthermore, DFI allowed visualization in situ of articular cartilage of the shoulder while covered with soft tissue and skin. The gross appearance of the articular cartilage on the dissected section of the proximal humerus was identical to the cartilage shown on the DFI image. These results suggested that DFI could provide a clinically accurate method of assessing articular cartilage. Hence, DFI would be a useful imaging tool for diagnosing joint disease such as osteoarthritis

  15. X-ray dark field imaging of human articular cartilage: Possible clinical application to orthopedic surgery

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kunisada, Toshiyuki [Department of Medical Materials for Musculoskeletal Reconstruction, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama 700-8558 (Japan); Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama 700-8558 (Japan)], E-mail:; Shimao, Daisuke [Department of Radiological Sciences, Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences, Ibaraki 300-2394 (Japan); Sugiyama, Hiroshi [Photon Factory, Institute of Materials Structure Science, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Ibaraki 305-0801 (Japan); Takeda, Ken; Ozaki, Toshifumi [Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama 700-8558 (Japan); Ando, Masami [Research Institute for Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Chiba 278-8510 (Japan)


    Despite its convenience and non-invasiveness on daily clinical use, standard X-ray radiography cannot show articular cartilage. We developed a novel type of X-ray dark field imaging (DFI), which forms images only by a refracted beam with very low background illumination. We examined a disarticulated distal femur and a shoulder joint with surrounding soft tissue and skin, both excised from a human cadaver at the BL20B2 synchrotron beamline at SPring-8. The field was 90 mm wide and 90 mm high. Articular cartilage of the disarticulated distal femur was obvious on DFI, but not on standard X-ray images. Furthermore, DFI allowed visualization in situ of articular cartilage of the shoulder while covered with soft tissue and skin. The gross appearance of the articular cartilage on the dissected section of the proximal humerus was identical to the cartilage shown on the DFI image. These results suggested that DFI could provide a clinically accurate method of assessing articular cartilage. Hence, DFI would be a useful imaging tool for diagnosing joint disease such as osteoarthritis.

  16. Análise biomecânica comparativa entre os sistemas plate-nail e plate-rod em fraturas induzidas em fêmures de caninos: estudo ex-vivo


    Mesquita, Luciane dos Reis


    O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar as propriedades mecânicas da associação da haste intramedular bloqueada e placa óssea (plate-nail) e da associação do pino intramedular e placa óssea (plate-rod), utilizadas em fraturas experimentalmente induzidas em fêmures de caninos. Vinte pares de fêmures de cães foram selecionados para receber os sistemas plate-nail e plate-rod. Em cada fêmur, uma ostectomia no terço médio da diáfise foi realizada e inserido o sistema selecionado. As construções foram...

  17. Effectiveness of fluoroscopy-guided intra-articular steroid injection for hip osteoarthritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Subedi, N.; Chew, N.S.; Chandramohan, M.; Scally, A.J.; Groves, C.


    Aim: To demonstrate the benefits of fluoroscopy-guided intra-articular steroid injection in the hip with varying degrees of disease severity, and to investigate the financial aspects of the procedure and impact on waiting time. Materials and methods: A prospective study was undertaken of patients who underwent fluoroscopic intra-articular steroid injection over the 9-month study period. Comparative analysis of the Oxford hip pain score pre- and 6–8 weeks post-intra-articular injection was performed. Hip radiographs of all patients were categorised as normal, mild, moderate, or severe disease (four categories) based on the modified Kellgren–Lawrence severity scale, and improvement on the Oxford hip pain score on each of these four severity categories were assessed. Results: Within the study cohort of 100 patients, the mean increase in post-procedure hip score of 7.32 points confirms statistically significant benefits of the therapy (p<0.001, 95% confidence interval: 5.55–9.09). There was no significant difference in pre-injection hip score or change in score between the four severity categories (p=0.51). Significant improvement in hip score (p<0.05) was demonstrated in each of the four severity categories 6–8 weeks post-injection. No associated complications were observed. Conclusion: The present study confirms that fluoroscopy-guided intra-articular steroid injection is a highly effective therapeutic measure for hip osteoarthritis across all grades of disease severity with significant cost savings and the potential to reduce waiting times. - Highlights: • Comparable clinical effectiveness of fluoroscopy guided and theatre based therapeutic intra-articular hip injections. • Significant cost savings on fluoroscopy guided hip injection performed in a radiology department. • A potential reduction in patients' waiting time for the procedure.

  18. Evaluation of articular cartilage degeneration with contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujioka, Mikihiro


    The evaluation of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) concentration is important in the clinical diagnosis of articular cartilage degeneration. Glycosaminoglycan provides a large number of fixed negative charges. When manganese ion (Mn 2+ ) is administered to the cartilage matrix, this cation diffuses into the matrix and accumulates in accordance with the distribution of fixed negative charges owing to the electrostatic interaction. The accumulation of Mn 2+ causes a shortening of the relaxation times, resulting in high signal intensity in the MR image, when a T 1 -weighted image is obtained. The present study applied this new method to the articular cartilage to evaluate the degree of the cartilage degeneration. Small pieces of articular cartilage were dissected from the knee joints of young chickens. Experimentally degenerated articular cartilage was obtained by treating the specimen with various concentrations of papain solution. Then specimens were soaked in manganese solution until they obtained equilibrium and served for MR microimaging. The fixed charge density (FCD), the concentration of Mn 2+ and Na + , T 1 and T 2 relaxation times were also measured. In degenerated cartilage, lower accumulation of Mn 2+ due to lower GAG density caused a lower than normal signal intensity. Thus, administration of Mn 2+ enhances the biochemical change in the cartilage matrix in terms of differences in the relaxation time. The actual signal intensity on MRI of each specimen corresponded to the theoretical signal intensity, which was calculated from the FCD. It was concluded that MR images taken with contrast enhancement by Mn 2+ give direct visual information about the GAG density in the articular cartilage. MRI with cationic contrast agent could develop into a new method for early non-invasive diagnosis of cartilage dysfunction and degeneration. (author)

  19. Symposium: evidence for the use of intra-articular cortisone or hyaluronic acid injection in the hip (United States)

    Chandrasekaran, Sivashankar; Lodhia, Parth; Suarez-Ahedo, Carlos; Vemula, S. Pavan; Martin, Timothy J.; Domb, Benjamin G.


    The primary purpose of this review article is to discuss the role of diagnostic, corticosteroid, hyaluronic acid (HA) and platelet rich plasma (PRP) in the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA) and femoroacetabular impingement (FIA). These treatments play an important biological role in the non-operative management of these conditions. Two independent reviewers performed an search of PubMed for articles that contained at least one of the following search terms pertaining to intra-articular hip injection—local anaesthetic, diagnostic, ultrasound, fluoroscopic, image guided, corticosteroid, HA, PRP, OA, labral tears and FAI. Seventy-two full text articles were suitable for inclusion. There were 18 articles addressing the efficacy of diagnostic intra-articular hip injections. With respect to efficacy in OA there were 25 articles pertaining to efficacy of corticosteroid, 22 of HA and 4 of PRP. There were three articles addressing the efficacy of biologics in FAI. Diagnostic intra-articular hip injections are sensitive and specific for differentiating between intra-articular, extra-articular and spinal causes of hip symptoms. Ultrasound and fluoroscopy improves the precision of intra-articular positioning of diagnostic injections. Corticosteroids are more effective than HA and PRP in alleviating pain from hip OA. A higher dose of corticosteroids produces a longer benefit but volume of injection has no significant effect. Intra-articular corticosteroids do not increase infection rates of subsequent arthroplasty. There is currently limited evidence to warrant the routine use of therapeutic injections in the management of labral tears and FIA. PMID:27026814

  20. Diagnosis and management of an intra-articular foreign body in the foot.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Mulhall, K J


    We describe a case of a small intra-articular foreign body in the foot presenting 48 hours following injury, which at operation showed early evidence of septic arthritis. It is essential to accurately localise periarticular foreign bodies in the foot and proceed to arthrotomy and debridement in all cases where there is radiological or clinical evidence to suggest intra-articular retention of a foreign body.

  1. Fixação esquelética externa em fratura tarsometatársica de seriema (Cariama cristata: relato de caso External skeletal fixation in tarsumetatarsus fracture of red-legged seriema (Cariama cristata: a case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    B.B.J. Torres


    Full Text Available Uma seriema (Cariama cristata adulta foi atendida com histórico de traumatismo por tentativa de captura. A ave apresentava dificuldade de apoio do membro pélvico direito, dor à manipulação e fratura exposta do osso tarsometatarso. Optou-se pelo tratamento cirúrgico com redução fechada, utilizando-se fixador esquelético externo tipo II, com barra de conexão acrílica. A técnica cirúrgica utilizada foi satisfatória para o tratamento da fratura, possibilitando reparação óssea e retorno funcional do membro 60 dias após a cirurgia.An adult red-legged seriema (Cariama cristata was referred for examination with history of trauma by capture. The physical examination revealed lameness in the right pelvic limb, sensibility to touch and open fracture of tarsumetatarsus. The treatment was done with surgical closed reduction using a external skeletal fixator type II with acrylic connecting bar. The surgical technique applied was satisfactory for the treatment of the fracture of tarsumetatarsus, since there was bone healing and functional return of the limb at 60 days after surgery.

  2. Osteossíntese com parafuso intramedular nas fraturas proximais do quinto metatarsiano do atleta Intramedullary screw fixation of proximal fifth metatarsal fractures in athletes

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    Marta Maria Teixeira de Oliveira Massada


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados clínicos e radiológicos da osteossíntese com parafuso de compressão intramedular nas fraturas proximais do quinto metatarsiano no atleta. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos no estudo 11 homens e seis mulheres com diagnóstico de fratura das zonas II e III do quinto metatarsiano. Quinze dos pacientes praticavam esporte a nível profissional ou de alto rendimento (futebol: n=11; basquetebol: n=1; atletismo: n=3 e dois praticavam atividade esportiva regular a nível recreacional. Foram submetidos a fixação cirúrgica com parafuso canulado de compressão (4.5mm de diâmetro. Todos os pacientes foram avaliados clinicamente e através da revisão do processo clínico e dos estudos imagiológicos. O tempo médio de seguimento após a cirurgia foi 54 meses (38-70. RESULTADOS: O tempo médio de consolidação (como demonstrado pelo estudo radiológico e de retorno à atividade esportiva foi 7.3 e 7.5 semanas, respectivamente. Todos os atletas retornaram aos níveis de atividade prévios. Não verificamos atrasos de consolidação, não-união ou refraturas à data do estudo. CONCLUSÃO: A osteossíntese com parafuso de compressão intramedular nas fraturas proximais do quinto metatarsiano demonstrou, nos nossos pacientes, ser um procedimento eficaz com taxas de morbilidade muito reduzidas e que permite ao atleta um retorno precoce à atividade esportiva. Nível de evidência I, Série de Casos.OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to review the short- and long-term clinical and radiological results of intramedullary compression screw fixation of proximal fifth metatarsal fractures in athletes. METHODS: Eleven male and six female active patients with fifth metatarsal zone II and zone III fractures fixed with a 4.5-mm cannulated compression screw were evaluated by chart review, review of radiographs, and clinical evaluation. Fifteen of the patients were high-level athletes (soccer: n=11; basketball: n=1; track and field: n

  3. Intra-articular Nodular Fasciitis: An Unexpected Diagnosis for a Joint Lesion: A Case Report

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    MF Michelle Chan


    Full Text Available Pathological lesions in and around a joint can arise from underlying dermis, subcutis, deep muscle, bone or synovium. Clinical presentation can include joint pain, joint swelling, palpable masses and mechanical restriction. Whilst giant cell tumour of tendon sheath, pigmented villonodular synovitis, synovial chondromatosis, lipoma arborescens, juxta articular myxomas and inflammatory arthritis are the better-known conditions of the joint. Intra-articular nodular fasciitis, on the other hand, is less well recognized both clinically and radiologically. It is rarely seen in routine practice and is only described in case reports in the literature. Due to the non-specific clinical and radiological findings as well as the unfamiliarity with the entity, the diagnosis of intra-articular nodular fasciitis is usually clinched only after histological examination. We present a case of intra-articular nodular fasciitis arising in the knee joint which was not suspected clinically or radiologically.

  4. MRI diagnosis of reverse and separation of meniscus articular capsule

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang Xiaofeng; Zhou Chengtao; Mu Renqi; Zhang Guanghui; Xu Yongzhong


    Objective: To explore the MR imaging of reverse and separation of meniscal articular capsule. Methods: MR imaging of reverse and separation of meniscus articular capsule confirmed by surgery and arthroscope were analyzed retrospectively in 8 cases. Results: The 'Butterfly knot sign' disappeared and was replaced with fluid signal on the sagittal slice of meniscal body in 8 cases. Part of back angle remained in 3 cases. 'Double anterior cruciate ligament sign' was showed on one side of middle sagittal slice in 7 cases. 'Reverse meniscus sign' was revealed in intercondylar fossa on the coronary view in 8 cases. Abnormal high signal was showed in the injured meniscus in 6 cases. Abnormal high signal was detected in the opposite meniscus in 5 cases. Conclusion: The MR findings of reverse and separation of meniscus articular capsule include disappearance of 'butterfly knot sign', appearance of 'reverse meniscus sign' and 'double anterior cruciate ligament sign'. The diagnosis would be established if the former 2 signs were present or all the 3 signs were present simultaneously. (authors)

  5. Combined intra-articular glucocorticoid, bupivacaine and morphine reduces pain and convalescence after diagnostic knee arthroscopy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Sten; Lorentzen, Jan S; Larsen, Allan S


    We studied the effect of intra-articullar saline vs. bupivacaine + morphine or bupivacaine morphine + methylprednisolone after diagnostic knee arthroscopy. In a double-blind randomized study, 60 patients undergoing diagnostic knee arthroscopy without a therapeutic procedure were allocated to groups...... receiving intra-articular saline, intra-articular bupivacaine 150 mg + morphine 4 mg or the same dose of bupivacaine + morphine + intra-articular methylprednisolone 40 mg at the end of arthroscopy during general anesthesia. All patients were instructed to resume normal activities immediately after...

  6. Return to sports participation after articular cartilage repair in the knee: scientific evidence. (United States)

    Mithoefer, Kai; Hambly, Karen; Della Villa, Stefano; Silvers, Holly; Mandelbaum, Bert R


    Articular cartilage injury in the athlete's knee presents a difficult clinical challenge. Despite the importance of returning injured athletes to sports, information is limited on whether full sports participation can be successfully achieved after articular cartilage repair in the knee. Systematic analysis of athletic participation after articular cartilage repair will demonstrate the efficacy of joint surface restoration in high-demand patients and help to optimize outcomes in athletes with articular cartilage injury of the knee. Systematic review. A comprehensive literature review of original studies was performed to provide information about athletic participation after articular cartilage repair. The athlete's ability to perform sports postoperatively was assessed by activity outcome scores, rate of return to sport, timing of the return, level of postoperative sports participation, and the continuation of athletic activity over time. Twenty studies describing 1363 patients were included in the review, with an average follow-up of 42 months. Return to sports was possible in 73% overall, with highest return rates after osteochondral autograft transplantation. Time to return to sports varied between 7 and 18 months, depending on the cartilage repair technique. Initial return to sports at the preinjury level was possible in 68% and did not significantly vary between surgical techniques. Continued sports participation at the preinjury level was possible in 65%, with the best durability after autologous chondrocyte transplantation. Several factors affected the ability to return to sport: athlete's age, preoperative duration of symptoms, level of play, lesion size, and repair tissue morphology. Articular cartilage repair in the athletic population allows for a high rate of return to sports, often at the preinjury level. Return to sports participation is influenced by several independent factors. The findings provide pertinent information that is helpful for the

  7. Miniplacas de titânio na redução de fraturas mandibulares em cães e gatos: estudo de seis casos Titanium miniplates in mandibular fracture repair in dogs and cats: study of 6 cases

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    Cristiano Gomes


    Full Text Available Fraturas de mandíbula e maxila são comuns em cães e gatos, correspondendo a cerca de 3 a 6% de todas as fraturas. Muitos tratamentos são propostos para a correção desse defeito, como o uso de pino intramedular, a fixação esquelética externa, a cerclagem e o uso de acrílicos e placas ósseas. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o uso das mini e microplacas de titânio do sistema 2,0 e 1,5mm no tratamento de fraturas mandibulares, em cães e gatos, respectivamente. Os parafusos e as miniplacas utilizadas são compostos de titânio, e o formato dependeu da localização e do tipo de fratura. No total, foram avaliados seis casos, dos quais quatro apresentaram completa consolidação, sendo as placas utilizadas como método único ou associado com fio de aço ou imobilização com focinheira. As causas de insucesso foram a quebra da placa em um dos casos e a contaminação do enxerto, com posterior osteomielite em decorrência da deiscência dos pontos em outro caso. O emprego das miniplacas de titânio mostrou-se eficaz na maioria dos casos testados, promovendo fixação rígida e retorno funcional adequado, sendo utilizado como método único ou associado com outras técnicas de osteossíntese.Jaw and maxilla fractures are common in dogs and cats, representing 3-6% of all fractures. Numerous techniques are proposed to reduce the defect such as intramedullary pin, percutaneous skeletal fixation, circumferential wiring, acrylic splints and bone plating. This study aimed to evaluate the use of 2.0mm and 1.5mm titanium microplates in the treatment of mandibular fractures in dogs and cats, respectively. The screws and the mini and microplates used were composed of titanium and their format depended on the location and type of fracture. A total of 6 cases were selected and 4 of them had complete consolidation using the mini microplate method alone or associated with steel wire or tie with noseband. In one case the failure occurred due to

  8. Basic science and surgical treatment options for articular cartilage injuries of the knee. (United States)

    Tetteh, Elizabeth S; Bajaj, Sarvottam; Ghodadra, Neil S


    The complex structure of articular cartilage allows for diverse knee function throughout range of motion and weight bearing. However, disruption to the structural integrity of the articular surface can cause significant morbidity. Due to an inherently poor regenerative capacity, articular cartilage defects present a treatment challenge for physicians and therapists. For many patients, a trial of nonsurgical treatment options is paramount prior to surgical intervention. In instances of failed conservative treatment, patients can undergo an array of palliative, restorative, or reparative surgical procedures to treat these lesions. Palliative methods include debridement and lavage, while restorative techniques include marrow stimulation. For larger lesions involving subchondral bone, reparative procedures such as osteochondral grafting or autologous chondrocyte implantation are considered. Clinical success not only depends on the surgical techniques but also requires strict adherence to rehabilitation guidelines. The purpose of this article is to review the basic science of articular cartilage and to provide an overview of the procedures currently performed at our institution for patients presenting with symptomatic cartilage lesions.

  9. Chondroitin sulfate reduces the friction coefficient of articular cartilage. (United States)

    Basalo, Ines M; Chahine, Nadeen O; Kaplun, Michael; Chen, Faye H; Hung, Clark T; Ateshian, Gerard A


    The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of chondroitin sulfate (CS)-C on the frictional response of bovine articular cartilage. The main hypothesis is that CS decreases the friction coefficient of articular cartilage. Corollary hypotheses are that viscosity and osmotic pressure are not the mechanisms that mediate the reduction in the friction coefficient by CS. In Experiment 1, bovine articular cartilage samples (n=29) were tested in either phosphate buffered saline (PBS) or in PBS containing 100mg/ml of CS following 48h incubation in PBS or in PBS+100mg/ml CS (control specimens were not subjected to any incubation). In Experiment 2, samples (n=23) were tested in four different solutions: PBS, PBS+100mg/ml CS, and PBS+polyethylene glycol (PEG) (133 or 170mg/ml). In Experiment 3, samples (n=18) were tested in three solutions of CS (0, 10 and 100mg/ml). Frictional tests (cartilage-on-glass) were performed under constant stress (0.5MPa) for 3600s and the time-dependent friction coefficient was measured. Samples incubated or tested in a 100mg/ml CS solution exhibited a significantly lower equilibrium friction coefficient than the respective PBS control. PEG solutions delayed the rise in the friction coefficient relative to the PBS control, but did not reduce the equilibrium value. Testing in PBS+10mg/ml of CS did not cause any significant decrease in the friction coefficient. In conclusion, CS at a concentration of 100mg/ml significantly reduces the friction coefficient of bovine articular cartilage and this mechanism is neither mediated by viscosity nor osmolarity. These results suggest that direct injection of CS into the joint may provide beneficial tribological effects.

  10. Extra-Articular Lateral Tenodesis for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficient Knee: A Case Report

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    Diego García-Germán


    Full Text Available We present the case of an extra-articular lateral tenodesis for an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL deficient knee. A 46-year-old male patient sustained an ACL graft rupture after a motorcycle accident. He complained of rotational instability and giving-way episodes. His previous graft was fixed by an intra-articular femoral staple that was not possible to remove at the time of the ACL revision. A modified Lemaire procedure was then performed. He gained rotational stability and was able to resume his sporting activities. We believe that isolated extra-articular reconstructions may still have a role in selected indications including moderate-demand patients complaining of rotational instability after ACL graft failure.

  11. Extra-Articular Lateral Tenodesis for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficient Knee: A Case Report (United States)

    García-Germán, Diego; Menéndez, Pablo; de la Cuadra, Pablo; Rodríguez-Arozena, Ricardo


    We present the case of an extra-articular lateral tenodesis for an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) deficient knee. A 46-year-old male patient sustained an ACL graft rupture after a motorcycle accident. He complained of rotational instability and giving-way episodes. His previous graft was fixed by an intra-articular femoral staple that was not possible to remove at the time of the ACL revision. A modified Lemaire procedure was then performed. He gained rotational stability and was able to resume his sporting activities. We believe that isolated extra-articular reconstructions may still have a role in selected indications including moderate-demand patients complaining of rotational instability after ACL graft failure. PMID:24369517

  12. Interspecific scaling patterns of talar articular surfaces within primates and their closest living relatives (United States)

    Yapuncich, Gabriel S; Boyer, Doug M


    The articular facets of interosseous joints must transmit forces while maintaining relatively low stresses. To prevent overloading, joints that transmit higher forces should therefore have larger facet areas. The relative contributions of body mass and muscle-induced forces to joint stress are unclear, but generate opposing hypotheses. If mass-induced forces dominate, facet area should scale with positive allometry to body mass. Alternatively, muscle-induced forces should cause facets to scale isometrically with body mass. Within primates, both scaling patterns have been reported for articular surfaces of the femoral and humeral heads, but more distal elements are less well studied. Additionally, examination of complex articular surfaces has largely been limited to linear measurements, so that ‘true area' remains poorly assessed. To re-assess these scaling relationships, we examine the relationship between body size and articular surface areas of the talus. Area measurements were taken from microCT scan-generated surfaces of all talar facets from a comprehensive sample of extant euarchontan taxa (primates, treeshrews, and colugos). Log-transformed data were regressed on literature-derived log-body mass using reduced major axis and phylogenetic least squares regressions. We examine the scaling patterns of muscle mass and physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) to body mass, as these relationships may complicate each model. Finally, we examine the scaling pattern of hindlimb muscle PCSA to talar articular surface area, a direct test of the effect of mass-induced forces on joint surfaces. Among most groups, there is an overall trend toward positive allometry for articular surfaces. The ectal (= posterior calcaneal) facet scales with positive allometry among all groups except ‘sundatherians', strepsirrhines, galagids, and lorisids. The medial tibial facet scales isometrically among all groups except lemuroids. Scaling coefficients are not correlated with sample

  13. Tenascin-C Prevents Articular Cartilage Degeneration in Murine Osteoarthritis Models. (United States)

    Matsui, Yuriyo; Hasegawa, Masahiro; Iino, Takahiro; Imanaka-Yoshida, Kyoko; Yoshida, Toshimichi; Sudo, Akihiro


    Objective The objective of this study was to determine whether intra-articular injections of tenascin-C (TNC) could prevent cartilage damage in murine models of osteoarthritis (OA). Design Fluorescently labeled TNC was injected into knee joints and its distribution was examined at 1 day, 4 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, and 4 weeks postinjection. To investigate the effects of TNC on cartilage degeneration after surgery to knee joints, articular spaces were filled with 100 μg/mL (group I), 10 μg/mL (group II) of TNC solution, or control (group III). TNC solution of 10 μg/mL was additionally injected twice after 3 weeks (group IV) or weekly after 1 week, 2 weeks, and 3 weeks (group V). Joint tissues were histologically assessed using the Mankin score and the modified Chambers system at 2 to 8 weeks after surgery. Results Exogenous TNC was maintained in the cartilage and synovium for 1 week after administration. Histological scores in groups I and II were better than scores in group III at 4 and 6 weeks, but progressive cartilage damage was seen in all groups 8 weeks postoperatively. Sequential TNC injections (groups IV and V) showed significantly better Mankin score than single injection (group II) at 8 weeks. Conclusion TNC administered exogenously remained in the cartilage of knee joints for 1 week, and could decelerate articular cartilage degeneration in murine models of OA. We also showed that sequential administration of TNC was more effective than a single injection. TNC could be an important molecule for prevention of articular cartilage damage.

  14. Caudal articular process dysplasia of thoracic vertebrae in neurologically normal French bulldogs, English bulldogs, and Pugs: Prevalence and characteristics. (United States)

    Bertram, Simon; Ter Haar, Gert; De Decker, Steven


    The aims of this study were to evaluate the prevalence and anatomical characteristics of thoracic caudal articular process dysplasia in French bulldogs, English bulldogs and Pugs presenting for problems unrelated to spinal disease. In this retrospective cross-sectional study, computed tomography scans of the thoracic vertebral column of these three breeds were reviewed for the presence and location of caudal articular process hypoplasia and aplasia, and compared between breeds. A total of 271 dogs met the inclusion criteria: 108 French bulldogs, 63 English bulldogs, and 100 Pugs. A total of 70.4% of French bulldogs, 84.1% of English bulldogs, and 97.0% of Pugs showed evidence of caudal articular process dysplasia. Compared to French and English bulldogs, Pugs showed a significantly higher prevalence of caudal articular process aplasia, but also a lower prevalence of caudal articular process hypoplasia, a higher number of affected vertebrae per dog and demonstrated a generalized and bilateral spatial pattern more frequently. Furthermore, Pugs showed a significantly different anatomical distribution of caudal articular process dysplasia along the vertebral column, with a high prevalence of caudal articular process aplasia between T10 and T13. This area was almost completely spared in French and English bulldogs. As previously suggested, caudal articular process dysplasia is a common finding in neurologically normal Pugs but this also seems to apply to French and English bulldogs. The predisposition of clinically relevant caudal articular process dysplasia in Pugs is possibly not only caused by the higher prevalence of caudal articular process dysplasia, but also by breed specific anatomical characteristics. © 2018 American College of Veterinary Radiology.

  15. Solute transport across the articular surface of injured cartilage. (United States)

    Chin, Hooi Chuan; Moeini, Mohammad; Quinn, Thomas M


    Solute transport through extracellular matrix (ECM) is important to physiology and contrast agent-based clinical imaging of articular cartilage. Mechanical injury is likely to have important effects on solute transport since it involves alteration of ECM structure. Therefore it is of interest to characterize effects of mechanical injury on solute transport in cartilage. Using cartilage explants injured by an established mechanical compression protocol, effective partition coefficients and diffusivities of solutes for transport across the articular surface were measured. A range of fluorescent solutes (fluorescein isothiocyanate, 4 and 40kDa dextrans, insulin, and chondroitin sulfate) and an X-ray contrast agent (sodium iodide) were used. Mechanical injury was associated with a significant increase in effective diffusivity versus uninjured explants for all solutes studied. On the other hand, mechanical injury had no effects on effective partition coefficients for most solutes tested, except for 40kDa dextran and chondroitin sulfate where small but significant changes in effective partition coefficient were observed in injured explants. Findings highlight enhanced diffusive transport across the articular surface of injured cartilage, which may have important implications for injury and repair situations. Results also support development of non-equilibrium methods for identification of focal cartilage lesions by contrast agent-based clinical imaging. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. A vision on the future of articular cartilage repair

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M Cucchiarini


    Full Text Available An AO Foundation (Davos, Switzerland sponsored workshop "Cell Therapy in Cartilage Repair" from the Symposium "Where Science meets Clinics" (September 5-7, 2013, Davos gathered leaders from medicine, science, industry, and regulatory organisations to debate the vision of cell therapy in articular cartilage repair and the measures that could be taken to narrow the gap between vision and current practice. Cell-based therapy is already in clinical use to enhance the repair of cartilage lesions, with procedures such as microfracture and articular chondrocyte implantation. However, even though long term follow up is good from a clinical perspective and some of the most rigorous randomised controlled trials in the regenerative medicine/orthopaedics field show beneficial effect, none of these options have proved successful in restoring the original articular cartilage structure and functionality in patients so far. With the remarkable recent advances in experimental research in cell biology (new sources for chondrocytes, stem cells, molecular biology (growth factors, genes, biomaterials, biomechanics, and translational science, a combined effort between scientists and clinicians with broad expertise may allow development of an improved cell therapy for cartilage repair. This position paper describes the current state of the art in the field to help define a procedure adapted to the clinical situation for upcoming translation in the patient.

  17. Uso de medicamentos como fator de risco para fratura grave decorrente de queda em idosos Medication as a risk factor for falls resulting in severe fractures in the elderly

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    Evandro da Silva Freire Coutinho


    Full Text Available Quedas seguidas de fraturas entre idosos constituem um importante problema de saúde pública. Um estudo caso-controle foi conduzido para avaliar o papel do uso de um conjunto de medicamentos, como fator de risco para esses acidentes entre pessoas com 60 anos ou mais, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Cento e sessenta e nove casos de internação por fratura conseqüente a queda, e 315 controles hospitalares foram pareados por idade, sexo e hospital. Odds ratios (OR, ajustados por fatores potenciais de confusão, foram obtidos utilizando-se regressão logística condicional. Observou-se um aumento no risco desses acidentes para o uso de drogas bloqueadoras dos canais de cálcio (OR = 1,96, 1,16-3,30 e benzodiazepínicos (OR = 2,09, 1,08-4,05, e uma redução para o uso de diuréticos (OR = 0,40, 0,20-0,80. Antiácidos, digitálicos e laxantes mostraram-se associados a uma redução do risco de fraturas por quedas, cuja significância estatística atingiu níveis limítrofes (0,05 Falls leading to fractures among the elderly are a major public problem. A case-control study was conducted on the use of certain drugs as a risk factor for hospitalization due to fractures after falls among individuals aged 60 years or over in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. One hundred sixty-nine cases and 315 in-patient controls were matched by age, sex, and hospital. Odds ratios (OR adjusted for potential confounders were calculated using conditional logistic regression. Increased risk of such accidents was found for calcium channel antagonists (OR = 1.96, 1.16-3.30 and benzodiazepines (OR = 2.09, 1.08-4.05, and decreased risk was associated with diuretics (OR = 0.40, 0.20-0.80. Antacids, digitalis, and laxatives were associated with reduced risk of fractures after falls that reached borderline statistical significance (0.05 < p < 0.10. The findings highlight the need to weigh risks and benefits of medication in the elderly. It is also important to advise

  18. Human IGF-I propeptide A promotes articular chondrocyte biosynthesis and employs glycosylation-dependent heparin binding. (United States)

    Shi, Shuiliang; Kelly, Brian J; Wang, Congrong; Klingler, Ken; Chan, Albert; Eckert, George J; Trippel, Stephen B


    Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) is a key regulator of chondrogenesis, but its therapeutic application to articular cartilage damage is limited by rapid elimination from the repair site. The human IGF-I gene gives rise to three IGF-I propeptides (proIGF-IA, proIGF-IB and proIGF-IC) that are cleaved to create mature IGF-I. In this study, we elucidate the processing of IGF-I precursors by articular chondrocytes, and test the hypotheses that proIGF-I isoforms bind to heparin and regulate articular chondrocyte biosynthesis. Human IGF-I propeptides and mutants were overexpressed in bovine articular chondrocytes. IGF-I products were characterized by ELISA, western blot and FPLC using a heparin column. The biosynthetic activity of IGF-I products on articular chondrocytes was assayed for DNA and glycosaminoglycan that the cells produced. Secreted IGF-I propeptides stimulated articular chondrocyte biosynthetic activity to the same degree as mature IGF-I. Of the three IGF-I propeptides, only one, proIGF-IA, strongly bound to heparin. Interestingly, heparin binding of proIGF-IA depended on N-glycosylation at Asn92 in the EA peptide. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that N-glycosylation determines the binding of a heparin-binding protein to heparin. The biosynthetic and heparin binding abilities of proIGF-IA, coupled with its generation of IGF-I, suggest that proIGF-IA may have therapeutic value for articular cartilage repair. These data identify human pro-insulin-like growth factor IA as a bifunctional protein. Its combined ability to bind heparin and augment chondrocyte biosynthesis makes it a promising therapeutic agent for cartilage damage due to trauma and osteoarthritis. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Intra-articular osteotomy for distal humerus malunion

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Marti, René K.; Doornberg, Job


    Intra-articular osteotomy is considered in the rare case of malunion after a fracture of the distal humerus to restore humeral alignment and gain a functional arc of elbow motion. Traumatic and iatrogenic disruption of the limited blood flow to the distal end of the humerus resulting in avascular

  20. Mesenchymal stem cells can survive on the extracellular matrix-derived decellularized bovine articular cartilage scaffold

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    Amin Tavassoli


    Full Text Available Objective (s: The scarcity of articular cartilage defect to repair due to absence of blood vessels and tissue engineering is one of the promising approaches for cartilage regeneration. The objective of this study was to prepare an extracellular matrix derived decellularized bovine articular cartilage scaffold and investigate its interactions with seeded rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs. Materials and Methods: Bovine articular cartilage that was cut into pieces with 2 mm thickness, were decellularized by combination of physical and chemical methods including snap freeze-thaw and treatment with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS. The scaffolds were then seeded with 1, 1’-dioctadecyl-3, 3, 3’, 3’-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI labeled BM-MSCs and cultured for up to two weeks. Results: Histological studies of decellularized bovine articular cartilage showed that using 5 cycles of snap freeze-thaw in liquid nitrogen and treatment with 2.5% SDS for 4 hr led to the best decellularization, while preserving the articular cartilage structure. Adherence and penetration of seeded BM-MSCs on to the scaffold were displayed by histological and florescence examinations and also confirmed by electron microscopy. Conclusion: ECM-derived decellularized articular cartilage scaffold provides a suitable environment to support adhesion and maintenance of cultured BM-MSCs and could be applied to investigate cellular behaviors in this system and may also be useful for studies of cartilage tissue engineering.

  1. A new building block: costo-osteochondral graft for intra-articular incongruity after distal radius fracture. (United States)

    Tang, Chris Yuk Kwan; Fung, Boris; Poon, T L; Fok, Margaret


    Even with the invention of locking plates, intra-articular fractures of distal radius with extreme comminution remain a challenge for orthopaedic surgeons. Osteochondral graft is a potential choice to reconstruct the articular defect. We report a patient who had a fracture of distal radius with costo-osteochondral graft for articular reconstruction which has not yet been described in the English literature. At nine-year follow-up, he was pain free and had full range of movement of the wrist. The authors suggest that costo-osteochondral graft could be an option with satisfactory result.

  2. Actividad fibrinolítica sinovial en caballos adultos y potros con patología articular


    Ribera Townsend, Thaïs


    La patología articular en el caballo provoca, a corto o largo plazo, cojera en el caballo y es motivo de importantes pérdidas económicas en el mundo deportivo ecuestre. La fisiopatología articular en el caballo comporta una serie de procesos biopatológicos que, si no se detectan y tratan a tiempo, generan un ciclo catabólico autodestructivo que induce la degradación de los propios tejidos articulares. Estudios de medicina humana hace tiempo que han demostrado mediante la determinación de marc...

  3. Snorc is a novel cartilage specific small membrane proteoglycan expressed in differentiating and articular chondrocytes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heinonen, J; Taipaleenmäki, H; Roering, P


    OBJECTIVE: Maintenance of chondrocyte phenotype is a major issue in prevention of degeneration and repair of articular cartilage. Although the critical pathways in chondrocyte maturation and homeostasis have been revealed, the in-depth understanding is deficient and novel modifying components...... subgroups. Cartilage specific expression was highest in proliferating and prehypertrophic zones during development, and in adult articular cartilage, expression was restricted to the uncalcified zone, including chondrocyte clusters in human osteoarthritic cartilage. Studies with experimental chondrogenesis...... chondrocytes and adult articular chondrocytes with possible functions associated with development and maintenance of chondrocyte phenotype....

  4. Ultra-som pulsado de baixa intensidade em fraturas diafisárias: aplicação clínica em cães Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound in diaphyseal fractures: clinical application in dogs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valéria Lima de Sousa


    Full Text Available Os efeitos da estimulação ultra-sônica sobre a consolidação óssea têm sido demonstrados por trabalhos experimentais e clínicos. Este estudo teve por objetivo investigar a aplicação clínica do ultra-som pulsado de baixa intensidade como tratamento adjuvante de fraturas diafisárias em cães. Foram utilizados 16 cães de raças variadas, com faixa etária entre sete meses e seis anos, peso corpóreo entre 2,5 e 43kg, portadores de fraturas diafisárias fechadas recentes localizadas no rádio e ulna, fêmur ou tíbia e fíbula, estabilizadas por procedimentos de osteossíntese (fixação esquelética externa, pinos intramedulares ou a associação desses métodos. Os cães foram divididos em dois grupos: fraturas estabilizadas tratadas por ultra-som de baixa intensidade (grupo tratado, n=8; fraturas estabilizadas, não tratadas por estimulação ultra-sônica, (grupo controle, n=8. Os animais foram avaliados por exames clínicos e radiográficos nos períodos pré-operatório, pós-operatório imediato e a cada 30 dias posteriores aos procedimentos cirúrgicos. Realizou-se tratamento com ultra-som pulsado (sinal senoidal com freqüência de 1,5MHz, largura de pulso de 200µs e freqüência de repetição de 1kHz de baixa intensidade (30mW cm-2, aplicado de modo estacionário no foco de fratura. A terapia ultra-sônica foi realizada 20 minutos por dia, durante 21 dias consecutivos, a partir do período compreendido entre o 1° e o 9° dia pós-operatório. O teste t de Student, empregado na análise estatística, mostrou diferença significante (PThe effects of ultrasound stimulation on bone healing have been demonstrated in experimental and clinical studies. The purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical application of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound as an adjuvant for the treatment of diaphyseal fractures in dogs. Sixteen dogs of different breeds, ages ranging from seven months to six years, weighing from 2.5 to 43kg, were

  5. Arthroscopic intra- and extra-articular anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with gracilis and semitendinosus tendons: a review


    Marcacci, Maurilio; Zaffagnini, Stefano; Marcheggiani Muccioli, Giulio Maria; Neri, Maria Pia; Bondi, Alice; Nitri, Marco; Bonanzinga, Tommaso; Grassi, Alberto


    The purposes of this paper are to summarize the concepts relating to the use of a combined intra-articular and extra-articular reconstructive procedure in the arthroscopic treatment of a torn ACL and to review several operative techniques utilizing gracilis and semitendinosus tendons that are currently in use to treat this instability. The highly satisfactory results obtained over the time show that a combination of intra- and extra-articular procedures for ACL reconstruction is a valid surgi...

  6. Postnatal development of depth-dependent collagen density in ovine articular cartilage

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    Kranenbarg Sander


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Articular cartilage (AC is the layer of tissue that covers the articulating ends of the bones in diarthrodial joints. Adult AC is characterised by a depth-dependent composition and structure of the extracellular matrix that results in depth-dependent mechanical properties, important for the functions of adult AC. Collagen is the most abundant solid component and it affects the mechanical behaviour of AC. The current objective is to quantify the postnatal development of depth-dependent collagen density in sheep (Ovis aries AC between birth and maturity. We use Fourier transform infra-red micro-spectroscopy to investigate collagen density in 48 sheep divided over ten sample points between birth (stillborn and maturity (72 weeks. In each animal, we investigate six anatomical sites (caudal, distal and rostral locations at the medial and lateral side of the joint in the distal metacarpus of a fore leg and a hind leg. Results Collagen density increases from birth to maturity up to our last sample point (72 weeks. Collagen density increases at the articular surface from 0.23 g/ml ± 0.06 g/ml (mean ± s.d., n = 48 at 0 weeks to 0.51 g/ml ± 0.10 g/ml (n = 46 at 72 weeks. Maximum collagen density in the deeper cartilage increases from 0.39 g/ml ± 0.08 g/ml (n = 48 at 0 weeks to 0.91 g/ml ± 0.13 g/ml (n = 46 at 72 weeks. Most collagen density profiles at 0 weeks (85% show a valley, indicating a minimum, in collagen density near the articular surface. At 72 weeks, only 17% of the collagen density profiles show a valley in collagen density near the articular surface. The fraction of profiles with this valley stabilises at 36 weeks. Conclusions Collagen density in articular cartilage increases in postnatal life with depth-dependent variation, and does not stabilize up to 72 weeks, the last sample point in our study. We find strong evidence for a valley in collagen densities near the articular surface that is present in the youngest

  7. Intra-articular decorin influences the fibrosis genetic expression profile in a rabbit model of joint contracture. (United States)

    Abdel, M P; Morrey, M E; Barlow, J D; Grill, D E; Kolbert, C P; An, K N; Steinmann, S P; Morrey, B F; Sanchez-Sotelo, J


    The goal of this study was to determine whether intra-articular administration of the potentially anti-fibrotic agent decorin influences the expression of genes involved in the fibrotic cascade, and ultimately leads to less contracture, in an animal model. A total of 18 rabbits underwent an operation on their right knees to form contractures. Six limbs in group 1 received four intra-articular injections of decorin; six limbs in group 2 received four intra-articular injections of bovine serum albumin (BSA) over eight days; six limbs in group 3 received no injections. The contracted limbs of rabbits in group 1 were biomechanically and genetically compared with the contracted limbs of rabbits in groups 2 and 3, with the use of a calibrated joint measuring device and custom microarray, respectively. There was no statistical difference in the flexion contracture angles between those limbs that received intra-articular decorin versus those that received intra-articular BSA (66° vs 69°; p = 0.41). Likewise, there was no statistical difference between those limbs that received intra-articular decorin versus those who had no injection (66° vs 72°; p = 0.27). When compared with BSA, decorin led to a statistically significant increase in the mRNA expression of 12 genes (p Cite this article: Bone Joint Res 2014;3:82-8.

  8. A Case Report of Intra-articular Bee Venom Pharmacopuncture for Partial Tear of Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex

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    Lee, Kwangho


    Full Text Available Objective: This case was to report a case of Partial Tear of Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex treated by Intra-articular bee venom Pharmacopuncture. Methods: The patient was treated by Intra-articular bee venom Pharmacopuncture. The Effect of Treatment was evaluated by Visual Analog Scale(VAS and Modified Mayo Wrist Score(Wrist Score. Results & Conclusions: After Treatment, Patient's VAS decreased and Wrist Score increased. For this results, Intra-articular Bee Venom Pharmacopuncture may be effective for Partial Tear of Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex.

  9. Articular congruity is associated with short-term clinical outcomes of operatively treated SER IV ankle fractures. (United States)

    Berkes, Marschall B; Little, Milton T M; Lazaro, Lionel E; Pardee, Nadine C; Schottel, Patrick C; Helfet, David L; Lorich, Dean G


    With regard to supination-external rotation type-IV (SER IV) ankle fractures, there is no consensus regarding which patient, injury, and treatment variables most strongly influence clinical outcome. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the impact of articular surface congruity on the functional outcomes of operatively treatment of SER IV ankle fractures. A prospectively generated database consisting of operatively treated SER IV ankle fractures was reviewed. Postoperative computed tomography (CT) scans were used to assess ankle joint congruity. Ankles were considered incongruent in the presence of >2 mm of articular step-off, intra-articular loose bodies, or an articular surface gap of >2 mm (despite an otherwise anatomic reduction) due to joint impaction and comminution. Patients with at least one year of clinical follow-up were eligible for analysis. The primary and secondary outcome measures were the Foot and Ankle Outcome Score (FAOS) and ankle motion. One hundred and eight SER IV fractures met our inclusion criteria. The average duration of follow-up was twenty-one months. Seventy-two patients (67%) had a congruent ankle joint, and thirty-six (33%) had elements of articular surface incongruity on postoperative CT scanning. These two groups were similar with regard to comorbidities and injury and treatment variables. At the time of the final follow-up, the group with articular incongruity had a significantly worse FAOS with regard to symptoms (p = 0.012), pain (p = 0.004), and activities of daily living (p = 0.038). Those with articular incongruity had worse average scores in the FAOS sport domain as well. No significant differences in ankle motion were found between the two groups. In this population of patients with an operatively treated SER IV ankle fracture, the presence of postoperative articular incongruity correlated with inferior early clinical outcomes. Orthopaedic surgeons should scrutinize ankle fracture reductions and strive for

  10. Prevalence and characteristics of pneumatized articular tubercle: First large series in Iranian people

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shokri, Abbas; Noruzi-Gangachin, Marruf [Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Dental School, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Baharvand, Maryam; Mortazavi, Hamed [Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine, Dental School, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    This study was performed to determine the prevalence and characteristics of pneumatized articular tubercle or eminence among a defined group of Iranian people. Digital panoramic radiographs of 1694 patients in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Hamadan Dental School, Iran were evaluated retrospectively to detect the above lesion. Finally, 1563 radiographs were selected according to inclusion criteria. Then, a review was done of 10 large case series found using a MEDLINE search of the literature. Chi-squared test was used to analyze the differences in variables such as age, gender, laterality, and locularity in our case series. The average age of our samples was 32.6±7.63 years. Pneumatized articular tubercle was found in 98 cases, representing a prevalence of 6.2% with a mean age of 22.8±7.9 and a range of 8 to 60 years. Sixty-four (65.3%) pneumatized articular tubercles were unilateral, with 30 lesions on the right and 34 on the left side. Bilateral lesions were found in 34 (34.7%) patients. 52 (53.06%) of the pneumatized articular tubercles were of the unilocular type and 46 (46.94%) were multilocular. The results showed no statistically significant differences regarding age (p=0.454), gender (p=0.634), laterality (p=0.252), or locularity (p=0.807) among the samples. Among ten large case series from other countries, the prevalence of pneumatized articular tubercle (6.2%) in Iranian patients was higher than that of all eight of the case series that used the same detection method as the present study of panoramic radiography.

  11. Efecto de las cargas articulares sobre el flujo y pH salival


    Castro, R.J.; Bravo, C.; Alcaino, V.; Giacaman, R.A.


    Una alteración del flujo salival es clave en el desarrollo de caries, enfermedad periodontal e infecciones oportunistas. El flujo salival está determinado por diversos estímulos que actúan sobre receptores de distinta naturaleza, entre ellos mecanoreceptores articulares. Algunos estudios demuestran que las cargas articulares actúan sobre estos receptores, modificando cualitativa y cuantitativamente la secreción salival. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si existe una relación entre l...

  12. Study of the collagen structure in the superficial zone and physiological state of articular cartilage using a 3D confocal imaging technique

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    Zheng Ming H


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction The collagen structure in the superficial zone of articular cartilage is critical to the tissue's durability. Early osteoarthritis is often characterized with fissures on the articular surface. This is closely related to the disruption of the collagen network. However, the traditional histology can not offer visualization of the collagen structure in articular cartilage because it uses conventional optical microscopy that does not have insufficient imaging resolution to resolve collagen from proteoglycans in hyaline articular cartilage. This study examines the 3D collagen network of articular cartilage scored from 0 to 2 in the scoring system of International Cartilage Repair Society, and aims to develop a 3D histology for assessing early osteoarthritis. Methods Articular cartilage was visually classified into five physiological groups: normal cartilage, aged cartilage, cartilage with artificial and natural surface disruption, and fibrillated. The 3D collagen matrix of the cartilage was acquired using a 3D imaging technique developed previously. Traditional histology was followed to grade the physiological status of the cartilage in the scoring system of International Cartilage Repair Society. Results Normal articular cartilage contains interwoven collagen bundles near the articular surface, approximately within the lamina splendens. However, its collagen fibres in the superficial zone orient predominantly in a direction spatially oblique to the articular surface. With age and disruption of the articular surface, the interwoven collagen bundles are gradually disappeared, and obliquely oriented collagen fibres change to align predominantly in a direction spatially perpendicular to the articular surface. Disruption of the articular surface is well related to the disappearance of the interwoven collagen bundles. Conclusion A 3D histology has been developed to supplement the traditional histology and study the subtle changes in

  13. Demência como fator de risco para fraturas graves em idosos Dementia as risk factor for severe bone fractures among the elderly

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    Aline de Mesquita Carvalho


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: As quedas entre pessoas idosas constituem importante problema de saúde pública devido à sua alta incidência, às complicações para a saúde e aos altos custos assistenciais. O estudo realizado visa a estimar a associação entre demência e ocorrência de quedas e fraturas entre idosos. MÉTODOS: Foi conduzido estudo caso-controle de 404 indivíduos com 60 ou mais anos de idade, da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Casos e controles foram pareados por idade, sexo e hospital. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista estruturada com os idosos. Foram considerados portadores de quadro demencial idosos cuja pontuação no questionário BOAS fosse superior a dois. Foram obtidos odds ratios (OR ajustados por fatores potenciais de confusão, utilizando-se regressão logística condicional. RESULTADOS: As quedas distribuíram-se igualmente entre os períodos da manhã, tarde e noite, havendo uma redução em sua freqüência durante a madrugada. Acidentaram-se dentro de casa 78% dos idosos com demência, contra 55% daqueles sem essa doença. O OR não-ajustado para a associação entre demência e fratura grave foi de 2,0 (IC95%, 1,23-3,25. Após o ajuste por fatores de confusão, houve uma pequena redução dessa associação (OR=1,82, 1,03-3,23. CONCLUSÃO: Idosos com quadro demencial apresentam maior risco de caírem e ser hospitalizados por fratura do que idosos sem demência. Tal fato implica a necessidade de cuidados especiais com esses indivíduos, visando a minimizar o risco desses acidentes.INTRODUCTION: Falls among elderly represent an important public health concern due to its high incidence, health implications, and medical care costs. The study aims to assess the association between dementia and bone fracture risk after falls among the elderly. METHODS: A case-control of 404 subjects aged 60 years old or more living in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was carried out. Cases and controls were matched by age, sex, and

  14. Comparison of MRI-based estimates of articular cartilage contact area in the tibiofemoral joint. (United States)

    Henderson, Christopher E; Higginson, Jill S; Barrance, Peter J


    Knee osteoarthritis (OA) detrimentally impacts the lives of millions of older Americans through pain and decreased functional ability. Unfortunately, the pathomechanics and associated deviations from joint homeostasis that OA patients experience are not well understood. Alterations in mechanical stress in the knee joint may play an essential role in OA; however, existing literature in this area is limited. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of an existing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based modeling method to estimate articular cartilage contact area in vivo. Imaging data of both knees were collected on a single subject with no history of knee pathology at three knee flexion angles. Intra-observer reliability and sensitivity studies were also performed to determine the role of operator-influenced elements of the data processing on the results. The method's articular cartilage contact area estimates were compared with existing contact area estimates in the literature. The method demonstrated an intra-observer reliability of 0.95 when assessed using Pearson's correlation coefficient and was found to be most sensitive to changes in the cartilage tracings on the peripheries of the compartment. The articular cartilage contact area estimates at full extension were similar to those reported in the literature. The relationships between tibiofemoral articular cartilage contact area and knee flexion were also qualitatively and quantitatively similar to those previously reported. The MRI-based knee modeling method was found to have high intra-observer reliability, sensitivity to peripheral articular cartilage tracings, and agreeability with previous investigations when using data from a single healthy adult. Future studies will implement this modeling method to investigate the role that mechanical stress may play in progression of knee OA through estimation of articular cartilage contact area.

  15. Spatial regulation of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) in postnatal articular and growth plate cartilage (United States)

    Garrison, Presley; Yue, Shanna; Hanson, Jeffrey; Baron, Jeffrey; Lui, Julian C.


    Articular and growth plate cartilage both arise from condensations of mesenchymal cells, but ultimately develop important histological and functional differences. Each is composed of three layers—the superficial, mid and deep zones of articular cartilage and the resting, proliferative and hypertrophic zones of growth plate cartilage. The bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) system plays an important role in cartilage development. A gradient in expression of BMP-related genes has been observed across growth plate cartilage, likely playing a role in zonal differentiation. To investigate the presence of a similar expression gradient in articular cartilage, we used laser capture microdissection (LCM) to separate murine growth plate and articular cartilage from the proximal tibia into their six constituent zones, and used a solution hybridization assay with color-coded probes (nCounter) to quantify mRNAs for 30 different BMP-related genes in each zone. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry were then used to confirm spatial expression patterns. Expression gradients for Bmp2 and 6 were observed across growth plate cartilage with highest expression in hypertrophic zone. However, intracellular BMP signaling, assessed by phospho-Smad1/5/8 immunohistochemical staining, appeared to be higher in the proliferative zone and prehypertrophic area than in hypertrophic zone, possibly due to high expression of Smad7, an inhibitory Smad, in the hypertrophic zone. We also found BMP expression gradients across the articular cartilage with BMP agonists primarily expressed in the superficial zone and BMP functional antagonists primarily expressed in the deep zone. Phospho-Smad1/5/8 immunohistochemical staining showed a similar gradient. In combination with previous evidence that BMPs regulate chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation, the current findings suggest that BMP signaling gradients exist across both growth plate and articular cartilage and that these gradients may

  16. Clinical outcome scoring of intra-articular calcaneal fractures

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schepers, Tim; Heetveld, Martin J.; Mulder, Paul G. H.; Patka, Peter


    Outcome reporting of intra-articular calcaneal fractures is inconsistent. This study aimed to identify the most cited outcome scores in the literature and to analyze their reliability and validity. A systematic literature search identified 34 different outcome scores. The most cited outcome score

  17. Clinical Outcome Scoring of Intra-articular Calcaneal Fractures

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    T. Schepers (Tim); M.J. Heetveld (Martin); P.G.H. Mulder (Paul); P. Patka (Peter)


    textabstractOutcome reporting of intra-articular calcaneal fractures is inconsistent. This study aimed to identify the most cited outcome scores in the literature and to analyze their reliability and validity. A systematic literature search identified 34 different outcome scores. The most cited

  18. Efeitos da fratura do arco zigomático no crescimento facial em ratos jovens Effect of zygomatic arch fracture on facial growth in young rats

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    Elza Maria Villanova Fernandes ROCHA


    Full Text Available Os efeitos da fratura unilateral do arco zigomático no crescimento facial foram avaliados através de mensurações cefalométricas. Fratura com desvio medial no lado direito foi realizada em ratos com um mês de idade. Os animais foram sacrificados com três meses de idade e sua mandíbula foi desarticulada. O crânio foi submetido à tomada radiográfica axial e as hemimandíbulas à norma lateral. As mensurações foram realizadas através de um sistema de computador. Foi verificada diferença significante a menor para a altura do corpo e do ramo da mandíbula. Não houve diferença significante para a profundidade da fossa infratemporal, bem como para as diversas mensurações na maxila e para o comprimento mandibular. A tendência de retorno do arco zigomático com desvio à sua posição original foi confirmada.The effect of unilateral zygomatic arch fracture on facial growth was analysed by means of cephalometric measurements. Medially displaced fracture of the right side was achieved in one month old rats. Reaching three months the animals were sacrified, and their mandibles disarticulated. The skull was submitted to axial radiographic incidence and the hemimandibles to a lateral radiographic incidence. The measurements were made through a computer system. Significant differences were verified with a decrease in body height and ramus of the mandible. There was no significant difference in infratemporal fossae depth, as well as in diverse measurements in maxilla and in mandibular lenght. The tendency of the fractured arch to return to its original position was confirmed.

  19. Caracterización clínica de pacientes parcialmente desdentados con disfunciones articulares

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    Marcia Hortensia Corona Carpio


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 374 desdentados parciales con disfunción mandibular, quienes acudieron al servicio de prótesis Estomatológica de la Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente "Mártires del Moncada" de Santiago de Cuba desde octubre de 2013 hasta igual mes de 2014, para determinar la presencia de ruidos articulares en su articulación temporomandibular. Entre los principales resultados prevalecieron el sexo femenino, el grupo etario de 20-29 años y como manifestaciones clínicas de disfunción articular: el sonido articular en forma de chasquido al inicio y final de la apertura bucal (51,6 y 38,7 %, respectivamente, así como la desviación mandibular (42,4 %

  20. Strategic Design and Fabrication of Engineered Scaffolds for Articular Cartilage Repair (United States)

    Izadifar, Zohreh; Chen, Xiongbiao; Kulyk, William


    Damage to articular cartilage can eventually lead to osteoarthritis (OA), a debilitating, degenerative joint disease that affects millions of people around the world. The limited natural healing ability of cartilage and the limitations of currently available therapies make treatment of cartilage defects a challenging clinical issue. Hopes have been raised for the repair of articular cartilage with the help of supportive structures, called scaffolds, created through tissue engineering (TE). Over the past two decades, different designs and fabrication techniques have been investigated for developing TE scaffolds suitable for the construction of transplantable artificial cartilage tissue substitutes. Advances in fabrication technologies now enable the strategic design of scaffolds with complex, biomimetic structures and properties. In particular, scaffolds with hybrid and/or biomimetic zonal designs have recently been developed for cartilage tissue engineering applications. This paper reviews critical aspects of the design of engineered scaffolds for articular cartilage repair as well as the available advanced fabrication techniques. In addition, recent studies on the design of hybrid and zonal scaffolds for use in cartilage tissue repair are highlighted. PMID:24955748

  1. Degenerated human articular cartilage at autopsy represents preclinical osteoarthritic cartilage: comparison with clinically defined osteoarthritic cartilage

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Valburg, A. A.; Wenting, M. J.; Beekman, B.; te Koppele, J. M.; Lafeber, F. P.; Bijlsma, J. W.


    To investigate whether macroscopically fibrillated human articular knee cartilage observed at autopsy can be considered an early, preclinical phase of osteoarthritis (OA). Histological and biochemical characteristics of 3 types of articular knee cartilage were compared: macroscopically degenerated

  2. PRP and Articular Cartilage: A Clinical Update (United States)

    Rossi, Roberto; Castoldi, Filippo; Michielon, Gianni


    The convincing background of the recent studies, investigating the different potentials of platelet-rich plasma, offers the clinician an appealing alternative for the treatment of cartilage lesions and osteoarthritis. Recent evidences in literature have shown that PRP may be helpful both as an adjuvant for surgical treatment of cartilage defects and as a therapeutic tool by intra-articular injection in patients affected by osteoarthritis. In this review, the authors introduce the trophic and anti-inflammatory properties of PRP and the different products of the available platelet concentrates. Then, in a complex scenario made of a great number of clinical variables, they resume the current literature on the PRP applications in cartilage surgery as well as the use of intra-articular PRP injections for the conservative treatment of cartilage degenerative lesions and osteoarthritis in humans, available as both case series and comparative studies. The result of this review confirms the fascinating biological role of PRP, although many aspects yet remain to be clarified and the use of PRP in a clinical setting has to be considered still exploratory. PMID:26075244

  3. PRP and Articular Cartilage: A Clinical Update

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    Antonio Marmotti


    Full Text Available The convincing background of the recent studies, investigating the different potentials of platelet-rich plasma, offers the clinician an appealing alternative for the treatment of cartilage lesions and osteoarthritis. Recent evidences in literature have shown that PRP may be helpful both as an adjuvant for surgical treatment of cartilage defects and as a therapeutic tool by intra-articular injection in patients affected by osteoarthritis. In this review, the authors introduce the trophic and anti-inflammatory properties of PRP and the different products of the available platelet concentrates. Then, in a complex scenario made of a great number of clinical variables, they resume the current literature on the PRP applications in cartilage surgery as well as the use of intra-articular PRP injections for the conservative treatment of cartilage degenerative lesions and osteoarthritis in humans, available as both case series and comparative studies. The result of this review confirms the fascinating biological role of PRP, although many aspects yet remain to be clarified and the use of PRP in a clinical setting has to be considered still exploratory.

  4. Localization of Estrogen Receptors α and β in the Articular Surface of the Rat Femur

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oshima, Yasushi; Matsuda, Ken-ichi; Yoshida, Atsuhiko; Watanabe, Nobuyoshi; Kawata, Mitsuhiro; Kubo, Toshikazu


    It has been suggested that the degradation of the articular cartilage and osteoarthritis (OA) are associated with gender and the estrogen hormone. Although many investigators have reported the presence of the estrogen receptors (ERs) α and β in the articular cartilage, the localization of these receptors and the difference in their in vivo expression have not yet been clearly demonstrated. We performed immunofluorescence staining of ERα and ERβ to elucidate the localization of the ERs and to note the effects of gender and the aging process on these receptors. The results revealed that ERα and ERβ were expressed in the articular cartilage and subchondral bone layers of adult rats of both sexes. We also observed the high expression of these receptors in immature rats. In contrast, their expression levels decreased in an ovariectomised model, as a simulation of postmenopause, and in aged female rats. Therefore, this study suggests the direct effects of estrogen and ER expression on articular surface metabolism

  5. Employment of the adhesive buthyl-2-cyanoacrylate in the fixation of bone fragments in femural fractures in dogs. Radiologic study; Emprego de adesivo butil-2-cianoacrilato na fixaçäo de esquírolas em fraturas de fêmur de cäes. Aspectos radiológicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Borges, A. P.B.; Rezende, C. M.F.; Sampaio, R.; Oliveira, H. P.; Ponpermayer, L. G.


    The butyl-2-cyanoacrylate adhesive was utilized in the fixation of bone fragments in femoral fractures in 30 clinically healthy dogs of both sexes. All animals were anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital and the left femur exposed and fractured at the middle third of the bone. A triangular bone fragment, approximately of 2.0 cm in length was taken off from the proximal fragment of the femur. The fracture was immediately reduced and immobilized using an intramedular Steinman pin. The bone fragment was then reintroduced in the same position and glued on with the adhesive butyl-2-cyanoacrylate, applied in droplets at a distance of 8 mm approximately. Healing was assessed through radiographs at 10 day intervals, when it was observed, in all animals, the bone fragment in place right after the surgical procedure. At the end of the experiment 6.67% of animals showed the bone fragment shifted from the focus of fracture. In 30% of the animals the fracture did not consolidate [Portuguese] O adesivo butil-2-cianoacrilato foi empregado na fixaçäo de esquírolas, em fraturas de fêmur de 30 cäes clinicamente sadios, de ambos os sexos. Os animais foram anestesiados com pentobarbital sódico e tiveram o fêmur esquerdo exposto e fraturado no seu terço médio. Uma esquírola, de aproximadamente 20 mm e de forma triangular, foi retirada do fragmento proximal do fêmur. A fratura foi imediatamente reduzida e imobilizada, utilizando-se pino intramedular de Steinmann. A esquírola foi recolocada em oposiçäo e fixada pelo adesivo butil-2-cianoacrilato, aplicado em gotículas, espaçadas cerca de 8 mm. A consolidaçäo foi avaliada através de radiografias (crânio-caudal e médio-lateral) a intervalos de 10 dias, onde observou-se, em todos os animais, a esquírola em oposiçäo logo após o ato cirúrgico. No final do experimento observou-se, em 6,6//dos casos, a esquírola afastada do foco da fratura. Em 30//dos animais näo houve consolidaçäo da fratura.

  6. Intra-Articular Analgesia and Steroid Reduce Pain Sensitivity in Knee OA Patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Tanja Schjødt; Graven-Nielsen, Thomas; Ellegaard, Karen


    Objectives. To assess the effects of intra-articular therapy on pain sensitivity in the knee and surrounding tissues in knee OA patients. Methods. Twenty-five knee OA patients with symptomatic knee OA were included in this interventional cohort study. Pressure pain thresholds (PPT) were recorded...... muscles (control site). Results. Significantly increased PPTs were found following intra-articular injection, at both the knee (P effects were sustained for two weeks, and at some points the effect was even greater at two weeks (P 

  7. T2 star relaxation times for assessment of articular cartilage at 3 T: a feasibility study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mamisch, Tallal Charles [University Bern, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Inselspital, Bern (Switzerland); University Bern, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Methodology, Department of Clinical Research, Bern (Switzerland); Hughes, Timothy [Siemens Medical Solutions, Erlangen (Germany); Mosher, Timothy J. [Penn State University College of Medicine, Musculoskeletal Imaging and MRI, Department of Radiology, Hershey, PA (United States); Mueller, Christoph [University of Erlangen, Department of Trauma Surgery, Erlangen (Germany); Trattnig, Siegfried [Medical University of Vienna, MR Center - High Field MR, Department of Radiology, Vienna (Austria); Boesch, Chris [University Bern, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Methodology, Department of Clinical Research, Bern (Switzerland); Welsch, Goetz Hannes [University of Erlangen, Department of Trauma Surgery, Erlangen (Germany); Medical University of Vienna, MR Center - High Field MR, Department of Radiology, Vienna (Austria)


    T2 mapping techniques use the relaxation constant as an indirect marker of cartilage structure, and the relaxation constant has also been shown to be a sensitive parameter for cartilage evaluation. As a possible additional robust biomarker, T2* relaxation time is a potential, clinically feasible parameter for the biochemical evaluation of articular cartilage. The knees of 15 healthy volunteers and 15 patients after microfracture therapy (MFX) were evaluated with a multi-echo spin-echo T2 mapping technique and a multi-echo gradient-echo T2* mapping sequence at 3.0 Tesla MRI. Inline maps, using a log-linear least squares fitting method, were assessed with respect to the zonal dependency of T2 and T2* relaxation for the deep and superficial regions of healthy articular cartilage and cartilage repair tissue. There was a statistically significant correlation between T2 and T2* values. Both parameters demonstrated similar spatial dependency, with longer values measured toward the articular surface for healthy articular cartilage. No spatial variation was observed for cartilage repair tissue after MFX. Within this feasibility study, both T2 and T2* relaxation parameters demonstrated a similar response in the assessment of articular cartilage and cartilage repair tissue. The potential advantages of T2*-mapping of cartilage include faster imaging times and the opportunity for 3D acquisitions, thereby providing greater spatial resolution and complete coverage of the articular surface. (orig.)

  8. Gremlin 1, Frizzled-related protein, and Dkk-1 are key regulators of human articular cartilage homeostasis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leijten, Jeroen Christianus Hermanus; Emons, J.; Sticht, C.; van Gool, S.; Decker, E.; Uitterlinden, A.; Rappold, G.; Hofman, A.; Rivadeneira, F.; Scherjon, S.; Wit, J.M.; van Meurs, J.; van Blitterswijk, Clemens; Karperien, Hermanus Bernardus Johannes


    Objective The development of osteoarthritis (OA) may be caused by activation of hypertrophic differentiation of articular chondrocytes. Healthy articular cartilage is highly resistant to hypertrophic differentiation, in contrast to other hyaline cartilage subtypes, such as growth plate cartilage.

  9. Segmenting articular cartilage automatically using a voxel classification approach

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Folkesson, Jenny; Dam, Erik B; Olsen, Ole F


    We present a fully automatic method for articular cartilage segmentation from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which we use as the foundation of a quantitative cartilage assessment. We evaluate our method by comparisons to manual segmentations by a radiologist and by examining the interscan...... reproducibility of the volume and area estimates. Training and evaluation of the method is performed on a data set consisting of 139 scans of knees with a status ranging from healthy to severely osteoarthritic. This is, to our knowledge, the only fully automatic cartilage segmentation method that has good...... agreement with manual segmentations, an interscan reproducibility as good as that of a human expert, and enables the separation between healthy and osteoarthritic populations. While high-field scanners offer high-quality imaging from which the articular cartilage have been evaluated extensively using manual...

  10. Reabilitação das fraturas do rádio distal Rehabilitation of distal radius fractures

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    Patrícia Silva Hampe Barbosa


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a evidência do efeito e eleição da conduta terapêutica nas fraturas do rádio distal. A revisão sistemática utilizou as bases de dados PubMed, Lilacs, Pedro, Cochrane, Scielo, OTseeker, sem restrições de período de publicação, com as seguintes palavras chaves: fraturas do rádio, reabilitação, terapia ocupacional, fisioterapia, incluindo línguas inglesa, espanhola, francesa e portuguesa. Os estudos encontrados foram avaliados independentemente pelos dois autores utilizando critérios da escala PEDro. Estudos não experimentais foram incluídos em busca de esclarecimentos sobre a reabilitação. Foram encontrados 22 estudos, sendo 14 ensaios clínicos controlados randomizados (ECRs. Dentre eles, quatro compararam mobilização precoce com tratamento convencional apresentando evidência moderada a favor da primeira; sete confrontaram tratamento baseado em exercícios domiciliares com tratamento em consultório apontando evidência conflitiva (um deles também comprovou eficácia de mobilização acessória passiva; e três analisaram eficácia de procedimentos terapêuticos: campo eletromagnético pulsado, drenagem linfática, ultra-som, indicando evidências limitadas. Os nove estudos não experimentais encontrados não apresentaram informações suficientes sobre os questionamentos desta pesquisa. Observou-se uma tendência dos autores em utilizar os princípios gerais da reabilitação ao elaborar condutas terapêuticas, mas os procedimentos utilizados não estão bem atestados pela literatura.The aim of this study was to assess the evidence regarding the adoption and effectiveness of therapeutic procedures employed for rehabilitation of distal radius fractures. This systematic review used the following databases: PubMed, Lilacs, PEDro, Cochrane, Scielo and OTseeker, without time restrictions. The following keywords were searched for: distal radius fracture, rehabilitation, occupational therapy

  11. Fraturas do côndilo mandibular: análise clínica retrospectiva das indicações e do tratamento Evaluation of condylar fractures treatment

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    Eduardo Fausto de Andrade Filho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisamos 40 pacientes com fraturas no processo condilar da mandíbula, tratados pelo método fechado (bloqueio maxilomandibular ou conservador ou aberto (redução direta no foco de fratura com ou sem osteossíntese, no período de janeiro de 1993 a janeiro de 1999 no Setor de Trauma Maxilofacial da Disciplina de Cirurgia Plástica da UNIFESP-EPM. MÉTODO: Avaliamos clinicamente estes pacientes através da palpação da articulação têmporomandibular, observação da simetria mandibular, oclusão dentária, desvio à abertura de boca e abertura máxima interincisal; além de questionário sobre queixas na ATM, disfunção mastigatória e satisfação do tratamento realizado. RESULTADOS: Foi encontrado um índice de resultados satisfatórios de no mínimo 70% nos pacientes submetidos ao bloqueio. No método conservador esse índice foi de no mínimo 42,9%, e nos submetidos à redução com fio de aço de no mínimo 28,6%, sem diferença significante entre os diversos exames clínicos. O índice de dor na ATM entre os pacientes tratados pelo método fechado foi de 3,7% e pelo aberto de 15,4%. A disfunção mastigatória foi de 22,2% no método fechado e 15,4% no aberto; sendo que foram encontrados somente 7,1% de pacientes insatisfeitos com o tratamento fechado. Não houve diferença significante entre os resultados dos métodos. CONCLUSÃO: Os métodos fechado (BMM e conservador e aberto, com redução e osteossíntese com fio de aço, trouxeram resultados clínicos satisfatórios em avaliação superior a seis meses. Concluiu-se também que não há diferença entre os resultados de queixas após o tratamento aberto ou fechado, na opinião dos pacientes.BACKGROUND: We analysed 40 patients with mandibular condylar process fractures, treated through the closed (intermaxilary fixation or conservatively or open methods (wire internal fixation,titanium miniplates, bone reduction or articular exploration, from January 1993 to January

  12. The Effect of Preoperative Intra-Articular Methylprednisolone on Pain After TKA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Luna, Iben E; Kehlet, Henrik; Jensen, Claus M


    In a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial, we investigated the postoperative analgesic effect of a single intra-articular injection of 40 mg methylprednisolone acetate (MP) administered 1 week before total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Forty-eight patients with high pain osteoarthritis (≥5...... groups in postoperative sensitization was found (P > .4) despite reduced preoperative intra-articular inflammation (IL-6) in the MP group versus placebo (median change in IL-6 = -70 pg/mL, interquartile range = -466 to 0 vs. 32 pg/mL, interquartile range = -26 to 75, P = .029). Alternative central...

  13. On the genesis of articular cartilage. Embryonic joint development and gene expression - implications for tissue engineering

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jenner, F


    Articular chondrocytes descend from a distinct cohort of progenitor cells located in the embryonic joint anlagen, termed interzones. Their unique lineage might explain some of the problems encountered using chondrocytes of different lineages for articular cartilage tissue engineering. While it is

  14. Lesão oculta da articulação manúbrio-esternal associada à fratura da coluna torácica Occult manubriosternal joint injury associated with fracture of the thoracic spine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Fernando Pereira da Silva Herrero


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam a ocorrência de lesão oculta da articulação manúbrio-esternal na avaliação inicial de um paciente com fratura da coluna torácica (T9. Foi diagnosticada fratura de T9 no paciente do sexo masculino de 37 anos de idade associada a déficit neurológico parcial. No atendimento inicial, as radiografias realizadas não demonstraram a lesão da articulação manúbrioesternal. Durante a reabilitação, após a estabilização cirúrgica da fratura da coluna torácica, subitamente o paciente sentiu dor intensa, acompanhada de deformidade ao nível do esterno, tendo sido diagnosticada luxação manúbrio-esternal nos exames de imagem. Devido à recidiva da luxação e de dor incapacitante, foi necessária a realização da redução aberta e fixação da articulação manúbrio-esternal. Na avaliação após 12 meses, o paciente apresentou recuperação completa da lesão neurológica, consolidação da artrodese do segmento vertebral T7-T11, e manutenção da redução da articulação manúbrio-esternal, que era assintomática durante a realização das atividades cotidianas.The authors report the occurrence of an occult manubriosternal joint injury in the initial evaluation on a patient with a thoracic spine fracture (T9. This T9 fracture was diagnosed in a 37-year-old man and was associated with a partial neurological deficit. At the initial evaluation, the radiographs produced did not show the manubriosternal joint injury. During rehabilitation, after surgical stabilization of the thoracic spine fracture, the patient suddenly felt an intense pain accompanied by deformation at the sternal level. From imaging examinations, manubriosternal dislocation was diagnosed. Because of recurrence of the dislocation and the incapacitating pain, open reduction and fixation of the manubriosternal joint had to be performed. At the 12-month follow-up, the patient presented complete recovery of the neurological lesion, consolidation of the

  15. Micro- and Nano-Carrier Mediated Intra-Articular Drug Delivery Systems for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis

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    Zhiyue Zhang


    Full Text Available The objective of this paper is to provide readers with current developments of intra-articular drug delivery systems. In recent years, although the search for a clinically successful ideal carrier is ongoing, sustained-release systems, such as polymeric micro- and nanoparticles, liposomes, and hydrogels, are being extensively studied for intra-articular drug delivery purposes. The advantages associated with long-acting preparations include a longer effect of the drug in the action site and a reduced risk of infection due to numerous injections consequently. This paper discusses the recent developments in the field of intra-articular sustained-release delivery systems for the treatment of osteoarthritis.

  16. Micro- and Nano-Carrier Mediated Intra-Articular Drug Delivery Systems for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Z.; Huang, G.


    The objective of this paper is to provide readers with current developments of intra-articular drug delivery systems. In recent years, although the search for a clinically successful ideal carrier is ongoing, sustained-release systems, such as polymeric micro- and nanoparticles, liposomes, and hydrogels, are being extensively studied for intra-articular drug delivery purposes. The advantages associated with long-acting preparations include a longer effect of the drug in the action site and a reduced risk of infection due to numerous injections consequently. This paper discusses the recent developments in the field of intra-articular sustained-release delivery systems for the treatment of osteoarthritis

  17. The Variations in Calcaneal Articular Facets In North Indian Population and its Clinical Implication

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    Full Text Available Aims and Objectives- To know the most common type of calcanei in North Indian population and itsclinical importance. There are three articular facets on superior surface of calcaneus- anterior, middle andposterior. Three types of calcanei are noted according to number and arrangement of the articular facets-type A, B and C. Methodology - The present studywas done on 300 dry adult human calcanei of unknownsex taken from Department of Anatomy Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences and ResearchVallah (Amritsar. Results- In our study Type B was found as the most common type. Type A is the nextmost common. Interpretation- The talocalcaneal joint is important in arthritis and coalition, flat foot, valgus deformity, congenital anomalies and intra articular fractures.

  18. Effect of donor age on DNA repair by articular chondrocytes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lipman, J.M.


    The hypothesis that aging of articular chondrocytes at a cellular level results from loss of DNA repair capability was studied by two different measures: unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) and O 6 -methylguanine acceptor protein (MGAP) activity. UDS following damage by 254 nm ultraviolet irradiation (20J/m 2 ) was examined in intact articular cartilage from rabbits of different ages. Semiconservative DNA synthesis was suppressed with hydroxurea and repair followed by the incorporation of [ 3 H]-thymidine ([ 3 H]-dThd). After repair the cartilage was digested in proteinase K (0.5mg/ml) with dodecyl sodium sulfate (0.2%) and DNA determined with Hoechst 33258 dye. UDS (dpm [ 3 H]-dThd/μg DNA) was greater in articular cartilage from 3- than 39-month-old rabbits. MGAP was studied in cell extracts of cultured human and rabbit chondrocytes by transfer of [ 3 H] O 6 -methyl groups from exogenous DNA to protein. It was significantly less in rabbit than in human cells on a per protein or DNA basis. There was no decline in this activity in human chondrocytes from newborn to 60 years of age; and rabbits from 3- to 36-months-old. The data indicate that in the two different repair mechanisms, age differences are found with resting but not dividing chondrocytes

  19. What lies beneath: sub-articular long bone shape scaling in eutherian mammals and saurischian dinosaurs suggests different locomotor adaptations for gigantism. (United States)

    Bonnan, Matthew F; Wilhite, D Ray; Masters, Simon L; Yates, Adam M; Gardner, Christine K; Aguiar, Adam


    Eutherian mammals and saurischian dinosaurs both evolved lineages of huge terrestrial herbivores. Although significantly more saurischian dinosaurs were giants than eutherians, the long bones of both taxa scale similarly and suggest that locomotion was dynamically similar. However, articular cartilage is thin in eutherian mammals but thick in saurischian dinosaurs, differences that could have contributed to, or limited, how frequently gigantism evolved. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that sub-articular bone, which supports the articular cartilage, changes shape in different ways between terrestrial mammals and dinosaurs with increasing size. Our sample consisted of giant mammal and reptile taxa (i.e., elephants, rhinos, sauropods) plus erect and non-erect outgroups with thin and thick articular cartilage. Our results show that eutherian mammal sub-articular shape becomes narrow with well-defined surface features as size increases. In contrast, this region in saurischian dinosaurs expands and remains gently convex with increasing size. Similar trends were observed in non-erect outgroup taxa (monotremes, alligators), showing that the trends we report are posture-independent. These differences support our hypothesis that sub-articular shape scales differently between eutherian mammals and saurischian dinosaurs. Our results show that articular cartilage thickness and sub-articular shape are correlated. In mammals, joints become ever more congruent and thinner with increasing size, whereas archosaur joints remained both congruent and thick, especially in sauropods. We suggest that gigantism occurs less frequently in mammals, in part, because joints composed of thin articular cartilage can only become so congruent before stress cannot be effectively alleviated. In contrast, frequent gigantism in saurischian dinosaurs may be explained, in part, by joints with thick articular cartilage that can deform across large areas with increasing load.

  20. Acute and chronic response of articular cartilage to Ho:YAG laser irradiation (United States)

    Trauner, Kenneth B.; Nishioka, Norman S.; Flotte, Thomas J.; Patel, Dinesh K.


    A Ho:YAG laser system operating at a wavelength of 2.1 microns has recently been introduced for use in arthroscopic surgery. The acceptability of this new tool will be determined not only by its ability to resect tissue, but also by its long term effects on articular surfaces. In order to investigate these issues further, we performed two studies to evaluate the acute and chronic effects of the laser on cartilaginous tissue. We evaluated the acute, in vitro effects of 2.1 micron laser irradiation on articular and fibrocartilage. This included the measurement of ablation efficiency, ablation threshold and thermal damage in both meniscus and articular cartilage. To document the chronic effects on articular cartilage in vivo, we next performed a ten week healing study. Eight sheep weighing 30 - 40 kg underwent bilateral arthrotomy procedures. Multiple full thickness and partial thickness defects were created. Animals were sacrificed at 0, 2, 4, and 10 weeks. The healing study demonstrated: (1) no healing of full or partial thickness defects at 10 weeks with hyaline cartilage; (2) fibrocartilaginous granulation tissue filling full thickness defects at two and four weeks, but no longer evident at ten weeks; (3) chondrocyte necrosis extending to greater than 900 microns distal to ablation craters at four weeks with no evidence of repair at later dates; and (4) chondrocyte hyperplasia at the borders of the damage zone at two weeks but no longer evident at later sacrifice dates.

  1. Estudo comparativo da analgesia entre bupivacaína e morfina intra-articular em osteoartrite de joelho Estudio comparativo de la analgesia entre bupivacaína y morfina intra-articular en osteoartritis de la rodilla Intra-articular bupivacaine and morphine for knee osteoarthritis analgesia. Comparative study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miriam C B Gazi


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A osteoartrite é a mais freqüente entre as doenças articulares em pessoas idosas. O objetivo do estudo foi comparar o efeito analgésico da bupivacaína e da morfina por via intra-articular em pacientes portadores de osteoartrite de joelho. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 39 pacientes em estudo duplamente encoberto, divididos de forma aleatória, em dois grupos: os do G1 (n = 18 receberam 1 mg (1 mL de morfina diluída em 9 mL de solução fisiológica a 0,9% e os do G2 (n = 21, 25 mg (10 mL de bupivacaína a 0,25% sem vasoconstritor, por via intra-articular. A intensidade da dor foi avaliada pela escala numérica e verbal nos momentos 0, 30, 60 minutos e 7 dias, em repouso e em movimento. Foram avaliados a necessidade de complementação analgésica com paracetamol (500 mg, a dose total de analgésico utilizado, a duração da analgesia e a qualidade da analgesia (pelo paciente. RESULTADOS: Dos 39 pacientes, 31 completaram o estudo. Não houve diferença significativa da intensidade da dor em repouso e em movimento entre os dois grupos nos momentos estudados. Não houve diferença entre os dois grupos no tempo entre a administração da solução e a necessidade de complementação analgésica. A dose média do paracetamol utilizada no primeiro dia da semana foi de 796 mg do G1 e de 950 mg no G2; a complementação na semana foi de 3578 mg no G1 e 5333 mg no G2. CONCLUSÕES: O efeito analgésico de 1 mg de morfina e de 25 mg de bupivacaína a 0,25% sem vasoconstritor intra-articular foram semelhantes.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La osteoartritis es la más frecuente entre las enfermedades articulares en personas de edad. El objetivo del estudio fue comparar el efecto analgésico de la bupivacaína y de la morfina por vía intra-articular en pacientes portadores de osteoartritis de rodilla. MÉTODO: Fueron evaluados 39 pacientes en estudio doblemente encubierto, divididos de forma aleatoria, en dos grupos: los del G1 (n = 18

  2. Associação entre a morfologia de trincas de pisos cerâmicos e seu comportamento mecânico em fratura

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    E. S. Fonseca


    Full Text Available ResumoEste trabalho analisou os dados obtidos a partir de ensaios a flexão em um lote de 40 corpos de provas de placas cerâmicos, preparados da mesma forma de acordo com a norma brasileira de ensaios NBR 13818:1997. Os dados de resistência à flexão obtidos nos testes, na forma de curvas tensão versus flexão, foram avaliados estatisticamente. Análises estatísticas detalhadas mostraram dois subgrupos diferentes de comportamento mecânico apresentado pelos corpos de prova cerâmicos testados. A análise fractográfica de amostras representativas destes dois grupos indicaram diferenças morfológicas relevantes nas fraturas obtidas destas amostras durante o ensaio. Essas diferenças puderam ser associadas com o comportamento mecânico apresentados pelas amostras analisadas.

  3. Effects of Chondroitinase ABC-Mediated Proteoglycan Digestion on Decellularization and Recellularization of Articular Cartilage.

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    Catherine A Bautista

    Full Text Available Articular cartilage has a limited capacity to heal itself and thus focal defects often result in the development of osteoarthritis. Current cartilage tissue engineering strategies seek to regenerate injured tissue by creating scaffolds that aim to mimic the unique structure and composition of native articular cartilage. Decellularization is a novel strategy that aims to preserve the bioactive factors and 3D biophysical environment of the native extracellular matrix while removing potentially immunogenic factors. The purpose of this study was to develop a procedure that can enable decellularization and recellularization of intact articular cartilage matrix. Full-thickness porcine articular cartilage plugs were decellularized with a series of freeze-thaw cycles and 0.1% (w/v sodium dodecyl sulfate detergent cycles. Chondroitinase ABC (ChABC was applied before the detergent cycles to digest glycosaminoglycans in order to enhance donor chondrocyte removal and seeded cell migration. Porcine synovium-derived mesenchymal stem cells were seeded onto the decellularized cartilage scaffolds and cultured for up to 28 days. The optimized decellularization protocol removed 94% of native DNA per sample wet weight, while collagen content and alignment were preserved. Glycosaminoglycan depletion prior to the detergent cycles increased removal of nuclear material. Seeded cells infiltrated up to 100 μm into the cartilage deep zone after 28 days in culture. ChABC treatment enhances decellularization of the relatively dense, impermeable articular cartilage by reducing glycosaminoglycan content. ChABC treatment did not appear to affect cell migration during recellularization under static, in vitro culture, highlighting the need for more dynamic seeding methods.

  4. Diverse roles of integrin receptors in articular cartilage. (United States)

    Shakibaei, M; Csaki, C; Mobasheri, A


    Integrins are heterodimeric integral membrane proteins made up of alpha and beta subunits. At least eighteen alpha and eight beta subunit genes have been described in mammals. Integrin family members are plasma membrane receptors involved in cell adhesion and active as intra- and extracellular signalling molecules in a variety of processes including embryogenesis, hemostasis, tissue repair, immune response and metastatic spread of tumour cells. Integrin beta 1 (beta1-integrin), the protein encoded by the ITGB1 gene (also known as CD29 and VLAB), is a multi-functional protein involved in cell-matrix adhesion, cell signalling, cellular defense, cell adhesion, protein binding, protein heterodimerisation and receptor-mediated activity. It is highly expressed in the human body (17.4 times higher than the average gene in the last updated revision of the human genome). The extracellular matrix (ECM) of articular cartilage is a unique environment. Interactions between chondrocytes and the ECM regulate many biological processes important to homeostasis and repair of articular cartilage, including cell attachment, growth, differentiation and survival. The beta1-integrin family of cell surface receptors appears to play a major role in mediating cell-matrix interactions that are important in regulating these fundamental processes. Chondrocyte mechanoreceptors have been proposed to incorporate beta1-integrins and mechanosensitive ion channels which link with key ECM, cytoskeletal and signalling proteins to maintain the chondrocyte phenotype, prevent chondrocyte apoptosis and regulate chondrocyte-specific gene expression. This review focuses on the expression and function of beta1-integrins in articular chondrocytes, its role in the unique biology of these cells and its distribution in cartilage.

  5. Efeitos do resfriamento e aquecimento articular no desempenho funcional do ombro

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    Dayane de Oliveira Estevam


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Um dos recursos mais utilizados na reabilitação de lesões musculoesqueléticas é a termoterapia por subtração de calor (crioterapia, enquanto a termoterapia por adição de calor é considerada o procedimento mais antigo de reabilitação física. Entretanto, há poucas evidências que tenham investigado os efeitos desses recursos sobre o desempenho de membros superiores. OBJETIVO: Comparar o efeito do resfriamento e do aquecimento articular sobre o desempenho funcional do membro superior. MÉTODOS: Trinta e quatro voluntários (22,23 ± 2,17 anos; 22,39 ± 2,53 kg/m2, de ambos os sexos, foram divididos aleatoriamente em um dos três grupos: 1 grupo crioterapia GCR (n=10: submetidos ao resfriamento articular por compressas frias; 2 grupo termoterapia - GTE (n=10: submetidos ao aquecimento articular por ondas curtas e 3 grupo controle - GCO (n=14, não submetidos a qualquer intervenção. Os voluntários foram avaliados, pré e pós-intervenção, quanto ao desempenho funcional de membros superiores por meio dos testes de estabilidade da extremidade superior em cadeia cinética fechada (TEESCCF e das condições de equilíbrio em apoio bimanual sobre o baropodômetro. Ainda, os voluntários foram avaliados quanto ao desempenho funcional virtual por meio do jogo Mario Kart (Nintendo Wii (r . RESULTADOS: Houve melhora significativa nos valores pós-intervenção no TEESCCF para o GCR (p0,05. Entretanto, na condição de olhos fechados, houve piora de desempenho para GTE (p=0,04 e melhora de desempenho para o GCO (p=0,02. Não houve alteração significativa no desempenho funcional virtual para os três grupos (p>0,05. CONCLUSÃO: Embora não tenha favorecido o desempenho funcional em todos os testes reais e virtuais utilizados, o resfriamento articular foi mais efetivo que o aquecimento articular para manter o desempenho muscular do membro superior, especialmente nas condições de equilíbrio sobre membros superiores na condi

  6. Chicken collagen type II reduces articular cartilage destruction in a model of osteoarthritis in rats. (United States)

    Xu, D; Shen, W


    To evaluate the therapeutic effects of domestic chicken collagen type II (CCII) on rat osteoarthritis (OA) and analyze concomitant changes in the level of Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-13, MMP-9, Cathepsin K and their mRNA as well as the tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1 mRNA in articular cartilage of osteoarthritic rats. Osteoarthritis models were surgically induced. Morphology of articular cartilage was done by haematoxylin and eosin staining and Mankin score was calculated, immunohistochemistry of MMP-13, MMP-9 and Cathepsin K was done by ABC method while the mRNA level for MMP-13, MMP-9, cathepsin K as well as TIMP-1 was evaluated by RT-PCR method. Oral administration of CCII reduced the morphological changes of osteoarthritic cartilage (shown by Mankin score), decreased levels of MMP-13, MMP-9, cathepsin K as well as their mRNA in articular cartilage from osteoarthritic rats while it exhibited no effect on TIMP-1 mRNA. Oral CCII reduced articular cartilage degradation of osteoarthritic rats and may probably be a potent drug candidate for OA treatment.

  7. What lies beneath: sub-articular long bone shape scaling in eutherian mammals and saurischian dinosaurs suggests different locomotor adaptations for gigantism.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matthew F Bonnan

    Full Text Available Eutherian mammals and saurischian dinosaurs both evolved lineages of huge terrestrial herbivores. Although significantly more saurischian dinosaurs were giants than eutherians, the long bones of both taxa scale similarly and suggest that locomotion was dynamically similar. However, articular cartilage is thin in eutherian mammals but thick in saurischian dinosaurs, differences that could have contributed to, or limited, how frequently gigantism evolved. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that sub-articular bone, which supports the articular cartilage, changes shape in different ways between terrestrial mammals and dinosaurs with increasing size. Our sample consisted of giant mammal and reptile taxa (i.e., elephants, rhinos, sauropods plus erect and non-erect outgroups with thin and thick articular cartilage. Our results show that eutherian mammal sub-articular shape becomes narrow with well-defined surface features as size increases. In contrast, this region in saurischian dinosaurs expands and remains gently convex with increasing size. Similar trends were observed in non-erect outgroup taxa (monotremes, alligators, showing that the trends we report are posture-independent. These differences support our hypothesis that sub-articular shape scales differently between eutherian mammals and saurischian dinosaurs. Our results show that articular cartilage thickness and sub-articular shape are correlated. In mammals, joints become ever more congruent and thinner with increasing size, whereas archosaur joints remained both congruent and thick, especially in sauropods. We suggest that gigantism occurs less frequently in mammals, in part, because joints composed of thin articular cartilage can only become so congruent before stress cannot be effectively alleviated. In contrast, frequent gigantism in saurischian dinosaurs may be explained, in part, by joints with thick articular cartilage that can deform across large areas with increasing load.

  8. Regional polarization sensitivity of articular cartilage by using polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography (United States)

    Xie, Tuqiang; Guo, Shuguang; Chen, Zhongping; Peavy, George M.


    In this study, PS-OCT is used to image fresh bovine joints to investigate the orientation of collagen fibrils in relation to optical phase retardation to better understand the distribution of normal matrix orientation and articular cartilage birefringence in different regions of a whole joint. Understanding and mapping variations in matrix organization and orientation within the normal joint is an important issue in potential applications of PS-OCT for evaluation and diagnosis of degenerative joint disease (DJD). The experimental results demonstrate that articular cartilage is not polarization sensitive on the edge of the medial, but polarization sensitive on the lateral edge of the tibial plateau. The collagen orientation on the edge of the joint is different from the central areas of the joint. Normal articular cartilage demonstrates regional polarization sensitivity within joints that is important to understand in order to accurately assess cartilage health by PS-OCT.

  9. Correlation between radiographic findings of osteoarthritis and arthroscopic findings of articular cartilage degeneration within the patellofemoral joint

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kijowski, Richard; Blankenbaker, Donna; Stanton, Paul; De Smet, Arthur; Fine, Jason


    To correlate radiographic findings of osteoarthritis on axial knee radiographs with arthroscopic findings of articular cartilage degeneration within the patellofemoral joint in patients with chronic knee pain. The study group consisted of 104 patients with osteoarthritis of the patellofemoral joint and 30 patients of similar age with no osteoarthritis of the patellofemoral joint. All patients in the study group had an axial radiograph of the knee performed prior to arthroscopic knee surgery. At the time of arthroscopy, each articular surface of the patellofemoral joint was graded using the Noyes classification system. Two radiologists retrospectively reviewed the knee radiographs to determine the presence of marginal osteophytes, joint-space narrowing, subchondral sclerosis, and subchondral cysts. The sensitivity and specificity of the various radiographic features of osteoarthritis for the detection of articular cartilage degeneration within the patellofemoral joint were determined. The sensitivity of marginal osteophytes, joint-space narrowing, subchondral sclerosis, and subchondral cysts for the detection of articular cartilage degeneration within the patellofemoral joint was 73%, 37%, 4%, and 0% respectively. The specificity of marginal osteophytes, joint-space narrowing, subchondral sclerosis, and subchondral cysts for the detection of articular cartilage degeneration within the patellofemoral joint was 67%, 90%, 100%, and 100% respectively. Marginal osteophytes were the most sensitive radiographic feature for the detection of articular cartilage degeneration within the patellofemoral joint. Joint-space narrowing, subchondral sclerosis, and subchondral cysts were insensitive radiographic features of osteoarthritis, and rarely occurred in the absence of associated osteophyte formation. (orig.)

  10. Correlation between radiographic findings of osteoarthritis and arthroscopic findings of articular cartilage degeneration within the patellofemoral joint

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kijowski, Richard; Blankenbaker, Donna; Stanton, Paul; De Smet, Arthur [University of Wisconsin Hospital Clinical Science Center-E3/311, Department of Radiology, Madison, WI (United States); Fine, Jason [University of Wisconsin Clinical Science Center-K6/4675, Department of Statistics, Madison, WI (United States)


    To correlate radiographic findings of osteoarthritis on axial knee radiographs with arthroscopic findings of articular cartilage degeneration within the patellofemoral joint in patients with chronic knee pain. The study group consisted of 104 patients with osteoarthritis of the patellofemoral joint and 30 patients of similar age with no osteoarthritis of the patellofemoral joint. All patients in the study group had an axial radiograph of the knee performed prior to arthroscopic knee surgery. At the time of arthroscopy, each articular surface of the patellofemoral joint was graded using the Noyes classification system. Two radiologists retrospectively reviewed the knee radiographs to determine the presence of marginal osteophytes, joint-space narrowing, subchondral sclerosis, and subchondral cysts. The sensitivity and specificity of the various radiographic features of osteoarthritis for the detection of articular cartilage degeneration within the patellofemoral joint were determined. The sensitivity of marginal osteophytes, joint-space narrowing, subchondral sclerosis, and subchondral cysts for the detection of articular cartilage degeneration within the patellofemoral joint was 73%, 37%, 4%, and 0% respectively. The specificity of marginal osteophytes, joint-space narrowing, subchondral sclerosis, and subchondral cysts for the detection of articular cartilage degeneration within the patellofemoral joint was 67%, 90%, 100%, and 100% respectively. Marginal osteophytes were the most sensitive radiographic feature for the detection of articular cartilage degeneration within the patellofemoral joint. Joint-space narrowing, subchondral sclerosis, and subchondral cysts were insensitive radiographic features of osteoarthritis, and rarely occurred in the absence of associated osteophyte formation. (orig.)

  11. Correlation between radiographic findings of osteoarthritis and arthroscopic findings of articular cartilage degeneration within the patellofemoral joint. (United States)

    Kijowski, Richard; Blankenbaker, Donna; Stanton, Paul; Fine, Jason; De Smet, Arthur


    To correlate radiographic findings of osteoarthritis on axial knee radiographs with arthroscopic findings of articular cartilage degeneration within the patellofemoral joint in patients with chronic knee pain. The study group consisted of 104 patients with osteoarthritis of the patellofemoral joint and 30 patients of similar age with no osteoarthritis of the patellofemoral joint. All patients in the study group had an axial radiograph of the knee performed prior to arthroscopic knee surgery. At the time of arthroscopy, each articular surface of the patellofemoral joint was graded using the Noyes classification system. Two radiologists retrospectively reviewed the knee radiographs to determine the presence of marginal osteophytes, joint-space narrowing, subchondral sclerosis, and subchondral cysts. The sensitivity and specificity of the various radiographic features of osteoarthritis for the detection of articular cartilage degeneration within the patellofemoral joint were determined. The sensitivity of marginal osteophytes, joint-space narrowing, subchondral sclerosis, and subchondral cysts for the detection of articular cartilage degeneration within the patellofemoral joint was 73%, 37%, 4%, and 0% respectively. The specificity of marginal osteophytes, joint-space narrowing, subchondral sclerosis, and subchondral cysts for the detection of articular cartilage degeneration within the patellofemoral joint was 67%, 90%, 100%, and 100% respectively. Marginal osteophytes were the most sensitive radiographic feature for the detection of articular cartilage degeneration within the patellofemoral joint. Joint-space narrowing, subchondral sclerosis, and subchondral cysts were insensitive radiographic features of osteoarthritis, and rarely occurred in the absence of associated osteophyte formation.

  12. Arthroscopic ankle arthrodesis with intra-articular distraction. (United States)

    Kim, Hyong Nyun; Jeon, June Young; Noh, Kyu Cheol; Kim, Hong Kyun; Dong, Quanyu; Park, Yong Wook


    Arthroscopic ankle arthrodesis has shown high rates of union comparable to those with open arthrodesis but with substantially less postoperative morbidity, shorter operative times, less blood loss, and shorter hospital stays. To easily perform arthroscopic resection of the articular cartilage, sufficient distraction of the joint is necessary to insert the arthroscope and instruments. However, sometimes, standard noninvasive ankle distraction will not be sufficient in post-traumatic ankle arthritis, with the development of arthrofibrosis and joint contracture after severe ankle trauma. In the present report, we describe a technique to distract the ankle joint by inserting a 4.6-mm stainless steel cannula with a blunt trocar inside the joint. The cannula allowed sufficient intra-articular distraction, and, at the same time, a 4.0-mm arthroscope can be inserted through the cannula to view the joint. Screws can be inserted to fix the joint under fluoroscopic guidance without changing the patient's position or removing the noninvasive distraction device and leg holder, which are often necessary during standard arthroscopic arthrodesis with noninvasive distraction. Copyright © 2014 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Fratura toracolombar explosão: confiabilidade do método de guerra na análise tomográfica Thoracolumbar burst fracture: reliability of the guerra's method on tomographic analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Osmar Avanzi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Avaliar as características do fragmento retropulsado nas fraturas explosão da coluna toracolombar, de acordo com dois examinadores independentes no plano sagital da TAC e correlacionar estes achados com a presença de déficit neurológico. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Coleta retrospectiva de dados de prontuário e TC em 138 pacientes com fratura toracolombar do tipo explosão internados no nosso serviço entre 1983 e 2004. RESULTADOS: Observamos correlação significante entre dois examinadores independentes (pOBJECTIVES: The objective of the current study was to evaluate the correlation between neurological deficits and the characteristics of retropulsed fragment into the spinal canal in patients with thoracolumbar burst fractures. MATERIAL AND METHODS: From 1983 to 2004, 135 patients with thoracolumbar burst fractures according to Denis' criteria were evaluated at a tertiary teaching institution by two different observers. CT-Scans of the fractured spine were analyzed in order to assess the narrowing of the spinal canal. Neurological deficit was evaluated by using the Franke's classification. RESULTS: A significant correlation was found between two independent observers (P<0.05. The observed characteristics of the retropulsed fragment into the spinal canal were: triangular form, rotation dislocation with average of 20 degrees and cranial dislocation with average of eight millimeters. There was no statistical correlation between neurological deficits and the characteristics of retropulsed fragment of the spinal canal. CONCLUSION: There was no statistical correlation between neurological deficits and the characteristics of retropulsed fragment of the spinal canal.

  14. Blood Glucose Levels Following Intra-Articular Steroid Injections in Patients with Diabetes: A Systematic Review. (United States)

    Choudhry, M N; Malik, R A; Charalambous, Charalambos Panayiotou


    Parenterally administered steroids have been shown to affect the metabolism of glucose and to cause abnormal blood glucose levels in diabetic patients. These abnormal blood glucose levels in diabetic patients raise concerns that intra-articular steroid injections also may affect blood glucose levels. We performed a systematic review of studies examining the effect of intra-articular steroid injections on blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes mellitus. A literature search of the PubMed, EMBASE, AMED, and CINAHL databases using all relevant keywords and phrases revealed 532 manuscripts. After the application of inclusion criteria, seven studies with a total of seventy-two patients were analyzed. All studies showed a rise in blood glucose levels following intra-articular steroid injection. Four of the seven studies showed a substantial increase in blood glucose. Peak values reached as high as 500 mg/dL. The peak increase in blood glucose did not occur immediately following intra-articular steroid injection, and in some cases it took several days to occur. In many patients, post-injection hyperglycemia occurred within twenty-four to seventy-two hours. Intra-articular steroid injections may cause hyperglycemia in patients with diabetes mellitus, and patients should be warned of this complication. Diabetic patients should be advised to regularly monitor their blood glucose levels for up to a week after injection and should seek medical advice if safe thresholds are breached. Therapeutic Level IV. See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.

  15. Analysis of friction between articular cartilage and polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel artificial cartilage. (United States)

    Li, Feng; Wang, Anmin; Wang, Chengtao


    Many biomaterials are being used to repair damaged articular cartilage. In particular, poly vinyl alcohol hydrogel has similar mechanical properties to natural cartilage under compressive and shearing loading. Here, three-factor and two-level friction experiments and long-term tests were conducted to better evaluate its tribological properties. The friction coefficient between articular cartilage and the poly vinyl alcohol hydrogel depended primarily on the three factors of load, speed, and lubrication. When the speed increased from 10 to 20 mm/s under a load of 10 N, the friction coefficient increased from 0.12 to 0.147. When the lubricant was changed from Ringer's solution to a hyaluronic acid solution, the friction coefficient decreased to 0.084 with loads as high as 22 N. The poly vinyl alcohol hydrogel was severely damaged and lost its top surface layers, which were transferred to the articular cartilage surface. Wear was observed in the surface morphologies, which indicated the occurrence of surface adhesion of bovine cartilage. Surface fatigue and adhesive wear was the dominant wear mechanism.

  16. Detecção de fraturas radiculares em imagens de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico utilizando diferentes parâmetros de exposição e materiais intracanais


    Pinto, Martina Gerlane de Oliveira


    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a detecção de fraturas radiculares (FRs) em imagens de Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico (TCFC) utilizando diferentes parâmetros de exposição e analisar a influência da guta- percha, do núcleo metálico fundido e do pino de fibra de vidro no diagnóstico das FRs, assim como a formação de artefatos em TCFC. Cento e sessenta dentes foram selecionados e divididos em quatro grupos de acordo com o material de preenchimento (sem guta-percha, com guta-perch...

  17. Imaging diagnosis of the articular cartilage disorders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Sirun; Zhu Tianyuan; Huang Li; Leng Xiaoming


    Objective: To evaluate the diagnosis and differential diagnosis among the chronic osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other chronic cartilage lesions on the plain films and MR images. Methods: Eighty-nine cases, including 115 joints, underwent plain film and MRI examination, and enhanced MRI scan was performed on 32 of them, including 44 joints. MRI scan sequences consisted of T 1 WI, T 2 WI + PDWI, STIR, and 3D FS SPGR. There were 90 knee joints in this group and each of the articular cartilage was divided into four parts: patella, femoral medial condyle, femoral lateral condyle, and tibia facet on MR images. The cartilage disorders were classified according to the outerbridge method. In addition, 61 cases including 75 joints were observed as a control group on the plain films and MR images. Results: 115 cartilage lesions were found on MR images, in which thinness of the cartilage (58 cases, 50.4%), bone changes under the cartilage (22 cases, 19.7%), medullar edema (22 cases, 19.7%), and synovial hyperplasia (52 cases, 45.2%) were seen. The patella cartilage was the most likely affected part (81/90, 90%). So the patellar cartilage lesions were divided as group 1 (grade I-II) and group 2 (grade III-IV) on MR images, which were compared with the plain film signs. The narrowing of the joint space and saccules under the articular surface were statistically significant with each other, and χ 2 values were 9.349 and 9.885, respectively (P=0.002). Conclusion: No constant signs could be seen on the plain films with grade I-II cartilage disorders. While the narrowing joint space and saccules under the joint surface could be seen on them with grade III-IV cartilage disorders, which were mainly correlated with the cartilage disorders and bone changes under the articular cartilages. A combination of the plain films and MR images is the best imaging method for examining the joints and joint cartilages. Enhanced MRI scan is very helpful on the diagnosis and differential

  18. Postnatal development of collagen structure in ovine articular cartilage

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Turnhout, van M.C.; Schipper, H.; Engel, B.; Buist, W.; Kranenbarg, S.; Leeuwen, van J.L.


    Background Articular cartilage (AC) is the layer of tissue that covers the articulating ends of the bones in diarthrodial joints. Across species, adult AC shows an arcade-like structure with collagen predominantly perpendicular to the subchondral bone near the bone, and collagen predominantly

  19. Postnatal development of collagen structure in ovine articular cartilage

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Turnhout, van M.C.; Schipper, H.; Engel, B.; Buist, W.; Kranenbarg, S.; Leeuwen, van J.L.


    BACKGROUND:Articular cartilage (AC) is the layer of tissue that covers the articulating ends of the bones in diarthrodial joints. Across species, adult AC shows an arcade-like structure with collagen predominantly perpendicular to the subchondral bone near the bone, and collagen predominantly

  20. Intra-articular pathology associated with isolated posterior cruciate ligament injury on MRI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ringler, Michael D.; Collins, Mark S.; Howe, B.M. [Mayo Clinic, Department of Radiology, Rochester, MN (United States); Shotts, Ezekiel E. [NEA Baptist Clinic, Jonesboro, AR (United States)


    Unlike with anterior cruciate ligament injury, little is known about the prevalence of intra-articular pathology associated with isolated posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury in the knee. The objectives of this study were to characterize and identify the frequency of meniscal tears and osteochondral injuries in these patients, and to see if management might be affected. Altogether, 48 knee MRI exams with isolated PCL tears were evaluated for the presence of: grade and location of PCL tear, meniscal tear, articular chondral lesion, bone bruise, and fracture. Comparisons between PCL tear grade and location, as well as mechanism of injury when known, with the presence of various intra-articular pathologies, were made using the chi-square or Fisher's exact test as appropriate. In all, 69 % of isolated PCL tears occur in the midsubstance, 27 % proximally. Meniscal tears were seen in 25 % of knees, involving all segments of both menisci, except for the anterior horn medial meniscus. Altogether, 23 % had focal cartilage lesions, usually affecting the central third medial femoral condyle and medial trochlea, while 12.5 % of knees had fractures, and 48 % demonstrated bone bruises, usually involving the central to anterior tibiofemoral joint. The presence of a fracture (p = 0.0123) and proximal location of PCL tear (p = 0.0016) were both associated with the hyperextension mechanism of injury. There were no statistically significant associations between PCL tear grade and presence of intra-articular abnormality. Potentially treatable meniscal tears and osteochondral injuries are relatively prevalent, and demonstrable on MRI in patients with isolated acute PCL injury of the knee. (orig.)

  1. MR diagnosis of articular cartilage injury in the knee: compared with arthroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Min; Li Shiling; Guo Zhiping; Zhang Wei; Ma Xiaohui; Cai Pengli; Wei Peijian; Peng Zhigang; Sun Yingcai; Zhang Zekun


    Objective: To assess the efficacy of FS-3D-FISP, FS-2D-FLASH and SE-T 1 WI sequences in the detection of articular cartilage injury of the knee. Methods: 34 consecutive patients with persistent symptoms of knee pain who were scheduled for arthroscopy underwent MR examination of the knee on a 1.5 TMR unit prior to arthroscopy. The 2D MR images were transferred to a workstation and processed tow-dimensional and three-dimensional reconstruction. Results: Compared with the arthroscopy, the sensitivity, specificity, and Kappa were 91.4%, 97%, and 0.818, respectively with FS-3D-F ISP sequence, 77.1%, 98%, and 0.531, respectively with FS-2D-FLASH sequence, 70%, 99%, and 0.518, respectively with SE-T 1 WI sequence. In the cases that had no acute trauma, 77.6% lesions were shown lower SI on T 1 -WI in the region of the subchondral bone and marrow near the lesions, and higher SI on FS-3D-FISP and FS-2D-FLASH sequences. Conclusion: Comparing with arthroscopy, the diagnosis accuracy of FS-3D-FISP sequence is obviously better than that of FS-2D-FLASH and SE-T 1 WI sequences. Correlation between FS-3D-FISP sequence and arthroscopy in detecting articular cartilage injury is remarkeble. Abnormal signal in the subchondral bone and marrow is an important indirect sign of articular cartilage injury. Three-dimensional reconstruction of articular cartilage is helpful for localization of the lesions after injury. (authors)

  2. Tratamento cirúrgico da fratura instável do anel pélvico em pacientes esqueleticamente imaturos Surgical treatment of unstable pelvic ring fracture in skeletally immature patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Antonio Matheus Guimarães


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Apresentar o resultado do tratamento cirúrgico definitivo da fratura instável do anel pélvico na criança submetida a redução e estabilização cirúrgica. MÉTODOS: Avaliamos 10 pacientes com esqueleto imaturo que sofreram fraturas instáveis do anel pélvico tratados cirurgicamente no período entre março de 2004 a janeiro de 2008. O estudo foi retrospectivo, baseado na avaliação clínica e radiográfica. RESULTADOS: A média etária na época do trauma foi de 8,8 anos (dois a 13 anos, sendo sete do sexo feminino e três do sexo masculino. As causas dos traumas foram atropelamento em oito casos, e acidente com motocicleta e queda de altura em um caso cada. Cinco pacientes apresentavam lesões associadas, como fraturas da clavícula, diáfise do fêmur, úmero proximal, ossos da perna, olecrânio e lesão de bexiga. Todos os pacientes avaliados apresentaram excelente evolução clínica. A assimetria pélvica antes do procedimento cirúrgico variava de 0,7 a 2,9cm (média 1,45cm, e caiu para valores entre 0,2 a 0,9cm (média 0,39cm após a redução. Em nenhum dos casos houve alteração da assimetria pélvica medida no pós-operatório imediato e no fim do seguimento. CONCLUSÃO: A fratura do anel pélvico em pacientes esqueleticamente imaturos é rara e a indicação de tratamento cirúrgico não é usual. Diversos autores questionam o tratamento conservador devido às complicações encontradas. A remodelação óssea não parece suficiente para que ocorra uma melhora da assimetria pélvica, fator que justifica a opção pelo tratamento cirúrgico para a redução e correção das deformidades do anel pélvico.OBJECTIVES: To present the outcome of the definitive surgical treatment of unstable fracture of the pelvic ring in children submitted to surgical reduction and stabilization. METHODS: We studied 10 patients with immature skeletons that suffered unstable fractures of the pelvic ring treated during the period between

  3. Efficacy of diagnostic magnetic resonance imaging for articular cartilage lesions of the glenohumeral joint in patients with instability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayes, Meredith L.; Collins, Mark S.; Wenger, Doris E.; Morgan, Joseph A.; Dahm, Diane L.


    The purpose of this study was primarily to assess the diagnostic performance of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in detecting articular cartilage injuries in patients with glenohumeral instability. A secondary purpose was to assess the diagnostic performance of MRI for detection of Hill-Sachs and Bankart lesions. A cohort of 87 consecutive patients who underwent diagnostic MRI and shoulder arthroscopy for instability from 1997 to 2006 were identified. Fifty-five patients (63.2%) underwent MRI with intra-articular contrast medium and 32 patients (36.8%) underwent MRI without contrast medium. MR images were reviewed by two radiologists and interpreted by consensus for the presence of articular cartilage lesions (including Hill-Sachs and Bankart lesions), which were then confirmed by reviewing the operative report and images recorded at arthroscopy. Mean patient age was 27.0 ± 10.2 years with a mean clinical and radiographic follow-up of 29 (range 3-72) months. Cartilage injuries were detected arthroscopically in 55 patients (63%). Bankart and Hill-Sachs lesions were identified arthroscopically in 66 patients (75.9%) and 55 patients (63.2%) respectively. The overall sensitivity and specificity for detection of glenohumeral articular cartilage lesions by MRI were 87.2% and 80.6% respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of MRI in detecting Bankart lesions was 98.4% (95% CI 91.9, 99.7) and 95.2% (95% CI 77.3, 99.2) respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of MRI in detecting Hill-Sachs lesions was 96.3% (95% CI 87.6, 98.9%) and 90.6% (95% CI 75.7, 96.9) respectively. No statistically significant difference was found between MRI examinations with and without intra-articular gadolinium (p = 0.89). Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrates high sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of articular cartilage injuries in patients with glenohumeral instability. MRI with or without intra-articular contrast medium in this study were equally reliable as a non

  4. Efficacy of diagnostic magnetic resonance imaging for articular cartilage lesions of the glenohumeral joint in patients with instability

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hayes, Meredith L.; Collins, Mark S.; Wenger, Doris E. [Mayo Clinic, Department of Radiology, Rochester, MN (United States); Morgan, Joseph A.; Dahm, Diane L. [Mayo Clinic, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rochester, MN (United States)


    The purpose of this study was primarily to assess the diagnostic performance of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in detecting articular cartilage injuries in patients with glenohumeral instability. A secondary purpose was to assess the diagnostic performance of MRI for detection of Hill-Sachs and Bankart lesions. A cohort of 87 consecutive patients who underwent diagnostic MRI and shoulder arthroscopy for instability from 1997 to 2006 were identified. Fifty-five patients (63.2%) underwent MRI with intra-articular contrast medium and 32 patients (36.8%) underwent MRI without contrast medium. MR images were reviewed by two radiologists and interpreted by consensus for the presence of articular cartilage lesions (including Hill-Sachs and Bankart lesions), which were then confirmed by reviewing the operative report and images recorded at arthroscopy. Mean patient age was 27.0 {+-} 10.2 years with a mean clinical and radiographic follow-up of 29 (range 3-72) months. Cartilage injuries were detected arthroscopically in 55 patients (63%). Bankart and Hill-Sachs lesions were identified arthroscopically in 66 patients (75.9%) and 55 patients (63.2%) respectively. The overall sensitivity and specificity for detection of glenohumeral articular cartilage lesions by MRI were 87.2% and 80.6% respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of MRI in detecting Bankart lesions was 98.4% (95% CI 91.9, 99.7) and 95.2% (95% CI 77.3, 99.2) respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of MRI in detecting Hill-Sachs lesions was 96.3% (95% CI 87.6, 98.9%) and 90.6% (95% CI 75.7, 96.9) respectively. No statistically significant difference was found between MRI examinations with and without intra-articular gadolinium (p = 0.89). Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrates high sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of articular cartilage injuries in patients with glenohumeral instability. MRI with or without intra-articular contrast medium in this study were equally reliable as a non

  5. Transtendon, double-row, transosseous-equivalent arthroscopic repair of partial-thickness, articular-surface rotator cuff tears. (United States)

    Dilisio, Matthew F; Miller, Lindsay R; Higgins, Laurence D


    Arthroscopic transtendinous techniques for the arthroscopic repair of partial-thickness, articular-surface rotator cuff tears offer the advantage of minimizing the disruption of the patient's remaining rotator cuff tendon fibers. In addition, double-row fixation of full-thickness rotator cuff tears has shown biomechanical advantages. We present a novel method combining these 2 techniques for transtendon, double-row, transosseous-equivalent arthroscopic repair of partial-thickness, articular-surface rotator cuff tears. Direct visualization of the reduction of the retracted articular tendon layer to its insertion on the greater tuberosity is the key to the procedure. Linking the medial-row anchors and using a double-row construct provide a stable repair that allows early shoulder motion to minimize the risk of postoperative stiffness.

  6. Particulated articular cartilage: CAIS and DeNovo NT. (United States)

    Farr, Jack; Cole, Brian J; Sherman, Seth; Karas, Vasili


    Cartilage Autograft Implantation System (CAIS; DePuy/Mitek, Raynham, MA) and DeNovo Natural Tissue (NT; ISTO, St. Louis, MO) are novel treatment options for focal articular cartilage defects in the knee. These methods involve the implantation of particulated articular cartilage from either autograft or juvenile allograft donor, respectively. In the laboratory and in animal models, both CAIS and DeNovo NT have demonstrated the ability of the transplanted cartilage cells to "escape" from the extracellular matrix, migrate, multiply, and form a new hyaline-like cartilage tissue matrix that integrates with the surrounding host tissue. In clinical practice, the technique for both CAIS and DeNovo NT is straightforward, requiring only a single surgery to affect cartilage repair. Clinical experience is limited, with short-term studies demonstrating both procedures to be safe, feasible, and effective, with improvements in subjective patient scores, and with magnetic resonance imaging evidence of good defect fill. While these treatment options appear promising, prospective randomized controlled studies are necessary to refine the indications and contraindications for both CAIS and DeNovo NT.

  7. Avaliação dos resultados da redução aberta e da fixação interna das fraturas graves da extremidade proximal do úmero em idosos

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    Alberto Naoki Miyazaki


    Full Text Available Objetivo: avaliar clinica e radiologicamente os resultados obtidos com a redução aberta e a fixação interna das fraturas graves da extremidade proximal do úmero (FGEPU na população com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos. Métodos: entre junho de 1992 e fevereiro de 2011, o Grupo de Ombro e Cotovelo do Departamento de Ortopedia e Traumatologia da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo tratou, com redução aberta e fixação interna, 21 pacientes com FGEPU e com idade superior a 60 anos. Desses, 18 foram reavaliados. Resultados: dois pacientes evoluíram com resultados excelentes, 12 bons, três regulares e um ruim. Portanto, verificamos que 77,7% evoluíram com bons e excelentes resultados. Todos os pacientes estavam satisfeitos com o tratamento e apenas três não retornaram às atividades prévias. As médias de mobilidade pós-operatória foram de 122° de elevação (90° -150°, 39° de rotação lateral (20 °-60° e T11 de rotação medial (T5 a Glúteo. Conclusão: a redução aberta e a fixação interna das FGEPU podem ser indicadas também para pacientes idosos e obtivemos 77,7% de bons e excelentes resultados. Estatisticamente (p < 0,05, a redução anatômica da fratura mostrou-se importante para a obtenção de bons resultados.

  8. Clinical and Laboratory Predictors of Articular Disorders Among HIV ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    radiologist for features of avascular necrosis (AVN) and sacroiliitis, respectively. Synovial fluid was obtained, for analysis and microscopy, culture/sensitivity testing and acid fast bacilli detection in those with demonstrable joint effusion. The clinically evident articular features, laboratory, and radiographic findings were used ...

  9. Relative volume measured with magnetic resonance imaging is an articular collapse predictor in hematological pediatric patients with femoral head osteonecrosis. (United States)

    Ippolito, Davide; Masetto, Alessandro; Talei Franzesi, Cammillo; Bonaffini, Pietro A; Casiraghi, Alessandra; Sironi, Sandro


    To assess the potential value of femoral head (FH) volume measurements to predict joint collapse, as compared to articular surface involvement, in post-treatment osteonecrosis (ON) in pediatric patients affected by lymphoproliferative diseases. Considering 114 young patients with lymphoproliferative diseases undergone a lower-limbs magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination between November 2006 and August 2012 for a suspected post-treatment ON, we finally considered a total of 13 cases (7 males, mean age 15.2 ± 4.8 years), which developed a FH ON lesions (n = 23). The MRI protocol included coronal short tau inversion recovery and T1-weighted sequences, from the hips to the ankles. During the follow-up (elapsed time: 9.2 ± 2 mo), 13/23 FH articular surface (FHS) developed articular deformity. The first MRI studies with diagnosis of ON were retrospectively analyzed, measuring FH volume (FHV), FHS, ON volume (ONV) and the articular surface involved by ON (ONS). The relative involvement of FHS, in terms of volume [relative volume (RV): ONV/FHV] and articular surface [relative surface (RS): ONS/FHS], was then calculated. By using receiver operating characteristic curve analysis (threshold of 23% of volume involvement), RV predicted articular deformity in 13/13 FHS [sensitivity 100%, specificity 90%, accuracy 95%, positive predictive value (PPV) 93%, negative predictive value (NPV) 100%]. Considering a threshold of 50% of articular involvement, RS predicted articular deformity in 10/13 femoral heads (sensitivity 77%, specificity 100%, accuracy 87%, PPV 100%, NPV 77%). RV might be a more reliable parameter than RS in predicting FH deformity and could represent a potential complementary diagnostic tool in the follow-up of femoral heads ON lesions.

  10. Autoradiographic evidence of sup 125 I-. beta. -endorphin binding sites in the articular cartilage of the rat

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Castano, M.T.; Freire-Garabal, M.; Giraldez, M.; Nunez, M.J.; Belmonte, A.; Couceiro, J.; Jorge, J. (Univ. of Santiago (Spain))


    After {sup 125}I-{beta}-endorphin was intravenously injected to rats, an autoradiographic study of distal femur articular cartilage was performed. Results show a specific binding of {sup 125}I-{beta}-endorphin to chondrocytes, suggesting the possible existence of an opiate modulation of articular cartilage.

  11. Expression and Immunohistochemical Localisation of the G beta gamma activated and Calcineurin-inhibited Adenylyl Cyclase Isoforms in Rat Articular Chondrocytes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Memon, I.; Khan, K.M.; Siddiqui, S.; Perveen, S.; Ishaq, M.


    Objective: To determine the expression and localisation of the Gβγ-activated adenylyl cyclase (AC) isoforms 2, 4, and 7 and calcineurin-inhibited AC isoform 9 in rat articular chondrocytes. Study Design: Experimental study. Place and Duration of Study: Jumma Research Laboratory and Histology Laboratory, The Aga Khan University, Karachi, from 2009 to 2011. Methodology: Fresh slices of articular cartilage were taken from various synovial joints of rats of different age groups. The expression of AC isoforms was determined by RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry was performed to localise these isoforms in articular chondrocytes. Tissue sections were processed for immunostaining with respective antibodies. The color was developed by diaminobenzidine. Results: All the studied AC isoforms were found to be differentially expressed in different zones of the rat articular cartilage. Generally, expression of all AC isoforms studied increased with age. The expression of the AC isoforms through PCR was almost consistent with the localisation of these isoforms by immunohistochemistry. Conclusion: These data add to the information about signalling cascades possibly involved in articular chondrocytes. Variable expression of AC isoforms 2, 4, 7, and 9 suggest a role for the signalling cascades regulated by the AC isoforms in articular chondrocytes. (author)

  12. Síndrome de hiperlaxitud articular benigno en el niño

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. Mariana Haro, Dra.


    Full Text Available El síndrome de hipermovilidad articular se caracteriza por la presencia de articulaciones con rango de movilidad aumentada, asociada a dolor y deterioro funcional del sistema musculoequelético. Su etiología correspondería a una alteración del colágeno tipo I genéticamente determinada con un patrón de herencia autosómico dominante. Su incidencia es mayor en mujeres y en niños. Se ha descrito asociación con algunos síntomas extraarticulares, por lo cual los síntomas podrían no estar solo limitados al sistema musculoesquelético. El sistema de Beighton es una herramienta útil en definir la condición de hiperlaxitud. Su validación para uso en niños fue publicada por Engelsman y cols el año 2011. No obstante para el diagnóstico de Sindrome de Hiperlaxitud articular sería insuficiente, sugiriéndose el uso del sistema de clasificación de Brighton. Su tratamiento se basa en la educación, estabilización articular global, reeducación postural y de la marcha, mejorar capacidad aeróbica, uso de plantillas y órtesis de pie.

  13. Sulfato de condroitina e hialuronato de sódio no tratamento da doença articular degenerativa em cães: estudo histológico da cartilagem articular e membrana sinovial Chondroitin sulfate and sodium hyaluronate in the treatment of the degenerative joint disease in dogs: histological features of articular cartilage and synovium

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E.G. Melo


    Full Text Available Quinze cães, sem raça definida, de ambos os sexos, de peso entre 18 e 25kg, foram submetidos à secção artroscópica do ligamento cruzado cranial (LCCr para indução da doença articular degenerativa (DAD. Após três semanas de instabilidade articular, o LCCr foi substituído pela fáscia lata segundo a técnica de Schwalder (1989 e os animais foram distribuídos em três grupos de cinco. Os animais do grupo I, controle, não receberam tratamento medicamentoso; os do grupo II, 24mg/animal de sulfato de condroitina, por via IM, de cinco em cinco dias, totalizando seis aplicações; e os do grupo III foram tratados com hialuronato de sódio na dose de 20mg/animal, por via IV, de cinco em cinco dias num total de três administrações. Ao final de 90 dias, os animais foram eutanasiados e procedeu-se à colheita e ao processamento histológico da membrana sinovial e da cartilagem articular para avaliações morfológica e morfométrica. No grupo I foram observadas alterações degenerativas de DAD mais acentuadas que nos demais grupos, como redução do número de condrócitos, presença de pânus, fibrilações, fissuras, erosões e irregularidades na superfície articular. No grupo II observou-se elevação do número de condrócitos com aumento da atividade de síntese da matriz e redução das lesões na superfície da cartilagem. No grupo III houve aumento do número de condrócitos que eram, muitas vezes, morfologicamente inviáveis. Todos os grupos apresentaram proliferação da membrana sinovial e presença de infiltrado linfoplasmocitário na subíntima e na perivascular. Nos grupos I e III, a proliferação da membrana sinovial era exuberante com formação de pânus, presença de sinoviócitos achatados ou ausência de sinóvia com tecido de granulação. Os resultados sugerem que o sulfato de condroitina estimulou a cartilagem articular, diminuindo ou retardando as alterações da DAD e o hialuronato de sódio não interferiu no

  14. The protective effect of meniscus allograft transplantation on articular cartilage: a systematic review of animal studies. (United States)

    Rongen, J J; Hannink, G; van Tienen, T G; van Luijk, J; Hooijmans, C R


    Despite widespread reporting on clinical results, the effect of meniscus allograft transplantation on the development of osteoarthritis is still unclear. The aim of this study was to systematically review all studies on the effect of meniscus allograft transplantation on articular cartilage in animals. Pubmed and Embase were searched for original articles concerning the effect of meniscus allograft transplantation on articular cartilage compared with both its positive (meniscectomy) and negative (either sham or non-operated) control in healthy animals. Outcome measures related to assessment of damage to articular cartilage were divided in five principal outcome categories. Standardized mean differences (SMD) were calculated and pooled to obtain an overall SMD and 95% confidence interval. 17 articles were identified, representing 14 original animal cohorts with an average timing of data collection of 24 weeks [range 4 weeks; 30 months]. Compared to a negative control, meniscus allograft transplantation caused gross macroscopic (1.45 [0.95; 1.95]), histological (3.43 [2.25; 4.61]) damage to articular cartilage, and osteoarthritic changes on radiographs (3.12 [1.42; 4.82]). Moreover, results on histomorphometrics and cartilage biomechanics are supportive of this detrimental effect on cartilage. On the other hand, meniscus allograft transplantation caused significantly less gross macroscopic (-1.19 [-1.84; -0.54]) and histological (-1.70 [-2.67; -0.74]) damage to articular cartilage when compared to meniscectomy. However, there was no difference in osteoarthritic changes on plain radiographs (0.04 [-0.48; 0.57]), and results on histomorphometrics and biomechanics did neither show a difference in effect between meniscus allograft transplantation and meniscectomy. In conclusion, although meniscus allograft transplantation does not protect articular cartilage from damage, it reduces the extent of it when compared with meniscectomy. Copyright © 2015 Osteoarthritis

  15. Effectiveness of intra-articular lidocaine injection for reduction of anterior shoulder dislocation: randomized clinical trial. (United States)

    Tamaoki, Marcel Jun Sugawara; Faloppa, Flavio; Wajnsztejn, André; Archetti Netto, Nicola; Matsumoto, Marcelo Hide; Belloti, João Carlos


    Shoulder dislocation is the most common dislocation among the large joints. The aim here was to compare the effectiveness of reduction of acute anterior shoulder dislocation with or without articular anesthesia. Prospective randomized trial conducted in Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (EPM-Unifesp). From March 2008 to December 2009, 42 patients with shoulder dislocation were recruited. Reductions using traction-countertraction for acute anterior shoulder dislocation with and without lidocaine articular anesthesia were compared. As the primary outcome, pain was assessed through application of a visual analogue scale before reduction, and one and five minutes after the reduction maneuver was performed. Complications were also assessed. Forty-two patients were included: 20 in the group without analgesia (control group) and 22 in the group that received intra-articular lidocaine injection. The group that received intra-articular lidocaine had a statistically greater decrease in pain over time than shown by the control group, both in the first minute (respectively: mean 2.1 (0 to 5.0), standard deviation, SD 1.3, versus mean 4.9 (2.0 to 7.0, SD 1.5; P < 0.001) and the fifth minute (respectively: mean 1.0; 0 to 3.0; SD = 1.0 versus mean 4.0; 1.0 to 6.0; SD = 1.4; P < 0.001). There was one failure in the control group. There were no other complications in either group. Reduction of anterior shoulder dislocation using intra-articular lidocaine injection is effective, since it is safe and diminishes the pain. ISRCTN27127703.

  16. MRI of articular cartilaginous lesions. MRI findings in osteoarthritis of the knee joint

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nozaki, Hiroyuki; Takezawa, Yuuichi; Suguro, Tohru; Igata, Atsuomi; Kudo, Yukihiko; Motegi, Mitsuo.


    An investigation was carried out to assess the usefulness of magnetic resonance imaging for imaging of the knee joint, especially for detecting articular cartilaginous lesions associated with osteoarthritis of the knee. A total of 141 patients with osteoarthritis were examined (23 males, 118 females). Their age range was 40-93 (mean age 66.2). Using radiotherapy examinations, patients were classified according to Hokkaido University Classification Criteria; 22, 49, 46, 16, and 8 patients were classified as Type I, II, III, IV and V, respectively. Articular cartilage defects were examined using MRI, and the number of such defects increased as the X-ray stage progressed. The appearance of a low signal intensity area in the bone marrow was examined using MRI, and the number of patients observed to have such areas increased as the x-ray stages progressed. JOA OA scores were significantly low for patients with meniscal tears. Patients were classified and results reviewed using MRI examinations. Classification by MRI of articular cartilage lesions correlated with the JOA OA scores. Low signal intensity areas in the bone marrow were frequently observed in advanced osteoarthritis cases, and there was correlation between FTA and MRI classifications of these areas. MRI is extremely valuable in detecting articular cartilage lesions in the knee joint, showing those lesions which cannot be detected by conventional radiography examinations. Thus, MRI is judged to be a clinically useful method for diagnosis of osteoarthritis. (author)

  17. The effectiveness of hyaluronic acid intra-articular injections in managing osteoarthritic knee pain (United States)

    Anand, A


    Introduction Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a common and progressive joint disease. Treatment options for knee OA vary from simple analgesia in mild cases to knee replacement for advanced disease. Knee pain due to moderate OA can be targeted with intra-articular injections. Steroid injections have been used widely in managing acute flare-ups of the disease. In recent years, viscosupplementation has been used as a therapeutic modality for the management of knee OA. The principle of viscosupplementation is based on the physiological properties of the hyaluronic acid (HA) in the synovial joint. Despite a sound principle and promising in vitro studies, clinical studies have been less conclusive on the effectiveness of HA in managing osteoarthritic knee pain. The aim of this systematic review was to assess the effectiveness of HA intra-articular injections in the management of osteoarthritic knee pain. Methods A systematic review of the literature was performed using MEDLINE®, Embase™ and CINAHL® (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature). The databases were searched for randomised controlled trials available on the effectiveness of HA intra-articular injections in managing osteoarthritic knee pain. Results The search yielded 188 studies. Of these, 14 met the eligibility criteria and were reviewed in chronological order. Conclusions HA intra-articular injections have a modest effect on early to moderate knee OA. The effect peaks at around 6–8 weeks following administration, with a doubtful effect at 6 months. PMID:24165334

  18. Intra-articular temperatures of the knee in sports – An in-vivo study of jogging and alpine skiing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cerulli Guiliano


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Up to date, no information exists about the intra-articular temperature changes of the knee related to activity and ambient temperature. Methods In 6 healthy males, a probe for intra-articular measurement was inserted into the notch of the right knee. Each subject was jogging on a treadmill in a closed room at 19°C room temperature and skiing in a ski resort at -3°C outside temperature for 60 minutes. In both conditions, temperatures were measured every fifteen minutes intra-articulary and at the skin surface of the knee. A possible influence on joint function and laxity was evaluated before and after activity. Statistical analysis of intra-articular and skin temperatures was done using nonparametric Wilcoxon's sign rank sum test and Mann-Whitney's-U-Test. Results Median intra-articular temperatures increased from 31.4°C before activity by 2.1°C, 4°C, 5.8°C and 6.1°C after 15, 30, 45 and 60 min of jogging (all p ≤ 0.05. Median intra-articular temperatures dropped from 32.2°C before activity by 0.5°C, 1.9°C, 3.6°C and 1.1°C after 15, 30, 45 and 60 min of skiing (all n.s.. After 60 minutes of skiing (jogging, the median intra-articular temperature was 19.6% (8.7% higher than the skin surface temperature at the knee. Joint function and laxity appeared not to be different before and after activity within both groups. Conclusion This study demonstrates different changes of intra-articular and skin temperatures during sports in jogging and alpine skiing and suggests that changes are related to activity and ambient temperature.

  19. Experimental articular cartilage repair in the Göttingen minipig

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Bjørn Borsøe; Foldager, Casper Bindzus; Olesen, Morten Lykke


    BACKGROUND: A gold standard treatment for articular cartilage injuries is yet to be found, and a cost-effective and predictable large animal model is needed to bridge the gap between in vitro studies and clinical studies. Ideally, the animal model should allow for testing of clinically relevant...

  20. Reduction of intra-articular adhesion by topical application of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Effect of daidzein on intra articular adhesion was estimated by visual score through macroscopic examination, histopathology study, hydroxyproline content, fibroblast and collage density. Results: Data obtained in the study suggest that topical application of daidzein (5 and 10 mg/ml) loose the collagen and significantly ...

  1. Chondrogenic Effect of Intra-articular Hypertonic-Dextrose (Prolotherapy) in Severe Knee Osteoarthritis. (United States)

    Topol, Gastón Andrés; Podesta, Leandro Ariel; Reeves, Kenneth Dean; Giraldo, Marcia Mallma; Johnson, Lanny L; Grasso, Raul; Jamín, Alexis; Clark, Tom; Rabago, David


    Dextrose injection is reported to improve knee osteoarthritis (KOA)-related clinical outcomes, but its effect on articular cartilage is unknown. A chondrogenic effect of dextrose injection has been proposed. To assess biological and clinical effects of intra-articular hypertonic dextrose injections (prolotherapy) in painful KOA. Case series with blinded arthroscopic evaluation before and after treatment. Physical medicine and day surgery practice. Symptomatic KOA for at least 6 months, arthroscopy-confirmed medial compartment exposed subchondral bone, and temporary pain relief with intra-articular lidocaine injection. Four to 6 monthly 10-mL intra-articular injections with 12.5% dextrose. Visual cartilage growth assessment of 9 standardized medial condyle zones in each of 6 participants by 3 arthroscopy readers masked to pre-/postinjection status (total 54 zones evaluated per reader); biopsy of a cartilage growth area posttreatment, evaluated using hematoxylin and eosin and Safranin-O stains, quantitative polarized light microscopy, and immunohistologic cartilage typing; self-reported knee specific quality of life using the Western Ontario McMaster University Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC, 0-100 points). Six participants (1 female and 5 male) with median age of 71 years, WOMAC composite score of 57.5 points, and a 9-year pain duration received a median of 6 dextrose injections and follow-up arthroscopy at 7.75 months (range 4.5-9.5 months). In 19 of 54 zone comparisons, all 3 readers agreed that the posttreatment zone showed cartilage growth compared with the pretreatment zone. Biopsy specimens showed metabolically active cartilage with variable cellular organization, fiber parallelism, and cartilage typing patterns consistent with fibro- and hyaline-like cartilage. Compared with baseline status, the median WOMAC score improved 13 points (P = .013). Self-limited soreness after methylene blue instillation was noted. Positive clinical and chondrogenic effects were seen

  2. Características epidemiológicas e causas da fratura do terço proximal do fêmur em idosos Epidemiological characteristics and causes of proximal femoral fractures among the elderly

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Soares Hungria Neto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O custo social e econômico das fraturas da região proximal do fêmur é elevado e decorre, dentre outros fatores, da morbimortalidade da própria fratura. Apesar de sua importância, estudos envolvendo esse tema ainda são escassos no Brasil. Esse foi um estudo retrospectivo, observacional, transversal (ecológico com objetivo de traçar um perfil epidemiológico da fratura do terço proximal do fêmur em idosos, analisar suas causas e as características físicas dos pacientes admitidos em um único hospital universitário de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Estudo de prontuários no período de um ano e comparação dos grupos pelo teste do Qui-quadrado; p OBJECTIVE: The social and economic cost of proximal femoral fractures is high, due the morbidity and mortality relating to the fracture itself, among other factors. Despite the importance of this issue, studies on this topic are still scarce in Brazil. This was a retrospective, observational and cross-sectional (ecological study with the aims of outlining an epidemiological profile for proximal femoral fractures among the elderly and analyzing the causes of these fractures and the physical characteristics of patients admitted to a single university hospital in São Paulo. METHODS: This was a study on medical records over a one-year period, with group comparisons using the chi-square test; p < 0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: Ninety-four individuals were evaluated: predominantly female (2:1; 81-85 years of age; body mass index within normal limits; white and Asian patients (p < 0.05. The vast majority of the fractures occurred through low-energy trauma and inside the patients' homes (p < 0.05. After excluding the trauma resulting from high-energy events, over 39% occurred as the patients were moving from sitting to standing up or were using stairs, and approximately 40% occurred while they were standing still or walking. A greater number of cases corresponded to the cold seasons of

  3. Freeze-thaw treatment effects on the dynamic mechanical properties of articular cartilage

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muldrew Ken


    Full Text Available Abstract Background As a relatively non-regenerative tissue, articular cartilage has been targeted for cryopreservation as a method of mitigating a lack of donor tissue availability for transplant surgeries. In addition, subzero storage of articular cartilage has long been used in biomedical studies using various storage temperatures. The current investigation studies the potential for freeze-thaw to affect the mechanical properties of articular cartilage through direct comparison of various subzero storage temperatures. Methods Both subzero storage temperature as well as freezing rate were compared using control samples (4°C and samples stored at either -20°C or -80°C as well as samples first snap frozen in liquid nitrogen (-196°C prior to storage at -80°C. All samples were thawed at 37.5°C to testing temperature (22°C. Complex stiffness and hysteresis characterized load resistance and damping properties using a non-destructive, low force magnitude, dynamic indentation protocol spanning a broad loading rate range to identify the dynamic viscoelastic properties of cartilage. Results Stiffness levels remained unchanged with exposure to the various subzero temperatures. Hysteresis increased in samples snap frozen at -196°C and stored at -80°C, though remained unchanged with exposure to the other storage temperatures. Conclusions Mechanical changes shown are likely due to ice lens creation, where frost heave effects may have caused collagen damage. That storage to -20°C and -80°C did not alter the mechanical properties of articular cartilage shows that when combined with a rapid thawing protocol to 37.5°C, the tissue may successfully be stored at subzero temperatures.

  4. MR imaging of articular cartilage; Gelenkknorpel in der MR-Tomographie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schaefer, F.K.W.; Muhle, C.; Heller, M.; Brossmann, J. [Kiel Univ. (Germany). Klinik fuer Diagnostische Radiologie


    MR imaging has evolved to the best non-invasive method for the evaluation of articular cartilage. MR imaging helps to understand the structure and physiology of cartilage, and to diagnose cartilage lesions. Numerous studies have shown high accuracy and reliability concerning detection of cartilage lesions and early changes in both structure and biochemistry. High contrast-to-noise ratio and high spatial resolution are essential for analysis of articular cartilage. Fat-suppressed 3D-T{sub 1} weighted gradient echo and T{sub 2}-weighted fast spin echo sequences with or without fat suppression are recommended for clinical routine. In this article the anatomy and pathology of hyaline articular cartilage and the complex imaging characteristics of hyaline cartilage will be discussed. (orig.) [German] Die MR-Tomographie hat sich zur besten nichtinvasiven bildgebenden Methode fuer die Untersuchung von Gelenkknorpel entwickelt. Die MR-Tomographie liefert einen Beitrag zum Verstaendnis der Knorpelstruktur und der Physiologie sowie zur Diagnostik von Knorpelschaeden. Zahlreiche MR-Studien konnten eine hohe Genauigkeit und Zuverlaessigkeit bei der Detektion chondraler Laesionen sowie frueher Veraenderungen struktureller und biochemischer Natur zeigen. Neben einem hohen Kontrast/Rausch-Verhaeltnis ist fuer die Gelenkknorpelanalyse eine hohe raeumliche Aufloesung erforderlich. Im klinischen Routinebetrieb empfehlen sich fuer die Erkennung von Knorpellaesionen besonders fettunterdrueckte 3D-T{sub 1}-gewichtete Gradientenecho- und T{sub 2}-gewichtete Fastspinecho-Sequenzen mit oder ohne Fettunterdrueckung. Die vorliegende Arbeit geht auf die Anatomie und Pathologie des hyalinen Gelenkknorpels ein und diskutiert das komplexe MR-Signalverhalten. (orig.)

  5. Magnetic resonance imaging of articular cartilage: ex vivo study on normal cartilage correlated with magnetic resonance microscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cova, M.; Frezza, F.; Pozzi-Mucelli, R.S.; Dalla-Palma, L.; Toffanin, R.; Pozzi-Mucelli, M.; Mlynarik, V.; Vittur, F.


    The aims of this study were (a) to compare the MR appearance of normal articular cartilage in ex vivo MR imaging (MRI) and MR microscopy (MRM) images of disarticulated human femoral heads, (b) to evaluate by MRM the topographic variations in articular cartilage of disarticulated human femoral heads, and subsequently, (c) to compare MRM images with histology. Ten disarticulated femoral heads were examined. Magnetic resonance images were obtained using spin-echo (SE) and gradient-echo (GE) sequences. Microimages were acquired on cartilage-bone cylindrical plugs excised from four regions (superior, inferior, anterior, posterior) of one femoral head, using a modified SE sequence. Both MRI and MRM images were obtained before and after a 90 rotation of the specimen, around the axis perpendicular to the examined cartilage surface. Finally, MRM images were correlated with histology. A trilaminar appearance of articular cartilage was observed with MRI and with a greater detail with MRM. A good correlation between MRI and MRM features was demonstrated. Both MRI and MRM showed a loss of the trilaminar cartilage appearance after specimen rotation, with greater evidence on MRM images. Cartilage excised from the four regions of the femoral head showed a different thickness, being thickest in the samples excised from the superior site. The MRM technique confirms the trilaminar MRI appearance of human articular cartilage, showing good correlation with histology. The loss of the trilaminar appearance of articular cartilage induced by specimen rotation suggests that this feature is partially related to the collagen-fiber orientation within the different layers. The MRM technique also shows topographic variations in thickness of human articular cartilage. (orig.)

  6. A comparison of analgesic effect of intra-articular levobupivacaine with bupivacaine following knee arthroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karaman, Yucel; Bor, Canan; Kayali, Cemil; Ozturk, Hasan; Kaya, Ahmet


    To compare the postoperative analgesic effects of intra-articular levobupivacaine with bupivacaine following knee arthroscopy. Forty patients, aged between 20-60 years and undergoing elective knee arthroscopy were enrolled into the study protocol that was carried out in Tepecik Education and Research Hospital, Izmir, Turkey between January and June 2007. General anesthesia protocol was the same in all patients. At the end of surgery, the patients were randomly assigned into 2 groups (n=20 in each group). Group L received 20 ml 0.5% levobupivacaine and Group B received 20 ml 0.5% bupivacaine intra-articularly. We evaluated the level of postoperative pain (by visual analoque scale at 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 hours after surgery), first analgesic requirement time (period measured from the end of the surgery until further analgesia was demanded), and total analgesic consumption during 24 hours. There were no significant difference in the postoperative pain scores of the patients between groups. The first analgesic requirement times were not statistically different. Twelve patients in Group L (60%) and 9 patients in Group B (45%) needed no additional analgesic during the 24 hours (p>0.05). No complications and side effects were found related to the intra-articular treatment. The results of the study show that intra-articular 20 ml 0.5% levobupivacaine provides effective analgesia comparable to that provided by 20 ml 0.5% bupivacaine. (author)

  7. Intra-articular lipoma causing snapping in the patellofemoral joint

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yilmaz, E.; Karakurt, L.; Yildirim, H.; Ozercan, R.


    Intra-articular lipoma is an exceedingly rare diagnosis. We identified a lipoma that was seated in the retropatellar are and caused snapping of the patella during flexion of the knee joint. The tumor was easily and totally excised under arthroscopic guidance after the thin pedicle was cut. (author)

  8. Synergistic effects of intravenous and intra-articular tranexamic acid on reducing hemoglobin loss in revision total knee arthroplasty: a prospective, randomized, controlled study. (United States)

    Yuan, Xiangwei; Wang, Jiaxing; Wang, Qiaojie; Zhang, Xianlong


    Tranexamic acid decreases blood loss in primary total knee arthroplasty, and no related prospective randomized clinical trials have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of tranexamic acid in revision total knee arthroplasty. Thus, we conducted this work to evaluate the synergistic effects of intravenous plus intra-articular tranexamic acid on reducing hemoglobin loss compared with intra-articular tranexamic acid alone in revision total knee arthroplasty. This prospective, controlled study randomized 96 patients undergoing revision total knee arthroplasty into two groups: an intravenous plus intra-articular tranexamic acid group (48 patients who received 20 mg/kg intravenous tranexamic acid and 3.0 g intra-articular tranexamic acid); and an intra-articular tranexamic acid alone group (48 patients who received the same intravenous volume of normal saline and 3.0 g intra-articular tranexamic acid). The primary outcome was hemoglobin loss. Secondary outcomes included the volume of drain output, the percentage of patients who received transfusions, the number of units transfused, and thromboembolic events. The baseline data, preoperative hemoglobin, and tourniquet time were similar in both groups. There was significantly less hemoglobin loss in the intravenous plus intra-articular tranexamic acid group compared with the intra-articular tranexamic acid alone group (2.7 ± 0.6 g/dL and 3.7 ± 0.7 g/dL; p tranexamic acid alone group, the intravenous plus intra-articular tranexamic acid group also had significantly less drain output, fewer patients who received transfusions, and fewer units transfused (all p tranexamic acid alone, combined intravenous plus intra-articular tranexamic acid significantly reduced hemoglobin loss and the need for transfusion without an apparent increase in thromboembolic events in patients who underwent revision total knee arthroplasty. © 2018 AABB.

  9. Rehabilitación ocluso-articular en un paciente bruxópata Occlusal-articular rehabilitation in a patient with bruxism

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    José Miguel Montero Parrilla


    Full Text Available Se realizó la presentación del caso de un paciente masculino de 68 años de edad que acudió a la Consulta de Trastornos Temporomandibulares de la Facultad de Estomatología de La Habana, por presentar problemas estéticos y dificultades masticatorias. Durante la anamnesis y el examen físico se observaron facetas de desgastes oclusales, disminución de la dimensión vertical y prominencias óseas asociadas al bruxismo. Se realizó la discusión del caso y el tratamiento seguido para su rehabilitación ocluso-articular. El resultado final fue la restauración de la estética y la función.This is the presentation of the case of a male patient aged 68 came to our consultation of temporomandibular disorders of the Stomatology Faculty of Ciudad de La Habana due to esthetic problems and mastication difficulty. During anamnesis and physical examination it was possible to note occlusal wear facets, decrease of vertical dimension and bone prominences associated with bruxism. Case was discussed and treatment was followed for its occlusal-articular rehabilitation. Final result was the restoration of esthetics and function.

  10. ROCK inhibitor prevents the dedifferentiation of human articular chondrocytes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsumoto, Emi; Furumatsu, Takayuki; Kanazawa, Tomoko; Tamura, Masanori; Ozaki, Toshifumi


    Highlights: ► ROCK inhibitor stimulates chondrogenic gene expression of articular chondrocytes. ► ROCK inhibitor prevents the dedifferentiation of monolayer-cultured chondrocytes. ► ROCK inhibitor enhances the redifferentiation of cultured chondrocytes. ► ROCK inhibitor is useful for preparation of un-dedifferentiated chondrocytes. ► ROCK inhibitor may be a useful reagent for chondrocyte-based regeneration therapy. -- Abstract: Chondrocytes lose their chondrocytic phenotypes in vitro. The Rho family GTPase ROCK, involved in organizing the actin cytoskeleton, modulates the differentiation status of chondrocytic cells. However, the optimum method to prepare a large number of un-dedifferentiated chondrocytes is still unclear. In this study, we investigated the effect of ROCK inhibitor (ROCKi) on the chondrogenic property of monolayer-cultured articular chondrocytes. Human articular chondrocytes were subcultured in the presence or absence of ROCKi (Y-27632). The expression of chondrocytic marker genes such as SOX9 and COL2A1 was assessed by quantitative real-time PCR analysis. Cellular morphology and viability were evaluated. Chondrogenic redifferentiation potential was examined by a pellet culture procedure. The expression level of SOX9 and COL2A1 was higher in ROCKi-treated chondrocytes than in untreated cells. Chondrocyte morphology varied from a spreading form to a round shape in a ROCKi-dependent manner. In addition, ROCKi treatment stimulated the proliferation of chondrocytes. The deposition of safranin O-stained proteoglycans and type II collagen was highly detected in chondrogenic pellets derived from ROCKi-pretreated chondrocytes. Our results suggest that ROCKi prevents the dedifferentiation of monolayer-cultured chondrocytes, and may be a useful reagent to maintain chondrocytic phenotypes in vitro for chondrocyte-based regeneration therapy.

  11. Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound affects human articular chondrocytes in vitro

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Korstjens, C.M.; van der Rijt, R.H.H.; Albers, G.H.; Semeins, C.M.; Klein-Nulend, J.


    We investigated whether low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) stimulates chondrocyte proliferation and matrix production in explants of human articular cartilage obtained from donors suffering from unicompartimental osteoarthritis of the knee, as well as in isolated human chondrocytes in vitro.

  12. A new noninvasive controlled intra-articular ankle distraction technique on a cadaver model. (United States)

    Aydin, Ahmet T; Ozcanli, Haluk; Soyuncu, Yetkin; Dabak, Tayyar K


    Effective joint distraction is crucial in arthroscopic ankle surgery. We describe an effective and controlled intra-articular ankle distraction technique that we have studied by means of a fresh-frozen cadaver model. Using a kyphoplasty balloon, which is currently used in spine surgery, we tried to achieve a controlled distraction. After the fixation of the cadaver model, standard anteromedial and anterolateral portals were used for ankle arthroscopy. From the same portals, the kyphoplasty balloon was inserted and placed in an appropriate position intra-articularly. The necessary amount of distraction was achieved by inflating the kyphoplasty balloon with a pressure regulation pump. All anatomic sites of the ankle joint were easily visualized with the arthroscope during surgery by changing the pressure and the intra-articular position of the kyphoplasty balloon. Ankle distraction was clearly seen on the arthroscopic and image intensifier view. The kyphoplasty balloon is simple to place through the standard portals and the advantage is that it allows easy manipulation of the arthroscopic instruments from the same portal.

  13. Hyaluronic acid-coated bovine serum albumin nanoparticles loaded with brucine as selective nanovectors for intra-articular injection

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    Chen Z


    Full Text Available Zhipeng Chen,* Juan Chen,* Li Wu, Weidong Li, Jun Chen, Haibo Cheng, Jinhuo Pan, Baochang CaiDepartment of Pharmacy, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, People's Republic of China*These authors contributed equally to this workObjective: To evaluate the potential of hyaluronic acid (HA-coated bovine serum albumin nanoparticles (BSANPs as a novel chondrocyte-targeting drug-delivery nanomedicine.Methods: The HA-BSANPs were characterized by dynamic light scattering, transmission electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, and X-ray diffraction. Fluorescence imaging was used to visualize the distribution of nanoparticles after intra-articular injection. The chondrocyte-targeting efficiency and cellular uptake mechanism of HA-BSANPs were investigated using endocytic inhibitors.Results: HA-BSANPs were successfully prepared with HA coating the surface and amorphous drug in the core. Compared with BSANPs, HA-BSANPs exhibited improved uptake by chondrocytes through a receptor-mediated active uptake mechanism. The endocytosis process of BSANPs and HA-BSANPs involved clathrin-mediated endocytosis, caveolae-mediated endocytosis, and macropinocytosis. No apparent thickening or hyperplasia of the synovium was observed in either BSANPs or HA-BSANPs. The HA-BSANPs could reside in the articular cavity of rats for more than 14 days, which was significantly longer than BSANPs.Conclusion: HA-BSANPs are a promising carrier for articular-related diseases due to elongated articular residence and improved chondrocytic accumulation.Keywords: chondrocyte, intra-articular injection, hyaluronic acid, BSA, nanoparticles

  14. Effectiveness of intra-articular lidocaine injection for reduction of anterior shoulder dislocation: randomized clinical trial

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    Marcel Jun Sugawara Tamaoki

    Full Text Available CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Shoulder dislocation is the most common dislocation among the large joints. The aim here was to compare the effectiveness of reduction of acute anterior shoulder dislocation with or without articular anesthesia. DESIGN AND SETTING: Prospective randomized trial conducted in Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (EPM-Unifesp. METHODS: From March 2008 to December 2009, 42 patients with shoulder dislocation were recruited. Reductions using traction-countertraction for acute anterior shoulder dislocation with and without lidocaine articular anesthesia were compared. As the primary outcome, pain was assessed through application of a visual analogue scale before reduction, and one and five minutes after the reduction maneuver was performed. Complications were also assessed. RESULTS: Forty-two patients were included: 20 in the group without analgesia (control group and 22 in the group that received intra-articular lidocaine injection. The group that received intra-articular lidocaine had a statistically greater decrease in pain over time than shown by the control group, both in the first minute (respectively: mean 2.1 (0 to 5.0, standard deviation, SD 1.3, versus mean 4.9 (2.0 to 7.0, SD 1.5; P < 0.001 and the fifth minute (respectively: mean 1.0; 0 to 3.0; SD = 1.0 versus mean 4.0; 1.0 to 6.0; SD = 1.4; P < 0.001. There was one failure in the control group. There were no other complications in either group. CONCLUSION: Reduction of anterior shoulder dislocation using intra-articular lidocaine injection is effective, since it is safe and diminishes the pain. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN27127703.

  15. The Unexplored Role of Intra-articular Adipose Tissue in the Homeostasis and Pathology of Articular Joints

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    Luminita Labusca


    Full Text Available Intra-articular adipose tissue deposits known as articular fat pads (AFPs are described to exist within synovial joints. Their assumed role in normal joint biomechanics is increasingly objectivized by means of advanced methods of functional imaging. AFPs possess structural similarity with body subcutaneous white adipose tissue (WAT, however, seems to be regulated by independent metabolic loops. AFP dimension are conserved during extreme WAT states: obesity, metabolic syndrome, lipodystrophy, and cachexia. Hoffa fat pad (HFP in the knee is increasingly recognized as a major player in pathological joint states such as anterior knee pain and osteoarthritis. HFP contains numerous population of mesenchymal and endothelial progenitors; however, the possible role of mature adipocytes in the maintenance of stem cell niche is unknown. We propose that AFP is an active component of the joint organ with multifunctional roles in the maintenance of joint homeostasis. Endowed with a rich network of sensitive nervous fibbers, AFPs may act as a proprioceptive organ. Adipokines and growth factors released by AFP-resident mature adipocytes could participate in the maintenance of progenitor stem cell niche as well as in local immune regulation. AFP metabolism may be locally controlled, correlated with but independent of WAT homeostasis. The identification of AFP role in normal joint turnover and its possible implication in pathological states could deliver diagnostic and therapeutic targets. Drug and/or cell therapies that restore AFP structure and function could become the next step in the design of disease modifying therapies for disabling joint conditions such as osteoarthritis and inflammatory arthritis.

  16. Chondrogenic Differentiation of Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells: A New Path in Articular Cartilage Defect Management?

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    Jan-Philipp Stromps


    Full Text Available According to data published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 6 million people undergo a variety of medical procedures for the repair of articular cartilage defects in the U.S. each year. Trauma, tumor, and age-related degeneration can cause major defects in articular cartilage, which has a poor intrinsic capacity for healing. Therefore, there is substantial interest in the development of novel cartilage tissue engineering strategies to restore articular cartilage defects to a normal or prediseased state. Special attention has been paid to the expansion of chondrocytes, which produce and maintain the cartilaginous matrix in healthy cartilage. This review summarizes the current efforts to generate chondrocytes from adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs and provides an outlook on promising future strategies.

  17. The ultrastructure of the peri-articular osteophytes - an evaluation by ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Methods: Sections of periarticular osteophytes and osteophyte-normal articular cartilage composite tissues were obtained during total knee replacement for osteoarthritis (OA). These sections were routinely processed and examined using the scanning electron microscope with emphasis on the osteophytic cartilage mantle ...

  18. The effects of captive versus wild rearing environments on long bone articular surfaces in common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes

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    Kristi L. Lewton


    Full Text Available The physical environments of captive and wild animals frequently differ in substrate types and compliance. As a result, there is an assumption that differences in rearing environments between captive and wild individuals produce differences in skeletal morphology. Here, this hypothesis is tested using a sample of 42 captive and wild common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes. Articular surface areas of the humerus, radius, ulna, femur, and tibia were calculated from linear breadth measurements, adjusted for size differences using Mosimann shape variables, and compared across sex and environmental groups using two-way ANOVA. Results indicate that the articular surfaces of the wrist and knee differ between captive and wild chimpanzees; captive individuals have significantly larger distal ulna and tibial plateau articular surfaces. In both captive and wild chimpanzees, males have significantly larger femoral condyles and distal radius surfaces than females. Finally, there is an interaction effect between sex and rearing in the articular surfaces of the femoral condyles and distal radius in which captive males have significantly larger surface areas than all other sex-rearing groups. These data suggest that long bone articular surfaces may be sensitive to differences experienced by captive and wild individuals, such as differences in diet, body mass, positional behaviors, and presumed loading environments. Importantly, these results only find differences due to rearing environment in some long bone articular surfaces. Thus, future work on skeletal morphology could cautiously incorporate data from captive individuals, but should first investigate potential intraspecific differences between captive and wild individuals.

  19. Efficacy of Intra-Articular Injection of Hyaluronic Acid in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis

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    SS Narayanan


    Full Text Available This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of intra- articular injection of hyaluronic acid for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis. Patients with knee osteoarthritis were followed for a period of six months to assess the efficacy of intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid given three times in three consecutive weeks. Fifty patients were reviewed at two, eight and 24 weeks post-injection. The average age was 60.9 years and female to male ratio was 3:1. Patients were assessed using the Lequesne Algofunctional Index for function, and the visual analogue score for pain and side effects. We found that the knee pain reduced and the function improved in most patients and these beneficial effects maintain till the last follow up. The only side effect noted was one case of acute non-septic joint effusion after the 3rd injection. We concluded that intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid can produce pain relief and functional improvement for up to 6 months.

  20. Bilateral spondylolysis of inferior articular processes of the fourth lumbar vertebra: a case report. (United States)

    Koakutsu, Tomoaki; Morozumi, Naoki; Hoshikawa, Takeshi; Ogawa, Shinji; Ishii, Yushin; Itoi, Eiji


    Lumbar spondylolysis, a well known cause of low back pain, usually affects the pars interarticularis of a lower lumbar vertebra and rarely involves the articular processes. We report a rare case of bilateral spondylolysis of inferior articular processes of L4 vertebra that caused spinal canal stenosis with a significant segmental instability at L4/5 and scoliosis. A 31-year-old male who had suffered from low back pain since he was a teenager presented with numbness of the right lower leg and scoliosis. Plain X-rays revealed bilateral spondylolysis of inferior articular processes of L4, anterolisthesis of the L4 vertebral body, and right lateral wedging of the L4/5 disc with compensatory scoliosis in the cephalad portion of the spine. MR images revealed spinal canal stenosis at the L4/5 disc level. Posterior lumbar interbody fusion of the L4/5 was performed, and his symptoms were relieved.

  1. Clinical and Laboratory Predictors of Articular Disorders Among HIV ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    laboratory features of HIV‑infected patients and articular disorders. Aims: To ... The recruitment of subjects for the study took place ..... [4-8,10]. The reported range is wide and reflects prevalence from ... this study may be close to the true value because the subjects .... hence higher ESR values, indicating widespread systemic.

  2. Incidence and treatment of intra-articular lesions associated with anterior cruciate ligament tears. (United States)

    Todor, Adrian; Nistor, Dan; Buescu, Cristian; Pojar, Adina; Lucaciu, Dan


    The aim of the study is to retrospectively review the patients admitted and treated in the "Alexandru Rădulescu" Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic, Cluj-Napoca for an anterior cruciate ligament tear over a 2-year period and document the intra-articular lesions found at arthroscopy as well as the treatment used for these associated lesions. The case records of 88 patients operated for anterior cruciate ligament tear over a period of 2 years were reviewed. There were 67 males and 21 females with a mean age of 28.9 years, ranging from 14 to 49 years. After recording the patient demographics, we documented all the intra-articular lesions found during knee arthroscopy, as well as all procedures undertaken concomitant with the ACL reconstruction. 50 of the 88 patients (56.8%) had associated intra-articular lesions at the time of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. The most common injury found was a meniscus tear, 48 patients (54.5%) had a meniscal pathology at the time of ligament reconstruction, medial meniscus being the most frequent injured one, found in 37 patients. Meniscectomy and meniscus suture were the procedures performed for these lesions, meniscectomy being more frequent. Chondral defects were the next associated injuries found with an incidence of 15.9% of the cases. The medial side of the knee was the most common site of chondral pathology. ACL tears are frequently associated with other intra-articular lesions, especially medial meniscus tears and chondral defects affecting the medial compartment. Such pathology most often needs surgical attention during the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.

  3. Epidemiologia das fraturas toracolombares cirúrgicas na zona leste de São Paulo Epidemiología de las fracturas toracolumbares quirúrgicas en la región Leste de São Paulo Epidemiology of thoracolumbar surgical fractures in the east side of São Paulo

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    Luiz Cláudio Lacerda Rodrigues


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: fazer uma análise prospectiva de cem pacientes com fratura da coluna toracolombar submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico em um hospital terciário da zona leste de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: estudo prospectivo com início em Janeiro de 2006 até Julho de 2009, sendo incluído um total de 100 pacientes com fratura da coluna toracolombar submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico. Avaliou-se o sexo, a idade, o mecanismo de trauma, o déficit neurológico e o tipo de fratura. RESULTADOS: foi observado que queda de altura foi o principal fator causador deste tipo de fratura seguido de acidentes com veículos automotores. O sexo masculino foi responsável por 66% dos casos, porém não foi observada diferença entre o mecanismo de trauma e o sexo. Observamos também que a lesão neurológica apresenta relação direta com a gravidade de fratura e que a junção toracolombar é a região mais acometida. CONCLUSÃO: concluímos que a incidência de fraturas na zona leste de São Paulo é elevada e associam-se a quedas acidentais. Verifica-se que estes dados são importantes para que medidas de prevenção possam ser tomadas com vistas a diminuir a morbidade deste grave tipo de trauma.OBJETIVO: hacer un análisis prospectivo de cien pacientes con fracturas de la columna toracolumbar sometidos al tratamiento quirúrgico en un hospital de tercer nivel de la región Leste de la ciudad de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: estudio prospectivo con inicio en Enero de 2006 hasta Julio de 2009, donde fueron incluidos un total de cien pacientes con fractura de la columna toracolumbar sometidos al tratamiento quirúrgico. Se evaluaron el sexo, la edad, el mecanismo del trauma, el déficit neurológico y el tipo de fractura. RESULTADOS: fue observado que la caída de una altura fue el principal factor causante de este tipo de fractura, seguido de accidentes con vehículos automotores. El sexo masculino fue responsable por el 66% de los casos, sin embargo no fue observada una

  4. T2 Mapping of Articular Cartilage of Glenohumeral Joint with Routine MRI Correlation—Initial Experience


    Maizlin, Zeev V.; Clement, Jason J.; Patola, Wayne B.; Fenton, David M.; Gillies, Jean H.; Vos, Patrick M.; Jacobson, Jon A.


    The evaluation of articular cartilage currently relies primarily on the identification of morphological alterations of the articular cartilage. Unlike anatomic imaging, T2 mapping is sensitive to changes in the chemical composition and structure of the cartilage. Clinical evaluation of T2 mapping of the glenohumeral joint has not been previously reported. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the feasibility of magnetic resonance T2 mapping of the glenohumeral joint in routine clinica...

  5. Spatial and temporal changes of subchondral bone proceed to articular cartilage degeneration in rats subjected to knee immobilization. (United States)

    Xu, Lei; Li, Zhe; Lei, Lei; Zhou, Yue-Zhu; Deng, Song-Yun; He, Yong-Bin; Ni, Guo-Xin


    This study was aimed to investigate the spatial and temporal changes of subchondral bone and its overlying articular cartilage in rats following knee immobilization. A total of 36 male Wistar rats (11-13 months old) were assigned randomly and evenly into 3 groups. For each group, knee joints in 6 rats were immobilized unilaterally for 1, 4, or 8 weeks, respectively, while the remaining rats were allowed free activity and served as external control groups. For each animal, femurs at both sides were dissected after sacrificed. The distal part of femur was examined by micro-CT. Subsequently, femoral condyles were collected for further histological observation and analysis. For articular cartilage, significant changes were observed only at 4 and 8 weeks of immobilization. The thickness of articular cartilage and chondrocytes numbers decreased with time. However, significant changes in subchondral bone were defined by micro-CT following immobilization in a time-dependent manner. Immobilization led to a thinner and more porous subchondral bone plate, as well as a reduction in trabecular thickness and separation with a more rod-like architecture. Changes in subchondral bone occurred earlier than in articular cartilage. More importantly, immobilization-induced changes in subchondral bone may contribute, at least partially, to changes in its overlying articular cartilage. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  6. Characterisation of intra-articular soft tissue tumours and tumour-like lesions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adams, Matthew E. [The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust, The Department of Radiology, Middlesex (United Kingdom); Saifuddin, Asif [The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust, The Department of Radiology, Middlesex (United Kingdom); The London Bone and Soft Tissue Tumour Service, London (United Kingdom); University College London, The Institute of Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Sciences, London (United Kingdom)


    The aim of this study was to describe a new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) classification system for intra-articular soft tissue tumours based on the morphology of the lesion, with the aim to aid the differential diagnosis. We performed a retrospective review of 52 consecutive patients presenting to a specialist musculoskeletal oncology unit with a suspected intra-articular tumour. Lesions were categorised into one of four groups according to a simple classification system based on their morphological features on MRI. Distinct groupings of pathologies emerged corresponding to each of the morphological categories. Particularly when combined with radiographic features of calcification and bone erosion, certain patterns were found to be characteristic of specific diagnoses. For example multifocal, calcified lesions were found exclusively in synovial osteochondromatosis and diffuse synovitis with hypointense T2-weighted signal intensity was typical of pigmented villonodular synovitis. Certain combinations of imaging features such as diffuse solid lesions and focal lesions with bone erosion were commonly associated with malignant lesions. We suggest that by classifying intra-articular masses according to their morphological features on MRI, particularly when combined with simple radiographic features, an additional parameter may be generated to aid the radiologist in making a diagnosis. In addition, particular combinations of features provide 'red flags' to increase the index of suspicion for malignancy. (orig.)

  7. Nitrous Oxide sedation for intra-articular injection in juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    Harel Liora


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Intra-articular corticosteroid injection in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA is often associated with anxiety and pain. Recent reports advocate the use of nitrous oxide (NO, a volatile gas with analgesic, anxiolytic and sedative properties. Objective To prospectively evaluate the effectiveness and safety of NO analgesia for intra-articular corticosteroid injection in JIA, and to assess patients and staff satisfaction with the treatment. Methods NO was administered to JIA patients scheduled for joint injection. The patient, parent, physician and nurse completed visual-analog scores (VAS (0–10 for pain, and a 5-point satisfaction scale. Change in heart rate (HR during the procedure was recorded in order to examine physiologic response to pain and stress. Patient's behavior and adverse reactions were recorded. Results 54 procedures (72 joints were performed, 41 females, 13 males; 39 Jewish, 13 Arab; mean age was 12.2 ± 4.7 year. The median VAS pain score for patients, parents, physicians and nurses was 3. The HR increased ≥ 15% in 10 patients. They had higher VAS scores as evaluated by the staff. The median satisfaction level of the parents and staff was 3.0 and 5.0 respectively. Adverse reactions were mild. Conclusion NO provides effective and safe sedation for JIA children undergoing intra-articular injections.

  8. Characterisation of intra-articular soft tissue tumours and tumour-like lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adams, Matthew E.; Saifuddin, Asif


    The aim of this study was to describe a new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) classification system for intra-articular soft tissue tumours based on the morphology of the lesion, with the aim to aid the differential diagnosis. We performed a retrospective review of 52 consecutive patients presenting to a specialist musculoskeletal oncology unit with a suspected intra-articular tumour. Lesions were categorised into one of four groups according to a simple classification system based on their morphological features on MRI. Distinct groupings of pathologies emerged corresponding to each of the morphological categories. Particularly when combined with radiographic features of calcification and bone erosion, certain patterns were found to be characteristic of specific diagnoses. For example multifocal, calcified lesions were found exclusively in synovial osteochondromatosis and diffuse synovitis with hypointense T2-weighted signal intensity was typical of pigmented villonodular synovitis. Certain combinations of imaging features such as diffuse solid lesions and focal lesions with bone erosion were commonly associated with malignant lesions. We suggest that by classifying intra-articular masses according to their morphological features on MRI, particularly when combined with simple radiographic features, an additional parameter may be generated to aid the radiologist in making a diagnosis. In addition, particular combinations of features provide 'red flags' to increase the index of suspicion for malignancy. (orig.)

  9. Automatic quantification of local and global articular cartilage surface curvature

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Folkesson, Jenny; Dam, Erik B; Olsen, Ole F


    The objective of this study was to quantitatively assess the surface curvature of the articular cartilage from low-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data, and to investigate its role in populations with varying radiographic signs of osteoarthritis (OA), cross-sectionally and longitudinally...

  10. Evaluation of the internal structure of articular cartilage in terms of 1H-NMR relaxation behavior

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsuo, Takeshi


    The structural characteristics of articular cartilage were analyzed using 1 H-longitudinal (T 1 ) and transverse (T 2 ) relaxation times as measured by fast-inversion-recovery and multi-spin-echo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Pairs of cartilage-bone plugs from weight bearing and non-weight bearing regions were dissected from 15 medial femoral condyles and were subjected to NMR measurements with and without static loads (0.15-1.0 MPa). The T 1 of the cartilage with no load showed a maximum value just beneath the articular surface and this value decreased gradually towards the deeper zones. The T 2 of the same cartilage showed a maximum value at, or just beneath, the articular surface, decreased rapidly towards the intermediate zone yet increased again in the deepest zone. The increase of T 2 in the deepest zone was more greatly pronounced in the weight bearing region than in the non-weight bearing region. These layer-dependent differences in the T 1 and T 2 could account for the laminar appearance of the articular cartilage in the MR images. Under static loads, the decrease of T 1 in the transitional zone (from just beneath the articular surface to the intermediate zone) was significant. Because T 1 has a positive correlation with the water content, this decrease in T 1 may signify that the largest water loss occurs in the transitional zone. These findings suggest that the transitional zone might attenuate mechanical stress in the joint, and the expressed water from the cartilage could substantially contribute to the lubrication of the joint. (author)

  11. Impact of extra-articular pathologies on groin pain: An arthroscopic evaluation.

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    Mitsunori Kaya

    Full Text Available For patients who have anterior hip pain evaluated by Patrick's test and tenderness at Scarpa's triangle, we perform periarticular debridement based on the hypothesis that extra-articular pathologies are responsible for the hip pain. The purpose of this study was to categorize the endoscopic extra-articular findings and to evaluate the clinical significance of periarticular pathologies in anterior hip pain.Arthroscopic findings of 77 patients who underwent periarthritic debridement were evaluated. As extra-articular pathologies, injuries of the direct head and reflective head of the rectus femoris muscle were evaluated. A thin layer of fat tissue normally exists on the anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS, the attachment site of the direct head of the rectus femoris muscle. The macroscopic appearance of the fat pad on the AIIS was categorized as normal, blood vessel-rich adipose tissue or adipose tissue with fibrosis or scar formation and histologically confirmed. Adhesion of gluteal muscles to the joint capsule was also evaluated.Of the 77 patients, 75 had rupture of the direct head of the rectus femoris. In contrast, rupture of the reflective head was extremely rare. Seven patients had a normal fat pad on the AIIS, 11 had blood vessel-rich adipose tissue and 55 had adipose tissue with fibrosis. Fat tissue was completely replaced by fibrous scar tissue in another 4 patients. In 64 patients, adhesion between the anterior joint capsule and gluteus muscles was marked. Groin pain disappeared soon after the operation even when labral tears were not repaired and all patients returned to daily life and sports activities within 2 weeks after operation.Rectus femoris tendinosis, fibrosis of the AIIS fat pad, and adhesion of gluteal and rectus femoris muscles are common extra-articular pathologies in patients with anterior hip pain. Management of only these lesions induces rapid relief of anterior hip pain even in the absence of labral tear repair. My

  12. Impact of extra-articular pathologies on groin pain: An arthroscopic evaluation. (United States)

    Kaya, Mitsunori


    For patients who have anterior hip pain evaluated by Patrick's test and tenderness at Scarpa's triangle, we perform periarticular debridement based on the hypothesis that extra-articular pathologies are responsible for the hip pain. The purpose of this study was to categorize the endoscopic extra-articular findings and to evaluate the clinical significance of periarticular pathologies in anterior hip pain. Arthroscopic findings of 77 patients who underwent periarthritic debridement were evaluated. As extra-articular pathologies, injuries of the direct head and reflective head of the rectus femoris muscle were evaluated. A thin layer of fat tissue normally exists on the anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS), the attachment site of the direct head of the rectus femoris muscle. The macroscopic appearance of the fat pad on the AIIS was categorized as normal, blood vessel-rich adipose tissue or adipose tissue with fibrosis or scar formation and histologically confirmed. Adhesion of gluteal muscles to the joint capsule was also evaluated. Of the 77 patients, 75 had rupture of the direct head of the rectus femoris. In contrast, rupture of the reflective head was extremely rare. Seven patients had a normal fat pad on the AIIS, 11 had blood vessel-rich adipose tissue and 55 had adipose tissue with fibrosis. Fat tissue was completely replaced by fibrous scar tissue in another 4 patients. In 64 patients, adhesion between the anterior joint capsule and gluteus muscles was marked. Groin pain disappeared soon after the operation even when labral tears were not repaired and all patients returned to daily life and sports activities within 2 weeks after operation. Rectus femoris tendinosis, fibrosis of the AIIS fat pad, and adhesion of gluteal and rectus femoris muscles are common extra-articular pathologies in patients with anterior hip pain. Management of only these lesions induces rapid relief of anterior hip pain even in the absence of labral tear repair. My observations suggest


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    M. S. Bozhokin


    Full Text Available Despite a wide variety of surgical procedures utilized in clinical practice for treatment of articular cartilage lesions, the search for other options of articular reconstruction remains a relevant and open issue at the current stage of medicine and biotechnologies development. The recent years demonstrated a strong belief in cellular methods of hyaline cartilage repair such as implantation of autologous chondrocytes (ACI or cultures of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC including techniques for genetic modification of cells.The purpose of presented review is to summarize the published scientific data on up to date results of perspective cellular technologies for articular cartilage repair that are being developed. Autologous chondrocyte transplantation originally performed by Swedish researchers in 1987 is considered the first clinically applied technique for restoration of hyaline cartilage using cellular technologies. However, the transplanted cell culture featured low proliferative capacity and inability to form a regenerate resistant to high physical activity. Another generation of methods originated at the turn of the century utilized mesenchymal stem cells instead of autologous chondrocytes. Preparation of MSCs is a less invasive procedure compared to chondrocytes harvesting and the culture is featured by a higher proliferative ability. Researchers use various biodegradable carriers (matrices to secure cell fixation. Despite good clinical mid-term outcomes the transplanted tissue-engineering structures deteriorate with time due to cellular de-differentiation. Next generation of techniques being currently under pre-clinical studies is featured by the preliminary chondrogenic modification of transplanted cell culture. Usage of various growth factors, modified cell product and gene-activated matrices allow to gain a stable regulatory and key proteins synthesis and achieve a focused influence on regenerate's chondrogenic proliferation and in result

  14. Evaluation using MRI T2 mapping of the articular cartilage after anterior cruciate ligament injury in young athletes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishihara, Kohei; Ohdera, Toshihiro; Matsuda, Shusaku


    Articular cartilage damage coexisting in the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury in young athletes is not rare. We evaluated the conditions of the articular cartilage using MRI T2 mapping method and compared the vesults with the findings of arthroscopy. From June to August in 2010, we performed ACL reconstruction in 31 patients. We selected 17 cases (eleven men and six women, mean age 19.1 years old), all of whom were athletes and the under 29 years old. Articular cartilage damage was observed in six out of 10 cases, and their T2 values were high on MRI T2 mapping. On the other hand, damage was observed only in one out of seven cases, and T2 values were in the normal level of the mapping. Using MRI T2 mapping, we can evaluate the articular cartilage at an early phase noninvasively. MRI T2 mapping is useful and effective for athletes. (author)

  15. Avaliação da qualidade de vida em pacientes com fratura da tíbia Assessment of quality of life in patients with tibia fractures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oswaldo Roberto Nascimento


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o impacto da fratura na qualidade de vida dos pacientes. MÉTODO: Os pacientes foram submetidos a um protocolo de dados clínicos e epidemiológicos, a uma avaliação específica para fraturas da tíbia, o método de Johner e Wruhs, cujo dados foram analisados por um questionário genérico para avaliação da qualidade de vida, o SF-36, o qual foi aplicado pelos autores, com um mínimo de seis meses de pós-operatório. Estes instrumentos foram também estratificados com relação ao retorno ou não dos pacientes a todas as atividades que realizavam antes do acidente. RESULTADOS: Observou-se uma diminuição dos valores de avaliação do questionário SF-36 demonstrada estatisticamente (pOBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of tibial fractures on patient's quality of life. METHOD: All patients were evaluated by means of a protocol of clinical and epidemiological data. The Johner and Wruhs method was employed to evaluate tibial fractures and the results were compared to those of the SF-36 Health Survey, which was applied by the authors from the sixth month postoperatively. Those methods were applied considering the return of the patients or not to all the activities they used to perform before the accident. RESULTS: We found a statistical significance (p<0.05 showed by Mann- Whitney's U-test between the component of SF-36, and return or not to previous activities. Regarding the results of SF36 and clinical evaluation (Johner and Wruhs, on the Kruskal-Wallis' test, we also found significant correlation. CONCLUSION: According to the established criteria and based on the results, tibial fractures, even with favorable clinical outcomes, result in a diminished quality of life.

  16. Repair and tissue engineering techniques for articular cartilage


    Makris, Eleftherios A.; Gomoll, Andreas H.; Malizos, Konstantinos N.; Hu, Jerry C.; Athanasiou, Kyriacos A.


    © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved. Chondral and osteochondral lesions due to injury or other pathology commonly result in the development of osteoarthritis, eventually leading to progressive total joint destruction. Although current progress suggests that biologic agents can delay the advancement of deterioration, such drugs are incapable of promoting tissue restoration. The limited ability of articular cartilage to regenerate renders joint arthroplasty an unavoidable s...


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    V. I. Sevastianov


    Full Text Available The aim of this study is an analysis of the functional effectiveness of a biomedical cell product consisting of a biopolymer microheterogeneous collagen-containing hydrogel (BMCH, human adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (hADMSCs, and chondrogenic induction medium in the regeneration of articular cartilage. Materials and methods. The test model of the adjuvant arthritis was used (female Soviet Chinchilla rabbits with the further development into osteoarthrosis (OA combined with the clinical, biochemical, radiological, and histochemical trials. Results. On Day 92 of the OA model it has been found that the intra-articular introduction of a BMCH with hADMSCs into the left knee joint (n = 3 30 days after the OA modeling, as opposed to the right joint (negative control, n = 3, stimulates the regenerative processes of the cartilaginous tissue structure characterized by the formation of chondrocyte «columns», the emergence of isogenic groups in the intracellular matrix and the regeneration of its structure. Upon the intra-articular introduction of a BMCH (n = 3 such effects are markedly less pronounced. Conclusions. A significant regenerative potential of a cell-engineered construct of human articular tissue (CEC ATh has been proven. It is possible to presume that biostimulating properties of CEC ATh are due to the activating effect of a biomedical cell product on the stem cell migration processes from the surrounding tissue into the injured area with their subsequent differentiation. 

  18. Intra-articular injection of dexketoprofen in rat knee joint: histopathologic assessment of cartilage & synovium. (United States)

    Ekici, Aycan Guner; Akyol, Onat; Ekici, Murat; Sitilci, Tolga; Topacoglu, Hakan; Ozyuvaci, Emine


    Effective pain control following outpatient surgical procedures is an important aspect of patient discharge. This study was carried out with an aim to investigate the histopathological effects of intra-articular dexketoprofen trometamol injection in knee joint on synovium and cartilage in an experimental rat model. In each of 40 rats, the right knee was designated as the study group and the left knee as the control group (NS group). Under aseptic conditions, 35 rats received an injection of 0.25 ml (6.25 mg) dexketoprofen trometamol into the right knee joint and an injection of 0.25 ml 0.9 per cent normal saline solution into the left knee joint. On the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 14th, and 21st days after intra-articular injection, rats in specified groups were sacrificed by intraperitoneal injection of 120 mg/kg sodium thiopental. Knee joints were separated and sectioned for histopathological examination. Inflammatory changes in the joints were recorded according to a grade scale. No significant difference in terms of pathological changes both in synovium and cartilage was observed between the NS group and the study group on days 1, 2, 7, 14 and 21 after intra-articular injection of dexketoprofen or saline in the knee joint. The findings showed no evidence of significant histopathological damage to the cartilage and synovia for a period up to 21 days following intra-articular administration of dexketoprofen trometamol in the knee joints of rats.

  19. Separate Vertical Wirings for the Extra-articular Fractures of the Distal Pole of the Patella


    Kim, Young Mo; Yang, Jun Young; Kim, Kyung Cheon; Kang, Chan; Joo, Yong Bum; Lee, Woo Yong; Hwang, Jung Mo


    Purpose To evaluate the usefulness of separate vertical wirings for extra-articular fracture of distal pole of patella. Materials and Methods We have analyzed the clinical results of 18 cases that underwent separate vertical wirings for extra-articular fracture of distal pole of the patella from March 2005 to March 2010, by using the range of motion and Bostman score. Occurrence of complication was also evaluated. Additionally, by taking simple radiographs, the correlation between the postope...

  20. Susceptibility tensor imaging and tractography of collagen fibrils in the articular cartilage. (United States)

    Wei, Hongjiang; Gibbs, Eric; Zhao, Peida; Wang, Nian; Cofer, Gary P; Zhang, Yuyao; Johnson, G Allan; Liu, Chunlei


    To investigate the B 0 orientation-dependent magnetic susceptibility of collagen fibrils within the articular cartilage and to determine whether susceptibility tensor imaging (STI) can detect the 3D collagen network within cartilage. Multiecho gradient echo datasets (100-μm isotropic resolution) were acquired from fixed porcine articular cartilage specimens at 9.4 T. The susceptibility tensor was calculated using phase images acquired at 12 or 15 different orientations relative to B 0 . The susceptibility anisotropy of the collagen fibril was quantified and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) was compared against STI. 3D tractography was performed to visualize and track the collagen fibrils with DTI and STI. STI experiments showed the distinct and significant anisotropic magnetic susceptibility of collagen fibrils within the articular cartilage. STI can be used to measure and quantify susceptibility anisotropy maps. Furthermore, STI provides orientation information of the underlying collagen network via 3D tractography. The findings of this study demonstrate that STI can characterize the orientation variation of collagen fibrils where diffusion anisotropy fails. We believe that STI could serve as a sensitive and noninvasive marker to study the collagen fibrils microstructure. Magn Reson Med 78:1683-1690, 2017. © 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. © 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  1. Noninvasive assessment of articular cartilage surface damage using reflected polarized light microscopy (United States)

    Huynh, Ruby N.; Nehmetallah, George; Raub, Christopher B.


    Articular surface damage occurs to cartilage during normal aging, osteoarthritis, and in trauma. A noninvasive assessment of cartilage microstructural alterations is useful for studies involving cartilage explants. This study evaluates polarized reflectance microscopy as a tool to assess surface damage to cartilage explants caused by mechanical scraping and enzymatic degradation. Adult bovine articular cartilage explants were scraped, incubated in collagenase, or underwent scrape and collagenase treatments. In an additional experiment, cartilage explants were subject to scrapes at graduated levels of severity. Polarized reflectance parameters were compared with India ink surface staining, features of histological sections, changes in explant wet weight and thickness, and chondrocyte viability. The polarized reflectance signal was sensitive to surface scrape damage and revealed individual scrape features consistent with India ink marks. Following surface treatments, the reflectance contrast parameter was elevated and correlated with image area fraction of India ink. After extensive scraping, polarized reflectance contrast and chondrocyte viability were lower than that from untreated explants. As part of this work, a mathematical model was developed and confirmed the trend in the reflectance signal due to changes in surface scattering and subsurface birefringence. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of polarized reflectance microscopy to sensitively assess surface microstructural alterations in articular cartilage explants.

  2. Fratura patológica de vértebra lombar em criança com déficit neurológico agudo: relato de caso Pathological fracture of lumbar vertebra in children with acute neurological deficit: case report

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    Adalberto Bortoletto


    Full Text Available O trabalho relata um caso de linfoma em paciente de 13 anos que veio à consulta com dor lombar. O paciente sofreu um traumatismo de baixa intensidade na região lombar que resultou em dor persistente e de caráter progressivo. Ao ser avaliado em uma emergência, foi detectada no exame radiográfico uma fratura de coluna. Nesse momento, o paciente foi encaminhado ao ambulatório de especialidade do mesmo hospital. Após exames iniciais, foi firmado o diagnóstico de fratura patológica envolvido por volumoso tecido, indicando ser uma lesão tumoral. Na sequência do atendimento, o paciente evoluiu com parestesias em membros inferiores e retenção urinária sem possuir diagnóstico patológico da lesão. O paciente foi submetido à cirurgia de emergência com estabilização e descompressão neurológica sendo enviado material da lesão para exame anatomopatológico. O resultado do exame anatomopatológico sugeriu tumor de células pequenas deixando uma dúvida após a imuno-histoquímica, definindo o diagnóstico de linfoma. O paciente foi encaminhado para tratamento oncológico. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso raro de linfoma em criança com diagnóstico inicial de fratura patológica em coluna vertebral lombar. É importante investigar fratura associada a trauma leve em crianças. A precisão diagnóstica resulta em um atendimento efetivo com resultados melhores para os pacientes. O paciente em foco submeteu-se a tratamento quimioterápico obtendo uma boa resposta com reflexos positivos no seu prognóstico.This study reports on a case of lymphoma in a 13-year-old patient who came to a consultation with lumbar pain. The patient had suffered low-intensity trauma in the lumbar region that resulted in persistent pain of progressive nature. In an emergency evaluation, radiographic examination showed a spinal fracture. The patient was then sent to the specialist outpatient clinic of the same hospital. The initial examinations confirmed

  3. ROCK inhibitor prevents the dedifferentiation of human articular chondrocytes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matsumoto, Emi [Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Science of Functional Recovery and Reconstruction, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2-5-1 Shikatacho, Kitaku, Okayama 700-8558 (Japan); Furumatsu, Takayuki, E-mail: [Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Science of Functional Recovery and Reconstruction, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2-5-1 Shikatacho, Kitaku, Okayama 700-8558 (Japan); Kanazawa, Tomoko; Tamura, Masanori; Ozaki, Toshifumi [Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Science of Functional Recovery and Reconstruction, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2-5-1 Shikatacho, Kitaku, Okayama 700-8558 (Japan)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer ROCK inhibitor stimulates chondrogenic gene expression of articular chondrocytes. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer ROCK inhibitor prevents the dedifferentiation of monolayer-cultured chondrocytes. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer ROCK inhibitor enhances the redifferentiation of cultured chondrocytes. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer ROCK inhibitor is useful for preparation of un-dedifferentiated chondrocytes. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer ROCK inhibitor may be a useful reagent for chondrocyte-based regeneration therapy. -- Abstract: Chondrocytes lose their chondrocytic phenotypes in vitro. The Rho family GTPase ROCK, involved in organizing the actin cytoskeleton, modulates the differentiation status of chondrocytic cells. However, the optimum method to prepare a large number of un-dedifferentiated chondrocytes is still unclear. In this study, we investigated the effect of ROCK inhibitor (ROCKi) on the chondrogenic property of monolayer-cultured articular chondrocytes. Human articular chondrocytes were subcultured in the presence or absence of ROCKi (Y-27632). The expression of chondrocytic marker genes such as SOX9 and COL2A1 was assessed by quantitative real-time PCR analysis. Cellular morphology and viability were evaluated. Chondrogenic redifferentiation potential was examined by a pellet culture procedure. The expression level of SOX9 and COL2A1 was higher in ROCKi-treated chondrocytes than in untreated cells. Chondrocyte morphology varied from a spreading form to a round shape in a ROCKi-dependent manner. In addition, ROCKi treatment stimulated the proliferation of chondrocytes. The deposition of safranin O-stained proteoglycans and type II collagen was highly detected in chondrogenic pellets derived from ROCKi-pretreated chondrocytes. Our results suggest that ROCKi prevents the dedifferentiation of monolayer-cultured chondrocytes, and may be a useful reagent to maintain chondrocytic phenotypes in vitro for chondrocyte

  4. Early micromovement of the Articular Surface Replacement (ASR) femoral component

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Penny, J O; Ding, M; Varmarken, J E


    Radiostereometric analysis (RSA) can detect early micromovement in unstable implant designs which are likely subsequently to have a high failure rate. In 2010, the Articular Surface Replacement (ASR) was withdrawn because of a high failure rate. In 19 ASR femoral components, the mean micromovement...

  5. Pain from intra-articular NGF or joint injury in the rat requires contributions from peptidergic joint afferents. (United States)

    Kras, Jeffrey V; Weisshaar, Christine L; Pall, Parul S; Winkelstein, Beth A


    Non-physiological stretch of the cervical facet joint's capsular ligament induces persistent behavioral hypersensitivity and spinal neuronal hyperexcitability via an intra-articular NGF-dependent mechanism. Although that ligament is innervated by nociceptors, it is unknown if a subpopulation is exclusively responsible for the behavioral and spinal neuronal responses to intra-articular NGF and/or facet joint injury. This study ablated joint afferents using the neurotoxin saporin targeted to neurons involved in either peptidergic ([Sar(9),Met (O2)(11)]-substance P-saporin (SSP-Sap)) or non-peptidergic (isolectin B4-saporin (IB4-Sap)) signaling to investigate the contributions of those neuronal populations to facet-mediated pain. SSP-Sap, but not IB4-Sap, injected into the bilateral C6/C7 facet joints 14 days prior to an intra- articular NGF injection prevents NGF-induced mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity in the forepaws. Similarly, only SSP- Sap prevents the increase in mechanical forepaw stimulation- induced firing of spinal neurons after intra-articular NGF. In addition, intra-articular SSP-Sap prevents both behavioral hypersensitivity and upregulation of NGF in the dorsal root ganglion after a facet joint distraction that normally induces pain. These findings collectively suggest that disruption of peptidergic signaling within the joint may be a potential treatment for facet pain, as well as other painful joint conditions associated with elevated NGF, such as osteoarthritis. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Development of a Spring-Loaded Impact Device to Deliver Injurious Mechanical Impacts to the Articular Cartilage Surface (United States)

    Alexander, Peter G.; Song, Yingjie; Taboas, Juan M.; Chen, Faye H.; Melvin, Gary M.; Manner, Paul A.


    Objective: Traumatic impacts on the articular joint surface in vitro are known to lead to degeneration of the cartilage. The main objective of this study was to develop a spring-loaded impact device that can be used to deliver traumatic impacts of consistent magnitude and rate and to find whether impacts cause catabolic activities in articular cartilage consistent with other previously reported impact models and correlated with the development of osteoarthritic lesions. In developing the spring-loaded impactor, the operating hypothesis is that a single supraphysiologic impact to articular cartilage in vitro can affect cartilage integrity, cell viability, sulfated glycosaminoglycan and inflammatory mediator release in a dose-dependent manner. Design: Impacts of increasing force are delivered to adult bovine articular cartilage explants in confined compression. Impact parameters are correlated with tissue damage, cell viability, matrix and inflammatory mediator release, and gene expression 24 hours postimpact. Results: Nitric oxide release is first detected after 7.7 MPa impacts, whereas cell death, glycosaminoglycan release, and prostaglandin E2 release are first detected at 17 MPa. Catabolic markers increase linearly to maximal levels after ≥36 MPa impacts. Conclusions: A single supraphysiologic impact negatively affects cartilage integrity, cell viability, and GAG release in a dose-dependent manner. Our findings showed that 7 to 17 MPa impacts can induce cell death and catabolism without compromising the articular surface, whereas a 17 MPa impact is sufficient to induce increases in most common catabolic markers of osteoarthritic degeneration. PMID:26069650

  7. The safety of peri-articular local anaesthetic injection for patients undergoing total knee replacement with autologous blood transfusion: a randomised trial. (United States)

    Wallace, D F; Emmett, S R; Kang, K K; Chahal, G S; Hiskens, R; Balasubramanian, S; McGuinness, K; Parsons, H; Achten, J; Costa, M L


    Intra-operative, peri-articular injection of local anaesthesia is an increasingly popular way of controlling pain following total knee replacement. At the same time, the problems associated with allogenic blood transfusion have led to interest in alternative methods for managing blood loss after total knee replacement, including the use of auto-transfusion of fluid from the patient's surgical drain. It is safe to combine peri-articular infiltration with auto-transfusion from the drain. We performed a randomised clinical trial to compare the concentration of local anaesthetic in the blood and in the fluid collected in the knee drain in patients having either a peri-articular injection or a femoral nerve block. Clinically relevant concentrations of local anaesthetic were found in the fluid from the drains of patients having peri-articular injections (4.92 μg/ml (sd 3.151)). However, none of the patients having femoral nerve blockade had detectable levels. None of the patients in either group had clinically relevant concentrations of local anaesthetic in their blood after re-transfusion. The evidence from this study suggests that it is safe to use peri-articular injection in combination with auto-transfusion of blood from peri-articular drains during knee replacement surgery.

  8. Radiation synovectomy stimulates glycosaminoglycan synthesis by normal articular cartilage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Myers, S.L.; Slowman, S.D.; Brandt, K.D.


    Radiation synovectomy has been considered a therapeutic alternative to surgical synovectomy. Whether intraarticular irradiation affects the composition or biochemistry, and therefore the biomechanical properties, of normal articular cartilage has not been established. In the present study, yttrium 90 silicate was injected into one knee of nine normal adult dogs, and three other dogs received nonradioactive yttrium silicate. When the animals were killed 4 to 13 weeks after the injection, synovium from the irradiated knees showed areas of necrosis and fibrosis. Up to 29% less hyaluronate was synthesized in vitro by the synovial intima from irradiated knees than by the intima from the contralateral knees (mean difference 18%). Morphologic abnormalities were not observed in articular cartilage from either the irradiated or control knees, nor did the water content or concentrations of uronic acid or DNA in cartilage from the irradiated knees differ from that in cartilage from the contralateral knees. However, net 35 SO 4 -labeled glycosaminoglycan synthesis in organ cultures of cartilage from irradiated knees was increased (mean difference 21%, p = 0.03) in comparison with that in cultures of contralateral knee cartilage

  9. A bi-articular model for scapular-humeral rhythm reconstruction through data from wearable sensors. (United States)

    Lorussi, Federico; Carbonaro, Nicola; De Rossi, Danilo; Tognetti, Alessandro


    Patient-specific performance assessment of arm movements in daily life activities is fundamental for neurological rehabilitation therapy. In most applications, the shoulder movement is simplified through a socket-ball joint, neglecting the movement of the scapular-thoracic complex. This may lead to significant errors. We propose an innovative bi-articular model of the human shoulder for estimating the position of the hand in relation to the sternum. The model takes into account both the scapular-toracic and gleno-humeral movements and their ratio governed by the scapular-humeral rhythm, fusing the information of inertial and textile-based strain sensors. To feed the reconstruction algorithm based on the bi-articular model, an ad-hoc sensing shirt was developed. The shirt was equipped with two inertial measurement units (IMUs) and an integrated textile strain sensor. We built the bi-articular model starting from the data obtained in two planar movements (arm abduction and flexion in the sagittal plane) and analysing the error between the reference data - measured through an optical reference system - and the socket-ball approximation of the shoulder. The 3D model was developed by extending the behaviour of the kinematic chain revealed in the planar trajectories through a parameter identification that takes into account the body structure of the subject. The bi-articular model was evaluated in five subjects in comparison with the optical reference system. The errors were computed in terms of distance between the reference position of the trochlea (end-effector) and the correspondent model estimation. The introduced method remarkably improved the estimation of the position of the trochlea (and consequently the estimation of the hand position during reaching activities) reducing position errors from 11.5 cm to 1.8 cm. Thanks to the developed bi-articular model, we demonstrated a reliable estimation of the upper arm kinematics with a minimal sensing system suitable for

  10. Prediction of the articular eminence shape in a patient with unilateral hypoplasia of the right mandibular ramus before and after distraction osteogenesis-A simulation study. (United States)

    de Zee, Mark; Cattaneo, Paolo M; Svensson, Peter; Pedersen, Thomas K; Melsen, Birte; Rasmussen, John; Dalstra, Michel


    The aim of this work was to predict the shape of the articular eminence in a patient with unilateral hypoplasia of the right mandibular ramus before and after distraction osteogenesis (DO). Using a patient-specific musculoskeletal model of the mandible the hypothesis that the observed differences in this patient in the left and right articular eminence inclinations were consistent with minimisation of joint loads was tested. Moreover, a prediction was made of the final shape of the articular eminence after DO when the expected remodelling has reached a steady state. The individual muscle forces and the average TMJ loading were computed for each combination of articular eminence angles both before and after DO. This exhaustive parameter study provides a full overview of average TMJ loading depending on the angles of the articular eminences. Before DO the parameter study resulted in different articular eminence inclinations between left and right sides consistent with patient data obtained from CT scans, indicating that in this patient the articular eminence shapes result from minimisation of joint loads. The simulation model predicts development of almost equal articular eminence shapes after DO. The same tendency was observed in cone beam CT scans (NewTom) of the patient taken 6.5 years after surgery.

  11. Osteossíntese de fratura diafisária do úmero com placa em ponte: apresentação e descrição da técnica Osteosynthesis of the humeral shaft fractures, with bridge plate

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    Bruno Livani


    Full Text Available Os autores descrevem o método cirúrgico inédito para o tratamento das fraturas da diáfise do úmero, com placa colocada por técnica minimamente invasiva. Após estudos anatômicos, foram identificadas três acessos cirúrgicos pelos quais se pode introduzir uma placa na face anterior do úmero, sem risco de lesão vásculo nervosa. O acesso proximal se faz entre os múculos deltóide, lateralmente, e bíceps braquial, medialmente. Nas fraturas do terço médio o acesso distal é feito entre os músculos bíceps braquial e braquial com a placa introduzida de proximal para distal. Nas fraturas distais do úmero o acesso proximal é o mesmo, mas o acesso distal é o descrito por Kocher, com a placa introduzida de distal para proximal e fixada na face anterior da coluna lateral do úmero. O método aqui apresentado vem sendo utilizado desde junho de 2001, principalmente nos pacientes politraumatizados e polifraturados, por ser rápida, segura e por permitir que o paciente possa ser operado em decúbito dorsal horizontal. Além disso, não há necessidade de intensificador de imagem, ou mesmo aparelho de radiografia. Até o momento não foram observadas complicações vásculo nervosas nos 22 pacientes tratados.The authors describe for the first time ever a minimally invasive plate osteosythesis for the treatment of the humeral shatf fractures. After anatomic human cadaver's studies, it was identified three surgical approaches for plate percutaneous insertion on the anterior surface of the humerus without vascular and nervous injury. The proximal approach is between the biceps and deltoid muscles. The distal approach for medial third fractures is between the biceps brachialis and brachialis muscles. The plate is inserted from the proximal to distal direction. For distal fractures, the proximal approach is the same described by Krocher, with the plate inserted from distal to proximal and fixed on the anterior surface of the lateral column of the

  12. Avaliação do efeito do Risedronato Sódico na consolidação de fraturas: estudo experimental em ratos The evaluation of the Sodic Risedronate effect in the fractures consolidation: experimental study with rats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luiz Antonio Alcântara de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Realizou-se um estudo experimental com 40 ratos da raça Lewis visando-se avaliar a influência do risedronato sódico na consolidação de fraturas em animais submetidos à dieta aprotéica e dieta protéica, divididos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos, com 10 animais em cada grupo, assim constituídos: grupo I, com dieta protéica, sem risedronato (grupo controle; grupo II, dieta protéica, com risedronato; grupo III, dieta aprotéica, sem risedrionato; grupo IV, dieta aprotéica, com risedronato. Os ratos foram submetidos a fraturas semelhantes, no 15º dia e à eutanásia no 43º dia do experimento. As variáveis analisadas incluíram a evolução ponderal, avaliação radiográfica, densitometria óssea, avaliação histomorfométrica do calo ósseo, dosagens sanguíneas de cálcio, fósforo, fosfatase alcalina, proteínas totais, albumina e osteocalcina. Concluiu-se que o risedronato exerceu influência positiva no processo de consolidação de fraturas em ratos nutridos e desnutridos, e aumentou a densidade mineral óssea. O risedronato ocasionou a formação de tecido ósseo maduro de melhor qualidade e morfologia.A experimental study with 40 rats of the Lewis type was done focusing the influence of sodic risedronate on fractures consolidation in the animals. They were submitted to a protein nutrition diet to a non-protein one, divided randomly in four groups, having 10 animals in each group. Like this: group 1, with a protein nutrition diet, without risedronate (control group; group II, protein nutrition diet t with risedronate , group III, non-protein diet, without risedronate; group IV, non-protein diet with risedronate. The rats were submitted to similar fractures, on the 15º day and to the euthanasia on the 43º of the experiment. The variability analyzed included the ponderous evaluation, radiographic evaluation, the bone densitometry, histomorphometric bone callus evaluation, blood dosage of calcium, phosphorus, alkaline

  13. Evaluation of influence of proteoglycans on hydration of articular cartilage with the use of ultrasound

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yi-yi YANG


    Full Text Available Objective To monitor the changes in hydration behaviour of articular cartilage induced by degradation of proteoglycans, and to explore the effect of proteoglycans on hydration behaviour of articular cartilage by using high-frequency ultrasound. Methods Twelve porcine patellae with smooth cartilage surface were prepared and equally divided into two groups: normal group without any enzyme treatment, and trypsin group they were treated with 0.25% trypsin for 8h to digest proteoglycan in the cartilage. The hydration behaviour of the cartilage tissue was scanned by high-frequency ultrasound system with a central frequency of 25MHz. Parameters including cartilage hydration strain and cartilage thickness were measured. The histopathological changes in the articular cartilage were observed under a light microscope. Results It took approximately 20min to reach equilibrium during the hydration process in the normal cartilages, while proteoglycan-degraded cartilage took only about 5min to achieve equilibrium. The equilibrium strain of normal cartilage was 3.5%±0.5%. The degradation of proteoglycans induced a significant decrease in equilibrium strain (1.8%±0.2%, P0.05. Conclusion Proteoglycans play an important role in hydration behaviour of articular cartilage. The degradation of proteoglycans could induce degeneration of cartilage structure and decrease in hydration behaviour after dehydration. DOI: 10.11855/j.issn.0577-7402.2015.03.03

  14. Increasing lateral tibial slope: is there an association with articular cartilage changes in the knee?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Khan, Nasir; Shepel, Michael; Leswick, David A.; Obaid, Haron [University of Saskatchewan, Department of Medical Imaging, Royal University Hospital, and College of Medicine, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (Canada)


    The geometry of the lateral tibial slope (LTS) plays an important role in the overall biomechanics of the knee. Through this study, we aim to assess the impact of LTS on cartilage degeneration in the knee. A retrospective analysis of 93 knee MRI scans (1.5 T or 3 T) for patients aged 20-45 years with no history of trauma or knee surgery, and absence of internal derangement. The LTS was calculated using the circle method. Chondropathy was graded from 0 (normal) to 3 (severe). Linear regression analysis was used for statistical analysis (p < 0.05). In our cohort of patients, a statistically significant association was seen between increasing LTS and worsening cartilage degenerative changes in the medial patellar articular surface and the lateral tibial articular surface (p < 0.05). There was no statistically significant association between increasing LTS and worsening chondropathy of the lateral patellar, medial trochlea, lateral trochlea, medial femoral, lateral femoral, and medial tibial articular surfaces. Our results show a statistically significant association between increasing LTS and worsening cartilage degenerative changes in the medial patella and the lateral tibial plateau. We speculate that increased LTS may result in increased femoral glide over the lateral tibial plateau with subsequent increased external rotation of the femur predisposing to patellofemoral articular changes. Future arthroscopic studies are needed to further confirm our findings. (orig.)

  15. Increasing lateral tibial slope: is there an association with articular cartilage changes in the knee?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khan, Nasir; Shepel, Michael; Leswick, David A.; Obaid, Haron


    The geometry of the lateral tibial slope (LTS) plays an important role in the overall biomechanics of the knee. Through this study, we aim to assess the impact of LTS on cartilage degeneration in the knee. A retrospective analysis of 93 knee MRI scans (1.5 T or 3 T) for patients aged 20-45 years with no history of trauma or knee surgery, and absence of internal derangement. The LTS was calculated using the circle method. Chondropathy was graded from 0 (normal) to 3 (severe). Linear regression analysis was used for statistical analysis (p < 0.05). In our cohort of patients, a statistically significant association was seen between increasing LTS and worsening cartilage degenerative changes in the medial patellar articular surface and the lateral tibial articular surface (p < 0.05). There was no statistically significant association between increasing LTS and worsening chondropathy of the lateral patellar, medial trochlea, lateral trochlea, medial femoral, lateral femoral, and medial tibial articular surfaces. Our results show a statistically significant association between increasing LTS and worsening cartilage degenerative changes in the medial patella and the lateral tibial plateau. We speculate that increased LTS may result in increased femoral glide over the lateral tibial plateau with subsequent increased external rotation of the femur predisposing to patellofemoral articular changes. Future arthroscopic studies are needed to further confirm our findings. (orig.)

  16. Viral articular deformations in a goat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Périe, P.; Maillard, R.; Polack, B.; Millemann, Y.


    A goat belonging to an animal aid association was presented for bilateral deformation of the tarsus and carpus and signs of high-grade pain. ELISA serology was positive for Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis Virus. Radiography revealed marked osseous remodelling of the tarsus. The blood fibrinogen concentration was very elevated. On infected commercial farms, it is recommended that both seropositive animals and their offspring are culled when the level of infected is low, or to separate the kids from the mothers at an early age. In this case, palliative treatment was prescribed based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and articular puncture-lavages [it

  17. Quantitative and temporal differential recovery of articular and muscular limitations of knee joint contractures; results in a rat model. (United States)

    Trudel, Guy; Laneuville, Odette; Coletta, Elizabeth; Goudreau, Louis; Uhthoff, Hans K


    Joint contractures alter the mechanical properties of articular and muscular structures. Reversibility of a contracture depends on the restoration of the elasticity of both structures. We determined the differential contribution of articular and muscular structures to knee flexion contractures during spontaneous recovery. Rats (250, divided into 24 groups) had one knee joint surgically fixed in flexion for six different durations, from 1 to 32 wk, creating joint contractures of various severities. After the fixation was removed, the animals were left to spontaneously recover for 1 to 48 wk. After the recovery periods, animals were killed and the knee extension was measured before and after division of the transarticular posterior muscles using a motorized arthrometer. No articular limitation had developed in contracture of recent onset (≤2 wk of fixation, P > 0.05); muscular limitations were responsible for the majority of the contracture (34 ± 8° and 38 ± 6°, respectively; both P contractures of recent onset (1 and 2 wk of fixation, respectively). Long-lasting contractures (≥4 wk of fixation) presented articular limitations, irreversible in all 12 durations of recovery compared with controls (all 12 P contractures of recent onset were primarily due to muscular structures, and they were reversible during spontaneous recovery. Long-lasting contractures were primarily due to articular structures and were irreversible. Comprehensive temporal and quantitative data on the differential reversibility of mechanically significant alterations in articular and muscular structures represent novel evidence on which to base clinical practice. Copyright © 2014 the American Physiological Society.

  18. Editorial Commentary: Intra-articular Corticosteroid Injection at the Time of Knee Arthroscopy Is Not Recommended. (United States)

    Hunt, Timothy J


    In a population of Medicare patients undergoing knee arthroscopy, a significant increase in the incidence of postoperative infection at 3 and 6 months was found in patients who received an intra-articular corticosteroid injection at the time of knee arthroscopy compared with a matched control group that did not receive an injection. Intra-articular corticosteroid injection at the time of knee arthroscopy is not recommended. Copyright © 2016 Arthroscopy Association of North America. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Regulation of the friction coefficient of articular cartilage by TGF-beta1 and IL-1beta. (United States)

    DuRaine, Grayson; Neu, Corey P; Chan, Stephanie M T; Komvopoulos, Kyriakos; June, Ronald K; Reddi, A Hari


    Articular cartilage functions to provide a low-friction surface for joint movement for many decades of life. Superficial zone protein (SZP) is a glycoprotein secreted by chondrocytes in the superficial layer of articular cartilage that contributes to effective boundary lubrication. In both cell and explant cultures, TGF-beta1 and IL-1beta have been demonstrated to, respectively, upregulate and downregulate SZP protein levels. It was hypothesized that the friction coefficient of articular cartilage could also be modulated by these cytokines through SZP regulation. The friction coefficient between cartilage explants (both untreated and treated with TGF-beta1 or IL-1beta) and a smooth glass surface due to sliding in the boundary lubrication regime was measured with a pin-on-disk tribometer. SZP was quantified using an enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay and localized by immunohistochemistry. Both TGF-beta1 and IL-1beta treatments resulted in the decrease of the friction coefficient of articular cartilage in a location- and time-dependent manner. Changes in the friction coefficient due to the TGF-beta1 treatment corresponded to increased depth of SZP staining within the superficial zone, while friction coefficient changes due to the IL-1beta treatment were independent of SZP depth of staining. However, the changes induced by the IL-1beta treatment corresponded to changes in surface roughness, determined from the analysis of surface images obtained with an atomic force microscope. These findings demonstrate that the low friction of articular cartilage can be modified by TGF-beta1 and IL-1beta treatment and that the friction coefficient depends on multiple factors, including SZP localization and surface roughness.

  20. [Cutaneous atrophy and hypopigmentation secondary to intra-articular corticosteroid injection]. (United States)

    Loarte Pasquel, E P; Cabal García, A A


    Epicondylitis is the most common disease of the elbow. It is a tendinitis caused, in most cases, by repetitive motion of the forearm extensor muscles, and belongs to the group of occupational diseases that are related to work activity or sport. Intra-articular injections of glucocorticoids are often used by dermatologists, rheumatologists, orthopaedic surgeons, and primary care due to their ease of administration. However, this procedure has potential side effects. There are a limited number of case reports describing atrophy and hypopigmentation of the skin as a side effect. The general indications for glucocorticoid injections are monofocal and multifocal inflammatory disease, multifocal articular or soft tissue disease. It is more often used in more severe monofocal or multifocal inflammation, failure of drug treatment and/or rehabilitatory when other treatments are contraindicated. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (SEMERGEN). Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  1. [On the preparation and mechanical properties of PVA hydrogel bionic cartilage/bone composite artificial articular implants]. (United States)

    Meng, Haoye; Zheng, Yudong; Huang, Xiaoshan; Yue, Bingqing; Xu, Hong; Wang, Yingjun; Chen, Xiaofeng


    In view of the problems that conventional artificial cartilages have no bioactivity and are prone to peel off in repeated uses as a result of insufficient strength to bond with subchondral bone, we have designed and prepared a novel kind of PVA-BG composite hydrogel as bionic artificial articular cartilage/bone composite implants. The effects of processes and conditions of preparation on the mechanical properties of implant were explored. In addition, the relationships between compression strain rate, BG content, PVA hydrogels thickness and compressive tangent modulus were also explicated. We also analyzed the effects of cancellous bone aperture, BG and PVA content on the shear strength of bonding interface of artificial articular cartilage with cancellous bone. Meanwhile, the bonding interface of artificial articular cartilage and cancellous bone was characterized by scanning electron microscopy. It was revealed that the compressive modulus of composite implants was correspondingly increased with the adding of BG content and the augments of PVA hydrogel thickness. The compressive modulus and bonding interface were both related to the apertures of cancellous bone. The compressive modulus of composite implants was 1.6-2.23 MPa and the shear strength of bonding interface was 0.63-1.21 MPa. These results demonstrated that the connection between artificial articular cartilage and cancellous bone was adequately firm.

  2. The effects of intra-articular glucocorticoids and exercise on pain and synovitis assessed on static and dynamic magnetic resonance imaging in knee osteoarthritis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Riis, R G C; Henriksen, M; Klokker, L


    ) investigate if any of the changes in patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) were associated with changes in MRI-measures of synovitis. DESIGN: We performed a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial evaluating the effects of intra-articular corticosteroid vs placebo injections given......-articular corticosteroids over intra-articular saline when combined with an exercise program for reduction of synovitis in KOA. The improvement in pain and function following the intervention with intra-articular corticosteroids/saline and exercise could not be explained by a decrease in synovitis on MRI indicating other...... pain causing/relieving mechanisms in KOA....

  3. Empirical evaluation of the inter-relationship of articular elements involved in the pathoanatomy of knee osteoarthritis using magnetic resonance imaging. (United States)

    Meredith, Dennis S; Losina, Elena; Neumann, Gesa; Yoshioka, Hiroshi; Lang, Philipp K; Katz, Jeffrey N


    In this cross-sectional study, we conducted a comprehensive assessment of all articular elements that could be measured using knee MRI. We assessed the association of pathological change in multiple articular structures involved in the pathoanatomy of osteoarthritis. Knee MRI scans from patients over 45 years old were assessed using a semi-quantitative knee MRI assessment form. The form included six distinct elements: cartilage, bone marrow lesions, osteophytes, subchondral sclerosis, joint effusion and synovitis. Each type of pathology was graded using an ordinal scale with a value of zero indicating no pathology and higher values indicating increasingly severe levels of pathology. The principal dependent variable for comparison was the mean cartilage disease score (CDS), which captured the aggregate extent of involvement of articular cartilage. The distribution of CDS was compared to the individual and cumulative distributions of each articular element using the Chi-squared test. The correlations between pathological change in the various articular structures were assessed in a Spearman correlation table. Data from 140 patients were available for review. The cohort had a median age of 61 years (range 45-89) and was 61% female. The cohort included a wide spectrum of OA severity. Our analysis showed a statistically significant trend towards pathological change involving more articular elements as CDS worsened (p-value for trend osteophytes (p-value for trend subchondral sclerosis (p = 0.009), but not joint effusion or synovitis. There was a moderate correlation between cartilage damage, osteophytes and BMLs as well as a moderate correlation between joint effusion and synovitis. However, cartilage damage and osteophytes were only weakly associated with synovitis or joint effusion. Our results support an inter-relationship of multiple articular elements in the pathoanatomy of knee OA. Prospective studies of OA pathogenesis in humans are needed to correlate these

  4. Remodeled articular surface after surgical fixation of patella fracture in a child

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Moruf Babatunde Yusuf


    Full Text Available Patella fracture is uncommon in pediatric age group and their patella is better preserved in any class of patella fracture. We reported a case of a 13-year-old male with right patella fracture nonunion. He had open reduction and internal fixation using tension band wire device. Fracture union was monitored with serial radiographs and he was followed up for 60 weeks. There was articular surface step after surgical fixation of the patella fracture. At 34 weeks postoperative, there was complete remodeling of the articular surface with good knee function after removal of the tension band wire. Children have good capacity of bone remodeling after fracture. Little retropatella step in a child after patella fracture surgical fixation will remodel with healing.

  5. Severe extra-articular manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis in absence of concomitant joint involvement following long-term spontaneous remission. A case report. (United States)

    Lagrutta, Mariana; Alle, Gelsomina; Parodi, Roberto Leandro; Greca, Alcides Alejandro


    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease occasionally associated with severe extra-articular manifestations, mostly in cases of longstanding highly active disease. We report the case of a 56 year-old woman diagnosed with active RA at the age of 40. After 5 years of high activity, her arthritis subsides spontaneously during pregnancy despite the lack of treatment with disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs. She remains without articular symptoms for 7 years, and then she develops a Felty's syndrome requiring steroid treatment and splenectomy. Following steroid withdrawal she develops pericarditis with massive serohematic pericardial effusion, still in absence of articular activity, and responds to immunosuppressive therapy and colchicine. We emphasize the unusual spontaneous and sustained joint remission without specific treatment, and the development of severe extra-articular manifestations of RA in absence of concomitant articular activity, as well as the importance of controlling inflammation. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Reumatología y Colegio Mexicano de Reumatología. All rights reserved.

  6. Intra-articular corticosteroid for knee osteoarthritis. (United States)

    Jüni, Peter; Hari, Roman; Rutjes, Anne W S; Fischer, Roland; Silletta, Maria G; Reichenbach, Stephan; da Costa, Bruno R


    Knee osteoarthritis is a leading cause of chronic pain, disability, and decreased quality of life. Despite the long-standing use of intra-articular corticosteroids, there is an ongoing debate about their benefits and safety. This is an update of a Cochrane review first published in 2005. To determine the benefits and harms of intra-articular corticosteroids compared with sham or no intervention in people with knee osteoarthritis in terms of pain, physical function, quality of life, and safety. We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, and EMBASE (from inception to 3 February 2015), checked trial registers, conference proceedings, reference lists, and contacted authors. We included randomised or quasi-randomised controlled trials that compared intra-articular corticosteroids with sham injection or no treatment in people with knee osteoarthritis. We applied no language restrictions. We calculated standardised mean differences (SMDs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for pain, function, quality of life, joint space narrowing, and risk ratios (RRs) for safety outcomes. We combined trials using an inverse-variance random-effects meta-analysis. We identified 27 trials (13 new studies) with 1767 participants in this update. We graded the quality of the evidence as 'low' for all outcomes because treatment effect estimates were inconsistent with great variation across trials, pooled estimates were imprecise and did not rule out relevant or irrelevant clinical effects, and because most trials had a high or unclear risk of bias. Intra-articular corticosteroids appeared to be more beneficial in pain reduction than control interventions (SMD -0.40, 95% CI -0.58 to -0.22), which corresponds to a difference in pain scores of 1.0 cm on a 10-cm visual analogue scale between corticosteroids and sham injection and translates into a number needed to treat for an additional beneficial outcome (NNTB) of 8 (95% CI 6 to 13). An I(2) statistic of 68

  7. Osteoarthritis: Control of human cartilage hypertrophic differentiation. Research highlight van: Gremlin1, frizzled-related protein, and Dkk-1 are key regulators of human articular cartilage homeostasis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Buckland, J.; Leijten, Jeroen Christianus Hermanus; van Blitterswijk, Clemens; Karperien, Hermanus Bernardus Johannes


    Disruption of articular cartilage homeostasis is important in osteoarthritis (OA) pathogenesis, key to which is activation of articular chondrocyte hypertrophic differentiation. Healthy articular cartilage is resistant to hypertrophic differentiation, whereas growth-plate cartilage is destined to

  8. Review on patents for mechanical stimulation of articular cartilage tissue engineering

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Donkelaar, van C.C.; Schulz, R.M.


    To repair articular cartilage defects in osteoarthritic patients with three-dimensional tissue engineered chondrocyte grafts, requires the formation of new cartilage with sufficient mechanical properties. The premise is that mechanical stimulation during the culturing process is necessary to reach

  9. Intra-articular injection of dexketoprofen in rat knee joint : Histopathologic assessment of cartilage & synovium

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aycan Guner Ekici


    Full Text Available Background & objectives: Effective pain control following outpatient surgical procedures is an important aspect of patient discharge. This study was carried out with an aim to investigate the histopathological effects of intra-articular dexketoprofen trometamol injection in knee joint on synovium and cartilage in an experimental rat model. Methods: In each of 40 rats, the right knee was designated as the study group and the left knee as the control group (NS group. Under aseptic conditions, 35 rats received an injection of 0.25 ml (6.25 mg dexketoprofen trometamol into the right knee joint and an injection of 0.25 ml 0.9 per cent normal saline solution into the left knee joint. On the 1 st , 2 nd , 7 th , 14 th , and 21 st days after intra-articular injection, rats in specified groups were sacrificed by intraperitoneal injection of 120 mg/kg sodium thiopental. Knee joints were separated and sectioned for histopathological examination. Inflammatory changes in the joints were recorded according to a grade scale. Results: No significant difference in terms of pathological changes both in synovium and cartilage was observed between the NS group and the study group on days 1, 2, 7, 14 and 21 after intra-articular injection of dexketoprofen or saline in the knee joint. Interpretation & conclusions: The findings showed no evidence of significant histopathological damage to the cartilage and synovia for a period up to 21 days following intra-articular administration of dexketoprofen trometamol in the knee joints of rats.

  10. MRI evaluation of the patellar articular cartilage in patients with subluxation of the patella

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakanishi, Katsuyuki; Inoue, Masahiro; Harada, Koushi; Murakami, Takamichi; Kim, Shougen; Fujita, Norihiko; Sakurai, Kousuke; Kozuka, Takahiro


    In patients with subluxation of the patella, injury of the patellar articular cartilage is frequently observed and correct evaluation is important to manage these patients. We examined 11 patients with subluxation of the patella and five normal volunteers. In 12 patellofemoral joints of seven patients with subluxation of the patella, the abnormalities observed on MRI were compared with those on arthroscopy and/or at operation. MRI was performed with a Magnetom 1.5 T (Siemens) using the round surface coil. Pulse sequences were SE (TR 400 ms/TE 19 ms), FLASH(TR 320 ms/TE 15 ms FA 90deg and 40deg), and SE (TR 2000 ms/TE 26, 70 ms). We analysed MR findings of the 12 abnormal joints and 10 normal joints according to the following classification of abnormalities observed on arthroscopy; normal appearance (n=3 joints), softening and fibrillation (n=6), fragmentation (n=3), and erosion to bone (n=0). In only one of the six cases with softening and fibrillation observed on arthroscopy, MRI could visualize the thickening of patellar articular cartilage, but in all three cases with fragmentation observed on arthroscopy, MRI could visualize the thin inhomogeneous cartilage with irregular surface. The combination of SE (TR 400 ms/TE 19 ms) and FLASH (TR 320 ms/TE 15 ms FA 90deg) are extremely effective pulse sequence to detect the abnormalities of patellar articular cartilage. We conclude that MRI is a useful noninvasive method of detecting advanced changes in patellar articular cartilage. (author)

  11. MRI evaluation of the patellar articular cartilage in patients with subluxation of the patella

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakanishi, Katsuyuki; Inoue, Masahiro; Harada, Koushi; Murakami, Takamichi; Kim, Shougen; Fujita, Norihiko; Sakurai, Kousuke; Kozuka, Takahiro (Osaka Univ. (Japan). Faculty of Medicine)


    In patients with subluxation of the patella, injury of the patellar articular cartilage is frequently observed and correct evaluation is important to manage these patients. We examined 11 patients with subluxation of the patella and five normal volunteers. In 12 patellofemoral joints of seven patients with subluxation of the patella, the abnormalities observed on MRI were compared with those on arthroscopy and/or at operation. MRI was performed with a Magnetom 1.5 T (Siemens) using the round surface coil. Pulse sequences were SE (TR 400 ms/TE 19 ms), FLASH(TR 320 ms/TE 15 ms FA 90deg and 40deg), and SE (TR 2000 ms/TE 26, 70 ms). We analysed MR findings of the 12 abnormal joints and 10 normal joints according to the following classification of abnormalities observed on arthroscopy; normal appearance (n=3 joints), softening and fibrillation (n=6), fragmentation (n=3), and erosion to bone (n=0). In only one of the six cases with softening and fibrillation observed on arthroscopy, MRI could visualize the thickening of patellar articular cartilage, but in all three cases with fragmentation observed on arthroscopy, MRI could visualize the thin inhomogeneous cartilage with irregular surface. The combination of SE (TR 400 ms/TE 19 ms) and FLASH (TR 320 ms/TE 15 ms FA 90deg) are extremely effective pulse sequence to detect the abnormalities of patellar articular cartilage. We conclude that MRI is a useful noninvasive method of detecting advanced changes in patellar articular cartilage. (author).

  12. Coordinate and synergistic effects of extensive treadmill exercise and ovariectomy on articular cartilage degeneration. (United States)

    Miyatake, Kazumasa; Muneta, Takeshi; Ojima, Miyoko; Yamada, Jun; Matsukura, Yu; Abula, Kahaer; Sekiya, Ichiro; Tsuji, Kunikazu


    Although osteoarthritis (OA) is a multifactorial disease, little has been reported regarding the cooperative interaction among these factors on cartilage metabolism. Here we examined the synergistic effect of ovariectomy (OVX) and excessive mechanical stress (forced running) on articular cartilage homeostasis in a mouse model resembling a human postmenopausal condition. Mice were randomly divided into four groups, I: Sham, II: OVX, III: Sham and forced running (60 km in 6 weeks), and IV: OVX and forced running. Histological and immunohistochemical analyses were performed to evaluate the degeneration of articular cartilage and synovitis in the knee joint. Morphological changes of subchondral bone were analyzed by micro-CT. Micro-CT analyses showed significant loss of metaphyseal trabecular bone volume/tissue volume (BV/TV) after OVX as described previously. Forced running increased the trabecular BV/TV in all mice. In the epiphyseal region, no visible alteration in bone morphology or osteophyte formation was observed in any of the four groups. Histological analysis revealed that OVX or forced running respectively had subtle effects on cartilage degeneration. However, the combination of OVX and forced running synergistically enhanced synovitis and articular cartilage degeneration. Although morphological changes in chondrocytes were observed during OA initiation, no signs of bone marrow edema were observed in any of the four experimental groups. We report the coordinate and synergistic effects of extensive treadmill exercise and ovariectomy on articular cartilage degeneration. Since no surgical procedure was performed on the knee joint directly in this model, this model is useful in addressing the molecular pathogenesis of naturally occurring OA.

  13. Is nephrolithiasis an unrecognized extra-articular manifestation in ankylosing spondylitis?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Ane Krag; Jacobsson, Lennart T H; Patschan, Oliver


    confounding and inability to study the chemical nature of NL were considered the main limitations of the study. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with AS are at increased risk of NL, which may be considered a novel extra-articular manifestation. Previous history of NL, IBD, AS disease severity and male sex were...

  14. Spread of Injectate Around Hip Articular Sensory Branches of the Femoral Nerve in Cadavers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Niels Dalsgaard; Greher, Manfred; Moriggl, Bernhard


    of the femoral nerve. Methods: Fifteen cadaver sides were injected with 5 mL dye in the iliopsoas plane guided by ultrasound. Dissection was performed to verify the spread of injectate around the hip articular branches of the femoral nerve. Results: In 10 dissections (67% [95% confidence interval: 38.......2-32%]) adhesions partially obstructed the spread of dye. Conclusion: An injection of 5 mL in the iliopsoas plane spreads around all hip articular branches of the femoral nerve in 10 of 15 cadaver sides. If these findings translate to living humans, injection of local anaesthetic into the iliopsoas plane could...

  15. Multi-scale physico-chemical phenomena in articular cartilage and subchondral bone

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pouran, Behdad


    Articular cartilage and its connecting subchondral bone plate are main compartments that play an important role in proper mechanical functioning of diarthrodial joints. However, in ageing and osteoarthritis structural changes propagate in these tissues, which impairs them for proper functioning. One

  16. Assessment of clinical practice guideline methodology for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis with intra-articular hyaluronic acid. (United States)

    Altman, Roy D; Schemitsch, Emil; Bedi, Asheesh


    Clinical practice guidelines are of increasing importance in the decision making for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis. Inconsistent recommendations regarding the use of intra-articular hyaluronic acid for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis have led to confusion among treating physicians. Literature search to identify clinical practice guidelines that provide recommendations regarding the use of intra-articular hyaluronic acid treatment for knee osteoarthritis was conducted. Included guidelines were appraised using the AGREE II instrument. Guideline development methodologies, how the results were assessed, the recommendation formation, and work group composition were summarized. Overall, 10 clinical practice guidelines were identified that met our inclusion criteria. AGREE II domain scores were variable across the included guidelines. The methodology utilized across the guidelines was heterogeneous regarding the evidence inclusion criteria, analysis of evidence results, formulation of clinical practice recommendations, and work group composition. The recommendations provided by the guidelines for intra-articular hyaluronic acid treatment for knee osteoarthritis are highly inconsistent as a result of the variability in guideline methodology. Overall, 30% of the included guidelines recommended against the use of intra-articular hyaluronic acid in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis, while 30% deemed the treatment an appropriate intervention under certain scenarios. The remaining 40% of the guidelines provided either an uncertain recommendation or no recommendation at all, based on the high variability in reviewed evidence regarding efficacy and trial quality. There is a need for a standard "appropriate methodology" that is agreed upon for osteoarthritis clinical practice guidelines in order to prevent the development of conflicting recommendations for intra-articular hyaluronic acid treatment for knee osteoarthritis, and to assure that treating physicians who

  17. Haste bloqueada "Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto": experiência clínica no tratamento das fraturas femorais Ribeirão Preto school of medicine locking nail: clinical experience in the femoral fractures treatment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Mendes Paschoal


    Full Text Available Uma série de 103 casos de fraturas diafisárias complexas do fêmur foram tratadas com a haste intramedular bloqueada FMRP, no período de maio de 1987 a dezembro 1995. Das 103 fraturas, 67 eram cominutivas, 12 bifocais (segmentar, 4 espirais, 13 proximais e 21 distais, instáveis, rotacionalmente, da diáfise femoral. Do total dos casos, constatou-se 97 bloqueios estáticos e 6 dinâmicos. Dessas 97 estáticas, 7 foram dinamizadas durante a evolução. Clínica e radiográficamente a consolidação ocorreu em 97,09% dos casos, com média de 16,72 semanas e em 3 casos não houve consolidação. Houve 4 casos de infecção suspeita e 3 estabelecidas que foram debeladas e evoluíram para consolidação. Houve 81 casos de encurtamentos que variaram entre 0,5 a 4 cm com média de 1 cm. O encurtamento menor ou igual a 2 cm ocorreu em 73 casos. Desvio de alinhamento em qualquer plano acima de 10 º e igual a 15º foi observado em 8 pacientes. Houve 10 casos de deformidades rotacionais, porém nenhum caso acima de 10º. A incidência de infecção foi baixa e a de consolidação alta. A estabilização dessas fraturas complexas permitiu imediata mobilização do paciente, reabilitação precoce do membro e diminuição da permanência hospitalar, excetuando os politraumatizados. A haste FMRP permitiu o tratamento dessas fraturas sem o uso de intensificador de imagens e de fresas flexíveis com baixo custo operacional. Os resultados foram semelhantes aos obtidos com as hastes intramedulares bloqueadas que necessitam de aparelhagem técnica mais sofisticada, porém com vantagens para o paciente e a equipe cirúrgica.A series of 103 cases of complex femoral fracture were treated with FMRP (Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto nail. These fractures were treated from May 1987 until December 1995. From the 103 fractures, 67 were cominutive, 12 bifocal (segmental, 4 spiral, 13 proximal e 21 distal and unstable rotationaly. From the total of cases, 97

  18. Intra-articular nerve growth factor regulates development, but not maintenance, of injury-induced facet joint pain & spinal neuronal hypersensitivity. (United States)

    Kras, J V; Kartha, S; Winkelstein, B A


    The objective of the current study is to define whether intra-articular nerve growth factor (NGF), an inflammatory mediator that contributes to osteoarthritic pain, is necessary and sufficient for the development or maintenance of injury-induced facet joint pain and its concomitant spinal neuronal hyperexcitability. Male Holtzman rats underwent painful cervical facet joint distraction (FJD) or sham procedures. Mechanical hyperalgesia was assessed in the forepaws, and NGF expression was quantified in the C6/C7 facet joint. An anti-NGF antibody was administered intra-articularly in additional rats immediately or 1 day following facet distraction or sham procedures to block intra-articular NGF and test its contribution to initiation and/or maintenance of facet joint pain and spinal neuronal hyperexcitability. NGF was injected into the bilateral C6/C7 facet joints in separate rats to determine if NGF alone is sufficient to induce these behavioral and neuronal responses. NGF expression increases in the cervical facet joint in association with behavioral sensitivity after that joint's mechanical injury. Intra-articular application of anti-NGF immediately after a joint distraction prevents the development of both injury-induced pain and hyperexcitability of spinal neurons. Yet, intra-articular anti-NGF applied after pain has developed does not attenuate either behavioral or neuronal hyperexcitability. Intra-articular NGF administered to the facet in naïve rats also induces behavioral hypersensitivity and spinal neuronal hyperexcitability. Findings demonstrate that NGF in the facet joint contributes to the development of injury-induced joint pain. Localized blocking of NGF signaling in the joint may provide potential treatment for joint pain. Copyright © 2015 Osteoarthritis Research Society International. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Fracture resistance and failure pattern of teeth submitted to internal bleaching with 37% carbamide peroxide, with application of different restorative procedures Resistência à fratura e padrão de falha de dentes submetidos ao clareamento interno com peróxido de carbamida a 37%, com aplicação de diferentes procedimentos restauradores

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    Gerson Bonfante


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: This study investigated the compressive fracture strength and failure pattern in premolars submitted to endodontic treatment and internal bleaching with 37% carbamide peroxide for 21 days, with application of different restorative procedures. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Six groups were employed (n = 10: 1 non-bleached teeth and pulp chamber sealed with IRM; 2 bleached teeth and pulp chamber sealed with IRM; 3 bleached teeth and pulp chamber filled with light cured composite resin; 4 bleached teeth, root canals prepared at 10mm, filling of the root canal and pulp chamber with IRM; 5 bleached teeth, root canals prepared at 10mm, luting of prefabricated metallic post with zinc phosphate and pulp chamber sealed with composite resin; 6 bleached teeth, root canals prepared at 10mm, luting of glass fiber post with resin cement and pulp chamber sealed with composite resin. After 24-hour storage in distilled water, the specimens were submitted to compressive fracture strength testing in a universal testing machine. RESULTS: The following values were found: Group 1 - 56.23kgf; Group 2 - 48.96kgf; Group 3 - 53.99kgf; Group 4 - 45.72kgf; Group 5 - 54.22kgf; Group 6 - 60.12kgf. The analysis of variance did not reveal statistically significant difference between groups (pOBJETIVO: O objetivo do estudo foi investigar a resistência à fratura sob compressão e padrão de falha de pré-molares tratados endodonticamente e clareados internamente por 21 dias com peróxido de carbamida a 37%, aplicando-se diferentes procedimentos restauradores. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a resistência à fratura sob compressão e padrão de falha de pré-molares unirradiculares tratados endodonticamente e clareados internamente com peróxido de carbamida a 37%. Foram constituídos 6 grupos (n = 10: 1 dentes sem clareamento e câmara pulpar vedada com IRM; 2 dentes clareados e câmara pulpar vedada com IRM; 3 dentes clareados e câmara pulpar

  20. Operative treatment of intra-articular calcaneal fractures with calcaneal plates and its complications

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    Rak Vaclav


    Full Text Available Background: In a retrospective study we analysed intra-articular calcaneal fracture treatment by comparing results and complications related to fracture stabilization with nonlocking calcaneal plates and locking compression plates. Materials and Methods: We performed 76 osteosynthesis (67 patients of intra-articular calcaneal fractures using the standard extended lateral approach from February 2004 to October 2007. Forty-two operations using nonlocking calcaneal plates (group A were performed during the first three years, and 34 calcaneal fractures were stabilized using locking compression plates (group B in 2007. In the Sanders type IV fractures, reconstruction of the calcaneal shape was attempted. Depending on the type of late complication, we performed subtalar arthroscopy in six cases, arthroscopically assisted subtalar distraction bone block arthrodesis in six cases, and plate removal with lateral-wall decompression in five cases. The patients were evaluated by the AOFAS Ankle-Hindfoot Scale. Results: Wound healing complications were 7/42 (17% in group A and 1/34 (3% in group B. No patient had deep osseous infection or foot rebound compartment syndrome. Preoperative size of Bφhler´s angle correlated with postoperative clinical results in both groups. There were no late complications necessitating corrective procedure or arthroscopy until December 2008 in Group B. All late complications ccurred in Group A. The overall results according to the AOFAS Ankle Hindfoot Scale were good or excellent in 23/42 (55% in group A and in 30/34 (85% in group B. Conclusion: Open reduction and internal fixation of intra-articular calcaneal fractures has become a standard surgical method. Fewer complications and better results related to treatment with locking compression plates confirmed in comparison to nonlocking ones were noted for all Sanders types of intra-articular calcaneal fractures. Age and Sanders type IV fractures are not considered to be the

  1. Fratura proximal de tíbia após cirurgia extracapsular para correção de ruptura de ligamento cruzado cranial em cão Tibial fracture caused by complications after an extracapsular suture for the repair of cranial cruciate ligament rupture in a dog

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    Jaqueline França dos Santos


    Full Text Available Ruptura de ligamento cruzado cranial (RLCCr é a afecção ortopédica mais frequente no joelho de cães e a sutura fabelo-tibial é frequentemente utilizada na sua correção. Essa técnica pode estar associada com complicações incisionais, lesão tardia de menisco, edema associado ao material de sutura e infecção. O objetivo desta nota foi relatar a ocorrência de fratura proximal de tíbia em um cão, causada por complicação em sutura fabelo-tibial para correção de RLCCr. Um canino atendido em outro serviço foi submetido à osteossíntese com placa 2,0mm para correção de complicação em técnica extra-capsular, na qual houve fratura da tíbia na região do orifício criado para confecção da sutura fabelo-tibial. Houve falha dos implantes e a placa foi removida. A fratura foi estabilizada com fixador esquelético externo circular, sendo constatada, após 120 dias, consolidação.Cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCLR is one of the most common orthopedic diseases in dogs and extracapsular suture with nylon is often used for its correction. This technique may be associated with incisional complications, post-surgical meniscus injury, swelling associated with suture material and infection. The objective of this study is to report a tibial fracture in a dog, caused by complications after an extracapsular suture for the repair of CCLR. An adult dog, which suffered a tibial fracture after an extracapsular fixation for a CCLR, underwent surgery for the fixation of the fracture with a 2.0mm plate, by a referring veterinarian, but the implant failed. The plate was removed and the fracture was stabilized with a circular fixator. Bone consolidation was observed after 120 days.

  2. Resultados de tratamento cirúrgico da pseudoartrose de fratura diafisária do úmero com placa de compressão dinâmica e enxerto de osso esponjoso Results of surgical treatment of nonunion of humeral shaft fracture with dynamic compression plate and cancellous bone grafting

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    Olasinde Anthony Ayotunde


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliamos o tratamento da pseudoartrose de fratura diafisária do úmero com placa de compressão dinâmica de janeiro de 2002 a dezembro de 2009. MÉTODOS: Vinte e dois pacientes foram tratados durante o período do estudo. O trauma foi a causa predominante de lesão em 86,4% dos pacientes. RESULTADOS: A pseudoartrose foi atrófica em 81,8% e hipertrófica em 18,2% dos indivíduos. Havia lesão primária do nervo radial nervo em 27,3% dos pacientes. Todos os participantes tinham fratura fechada à apresentação e 81,2% deles tinham recebido tratamento anterior de traditional bone setters (pessoa que faz a redução de ossos quebrados ou deslocados, geralmente sem ser médico licenciado e 18,8% tinham falha do tratamento conservador com gesso. O tempo médio até a união foi 16 semanas. O tratamento anterior com traditional bone setters afetou significantemente o tempo de consolidação da fratura (p OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the treatment of nonunion of humeral shaft fracture with dynamic compression plate from January 2002 to December 2009. METHODS: Twenty two patients were treated over the study period. Trauma was the predominant cause of injury in 86,4% of the patients. RESULTS: Nonunion was atrophic in 81,8% and hypertrophic in 18,2% of the individuals. There was a primary injury of the radial nerve in 27,3% of the patients. All the participants had closed fracture at presentation, and 81,2% had received previous treatment from traditional bone setters and 18,8% had failure of the conservative cast management.The average time to healing was 16 weeks. Previous treatment from traditional bone setters significantly affected the time to fracture healing (p<0,05. All fractures had successful union. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that dynamic compression plating remains an effective treatment option for nonunion of humeral shaft fracture. Level of Evidence III, Retrospective study.

  3. The real-world effectiveness of vedolizumab on intestinal and articular outcomes in inflammatory bowel diseases. (United States)

    Macaluso, Fabio Salvatore; Orlando, Rosalba; Fries, Walter; Scolaro, Mariangela; Magnano, Antonio; Pluchino, Dario; Cappello, Maria; Morreale, Gaetano Cristian; Siringo, Sebastiano; Privitera, Antonino Carlo; Ferracane, Concetta; Belluardo, Nunzio; Alberghina, Nadia; Ventimiglia, Marco; Rizzuto, Giulia; Renna, Sara; Cottone, Mario; Orlando, Ambrogio


    The effectiveness of vedolizumab in real-world practice is under evaluation, while its role in inflammatory bowel disease-associated spondyloarthritis is still unclear. To report real-world data about the effectiveness of vedolizumab on intestinal and articular symptoms after 10 and 22 weeks of treatment. Web-based data from the cohort of the Sicilian Network for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (SN-IBD) were extracted to perform a prospective multicentre observational study. 163 patients (84 with Crohn's disease and 79 with ulcerative colitis) were included. At week 10, a steroid-free remission was achieved in 71 patients (43.6%), while at week 22 a steroid-free remission was obtained in 40.8% of patients. A response on articular symptoms was reported after 10 weeks of treatment in 17 out of 43 (39.5%) patients with active spondyloarthritis at baseline, and in 10 out of 22 (45.4%) patients at week 22. The only factor associated with articular response was the coexistence of clinical benefit on intestinal symptoms (at week 10: OR 8.471, p = 0.05; at week 22: OR 5.600, p = 0.08). Vedolizumab showed good effectiveness after 10 and 22 weeks of treatment. A subset of patients reported improvement also on articular symptoms, probably as a consequence of the concomitant control of gut inflammation. Copyright © 2018 Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Cartilage damage involving extrusion of mineralisable matrix from the articular calcified cartilage and subchondral bone

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    A Boyde


    Full Text Available Arthropathy of the distal articular surfaces of the third metacarpal (Mc3 and metatarsal (Mt3 bones in the Thoroughbred racehorse (Tb is a natural model of repetitive overload arthrosis. We describe a novel pathology that affects the articular calcified cartilage (ACC and subchondral bone (SCB and which is associated with hyaline articular cartilage degeneration. Parasagittal slices cut from the palmar quadrant of the distal condyles of the left Mc3/Mt3 of 39 trained Tbs euthanased for welfare reasons were imaged by point projection microradiography, and backscattered electron (BSE scanning electron microscopy (SEM, light microscopy, and confocal scanning light microscopy. Mechanical properties were studied by nanoindentation. Data on the horses' training and racing career were also collected. Highly mineralised projections were observed extending from cracks in the ACC mineralising front into the hyaline articular cartilage (HAC up to two-thirds the thickness of the HAC, and were associated with focal HAC surface fibrillation directly overlying their site. Nanoindentation identified this extruded matrix to be stiffer than any other mineralised phase in the specimen by a factor of two. The presence of projections was associated with a higher cartilage Mankin histology score (P < 0.02 and increased amounts of gross cartilage loss pathologically on the condyle (P < 0.02. Presence of projections was not significantly associated with: total number of racing seasons, age of horse, amount of earnings, number of days in training, total distance galloped in career, or presence of wear lines.

  5. O perfil das internações do SUS para fratura osteoporótica de fêmur em idosos no Brasil: uma descrição do triênio 2006-2008 Characteristics of hospital admissions in the Unified National Health System for osteoporotic hip fracture in elderly people in Brazil, 2006-2008

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    Paula Chagas Bortolon


    Full Text Available A osteoporose é uma síndrome multifatorial do esqueleto, sendo a fratura de fêmur a mais séria consequência para idosos, devido à alta mortalidade e ao custo. Este trabalho descreveu as fraturas osteoporóticas de fêmur em idosos para o Brasil, no triênio 2006-2008. A Autorização de Internação Hospitalar (AIH foi utilizada como base secundária de dados e permitiu criar indicadores para fratura de fêmur em idosos. As proporções de idosos internados no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS por esta causa chegaram a 1%. Os percentuais de internação e óbitos foram maiores no sexo feminino e aumentaram com a idade. Os gastos foram de aproximadamente 2% dos gastos do SUS para pessoas com 60 anos ou mais. A maioria das internações durou de um a sete dias; 50,1% ocorreram em hospitais filantrópicos; e 42,7% aconteceram fora do município de residência. Os resultados reforçam a necessidade de maior atenção para a osteoporose e mostram a relevância dos gastos públicos com internações de idosos por fratura osteoporótica de fêmur. A compreensão de tais internações auxilia a formulação de políticas de saúde para esta causa.Osteoporosis is a multifactorial syndrome of the skeletal system, and hip fracture is the most serious consequence for the elderly, due to the high mortality and cost. This article describes osteoporotic hip fractures in Brazilian elderly in 2006-2008. Secondary data were obtained from the Authorization Forms for Hospital Admissions (AIH and allowed the creation of indicators for hip fracture in elders. The proportion of elderly patients hospitalized for hip fractures in the Unified National Health System was 1%. The percentages of hospital admissions and deaths were higher in females, and increased with age. Hip fractures accounted for approximately 2% of health care expenditures for persons 60 years or older. Length of hospital stay ranged from one to seven days, 50.1% occurred in charity hospitals, and 42


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    Romildo Dias Toledo Filho

    Full Text Available RESUMO Esta é a primeira parte de um artigo dividido em duas partes e visa avaliar, analítica e experimentalmente, o comportamento em compressão de argamassas reforçadas com fibras naturais. No presente artigo pretende-se mostrar, de forma experimental, como a adição de fibras de sisal e coco afeta, em várias frações volumétricas e comprimentos, o comportamento tensão-deformação, em compressão, de duas matrizes de argamassa. A influência dessas fibras no processo de fratura das argamassas é também avaliada. O efeito da substituição parcial do cimento Portland (OPC por micro- sílica e escória de alto forno no comportamento dos compósitos é também discutido. Os resultados indicam que a adição de fibras naturais reduziu a resistência a compressão das matrizes em cerca de 18% a 32% e, de forma desprezível o seu módulo de elasticidade mas, não modificou, de forma significativa, o coeficiente de Poisson. Por outro lado, as fibras confinaram o material retardando a propagação da primeira fissura e aumentando a tenacidade pós-carga de pico do material. Com relação ao processo de fratura da argamassa, os resultados indicam que, até a tensão de ruptura, o efeito da adição de fibras de sisal e coco é similar às características produzidas pelo acréscimo da quantidade de areia na matriz de argamassa. A substituição parcial de OPC por escória e micro-sílica conduziu a misturas com uma resistência a compressão ligeiramente mais alta que a das preparadas apenas com OPC. A substituição do OPC resultou tanto na redução quanto no aumento do módulo de elasticidade, enquanto o coeficiente de Poisson não foi modificado significativamente.

  7. Pure waterjet drilling of articular bone: an in vitro feasibility study.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    den Dunnen, Steven; Kraaij, Gert; Biskup, Christian; Kerkhoffs, Gino M. M. J.; Tuijthof, Gabriëlle J. M.


    The clinical application of waterjet technology for machining tough human tissues, such as articular bone, has advantages, as it produces clean sharp cuts without tissue heating. Additionally, water supply is possible via flexible tubing, which enables minimally invasive surgical access. This pilot

  8. Reparación del cartílago articular con injerto libre de pericondrio estudio experimental


    Ballesteros Vazquez, P.; Carranza Bencano, Andrés; Armas Padrón, J. R.; Saenz López de Rueda, F.


    Ante la incapacidad de regeneración espontánea de lesiones profundas y amplias del cartílago articular, estudiamos la reparación cartilaginosa con plastias de pericondrio tomadas de la región condro-costal e implantándolas con su cara condrogénica sobre una lesión osteocondral realizada en la superficie articular rotuliana. Macroscópica e histológicamente, a la octava semana, el neocartílago formado tenía igual apariencia que el cartílago hialino normal, no existiendo separació...

  9. Traumatic humeral articular cartilage shear (THACS) lesion in a professional rugby player: a case report. (United States)

    Jeon, I-H; Wallace, W A


    A 20 year old male professional rugby player was seen at the clinic for evaluation of shoulder pain after rugby play. Magnetic resonance imaging showed extensive subchondral bone bruising of the humeral head with defect of the articular cartilage. Arthroscopy showed that the inferior half of the humeral head had extensive articular cartilage loss with nearly 70% of the inferior head having lost its cartilage. Sports medicine doctors should be aware that the shoulder joint in young competitive athletes playing contact sports may be exposed to greater risk of this kind of injury.

  10. Low-field one-dimensional and direction-dependent relaxation imaging of bovine articular cartilage (United States)

    Rössler, Erik; Mattea, Carlos; Mollova, Ayret; Stapf, Siegfried


    The structure of articular cartilage is separated into three layers of differently oriented collagen fibers, which is accompanied by a gradient of increasing glycosaminoglycan (GAG) and decreasing water concentration from the top layer towards the bone interface. The combined effect of these structural variations results in a change of the longitudinal and transverse relaxation times as a function of the distance from the cartilage surface. In this paper, this dependence is investigated at a magnetic field strength of 0.27 T with a one-dimensional depth resolution of 50 μm on bovine hip and stifle joint articular cartilage. By employing this method, advantage is taken of the increasing contrast of the longitudinal relaxation rate found at lower magnetic field strengths. Furthermore, evidence for an orientational dependence of relaxation times with respect to an axis normal to the surface plane is given, an observation that has recently been reported using high-field MRI and that was explained by preferential orientations of collagen bundles in each of the three cartilage zones. In order to quantify the extent of a further contrast mechanism and to estimate spatially dependent glycosaminoglycan concentrations, the data are supplemented by proton relaxation times that were acquired in bovine articular cartilage that was soaked in a 0.8 mM aqueous Gd ++ solution.

  11. Radiation synovectomy stimulates glycosaminoglycan synthesis by normal articular cartilage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Myers, S.L.; Slowman, S.D.; Brandt, K.D.


    Radiation synovectomy has been considered a therapeutic alternative to surgical synovectomy. Whether intraarticular irradiation affects the composition or biochemistry, and therefore the biomechanical properties, of normal articular cartilage has not been established. In the present study, yttrium 90 silicate was injected into one knee of nine normal adult dogs, and three other dogs received nonradioactive yttrium silicate. When the animals were killed 4 to 13 weeks after the injection, synovium from the irradiated knees showed areas of necrosis and fibrosis. Up to 29% less hyaluronate was synthesized in vitro by the synovial intima from irradiated knees than by the intima from the contralateral knees (mean difference 18%). Morphologic abnormalities were not observed in articular cartilage from either the irradiated or control knees, nor did the water content or concentrations of uronic acid or DNA in cartilage from the irradiated knees differ from that in cartilage from the contralateral knees. However, net /sup 35/SO/sub 4/-labeled glycosaminoglycan synthesis in organ cultures of cartilage from irradiated knees was increased (mean difference 21%, p = 0.03) in comparison with that in cultures of contralateral knee cartilage.

  12. Medical ozone therapy as a potential treatment modality for regeneration of damaged articular cartilage in osteoarthritis

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    Sello Lebohang Manoto


    Full Text Available Osteoarthritis (OA is the most common degenerative joint disease and a growing health problem affecting more than half of the population over the age of 65. It is characterized by inflammation in the cartilage and synovium, resulting in the loss of joint structure and progressive damage to the cartilage. Many pro-inflammatory mediators are elevated in OA, including reactive oxygen species (ROS such as nitric oxide (NO and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2. Damaged articular cartilage remains a challenge to treat due to the limited self-healing capacity of the tissue and unsuccessful biological interventions. This highlights the need for better therapeutic strategies to heal damaged articular cartilage. Ozone (O3 therapy has been shown to have positive results in the treatment of OA; however the use of O3 therapy as a therapeutic agent is controversial. There is a perception that O3 is always toxic, whereas evidence indicates that when it is applied following a specified method, O3 can be effective in the treatment of degenerative diseases. The mechanism of action of O3 therapy in OA is not fully understood and this review summarizes the use of O3 therapy in the treatment of damaged articular cartilage in OA. Keywords: Osteoarthritis (OA, Articular cartilage, Ozone (O3 therapy, Reactive oxygen species (ROS

  13. The Effect of Intra-articular Cocktail Versus Femoral Nerve Block for Patients Undergoing Hip Arthroscopy. (United States)

    Childs, Sean; Pyne, Sonia; Nandra, Kiritpaul; Bakhsh, Wajeeh; Mustafa, S Atif; Giordano, Brian D


    To compare clinical efficacy and complication rate as measured by postoperative falls and development of peripheral neuritis between intra-articular blockade and femoral nerve block in patients undergoing arthroscopic hip surgery. An institutional review board approved retrospective review was conducted on a consecutive series of patients who underwent elective arthroscopic hip surgery by a single surgeon, between November 2013 and April 2015. Subjects were stratified into 2 groups: patients who received a preoperative femoral nerve block for perioperative pain control, and patients who received an intra-articular "cocktail" injection postoperatively. Demographic data, perioperative pain scores, narcotic consumption, incidence of falls, and iatrogenic peripheral neuritis were collected for analysis. Postoperative data were then collected at routine clinical visits. A total of 193 patients were included in this study (65 males, 125 females). Of them, 105 patients received preoperative femoral nerve blocks and 88 patients received an intraoperative intra-articular "cocktail." There were no significant differences in patient demographics, history of chronic pain (P = .35), worker's compensation (P = .24), preoperative pain scores (P = .69), or intraoperative doses of narcotics (P = .40). Patients who received preoperative femoral nerve blocks reported decreased pain during their time in PACU (P = .0001) and on hospital discharge (P = .28); however, there were no statistically significant differences in patient-reported pain scores at postoperative weeks 1 (P = .34), 3 (P = .64), and 6 (P = .70). Administration of an intra-articular block was associated with a significant reduction in the rate of postoperative falls (P = .009) and iatrogenic peripheral neuritis (P = .0001). Preoperative femoral nerve blocks are associated with decreased immediate postoperative pain, whereas intraoperative intra-articular anesthetic injections provide effective postoperative

  14. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of articular cartilage of the knee using ultrashort echo time (uTE) sequences with spiral acquisition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goto, Hajimu; Fujii, Masahiko; Iwama, Yuki; Aoyama, Nobukazu; Ohno, Yoshiharu; Sugimura, Kazuro


    The objective of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity of ultrashort echo time (uTE) sequence for visualisation of calcified deep layers of articular cartilage. MRI with a uTE sequence was performed on five healthy volunteers. Signals from the calcified deep layers of the articular knee cartilage were evaluated on uTE subtraction images and computed tomography images. The calcified deep layers of the articular cartilage changed from having a low to a high signal when imaged with a uTE sequence. The reported uTE sequence was effective in imaging the deep layers of the knee cartilage.

  15. Contrast agent enhanced pQCT of articular cartilage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kallioniemi, A S [Department of Physics, University of Kuopio, POB 1627, 70211 Kuopio (Finland); Jurvelin, J S [Department of Physics, University of Kuopio, POB 1627, 70211 Kuopio (Finland); Nieminen, M T [Department of Diagnostic Radiology, POB 50, 90029 OYS, Oulu University Hospital, Oulu (Finland); Lammi, M J [Department of Anatomy, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Kuopio, POB 1627, 70211 Kuopio (Finland); Toeyraes, J [Department of Physics, University of Kuopio, POB 1627, 70211 Kuopio (Finland)


    The delayed gadolinium enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC) technique is the only non-invasive means to estimate proteoglycan (PG) content in articular cartilage. In dGEMRIC, the anionic paramagnetic contrast agent gadopentetate distributes in inverse relation to negatively charged PGs, leading to a linear relation between T{sub 1,Gd} and spatial PG content in tissue. In the present study, for the first time, contrast agent enhanced peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) was applied, analogously to dGEMRIC, for the quantitative detection of spatial PG content in cartilage. The suitability of two anionic radiographic contrast agents, gadopentetate and ioxaglate, to detect enzymatically induced PG depletion in articular cartilage was investigated. First, the interrelationships of x-ray absorption, as measured with pQCT, and the contrast agent solution concentration were investigated. Optimal contrast agent concentrations for the following experiments were selected. Second, diffusion rates for both contrast agents were investigated in intact (n = 3) and trypsin-degraded (n 3) bovine patellar cartilage. The contrast agent concentration of the cartilaginous layer was measured prior to and 2-27 h after immersion. Optimal immersion time for the further experiments was selected. Third, the suitability of gadopentetate and ioxaglate enhanced pQCT to detect the enzymatically induced specific PG depletion was investigated by determining the contrast agent concentrations and uronic acid and water contents in digested and intact osteochondral samples (n = 16). After trypsin-induced PG loss (-70%, p < 0.05) the penetration of gadopentetate and ioxaglate increased (p < 0.05) by 34% and 48%, respectively. Gadopentetate and ioxaglate concentrations both showed strong correlation (r = -0.95, r -0.94, p < 0.01, respectively) with the uronic acid content. To conclude, contrast agent enhanced pQCT provides a technique to quantify PG content in normal and experimentally

  16. Contrast agent enhanced pQCT of articular cartilage (United States)

    Kallioniemi, A. S.; Jurvelin, J. S.; Nieminen, M. T.; Lammi, M. J.; Töyräs, J.


    The delayed gadolinium enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC) technique is the only non-invasive means to estimate proteoglycan (PG) content in articular cartilage. In dGEMRIC, the anionic paramagnetic contrast agent gadopentetate distributes in inverse relation to negatively charged PGs, leading to a linear relation between T1,Gd and spatial PG content in tissue. In the present study, for the first time, contrast agent enhanced peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) was applied, analogously to dGEMRIC, for the quantitative detection of spatial PG content in cartilage. The suitability of two anionic radiographic contrast agents, gadopentetate and ioxaglate, to detect enzymatically induced PG depletion in articular cartilage was investigated. First, the interrelationships of x-ray absorption, as measured with pQCT, and the contrast agent solution concentration were investigated. Optimal contrast agent concentrations for the following experiments were selected. Second, diffusion rates for both contrast agents were investigated in intact (n = 3) and trypsin-degraded (n = 3) bovine patellar cartilage. The contrast agent concentration of the cartilaginous layer was measured prior to and 2-27 h after immersion. Optimal immersion time for the further experiments was selected. Third, the suitability of gadopentetate and ioxaglate enhanced pQCT to detect the enzymatically induced specific PG depletion was investigated by determining the contrast agent concentrations and uronic acid and water contents in digested and intact osteochondral samples (n = 16). After trypsin-induced PG loss (-70%, p < 0.05) the penetration of gadopentetate and ioxaglate increased (p < 0.05) by 34% and 48%, respectively. Gadopentetate and ioxaglate concentrations both showed strong correlation (r = -0.95, r = -0.94, p < 0.01, respectively) with the uronic acid content. To conclude, contrast agent enhanced pQCT provides a technique to quantify PG content in normal and experimentally

  17. Contrast agent enhanced pQCT of articular cartilage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kallioniemi, A S; Jurvelin, J S; Nieminen, M T; Lammi, M J; Toeyraes, J


    The delayed gadolinium enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC) technique is the only non-invasive means to estimate proteoglycan (PG) content in articular cartilage. In dGEMRIC, the anionic paramagnetic contrast agent gadopentetate distributes in inverse relation to negatively charged PGs, leading to a linear relation between T 1,Gd and spatial PG content in tissue. In the present study, for the first time, contrast agent enhanced peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) was applied, analogously to dGEMRIC, for the quantitative detection of spatial PG content in cartilage. The suitability of two anionic radiographic contrast agents, gadopentetate and ioxaglate, to detect enzymatically induced PG depletion in articular cartilage was investigated. First, the interrelationships of x-ray absorption, as measured with pQCT, and the contrast agent solution concentration were investigated. Optimal contrast agent concentrations for the following experiments were selected. Second, diffusion rates for both contrast agents were investigated in intact (n = 3) and trypsin-degraded (n 3) bovine patellar cartilage. The contrast agent concentration of the cartilaginous layer was measured prior to and 2-27 h after immersion. Optimal immersion time for the further experiments was selected. Third, the suitability of gadopentetate and ioxaglate enhanced pQCT to detect the enzymatically induced specific PG depletion was investigated by determining the contrast agent concentrations and uronic acid and water contents in digested and intact osteochondral samples (n = 16). After trypsin-induced PG loss (-70%, p < 0.05) the penetration of gadopentetate and ioxaglate increased (p < 0.05) by 34% and 48%, respectively. Gadopentetate and ioxaglate concentrations both showed strong correlation (r = -0.95, r -0.94, p < 0.01, respectively) with the uronic acid content. To conclude, contrast agent enhanced pQCT provides a technique to quantify PG content in normal and experimentally degraded

  18. Contrast Agent-Enhanced Computed Tomography of Articular Cartilage: Association with Tissue Composition and Properties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silvast, T. S.; Jurvelin, J.S.; Aula, A.S.; Lammi, M.J.; Toeyraes, J.


    Background: Contrast agent-enhanced computed tomography may enable the noninvasive quantification of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content of articular cartilage. It has been reported that penetration of the negatively charged contrast agent ioxaglate (Hexabrix) increases significantly after enzymatic degradation of GAGs. However, it is not known whether spontaneous degradation of articular cartilage can be quantitatively detected with this technique. Purpose: To investigate the diagnostic potential of contrast agent-enhanced cartilage tomography (CECT) in quantification of GAG concentration in normal and spontaneously degenerated articular cartilage by means of clinical peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT). Material and Methods: In this in vitro study, normal and spontaneously degenerated adult bovine cartilage (n=32) was used. Bovine patellar cartilage samples were immersed in 21 mM contrast agent (Hexabrix) solution for 24 hours at room temperature. After immersion, the samples were scanned with a clinical pQCT instrument. From pQCT images, the contrast agent concentration in superficial as well as in full-thickness cartilage was calculated. Histological and functional integrity of the samples was quantified with histochemical and mechanical reference measurements extracted from our earlier study. Results: Full diffusion of contrast agent into the deep cartilage was found to take over 8 hours. As compared to normal cartilage, a significant increase (11%, P 0.5, P<0.01). Further, pQCT could be used to measure the thickness of patellar cartilage. Conclusion: The present results suggest that CECT can be used to diagnose proteoglycan depletion in spontaneously degenerated articular cartilage with a clinical pQCT scanner. Possibly, the in vivo use of clinical pQCT for CECT arthrography of human joints is feasible

  19. Analgesic effect of intra-articular magnesium sulphate compared with bupivacaine after knee arthroscopic menisectomy

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    Yasser A. Radwan


    Full Text Available This work aimed to evaluate the analgesic efficacy of intra-articular injection of magnesium sulphate (4% compared with equivalent volume of bupivacaine (0.5% after outpatient knee arthroscopic meniscectomy. Forty patients were randomly assigned to two groups. Group M (n = 20 received intra-articular magnesium sulphate 4%, group B (n = 20 received bupivacaine (0.5%. Analgesic effect was evaluated by analgesic duration, and by measuring pain intensity at 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24 h both at rest and on knee movement to 90°. The primary outcome variable was pain intensity on the VAS at 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24 h post arthroscopy at rest and on movement (flexion of knee to 90°, although the magnesium group had lower time weighted averages (TWAs at rest and on movement, these TWAs were not statistically significant. The median duration of postoperative analgesia was significantly longer in the patients treated with magnesium sulphate (528 min than in the bupivacaine group (317 min (p < 0.0001, with less number of patients needing supplementary analgesia in magnesium group (8/20 than those of the bupivacaine group (16/20 (p < 0.022. Also analgesic consumption was significantly lower in the magnesium sulphate group (p < 0.002. We concluded that the use of magnesium sulphate is rational and effective in reducing pain, and is more physiological and shortens convalescence after outpatient arthroscopic meniscectomy, however our hypotheses that analgesic efficacy of intra-articular isotonic magnesium sulphate would be superior to intra-articular local anaesthetic cannot be supported with this study.

  20. Altered osmotic swelling behavior of proteoglycan-depleted bovine articular cartilage using high frequency ultrasound

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Q; Zheng, Y P; Leung, G; Mak, A F T; Lam, W L; Guo, X; Lu, H B; Qin, L


    Swelling behavior is an electrochemical mechanical property of articular cartilage. It plays an important role in weight bearing and joint lubrication. In this study, the altered transient and inhomogeneous swelling behavior of the degenerated articular cartilage was observed and quantified in situ using ultrasound. Three groups of bovine patellar articular cartilage samples (n = 10 x 3) were obtained and digested by trypsin for 10, 20 and 30 min respectively to mimic different levels of degeneration. The osmotic-free shrinkage and swelling behavior induced by changing the concentration of the bathing saline solution from 0.15 M to 2 M and then back to 0.15 M were characterized using high-frequency ultrasound (central frequency = 35 MHz) before and after digestion. It was found that the degenerated cartilage specimens showed a weaker shrinkage-swelling behavior compared with the normal cartilage samples. However, no significant differences in the peak shrinkage or swelling strains were observed between different groups. The absolute values of the peak shrinkage strain significantly (p < 0.05) decreased by 45.4%, 42.1% and 50.6% respectively after the trypsin digestion for 10, 20 and 30 min, but such significance was not demonstrated for the peak swelling strains. Due to the potential alterations in the collagen-PG matrix during trypsin digestion, the correlation between the swelling strain and the shrinkage strain of the degenerated samples changed slightly in comparison with the normal samples. The proposed ultrasound method has been successfully used to measure the transient and inhomogeneous swelling behavior of the degenerated articular cartilage and has the potential for the characterization of osteoarthritis

  1. Intra-Articular Corticosteroids in Addition to Exercise for Reducing Pain Sensitivity in Knee Osteoarthritis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Soriano-Maldonado, Alberto; Klokker, Louise; Bartholdy, Cecilie


    OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of one intra-articular corticosteroid injection two weeks prior to an exercise-based intervention program for reducing pain sensitivity in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA). DESIGN: Randomized, masked, parallel, placebo-controlled trial involving 100 particip......OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of one intra-articular corticosteroid injection two weeks prior to an exercise-based intervention program for reducing pain sensitivity in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA). DESIGN: Randomized, masked, parallel, placebo-controlled trial involving 100...... the injections all participants undertook a 12-week supervised exercise program. Main outcomes were changes from baseline in pressure-pain sensitivity (pressure-pain threshold [PPT] and temporal summation [TS]) assessed using cuff pressure algometry on the calf. These were exploratory outcomes from a randomized....... The mean group difference in changes from baseline at week 14 was 0.6 kPa (95% CI: -1.7 to 2.8; P = 0.626) for PPT and 384 mm×sec (95% CI: -2980 to 3750; P = 0.821) for TS. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that adding intra-articular corticosteroid injection 2 weeks prior to an exercise program does...

  2. Postnatal development of depth-dependent collagen density in ovine articular cartilage

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Turnhout, van M.C.; Schipper, H.; Lagen, van B.; Zuilhof, H.; Kranenbarg, S.; Leeuwen, van J.L.


    Articular cartilage (AC) is the layer of tissue that covers the articulating ends of the bones in diarthrodial joints. Adult AC is characterised by a depth-dependent composition and structure of the extracellular matrix that results in depth-dependent mechanical properties, important for the

  3. Postnatal development of depth-dependent collagen density in ovine articular cartilage

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Turnhout, van M.C.; Schipper, H.; Lagen, van B.; Zuilhof, H.; Kranenbarg, S.; Leeuwen, van J.L.


    Background Articular cartilage (AC) is the layer of tissue that covers the articulating ends of the bones in diarthrodial joints. Adult AC is characterised by a depth-dependent composition and structure of the extracellular matrix that results in depth-dependent mechanical properties, important for

  4. The stimulation of mononuclear cells from patients with rheumatoid arthritis to degrade articular cartilage is not modulated by cartilage itself

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Roon, J. A.; van Roy, J. L.; Lafeber, F. P.; Bijlsma, J. W.


    To study the modulation of mononuclear cell (MNC) activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) by constituents released from human articular cartilage, which may be present in vivo during early events of the disease, when articular cartilage is not only mildly damaged. In an attempt to

  5. Intracapsular and para-articular chondroma adjacent to large joints: report of three cases and review of the literature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gonzalez-Lois, C.; Garcia-de-la-Torre, J.P.; SantosBriz-Terron, A.; Martinez-Tello, F.J.; Vila, J.; Manrique-Chico, J.


    Para-articular chondroma is a rare tumor that has been reported in only 30 cases adjacent to large joints in the Anglo-Saxon literature. We report three new cases of this entity, describe its clinical, radiological and pathological features, and review the previous literature. Para-articular chondromas have an insidious clinical presentation and on radiographs show a large soft tissue mass with variable ossification. They appear as a lobulated mass of hyaline cartilage with variable endochondral ossification in the central area. These rare benign tumors arise from the capsule or the para-articular connective tissue of a large joint (mainly the knee), which suffers cartilaginous metaplasia and subsequent ossification. Cases 1 and 2 of this presentation fit all the features described previously. Case 3 has identical clinical features but differs from the former two cases in its microscopic appearance, being composed almost entirely of fibrocartilage and myxoid areas within the fibroadipose tissue of the joint instead of mature trabecular bone surrounded by hyaline cartilage. To the best of our knowledge this is the first description of this histological variant of para-articular chondroma. (orig.)

  6. Intracapsular and para-articular chondroma adjacent to large joints: report of three cases and review of the literature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gonzalez-Lois, C.; Garcia-de-la-Torre, J.P.; SantosBriz-Terron, A.; Martinez-Tello, F.J. [Dept. of Pathology, University Hospital ' ' Doce de Octubre' ' , Madrid (Spain); Vila, J. [Dept. of Orthopedics and Traumatology, University Hospital ' ' Doce de Octubre' ' , Madrid (Spain); Manrique-Chico, J. [Dept. of Radiology, University Hospital ' ' Doce de Octubre' ' , Madrid (Spain)


    Para-articular chondroma is a rare tumor that has been reported in only 30 cases adjacent to large joints in the Anglo-Saxon literature. We report three new cases of this entity, describe its clinical, radiological and pathological features, and review the previous literature. Para-articular chondromas have an insidious clinical presentation and on radiographs show a large soft tissue mass with variable ossification. They appear as a lobulated mass of hyaline cartilage with variable endochondral ossification in the central area. These rare benign tumors arise from the capsule or the para-articular connective tissue of a large joint (mainly the knee), which suffers cartilaginous metaplasia and subsequent ossification. Cases 1 and 2 of this presentation fit all the features described previously. Case 3 has identical clinical features but differs from the former two cases in its microscopic appearance, being composed almost entirely of fibrocartilage and myxoid areas within the fibroadipose tissue of the joint instead of mature trabecular bone surrounded by hyaline cartilage. To the best of our knowledge this is the first description of this histological variant of para-articular chondroma. (orig.)

  7. Sonographically guided posteromedial approach for intra-articular knee injections: a safe, accurate, and efficient method. (United States)

    Tresley, Jonathan; Jose, Jean


    Osteoarthritis of the knee can be a debilitating and extremely painful condition. In patients who desire to postpone knee arthroplasty or in those who are not surgical candidates, percutaneous knee injection therapies have the potential to reduce pain and swelling, maintain joint mobility, and minimize disability. Published studies cite poor accuracy of intra-articular knee joint injections without imaging guidance. We present a sonographically guided posteromedial approach to intra-articular knee joint injections with 100% accuracy and no complications in a consecutive series of 67 patients undergoing subsequent computed tomographic or magnetic resonance arthrography. Although many other standard approaches are available, a posteromedial intra-articular technique is particularly useful in patients with a large body habitus and theoretically allows for simultaneous aspiration of Baker cysts with a single sterile preparation and without changing the patient's position. The posteromedial technique described in this paper is not compared or deemed superior to other standard approaches but, rather, is presented as a potentially safe and efficient alternative. © 2015 by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.

  8. Delirium in elderly individuals with hip fracture: causes, incidence, prevalence, and risk factors Delirium em idosos com fratura de fêmur: causas, incidência, prevalência e fatores de risco

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    Maria Elizabet Furlaneto


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: To determine the incidence, prevalence, risk factors, and causes of delirium in elderly individuals with hip fractures, as well as the impact of delrium on mortality and length of hospital stay. PATIENTS: One hundred and three patients aged 65 and older with hip fractures were included consecutively between January 2001 and June 2002. METHOD: Delirium was diagnosed using the Confusion Assessment Method, applied within the first 24 hours after admission, and then daily. All patients underwent a global geriatric evaluation including clinical history, physical examination, laboratory tests, surgical risk evaluation, and functional and mental evaluations. Patients with delirium (cases were compared with patients without delirium (controls. RESULTS: Thirty (29.1% patients in this sample met the criteria for delirium, with a prevalence of 16.5% (17/103 and an incidence of 12.6% (13/103. Cognitive and functional deficits had a significant association with delirium, although only cognitive deficit was revealed to be an independent risk factor after analysis with the logistic regression model. The most frequent causes of delirium were drugs and infections. The hospital stay was significantly longer for patients with delirium compared with patients in the control group (26.27 versus 14.38 days, respectively. Mortality showed a tendency to higher levels in patients with delirium during their hospital stay, although with no statistical significance. CONCLUSIONS: Delirium is a frequent complication among hospitalized elderly individuals with hip fractures. It is associated with cognitive and functional deficits, and it is associated with increases the length of hospital stay and mortality.OBJETIVOS: Deteminar a incidência, prevalência, fatores de risco e causas de delirium em idosos com fratura de fêmur, e seu impacto sobre mortalidade e permanência hospitalar. MÉTODOS: Cento e três pacientes com 65 anos e mais com fratura de fêmur foram

  9. Postnatal changes to the mechanical properties of articular cartilage are driven by the evolution of its collagen network

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    AR Gannon


    Full Text Available While it is well established that the composition and organisation of articular cartilage dramatically change during skeletal maturation, relatively little is known about how this impacts the mechanical properties of the tissue. In this study, digital image correlation was first used to quantify spatial deformation within mechanically compressed skeletally immature (4 and 8 week old and mature (1 and 3 year old porcine articular cartilage. The compressive modulus of the immature tissue was relatively homogeneous, while the stiffness of mature articular cartilage dramatically increased with depth from the articular surface. Other, well documented, biomechanical characteristics of the tissue also emerged with skeletal maturity, such as strain-softening and a depth-dependent Poisson’s ratio. The most significant changes that occurred with age were in the deep zone of the tissue, where an order of magnitude increase in compressive modulus (from 0.97 MPa to 9.4 MPa for low applied strains was observed from 4 weeks postnatal to skeletal maturity. These temporal increases in compressive stiffness occurred despite a decrease in tissue sulphated glycosaminoglycan content, but were accompanied by increases in tissue collagen content. Furthermore, helium ion microscopy revealed dramatic changes in collagen fibril alignment through the depth of the tissue with skeletal maturity, as well as a fivefold increase in fibril diameter with age. Finally, computational modelling was used to demonstrate how both collagen network reorganisation and collagen stiffening play a key role in determining the final compressive mechanical properties of the tissue. Together these findings provide a unique insight into evolving structure-function relations in articular cartilage.

  10. Avaliação do uso de haste bloqueada e bloqueio transcortical no reparo de fraturas diafisárias de fêmur em felinos Evaluation of the use of interlocking nail and transcortical blockade for the repair of diaphyseal fractures of the femur in cats

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    Leandro Romano


    Full Text Available As hastes bloqueadas além de permitirem estabilização rígida de fraturas, possuem vantagens biomecânicas quando comparadas a outras técnicas de imobilização, por atuar ao longo do eixo mecânico central do osso, além de preservar os conceitos de padrões biológicos de osteossíntese . O uso limitado de hastes bloqueadas em gatos se atribui ao fato da cavidade intramedular ser pequena, limitando o tamanho e diâmetro dos pinos. Relatam-se casos de 10 felinos que apresentavam fraturas fechadas simples ou múltiplas da diáfise femoral. Os animais pesavam entre 3,5 e 5 kg, o que permitiu a utilização de hastes de 4,0mm e 4,7mm de diâmetro. Para inserção da haste, adotou-se a via retrógrada ou a normógrada e foram realizados bloqueios com quatro parafusos de titânio de 2,0 mm de diâmetro. Complicações intra-operatórias não ocorreram, entretanto um animal sofreu fratura de colo femoral e fratura transversa distal ao implante, três dias após o ato cirúrgico, devido a novo trauma. Os animais foram submetidos a exames radiográficos até quatro meses após a intervenção, evidenciando-se formação de calo ósseo secundário e consolidação óssea em período de 61-89 dias. Clinicamente, ocorreu esporadicamente alteração na marcha por leve claudicação de apoio definida por escala de claudicação, entretanto os animais iniciaram o apoio adequado entre três e oito dias após o ato operatório. Complicações pósoperatórias ocorreram referentes ao animal que sofreu novo trauma, entretanto notou-se consolidação do foco primário tratado pelo implante com 61 dias e consolidação da nova fratura num período total de 150 dias do início do tratamento conservativo por penso esparadrapado e tala. Conclui-se que o uso de haste bloqueada em felinos foi adequado uma vez que houve consolidação óssea em todos os casos, com retorno precoce da função do membro, permitindo a deambulação.Interlocking nails allow rigid


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    Goda Jatin B, Patel Shailesh M, Parmar Ajay M, Agarwal GC


    Full Text Available Background: In the formation of Ankle joint, tibio-fibular mortice receives superior, medial and lateral articular surfaces of body of Talus. Because of very limited availability of the data on the Morphometry of the articular facets on the Body of the dry human tali, this study was undertaken. Aims: To prepare the database on the articular facets on the superior, medial and lateral surfaces of body of talus, to find if there is statistically significant difference between both the sides of measurements and to compare the results with the previous studies. Methods and Material: 40 Dry Human Tali (20 Right and 20 Left were measured with Digital vernier caliper for the following Measurements: On the Trochlear surface: Medial length, Central length, Lateral length, Anterior width, Central width, Posterior width. On the lateral triangular articular facet: Central height, Central width. On the coma shaped medial articular facet: Central height, Central width. Results: Mean values of Medial, Central and Lateral lengths were 31.02, 30.39 and 29.63mm on Right side and 31.79, 30.65 and 29.45mm on Left side. Mean Anterior, Central and Posterior widths were 28.87, 28.16 and 21.59mm on right side and 29.08, 27.54 and 21.78mm on left side. On the medial articular surface, mean central height was 11.93mm on the right side and 11.29mm on the left side, Mean central width was 27.94mm on the right side and 28.29mm on the left side. On the lateral articular surface, mean central height was 22.14mm on the right side and 22.63mm on the left side. Mean central width was 18.93mm on the right side and 18.99mm on the left side. There is no significant difference between right and left sides of measurements. Conclusion: The trochlear articular surface is wider in front, measurements of opposite talus bone can be used as a control during talus bone replacement surgery, it may help surgeons to plan pre-operatively the complex talar fracture surgeries, to design accurate

  12. Deficiency of Thrombospondin-4 in Mice Does Not Affect Skeletal Growth or Bone Mass Acquisition, but Causes a Transient Reduction of Articular Cartilage Thickness.

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    Anke Jeschke

    Full Text Available Although articular cartilage degeneration represents a major public health problem, the underlying molecular mechanisms are still poorly characterized. We have previously utilized genome-wide expression analysis to identify specific markers of porcine articular cartilage, one of them being Thrombospondin-4 (Thbs4. In the present study we analyzed Thbs4 expression in mice, thereby confirming its predominant expression in articular cartilage, but also identifying expression in other tissues, including bone. To study the role of Thbs4 in skeletal development and integrity we took advantage of a Thbs4-deficient mouse model that was analyzed by undecalcified bone histology. We found that Thbs4-deficient mice do not display phenotypic differences towards wildtype littermates in terms of skeletal growth or bone mass acquisition. Since Thbs4 has previously been found over-expressed in bones of Phex-deficient Hyp mice, we additionally generated Thbs4-deficient Hyp mice, but failed to detect phenotypic differences towards Hyp littermates. With respect to articular cartilage we found that Thbs4-deficient mice display transient thinning of articular cartilage, suggesting a protective role of Thbs4 for joint integrity. Gene expression analysis using porcine primary cells revealed that Thbs4 is not expressed by synovial fibroblasts and that it represents the only member of the Thbs gene family with specific expression in articular, but not in growth plate chondrocytes. In an attempt to identify specific molecular effects of Thbs4 we treated porcine articular chondrocytes with human THBS4 in the absence or presence of conditioned medium from porcine synovial fibroblasts. Here we did not observe a significant influence of THBS4 on proliferation, metabolic activity, apoptosis or gene expression, suggesting that it does not act as a signaling molecule. Taken together, our data demonstrate that Thbs4 is highly expressed in articular chondrocytes, where its

  13. Prognostic factors after intra-articular hyaluronic acid injection in ankle osteoarthritis. (United States)

    Han, Seung Hwan; Park, Do Young; Kim, Tae Hun


    The goal of this study was to identify baseline prognostic factors of outcome in ankle osteoarthritis patients after intra-articular hyaluronic acid injection. Patients with ankle osteoarthritis who received hyaluronic acid injection therapy were retrospectively reviewed. Each patient received weekly intra-articular hyaluronic acid injections (2 mL) for 3 weeks. Six predictors including gender, age, symptom duration, radiographic osteoarthritis stage, radiographic subchondral cyst, and fracture history were evaluated. Visual analogue scale (VAS) and patient satisfaction were evaluated as outcome measures. These predictors and outcome measurements were included in a logistic regression model for statistical analysis. Total of 40 consecutive patients (21 male, 19 female) were included in this study. Mean age was 60.6. Average follow up period was 13 months. The mean VAS recorded 3, 6, and 12 months after the first injection was 3.6 (SD 2.54, phyaluronic acid injection for ankle osteoarthritis is a safe and effective treatment, careful selection of patients should be made according to the above prognostic predictors.

  14. Extra-Articular Manifestations of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Now

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    Paloma Vela


    Full Text Available Rheumatoid arthritis (RA is a chronic systemic inflammatory disease, characterised by polyarthritis and extra-articular organ disease, including rheumatoid nodules, ophthalmologic manifestations, cardiopulmonary disease, vasculitis, neuropathy, glomerulonephritis, Felty’s syndrome, and amyloidosis. Extra-articular manifestations of RA (ExRA occur in 17.8–40.9% of RA patients, 1.5–21.5% of them presenting as severe forms and usually associated with increased morbidity and mortality. They can develop at any time during the course of the disease, even in the early stages, and are associated with certain predisposing factors, such as the presence of rheumatoid factor, smoking, and long-standing severe disease. Rheumatoid nodules, the most common ExRA, have been found to be associated with the development of severe features, such as vasculitis, rheumatoid lung disease, pericarditis, and pleuritis, especially in those patients who develop them within 2 years from RA diagnosis. There is no uniformity in the definition of the term ExRA, which limits comparability between different studies. Several recent surveys suggest a lower frequency, probably due to a better control of disease activity. Diagnosis of ExRA is a challenge for clinicians, given its variable and complex presentation, and the lack of specific diagnostic tests; it must be based on clinical recognition and exclusion of other causes of the signs and symptoms. Furthermore, management continues to be difficult with a bad prognosis in many conditions. This article reviews the clinical aspects of major ExRA, focusing on incidence, clinical features, and therapeutic approaches, and how modern immunosuppressive therapy can change the outcome.

  15. Fractografia de compósito estrutural aeronáutico submetido à caracterização de tenacidade à fratura interlaminar em modo I Fractography of aeronautical composite structures submitted to mode I interlaminar fracture toughness characterization

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    Geraldo Maurício Cândido


    Full Text Available Muitos componentes das modernas aeronaves estão sendo manufaturados em compósitos poliméricos. Laminados de resina epóxi modificada reforçada com fibras de carbono contínuas são empregados em estruturas primárias e secundárias para reduzir o peso e melhorar o desempenho operacional. Porém, se ocorrer uma falha circunstancial, o processo de fratura desses laminados é complexo e pode envolver mecanismos de danos interlaminares. A delaminação é a descontinuidade interlaminar que pode se propagar de forma catastrófica com a aplicação de cargas mecânicas. O ensaio de corpos de prova denominado de Double Cantilever Beam (DCB é o método mais utilizado para determinar a tenacidade à fratura em Modo I de compósitos estruturais. Neste trabalho, amostras preparadas de um laminado de tecido bidirecional, estilo plain weave, foram submetidas ao carregamento estático de delaminação em Modo I, à temperatura ambiente. A análise fractográfica das superfícies delaminadas foi realizada por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Os resultados mostram que o processo de fratura se inicia nas bolsas de resina após um inserto de Teflon® e se propaga ao longo das regiões ricas em resina posicionadas nos interstícios de entrelaçamento das mechas da trama e da urdidura. Os principais aspectos fractográficos revelados são identificados, documentados e discutidos neste trabalho.Many components of modern aircrafts are now manufactured from polymer composites. Reinforced laminates with continuous carbon fibers and modified epoxy resin are employed in primary and secondary structures to reduce weight and improve the aircraft performance. However, if a circumstantial failure happens, the complex fracture process of the laminates may involve interlaminar damage mechanisms. The delamination is the interlaminar discontinuity which may propagate catastrophically with the application of mechanical loads. The Double Cantilever Beam (DCB is the most

  16. Articular cartilage changes in chondromalacia patellae. (United States)

    Bentley, G


    Full thickness samples of articular cartilage were removed from areas of chondromalacia on the medial and "odd" facets of the patellae of 21 adults and examined by histology, autoradiography and electron microscopy. Surface fibrillation, loss of superficial matrix staining and reduced 35SO4 labelling was seen, with little change in the deep zone. Ten cases showed "fibrous metaplasia" of the superficial cartilage with definite evidence of cell division and apparent smoothing of the surface. Scattered chondrocyte replication appeared to occur in the surrounding intact cartilage. The findings suggest that early lesions in chondromalacia patellae may heal either by cartilage or fibrous metaplasia and that this may account for the resolution of clinical symptoms.

  17. Location and incidence of localized juxta-articular demineralizations and erosions at the wrist in early rheumatoid arthritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fischer, E.


    In early rheumatoid arthritis the location and incidence of localized juxta-articular demineralizations and erosions were investigated at 53 points of the wrist. On the level of the metacarpal bases, the distal and proximal row of the carpal bones more changes are seen in the oblique vd. and the lateral view than in the dv. view. At the distal bones of the forearm more changes are seen at the radius than at the ulnar styloid. The most often changes at all occur at the volar middle third of the triquetrum in the oblique view and at the distal volar articular facet of the scaphoid in the lateral view. Close relations between localized juxta-articular demineralizations and erosions do not exist. If the early bone changes at the wrist in rheumatoid arthritis are to be detected additional oblique and lateral view are prerequisite. (orig.) [de

  18. Repair of articular osteochondral defects of the knee joint using a composite lamellar scaffold. (United States)

    Lv, Y M; Yu, Q S


    The major problem with repair of an articular cartilage injury is the extensive difference in the structure and function of regenerated, compared with normal cartilage. Our work investigates the feasibility of repairing articular osteochondral defects in the canine knee joint using a composite lamellar scaffold of nano-ß-tricalcium phosphate (ß-TCP)/collagen (col) I and II with bone marrow stromal stem cells (BMSCs) and assesses its biological compatibility. The bone-cartilage scaffold was prepared as a laminated composite, using hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (nano-HAP)/collagen I/copolymer of polylactic acid-hydroxyacetic acid as the bony scaffold, and sodium hyaluronate/poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) as the cartilaginous scaffold. Ten-to 12-month-old hybrid canines were randomly divided into an experimental group and a control group. BMSCs were obtained from the iliac crest of each animal, and only those of the third generation were used in experiments. An articular osteochondral defect was created in the right knee of dogs in both groups. Those in the experimental group were treated by implanting the composites consisting of the lamellar scaffold of ß-TCP/col I/col II/BMSCs. Those in the control group were left untreated. After 12 weeks of implantation, defects in the experimental group were filled with white semi-translucent tissue, protruding slightly over the peripheral cartilage surface. After 24 weeks, the defect space in the experimental group was filled with new cartilage tissues, finely integrated into surrounding normal cartilage. The lamellar scaffold of ß-TCP/col I/col II was gradually degraded and absorbed, while new cartilage tissue formed. In the control group, the defects were not repaired. This method can be used as a suitable scaffold material for the tissue-engineered repair of articular cartilage defects. Cite this article: Bone Joint Res 2015;4:56-64. ©2015 The British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint Surgery.

  19. Treatment of displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures by ligamentotaxis: Current concepts' review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    T. Schepers (Tim); P. Patka (Peter)


    textabstractIntroduction: A large variety of therapeutic modalities for calcaneal fractures have been described in the literature. No single treatment modality for displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures has proven superior over the other. This review describes and compares the different

  20. Treatment of displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures by ligamentotaxis: current concepts' review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schepers, T.; Patka, P.


    A large variety of therapeutic modalities for calcaneal fractures have been described in the literature. No single treatment modality for displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures has proven superior over the other. This review describes and compares the different percutaneous distractional

  1. Reconstruction with distraction osteogenesis for juxta-articular nonunions with bone loss. (United States)

    Kabata, Tamon; Tsuchiya, Hiroyuki; Sakurakichi, Keisuke; Yamashiro, Teruhisa; Watanabe, Koji; Tomita, Kasuro


    Nonunions of a juxta-articular lesion with bone loss, which represent a challenging therapeutic problem, were treated using external fixation and distraction osteogenesis. Seven juxta-articular nonunions (five septic and two aseptic) were treated. The location of the nonunion was the distal femur in four patients, the proximal tibia in one patient, and the distal tibia in two patients. All of them were located within 5 cm from the affected joints. Preoperative limb shortening was present in six cases, averaging 2.9 cm (range, 1-7 cm). The reconstructive procedure consisted of refreshment of the nonunion site, deformity correction, stabilization by external fixation, and lengthening to eliminate leg length discrepancy or to fill the defect. Shortening-distraction was applied to six patients and bone transport to one patient for reconstruction. Intramedullary nailing to reduce the duration of external fixation was simultaneously performed in two cases. All the patients had at least 1 year of follow-up evaluation. Osseous union without angular deformity or leg length discrepancy greater than 1 cm was achieved in all patients. The mean amount of lengthening was 5.8 cm (range, 2.2-10.0 cm). The mean external fixation period was 219 days (range, 98-317 days), and the mean external fixation index was 34.4 days/cm (range, 24.5-47.6 days/cm). All patients reported excellent pain reduction. There were no recurrences of infection in five patients with prior history of osteomyelitis. The functional results were categorized as excellent in two, good in three, and fair in two. Despite the length of postoperative external fixation, distraction osteogenesis can be a valuable alternative for the treatment of juxta-articular nonunions.

  2. Tratamento cirúrgico das fraturas dos metatársicos laterais com técnica percutânea anterógrada: descrição técnica e resultados clínicos Anterograde percutaneous treatment of lesser metatarsal fractures: technical description and clinical results

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Baumfeld


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar os resultados obtidos com a técnica de fixação anterógrada percutânea para o tratamento das fraturas do colo e diáfise dos metatársicos laterais. MÉTODOS: Realizamos avaliação prospectiva de 14 pacientes operados no período de 2003 a 2008, em que foram levados em consideração a topografia das fraturas, o mecanismo de trauma, as comorbidades associadas e o escore AOFAS para o antepé. RESULTADOS: A região anatômica mais atingida foi o colo dos metatársicos (79%; o acometimento de múltiplos metatársicos ( 53% foi mais comum que o acometimento isolado (47%; o trauma de baixa energia (79% foi mais frequente do que o de alta energia (21%; pacientes do sexo feminino com diabetes mellitus apresentaram os piores resultados funcionais pós-operatórios. Não foram encontradas complicações pós-operatórias relacionadas com o tipo de tratamento instituído. CONCLUSÕES: A técnica cirúrgica apresentada demonstrou ser eficiente para o tratamento das fraturas dos metatarsos laterais com menor índice de complicações do que as técnicas já existentes na literatura.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the results obtained using the anterograde percutaneous fixation technique for treating shaft and neck fractures of the lesser metatarsals. METHODS: We prospectively evaluated 14 patients between 2003 and 2008, taking into consideration the topography of the fracture, trauma mechanism, associated comorbidities and AOFAS score for the forefoot. RESULTS: The anatomical region most affected was the metatarsal neck (79%. Involvement of multiple metatarsals (53% was more common than isolated fractures (47%. Low-energy trauma (79% was more frequent than high-energy trauma (21%. Female patients with diabetes had the worst postoperative functional results. There were no postoperative complications relating to the type of treatment instituted. CONCLUSIONS: The surgical technique presented

  3. Are intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid effective for the treatment of temporomandibular disorders? A systematic review. (United States)

    Goiato, M C; da Silva, E V F; de Medeiros, R A; Túrcio, K H L; Dos Santos, D M


    This systematic review aimed to investigate whether intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid (HA) are better than other drugs used in temporomandibular joint arthrocentesis, for the improvement of temporomandibular disorder (TMD) symptoms. Two independent reviewers performed an electronic search of the MEDLINE and Web of Science databases for relevant studies published in English up to March 2016. The key words used included a combination of 'hyaluronic acid', 'viscosupplementation', 'intra-articular injections', 'corticosteroids', or 'non steroidal anti inflammatory agents' with 'temporomandibular disorder'. Selected studies were randomized clinical trials and prospective or retrospective studies that primarily investigated the application of HA injections compared to other intra-articular medications for the treatment of TMD. The initial screening yielded 523 articles. After evaluation of the titles and abstracts, eight were selected. Full texts of these articles were accessed and all fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Intra-articular injections of HA are beneficial in improving the pain and/or functional symptoms of TMDs. However, other drug therapies, such as corticosteroid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug injections, can be used with satisfactory results. Well-designed clinical studies are necessary to identify an adequate protocol, the number of sessions needed, and the appropriate molecular weight of HA for use. Copyright © 2016 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Intra-articular enzyme replacement therapy with rhIDUA is safe, well-tolerated, and reduces articular GAG storage in the canine model of mucopolysaccharidosis type I. (United States)

    Wang, Raymond Y; Aminian, Afshin; McEntee, Michael F; Kan, Shih-Hsin; Simonaro, Calogera M; Lamanna, William C; Lawrence, Roger; Ellinwood, N Matthew; Guerra, Catalina; Le, Steven Q; Dickson, Patricia I; Esko, Jeffrey D


    Treatment with intravenous enzyme replacement therapy and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) type I does not address joint disease, resulting in persistent orthopedic complications and impaired quality of life. A proof-of-concept study was conducted to determine the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of intra-articular recombinant human iduronidase (IA-rhIDUA) enzyme replacement therapy in the canine MPS I model. Four MPS I dogs underwent monthly rhIDUA injections (0.58 mg/joint) into the right elbow and knee for 6 months. Contralateral elbows and knees concurrently received normal saline. No intravenous rhIDUA therapy was administered. Monthly blood counts, chemistries, anti-rhIDUA antibody titers, and synovial fluid cell counts were measured. Lysosomal storage of synoviocytes and chondrocytes, synovial macrophages and plasma cells were scored at baseline and 1 month following the final injection. All injections were well-tolerated without adverse reactions. One animal required prednisone for spinal cord compression. There were no clinically significant abnormalities in blood counts or chemistries. Circulating anti-rhIDUA antibody titers gradually increased in all dogs except the prednisone-treated dog; plasma cells, which were absent in all baseline synovial specimens, were predominantly found in synovium of rhIDUA-treated joints at study-end. Lysosomal storage in synoviocytes and chondrocytes following 6 months of IA-rhIDUA demonstrated significant reduction compared to tissues at baseline, and saline-treated tissues at study-end. Mean joint synovial GAG levels in IA-rhIDUA joints were 8.62 ± 5.86 μg/mg dry weight and 21.6 ± 10.4 μg/mg dry weight in control joints (60% reduction). Cartilage heparan sulfate was also reduced in the IA-rhIDUA joints (113 ± 39.5 ng/g wet weight) compared to saline-treated joints (142 ± 56.4 ng/g wet weight). Synovial macrophage infiltration, which was present in all joints at baseline, was

  5. Effect of Enrofloxacin on Histochemistry, Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Changes in Lamb Articular Cartilage. (United States)

    Khazaeel, Kaveh; Mazaheri, Yazdan; Hashemi Tabar, Mahmood; Najafzadeh, Hossein; Morovvati, Hassan; Ghadrdan, Alireza


    Enrofloxacin is a synthetic chemotherapeutic agent from the class of the fluoroquinolones that is widely used to treat bacterial infections. It is metabolized to ciprofloxacin in the body as active metabolite. Fluoroquinolones change in the articular cartilage, especially with high doses and more than two weeks use. So, due to relatively excessive use of enrofloxacin in mammals and similarity of lambs to human subjects with respect to skeletal activity cycles, this study was done to investigate the effects of enrofloxacin on some cellular and molecular changes in growing lamb articular cartilage to evaluate some possible mechanisms involved these changes. Twelve, 2-month-old male lambs divided into three groups: control group received only normal saline; therapeutic group received 5mg/kg enrofloxacin subcutaneously, daily, for 15 days and toxic group received 35 mg/kg enrofloxacin in the same manner as therapeutic group. Twenty four hours after the last dose, the animals were sacrificed, and their stifle joints were dissected. Sampling from distal femoral and proximal tibial extremities was done quickly for further histological and molecular studies. Collagen-п content was studied with avidin-biotin immunohistochemistry method in different groups. Expression of Sox9 and caspase-3 was evaluated by Real-time PCR. Immunohistochemical changes were included decreases of matrix proteoglycans, carbohydrates, and Collagen-п in the toxic group. Some of these changes were observed in the therapeutic group with less intensity in comparison to the toxic group. Enrofloxacin were significantly decreased (P≤0.05). Sox9 expression in therapeutic and toxic groups compared to control group. But caspase -3 expressions in the toxic group significantly increased (P≤0.0001) with a comparison to other groups, while, between control and therapeutic groups, there were no significant differences. So, it can be concluded that enrofloxacin increases apoptosis in chondrocytes and

  6. Preservation of bursal-sided tendon in partial-thickness articular-sided rotator cuff tears: a novel arthroscopic transtendon anatomic repair technique. (United States)

    Shin, Sang-Jin; Jeong, Jae-Hoon; Jeon, Yoon Sang; Kim, Rag Gyu


    The purpose of this study was to introduce a novel arthroscopic transtendon anatomic repair technique that spares the intact bursal-sided tendon in articular-sided partial-thickness rotator cuff tears (PTRCT) and to present shoulder functional outcomes in patients with symptomatic articular-sided PCRCT that involves more than 50 % of its thickness after arthroscopic repair using a novel technique. Eighteen patients with symptomatic articular-sided PCRCT involving more than 50 % of the tendon's thickness underwent arthroscopic repair using a devised technique. The devised technique restores only the torn articular portion of the rotator cuff at the anatomical footprint using a suture anchor, and preserves the integrity of the corresponding bursal-sided tendon by tying knots at the most lateral bursal side on the subacromial space. Clinical and functional outcome using ASES and Constant scores were evaluated. The structural integrity of the rotator cuff was evaluated by MRI at 6 months postoperatively. Pain relief and shoulder functional outcomes were encouraging during the recovery phase after operation. ASES (preoperative 54.0 ± 10.3 to postoperative 92.6 ± 8.0), Constant score (61.2 ± 8.5-88.0 ± 5.3), VAS for pain (4.9 ± 2.6-0.6 ± 0.7) improved significantly after arthroscopic transtendon anatomic repair (p rotator cuff retears on 6-month MRI. No complications related to surgical procedures had occurred. The devised technique of arthroscopic transtendon repair provided satisfactory functional outcomes without postoperative discomforts. This technique minimizes over-tightening of the articular layer and reduces tension mismatches between the articular and bursal layers, which are considered as important factors for improvement of postoperative shoulder motion.

  7. Zonal Articular Cartilage Possesses Complex Mechanical Behavior Spanning Multiple Length Scales: Dependence on Chemical Heterogeneity, Anisotropy, and Microstructure (United States)

    Wahlquist, Joseph A.

    This work focused on characterizing the mechanical behavior of biological material in physiologically relevant conditions and at sub millimeter length scales. Elucidating the time, length scale, and directionally dependent mechanical behavior of cartilage and other biological materials is critical to adequately recapitulate native mechanosensory cues for cells, create computational models that mimic native tissue behavior, and assess disease progression. This work focused on three broad aspects of characterizing the mechanical behavior of articular cartilage. First, we sought to reveal the causes of time-dependent deformation and variation of mechanical properties with distance from the articular surface. Second, we investigated size dependence of mechanical properties. Finally, we examined material anisotropy of both the calcified and uncalcified tissues of the osteochondral interface. This research provides insight into how articular cartilage serves to support physiologic loads and simultaneously sustain chondrocyte viability.

  8. Anatomical study of the articular branches innervated the hip and knee joint with reference to mechanism of referral pain in hip joint disease patients. (United States)

    Sakamoto, Junya; Manabe, Yoshitaka; Oyamada, Joichi; Kataoka, Hideki; Nakano, Jiro; Saiki, Kazunobu; Okamoto, Keishi; Tsurumoto, Toshiyuki; Okita, Minoru


    Referred pain in the anterior knee joint is the most common symptom in hip disease patients. The development of referred pain is considered to be related to dichotomizing peripheral sensory fibers. However, no gross anatomical findings identify any dichotomizing fibers innervating both the hip and knee joints. We dissected the femoral and obturator nerves in human cadavers to investigate the distribution of the articular branches in the hip and knee joints. Fourteen embalmed left lower limbs from 14 Japanese adult cadavers (five from females, nine from males, average age 73.8 ± 14.1 years) were observed macroscopically. The articular branches of the femoral and obturator nerves were dissected at the anterior margin of the groin toward the thigh region. After dissections of the articular nerves of the hip joints, the femoral and obturator nerves were exposed from proximally to distally to identify the articular nerves of the knee joints. The branching pattern of the articular branches in the hip and knee joints was recorded. In six of 14 limbs (42.9%), the femoral nerve supplied articular branches to the anteromedial aspect of both the hip and knee joints. These articular branches were derived from the same bundle of femoral nerve. These gross anatomical findings suggested that dichotomizing peripheral sensory fibers innervate the hip and knee joints and these could relate to the referred pain confirmed in the anterior knee joints of patients with hip disease. Clin. Anat., 2018. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  9. Age-related accumulation of Maillard reaction products in human articular cartilage collagen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verzijl, N.; Degroot, J.; Oldehinkel, E.; Bank, R. A.; Thorpe, S. R.; Baynes, J. W.; Bayliss, M. T.; Bijlsma, J. W.; Lafeber, F. P.; TeKoppele, J. M.


    Non-enzymic modification of tissue proteins by reducing sugars, the so-called Maillard reaction, is a prominent feature of aging. In articular cartilage, relatively high levels of the advanced glycation end product (AGE) pentosidine accumulate with age. Higher pentosidine levels have been associated

  10. Chondrogenic differentiation of human articular chondrocytes differs in biodegradable PGA/PLA scaffolds

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zwingmann, Joern; Mehlhorn, Alexander T; Südkamp, Norbert


    Cartilage tissue engineering is applied clinically to cover and regenerate articular cartilage defects. Two bioresorbable nonwoven scaffolds, polyglycolic acid (PGA) and poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) (90/10 copolymer of L-lactide and glycolide), were seeded with human chondrocytes after in...

  11. All-Arthroscopic Treatment of Intra- and Extra-Articular Localized Villonodular Synovitis of Knee. (United States)

    Simonetta, Roberto; Florio, Michela; Familiari, Filippo; Gasparini, Giorgio; Rosa, Michele Attilio


    Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) is a rare, benign, proliferative neoplastic condition affecting synovial-lined anatomic spaces. PVNS is characterized by hypertrophy of a synovial membrane by villous, nodular, and villonodular proliferation, with pigmentation secondary to hemosiderin deposition. The two forms of PVNS that have been described are diffuse (DPVNS) and localized (LPVNS). The knee is the most commonly involved anatomic location, followed by hip, ankle, shoulder, and elbow. Diagnosis of PVNS is not always obvious clinically. Various imaging modalities are often necessary to exclude other conditions and narrow the diagnosis. Magnetic resonance imaging has become the modality of choice for diagnosing PVNS. We present a case of intra-articular LPVNS with an extra-articular extension through the posterior capsule that has been successfully removed in an all-arthroscopic fashion.

  12. Fraturas com arrancamento do anel apofisário ("limbus" póstero-superior da vértebra L5, associado com hérnia discal pré-marginal em atletas Avulsion fractures of apophysial ring ("limbus" posterior superior of the L5 vertebra, associated to pre-marginal hernia in athletes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Barros Puertas


    Full Text Available O aumento de adolescentes praticando esportes de forma cada vez mais competitiva tem causado o aumento de lesões relacionadas à prática desportiva. A dor lombar é uma queixa freqüente entre os atletas, geralmente relacionada a contraturas da musculatura paravertebral e fraturas ( espondilólise devido ao excesso de treinamento e aplicação de técnicas incorretas. Porém, outras etiologias podem causar a dor lombar, como processos infecciosos, tumorais e fraturas. As fraturas com arrancamento do anel apofisário são lesões incomuns e raramente ocorrem na região póstero-superior da vértebra L5. Os relatos da literatura mostram que o local mais acometido é a região póstero-inferior da vértebra L4. Apresentamos dois casos de atletas jovens com esta incomum lesão. O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir a possível etiologia, os melhores métodos para o diagnóstico e possíveis formas de tratamento desta patologia.The number of sport related injuries has raised as the increasing number of adolescents practicing competitive sports. Lumbar pain is a frequent complaint among young athletes. It is usually related to the contracture of paravertebral muscles and fractures (spondylolysis caused by excessive practicing and incorrect techniques. However, other etiologies can cause lumbar pain, such as infectious processes, tumor and fractures. Avulsion fractures of the apophysial ring are uncommon lesions which rarely happen in the posterior superior area of the L5 vertebra. The literature shows that the most susceptible place to injuries is the posterior inferior area of the L4 vertebra. This paper presents two cases of young athletes with this unusual lesion. The objective of this work is to discuss the possible etiology and the best diagnostic and treatment procedures for this pathology.

  13. [Application of tibial mechanical axis locator in tibial extra-articular deformity in total knee arthroplasty]. (United States)

    Li, Guoliang; Han, Guangpu; Zhang, Jinxiu; Ma, Shiqiang; Guo, Donghui; Yuan, Fulu; Qi, Bingbing; Shen, Runbin


    To explore the application value of self-made tibial mechanical axis locator in tibial extra-articular deformity in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) for improving the lower extremity force line. Between January and August 2012, 13 cases (21 knees) of osteoarthritis with tibial extra-articular deformity were treated, including 5 males (8 knees) and 8 females (13 knees) with an average age of 66.5 years (range, 58-78 years). The disease duration was 2-5 years (mean, 3.5 years). The knee society score (KSS) was 45.5 +/- 15.5. Extra-articular deformities included 1 case of knee valgus (2 knees) and 12 cases of knee varus (19 knees). Preoperative full-length X-ray films of lower extremities showed 10-21 degrees valgus or varus deformity of tibial extra joint. Self-made tibial mechanical axis locator was used to determine and mark coronal tibial mechanical axis under X-ray before TKA, and then osteotomy was performed with extramedullary positioning device according to the mechanical axis marker.' All incisions healed by first intention, without related complications of infection and joint instability. All patients were followed up 5-12 months (mean, 8.3 months). The X-ray examination showed case of 2.9 degrees knee deviation angle at 3 days after operation, and the accurate rate was 95.2%. No loosening or instability of prosthesis occurred during follow-up. KSS score was 85.5 +/- 15.0 at last follow-up, showing significant difference when compared with preoperative score (t=12.82, P=0.00). The seft-made tibial mechanical axis locator can improve the accurate rate of the lower extremity force line in TKA for tibia extra-articular deformity.

  14. MRI of the sacroiliac joints in spondyloarthritis: the added value of intra-articular signal changes for a 'positive MRI'. (United States)

    Laloo, Frederiek; Herregods, N; Jaremko, J L; Verstraete, K; Jans, L


    To determine if intra-articular signal changes at the sacroiliac joint space on MRI have added diagnostic value for spondyloarthritis, when compared to bone marrow edema (BME). A retrospective study was performed on the MRIs of sacroiliac joints of 363 patients, aged 16-45 years, clinically suspected of sacroiliitis. BME of the sacroiliac joints was correlated to intra-articular sacroiliac joint MR signal changes: high T1 signal, fluid signal, ankylosis and vacuum phenomenon (VP). These MRI findings were correlated with final clinical diagnosis. Sensitivity (SN), specificity (SP), likelihood ratios (LR), predictive values and post-test probabilities were calculated. BME had SN of 68.9%, SP of 74.0% and LR+ of 2.6 for diagnosis of spondyloarthritis. BME in absence of intra-articular signal changes had a lower SN and LR+ for spondyloarthritis (SN = 20.5%, LR+ 1.4). Concomitant BME and high T1 signal (SP = 97.2%, LR + = 10.5), BME and fluid signal (SP = 98.6%, LR + = 10.3) or BME and ankylosis (SP = 100%) had higher SP and LR+ for spondyloarthritis. Concomitant BME and VP had low LR+ for spondyloarthritis (SP = 91%, LR + =0.9). When BME was absent, intra-articular signal changes were less prevalent, but remained highly specific for spondyloarthritis. Our results suggest that both periarticular and intra-articular MR signal of the sacroiliac joint should be examined to determine whether an MRI is 'positive' or 'not positive' for sacroiliitis associated with spondyloarthritis.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    T. A. Stupina


    Full Text Available The knee articular cartilage and synovial membrane have been studied for metadiaphyseal leg lengthening using the methods of light miscroscopy, computer morpho- and stereometry. The manner of bone integrity breaking, the rate and rhythm of distraction conformed to the lengthening technique most often used in the clinic. The results of the histomorphometric analysis have demonstrated that when osteotomy at the level of metadiaphysis and manual distraction by 1 mm a day for 4 times is performed, synovitis of mild and moderate degree develops through subsynovial layer hypervascularization, as well as reactive-destructive changes in nerve fibers with the tendency to regeneration. The structural-functional changes of reactive and/or destructive-reparative character have been revealed in the articular cartilage, and the manifestation degree of these changes correlates with synovial membrane changes. The intensity of the destructive-reparative processes in the articular cartilage and synovial membrane depends on fixation stability.

  16. Infecção pós-estabilização intramedular das fraturas diafisárias dos membros inferiores: protocolo de tratamento Post-stabilization infection of lower limbs' shaft fractures: a treatment protocol

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alecsander Guillaumon Pereira da Silva


    Full Text Available O tratamento das infecções pós-estabilização intramedular das fraturas dos membros inferiores apresenta uma grande variedade de opções, desde a limpeza cirúrgica com manutenção da haste até a retirada da haste e colocação de fixador externo. O espaçador diafisário ainda é uma técnica pouco utilizada para o tratamento desse tipo de infecção, existindo poucos relatos na literatura sobre sua aplicação. No IOT HCFMUSP, esta técnica vem sendo empregada de maneira crescente e, no presente trabalho, temos o objetivo de descrever o protocolo de tratamento utilizado em nossa instituição, bem como a apresentação de nossa casuística inicial. O protocolo consiste na antibioticoterapia endovenosa, retirada da haste intra-medular, desbridamento cirúrgico do canal medular e colocação do espaçador diafisário. Revisamos retrospectivamente o prontuário de 11 pacientes com 13 fraturas, sendo cinco femorais e oito tibiais, submetidos à técnica apresentada. O tempo de seguimento variou de 6 a 36 meses, média de 14,27 meses, com resultados satisfatórios ocorridos em dez das treze fraturas estudadas, representando uma taxa de eficácia de 76,93%. Concluímos que o método representa uma boa alternativa para o tratamento destes casos, necessitando ainda novos trabalhos comparativos para a avaliação de suas vantagens e para difundir o uso do método.Treatment of infection following intramedullary nailing of lower limbs present a large variety of options, that goes from debridement and maintenance of the nail up to the its removal and external fixation of the limb. The cement rod is an unusual technique employed for treating this kind of infection, although little is found in literature about its application. At the IOT HC-FMUSP, this technique has been increasingly employed and the purpose of this article is to describe the treatment protocol used in our institution. The protocol consists in intravenous antibiotic therapy, removal

  17. An observational study on MR images of the effect of the discoid meniscus on articular cartilage thickness. (United States)

    Oni, David Babajide; Jeyapalan, K; Oni, Olusola O A


    The discoid meniscus is known to affect the morphology and mechanics of the knee compartment in which it is housed. To determine whether it also is determinative of the articular cartilage thickness, measurements were made on MR images. There was no statistically significant difference in femoral or tibial articular cartilage thickness between compartments with normal meniscus and compartments with discoid meniscus. These findings suggest that mechanical disturbances wrought by the discoid shape do not have a 'Wolff law' effect. Copyright © 2010. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  18. Cellular automata model for human articular chondrocytes migration, proliferation and cell death: An in vitro validation. (United States)

    Vaca-González, J J; Gutiérrez, M L; Guevara, J M; Garzón-Alvarado, D A


    Articular cartilage is characterized by low cell density of only one cell type, chondrocytes, and has limited self-healing properties. When articular cartilage is affected by traumatic injuries, a therapeutic strategy such as autologous chondrocyte implantation is usually proposed for its treatment. This approach requires in vitro chondrocyte expansion to yield high cell number for cell transplantation. To improve the efficiency of this procedure, it is necessary to assess cell dynamics such as migration, proliferation and cell death during culture. Computational models such as cellular automata can be used to simulate cell dynamics in order to enhance the result of cell culture procedures. This methodology has been implemented for several cell types; however, an experimental validation is required for each one. For this reason, in this research a cellular automata model, based on random-walk theory, was devised in order to predict articular chondrocyte behavior in monolayer culture during cell expansion. Results demonstrated that the cellular automata model corresponded to cell dynamics and computed-accurate quantitative results. Moreover, it was possible to observe that cell dynamics depend on weighted probabilities derived from experimental data and cell behavior varies according to the cell culture period. Thus, depending on whether cells were just seeded or proliferated exponentially, culture time probabilities differed in percentages in the CA model. Furthermore, in the experimental assessment a decreased chondrocyte proliferation was observed along with increased passage number. This approach is expected to having other uses as in enhancing articular cartilage therapies based on tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

  19. Fluoroscopy-guided intrA-articular facet joint steroid injection for the management of low back pain: Therapeutic effectiveness and arthrographic pattern

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Su Jin; Lee, Jun Woo; Lee, Guen Young; You, Ja Yeon; Kang, Heung Sik; Chai, Jae Won; Ahn, Joong Mo


    To evaluate the effectiveness of fluoroscopy-guided intra-articular facet joint steroid injection for the management of low back pain, and to document the incidence of epidural leakage. In total, 320 facet joint injections of 244 consecutive patients were included in this study. All patients had undergone an intra-articular facet joint steroid injection in 2007 and had follow-up post-treatment medical records. The response to treatment was analyzed on the basis of chart documentation (aggravated, no change, slightly improved, much improved, no pain). Fluoroscopic arthrograms of the injections were retrospectively analyzed by two radiologists. Of the 244 patients, 85.2% (n = 208) showed improvement after an initial intra-articular facet joint steroid injection. A total of 77.9% (n = 162) of the patients showed symptom recurrence, with a median of a 69 day symptom-free interval, while 30.3% (n = 74) of the patients showed symptom-free intervals of more than six months. Overall, 74 (33.3%) of the 222 cases of intra-articular facet joint steroid injections without concomitant epidural steroid injection showed epidural leakage in fluoroscopic arthrograms. Fluoroscopy-guided intra-articular facet joint injection is a reliable technique for the management of low back pain, with excellent immediate effectiveness and good prolonged (> 2 months) pain relief. Epidural leakage during injection was detected in one-third of the cases

  20. Fluoroscopy-guided intrA-articular facet joint steroid injection for the management of low back pain: Therapeutic effectiveness and arthrographic pattern

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Su Jin; Lee, Jun Woo; Lee, Guen Young; You, Ja Yeon; Kang, Heung Sik [Dept. of Radiology, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seongnam (Korea, Republic of); Chai, Jae Won [Dept. of Radiology, SMG-SNU Boramae Medical Center, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Ahn, Joong Mo [Dept. of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh (United States)


    To evaluate the effectiveness of fluoroscopy-guided intra-articular facet joint steroid injection for the management of low back pain, and to document the incidence of epidural leakage. In total, 320 facet joint injections of 244 consecutive patients were included in this study. All patients had undergone an intra-articular facet joint steroid injection in 2007 and had follow-up post-treatment medical records. The response to treatment was analyzed on the basis of chart documentation (aggravated, no change, slightly improved, much improved, no pain). Fluoroscopic arthrograms of the injections were retrospectively analyzed by two radiologists. Of the 244 patients, 85.2% (n = 208) showed improvement after an initial intra-articular facet joint steroid injection. A total of 77.9% (n = 162) of the patients showed symptom recurrence, with a median of a 69 day symptom-free interval, while 30.3% (n = 74) of the patients showed symptom-free intervals of more than six months. Overall, 74 (33.3%) of the 222 cases of intra-articular facet joint steroid injections without concomitant epidural steroid injection showed epidural leakage in fluoroscopic arthrograms. Fluoroscopy-guided intra-articular facet joint injection is a reliable technique for the management of low back pain, with excellent immediate effectiveness and good prolonged (> 2 months) pain relief. Epidural leakage during injection was detected in one-third of the cases.

  1. Full-thickness knee articular cartilage defects in national football league combine athletes undergoing magnetic resonance imaging: prevalence, location, and association with previous surgery. (United States)

    Nepple, Jeffrey J; Wright, Rick W; Matava, Matthew J; Brophy, Robert H


    To better define the prevalence and location of full-thickness articular cartilage lesions in elite football players undergoing knee magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at the National Football League (NFL) Invitational Combine and assess the association of these lesions with previous knee surgery. We performed a retrospective review of all participants in the NFL Combine undergoing a knee MRI scan from 2005 to 2009. Each MRI scan was reviewed for evidence of articular cartilage disease. History of previous knee surgery including anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, meniscal procedures, and articular cartilage surgery was recorded for each athlete. Knees with a history of previous articular cartilage restoration surgery were excluded from the analysis. A total of 704 knee MRI scans were included in the analysis. Full-thickness articular cartilage lesions were associated with a history of any previous knee surgery (P football players at the NFL Combine undergoing MRI. The lateral compartment appears to be at greater risk for full-thickness cartilage loss. Previous knee surgery, particularly meniscectomy, is associated with these lesions. Level IV, therapeutic case series. Copyright © 2012 Arthroscopy Association of North America. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Hyaline Articular Matrix Formed by Dynamic Self-Regenerating Cartilage and Hydrogels. (United States)

    Meppelink, Amanda M; Zhao, Xing; Griffin, Darvin J; Erali, Richard; Gill, Thomas J; Bonassar, Lawrence J; Redmond, Robert W; Randolph, Mark A


    Injuries to the articular cartilage surface are challenging to repair because cartilage possesses a limited capacity for self-repair. The outcomes of current clinical procedures aimed to address these injuries are inconsistent and unsatisfactory. We have developed a novel method for generating hyaline articular cartilage to improve the outcome of joint surface repair. A suspension of 10(7) swine chondrocytes was cultured under reciprocating motion for 14 days. The resulting dynamic self-regenerating cartilage (dSRC) was placed in a cartilage ring and capped with fibrin and collagen gel. A control group consisted of chondrocytes encapsulated in fibrin gel. Constructs were implanted subcutaneously in nude mice and harvested after 6 weeks. Gross, histological, immunohistochemical, biochemical, and biomechanical analyses were performed. In swine patellar groove, dSRC was implanted into osteochondral defects capped with collagen gel and compared to defects filled with osteochondral plugs, collagen gel, or left empty after 6 weeks. In mice, the fibrin- and collagen-capped dSRC constructs showed enhanced contiguous cartilage matrix formation over the control of cells encapsulated in fibrin gel. Biochemically, the fibrin and collagen gel dSRC groups were statistically improved in glycosaminoglycan and hydroxyproline content compared to the control. There was no statistical difference in the biomechanical data between the dSRC groups and the control. The swine model also showed contiguous cartilage matrix in the dSRC group but not in the collagen gel and empty defects. These data demonstrate the survivability and successful matrix formation of dSRC under the mechanical forces experienced by normal hyaline cartilage in the knee joint. The results from this study demonstrate that dSRC capped with hydrogels successfully engineers contiguous articular cartilage matrix in both nonload-bearing and load-bearing environments.

  3. Advantages of the Ilizarov external fixation in the management of intra-articular fractures of the distal tibia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kaspiris Angelos


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Treatment of distal tibial intra-articular fractures is challenging due to the difficulties in achieving anatomical reduction of the articular surface and the instability which may occur due to ligamentous and soft tissue injury. The purpose of this study is to present an algorithm in the application of external fixation in the management of intra-articular fractures of the distal tibia either from axial compression or from torsional forces. Materials and methods Thirty two patients with intra-articular fractures of the distal tibia have been studied. Based on the mechanism of injury they were divided into two groups. Group I includes 17 fractures due to axial compression and group II 15 fractures due to torsional force. An Ilizarov external fixation was used in 15 patients (11 of group I and 4 of group II. In 17 cases (6 of group I and 11 of group II a unilateral hinged external fixator was used. In 7 out of 17 fractures of group I an additional fixation of the fibula was performed. Results All fractures were healed. The mean time of removal of the external fixator was 11 weeks for group I and 10 weeks for group II. In group I, 5 patients had radiological osteoarthritic lesions (grade III and IV but only 2 were symptomatic. Delayed union occurred in 3 patients of group I with fixed fibula. Other complications included one patient of group II with subluxation of the ankle joint after removal of the hinged external fixator, in 2 patients reduction found to be insufficient during the postoperative follow up and were revised and 6 patients had a residual pain. The range of ankle joint motion was larger in group II. Conclusion Intra-articular fractures of the distal tibia due to axial compression are usually complicated with cartilaginous problems and are requiring anatomical reduction of the articular surface. Fractures due to torsional forces are complicated with ankle instability and reduction should be augmented with ligament

  4. Advantages of the Ilizarov external fixation in the management of intra-articular fractures of the distal tibia (United States)

    Vasiliadis, Elias S; Grivas, Theodoros B; Psarakis, Spyridon A; Papavasileiou, Evangelos; Kaspiris, Angelos; Triantafyllopoulos, Georgios


    Background Treatment of distal tibial intra-articular fractures is challenging due to the difficulties in achieving anatomical reduction of the articular surface and the instability which may occur due to ligamentous and soft tissue injury. The purpose of this study is to present an algorithm in the application of external fixation in the management of intra-articular fractures of the distal tibia either from axial compression or from torsional forces. Materials and methods Thirty two patients with intra-articular fractures of the distal tibia have been studied. Based on the mechanism of injury they were divided into two groups. Group I includes 17 fractures due to axial compression and group II 15 fractures due to torsional force. An Ilizarov external fixation was used in 15 patients (11 of group I and 4 of group II). In 17 cases (6 of group I and 11 of group II) a unilateral hinged external fixator was used. In 7 out of 17 fractures of group I an additional fixation of the fibula was performed. Results All fractures were healed. The mean time of removal of the external fixator was 11 weeks for group I and 10 weeks for group II. In group I, 5 patients had radiological osteoarthritic lesions (grade III and IV) but only 2 were symptomatic. Delayed union occurred in 3 patients of group I with fixed fibula. Other complications included one patient of group II with subluxation of the ankle joint after removal of the hinged external fixator, in 2 patients reduction found to be insufficient during the postoperative follow up and were revised and 6 patients had a residual pain. The range of ankle joint motion was larger in group II. Conclusion Intra-articular fractures of the distal tibia due to axial compression are usually complicated with cartilaginous problems and are requiring anatomical reduction of the articular surface. Fractures due to torsional forces are complicated with ankle instability and reduction should be augmented with ligament repair, in order to

  5. The influence of collagen network integrity on the accumulation of gadolinium-based MR contrast agents in articular cartilage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wiener, Edzard; Schmidt, C.; Diederichs, G. [Charite - Universitaetsmedizin Berlin (Germany). Inst. fuer Radiologie; Settles, M. [Klinikum rechts der Isar, Muenchen (Germany). Inst. fuer Roentgendiagnostik; Weirich, G. [Klinikum Rechts der Isar, Muenchen (Germany). Inst. fuer Pathologie und Pathologische Anatomie


    Delayed gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging of cartilage is used to quantify the proteoglycan loss in early osteoarthritis. It is assumed that T 1 after Gd-DTPA administration in the near equilibrium state reflects selective proteoglycan loss from cartilage. To investigate the influence of the collagen network integrity on contrast accumulation, the relaxation rates {delta}R1 and {delta}R2 were compared after Gd-DTPA administration in a well established model of osteoarthritis. Collagen or proteoglycan depletion was induced by the proteolytic enzymes papain and collagenase in healthy bovine patellar cartilage. Using a dedicated MRI sequence, T{sub 1} and T{sub 2} maps were simultaneously acquired before and 11 h after Gd-DTPA administration. Depth-dependent profiles of {delta}R1 and {delta}R2 were calculated in healthy, proteoglycan and collagen-depleted articular cartilage and the mean values of different cartilage layers were compared using the Mann-Whitney-U test. In superficial layers (1 mm) there was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in either {delta}R1 or {delta}R2 between proteoglycan-depleted (16.6 {+-} 1.2 s{sup -1}, 15.9 {+-} 1.0 s{sup -1}) and collagen-depleted articular cartilage (15.3 {+-} 0.9 s{sup -1}, 15.5 {+-} 0.9 s{sup -1}). In deep layers (3 mm) both parameters were significantly higher (p = 0.005, 0.03) in proteoglycan-depleted articular cartilage (12.3 {+-} 1.1 s{sup -1}, 9.8 {+-} 0.8 s{sup -1}) than in collagen-depleted articular cartilage (9.1 {+-} 1.1 s{sup -1}, 8.7 {+-} 0.7 s{sup -1}). Both proteoglycan loss and alterations in the collagen network influence the accumulation of Gd-DTPA in articular cartilage with significant differences between superficial and deep cartilage layers. (orig.)

  6. Estudo comparativo da resistência à fratura de pré-molares superiores íntegros e restaurados com amálgama aderido Comparative study of the fracture resistance of sound upper premolars and upper premolars restored with bonded amalgam

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    André Marcelo Peruchi Minto


    Full Text Available No presente estudo avaliou-se, in vitro, a resistência à fratura de pré-molares superiores preparados com cavidades de classe II compostas (conservadoras e extensas restauradas com amálgama aderido a dois tipos diferentes de sistemas adesivos. Setenta dentes foram divididos em 4 grupos: grupo 1 ou controle com 10 dentes íntegros; grupo 2 com 20 dentes, sendo 10 cavidades conservadoras e 10 extensas restauradas com amálgama sem qualquer tipo de forramento. O grupo 3 e o grupo 4 foram compostos da mesma forma que o grupo 2, sendo que o primeiro recebeu cimento de ionômero de vidro (Vitrebond - 3M e o segundo, adesivo dental (Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus - 3M, antes de serem restaurados. Os dentes haviam sido incluídos anteriormente em cilindros de PVC e fixados com resina acrílica. Após serem restaurados e termociclados, foram submetidos à fratura por força de compressão em uma máquina universal de testes EMIC-MEM 2000. Após análise de variância e aplicação do teste complementar de Tukey, concluiu-se que os sistemas adesivos utilizados condicionaram o aumento da resistência à fratura da estrutura dental nas cavidades convencionais, sendo os dentes com cavidades conservadoras mais resistentes em qualquer condição experimental.The purpose of this in vitro study was to determine the fracture resistance of upper premolars which had received class II preparations (conservative and extensive and were restored with bonded amalgam, with two different adhesive systems. Seventy teeth were divided in four groups: group 1 (control, with ten sound teeth; group 2, with twenty prepared teeth (10 teeth received conservative cavities and 10, extensive cavities restored with amalgam without any kind of liner; groups 3 and 4, similar to group 2, though with linings of glass ionomer cement (Vitrebond - 3M (group 3 and dental adhesive (Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus - 3M (group 4. The teeth were previously fixed in PVC cylinders with acrylic

  7. On the problem of knee joint articular space in the X-ray film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saure, D.; Emminger, A.; Freyschmidt, J.


    Measurements of the width of the intraarticular space were performed in X-ray films of 64 human knee joints (32 patients), taken laterally, and in standing position after 24 hours of rest in bed or after exposure to load for one hour. In more than half of the knee joints, the width of the intraarticular space increased after load. However, the distance between the articular surfaces rarely changed in the same patient in the same sense in the right and left knee joint, respectively medially and laterally. Hence, this method of indirect measurement of the cartilaginous layer is unsuitable, and the question raised in literature regarding the cartilaginous changes under load can be explained as being due to influx of fluid or as an expression of the viso-elastic properties of the articular cartilage. (orig.) 891 MG/orig. 892 MB [de

  8. Identification and clonal characterisation of a progenitor cell sub-population in normal human articular cartilage.

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    Rebecca Williams

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Articular cartilage displays a poor repair capacity. The aim of cell-based therapies for cartilage defects is to repair damaged joint surfaces with a functional replacement tissue. Currently, chondrocytes removed from a healthy region of the cartilage are used but they are unable to retain their phenotype in expanded culture. The resulting repair tissue is fibrocartilaginous rather than hyaline, potentially compromising long-term repair. Mesenchymal stem cells, particularly bone marrow stromal cells (BMSC, are of interest for cartilage repair due to their inherent replicative potential. However, chondrocyte differentiated BMSCs display an endochondral phenotype, that is, can terminally differentiate and form a calcified matrix, leading to failure in long-term defect repair. Here, we investigate the isolation and characterisation of a human cartilage progenitor population that is resident within permanent adult articular cartilage. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Human articular cartilage samples were digested and clonal populations isolated using a differential adhesion assay to fibronectin. Clonal cell lines were expanded in growth media to high population doublings and karyotype analysis performed. We present data to show that this cell population demonstrates a restricted differential potential during chondrogenic induction in a 3D pellet culture system. Furthermore, evidence of high telomerase activity and maintenance of telomere length, characteristic of a mesenchymal stem cell population, were observed in this clonal cell population. Lastly, as proof of principle, we carried out a pilot repair study in a goat in vivo model demonstrating the ability of goat cartilage progenitors to form a cartilage-like repair tissue in a chondral defect. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, we propose that we have identified and characterised a novel cartilage progenitor population resident in human articular cartilage which will greatly benefit future cell


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    Cinthya Campos Salazar


    Full Text Available El propósito de este estudio fue determinar el efecto de un programa combinado de hidroquinesia y acondicionamiento físico y otro de acondicionamiento físico solamente en la movilidad articular en las caderas de un grupo de adultas mayores. Sesenta y tres sujetos (edad promedio = 66.06 años, S.D. ±6.77 fueron asignados a los grupos control, hidroterapia y acondicionamiento físico y solo acondicionamiento físico. La duración del programa fue de una hora por sesión, dos veces a la semana durante 16 semanas. Se aplicó un pretest y un postest de movilidad articular para medir la movilidad global de las caderas (flexión, abducción, aducción, rotación interna y externa. Las variables independientes fueron lado izquierdo y derecho vs. grupos de tratamiento. Los resultados indicaron lo siguiente: el grupo control no varío la movilidad articular en las mediciones de flexión, rotación interna y externa (p>0.05 mientras que para la mediciones de abducción y aducción disminuyó significativamente (p<0.05. En cuanto a los grupos de tratamiento, el grupo que realizó el programa combinado de hidroquinesia y acondicionamiento físico aumentó significativamente (p<0.05 la movilidad articular a nivel de flexión, abducción y aducción, en tanto el grupo que realizó el programa de acondicionamiento físico solamente, mejoró significativamente (p<0.05 en flexión, abducción, aducción, rotación interna como externa. En conclusión se recomienda la práctica de actividad física tanto en el agua como fuera de ella, pues mejora los rangos de movilidad articular en cadera, a nivel global en personas adultas mayores.

  10. An evaluation of the histological effects of intra-articular methadone in the canine model. (United States)

    Jones, Timothy A; Hand, Walter R; Ports, Michael D; Unger, Daniel V; Herbert, Daniel; Pellegrini, Joseph E


    Methadone hydrochloride is an opiate that has pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties that suggest it may provide longer analgesia than morphine when administered via the intra-articular route. However, no studies to date have been conducted examining the effects of intra-articular methadone hydrochloride on local tissues. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the histopathologic effects of intra-articular methadone hydrochloride on local tissues in the canine knee. Nine canines, 1 to 4 years old, weighing between 20 kg and 23 kg were used. All canines had their knees randomized to receive either bupivacaine, 0.5% with epinephrine 1:200,000 (4.5 mL), and 5 mg methadone hydrochloride (0.5 mL) for the study knee, or bupivacaine, 0.5% with epinephrine 1:200,000 (4.5 mL), and 0.5 mL normal saline for the control knee. Serum methadone hydrochloride levels were obtained on all canines at 6 and 24 hours. Canines were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups to be euthanized at either 24 hours, 14 days, or 28 days. Following euthanization and necropsy, synovial fluid levels and tissue samples were obtained and examined for histopathologic changes. Synovial fluid samples noted a few white blood cells at 24 hours and none at 14 and 28 days. Tissue samples showed no histopathologic changes, and serum concentration levels of methadone hydrochloride were negligible.

  11. The Regulatory Role of Signaling Crosstalk in Hypertrophy of MSCs and Human Articular Chondrocytes

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    Leilei Zhong


    Full Text Available Hypertrophic differentiation of chondrocytes is a main barrier in application of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs for cartilage repair. In addition, hypertrophy occurs occasionally in osteoarthritis (OA. Here we provide a comprehensive review on recent literature describing signal pathways in the hypertrophy of MSCs-derived in vitro differentiated chondrocytes and chondrocytes, with an emphasis on the crosstalk between these pathways. Insight into the exact regulation of hypertrophy by the signaling network is necessary for the efficient application of MSCs for articular cartilage repair and for developing novel strategies for curing OA. We focus on articles describing the role of the main signaling pathways in regulating chondrocyte hypertrophy-like changes. Most studies report hypertrophic differentiation in chondrogenesis of MSCs, in both human OA and experimental OA. Chondrocyte hypertrophy is not under the strict control of a single pathway but appears to be regulated by an intricately regulated network of multiple signaling pathways, such as WNT, Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP/Transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ, Parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP, Indian hedgehog (IHH, Fibroblast growth factor (FGF, Insulin like growth factor (IGF and Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF. This comprehensive review describes how this intricate signaling network influences tissue-engineering applications of MSCs in articular cartilage (AC repair, and improves understanding of the disease stages and cellular responses within an OA articular joint.

  12. Conservative treatment of intra-articular distal phalanx fractures in horses not used for racing. (United States)

    Ohlsson, J; Jansson, N


    To determine the success rate and whether specific patient and treatment factors influenced the outcome after conservative treatment with a bar shoe with quarter clips of intra-articular fractures of the distal phalanx in horses not used for racing. Retrospective study. Thirty-two client-owned horses. Hospital records of horses that had been treated conservatively for intra-articular fractures of the distal phalanx at Skara Equine Hospital or Halland Animal Hospital in Sweden between 1995 and 2001 were reviewed. Racehorses in active training and horses affected with other musculoskeletal diseases were excluded from the study. Follow-up was performed by questionnaire and telephone inquires to the owners 1 to 7 years after injury. Twenty-two horses (69%) returned to their previous or expected level of use and did not wear their bar shoe when they were put back into training. There was no statistically significant correlation between outcome and patient or treatment variables, or bony union of the fracture. Conservative treatment of intra-articular fractures of the distal phalanx carries a fair prognosis for return to previous or expected level of use in horses not used for racing. Radiographic evidence of fracture healing and age of the patient do not seem to influence the prognosis. Horses not used for racing do not need to be shod with a bar shoe with quarter clips for the rest of their athletic career.

  13. Preliminary histopathological study of intra-articular injection of a novel highly cross-linked hyaluronic acid in a rabbit model of knee osteoarthritis. (United States)

    Iannitti, Tommaso; Elhensheri, Mohamed; Bingöl, Ali O; Palmieri, Beniamino


    Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease mostly occurring in the knee and commonly seen in middle-aged and elderly adults. Intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid has been widely used for treatment of knee osteoarthritis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of intra-articular injection of a novel highly cross-linked hyaluronic acid, alone or in combination with ropivacaine hydrochloride and triamcinolone acetonide, on knee articular cartilage in a rabbit model of collagenase-induced knee osteoarthritis. After induction of experimental osteoarthritis by intra-articular injection of collagenase, adult New Zealand white rabbits (n = 12) were divided into 3 groups. Group 1 (control group) received 0.3 ml phosphate buffered saline into the right knee joint. Group 2 received 0.3 ml cross-linked hyaluronic acid (33 mg/ml) into the right knee joint. Group 3 received a mixture of 0.15 ml cross-linked hyaluronic acid (33 mg/ml), 0.05 ml ropivacaine hydrochloride 1 % and 0.1 ml triamcinolone acetonide (10 mg/ml) into the right knee joint. Intra-articular injections were given 4 weeks after first collagenase injection and were administered once a week for 3 weeks. Gross pathology and histological evaluation of rabbits' knee joints were performed after 16 weeks following initial collagenase injection. Histological analysis of sections of right knee joints at lesion sites showed a significant decrease in Mankin's score in groups treated with hyaluronic acid alone or in combination with ropivacaine hydrochloride and triamcinolone acetonide versus control group (p hyaluronic acid, alone or in combination with ropivacaine hydrochloride and triamcinolone acetonide, produces a significant improvement in knee articular cartilage degeneration in a rabbit model of collagenase-induced osteoarthritis.

  14. Efficacy and safety of combining intra-articular methylprednisolone and anti-TNF agent to achieve prolonged remission in patients with recurrent inflammatory monoarthritis.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Haroon, Muhammad


    OBJECTIVE: To control local inflammation, the role of intra-articular corticosteroid is well established; similarly, with time there are more reports on the experience of intra-articular anti-TNF agent for localized joint inflammation. The aim of this study was to assess the safety, local tolerability and clinical response after combining intra-articular administration of corticosteroids and anti-TNF agents for recurrent inflammatory monoarthritis. METHODS: Patients with recurrent monoarthritis of the knee were recruited from our inflammatory arthritis clinics. These patients required intra-articular corticosteroids every 8-12 weeks, with good short-term results. Five such consecutive patients were invited to partake in this study. Patients were maintained on their baseline immunosuppressive therapy. After aspiration of knee joint, the involved joint was injected with 80mg of methylprednisolone mixed with 5ml of lignocaine 1%; this was followed by the injection of an anti-TNF agent. RESULTS: In majority of our patients (three out of five), combining anti-TNF agent and methylprednisolone led to prolonged anti-inflammatory response, and these patients remain in remission to date (mean follow-up of 12 months). These responders were noted to be naive to anti-TNF therapy. Conversely, the remaining two patients were found to be on baseline systemic anti-TNF therapy, and both of them failed to respond either partly or completely. CONCLUSION: Combining intra-articular corticosteroid and anti-TNF agent has proved to be safe in our cohort of patients. We conclude that in particular subset of patients who suffer from recurrent inflammatory monoarthritis or oligoarthritis, combination therapy of intra-articular corticosteroids and anti-TNF agents appears attractive and promising.

  15. Large Intra-Articular Anterior Cruciate Ligament Ganglion Cyst, Presenting with Inability to Flex the Knee

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    Jake Sloane


    Full Text Available A 41-year-old female presented with a 3-month history of gradually worsening anterior knee pain, swelling and inability to flex the knee. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI revealed a large intra-articular cystic swelling anterior to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL, extending into the Hoffa's infrapatellar fat pad. Following manipulation under anaesthesia and arthroscopic debridement of the cyst, the patient's symptoms were relieved with restoration of normal knee motion. ACL ganglion cysts are uncommon intra-articular pathological entities, which are usually asymptomatic and diagnosed incidentally by MRI. This is the first reported case of an ACL cyst being so large as to cause a mechanical block to knee flexion.

  16. In situ measurements of human articular cartilage stiffness by means of a scanning force microscope

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Imer, Raphael; Akiyama, Terunobu; Rooij, Nico F de; Stolz, Martin; Aebi, Ueli; Kilger, Robert; Friederich, Niklaus F; Wirz, Dieter; Daniels, A U; Staufer, Urs


    Osteoarthritis is a painful and disabling progressive joint disease, characterized by degradation of articular cartilage. In order to study this disease at early stages, we have miniaturized and integrated a complete scanning force microscope into a standard arthroscopic device fitting through a standard orthopedic canula. This instrument will allow orthopedic surgeons to measure the mechanical properties of articular cartilage at the nanometer and micrometer scale in-vivo during a standard arthroscopy. An orthopedic surgeon assessed the handling of the instrument. First measurements of the elasticity-modulus of human cartilage were recorded in a cadaver knee non minimal invasive. Second, minimally invasive experiments were performed using arthroscopic instruments. Load-displacement curves were successfully recorded

  17. Histochemistry for studying structure and function of the articular disc of the human temporomandibular joint

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    N. Kiga


    Full Text Available The articular disc of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ is composed of fibrocartilage, and the extracellular matrix of this disc is composed mainly of collagen, glycosaminoglycan and proteoglycans. Research on the changes that occur in the composition of the articular disc of the TMJ is necessary for understanding the basis of the pathological process of internal derangement (ID, and a number of reports have been published in recent years on the application of refined histochemical techniques to investigate the structure and function of the TMJ. The direction of future TMJ disc studies should be towards obtaining more evidence to support previous results, and should hopefully be of practical use in terms of prevention and cure of ID.

  18. In situ measurements of human articular cartilage stiffness by means of a scanning force microscope

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Imer, Raphael [Institute of Microtechnology, University of Neuchatel, Jaquet-Droz 1, 2007 Neuchatel (Switzerland); Akiyama, Terunobu [Institute of Microtechnology, University of Neuchatel, Jaquet-Droz 1, 2007 Neuchatel (Switzerland); Rooij, Nico F de [Institute of Microtechnology, University of Neuchatel, Jaquet-Droz 1, 2007 Neuchatel (Switzerland); Stolz, Martin [Maurice E. Mueller Institute, University of Basel, Klingelbergstr. 70, 4056 Basel (Switzerland); Aebi, Ueli [Maurice E. Mueller Institute, University of Basel, Klingelbergstr. 70, 4056 Basel (Switzerland); Kilger, Robert [Clinics for Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, Kantonsspital, 4101 Bruderholz (Switzerland); Friederich, Niklaus F [Clinics for Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, Kantonsspital, 4101 Bruderholz (Switzerland); Wirz, Dieter [Lab. for Orthopaedic Biomechanics, University of Basel, Klingelbergstr. 50-70, 4056 Basel (Switzerland); Daniels, A U [Lab. for Orthopaedic Biomechanics, University of Basel, Klingelbergstr. 50-70, 4056 Basel (Switzerland); Staufer, Urs [Institute of Microtechnology, University of Neuchatel, Jaquet-Droz 1, 2007 Neuchatel (Switzerland)


    Osteoarthritis is a painful and disabling progressive joint disease, characterized by degradation of articular cartilage. In order to study this disease at early stages, we have miniaturized and integrated a complete scanning force microscope into a standard arthroscopic device fitting through a standard orthopedic canula. This instrument will allow orthopedic surgeons to measure the mechanical properties of articular cartilage at the nanometer and micrometer scale in-vivo during a standard arthroscopy. An orthopedic surgeon assessed the handling of the instrument. First measurements of the elasticity-modulus of human cartilage were recorded in a cadaver knee non minimal invasive. Second, minimally invasive experiments were performed using arthroscopic instruments. Load-displacement curves were successfully recorded.

  19. Hyaluronan Protects Bovine Articular Chondrocytes against Cell Death Induced by Bupivacaine under Supraphysiologic Temperatures (United States)

    Liu, Sen; Zhang, Qing-Song; Hester, William; O’Brien, Michael J.; Savoie, Felix H.; You, Zongbing


    Background Bupivacaine and supraphysiologic temperature can independently reduce cell viability of articular chondrocytes. In combination these two deleterious factors could further impair cell viability. Hypothesis Hyaluronan may protect chondrocytes from death induced by bupivacaine at supraphysiologic temperatures. Study Design Controlled laboratory study. Methods Bovine articular chondrocytes were treated with hyaluronan at physiologic (37°C) and supraphysiologic temperatures (45°C and 50°C) for one hour, and then exposed to bupivacaine for one hour at room temperature. Cell viability was assessed at three time points: immediately after treatment, six hours later, and twenty-four hours later using flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy. The effects of hyaluronan on the levels of sulfated glycosaminoglycan in the chondrocytes were determined using Alcian blue staining. Results (1) Bupivacaine alone did not induce noticeable chondrocyte death at 37°C; (2) bupivacaine and temperature synergistically increased chondrocyte death, that is, when the chondrocytes were conditioned to 45°C and 50°C, 0.25% and 0.5% bupivacaine increased the cell death rate by 131% to 383% in comparison to the phosphate-buffered saline control group; and, (3) addition of hyaluronan reduced chondrocyte death rates to approximately 14% and 25% at 45°C and 50°C, respectively. Hyaluronan’s protective effects were still observed at six and twenty-four hours after bupivacaine treatment at 45°C. However, at 50°C, hyaluronan delayed but did not prevent the cell death caused by bupivacaine. One-hour treatment with hyaluronan significantly increased sulfated glycosaminoglycan levels in the chondrocytes. Conclusions Bupivacaine and supraphysiologic temperature synergistically increase chondrocyte death and hyaluronan may protect articular chondrocytes from death caused by bupivacaine. Clinical Relevance This study provides a rationale to perform pre-clinical and clinical studies to

  20. Hip arthroscopy: prevalence of intra-articular pathologic findings after traumatic injury of the hip. (United States)

    Khanna, Vickas; Harris, Adam; Farrokhyar, Forough; Choudur, Hema N; Wong, Ivan H


    The purpose of this study was to document and compare the incidence of intra-articular hip pathologic findings identified using arthroscopy versus conventional imaging in patients with acute trauma to the hip. This was a blinded prospective case series study designed to review the incidence of intra-articular pathologic disorders in patients with post-traumatic injury between the ages of 18 and 65 years who were referred to a single surgeon. Injuries included hip dislocation, proximal femur fracture, pelvic ring fracture, acetabular fracture, penetrating injury (gunshot wound), and soft tissue injury. Preoperative radiographs, computed tomographic (CT) scans, or magnetic resonance imaging/magnetic resonance angiography (MRI/MRA) scans (or a combination of these) were obtained. Findings were documented and compared with intraoperative findings. A total of 29 post-traumatic hips were enrolled in this study. Hip arthroscopy identified 17 of 29 hips (59%) as having loose bodies, 11 of 29 (38%) hips as having an intra-articular step deformity, 14 of 29 (49%) hips as having an osteochondral lesion, and 27 of 29 (93%) hips as having a labral tear. Plain radiographs and CT scans yielded low sensitivity when compared with arthroscopy for the identification of loose bodies and step deformities. MRI/MRA comparison with arthroscopic findings suggest that MRI/MRA is an accurate tool for identification of labral tears, because 91% of tears seen on arthroscopy were also identified by MRI/MRA. In 4 hips, however, MRI/MRA failed to identify osteochondral lesions that were subsequently identified by arthroscopy. Traumatic injuries of the hip result in substantial intra-articular pathologic findings, including loose bodies, labral tears, step deformities, and osteochondral lesions. The arthroscope is a powerful tool in identifying these injuries. Plain radiographs and CT scans appear to underestimate the true incidence of loose bodies and step deformities within the joint when

  1. Development and characteristics of pannus-like soft tissue in osteoarthritic articular surface in rat osteoarthritis model. (United States)

    Duc, P A; Yudoh, K; Masuko, K; Kato, T; Nishioka, K; Nakamura, H


    Pannus is invasive granulation tissue found on the articular cartilage having rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, pannus-like tissue has also been found in osteoarthritis (OA). Our previous study showed that pannus-like tissue in OA (OA pannus) was frequently found in human OA samples. The purpose of the study is to investigate the development and the characteristics of OA pannus in a rat OA model. Ligaments of the knee joint were transected in Wister rats to induce OA. The knee joints were removed at weeks 1, 2, 4 and 6, and subjected to histological study. Samples were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE), Safranin-O and immuno-stained for vimentin, CD34, type II collagen and MMP-3. The whole knee joint of OA rats was implanted in SCID mice and kept for a further 3 weeks. Then the histological findings were evaluated in HE sections. OA pannus appeared at week 2 and extend over the articular surface. OA pannus cells were positive for vimentin and/or CD34. At week 6, a part of articular surface was restored with matrix. OA pannus cells expressed MMP-3 as well as type II collagen. Histological study of rat OA knees implanted in SCID mice showed that OA pannus cells filled the joint space and invaded articular cartilage. The presence of OA pannus was found in a rat OA model and its features were similar to those in human OA. OA pannus had both catabolic and reparative features, and the latter feature were speculated to be dominant in the later phase of the disease under a certain environmental condition.

  2. MR evaluation of the articular cartilage of the femoral head during traction. Correlation with resected femoral head

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakanishi, K. [Osaka Seamens Insurance Hospital (Japan). Dept. of Radiology; Tanaka, H.; Narumi, Y.; Nakamura, H. [Osaka Univ. Medical School (Japan). Dept. of Radiology; Nishii, T.; Masuhara, K. [Osaka Univ. Medical School (Japan). Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery


    Objective: The purpose was to evaluate the articular cartilage of the hip joint with MR during traction and compare the findings with the resected specimen or arthroscopic findings. Material and Methods: Eight healthy volunteers, 5 patients with osteonecrosis, 5 with acetabular dysplasia, and 5 with advanced osteoarthrosis underwent MR imaging to evaluate the articular cartilage of the hip joint. Coronal fat-suppressed 3D spoiled gradient-echo (SPGR) images were obtained during traction. Identical imaging was performed of all the resected femoral heads of the osteonecrosis and advanced osteoarthrosis patients, and was correlated with the macroscopic pathological findings. Results: The traction was effective and the femoral articular cartilage was clearly identified in all 8 control subjects, and in all cases of osteonecrosis and acetabular dysplasia. In 4 cases of osteonecrosis, chondral fracture was identified in the boundary between the necrosis and the normal area. In all cases of advanced osteoarthrosis, cartilage was identified only at the medial side. The MR images of osteonecrosis and advanced osteoarthrosis corresponded well with the MR images of the resected femoral heads and the macroscopic findings. (orig.)

  3. Intra-articular lignocaine as a means of analgesia during manual reduction of acute anterior shoulder dislocation

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    Manoj Kadel


    Full Text Available Background & Objectives: Acute anterior shoulder dislocation needs prompt reduction of the dislocation. The ideal reduction method should be simple, fast, effective and non- traumatic, with minimal pain, and should not cause further injury to the affected shoulder. Intra-articular local lignocaine injection is a means of achieving analgesia with less complication, and allowing prompt patient discharge of patient after reduction. The study was conducted with objective to evaluate the effectiveness of intra-articular lignocaine for reduction of acute anterior shoulder dislocation.Materials & Methods: Twenty- one cases of acute anterior shoulder dislocation were reduced using intra-articular local lignocaine injection as a method of analgesia by modified Hippocrates method.Results: The mean age was 44.71 years ± SD 20.14 while 11 cases were reduced with one to six hours of injury. Pain assessed through application of a visual analogue scale during the maneuver revealed scores ranging from two to eight with mean score of 4.29 ± SD 1.55.Conclusion: This method is not only safe and effective but also reduces hospital stay and has negligible adverse effects making it a popular choice for most orthopedists.

  4. In vitro of quantitative MR imaging of early degenerative changes in human articular cartilage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Ok Wha; Lee, Young Jun; Cha, Sung Suk; Hwa, Ryu Ji


    To assess the applicability of quantitative MR microscopy for the detection of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) depletion as an early sign of degeneration in the articular cartilage of humans treated by trypsin. Four cartilage-bone blocks were obtained from the patient who had suffered from osteoarthritis of the knee and underwent a total knee replacement arthroscopy. Each articular cartilage segment was resected as to a round disk shape (8 mm in diameter) with a remnant of subchondral bone 1 mm in thickness. Four different culture solutions were prepared, and these solutions were 0.2 mg/ml of trypsin solution (group 1), 1 mM of Gd (DTPA) 2-mixed trypsin solution (group 2), phosphate buffered saline (PBS) (group 3), and 1 mM of Gd (DTPA) 2-mixed PBS (group 4). The cartilages were cultured and then MR imagings were performed every hour for 5 hrs, and we continued the additional cultures of 24 hrs, 36 hrs and 48 hrs. Three imaging sequences were used: T1-weighted spin echo (TR/TE, 450/22), proton density turbo spin echo with fat suppression (TR/TE, 3000/25), and CPMG (Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill) (TR/TE/TI, 760/21-168, 360). MR imaging data were analyzed with pixel-by-pixel comparisons in all groups. The GAG loss in the articular cartilage was increased proportionately to the culture duration. Mean changes of T1 relaxation time were 1.2% for group 1, -1.9% for group 3, -54.7% for group 2 and -64.2% for group 4 (p< 0.05). When comparing by linear profile on the T1-weighted images, SNR increased and T1 relaxation time decreased for group 2 and 4, as the culture duration increased (p< 0.05). On the correlation analysis, there is significant correlation between GAG loss and Gd (DTPA) 2-enhancement for group 2 (p=0.0431), but there was no significant difference for group 4 (p=0.0918). More enhancement with Gd (DTPA) 2-was noted for group 2 than for group 4. Group 2 showed a diffuse enhancement in all the layers of cartilage, but for group 4, prominent enhancement was noted only in

  5. Role of magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of articular cartilage in painful knee joint

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Digish Shah


    Full Text Available Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the role of the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI in patients with atraumatic knee pain. Background and Objectives: Knee pain is one of the most common problems faced by people from time immemorial. There is a wide range of disease ranging from traumatic to degenerative causing knee pain in which articular cartilage is involved. Over the past 15 years, MRI has become the premier, first-line imaging study that should be performed in the evaluation of the painful knee in particular in tears of menisci, cruciate and collateral ligaments, osteochondral abnormalities (chondromalacia, osteoarthritis and osteochondral defects, synovial cysts and bone bruises. MRI, by virtue of its superior soft-tissue contrast, lack of ionizing radiation and multiplanar capabilities, is superior to more conventional techniques for the evaluation of articular cartilage. Materials and Methods: A prospective study was carried out on 150 patients in the Department of Radio-diagnosis, Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune over a period of 2 years from June 2011 to May 2013. Patients having fracture or dislocations of the knee joint were also excluded from the study. Detailed clinical history, physical and systemic examination findings of all patients were noted in addition to the laboratory investigations. All patients were subjected to radiograph of knee anterior-posterior and lateral view. MRI was performed with Siemens 1.5 Tesla MAGNETOM Avanto machine. Results: In our study of 150 patients with knee pain, articular cartilage defect was found in 90 patients (60%. Out of 90 patients with articular cartilage defect, 30 patients (20% had full thickness cartilage defects. Subchondral marrow edema was seen beneath 30 patients (20% with articular cartilage defects. 32 patients (21.1% had a complex or macerated meniscal tear. Complete anterior cruciate ligament tear was found in seven

  6. Biological knee reconstruction for combined malalignment, meniscal deficiency, and articular cartilage disease. (United States)

    Harris, Joshua D; Hussey, Kristen; Wilson, Hillary; Pilz, Kyle; Gupta, Anil K; Gomoll, Andreas; Cole, Brian J


    The aim of this study was to analyze patient-reported outcomes in those undergoing the triad of simultaneous osteotomy, meniscal transplantation, and articular cartilage repair. Patients undergoing simultaneous meniscal transplantation, distal femoral or proximal tibial osteotomy, and articular cartilage surgery by a single surgeon (B.J.C.) were analyzed. Meniscal transplantation was performed using bone-in-slot techniques. Distal femoral and high tibial osteotomies were performed for valgus and varus malalignment, respectively. Microfracture, autologous chondrocyte implantation, and osteochondral autograft or allograft were performed for articular cartilage disease. Validated patient-reported and surgeon-measured outcomes were collected. Preoperative and postoperative outcomes and medial versus lateral disease were compared using Student t tests. Eighteen participants (mean age, 34 ± 7.8 years; symptomatic patients, 7.4 ± 5.6 years; 2.4 ± 1.0 surgical procedures before study enrollment; mean follow-up, 6.5 ± 3.2 years) were analyzed. Two thirds of participants had medial compartment pathologic conditions and one third had lateral compartment pathologic processes. At final follow-up, there were statistically significant clinically meaningful improvements in International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) subjective classification, Lysholm score, and 4 Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) subscores. Postoperative 12-item short form (SF-12) physical and mental component scores were not significantly different from preoperative scores. The Kellgren-Lawrence classification grade was 1.5 ± 1.1 at 2.5 ± 3.0 years after surgery. There was a significantly higher preoperative SF-12 physical composite score (PCS) in participants with lateral compartment pathologic conditions (v medial compartment conditions) (P = .011). Although there were 13 reoperations in 10 patients (55.5% reoperation rate), only one patient was converted to knee arthroplasty (5

  7. Intra-articular fibroma of tendon sheath in a knee joint associated with iliotibial band friction syndrome

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ha, Dong Ho; Choi, Sun Seob; Kim, Soo Jin; Lih, Wang [Dong-A University Medical Center, Busan (Korea, Republic of)


    Iliotibial band (ITB) friction syndrome is a common overuse injury typically seen in the active athlete population. A nodular lesion on the inner side of the ITB as an etiology or an accompanying lesion from friction syndrome has been rarely reported. A 45-year-old male presented with recurrent pain and a movable nodule at the lateral joint area, diagnosed as ITB friction syndrome. The nodule was confirmed as a rare intra-articular fibroma of the tendon sheath (FTS) on the basis of histopathologic findings. We describe the MRI findings, arthroscopic and pathologic features, in this case of intra-articular FTS presenting with ITB friction syndrome.

  8. Intra-articular fibroma of tendon sheath in a knee joint associated with iliotibial band friction syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ha, Dong Ho; Choi, Sun Seob; Kim, Soo Jin; Lih, Wang


    Iliotibial band (ITB) friction syndrome is a common overuse injury typically seen in the active athlete population. A nodular lesion on the inner side of the ITB as an etiology or an accompanying lesion from friction syndrome has been rarely reported. A 45-year-old male presented with recurrent pain and a movable nodule at the lateral joint area, diagnosed as ITB friction syndrome. The nodule was confirmed as a rare intra-articular fibroma of the tendon sheath (FTS) on the basis of histopathologic findings. We describe the MRI findings, arthroscopic and pathologic features, in this case of intra-articular FTS presenting with ITB friction syndrome.

  9. Histological and biochemical evaluation of perichondrial transplants in human articular cartilage defects

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bouwmeester, P; Kuijer, R; Terwindt-Rouwenhorst, E; van der Linden, Ton; Bulstra, K


    From 1986 to 1992, 88 patients with articular defects in the knee were treated with a perichondrial arthroplasty. In this study, we report on the results for 22 biopsies of grafted tissue with a mean follow-up of 21 months. Biopsies were obtained at routine arthroscopy after approximately 1 year or

  10. Quantifying NMR relaxation correlation and exchange in articular cartilage with time domain analysis (United States)

    Mailhiot, Sarah E.; Zong, Fangrong; Maneval, James E.; June, Ronald K.; Galvosas, Petrik; Seymour, Joseph D.


    Measured nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) transverse relaxation data in articular cartilage has been shown to be multi-exponential and correlated to the health of the tissue. The observed relaxation rates are dependent on experimental parameters such as solvent, data acquisition methods, data analysis methods, and alignment to the magnetic field. In this study, we show that diffusive exchange occurs in porcine articular cartilage and impacts the observed relaxation rates in T1-T2 correlation experiments. By using time domain analysis of T2-T2 exchange spectroscopy, the diffusive exchange time can be quantified by measurements that use a single mixing time. Measured characteristic times for exchange are commensurate with T1 in this material and so impacts the observed T1 behavior. The approach used here allows for reliable quantification of NMR relaxation behavior in cartilage in the presence of diffusive fluid exchange between two environments.

  11. Intraoperative intra-articular injection of gentamicin: will it decrease the risk of infection in total shoulder arthroplasty? (United States)

    Lovallo, Jeffrey; Helming, Jarrett; Jafari, S Mehdi; Owusu-Forfie, Afia; Donovan, Skye; Minnock, Christopher; Adib, Farshad


    Deep infection is a debilitating complication after shoulder arthroplasty. Intra-articular injection of antibiotic can give a higher concentration compared with intravenous administration. We hypothesized that a group of patients given an intra-articular, intraoperative injection of gentamicin would report a lower infection rate than a group without local antibiotics. Between 2005 and 2011, the senior author performed 507 shoulder arthroplasties. We retrospectively reviewed all of those cases. All patients were administered systemic prophylactic antibiotics. Beginning in June 2007, patients were also injected with 160 mg of gentamicin in the glenohumeral joint at the end of their surgery. Patient records were examined for preexisting medical conditions, type of surgery, and presence of infection. Patients receiving surgery before 2007 were compared with those after to determine the effect of prophylactic gentamicin administration in preventing deep infection associated with surgery. All patients were observed for a minimum of 1 year. Of the 507 surgeries, 164 were performed before 2007 (without intra-articular injection of gentamicin; group A) and 343 were performed with addition of gentamicin (group B). In group A, 5 patients presented with infection (3.0%) compared with 1 in group B (0.29%). The gender, mean age, mean body mass index, and prevalence of comorbidities were similar between the groups. The data from this study support the conclusion that intra-articular intraoperative gentamicin administration may reduce postoperative infection. Copyright © 2014 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. A finite element study on the effects of midsymphyseal distraction osteogenesis on the mandible and articular disc. (United States)

    Kim, Ki-Nam; Cha, Bong-Kuen; Choi, Dong-Soon; Jang, Insan; Yi, Yang-Jin; Jost-Brinkmann, Paul-Georg


    To evaluate the biomechanical effect of midsymphyseal distraction osteogenesis with three types of distractors on the mandible and articular disc using a three-dimensional finite element model analysis. A virtual model of the mandible was produced from computed tomography scan images of a healthy 27-year-old man. On the finite element model of the mandible, expansion of the bone-borne, tooth-borne, and hybrid type distractors were simulated with the jaw-closing muscles. The displacement and stress distribution of the mandible and articular disc were analyzed. With the bone-borne appliance the alveolar process area was displaced more than the basal bone area. The tooth-borne appliance displaced the mandibular body in a parallel manner and showed high level of the von Mises stress in the alveolar process and the ramal region as well as in the condylar neck area. The hybrid type showed medium amount of displacement and stress distribution compared with the bone-borne and tooth-borne type. At the articular disc the compressive stress was concentrated in the anteromedial and posterolateral area, and it was highest in the tooth-borne distractor, followed by hybrid appliance and bone-borne appliance. The tooth-borne distractor produced more parallel bony widening in the midsymphyseal area and larger expansion in the molar region; however, it induced higher stress concentration on the articular disc than the hybrid appliance and bone-borne appliance. Whether any long-term side effects on the temporomandibular joint are anticipated, especially in tooth-borne distractor, remains to be investigated.

  13. Combined nanoindentation testing and scanning electron microscopy of bone and articular calcified cartilage in an equine fracture predilection site


    M Doube; EC Firth; A Boyde; AJ Bushby


    Condylar fracture of the third metacarpal bone (Mc3) is the commonest cause of racetrack fatality in Thoroughbred horses. Linear defects involving hyaline articular cartilage, articular calcified cartilage (ACC) and subchondral bone (SCB) have been associated with the fracture initiation site, which lies in the sagittal grooves of the Mc3 condyle. We discovered areas of thickened and abnormally-mineralised ACC in the sagittal grooves of several normal 18-month-old horses, at the same site tha...

  14. A Case Report of Intra-articular Bee Venom Pharmacopuncture combining with oriental medical treatment for Acute Traumatic Partial Tear of Meniscus.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lee Jae-Hoon


    Full Text Available This case was report of intra-articular bee venom pharmacopuncture injection on the patient with Acute Traumatic Partial tear of meniscus. We used intra-articular bee venom pharmacopuncture injection to Acute Traumatic Partial tear of meniscus diagnosed by symptoms and MR imaging. Be under treatment if necessary we prescribed herbal medication and physiotherapy. The state of patient was measured by Visual Analog Scale(VAS and Walking time and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities(WOMAC Index score. After several times of treatments, noticeable reduction of pain was measured and increased time of walking on floor and decreased WOMAC score. This results suggest that intra-articular bee venom pharmacopuncture injection are effective to treatments of Acute Traumatic Partial tear of meniscus.

  15. Intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid is not superior to saline solution injection for ankle arthritis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. (United States)

    DeGroot, Henry; Uzunishvili, Sofia; Weir, Robert; Al-omari, Ali; Gomes, Bruna


    Intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid are potentially useful to treat ankle osteoarthritis, yet their effectiveness has not been proven. Both single and multiple-dose treatments for ankle arthritis with use of various hyaluronic acid products have been recommended, but few high-quality studies have been published. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of a single intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid with a single intra-articular injection of normal saline solution (placebo) for osteoarthritis of the ankle. Sixty-four patients with ankle osteoarthritis who met all study criteria were randomly assigned to a single intra-articular injection of 2.5 mL of low-molecular-weight, non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid or a single intra-articular injection of 2.5 mL of normal saline solution. The primary outcome measure was the change from baseline in the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) clinical rating score at the six-week and twelve-week follow-up examination. Secondary outcome measures included the Ankle Osteoarthritis Scale score and patient-reported pain with use of a visual analog pain scale. Of the sixty-four patients randomized and treated, eight patients withdrew, leaving fifty-six patients who completed the entire study. There was one mild adverse event (1.6%) among the sixty-four patients. At six weeks and twelve weeks, the mean AOFAS scores in the hyaluronic acid group had improved from baseline by 4.9 and 4.9 points, respectively, whereas the mean AOFAS scores in the placebo group initially worsened by 0.4 point at six weeks and then improved by 5.4 points at twelve weeks. While the change at twelve weeks from baseline was substantial for both groups, the between-group differences were not significant. We found that a single intra-articular injection of low-molecular-weight, non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid is not demonstrably superior to a single intra-articular injection of saline solution for the treatment of

  16. 24R,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 Protects against Articular Cartilage Damage following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Transection in Male Rats.

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    Barbara D Boyan

    Full Text Available Osteoarthritis (OA in humans is associated with low circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 [25(OHD3]. In vitamin D replete rats, radiolabeled 24R,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [24R,25(OH2D3] accumulates in articular cartilage following injection of [3H]-25(OHD3. Previously, we showed that 24R,25(OH2D3 blocks chondrocyte apoptosis via phospholipase D and p53, suggesting a role for 24R,25(OH2D3 in maintaining cartilage health. We examined the ability of 24R,25(OH2D3 to prevent degenerative changes in articular cartilage in an OA-like environment and the potential mechanisms involved. In vitro, rat articular chondrocytes were treated with IL-1β with and without 24R,25(OH2D3 or 1α,25(OH2D3. 24R,25(OH2D3 but not 1α,25(OH2D3 blocked the effects of IL-1β in a dose-dependent manner, and its effect was partially mediated through the TGF-β1 signaling pathway. In vivo, unilateral anterior cruciate ligament transections were performed in immunocompetent rats followed by intra-articular injections of 24R,25(OH2D3 or vehicle (t = 0, 7, 14, 21 days. Tissues were harvested on day 28. Joints treated with vehicle had changes typical of OA whereas joints treated with 24R,25(OH2D3 had less articular cartilage damage and levels of inflammatory mediators. These results indicate that 24R,25(OH2D3 protects against OA, and suggest that it may be a therapeutic approach for preventing trauma-induced osteoarthritis.

  17. Decellularized Bovine Articular Cartilage Matrix Reinforced by Carboxylated-SWCNT for Tissue Engineering Application

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zari Majidi Mohammadie


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Nanotubes with their unique properties have diversified mechanical and biological applications. Due to similarity of dimensions with extracellular matrix (ECM elements, these materials are used in designing scaffolds. In this research, Carboxylated Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes in optimization of decellularized scaffold of bovine articular cartilage was used. At first, the articular cartilage was decellularized. Then the scaffolds were analyzed in: (i decellularized scaffolds, and (ii scaffolds plunged into homogenous suspension of nanotubes in distilled water, were smeared with Carboxylated-SWCNT. The tissue rings derived from the rabbit's ear were assembled with reinforced scaffolds and they were placed in a culture media for 15 days. The scaffolds in two groups and the assembled scaffolds underwent histologic and electron microscopy. Scanning electron microscopy showed that the structure of ECM of articular cartilage has been maintained well after decellularization. Fourier transform infrared analysis showed that the contents of ECM have not been changed under treatment process. Atomic force microscopy analysis showed the difference in surface topography and roughness of group (ii scaffolds in comparison with group (i. Transmission electron microscopy studies showed the Carboxylated-SWCNT bond with the surface of decellularized scaffold and no penetration of these compounds into the scaffold. The porosity percentage with median rate of 91.04 in group (i scaffolds did not have significant difference with group (ii scaffolds. The electron microscopy observations confirmed migration and penetration of the blastema cells into the group (ii assembled scaffolds. This research presents a technique for provision of nanocomposite scaffolds for cartilage engineering applications.

  18. In vitro evaluation and intra-articular administration of biodegradable microspheres containing naproxen sodium. (United States)

    Bozdağ, S; Caliş, S; Kaş, H S; Ercan, M T; Peksoy, I; Hincal, A A


    The dispersion of non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) into biodegradable polymeric matrices have been accepted as a good approach for obtaining a therapeutic effect in a predetermined period of time meanwhile minimizing the side effects of NSAIDs. In the present study, it was aimed to prepare Naproxen Sodium (NS), (a NSAID) loaded microsphere formulation using natural Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) and synthetic biodegradable polymers such as poly(lactide-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) (50:50 MW 34,000 and 88,000 Da) for intra-articular administration, and to study the retention of the drug at the site of injection in the knee joint. NS incorporated microspheres were evaluated in vitro for particle size (the mean particle size; for BSA microspheres, 10.0 +/- 0.3 microm, for PLGA microspheres, 9.0 +/- 0.2 and 5.0 +/- 0.1 microm for MW 34,000 and 88,000 Da, respectively), yield value, drug loading, surface morphology and drug release. For in vivo studies, monoarticular arthritis was induced in the left knee joints of rabbits by using ovalbumin and Freund's Complete Adjuvant as antigen and adjuvant. A certain time (4 days) is allowed for the formation of arthritis in the knee joints, then the NS loaded microspheres were injected directly into the articular cavity. At specific time points, gamma scintigrams were obtained to determine the residence time of the microspheres in knee joints, in order to determine the most suitable formulation. This study indicated that PLGA, a synthetic polymer, is more promising than the natural type BSA microspheres for an effective cure of mono-articular arthritis in rabbits.

  19. Tumoral calcinosis peri articular in infants: study by conventional radiology and CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barrera, M.C.; Loyola, F.; Fernandez de Barrera, F.J.; Villanua, J.A.; Nogues, A.


    Tumoral calcinosis is an uncommon disease of poorly defined origin that effects the peri articular soft tissue. It is very rarely located in the region of the knee except in children. We present a case occurring in the knee in which the course of both the clinical and radiological signs was favorable. (Author)

  20. Accuracy of ultrasound-guided injections of thoracolumbar articular process joints in horses

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fuglbjerg, Vibeke; Nielsen, J.V.; Thomsen, Preben Dybdahl


    in the literature. Objectives: To evaluate factors of affecting the accuracy of intra-articular injections of the APJs in the caudal thoracolumbar region. Method: One-hundred-and-fifty-four injections with blue dye were performed on APJs including the T14-L6 region in 12 horses subjected to euthanasia for reasons...


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    T. A. Stupina


    Full Text Available The changes of reactive and/or destructive-and-reparative character, the degree of which depends on distraction parameters, have been revealed in articular cartilage during leg lengthening by the methods of scanning electron microscopy and histomorphometry analysis. The analysis of quantitative data has demonstrated, that autodistraction by 3 mm per day for 180 times (increment и 17 μm appears to be less traumatic for the articular cartilage than manual distraction by 1 mm per day for 4 times, and, at the time, the period of experiment decreases significantly. The articular cartilage recovery occurs in the most intense manner in case of autodistraction with the same increment, but with the daily rate of 1 mm.

  2. Optical characterization of porcine articular cartilage using a polarimetry technique with differential Mueller matrix formulism. (United States)

    Chang, Ching-Min; Lo, Yu-Lung; Tran, Nghia-Khanh; Chang, Yu-Jen


    A method is proposed for characterizing the optical properties of articular cartilage sliced from a pig's thighbone using a Stokes-Mueller polarimetry technique. The principal axis angle, phase retardance, optical rotation angle, circular diattenuation, diattenuation axis angle, linear diattenuation, and depolarization index properties of the cartilage sample are all decoupled in the proposed analytical model. Consequently, the accuracy and robustness of the extracted results are improved. The glucose concentration, collagen distribution, and scattering properties of samples from various depths of the articular cartilage are systematically explored via an inspection of the related parameters. The results show that the glucose concentration and scattering effect are both enhanced in the superficial region of the cartilage. By contrast, the collagen density increases with an increasing sample depth.

  3. Routine clinical knee MR reports: comparison of diagnostic performance at 1.5 T and 3.0 T for assessment of the articular cartilage

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mandell, Jacob C.; Rhodes, Jeffrey A.; Shah, Nehal; Gaviola, Glenn C.; Smith, Stacy E. [Brigham and Women' s Hospital, Division of Musculoskeletal Imaging and Intervention, Department of Radiology, Boston, MA (United States); Gomoll, Andreas H. [Brigham and Women' s Hospital, Cartilage Repair Center, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Boston, MA (United States)


    Accurate assessment of knee articular cartilage is clinically important. Although 3.0 Tesla (T) MRI is reported to offer improved diagnostic performance, literature regarding the clinical impact of MRI field strength is lacking. The purpose of this study is to compare the diagnostic performance of clinical MRI reports for assessment of cartilage at 1.5 and 3.0 T in comparison to arthroscopy. This IRB-approved retrospective study consisted of 300 consecutive knees in 297 patients who had routine clinical MRI and arthroscopy. Descriptions of cartilage from MRI reports of 165 knees at 1.5 T and 135 at 3.0 T were compared with arthroscopy. The sensitivity, specificity, percent of articular surfaces graded concordantly, and percent of articular surfaces graded within one grade of the arthroscopic grading were calculated for each articular surface at 1.5 and 3.0 T. Agreement between MRI and arthroscopy was calculated with the weighted-kappa statistic. Significance testing was performed utilizing the z-test after bootstrapping to obtain the standard error. The sensitivity, specificity, percent of articular surfaces graded concordantly, and percent of articular surfaces graded within one grade were 61.4%, 82.7%, 62.2%, and 77.5% at 1.5 T and 61.8%, 80.6%, 59.5%, and 75.6% at 3.0 T, respectively. The weighted kappa statistic was 0.56 at 1.5 T and 0.55 at 3.0 T. There was no statistically significant difference in any of these parameters between 1.5 and 3.0 T. Factors potentially contributing to the lack of diagnostic advantage of 3.0 T MRI are discussed. (orig.)

  4. Comparison between oral and intra-articular antinociceptive effect of dexketoprofen and tramadol combination in monosodium iodoacetate-induced osteoarthritis in rats. (United States)

    Cialdai, Cecilia; Giuliani, Sandro; Valenti, Claudio; Tramontana, Manuela; Maggi, Carlo Alberto


    Dexketoprofen and tramadol, alone or in combination, were evaluated after oral or intra-articular administration on knee osteoarthritis nociception induced by intra-articular ( monosodium iodoacetate (MIA, 1 mg/25 µl) in the rat right knee while the left knee received saline (25 µl). Seven days after MIA treatment, dexketoprofen, tramadol, their combination or the vehicle were administered. Nociception was evaluated as alteration in hind limb weight distribution with Incapacitance tester at different time-points after drug administration. Oral dexketoprofen (0.1-1 mg/kg) or tramadol (0.5-5 mg/kg) induced maximal antinociception at 1 and 5 mg/kg, respectively. Their combination dose-dependently increased the intensity and duration of antinociception, that was additive and lasted up to 3 days. Also the intra-articular administration of dexketoprofen or tramadol (10-100 µg/25 µl) inhibited MIA-induced nociception, and the combination of the lower doses (10 µg/25 µl) produced a long lasting more than additive antinociceptive effect indicating a synergistic interaction between the two drugs. This effect was significantly reduced by naloxone (10 μg/25 μl, co-administered with both compounds. The intra-articular administration of both drugs at 10 µg/25 µl in the contralateral control knee joint provoked a marked synergistic antinociceptive effect indicating significant systemic diffusion through synovial membrane. The oral or intra-articular combination of dexketoprofen and tramadol produced additive or synergistic antinociceptive effects, respectively, in the model of MIA-induced osteoarthritis in rats, that might allow to obtain therapeutic advantages with lower side effects. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Extension of knee immobilization delays recovery of histological damages in the anterior cruciate ligament insertion and articular cartilage in rabbits. (United States)

    Mutsuzaki, Hirotaka; Nakajima, Hiromi; Sakane, Masataka


    [Purpose] To investigate the influence of knee immobilization period on recovery of histological damages in the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) insertion and articular cartilage in rabbits. This knowledge is important for determining the appropriate rehabilitation approach for patients with ligament injuries, fracture, disuse atrophy, and degenerative joint disease. [Materials and Methods] Forty-eight male Japanese white rabbits were divided equally into the remobilization and control groups. The remobilization group had the right knee surgically immobilized, and was divided equally into four subgroups according to the duration of immobilization (1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks). After the immobilization was removed, the rabbits moved freely for 8 weeks. The control group underwent sham operation and followed the same time course as the remobilization group. The chondrocyte apoptosis rate and chondrocyte proliferation rate in the ACL insertion and articular cartilage were analyzed after remobilization. [Results] In the ACL insertion, the remobilization group had a higher chondrocyte apoptosis rate than the control group after 8 weeks of immobilization, and a lower chondrocyte proliferation rate than the control group after 4 and 8 weeks of immobilization. In the articular cartilage, the remobilization group had a lower chondrocyte proliferation rate than the control group after 8 weeks of immobilization. After 8 weeks of remobilization, the ACL insertion and articular cartilage are not completely recovered after 4 and 8 weeks of immobilization, respectively. [Conclusion] Our results suggest that 8 weeks of remobilization will result in recovery of the ACL insertion after 2 weeks of knee immobilization, and recovery of the articular cartilage after 4 weeks of knee immobilization. If 8 weeks of immobilization occurs, a remobilization duration of more than 8 weeks may be necessary.

  6. The prevalence of erosive osseous changes of the articular eminence in the temporomandibular joint in patients with mandibular prognathism without internal derangement. MR and helical CT findings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hayashi, Takafumi; Ito, Jusuke; Tanaka, Rei; Koyama, Jun-ichi; Kobayashi, Fukiko [Niigata Univ. (Japan). Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences


    The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of erosive osseous changes of the articular eminence in the temporomandibular joint without internal derangement. Sixty joints of 30 consecutive patients with mandibular prognathism were evaluated with both MR imaging and helical CT. On MPR images obtained with helical CT, erosive osseous changes of the articular eminence were observed in 18 joints (30%) of 13 patients. None of the joints studied demonstrated an osseous change in the mandibular condyle. MR imaging failed to detect erosive osseous changes of the articular eminence in all of the joints studied. In conclusion, MPR images obtained with helical CT were of value to detect erosive osseous changes of the articular eminence. (author)

  7. The prevalence of erosive osseous changes of the articular eminence in the temporomandibular joint in patients with mandibular prognathism without internal derangement. MR and helical CT findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayashi, Takafumi; Ito, Jusuke; Tanaka, Rei; Koyama, Jun-ichi; Kobayashi, Fukiko


    The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of erosive osseous changes of the articular eminence in the temporomandibular joint without internal derangement. Sixty joints of 30 consecutive patients with mandibular prognathism were evaluated with both MR imaging and helical CT. On MPR images obtained with helical CT, erosive osseous changes of the articular eminence were observed in 18 joints (30%) of 13 patients. None of the joints studied demonstrated an osseous change in the mandibular condyle. MR imaging failed to detect erosive osseous changes of the articular eminence in all of the joints studied. In conclusion, MPR images obtained with helical CT were of value to detect erosive osseous changes of the articular eminence. (author)

  8. Morphological study in internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint with MRI. The relationships between the state of the articular disc and limitation of motion of the mandibular head

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyazu, Hiroko; Sakurai, Takashi; Numayama, Sukenao; Furuya, Nobuaki; Kashima, Isamu


    In this study, we used MRI to investigate the relationships between these factors in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) patients, especially with regard to the range of condylar movement. Bone configurations and articular disc conditions were analyzed in a total of 367 TMJ of 255 internal derangement patients using MRI. We examined the influence of articular disc condition on functional disorder and identified the tendencies of the pathology of patients with internal derangements. Anterolateral displacement was more frequent than anteromedial displacement, and lateral rotary displacement was more frequent than medial rotary displacement. Therefore, the articular disc displaced more readily laterally, rather than medially. With regard to the relationship between the articular disc configuration and reduction, enlargement of the posterior band and biconvex discs showed a tendency for articular disc displacement that did not reduce, while discs with even thickness showed a tendency of articular disc displacement which would reduce. Folding and biconvexity tended to limit condylar movement while less limitation occurred with discs of even thickness. In cases of disc displacement without reduction, there was a significantly higher percentage of cases with limited condylar movement than in cases of displacement with reduction. (K.H.)

  9. Tendinopathy of the long head of the biceps tendon: histopathologic analysis of the extra-articular biceps tendon and tenosynovium


    Shishani, Yousef; Streit,Jonathan; Rodgers,Mark; Gobezie,Reuben


    Jonathan J Streit,1 Yousef Shishani,1 Mark Rodgers,2 Reuben Gobezie1 1The Cleveland Shoulder Institute, 2Department of Pathology, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH, USA Background: Bicipital tendinitis is a common cause of anterior shoulder pain, but there is no evidence that acute inflammation of the extra-articular long head of the biceps (LHB) tendon is the root cause of this condition. We evaluated the histologic findings of the extra-articular portion of the LHB tendon an...

  10. Articular Contact Area and Pressure in Posteromedial Rotatory Instability of the Elbow. (United States)

    Bellato, Enrico; Fitzsimmons, James S; Kim, Youngbok; Bachman, Daniel R; Berglund, Lawrence J; Hooke, Alexander W; O'Driscoll, Shawn W


    Joint incongruity in posteromedial rotatory instability (PMRI) has been theorized to determine early articular degenerative changes. Our hypothesis was that the articular contact area and contact pressure differ significantly between an intact elbow and an elbow affected by PMRI. Seven cadaveric elbows were tested under gravity varus stress using a custom-made machine designed to simulate muscle loads and allow passive elbow flexion (0° to 90°). The mean contact area and contact pressure data were collected and processed using the Tekscan sensor and software. After testing the intact specimen (intact elbow), a PMRI injury was simulated (PMRI elbow) and the specimen was tested again. The PMRI elbows were characterized by initial joint subluxation and significantly elevated articular contact pressure. Both worsened, corresponding with a reduction in contact area, as the elbow was flexed from 0° until the joint subluxation and incongruity spontaneously reduced (at a mean [and standard error] of 60° ± 5° of flexion), at which point the mean contact pressure decreased from 870 ± 50 kPa (pre-reduction) to 440 ± 40 kPa (post-reduction) (p contact area increased from 80 ± 8 mm to 150 ± 58 mm (p contact area from the coronoid fracture edge toward the lower portion of the coronoid. At the flexion angle at which the PMRI elbows reduced, both the contact area and the contact pressure of the intact elbows differed significantly from those of the PMRI elbows, both before and after the elbow reduction (p contact area and increased contact pressures due to joint subluxation and incongruity could explain the progressive arthritis seen in some elbows affected by PMRI. This biomechanical study suggests that the early degenerative changes associated with PMRI reported in the literature could be subsequent to joint incongruity and an increase in contact pressure between the coronoid fracture surface and the trochlea.

  11. Safety and Efficacy of Intra-articular Injection of Platelet-Rich Plasma in Patients With Ankle Osteoarthritis. (United States)

    Fukawa, Taisuke; Yamaguchi, Satoshi; Akatsu, Yorikazu; Yamamoto, Yohei; Akagi, Ryuichiro; Sasho, Takahisa


    An intra-articular injection of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) may be an effective treatment for osteoarthritis (OA). However, its efficacy in ankle OA has not been investigated yet. The purpose of this study was to assess the safety and efficacy of an intra-articular injection of PRP in patients with ankle OA during a 24-week period. Twenty ankles of 20 patients with varus-type ankle OA who received intra-articular injections of PRP were evaluated. PRP was extracted from whole blood by using the double-spin technique. Three injections of 2-mL PRP were administered to the ankle at an interval of 2 weeks under ultrasonographic guidance. Adverse events and efficacy were assessed at 4, 12, and 24 weeks after the last injection. Clinical outcomes were assessed by using the visual analog scale (VAS) for pain, the Japanese Society for Surgery of the Foot (JSSF) ankle/hindfoot scale, and the Self-Administered Foot Evaluation Questionnaire (SAFE-Q). No serious adverse effects were observed during the follow-up period. The VAS and JSSF scale scores significantly decreased from baseline to 4, 12, and 24 weeks after treatment ( P SAFE-Q significantly improved from baseline to 12 weeks after treatment ( P = .04). Overall, the amount of pain reduction was maximal at 12 weeks after the last injection, and the effect was reduced at 24 weeks. The patients with late-stage OA had worse scores in all outcomes than those with early-stage OA. Intra-articular injections of PRP resulted in no serious adverse effects and significantly reduced pain in the patients with ankle OA. PRP treatment can be safe and effective and may be an option in the treatment of ankle OA. Level IV, case series.

  12. Magnetic resonance imaging of articular cartilage abnormalities of the far posterior femoral condyle of the knee

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ogino, Shuhei; Huang, Thomas; Watanabe, Atsuya; Iranpour-Boroujeni, Tannaz; Yoshioka, Hiroshi (Dept. of Radiology, Brigham and Women' s Hospital, Boston, MA (United States)), e-mail:


    Background: Incidental articular cartilage lesions of the far posterior femoral condyle (FPFC) are commonly detected. Whether or not these cartilage lesions are symptomatic or clinically significant is unknown. Purpose: To characterize and assess prevalence of articular cartilage abnormalities of the FPFC and associated bone marrow edema (BME) and/or internal derangements through magnetic resonance (MR) images. Material and Methods: 654 knee MR examinations were reviewed retrospectively. Sagittal fast spin-echo proton density-weighted images with and without fat suppression were acquired with a 1.5T scanner, and were evaluated by two readers by consensus. The following factors were assessed: 1) the prevalence of cartilage abnormalities, 2) laterality, 3) the type of cartilage abnormalities, 4) cartilage abnormality grading, 5) associated BME, 6) complications such as meniscal injury and cruciate ligament injury, and 7) knee alignment (femorotibial angle [FTA]). Results: Articular cartilage abnormalities of the FPFC were demonstrated in 157 of the 654 patients (24%). Of these, 40 patients demonstrated medial and lateral FPFC cartilage abnormalities and were thus counted as 80 cases. Focal lateral FPFC abnormalities were demonstrated in 117 of 197 cases (59.4%), while diffuse lateral FPFC abnormalities were demonstrated in 24 of 197 cases (12.2%). Focal medial FPFC abnormalities were demonstrated in 23 of 197 cases (11.6%), while diffuse medial FPFC abnormalities were demonstrated in 33 of 197 cases (16.8%). No statistically significant pattern of associated BME, FTA, or internal derangements including meniscal and cruciate ligament injury was demonstrated. Conclusion: Articular cartilage abnormalities of the FPFC are common and were demonstrated in 24% of patients or 30% of cases. Lateral FPFC abnormalities occur 2.5 times more frequently than medial FPFC abnormalities and were more frequently focal compared with medial cohorts. BME is associated in 36.5% of cases

  13. The Analysis of Treatment Modes of Juxta-articular Fractures of Proximal Part of a Femur and their Effect (Literature Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    O.A. Kauts


    Full Text Available The article concerns the current status of the topical problem in traumatology - treatment of juxta-articular fractures of proximal part of a femur and their effect. Analytical review of domestic and foreign literature has allowed to determine the basic problems in treatment of the particular group of patients and to define long-term trends of osteosynthesis of juxta-articular fractures of proximal part of a femur at the present stage

  14. T2* measurement of the knee articular cartilage in osteoarthritis at 3T

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Newbould, Rexford D.; Miller, Sam R.; Toms, Laurence D.; Swann, Peter; Tielbeek, Jeroen A. W.; Gold, Garry E.; Strachan, Robin K.; Taylor, Peter C.; Matthews, Paul M.; Brown, Andrew P.


    To measure reproducibility, longitudinal and cross-sectional differences in T2* maps at 3 Tesla (T) in the articular cartilage of the knee in subjects with osteoarthritis (OA) and healthy matched controls. MRI data and standing radiographs were acquired from 33 subjects with OA and 21 healthy

  15. Hypoxia Potentiates Anabolic Effects of Exogenous Hyaluronic Acid in Rat Articular Cartilage. (United States)

    Ichimaru, Shohei; Nakagawa, Shuji; Arai, Yuji; Kishida, Tsunao; Shin-Ya, Masaharu; Honjo, Kuniaki; Tsuchida, Shinji; Inoue, Hiroaki; Fujiwara, Hiroyoshi; Shimomura, Seiji; Mazda, Osam; Kubo, Toshikazu


    Hyaluronic acid (HA) is used clinically to treat osteoarthritis (OA), but its pharmacological effects under hypoxic conditions remain unclear. Articular chondrocytes in patients with OA are exposed to a hypoxic environment. This study investigated whether hypoxia could potentiate the anabolic effects of exogenous HA in rat articular cartilage and whether these mechanisms involved HA receptors. HA under hypoxic conditions significantly enhanced the expression of extracellular matrix genes and proteins in explant culture, as shown by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), Western blotting, and dimethylmethylene blue (DMMB) assays. Staining with Safranin-O and immunohistochemical staining with antibody to type II collagen were also enhanced in pellet culture. The expression of CD44 was increased by hypoxia and significantly suppressed by transfection with siRNAs targeting hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha (siHIF-1α). These findings indicate that hypoxia potentiates the anabolic effects of exogenous HA by a mechanism in which HIF-1α positively regulates the expression of CD44, enhancing the binding affinity for exogenous HA. The anabolic effects of exogenous HA may increase as OA progresses.

  16. Evaluation of degenerative changes in articular cartilage of osteoarthritis by Raman spectroscopy (United States)

    Oshima, Yusuke; Ishimaru, Yasumitsu; Kiyomatsu, Hiroshi; Hino, Kazunori; Miura, Hiromasa


    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a very common joint disease in the aging population. Main symptom of OA is accompanied by degenerative changes of articular cartilage. Cartilage contains mostly type II collagen and proteoglycans, so it is difficult to access the quality and morphology of cartilage tissue in situ by conventional diagnostic tools (X-ray, MRI and echography) directly or indirectly. Raman spectroscopy is a label-free technique which enables to analyze molecular composition in degenerative cartilage. In this proposal, we aim to develop Raman spectroscopic system for the quality assessment of articular cartilage during arthroscopic surgery. Toward this goal, we are focusing on the proteoglycan content and collagen fiber alignment in cartilage matrix which may be associated with degenerative changes in OA, and we designed an original Raman device for remote sensing during arthroscopic surgery. In this project, we define the grading system for cartilage defect based on Raman spectroscopy, and we complete the evaluation of the Raman probing system which makes it possible to detect early stage of degenerative cartilage as a novel tool for OA diagnosis using human subject.

  17. Intra-articular pressures and joint mechanics: should we pay attention to effusion in knee osteoarthritis? (United States)

    Rutherford, Derek James


    What factors play a role to ensure a knee joint does what it should given the demands of moving through the physical environment? This paper aims to probe the hypothesis that intra-articular joint pressures, once a topic of interest, have been left aside in contemporary frameworks in which we now view knee joint function. The focus on ligamentous deficiencies and the chondrocentric view of osteoarthritis, while important, have left little attention to the consideration of other factors that can impair joint function across the lifespan. Dynamic knee stability is required during every step we take. While there is much known about the role that passive structures and muscular activation play in maintaining a healthy knee joint, this framework does not account for the role that intra-articular joint pressures may have in providing joint stability during motion and how these factors interact. Joint injuries invariably result in some form of intra-articular fluid accumulation. Ultimately, it may be how the knee mechanically responds to this fluid, of which pressure plays a significant role that provides the mechanisms for continued function. Do joint pressures provide an important foundation for maintaining knee function? This hypothesis is unique and argues that we are missing an important piece of the puzzle when attempting to understand implications that joint injury and disease have for joint function. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Incidência de fraturas, exceto de crânio, no município de Ribeirão Preto, SP (Brasil nos anos de 1969 - 1970: I - Distribuição segundo a causa externa, tempo e lugar de ocorrência Incidence of fractures in the county of Ribeirão Preto, SP (Brazil, 1969 - 1970: I - Distribution according to the external cause, place, and time

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Camilo André Mércio Xavier


    Full Text Available Descreve-se a incidência de fraturas, exceto de crânio, na população residente no município de Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, nos anos 1969 e 1970. Observaram-se, nesses anos, 2.635 e 2.709 fraturas, respectivamente, correspondendo a coeficientes de 13,50 e 12,72 por 1.000 habitantes. As quedas representaram a causa externa mais freqüente, com 41,6% em 1969 e 51,0% em 1970. O ambiente familiar (residência e peri-domicílio é o local de ocorrência da maioria das fraturas. O período vespertino é aquele em que se dá a maioria dos acidentes que, embora tenham uma leve tendência de concentrar-se ao redor do domingo, não parecem exibir um padrão uniforme em função da época do ano.The incidence of fractures in the county of Ribeirão Preto in the state of São Paulo, Brazil was analyzed in 1969 and 1970. The annual fracture rates were 13.50 and 12.72 per 1,000 residents, respectively. Falls were the main cause of fracture cases (41.6% in 1969 and 51% in 1970. Regarding other eventualities, fractures resulting from traffic accidents were less common than those of industrial origin. In relation to the place of accident, the majority of fractures occurred in the street. However, if we consider residential and peridomiciliary accidents together, they exceed the number of street accidents. There was no special month predominance in both years of the survey. Sundays showed slight excess in number of fracture cases. Afternoon is by far the time of greater occurrence of fractures.

  19. An Experimental and Finite Element Protocol to Investigate the Transport of Neutral and Charged Solutes across Articular Cartilage. (United States)

    Arbabi, Vahid; Pouran, Behdad; Zadpoor, Amir A; Weinans, Harrie


    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a debilitating disease that is associated with degeneration of articular cartilage and subchondral bone. Degeneration of articular cartilage impairs its load-bearing function substantially as it experiences tremendous chemical degradation, i.e. proteoglycan loss and collagen fibril disruption. One promising way to investigate chemical damage mechanisms during OA is to expose the cartilage specimens to an external solute and monitor the diffusion of the molecules. The degree of cartilage damage (i.e. concentration and configuration of essential macromolecules) is associated with collisional energy loss of external solutes while moving across articular cartilage creates different diffusion characteristics compared to healthy cartilage. In this study, we introduce a protocol, which consists of several steps and is based on previously developed experimental micro-Computed Tomography (micro-CT) and finite element modeling. The transport of charged and uncharged iodinated molecules is first recorded using micro-CT, which is followed by applying biphasic-solute and multiphasic finite element models to obtain diffusion coefficients and fixed charge densities across cartilage zones.

  20. Analgesic control after hip arthroscopy: a randomised, double-blinded trial comparing portal with intra-articular infiltration of bupivacaine.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Baker, Joseph F


    Abstract: The optimum anaesthetic and analgesic management following hip arthroscopy is yet to be determined. There is, in addition, some concern over the use of intraarticular local anaesthetic. We compared the analgesic efficacy of intra-articular infiltration compared with portal infiltration of bupivacaine following hip arthroscopy. Patients were randomised to receive either 10ml of 0.25% bupivacaine either into the joint or around the portal sites following completion of surgery. 73 patients were recruited (40 intra-articular). The portal infiltration group required significantly more rescue analgesia immediately after surgery (2.33mg vs.0.57mg, p=0.036). Visual Analogue Scale pain scores were not significantly different at 1 and 2 hours following surgery, but at 6 hours the portal group had significantly lower VAS scores (p=0.0036). We believe that the initial pain following surgery results from capsular injury and this explains the need for more rescue analgesia in the portal infiltration group. Further work is needed to establish the ideal regimen. A combination of portal and intra-articular infiltration may be the most efficacious.